87 values
# gmx-backend
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 5.2.0 -- -- -- Host: -- Generation Time: May 17, 2024 at 03:02 PM -- Server version: 8.0.31 -- PHP Version: 8.0.26 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; -- -- Database: `gmx_dev` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `admin` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `admin` ( `id` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `name` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `email` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `password` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `rememberToken` varchar(256) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `status` enum('1','2') CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '1 for active, 2 for inactive', `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `deleted_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; 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-- -- Dumping data for table `brand` -- INSERT INTO `brand` (`isActive`, `id`, `isApproved`, `userId`, `brandCompanyId`, `brandName`, `slug`, `website`, `profilePath`, `year`, `totalOrdersCompleted`, `description`, `avgProductRating`, `reviewsProductCount`, `avgDOTRating`, `reviewsDOTCount`, `avgGeneralRating`, `reviewsGeneralCount`, `avgRating`, `orderAmount`, `blockedRetailers`, `followersCount`, `followingsCount`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '1', 1, 1, 'Top Builder', 'top-builder', '', '/profile/profile-c845cf66-9e86-4209-b388-970699a8b614.png', '2025', 4, 'AA', 1.83, 3, 2.75, 2, 3.50, '2', 8.08, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, '2024-02-13 17:14:03', '2024-04-25 19:03:05'), (1, 2, '1', 3, 2, 'XYZ', 'xyz', '', '/profile/profile-3e5b10a0-d31a-4787-bc46-0edc5b2f9cf4.png', '2025', 0, 'sdsd', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, '2024-02-17 16:52:06', '2024-04-29 17:03:54'), (1, 3, '1', 1, 3, 'Top builder 1', 'top-builder-1', '', '/profile/profile-acb32908-9067-400e-ad20-0f820d8c5107.png', '2024', 0, 'abc', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, '2024-03-25 17:50:37', '2024-04-29 17:04:36'), (1, 4, '1', 1, 4, 'Top builder 4', 'top-builder-4', '', '/profile/profile-f7d75b84-e575-466d-b4b0-cedfdcbd92e1.png', '2021', 0, 'sdsd', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 0, 6, '2024-03-25 18:53:05', '2024-04-29 17:08:42'), (2, 5, '1', 1, 1, 'Facebook1', 'facebook', NULL, '/profile/profile-9fe9b15e-3cb0-495c-a9f5-edc7d65e1bc5.jpg', 'null', 0, '', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, '2024-03-27 18:44:00', '2024-04-25 19:18:19'), (1, 6, '1', 1, 1, 'as', 'as', '', '/profile/profile-3b87004c-babd-4eb9-9f48-381c18ff6dc0.webp', '5554', 0, 'sdsd', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, '2024-03-30 12:57:07', '2024-04-25 19:10:06'), (1, 7, '1', 5, 5, 'BA', 'ba', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 'AS', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, '2024-04-08 17:36:16', '2024-04-29 17:04:46'), (1, 8, '1', 6, 6, 'sdsd', 'sdsd', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 1, 0, '2024-04-08 17:40:41', '2024-04-29 17:04:49'), (1, 9, '1', 1, 1, 'Top builder 16', 'top-builder-16', NULL, NULL, '0', NULL, '', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, '2024-04-16 16:42:17', '2024-04-25 18:38:10'), (1, 10, '1', 1, 7, 'ADA', 'ada', '', '/profile/profile-4808e6e5-1e17-4772-9e0f-fa2d2090eb65.png', '2025', 0, 'jhghj', 0.00, 0, 0.00, 0, 0.00, '0', 0.00, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, '2024-04-25 18:37:12', '2024-04-25 19:09:47'); 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-- -- Dumping data for table `brand_company` -- INSERT INTO `brand_company` (`isActive`, `id`, `isApproved`, `userId`, `organizationId`, `companyName`, `slug`, `phoneNumber`, `stateId`, `zipCode`, `address`, `licenseNumber`, `medRecId`, `licenseExpirationDate`, `certificatePath`, `resaleLicensePath`, `contactNumber`, `contactEmail`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '1', 1, 1, 'Top Builder1', 'top-builder', '1234587891', 6, 12331, 'meta head', '1234561', 2, '2026-05-13 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-db1fdd31-ca67-4c2f-81de-88c6e52747ea.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-28dbb796-f63e-48a9-91f9-c60eb7fce09e.pdf', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-13 17:14:03', '2024-04-25 18:53:17'), (1, 2, '1', 3, 3, 'sdsd', 'sdsd', '54545545', 6, 12332, 'abc kitchen, East 18th Street, New York, NY, USA', '566562', 1, '2024-02-27 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-d2d805b1-27f0-4d66-8df4-36bfcc177740.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-e494c9ec-1e5f-4357-9dce-272a1a63df4e.pdf', NULL, NULL, '2024-02-17 16:52:06', '2024-02-18 14:59:37'), (1, 3, '1', 1, 1, 'Top Builder22', 'top-builder2', '1234587891', 6, 12322, 'Sydney, FL, USA', '566522', 1, '2024-04-22 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-4c322832-b8fd-4b45-b65d-37832075f7d6.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-bbadbc7d-b4e7-49fd-be92-166115389f12.pdf', '1234567890', '', '2024-03-25 17:50:37', '2024-03-28 18:38:13'), (1, 4, '1', 1, 1, 'Top Builder4', 'top-builder4', '1234567887', 8, 12332, 'sunrise', '1234560', 1, '2024-03-29 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-bf05ae75-189f-41ac-b8b2-a3f63c4ec4b3.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-a7855767-1dc4-4a54-be21-e8ba3eea948e.pdf', NULL, NULL, '2024-03-25 18:53:05', '2024-04-14 14:04:34'), (1, 5, '1', 5, 5, 'AC', 'ac', '123456', 6, 51455, 'Alaska, USA', '5454545', 1, '2024-04-30 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-2beb3e15-c0f9-41ea-a827-448fdace24cb.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-fbba82ca-d901-44cf-91de-38ed23b412bc.pdf', NULL, NULL, '2024-04-08 17:36:16', '2024-04-25 15:55:31'), (1, 6, '1', 6, 6, 'Sds', 'sds', '123560', 6, 12345, 'Seattle, WA, USA', 'a5545', 1, '2024-04-30 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-37ef5109-537e-403f-bd30-d1852b46daab.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-76187664-312a-4133-bcfa-60d7af7c1be1.pdf', NULL, NULL, '2024-04-08 17:40:41', '2024-04-25 15:55:35'), (1, 7, '1', 1, 1, 'ERER', 'erer', '1245645445', 6, 12343, 'ssds', '1234560', 2, '2024-04-26 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-a526a292-50d7-4c78-b481-f631907b86bf.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-3feb1af6-9b52-41b8-a5e1-dd9af7ad124c.pdf', NULL, NULL, '2024-04-25 18:37:12', '2024-04-25 18:38:10'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `business` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `business`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `business` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `isApproved` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '1 for approved, 2 for unapproved', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `role` enum('1','2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for admin, 2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `businessName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `website` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `licenseNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `medRecId` int DEFAULT NULL, `licenseExpirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `profilePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `medRecCertificatePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `medCertificatePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `recCertificatePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `followersCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `followingsCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `contactNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `contactEmail` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `stateId` int DEFAULT NULL, `zipCode` int DEFAULT NULL, `phoneNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `userId` (`userId`), KEY `stateId` (`stateId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `cart` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cart`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cart` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `retailerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandCompanyId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` int DEFAULT NULL, `quantity` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `retailerId` (`retailerId`), KEY `productId` (`productId`), KEY `categoryId` (`categoryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=63 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `categories` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `categories`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `categories` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=23 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `categories` -- INSERT INTO `categories` (`isActive`, `id`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Badder/Butter', '2022-05-04 00:00:00', '2022-10-18 00:31:36', NULL), (1, 2, 'Crumble', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-11-22 10:58:35', '2022-11-22 10:58:35'), (1, 3, 'Crystalline', '2022-05-10 14:19:48', '2022-10-18 00:34:54', NULL), (1, 4, 'Crystalline', '2022-06-02 09:45:51', '2022-11-22 10:57:54', '2022-11-22 10:57:54'), (1, 5, 'Distillate', '2022-10-18 00:26:23', '2022-10-18 00:34:59', '2022-10-18 00:34:59'), (1, 6, 'Edible', '2022-10-18 00:26:50', '2022-10-18 00:35:02', '2022-10-18 00:35:02'), (1, 7, 'Dry Sift', '2022-10-18 00:27:06', '2022-10-18 00:35:05', '2022-10-18 00:35:05'), (1, 8, 'Bubble Hash', '2022-10-18 00:27:27', '2022-10-18 00:27:27', NULL), (1, 9, 'Crystalline', '2022-10-18 00:27:39', '2022-10-18 00:35:22', '2022-10-18 00:35:22'), (1, 10, 'Sauce', '2022-10-18 00:27:53', '2022-10-18 00:35:25', '2022-10-18 00:35:25'), (1, 11, 'Shatter', '2022-10-18 00:28:03', '2022-10-18 00:35:29', '2022-10-18 00:35:29'), (1, 12, 'Crumble', '2022-10-18 00:35:43', '2022-10-18 00:35:43', NULL), (1, 13, 'Crystalline', '2022-10-18 00:35:54', '2022-11-22 10:58:13', '2022-11-22 10:58:13'), (1, 14, 'Distillate', '2022-10-18 00:36:17', '2022-10-18 00:36:17', NULL), (1, 15, 'Dry Sift', '2022-10-18 00:36:35', '2022-10-18 00:36:35', NULL), (1, 16, 'Edible', '2022-10-18 00:36:47', '2022-10-18 00:36:47', NULL), (1, 17, 'Flower', '2022-10-18 00:36:59', '2022-10-18 00:36:59', NULL), (1, 18, 'Pre Roll', '2022-10-18 00:37:09', '2022-10-18 00:37:09', NULL), (1, 19, 'Sauce', '2022-10-18 00:37:31', '2022-10-18 00:37:31', NULL), (1, 20, 'Shatter', '2022-10-18 00:37:39', '2022-10-18 00:37:39', NULL), (1, 21, 'Tincture', '2022-10-26 21:51:03', '2022-10-26 21:51:03', NULL), (1, 22, 'CBD', '2022-11-10 01:00:17', '2022-11-10 01:00:33', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `cms` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cms`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cms` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `content` text, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `cms` -- INSERT INTO `cms` (`isActive`, `id`, `name`, `slug`, `content`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Home', 'home', '{\"banner_content\":[{\"preTitle\":\"\",\"title\":\"Green Market Exchange\",\"description\":\"Wholesale Marketplace\",\"buttonText\":\"Get Started\",\"buttonLink\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/sign-up\",\"image\":\"\\/cms\\/1661947984-1653886724-banner-slide1.jpg\"}],\"section2_count\":\"01\",\"section2_main_title\":\"Our vision\",\"section2_description\":\"<p>Green Market Exchange strives&nbsp;to be the industry leader in cannabis wholesale marketplace technology and innovation as we invision cannabis will be a globaly traded&nbsp;commodity in the near future.<\\/p>\",\"section2_button_title\":\"About Us\",\"section2_button_link\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/about-us\",\"section2_image\":\"\\/cms\\/1653902872-vision-img.jpg\",\"section3_count\":\"\",\"section3_main_title\":\"For Brands\",\"section3_list_icon1\":\"icon-cap\",\"section3_list_title1\":\"Grow your Brand\",\"section3_list_description1\":\"Create brand awareness, Showcase your business credibility, Differentiate your brand\",\"section3_list_icon2\":\"icon-listing\",\"section3_list_title2\":\"Increase Sale orders\",\"section3_list_description2\":\"Receive and Accept orders, Build new partnerships, Manage sales operations\",\"section3_button_title\":\"Sign Up\",\"section3_button_link\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/seller\\/sign-up\",\"section3_image\":\"\\/cms\\/1657531043-brand-img.jpg\",\"section4_count\":\"\",\"section4_main_title\":\"For Retailers\",\"section4_description\":\"\",\"section4_list_icon1\":\"icon color-f3772c\",\"section4_list_title1\":\"Discover credible and quality wholesalers\",\"section4_list_description1\":\"\",\"section4_list_icon2\":\"icon color-f3772c\",\"section4_list_title2\":\"Manifest new partnerships and improve old ones\",\"section4_list_description2\":\"\",\"section4_list_icon3\":\"icon color-f3772c\",\"section4_list_title3\":\"Diversify product offerings\",\"section4_list_description3\":\"\",\"section4_button_title\":\"Sign Up\",\"section4_button_link\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/sign-up\",\"section4_image\":\"\\/cms\\/1653902950-retailer-img1.png\",\"section4_small_image\":\"\\/cms\\/1653904493-retailer-img2.png\",\"meta_title\":\"The Future of Cannabis Commerce\",\"meta_keyword\":\"Green Market Exchange The Future of Cannabis Commerce\",\"meta_description\":\"Green Market Exchange The Future of Cannabis Commerce\"}', '2022-04-14 04:02:23', '2022-12-07 17:04:38', NULL), (1, 2, 'Terms Of Use', 'terms-of-use', '{\"main_title\":\"Terms Of Use\",\"main_content\":\"<h6>Acceptance of the Terms of Use<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>These terms of use are entered into by and between You and Green Market Exchange, Inc. (&quot;<strong>Company<\\/strong>,&quot; &quot;<strong>we<\\/strong>,&quot; or &quot;<strong>us<\\/strong>&quot;). The following terms and conditions, (&quot;<strong>Terms of Use<\\/strong>&quot;), govern your access to and use of <a href=\\\"https:\\/\\/\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">https:\\/\\/<\\/a>, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through <a href=\\\"https:\\/\\/\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">https:\\/\\/<\\/a> (the &quot;<strong>Website<\\/strong>&quot;). If You are accessing or otherwise using this Website on behalf of a company or entity, You hereby represent and warrant that You have the authority to bind such Company to these Terms of Use, and that such company or entity hereby accepts the same.&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Please read the Terms of Use carefully before you start to use the Website. By using the Website, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, found at <a href=\\\"https:\\/\\/\\/privacy-policy\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">https:\\/\\/\\/privacy-policy<\\/a>, incorporated herein by reference. If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>This Website is offered and available to users who 21 years of age or older within the United States or any of its territories or possessions. By using this Website, you represent and warrant that you meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Changes to the Terms of Use<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We may revise and update these Terms of Use from time to time in our sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when we post them. However, any changes to the dispute resolution provisions set out in Governing Law and Jurisdiction will not apply to any disputes for which the parties have actual notice before the date the change is posted on the Website. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of revised Terms of Use means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to check this page from time to time so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Accessing the Website and Account Security<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We reserve the right to withdraw or amend this Website, and any service or material we provide on the Website, in our sole discretion without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason all or any part of the Website is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of the Website, or the entire Website, to users, including registered users.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You are responsible for both:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Ensuring that all persons who access the Website through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use and comply with them.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>To access the Website or some of the resources it offers, you may be asked to provide certain registration details or other information. It is a condition of your use of the Website that all the information you provide on the Website is correct, current, and complete. You agree that all information you provide to register with this Website or otherwise, including, but not limited to, through the use of any interactive features on the Website, is governed by our Privacy Policy and you consent to all actions we take with respect to your information consistent with our Privacy Policy.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>If you choose, or are provided with, a user name, password, or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any other person or entity. You also acknowledge that your account is personal to you and agree not to provide any other person with access to this Website or portions of it using your user name, password, or other security information. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to or use of your user name or password or any other breach of security. You also agree to ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session. You should use particular caution when accessing your account from a public or shared computer so that others are not able to view or record your password or other personal information.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We have the right to disable any user name, password, or other identifier, whether chosen by you or provided by us, at any time in our sole discretion for any or no reason, including if, in our opinion, you have violated any provision of these Terms of Use.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Intellectual Property Rights<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The Website and its entire contents, features, and functionality (including but not limited to all information, software, text, displays, images, video, and audio, and the design, selection, and arrangement thereof) are owned by the Company, its licensors, or other providers of such material and are protected by United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>These Terms of Use permit you to use the Website for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store, or transmit any of the material on our Website, except as follows:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Your computer may temporarily store copies of such materials in RAM incidental to your accessing and viewing those materials.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>You may store files that are automatically cached by your Web browser for display enhancement purposes.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>You may print or download one copy of a reasonable number of pages of the Website for your own personal, non-commercial use and not for further reproduction, publication, or distribution.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>If we provide desktop, mobile, or other applications for download, you may download a single copy to your computer or mobile device solely for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you agree to be bound by our end user license agreement for such applications.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>If we provide social media features with certain content, you may take such actions as are enabled by such features.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You must not:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Modify copies of any materials from this site.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from the accompanying text.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Delete or alter any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from this site.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You must not access or use for any commercial purposes any part of the Website or any services or materials available through the Website.&nbsp;<br \\/>\\r\\nIf you print, copy, modify, download, or otherwise use or provide any other person with access to any part of the Website in breach of the Terms of Use, your right to use the Website will stop immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made. No right, title, or interest in or to the Website or any content on the Website is transferred to you, and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by the Company. Any use of the Website not expressly permitted by these Terms of Use is a breach of these Terms of Use and may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Trademarks<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The Company name, the terms &ldquo;Green Market Exchange&rdquo;, &ldquo;GMX&rdquo;, all Company logos, and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are trademarks of the Company or its affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of the Company. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans on this Website are the trademarks of their respective owners.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Prohibited Uses<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You may use the Website only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree not to use the Website:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>In any way that violates any applicable federal, state, local, or international law or regulation (including, without limitation, any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the US or other countries).&nbsp;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>For the purpose of exploiting, harming, or attempting to exploit or harm minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personally identifiable information, or otherwise.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use, or re-use any material that does not comply with the content standards set out in these Terms of Use or elsewhere on this Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>To transmit, or procure the sending of, any advertising or promotional material, including any &quot;junk mail,&quot; &quot;chain letter,&quot; &quot;spam,&quot; or any other similar solicitation.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>To impersonate or attempt to impersonate the Company, a Company employee, another user, or any other person or entity (including, without limitation, by using email addresses or screen names associated with any of the foregoing).<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>To engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone&#39;s use or enjoyment of the Website, or which, as determined by us, may harm the Company or users of the Website, or expose them to liability.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Additionally, you agree not to:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Use the Website in any manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair the site or interfere with any other party&#39;s use of the Website, including their ability to engage in real time activities through the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Use any robot, spider, or other automatic device, process, or means to access the Website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any of the material on the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Use any manual process to monitor or copy any of the material on the Website, or for any other purpose not expressly authorized in these Terms of Use, without our prior written consent.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Use any device, software, or routine that interferes with the proper working of the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Introduce any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of the Website, the server on which the Website is stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the Website.&nbsp;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Attack the Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>User Contributions<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The Website may contain message boards, chat rooms, personal web pages or profiles, forums, bulletin boards, and other interactive features (collectively, &quot;Interactive Services&quot;) that allow users to post, submit, publish, display, or transmit to other users or other persons (hereinafter, &quot;post&quot;) content or materials (collectively, &quot;User Contributions&quot;) on or through the Website. All User Contributions must comply with the Content Standards set out in these Terms of Use.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Any User Contribution you post to the site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By providing any User Contribution on the Website, you grant us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their respective licensees, successors, and assigns the right to use, reproduce, modify, perform, display, distribute, and otherwise disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose.&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You represent and warrant that:&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>You own or control all rights in and to the User Contributions and have the right to grant the license granted above to us and our affiliates and service providers, and each of their respective licensees, successors, and assigns.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>All of your User Contributions do and will comply with these Terms of Use.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You understand and acknowledge that you are responsible for any User Contributions you submit or contribute, and you, not the Company, have full responsibility for such content, including its legality, reliability, accuracy, and appropriateness.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We are not responsible or liable to any third party for the content or accuracy of any User Contributions posted by you or any other user of the Website.&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Monitoring and Enforcement Termination<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We have the right to:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Remove or refuse to post any User Contributions for any or no reason in our sole discretion.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Take any action with respect to any User Contribution that we deem necessary or appropriate in our sole discretion, including if we believe that such User Contribution violates the Terms of Use, including the Content Standards, infringes any intellectual property right or other right of any person or entity, threatens the personal safety of users of the Website or the public, or could create liability for the Company.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Disclose your identity or other information about you to any third party who claims that material posted by you violates their rights, including their intellectual property rights or their right to privacy.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Take appropriate legal action, including without limitation, referral to law enforcement, for any illegal or unauthorized use of the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Website for any or no reason, including without limitation, any violation of these Terms of Use.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Without limiting the foregoing, we have the right to cooperate fully with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or other information of anyone posting any materials on or through the Website. YOU WAIVE AND HOLD HARMLESS THE COMPANY AND ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSEES, AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM ANY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM ANY ACTION TAKEN BY ANY OF THE FOREGOING PARTIES DURING, OR TAKEN AS A CONSEQUENCE OF, INVESTIGATIONS BY EITHER SUCH PARTIES OR LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>However, we do not undertake to review material before it is posted on the Website, and cannot ensure prompt removal of objectionable material after it has been posted. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any action or inaction regarding transmissions, communications, or content provided by any user or third party. We have no liability or responsibility to anyone for performance or nonperformance of the activities described in this section.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Content Standards<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>These content standards apply to any and all User Contributions and use of Interactive Services. User Contributions must in their entirety comply with all applicable federal, state, local, and international laws and regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, User Contributions must not:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Contain any material that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory, or otherwise objectionable.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Promote sexually explicit or pornographic material, violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Violate the legal rights (including the rights of publicity and privacy) of others or contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Be likely to deceive any person.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Promote any illegal activity, or advocate, promote, or assist any unlawful act.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Cause annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety or be likely to upset, embarrass, alarm, or annoy any other person.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Impersonate any person, or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person or organization.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Involve commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes, and other sales promotions, barter, or advertising.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Give the impression that they emanate from or are endorsed by us or any other person or entity, if this is not the case.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Copyright Infringement<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>If you believe that any User Contributions violate your copyright, please contact us and send us a notice of copyright infringement. It is the policy of the Company to terminate the user accounts of repeat infringers. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (&ldquo;DMCA&rdquo;), the text of which can be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website, we will respond appropriately to claims and reports of copyright infringement taking place on or through the Websites. If you believe that one of our users is, through the use of our Website, unlawfully infringing the copyright(s) in a work, and wish to have the allegedly infringing material removed, the following information in the form of a written notification (pursuant to 17 U.S.C. &sect; 512(c)) must be provided to our designated Copyright Agent:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Please note that, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. &sect; 512(f), any misrepresentation of material fact (falsities) in a written notification automatically subjects the complaining party to liability for any damages, costs and attorney&rsquo;s fees incurred by us in connection with the written notification and allegation of copyright infringement.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The Designated Copyright Agent for Green Market Exchange is:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Copyright Agent<br \\/>\\r\\nChristian Stratka<br \\/>\\r\\nGreen Market Exchange, LLC<br \\/>\\r\\nADDRESS<br \\/>\\r\\nEmail: <a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Your physical or electronic signature;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Identification of the copyrighted work(s) that you claim to have been infringed;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Identification of the material on our services that you claim is infringing and that you request us to remove;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Sufficient information to permit us to locate such material;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Your address, telephone number, and e-mail address;<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the objectionable material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or under the law; and<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are either the owner of the copyright that has allegedly been infringed or that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Reliance on Information Posted<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The information presented on or through the Website is made available solely for general information purposes. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. We disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by you or any other visitor to the Website, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We do not offer any medical advice, and any information presented on our Website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>This Website may include content provided by third parties, including materials provided by other users, bloggers, and third-party licensors, syndicators, aggregators, and\\/or reporting services. All statements and\\/or opinions expressed in these materials, and all articles and responses to questions and other content, other than the content provided by the Company, are solely the opinions and the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials. These materials do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Company. We are not responsible, or liable to you or any third party, for the content or accuracy of any materials provided by any third parties.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Acknowledgment of Federal and State Laws<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You expressly acknowledge that this Website is for residents of states and localities with laws regulating medical or the recreational use of cannabis only and that medical cannabis collectives and patients are established pursuant to their respective local laws. Marijuana is included on Schedule 1 under the United States Controlled Substances Act. Under the federal laws of the United States of America, manufacturing, distributing, dispensing or possession of marijuana is illegal, and individuals are subject to arrest and\\/or prosecution for doing so. User further acknowledges that medical use is not recognized as a valid defense under federal laws regarding marijuana. User also acknowledges that the interstate transportation of marijuana is a federal offense.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Changes to the Website<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We may update the content on this Website from time to time, but its content is not necessarily complete or up-to-date. Any of the material on the Website may be out of date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update such material.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Information About You and Your Visits to the Website<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>All information we collect on this Website is subject to our Privacy Policy. By using the Website, you consent to all actions taken by us with respect to your information in compliance with the Privacy Policy.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>[Online Purchases All purchases through our site or other transactions formed through the Website, or resulting from visits made by you, are governed by the following terms of sale [Additional terms and conditions may also apply to specific portions, services, or features of the Website. All such additional terms and conditions are hereby incorporated by this reference into these Terms of Use.]]<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Linking to the Website and Social Media Features<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You may link to our homepage, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>This Website may provide certain social media features that enable you to:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Link from your own or certain third-party websites to certain content on this Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Send emails or other communications with certain content, or links to certain content, on this Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Cause limited portions of content on this Website to be displayed or appear to be displayed on your own or certain third-party websites.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You may use these features solely as they are provided by us, solely with respect to the content they are displayed with, and otherwise in accordance with any additional terms and conditions we provide with respect to such features. Subject to the foregoing, you must not:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n\\t<li>Establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Cause the Website or portions of it to be displayed on, or appear to be displayed by, any other site, for example, framing, deep linking, or in-line linking.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Link to any part of the Website other than the homepage.<\\/li>\\r\\n\\t<li>Otherwise take any action with respect to the materials on this Website that is inconsistent with any other provision of these Terms of Use.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You agree to cooperate with us in causing any unauthorized framing or linking immediately to stop. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. We may disable all or any social media features and any links at any time without notice in our discretion.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Links from the Website<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>If the Website contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your convenience only. This includes links contained in advertisements, including banner advertisements and sponsored links. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources, and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If you decide to access any of the third-party websites linked to this Website, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use for such websites.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Geographic Restrictions<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We provide this Website for use only by persons located in the United States. We make no claims that the Website or any of its content is accessible or appropriate outside of the United States. Access to the Website may not be legal by certain persons or in certain geographic areas. If you access the Website from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Disclaimer of Warranties<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You understand that we cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading from the internet or the Website will be free of viruses or other destructive code. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for anti-virus protection and accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to our site for any reconstruction of any lost data.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PROVIDED BY LAW, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY A DISTRIBUTED DENIAL-OF-SERVICE ATTACK, VIRUSES, OR OTHER TECHNOLOGICALLY HARMFUL MATERIAL THAT MAY INFECT YOUR COMPUTER EQUIPMENT, COMPUTER PROGRAMS, DATA, OR OTHER PROPRIETARY MATERIAL DUE TO YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE OR ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE WEBSITE OR TO YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON IT, OR ON ANY WEBSITE LINKED TO IT.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>&nbsp;<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, AND ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE WEBSITE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, AND ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE WEBSITE ARE PROVIDED ON AN &quot;AS IS&quot; AND &quot;AS AVAILABLE&quot; BASIS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. NEITHER THE COMPANY NOR ANY PERSON ASSOCIATED WITH THE COMPANY MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WITH RESPECT TO THE COMPLETENESS, SECURITY, RELIABILITY, QUALITY, ACCURACY, OR AVAILABILITY OF THE WEBSITE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, NEITHER THE COMPANY NOR ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THE COMPANY REPRESENTS OR WARRANTS THAT THE WEBSITE, ITS CONTENT, OR ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL BE ACCURATE, RELIABLE, ERROR-FREE, OR UNINTERRUPTED, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, THAT OUR SITE OR THE SERVER THAT MAKES IT AVAILABLE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS, OR THAT THE WEBSITE OR ANY SERVICES OR ITEMS OBTAINED THROUGH THE WEBSITE WILL OTHERWISE MEET YOUR NEEDS OR EXPECTATIONS.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PROVIDED BY LAW, THE COMPANY HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>THE FOREGOING DOES NOT AFFECT ANY WARRANTIES THAT CANNOT BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Limitation on Liability<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PROVIDED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS AFFILIATES, OR THEIR LICENSORS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, OFFICERS, OR DIRECTORS BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE, OR INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITE, ANY WEBSITES LINKED TO IT, ANY CONTENT ON THE WEBSITE OR SUCH OTHER WEBSITES, INCLUDING ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY, PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, LOSS OF REVENUE, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR ANTICIPATED SAVINGS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF GOODWILL, LOSS OF DATA, AND WHETHER CAUSED BY TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), BREACH OF CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF FORESEEABLE. THE FOREGOING DOES NOT AFFECT ANY LIABILITY THAT CANNOT BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Indemnification<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Company, its affiliates, licensors, and service providers, and its and their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors, and assigns from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys&#39; fees) arising out of or relating to your violation of these Terms of Use or your use of the Website, including, but not limited to, your User Contributions, any use of the Website&#39;s content, services, and products other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Use, or your use of any information obtained from the Website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Governing Law and Jurisdiction<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>All matters relating to the Website and these Terms of Use, and any dispute or claim arising therefrom or related thereto (in each case, including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Maine without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule (whether of the State of Maine or any other jurisdiction). Any legal suit, action, or proceeding arising out of, or related to, these Terms of Use or the Website shall be instituted exclusively in the federal courts of the United States or the courts of the State of Maine, although we retain the right to bring any suit, action, or proceeding against you for breach of these Terms of Use in your jurisdiction of residence or any other relevant jurisdiction. You waive any and all objections to the exercise of jurisdiction over you by such courts and to venue in such courts.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Arbitration<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>At Company&#39;s sole discretion, it may require You to submit any disputes arising from these Terms of Use or use of the Website, including disputes arising from or concerning their interpretation, violation, invalidity, non-performance, or termination, to final and binding arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of the American Arbitration Association applying Maine law.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Waiver and Severability<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>No waiver by the Company of any term or condition set out in these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or condition or a waiver of any other term or condition, and any failure of the Company to assert a right or provision under these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms of Use is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use will continue in full force and effect.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Entire Agreement<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy constitute the sole and entire agreement between you and Green Market Exchange, LLC regarding the Website and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, regarding the Website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Your Comments and Concerns<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>This website is operated by Green Market Exchange, LLC, a Maine limited liability company. All feedback, comments, requests for technical support, and other communications relating to the Website should be directed to: <a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a><\\/p>\",\"meta_title\":\"Terms Of Use\",\"meta_keyword\":\"Terms Of Use\",\"meta_description\":\"Terms Of Use\"}', '2022-04-14 04:02:23', '2023-02-24 18:41:00', NULL), (1, 3, 'About us', 'about-us', '{\"section1_main_title\":\"About Us\",\"section1_title\":\"Our Goal\",\"section1_description\":\"Green Market Exchange strives to be the central provider of cannabis wholesale market information and data for the cannabis business ecosystem. We aspire to create and develop a world class platform to connect cannabis based companies from every corner of the globe with the hopes of making the world a greener place.\",\"section1_list_title1\":\"The Future is Green\",\"section1_list_description1\":\"<p>The cannabis indusustry is poised to explode to new hights. At Green Market Exchange, we&#39;re buliding a community and marketplace to be part of your journey into the green frontier.&nbsp;<\\/p>\",\"section1_list_image1\":\"\\/cms\\/1653912907-about-img.jpg\",\"section1_list_title2\":\"Power in Perspective\",\"section1_list_description2\":\"<p>Green Market Exchange values diversity in perspective. As we continue to devlop our platform and grow our product offerings, we ask our users and the community to be transparent with us and offer suggestions to help us create true value for you,&nbsp;the community and the industry.<\\/p>\",\"section1_list_image2\":\"\\/cms\\/1653912907-about-tag-img.jpg\",\"section2_main_title\":\"Our Roots\",\"section2_description\":\"<p>Green Market Exchange was founded in 2020 on the basis of cannabis being a health beneficial product and a positive alternative to other common consumable products. Green Market Exchange&nbsp;believes cannabis is a natural&nbsp;medicine that has the potenial to not only better invidual health but connect society in an optimistic&nbsp;manner as the cannabis community envokes peace.&nbsp;We hope to not only create an awesome product but more importantly a platform that connects, inspires and radiates the values&nbsp;of the cannabis community.<\\/p>\",\"section2_quote\":\"\",\"section2_image\":\"\\/cms\\/1650008538-cart-image-7.png\",\"meta_title\":\"About Us\",\"meta_keyword\":\"About Us\",\"meta_description\":\"About Us\"}', '2022-04-14 04:02:23', '2022-12-07 16:55:39', NULL), (1, 4, 'Contact us', 'contact-us', NULL, '2022-07-11 13:19:52', '2022-07-11 13:19:52', NULL); INSERT INTO `cms` (`isActive`, `id`, `name`, `slug`, `content`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 5, 'Privacy Policy', 'privacy-policy', '{\"main_title\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"main_content\":\"<p>Green Market Exchange Inc. (&quot;Company&quot;, &quot;We&quot;, or &ldquo;Us&rdquo;) respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this policy. This policy describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide when you visit the website <a href=\\\"https:\\/\\/\\/\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">https:\\/\\/<\\/a> (our &quot;Website&quot;) and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>This policy applies to information we collect on this Website, as well as, any related online services, sales, marketing, or events we conduct (including in any electronic messages between you and us). It does not apply to information collected by us offline or through any other means, including on any other website operated by us or any third party, including through any application or content (including advertising) that may link to or be accessible from or on the Website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Please read this policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, your choice is not to use our Website. By accessing or using this Website, you agree to this privacy policy. This policy may change from time to time. Your continued use of this Website after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the policy periodically for updates.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Children Under the Age of 18<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Our Website is not intended for anyone under 21 years of age. No one under age 21 may provide any personal information to the Website. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18. If you are under 21, do not use or provide any information on this Website. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a child under 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under 18, please contact us at <a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a>.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We collect several types of information from and about users of our Website, including information:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>By which you may be personally identified, such as name, postal address (in whole or part), e-mail address, telephone number, job title, professional experience, or any other identifier by which you may be contacted online or offline (&quot;personal information&quot;);<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Some users may also submit their (i) means of age verification, or (ii) medical marijuana recommendation, including their recommending doctor&rsquo;s name and license number, contact information, verification methodology, and verification number (&ldquo;Medical Marijuana Information&rdquo;).<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>That is about you but individually does not identify you; and\\/or<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>About your IP address, browser, network, device, internet connection, the equipment you use to access our Website, and Website usage details (including, without limitation, clinks, internal links, pages visited, scrolling, searches, and timestamps).<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<p>We collect this information:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>Directly from you when you voluntarily provide it to us.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Automatically as you navigate through the site. Information collected automatically may include usage details, IP addresses, and information collected through cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>From third parties, for example, our business partners.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<h6>Information You Provide to Us<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>The information we collect on or through our Website may include:<\\/p>\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>Information that you provide by filling in forms on our Website. This includes information provided at the time of purchasing or using our services or products, subscribing to our newsletter, registering for courses we host, or otherwise registering to use our Website. We may also ask you for information when you report a problem with our Website (When you submit information to this website via webform, we collect the data requested in the webform in order to track and respond to your submissions. We may share this information with our Website hosting provider, so that they can provide website services to us.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Records and copies of your correspondence (including email addresses), if you contact us.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Details of transactions you carry out through our Website and of the fulfillment of your orders. You may be required to provide financial information before placing an order through our Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Information you otherwise provide us via our Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<p>You also may provide information to be published or displayed (hereinafter, &quot;posted&quot;) on public areas of the Website, or transmitted to other users of the Website or third parties (collectively, &quot;User Contributions&quot;). Your User Contributions are posted on and transmitted to others at your own risk. Although, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users of the Website with whom you may choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Information We Collect Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>As you navigate through and interact with our Website, we may use automatic data collection technologies to collect certain information about your equipment, browsing actions, and patterns, including:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>Details of your visits to our Website and other communication data and the resources that you access and use on the Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Information about your computer and internet connection, including your IP address, operating system, and browser type.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We also may use these technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or other online services (behavioral tracking). The information we collect automatically may include personal information or we may maintain it or associate it with personal information we collect in other ways or receive from third parties. It helps us to improve our Website and to deliver a better and more personalized service, including by enabling us to:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>Estimate our audience size and usage patterns.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize our Website according to your individual interests.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Speed up your searches.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Recognize you when you return to our Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<p>The technologies we use for this automatic data collection may include:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>Cookies (or browser cookies). A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive of your computer. You may refuse to accept browser cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser. However, if you select this setting you may be unable to access certain parts of our Website. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you direct your browser to our Website. We may share information with our website analytics provider, google analytics, to learn about site traffic and activity. Flash Cookies. Certain features of our Website may use local stored objects (or Flash cookies) to collect and store information about your preferences and navigation to, from, and on our Website.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Flash Cookies. Certain features of our Website may use local stored objects (or Flash cookies) to collect and store information about your preferences and navigation to, from, and on our Website. Flash cookies are not managed by the same browser settings as are used for browser cookies. For information about managing your privacy and security settings for Flash cookies, see Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Web Beacons. Pages of our the Website and our e-mails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that permit the Company, for example, to count users who have visited those pages or opened an email and for other related website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of certain website content and verifying system and server integrity).<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<h6>Third-Party Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Some content or applications, including advertisements, on the Website are served by third-parties, including advertisers, ad networks and servers, content providers, and application providers. These third parties may use cookies alone or in conjunction with web beacons or other tracking technologies to collect information about you when you use our website. The information they collect may be associated with your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and across different websites and other online services. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content. Our third-party services may include Amazon Web Services, google analytics, and may include others in the future. We do not control these third parties&#39; tracking technologies or how they may be used. If you have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, you should contact the responsible provider directly. For information about how you can opt out of receiving targeted advertising from many providers, see Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>How We Use Your Information<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We use information that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any personal information:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>To present our Website and its contents to you.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To provide you with information, products, or services that you request from us.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To notify you about changes to our Website or any products or services we offer or provide though it.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>In any other way we may describe when you provide the information.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>For any other purpose with your consent.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<p>We may also use your information to contact you about our own and third-parties&#39; goods and services and\\/or promotional offers that may be of interest to you, industry news and dates, and other information via email newsletter. If you do not want us to use your information in this way, please click &ldquo;unsubscribe&rdquo; from any email newsletter you may receive from us in the future.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We may use the information we have collected from you to enable us to display advertisements to our advertisers&#39; target audiences. Even though we do not disclose your personal information for these purposes without your consent, if you click on or otherwise interact with an advertisement, the advertiser may assume that you meet its target criteria.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Disclosure of Your Information<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We may disclose aggregated information about our users, and information that does not identify any individual, without restriction.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide as described in this privacy policy:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>To our subsidiaries and affiliates.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business[ and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To a buyer or other successor in the event of a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by us about our Website users is among the assets transferred.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To third parties to market their products or services to you if you have not opted out of these disclosures.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To fulfill the purpose for which you provide it. For example, if you give us an email address to use the &quot;email a friend&quot; feature of our Website, we will transmit the contents of that email and your email address to the recipients.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>For any other purpose disclosed by us when you provide the information.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>With your consent.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<p>We may also disclose your personal information:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>To comply with any court order, law, or legal process, including to respond to any government or regulatory request.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>Medical Marijuana Information may need to be disclosed, along with other required information, for the purpose of calculating taxes, ensuring legal compliance.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>To enforce or apply our terms of use and other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes.<\\/li>\\r\\n <li>If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of us, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<h6>Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We strive to provide you with choices regarding the personal information you provide to us. We have created mechanisms to provide you with the following control over your information:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n <li>Tracking Technologies and Advertising. You can set your browser to refuse all or some browser cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. To learn how you can manage your Flash cookie settings, visit the Flash player settings page on Adobe&#39;s website. If you disable or refuse cookies, please note that some parts of this site may then be inaccessible or not function properly.<\\/li>\\r\\n<\\/ul>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><\\/p>\\r\\n<p>We do not control third parties&#39; collection or use of your information to serve interest-based advertising. However these third parties may provide you with ways to choose not to have your information collected or used in this way. You can opt out of receiving targeted ads from members of the Network Advertising Initiative (&quot;NAI&quot;) on the NAI&#39;s website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Accessing and Correcting Your Information<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>You may also send us an email at <a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a> to request access to, correct or delete any personal information that you have provided to us. We cannot however, guarantee that can delete any such information once it has already been provided to us and\\/or third parties. In certain cases, we cannot delete your personal information except by also deleting your user account. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect. If you delete your User Contributions from the Website, copies of your User Contributions may remain viewable in cached and archived pages, or might have been copied or stored by other Website users.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Your California Privacy Rights<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>California&#39;s &quot;Shine the Light&quot; law (Civil Code Section &sect; 1798.83) permits users who are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an email to <a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a>.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>If you are under 18 years of age, reside in California, and have a registered account with the Website, you have the right to request removal of unwanted data that you publicly post on the Website. To request removal of such data, please contact us using the contact information provided below, and include the email address associated with your account and a statement that you reside in California. We will make sure the data is not publicly displayed on the Website, but please be aware that the data may not be completely or comprehensively removed from all our systems (e.g. backups, etc.).<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Data Security<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Website, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we do our best to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information transmitted to our Website. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Website.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Changes to Our Privacy Policy<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>It is our policy to post any changes we make to our privacy policy on this page. If we make material changes to how we treat our users&#39; personal information, we will notify you by email to the email address specified in your account and\\/or through a notice on the Website home page. The date the privacy policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting our Website and this privacy policy to check for any changes.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<h6>Contact Information<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>To ask questions or comment about this privacy policy and our privacy practices, contact us at:<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p><a href=\\\"\\\"><\\/a><\\/p>\",\"meta_title\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"meta_keyword\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"meta_description\":\"Privacy Policy\"}', '2022-11-11 17:51:01', '2022-11-23 05:34:49', NULL), (1, 6, 'Subscription Policy', 'subscription-policy', '{\"main_title\":\"Subscription Policy\",\"main_content\":\"<div classname=\\\"content-box\\\">\\r\\n<h6>Payment<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>All subscriptions must be paid in advance on a monthly basis. Payment will be charged to the customer&#39;s credit card or debit card on the day a customer selects a subscription. If the payment is not successful, the subscription will be suspended until payment is received.<\\/p>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\r\\n<div classname=\\\"content-box\\\">\\r\\n<h6>Cancellation<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Customers may cancel their subscription at any time through their manage subscription settings. Cancellation will be effective at the end of the current billing period. No refunds will be given for partial days, months or years of service.<\\/p>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\r\\n<div classname=\\\"content-box\\\">\\r\\n<h6>Changes to subscription plans<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>Customers may upgrade or downgrade their subscription plan at any time through their manage subscription settings. Any changes to the subscription plan will take effect immediately, customers will be charged for the current billing period for an upgraded plan if they are downgrading their subscription.<\\/p>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\r\\n<div classname=\\\"content-box\\\">\\r\\n<h6>Changes to subscription fees<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We reserve the right to change the subscription fees at any time. Any changes will be communicated to customers at least 30 days in advance and will take effect at the end of the current billing period.<\\/p>\\r\\n<\\/div>\\r\\n\\r\\n<div classname=\\\"content-box\\\">\\r\\n<h6>Termination<\\/h6>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>We reserve the right to terminate a subscription at any time for any reason, with or without notice. If we terminate a subscription without cause, we will provide a pro-rated refund for the remaining subscription period.<\\/p>\\r\\n\\r\\n<p>By subscribing to Green Market Exchange, you agree to the terms of this subscription policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.<\\/p>\\r\\n<\\/div>\",\"meta_title\":\"Subscription Policy\",\"meta_keyword\":\"Subscription Policy\",\"meta_description\":\"Subscription Policy\"}', '2023-02-24 04:02:23', '2023-02-24 18:40:20', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `comments` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comments`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `comments` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `postId` int DEFAULT NULL, `comment` text, `commentUniqueId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `replyCount` int DEFAULT '0', `likeCount` int DEFAULT '0', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `commentUniqueId` (`commentUniqueId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `comments` -- INSERT INTO `comments` (`isActive`, `id`, `role`, `userId`, `postId`, `comment`, `commentUniqueId`, `replyCount`, `likeCount`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '2', 4, 5, 'Hello @xyz', 'lv5fcy0pjn5x7brgunm', 0, 0, '2024-04-18 15:57:07', '2024-04-18 15:57:07', NULL), (1, 2, '2', 4, 7, 'Hello comment replay', 'lv5icjy6zhzf3357w6k', 7, 0, '2024-04-18 17:20:48', '2024-04-18 17:56:19', NULL), (1, 3, '2', 4, 7, 'C', 'lv5jlx0xj9ml4uq8io', 0, 0, '2024-04-18 17:56:04', '2024-04-18 17:56:04', NULL), (1, 4, '2', 4, 7, 'A', 'lv5jsr0z1op9o8rhe69', 0, 0, '2024-04-18 18:01:23', '2024-04-18 18:01:23', NULL), (1, 5, '2', 4, 6, 'B', 'lv5jsy7yvy4lbovo0vp', 0, 0, '2024-04-18 18:01:32', '2024-04-18 18:01:32', NULL), (1, 6, '3', 1, 7, 'AA', 'lv5jtyl8xxk1sylqce', 0, 0, '2024-04-18 18:02:19', '2024-04-18 18:02:19', NULL), (1, 7, '2', 4, 1, 'A', 'lv8g5yiu1kq0hfu05us', 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:42:59', '2024-04-20 18:42:59', NULL), (1, 8, '2', 4, 5, 'B', 'lv8g75cx5zeb37ia3e', 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:43:55', '2024-04-20 18:43:55', NULL), (1, 9, '2', 4, 23, 'A', 'lvck2aglczbsbl6a34l', 0, 0, '2024-04-23 15:43:11', '2024-04-23 15:43:11', NULL), (1, 10, '2', 9, 25, 'AA', 'lvcndnyc5egkscu5zc', 0, 0, '2024-04-23 17:16:01', '2024-04-23 17:16:01', NULL), (1, 11, '2', 9, 25, 'BB\r\n', 'lvcnguy842rrngqr52n', 0, 0, '2024-04-23 17:18:30', '2024-04-23 17:18:30', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `comment_like` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comment_like`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `comment_like` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `commentId` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `comment_replies` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comment_replies`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `comment_replies` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `commentId` int DEFAULT NULL, `role` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `reply` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `comment_replies` -- INSERT INTO `comment_replies` (`isActive`, `id`, `commentId`, `role`, `userId`, `reply`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 2, '2', 4, 'A', '2024-04-18 17:55:53', '2024-04-18 17:55:53', NULL), (1, 2, 2, '2', 4, 'B', '2024-04-18 17:55:59', '2024-04-18 17:55:59', NULL), (1, 3, 2, '2', 4, 'D', '2024-04-18 17:56:12', '2024-04-18 17:56:12', NULL), (1, 4, 2, '2', 4, 'DF', '2024-04-18 17:56:19', '2024-04-18 17:56:19', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `drivers` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `drivers`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `drivers` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `transporterName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `driversName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `cannabisIndustryLicense` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `phoneNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `email_template` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `email_template`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `email_template` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `headerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `footerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `subject` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `body` text, `status` enum('1','2') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for active, 2 for inactive', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `headerId` (`headerId`), KEY `footerId` (`footerId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=28 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `email_template` -- INSERT INTO `email_template` (`isActive`, `id`, `headerId`, `footerId`, `title`, `subject`, `body`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 'Welcome', 'Welcome to GMX', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Welcome {NAME}</h2>\r\n <!-- <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">That thus much less heron other hello</p> --></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; max-width: 584px; color: #424651; text-align: center;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Thank you for signing up to become a member of our online marketplace. you have one last step to discover amazing brands.</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Start <a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">here</a> and sign in!</p>\r\n <!--<p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">We look forward to welcoming you.</p>--></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2021-02-01 01:27:51', '2022-03-10 07:03:58', NULL), (1, 2, 1, 1, 'Reset password | User', 'Reset Password', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Reset Password</h2>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;max-width: 584px;color: #424651;text-align: center;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Dear <b>{NAME}</b>, you are receiving this email because you requested to reset your password at GMX.</p>\n\n <p style=\"margin-top: 30px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Click the button below to reset your password.</p>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 10px; border :thin solid #22a612;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">RESET PASSWORD</a></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;max-width: 584px;color: #424651;text-align: center;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">If you did not request this, please contact <a href=\"{LINK_1}\">support</a> for assistance.</p>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 3, 1, 1, 'Contact Us | Admin', 'Contact us', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" data-module=\"hero-white-icon-outline0\" role=\"presentation\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\"><!--[if mso]>\n <table width=\"584\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\">\n <![endif]-->\n <div data-color=\"Light\" data-max=\"23\" data-min=\"15\" data-size=\"Text MD\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 data-color=\"Dark\" data-max=\"40\" data-min=\"20\" data-size=\"Heading 2\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Contact us</h2>\n <!-- <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">That thus much less heron other hello</p> --></div>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <![endif]--></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td><!--[if mso]>\n <table width=\"800\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <![endif]-->\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\"><!--[if mso]>\n <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td width=\"300\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding: 0px 8px;\">\n <![endif]-->\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;max-width: 600px;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div data-color=\"Light\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 data-color=\"Dark\" data-max=\"26\" data-min=\"10\" data-size=\"Heading 4\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Phone Number</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n <td width=\"100\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding: 0px 8px;\">\n <![endif]-->\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;max-width: 600px;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PHONE_NUMBER}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <![endif]--></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\"><!--[if mso]>\n <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td width=\"300\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding: 0px 8px;\">\n <![endif]-->\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 100%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div data-color=\"Light\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 data-color=\"Dark\" data-max=\"26\" data-min=\"10\" data-size=\"Heading 4\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Message</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <![endif]--></td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\"><!--[if mso]>\n <table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td width=\"100\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding: 0px 8px;\">\n <![endif]-->\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 100%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{MESSAGE}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <![endif]--></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <![endif]--></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-06-01 09:44:36', NULL), (1, 4, 1, 1, 'Contact Us | User', 'Contact us', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" data-module=\"hero-white-icon-outline0\" role=\"presentation\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\"><!--[if mso]>\n <table width=\"584\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\">\n <![endif]-->\n <div data-color=\"Light\" data-max=\"23\" data-min=\"15\" data-size=\"Text MD\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 data-color=\"Dark\" data-max=\"40\" data-min=\"20\" data-size=\"Heading 2\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Thank you for getting in touch.</h2>\n <!-- <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">That thus much less heron other hello</p> --></div>\n <!--[if mso]>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n <![endif]--></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n <!-- ------------------------------------------------ -->\n \n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" data-module=\"button-dark0\" role=\"presentation\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\"><!-- -------------------------------------- -->\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" role=\"presentation\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" data-bgcolor=\"Bg White\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">We will review your message and come back to you shortly. Thank you for reaching out to the GMX. We look forward to connecting soon.</p>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n <!-- --------------------------------------- --></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 5, 1, 1, 'New member arrived. Retailer| Admin', 'New member arrived', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">New Member Arrived</h2>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Name</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{NAME}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Email</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{EMAIL}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Role</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{ROLE}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO MEMBERS</a></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 6, 1, 1, 'New member arrived. Brand | Admin', 'New member arrived', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">New Member Arrived.</h2>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" cstyle=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;max-width: 584px;color: #424651;text-align: center;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">(Selected plan : {PLAN})</p>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Name</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{NAME}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Email</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{EMAIL}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Role</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{ROLE}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO MEMBERS</a></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 7, 1, 1, 'Order Placed | Retailer', 'Order Placed: {ORDER_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Order ID</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{ORDERID}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Category</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CATEGORY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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INSERT INTO `email_template` (`isActive`, `id`, `headerId`, `footerId`, `title`, `subject`, `body`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 8, 1, 1, 'Order Requested | Brand', 'New Order: {INVOICE_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Invoice #</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{INVOICE_ID}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Store Name</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CUSTOMER}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Order Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2024-05-09 07:54:46', NULL), (1, 9, 1, 1, 'Order Confirmed | Retailer', 'Order Confirmed: {INVOICE_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Invoice #</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{INVOICE_ID}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Brand</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{BRAND}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Units Per Package</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{UNITS_PER_PACKAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Package</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PACKAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Payment Due</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PAYMENT_DUE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2024-04-16 18:02:44', NULL), (1, 10, 1, 1, 'Order Accepted | Brand', 'Order Accepted: {ORDER_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Product</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PRODUCT}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Category</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CATEGORY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Customer Name</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CUSTOMER}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Quantity</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{QUANTITY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Order Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2023-09-28 17:24:44', NULL); INSERT INTO `email_template` (`isActive`, `id`, `headerId`, `footerId`, `title`, `subject`, `body`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 11, 1, 1, 'Order Declined | Retailer', 'Order Declined: {INVOICE_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Invoice #</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{INVOICE_ID}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Product</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PRODUCT}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Brand</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{BRAND}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Units Per Package</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{UNITS_PER_PACKAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Package Price</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PACKAGE_PRICE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Package</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PACKAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Delivery Date</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{DELIVERY_DATE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Payment Due</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PAYMENT_DUE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Payment</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PAYMENT_STATUS}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Decline Reason</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{MESSAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2024-04-16 17:59:19', NULL), (1, 12, 1, 1, 'Order Cancelled | Brand', 'Order Cancelled: {ORDER_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Quantity</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{QUANTITY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Price</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">${PRICE} / {UNIT}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Order Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2023-09-28 17:26:00', NULL), (1, 13, 1, 1, 'Order Delivered | Retailer', 'Order Delivered: {ORDER_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Quantity</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{QUANTITY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Price</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">${PRICE} / {UNIT}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-11-04 11:46:09', NULL), (1, 16, 1, 1, 'Order Received | Brand', 'Order Received: {ORDER_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Category</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CATEGORY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Quantity</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{QUANTITY}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Payment Due</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PAYMENT_DUE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2024-04-16 18:03:20', NULL), (1, 18, 1, 1, 'Order Completed | Brand', 'Order Completed: {ORDER_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td>\r\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; 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line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Product</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PRODUCT}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Customer Name</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CUSTOMER}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Units Per Package</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{UNITS_PER_PACKAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Package Price</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PACKAGE_PRICE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Package</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PACKAGE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Delivery Date</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{DELIVERY_DATE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Payment Due</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PAYMENT_DUE}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Payment</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{PAYMENT_STATUS}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Total</h4>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n\r\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\r\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\r\n\r\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\r\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{TOTAL}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO ORDERS</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2024-03-06 18:36:30', NULL), (1, 19, 1, 1, 'Profile Approved', 'Your Profile has been approved', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Congratulations! {NAME}</h2>\r\n <!-- <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">That thus much less heron other hello</p> --></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; max-width: 584px; color: #424651; text-align: center;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Your profile is verified by administrator.</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">You can now login <a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">here</a></p>\r\n <!--<p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">We look forward to welcoming you.</p>--></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2021-02-01 01:27:51', '2022-03-10 07:03:58', NULL), (1, 20, 1, 1, 'Quote Cancelled | Retailer', 'Quote Cancelled: {QUOTE_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Quote ID</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{QUOTEID}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Brand Name</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{BRAND}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO QUOTE</a></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 21, 1, 1, 'Quote Cancelled | Brand', 'Quote Cancelled: {QUOTE_ID}', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">{TITLE}</h2>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td>\n <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"max-width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Quote ID</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{QUOTEID}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-size: 0;vertical-align: top;background-color: #ffffff;\">\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 30%;\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #82899a;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <h4 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 18px;line-height: 23px;\">Cutomer Name</h4>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n <div style=\"display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;width: 70%;\">\n <div class=\"o_hide-xs\" style=\"font-size: 16px; line-height: 16px; height: 16px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div class=\"o_px-xs o_sans o_text o_text-secondary o_right o_xs-center\" data-color=\"Secondary\" data-max=\"20\" data-min=\"12\" data-size=\"Text Default\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;color: #424651;text-align: left;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p class=\"o_mb-xxs\" style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;\">{CUSTOMER}</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 4px;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">GO TO QUOTE</a></td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 22, 1, 1, 'Requested Quotes', 'Requested Quotes', '{QUOTE_DETAILS}', '1', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 23, 1, 1, 'Unread Messages', 'Unread Messages', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">{MESSAGE}</div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2022-11-10 07:52:00', '2022-11-10 07:52:00', NULL), (1, 24, 1, 1, 'Upgraded Subscription | Brand', 'Upgraded Subscription', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Welcome {NAME}</h2>\r\n <!-- <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">That thus much less heron other hello</p> --></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; max-width: 584px; color: #424651; text-align: center;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Thank you for signing up to become a member of our online marketplace. you have one last step to discover amazing brands.</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Start <a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">here</a> and sign in!</p>\r\n <!--<p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">We look forward to welcoming you.</p>--></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2021-02-01 01:27:51', '2022-03-10 07:03:58', NULL), (1, 25, 1, 1, 'Downgraded Subscription | Brand', 'Downgraded Subscription', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Welcome {NAME}</h2>\r\n <!-- <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">That thus much less heron other hello</p> --></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; max-width: 584px; color: #424651; text-align: center;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Thank you for signing up to become a member of our online marketplace. you have one last step to discover amazing brands.</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Start <a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">here</a> and sign in!</p>\r\n <!--<p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">We look forward to welcoming you.</p>--></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2021-02-01 01:27:51', '2022-03-10 07:03:58', NULL); INSERT INTO `email_template` (`isActive`, `id`, `headerId`, `footerId`, `title`, `subject`, `body`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 26, 1, 1, 'Mention in a post | User', 'Tagged in a Post: Let\'s Check It Out!', '<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:0px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 19px;line-height: 28px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: center;\">\r\n <h2 style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 4px;color: #242b3d;font-size: 30px;line-height: 39px;\">Tagged in a post! Check it out!</h2>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top: 16px;padding-bottom: 16px;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;max-width: 584px;color: #424651;text-align: center;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Dear <b>{NAME}</b>, You&#39;ve been tagged in a post! Take a look and see what it&#39;s all about. Don&#39;t miss out on the conversation.</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">&nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\"><strong>{MESSAGE}</strong></p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 30px;margin-bottom: 0px;\">Click the button below to join the conversion.</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #ffffff;padding-left: 24px;padding-right: 24px;padding-top:18px;padding-bottom: 8px;\">\r\n <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';font-weight: bold;margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 24px;mso-padding-alt: 12px 24px;background-color: #22a612;border-radius: 10px; border :thin solid #22a612;\" width=\"210\"><a href=\"{LINK}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;display: block;padding: 12px 24px;mso-text-raise: 3px;\">JOIN CONVERSION</a></td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n </table>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>', '1', '2023-07-09 00:00:00', '2023-07-09 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 27, 1, 1, 'Order Reviewed | Brand', 'Order Reviewed: {ORDER_ID}', '<div style=\"max-width:600px; margin: 0 auto; display:block; width:100%; padding: 20px;background-color: #fff;\">\r\n<p style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; font-size: 32px; line-height:36px; text-align:center;color: #242b3d;\"><strong>You Got an Order Review</strong></p>\r\n{PRODUCTS_CONTENT}\r\n\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"padding: 10px 0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td style=\"width:100%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 18px;line-height: 0px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: left; margin-left: 15px;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0;\"><strong style=\"color: #242b3d;\">Brand Review</strong></p>\r\n\r\n <hr style=\"margin: 1rem 0; color: inherit; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid; opacity: .25;\" /></div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td style=\"width:100%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 20px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: left; margin-left: 15px;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin: 0;\"><strong style=\"color: #242b3d;\">{BRAND}</strong></p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0px;\"><strong style=\"color: #242b3d;\">Delivery On Time :</strong> {DELIVERY_ON_TIME_RATINGS}</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0px;\"><strong style=\"color: #242b3d;\">Review:</strong> {DELIVERY_ON_TIME_REVIEW}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td style=\"width:100%;\">\r\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 0px;font-size: 16px;line-height: 20px;max-width: 584px;color: #82899a;text-align: left; margin-left: 15px;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0px;\"><strong style=\"color: #242b3d;\">Response Time:</strong> {RESPONSE_RATINGS}</p>\r\n\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0px;\"><strong style=\"color: #242b3d;\">Review:</strong> {RESPONSE_REVIEW}</p>\r\n </div>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</div>', '1', '2023-09-03 11:59:36', '2023-09-28 17:37:42', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `email_template_footer` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `email_template_footer`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `email_template_footer` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `description` text, `status` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `email_template_footer` -- INSERT INTO `email_template_footer` (`isActive`, `id`, `title`, `description`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Footer 1', '<!--footer-->\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td style=\"font-size: 48px;line-height: 20px;height: 20px;background-color: #ffffff;\">&nbsp;</td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: #f2f2f2;padding-left: 16px;padding-right: 16px;padding-bottom: 23px;\">\n <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\">\n <div style=\"font-size: 32px; line-height: 32px; height: 32px;\">&nbsp;</div>\n\n <div style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\';margin-top: 9px;margin-bottom: 14px;font-size: 14px;line-height: 21px;color:#333;padding-left: 8px;padding-right: 8px;\">\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 8px;width: 100%;\">&copy; {COPYRIGHTYEAR} GMX. All Rights Reserved.</p>\n </div>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td align=\"center\">\n\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n</table>\n<!--footer-->', 1, '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-05-10 00:00:00', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `email_template_header` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `email_template_header`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `email_template_header` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `description` text, `status` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `email_template_header` -- INSERT INTO `email_template_header` (`isActive`, `id`, `title`, `description`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Header 1', '<title></title>\r\n<link href=\"\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />\r\n<style media=\"screen\" type=\"text/css\">[style*=\'Open Sans\'] {\r\n font-family: \'Open Sans\', Arial, sans-serif !important\r\n }\r\n</style>\r\n<div>\r\n<div><!--header-->\r\n<div>\r\n<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">\r\n <tbody>\r\n <tr>\r\n <td align=\"center\" style=\"font-family: Arial, sans-serif, \'Open Sans\'; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; background-color:#f2f2f2; padding: 8px;\">\r\n <p style=\"margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;\"><a href=\"{BASE_URL}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;outline: none;color: #ffffff;\"><img alt=\"GMX\" src=\"\" style=\"max-width:240px;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;vertical-align: middle;border: 0;line-height: 100%; outline: none;text-decoration: none;\" /></a></p>\r\n </td>\r\n </tr>\r\n </tbody>\r\n</table>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>', 1, '2022-05-10 00:00:00', '2022-11-04 12:13:11', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `followers` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `followers`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `followers` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `followingRole` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `followingId` int DEFAULT NULL, `followerRole` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `followerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `followers` -- INSERT INTO `followers` (`isActive`, `id`, `followingRole`, `followingId`, `followerRole`, `followerId`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '2', 1, '3', 4, '2024-04-29 17:00:33', '2024-04-29 17:08:42'), (1, 2, '2', 2, '2', 4, '2024-04-29 17:03:54', '2024-04-29 17:03:54'), (1, 3, '2', 3, '2', 4, '2024-04-29 17:04:36', '2024-04-29 17:04:36'), (1, 4, '2', 7, '2', 4, '2024-04-29 17:04:46', '2024-04-29 17:04:46'), (1, 5, '2', 8, '2', 4, '2024-04-29 17:04:49', '2024-04-29 17:04:49'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `likes` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `likes`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `likes` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `postId` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `med_rec` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `med_rec`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `med_rec` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `med_rec` -- INSERT INTO `med_rec` (`isActive`, `id`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Medical', '2023-07-16 12:05:52', '2023-07-16 12:05:52', NULL), (1, 2, 'Recreational', '2023-07-16 12:05:52', '2023-07-16 12:05:52', NULL), (1, 3, 'Medical and Recreational', '2023-07-16 12:07:43', '2023-07-16 12:07:43', '2023-08-03 21:35:50'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `messages` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `messages`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `messages` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `fromId` int DEFAULT NULL, `toId` int DEFAULT NULL, `role` enum('1','2') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for brand, 2 for retailer', `message` text, `attachment` enum('1','2') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for yes,2 for no', `fileType` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `fileSize` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `readStatus` enum('1','2') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for read, 2 for unread', `mailSend` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '1 for send, 2 for pending', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `messages` -- INSERT INTO `messages` (`isActive`, `id`, `fromId`, `toId`, `role`, `message`, `attachment`, `fileType`, `fileSize`, `readStatus`, `mailSend`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 4, '1', 'Hello', '2', NULL, NULL, '1', '2', '2024-04-28 11:55:55', '2024-04-28 12:10:26', NULL), (1, 2, 4, 1, '2', 'Hi', '2', NULL, NULL, '1', '2', '2024-04-28 11:58:13', '2024-04-28 12:10:26', NULL), (1, 3, 1, 1, '1', 'Hellosdsd', '2', NULL, NULL, '1', '2', '2024-04-28 12:10:53', '2024-04-28 12:20:16', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `migrations` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `migrations`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `migrations` ( `id` int UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `migration` varchar(191) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `batch` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `offers` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `offers`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `offers` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `offerType` enum('1','2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for Discount and Deals, 2 for Bulk Order Pricing', `price` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `orderType` enum('1','2') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for Per Package, 2 for Per Order', `minQty` int DEFAULT NULL, `maxQty` int DEFAULT NULL, `categories` text, `products` text, `originalProducts` text, `retailers` text, `originalRetailers` text, `startDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `endDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `isInfinite` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '1 for yes, 2 for no', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `slug` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_2` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_3` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_4` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_5` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_6` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_7` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_8` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_9` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_10` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_11` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_12` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_13` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_14` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_15` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_16` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_17` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_18` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_19` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_20` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_21` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_22` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_23` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_24` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_25` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_26` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_27` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_28` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_29` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_30` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_31` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_32` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_33` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_34` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_35` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_36` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_37` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_38` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_39` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_40` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_41` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_42` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_43` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_44` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_45` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_46` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_47` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_48` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_49` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_50` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_51` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_52` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_53` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_54` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `slug_55` (`slug`), KEY `userId` (`userId`), KEY `brandId` (`brandId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `orders` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `orders`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `orders` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `retailerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `orderId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `totalProducts` int DEFAULT NULL, `total` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `finalTotal` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `orders` -- INSERT INTO `orders` (`isActive`, `id`, `retailerId`, `orderId`, `totalProducts`, `total`, `finalTotal`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`, `brandId`, `productId`) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 'ORD00000001', 1, 0.00, 0.00, '2024-04-16 16:57:47', '2024-04-16 16:58:00', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 2, 2, 'ORD00000002', 1, 99.00, 99.00, '2024-04-16 17:57:00', '2024-04-16 17:57:00', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 3, 2, 'ORD00000003', 1, 99.00, 99.00, '2024-04-21 13:26:52', '2024-04-21 13:26:52', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 4, 2, 'ORD00000004', 1, 99.00, 99.00, '2024-04-21 13:28:03', '2024-04-21 13:28:03', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 5, 2, 'ORD00000005', 1, 198.00, 198.00, '2024-04-21 13:48:13', '2024-04-21 13:48:13', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 6, 2, 'ORD00000006', 3, 128.00, 128.00, '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-21 13:48:43', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 7, 2, 'ORD00000007', 1, 99.00, 99.00, '2024-04-21 14:29:11', '2024-04-21 14:29:11', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 8, 2, 'ORD00000008', 1, 99.00, 99.00, '2024-04-21 14:31:34', '2024-04-21 14:31:34', NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 9, 2, 'ORD00000009', 1, 99.00, 99.00, '2024-05-09 07:54:54', '2024-05-09 07:54:54', NULL, NULL, NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `order_invoice` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_invoice`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `order_invoice` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `orderId` int DEFAULT NULL, `invoiceId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `retailerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandCompanyId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `totalProducts` int DEFAULT NULL, `total` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `finalTotal` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `paymentDue` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `paymentStatus` enum('1','2') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for Paid, 2 for Unpaid', `storeId` int DEFAULT NULL, `managerName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `phoneNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `stateId` int DEFAULT NULL, `zipCode` int DEFAULT NULL, `licenseNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` enum('4','5') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '4 for Completed, 5 for Reviewed', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `order_invoice` -- INSERT INTO `order_invoice` (`isActive`, `id`, `orderId`, `invoiceId`, `retailerId`, `brandCompanyId`, `brandId`, `totalProducts`, `total`, `finalTotal`, `paymentDue`, `paymentStatus`, `storeId`, `managerName`, `phoneNumber`, `address`, `stateId`, `zipCode`, `licenseNumber`, `status`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'INV00000011', 2, 1, 1, 1, 0.00, 0.00, NULL, '2', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', NULL, '2024-04-16 16:57:47', '2024-04-16 16:58:00', NULL), (1, 2, 2, 'INV00000022', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-16 17:57:00', '2024-04-21 14:27:51', NULL), (1, 3, 3, 'INV00000033', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-21 13:26:52', '2024-04-21 14:26:06', NULL), (1, 4, 4, 'INV00000044', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-21 13:28:03', '2024-04-21 14:25:21', NULL), (1, 5, 5, 'INV00000055', 2, 4, 4, 1, 198.00, 198.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-21 13:48:13', '2024-04-21 14:23:50', NULL), (1, 6, 6, 'INV00000066', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-21 14:16:12', NULL), (1, 7, 6, 'INV00000067', 2, 2, 2, 1, 14.00, 14.00, NULL, '2', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', NULL, '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-21 13:48:43', NULL), (1, 8, 6, 'INV00000068', 2, 1, 1, 1, 15.00, 15.00, NULL, '2', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', NULL, '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-21 13:48:43', NULL), (1, 9, 7, 'INV00000079', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-21 14:29:11', '2024-04-21 14:29:54', NULL), (1, 10, 8, 'INV00000810', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '4', '2024-04-21 14:31:34', '2024-04-21 14:32:18', NULL), (1, 11, 9, 'INV00000911', 2, 4, 4, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '2', 5, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', NULL, '2024-05-09 07:54:54', '2024-05-09 07:54:54', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `order_invoice_items` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `order_invoice_items`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `order_invoice_items` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `orderId` int DEFAULT NULL, `orderInvoiceId` int DEFAULT NULL, `retailerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandCompanyId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` int DEFAULT NULL, `strainId` int DEFAULT NULL, `unitPerPackage` int DEFAULT NULL, `price` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `quantity` int DEFAULT NULL, `total` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `finalTotal` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `deliveryDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `status` enum('1','2','3','4','5') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for Requested, 2 for Confirmed, 3 for Declined, 4 for Completed, 5 for Reviewed', `declineReason` text, `declinedBy` int DEFAULT NULL, `declinedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `order_invoice_items` -- INSERT INTO `order_invoice_items` (`isActive`, `id`, `orderId`, `orderInvoiceId`, `retailerId`, `brandCompanyId`, `brandId`, `productId`, `categoryId`, `strainId`, `unitPerPackage`, `price`, `quantity`, `total`, `finalTotal`, `deliveryDate`, `status`, `declineReason`, `declinedBy`, `declinedAt`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 12, 15.00, 1, 0.00, 0.00, NULL, '3', 'Tet', 1, '2024-04-16 16:58:00', '2024-04-16 16:57:47', '2024-04-16 16:58:00', NULL), (1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-16 17:57:00', '2024-04-21 14:27:51', NULL), (1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 13:26:52', '2024-04-21 14:26:06', NULL), (1, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 13:28:03', '2024-04-21 14:25:21', NULL), (1, 5, 5, 5, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 2, 198.00, 198.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 13:48:13', '2024-04-21 14:23:50', NULL), (1, 6, 6, 6, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-21 14:16:12', NULL), (1, 7, 6, 7, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, 78, 14.00, 1, 14.00, 14.00, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-21 13:48:43', NULL), (1, 8, 6, 8, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 12, 15.00, 1, 15.00, 15.00, '2024-04-30 00:00:00', '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 13:48:43', '2024-04-27 12:42:12', NULL), (1, 9, 7, 9, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 14:29:11', '2024-04-21 14:29:54', NULL), (1, 10, 8, 10, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '4', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-04-21 14:31:34', '2024-04-21 14:32:18', NULL), (1, 11, 9, 11, 2, 4, 4, 8, 3, NULL, 150, 99.00, 1, 99.00, 99.00, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-05-09 07:54:54', '2024-05-09 07:54:54', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `organizations` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `organizations`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `organizations` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `isApproved` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '1 for approved, 2 for unapproved', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `role` enum('1','2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for admin, 2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `userId` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `organizations` -- INSERT INTO `organizations` (`isActive`, `id`, `isApproved`, `userId`, `role`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '1', 1, '2', '2024-02-13 17:14:03', '2024-04-25 18:38:10', NULL), (1, 2, '1', 2, '3', '2024-02-14 17:23:30', '2024-02-14 17:24:33', NULL), (1, 3, '1', 3, '2', '2024-02-17 16:52:06', '2024-02-18 14:59:37', NULL), (1, 4, '1', 4, '3', '2024-02-20 18:22:19', '2024-02-20 18:22:58', NULL), (1, 5, '1', 5, '2', '2024-04-08 17:36:16', '2024-04-25 15:55:31', NULL), (1, 6, '1', 6, '2', '2024-04-08 17:40:41', '2024-04-25 15:55:35', NULL), (1, 7, '2', 7, '3', '2024-05-09 07:06:08', '2024-05-09 07:06:08', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `plans` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plans`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `plans` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `price` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `plans` -- INSERT INTO `plans` (`isActive`, `id`, `title`, `slug`, `price`, `description`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Standard', 'standard', 0.00, 'Display and list your Products as a Brand', '2022-05-05 18:21:40', '2022-12-07 16:42:26', NULL), (1, 2, 'Marketplace', 'marketplace', 99.00, 'Display and list your Products as a Brand', '2022-06-29 12:11:53', '2022-07-04 15:01:36', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `posts` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `posts`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `posts` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `type` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '1 for post, 2 for repost', `repostId` int DEFAULT NULL, `post` text, `postUniqueId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `likeCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `repostCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `commentCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `postUniqueId` (`postUniqueId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=30 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `posts` -- INSERT INTO `posts` (`isActive`, `id`, `role`, `userId`, `type`, `repostId`, `post`, `postUniqueId`, `likeCount`, `repostCount`, `commentCount`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hello', 'lv3z49f5t2s3zbhchvf', 0, 0, 1, '2024-04-17 15:34:42', '2024-04-20 18:42:59', NULL), (1, 2, '3', 1, '1', NULL, 'Hello', 'lv3zmis11nmbc00g2rr', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-17 15:48:54', '2024-04-17 15:51:21', NULL), (1, 3, '3', 1, '1', NULL, 'Hello\r\n', 'lv3zpxgpmrkovhd95kr', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-17 15:51:33', '2024-04-17 16:08:05', NULL), (1, 4, '3', 1, '1', NULL, 'sdsd', 'lv3zqar90c9xvj4l4paf', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-17 15:51:50', '2024-04-20 06:45:30', NULL), (1, 5, '3', 1, '1', NULL, 'Hello 17', 'lv3zyzk90ccdy29rj2c7', 0, 0, 2, '2024-04-17 15:58:35', '2024-04-20 18:43:55', NULL), (1, 6, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hello\r\n', 'lv3zzd50k8ik9d19rx8', 0, 0, 1, '2024-04-17 15:58:53', '2024-04-20 05:50:34', '2024-04-20 05:50:34'), (1, 7, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Ssd\r\n', 'lv3zzuhe4zb08dykmm3', 0, 0, 5, '2024-04-17 15:59:15', '2024-04-20 05:50:31', '2024-04-20 05:50:31'), (1, 8, '2', 4, '2', 7, 'Ssd\r\n', 'lv40k9z57jx5c4ddzss', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 05:47:55', '2024-04-20 05:47:57', '2024-04-20 05:47:57'), (1, 9, '2', 4, '2', 5, 'Hello 17', 'lv40mudjmafhwz1l3', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 06:45:09', '2024-04-20 06:45:26', '2024-04-20 06:45:26'), (1, 10, '2', 4, '2', 4, 'sdsd', 'lv7ptdejtav8nv2gt8', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 06:45:11', '2024-04-20 06:45:30', '2024-04-20 06:45:30'), (1, 11, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'sdjkjk @(facebook)', 'lv8fya17uyb6gpuvlql', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:37:01', '2024-04-20 18:37:01', NULL), (1, 12, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'sdjkjk @(facebook)sdsd', 'lv8fyr1ti3pulorf19p', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:37:23', '2024-04-20 18:37:23', NULL), (1, 13, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'sdjkjk @(facebook)sdsdf', 'lv8g0ksg4hix34rb609', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:38:48', '2024-04-20 18:38:48', NULL), (1, 14, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'sdjkjk @(facebook)sdsdf A', 'lv8g34em8x95xp9wgjh', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:40:47', '2024-04-20 18:40:47', NULL), (1, 15, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'sdjkjk @(facebook)sdsdf AB', 'lv8g43xdl37180orgo', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:41:33', '2024-04-23 16:45:26', NULL), (1, 16, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'sdjkjk @(facebook)sdsdf ABD', 'lv8g5h6n2691muhzw5e', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:42:37', '2024-04-23 16:45:07', NULL), (1, 17, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hello @(facebook)', 'lv8ggpe3k3l30tew3mt', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:51:21', '2024-04-23 16:26:36', NULL), (1, 18, '3', 1, '1', NULL, 'Hello @(top-builder)', 'lv8gmcgdux2xit6ejcg', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:55:44', '2024-04-23 16:26:13', NULL), (1, 19, '3', 1, '1', NULL, 'sd @(ba)', 'lv8gn7fpzl0etllgcrj', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:56:24', '2024-04-20 18:56:24', NULL), (1, 20, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hwe @retailer-companys', 'lv8go80k8m1g7sl8yfj', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 18:57:11', '2024-04-23 17:19:15', NULL), (1, 21, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hello @(ba)', 'lv8gs08v1acji7ki72n', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 19:00:08', '2024-04-20 19:00:08', NULL), (1, 22, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hello @(retailer-company)', 'lv8gveex9cav2oe4xpu', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-20 19:02:46', '2024-04-20 19:02:46', NULL), (1, 23, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'Hello @(facebook)', 'lv8h1mf8i8n6skyrzv', 0, 0, 1, '2024-04-20 19:07:37', '2024-04-23 17:20:15', NULL), (1, 24, '2', 4, '2', 23, 'Hello @(facebook)', 'lvck1onvnfzb0rs3vue', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-23 15:42:43', '2024-04-23 16:19:38', '2024-04-23 16:19:38'), (1, 25, '2', 4, '1', NULL, 'A', 'lvck2daibk2q4dixnqd', 0, 1, 2, '2024-04-23 15:43:15', '2024-04-23 17:19:38', NULL), (1, 26, '2', 4, '2', 25, 'A', 'lvck3mpwg3w6gu0vvxu', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-23 15:44:14', '2024-04-23 16:19:35', '2024-04-23 16:19:35'), (1, 27, '2', 9, '2', 20, 'Hwe @retailer-companys', 'lvcnhlzdjf0sbg3nt6', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-23 17:19:05', '2024-04-23 17:19:15', '2024-04-23 17:19:15'), (1, 28, '2', 9, '2', 25, 'A', 'lvcnhw7hmaxs31caa1', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-23 17:19:18', '2024-04-23 17:19:18', NULL), (1, 29, '2', 9, '2', 23, 'Hello @(facebook)', 'lvcnieiojx97r3z3uce', 0, 0, 0, '2024-04-23 17:19:42', '2024-04-23 17:20:15', '2024-04-23 17:20:15'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `products` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `products`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `products` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandCompanyId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` int DEFAULT NULL, `subCategoryId` int DEFAULT NULL, `medRecId` int DEFAULT NULL, `unitWeight` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `unitPerPackage` int DEFAULT NULL, `price` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `packagesInStock` int DEFAULT NULL, `isShowStock` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0', `strainId` int DEFAULT NULL, `dominant` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `harvested` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `thc` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `flavor` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `description` text, `labResultsPath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `avgProductRating` float(10,2) DEFAULT '0.00', `reviewsProductCount` int DEFAULT '0', `productVisibility` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '1 for show, 2 for hidden', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `slug` (`slug`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `products` -- INSERT INTO `products` (`isActive`, `id`, `userId`, `brandCompanyId`, `brandId`, `title`, `slug`, `categoryId`, `subCategoryId`, `medRecId`, `unitWeight`, `unitPerPackage`, `price`, `packagesInStock`, `isShowStock`, `strainId`, `dominant`, `harvested`, `thc`, `flavor`, `description`, `labResultsPath`, `avgProductRating`, `reviewsProductCount`, `productVisibility`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 'One', 'one', 3, NULL, 1, '150', 12, 15.00, 150000, 1, 2, 'Test Dominant Terpene1', '2024-02-24 00:00:00', 91.00, 'Apple1', 'lorem test1', '/products/product-lab-results3988423b-3232-4434-90b2-64b6a5e4b002.pdf', 3.00, 1, '1', '2024-02-14 16:34:00', '2024-04-08 18:03:36'), (1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 'Two', 'two', 1, NULL, 2, '150', 10, 100.00, 158000, 1, 2, 'Test Dominant Terpene', '2024-02-29 00:00:00', 15.00, 'Apple', 'Test Two', '/products/product-lab-resultsc4893498-9228-4e2a-a7dd-4a10cbee0886.pdf', 1.25, 2, '1', '2024-02-24 17:26:16', '2024-04-08 18:03:30'), (1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 'SD ONe', 'sd-one', 3, 2, 1, '45', 56, 89.00, 156456456, 1, 2, 'Dominat', '2024-02-29 00:00:00', 12.00, 'Orange', '', NULL, 0.00, 0, '1', '2024-02-25 05:41:47', '2024-02-25 05:41:47'), (1, 4, 3, 2, 2, 'SD TWo', 'sd-two', 1, NULL, 1, '456', 78, 14.00, 1566, 1, 1, 'Temp Dominant', '2024-02-29 00:00:00', 70.00, 'Green Apple', '', '/products/product-lab-results907ef920-84f9-4b2d-bd7b-6ee012b05f06.pdf', 0.00, 0, '1', '2024-02-25 05:43:32', '2024-02-25 05:43:32'), (2, 5, 1, 1, 5, 'A', 'a', 3, NULL, 1, '10', 120, -1.00, 14998, 0, NULL, '', '2024-04-18 00:00:00', 17.00, '', '', NULL, 0.00, 0, '1', '2024-04-09 16:19:00', '2024-04-25 19:18:19'), (2, 6, 1, 1, 5, 'ALLLLL', 'alllll', 3, 3, 2, 'B', 456, 53.00, 10, 0, NULL, '', '2024-04-30 00:00:00', 10.00, '', '', '/products/product-lab-resultsa4a06f24-4d40-4ee7-ab32-f14fdec6bc8b.pdf', 0.00, 0, '1', '2024-04-09 17:10:18', '2024-04-25 19:18:19'), (2, 7, 1, 1, 5, 'BB', 'bb', 8, NULL, 2, '12545545', 5, 5.00, 0, 0, NULL, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 8.00, '', '', NULL, 0.00, 0, '1', '2024-04-09 17:12:41', '2024-04-25 19:18:19'), (1, 8, 1, 4, 4, 'A', 'a-2', 3, NULL, 1, '10', 150, 99.00, 0, 0, NULL, '', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 8.00, '', '', NULL, 0.00, 0, '1', '2024-04-16 17:56:44', '2024-04-16 17:56:44'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `product_favourite` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_favourite`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_favourite` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `userId` (`userId`), KEY `productId` (`productId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `product_favourite` -- INSERT INTO `product_favourite` (`isActive`, `id`, `userId`, `productId`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1, '2024-02-14 17:55:33', '2024-02-20 18:27:42', '2024-02-20 18:27:42'), (1, 2, 2, 4, '2024-03-30 15:24:10', '2024-04-01 17:33:44', NULL), (1, 3, 2, 3, '2024-03-30 15:24:12', '2024-04-01 17:33:45', NULL), (1, 4, 2, 2, '2024-04-01 17:33:47', '2024-04-01 17:33:47', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `product_images` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_images`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_images` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, `image` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `productId` (`productId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `product_images` -- INSERT INTO `product_images` (`isActive`, `id`, `productId`, `image`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, '/products/product-6c9e5309-81fa-482d-acfa-6b070ae1119b.webp', '2024-02-14 16:34:00', '2024-02-14 16:34:00', NULL), (1, 2, 1, '/products/product-b42383e7-0200-4cad-a733-aa2d139e1501.jpg', '2024-02-14 16:34:00', '2024-02-14 16:34:00', NULL), (1, 3, 1, '/products/product-71386cad-2106-4db8-a1e7-2d13214ba225.png', '2024-02-14 16:49:28', '2024-02-14 16:49:28', NULL), (1, 4, 2, '/products/product-f7510b81-f3a0-492a-9807-6bf8dbfdbf7f.jpg', '2024-02-24 17:26:16', '2024-02-24 17:26:16', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `product_price_history` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `product_price_history`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_price_history` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, `price` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `productId` (`productId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `reposts` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reposts`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reposts` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `role` enum('2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '2 for brand, 3 for retailer', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `postId` int DEFAULT NULL, `repostId` int DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `reposts` -- INSERT INTO `reposts` (`isActive`, `id`, `role`, `userId`, `postId`, `repostId`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '2', 4, 8, 7, '2024-04-20 05:47:55', '2024-04-20 05:47:57', '2024-04-20 05:47:57'), (1, 2, '2', 4, 9, 5, '2024-04-20 06:45:09', '2024-04-20 06:45:26', '2024-04-20 06:45:26'), (1, 3, '2', 4, 10, 4, '2024-04-20 06:45:11', '2024-04-20 06:45:30', '2024-04-20 06:45:30'), (1, 4, '2', 4, 24, 23, '2024-04-23 15:42:43', '2024-04-23 16:19:38', '2024-04-23 16:19:38'), (1, 5, '2', 4, 26, 25, '2024-04-23 15:44:14', '2024-04-23 16:19:35', '2024-04-23 16:19:35'), (1, 6, '2', 9, 27, 20, '2024-04-23 17:19:05', '2024-04-23 17:19:15', '2024-04-23 17:19:15'), (1, 7, '2', 9, 28, 25, '2024-04-23 17:19:18', '2024-04-23 17:19:18', NULL), (1, 8, '2', 9, 29, 23, '2024-04-23 17:19:42', '2024-04-23 17:20:15', '2024-04-23 17:20:15'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `retailer_company` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `retailer_company`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `retailer_company` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `isApproved` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '1 for approved, 2 for unapproved', `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `organizationId` int DEFAULT NULL, `companyName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `medRecId` int DEFAULT NULL, `website` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `profilePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `contactNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `contactEmail` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `defaultStoreId` int DEFAULT NULL, `followersCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `followingsCount` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `retailer_company` -- INSERT INTO `retailer_company` (`isActive`, `id`, `isApproved`, `userId`, `organizationId`, `companyName`, `slug`, `medRecId`, `website`, `profilePath`, `contactNumber`, `contactEmail`, `defaultStoreId`, `followersCount`, `followingsCount`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, '1', 2, 2, 'Retailer Company', 'retailer-company', 1, '', '/profile/profile-c5c4a092-0034-49ed-9cad-a5e1e886ffd6.png', NULL, NULL, 5, 1, 0, '2024-02-14 17:23:30', '2024-04-29 17:08:42'), (1, 2, '1', 4, 4, 'Louis Top Builder', 'louis-top-builder', 1, '', '/profile/profile-c4765ab6-0839-4f44-9da6-7946408b9d9e.webp', NULL, NULL, 2, 0, 0, '2024-02-20 18:22:19', '2024-04-28 12:30:37'), (1, 3, '2', 7, 7, 'A Store', 'a-store', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 8, 0, 0, '2024-05-09 07:06:08', '2024-05-09 07:06:08'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `reviews` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `reviews`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reviews` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `orderId` int DEFAULT NULL, `productId` int DEFAULT NULL, `brandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `retailerId` int DEFAULT NULL, `type` enum('1','2','3') DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 for product, 2 for delivery on time, 3 for general', `ratings` float(10,2) DEFAULT NULL, `description` text, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `settings` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `settings`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `settings` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `settings` -- INSERT INTO `settings` (`isActive`, `id`, `name`, `description`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'info_email', '', '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 2, 'contact_number', '2076913707', '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 3, 'site_address', '', '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 4, 'facebook_link', NULL, '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 5, 'instagram_link', NULL, '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 6, 'twitter_link', NULL, '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 7, 'linkedin_link', NULL, '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 8, 'logo', '/settings/main-logo.png', '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-04-15 11:03:53', NULL), (1, 9, 'footerlogo', '/settings/main-logo.png', '2022-04-13 01:49:30', '2022-04-15 10:23:42', NULL), (1, 10, 'stripe_secret_key', 'sk_test_51M6k0gBMOPRi3AfhyM851Ahh1167JDjXxNmbPNOUSccvUNW2gvR17C5Yg5GirtAKW6fuYP2K3yTxDTootYoMxJwU00qQOTO0Ki', '2022-04-13 01:49:30', '2022-04-15 10:23:42', NULL), (1, 11, 'recaptcha_key', '6LeKEMYZAAAAABD7r-Ps_GU1Rgv625D-ZizmxyRh', '2022-06-02 09:35:32', '2022-06-02 09:35:32', NULL), (1, 12, 'site_name', NULL, '2022-07-08 09:52:41', '2022-12-13 02:52:51', NULL), (1, 13, 'minlogo', '/settings/min-logo.svg', '2022-04-13 01:44:31', '2022-04-15 11:03:53', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `state` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `state`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `state` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `state` -- INSERT INTO `state` (`isActive`, `id`, `name`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Alabama', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-12-07 16:41:20', '2022-12-07 16:41:20'), (1, 2, 'New York', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-12-07 16:41:24', '2022-12-07 16:41:24'), (1, 3, 'Florida', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2022-12-07 16:41:16', '2022-12-07 16:41:16'), (1, 4, 'Maine', '2022-07-24 20:50:39', '2022-12-07 16:41:28', '2022-12-07 16:41:28'), (1, 5, 'Massachusetts', '2022-09-26 21:04:18', '2022-09-26 21:04:35', NULL), (1, 6, 'Florida', '2023-09-09 14:58:57', '2023-09-09 15:00:20', NULL), (1, 7, NULL, '2023-09-09 14:59:20', '2023-09-09 15:00:28', '2023-09-09 15:00:28'), (1, 8, 'Maine', '2023-09-26 02:32:37', '2023-09-26 02:32:37', NULL), (1, 9, 'Gujarat', '2023-09-27 07:58:41', '2023-09-27 07:58:41', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `stores` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `stores`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `stores` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `retailerCompanyID` int DEFAULT NULL, `isDefault` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0', `managerName` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `phoneNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `stateId` int DEFAULT NULL, `zipCode` int DEFAULT NULL, `licenseNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `licenseExpirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `certificatePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `resaleLicensePath` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `userId` (`userId`), KEY `stateId` (`stateId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `stores` -- INSERT INTO `stores` (`isActive`, `id`, `userId`, `retailerCompanyID`, `isDefault`, `managerName`, `phoneNumber`, `address`, `stateId`, `zipCode`, `licenseNumber`, `licenseExpirationDate`, `certificatePath`, `resaleLicensePath`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 'Louis Retailer12', '54545545', 'Sun Valley, ID, USA', 6, 12332, '566565', '2024-03-28 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-3bb37840-57f2-4e34-bd1d-80f5ba9376ca.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-b0bb6cb6-fc72-4c07-8bcd-4f75d73dde2c.pdf', '2024-02-14 17:23:31', '2024-04-08 18:34:05'), (1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 'Louis', '1234567890', 'ABC Stores #38, Lewers Street, Honolulu, HI, USA', 6, 12345, '12345655', NULL, '/documents/certificate-683f82ca-ea50-470a-be62-103b73362b95.webp', '/documents/resale-license-3a08c616-5490-48b6-b9e0-5a73c2a697c9.webp', '2024-02-20 18:22:19', '2024-02-20 18:22:19'), (1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 'Lalit Bhanderi55', '545455454545640', 'Statesville, NC, USA', 6, 12332, '566562', '2024-03-29 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-713b5d1e-bc28-45d0-bb14-7c90aa34cc8c.png', '/documents/resale-license-545e01f7-017d-4955-bf31-96a635dfd86a.png', '2024-03-19 16:18:48', '2024-04-08 18:34:05'), (1, 4, 2, 1, 0, 'Lalit Bhanderi1', '54545539', 'Statesville, NC, USA1', 8, 12332, '5665621', '2024-03-30 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-0ff05bc9-8ce4-4c2e-9d54-7af7e7117105.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-0fbcfdb8-3505-401d-9327-be9b4b1d6b19.pdf', '2024-03-20 16:24:25', '2024-04-08 18:34:05'), (1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 'ABC', '455454', '9500 Gilman Drive', 6, 12332, '566562', '2024-03-28 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-867365b9-eb62-416e-a4dd-4e1b658508c3.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-0c110653-af9d-4768-a86a-9cc4da0c0f24.png', '2024-03-23 11:32:21', '2024-04-08 18:34:05'), (1, 6, 2, 1, 0, 'A', '54545545', 'Denver, CO, USA', 8, 12332, '566562', '2024-04-30 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-18e5b3f6-eb96-4960-90b3-2e69da7946d3.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-b9c69df3-0b9a-4ada-8d52-0ef825cddfd6.pdf', '2024-04-08 18:23:52', '2024-04-08 18:34:05'), (1, 7, 2, 1, 0, 'V', '455454', 'sd', 5, 12332, '1234560', '2024-04-26 00:00:00', '/documents/certificate-4a8b5559-beb7-4045-ba84-51d480de7c6f.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-7486c7f8-b5f5-4515-82d4-bc338645b875.pdf', '2024-04-08 18:34:31', '2024-04-08 18:34:31'), (1, 8, 7, 3, 1, 'A Store', '5454554500', 'Sun Valley, ID, USA', 6, 12332, '566562', NULL, '/documents/certificate-c45c71ba-7f2d-4d4e-87f3-047cb675bdba.pdf', '/documents/resale-license-4915331f-e40e-4d75-8664-c62c0b54b5e2.pdf', '2024-05-09 07:06:08', '2024-05-09 07:06:08'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `strains` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `strains`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `strains` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `strains` -- INSERT INTO `strains` (`isActive`, `id`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 'Indica dominant', '2022-05-02 00:00:00', '2023-03-22 13:02:14', NULL), (1, 2, 'Sativa dominant', '2022-05-04 00:00:00', '2023-03-22 13:02:23', NULL), (1, 3, 'Hybrid', '2022-05-04 00:00:00', '2022-05-04 00:00:00', '1900-01-03 00:00:00'), (1, 4, NULL, '2022-06-24 07:59:24', '2022-06-24 07:59:28', '2022-06-24 07:59:28'), (1, 5, 'Hyrbid', '2022-10-26 23:49:52', '2022-10-26 23:49:52', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `sub_categories` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sub_categories`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sub_categories` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `categoryId` int DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, `deletedAt` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `sub_categories` -- INSERT INTO `sub_categories` (`isActive`, `id`, `categoryId`, `title`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`, `deletedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'Sub Badder/Butter', '2023-07-22 16:15:42', '2023-07-22 16:15:42', NULL), (1, 2, 3, 'sub Crystalline', '2023-07-22 16:16:11', '2023-07-22 16:16:11', NULL), (1, 3, 3, 'sub test', '2023-07-22 16:16:11', '2023-07-22 16:16:11', NULL), (1, 4, 19, 'Sub Sauce 1', '2023-09-08 11:30:33', '2023-09-08 11:30:45', NULL), (1, 5, 16, 'Beverage', '2023-09-26 02:33:54', '2023-09-26 02:33:54', NULL); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `users` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `organizationId` int DEFAULT NULL, `currentBrandCompanyId` int DEFAULT NULL, `currentBrandId` int DEFAULT NULL, `isApproved` enum('1','2') DEFAULT '2' COMMENT '1 for approved, 2 for unapproved', `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slug` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `password` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `phoneNumber` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `planId` int DEFAULT NULL, `planExpiryDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `subscriptionId` int DEFAULT NULL, `verification_token` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `createdAt` datetime NOT NULL, `updatedAt` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `slug` (`slug`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; -- -- Dumping data for table `users` -- INSERT INTO `users` (`isActive`, `id`, `organizationId`, `currentBrandCompanyId`, `currentBrandId`, `isApproved`, `name`, `slug`, `email`, `password`, `phoneNumber`, `planId`, `planExpiryDate`, `subscriptionId`, `verification_token`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 4, 4, '1', 'Louis Bland', 'louisbland', '', '$2a$10$qvrgc1FUQr6tFXuywjbxDO2jn/tNdnl/4zKAqHStwQVklRjj/Gm/G', '1234587891', 2, '2024-03-13 00:00:00', 1, NULL, '2024-02-13 17:14:03', '2024-04-28 11:55:07'), (1, 2, 2, NULL, NULL, '1', 'Louis Retailer', 'louis-retailer', '', '$2a$10$PugktJgEXzSFQi2fIS9w8ua4CNz0s4Asb5c2BUCQFMk48KKmyJGWy', '54545545', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-14 17:23:30', '2024-04-20 12:00:44'), (1, 3, 3, 2, 2, '1', 'sdsd', 'sdsd', 'sdsd@sdsd.sdsd', '$2a$10$hoICvOFFl/', NULL, 2, '2024-03-17 00:00:00', 2, NULL, '2024-02-17 16:52:06', '2024-02-18 14:59:37'), (1, 4, 4, NULL, NULL, '1', 'Louis', 'louis-2', '', '$2a$10$aG4slJEFk6dzrhoKEZlDNOVuQ.deewsnCZsInSn4JQSE0hZ0kg3FS', '1234567890', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-02-20 18:22:19', '2024-04-20 12:00:44'), (1, 5, 5, 5, 7, '1', 'A', 'a-2', '', '$2a$10$awkajUIiyKQnezhTHAZ4Z.rxt2BjrVISIDE/R96DH2fxANbD5to/G', NULL, 2, '2024-05-08 00:00:00', 3, NULL, '2024-04-08 17:36:16', '2024-04-25 15:55:31'), (1, 6, 6, 6, 8, '1', 'SD', 'sd-1', 'Sd@sdsd.sds', '$2a$10$TowdsCJkNg0QLJVkWF0KNuWXRzUtdrZkHnMiwGyR9DAndhmIi.UV.', NULL, 2, '2024-05-08 00:00:00', 4, NULL, '2024-04-08 17:40:41', '2024-04-25 15:55:35'), (1, 7, 7, NULL, NULL, '2', 'A', 'a-3', '', '$2a$10$flKHiior/6/mqzFzBYbGceVkrjXmvpupu5jEG7GAr0LGnqONjlhqi', '5454554500', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2024-05-09 07:06:08', '2024-05-09 07:06:08'); -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `user_subscription` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_subscription`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_subscription` ( `isActive` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userId` int DEFAULT NULL, `planId` int DEFAULT NULL, `customerId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `subscriptionToken` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `subscriptionId` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `amount` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `responseJson` text, `startDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `endDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `planCancelDate` 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import moment, { format } from 'moment'; import { OverlayTrigger, Tooltip } from 'react-bootstrap'; let yesterday = moment().subtract(1, 'day'); export class Helper { static valid = (current) => { return current.isAfter(yesterday); }; static niceString = (string, limit = 20, showTooltip = false) => { return string?.length >= limit ? ( showTooltip ? ( <OverlayTrigger placement='bottom' overlay={<Tooltip className='tooltip-580'>{string}</Tooltip>} > <span> {string.substring(0, limit) + (string.length >= limit ? '...' : '')} </span> </OverlayTrigger> ) : ( string.substring(0, limit) + (string.length >= limit ? '...' : '') ) ) : ( string ); }; } export const customFormat = "DD MMM 'YY"; export const dateTimeFormat = (datetime, format) => moment(datetime).utc().format(format); export const nicePrice = (price) => '$ ' + (Math.round(price * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); export const commaSeparatedStringWithIncludes = (retailers, retailerId) => { if (retailers?.length > 0) { const dataArray = retailers.split(','); return dataArray.includes(retailerId.toString()); } return false; }; export const _userNameFields = (role) => { if (role === '1') { return ['fromRetailer', 'toBrand']; } else if (role === '2') { return ['toBrand', 'fromRetailer']; } else { return []; } };
export const roles = { admin: '1', brand: '2', retailer: '3' }
/* eslint-disable import/no-anonymous-default-export */ export default { control: { backgroundColor: "#191919", fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 400, }, "&multiLine": { control: { minHeight: 80 }, highlighter: { padding: "15px 20px", border: "1px solid transparent" }, input: { padding: "15px 20px", backgroundColor: "#242424", border: "1px solid #4b4b4b", borderRadius: "10px", color: "#dbdbdb", fontWeight: 400, } }, suggestions: { list: { backgroundColor: "#191919", border: "1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.15)", fontSize: 14, maxHeight: 200, overflow: "auto", //position: "absolute", bottom: 14 }, item: { padding: "8px 16px", "&focused": { color: "#fff", backgroundColor: "#3d3d3d" } } } };
import cookie from 'react-cookies'; import moment from 'moment'; import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js'; import { roles } from './Role'; const appSecret = 'gmx-secret'; const appCookie = 'gmx'; const expires = moment().add(3, 'days').toDate(); const encodeData = (data) => { return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(JSON.stringify(data), appSecret).toString(); }; const decodeData = (data) => { var bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(data, appSecret); return JSON.parse(bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)); }; const saveData = (data, remember = false) => { const user = data?.user; const role = data?.user?.organization?.role; let userData = {}; if (role === '2') { userData = { isLogin: '1', token: data?.access_token?.toString(), medRecId: user?.brandCompany?.medRecId, organizationId: user?.organization?.id, currentBrandCompanyId: user?.brandCompany?.id, currentBrandId: user?.brand?.id, userId: user?.id, role: role, slug: user?.slug, brandSlug: user?.brand?.slug, userName: user?.brand?.brandName, fullName: user?.brand?.brandName, userImage: user?.brand?.profilePath !== null ? user?.brand?.profilePath : role == roles?.brand ? '/profile/seller-default.png' : '/profile/no-profile-image.jpg', }; } else { userData = { isLogin: '1', token: data?.access_token?.toString(), medRecId: user?.retailerCompany?.medRecId, organizationId: user?.organization?.id, userId: user?.id, role: role, slug: user?.retailerCompany?.slug, userName: user?.retailerCompany?.companyName, fullName: user?.retailerCompany?.companyName, retailerCompanyId: user?.retailerCompany?.id, userImage: user?.retailerCompany?.profilePath !== null ? user?.retailerCompany?.profilePath : role == roles?.brand ? '/profile/seller-default.png' : '/profile/no-profile-image.jpg', }; } let timeout = remember ? moment().add(1, 'year').toDate() : expires;, encodeData(userData), { path: '/', expires: timeout }); }; const getSingle = (name) => { const cookieData = cookie.load(appCookie); if (cookieData !== undefined) { let userData = decodeData(cookieData); return Object.assign([], userData)[name]; } else { return false; } }; const updateSingle = (name, value) => { if (cookie.load(appCookie) !== undefined) { let userData = decodeData(cookie.load(appCookie)); userData[`${name}`] = '' + value.toString();, encodeData(userData), { path: '/', expires }); } else { return false; } }; const isLoggedIn = () => { return getSingle('isLogin') === '1'; }; const logout = async () => { await cookie.remove(appCookie, { path: '/' }); }; const contextCookie = (context, name) => { const cookieData = context.req.cookies[appCookie]; if (cookieData !== undefined) { let userData = decodeData(cookieData); return Object.assign([], userData)[name]; } else { return false; } }; export { encodeData, decodeData, saveData, getSingle, updateSingle, isLoggedIn, logout, contextCookie, };
export const SkeletonOptions = { baseColor: "#202020", highlightColor: "#444" }
import { useEffect } from "react"; import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; const ScrollToTop = () => { const { pathname } = useLocation(); useEffect(() => { window.scrollTo(0, 0); }, [pathname]); return null; } export { ScrollToTop };
/* eslint-disable */ /* class CardInput */ import Visa from '../public/assets/images/cards/Visa.svg'; import Mastercard from "../public/assets/images/cards/MasterCard.svg"; import Amex from "../public/assets/images/cards/AmericanExpress.svg"; import Discover from '../public/assets/images/cards/Discover.svg'; import Unionpay from '../public/assets/images/cards/UnionPay.svg'; import Jcb from '../public/assets/images/cards/JCB.svg'; import Dankort from '../public/assets/images/cards/dankort.svg'; import DinersClub from '../public/assets/images/cards/DinersClub.svg'; import Unknown from '../public/assets/images/cards/Unknown.svg'; const cardImages = { // SVGICONS visa: Visa, mastercard: Mastercard, amex: Amex, discover: Discover, unionpay: Unionpay, jcb: Jcb, dankort: Dankort, dinersclub: DinersClub, unknown: Unknown } let DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH = 3; let DEFAULT_ZIP_LENGTH = 5; let DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT = /(\d{1,4})/g; let CARD_TYPES = [{ type: 'amex', format: /(\d{1,4})(\d{1,6})?(\d{1,5})?/, startPattern: /^3[47]/, maxCardNumberLength: 15, cvcLength: 4, cardInputMask: '9999 999999 99999' }, { type: 'dankort', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^5019/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'hipercard', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(384100|384140|384160|606282|637095|637568|60(?!11))/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'dinersclub', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(36|38|30[0-5])/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'discover', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(6011|65|64[4-9]|622)/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'jcb', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^35/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'laser', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(6706|6771|6709)/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'maestro', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(5018|5020|5038|6304|6703|6708|6759|676[1-3])/, maxCardNumberLength: 19, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'mastercard', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(5[1-5]|677189)|^(222[1-9]|2[3-6]\d{2}|27[0-1]\d|2720)/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'unionpay', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^62/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, luhn: false, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'visaelectron', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^4(026|17500|405|508|844|91[37])/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'elo', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^(4011(78|79)|43(1274|8935)|45(1416|7393|763(1|2))|50(4175|6699|67[0-7][0-9]|9000)|627780|63(6297|6368)|650(03([^4])|04([0-9])|05(0|1)|4(0[5-9]|3[0-9]|8[5-9]|9[0-9])|5([0-2][0-9]|3[0-8])|9([2-6][0-9]|7[0-8])|541|700|720|901)|651652|655000|655021)/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }, { type: 'visa', format: DEFAULT_CARD_FORMAT, startPattern: /^4/, maxCardNumberLength: 16, cvcLength: DEFAULT_CVC_LENGTH, cardInputMask: '9999 9999 9999 9999' }]; let getCardTypeByType = function getCardTypeByType(type) { return CARD_TYPES.filter(function (cardType) { return cardType.type === type; })[0]; }; let getCardTypeByValue = function getCardTypeByValue(value) { return CARD_TYPES.filter(function (cardType) { return cardType.startPattern.test(value); })[0]; }; /* --------- card Expiry --------- */ let isExpiryInvalid = (expiryDate) => { let ERROR_TEXT__INVALID_EXPIRY_DATE = 'Expiry date is invalid'; let ERROR_TEXT__MONTH_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Expiry month must be between 01 and 12'; let ERROR_TEXT__YEAR_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Expiry year cannot be in the past'; let ERROR_TEXT__DATE_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'Expiry date cannot be in the past'; let EXPIRY_DATE_REGEX = /^(\d{2})\/(\d{4}|\d{2})$/; let MONTH_REGEX = /(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/; // let customExpiryErrorTexts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; let splitDate = expiryDate.split('/'); if (!EXPIRY_DATE_REGEX.test(expiryDate)) { return ERROR_TEXT__INVALID_EXPIRY_DATE; } let expiryMonth = splitDate[0]; if (!MONTH_REGEX.test(expiryMonth)) { return ERROR_TEXT__MONTH_OUT_OF_RANGE; } let expiryYear = splitDate[1]; let date = new Date(); let currentYear = date.getFullYear(); let currentMonth = date.getMonth() + 1; currentYear = parseInt(expiryYear.length === 4 ? currentYear : currentYear.toString().substr(-2), 10); if (currentYear > parseInt(expiryYear, 10)) { return ERROR_TEXT__YEAR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if (parseInt(expiryYear, 10) === currentYear && parseInt(expiryMonth, 10) < currentMonth) { return ERROR_TEXT__DATE_OUT_OF_RANGE; } } export { cardImages, getCardTypeByType, getCardTypeByValue, isExpiryInvalid, CARD_TYPES }
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Row, Col, Form, Spinner, Button } from 'react-bootstrap'; import Figure from 'react-bootstrap/Figure'; import { MentionsInput, Mention } from 'react-mentions'; import { ASSETS_URL } from '../config/server.config'; import { ImageGrid } from 'react-fb-image-video-grid'; import mentionsInputStyle from './mentionsInputStyle'; export default function ActivityPost(props) { const filteredUserDatabase = props?.users ?.filter((user) => { return user?.display ?.toLowerCase() ?.includes(props?.searchValue?.toLowerCase()); }) .sort((a, b) => { const nameA =; const nameB =; if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } return 0; }); return ( <> <Row> <Col sm='auto'> <Figure className='figure figure-circle figure-gray-2 figure-62'> <img className='cover' src={ASSETS_URL + props.userImage} alt='profile' /> </Figure> </Col> <Col> <Form.Group className='form-dark'> <MentionsInput className='mention-textarea' placeholder="What's Happening?" value={props.activityComment} onChange={props.postContentHandler} style={mentionsInputStyle} > <Mention trigger='@' data={filteredUserDatabase} renderSuggestion={(suggestion, search, highlightedDisplay) => ( <div className='d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center'> <div className='d-flex align-items-center'> <Figure className='figure figure-circle figure-40 mb-0 me-3'> <img className='cover mention-image' src={ASSETS_URL + suggestion?.profilePath} alt={suggestion?.name} /> </Figure> <div> <h4 className='fs-16 fw-500 my-2'> {suggestion?.name} </h4> <span>@{highlightedDisplay}</span> </div> </div> </div> )} // style={{ // position: "relative", // zIndex: 1, // color: "#63bc44", // fontWeight: 460, // textShadow: // "1px 1px 1px #242424, 1px -1px 1px #242424, -1px 1px 1px #242424, -1px -1px 1px #242424", // pointerEvents: "none" // }} markup='@(__display__)' displayTransform={(id, display) => `@${display}`} onSelect={props.postContentHandlerSelect} /> </MentionsInput> </Form.Group> {/* <Form.Group className="form-dark mt-5"> <Form.Control as="textarea" name='activityComment' value={props.activityComment} onChange={props.postContentHandler} placeholder="What's Happening?" /> </Form.Group> */} <div className='d-flex align-items-start flex-wrap'> <div className='multimediaFiles'> <label htmlFor='multimediaFiles' className={ `btn btn-outline-gray btn-rounded btn-h-30 me-3 mt-3` + (props.isPostLoading || props.isMediaEnable ? ` disabled` : ``) } > <span className='color-20da97 me-2'> <i className='icon icon-image v-align-middle'></i> </span> Media </label> <input type='file' multiple accept='video/*,image/*' onChange={ !props.isPostLoading ? props.attachmentsHandler : null } disabled={props.isPostLoading || props.isMediaEnable} id='multimediaFiles' className='mediaFiles' /> {/* <a href="#" className="btn btn-outline-gray btn-rounded btn-h-30 mt-3"> <span className="color-f8bf52 me-2"><i className="icon icon-video v-align-middle"></i></span> Videos </a> */} </div> </div> </Col> <Col sm='auto'> <button type='submit' className='btn btn-outline-gray btn-wh-150-48 btn-rounded mt-3' onClick={!props.isPostLoading ? props.submitPost : null} disabled={props.isPostLoading || props.isEnable} > {props.isPostLoading ? <Spinner animation='border' /> : 'Post'} </button> </Col> </Row> <Row> <Col sm='auto'> <div style={{ width: '58px' }}></div> </Col> <Col className=' mt-3'> <div className={props.selectedMediaFile.length > 0 ? `grid-wrapper` : ``} > {props.selectedMediaFile &&, index) => { return ( <div key={selectedFile + index} className={ `gallery-image position-relative` + (selectedFile.type === 'video' ? ` gallery-video` : ``) } > <Button variant='' className='btn-remove' onClick={() => props.deleteHandler( index, selectedFile.previewFile, ) } > <i className='fal fa-times'></i> </Button> {selectedFile.type === 'video' ? ( <video controls> <source src={selectedFile.previewFile} type='video/mp4' /> Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos. </video> ) : ( <img className='cover' src={selectedFile.previewFile} alt='upload' /> )} </div> ); })} </div> </Col> </Row> {/* <Row> <Col sm="auto"> <div style={{width : "58px"}}></div> </Col> <Col> <div className="grid-wrapper mt-3"> {props.selectedMediaFile &&, index) => { return ( <div className="" key={selectedFile + index}> <div className="gallery-image"> <Button variant="" className="btn-remove" onClick={() => props.deleteHandler(index, selectedFile.previewFile,}> <i className="fal fa-times"></i> </Button> { selectedFile.type === 'video' ? <video controls> <source src={selectedFile.previewFile} type="video/mp4" /> Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos. </video> : <img className="cover" src={selectedFile.previewFile} alt="upload" /> } </div> </div> ); })} </div> </Col> </Row> */} {/* { props.selectedMediaFile.length > 0 ? <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center' }}> <div style={{ marginBottom: '2rem' }}> <div style={{ width: '60vw', height: '30rem' }}> <ImageGrid showModal={false}> {, index) => { return ( <div className="" key={selectedFile + index}> <div className="gallery-image"> <Button variant="" className="btn-remove" onClick={() => props.deleteHandler(index, selectedFile.previewFile,}> <i className="fal fa-times"></i> </Button> { selectedFile.type === 'video' ? <video controls> <source src={selectedFile.previewFile} type="video/mp4" /> Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos. </video> : <img className="cover" src={selectedFile.previewFile} alt="upload" /> } </div> </div> ); }) } </ImageGrid> </div> </div> </div> : null } */} <hr></hr> </> ); }
import { REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL } from './server.config'; export default class API { // static baseUrl = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development' ? 'http://localhost:3333/api/v1' : ''; static login = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/auth/login'; static checkuser = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/auth/checkuser'; static signIn = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/auth/login'; static signUp = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/auth/register'; static brandSignUp = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/register'; static changePassword = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/me/change-password'; static forgotPassword = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/auth/forgot-password'; static resetPassword = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/auth/reset-password'; static deletAccount = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/delete'; // user Profile routes start static userProfile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/profile'; static updateUserProfile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/update/profile/:id'; static getFile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/get/file/'; static getStates = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/states'; //static getLicenseTypes = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + "/license-types"; static changePassword = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/change-password'; static companyProfile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/company/profile'; static barndrProfile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/brand/profile'; static personalProfile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/personal/profile'; static setMinimumOrderAmount = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/seller/set-minimum-order-amount'; // user Profile routes end // products routes start static getCategories = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/categories'; static getProducts = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/brand'; static getSubCategories = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/sub-categories'; static getMedrec = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/medrec'; static getStrains = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/strains'; static getIO = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/ioro'; static getDrivers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/drivers'; // cart routes start static getCartItems = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/cart/get-items'; static addToCart = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/cart/add-item'; static removeFromCart = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/cart/remove-item'; static updateCartItem = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/cart/update-quantity'; static orderRequest = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/cart/order-request'; // cart routes end // offers routes start static offers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/offers'; static discount = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/offers/discount'; static bulkOrder = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/offers/bulk-order'; // offers routes end // seller product routes start static product = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product'; static productImageUpload = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/image-upload'; static productImageRemove = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/image-remove'; static getMyProducts = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/my'; static myOrdersSeller = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders/seller'; static orderInvoice = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders/invoice/'; static changeProductStatus = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/change/status'; static changeProductStock = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/change/stock'; static productReview = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/review'; static quickEditProduct = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/quick-edit'; static drivers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/drivers'; static changeDriverStatus = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/drivers/change/status'; // seller product routes end // brand details and subscription static dashboardOrdersHistory = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/dashboard/orders/history'; static dashboardProductSoldByStrain = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/dashboard/sold/by/strain'; static dashboardProductSoldByCategory = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/dashboard/sold/by/category'; static brandDetails = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand'; static subscribedPlan = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/subscription'; // brand = seller static upgradeSubscription = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/upgrade-subscription'; // brand = seller static downgradeSubscription = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/downgrade-subscription'; // brand = seller static invoice = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/invoice/'; static reviews = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/review/'; // brand = seller static getProfileDetails = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/profile'; static updateBlockRetailers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/brand/block-retailers'; // retailer details static retailerDetails = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user'; static findAllRetailers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/find-all-retailers'; static userDetails = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/social/profile'; static stores = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/stores'; // companies routes start static companies = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/companies'; // companies routes start // retailer product routes start static getMyProduct = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product'; static getProductList = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/retailer/'; static requestOrder = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/product/order'; static myOrdersRetailer = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders/retailer'; static addToFavourite = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/favourites/handle/favourite'; static myFavourites = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/favourites'; // retailer product routes end //both users start static updateOrder = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders'; static updateOrderDetail = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders/update-detail'; static orderInvoiceItemDetail = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders/update-invoice-item-detail'; static getOrder = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders'; static notifyRetailer = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/orders/notify-retailer'; static messages = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/messages'; static messagesUsersList = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/messages/users-list'; static getMessages = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/messages/all-messages'; static getUnreadCount = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/messages/get/unread/count'; //both users end // products routes end static getPlans = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/plan'; // cms routes start static getCmsData = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/cms'; // cms routes end // contact us static postContactUs = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/contact-us'; static getContactUs = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/contact-us/settings'; static storeFile = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/axis-point'; //Followes static followers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/followers'; static follow = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/followers/follow'; static followings = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/followers/followings'; //Post static posts = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts'; static singlePost = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts/single/'; static postActivity = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts/activity'; static repost = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts/repost'; static axisPointPosts = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts/axis-point'; static axisPointUsers = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts/users'; //Comment static addComment = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/comment'; static addCommentReply = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/comment/reply'; static commentList = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/comment/list'; static replyList = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/comment/replyList'; static singleCommentReplies = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/comment/singleCommentReplies'; // axios point static userWiseCompany = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/user/company'; static handlePostLike = REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/posts/handlePostLike'; }
export const REACT_APP_API_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:3006/api/v1"; export const APP_URL = "http://localhost:3000/"; export const ASSETS_URL = "http://localhost/gmx/assets"; export const APP_NAME = "GMX"; export const SOCKET_URL = "http://localhost:3001/"; export const RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY = "6LfphBgjAAAAAFSzjfFDQ6LW_PCuo9Qo3m0x71-H";
import { getSingle, logout } from '../services/Auth'; const axios = require('axios'); export default class Rest { static async axiosRequest( url, data, reqMethod = '', isMultipart = false, token = '' ) { let headers; if (isMultipart) { headers = { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=<calculated when request is sent>', }; } else { headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; } if (token != '') { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`; } else if (getSingle('token') != null) { headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${getSingle('token')}`; } else { // window.location.replace("/"); } const response = await axios({ url, method: reqMethod !== '' ? reqMethod : 'POST', headers, data, }).catch(function (error) { return error.response; }); if (response.status && response.status === 401) { logout(); } return response; } static showNotConnectedToInternetMsg() { //'You are Offline !', ToastAndroid.LONG); } static showDefaultErrorMsg() { //'Something Went wrong !', ToastAndroid.LONG); } static async checkConnection() { //return await NetInfo.isConnected.fetch(); } }
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import cartReducer from './slices/cartSlice'; import commentSlice from './slices/commentSlice'; import activitiesReducer from './slices/activitiesSlice'; import userReducer from './slices/userSlice'; import companySlice from './slices/companySlice'; export const store = configureStore({ reducer: { cart: cartReducer, comment: commentSlice, activities: activitiesReducer, user: userReducer, company: companySlice }, devTools: true, });
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import API from '../../config/endpoints.config'; import Rest from '../../config/rest.config'; const initialState = { comments: [], singlePost: [], replies: [], createCommentStatus: 'idle', status: 'idle', repliesStatus: 'idle', commentStatus: 'idle', replyStatus: 'idle', error: '', message: '', postId: 0, singlePostId: 0, postCommentCount: 0, isCommentModal: false, modalType: '', singleCommentReplies: [], }; export const createComment = createAsyncThunk( 'post/comment', async (commentData, { rejectWithValue }) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.addComment, commentData, 'POST', true ); if ( { return; } else { return rejectWithValue(; } } ); export const createCommentReply = createAsyncThunk( 'reply/comment', async (commentReplyData, { rejectWithValue }) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.addCommentReply, commentReplyData ); if ( { return; } else { return rejectWithValue(; } } ); export const fetchCommentReply = createAsyncThunk( 'get/comment', async (formData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(API.commentList, formData, 'POST'); return; } ); export const fetchReply = createAsyncThunk( 'get/reply', async (commentUniqueId) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.replyList, commentUniqueId, 'POST' ); return; } ); export const fetchSingleCommentReplies = createAsyncThunk( 'get/singleCommentReply', async (fromData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.singleCommentReplies, fromData, 'POST' ); return; } ); export const getSinglePost = createAsyncThunk( 'get/singlePost', async (postUniqueId) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.singlePost + postUniqueId, {}, 'Get' ); return; } ); const commentSlice = createSlice({ name: 'comment', initialState, reducers: { showModal: (state, action) => { state.isCommentModal = action.payload.modalStatus; state.modalType = action.payload.modalType; }, resetComment: (state) => { return initialState; }, }, extraReducers(builders) { builders .addCase(createComment.pending, (state, action) => { state.createCommentStatus = 'loading'; }) .addCase(createComment.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.createCommentStatus = 'succeeded'; state.message = action.payload.message; state.postCommentCount =; state.postId =; }) .addCase(createComment.rejected, (state, action) => { state.createCommentStatus = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }) .addCase(createCommentReply.pending, (state, action) => { state.replyStatus = 'loading'; }) .addCase(createCommentReply.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.replyStatus = 'succeeded'; }) .addCase(createCommentReply.rejected, (state, action) => { state.replyStatus = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }) .addCase(fetchReply.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchReply.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.status = 'succeeded'; state.replies =; }) .addCase(fetchReply.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }) .addCase(fetchCommentReply.pending, (state, action) => { state.commentStatus = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchCommentReply.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.commentStatus = 'succeeded'; state.comments = action?.payload?.data?.rows; }) .addCase(fetchCommentReply.rejected, (state, action) => { state.commentStatus = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }) .addCase(getSinglePost.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(getSinglePost.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { data } = action.payload; state.status = 'succeeded'; state.singlePost = data; state.singlePostId = parseInt( data[0].parentPost === null ? data[0].id : data[0] ); }) .addCase(getSinglePost.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }) .addCase(fetchSingleCommentReplies.pending, (state, action) => { state.repliesStatus = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchSingleCommentReplies.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.repliesStatus = 'succeeded'; state.singleCommentReplies =; }) .addCase(fetchSingleCommentReplies.rejected, (state, action) => { state.repliesStatus = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }); }, }); export const { resetComment, showModal } = commentSlice.actions; export default commentSlice.reducer;
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import Rest from '../../config/rest.config'; import API from '../../config/endpoints.config'; import { getSingle } from '../../services/Auth'; const initialState = { data: {}, stores: [], store: [], totalItems: 0, status: 'idle', updateStatus: 'idle', error: '', }; export const fetchCartProducts = createAsyncThunk( 'cart/fetchProducts', async () => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(API.getCartItems, {}, 'GET'); return; } ); export const fetchStores = createAsyncThunk('cart/fetchStores', async () => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( `${API.stores}/addresses`, {}, 'GET' ); return; }); export const editStore = createAsyncThunk( 'cart/editStore', async (id, { rejectWithValue }) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.stores + `/${id}`, {}, 'GET', false, getSingle('token') ); if ( { return; } else { return rejectWithValue(; } } ); export const addProductToCart = createAsyncThunk( 'cart/addProductToCart', async (productData, { rejectWithValue }) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(API.addToCart, productData); if ( { return; } else { return rejectWithValue(; } } ); export const removeFromCart = createAsyncThunk( 'cart/removeFromCart', async (cartId) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.removeFromCart, { cartId }, 'DELETE' ); return; } ); export const updateItemQuantity = createAsyncThunk( 'cart/updateItemQuantity', async (data) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(API.updateCartItem, data, 'PUT'); return; } ); const cartSlice = createSlice({ name: 'products', initialState, reducers: { resetCart: (state) => { return initialState; }, resetStore: (state) => { = []; }, }, extraReducers(builders) { builders .addCase(fetchCartProducts.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchCartProducts.fulfilled, (state, action) => { updateCart(state, action); }) .addCase(fetchCartProducts.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(fetchStores.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchStores.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; state.stores = action.payload; }) .addCase(fetchStores.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(editStore.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(editStore.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; = action.payload; }) .addCase(editStore.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(addProductToCart.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(addProductToCart.fulfilled, (state, action) => { updateCart(state, action); }) .addCase(addProductToCart.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.payload.message; }) .addCase(removeFromCart.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(removeFromCart.fulfilled, (state, action) => { updateCart(state, action); }) .addCase(removeFromCart.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(updateItemQuantity.pending, (state, action) => { state.updateStatus = 'loading'; }) .addCase(updateItemQuantity.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { action: selectedAction, cartId, quantity } = action.payload; state.updateStatus = 'succeeded'; const cartProduct = state?.data?.cartItems?.find( (cartProduct) => === cartId ); cartProduct.quantity = quantity; state.totalItems = state?.data?.cartItems?.reduce( (total, currentItem) => (total += currentItem.quantity), 0 ); }) .addCase(updateItemQuantity.rejected, (state, action) => { state.updateStatus = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }); }, }); const updateCart = (state, action) => { state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; if (action.payload) { const { totalItems } = action.payload; state.totalItems = parseInt(totalItems); } = action.payload; }; export const { resetCart, resetStore } = cartSlice.actions; export default cartSlice.reducer;
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice, current } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import Rest from '../../config/rest.config'; import API from '../../config/endpoints.config'; import { getSingle } from '../../services/Auth'; const initialState = { status: 'idle', error: '', user: {}, followersCount: 0, followingsCount: 0, }; export const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk('user/fetchById', async () => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( `${API.userDetails}`, {}, 'GET', false, getSingle('token') ); return; }); export const userSlice = createSlice({ name: 'user', initialState, reducers: { resetUser: (state) => { initialState; }, }, extraReducers: (builders) => { builders .addCase(fetchUserById.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchUserById.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { followersCount, followingsCount } = action.payload; state.user = { ...action.payload }; state.followersCount = followersCount; state.followingsCount = followingsCount; state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; }) .addCase(fetchUserById.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }); }, }); export const { resetUser } = userSlice.actions; export default userSlice.reducer;
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice, current } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import Rest from '../../config/rest.config'; import API from '../../config/endpoints.config'; import { getSingle } from '../../services/Auth'; const initialState = { totalActivites: 0, activities: [], activityPage: 0, status: 'idle', error: '', addRepost: { status: 'idle', error: '' }, addLike: { status: 'idle', error: '' }, deletePost: { status: 'idle', error: '' }, }; export const fetchActivities = createAsyncThunk( 'activities/fetch', async (formData, { rejectWithValue }) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(API.posts, formData, 'POST'); if ( != true) { return rejectWithValue(; } return; } ); export const fetchAxisPointPost = createAsyncThunk( 'activities/fetchAxisPointPost', async (formData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.axisPointPosts, formData, 'POST' ); return; } ); export const handleOnRepost = createAsyncThunk( 'activities/AddRepost', async (formData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(API.repost, formData, 'POST'); return; } ); export const handleDeletePost = createAsyncThunk( 'activities/deletePost', async (id) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest(`${API.posts}`, { id }, 'DELETE'); return; } ); export const handleOnLike = createAsyncThunk( 'activities/AddLike', async (formData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.posts + `/handlePostLike`, formData, 'POST', false, getSingle('token') ); return; } ); export const activitiesSlice = createSlice({ name: 'activities', initialState, reducers: { resetActivities: (state) => { return initialState; }, // fetchMoreActivity: (state) => { // return state.activityPage = state.activityPage + 1; // }, addActivity: (state, action) => { state.activities = [action.payload, ...state.activities]; state.totalActivites = state.totalActivites + 1; }, handleOnComment: (state, action) => { const { postId, postCommentCount } = action.payload; state.activities.forEach((activity) => { if ( == postId) { activity.commentCount = postCommentCount; } else if (activity.repostId == postId) { activity.parentPost.commentCount = postCommentCount; } }); }, }, extraReducers(builders) { builders .addCase(fetchActivities.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchActivities.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { count, rows } = action.payload; //state.activities = [...state.activities, ...rows]; state.activities = rows; state.totalActivites = count; state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; }) .addCase(fetchActivities.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(handleOnRepost.pending, (state, action) => { state.addRepost.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(handleOnRepost.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { totalRepostOnPost, hasUserReposted } = action.payload; const { repostId } = action.meta.arg; const loginUserId = getSingle('role') === '2' ? getSingle('currentBrandId') : getSingle('retailerCompanyId'); if (hasUserReposted == false) { state.activities = state.activities.filter((activity) => { return ( activity.repostId == null || (activity.repostId != repostId && activity.userId != loginUserId) ); }); } state.activities.forEach((activity, index) => { if ( == repostId) { activity.repostCount = totalRepostOnPost; activity.isReposted = hasUserReposted; } else if (activity.repostId == repostId) { activity.parentPost.repostCount = totalRepostOnPost; activity.parentPost.isReposted = hasUserReposted; } }); let resetActivities = []; for (let i = 0; i < state.activities.length; i++) { let activity = { ...state.activities[i] }; if ( == repostId) { activity.repostCount = totalRepostOnPost; activity.isReposted = hasUserReposted; } else if (activity.repostId == repostId) { if (hasUserReposted == false && activity.userId == loginUserId) { continue; } activity.parentPost.repostCount = totalRepostOnPost; activity.parentPost.isReposted = hasUserReposted; } resetActivities[i] = activity; } state.activities = resetActivities; state.addRepost.status = 'succeeded'; state.addRepost.error = ''; }) .addCase(handleOnRepost.rejected, (state, action) => { state.addRepost.status = 'failed'; state.addRepost.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(handleDeletePost.pending, (state, action) => { state.deletePost.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(handleDeletePost.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.deletePost.status = 'succeeded'; state.deletePost.error = ''; state.activities = state?.activities?.filter( (d) => d?.id !== action?.payload?.id ); }) .addCase(handleDeletePost.rejected, (state, action) => { state.deletePost.status = 'failed'; state.deletePost.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(handleOnLike.pending, (state, action) => { state.addLike.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(handleOnLike.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { totalLikesOnPost, hasUserLikedPost } = action.payload; const { pId: postId } = action.meta.arg; state.activities.forEach((activity) => { if ( == postId) { activity.likeCount = totalLikesOnPost; activity.isLiked = hasUserLikedPost; } else if (activity.repostId == postId) { activity.parentPost.likeCount = totalLikesOnPost; activity.parentPost.isLiked = hasUserLikedPost; } }); state.addLike.status = 'succeeded'; state.addLike.error = ''; }) .addCase(handleOnLike.rejected, (state, action) => { state.addLike.status = 'failed'; state.addLike.error = action.error.message; }) .addCase(fetchAxisPointPost.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchAxisPointPost.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { count, rows } = action.payload; state.activities = [...state.activities, ...rows]; //state.activities = rows; state.totalActivites = count; state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; }) .addCase(fetchAxisPointPost.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }); }, }); export const { resetActivities, fetchMoreActivity, addActivity, handleOnComment, } = activitiesSlice.actions; export default activitiesSlice.reducer;
import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'; import Rest from '../../config/rest.config'; import API from '../../config/endpoints.config'; import { getSingle } from '../../services/Auth'; const initialState = { totalCompanies: 0, companies: [], companiesData: [], companyStatus: 'idle', }; export const fetchUsersWiseCompany = createAsyncThunk( 'user`s State/Companies', async (formData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( API.userWiseCompany, formData, 'POST' ); return; } ); export const fetchCompanies = createAsyncThunk( 'company/fetchCompanies', async () => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( `${API.companies}`, {}, 'GET', false, getSingle('token') ); return; } ); export const switchAccount = createAsyncThunk( 'company/switchAccount', async (formData) => { const response = await Rest.axiosRequest( `${API.companies}/switch-account`, formData, 'PATCH', false, getSingle('token') ); return; } ); export const companySlice = createSlice({ name: 'company', initialState, reducers: { resetCompanies: (state) => { return initialState; }, }, extraReducers(builders) { builders .addCase(fetchUsersWiseCompany.pending, (state, action) => { state.companyStatus = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchUsersWiseCompany.fulfilled, (state, action) => { const { count, rows } = action.payload; state.companies = [...state.companies, ...rows]; state.totalCompanies = count; state.companyStatus = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; }) .addCase(fetchUsersWiseCompany.rejected, (state, action) => { state.companyStatus = 'failed'; }) .addCase(fetchCompanies.pending, (state, action) => { state.status = 'loading'; }) .addCase(fetchCompanies.fulfilled, (state, action) => { state.status = 'succeeded'; state.error = ''; state.companiesData = action.payload; }) .addCase(fetchCompanies.rejected, (state, action) => { state.status = 'failed'; state.error = action.error.message; }); }, }); export const { resetCompanies } = companySlice.actions; export default companySlice.reducer;
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12.971 3.413 27.876 6.713 22.983 5.234 48.924 8.42 76.686 9.444 60.302 2.389 112.526-4.892 168.505-23.438 14.336-4.665 27.762-9.671 35.84-13.312 1.934-0.91 6.485-2.958 10.24-4.665 9.33-4.096 20.366-9.557 28.217-13.881 3.527-2.048 9.444-5.234 13.084-7.168 3.527-1.934 7.282-4.21 8.192-5.006 0.91-0.683 2.503-1.707 3.413-2.162 6.144-2.844 40.391-27.307 51.2-36.636 29.696-25.486 47.673-43.804 70.087-71.566 24.235-29.924 49.835-73.956 66.446-114.347 4.21-10.126 6.94-17.408 7.964-21.049 0.91-3.3 1.934-6.372 5.12-15.36 1.365-3.641 2.958-9.216 6.94-24.462 11.947-45.625 16.953-102.969 13.084-150.869-1.934-22.983-6.827-55.865-9.899-65.764-0.91-2.844-1.593-6.144-1.593-7.396 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6.599 4.324 0.91 0 19.684 14.45 27.876 21.504 46.535 40.050 79.986 85.447 105.358 142.905 3.186 7.282 10.695 27.989 13.198 36.409 5.461 18.432 7.396 25.828 10.468 42.098 5.461 29.013 5.689 31.858 5.803 70.542 0 38.457-1.252 53.020-5.803 71.339-0.91 3.641-1.593 7.623-1.593 8.988s-0.683 5.12-1.593 8.306c-0.91 3.186-2.503 9.102-3.641 13.198-7.737 29.241-21.732 63.147-37.433 90.567-5.12 8.761-24.007 36.636-30.834 45.397-17.408 22.073-42.667 47.332-64.74 64.74-8.761 6.827-36.636 25.714-45.397 30.834-22.528 12.857-46.308 23.324-72.363 31.858-21.049 6.94-22.414 7.396-24.462 7.396-1.138 0-4.665 0.683-7.851 1.593-6.372 1.82-17.408 3.982-35.954 7.168-17.522 2.958-83.968 2.958-101.262 0-43.918-7.509-68.38-14.45-102.4-29.013-9.899-4.21-34.247-16.384-36.978-18.432-4.779-3.641-17.294-8.988-23.552-10.24-8.078-1.593-17.067-0.683-27.079 2.844-2.162 0.796-7.054 2.276-10.809 3.413s-8.875 2.617-11.378 3.413c-2.503 0.796-7.623 2.389-11.378 3.413-3.755 1.138-8.875 2.731-11.378 3.413-2.503 0.796-7.623 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<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>IcoMoon Demo</title> <meta name="description" content="An Icon Font Generated By"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="demo-files/demo.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"></head> <body> <div class="bgc1 clearfix"> <h1 class="mhmm mvm"><span class="fgc1">Font Name:</span> gmx <small class="fgc1">(Glyphs:&nbsp;29)</small></h1> </div> <div class="clearfix mhl ptl"> <h1 class="mvm mtn fgc1">Grid Size: Unknown</h1> <div class="glyph fs1"> <div class="clearfix bshadow0 pbs"> <span class="icon-chat-bubble"></span> <span class="mls"> icon-chat-bubble</span> </div> <fieldset class="fs0 size1of1 clearfix hidden-false"> <input type="text" readonly value="e919" class="unit size1of2" /> <input type="text" maxlength="1" readonly value="&#xe919;" class="unitRight size1of2 talign-right" /> </fieldset> <div class="fs0 bshadow0 clearfix hidden-true"> <span class="unit pvs 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/content/gmx-projects/gmx-admin/frontend/public/assets/fonts/theme-icon/Read Me.txt
Open *demo.html* to see a list of all the glyphs in your font along with their codes/ligatures. To use the generated font in desktop programs, you can install the TTF font. In order to copy the character associated with each icon, refer to the text box at the bottom right corner of each glyph in demo.html. The character inside this text box may be invisible; but it can still be copied. See this guide for more info: You won't need any of the files located under the *demo-files* directory when including the generated font in your own projects. You can import *selection.json* back to the IcoMoon app using the *Import Icons* button (or via Main Menu → Manage Projects) to retrieve your icon selection.
@font-face { font-family: 'gmx'; src: url('fonts/gmx.eot?ogh4iu'); src: url('fonts/gmx.eot?ogh4iu#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/gmx.ttf?ogh4iu') format('truetype'), url('fonts/gmx.woff?ogh4iu') format('woff'), url('fonts/gmx.svg?ogh4iu#gmx') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-display: block; } [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] { /* use !important to prevent issues with browser extensions that change fonts */ font-family: 'gmx' !important; speak: never; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-variant: normal; text-transform: none; line-height: 1; /* Better Font Rendering =========== */ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } .icon-chat-bubble:before { content: "\e919"; } .icon-reposts:before { content: "\e91a"; } .icon-share-file:before { content: "\e91b"; } .icon-triangle:before { content: "\e91c"; } .icon-video:before { content: "\e918"; } .icon-add-friend:before { content: "\e915"; } .icon-image:before { content: "\e916"; } .icon-speaker:before { content: "\e917"; } .icon-chevron-circle-right-solid:before { content: "\e900"; } .icon-facebook-f-brands:before { content: "\e901"; } .icon-instagram-brands:before { content: "\e902"; } .icon-linkedin-in-brands:before { content: "\e903"; } .icon-message:before { content: "\e904"; } .icon-phone-solid:before { content: "\e905"; } .icon-twitter-brands:before { content: "\e906"; } .icon-dashboard:before { content: "\e90a"; } .icon-order:before { content: "\e90b"; } .icon-product:before { content: "\e90c"; } .icon-transaction:before { content: "\e90d"; } .icon-user-view:before { content: "\e909"; } .icon-file-upload:before { content: "\e908"; } .icon-envelop:before { content: "\e907"; } .icon-phone:before { content: "\e90e"; } .icon-globe:before { content: "\e90f"; } .icon-pdf-download:before { content: "\e910"; } .icon-call:before { content: "\e911"; } .icon-email:before { content: "\e912"; } .icon-cap:before { content: "\e913"; } .icon-listing:before { content: "\e914"; }
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0.683 0 4.779 2.276 9.102 4.779 5.916 3.641 7.054 5.461 4.779 6.827-4.779 3.186-121.060 1.82-141.767-1.365zM650.809 357.888c-26.169-3.413-49.835-8.647-56.434-12.060-2.503-1.365-6.827-2.503-9.33-2.503-5.689 0-14.336-3.641-47.559-20.025-42.78-20.708-72.59-42.553-104.448-76.459-17.522-18.204-39.367-45.056-39.367-47.787 0-0.683-3.413-6.144-7.282-12.060-6.599-9.557-7.509-12.743-7.509-25.714s0.91-16.156 7.509-25.714c3.868-5.916 7.282-11.378 7.282-12.060 0-2.731 21.845-29.355 38.912-47.332 16.839-17.977 55.524-50.972 63.488-54.613 1.82-0.683 6.599-3.413 10.24-5.689 20.025-12.971 54.841-29.355 72.818-34.361 3.868-0.91 10.012-2.958 13.653-4.324 33.223-11.378 76.231-17.067 116.053-15.474 37.774 1.593 79.189 8.647 98.532 16.612 4.096 1.82 8.875 3.186 10.695 3.186 5.916 0 43.463 17.522 66.901 31.403 33.223 19.342 74.411 54.841 98.076 84.423 14.108 17.749 31.63 44.601 31.858 48.469 0 2.276 2.048 5.234 4.551 6.827 3.186 2.048 4.551 5.461 4.551 10.695 0 4.324-0.683 7.054-1.593 6.372-2.048-2.048-7.509 2.731-7.509 6.827 0 8.875-40.050 61.212-63.943 83.74-12.971 12.288-48.697 40.277-54.386 42.78-1.82 0.91-6.372 3.641-10.24 6.144-17.977 11.605-58.254 29.582-76.914 34.361-4.779 1.138-10.24 2.958-12.516 4.096-5.234 2.731-26.396 6.827-55.068 10.468-28.9 3.868-61.895 3.868-91.022-0.228zM755.484 285.070c21.618-5.006 38.912-10.24 45.966-13.653 3.186-1.82 7.054-3.186 8.647-3.186 2.503 0 26.169-11.378 38.912-18.432 6.599-3.868 36.864-26.396 47.332-35.271 4.096-3.641 15.701-15.701 25.486-27.079 20.48-22.983 21.618-27.534 10.923-39.822-3.641-4.324-12.060-13.881-18.204-21.163-10.24-11.605-36.864-35.044-47.332-41.415-2.048-1.365-7.964-5.234-13.198-8.647-5.461-3.413-10.695-6.144-11.833-6.144s-3.186-1.593-4.779-3.413c-1.593-1.82-4.551-3.413-6.827-3.413s-5.234-1.365-6.599-3.186c-1.365-1.82-5.006-3.641-7.737-4.324s-11.15-3.413-18.66-6.144c-30.948-11.15-68.267-17.977-97.849-18.204-51.883 0-114.233 17.294-153.6 43.008-6.827 4.551-14.108 8.875-15.929 9.557-4.779 2.048-40.277 33.678-51.2 45.511-13.426 14.791-23.893 28.444-23.893 31.63 0 8.875 47.787 58.254 72.818 75.321 35.726 24.121 59.392 34.588 109.227 47.787 26.169 6.827 89.202 7.282 118.329 0.683zM675.84 241.152c-18.432-3.641-38.457-17.977-49.607-35.271-7.964-12.288-14.108-31.858-14.108-44.601 0-11.15 6.599-34.816 10.923-39.14 1.593-1.593 2.731-3.868 2.731-5.234 0-3.641 20.252-22.528 29.582-27.534 26.624-14.108 58.482-12.971 83.513 3.186 15.246 9.785 24.576 20.48 31.858 36.409 4.779 10.468 5.689 15.929 5.689 32.768 0 17.749-0.91 21.618-7.282 34.816-7.964 16.156-23.438 31.858-39.595 39.595-10.695 5.234-39.595 7.964-53.703 5.006z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe90a;" glyph-name="dashboard" d="M458.524 956.587c-1.593-2.503-9.33-4.096-26.396-5.689-13.426-1.365-32.313-4.551-42.098-7.054-10.012-2.731-22.528-5.689-28.217-6.827s-15.246-4.551-21.163-7.737c-6.144-3.186-12.060-5.689-13.198-5.689-3.641 0-69.404-31.403-82.83-39.367-66.446-40.050-130.844-104.448-170.894-170.212-14.336-23.893-39.367-74.183-42.098-84.878-0.91-3.868-3.868-12.743-6.599-19.57s-5.689-16.156-6.599-20.48c-1.138-4.324-2.958-12.288-4.551-17.522-1.365-5.461-3.641-14.108-5.006-19.342-5.689-20.935-7.509-48.469-7.509-106.496 0-58.482 1.82-85.788 7.509-106.951 1.593-5.689 4.324-16.384 6.372-23.893 1.82-7.509 5.916-20.708 9.102-29.582 2.958-8.647 6.372-19.115 7.282-22.756 0.91-3.868 2.731-8.875 4.096-11.378s7.964-15.701 14.564-29.582c28.217-58.482 57.344-98.304 107.861-147.456 22.3-21.618 70.315-58.937 85.333-65.991 1.82-0.91 6.599-3.641 10.24-6.144 3.868-2.503 9.102-5.461 12.060-6.827 2.731-1.138 13.653-6.144 23.893-10.923 10.24-5.006 23.211-10.695 28.9-12.743 5.689-2.276 13.426-5.461 17.067-7.054 28.9-12.288 51.655-17.522 113.323-26.169 19.797-2.958 101.717-2.958 121.515 0 62.35 8.647 92.16 15.701 112.64 26.396 3.186 1.82 7.054 3.186 8.42 3.186 3.868 0 68.949 30.72 83.285 39.367 51.428 31.175 105.586 80.1 144.043 130.617 17.749 23.438 35.044 52.338 50.517 83.74 16.156 33.678 17.294 36.409 27.762 69.404 4.324 13.881 6.372 21.39 13.426 47.787 1.365 5.689 3.413 18.432 4.551 28.444 1.138 12.060 2.958 18.887 5.461 20.708 5.234 3.868 5.234 111.73 0 115.598-2.503 1.82-4.324 8.647-5.461 20.708-1.138 10.012-3.186 22.756-4.551 28.444-1.593 5.689-4.324 16.384-6.372 23.893-1.82 7.509-5.916 20.935-9.102 29.582-2.958 8.875-6.372 19.115-7.282 22.756-0.91 3.868-2.731 8.875-4.096 11.378s-7.964 15.929-14.564 29.582c-15.019 31.403-32.54 60.302-50.29 83.74-38.457 50.517-92.615 99.442-144.043 130.617-13.653 8.192-79.189 39.367-82.83 39.367-1.365 0-7.054 2.503-12.743 5.689-5.916 2.958-14.336 6.144-18.887 7.054-4.779 0.683-12.971 2.731-18.66 4.324-16.612 5.006-33.906 8.192-56.889 10.468-14.791 1.365-22.528 3.186-24.121 5.461-3.868 5.006-98.759 5.006-102.172 0zM530.204 824.604c1.593-1.82 4.096-3.413 5.461-3.413 3.641 0 11.15-8.192 16.384-18.204 4.096-7.509 4.324-18.66 5.461-219.364l1.138-211.172 11.378-5.916c17.977-9.33 44.601-37.319 53.476-56.206 17.522-37.319 17.749-76.004 1.138-111.502-11.15-23.666-26.396-40.505-50.062-55.068-15.019-9.33-47.332-18.887-64.626-18.887-15.019 0-40.732 6.372-57.116 14.336-14.108 6.827-18.432 10.012-31.858 22.528-7.054 6.372-20.48 23.438-20.48 25.941 0 0.91-1.365 3.413-2.958 5.234-1.82 2.048-4.779 8.192-6.827 13.881-10.923 31.403-11.15 67.129-0.455 92.16 1.593 3.868 3.641 8.42 4.324 10.24 2.503 6.599 17.749 27.534 26.396 36.636 5.461 5.689 19.797 15.929 30.265 21.39l9.557 5.234 1.138 212.309c1.138 195.698 1.365 212.992 5.006 219.591 4.096 7.282 10.468 13.426 20.025 19.797 7.737 5.006 39.14 5.461 43.236 0.455zM311.979 727.893c10.923-5.689 27.079-19.797 27.079-23.893 0-1.593 1.365-4.096 3.186-5.461 2.958-2.503 6.144-15.701 7.282-29.81 1.365-19.115-15.246-46.194-33.906-55.296-16.384-7.737-25.486-9.33-40.732-6.144-7.964 1.593-15.929 4.324-17.977 5.916-1.82 1.82-4.551 3.186-5.689 3.186-3.868 0-18.432 16.612-23.438 26.624-6.827 13.653-6.599 40.050 0.228 53.476 6.372 11.833 18.432 24.348 30.265 30.72 12.743 6.827 40.732 7.282 53.703 0.683zM759.808 727.438c12.516-6.144 25.031-18.204 31.63-30.948 6.827-13.426 7.054-39.822 0.228-53.476-5.006-10.012-19.57-26.624-23.438-26.624-1.138 0-3.868-1.365-5.689-3.186-2.048-1.593-10.012-4.324-17.977-5.916-11.378-2.276-16.156-2.276-23.893-0.228-27.534 8.192-41.415 22.073-49.607 49.607-2.048 7.737-2.048 12.516 0.228 23.893 1.593 7.964 4.324 15.929 5.916 17.977 1.82 1.82 3.186 4.551 3.186 5.689 0 3.641 16.384 18.204 26.169 23.211 12.971 6.827 39.14 6.827 53.248 0zM220.046 501.703c8.875-4.779 20.708-16.156 23.666-22.756 1.138-2.731 2.958-6.372 4.096-8.192 5.006-8.42 7.054-25.031 4.551-35.726-1.365-6.144-3.413-12.516-4.551-14.336s-2.958-5.461-4.096-8.192c-3.186-7.282-14.791-17.977-25.714-23.666-7.964-4.324-13.198-5.234-29.355-5.234-18.66 0-20.025 0.455-32.313 8.42-20.935 13.881-29.355 29.355-29.355 53.703 0 17.749 1.82 22.983 12.743 39.14 5.461 8.192 25.941 21.618 34.361 22.756 12.743 1.365 38.684-2.048 45.966-5.916zM863.573 499.2c20.48-13.653 28.9-29.127 28.9-53.476s-8.42-39.822-29.355-53.703c-12.288-7.964-13.653-8.42-32.313-8.42-16.156 0-21.39 0.91-29.355 5.234-10.923 5.689-22.528 16.384-25.714 23.666-1.138 2.731-2.958 6.372-4.096 8.192s-3.186 8.192-4.551 14.336c-5.689 24.121 9.102 54.158 33.223 67.129 6.827 3.641 12.971 4.779 29.81 4.779 20.708 0.228 21.618 0 33.451-7.737z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe90b;" glyph-name="order" d="M186.596 906.069c-10.24-6.827-16.384-13.198-20.708-21.618-4.096-8.192-4.324-20.252-4.324-443.733l0.228-435.314 5.234-9.102c2.731-5.006 9.102-11.833 14.108-15.246l8.875-6.144 643.527-0.228 8.192 5.006c10.012 6.144 12.516 9.33 18.432 21.618 4.551 9.33 4.551 14.108 4.096 311.751l-0.683 302.194-128.569 1.138c-141.084 1.138-137.216 0.91-150.414 15.246-13.881 14.791-13.426 9.102-13.426 149.732v128.569l-189.326-0.228c-171.577 0-190.009-0.455-195.243-3.641zM680.619 493.739c5.916-6.144 6.599-7.964 6.599-22.3-0.228-17.294-3.186-22.756-14.791-27.534-5.234-2.276-43.008-2.731-163.157-2.276-184.775 0.683-168.619-1.82-169.756 28.444-0.683 17.977-0.455 18.432 6.372 24.348l7.282 5.916h320.853l6.599-6.599zM679.253 377.23c8.192-7.282 8.192-7.282 7.509-24.576-0.683-16.612-0.91-17.294-8.42-22.3l-7.737-5.234h-317.44l-7.054 5.916c-6.827 5.689-7.054 6.599-7.054 23.893v17.749l8.42 5.916 8.647 5.689h314.937l8.192-7.054zM678.343 260.722c7.509-5.006 7.737-5.689 8.42-21.845 0.455-13.426-0.228-17.522-3.413-21.163-10.012-11.15-6.144-10.923-171.804-10.923h-155.42l-8.647 5.689-8.42 5.916v17.749c0 17.294 0.228 18.204 7.054 23.893l7.054 5.916h317.44l7.737-5.234zM631.922 908.345c-0.91-0.683-1.593-52.793-1.593-115.826 0-101.945 0.455-114.46 3.641-115.598 2.048-0.683 53.476-1.365 114.46-1.365 83.058 0 111.502 0.683 113.55 2.731 4.096 4.096 3.413 14.336-1.593 25.259-5.234 11.15-190.236 196.836-202.069 202.752-7.282 3.641-23.666 5.006-26.396 2.048z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe90c;" glyph-name="product" d="M413.013 950.443c-277.845-64.512-457.387-330.752-403.115-598.357 12.288-61.099 35.499-122.539 45.739-122.539 5.12 0 45.056 18.091 51.541 23.552 1.024 0.683-6.485 23.893-16.384 51.883-85.675 239.957 63.488 512 316.416 576.171 110.592 27.989 278.528-2.389 350.549-63.147l17.067-14.677h-15.36c-13.995-0.341-15.36-3.755-15.36-34.475v-34.133h70.997c90.112 0 89.088-1.024 82.603 88.747-5.461 77.824-4.779 76.459-47.445 70.656-29.355-4.096-31.744-5.803-27.989-20.48 5.12-20.48 6.144-20.821-47.104 11.605-103.083 62.464-254.976 89.771-362.155 65.195zM380.928 711.168c-69.973-33.792-129.365-63.829-131.755-66.219-2.048-2.389 19.797-17.408 49.152-33.109 29.355-16.043 70.315-38.229 90.795-49.493 20.821-11.264 56.32-31.061 79.531-43.691l41.984-23.211 132.096 72.363c72.363 39.595 133.12 73.387 134.485 75.093 2.731 2.389-22.869 14.677-200.363 98.304l-68.267 32.085-127.659-62.123zM938.667 655.189c-11.264-6.144-21.163-11.605-21.845-12.288-1.024-0.683 6.485-23.893 16.384-51.883 115.371-322.901-186.709-655.36-523.605-576.171-73.045 17.067-185.344 78.165-144.043 78.165 12.629 0 14.336 3.755 14.336 34.133v34.133h-70.997c-90.112 0-89.088 1.024-82.603-88.747 5.461-77.824 3.072-73.728 46.763-69.632 30.72 2.731 32.427 3.755 28.672 19.115-5.12 21.163-5.12 21.163 48.128-11.264 407.211-249.515 925.696 188.075 738.645 623.275-15.36 35.499-19.456 37.205-49.835 21.163zM191.147 421.717v-148.821l133.803-64.512c73.728-35.157 136.875-65.195 140.288-66.56s5.461 55.979 4.096 139.605l-1.707 141.653-30.72 18.091c-16.725 9.899-58.368 33.109-92.16 51.2-33.792 18.432-79.872 43.691-102.4 55.979s-43.349 22.187-46.080 22.528c-2.731 0-5.12-66.901-5.12-149.163zM684.373 496.811l-131.413-72.704v-141.995c0-78.165 2.389-140.629 5.12-139.264 2.731 1.707 22.187 10.923 42.667 20.139 20.821 9.557 79.872 37.547 131.413 62.123l93.867 44.715v150.528c0 82.944-2.389 150.187-5.12 149.845s-64.171-33.109-136.533-73.387z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe90d;" glyph-name="transaction" d="M409.6 949.419c-60.757-13.312-110.251-31.744-114.688-43.008-7.168-19.115 31.744-84.651 48.469-80.896 8.192 1.707 39.253 9.899 68.949 17.749 332.8 88.405 621.568-270.677 465.579-578.56-22.528-44.373-25.6-45.397-49.152-20.821-53.931 57.003-64.171 44.715-64.171-74.752 0.341-120.149-9.557-110.933 116.053-108.885 121.856 2.389 123.904 3.755 78.165 52.907l-31.744 34.133 19.797 32.427c231.765 380.587-105.131 863.232-537.259 769.707zM42.667 839.509c-14.336-5.803-9.557-20.821 15.019-46.763 42.325-44.715 41.301-40.619 18.091-78.507-206.848-336.555 40.619-778.24 436.224-778.24 82.603 0 212.651 33.792 217.088 56.661 4.437 22.187-32.427 81.579-48.469 77.824-8.192-1.707-39.253-9.899-68.949-17.749-332.8-88.405-621.568 270.677-465.579 578.56 22.869 45.056 23.211 45.056 58.027 13.653 16.384-14.677 33.109-25.6 37.547-24.235 11.605 3.755 13.995 210.261 2.731 217.429-9.557 6.144-187.392 7.168-201.728 1.365zM433.493 709.12c-296.96-106.155-233.813-531.115 78.507-530.773 292.864 0.341 376.832 392.875 110.592 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126.748-1.138 27.534 5.916 38.002 8.875 44.601 12.060 3.641 1.82 7.964 3.186 9.557 3.186s5.916 1.365 9.557 3.186c3.413 1.82 10.468 5.006 15.474 7.282 22.3 10.24 53.931 31.175 70.542 46.649 5.006 4.779 11.833 10.923 15.019 13.881s9.785 8.875 14.564 13.198c4.779 4.324 10.468 9.102 12.743 10.24 5.689 3.413 24.576 26.169 29.582 35.726 3.186 6.372 4.324 13.198 4.324 26.624 0 16.156-0.91 19.57-7.964 33.451-13.198 25.259-37.092 50.517-88.747 93.070-5.916 5.006-14.564 12.288-18.887 15.929-15.019 12.971-31.175 23.666-49.38 32.54-32.768 16.384-36.181 17.294-59.847 17.067-19.797 0-23.666-0.683-37.092-7.282-8.42-3.868-16.384-8.647-17.977-10.468s-3.868-3.413-5.006-3.413c-2.958 0-34.588-28.672-55.068-49.607-8.875-9.33-18.204-17.749-20.708-18.887s-8.647-4.779-13.653-7.737c-7.964-4.779-11.833-5.689-29.81-5.689-29.81 0-56.206 10.695-93.070 38.002-35.271 26.169-120.377 115.598-144.498 152.007-1.82 2.731-7.964 11.605-13.653 19.57-28.217 40.050-43.918 73.728-48.014 102.172-2.731 18.204-0.455 46.649 3.868 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35.271-2.503zM714.98 624.811c0.683-6.144 2.503-14.108 3.868-17.977s2.503-10.695 2.503-15.246c0-4.551 1.138-11.833 2.503-16.156 2.503-8.42 6.827-52.11 6.599-66.446 0-4.551 0.91-12.516 2.048-17.294 0.91-5.006 1.138-10.468 0-12.060-2.731-4.551-185.23-5.006-188.871-0.683-3.186 3.868-2.958 141.995 0.228 145.18 2.503 2.503 9.102 3.186 42.098 4.779 12.516 0.683 32.085 1.593 43.236 2.276 11.378 0.455 25.031 0.91 30.72 1.138 5.689 0 11.833 0.91 13.653 2.048 1.82 1.365 11.605 2.048 21.618 1.82l18.204-0.455 1.593-10.923zM225.052 414.094c3.186-3.186 4.324-7.964 4.551-21.845 0.228-9.785 0.91-18.66 1.593-19.57 1.365-2.276 3.186-14.108 4.551-29.355 0.683-6.827 2.503-20.708 4.324-30.72 1.593-10.012 3.641-27.534 4.551-38.912 1.593-22.983 0.91-24.576-12.516-26.624-11.605-1.593-33.678-6.144-46.649-9.557-35.044-9.33-53.476-12.971-59.164-11.605-3.186 0.91-8.192 8.192-15.701 23.438-5.916 12.288-12.060 24.348-13.198 26.852-1.365 2.503-3.413 7.509-4.324 11.378-0.91 3.641-3.868 12.516-6.599 19.342s-5.916 17.294-6.827 23.211c-1.138 6.144-2.731 12.060-3.413 13.198-3.868 6.372-11.605 65.991-9.33 71.68 1.138 2.958 12.971 3.413 77.596 3.413 71.225 0 76.459-0.228 80.555-4.324zM479.46 415.46c2.503-2.503 2.503-141.767 0-144.27-1.138-0.91-21.163-2.503-44.373-3.641-23.438-0.91-46.194-2.276-50.517-2.731-4.324-0.683-22.3-1.82-39.822-2.503-37.547-1.593-36.864-2.048-40.050 20.708-1.138 8.42-2.958 16.839-4.096 18.887-0.91 2.048-2.503 12.971-3.413 23.893-0.683 11.15-2.503 22.073-3.641 24.348-2.503 4.779-3.186 64.398-0.683 66.901 2.276 2.276 184.32 0.683 186.596-1.593zM727.495 417.052c4.779-1.365 5.006-2.276 3.868-18.887-3.413-54.841-7.964-90.795-13.653-110.82-1.82-6.372-3.186-14.108-3.186-17.522 0-3.186-1.138-6.599-2.731-7.509-3.868-2.503-49.607-1.138-83.74 2.503-10.24 1.138-51.883 3.641-69.404 4.096l-13.653 0.455-0.683 71.68c-0.228 39.367 0 72.818 0.683 74.411 0.683 2.276 20.48 2.958 89.202 2.958 48.469 0 90.567-0.683 93.298-1.365zM952.092 417.052c3.186-1.138 3.413-4.324 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3.186 10.923 2.276 25.486 0.683 27.762-2.731zM566.613 208.384c4.324-0.91 23.893-2.048 43.236-2.731s39.367-1.82 44.373-2.276c5.006-0.683 15.701-1.593 23.666-2.048 7.964-0.683 15.019-1.82 15.929-2.503 0.683-0.91-0.455-4.551-2.731-8.192-2.048-3.868-3.868-8.42-3.868-10.012s-1.365-5.916-3.186-9.557c-1.82-3.413-4.779-10.012-6.827-14.336-4.551-10.923-12.743-27.534-15.701-32.996-28.444-49.607-58.254-83.968-89.202-102.855-11.605-7.054-25.259-12.288-27.989-10.468-4.551 2.958-4.324 194.105 0.455 197.518 3.413 2.503 8.875 2.731 21.845 0.455zM264.875 189.724c1.82-1.82 4.096-5.689 4.779-8.647 0.91-2.731 2.731-7.964 4.551-11.833 1.593-3.641 4.551-10.468 6.372-14.791 17.067-39.14 26.624-58.254 38.229-76.231 2.276-3.641 5.234-8.875 6.372-11.378s5.916-10.24 10.24-17.067c9.102-13.653 10.468-19.57 4.324-16.156-5.006 2.503-18.887 8.647-23.438 10.24-1.82 0.683-5.461 2.503-7.964 4.096-7.509 4.324-11.15 6.144-15.929 8.647-2.503 1.365-7.509 4.324-11.378 6.827-3.641 2.503-8.42 5.234-10.24 6.144-1.82 0.683-7.054 4.324-11.605 7.964-4.551 3.413-9.557 6.372-10.695 6.372-1.365 0-3.413 1.365-4.324 2.958s-6.827 6.827-12.743 11.378c-23.666 17.749-69.86 65.308-69.86 71.908 0 1.365 2.048 2.503 4.779 2.503 4.324 0 14.564 2.276 48.014 10.468 7.282 1.82 15.929 3.186 19.342 3.413 3.641 0 10.012 1.593 14.336 3.186 10.468 4.096 12.743 4.096 16.839 0zM780.288 186.311c3.641 0 9.557-1.138 13.198-2.503 3.413-1.365 11.605-3.413 17.749-4.551 32.085-5.461 46.649-9.557 46.649-13.198 0-3.413-22.983-28.217-48.014-51.655-10.695-9.785-53.248-42.325-58.937-44.828-1.82-0.91-6.372-3.641-10.24-5.916-3.641-2.503-11.378-6.599-17.067-9.33s-11.833-5.916-13.653-7.054c-1.82-1.138-5.006-2.731-6.827-3.413s-6.372-2.731-9.785-4.551c-8.875-4.324-12.971-4.096-12.971 1.138 0 2.503 0.683 4.779 1.82 5.234 2.731 1.138 22.073 29.355 24.576 35.954 0.683 1.82 2.048 5.006 3.186 6.827s5.916 11.15 10.468 20.48c4.551 9.33 9.102 18.66 10.24 20.48s2.731 5.006 3.413 6.827c0.683 1.82 2.503 6.599 4.324 10.24 1.593 3.868 3.641 8.875 4.096 11.378 2.503 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34.133-0.91 74.183-0.683 83.513 0.228 82.148 0.683 67.129-17.294-5.006-5.916-13.198-16.156-18.66-23.211-5.234-7.054-10.468-13.426-11.378-14.108s-9.785-11.378-19.797-23.893c-10.012-12.288-19.797-24.121-21.618-26.169-3.413-3.868-18.432-22.756-35.954-45.284-5.234-6.827-10.695-13.198-12.060-14.108-1.365-0.683-2.048-3.413-1.593-5.689 0.683-4.096 4.779-4.324 91.705-5.006 50.062-0.455 96.484 0 103.083 0.683l11.833 1.365v666.51l-7.282 0.228c-4.096 0.228-62.578 0.455-129.707 0.683-85.561 0.228-122.88 0.91-124.7 2.731s-2.503 38.229-2.276 123.335c0 66.446-0.455 124.928-1.365 129.934l-1.593 9.33h-456.476l-1.365-11.833zM695.182 927.687c-2.048-5.234-0.228-169.529 1.82-171.804 2.731-2.503 170.212-3.641 172.715-1.138 1.138 1.138-32.768 36.864-80.782 84.878-97.621 97.621-92.16 92.388-93.753 88.064zM5.234 776.135l-5.234-0.683v-295.595l515.413 1.138 0.455 144.498c0.455 85.106-0.228 145.863-1.365 147.684-1.82 2.958-36.864 3.413-253.269 3.413-138.126 0.228-253.269 0-256-0.455zM129.707 715.15c13.198-3.186 17.294-5.461 26.396-14.791 13.881-14.108 20.252-31.63 16.612-45.739-1.365-5.461-2.958-12.288-3.641-15.246s-6.599-10.468-12.971-17.067c-9.33-9.33-14.791-12.516-26.169-15.701-7.737-2.276-16.612-3.641-19.115-2.958-10.012 2.503-11.378-0.683-11.605-31.858l-0.228-29.355-17.067-1.365c-9.33-0.683-18.432-0.683-19.797-0.228-2.276 0.683-2.958 20.252-2.958 87.836 0 48.014 0.683 87.836 1.593 88.519 2.958 3.186 53.476 1.593 68.949-2.048zM268.516 715.15c30.492-5.461 46.194-16.156 59.392-40.732 5.916-10.695 11.833-38.457 10.468-48.242-4.096-28.217-7.054-38.684-14.108-49.607-9.557-15.019-15.246-19.797-32.313-28.444l-14.336-6.827-36.864 0.455-37.092 0.683-0.683 85.333c-0.228 46.876 0 86.471 0.455 88.064 1.593 3.868 40.050 3.641 65.081-0.683zM455.339 700.587c0.683-9.33 0.683-18.204 0.228-19.797-0.683-1.82-8.42-2.958-23.893-3.413l-23.211-0.683-0.683-10.012c-0.455-5.689-0.228-12.516 0.683-15.474 1.365-5.461 1.82-5.461 22.756-5.006 11.833 0.455 22.073 0 22.983-0.683 1.82-1.82 1.82-33.451 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2.958-12.516 4.324-13.653 5.461-55.979 14.791-91.477 19.797-30.037 4.324-92.615 4.096-122.425-0.228zM571.847 920.178c60.53-8.192 106.724-22.528 159.744-49.38 48.014-24.576 83.74-50.517 121.742-88.292 48.924-49.152 80.782-98.076 109.909-169.529 5.234-12.743 16.156-49.38 20.48-68.267 17.067-76.004 13.426-165.433-10.012-242.347-6.372-20.935-9.33-28.444-18.432-50.062-48.924-113.095-139.719-204.117-252.132-252.132-22.3-9.557-29.355-12.060-50.062-18.432-78.052-23.666-158.834-27.307-241.209-10.24-17.749 3.641-56.889 15.246-70.542 21.163-4.324 1.82-12.516 5.234-18.204 7.509-111.047 47.104-204.345 140.174-252.132 252.132-9.557 22.3-12.060 29.355-18.432 50.062-27.762 91.477-27.762 188.416 0 279.893 6.372 20.708 8.875 27.762 18.432 50.062 47.787 111.957 141.084 205.028 252.132 252.132 5.689 2.276 13.881 5.689 18.204 7.509 13.426 5.689 52.565 17.522 70.542 21.39 50.062 10.24 113.323 12.971 159.972 6.827zM337.92 697.628c-27.534-21.845-53.476-48.924-53.476-55.751 0-1.138-1.593-3.413-3.413-5.006s-3.413-4.324-3.413-6.372c0-1.82-1.365-5.234-2.958-7.054-3.186-3.641-7.737-17.749-14.108-42.553-4.324-17.522-4.324-49.152 0-63.716 1.82-6.144 3.413-13.653 3.413-16.612 0-6.144 5.916-25.714 10.468-34.816 1.82-3.186 3.186-7.054 3.186-8.647 0-2.958 20.935-45.739 27.307-55.751 2.503-3.641 5.461-8.875 6.827-11.378 5.006-10.012 34.816-48.697 60.53-78.507 18.432-21.618 48.469-51.883 65.764-66.219 5.006-4.324 11.15-9.557 13.653-11.833 4.096-3.868 30.265-21.845 40.96-28.217 12.060-7.054 51.428-25.714 54.613-25.714 2.048 0 5.689-1.138 8.192-2.503 7.282-3.868 40.505-8.875 59.164-8.875 19.797 0 40.277 3.186 53.248 8.192 12.743 5.006 24.348 10.24 28.444 12.516 1.82 1.138 5.006 2.731 6.827 3.641 7.737 3.413 34.133 25.941 52.793 45.056 5.461 5.689 10.923 18.204 10.923 25.031 0 9.102-8.647 25.486-20.025 38.002-9.33 10.012-52.11 46.421-59.62 50.745-25.486 14.108-46.421 16.612-63.488 7.737-10.012-5.234-26.852-19.115-38.912-32.54-30.265-33.223-68.494-18.66-133.348 51.2-9.785 10.923-35.499 44.373-38.002 49.835-0.91 1.82-3.641 6.599-5.916 10.24-20.935 32.54-22.756 61.212-4.551 76.914 4.324 4.096 15.474 13.198 24.348 20.48 20.025 16.612 26.169 24.348 31.175 40.277 3.868 12.288 3.868 13.198-0.683 27.307-4.779 15.246-9.785 27.307-14.791 35.271-19.57 31.63-33.906 50.972-45.511 61.44-13.426 12.288-14.108 12.516-27.534 12.516-13.653 0-14.336-0.228-32.085-14.336z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe912;" glyph-name="email" d="M451.98 957.251c0.229-2.062-4.353-3.665-13.287-4.811-24.512-3.207-69.183-13.287-81.324-18.098-3.207-1.374-8.705-3.207-12.6-4.353-22.679-5.956-69.87-27.719-101.484-46.733-65.747-39.402-131.723-105.378-171.125-171.125-18.785-31.384-40.089-77.659-46.962-101.484-0.916-3.665-2.978-9.851-4.123-13.745-8.018-23.596-13.516-48.336-18.556-83.157-3.207-21.305-3.207-114.541 0-136.075 11.454-79.492 36.195-146.384 78.575-212.589 37.34-58.187 101.942-120.727 162.191-156.922 31.613-19.014 78.804-40.777 101.484-46.733 3.894-1.145 9.392-2.978 12.6-4.353 13.058-5.269 51.544-13.745 84.302-18.556 21.534-3.207 114.541-3.207 136.075 0 32.759 4.811 71.245 13.287 84.302 18.556 3.207 1.374 8.934 3.207 12.6 4.353 36.424 9.621 100.338 42.838 139.74 72.619 73.994 56.125 125.308 120.498 164.481 206.862 16.952 36.882 31.843 89.8 37.57 133.784 1.145 8.934 2.749 13.516 4.811 13.287 2.062-0.458 2.749 12.37 2.749 57.729s-0.687 58.187-2.749 57.958c-2.062-0.458-3.665 4.123-4.811 13.058-5.727 43.984-20.617 96.902-37.57 133.784-39.173 86.364-90.488 150.736-164.481 206.862-39.402 29.781-103.316 62.998-139.74 72.619-3.665 1.145-9.392 2.978-12.6 4.353-12.141 4.811-56.813 14.89-81.324 18.098-8.934 1.145-13.516 2.749-13.058 4.811 0.229 2.062-12.6 2.749-57.958 2.749s-58.187-0.687-57.729-2.749zM568.813 926.783c60.936-8.247 107.44-22.679 160.816-49.711 70.328-35.966 123.705-81.553 173.416-148.446 11.225-15.119 37.34-59.332 44.671-75.597 13.516-30.010 18.327-42.838 25.657-66.434 23.825-78.117 27.49-163.336 10.309-242.828-4.123-19.243-15.119-55.896-20.847-69.87-29.552-72.619-60.936-120.727-110.647-170.667-49.482-49.253-98.735-81.324-170.667-110.647-13.974-5.727-50.627-16.723-69.87-20.847-66.434-14.203-135.388-14.203-203.884 0-17.868 3.665-57.271 15.349-71.016 21.305-4.353 1.833-12.6 5.269-18.327 7.56-103.774 43.984-195.408 130.806-243.286 230.915-13.745 28.864-21.076 47.42-29.094 73.306-14.203 46.504-20.847 91.862-20.847 140.886 0 78.346 17.181 149.362 53.147 219.919 51.773 101.255 137.45 181.663 240.079 225.188 5.727 2.291 13.974 5.727 18.327 7.56 13.516 5.727 52.918 17.639 71.016 21.534 50.398 10.309 114.083 13.058 161.045 6.872zM271.921 633.099c-0.916-0.687-1.604-2.52-1.604-3.665 0-2.749 204.571-206.862 215.338-214.88 15.119-11.454 39.86-12.6 54.751-2.749 3.207 2.062 52.231 49.711 108.814 105.836s104.92 104.004 107.211 106.294c2.52 2.291 3.894 5.498 3.436 6.872-0.687 2.062-58.645 2.978-243.744 3.436-133.555 0.229-243.515-0.229-244.202-1.145zM241.911 599.882c-3.207-4.582-3.665-23.366-3.665-158.983 0-145.926 0.229-153.944 4.123-157.38 2.291-2.291 4.582-3.894 5.269-3.894 1.374 0 162.42 161.045 162.42 162.649 0 1.833-161.274 162.649-163.107 162.649-0.916 0-3.207-2.291-5.040-5.040zM701.451 524.743c-44.213-44.213-80.637-81.553-80.637-83.157 0-3.894 160.587-162.191 163.565-161.274 3.436 1.145 3.436 322.778 0.229 323.923-1.374 0.458-38.715-35.508-83.157-79.492zM351.642 336.895c-43.984-43.984-80.179-81.324-80.179-82.928 0-2.52 45.358-2.978 242.599-3.665 138.137-0.229 243.744 0.458 244.889 1.604 2.062 2.062-155.547 161.274-162.191 163.794-2.062 0.687-7.56-2.978-14.203-9.621-26.115-26.115-40.319-32.988-67.579-32.988-25.886 0-40.089 6.414-62.54 28.177-8.934 8.705-17.41 15.807-18.556 15.807s-38.028-35.966-82.241-80.179z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe913;" glyph-name="cap" d="M485.831 807.538c-23.211-11.15-44.373-20.48-46.421-20.48-1.138 0-5.006-1.593-8.647-3.413-3.413-1.82-12.516-5.916-20.025-9.33-7.509-3.186-17.749-7.737-22.756-9.785-9.33-4.324-30.72-13.653-59.164-25.941-8.647-3.641-22.3-9.785-30.037-13.198-7.964-3.641-15.701-6.599-17.522-6.599-1.593 0-4.324-1.593-5.916-3.413s-4.551-3.413-6.599-3.413c-2.048 0-9.785-2.958-16.839-6.827-7.282-3.641-15.019-6.827-17.294-6.827-2.048 0-4.779-0.91-5.916-2.048-1.365-1.138-8.875-4.779-17.067-8.192-13.653-5.689-34.361-14.791-70.087-31.175-7.737-3.413-14.791-6.372-15.701-6.372-1.82 0-18.432-7.509-32.996-15.019-6.144-2.958-12.743-5.461-15.019-5.461s-5.916-1.365-8.42-3.186c-2.503-1.593-16.384-7.964-30.72-13.881-32.996-13.881-38.684-19.342-38.684-38.229 0-9.785 1.138-15.246 4.551-19.797 4.324-6.144 30.492-20.48 37.319-20.48 1.593 0 4.324-1.593 5.916-3.413s4.551-3.413 6.827-3.413c2.276 0 10.24-3.186 17.749-6.827 7.737-3.868 14.791-6.827 15.929-6.827 1.365 0 8.42-2.958 15.929-6.827 7.737-3.641 15.246-6.827 17.067-6.827s4.551-1.593 6.144-3.413c1.593-1.82 4.096-3.413 5.689-3.413s9.102-2.958 16.612-6.827c7.737-3.641 14.791-6.827 15.929-6.827s6.599-2.276 12.060-5.234l10.012-5.461 1.138-111.275c0.91-83.058 1.82-112.64 4.096-116.281 1.365-2.731 2.731-6.599 2.731-8.647 0-5.916 15.474-35.271 24.576-46.649 14.564-18.204 31.175-32.996 50.517-45.511 17.067-11.15 19.342-12.288 38.684-21.845 24.121-11.833 28.9-13.881 44.373-18.204 7.509-2.048 17.294-5.006 21.618-6.599 8.42-3.186 48.924-10.923 76.231-14.791 20.48-2.731 95.573-2.731 116.053 0 27.307 3.868 67.812 11.605 76.231 14.791 4.324 1.593 14.108 4.551 21.618 6.599 15.474 4.324 20.252 6.372 44.373 18.204 53.020 25.941 85.788 54.841 104.676 91.932 13.881 27.762 14.108 29.81 15.246 148.366 0.683 70.77 1.82 108.999 3.413 110.82 1.365 1.593 4.096 2.958 6.372 2.958s5.234 1.593 6.827 3.641c1.82 1.82 5.689 3.186 8.875 2.731l5.916-0.683 0.228-171.804c0-184.32-0.455-176.356 11.833-189.326 5.006-5.461 7.509-6.372 19.342-6.372 16.156 0 20.48 2.048 27.762 13.653l5.689 9.102v188.871c0 177.948 0.228 189.099 4.096 190.464 2.048 0.683 10.24 4.096 18.204 7.737 7.737 3.641 15.474 6.599 17.294 6.599 1.593 0 4.324 1.593 5.916 3.413s4.324 3.413 5.916 3.413c6.372 0 32.996 14.336 36.636 19.57 1.82 2.958 5.006 5.461 6.599 5.461 2.503 0 3.186 3.641 3.186 14.791 0 10.012-0.91 14.791-2.731 14.791-1.593 0-5.461 2.958-8.647 6.372-3.413 4.096-15.701 10.695-31.858 17.522-14.336 6.144-28.217 12.516-30.72 14.108s-6.144 2.958-8.42 2.958c-2.276 0-8.875 2.503-15.019 5.461-14.564 7.509-31.175 15.019-32.996 15.019-1.593 0-10.012 3.868-46.649 20.708-7.737 3.641-15.474 6.599-17.294 6.599-1.593 0-4.324 1.593-5.916 3.413s-4.324 3.413-5.916 3.413c-1.82 0-9.785 3.186-17.522 6.827-7.964 3.868-15.474 6.827-16.612 6.827s-8.647 3.186-16.839 7.054c-25.031 12.288-27.534 13.426-29.81 13.426-1.138 0-8.42 2.958-16.384 6.599-13.198 6.144-28.217 12.516-63.033 27.534-8.192 3.641-24.804 11.15-37.092 16.839s-23.666 10.468-25.259 10.468c-1.593 0-4.779 1.593-7.282 3.413-2.276 1.82-5.689 3.413-7.282 3.413-2.503 0-9.557 2.958-47.787 20.708-18.204 8.42-29.127 8.42-47.104-0.228zM529.522 739.044c16.156-7.509 22.983-10.468 38.229-16.839 19.797-8.42 50.29-21.39 70.542-30.265 8.875-3.868 25.941-11.605 38.229-17.294s23.438-10.468 24.804-10.468c1.138 0 5.006-1.365 8.192-2.958 5.689-2.958 12.516-5.916 30.72-13.653 14.564-6.372 41.643-18.204 55.524-24.576 7.964-3.641 15.701-6.599 17.294-6.599s3.868-0.91 5.006-2.048c1.365-1.138 15.019-7.509 30.72-14.108s30.492-13.198 32.996-15.019c2.503-1.593 5.916-2.958 7.964-2.958 3.413-0.228 13.653-7.509 13.653-10.012 0-0.683-4.779-3.186-10.468-5.916-12.743-5.461-31.403-5.916-60.985-1.365-41.643 6.599-57.572 8.875-77.596 10.468-11.15 0.91-27.534 2.958-36.409 4.324-8.647 1.365-28.672 4.096-44.373 6.144s-38.002 5.006-49.38 6.827c-11.605 1.82-26.396 3.186-32.996 3.186s-18.66 1.593-26.852 3.641c-8.192 1.82-27.307 3.641-42.325 3.868-26.852 0.455-27.762 0.228-33.223-5.234-15.929-16.612-13.881-38.684 4.551-51.2 4.551-3.186 11.378-5.689 15.246-5.689 9.102 0 59.164-6.144 82.148-10.24 10.24-1.82 23.211-3.413 28.9-3.413 9.785 0 27.534-2.276 78.962-10.24 12.060-1.82 27.989-3.413 35.726-3.413s15.701-0.683 17.749-1.365c3.186-1.365 3.186-1.82-0.228-5.689-2.048-2.503-5.006-4.324-6.144-4.324-2.276 0-17.977-6.599-26.852-11.378-1.82-0.91-17.294-7.737-34.133-14.791s-31.403-13.881-32.54-15.019c-1.365-1.138-3.641-2.048-5.234-2.048s-9.33-2.958-17.294-6.599c-14.108-6.372-41.87-18.66-55.751-24.348-4.096-1.593-10.923-4.551-15.246-6.599-4.324-1.82-11.378-4.779-15.246-6.599-4.096-1.593-12.288-5.234-18.432-7.964-13.426-5.916-17.067-5.916-30.492 0.228-6.144 2.503-14.336 6.144-18.204 7.964-10.695 4.551-22.3 9.33-30.72 13.198-4.096 1.82-15.246 6.372-24.576 10.468-9.33 3.868-23.438 10.012-31.175 13.653-7.964 3.641-15.701 6.599-17.522 6.599-1.593 0-4.324 1.593-5.916 3.413s-4.096 3.413-5.461 3.413c-3.186 0-47.332 18.66-69.632 29.582-1.82 0.91-12.516 5.461-23.893 10.012-11.15 4.779-26.624 11.605-34.361 15.246-7.509 3.641-15.246 6.599-17.294 6.599-1.82 0-4.779 1.593-6.372 3.413s-4.096 3.413-5.461 3.413c-2.503 0-30.037 11.378-54.841 22.756-5.006 2.276-13.653 5.916-19.342 8.192s-11.15 4.779-12.288 5.689c-2.276 2.048 7.282 10.923 11.833 11.15 1.365 0 7.509 2.503 13.653 5.689 5.916 2.958 24.576 11.378 41.415 18.432s35.954 15.019 42.098 17.977c15.701 7.054 44.146 19.342 53.020 22.983 17.294 7.282 38.457 16.612 96.028 41.87 11.833 5.234 28.9 12.516 37.547 16.384 8.875 3.868 18.887 8.192 22.3 10.012 3.641 1.82 7.509 3.186 8.647 3.186 2.048 0 17.294 6.599 46.421 20.48 7.509 3.641 15.929 6.599 18.66 6.599 2.958 0.228 12.060-2.958 20.48-6.827zM282.396 429.568c11.833-5.006 25.259-11.15 30.037-13.653 4.779-2.276 9.557-4.324 10.923-4.324 1.138 0 8.42-2.958 16.384-6.599 7.737-3.641 20.252-9.33 27.762-12.743s17.522-7.964 22.3-10.468c4.779-2.276 10.012-4.324 11.833-4.324 1.593 0 9.102-2.958 16.384-6.827 7.054-3.641 14.791-6.827 16.839-6.827s5.006-1.593 6.599-3.413c1.593-1.82 4.324-3.413 5.916-3.413 1.82 0 9.557-2.958 17.294-6.599 26.852-12.060 38.002-16.156 45.056-16.156s18.204 4.096 45.056 16.156c7.737 3.641 15.019 6.599 16.156 6.599s5.006 1.365 8.647 3.186c3.413 1.593 12.971 6.144 21.163 10.24 8.192 3.868 16.156 7.054 17.522 7.054s8.647 3.186 16.156 6.827c7.737 3.868 15.246 6.827 17.067 6.827s4.551 1.593 6.144 3.413c1.593 1.82 4.096 3.413 5.689 3.413s9.102 3.186 16.612 6.827c7.737 3.868 15.246 6.827 16.839 6.827 1.82 0 4.096 0.91 5.461 2.048 1.138 1.138 7.737 4.324 14.564 7.054 14.791 6.144 30.72 12.971 38.457 16.612 10.695 5.234 11.15 2.048 10.468-92.388-0.455-49.38-1.593-89.884-2.958-93.98-5.461-17.522-34.361-50.29-52.338-59.62-4.551-2.276-13.426-7.054-19.57-10.468-12.288-6.827-46.876-20.708-55.979-22.528-3.186-0.683-16.384-3.868-29.582-7.509-23.666-6.372-24.348-6.372-95.573-6.372s-71.908 0-95.573 6.372c-13.198 3.641-27.534 7.282-31.858 8.192-12.971 3.186-27.079 8.875-49.835 20.025-30.72 15.474-30.037 15.019-46.421 30.948-15.701 15.246-25.714 29.127-29.355 40.96-3.186 9.785-4.324 181.362-1.365 185.23 3.186 3.868 2.958 3.868 27.079-6.599z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe914;" 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25.941 43.463 25.941 48.697 0 1.365 1.365 4.096 2.958 5.916 1.82 2.048 5.461 13.653 8.42 25.941 3.413 14.564 6.372 22.073 8.192 22.073 2.731 0 3.186 49.152 3.186 300.373 0 261.234-0.455 300.373-3.413 300.373-2.048 0-3.641 3.186-4.551 8.647-0.91 4.551-2.958 12.971-4.779 18.432-1.82 5.689-3.186 11.833-3.186 14.108 0 2.048-1.593 5.006-3.413 6.599s-3.413 4.096-3.413 5.689c0 6.144-12.971 30.265-27.534 51.2-20.025 28.672-64.853 67.356-92.615 79.644-2.958 1.138-10.468 4.551-17.067 7.509-12.743 5.916-31.858 11.605-45.284 14.108-5.461 0.683-8.647 2.503-8.647 4.551 0 2.958-39.14 3.413-300.373 3.413s-300.373-0.455-300.373-3.413zM815.787 865.109c11.833-4.324 31.403-13.653 47.787-22.756 2.503-1.593 11.605-9.33 19.797-17.522 22.073-21.618 35.499-43.236 45.739-74.183l5.006-14.791v-290.133c0-276.708-0.228-290.816-4.324-302.649-20.252-60.302-56.661-97.166-115.143-116.736l-14.791-5.006h-580.267l-14.791 5.006c-57.799 19.342-95.118 56.661-114.46 114.46l-5.006 14.791v580.267l5.006 14.791c4.324 12.743 12.743 30.72 22.983 48.924 3.641 6.599 35.954 38.912 42.553 42.553 28.444 16.156 52.11 25.486 69.404 27.534 4.324 0.455 136.078 0.683 292.409 0.683l284.444-0.455 13.653-4.779zM494.933 698.766c-8.42-2.958-16.839-10.012-22.073-18.204l-5.234-8.42v-452.836l5.006-7.964c2.958-4.551 8.42-10.695 12.516-13.653 6.372-4.779 10.012-5.689 24.576-5.689s18.204 0.91 24.576 5.689c4.096 2.958 9.557 9.102 12.516 13.653l5.006 7.964v452.836l-5.006 7.964c-8.42 13.426-17.522 18.66-33.451 19.57-7.509 0.455-15.929 0-18.432-0.91zM276.935 525.596c-4.779-2.503-10.923-7.282-13.653-10.695-10.012-12.743-10.695-21.39-10.012-160.199l0.455-131.072 5.689-11.15c7.964-15.474 20.935-22.3 39.822-21.163 10.923 0.683 15.701 2.276 22.528 7.509 17.749 13.426 17.294 7.964 17.294 161.109 0 148.366 0.228 145.18-12.971 159.289-10.695 11.15-34.133 14.108-49.152 6.372zM706.788 527.644c-8.875-2.731-17.067-10.695-22.073-21.618-3.868-8.42-4.324-17.749-4.324-146.318 0-131.072 0.228-137.444 4.324-145.863 7.282-13.881 19.115-21.618 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4.892-1.707 1.252-20.821 11.036-26.624 13.426-3.186 1.365-6.144 2.503-17.294 6.713-2.389 0.91-7.623 2.389-11.719 3.527-4.096 1.024-9.899 2.503-13.084 3.413-3.072 0.796-9.216 1.82-13.426 2.276-5.12 0.455-7.964 1.365-8.42 2.389-0.796 2.162-55.068 2.389-54.613 0.228zM801.564 534.926c-1.82-0.228-8.533-1.024-14.791-1.707-15.132-1.593-32.085-5.348-43.804-9.557-8.42-3.072-24.348-10.012-28.9-12.516-2.503-1.365-6.485-3.527-8.647-4.665-17.067-9.33-39.14-27.648-53.476-44.828-3.413-3.982-6.94-8.078-7.851-8.988-2.048-2.276-15.929-23.552-17.294-26.624-0.569-1.365-1.479-3.3-2.162-4.21-1.365-2.162-7.168-15.132-9.444-21.049-0.91-2.503-2.503-6.599-3.413-9.102-8.761-23.211-12.857-59.051-9.899-86.812 3.413-31.744 11.15-55.751 27.534-85.561 9.671-17.636 31.289-42.78 49.38-57.685 5.916-4.779 18.773-13.54 28.331-19.342 10.24-6.144 37.66-17.522 47.218-19.684 2.162-0.455 6.258-1.365 9.102-2.048 16.953-4.21 24.348-4.892 47.218-4.892 30.72 0 45.284 2.503 75.662 13.198 2.844 1.024 9.444 3.982 14.791 6.485 55.751 26.965 97.849 78.052 112.981 136.875 5.461 21.276 5.803 24.235 5.803 52.338 0 23.324-0.455 28.9-2.389 38.116-3.641 16.612-5.006 21.845-6.713 25.941-0.91 2.048-1.593 4.324-1.593 5.234 0 2.048-7.396 18.773-12.743 29.013-10.809 20.48-30.037 45.056-45.966 58.823-7.737 6.599-24.121 19.001-26.624 20.139-0.91 0.455-3.186 1.82-5.12 3.072-10.24 6.599-35.271 17.522-50.631 21.959-18.318 5.348-54.272 9.785-66.56 8.078zM818.631 413.525c9.557-2.844 17.749-10.468 20.48-19.001 0.455-1.593 1.252-11.036 1.593-21.049l0.683-18.204 18.773-0.569c20.935-0.683 24.235-1.593 31.289-8.533 6.258-6.372 8.533-11.833 8.533-20.821 0-9.33-2.617-16.156-8.192-21.39-8.42-7.851-14.905-9.557-35.499-9.557-11.833 0-14.222-0.341-14.791-1.82-0.341-1.024-0.683-8.42-0.683-16.498 0-17.294-1.593-23.438-7.737-30.72-14.905-17.408-43.349-11.378-50.745 10.809-1.365 4.096-1.82 9.785-1.82 21.276 0 10.126-0.455 15.929-1.252 16.498-0.683 0.341-6.827 0.683-13.653 0.569-13.198-0.228-24.917 1.479-29.468 4.324-3.868 2.276-10.012 8.988-12.288 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12.288-0.91 3.186-2.503 8.533-3.413 11.947-3.413 11.833-12.060 30.948-19.115 42.667-14.222 23.552-40.277 49.607-63.829 63.829-19.797 12.060-48.242 22.642-66.901 24.917-4.096 0.455-6.827 1.365-7.282 2.389-0.455 1.365-48.697 1.593-346.226 1.593s-345.771-0.228-346.226-1.593zM247.467 887.637c1.252-0.341 3.641-2.503 5.12-4.779 1.593-2.276 11.264-15.588 21.618-29.355 10.354-13.881 23.097-31.175 28.444-38.457s18.318-24.917 28.786-39.14c10.581-14.222 20.821-28.103 22.869-30.948s8.875-12.174 15.36-20.821c6.372-8.647 11.264-16.156 10.923-16.725-0.455-0.796-55.979-1.138-154.738-1.138h-154.055l-1.365 2.503c-1.024 1.82-1.138 12.743-0.796 40.619 0.455 31.289 0.91 39.14 2.503 43.349 0.91 2.844 1.82 5.916 1.82 7.054 0 3.3 8.875 23.666 13.881 32.085 5.803 9.671 24.69 29.127 34.588 35.726 16.043 10.581 36.295 18.091 53.362 19.57 11.036 0.91 68.494 1.365 71.68 0.455zM550.571 887.182c1.707-0.91 16.725-20.366 35.385-46.080 7.282-9.899 16.156-22.073 35.726-48.356 10.468-14.108 21.049-28.444 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0.91 0.341 6.713 3.755 12.857 7.396s11.264 6.599 11.492 6.599c0.455 0 28.331 16.27 31.403 18.204 0.91 0.683 2.503 1.479 3.413 1.934s6.713 3.755 12.857 7.396c6.258 3.641 11.378 6.599 11.605 6.599s5.575 3.072 11.833 6.827c6.372 3.755 11.719 6.827 12.060 6.827 0.228 0 2.731 1.593 5.461 3.413 2.844 1.934 5.348 3.413 5.689 3.413s4.324 2.162 8.988 4.892c4.551 2.731 10.809 6.372 13.995 8.078 18.773 10.468 34.702 20.48 38.343 24.007 7.054 6.94 9.444 13.198 9.444 25.031-0.114 10.809-1.138 13.995-7.054 21.845-2.844 3.641-10.354 9.216-19.115 13.995-2.503 1.365-6.030 3.413-7.964 4.665-1.82 1.138-4.21 2.503-5.12 2.958-2.048 0.91-18.091 10.126-20.48 11.719-0.91 0.683-2.503 1.479-3.413 1.934-1.82 0.796-23.324 13.312-26.169 15.132-0.91 0.683-2.503 1.479-3.413 1.934s-8.078 4.551-15.815 9.102c-7.623 4.551-14.108 8.306-14.336 8.306s-6.827 3.868-14.791 8.533c-7.851 4.665-14.564 8.533-14.791 8.533s-6.713 3.755-14.45 8.306c-7.737 4.551-14.791 8.647-15.701 9.102s-2.731 1.479-3.982 2.276c-1.252 0.796-7.168 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20.252-16.839-0.91-0.569-8.078-4.779-15.929-9.33s-15.019-8.647-15.929-9.102c-0.91-0.455-2.503-1.252-3.413-1.934-2.617-1.707-24.235-14.222-26.169-15.246-0.91-0.455-2.731-1.365-3.982-2.162s-7.168-4.21-13.084-7.623c-5.916-3.413-11.833-6.827-13.084-7.623s-3.072-1.707-3.982-2.162c-0.91-0.455-6.599-3.755-12.516-7.282s-11.605-6.713-12.516-7.168c-0.91-0.455-2.503-1.252-3.413-1.934-3.3-2.162-30.948-18.204-31.403-18.204-0.341 0-2.617-1.365-5.12-2.958-8.533-5.348-7.964-13.084-7.851 95.004 0 53.362 0.341 97.508 0.683 98.076 0.796 1.365 0.455 1.593 9.785-3.868z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe919;" glyph-name="chat-bubble" d="M488.676 915.627c-37.433-1.82-65.195-6.258-104.334-16.725-7.509-1.934-27.876-8.42-32.768-10.354-1.593-0.569-4.892-1.934-7.396-2.844-24.348-9.216-54.272-23.78-77.483-37.774-14.905-9.102-16.156-9.899-33.451-22.414-34.361-24.69-74.183-64.284-99.214-98.418-44.373-60.644-73.045-127.317-85.561-199.452-5.461-31.403-5.803-35.612-5.803-79.644 0-34.93 0.341-45.284 2.048-56.889 4.324-30.265 8.42-49.721 15.019-72.249 1.707-5.575 3.413-11.719 3.982-13.653 0.91-3.186 1.82-5.916 5.12-15.36 5.803-16.27 14.905-37.319 23.097-53.476 7.851-15.36 8.078-16.839 4.324-27.876-0.91-2.503-2.503-7.623-3.527-11.378-1.138-3.755-2.731-8.875-3.413-11.378-0.796-2.503-2.389-7.623-3.413-11.378-1.138-3.755-2.731-8.875-3.413-11.378-0.796-2.503-2.389-7.623-3.413-11.378-1.138-3.755-2.731-8.875-3.413-11.378-2.162-7.054-4.665-15.246-6.827-22.756-1.138-3.755-2.731-8.875-3.413-11.378-0.796-2.503-2.389-7.623-3.413-11.378-1.138-3.755-2.731-8.875-3.413-11.378-0.796-2.503-2.389-7.623-3.413-11.378-1.138-3.755-2.731-8.875-3.413-11.378-0.796-2.503-2.389-7.623-3.413-11.378-1.138-3.755-2.844-9.102-3.868-11.947-1.252-3.527-1.82-8.988-1.82-17.636 0.114-11.605 0.341-12.971 3.413-18.546 4.21-7.623 11.378-14.791 19.001-19.001 5.575-3.072 6.94-3.3 18.546-3.413 8.647 0 14.108 0.569 17.636 1.82 2.844 1.024 8.192 2.731 11.947 3.868 7.509 2.162 15.701 4.665 22.756 6.827 2.503 0.683 7.623 2.276 11.378 3.413 3.755 1.024 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66.446 114.347 4.21 10.126 6.94 17.408 7.964 21.049 0.91 3.3 1.934 6.372 5.12 15.36 1.365 3.641 2.958 9.216 6.94 24.462 11.947 45.625 16.953 102.969 13.084 150.869-1.934 22.983-6.827 55.865-9.899 65.764-0.91 2.844-1.593 6.144-1.593 7.396 0 1.365-0.683 4.665-1.593 7.509s-2.503 8.42-3.527 12.516c-1.138 4.096-2.617 9.216-3.413 11.378-3.186 8.988-4.21 12.060-5.12 15.36-0.569 1.934-1.934 6.030-3.186 9.102-15.019 39.14-37.092 80.213-58.14 108.658-2.617 3.413-6.030 8.306-7.851 10.809-1.707 2.503-4.21 5.803-5.461 7.396-1.365 1.593-5.461 6.485-9.102 10.809-13.767 16.498-34.247 37.319-52.224 52.907-17.18 14.905-50.517 39.481-59.733 44.032-0.91 0.455-3.527 2.048-5.689 3.527s-5.006 3.186-6.258 3.755c-1.252 0.569-4.551 2.389-7.396 3.982-7.509 4.324-25.714 13.426-33.564 16.953-3.755 1.593-8.306 3.641-10.24 4.437-23.324 10.468-58.368 21.504-85.902 27.193-27.534 5.803-46.99 8.42-70.542 9.33-9.102 0.341-19.797 0.796-23.893 1.024s-16.043 0-26.738-0.455zM557.511 827.335c27.648-3.641 61.212-11.378 74.866-17.067 2.048-0.91 4.437-1.593 5.348-1.593s3.527-0.796 5.916-1.82c7.851-3.413 11.036-4.779 17.408-7.282 5.575-2.276 30.834-14.45 35.271-17.067 0.91-0.569 6.372-3.755 11.947-7.054 5.689-3.3 12.857-7.964 16.156-10.24 3.3-2.389 6.258-4.324 6.599-4.324 0.91 0 19.684-14.45 27.876-21.504 46.535-40.050 79.986-85.447 105.358-142.905 3.186-7.282 10.695-27.989 13.198-36.409 5.461-18.432 7.396-25.828 10.468-42.098 5.461-29.013 5.689-31.858 5.803-70.542 0-38.457-1.252-53.020-5.803-71.339-0.91-3.641-1.593-7.623-1.593-8.988s-0.683-5.12-1.593-8.306c-0.91-3.186-2.503-9.102-3.641-13.198-7.737-29.241-21.732-63.147-37.433-90.567-5.12-8.761-24.007-36.636-30.834-45.397-17.408-22.073-42.667-47.332-64.74-64.74-8.761-6.827-36.636-25.714-45.397-30.834-22.528-12.857-46.308-23.324-72.363-31.858-21.049-6.94-22.414-7.396-24.462-7.396-1.138 0-4.665-0.683-7.851-1.593-6.372-1.82-17.408-3.982-35.954-7.168-17.522-2.958-83.968-2.958-101.262 0-43.918 7.509-68.38 14.45-102.4 29.013-9.899 4.21-34.247 16.384-36.978 18.432-4.779 3.641-17.294 8.988-23.552 10.24-8.078 1.593-17.067 0.683-27.079-2.844-2.162-0.796-7.054-2.276-10.809-3.413s-8.875-2.617-11.378-3.413c-2.503-0.796-7.623-2.389-11.378-3.413-3.755-1.138-8.875-2.731-11.378-3.413-2.503-0.796-7.623-2.276-11.378-3.413s-8.875-2.617-11.378-3.413c-2.503-0.796-7.623-2.389-11.378-3.413-3.755-1.138-8.875-2.617-11.378-3.413s-7.623-2.276-11.378-3.413c-3.755-1.138-8.761-2.731-11.15-3.527-8.761-3.186-10.24-1.934-7.168 6.94 1.479 4.551 3.186 9.899 6.94 22.756 1.138 3.755 2.731 8.875 3.413 11.378 0.796 2.503 2.389 7.623 3.413 11.378 1.138 3.755 2.731 8.875 3.413 11.378 0.796 2.503 2.389 7.623 3.413 11.378 1.138 3.755 2.731 8.875 3.527 11.378s2.958 9.899 4.892 16.498c1.934 6.599 4.324 14.222 5.234 17.067 3.755 11.833 4.551 18.887 2.958 26.965-1.365 6.372-6.713 18.887-10.354 23.666-4.096 5.348-21.163 42.212-26.738 57.458-2.844 8.078-4.21 12.060-5.12 15.36-0.569 1.934-2.162 7.054-3.413 11.378-1.365 4.437-2.844 10.012-3.3 12.516-0.569 2.503-1.479 6.827-2.162 9.671-1.934 7.623-4.437 21.732-6.599 36.409-2.731 18.546-2.731 73.614 0 92.16 5.348 36.409 11.947 63.033 22.3 89.884 1.365 3.413 2.844 7.623 3.413 9.216 0.455 1.593 1.365 3.868 2.048 5.12 0.569 1.138 2.048 4.21 3.072 6.713 2.844 6.485 2.958 6.713 10.126 20.48 6.94 13.426 7.509 14.45 12.402 21.959 1.707 2.731 3.072 5.12 3.072 5.348 0 1.82 20.48 29.696 32.313 43.804 21.39 25.6 57.116 57.003 83.513 73.5 3.982 2.389 8.533 5.348 10.24 6.372 14.905 9.33 48.128 25.145 67.356 32.199 19.115 6.827 42.894 13.54 55.182 15.36 3.186 0.569 6.485 1.252 7.396 1.593 3.413 1.365 28.331 4.437 42.667 5.234 20.366 1.252 56.548 0.341 72.249-1.82z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe91a;" glyph-name="reposts" d="M240.754 871.253c-2.958-1.252-7.623-3.868-10.24-5.575-2.503-1.82-34.93-33.678-71.908-70.884-77.255-77.483-73.842-73.159-73.842-91.932 0-9.671 0.341-11.492 3.3-17.636 4.096-8.42 13.084-17.522 20.594-21.163 4.892-2.162 7.509-2.617 18.204-2.617 18.318-0.114 18.887 0.228 53.476 34.702 15.701 15.588 29.127 28.331 29.924 28.331 1.024 0 1.365-70.315 1.365-329.5 0-236.203 0.341-331.776 1.252-337.579 2.617-17.067 12.060-28.672 28.444-34.816 6.030-2.389 7.964-2.389 119.922-2.389 106.61 0 114.233 0.114 119.467 2.048 8.533 3.072 12.174 5.234 17.522 10.581 16.725 16.839 16.725 43.236 0 60.075-2.731 2.617-6.485 5.689-8.306 6.713-10.354 5.575-5.916 5.234-101.376 5.916l-89.884 0.569-0.341 309.248c-0.228 243.484 0.114 309.134 1.138 309.134 0.796 0 14.222-12.743 29.924-28.331 34.588-34.475 35.157-34.816 53.476-34.816 11.378 0 13.084 0.341 18.318 3.072 7.509 3.982 12.288 7.964 16.384 13.995 10.581 15.36 10.581 33.678 0 48.811-1.707 2.617-33.564 34.93-70.77 71.908-76.572 76.345-73.045 73.5-90.795 74.069-7.623 0.228-10.809-0.114-15.246-1.934zM540.444 871.367c-8.078-3.072-11.719-5.348-16.953-10.468-16.725-16.839-16.725-43.236 0-60.075 2.731-2.617 6.485-5.689 8.306-6.713 10.354-5.575 5.916-5.234 101.376-5.916l89.884-0.569 0.341-309.248c0.114-241.209-0.114-309.134-1.138-309.134-0.796 0-14.45 12.971-30.492 28.9-34.475 34.247-34.247 34.133-52.907 34.133-11.378 0.114-12.971-0.228-18.318-2.958-11.036-5.803-17.522-13.198-21.959-24.917-4.324-11.378-2.503-26.283 4.665-36.75 3.527-5.234 133.803-135.737 139.264-139.492 15.019-10.581 33.678-10.581 48.697 0 2.617 1.707 34.93 33.564 71.908 70.77 77.255 77.483 73.842 73.159 73.842 91.932 0 9.671-0.341 11.492-3.3 17.636-4.096 8.306-13.198 17.636-20.366 20.821-11.15 4.892-26.169 4.779-37.774-0.228-3.072-1.365-14.222-11.719-33.564-30.948-16.043-15.929-29.696-28.9-30.492-28.9-1.024 0-1.365 72.704-1.365 329.159 0 208.327-0.455 332.004-1.138 337.010-0.683 4.437-2.048 10.012-3.072 12.516-4.324 10.24-13.653 18.773-25.486 23.211-6.030 2.389-7.851 2.389-120.491 2.276-104.789-0.114-114.802-0.228-119.467-2.048z" /> <glyph unicode="&#xe91b;" glyph-name="share-file" d="M498.916 890.709c-12.288-2.389-9.671 0.114-136.078-126.293-68.153-68.039-121.060-121.856-122.197-124.132-6.94-14.222-8.078-26.624-3.527-39.253 4.779-13.198 13.084-22.414 25.486-28.558 5.916-2.958 7.509-3.186 19.57-3.186 22.528 0 16.156-5.12 103.879 82.603 41.188 41.188 75.435 74.638 76.004 74.183 0.569-0.341 1.024-77.824 1.024-192.057 0-186.596 0-191.602 2.162-197.86 4.21-12.288 13.767-22.869 25.714-28.786 6.372-3.072 7.737-3.3 19.911-3.3s13.54 0.228 19.911 3.3c11.947 5.916 21.504 16.498 25.714 28.786 2.162 6.258 2.162 11.264 2.162 197.86 0 114.119 0.455 191.716 1.024 192.057 0.569 0.455 34.816-32.996 76.004-74.069 87.495-87.495 81.579-82.716 103.31-82.603 11.15 0 13.312 0.341 19.115 3.072 21.504 9.785 33.906 35.612 27.193 56.434-1.138 3.413-3.186 8.533-4.665 11.378-1.82 3.641-36.864 39.481-118.215 120.946-63.716 63.716-118.556 117.988-121.97 120.604-9.557 7.396-13.653 8.761-26.055 9.33-6.030 0.228-12.971 0-15.474-0.455zM33.678 659.513c-15.701-5.12-27.079-15.929-32.199-30.606-1.934-5.348-2.162-484.807-0.228-495.388 1.707-9.671 7.509-29.582 10.012-34.588 0.569-1.024 2.844-5.689 5.12-10.24 13.881-27.762 34.816-49.721 62.692-66.105 13.767-8.078 26.738-13.198 45.511-17.977 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12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h48c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM400 -10v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbtack" unicode="&#xf08d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M306.5 261.4c47.9004 -32.8008 77.5 -84.1006 77.5 -141.4c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-144v-104c0 -0.799805 -0.0996094 -1.7002 -0.400391 -2.5l-16 -48c-2.39941 -7.2998 -12.7998 -7.2998 -15.1992 0l-16 48 c-0.300781 0.799805 -0.400391 1.59961 -0.400391 2.5v104h-144c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24c0 57.2998 29.5996 108.6 77.5 141.4l5.7002 42.5996h-27.2002c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v96c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h272c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-96 c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-27.2002zM50.5 144h283c-8.2998 38.4004 -35.7002 70 -71.5 87.7998l-16 120.2h58v48h-224v-48h58l-16 -120.2c-35.9004 -17.7998 -63.2002 -49.2998 -71.5 -87.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phone" unicode="&#xf095;" d="M476.5 425.1c20.9004 -4.7998 35.5 -23.1992 35.5 -44.5996c0 -246.2 -199.7 -444.5 -444.6 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85.5176c9.15039 35.8896 36.9072 53.7588 66.2949 53.7578 c21.248 -0.000976562 36.7393 -8.6377 50.2939 -22.6035c39.3457 40.5361 102.41 24.4492 116.589 -31.1543c55.3457 15.7754 100.841 -31.5137 85.4648 -85.5176c55.4082 -14.1436 72.1865 -76.4609 31.1455 -116.634zM457.994 155.499l-37.3643 36.5664l37.3633 36.5654 c11.1367 10.5439 5.94336 29.2812 -8.66504 32.7754l-50.9033 12.9922l14.3496 50.3867c4.05469 14.4932 -9.61133 28.1641 -24.0996 24.1074l-50.3701 -14.3535l-12.9863 50.9199c-3.43652 14.3779 -22.3828 19.6416 -32.7646 8.66797l-36.5537 -37.6523l-36.5537 37.6523 c-10.2617 10.8457 -29.2881 5.87793 -32.7646 -8.66797l-12.9863 -50.9199l-50.3701 14.3535c-14.4941 4.05859 -28.1533 -9.61719 -24.0996 -24.1074l14.3496 -50.3867l-50.9033 -12.9922c-14.6152 -3.49512 -19.7979 -22.2363 -8.66504 -32.7754l37.3633 -36.5654 l-37.3633 -36.5664c-11.1377 -10.5439 -5.94336 -29.2812 8.66504 -32.7754l50.9033 -12.9912l-14.3496 -50.3877c-4.05469 -14.4932 9.61035 -28.1641 24.0996 -24.1074l50.3701 14.3535l12.9863 -50.9199c3.60645 -15.0889 22.501 -19.5166 32.7646 -8.66797 l36.5537 37.376l36.5547 -37.376c10.1562 -10.958 29.2393 -6.08203 32.7646 8.66797l12.9863 50.9199l50.3701 -14.3535c14.4922 -4.05762 28.1543 9.61621 24.0996 24.1074l-14.3496 50.3877l50.9033 12.9912c14.6152 3.49512 19.7979 22.2363 8.66504 32.7754z" /> <glyph glyph-name="copy" unicode="&#xf0c5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M433.941 382.059c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0586 -22.9658 14.0586 -33.9404v-268.118c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-80v-48c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v320c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h80v48c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48 h172.118c10.9746 0 26.1807 -6.29883 33.9404 -14.0586zM266 -16c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v42h-96c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v224h-74c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-308c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h212zM394 80c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v202h-88 c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v88h-106c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-308c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h212zM400 336v9.63184v0.000976562c0 1.37207 -0.787109 3.27246 -1.75684 4.24219l-48.3682 48.3682c-1.12598 1.125 -2.65234 1.75684 -4.24316 1.75684h-9.63184 v-64h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="save" unicode="&#xf0c7;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M433.941 318.059c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0586 -22.9658 14.0586 -33.9404v-268.118c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h268.118c10.9746 0 26.1807 -6.29883 33.9404 -14.0586zM272 368h-128v-80h128v80 zM394 16c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v259.632v0.000976562c0 1.37207 -0.787109 3.27246 -1.75684 4.24219l-78.2432 78.2432v-100.118c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-176c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v104h-42c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-340 c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h340zM224 216c48.5234 0 88 -39.4766 88 -88s-39.4766 -88 -88 -88s-88 39.4766 -88 88s39.4766 88 88 88zM224 88c22.0557 0 40 17.9443 40 40s-17.9443 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9443 -40 -40s17.9443 -40 40 -40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square" unicode="&#xf0c8;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 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d="M48 224c-42.7002 0 -64 51.7998 -34 81.9004l112 112c18.7998 18.6992 49.2002 18.6992 67.9004 0l111.899 -112c30.2998 -30.2002 8.7002 -81.9004 -33.8994 -81.9004h-223.9zM160 384l-112 -112h224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope" unicode="&#xf0e0;" d="M464 384c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h416zM464 336h-416v-40.8047c22.4248 -18.2627 58.1797 -46.6602 134.587 -106.49 c16.834 -13.2422 50.2051 -45.0762 73.4131 -44.7012c23.2119 -0.371094 56.5723 31.4541 73.4131 44.7012c76.4189 59.8389 112.165 88.2305 134.587 106.49v40.8047zM48 48h416v185.601c-22.915 -18.252 -55.4189 -43.8691 -104.947 -82.6523 c-22.5439 -17.748 -60.3359 -55.1787 -103.053 -54.9473c-42.9277 -0.231445 -81.2051 37.75 -103.062 54.9551c-49.5293 38.7842 -82.0244 64.3945 -104.938 82.6455v-185.602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spinner" unicode="&#xf110;" d="M296 400c0 -22.0908 -17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40s40 -17.9092 40 -40zM256 24c22.0908 0 40 -17.9092 40 -40s-17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40zM504 192c0 -22.0908 -17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40 s17.9092 40 40 40s40 -17.9092 40 -40zM88 192c0 -22.0908 -17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40s40 -17.9092 40 -40zM108.922 379.078c22.0908 0 40 -17.9082 40 -40c0 -22.0908 -17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40z M403.078 84.9219c22.0918 0 40 -17.9092 40 -40s-17.9082 -40 -40 -40c-22.0908 0 -40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40zM108.922 84.9219c22.0908 0 40 -17.9092 40 -40s-17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="circle" unicode="&#xf111;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 -8c110.5 0 200 89.5 200 200s-89.5 200 -200 200s-200 -89.5 -200 -200s89.5 -200 200 -200z" /> <glyph glyph-name="info" unicode="&#xf129;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M224 95.4111c19.1162 -11.082 32 -31.7705 32 -55.4111v-40c0 -35.29 -28.71 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11.9834 11.3721l11.7422 224c0.359375 6.86523 -5.11035 12.6279 -11.9844 12.6279zM128 112 c-35.29 0 -64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64 -64 64zM173.854 448c34.4053 0 61.7129 -28.9219 59.9199 -63.1406l-11.7422 -224c-0.556641 -10.9014 -6.64551 -26.582 -13.5918 -35.001c19.5254 -20.168 31.5605 -47.6357 31.5605 -77.8584 c0 -61.7568 -50.2432 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.2432 -112 112c0 30.2227 12.0352 57.6904 31.5615 77.8584c-7.90234 9.58691 -12.8936 21.6914 -13.5918 35.001l-11.7422 224c-1.80078 34.3574 25.6533 63.1406 59.9189 63.1406h91.707z" /> <glyph glyph-name="superscript" unicode="&#xf12b;" d="M336 384c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-35.1602l-96 -144l96 -144h35.1602c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-52.2803v0c-4.72461 0 -10.6875 3.18945 -13.3096 7.12012l-94.4102 141.61 l-94.4102 -141.61c-2.62207 -3.93066 -8.58496 -7.12012 -13.3096 -7.12012v0h-52.2803c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h35.1602l96 144l-96 144h-35.1602c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h52.2803v0 c4.72461 0 10.6875 -3.18945 13.3096 -7.12012l94.4102 -141.61l94.4102 141.61c2.62207 3.93066 8.58496 7.12012 13.3096 7.12012v0h52.2803zM496 272c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24v112h-16c-8.82422 0.0078125 -15.9863 7.17578 -15.9863 16c0 2.08984 0.759766 5.30176 1.69629 7.16992l16 32c2.44141 4.87012 8.84277 8.8252 14.29 8.83008h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160h24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="subscript" unicode="&#xf12c;" d="M336 384c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-35.1602l-96 -144l96 -144h35.1602c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-52.2803v0c-4.72461 0 -10.6875 3.18945 -13.3096 7.12012l-94.4102 141.61 l-94.4102 -141.61c-2.62207 -3.93066 -8.58496 -7.12012 -13.3096 -7.12012v0h-52.2803c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h35.1602l96 144l-96 144h-35.1602c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h52.2803v0 c4.72461 0 10.6875 -3.18945 13.3096 -7.12012l94.4102 -141.61l94.4102 141.61c2.62207 3.93066 8.58496 7.12012 13.3096 7.12012v0h52.2803zM496 -16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24v112h-16c-8.82422 0.0078125 -15.9863 7.17578 -15.9863 16c0 2.08984 0.759766 5.30176 1.69629 7.16992l16 32c2.44141 4.87012 8.84277 8.8252 14.29 8.83008h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160h24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shield" unicode="&#xf132;" d="M237.5 -60.2998c-107 44.5996 -221.5 181.8 -221.5 380.3c0 19.4004 11.7002 36.9004 29.5996 44.2998l192 80c4.89062 2.0293 13.1562 3.6748 18.4502 3.6748c5.29492 0 13.5596 -1.64551 18.4502 -3.6748l192 -80c17.7998 -7.39941 29.5 -24.8994 29.5 -44.2998 c0 -221.3 -135.9 -344.6 -221.6 -380.3c-11.8008 -4.90039 -25.1006 -4.90039 -36.9004 0zM256 400l-192 -80c0 -169.3 94.5 -295.4 192 -336c93.5996 39 192 162.2 192 336z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar" unicode="&#xf133;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h128v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12 v-52h48zM394 -16c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340z" /> <glyph glyph-name="play-circle" unicode="&#xf144;" d="M371.7 210c16.3994 -9.2002 16.3994 -32.9004 0 -42l-176 -101c-15.9004 -8.7998 -35.7002 2.59961 -35.7002 21v208c0 18.5 19.9004 29.7998 35.7002 21zM504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM56 192 c0 -110.5 89.5 -200 200 -200s200 89.5 200 200s-89.5 200 -200 200s-200 -89.5 -200 -200z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ticket" unicode="&#xf145;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 232c-22.0908 0 -40 -17.9092 -40 -40s17.9092 -40 40 -40h8v-104c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v104h8c22.0908 0 40 17.9092 40 40s-17.9092 40 -40 40h-8v104c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h480 c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-104h-8zM528 270.372v65.6279h-480v-65.6279c28.4707 -14.5898 48 -44.2432 48 -78.3721s-19.5293 -63.7822 -48 -78.3721v-65.6279h480v65.6279c-28.4697 14.5898 -48 44.2432 -48 78.3721s19.5303 63.7822 48 78.3721z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file" unicode="&#xf15b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM332.1 320l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996h76.0996zM48 -16h288v288 h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-alt" unicode="&#xf15c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M288 200v-28c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v28c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h168c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM276 128c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-28c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12 v28c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h168zM384 316.1v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996l83.9004 -83.9004c9 -8.90039 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -33.9004z M256 396.1v-76.0996h76.0996zM336 -16v288h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbs-up" unicode="&#xf164;" d="M466.27 161.31c4.6748 -22.6465 0.864258 -44.5371 -8.98926 -62.9893c2.95898 -23.8682 -4.02148 -48.5654 -17.3398 -66.9902c-0.954102 -55.9072 -35.8232 -95.3301 -112.94 -95.3301c-7 0 -15 0.00976562 -22.2197 0.00976562 c-102.742 0 -133.293 38.9395 -177.803 39.9404c-3.56934 -13.7764 -16.085 -23.9502 -30.9775 -23.9502h-64c-17.6729 0 -32 14.3271 -32 32v240c0 17.6729 14.3271 32 32 32h98.7598c19.1455 16.9531 46.0137 60.6533 68.7598 83.4004 c13.667 13.667 10.1533 108.6 71.7607 108.6c57.5801 0 95.2695 -31.9355 95.2695 -104.73c0 -18.4092 -3.92969 -33.7295 -8.84961 -46.5391h36.4795c48.6025 0 85.8203 -41.5654 85.8203 -85.5801c0 -19.1504 -4.95996 -34.9902 -13.7305 -49.8408zM404.52 107.48 c21.5811 20.3838 18.6992 51.0645 5.21094 65.6191c9.44922 0 22.3594 18.9102 22.2695 37.8105c-0.0898438 18.9102 -16.71 37.8203 -37.8203 37.8203h-103.989c0 37.8193 28.3594 55.3691 28.3594 94.5391c0 23.75 0 56.7305 -47.2695 56.7305 c-18.9102 -18.9102 -9.45996 -66.1797 -37.8203 -94.54c-26.5596 -26.5703 -66.1797 -97.46 -94.54 -97.46h-10.9199v-186.17c53.6113 0 100.001 -37.8203 171.64 -37.8203h37.8203c35.5117 0 60.8203 17.1201 53.1201 65.9004 c15.2002 8.16016 26.5 36.4395 13.9395 57.5703zM88 16c0 13.2549 -10.7451 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7451 -24 -24s10.7451 -24 24 -24s24 10.7451 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbs-down" unicode="&#xf165;" d="M466.27 222.69c8.77051 -14.8506 13.7305 -30.6904 13.7305 -49.8408c0 -44.0146 -37.2178 -85.5801 -85.8203 -85.5801h-36.4795c4.91992 -12.8096 8.84961 -28.1299 8.84961 -46.5391c0 -72.7949 -37.6895 -104.73 -95.2695 -104.73 c-61.6074 0 -58.0938 94.9326 -71.7607 108.6c-22.7461 22.7471 -49.6133 66.4473 -68.7598 83.4004h-7.05176c-5.5332 -9.56152 -15.8662 -16 -27.708 -16h-64c-17.6729 0 -32 14.3271 -32 32v240c0 17.6729 14.3271 32 32 32h64c8.11328 0 15.5146 -3.02539 21.1553 -8 h10.8447c40.9971 0 73.1953 39.9902 176.78 39.9902c7.21973 0 15.2197 0.00976562 22.2197 0.00976562c77.1172 0 111.986 -39.4229 112.94 -95.3301c13.3184 -18.4248 20.2979 -43.1221 17.3398 -66.9902c9.85352 -18.4521 13.6641 -40.3428 8.98926 -62.9893zM64 152 c13.2549 0 24 10.7451 24 24s-10.7451 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7451 -24 -24s10.7451 -24 24 -24zM394.18 135.27c21.1104 0 37.7305 18.9102 37.8203 37.8203c0.0898438 18.9004 -12.8203 37.8105 -22.2695 37.8105c13.4883 14.5547 16.3701 45.2354 -5.21094 65.6191 c12.5605 21.1309 1.26074 49.4102 -13.9395 57.5703c7.7002 48.7803 -17.6084 65.9004 -53.1201 65.9004h-37.8203c-71.6387 0 -118.028 -37.8203 -171.64 -37.8203v-186.17h10.9199c28.3604 0 67.9805 -70.8896 94.54 -97.46 c28.3604 -28.3604 18.9102 -75.6299 37.8203 -94.54c47.2695 0 47.2695 32.9805 47.2695 56.7305c0 39.1699 -28.3594 56.7197 -28.3594 94.5391h103.989z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wheelchair" unicode="&#xf193;" d="M500.1 48.2197l10.6504 -21.4941c2.93652 -5.92773 0.522461 -13.1152 -5.39941 -16.0664l-63.2773 -32.1641c-12.1338 -6.01367 -26.9814 -0.800781 -32.5713 11.7227l-65.0713 145.782h-160.428c-12.0303 0 -22.2031 8.9082 -23.792 20.833 c-34.4707 258.526 -31.9482 238.724 -32.2109 243.167c0 27.1523 22.5439 49.0381 49.9346 47.9619c24.7871 -0.973633 44.9795 -21.1064 46.0215 -45.8916c1.05957 -25.208 -17.335 -46.3262 -41.4053 -49.6143l9.66113 -72.4561h147.788c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-141.387l6.39941 -48h154.987h0.000976562c8.59375 0 18.4121 -6.37012 21.915 -14.2178l61.2334 -137.186l40.834 21.0293c5.94238 2.9707 13.168 0.546875 16.1162 -5.40625zM313.291 88l22.3447 -50.0586 c-28.0146 -60.1445 -89.0303 -101.941 -159.636 -101.941c-97.0469 0 -176 78.9531 -176 176c0 68.5771 39.4277 128.11 96.8018 157.143l6.88379 -51.5869c-33.6025 -23.0928 -55.6855 -61.791 -55.6855 -105.556c0 -70.5791 57.4209 -128 128 -128 c62.377 0 114.467 44.8535 125.733 104h11.5576z" /> <glyph glyph-name="space-shuttle" unicode="&#xf197;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M456 280c96 0 184 -37 184 -88c0 -54.5 -88 -88 -184 -88c-208 0 -188.971 -136 -360 -136c-44.6729 0 -66.4004 24.3984 -66.4004 64v56c-21.1875 0 -29.5996 11.166 -29.5996 24v48c0 13.4316 9.05566 24 29.5996 24v16c-21.1875 0 -29.5996 11.166 -29.5996 24v48 c0 13.4316 9.05566 24 29.5996 24v56c0 39.6104 21.7354 64 66.4004 64c170.989 0 152 -136 360 -136zM115.417 368h-19.417v-72c16.8447 0 34.001 -6.49707 48 -16h144c-48 24 -106.723 88 -172.583 88zM115.417 16c75.0957 0 124.583 64 172.583 88h-144 c-13.999 -9.50293 -31.1553 -16 -48 -16v-72h19.417zM456 144c39.8877 0 76.7275 3.77832 103.734 16c0.0898438 0.0410156 0.0898438 63.959 0 64c-27.0068 12.2217 -63.8467 16 -103.734 16h-287.214c9.84277 -30.6846 9.39551 -66.707 0 -96h287.214zM480.242 155.429 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v57.1436c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8c42.3838 -0.000976562 42.3027 -73.1436 0 -73.1436z" /> <glyph glyph-name="language" unicode="&#xf1ab;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M160.3 244.2c0 0 4.2998 -20.9004 7.90039 -33l10.7002 -37.2998h-37.9004l11 37.2998c3.5 12.0996 7.7998 33 7.7998 33h0.5zM616 352c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-272c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-592c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v272 c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h592zM233.2 96c8.2002 0 14 8.09961 11.3994 15.9004l-57.0996 168c-1.7002 4.7998 -6.2998 8.09961 -11.4004 8.09961h-32.1992c-5.2002 0 -9.7002 -3.2002 -11.4004 -8.09961l-57.0996 -168 c-2.60059 -7.80078 3.19922 -15.9004 11.3994 -15.9004h22.5c5.2998 0 10 3.59961 11.5 8.7002l9.10059 31.5996h59.8994l9.2998 -31.7002c1.40234 -4.74316 6.55371 -8.59668 11.5 -8.59961h22.6006zM600 72v240h-280v-240h280zM372 220 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12.0996v16c0 6.60059 5.40039 12 12 12h64v16c0 6.60059 5.40039 12 12 12h16c6.59961 0 12 -5.39941 12 -12v-16h64c6.59961 0 12 -5.39941 12 -12v-16c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-13.7002 c-7.2002 -20.2998 -19.7002 -41.3994 -36.7998 -62c-1.40039 -1.69922 -2.7998 -3.2998 -4.2998 -5c8.7998 -7.7998 18 -14.8994 27.2002 -20.8994c5.2998 -3.5 6.89941 -10.5 3.7998 -16l-8 -13.9004c-3.40039 -6 -11.2002 -7.7998 -17 -4.09961 c-12.2998 8 -23.9004 17 -34.6006 26.5996c-11.3994 -9.7998 -23.5 -18.8994 -36 -26.7998c-5.7998 -3.7002 -13.3994 -1.7002 -16.7998 4.2002l-7.89941 13.8994c-3.2002 5.5 -1.5 12.6006 3.89941 16c10.1006 6.40039 19.7002 13.5 28.7002 21.2002 c-9.09961 10.5 -17 20.9004 -23.5 30.6006c-3.7998 5.69922 -2.09961 13.5 3.7998 17l13.7002 8.19922c5.5 3.30078 12.5996 1.7002 16.0996 -3.59961c5.5 -8.2002 11.7002 -16.2002 18.3008 -24c10.7998 12.5996 19.5996 25.7002 25.8994 38.5h-110.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-pdf" unicode="&#xf1c1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM332.1 320l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996h76.0996zM48 -16h288v288 h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416zM298.2 127.7c10.5 -10.5 8 -38.7002 -17.5 -38.7002c-14.7998 0 -36.9004 6.7998 -55.7998 17c-21.6006 -3.59961 -46 -12.7002 -68.4004 -20.0996c-50.0996 -86.4004 -79.4004 -47 -76.0996 -31.2002 c4 20 31 35.8994 51 46.2002c10.5 18.3994 25.3994 50.5 35.3994 74.3994c-7.39941 28.6006 -11.3994 51 -7 67.1006c4.7998 17.6992 38.4004 20.2998 42.6006 -5.90039c4.69922 -15.4004 -1.5 -39.9004 -5.40039 -56c8.09961 -21.2998 19.5996 -35.7998 36.7998 -46.2998 c17.4004 2.2002 52.2002 5.5 64.4004 -6.5zM100.1 49.9004c0 -0.700195 11.4004 4.69922 30.4004 35c-5.90039 -5.5 -25.2998 -21.3008 -30.4004 -35zM181.7 240.5c-2.5 0 -2.60059 -26.9004 1.7998 -40.7998c4.90039 8.7002 5.59961 40.7998 -1.7998 40.7998zM157.3 103.9 c15.9004 6.09961 34 14.8994 54.7998 19.1992c-11.1992 8.30078 -21.7998 20.4004 -30.0996 35.5c-6.7002 -17.6992 -15 -37.7998 -24.7002 -54.6992zM288.9 108.9c3.59961 2.39941 -2.2002 10.3994 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11.7998 -9.69922c5 -25.7002 18.4004 -93.8008 19.0996 -99 c0.300781 -1.7002 0.400391 -3.10059 0.5 -4.2002c0.800781 7.5 0.400391 4.7002 24.8008 103.7c1.39941 5.2998 6.19922 9.09961 11.6992 9.09961h13.3008c5.59961 0 10.3994 -3.7998 11.6992 -9.2002c23.9004 -99.7002 22.8008 -94.3994 23.6006 -99.5 c0.299805 -1.7002 0.5 -3.09961 0.700195 -4.2998c0.599609 8.09961 0.399414 5.7998 21 103.5c1.09961 5.5 6 9.5 11.6992 9.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-excel" unicode="&#xf1c3;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM332.1 320l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996h76.0996zM48 -16h288v288 h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416zM260 224c9.2002 0 15 -10 10.2998 -18c-16 -27.5 -45.5996 -76.9004 -46.2998 -78l46.4004 -78c4.59961 -8 -1.10059 -18 -10.4004 -18h-28.7998c-4.40039 0 -8.5 2.40039 -10.6006 6.2998 c-22.6992 41.7998 -13.6992 27.5 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M168.5 131.4h23c7.90039 0 13.9004 2.39941 18.0996 7.19922c8.5 9.80078 8.40039 28.5 0.100586 37.8008c-4.10059 4.59961 -9.90039 7 -17.4004 7h-23.8994v-52h0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-image" unicode="&#xf1c5;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM332.1 320l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996h76.0996zM48 -16h288v288 h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416zM80 32v64l39.5 39.5c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l39.5 -39.5l87.5 87.5c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l23.5 -23.5v-128h-224zM128 272c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48 s21.5 48 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-archive" unicode="&#xf1c6;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M128.3 288h32v-32h-32v32zM192.3 384v-32h-32v32h32zM128.3 352h32v-32h-32v32zM192.3 320v-32h-32v32h32zM369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 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-155.526 -99.79 -155.526 -195.034c0 -110.549 89.4678 -200 200 -200 c110.549 0 200 89.4678 200 200c0 95.2578 -66.4316 174.838 -155.526 195.034c-7.29199 1.65234 -12.4736 8.12109 -12.4736 15.5977v16.3916z" /> <glyph glyph-name="heading" unicode="&#xf1dc;" d="M432 368v-352h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32v152h-224v-152h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32v352h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32v-152h224v152h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trash" unicode="&#xf1f8;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 368c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 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3.86523 -8.80762 c0 -1.95508 -0.864258 -4.87402 -1.92969 -6.51465l-18.1543 -28.1133c-3.8418 -5.9502 -11.9668 -7.28223 -17.499 -2.9209c-8.5957 6.77637 -31.8145 22.5381 -61.708 22.5381c-48.3037 0 -77.916 -35.3301 -77.916 -80.082c0 -41.5889 26.8877 -83.6924 78.2764 -83.6924 c32.6572 0 56.8428 19.0391 65.7266 27.2256c5.26953 4.85645 13.5957 4.03906 17.8193 -1.73828l19.8652 -27.1699c1.28613 -1.74512 2.33008 -4.91992 2.33008 -7.08789c0 -2.72363 -1.56055 -6.5 -3.48242 -8.42969z" /> <glyph glyph-name="diamond" unicode="&#xf219;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M189.5 -48l-178.5 210.3c-14.5996 17.2002 -14.5996 42.2002 0 59.5l178.5 210.2c18.0996 21.4004 50.9004 21.2998 69 0l178.5 -210.3c14.5996 -17.2002 14.5996 -42.2002 0 -59.5l-178.5 -210.2c-18.0996 -21.4004 -50.9004 -21.2998 -69 0zM48 192l176 -206.5 l176 206.5l-176 206.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sticky-note" unicode="&#xf249;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 99.8936c0 -10.9746 -6.29883 -26.1797 -14.0586 -33.9404l-83.8828 -83.8818c-7.75977 -7.76074 -22.9658 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glyph-name="calendar-minus" unicode="&#xf272;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M124 120c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v24c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h200c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-24c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-200zM448 336v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v52 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h128v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h48c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM400 -10v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-times" unicode="&#xf273;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M311.7 73.2998l-17 -17c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-53.7002 53.7998l-53.7002 -53.6992c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-17 17c-4.7002 4.69922 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l53.7002 53.6992l-53.7002 53.7002c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17 l17 17c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l53.7002 -53.7002l53.7002 53.7002c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l17 -17c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-53.7998 -53.7998l53.6992 -53.7002c4.80078 -4.7002 4.80078 -12.2998 0.100586 -17zM448 336v-352 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h128v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h48c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM400 -10 v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-check" unicode="&#xf274;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 384c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h48v52c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-52h128v52c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-52h48zM394 -16c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v298h-352v-298c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h340zM341.151 184.65l-142.31 -141.169c-4.70508 -4.66699 -12.3027 -4.6377 -16.9707 0.0673828l-75.0908 75.6992 c-4.66699 4.70508 -4.6377 12.3027 0.0673828 16.9707l22.7197 22.5361c4.70508 4.66699 12.3027 4.63672 16.9697 -0.0693359l44.1035 -44.4609l111.072 110.182c4.70508 4.66699 12.3027 4.63672 16.9707 -0.0683594l22.5361 -22.7178 c4.66699 -4.70508 4.63672 -12.3027 -0.0683594 -16.9697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="universal-access" unicode="&#xf29a;" d="M256 440c136.967 0 248 -111.033 248 -248s-111.033 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.033 248 248 248zM256 -16c114.971 0 208 93.0469 208 208c0 114.971 -93.0469 208 -208 208c-114.971 0 -208 -93.0469 -208 -208c0 -114.971 93.0469 -208 208 -208z M399.594 270.66c2.53809 -10.75 -4.11914 -21.5225 -14.8691 -24.0615c-29.8643 -7.05078 -57.8389 -13.2852 -85.5967 -16.751c0.678711 -111.33 12.6543 -128.456 26.9688 -165.115c4.82324 -12.3467 -1.27441 -26.2656 -13.6221 -31.0879 c-12.3398 -4.82227 -26.2627 1.27051 -31.0869 13.6221c-9.55859 24.4678 -18.0889 42.9492 -23.8047 85.1201h-3.16406c-5.7207 -42.2061 -14.2686 -60.7061 -23.8047 -85.1201c-4.81641 -12.3281 -18.7217 -18.4502 -31.0869 -13.623 c-12.3467 4.82324 -18.4453 18.7412 -13.623 31.0889c14.3301 36.6855 26.29 53.8369 26.9688 165.115c-27.7578 3.46582 -55.7324 9.69922 -85.5967 16.751c-10.75 2.53809 -17.4072 13.3115 -14.8691 24.0615c2.53906 10.75 13.3115 17.4053 24.0605 14.8691 c104.769 -24.7363 134.447 -24.7012 239.066 0c10.749 2.53809 21.5215 -4.11816 24.0596 -14.8691zM217.806 313.806c0 21.0947 17.1006 38.1943 38.1943 38.1943s38.1943 -17.0996 38.1943 -38.1943c0 -21.0938 -17.1006 -38.1934 -38.1943 -38.1934 s-38.1943 17.1006 -38.1943 38.1934z" /> <glyph glyph-name="audio-description" unicode="&#xf29e;" d="M464 384c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h416zM458 48c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v276c0 3.31152 -2.68848 6 -6 6h-404c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-276 c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h404zM245.459 111.861c2.64453 -7.7832 -3.14062 -15.8613 -11.3613 -15.8613h-29.1719v0c-4.95996 0 -10.1182 3.8623 -11.5146 8.62207l-8.79297 29.9766h-51.3672l-8.57422 -29.9053c-1.375 -4.79883 -6.54297 -8.69336 -11.5352 -8.69336 h-29.1328c-8.21973 0 -14.0059 8.07812 -11.3613 15.8613l57.0967 168c1.52637 4.49219 6.61719 8.13867 11.3623 8.13867h35.8936c4.74512 0 9.83496 -3.64648 11.3623 -8.13867zM162.925 209.291c-1.27637 4.41895 -2.65039 9.99121 -3.87109 15.2422 c-1.2207 -5.25098 -2.59473 -10.8242 -3.87207 -15.2451l-9.04102 -30.6523h25.6064zM331.2 288c61.041 0 98.96 -36.6367 98.96 -95.6143c0 -59.4531 -37.9189 -96.3857 -98.96 -96.3857h-57.3662c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v168c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h57.3662z M329.399 142.61c29.7754 0 46.1748 17.6768 46.1748 49.7744c0 32.2383 -17.4902 49.0049 -46.1748 49.0049h-14.5234v-98.7793h14.5234z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sign-language" unicode="&#xf2a7;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 192.9c0.599609 -19.7002 -8.09961 -38.6006 -23.2998 -50.9004l-47.1006 -37.4004v-87.6992c0 -28.5 -19.3994 -53.6006 -47.1992 -60.3008l-69 -16.5996c-11.3008 -2.7002 -22.8008 -4.09961 -34.4004 -4.09961h-92.0996c-30.7002 0 -55.5 24.5996 -56.5 55.0996 c-32.7002 1.40039 -58.8008 30.9004 -53.9004 65.2002c-15 10.3994 -24.9004 27.8994 -24.5 47.7998c0.400391 19.2998 10.0996 36.2002 25 46.2998c-4.5 34 21.5 64.7002 56 64.7002h33c-15.4004 23.7998 -11.2002 56.0996 11 74.9004 c-19.5 26.8994 -12.5 65.8994 17 83.2998c-1.2002 18.7998 6.59961 37.2998 22 49.2002c15.9004 12.0996 35.4004 14.0996 51.5996 8.7998c10.2002 10.2998 24.4004 16.7998 40.1006 16.7998c17.7002 0 34 -8.09961 44.7998 -22.2002l46.7002 -61.2002 c34.7002 35.3008 94.8994 11.6006 96.5 -38.2998zM182.5 333.8c-12.4004 16.2998 -37.4004 -2.59961 -24 -20.2002l40 -52.5c12.7002 5.10059 27.4004 3.30078 38.5 -5l11 -8.09961zM173.8 255.7c-12.7998 16.7998 -37.5996 -2.40039 -24.7002 -19.4004l28.5 -37.2998 h2.90039c-10 14.0996 -10.2002 33.5 0 47.9004zM336.5 17v123.5c0 6.7002 -3.2002 13.0996 -8.5 17l-105.7 78.5c-16.3994 12.0996 -35 -13.4004 -18.0996 -26l26.7002 -19.7998c2.2998 -1.7002 3.59961 -4.40039 3.59961 -7.2002c0 -5 -4 -9 -9 -9h-144.5 c-20.9004 0 -20.2002 -32 0.5 -32h107.2c5 0 9 -4 9 -9v-5c0 -5 -4 -9 -9 -9h-132.2c-20.9004 0 -20.2002 -32 0.5 -32h131.8c5 0 9 -4 9 -9v-5c0 -5 -4 -9 -9 -9h-108.399c-20.9004 0 -20.2002 -32 0.5 -32h107.8c5 0 9 -4 9 -9v-5c0 -5 -4 -9 -9 -9h-53.4004 c-20.7002 0 -21.3994 -32 -0.5 -32h92.1006c8.2998 0 16.6992 0.900391 24.7998 2.90039l69 16.5996c9.2998 2.2998 15.7998 10.7002 15.7998 20.5zM399.1 174.2c5.10059 4.09961 8.10059 10.5996 8 17.3994l-4.2998 133.4c-0.700195 20.7002 -31.7002 20.5996 -31 -1.09961 l1.10059 -33.6006c0.199219 -8.7002 -10.9004 -12.7002 -16.2002 -5.7002l-88.7998 116.4c-12.4004 16.2002 -37.4004 -2.59961 -24 -20.2002l65.8994 -86.3994c2.90039 -3.90039 2.2002 -9.5 -1.59961 -12.5l-3.90039 -3.10059 c-1.89941 -1.5 -4.2998 -2.2002 -6.7002 -1.89941c-2.39941 0.299805 -4.5 1.59961 -6 3.5l-81.1992 106.5c-12.4004 16.1992 -37.4004 -2.60059 -24 -20.2002l81 -106.101c2.89941 -3.89941 2.19922 -9.5 -1.60059 -12.5l-3.89941 -3.09961 c-2.10059 -1.7002 -4.80078 -2.2998 -7.40039 -1.7998l88.2998 -65.6006c10.6006 -7.89941 17.2998 -20.1992 18.4004 -33.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope-open" unicode="&#xf2b6;" d="M494.586 283.484c9.6123 -7.94824 17.4141 -24.5205 17.4141 -36.9932v-262.491c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v262.515c0 12.5166 7.84668 29.1279 17.5146 37.0771c4.08008 3.35449 110.688 89.0996 135.15 108.549 c22.6992 18.1426 60.1299 55.8594 103.335 55.8594c43.4365 0 81.2314 -38.1914 103.335 -55.8594c23.5283 -18.707 130.554 -104.773 135.251 -108.656zM464 -10v253.632v0.00488281c0 1.5791 -0.996094 3.66602 -2.22363 4.6582 c-15.8633 12.8232 -108.793 87.5752 -132.366 106.316c-17.5527 14.0195 -49.7168 45.3887 -73.4102 45.3887c-23.6016 0 -55.2451 -30.8799 -73.4102 -45.3887c-23.5713 -18.7393 -116.494 -93.4795 -132.364 -106.293 c-1.40918 -1.13965 -2.22559 -2.85254 -2.22559 -4.66504v-253.653c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h404c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6zM432.009 177.704c4.24902 -5.15918 3.46484 -12.7949 -1.74512 -16.9814c-28.9746 -23.2822 -59.2734 -47.5967 -70.9287 -56.8623 c-22.6992 -18.1436 -60.1299 -55.8604 -103.335 -55.8604c-43.4521 0 -81.2871 38.2373 -103.335 55.8604c-11.2793 8.9668 -41.7441 33.4131 -70.9268 56.8643c-5.20996 4.1875 -5.99316 11.8223 -1.74512 16.9814l15.2578 18.5283 c4.17773 5.07227 11.6572 5.84277 16.7793 1.72559c28.6182 -23.001 58.5654 -47.0352 70.5596 -56.5713c17.5527 -14.0195 49.7168 -45.3887 73.4102 -45.3887c23.6016 0 55.2461 30.8799 73.4102 45.3887c11.9941 9.53516 41.9434 33.5703 70.5625 56.5684 c5.12207 4.11621 12.6016 3.3457 16.7783 -1.72656z" /> <glyph glyph-name="watch" unicode="&#xf2e1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M320 335.1c39.2998 -35.0996 64 -86.1992 64 -143.1s-24.7002 -108 -64 -143.1v-88.9004c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-208c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v88.9004c-39.2998 35.0996 -64 86.1992 -64 143.1s24.7002 108 64 143.1v88.9004 c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h208c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-88.9004zM104 408v-45.2998c26.4004 13.5996 56.2998 21.2998 88 21.2998s61.5996 -7.7002 88 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-5.40039 97.6006 -45.2002c23.7998 -6.09961 46.3994 -28 52.7002 -52.7998zM462.9 270.1 c6.09961 8.60059 -15.3008 29.6006 -23.7002 23.3008l-90.1006 -90.1006c-9.19922 -7.7998 -31 13.7998 -23.5996 23.2002l84.7002 96.4004c5.89941 8.39941 -15 29.2998 -23.4004 23.3994l-96.3994 -84.7002c-9.40039 -7.39941 -30.9004 14.4004 -23.2002 23.6006 l90.0996 90.0996c6.40039 8.2998 -14.7002 29.6006 -23.2002 23.6006c0 0 -71.1992 -47.8008 -93.0996 -69.7002c-34.7002 -34.7002 -36.7002 -83.1006 -9.5 -123.2l-181.4 -162c-2.89941 -2.59961 -2.7998 -7.2998 0.100586 -10.2002l47.5996 -47.5996 c3 -3 7.7002 -3 10.2002 -0.100586l162 181.4c40.5996 -27.5 88.9004 -24.7998 123.2 9.5c21.8994 21.7998 69.7002 93.0996 69.7002 93.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="utensil-knife" unicode="&#xf2e4;" d="M463.3 431.4c34.5 -32.9004 48.7002 -88.5 48.7002 -136c0 -58.1006 -20 -114.301 -61.0996 -153.601c-48.3008 -45.8994 -110 -54.7998 -176.4 -46.5996l-122.6 -140.7c-21 -24.0996 -58.5 -24.7002 -82.4004 -1.90039l-51 48.6006 c-23.7002 22.5996 -25 59.5996 -1.7998 81.7002l367.6 350.199c22 21 56.9004 19.4004 79 -1.69922zM417.7 176.7c66.2002 62.8994 53.0996 181.2 12.5 219.899c-4 3.80078 -9.7998 4.5 -12.7998 1.7002l-367.601 -350.2c-3 -2.89941 -2.09961 -8.39941 1.7998 -12.1992 l51 -48.5c4 -3.80078 10.2002 -4.7002 13.1006 -1.30078l139.899 160.601c59.1006 -10.6006 118.4 -11.6006 162.101 30z" /> <glyph glyph-name="utensil-spoon" unicode="&#xf2e5;" d="M474.4 410.5c64.8994 -64.9004 38.5996 -181.8 -24.8008 -245.3c-46.2998 -46.2998 -99.5996 -57.4004 -153.399 -40.5l-152.4 -169.9c-21.5 -23.8994 -59.2002 -25.5 -82.5 -2.2002l-44.7002 44.7002c-23.0996 23.1006 -22 60.7998 2.2002 82.5l169.9 152.5 c-17.4004 55.2998 -4.5 108.3 40.5 153.4c64.5 64.5 181.2 88.7998 245.2 24.7998zM415.7 199.3c45.7998 45.7998 68.7002 133.4 24.7002 177.3c-42.2002 42.2002 -129 23.5 -177.301 -24.7998c-42.3994 -42.3994 -41.2998 -86 -17.0996 -132.5l-195.2 -175.2 c-3.7002 -3.39941 -3.89941 -9.19922 -0.299805 -12.7998l44.7002 -44.7002c3.59961 -3.69922 9.5 -3.39941 12.7998 0.300781l175.2 195.3c49.5996 -25.9004 92.2002 -23.2002 132.5 17.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="triangle" unicode="&#xf2ec;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M329.6 424l240 -416c18.4004 -32 -4.69922 -72 -41.5996 -72h-479.9c-37 0 -60 40.0996 -41.5996 72l239.9 416c18.5 32 64.7998 32 83.1992 0zM48 -16h480l-240 416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trash-alt" unicode="&#xf2ed;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M268 32c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v216c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h24c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-216c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-24zM432 368c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16v-336 c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v336h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h82.4102l34.0195 56.7002c7.71875 12.8613 26.1572 23.2998 41.1572 23.2998h0.00292969h100.82h0.0224609 c15 0 33.4385 -10.4385 41.1572 -23.2998l34 -56.7002h82.4102zM171.84 397.09l-17.4502 -29.0898h139.221l-17.46 29.0898c-0.96582 1.60645 -3.26953 2.91016 -5.14355 2.91016h-0.00683594h-94h-0.0166016c-1.87402 0 -4.17871 -1.30371 -5.14355 -2.91016zM368 -16v336 h-288v-336h288zM156 32c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v216c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h24c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-216c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stopwatch" unicode="&#xf2f2;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M393.9 264c24 -33.9004 38.0996 -75.2998 38.0996 -120c0 -114.9 -93.0996 -208 -208 -208s-208 93.0996 -208 208c0 106.8 80.4004 194.7 184 206.6v49.4004h-28c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v24c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h104c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-24 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-28v-49.2998c43.4004 -4.90039 82.7002 -23.2998 113.8 -50.7998l20.7002 20.6992c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l17 -17c4.7002 -4.69922 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17zM224 -16c88.4004 0 160 71.5996 160 160s-71.5996 160 -160 160 s-160 -71.5996 -160 -160s71.5996 -160 160 -160zM236 96h-24c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v136c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h24c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-136c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spade" unicode="&#xf2f4;" d="M256 400c0 0 -174.4 -167.2 -192.1 -191.7c-10.1006 -14.0996 -16.1006 -31.3994 -16 -50.0996c0.199219 -47.2998 39.3994 -85.1006 86.5996 -85.1006h0.799805c38.2002 0.400391 49.1006 6.30078 78.2998 36.2002c1.2002 1.2002 2.7002 1.7998 4.2002 1.7998 c3 0 6 -2.39941 6 -6v-17.0996c0 -37.7002 2.2998 -48.9004 -24.7002 -82.9004c-6.69922 -8.5 -0.699219 -21.0996 10.2002 -21.0996h93.2002c10.9004 0 17 12.5996 10.2002 21.0996c-27 34.1006 -24.7002 45.2002 -24.7002 82.9004v17.0996c0 3.60059 2.90039 6 6 6 c1.5 0 3 -0.5 4.2002 -1.7998c29.5 -30.2002 40.2998 -35.8994 78.3994 -36.2002h0.800781c47.0996 0 86.2998 37.7002 86.5996 84.8008c0.0996094 18.6992 -5.7998 36 -15.7998 50.0996c-17.6006 24.7002 -192.2 192 -192.2 192zM256 448 c12 0 23.9004 -4.40039 33.4004 -13.2998c0.5 -0.400391 44.3994 -42.5 89.8994 -87.1006c94.7002 -92.7998 103.8 -105.6 108.2 -111.699c16.4004 -23 24.9004 -50.1006 24.7002 -78.3008c-0.299805 -35.5996 -14.6006 -69.0996 -40.2998 -94.0996 c-25.4004 -24.7002 -58.9004 -38.2998 -94.3008 -38.2998h-1.19922c-7 0 -13.6006 0.299805 -20 0.799805c3.89941 -7.2998 6.39941 -15.2002 7.09961 -23.5c0.900391 -11 -1.09961 -22 -5.90039 -32c-4.7998 -10 -12.1992 -18.4004 -21.3994 -24.5 c-9.90039 -6.5 -21.5 -10 -33.5 -10h-93.2002c-12 0 -23.5996 3.5 -33.5 10c-9.2002 6.09961 -16.5996 14.5 -21.4004 24.5c-4.89941 9.90039 -6.89941 21 -5.89941 32c0.799805 8.2998 3.2002 16.2998 7.09961 23.5c-6.39941 -0.5 -13 -0.700195 -20 -0.799805h-1.2002 c-74 0 -134.3 59.5996 -134.6 132.899c-0.0996094 28.2002 8.5 55.3008 25 78.2002c4.40039 6.10059 13.5 18.7002 108 111.3c45.5 44.5 89.4004 86.6006 89.7998 87c9.2998 8.90039 21.2002 13.4004 33.2002 13.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-landscape" unicode="&#xf2fa;" horiz-adv-x="510" d="M462 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-414c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h414zM456 48c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v276c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-402c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-276c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-portrait" unicode="&#xf2fb;" horiz-adv-x="385" d="M385 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-289c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h289c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-416zM48 -10c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h277c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v404c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-277c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-wide" unicode="&#xf2fc;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M592 351.5c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-223c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-544c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v223c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h544zM586 80.5c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v211c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-532c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-211c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h532z " /> <glyph glyph-name="octagon" unicode="&#xf306;" d="M497.9 297.5c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.1992 -34v-143c0 -12.7002 -5.09961 -24.9004 -14.0996 -33.9004l-136.5 -136.5c-9 -9 -21.2002 -14.0996 -33.9004 -14.0996h-143.1c-12.7002 0 -24.9004 5.09961 -33.9004 14.0996l-136.5 136.5 c-9 9 -14.0996 21.2002 -14.0996 33.9004v143.1c0 12.7002 5.09961 24.9004 14.0996 33.9004l136.5 136.4c9 9 21.2002 14.0996 33.9004 14.0996h143.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM464 120.5v143l-136.4 136.5h-143.1l-136.5 -136.5v-143l136.5 -136.5 h143z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hexagon" unicode="&#xf312;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M441.5 408.2l112 -192c8.7002 -15 8.7002 -33.5 0 -48.4004l-112 -192c-8.59961 -14.7002 -24.4004 -23.7998 -41.5 -23.7998h-224c-17.0996 0 -32.9004 9.09961 -41.5 23.7998l-112 192c-8.7002 15 -8.7002 33.5 0 48.4004l112 192 c8.59961 14.7002 24.4004 23.7998 41.5 23.7998h224c17.0996 0 32.9004 -9.09961 41.5 -23.7998zM400 0l112 192l-112 192h-224l-112 -192l112 -192h224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-check" unicode="&#xf316;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.941 350.059c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0586 -22.9658 14.0586 -33.9404v-332.118c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v416c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h204.118c10.9746 0 26.1807 -6.29883 33.9404 -14.0586zM332.118 320 l-76.1182 76.1182v-76.1182h76.1182zM48 -16h288v288h-104c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v104h-160v-416zM309.151 176.661l-142.31 -141.169c-4.70508 -4.66699 -12.3027 -4.63672 -16.9707 0.0673828l-75.0908 75.7002 c-4.66699 4.70508 -4.6377 12.3037 0.0673828 16.9717l22.7197 22.5352c4.70508 4.66699 12.3027 4.6377 16.9697 -0.0683594l44.1035 -44.4609l111.072 110.181c4.70508 4.66699 12.3027 4.63672 16.9707 -0.0683594l22.5361 -22.7178 c4.66699 -4.70605 4.63672 -12.3027 -0.0683594 -16.9707z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-exclamation" unicode="&#xf31a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM332.1 320l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996h76.0996zM48 -16h288v288 h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416zM156.6 235.3c-0.399414 6.90039 5.10059 12.7002 12 12.7002h46.8008c6.89941 0 12.3994 -5.7998 12 -12.7002l-6.5 -104c-0.400391 -6.39941 -5.7002 -11.2998 -12 -11.2998h-33.8008 c-6.39941 0 -11.5996 5 -12 11.2998zM232 64c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9004 -40 40s17.9004 40 40 40s40 -17.9004 40 -40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-edit" unicode="&#xf31c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.9 350.1c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2998 14.0996 -34v-332.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM332.1 320l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996h76.0996zM48 -16h288v288 h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104h-160v-416zM211.1 213.9l46.8008 -46.8008c2 -2 2 -5.19922 0 -7.19922l-114.5 -114.5l-48.2002 -5.40039c-6.40039 -0.700195 -11.9004 4.7002 -11.2002 11.2002l5.40039 48.2002l114.5 114.5c2 2 5.19922 2 7.19922 0z M294.1 196.1l-19.5 -19.5c-2 -2 -5.19922 -2 -7.19922 0l-46.8008 46.8008c-2 2 -2 5.19922 0 7.19922l19.5 19.5c7.90039 7.90039 20.7002 7.90039 28.6006 0l25.3994 -25.3994c7.90039 -7.90039 7.90039 -20.7002 0 -28.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="club" unicode="&#xf327;" d="M256 400c-60.2002 0 -101.4 -60.7998 -79.5996 -116.7l14.5996 -37.3994c1.5 -4 -1.5 -8.2002 -5.59961 -8.2002c-0.300781 0 -0.5 0.0996094 -0.800781 0.0996094l-39.7998 5.2998c-3.89941 0.600586 -7.7002 0.800781 -11.5 0.800781 c-46.7002 0 -85.3994 -38.1006 -85.2998 -85.6006c0.0996094 -47.2998 39.4004 -85.2002 86.5996 -85.2002h0.800781c38.1992 0.400391 49.0996 6.30078 78.2998 36.2002c1.2002 1.2002 2.7002 1.7998 4.2002 1.7998c3 0 6 -2.39941 6 -6v-17.0996 c0 -37.7002 2.2998 -48.9004 -24.7002 -82.9004c-6.7002 -8.5 -0.700195 -21.0996 10.2002 -21.0996h93.0996c10.9004 0 17 12.5996 10.2002 21.0996c-27 34.1006 -24.7002 45.2002 -24.7002 82.9004v17.2002c0 3.59961 2.90039 6 6 6c1.5 0 3 -0.5 4.2002 -1.7998 c29.5 -30.2002 40.2998 -35.9004 78.3994 -36.2002h0.800781c47.1992 0 86.3994 37.7998 86.5996 85.0996c0.200195 47.6006 -38.5 85.7998 -85.2998 85.7998c-3.7998 0 -7.60059 -0.299805 -11.5 -0.799805l-39.7998 -5.2998 c-0.300781 -0.0996094 -0.5 -0.0996094 -0.800781 -0.0996094c-4.19922 0 -7.19922 4.19922 -5.59961 8.19922l14.5996 37.4004c21.7002 55.5996 -19.2998 116.5 -79.5996 116.5zM256 448c22.4004 0 44.5 -5.59961 63.9004 -16.4004 c18.2998 -10 34.2998 -24.5 46.1992 -41.8994c11.9004 -17.4004 19.6006 -37.6006 22.3008 -58.4004c1.69922 -13.2002 1.39941 -26.5996 -0.900391 -39.7002c14.7998 -1 29.2998 -4.39941 43.0996 -10.2998c16 -6.7002 30.2002 -16.3994 42.5 -28.7002 c25.2002 -25.2998 39 -58.8994 38.9004 -94.5996c-0.299805 -73.2998 -60.7002 -132.9 -134.6 -132.9h-1.2002c-7 0 -13.6006 0.300781 -20 0.800781c3.89941 -7.30078 6.39941 -15.2002 7.09961 -23.5c0.900391 -11 -1.09961 -22 -5.89941 -32 c-4.80078 -10 -12.2002 -18.4004 -21.4004 -24.5c-9.90039 -6.5 -21.5 -10 -33.5 -10h-93.0996c-12 0 -23.6006 3.5 -33.5 10c-9.2002 6.09961 -16.6006 14.5 -21.4004 24.5c-4.90039 9.89941 -6.90039 21 -5.90039 32c0.800781 8.2998 3.2002 16.2998 7.10059 23.5 c-6.40039 -0.5 -13 -0.700195 -19.9004 -0.800781h-1.2002c-74.0996 0 -134.399 59.7002 -134.6 133.101c-0.0996094 35.7002 13.7998 69.2002 39 94.5c12.2002 12.2998 26.5 21.8994 42.4004 28.7002c13.7998 5.89941 28.2998 9.2998 43.0996 10.2998 c-2.2998 13.0996 -2.59961 26.5 -0.900391 39.7002c2.7002 20.7998 10.4004 41 22.3008 58.3994c11.8994 17.4004 27.8994 32 46.1992 42c19.4004 10.6006 41.5 16.2002 63.9004 16.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-edit" unicode="&#xf333;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M243.1 213.9l46.8008 -46.8008c2 -2 2 -5.19922 0 -7.19922l-114.5 -114.5l-48.2002 -5.40039c-6.40039 -0.700195 -11.9004 4.7002 -11.2002 11.2002l5.40039 48.2002l114.5 114.5c2 2 5.19922 2 7.19922 0zM326.1 224.7c7.90039 -7.90039 7.90039 -20.7002 0 -28.6006 l-19.5 -19.5c-2 -2 -5.19922 -2 -7.19922 0l-46.8008 46.8008c-2 2 -2 5.19922 0 7.19922l19.5 19.5c7.90039 7.90039 20.7002 7.90039 28.6006 0zM448 336v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v52 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h128v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h48c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM400 -10v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-exclamation" unicode="&#xf334;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M188.6 235.3c-0.399414 6.90039 5.10059 12.7002 12 12.7002h46.8008c6.89941 0 12.3994 -5.7998 12 -12.7002l-6.5 -104c-0.400391 -6.39941 -5.7002 -11.2998 -12 -11.2998h-33.8008c-6.39941 0 -11.5996 5 -12 11.2998zM264 64c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40 s-40 17.9004 -40 40s17.9004 40 40 40s40 -17.9004 40 -40zM400 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v52c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h128v52 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-52h48zM394 -16c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge" unicode="&#xf335;" d="M256 -64c-36.2002 0 -68.2002 18.5996 -86.7002 46.7002c-33.0996 -6.7998 -68.7002 2.59961 -94.2998 28.2998c-25.5996 25.5996 -35.0996 61.4004 -28.2998 94.2998c-28 18.4004 -46.7002 50.4004 -46.7002 86.7002c0 36.2002 18.5996 68.2002 46.7002 86.7002 c-6.7998 32.7998 2.59961 68.7002 28.2998 94.2998c25.5996 25.5996 61.4004 35.0996 94.2998 28.2998c18.4004 28 50.4004 46.7002 86.7002 46.7002s68.2002 -18.7002 86.7002 -46.7002c32.7998 6.7998 68.7002 -2.59961 94.2998 -28.2998 c25.5996 -25.5996 35.0996 -61.4004 28.2998 -94.2998c27.9004 -18.2998 46.7002 -50.2002 46.7002 -86.7002c0 -36.2002 -18.5996 -68.2002 -46.7002 -86.7002c6.7998 -32.7998 -2.59961 -68.7002 -28.2998 -94.2998 c-25.5996 -25.5996 -61.2002 -35.0996 -94.2998 -28.2998c-18.4004 -27.9004 -50.2998 -46.7002 -86.7002 -46.7002zM194.8 44.2002c6.5 -17.4004 15.9004 -60.2002 61.2002 -60.2002c43.9004 0 53.5 39.5996 61.2002 60.2002 c30.5 -13.7998 57.7998 -27.2998 85.7998 0.700195c31 31 9.7998 65.8994 0.700195 85.7998c17.3994 6.5 60.2002 15.8994 60.2002 61.2002c0 43.8994 -39.6006 53.5 -60.2002 61.1992c7.7002 16.9004 31.2998 53.8008 -0.700195 85.8008 c-31 31 -65.9004 9.7998 -85.7998 0.699219c-6.5 17.6006 -15.9004 60.4004 -61.2002 60.4004c-43.9004 0 -53.5 -39.5996 -61.2002 -60.2002c-16.8994 7.7002 -53.7998 31.2998 -85.7998 -0.700195c-31 -31 -9.7998 -65.8994 -0.700195 -85.7998 c-17.5 -6.59961 -60.2998 -16 -60.2998 -61.2998c0 -43.9004 39.5996 -53.5 60.2002 -61.2002c-7.7002 -16.8994 -31.2998 -53.7998 0.700195 -85.7998c31 -31 64.7998 -10.4004 85.8994 -0.799805z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spinner-third" unicode="&#xf3f4;" d="M460.116 74.1543l-20.8232 12.0215c-5.54102 3.19922 -7.54004 10.1592 -4.66309 15.874c30.1367 59.8857 28.3428 131.652 -5.38574 189.946c-33.6416 58.3936 -94.8965 95.833 -161.827 99.6758c-6.38867 0.367188 -11.417 5.57715 -11.417 11.9766v24.043 c0 6.90332 5.80762 12.3369 12.7031 11.9814c83.5557 -4.30566 160.163 -50.8643 202.11 -123.677c42.0625 -72.6963 44.0781 -162.316 6.03027 -236.832c-3.13965 -6.14844 -10.75 -8.46094 -16.7275 -5.00977z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ticket-alt" unicode="&#xf3ff;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M400 240h-224v-96h224v96zM424 288c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-144c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 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-4.30078l-151.7 86.8008c-7.59961 -11.4004 -16.3994 -22.3008 -26.5 -32.4004c-41 -41 -94.6992 -61.5 -148.5 -61.5c-157 0 -258.399 166.6 -186.8 306c-12.751 10.707 -23.0996 32.9092 -23.0996 49.5596v0.0400391 c0 35.6006 29 64.6006 64.5996 64.6006c19.2002 0 36.9004 -8.7998 49.1006 -23.4004c30.0996 15.5 63.0996 23.1006 96.0996 23.1006c86.7002 0 126.5 -42.9004 194.5 -97.3008c5.2998 -4.2998 7.40039 -11.3994 5.2002 -17.8994l-10.2002 -29.7002 c-1.09961 -3.2002 -0.0996094 -6.7998 2.59961 -8.90039l25.5 -20.3994c2.60059 -2.10059 6.30078 -2.40039 9.2002 -0.600586l27.5 16.4004c5.7002 3.40039 13 2.90039 18.2002 -1.2998zM41 318.2c6.2998 8.5 13 16.7998 20.7002 24.5 c7.7998 7.7998 16.0996 14.5996 24.7002 20.8994c-5.90039 5.30078 -13.5 8.30078 -21.6006 8.30078c-17.7998 0 -32.2998 -14.5 -32.2998 -32.3008c0 -8.09961 3.2998 -15.5996 8.5 -21.3994zM574.5 98.5c2.59961 3.5 2 8.40039 -1.40039 11.2002l-103.399 82.7002 l-32.2998 -19.2002c-5.80078 -3.40039 -13.1006 -2.90039 -18.3008 1.2998l-69.5 55.5c-5.2998 4.2998 -7.39941 11.4004 -5.19922 17.9004l12.0996 35.1992s-52 41.5 -60.5996 47.8008c-33.8008 21.1992 -125.4 52.0996 -199.9 -22.4004c-63 -63 -63 -165.5 0 -228.5 c30.5 -30.5 71.0996 -47.5 114.2 -47.5c102.1 0 142.2 83.7002 159.7 109.9l160.1 -91.6006c3.5 -2 8 -1.09961 10.5 2.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="band-aid" unicode="&#xf462;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M552 352c48.5 0 88 -39.5 88 -88v-144c0 -48.5 -39.5 -88 -88 -88h-464c-48.5 0 -88 39.5 -88 88v144c0 48.5 39.5 88 88 88h464zM88 80h104v224h-104c-22.0996 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40v-144c0 -22.0996 17.9004 -40 40 -40zM272 168c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24 s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM248 240c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24zM344 144c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24z M368 216c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24zM592 120v144c0 22.0996 -17.9004 40 -40 40h-104v-224h104c22.0996 0 40 17.9004 40 40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-medical" unicode="&#xf477;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M224 216v-56h56c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v56h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM369.8 350c9 -9 14.2002 -21.2998 14.2002 -34v-332c0 -26.5 -21.5996 -48 -48.0996 -48h-287.9c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v415.9c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48.0996h204c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM255.9 396v-76.0996h76.0996z M336 -16v287.9h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6992 -24 24v104h-160v-415.9h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-medical-alt" unicode="&#xf478;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M433.9 350c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -34v-332c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v96h48.0996v-96h287.9v287.9h-104c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6992 -24 24v104h-160v-223.9h46.9004l17.0996 -34.2998l49.7002 99.3994 c5.89941 11.8008 22.7002 11.8008 28.5996 0l32.5 -65.0996h57.2002c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24s-10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-86.7998l-17.2002 34.2998l-49.7002 -99.3994c-5.89941 -11.8008 -22.7002 -11.8008 -28.5996 0l-32.5 65.0996h-113.2c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16 v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v223.9c0 26.5 21.5996 48 48.0996 48.0996h204c12.7002 0 24.8008 -5 33.8008 -14zM320 319.9h76.0996l-76.0996 76.0996v-76.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="x-ray" unicode="&#xf497;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M168 224c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128v32h-96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h96v40c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-40h96c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-96v-32h128c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128v-32h96c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-96v-32h56c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48h-64 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48h56v32h-96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h96v32h-128zM224 80c0 -21.0996 32 -21.2002 32 0s-32 21.2002 -32 0zM416 80c0 21.2002 -32 21.2002 -32 0c0 -21.0996 32 -21.2002 32 0z M632 400h-56v-416h56c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-624c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v32c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v416h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v32c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h624c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8zM528 -16v416h-416v-416h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dove" unicode="&#xf4ba;" d="M368 287.8c0 8.7998 7.09961 16 16 16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16zM384 384h128l-32 -95.9004v-128.399c0 -88.4004 -71.5996 -160.101 -160 -160.101h-40.5996l-76.4004 -54.0996 c-7.59961 -4.7998 -11.7002 -10 -25.2002 -9.40039c-105.899 4.60059 -155 59.3008 -174.8 91.6006c-6.90039 11.0996 -1.40039 26 10.7998 29.2998l114.101 38.5c-41.1006 36.2998 -97.2002 103.3 -95.9004 199.4c0.599609 40 9.7998 77.8994 25.9004 112 c5.7998 12.3994 23.5996 11.8994 29.0996 -0.700195c14.2998 -32.7998 35.2002 -61.9004 60.5996 -86.2998c1 5.7998 1.80078 11.6992 3.40039 17.5c10.7002 40 29.9004 75.5 55 105.1c9 10.5996 25.7998 4.90039 27.9004 -8.40039 c7.19922 -46.6992 27.1992 -89.8994 56.1992 -126.5c9.10059 43.6006 47.7002 76.4004 93.9004 76.4004zM197.4 325c-3.40039 -12.9004 -4.80078 -26.4004 -5.2002 -40.0996c25.5 -15.9004 53.8994 -27.3008 84.0996 -34.1006c-29.3994 29.5 -53.3994 64 -69.2998 102.4 c-3.7998 -9.10059 -7 -18.5 -9.59961 -28.2002zM432 295.9l13.4004 40h-61.4004c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48.1006v-95.7998c-16 0 -161.4 6.90039 -254.1 128c-1.10059 -8.7002 -1.80078 -16.7002 -1.90039 -25.7002c-1.40039 -107.399 85.9004 -171.2 141.7 -217.7 l-154 -52c21.0996 -18.7998 54.7002 -36.8994 107 -40.1992l89.3994 63.6992h55.9004c61.7998 0 112 49.9004 112 111.7v136.101z" /> <glyph glyph-name="piggy-bank" unicode="&#xf4d3;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-128c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48.7002c-8.89941 -11.7998 -19.5996 -22.0996 -31.2998 -31.0996v-80.9004c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-112c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v48h-64v-48c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-112 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v80.7002c-38.5996 29.2002 -64 75.0996 -64 127.3h-8c-33.2998 0 -59.9004 29.2002 -55.5 63.4004c3.59961 28.1992 29 48.5996 57.5 48.5996c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-20c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-1 c-11.5996 0 -22.2998 -7.7998 -24.5 -19.2002c-3 -15.2998 8.7002 -28.7998 23.5 -28.7998h11.2002c10.7998 52.9004 47.7002 96.2002 96.5996 116.1c-2.2998 8.90039 -3.7998 18.2002 -3.7998 27.9004c0 61.9004 50.0996 112 112 112s112 -50.0996 112 -112 c0 -3.5 -0.599609 -6.7998 -1 -10.2002c23.2002 16.1006 50.7002 26.2002 81 26.2002h16v-64.5996c21.7998 -16.5 39.4004 -38.1006 50.5 -63.4004h29.5zM272 400c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64c0 -6 1.09961 -11.7998 2.7002 -17.2998 c4.5 0.299805 8.7998 1.2998 13.2998 1.2998h109.7c1.39941 5.09961 2.2998 10.4004 2.2998 16c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64zM528 112v64h-28.9004c-22.8994 52.2998 -21.6992 53.0996 -67.0996 87.5v34.7002c-18.4004 -6.90039 -31.0996 -18.6006 -40.5996 -26.2002 h-167.4c-61.7998 0 -112 -50.2002 -112 -112c0 -63.5996 49.4004 -92.4004 64 -103.4v-72.5996h48v64h160v-64h48v72.5996c36 27.5 31.9004 24.3008 55.4004 55.4004h40.5996zM432 192c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16z " /> <glyph glyph-name="skull" unicode="&#xf54c;" d="M344 248c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56s-25.0996 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.0996 -56 56s25.0996 56 56 56zM168 248c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56s-25.0996 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.0996 -56 56s25.0996 56 56 56zM256 448c141.4 0 256 -100.3 256 -224 c0 -70.0996 -36.9004 -132.6 -94.4004 -173.7c-9.69922 -6.89941 -15.1992 -18.2002 -13.5 -29.8994l6.80078 -47.9004c2.69922 -19.2998 -12.2002 -36.5 -31.7002 -36.5h-246.3c-19.5 0 -34.4004 17.2002 -31.7002 36.5l6.7998 47.9004 c1.7002 11.7998 -3.7998 23 -13.5 29.8994c-57.5996 41.1006 -94.5 103.601 -94.5 173.7c0 123.7 114.6 224 256 224zM389.7 89.4004c47.2002 33.6992 74.2998 82.6992 74.2998 134.6c0 97 -93.2998 176 -208 176s-208 -79 -208 -176 c0 -51.9004 27.0996 -100.9 74.2998 -134.6c24.6006 -17.5 37.2998 -46.5 33.2002 -75.7002l-4.2002 -29.7002h40.7002v40c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-40h64v40c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-40h40.7002 l-4.2002 29.7002c-4.09961 29.2002 8.59961 58.2002 33.2002 75.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tshirt" unicode="&#xf553;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M638 327c3.2998 -9.90039 2.5 -20.4004 -1.90039 -29.9004l-53 -106.199c-9.59961 -19.2002 -33 -27.1006 -52.0996 -17.4004l-23.5 11.0996c-5.2998 2.5 -11.4004 -1.2998 -11.4004 -7.19922v-185.2c0 -31 -25.0996 -56.2002 -56 -56.2002h-240 c-30.8994 0 -56 25.2002 -56 56.2002v185.3c0 5.7998 -6.09961 9.7002 -11.3994 7.2002l-24 -11.2998c-18.6006 -9.30078 -42 -1.5 -51.6006 17.6992l-53 106.2c-4.69922 9.2998 -5.39941 19.7998 -2.09961 29.7002c3.2998 9.7998 10.2998 17.7998 19.5996 22.4004 l198.2 98.5996c9.10059 -12.5996 27.7998 -50.2998 100.2 -50.2998c71.7998 0 90.7002 37.0996 100.2 50.2998l198.3 -98.5996c9.2998 -4.60059 16.2002 -12.6006 19.5 -22.4004zM544 220.6l44.7002 89.8008l-155.5 77.2998 c-26.2998 -23.9004 -67.7002 -38.2002 -113.2 -38.2002s-86.9004 14.2998 -113.3 38.2998l-155.5 -77.2998l44.7998 -89.9004l73.2002 34.6006c10.5996 5 22.7998 -2.7998 22.7998 -14.5v-248.601c0 -4.39941 3.59961 -8 8 -8h240c4.40039 0 8 3.60059 8 8v248.601 c0 11.7998 12.2002 19.5 22.7998 14.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="award" unicode="&#xf559;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M446.34 14.79c5.95996 -13.1504 -4.85938 -27.4297 -20.46 -27.4404c-0.290039 0 -0.580078 0.0107422 -0.879883 0.0205078l-72.8604 2.50977l-50.1299 -47.6494c-4.4502 -4.23047 -10.2598 -6.23047 -16.0098 -6.23047c-8.53027 0 -16.9199 4.38965 -20.5498 12.4004 l-41.4502 91.4697l-41.4502 -91.4697c-3.62988 -8.01074 -12.0195 -12.4004 -20.5498 -12.4004c-5.74023 0 -11.5498 2 -16.0195 6.23047l-50.1309 47.6494l-72.8594 -2.50977c-0.290039 -0.00976562 -0.589844 -0.0205078 -0.879883 -0.0205078 c-15.6006 0 -26.4102 14.29 -20.4502 27.4404l62.3594 137.62c-4.31934 11.1299 -7.23926 13.0801 -22.3398 28.1895c-7.22656 7.22949 -13.0918 21.3926 -13.0918 31.6143c0 3.24707 0.681641 8.42871 1.52246 11.5664c8.2998 30.9697 8.29004 26.6699 0 57.6201 c-4.14062 15.4199 0.279297 31.8896 11.5693 43.1797c22.6807 22.6797 20.5205 18.9395 28.8105 49.9004c3.68359 13.7646 17.8447 27.9258 31.6094 31.6094c30.9707 8.2998 27.2402 6.15039 49.9004 28.8105c7.23047 7.23145 21.3984 13.1006 31.625 13.1006 c3.24707 0 8.42871 -0.681641 11.5654 -1.52051c30.9297 -8.29004 26.75 -8.27051 57.6191 0c3.1377 0.839844 8.31934 1.52148 11.5674 1.52148c10.2266 0 24.3936 -5.87012 31.623 -13.1016c22.6797 -22.6807 18.9404 -20.5205 49.9004 -28.8105 c13.7646 -3.68359 27.9258 -17.8447 31.6094 -31.6094c8.2998 -30.9805 6.14062 -27.2207 28.8203 -49.9209c7.22656 -7.22949 13.0908 -21.3926 13.0908 -31.6152c0 -3.24707 -0.681641 -8.42773 -1.52051 -11.5645c-8.30078 -30.9697 -8.29004 -26.6699 0 -57.6201 c0.839844 -3.13672 1.52148 -8.31836 1.52148 -11.5664c0 -10.2217 -5.86523 -24.3848 -13.0918 -31.6133c-14.0205 -14.0205 -17.9004 -16.7598 -22.3398 -28.1904zM153.73 1.09961l28.8691 63.7002c-1.93945 -0.25 -3.85938 -0.799805 -5.80957 -0.799805 c-11.5596 0 -23 4.46973 -31.6299 13.0996c-16.2705 16.2705 -17.9199 15.2305 -43.0605 21.9707c-2.85938 0.769531 -5.44922 2.05957 -8.04004 3.33984l-29.7197 -65.5898l49.9902 1.71973zM177.28 112.86c26.4199 15.4092 62.2998 18.1396 93.4395 -0.0400391 c22.6504 22.6494 34.6602 25.0498 60.9307 32.0898c11.4199 42.5898 18.1094 46.96 39.3994 68.25c-8.18945 30.5498 -11.3301 36.5098 0 78.8096c-22.3594 22.3701 -28.0596 25.9502 -39.3994 68.25c-42.5908 11.4199 -46.9502 18.1104 -68.2402 39.4004 c-29.6006 -7.94043 -36.1699 -11.4199 -78.79 0c-31.1797 -31.1797 -39.1602 -31.6201 -68.25 -39.4004c-8.19043 -30.5498 -8.4502 -37.2793 -39.4102 -68.2393c7.88965 -29.4102 11.5098 -35.8604 0 -78.79c22.3604 -22.3604 28.0596 -25.9404 39.4004 -68.2402 c27.1797 -7.29004 38.8994 -10.0098 60.9199 -32.0898zM353.79 37.8496l29.8701 -1.01953l-29.7197 65.5801c-2.60059 -1.28027 -5.19043 -2.58008 -8.04004 -3.33984c-25.25 -6.77051 -26.6504 -5.56055 -43.0605 -21.9707 c-8.62988 -8.62988 -20.0801 -13.0996 -31.6299 -13.0996c-1.9502 0 -3.87012 0.540039 -5.80957 0.799805l28.8691 -63.7002l39.4004 37.4404zM320 256c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96s-96 42.9805 -96 96s42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96zM224 208 c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-contract" unicode="&#xf56c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M196.66 84.6699c19.75 16.1699 54.0596 9.69043 65.9902 -14.1602c2.04004 -4.12012 5.87988 -6.5 10.1592 -6.5h15.1904c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-15.2002c-16.4297 0 -31.2402 9.14062 -38.6201 23.8398 c-2.93945 5.94043 -8.09961 6.53027 -10.1895 6.53027s-7.25 -0.599609 -10.0303 -6.18945l-7.66016 -15.3301c-2.71973 -5.4502 -8.28027 -8.86035 -14.3096 -8.86035c-0.370117 0 -0.740234 0.0195312 -1.12012 0.0498047 c-5.89062 0.410156 -12.1895 5.28906 -14.0605 10.8906l-16.8096 50.4795l-10.6201 -31.8896c-5.87988 -17.6504 -22.3496 -29.5303 -40.9697 -29.5303h-12.4102c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16h12.4102c4.80957 0 9.08984 3.05957 10.5898 7.63965 l18.2197 54.6504c3.28027 9.82031 12.4404 16.4102 22.7803 16.4102s19.5 -6.60059 22.7803 -16.4102zM369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939 c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97 v-415.92h288.01zM88 336c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80zM88 272c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-download" unicode="&#xf56d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M216 211.93v-84.0098h48.8701c10.71 0 16.0498 -12.9795 8.4502 -20.5195l-72.3105 -71.7705c-4.99023 -4.9502 -13.04 -4.9502 -18.0293 0l-72.3105 71.7705c-7.59961 7.5498 -2.25977 20.5195 8.4502 20.5195h48.8799v84.0098c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h24 c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12zM369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06 c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-export" unicode="&#xf56e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M572.29 168.94c4.9502 -4.99023 4.9502 -13.04 0 -18.0303l-71.7705 -72.3105c-7.5498 -7.59961 -20.5195 -2.25977 -20.5195 8.4502v48.8799h-308c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v24c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h164v88.0107h-104.04 c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01v103.939h48v-103.939c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06 c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996l83.8896 -83.8906c9 -8.99023 14.1699 -21.29 14.1699 -33.9902v-132.1h96v48.8799c0 10.71 12.9697 16.0498 20.5195 8.4502zM255.95 319.93h76.0898l-76.0898 76.0801v-76.0801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-import" unicode="&#xf56f;" d="M497.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v103.939h47.9902v-103.939h288.01v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98 h-159.97v-215.99h112.01v48.8799c0 10.71 12.9697 16.0498 20.5195 8.4502l71.7705 -72.3096c4.9502 -4.99023 4.9502 -13.04 0 -18.0303l-71.7705 -72.3105c-7.5498 -7.59961 -20.5195 -2.25977 -20.5195 8.4502v48.8799h-276c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v24 c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h116v215.98c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM383.95 319.93h76.0898l-76.0898 76.0801v-76.0801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-invoice" unicode="&#xf570;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M296 48c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80zM80 208c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h192c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-192 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96zM112 192v-64h160v64h-160zM369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92 c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01zM88 336c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 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31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-24.1201c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24.29 c-11.29 0.580078 -22.2695 4.51953 -31.3701 11.3496c-3.89941 2.93066 -4.09961 8.77051 -0.569336 12.1406l11.75 11.21c2.76953 2.63965 6.88965 2.75977 10.1299 0.729492c3.85938 -2.42969 8.25977 -3.71973 12.8193 -3.71973h28.1104 c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.60938 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295l-45 13.5c-18.6006 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v24.1201c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8zM88 336 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80zM176 280c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-prescription" unicode="&#xf572;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 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48.9697h-25.3701v-40c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v144c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h64c30.9297 0 56 -25.0703 56 -56c0 -22.0303 -12.8301 -40.9004 -31.3301 -50.04z M168 176c13.2305 0 24 10.7695 24 24s-10.7695 24 -24 24h-40v-48h40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-signature" unicode="&#xf573;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568.54 280.67c9.9502 -9.93945 9.9502 -26.0703 0 -36.0098l-27.25 -27.25l-67.8799 67.8799l27.25 27.25c9.93945 9.94043 26.0703 9.94043 36.0098 0zM329.06 142l121.721 120.66l67.8799 -67.8799l-134.66 -135.58v-75.21 c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996l83.8896 -83.8906 c9 -8.99023 14.1699 -21.29 14.1699 -33.9902v-74.5l-48 -47.5791v78h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.91h288.01v48.0098h-63.2002c-16.4297 0 -31.2402 9.14062 -38.6201 23.8398c-2.93945 5.94043 -8.09961 6.53027 -10.1895 6.53027 s-7.25 -0.599609 -10.0303 -6.18945l-7.66016 -15.3301c-2.71973 -5.4502 -8.28027 -8.86035 -14.3096 -8.86035c-0.370117 0 -0.740234 0.0195312 -1.12012 0.0498047c-5.89062 0.410156 -12.1895 5.28906 -14.0605 10.8906l-16.8096 50.4795l-10.6201 -31.8896 c-5.87988 -17.6504 -22.3496 -29.5303 -40.9697 -29.5303h-12.4102c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16h12.4102c4.80957 0 9.08984 3.05957 10.5898 7.63965l18.21 54.6504c3.28027 9.82031 12.4404 16.4102 22.7803 16.4102s19.5 -6.60059 22.7793 -16.4102 l13.8809 -41.6201c19.7197 16.1699 54.0293 9.69043 66 -14.1699c2.04004 -4.12012 5.87988 -6.5 10.1592 -6.5h24.7607l15.2295 50.8896c2.58008 8.62695 9.86426 20.7725 16.2598 27.1104zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-upload" unicode="&#xf574;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06 c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01zM182.98 220.21c4.98926 4.9502 13.0498 4.9502 18.0391 0l72.3105 -71.7695 c7.59961 -7.55078 2.25977 -20.5205 -8.4502 -20.5205h-48.8799v-84c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v84h-48.8799c-10.71 0 -16.0498 12.9805 -8.4502 20.5205z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stamp" unicode="&#xf5bf;" d="M416 192c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96h66.5596 c16.2607 0 29.4404 13.1797 29.4404 29.4404v0.0595703c0 31.79 -9.98047 62.0703 -23.3203 90.9297c-5.55957 12.0303 -8.67969 25.4102 -8.67969 39.5703c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96c5.65039 0 11.4102 -0.490234 17.25 -1.5 c38.79 -6.75 70.4902 -38.6699 77.2598 -77.4502c3.85059 -22.04 0.0605469 -42.8096 -9.0498 -60.4199c-12.5801 -24.3096 -21.46 -50.3604 -21.46 -77.7295v-9.45996c0 -16.2607 13.1797 -29.4404 29.4404 -29.4404h66.5596zM48 96v-16h416v16 c0 26.4697 -21.5303 48 -48 48h-66.5596c-42.7002 0 -77.4404 34.7402 -77.4404 77.4404v9.45996c0 32.25 8.78027 64.8896 26.8203 99.7793c4.79004 9.26074 6.26953 19.4004 4.39941 30.1104c-3.30957 18.9902 -19.3799 35.1396 -38.2002 38.4199 c-3.01953 0.520508 -6.05957 0.790039 -9.01953 0.790039c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48c0 -6.78027 1.42969 -13.3203 4.25977 -19.4404c18.9199 -40.9492 27.7402 -76.2393 27.7402 -111.06c0 -42.7598 -34.7402 -77.5 -77.4404 -77.5h-66.5596 c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48zM432 -16v48h-352v-48h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="suitcase-rolling" unicode="&#xf5c1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-256c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16h-128v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16h-16 c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v256c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h48v80c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-80h48zM144 400v-80h96v80h-96zM336 16v256h-288v-256h288zM104 64c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h176 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-176zM104 176c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h176c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-176z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-certificate" unicode="&#xf5f3;" d="M497.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-239.93v47.9902h240v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-79.9102h-47.9902v79.9102 c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM383.95 319.93h76.0898l-76.0898 76.0801v-76.0801zM247.42 109.72c-14.8701 -15.1299 -13.4102 -12.5195 -18.8896 -33.2695 c-2.70996 -10.2803 -10.6006 -18.3105 -20.71 -21.0703c-14.3203 -3.89941 -11.5303 -2.97949 -15.8398 -5v-114.38l-64 32l-64 -32v114.38c-4.32031 2.03027 -1.53027 1.10059 -15.8408 5c-10.1094 2.75 -18 10.7803 -20.71 21.0703 c-5.43945 20.6602 -4.01953 18.1602 -18.8701 33.2695c-7.39941 7.53027 -10.29 18.5 -7.5791 28.79c5.41992 20.6299 5.44922 17.71 0 38.4199c-2.71094 10.29 0.179688 21.2607 7.5791 28.79c14.8701 15.1406 13.4102 12.5303 18.8701 33.2705 c2.70996 10.2793 10.6006 18.3096 20.71 21.0693c20.1904 5.51074 17.7803 4.03027 32.6904 19.21c7.40039 7.52051 18.1797 10.4707 28.2803 7.71094c20.29 -5.53027 17.4297 -5.54004 37.75 0c10.1094 2.75977 20.8896 -0.180664 28.29 -7.71094 c14.8496 -15.1094 12.4092 -13.6797 32.6895 -19.21c10.1104 -2.75 18 -10.7793 20.71 -21.0693c5.44043 -20.6602 4.00977 -18.1504 18.8701 -33.2705c7.40039 -7.5293 10.29 -18.5 7.58008 -28.79c-5.44043 -20.6797 -5.42969 -17.7695 0 -38.4199 c2.70996 -10.29 -0.179688 -21.2598 -7.58008 -28.79zM128 96c35.3398 0 64 28.6504 64 64s-28.6602 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6504 -64 -64s28.6602 -64 64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="theater-masks" unicode="&#xf630;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M206.86 203.53l-7.62988 -43.29c-21.0908 -7.24023 -38.5 -18.2402 -49.9004 -31c-2.41992 32.9902 21.6504 63.8096 57.5303 74.29zM606.8 328.09c24.1699 -13.4502 37.1201 -41.5195 32.1602 -69.6895l-31.7295 -179.96 c-15.3906 -87.2705 -156.83 -152.311 -219.86 -141.2c-63.0303 11.1201 -173.7 120.609 -158.311 207.88l31.7305 179.96c4.95996 28.1699 26.7295 50.1201 54.04 54.4902c50.2695 8.0498 101.02 7.5498 150.32 -1.14062 c49.2998 -8.68945 97.1592 -25.5801 141.649 -50.3398zM559.94 86.7695l31.7197 179.95c1.39941 7.95996 -1.98047 15.9502 -8.21973 19.4199c-39.5908 22.0303 -82.2002 37.1807 -126.641 45.0107c-44.4395 7.83984 -89.6494 8.17969 -134.399 1.01953 c-7.05078 -1.12988 -12.96 -7.46973 -14.3604 -15.4297l-31.7305 -179.96c-10.21 -57.9502 79.3203 -145.21 119.381 -152.271c40.0498 -7.05957 154.029 44.3105 164.25 102.26zM80.0498 150.34c8.00977 -45.29 82.9902 -89.6396 135.87 -100.14 c8.49023 -17.2402 19.3896 -33.8203 31.5996 -49.3799c-3.33984 -0.360352 -6.59961 -0.820312 -10.2891 -0.820312c-68.1201 0 -190.211 61.54 -204.45 142.02l-31.7305 179.45c-4.96973 28.0898 7.98047 56.0801 32.1504 69.4902 c67.8193 37.6299 143.46 57.04 220.12 57.04c23.9199 0 47.9492 -1.88965 71.8701 -5.7002c17.2998 -2.76953 31.7793 -13.04 41.7695 -26.9902c-19.1396 -0.779297 -38.29 -2.30957 -57.1797 -5.31934c-11.1201 -1.78027 -21.5107 -5.60059 -31.0303 -10.8604 c-8.48047 0.530273 -16.9697 1.00977 -25.4199 1.00977c-68.6104 0 -136.66 -17.6299 -196.79 -51c-6.25 -3.46973 -9.62012 -11.4297 -8.21973 -19.3594zM193.36 291.35c3.83984 -21.75 -10.6807 -42.5195 -32.4404 -46.3496s-42.5 10.6904 -46.3398 32.4502 c-0.730469 4.12988 -0.610352 8.17969 -0.0898438 12.1299c10.8096 -5.58008 24.8301 -7.75977 39.4795 -5.17969c14.6504 2.58008 27.0703 9.42969 35.3203 18.3691c1.83984 -3.5293 3.33984 -7.28906 4.07031 -11.4199zM505.95 241.26 c21.7598 -3.83008 36.2803 -24.5801 32.4502 -46.3398c-0.730469 -4.13965 -2.23047 -7.90039 -4.07031 -11.4297c-8.25 8.93945 -20.6797 15.79 -35.3301 18.3701c-14.6504 2.58984 -28.6699 0.399414 -39.4805 -5.18066c-0.519531 3.9502 -0.639648 8 0.0908203 12.1299 c3.83984 21.7607 24.5898 36.29 46.3398 32.4502zM372.95 224.1c-14.6504 2.58008 -28.6699 0.390625 -39.4902 -5.17969c-0.519531 3.9502 -0.639648 8 0.0898438 12.1299c3.83984 21.7598 24.5898 36.29 46.3398 32.4502 c21.7607 -3.83984 36.29 -24.5801 32.4502 -46.3398c-0.729492 -4.14062 -2.22949 -7.90039 -4.07031 -11.4297c-8.23926 8.93945 -20.6699 15.7891 -35.3193 18.3691zM417.26 106.8c43.2803 -7.62988 83.8203 -0.370117 111.931 16.6406 c-14.1709 -52.0605 -66.7002 -85.7207 -122.381 -75.9004c-55.6699 9.82031 -93.5195 59.4102 -89.04 113.18c20.6006 -25.5996 56.2109 -46.29 99.4902 -53.9199z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire" unicode="&#xf631;" d="M256 364c94.9902 0 172 -77.0098 172 -172s-77.0098 -172 -172 -172s-172 77.0098 -172 172s77.0098 172 172 172zM256 316c-18.5801 0 -36.0498 -4.40039 -51.8701 -11.75l26.6602 -36.7002c7.96973 2.66016 16.3496 4.4502 25.2197 4.4502 s17.25 -1.79004 25.2207 -4.4502l26.6592 36.7002c-15.8398 7.34961 -33.3096 11.75 -51.8896 11.75zM133.47 177.44l42.6006 13.8398c0 0.25 -0.0703125 0.469727 -0.0703125 0.719727c0 17.8301 6.03027 34.1299 15.8896 47.4297l-26.5498 36.5508 c-20.5098 -22.1309 -33.3398 -51.5 -33.3398 -83.9805c0 -4.98047 0.889648 -9.71973 1.46973 -14.5596zM232 70.4297v45.6406c-16.7002 5.2793 -31.0498 15.6494 -41.0098 29.5898l-42.71 -13.8799c17.4893 -31.1406 47.5898 -54.2305 83.7197 -61.3506zM256 160 c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM280 70.4297c36.1299 7.12012 66.2305 30.2002 83.7197 61.3506l-42.71 13.8799c-9.96973 -13.9502 -24.3096 -24.3105 -41.0098 -29.5898v-45.6406zM335.93 191.28 l42.6006 -13.8398c0.569336 4.8291 1.46973 9.56934 1.46973 14.5596c0 32.4805 -12.8301 61.8496 -33.3398 83.9805l-26.5498 -36.5508c9.85938 -13.2998 15.8896 -29.5996 15.8896 -47.4297c0 -0.25 -0.0703125 -0.469727 -0.0703125 -0.719727zM256 448 c141.38 0 256 -114.62 256 -256s-114.62 -256 -256 -256s-256 114.62 -256 256s114.62 256 256 256zM256 -16c114.69 0 208 93.3096 208 208s-93.3096 208 -208 208s-208 -93.3096 -208 -208s93.3096 -208 208 -208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-flat" unicode="&#xf632;" d="M0 -40.0195c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h20.3799c-27.9795 41.0391 -44.3799 90.5996 -44.3799 144.02c0 141.38 114.62 256 256 256s256 -114.62 256 -256c0 -53.4199 -16.4004 -102.98 -44.3799 -144.02h20.3799c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 c0 -13.2207 -10.7002 -23.9404 -23.9199 -23.9805h-464.16c-13.21 0.0400391 -23.9199 10.75 -23.9199 23.9805zM232 6.42969v45.6406c-16.7002 5.2793 -31.0498 15.6494 -41.0098 29.5898l-42.71 -13.8799c17.4893 -31.1406 47.5898 -54.2305 83.7197 -61.3506z M176.07 127.28c0 0.25 -0.0703125 0.469727 -0.0703125 0.719727c0 17.8301 6.03027 34.1299 15.8896 47.4297l-26.5498 36.5508c-20.5098 -22.1309 -33.3398 -51.5 -33.3398 -83.9805c0 -4.98047 0.889648 -9.71973 1.46973 -14.5596zM256 96c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32 s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM204.11 240.25l26.6592 -36.7002c12.8203 4.28027 28.3906 7.37012 50.4502 0l26.6602 36.7002c-42.1895 19.5996 -79.6396 11.21 -103.77 0zM280 6.42969c36.1299 7.12012 66.2305 30.2002 83.7197 61.3506 l-42.71 13.8799c-9.96973 -13.9502 -24.3096 -24.3105 -41.0098 -29.5898v-45.6406zM320.11 175.43c9.85938 -13.2998 15.8896 -29.5996 15.8896 -47.4297c0 -0.25 -0.0703125 -0.469727 -0.0703125 -0.719727l42.6006 -13.8398 c0.569336 4.8291 1.46973 9.56934 1.46973 14.5596c0 32.4805 -12.8301 61.8496 -33.3398 83.9805zM256 336c-114.69 0 -208 -93.3096 -208 -208c0 -55.8896 22.2695 -106.6 58.2695 -144.02h56.1309c-47.1104 30.6895 -78.4004 83.6094 -78.4004 144.02 c0 94.9902 77.0098 172 172 172s172 -77.0098 172 -172c0 -60.4102 -31.29 -113.33 -78.3896 -144.02h56.1201c36 37.4199 58.2695 88.1299 58.2695 144.02c0 114.69 -93.3096 208 -208 208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-rugged" unicode="&#xf634;" d="M474.35 282.45c22.46 -12.7197 37.6504 -36.8398 37.6504 -64.4502v-52c0 -27.5996 -15.1904 -51.7197 -37.6602 -64.4502c6.89062 -24.8701 0.580078 -52.6699 -18.9395 -72.1895l-36.7705 -36.7705c-13.9697 -13.9697 -32.5498 -21.6699 -52.3203 -21.6699h-0.0566406 c-5.57422 0 -14.46 1.20508 -19.833 2.69043c-12.7197 -22.4404 -36.8301 -37.6104 -64.4199 -37.6104h-52c-27.5898 0 -51.7002 15.1699 -64.4199 37.6201c-6.40039 -1.77051 -13.0703 -2.69043 -19.8896 -2.69043c-19.7705 0 -38.3506 7.69043 -52.3301 21.6699 l-36.7705 36.7705c-19.5098 19.5195 -25.8301 47.3096 -18.9395 72.1895c-22.46 12.7207 -37.6504 36.8408 -37.6504 64.4404v52c0 27.6104 15.1904 51.7305 37.6602 64.4502c-6.89062 24.8701 -0.580078 52.6699 18.9395 72.1895l36.7607 36.7607 c13.9795 13.9795 32.5596 21.6797 52.3301 21.6797h0.0488281c5.57715 0 14.4658 -1.20508 19.8408 -2.69043c12.7295 22.4404 36.8398 37.6104 64.4199 37.6104h52c27.5801 0 51.6904 -15.1699 64.4102 -37.6104c6.39941 1.77051 13.0703 2.69043 19.8896 2.69043 c19.7705 0 38.3506 -7.7002 52.3301 -21.6797l36.7803 -36.7607c19.5098 -19.5195 25.8301 -47.3096 18.9395 -72.1895zM464 166v52c0 14.3604 -11.6396 26 -26 26h-7.63965c-3.61035 12.0898 -8.35059 23.6904 -14.25 34.5801l5.34961 5.33984 c10.1504 10.1504 10.1504 26.6201 0 36.7705l-36.7695 36.7695c-5.07031 5.08008 -11.7305 7.62012 -18.3809 7.62012c-6.64941 0 -13.2998 -2.54004 -18.3799 -7.62012l-5.34961 -5.33984c-10.8896 5.89941 -22.4902 10.6396 -34.5801 14.2402v7.63965 c0 14.3604 -11.6396 26 -26 26h-52c-14.3604 0 -26 -11.6396 -26 -26v-7.62988c-12.0898 -3.60059 -23.6904 -8.33984 -34.5801 -14.2402l-5.34961 5.33984c-5.07031 5.08008 -11.7305 7.62012 -18.3799 7.62012c-6.65039 0 -13.3008 -2.54004 -18.3809 -7.62012 l-36.7695 -36.7695c-10.1504 -10.1504 -10.1504 -26.6201 0 -36.7705l5.34961 -5.33984c-5.90918 -10.8896 -10.6494 -22.4902 -14.25 -34.5801h-7.63965c-14.3604 0 -26 -11.6396 -26 -26v-52c0 -14.3594 11.6396 -26 26 -26h7.63965 c3.61035 -12.0898 8.35059 -23.6895 14.25 -34.5801l-5.34961 -5.34961c-10.1504 -10.1504 -10.1504 -26.6201 0 -36.7705l36.7695 -36.7695c5.07031 -5.08008 11.7305 -7.62012 18.3809 -7.62012c6.64941 0 13.2998 2.54004 18.3799 7.62012l5.34961 5.34961 c10.8896 -5.90918 22.4902 -10.6494 34.5801 -14.25v-7.63965c0 -14.3604 11.6396 -26 26 -26h52c14.3604 0 26 11.6396 26 26v7.62988c12.0898 3.61035 23.6904 8.35059 34.5801 14.25l5.34961 -5.34961c5.07031 -5.08008 11.7305 -7.62012 18.3799 -7.62012 c6.65039 0 13.3008 2.54004 18.3809 7.62012l36.7695 36.7695c10.1504 10.1504 10.1504 26.6201 0 36.7705l-5.34961 5.34961c5.90918 10.8896 10.6494 22.4902 14.25 34.5801h7.63965c14.3604 0 26 11.6396 26 26zM256 336.02c79.5303 0 144 -64.4697 144 -144 c0 -79.5293 -64.4697 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.4707 -144 144c0 79.5303 64.4697 144 144 144zM256 80.0195c61.7598 0 112 50.2402 112 112c0 61.7607 -50.2402 112 -112 112s-112 -50.2393 -112 -112c0 -61.7598 50.2402 -112 112 -112zM256 272 c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM256 160.02c13.25 0 24 -10.75 24 -24s-10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2607 10.75 24 24 24zM312 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM200 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="watch-fitness" unicode="&#xf63e;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M320 366.39c36.5195 -7.41992 64 -39.6895 64 -78.3896v-192c0 -38.7002 -27.4805 -70.9805 -64 -78.3896v-49.6104c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-192c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v49.6104c-36.5098 7.41992 -64 39.6895 -64 78.3896v192 c0 38.7002 27.4902 70.9697 64 78.3896v49.6104c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-49.6104zM112 400v-32h160v32h-160zM272 -16v32h-160v-32h160zM336 96v192c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-224c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-192 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h224c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM264.51 246.1c22.0898 -17.21 23.25 -48.1299 3.4707 -66.79l-68.04 -64.1992c-4.39062 -4.15039 -11.5205 -4.14062 -15.9102 0l-68.04 64.1992c-19.7705 18.6602 -18.6104 49.5801 3.47949 66.79 c22.2998 17.3701 51.2305 9.19043 65.5898 -4.35938l6.93066 -6.54004l6.92969 6.54004c14.7305 13.8994 43.54 21.5498 65.5898 4.35938z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ad" unicode="&#xf641;" d="M101.42 96c-11 0 -18.7197 10.8496 -15.1104 21.25l53.6904 154.63c3.34961 9.65039 12.4502 16.1201 22.6699 16.1201h26.6602c9.42285 -0.00195312 19.5791 -7.22852 22.6699 -16.1299l53.71 -154.62c3.61035 -10.4004 -4.11035 -21.25 -15.1201 -21.25h-16.9395 h-0.00585938c-6.28223 0 -13.0537 4.81641 -15.1143 10.75l-7.37988 21.25h-70.29l-7.37988 -21.25c-2.24023 -6.42969 -8.31055 -10.75 -15.1201 -10.75h-16.9404zM176 229.22l-18.4805 -53.2197h36.9609zM352 96c-39.7002 0 -72 32.2998 -72 72s32.2998 72 72 72 c8.45996 0 16.46 -1.73047 24 -4.41992v36.4199c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-4.84961 0 -9.04004 2.26953 -11.9805 5.67969c-8.61914 -3.66016 -18.0898 -5.67969 -28.0195 -5.67969zM352 192 c-13.2305 0 -24 -10.7695 -24 -24s10.7695 -24 24 -24s24 10.7695 24 24s-10.7695 24 -24 24zM464 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416zM464 48v288h-416v-288h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-chart-line" unicode="&#xf659;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M131.2 128c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-70.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-22.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v70.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h22.4004zM203.2 192 c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-134.4c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-22.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v134.4c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h22.4004zM252.8 32 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v102.4c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h22.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-102.4c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-22.4004zM369.83 350.02 c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996z M255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-chart-pie" unicode="&#xf65a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06 c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01zM160 190.39v-94.3896h94.3896c-7.41992 -36.5098 -39.6895 -64 -78.3896 -64 c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80c0 38.71 27.4805 70.9805 64 78.3896zM192 222.39c5.16992 1.05078 10.5195 1.61035 16 1.61035c44.1797 0 80 -35.8203 80 -80c0 -4.46094 -0.72168 -11.6289 -1.61035 -16h-94.3896v94.3896z" /> 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24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01zM128 176c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64s64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64 s-64 28.6504 -64 64zM231.85 96h4.9502c37.1104 0 67.2002 -25.79 67.2002 -57.5996v-6.40039c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v6.40039c0 31.8096 30.0898 57.5996 67.2002 57.5996h4.9502c12.29 -5.12012 25.7295 -8 39.8496 -8 s27.5596 2.87988 39.8496 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="socks" unicode="&#xf696;" d="M448 448c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64.0098 -64v-231.98c-0.00292969 -35.3291 -22.9443 -81.2041 -51.21 -102.399l-121.609 -91.2002c-20.1201 -15.1104 -43.71 -22.4102 -67.0908 -22.4102c-29.0195 0 -57.6797 11.2598 -79.1494 32.7207l-13.7598 -10.3203 c-20.1309 -15.1104 -44.3203 -22.4102 -67.7002 -22.4102c-38.29 0 -76.0303 19.5303 -97.3203 56.3604c-28.7598 49.7598 -11.9102 113.76 34.0605 148.25l79.7695 59.3896s0.0996094 110.73 0.169922 184.22c0.0400391 35.3203 28.6797 63.7803 64 63.7803h95.8301 c11.6797 0 22.3398 -3.59961 31.75 -9.05957c9.54004 5.61914 20.5303 9.05957 32.4199 9.05957h95.8301zM352.17 400c-8.80957 0 -15.9902 -7.09961 -16 -15.8301l-0.0302734 -32.1699h127.86v32c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-95.8301zM192.17 400 c-8.80957 0 -15.9902 -7.09961 -15.9902 -15.8398l-0.0292969 -32.1699h112l0.0292969 32.2197c0 5.33008 0.850586 10.4199 2.08008 15.3604c-0.759766 0.139648 -1.45996 0.429688 -2.25977 0.429688h-95.8301zM111.49 -16c13.8896 0 27.7295 4.41992 38.8896 12.7998 l16.7402 12.5498c-16.8203 46.5801 0.820312 100.58 41.7197 131.261l79.1602 59.3896s0.0498047 49.3496 0.0996094 104h-112l-0.119141 -128.02l-98.9404 -73.7705c-27.7402 -20.8096 -37.0996 -58.5098 -21.3096 -85.8301 c11.7197 -20.2695 32.5596 -32.3799 55.7598 -32.3799zM432 88c20.04 15.0303 32 38.96 32 64.0098v151.99h-127.9l-0.119141 -128.02l-98.3408 -73.7705c-27.7393 -20.8096 -37.0996 -58.5098 -21.3096 -85.8301c11.7197 -20.2695 32.5596 -32.3799 55.7598 -32.3799 c13.9004 0 27.1299 4.41992 38.2803 12.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="torah" unicode="&#xf6a0;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224.36 192l-29.3604 49c-1.66797 2.73828 -3.02148 7.5625 -3.02148 10.7686c0 3.07227 1.25098 7.72363 2.79102 10.3818c3.37207 5.91699 11.6357 10.7197 18.4463 10.7197h0.0341797h59.4502l29.1299 48.7002c3.38672 5.72363 11.5342 10.3701 18.1855 10.3701 h0.0341797h0.0585938c6.55273 0 14.5684 -4.58301 17.8916 -10.2305l29.25 -48.8496h59.54c11.6572 -0.000976562 21.1182 -9.46289 21.1182 -21.1201c0 -3.23438 -1.35254 -8.1084 -3.01855 -10.8799l-29.2393 -48.8604l29.3496 -49 c1.66602 -2.73633 3.01758 -7.55664 3.01758 -10.7598c0 -3.07617 -1.25293 -7.73047 -2.79785 -10.3906c-3.37598 -5.91699 -11.6445 -10.7197 -18.457 -10.7197h-0.0224609h-59.4502l-29.1299 -48.7002c-3.38281 -5.71582 -11.5186 -10.3613 -18.1602 -10.3701h-0.0976562 c-6.55371 0 -14.5742 4.58301 -17.9023 10.2305l-29.21 48.8496h-59.54h-0.015625c-11.6533 0 -21.1104 9.45801 -21.1104 21.1104c0 3.2373 1.35547 8.11621 3.02637 10.8896zM220.74 136.5h36.8496l-18.46 30.8203zM320.05 81.5l17.7197 29.6396h-35.46zM419.31 136.5 l-18.4492 30.7998l-18.4102 -30.7998h36.8594zM419.26 247.5h-36.8594l18.46 -30.8203zM320 302.5l-17.7803 -29.6201h35.46zM287.07 247.55l-33.1699 -55.5498l33.2295 -55.5h65.79l33.1699 55.5l-33.2295 55.5498h-65.79zM257.55 247.55h-36.8096l18.4395 -30.7998z M560 448c44.8604 0 80 -30.46 80 -69.3301v-373.34c0 -38.8701 -35.1396 -69.3301 -80 -69.3301c-36.1699 0 -65.6699 19.9502 -75.8799 48h-328.24c-10.21 -28.0498 -39.71 -48 -75.8799 -48c-44.8604 0 -80 30.46 -80 69.3301v373.34 c0 38.8701 35.1396 69.3301 80 69.3301c36.1699 0 65.6699 -20 75.8799 -48h328.24c10.21 28 39.71 48 75.8799 48zM112 5.33008v373.34c0 11.7803 -14.3301 21.3301 -32 21.3301s-32 -9.5498 -32 -21.3301v-373.34c0 -11.7803 14.3301 -21.3301 32 -21.3301 s32 9.5498 32 21.3301zM480 32v320h-320v-320h320zM592 5.33008v373.34c0 11.7803 -14.3301 21.3301 -32 21.3301s-32 -9.5498 -32 -21.3301v-373.34c0 -11.7803 14.3301 -21.3301 32 -21.3301s32 9.5498 32 21.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badger-honey" unicode="&#xf6b4;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M622.25 305.54c10.8701 -6.16016 17.75 -18.8799 17.7598 -32.8096c0 -11.8301 -8.83984 -32.5107 -16.1602 -47.6201c-7.83984 -16.1807 -18.3896 -16.1807 -40.79 -19l-23.0596 -46.1104l-18.8799 37.7695c-28.29 -7.81934 -66.4199 -22.8594 -119.351 -54.6699 l25.4404 -127.26c2.41992 -12.2402 -0.910156 -24.7695 -9.13965 -34.1895c-7.7207 -8.83008 -19.0605 -13.6504 -30.79 -13.6504h-62.6602c-19 0 -35.4697 13.5195 -39.2197 32.1396l-19.1807 95.8604h-55.0801l-21.7598 -44.1299l12.7197 -34.1396 c3.06055 -12.2705 0.270508 -25.0508 -7.71973 -34.9209c-7.7002 -9.51953 -19.4902 -14.7998 -31.7402 -14.7998h-63.0996c-17.75 0 -33.2197 11.5898 -38.2803 28.4199l-13.6602 34.2305c-5.30957 20.3496 -4.2793 38.3994 1.9707 55.2295l12.3896 33.0303 c-22.1201 17.1904 -38.8398 42.6797 -45.9297 73.0801h-20.0303c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 70.6904 57.3096 128 128 128h226.96c19.0996 0 37.9297 6.95996 55.0205 16.79c17.3799 10 36.4199 15.21 55.4697 15.21c13.9502 0 27.9199 -2.79004 41.2402 -8.54004 c15.1396 -6.54004 30.6699 -14.9102 44.8799 -24.5498c27.9297 -18.9502 45.04 -30.8506 70.6797 -45.3701zM128 304c-4.98047 0 -9.84961 -0.490234 -14.5801 -1.37988c6.77051 -50.6602 41.6396 -94.6299 78.5801 -94.6299h45.5098 c9.83984 0 19.5303 2.24023 28.75 6.66016l100.62 61.0195c31.6201 15.2803 61.4297 28.3301 93.1201 28.3301h76.1504c-14.96 8.75977 -24.0107 16.8203 -48.4707 27.3799c-7.09961 3.07031 -14.5693 4.62012 -22.2197 4.62012 c-10.6104 0 -21.5098 -3.04004 -31.5303 -8.80957c-26.7295 -15.3906 -53.2998 -23.1904 -78.9697 -23.1904h-226.96zM584.67 254.68c1.98047 4.41016 7.57031 12.1299 10.9697 17.3203h-80.4492c-1.90039 -9.05957 -9.56055 -16 -19.1904 -16s-17.2803 6.94043 -19.1904 16 h-16.8096c-24.9697 0 -51.0898 -11.5596 -77.9004 -24.4297l-100.659 -61.0205c-14.9404 -7.25 -29.25 -10.5498 -43.9404 -10.5498h-45.5c-56.3301 0 -97.8203 55.3301 -108.84 113.88c-16.8906 -11.54 -29.3301 -29.1494 -33.5498 -49.8799h24.5098l8.64941 -37.0801 c4.38086 -18.7803 14.5508 -35.1396 28.6309 -46.0801l27.9092 -21.6797c-16.4795 -43.9297 -9.91992 -26.4502 -24.8096 -66.1201c-1.83984 -4.9502 -3.61035 -12.2002 -1.07031 -23.7305l11.6904 -29.2998h46.3896c-9.26953 24.8799 -6.46973 17.3604 -14.3496 38.5098 c20.2402 41.0508 13.3594 27.1006 44.1299 89.4902h124.28c9.92969 -49.6494 3.25 -16.2402 25.6094 -128h47.0508c-25.2305 126.181 -21.3105 106.55 -30.1602 150.83c53.6699 32.25 117.87 75.5303 216.6 87.8398z" /> <glyph glyph-name="candy-corn" unicode="&#xf6bd;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M480 448c165.81 -1.62012 164.48 -39.54 157.89 -72.4697c-30.3594 -151.63 -94.1201 -343.351 -157.89 -343.53h-0.0898438c-63.7305 0 -127.46 191.98 -157.8 343.53c-6.59082 32.9297 -7.91992 70.8496 157.89 72.4697zM479.93 82.3799 c12.0898 10.29 29.3301 39.5498 47.6807 84.1104c-31.25 1.83008 -64.0303 1.83008 -95.2803 0c18.3301 -44.5498 35.54 -73.8105 47.5996 -84.1104zM591 385c0.129883 0.620117 0.240234 1.19043 0.349609 1.71973c-10.21 4.33984 -38.9199 12.5205 -111.34 13.2607 c-72.4297 -0.740234 -101.14 -8.9209 -111.34 -13.2607c0.0996094 -0.529297 0.209961 -1.09961 0.330078 -1.71973c3.25977 -16.3096 6.73047 -31.9297 10.29 -47.1602c63.7695 8.07031 137.65 8.07031 201.42 0c3.55957 15.2305 7.02051 30.8506 10.29 47.1602z M84.9404 242.19c118.399 116.1 144.26 88.3496 162.88 60.3896c85.75 -128.69 176.229 -309.34 131.27 -354.561l-0.0595703 -0.0595703c-45.0605 -45.0596 -225.87 45.6299 -354.49 131.34c-27.9502 18.6299 -55.7002 44.4902 60.4004 162.891zM91.6299 93.0703 c39.3799 50.8096 91.6201 103.05 142.43 142.42c-8.25977 13.29 -16.8398 26.79 -26.0693 40.6299c-0.350586 0.519531 -0.680664 1.00977 -0.980469 1.4502c-10.2793 -4.14062 -36.3594 -18.6602 -88.0996 -69.3506c-50.6904 -51.7295 -65.21 -77.8193 -69.3506 -88.0996 c0.44043 -0.299805 0.920898 -0.629883 1.4502 -0.980469c13.8398 -9.21973 27.3301 -17.8096 40.6201 -26.0693zM317.67 76.7998c-23.3896 -20.8096 -46.5596 -43.9902 -67.3701 -67.3799c44.4502 -18.54 77.3203 -27.0596 93.1299 -25.8203 c1.27051 15.8301 -7.22949 48.71 -25.7598 93.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-csv" unicode="&#xf6dd;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M369.83 350.02c9 -9 14.1699 -21.2998 14.1699 -33.9893v-332.04c0 -26.4902 -21.5703 -47.9902 -48.0703 -47.9902h-287.939c-26.4902 0 -47.9902 21.5 -47.9902 47.9902v415.92c0 26.4902 21.5 47.9902 47.9902 48.0898h204.06 c12.6904 0 24.8906 -5.09961 33.8906 -14.0996zM255.95 396.01v-76.0801h76.0898zM336 -16.0098v287.95h-104.04c-13.2998 0 -24 10.6895 -24 23.9893v103.98h-159.97v-415.92h288.01zM224 184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-20.7998 c0 -20.2705 5.7002 -40.1807 16 -56.8799c10.2998 16.71 16 36.6094 16 56.8799v20.7998c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-20.7998c0 -35.4805 -12.8701 -68.8906 -36.2803 -94.0898c-3.01953 -3.25 -7.26953 -5.11035 -11.7197 -5.11035 s-8.7002 1.86035 -11.7197 5.11035c-23.4004 25.1992 -36.2803 58.6094 -36.2803 94.0898v20.7998zM120 192c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-8c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h8 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-8c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v32c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h8zM179.45 149.53l21.8994 -18.7705c8.4707 -7.21973 13.3301 -17.4795 13.3301 -28.1396c0 -21.29 -19.0195 -38.6201 -42.4102 -38.6201 h-12.2695c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h12.25c5.95996 0 10.4102 3.5 10.4102 6.62012c0 1.29004 -0.740234 2.64941 -2.12012 3.83984l-21.8896 18.7705c-8.4707 7.21973 -13.3301 17.4795 -13.3301 28.1396 c0 21.29 19.0195 38.6201 42.4102 38.6201h12.2695c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-12.2598c-5.95996 0 -10.4102 -3.5 -10.4102 -6.62012c0 -1.29004 0.740234 -2.65039 2.12012 -3.83984z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pig" unicode="&#xf706;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M447.99 208c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16zM576 240v-128c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48.7002c-8.89941 -11.7998 -19.5996 -22.0996 -31.2998 -31.0996v-64.9004c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-80 c-17.5996 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v32h-64v-32c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.5996 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v64.7002c-38.5996 29.2002 -64 75.0996 -64 127.3h-8c-33.2998 0 -59.9004 29.2002 -55.5 63.4004c3.59961 28.1992 29 48.5996 57.5 48.5996 c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-20c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-1c-11.5996 0 -22.2998 -7.7998 -24.5 -19.2002c-3 -15.2998 8.7002 -28.7998 23.5 -28.7998h11.2002c9.45996 46.3398 38.9502 85.2998 78.9902 107.63l0.0292969 -0.0703125 c23 12.9805 49.5 20.4404 77.79 20.4404h150.49c1.2998 1 40.5498 32 89.5195 32h16v-64.5996c21.8008 -16.5 39.4004 -38.1006 50.5 -63.4004h29.4805c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM528 208h-28.9004c-22.8994 52.2998 -21.6992 53.0996 -67.0996 87.5v34.7002 c-18.4004 -6.90039 -31.0996 -18.6006 -40.5996 -26.2002h-167.41c-61.7998 0 -112 -50.2002 -112 -112c0 -63.5996 49.3994 -92.4004 64 -103.4v-72.5996h48v64h160.01v-64h48v72.5996c36 27.5 31.9004 24.3008 55.4004 55.4004h40.5996v64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rabbit" unicode="&#xf708;" d="M500.36 26.1201c13.0293 -16.3896 15.8896 -40.9404 4.62988 -61.2598c-9.86035 -17.8008 -28.6299 -28.8604 -48.9805 -28.8604h-37.7197c-18.0205 0 -34.5898 8.45996 -45.1201 22.8203l-7.75977 9.5498c-6.48047 -18.8301 -24.3604 -32.3701 -45.4004 -32.3701 h-160.01c-23.71 0 -44.8203 10.5801 -59.4805 27.0195c-6.61914 -1.81934 -13.4492 -3.01953 -20.5195 -3.01953c-44.2402 0 -80 35.8096 -80 80c0 44.2402 35.8096 80 80 80c6.58008 0 12.9297 -1.08008 19.1299 -2.66016c26.29 57.9297 77.75 102.101 140.89 117.07 v34.9297c0 5.89062 0.510742 14.2705 2.7002 23.4297c-1.2002 3.76074 -2.29004 7.48047 -3.2793 11.1807c-32.4707 121.149 27.8193 144.05 53.7393 144.05h0.0205078c16.9102 -0.00976562 31.0693 -6.91016 42.8193 -17.3604 c11.75 10.4502 25.9209 17.3604 42.8408 17.3604c22.1699 0 79.4697 -17.0996 58.2695 -124.62c10.0703 -6.61035 42.8896 -33.0303 42.8896 -81.0195c0 -46.2305 -32.2695 -85.1104 -75.6094 -95.5801zM80.7998 8.15039c-3.17969 32.0596 2.57031 59.9199 3.16992 63.0801 c-0.689453 0.0996094 -14.2002 3.78906 -26.5996 -8.61035c-12.5 -12.4902 -12.5 -32.75 0 -45.25c6.25 -6.25 14.4395 -9.37012 22.6299 -9.37012c0.269531 0 0.519531 0.139648 0.799805 0.150391zM456.01 -16c6.28027 0 10.1104 6.91016 6.78027 12.2402l-110.78 139.3 v56.46h29.0205c28.1602 0 50.9893 22.5498 50.9893 50.3604c0 16.2598 -7.94922 31.5195 -21.3496 40.9697l-29.1299 17.6504c1.69043 4.92969 3.25977 10.0693 4.69043 15.3896c11.3193 42.2402 9.0791 79.5498 -5 83.3203 c-13.7803 3.69922 -33.75 -26.2002 -45.2109 -67.0908c-11.4297 40.8203 -31.3994 70.79 -45.21 67.0908c-14.0791 -3.77051 -16.3193 -41.0703 -5 -83.3203c2.24023 -8.33984 4.90039 -16.0801 7.74023 -23.3701c-3.16992 -6.62012 -5.53027 -13.8799 -5.53027 -23.6602 v-77.3398c-88.3691 0 -160.01 -71.6299 -160.01 -160v-16c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32h160c0 17.6396 -14.3398 32 -32 32h-64l117.03 58.5195l70.46 -86.7598c1.46973 -2.33984 4.03027 -3.75977 6.79004 -3.75977h37.7197zM368.02 256c0 -8.83984 -7.15918 -16 -16 -16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16c8.84082 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16z" 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-4.86035 c7.83984 17.9004 21.1797 29.9502 39.6797 34.9102c4.80957 1.2998 9.79004 1.9502 14.7998 1.9502c55.6797 0 81.4697 -73.7998 89.9805 -105.54c2.38965 -8.91992 4.31934 -17.8799 5.75977 -26.6699c41.6797 -25.25 39.4395 -23.8301 41.4199 -25.2305zM95.8701 204.9 c-1.83984 16.9492 -0.219727 34.1895 5.71973 50.4199c-17.6494 16.2998 -37.5303 6.00977 -44.2197 -0.69043c-12.5 -12.4902 -12.5 -32.75 0 -45.25c4.49023 -4.49023 19.1895 -15.75 38.5 -4.47949zM187.97 17.1396l32.79 18.7402l-24.9395 27.2402l-18.2002 -9.81055 c-0.280273 -0.329102 -1.62012 -2.80957 -1.62012 -5.5v-23.7295c0 -4 2.5 -6.04004 3.96973 -6.91992c1.5 -0.830078 4.5 -2.04004 8 -0.0205078zM541.02 128.02c28.1504 0 50.9805 22.54 50.9902 50.3604c0 16.2598 -7.9502 31.5205 -21.3496 40.9697l-50.9805 30.8906 c-2.58984 1.25977 -5.18945 1.97949 -7.79004 2.81934c-0.429688 13.1807 -2.72949 28.6807 -7.09961 44.9805c-11.2803 42.1104 -31.8799 73.4502 -45.9902 69.6504c-13.6895 -3.6709 -16.0801 -39.0703 -5.80957 -79.8408 c-2.37988 2.60059 -4.7002 5.2002 -7.28027 7.78027c-29.5303 29.5205 -63.9199 48.0605 -74.6602 37.3203c-10.3096 -10.2998 6.40039 -43.7305 37.3301 -74.6504c14.8506 -14.8496 30.2197 -26.29 43.3799 -33.1699c-4.12988 -10.8799 -3.75 -14.2695 -3.75 -33.1201 c-95.1602 63.2998 -155.2 111.99 -208.109 111.99c-27.5605 0 -53.1904 -13.21 -80.8506 -44.4502c-21.8496 -24.6797 -21.5498 -61.8301 0.810547 -86.0498l144.14 -157.47h160.01c0 17.6396 -14.3398 32 -32 32h-80v59.1797c0 27.3398 -17.4697 51.6201 -42.5 59.0303 l-36.3096 10.7598c-12.7197 3.75977 -19.9697 17.1201 -16.1904 29.8398c3.75 12.6904 17 19.9404 29.8105 16.1904l36.3096 -10.7705c45 -13.3301 76.46 -56.1396 76.8105 -104.27l48.0596 20.0293h93.0195zM512 208.01c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scarecrow" unicode="&#xf70d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M445.7 261.7c3.09961 -3.2002 3.09961 -8.2002 -0.100586 -11.4004l-26.2998 -26.2998l18.4004 -18.2998c5 -5.10059 1.39941 -13.7002 -5.7002 -13.7002h-106.1l25.8994 -141.1c1.7002 -10.3008 -6.5 -18.7002 -15.7998 -18.7002c-2.40039 0 -4.7998 0.5 -7.2002 1.7002 l-32.7002 24.1992c-2.7998 2 -6.09961 3.10059 -9.5 3.10059c-2.5 0 -5.09961 -0.600586 -7.5 -1.90039l-31.0996 -16.5996v-90.7002c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v90.5l-31.0996 16.5996 c-2.30078 1.30078 -4.90039 1.90039 -7.5 1.90039c-3.40039 0.0996094 -6.7002 -1.09961 -9.5 -3.09961l-32.7002 -24.2002c-2.40039 -1.2002 -4.7998 -1.7002 -7.2002 -1.7002c-9.2998 0 -17.5 8.40039 -15.7998 18.7002l26 141.3h-106.101 c-7.19922 0 -10.6992 8.7002 -5.69922 13.7002l18.2998 18.2998l-26.4004 26.4004c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.19922 0 11.2998l26.4004 26.2998l-18.4004 18.2998c-5 5.10059 -1.39941 13.7002 5.7002 13.7002h112v26.5996c0 51.9004 38.9004 98.6006 90.7998 101.301 c1.7998 0.0996094 3.5 0.0996094 5.2002 0.0996094c53 0 96 -43 96 -96v-32h111.9c7.19922 0 10.6992 -8.7002 5.69922 -13.7002l-18.2998 -18.2998zM176 346.6v-26.5996c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h64c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v12.4004 c-3.40039 -2.60059 -7.40039 -4.40039 -12 -4.40039c-11 0 -20 9 -20 20s9 20 20 20c3.7002 0 7 -1.2998 10 -3.09961c-5.7002 20.1992 -24 35.0996 -46 35.0996h-2.59961c-12.3008 -0.700195 -23.5 -6.90039 -31.7002 -16.2998 c10.2002 -0.900391 18.2998 -9.2002 18.2998 -19.7002c0 -11 -9 -20 -20 -20c-4.5 0 -8.5 1.7998 -11.7998 4.2998c-0.100586 -0.5 -0.200195 -1.09961 -0.200195 -1.7002zM367.4 240l16 16.0996l-16 16h-69.5c-11.2002 -9.7998 -25.8008 -16 -41.9004 -16h-64 c-16.0996 0 -30.7002 6.2002 -41.9004 16h-69.5l-16 -16l16 -16h99.1006l-10.4004 -56.6992l-13.5996 -74.5c1.89941 0.0996094 3.7998 0.199219 5.7002 0.199219c10.5 0 20.7998 -2.59961 30.0996 -7.5l32.5 -17.2998l32.5 17.2998 c11 5.90039 23.4004 8.40039 35.7998 7.30078l-13.7002 74.5l-10.3994 56.5996h99.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scroll" unicode="&#xf70e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 112c17.6602 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32v-26.6699c0 -64.6904 -52.6201 -117.33 -117.34 -117.33h-312v0.259766c-56.9697 2.83984 -98.6602 52.8604 -98.6602 108.3v227.44h-80c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v64c0 44.1104 35.8799 80 80 80h376 c48.5303 0 88 -39.4805 88 -88v-248h64zM48 320h64v48c0 17.6396 -14.3398 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-48zM160 44.5596c0 -82.6299 112 -76.54 112 -4.55957v40c0 17.6396 14.3398 32 32 32h192v248c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40h-302.69 c4.31055 -9.7998 6.69043 -20.6201 6.69043 -32v-323.44zM592 53.3301v10.6699h-272v-24c0 -20.0801 -6.21973 -39.3799 -16.8896 -56h219.55c38.25 0 69.3398 31.0996 69.3398 69.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scroll-old" unicode="&#xf70f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 112c17.6602 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32v-26.6699c0 -64.6904 -52.6201 -117.33 -117.34 -117.33l-312 0.259766c-56.9697 2.83984 -98.6602 52.8604 -98.6602 108.3v133.381l14.0596 14.0596l-14.0596 14.0596v65.9404h-80c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v64 c0 44.1104 35.8799 80 80 80h376c48.5303 0 88 -39.4805 88 -88v-25.9404l-14.0596 -14.0596l14.0596 -14.0596v-99.8809l-14.0596 -14.0596l14.0596 -14.0596v-65.9404h64zM48 320h64v48c0 17.6396 -14.3398 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-48zM160 44.5596 c0 -30.9795 22.0303 -57.4492 50.1504 -60.2793c16.1592 -1.48047 31.5293 3.45996 43.4092 14.1895c11.7207 10.6104 18.4404 25.75 18.4404 41.5303v40c0 17.6396 14.3398 32 32 32h97.9404l14.0596 -14.0596l14.0596 14.0596h65.9404v46.0596l-33.9404 33.9404 l33.9404 33.9404v60.1191l-33.9404 33.9404l33.9404 33.9404v6.05957c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40h-302.69c4.31055 -9.7998 6.69043 -20.6201 6.69043 -32v-142.06l33.9404 -33.9404l-33.9404 -33.9404v-113.5zM592 53.3301v10.6699h-142.06l-33.9404 -33.9404 l-33.9404 33.9404h-62.0596v-24c0 -20.0801 -6.21973 -39.3799 -16.8896 -56h219.55c38.25 0 69.3398 31.0996 69.3398 69.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scythe" unicode="&#xf710;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 448c17.6641 0 32.0078 -14.3359 32.0078 -32c0 -1.6709 -0.254883 -4.3584 -0.567383 -6l-96.2705 -461c-1.37012 -7.17578 -8.41016 -13 -15.7158 -13h-0.00390625h-15.4502c-8.8291 0.00292969 -15.9941 7.1709 -15.9941 16 c0 0.821289 0.123047 2.14258 0.274414 2.9502l32.5801 157.05h-128.86c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h138.81l13.2803 64h-552.09c64 160 192 224 338.84 224h269.16zM78.6201 272h483.38l26.5898 128h-249.75 c-116.78 0 -204 -43 -260.22 -128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skull-crossbones" unicode="&#xf714;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M184 288c-13.2402 0 -24 10.7598 -24 24s10.7598 24 24 24s24 -10.7598 24 -24s-10.7598 -24 -24 -24zM264 288c-13.2402 0 -24 10.7598 -24 24s10.7598 24 24 24s24 -10.7598 24 -24s-10.7598 -24 -24 -24zM135.85 219.46 c-33.7598 23.4297 -55.8496 59.5303 -55.8496 100.54c0 70.6904 64.4697 128 144 128s144 -57.3096 144 -128c0 -41.0098 -22.0898 -77.1104 -55.8301 -100.54l7.33008 -34.6104c2.66992 -12.6191 -5.41992 -24.8496 -16.4502 -24.8496h-158.08 c-11.0293 0 -19.1201 12.2305 -16.4502 24.8496zM224 400c-52.9297 0 -96 -35.8896 -96 -80c0 -23.2998 12.8398 -45.5703 35.2197 -61.0996l26.2002 -18.1807l-6.61035 -31.2002l-0.319336 -1.51953h83.0293l-0.319336 1.51953l-6.61035 31.2002l26.2002 18.1807 c22.3701 15.5293 35.21 37.7998 35.21 61.0996c0 44.1104 -43.0596 80 -96 80zM438.7 -18.9502c8.03027 -3.7002 11.5303 -13.21 7.81934 -21.2295l-6.70996 -14.5205c-3.69922 -8.01953 -13.21 -11.5195 -21.2295 -7.81934l-194.58 84.3691l-194.58 -84.3799 c-8.01953 -3.7002 -17.5195 -0.200195 -21.2295 7.82031l-6.70996 14.5195c-3.71094 8.03027 -0.210938 17.54 7.81934 21.2402l154.391 66.9502l-154.391 66.9404c-8.03027 3.70996 -11.5303 13.2197 -7.81934 21.2393l6.70996 14.5205 c3.69922 8.01953 13.21 11.5195 21.2295 7.81934l194.58 -84.3691l194.58 84.3799c8.01953 3.7002 17.5195 0.200195 21.2295 -7.82031l6.70996 -14.5195c3.71094 -8.03027 0.210938 -17.5303 -7.81934 -21.2402l-154.391 -66.9502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toilet-paper" unicode="&#xf71e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M216 216c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24zM296 216c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24zM112 240c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24 s24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24zM464 304c13.2598 0 24 -21.4902 24 -48s-10.7402 -48 -24 -48c-13.25 0 -24 21.4902 -24 48s10.75 48 24 48zM464 448c61.8604 0 112 -85.96 112 -192s-50.1396 -192 -112 -192h-64.5996 c-2.52051 -42.5801 -12.9502 -72.6396 -24.1104 -106.12c-4.36035 -13.0703 -16.5898 -21.8799 -30.3604 -21.8799h-328.92c-10.9199 0 -18.6299 10.7002 -15.1797 21.0596c21.3701 64.1006 31.1699 85.75 31.1699 126.87v172.07c0 106.04 50.1396 192 112 192h320zM352 256 c0 57.4199 14.7803 108.81 38.0898 144h-246.09c-25.4805 0 -64 -57.4297 -64 -144v-172.07c0 -37.71 -6.83984 -62.4102 -19.4004 -99.9297h272.801c10.5801 31.8896 18.5996 58.8604 18.5996 99.9297v172.07zM464 112c25.4805 0 64 57.4297 64 144s-38.5195 144 -64 144 s-64 -57.4297 -64 -144s38.5195 -144 64 -144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toilet-paper-alt" unicode="&#xf71f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M464 304c13.2598 0 24 -21.4902 24 -48s-10.7402 -48 -24 -48c-13.25 0 -24 21.4902 -24 48s10.75 48 24 48zM464 448c61.8604 0 112 -85.96 112 -192s-50.1396 -192 -112 -192h-64.5996c-2.52051 -42.5801 -12.9502 -72.6396 -24.1104 -106.12 c-4.36035 -13.0703 -16.5898 -21.8799 -30.3604 -21.8799h-328.92c-10.9199 0 -18.6299 10.7002 -15.1797 21.0596c21.3701 64.1006 31.1699 85.75 31.1699 126.87v172.07c0 106.04 50.1396 192 112 192h320zM352 256c0 57.4199 14.7803 108.81 38.0898 144h-246.09 c-25.4805 0 -64 -57.4297 -64 -144v-172.07c0 -37.71 -6.83984 -62.4102 -19.4004 -99.9297h272.801c10.5801 31.8896 18.5996 58.8604 18.5996 99.9297v172.07zM464 112c25.4805 0 64 57.4297 64 144s-38.5195 144 -64 144s-64 -57.4297 -64 -144s38.5195 -144 64 -144z " /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-star" unicode="&#xf736;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M167 116.6l-39.7002 38.6006c-7.09961 7 -3.2002 19.0996 6.60059 20.5l54.6992 8l24.5 49.5996c4.40039 9 17.1006 8.7998 21.5 0l24.5 -49.5996l54.7002 -8c9.7998 -1.5 13.7002 -13.6006 6.60059 -20.5l-39.6006 -38.6006l9.40039 -54.5996 c1.7002 -9.7998 -8.7002 -17.2002 -17.4004 -12.5996l-48.8994 25.7998l-48.9004 -25.7998c-8.7002 -4.60059 -19.0996 2.69922 -17.4004 12.5996zM400 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48 h48v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h128v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48zM400 -10v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tornado" unicode="&#xf76f;" d="M429.1 422.8c-172.899 -248.7 286.601 -191.8 -34 -478.5c-5.89941 -5.2998 -13.7998 -8.2998 -21.6992 -8.2998h-27.4004c-11.7002 0 -19.2998 12.2998 -14.2998 22.9004c120.3 252.8 -318.4 119.899 -331.7 472.6c-0.299805 8.90039 7.09961 16.5 16.2002 16.5h400 c12.8994 0 20.2998 -14.5996 12.8994 -25.2002zM360.4 400h-309.601c4.40039 -31.9004 13.2998 -58 25.6006 -80h264.699c0 23.7002 5.5 50.2002 19.3008 80zM114.6 272c35.8008 -32.9004 82.1006 -53.4004 129.7 -74.2998c4.2998 -1.90039 8.5 -3.7998 12.7998 -5.7002 h147.301c-20.8008 20.7002 -43.3008 46.7002 -55.1006 80h-234.7zM399.2 14.4004c55 55.6992 64.5 86.2998 64.7002 100.6c0.199219 9.7002 -4.30078 18.9004 -12.3008 29.0996h-107.3c21.2002 -16.5 38.2998 -36.1992 48.1006 -62.5 c7.69922 -20.5996 10 -42.8994 6.7998 -67.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volcano" unicode="&#xf770;" d="M500.9 21.5c12.5996 -16.7998 14.5 -38.0996 5.5 -56.2002c-9 -18.0996 -27.2002 -29.2998 -47.4004 -29.2998h-406c-20.2002 0 -38.4004 11.2002 -47.4004 29.2998c-9 18.1006 -7.09961 39.2998 5.10059 55.5l159.7 199.101c10 12.6992 25.1992 20.0996 41.5996 20.0996 h87.7998c16.5 0 31.7002 -7.40039 41.7998 -20.2998zM208.2 190.1l-51.1006 -63.5996l2.7002 -4.2998c2 -2.2002 6.7002 -2.90039 9.2002 -2.90039s7.2002 0.700195 10.7998 5.2002c11.5 14.4004 28.7998 22.9004 47.2002 23.2002 c18.2002 -0.700195 35.9004 -7.60059 47.9004 -21.6006l28.5996 -33.3994c3.59961 -4.2002 8.09961 -4.7998 10.5 -4.7998s6.90039 0.599609 10.5 4.7998l28.9004 35.5996l-49.4004 61.5c-1.09961 1.5 -2.59961 2.2002 -4.09961 2.2002h-87.8008 c-1.5 0 -3 -0.700195 -3.89941 -1.90039zM459 -16c2 0 3.5 0.900391 4.5 2.7002c0.900391 1.89941 0.799805 3.59961 -0.5 5.2998l-78.9004 98.2002l-22.7998 -28.1006c-12.0996 -14.2998 -29.2002 -22.0996 -47.2998 -22.0996c-18 0 -35.0996 7.7998 -46.9004 21.5996 l-28.5996 33.4004c-3.7002 4.2002 -7.7002 5.2002 -10.7002 4.7998c-2.39941 -0.0996094 -7 -0.799805 -10.5 -5.2002c-21.8994 -27.1992 -65.2998 -28.8994 -90.5 -5.7998l-78.2002 -97.2998c-0.799805 -1.09961 -0.899414 -2.90039 0 -4.7002 c0.900391 -1.89941 2.40039 -2.7998 4.5 -2.7998h405.9zM160 304c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64c15.7998 0 30.0996 -5.90039 41.2002 -15.4004c11.2002 18.7002 31.3994 31.4004 54.7998 31.4004s43.5996 -12.7002 54.7998 -31.4004 c11.2002 9.5 25.4004 15.4004 41.2002 15.4004c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64c-12.9004 0 -24.7998 3.90039 -34.7998 10.4004l-29.2002 -42.4004h-64l-29.2002 42.4004c-10 -6.5 -21.8994 -10.4004 -34.7998 -10.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="windsock" unicode="&#xf777;" d="M484.2 299.7c15.8994 -2.10059 27.7998 -15.7002 27.7998 -31.7002v-104c0 -16 -11.9004 -29.5996 -27.7998 -31.7002l-404.2 -53.8994v-126.4c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v389.6c-18.9004 9 -32 28.1006 -32 50.4004 c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56s56 -25.0996 56 -56c0 -16 -6.90039 -30.2002 -17.7002 -40.2998zM320 273.2l-96 12.7998v-140l96 12.9004v114.3zM80 305.2v-178.4l80 10.7002v157zM464 178v75.9004l-80 10.6992v-97.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-day" unicode="&#xf783;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M112 80c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-96zM400 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48 v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h128v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48zM400 -10v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-week" unicode="&#xf784;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M112 144c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v64c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-224zM400 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48 h48v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h128v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48zM400 -10v298h-352v-298c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h340c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="heart-broken" unicode="&#xf7a9;" d="M473.7 374.1c48.7002 -49.7998 50.7998 -129.1 7.2998 -182.1l-212.3 -218.5c-3.5 -3.7002 -8.10059 -5.5 -12.7998 -5.5c-4.60059 0 -9.30078 1.90039 -12.8008 5.5l-212.1 218.5c-43.5 53 -41.4004 132.3 7.2998 182.1l2.40039 2.40039 c25.7998 26.2998 59.7002 39.5 93.7002 39.5s68 -13.2002 93.6992 -39.5l27.9004 -28.5l27.9004 28.5996c25.7998 26.3008 59.6992 39.4004 93.6992 39.4004s67.9004 -13.0996 93.7002 -39.4004zM445 223.8c27.2002 34.6006 24.9004 85.5 -5.7002 116.7l-2.7002 2.7998 c-15.3994 15.7998 -36.5 24.7002 -59 24.7002s-43.5996 -8.90039 -59.3994 -25.0996l-22.2998 -22.8008l23.5996 -58.2998c1.2998 -3.39941 0.0996094 -7.2998 -2.90039 -9.39941l-76.5996 -52.4004l22.2998 -72.5c2.40039 -8 -7.5 -13.9004 -13.3994 -7.90039 l-86.8008 88.6006c-3.59961 3.89941 -2.5 10.2002 2.30078 12.5996l75.5996 35.2002l-20.2002 60.2998l-26 26.6006c-15.7998 16.1992 -36.8994 25.0996 -59.3994 25.0996s-43.6006 -8.90039 -59.4004 -25.0996l-2.7998 -2.80078 c-30.1006 -30.7998 -32.4004 -81.6992 -5.2002 -116.3l189 -194.7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sim-card" unicode="&#xf7c4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 384c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64h256l128 -128v-320c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v384zM48 384v-384c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h320c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v300.1l-99.9004 99.9004h-236.1 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM352 96v-32c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32v64h64zM192 224v64h64v-64h-64zM256 96v-64h-64v64h64zM288 224v64h32c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-32h-64zM160 96v-64h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v32h64zM96 256 c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h32v-64h-64v32zM352 192v-64h-256v64h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stocking" unicode="&#xf7d5;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 448c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 15.9004 -16v-64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-206.9c0 -53.5996 -26.6006 -103.399 -71.2002 -133.1l-81.7002 -54.5c-21.7998 -14.5 -46.5 -21.5 -70.9004 -21.5c-41.3994 0 -81.8994 20 -106.6 57 c-39.2002 58.7998 -23.2998 138.3 35.5 177.5l39 26v155.5h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v64c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h288zM304 145.1v206.9h-160v-181.2l-60.4004 -40.2002c-36.7998 -24.5996 -46.6992 -74.1992 -22.1992 -111 c11.0996 -16.5996 57.1992 -58 110.899 -22.1992l81.7998 54.5c31.3008 20.7998 49.9004 55.6992 49.9004 93.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tools" unicode="&#xf7d9;" d="M224 351.9v16.0996l-1.09961 0.799805c6.7998 12.2002 15.0996 23.7002 25.2998 33.9004c38.7002 38.5996 93.3994 53.7998 146.6 40.5996c12.2002 -3 21.9004 -12.3994 25.2002 -24.5c3.40039 -12.0996 0 -25.0996 -8.90039 -34l-58.5996 -58.5996l5.40039 -32.4004 l32.3994 -5.39941l58.7002 58.5996c8.7998 8.90039 21.7998 12.4004 34 9c12 -3.40039 21.4004 -13 24.4004 -25.2002c13 -52.2998 -2.60059 -108.5 -40.7002 -146.6c-8.90039 -9 -18.9004 -16.6006 -29.4004 -22.9004l-30.7002 30.7002 c-1.69922 1.7002 -3.7998 3 -5.59961 4.59961c11.5996 5.2002 22.5 12.3008 31.7998 21.6006c20.6006 20.5996 31.5 47.7998 31.2002 76.0996l-57.2998 -57.2998l-90.6006 15.0996l-15.0996 90.6006l57.4004 57.2002h-1.2002c-27.7998 0 -54.7002 -10.9004 -75 -31.2002 c-25 -25 -35.2998 -60.5 -28.5 -95.2998l-29.7002 29.6992v48.8008zM106 -6l119.2 119c0.5 -18.2998 6 -36.2998 15.7002 -52.0996l-100.9 -100.9c-15.5 -15.5 -36.0996 -24 -58 -24s-42.5 8.5 -58 24s-24 36.0996 -24 58s8.5 42.5 24 58l134.4 134.3l33.8994 -33.8994 l-134.399 -134.4c-6.5 -6.40039 -10 -14.9004 -10 -24c0 -9 3.59961 -17.5996 10 -24c12.7998 -12.7998 35.2998 -12.7998 48.0996 0zM501.1 52.2998c14.5 -14.5 14.5 -38.0996 0 -52.7002l-52.6992 -52.6992c-14.5 -14.6006 -38.1006 -14.6006 -52.7002 0l-117.101 117.1 c-23.0996 23.0996 -27.5 57.5996 -13.8994 85.4004l-106.601 106.6h-62.0996l-96 128l64 64l128 -96v-62.0996l106.6 -106.601c27.8008 13.7002 62.3008 9.2002 85.4004 -13.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-large" unicode="&#xf7dd;" d="M500.3 15.4004c12.2998 -14.2002 15.2002 -34.2002 7.40039 -51.3008c-7.7998 -17.0996 -24.9004 -28.0996 -43.7002 -28.0996h-416c-18.7998 0 -35.9004 11 -43.7002 28.0996c-7.7998 17.1006 -4.89941 37.2002 7.40039 51.4004l46.5996 53.7002 c-9.2002 4.59961 -16.7998 12.2002 -21.5 21.7998c-8.09961 16.5 -6 36.2002 5.40039 50.5996l56.2002 71.5c-9.90039 5 -17.9004 13.3008 -22.5 23.9004c-7.60059 17.5996 -4 38.0996 9.19922 52l136 144c9.10059 9.59961 21.7002 15 34.9004 15 s25.7998 -5.40039 34.9004 -15.0996l136 -144c13.1992 -14 16.7998 -34.4004 9.19922 -52c-4.59961 -10.6006 -12.5996 -18.9004 -22.5 -23.9004l56.2002 -71.5c11.2998 -14.4004 13.4004 -34.0996 5.40039 -50.5996c-4.7002 -9.60059 -12.2998 -17.1006 -21.5 -21.8008z M48 -16h416l-110.9 128h78.9004l-113.1 144h73.0996l-136 144l-136 -144h73.0996l-113.1 -144h78.9004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="files-medical" unicode="&#xf7fd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M433.94 382.06c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0586 -22.9648 14.0596 -33.9395v-268.12c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-80v-48c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v320c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h80v48c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h172.12 c10.9746 -0.000976562 26.1797 -6.2998 33.9395 -14.0596zM352 396.12v-44.1201h44.1201zM272 -10v42h-96c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224h-74c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-308c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h212c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6zM400 86v218h-64 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64h-122c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-308c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h212c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6zM314.67 265.34v-46.6699h46.6602c3.68164 0 6.66992 -2.98828 6.66992 -6.66992v-40 c-0.00585938 -3.67676 -2.99414 -6.66016 -6.66992 -6.66016v0h-46.6602v-46.6699c0 -3.68164 -2.98828 -6.66992 -6.66992 -6.66992v0h-40c-3.68164 0 -6.66992 2.98828 -6.66992 6.66992v46.6699h-46.6602c-3.67578 0 -6.66406 2.9834 -6.66992 6.66016v40 c0 3.68164 2.98828 6.66992 6.66992 6.66992h46.6602v46.6699c0.00585938 3.67676 2.99316 6.66016 6.66992 6.66016v0h40c3.67676 0 6.66406 -2.9834 6.66992 -6.66016z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sack" unicode="&#xf81c;" d="M326 332.09c194.74 -119.09 185.94 -276.5 185.94 -296.09c0 -55.2305 -49.1104 -100 -109.681 -100h-292.49c-60.5791 0 -109.689 44.7695 -109.689 100c0 19.9502 -9.90039 176.34 185.92 296.08l-55.4697 81.1895c-1.39844 2.79688 -2.53223 7.60449 -2.53223 10.7305 c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h0.00195312h208c13.2109 -0.0371094 23.9326 -10.7891 23.9326 -24c0 -3.12598 -1.13477 -7.93359 -2.53223 -10.7305zM314.28 400h-116.561l38.2207 -56h40.1191zM463.94 36c0.669922 81.0703 -33.2803 175.82 -170.86 260h-74.0801 c-138.28 -84.5498 -171.73 -179 -170.91 -260c0 -28.6699 27.6797 -52 61.6797 -52h292.49c34.0098 0 61.6807 23.3301 61.6807 52z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sack-dollar" unicode="&#xf81d;" d="M326 332.09c194.74 -119.09 185.94 -276.5 185.94 -296.09c0 -55.2305 -49.1104 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2.30371 5.9834 2.30371c1.51562 0 3.76367 -0.691406 5.0166 -1.54395c3.53418 -2.1875 9.77441 -3.97949 13.9297 -4h30.6006c7.07031 0 12.8398 6.34961 12.8398 14.2197 c0 6.45996 -3.91992 12.0605 -9.57031 13.6699l-49 14.54c-20.2393 6.03027 -34.3896 25.2002 -34.3896 46.7402c0 26.3799 20.6797 47.8203 46.4805 48.5703v17.4395c0.0322266 4.75879 3.9209 8.62012 8.67969 8.62012h0.0195312h17.4199h0.0205078 c4.75879 0 8.65137 -3.86133 8.68945 -8.62012v-17.5996c10.4385 -0.530273 25.7471 -5.98242 34.1709 -12.1699c1.84766 -1.41504 3.34766 -4.45312 3.34766 -6.78027c0 -2.03809 -1.2041 -4.82422 -2.68848 -6.21973l-12.7393 -12.1699 c-1.40625 -1.26953 -4.08398 -2.29883 -5.97754 -2.29883c-1.51758 0 -3.76855 0.693359 -5.02246 1.54883c-3.53516 2.18262 -9.77539 3.97461 -13.9307 4h-30.5898c-7.07031 0 -12.8398 -6.35059 -12.8398 -14.21c0 -6.46094 3.91992 -12.0605 9.57031 -13.6807z" /> <glyph glyph-name="steak" unicode="&#xf824;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M368.85 352c22.7607 0 49.0107 -15.5801 73.9102 -44.0303c44.3701 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76.9551c14.6396 -35.7002 56.5195 -109 153.39 -109 c-77 14.6504 -128 83.9004 -128 150.9v0.0419922c0 19.668 6.83691 50.0547 15.2598 67.8271c3.39062 7.26074 13.7803 6.85059 17 -0.5c23.46 -53.4893 63.7402 -90.2695 127.66 -90.2695h0.0800781c0 64 58.6699 128 127.9 128h120 c4.45996 -0.00585938 8.0791 -3.62988 8.0791 -8.08984c0 -0.431641 -0.0664062 -1.12598 -0.149414 -1.5498c-2.67969 -13.1699 -11.1201 -23.8203 -22.1797 -30.6602c5.10938 -5.37988 9.90918 -10.5 13.6895 -14.5zM479.92 352c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16 s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="apple-crate-primary" unicode="&#xf6b1;" d="M496 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h-512v112c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h480zM64 144c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM448 144c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM0 -48v112h512v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16zM448 16c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM64 16 c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="axe-primary" unicode="&#xf6b2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M384 146.26l-150.63 150.63c-5.17285 5.17383 -9.37012 15.3096 -9.37012 22.625s4.19727 17.4521 9.37012 22.625l96.4902 96.4902c5.17383 5.1748 15.3115 9.375 22.6299 9.375c7.31738 0 17.4561 -4.2002 22.6299 -9.375l150.62 -150.63h34.2598v-32 c0 -79.4004 -64.5996 -144 -144 -144h-32v34.2598z" /> <glyph glyph-name="axe-battle-primary" unicode="&#xf6b3;" d="M288 368v-416c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v416c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bat-primary" unicode="&#xf6b5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 128l-49.6299 16.54c-5.43945 1.81348 -14.5078 3.28516 -20.2412 3.28516c-18.9053 0 -42.7607 -12.7656 -53.249 -28.4951l-36.8799 -55.3301l-11.8203 11.8203c-10.3467 10.3467 -30.6211 18.7451 -45.2549 18.7451 c-14.6328 0 -34.9072 -8.39844 -45.2549 -18.7451c-1.77344 -1.78027 -4.43848 -4.85352 -5.9502 -6.86035l-51.7197 -68.96l-51.7197 69c-10.5986 14.1309 -33.5361 25.5996 -51.2002 25.5996c-11.7764 0 -28.9795 -5.73438 -38.4004 -12.7998 c-2.00879 -1.50879 -5.08203 -4.1748 -6.85938 -5.9502l-11.8203 -11.8496l-36.8896 55.3301c-10.4883 15.7295 -34.3438 28.4951 -53.249 28.4951c-5.7334 0 -14.8018 -1.47168 -20.2412 -3.28516l-49.6201 -16.54l81.5498 190.31 c4.59082 10.6992 17.7656 19.3828 29.4072 19.3828c3.62207 0 9.26367 -1.15723 12.5928 -2.58203c1.10254 -0.481445 2.83203 -1.37695 3.86035 -2l192.59 -115.511l192.56 115.53c4.19434 2.51562 11.5674 4.55664 16.458 4.55664 c10.0107 0 22.3086 -6.96973 27.4521 -15.5566c0.623047 -1.02832 1.51953 -2.75781 2 -3.86035z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blender-phone-primary" unicode="&#xf6b6;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M158.8 113c0.668945 -1.63574 1.21094 -4.39746 1.21094 -6.16504c0 -5.07129 -3.52148 -11.3193 -7.86035 -13.9453l-39.4004 -24.1797c-12.54 -7.67969 -31.79 -6 -41.6602 4.7998c-39.2207 42.7021 -71.0518 124.416 -71.0518 182.396 c0 56.9941 30.8955 137.676 68.9619 180.094c11.0898 12.5 29.5098 15.8701 43.8398 7.08008l39.2803 -24.0801c4.34863 -2.62402 7.87793 -8.87695 7.87793 -13.9561c0 -1.75781 -0.536133 -4.50586 -1.19824 -6.13379l-25.7998 -63.2598 c-2.37891 -5.71289 -9.33105 -10.3486 -15.5186 -10.3486c-0.476562 0 -1.24805 0.0390625 -1.72168 0.0878906l-45 4.41992c-7.23047 -19.7441 -13.0986 -52.833 -13.0986 -73.8594s5.86816 -54.1162 13.0986 -73.8604l45 4.41992 c0.477539 0.0498047 1.25488 0.0898438 1.73438 0.0898438c6.18652 0 13.1328 -4.63672 15.5059 -10.3496zM480 64c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-352c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h288zM336 -32 c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM392 160c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h114.18l-8.71973 -32h-105.46zM392 256c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h140.36 l-8.7207 -32h-131.64zM392 384h166.54l-8.73047 -32h-157.81c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-dead-primary" unicode="&#xf6b7;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M208 312c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM96 64c-16 0 -32 -12.7998 -32 -32s12.7998 -32 32 -32h328c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-16c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-328c-52.9922 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96 v320c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96h320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-328c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-328zM240 392c-44.2002 0 -80 -28.7002 -80 -64c0 -20.9004 12.7002 -39.2002 32 -50.9004v-13.0996c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h64c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16 v13.0996c19.2998 11.7002 32 30 32 50.9004c0 35.2998 -35.7998 64 -80 64zM124.8 224.7c-0.356445 -0.833008 -0.645508 -2.24316 -0.645508 -3.14844c0 -2.91016 2.1709 -6.2041 4.8457 -7.35156l70.5 -30.2998l-70.4004 -30.1006 c-2.6748 -1.14746 -4.84473 -4.44141 -4.84473 -7.35156c0 -0.905273 0.289062 -2.31543 0.645508 -3.14844l6.2998 -14.7002c1.14746 -2.6748 4.44141 -4.84473 7.35156 -4.84473c0.905273 0 2.31543 0.289062 3.14844 0.645508l98.2998 42.1992l98.2998 -42.0996 c0.833008 -0.356445 2.24316 -0.645508 3.14844 -0.645508c2.91016 0 6.2041 2.1709 7.35156 4.8457l6.2998 14.7002c0.356445 0.832031 0.645508 2.24219 0.645508 3.14746c0 2.91113 -2.16992 6.2041 -4.84473 7.35254l-70.3008 30.0996l70.3008 30.2002 c2.6748 1.14746 4.84473 4.44141 4.84473 7.35156c0 0.905273 -0.289062 2.31543 -0.645508 3.14844l-6.2998 14.7002c-1.14746 2.6748 -4.44141 4.84473 -7.35156 4.84473c-0.905273 0 -2.31543 -0.289062 -3.14844 -0.645508l-98.3994 -42.0996l-98.3008 42.0996 c-0.832031 0.356445 -2.24219 0.645508 -3.14746 0.645508c-2.91113 0 -6.2041 -2.16992 -7.35254 -4.84473zM272 312c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-spells-primary" unicode="&#xf6b8;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 64c-16 0 -32 -12.7998 -32 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14.5146l63.6299 63.7305c3.32812 3.33105 9.84961 6.03418 14.5586 6.03418c1.82324 0 4.70898 -0.463867 6.44141 -1.03418l49.7002 -16.5703l250.68 250.57l-34.4697 34.4805c-2.53809 2.53809 -4.59668 7.51074 -4.59668 11.0996 c0 7.09277 5.64258 13.9883 12.5967 15.3896l128.609 25.7207c0.838867 0.166992 2.21387 0.301758 3.06934 0.301758c8.67773 0 15.7197 -7.04199 15.7197 -15.7197c0 -0.850586 -0.133789 -2.21777 -0.298828 -3.05273z" /> <glyph glyph-name="campfire-primary" unicode="&#xf6ba;" d="M511.28 -22.21l-9.35059 -30.5498c-1.81836 -6.18652 -8.52734 -11.207 -14.9756 -11.207c-1.31152 0 -3.3916 0.316406 -4.64453 0.707031l-226.31 72.2598l-226.31 -72.2598c-1.25293 -0.390625 -3.33301 -0.707031 -4.64453 -0.707031 c-6.44824 0 -13.1572 5.02051 -14.9756 11.207l-9.35059 30.5498c-0.397461 1.2832 -0.720703 3.41406 -0.720703 4.75781c0 6.39844 4.92871 13.2266 11.001 15.2422l140 44.6797l-140 44.7207c-6.07227 2.01465 -11.001 8.84375 -11.001 15.2422 c0 1.34277 0.323242 3.47461 0.720703 4.75781l9.35059 30.5498c1.81836 6.18555 8.52734 11.2061 14.9756 11.2061c1.31152 0 3.3916 -0.316406 4.64453 -0.706055l226.31 -72.2402l226.31 72.2402c1.25293 0.389648 3.33301 0.706055 4.64453 0.706055 c6.44824 0 13.1572 -5.02051 14.9756 -11.2061l9.35059 -30.5498c0.397461 -1.2832 0.720703 -3.41504 0.720703 -4.75781c0 -6.39844 -4.92871 -13.2275 -11.001 -15.2422l-140 -44.6807l140 -44.6797c6.0791 -2.0127 11.0117 -8.84277 11.0117 -15.2461 c0 -1.35449 -0.327148 -3.50195 -0.731445 -4.79395z" /> <glyph glyph-name="campground-primary" unicode="&#xf6bb;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M40.6797 0l239.79 330.25l-53.4102 73.5498c-1.68652 2.32227 -3.05566 6.53516 -3.05566 9.40527c0 4.50098 2.95508 10.2998 6.5957 12.9453l25.8809 18.7998c2.32031 1.68457 6.53223 3.05273 9.40039 3.05273c4.50293 0 10.3047 -2.95801 12.9492 -6.60254 l41.1699 -56.7002l41.1602 56.6895c2.64453 3.64551 8.44629 6.60352 12.9492 6.60352c2.86816 0 7.08008 -1.36816 9.40039 -3.05273l25.9004 -18.79c3.65918 -2.64453 6.62891 -8.4541 6.62891 -12.9688c0 -2.86133 -1.36133 -7.06445 -3.03906 -9.38184 l-53.4102 -73.5498l239.73 -330.25h-163l-116.32 160l-116.36 -160h-162.96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="candle-holder-primary" unicode="&#xf6bc;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M256 192v-208h-192v208c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h32v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16v48h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cauldron-primary" unicode="&#xf6bf;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M434 224h-19.79c21.4004 -38.5195 33.79 -81.2803 33.79 -121.6c0 -39.0801 -11.8203 -70.6504 -32 -95.5303v-46.8701c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24v7.49023c-38.9502 -21.2998 -89.1396 -31.4902 -144 -31.4902s-105 10.1904 -144 31.4902 v-7.49023c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24v46.8701c-20.1797 24.8799 -32 56.4502 -32 95.5303c0 40.3193 12.3896 83.0801 33.79 121.6h-19.79c-7.73047 0 -14 5.37012 -14 12v40c0 6.62988 6.26953 12 14 12h82v-128c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32 s32 14.3359 32 32v128h274c7.73047 0 14 -5.37012 14 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -6.26953 -12 -14 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21.0586l-41.29 62 c-5.91211 8.88867 -10.71 24.7676 -10.71 35.4424v0.0771484v41.4805l-32 32v-176c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64h-0.0195312c-8.40625 0 -15.5654 6.81445 -15.9805 15.21v80.79c0 44.1602 -35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80v-80 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h271c27.041 -0.015625 61.8545 -17.8057 77.71 -39.71l65.8203 -90.9004c6.87012 9.4707 15.5801 17.6807 26.4697 23.0908c1.8291 0.889648 4.96582 1.6123 7 1.6123 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-0.00292969v-77zM377.23 280.64c15.7695 15.6299 2.2998 39.3604 -22.2305 39.3604h-166c-24.5303 0 -37.9502 -23.7305 -22.2305 -39.3604l22.8906 -22.7598c18.833 -18.7012 55.6592 -33.8799 82.2012 -33.8799h0.0585938h0.160156h0.0625 c26.541 0 63.3652 15.1787 82.1973 33.8799zM576 96c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dagger-primary" unicode="&#xf6cb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M290.94 256h-197.881c-6.26074 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28.5977v0.0224609 v90.2695zM398.05 119.38l113.95 113.99v-90.2705c-0.0136719 -8.3418 -3.06055 -21.1631 -6.7998 -28.6191l-47.7002 -95.4004c-5.2666 -10.5322 -18.0879 -23.3535 -28.6201 -28.6201l-85.8799 -42.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d20-primary" unicode="&#xf6cf;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M106.75 232.94l108.64 -190.15l-208.26 22.0703c-3.92676 0.4375 -7.11426 3.99902 -7.11426 7.9502c0 1.24902 0.530273 3.12598 1.18457 4.18945zM7.41016 132.57c-0.646484 -1.05371 -2.17383 -1.90918 -3.41016 -1.90918c-2.20703 0 -3.99902 1.79102 -4 3.99902 v162.81v0.0214844c0 2.20801 1.79199 4 4 4c0.612305 0 1.53516 -0.255859 2.05957 -0.571289l76.6406 -46zM18.25 24.4004c-1.28711 0.589844 -2.33203 2.21875 -2.33203 3.63477c0 2.20801 1.79199 4 4 4c0.147461 0 0.385742 -0.015625 0.532227 -0.0351562 l203.55 -22.3301v-65.6699c-0.00292969 -4.41309 -3.58691 -7.99512 -8 -7.99512c-0.96875 0 -2.46973 0.329102 -3.34961 0.735352zM139.57 240h200.859l-100.43 -175.75zM480 134.66c0 -2.20801 -1.79199 -4.01953 -4 -4.01953 c-1.23633 0 -2.76367 0.855469 -3.41016 1.90918l-75.29 122.351l76.6406 46c0.524414 0.314453 1.44727 0.571289 2.05957 0.571289c2.20801 0 4 -1.79199 4 -4v-0.00195312v-162.81zM478.81 77c0.638672 -1.05469 1.15625 -2.91016 1.15625 -4.14258 c0 -3.9375 -3.1748 -7.49805 -7.08594 -7.94727l-208.26 -22.0703l108.63 190.101zM459.55 32c0.146484 0.0195312 0.384766 0.0351562 0.532227 0.0351562c2.20801 0 4 -1.79199 4 -4c0 -1.41602 -1.04492 -3.04492 -2.33203 -3.63477l-194.4 -87.6602 c-0.879883 -0.40625 -2.38086 -0.735352 -3.34961 -0.735352c-4.41309 0 -7.99707 3.58203 -8 7.99512v65.6797z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d4-primary" unicode="&#xf6d0;" d="M272.2 -55.4697v494.939c0 8.12988 9.7998 11.6299 14.5195 5.19043l223.601 -306.141c0.936523 -1.2793 1.69629 -3.60547 1.69629 -5.19141c0 -2.20801 -1.35156 -5.17773 -3.0166 -6.62793l-223.63 -188.811c-5.2998 -4.46973 -13.1699 -0.509766 -13.1699 6.64062z " /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d6-primary" unicode="&#xf6d1;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 286.17c0 6.40039 6.63965 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-29.6699c11.6602 -0.629883 21.3799 7.34961 24.1299 18.2598z" /> <glyph glyph-name="duck-primary" unicode="&#xf6d8;" d="M401.31 170.57c25.7881 -18.3604 46.7168 -58.9541 46.7168 -90.6104c0 -3.3916 -0.302734 -8.87891 -0.676758 -12.25c-5.90918 -55.1904 -61.21 -99.71 -116.72 -99.71h-107.2c-118.069 0 -214.81 91.3604 -223.43 207.25c-0.629883 9.08984 7 16.75 16.1602 16.75 h50.3994c12.1504 -72.5596 74.8203 -128 150.82 -128h32c-84.6602 0 -153.374 68.71 -153.38 153.37c0 14.46 17.7402 21.6299 27.7598 10.8701c21.5 -23.04 70.1699 -36.2402 101.681 -36.2402h21.6895c22.5605 0.00585938 40.8701 18.3193 40.8701 40.8799v0 c-0.0703125 8.31543 -4.50586 20.2012 -9.90039 26.5303c-12.1992 14.4912 -22.0996 41.626 -22.0996 60.5684v0.0214844c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96s96 -43.0078 96 -96c0 -41.7998 -21.7197 -82.8203 -59 -96c-2.76172 -4.98145 -5.00293 -13.6475 -5.00293 -19.3438 c0 -0.125977 0.00195312 -0.330078 0.00292969 -0.456055c0.0078125 -11.7373 7.7627 -26.8027 17.3096 -33.6299zM352 304c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dungeon-primary" unicode="&#xf6d9;" d="M112 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96zM128.73 252.68c6.58984 -4.12012 8.89941 -12.2393 6.3291 -19.5801 c-2.54004 -7.24512 -5.33594 -19.3145 -6.23926 -26.9395c-0.919922 -7.91016 -7 -14.1602 -15 -14.1602h-97.1299c-9.10059 0 -16.6904 7.62988 -16.1504 16.7197c1.66211 25.7793 11.7197 65.7715 22.4502 89.2705c3.92969 8.62012 14.9297 11.4502 22.9297 6.4502z M453 354.89c6.09961 -7.31934 3.87988 -18.4795 -4.21973 -23.46l-82.9307 -51.8301c-6.50977 -4.06934 -14.6699 -2.61914 -20.1094 2.79004c-4.30176 4.2627 -11.8242 10.5352 -16.79 14c-6.2998 4.40039 -9.15039 12.1602 -6.2998 19.2803l36.3193 90.7998 c3.54004 8.83008 14.1406 12.9902 22.4199 8.31055c22.8125 -12.8857 54.8936 -39.7158 71.6104 -59.8906zM496 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96zM153 406.47 l36.3496 -90.8496c2.85059 -7.12012 -0.0195312 -14.8799 -6.2998 -19.29c-4.96582 -3.46582 -12.4883 -9.7373 -16.79 -14c-5.4502 -5.41016 -13.5996 -6.86035 -20.1094 -2.79004l-82.9307 51.8301c-8.06934 5.04004 -10.2793 16.2002 -4.21973 23.5195 c16.709 20.1719 48.7764 47.0029 71.5801 59.8906c8.29004 4.68945 18.8896 0.519531 22.4199 -8.31055zM112 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96zM496 160 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96zM398.18 192c-7.95996 0 -14.0801 6.25 -15.0195 14.1699c-0.900391 7.62598 -3.69629 19.6953 -6.24023 26.9404 c-2.55957 7.33984 -0.25 15.46 6.33984 19.5801l82.8105 51.7598c8.04004 5.01953 18.9893 2.16992 22.9297 -6.4502c10.7393 -23.499 20.8008 -63.4971 22.46 -89.2803c0.589844 -9.08984 -7.0498 -16.7197 -16.1504 -16.7197h-97.1299zM319 440 c9.2002 -2.36035 13.9404 -12.5996 10.4697 -21.4199l-37.4697 -104c-2.10938 -5.82422 -8.84961 -10.5498 -15.043 -10.5498h-0.0771484h-41.7998c-6.18457 0.0205078 -12.9053 4.76074 -15 10.5801l-37.4697 104c-3.52051 8.79004 1.21973 19.04 10.3896 21.3896 c17.1084 4.41211 45.332 7.99219 63 7.99219s45.8916 -3.58008 63 -7.99219z" /> <glyph glyph-name="eye-evil-primary" unicode="&#xf6db;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M627 208.92c17.3301 -4.68945 17.3291 -29.1494 0.0390625 -33.8291l-111.87 -30.2998c-4.78027 -6.54004 -10.0703 -13.3799 -16.0703 -20.3799c1.34082 -2.0498 55.1201 -88.0498 55.1201 -88.0498c8.94043 -14.3203 -6.09961 -31.3506 -22.4502 -25.4307 l-119.77 43.3604c-8.19434 -4.04688 -21.9209 -9.55273 -30.6396 -12.29l-44.4707 -95.2402c-6.67969 -14.3096 -27.0801 -14.3096 -33.7598 0l-44.4697 95.2402c-8.72559 2.73633 -22.4609 8.24219 -30.6602 12.29l-119.76 -43.3604 c-16.3506 -5.92969 -31.3906 11.0703 -22.4199 25.4307c0 0 53.7793 85.96 55.1201 88.0498c-5.95996 7.03027 -11.29 13.8398 -16.0703 20.3799l-111.87 30.2998c-17.29 4.67969 -17.29 29.1504 0 33.8301l111.84 30.2803c5.13379 7.0127 10.5107 13.8291 16.1309 20.4492 c-1.33984 2.08008 -55.1797 88 -55.1797 88c-8.92969 14.3496 6.09961 31.3496 22.4502 25.4199l119.76 -43.3604c8.19922 4.04785 21.9346 9.55371 30.6602 12.29l44.4697 95.2695c6.67969 14.3105 27.0801 14.3105 33.7598 0l44.4707 -95.2695 c8.71777 -2.74121 22.4443 -8.24707 30.6396 -12.29l119.77 43.3604c16.3506 5.92969 31.3906 -11.0703 22.4102 -25.4004c0 0 -53.8301 -85.9297 -55.1797 -88c5.98047 -7.0498 11.3398 -13.8896 16.1299 -20.4502zM319.999 96.001c52.9912 0 96.0098 43.0078 96.0098 96 c0 15.9824 -7.17285 39.7627 -16.0098 53.0801c-21.9199 -13.1797 -49.7197 -21.0801 -80 -21.0801s-58.0801 7.90039 -80 21.0801c-8.83691 -13.3174 -16.0098 -37.0977 -16.0098 -53.0801c0 -52.9922 43.0088 -96 96 -96h0.00976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fist-raised-primary" unicode="&#xf6de;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M144 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 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49.1396c-10.3477 10.3457 -18.748 30.6182 -18.75 45.25v18.75l-90.5 45.25 c25.8682 25.8701 76.5557 46.8662 113.14 46.8662c36.585 0 87.2715 -20.9961 113.141 -46.8662l45.25 -45.25c10.2471 -10.2939 18.5625 -30.4355 18.5625 -44.96c0 -4.67676 -0.991211 -12.1357 -2.21289 -16.6494l28.9004 -28.9004l11.3096 11.3105 c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154 4.6875c3.6582 0 8.72754 -2.10059 11.3145 -4.6875l22.6299 -22.6309c2.58496 -2.58594 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3096s-2.09766 -8.72363 -4.68262 -11.3096l-90.5098 -90.5107 c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3145 -4.6875c-3.65918 0 -8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6299 22.6299c-2.59277 2.58789 -4.69727 7.66211 -4.69727 11.3252c0 3.6543 2.09473 8.71875 4.67676 11.3057z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-holding-magic-primary" unicode="&#xf6e5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 320v32c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-128c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-32c0 -14.5 14.2803 -32 32 -32c64 0 96 32 96 32c-0.0546875 -52.9365 -43.0635 -95.9453 -96 -96c-51.1396 0 -96 44.8604 -96 96v32c0.0546875 52.9365 43.0635 95.9453 96 96h128 c52.9365 -0.0546875 95.9453 -43.0635 96 -96v-33.5596c-0.599609 -76.1602 -65.1299 -137.07 -142.18 -141.431l-17.8203 -1.00977l53.9102 53.2002c24.5801 24.2598 42.0898 56.5 42.0898 90.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hanukiah-primary" unicode="&#xf6e6;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M544 280v-120h-32v120c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM192 280v-120h-32v120c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM128 280v-120h-32v120c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM416 280v-120h-32v120 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM480 280v-120h-32v120c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM256 280v-120h-32v120c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM624 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112 c0 -52.9922 -43.0078 -96 -96 -96h-192v-64h176c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h176v64h-192c-52.9922 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96v112c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32h192v192c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-192h192c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32v112c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-witch-primary" unicode="&#xf6e7;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M542.35 333.24l-30.3496 -77.2402l-14 42.1201c-4.02637 12.0781 -17.626 21.8799 -30.3574 21.8799h-0.0527344h-39.1895h-0.0458984c-12.7266 0 -26.3262 -9.79785 -30.3545 -21.8701l-6.34961 -19c-1.81152 -5.43848 -3.28125 -14.5049 -3.28125 -20.2363 c0 -7.25195 2.31641 -18.5469 5.1709 -25.2139l79.5996 -185.729c-17.5391 -8.71973 -47.6719 -15.8652 -67.2598 -15.9502h-53.8799v64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-64h-53.9004 c-19.5312 0.0664062 -49.5928 7.14941 -67.0996 15.8096l104 233.86c9.4082 21.1582 33.3584 47.6572 53.46 59.1504l166.35 103c4.07227 2.3252 11.1826 4.21289 15.8721 4.21289c7.31738 0 17.4551 -4.19922 22.6279 -9.37305l69.3105 -72.6602 c5.1748 -5.17383 9.375 -15.3125 9.375 -22.6309c0 -2.86914 -0.736328 -7.40723 -1.64551 -10.1289z" /> <glyph glyph-name="head-side-primary" unicode="&#xf6e9;" d="M320 224c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="head-vr-primary" unicode="&#xf6ea;" d="M496 384c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-128c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48v160h48zM225.6 320c7.21191 35.3281 42.3271 64 78.3838 64h0.0166016h112v-160h-107.44c-26.7197 0 -51.9092 12.29 -67.7197 32h-224.84c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h209.6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="helmet-battle-primary" unicode="&#xf6eb;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M494.82 21.2305l-174.82 -85.2305v256l96 32v32h-256v-32l96 -32v-256l-174.81 85.2305c-12.7305 5.86914 -19.75 20.7695 -16.3203 35.2393c8.26953 34.8105 31.1299 97.9502 31.1299 180.71c0 120.471 192 210.82 192 210.82s192 -90.3496 192 -210.82 c0 -82.7598 22.8604 -145.899 31.1396 -180.71c3.43066 -14.4697 -3.58984 -29.3701 -16.3193 -35.2393z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hiking-primary" unicode="&#xf6ec;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M81 -24.2305l34.5098 138.23l52.8301 -52.7598l-25.2402 -101c-3.3457 -13.3818 -17.2568 -24.2412 -31.0498 -24.2412c-17.667 0 -32.0059 14.3389 -32.0059 32.0059c0 2.17578 0.428711 5.6543 0.956055 7.76465zM243 223.77l-19.9502 -79.5391 c-0.129883 -0.520508 -0.469727 -0.910156 -0.620117 -1.41016l46.8203 -46.8203c10.3506 -10.291 18.75 -30.4893 18.75 -45.0859v-0.164062v-82.75c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32v82.75l-86.5801 86.6201 c-5.1748 5.17383 -9.375 15.3125 -9.375 22.6299c0 2.17383 0.427734 5.65039 0.955078 7.75977l26.8799 107.721c6.14551 24.5742 31.6924 44.5186 57.0234 44.5186c13.4414 0 32.0635 -7.71387 41.5664 -17.2188l46.7803 -46.7803h34.75v-64h-48 c-7.29395 0.00585938 -17.4053 4.19043 -22.5703 9.33984z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hockey-mask-primary" unicode="&#xf6ee;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M176 16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM176 80c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM176 144c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM288 384c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM272 144c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM272 80 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM272 16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM224 336c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM176 368c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-damage-primary" unicode="&#xf6f1;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M236 192l148.01 -136.74l-104.109 -64l39.9199 -55.2598h-90.5801l-37.2402 72.8203l104.11 63.9795zM570.7 211.74c2.93359 -2.63281 5.31543 -7.96777 5.31543 -11.9102c0 -3.38379 -1.83496 -8.17285 -4.0957 -10.6904l-21.4004 -23.8193 c-2.63086 -2.92871 -7.96191 -5.30469 -11.8994 -5.30469c-3.3877 0 -8.18164 1.83887 -10.7002 4.10449l-229.32 202.27c-2.50391 2.20898 -7.24512 4.00195 -10.585 4.00195c-3.33887 0 -8.08105 -1.79297 -10.585 -4.00195l-229.33 -202.27 c-2.5166 -2.26074 -7.30566 -4.09473 -10.6895 -4.09473c-3.9375 0 -9.26855 2.37598 -11.9004 5.30469l-21.4102 23.79c-2.25977 2.51758 -4.09473 7.30664 -4.09473 10.6895c0 3.9375 2.37695 9.26855 5.30469 11.9004l256 226 c6.2832 5.67969 18.2559 10.29 26.7256 10.29s20.4424 -4.61035 26.7246 -10.29l101.24 -89.3799v51.6699c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-136.43z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-primary" unicode="&#xf6f2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M323.32 363.74c20.0693 -36.5801 12.5996 -82.1699 -17.2207 -111.351l-171.29 -167.609c-3.75684 -3.47656 -6.80664 -10.4512 -6.80664 -15.5703c0 -11.7012 9.49609 -21.2031 21.1973 -21.21h83.6299c4.79492 0 11.6758 2.49121 15.3604 5.55957l11.75 9.80078 c3.68555 3.07324 10.5713 5.56738 15.3701 5.56738c6.20605 0 14.4668 -3.86914 18.4395 -8.6377l20.4902 -24.5898c3.07031 -3.68457 5.5625 -10.5684 5.5625 -15.3652c0 -6.2041 -3.86719 -14.4629 -8.63281 -18.4346l-11.7695 -9.81055 c-15.96 -13.293 -45.7695 -24.0859 -66.54 -24.0898h-78.8604c-37.1396 0 -73.3799 17.8496 -92 49.9502c-0.450195 0.769531 -0.879883 1.54004 -1.30957 2.30957c-20.0703 36.5801 -12.6006 82.1807 17.2295 111.351l171.28 167.6 c3.76367 3.47656 6.81836 10.4561 6.81836 15.5801c0 11.708 -9.50293 21.21 -21.2109 21.21h-0.0078125h-83.6201h-0.0166016c-4.7998 0 -11.6875 -2.49512 -15.373 -5.57031l-11.7305 -9.7793c-3.68555 -3.07422 -10.5713 -5.56836 -15.3701 -5.56836 c-6.20605 0 -14.4668 3.87012 -18.4395 8.6377l-20.4902 24.5801c-3.07031 3.68457 -5.5625 10.5684 -5.5625 15.3652c0 6.2041 3.86719 14.4629 8.63281 18.4346l11.7695 9.81055c15.96 13.293 45.7695 24.0859 66.54 24.0898h78.8604c37.1396 0 73.3799 -17.8398 92 -50 c0.459961 -0.719727 0.889648 -1.49023 1.32031 -2.25977z" /> <glyph glyph-name="key-skeleton-primary" unicode="&#xf6f3;" d="M448 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-128c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-128c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v128c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h128zM374.63 265.37c5.17285 5.17285 9.37012 15.3096 9.37012 22.625s-4.19727 17.4512 -9.37012 22.625 c-5.17383 5.1748 -15.3115 9.375 -22.6299 9.375c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32c7.31836 0 17.4561 4.2002 22.6299 9.375zM438.63 329.37c5.17285 5.17285 9.37012 15.3096 9.37012 22.625s-4.19727 17.4512 -9.37012 22.625 c-5.17383 5.1748 -15.3115 9.375 -22.6299 9.375c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32c7.31836 0 17.4561 4.2002 22.6299 9.375z" /> <glyph glyph-name="knife-kitchen-primary" unicode="&#xf6f5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M566.28 404.69c5.36621 -5.09375 9.72168 -15.2314 9.72168 -22.6309c0 -7.39844 -4.35547 -17.5361 -9.72168 -22.6299l-118.28 -119.43v-44.5098c-0.0263672 -7.3916 -4.38574 -17.5342 -9.73047 -22.6406l-34.3496 -27.6992l-112.1 108.08l192.31 185.39 c5.44434 5.17383 15.959 9.37305 23.4697 9.37305c7.51172 0 18.0254 -4.19922 23.4707 -9.37305zM444.28 298.33c2.69434 2.54785 4.84082 7.62598 4.84082 11.334c0 3.69043 -2.16895 8.75098 -4.84082 11.2959c-2.71973 2.59473 -7.97656 4.7002 -11.7354 4.7002 s-9.01562 -2.10547 -11.7354 -4.7002c-2.68262 -2.54688 -4.86035 -7.61523 -4.86035 -11.3154c0 -3.69922 2.17773 -8.76758 4.86035 -11.3145c2.71973 -2.59473 7.97656 -4.7002 11.7354 -4.7002s9.01562 2.10547 11.7354 4.7002zM504.8 356.69 c2.69434 2.5459 4.83984 7.62109 4.83984 11.3281c0 3.68945 -2.16797 8.74805 -4.83984 11.291c-2.71875 2.59473 -7.97656 4.7002 -11.7344 4.7002c-3.75879 0 -9.0166 -2.10547 -11.7354 -4.7002c-2.68262 -2.54492 -4.86035 -7.61133 -4.86035 -11.3096 s2.17773 -8.76465 4.86035 -11.3096c2.71875 -2.59473 7.97656 -4.7002 11.7354 -4.7002c3.75781 0 9.01562 2.10547 11.7344 4.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="leaf-maple-primary" unicode="&#xf6f6;" d="M24.6699 -64c-13.584 0 -24.626 11.0254 -24.626 24.6104c0 5.62109 3.22363 13.4121 7.19629 17.3896l270.68 270.78c3.98535 3.98438 11.7939 7.21777 17.4297 7.21777c13.6094 0 24.6533 -11.0449 24.6533 -24.6533c0 -5.6377 -3.23535 -13.4482 -7.22266 -17.4346 l-270.681 -270.73c-3.96289 -3.96289 -11.7275 -7.17969 -17.332 -7.17969h-0.0976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="leaf-oak-primary" unicode="&#xf6f7;" d="M24.6699 -64c-13.584 0 -24.626 11.0254 -24.626 24.6104c0 5.62109 3.22363 13.4121 7.19629 17.3896l270.68 270.78c3.98535 3.98438 11.7939 7.21777 17.4297 7.21777c13.6094 0 24.6533 -11.0449 24.6533 -24.6533c0 -5.6377 -3.23535 -13.4482 -7.22266 -17.4346 l-270.681 -270.73c-3.96289 -3.96289 -11.7275 -7.17969 -17.332 -7.17969h-0.0976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mace-primary" unicode="&#xf6f8;" d="M501 253c14.5703 -4.58984 14.7002 -17.1299 0.19043 -22.1396l-74.4404 -25.2607c-10.417 -37.2412 -48.9219 -76.5176 -85.9502 -87.6699l-23.7695 -75c-4.62012 -14.5898 -17.1602 -14.7197 -22.0801 -0.219727l-25.2598 74.4404 c-37.25 10.4287 -76.5264 48.957 -87.6709 86l-75 23.7695c-14.5898 4.62012 -14.7197 17.1602 -0.219727 22.0801l74.4004 25.3301c10.4297 37.25 48.957 76.5264 86 87.6699l23.7998 75c4.58984 14.5703 17.1299 14.7002 22.0498 0.200195l25.2803 -74.4502 c37.2412 -10.417 76.5176 -48.9219 87.6699 -85.9502zM304 208c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mountain-primary" unicode="&#xf6fc;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M636.09 -47.3301c-5.02148 -9.20215 -17.6055 -16.6699 -28.0889 -16.6699h-0.000976562h-576c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32c0 5.18652 2.27637 12.9365 5.08008 17.2998l166.55 259.07l84.3701 -84.3701l64 64h161.47l153.45 -238.7 c2.80469 -4.36328 5.08008 -12.1143 5.08008 -17.3008c0 -4.50586 -1.75195 -11.374 -3.91016 -15.3291z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mountains-primary" unicode="&#xf6fd;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M338.33 258.93l165.17 -258.93h-472.58c-24.1104 0 -38.9199 25.1904 -26.3398 44.8203l207.9 324.66c12.3994 19.3594 42.6396 19.3594 55 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="network-wired-primary" unicode="&#xf6ff;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224 256c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v128c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h192c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-192zM256 384v-64h128v64h-128zM576 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-160 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v128c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h160zM544 0v64h-96v-64h96zM224 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-160c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v128c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h160zM192 0v64h-96v-64h96z " /> <glyph glyph-name="otter-primary" unicode="&#xf700;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-80l-74.5098 144.5l-149.49 -80.5h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16h112 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-108.47c-39.3799 0 -75.5303 26.9004 -82.2803 65.7002c-0.707031 3.90039 -1.28027 10.2842 -1.28027 14.249c0 18.7559 10.9629 44.5381 24.4707 57.5508c23.5596 22.75 39.5596 52.1396 39.5596 84.8896v1.61035 c0 106 86 192 192 192h56l153.25 87.5703c8.14453 4.65332 22.3682 8.42969 31.749 8.42969h0.000976562h20.4902v0c14.6357 0 34.9121 -8.40039 45.2598 -18.75l13.25 -13.25h32c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32c0 -4.44629 -0.59668 -11.6143 -1.33008 -16h-126.67 l-118.57 -59.29l34.5703 -70.71l0.860352 -0.179688l54.9199 -109.82h28.2197zM512 400c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf701;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 304c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM304 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM48 304c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48 s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM144 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw-claws-primary" unicode="&#xf702;" d="M320 448l64.04 -80.0303c15 -17.7002 20.4404 -47.8096 12 -78.75c-11.8398 -43.4199 -46.5205 -72.0098 -77.46 -63.8701c-30.9404 8.14062 -46.4199 49.9404 -34.5801 93.3604c6.50977 23.9199 20.0498 43.0303 36 54.29v75zM493.51 257.63 c10.2041 -13.9922 18.4883 -39.4023 18.4902 -56.7197c-0.0429688 -6.07031 -1.50781 -15.7109 -3.26953 -21.5205c-10.4102 -34.6494 -42.4404 -57.0898 -71.5605 -50.1299s-44.29 40.6904 -33.8896 75.3398c7.20996 24.0303 24.8896 41.9102 44.7197 48.46v66.9404z M192 373c16 -11.21 29.4902 -30.3301 36.04 -54.2598c11.8398 -43.4199 -3.65039 -85.2305 -34.5801 -93.3604s-65.6201 20.4502 -77.46 63.8701c-8.4502 30.9297 -3 61.0498 12 78.75l64 80v-75zM64 253v0.0703125c19.8301 -6.55078 37.5098 -24.4307 44.7197 -48.46 c10.4004 -34.6504 -4.75977 -68.3906 -33.8799 -75.3506s-61.1602 15.4805 -71.5596 50.1299c-1.76367 5.80859 -3.2334 15.4502 -3.28027 21.5205v0.0136719c0 17.3145 8.2832 42.7197 18.4902 56.7061l45.5098 62.3701v-67z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pegasus-primary" unicode="&#xf703;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M567.34 393.2c4.74707 -5.05957 8.60059 -14.7959 8.60059 -21.7334v-0.0664062l0.0595703 -77.71v-0.0390625c0 -11.9697 -9.02246 -25.2852 -20.1396 -29.7217l-32.5508 -13c-3.1582 -1.2627 -8.48145 -2.28809 -11.8828 -2.28809 c-10.9043 0 -23.7197 7.91113 -28.6064 17.6582l-18.9004 37.7002l-16 7.11035v-102.471c0.00976562 -0.219727 0.0800781 -0.419922 0.0800781 -0.639648v-0.0205078c0 -25.1973 -14.3359 -60.2305 -32 -78.1992v-177.78c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v150.4l-134 22.3301l-23.8096 -63.5908l26.3291 -105.26c0.263672 -1.05469 0.478516 -2.79297 0.478516 -3.87988c0 -8.83105 -7.16699 -15.999 -15.998 -16h-66c-6.87793 0.0126953 -13.8174 5.43848 -15.4902 12.1104l-24.8496 99.4092 c-1.05762 4.22266 -1.91602 11.1836 -1.91602 15.5361c0 6.4043 1.82617 16.4688 4.07617 22.4639l25.7197 68.6006c-16.8711 15.6768 -30.5635 47.0908 -30.5635 70.1201c0 37.4541 28.6826 77.917 64.0234 90.3193v-0.699219c1 0.339844 2 0.672852 3 1 c13.6699 -65.3408 74.1104 -122.86 157 -122.86v3.16016c-77 14.6494 -128 80.7402 -128 147.74v0.0419922c0 19.668 6.83691 50.0547 15.2598 67.8271c3.39062 7.26074 13.7803 6.85059 17 -0.5c23.46 -53.4893 63.7402 -90.2695 127.641 -90.2695 c0 70.6562 57.3438 128 128 128h120c4.45996 -0.00585938 8.0791 -3.62988 8.0791 -8.08984c0 -0.431641 -0.0664062 -1.12598 -0.149414 -1.5498c-2.67969 -13.1699 -11.1201 -23.8203 -22.1797 -30.6602c5.10938 -5.37988 9.90918 -10.5 13.6895 -14.5zM511.92 352 c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pumpkin-primary" unicode="&#xf707;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M495.31 -38.8701c-38.6299 -33 -100.819 -33.3398 -140.119 -1.25c-17.8408 -15.3896 -39.9102 -23.8799 -67.1904 -23.8799s-49.3496 8.49023 -67.1797 23.8799c-39.3008 -32.0898 -101.49 -31.7803 -140.12 1.25c-107.601 92 -107.601 241.73 0 333.74 c31.6094 27 78.7998 31.6895 116.51 15c-3.08008 -4 -6.51953 -7.37988 -9.20996 -11.9199c-8.33008 -14.2705 -14.5 -31.7705 -19.1104 -51.6104c2.88965 7.00684 8.65039 17.8076 12.8604 24.1104c22.6729 33.0332 58.0898 49.5498 106.25 49.5498 s83.5771 -16.5 106.25 -49.5c4.20996 -6.30469 9.9707 -17.1113 12.8604 -24.1201c-4.61035 19.8398 -10.79 37.3506 -19.1104 51.6201c-2.69043 4.54004 -6.13965 7.9502 -9.20996 11.9199c37.71 16.6396 84.9004 12 116.51 -15 c107.601 -92.0596 107.601 -241.78 0.00976562 -333.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ram-primary" unicode="&#xf70a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M622.25 342c9.77832 -4.81543 17.7305 -17.5703 17.75 -28.4697c0 -11.1406 -10.4102 -31.3301 -18 -44.5898c-4.08789 -7.14355 -14.085 -12.9404 -22.3145 -12.9404h-0.0253906h-108.351c0.00390625 0.235352 0.00683594 0.616211 0.00683594 0.850586 c0 11.9385 -6.3916 28.9082 -14.2666 37.8799c-15.8906 -21.3818 -50.4092 -38.7354 -77.0498 -38.7354c-52.9922 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96s43.0078 96 96 96c23.6963 0 55.751 -14.334 71.5498 -31.9951h72.4502c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-19.2197zM400 304 c26.4688 0.0273438 47.9727 21.5312 48 48c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48zM512 336c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM193.46 29.1396l18.3496 -73.2598 c0.263672 -1.05469 0.477539 -2.79297 0.477539 -3.87988c0 -8.83105 -7.16602 -15.999 -15.9971 -16h-66c-6.89551 0.000976562 -13.8477 5.43066 -15.5205 12.1201l-16.8496 67.4102c-1.05469 4.21875 -1.91113 11.1738 -1.91113 15.5234 c0 3.67578 0.614258 9.5791 1.37109 13.1768c7.43359 -5.2998 20.876 -9.60059 30.0049 -9.60059h0.115234c9.30762 0.03125 23.0078 4.44824 30.5801 9.86035c8.28418 -6.50293 23.5557 -11.7803 34.0879 -11.7803h0.0917969 c0.860352 0 1.70996 0.0703125 2.57031 0.0703125zM433.92 70.3398c1.08008 -0.0703125 2.21973 -0.109375 3.33008 -0.109375c3.00195 0.0078125 7.81738 0.536133 10.75 1.17969v-119.41c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v91.3398 c0.429688 0.299805 0.870117 0.640625 1.29004 1c7.46191 -5.58301 21.0811 -10.1436 30.4004 -10.1797c22.3398 0 42.3896 14.6602 50.2295 36.1797z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ring-primary" unicode="&#xf70b;" d="M256 384c145.94 0 256 -61.9102 256 -144v-98.1299c0 -78.3506 -114.62 -141.87 -256 -141.87s-256 63.5195 -256 141.87v98.1299c0 82.0898 110.06 144 256 144zM256 160c106 0 192 35.8203 192 80s-86 80 -192 80s-192 -35.8203 -192 -80s86 -80 192 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sheep-primary" unicode="&#xf711;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M433.92 70.3398c1.08008 -0.0703125 2.21973 -0.109375 3.33008 -0.109375c3.00195 0.0078125 7.81738 0.536133 10.75 1.17969v-119.41c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v91.3398c0.429688 0.299805 0.870117 0.640625 1.29004 1 c7.46191 -5.58301 21.0811 -10.1436 30.4004 -10.1797c22.3398 0 42.3896 14.6602 50.2295 36.1797zM193.46 29.1396l18.3496 -73.2598c0.263672 -1.05469 0.477539 -2.79297 0.477539 -3.87988c0 -8.83105 -7.16602 -15.999 -15.9971 -16h-66 c-6.89551 0.000976562 -13.8477 5.43066 -15.5205 12.1201l-16.8496 67.4102c-1.05469 4.21875 -1.91113 11.1738 -1.91113 15.5234c0 3.67578 0.614258 9.5791 1.37109 13.1768c7.43359 -5.2998 20.876 -9.60059 30.0049 -9.60059h0.115234 c9.30762 0.03125 23.0078 4.44824 30.5801 9.86035c8.28418 -6.50293 23.5557 -11.7803 34.0879 -11.7803h0.0917969c0.860352 0 1.70996 0.0703125 2.57031 0.0703125zM622.25 342c9.77832 -4.81543 17.7305 -17.5703 17.75 -28.4697 c0 -11.1406 -10.4102 -31.3301 -18 -44.5898c-4.08789 -7.14355 -14.085 -12.9404 -22.3145 -12.9404h-0.0253906h-108.351c0.00195312 0.176758 0.00390625 0.462891 0.00390625 0.639648c0 9.99902 -4.61133 24.792 -10.2939 33.0205 c-10.0898 14.5498 -26.1992 23.2402 -43.0898 23.2402c-1.12988 0 -2.26953 -0.0400391 -3.39941 -0.110352c-3.02734 8.57812 -11.3291 20.0518 -18.5303 25.6104v77.5996c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-19.2197z M512 336c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shield-cross-primary" unicode="&#xf712;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M447.08 288c-0.995117 -17.7949 -4.39941 -46.4668 -7.59961 -64h-183.48v-277c-5.05957 -2.75 -10 -5.2002 -14.7695 -7.33008c-4.53809 -2.03711 -12.2568 -3.69043 -17.2305 -3.69043s-12.6924 1.65332 -17.2305 3.69043 c-4.90918 2.19043 -9.83984 4.62012 -14.7695 7.25v277.08h-183.24c-3.26172 17.5283 -6.73828 46.2002 -7.75977 64h191v149.72l14.7695 6.58984c4.53809 2.03711 12.2568 3.69043 17.2305 3.69043s12.6924 -1.65332 17.2305 -3.69043l14.7695 -6.58984v-149.72h191.08z " /> <glyph glyph-name="shovel-primary" unicode="&#xf713;" d="M287.87 42.8701l-67.8701 -67.8701c-50 -50 -181 -45.2998 -203.66 -22.6504c-22.6602 22.6504 -27.3398 153.65 22.6602 203.65l67.8496 67.8799c5.17383 5.17285 15.3096 9.37012 22.625 9.37012c7.31641 0 17.4521 -4.19727 22.625 -9.37012l135.771 -135.76 c5.17188 -5.17383 9.37012 -15.3096 9.37012 -22.625s-4.19824 -17.4521 -9.37012 -22.625z" /> <glyph glyph-name="slash-primary" unicode="&#xf715;" horiz-adv-x="640" /> <glyph glyph-name="snake-primary" 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128h4.55957 c11.54 30.2803 44.8604 48.8096 78.25 38.54l86.5908 -26.6396c12.4746 -3.83398 22.5996 -17.5381 22.5996 -30.5889v-0.00195312zM544 176c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM544 240 c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spider-primary" unicode="&#xf717;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.31 98.6104c1.48145 -2.22363 2.68359 -6.19727 2.68359 -8.86914c0 -4.72559 -3.19141 -10.6895 -7.12305 -13.3115l-13.3105 -8.87988c-2.22363 -1.48145 -6.19824 -2.68457 -8.87012 -2.68457c-4.73145 0 -10.6982 3.19629 -13.3193 7.13477l-48 72h-47.0605 l60.8301 -97.3301c2.68262 -4.29883 4.86035 -11.9004 4.86035 -16.9678v-0.0322266v-77.6699c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v73.0996l-74.0801 118.53c1 -14.0498 2.08008 -28.1104 2.08008 -42.21 c0 -53.0703 -40.7598 -101.42 -96 -101.42s-96 48.3604 -96 101.43c0 14.1006 1.07031 28.1602 2.08008 42.21l-74.0801 -118.54v-73.0996c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v77.7002v0.0458984 c0 5.06445 2.17773 12.6592 4.86035 16.9541l60.8301 97.2998h-47.0605l-48 -72c-2.62207 -3.93457 -8.58691 -7.12695 -13.3145 -7.12695c-2.67383 0 -6.65039 1.20312 -8.875 2.68652l-13.3105 8.86035c-3.93457 2.62207 -7.12695 8.58691 -7.12695 13.3145 c0 2.6748 1.2041 6.65039 2.6875 8.87598l52.7393 79.1299c5.24316 7.87012 17.1729 14.2588 26.6299 14.2598h77.9404l-69 24.3398c-5.74805 1.91797 -13.1396 7.56738 -16.5 12.6104l-53.5996 80.4102c-1.4834 2.22461 -2.6875 6.20117 -2.6875 8.875 c0 4.72754 3.19238 10.6934 7.12695 13.3145l13.3105 8.87988c2.22559 1.48535 6.2041 2.69043 8.87988 2.69043c4.72461 0 10.6875 -3.18945 13.3096 -7.12012l50.5703 -75.8301l60.4902 -20.1699h36.0996l10.3701 51.8496c2.18945 10.96 17.3701 60.1504 69.6299 60.1504 s67.4404 -49.1797 69.6299 -60.1504l10.3701 -51.8496h36.0996l60.5 20.1699l50.5605 75.8301c2.62207 3.93457 8.58691 7.12695 13.3145 7.12695c2.67383 0 6.65039 -1.20312 8.875 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106.33 -186.12c28.8438 5.50391 76.0859 9.9707 105.45 9.9707 s76.6064 -4.4668 105.45 -9.9707zM370.14 334.63c4.70996 -2.84473 9.60254 -9.48828 10.9199 -14.8301c8.7373 -34.917 36.4863 -83.9102 61.9404 -109.359l1.44043 -1.48047c3.89648 -3.88281 7.05859 -11.499 7.05859 -17s-3.16211 -13.1172 -7.05859 -17 l-1.56055 -1.57031c-25.4229 -25.4355 -53.1455 -74.3936 -61.8799 -109.279c-2.51465 -10.0254 -12.9434 -18.1621 -23.2793 -18.1621c-1.61328 0 -4.19434 0.314453 -5.76074 0.702148c-17.3789 4.33008 -46.0195 7.84473 -63.9297 7.84473 c-17.9111 0 -46.5518 -3.51465 -63.9307 -7.84473c-1.58105 -0.395508 -4.1875 -0.71582 -5.81738 -0.71582c-10.3418 0 -20.7725 8.14258 -23.2822 18.1758c-8.76074 34.8779 -36.5186 83.8135 -61.96 109.229l-1.55957 1.57031 c-3.89746 3.88281 -7.05957 11.499 -7.05957 17s3.16211 13.1172 7.05957 17l1.51953 1.51953c25.4736 25.4531 53.25 74.46 62 109.391c2.51172 10.0596 12.9648 18.2236 23.334 18.2236c1.60645 0 4.17578 -0.310547 5.73633 -0.694336 c17.3789 -4.33008 46.0195 -7.84473 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-21.8799 -12.7393 -45.5996 -30.9297 -64 h30.9199zM415.84 288c0 -8.81543 7.18457 -15.9834 16 -16c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="staff-primary" unicode="&#xf71b;" d="M512 368v-103.86v-0.00390625c0 -33.2998 -25.9844 -67.7578 -58 -76.916l-168.92 -48.2695c-11.0107 -3.14746 -26.5205 -12.2734 -34.6201 -20.3701l-175.55 -175.58c-3.87891 -3.87207 -11.4746 -7.01367 -16.9551 -7.01367s-13.0762 3.1416 -16.9551 7.01367l-34 34 c-3.86914 3.87793 -7.00879 11.4717 -7.00879 16.9502c0 5.47754 3.13965 13.0713 7.00879 16.9502l149.13 149.1l26.4805 26.4805c17.8037 17.8008 51.9014 37.8623 76.1094 44.7793l157.28 44.9404v75.7998h-50.3203l-11.5801 -23.1504 c-2.44043 -4.88281 -8.85254 -8.8457 -14.3105 -8.8457c-2.08301 0 -5.28613 0.755859 -7.14941 1.68652l-57.2598 28.6299c-4.87793 2.44141 -8.83789 8.85156 -8.83789 14.3066c0 2.08496 0.756836 5.28906 1.68848 7.15332l16 32 c12.2051 24.4082 44.2598 44.2188 71.5498 44.2197h76.2197c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80z" 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28.7305l5.05957 5.05957c3.55664 3.55664 6.44238 10.5254 6.44238 15.5547c0 5.03027 -2.88574 11.998 -6.44238 15.5557l-31.1592 31.0996c-3.55762 3.55566 -10.5254 6.44238 -15.5557 6.44238 c-5.0293 0 -11.998 -2.88672 -15.5547 -6.44238l-5.05957 -5.05957c-7.59082 4.10742 -20.4619 9.44824 -28.7305 11.9199v7.13965c0 12.1436 -9.85645 22 -22 22h110l-41.1104 96h-106.89v-96h-6c-12.1436 0 -22 -9.85645 -22 -22v-7.13965 c-8.2627 -2.45996 -21.1289 -7.77344 -28.7197 -11.8604l-5.06055 5c-0.578125 0.572266 -1.57227 1.4375 -2.21973 1.92969v146.07c0.0273438 26.4688 21.5312 47.9727 48 48h133.45h0.0498047c17.4824 0 37.2305 -13.0547 44.0801 -29.1396l56.0898 -130.86h102.33 v40.2002c0.015625 25.4883 13.2314 62.0986 29.5 81.7197c2.69824 3.35352 8.38086 6.0752 12.6846 6.0752c3.95996 0 9.34277 -2.37207 12.0156 -5.29492l21.6299 -24.1699c4.87012 -5.43066 5.74023 -13.6904 1.32031 -19.4902 c-7.25098 -9.49414 -13.1416 -26.8945 -13.1504 -38.8398v-40.2002h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32z" /> <glyph 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90.9199h-28.8896h-0.09375 c-8.19141 0 -17.499 6.09277 -20.7764 13.5996c-1.00586 2.33008 -1.82129 6.2793 -1.82129 8.81641c0 4.87695 2.71484 11.7158 6.06055 15.2637l110.28 117.48c6 6.4502 17.3203 6.4502 23.3203 0l110.27 -117.47c3.34375 -3.55078 6.05762 -10.3906 6.05762 -15.2686 c0 -2.53516 -0.814453 -6.4834 -1.81738 -8.81152c-3.28027 -7.5127 -12.5957 -13.6104 -20.7939 -13.6104h-0.0664062h-28.8896l78.1299 -91c3.00488 -3.43359 5.44336 -9.92383 5.44336 -14.4873c0 -2.76074 -0.96875 -7.02246 -2.16309 -9.5127 c-3.39844 -7.17676 -12.6016 -13.001 -20.543 -13.001c-0.0654297 0 -0.171875 0 -0.237305 0.000976562h-30.6299l79.8799 -90.5c3.1377 -3.4834 5.68359 -10.1152 5.68359 -14.8027c0 -2.74219 -0.951172 -6.97852 -2.12305 -9.45703z" /> <glyph glyph-name="turtle-primary" unicode="&#xf726;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M68.25 192c-23.54 0 -41 19.7998 -35.0996 40c20 69 90.5293 152 174.439 152h0.820312c83.9199 0 154.43 -83 174.45 -152c5.87012 -20.2402 -11.5605 -40 -35.1006 -40h-279.51z" /> <glyph 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15.708 -30.4326 47.1221 -30.4326 70.1201c0 52.9873 43.0049 95.9951 95.9922 96h126.91c0 70.6562 57.3438 128 128 128h120c0.428711 0 1.11914 -0.0673828 1.54004 -0.150391c3.61035 -0.700195 6.54102 -4.25391 6.54102 -7.93164 c0 -0.43457 -0.0673828 -1.13184 -0.151367 -1.55762c-2.67969 -13.1699 -11.1201 -23.8203 -22.1797 -30.6602c5.10938 -5.37988 9.91016 -10.5 13.6895 -14.5zM479.93 352c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-injured-primary" unicode="&#xf728;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M256 32c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-12.71l-42.6699 96h55.3799zM352 320c0 -70.6562 -57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128c0 5.48047 0.94043 10.7002 1.61035 16h252.779c0.660156 -5.2998 1.61035 -10.5195 1.61035 -16z M313.6 160c74.1895 0 134.4 -60.2109 134.4 -134.4v-41.5996c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-80.4102c9.00488 11.7178 16.3574 33.2217 16.4102 48c-0.0498047 44.1104 -35.8896 79.9502 -80 80h-69.5898l-42.6699 96h7.37012 c19.1475 -8.83398 51.8027 -16.0029 72.8896 -16.0029s53.7422 7.16895 72.8896 16.0029h16.71zM0 25.5996c0 41.1406 18.8799 77.5107 48 102.16v-191.76c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v41.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vr-cardboard-primary" unicode="&#xf729;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M160 272c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM480 272c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wand-magic-primary" unicode="&#xf72b;" d="M507.87 401.82l-410.711 -455.261c-5.25879 -5.80469 -15.8838 -10.5166 -23.7168 -10.5166c-6.79395 0 -16.4004 3.69434 -21.4434 8.24707c-0.399414 0.360352 -0.789062 0.730469 -1.16895 1.11035l-41.46 41.4297c-5.17285 5.17383 -9.37012 15.3096 -9.37012 22.625 s4.19727 17.4512 9.37012 22.625c0.379883 0.379883 0.769531 0.75 1.16016 1.11035l455.26 410.699c2.51953 2.27051 7.31738 4.11328 10.71 4.11328c3.64746 0 8.70508 -2.08887 11.29 -4.66309l19.4795 -19.4697c2.60156 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11.3145 -4.68848l45.25 -45.25 c2.58789 -2.58691 4.68848 -7.65527 4.68848 -11.3145s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.68848 -11.3154z" /> <glyph glyph-name="axe-battle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6b3;" d="M512 287.08l-62.7598 -31.0801l62.7598 -31.1201c-6.83984 -61.7695 -33.5996 -116.63 -73.0596 -156.22c-9.20996 -9.20996 -23.8906 -4.08008 -27.0605 9c-12.0303 49.6699 -47.25 88.2295 -91.8799 101.229v154.181c44.6299 12.96 79.8799 51.5596 91.8799 101.229 c3.16992 13.1201 17.8506 18.25 27.0605 9c39.46 -39.5898 66.2197 -94.46 73.0596 -156.22zM101 434.34c11.9199 -49.6699 46.79 -88.2695 91 -101.229v-154.181c-44.21 -12.96 -79.0801 -51.5596 -91 -101.229c-3.13965 -13.1201 -17.6699 -18.25 -26.7998 -9 c-45.5303 46.1299 -74.2002 112.92 -74.2002 187.3s28.6699 141.17 74.2002 187.3c9.12012 9.24023 23.6602 4.12012 26.7998 -8.95996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bat-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6b5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M411.83 272.7l-91.8301 -55.1006l-91.8301 55.1006l27.8301 111.3l42.6602 -32h42.6699l42.6699 32z" /> <glyph 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6.41113 -4.35352 17.1631 -4.41992 24c0.0439453 39.7002 32.2998 71.9561 72 72zM376 -16c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cauldron-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6bf;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M160 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM272 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM96 160v128h64v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="claw-marks-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6c2;" d="M7 223.49c56.3604 -26.75 199.4 -108.601 280.51 -280.53c2.32031 -4.92969 -4.13965 -9.34961 -8 -5.49023l-117.14 117.16c-5.17383 5.17188 -15.3096 9.37012 -22.625 9.37012h-0.00488281h-43.7402v43.7305v0.00488281c0 7.31543 -4.19824 17.4512 -9.37012 22.625 l-85.1201 85.1299c-3.91016 3.91016 0.490234 10.3701 5.49023 8zM511.51 167c2.33008 -5 -4.12988 -9.38965 -7.99023 -5.53027l-53.1592 53.1602c-5.17383 5.17188 -15.3096 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82.3359 -14.4082 110.21 -32h-72.2998 c-27.4316 -0.0234375 -64.6426 -16.541 -83.0596 -36.8701z" /> <glyph glyph-name="helmet-battle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6eb;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M32 192c-20.7998 0 -36.0801 17.1602 -31 34.8701l63 221.13v-227.94c0 -15.5 -14.3301 -28.0596 -32 -28.0596zM575 226.87c5.08008 -17.71 -10.2002 -34.8701 -31 -34.8701c-17.6797 0 -32 12.5596 -32 28.0596v227.94z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hiking-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6ec;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-320c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v320c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16zM240 448c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48z M125.08 350.06c8.78027 -2.10938 14.1104 -10.6396 11.9199 -19.0596l-41.1299 -159.11c-2.19043 -8.43945 -11.0801 -13.54 -19.8701 -11.4395l-63.5898 15.25c-8.78027 2.10938 -14.1104 10.6396 -11.9199 19.0596l25.2695 98.1299 c10.9707 42.1104 55.4404 67.6904 99.3203 57.1699z" /> <glyph 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3.92969 -33.46 12.8691 -50.6602 17.6094c-9.41016 2.60059 -21 3.91016 -29.8096 0.720703c-16.3799 -6 -42.3799 -15.0908 -68.6201 -2.7002 l196.62 196.63c3.9873 3.98633 7.22266 11.7969 7.22266 17.4346c0 13.6084 -11.0439 24.6533 -24.6533 24.6533c-5.63574 0 -13.4443 -3.2334 -17.4297 -7.21777l-196.61 -196.65c-12.4297 26.2598 -3.30957 52.29 2.69043 68.6797 c3.19043 8.77051 1.87988 20.4004 -0.719727 29.8105c-4.74023 17.2002 -13.6807 33.3496 -17.6104 50.6602c-0.99707 4.63672 -1.80664 12.249 -1.80664 16.9922c0 5.77734 1.19434 15.001 2.66699 20.5879c7.84961 28.9395 37.0693 39.5801 63.1699 24.6396 c2.68945 -1.54004 5.12988 -3.50977 11.2695 -7.78027c-1.68945 16.5498 -2.72949 29.4707 -4.37988 42.3105c-3.18945 24.6895 -4.58984 48.9697 8.41016 71.7598c18 31.3604 49 37.6299 77.6201 15.4004c5.12012 -4 10.0498 -8.2207 16.7695 -13.7305 c8.19043 14.2305 15.3105 27.2998 23.1299 39.9297c4.94043 8 9.89062 16.3906 16.6504 22.6602c23.8301 22.0498 59.2002 17.3301 77.8301 -9.64941c2.36328 -3.24609 5.66016 -8.83301 7.36035 -12.4707c3.18945 -7.33008 11.7998 -10.3496 19.5596 -8.05957 c33.0703 9.75977 57 2.91016 71.5 -12.4297c15.3398 -14.4902 22.1797 -38.4307 12.4297 -71.5c-2.29004 -7.76074 0.730469 -16.3701 8.06055 -19.5605c3.64355 -1.7041 9.23926 -5.00977 12.4902 -7.37988c26.9795 -18.6299 31.6992 -54 9.64941 -77.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mace-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6f8;" d="M215.92 106.65l-166 -166c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3145 -4.6875c-3.65918 0 -8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.5996 22.6592c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154s2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l166 166 c9.94922 -15.0303 30.2129 -35.3203 45.2295 -45.29z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mountain-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6fc;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M256 205.25l-66.6602 66.6699l103.74 161.38c5.21484 8.11426 17.2744 14.6992 26.9199 14.6992s21.7051 -6.58496 26.9199 -14.6992l113.98 -177.3h-154.15l-9.37012 -9.37012z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mountains-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6fd;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M611.14 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15.2705 46.8799 60.8701 67.1699 97.8301c15.7402 28.6406 45.9404 42.9502 76.1504 42.9502s60.4102 -14.3096 76.1396 -42.9502c20 -36.4199 40.8799 -83 67.1699 -97.8301c26.877 -15.0742 48.6904 -52.3193 48.6904 -83.1357v-0.0839844z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw-claws-secondary" unicode="&#x10f702;" d="M448 -8.25c0 -34.9004 -26.8096 -55.75 -71.7402 -55.75c-48.4102 0 -80.75 25.0801 -120.26 25.0801c-39.1699 0 -71.4199 -25.0801 -120.26 -25.0801c-44.9307 0 -71.7402 20.8496 -71.7402 55.75c0 77.4902 112.59 200.25 192 200.25s192 -122.76 192 -200.25z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pegasus-secondary" unicode="&#x10f703;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M64.3604 232.26c-9.03125 -6.60156 -16.3604 -21.0391 -16.3604 -32.2256v-0.0341797v-56c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v56c0 48.5762 39.4238 88 88 88h0.459961c-11.8037 -13.1572 -22.6006 -38.1279 -24.0996 -55.7402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pumpkin-secondary" unicode="&#x10f707;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M244 344.07l37.5498 93.8594c2.22168 5.55078 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7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM136 200v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM168 152c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM264 152c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM328 200v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM511.4 68.5c0.399414 -3 0.599609 -6 0.599609 -9v-75.5 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v75.4004c0 3.09961 0.200195 6.09961 0.599609 9.09961l25.5 178.3c3.40039 23.6006 23.6006 41.2002 47.5 41.2002h86.4004v64h-80c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v64c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h192 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-80v-64h246.4c23.8994 0 44.0996 -17.5996 47.5 -41.2002zM96 384h160v32h-160v-32zM57.7998 242.3l-25.5 -178.3h447.4l-25.6006 178.3c-1.09961 7.7998 -7.89941 13.7002 -15.7998 13.7002h-364.7 c-7.89941 0 -14.6992 -5.90039 -15.7998 -13.7002zM480 -16v48h-448v-48c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h416c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM408 216c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM360 152c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-network" unicode="&#xf78a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M513.6 245.2l-48 -36l-19.1992 25.5996l48 36zM576 256c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64c0 13.2998 4 25.5996 10.9004 35.7998c4.59961 6.7998 10.5 12.7002 17.2998 17.2998c10.2002 6.90039 22.5 10.9004 35.7998 10.9004s25.5996 -4 35.7998 -10.9004 c3.40039 -2.2998 6.60059 -4.89941 9.5 -7.7998c2.90039 -2.89941 5.5 -6.09961 7.7998 -9.5c6.90039 -10.2002 10.9004 -22.5 10.9004 -35.7998s-4 -25.5996 -10.9004 -35.7998c-4.59961 -6.7998 -10.5 -12.7002 -17.2998 -17.2998 c-10.2002 -6.90039 -22.5 -10.9004 -35.7998 -10.9004zM576 352c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32zM99.7998 197.1c6.7998 -4.59961 12.7002 -10.5 17.2998 -17.2998 c6.90039 -10.2002 10.9004 -22.5 10.9004 -35.7998c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.7002 -64 64c0 13.2998 4 25.5996 10.9004 35.7998c4.59961 6.7998 10.5 12.7002 17.2998 17.2998c10.2002 6.90039 22.5 10.9004 35.7998 10.9004s25.5996 -4 35.7998 -10.9004z M64 112c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32zM152 128v32h48v-32h-48zM621.3 45.2998c2.7998 -2.89941 5.5 -6.09961 7.7998 -9.5c6.90039 -10.2002 10.9004 -22.5 10.9004 -35.7998s-4 -25.5996 -10.7998 -35.7998 c-4.60059 -6.7998 -10.5 -12.7002 -17.2998 -17.2998c-10.2002 -6.90039 -22.5 -10.9004 -35.8008 -10.9004c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64c0 6.2998 1 12.2998 2.7002 18.0996l-92.3994 55.4004c-20.6006 -25.0996 -51.4004 -41.5 -86.4004 -41.5 c-61.9004 0 -112 50.0996 -112 112c0 39.2002 20.2002 73.5996 50.7002 93.5996l-39 83.6006c-3.7998 -0.700195 -7.7002 -1.2002 -11.7002 -1.2002c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64c0 13.2998 4 25.5996 10.9004 35.7998c4.59961 6.7998 10.5 12.7002 17.2998 17.2998 c10.2002 6.90039 22.5 10.9004 35.7998 10.9004s25.5996 -4 35.7998 -10.9004c6.7998 -4.59961 12.7002 -10.5 17.2998 -17.2998c6.90039 -10.2002 10.9004 -22.5 10.9004 -35.7998c0 -19.9004 -9.2002 -37.4004 -23.5 -49.0996l39.2998 -84.1006 c10.2998 3 20.9004 5.2002 32.2002 5.2002c61.9004 0 112 -50.0996 112 -112c0 -15.2998 -3.09961 -30 -8.7002 -43.2998l91.7998 -55.1006c2.80078 2.80078 5.80078 5.30078 9.10059 7.5c10.2002 6.90039 22.5 10.9004 35.7998 10.9004s25.5996 -4 35.7998 -10.9004 c3.40039 -2.2998 6.60059 -4.89941 9.5 -7.7998zM224 352c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32zM336 64c44.0996 0 80 35.9004 80 80s-35.9004 80 -80 80s-80 -35.9004 -80 -80s35.9004 -80 80 -80zM576 -32 c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chimney" unicode="&#xf78b;" d="M480 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-128c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32v-304c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v304c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h448zM64 256v-128h96v128h-96zM64 -32h256v128 h-256v-128zM448 -32v128h-96v-128h96zM448 128v128h-256v-128h256zM480 288v128h-448v-128h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="compress-arrows-alt" unicode="&#xf78c;" d="M312 224c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 23.9004v112c0 14.5 11.9004 24.0996 24.2002 24.0996c5.89941 0 11.8994 -2.2002 16.7998 -7.09961l44.5996 -44.6006l113.4 113.4c3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 3.09961 11.2998 0l11.4004 -11.4004 c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-113.4 -113.3l44.7002 -44.7002c15.0996 -15.0996 4.40039 -41 -17 -41h-112zM320 340.7v-84.7002h84.7002zM396.3 74.4004l113.3 -113.5c3.10059 -3.10059 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.3008l-11.2998 -11.2998 c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-113.3 113.5l-44.7002 -44.7002c-15.0996 -15.0996 -41 -4.39941 -41 17v112c0 13.3008 10.7002 24 24 24h112c14.5 0 24.0996 -11.8994 24.0996 -24.1992c0 -5.90039 -2.19922 -11.9004 -7.09961 -16.8008zM320 43.2998 l84.7002 84.7002h-84.7002v-84.7002zM200 160c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-111.9c0 -14.5 -11.9004 -24.0996 -24.2002 -24.0996c-5.89941 0 -11.8994 2.2002 -16.7998 7.09961l-44.7002 44.7002l-113.399 -113.399c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.3008 0 l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l113.4 113.3l-44.7002 44.7002c-15.0996 15.0996 -4.40039 41 17 41h112zM192 43.2998v84.7002h-84.7002zM183 376.9c15.0996 15.0996 41 4.39941 41.0996 -16.9004v-112c0 -13.2998 -10.6992 -24 -24 -24 h-112c-14.5 0 -24.0996 11.9004 -24.0996 24.2002c0 5.89941 2.2002 11.8994 7.09961 16.7998l44.6006 44.5996l-113.4 113.4c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l11.4004 11.4004c3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 3.09961 11.2998 0l113.3 -113.5zM192 256v84.7002 l-84.7002 -84.7002h84.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deer" unicode="&#xf78e;" d="M400 288c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM488.7 314.7c13.7002 -3.90039 23.2998 -16.5 23.2998 -30.7998v-43.9004c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-48l-32 -64v-160c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-64 c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128h-103.4l-19.3994 -51.7002l17 -68.5996c5 -20.2002 -10.2998 -39.7002 -31.1006 -39.7002h-47.6992c-13.9004 0 -26.3008 9 -30.5 22.2998l-23 72.4004c-3.10059 12.5996 -2.40039 25.7998 2.19922 38l11.9004 31.7998v27.5h-32v32 c0 53 43 96 96 96h208l33.7998 67.7998l-78.8994 22.2002c-20.7002 5.7998 -35 24.7002 -35 46.2002v47.7998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.39941 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-47.7998c0 -7.2002 4.7998 -13.5 11.6992 -15.4004l16.1006 -4.5l16.7998 20.9004 c2.2998 2.89941 3.5 6.39941 3.5 10v36.7998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-36.7998c0 -10.9004 -3.7002 -21.5 -10.5 -30l-8.2998 -10.2998l33.7998 -9.5l42.5996 21.2998c7.5 3.7002 13.9004 9.2998 18.5 16.2998l18 27.2002 c2.5 3.7002 7.40039 4.7002 11.1006 2.2002l13.2998 -8.90039c3.7002 -2.5 4.7002 -7.40039 2.2002 -11.0996l-18.1006 -27.2002c-7.69922 -11.5 -18.2998 -20.9004 -30.6992 -27.1006l-11.1006 -5.59961zM480 240h0.0996094v31.7998 c0 7.2002 -4.7998 13.5 -11.6992 15.4004l-73.6006 20.7002c-14.7998 4.09961 -30.3994 -2.80078 -37.2998 -16.5l-33.7002 -67.4004h-227.8c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64h32.0996v-65.4004l-14 -37.1992c-2.19922 -5.90039 -2.69922 -12.1006 -1.2998 -18.2002 l22.6006 -71.2002h47.6992l-19.3994 78.2002l30.7002 81.7998h157.6v-160h64v167.6l44.2002 88.4004h67.7998c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deer-rudolph" unicode="&#xf78f;" d="M368 288c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM480 336c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32v-32c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-48l-32 -64v-160c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-64 c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128h-71.4004l-19.3994 -51.7002l17 -68.5996c5 -20.2002 -10.2998 -39.7002 -31.1006 -39.7002h-47.6992c-13.9004 0 -26.3008 9 -30.5 22.2998l-23 72.4004c-3.10059 12.5996 -2.40039 25.7998 2.19922 38l11.9004 31.7998v27.5h-32v32 c0 53 43 96 96 96h176l33.7998 67.7998l-78.8994 22.2002c-20.7002 5.7998 -35 24.7002 -35 46.2002v47.7998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.39941 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-47.7998c0 -7.2002 4.7998 -13.5 11.6992 -15.4004l16.1006 -4.5l16.7998 20.9004 c2.2998 2.89941 3.5 6.39941 3.5 10v36.7998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-36.7998c0 -10.9004 -3.7002 -21.5 -10.5 -30l-8.2998 -10.2998l33.7998 -9.5l42.5996 21.2998c7.5 3.7002 13.9004 9.2998 18.5 16.2998l18 27.2998 c2.5 3.7002 7.40039 4.7002 11.1006 2.2002l13.2998 -8.90039c3.7002 -2.5 4.7002 -7.39941 2.2002 -11.0996l-18.1006 -27.2002c-7.69922 -11.5 -18.2998 -20.8994 -30.6992 -27.0996l-11.1006 -5.60059l85.7002 -24.0996c4.90039 11.4004 16.2002 19.5 29.5 19.5zM448 240 h0.0996094v31.7998c0 7.2002 -4.7998 13.5 -11.6992 15.4004l-73.6006 20.7002c-14.7998 4.09961 -30.3994 -2.80078 -37.2998 -16.5l-33.7002 -67.4004h-195.8c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64h32.0996v-65.4004l-14 -37.1992 c-2.19922 -5.90039 -2.69922 -12.1006 -1.2998 -18.2002l22.6006 -71.2002h47.6992l-19.3994 78.2002l30.7002 81.7998h125.6v-160h64v167.6l44.2002 88.4004h67.7998c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dreidel" unicode="&#xf792;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M438.6 384c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7998 0.100586 -45.2002l-92.6006 -92.5996l60.6006 -60.6006c13.0996 -13.0996 13.0996 -34.1992 0 -47.2998l-150.7 -150.7c-12.5996 -12.5996 -29.5996 -19.5996 -47.2998 -19.5996h-141.8c-37 0 -66.9004 29.9004 -66.9004 66.9004 v141.8c0 17.7998 7 34.7998 19.5996 47.2998l150.7 150.6c6.5 6.5 15.1006 9.80078 23.6006 9.80078s17.0996 -3.30078 23.5996 -9.80078l60.5996 -60.5996l92.6006 92.5996c12.5 12.5 32.7998 12.5 45.2998 0zM233.4 10.2002l59.3994 59.3994l-191.2 191.2 l-59.3994 -59.3994c-6.60059 -6.60059 -10.2002 -15.4004 -10.2002 -24.7002v-141.8c0 -19.3008 15.5996 -34.9004 34.9004 -34.9004h141.8c9.39941 0 18.0996 3.59961 24.7002 10.2002zM384 160.9c0.599609 0.5 0.599609 1.5 0 2l-189.1 189.1l-1 0.400391 c-0.600586 0 -0.900391 -0.300781 -1 -0.400391l-68.7002 -68.5996l191.1 -191.2zM323.4 268.8l92.5996 92.6006l-22.5996 22.5996l-92.6006 -92.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dumpster" unicode="&#xf793;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 192c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-38.2002l-17.7998 -160v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16h-256v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16l-17.7998 160 h-38.2002c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h34.5996l-7.09961 64h-19.5c-10.4004 0 -18 12.2002 -15.5 24.9004l24 120c1.7998 8.89941 8.2002 15.0996 15.5 15.0996h496c7.2998 0 13.7002 -6.2002 15.5 -15.0996l24 -120 c2.5 -12.7002 -5.09961 -24.9004 -15.5 -24.9004h-19.5996l-7.10059 -64h34.7002zM541.4 288l-19.2002 96h-78.7002l19.2002 -96h78.7002zM145.9 288h126.1v96h-106.9zM304 384v-96h126.1l-19.1992 96h-106.9zM53.7998 384l-19.2002 -96h78.7002l19.2002 96h-78.7002zM480 0 l28.2998 256h-440.5l28.2002 -256h32v32h320v-32h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dumpster-fire" unicode="&#xf794;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M551.1 284.8c51.8008 -46.2002 88.9004 -121.8 88.8008 -158.399c0 -87.5 -71.6006 -158.4 -160 -158.4c-88.4004 0 -160 70.9004 -160 158.4c0 49.2998 49.7998 130.899 120 193.6c27.3994 -24.4004 51.5 -50.5996 71 -76.4004 c11.8994 14 25.2998 27.9004 40.1992 41.2002zM494.1 1.40039c31.7002 6.39941 55.7002 34.1992 55.6006 67.3994c0 8 -9.2998 31.9004 -25.5 54.1006c-0.100586 0 -0.100586 -0.100586 -0.200195 -0.200195l-25.9004 -30.5l-24.0996 31.8994 c-5.7998 7.7002 -12.2998 15.4004 -19.4004 23c-29.0996 -32.1992 -44.5 -64.2998 -44.5 -78.2998c0 -33.2002 24 -61 55.8008 -67.3994c4.69922 -0.5 9.19922 -1.40039 14.0996 -1.40039s9.40039 0.900391 14.0996 1.40039zM579.6 48 c17.5 21.5996 28.4004 48.5996 28.2002 78.4004c0 21.8994 -23.2002 73.3994 -57.5 113.3c-5.2002 -5.40039 -10.2002 -11 -15.0996 -16.7998l-25.9004 -30.5l-24.0996 31.8994c-13.1006 17.2998 -28.5 34.9004 -45.2998 51.6006 c-55.6006 -56.3008 -88.1006 -117.9 -88.1006 -149.5c0 -29.7002 10.9004 -56.8008 28.4004 -78.4004c-1.40039 6.7002 -2.2002 13.7002 -2.2002 20.7998c0 31.2998 31.7002 83.2998 76.4004 123.2c17.3994 -15.5 32.7998 -32.2002 45.1992 -48.5996 c7.60059 8.89941 16.1006 17.7998 25.6006 26.1992c33 -29.3994 56.5996 -77.5 56.5996 -100.8c0 -7.09961 -0.799805 -14.0996 -2.2002 -20.7998zM128 32h185.5c6.59961 -11.5 14.5 -22.2002 23.2998 -32h-176.8v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-64 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16l-17.7998 160h-38.2002c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h34.5996l-7.09961 64h-19.5c-10.4004 0 -18 12.2002 -15.5 24.9004l24 120c1.7998 8.89941 8.2002 15.0996 15.5 15.0996h496 c7.2998 0 13.7002 -6.2002 15.5 -15.0996l18.0996 -90.5c-5.59961 4 -11.8994 6.39941 -18.5 6.39941c-5.09961 0 -10 -1.7002 -14.5996 -4.09961l-14.2998 71.2998h-78.7002l6.7998 -33.9004c-3.2998 1.2002 -6.7998 1.90039 -10.2998 1.90039 c-7.5 0 -15.0996 -2.7002 -21.0996 -8l-8 40h-106.9v-96h60.9004c-8.80078 -10.5996 -16.8008 -21.2998 -24.3008 -32h-272.8l28.2002 -256h32v32zM165.1 384l-19.1992 -96h126.1v96h-106.9zM34.5996 288h78.7002l19.2002 96h-78.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ear-muffs" unicode="&#xf795;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 96c0 -5.5 -0.799805 -10.7998 -2.40039 -15.9004c1.60059 -5.19922 2.40039 -10.5 2.40039 -16c0 -15.0996 -6.09961 -28.8994 -16 -39c0.400391 -24.1992 -14.5 -45 -35.7998 -53.2998c-8.10059 -20.8994 -28.5 -35.7998 -52.2002 -35.7998 c-5.5 0 -10.7998 0.799805 -16 2.40039c-5.2002 -1.60059 -10.5 -2.40039 -16 -2.40039c-30.9004 0 -56 25.0996 -56 56c0 7.7002 1.59961 15.2002 4.5 22c-8.90039 20.9004 -2.2002 38.7998 0 44c-8.90039 20.9004 -2.2002 38.7998 0 44 c-8.90039 20.9004 -2.2002 38.7998 0 44c-2.90039 6.7998 -4.5 14.2998 -4.5 22c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56c2.7002 0 5.2998 -0.799805 8 -1.2002v1.2002c0 105.9 -86.0996 192 -192 192s-192 -86.0996 -192 -192v-1.2002c2.7002 0.400391 5.2998 1.2002 8 1.2002 c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56c0 -7.7002 -1.59961 -15.2002 -4.5 -22c8.90039 -20.9004 2.2002 -38.7998 0 -44c8.90039 -20.9004 2.2002 -38.7998 0 -44c8.90039 -20.9004 2.2002 -38.7998 0 -44c2.90039 -6.7998 4.5 -14.2998 4.5 -22c0 -30.9004 -25.0996 -56 -56 -56 c-5.5 0 -10.7998 0.799805 -16 2.40039c-5.2002 -1.60059 -10.5 -2.40039 -16 -2.40039c-23.7998 0 -44.0996 14.9004 -52.2002 35.7002c-21.3994 8.2998 -36.2002 29.2002 -35.7998 53.2998c-9.90039 10.0996 -16 23.9004 -16 39c0 5.5 0.799805 10.7998 2.40039 16 c-1.60059 5.2002 -2.40039 10.5 -2.40039 16c0 15.0996 6.09961 28.9004 16 39c-0.400391 24.0996 14.5 44.9004 35.7998 53.2998c7.2002 18.4004 24 31.5 44.2002 34.5v1.2002c0 123.5 100.5 224 224 224s224 -100.5 224 -224v-1.2002 c20.0996 -2.89941 37 -16 44.2002 -34.5c21.3994 -8.2998 36.2002 -29.2002 35.7998 -53.2998c9.90039 -10.0996 16 -23.9004 16 -39zM136 192c-6.2002 0 -11.7002 -2.5 -16 -6.40039c-4.2998 3.90039 -9.7998 6.40039 -16 6.40039c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24 c0 -4 1.2002 -7.7002 3 -11c-3.2998 1.7998 -7 3 -11 3c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24c0 -6.2998 2.59961 -12 6.59961 -16.2998c-12.5996 -0.799805 -22.5996 -11 -22.5996 -23.7002c0 -6.2002 2.5 -11.7002 6.40039 -16 c-3.90039 -4.2998 -6.40039 -9.7998 -6.40039 -16c0 -12.7002 10 -22.9004 22.5996 -23.7002c-4 -4.2998 -6.59961 -10 -6.59961 -16.2998c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24c4 0 7.7002 1.2002 11 3c-1.7998 -3.2998 -3 -7 -3 -11c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24 c6.2002 0 11.7002 2.5 16 6.40039c4.2998 -3.90039 9.7998 -6.40039 16 -6.40039c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24c0 9.90039 -6 18.2998 -14.5 22c8.5 3.7002 14.5 12.0996 14.5 22s-6 18.2998 -14.5 22c8.5 3.7002 14.5 12.0996 14.5 22s-6 18.2998 -14.5 22 c8.5 3.7002 14.5 12.0996 14.5 22s-6 18.2998 -14.5 22c8.5 3.7002 14.5 12.0996 14.5 22c0 13.2998 -10.7002 24 -24 24zM608 64c0 6.2002 -2.5 11.7002 -6.40039 16c3.90039 4.2998 6.40039 9.7998 6.40039 16c0 12.7002 -10 22.9004 -22.5996 23.7002 c4 4.2998 6.59961 10 6.59961 16.2998c0 13.2998 -10.7002 24 -24 24c-4 0 -7.7002 -1.2002 -11 -3c1.7998 3.2998 3 7 3 11c0 13.2998 -10.7002 24 -24 24c-6.2002 0 -11.7002 -2.5 -16 -6.40039c-4.2998 3.90039 -9.7998 6.40039 -16 6.40039 c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24c0 -9.90039 6 -18.2998 14.5 -22c-8.5 -3.7002 -14.5 -12.0996 -14.5 -22s6 -18.2998 14.5 -22c-8.5 -3.7002 -14.5 -12.0996 -14.5 -22s6 -18.2998 14.5 -22c-8.5 -3.7002 -14.5 -12.0996 -14.5 -22s6 -18.2998 14.5 -22 c-8.5 -3.7002 -14.5 -12.0996 -14.5 -22c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24c6.2002 0 11.7002 2.5 16 6.40039c4.2998 -3.90039 9.7998 -6.40039 16 -6.40039c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24c0 4 -1.2002 7.7002 -3 11c3.2998 -1.7998 7 -3 11 -3c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24 c0 6.2998 -2.59961 12 -6.59961 16.2998c12.5996 0.799805 22.5996 11 22.5996 23.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ethernet" unicode="&#xf796;" d="M496 256c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-224c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v224c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48zM480 32v192h-64v64h-64v64h-192v-64h-64v-64h-64v-192h64v128h32v-128h64v128h32v-128h64v128h32v-128h64v128h32v-128h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fireplace" unicode="&#xf79a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 448c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-352c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128c0 88.4004 -71.5996 160 -160 160c-5.2002 0 -10.4004 -0.299805 -15.7002 -0.799805 c-83.2002 -7.90039 -144.3 -82.5 -144.3 -166.101v-121.1c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v352h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h608zM576 -32v352h-512v-352h64v121.1c0 101.801 76.0996 188.7 173.2 198 c6.39941 0.600586 12.5996 0.900391 18.7998 0.900391c105.9 0 192 -86.0996 192 -192v-128h64zM608 352v64h-576v-64h576zM342.3 136.4c8.5 10.1992 18.2002 20.3994 28.9004 30c37.2998 -33.6006 64 -88.6006 64 -115.2c0 -63.6006 -51.6006 -115.2 -115.2 -115.2 s-115.2 51.5996 -115.2 115.2c0 35.7998 35.9004 95.2002 86.4004 140.8c19.7002 -17.7998 37.0996 -36.7998 51.0996 -55.5996zM320 -32c45.9004 0 83.2002 37.2998 83.2002 83.2002c0 11.3994 -12.2998 41.8994 -32.7998 68.7998l-3.60059 -4.2002l-26 -30.8994 l-24.2002 32.3994c-7.5 10 -16 20.1006 -25.2998 29.9004c-34.0996 -37.1006 -54.5 -76.4004 -54.5 -96c0 -45.9004 37.2998 -83.2002 83.2002 -83.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="frosty-head" unicode="&#xf79b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M376 224c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -7.90039v-16c0 -4.39941 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-37.9004c13 -19.3994 22.6006 -41.0996 26.9004 -64.6992c13.2998 -73.6006 -18.9004 -140.101 -72.7998 -177.7c-12.6006 -8.7998 -27.7002 -13.6006 -43.1006 -13.6006h-20.7998 c4.2998 6.30078 11.7998 17 20.7998 32c8.90039 0 17.4004 2.7002 24.8008 7.80078c47.0996 32.7998 70 88.5996 59.6992 145.699c-4.89941 26.7002 -17.5 50.9004 -35.0996 70.4004h-211.7c-23.8994 -25.7002 -38.7998 -59.7998 -38.7998 -97.7002 c0 -49.5 25.0996 -95 67.2998 -121.8c5.7998 -3.7002 13.5 -4.5 19 -4.5h0.700195c9 -15 16.4004 -25.7002 20.7998 -32h-21.5996c-12.6006 0 -25.5 2.7002 -36.2002 9.5c-49.2002 31.2998 -82 86 -82 148.8c0 36.2002 11 69.7002 29.5 97.7002h-37.5 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v192c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h192c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-192h56zM288 224v64h-192v-64h192zM288 320v96h-192v-96h192zM245.3 42.7002c0 -27.6006 -39.0996 -82.2998 -53.2998 -102.8 c-14.0996 20.5 -53.2998 75.1992 -53.2998 102.8c0 29.3994 23.8994 53.2998 53.2998 53.2998s53.2998 -23.9004 53.2998 -53.2998zM192 64c-11.7998 0 -21.2998 -9.59961 -21.2998 -21.2998c0 -6.7002 9.7002 -26.1006 21.2998 -45.2002 c11.5996 19.2002 21.2998 38.5 21.2998 45.2002c0 11.7002 -9.5 21.2998 -21.2998 21.2998zM256 96c-11.7998 0 -21.2998 9.59961 -21.2998 21.2998s9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998c11.7002 0 21.2998 -9.5 21.2998 -21.2998c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998z M149.3 117.3c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998c-11.7002 0 -21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.2998c0 11.7002 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998c11.7002 0 21.2998 -9.5 21.2998 -21.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gifts" unicode="&#xf79c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 224c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-224c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v352c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h70.4004l-43 30.7002c-3.60059 2.59961 -4.5 7.59961 -1.90039 11.2002l9.2998 13 c2.60059 3.59961 7.60059 4.5 11.2002 1.89941l53 -37.8994l-22.7998 60.6992c-1.5 4.10059 0.599609 8.7002 4.7002 10.3008l15 5.59961c4.09961 1.5 8.69922 -0.599609 10.2998 -4.7002l21.7998 -58.0996l21.7998 58.0996c1.5 4.2002 6.2002 6.2998 10.2998 4.7002 l15 -5.59961c4.2002 -1.60059 6.30078 -6.2002 4.7002 -10.3008l-22.7998 -60.6992l53.0996 38c3.60059 2.5 8.60059 1.69922 11.2002 -1.90039l9.2998 -13c2.5 -3.59961 1.7002 -8.59961 -1.89941 -11.2002l-43.1006 -30.7998h70.4004c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32 v-2.7998c6.2002 1.59961 12.5996 2.7998 19.7998 2.7998c42.9004 0 74.5 -34.7998 92.2002 -62.2002c17.5996 27.4004 49.2998 62.2002 92.2002 62.2002c42.5 0 67.7998 -31.5996 67.7998 -62.0996c0 -12.4004 -4.2002 -23.9004 -11.2998 -33.9004h27.2998zM339.8 288 c-22.3994 0 -35.7998 -15.2998 -35.7998 -30.0996c0 -8.7002 4.09961 -16.5 11.9004 -22.5c6.69922 -5.2002 19.1992 -11.4004 41.0996 -11.4004h57.5c-8.7002 18.0996 -37.0996 64 -74.7002 64zM224 192c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h27.2998 c-7.2002 10 -11.2998 21.5 -11.2998 33.9004c0 14.2998 5.7002 28.6992 16 40.0996v22h-256v-352h192v224zM416 -32v96h-160v-96h160zM416 96v96h-160v-96h160zM524.2 288c-37.6006 0 -66 -45.9004 -74.7002 -64h57.5c21.9004 0 34.4004 6.2002 41.0996 11.4004 c7.80078 6 11.9004 13.7998 11.9004 22.5c0 14.7998 -13.4004 30.0996 -35.7998 30.0996zM608 -32v96h-160v-96h160zM608 96v96h-160v-96h160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gingerbread-man" unicode="&#xf79d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM192 360c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM224 176c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM224 240c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 360c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM448 208 c0 -44.0996 -35.9004 -80 -80 -80h-28l58 -61.5996c27.7998 -34.2002 22.5996 -84.7002 -11.5996 -112.5c-14.2002 -11.5 -32.1006 -17.9004 -50.4004 -17.9004c-24.2002 0 -46.9004 10.7998 -62.0996 29.5996l-49.9004 51.6006l-49.9004 -51.6006 c-15.1992 -18.7998 -37.8994 -29.5996 -62.0996 -29.5996c-18.2998 0 -36.2002 6.40039 -50.5 17.9004c-34.2002 27.7998 -39.4004 78.2998 -11.5996 112.5l58 61.5996h-27.9004c-44.0996 0 -80 35.9004 -80 80s35.9004 80 80 80h39.7998 c-6.39941 14.2998 -9.7998 30 -9.7998 46c0 30.5 11.9004 59.0996 33.4004 80.5996s50.0996 33.4004 80.5996 33.4004c10.0996 0 20.2002 -1.2998 30.2002 -3.90039c38.5996 -10.0996 70.0996 -41.6992 80 -80.5c6.7998 -26.1992 4.5 -52.5 -5.7998 -75.5996h39.5996 c44.0996 0 80 -35.9004 80 -80zM304.6 120.9c-12.6992 15.6992 -1.5 39.0996 18.7002 39h44.7002c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48h-81.5996c-9.40039 0 -14.1006 11.5 -7.2002 17.7998c21.2998 19.2002 32.2998 49.3994 24 81.8994 c-7 27.7002 -29.5 50.3008 -57.1006 57.5c-7.5 2 -14.8994 2.90039 -22.0996 2.90039c-45.2998 0 -82 -36.7002 -82 -82c0 -24 10.4004 -45.4004 26.9004 -60.2998c6.89941 -6.2002 2 -17.7002 -7.30078 -17.7002h-81.5996c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48 h44.7998c20.2002 0 31.2998 -23.4004 18.6006 -39.0996l-68.6006 -74.6006c-16.7002 -20.5996 -13.5996 -50.7998 7 -67.5c8.90039 -7.2998 19.6006 -10.7998 30.2002 -10.7998c14 0 27.7998 6 37.2998 17.7002l49.9004 51.5996 c6.39941 7.90039 15.5996 11.7998 24.7998 11.7998s18.4004 -3.89941 24.7998 -11.7998l49.9004 -51.5996c9.5 -11.6006 23.2998 -17.7002 37.2998 -17.7002c10.5996 0 21.2998 3.59961 30.2002 10.7998c20.5996 16.7002 23.7002 46.9004 7 67.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-champagne" unicode="&#xf79e;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M255 235.7c9 -68.7998 -42 -129.601 -111 -138v-129.7h53.2002c14.7998 0 26.7002 -12 26.7002 -26.7002c0 -2.89941 -2.30078 -5.2998 -5.30078 -5.2998h-181.3c-2.89941 0 -5.2998 2.40039 -5.2998 5.2998c0 14.7998 11.9004 26.7002 26.7002 26.7002h53.2998v129.7 c-69.0996 8.5 -120 69.2002 -111 138l27 184.899c2.2998 15.7002 15.7998 27.4004 31.7002 27.4004h136.6c15.9004 0 29.4004 -11.7002 31.7002 -27.4004zM196.3 416h-136.6l-14 -96h164.6zM32.7002 231.1c-3.2998 -25.2998 4.39941 -50.3994 21.7998 -70.2998 c18.2998 -20.7998 45.0996 -32.7998 73.5 -32.7998s55.2002 12 73.4004 32.7998c17.5 19.9004 25.1992 45 21.7998 70.7002l-8.2002 56.5h-174z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-cheers" unicode="&#xf79f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M605.4 11c13.7998 5.2002 29.0996 -1.7998 34.0996 -15.4004c1.09961 -2.7998 -0.299805 -5.89941 -3.09961 -6.89941l-139.9 -52.2002c-2.7998 -1.09961 -5.90039 0.299805 -6.90039 3.09961c-5.09961 13.8008 1.90039 29.2002 15.7002 34.3008l35 13l-45.5996 122.399 c-70.7998 -18.7002 -129.7 25.2998 -144.601 80.7002l-30.0996 112.2l-30.2998 -112.5c-14.7998 -55.1006 -73.5 -99.4004 -144.601 -80.7002l-45.5996 -122.4l35 -13c13.7998 -5.09961 20.7998 -20.5 15.7002 -34.2998 c-1.10059 -2.7002 -4.10059 -4.09961 -6.90039 -3.09961l-139.899 52.2002c-2.7002 1.09961 -4.10059 4.09961 -3.10059 6.89941c5.2002 13.7998 20.5 20.7998 34.2998 15.7002l35 -13l46 123.4c-57 32.1992 -79.5 103.5 -46.7998 160.1l87 150.5 c5.7998 10.2002 16.6006 16 27.7002 16c4.09961 0 8.2002 -0.700195 12.2002 -2.40039l120.6 -50c1.40039 -0.599609 6.10059 -0.599609 7.5 0l120.601 50c4 1.60059 8.09961 2.40039 12.1992 2.40039c11.1006 0 21.8008 -5.7998 27.7002 -16l86.9004 -150.5 c32.7002 -56.5996 10.2002 -127.9 -46.7998 -160.1l46 -123.4zM259 198.2l13.2998 49.2998l-150.2 62.2002l-25.5 -44.2002c-25.8994 -44.7998 -3.89941 -101.7 44.7002 -121.8c39.7998 -16.5 101.9 -4.2998 117.7 54.5zM280.6 278.7l23.4004 87.2998l-120.6 50 l-45.2002 -78.2998zM336 366l23.4004 -87.2998l142.399 59l-45.2002 78.2998zM381 198.2c15.4004 -57.2002 77 -71.4004 117.8 -54.5c48.6006 20.0996 70.6006 76.8994 44.7002 121.8l-25.5 44.2002l-150.2 -62.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-whiskey" unicode="&#xf7a0;" d="M480 416c19.5 0 34.4004 -17.2002 31.7002 -36.5l-55.6006 -356.5c-4.5 -31.5 -31.5996 -54.9004 -63.3994 -54.9004h-273c-31.9004 0 -58.9004 23.4004 -63.4004 54.9004l-56 356.5c-2.7002 19.2998 12.2002 36.5 31.7002 36.5h448zM424.4 27.5l20.5996 132.5h-377.8 l20.7998 -132.1c2.2998 -16.1006 15.9004 -27.9004 31.7002 -27.9004h273c15.7998 0 29.5 11.7998 31.7002 27.5zM450 192l30 192h-448l30.2002 -192h387.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-whiskey-rocks" unicode="&#xf7a1;" d="M480 416c19.5 0 34.4004 -17.2002 31.7002 -36.5l-55.6006 -356.5c-4.5 -31.5 -31.5996 -54.9004 -63.3994 -54.9004h-273c-31.9004 0 -58.9004 23.4004 -63.4004 54.9004l-56 356.5c-2.7002 19.2998 12.2002 36.5 31.7002 36.5h448zM424.4 27.5l20.5996 132.5h-20.0996 c0 -12.2002 -4.60059 -24.5 -14 -33.9004l-57 -57c-9 -9.09961 -21.1006 -14.0996 -33.9004 -14.0996s-24.7998 5 -33.9004 14.0996l-10.7998 10.8008c-8.7998 -9.7002 -21.2998 -15.9004 -35.2998 -15.9004h-96c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v48h-28.7998l20.7998 -132.1 c2.2998 -16.1006 15.9004 -27.9004 31.7002 -27.9004h273c15.7998 0 29.5 11.7998 31.7002 27.5zM251.7 148.7l57 -57c3.09961 -3.10059 7.2002 -4.7002 11.2998 -4.7002s8.2002 1.59961 11.2998 4.7002l57 57c6.2002 6.2002 6.2002 16.3994 0 22.5996l-57 57 c-3.09961 3.10059 -7.2002 4.7002 -11.2998 4.7002s-8.2002 -1.59961 -11.2998 -4.7002l-57 -57c-6.2002 -6.2002 -6.2002 -16.3994 0 -22.5996zM229.1 193.9l23.5 23.3994c-2.89941 3.90039 -7.39941 6.60059 -12.5996 6.60059h-96c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-96 c0 -8.80078 7.2002 -16 16 -16h96c5.2998 0 9.7002 2.69922 12.5996 6.59961l-23.5 23.5c-18.6992 18.7002 -18.6992 49.2002 0 67.9004zM450 192l30 192h-448l30.2002 -192h33.7998v16c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c14 0 26.5 -6.2002 35.2998 -15.9004l10.7998 10.8008 c9 9.09961 21.1006 14.0996 33.9004 14.0996s24.9004 -5 33.9004 -14.0996l57 -57c0.599609 -0.5 0.799805 -1.30078 1.2998 -1.90039h37.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="globe-snow" unicode="&#xf7a3;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 352c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM112 272c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16zM320 288c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16 s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM363.3 49l46.2998 -61.7998c15.8008 -21.1006 0.800781 -51.2002 -25.5996 -51.2002h-320c-26.4004 0 -41.4004 30.0996 -25.5996 51.2002l46.2998 61.7998c-51.5 41 -84.7002 104 -84.7002 175c0 123.7 100.3 224 224 224 s224 -100.3 224 -224c0 -71 -33.2002 -134 -84.7002 -175zM32 224c0 -66.7002 34.2998 -125.6 86.0996 -160h89.9004v32h-80c-12.2998 0 -23.5 7 -28.7998 18.2002c-5.40039 11 -3.90039 24.2002 3.7998 33.7998l19.5996 24.5c-1.19922 1.7002 -2.39941 3.5 -3.2998 5.40039 c-5.39941 11 -4 24.1992 3.60059 33.7998l76 96.2998c6 7.7002 15.2998 12.2002 25.0996 12.2002s19 -4.5 25.0996 -12.2002l75.8008 -96.2998c7.59961 -9.60059 9 -22.7998 3.69922 -33.7998c-0.899414 -1.90039 -2 -3.7002 -3.2998 -5.40039l19.7002 -24.5996 c7.59961 -9.60059 9.09961 -22.7002 3.7998 -33.8008c-5.2998 -11.0996 -16.5 -18.0996 -28.7998 -18.0996h-80v-32h89.9004c51.7998 34.4004 86.0996 93.2998 86.0996 160c0 105.9 -86.0996 192 -192 192s-192 -86.0996 -192 -192zM148 191.9l31.0996 0.0996094 l-51.0996 -64h80v88c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-88h80l-51.0996 64h31l-75.9004 96.2002zM64 -32h320l-48 64h-224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-lines" unicode="&#xf7a4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M440 256c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-432c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h432zM440 160c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-432c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h432z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-santa" unicode="&#xf7a7;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M627.2 258.5c8.09961 -9.40039 12.7002 -21.5 12.7002 -34.5996c0 -13.1006 -4.7002 -25.2002 -12.8008 -34.5c-0.899414 -12.3008 -6.09961 -24.2002 -15.2998 -33.4004c-9.09961 -9.09961 -20.8994 -14.5 -33.5996 -15.5 c-9.2998 -8 -21.2998 -12.7002 -34.2998 -12.7002s-25 4.7002 -34.3008 12.7002c-12.6992 1 -24.5 6.40039 -33.5996 15.5c-9.2002 9.2002 -14.4004 21.0996 -15.2998 33.4004c-8.10059 9.39941 -12.7998 21.3994 -12.7998 34.5c0 2.09961 0.899414 4 1.09961 6 l-47.0996 18.8994c-1 0.400391 -2 0.600586 -3 0.600586c-5.40039 0 -9.7002 -5.7002 -7.30078 -11.2002l61 -142.2h11.4004c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-32c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v32c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h10.7002l89.7002 215.5 c26.3994 63.2998 88.1992 104.5 156.8 104.5c74.7002 0 114.5 -33.5996 192.1 -112c4 1.40039 8 2.90039 12.2998 3.2002c9.30078 8.09961 21.5 12.7998 34.5 12.7998s25.2002 -4.7002 34.5 -12.7998c12.6006 -0.900391 24.3008 -6.2998 33.3008 -15.2998 c9.19922 -9.2002 14.3994 -21.1006 15.2998 -33.4004zM480 48c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-416c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h416c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v32zM398.9 281.4c5.09961 0 10.0996 -0.900391 14.7998 -2.90039 l47.2998 -18.9004c0.900391 9.10059 4.7002 17.5 10.0996 25.1006c-72 72.7002 -104.6 99.2998 -165.899 99.2998c-55.7998 0 -105.7 -33.2998 -127.2 -84.7998l-84.7002 -203.2h324.5l-55.5996 129.7c-5.40039 12.3994 -4.10059 26.5 3.2998 37.7002 c7.5 11.2998 19.9004 18 33.4004 18zM592.6 203.9c8.80078 2.59961 15.4004 10.5 15.4004 20.0996s-6.59961 17.5 -15.4004 20.0996c4.40039 8.10059 3.40039 18.3008 -3.39941 25.1006c-4 4 -9.2998 6 -14.6006 6c-3.59961 0 -7.19922 -0.900391 -10.5 -2.7002 c-2.59961 8.7998 -10.5 15.4004 -20.0996 15.4004s-17.5 -6.60059 -20.0996 -15.4004c-3.30078 1.7998 -6.90039 2.7002 -10.5 2.7002c-5.30078 0 -10.5 -1.90039 -14.6006 -6c-6.89941 -6.7998 -7.7998 -17 -3.39941 -25.1006 c-8.80078 -2.59961 -15.4004 -10.5 -15.4004 -20.0996s6.59961 -17.5 15.4004 -20.0996c-4.30078 -8.10059 -3.40039 -18.3008 3.39941 -25.1006c4.2002 -4.09961 9.60059 -6.2002 15.1006 -6.2002c3.5 0 6.7998 1.2002 10 2.90039 c2.59961 -8.7998 10.5 -15.4004 20.0996 -15.4004s17.5 6.60059 20.0996 15.4004c3.10059 -1.7002 6.5 -2.90039 10 -2.90039c5.5 0 10.9004 2 15.1006 6.2002c6.89941 6.7998 7.7998 17 3.39941 25.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-winter" unicode="&#xf7a8;" d="M489.9 62c12.7998 -4.2002 22.0996 -15.7998 22.0996 -30v-64c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v64c0 14.2002 9.2998 25.7998 22.0996 30c11.8008 73.4004 47.4004 193.5 154 257.3v0.700195 c-10.0996 7.90039 -16.1992 19.7998 -16.1992 33.0996c0 13.3008 6.19922 25.3008 16.1992 33.1006c-1.5 12.5996 2.60059 25.3994 12 34.7998c9.40039 9.2998 22.2002 13.2998 34.8008 11.9004c15.6992 20.0996 50.5 20.0996 66.0996 0.0996094 c12.5996 1.5 25.4004 -2.59961 34.7998 -11.9004c9.40039 -9.2998 13.6006 -22.0996 12 -34.7998c10.1006 -7.89941 16.2002 -19.7998 16.2002 -33.0996s-6.2002 -25.2998 -16.2002 -33.1006v-0.699219c106.7 -63.9004 142.3 -184 154.101 -257.4zM456.8 64 c-2.5 14.4004 -6 30.0996 -10.7998 47.0996l-62 31l-64 -32l-64 32l-64 -32l-64 32l-62 -31c-4.7998 -17 -8.2002 -32.6992 -10.7998 -47.0996h401.6zM199.8 362.9c-3.89941 -1.10059 -7.7998 -4.60059 -7.7998 -9.80078c0 -5.19922 3.90039 -8.69922 7.7998 -9.7998 l19 -5.59961l-9.39941 -17.4004c-1.80078 -3.2998 -2.5 -8.5 1.39941 -12.3994c2.90039 -2.90039 5.60059 -5.30078 12.5 -1.5l17.4004 9.5l5.59961 -19c1.10059 -3.90039 4.60059 -7.80078 9.7998 -7.80078c5.2002 0 8.60059 3.90039 9.80078 7.80078l5.59961 19 l17.4004 -9.5c6.89941 -3.7002 9.59961 -1.40039 12.5 1.5c3.89941 3.89941 3.19922 9.09961 1.39941 12.3994l-9.39941 17.4004l19 5.59961c3.89941 1.10059 7.7998 4.60059 7.7998 9.7998c0 5.2002 -3.90039 8.7002 -7.7998 9.80078l-19 5.59961l9.39941 17.4004 c1.7998 3.2998 2.5 8.5 -1.39941 12.3994c-4 4 -9.2002 3.2998 -12.5 1.5l-17.4004 -9.39941l-5.59961 19c-1.10059 3.89941 -4.60059 7.7998 -9.80078 7.7998c-5.19922 0 -8.59961 -3.90039 -9.7998 -7.7998l-5.59961 -19l-17.4004 9.39941 c-3.2998 1.7002 -8.59961 2.5 -12.5 -1.5c-3.89941 -3.89941 -3.2002 -9.09961 -1.39941 -12.3994l9.39941 -17.4004zM186.5 287.3c-52.5 -33.7998 -85.0996 -83.5996 -105.2 -132.8l46.7002 23.4004l64 -32l64 32l64 -32l64 32l46.9004 -23.4004 c-20.1006 49.2002 -52.8008 99 -105.2 132.8c-0.600586 -0.700195 -1 -1.39941 -1.7002 -2.09961c-9.2002 -9.2002 -22 -13.7998 -35 -12.2002c-7.7998 -9.90039 -19.7002 -15.9004 -32.9004 -15.9004c-13.1992 0 -25.0996 6 -32.8994 15.9004 c-13 -1.5 -25.7998 3 -35 12.2002c-0.700195 0.599609 -1.10059 1.39941 -1.7002 2.09961zM480 -32v64h-448v-64h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="holly-berry" unicode="&#xf7aa;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M443.9 104.4c4.89941 -8.60059 5.5 -19.1006 1.39941 -28.1006c-14.5 -31.7002 -22.2002 -68.0996 -22.3994 -105.2c-0.100586 -12.6992 -6.60059 -24.0996 -17.5 -30.3994c-5.40039 -3.10059 -11.4004 -4.7002 -17.4004 -4.7002s-12.0996 1.59961 -17.5996 4.7998 c-32.1006 18.4004 -67.4004 29.9004 -101.9 33.1006c-9.7998 1 -18.5996 6.59961 -23.5996 15.1992c-5 8.7002 -5.60059 19.2002 -1.5 28.3008c5.7998 13.1992 10.5996 27.5 14.1992 42.5996c1.7002 7.59961 -2.59961 15.2002 -10 17.4004 c-7.89941 2.39941 -15.7998 4.2998 -23.5996 5.7998c-7.7998 -1.5 -15.7002 -3.40039 -23.5996 -5.7998c-7.40039 -2.2002 -11.8008 -9.90039 -10 -17.4004c3.5 -15.0996 8.2998 -29.4004 14.1992 -42.5996c4.10059 -9.10059 3.5 -19.6006 -1.5 -28.3008 c-5 -8.59961 -13.7998 -14.2998 -23.5 -15.1992c-34.5 -3.2002 -69.6992 -14.7002 -101.899 -33.1006c-5.60059 -3.2002 -11.7002 -4.7998 -17.7002 -4.7998s-11.9004 1.59961 -17.4004 4.7002c-10.8994 6.2002 -17.3994 17.5996 -17.5 30.3994 c-0.199219 37.1006 -7.89941 73.5 -22.3994 105.2c-4.10059 8.90039 -3.5 19.4004 1.39941 28c5 8.60059 13.9004 14.4004 23.7002 15.4004c14.2002 1.5 29 4.5 43.7998 8.89941c7.40039 2.2002 11.8008 9.90039 10 17.4004 c-3.59961 15.0996 -8.39941 29.4004 -14.2998 42.5996c-4 9.10059 -3.5 19.6006 1.60059 28.3008c4.89941 8.5 13.7998 14.1992 23.5 15.0996c14.5996 1.40039 29.1992 4.59961 43.6992 8.7998c-19.0996 11.1006 -32.0996 31.5 -32.0996 55.2002 c0 34.2998 27 62 60.7998 63.7002c-3 7.5 -4.7998 15.7002 -4.7998 24.2998c0 35.4004 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -8.59961 -1.7002 -16.7998 -4.7998 -24.2998c33.7998 -1.7002 60.7998 -29.4004 60.7998 -63.7002c0 -23.5996 -13 -44.0996 -32.0996 -55.0996 c14.5 -4.2002 29.0996 -7.40039 43.6992 -8.80078c9.7002 -0.899414 18.5 -6.5 23.5 -15.0996c5.10059 -8.59961 5.7002 -19.2002 1.60059 -28.2998c-5.90039 -13.2002 -10.7002 -27.5 -14.2998 -42.6006c-1.80078 -7.59961 2.59961 -15.1992 10 -17.3994 c14.7998 -4.40039 29.5 -7.40039 43.7998 -8.90039c9.89941 -1 18.7002 -6.7002 23.7002 -15.3994zM280 328c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32zM136 296c0 -17.5996 14.4004 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32 s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32zM191.2 107.9c16.2002 4.89941 32.3994 8.19922 48.2998 9.89941c-16.5996 36.7998 -25.0996 78.9004 -24.5996 121.8c-37.7002 -21.7998 -78.9004 -35.5 -119.5 -39.2998c7.7998 -13.5 13.2998 -29.7998 17.2998 -46.7998 c5.7002 -24 -8.2998 -48.2998 -31.9004 -55.4004c-16.7998 -5 -33.5 -8.39941 -49.7998 -10.0996c17.5 -34.7002 26 -74.5 26.0996 -116.8c0 -1.40039 0.5 -2.2998 1.5 -2.90039c39.7002 21.1006 78.4004 33.7002 118 37.4004 c-7.7998 13.5 -13.2998 29.7998 -17.2998 46.7998c-5.7002 24 8.2998 48.2998 31.9004 55.4004zM224 352c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32zM390.9 -28.7002c0.0996094 42.2002 8.59961 82 25.2998 118.4 c-15.4004 0 -32.1006 3.39941 -48.9004 8.39941c-23.5996 7.10059 -37.5996 31.4004 -31.8994 55.4004c4 17.0996 9.5 33.2998 16.1992 48.2998c-34.7998 2.10059 -70.7998 13.4004 -104.399 31.1006c0.5 -36.6006 7.89941 -72.1006 22.0996 -103.2 c3.90039 -8.60059 3.40039 -18.7002 -1.09961 -27.1006c16.3994 -10.3994 25.2002 -30.1992 20.5 -50c-4 -17.0996 -9.5 -33.2998 -16.2002 -48.2998c38.5 -2.2998 77.2002 -14.7998 113.8 -35.7998c4.10059 0.5 4.60059 1.5 4.60059 2.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ice-skate" unicode="&#xf7ac;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-8c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80h-488c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h88v64c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v234.3c0 13.1006 8 24.9004 20.0996 29.7002l128.4 51.4004 c7.59961 3 15.7002 4.59961 23.7998 4.59961h83.7002v24c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-184l119.3 -29.9004c42.7002 -10.5996 72.7002 -49 72.7002 -93.0996v-37c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-32v-64h80c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v8 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16zM64 96c0 -17.5996 14.4004 -32 32 -32h352c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32v37c0 29.5 -19.9004 55 -48.4004 62.0996l-115.5 28.9004h-84.0996c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v32h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v64h-83.7002c-4.09961 0 -8.09961 -0.799805 -11.8994 -2.2998l-128.4 -51.4004v-234.3zM384 -32v64h-256v-64h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="icicles" unicode="&#xf7ad;" d="M466 448c28.4004 0 50.5996 -25.7998 45.2002 -54.5v-0.200195l-89.5 -444.5c-1.5 -7.39941 -8.10059 -12.7998 -15.7002 -12.7998h-0.200195c-7.7002 0 -14.2002 5.5 -15.5996 13.0996l-56.5 310.301l-32.2998 -119.301 c-1.7002 -7.19922 -8.10059 -12.1992 -15.5 -12.1992h-0.100586c-7.5 0.0996094 -13.8994 5.2998 -15.5 12.5l-22.2998 86l-36.4004 -181.5c-1.5 -7.60059 -8 -13 -15.6992 -13c-7.60059 0 -14.2002 5.39941 -15.7002 12.8994l-35.2998 172.101l-23.5 -77 c-1.80078 -6.80078 -7.90039 -11.7002 -14.9004 -11.9004c-7.7998 -0.5 -13.4004 4.09961 -15.7002 10.7998l-88.7002 249.4c-9.39941 31.2998 14.2002 59.7998 43.9004 59.7998h420zM406.8 37l73 362.5c1.10059 6 -2.7002 16.5 -13.7998 16.5h-420 c-9.59961 0 -16 -9.2002 -13.4004 -18l71.5 -210.7l27.7002 104.7c4 14.7998 27.7002 16.5996 31.2002 -1l32.9004 -166l35.2998 182c3.39941 17.2998 27.5996 16.7998 31.2998 0.5l24.0996 -106l34 138.3c4.10059 16.6006 28.2002 16 31.3008 -1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="igloo" unicode="&#xf7ae;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.1 0 288 -128.9 288 -288v-128c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-512c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128c0 159.1 128.9 288 288 288zM487.5 288c-34 42.4004 -81.2998 73.5996 -135.5 87.5996v-87.5996h135.5zM448 128v128h-320v-128h49.7998 c22.2002 38.0996 63 64 110.2 64s88 -25.9004 110.2 -64h49.7998zM288 384c-80.5996 0 -152.6 -37.5996 -199.5 -96h231.5v93.7998c-10.5 1.2998 -21.0996 2.2002 -32 2.2002zM66.5996 256c-21.8994 -37.7002 -34.5996 -81.2998 -34.5996 -128h64v128h-29.4004zM32 0h128v64 c0 11.0996 1.7998 21.7002 4.5 32h-132.5v-96zM192 0h192v64c0 53 -43 96 -96 96s-96 -43 -96 -96v-64zM544 0v96h-132.5c2.59961 -10.2998 4.5 -20.9004 4.5 -32v-64h128zM480 128h64c0 46.7002 -12.7002 90.2998 -34.5996 128h-29.4004v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mistletoe" unicode="&#xf7b4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M542.1 250.6c40 -40 45.4004 -99.3994 12.1006 -132.8c-14.7002 -14.5996 -34.5 -21.7998 -55.4004 -21.7998c-26.5996 0 -55 11.5 -77.3994 33.9004c-28.9004 29 -41.2002 104.399 -45.8008 143.899l-71.5996 71.6006v-170.5c27.2998 -30.4004 80 -94.5 80 -136.4 c0 -56.5996 -43 -102.4 -96 -102.4s-96 45.8008 -96 102.4c0 41.9004 52.7002 106 80 136.4v170.5l-71.5996 -71.6006c-0.700195 -6 -1.5 -12.5996 -2.60059 -19.8994c3.2998 1.09961 6.60059 2.09961 10.2002 2.09961c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32 c-8.09961 0 -15.2002 3.2002 -20.7998 8.09961c-7.2998 -28.1992 -17.7002 -55.2998 -32.6006 -70.1992c-22.3994 -22.4004 -50.7998 -33.9004 -77.3994 -33.9004c-20.9004 0 -40.7002 7.2002 -55.4004 21.9004c-33.2998 33.2998 -27.8994 92.6992 12.1006 132.699 c29 28.9004 104.399 41.2002 143.899 45.8008l94.2002 94.1992v49.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-49.4004l94.2002 -94.1992c39.5 -4.5 114.899 -16.8008 143.899 -45.8008zM132 152.5c16.5996 16.5996 28.7998 66.2998 34.9004 110.5 c-44.2002 -6.2998 -93.9004 -18.5 -110.4 -35c-26.9004 -27 -32.5 -67.0996 -12 -87.5c10.2998 -10.2998 23.5 -12.5 32.7002 -12.5c19.2002 0 39.2002 8.90039 54.7998 24.5zM352 38.4004c0 23.5996 -32.9004 70.3994 -64 106.399c-31.0996 -36 -64 -82.8994 -64 -106.399 c0 -38.8008 28.7002 -70.4004 64 -70.4004s64 31.5996 64 70.4004zM531.5 140.5c20.5 20.4004 14.9004 60.5 -12.0996 87.4004c-16.6006 16.5996 -66.2002 28.7998 -110.4 35c6.2998 -44.2002 18.5 -93.9004 35 -110.4c15.5996 -15.5996 35.5996 -24.5 54.7998 -24.5 c9.2002 0 22.4004 2.2002 32.7002 12.5zM384 384c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mitten" unicode="&#xf7b5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M420.9 250.4c31.8994 -26.9004 36.2998 -74.9004 9.69922 -107.101l-66.3994 -80.3994c10.5 -2.5 19.8994 -11.5 19.8994 -22.9004v-80c0 -13.2998 -12.0996 -24 -25.1992 -24h-303.101c-13.0996 0 -23.7998 10.7002 -23.7998 24v80 c0 10.5996 8.59961 19.2998 18 22.4004c-0.5 1.89941 -1.2002 3.69922 -1.59961 5.59961l-44.6006 195c-18.5 81.0996 31.7998 162.4 112.2 181.1c11.0996 2.60059 22.5 3.90039 33.7998 3.90039c70 0 129.9 -48.0996 145.601 -117.1l20.3994 -89 c14.4004 16.5996 35 26.0996 56.9004 26.0996c17.5996 0 34.7002 -6.2002 48.2002 -17.5996zM352 -32v64h-288v-64h288zM406.2 163.8c15.3994 18.7002 12.8994 46.5 -5.7002 62.1006c-7.90039 6.59961 -17.7002 10.1992 -27.9004 10.1992 c-13 0 -25.1992 -5.69922 -33.5 -15.7998l-19.3994 -23.5l-20.5 -24.7998l-7.2002 31.4004l-27.5 120.399c-12.4004 54.4004 -59.5996 92.2998 -114.8 92.2998c-8.90039 0 -17.7998 -1.09961 -26.6006 -3.09961c-63.3994 -14.7998 -103 -78.7998 -88.3994 -142.7 l44.5996 -195c0.900391 -3.89941 2.40039 -7.59961 3.60059 -11.2998h240.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mug-hot" unicode="&#xf7b6;" d="M416 255.9c52.9004 0 96 -42.9004 96 -95.9004s-43.0996 -96 -96 -96h-32v-32c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96h-192c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96v191.9c0 17.6992 14.2998 32 32 32h384zM352 32v191.9h-320v-191.9c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64h192c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64z M416 96c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64h-32v-128h32zM191.3 369.5c-26 26.0996 -30.2998 54.7998 -31.2002 69.7002c-0.299805 4.7002 3.2002 8.7002 7.90039 8.7002l16 0.0996094c4.09961 0 7.7002 -3 8 -7.09961 c0.799805 -10.7002 3.5 -30.2002 21.9004 -48.9004c22.2998 -22.2002 39.5 -53.4004 41.5996 -95.5c0.200195 -4.5 -3.5 -8.2002 -8 -8.2002h-16c-4.2998 0 -7.7998 3.5 -8 7.7998c-1.7998 32.7002 -14.9004 56.2002 -32.2002 73.4004zM95.7002 369.5 c-26 26.0996 -30.2002 54.7998 -31.2002 69.7002c-0.299805 4.7002 3.2002 8.7002 7.90039 8.7002l16 0.0996094c4.19922 0 7.7998 -3 8.09961 -7.09961c0.799805 -10.7002 3.5 -30.2002 21.7998 -48.9004c22.2998 -22.2002 39.5 -53.4004 41.6006 -95.5 c0.199219 -4.5 -3.5 -8.2002 -8 -8.2002h-16c-4.30078 0 -7.80078 3.5 -8 7.7998c-1.80078 32.7002 -14.9004 56.2002 -32.2002 73.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ornament" unicode="&#xf7b8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M288 294.1c57.2998 -33.1992 96 -95.0996 96 -166.1c0 -106 -86 -192 -192 -192s-192 86 -192 192c0 71 38.7002 132.9 96 166.1v57.9004c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h18.9004c-1.7002 5 -2.90039 10.4004 -2.90039 16c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48 c0 -5.59961 -1.09961 -11 -2.90039 -16h18.9004c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-57.9004zM176 400c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM128 352v-43.2002c20 7.10059 41.5 11.2002 64 11.2002s44 -4.09961 64 -11.2002 v43.2002h-128zM192 288c-52.0996 0 -97.9004 -25.4004 -127.2 -64h254.4c-29.2998 38.5996 -75.1006 64 -127.2 64zM192 -32c52.0996 0 97.9004 25.4004 127.2 64h-254.4c29.2998 -38.5996 75.1006 -64 127.2 -64zM338.4 64c8.69922 19.5996 13.6992 41.2002 13.6992 64 s-5 44.4004 -13.5996 64h-292.9c-8.69922 -19.5996 -13.5996 -41.2002 -13.5996 -64s4.90039 -44.4004 13.5996 -64h292.801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="restroom" unicode="&#xf7bd;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M328 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-496c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v496c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16zM128 288c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80s35.7998 80 80 80s80 -35.7998 80 -80s-35.7998 -80 -80 -80zM128 416 c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48s48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48zM160 272c44.2002 0 80 -35.7998 80 -80v-101.3c0 -14.7998 -12 -26.7002 -26.7002 -26.7002h-13.2998v-96c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v96h-13.2998 c-14.7998 0 -26.7002 12 -26.7002 26.7002v101.3c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h64zM208 96v96c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48h-64c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-96h40v-128h80v128h40zM512 288c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80s35.7998 80 80 80s80 -35.7998 80 -80 s-35.7998 -80 -80 -80zM512 416c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48s48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48zM638.1 89c3.5 -9.40039 2.10059 -20 -3.69922 -28.2998c-5.80078 -8.2998 -15.2002 -13.2002 -25.3008 -13.2002h-25.1992v-79.5996 c0 -17.6006 -14.3008 -31.9004 -31.9004 -31.9004h-80.0996c-17.6006 0 -31.9004 14.2998 -31.9004 31.9004v79.5996h-25.2002c-10.0996 0 -19.5 4.90039 -25.2998 13.2002s-7.09961 18.8994 -3.59961 28.2998l44.8994 121.4c10.1006 36.2998 43.5 61.5996 81.2002 61.5996 s71.0996 -25.2998 81.2002 -61.5996zM552 79.5h56.2002l-45.2998 121c-6.7002 23.7998 -27.4004 39.5 -50.8008 39.5c-23.3994 0 -44.0996 -15.7002 -50.7998 -39.5l-45.2998 -121h56l-0.0996094 -111.5h80.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rv" unicode="&#xf7be;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M304 320c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h192zM288 224v64h-160v-64h160zM576.1 256l45.2002 -45.2002c12 -12 18.7002 -28.2002 18.7002 -45.2002v-101.6 c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-33.5996c1 -5.2002 1.59961 -10.5 1.59961 -16c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.7998 -80 80c0 5.5 0.5 10.7998 1.59961 16h-163.199c1 -5.2002 1.59961 -10.5 1.59961 -16c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.7998 -80 80 c0 6.09961 0.799805 12 2.09961 17.7002c-3.59961 1.2998 -6.89941 3.09961 -9.69922 5.89941l-69.7002 69.7002c-12 12 -18.7002 28.2002 -18.7002 45.2002v197.5c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64h160v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h128c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16h136 c66.2998 0 120 -53.7002 120 -120c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-23.9004zM594.8 192l-54.5 54.5996c-6.09961 6 -14.2002 9.40039 -22.7998 9.40039h-101.5v-64h178.8zM176 -32c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM384 64v224 h216c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8c0 48.5 -39.5 88 -88 88h-456c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-197.5c0 -8.5 3.40039 -16.5996 9.40039 -22.5996l67.8994 -67.9004h3.10059c14.5996 19.2998 37.5996 32 63.5996 32s49 -12.7002 63.5996 -32h144.4zM496 -32 c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM608 64v96h-192v-96h16.4004c14.5996 19.2998 37.5996 32 63.5996 32s49 -12.7002 63.5996 -32h48.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scarf" unicode="&#xf7c1;" d="M509.7 52.2998c3.09961 -3.2002 3.09961 -8.2002 -0.200195 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.2998 0l-68.8008 68.5996l-22.5996 -22.5996l68.7998 -68.6006c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.19922 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998 c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-68.7998 68.5996l-22.5 -22.5l68.6992 -69.6992c3.10059 -3.10059 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.3008l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-140.5 143.7l-140.7 -143.7 c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.10059 3.10059 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.3008l68.7002 69.6992l-22.5 22.5l-68.8008 -68.5996c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.19922 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-11.2998 11.2998 c-3.09961 3.10059 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l68.7998 68.6006l-22.5996 22.5996l-68.7998 -68.5996c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.3008 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l68.7998 68.4004l74.3008 74.2002l-24.1006 24.6992 c-48.5996 53.7002 -13 113.301 -11.5 115.801l43.6006 73.0996c4.2998 7.2002 9.89941 13.2998 16.7998 18c21.5996 14.5996 53.5 21.5 85.2002 21.5h1.19922c31.7002 0 63.5 -6.90039 85.1006 -21.4004c6.89941 -4.69922 12.5 -10.7998 16.7998 -18l43.5996 -73.0996 c1.5 -2.5 37.1006 -62.0996 -11.5 -115.8l-24.0996 -24.7002l74.4004 -74.0996zM184 53.4004l49.9004 51.1992l-66 67.5l-51.4004 -51.2998zM328 53.4004l67.5996 67.5l-203.899 203.699c-8.2998 8.2002 -11.4004 20.2002 -8.2002 31.4004s12.2002 19.7998 23.5 22.4004 c18 4.19922 34.2998 5.19922 49.0996 5.19922c14.9004 0.100586 31.2002 -1 49.1006 -5.19922c11.2998 -2.7002 20.2998 -11.2002 23.5 -22.4004c3.09961 -11.2002 0 -23.2002 -8.2002 -31.4004l-41.7998 -41.6992l65.2998 -65.2002l23 23.5996 c31.7998 35.2002 10.2998 73.6006 7.7002 77.9004l-43.6006 73c-11.0996 18.3994 -52.3994 23.7998 -74.5 23.7998h-1.19922c-22.1006 0 -63.4004 -5.40039 -74.4004 -23.9004l-43.5996 -73c-2.7002 -4.2998 -24.2002 -42.6992 7.69922 -77.8994zM214.2 347.1 l41.7998 -41.6992l41.7998 41.6992c-11.3994 2.7002 -25.7998 4.60059 -41.7998 4.60059c-16 -0.100586 -30.4004 -1.90039 -41.7998 -4.60059z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sd-card" unicode="&#xf7c2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M320 448c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64v-384c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-256c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v320l128 128h192zM352 0v384c0 17.5996 -14.4004 32 -32 32h-178.7l-109.3 -109.3v-306.7c0 -17.5996 14.4004 -32 32 -32h256 c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32zM288 288v96h32v-96h-32zM224 288v96h32v-96h-32zM160 288v96h32v-96h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shovel-snow" unicode="&#xf7c3;" d="M180.7 203.3c6.2002 6.2998 16.3994 6.2998 22.5996 0c6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002 -16.3994 0 -22.5996l-80 -80c-3.09961 -3.10059 -7.2002 -4.7002 -11.2998 -4.7002s-8.2002 1.59961 -11.2998 4.7002c-6.2002 6.2002 -6.2002 16.3994 0 22.5996zM164.7 36.7002 c-6.2998 6.2002 -6.2998 16.3994 0 22.5996l80 80c6.2002 6.2998 16.3994 6.2998 22.5996 0c6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002 -16.3994 0 -22.5996l-80 -80c-3.09961 -3.10059 -7.2002 -4.7002 -11.2998 -4.7002s-8.2002 1.59961 -11.2998 4.7002zM502.6 382.1 c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7998 0 -45.1992l-17 -17c-14 -14.1006 -32.5 -21.1006 -50.8994 -21.1006c-13.2998 0 -26.5 3.7998 -38.2002 11.1006l-106.3 -106.301l47.2002 -47.1992c17.7998 -17.7002 19.5996 -45.9004 4.19922 -65.8008l-104.5 -135.199 c-9.89941 -12.8008 -24.6992 -19.4004 -39.5 -19.4004c-12.6992 0 -25.5 4.7998 -35.2998 14.5996l-147.7 147.7c-21.2998 21.2998 -19 56.4004 4.80078 74.7998l135.199 104.5c9 7 19.8008 10.4004 30.5 10.4004c12.8008 0 25.6006 -4.90039 35.3008 -14.5996 l47.1992 -47.2002l106.2 106.3c-17.3994 27.7998 -14.2002 64.9004 10 89.0996l17 17c6.2002 6.30078 14.4004 9.40039 22.6006 9.40039c8.19922 0 16.3994 -3.09961 22.6992 -9.40039zM314.7 133.8l-116.9 116.8c-3.39941 3.40039 -7.89941 5.30078 -12.7002 5.30078 c-2.69922 0 -6.89941 -0.600586 -10.8994 -3.7002l-135.2 -104.5c-5.59961 -4.2998 -6.7002 -10 -6.90039 -13c-0.199219 -3 0.200195 -8.7998 5.2002 -13.7998l147.601 -147.601c4.59961 -4.59961 9.89941 -5.2998 12.6992 -5.2998c5.60059 0 10.8008 2.59961 14.2002 7 l104.4 135.2c5.5 7.09961 4.89941 17.2002 -1.5 23.5996zM463 342.5l17 16.9004l-56.7002 56.6992l-16.8994 -17c-7.5 -7.59961 -11.7002 -17.5996 -11.7002 -28.2998s4.09961 -20.7002 11.7002 -28.2998c7.59961 -7.5 17.5996 -11.7002 28.2998 -11.7002 s20.7002 4.10059 28.2998 11.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skating" unicode="&#xf7c5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 448c35.2998 0 64 -28.7998 64 -64.0996c0 -35.3008 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64c-6.2002 0 -12 1.19922 -17.7002 2.7998c2.2002 -3.2998 4.60059 -6.5 6.2002 -10.2998c9.90039 -24 4.5 -51.3008 -13.9004 -69.7002l-58.6992 -58.7002l49.2998 -49.2998 c12 -11.9004 18.7998 -28.4004 18.7998 -45.2998v-57.4004c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48v44.2002l-40 40l-79.2002 -79.2002c-18.7998 -18.7998 -49.2002 -18.7998 -67.8994 0c-9.10059 9 -14.1006 21.0996 -14.1006 33.9004 c0 12.7998 5 24.7998 14.1006 33.8994l91 91c-0.600586 4.40039 -1 9 -0.800781 13.5c0.582031 14.4619 8.37695 35.3838 17.4004 46.7002h-48.5c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48h169.4c5.7998 0 11.5 -1 16.8994 -2.5c-6.5 10 -10.2998 21.7998 -10.2998 34.5 c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64zM130.2 59.5l79.2998 79.2002c-15.7998 15.7998 -14.4004 13.8994 -21.0996 24.2002l-80.8008 -80.8008c-6.19922 -6.19922 -6.19922 -16.3994 0 -22.5996c6.2002 -6.2998 16.4004 -6.2002 22.6006 0zM336 265.4 c20.0996 20.0996 5.90039 54.5996 -22.5996 54.6992h-169.4c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.19922 -16 -16c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h133.5l-53.7998 -45.3994c-18.1006 -15.5 -24.9004 -46.7998 -3.5 -69.4004c0.200195 -0.200195 0.200195 -0.399414 0.399414 -0.599609 c0.100586 0 0.100586 0 0.200195 -0.100586l0.299805 -0.299805l82.9004 -82.8994v-57.4004c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16v57.4004c0 8.39941 -3.40039 16.5996 -9.40039 22.5996l-72 72zM384 352c17.7002 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM117.8 -8.59961c6.2998 6.2998 16.4004 6.19922 22.6006 0c6.19922 -6.2002 6.19922 -16.4004 0 -22.6006c-9.30078 -9.2998 -21.7002 -14 -33.9004 -14s-24.5996 4.60059 -33.9004 14l-67.8994 67.9004 c-6.2002 6.2002 -6.2002 16.3994 0 22.5996s16.3994 6.2002 22.5996 0l67.9004 -67.8994c6.2002 -6.2002 16.3994 -6.2002 22.5996 0zM400 0c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-96c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16h96 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s7.2002 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ski-jump" unicode="&#xf7c7;" d="M510.8 256.5c6.10059 -35.7998 -11.0996 -72 -42.5996 -89.7998l-444.9 -228.8c-2.2998 -1.2002 -4.7998 -1.80078 -7.2998 -1.80078c-5.7998 0 -11.4004 3.2002 -14.2002 8.7002c-4.09961 7.7998 -1 17.5 6.90039 21.5l122.6 63 c-10.5996 5.10059 -19.0996 13.4004 -23.5996 24.2998c-5 11.8008 -5 24.9004 -0.100586 36.7002c12.2002 29.7998 21.3008 52.6006 28.5 70.7002c26 65.5 30 74.0996 63.7002 111h-39.7998c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48h162.3 c-1.39941 5.09961 -2.2998 10.4004 -2.2998 16c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -35.4004 -29 -64.5996 -65 -63.9004c3.09961 -21 -5.90039 -40.5996 -18.4004 -50.2998l-116.699 -90.7998l-46.8008 -113.9l251.9 129.5 c19.2998 11 30.0996 33.9004 26.2998 56.5c-1.5 8.80078 4.40039 17 13.1006 18.5c8.2998 1.40039 16.8994 -4.39941 18.3994 -13.0996zM384 416c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM137.2 78.0996 c-3.2998 -8.19922 0.599609 -17.5 8.59961 -20.8994c8.40039 -3.40039 17.6006 0.599609 20.9004 8.7002l53.2998 129.3c0.900391 2.2002 2.2998 4.2002 3.09961 5l121.9 94.7998c15.0996 15.0996 4.40039 41 -17 41h-168c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16 h112.4c-98.3008 -109.9 -65.2002 -55.7002 -135.2 -225.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ski-lift" unicode="&#xf7c8;" d="M496 151.7c8.7998 0 16 -7.10059 15.7998 -16.2002c0 -31.5996 -19.8994 -60.2002 -49.5996 -71.2002l-344.9 -127.399c-10.8994 -4 -18.5996 4.39941 -20.5 9.5c-3 8.2998 1.2002 17.5 9.5 20.5996l177.101 65.4004c-24.3008 2.19922 -43.5 22.5996 -43.5 47.5v59.6992 l-77.2002 -18.3994c-23.7002 -5.7002 -44.7002 7.5 -53.5 24.8994l-43.2002 76.2002c-7.2998 12.9004 -9.40039 32.7998 -2.40039 50.2002c2.90039 7.09961 7.2002 13.5 12.4004 19c-25.5 8.5 -44 32.2002 -44 60.5c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64 c0 -17.9004 -7.40039 -34 -19.0996 -45.7998c14.1992 -5.2998 26.5 -15.5 33.3994 -29.5l27 -46.2998l76.2998 16.3994c16.1006 3.7002 31 -1.59961 40.6006 -9.5c11.2998 -9.09961 17.7998 -22.7002 17.7998 -37.2998v-120c0 -12.7998 -5.09961 -24.5 -13.4004 -33.0996 l128.7 47.5996c17.2002 6.2998 28.7002 22.9004 28.7002 41.2002c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM64 352c0 -17.5996 14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32zM304 80.0996h-0.200195v120.101 c0 10.3994 -9.7998 17.7998 -19.2998 15.5996l-99.4004 -21.2998l-39.3994 67.4004c-1.7998 4.09961 -14.4004 23.5996 -36.6006 14.6992c-15.0996 -6.09961 -22.0996 -23.5996 -15.3994 -38.3994l43.7998 -77.1006c3.5 -7.59961 11.4004 -10.1992 17.7998 -8.69922 l116.7 27.7998v-100.101c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16zM256 448v-176l-32 -8v184h32zM181.1 64.9004c-10.5996 -3.60059 -21.5 -5.2002 -32.1992 -5.30078c-38.3008 0 -74.8008 21.8008 -92.1006 58l-55.2002 115.5c-3.7998 7.90039 -0.5 17.5 7.5 21.3008 c7.90039 3.7998 17.5 0.5 21.3008 -7.5l55.3994 -115.5c15.2002 -31.8008 51.7998 -47.3008 85.2002 -36.2002c8.2998 2.7998 17.4004 -1.7002 20.2002 -10.1006c2.7998 -8.39941 -1.7002 -17.3994 -10.1006 -20.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skiing" unicode="&#xf7c9;" d="M507.3 -17.7002c6.2998 -6.2002 6.2998 -16.3994 -0.0996094 -22.5996c-15.4004 -15.5 -36.2002 -23.7002 -57.2998 -23.7002c-11.4004 0 -22.9004 2.40039 -33.7002 7.40039l-407.8 218.5c-7.7002 4.19922 -10.7002 13.8994 -6.5 21.6992 c4.19922 7.80078 14 10.6006 21.6992 6.5l200.601 -107.6c0.399414 7.90039 2.59961 15.9004 7.2002 23.0996l27.7998 47.2002l-66.9004 66.9004c-19.0996 19 -27.2002 46.2002 -21.7998 72.5996c2 9.7998 6.2998 18.6006 11.5 26.7002l-32.5 18.5996 c-11.5 -8.59961 -27.2998 -10.7998 -41 -3.7998l11.5 22.4004c0 0.0996094 0 0.200195 -0.0996094 0.299805l-26.1006 22.9004c-4 3.5 -0.799805 10.1992 4.5 9.09961l34.6006 -7l11.0996 21.7998c14.4004 -7.39941 22.2002 -22.3994 21.0996 -37.5996l40 -22.9004 c4.5 2.90039 9.10059 5.7998 14.2002 7.7998l83.4004 33.4004c18.2002 7.2998 34.5996 6.7002 49.5996 2.90039c1.5 33.8994 29.4004 61.0996 63.7002 61.0996c35.2998 0 64 -28.7998 64 -64.0996c0 -35.3008 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64 c-0.900391 0 -1.7998 0.299805 -2.7998 0.299805l10.0996 -30.2002l46.1006 -23.2002c23.6992 -11.7998 33.2998 -40.7002 21.5 -64.3994c-6.30078 -12.4004 -30.8008 -38.1006 -64.4004 -21.4004l-131.3 71.7998l49.5 -49.5c21.2998 -21.2998 24.7998 -54.7998 8.5 -80 l-40.2998 -68.3994l-0.5 -0.800781l-0.5 -0.799805c-3.10059 -4.59961 -7.10059 -8.39941 -11.5 -11.5996l130.1 -69.7002c17.5996 -8.09961 39.7998 -4.2002 54.2002 10.2998c6.2002 6.2998 16.3994 6.2998 22.5996 0zM416 416c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32 s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM314.6 354.2l-76.1992 -30.5l60.1992 -34.5l50.1006 22.3994l18.0996 -54.3994c1.2998 -4 3.40039 -7.5 6 -10.6006l39.7998 -22.7998l28.3008 -14.0996c18.8994 -9.40039 33.2998 19.0996 14.2998 28.5996 l-58.1006 29l-19.1992 57.5c-5.90039 17.7998 -30.5 42.5 -63.3008 29.4004zM258.7 88.7998c-11.7002 -17.5 14.7002 -35.3994 26.5996 -17.7002l40.7002 69.1006c8.40039 12.5996 6.7998 29.5996 -4 40.3994l-82.4004 82.4004l22.7002 10.0996l-52.7002 30.2002 c-3.59961 -5.2002 -6.39941 -10.8994 -7.69922 -17.2998c-3.2002 -15.9004 1.69922 -32.2002 13.0996 -43.5996l84.4004 -84.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skiing-nordic" unicode="&#xf7ca;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-496c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16h49.2998l53.5 267.7c-4.7998 3 -9.2998 6.7002 -12.8994 11.5c-7.80078 10.2002 -11.2002 22.7998 -9.5 35.5 c1.69922 12.7002 8.19922 24 18.3994 31.7998l39.6006 30.4004c27 20.6992 61.3994 27.8994 94.3994 20l29.6006 -8.80078c-4.10059 8.40039 -6.40039 17.9004 -6.40039 27.9004c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -27 -16.7998 -50.2002 -40.7002 -59.5 c13.7002 -10.5996 25.1006 -24.2998 32.9004 -40.2002l21.7002 -44.2998h34.0996c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48c0 -19.7002 -12 -36.5996 -29 -44l-25.7002 -180h70.7002c17.7002 0 32 14.4004 32 32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM237.6 93.5996 c-13.3994 7.90039 -18.5 10.2002 -26.7998 18l-57.2002 -120.699c-9.19922 -19.4004 19.9004 -32.6006 28.9004 -13.7002zM265.3 77.2002l-51.7002 -109.2h61.4004c-3.5 9.7998 -3.90039 20.2998 -0.799805 30.4004l23 60zM368.7 127.7 c24.8994 -15 36.7002 -44.7998 28.8994 -72.5l-32.0996 -86.2998c-0.0996094 -0.300781 -0.299805 -0.600586 -0.400391 -0.900391h43.9004l25.0996 176h-40.0996c-24.2998 0 -46.7998 14.0996 -57.5 35.9004l-4.40039 9.09961l-12.7998 -32.0996zM336 416 c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM134.3 289.1c-16.5996 -12.6992 2.40039 -38.3994 19.4004 -25.5l39.7002 30.4004c8.5 6.5 19.0996 10.0996 29.2998 10.0996c7.5 0 7.5 -0.5 42.2002 -10.7998l-44.5 -103.899 c-9.5 -22.1006 -1 -48 19.6992 -60.2002l96.7002 -57l-32.2998 -84.4004c-5.59961 -18.5 24.4004 -29.2998 30.7998 -8.59961l31.9004 85.8994c3.5 12.6006 -2.40039 27.6006 -14.9004 35.1006l-73 43l49.7998 124.5l36.1006 -73.7998 c5.39941 -10.9004 16.7002 -17.9004 28.7998 -17.9004h54c21.2002 0 21.2002 32 0 32h-54l-30.5 62.2002c-10.2002 21 -29.4004 36.8994 -51.2998 42.5l-71.7002 21.2998c-22.7002 5.40039 -47.2998 0.200195 -66.5996 -14.5zM150.1 229l-52.1992 -261.1h24.8994 c-4.2998 12.0996 -3.7002 25 1.7998 36.5996l65.3008 137.9c-7.10059 18.7998 -7.40039 40.0996 1 59.6992l30.0996 70.1006c-2.2998 -0.400391 -5.40039 -1.40039 -8.09961 -3.5l-39.7002 -30.4004c-7 -5.2998 -15 -8.2998 -23.1006 -9.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sledding" unicode="&#xf7cb;" d="M507.3 14.9004c6.2998 -6.2002 6.2998 -16.3008 0 -22.6006c-15.7998 -15.8994 -37.2002 -24.2998 -58.8994 -24.2998c-11.7002 0 -23.6006 2.5 -34.7002 7.59961l-405 209.301c-7.90039 4.09961 -11 13.7998 -6.90039 21.5996 c4.10059 7.90039 13.9004 10.9004 21.6006 6.90039l137.699 -71.3008c-1.89941 3.10059 -4.19922 5.90039 -5.59961 9.30078c-9.90039 24 -4.5 51.3994 13.9004 69.7998l18.6992 18.7002h-28.0996c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48h137.3 c9.7002 0 18.6006 -2.80078 27 -6.7002c-2.59961 7.09961 -4.2998 14.7002 -4.2998 22.7002c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -35.3008 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64c-9.59961 0 -18.7002 2.2998 -26.9004 6.09961 c8.60059 -23.4004 3.30078 -49.5996 -14.5 -67.4004l-18.6992 -18.6992h12.0996c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-88c0 -14.6006 -6.59961 -27.5 -16.9004 -36.3008l60.6006 -31.2998c18.7998 -8.59961 41.8994 -4.5 57 10.6006c6.2002 6.2998 16.3994 6.2998 22.5996 0zM384 384 c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM192 198.6c-20.2002 -20.1992 -5.90039 -54.5996 22.5996 -54.5996h105.4v-72c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16v88c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-89.4004 l73.5 73.2998c9.10059 9.2002 11.9004 22.9004 6.90039 34.9004s-16.5996 19.7998 -29.5996 19.7998h-137.4c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16h105.4zM288 112h-68.5l68.5 -35.4004v35.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sleigh" unicode="&#xf7cc;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M615.8 83.0996c16.5 -13.2998 25.2998 -33.0996 24.1006 -54.2998c-1.90039 -33.5 -32.4004 -60.7998 -67.9004 -60.7998h-532c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h88v75c-56.0996 22.4004 -96 77 -96 141v168h-24c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h44.7002c69.2998 0 116.8 -16.7002 169 -104.6c47.2002 -79.3008 136.1 -96.4004 184.2 -83.1006c12.6992 3.5 42.0996 14.6006 42.0996 42.7002v48.5c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h120c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8 h-24v-137.3c0 -65.1006 -52.9004 -118 -118 -118h-10v-64h127.4c20 0 35.8994 18.0996 32.0996 38.7002c-1.40039 7.89941 -6.2002 14.8994 -12.5 20l-13.5 10.5c-3.40039 2.69922 -4 7.7998 -1.2002 11.1992l10 12.5c2.7002 3.40039 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002zM64 216 c0 -66.2002 53.7998 -120 120 -120h274c47.4004 0 86 38.5996 86 86v137.5h-64v-48.5c0 -34.7002 -24.5 -62.2002 -65.5996 -73.5c-13.1006 -3.7002 -27.4004 -5.5 -42.4004 -5.5c-62.2002 0 -135.5 31.9004 -177.7 103.1c-42.0996 70.6006 -76.8994 86.7002 -130.3 88.5 v-167.6zM160 0h256v64h-232c-8.2002 0 -16.0996 1.09961 -24 2.40039v-66.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sms" unicode="&#xf7cd;" d="M304 272c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 15.9004 -16v-104c0 -4.40039 -3.60059 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v68.2002l-24.8008 -55.7998c-2.89941 -5.90039 -11.3994 -5.90039 -14.2998 0l-24.7998 55.7998v-68.2002c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v104c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c6.09961 0 11.5996 -3.40039 14.2998 -8.7998l17.7002 -35.4004l17.7002 35.4004c2.7002 5.39941 8.2002 8.7998 14.2998 8.7998h16zM135.4 229.5l22 -18.7998 c8.39941 -7.2002 13.2998 -17.4004 13.2998 -28.1006c0 -21.2998 -19 -38.5996 -42.4004 -38.5996h-12.2998c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h12.2998c5.90039 0 10.4004 3.5 10.4004 6.59961c0 1.30078 -0.700195 2.60059 -2.10059 3.80078 l-21.8994 18.7998c-8.40039 7.2002 -13.2998 17.3994 -13.2998 28.0996c0 21.2998 19 38.6006 42.3994 38.6006h12.2002c4.40039 0 8 -3.60059 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-12.2998c-5.90039 0 -10.4004 -3.5 -10.4004 -6.60059 c0 -1.2998 0.700195 -2.59961 2.10059 -3.7998zM375.4 229.5l22 -18.7998c8.39941 -7.2002 13.2998 -17.4004 13.2998 -28.1006c0 -21.2998 -19 -38.5996 -42.4004 -38.5996h-12.2998c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h12.2002 c5.89941 0 10.3994 3.5 10.3994 6.59961c0 1.30078 -0.699219 2.60059 -2.09961 3.80078l-21.9004 18.7998c-8.39941 7.2002 -13.2998 17.3994 -13.2998 28.0996c0 21.2998 19 38.6006 42.4004 38.6006h12.2998c4.40039 0 8 -3.60059 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8 h-12.2998c-5.90039 0 -10.4004 -3.5 -10.4004 -6.60059c0 -1.2998 0.700195 -2.59961 2.10059 -3.7998zM256 416c141.4 0 256 -93.0996 256 -208s-114.6 -208 -256 -208c-32.7998 0 -64 5.2002 -93 14.2998c-29.0996 -20.5996 -77.5996 -46.2998 -139.1 -46.2998 c-9.60059 0 -18.2002 5.7002 -22 14.5c-3.80078 8.7998 -2 19 4.59961 26c0.5 0.400391 31.5 33.7998 46.4004 73.2002c-33 35.0996 -52.9004 78.7002 -52.9004 126.3c0 114.9 114.6 208 256 208zM256 32c123.5 0 224.1 79 224.1 176s-100.5 176 -224 176 s-224 -79 -224 -176c0 -37.5996 15.3008 -73.7002 44.1006 -104.3l13.7002 -14.6006l-7.10059 -18.6992c-11 -29.2002 -28.7998 -54.5 -40.7998 -69.6006c44.0996 4.2998 79.5996 23.2998 102.6 39.6006l13 9.19922l15.2002 -4.7998 c26.9004 -8.5 54.9004 -12.7998 83.2002 -12.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowboarding" unicode="&#xf7ce;" d="M492.8 270.4c21.2002 -15.8008 25.5 -46 9.60059 -67.2002c-9 -12 -23.4004 -19.2002 -38.4004 -19.2002c-10.5 0 -20.4004 3.2998 -28.7998 9.59961l-63.4004 47.6006l-30.7002 -14.2002l31.1006 -22.4004c20.0996 -15.0996 29.7002 -40.5 24.5 -64.8994l-21.9004 -102 c-4.09961 -18.9004 -19.5 -32.6006 -37.8994 -36.2998l84.5996 -30.8008c11.7998 -4.2998 24.4004 -3.69922 35.7002 1.5c8 3.7002 17.5996 0.300781 21.2998 -7.69922s0.200195 -17.5 -7.7998 -21.2002c-10.6006 -4.90039 -21.9004 -7.40039 -33.2002 -7.40039 c-9 0 -18.0996 1.60059 -26.9004 4.7998l-364.8 132.801c-19.7002 7.19922 -35.3994 21.5996 -44.2998 40.5996c-3.7998 8 -0.299805 17.5996 7.7002 21.2998s17.5 0.299805 21.2998 -7.7002c5.2998 -11.2998 14.5996 -19.7998 26.2998 -24.0996l51.2998 -18.7002 c-11.7998 5.5 -21.3994 15.1006 -25.6992 28c-8.30078 25.2002 5.2998 52.4004 30.3994 60.7002l63.2002 21.0996v41.6006c0 30.5 17 58 44.2998 71.5996l11.7998 5.90039c-3.7998 4.2002 -7 8.89941 -9.59961 14.0996l-25.4004 50.7998 c-11.7998 23.6006 -2.19922 52.5 21.6006 64.4004c6.59961 3.2998 14 5 21.2998 5c18.2998 0 34.7998 -10.2002 43 -26.5l19.2998 -38.9004l47.6006 -15.3994c1.7998 -0.600586 3.5 -1.5 5.2998 -2.2002c-1.90039 6.09961 -3.2002 12.4004 -3.2002 19 c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -32 -23.7998 -58.4004 -54.5996 -63zM416 416c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM291.3 18.2998c-2.59961 3.2002 -15.2998 16.1006 -10.0996 39.7998 l17.3994 81.4004l-27.6992 19.7002c-4.40039 -22.2998 -20.4004 -40.9004 -42.6006 -48.2998l-85.0996 -28.3008c-14.1006 -4.69922 -24 -1.2998 -26.6006 -0.699219zM476.8 222.4c5.2998 7.09961 3.90039 17.0996 -3 22.5l-97.5 73.0996 c-11 8.2998 -23.2002 14.7002 -36.2998 19l-60.0996 19.4004l-25.4004 50.7998c-3.2002 6.39941 -12.0996 11.8994 -21.5 7.2002c-8 -4 -11.0996 -13.6006 -7.2002 -21.5l25.4004 -50.8008c3.5 -7.19922 9.7002 -12.5996 17.2998 -15.0996l37.0996 -12.4004l-71 -35.5 c-16.2998 -8.19922 -26.5 -24.5996 -26.5 -42.8994v-64.7002l-85.0996 -28.4004c-8.2998 -2.69922 -12.9004 -11.7998 -10.0996 -20.1992c2.2998 -6.7002 8.5 -10.9004 15.1992 -10.9004c3.60059 0 -1.89941 -1.5 90.1006 29.2002 c13.0996 4.39941 21.8994 16.5996 21.8994 30.3994v48.8008l94.2002 -67l-21.7998 -102c-1.90039 -8.7002 3.59961 -17.2002 12.2998 -19c7.90039 -1.7002 17 3 19 12.2998l21.7998 102c2.60059 12.0996 -2.09961 24.7998 -12.3994 32.5l-75.6006 53.7998l98.1006 45.2002 l78.7002 -59c7.09961 -5.2998 17.0996 -3.90039 22.3994 3.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowflakes" unicode="&#xf7cf;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M527.9 328v28.4004l-28 -16.1006c-3.80078 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.2002 3.80078 -0.900391 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.8994 16l-27.8994 16c-3.80078 2.2002 -5.10059 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994 c2.2002 3.7998 7.09961 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.39941 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.69922 0.899414 10.8994 -2.90039l8 -13.8994c2.2002 -3.80078 0.900391 -8.7002 -2.89941 -10.9004 l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.89941 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.09961 -5.10059 -10.8994 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.60059 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM608.1 192l27.9004 -16 c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006 c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006 v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039l8 -13.8994c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004zM387.9 114.5l56.2998 -32.7002 c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.89941 -10.8994l-7.89941 -13.9004c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7 -5.09961 -10.7998 -2.90039l-55.9004 32.7002l14.0996 -53.2998c1.10059 -4.2998 -1.39941 -8.7002 -5.59961 -9.7998l-15.2998 -4.10059 c-4.2002 -1.09961 -8.60059 1.40039 -9.7002 5.7002l-22.2998 84.2002l-93.7002 54.7998v-109.6l60.9004 -61.7002c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-11.2002 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.10059 -3.10059 -11.2002 0l-38.5996 39v-65.4004 c0 -4.40039 -3.5 -8 -7.90039 -8h-15.7998c-4.40039 0 -7.90039 3.59961 -7.90039 8v65.4004l-38.5996 -39c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.10059 -3.10059 -11.2002 0l-11.2002 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l61 61.7002v109.7l-93.7002 -54.8008 l-22.2998 -84.1992c-1.09961 -4.30078 -5.5 -6.80078 -9.7002 -5.7002l-15.2998 4.09961c-4.2002 1.10059 -6.7002 5.5 -5.59961 9.7998l14.0996 53.3008l-55.8994 -32.7002c-3.80078 -2.2002 -8.60059 -0.900391 -10.8008 2.89941l-7.89941 13.9004 c-2.2002 3.7998 -0.900391 8.7002 2.89941 10.9004l55.9004 32.5996l-52.7002 14.2998c-4.2002 1.10059 -6.7002 5.5 -5.59961 9.7998l4.09961 15.5c1.10059 4.30078 5.5 6.80078 9.7002 5.7002l83.0996 -22.5996l93.7002 54.7998l-93.7002 54.7998l-83.0996 -22.5996 c-4.2002 -1.10059 -8.59961 1.39941 -9.7002 5.7002l-4.09961 15.5c-1.10059 4.2998 1.39941 8.69922 5.59961 9.7998l52.6006 14.3994l-55.9004 32.7002c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.10059 -2.90039 10.9004l7.90039 13.8994c2.2002 3.80078 7 5.10059 10.7998 2.90039 l55.7998 -32.7002l-14.0996 53.2998c-1.09961 4.30078 1.40039 8.7002 5.59961 9.80078l15.3008 4.09961c4.19922 1.09961 8.59961 -1.40039 9.69922 -5.7002l22 -84.3994l93.7002 -54.8008v109.7l-60.8994 61.7002c-3.10059 3.09961 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.2998 l11.1992 11.2998c3.10059 3.10059 8.10059 3.10059 11.2002 0l38.6006 -39v65.4004c0 4.40039 3.5 8 7.89941 8h15.7998c4.40039 0 7.90039 -3.59961 7.90039 -8v-65.4004l38.5996 39c3.10059 3.10059 8.10059 3.10059 11.2002 0l11.2002 -11.2998 c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-61 -61.5996v-109.7l93.7002 54.7998l22.2998 84.2002c1.09961 4.2998 5.5 6.7998 9.7002 5.7002l15.2998 -4.10059c4.2002 -1.09961 6.7002 -5.5 5.59961 -9.7998l-14.0996 -53.2998l55.9004 32.7002 c3.7998 2.19922 8.59961 0.899414 10.7998 -2.90039l7.89941 -13.9004c2.2002 -3.7998 0.900391 -8.69922 -2.89941 -10.8994l-55.9004 -32.7002l52.7002 -14.2998c4.2002 -1.10059 6.7002 -5.5 5.59961 -9.7998l-4.09961 -15.5 c-1.09961 -4.30078 -5.5 -6.80078 -9.7002 -5.7002l-83.0996 22.5996l-93.7002 -54.7998l93.7998 -54.7998l83.1006 22.5996c4.19922 1.10059 8.59961 -1.39941 9.69922 -5.7002l4.10059 -15.5c1.09961 -4.2998 -1.40039 -8.69922 -5.60059 -9.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowman" unicode="&#xf7d0;" d="M256 112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM224 376c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM511.3 300.5c1.7998 -4.09961 -0.0996094 -8.7998 -4.2002 -10.5996 l-133.3 -57.1006c1.90039 -8.39941 3.2002 -17 3.2002 -25.7998c0 -7.2002 -0.799805 -14.4004 -2.40039 -22.2998c19.3008 -21.7002 32.1006 -47.7002 37.2002 -75.7998c11.2998 -62.3008 -13.7998 -123.2 -65.5996 -159.101c-13 -9 -28.2002 -13.7998 -44 -13.7998h-93 c-14.2998 0 -27.4004 3.5 -37.9004 10.0996c-46.2002 29.4004 -73.7998 79.2002 -73.7998 133.4c0 39.0996 14.0996 76.0996 39.9004 105.1c-1.60059 7.90039 -2.40039 15.2002 -2.40039 22.4004c0 8.7998 1.2998 17.4004 3.2002 25.7998l-133.3 57.1006 c-4.10059 1.69922 -5.90039 6.39941 -4.2002 10.5l6.2998 14.6992c1.7002 4.10059 6.40039 5.90039 10.5 4.2002l46.5 -19.8994v44.5996c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-58.2998l53.4004 -22.9004c4.59961 8.60059 9.7998 16.7998 16.3994 24.2002 c-10.3994 16.7002 -15.7998 35.5 -15.7998 55c0 58.5 47.5996 106 106 106s106 -47.5 106 -106c0 -19.5996 -5.40039 -38.2998 -15.7998 -55c6.59961 -7.2998 11.7998 -15.5996 16.3994 -24.2002l53.4004 22.9004v58.2998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-44.5996l46.5 20c4.09961 1.69922 8.7998 -0.100586 10.5 -4.2002zM380.3 103.2c-1.2002 6.89941 -4 35 -41.0996 72.0996c5.5 20.6006 5.7998 25.1006 5.7998 31.7002c0 25.5 -10.7998 49 -30.2998 66.2998l-11.5 10.2002l9.7002 11.9004 c11.0996 13.5996 17 29.6992 17 46.5996c0 40.7998 -33.2002 74 -74 74c-40.8008 0 -74 -33.2002 -74 -74c0 -16.9004 5.7998 -33 17 -46.5996l9.69922 -11.9004l-11.5 -10.2002c-19.5 -17.2998 -30.1992 -40.7998 -30.1992 -66.2998c0 -6.2998 0 -10.2998 5.7998 -31.7998 c-43.7998 -44.1006 -43.2998 -82.4004 -43.2998 -95.7002c0 -43.0996 22 -82.9004 58.8994 -106.3c6.7998 -4.2998 15.1006 -5.2002 20.7998 -5.2002h93c9.2002 0 18.2002 2.7998 25.8008 8.09961c41.3994 28.6006 61.3994 77.3008 52.3994 127.101zM256 176 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM288 376c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 240c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16 s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 336c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-16 -32 -16 -32s-16 23.2002 -16 32s7.2002 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowmobile" unicode="&#xf7d1;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M639.2 -18.7002c1.89941 -4 0.299805 -8.7998 -3.60059 -10.7998l-57.6992 -26.0996c-11.1006 -5.5 -23.3008 -8.40039 -35.7002 -8.40039h-118.2c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h88l-48 64h-152.9c5.5 -9.5 8.90039 -20.2998 8.90039 -32 c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-192c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64c0 29.7998 20.5 54.5996 48.0996 61.7002c-0.399414 5.5 0.600586 11.2002 3.30078 16.5996l32 64c5.39941 10.9004 16.5 17.7002 28.5996 17.7002h4.59961 c-4.89941 5.40039 -9.2998 11.2998 -12.6992 18.0996c-11.3008 22.6006 -11.2002 48.6006 0.0996094 71.3008l25.2998 50.2998c18.2998 36.3994 51.7998 42.2002 61.9004 43.3994c-9.2998 11.1006 -15.1006 25.2002 -15.1006 40.8008c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64 c35.3008 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -29.8008 -20.6992 -54.8008 -48.3994 -61.8008c0.0996094 -0.0996094 0.299805 -0.199219 0.399414 -0.299805l41.1006 -33.7998h38.7998c24.7998 0 45.0996 -19.0996 47.5 -43.2998l16.9004 22.5996l-46.8008 93.6006 c-3.89941 7.89941 -0.699219 17.5 7.2002 21.5c8 3.89941 17.5 0.699219 21.5 -7.2002l47.7998 -95.6006l138.101 -82.8994c4.89941 -2.90039 7.7998 -8.10059 7.7998 -13.7002v-78.4004c0 -5.2998 -2.59961 -10.2998 -7.09961 -13.2998l-72.9004 -48.5996l55.2002 -73.6006 c4.2998 0.800781 8.5 2 12.3994 4l57.7002 26.1006c3.90039 2 8.7002 0.399414 10.7002 -3.60059zM240 416c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM132.7 235.1c-6.7998 -13.5996 -6.90039 -29.1992 -0.200195 -43 c6.7998 -13.5996 19.2998 -23 34.2002 -25.7998l84.8994 -15.8994l-69.8994 -58.2002c-6.7998 -5.60059 -7.7002 -15.7002 -2 -22.5c5.39941 -6.5 15.3994 -7.90039 22.5 -2l69.8994 58.2998c20.8008 17.2998 12 51 -14.5996 56l-76.5 14.2998l37 74l43 -35.2998 c8.59961 -7 19.4004 -10.9004 30.5 -10.9004h44.5c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16c0 8.80078 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-44.4004c-3.69922 0 -7.39941 1.30078 -10.1992 3.60059l-46.6006 38.2998c-17 16.9004 -37 14.2002 -41.7002 13.4004 c-15.3994 -2.5 -28.1992 -12 -35.1992 -25.9004zM344.7 192.9c-2.90039 -0.5 -5.7002 -0.900391 -8.7002 -0.900391h-35.5c12.7998 -15.0996 13.5 -29.2998 13.5996 -29.5996c6 2 11.6006 5.19922 15.5 10.3994zM228.9 219.9h-0.200195v0.0996094zM112 128l-32 -64h67 c-6.5 18.4004 -1.5 39.7002 14.2998 52.9004l13.2998 11.0996h-62.5996zM256 -32c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32h-192c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32h192zM247.8 64h222.5l73.7002 49.0996v60.8008l-119.7 71.7998 l-69.0996 -92.1006c-10.4004 -14 -26.4004 -22.5996 -43.5 -24.6992c-3.7002 -10.4004 -10 -20 -19 -27.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowplow" unicode="&#xf7d2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M360 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM572.4 24.5996l65.0996 -63.6992c3.09961 -3.10059 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.3008l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-65.2002 63.6006 c-15 15 -23.4004 35.3994 -23.4004 56.5996v53.5h-66.5996c12.7002 -18.2002 20.2998 -40.2002 20.2998 -64c0 -61.9004 -50.0996 -112 -112 -112h-256c-61.9004 0 -112 50.0996 -112 112c0 37.2002 18.2998 69.9004 46.2002 90.2998v133.7c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16v80 c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h144.3c19.2998 0 36.5996 -11.4004 44.2002 -29.0996l78.2998 -182.801c3.40039 -8 5.2002 -16.5 5.2002 -25.1992v-66.9004h96.0996v53.5996c0 21.2002 8.40039 41.6006 23.4004 56.6006l65.2998 63.5996c3.09961 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0 l11.2998 -11.2998c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-65.1992 -63.6006c-9 -9 -14.1006 -21.2998 -14.1006 -34v-139c0 -12.7998 5.10059 -25 14.1006 -34zM142.2 320v-0.299805l72 -95.7002h181.2l-78.1006 182.3c-2.5 5.90039 -8.2998 9.7002 -14.7998 9.7002 h-144.3c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-80zM78.2002 272v-117.8c10.7002 3.5 21.8994 5.7998 33.7998 5.7998h256c10.5 0 20.5 -1.90039 30.2002 -4.59961v36.5996h-192c-5 0 -9.7998 2.40039 -12.7998 6.40039l-67.4004 89.5996h-31.7998c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16z M368 -32c44.0996 0 80 35.9004 80 80s-35.9004 80 -80 80h-256c-44.0996 0 -80 -35.9004 -80 -80s35.9004 -80 80 -80h256zM120 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM200 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24 s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM280 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-christmas" unicode="&#xf7d4;" d="M493.7 215.6c11.7998 -3 18.2998 -13.2998 18.3994 -23.5996c0 -10.5 -6.7998 -20.7002 -18.5 -23.5996l-139.899 -35l66.7002 -83.4004c5.19922 -6.5 4.69922 -15.5 -1.10059 -21.2998c-5.5 -5.5 -14.3994 -6.60059 -21.2998 -1.10059l-83.2998 67l-35 -140.199 c-4.2002 -16.3008 -19.1006 -18.4004 -23.6006 -18.4004c-10.2998 0 -20.5996 6.5 -23.5996 18.4004l-35 140l-83.4004 -66.7002c-6.7998 -5.40039 -15.6992 -4.40039 -21.2998 1.09961c-5.7998 5.7998 -6.2998 14.7998 -1.09961 21.2998l66.8994 83.3008l-140.199 35 c-11.9004 2.89941 -18.4004 13.3994 -18.4004 23.5996c0 11.2998 7.5 20.7998 18.4004 23.5l140 35l-66.7002 83.4004c-5.2002 6.59961 -4.7002 15.5996 1.09961 21.3994c5.7998 5.90039 14.7998 6.2998 21.2998 1.10059l83.3008 -67l35 140.199 c6.19922 24.4004 41.0996 24.4004 47.1992 0l35 -140l83.4004 66.7002c6.5 5.2002 15.4004 4.7002 21.2998 -1.09961c5.7998 -5.7998 6.2998 -14.7998 1.10059 -21.2998l-66.9004 -83.3008zM296 152l160 40l-160 40l-40 160l-40 -160l-160 -40l160 -40l40 -160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tenge" unicode="&#xf7d7;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M376 320c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-168v-312c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v312h-168c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h368zM376 416c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h368z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toilet" unicode="&#xf7d8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M376 416h-24v-172.7c20.2002 -10.0996 32 -22.2002 32 -35.2998c0 -67.2002 -34.5996 -126.2 -86.7998 -160.5l21.3994 -70.2002c6.30078 -20.5 -9.09961 -41.2998 -30.5996 -41.2998h-192c-21.5 0 -36.9004 20.7998 -30.5996 41.2998l21.3994 70.2002 c-52.2002 34.2998 -86.7998 93.2998 -86.7998 160.5c0 13.0996 11.7998 25.2002 32 35.2998v172.7h-24c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h368c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8zM64 416v-160.4 c34 10.2002 78.7998 16.4004 128 16.4004s94 -6.2002 128 -16.4004v160.4h-256zM192 240c-83.9004 0 -152 -14.2998 -152 -32s68.0996 -32 152 -32s152 14.2998 152 32s-68.0996 32 -152 32zM96 -32h192l-19.5 63.9004c-23.5 -10.2002 -49.2998 -15.9004 -76.5 -15.9004 s-53 5.7002 -76.5 15.9004zM192 48c75.2002 0 138.1 52.2998 155.1 122.4c-34.8994 -16 -91.2998 -26.4004 -155.1 -26.4004s-120.2 10.4004 -155.1 26.4004c17 -70.1006 79.8994 -122.4 155.1 -122.4zM152 384c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8 h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tram" unicode="&#xf7da;" d="M511.6 371.6c2 -8.59961 -3.39941 -17.1992 -12 -19.1992l-227.6 -53.1006v-75.2998h176c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-224c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v224c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h176v67.7998l-220.4 -51.3994 c-1.19922 -0.300781 -2.39941 -0.400391 -3.59961 -0.400391c-7.2998 0 -13.7998 5 -15.5996 12.2998c-2 8.60059 3.39941 17.2002 12 19.2002l480 112c8.69922 2 17.1992 -3.2998 19.1992 -11.9004zM64 192v-96h96v96h-96zM352 192v-96h96v96h-96zM448 64h-384v-96h384v96z M320 192h-128v-96h128v96zM176 320c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM176 384c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16zM304 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48 s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM304 416c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-christmas" unicode="&#xf7db;" d="M304 96c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48zM304 32c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16zM272 176c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48z M224 160c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16zM505.3 -12.4004c7.5 -9.59961 8.7002 -22.7998 3.40039 -33.6992c-5.2998 -10.9004 -16.5 -17.9004 -28.7002 -17.9004h-448c-12.2002 0 -23.4004 6.90039 -28.7998 17.9004 c-5.40039 11 -4 24.0996 3.5 33.6992l84.7002 108.7c-10.5 1.60059 -19.7002 8.2998 -24.3008 18.1006c-5.2998 11.2998 -3.5 24.5996 4.40039 34.0996l134.1 161l-27.8994 13.9004c-10.9004 5.39941 -17.7002 16.5 -17.7002 28.5996s6.7998 23.2002 17.7002 28.5996 l33.0996 16.6006l16.6006 33.0996c5.39941 10.9004 16.5 17.7002 28.5996 17.7002s23.2002 -6.7998 28.7998 -17.7002l16.6006 -33.0996l33.0996 -16.6006c10.9004 -5.39941 17.7002 -16.5 17.7002 -28.5996s-6.90039 -23.2002 -17.7002 -28.5996l-27.9004 -13.9004 l134.101 -161c8 -9.59961 9.7002 -22.9004 4.39941 -34.0996c-4.59961 -9.80078 -13.7998 -16.5 -24.2998 -18.1006zM192 352l42.7002 -21.2998l21.2998 -42.7002l21.2998 42.7002l42.7002 21.2998l-42.7002 21.2998l-21.2998 42.7002l-21.2998 -42.7002zM32 -32h448 l-124.4 160h60.4004l-127.8 153.2l-3.7002 -7.5c-5.40039 -10.9004 -16.5 -17.7002 -28.5996 -17.7002c-12.1006 0 -23.2002 6.90039 -28.6006 17.7002l-3.7002 7.5l-127.6 -153.2h60.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-decorated" unicode="&#xf7dc;" d="M505.3 -12.4004c7.5 -9.59961 8.7998 -22.6992 3.40039 -33.6992c-5.2998 -10.9004 -16.5 -17.9004 -28.7002 -17.9004h-448c-12.2002 0 -23.4004 7 -28.7998 17.9004c-5.40039 11 -4 24.0996 3.5 33.6992l59.3994 76.4004h-2.09961 c-12.0996 0 -23.2002 6.7998 -28.5996 17.7002c-5.40039 10.7998 -4.30078 23.7998 3 33.5l82.1992 109.6c-9.2998 2.2002 -17.2998 8.5 -21.5 17.2998c-5.2998 11.1006 -3.7998 24.3008 3.90039 33.9004l128 160c6.09961 7.59961 15.2998 12 25 12s18.9004 -4.40039 25 -12 l128 -159.9c7.7002 -9.69922 9.2002 -22.7998 3.90039 -33.8994c-4.30078 -8.7998 -12.2002 -15.1006 -21.5 -17.2998l82.1992 -109.7c7.30078 -9.7002 8.40039 -22.7002 3 -33.5c-5.39941 -10.9004 -16.5 -17.7002 -28.5996 -17.7002h-2.09961zM32 -32h448l-99.5996 128 h67.5996l-120 160h56l-128 160l-128 -160h56l-120 -160h67.5996zM304 96c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48zM304 32c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16zM192 192 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48zM192 128c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16zM272 224c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM272 288 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="truck-plow" unicode="&#xf7de;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M572.4 56.5996l65.0996 -63.6992c3.09961 -3.10059 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.3008l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-65.2002 63.6006c-15 15 -23.4004 35.3994 -23.4004 56.5996v53.5h-46.2998v-80c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96 h-64c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96c0 0.900391 0.299805 1.7998 0.299805 2.7998c-18.7998 6.60059 -32.2998 24.2002 -32.2998 45.2002v96c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v136c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h126.9c11.1992 0 21.7998 -6 27.5 -15.5996l86.6992 -144.4 h38.9004c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-32h46.2998v53.5996c0 21.2002 8.40039 41.6006 23.4004 56.6006l65.2998 63.5996c3.09961 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0l11.2998 -11.2998c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-65.1992 -63.6006 c-9 -9 -14.1006 -21.2998 -14.1006 -34v-139c0 -12.7998 5.10059 -25 14.1006 -34zM160 384v-128h195.7l-76.7998 128h-118.9zM128 0c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 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150.315 93.7803 195.08l151.56 151.55l-22.6299 22.6201l-101.82 -101.819 c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-22.6299 22.6299c-6.25 6.24023 -6.25 16.3701 0 22.6201l118.78 118.79c15.6201 15.6201 40.9395 15.6201 56.5596 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="feather" unicode="&#xf52d;" d="M467.14 403.16c50.5703 -50.5205 61.7002 -124.9 16.2607 -199.36l-131.54 -43.7998h97.7793c-9.92969 -10.6797 3.68066 3.07031 -46.3096 -46.8604l-147.57 -49.1396h98.1904c-74.9502 -73.1104 -194.53 -70.6504 -246.83 -54.9404l-66.1006 -66.0293 c-9.37988 -9.37012 -24.5996 -9.37012 -33.9795 0s-9.37988 24.5693 0 33.9395l259.52 259.25c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299s-16.3896 6.25 -22.6494 0l-178.44 -178.25c-6.75 60.3408 3.18066 150.78 63.6406 211.17c24.7695 24.7402 7.13965 7.14062 85.75 85.6602 c90.6094 90.5107 189.729 88.21 252.279 25.7305z" /> <glyph glyph-name="archway" unicode="&#xf557;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-159.98c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16l-0.0195312 160c0 53.0195 -42.9805 96 -96 96s-96 -42.9805 -96 -96v-176c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-159.98 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h15.9805v352h512v-352h16zM560 448c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-544c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h544z" /> <glyph glyph-name="atlas" unicode="&#xf558;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M318.38 240c-5.28027 -31.2197 -25.5898 -57.1699 -53.2998 -70.4102c7.66992 19.0605 12.7197 43.3799 14.21 70.4102h39.0898zM318.38 272h-39.0898c-1.49023 27.0303 -6.53027 51.3496 -14.21 70.4102c27.71 -13.2402 48.0098 -39.1904 53.2998 -70.4102zM224 350.69 c7.69043 -7.4502 20.7695 -34.4307 23.4404 -78.6904h-46.8701c2.66016 44.2695 15.7393 71.2402 23.4297 78.6904zM182.92 342.41c-7.67969 -19.0605 -12.7197 -43.3799 -14.21 -70.4102h-39.0898c5.28027 31.2197 25.5898 57.1699 53.2998 70.4102zM182.92 169.59 c-27.71 13.2402 -48.0195 39.1904 -53.2998 70.4102h39.0898c1.49023 -27.0303 6.53027 -51.3496 14.21 -70.4102zM247.43 240c-2.66016 -44.2598 -15.7393 -71.2402 -23.4395 -78.6904c-7.69043 7.4502 -20.7705 34.4307 -23.4307 78.6904h46.8701zM448 89.5996 c0 -9.59961 -3.2002 -16 -9.59961 -19.1992c-3.2002 -12.8008 -3.2002 -57.6006 0 -73.6006c6.39941 -6.39941 9.59961 -12.7998 9.59961 -19.2002v-16c0 -16 -12.7998 -25.5996 -25.5996 -25.5996h-326.4c-54.4004 0 -96 41.5996 -96 96v320c0 54.4004 41.5996 96 96 96 h326.4c16 0 25.5996 -9.59961 25.5996 -25.5996v-332.801zM224 384c-70.6904 0 -128 -57.3096 -128 -128s57.3096 -128 128 -128s128 57.3096 128 128s-57.3096 128 -128 128zM384 0v64h-288c-16 0 -32 -12.7998 -32 -32s12.7998 -32 32 -32h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="backspace" unicode="&#xf55a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M576 384c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-256c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-370.75c-16.9697 0 -33.25 6.75 -45.25 18.75l-150.63 150.63c-12.5 12.4902 -12.5 32.75 0 45.25l150.63 150.62c10.3438 10.3496 30.6143 18.75 45.2471 18.75h0.0126953h370.74z M491.31 129.94l-62.0596 62.0596l62.0596 62.0596c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.3809 0 22.6309l-22.6191 22.6191c-6.25 6.25 -16.3809 6.25 -22.6309 0l-62.0596 -62.0596l-62.0596 62.0596c-6.25 6.25 -16.3809 6.25 -22.6309 0l-22.6191 -22.6191 c-6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -16.3809 0 -22.6309l62.0596 -62.0596l-62.0596 -62.0596c-6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -16.3809 0 -22.6309l22.6191 -22.6191c6.25 -6.25 16.3809 -6.25 22.6309 0l62.0596 62.0596l62.0596 -62.0596c6.25 -6.25 16.3809 -6.25 22.6309 0l22.6191 22.6191 c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.3809 0 22.6309z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bezier-curve" unicode="&#xf55b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M368 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h96zM208 360v-72c0 -9.4502 2.17969 -18.3604 5.87988 -26.4404c-34.2695 -24.3496 -59.7402 -59.9492 -71.04 -101.56 h-49.3994c13.6797 64.6797 54.1699 119.48 109.54 152h-79.7305c-9.5 -23.4404 -32.4102 -40 -59.25 -40c-35.3398 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6602 64 64 64c26.8398 0 49.75 -16.5596 59.25 -40h84.75zM160 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h96zM576 400c35.3398 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6602 -64 -64 -64c-26.8398 0 -49.75 16.5596 -59.25 40h-79.7305c55.3701 -32.5195 95.8604 -87.3203 109.54 -152 h-49.3994c-11.2998 41.6104 -36.7705 77.21 -71.04 101.56c3.68945 8.08008 5.87988 16.9902 5.87988 26.4404v72h84.75c9.5 23.4404 32.4102 40 59.25 40zM576 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32 v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bong" unicode="&#xf55c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M302.5 -64h-221c-23.1699 0 -44.4199 12.5801 -56 32.6602c-16.1904 28.0703 -25.5 60.5898 -25.5 95.3398c0 71.0303 38.6699 132.9 96 166.11v153.93l-15.9697 -0.0205078c-8.85059 -0.00976562 -16.0303 7.16016 -16.0205 16.0107l0.0400391 31.7295 c0.00976562 8.82031 7.16016 15.9707 15.9805 15.9805l223.939 0.259766c8.85059 0.00976562 16.0303 -7.16992 16.0205 -16.0195l-0.0400391 -31.7207c-0.00976562 -8.81934 -7.16016 -15.9697 -15.9805 -15.9795l-15.9697 -0.0205078v-154.16 c14.1201 -8.17969 27.0898 -18.1396 38.6504 -29.5098l39.4092 39.4102l-9.37988 9.37988c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3105 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l52.6895 -52.6904c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.2998 -11.3203 c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-9.37988 9.37988l-43.4404 -43.4395c17.3604 -28.8105 27.4404 -62.5 27.4404 -98.6201c0 -34.75 -9.30957 -67.2598 -25.5 -95.3398c-11.5703 -20.0801 -32.8203 -32.6602 -56 -32.6602zM120.06 188.57 c-24.8096 -14.3701 -44.1094 -35.7305 -56.5596 -60.5703h257c-12.4404 24.8398 -31.75 46.2002 -56.5596 60.5703l-23.9404 13.8701v181.76l-96 -0.110352v-181.649z" /> <glyph glyph-name="brush" unicode="&#xf55d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M352 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-224h-384v224c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h320zM0 128v32h384v-32c0 -35.3496 -28.6602 -64 -64 -64h-64v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6602 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64v64h-64c-35.3398 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64zM192 24 c-13.25 0 -24 -10.7402 -24 -24c0 -13.25 10.75 -24 24 -24s24 10.75 24 24c0 13.2598 -10.75 24 -24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus-alt" unicode="&#xf55e;" d="M488 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-80c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-8v-166.4c0 -12.7998 -9.59961 -25.5996 -25.5996 -25.5996h-6.40039v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-192v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v160h-8c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v80c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h8v48c0 44.7998 99.2002 80 224 80s224 -35.2002 224 -80v-48h8zM160 376v-16c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h176c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8 v16c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-176c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8zM112 48c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM240 160v160h-112c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32h112zM272 160 h112c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32v96c0 17.6699 -14.3301 32 -32 32h-112v-160zM400 48c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cannabis" unicode="&#xf55f;" d="M503.47 87.75c5.24023 -2.75977 8.52051 -8.20996 8.53027 -14.1504c0.00976562 -5.92969 -3.26953 -11.3691 -8.50977 -14.1494c-2.4502 -1.29004 -60.7705 -31.7197 -133.49 -31.7197c-6.12988 0 -11.96 0.0996094 -17.5 0.30957 c11.3604 -22.2305 16.5195 -38.3096 16.8096 -39.2197c1.80078 -5.68066 0.290039 -11.8906 -3.90918 -16.1104c-2.5918 -2.60059 -7.67578 -4.71094 -11.3467 -4.71094c-1.34277 0 -3.47168 0.322266 -4.75391 0.720703c-1.83008 0.580078 -37.7197 11.9902 -77.2998 39.29 v-64.0098c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v64.0195c-39.5801 -27.2998 -75.4697 -38.7197 -77.2998 -39.2891c-1.28223 -0.398438 -3.41113 -0.72168 -4.75391 -0.72168c-3.6709 0 -8.75488 2.11035 -11.3467 4.71094 c-4.19922 4.2207 -5.70996 10.4307 -3.90918 16.1104c0.290039 0.910156 5.43945 16.9902 16.8096 39.2197c-5.54004 -0.209961 -11.3604 -0.30957 -17.5 -0.30957c-72.7305 0 -131.04 30.4297 -133.49 31.7197c-4.69629 2.48926 -8.50879 8.82422 -8.50879 14.1396 c0 5.32422 3.82129 11.6641 8.5293 14.1504c1.56934 0.820312 32.3896 16.8896 76.7793 25.8096c-64.25 75.1201 -84.0498 161.671 -84.9297 165.641c-0.210938 0.947266 -0.382812 2.50488 -0.382812 3.47559c0 3.65039 2.09375 8.71094 4.67285 11.2939 c3.03027 3.04004 7.12012 4.7002 11.3203 4.7002c1.14941 0 2.2998 -0.129883 3.43945 -0.379883c3.89062 -0.860352 86.5508 -19.5996 160.58 -79.7598c0 1.45996 -0.00976562 2.92969 -0.00976562 4.39941c0 118.79 59.9805 213.721 62.5303 217.7 c2.93945 4.58984 8.01953 7.37012 13.4697 7.37012h0.00195312c4.82812 0 10.8574 -3.30176 13.458 -7.37012c2.5498 -3.97949 62.5303 -98.9102 62.5303 -217.7c0 -1.46973 0 -2.93945 -0.00976562 -4.39941c74.0391 60.1699 156.699 78.9102 160.579 79.7598 c1.15039 0.259766 2.30078 0.379883 3.44043 0.379883c4.2002 0 8.29004 -1.66016 11.3203 -4.7002c3.85938 -3.87012 5.47949 -9.43945 4.2998 -14.7695c-0.879883 -3.96973 -20.6797 -90.5205 -84.9297 -165.641c44.3896 -8.91992 75.2197 -24.9893 76.7793 -25.8096z" /> <glyph glyph-name="concierge-bell" unicode="&#xf562;" d="M288 317.46c108.51 -15.5703 192 -108.64 192 -221.46h-448c0 112.82 83.4902 205.89 192 221.46v18.54h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16v-18.54zM496 64 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h480z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie" unicode="&#xf563;" d="M510.37 193.21c4.37988 -27.6602 -0.110352 -56 -12.8203 -80.96l-35.0996 -68.8701c-10.7695 -21.1328 -36.6592 -47.0273 -57.79 -57.7998l-69.1201 -35.21c-24.8301 -12.6396 -53.0098 -17.1104 -80.5205 -12.75l-76.6992 12.1396 c-23.3896 3.70801 -55.9639 20.3066 -72.71 37.0498l-54.7607 54.75c-16.7959 16.8027 -33.4443 49.4844 -37.1592 72.9502l-12.0801 76.2705c-0.901367 5.68848 -1.63281 14.9805 -1.63281 20.7412c0 17.5723 6.47461 44.541 14.4521 60.1982l35.1006 68.8799 c10.7666 21.1357 36.6562 47.0303 57.79 57.8008l69.1201 35.21c24.8291 12.6494 53.0098 17.1201 80.5195 12.7598l76.7002 -12.1504c27.5303 -4.34961 52.9795 -17.3301 72.71 -37.0498l54.7598 -54.75c16.7969 -16.8027 33.4443 -49.4844 37.1602 -72.9502zM176 80 c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM208 240c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM368 112c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie-bite" unicode="&#xf564;" d="M510.52 192.18c4.10059 -27.3301 -0.349609 -55.2695 -12.9092 -79.9102l-35.1006 -68.8799c-10.7656 -21.1367 -36.6562 -47.0361 -57.79 -57.8096l-69.1299 -35.21c-24.8301 -12.6504 -53.0195 -17.1201 -80.5303 -12.7598l-76.71 12.1494 c-23.3916 3.70801 -55.9658 20.3105 -72.71 37.0605l-54.7695 54.7598c-16.7969 16.8057 -33.4443 49.4912 -37.1602 72.96l-12.0801 76.2695c-0.900391 5.68945 -1.63184 14.9824 -1.63184 20.7422c0 17.5752 6.47461 44.5479 14.4521 60.208l35.0996 68.8799 c10.7646 21.1396 36.6543 47.0391 57.79 57.8105l69.1299 35.2197c24.5898 12.5205 52.46 16.96 79.7207 12.8203c0.859375 -69.96 57.6895 -126.45 127.859 -126.45c0 -70.1699 56.5 -127.01 126.47 -127.86zM176 80c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM208 240c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM368 112c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crop-alt" unicode="&#xf565;" d="M488 96c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-48c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-40v-40c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-48c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v328h-160v96h224c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-256h40zM160 424v-328h160v-96h-224c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v256h-40 c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v48c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h40v40c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h48c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24z" /> 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7.16016 16 16zM576 96v8c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-224c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-8 c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h224c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drafting-compass" unicode="&#xf568;" d="M457.01 103.58l54.9805 -95.2305l-7.02051 -58.25c-1.2793 -10.5898 -12.3594 -16.9893 -22.1699 -12.7998l-53.9502 23.04l-54.3799 94.1904c29.9102 11.8701 57.4902 28.7197 82.54 49.0498zM499.5 198.14c-52.6201 -83.1299 -144.45 -134.14 -243.5 -134.14 c-35.3799 0 -69.8701 6.71973 -102.06 18.96l-70.8008 -122.63l-53.9492 -23.04c-9.81055 -4.19043 -20.8906 2.20996 -22.1709 12.7998l-7.01953 58.25l71.2803 123.46c-21.29 17.8105 -40.4102 38.3799 -55.9805 62.0205 c-4.99023 7.56934 -2.20996 17.9297 5.64062 22.4697l27.75 16.0703c7.40918 4.29004 16.5898 1.76953 21.3799 -5.33008c9.71973 -14.4102 21.1299 -27.3906 33.6797 -39l68.2998 118.31c-7.43945 13.6299 -12.0498 29.0303 -12.0498 45.6602c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96 s96 -42.9805 96 -96c0 -16.6299 -4.61035 -32.0303 -12.0596 -45.6602l51.79 -89.71c-23.0508 -23.1699 -51.3809 -39.96 -82.6104 -48.9199l-51.0898 88.5c-0.69043 -0.0195312 -1.33984 -0.209961 -2.04004 -0.209961s-1.33984 0.19043 -2.04004 0.209961 l-67.3604 -116.68c22.1797 -7.28027 45.4805 -11.5303 69.4102 -11.5303c76.25 0 147.01 38.8496 188.12 102.38c4.64941 7.17969 13.7803 9.87012 21.2598 5.71973l28.0703 -15.5693c7.93945 -4.40039 10.9102 -14.7207 6.0498 -22.3906zM256 384 c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drum-steelpan" unicode="&#xf56a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -57.3096 288 -128v-192c0 -70.6904 -128.94 -128 -288 -128s-288 57.3096 -288 128v192c0 70.6904 128.94 128 288 128zM205.01 257.64c5.11035 19.0605 2.49023 38.96 -7.37012 56.0508l-25.5996 44.3398 c-73.9297 -13.6406 -124.04 -39.8701 -124.04 -70.0303c0 -30.7803 52.2305 -57.46 128.7 -70.8398c13.7695 9.91016 23.8594 23.8701 28.3096 40.4795zM288 208c21.0801 0 41.4102 1 60.8896 2.7002c-8.05957 26.1299 -32.1494 45.2998 -60.8896 45.2998 s-52.8301 -19.1699 -60.8896 -45.2998c19.4795 -1.7002 39.8096 -2.7002 60.8896 -2.7002zM352 352v13.04c-20.4004 1.87988 -41.7998 2.95996 -64 2.95996s-43.5996 -1.08008 -64 -2.95996v-13.04c0 -35.29 28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64zM398.93 217.1 c76.6699 13.3604 129.07 40.0703 129.07 70.9004c0 30.21 -50.2803 56.5 -124.44 70.0996l-25.6494 -44.4199c-9.87012 -17.0801 -12.4902 -36.9795 -7.37988 -56.04c4.45996 -16.6396 14.5898 -30.6299 28.3994 -40.54z" /> <glyph glyph-name="feather-alt" unicode="&#xf56b;" d="M512 448c-1.80957 -26.2598 -11.71 -132.86 -53.6201 -234.79l-106.54 -53.21h81.1406c-9.08008 -16.4102 -19.2002 -32.2305 -30.4502 -47.1201l-146.79 -48.8799h100.95c-35.5605 -30.0703 -79.1006 -51.0996 -132.58 -56.54 c-41.8105 -4.83008 -83.8701 -7.21973 -125.96 -7.36035l-57.1309 -57.0693c-9.38965 -9.37012 -24.5996 -9.37012 -33.9795 0s-9.37988 24.5693 0 33.9395l259.5 259.24c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299s-16.4004 6.25 -22.6504 0l-178.87 -178.689 c1.15039 26.7998 2.90039 53.5801 5.99023 80.2393c25.4307 249.41 389.21 284.051 440.99 287.61z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill" unicode="&#xf575;" d="M502.63 230.94c12.4902 -12.5 12.4902 -32.7607 0 -45.2607l-221.57 -221.569c-18.75 -18.75 -43.3096 -28.1201 -67.8799 -28.1201c-24.5596 0 -49.1201 9.37988 -67.8701 28.1201l-117.189 117.189c-37.4902 37.4902 -37.4902 98.2598 0 135.75l94.7598 94.7598 l-86.1895 86.1807c-6.24023 6.25 -6.24023 16.3799 0 22.6299l22.6191 22.6104c6.24023 6.25 16.3809 6.25 22.6201 0l86.1807 -86.1807l81.5801 81.5801c6.23926 6.25 14.4297 9.37012 22.6191 9.37012c8.19043 0 16.3809 -3.12012 22.6309 -9.37012zM386.41 159.97 l48.3496 48.3398l-162.45 162.44l-58.9492 -58.9502l58.6094 -58.5996c12.4902 -12.4902 12.4902 -32.75 0 -45.2402c-12.4893 -12.4902 -32.75 -12.4902 -45.2393 0l-58.6104 58.5996l-81.6104 -81.6094l-13.1494 -13.1504 c-3.86035 -3.84961 -6.07031 -7.99023 -7.43066 -11.8301h320.48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill-drip" unicode="&#xf576;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M512 128c0 0 64 -92.6504 64 -128s-28.6602 -64 -64 -64s-64 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-17.5195c-20.9697 0 -25.8496 20.7695 -23.1201 30.4902c19.5605 69.6494 28.8398 139.3 27.7002 211.55 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM255.26 283.77c56.9707 -0.839844 104.03 -46.9199 104.91 -102.72c0.790039 -50.8994 -2.99023 -102.08 -11.2695 -152.109c-0.770508 -4.6709 -7.61035 -23.1006 -27.5801 -19.7705c-13.0703 2.16016 -21.9307 14.5205 -19.7607 27.5801 c7.80078 47.2197 11.3809 95.5 10.6104 143.55c-0.469727 30.1299 -26.3096 55 -57.6201 55.4697c-34.5303 0.150391 -54.8594 -26.3896 -54.4502 -52.3398c0.800781 -51.4395 -4.0293 -102.93 -14.3691 -153.02c-2.69043 -12.9805 -15.3105 -21.3105 -28.3604 -18.6406 c-12.9697 2.6709 -21.3301 15.3809 -18.6396 28.3604c9.61914 46.6396 14.1191 94.6104 13.3691 142.55c-0.849609 54.0205 41.9004 101.16 103.16 101.09zM144.57 303.55c10.2793 -8.37012 11.8398 -23.4795 3.48926 -33.7598 c-18.7998 -23.0898 -28.4697 -51.0898 -28 -80.9697c0.640625 -40.6699 -2.66992 -81.4902 -9.85938 -121.33c-0.820312 -4.5498 -7.78027 -22.8604 -27.8906 -19.3604c-13.0498 2.36035 -21.6992 14.8398 -19.3594 27.8896c6.63965 36.7803 9.7002 74.4707 9.10938 112.051 c-0.639648 40.7197 13.1309 80.5 38.75 112c8.39062 10.2793 23.46 11.8193 33.7607 3.47949zM254.04 365.88c101.09 -1.5 184.6 -83.0801 186.16 -181.83c0.0615234 -3.97852 0.111328 -10.4375 0.111328 -14.417c0 -29.1934 -2.68848 -76.4277 -6.00195 -105.433 c-1.06934 -9.23047 -9.85938 -23.0605 -26.5791 -21.1104c-13.1602 1.5 -22.6104 13.4102 -21.1104 26.5801c4.2998 37.5205 6.16992 75.75 5.58008 113.63c-1.15039 73.0801 -63.4502 133.45 -138.88 134.58c-11.5303 0.0800781 -22.9502 -1.08008 -34 -3.68945 c-12.8906 -3 -25.8301 4.93945 -28.8906 17.8291c-3.04004 12.9102 4.94043 25.8301 17.8301 28.8906c14.9102 3.53027 30.3701 5.37988 45.7803 4.96973zM506.11 244.43c6.22949 -28.2295 6.00977 -50.1602 5.83008 -72.3398 c-0.110352 -13.1895 -10.8301 -23.7998 -24 -23.7998h-0.200195c-13.25 0.110352 -23.9102 10.9297 -23.7998 24.2002c0.209961 24.1895 0.00976562 40.1895 -4.7002 61.5996c-2.86035 12.9502 5.31934 25.75 18.2598 28.6104 c13.0996 2.92969 25.75 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0.700195c-19.6006 19.5996 -19.9004 51.0996 -0.800781 70.1992 c14.8008 14.8008 65.7002 23.6006 88.3008 26.8008zM625.8 165.1c19.2002 -19.0996 18.7998 -50.6992 -0.799805 -70.2998c-19.5996 -19.5996 -51 -19.8994 -70.2002 -0.700195c-14.7998 14.8008 -23.5996 65.7002 -26.7998 88.3008c-0.799805 5.59961 4 10.2998 9.5 9.5 c22.5996 -3.30078 73.5 -12 88.2998 -26.8008zM496.4 177.9c11.7998 -82.3008 29.8994 -100.4 35.7998 -106.301c0.899414 -1 2 -1.59961 3 -2.5c-42.7002 -74.6992 -123 -125.1 -215.2 -125.1s-172.5 50.4004 -215.2 125c1 0.900391 2.10059 1.59961 3 2.5 c5.90039 6 24 24.0996 35.7998 106.4c2.90039 20.3994 -12.5 49.5996 -45.6992 45.6992c-8.90039 -1.2998 -16.8008 -2.69922 -24.3008 -4.09961c13.7002 124 118.7 220.5 246.4 220.5s232.7 -96.5 246.4 -220.5c-7.5 1.40039 -15.4004 2.7998 -24.3008 4.09961 c-26.5996 3.80078 -49.5 -19.0996 -45.6992 -45.6992zM400 296c-23.7998 0 -52.7002 -29.2998 -55.7998 -71.4004c-0.700195 -8.5 10.7002 -11.8994 14.8994 -4.5l9.5 17c7.7002 13.7002 19.2002 21.6006 31.5 21.6006c12.3008 0 23.8008 -7.90039 31.5 -21.6006l9.5 -17 c4.10059 -7.5 15.6006 -4.09961 14.9004 4.5c-3.2998 42.1006 -32.2002 71.4004 -56 71.4004zM240 296c-23.7998 0 -52.7002 -29.2998 -55.7998 -71.4004c-0.700195 -8.5 10.7002 -11.8994 14.8994 -4.5l9.5 17c7.7002 13.7002 19.2002 21.6006 31.5 21.6006 c12.3008 0 23.8008 -7.90039 31.5 -21.6006l9.5 -17c4.10059 -7.5 15.6006 -4.09961 14.9004 4.5c-3.2998 42.1006 -32.2002 71.4004 -56 71.4004zM320 16c60.5996 0 134.5 38.2998 143.8 93.2998c1.90039 11.7998 -9.2998 21.6006 -20.7002 17.9004 c-30.1992 -9.7002 -75.0996 -15.2002 -123.1 -15.2002s-92.9004 5.5 -123.1 15.2002c-11.5 3.7002 -22.7002 -6.2002 -20.7002 -17.9004c9.2998 -55 83.2002 -93.2998 143.8 -93.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-horizontal" unicode="&#xf58d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM256 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM416 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM96 352c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM256 352c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM416 352c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-vertical" unicode="&#xf58e;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M96 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM96 256c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM96 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM288 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM288 256c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM288 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headphones-alt" unicode="&#xf58f;" d="M160 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3496 32 -32.0596v-127.881c0 -17.6992 -14.3301 -32.0596 -32 -32.0596h-16c-35.3496 0 -64 28.71 -64 64.1201v63.7598c0 35.4199 28.6504 64.1201 64 64.1201h16zM368 160c35.3496 0 64 -28.71 64 -64.1201v-63.7598 c0 -35.4102 -28.6504 -64.1201 -64 -64.1201h-16c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32.0596v127.881c0 17.71 14.3301 32.0596 32 32.0596h16zM256 416c143.09 0 251.43 -119.13 256 -256v-112c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v112 c0 114.67 -93.3301 207.8 -208 207.82c-114.67 -0.0205078 -208 -93.1504 -208 -207.82v-112c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v112c4.57031 136.87 112.91 256 256 256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headset" unicode="&#xf590;" d="M192 240v-112c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-16c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v48c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h16c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32zM368 96h-16c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v112c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h16c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-48 c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64zM256 448c142.82 0 251.42 -118.83 256 -256v-165.72c0 -49.8604 -40.4199 -90.2803 -90.2803 -90.2803h-181.72c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48h32c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48h101.72 c23.3506 0 42.2803 18.9297 42.2803 42.2803c0 0 -0.0400391 163.29 -0.120117 165.72h0.120117c0 114.69 -93.3096 208 -208 208s-208 -93.3096 -208 -208v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c4.58008 137.17 113.18 256 256 256z " /> <glyph glyph-name="hot-tub" unicode="&#xf593;" d="M414.21 270.35c-3.15039 25.3906 -14.6104 47.9707 -31.9697 62.1406c-27.7305 22.6299 -45.79 58.0498 -50.1299 97.1602c-1.09082 9.7793 6.48926 18.3496 16 18.3496h16.1201c7.98926 0 14.7295 -6.13965 15.7393 -14.3398 c3.16016 -25.4004 14.6104 -47.9805 31.9805 -62.1504c27.7295 -22.6299 45.79 -58.0498 50.1299 -97.1602c1.08008 -9.7793 -6.49023 -18.3496 -16 -18.3496h-16.1201c-8 0 -14.7295 6.13965 -15.75 14.3496zM306.21 270.35 c-3.15039 25.3906 -14.6104 47.9707 -31.9697 62.1406c-27.7305 22.6299 -45.79 58.0498 -50.1299 97.1602c-1.09082 9.7793 6.48926 18.3496 16 18.3496h16.1201c7.98926 0 14.7295 -6.13965 15.7393 -14.3398c3.16016 -25.4004 14.6104 -47.9805 31.9805 -62.1504 c27.7295 -22.6299 45.79 -58.0498 50.1299 -97.1602c1.08008 -9.7793 -6.49023 -18.3496 -16 -18.3496h-16.1201c-8 0 -14.7295 6.13965 -15.75 14.3496zM480 192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-160c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-384c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64 v224c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h42.6699h0.00292969c11.7754 0 28.9775 -5.73438 38.3975 -12.7998l110.93 -83.2002h224zM128 8v112c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM224 8v112 c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM320 8v112c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM416 8 v112c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM64 320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64s64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hotel" unicode="&#xf594;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 384h-16v-384h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-240v80c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-80h-240c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h15.9805v384h-15.9805 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h544c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM256 339.2v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998zM256 243.2v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998zM128 339.2v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998zM179.2 192c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004zM192 64h192c0 53.0195 -42.9805 96 -96 96s-96 -42.9805 -96 -96zM448 204.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998zM448 300.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="joint" unicode="&#xf595;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M444.34 266.9c-35.7803 25.0693 -60.3398 63.0098 -60.3398 106.699v66.4004c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h48c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-62.3096c0 -29.0303 15.8496 -54.71 39.6602 -71.3203c35.3301 -24.6504 56.3398 -64.8203 56.3398 -108.061v-30.3096 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v30.3096c0 27.4307 -13.2803 52.9102 -35.6602 68.5908zM194.97 89.0195c22.3701 3.60059 45.0801 -4.30957 59.8203 -21.5098l112.72 -131.51h-88.5693c-98.6406 0 -195.29 27.7197 -278.94 80 c59.6904 37.3096 126.03 61.9297 194.97 73.0195zM553.28 360.91c54.3096 -36.4102 86.7197 -97.1602 86.7197 -162.601v-30.3096c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v30.3096c0 50.1504 -25.21 96.6504 -67.3604 123.99 c-18.4697 11.9805 -28.6396 33.3701 -28.6396 55.3906v62.3096c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h48c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-62.3096c0 -6.82031 3.61035 -12.9805 9.28027 -16.7803zM360.89 95.9502h0.108398c16.2441 0 38.0049 -10.0127 48.5723 -22.3506l117.949 -137.6 h-88.4492h-0.00292969c-16.248 0 -38.0146 10.0127 -48.5869 22.3496l-117.801 137.431c1.40039 0.0195312 53.8105 0.109375 88.21 0.169922zM616 96c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-112c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-17.4199h-0.00292969 c-16.248 0 -38.0146 10.0127 -48.5869 22.3496l-117.99 137.65h184z" /> <glyph glyph-name="luggage-cart" unicode="&#xf59d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224 128c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v160c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32v-224h-32zM576 160c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32v224h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-160zM624 64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-82.9404 c1.79004 -5.03027 2.94043 -10.3604 2.94043 -16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 5.63965 1.15039 10.9697 2.94043 16h-197.881c1.79004 -5.03027 2.94043 -10.3604 2.94043 -16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48 c0 5.63965 1.15039 10.9697 2.94043 16h-82.9404c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v368h-48c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-368h496zM480 352v-224h-192v272c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96 c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48zM432 352v48h-96v-48h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marked" unicode="&#xf59f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 448c69.5898 0 126 -56.4102 126 -126c0 -56.2598 -82.3496 -158.8 -113.9 -196.02c-6.37988 -7.54004 -17.8096 -7.54004 -24.1992 0c-31.5508 37.2197 -113.9 139.76 -113.9 196.02c0 69.5898 56.4102 126 126 126zM20.1201 232.05l118.63 47.4502 c5.17969 -14.8799 12.4102 -30.4404 21.25 -46.4199v-233.08l-138.06 -62.8398c-10.5107 -4.2002 -21.9404 3.54004 -21.9404 14.8594v250.32c0.00292969 11.959 9.0166 25.2686 20.1201 29.71zM288 88.3301c14.0703 0 27.3799 6.17969 36.5098 16.9502 c19.6699 23.2002 40.5703 49.6299 59.4902 76.7197v-245.99l-192 64v182c18.9199 -27.0996 39.8301 -53.5195 59.4902 -76.7197c9.12988 -10.7803 22.4395 -16.96 36.5098 -16.96zM554.06 286.84c10.5107 4.2002 21.9404 -3.54004 21.9404 -14.8594v-250.32 c0 -11.9609 -9.01367 -25.2705 -20.1201 -29.71l-139.88 -55.9502v288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marked-alt" unicode="&#xf5a0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 448c69.5898 0 126 -56.4102 126 -126c0 -56.2598 -82.3496 -158.8 -113.9 -196.02c-6.37988 -7.54004 -17.8096 -7.54004 -24.1992 0c-31.5508 37.2197 -113.9 139.76 -113.9 196.02c0 69.5898 56.4102 126 126 126zM288 280c23.2002 0 42 18.7998 42 42 s-18.7998 42 -42 42s-42 -18.7998 -42 -42s18.7998 -42 42 -42zM20.1201 232.05l118.63 47.4502c5.17969 -14.8799 12.4102 -30.4404 21.25 -46.4199v-233.08l-138.06 -62.8398c-10.5107 -4.2002 -21.9404 3.54004 -21.9404 14.8594v250.32 c0.00292969 11.959 9.0166 25.2686 20.1201 29.71zM288 88.3301c14.0703 0 27.3799 6.17969 36.5098 16.9502c19.6699 23.2002 40.5703 49.6299 59.4902 76.7197v-245.99l-192 64v182c18.9199 -27.0996 39.8301 -53.5195 59.4902 -76.7197 c9.12988 -10.7803 22.4395 -16.96 36.5098 -16.96zM554.06 286.84c10.5107 4.2002 21.9404 -3.54004 21.9404 -14.8594v-250.32c0 -11.9609 -9.01367 -25.2705 -20.1201 -29.71l-139.88 -55.9502v288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="marker" unicode="&#xf5a1;" d="M93.9502 157.97l75.3994 75.4004l128.021 -128.021l-75.4004 -75.3994c-44.8223 -44.8203 -132.335 -86.8428 -195.34 -93.7998c-15.2803 -1.69043 -28.1895 11.2295 -26.4902 26.5098l0.0302734 0.229492c7.00195 62.9189 49.0156 150.315 93.7803 195.08z M485.49 421.49c35.3496 -35.3604 35.3496 -92.6699 0 -128.021l-165.49 -165.489l-128.02 128.02l98.4795 98.4697l-19.5898 19.5898l-87.1504 -87.1494c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-22.6201 22.6201c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l104.12 104.12 c15.6104 15.6201 40.9404 15.6201 56.5605 0l36.5596 -36.5498l21.7598 21.7598c35.3506 35.3496 92.6699 35.3496 128.021 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medal" unicode="&#xf5a2;" d="M223.75 317.25c-42.04 -6.55957 -79.8398 -25.6201 -109.56 -53.3896l-111.271 158.96c-7.41992 10.6094 0.160156 25.1797 13.1104 25.1797h111.149c10.0029 0 22.2959 -6.96191 27.4404 -15.54zM495.97 448c12.9502 0 20.5303 -14.5703 13.1104 -25.1797 l-111.271 -158.95c-29.7197 27.7598 -67.5195 46.8203 -109.56 53.3799l69.1299 115.21c5.78027 9.63965 16.2002 15.54 27.4404 15.54h111.149zM256 288c97.2002 0 176 -78.7998 176 -176s-78.7998 -176 -176 -176s-176 78.7998 -176 176s78.7998 176 176 176z M348.52 130.74c6.82031 6.63965 3.05078 18.2295 -6.34961 19.5898l-52.4297 7.63965l-23.4307 47.5205c-2.10938 4.25 -6.21973 6.38965 -10.3291 6.38965c-4.09082 0 -8.1709 -2.11035 -10.2803 -6.38965l-23.4307 -47.5205l-52.4297 -7.63965 c-9.39941 -1.36035 -13.1699 -12.9502 -6.34961 -19.5898l37.9297 -36.96l-8.96973 -52.2207c-1.60059 -9.34961 8.25 -16.54 16.6494 -12.0898l46.9004 24.6504l46.9102 -24.6504c8.38965 -4.41992 18.25 2.73047 16.6494 12.0898l-8.96973 52.2207z" /> <glyph glyph-name="monument" unicode="&#xf5a6;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h352zM289.14 347.26l30.8604 -315.26h-256l30.8701 315.26c0.625 6.27344 4.75098 14.9834 9.20996 19.4404 l76.5996 76.6094c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l76.6201 -76.6094c4.45898 -4.45703 8.58496 -13.167 9.20996 -19.4404zM240 140.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-70.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004 c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h70.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mortar-pestle" unicode="&#xf5a7;" d="M501.54 387.09l-99.0801 -99.0898h-151.37l203.811 152.86c5.25293 3.93848 14.8457 7.13477 21.4121 7.13477c4.64941 0 11.7988 -1.68652 15.957 -3.76465c21.7803 -10.8906 26.4902 -39.9209 9.27051 -57.1406zM496 256c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c0 -80.9805 -50.2002 -150.11 -121.13 -178.32c12.7695 -16.8701 21.7295 -36.7998 24.9502 -58.6895c1.45996 -9.91992 -6.04004 -18.9805 -16.0703 -18.9805h-223.5c-10.0303 0 -17.5303 9.06055 -16.0703 18.9805 c3.23047 21.8896 12.1904 41.8193 24.9502 58.6895c-70.9297 28.21 -121.13 97.3398 -121.13 178.32h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h480z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-brush-alt" unicode="&#xf5a9;" d="M365.99 414.9c61.96 88.3994 198.16 -19.4199 124.93 -99.8906l-218.81 -221.52l-78 65zM167.87 138.71l87.0703 -72.5596c0.379883 -3.32031 1.05957 -6.57031 1.05957 -9.95996c0 -76.4209 -52.1396 -120.19 -128 -120.19c-90.0703 0 -128 72.3799 -128 154.73 c9.79004 -6.68066 44.1396 -34.3506 55.25 -34.3506c6.58984 0 12.2402 3.77051 14.5898 9.98047c20.7998 54.8193 57.5801 69.9395 98.0303 72.3496z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-roller" unicode="&#xf5aa;" d="M416 320c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-352c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h352c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96zM448 384c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-64c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96h-160v-32 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v128c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32v32c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h160c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32v128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="passport" unicode="&#xf5ab;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M129.62 272c5.28027 31.2197 25.5898 57.1699 53.2998 70.4102c-7.66992 -19.0605 -12.7197 -43.3799 -14.21 -70.4102h-39.0898zM129.62 240h39.0898c1.49023 -27.0303 6.53027 -51.3496 14.21 -70.4102c-27.71 13.2402 -48.0098 39.1904 -53.2998 70.4102zM224 161.31 c-7.69043 7.4502 -20.7695 34.4307 -23.4404 78.6904h46.8701c-2.66016 -44.2695 -15.7393 -71.2402 -23.4297 -78.6904zM200.57 272c2.66016 44.2598 15.7393 71.2402 23.4395 78.6904c7.69043 -7.4502 20.7705 -34.4307 23.4307 -78.6904h-46.8701zM265.08 169.59 c7.67969 19.0605 12.7197 43.3799 14.21 70.4102h39.0898c-5.28027 -31.2197 -25.5898 -57.1699 -53.2998 -70.4102zM416 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-352c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v384c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h352z M336 32c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16h-224c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16h224zM224 128c70.6904 0 128 57.3096 128 128s-57.3096 128 -128 128s-128 -57.3096 -128 -128s57.3096 -128 128 -128zM265.08 342.41 c27.71 -13.2402 48.0195 -39.1904 53.2998 -70.4102h-39.0898c-1.49023 27.0303 -6.53027 51.3496 -14.21 70.4102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-fancy" unicode="&#xf5ac;" d="M79.1797 165.06l84.0703 33.0703l98.8799 -98.8799l-33.0703 -84.0703c-2.79102 -8.38086 -11.8584 -17.4482 -20.2393 -20.2393l-176.82 -58.9404l-4.67969 4.67969l92.8896 92.8906c2.55957 -0.660156 5.03027 -1.57031 7.7998 -1.57031c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32 s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32c0 -2.76953 0.910156 -5.24023 1.57031 -7.7998l-92.8896 -92.8906l-4.69043 4.69043l58.9404 176.82c2.79297 8.37891 11.8604 17.4463 20.2393 20.2393zM369.25 419.68c74.4805 84.2607 199.15 -39.1602 114.23 -114.229 l-199.49 -183.11l-97.8506 97.8506z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-nib" unicode="&#xf5ad;" d="M136.6 309.21l151.4 42.79l128 -128l-42.79 -151.4c-5.08594 -17.9932 -23.6104 -37.3965 -41.3496 -43.3096l-279.86 -93.29l-14.6904 14.6904l150.11 150.109c6.25977 -2.99023 13.1797 -4.7998 20.5801 -4.7998c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48c0 -7.40039 1.80957 -14.3203 4.7998 -20.5801l-150.109 -150.11l-14.6904 14.6904l93.29 279.86c5.91309 17.7393 25.3164 36.2637 43.3096 41.3496zM497.94 373.83c18.75 -18.7598 18.75 -49.1602 0 -67.9102l-56.5508 -56.5498l-128.02 128.02 l56.5498 56.5508c18.75 18.75 49.1602 18.75 67.9102 0z" /> <glyph 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-17.2695zM64 256h96v96h-96v-96zM160 16c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM320 256v96h-96v-96h96zM480 16 c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM384 256h146.02l-80 96h-66.0195v-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smile-plus" unicode="&#xf5b9;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208 352c114.9 0 208 -93.0996 208 -208s-93.0996 -208 -208 -208s-208 93.0996 -208 208s93.0996 208 208 208zM272 218.8c-14.7998 0 -26.7998 -12 -26.7998 -26.7998s12 -26.7998 26.7998 -26.7998s26.7998 12 26.7998 26.7998s-12 26.7998 -26.7998 26.7998z M144 218.8c-14.7998 0 -26.7998 -12 -26.7998 -26.7998s12 -26.7998 26.7998 -26.7998s26.7998 12 26.7998 26.7998s-12 26.7998 -26.7998 26.7998zM308.2 77.9004c5.7002 6.69922 4.89941 16.7998 -1.90039 22.5996c-6.7002 5.7002 -16.7998 5 -22.5996 -1.7998 c-18.7998 -22.1006 -46.4004 -34.7002 -75.7998 -34.7002c-29.3008 0 -57 12.5996 -75.8008 34.5996c-5.69922 6.80078 -15.6992 7.5 -22.5 1.80078c-6.7998 -5.7002 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325.26c2.62012 15.4307 16.21 26.7402 32.1396 26.7402h466.13c15.9307 0 29.5205 -11.3096 32.1406 -26.7402zM259.83 384l-9.77051 -96h139.87l-9.76953 96h-120.33zM184.66 128l11.4102 112h-105.971l-19.0098 -112 h113.57zM200.95 288l9.76953 96h-96.1895l-16.29 -96h102.71zM233.77 128h172.45l-11.3994 112h-149.65zM429.27 384l9.77051 -96h102.71l-16.29 96h-96.1904zM455.33 128h113.58l-19.0098 112h-105.971z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spa" unicode="&#xf5bb;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568.25 256c4.41016 0.0195312 7.79004 -3.40039 7.75 -7.82031c-0.230469 -27.9199 -7.12988 -126.13 -88.7695 -199.3c-84.04 -81.8301 -167.23 -80.8799 -199.23 -80.8799s-115.21 -0.94043 -199.23 80.8799c-81.6299 73.1602 -88.5391 171.38 -88.7695 199.3 c-0.0400391 4.41992 3.33984 7.83984 7.75 7.82031c29.04 -0.129883 135.01 -6.16016 213.84 -83c33.1201 -29.6299 53.3604 -63.2998 66.4102 -94.8604c13.0498 31.5605 33.29 65.2305 66.4102 94.8604c78.8301 76.8398 184.8 82.8701 213.84 83zM287.98 145.4 c-10.7012 15.7168 -30.8789 38.7705 -45.04 51.46c-18.7207 18.25 -38.8506 32.6895 -59.2207 44.3896c16.4707 70.4404 51.75 132.93 96.7402 172.07c4.12012 3.58008 11.0303 3.58008 15.1396 0c45.0107 -39.1699 80.29 -101.721 96.7305 -172.221 c-20.6797 -11.8799 -41.1699 -26.5693 -60.2598 -45.1797c-16.4902 -14.7402 -31.2705 -31.6699 -44.0898 -50.5195z" /> <glyph glyph-name="splotch" unicode="&#xf5bc;" d="M472.29 252.11c48.54 -16.6201 53.8301 -73.8301 8.9502 -96.79l-62 -31.7402c-17.8301 -9.12988 -29.2803 -25.2002 -30.6299 -42.9902l-4.7002 -61.8594c-3.41016 -44.79 -65.1299 -66.7803 -104.45 -37.2207l-54.3203 40.8301 c-15.6201 11.7305 -36.96 16.1201 -57.0693 11.7305l-69.96 -15.2803c-50.6504 -11.0596 -94.0801 32.5596 -73.4902 73.8096l28.4297 56.9805c8.18066 16.3799 6.44043 35.1699 -4.63965 50.2402l-38.54 52.4199c-27.9004 37.9502 6.97949 86.8994 59.0303 82.8301 l71.8799 -5.62012c20.6602 -1.62012 40.9395 5.59961 54.2002 19.3096l46.1396 47.6699c33.4102 34.5107 98.3994 21.1504 109.979 -22.6201l15.9902 -60.4492c4.60059 -17.3799 18.8604 -31.7002 38.1406 -38.3008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spray-can" unicode="&#xf5bd;" d="M224 416v-96h-128v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32zM480 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM224 288c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-224c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32 h-256c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v224c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96h128zM160 32c44.1797 0 80 35.8203 80 80s-35.8203 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8203 -80 -80s35.8203 -80 80 -80zM480 352c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32 s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM384 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM288 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM384 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32 s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM480 224c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimmer" 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-96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004 c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998 c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996 c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h16zM112 192c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80s80 -35.8203 80 -80s-35.8203 -80 -80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimming-pool" unicode="&#xf5c5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 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42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002 c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c46 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM536 -32c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.2002 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6 l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304zM92.5996 125l40.6006 8.09961c-10.5 -11.0996 -18.9004 -23.7998 -25.1006 -37.5996l-32.7998 -6.5 c-1 -0.200195 -2.09961 -0.299805 -3.09961 -0.299805c-4.2002 0 -8.2998 1.7002 -11.2998 4.7002c-3.80078 3.7998 -5.40039 9.19922 -4.40039 14.3994l15.0996 76.2002l-64.5 43.2002c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 8 -7.09961 13.2998s2.7002 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998 l64.6006 43.1006l-15.1006 76.1992c-1 5.2002 0.600586 10.6006 4.40039 14.4004c3.7002 3.7998 9.09961 5.5 14.4004 4.40039l76.0996 -15.1006l43.2002 64.5c6 8.90039 20.5996 8.90039 26.5996 0l43.1006 -64.3994l76.1992 15.0996 c5.2002 1.09961 10.6006 -0.599609 14.4004 -4.40039c3.7998 -3.7998 5.40039 -9.19922 4.40039 -14.3994l-17.2002 -86.7002c-0.100586 -0.599609 -0.400391 -1 -0.600586 -1.5c-9.59961 1.90039 -19.5 3 -29.5996 3c-0.400391 0 -0.700195 -0.0996094 -1.09961 -0.0996094 c-0.100586 1.59961 -0.300781 3.19922 0 4.7998l12.5 63.2002l-63.2002 -12.5c-6.5 -1.30078 -12.7998 1.5 -16.4004 6.7998l-35.7998 53.5l-35.7998 -53.5c-3.60059 -5.2998 -10 -8.10059 -16.4004 -6.7998l-63.2002 12.5l12.5 -63.3008 c1.2002 -6.2998 -1.39941 -12.7998 -6.7998 -16.3994l-53.5 -35.7998l53.5 -35.8008c5.40039 -3.59961 8 -10.0996 6.7998 -16.3994zM208 298.3c-31.9004 0 -57.7998 -26 -57.7998 -57.7998c0 -18.5 8.7998 -34.7998 22.3994 -45.4004 c-4.2998 -10.1992 -7.59961 -20.7998 -9.59961 -31.8994c-26.7002 15.5996 -44.7998 44.2998 -44.7998 77.2998c0 49.5 40.2998 89.7998 89.7998 89.7998c33.0996 0 61.7002 -18.2002 77.2998 -44.7998c-11.0996 -2 -21.7002 -5.2998 -31.8994 -9.59961 c-10.6006 13.5 -26.9004 22.3994 -45.4004 22.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wind" unicode="&#xf72e;" d="M8 224c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h344c40.2002 0 71.9004 37.2998 62.2998 79.0996c-5.39941 23.1006 -24.0996 41.9004 -47.2002 47.2002c-39.1992 9 -74.3994 -18.2002 -78.6992 -54.7998 c-0.5 -4.09961 -3.7002 -7.40039 -7.90039 -7.40039h-16.2002c-4.5 0 -8.39941 3.80078 -8 8.40039c4.7998 55.5996 57.2002 97.7002 116.3 85.4004c36.3008 -7.60059 65.6006 -36.9004 73.2002 -73.2002c13 -62.1006 -34 -116.7 -93.7998 -116.7h-344zM156 192 c52.5 0 98.4004 -40.5 100 -93.2002c1.59961 -54.2998 -42 -98.8994 -96 -98.8994c-50.0996 0 -91.2998 38.5 -95.5996 87.5996c-0.400391 4.5 3.39941 8.40039 8 8.40039h16c4.19922 0 7.39941 -3.2002 7.89941 -7.40039c3.7002 -31.7002 30.7998 -56.5 63.6006 -56.5 c37.3994 0 67.3994 32.2998 63.6992 70.4004c-3.19922 33.1992 -33.0996 57.5996 -66.5 57.5996h-149.1c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h148zM395.3 192c61.2998 0 114.8 -47.2998 116.7 -108.6c1.90039 -63.4004 -49 -115.4 -112 -115.4 c-53 0 -97.0996 37 -108.6 86.5c-1.10059 4.90039 2.89941 9.5 7.89941 9.5h16.1006c3.69922 0 6.69922 -2.5 7.69922 -6c9.60059 -33.5 40.4004 -58 76.9004 -58c46.7002 0 84.2998 40.2998 79.5996 88c-4.09961 41.5996 -41.3994 72 -83.1992 72h-126.2 c-7 12.0996 -15.9004 22.7998 -26.4004 32h151.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ballot" unicode="&#xf732;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M144 368c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-32c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v32c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h32zM144 304v32h-32v-32h32zM416 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-448c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-384 c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v448c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h384zM416 -32v448h-384v-448h384zM344 208c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128zM144 112 c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-32c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v32c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h32zM144 48v32h-32v-32h32zM344 80c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8 v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128zM344 336c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128zM144 240c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-32c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32 c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v32c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h32zM144 176v32h-32v-32h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ballot-check" unicode="&#xf733;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M112 16c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v32c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h32c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-32c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32zM112 80v-32h32v32h-32zM112 272c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v32c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h32 c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-32c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32zM112 336v-32h32v32h-32zM416 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-448c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.7002 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v448c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h384zM416 -32v448 h-384v-448h384zM216 304c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128zM216 176c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128zM216 48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h128c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-128zM118.6 161.6l-36.8994 37.4004c-2.10059 2.09961 -2.10059 5.5 0 7.59961l12.7002 12.6006 c2.09961 2.09961 5.5 2.09961 7.59961 0l20.5996 -20.9004l47.6006 47.2002c2.09961 2.09961 5.5 2.09961 7.59961 0l12.6006 -12.7002c2.09961 -2.09961 2.09961 -5.5 0 -7.59961l-64.2002 -63.6006c-2.10059 -2.09961 -5.5 -2.09961 -7.60059 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="booth-curtain" unicode="&#xf734;" d="M0 416c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-472c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v64.9004c-9.5 -5.5 -20.2998 -8.90039 -32 -8.90039c-19.2002 0 -36.2998 8.7002 -48 22.0996 c-11.7002 -13.3994 -28.7998 -22.0996 -48 -22.0996s-36.2998 8.7002 -48 22.0996c-11.7002 -13.3994 -28.7998 -22.0996 -48 -22.0996s-36.2998 8.7002 -48 22.0996c-11.7002 -13.3994 -28.7998 -22.0996 -48 -22.0996c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v352h-64v-472 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v472zM416 416v-352c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.2998 32 32v352h-64zM320 416v-352c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.2998 32 32v352h-64zM224 416v-352c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32 s32 14.2998 32 32v352h-64zM128 416v-352c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.2998 32 32v352h-64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="box-ballot" unicode="&#xf735;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M571.4 171.4c3 -7.5 4.59961 -15.6006 4.59961 -23.7002v-179.5c0.0996094 -17.7998 -14.2998 -32.2002 -32 -32.2002h-511.7c-17.7002 0 -32.0996 14.5 -32 32.2002l-0.299805 179.399c0 8.2002 1.5 16.4004 4.59961 24l51.6006 128.101 c4.7998 12.2002 16.5996 20.2998 29.7998 20.2998h42.0996v96c0 17.7002 14.3008 32 32 32h256c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-96.0996h42.2002c13.2002 0 25 -8 29.7998 -20.3008zM160.2 416v-192h256v192h-256zM86 288l-51.5 -128h507l-51 127.8l-0.0996094 0.200195 h-42.2002v-64h23.7998c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h24.2002v64h-42.2002zM544 -32v160h-511.8l0.0996094 -159.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-list-check" unicode="&#xf737;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h88.5996c-0.399414 2.59961 -0.599609 5.2998 -0.599609 8c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56s56 -25.0996 56 -56 c0 -2.7002 -0.200195 -5.40039 -0.599609 -8h88.5996zM192 416c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM352 -16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-48v-20c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v20h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h288c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM112 120c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM280 112 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-112c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h112zM126.2 177.6c-2.10059 -2.09961 -5.5 -2.09961 -7.40039 0l-37.0996 37.4004c-2.10059 2.09961 -2.10059 5.5 0 7.59961l12.7002 12.6006 c2.09961 2.09961 5.5 2.09961 7.59961 0l20.5996 -20.9004l47.6006 47.2002c2.09961 2.09961 5.5 2.09961 7.59961 0l12.6006 -12.7002c2.09961 -2.09961 2.09961 -5.5 0 -7.59961zM280 208c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-109.9l32.3008 32 h77.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-drizzle" unicode="&#xf738;" d="M48 88c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-40c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v40c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM144 8c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-40c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v40c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM240 88 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-40c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v40c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM336 8c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-40c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v40c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM432 88 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-40c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v40c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM415.7 335.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104 c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM408 160c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004 c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998 c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-hail" unicode="&#xf739;" d="M376 80c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM184 -16c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM312 -16c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM248 80c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM56 -16c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM120 80 c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM415.7 335.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104 c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM408 160c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004 c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998 c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-hail-mixed" unicode="&#xf73a;" d="M415.7 335.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002 c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM408 160c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6 l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304zM183.9 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961 c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l64 112c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6zM216 -16c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM87.2002 78.2998 c7.89941 -3.89941 11 -13.5 7.2002 -21.5996l-16 -32c-2.80078 -5.60059 -8.5 -8.7998 -14.3008 -8.7998c-2.39941 0 -4.89941 0.599609 -7.19922 1.69922c-8 4 -11.1006 13.6006 -7.2002 21.5l16 32c4 8 13.5996 11.1006 21.5 7.2002zM24 -16c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24 s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM471.2 78.2998c7.89941 -3.89941 11 -13.5 7.2002 -21.5996l-16 -32c-2.80078 -5.60059 -8.5 -8.7998 -14.3008 -8.7998c-2.39941 0 -4.89941 0.599609 -7.19922 1.69922c-8 4 -11.1006 13.6006 -7.2002 21.5 l16 32c4 8 13.5996 11.1006 21.5 7.2002zM279.2 78.2998c7.89941 -3.89941 11 -13.5 7.2002 -21.5996l-16 -32c-2.80078 -5.60059 -8.5 -8.7998 -14.3008 -8.7998c-2.39941 0 -4.89941 0.599609 -7.19922 1.69922c-8 4 -11.1006 13.6006 -7.2002 21.5l16 32 c4 8 13.5996 11.1006 21.5 7.2002zM408 -16c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM375.9 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961 c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l64 112c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-meatball" unicode="&#xf73b;" d="M48 96c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48zM48 32c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16zM464 96c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48z M464 32c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16s-16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16zM346.5 154.5c12.2002 -12.2002 18 -29.2002 16.2998 -46.2998c13.2998 -10.9004 21.2002 -27 21.2002 -44.2002s-7.90039 -33.2998 -21.2002 -44.2002 c1.7002 -17.0996 -4.09961 -34.0996 -16.2998 -46.2998c-12.2998 -12.2998 -30.2998 -19 -46.5 -16.5996c-10.9004 -13.1006 -26.7998 -20.9004 -44 -20.9004s-33.0996 7.7998 -44 20.9004c-16 -2.40039 -34.2002 4.2998 -46.5 16.5996 c-12.2002 12.2002 -18 29.2002 -16.2998 46.2998c-13.2998 10.9004 -21.2002 27 -21.2002 44.2002s7.90039 33.2998 21.2002 44.2002c-1.7002 17.0996 4.09961 34.0996 16.2998 46.2998c12.2998 12.2002 29.4004 17.9004 46.2998 16.2998 c21.7002 26.6006 66.6006 26.6006 88.4004 0c17 1.60059 34.0996 -4.09961 46.2998 -16.2998zM337.7 41.2998c8.7998 4.60059 14.2998 13.2998 14.2998 22.7002s-5.5 18.0996 -14.2998 22.7002l-11.9004 6.2002l4.10059 12.7998c3 9.5 0.799805 19.5 -5.90039 26.2002 c-6.7002 6.69922 -16.7998 8.89941 -26.2002 5.89941l-12.7998 -4.09961l-6.2002 11.8994c-9.2002 17.7002 -36.2002 17.7002 -45.3994 0l-6.2002 -11.8994l-12.7998 4.09961c-9.5 3 -19.5 0.799805 -26.2002 -5.89941c-6.7002 -6.7002 -8.90039 -16.7002 -5.90039 -26.2002 l4.10059 -12.7998l-11.9004 -6.2002c-8.7998 -4.60059 -14.2998 -13.2998 -14.2998 -22.7002s5.5 -18.0996 14.2998 -22.7002l11.9004 -6.2002l-4.10059 -12.7998c-3 -9.5 -0.799805 -19.5 5.90039 -26.2002c4.89941 -4.89941 11.5 -7.59961 18.3994 -7.59961 c2 0 4.60059 0.700195 7.80078 1.7002l12.7998 4.09961l6.2002 -12c9.19922 -17.7002 36.1992 -17.7002 45.3994 0l6.2002 12l12.7998 -4.09961c3.2998 -1 5.7998 -1.7002 7.7998 -1.7002c7 0 13.5 2.7002 18.4004 7.59961c6.7002 6.7002 8.90039 16.7002 5.90039 26.2002 l-4.10059 12.7998zM512 232c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104.1h-14.2998c-1.7998 11.3994 -5.7002 22.1992 -11.6006 32h25.9004c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6 l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h25.9004c-5.90039 -9.7998 -9.80078 -20.5996 -11.6006 -32h-14.2998c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391 c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-moon-rain" unicode="&#xf73c;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.9 210.5c3.59961 -7.7002 2.5 -16.7002 -2.80078 -23.2002c-30.6992 -37.5996 -76.2998 -59.2002 -125 -59.2002c-0.699219 0 -1.39941 0.100586 -2.09961 0.100586c2.59961 10.2002 4.09961 20.8994 4.09961 31.8994v0.200195 c29.5 0.400391 57.5 10.6006 79.8008 28.7998c-70.6006 1.60059 -127.601 59.4004 -127.601 130.101c0 37.2002 16.2002 72.3994 43.5 96.7998c-52.5996 -0.900391 -97.3994 -33.2998 -116.5 -78.9004c-9 5.10059 -18.7998 8.90039 -29 11.4004 c24.1006 58.0996 80.6006 99.5 147.7 99.5c9.7998 0 19.7002 -0.900391 29.4004 -2.7998c9.2998 -1.7002 16.1992 -8.7002 17.7998 -18c1.5 -9.2002 -2.7002 -18.2002 -10.9004 -22.7998c-30.8994 -17.4004 -50.0996 -50.1006 -50.0996 -85.3008 c0 -54.1992 44.2998 -98.1992 98.7002 -98.1992c6.2998 0 12.5996 0.599609 18.8994 1.7998l2.7998 0.399414h1.40039c8.40039 0 16.2998 -4.89941 19.9004 -12.5996zM351.3 250.7c36.9004 -12.7002 62.7002 -47.1006 64.4004 -86.7002 c0 -1.40039 0.299805 -2.7002 0.299805 -4c0 -52.9004 -43.0996 -96 -96 -96h-224c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96c0 41.0996 26.2002 77.0996 64 90.4004c1.2998 56.2998 47.5 101.6 104 101.6c30.5996 0 59.0996 -13.2998 78.7998 -36.2998 c8.2002 2.89941 16.6006 4.2998 25.2002 4.2998c40.5 0 74 -30.2002 79.2998 -69.2998zM320 96c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64.0996 64c0 30.4004 -21.5 56.7002 -51.2998 62.7002l-12.7998 2.59961l0.200195 16.2002c-0.100586 32.2002 -38.1006 58.2002 -70.7998 40.4004 l-13 -7.10059l-8.10059 12.4004c-13.3994 20.5996 -35.8994 32.7998 -60.2002 32.7998c-39.6992 0 -72 -32.2998 -72 -72c0 -1.5 0.200195 -2.90039 0.400391 -4.40039l2 -18l-14.5 -2.7998c-30.2002 -5.7998 -52 -32.2002 -52 -62.7998c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64h224z M170.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l36.6006 64 c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6zM74.2002 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008 l36.6006 64c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6zM266.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961 c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l36.6006 64c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6zM362.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961 c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l36.6006 64c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-rain" unicode="&#xf73d;" d="M118.5 78.7998c4.7002 -16.2998 11.7998 -26.7998 18.7998 -37.0996c8.60059 -12.6006 17.4004 -25.6006 17.4004 -45.2002c0 -33.4004 -26.2998 -60.5 -58.7002 -60.5s-58.7002 27.0996 -58.7002 60.5c0 19.5 8.7998 32.5996 17.4004 45.2998 c7 10.2002 14.0996 20.7998 18.7998 37.1006c3 10.2998 11.0996 16.3994 22.7002 17.0996c10.5 -0.0996094 19.5 -7 22.2998 -17.2002zM96 -32c14.7002 0 26.7002 12.7998 26.5996 28.5c0 9.2998 -4.09961 15.7998 -11.8994 27.2998 c-4.60059 6.7998 -10 14.7002 -14.7998 24.6006c-4.80078 -9.90039 -10.1006 -17.8008 -14.7002 -24.6006c-7.7998 -11.5 -11.9004 -18 -11.9004 -27.2998c0 -15.7002 12 -28.5 26.7002 -28.5zM278.5 78.7998c4.7002 -16.2998 11.7998 -26.7998 18.7998 -37.0996 c8.60059 -12.6006 17.4004 -25.6006 17.4004 -45.2002c0 -33.4004 -26.2998 -60.5 -58.7002 -60.5s-58.7002 27.0996 -58.7002 60.5c0 19.5 8.7998 32.5996 17.4004 45.2998c7 10.2002 14.0996 20.7998 18.7998 37.1006c3 10.2998 12 17.0996 22.5 17.0996h0.200195 c10.5 -0.0996094 19.5 -7 22.2998 -17.2002zM256 -32c14.7002 0 26.7002 12.7998 26.5996 28.5c0 9.2998 -4.09961 15.7998 -11.8994 27.2998c-4.60059 6.7998 -10 14.7002 -14.7998 24.6006c-4.80078 -9.90039 -10.1006 -17.8008 -14.7002 -24.6006 c-7.7998 -11.5 -11.9004 -18 -11.9004 -27.2998c0 -15.7002 12 -28.5 26.7002 -28.5zM438.5 78.7998c4.7002 -16.2998 11.7998 -26.7998 18.7998 -37.0996c8.60059 -12.6006 17.4004 -25.6006 17.4004 -45.2002c0 -33.4004 -26.2998 -60.5 -58.7002 -60.5 s-58.7002 27.0996 -58.7002 60.5c0 19.5 8.7998 32.5996 17.4004 45.2998c7 10.2002 14.0996 20.7998 18.7998 37.1006c3 10.2998 12.2998 16.3994 22.7002 17.0996c10.5 -0.0996094 19.5 -7 22.2998 -17.2002zM416 -32c14.7002 0 26.7002 12.7998 26.5996 28.5 c0 9.2998 -4.09961 15.7998 -11.8994 27.2998c-4.60059 6.7998 -10 14.7002 -14.7998 24.6006c-4.80078 -9.90039 -10.1006 -17.8008 -14.7002 -24.6006c-7.7998 -11.5 -11.9004 -18 -11.9004 -27.2998c0 -15.7002 12 -28.5 26.7002 -28.5zM415.7 335.7 c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002 c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM408 160c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6 l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-rainbow" unicode="&#xf73e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568.2 416c-130 -2.7998 -245.4 -75.2002 -305.3 -190.5c5.69922 -5.09961 11.1992 -10.4004 15.8994 -16.5996c14.4004 9.89941 31.4004 15.1992 49.2002 15.1992c7.5 0 14.5996 -1.19922 21.5 -3c51.5 69.8008 131.1 112.301 218.2 114.801 c4.5 0.199219 8.2998 -3.60059 8.2998 -8.10059v-16c0 -4.2998 -3.5 -7.7998 -7.7998 -7.89941c-74.9004 -2.30078 -143.601 -37.9004 -189.2 -96.6006c20.2998 -14.5996 34.2998 -37.2998 36.5996 -63.5996c4.30078 -0.299805 8.30078 -1.2998 12.4004 -2.10059 c30.7998 48.5 83 79.4004 139.8 82.1006c4.5 0.200195 8.2998 -3.60059 8.2998 -8.10059v-16c0 -4.2998 -3.39941 -7.69922 -7.69922 -7.89941c-43.7002 -2.40039 -84.2002 -25.4004 -109.5 -61.5c31.5 -17.7998 53.0996 -51.4004 53.0996 -90.2002 c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c18.4004 0 36.0996 -4.40039 52.0996 -12.2002c65.8008 123.9 191.101 201.3 331.7 204.2 c4.5 0.0996094 8.2002 -3.59961 8.2002 -8.09961v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.5 -7.80078 -7.7998 -7.90039zM287 173.9l-15.2002 -16.6006l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.9004 -45 46.8008 -77.2002 46.8008c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002 l-13.2998 -3.60059c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.8994 -53.2998 -69.1992c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.2002 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-showers" unicode="&#xf73f;" d="M415.7 335.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002 c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM408 160c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6 l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304zM48 80c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM144 48 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM240 80c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM336 48 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16zM432 80c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-showers-heavy" unicode="&#xf740;" d="M183.9 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l64 112 c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6zM279.9 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008 l64 112c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6zM87.9004 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961 c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l64 112c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6zM471.9 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961 c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l64 112c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6zM375.9 77.9004c7.69922 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.2002 6 -21.8008l-64 -112 c-3 -5.19922 -8.40039 -8.09961 -13.9004 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.69922 4.30078 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l64 112c4.40039 7.7998 14.2002 10.3994 21.8008 6zM415.7 335.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7 c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.9004 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002 c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM408 160c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039 c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961 c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-sleet" unicode="&#xf741;" d="M87.2002 94.2998c7.89941 -3.89941 11 -13.5 7.2002 -21.5996l-64 -128c-2.80078 -5.60059 -8.5 -8.7998 -14.3008 -8.7998c-2.39941 0 -4.89941 0.599609 -7.19922 1.69922c-8 4 -11.1006 13.6006 -7.2002 21.5l64 128c4 7.90039 13.5996 11.1006 21.5 7.2002z M343.2 94.2998c7.89941 -3.89941 11 -13.5 7.2002 -21.5996l-64 -128c-2.80078 -5.60059 -8.5 -8.7998 -14.3008 -8.7998c-2.39941 0 -4.89941 0.599609 -7.19922 1.69922c-8 4 -11.1006 13.6006 -7.2002 21.5l64 128c4 7.90039 13.5996 11.1006 21.5 7.2002zM494.9 58.9004 c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994 c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039zM238.9 58.9004c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004 l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006 c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006 v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039zM512 232c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996 v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7zM32 232 c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72.0996h304c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56 c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-snow" unicode="&#xf742;" d="M126.9 58.9004c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16 c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039z M510.9 58.9004c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8 h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994 c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039zM318.9 26.9004c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004 l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006 c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006 v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039zM104 128c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120 c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7002 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304zM85.2998 301.2 c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2998c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20 c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6 l2 -17.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-sun-rain" unicode="&#xf743;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M298.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l36.6006 64 c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6zM192 308c-28.5 0 -51.7002 -23.2998 -51.5996 -51.9004c0 -28.5 23.1992 -51.6992 51.6992 -51.6992c2.90039 0 5.7002 0.399414 8.5 0.899414c-4 -10.3994 -6.59961 -21.3994 -7.69922 -32.7998 c-0.300781 0 -0.600586 -0.0996094 -0.900391 -0.0996094c-46.2002 0 -83.7002 37.5996 -83.7002 83.7998s37.5 83.7998 83.7002 83.7998c31.5 0 58.7002 -17.7002 73 -43.4004c-2.90039 -7.7998 -5.2998 -15.8994 -6.7998 -24.2998 c-5.2998 -3 -10.2998 -6.2998 -15.1006 -9.89941c-3.09961 25.5996 -24.6992 45.5996 -51.0996 45.5996zM160.3 156.3l44.9004 -67.3994c4.89941 -7.30078 2.89941 -17.3008 -4.40039 -22.2002c-2.7002 -1.7998 -5.7998 -2.7002 -8.89941 -2.7002 c-5.10059 0 -10.2002 2.5 -13.3008 7.09961l-39.0996 58.5l-68.9004 -13.6992c-5.39941 -1.10059 -10.5996 0.599609 -14.3994 4.39941s-5.40039 9.2002 -4.40039 14.5l13.7002 69l-58.4004 39.1006c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 8 -7.09961 13.2998 c0 5.39941 2.7002 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998l58.4004 39.0996l-13.7002 69c-1 5.30078 0.600586 10.7002 4.40039 14.5c3.7002 3.80078 9.09961 5.5 14.3994 4.40039l69 -13.7002l39.1006 58.5c6 8.90039 20.7002 8.90039 26.5996 0l39.2002 -58.5l68.9004 13.6006 c8.5 1.89941 17.0996 -3.90039 18.7998 -12.6006s-3.90039 -17.0996 -12.6006 -18.7998l-79.3994 -15.7002c-6.40039 -1.2998 -12.7998 1.5 -16.4004 6.7998l-31.7998 47.5l-31.7002 -47.5c-3.59961 -5.39941 -9.89941 -8.09961 -16.3994 -6.7998l-56 11.1006l11.0996 -56 c1.2002 -6.30078 -1.40039 -12.8008 -6.7998 -16.4004l-47.4004 -31.7998l47.4004 -31.7998c5.39941 -3.60059 8 -10 6.7998 -16.4004l-11.0996 -56l56 11.0996c6.5 1.30078 12.7998 -1.5 16.3994 -6.7998zM490.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008 l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l36.6006 64c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6zM575.3 250.7 c38.1006 -13.1006 64.7002 -49.4004 64.7002 -90.7002c0 -52.9004 -43.0996 -96 -96 -96h-224c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96c0 41.0996 26.2002 77.0996 64 90.4004c1.2998 56.2998 47.5 101.6 104 101.6c30.5996 0 59.0996 -13.4004 78.7998 -36.2998 c8.2002 2.89941 16.6006 4.2998 25.2002 4.2998c40.5 0 74 -30.2002 79.2998 -69.2998zM544 96c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64.0996 64c0 30.4004 -21.5 56.7002 -51.2998 62.7002l-12.7998 2.59961l0.200195 16.2002c-0.100586 32.2002 -38.1006 58.2002 -70.7998 40.4004 l-13 -7.10059l-8.10059 12.4004c-13.3994 20.5996 -35.8994 32.7998 -60.2002 32.7998c-39.6992 0 -72 -32.2998 -72 -72c0 -1.5 0.200195 -2.90039 0.400391 -4.40039l2 -18l-14.5 -2.7998c-30.2002 -5.7998 -52 -32.2002 -52 -62.7998c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64h224z M586.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008l36.6006 64 c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6zM394.2 29.9004c7.7002 -4.40039 10.3994 -14.1006 6 -21.8008l-36.6006 -64c-3 -5.19922 -8.39941 -8.09961 -13.8994 -8.09961c-2.7002 0 -5.40039 0.700195 -7.90039 2.09961c-7.7002 4.40039 -10.3994 14.1006 -6 21.8008 l36.6006 64c4.39941 7.7998 14.1992 10.2998 21.7998 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clouds" unicode="&#xf744;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M543.7 143.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 8.2002 0.799805 16.2002 2.40039 24h-100.2 c-51.9004 0 -94.2002 42.2002 -94.2002 94.2002c0 42 27.5 78.2002 66.9004 90c11.2998 59.8994 63.2998 103.8 125.1 103.8c47.4004 0 91 -27 113 -68.5c10.0996 3 20.5 4.5 31 4.5c61.7998 0 112 -50.2002 112 -112c0 -18.2998 -4.7998 -35.4004 -12.7002 -50.7002 c6.7002 1.60059 13.6006 2.7002 20.7002 2.7002c46 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998zM94.2002 192h112.3c20.2002 37.9004 59.7002 64 105.5 64c32.2998 0 62.0996 -13.7002 84.2998 -36.2002c12.2998 14.1006 19.7002 32.2998 19.7002 52.2002 c0 44.0996 -35.9004 80 -80 80c-11.2002 0 -22.2998 -2.5 -32.9004 -7.2998l-15.5 -7l-6 16c-14.0996 37.2998 -50.0996 62.2998 -89.5996 62.2998c-49.2002 0 -90 -37.2002 -95 -86.5996l-1.2002 -12.1006l-12 -2c-30 -5.09961 -51.7998 -30.7998 -51.7998 -61.0996 c0 -34.2998 27.9004 -62.2002 62.2002 -62.2002zM536 -32c39.7002 0 72 32.2002 72 71.9004c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039 c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.2002 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961 c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clouds-moon" unicode="&#xf745;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M462.6 126.9c46 -7.10059 81.4004 -46.9004 81.4004 -94.9004c0 -52.9004 -43.0996 -96 -96 -96h-240c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96c0 24.5 9.40039 46.9004 24.7998 64h-40.7998c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96s43.0996 96 96 96h5.5c13.2998 37.7998 49.5 64 90.5 64 s77.2002 -26.2002 90.5 -64h5.5c52.9004 0 96 -43.0996 96 -96c39 0 71.5996 -28.0996 78.5996 -65.0996zM96 128h80c0 52.9004 43.0996 96 96 96c30.9004 0 59.7998 -15.2002 77.5996 -39.9004c0.5 0.200195 1 0.300781 1.40039 0.5c0.299805 2.40039 1 4.80078 1 7.40039 c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64h-30.7002l-2.59961 12.7998c-6 29.7002 -32.4004 51.2002 -62.7002 51.2002s-56.7002 -21.5 -62.7002 -51.2002l-2.59961 -12.7998h-30.7002c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64zM448 -32 c35.2998 0 63.9004 28.5996 63.9004 63.9004c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64h-16v16c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48c-10.7002 0 -21 -3.7002 -29.8008 -10.7002l-15.7998 -12.7002l-8.59961 18.4004c-10.5 22.5 -33.1006 37 -57.7002 37c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64 c0 -4.30078 0.599609 -8.90039 1.7002 -13.9004l3.59961 -16.2998l-16.5 -2.90039c-30.5996 -5.39941 -52.7998 -31.7998 -52.7998 -62.7998c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64h240zM637.8 198.6c3.7998 -8.09961 2.7002 -17.5 -3.09961 -24.5 c-23.7002 -29 -55.9004 -48.8994 -91.6006 -57.3994c-9.7998 11.0996 -21.3994 20.5 -34.5 27.7002c31.6006 1.19922 61.6006 12.6992 85.1006 33.1992h-1c-74.7998 0 -135.7 60.6006 -135.7 135.101c0 40.0996 18 77.8994 48.4004 103.3h-1.90039 c-71.5996 0 -129.8 -54.7998 -135.8 -124.3c-9.2002 7.39941 -19.2998 13.5 -30.2002 18.0996c14.2002 78.4004 83 138.2 166 138.2c10.2998 0 20.7002 -0.900391 30.7998 -2.90039c9.7002 -1.7998 17.1006 -9.19922 18.7002 -18.8994 c1.7002 -9.7002 -2.7998 -19.1006 -11.4004 -23.9004c-32.5 -18.2998 -52.5996 -52.5996 -52.5996 -89.5996c0 -56.9004 46.5 -103.101 103.7 -103.101c6.59961 0 13.2002 0.700195 19.7998 1.90039l2.90039 0.400391h1.5c8.89941 0 17.0996 -5.2002 20.8994 -13.3008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clouds-sun" unicode="&#xf746;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 189.7c0 -51.2998 -39.7998 -93 -88.7998 -93.5c15.3994 -17 24.7998 -39.4004 24.7998 -64.1006c0 -53 -43.0996 -96.0996 -96 -96.0996h-240c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96.0996c0 41.3008 26.2002 77.3008 64.2002 90.5 c-0.100586 1.90039 -0.200195 3.80078 -0.200195 5.60059c0 49.5996 38 90.0996 86.2998 95.0996c9.5 25.7998 29.4004 46.1006 54.7002 54.9004c15.2998 44.0996 55.0996 74.2002 101.5 74.2002c44.0996 0 82.7998 -28.5 99.4004 -69.2002h0.5 c49.3994 0 89.5996 -41.9004 89.5996 -93.5zM480 -32c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64.0996c0 35.4004 -28.7002 64.1006 -64 64.1006h-16v16c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48c-10.7002 0 -21 -3.7002 -29.7998 -10.7002l-15.7998 -12.7002l-8.60059 18.4004 c-10.5996 22.5 -33.2002 37 -57.7998 37c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7998 -64 -64.1006c0 -4.2998 0.599609 -8.89941 1.7002 -13.8994l3.59961 -16.2998l-16.5 -2.90039c-30.5996 -5.40039 -52.7998 -31.9004 -52.7998 -62.9004c0 -35.3994 28.7002 -64.0996 64 -64.0996h240z M550.4 128.2c31.7998 0 57.5996 27.5 57.5 61.5c0 34 -25.8008 61.5 -57.6006 61.5c-8.7002 0 -16.5996 -2.60059 -24 -6.2998c-3 42.1992 -35.5996 75.5 -75.8994 75.5c-38.3008 0 -69.7002 -30.1006 -75.3008 -69.4004c-20 -1 -37.0996 -12.7998 -46.6992 -30.0996 c21.1992 -5.7002 40.1992 -18.5 53.1992 -36.5c10.7002 5.19922 22.4004 7.89941 34.4004 7.89941c38.5996 0 70.7998 -27.5996 78.2998 -64.0996h56.1006zM165.5 135.9c-13.5996 -9.7002 -25.0996 -22 -33.9004 -36l-56.2998 -11.1006 c-5.2002 -1 -10.5996 0.700195 -14.3994 4.40039c-3.80078 3.7002 -5.40039 9.09961 -4.40039 14.3994l15.0996 76.2002l-64.5 43.2002c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 8 -7.09961 13.2998s2.7002 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998l64.5 43.2002l-15.0996 76.2998 c-1 5.2002 0.599609 10.6006 4.40039 14.4004c3.7998 3.7002 9.09961 5.5 14.3994 4.40039l76.2002 -15.2002l43.2002 64.5996c6 8.90039 20.5996 8.90039 26.5996 0l43.1006 -64.5996l76.1992 15.0996c5.40039 1.10059 10.6006 -0.599609 14.4004 -4.39941 c3.7998 -3.80078 5.40039 -9.2002 4.40039 -14.4004l-5.80078 -29.5c-11.7998 -11.7998 -22 -25.5 -29.2998 -41.2002c-4.59961 -2.2998 -8.7998 -5 -13 -7.7998l12.1006 61.2002l-63.2002 -12.5c-6.5 -1.2998 -12.7998 1.5 -16.4004 6.7998l-35.7998 53.5996 l-35.7998 -53.5c-3.60059 -5.2998 -9.90039 -8.09961 -16.4004 -6.7998l-63.2002 12.5l12.5 -63.2002c1.2002 -6.39941 -1.39941 -12.8994 -6.7998 -16.5l-53.5 -35.7998l53.5 -35.7998c5.40039 -3.7002 8 -10.2002 6.7998 -16.5l-12.5 -63.2002l63.2002 12.5 c1 0.200195 2.10059 0.299805 3.10059 0.299805c2.2998 0 4.5 -0.699219 6.59961 -1.69922zM208 298.2c-31.9004 0 -57.7998 -26 -57.9004 -57.9004c0 -25.5996 16.8008 -47.0996 39.8008 -54.7002c-4.7002 -9.5 -8.30078 -19.5 -10.6006 -30.0996 c-35.3994 12.0996 -61.0996 45.2998 -61.0996 84.7998c0 49.6006 40.2998 89.9004 89.7998 89.9004c36.7002 0 68.2998 -22.2002 82.2002 -53.9004c-6.7998 -7.39941 -13 -15.5 -18 -24.5c-2.5 -0.599609 -4.90039 -1.59961 -7.2998 -2.39941 c-4.40039 27.5996 -28.1006 48.7998 -56.9004 48.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="democrat" unicode="&#xf747;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M283.7 221.2l18.2002 -2.7002c3.2998 -0.5 4.59961 -4.5 2.19922 -6.7998l-13.1992 -12.9004l3.09961 -18.2002c0.599609 -3.2998 -2.90039 -5.69922 -5.7998 -4.19922l-16.2998 8.59961l-16.3008 -8.59961c-2.89941 -1.5 -6.39941 0.899414 -5.7998 4.19922 l3.10059 18.2002l-13.2002 12.9004c-2.40039 2.2998 -1.10059 6.2998 2.2002 6.7998l18.1992 2.7002l8.2002 16.5c1.5 3 5.7002 3 7.2002 0zM379.7 221.2l18.2002 -2.7002c3.2998 -0.5 4.59961 -4.5 2.19922 -6.7998l-13.1992 -12.9004l3.09961 -18.2002 c0.599609 -3.2998 -2.90039 -5.69922 -5.7998 -4.19922l-16.2998 8.59961l-16.3008 -8.59961c-2.89941 -1.5 -6.39941 0.899414 -5.7998 4.19922l3.10059 18.2002l-13.2002 12.9004c-2.40039 2.2998 -1.10059 6.2998 2.2002 6.7998l18.1992 2.7002l8.2002 16.5 c1.5 3 5.7002 3 7.2002 0zM638.7 221.8c2.39941 -3.7002 1.39941 -8.7002 -2.2998 -11.0996l-13.3008 -8.90039c-3.69922 -2.5 -8.69922 -1.5 -11.0996 2.2002l-15.2998 22.7998c-8.7002 13.1006 -20.2002 23.5 -33.2002 31.2998 c7.7002 -13.2998 12.4004 -28.5 12.4004 -44.8994v-230.5c0 -25.7998 -21 -46.7002 -46.7002 -46.7002h-49.2998c-25.8008 0 -46.7002 21 -46.7002 46.7002v49.2998h-113.3v-49.2998c0 -25.7998 -21 -46.7002 -46.7002 -46.7002h-50.6006 c-25.7998 0 -46.6992 21 -46.6992 46.7002v138.7l-27.2002 63.5l-14.6006 -12.2002c-9.2998 -8.2002 -21.2998 -12.7002 -34.0996 -12.7002h-34.4004c-18.6992 0 -35.5996 9.7002 -44.1992 25.5l-15.9004 29.0996c-8.7998 16.1006 -6.90039 35.7002 4.7998 50 l75.2002 91.9004c-10.7998 23.4004 -9.2998 51.5 5.5 73.9004c7.2998 11 19.5996 17.5996 32.7998 17.5996c10.6006 0 20.5 -4.09961 28 -11.5996l15.7998 -15.8008l14.9004 14.9004c7.7998 7.7002 18.0996 12 29.0996 12 c13.8008 -0.0996094 26.6006 -6.90039 34.2002 -18.4004c18.7002 -28.2998 18.5 -64.6992 1.2002 -92.6992l24.7998 -32.4004h213.4c31.0996 0 94.3994 6.2998 138.3 -59.4004zM544 -17.2998v129.3h-336v-129.3c0 -8.10059 6.59961 -14.7002 14.7002 -14.7002h50.5996 c8.10059 0 14.7002 6.59961 14.7002 14.7002v81.2998h177.3v-81.2998c0 -8.10059 6.60059 -14.7002 14.7002 -14.7002h49.2998c8.10059 0 14.7002 6.59961 14.7002 14.7002zM544 144h0.0996094v69.2002c0 32.5 -26.2998 58.7998 -58.7998 58.7998h-229.3l-50.5996 66.0996 c2.39941 1.60059 4.69922 3.40039 6.7998 5.5c18.3994 18.4004 20.7002 46.9004 6.89941 67.8008c-1.69922 2.59961 -4.59961 4 -7.5 4c-2.2998 0 -4.59961 -0.900391 -6.39941 -2.7002l-37.5 -37.5l-38.5 38.5c-1.5 1.5 -3.40039 2.2002 -5.2998 2.2002 c-2.40039 0 -4.80078 -1.10059 -6.2002 -3.30078c-11.2998 -17.0996 -9.5 -40.2998 5.59961 -55.3994c2.5 -2.40039 5.5 -3.7998 8.2998 -5.5c-5.5 -0.299805 -10.5996 -2.5 -13.6992 -6.2998l-82.9004 -101.2c-3.5 -4.2998 -4.09961 -9.7002 -1.5 -14.4004 l15.9004 -29.0996c2.89941 -5.2998 9.2998 -8.7002 16.1992 -8.7002h34.5c4.90039 0 9.7002 1.7998 13.1006 4.90039l48.0996 40.0996l39.7998 -93h342.9zM475.7 221.2l18.2002 -2.7002c3.2998 -0.5 4.59961 -4.5 2.19922 -6.7998l-13.1992 -12.9004l3.09961 -18.2002 c0.599609 -3.2998 -2.90039 -5.69922 -5.7998 -4.19922l-16.2998 8.59961l-16.3008 -8.59961c-2.89941 -1.5 -6.39941 0.899414 -5.7998 4.19922l3.10059 18.2002l-13.2002 12.9004c-2.40039 2.2998 -1.10059 6.2998 2.2002 6.7998l18.1992 2.7002l8.2002 16.5 c1.5 3 5.7002 3 7.2002 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dewpoint" unicode="&#xf748;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M176 448c12.5996 0 25.2002 -7.09961 29.2002 -20.7002c47 -148.5 146.8 -219.5 146.8 -324.3c0 -92.2998 -78.7002 -167 -176 -167s-176 74.7002 -176 167c0 104.2 100 176.4 146.8 324.3c4.5 13.9004 16.7998 20.7002 29.2002 20.7002zM320 103 c0 47.7002 -26.0996 89.2002 -59.0996 141.8c-29.2002 46.5 -62.2002 99.1006 -84.9004 168.8c-22.5996 -69.2998 -55.5996 -122 -84.7998 -168.6c-33.1006 -52.7998 -59.2002 -94.5 -59.2002 -142c0 -74.5 64.5996 -135 144 -135s144 60.5996 144 135zM384 448 c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64zM384 352c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="eclipse" unicode="&#xf749;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M256 -19.4004l34.9004 51.8008c7.59961 -7.5 15.8994 -14.3008 24.5996 -20.7002l-46.4004 -68.6006c-2.89941 -4.39941 -7.89941 -7 -13.1992 -7c-5.30078 0 -10.2002 2.60059 -13.2002 7l-55.7998 82.4004l-97.7002 -18.9004 c-5.10059 -1 -10.6006 0.700195 -14.2998 4.40039c-3.7002 3.7002 -5.40039 9.09961 -4.40039 14.2998l18.9004 97.7002l-82.4004 55.7998c-4.40039 2.90039 -7 7.90039 -7 13.2002s2.59961 10.2002 7 13.2002l82.4004 55.7998l-18.8008 97.7002 c-1 5.2002 0.700195 10.5996 4.40039 14.2998s9.09961 5.40039 14.2998 4.40039l97.7002 -18.8008l55.7998 82.4004c2.90039 4.40039 7.90039 7 13.2002 7s10.2002 -2.59961 13.2002 -7l46.5 -68.7998c-8.7002 -6.2998 -17 -13.2002 -24.6006 -20.7002l-35.0996 51.9004 l-48.2998 -71.5c-3.60059 -5.30078 -10.1006 -7.90039 -16.2998 -6.80078l-84.8008 16.4004l16.4004 -84.7998c1.2002 -6.2998 -1.5 -12.7002 -6.7998 -16.2998l-71.6006 -48.4004l71.6006 -48.4004c5.39941 -3.59961 8 -10 6.7998 -16.2998l-16.4004 -84.7998 l84.8008 16.4004c1 0.199219 2 0.299805 3 0.299805c5.19922 0 10.1992 -2.60059 13.1992 -7zM238.2 269.8c-15.9004 -3.7002 -29.2998 -11.8994 -38.7002 -21.2002c-20.7002 -20.6992 -35.5 -60.3994 -9.59961 -104.3c4.39941 -7.5 10.8994 -14 18.3994 -18.3994 c10.2998 -6.10059 20.4004 -9.80078 30 -11.8008c4.40039 -11.8994 9.7002 -23.1992 16 -34c-20.7998 0.400391 -42.2002 6.30078 -62.2998 18.2002c-12.2002 7.2998 -22.5 17.5 -29.7002 29.7002c-29 49.2002 -23.2998 105.4 14.5 143.2 c21.4004 21.3994 48.7998 32.0996 77.2998 32.5c-6.19922 -10.7998 -11.5 -22.1006 -15.8994 -33.9004zM448 384c106 0 192 -86 192 -192s-86 -192 -192 -192s-192 86 -192 192s86 192 192 192zM448 32c88.2002 0 160 71.7998 160 160s-71.7998 160 -160 160 s-160 -71.7998 -160 -160s71.7998 -160 160 -160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="eclipse-alt" unicode="&#xf74a;" d="M512 192c0 -5.2998 -2.59961 -10.2998 -7 -13.2002l-82.4004 -55.7998l18.7002 -97.7002c1 -5.2002 -0.700195 -10.5996 -4.39941 -14.2998c-3.7002 -3.7002 -9.10059 -5.40039 -14.3008 -4.40039l-97.6992 18.9004l-55.8008 -82.4004 c-2.89941 -4.39941 -7.89941 -7 -13.1992 -7c-5.30078 0 -10.2002 2.60059 -13.2002 7l-55.7998 82.4004l-97.7002 -18.9004c-5.2002 -1 -10.6006 0.700195 -14.2998 4.40039c-3.7002 3.7002 -5.40039 9.09961 -4.40039 14.2998l18.9004 97.7002l-82.4004 55.7998 c-4.40039 2.90039 -7 7.90039 -7 13.2002s2.59961 10.2002 7 13.2002l82.4004 55.7998l-18.8008 97.7002c-1 5.2002 0.700195 10.5996 4.40039 14.2998s9.09961 5.40039 14.2998 4.40039l97.7002 -18.8008l55.7998 82.4004c2.90039 4.40039 7.90039 7 13.2002 7 s10.2002 -2.59961 13.2002 -7l55.7998 -82.4004l97.7002 18.8008c5.2002 0.899414 10.5996 -0.700195 14.2998 -4.40039s5.40039 -9.09961 4.40039 -14.2998l-18.9004 -97.7002l82.5 -55.7998c4.40039 -2.90039 7 -7.90039 7 -13.2002zM395.9 143.6l71.5996 48.3008 l-71.5996 48.3994c-5.40039 3.60059 -8 10 -6.80078 16.2998l16.4004 84.8008l-84.7998 -16.4004c-6.2002 -1.09961 -12.7002 1.5 -16.2998 6.7998l-48.4004 71.6006l-48.2998 -71.5c-3.60059 -5.30078 -10.1006 -7.90039 -16.2998 -6.80078l-84.8008 16.4004 l16.4004 -84.7998c1.2002 -6.2998 -1.5 -12.7002 -6.7998 -16.2998l-71.6006 -48.4004l71.6006 -48.4004c5.39941 -3.59961 8 -10 6.7998 -16.2998l-16.4004 -84.7998l84.8008 16.4004c1 0.199219 2 0.299805 3 0.299805c5.19922 0 10.1992 -2.60059 13.1992 -7 l48.4004 -71.6006l48.4004 71.5c3.59961 5.30078 10 8 16.2998 6.80078l84.7998 -16.4004l-16.4004 84.7998c-1.19922 6.2998 1.5 12.7002 6.80078 16.2998zM327 154.9c7.7998 0 15 -4.60059 18.4004 -11.7002c3.39941 -7.2002 2.39941 -15.5 -2.60059 -21.7002 c-21.2998 -26.4004 -53 -41.5 -86.8994 -41.5c-61.7002 0 -111.9 50.2002 -111.9 112s50.2002 112 111.9 111.9c6.7998 0 13.6992 -0.700195 20.3994 -1.90039c8.60059 -1.5 15.1006 -8.09961 16.5 -16.7002c1.40039 -8.59961 -2.5 -16.8994 -10.0996 -21.2002 c-18.4004 -10.5 -29.9004 -30.2998 -29.9004 -51.5c0 -32.5996 26.5 -59.1992 59 -59.1992c3.7998 0 7.60059 0.399414 11.2998 1.09961c1 0.200195 2.90039 0.400391 3.90039 0.400391zM255.9 112c14.2998 0 28.0996 3.7998 40.1992 10.7002 c-42.6992 7.5 -75.2998 45 -75.2998 89.8994c0.00585938 18.1094 9.36914 44.1377 20.9004 58.1006c-37.2998 -6.7002 -65.7002 -39.4004 -65.7002 -78.7002c0 -44.0996 35.7998 -80 79.9004 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fire-smoke" unicode="&#xf74b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M464 160c61.7998 0 112 -50.2002 112 -112s-50.2002 -112 -112 -112h-352c-61.7998 0 -112 50.2002 -112 112s50.2002 112 112 112c25.5 0 50 -8.90039 69.7998 -24.7998c23.4004 35.0996 63.1006 56.7998 106.2 56.7998s82.7998 -21.7002 106.2 -56.7998 c19.7998 15.8994 44.2998 24.7998 69.7998 24.7998zM464 -32c44.0996 0 79.9004 35.9004 79.9004 80s-35.9004 80 -80 80c-23.4004 0 -45.8008 -10.5996 -61.2002 -29.2002l-16.5 -19.8994l-10.4004 23.6992c-15.3994 34.8008 -49.7998 57.4004 -87.7998 57.4004 s-72.4004 -22.5996 -87.9004 -57.4004l-10.3994 -23.6992l-16.5 19.8994c-15.4004 18.5 -37.7002 29.2002 -61.2002 29.2002c-44.0996 0 -80 -35.9004 -80 -80s35.9004 -80 80 -80h352zM400.9 177.2c-7.30078 7.2998 -15.3008 13.7002 -23.7002 19.5 c2.2998 15.8994 0.799805 32.7002 -5.60059 48.7002l-37.5996 -18.1006l-20.9004 -10.0996l-16.0996 16.7002c-11.2998 11.7998 -38.5 40.1992 -59.5 62.2998c-27.2002 -35.7002 -39.5996 -58.2998 -39.5996 -80c0 -7 0.699219 -13.2998 1.7998 -19.4004 c-8.7998 -5.7998 -17.1006 -12.2002 -24.6006 -19.5996c-1.19922 0.599609 -2.5 1 -3.69922 1.59961c-3.30078 11.6006 -5.60059 23.9004 -5.60059 37.4004c0 38.0996 23.2002 71.7002 69.5 129.1c6.60059 -7.89941 84.7002 -89.2998 84.7002 -89.2998l65.5 31.5 c4 -6.7002 7.59961 -13.4004 10.7998 -19.7002c14.1006 -27.7002 17 -59.5 9.7002 -88.3994c-1.7002 -0.800781 -3.40039 -1.40039 -5.09961 -2.2002zM112 192c-4.7998 0 -9.40039 -1 -14.0996 -1.40039c-1.10059 8.2002 -1.90039 16.6006 -1.90039 25.1006 c0 59.0996 59.7998 157.1 144 232.3c32.7998 -29.2998 56.5996 -65 80 -96c14.2002 16.7998 35.5 37.7998 53.4004 53.9004c62.0996 -55.5 106.699 -146.2 106.699 -190.101c0 -8.5 -0.799805 -16.8994 -1.89941 -25.0996 c-4.7002 0.399414 -9.2998 1.39941 -14.1006 1.39941c-6.2998 0 -12.5 -0.5 -18.5996 -1.2998c1.40039 8.2002 2.59961 16.4004 2.59961 25c0 28 -29.2998 94.7998 -75.2998 145.601c-10.8994 -10.7002 -21 -21.4004 -28.2998 -30l-25.9004 -30.5l-24.0996 31.8994 c-4.40039 5.7002 -8.7002 11.6006 -13.0996 17.6006c-13.2002 17.8994 -26.7002 36.1992 -42 53.0996c-70.2002 -69.9004 -111.4 -147.9 -111.4 -187.8c0 -8.60059 1.2998 -16.7998 2.59961 -25c-6.19922 0.799805 -12.2998 1.2998 -18.5996 1.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="flag-alt" unicode="&#xf74c;" d="M472.5 448c20.9004 0 39.5 -13 39.5996 -33.4004v-326.399c0 -13.2998 -8.7998 -25.7998 -22.7998 -31.2002c-48.5996 -18.5 -88.3994 -25 -123.7 -25c-81.2998 0 -137.899 34.4004 -219.1 34.4004c-32.9004 0 -70.2998 -6.2002 -114.5 -22v-100.4 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v488c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-7.59961c49.2002 16.6992 87.7998 23.1992 119.4 23.1992c76.2998 0 114.699 -34.5 180.8 -34.5c31.2998 0 68.5996 7.60059 119.1 30.3008 c6.90039 3.09961 14.2002 4.59961 21.2002 4.59961zM365.5 64c55.5996 0 113.6 22 114.4 24.5v320.1c0 6.10059 -6.30078 9.80078 -15.7002 5.60059c-50.2998 -22.6006 -92.2998 -33.1006 -132.101 -33.1006c-72.3994 0 -111.3 34.5 -180.8 34.5 c-34.0996 0 -73.3994 -8.09961 -119.399 -24.7998v-312.2c40.0996 13.3008 77.7998 19.8008 114.5 19.8008c86.0996 0 143.5 -34.4004 219.1 -34.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="flag-usa" unicode="&#xf74d;" d="M472.5 448c20.9004 0 39.5 -13 39.5996 -33.4004v-326.399c0 -13.2998 -8.7998 -25.7998 -22.7998 -31.2002c-48.5996 -18.5 -88.3994 -25 -123.7 -25c-81.2998 0 -137.899 34.4004 -219.1 34.4004c-32.9004 0 -70.2998 -6.2002 -114.5 -22v-100.4 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v488c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-7.59961c49.2002 16.6992 87.7998 23.1992 119.4 23.1992c76.2998 0 114.699 -34.5 180.8 -34.5c31.2998 0 68.5996 7.60059 119.1 30.3008 c6.90039 3.09961 14.2002 4.59961 21.2002 4.59961zM256 393.7v-53.6006c70.7998 -12.1992 125.2 -25.5996 224 16.1006v52.3994c0 6.10059 -6.2998 9.80078 -15.7002 5.60059c-94.3994 -42.2998 -150 -38 -208.3 -20.5zM256 307.7v-51.2998 c61.2002 -14.4004 120.5 -29.4004 224 4v61.5996c-49.4004 -19.2998 -90 -26.2998 -125.2 -26.2998c-34.5996 0 -64.2998 5.89941 -98.7998 12zM32 390.8v-137.7c83.4004 25.2002 140.9 20.8008 192 10.4004v140c-22.0996 6.59961 -44.9004 12.0996 -72.5996 12.0996 c-34.1006 0 -73.4004 -8.09961 -119.4 -24.7998zM32 219.7v-54.6006c103.2 31.1006 166.7 16.9004 227.7 2.5c61.3994 -14.5 119.899 -27.6992 220.399 4.7002v54.5c-107.5 -32.3994 -170.199 -16 -227.699 -2.39941c-61.3008 14.5 -119.801 27.6992 -220.4 -4.7002z M365.5 64c55.5996 0 113.6 22 114.4 24.5v50.2998c-107.2 -32.2998 -168.9 -16.2002 -227.7 -2.39941c-61.2998 14.5 -119.7 27.6992 -220.3 -4.7002v-53.1006c40.0996 13.3008 77.7998 19.8008 114.5 19.8008c86.0996 0 143.5 -34.4004 219.1 -34.4004zM96 384 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM168 352c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM96 328c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16 s7.2002 16 16 16zM168 296c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fog" unicode="&#xf74e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M168 128c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998 c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-304zM149.3 301.2c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2998c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h304c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72 c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998 c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002zM216 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-144c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h144zM632 -32 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-336c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h336zM576 40c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h560c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16z " /> <glyph glyph-name="house-flood" unicode="&#xf74f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M252 255h72c15.4004 0 28 -12.5996 28 -28v-72c0 -15.4004 -12.5996 -28 -28 -28h-72c-15.4004 0 -28 12.5996 -28 28v72c0 15.4004 12.5996 28 28 28zM320 159v64h-64v-64h64zM568.3 -1c4.2998 -0.200195 7.7002 -3.59961 7.7002 -7.90039v-16 c0 -4.5 -3.7998 -8.2998 -8.2998 -8.09961c-32 1.5 -63 11.4004 -87.6006 27.9004c-52.7998 -35.8008 -138.3 -36.1006 -192 0c-52.7998 -35.8008 -138.199 -36.1006 -192 0c-24.5 -16.5 -55.5 -26.4004 -87.7998 -27.9004c-4.5 -0.200195 -8.2998 3.59961 -8.2998 8.09961 v16c0 4.30078 3.40039 7.7002 7.7002 7.90039c29.7998 1.5 58 11.5996 78.2002 28.2002c5.89941 4.7998 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094c44.8008 -36.2998 128.101 -36 171.801 -0.0996094c5.89941 4.89941 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094 c44.8008 -36.3994 128.101 -36 171.801 -0.0996094c5.89941 4.89941 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094c20.5 -16.7002 48.7002 -26.7998 78.2002 -28.2998zM45.9004 195.6l-12.6006 15.6006c-2.09961 2.5 -1.7002 6.2998 0.900391 8.39941l233.5 188.301 c11.7002 9.5 28.5 9.5 40.2002 0l139.8 -112.801v50.1006c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h20c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-75.9004l61.7998 -49.7002c2.5 -2.09961 3 -5.89941 0.900391 -8.5l-12.6006 -15.5996c-2.09961 -2.59961 -5.89941 -3 -8.5 -0.900391l-41.5996 33.5v-165.3 c-11 -0.0996094 -21.7002 -3.89941 -30.2002 -10.8994c-0.599609 -0.400391 -1.2998 -0.800781 -1.90039 -1.2002v203.3l-156 125.9c-2.19922 1.7998 -5.2998 1.7998 -7.5 0l-156.1 -125.9v-203c-0.599609 0.400391 -1.2998 0.700195 -1.7998 1.09961 c-8.60059 6.90039 -19.2998 10.7002 -30.2002 10.7002v165.4l-41.5996 -33.5c-2.60059 -2.10059 -6.40039 -1.7002 -8.5 0.899414z" /> <glyph glyph-name="humidity" unicode="&#xf750;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M160 156c0 -15.5 -12.5 -28 -28 -28s-28 12.5 -28 28s12.5 28 28 28s28 -12.5 28 -28zM252 96c15.5 0 28 -12.5 28 -28s-12.5 -28 -28 -28s-28 12.5 -28 28s12.5 28 28 28zM223.9 425.9c51.1992 -158.5 160.1 -200.101 160.1 -311.801 c0 -98.3994 -85.9004 -178.1 -192 -178.1s-192 79.7002 -192 178.1c0 111.2 109.1 154.101 160.2 311.801c4.7998 14.8994 18.2998 22.0996 31.7998 22.0996c13.7998 0 27.5 -7.5 31.9004 -22.0996zM192 -32c88.2002 0 160 65.5 160 146.1 c0 47.9004 -24.9004 80.5 -59.4004 125.7c-32.5996 42.7002 -73.0996 95.7002 -99.0996 176.101h-0.0996094c-0.200195 0 -0.700195 0.0996094 -1.40039 0.0996094c-1 0 -1.7002 -0.200195 -1.7998 -0.299805c-25.5 -79.7002 -66 -132.9 -98.6006 -175.7 c-34.5996 -45.5 -59.5996 -78.2998 -59.5996 -125.9c0 -80.5996 71.7998 -146.1 160 -146.1zM253 180.2c3.40039 -2.7002 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2002l-99.5 -134c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7002 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-12.5 10c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002 l99.5 134c2.7002 3.40039 7.7002 4 11.2002 1.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="landmark-alt" unicode="&#xf752;" d="M504 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-496c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h24v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16v128h-24c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h24 c0 100.5 77.5996 183 176 191.2v24.7998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-24.7998c98.4004 -8.2002 176 -90.7002 176 -191.2h24c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-24v-128h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80h24z M256 384c-88.2002 0 -160 -71.7998 -160 -160h320c0 88.2002 -71.7998 160 -160 160zM416 192h-80v-128h80v128zM304 192h-96v-128h96v128zM96 192v-128h80v128h-80zM448 -32v64h-384v-64h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="moon-cloud" unicode="&#xf754;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M320 147.2c0 -45.9004 -37.2998 -83.2002 -83.2002 -83.2002h-153.6c-45.9004 0 -83.2002 37.2998 -83.2002 83.2002c0 36.2002 23 66.8994 55.5 78.2998c14.9004 37.2998 50.7998 62.5 92.5 62.5c39.4004 0 74.0996 -23.5 90.2002 -57.5996 c45.2002 -0.800781 81.7998 -37.8008 81.7998 -83.2002zM236.8 96c28.2998 0 51.2002 22.9004 51.2002 51.2002s-22.9004 51.2002 -51.2002 51.2002c-7.7002 0 -14.7998 -2.2002 -21.2998 -5.30078c-2.7002 35.1006 -31.7002 62.9004 -67.5 62.9004 c-34.0996 0 -62.0996 -25.0996 -67 -57.7998c-27.2002 -1.2002 -49 -23.5 -49 -51c0 -28.2998 22.9004 -51.2002 51.2002 -51.2002h153.6zM573.6 96.7998c4.10059 -8.5 2.90039 -18.3994 -3.09961 -25.5996c-36.5996 -45.2002 -90.9004 -71.1006 -149 -71.1006 c-48.5996 0 -92.9004 18.3008 -126.7 48.2002c9.60059 5.7002 18.2998 12.5 25.9004 20.6006c27.5996 -22.7002 62.3994 -36.9004 100.8 -36.9004c41.5 0 80.7002 15.9004 110.3 44.2002c-2.59961 -0.100586 -5.2002 -0.200195 -7.7998 -0.200195 c-84.5996 0 -153.5 69 -153.5 153.9c0 48 22.5 93 59.9004 121.899c-3 0.100586 -5.90039 0.200195 -8.90039 0.200195c-65.5 0 -121.8 -39.7998 -146.5 -96.2002c-5.5 2 -11.2002 3.7002 -17.0996 4.7998c-3 4.5 -6.30078 8.90039 -9.80078 13 c30.7002 65.2002 96.8008 110.5 173.4 110.5c11.7002 0 23.5 -1.09961 35 -3.19922c10.0996 -1.90039 17.7998 -9.60059 19.5 -19.8008c1.7002 -10.0996 -3 -20 -11.9004 -25.0996c-38 -21.7002 -61.5996 -62.2998 -61.5996 -106c0 -67.2002 54.5 -121.9 121.5 -121.9 c7.7002 0 15.5 0.700195 23.2002 2.2002c1.59961 0.299805 3.09961 0.400391 4.59961 0.400391c9.40039 0 17.7002 -5.2998 21.7998 -13.9004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="moon-stars" unicode="&#xf755;" d="M333.9 21.7998c7.19922 0 11.7998 -8.7002 6.89941 -14.7002c-35.7998 -44.1992 -89.7998 -71.0996 -149 -71.0996c-106 0 -191.8 86 -191.8 192c0 106.1 85.9004 192 191.8 192c11.7002 0 23.4004 -1.09961 35 -3.2002 c8.2002 -1.59961 10.1006 -12.5996 2.7998 -16.7002c-47.0996 -26.7998 -76.0996 -76.5996 -76.0996 -130.8c0 -84.2998 68.7002 -150.399 150 -150.399c9.40039 0 19 0.899414 28.5996 2.69922c0.600586 0.100586 1.2002 0.200195 1.80078 0.200195zM191.8 -32 c28.7002 0 56.2998 7.59961 80.2998 21.5996c-85.3994 15 -150.5 89.9004 -150.5 179.7c0 43 15.2002 84 41.8008 116.2c-74.6006 -13.5 -131.4 -79 -131.4 -157.5c0 -88.2002 71.7002 -160 159.8 -160zM503.2 254.3c5.39941 -2.7002 8.7998 -8.2002 8.7998 -14.2998 s-3.40039 -11.5996 -8.7998 -14.2998l-48.6006 -24.2998l-24.2998 -48.6006c-2.7002 -5.39941 -8.2002 -8.7998 -14.2998 -8.7998s-11.5996 3.40039 -14.2998 8.7998l-24.2998 48.6006l-48.6006 24.2998c-5.39941 2.7002 -8.7998 8.2002 -8.7998 14.2998 s3.40039 11.5996 8.7998 14.2998l48.6006 24.2998l24.2998 48.6006c5.39941 10.7998 23.2002 10.7998 28.5996 0l24.2998 -48.6006zM435.5 227.6l24.7002 12.4004l-24.7002 12.4004c-3.09961 1.59961 -5.59961 4.09961 -7.2002 7.19922l-12.2998 24.7002l-12.2998 -24.7002 c-1.60059 -3.09961 -4.10059 -5.69922 -7.2002 -7.19922l-24.7002 -12.4004l24.7002 -12.2998c3.09961 -1.60059 5.59961 -4.10059 7.2002 -7.2002l12.2998 -24.7002l12.2998 24.6006c1.60059 3.09961 4.10059 5.69922 7.2002 7.19922zM304 352l-16 32l-32 16l32 16l16 32 l16 -32l32 -16l-32 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="person-booth" unicode="&#xf756;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M224.1 -56v184h32v-184c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.39941 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM544 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-472c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v93.5996c-7.2998 -3.5 -15.4004 -5.59961 -24 -5.59961 c-15.7002 0 -29.7998 6.5 -40 16.9004c-10.2002 -10.4004 -24.2998 -16.9004 -40 -16.9004c-12.0996 0 -23.2998 4 -32.5 10.5996c-10 -6.69922 -21.7002 -10.5996 -34 -10.5996c-34 0 -61.7002 27.7002 -61.7002 61.7998c0 23.9004 18.1006 95.9004 23.5 117.101 l-79.2002 205.1v-128h-32v128c0 17.7002 14.3008 32 32 32h287.9zM373.5 64c5.2002 0 9.90039 1.7002 14.4004 4.2998c-2.40039 6.10059 -3.80078 12.7002 -3.80078 19.7002v328h-93.1992l76.1992 -198.4c1.2002 -3.09961 1.30078 -6.59961 0.5 -9.7998 c-9.19922 -35.0996 -23.7998 -97.0996 -23.7998 -114c0 -16.3994 13.2998 -29.7998 29.7002 -29.7998zM464 88v328h-48v-328c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24zM544 88v328h-48v-328c0 -13.2998 10.7998 -24 24 -24c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24zM240.1 256 c26.5 0 48.1006 -21.4004 48.1006 -47.9004s-21.5 -48 -48 -48h-57.6006c-14 0 -27.6992 4.7002 -38.7998 13.1006v-55.7998c34.5 -33.7002 48 -40.1006 48 -76.9004v-56.5c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48c-25.5 0 -46.2998 19.9004 -47.8994 45 c-1.60059 -25.0996 -22.5 -45 -48 -45c-26.4004 0.0996094 -47.9004 21.5996 -47.9004 48.0996l0.200195 159.9l-0.100586 95.7998c-0.0996094 21.4004 8.2002 41.6006 23.3008 56.7002c8 8 17.3994 13.9004 27.5996 17.9004c-21 12.5996 -35.2002 35.3994 -35.2002 61.5996 c0 39.7002 32.2998 72 72 72s72 -32.2998 72 -72c0 -25.7002 -13.7002 -48.2002 -34.0996 -60.9004c11 -3.89941 21.0996 -10 29.5996 -18.5l40.5 -40.5996h44.2998zM47.7998 376c0 -22.0996 17.9004 -40 40 -40c22.1006 0 40 17.9004 40 40s-17.8994 40 -40 40 c-22.0996 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40zM240.1 192c8.90039 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.19922 16 -16 16h-57.5996l-49.9004 49.9004c-9 9.09961 -21.0996 14.0996 -33.8994 14.0996h-18.7002c-26.7998 0 -48 -21.9004 -48 -48.0996l0.200195 -95.9004l-0.200195 -160 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16l0.0996094 121.9c79.1006 -76.1006 63.6006 -43.7002 63.6006 -121.9c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16v56.5c0 21.2998 -5.90039 22.2002 -48 63.4004v145.699l48.2002 -48.1992 c6 -6 14.1992 -9.40039 22.5996 -9.40039h57.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="person-sign" unicode="&#xf757;" d="M501.5 381.4c8.2998 -3.10059 12.5996 -12.2002 9.5 -20.5l-36.5 -100.4c-2.5 -6.7998 -11.5996 -12.9004 -20.5 -9.59961l-76.5996 27.8994l-28.6006 -70.2002c3 -8.19922 3.90039 -17.1992 2.10059 -26c-3.10059 -15 -13.2002 -26.6992 -26.2002 -33.0996 l-6.7002 -16.5996c-1.7002 -4.10059 -6.40039 -6 -10.5 -4.30078l-14.7998 6.2002c-4.10059 1.7002 -6 6.40039 -4.2998 10.5l0.299805 0.799805l-60.7998 12.2002c-7 1.40039 -13.8008 3.7002 -20.1006 6.90039v-20.2998l46.5 -58.1006 c11.2998 -14.2002 17.5 -31.8994 17.5 -50v-52.7998c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48v47.2002l-15.8994 19.8994l-17.2002 -77.5c-4.7998 -21.7998 -24.5 -37.5996 -46.7998 -37.5996c-3.40039 0 -6.80078 0.299805 -10.4004 1.09961 c-25.7998 5.80078 -42.0996 31.5 -36.4004 57.3008l28.4004 127.699c-24.5 -19.0996 -50.2998 -5.2998 -51 -5c-23.7002 11.8008 -33.2998 40.7002 -21.5 64.4004l36.2998 72.4004c11.9004 23.7998 31 42.1992 53.7998 53.5 c-14.0996 13.1992 -23.0996 31.7998 -23.0996 52.5996c0 39.7002 32.0996 72 71.7998 72s72 -32.2998 72 -72c0 -19.5996 -7.89941 -37.4004 -20.7002 -50.4004c19.6006 -9 36.5 -23.5 48.4004 -42.5l10.0996 -16.0996l59.7002 -11.9004 c4.2002 -0.899414 7.7998 -3 11.5 -4.7998l22.5 55.4004l-73.5996 26.7998c-8.40039 3 -12.6006 12.2002 -9.60059 20.5l36.5 100.4c2.5 6.89941 11.6006 12.7998 20.5 9.59961l78.6006 -28.5996l10 24.6992c1.7002 4.10059 6.39941 6 10.5 4.30078l14.7998 -6.2002 c4.09961 -1.7002 6 -6.40039 4.2998 -10.5l-9.5 -23.2002zM143.9 400c-22.1006 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40s17.8994 -40 40 -40c22.0996 0 40 17.9004 40 40s-17.9004 40 -40 40zM301.1 176.3l11.5 28.9004c-1.69922 1.2002 -3.69922 2.09961 -5.89941 2.5l-66.4004 13.2998 c-4.2998 0.900391 -8.09961 3.5 -10.3994 7.2002l-13.7002 21.8994c-14.7998 23.7002 -40.2998 37.9004 -68.2998 37.9004c-33.3008 0 -63.3008 -18.5996 -78.2002 -48.4004l-36.2002 -72.5c-3.90039 -7.89941 -0.700195 -17.5 7.2002 -21.5 c9.39941 -4.69922 18.3994 1 21.5 7.2002l36.2002 72.5c3.2998 6.7002 8.09961 12 13.3994 16.7002v-112.3l-31.5996 -142.3c-1.90039 -8.60059 3.59961 -17.2002 12.2002 -19.1006c9.5 -2 17.3994 4.5 19.0996 12.2002l29.2002 131.5h11.5l52.2002 -65.2002 c2.2998 -2.7998 3.5 -6.39941 3.5 -10v-52.7998c0 -8.7998 7.19922 -16 16 -16c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v52.7002c0 10.8994 -3.7002 21.5 -10.5 30l-53.5 66.8994v113.2c10.7998 -7.59961 12.5 -12.2998 27.0996 -35.5996c7 -11.1006 18.4004 -19 31.2998 -21.6006 l66.4004 -13.2998h0.399414zM449.9 286.4l25.5996 70.3994l-150.3 54.7002l-25.6006 -70.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="podium-star" unicode="&#xf758;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M440 288c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56l-31.9004 -288h55.9004c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56l-31.9004 286.2v1.7998h-56.0996 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v16c0 57.0996 43.2002 103.9 98.5 110.6c6.2002 19.3008 24.0996 33.4004 45.5 33.4004h64c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48h-64c-20.4004 0 -37.7002 12.7998 -44.7002 30.7002 c-38.0996 -6.10059 -67.2998 -38.9004 -67.2998 -78.7002v-16h344zM208 416c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16h64c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16h-64zM320 -32l31.9004 288h-255.9l31.9004 -286.2v-1.7998h192.1zM164.1 101.9 l-23.6992 23.0996c-6.80078 6.59961 -9.30078 16.5 -6.30078 25.5996c3 9.10059 10.7002 15.6006 20.2002 17l32.7002 4.80078l14.7002 29.6992c4.2002 8.60059 12.7998 13.9004 22.3994 13.9004c9.60059 0 18.2002 -5.2998 22.4004 -13.9004l14.5996 -29.6992 l32.7002 -4.80078c9.5 -1.39941 17.2002 -7.89941 20.2002 -17c3 -9.19922 0.599609 -19 -6.2998 -25.6992l-23.7002 -23.1006l5.59961 -32.5996c1.60059 -9.5 -2.19922 -18.9004 -10 -24.5c-7.7998 -5.7002 -17.8994 -6.2998 -26.2998 -1.90039l-29.2002 15.4004 l-29.2998 -15.4004c-3.7002 -1.89941 -7.59961 -2.89941 -11.5996 -2.89941c-5.10059 0 -10.2002 1.59961 -14.6006 4.7998c-7.89941 5.59961 -11.6992 15 -10.0996 24.5zM208.2 143.2l-35.4004 -5.10059l25.6006 -25l-6 -35.1992l31.5996 16.5996l31.5 -16.7002l-6 35.2002 l25.5996 25l-35.2998 5.2002l-15.7998 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="poo-storm" unicode="&#xf75a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M320 144c12.5 0 20.2998 -13.7998 13.5 -24.5c0 0 -108.5 -170.5 -111.9 -175.8c-0.899414 -1.40039 -5.09961 -7.60059 -13.5996 -7.60059c-8.09961 0 -17.4004 7.10059 -15.7998 18.2002l13.3994 93.7002h-61.5996c-10.2998 0 -18 9.7002 -15.5 19.9004l32 128 c1.7002 7.09961 8.2002 12.0996 15.5 12.0996h80c4.90039 0 9.59961 -2.2998 12.5996 -6.2002c3 -3.89941 4.10059 -8.89941 2.90039 -13.7002l-11 -44.0996h59.5zM234.3 22.7998c13.9004 22.2002 32.4004 51.2002 56.5 89.1006h-50.7998 c-10.2998 0 -18 9.69922 -15.5 19.8994l11 44.1006h-47l-24 -96h59.5c4.59961 0 9.09961 -2 12.0996 -5.5c3.10059 -3.5 4.5 -8.10059 3.80078 -12.7002zM392.9 250.2c32.6992 -16.4004 55.0996 -49.7998 55.0996 -87.5c0 -54.4004 -45.0996 -98.7002 -100.6 -98.7002 h-11.3008c9.5 14.9004 17 26.7002 21 33c33.2002 4.7002 58.9004 32.2998 58.9004 65.7002c0 34.7998 -27.9004 63.2998 -63 66.0996c5 8 8.2002 17.1006 8.2002 27.2002c0 29.4004 -24.6006 53.2998 -54.9004 53.2998h-5c3 8.40039 5 17.2998 5 26.7002 c0 44.2002 -36.8994 80 -82.2998 80c-4.40039 0 -8.7002 -0.700195 -12.9004 -1.2998c8 -10.9004 12.9004 -24.2002 12.9004 -38.7002c0 -36.9004 -30.7002 -66.7002 -68.5996 -66.7002h-13.7002c-30.2998 0 -54.9004 -23.7998 -54.9004 -53.2998 c0 -10 3.2002 -19.2002 8.2002 -27.2002c-35.0996 -2.7998 -63 -31.2998 -63 -66.0996c0 -36.7002 30.9004 -66.7002 68.5996 -66.6006h1.90039l-5.09961 -20.3994c-0.900391 -3.7002 -1.40039 -7.5 -1.40039 -11.2002c-53.2998 2.40039 -96 45.2998 -96 98.2002 c0 37.7002 22.4004 71.0996 55 87.5996c-0.0996094 2 -0.200195 3.90039 -0.200195 5.7998c0 47 39 85.3008 86.9004 85.3008h13.7002c20.1992 0 36.5996 15.5996 36.5996 34.6992c0 8.80078 -3.59961 15.6006 -6.7002 19.7002c-6.59961 9 -8 20.9004 -3.7998 31.2002 s13.5996 17.7002 24.7002 19.4004c5.39941 0.799805 11.2998 1.59961 17.7998 1.59961c63 0 114.3 -50.2002 114.2 -112v-0.700195c32.0996 -12.5 54.8994 -43.2998 54.8994 -79.2998c0 -2 -0.0996094 -3.90039 -0.199219 -5.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="raindrops" unicode="&#xf75c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M406.6 195.3c21.3008 -29.8994 41.4004 -58.2002 41.5 -100c0 -70.2002 -57.3994 -127.3 -128 -127.3c-70.5996 0 -128 57.0996 -128 127.3c0 41.6006 20.2002 70 41.5 100c18.4004 25.9004 39.2002 55.2002 52.6006 99.5c4.59961 15.2002 19.7998 25.5 34.2002 25.2002 c15.7998 -0.200195 29.2998 -10.2998 33.5996 -25.2998c13.4004 -44.4004 34.2002 -73.7002 52.5996 -99.4004zM320 0c52.9004 0 96 42.7002 95.9004 95.4004c0 31.5996 -14.9004 52.5 -35.5 81.3994c-18.8008 26.4004 -42.2002 59.2998 -57.2002 108.8l-0.100586 0.300781 c-0.399414 1.39941 -1.89941 1.59961 -3.19922 2.09961c-2.40039 0 -3 -1.7002 -3.2002 -2.5c-14.9004 -49.2998 -38.2998 -82.2002 -57.1006 -108.7c-19.8994 -28 -35.5996 -50.0996 -35.5996 -81.5c0 -52.5996 43.0996 -95.2998 96 -95.2998zM240 306.1 c0 -36.3994 -28.7002 -66.0996 -64 -66.0996s-64 29.7002 -64 66.0996c0 21.3008 9.7998 35.8008 19.2998 49.8008c7.90039 11.5996 16.1006 23.6992 21.4004 42.2998c3.09961 10.7998 11.2002 17.8994 23.5996 17.7998 c10.9004 -0.0996094 20.2002 -7.2998 23.1006 -17.9004c5.39941 -18.5996 13.5 -30.5996 21.3994 -42.1992c9.40039 -14 19.2002 -28.4004 19.2002 -49.8008zM176 272c17.7002 0 32 15.2998 32 34.2002c0 11.0996 -4.7002 18.5 -13.7002 31.7998 c-5.7998 8.40039 -12.5 18.2998 -18.2998 31.2002c-5.7998 -12.9004 -12.5 -22.7002 -18.2002 -31.2002c-9.09961 -13.4004 -13.7998 -20.9004 -13.7998 -31.9004c0 -18.7998 14.2998 -34.0996 32 -34.0996zM87.4004 222.1c5.39941 -18.5996 13.5 -30.5996 21.3994 -42.1992 c9.40039 -14 19.2002 -28.4004 19.2002 -49.8008c0 -36.3994 -28.7002 -66.0996 -64 -66.0996s-64 29.7002 -64 66.0996c0 21.3008 9.7998 35.8008 19.2998 49.8008c7.90039 11.5996 16.1006 23.6992 21.4004 42.2998c3.09961 10.7998 13.5 16.5996 23.5996 17.7998 c10.9004 -0.0996094 20.2002 -7.2998 23.1006 -17.9004zM64 96c17.7002 0 32 15.2998 32 34.2002c0 11.0996 -4.7002 18.5 -13.7002 31.7998c-5.7998 8.40039 -12.5 18.2998 -18.2998 31.2002c-5.7998 -12.9004 -12.5 -22.7002 -18.2002 -31.2002 c-9.09961 -13.4004 -13.7998 -20.9004 -13.7998 -31.9004c0 -18.7998 14.2998 -34.0996 32 -34.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="republican" unicode="&#xf75e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M173 287.8c4.90039 -0.700195 6.7998 -6.7002 3.2998 -10.2002l-19.7998 -19.2998l4.7002 -27.2998c0.799805 -4.90039 -4.40039 -8.59961 -8.7002 -6.2998l-24.5 12.8994l-24.5 -12.8994c-4.40039 -2.2998 -9.5 1.39941 -8.7002 6.2998l4.7998 27.2998l-19.7998 19.2998 c-3.59961 3.40039 -1.59961 9.5 3.2998 10.2002l27.4004 4l12.2002 24.7998c2.2002 4.5 8.5 4.40039 10.7002 0l12.1992 -24.7998zM301 287.8c4.90039 -0.700195 6.7998 -6.7002 3.40039 -10.2002l-19.8008 -19.2998l4.7002 -27.2998 c0.799805 -4.90039 -4.39941 -8.59961 -8.7002 -6.2998l-24.5 12.8994l-24.5 -12.8994c-4.39941 -2.2998 -9.5 1.39941 -8.69922 6.2998l4.69922 27.2998l-19.7998 19.2998c-3.59961 3.40039 -1.59961 9.5 3.2998 10.2002l27.4004 4l12.2002 24.7998 c2.2002 4.5 8.5 4.40039 10.7002 0l12.1992 -24.7998zM608 192c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32.0996 -32v-75.4004c0 -55.3994 -38.2998 -105.8 -92.8994 -115c-40 -6.7998 -76.5 8.10059 -100.9 34.3008c-5.39941 -20.6006 -24 -35.9004 -46.2998 -35.9004h-64 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v48h-128v-48c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-64c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v240c0 88.4004 71.5996 160 160 160h192c88.4004 0 160 -71.5996 160 -160v-176c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16v80c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h32zM32 256v-64 h448v64c0 70.5996 -57.4004 128 -128 128h-192c-70.5996 0 -128 -57.4004 -128 -128zM608 80v80h-32v-80c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48v80h-448v-144c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h64c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v80h192v-80c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h64 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v80h32v-16c0 -44.0996 35.9004 -80 80 -80s80 35.9004 80 80zM429 287.8c4.90039 -0.700195 6.7998 -6.7002 3.40039 -10.2002l-19.8008 -19.2998l4.7002 -27.2998c0.799805 -4.90039 -4.39941 -8.59961 -8.7002 -6.2998l-24.5 12.8994 l-24.5 -12.8994c-4.39941 -2.2998 -9.5 1.39941 -8.69922 6.2998l4.69922 27.2998l-19.7998 19.2998c-3.59961 3.40039 -1.59961 9.5 3.2998 10.2002l27.4004 4l12.2002 24.7998c2.2002 4.5 8.5 4.40039 10.7002 0l12.1992 -24.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smog" unicode="&#xf75f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M179.2 160c-81.2002 0 -147.2 64.5996 -147.2 144s66 144 147.2 144c30.2002 0 58.8994 -8.90039 83.2002 -25.4004c24.2998 16.5 53 25.4004 83.1992 25.4004c44.3008 0 85.8008 -19.7998 113.4 -53c9 2.09961 18.2002 3.2002 27.4004 3.2002 c67 0 121.6 -53.4004 121.6 -119.101c0 -65.6992 -54.5 -119.1 -121.6 -119.1h-28.4004c-24.2998 -20.7002 -54.5996 -32 -86.7998 -32s-62.5 11.2998 -86.7998 32h-105.2zM179.2 416c-63.6006 0 -115.2 -50.0996 -115.2 -112s51.5996 -112 115.2 -112h117.899 c18.7002 -19.5996 44.9004 -32 74.1006 -32s55.3994 12.4004 74.0996 32h41.1006c49.5 0 89.5996 39 89.5996 87.0996c0 48.1006 -40.0996 87.1006 -89.5996 87.1006c-14.4004 0 -27.8008 -3.60059 -39.8008 -9.40039c-19.3994 35.1006 -57.0996 59.2002 -101 59.2002 c-32.7998 0 -62.1992 -13.5 -83.1992 -34.9004c-21 21.4004 -50.4004 34.9004 -83.2002 34.9004zM632 64c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h560zM568 -32 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-336c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h336zM152 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-144c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h144z " /> <glyph glyph-name="smoke" unicode="&#xf760;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 208c0 -28.7002 -9.09961 -54.9004 -23.7002 -77.2998c14.7002 -20.2002 23.7002 -45 23.7002 -71.9004c0 -67.7002 -55.0996 -122.8 -122.8 -122.8h-361.5c-85.9004 0 -155.7 69.7998 -155.7 155.7c0 42.3994 17.0996 80.7998 44.7002 108.899 c-27.4004 26.1006 -44.7002 62.6006 -44.7002 103.4c0 79.4004 64.5996 144 144 144c39.5996 0 76.7998 -16.2998 104.1 -45.2002c19.3008 8.7002 39.4004 13.2002 59.9004 13.2002c55.7998 0 104.2 -31.2998 129.4 -77c18.2998 8.2998 38.0996 13 58.5996 13 c79.4004 0 144 -64.5996 144 -144zM608 208c0 61.7998 -50.2002 112 -112.1 112.2c-33.4004 0 -64.9004 -15.2002 -86.5 -41.7002l-8.60059 -10.5l-11.7998 6.7002c-15.7002 9 -32.2002 13.5 -49.2002 13.5c-44.3994 0 -81.7998 -29.2998 -94.7002 -69.5 c10 -7.10059 19.2002 -15.2998 27.4004 -24.6006c21.9004 13.4004 46.5 20.5 72 20.5c42.4004 0 81.5996 -19.0996 107.9 -51.6992c19.5996 12.2998 41.5996 18.7998 64.6992 18.7998c29.1006 0 55.5 -10.6006 76.5 -27.5c9 15.8994 14.4004 34.2002 14.4004 53.7998z M32 304c0 -33 14.5 -62.5 37.2998 -83c24.7002 16.5996 54.4004 26.2998 86.4004 26.2998c21.3994 0 42.2998 -4.59961 61.5 -13c18.7998 49.7998 66.3994 85.6006 122.8 85.6006c18.4004 0 36.2998 -4 53.4004 -11.8008c5.09961 5.30078 10.7998 9.60059 16.5 14 c-19.4004 36.7002 -57.6006 61.8008 -101.9 61.8008c-19.2002 0 -38.0996 -5.10059 -56.0996 -15.1006l-11.9004 -6.59961l-8.40039 10.7002c-21.5996 27.3994 -53.5 43.0996 -87.5996 43.0996c-61.7998 0 -112 -50.2002 -112 -112zM517.2 -32 c50 0 90.8994 40.9004 90.8994 91s-40.6992 90.7998 -90.7998 90.7998c-21.0996 0 -41.2002 -7.5 -58 -21.5996l-14.0996 -11.7998l-9.7998 15.5996c-19.9004 31.7002 -53.8008 50.5996 -90.7002 50.5996c-23.5 0 -46.1006 -7.89941 -65.4004 -22.8994l-13.2002 -10.2002 l-9.69922 13.5996c-23.2002 32.7002 -60.9004 52.3008 -100.7 52.3008c-68.2002 0 -123.7 -55.5 -123.7 -123.7s55.5 -123.7 123.7 -123.7h361.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snow-blowing" unicode="&#xf761;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M351 332.2c2.09961 -3.60059 0.799805 -8.2002 -2.90039 -10.2998l-40.5996 -23.5l29.9004 -8c4.09961 -1.10059 6.5 -5.2002 5.39941 -9.30078l-3.89941 -14.6992c-1.10059 -4.10059 -5.2002 -6.5 -9.30078 -5.40039l-59.2998 15.9004l-63.8994 -36.9004l64 -36.9004 l59.2998 15.9004c4 1.09961 8.2002 -1.2998 9.2998 -5.40039l3.90039 -14.6992c1.09961 -4 -1.30078 -8.2002 -5.40039 -9.30078l-29.9004 -8l40.6006 -23.5c3.7002 -2.09961 4.89941 -6.7998 2.7998 -10.3994l-7.59961 -13.2002 c-2.10059 -3.7002 -6.80078 -4.90039 -10.4004 -2.7998l-40.5996 23.5l8 -29.9004c1.09961 -4 -1.30078 -8.2002 -5.40039 -9.2998l-14.7002 -3.90039c-4 -1.09961 -8.2002 1.30078 -9.2998 5.40039l-15.9004 59.2998l-63.0996 36.4004v-78.6006l45.5 -45.5996 c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.2998 0l-23 23v-49.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.60059 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v49.4004l-23 -23c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.3008 0 l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l45.7002 45.5996v78.6006l-63.0996 -36.4004l-15.9004 -59.2998c-1.09961 -4.09961 -5.2002 -6.5 -9.2998 -5.40039l-14.7002 3.90039c-4.09961 1.09961 -6.5 5.2002 -5.40039 9.2998l8 29.9004 l-40.5996 -23.5c-3.7002 -2.10059 -8.2998 -0.799805 -10.4004 2.7998l-7.59961 13.2002c-2.09961 3.7002 -0.799805 8.2998 2.7998 10.3994l40.7002 23.5l-29.9004 8c-4.09961 1.10059 -6.5 5.2002 -5.39941 9.30078l3.89941 14.6992 c1.10059 4.10059 5.2002 6.5 9.30078 5.40039l59.1992 -16l63.9004 36.9004l-63.9004 36.8994l-59.2998 -15.8994c-4 -1.10059 -8.2002 1.2998 -9.2998 5.39941l-3.90039 14.7002c-1.09961 4 1.30078 8.2002 5.40039 9.2998l29.9004 8l-40.6006 23.5 c-3.7002 2.10059 -4.89941 6.7998 -2.7998 10.4004l7.59961 13.2002c2.10059 3.69922 6.80078 4.89941 10.4004 2.7998l40.5996 -23.5l-8 29.8994c-1.09961 4 1.30078 8.2002 5.40039 9.30078l14.7002 4c4 1.09961 8.2002 -1.30078 9.2998 -5.40039l16.0996 -59.4004 l63.1006 -36.3994v78.5996l-45.7002 45.7002c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l11.2998 11.2998c3.10059 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0l23 -23v49.4004c0 4.40039 3.60059 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-49.4004l23 23 c3.10059 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.3008 0l11.2998 -11.2998c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-45.7002 -45.5996v-78.6006l63.0996 36.2998l15.9004 59.3008c1.09961 4.09961 5.2002 6.5 9.2998 5.39941l14.7002 -3.89941 c4.09961 -1.10059 6.5 -5.2002 5.40039 -9.30078l-8 -29.8994l40.5996 23.5c3.7002 2.09961 8.2998 0.799805 10.4004 -2.7998zM392 160c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h152c40.2002 0 71.9004 37.2998 62.2998 79.0996 c-5.39941 23.1006 -24.0996 41.9004 -47.2002 47.2002c-39.1992 9 -74.5 -18.2002 -78.6992 -54.7998c-0.5 -4.09961 -3.7002 -7.40039 -7.90039 -7.40039h-16.2002c-4.5 0 -8.39941 3.80078 -8 8.40039c4.7998 55.5996 57.2002 97.7002 116.3 85.4004 c36.3008 -7.60059 65.6006 -36.9004 73.2002 -73.2002c13 -62.1006 -34 -116.7 -93.7998 -116.7h-152zM539.7 128c52.5 0 98.3994 -40.5 99.8994 -93.2002c1.60059 -54.2998 -42 -98.8994 -96 -98.8994c-50.0996 0 -91.2998 38.5 -95.5996 87.5996 c-0.400391 4.5 3.40039 8.40039 8 8.40039h16.0996c4.2002 0 7.40039 -3.2002 7.90039 -7.40039c3.7002 -31.7002 30.7998 -56.5 63.5996 -56.5c37.4004 0 67.4004 32.2998 63.7002 70.4004c-3.2002 33.1992 -33.0996 57.5996 -66.5 57.5996h-164.8 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h163.7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sun-cloud" unicode="&#xf763;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M558.2 262.4c45.2002 -0.800781 81.7998 -37.8008 81.7998 -83.2002c0 -45.9004 -37.2998 -83.2002 -83.2002 -83.2002h-153.6c-45.9004 0 -83.2002 37.2998 -83.2002 83.2002c0 36.2002 23 66.8994 55.5 78.2998c14.9004 37.2998 50.7998 62.5 92.5 62.5 c39.4004 0 74.0996 -23.5 90.2002 -57.5996zM556.8 128c28.2998 0 51.2002 22.9004 51.2002 51.2002s-22.9004 51.2002 -51.2002 51.2002c-7.7002 0 -14.7998 -2.2002 -21.2998 -5.30078c-2.7002 35.1006 -31.7002 62.9004 -67.5 62.9004 c-34.0996 0 -62.0996 -25.0996 -67 -57.7998c-27.2002 -1.2002 -49 -23.5 -49 -51c0 -28.2998 22.9004 -51.2002 51.2002 -51.2002h153.6zM403.2 64h30.5l7.59961 -38.5996c1 -5.2002 -0.599609 -10.6006 -4.39941 -14.4004c-3.7002 -3.7998 -9 -5.5 -14.4004 -4.40039 l-97.7998 19.4004l-55.4004 -82.9004c-3 -4.39941 -8 -7.09961 -13.2998 -7.09961s-10.2998 2.7002 -13.2998 7.09961l-55.5 82.9004l-97.7998 -19.4004c-5.30078 -1 -10.6006 0.600586 -14.4004 4.40039c-3.7998 3.7002 -5.40039 9.2002 -4.40039 14.4004l19.4004 97.7998 l-82.9004 55.5c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 7.89941 -7.09961 13.2998s2.7002 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998l82.9004 55.5l-19.4004 97.7998c-1 5.2002 0.600586 10.6006 4.40039 14.4004s9.09961 5.5 14.4004 4.40039l97.7998 -19.4004l55.5 82.9004 c3 4.39941 8 7.09961 13.2998 7.09961s10.2998 -2.7002 13.2998 -7.09961l55.5 -82.9004l97.7998 19.4004c8.7002 1.7998 17.1006 -3.90039 18.8008 -12.6006c1.69922 -8.7002 -3.90039 -17.0996 -12.6006 -18.7998l-108.3 -21.5c-6.5 -1.2998 -12.7998 1.5 -16.4004 6.7998 l-48.0996 71.9004l-48.0996 -71.9004c-3.60059 -5.2998 -9.90039 -8.09961 -16.4004 -6.7998l-84.7998 16.7998l16.7998 -84.7998c1.2002 -6.2998 -1.40039 -12.7998 -6.7998 -16.4004l-71.9004 -48.0996l71.9004 -48.0996c5.39941 -3.60059 8 -10.1006 6.7998 -16.4004 l-16.7998 -84.7998l84.7998 16.7998c6.5 1.2998 12.7998 -1.5 16.4004 -6.7998l48.0996 -71.9004l48.2002 71.7998c3.59961 5.40039 9.7998 8.10059 16.3994 6.80078l84.8008 -16.8008l-4.30078 21.6006c0.700195 0 1.40039 -0.200195 2.10059 -0.200195zM256 268.3 c-42.0996 0 -76.2998 -34.2002 -76.2998 -76.2998s34.2002 -76.2998 76.2998 -76.2998c16.2998 0 31.2998 5.2002 43.7002 13.8994c4.7002 -9.69922 10.7002 -18.5996 17.7998 -26.5996c-17.5 -12.0996 -38.7002 -19.2998 -61.5 -19.2998 c-59.7002 0 -108.3 48.5 -108.3 108.2c0 59.6992 48.5996 108.3 108.3 108.3c29.5 0 56.2998 -11.9004 75.7998 -31.1006c-8.39941 -6.69922 -15.7998 -14.3994 -22 -23.0996c-13.7998 13.7998 -32.7998 22.2998 -53.7998 22.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sun-dust" unicode="&#xf764;" d="M123.5 256.5c1.2002 -6.2998 -1.2998 -12.7998 -6.7998 -16.4004l-71.9004 -48.0996l71.9004 -48.0996c5.59961 -3.80078 8.2998 -10.6006 6.59961 -17.2002l-21.5 -85.7002c-0.700195 -2.90039 -2.2002 -5.40039 -4.2002 -7.40039 c-3.7998 -3.7998 -9.5 -5.59961 -15.1992 -4.19922c-8.60059 2.09961 -13.8008 10.7998 -11.6006 19.3994l18.7002 74.7998l-82.4004 55.1006c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 8 -7.09961 13.2998c0 5.40039 2.59961 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998l82.9004 55.4004l-19.2998 97.7998 v0.0996094c-0.200195 1 0 2.10059 0 3.10059s-0.200195 2 0 3.09961c0.399414 2.10059 1.2002 4.10059 2.39941 5.7998c0.900391 1.2002 2 2.2002 3.10059 3.10059c0.5 0.399414 0.799805 1 1.2998 1.2998c1.7002 1.09961 3.7002 2 5.7998 2.40039 c1.10059 0.199219 2.10059 0 3.2002 0c1 0 2 0.199219 3 0h0.0996094l97.7002 -19.4004l55.4004 82.9004c3 4.59961 8 7.09961 13.2998 7.09961c5.40039 0 10.2998 -2.7002 13.2998 -7.09961l55.1006 -82.4004l74.7998 18.7002c8.59961 2.2002 17.2998 -3 19.3994 -11.6006 c1.40039 -5.69922 -0.399414 -11.3994 -4.19922 -15.1992c-2 -2 -4.5 -3.5 -7.40039 -4.2002l-85.7002 -21.5c-6.59961 -1.7002 -13.3994 1 -17.2002 6.59961l-48.0996 71.9004l-48.0996 -71.9004c-3.7002 -5.59961 -10 -8 -16.4004 -6.7998l-84.7998 16.7998zM306.9 253.7 c-31.3008 25.8994 -78.1006 24.2998 -107.5 -5.10059c-29.4004 -29.3994 -31.1006 -76.0996 -5.10059 -107.5c2.7002 -3.2998 2.7002 -8 -0.299805 -11l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.2002 -3.2998 -8.60059 -3.2998 -11.6006 0.200195c-37.8994 43.9004 -36 110.5 5.7002 152.2 c41.6006 41.7002 108.3 43.5996 152.2 5.7002c3.40039 -3 3.40039 -8.40039 0.200195 -11.6006l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3 -3.09961 -7.7002 -3 -11 -0.299805zM490.7 -21.2998c11.7002 0 21.2998 -9.60059 21.2998 -21.2998c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.3008 -21.2998 -21.3008 s-21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.3008c0 11.6992 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM490.7 149.3c11.7002 0 21.2998 -9.5 21.2998 -21.2998c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998s-21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.2998c0 11.7002 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM490.7 277.3 c-11.7998 0 -21.4004 9.60059 -21.2998 21.2998c0 11.7002 9.5 21.3008 21.2998 21.3008c11.7002 0 21.2998 -9.5 21.2998 -21.3008c0 -11.6992 -9.5 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998zM149.3 -21.2998c11.7998 0 21.4004 -9.60059 21.2998 -21.2998 c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.3008 -21.2998 -21.3008c-11.7002 0 -21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.3008c0 11.6992 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM234.7 64c11.7002 0 21.2998 -9.59961 21.2998 -21.2998s-9.5 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998s-21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.2998 c0 11.7002 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM320 149.3c11.7998 0 21.2998 -9.5 21.2998 -21.2998c0 -11.7002 -9.59961 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998s-21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.2998c0 11.7002 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM405.3 234.7 c11.7998 0 21.4004 -9.60059 21.2998 -21.2998c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.3008 -21.2998 -21.3008c-11.7002 0 -21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.3008c0 11.6992 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM320 -21.2998c11.7998 0 21.2998 -9.60059 21.2998 -21.2998 c0 -11.7002 -9.59961 -21.3008 -21.2998 -21.3008s-21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.3008c0 11.6992 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998zM405.3 64c11.7998 0 21.4004 -9.59961 21.2998 -21.2998c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.2998 -21.2998 -21.2998c-11.7002 0 -21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.2998 c0 11.7002 9.5 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sun-haze" unicode="&#xf765;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M216 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-144c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h144zM632 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-336c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h336zM576 24c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h560c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16zM632 128.1c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.39941 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-144 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.60059 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h144zM72 96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h336c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-336zM208.3 200.5c4.2998 57.7998 52.7998 103.6 111.7 103.6 s107.4 -45.6992 111.7 -103.6c0.299805 -4.59961 -3.5 -8.40039 -8.10059 -8.40039h-16c-4.2998 0 -7.59961 3.40039 -8 7.60059c-3.7998 40.5996 -38.0996 72.3994 -79.5996 72.3994s-75.7998 -31.7998 -79.5996 -72.3994c-0.400391 -4.2002 -3.7002 -7.60059 -8 -7.60059 h-16c-4.60059 0 -8.40039 3.90039 -8.10059 8.40039zM96 192.1c-5.40039 0 -10.7002 2.7002 -13.5996 7.80078c-4.60059 7.5 -2.10059 17.3994 5.5 21.8994l66.0996 39.6006l-19.2998 97.2998c-1 5.2002 0.599609 10.5996 4.39941 14.3994 c3.80078 3.80078 9.10059 5.5 14.4004 4.40039l97.7998 -19.4004l55.4004 82.8008l0.0996094 0.0996094c0.600586 0.900391 1.5 1.5 2.2002 2.2002s1.2998 1.59961 2.2002 2.2002c1.7998 1.19922 3.7998 2 5.7998 2.39941c1.40039 0.299805 2.90039 0.100586 4.2998 0 c0.600586 0 1.2002 0.100586 1.7998 0c2 -0.399414 4 -1.2002 5.80078 -2.39941c1 -0.600586 1.5 -1.5 2.2998 -2.30078c0.700195 -0.699219 1.5 -1.19922 2.09961 -2.09961l0.100586 -0.0996094l55.3994 -82.9004l97.7998 19.4004 c5.30078 1.09961 10.6006 -0.600586 14.4004 -4.40039s5.40039 -9.2002 4.40039 -14.4004l-19.3008 -97.2998l66.1006 -39.5996c7.59961 -4.5 10.0996 -14.2998 5.5 -21.9004c-3 -5 -8.2998 -7.7998 -13.7002 -7.7998c-2.7998 0 -5.59961 0.799805 -8.2002 2.2998 l-75.7998 45.4004c-5.7998 3.39941 -8.7998 10.2002 -7.5 16.7998l16.7998 84.9004l-84.7998 -16.8008c-6.5 -1.2998 -12.7998 1.40039 -16.4004 6.80078l-48.0996 71.8994l-48.0996 -71.7998c-3.60059 -5.40039 -9.90039 -8.09961 -16.4004 -6.7998l-84.7998 16.7998 l16.7998 -84.9004c1.2998 -6.59961 -1.7002 -13.2998 -7.5 -16.7998l-75.7998 -45.3994c-2.5 -1.60059 -5.40039 -2.30078 -8.2002 -2.30078z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sunrise" unicode="&#xf766;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M95.7998 0l-45.2998 68.0996c-3 4.40039 -3.59961 10 -1.5 15s6.5 8.60059 11.7002 9.60059l99 19.7998l19.7998 99c1.09961 5.2998 4.7002 9.7002 9.59961 11.7002c4.90039 2 10.6006 1.39941 15 -1.5l84 -56l84 56c4.40039 3 10 3.59961 15 1.5 c5 -2.10059 8.60059 -6.5 9.60059 -11.7002l19.7998 -99l99 -19.7998c5.2998 -1.10059 9.7002 -4.7002 11.7002 -9.60059c2 -4.89941 1.5 -10.5996 -1.5 -15l-45.5 -68.0996h-38.5l44 66l-86 17.2002c-6.40039 1.2998 -11.4004 6.2998 -12.6006 12.5996l-17.1992 86 l-73 -48.7002c-5.40039 -3.59961 -12.4004 -3.59961 -17.8008 0l-73 48.7002l-17.1992 -86c-1.30078 -6.39941 -6.30078 -11.2998 -12.6006 -12.5996l-86 -17.2002l44 -66h-38.5zM197.7 330.3l-11.4004 11.4004c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l90.4004 90.2998 c3.09961 3.10059 7.2002 4.7002 11.2998 4.7002s8.2002 -1.59961 11.2998 -4.7002l90.2998 -90.2998c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.09961 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.2998 0l-63 63v-161.4c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v161.3l-63 -63c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0zM568 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h560zM287.8 96 c56.2998 0 102.601 -41.9004 110.4 -96h-32c-7.5 36.5 -39.7002 64 -78.4004 64s-71 -27.5 -78.3994 -64h-32c7.89941 54.0996 54.0996 96 110.399 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sunset" unicode="&#xf767;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M276.7 228.7l-90.2998 90.2998c-3.10059 3.09961 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.2998l11.2998 11.2998c3.09961 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0l63 -63v161.4c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-161.4l63 63c3.09961 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0 l11.2998 -11.2998c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-90.2998 -90.2998c-3.09961 -3.10059 -7.2002 -4.7002 -11.2998 -4.7002s-8.2002 1.59961 -11.2998 4.7002zM95.7998 0l-45.2998 68.0996c-3 4.40039 -3.59961 10 -1.5 15s6.5 8.60059 11.7002 9.60059 l99 19.7998l19.7998 99c1.09961 5.2998 4.7002 9.7002 9.59961 11.7002c4.90039 2 10.6006 1.39941 15 -1.5l84 -56l84 56c4.40039 3 10 3.59961 15 1.5c5 -2.10059 8.60059 -6.5 9.60059 -11.7002l19.7998 -99l99 -19.7998 c5.2998 -1.10059 9.7002 -4.7002 11.7002 -9.60059c2 -4.89941 1.5 -10.5996 -1.5 -15l-45.5 -68.0996h-38.5l44 66l-86 17.2002c-6.40039 1.2998 -11.4004 6.2998 -12.6006 12.5996l-17.1992 86l-73 -48.7002c-5.40039 -3.59961 -12.4004 -3.59961 -17.8008 0l-73 48.7002 l-17.1992 -86c-1.30078 -6.39941 -6.30078 -11.2998 -12.6006 -12.5996l-86 -17.2002l44 -66h-38.5zM287.8 96c56.2998 0 102.601 -41.9004 110.4 -96h-32c-7.5 36.5 -39.7002 64 -78.4004 64s-71 -27.5 -78.3994 -64h-32c7.89941 54.0996 54.0996 96 110.399 96zM568 -32 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h560z" /> <glyph glyph-name="temperature-frigid" unicode="&#xf768;" d="M416 93.0996c18.5996 -6.59961 32 -24.1992 32 -45.0996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 20.9004 13.4004 38.5 32 45.0996v18.9004c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-18.9004zM480 126.1c20.2998 -20.6992 32 -48.8994 32 -78.0996 c0 -61.7998 -50.2002 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.2002 -112 112c0 29.2002 11.7002 57.2998 32 78.0996v241.9c0 44.0996 35.9004 80 80 80s80 -35.9004 80 -80v-241.9zM400 -32c44.0996 0 80 35.9004 80 80c0 25.5 -12.2002 49 -32 63.7998v256.2c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-256.2c-19.7998 -14.8994 -32 -38.2998 -32 -63.7998c0 -44.0996 35.9004 -80 80 -80zM277.1 122l-69.0996 41.9004v-93.3008l45.5 -45.5996c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998 c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.2998 0l-23 23v-49.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.60059 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v49.4004l-23 -23c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.3008 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998 l45.7002 45.7998v93.2998l-77.7002 -46.5l-16.0996 -62.3994c-1.10059 -4.2998 -5.2998 -6.7998 -9.40039 -5.7002l-14.8994 4.09961c-4.2002 1.10059 -6.60059 5.5 -5.5 9.80078l8.09961 31.5l-41.2002 -24.7002c-3.59961 -2.2002 -8.39941 -0.900391 -10.5 2.89941 l-7.7002 13.9004c-2.19922 3.7998 -0.899414 8.7002 2.80078 10.9004l41.1992 24.5l-30.2998 8.39941c-4.2002 1.10059 -6.59961 5.5 -5.5 9.7998l4 15.5c1.10059 4.30078 5.2998 6.80078 9.40039 5.7002l60.2002 -16.7002l78.1992 46.8008l-78.1992 46.7998 l-60.2002 -16.7002c-4.10059 -1.09961 -8.2998 1.40039 -9.40039 5.7002l-4 15.5c-1.09961 4.2998 1.40039 8.7002 5.5 9.7998l30.2002 8.5l-41.2002 24.7002c-3.7002 2.2002 -4.89941 7.09961 -2.7998 10.8994l8 13.9004c2.09961 3.7998 6.7998 5.09961 10.5 2.90039 l41.2002 -24.7002l-8.10059 31.5c-1.09961 4.2998 1.40039 8.7002 5.5 9.7998l14.9004 4.09961c4.09961 1.10059 8.2998 -1.39941 9.40039 -5.69922l16.0996 -62.4004l77.7002 -46.5v93.2998l-45.7002 45.7002c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l11.2998 11.2998 c3.10059 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0l23 -23v49.4004c0 4.40039 3.60059 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-49.4004l23 23c3.10059 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.3008 0l11.2998 -11.2998c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-45.7002 -45.7002v-93.2998 l80 48.5996v-37.0996l-65.0996 -39.5l65.0996 -39.5996v-14.2002c-4.09961 -5.10059 -7.5 -10.6006 -10.9004 -16.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="temperature-high" unicode="&#xf769;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M320 448c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64zM320 352c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM192 368v-241.9c20.2998 -20.6992 32 -48.8994 32 -78.0996 c0 -61.7998 -50.2002 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.2002 -112 112c0 29.2002 11.7002 57.4004 32 78.0996v241.9c0 44.0996 35.9004 80 80 80s80 -35.9004 80 -80zM112 -32c44.0996 0 80 35.9004 80 80c0 25.5 -12.2002 49 -32 63.7998v256.2c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-256.2c-19.7998 -14.8994 -32 -38.2998 -32 -63.7998c0 -44.0996 35.9004 -80 80 -80zM128 93.0996c18.5996 -6.59961 32 -24.1992 32 -45.0996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 20.9004 13.4004 38.5 32 45.0996v274.9 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-274.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="temperature-hot" unicode="&#xf76a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M128 208c0 52.9004 43.0996 96 96 96s96 -43.0996 96 -96s-43.0996 -96 -96 -96s-96 43.0996 -96 96zM288 208c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64s64 28.7002 64 64zM480 93.0996c18.5996 -6.59961 32 -24.1992 32 -45.0996 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 20.9004 13.4004 38.5 32 45.0996v274.9c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-274.9zM544 126.1c20.2998 -20.6992 32 -48.8994 32 -78.0996c0 -61.7998 -50.2002 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.2002 -112 112 c0 29.2002 11.7002 57.2998 32 78.0996v241.9c0 44.0996 35.9004 80 80 80s80 -35.9004 80 -80v-241.9zM464 -32c44.0996 0 80 35.9004 80 80c0 25.5 -12.2002 49 -32 63.7998v256.2c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-256.2 c-19.7002 -14.8994 -32 -38.2998 -32 -63.7998c0 -44.0996 35.9004 -80 80 -80zM263.9 88.4004c3.59961 5.39941 9.89941 8.19922 16.3994 6.7998l45.5 -9c-2.89941 -10.2998 -4.7002 -20.9004 -5.2002 -31.6006l-36 7.10059l-47.2998 -70.7002 c-3 -4.40039 -8 -7.09961 -13.2998 -7.09961s-10.2998 2.59961 -13.2998 7.09961l-47.2998 70.7002l-83.3008 -16.5c-5.2998 -1.10059 -10.5996 0.599609 -14.3994 4.39941c-3.7998 3.7002 -5.40039 9.2002 -4.40039 14.4004l16.5 83.4004l-70.7002 47.2998 c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 8 -7.09961 13.2998s2.7002 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998l70.7002 47.2998l-16.5 83.4004c-1 5.2002 0.600586 10.5996 4.40039 14.4004c3.7002 3.7998 9.09961 5.5 14.3994 4.39941l83.3008 -16.5996l47.2998 70.7002c6 8.89941 20.5996 8.89941 26.5996 0 l47.2998 -70.7002l67.4004 13.3994v-32.5996l-71.7002 -14.2998c-6.5 -1.2998 -12.7998 1.39941 -16.3994 6.7998l-39.9004 59.7002l-39.7998 -59.7002c-3.60059 -5.40039 -10 -8.09961 -16.4004 -6.7998l-70.3994 14l13.8994 -70.4004 c1.2002 -6.2998 -1.39941 -12.7998 -6.7998 -16.3994l-59.7002 -39.9004l59.6006 -39.9004c5.39941 -3.59961 8.09961 -10.0996 6.7998 -16.3994l-13.9004 -70.4004l70.4004 14c6.39941 1.40039 12.7998 -1.39941 16.3994 -6.7998l39.9004 -59.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="temperature-low" unicode="&#xf76b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M128 93.0996c18.5996 -6.59961 32 -24.1992 32 -45.0996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 20.9004 13.4004 38.5 32 45.0996v50.9004c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-50.9004zM320 448c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64 s-64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64zM320 352c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM192 368v-241.9c20.2998 -20.6992 32 -48.8994 32 -78.0996c0 -61.7998 -50.2002 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.2002 -112 112 c0 29.2002 11.7002 57.4004 32 78.0996v241.9c0 44.0996 35.9004 80 80 80s80 -35.9004 80 -80zM112 -32c44.0996 0 80 35.9004 80 80c0 25.5 -12.2002 49 -32 63.7998v256.2c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-256.2c-19.7998 -14.8994 -32 -38.2998 -32 -63.7998 c0 -44.0996 35.9004 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thunderstorm" unicode="&#xf76c;" d="M368 192c5.5 0 10.7002 -2.90039 13.5996 -7.7002c2.90039 -4.7998 3.2002 -10.5996 0.700195 -15.5996l-112 -224c-2.7002 -5.5 -8.2998 -8.7998 -14.2998 -8.7998c-1.2002 0 -2.5 0.0996094 -3.7002 0.399414c-7.2002 1.7002 -12.2998 8.2002 -12.2998 15.6006v128h-80 c-4.7998 0 -9.2002 2.19922 -12.2998 5.7998c-3.10059 3.59961 -4.2998 8.39941 -3.5 13.0996l32 176c1.5 7.60059 8.09961 13.1006 15.7998 13.1006h112c5.2002 0 10 -2.40039 13 -6.60059s3.7998 -9.5 2.2002 -14.3994l-25 -74.9004h73.7998zM272 19.7998l70.2002 140.3 h-70.1006c-5.19922 0 -10 2.40039 -13 6.60059s-3.7998 9.5 -2.19922 14.3994l25 74.9004h-76.5l-26.2002 -144h76.7998c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-76.2002zM415.7 335.7c53.7002 -3.90039 96.2998 -48.9004 96.2998 -103.7c0 -57.2998 -46.7002 -104 -104 -104h-10.2998 l13.2002 26.4004c1 2 1.39941 4 2.09961 6c37.2998 2.59961 67 33.5 67 71.5c0 39.6992 -32.2998 72 -72 72c-1.2998 0 -2.59961 -0.200195 -3.7998 -0.400391l-23.5 -2.40039l2.5 20c0.5 3.80078 0.799805 5.30078 0.799805 6.90039c0 30.9004 -25.0996 56 -56 56 c-15.5996 0 -30.0996 -6.40039 -41 -18.0996l-15.2002 -16.5l-10.5996 19.7998c-15.4004 28.8994 -45 46.7998 -77.2002 46.7998c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88c0 -2 0.299805 -4 0.599609 -6l2 -17.2002l-13.2998 -3.59961c-31.3994 -8.5 -53.2998 -36.9004 -53.2998 -69.2002 c0 -39.7002 32.2998 -72 72 -72h18.7998l-5.7998 -32h-13c-57.2998 0 -104 46.7002 -104 104c0 42.0996 25.7002 79.5996 64 95.5996v0.400391c0 66.2002 53.7998 120 120 120c37.5 0 72.2998 -17.7002 94.7998 -47.2002c14.4004 9.90039 31.4004 15.2002 49.2002 15.2002 c45.9004 0 83.7998 -35.4004 87.7002 -80.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thunderstorm-moon" unicode="&#xf76d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.9 210.5c3.59961 -7.7002 2.5 -16.7002 -3 -23.2002c-30.7002 -37.5996 -76.3008 -59.2002 -125 -59.2002c-0.800781 0 -1.60059 0.200195 -2.40039 0.200195c2.7002 10.2998 4.5 20.7998 4.5 31.7998v0.200195c29.5 0.400391 57.5 10.6006 79.7998 28.7998 c-70.5996 1.60059 -127.6 59.4004 -127.6 130.101c0 37.2002 16.2002 72.3994 43.5 96.7998c-52.6006 -0.900391 -97.6006 -33.2002 -116.8 -78.7002c-9.2002 5.2002 -19.2002 9 -29.7002 11.5c24.0996 58.1006 81.7002 99.2002 148.8 99.2002 c9.7998 0 19.7002 -0.900391 29.5 -2.7998c9.2998 -1.7002 16.2002 -8.7002 17.7998 -18c1.5 -9.2002 -2.7002 -18.2002 -10.8994 -22.7998c-30.9004 -17.4004 -50.1006 -50.1006 -50.1006 -85.3008c0 -54.1992 44.2998 -98.1992 98.7002 -98.1992 c6.2998 0 12.5996 0.599609 18.9004 1.7998l2.69922 0.399414h1.40039c8.40039 0 16.2998 -4.89941 19.9004 -12.5996zM304 144c12.5 0 20.2998 -13.7998 13.5 -24.5c0 0 -108.5 -170.5 -111.9 -175.8c-0.899414 -1.40039 -5.09961 -7.60059 -13.5996 -7.60059 c-8.09961 0 -17.4004 7.10059 -15.7998 18.2002l13.3994 93.7002h-61.5996c-10.2998 0 -18 9.7002 -15.5 19.9004l32 128c1.7002 7.09961 8.2002 12.0996 15.5 12.0996h80c4.90039 0 9.59961 -2.2998 12.5996 -6.2002c3 -3.89941 4.10059 -8.89941 2.90039 -13.7002 l-11 -44.0996h59.5zM218.3 22.7998c13.9004 22.2002 32.4004 51.2002 56.5 89.1006h-50.7998c-10.2998 0 -18 9.69922 -15.5 19.8994l11 44.1006h-47l-24 -96h59.5c4.59961 0 9.09961 -2 12.0996 -5.5c3.10059 -3.5 4.5 -8.10059 3.80078 -12.7002zM351.3 250.7 c38.1006 -13.1006 64.7002 -49.4004 64.7998 -90.7002c0 -52.9004 -42.8994 -95.9004 -95.7998 -96c11.7002 18.4004 20.5 32.2998 23.2998 36.5996c23.6006 9.40039 40.5 32.4004 40.5 59.4004c0 30.4004 -21.5 56.7002 -51.2998 62.7002l-12.7998 2.59961 l0.200195 16.2002c-0.100586 32.2002 -38.1006 58.2002 -70.7998 40.4004l-13 -7.10059l-8.10059 12.4004c-13.3994 20.5996 -35.8994 32.7998 -60.2002 32.7998c-39.6992 0 -72 -32.2998 -72 -72c0 -1.5 0.200195 -2.90039 0.400391 -4.40039l2 -18l-14.5 -2.7998 c-30.2002 -5.7998 -52 -32.2002 -52 -62.7998c0 -32.0996 23.9004 -58.5 54.7002 -63l-5.2998 -21.2998c-0.800781 -3.40039 -1.2002 -6.7002 -1.30078 -10.1006c-45.3994 7.60059 -80.0996 46.9004 -80.0996 94.4004c0 41.0996 26.2002 77.0996 64 90.4004 c1.2998 56.2998 47.5 101.6 104 101.6c30.5996 0 59.0996 -13.2998 78.7998 -36.2998c8.2002 2.89941 16.6006 4.2998 25.2002 4.2998c40.5 0 74 -30.2002 79.2998 -69.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thunderstorm-sun" unicode="&#xf76e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M160.3 156.3l44.9004 -67.3994c4.89941 -7.30078 2.89941 -17.3008 -4.40039 -22.2002c-2.7002 -1.7998 -5.7998 -2.7002 -8.89941 -2.7002c-5.10059 0 -10.2002 2.5 -13.3008 7.09961l-39.0996 58.5l-68.9004 -13.6992 c-5.39941 -1.10059 -10.5996 0.599609 -14.3994 4.39941s-5.40039 9.2002 -4.40039 14.5l13.7002 69l-58.4004 39.1006c-4.39941 3 -7.09961 8 -7.09961 13.2998c0 5.39941 2.7002 10.2998 7.09961 13.2998l58.4004 39.0996l-13.7002 69 c-1 5.30078 0.600586 10.7002 4.40039 14.5c3.7002 3.80078 9.09961 5.5 14.3994 4.40039l69 -13.7002l39.1006 58.5c6 8.90039 20.7002 8.90039 26.5996 0l39.2002 -58.5l68.9004 13.6006c8.5 1.89941 17.0996 -3.90039 18.7998 -12.6006 s-3.90039 -17.0996 -12.6006 -18.7998l-79.3994 -15.7002c-6.40039 -1.2998 -12.7998 1.5 -16.4004 6.7998l-31.7998 47.5l-31.7002 -47.5c-3.59961 -5.39941 -9.89941 -8.09961 -16.3994 -6.7998l-56 11.1006l11.0996 -56 c1.2002 -6.30078 -1.40039 -12.8008 -6.7998 -16.4004l-47.4004 -31.7998l47.4004 -31.7998c5.39941 -3.60059 8 -10 6.7998 -16.4004l-11.0996 -56l56 11.0996c6.5 1.30078 12.7998 -1.5 16.3994 -6.7998zM192 308c-28.5 0 -51.7002 -23.2998 -51.5996 -51.9004 c0 -28.5 23.1992 -51.6992 51.6992 -51.6992c2.90039 0 5.7002 0.399414 8.5 0.899414c-4 -10.3994 -6.59961 -21.3994 -7.69922 -32.7998c-0.300781 0 -0.600586 -0.0996094 -0.900391 -0.0996094c-46.2002 0 -83.7002 37.5996 -83.7002 83.7998 s37.5 83.7998 83.7002 83.7998c31.5 0 58.7002 -17.7002 73 -43.4004c-2.90039 -7.7998 -5.2998 -15.8994 -6.7998 -24.2998c-5.2998 -3 -10.2998 -6.2998 -15.1006 -9.89941c-3.09961 25.5996 -24.6992 45.5996 -51.0996 45.5996zM528 144 c12.5 0 20.2998 -13.7998 13.5 -24.5c0 0 -108.5 -170.5 -111.9 -175.8c-0.899414 -1.40039 -5.09961 -7.60059 -13.5996 -7.60059c-8.09961 0 -17.4004 7.10059 -15.7998 18.2002l13.3994 93.7002h-61.5996c-10.2998 0 -18 9.7002 -15.5 19.9004l32 128 c1.7002 7.09961 8.2002 12.0996 15.5 12.0996h80c4.90039 0 9.59961 -2.2998 12.5996 -6.2002c3 -3.89941 4.10059 -8.89941 2.90039 -13.7002l-11 -44.0996h59.5zM442.3 22.7998c13.9004 22.2002 32.4004 51.2002 56.5 89.1006h-50.7998 c-10.2998 0 -18 9.69922 -15.5 19.8994l11 44.1006h-47l-24 -96h59.5c4.59961 0 9.09961 -2 12.0996 -5.5c3.10059 -3.5 4.5 -8.10059 3.80078 -12.7002zM575.3 250.7c38.1006 -13.1006 64.7002 -49.4004 64.7002 -90.5c0 -52.9004 -42.9004 -95.9004 -95.7998 -96 c11.7002 18.3994 20.5 32.2998 23.2998 36.5996c23.5996 9.40039 40.5 32.4004 40.5 59.4004c0 30.3994 -21.5 56.7002 -51.2998 62.7002l-12.7998 2.59961l0.199219 16.2002c-0.0996094 32.2002 -38.0996 58.2002 -70.7998 40.3994l-13 -7.09961l-8.09961 12.4004 c-13.4004 20.5 -35.9004 32.6992 -60.2002 32.6992c-39.7002 0 -72 -32.2998 -72 -72c0 -1.5 0.200195 -2.89941 0.400391 -4.39941l2 -18l-14.5 -2.7998c-30.2002 -5.80078 -52 -32.2002 -52 -62.8008c0 -32.1992 23.8994 -58.5996 54.7998 -63.0996l-5.2998 -21.2998 c-0.800781 -3.40039 -1.2002 -6.7002 -1.30078 -10.1006c-45.2998 7.60059 -80.0996 46.9004 -80.0996 94.4004c0 41.0996 26.2002 77.0996 64 90.4004c1.2998 56.2998 47.5 101.6 104 101.6c30.5996 0 59.0996 -13.2998 78.7998 -36.2998 c8.2002 2.89941 16.6006 4.2998 25.2002 4.2998c40.5 0 74 -30.2002 79.2998 -69.2998zM560 239.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vote-nay" unicode="&#xf771;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M393.5 294.2c3.2002 -3.10059 3.2002 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-50.9004 -50.9004l51 -50.9004c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.19922 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998c-1.59961 -1.5 -3.59961 -2.2998 -5.7002 -2.2998c-2.09961 0 -4.09961 0.700195 -5.69922 2.2998 l-50.9004 50.9004l-50.9004 -50.9004c-1.59961 -1.5 -3.59961 -2.2998 -5.69922 -2.2998c-2.10059 0 -4.10059 0.700195 -5.7002 2.2998l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.10059 3.10059 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.2998l50.8994 50.9004l-50.8994 50.9004 c-3.10059 3.09961 -3.10059 8.19922 0 11.2998l11.2998 11.2998c1.59961 1.5 3.59961 2.2998 5.7002 2.2998c2.09961 0 4.09961 -0.700195 5.69922 -2.2998l50.9004 -50.9004l50.7998 50.9004c1.60059 1.5 3.60059 2.2998 5.7002 2.2998s4.09961 -0.700195 5.7002 -2.2998z M608 160c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-128c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h64v225.5c0 16.7998 14.2998 30.5 32 30.5h384c17.7002 0 32 -13.7002 32 -30.5v-225.5h64zM128 384v-304h384v304h-384z M608 0v128h-64v-48h22.4004c5.2998 0 9.59961 -3.59961 9.59961 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -4.2998 -8 -9.59961 -8h-492.801c-5.2998 0 -9.59961 3.59961 -9.59961 8v16c0 4.40039 4.2998 8 9.59961 8h22.4004v48h-64v-128h576z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vote-yea" unicode="&#xf772;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M409.3 309.4l11.4004 -11.2002c3.09961 -3.10059 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-124.5 -124.5c-1.60059 -1.5 -3.60059 -2.30078 -5.7002 -2.30078s-4.09961 0.700195 -5.7002 2.30078l-65.5 65.5c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.19922 0 11.2998l11.2998 11.2998 c1.60059 1.5 3.7002 2.2998 5.7002 2.2998c2.10059 0 4.10059 -0.700195 5.7002 -2.2998l48.5 -48.5996l107.4 107.5c1.59961 1.5 3.69922 2.2998 5.69922 2.2998c2.10059 0 4.10059 -0.700195 5.7002 -2.2998zM608 160c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-128 c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h64v225.5c0 16.7998 14.2998 30.5 32 30.5h384c17.7002 0 32 -13.7002 32 -30.5v-225.5h64zM128 384v-304h384v304h-384zM608 0v128h-64v-48h22.4004 c5.2998 0 9.59961 -3.59961 9.59961 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -4.2998 -8 -9.59961 -8h-492.801c-5.2998 0 -9.59961 3.59961 -9.59961 8v16c0 4.40039 4.2998 8 9.59961 8h22.4004v48h-64v-128h576z" /> <glyph glyph-name="water" unicode="&#xf773;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568.3 32c4.2998 -0.200195 7.7002 -3.59961 7.7002 -7.90039v-16c0 -4.5 -3.7998 -8.2998 -8.2998 -8.09961c-32 1.5 -63 11.4004 -87.6006 27.9004c-52.7998 -35.8008 -138.3 -36.1006 -192 0c-52.7998 -35.8008 -138.199 -36.1006 -192 0 c-24.5 -16.5 -55.5 -26.4004 -87.7998 -27.9004c-4.5 -0.200195 -8.2998 3.59961 -8.2998 8.09961v16c0 4.30078 3.40039 7.7002 7.7002 7.90039c29.7998 1.5 58 11.5996 78.2002 28.2002c5.89941 4.7998 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094 c44.8008 -36.3994 128.101 -36 171.801 -0.0996094c5.89941 4.89941 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094c44.8008 -36.3994 128.101 -36 171.801 -0.0996094c5.89941 4.89941 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094c20.5 -16.7002 48.7002 -26.7998 78.2002 -28.2998z M568.3 138.7c4.2998 -0.200195 7.7002 -3.60059 7.7998 -7.90039v-16c0 -4.5 -3.7998 -8.2998 -8.2998 -8.09961c-32 1.5 -63 11.3994 -87.5996 27.8994c-52.7998 -35.7998 -138.3 -36.0996 -192 0c-52.7998 -35.7998 -138.2 -36.0996 -192 0 c-24.5 -16.5 -55.5 -26.3994 -87.7998 -27.8994c-4.5 -0.200195 -8.30078 3.59961 -8.30078 8.09961v16c0 4.2998 3.40039 7.7002 7.7002 7.90039c29.7998 1.5 57.9004 11.5996 78.1006 28.2002c5.89941 4.7998 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094 c44.8008 -36.4004 128.101 -36 171.801 -0.0996094c5.89941 4.89941 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094c44.8008 -36.4004 128.101 -36 171.801 -0.0996094c5.89941 4.89941 14.2998 4.89941 20.1992 0.0996094c20.5 -16.7002 48.7002 -26.7998 78.2002 -28.2998z M568.3 245.4c4.2998 -0.200195 7.7002 -3.60059 7.7002 -7.90039v-16c0 -4.5 -3.7998 -8.2998 -8.2998 -8.09961c-32 1.5 -63 11.3994 -87.6006 27.8994c-52.7998 -35.7998 -138.3 -36.0996 -192 0c-52.7998 -35.7998 -138.199 -36.0996 -192 0 c-24.5 -16.5 -55.5 -26.3994 -87.7998 -27.8994c-4.5 -0.200195 -8.2998 3.59961 -8.2998 8.09961v16c0 4.2998 3.40039 7.7002 7.7002 7.90039c29.7998 1.5 58 11.5996 78.2002 28.1992c5.89941 4.80078 14.2998 4.90039 20.1992 0.100586 c44.8008 -36.4004 128.101 -36 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-0.399414 -0.5 0.299805 19 -9.2998v-64.8701c-0.486328 -34.835 -29.1553 -63.1064 -63.9932 -63.1064 c-0.248047 0 -0.649414 0.00292969 -0.896484 0.00683594c-35.1006 0.399414 -63.1006 29.7002 -63.1006 64.9102v63c19.2002 9.59961 18 9 18.9004 9.39941c14.4004 6.5 31.0996 -2.2002 34.5996 -17.5996l1.80078 -7.7998c2.09961 -9.2207 15.1992 -9.2207 17.2998 0z M344 264h0.120117c13.1816 -0.0332031 23.8799 -10.7578 23.8799 -23.9395c0 -13.2158 -10.7256 -23.9404 -23.9404 -23.9404s-23.9395 10.7246 -23.9395 23.9404c0 13.1816 10.6982 23.9062 23.8799 23.9395z" /> <glyph glyph-name="atom-primary" unicode="&#xf5d2;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M100.657 124.213c11.6035 -9.56543 31.2627 -23.9639 43.8828 -32.1406c-10.165 -2.25781 -26.8574 -4.44336 -37.2607 -4.87891c-2.67578 11.8867 -4.87207 24.2559 -6.62207 37.0195zM119.973 192c10.8037 10.417 29.4736 25.9609 41.6768 34.6973 c-2.16016 -27.915 -2.27539 -39.9893 0 -69.3945c-12.2031 8.73633 -30.873 24.2803 -41.6768 34.6973zM107.283 296.809c10.4023 -0.435547 27.0938 -2.62109 37.2568 -4.87891c-12.6201 -8.17773 -32.2793 -22.5771 -43.8828 -32.1426 c1.75 12.7656 3.94922 25.1348 6.62598 37.0215zM347.343 259.787c2.58887 -18.6201 4.68945 -48.9883 4.68945 -67.7871s-2.10059 -49.167 -4.68945 -67.7871c-1.75 -12.7637 -3.94629 -25.1328 -6.62207 -37.0195c-3.92578 -17.8926 -12.9561 -46.085 -20.1562 -62.9297 c-23.4727 -53.9824 -57.9834 -88.2637 -96.5645 -88.2637s-73.0918 34.2812 -96.5645 88.2637c18.1182 2.06934 46.9004 8.31738 64.2461 13.9473c12.4668 -24.6504 25.4023 -38.2109 32.3184 -38.2109s19.8555 13.5625 32.3184 38.2109 c2.81641 5.56738 24.3447 45.7021 30.0322 119.092c2.16016 27.915 2.27539 39.9893 0 69.3945c-5.6875 73.3945 -27.2275 113.548 -30.0322 119.092c-12.4629 24.6504 -25.4023 38.2109 -32.3184 38.2109s-19.8516 -13.5605 -32.3184 -38.209 c-17.3447 5.63086 -46.127 11.8789 -64.2461 13.9473c23.4727 53.9805 57.9834 88.2617 96.5645 88.2617s73.0918 -34.2812 96.5645 -88.2637c7.2002 -16.8438 16.2305 -45.0371 20.1562 -62.9297c2.67578 -11.8848 4.87207 -24.2539 6.62207 -37.0195zM256.014 192 c-0.0380859 -17.6338 -14.3799 -31.9697 -32.0137 -32c-17.6719 0 -32.0137 14.3418 -32.0137 32.0137s14.3418 32.0137 32.0137 32.0137s32.0137 -14.3418 32.0137 -32.0137v-0.0136719z" /> <glyph glyph-name="atom-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf5d3;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 160.012c-17.6582 0 -32 14.3311 -32 31.9893v0.00488281c0 17.6611 14.333 31.9941 31.9941 31.9941s31.9941 -14.333 31.9941 -31.9941c0 -17.6572 -14.3311 -31.9912 -31.9883 -31.9941zM121.461 192.002c24.208 -32.3477 70.1455 -78.1973 102.539 -102.344 c-15.1338 -11.2402 -41.1367 -27.1328 -58.043 -35.4746c-25.3398 20.6602 -51.4023 44.4297 -80.1992 79.7324c-12.4268 15.2158 -30.7158 41.2373 -40.8242 58.084c-49.2109 82.0801 -60.5264 161.1 -21.3086 200.309c16.0869 16.0762 38.8594 23.6914 65.7939 23.6914 c38.7451 0 86.1436 -16.1309 134.581 -45.1445c-16.8369 -10.1709 -42.8398 -28.5557 -58.043 -41.0371c-70.0117 34.334 -95.2227 19.0703 -97.0615 17.2324c-9.54395 -9.54102 -7.67578 -46.9434 16.8623 -96.9668c8.3877 -16.9326 24.3828 -42.9531 35.7031 -58.082z M403.066 192c49.2109 -82.0801 60.5264 -161.1 21.3086 -200.307c-16.0869 -16.0781 -38.8594 -23.6934 -65.7939 -23.6934c-38.7451 0 -86.1436 16.1309 -134.581 45.1445c16.8369 10.1709 42.8398 28.5557 58.043 41.0371 c70.0117 -34.334 95.2227 -19.0703 97.0615 -17.2324c9.54395 9.54297 7.67578 46.9453 -16.8623 96.9668c-8.38672 16.9336 -24.3809 42.9551 -35.7031 58.084c-24.208 32.3467 -70.1455 78.1973 -102.539 102.344c15.1338 11.2402 41.1367 27.1318 58.043 35.4727 c25.3008 -20.6289 51.3555 -44.377 80.1992 -79.7324c12.4268 -15.2158 30.7158 -41.2373 40.8242 -58.084z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shapes-primary" unicode="&#xf61f;" d="M512 128v-160c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-160c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v160c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h160c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope-open-dollar-primary" unicode="&#xf657;" d="M329.4 406.56l30.5996 -22.5596h-208l30.5898 22.5596c16.8203 12.2705 50.21 41.79 73.4102 41.4404c23.2002 0.349609 56.5996 -29.1797 73.4004 -41.4404zM493.61 285c10.1348 -7.94434 18.374 -24.8428 18.3896 -37.7197v-10.6504l-64 -46.2402v128.54 c23.8799 -17.6699 42.6699 -31.6299 45.6104 -33.9297zM64 319v-128.61l-64 46.2402v10.6504c0.015625 12.877 8.25488 29.7754 18.3896 37.7197c2.94043 2.34961 21.7305 16.3096 45.6104 34zM256 30.8701c14.29 0.00683594 35.2832 6.8125 46.8604 15.1895l209.14 151.08 v-213.14c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v213.14l209.14 -151.08c11.5703 -8.38477 32.5566 -15.1895 46.8457 -15.1895h0.0146484zM240 312.87v16.1299c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16.29 c10.0098 -0.438477 24.4668 -5.89551 32.2695 -12.1797c2.10059 -2.23047 3.74023 -7.49023 -0.339844 -11.3105l-11.75 -11.2197c-1.29492 -1.18457 -3.77148 -2.14551 -5.52637 -2.14551c-1.39062 0 -3.45312 0.633789 -4.60352 1.41504 c-3.24219 2.04785 -8.98535 3.71875 -12.8193 3.73047h-28.1104c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1797 8.76953 -12.7295l45 -13.5c18.5801 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.3896 31.5801 -43.3896 c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-16.1201c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16.29c-19.8301 1 -32.3496 12.1797 -32.2197 12.1797c-1.20117 1.27539 -2.17676 3.7334 -2.17676 5.48535 c0 1.90723 1.12695 4.51758 2.5166 5.8252l11.75 11.2197c1.29785 1.17969 3.77539 2.1377 5.5293 2.1377c1.38867 0 3.4502 -0.630859 4.60059 -1.40723c3.22852 -2.04297 8.94922 -3.71484 12.7695 -3.73047h28.1104c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904 c0 5.94922 -3.60938 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295l-45 13.5c-18.5801 5.58008 -31.5801 23.3896 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v-0.00976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope-open-text-primary" unicode="&#xf658;" d="M352 288v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16zM336 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16 v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160zM329.4 406.6l30.5996 -22.5996h-208l30.5996 22.5996c16.8008 12.2002 50.2002 41.7002 73.4004 41.4004c23.2002 0.299805 56.5996 -29.2002 73.4004 -41.4004zM64 319v-128.6l-64 46.1992v10.7002 c0.0234375 12.873 8.2666 29.7627 18.4004 37.7002c2.89941 2.40039 21.6992 16.2998 45.5996 34zM493.6 285c10.1338 -7.9375 18.377 -24.8271 18.4004 -37.7002v-10.7002l-64 -46.1992v128.5c23.9004 -17.6006 42.7002 -31.6006 45.5996 -33.9004zM256 30.9004 c14.3027 0.00195312 35.3145 6.81152 46.9004 15.1992l209.1 151v-213.1c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v213.1l209.1 -151c11.5859 -8.3877 32.5977 -15.1973 46.9004 -15.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bahai-primary" unicode="&#xf666;" d="M496.25 245.48c17.54 -2.48047 21.6797 -26.2705 6.03027 -34.6602l-98.1602 -52.6602l74.4795 -83.54c11.8604 -13.29 0.0107422 -34.25 -17.3496 -30.4902l-108.57 23.6504l4.11035 -112.55c0.0117188 -0.249023 0.0224609 -0.652344 0.0224609 -0.900391 c0 -10.1133 -8.20801 -18.3203 -18.3203 -18.3203h-0.112305c-4.9209 0.000976562 -11.2822 3.21777 -14.2002 7.18066l-68.1797 88.8994l-68.1699 -88.9102c-2.91895 -3.96094 -9.28027 -7.17676 -14.2002 -7.17969h-0.112305 c-10.1133 0 -18.3203 8.20703 -18.3203 18.3193c0 0.251953 0.00976562 0.65918 0.0224609 0.911133l4.11035 112.55l-108.57 -23.6504c-1.10938 -0.24707 -2.93262 -0.449219 -4.06934 -0.450195c-15.0107 0 -24.21 18.6807 -13.29 30.9307l74.5498 83.5498 l-98.1602 52.6602c-15.6797 8.39941 -11.54 32.21 6 34.6699l110 15.4297l-41.8203 104.34c-6.66016 16.6299 11.5898 32.1807 26.5898 22.6299l94 -59.8896l34.0908 107.18c2.17383 7.07715 9.94629 12.8213 17.3496 12.8213s15.1758 -5.74414 17.3496 -12.8213 l34.1309 -107.18l94 59.8896c14.9893 9.55078 33.2598 -5.98926 26.5898 -22.6299l-41.8203 -104.34zM338.51 136.32l-35.6094 39.9297l46.9092 25.1201l-52.5693 7.37988l20 49.8701l-44.9502 -28.6201l-16.29 51.2803l-16.3096 -51.2803l-44.9209 28.6699l20 -49.8701 l-52.5693 -7.37988l46.9199 -25.1699l-35.6006 -39.9297l51.8906 11.2998l-2 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-13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24c-3.4209 0 -8.62793 1.34473 -11.6211 3.00098l-55.4199 32 c-6.83301 3.78223 -12.3789 13.1895 -12.3789 20.999c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24c3.68066 0 9.22559 -1.54004 12.3789 -3.43848zM107.08 160.78c2.99316 1.65625 8.19922 3.00098 11.6211 3.00098c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24 c0 -7.4873 -5.20605 -16.6992 -11.6211 -20.5615l-55.4199 -32c-3.15332 -1.89844 -8.69922 -3.43848 -12.3789 -3.43848c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24c0 7.80957 5.5459 17.2168 12.3789 20.999zM520.94 348c-13.2441 0.00488281 -23.9922 10.7568 -23.9922 24 c0 7.64551 5.37207 16.9551 11.9922 20.7803l55.4199 32c2.99316 1.65625 8.19922 3.00098 11.6201 3.00098c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24c0 -7.4873 -5.20605 -16.6992 -11.6201 -20.5615l-55.4199 -32c-3.06055 -1.77734 -8.41602 -3.21973 -11.9551 -3.21973h-0.0449219z " /> <glyph glyph-name="dog-primary" unicode="&#xf6d3;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M128 224h170.05l149.95 -53.5498v-218.45c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h-160v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v213.9c-37.1699 13.25 -64 48.4395 -64 90.0996 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM528 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-32v-35.5801l-128 45.71v149.87c0 14.2197 17.2305 21.3604 27.3203 11.2803l27.2793 -27.2803h53.6201 c10.917 -0.000976562 23.7383 -7.92578 28.6201 -17.6904l7.16016 -14.3096h64zM416 320c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dog-leashed-primary" unicode="&#xf6d4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M96 256c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32h144v-160h-80v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v213.9c-37.1699 13.25 -64 48.4395 -64 90.0996c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32zM320 64v152.16l128 -45.71v-218.45 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h-32zM528 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 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-8 8v40h-96v-40c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v40h-32v-40 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v40h-32v-40c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v40h-80v199.55c0 101.816 82.6338 184.45 184.45 184.45h15.0996c101.816 0 184.45 -82.6338 184.45 -184.45v0 c0.000976562 -21.833 15.8516 -47.4766 35.3799 -57.2402l57.2402 -28.6191c19.5283 -9.76367 35.3789 -35.4072 35.3799 -57.2402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="air-conditioner-primary" unicode="&#xf8f4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M544 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-160c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-512c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v160c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h512zM512 288v32h-448v-32h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alien-primary" unicode="&#xf8f5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M112 224c44.1592 0 80 -35.8398 80 -79.999v-0.000976562c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-44.1602 0 -80 35.8398 -80 80v0c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16v0h32zM368 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v0c0 -44.1602 -35.8398 -80 -80 -80h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v0.000976562c0 44.1592 35.8398 79.999 79.999 79.999h0.000976562h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alien-monster-primary" unicode="&#xf8f6;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M160 128v96h64v-96h-64zM352 224h64v-96h-64v96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bed-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf8f7;" d="M0 96h512v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48h-384v-48c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112zM64 224c-9.46387 -0.173828 -23.7998 -4.15234 -32 -8.87988v0v168.88 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-168.88v0c-8.19922 4.73145 -22.5352 8.70996 -32 8.87988v64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-112c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-64h-32v64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-112 c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bed-bunk-primary" unicode="&#xf8f8;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M64 320h512v-368c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48h-448v-48c0 -8.83203 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-3.43848c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24 c0 7.80957 5.5459 17.2168 12.3789 20.999l55.4199 32c2.99316 1.65625 8.2002 3.00098 11.6211 3.00098c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24c0 -7.4873 -5.20605 -16.6992 -11.6211 -20.5615zM320 -64c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64h128c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64z M616 280c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24h-64c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blinds-primary" unicode="&#xf8fb;" d="M512 432v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-368v-162.94c17.6641 -6.24512 32 -26.5186 32 -45.2549c0 -26.4951 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5049 -48 48c0 18.7363 14.3359 39.0098 32 45.2549v162.94h-80c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h480c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blinds-open-primary" unicode="&#xf8fc;" d="M512 432v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-368v-146.94c17.6641 -6.24512 32 -26.5186 32 -45.2549c0 -26.4951 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5049 -48 48c0 18.7363 14.3359 39.0098 32 45.2549v146.94h-80c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h480c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blinds-raised-primary" unicode="&#xf8fd;" d="M512 431.91v-32.1904v-0.0898438c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16v0h-368v-354c17.6641 -6.24512 32 -26.5195 32 -45.2549c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48c0 18.7354 14.3359 39.0098 32 45.2549v354h-80v0c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16 v0.0898438v32.1904v0.0898438c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16v0h480v0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-0.0898438z" /> <glyph glyph-name="camera-home-primary" unicode="&#xf8fe;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-288c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-72.7197l60.1396 -34.8301c6.92969 -4.32031 12.5801 -14.4502 12.5801 -22.6201v-11.8799c-0.00585938 -14.6943 -11.9355 -26.6426 -26.6299 -26.6699h-266.67 c-14.7168 0.00585938 -26.665 11.9541 -26.6699 26.6699v11.9004c0 8.14941 5.59961 18.2695 12.5 22.5996l60.1797 34.8301h-72.71c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v288c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM224 96c79.4746 0.0136719 143.975 64.5254 143.975 144 c0 79.4883 -64.5117 144 -144 144c-79.4873 0 -144 -64.5117 -144 -144c0 -79.4746 64.501 -143.986 143.976 -144h0.0498047z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caravan-primary" unicode="&#xf8ff;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-312.81c-4.19043 62.4697 -55.6602 112 -119.19 112s-115 -49.5303 -119.19 -112h-8.80957c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v256c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h352 c88.3203 0 160 -71.6797 160 -160v-160h48zM256 256v64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-128c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32h128c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32zM448 128v192c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-64 c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-155.71c7.7373 -9.19434 18.2295 -25.4521 23.4199 -36.29h104.58z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caravan-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf900;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 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28.707 -64 64v256 c-0.0224609 17.6406 -14.3594 31.9775 -32 32c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32c52.9346 -0.0576172 95.9424 -43.0654 96 -96v-85.9531c40.1016 60.3809 96.0547 78.2969 131.891 83.6387v0.0117188zM480 336l64 64v-128c0 -52.9922 -43.0078 -96 -96 -96 s-96 43.0078 -96 96v128l64 -64h64zM408 256c8.82715 0 16 7.16406 16 15.9912v0.00878906c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM488 256c8.82715 0 16 7.16406 16 15.9912v0.00878906c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coffee-pot-primary" unicode="&#xf902;" d="M130.55 128h314.95c1.25293 -6.74902 2.37305 -17.7969 2.5 -24.6602c0 -28.6396 -7.62988 -47.0098 -29.9502 -71.3398h-260.05c-22.3799 24.3799 -30 42.7197 -30 71.3799c0.125977 6.85547 1.26855 17.8848 2.5498 24.6201zM424.06 276.14l-271.859 -0.629883 l-30.6006 76.4902h-17.5996c-22.0801 0 -40 -17.9199 -40 -40v-72c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v88c0 48.5762 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-2.35059 27 -9.73047l37.0801 -99 c14.585 12.3896 41.9531 22.4453 61.0898 22.4453c52.0869 0 94.3604 -42.2734 94.3604 -94.3604v-0.0849609c-0.0078125 -10.3916 -8.44824 -18.8252 -18.8398 -18.8252c-0.858398 0 -2.24316 0.114258 -3.08984 0.255859l-104.7 17.4492 c0.927734 -4.82324 1.68066 -12.7256 1.68066 -17.6377c0 -13.7363 -5.54688 -34.5557 -12.3809 -46.4717c-15.0557 -26.0635 -51.7031 -47.2158 -81.8018 -47.2158c-13.96 0 -35.1055 5.66113 -47.1982 12.6357zM224 255.5c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16 s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM320 -0.5c28.4199 0 55 -18.5 63.2998 -44.1602c3.21973 -9.83984 -5.17969 -19.8398 -15.5596 -19.8398h-287.48c-10.3896 0 -18.7793 9.95996 -15.5596 19.8398 c8.34961 25.6299 34.8799 44.1602 63.2998 44.1602h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="faucet-primary" unicode="&#xf905;" d="M384 335.11v-30.2207c0 -10 -8.16992 -17.7998 -17.5898 -16.7998l-142.41 15.0303l-142.41 -15c-9.41992 -1 -17.5898 6.80957 -17.5898 16.7998v30.1904c0 10 8.16992 17.7998 17.5898 16.7998l142.41 -15l142.41 15c9.41992 1 17.5898 -6.81055 17.5898 -16.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="faucet-drip-primary" unicode="&#xf906;" d="M448 32c0 0 32 -46.3301 32 -64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32c0 17.6699 32 64 32 64zM366.41 415.91c9.41992 1 17.5898 -6.81055 17.5898 -16.7998v-30.1904c0 -9.99023 -8.16992 -17.7998 -17.5898 -16.7998l-142.41 15l-142.41 -15.0303 c-9.41992 -1 -17.5898 6.7998 -17.5898 16.7998v30.2207c0 9.98926 8.16992 17.7998 17.5898 16.7695l142.41 -15z" /> <glyph glyph-name="galaxy-primary" unicode="&#xf908;" d="M506.576 173.896c2.9873 -12.4639 5.41113 -32.9824 5.41113 -45.7988c0 -5.3418 -0.425781 -13.9893 -0.950195 -19.3047c-1.45312 -14.4102 -21.1758 -17.4082 -26.8711 -4.09375c-17.416 40.6318 -67.0293 78.9414 -110.745 85.5137 c5.80566 -16.9219 10.5166 -45.1758 10.5166 -63.0654c0 -10.7998 -1.74707 -28.1543 -3.89941 -38.7373c-14.3047 -71.6484 -71.0381 -130.191 -142.14 -146.988c-12.4639 -2.98633 -32.9814 -5.40918 -45.7979 -5.40918c-5.3418 0 -13.9912 0.425781 -19.3066 0.950195 c-14.4102 1.45117 -17.4102 21.1738 -4.09375 26.8691c40.6318 17.415 78.9404 67.0283 85.5107 110.744c-16.9219 -5.80469 -45.1758 -10.5156 -63.0664 -10.5156c-10.7988 0 -28.1514 1.74609 -38.7334 3.89844c-71.6484 14.3066 -130.19 71.0391 -146.987 142.145 c-2.9873 12.4639 -5.41113 32.9824 -5.41113 45.7988c0 5.34082 0.425781 13.9893 0.950195 19.3047c1.45312 14.4102 21.1758 17.4082 26.8711 4.09375c17.416 -40.6318 67.0293 -78.9414 110.745 -85.5137c-5.80566 16.9219 -10.5166 45.1758 -10.5166 63.0654 c0 10.7998 1.74707 28.1543 3.89941 38.7373c14.3047 71.6484 71.0381 130.191 142.14 146.988c12.4639 2.98633 32.9814 5.40918 45.7979 5.40918c5.3418 0 13.9912 -0.425781 19.3066 -0.950195c14.4102 -1.45117 17.4102 -21.1738 4.09375 -26.8691 c-40.6318 -17.415 -78.9404 -67.0283 -85.5107 -110.744c16.9219 5.80469 45.1758 10.5156 63.0664 10.5156c10.7988 0 28.1514 -1.74609 38.7334 -3.89844c71.6484 -14.3066 130.19 -71.0391 146.987 -142.145zM256 144c26.4951 0.000976562 47.999 21.5049 48 48 c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48v0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="garage-primary" unicode="&#xf909;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 286.72v-334.72c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v272c0 17.5898 -14.5898 32 -32.5898 32h-382.82c-18 0 -32.5898 -14.4102 -32.5898 -32v-272c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v334.72 c0.0380859 17.6201 13.2539 37.458 29.5 44.2803l272 113.3c4.93555 1.87207 13.2236 3.5293 18.5 3.7002c5.26367 -0.166016 13.5332 -1.81055 18.46 -3.66992l272.04 -113.33c16.2461 -6.82227 29.4619 -26.6602 29.5 -44.2803z" /> <glyph glyph-name="garage-car-primary" unicode="&#xf90a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M610.5 331c16.2461 -6.82227 29.4619 -26.6602 29.5 -44.2803v-334.72c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v272c0 17.5898 -14.5898 32 -32.5898 32h-382.82c-18 0 -32.5898 -14.4102 -32.5898 -32v-272 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v334.72c0.0380859 17.6201 13.2539 37.458 29.5 44.2803l272 113.33c4.9375 1.86328 13.2256 3.50781 18.5 3.66992c5.24902 -0.170898 13.4971 -1.81445 18.4102 -3.66992zM465.5 92.5801 c16.834 -6.55859 30.4814 -26.5137 30.5 -44.5801v-32c0 -11.71 -6.61035 -21.5195 -16 -27.0996v-28.9004c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-32c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v24h-160v-24c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-32c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v28.9004 c-9.38965 5.58008 -16 15.3896 -16 27.0996v32c0.0185547 18.0664 13.6963 38.0518 30.5303 44.6104l15.75 63c7.20312 28.9189 37.2383 52.3896 67.041 52.3896h0.0683594h125.221h0.0908203c29.8164 0 59.8545 -23.4844 67.0488 -52.4199zM236.84 143.95 l-11.9795 -47.9502h190.3l-12 47.9502c-2.20117 8.85938 -11.3975 16.0498 -20.5264 16.0498h-0.0234375h-125.221h-0.0234375c-9.12891 0 -18.3252 -7.19043 -20.5264 -16.0498zM208 16.1504c14.4004 0 36 -2.38086 36 11.9697c0 14.3496 -21.5996 35.8799 -36 35.8799 s-24 -9.57031 -24 -23.9297c0 -14.3604 9.59961 -23.9199 24 -23.9199zM432 16.1504c14.4004 0 24 9.56934 24 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35.3896h49.4805l-8 -32h190.279l-8 32h49.4805zM208 16.1504c14.4004 0 36 -2.38086 36 11.9697c0 14.3496 -21.5996 35.8799 -36 35.8799 s-24 -9.57031 -24 -23.9297c0 -14.3604 9.59961 -23.9199 24 -23.9199zM432 16.1504c14.4004 0 24 9.56934 24 23.9199c0 14.3496 -9.59961 23.9297 -24 23.9297s-36 -21.46 -36 -35.8496c0 -14.3906 21.5996 -12 36 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="heat-primary" unicode="&#xf90c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M64 295.75v-0.287109c0 -32.666 17.7314 -78.8877 39.5801 -103.173c31.1436 -34.4453 56.4199 -100.09 56.4199 -146.526v-0.173828v-61.5898c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v61.5898v0.357422 c0 32.625 -17.7051 78.793 -39.5195 103.053c-31.1777 34.4746 -56.4805 100.178 -56.4805 146.658v0.0917969v40.25c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-40.25zM391.58 192.29c31.1436 -34.4453 56.4199 -100.09 56.4199 -146.526v-0.173828 v-61.5898c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v61.5898v0.357422c0 32.625 -17.7051 78.793 -39.5195 103.053c-31.1777 34.4746 -56.4805 100.178 -56.4805 146.658v0.0917969v40.25c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-40.25v-0.287109c0 -32.666 17.7314 -78.8877 39.5801 -103.173z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-primary" unicode="&#xf90d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M571.9 189.13l-21.4102 -23.8096c-1.7998 -2 -12.46 -10.2305 -22.5898 -1.2207l-239.9 211.9l-239.88 -211.9c-9.2998 -8.36914 -19.8105 -1.89941 -22.5898 1.2002l-21.4102 23.7998c-8.37012 9.30078 -1.90039 19.8105 1.2002 22.6006l256 226 c6.26953 5.68945 18.25 10.2998 26.6797 10.2998s20.4404 -4.61035 26.7197 -10.2998l101.28 -89.3701v51.6699c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-136.44l58.6904 -51.8291c3.09961 -2.79004 9.54004 -13.2705 1.20996 -22.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-day-primary" unicode="&#xf90e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M635.23 155.58c2.62012 -2.34473 4.74707 -7.10254 4.74707 -10.6191c0 -2.97559 -1.59863 -7.2002 -3.56738 -9.43066l-18.79 -21.2803c-2.34961 -2.62207 -7.11426 -4.75 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-9.42383 -16.4902 -15.4004l-6.75 -13.5898c-4.7793 -9.75195 -17.4707 -17.666 -28.3311 -17.666c-4.12695 0 -10.4707 1.50391 -14.1592 3.35547c-9.68555 4.93164 -17.5469 17.7549 -17.5469 28.624c0 4.15723 1.5 10.5527 3.34668 14.2764 l6.7002 13.6201c8.86621 17.9697 31.1318 38.667 49.7002 46.2002c37.4004 15.1094 57.2803 25.29 93.2803 25.1992c46.4902 -0.0898438 87.4902 -31.2891 102.189 -75.8994l9.7002 -29.3799z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-night-primary" unicode="&#xf910;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M635.23 155.58c2.62012 -2.34473 4.74707 -7.10254 4.74707 -10.6191c0 -2.97559 -1.59863 -7.2002 -3.56738 -9.43066l-18.79 -21.2803c-2.34961 -2.62207 -7.11426 -4.75 -10.6348 -4.75c-2.94629 0 -7.1416 1.56836 -9.36523 3.5l-21.6201 19.1602v-164.16 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-288c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v164.13l-21.6396 -19.0801c-2.2207 -1.94727 -6.41895 -3.52832 -9.37207 -3.52832c-3.52637 0 -8.28809 2.14062 -10.6279 4.77832l-18.79 21.2803c-1.95996 2.21973 -3.5498 6.42383 -3.5498 9.38379 c0 3.52441 2.1416 8.28027 4.7793 10.6162l211.79 187.5c5.54102 4.92285 16.0537 8.91797 23.4648 8.91797c7.41211 0 17.9248 -3.99512 23.4648 -8.91797l88.4805 -78.3701v39.29c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96zM448 80v64 c-0.0273438 8.80469 -7.19531 15.9727 -16 16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h64c8.80469 0.0273438 15.9727 7.19531 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-return-primary" unicode="&#xf911;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M531 185.52c1.0459 -4.20801 1.89453 -11.1436 1.89453 -15.4805c0 -13.7568 -7.5332 -33.1641 -16.8145 -43.3193l-59.9004 -65.3896c-6.03223 -6.61133 -12.6982 -19.0205 -14.8799 -27.7002l-18.2998 -73.2803c-3.3418 -13.3867 -17.252 -24.252 -31.0498 -24.252 c-17.666 0 -32.0029 14.3369 -32.0029 32.002c0 2.17188 0.426758 5.64355 0.953125 7.75l22.1992 89c2.1709 8.6875 8.8457 21.0928 14.9004 27.6904l45.4297 49.6797l-17.1992 68.6904l-5.5 -16.4902c-4.52637 -13.8301 -18.7285 -30.4062 -31.7002 -37l-23.2998 -11.8096 c-3.6875 -1.84863 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unicode="&#xf915;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M256 0c28.4199 0 55 -18.5303 63.2998 -44.1602c3.21973 -9.83984 -5.17969 -19.8398 -15.5596 -19.8398h-223.48c-10.3799 0 -18.7793 10 -15.5596 19.8398c8.34961 25.6299 34.8799 44.1602 63.2998 44.1602h128zM381.38 268.61 c1.42969 -3.33398 2.58984 -8.9834 2.58984 -12.6104c0 -17.6475 -14.3223 -31.9834 -31.9697 -32h-320c-17.6475 0.0166016 -31.9697 14.3525 -31.9697 32c0 3.62695 1.16016 9.27637 2.58984 12.6104l68.5801 160c4.58887 10.7031 17.7646 19.3896 29.4102 19.3896 h182.779c11.6455 0 24.8213 -8.68652 29.4102 -19.3896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="light-ceiling-primary" unicode="&#xf916;" d="M256.28 288.17c128.239 0 238.04 -94.4102 255.439 -219.61c0.166992 -1.20508 0.302734 -3.17188 0.302734 -4.38965c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-0.0224609l-448 -0.169922v0c-17.6611 0.00292969 -31.9951 14.3389 -31.9951 32 c0 1.2627 0.145508 3.30078 0.325195 4.5498c17.9502 125.2 128.02 219.62 255.95 219.62z" /> <glyph glyph-name="light-switch-primary" unicode="&#xf917;" 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-21.5039 -48 -48v-224c0 -26.4961 21.5039 -48 48 -48h96c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48v112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="light-switch-on-primary" unicode="&#xf919;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M64 -64c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v384c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h256c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-384c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-256zM192 -32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM192 416 c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM96 192v-112c0 -26.4961 21.5039 -48 48 -48h96c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48v224c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48h-96c-26.4961 0 -48 -21.5039 -48 -48v-112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="microwave-primary" unicode="&#xf91b;" d="M464 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-256c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48l-24 -32h-48l-24 32h-224l-24 -32h-48l-24 32c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v256c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h416zM384 96v224h-320v-224h320zM448 168c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24 s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM448 264c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="outlet-primary" unicode="&#xf91c;" d="M448 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-384c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-384c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v384c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h384zM386.27 38.71c38.0205 39.0098 61.7305 93.1904 61.7305 153.29s-23.7305 114.3 -61.7305 153.3 c-3.7041 3.69922 -10.959 6.70117 -16.1943 6.70117c-0.0625 0 -0.163086 0 -0.225586 -0.000976562h-227.699c-0.0625 0.000976562 -0.163086 0.000976562 -0.225586 0.000976562c-5.23535 0 -12.4902 -3.00195 -16.1943 -6.70117 c-38.0205 -39.0098 -61.7305 -93.2002 -61.7305 -153.3s23.71 -114.28 61.7305 -153.29c3.70605 -3.7041 10.9678 -6.71094 16.208 -6.71094c0.0585938 0 0.15332 0 0.211914 0.000976562h227.699c0.0585938 -0.000976562 0.15332 -0.000976562 0.211914 -0.000976562 c5.24023 0 12.502 3.00684 16.208 6.71094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="oven-primary" unicode="&#xf91d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-96h-448v96c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM80 344c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM176 344c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24 s10.752 -24 24 -24zM272 344c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM368 344c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM0 -32v288h448v-288c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32 h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32zM64 192v-192h320v192h-320zM96 128v32h256v-32h-256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="planet-moon-primary" unicode="&#xf91f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M512 448c35.3271 0 64 -28.6729 64 -64c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM288 160c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-16.8906v-0.00390625c0 -8.33984 -3.02734 -21.1631 -6.75781 -28.623l-40.3242 -80.6484 c-3.59961 -7.19531 -12.9609 -14.1182 -20.8945 -15.4531c-3.44141 -0.581055 -6.91406 -1.05859 -10.418 -1.43359c-0.433594 -0.0429688 -1.13965 -0.0771484 -1.5752 -0.0771484c-8.84863 0 -16.0303 7.18164 -16.0303 16.0303v0.03125 c-0.00390625 23.4785 -0.0078125 63.0684 0 63.0684c-17.6631 0.000976562 -31.999 14.3369 -32 32v32l-54.625 54.6289c-5.1748 5.17285 -15.3125 9.37109 -22.6289 9.37109l-25.0273 0.00195312c-29.9961 -0.00195312 -55.2734 27.4375 -71.5156 56.4355 c31.5674 73.3438 121.983 133.986 201.82 135.361c17.6875 -28.5098 35.9766 -67.002 35.9766 -76.4199c-0.000976562 -10.6973 -4.81641 -26.6025 -10.75 -35.5039l-49.7266 -57.3574c-4.31836 -4.98047 -7.82324 -14.3721 -7.82324 -20.9648 c0 -7.31543 4.19727 -17.4512 9.37012 -22.625c6.0332 -6.03125 17.8525 -10.9268 26.3828 -10.9277h64.5469z" /> <glyph glyph-name="planet-ringed-primary" unicode="&#xf920;" d="M448.1 271.72c31.2588 -75.418 16.293 -165.478 -45.0244 -226.796c-61.3184 -61.3174 -151.38 -76.2812 -226.796 -45.0244c46.0244 31.9658 96.8154 74.5234 147.059 124.766c50.2363 50.2393 92.7959 101.032 124.762 147.055zM423.079 315.502 c-27.7393 -42.2568 -75.1777 -98.9326 -133.414 -157.166c-58.2354 -58.2363 -114.917 -105.677 -157.168 -133.416c-6.9209 5.03613 -17.4883 13.998 -23.5869 20.0039c-81.2285 81.2314 -81.2285 212.935 0 294.165c81.2295 81.2334 212.936 81.2334 294.165 0 c6.00586 -6.09863 14.9678 -16.665 20.0039 -23.5869z" /> <glyph glyph-name="police-box-primary" unicode="&#xf921;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M352 -16h-320v376c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24v0h8v16v0c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16v0h223.977v0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v0v-16h8.02344v0c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v0v-376zM96 312v-24h32v32h-24c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8zM96 272v-24 c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h24v32h-32zM176 136v64c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-64c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-64c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h64c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM176 248v24h-32v-32h24c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM176 288v24c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8 h-24v-32h32zM240 240v32h-32v-24c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h24zM240 288v32h-24c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-24h32zM288 248v24h-32v-32h24c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM288 288v24c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-24v-32h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="portal-enter-primary" unicode="&#xf922;" d="M113.688 130.521c6.7998 -15.0498 23.8232 -34.1387 38 -42.6094l10.6562 -6.29688l-8.78125 -20.5332c-6.86523 -16.0508 -26.6055 -29.0781 -44.0635 -29.0781h-0.0615234h-77.4375c-17.6426 0.0224609 -31.9609 14.3584 -31.9609 32.001 s14.3184 31.9785 31.9609 32.001h66.875zM272 351.998c-26.4951 0.000976562 -47.999 21.5049 -48 48v0.000976562c0 26.4961 21.5049 48.001 48.001 48.001s48.001 -21.5049 48.001 -48.001s-21.5049 -48.001 -48.001 -48.001h-0.000976562zM384 224.01 c17.665 0 32.001 -14.3359 32.001 -32.001c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32.001 -32.001 -32.001h-54c-16.4863 0.0625 -35.792 12.1094 -43.0938 26.8906l-20.2812 41.4395l-31.3125 -78.2832l61.25 -36.1426c12.9346 -7.73926 23.4316 -26.2539 23.4316 -41.3262 c0 -3.67578 -0.80957 -9.5293 -1.80664 -13.0664l-31.625 -101.064c-3.85547 -12.3955 -17.5195 -22.4551 -30.501 -22.4551c-2.71973 0 -7.03125 0.665039 -9.62402 1.48438c-12.3701 3.87598 -22.4092 17.543 -22.4092 30.5059c0 2.70996 0.65918 7.00586 1.47168 9.58984 l27.4375 87.7207l-84.9375 50.1738c-17.3535 10.2891 -31.4375 35.0137 -31.4375 55.1885c0 7.22266 2.2959 18.4795 5.125 25.126l37.4375 87.3945l-14.6875 4.375c-7.8125 1.85938 -17.5938 -0.25 -25.25 -6.14062l-39.6875 -30.4082 c-4.75488 -3.64551 -13.4766 -6.60449 -19.4688 -6.60449c-17.6621 0 -31.9961 14.334 -31.9961 31.9961c0 8.71387 5.6123 20.0898 12.5273 25.3916l39.625 30.4062c14.2383 10.9492 40.3711 19.8359 58.333 19.8359c6.31055 0 16.4092 -1.20703 22.542 -2.69336 l71.0625 -21.1426c26.3125 -6.71875 49.2812 -25.3906 61.7812 -50.9375l26.0625 -53.252h44.0312z" /> <glyph glyph-name="portal-exit-primary" unicode="&#xf923;" d="M368 351.998c-26.4951 0.000976562 -47.999 21.5049 -48 48v0.000976562c0 26.4961 21.5049 48.001 48.001 48.001s48.001 -21.5049 48.001 -48.001s-21.5049 -48.001 -48.001 -48.001h-0.000976562zM209.688 130.521c6.7998 -15.0498 23.8232 -34.1387 38 -42.6094 l10.6562 -6.29688l-8.78125 -20.5332c-6.86523 -16.0508 -26.6055 -29.0781 -44.0635 -29.0781h-0.0615234h-77.4375c-17.6426 0.0224609 -31.9609 14.3584 -31.9609 32.001s14.3184 31.9785 31.9609 32.001h66.875zM480 224.01c17.665 0 32.001 -14.3359 32.001 -32.001 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32.001 -32.001 -32.001h-54c-16.4863 0.0625 -35.792 12.1094 -43.0938 26.8906l-20.2812 41.4395l-31.3125 -78.2832l61.25 -36.1426c12.9346 -7.73926 23.4316 -26.2539 23.4316 -41.3262c0 -3.67578 -0.80957 -9.5293 -1.80664 -13.0664 l-31.625 -101.064c-3.85547 -12.3955 -17.5195 -22.4551 -30.501 -22.4551c-2.71973 0 -7.03125 0.665039 -9.62402 1.48438c-12.3701 3.87598 -22.4092 17.543 -22.4092 30.5059c0 2.70996 0.65918 7.00586 1.47168 9.58984l27.4375 87.7207l-84.9375 50.1738 c-17.3535 10.2891 -31.4375 35.0137 -31.4375 55.1885c0 7.22266 2.2959 18.4795 5.125 25.126l37.4375 87.3945l-14.6875 4.375c-7.8125 1.85938 -17.5938 -0.25 -25.25 -6.14062l-39.6875 -30.4082c-4.75488 -3.64551 -13.4766 -6.60449 -19.4688 -6.60449 c-17.6621 0 -31.9961 14.334 -31.9961 31.9961c0 8.71387 5.6123 20.0898 12.5273 25.3916l39.625 30.4062c14.2383 10.9492 40.3711 19.8359 58.333 19.8359c6.31055 0 16.4092 -1.20703 22.542 -2.69336l71.0625 -21.1426 c26.3125 -6.71875 49.2812 -25.3906 61.7812 -50.9375l26.0625 -53.252h44.0312z" /> <glyph glyph-name="radar-primary" unicode="&#xf924;" d="M227.305 2.375c-77.1533 11.6797 -149.25 83.7764 -160.93 160.93c3.55176 -1.77246 9.65625 -3.25293 13.625 -3.30469c7.07031 0 13.2656 2.75 18.5625 6.63477c10.1494 -62.7529 69.3174 -121.921 132.07 -132.07 c-3.88281 -5.29688 -6.63281 -11.4922 -6.63281 -18.5645c0.0517578 -3.96875 1.53223 -10.0732 3.30469 -13.625zM281.367 34.5645c76.1328 12.2598 134.633 77.8965 134.633 157.436h32c0 -96.2598 -70.9141 -175.74 -163.305 -189.625 c1.77246 3.55176 3.25293 9.65625 3.30469 13.625c0 7.07227 -2.75 13.2676 -6.63281 18.5645zM475.312 400.004c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65527 4.6875 -11.3135s-2.09961 -8.72656 -4.6875 -11.3135l-201.371 -201.373 c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.68652 -11.3145 -4.68652s-8.72754 2.09961 -11.3145 4.68652l-11.3086 11.3105c-2.58594 2.58691 -4.68457 7.65527 -4.68457 11.3135s2.09863 8.72656 4.68457 11.3135l40.7148 40.7129c-6.51367 2.90137 -17.5879 5.2959 -24.7188 5.3457 c-35.3281 0 -64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64s64 28.6719 64 64h32c0 -52.9922 -43.0078 -96 -96 -96s-96 43.0078 -96 96s43.0078 96 96 96c14.4307 -0.00976562 36.1621 -6.08301 48.5078 -13.5547l45.6211 45.6211 c-26.4805 19.6523 -58.6875 31.9336 -94.1289 31.9336c-79.5391 0 -145.176 -58.498 -157.438 -134.633c-5.29688 3.88477 -11.4922 6.63281 -18.5625 6.63281c-3.96875 -0.0507812 -10.0732 -1.53027 -13.625 -3.30273c13.8828 92.3887 93.3672 163.303 189.625 163.303 h0.0966797c36.2754 0 88.9072 -18.1377 117.481 -40.4863l67.7969 67.8008c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.68555 11.3145 4.68555s8.72754 -2.09863 11.3145 -4.68555z" /> <glyph glyph-name="raygun-primary" unicode="&#xf925;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M554.938 328.989c1.35938 0.453125 3.62695 0.821289 5.05957 0.821289c8.83203 0 16.001 -7.16699 16.0029 -15.999v-83.5801c-0.00195312 -8.83203 -7.17188 -16 -16.0039 -16c-1.43555 0 -3.70508 0.368164 -5.06641 0.822266l-74.8125 24.9707h-64.0742v63.9922 h63.957zM112 383.999h128c13.9521 -0.0703125 35.4561 -5.08398 48 -11.1914v-201.617c-12.5439 -6.10645 -34.0479 -11.1201 -48 -11.1914h-128h-0.0332031c-61.8242 0 -112 50.1768 -112 112c0 61.8242 50.1758 112 112 112h0.0332031zM111.953 248.022 c13.2461 0.000976562 23.998 10.752 24 23.998c0 13.2471 -10.751 23.998 -23.998 23.998s-23.998 -10.751 -23.998 -23.998c0 -13.2451 10.75 -23.9961 23.9961 -23.998zM207.961 248.022c13.2471 0 24 10.752 24 23.998c0 13.2471 -10.751 23.998 -23.998 23.998 s-23.998 -10.751 -23.998 -23.998c0 -13.2451 10.75 -23.9961 23.9961 -23.998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="refrigerator-primary" unicode="&#xf926;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M0 255.5v32h288v-32h-288zM320 287.5h64v-32h-64v32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rocket-launch-primary" unicode="&#xf927;" d="M505.16 428.484c6.96875 -32.5723 6.90234 -58.0918 6.82422 -83.1816c0 -88.7656 -40.625 -156.217 -127.859 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-7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z M208 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-alert-primary" unicode="&#xf929;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M633.09 44.6299c19.6504 -34.0596 -4.93945 -76.6299 -44.2695 -76.6299h-281.641c-39.3398 0 -63.9199 42.5703 -44.2695 76.6396l140.83 244.141c19.6602 34.0996 68.8594 34.0996 88.5293 0zM448 16c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24 s10.752 -24 24 -24zM467.08 98.7998l9.59961 96c0.0332031 0.330078 0.0605469 0.868164 0.0605469 1.2002c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12v0h-33.4707v0c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12c0 -0.332031 0.0273438 -0.870117 0.0605469 -1.2002l9.58984 -96 c0.599609 -5.96094 5.94824 -10.7998 11.9395 -10.7998h0.0107422h14.2695h0.000976562c5.99121 0 11.3398 4.83887 11.9395 10.7998zM80 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z M144 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM208 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-fire-primary" unicode="&#xf92a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M551.13 297.14c51.75 -48.0293 88.8701 -126.52 88.8701 -164.569c0 -90.9004 -71.6602 -164.57 -160 -164.57s-160 73.6699 -160 164.57c0 51.1396 49.8203 136.029 120 201.14c21.7188 -20.0195 53.5264 -55.5947 71 -79.4102 c10.2617 12.5869 28.2402 31.7793 40.1299 42.8398zM540.07 50.1396c36.9297 25.8506 45.5898 75.8604 25.0693 115c-2.50977 4.85059 -5.33008 9.87988 -8.43945 15l-44 -50.1396s-68.9199 88 -74.1006 94c-36.3691 -43.5898 -54.5996 -69.0703 -54.5996 -98.0703 c0 -58.1201 44.0498 -93.9297 98.1602 -93.9297h0.199219c17.502 0 43.3564 8.12695 57.7109 18.1396zM208 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM80 352 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM144 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-on-primary" unicode="&#xf92b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 216c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24h-64c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24h64zM536 304c-13.2168 0.03125 -23.9434 10.7832 -23.9434 24c0 7.05859 4.75488 15.9824 10.6133 19.9199l48 32 c3.43945 2.43359 9.65039 4.40918 13.8633 4.40918c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24c0 -7.32715 -5.03711 -16.4346 -11.2432 -20.3291l-48 -32c-3.31738 -2.20801 -9.24316 -4 -13.2275 -4h-0.0625zM549.29 76l48.0195 -32c5.91504 -3.93555 10.7148 -12.8955 10.7148 -20 c0 -13.2617 -10.7627 -24.0244 -24.0244 -24.0244c-4.00977 0 -9.97266 1.80273 -13.3096 4.02441l-48 32c-5.91699 3.93457 -10.7188 12.8945 -10.7188 20c0 13.2578 10.7598 24.0186 24.0186 24.0186c4.00586 0 9.96387 -1.80078 13.2998 -4.01855zM80 352 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM208 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM144 352 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-smoke-primary" unicode="&#xf92c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M572.66 126.72c37.1934 -5.88086 67.3799 -41.2139 67.3799 -78.8701c0 -44.0771 -35.7734 -79.8496 -79.8506 -79.8496h-0.189453h-224c-44.1602 0 -80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80c0.55957 0 1.08008 -0.169922 1.63965 -0.169922 c-0.90332 4.39551 -1.63574 11.6055 -1.63574 16.0928c0 44.127 35.8125 79.9395 79.9395 79.9395c29.9893 0 63.2871 -22.6289 74.3262 -50.5127c7.92383 10.293 24.8955 18.6455 37.8848 18.6455c26.3916 0 47.8096 -21.4189 47.8096 -47.8096 c0 -4.99316 -1.47949 -12.8174 -3.30371 -17.4658zM80 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM144 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM208 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="siren-primary" unicode="&#xf92d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="siren-on-primary" unicode="&#xf92e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M528 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416zM112 256c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-64c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24h64 c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24zM616 280c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24h-64c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24h64zM90.6904 372l-48 32c-6.20703 3.89453 -11.2441 13.002 -11.2441 20.3291c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24 c4.21387 0 10.4248 -1.97559 13.8633 -4.40918l48 -32c6.20703 -3.89453 11.2441 -13.002 11.2441 -20.3291c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24c-4.21387 0 -10.4248 1.97559 -13.8633 4.40918zM536 368c-13.2227 0.0253906 -23.9531 10.7773 -23.9531 24 c0 7.07129 4.76758 16.0049 10.6436 19.9404l48 32c3.4209 2.39453 9.58594 4.33789 13.7627 4.33789c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24c0 -7.29297 -5.00098 -16.3779 -11.1631 -20.2783l-48 -32c-3.31738 -2.20801 -9.24316 -4 -13.2275 -4h-0.0625z" /> <glyph glyph-name="solar-system-primary" unicode="&#xf92f;" d="M256 256c35.3281 0 64.0049 -28.6719 64.0068 -64c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64c0 35.3242 28.6689 63.9961 63.9932 64zM52.3301 395.646c9.05371 9.05664 26.7959 16.4062 39.6016 16.4062s30.5479 -7.34961 39.6016 -16.4062 c9.05371 -9.05371 16.4014 -26.7939 16.4014 -39.5977c0 -30.9131 -25.0898 -56.0029 -56.0029 -56.0029s-56.0029 25.0898 -56.0029 56.0029c0 12.8037 7.34766 30.5439 16.4014 39.5977zM391.78 327.766c7.75879 -7.76172 14.0557 -22.9668 14.0557 -33.9414 s-6.29688 -26.1797 -14.0557 -33.9414c-7.76074 -7.76172 -22.9688 -14.0615 -33.9453 -14.0615c-26.4971 0 -48.0029 21.5049 -48.0029 48.0029s21.5059 48.0029 48.0029 48.0029c10.9766 0 26.1846 -6.2998 33.9453 -14.0615zM459.67 67.5508 c9.05176 -9.05469 16.3984 -26.7949 16.3984 -39.5986s-7.34668 -30.5439 -16.3984 -39.5986c-9.05469 -9.05566 -26.7959 -16.4043 -39.6016 -16.4043c-30.9141 0 -56.0029 25.0889 -56.0029 56.0029s25.0889 56.0029 56.0029 56.0029 c12.8057 0 30.5469 -7.34863 39.6016 -16.4043z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-circle-primary" unicode="&#xf930;" d="M164.75 224c-16.4004 0 -24.5898 19.8496 -13 31.4199l91.25 91.1699c2.96484 2.99023 8.78906 5.41602 13 5.41602s10.0352 -2.42578 13 -5.41602l91.1104 -91.1699c11.5898 -11.5703 3.40918 -31.4199 -13 -31.4199h-182.36zM347.11 160 c16.4092 0 24.5898 -19.8496 13.0693 -31.4102l-91.1797 -91.1797c-2.96484 -2.99023 -8.78906 -5.41602 -13 -5.41602s-10.0352 2.42578 -13 5.41602l-91.25 91.1797c-11.5898 11.5605 -3.40039 31.4102 13 31.4102h182.36z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-circle-down-primary" unicode="&#xf931;" d="M360.27 128.59l-91.2695 -91.1797c-2.96484 -2.99023 -8.78906 -5.41602 -13 -5.41602s-10.0352 2.42578 -13 5.41602l-91.1797 91.1797c-11.5605 11.5605 -3.37988 31.4102 13 31.4102h182.42c16.4102 0 24.5898 -19.8496 13.0293 -31.4102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-circle-up-primary" unicode="&#xf932;" d="M151.73 255.41l91.2695 91.1797c2.96484 2.99023 8.78906 5.41602 13 5.41602s10.0352 -2.42578 13 -5.41602l91.1797 -91.1797c11.5605 -11.5605 3.37988 -31.4102 -13 -31.4102h-182.42c-16.4102 0 -24.5898 19.8496 -13.0293 31.4102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="space-station-moon-primary" unicode="&#xf933;" d="M256 128c90.5234 0 174.805 13.2305 246.273 35.7344c-1.18555 -10.0791 -4.31445 -26.207 -6.98438 -35.998c-70.5781 -20.2754 -151.945 -31.7363 -239.289 -31.7363s-168.711 11.4609 -239.289 31.7363c-2.66992 9.79102 -5.79883 25.9189 -6.98438 35.998 c71.4688 -22.5039 155.75 -35.7344 246.273 -35.7344zM192 208c-44.1602 0 -80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80s80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80zM192 312c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24v0c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="space-station-moon-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf934;" d="M256 128c90.5234 0 174.805 13.2305 246.273 35.7344c-1.18555 -10.0791 -4.31445 -26.207 -6.98438 -35.998c-70.5781 -20.2754 -151.945 -31.7363 -239.289 -31.7363s-168.711 11.4609 -239.289 31.7363c-2.66992 9.79102 -5.79883 25.9189 -6.98438 35.998 c71.4688 -22.5039 155.75 -35.7344 246.273 -35.7344zM192 208c-44.1602 0 -80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80s80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80zM192 312c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24v0c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sprinkler-primary" unicode="&#xf935;" d="M412.41 163.56l-67.5205 -78.2295l-24.8896 -24.8896v-124.44h-128v124.44l-24.8896 24.8896l-67.5205 78.2295c-1.96484 2.61719 -3.55957 7.39746 -3.55957 10.6709c0 9.80859 7.96094 17.7695 17.7695 17.7695h0.00976562h110.19v176c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-176h110.19h0.00976562c9.80859 0 17.7695 -7.96094 17.7695 -17.7695c0 -3.27344 -1.59473 -8.05371 -3.55957 -10.6709z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-shooting-primary" unicode="&#xf936;" d="M82.8975 67.5156l-75.9072 73.9971c-13.7031 13.2959 -6.09375 36.498 12.7031 39.2012l104.799 15.2959l46.9072 95.1992c8.5 17.2021 32.7979 16.999 41.1885 0l46.9072 -95.1992l104.799 -15.2959c18.7969 -2.70312 26.4072 -25.9053 12.7969 -39.2012 l-75.8916 -73.9971l17.8906 -104.59c0.182617 -1.06348 0.331055 -2.80176 0.331055 -3.88086c0 -12.6709 -10.2832 -22.9541 -22.9541 -22.9541c-3.125 0 -7.90723 1.17969 -10.6738 2.63281l-93.7988 49.3887l-93.7988 -49.3887 c-16.6104 -8.90527 -36.501 5.29688 -33.2979 24.2021z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starfighter-primary" unicode="&#xf937;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512 96h80v-76.7988l-128 -51.2012v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16h-192v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16l-128 51.2012v76.7988h80v-80c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h64 c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v80h32v96l30.25 241.986c0.966797 7.73535 8.0791 14.0137 15.875 14.0137h35.748c7.79688 0 14.9102 -6.2793 15.877 -14.0156l30.25 -241.984v-96h32v-80c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h64c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v80zM352 144v48 c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starfighter-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf938;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 352c88.3193 0 160 -71.6797 160 -159.999v-0.000976562c0 -88.3203 -71.6797 -160 -160 -160s-160 71.6797 -160 160s71.6797 160 160 160zM300 286.789v-32c7.17871 -1.3457 17.9111 -5.76465 23.957 -9.86328l22.6289 22.627 c-11.3955 8.84961 -32.2666 17.4678 -46.5859 19.2363zM276 286.789c-14.3193 -1.76855 -35.1904 -10.3867 -46.5859 -19.2363l22.6289 -22.627c6.0459 4.09863 16.7783 8.51758 23.957 9.86328v32zM212.445 250.584c-8.84863 -11.3955 -17.4648 -32.2656 -19.2344 -46.584 h32c1.34668 7.17871 5.76562 17.9111 9.86328 23.957zM193.211 180c1.76953 -14.3184 10.3857 -35.1885 19.2344 -46.584l22.6289 22.627c-4.09766 6.0459 -8.5166 16.7783 -9.86328 23.957h-32zM276 97.2109v32c-7.17871 1.3457 -17.9111 5.76465 -23.957 9.86328 l-22.6289 -22.627c11.3955 -8.84961 32.2666 -17.4678 46.5859 -19.2363zM256 192c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32s32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32zM300 97.2109c14.3193 1.76855 35.1904 10.3867 46.5859 19.2363l-22.6289 22.627 c-6.0459 -4.09863 -16.7783 -8.51758 -23.957 -9.86328v-32zM363.555 133.416c8.84863 11.3955 17.4648 32.2656 19.2344 46.584h-32c-1.34668 -7.17871 -5.76562 -17.9111 -9.86328 -23.957zM350.789 204h32c-1.76953 14.3184 -10.3857 35.1885 -19.2344 46.584 l-22.6289 -22.627c4.09766 -6.0459 8.5166 -16.7783 9.86328 -23.957zM48 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v0v-416c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v416v0c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16v0h32zM560 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v0 v-416c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v416v0c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16v0h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starship-primary" unicode="&#xf939;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208.25 237.113l54.4023 4.28516c-3.67188 -13.3867 -6.65234 -35.5176 -6.65234 -49.3984s2.98047 -36.0117 6.65234 -49.3984l-54.4023 4.28516l-70.4883 -50.8867h-73.7617l77.5625 56.9492l-10.7969 0.982422c-19.1904 1.74414 -34.7656 18.7998 -34.7656 38.0693 s15.5752 36.3252 34.7656 38.0693l10.7969 0.980469l-55.3242 56.9492h73.7617zM448 256c35.2881 -0.0400391 63.96 -28.7119 64 -64c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM448 160c17.6631 0.000976562 31.999 14.3369 32 32 c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" 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32zM352 96c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96v0v-32c-0.000976562 -17.6631 -14.3369 -31.999 -32 -32h-96v64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-128c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-64h-96 c-17.6631 0.000976562 -31.999 14.3369 -32 32v32c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96v0h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-visor-primary" unicode="&#xf94c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M313.594 160c74.1729 -0.0195312 134.387 -60.2334 134.406 -134.406v-41.5938c-0.00683594 -26.4893 -21.5107 -47.9932 -48 -48h-352c-26.4893 0.00683594 -47.9932 21.5107 -48 48v41.5938c0.0195312 74.1729 60.2334 134.387 134.406 134.406h16.6875 c19.1533 -8.83203 51.8154 -16 72.9062 -16s53.7529 7.16797 72.9062 16h16.6875zM353.281 0.203125c1.50195 0.504883 2.7207 2.2002 2.7207 3.78418c0 0.0380859 -0.000976562 0.0996094 -0.00195312 0.137695c-1.15625 35.3438 -11.2656 65.7188 -30.0781 90.3125 c-0.638672 0.835938 -2.01074 1.53613 -3.0625 1.5625c-1.03418 -0.00683594 -2.44043 -0.629883 -3.14062 -1.39062c-19.8281 -23 -31.8281 -53.1094 -35.7031 -89.5c-0.0107422 -0.110352 -0.0195312 -0.289062 -0.0195312 -0.399414 c0 -1.30762 0.925781 -2.88477 2.06641 -3.52246c0.498047 -0.263672 1.36035 -0.477539 1.92383 -0.477539c0.756836 0 1.86133 0.368164 2.4668 0.821289c24.8594 19.3281 33.75 23.8125 37.0469 24.8125c0.366211 0.151367 0.982422 0.319336 1.375 0.375 c2.23438 -1.98438 7.67188 -7.84375 19.8594 -25.0312c0.661133 -0.929688 2.125 -1.68555 3.26562 -1.6875h0.0126953c0.358398 0 0.927734 0.0908203 1.26855 0.203125zM112 272c-17.6631 0.000976562 -31.999 14.3369 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h224 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c-0.000976562 -17.6631 -14.3369 -31.999 -32 -32h-224zM128 352v-32h192v32h-192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vacuum-primary" unicode="&#xf94d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M368 96c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80zM368 0c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM640 320c0 -53.1299 -32.8398 -98.1104 -79.04 -117.37 c0.150391 -0.370117 0.259766 -0.769531 0.410156 -1.13965c-7.18652 17.2012 -23.2695 42.2891 -35.9004 56v0c27.751 6.09375 50.2734 34.0986 50.2734 62.5107c0 35.1855 -28.5566 63.8574 -63.7432 63.999h-210.39 c-28.4785 -0.104492 -56.5283 -22.7686 -62.6104 -50.5898l-71.4102 -333.41h8.41016c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h54.1201l74.3203 346.81 c12.5596 58.6309 65.1992 101.19 125.17 101.19h210.39c70.5791 -0.0771484 127.923 -57.4209 128 -128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vacuum-robot-primary" unicode="&#xf94e;" d="M431.36 367.36c96.8496 -96.8506 96.8496 -253.87 0 -350.721c-96.8506 -96.8496 -253.87 -96.8496 -350.721 0c-96.8496 96.8506 -96.8496 253.87 0 350.721c96.8506 96.8496 253.87 96.8496 350.721 0zM199.43 44.9199c2.58789 2.58691 4.6875 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154 c0 3.6582 -2.09961 8.72754 -4.6875 11.3145l-67.8799 67.8799c-2.58691 2.58789 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3145 4.6875c-8.83301 0 -16.002 -7.16895 -16.002 -16.002c0 -3.65918 2.09961 -8.72852 4.68652 -11.3154l67.8799 -67.8799 c2.58691 -2.58789 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154 -4.6875c3.6582 0 8.72754 2.09961 11.3145 4.6875zM267.31 67.5498c2.58789 2.58691 4.68848 7.65625 4.68848 11.3154c0 3.6582 -2.10059 8.72754 -4.68848 11.3145l-113.13 113.13 c-2.57031 2.49805 -7.56543 4.52539 -11.1494 4.52539c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16c0 -3.58203 2.02441 -8.5752 4.51953 -11.1445l113.141 -113.141c2.58594 -2.58496 7.65332 -4.68262 11.3096 -4.68262s8.72363 2.09766 11.3096 4.68262zM289.94 135.43 c2.58691 2.58691 4.6875 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154s-2.10059 8.72754 -4.6875 11.3145l-67.8809 67.8809c-2.58691 2.58691 -7.65625 4.68652 -11.3145 4.68652c-8.83301 0 -16.002 -7.16895 -16.002 -16.002c0 -3.65918 2.09961 -8.72754 4.68652 -11.3154l67.8799 -67.8799 c2.58691 -2.58691 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154 -4.6875s8.72852 2.10059 11.3154 4.6875zM380.45 67.5498c68.6299 68.6201 68.6201 180.271 0 248.9s-180.28 68.6299 -248.9 0c-2.42871 -2.55664 -4.40039 -7.49414 -4.40039 -11.0205c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16 c3.52637 0 8.46387 1.97168 11.0205 4.40039c56.1602 56.1504 147.521 56.1602 203.66 0s56.1396 -147.5 0 -203.66c-2.42871 -2.55664 -4.40039 -7.49414 -4.40039 -11.0205c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16c3.52637 0 8.46387 1.97168 11.0205 4.40039z" /> <glyph glyph-name="window-frame-primary" unicode="&#xf94f;" d="M496 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v416c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-416h16zM240 0v160h-144v-160h144zM240 224v160 h-144v-160h144zM416 0v160h-144v-160h144zM416 224v160h-144v-160h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="window-frame-open-primary" unicode="&#xf950;" d="M480 416v-256h-448v256c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32zM240 224v160h-144v-160h144zM416 224v160h-144v-160h144zM496 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v128h64v-128h320v128h64v-128h16z" /> <glyph 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10.0928 -7.82617c4.69238 0 9.26562 3.73047 10.208 8.32617l37.6797 183.705c3.64355 17.6387 21.2178 31.9531 39.2285 31.9531c3.41211 0 8.82227 -0.834961 12.0762 -1.86328c19.8594 -6.30078 30.8633 -27.6738 26.6758 -48.0859 l-33.8398 -164.965c-0.0849609 -0.414062 -0.154297 -1.09375 -0.154297 -1.5166c0 -4.16895 3.38379 -7.55273 7.55273 -7.55273c3.29297 0 6.58398 2.59961 7.34766 5.80176l29.3945 123.459c4.05371 16.958 21.4961 30.7217 38.9316 30.7217 c2.58496 0 6.72461 -0.484375 9.23926 -1.08105zM352.003 80c8.81348 0.0185547 15.9668 7.18652 15.9668 16s-7.15332 15.9814 -15.9668 16h-159.999c-8.81348 -0.0185547 -15.9668 -7.18652 -15.9668 -16s7.15332 -15.9814 15.9668 -16 c44.1133 -0.046875 79.9531 -35.8867 79.999 -80c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16v0.078125c0 25.9775 -15.0918 61.7822 -33.6875 79.9219h81.6875z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shower-secondary" unicode="&#x10f2cc;" d="M336 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM336 128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM304 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM432 224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM368 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM384 208 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16zM304 192c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM336 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM464 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM496 256c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM432 192 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM400 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM304 64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM368 256c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM368 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bath-secondary" unicode="&#x10f2cd;" d="M80 192h-48v186.75v0.0361328c0 38.2256 31.0244 69.25 69.25 69.25c15.835 0 37.7734 -9.08887 48.9697 -20.2861l19.2607 -19.2695c29.8994 13.1299 59.1094 7.60938 79.7295 -8.62012l0.169922 0.169922c2.58496 2.57617 7.64551 4.66699 11.2949 4.66699 c3.66406 0 8.7373 -2.10449 11.3252 -4.69727l11.3096 -11.3096c2.58789 -2.58691 4.68848 -7.65625 4.68848 -11.3154s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.68848 -11.3154l-105.369 -105.369c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.68848 -11.3154 -4.68848s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.68848 l-11.3096 11.3096c-2.58496 2.58691 -4.68262 7.65332 -4.68262 11.3096c0 3.65723 2.09766 8.72363 4.68262 11.3105l0.169922 0.169922c-16.2295 20.6201 -21.75 49.8496 -8.62012 79.7295l-19.2695 19.2607c-3.43652 3.42969 -10.165 6.21387 -15.0205 6.21387 c-11.7266 0 -21.251 -9.51758 -21.2598 -21.2441v-186.75z" /> <glyph glyph-name="compress-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f422;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 168v-112c0 -21.3799 -25.7998 -32.0898 -40.9199 -17l-31.0801 33l-99.3096 -99.3096c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.68848 -11.3154 -4.68848s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.68848l-25.3691 25.3691c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154 s2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l99.3096 99.3096l-32.9199 31c-15.1201 15.1201 -4.41016 41 17 41h112c13.2041 -0.0439453 23.9199 -10.7959 23.9199 -24v0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="expand-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f424;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 -8v112c0 21.3799 25.7998 32.0898 40.9199 17l31.0801 -33l92.6904 92.6904c2.58594 2.58398 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09863 11.3096 -4.68262l25.3809 -25.3809c2.58398 -2.58594 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3096 s-2.09863 -8.72363 -4.68262 -11.3096l-92.6904 -92.6904l32.9199 -31c15.1201 -15.1201 4.41016 -41 -17 -41h-111.92c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="balance-scale-left-secondary" unicode="&#x10f515;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M544 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v342.75c-3.76953 1.63379 -9.59375 4.82324 -13 7.12012l-142 -47.6299c-1.36719 -0.458984 -3.64844 -0.832031 -5.09082 -0.832031c-6.35254 0 -13.1484 4.88867 -15.1689 10.9121 l-10.1699 30.3398c-0.458984 1.36719 -0.832031 3.64844 -0.832031 5.09082c0 6.35254 4.88867 13.1484 10.9121 15.1689l128.35 43.0801c-0.452148 2.74219 -0.899414 7.22266 -1 10c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80c29.6904 0 55.2998 -16.3604 69.1104 -40.3701 l117.89 39.5303c1.36719 0.458984 3.64844 0.831055 5.09082 0.831055c6.35254 0 13.1484 -4.8877 15.1689 -10.9111l10.1699 -30.3398c0.458984 -1.36816 0.832031 -3.64844 0.832031 -5.09082c0 -6.35352 -4.88867 -13.1494 -10.9121 -15.1689l-132 -44.2607 c-6.21094 -18.3555 -25.6318 -39.6221 -43.3496 -47.4697v-294.75h176c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="balance-scale-right-secondary" unicode="&#x10f516;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M112 0h176v294.76c-17.7314 7.83984 -37.165 29.1064 -43.3799 47.4707l-132 44.2598c-6.02344 2.02051 -10.9111 8.81641 -10.9111 15.1689c0 1.44238 0.37207 3.72363 0.831055 5.09082l10.1602 30.3398c2.01758 6.03027 8.81445 10.9238 15.1729 10.9238 c1.45312 0 3.75 -0.37793 5.12695 -0.84375l117.89 -39.54c13.8105 24.0098 39.4199 40.3701 69.1104 40.3701c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80c-0.100586 -2.77734 -0.547852 -7.25781 -1 -10l128.4 -43.0498c6.02246 -2.02051 10.9111 -8.81641 10.9111 -15.1699 c0 -1.44238 -0.37207 -3.72266 -0.831055 -5.08984l-10.1807 -30.3701c-2.01758 -6.03027 -8.81445 -10.9238 -15.1729 -10.9238c-1.45312 0 -3.75 0.37793 -5.12695 0.84375l-142 47.6299c-3.40625 -2.29688 -9.23047 -5.48633 -13 -7.12012v-342.75 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph 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39.7363c-18.7539 33.4668 -6.61035 80.6016 27.5166 128.002c-34.127 47.4004 -46.2705 94.5312 -27.5166 127.998c28.3789 50.6426 107.515 40.9414 118.631 39.7383 c18.1191 -2.06836 46.9014 -8.31641 64.2461 -13.9473c10.6191 -3.38672 21.4297 -7.4707 32.3184 -11.957c10.8887 4.48438 21.6992 8.56836 32.3184 11.9551c2.81445 -5.56348 24.3447 -45.7021 30.0322 -119.092c-27.2471 19.5742 -40.7363 26.4941 -62.3506 37.0234z M144.54 92.0723c-12.6201 8.17676 -32.2793 22.5752 -43.8828 32.1406c-7.55273 6.26758 -14.6162 12.6875 -21.4336 19.1641c-14.8154 -23.2598 -19.9922 -41.3652 -16.6211 -47.3789c0.225586 -0.400391 8.01465 -9.97949 44.6768 -8.80469 c10.4033 0.435547 27.0957 2.62109 37.2607 4.87891zM100.657 259.787c11.6035 9.56543 31.2627 23.9648 43.8828 32.1426c-10.1641 2.25781 -26.8545 4.44336 -37.2568 4.87891c-36.6777 1.17188 -44.4561 -8.4082 -44.6807 -8.80859 c-3.37109 -6.01172 1.80566 -24.1172 16.6211 -47.377c6.81738 6.47656 13.8818 12.8965 21.4336 19.1641z" /> <glyph glyph-name="atom-alt-secondary" 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1.6875 -12.7695 3.73047c-1.15039 0.776367 -3.21191 1.40723 -4.60059 1.40723c-1.75391 0 -4.23145 -0.958008 -5.5293 -2.1377l-11.75 -11.2197c-1.38965 -1.30762 -2.5166 -3.91797 -2.5166 -5.8252 c0 -1.75195 0.975586 -4.20996 2.17676 -5.48535c-0.129883 0 12.3896 -11.1797 32.2197 -12.1797v-16.29c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16.1201c23.6201 0.629883 42.6699 20.54 42.6699 45.0703c0 20 -13 37.8096 -31.5801 43.3896l-45 13.5 c-5.16016 1.5498 -8.76953 6.78027 -8.76953 12.7295c0 7.27051 5.2998 13.1904 11.7998 13.1904h28.1104c3.83398 -0.0117188 9.57715 -1.68262 12.8193 -3.73047c1.15039 -0.78125 3.21289 -1.41504 4.60352 -1.41504c1.75488 0 4.23145 0.960938 5.52637 2.14551 l11.75 11.2197c4.08008 3.82031 2.44043 9.08008 0.339844 11.3105c-7.80273 6.28418 -22.2598 11.7412 -32.2695 12.1797v16.29c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16.1201z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope-open-text-secondary" unicode="&#x10f658;" d="M64 190.4v161.6c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 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0 38.1797 13.8799 41.2695 33.6104c2.87988 18.4092 -6.91992 34.2197 -21.8398 41.4697c-5.73047 2.78027 -9.66016 8.25 -9.66016 14.6299v17.6201c0.0136719 8.87305 7.22656 16.0742 16.0996 16.0742c1.51074 0 3.89453 -0.405273 5.32031 -0.904297zM64 320 h448v-32h-448v32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alien-secondary" unicode="&#x10f8f5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 448c123.719 0 224 -88.0293 224 -232.451c0 -111.777 -134.215 -224.598 -194.863 -269.873c-7.15527 -5.34082 -20.208 -9.67578 -29.1367 -9.67578s-21.9814 4.33496 -29.1367 9.67578c-60.6484 45.2754 -194.863 158.096 -194.863 269.873 c0 144.422 100.281 232.451 224 232.451zM176 128c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v0.000976562c0 44.1592 -35.8398 79.999 -79.999 79.999h-0.000976562h-32v0c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v0c0 -44.1602 35.8398 -80 80 -80h32zM304 128c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80v0 c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16v0h-32h-0.000976562c-44.1592 0 -79.999 -35.8398 -79.999 -79.999v-0.000976562c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32z" /> <glyph 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384l18.6602 -64h-384v64h365.34zM96 384v-64h-96l18.6602 64h77.3398z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blinds-open-secondary" unicode="&#x10f8fc;" d="M96 384v-48h-96l16 48h80zM96 237.06c-11.8145 -4.22656 -24.833 -17.2451 -29.0596 -29.0596h-66.9404l16 48h80v-18.9404zM496 384l16 -48h-384v48h368zM16 128h480l16 -48h-512zM16 -16h480l16 -48h-512zM128 256h368l16 -48h-354.94 c-4.22656 11.8145 -17.2451 24.833 -29.0596 29.0596v18.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blinds-raised-secondary" unicode="&#x10f8fd;" d="M0 222.71l18.6602 64.3701h77.3398v-64.3701h-96zM128 287.08h365.34l18.6602 -64.3701h-384v64.3701zM493.34 383.63l18.6602 -64.3701h-384v64.3701h365.34zM0 319.26l18.6602 64.3701h77.3398v-64.3701h-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="camera-home-secondary" unicode="&#x10f8fe;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 352c61.8105 -0.0136719 111.975 -50.1895 111.975 -112c0 -61.8242 -50.1758 -112 -112 -112c-61.8232 0 -112 50.1758 -112 112c0 61.8105 50.165 111.986 111.976 112h0.0498047zM224 272c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 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-0.842773 -5.58984 -1.88086 -7.54199c-22.1055 -42.2969 -82.6904 -152.795 -142.479 -214.403c-0.999023 -1.09375 -1.99902 -2.5 -2.99902 -3.5 c-31.5059 -31.5371 -93.2549 -57.1318 -137.833 -57.1318c-107.546 0 -194.83 87.2842 -194.83 194.831c0 44.5615 25.5791 106.294 57.0957 137.797c1 1 2.40625 2 3.5 3c61.5996 59.9053 171.974 120.404 214.373 142.498 c1.95215 1.03809 5.33008 1.88086 7.54102 1.88086c6.56641 0 13.4492 -5.09863 15.3613 -11.3809c1.59375 -5.09375 3.5 -11.5938 5.59277 -18.5928c75.8955 26.999 148.978 49.7021 187.675 61.2959zM315.335 147.645c2.53613 2.49023 4.5957 7.39648 4.5957 10.9512 c0 7.32227 -5.88086 14.125 -13.126 15.1846l-69.8525 10.1973l-31.2646 63.4678c-2.31934 4.7207 -8.46973 8.55176 -13.7285 8.55176s-11.4092 -3.83105 -13.7285 -8.55176l-31.2646 -63.4678l-69.8525 -10.1973c-7.23633 -1.05273 -13.1084 -7.8418 -13.1084 -15.1543 c0 -3.57227 2.0791 -8.49219 4.64062 -10.9814l50.5938 -49.334l-11.998 -69.7275c-2.13184 -12.6055 11.123 -22.0742 22.1963 -16.1367l62.5215 32.9277l62.5215 -32.9277c1.84375 -0.967773 5.03125 -1.75391 7.11426 -1.75391 c8.44727 0 15.3018 6.85547 15.3018 15.3018c0 0.719727 -0.0986328 1.87988 -0.219727 2.58887l-11.9277 69.7275z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fan-table-secondary" unicode="&#x10f904;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M248 -0.5h-48v33.5c-103.55 11.9102 -184 99.75 -184 206.5c0 114.87 93.1299 208 208 208s208 -93.1299 208 -207.99c0 -106.75 -80.4502 -194.59 -184 -206.51v-33.5zM119.67 112.7c12.0713 -6.94238 33.1709 -12.5762 47.0957 -12.5762 c30.1084 0 66.7607 21.1611 81.8145 47.2363c6.83398 11.916 12.3799 32.7354 12.3799 46.4717c0 4.91211 -0.751953 12.8145 -1.67969 17.6377l104.7 -17.4502c0.84082 -0.138672 2.2168 -0.250977 3.06934 -0.250977c10.3896 0 18.8301 8.43164 18.8398 18.8213v0.0849609 c0 52.0869 -42.2725 94.3594 -94.3594 94.3594c-19.1367 0 -46.5059 -10.0547 -61.0898 -22.4443l-37.0801 99c-2.75 7.37988 -14 17.1201 -27 9.73047v0c-18.7529 -10.7549 -38.4648 -36.4434 -44 -57.3398c-9.54004 -35.7002 2.46973 -92.7109 59.6396 -113l-67.4697 -82 c-9.43066 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57.3896 28v47.5596l32 3.38086l32 -3.38086v-47.5596c21.9297 -4.92969 41.6797 -14.5596 57.3896 -28h38.6104zM256 404.26l-32 -3.37988l-32 3.37988v27.7402c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-27.7402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="galaxy-secondary" unicode="&#x10f908;" d="M152.411 67.959c10.582 -2.15234 27.9346 -3.89844 38.7334 -3.89844c17.8906 0 46.1445 4.71094 63.0664 10.5156c-2.98047 -19.6572 -15.0801 -48.5195 -27.0078 -64.4258c-52.8975 -17.9473 -112.847 -12.4023 -161.186 17.4648 c-15.5684 9.55078 -37.6045 28.7617 -49.1875 42.8828c-9.16406 11.2168 2.65625 27.2832 16.1016 21.8945c14.1084 -5.61328 37.8838 -10.1689 53.0684 -10.1689c5.84082 0 15.2705 0.695312 21.0479 1.55176c11.9453 -6.01367 32.2686 -13.0986 45.3633 -15.8164z M138.579 193.787c-19.6582 2.98242 -48.5225 15.083 -64.4297 27.0117c-17.9443 52.8984 -12.3975 112.846 17.4688 161.188c9.54785 15.5703 28.7578 37.6064 42.8789 49.1895c11.2148 9.16211 27.2852 -2.66406 21.8945 -16.1055 c-5.6123 -14.1123 -10.167 -37.8916 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15.0791 48.5215 27.0078 64.4277c52.8975 17.9453 112.847 12.4004 161.186 -17.4648c15.5684 -9.55078 37.6045 -28.7627 49.1875 -42.8848z" /> <glyph glyph-name="garage-secondary" unicode="&#x10f909;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M128 -64l0.110352 160h383.89v-160h-384zM272 32c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16h96c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16h-96zM512 224l-0.480469 -96h-383.52v96h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="garage-car-secondary" unicode="&#x10f90a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M415.14 96h-190.279l12 47.9502c2.20117 8.85938 11.3965 16.0498 20.5254 16.0498h0.00390625h125.221h0.0234375c9.12891 0 18.3252 -7.19043 20.5264 -16.0498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="garage-open-secondary" unicode="&#x10f90b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M128.65 224h383.35l-0.530273 -64h-383.47v64h0.650391zM232.86 128h174.279l8 -32h-190.279z" /> <glyph glyph-name="heat-secondary" unicode="&#x10f90c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M208 295.75v-0.287109c0 -32.666 17.7314 -78.8877 39.5801 -103.173c31.1436 -34.4453 56.4199 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3.76172 0.611328c6.55762 0 11.8799 -5.32227 11.8799 -11.8799 c0 -1.0752 -0.27832 -2.77344 -0.621094 -3.79102l-23 -69l10.54 -5.26074l-42.8301 -37.9297v0c0 39.7441 -32.2559 72 -72 72s-72 -32.2559 -72 -72c0 -36.8398 27.9199 -67 63.6602 -71.1904l-24.0703 -21.3096c-3.45117 -3.16992 -7.9668 -9.1377 -10.0801 -13.3203 l-0.740234 1.49023l-69 -23c-1.01758 -0.342773 -2.71582 -0.620117 -3.79004 -0.620117c-6.56348 0 -11.8896 5.32617 -11.8896 11.8896c0 1.07422 0.277344 2.77246 0.620117 3.79102l23 69.0996l-65.1104 32.5098c-3.6416 1.81543 -6.59766 6.59082 -6.59766 10.6602 s2.95605 8.84473 6.59766 10.6602l65.0801 32.6396l-23 69c-0.333008 1.00488 -0.603516 2.67969 -0.603516 3.73926c0 6.55762 5.32227 11.8799 11.8799 11.8799c1.07227 0 2.76758 -0.277344 3.78418 -0.619141l69.0898 -23l32.5195 65.1006 c1.8125 3.64355 6.58594 6.60059 10.6553 6.60059s8.84277 -2.95703 10.6553 -6.60059l32.6094 -65.1504z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-leave-secondary" unicode="&#x10f90f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M395.29 163.9c0.19043 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-8.28809 2.14062 -10.6279 4.77832l-18.79 21.2803 c-1.95996 2.21973 -3.5498 6.42383 -3.5498 9.38379c0 3.52441 2.1416 8.28027 4.7793 10.6162l211.79 187.5c5.54102 4.92285 16.0537 8.91797 23.4648 8.91797c7.41211 0 17.9248 -3.99512 23.4648 -8.91797l88.4805 -78.3701v39.29c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96zM448 176v64c-0.0273438 8.80469 -7.19531 15.9727 -16 16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h64c8.80469 0.0273438 15.9727 7.19531 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lamp-desk-secondary" unicode="&#x10f914;" d="M221.78 327.72l33.9395 -33.9395l-108.72 -108.78l52.8203 -185h-49.9199l-53.0107 185.44c-0.508789 1.78223 -0.920898 4.7334 -0.920898 6.58691c0 5.48828 3.14941 13.0918 7.03125 16.9727zM458.33 260.29c7.53809 -8.67871 13.6562 -25.0508 13.6562 -36.5459 c0 -30.7627 -24.9678 -55.7305 -55.7305 -55.7305c-11.4951 0 -27.8672 6.11816 -36.5459 13.6562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lamp-floor-secondary" unicode="&#x10f915;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M224 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61.7305 -93.2002 61.7305 -153.3s-23.7305 -114.29 -61.7305 -153.29c-3.70605 -3.7041 -10.9678 -6.71094 -16.208 -6.71094c-0.0585938 0 -0.15332 0 -0.211914 0.000976562h-227.699 c-0.0585938 -0.000976562 -0.15332 -0.000976562 -0.211914 -0.000976562c-5.24023 0 -12.502 3.00684 -16.208 6.71094c-38.0205 39.0098 -61.7305 93.1904 -61.7305 153.29s23.71 114.29 61.7305 153.3c3.7041 3.69922 10.959 6.70117 16.1943 6.70117 c0.0625 0 0.163086 0 0.225586 -0.000976562h227.699c0.0625 0.000976562 0.163086 0.000976562 0.225586 0.000976562c5.23535 0 12.4902 -3.00195 16.1943 -6.70117zM208 176v80c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-80 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h16c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16zM288 96v16c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-16h64zM352 176v80c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-80c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h16 c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="oven-secondary" unicode="&#x10f91d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M64 192h320v-192h-320v192zM352 128v32h-256v-32h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="planet-moon-secondary" unicode="&#x10f91f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M448 160c0 -123.713 -100.289 -224 -224 -224s-224 100.287 -224 224v0.163086c0 25.4004 8.15527 64.9473 18.2031 88.2744c16.2422 -28.998 41.5195 -56.4375 71.5156 -56.4355l25.0273 -0.00195312c7.31641 0 17.4541 -4.19824 22.6289 -9.37109l54.625 -54.6289v-32 c0.000976562 -17.6631 14.3369 -31.999 32 -32c-0.0078125 0 -0.00390625 -39.5898 0 -63.0684v-0.03125c0 -8.84863 7.18164 -16.0303 16.0303 -16.0303c0.435547 0 1.1416 0.0341797 1.5752 0.0771484c3.50391 0.375 6.97656 0.852539 10.418 1.43359 c7.93359 1.33496 17.2949 8.25781 20.8945 15.4531l40.3242 80.6484c3.73047 7.45996 6.75781 20.2832 6.75781 28.623v0.00390625v16.8906c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-64.5469c-8.53027 0.000976562 -20.3496 4.89648 -26.3828 10.9277 c-5.17285 5.17383 -9.37012 15.3096 -9.37012 22.625c0 6.59277 3.50488 15.9844 7.82324 20.9648l49.7266 57.3574c5.93359 8.90137 10.749 24.8066 10.75 35.5039c0 9.41797 -18.2891 47.9102 -35.9766 76.4199l3.97656 0.201172c123.711 0 224 -100.285 224 -224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="planet-ringed-secondary" unicode="&#x10f920;" d="M323.338 124.665c-136.379 -136.375 -277.078 -216.776 -314.271 -179.581c-23.4883 23.4902 0.0117188 88.3086 54.8184 167.213c5.41895 -12.9336 16.6279 -32.5488 25.0205 -43.7842c-22.458 -34.2061 -32.0361 -58.9922 -23.7197 -67.3105 c18.5986 -18.5957 119.101 51.7559 224.479 157.134c105.378 105.376 175.731 205.881 157.134 224.477c-8.32031 8.31934 -33.1064 -1.26172 -67.3105 -23.7168c-11.2344 8.39062 -30.8496 19.5996 -43.7822 25.0176c78.9043 54.8047 143.723 78.3096 167.211 54.8184 c37.1924 -37.1924 -43.208 -177.894 -179.579 -314.267z" /> <glyph glyph-name="police-box-secondary" unicode="&#x10f921;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M208 248v24h32v-32h-24c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8zM288 248c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-24v32h32v-24zM208 288v24c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h24v-32h-32zM288 312v-24h-32v32h24c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM104 240c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v24h32v-32h-24z M128 320v-32h-32v24c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h24zM176 248c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-24v32h32v-24zM176 312v-24h-32v32h24c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8zM208 432v-16h-32v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16zM368 -16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v0 v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16v0c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16v0h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="portal-enter-secondary" unicode="&#x10f922;" d="M512 192c0 -141.385 -35.8164 -256 -80 -256c-40.7891 0 -74.3828 97.7578 -79.3125 224.008h31.3125c17.665 0 32.001 14.3369 32.001 32.001c0 17.665 -14.3359 32.001 -32.001 32.001h-31.3086c4.93359 126.242 38.5195 223.99 79.3086 223.99 c44.1836 0 80 -114.615 80 -256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="portal-exit-secondary" unicode="&#x10f923;" d="M142.398 32.0039c-14.6641 -58.4766 -37.1484 -96.0039 -62.3984 -96.0039c-44.1836 0 -80 114.615 -80 256s35.8164 256 80 256c32.4141 0 60.2578 -61.7949 72.8281 -150.475c-10.2148 -11.2344 -11.7812 -28.1406 -2.20312 -40.5938 c1.71289 -2.03809 4.92969 -4.84766 7.17969 -6.27148c1.38672 -18.8672 2.19531 -38.4414 2.19531 -58.6602c0.000976562 -0.327148 0.000976562 -0.857422 0.000976562 -1.18359c0 -26.2686 -2.62891 -68.7432 -5.86816 -94.8105h-26.1328 c-17.6426 -0.0224609 -31.9609 -14.3584 -31.9609 -32.001s14.3184 -31.9785 31.9609 -32.001h14.3984z" /> <glyph glyph-name="radar-secondary" unicode="&#x10f924;" d="M112 192c0 10.6016 -5.49219 19.543 -13.4375 25.3672c12.2617 76.1348 77.8984 134.633 157.438 134.633c35.4414 0 67.6484 -12.2832 94.1289 -31.9336l-45.6211 -45.6211c-12.3457 7.47168 -34.0771 13.5449 -48.5078 13.5547c-52.9922 0 -96 -43.0078 -96 -96 s43.0078 -96 96 -96s96 43.0078 96 96h64c0 -79.5391 -58.5 -145.176 -134.633 -157.436c-5.82031 7.94141 -14.7656 13.4355 -25.3672 13.4355s-19.5469 -5.49414 -25.3672 -13.4355c-62.7529 10.1494 -121.921 69.3174 -132.07 132.07 c7.94531 5.82422 13.4375 14.7656 13.4375 25.3652zM448 192h56c0 -136.967 -111.031 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.031 248 248 248h0.210938c49.0225 0 119.464 -25.3623 157.234 -56.6133l-39.8672 -39.873 c-28.5752 22.3486 -81.209 40.4863 -117.485 40.4863h-0.0927734c-96.2578 0 -175.742 -70.9141 -189.625 -163.303c-10.1426 -4.67285 -18.375 -17.5283 -18.375 -28.6963s8.23242 -24.0234 18.375 -28.6963c11.6797 -77.1533 83.7764 -149.25 160.93 -160.93 c4.67285 -10.1426 17.5283 -18.375 28.6953 -18.375s24.0225 8.23242 28.6953 18.375c92.3906 13.8848 163.305 93.3652 163.305 189.625zM251.312 176.004c2.58691 -2.58691 7.65625 -4.68555 11.3145 -4.68555s8.72754 2.09863 11.3145 4.68555l15.9961 15.9961h30.0625 c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64c7.12988 -0.0498047 18.2021 -2.44434 24.7148 -5.3457l-40.7109 -40.7129c-2.58594 -2.58691 -4.68457 -7.65527 -4.68457 -11.3135s2.09863 -8.72656 4.68457 -11.3135z" /> <glyph glyph-name="raygun-secondary" unicode="&#x10f925;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M112 159.999h128c11.7607 0.0439453 30.1641 3.63672 41.0781 8.01953l-120.062 -207.96c-7.63574 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0.00292969 -23.9971 10.7559 -24 24 c0.109375 3.09375 1.24316 7.88867 2.53125 10.7031zM381.336 131.428c0.917969 0.523438 1.75781 1.00586 2.66406 1.52539v-0.527344c-0.0625 -0.0410156 -0.121094 -0.0878906 -0.1875 -0.128906v-101.516c0 -16.3594 -11.875 -35.5469 -26.5 -42.8594l-98.7266 -49.3906 c-2.79395 -1.28125 -7.55371 -2.41504 -10.625 -2.53125c-13.0469 0.0869141 -23.7812 10.7451 -23.9609 23.791v93.5625c47.2734 23.3945 123.375 61.0664 157.336 78.0742z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-secondary" unicode="&#x10f928;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v320c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM96 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16 s16 7.16797 16 16zM160 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM224 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 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5.92969 -10.1699 8.43945 -15z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-on-secondary" unicode="&#x10f92b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M384 416c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v320c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM96 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16 s16 7.16797 16 16zM160 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM224 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sensor-smoke-secondary" unicode="&#x10f92c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M384 416c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-101.22c-10.2598 3.06934 -20.8604 5.21973 -32 5.21973c-55.7021 -0.0654297 -105.614 -45.0801 -111.41 -100.48c-44.4854 -12.9355 -80.5889 -61.0342 -80.5889 -107.362c0 -26.0713 15.1689 -61.9814 33.8594 -80.1572 h-193.86c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v320c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM96 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM160 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16 v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM224 176v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="siren-secondary" unicode="&#x10f92d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M128.21 313.06l-24.6699 -185.06h-55.54l25 199.94c3.86914 30.9424 32.3164 56.0566 63.5 56.0596h175c31.1836 -0.00292969 59.6309 -25.1172 63.5 -56.0596l25 -199.94h-264.18l24.1201 180.8c0.0390625 0.293945 0.0712891 0.773438 0.0712891 1.07031 c0 3.86621 -3.10938 7.41895 -6.94141 7.92969l-15.8604 2.12988c-0.293945 0.0400391 -0.773438 0.0722656 -1.07031 0.0722656c-3.86621 0 -7.41797 -3.11035 -7.92969 -6.94238z" /> <glyph glyph-name="siren-on-secondary" unicode="&#x10f92e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224.21 313.06l-24.6699 -185.06h-55.54l25 199.94c3.86914 30.9424 32.3164 56.0566 63.5 56.0596h175c31.1836 -0.00292969 59.6309 -25.1172 63.5 -56.0596l25 -199.94h-264.18l24.1201 180.8c0.0390625 0.293945 0.0712891 0.773438 0.0712891 1.07031 c0 3.86621 -3.10938 7.41895 -6.94141 7.92969l-15.8604 2.12988c-0.293945 0.0400391 -0.773438 0.0722656 -1.07031 0.0722656c-3.86621 0 -7.41797 -3.11035 -7.92969 -6.94238z" /> <glyph glyph-name="solar-system-secondary" unicode="&#x10f92f;" d="M391.78 259.883c2.10156 2.10352 3.10156 4.75977 4.73047 7.12305c32.2969 -60.5156 23.6631 -137.125 -27.3613 -188.143c-25.8691 -25.8682 -76.5547 -46.8633 -113.138 -46.8633c-88.3203 0 -160 71.6797 -160 160c0 88.3135 71.6748 159.994 159.988 160 c25.9209 0 51.5527 -6.98633 75.0156 -19.5039c-2.36719 -1.63086 -5.02344 -2.62695 -7.125 -4.73047c-10.5723 -10.5723 -14.5137 -24.7656 -13.1582 -38.5703c-14.3096 8.1748 -39.2969 14.8096 -55.7773 14.8096c-62.0664 0 -112.44 -50.373 -112.44 -112.44 s50.374 -112.44 112.44 -112.44c26.0508 0 62.002 15.0889 80.249 33.6807c36.2773 36.2715 41.957 91.2559 17.9629 133.928c13.8174 -1.36914 28.0303 2.56641 38.6133 13.1504zM437.039 373.02c87.2285 -87.2188 98.3115 -221.691 33.3438 -320.975 c-6.23047 13.6104 -23.165 27.2051 -37.8008 30.3438c49.7939 80.2109 40.0898 187.121 -29.4883 256.689c-33.6621 33.6289 -99.5996 60.9219 -147.182 60.9219c-23.2158 0 -59.4229 -7.3125 -80.8193 -16.3223c-3.48926 10.9316 -12.8652 26.4316 -20.9277 34.5977 c-2.04785 2.04688 -4.39551 3.57227 -6.58301 5.375c28.5195 13.4414 77.2539 24.3496 108.782 24.3496c58.4551 0 139.397 -33.5908 180.675 -74.9805zM336.907 0.322266c3.49121 -10.9307 12.8672 -26.4297 20.9277 -34.5957 c2.05078 -2.04883 4.39551 -3.57422 6.58691 -5.37695c-28.5205 -13.4414 -77.2549 -24.3496 -108.784 -24.3496c-58.4551 0 -139.398 33.5908 -180.677 74.9805c-87.2285 87.2188 -98.3115 221.691 -33.3438 320.975c6.23145 -13.6104 23.168 -27.2041 37.8047 -30.3418 h-0.00390625c-49.7939 -80.2109 -40.0898 -187.121 29.4883 -256.691c33.6621 -33.6289 99.5996 -60.9219 147.182 -60.9219c23.2158 0 59.4229 7.3125 80.8193 16.3223z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-circle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f930;" d="M350.88 421.06c126.51 -52.3994 186.58 -197.43 134.18 -323.939c-52.3994 -126.51 -197.43 -186.58 -323.939 -134.18c-126.51 52.3994 -186.58 197.43 -134.18 323.939c52.3994 126.51 197.439 186.58 323.939 134.18zM360.14 129.06 c11.5605 11.5605 3.37988 31.4404 -13.0293 31.4404h-182.36c-16.3799 0 -24.5596 -19.8496 -13 -31.4102l91.25 -91.1797c2.96484 -2.99023 8.78906 -5.41602 13 -5.41602s10.0352 2.42578 13 5.41602zM347.14 224.47c16.4092 0 24.5605 19.8799 13.04 31.4502 l-91.1797 91.1699c-2.96484 2.99023 -8.78906 5.41602 -13 5.41602s-10.0352 -2.42578 -13 -5.41602l-91.25 -91.2002c-11.5801 -11.5693 -3.40039 -31.4199 13 -31.4199h182.39z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-circle-down-secondary" unicode="&#x10f931;" d="M350.88 421.06c126.51 -52.3994 186.58 -197.43 134.18 -323.939c-52.3994 -126.51 -197.43 -186.58 -323.939 -134.18c-126.51 52.3994 -186.58 197.43 -134.18 323.939c52.3994 126.51 197.43 186.58 323.939 134.18zM360.27 128.59 c11.5605 11.5605 3.38086 31.4102 -13.0195 31.4102h-182.43c-16.3799 0 -24.5605 -19.8496 -13 -31.4102l91.1797 -91.1797c2.96484 -2.99023 8.78906 -5.41602 13 -5.41602s10.0352 2.42578 13 5.41602zM347.27 224c16.4004 0 24.5605 19.8496 12.9805 31.4102 l-91.25 91.1797c-2.96484 2.99023 -8.78906 5.41602 -13 5.41602s-10.0352 -2.42578 -13 -5.41602l-91.1104 -91.1797c-11.5898 -11.5605 -3.40918 -31.4102 13 -31.4102h182.38z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-circle-up-secondary" unicode="&#x10f932;" d="M350.88 421.06c126.51 -52.3994 186.58 -197.43 134.18 -323.939c-52.3994 -126.51 -197.43 -186.58 -323.939 -134.18c-126.51 52.3994 -186.58 197.43 -134.18 323.939c52.3994 126.51 197.439 186.58 323.939 134.18zM151.73 255.41 c-11.5605 -11.5605 -3.38086 -31.4102 13.0195 -31.4102h182.43c16.3799 0 24.5605 19.8496 13 31.4102l-91.1797 91.1797c-2.96484 2.99023 -8.78906 5.41602 -13 5.41602s-10.0352 -2.42578 -13 -5.41602zM360.14 128.59 c11.5605 11.5605 3.37988 31.4102 -13.0293 31.4102h-182.36c-16.3799 0 -24.5596 -19.8496 -13 -31.4102l91.25 -91.1797c2.96484 -2.99023 8.78906 -5.41602 13 -5.41602s10.0352 2.42578 13 5.41602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="space-station-moon-secondary" unicode="&#x10f933;" d="M16.7109 127.736c70.5781 -20.2754 151.945 -31.7363 239.289 -31.7363s168.711 11.4609 239.289 31.7363c-28.3477 -105.756 -124.586 -183.736 -239.289 -183.736s-210.941 77.9805 -239.289 183.736zM256 440c136.969 0 248 -111.033 248 -248 c-0.0341797 -7.82812 -0.807617 -20.4912 -1.72656 -28.2656c-71.4688 -22.5039 -155.75 -35.7344 -246.273 -35.7344s-174.805 13.2305 -246.273 35.7344c-0.918945 7.77441 -1.69238 20.4375 -1.72656 28.2656c0 136.967 111.031 248 248 248zM192 208 c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80s-35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="space-station-moon-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f934;" d="M501.703 224c1.20508 -8.79102 2.23438 -23.127 2.29688 -32c-0.0341797 -7.82812 -0.807617 -20.4912 -1.72656 -28.2656c-71.4688 -22.5039 -155.75 -35.7344 -246.273 -35.7344s-174.805 13.2305 -246.273 35.7344 c-0.918945 7.77441 -1.69238 20.4375 -1.72656 28.2656c0 136.967 111.031 248 248 248h0.228516c50.0439 0 121.621 -26.2861 159.771 -58.6738v-29.3262h-48v-64h80v-64h53.7031zM192 208c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80s-35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80 s35.8398 -80 80 -80zM384 104.861v-40.8613h64v-28.9082c-40.9941 -50.2832 -126.918 -91.0918 -191.795 -91.0918h-0.205078c-114.703 0 -210.941 77.9805 -239.289 183.736c70.5781 -20.2754 151.945 -31.7363 239.289 -31.7363c35.4951 0.0302734 92.8389 4 128 8.86133z " /> <glyph glyph-name="sprinkler-secondary" unicode="&#x10f935;" d="M152 344c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM88 400c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM88 304c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24 s10.752 24 24 24zM24 344c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM24 448c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM24 240c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM360 344c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM424 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM424 384c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24 s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM488 344c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM488 240c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM488 400 c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-shooting-secondary" unicode="&#x10f936;" d="M507.312 432.004c2.58789 -2.58594 4.6875 -7.6543 4.6875 -11.3125c0 -3.65918 -2.09961 -8.72656 -4.6875 -11.3135l-164.69 -164.683c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875c-3.6582 0 -8.72754 2.10059 -11.3145 4.6875l-11.3086 11.3086 c-2.58789 2.58594 -4.6875 7.65527 -4.6875 11.3135c0 3.65918 2.09961 8.72754 4.6875 11.3145l164.69 164.683c2.58789 2.58594 7.65625 4.68555 11.3145 4.68555c3.65918 0 8.72754 -2.09961 11.3154 -4.68555zM315.309 432.004 c2.58789 -2.58594 4.6875 -7.6543 4.6875 -11.3125c0 -3.65918 -2.09961 -8.72754 -4.6875 -11.3135l-52.6885 -52.6875c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.68652 -11.3145 -4.68652c-3.65918 0 -8.72754 2.09961 -11.3145 4.68652l-11.3096 11.3086 c-2.58691 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65527 -4.6875 11.3135c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72754 4.6875 11.3145l52.6885 52.6875c2.58789 2.58594 7.65625 4.68555 11.3154 4.68555c3.6582 0 8.72754 -2.09961 11.3145 -4.68555zM496.004 251.322l11.3086 -11.3105 c2.58789 -2.58594 4.6875 -7.6543 4.6875 -11.3125s-2.09961 -8.72656 -4.6875 -11.3135l-52.6885 -52.6865c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3145 -4.6875c-3.65918 0 -8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-11.3086 11.3076 c-2.58691 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65527 -4.6875 11.3145c0 3.6582 2.10059 8.72656 4.6875 11.3135l52.6885 52.6875c2.58789 2.58691 7.65625 4.68555 11.3145 4.68555c3.65918 0 8.72754 -2.09863 11.3154 -4.68555z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starfighter-secondary" unicode="&#x10f937;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208 0h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v128c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-128c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM304 128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32v-48 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM632 320c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-8v-272c-0.00292969 -8.83594 -7.17676 -16.0068 -16.0117 -16.0068c-0.744141 0 -1.94238 0.101562 -2.67578 0.225586 c-7.86719 1.28125 -13.3125 8.66992 -13.3125 16.6387v271.143h-8c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h8v16c0.00195312 8.83594 7.17383 16.0068 16.0098 16.0068c0.744141 0 1.94434 -0.101562 2.67773 -0.225586 c7.86719 -1.28125 13.3125 -8.66797 13.3125 -16.6367v-15.1445h8zM496 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-128c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v128c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64zM56 320c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-8v-272c-0.00292969 -8.83594 -7.17676 -16.0068 -16.0117 -16.0068c-0.744141 0 -1.94238 0.101562 -2.67578 0.225586c-7.86719 1.28125 -13.3125 8.66992 -13.3125 16.6387v271.143h-8c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h8v16c0.00195312 8.83594 7.17383 16.0068 16.0098 16.0068c0.744141 0 1.94434 -0.101562 2.67773 -0.225586c7.86719 -1.28125 13.3125 -8.66797 13.3125 -16.6367v-15.1445h8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starfighter-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f938;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M235.074 156.043l-22.6289 -22.627c-8.84863 11.3955 -17.4648 32.2656 -19.2344 46.584h32c1.34668 -7.17871 5.76562 -17.9111 9.86328 -23.957zM64 232l75.5195 18.8789c-6.3584 -15.6289 -11.5195 -42.0059 -11.5195 -58.8789s5.16113 -43.25 11.5195 -58.8789 l-75.5195 18.8789v80zM346.586 267.553l-22.6289 -22.627c-6.0459 4.09863 -16.7783 8.51758 -23.957 9.86328v32c14.3193 -1.76855 35.1904 -10.3867 46.5859 -19.2363zM229.414 116.447l22.6289 22.627c6.0459 -4.09863 16.7783 -8.51758 23.957 -9.86328v-32 c-14.3193 1.76855 -35.1904 10.3867 -46.5859 19.2363zM235.074 227.957c-4.09766 -6.0459 -8.5166 -16.7783 -9.86328 -23.957h-32c1.76953 14.3184 10.3857 35.1885 19.2344 46.584zM512 152l-75.5195 -18.8789c6.3584 15.6289 11.5195 42.0059 11.5195 58.8789 s-5.16113 43.25 -11.5195 58.8789l75.5195 -18.8789v-80zM340.926 156.043c4.09766 6.0459 8.5166 16.7783 9.86328 23.957h32c-1.76953 -14.3184 -10.3857 -35.1885 -19.2344 -46.584zM340.926 227.957l22.6289 22.627c8.84863 -11.3955 17.4648 -32.2656 19.2344 -46.584 h-32c-1.34668 7.17871 -5.76562 17.9111 -9.86328 23.957zM300 129.211c7.17871 1.3457 17.9111 5.76465 23.957 9.86328l22.6289 -22.627c-11.3955 -8.84961 -32.2666 -17.4678 -46.5859 -19.2363v32zM252.043 244.926l-22.6289 22.627 c11.3955 8.84961 32.2666 17.4678 46.5859 19.2363v-32c-7.17871 -1.3457 -17.9111 -5.76465 -23.957 -9.86328z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starship-secondary" unicode="&#x10f939;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208 352c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-184c-13.2471 0.000976562 -23.999 10.7529 -24 24v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24v0h184zM208 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-184c-13.2471 0.000976562 -23.999 10.7529 -24 24v16 c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24v0h184zM448 384c106.039 0 192 -85.9609 192 -192s-85.9609 -192 -192 -192s-192 85.9609 -192 192s85.9609 192 192 192zM448 128c35.2881 0.0400391 63.96 28.7119 64 64c0 35.3281 -28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="starship-freighter-secondary" unicode="&#x10f93a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 224.346h-143.996v-64.6914h143.996c8.83203 -0.000976562 16 -7.16895 16 -16v-52.4551v-0.000976562c0 -6.18262 -4.71484 -12.917 -10.5234 -15.0322l-93.3096 -33.998c-7.8125 12.0469 -25.8057 21.8271 -40.1631 21.832h-41.249l-89.252 109.086 c1.38672 5.44141 2.51172 14.4141 2.51172 20.0293c0 44.7793 -36.3438 81.123 -81.123 81.123c-44.7803 0 -81.123 -36.3438 -81.123 -81.123c0 -44.7803 36.3428 -81.123 81.123 -81.123c0.308594 0 0.808594 0.00390625 1.11719 0.0078125 c1.08594 0 2.09375 0.277344 3.17188 0.320312l100.474 -122.807l-16.3271 -5.94922c-55.749 -20.0586 -117.716 -21.9727 -172.105 1.58594c-143.562 62.1836 -139.207 206.85 -139.207 206.85s-4.10938 144.777 139.207 206.85 c54.3896 23.5605 116.356 21.6445 172.105 1.58789l254.149 -92.6035c5.80859 -2.11621 10.5234 -8.85059 10.5234 -15.0322v-0.000976562v-52.4551c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM80.0127 176c8.83105 0 15.999 7.16797 15.999 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16h0.000976562zM112.012 80c8.83105 0 15.999 7.16895 15.999 16c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16h0.000976562zM112.012 272c8.83105 0 15.999 7.16797 15.999 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16h0.000976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sword-laser-secondary" unicode="&#x10f93b;" d="M504.969 440.973c3.88086 -3.88086 7.03125 -11.4844 7.03125 -16.9727c0 -5.19141 -2.86328 -12.4971 -6.39062 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16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-288c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="list-ul" unicode="&#xf0ca;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M48 400c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM48 240c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM48 80c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48 s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM496 64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320zM496 384c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320zM496 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="list-ol" unicode="&#xf0cb;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M61.7695 47c19.6104 -5.12012 28.7002 -20.5 28.7305 -34.8799c0 -21.3701 -14.3398 -44.1201 -48.5 -44.1201c-16.6201 0 -29.29 4.75 -37 9.44043c-5.82031 4.21973 -6.34961 9.80957 -2.62988 15.9395l5.58984 9.31055c3.86035 6.61914 9.11035 7 15.5996 3.11914 c4.10352 -1.68652 11.0342 -3.08496 15.4707 -3.11914c10.1602 0 14.3594 3.5 14.3594 8.21973c0 6.64941 -5.60938 9.08984 -15.9395 9.08984h-4.73047c-5.95996 0 -9.25 2.12012 -12.25 7.87988l-1.0498 1.92969c-2.4502 4.75 -1.2002 9.81055 2.7998 14.8809l5.61035 7 c2.85742 3.55664 7.78516 9.07129 11 12.3096h-22.8301c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h57c7.5 0 11.3398 -4 11.3398 -11.3496v-3.31055c0.0107422 -0.245117 0.0205078 -0.644531 0.0205078 -0.890625 c0 -4.20801 -2.28027 -10.166 -5.09082 -13.2988zM496 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320zM496 384c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320zM496 64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320zM16 288 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16v64h-8c-4.4082 0.0078125 -7.98535 3.5918 -7.98535 8c0 1.04297 0.378906 2.64746 0.845703 3.58008l8 16c1.21777 2.43457 4.41699 4.41504 7.13965 4.41992h24c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-88h16 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-64zM12.0898 128c-7.00977 0 -12.0898 4 -12.0898 11.4102v4c0 47.2803 51 56.3994 50.9697 69.1201c0 7.18945 -5.9502 8.75 -9.2793 8.75h-0.0546875c-3.02832 0 -7.24219 -1.7207 -9.40527 -3.83984 c-5.12012 -4.91016 -10.5107 -7 -16.1201 -2.44043l-8.58008 6.87988c-5.7998 4.53027 -7.16992 9.78027 -2.7998 15.3701c6.65918 8.75 19.0996 18.75 40.46 18.75c19.4697 0 44.4697 -10.5 44.4697 -39.5596c0 -37.7607 -45.0498 -46.1504 -48.3398 -56.4404h38.6797 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-67.9102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="strikethrough" unicode="&#xf0cc;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M496 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h102.29c-11.6797 16.5303 -19.7803 35.4697 -21.7803 56.3604c-0.319336 3.29297 -0.579102 8.65137 -0.579102 11.96 c0 68.2158 55.3633 123.624 123.579 123.68h68h0.0117188c43.6865 0 94.9863 -31.7188 114.509 -70.7998l0.529297 -1c0.930664 -1.86328 1.68652 -5.06641 1.68652 -7.14844c0 -5.45898 -3.96289 -11.8711 -8.8457 -14.3115l-42.9404 -21.4707 c-1.86426 -0.931641 -5.06836 -1.6875 -7.15234 -1.6875c-5.45605 0 -11.8652 3.95996 -14.3076 8.83789c-7.61133 15.2246 -27.6025 27.5801 -44.624 27.5801h-0.0361328h-66.79c-24.0391 -0.000976562 -43.5488 -19.5107 -43.5488 -43.5498 c0 -17.749 13.7666 -36.3945 30.7295 -41.6201l87.1699 -26.8301h202.1zM315.76 128h94.3906c2.21191 -6.56152 4.60352 -17.4746 5.33984 -24.3604c0.319336 -3.29297 0.579102 -8.65137 0.579102 -11.96c0 -68.2158 -55.3633 -123.624 -123.579 -123.68h-68h-0.0117188 c-43.6865 0 -94.9863 31.7188 -114.509 70.7998l-0.529297 1c-0.930664 1.86328 -1.68652 5.06641 -1.68652 7.14844c0 5.45898 3.96289 11.8711 8.8457 14.3115l42.9404 21.4707c1.86426 0.931641 5.06836 1.6875 7.15234 1.6875 c5.45605 0 11.8652 -3.95996 14.3076 -8.83789c7.61133 -15.2246 27.6025 -27.5801 44.624 -27.5801h0.0361328h66.79c24.0176 0.0224609 43.5273 19.5322 43.5498 43.5498c-0.00976562 13.1572 -9.07715 29.4863 -20.2402 36.4502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="underline" unicode="&#xf0cd;" d="M32 384c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h144c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32v-160c0 -44.1602 35.8398 -80 80 -80s80 35.8398 80 80v160h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h144c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32v-160c0 -88.2197 -71.7803 -160 -160 -160s-160 71.7803 -160 160v160h-32zM432 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-alpha-down" unicode="&#xf15d;" d="M176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0703 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM416 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-17.6299v-0.00292969c0 -7.93262 -4.81152 -18.6475 -10.7402 -23.917l-61.2598 -70.4502h56c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v17.6299v0.00292969c0 7.93262 4.81152 18.6475 10.7402 23.917l61.2598 70.4502h-56c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128zM447.06 245.38c0.514648 -1.44043 0.931641 -3.85059 0.931641 -5.37988 c0 -8.82715 -7.16406 -15.9951 -15.9912 -16h-24.8398h-0.0449219c-6.42773 0 -13.249 4.96387 -15.2256 11.0801l-4.40918 12.9199h-71l-4.4209 -12.9199c-1.97559 -6.11621 -8.79688 -11.0801 -15.2246 -11.0801h-0.00488281h-24.8301 c-8.82715 0.00488281 -15.9912 7.17285 -15.9912 16c0 1.5293 0.416992 3.93945 0.931641 5.37988l59.2695 160c2.09277 5.8623 8.84375 10.6201 15.0684 10.6201h0.00195312h41.4395h0.00195312c6.22461 0 12.9756 -4.75781 15.0684 -10.6201zM335.61 304h32.7793 l-16.3896 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-alpha-up" unicode="&#xf15e;" d="M16 288c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48zM416 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-17.6299v-0.00292969c0 -7.93262 -4.81152 -18.6475 -10.7402 -23.917l-61.2598 -70.4502h56c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v17.6299v0.00292969c0 7.93262 4.81152 18.6475 10.7402 23.917l61.2598 70.4502h-56c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128zM447.06 245.38c0.514648 -1.44043 0.931641 -3.85059 0.931641 -5.37988 c0 -8.82715 -7.16406 -15.9951 -15.9912 -16h-24.8398h-0.0449219c-6.42773 0 -13.249 4.96387 -15.2256 11.0801l-4.40918 12.9199h-71l-4.4209 -12.9199c-1.97559 -6.11621 -8.79688 -11.0801 -15.2246 -11.0801h-0.00488281h-24.8301 c-8.82715 0.00488281 -15.9912 7.17285 -15.9912 16c0 1.5293 0.416992 3.93945 0.931641 5.37988l59.2695 160c2.09277 5.8623 8.84375 10.6201 15.0684 10.6201h0.00195312h41.4395h0.00195312c6.22461 0 12.9756 -4.75781 15.0684 -10.6201zM335.61 304h32.7793 l-16.3896 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-amount-down" unicode="&#xf160;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M304 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64zM176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96 c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0801 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM432 288 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM368 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128zM496 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-amount-up" unicode="&#xf161;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M304 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64zM16 288c-14.2305 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262 s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48zM432 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM368 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128zM496 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-numeric-down" unicode="&#xf162;" d="M304 352c-8.82422 0.0078125 -15.9863 7.17578 -15.9863 16c0 2.08984 0.759766 5.30176 1.69629 7.16992l16 32c2.44141 4.87012 8.84277 8.8252 14.29 8.83008h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v64h-16zM330.15 189.09c53.4502 14.25 101.85 -25.8799 101.869 -77.0898v-10.7695c0 -70.3906 -28.25 -107.24 -86.25 -132 c-8.36914 -3.58008 -18.0293 1.2793 -20.8994 9.90918l-9.90039 20c-2.62012 7.87012 0.610352 16.9404 8.18066 20.3408c6.2793 2.71387 15.6201 8.49805 20.8496 12.9092c-47.6396 4.76074 -83.0996 51.4805 -68.8496 102.53c6.80762 23.4512 31.4473 47.7197 55 54.1699z M352 92c11.04 0 20 8.95996 20 20s-8.95996 20 -20 20s-20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20zM176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262 l-80 96c-10.0703 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-numeric-up" unicode="&#xf163;" d="M330.17 189.09c53.4502 14.25 101.83 -25.8799 101.85 -77.0898v-10.7695c0 -70.3906 -28.25 -107.24 -86.25 -132c-8.36914 -3.58008 -18.0293 1.2793 -20.8994 9.90918l-9.90039 20c-2.62012 7.87012 0.610352 16.9404 8.18066 20.3408 c6.2793 2.71387 15.6201 8.49805 20.8496 12.9092c-47.6396 4.76074 -83.0996 51.4805 -68.8301 102.53c6.80762 23.4512 31.4482 47.7197 55 54.1699zM352 92c11.04 0 20 8.95996 20 20s-8.95996 20 -20 20s-20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20zM304 352 c-8.82422 0.0078125 -15.9863 7.17578 -15.9863 16c0 2.08984 0.759766 5.30176 1.69629 7.16992l16 32c2.44141 4.87012 8.84277 8.8252 14.29 8.83008h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v64h-16zM107.31 411.31l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48 c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paragraph" unicode="&#xf1dd;" d="M448 400v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48v-368c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v368h-32v-368c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h-32c-88.3203 0 -160 71.6797 -160 160 s71.6797 160 160 160h240c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="h1" unicode="&#xf313;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M304 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-192h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-34.9404c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v64h-128v-64h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-37.8809c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-98.9404c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v192h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v34.9404c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-64h128v64 h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v37.8809c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h98.9404zM560 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48 v160h-24c-13.2354 0.0126953 -23.9775 10.7646 -23.9775 24c0 3.12988 1.13672 7.94141 2.53711 10.7402l24 48c3.65918 7.31152 13.2646 13.252 21.4404 13.2598h40c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-232h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="h2" unicode="&#xf314;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-181.86h-0.078125c-7.67285 0 -14.7471 6.16895 -15.792 13.7695c-0.853516 5.6709 -1.61914 14.9268 -1.70996 20.6602c0 111.351 142.101 132.38 142.101 184.561 c0 23.3799 -19.3105 33.8398 -38.2197 33.8398c-18.9102 0 -33.0801 -11.1396 -43.8506 -26c-2.67383 -3.5918 -8.47754 -6.50684 -12.9551 -6.50684c-2.67969 0 -6.66895 1.19922 -8.9043 2.67676l-28.2607 18.5996c-3.92773 2.55762 -7.11523 8.4375 -7.11523 13.124 c0 2.4707 1.05957 6.17871 2.36523 8.27637c22.0107 35.6201 59.5898 57 103.42 57c59.1904 0 106.86 -36.5498 106.86 -96.3799c0 -93.0498 -118.21 -116.67 -135.21 -159.62h119.21zM304 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404 c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-192h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-34.9404c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v64h-128 v-64h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-37.8809c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-98.9404c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v192h-18.9404 c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v34.9404c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-64h128v64h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v37.8809 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h98.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="h3" unicode="&#xf315;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M499 230.31c44.2695 -11.3594 77 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-13.0596h-18.9404v-192h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-34.9404c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v64h-128v-64h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-37.8809c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-98.9404c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v192h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v34.9404c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-64h128v64 h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v37.8809c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h98.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alarm-clock" unicode="&#xf34e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M96 448c20.7861 -0.00195312 49.9961 -11.5068 65.2002 -25.6797l-145.9 -121.58c-8.38281 12.9062 -15.2373 35.8701 -15.2998 51.2598c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96zM416 448c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c-0.0664062 -15.3789 -6.91699 -38.3301 -15.29 -51.2305 l-145.89 121.57c15.2031 14.1602 44.4033 25.6562 65.1797 25.6602zM256 384c123.74 0 224 -100.29 224 -224v-0.103516c0 -41.083 -20.0479 -101.069 -44.75 -133.896l40.0996 -40.0596c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6191c-2.58594 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3096 -4.68262c-3.65723 0 -8.72363 2.09766 -11.3105 4.68262l-40.0996 40.0898c-32.8506 -24.7275 -92.8828 -44.7959 -134 -44.7959s-101.149 20.0684 -134 44.7959 l-40.0596 -40.1201c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6191 22.6201c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3145c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l40.0996 40.0898 c-24.7246 32.8379 -44.79 92.8486 -44.79 133.953v0.046875c0 123.71 100.3 224 224 224zM346 92.4902c1.93555 2.41895 3.50586 6.89648 3.50586 9.99512c0 4.24512 -2.69043 9.84277 -6.00586 12.4951l-55.5 44.3994v112.62c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-124.16v-0.00488281c0 -10.6064 6.71973 -24.5957 15 -31.2246l64.5098 -51.6201c2.41992 -1.93555 6.89746 -3.50586 9.99512 -3.50586c4.24609 0 9.84375 2.69043 12.4951 6.00586z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess" unicode="&#xf439;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M74 240l-33.9102 90.3799c-0.5625 1.5 -1.01953 4.01758 -1.01953 5.62012c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h0.0195312h56.9102v32h-24c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h24v24c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-24h24 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-24v-32h56.8896h0.0195312c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16c0 -1.60254 -0.456055 -4.12012 -1.01953 -5.62012l-33.8896 -90.3799h10c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 h-15.9404c0.116211 -35.8613 7.25684 -93.2051 15.9404 -128h-128c8.68359 34.7949 15.8242 92.1387 15.9404 128h-15.9404c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h10zM247.16 -11.5801c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.85156 8.83984 -14.3086 v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16zM339.93 146.2 l-24.5693 20.7998c-6.25684 5.28125 -11.3467 16.2119 -11.3604 24.4004v58.5996c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h26.3896c3.3125 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-26h24.71v26c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h53.8105c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-26h24.71v26c0 3.31152 2.6875 6 6 6h26.3799 c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-58.54v-0.03125c0 -8.19238 -5.07617 -19.1367 -11.3301 -24.4287l-24.5996 -20.79l3.29004 -82.21h-126.721zM384 144v-32h32v32c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16zM503.16 -11.5801 c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.85156 8.83984 -14.3086v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-bishop" unicode="&#xf43a;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M8 160.12c0 73.3799 59.8096 181.08 112.6 225.37c-14 3.41992 -24.5996 15.5098 -24.5996 30.5098c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32c0 -15.0498 -10.5996 -27.0898 -24.5996 -30.5098c24.3994 -20.4902 50.0693 -54.6807 70.8691 -92.5898 l-107.89 -107.931c-1.29199 -1.29297 -2.34082 -3.82617 -2.34082 -5.6543c0 -1.8291 1.04883 -4.3623 2.34082 -5.65527l11.3105 -11.3105c1.29297 -1.29199 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543 -2.34082s4.3623 1.04883 5.65527 2.34082l100.31 100.33 c15.96 -35.46 26.6904 -71.9492 26.6904 -102.56c0 -51.6006 -22.1396 -73.8301 -56 -84.6006v-43.5195h-192v43.5195c-33.8604 10.7705 -56 32.9609 -56 84.6006zM304 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-288 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-bishop-alt" unicode="&#xf43b;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M64 160c-8.83203 0 -16 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383.83h64v-64h-64v64zM255.92 127.93h64v-64h-64 v64zM191.92 255.88l0.0800781 -64h-64v64h63.9199zM383.84 191.88v64h64v-64h-64zM128 319.85v-64h-64v64h64zM128 127.93h64v-64h-64v64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-clock" unicode="&#xf43d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M519.38 205l5.62012 -5.58984c1.94824 -1.94141 3.5293 -5.75 3.5293 -8.5c0 -2.75098 -1.58105 -6.55859 -3.5293 -8.5l-50.8604 -50.96c-1.94141 -1.94824 -5.74902 -3.5293 -8.5 -3.5293c-2.75 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-5.64941 5.66016 c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.74902 -3.5293 8.5c0 2.75 1.58105 6.55859 3.5293 8.5l50.8896 50.8896c1.94141 1.94824 5.75 3.5293 8.5 3.5293c2.75098 0 6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293zM599.9 320c22.0801 0 40 -17.9199 40 -40v-272c0 -22.0801 -17.9199 -40 -40 -40 h-560c-22.0801 0 -40 17.9199 -40 40v272c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40h112.279v48.0596h-40.1797c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v15.9404c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-15.9404c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-39.8496v-48.0596 h183.75v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16h56zM176.2 31.9404c61.7969 0 112 50.1533 112 111.949v0v0.0507812c0 61.8232 -50.1758 112 -112 112s-112 -50.1768 -112 -112c0 -61.8242 50.1758 -112 112 -112zM464.2 31.9404 c61.7969 0 112 50.1533 112 111.949v0v0.0507812c0 61.8232 -50.1758 112 -112 112s-112 -50.1768 -112 -112c0 -61.8242 50.1758 -112 112 -112zM180.2 223.86c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v72 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-clock-alt" unicode="&#xf43e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M600 320c22.0469 -0.09375 39.9668 -18.0625 40 -40.1104v-271.89c0 -22.0801 -17.9199 -40 -40 -40h-560c-22.0801 0 -40 17.9199 -40 40v271.89c0.0332031 22.0479 17.9531 40.0166 40 40.1104h55.9102v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16h183.84v48h-39.75c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-40.25v-48h112.25zM175.93 31.9404c61.7969 0 111.973 50.1533 112 111.949 v0.0507812c0 61.8232 -50.1758 112 -112 112c-61.8232 0 -112 -50.1768 -112 -112c0 -61.8242 50.1768 -112 112 -112zM463.82 31.9404c61.7959 0 111.972 50.1533 112 111.949v0.0507812c0 61.8232 -50.1768 112 -112 112c-61.8242 0 -112 -50.1768 -112 -112 c0 -61.8242 50.1758 -112 112 -112zM231.12 205l5.66016 -5.65039c1.94824 -1.94141 3.5293 -5.74902 3.5293 -8.5c0 -2.75 -1.58105 -6.55762 -3.5293 -8.5l-50.8906 -50.8994c-1.94141 -1.94824 -5.74902 -3.5293 -8.5 -3.5293c-2.75 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293 l-5.65918 5.66016c-1.94922 1.94141 -3.53027 5.74902 -3.53027 8.5c0 2.75 1.58105 6.55859 3.53027 8.5l50.8896 50.8896c1.94141 1.94824 5.74902 3.5293 8.5 3.5293c2.75 0 6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293zM467.82 223.84c6.62402 0 12 -5.35547 12 -11.9795v-0.0205078 v-72c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v72c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-king" unicode="&#xf43f;" d="M400 0c8.83203 0 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-16c0 -1.60254 -0.456055 -4.12012 -1.01953 -5.62012l-33.8896 -90.3799h10c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 h-15.9404c0.116211 -35.8613 7.25684 -93.2051 15.9404 -128h-128c8.68359 34.7949 15.8242 92.1387 15.9404 128h-15.9404c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h10zM279.16 -11.5801c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.85156 8.83984 -14.3086 v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-knight" unicode="&#xf441;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M19 175.53c-10.4883 4.66211 -19 17.7627 -19 29.2402v0.0195312v137.21v0.0585938c0 5.47461 3.13574 13.0635 7 16.9414l9 9l-14.21 28.4199c-0.988281 1.97266 -1.79004 5.36328 -1.79004 7.56934v0.0107422c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h147.94 c106 0 191.92 -86 191.92 -192v-192h-319.86v14.5195v0.0224609c0 27.2783 19.7969 59.3271 44.1904 71.5381l57.2197 28.6504c14.6445 7.32324 26.5303 26.5566 26.5303 42.9297v0.00976562v50.3301l-22.1201 -11.0801 c-5.45117 -2.72559 -11.0732 -9.7373 -12.5508 -15.6504l-9.21973 -30.6494c-2.4502 -8.15332 -10.8545 -17.3379 -18.7598 -20.5l-12.7803 -5.12012c-3.1582 -1.2627 -8.48145 -2.28809 -11.8828 -2.28809c-3.74902 0 -9.57129 1.23535 -12.9971 2.75781zM52 320 c-11.04 0 -20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20s20 8.95996 20 20s-8.95996 20 -20 20zM368 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-knight-alt" unicode="&#xf442;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M311.16 -11.5801c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.85156 8.83984 -14.3086v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-288c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801v16 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16zM45.5498 212.48c-7.47949 3.33496 -13.5498 12.6885 -13.5498 20.8779v0.00195312v97.8994c0.00390625 3.91016 2.24414 9.33594 5 12.1104l6.37012 6.34961l-10.1006 20.2803 c-0.700195 1.41016 -1.26953 3.83105 -1.26953 5.40625v0.0341797v0.0195312c0 4.70312 3.81738 8.5293 8.51953 8.54004h92.3203c76.54 0 139.16 -62.6201 139.16 -139.16v-148.84c0 -13.6904 -9 -24.1504 -16 -32h-192c-31.5801 31.5801 -23.1299 84.7803 16.6797 105 l46.54 23.7002c9.3291 4.17676 16.9004 15.8633 16.9004 26.084v0.00585938v37.21l-14.2002 -5.42969c-3.87695 -1.94531 -7.87305 -6.94043 -8.91992 -11.1504l-6.53027 -21.8701c-1.73438 -5.80762 -7.70605 -12.3574 -13.3301 -14.6201l-9.08984 -3.64941 c-2.24023 -0.902344 -6.01953 -1.63379 -8.43457 -1.63379c-2.66602 0 -6.80273 0.883789 -9.23535 1.97363zM80.0703 320c-8.79883 -0.0332031 -15.9404 -7.20117 -15.9404 -16v0c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16h-0.0595703z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-pawn" unicode="&#xf443;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M105.1 224c-29.3896 18.3799 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-11.5801c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.85156 8.83984 -14.3086 v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-queen" unicode="&#xf445;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 336c-30.9121 0 -56 25.0879 -56 56s25.0879 56 56 56s56 -25.0879 56 -56s-25.0879 -56 -56 -56zM432 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h352zM504.87 263.84 c3.93457 -2.62109 7.12891 -8.58691 7.12891 -13.3154c0 -2.08496 -0.756836 -5.29004 -1.68945 -7.1543l-102.55 -211.37h-303.52l-102.55 211.33c-0.932617 1.86426 -1.68945 5.06934 -1.68945 7.1543c0 4.72852 3.19434 10.6943 7.12891 13.3154l28.5703 16 c7.35938 4.91016 16.8096 2.5498 22.0898 -4.54004c7.86035 -10.6357 24.9736 -19.2676 38.1992 -19.2676c0.922852 0 2.41992 0.0527344 3.34082 0.118164c25.6699 1.73926 44.6699 24.7998 44.6699 50.4893c0 7.39746 6.00293 13.4004 13.4004 13.4004v0h38.7695 c6.04004 0 11.6104 -3.99023 12.8604 -9.91016c4.42969 -21.0361 25.4717 -38.1094 46.9697 -38.1094s42.54 17.0732 46.9697 38.1094c1.25 5.91016 6.86035 9.91016 12.8604 9.91016h38.7695c7.39746 0 13.4004 -6.00293 13.4004 -13.4004 c0 -23.5293 15.7002 -45.46 38.8398 -49.75c2.48926 -0.484375 6.56738 -0.878906 9.10352 -0.878906c13.166 0 30.2471 8.56152 38.127 19.1094c5.37988 7.13965 14.8496 9.67969 22.29 4.67969z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-queen-alt" unicode="&#xf446;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M67.3701 256l-44.5 95.7305c-0.393555 0.785156 -0.713867 2.13672 -0.713867 3.01562c0 1.99121 1.3457 4.50098 3.00391 5.60352l10.0801 6.7207c0.925781 0.591797 2.56836 1.07129 3.66699 1.07129c1.99121 0 4.51367 -1.33594 5.63281 -2.98145 c3.30957 -4.47656 10.5146 -8.10938 16.082 -8.10938c0.388672 0 1.01953 0.0214844 1.4082 0.0488281c10.8096 0.730469 18.8096 10.4404 18.8096 21.2607c0.00585938 3.10742 2.53223 5.63379 5.64062 5.63965h16.3291 c0.03125 0.000976562 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.112305 0.000976562c2.36914 0 4.74219 -1.86816 5.29785 -4.1709c1.87598 -8.8457 10.7383 -16.0244 19.7803 -16.0244s17.9043 7.17871 19.7803 16.0244c0.555664 2.30273 2.92871 4.1709 5.29785 4.1709 c0.0302734 0 0.0810547 0 0.112305 -0.000976562h16.3291c3.0918 -0.00585938 5.61816 -2.51855 5.64062 -5.61035c0 -10 6.60938 -19.1895 16.3496 -21c1.04883 -0.204102 2.7666 -0.370117 3.83496 -0.370117c5.54297 0 12.7354 3.60254 16.0557 8.04004 c2.25977 3 6.25 4.08008 9.37988 2l10.0596 -6.70996c1.6582 -1.10254 3.00391 -3.6123 3.00391 -5.60352c0 -0.878906 -0.320312 -2.23047 -0.713867 -3.01562l-44.5 -95.7305h3.37012c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16v-14 v-0.0449219c0 -36.4111 7.16797 -94.6309 16 -129.955h-128c8.83203 35.3242 16 93.5439 16 129.955v0.0449219v14h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h3.37012zM128 400c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24 s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM247.16 -11.5996c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.83203 8.83984 -14.2891v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801 v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-rook" unicode="&#xf447;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-176l-64 -32c0 -47.7197 1.54004 -95 13.21 -160h-282.42c11.6699 65 13.21 111.67 13.21 160l-64 32v176c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h56.0996c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48h47.9004v48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h80 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48h48v48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h56zM224 128v64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-64h64zM368 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chess-rook-alt" unicode="&#xf448;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M311.16 -11.5801c4.87988 -2.44141 8.83984 -8.85156 8.83984 -14.3086v-0.000976562v-22.1104c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-288c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v22.1104c0.000976562 5.45898 3.96582 11.8701 8.84961 14.3096l23.1504 11.5801v16 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16zM71.8096 237.68l-30.5996 31.0303c-5.08398 5.1582 -9.20996 15.2217 -9.20996 22.4639v0.00585938v84.8203c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h35.1904c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-40h32.9395v40 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h71.75c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-40h32.9404v40c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h35.1797c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-84.7402v-0.00683594c0 -7.23242 -4.11719 -17.2871 -9.19043 -22.4434l-30.6191 -31.1094l14.4795 -173.7h-205.34zM136.41 216.41 v-47.1797h47.1797v47.1797c0 13.0215 -10.5684 23.5898 -23.5898 23.5898s-23.5898 -10.5684 -23.5898 -23.5898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-lock" unicode="&#xf502;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224 192c-70.6562 0 -128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128s128 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-26.9004 60.2002 -60 c0 -4.59961 -0.600586 -9 -1.60059 -13.2002c27.4004 -11.2002 46.7002 -38 46.7002 -69.2998c0 -8.7002 -2 -16.7998 -4.7998 -24.5c-17 -7.5 -29 -24.7998 -29 -44.7998v-15.2002h-51c-5.2998 0 -11.5996 -0.0996094 -18.5996 -1.09961zM195.8 448 c33.2002 0 60.2002 -26.9004 60.2002 -60l0.0996094 -352.5c0 -37.2998 -30.3994 -67.5 -67.7998 -67.5c-29.8994 0 -55 19.4004 -64 46.0996c-3.7002 -0.599609 -7.39941 -1.09961 -11.2998 -1.09961c-37.5 0 -67.7998 30.2002 -67.7998 67.5 c0 4.5 0.5 8.90039 1.2998 13.2002c-27.2998 11.2998 -46.5 38 -46.5 69.2998c0 27.7998 15.4004 51.7998 38 64.7998c-4.7998 9.90039 -7.7998 20.9004 -7.7998 32.7002c0 31.2998 19.2998 58.0996 46.7002 69.2998c-1 4.2998 -1.60059 8.7002 -1.60059 13.2002 c0 33.0996 26.9004 60 60.2002 60c0.700195 0 1.40039 -0.200195 2.09961 -0.200195c6.7002 25.9004 30.1006 45.2002 58.2002 45.2002zM635 108.2c6.7002 -6.60059 6.7002 -17.7998 0.0996094 -24.5l-96 -95.2002c-10.0996 -10 -27 -2.59961 -27 12.2002v47.2002h-64 c-65.8994 0 -69.2998 -68.9004 -60.2998 -95.5c3.7998 -11.2002 -8 -20.9004 -17.7998 -14.4004c-35 23.2998 -56.0996 67 -48.2998 113.7c7.7998 47 46.2998 84.5996 93.3994 91.5c5.80078 0.899414 11.4004 0.799805 17 0.799805h79.9004v47.2002 c0 14.7998 16.9004 22.2002 27 12.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alarm-exclamation" unicode="&#xf843;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M96 448c20.7861 -0.00195312 49.9961 -11.5068 65.2002 -25.6797l-145.9 -121.58c-8.38281 12.9062 -15.2373 35.8701 -15.2998 51.2598c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96zM416 448c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c-0.0664062 -15.3789 -6.91699 -38.3301 -15.29 -51.2305 l-145.89 121.57c15.2031 14.1602 44.4033 25.6562 65.1797 25.6602zM256 384c123.74 0 224 -100.29 224 -224v-0.103516c0 -41.083 -20.0479 -101.069 -44.75 -133.896l40.0996 -40.0596c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6191c-2.58594 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3096 -4.68262c-3.65723 0 -8.72363 2.09766 -11.3105 4.68262l-40.0996 40.0898c-32.8506 -24.7275 -92.8828 -44.7959 -134 -44.7959s-101.149 20.0684 -134 44.7959 l-40.0596 -40.1201c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6191 22.6201c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3145c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l40.0996 40.0898 c-24.7246 32.8379 -44.79 92.8486 -44.79 133.953v0.046875c0 123.71 100.3 224 224 224zM256 32c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM281.4 142.4l12.7998 128 c0.0439453 0.44043 0.0800781 1.15723 0.0800781 1.59961c0 8.82129 -7.15918 15.9893 -15.9805 16h-44.5996c-8.81738 -0.046875 -15.9746 -7.24219 -15.9746 -16.0596c0 -0.426758 0.0332031 -1.11621 0.0742188 -1.54004l12.7998 -128 c0.797852 -7.93945 7.92188 -14.3906 15.9004 -14.4004h19c7.97852 0.00976562 15.1025 6.46094 15.9004 14.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alarm-plus" unicode="&#xf844;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M96 448c20.7861 -0.00195312 49.9961 -11.5068 65.2002 -25.6797l-145.9 -121.58c-8.38281 12.9062 -15.2373 35.8701 -15.2998 51.2598c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96zM416 448c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c-0.0664062 -15.3789 -6.91699 -38.3301 -15.29 -51.2305 l-145.89 121.57c15.2031 14.1602 44.4033 25.6562 65.1797 25.6602zM256 384c123.74 0 224 -100.29 224 -224v-0.103516c0 -41.083 -20.0479 -101.069 -44.75 -133.896l40.0996 -40.0596c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6191c-2.58594 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3096 -4.68262c-3.65723 0 -8.72363 2.09766 -11.3105 4.68262l-40.0996 40.0898c-32.8506 -24.7275 -92.8828 -44.7959 -134 -44.7959s-101.149 20.0684 -134 44.7959 l-40.0596 -40.1201c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6191 22.6201c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3145c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l40.0996 40.0898 c-24.7246 32.8379 -44.79 92.8486 -44.79 133.953v0.046875c0 123.71 100.3 224 224 224zM368 152v16c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-72v72c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-72h-72c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-16 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h72v-72c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h16c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v72h72c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="alarm-snooze" unicode="&#xf845;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M96 448c20.7861 -0.00195312 49.9961 -11.5068 65.2002 -25.6797l-145.9 -121.58c-8.38281 12.9062 -15.2373 35.8701 -15.2998 51.2598c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96zM416 448c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c-0.0664062 -15.3789 -6.91699 -38.3301 -15.29 -51.2305 l-145.89 121.57c15.2031 14.1602 44.4033 25.6562 65.1797 25.6602zM256 384c123.74 0 224 -100.29 224 -224v-0.103516c0 -41.083 -20.0479 -101.069 -44.75 -133.896l40.0996 -40.0596c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6191c-2.58594 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3096 -4.68262c-3.65723 0 -8.72363 2.09766 -11.3105 4.68262l-40.0996 40.0898c-32.8506 -24.7275 -92.8828 -44.7959 -134 -44.7959s-101.149 20.0684 -134 44.7959 l-40.0596 -40.1201c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6191 22.6201c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3145c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l40.0996 40.0898 c-24.7246 32.8379 -44.79 92.8486 -44.79 133.953v0.046875c0 123.71 100.3 224 224 224zM338.7 225c2.90625 3.62988 5.29492 10.3496 5.29492 15c0 13.2451 -10.75 23.9971 -23.9951 24h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h78 l-96.7402 -121c-2.90625 -3.62988 -5.26465 -10.3496 -5.26465 -15c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24h0.00488281h128c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v16c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-78.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="align-slash" unicode="&#xf846;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M633.82 -10.0996c3.41309 -2.65234 6.18359 -8.3125 6.18359 -12.6357c0 -3.02734 -1.50684 -7.42383 -3.36426 -9.81445l-19.6396 -25.2705c-2.65234 -3.41211 -8.31152 -6.18262 -12.6338 -6.18262c-3.03125 0 -7.43359 1.51172 -9.82617 3.37305l-588.36 454.72 c-3.41016 2.65234 -6.17773 8.31055 -6.17773 12.6309c0 3.02832 1.50879 7.42773 3.36816 9.81934l19.6299 25.2695c2.65234 3.41309 8.31152 6.18262 12.6338 6.18262c3.03125 0 7.43359 -1.51074 9.82617 -3.37207l51.54 -39.7998 c1.87793 6.12109 8.59766 11.1289 15 11.1797h416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-362.69l82.8105 -64h279.88c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-197.08l82.8105 -64h114.27 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-31.46zM112 32h258l82.8301 -64h-340.83c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM112 96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h92.4102l82.7998 -64 h-175.21z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bags-shopping" unicode="&#xf847;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M448 224h-256c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-224h-128c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v256c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96v64c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96s96 -43.0078 96 -96v-64h96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32zM176 352v-64h96v64 c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48zM544 192c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-320c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v192c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h320zM480 96v24c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-24c-0.0380859 -35.3291 -28.7412 -64.002 -64.0703 -64.002c-1.74512 0 -4.57227 0.139648 -6.30957 0.311523c-33.25 3.23047 -57.6201 33.1201 -57.6201 66.5303v21.1602c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8 v-20.6602c0 -48.79 35 -92.3398 83.3701 -98.5303c3.4375 -0.451172 9.04199 -0.817383 12.5098 -0.817383c52.9961 0 96.0586 43.0117 96.1201 96.0078z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bell-exclamation" unicode="&#xf848;" d="M224 -64c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64h128c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64zM439.39 85.71c4.75293 -4.99316 8.61133 -14.6396 8.61133 -21.5332c0 -0.0488281 -0.000976562 -0.12793 -0.000976562 -0.176758c-0.0996094 -16.4004 -12.9805 -32 -32.0996 -32 h-383.801c-19.0996 0 -31.9893 15.5996 -32.0996 32v0.172852c0 6.89453 3.85742 16.543 8.61035 21.5371c19.3193 20.7598 55.4697 51.9902 55.4697 154.29c0 77.7002 54.4795 139.9 127.9 155.16v20.8398c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32c17.6631 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32 v-20.8398c73.46 -15.2598 127.939 -77.46 127.939 -155.16c0 -102.29 36.1504 -133.53 55.4697 -154.29zM224 96c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM249.4 206.4l12.7998 96 c0.0439453 0.44043 0.0800781 1.15723 0.0800781 1.59961c0 8.82129 -7.15918 15.9893 -15.9805 16h-44.5996c-8.81738 -0.046875 -15.9746 -7.24219 -15.9746 -16.0596c0 -0.426758 0.0332031 -1.11621 0.0742188 -1.54004l12.7998 -96 c0.797852 -7.93945 7.92188 -14.3906 15.9004 -14.4004h19c7.97852 0.00976562 15.1025 6.46094 15.9004 14.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bell-plus" unicode="&#xf849;" d="M224 -64c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64h128c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64zM439.39 85.71c4.75293 -4.99316 8.61133 -14.6396 8.61133 -21.5332c0 -0.0488281 -0.000976562 -0.12793 -0.000976562 -0.176758c-0.0996094 -16.4004 -12.9805 -32 -32.0996 -32 h-383.801c-19.0996 0 -31.9893 15.5996 -32.0996 32v0.172852c0 6.89453 3.85742 16.543 8.61035 21.5371c19.3193 20.7598 55.4697 51.9902 55.4697 154.29c0 77.7002 54.4795 139.9 127.9 155.16v20.8398c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32c17.6631 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32 v-20.8398c73.46 -15.2598 127.939 -77.46 127.939 -155.16c0 -102.29 36.1504 -133.53 55.4697 -154.29zM320 200v16c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-56v56c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-56h-56c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-16 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h56v-56c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h16c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v56h56c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="biking" unicode="&#xf84a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M400 352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48s48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48zM396 231l-41.3604 33.1104l-58.25 -49.9199l41.3604 -27.5703c7.86426 -5.24316 14.248 -17.1689 14.25 -26.6201v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32v110.88l-81.7305 54.5205c-7.86621 5.24316 -14.251 17.1719 -14.251 26.626c0 8.12305 5.00488 19.0068 11.1719 24.2939l112 96c4.95508 4.25781 14.2803 7.71289 20.8135 7.71289c6.20215 0 15.1602 -3.15039 19.9961 -7.0332l71.2197 -57h52.7803 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64h-0.0595703c-6.18262 0 -15.1152 3.13574 -19.9404 7zM512 192c70.6562 0 128 -57.3438 128 -128s-57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128zM512 0c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64 s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64zM128 192c70.6562 0 128 -57.3438 128 -128s-57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128zM128 0c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64 s28.6719 -64 64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="biking-mountain" unicode="&#xf84b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M400 352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48s48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48zM172.71 277.84l-40.8301 49.1797c-5.66016 6.80078 -5.03027 16.79 1.33984 22.3408l58.1201 48.7598c31.9004 27.7002 80.6104 22.6494 108.811 -11.2998 c5.64941 -6.79004 5.0293 -16.79 -1.35059 -22.3301l-104.319 -88.9102c-6.38086 -5.5498 -16.1201 -4.54004 -21.7705 2.25977zM240 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-5.19043c-1.7959 -6.01172 -5.67578 -15.3701 -8.65918 -20.8896 l3.66992 -3.66992c2.58691 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6299c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.6875l-3.66992 3.66992 c-5.51953 -2.98047 -14.8779 -6.85547 -20.8896 -8.64941v-5.2002c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v5.2002c-6.00977 1.79688 -15.3691 5.67188 -20.8896 8.64941l-3.66992 -3.66992 c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6299 22.6299c-2.58691 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154s2.10059 8.72852 4.6875 11.3154l3.66992 3.66992c-2.98145 5.51953 -6.85645 14.8779 -8.64941 20.8896 h-5.2002c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h5.2002c1.79395 6.01172 5.66895 15.3701 8.64941 20.8896l-3.66992 3.66992c-2.58691 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154s2.10059 8.72852 4.6875 11.3154l22.6299 22.6299 c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154 4.6875s8.72852 -2.10059 11.3154 -4.6875l3.66992 -3.66992c5.51953 2.98145 14.8779 6.85645 20.8896 8.64941v5.2002c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-5.2002 c6.01172 -1.79395 15.3701 -5.66895 20.8896 -8.64941l3.66992 3.66992c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154 4.6875s8.72852 -2.10059 11.3154 -4.6875l22.6299 -22.6299c2.58691 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154 l-3.66992 -3.66992c2.98145 -5.51953 6.85645 -14.8779 8.64941 -20.8896h5.2002zM128 0c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64zM624 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-5.2002 c-1.79102 -6.01074 -5.66211 -15.3701 -8.63965 -20.8896l3.66992 -3.66992c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6299c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875 c-3.6582 0 -8.72754 2.10059 -11.3145 4.6875l-3.66992 3.66992c-5.52344 -2.98047 -14.8867 -6.85547 -20.9004 -8.64941v-5.2002c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v5.2002c-6.00977 1.79785 -15.3682 5.67285 -20.8896 8.64941 l-3.66992 -3.66992c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6299 22.6299c-2.58691 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154s2.10059 8.72852 4.6875 11.3154l3.66992 3.66992 c-2.98145 5.51953 -6.85645 14.8779 -8.64941 20.8896h-5.2002c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h5.19043c1.79883 6.01172 5.68359 15.3711 8.66992 20.8896l-3.66992 3.66992c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154 s2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l22.6299 22.6299c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.6875 11.3145 4.6875c3.65918 0 8.72852 -2.10059 11.3154 -4.6875l3.66992 -3.66992c5.5166 2.98145 14.8711 6.85645 20.8799 8.64941v5.2002c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-5.2002c6.01172 -1.79395 15.3701 -5.66895 20.8896 -8.64941l3.66992 3.66992c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154 4.6875s8.72852 -2.10059 11.3154 -4.6875l22.6299 -22.6299c2.58691 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-3.66992 -3.66992c2.98145 -5.51953 6.85645 -14.8779 8.64941 -20.8896h5.2002zM512 0c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64zM396 231l-41.3604 33.1104l-58.2393 -49.9199 l41.3496 -27.5703c7.86426 -5.24316 14.248 -17.1689 14.25 -26.6201v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32v110.88l-81.7402 54.5205c-7.86328 5.24414 -14.2451 17.1709 -14.2451 26.623c0 8.12402 5.00684 19.0098 11.1758 24.2969l112 96 c4.95508 4.25781 14.2803 7.71289 20.8135 7.71289c6.20215 0 15.1602 -3.15039 19.9961 -7.0332l71.2197 -57h52.7803c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64h-0.0253906c-6.18945 0 -15.1387 3.13574 -19.9746 7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-all" unicode="&#xf84c;" d="M416 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-384c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v384c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384zM384 352h-128v-128h128v128zM192 352h-128v-128h128v128zM64 32h128v128h-128v-128zM256 32h128v128h-128v-128z " /> <glyph glyph-name="border-bottom" unicode="&#xf84d;" d="M208 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM112 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM432 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM208 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM208 256 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM208 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM16 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 352 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-inner" unicode="&#xf84e;" d="M48 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM16 256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM48 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM112 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 320 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-176v-176c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v176h-176c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h176 v176c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-176h176zM144 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-left" unicode="&#xf84f;" d="M240 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 416 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-416c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v416c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-none" unicode="&#xf850;" d="M240 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 416 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-outer" unicode="&#xf851;" d="M208 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM208 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM208 256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM416 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-384 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v384c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384zM384 32v320h-320v-320h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-right" unicode="&#xf852;" d="M240 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 416 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-416c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v416c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-style" unicode="&#xf853;" d="M240 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 416 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-368v-368c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v400c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h400z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-style-alt" unicode="&#xf854;" d="M208 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM16 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM432 416 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-400c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-400c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h368v368c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-top" unicode="&#xf855;" d="M240 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM240 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM144 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM48 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="burger-soda" unicode="&#xf858;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M352 272c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h141.26l24.4307 97.7002c4.18066 16.7256 21.5654 30.2998 38.8057 30.2998h0.00390625h51.5c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-45.2598l-20 -80h129.26c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32zM263.55 129.78c2.98047 -5.63965 9.26562 -13.6592 14.0303 -17.9004c-11.9082 -10.5303 -21.5723 -31.9785 -21.5723 -47.874c0 -13.8135 7.6123 -33.2549 16.9922 -43.3955 c-9.38281 -7.92676 -16.999 -24.3281 -17 -36.6104v-0.0820312c0 -13.4521 6.11523 -33.4141 13.6504 -44.5576c-3.55566 -1.78711 -9.6709 -3.29297 -13.6504 -3.36035h-160h-0.143555c-16.4385 0 -30.6875 13.3096 -31.8066 29.71l-25.7803 258.29h253.11 c-9.01953 -8.54004 -17.3701 -17.5303 -24.0898 -27.4004c-6.22656 -9.11328 -11.2803 -25.4678 -11.2803 -36.5049c0 -8.88477 3.37793 -22.4658 7.54004 -30.3145zM624 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-256 c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320zM608 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-288c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32h288zM293.74 178.59c29.4697 43.2803 94.3193 77.4805 170.26 77.4102 s140.8 -34.1299 170.26 -77.4102c14.4707 -21.3203 -0.179688 -50.5898 -25.5293 -50.5898h-289.45c-25.3506 0 -40.0703 29.2695 -25.54 50.5898zM544 208c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM464 224 c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM384 208c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-building" unicode="&#xf859;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M213.52 -7.07031v-28.2393c0.0556641 -8.45117 3.43359 -21.3047 7.54004 -28.6904h-205.06c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v464c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h288c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-130.18c-28.3604 -4.93945 -65.3516 -27.6709 -82.5703 -50.7402 c-1.91602 2.67285 -6.14062 4.87695 -9.42969 4.91992h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h21.6396l-7.5498 -20.71c-23.2334 -14.4326 -42.0898 -48.3438 -42.0898 -75.6953v-0.144531v-28.6904v-0.0195312 c0 -18.166 9.64062 -44.0654 21.5195 -57.8105zM208 356v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12zM144 60v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40 c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM144 188v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM144 316v40 c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM604.58 132.44c19.541 -8.09766 35.4092 -31.8379 35.4199 -52.9902v-28.6904 c-0.0400391 -15.126 -9.68164 -35.0439 -21.5195 -44.46v-41.6094c-0.00585938 -15.832 -12.8594 -28.6846 -28.6904 -28.6904h-28.6904c-15.8311 0.00585938 -28.6846 12.8584 -28.6895 28.6904v35.3096h-200.83v-35.3096v0c0 -15.832 -12.8486 -28.6846 -28.6797 -28.6904 h-28.6904c-15.8203 0.0166016 -28.6602 12.8701 -28.6602 28.6904v0v41.6094c-11.8389 9.41602 -21.4795 29.334 -21.5195 44.46v28.6904c0.0117188 21.1533 15.8799 44.8975 35.4199 53l4.5498 11.3496l17.8301 49.0801c13.8076 34.8428 55.4316 63.1211 92.9102 63.1211 c0.0908203 0 0.239258 -0.000976562 0.330078 -0.000976562h113.859h0.303711c37.4766 0 79.0947 -28.2773 92.8965 -63.1201l17.8701 -49.0801zM335.11 164l-12.1104 -36h218l-12.0703 36c-6.58008 16.9004 -22.3994 28 -40 28h-113.819 c-17.6406 0 -33.4707 -11.0801 -40 -28zM300 40.1504c14.4004 0 36 -2.40039 36 11.96c0 14.3594 -21.5996 35.8896 -36 35.8896s-24 -9.55957 -24 -23.9199s9.59961 -23.9297 24 -23.9297zM564 40.1504c14.4004 0 24 9.58008 24 23.9297s-9.59961 23.9199 -24 23.9199 s-36 -21.46 -36 -35.8496c0 -14.3906 21.5996 -12 36 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-bus" unicode="&#xf85a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M604.58 132.44c19.541 -8.09766 35.4092 -31.8379 35.4199 -52.9902v-28.6904c-0.0400391 -15.126 -9.68164 -35.0439 -21.5195 -44.46v-38.2998c0 -17.6641 -14.3369 -32 -32 -32h-22.0703c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32h-200.79v-32 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-22.0703c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v38.29c-11.8389 9.41504 -21.4795 29.334 -21.5195 44.46v28.6904c0.00683594 21.1562 15.875 44.9004 35.4199 53l4.5498 11.3594l17.8398 49.0801 c13.8027 34.8428 55.4199 63.1211 92.8965 63.1211c0.0927734 0 0.241211 -0.000976562 0.333984 -0.000976562h113.859h0.303711c37.4766 0 79.0947 -28.2773 92.8965 -63.1201l17.8701 -49.0801zM335.11 164l-12.1104 -36h218l-12.0703 36 c-6.58008 16.9004 -22.3994 28 -40 28h-113.819c-17.6406 0 -33.4707 -11.0801 -40 -28zM300 40.1504c14.4004 0 36 -2.40039 36 11.96c0 14.3594 -21.5996 35.8896 -36 35.8896s-24 -9.58008 -24 -23.9297c0 -14.3506 9.59961 -23.9199 24 -23.9199zM564 40.1504 c14.4004 0 24 9.55957 24 23.9199c0 14.3594 -9.59961 23.9297 -24 23.9297s-36 -21.46 -36 -35.8496c0 -14.3906 21.5996 -12 36 -12zM252.12 204.77l-17.9502 -49.4795c-21.2695 -13.21 -35.3701 -34.7998 -40 -59.29h-67v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-23.1699 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32h-10.6699c-16.1904 0 -29.3301 13.1396 -29.3301 29.3301v259.81c0 35.2002 77.9404 62.8604 176 62.8604s176 -27.6602 176 -62.8604v-99.3193c-20.0303 -3.47852 -48.7031 -17.1689 -64 -30.5605v98.0703 c0 8.09766 -6.57227 14.6699 -14.6699 14.6699v0h-81.3301v-144h69.7695c-3.08887 -5.09375 -7.41211 -13.709 -9.64941 -19.2305zM80 136c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM160 224v144h-81.3301 c-8.09766 0 -14.6699 -6.57227 -14.6699 -14.6699v-114.66c0 -8.09766 6.57227 -14.6699 14.6699 -14.6699h81.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cars" unicode="&#xf85b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M252.13 204.77l-4.66016 -12.7695h-139.88v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-22.0703c-17.6631 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v38.2998c-11.8379 9.41602 -21.4795 29.334 -21.5195 44.46v28.6904c0.0146484 21.1602 15.8965 44.9004 35.4502 52.9902l4.5498 11.3594 l17.8398 49.0801c13.8027 34.8428 55.4199 63.1211 92.8965 63.1211c0.0927734 0 0.241211 -0.000976562 0.333984 -0.000976562h113.859c0.0927734 0 0.241211 0.000976562 0.333984 0.000976562c37.4766 0 79.0938 -28.2783 92.8965 -63.1211l17.8398 -49.0801 l4.58008 -11.3594c13.8291 -5.77051 28.5684 -22.0957 32.9004 -36.4404h-38.4102c-0.120117 0 -0.31543 0.000976562 -0.436523 0.000976562c-49.418 0 -104.3 -37.2881 -122.504 -83.2314zM111.11 356l-12.1104 -36h218l-12.0703 36c-6.58008 16.9004 -22.3994 28 -40 28 h-113.819c-17.6406 0 -33.4707 -11.0801 -40 -28zM76 232.15c14.4004 0 36 -2.40039 36 11.96c0 14.3594 -21.5996 35.8896 -36 35.8896s-24 -9.58008 -24 -23.9297c0 -14.3506 9.59961 -23.9199 24 -23.9199zM604.58 132.44 c19.541 -8.09766 35.4092 -31.8379 35.4199 -52.9902v-28.6904c-0.0400391 -15.126 -9.68164 -35.0439 -21.5195 -44.46v-38.2998c0 -17.6641 -14.3369 -32 -32 -32h-22.0703c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32h-200.79v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-22.0703 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v38.29c-11.8389 9.41504 -21.4795 29.334 -21.5195 44.46v28.6904c0.00683594 21.1562 15.875 44.9004 35.4199 53l4.5498 11.3594l17.8398 49.0801c13.8027 34.8428 55.4199 63.1211 92.8965 63.1211 c0.0927734 0 0.241211 -0.000976562 0.333984 -0.000976562h113.859h0.303711c37.4766 0 79.0947 -28.2773 92.8965 -63.1201l17.8701 -49.0801zM335.11 164l-12.1104 -36h218l-12.0703 36c-6.58008 16.9004 -22.3994 28 -40 28h-113.819 c-17.6406 0 -33.4707 -11.0801 -40 -28zM300 40.1504c14.4004 0 36 -2.40039 36 11.96c0 14.3594 -21.5996 35.8896 -36 35.8896s-24 -9.55957 -24 -23.9199s9.59961 -23.9297 24 -23.9297zM564 40.1504c14.4004 0 24 9.58008 24 23.9297s-9.59961 23.9199 -24 23.9199 s-36 -21.46 -36 -35.8496c0 -14.3906 21.5996 -12 36 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coin" unicode="&#xf85c;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M0 128v30.3799c12.5996 -15.0195 29.1504 -28.3799 48 -40.3799v-64.3301c-30 20.96 -48 46.5605 -48 74.3301zM256 96c-141.33 0 -256 64.4404 -256 144s114.67 144 256 144s256 -64.4404 256 -144s-114.67 -144 -256 -144zM80 35.4902v64.5098 c28.1904 -13.1201 60.6104 -23 96 -29v-64.3096c-36.3398 5.98926 -68.9102 15.9092 -96 28.7998zM464 53.6699v64.3203c18.8496 12.0098 35.4004 25.3799 48 40.3799v-30.3701c0 -27.7695 -17.9502 -53.3301 -48 -74.3301zM336 6.66992v64.3301 c35.3896 6 67.8096 15.8799 96 29v-64.5303c-27.0898 -12.8896 -59.6602 -22.7998 -96 -28.7998zM208 66.7998c13.209 -1.44043 34.7129 -2.69531 48 -2.7998c13.2871 0.104492 34.791 1.35938 48 2.7998v-64.0898c-15.6201 -1.50977 -31.4902 -2.70996 -48 -2.70996 s-32.3799 1.2002 -48 2.70996v64.0898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="construction" unicode="&#xf85d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M634.66 -12.1699c14.4795 -22.5605 -2.17969 -51.8301 -29.5098 -51.8301h-570.301c-27.3301 0 -43.9893 29.2695 -29.5098 51.8301l285.16 444.25c13.6201 21.2295 45.3799 21.2295 59 0zM308 288c-15.4561 0 -28 -12.5439 -28 -28s12.5439 -28 28 -28s28 12.5439 28 28 s-12.5439 28 -28 28zM304 16v32.7695v0.03125c0 9.61426 -6.56348 21.6387 -14.6504 26.8389l-83.0596 53.6699l-29.75 -109.109c-0.30957 -1.13867 -0.561523 -3.02051 -0.561523 -4.20117c0 -6.75098 5.28711 -13.667 11.8018 -15.4395 c1.12402 -0.308594 2.98242 -0.55957 4.14844 -0.55957h0.0712891h0.000976562c6.75 0 13.667 5.28613 15.4395 11.7998l18.25 66.8906l46.3096 -29.9209v-32.7695c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM352 0h198.8l-71.8594 111.94 c-2.60742 4.05957 -8.63867 7.35547 -13.4639 7.35547c-5.46387 0 -11.877 -3.96777 -14.3164 -8.85547l-21.1602 -42.4404l-87.6699 54l-10.5498 52.7002c-3.7207 18.6094 -18.1104 33.3193 -35.5605 37.1396l-24.5801 7.28027 c-2.86523 0.644531 -7.5752 1.16797 -10.5137 1.16797c-13.2217 0 -30.3877 -8.58691 -38.3164 -19.168l-11.6094 -15.4902c-1.76562 -2.35449 -3.19824 -6.6543 -3.19824 -9.59766c0 -4.93262 3.4082 -11.0352 7.6084 -13.6221l103.949 -64 c0.0302734 -0.0703125 0.110352 -0.0703125 0.110352 -0.0703125l94.7998 -58.3398h-35.6396c-5.96973 -0.00976562 -12.6143 -4.5166 -14.8301 -10.0596z" /> <glyph glyph-name="digging" unicode="&#xf85e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M272 352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48s48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48zM209.76 90.6396c7.86035 -5.24414 14.2402 -17.1699 14.2402 -26.6191v-0.0205078v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32v78.8896 l-60.6104 40.4102l-36.5996 -128.16c-3.66211 -12.8154 -17.4512 -23.2168 -30.7803 -23.2168c-17.6699 0 -32.0117 14.3418 -32.0117 32.0117c0 2.47559 0.551758 6.41602 1.23242 8.7959l57.4199 201l71.5596 -39c27.2334 -14.874 53.75 -30.9043 79.5498 -48.0908z M311.07 32h40.9297l9.84961 16.7695l-336.6 184.301c-14.6201 7.98926 -20.4502 26.75 -11.6201 40.8496c0.569336 0.919922 1.59961 2.33594 2.2998 3.16016l56 64c5.27734 6.02637 16.0605 10.9189 24.0703 10.9199h72.7305c16.5098 0 32.7295 -3.90039 48.0693 -10 c2.08496 -0.487305 5.31934 -1.68359 7.21973 -2.66992c1 -0.469727 2.11035 -0.629883 3.11035 -1.12988c31.6553 -15.6826 62.8896 -56.54 69.7197 -91.2002l23.9902 -121.2l65.2998 -35.6201l31.8604 54.29c13 21.6602 44.7803 20.4404 56.0703 -2.14941l101.93 -206.32 h-320l24.71 74.1201c4.02637 12.0781 17.627 21.8799 30.3574 21.8799h0.00292969zM105.9 243l38.9697 45h-34.3301l-28.1299 -32.1504zM199.64 191.87l48.2305 -26.3105l-13.5 67.54z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drone-alt" unicode="&#xf860;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M288 312c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-240c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24h97.6104c3.02246 8.83105 13.0508 15.998 22.3848 15.998s19.3623 -7.16699 22.3848 -15.998h97.6201c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24zM616.4 335.93h0.0644531 c12.9941 0 23.54 -10.5459 23.54 -23.54c0 -12.9521 -10.5117 -23.498 -23.4648 -23.54l-240.81 -0.769531c-12.7764 0.219727 -23.1465 10.7686 -23.1465 23.5469c0 12.6963 10.3027 23.2441 22.9961 23.543l98 0.310547c2.84082 9.16016 12.9307 16.5957 22.5215 16.5957 c9.5293 0 19.5996 -7.37207 22.4785 -16.4561zM472 210.35v45.6504h48v-64.0498c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-45.4004c25.7959 -25.0684 49.6875 -74.4561 53.3301 -110.24c0.0429688 -0.432617 0.0771484 -1.13574 0.0771484 -1.57031 c0 -8.87402 -7.20215 -16.1045 -16.0771 -16.1396h-16.25c-8.33984 0.0195312 -14.7598 6.58008 -15.6797 14.8701c-3.57617 31.8398 -27.6523 72.7783 -53.7402 91.3799l-32.9199 -32.9297c-5.17285 -5.17285 -15.3096 -9.37012 -22.625 -9.37012h-0.00488281h-37.4902 h-0.00488281c-7.31543 0 -17.4512 4.19727 -22.625 9.37012l-32.9199 32.9297c-26.0703 -18.6094 -50.1143 -59.5469 -53.6699 -91.3799c-0.919922 -8.29004 -7.33984 -14.8701 -15.6797 -14.8701h-16.25c-8.875 0.0351562 -16.0771 7.26562 -16.0771 16.1396 c0 0.43457 0.0341797 1.1377 0.0771484 1.57031c3.64258 35.7842 27.5342 85.1719 53.3301 110.24h-45.4004c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64.0498h48v-45.6504l96.8203 29.0508c14.8965 4.4707 39.6113 8.09961 55.165 8.09961s40.2676 -3.62891 55.165 -8.09961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dryer" unicode="&#xf861;" d="M384 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-416c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v416c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM184 384c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24zM64 360 c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24zM224 0c79.4883 0 144 64.5117 144 144s-64.5117 144 -144 144s-144 -64.5117 -144 -144s64.5117 -144 144 -144zM216 176c0 -22.6699 -11.9502 -34.6201 -20.6904 -43.3604 c-7.83984 -7.83984 -11.3096 -11.7598 -11.3096 -20.6992c0 -8.94043 3.46973 -12.8203 11.3896 -20.6602c7.41992 -7.40039 17.1602 -17.1406 19.9307 -33.75c0.0634766 -0.375977 0.115234 -0.989258 0.115234 -1.37012c0 -4.48047 -3.63574 -8.13574 -8.11523 -8.16016 h-16.3203c-3.42871 0.0234375 -6.88281 2.74219 -7.70996 6.07031c-1.37012 5.14941 -4.78027 8.76953 -10.5996 14.5898c-8.74023 8.71973 -20.6904 20.6396 -20.6904 43.2803c0 22.6396 12 34.5898 20.6904 43.3594c7.83984 7.83984 11.3096 11.7002 11.3096 20.7002 s-3.46973 12.8301 -11.3604 20.6699c-7.41992 7.41992 -17.1592 17.1602 -19.9297 33.7998c-0.0634766 0.375977 -0.116211 0.989258 -0.116211 1.37012c0 4.48047 3.63672 8.13574 8.11621 8.16016h16.29c3.42188 -0.0205078 6.87598 -2.73145 7.70996 -6.0498 c1.36035 -5.16992 4.78027 -8.7998 10.5996 -14.6201c8.74023 -8.74023 20.6904 -20.6904 20.6904 -43.3301zM296 176c0 -22.6699 -11.9502 -34.6201 -20.6904 -43.3604c-7.83984 -7.83984 -11.3096 -11.7598 -11.3096 -20.6992 c0 -8.94043 3.46973 -12.8203 11.3398 -20.6602c7.41992 -7.40039 17.1602 -17.1406 19.9297 -33.75c0.0644531 -0.375977 0.116211 -0.990234 0.116211 -1.37109c0 -4.45215 -3.61328 -8.10742 -8.06543 -8.15918h-16.3203 c-3.42871 0.0234375 -6.88281 2.74219 -7.70996 6.07031c-1.37012 5.14941 -4.78027 8.76953 -10.5996 14.5898c-8.74023 8.71973 -20.6904 20.6396 -20.6904 43.2803c0 22.6396 12 34.5898 20.6904 43.3594c7.83984 7.83984 11.3096 11.7002 11.3096 20.7002 s-3.46973 12.8301 -11.3604 20.6699c-7.41992 7.41992 -17.1592 17.1602 -19.9297 33.7998c-0.0634766 0.375977 -0.116211 0.989258 -0.116211 1.37012c0 4.48047 3.63672 8.13574 8.11621 8.16016h16.29c3.42188 -0.0205078 6.87598 -2.73145 7.70996 -6.0498 c1.36035 -5.16992 4.78027 -8.7998 10.5996 -14.6201c8.74023 -8.74023 20.6904 -20.6904 20.6904 -43.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dryer-alt" unicode="&#xf862;" d="M384 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-416c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 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100.349 -40.7314 109.94 -90.918z M572.62 201.78c1.86426 -3.73242 3.37793 -10.1484 3.37988 -14.3203v-251.46h-128v96h-160v-96h-128v251.46c0.00585938 4.16309 1.51953 10.5654 3.37988 14.29l55.4902 111c2.83301 5.66699 9.83105 12.3555 15.6201 14.9297l120.51 53.5605 c3.42676 1.52344 9.25 2.75977 13 2.75977s9.57324 -1.23633 13 -2.75977l120.51 -53.5303c5.78906 -2.57422 12.7871 -9.2627 15.6201 -14.9297zM416 128v96h-96v-96h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="font-case" unicode="&#xf866;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M229.88 362.31l121.28 -341.199c0.461914 -1.37305 0.837891 -3.66211 0.837891 -5.11035c0 -8.83105 -7.16699 -15.999 -15.998 -16h-50.6201c-6.34277 0.000976562 -13.1338 4.87988 -15.1602 10.8896l-19.0693 53.1104h-150.301l-19.0693 -53.1104 c-2.02637 -6.00977 -8.81738 -10.8887 -15.1602 -10.8896h-50.6201c-8.8252 0.00683594 -15.9883 7.1748 -15.9883 16c0 1.44824 0.375977 3.7373 0.837891 5.11035l121.271 341.199c4.07422 11.9736 17.6465 21.6904 30.2939 21.6904h0.00585938h47.1602h0.00585938 c12.6475 0 26.2197 -9.7168 30.2939 -21.6904zM129.58 144h92.8398l-46.4199 129.26zM624 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-256c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v1.80957c-18.9004 -11.0293 -40.5801 -17.8096 -64 -17.8096 c-70.5791 0.0771484 -127.923 57.4209 -128 128v32c0.0771484 70.5791 57.4209 127.923 128 128c23.4199 0 45.0996 -6.80957 64 -17.8096v1.80957c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32zM560 128v32c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48v-32 c0 -26.4961 21.5039 -48 48 -48s48 21.5039 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="game-board" unicode="&#xf867;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 288v-96h-96v96h96zM256 96v96h96v-96h-96zM480 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v448c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM448 288v96h-96v-96h-96v96h-96v-96h-96v-96h96v-96h-96v-96h96 v96h96v-96h96v96h96v96h-96v96h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="game-board-alt" unicode="&#xf868;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M480 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v448c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM448 192v192h-192v-192h-192v-192h192v192h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-citrus" unicode="&#xf869;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M368 448c79.4883 0 144 -64.5117 144 -144c0 -78.3203 -62.6104 -141.73 -140.47 -143.64l4.83984 48.4893c48.96 4.31055 87.6299 45.0801 87.6299 95.1504c-0.0605469 52.9316 -43.0684 95.9395 -96 96c-35.3701 0 -66 -19.4502 -82.6396 -48h-52.54 c19.8301 55.7998 72.5693 96 135.18 96zM320 320c17.6631 -0.000976562 31.998 -14.3369 31.998 -32c0 -0.879883 -0.0703125 -2.30469 -0.158203 -3.17969l-32 -320c-1.58887 -15.9082 -15.8525 -28.8193 -31.8398 -28.8203h-224 c-15.9873 0.000976562 -30.251 12.9121 -31.8398 28.8203l-32 320c-0.0878906 0.875 -0.158203 2.2998 -0.158203 3.17969c0 17.6631 14.335 31.999 31.998 32h288zM278.24 192l6.39941 64h-217.279l6.39941 -64h204.48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="h4" unicode="&#xf86a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M304 352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-192h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-34.9404c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v64h-128v-64h18.9404c7.20898 0 13.0596 -5.85059 13.0596 -13.0596v-37.8809c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-98.9404c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v34.9404 c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h18.9404v192h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v34.9404c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-34.9404c0 -7.20898 -5.85059 -13.0596 -13.0596 -13.0596h-18.9404v-64h128v64 h-18.9404c-7.20898 0 -13.0596 5.85059 -13.0596 13.0596v37.8809c0 7.20898 5.85059 13.0596 13.0596 13.0596h98.9404zM560 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v144c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h64v112c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-chef" unicode="&#xf86b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M416 416c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c0 -41.7402 -64 -192 -64 -192h-60.0898l12.0996 150.75c0.0146484 0.174805 0.0253906 0.459961 0.0253906 0.635742c0 4.07324 -3.29492 7.64648 -7.35547 7.97461l-16 1.2793 c-0.174805 0.0146484 -0.458984 0.0253906 -0.634766 0.0253906c-4.0791 0 -7.65137 -3.2998 -7.97461 -7.36523l-12.2705 -153.3h-84.46v152c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-152h-83.1396l-12.2598 153.3 c-0.324219 4.06543 -3.89648 7.36523 -7.97559 7.36523c-0.174805 0 -0.459961 -0.0107422 -0.634766 -0.0253906l-16 -1.2793c-4.06055 -0.328125 -7.35547 -3.90137 -7.35547 -7.97461c0 -0.175781 0.0117188 -0.460938 0.0253906 -0.635742l12.0898 -150.75h-60.0898 s-64 150.26 -64 192c-0.000976562 0.123047 -0.000976562 0.322266 -0.000976562 0.445312c0 52.749 42.8105 95.5605 95.5596 95.5605c17.9053 0 43.9658 -8.84668 58.1719 -19.7461c23.3398 31.2402 60.2695 51.7402 102.27 51.7402s78.9297 -20.5 102.27 -51.7402 c14.0898 10.8398 39.9531 19.6836 57.7305 19.7402zM64 -32v128h384v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-320c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="horizontal-rule" unicode="&#xf86c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 208.13v-31.2598c-0.00585938 -8.74902 -7.11035 -15.8594 -15.8604 -15.8701h-608.27c-8.75488 0.00585938 -15.8643 7.11523 -15.8701 15.8701v31.2598c0.00585938 8.75488 7.11523 15.8643 15.8701 15.8701h608.27 c8.75 -0.0107422 15.8545 -7.12109 15.8604 -15.8701z" /> <glyph glyph-name="icons" unicode="&#xf86d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M116.65 228.65l-96.79 99.8301c-28 29.0293 -26.4102 77.0996 5 103.88c27.3896 23.3398 68.1895 19.1396 93.29 -6.80078l9.84961 -10.1396l9.86035 10.1396c25.1396 25.9404 65.8896 30.1406 93.2793 6.80078c31.4102 -26.7803 33.0605 -74.8799 4.91016 -103.88 l-96.75 -99.8301c-2.55566 -2.66992 -7.62891 -4.83594 -11.3252 -4.83594c-3.69531 0 -8.76855 2.16602 -11.3242 4.83594zM260.57 128.16c15.1406 -0.0107422 27.4297 -12.3086 27.4297 -27.4502v-0.00976562v-137.25v0c0 -15.1416 -12.2891 -27.4395 -27.4297 -27.4502 h-233.141c-15.1406 0.00585938 -27.4297 12.2988 -27.4297 27.4404v0.00976562v137.25v0.00976562c0 15.1523 12.2979 27.4502 27.4502 27.4502h0.00976562h48l7 14.2402c3.67773 9.81445 15.168 17.7793 25.6484 17.7793h0.0117188h71.71h0.0107422 c10.4814 0 21.9717 -7.96484 25.6494 -17.7793l7.08008 -14.2402h48zM144 -20c28.7041 0 52 23.2959 52 52s-23.2959 52 -52 52s-52 -23.2959 -52 -52s23.2959 -52 52 -52zM499.4 95.9004c9.70996 0 15.75 -8.79004 10.8691 -15.7002l-92.3994 -138.91 c-2.19629 -2.90039 -6.93262 -5.25488 -10.5713 -5.25488c-0.0957031 0 -0.25293 0.00195312 -0.348633 0.00488281c-8.03027 0 -14.1201 6.25 -12.2305 12.9004l24.2002 83h-62.3096c-7.62012 0 -13.5 5.58984 -12.5 11.8896l16.7998 106.93 c0.839844 5.2002 6.2002 9.10059 12.5 9.10059h75.5898c8.25 0 14.2803 -6.56055 12.1797 -13.21l-22.3594 -50.75h60.5801zM478.08 447.67c17.9199 2.75 33.9199 -12.1895 33.9199 -31.6699v-144.26c-0.269531 -26.3398 -28.7998 -47.6602 -64 -47.6602 c-35.3496 0 -64 21.4795 -64 48c0 26.5195 28.6504 48 64 48c4.46191 -0.0400391 11.6299 -0.801758 16 -1.7002v47.1797l-112 -17.2197v-108.58c-0.269531 -26.3398 -28.7998 -47.6602 -64 -47.6602c-35.3496 0 -64 21.4805 -64 48c0 26.5205 28.6504 48 64 48 c4.46191 -0.0400391 11.6299 -0.801758 16 -1.69922v106.77c0 15.9102 10.8701 29.4102 25.5098 31.6602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="icons-alt" unicode="&#xf86e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M16 288c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64v-48c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48h-64zM16 384 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192zM478.08 447.67c17.9199 2.75977 33.9199 -12.2002 33.9199 -31.6699v-144.31 c-0.269531 -26.3604 -28.7998 -47.6904 -64 -47.6904c-35.3496 0 -64 21.4902 -64 48s28.6504 48 64 48c4.46191 -0.0400391 11.6299 -0.801758 16 -1.7002v47.2002l-112 -17.2305v-108.579c-0.269531 -26.3604 -28.7998 -47.6904 -64 -47.6904 c-35.3496 0 -64 21.4902 -64 48s28.6504 48 64 48c4.46191 -0.0400391 11.6299 -0.801758 16 -1.7002v106.84c0 15.9199 10.8701 29.4199 25.5098 31.6807zM328 80c-22.0801 0 -40 17.9199 -40 40s17.9199 40 40 40s40 -17.9199 40 -40s-17.9199 -40 -40 -40z M219.59 64.0596c2.58496 -2.58594 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3096s-2.09766 -8.72363 -4.68262 -11.3096l-27.8896 -27.8906l27.6396 -27.6094c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6201 -22.6191 c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.68848 -11.3145 -4.68848c-3.65918 0 -8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.68848l-27.6094 27.6094l-8.48047 -8.49023c-13.1475 -13.1523 -38.9102 -23.8271 -57.5078 -23.8271c-21.9463 0 -50.6953 14.0566 -64.1719 31.3779 c-25.8799 32.8896 -19.7803 80.9297 9.80957 110.52l6.91992 6.91992c-9.38867 10.1543 -17.0088 29.6201 -17.0088 43.4492c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64s64 -28.6719 64 -64c0 -15.333 -9.09082 -36.2773 -20.291 -46.749l22.7002 -22.7002l27.9199 27.8906 c2.58691 2.58691 7.65625 4.6875 11.3145 4.6875c3.65918 0 8.72852 -2.10059 11.3154 -4.6875zM80 144c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM92.7197 5.05957l8.48047 8.49023l-24.4502 24.4502l-8.48047 -8.48047 c-2.79688 -2.7959 -5.06641 -8.27441 -5.06641 -12.2295c0 -9.54492 7.74609 -17.292 17.292 -17.292c3.95215 0 9.42969 2.26758 12.2246 5.06152zM484.72 155.31l22.5898 -22.6191c2.58789 -2.58691 4.68848 -7.65625 4.68848 -11.3154 s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.68848 -11.3154l-169.369 -169.369c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.68848 -11.3154 -4.68848s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.68848l-22.6191 22.6191c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154s2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154 l169.399 169.369c2.58691 2.58789 7.65625 4.68848 11.3154 4.68848c3.6582 0 8.72754 -2.10059 11.3145 -4.68848zM472 16c22.0801 0 40 -17.9199 40 -40s-17.9199 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9199 -40 40s17.9199 40 40 40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kerning" unicode="&#xf86f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M416.54 448c4.41504 0 8.0127 -3.58398 8.0127 -8c0 -0.761719 -0.208008 -1.96191 -0.462891 -2.67969l-176.28 -496c-1.04395 -2.93652 -4.4209 -5.32031 -7.53711 -5.32031h-0.00292969h-17h-0.0117188c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8 c0 0.761719 0.207031 1.96191 0.461914 2.67969l176.28 496c1.04395 2.93652 4.4209 5.32031 7.53809 5.32031h0.00195312h17zM304 352c8.8252 -0.00683594 15.9883 -7.1748 15.9883 -16c0 -1.44824 -0.375977 -3.7373 -0.837891 -5.11035l-105.271 -277.199 c-4.07422 -11.9736 -17.6465 -21.6904 -30.2939 -21.6904h-0.00585938h-47.1602h-0.00585938c-12.6475 0 -26.2197 9.7168 -30.2939 21.6904l-105.271 277.199c-0.461914 1.37305 -0.837891 3.66211 -0.837891 5.11035c0 8.8252 7.16309 15.9932 15.9883 16h50.6201 c6.34277 -0.000976562 13.1338 -4.87988 15.1602 -10.8896l78.2197 -199.79l78.2197 199.79c2.02637 6.00977 8.81738 10.8887 15.1602 10.8896h50.6201zM639.15 53.1104c0.461914 -1.37305 0.837891 -3.66211 0.837891 -5.11035c0 -8.8252 -7.16309 -15.9932 -15.9883 -16 h-50.6201c-6.34277 0.000976562 -13.1338 4.87988 -15.1602 10.8896l-14.5293 37.1104h-127.381l-14.54 -37.1104c-2.02539 -6.00977 -8.81641 -10.8887 -15.1592 -10.8896h-50.6104c-8.8252 0.00683594 -15.9883 7.1748 -15.9883 16 c0 1.44824 0.375977 3.7373 0.837891 5.11035l105.271 277.199c4.07422 11.9736 17.6465 21.6904 30.2939 21.6904h0.00585938h47.1602h0.00585938c12.6475 0 26.2197 -9.7168 30.2939 -21.6904zM447.63 160h64.7402l-32.3701 82.6797z" /> <glyph glyph-name="line-columns" unicode="&#xf870;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M496 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM496 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16 v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM496 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM496 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16 h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM208 160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM208 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM208 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192zM208 288 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="line-height" unicode="&#xf871;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M626.29 224c7.57031 0 13.71 -7.16016 13.71 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -6.13965 -16 -13.71 -16h-356.58c-7.57031 0 -13.71 7.16016 -13.71 16v32c0 8.83984 6.13965 16 13.71 16h356.58zM626.29 64c7.57031 0 13.71 -7.16016 13.71 -16v-32 c0 -8.83984 -6.13965 -16 -13.71 -16h-356.58c-7.57031 0 -13.71 7.16016 -13.71 16v32c0 8.83984 6.13965 16 13.71 16h356.58zM626.29 384c7.57031 0 13.71 -7.16016 13.71 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -6.13965 -16 -13.71 -16h-356.58c-7.57031 0 -13.71 7.16016 -13.71 16v32 c0 8.83984 6.13965 16 13.71 16h356.58zM176 304h-48v-224h48c15.6396 0 20.6396 -18 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -80c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 80c-10.0195 10 -3 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48 v224h-48c-15.6396 0 -20.6396 18 -11.3096 27.3096l80 80c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262l80 -80c10.0205 -10 3 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check-edit" unicode="&#xf872;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M462.88 73.3799l-231.39 231.45l71.7002 71.7002l231.43 -231.44c5.17676 -5.17285 9.37891 -15.3115 9.37988 -22.6299v-42.46c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-42.4902c-7.31836 0.000976562 -17.4561 4.20312 -22.6299 9.37988zM208.88 327.38l-41.8799 41.9502 c-3.8418 3.87305 -6.95898 11.4443 -6.95898 16.9004c0 5.45508 3.11719 13.0264 6.95898 16.8994l37.8896 37.8701c3.8877 3.84668 11.4814 6.96777 16.9502 6.96777s13.0625 -3.12109 16.9502 -6.96777l41.79 -41.8203zM608 288c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-288 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v288c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h171l128 -128h-227c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h259l64 -64h-323c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8 h456c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v74.46v0.0205078c0 14.626 -8.39062 34.8936 -18.7305 45.2393l-120.27 120.28h171z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check-edit-alt" unicode="&#xf873;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M204.78 331.53l-37.7803 37.7998c-3.8418 3.87305 -6.95898 11.4443 -6.95898 16.9004c0 5.45508 3.11719 13.0264 6.95898 16.8994l37.8799 37.8701c3.8877 3.84668 11.4814 6.96777 16.9502 6.96777s13.0625 -3.12109 16.9502 -6.96777l41.79 -41.7695 l-71.6904 -71.8008zM608 288c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-288c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v288c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h171l128 -128h-67c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h99l64 -64h-163 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h296c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v74.46v0c0 14.6357 -8.40039 34.9121 -18.75 45.2598l-120.25 120.28h171zM144 32.1201c23.6201 0.629883 42.6602 20.54 42.6602 45.0703 c0 19.9697 -12.9805 37.8096 -31.5703 43.3896l-45 13.5c-5.16016 1.54004 -8.76953 6.78027 -8.76953 12.7295c0 7.27051 5.2998 13.1904 11.7998 13.1904h28.1104c3.83398 -0.00292969 9.57324 -1.67383 12.8096 -3.73047 c1.15137 -0.779297 3.21582 -1.41113 4.60645 -1.41113c1.75586 0 4.23535 0.958984 5.5332 2.1416l11.75 11.2197c1.38965 1.30762 2.51758 3.91797 2.51758 5.82617c0 2.15918 -1.38281 4.98828 -3.08691 6.31445c-7.70312 5.77246 -21.7568 10.8574 -31.3701 11.3496 v16.29c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 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7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416zM232.19 320c92.6309 0 167.81 -75.1787 167.81 -167.81v-48.3809c0 -92.6309 -75.1787 -167.81 -167.81 -167.81 h-16.3809c-92.6309 0 -167.81 75.1787 -167.81 167.81v48.3809c0 92.6309 75.1787 167.81 167.81 167.81h16.3809zM320 103.81v48.3809c-0.0546875 48.416 -39.3936 87.7549 -87.8096 87.8096h-16.3809c-48.416 -0.0546875 -87.7549 -39.3936 -87.8096 -87.8096v-48.3809 c0.0546875 -48.416 39.3936 -87.7549 87.8096 -87.8096h16.3809c48.416 0.0546875 87.7549 39.3936 87.8096 87.8096z" /> <glyph glyph-name="page-break" unicode="&#xf877;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M243.6 192h88.8008h0.00976562c10.8135 0 19.5898 -8.77637 19.5898 -19.5898v-0.00976562v-24.8008v-0.00976562c0 -10.8135 -8.77637 -19.5898 -19.5898 -19.5898h-0.00976562h-88.8008h-0.00976562c-10.8135 0 -19.5898 8.77637 -19.5898 19.5898v0.00976562v24.8008 v0.00976562c0 10.8135 8.77637 19.5898 19.5898 19.5898h0.00976562zM160 384v-144h-64v159.93c0.0380859 26.458 21.542 47.9932 48 48.0703h204.09c10.9697 -0.0146484 26.1611 -6.32617 33.9102 -14.0898l83.9102 -83.8506 c7.76855 -7.77539 14.0811 -23.0078 14.0898 -34v-76.0596h-64v64h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64h-176zM560 192c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128zM416 0 v80h64v-96c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v96h64v-80h256zM160 144c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paragraph-rtl" unicode="&#xf878;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-256v-48c0 -15.6396 -18 -20.6396 -27.3096 -11.3096l-80 80c-2.58496 2.58594 -4.68262 7.65332 -4.68262 11.3096s2.09766 8.72363 4.68262 11.3096l80 80 c10.0791 10.0801 27.3096 2.94043 27.3096 -11.3096v-48h256zM144 224c-64 0 -112 48 -112 112s48 112 112 112h192c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16v-240c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v240 h-32v-240c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v80h-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phone-laptop" unicode="&#xf87a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M604 320c19.8721 0 36 -16.1279 36 -36v-312c0 -19.8721 -16.1279 -36 -36 -36h-184c-19.8721 0 -36 16.1279 -36 36v312c0 19.8721 16.1279 36 36 36h184zM576 0v256h-128v-256h128zM128 384v-224h224v-96h-288.09c-35.2021 0.125977 -63.834 28.7979 -63.9102 64v16 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48v240c0.0546875 26.3916 21.5186 47.8955 47.9102 48h352.18c26.3916 -0.104492 47.8555 -21.6084 47.9102 -48v-48h-64v32h-320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="photo-video" unicode="&#xf87c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-320c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-128v320h-192v-64h-160v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM232 345v30c0 4.96777 -4.03223 9 -9 9h-30c-4.96777 0 -9 -4.03223 -9 -9v-30c0 -4.96777 4.03223 -9 9 -9h30 c4.96777 0 9 4.03223 9 9zM584 137v30c0 4.96777 -4.03223 9 -9 9h-30c-4.96777 0 -9 -4.03223 -9 -9v-30c0 -4.96777 4.03223 -9 9 -9h30c4.96777 0 9 4.03223 9 9zM584 241v30c0 4.96777 -4.03223 9 -9 9h-30c-4.96777 0 -9 -4.03223 -9 -9v-30 c0 -4.96777 4.03223 -9 9 -9h30c4.96777 0 9 4.03223 9 9zM584 345v30c0 4.96777 -4.03223 9 -9 9h-30c-4.96777 0 -9 -4.03223 -9 -9v-30c0 -4.96777 4.03223 -9 9 -9h30c4.96777 0 9 4.03223 9 9zM416 288c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-288 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v288c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384zM96 224c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32s32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32zM384 0v96l-96 96l-128 -128l-32 32l-64 -64v-32h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="remove-format" unicode="&#xf87d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M336 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32.4902l26.5098 79.5996l67.0898 -51.8301l-9.25977 -27.7695h11.1699zM633.82 -10.0996 c3.41309 -2.65234 6.18359 -8.3125 6.18359 -12.6357c0 -3.02734 -1.50684 -7.42383 -3.36426 -9.81445l-19.6396 -25.2705c-2.65234 -3.41211 -8.31152 -6.18262 -12.6338 -6.18262c-3.03125 0 -7.43359 1.51172 -9.82617 3.37305l-588.36 454.72 c-3.41016 2.65234 -6.17773 8.31055 -6.17773 12.6309c0 3.02832 1.50879 7.42773 3.36816 9.81934l19.6299 25.2695c2.65234 3.41309 8.31152 6.18262 12.6338 6.18262c3.03125 0 7.43359 -1.51074 9.82617 -3.37207l114.54 -88.5205v43.9004c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16 h416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32h-117.83l-49.1699 -147.59zM309.91 240.24l31.9199 95.7598h-117.83v-29.3604z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snooze" unicode="&#xf880;" d="M192 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-46.0801v-0.00390625c0 -6.71387 -3.62012 -16.2373 -8.08008 -21.2559l-82.3604 -92.6602h50.4404c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-48c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-152c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v46.0801v0.00390625 c0 6.71387 3.62012 16.2373 8.08008 21.2559l82.3604 92.6602h-50.4404c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v48c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h152zM192 256c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v16c0.000976562 7.31348 4.19922 17.4473 9.37012 22.6201l57.3799 57.3799h-42.75 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h104c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-16c-0.000976562 -7.31348 -4.19922 -17.4473 -9.37012 -22.6201l-57.3799 -57.3799h34.75c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96z M448 176c-0.000976562 -7.31348 -4.19922 -17.4473 -9.37012 -22.6201l-57.3799 -57.3799h42.75c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-104c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v16c0.000976562 7.31348 4.19922 17.4473 9.37012 22.6201 l57.3799 57.3799h-34.75c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-alpha-down-alt" unicode="&#xf881;" d="M176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 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10.6201h0.00195312h41.4395h0.00195312c6.22461 0 12.9756 -4.75781 15.0684 -10.6201zM335.61 48h32.7793 l-16.3896 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-alpha-up-alt" unicode="&#xf882;" d="M16 288c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48zM288 224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v17.6299v0.00292969c0 7.93262 4.81152 18.6475 10.7402 23.917l61.2598 70.4502h-56c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16 v-17.6299v-0.00292969c0 -7.93262 -4.81152 -18.6475 -10.7402 -23.917l-61.2598 -70.4502h56c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128zM447.06 -10.6201c0.514648 -1.44043 0.931641 -3.85059 0.931641 -5.37988 c0 -8.82715 -7.16406 -15.9951 -15.9912 -16h-24.8398h-0.0449219c-6.42773 0 -13.249 4.96387 -15.2256 11.0801l-4.40918 12.9199h-71l-4.4209 -12.9199c-1.97559 -6.11621 -8.79688 -11.0801 -15.2246 -11.0801h-0.00488281h-24.8301 c-8.82715 0.00488281 -15.9912 7.17285 -15.9912 16c0 1.5293 0.416992 3.93945 0.931641 5.37988l59.2695 160c2.09277 5.8623 8.84375 10.6201 15.0684 10.6201h0.00195312h41.4395h0.00195312c6.22461 0 12.9756 -4.75781 15.0684 -10.6201zM335.61 48h32.7793 l-16.3896 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-alt" unicode="&#xf883;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0703 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM379.29 315.31c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.29 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3301 27.3096l80 96 c2.58691 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3105 4.68262c3.65625 0 8.72266 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-amount-down-alt" unicode="&#xf884;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M240 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64zM240 224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128zM496 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h256zM240 96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192zM176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96 c-10.0801 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-amount-up-alt" unicode="&#xf885;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M240 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64zM240 224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128zM496 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-256c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h256zM240 96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h192 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-192zM16 288c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262l80 -96 c10.0801 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-numeric-down-alt" unicode="&#xf886;" d="M176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0703 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM400 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v64h-16c-8.82422 0.0078125 -15.9863 7.17578 -15.9863 16 c0 2.08984 0.759766 5.30176 1.69629 7.16992l16 32c2.44141 4.87012 8.84277 8.8252 14.29 8.83008h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h16zM330.17 413.09c53.4502 14.25 101.83 -25.8799 101.85 -77.0898v-10.7695c0 -70.3906 -28.25 -107.23 -86.25 -132 c-8.36914 -3.58008 -18.0293 1.2793 -20.8994 9.90918l-9.90039 20c-2.62012 7.87012 0.610352 16.9404 8.18066 20.3408c6.2793 2.71387 15.6201 8.49805 20.8496 12.9092c-47.6396 4.76074 -83.0996 51.4805 -68.8301 102.53c6.80762 23.4512 31.4482 47.7197 55 54.1699z M352 316c11.04 0 20 8.95996 20 20s-8.95996 20 -20 20s-20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-numeric-up-alt" unicode="&#xf887;" d="M107.31 411.31l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262zM400 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v64h-16 c-8.82422 0.0078125 -15.9863 7.17578 -15.9863 16c0 2.08984 0.759766 5.30176 1.69629 7.16992l16 32c2.44141 4.87012 8.84277 8.8252 14.29 8.83008h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h16zM330.17 413.09c53.4502 14.25 101.83 -25.8799 101.85 -77.0898v-10.7695 c0 -70.3906 -28.25 -107.23 -86.25 -132c-8.36914 -3.58008 -18.0293 1.2793 -20.8994 9.90918l-9.90039 20c-2.62012 7.87012 0.610352 16.9404 8.18066 20.3408c6.2793 2.71387 15.6201 8.49805 20.8496 12.9092c-47.6396 4.76074 -83.0996 51.4805 -68.8301 102.53 c6.80762 23.4512 31.4482 47.7197 55 54.1699zM352 316c11.04 0 20 8.95996 20 20s-8.95996 20 -20 20s-20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-shapes-down" unicode="&#xf888;" d="M176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0703 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM444.1 265.14c11.0801 -18.2793 -2.76953 -41.1396 -24.9492 -41.1396h-166.301c-22.1797 0 -36.0293 22.8604 -24.9492 41.1396l83.1992 137.15c11.0908 18.2803 38.8105 18.2803 49.9004 0zM408 160c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24 v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-144c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v144c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-shapes-down-alt" unicode="&#xf889;" d="M176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0703 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM444.1 9.13965c11.0801 -18.2793 -2.76953 -41.1396 -24.9492 -41.1396h-166.301c-22.1797 0 -36.0293 22.8604 -24.9492 41.1396l83.1992 137.15c11.0908 18.2803 38.8105 18.2803 49.9004 0zM264 224c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24 v144c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h144c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-shapes-up" unicode="&#xf88a;" d="M107.31 411.31l80 -96c10.0801 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262zM444.1 265.14c11.0801 -18.2793 -2.76953 -41.1396 -24.9492 -41.1396h-166.301c-22.1797 0 -36.0293 22.8604 -24.9492 41.1396l83.1992 137.15 c11.0908 18.2803 38.8105 18.2803 49.9004 0zM408 160c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-144c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v144c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-shapes-up-alt" unicode="&#xf88b;" d="M107.31 411.31l80 -96c10.0801 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48c-14.2197 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262zM444.1 9.13965c11.0801 -18.2793 -2.76953 -41.1396 -24.9492 -41.1396h-166.301c-22.1797 0 -36.0293 22.8604 -24.9492 41.1396l83.1992 137.15 c11.0908 18.2803 38.8105 18.2803 49.9004 0zM264 224c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v144c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h144c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-size-down" unicode="&#xf88c;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M428 128c11.04 0 20 -8.95996 20 -20v-120c0 -11.04 -8.95996 -20 -20 -20h-152c-11.04 0 -20 8.95996 -20 20v120c0 11.04 8.95996 20 20 20h152zM176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262 c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0801 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48zM484 416c15.4561 0 28 -12.5439 28 -28v-168c0 -15.4561 -12.5439 -28 -28 -28h-200 c-15.4561 0 -28 12.5439 -28 28v168c0 15.4561 12.5439 28 28 28h200z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-size-down-alt" unicode="&#xf88d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M275.9 256c-10.9854 0.0546875 -19.9004 9.01465 -19.9004 20v0v120v0c0 10.9854 8.91504 19.9453 19.9004 20h152.199c10.9854 -0.0546875 19.9004 -9.01465 19.9004 -20v0v-120v0c0 -10.9854 -8.91504 -19.9453 -19.9004 -20h-152.199zM484 192 c15.4561 0 28 -12.5439 28 -28v-168c0 -15.4561 -12.5439 -28 -28 -28h-200c-15.4561 0 -28 12.5439 -28 28v168c0 15.4561 12.5439 28 28 28h200zM176 96c14.2197 0 21.3496 -17.2598 11.3301 -27.3096l-80 -96c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262 c-3.65625 0 -8.72266 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-80 96c-10.0801 10.0693 -2.90039 27.3096 11.29 27.3096h48v304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-304h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-size-up" unicode="&#xf88e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M107.31 411.31l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48c-14.2305 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262zM484 416c15.4561 0 28 -12.5439 28 -28v-168c0 -15.4561 -12.5439 -28 -28 -28h-200c-15.4561 0 -28 12.5439 -28 28v168c0 15.4561 12.5439 28 28 28h200zM428 128 c11.04 0 20 -8.95996 20 -20v-120c0 -11.04 -8.95996 -20 -20 -20h-152c-11.04 0 -20 8.95996 -20 20v120c0 11.04 8.95996 20 20 20h152z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-size-up-alt" unicode="&#xf88f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M276 256c-11.04 0 -20 8.95996 -20 20v120c0 11.04 8.95996 20 20 20h152c11.04 0 20 -8.95996 20 -20v-120c0 -11.04 -8.95996 -20 -20 -20h-152zM484 192c15.4561 0 28 -12.5439 28 -28v-168c0 -15.4561 -12.5439 -28 -28 -28h-200c-15.4561 0 -28 12.5439 -28 28v168 c0 15.4561 12.5439 28 28 28h200zM107.31 411.31l80 -96c10.0703 -10.0693 2.90039 -27.3096 -11.3096 -27.3096h-48v-304c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v304h-48c-14.2305 0 -21.3496 17.2598 -11.3096 27.3096l80 96 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sparkles" unicode="&#xf890;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M324.42 344.85c-2.44043 1.2207 -4.4209 4.42676 -4.4209 7.15527s1.98047 5.93457 4.4209 7.15527l59.5801 24.8398l24.8398 59.5801c1.21973 2.44629 4.42676 4.43164 7.16016 4.43164s5.94043 -1.98535 7.16016 -4.43164l24.8398 -59.5801l59.5801 -24.8398 c2.44043 -1.2207 4.4209 -4.42676 4.4209 -7.15527s-1.98047 -5.93457 -4.4209 -7.15527l-59.5801 -24.8496l-24.8398 -59.5801c-1.21973 -2.44629 -4.42676 -4.43164 -7.16016 -4.43164s-5.94043 1.98535 -7.16016 4.43164l-24.8398 59.5801zM507.58 39.1602 c2.44629 -1.21973 4.43164 -4.42676 4.43164 -7.16016s-1.98535 -5.94043 -4.43164 -7.16016l-59.5801 -24.8398l-24.8398 -59.5801c-1.21973 -2.44629 -4.42676 -4.43164 -7.16016 -4.43164s-5.94043 1.98535 -7.16016 4.43164l-24.8398 59.5801l-59.5801 24.8398 c-2.44629 1.21973 -4.43164 4.42676 -4.43164 7.16016s1.98535 5.94043 4.43164 7.16016l59.5801 24.8398l24.8398 59.5801c1.21973 2.44629 4.42676 4.43164 7.16016 4.43164s5.94043 -1.98535 7.16016 -4.43164l24.8398 -59.5801zM384 192.36 c0 -5.46387 -3.95996 -11.9023 -8.83984 -14.3604l-112.57 -56.3701l-56.2803 -112.77c-2.44141 -4.88184 -8.85156 -8.84375 -14.3096 -8.84375s-11.8682 3.96191 -14.3096 8.84375l-56.2803 112.77l-112.57 56.3896c-4.90918 2.43457 -8.89258 8.85645 -8.89258 14.3359 c0 5.47852 3.9834 11.9004 8.89258 14.335l112.57 56.3896l56.2803 112.77c5.42969 10.8701 23.1797 10.8701 28.6191 0l56.2803 -112.77l112.57 -56.3896c4.87402 -2.4541 8.83496 -8.87305 8.83984 -14.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spell-check" unicode="&#xf891;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M272 192c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v224c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h75c42.2998 0 80.9004 -30.5703 84.6699 -72.6797c0.186523 -2.02051 0.337891 -5.30762 0.337891 -7.33691c0 -11.0186 -4.20996 -27.8516 -9.39746 -37.5732 c14.0186 -13.0674 25.3965 -39.2256 25.3965 -58.3906c0 -1.29199 -0.0615234 -3.38867 -0.136719 -4.67969c-2.50977 -43.1396 -41.3105 -75.3398 -84.5098 -75.3398h-91.3604zM312 392v-48h40c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24h-40zM312 296v-48h56 c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24h-56zM155.12 425.75l68.2998 -213.48c0.320312 -1.15625 0.580078 -3.06934 0.580078 -4.26953c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16v0h-24.9297h-0.000976562c-6.71875 0 -13.626 5.25488 -15.4189 11.7305l-11.9404 36.2695 h-87.4199l-11.9404 -36.2695c-1.79297 -6.47559 -8.7002 -11.7305 -15.4189 -11.7305h-0.000976562h-24.9297c-8.82617 0.00488281 -15.9902 7.17383 -15.9902 16c0 1.2002 0.259766 3.11328 0.580078 4.26953l68.29 213.48c3.92871 12.2822 17.583 22.25 30.4785 22.25 h0.00195312h25.2793h0.00195312c12.8955 0 26.5498 -9.96777 30.4785 -22.25zM89.3701 304h45.2598l-22.6299 68.7002zM571.37 171.52c2.58203 -2.58594 4.65723 -7.65039 4.65723 -11.3047c0 -3.64551 -2.08594 -8.70117 -4.65723 -11.2852l-208 -208.21 c-2.5752 -2.60449 -7.6377 -4.71777 -11.2998 -4.71777c-3.66309 0 -8.72559 2.11328 -11.3008 4.71777l-112 112.21c-2.57617 2.58496 -4.66699 7.64551 -4.66699 11.2949c0 3.65039 2.09082 8.70996 4.66699 11.2949l45.3008 45.3008 c2.57324 2.60352 7.63379 4.71777 11.2949 4.71777s8.72168 -2.11426 11.2949 -4.71777l55.4102 -55.5l151.5 151.5c2.57324 2.60352 7.63379 4.71777 11.2949 4.71777s8.72168 -2.11426 11.2949 -4.71777z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sunglasses" unicode="&#xf892;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M574.09 167.62c1.05469 -4.17285 1.91016 -11.0518 1.91016 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8h48zM144 -16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v128c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96h96zM16 288c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v128 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h128c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-96v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16zM512 72c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v240c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-240zM312 320c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-240c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v240c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16zM624 96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-128c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-128 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h96v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM624 448c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-128c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96h-96c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h128zM408 320c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-240c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v240c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="barcode-scan" unicode="&#xf465;" d="M632 216c4.40039 0 8 -2.7002 8 -6v-36c0 -3.2998 -3.59961 -6 -8 -6h-624c-4.40039 0 -8 2.7002 -8 6v36c0 3.2998 3.59961 6 8 6h624zM288 440v-152h-64v152c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM384 440v-152h-32v152c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM480 440v-152h-64v152c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM160 440v-152h-96v152c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h80c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM576 440v-152h-64v152c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8z M512 -56v152h64v-152c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM352 -56v152h32v-152c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM416 -56v152h64v-152c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM224 -56 v152h64v-152c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM64 -56v152h96v-152c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="box" unicode="&#xf466;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M509.5 263.4c1.7002 -4.90039 2.5 -10 2.5 -15.2002v-264.2c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v264.2c0 5.2002 0.900391 10.2998 2.5 15.2002l50.5996 151.8c6.5 19.5996 24.8008 32.7998 45.5 32.7998h314.801 c20.6992 0 39 -13.2002 45.5 -32.7998zM461.4 256l-48 144h-133.4v-144h181.4zM98.5996 400l-48 -144h181.4v144h-133.4zM48 -16h416v224h-416v-224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="box-check" unicode="&#xf467;" d="M492.5 314.6c84.5 -20.0996 147.5 -95.8994 147.5 -186.6c0 -106 -86 -192 -192 -192h-400c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v264.2c0 5.2002 0.900391 10.2998 2.5 15.2002l50.5996 151.8c6.5 19.5996 24.8008 32.7998 45.5 32.7998h314.801 c20.6992 0 39 -13.2002 45.5 -32.7998zM280 400v-136h32.5c33 32.9004 77.9004 53.5996 127.7 55.5996l-26.7998 80.4004h-133.4zM98.5996 400l-45.2998 -136h178.7v136h-133.4zM48 -16h273.3c-40 35.2002 -65.2998 86.5996 -65.2998 144c0 31.7002 7.90039 61.5996 21.5 88 h-229.5v-232zM448 -16c79.4004 0 144 64.5996 144 144s-64.5996 144 -144 144s-144 -64.5996 -144 -144s64.5996 -144 144 -144zM512.6 189.7l18.5 -18.7002c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.09961 0 -11.2002l-94.1992 -93.5c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.10059 -3.09961 -11.2002 0 l-54.4004 54.9004c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.09961 0 11.2002l18.7002 18.5996c3.09961 3.09961 8.09961 3.09961 11.2002 0l30.2998 -30.5996l69.9004 69.2998c3.09961 3.09961 8.09961 3.09961 11.1992 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="boxes" unicode="&#xf468;" d="M592 224c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-192c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-544c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h112v176c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-176h112zM208 400v-176h224v176h-64v-90.7002l-48 21.2998l-48 -21.2998v90.7002 h-64zM296 -16v192h-72v-90.7002l-48 21.2998l-48 -21.2998v90.7002h-80v-192h248zM592 -16v192h-80v-90.7002l-48 21.2998l-48 -21.2998v90.7002h-72v-192h248z" /> <glyph glyph-name="briefcase-medical" unicode="&#xf469;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M344 160c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v56h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56h56zM464 320c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h112v48c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-48h112zM208 368v-48h96v48h-96zM464 -10v276 c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-404c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-276c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h404c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="burn" unicode="&#xf46a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 448c104.7 -92.5 192 -214.1 192 -298.1c0 -125.9 -79 -213.9 -192 -213.9s-192 88 -192 213.9c0 83.6992 86.2002 204.6 192 298.1zM192 382.8c-51.4004 -51.2002 -144 -158.7 -144 -232.899c0 -29.4004 5.7002 -55.6006 15.0996 -78.4004 c3.5 75 83.1006 157.3 128.9 208.8c45.2002 -50.8994 125.4 -134.1 128.9 -208.8c9.5 22.7998 15.0996 48.9004 15.0996 78.4004c0 74.3994 -92.5996 181.8 -144 232.899zM173.9 -14.2002c20.7998 -2.39941 15.2998 -2.39941 36.1992 0 c38.1006 7.40039 63.4004 38.7002 63.4004 81.1006c0 20.5996 -13.5 64.5996 -81.5 141.1c-68 -76.5 -81.5 -120.5 -81.5 -141.1c0 -42.4004 25.2998 -73.6006 63.4004 -81.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="capsules" unicode="&#xf46b;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M529 151.2c30.7998 -53.2998 12.7002 -121.4 -40.7002 -152.2c-53.3994 -30.7998 -121.5 -12.5 -152.3 40.7998l-111.5 193c-0.200195 0.400391 -0.299805 0.799805 -0.5 1.2002v-154c0 -61.9004 -50.0996 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.0996 -112 112v224 c0 61.9004 50.0996 112 112 112c51.5 0 94.4004 -35 107.5 -82.2998c9.2002 20.7998 24.5996 39 45.7998 51.2998c53.2998 30.7998 121.5 12.5996 152.2 -40.7998zM176 192v112c0 84.7002 -128 84.7002 -128 0v-112h128zM265.9 256.7l43.7998 -75.7998l110.3 63.6992 l-43.7998 75.8008c-42.1006 73 -152.4 9.2998 -110.3 -63.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-check" unicode="&#xf46c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M269.3 222.2l23.2998 -23.6006c3.80078 -3.89941 3.80078 -10.1992 -0.0996094 -14.0996l-118.6 -117.6c-3.90039 -3.80078 -10.2002 -3.80078 -14.1006 0.0996094l-68.5 69.0996c-3.7998 3.90039 -3.7998 10.2002 0.100586 14.1006l23.5996 23.3994 c3.90039 3.80078 10.2002 3.80078 14.0996 -0.0996094l38.1006 -38.5l88 87.2998c3.89941 3.7998 10.2002 3.7998 14.0996 -0.0996094zM336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80 c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64h80zM192 400c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16zM336 -8v336c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-40v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32 h-40c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-336c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h272c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-list" unicode="&#xf46d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M280 208c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-112c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h112zM280 112c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-112c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h112zM112 216c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM112 120c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48 v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64h80zM192 400c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16zM336 -8v336 c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-40v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32h-40c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-336c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h272c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="conveyor-belt" unicode="&#xf46e;" d="M544 128c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96h-448c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96h448zM544 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48h-448c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48h448zM128 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM512 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM320 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM144 160 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-256c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352zM176 400v-192h288v192h-80v-112l-64 32l-64 -32v112h-80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="conveyor-belt-alt" unicode="&#xf46f;" d="M544 128c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96h-448c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96h448zM544 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48h-448c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48h448zM128 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM512 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM320 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM112 160 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h256c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h144c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-192c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-416zM384 336v-128h112v128h-112zM144 400v-192h192v192h-192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly" unicode="&#xf472;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M575.2 138.1c2.7998 -8.39941 -1.7998 -17.5 -10.2002 -20.2998l-214.5 -71.5996c0.700195 -4.7002 1.40039 -9.2998 1.40039 -14.2002c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96c0 34.7002 18.5996 64.7998 46.1992 81.7002l-93.5996 280.8 c-1.09961 3.2998 -4.2002 5.5 -7.59961 5.5h-88.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h89c24 0 45.4004 -15.4004 53 -38.2998l28.5996 -85.7002l221.9 74c10.0996 3.2998 21 2.5 30.5 -2.2002c9.59961 -4.7998 16.7002 -13 20.0996 -23.0996 l71.9004 -215.7l18.9004 6.40039c8.2998 2.7998 17.3994 -1.7002 20.1992 -10.1006zM256 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM331.6 90.5l153.9 51.2002l-69.4004 208.1l-82.2998 -27.3994l19.9004 -59.7002 c2.7998 -8.2998 -1.7002 -17.4004 -10.1006 -20.2002l-15.1992 -5.09961c-8.30078 -2.80078 -17.4004 1.69922 -20.2002 10.0996l-19.9004 59.7002l-86.5 -28.7998l50.2998 -150.801c1.30078 0.100586 2.60059 0.400391 3.90039 0.400391 c30.9004 0 58 -14.7998 75.5996 -37.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-empty" unicode="&#xf473;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M575.2 138.1c2.7998 -8.39941 -1.7998 -17.5 -10.2002 -20.2998l-214.5 -71.5996c0.700195 -4.7002 1.40039 -9.2998 1.40039 -14.2002c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96c0 34.7002 18.5996 64.7998 46.1992 81.7002l-93.5996 280.8 c-1.09961 3.2998 -4.2002 5.5 -7.59961 5.5h-88.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h89c24 0 45.4004 -15.4004 53.0996 -38.2998l94 -282.101c1.30078 0.100586 2.60059 0.400391 3.90039 0.400391c30.9004 0 58 -14.7998 75.5996 -37.5 l218.301 72.9004c8.2998 2.7998 17.3994 -1.7002 20.1992 -10.1006zM256 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-flatbed" unicode="&#xf474;" d="M208 96c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h384c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-256c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-384zM240 336v-192h320v192h-112v-112l-48 32l-48 -32v112h-112zM624 48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-82.7998c1.7002 -5 2.89941 -10.4004 2.89941 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.10059 11 2.90039 16h-197.9c1.7002 -5 2.90039 -10.4004 2.90039 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48 c0 5.59961 1.09961 11 2.90039 16h-50.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v384h-80c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-384h480z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-flatbed-alt" unicode="&#xf475;" d="M208 96c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h320c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-112h48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-128c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-384zM416 336v-80h80v80h-80zM416 208v-64h144v64h-144zM240 336v-192h128v192h-128z M624 48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-82.7998c1.7002 -5 2.89941 -10.4004 2.89941 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.10059 11 2.90039 16h-197.9c1.7002 -5 2.90039 -10.4004 2.90039 -16 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.09961 11 2.90039 16h-50.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v384h-80c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-384h480z" /> <glyph glyph-name="first-aid" unicode="&#xf479;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M200 160c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56h56c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v56h-56zM528 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480zM96 16v352h-42c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-340c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h42zM432 16v352h-288v-352 h288zM528 22v340c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-42v-352h42c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="forklift" unicode="&#xf47a;" d="M416 103.1c19.5 -17.5996 32 -42.7998 32 -71.0996c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-64c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96v208c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v112c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h144.3c19.2998 0 36.6006 -11.4004 44.2002 -29.0996l78.2998 -182.801 c3.40039 -8 5.2002 -16.5 5.2002 -25.1992v-107.801zM144 400v-122.6l77.4004 -60.9004c7 -5.5 15.7998 -8.5 24.6992 -8.5h121.9v2.90039c0 2.19922 -0.400391 4.2998 -1.2998 6.2998l-78.4004 182.8h-144.3zM96 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM269.3 80c16.6006 28.5996 47.2998 48 82.7002 48c5.5 0 10.7998 -0.700195 16 -1.59961v33.5996h-121.8c-19.6006 0 -39 6.7002 -54.4004 18.7998l-77.8994 61.2002h-65.9004v-125.3c14.2002 8.2002 30.4004 13.2998 48 13.2998 c35.5 0 66.0996 -19.4004 82.7002 -48h90.5996zM352 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM624 48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v416 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-384h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital-alt" unicode="&#xf47d;" d="M500 32c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40zM500 192c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40zM340 32c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40zM340 192c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40zM180 32c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40zM180 192c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40zM362 336c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-20c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-26v-26c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.2998 0 -6 2.7002 -6 6v26h-26 c-3.2998 0 -6 2.7002 -6 6v20c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h26v26c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h20c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-26h26zM584 352c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56v-352c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v352c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-168 v90.2998c0 3.10059 -2.5 5.7002 -5.7002 5.7002h-180.6c-3.10059 0 -5.7002 -2.5 -5.7002 -5.7002v-90.2998h-168c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-352c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v352c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56h120v42.2998 c0 29.6006 24.0996 53.7002 53.7002 53.7002h180.6c29.6006 0 53.7002 -24.0996 53.7002 -53.7002v-42.2998h120z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital-symbol" unicode="&#xf47e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 448c141.4 0 256 -114.6 256 -256s-114.6 -256 -256 -256s-256 114.6 -256 256s114.6 256 256 256zM256 -16c114.7 0 208 93.2998 208 208s-93.2998 208 -208 208s-208 -93.2998 -208 -208s93.2998 -208 208 -208zM344 304c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-208 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v80h-96v-80c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v208c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-80h96v80c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="notes-medical" unicode="&#xf481;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64h80zM192 408c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24 s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM336 -10v340c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-42v-36c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v36h-42c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-340c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h276c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6zM280 160 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v56h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56h56 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pallet" unicode="&#xf482;" d="M144 160c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-256c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352zM176 400v-192h288v192h-80v-80l-64 32l-64 -32v80h-80zM624 80h-48v-96h48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v96h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h608c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM176 -16v96h-64v-96h64zM416 -16 v96h-192v-96h192zM528 -16v96h-64v-96h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pallet-alt" unicode="&#xf483;" d="M112 160c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h256c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h144c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-192c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-416zM384 336v-128h112v128h-112zM144 400v-192h192v192h-192zM624 80h-48v-96h48 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v96h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h608c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16z M176 -16v96h-64v-96h64zM416 -16v96h-192v-96h192zM528 -16v96h-64v-96h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pills" unicode="&#xf484;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M112 416c61.9004 0 112 -50.0996 112 -112v-224c0 -61.9004 -50.0996 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.0996 -112 112v224c0 61.9004 50.0996 112 112 112zM176 192v112c0 84.7002 -128 84.7002 -128 0v-112h128zM529.1 241.1c62.5 -62.3994 62.5 -163.8 0 -226.3 s-163.899 -62.3994 -226.3 0c-62.5 62.5 -62.5 163.8 0 226.3s163.9 62.4004 226.3 0zM321.8 188.3c-64.7998 -100.8 53.9004 -219.1 154.5 -154.5zM510.2 67.7002c64.7998 100.8 -53.9004 219.2 -154.5 154.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription-bottle" unicode="&#xf485;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-336c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v336h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h384zM48 400v-48h352v48h-352zM368 -16 v320h-288v-40h88c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-88v-48h88c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-88v-48h88c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-88v-40h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription-bottle-alt" unicode="&#xf486;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M136 128c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56h56c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v56h-56zM416 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-336c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v336h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h384z M368 -16v320h-288v-320h288zM400 352v48h-352v-48h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="procedures" unicode="&#xf487;" d="M520 208c66.2002 0 120 -53.7998 120 -120v-144c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v40h-544v-40c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v368c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-280h224v136 c0 22.0996 17.9004 40 40 40h208zM592 32v56c0 39.7002 -32.2998 72 -72 72h-200v-128h272zM160 64c-44.0996 0 -80 35.9004 -80 80s35.9004 80 80 80s80 -35.9004 80 -80s-35.9004 -80 -80 -80zM160 176c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32 s32 14.4004 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM144 320c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h144l17.2002 -34.2998l54.0996 108.2c4 8.09961 15.7002 8.09961 19.7998 0l36.9004 -73.9004h88c13.2002 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-117.7 l-17.2002 34.2998l-54.0996 -108.2c-4.09961 -8.19922 -15.7002 -8.19922 -19.7998 0l-36.9004 73.9004h-114.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scanner-keyboard" unicode="&#xf489;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M400 384c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-182.7c0 -8.5 -3.40039 -16.5996 -9.40039 -22.5996l-22.5996 -22.6006v-156.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-256c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v156.1l-22.5996 22.7002c-6 6 -9.40039 14.1006 -9.40039 22.6006v182.6 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h384zM368 192v144h-320v-144l32 -32v-176h256v176zM184 80c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-64c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h64zM296 80c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-64c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h64zM184 176c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-64c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h64zM296 176c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8 v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-64c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h64zM112 224c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h192c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-192zM256 440v-24h-64v24 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM320 440v-24h-32v24c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM568 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-272c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v272c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8 h48zM408 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-24h-64v24c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48zM472 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-272c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v272c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shipping-fast" unicode="&#xf48b;" d="M624 80c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-128c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96v128h48v-45.2998c14.2002 8.2002 30.4004 13.2998 48 13.2998c35.5 0 66.0996 -19.4004 82.7002 -48h125.3 v312c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-40h136c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v40c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56h240 c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56v-40h36.0996c18.9004 0 37.5 -7.7002 50.9004 -21.0996l83.9004 -83.9004c13.3994 -13.4004 21.0996 -31.9004 21.0996 -50.9004v-116.1h16zM160 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM416 304v-80 h126.1l-73 73c-4.5 4.40039 -10.6992 7 -17 7h-36.0996zM480 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM560 84.9004v91.0996h-144v-72.9004c17 15.3008 39.2998 24.9004 64 24.9004c33.4004 0 62.7998 -17.2002 80 -43.0996zM256 200 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16zM280 256h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8z " /> <glyph glyph-name="shipping-timed" unicode="&#xf48c;" d="M208 360c57.4004 0 104 -46.5996 104 -104s-46.5996 -104 -104 -104s-104 46.5996 -104 104s46.5996 104 104 104zM256 232v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-24v56c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-80c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h48 c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM624 80c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-128c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-8c-30.9004 0 -56 25.0996 -56 56v304c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56h304 c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56v-40h36.0996c18.9004 0 37.5 -7.7002 50.9004 -21.0996l83.9004 -83.9004c13.3994 -13.4004 21.0996 -31.9004 21.0996 -50.9004v-116.1h16zM160 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM368 80v312 c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-304c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-304c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h21.2998c16.6006 28.5996 47.2002 48 82.7002 48s66.0996 -19.4004 82.7002 -48h125.3zM416 304v-80h126.1l-73 73c-4.5 4.40039 -10.6992 7 -17 7h-36.0996zM480 -16 c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM560 84.9004v107.1h-144v-88.9004c17 15.3008 39.2998 24.9004 64 24.9004c33.4004 0 62.7998 -17.2002 80 -43.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smoking" unicode="&#xf48d;" d="M503.7 306.4c35.2998 -24.7002 56.2998 -64.8008 56.2998 -108.101v-30.2998c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v30.2998c0 27.4004 -13.2998 52.9004 -35.7002 68.6006c-35.7002 25.0996 -60.2998 63 -60.2998 106.699v66.4004 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-62.2998c0 -29 15.7998 -54.7002 39.7002 -71.2998zM553.3 360.9c54.2998 -36.4004 86.7002 -97.1006 86.7002 -162.601v-30.2998c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v30.2998 c0 50.2002 -25.2002 96.7002 -67.4004 124c-18.3994 12 -28.5996 33.4004 -28.5996 55.4004v62.2998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-62.2998c0 -6.7998 3.59961 -13 9.2998 -16.7998zM632 96c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-144 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 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horiz-adv-x="640" d="M448 352c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16zM631.98 384c7.91992 0 11.0293 -10.2695 4.43945 -14.6602l-92.46 -36.6699l0.0400391 -52.2803c0.00976562 -25.3096 -16.0801 -47.8301 -40.04 -56.0098 l-31.0303 -10.5898c-2.60938 -0.889648 -19.9795 -7.13965 -40.9297 -0.169922v-5.62012c0 -31.5498 -11.4297 -61.2002 -32 -84.3496v-155.65c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v123.8l-29.9102 8.54004l-8.50977 -23.71l25.5303 -100.76 c5.12012 -20.2197 -10.1602 -39.8604 -31.0205 -39.8604h-74.7002c-14.79 0 -27.6494 10.1406 -31.1094 24.5205l-24.1201 100.29c-1.20898 5.02344 -2.18945 13.2939 -2.18945 18.4609c0 6.30566 1.45117 16.332 3.23926 22.3789l12.9502 43.7598 c-20.2598 20.4902 -32.1602 48.4502 -32.1602 78.5801c0 2.62988 0.599609 5.08984 0.780273 7.67969c-9.91016 -7.29004 -16.7803 -18.46 -16.7803 -31.6797v-56c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v56 c0 47.1602 37.3604 85.4502 83.9902 87.5996c5.87012 8.45996 13.1299 15.7607 21.04 22.3203c5.05957 -16.46 11.8193 -32.1699 20.8701 -46.54c-8.58008 -10.8896 -13.9004 -24.4502 -13.9004 -39.3799c0 -26.8301 16.54 -49.7197 39.9404 -59.2402l-22.7002 -76.7197 c-0.686523 -2.37793 -1.24316 -6.31641 -1.24316 -8.79102c0 -2.06738 0.390625 -5.37793 0.873047 -7.38867l21.1299 -87.8604h41.5303l-24.0898 95.0498l28.6494 79.7803l107.91 -30.8301v-144h48v160.36c19.3203 14.6094 32 37.5498 32 63.6396v80h32l24.96 -24.9404 c6.77051 -6.7793 14.9697 -4.34961 16.4805 -3.8291l31.0195 10.5898c4.50977 1.54004 7.54004 5.7793 7.54004 10.5498l-0.0498047 65.3496l-44.6699 54.2803h-51.3301c-53.0205 0 -96 -42.9805 -96 -96v-16h-38.1807c-26.4092 0 -51.8594 4.90039 -75.2393 14.2695 c17.3994 -35.6699 48.9795 -62.8799 86.3193 -73.3398c6.70996 -1.87012 11.1504 -8.25 11.1504 -15.21v-16.3594c0 -10.4404 -9.87988 -18.21 -19.9902 -15.6299c-80.25 20.4893 -140.01 97.1191 -140.01 183.21c0 11.46 9.37988 19.0596 19.1602 19.0596 c5.04004 0 10.1895 -2.01953 14.21 -6.55957c24.4297 -27.6006 61.4199 -39.71 98.3203 -40.9404c14.7793 63.79 72.04 111.5 140.26 111.5h135.95c5.05957 0 8.94922 -4.67969 7.93945 -9.63965c-3.47949 -17.0703 -16.1396 -30.5605 -32.5098 -35.79l15.2803 -18.5703 h105.37z" /> <glyph glyph-name="apple-crate" unicode="&#xf6b1;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M434.22 397.53c-12.25 -11.4307 -31.5498 -14.5107 -50.0195 -13.2803c-0.549805 3.86035 -3.31055 33.6201 13.2197 50.2197c14.3496 13.4004 37.1396 14.1406 50.0205 13.2803c1.20996 -18.1904 -1.93066 -38.0303 -13.2207 -50.2197zM242.53 397.53 c-12.25 -11.4307 -31.5498 -14.5107 -50.0205 -13.2803c-0.549805 3.86035 -3.30957 33.6201 13.2207 50.2197c14.3496 13.4004 37.1396 14.1406 50.0195 13.2803c1.20996 -18.1904 -1.92969 -38.0303 -13.2197 -50.2197zM560 256c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-288 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-544c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v288c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h49.6904c-3.98047 26.6201 -0.420898 63.3799 17.3398 89.0898c11.25 16.2998 27.0693 26.6699 45.6895 30.0303c18.2803 3 43.8105 -2.9502 63.2803 -11.3604 c19.4404 8.39062 44.7803 14.4307 63 11.4102l0.280273 -0.0498047c12.3994 -2.23047 23.3701 -7.81055 32.7598 -15.9004c9.37988 8.08008 20.3301 13.6699 32.6797 15.9004c18.3701 3.03027 43.7803 -2.96973 63.2803 -11.3604 c19.4404 8.39062 44.7803 14.4307 63 11.4102l0.290039 -0.0498047c18.6904 -3.36035 34.5303 -13.75 45.7803 -30.0605c17.6602 -25.5098 21.1895 -62.0898 17.2197 -89.0596h49.71zM314.5 317.8c-0.280273 -0.410156 -0.410156 -1 -0.679688 -1.41992 c5.94922 -20.3701 7.10938 -42.4297 4.46973 -60.3799h143.29c0.259766 1.33008 0.790039 2.37988 1.01953 3.75c3.2207 17.3896 1.12012 43.3701 -9 58.0303c-5.17969 7.5 -10.8096 9.35938 -14.6191 10.0596c-7.06055 1.12012 -28.4707 -3.41992 -43.25 -11.6895 l-11.7207 -6.56055l-11.6895 6.5498c-14.8799 8.32031 -36.6006 12.8604 -43.3799 11.6904c-3.53027 -0.620117 -9.19043 -2.41992 -14.4404 -10.0303zM122.53 317.8c-10.1904 -14.7197 -12.3398 -40.71 -9.16016 -57.6494 c0.25 -1.52051 0.830078 -2.66992 1.12012 -4.14062h155.1c0.259766 1.33008 0.790039 2.37988 1.02051 3.75c3.21973 17.3906 1.14941 43.3604 -8.9707 58c-3.96973 5.75977 -8.65918 8.9707 -14.6592 10.0898c-7.09082 1.12012 -28.4707 -3.41992 -43.25 -11.6895 l-11.7207 -6.56055l-11.7197 6.56055c-14.8799 8.30957 -36.3496 12.6201 -43.3799 11.6699c-3.46973 -0.620117 -9.12988 -2.41992 -14.3799 -10.0303zM528 -16v88h-480v-88h480zM528 120v88h-480v-88h480zM96 144c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16 s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM480 16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM96 16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM480 144 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="axe" unicode="&#xf6b2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M525.74 288h114.26v-32c0 -123.71 -100.29 -224 -224 -224h-32v114.26l-58.5801 58.5898l-264.16 -264.159c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-33.9395 33.9395c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l264.149 264.16l-35.4697 35.4697 c-12.5 12.4902 -12.5 32.75 0 45.25l96.4902 96.4902c6.25 6.25 14.4395 9.37012 22.6299 9.37012c8.18945 0 16.3799 -3.12012 22.6299 -9.37012l35.46 -35.4795l39.9199 39.9199c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l33.9404 -33.9307c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299 l-39.9199 -39.9199zM432 80.7197c84.3096 7.62988 151.65 74.9707 159.29 159.271h-85.4199l-4.69043 4.68945l-148.699 148.7l-73.8506 -73.8701l148.68 -148.68l4.69043 -4.69043v-85.4199z" /> <glyph glyph-name="axe-battle" unicode="&#xf6b3;" d="M512 271.62l-15.2695 -15.6201l15.2695 -15.6201c-3.73047 -68.04 -31.1904 -128.82 -73.5498 -171.67c-3.19043 -3.21973 -7.04004 -4.7002 -10.8301 -4.7002c-7.08008 0 -13.96 5.14062 -16.0098 13.6602c-4.7002 19.5205 -30.54 106.3 -131.61 106.3v-231.97 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v231.96c-100.01 0 -126.16 -86.7998 -130.85 -106.3c-2.05078 -8.52051 -8.93066 -13.6602 -16.0107 -13.6602c-3.79004 0 -7.63965 1.48047 -10.8301 4.7002 c-45.5996 46.1299 -74.3096 112.92 -74.3096 187.3s28.71 141.17 74.2998 187.3c3.19043 3.21973 7.04004 4.7002 10.8301 4.7002c7.08008 0 13.9697 -5.15039 16.0205 -13.6602c4.67969 -19.4902 30.8398 -106.3 130.85 -106.3v39.96c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-39.9697c101.07 0 126.92 86.7793 131.61 106.3c2.0498 8.51953 8.92969 13.6602 16.0098 13.6602c3.79004 0 7.63965 -1.4707 10.8301 -4.7002c42.3594 -42.8496 69.8193 -103.63 73.5498 -171.67zM76.8799 144.47 c31.8896 53.6699 84.4297 87.5 155.12 87.4902v48.0703c-70.9199 0 -123.36 34.04 -155.12 87.5c-18.6104 -32.8799 -28.8096 -71.5605 -28.8096 -111.53c0 -39.96 10.1992 -78.6504 28.8096 -111.53zM462.04 222.77l-32.4805 33.2305l32.4805 33.2305 c-3.95996 28.21 -12.8799 54.7695 -26.1699 78.3096c-32.1797 -54.1699 -84.7197 -87.5 -155.87 -87.5v-48.0703c72.4102 0 124.39 -34.5 155.87 -87.5098c13.2998 23.54 22.21 50.0996 26.1699 78.3096z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bat" unicode="&#xf6b5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M638.61 160.75c4.90918 -10.9902 -3.90039 -22.3398 -15.2002 -22.3301c-1.75 0 -3.56055 0.270508 -5.37988 0.849609l-16.4805 5.28027c-6.93945 2.21973 -14.0498 3.29004 -21.0693 3.29004c-21.8301 0 -42.8506 -10.3398 -55.4609 -28.5098l-38.4092 -55.3301 l-12.3008 11.8203c-13.1094 12.5898 -30.1396 18.75 -47.0898 18.75c-20.1299 0 -40.1494 -8.69043 -53.3594 -25.6006l-53.8604 -68.9697l-53.8604 68.9697c-13.21 16.9102 -33.2295 25.6006 -53.3594 25.6006c-16.9404 0 -33.9707 -6.16016 -47.0801 -18.75 l-12.3105 -11.8203l-38.3994 55.3203c-12.6104 18.1797 -33.6299 28.5098 -55.46 28.5098h-0.00488281c-5.95605 0 -15.3936 -1.47363 -21.0654 -3.29004l-16.4795 -5.28027c-1.83008 -0.580078 -3.63086 -0.849609 -5.38086 -0.849609 c-11.3096 0 -20.1191 11.3496 -15.21 22.3398l70.3203 157.56c5.46973 12.2705 17.8398 19.4004 30.6699 19.4004h0.0419922c5.0459 0 12.6875 -2.04688 17.0586 -4.57031l104.899 -60.4395l31.6201 111.3l58.1104 -48h11.7695l58.1201 48l31.6299 -111.31l104.9 60.4395 c5.38965 3.11035 11.29 4.57031 17.0996 4.57031c12.8203 0 25.2002 -7.12988 30.6699 -19.4004zM485.59 146.7c19.5 28.0801 50.7402 45.8301 84.9902 48.7002l-39.46 88.4297l-91.5303 -52.7402l-53.3203 -30.7197l-16.8193 59.2002l-11.54 40.6201l-1.45996 -1.2002 l-13.3105 -10.9902h-46.29l-13.29 11l-1.45996 1.2002l-11.54 -40.6201l-16.8193 -59.2002l-53.3203 30.7197l-91.5303 52.7402l-39.46 -88.4199c34.2402 -2.88965 65.4902 -20.6396 84.9805 -48.7197l10.0703 -14.5098c14.9492 6.7998 31.3594 10.3799 48.2998 10.3799 c36.0898 0 69.3193 -16.0605 91.1895 -44.0605l16.0303 -20.5293l16.0195 20.5293c21.8701 28 55.1104 44.0605 91.1904 44.0605c16.9404 0 33.3496 -3.58008 48.2998 -10.3799z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blender-phone" unicode="&#xf6b6;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M352 56c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24zM489.91 117.99c31.9199 -15.6006 54.0898 -48.0703 54.0898 -85.9902v-64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-320c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64 c0 40.4297 25.0596 74.8604 60.4297 89.0098l-28.4297 326.99h384zM513.87 400h-269.51l23.6494 -272h174.91l25.04 96h-107.96c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h116.3l16.7002 64h-133c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8 h141.35zM496 -16v48c0 26.4697 -21.5303 48 -48 48h-192c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48v-48h288zM115.78 325.39l-45.04 4.41992c-17.6504 -47.9395 -17.2803 -100.779 0 -147.72l45.0293 4.41992c7.44043 0.730469 14.4609 -3.4502 17.2402 -10.2598l25.7803 -63.2598 c3.01953 -7.40039 0.200195 -15.8506 -6.67969 -20.0703l-39.4102 -24.1797c-12.5303 -7.68066 -31.7803 -6 -41.6504 4.7998c-94.0996 102.94 -94.6699 258.89 -2.09961 362.49c11.1396 12.4697 29.5596 15.8398 43.8896 7.0498l39.2803 -24.0996 c6.87988 -4.2207 9.7002 -12.6807 6.67969 -20.0703l-25.7803 -63.2598c-2.7793 -6.80078 -9.80957 -10.9902 -17.2393 -10.2607z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-dead" unicode="&#xf6b7;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M128.3 150.36c-1.18945 4.48926 1.21973 9.15918 5.37988 10.4395l49.3301 15.2002l-49.3301 15.2002c-4.16016 1.28027 -6.55957 5.95996 -5.37012 10.4395l4.31055 16.2402c1.18945 4.48047 5.51953 7.07031 9.66992 5.79004l97.71 -30.1104l97.71 30.1104 c4.15039 1.28027 8.48047 -1.30957 9.66992 -5.79004l4.31055 -16.2402c1.18945 -4.48926 -1.20996 -9.15918 -5.37012 -10.4395l-49.3301 -15.2002l49.3301 -15.2002c4.16016 -1.28027 6.55957 -5.95996 5.37012 -10.4395l-4.31055 -16.2402 c-1.18945 -4.48047 -5.51953 -7.07031 -9.66992 -5.79004l-97.71 30.1104l-97.7197 -30.1104c-4.15039 -1.28027 -8.48047 1.30957 -9.66992 5.79004zM192 253.09c-19.3203 11.6797 -32 30.04 -32 50.9102c0 35.3496 35.8203 64 80 64s80 -28.6504 80 -64 c0 -20.8701 -12.6797 -39.2305 -32 -50.9102v-13.0898c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v13.0898zM272 320c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16s7.16016 -16 16 -16s16 7.16016 16 16s-7.16016 16 -16 16zM208 320 c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16s7.16016 -16 16 -16s16 7.16016 16 16s-7.16016 16 -16 16zM448 64c0 -7.7998 -5.5 -14.2002 -12.9004 -15.7002c-4.19922 -13 -4.19922 -51.5996 0 -64.5996c7.30078 -1.40039 12.9004 -7.90039 12.9004 -15.7002v-16 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80v352c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368zM394 -16c-2.7002 17.2998 -2.7002 46.7002 0 64h-314c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32h314z M400 96v304h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-278.7c9.7998 4.2998 20.5996 6.7002 32 6.7002h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-spells" unicode="&#xf6b8;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 64c0 -7.7998 -5.5 -14.2002 -12.9004 -15.7002c-4.19922 -13 -4.19922 -51.5996 0 -64.5996c7.30078 -1.40039 12.9004 -7.90039 12.9004 -15.7002v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80v352c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h352 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368zM394 -16c-2.7002 17.2998 -2.7002 46.7002 0 64h-314c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32h314zM400 96v304h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-278.7c9.7998 4.2998 20.5996 6.7002 32 6.7002h320z M245.34 181.33l-53.3398 26.6699l53.3398 26.6699l26.6602 53.3301l26.6602 -53.3301l53.3398 -26.6699l-53.3398 -26.6699l-26.6602 -53.3301zM160 248l-18.6699 37.3301l-37.3301 18.6699l37.3301 18.6699l18.6699 37.3301l18.6602 -37.3301l37.3398 -18.6699 l-37.3398 -18.6699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bow-arrow" unicode="&#xf6b9;" d="M145.78 161.35l-141.09 140.92c-6.25 6.24023 -6.25 16.3604 0 22.6006l11.3096 11.2998c6.25 6.24023 16.3799 6.24023 22.6299 0l7.28027 -7.26953c43.1602 33.2998 95.6797 51.5596 151.12 51.5596c46.9697 0 91.8096 -13.1904 130.689 -37.4004l-34.96 -34.9092 c-29.0293 15.8691 -61.7197 24.3691 -95.7295 24.3691c-42.5898 0 -83.0205 -13.3896 -116.851 -37.8496l99.54 -99.4199zM493.2 447.7c10.2598 2.04004 20.8193 -6.7002 18.46 -18.4307l-25.7197 -128.43c-2.44043 -12.21 -17.5605 -16.9199 -26.4805 -8.00977 l-34.46 34.4199l-250.62 -250.33l16.5703 -49.6396c0.582031 -1.74414 1.05371 -4.65234 1.05371 -6.49121c0 -4.69629 -2.69824 -11.2012 -6.02344 -14.5195l-63.6709 -63.5898c-4.10938 -4.09961 -9.3291 -6.01953 -14.4697 -6.01953 c-8.37988 0 -16.5801 5.08008 -19.5703 14.0498l-18.5498 55.5801l-55.6494 18.5303c-14.5 4.81934 -18.8398 23.1992 -8.04004 33.9893l63.6797 63.6006c8.63965 8.63965 19.0996 5.59961 21.0303 4.95996l49.7002 -16.5498l250.63 250.33l-34.4707 34.4199 c-8.85938 8.84961 -4.26953 24 8.02051 26.4492zM116.27 -6.84961l32.9209 32.8799l-14.9307 44.7197l-44.7793 14.9102l-32.9209 -32.8799l44.7803 -14.9102zM455.64 353.14l9.66016 48.25l-48.2998 -9.64941zM407.07 264.14 c24.5693 -39.0293 37.9395 -84.1299 37.9297 -131.359c0 -55.3701 -18.29 -107.82 -51.6396 -150.92l7.2793 -7.27051c6.25 -6.24023 6.25 -16.3594 0 -22.5996l-11.3096 -11.2998c-6.24023 -6.24023 -16.3701 -6.24023 -22.6201 0l-141.75 141.579l33.9404 33.9004 l100.199 -100.08c24.4902 33.79 37.9102 74.1602 37.9102 116.69c0 34.3096 -8.70996 67.2393 -24.8994 96.4502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="campfire" unicode="&#xf6ba;" d="M256 128c-79.5303 0 -144 64.4697 -144 144c0 44.7803 44.8301 119.02 108 176c24.6104 -22.21 46.3398 -46.0098 63.8604 -69.4805c10.6895 12.7305 22.7695 25.4209 36.1396 37.4805c46.5801 -42.04 80 -110.71 80 -144c0 -79.5303 -64.4697 -144 -144 -144z M220.26 380.13c-39.4902 -44.75 -60.2598 -88.8096 -60.2598 -108.13c0 -52.9297 43.0703 -96 96 -96c52.9404 0 96 43.0703 96 96c0 10.9297 -12.1797 42.71 -33.4902 73.1299l-36.8496 -43.8896l-36.2598 48.5596c-7.56055 10.1201 -16.0107 20.3105 -25.1406 30.3301z M500.9 -17.46c8.33984 -2.62988 12.9795 -11.5996 10.3691 -20.04l-4.70996 -15.2695c-2.59961 -8.43066 -11.4697 -13.1309 -19.7998 -10.5l-230.76 72.9893l-230.76 -72.9893c-8.33008 -2.64062 -17.2002 2.05957 -19.7998 10.5l-4.70996 15.2695 c-2.61035 8.42969 2.03906 17.4102 10.3691 20.04l165.41 52.3301l-165.41 52.3203c-8.33008 2.62988 -12.9697 11.6094 -10.3691 20.04l4.70996 15.2695c2.59961 8.42969 11.4697 13.1396 19.7998 10.5l230.76 -72.9902l230.77 72.9805 c8.33008 2.63965 17.2002 -2.07031 19.8008 -10.5l4.70996 -15.2705c2.59961 -8.42969 -2.0498 -17.3994 -10.3799 -20.04l-165.41 -52.3193z" /> <glyph glyph-name="campground" unicode="&#xf6bb;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 -16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h28.5303l245.899 341.21l-63.3301 87.8799c-5.22949 7.12012 -3.67969 17.1406 3.44043 22.3604l12.8799 9.4502 c7.12988 5.22949 17.1504 3.68945 22.3701 -3.44043l54.21 -75.2197l54.21 75.2197c5.23047 7.12988 15.2402 8.66992 22.3701 3.44043l12.8799 -9.4502c7.12012 -5.21973 8.66016 -15.2402 3.44043 -22.3604l-63.3301 -87.8799l245.899 -341.21h28.5303zM320 284.18 l-216.33 -300.18h99.9697l116.36 160l116.36 -160h99.9697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="candle-holder" unicode="&#xf6bc;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M160 256c-45.9297 0 -78 32.6104 -78 79.29c0 29.8701 32.3799 74.71 78 112.71c45.4102 -37.8203 78 -82.7197 78 -112.71c0 -46.6797 -32.0703 -79.29 -78 -79.29zM160 381.83c-20.0098 -22.0898 -29.4502 -40.0801 -30.0098 -46.8203 c0.00976562 -11.3896 3.91016 -31 30.0098 -31s30 19.6006 30 31.29c-0.55957 6.54004 -9.99023 24.46 -30 46.5303zM376 80c39.7002 0 72 -32.2998 72 -72s-32.2998 -72 -72 -72h-360c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32v208 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-208h36.4199c-2.68945 7.54004 -4.41992 15.54 -4.41992 24c0 39.7002 32.2998 72 72 72zM224 -16v192h-48v-56c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24v56h-32v-192h128zM376 -16 c13.2305 0 24 10.7695 24 24s-10.7695 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7695 -24 -24s10.7695 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cauldron" unicode="&#xf6bf;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 252c0 -6.62988 -6.26953 -12 -14 -12h-29.6299c27.2803 -42.4697 43.6299 -91.5596 43.6299 -137.6c0 -39.0801 -11.8203 -70.6504 -32 -95.5303v-46.8701c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24v7.49023 c-38.9502 -21.2998 -89.1396 -31.4902 -144 -31.4902s-105.05 10.1904 -144 31.4902v-7.49023c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24v46.8701c-20.1797 24.8799 -32 56.4502 -32 95.5303c0 46.0498 16.3496 95.1396 43.6299 137.6h-29.6299 c-7.73047 0 -14 5.37012 -14 12v24c0 6.62988 6.26953 12 14 12h420c7.73047 0 14 -5.37012 14 -12v-24zM393.49 64c4.06934 11.2197 6.50977 23.8604 6.50977 38.4004c0 45.6094 -21.1504 97.8301 -54.9102 137.6h-242.17 c-33.7695 -39.7695 -54.9199 -91.9902 -54.9199 -137.6c0 -14.54 2.44043 -27.1807 6.50977 -38.4004h1.49023c-0.490234 0 -0.889648 -0.25 -1.37012 -0.280273c26.0098 -70.9795 123.72 -79.7197 169.37 -79.7197s143.36 8.74023 169.37 79.7197 c-0.480469 0.0302734 -0.879883 0.280273 -1.37012 0.280273h1.49023zM160 384c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM272 320c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48 s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="claw-marks" unicode="&#xf6c2;" d="M7.11035 223.49c56.3496 -26.75 199.359 -108.601 280.449 -280.53c2.33008 -4.92969 -4.11914 -9.34961 -7.97949 -5.49023l-117.13 117.16c-6 6 -14.1299 9.37012 -22.6201 9.37012h-43.7305v43.7305c0 8.48926 -3.36914 16.6299 -9.36914 22.6299l-85.1104 85.1299 c-3.90039 3.91016 0.5 10.3701 5.49023 8zM246.69 418.37l-21.1309 21.1201c-3.89941 3.91016 0.5 10.3701 5.49023 8c56.3604 -26.75 199.37 -108.601 280.44 -280.53c2.33008 -4.92969 -4.12012 -9.34961 -7.98047 -5.49023l-53.1396 53.1602 c-6 6 -14.1299 9.37012 -22.6201 9.37012h-43.7197v43.7402c0 8.49023 -3.37012 16.6299 -9.37012 22.6299l-52.25 52.2598c-6 6 -14.1299 9.37012 -22.6201 9.37012h-43.7305v43.7402c0 8.49023 -3.36914 16.6299 -9.36914 22.6299zM508.94 -18.5303 c6.58984 -14 2.14941 -30.6299 -10.54 -39.5596c-5.59082 -3.94043 -12.0205 -5.86035 -18.46 -5.86035h-0.0332031c-6.40332 0 -15.5732 3.35156 -20.4668 7.48047l-114.971 80.4697h-64.4199v62.0596l-65.9199 65.9404h-62.0498v63.5596l-144.28 179.7 c-9.30957 9.15039 -10.7695 26.4404 -1.74023 39.21c8.95996 12.6406 25.6807 17 39.5801 10.3906c275.87 -130.92 407.78 -344.63 461.86 -460.36zM359.6 72l76.3008 -53.4297c-53.1201 94.0801 -158.87 240.5 -343.051 347.27l107.221 -133.399v-32.4404h33.9297 l94.04 -94.0596v-33.9404h31.5596z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coffee-togo" unicode="&#xf6c5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 352c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-19.8398l-25.7998 -322.55c-1.33008 -16.6299 -15.2207 -29.4502 -31.9004 -29.4502h-260.92c-16.6797 0 -30.5703 12.8203 -31.9004 29.4502l-25.7998 322.55h-19.8398 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16l24.71 74.1201c4.36035 13.0703 16.4502 21.8799 30.2305 21.8799h274c13.7695 0 26 -8.80957 30.3496 -21.8799l24.71 -74.1201h16zM98.5996 400l-21.3398 -64h293.471l-21.3301 64h-250.801zM108.31 -16 h231.37l7.68066 96h-246.73zM358.89 224l5.11035 64h-280.01l5.12012 -64h269.779z" /> <glyph glyph-name="corn" unicode="&#xf6c7;" d="M441.79 447.68c41.7402 -3.64941 72.4795 -39.1602 70.0801 -80.2598v-1l-0.0400391 -1c-0.405273 -9.64941 -4.40625 -24.4072 -8.92969 -32.9395c0.325195 -2.63379 0.588867 -6.92383 0.588867 -9.57715c0 -6.23438 -1.43262 -16.1455 -3.19922 -22.123 c-2.30957 -7.4668 -8.08008 -18.5322 -12.8799 -24.7002c-0.490234 -9.33008 -2.70996 -18.6299 -6.67969 -27.4502c-3.15527 -7.00781 -10.1221 -17.1094 -15.5508 -22.5498c-1.5498 -8.71973 -4.63965 -17.1699 -9.23926 -24.9102 c-3.75879 -6.61328 -11.5498 -15.9365 -17.3906 -20.8096c-2.35938 -8.49023 -6.2002 -16.6406 -11.4902 -24.04c-2.93945 -4.11035 -6.93945 -7.06055 -10.5498 -10.46c5.73047 -4.68066 11.2998 -9.64062 16.6201 -14.96l42.1602 -42.1504 c9.01953 -9.00977 4.34961 -24.4199 -8.15039 -26.9199l-135.93 -27.1797l-57.8301 -57.8105c-20.8604 -20.8496 -47.5 -36 -76.75 -39.75c-39.8203 -5.10938 -78.0195 7.91992 -105.41 35.2998l-60.7002 61.9707c-42.6396 49.3193 -40.7393 124.229 6.51074 171.46 l61.4795 61.46l27.1904 135.87c2.5 12.4893 17.9199 17.1592 26.9297 8.14941l42.1602 -42.1494c5.44043 -5.43066 10.1504 -11.1406 14.9404 -16.8203c3.95996 4.55957 7.7998 9.26953 12.8096 12.7998c7.46973 5.33008 15.71 9.23047 24.4004 11.5801 c5.58984 6.65039 12.3096 12.3096 19.9092 16.6104c6.70508 3.97168 18.3799 8.26367 26.0605 9.58008c6.60938 6.45996 14.4795 11.8496 23.3799 15.8594c8.51953 3.62012 17.46 5.65039 26.6299 6.07031c6.35547 4.86035 17.7568 10.5908 25.4502 12.79 c7.00977 2.07031 14.2598 3.12012 21.5303 3.12012c3.60938 0 7.18945 -0.25 10.7197 -0.75c10.3994 5.18945 22.0303 8.00977 34.1299 8.00977c2.46973 0 4.96973 -0.120117 7.04004 -0.320312zM64.3799 68.21l52.7402 52.7197 c27.29 27.2803 58.9795 47.1602 92.7695 59.1699c13.3203 53.1406 -2.98926 109.29 -48.9492 155.23l-18.3301 -91.6396l-71.7305 -71.7002c-28.2002 -28.2002 -30.5703 -73.1602 -6.5 -103.78zM307.62 78.7402l91.6602 18.3193 c-32.96 32.9502 -73.6299 48.4209 -114.84 48.4209c-47.4209 0 -95.5605 -20.4805 -133.48 -58.3906l-53.3896 -53.3701l27.5 -27.4893c30.3799 -30.3701 80.4395 -29.5605 110.819 0.80957zM447.95 342.6c47.0098 24.1201 -15.0205 86.75 -38.3906 42.0703 c-11.5791 11.2002 -25.0098 7.65039 -27.5898 6.88965c-9.66016 -2.75977 -17.0098 -10.1094 -19.7695 -19.2998c-5.2998 3.43066 -15.5703 7.2002 -27.1299 2.2998c-9.19043 -4.13965 -15.1699 -12.4092 -16.7803 -21.3799 c-0.360352 0.169922 -13.3203 6.91016 -26.9004 -1.13965c-8.50977 -4.83008 -13.5693 -13.5703 -14.2598 -22.5303c-6.63965 2.5 -17.1699 3.32031 -26.6602 -3.45996c-6.26953 -4.41992 -9.56934 -11.2197 -10.9297 -18.4102 c18.9297 -37.0596 26.1299 -76.6592 21.29 -115.62c7.83008 0.850586 15.71 1.32031 23.6201 1.32031c30.4795 0 60.0303 -6.87988 87.2197 -19.5303c6.24023 1.6709 12.1699 4.6709 16.29 10.4404c5.74023 8.0498 6.66016 17.9297 3.44043 26.4297 c9.19922 0.69043 17.9297 5.74023 22.7695 14.25c5.0498 8.51074 5.28027 18.6201 1.13965 26.8906c9.19043 1.60938 17.4707 7.35938 21.6104 16.5498c4.13965 9.18945 2.98047 19.2998 -2.07031 27.1201c8.95996 2.75 16.5508 9.87988 19.5508 19.5293 c2.97949 10.1104 0 20.4502 -6.4502 27.5801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cow" unicode="&#xf6c8;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624.48 210.01c10.0098 -11.6201 15.5195 -26.4502 15.5195 -41.79v-104.22c0 -35.3496 -28.6602 -64 -64 -64h-14.1904c-18.6582 0.00292969 -42.0166 12.7266 -52.1396 28.4004l-35.46 54.8896c-6.67969 10.3496 -10.2402 22.4102 -10.2402 34.7295v41.9805 l-15.9395 15.96l-0.0400391 -143.97c-0.00976562 -17.6699 -14.3301 -31.9902 -32 -31.9902h-63.96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v40.0098c-2.52051 -0.859375 -5.33984 -1.29004 -7.95996 -2.0293v-13.9805c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16v8.69043 c-2.73047 -0.150391 -13.3203 -0.160156 -16 -0.0107422v-8.67969c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16v13.9297c-2.64062 0.75 -5.49023 1.18066 -8.04004 2.05078v-39.9805c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v288 c0 4.46973 0.479492 8.83008 1.34961 13.04c-14.8096 -5.86035 -25.3799 -20.1602 -25.3799 -37.04v-96c0 -39.7598 -32.2402 -72 -72 -72v32c0 20.1201 9.48047 37.8604 23.9902 49.5898v86.4102c0 48.5996 39.3994 88 88 88h318.97 c27.0547 -0.000976562 61.8955 -17.7822 77.7705 -39.6904l59.9893 -69.5996c4.78027 4.48047 10.0205 8.54004 16.1006 11.5801c10.6299 5.32031 23.1494 -2.41992 23.1494 -14.3096v-42.8203zM210.11 127.43c61.5996 -20.9893 62.4893 -20.8896 123.79 0.0400391 c-6.9707 27.7998 -31.9707 48.5303 -61.8906 48.5303c-29.9297 0 -54.9502 -20.75 -61.8994 -48.5703zM592 64v104.2c0 3.83984 -1.37988 7.5498 -3.87988 10.46l-118.28 137.49c-9 12.4297 -23.5303 19.8496 -38.8701 19.8496h-51.2695 c-0.799805 -1.5 -25.3604 -34.8203 -25.3604 -34.8203c-21.8096 -28.9297 -51.3896 -45.1797 -82.2295 -45.1797h-0.169922c-30.8408 0 -60.4209 16.25 -82.2305 45.1797c0 0 -24.5596 33.3203 -25.3604 34.8203h-4.31934c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-272h32v64 c0 45.3096 37.8398 96 95.9893 96c57.8506 0 95.9902 -50.4102 95.9902 -96v-64h31.9707l0.0390625 192.68c0 18.8799 22.8203 28.3301 36.1709 14.9805l75.7695 -75.7705v-61.8701c0.870117 -2.95996 1.69043 -5.72949 2.55957 -8.67969l35.4609 -54.8994 c2.60938 -4.03027 7.0293 -6.44043 11.8291 -6.44043h14.1904c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM560 144c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dagger" unicode="&#xf6cb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M344 352c22.0898 0 40 -17.9102 40 -40s-17.9102 -40 -40 -40c-19.25 0 -34.5703 13.8799 -38.3799 32h-33.6201v-264.05l-63.3604 -95.04c-3.95996 -5.94043 -10.2998 -8.91016 -16.6396 -8.91016s-12.6797 2.96973 -16.6396 8.91016l-63.3604 95.04v264.05h-33.6201 c-3.80957 -18.1201 -19.1299 -32 -38.3799 -32c-22.0898 0 -40 17.9102 -40 40s17.9102 40 40 40h128v80c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-80h128zM224 54.4805v249.52h-64v-249.52l32 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d10" unicode="&#xf6cd;" d="M503.88 186.71c11.7998 -13.2002 10.6006 -33.5 -2.68945 -45.21l-224.08 -197.53c-6.03027 -5.30957 -13.5703 -7.96973 -21.1104 -7.96973s-15.0801 2.65039 -21.1104 7.96973l-224.08 197.521c-13.29 11.7197 -14.5 32.0098 -2.68945 45.2197l224.08 250.65 c6.34961 7.08984 15.0693 10.6396 23.7998 10.6396s17.4502 -3.5498 23.7998 -10.6396zM256 160.17l66.0801 44.0498l-66.0801 154.181l-66.0801 -154.181zM142.63 215.73l40.6797 94.9199l-97.5791 -109.15zM155.53 169.47l-80.9199 -20.2295l157.39 -138.721v107.971z M280 118.49v-107.98l157.39 138.74l-80.9199 20.2197zM369.37 215.73l56.8994 -14.2305l-97.5791 109.15z" /> <glyph 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l116.94 -23.3906l116.95 23.3906l-64.2803 32.1396h-105.34zM92.21 333.08l-35.21 -70.4199l78.1797 -104.25l96.8203 48.4102v93.5l-140.72 28.1494zM48 139.33l51.7803 -103.55l49.0801 -24.54l-41.96 104.91l-58.9004 78.5293v-55.3496zM412.22 35.7803l51.7803 103.55 v55.3496l-58.9004 -78.5293l-41.96 -104.91z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d20" unicode="&#xf6cf;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M431.88 331.87c9.96973 -5.81055 16.1201 -16.6201 16.1201 -28.3203v-223.09c0 -11.7002 -6.15039 -22.5098 -16.1201 -28.3203l-192 -111.84c-4.06152 -2.37305 -11.1758 -4.29883 -15.8799 -4.29883s-11.8184 1.92578 -15.8799 4.29883l-192 111.84 c-9.96973 5.81055 -16.1201 16.6104 -16.1201 28.3203v223.09c0 11.7002 6.15039 22.5098 16.1201 28.3105l192 111.84c4.06152 2.37305 11.1758 4.29883 15.8799 4.29883s11.8184 -1.92578 15.8799 -4.29883zM224 360.13l-72.4697 -96.1299h144.939zM224 108.71 l68.2803 107.29h-136.561zM113.12 193.53l-20.0498 -80.21l83.4199 -19.3701zM334.88 193.53l-63.3701 -99.5801l83.4199 19.3701zM351.48 270.75l35.6094 31.6504l-106.02 61.7598zM96.5195 270.75l70.4102 93.4102l-106.02 -61.7598zM72.2803 228.09l-24.2803 21.5801 v-118.72zM200 39.2197l-110.29 25.6006l110.29 -64.2402v38.6396zM248 39.2197v-38.6396l110.29 64.25zM400 130.95v118.72l-24.2803 -21.5898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d4" unicode="&#xf6d0;" d="M504.9 158.97c11.3096 -13.9893 8.83984 -34.5693 -5.4707 -45.4893l-224.05 -170.94c-5.71973 -4.37012 -12.5498 -6.5498 -19.3799 -6.5498h-0.0253906c-5.9541 0 -14.625 2.93457 -19.3545 6.5498l-224.05 170.94c-14.3105 10.9199 -16.7803 31.4893 -5.4707 45.4893 l224.051 277.17c6.39941 7.90039 15.6191 11.8604 24.8496 11.8604s18.4502 -3.95996 24.8496 -11.8604zM232 360.83l-177.19 -219.2l177.19 -135.18v354.38zM280 6.4502l177.19 135.18l-177.19 219.2v-354.38z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d6" unicode="&#xf6d1;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M431.88 331.87c9.96973 -5.81055 16.1201 -16.6201 16.1201 -28.3203v-223.09c0 -11.7002 -6.15039 -22.5098 -16.1201 -28.3203l-192 -111.84c-4.06152 -2.37305 -11.1758 -4.29883 -15.8799 -4.29883s-11.8184 1.92578 -15.8799 4.29883l-192 111.84 c-9.96973 5.81055 -16.1201 16.6104 -16.1201 28.3203v223.09c0 11.7002 6.15039 22.5098 16.1201 28.3105l192 111.84c4.06152 2.37305 11.1758 4.29883 15.8799 4.29883s11.8184 -1.92578 15.8799 -4.29883zM224 397.4l-152.35 -88.7402l152.35 -88.8799l152.35 88.8799z M48 266.88v-177.76l152 -88.54v177.64zM248 0.580078l152 88.54v177.76l-152 -88.6602v-177.64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-d8" unicode="&#xf6d2;" d="M502.12 215.86c13.1699 -13.1807 13.1699 -34.54 -0.0205078 -47.7305l-222.25 -222.25c-6.58984 -6.58984 -15.2295 -9.87988 -23.8594 -9.87988s-17.2705 3.29004 -23.8604 9.87988l-222.25 222.25c-13.1797 13.1797 -13.1797 34.5498 0 47.7305l222.26 222.26 c6.59082 6.58984 15.2207 9.87988 23.8604 9.87988s17.2695 -3.29004 23.8604 -9.87988zM280 370.1v-237.699l166.38 71.3193zM232 132.4v237.699l-166.38 -166.39zM232 80.1797l-115.96 49.6904l115.96 -115.96v66.2695zM280 80.1797v-66.2793l115.97 115.97z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dragon" unicode="&#xf6d5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M481.12 328.02c-12.04 0.69043 -34.0498 12.8301 -27.5498 39.9609l58.4297 -15.3701c-3.51953 -14.7002 -15.96 -25.4404 -30.8799 -24.5908zM563.67 191.12c49.2002 -23.9297 79.0898 -74.1602 76.1299 -127.97c-3.91992 -71.3105 -66.5801 -127.16 -142.649 -127.15 l-449.17 0.0400391c-26.4609 0 -47.9805 21.3301 -47.9805 47.54c0 22.1797 15.8799 41.71 37.7402 46.4297c74.2598 16.0498 174.38 38.4404 321.46 48.5205c-6.43066 9.17969 -12.1006 18.9395 -17.0098 29.1699l-180.761 -24.2305 c-26.5498 -3.66992 -46.5293 25.0801 -31.8193 48.3604l-91.5205 -17.21c-29.0098 -4.13965 -47.4502 25.6494 -33.0596 48.25l88.75 126.24c13.0293 18.4893 36.5 27.25 58.5293 21.7695l167.69 -41.8398v12.9502l-38.79 14.9697 c-29.25 14.21 -29.3799 55.7998 -0.00976562 70.0801c1.18945 0.580078 0.30957 0.209961 4.75 2.00977l-12.5205 9.94043c-27.9395 22.2402 -12.29 69.0098 24.9902 69.0098h213.7c18.8701 0 36.9502 -8.83984 48.3799 -23.6504l67.0898 -86.9395 c14.0303 -18.1904 16.3301 -43.1201 5.83984 -63.5098l-12.8799 -25.04c-10.4199 -20.2607 -31.1895 -32.8506 -54.2197 -32.8506h-27.8701c-17.8398 0 -26.1299 5.39062 -42.6504 16.1201c-3.33984 2.16992 -7.34961 4.77051 -12.25 7.88965h-18.6797 c0.813477 -1.74219 2.87402 -3.84277 4.60059 -4.68945zM68.0303 169.05l101.109 19.0498l41.4004 58.8701l-69.8203 17.3301c-3.09961 0.850586 -6.0293 -0.429688 -7.68945 -2.80957zM191.06 135.87l135.66 18.1797c-6.58984 28.71 -6.71973 44.2305 -6.71973 65.4805 l-59.5596 15.0098zM497.15 -16c49.75 -0.00976562 92.2393 36.6797 94.7197 81.8096c1.91992 34.9805 -16.9297 66.4707 -49.2002 82.1602l-93.5898 43.9199c-20.4805 9.9502 -33.0801 29.8506 -33.0801 52.04v44.1104h81.4004s19.4395 -12.3096 24.5596 -15.6396 c12.8896 -8.37012 12.8896 -8.37012 16.5 -8.37012h27.8701c4.87988 0 9.41016 2.66016 11.5303 6.79004l12.8799 25.04c2.01953 3.92969 1.58984 8.65918 -1.11035 12.1592l-67.1299 87.0107c-2.41992 3.12988 -6.16016 4.96973 -10.1201 4.96973h-188.22l56.0703 -44.5195 l-57.3408 -23.2402l45.1104 -17.2207v-106.05c0 -19.71 -0.219727 -91.3496 72.3604 -143.06c14.0898 -10.0303 7.29004 -31.1201 -9.29004 -31.79c-186.34 -7.45996 -291.16 -31.1396 -383.181 -51.0205z" /> <glyph glyph-name="duck" unicode="&#xf6d8;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M416 304c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16zM464 208h-16v-28.1504c19.1104 -21.8594 31.2803 -49.9395 31.9697 -81.0693c1.58984 -71.9404 -63.0596 -130.78 -135.02 -130.78h-91.1699 c-7.73047 0 -15.3799 0.389648 -22.9102 1.16016c-118.65 10.54 -214.05 101.899 -230.561 218.71c-2.69922 19.0996 12.6504 36.1299 31.9404 36.1299h34.2402c2.15039 -13.7656 8.48926 -35.2695 14.1494 -48h-29.2793c20.3896 -85.5303 94.9297 -151.14 183.76 -159.04 c6.55957 -0.660156 12.6299 -0.969727 18.6602 -0.969727h91.1699c23.7998 0 47.2695 10.04 64.3896 27.54c15.0303 15.3701 23.0703 34.6201 22.6406 54.1895c-0.510742 23.3301 -11.2305 40.3604 -20.1201 50.54l-11.8604 13.5703v71.6299l27.3301 13.0498 c23.0703 11.0205 42.8203 37.8301 34.9199 72.8906c-5.13965 22.7793 -23.7998 41.5693 -46.46 46.7695c-5.29004 1.20996 -10.5996 1.83008 -15.79 1.83008c-35.29 0 -64 -28.71 -64 -64v-128l-102.22 0.429688c-26.4102 0 -51.8604 4.90039 -75.2402 14.2705 c20.3799 -41.79 60.1396 -72.29 105.91 -77.4902c7.95996 -0.910156 13.8994 -7.75 13.8994 -15.7695v-16.0908c0 -9.51953 -8.2998 -17 -17.7695 -16.0098c-92.3701 9.62988 -164.58 93.3105 -164.58 188.021c0 11.4697 9.37988 19.0596 19.1602 19.0596 c4.87988 0 9.85938 -1.88965 13.8203 -6.13965c26.6094 -28.5205 65.7891 -42.2803 104.789 -42.2803h54.2305v80c0 61.8604 50.1396 112 112 112c8.65039 0 17.5303 -0.980469 26.5303 -3.0498c40.5693 -9.2998 73.3896 -42.3906 82.54 -83 c0.759766 -3.37012 0.899414 -6.62988 1.35938 -9.9502h65.5703c0 -61.8604 -50.1396 -112 -112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dungeon" unicode="&#xf6d9;" d="M512 152.57v-57.1406c0 -8.37012 -1.87012 -16.3096 -5.2002 -23.4297c3.33984 -7.12012 5.2002 -15.0596 5.2002 -23.4297v-57.1406c0 -30.5596 -24.8701 -55.4297 -55.4297 -55.4297h-401.141c-30.5596 0 -55.4297 24.8701 -55.4297 55.4297v57.1406 c0 8.37012 1.86035 16.3096 5.2002 23.4297c-3.33984 7.12012 -5.2002 15.0596 -5.2002 23.4297v57.1406v0.0605469c0 6.85742 2.38379 17.4521 5.32031 23.6494c-3.66016 7.89941 -5.4707 16.6299 -5.14062 25.3994c1.33008 35.2207 9.77051 69.2002 25.1006 101.021 c4.31934 8.96973 10.9697 16.4502 19.0195 21.8398c1.18457 8.13281 6.29688 19.9561 11.4102 26.3896c21.3398 26.8506 47.3604 48.8203 77.3496 65.3203c8.13086 4.46973 17.3301 6.83008 26.6201 6.83008c0.430664 0 0.870117 -0.00976562 1.31055 -0.0205078 c6.71973 7.04004 15.2295 12.2705 24.7197 14.9902c22.9697 6.60059 46.6201 9.9502 70.29 9.9502s47.3203 -3.34961 70.2695 -9.94043c9.5 -2.72949 18.0205 -7.95996 24.7402 -15c0.430664 0.0205078 0.870117 0.0205078 1.31055 0.0205078 c7.83496 -0.0078125 19.7695 -3.07129 26.6396 -6.83984c29.9805 -16.4902 56 -38.46 77.3301 -65.2998c6.12012 -7.7002 10.0098 -16.8301 11.4102 -26.4004c8.0498 -5.40039 14.7002 -12.8799 19.0195 -21.8496c15.3203 -31.8105 23.7705 -65.8008 25.0898 -101 c0.34082 -8.79004 -1.47949 -17.5205 -5.13965 -25.4209c3.41992 -7.18945 5.33008 -15.2295 5.33008 -23.6992zM112 -8.57031v57.1406c0 4.09961 -3.33008 7.42969 -7.42969 7.42969h-49.1406c-4.09961 0 -7.42969 -3.33008 -7.42969 -7.42969v-57.1406 c0 -4.09961 3.33008 -7.42969 7.42969 -7.42969h49.1406c4.09961 0 7.42969 3.33008 7.42969 7.42969zM112 95.4297v57.1406c0 4.09961 -3.33008 7.42969 -7.42969 7.42969h-49.1406c-4.09961 0 -7.42969 -3.33008 -7.42969 -7.42969v-57.1406 c0 -4.09961 3.33008 -7.42969 7.42969 -7.42969h49.1406c4.09961 0 7.42969 3.33008 7.42969 7.42969zM133.22 243.83c1.44043 3.34961 0.350586 7.16992 -2.73926 9.09961l-51.1104 31.9404c-1.25 0.780273 -2.66016 1.14941 -4.0498 1.14941 c-2.79004 0 -5.51074 -1.5 -6.80078 -4.16992c-12.0391 -24.9893 -19.2695 -52.71 -20.3691 -81.9893c-0.160156 -4.24023 3.40918 -7.86035 7.65918 -7.86035h59.4805c3.92969 0 6.96973 3.12012 7.19043 7.04004c0.889648 15.8604 4.75977 30.8701 10.7393 44.79z M150.16 276.94c2.08984 0 4.14941 0.90918 5.62012 2.58984c7.25 8.29297 20.7305 19.7393 30.0898 25.5498c3.04004 1.88965 4.37988 5.55957 3.07031 8.88965l-22.1006 56.2402c-1.17969 3.00977 -4.13965 4.86035 -7.16992 4.86035h-0.0244141 c-1.02246 0 -2.5791 -0.399414 -3.47559 -0.890625c-24.3496 -13.3994 -45.7002 -31.5 -62.8896 -53.1201c-2.77051 -3.48926 -1.76074 -8.75 2.01953 -11.1094l51.0703 -31.9199c1.18945 -0.740234 2.49023 -1.08984 3.79004 -1.08984zM208 -8v282.65 c-12.7803 -7.45996 -23.8398 -17.4805 -32 -29.7803v-252.87c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM272 -8v294.38c-5.23047 0.889648 -10.5195 1.62012 -16 1.62012s-10.7695 -0.730469 -16 -1.62012v-294.38c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16 c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM288.88 321.27c2.98047 0 5.79004 1.69043 6.91016 4.55078l22.04 56.0996c1.59961 4.08008 -0.589844 8.79004 -4.7998 10c-18.1299 5.20996 -37.2402 8.08008 -57.0303 8.08008s-38.9004 -2.87012 -57.0303 -8.08984 c-4.20996 -1.20996 -6.39941 -5.91992 -4.7998 -10l22.04 -56.0898c1.12012 -2.86035 3.92969 -4.56055 6.91016 -4.56055c0.649414 0 1.2998 0.0800781 1.9502 0.25c10.9199 2.79004 20.8994 4.2002 30.9199 4.2002c9.95996 0 19.96 -1.38965 30.9502 -4.2002 c0.639648 -0.160156 1.2998 -0.240234 1.93945 -0.240234zM336 -8v252.86c-8.16016 12.3096 -19.2197 22.3193 -32 29.7793v-282.64c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM361.84 276.94c1.29004 0 2.60059 0.349609 3.79004 1.09961l51.0703 31.9199 c3.78027 2.36035 4.79004 7.62012 2.01953 11.1104c-14.4102 18.1494 -42.585 41.9473 -62.8896 53.1201c-1.11035 0.609375 -2.31055 0.889648 -3.5 0.889648c-3.04004 0 -5.99023 -1.84961 -7.16992 -4.86035l-22.1006 -56.2393 c-1.30957 -3.33008 0.0302734 -7 3.07031 -8.89062c9.35742 -5.8125 22.8369 -17.2588 30.0898 -25.5498c1.48047 -1.69043 3.54004 -2.59961 5.62012 -2.59961zM389.52 199.04c0.220703 -3.91992 3.26074 -7.04004 7.18066 -7.04004h59.4902 c4.25 0 7.81934 3.62012 7.65918 7.86035c-1.09961 29.2793 -8.33008 57 -20.3691 81.9893c-1.29004 2.66992 -4.01074 4.16992 -6.80078 4.16992c-0.00488281 0 -0.0136719 0.000976562 -0.0185547 0.000976562c-1.20312 0 -3.00879 -0.515625 -4.03125 -1.15039 l-51.1104 -31.9404c-3.08984 -1.92969 -4.17969 -5.75 -2.73926 -9.09961c5.97949 -13.9199 9.84961 -28.9404 10.7393 -44.79zM464 -8.57031v57.1406c0 4.09961 -3.33008 7.42969 -7.42969 7.42969h-49.1406c-4.09961 0 -7.42969 -3.33008 -7.42969 -7.42969v-57.1406 c0 -4.09961 3.33008 -7.42969 7.42969 -7.42969h49.1406c4.09961 0 7.42969 3.33008 7.42969 7.42969zM464 95.4297v57.1406c0 4.09961 -3.33008 7.42969 -7.42969 7.42969h-49.1406c-4.09961 0 -7.42969 -3.33008 -7.42969 -7.42969v-57.1406 c0 -4.09961 3.33008 -7.42969 7.42969 -7.42969h49.1406c4.09961 0 7.42969 3.33008 7.42969 7.42969z" /> <glyph glyph-name="eye-evil" unicode="&#xf6db;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M610.12 230.53c17.8799 -4.73047 29.8799 -20.2207 29.8799 -38.5303s-12 -33.7998 -29.8799 -38.54l-94.4697 -25.0801c14.9092 -23.3301 41.2197 -64.5303 41.2197 -64.5303c9.12012 -14.3594 8.17969 -32.1992 -2.41016 -45.4795 c-10.96 -13.8105 -29.6504 -19.1299 -46.6201 -13.0801l-101.62 36.0498c-3.96973 -1.7002 -8.0293 -3.30957 -12.1895 -4.80957l-36.75 -77.1201c-6.87012 -14.4404 -21.1602 -23.4102 -37.2803 -23.4102s-30.4102 8.96973 -37.29 23.4102l-36.75 77.1201 c-4.16016 1.5 -8.21973 3.10938 -12.1904 4.80957l-101.619 -36.0596c-16.9004 -5.99023 -35.6201 -0.740234 -46.6201 13.0898c-10.6006 13.2803 -11.5303 31.1299 -2.44043 45.4395c0.0302734 0.0302734 26.3398 41.25 41.25 64.5801l-94.5 25.0801 c-17.8398 4.73047 -29.8398 20.2207 -29.8398 38.5303s12 33.7998 29.8701 38.5303l94.5303 25.0898c-14.9707 23.3604 -41.2803 64.5 -41.2803 64.5c-9.12012 14.3799 -8.17969 32.2197 2.41992 45.5c11 13.7803 29.6797 19.0996 46.6201 13.0801l101.62 -36.04 c3.96973 1.7002 8.0293 3.30957 12.1895 4.80957l36.75 77.1406c6.87012 14.4395 21.1602 23.3896 37.2803 23.3896s30.4102 -8.9502 37.2803 -23.3799l36.75 -77.1602c4.16016 -1.5 8.21973 -3.11035 12.1895 -4.80957l101.62 36.0596 c16.96 5.92969 35.6201 0.719727 46.6201 -13.0898c10.5996 -13.2803 11.5303 -31.1299 2.44043 -45.4404c-0.0302734 -0.0400391 -26.3408 -41.1992 -41.3105 -64.5596zM486.31 170.27l81.8809 21.7305l-81.8906 21.7305l-5 6.66992 c-4.12012 5.5 -8.68945 11.2393 -13.8096 17.1592l-12.0898 13.8809l10.2793 15.2695c1.44043 2.21973 23.6602 36.9102 38.1904 59.6602l-100.25 -35.5605l-9.06055 4.41016c-7.71973 3.78027 -16.1299 7.10059 -24.9395 9.83008l-10.0303 3.12012l-39.5898 83.1104 l-39.5898 -83.1006l-10.0303 -3.12012c-8.82031 -2.73926 -17.2197 -6.0498 -24.9395 -9.8291l-9.06055 -4.41016l-100.25 35.5596c14.5303 -22.7295 36.7803 -57.4697 38.2803 -59.7803l10 -15.2197l-11.9102 -13.7998 c-5.12012 -5.92969 -9.69043 -11.6602 -13.8096 -17.1602l-5 -6.66992l-81.8809 -21.75l81.8809 -21.75l5 -6.66992c4.08984 -5.48047 8.65918 -11.21 13.7793 -17.1201l11.9404 -13.7695l-10.0303 -15.2002c-1.33984 -2.03027 -23.6895 -37.0098 -38.2803 -59.8906 l100.28 35.5801l9.06055 -4.41016c7.71973 -3.7793 16.1299 -7.09961 24.9395 -9.8291l10.0303 -3.12012l39.5898 -83.0898l39.5996 83.1191l10.0303 3.12012c8.82031 2.74023 17.2197 6.0498 24.9404 9.83008l9.05957 4.41016l100.28 -35.5801 c-14.5898 22.8701 -36.9697 57.8701 -38.3105 59.9502l-9.87988 15.1699l11.8105 13.7305c3.97754 4.58496 10.1504 12.2539 13.7793 17.1191zM344.21 225.98c20.8203 3 39.6904 9.75977 55.5898 19.3291c10.21 -15.25 16.2002 -33.5791 16.2002 -53.3096 c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96s-96 42.9805 -96 96c0 19.7305 5.99023 38.0596 16.2002 53.3096c15.9102 -9.56934 34.7695 -16.3291 55.5898 -19.3291c-4.41992 -9.25 -7.79004 -20.4102 -7.79004 -33.9805c0 -42.6699 32 -64 32 -64s32 21.3301 32 64 c0 13.5703 -3.37988 24.7305 -7.79004 33.9805z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fist-raised" unicode="&#xf6de;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 267.67c28.9404 -20.2695 48 -53.7295 48 -91.6699v-48v-0.00292969c0 -32.9219 -18.8926 -78.5361 -42.1699 -101.817l-37.8301 -37.8301v-36.3496c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v56.2402l51.8799 51.8799 c18.0098 18 28.1201 42.4199 28.1201 67.8799v48c0 35.3496 -28.6504 64 -64 64h-80.1504c-8.7793 0 -15.8994 -7.12012 -15.8994 -15.9004v-0.739258c0 -26.1602 21.2002 -47.3604 47.3594 -47.3604h16.6807c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16.8496 c0 -8.05078 -5.98047 -14.9902 -13.9805 -15.8506c-36.5596 -3.91016 -54.0195 -24.5801 -83.2998 -68.4902c-5.92969 -8.89941 -17.96 -11.3096 -26.8701 -5.36914l-7.68945 5.11914c-8.91016 5.93066 -11.3203 17.96 -5.38086 26.8701 c16.0303 24.0205 31.2207 44.5898 49.5 60.2002c-4.34961 3.10059 -8.53906 6.46973 -12.3896 10.3301c-8.71973 8.73047 -15.4395 18.8896 -20.1602 29.9805c-9.0293 -6.24023 -19.9395 -9.94043 -31.7197 -9.94043h-24c-11.9102 0 -22.9102 3.7998 -32 10.1699 c-9.08984 -6.37012 -20.0898 -10.1699 -32 -10.1699h-24c-2.74023 0 -5.37012 0.429688 -8 0.80957v-59.79c0 -27.3594 11.0898 -54.1797 30.4697 -73.5391l33.5303 -33.54v-57.9404c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v38.0703 l-19.5098 19.5195c-28.4902 28.4902 -44.4902 67.1406 -44.4902 107.43v210.98c0 30.9297 25.0703 56 56 56h24c4.40039 0 8.63965 -0.629883 12.75 -1.59961c8.66016 19.7393 28.3496 33.5996 51.25 33.5996h24c4.40039 0 8.63965 -0.629883 12.75 -1.59961 c8.66016 19.7393 28.3496 33.5996 51.25 33.5996h24c22.9004 0 42.5898 -13.8604 51.25 -33.5996c4.11035 0.969727 8.34961 1.59961 12.75 1.59961h24c30.9297 0 56 -25.0703 56 -56v-92.3301zM80 224c4.41016 0 8 3.58984 8 8v96c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-24 c-4.41016 0 -8 -3.58984 -8 -8v-96c0 -4.41016 3.58984 -8 8 -8h24zM176 232v128c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-24c-4.41016 0 -8 -3.58984 -8 -8v-128c0 -4.41016 3.58984 -8 8 -8h24c4.41016 0 8 3.58984 8 8zM224 279.13c9.44043 5.49023 20.2695 8.87012 31.9697 8.87012 h8.03027v104c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-24c-4.41016 0 -8 -3.58984 -8 -8v-112.87zM312 288h24c5.48047 0 10.7305 -0.860352 16 -1.62012v73.6201c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-24c-4.41016 0 -8 -3.58984 -8 -8v-72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ghost" unicode="&#xf6e2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 448c106.04 0 192 -85.96 192 -192v-271.97c0 -9.64062 -7.90039 -16.0303 -16.1201 -16.0303c-3.92969 0 -7.93945 1.45996 -11.2002 4.71973l-24.9199 18.5303c-2.3457 1.74414 -6.62109 3.16016 -9.54492 3.16016c-3.96973 0 -9.33008 -2.41016 -11.9648 -5.37988 l-42.9502 -48.3506c-3.12012 -3.12988 -7.21973 -4.68945 -11.3096 -4.68945s-8.19043 1.56934 -11.3105 4.68945l-40.7197 45.8506c-3.17969 3.58984 -7.57031 5.37988 -11.96 5.37988s-8.78027 -1.7998 -11.96 -5.37988l-40.7197 -45.8506 c-3.12012 -3.12988 -7.2207 -4.68945 -11.3105 -4.68945s-8.18945 1.56934 -11.3096 4.68945l-42.9502 48.3506c-3.15039 3.5498 -7.54004 5.37988 -11.9697 5.37988c-3.33008 0 -6.68066 -1.04004 -9.54004 -3.16016l-24.9199 -18.5303 c-3.26074 -3.25977 -7.27051 -4.71973 -11.2002 -4.71973c-8.23047 0 -16.1201 6.38965 -16.1201 16.0303v263.92c0 105.13 81.0098 196.81 186.09 199.96c1.98047 0.0595703 3.9502 0.0898438 5.91016 0.0898438zM336 40.9297v215.07c0 79.4004 -64.5996 144 -144 144 l-4.48047 -0.0703125c-76.9297 -2.30957 -139.529 -70.4893 -139.529 -151.979v-207.021c4.47949 0.980469 9.08984 1.48047 13.7695 1.48047c15.8711 -0.00390625 37.3125 -9.63086 47.8604 -21.4902l18.3799 -20.6895l16.1504 18.1797 c12.1396 13.6602 29.5801 21.5 47.8496 21.5s35.7197 -7.83984 47.8496 -21.5l16.1504 -18.1797l18.3701 20.6797c12.1396 13.6699 29.5801 21.5 47.8604 21.5c4.67969 0 9.28906 -0.5 13.7695 -1.48047zM128 288c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM256 288c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hammer" unicode="&#xf6e3;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M571.31 254.06c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0.0205078 -22.6299l-113.14 -113.14c-6.26074 -6.25 -16.3809 -6.24023 -22.6309 0l-22.6191 22.6299c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3096 11.3105l-28.9102 28.8994 c-5.46973 -1.43945 -11.0898 -2.16992 -16.7002 -2.16992c-8.0293 0 -16.0498 1.52051 -23.6094 4.52051l-230.92 -247.341c-14.1504 -15.1494 -33.2705 -22.7695 -52.4199 -22.7695c-18.3203 0 -36.6602 6.96973 -50.6904 21 c-28.6797 28.6797 -27.8799 75.4297 1.76953 103.11l247.57 231.13c-2.87988 7.35938 -4.5 15.2197 -4.5 23.2695v18.75l-67.8799 67.8799c31.2402 31.2402 72.1904 46.8604 113.14 46.8604c40.9502 0 81.8906 -15.6201 113.131 -46.8604l45.25 -45.25 c16.71 -16.71 21.9795 -40.2998 16.3496 -61.6094l28.9102 -28.9004l11.3096 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.23926 22.6299 0zM89.0195 -8.46973l228.521 244.77l-17.2402 17.2402l-244.77 -228.521c-9.03027 -8.41992 -10.7998 -23.8594 -0.589844 -34.0791 c8.71973 -8.7207 24.2197 -9.9707 34.0791 0.589844zM469.49 197.49l22.6396 22.6396l-59.7402 59.7305l7.05078 26.6895c0.55957 2.14062 1.94922 9.56055 -3.89062 15.4004l-45.25 45.25c-21.1602 21.1494 -49.2803 32.7998 -79.2002 32.7998 c-13.04 0 -25.7295 -2.20996 -37.6592 -6.45996l40.3994 -40.4004v-38.6396c0 -4.20996 1.70996 -8.33008 4.69043 -11.3096l49.1396 -49.1406c0.280273 -0.269531 5.90039 -6.39941 15.4004 -3.87988l26.6797 7.0498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-holding-magic" unicode="&#xf6e5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M551.94 135.97c15.8896 -13.5098 24.6396 -33.0293 24.0195 -53.5693c-0.620117 -20.5801 -10.5098 -39.5508 -27.1104 -52.0303l-100.81 -75.9102c-15.9102 -11.9795 -35.29 -18.46 -55.21 -18.46h-376.83c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16 h376.51c9.7207 0 19.1602 3.16016 26.9199 9l100.561 75.71c10.1299 7.62012 10.9199 22.1396 0.870117 30.6797c-7.93066 6.73047 -20.1504 6.2207 -28.4199 0l-61.29 -46.1494c-7.76074 -5.83984 -17.2207 -9 -26.9307 -9h-134.46 c-7.59961 0 -13.7598 6.16016 -13.7598 13.7598v0.0800781c0 7.59961 6.16016 13.7598 13.7598 13.7598h59.7598c30.2109 0 29 40.1602 1.14062 40.1602h-144c-17.9805 0 -35.4102 -5.82031 -49.3701 -16.4805l-41.2705 -31.5195h-80.0195c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h63.79l28.3799 21.6699c22.2402 16.9805 50.1201 26.3301 78.5 26.3301h144c38.6904 0 69.0303 -29.7305 69.2002 -67.7598h3.26953l60.4307 45.5c19.0195 14.3193 57.2598 24.6602 88.3701 -1.77051zM224 256c-46.8799 0 -88 41.1201 -88 88v16 c0 48.5303 39.4697 88 88 88h144c48.5303 0 88 -39.4697 88 -88v-34.7197c-0.530273 -69.5605 -57.9404 -127.511 -131.28 -133.28l38.8105 38.2803c28.6895 28.2793 44.4697 62.5596 44.4697 96.5v33.2197c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40h-144 c-22.0596 0 -40 -17.9404 -40 -40v-16c0 -18.5 17.4697 -40 40 -40h41.6904c41.5 0 70.2197 12.8203 86.3096 22.7998c-8.03027 -40.3193 -43.6904 -70.7998 -86.3096 -70.7998h-41.6904z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hanukiah" unicode="&#xf6e6;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M456 288h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-128h-32v128c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM320 368c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699s24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM544 280v-128h-32v128c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8zM616 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9404 -24 26.6699c0 14.7197 24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.6104 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM392 288h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-128h-32v128c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM104 288h16 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-128h-32v128c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM24 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9404 -24 26.6699c0 14.7197 24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.6104 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM624 288c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-118.22 c0 -49.5801 -40.1904 -89.7803 -89.7803 -89.7803h-206.22v-80h184c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h184v80h-206.22c-49.5801 0 -89.7803 40.2002 -89.7803 89.7803 v118.22c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-118.22c0 -23.0703 18.71 -41.7803 41.7803 -41.7803h206.22v208c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-208h206.22c23.0703 0 41.7803 18.71 41.7803 41.7803v118.22 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16zM168 288h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-128h-32v128c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM232 288h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-128h-32v128c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM112 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699s24 53.3301 24 53.3301 s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM176 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699s24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM240 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699 s24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM400 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699s24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM464 320 c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699s24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699zM528 320c-13.25 0 -24 11.9502 -24 26.6699s24 53.3301 24 53.3301s24 -38.5996 24 -53.3301c0 -14.7295 -10.75 -26.6699 -24 -26.6699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-witch" unicode="&#xf6e7;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M572 14.9404c5.91992 -6.70996 5.24023 -17.2402 -1.84961 -22.71c-47.2305 -36.3701 -105.49 -56.2305 -165.771 -56.2305h-232.75c-60.2803 0 -118.55 19.8604 -165.78 56.2305c-7.09961 5.45996 -7.76953 16 -1.84961 22.71l10.46 11.8594 c5.58008 6.31055 14.9404 6.86035 21.6504 1.75977c11.0801 -8.40918 23.0195 -15.3994 35.3701 -21.5596l120.859 265.16c12.54 28.2197 33.3398 51.2295 59.6699 66.2598l166.83 103.26c7.24023 4.12988 15.4697 6.32031 23.7998 6.32031 c12.8301 0 24.8906 -4.99023 34.2207 -14.3203l69.0801 -72.3799c12.9395 -12.9395 17.3799 -31.7598 11.3096 -49.9102l-30.3604 -77.2393l-16.1299 -41.0303l-13.9395 41.8203l-14.04 42.1191c-2.18066 6.54004 -8.28027 10.9404 -15.1807 10.9404h-39.1992h-0.0146484 c-6.36426 0 -13.1582 -4.90137 -15.166 -10.9404l-6.34961 -19.04c-3.71973 -11.1592 -3.20996 -23.2598 1.33008 -33.8691l96.7197 -216.971c12.21 6.12012 24.0098 13.0605 34.96 21.3799c6.70996 5.09082 16.0801 4.55078 21.6504 -1.75977zM208 -16.8799v48.8799 h-72.3701l-18.8496 -41.3701c17.8398 -4.49023 36.1201 -7.50977 54.8496 -7.50977h36.3701zM320 -16v64h-64v-64h64zM330 96c12.5898 0 23.2197 -6.5498 30.1396 -16h59.7705l-55.5498 124.6c-9.45996 22.0605 -10.46 46.2705 -3.02051 68.6006l6.35059 19.04 c8.02539 24.1553 35.1982 43.7598 60.6523 43.7598h0.0576172h39.1992h0.0712891c13.0635 0 31.709 -6.9082 41.6191 -15.4199l2.67969 6.80957l-69.3193 72.6006l-165.37 -102.38c-18.8398 -10.79 -32.71 -26.1299 -41.0703 -44.9404l-78.7002 -172.67h58.3506 c6.91992 9.4502 17.5498 16 30.1396 16h84zM404.37 -16.8799c18.8994 0 37.3301 3.05957 55.3203 7.62988l-18.3906 41.25h-73.2998v-48.8799h36.3701z" /> <glyph glyph-name="head-side" unicode="&#xf6e9;" d="M352 256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32zM509.21 173c9.40039 -21.1602 -6.08984 -45 -29.25 -45h-31.96v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-32v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96h80c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16v112h56.2197c-6.10938 16.21 -12.4199 34.8096 -18.9697 54.1299c-12.3203 36.3301 -29.1797 86.0898 -40.3799 102c-29.9004 42.5 -78.79 67.8701 -130.78 67.8701h-67.0996 c-55.8799 0 -109.79 -28.7803 -135.13 -78.5801c-30.9199 -60.7803 -14.75 -130.4 32.1895 -172.5l15.9502 -14.3096v-182.61c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v161.18c-40.9004 36.6807 -66.1299 90.4902 -63.8604 150.271 c3.98047 104.47 95.3301 184.55 199.87 184.55h66.0801c68.4697 0 131.59 -33.5996 170.04 -88.25c24.6396 -35.0195 52.1396 -139.63 73.0801 -186.75z" /> <glyph glyph-name="head-vr" unicode="&#xf6ea;" d="M398.34 400h81.6602c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-192c-28.4502 0 -53.7402 12.6201 -71.3203 32.2803c-0.259766 -0.0205078 -0.410156 -0.280273 -0.679688 -0.280273h-184c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v64 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h6.16016c36.9502 48.71 96.71 80 161.85 80h66.0801c49.3701 0 95.7305 -17.7197 132.25 -48zM193.61 288c-0.879883 5.23047 -1.61035 10.5195 -1.61035 16s0.730469 10.7695 1.61035 16h-145.61v-32h145.61zM216 368 c0.269531 0 0.419922 -0.259766 0.679688 -0.280273c15.8799 17.7607 38.1299 29.3506 63.2705 31.4707c-4.60059 0.40918 -9.2002 0.80957 -13.8604 0.80957h-67.0996c-34.6904 0 -68.1504 -11.6396 -94.9199 -32h111.93zM384 256v96h-96c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48 s21.5303 -48 48 -48h96zM464 256v96h-32v-96h32zM56.5 208c8.00977 -22.3896 21.4102 -42.8203 39.5498 -59.0801l15.9502 -14.3096v-182.61c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v161.18 c-27.7197 24.8604 -47.9697 57.7002 -57.6104 94.8203h50.1104zM507.99 176c0.389648 -0.919922 0.819336 -2.12012 1.20996 -3c9.41016 -21.1602 -6.08008 -45 -29.2402 -45h-31.96v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-32v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96h80c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16v112h107.99z" /> <glyph glyph-name="helmet-battle" unicode="&#xf6eb;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M32.0098 192c-20.8096 0 -36.0898 17.1602 -31.04 34.8701l63.0303 221.13v-227.94c0 -15.5 -14.3203 -28.0596 -31.9902 -28.0596zM575.03 226.87c5.0498 -17.71 -10.2305 -34.8701 -31.04 -34.8701c-17.6699 0 -31.9902 12.5596 -31.9902 28.0596v227.94zM480 237.18 c0 -82.7598 22.8604 -145.899 31.1504 -180.71c3.42969 -14.4297 -3.59082 -29.3701 -16.3203 -35.2393l-161.54 -78.7607c-8.74023 -4.25977 -18.3301 -6.46973 -28.0498 -6.46973h-34.46h-0.00683594c-8.15234 0 -20.7158 2.89844 -28.043 6.46973l-161.54 78.7607 c-12.7305 5.86914 -19.75 20.8096 -16.3203 35.2393c8.26953 34.8105 31.1299 97.9502 31.1299 180.71c0 120.471 192 210.82 192 210.82s192 -90.3496 192 -210.82zM312 -14.5l149.12 72.71c-0.770508 2.80957 -1.58008 5.77051 -2.42969 8.84961 c-10.6309 38.5801 -26.6904 96.8906 -26.6904 170.12c0 63.4404 -91.8799 127.71 -144 156.761c-52.1201 -29.0508 -144 -93.3203 -144 -156.761c0 -73.2295 -16.0596 -131.54 -26.6904 -170.13c-0.849609 -3.08984 -1.65918 -6.04004 -2.42969 -8.85938l149.12 -72.6904 v174.5l-88 32v32h224v-32l-88 -32v-174.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hiking" unicode="&#xf6ec;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M114.13 195.92c-4.41016 -17.0703 -22.4502 -30.0596 -42.6494 -25.2998l-44.4102 10.6396c-19.4102 4.68066 -30.8398 23.9902 -25.9404 42.6904l17.6201 68.46c10.9697 42 55.3496 67.5303 98.1904 57.2803c16.5996 -4 31.5293 -21.3809 25.9395 -42.6904z M70.8203 220.14l21.6299 83.5205c-12.9102 -1.83008 -23.9404 -10.6904 -27.2197 -23.2803l-14.2803 -55.4697zM368 288c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-320.01c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v248h-48 c-6.90039 0 -13.5 2.99023 -18.0596 8.18945l-32.1602 36.75l-24.5498 -96.21l50.3691 -50.3799c10.6006 -10.5703 16.4102 -24.6396 16.4102 -39.5898v-98.75c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24v98.75c0 2.11035 -0.839844 4.16016 -2.33984 5.66016 l-73.8096 73.8096c-13.8799 13.8906 -19.5 34.2607 -14.7207 53.2305l22.5303 90.0801c5.62988 22.6396 25.8799 38.4697 49.25 38.4697c13.5303 0 26.2803 -5.25977 35.8701 -14.8398l50.0898 -57.1602h37.1201v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16zM121.87 130.4 c3.33984 -5.20996 6.87988 -10.3408 11.3398 -14.8008l27.5498 -27.5498l-33.4697 -133.88c-2.71973 -10.8896 -12.5 -18.1699 -23.25 -18.1699c-1.92969 0 -3.90039 0.240234 -5.83984 0.719727c-12.8799 3.2207 -20.6904 16.25 -17.4697 29.1104zM239.99 352 c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hockey-mask" unicode="&#xf6ee;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M192 32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM192 96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM272 336c-8.83008 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16 s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM176 336c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM192 160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM256 32 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM256 160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM256 96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM224 320c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM376.61 393.54c64.0293 -56.04 102.399 -169.98 38.7598 -361.54c-31.9004 -96 -191.37 -96 -191.37 -96s-159.47 0 -191.37 96 c-63.6396 191.56 -25.2695 305.5 38.7598 361.54c41.4805 36.3096 97.04 54.46 152.61 54.46c55.5596 0 111.13 -18.1504 152.61 -54.46zM369.81 47.1299c47.21 142.08 38.1602 255.17 -24.8193 310.3c-30.9102 27.0508 -75.0098 42.5703 -120.99 42.5703 s-90.0801 -15.5195 -120.99 -42.5703c-62.9795 -55.1299 -72.0293 -168.22 -24.8193 -310.3c17.4092 -52.4199 119.439 -63.1299 145.81 -63.1299c32.3604 0.160156 128.86 12.0898 145.81 63.1299zM200 240c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32zM280 272h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="house-damage" unicode="&#xf6f1;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.05 224c3.40039 -2.7998 3.90039 -7.7998 1.29004 -11.2002l-20.3096 -24.7998c-2.7998 -3.40039 -7.90039 -3.90039 -11.2998 -1.09961l-30.7705 27.3301v-262.23c0 -8.7998 -7.15039 -16 -15.9502 -16h-170.67l-42.6396 85.2803 c-5.41016 10.8301 -1.91016 23.9795 8.16016 30.7002l74.2598 49.4795l-68.9502 86.1201v-59.5801v-0.0185547c0 -7.08789 -4.78906 -16.0254 -10.6895 -19.9512l-79.8301 -53.2002l47.5498 -118.83h-173.38c-8.80078 0 -16.1104 7.2002 -16.1104 16v262.14 l-30.2803 -27.6699c-3.5 -2.7998 -8.5 -2.2998 -11.2998 1.10059l-20.3096 24.7998c-2.80078 3.5 -2.30078 8.5 1.09961 11.2998l259.59 215.26c14.71 12.1006 36.0098 12.1006 50.7207 0l150.67 -123.399v60.5c0 4.39941 3.59961 8 8 8h32.0195c4.40039 0 8 -3.60059 8 -8 v-99.7998zM463.8 -16v269.53l-170.99 140c-2.88965 2.39941 -7.19922 2.39941 -10.0996 0l-170.97 -140v-269.53h70.5293l-28.4492 71.0996c-4.23047 10.5303 -0.470703 22.5703 8.96973 28.8701l85.3604 56.8701v115.16c0 10.1904 6.43945 19.2598 16.0693 22.6396 c9.57031 3.41016 20.3203 0.300781 26.7002 -7.63965l128.07 -160c4.18945 -5.26953 6 -12.0303 4.96973 -18.6904c-0.896484 -5.75684 -5.55957 -13.0508 -10.4102 -16.2793l-78.4199 -52.25l19.9102 -39.7803h108.76z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hryvnia" unicode="&#xf6f2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 208h-116.34l-30.6699 -32h147.01c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-193.01l-37.71 -39.3398c-5.89062 -6.16016 -9.28027 -15.21 -9.28027 -24.7998c0 -17.2705 11.2197 -31.8604 24.5 -31.8604h73.8896 c6.81836 0.000976562 16.4502 3.71875 21.5 8.2998l22.7705 20.6602c6.54004 5.94043 16.6602 5.44043 22.5996 -1.09961l21.5 -23.71c5.94043 -6.54004 5.44043 -16.6602 -1.09961 -22.6006l-22.7705 -20.6494c-17.6699 -16.0205 -40.6592 -24.9004 -64.5098 -24.9004 h-73.8799c-48.7998 0 -88.5 43 -88.5 95.8604c0 23.7695 8.59961 46.6201 23.2197 64.1396h-71.2197c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h116.34l30.6699 32h-147.01c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h193.01 l37.71 39.3398c5.89062 6.16016 9.28027 15.21 9.28027 24.7998c0 17.2705 -11.2197 31.8604 -24.5 31.8604h-73.8496c-7.95996 0 -15.6406 -2.95996 -21.54 -8.30957l-22.7607 -20.6406c-6.54004 -5.93945 -16.6592 -5.43945 -22.5996 1.10059l-21.5 23.6992 c-5.94043 6.55078 -5.44043 16.6602 1.09961 22.6006l22.7803 20.6602c17.6602 16.0195 40.6504 24.8896 64.4902 24.8896h73.8799c48.7998 0 88.5 -43 88.5 -95.8604c0 -23.7695 -8.59961 -46.6201 -23.2197 -64.1396h71.2197c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="key-skeleton" unicode="&#xf6f3;" d="M313.5 294.73c12.4902 12.4893 32.7402 12.4893 45.2305 0c12.4893 -12.4902 12.4893 -32.7402 0 -45.2305c-12.4902 -12.4902 -32.7402 -12.4902 -45.2305 0s-12.4902 32.7402 0 45.2305zM377.46 358.69c12.4902 12.4893 32.7402 12.4893 45.2305 0 c12.4893 -12.4902 12.4893 -32.7402 0 -45.2305c-12.4902 -12.4902 -32.7402 -12.4902 -45.2305 0s-12.4902 32.7402 0 45.2305zM448.04 448c35.3301 0 63.96 -28.6396 63.9404 -63.96v-159.89c0 -35.3203 -28.6406 -63.96 -63.9609 -63.96h-159.89h-0.0673828 c-7.1582 0 -18.3145 2.27051 -24.9023 5.06934l-50.8105 -50.8096l39.1201 -39.1201c6.24023 -6.24023 6.24023 -16.3701 0 -22.6104l-15.7598 -15.7598c-6.24023 -6.25 -16.3701 -6.25 -22.6104 0l-39.1191 39.1201l-30.8604 -30.8604l38.3096 -38.3096 c6.24023 -6.24023 6.24023 -16.3701 0 -22.6104l-43.1299 -43.1299c-6.24023 -6.24023 -16.3701 -6.24023 -22.6094 0l-38.3105 38.3105l-38.79 -38.79c-6.24023 -6.24023 -16.3701 -6.24023 -22.6094 0l-11.3008 11.2998c-6.23926 6.24023 -6.23926 16.3701 0 22.6094 l224.58 224.58c-3.25977 7.66992 -5.06934 16.1104 -5.06934 24.9707v159.89c0 35.3203 28.6396 63.96 63.96 63.96h159.89zM464.03 224.15v159.89c0 8.82031 -7.16992 15.9902 -15.9902 15.9902h-159.89c-8.82031 0 -15.9902 -7.16992 -15.9902 -15.9902v-159.89 c0 -8.82031 7.16992 -15.9902 15.9902 -15.9902h159.89c8.82031 0 15.9902 7.16992 15.9902 15.9902z" /> <glyph glyph-name="knife-kitchen" unicode="&#xf6f5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M566.28 359.43l-118.28 -119.43v-80l8.88965 -8.87988c12.6807 -12.6797 12.46 -33.3203 -0.489258 -45.7305l-104.4 -100.04c-51.0703 -49.1592 -125.66 -69.3496 -201.49 -69.3496c-48.1396 0 -96.79 8.13965 -140.22 22.1699 c-10.9102 3.53027 -13.7803 17.7305 -5.53027 25.6904l315.23 304.14l164.14 150.63c12.96 12.5 33.9805 12.5 46.9404 0l35.21 -33.9502c12.96 -12.4893 12.96 -32.75 0 -45.25zM496 384c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16s7.16016 -16 16 -16s16 7.16016 16 16 s-7.16016 16 -16 16zM318.71 39.9297l92.6797 88.8008l-91.9893 91.9893l-238.96 -230.55c23.2793 -4.07031 46.9092 -6.16992 70.0693 -6.16992c70.9902 0 130.73 19.8604 168.2 55.9297zM432 288c8.83008 0 16 7.16016 16 16s-7.16016 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16016 -16 -16 s7.16016 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="leaf-maple" unicode="&#xf6f6;" d="M457.73 146.87c17.4297 -15.3799 37.96 -29.4902 37.96 -61.7197c0 -31.5303 -19.1309 -45.1006 -37.9502 -61.71c9.70996 -45.6709 -31.9199 -83.6406 -74.0898 -74.21l-96.6006 19.9297c-10.7998 -20.3105 -31.9502 -33.1602 -55.2402 -33.1602h-0.0419922 c-22.7744 0 -48.5283 16.9922 -57.4873 37.9297l-30.7207 71.6904l-102.59 -102.59c-4.68945 -4.69043 -10.8096 -7.03027 -16.9697 -7.03027s-12.2803 2.33984 -16.9697 7.03027c-9.37012 9.37988 -9.37012 24.5596 0 33.9395l102.59 102.58l-71.6904 30.7305 c-23.04 9.87012 -37.9297 32.4502 -37.9297 57.5195v0.0410156c0 20.7344 14.8555 45.4688 33.1602 55.209l-19.7803 95.8906c-4.12988 18.6299 0.330078 37.8398 12.2598 52.71c11.96 14.9092 29.7402 23.46 48.7803 23.46c4.36035 0 8.73047 -0.459961 13.0205 -1.37012 l13.8291 15.6602c11.9209 14.1895 29.2803 22.29 47.8809 22.29c18.5898 0 35.96 -8.10059 47.8799 -22.2803l13.8301 -15.6699c4.2998 0.910156 8.65918 1.37012 13.0195 1.37012h0.0556641c5.1123 0 13.2324 -1.20508 18.124 -2.69043l16.9307 26.5996 c11.5498 18.1504 31.29 28.9805 52.7998 28.9805c22.2002 0 42.2598 -11.3604 53.6504 -30.3604l2.94922 -4.91992c12.8008 0.879883 48.7402 5.28027 51.0303 5.28027c17.7598 0 34.75 -7.59961 46.6104 -20.8604c8.79785 -9.84766 15.9385 -28.5566 15.9385 -41.7627 c0 -1.90332 -0.169922 -4.98438 -0.378906 -6.87695l-4.89941 -44.0801l4.91992 -2.9502c18.7393 -11.25 30.0898 -31 30.3799 -52.8496c0.290039 -21.8506 -10.5498 -41.8896 -28.9805 -53.6201l-26.5898 -16.9297c3.0498 -9.99023 3.5498 -20.6807 1.31055 -31.2002z M442.22 73.7695c7.29004 5.84082 7.29004 16.9307 -0.00976562 22.7803l-43.1797 38.1104l11.6201 21.6396c2.35938 9.43066 -4.91992 18.1299 -14.0801 18.1299c-2.51074 0 1.39941 0.820312 -57.7705 -14.3096l118.44 75.3604 c9.13965 5.81934 8.96973 19.2295 -0.330078 24.8096l-31.3301 18.7998l8.2998 74.6904c0.419922 3.76953 -2.03027 17.7002 -16.0996 16.1094l-74.6904 -8.2998l-18.7998 31.3301c-2.83008 4.70996 -7.66992 7.08008 -12.5098 7.08008 c-4.70996 0 -9.43066 -2.24023 -12.2998 -6.75l-75.3701 -118.45l13.9492 54.54c2.43066 10.9297 -7.60938 19.8506 -17.7695 17.3105l-21.6396 -11.6201l-38.1104 43.1797c-2.91992 3.65039 -7.15039 5.46973 -11.3896 5.46973 c-4.24023 0 -8.4707 -1.81934 -11.3906 -5.46973l-38.1094 -43.1797l-21.6406 11.6201c-9.91992 2.48926 -20.2598 -6.09082 -17.7695 -17.3105l27.7998 -134.76l-31.2002 -13.3701c-11.7803 -5.0498 -11.7803 -21.7598 0 -26.8096l89.3398 -38.29l124.851 124.87 c9.37988 9.37988 24.5693 9.37988 33.9395 0c9.37012 -9.38086 9.37012 -24.5605 0 -33.9404l-124.859 -124.86l38.29 -89.3301c2.5293 -5.88965 7.96973 -8.83984 13.4092 -8.83984c5.44043 0 10.8701 2.9502 13.4004 8.83984l13.3701 31.2002 c146.37 -30.1895 135.78 -28.1602 137.99 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35.3105l46.8105 46.8398c-12.6396 25.21 -13.3398 57.8301 -1.03027 91.8896 c0.469727 1.35059 0.780273 6.56055 -1.33984 14.2002c-1.87012 6.75 -4.5498 13.2998 -7.16992 19.8604c-3.81055 9.44922 -7.7002 19.21 -10.2305 30.0898c-3.45996 15.1699 -3.13965 32.5996 0.94043 47.8096c5.33984 19.9404 18.6797 35.6699 36.5801 43.1406 c9.5498 3.95996 19.8701 5.37988 30.1895 4.43945c-3.35938 25.5703 -5.5791 55.2803 10.9502 84.1201c11.79 20.6904 29.4102 34.2998 49.5498 38.29c18.3105 3.58984 37.6709 -0.870117 55.2607 -12.6904c2.89941 5.05078 5.79004 9.99023 8.81934 14.8604 c6.08008 9.88965 11.6602 19.0098 20.0205 26.7705c15.8994 14.75 36.2598 21.6494 57.25 19.3291c21.3594 -2.31934 40.9697 -14.2598 53.8203 -32.75c2 -2.89941 3.95996 -5.85938 5.70996 -8.89941c47.6797 11.71 74.8398 -7.48047 87.0293 -20.3906 c12.0107 -11.2695 31.2207 -38.4297 19.4307 -86.0596c3.05957 -1.78027 6.01953 -3.74023 8.91992 -5.75c18.4893 -12.7998 30.4297 -32.4199 32.7393 -53.79zM457.12 215.26c6.63965 7.15039 7.38965 14.5205 6.80957 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3.42969 13.4697 9.22949 15.0898 17.3203c1.58984 8.16992 -3.17969 16.4697 -7.48047 22c-2.39941 3.0498 -4.85938 6.01953 -7.69922 9.42969 l-23.1406 28.1699l36.9502 21.1396c8.79004 4.95996 17.1797 9.68066 25.3203 14.7207c7.91992 4.87988 13.5693 8.34961 16.8398 11.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mace" unicode="&#xf6f8;" d="M304 272c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM500.98 253.03c14.5898 -4.62012 14.7197 -17.1602 0.209961 -22.0703l-56.0303 -19.0098c-11.0801 -56.0205 -54.6201 -100.21 -110.23 -112.42l-17.9102 -56.5 c-4.61914 -14.5898 -17.1592 -14.7207 -22.0791 -0.220703l-19.0107 56.0303c-20.29 4.00977 -38.8994 12.4297 -55.1602 24l-183.319 -183.32c-4.68066 -4.68945 -12.2803 -4.68945 -16.9697 0l-16.9707 16.9707c-4.68945 4.67969 -4.68945 12.2793 0 16.9697 l183.32 183.31c-11.0205 15.4805 -19.0996 33.1104 -23.3105 52.29l-56.5 17.9102c-14.5898 4.62012 -14.7197 17.1602 -0.219727 22.0801l56.0303 19.0098c11.0801 56.0205 54.6201 100.21 110.229 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-32h-72v-72h280c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16zM240 400v-64h160v64h-160zM208 48h-128v-64h128v64zM560 48h-128v-64h128v64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="otter" unicode="&#xf700;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M496 376c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16c-8.83008 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM575.96 416c35.3096 0 64.04 -28.71 64.04 -64v-16c0 -61.7598 -50.3096 -112 -112.15 -112c-12.4297 0 -24.79 -3.07031 -35.75 -8.88965 l-31.1191 -16.5107l19.3496 -38.5996h16.5898c44.1602 0 80.0801 -35.8896 80.0801 -80c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-98.1299c-16.3564 0 -35.5801 11.8682 -42.9102 26.4902l-40.1299 80.0693l-13.9404 -7.38965c11.5908 -13.8799 18.5703 -31.7197 18.5703 -51.1699 c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-232.46c-13.2197 0 -24 -10.7695 -24 -24s10.7803 -24 24 -24h160c13.25 0 24 -10.75 24 -24s-10.75 -24 -24 -24h-160c-39.6904 0 -72 32.2998 -72 72c0 36.9902 28.1504 67.1904 64.0801 71.2002l-0.0800781 64.7998 c0 114.69 93.4805 208 208.38 208h18.71l149.96 85.4902c12.0605 6.87988 25.79 10.5098 39.6807 10.5098h20.5391c21.3809 0 41.4707 -8.30957 56.5908 -23.3896l8.62988 -8.61035h9.46973zM527.85 272c20.1699 0 37.9502 9.48047 49.71 24h-56.8994 c-14.8105 0 -29.0303 -7 -38.0303 -18.7305l-16.7002 -21.71l3.68066 1.9502c17.9297 9.52051 37.9297 14.4902 58.2393 14.4902zM592 336v15.9902c0 8.83984 -7.17969 16 -16.04 16h-29.3203l-9.39941 9.37988l-13.29 13.2598 c-6.0498 6.04004 -14.1104 9.37012 -22.6807 9.37012h-20.5391h-0.00292969c-4.69727 0 -11.8242 -1.88574 -15.9072 -4.20996l-161.011 -91.79h-31.4297c-88.5703 0 -160.38 -71.6299 -160.38 -160v-64h192.46c0 17.6396 -14.3799 32 -32.0801 32h-77.0498l173.4 91.9902 l62.1396 -123.99h98.1299c0 17.6396 -14.3799 32 -32.0801 32h-46.2197l-53.6504 107.03l1.89062 1l-1.01074 0.959961l59.3203 75.7793c15.0303 19.5605 38.7197 31.2305 63.4102 31.2305h70.5303c0.339844 2.65039 0.80957 5.25977 0.80957 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw-alt" unicode="&#xf701;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 304c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48zM144 320c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48zM304 320c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48 s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48zM367.31 147.22c29.0605 -16.3994 48.6904 -47.3994 48.6904 -83.1699c0 -53.0098 -42.9805 -95.9795 -96 -95.9795c-1.30957 -0.0507812 -2.59961 -0.0703125 -3.87012 -0.0703125c-48.8799 0 -68.9199 32.0596 -92.1299 32.0596 s-43.25 -32.0596 -92.1299 -32.0596c-1.27051 0 -2.56055 0.0302734 -3.87012 0.0703125c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9697 -96 95.9795c0 35.7705 19.6299 66.7705 48.6797 83.1699c27.0508 15.2705 46.8799 60.8701 67.1699 97.8301 c15.7402 28.6406 45.9404 42.9502 76.1504 42.9502s60.4102 -14.3096 76.1396 -42.9502c20.0303 -36.4199 40.8799 -82.9902 67.1699 -97.8301zM320 16.0703c26.4697 0 48 21.5195 48 47.9697c0 17.3203 -9.08008 32.79 -24.29 41.3799 c-34.0898 19.25 -55.2695 59.2998 -75.7402 98.0303c-3.33008 6.30957 -6.62012 12.5303 -9.88965 18.4795c-9.20996 16.7705 -28.4102 18.0703 -34.0801 18.0703s-24.8701 -1.2998 -34.0801 -18.0703c-3.45996 -6.2793 -6.90039 -12.8594 -10.3799 -19.4795 c-20 -38.1006 -40.6904 -77.5 -75.25 -97.0205c-15.21 -8.58984 -24.29 -24.0596 -24.29 -41.3799c0 -26.46 21.5303 -47.9795 48 -47.9795h0.820312l0.80957 -0.0302734l2.24023 -0.0400391c15.71 0 25.29 5.70996 38.54 13.6201 c13.7598 8.21973 30.8896 18.4395 53.5898 18.4395s39.8301 -10.2197 53.5898 -18.4297c13.2598 -7.91992 22.8398 -13.6299 38.54 -13.6299l2.25 0.0400391l0.810547 0.0302734h0.80957zM96 256c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48 s48 -21.4902 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw-claws" unicode="&#xf702;" d="M256 192c80.75 0 192 -108.19 192 -186.7c0 -42.0996 -34.0596 -69.2998 -86.7803 -69.2998c-46.2793 0 -76.2295 20.3799 -105.22 20.3799c-28.8203 0 -58.4404 -20.3799 -105.22 -20.3799c-52.7207 0 -86.7803 27.21 -86.7803 69.2998 c0 78.5098 111.25 186.7 192 186.7zM361.22 -16c14.4707 0 38.7803 2.76953 38.7803 21.2998c0 47.7598 -86.0898 138.7 -144 138.7s-144 -90.9297 -144 -138.7c0 -18.5303 24.3096 -21.2998 38.7803 -21.2998c38.1602 0 65.9893 20.3799 105.22 20.3799 c39.4404 0 67.4902 -20.3799 105.22 -20.3799zM493.5 257.63c13.6904 -18.7598 24.0703 -48.7402 15.2305 -78.2402c-10 -33.3096 -41.3701 -57.3496 -71.5605 -50.1299c-29.1201 6.95996 -44.29 40.6904 -33.8896 75.3398c7.20996 24.0303 24.8896 41.9102 44.7197 48.46 v66.9404zM446.4 168.38c19.0898 -6.12988 35.71 42.2705 19.2197 47.25c-19.4199 5.82031 -35.6699 -42.3096 -19.2197 -47.25zM318.55 225.39c-30.9297 8.14062 -46.4199 49.9404 -34.5693 93.3604c6.5293 23.9199 20.0693 43.0303 36.0195 54.29v74.96l64 -79.9902 c15.0195 -17.7002 20.4502 -47.8096 12.0098 -78.75c-7.64941 -28.0498 -37.0898 -74.5 -77.46 -63.8701zM322.56 308.22c-13.0693 -48.0098 19.2207 -65.75 34.8408 -8.43945c13.0898 47.8193 -19.1406 66.0596 -34.8408 8.43945zM108.73 204.61 c10.3994 -34.6504 -4.77051 -68.3799 -33.8809 -75.3506c-30.1992 -7.21973 -61.5596 16.8301 -71.5596 50.1299c-8.86035 29.5 1.51953 59.4805 15.21 78.2402l45.5098 62.3701v-66.9297c19.8301 -6.55078 37.5098 -24.4307 44.7207 -48.46zM65.5996 168.38 c16.4502 4.92969 0.200195 53.0605 -19.2197 47.25c-16.5 -4.96973 0.129883 -53.3701 19.2197 -47.25zM193.45 225.39c-40.3701 -10.6299 -69.8105 35.8203 -77.46 63.8701c-8.44043 30.9307 -3.00977 61.0498 12.0098 78.75l64.0098 79.9902v-74.96 c15.9502 -11.25 29.4902 -30.3701 36.0205 -54.29c11.8398 -43.4199 -3.64062 -85.2197 -34.5801 -93.3604zM189.44 308.22c-15.6904 57.6201 -47.9307 39.3799 -34.8408 -8.43945c15.6201 -57.3105 47.9102 -39.5703 34.8408 8.43945z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pegasus" unicode="&#xf703;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M464 336c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM575.95 345.75l0.0498047 -65.3398c0.0195312 -25.3203 -16.0303 -47.8398 -39.9902 -56.0205l-31.0195 -10.5898 c-2.62988 -0.889648 -19.9902 -7.12988 -40.9404 -0.169922c0 0 -0.0302734 -7.5 -0.0800781 -8.42969c-0.660156 -30.5098 -12.0098 -59.0801 -31.9697 -81.5498v-155.65c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v121.5l-60.9404 13.5303 l-9.47949 -26.4102l25.5303 -100.76c5.12012 -20.2207 -10.1602 -39.8604 -31.0205 -39.8604h-74.7002c-14.79 0 -27.6494 10.1396 -31.1094 24.5195l-24.1104 100.29c-1.20898 5.02539 -2.18945 13.2979 -2.18945 18.4658c0 6.30762 1.45117 16.3359 3.23926 22.3848 l12.9404 43.7598c-20.25 20.4902 -32.1602 48.4502 -32.1602 78.5801c0 2.62988 0.599609 5.08984 0.780273 7.67969c-9.91016 -7.29004 -16.7803 -18.46 -16.7803 -31.6797v-56c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v56 c0 47.1602 37.3604 85.4502 83.9902 87.5996c5.84961 8.44043 13.2002 15.5508 21.1299 21.9805c5.03027 -16.2803 11.7295 -31.8301 20.6797 -46.0703c-8.62988 -10.8398 -13.7998 -24.54 -13.7998 -39.5098c0 -26.8301 16.54 -49.7197 39.9404 -59.2402l-22.7002 -76.7197 c-0.686523 -2.37793 -1.24316 -6.31641 -1.24316 -8.79102c0 -2.06738 0.390625 -5.37793 0.873047 -7.38867l21.1299 -87.8604h41.5303l-24.0801 95.0498l28.7295 80.0205l139.82 -31.0703v-144h48v160.36c19.3203 14.6094 32 37.5498 32 63.6396h0.0498047v80h32 l24.96 -24.9404c6.77051 -6.7793 14.9707 -4.34961 16.4805 -3.8291l31.0195 10.5898c4.50977 1.54004 7.54004 5.7793 7.54004 10.5498l-0.0498047 65.3496l-44.6699 54.2803h-51.3301c-53.0195 0 -96 -42.9805 -96 -96v-16h-70.2305 c-26.4092 0 -51.8594 4.90039 -75.2393 14.2695c17.3994 -35.6699 48.9795 -62.8799 86.3193 -73.3398c6.70996 -1.87012 11.1504 -8.25 11.1504 -15.21v-16.3594c0 -10.4404 -9.87988 -18.21 -19.9902 -15.6299c-80.25 20.4893 -140.01 97.1191 -140.01 183.21 c0 11.46 9.37988 19.0596 19.1602 19.0596c5.04004 0 10.1895 -2.01953 14.21 -6.55957c25.7695 -29.1309 65.5195 -41.4404 104.399 -41.4404h25.8105c14.5996 64.0498 72.0195 112 140.42 112h135.9c5.05957 0 8.94922 -4.67969 7.93945 -9.63965 c-3.42969 -16.8203 -16.54 -30.2607 -32.5596 -35.6602l21.7295 -26.4902c6.03418 -7.32422 10.9355 -20.9707 10.9404 -30.46z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pumpkin" unicode="&#xf707;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M494.59 343.72c52.5 -50 81.4102 -116.66 81.4102 -187.72s-28.9102 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-32.0195 17.6699 -33.6797c35.4502 -91.5703 27.96 -224.11 -17.75 -293.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ram" unicode="&#xf70a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M609.81 347.08c18.6602 -9.61035 30.1904 -28.4902 30.2002 -49.5498c0 -8.33984 -2.17969 -23.2803 -21.1201 -56.4805c-8.90918 -15.4902 -25.4697 -25.0498 -43.2197 -25.0498h-68.1299c2.79004 -7.66016 4.46973 -15.8301 4.46973 -24.3096 c0 -18.6807 -7.37988 -36.2402 -20 -49.0205c1.94043 -17.9395 -3.0293 -36.3096 -14.2793 -50.8896c-7.98047 -10.0801 -18.3408 -17.2998 -29.7002 -21.6406v-102.14c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v65.4902 c-6.56055 1.12988 -12.8301 2.81934 -18.5205 5.58984c-9.21973 -4.63965 -19.4395 -7.08984 -29.9395 -7.08984c-4.26074 0.000976562 -11.083 0.793945 -15.2305 1.76953l14.6699 -57.9102c5.12012 -20.2197 -10.1602 -39.8594 -31.0195 -39.8594h-74.7002 c-14.79 0 -27.6504 10.1396 -31.1104 24.5195l-20.79 86.46c-7.20996 5.20996 -13.3994 11.8604 -18.1699 19.5703c-17.5898 2.09961 -33.9697 11.2402 -45.25 25.9102c-11.3398 14.3193 -16.3398 32.7695 -14.2793 50.9395 c-12.4404 12.7305 -19.6904 30.2402 -19.6904 48.9199c0 18.6807 7.37988 36.2402 20 49.0205c-1.94043 17.9395 3.03027 36.3096 14.2803 50.8799c11.5996 14.6699 28.0693 23.75 45.6602 25.8301c9.56934 15.2295 24.8096 26.3203 42.6895 30.3398 c14.7803 3.15039 29.3701 1.52051 42.3105 -4.37012c18.5596 10.0801 42.6299 10.4707 61.4697 1c11.5098 5.73047 24.7295 7.44043 37.5498 5.9707c6.03027 54.4092 51.7598 97.0195 107.73 97.0195c27.1494 0 52.7998 -8.91016 74.21 -24h62.9092 c36.5 0 67.0303 -26.1602 73.7803 -60.7197zM161.89 -16h41.5303l-12.3301 48.6699c-9.43945 0.679688 -18.7295 2.94043 -26.9102 7.40039c-4.72949 -2.12988 -9.67969 -3.48047 -14.6992 -4.45996zM400.02 -16v55.1602 c-3.44922 -1.41016 -6.94922 -2.71973 -10.6494 -3.5498c-12.9297 -2.79004 -25.6504 -1.64062 -37.3506 2.58984v-54.2002h48zM575.66 264c21.2197 43.8896 30.46 29.4199 -39.6602 71.1299v13.6602c0 15.0195 -12.1904 27.2197 -27.1904 27.2197h-68.4092 c-17.04 19.6201 -41.96 32 -68.7207 32c-38 0 -68.9395 -30.9297 -68.9395 -68.9502c0 -28.21 22.9395 -51.1592 51.1602 -51.1592c20.3496 0 36.9092 16.5596 36.9092 36.9199c0 17.1299 -11.8896 22.0801 -23.5898 26.1992c-3.75 2 -6.21973 6.01074 -6.21973 10.4805 v16.2803c0 8.16992 8.28027 14.8896 18.8096 10.96c29.5 -6.66016 51 -33.54 51 -63.9102c0 -42.4199 -34.5 -76.9199 -76.9092 -76.9199c-53.04 0 -72.8105 39.5596 -84.4404 50.6396c-7.40039 7.11035 -19.3096 7.00977 -26.5898 0.0302734l-16.9102 -16.1602 l-16.5898 16.4502c-7.94043 7.86035 -21.7803 3.91992 -26.2197 -0.580078l-15.9707 -16.4199l-17.1602 15.2002c-11.6797 10.4297 -28.0195 3.31934 -31.8799 -9.91992l-6.0293 -20.6699l-21.1904 3.76953c-15.3203 2.75 -28.0098 -13.8604 -21.7803 -29.4697 l7.75 -19.5303l-18.3398 -10.2695c-14.2803 -8.03027 -13.7295 -29.75 -0.30957 -37.3105l18.3398 -10.2695l-7.75 -19.5205c-6.40039 -16.1104 6.87988 -32.1201 21.4697 -29.4795l21.4102 3.83008l5.94043 -20.9102c3.92969 -13.9307 20.1699 -20.2305 32.1895 -10.0508 l17.1602 14.6406l15.6904 -16.2305c4.30957 -4.5293 18.1299 -8.47949 26.6895 -0.25l16.8398 16.1406l16.5898 -16.3701c6.9707 -6.83008 18.5908 -6.79004 26 0.229492l16.5303 15.8398l16.5898 -15.7793c8.4707 -8.06055 20.3203 -6.5498 26.8799 0.229492l16 16.4404 l17.1602 -15.2197c11.8604 -10.5605 28.0703 -3.15039 31.8799 9.91992l6.03027 20.6699l21.1904 -3.77051c15.5596 -2.58008 27.9697 13.9502 21.7793 29.4707l-7.75 19.5293l18.3408 10.2705c14.2793 8.0293 13.7295 29.75 0.30957 37.3096l-18.3398 10.2705 l17.2295 43.3896h123.021zM496 336c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ring" unicode="&#xf70b;" d="M256 384c145.94 0 256 -61.9102 256 -144v-98.1299c0 -78.3506 -114.62 -141.87 -256 -141.87s-256 63.5195 -256 141.87v98.1299c0 82.0898 110.06 144 256 144zM256 336c-110.46 0 -200 -35.8203 -200 -80c0 -9.08984 3.96973 -17.79 10.9502 -25.9297 c46.8096 25.6992 114.05 41.9297 189.05 41.9297s142.24 -16.2305 189.05 -41.9297c6.98047 8.13965 10.9502 16.8398 10.9502 25.9297c0 44.1797 -89.54 80 -200 80zM397.7 199.55c-35.7002 14.1504 -84.0801 24.4502 -141.7 24.4502s-106 -10.2998 -141.7 -24.4502 c36.2197 -14.54 86.3203 -23.5498 141.7 -23.5498s105.48 9.00977 141.7 23.5498zM464 141.87v39.7695c-46.4297 -32.4199 -122.15 -53.6396 -208 -53.6396s-161.57 21.2197 -208 53.6504v-39.7803c0 -38.2803 81.0303 -93.8701 208 -93.8701s208 55.5996 208 93.8701z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sheep" unicode="&#xf711;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M496 352c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM609.81 347.08c18.6602 -9.61035 30.1904 -28.4902 30.2002 -49.5498c0 -8.33984 -2.17969 -23.2803 -21.1201 -56.4805 c-8.90918 -15.4902 -25.4697 -25.0498 -43.2197 -25.0498h-68.1299c2.79004 -7.66016 4.46973 -15.8301 4.46973 -24.3096c0 -18.6807 -7.37988 -36.2402 -20 -49.0205c1.94043 -17.9395 -3.0293 -36.3096 -14.2793 -50.8896 c-7.98047 -10.0801 -18.3408 -17.2998 -29.7002 -21.6406v-102.14c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v65.5098c-6.56055 1.12012 -12.8799 2.82031 -18.5205 5.57031c-9.21973 -4.63965 -19.4395 -7.08984 -29.9395 -7.08984 c-4.26074 0.000976562 -11.083 0.793945 -15.2305 1.76953l14.6699 -57.9102c5.12012 -20.2197 -10.1602 -39.8594 -31.0195 -39.8594h-74.7002c-14.79 0 -27.6504 10.1396 -31.1104 24.5195l-20.79 86.46c-7.20996 5.20996 -13.3994 11.8604 -18.1699 19.5703 c-17.5898 2.09961 -33.9697 11.2402 -45.25 25.9102c-11.3398 14.3193 -16.3398 32.7695 -14.2793 50.9395c-12.4404 12.7305 -19.6904 30.2402 -19.6904 48.9199c0 18.6807 7.37988 36.2402 20 49.0205c-1.94043 17.9395 3.03027 36.3096 14.2803 50.8799 c11.5996 14.6699 28.0693 23.75 45.6602 25.8301c9.56934 15.2295 24.8096 26.3203 42.6895 30.3398c14.75 3.15039 29.3701 1.52051 42.3105 -4.37012c18.5596 10.0801 42.6299 10.4707 61.4697 1c18.3994 9.14062 41.1797 9.14062 59.5898 -0.0595703 c21.04 10.5596 44.7002 8.4502 61.8096 -1c11.3604 5.09961 23.8008 6.71973 36.1904 5.00977v67.04c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32c14.8398 0 26.7598 -10.2998 30.3799 -24h81.6201c30.8799 0 56 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c-14.2803 -8.03027 -13.7295 -29.75 -0.30957 -37.3105l18.3398 -10.2695l-7.75 -19.5205c-6.40039 -16.1104 6.87988 -32.1201 21.4697 -29.4795l21.4102 3.83008l5.94043 -20.9102c4.20996 -14.9199 20.9795 -19.5508 32.1895 -10.0508l17.1602 14.6406l15.6904 -16.2305 c4.30957 -4.5293 18.1299 -8.47949 26.6895 -0.25l16.8398 16.1406l16.5898 -16.3701c6.94043 -6.83008 18.5908 -6.79004 26 0.229492l16.5303 15.8398l16.5898 -15.7793c8.4707 -8.06055 20.3203 -6.5498 26.8799 0.229492l16 16.4404l17.1602 -15.2197 c11.7402 -10.5303 28.0498 -3.2207 31.8799 9.91992l6.03027 20.6699l21.1904 -3.77051c15.5596 -2.58008 27.9795 13.9502 21.7793 29.4707l-7.75 19.5293zM575.66 264c18.9199 30.9199 19.9795 36.1299 10.3203 41.4102l-49.9707 29.7197v32.8701 c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-96v-57.5098c0.230469 -0.370117 0.549805 -0.660156 0.780273 -1.03027c17.5898 -2.09961 33.9697 -11.2402 45.25 -25.9102c6.41992 -8.10938 10.5703 -17.5898 12.79 -27.5498h84.8301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shield-cross" unicode="&#xf712;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M420.43 364.31c16.6904 -7.44922 27.5703 -24.9297 27.5703 -44.3096c0 -221.28 -126.87 -344.64 -206.77 -380.31c-5.51074 -2.45996 -11.3701 -3.69043 -17.2305 -3.69043s-11.7197 1.23047 -17.2305 3.69043c-99.9092 44.5996 -206.77 181.819 -206.77 380.31 c0 19.3799 10.8799 36.8604 27.5703 44.3096l179.199 80c5.51074 2.45996 11.3701 3.69043 17.2305 3.69043s11.7197 -1.23047 17.2305 -3.69043zM398.33 280c1.03027 12.9199 1.66992 26.1904 1.66992 40l-152 68.5898v-108.59h150.33zM200 388.72l-152.86 -68.2393 c0.0703125 -13.8809 0.879883 -27.29 2.03027 -40.4805h150.83v108.72zM55.7598 232c21.7705 -112.89 82.0605 -194.28 144.24 -233.96v233.96h-144.24zM248 -1.75c52.1699 34.3301 120.77 110.04 143.84 233.75h-143.84v-233.75z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shovel" unicode="&#xf713;" d="M502.71 358.45c12.3896 -12.3906 12.3896 -32.4697 0 -44.8604l-28.29 -28.2998c-17.54 -17.5303 -41 -29.2002 -65.7002 -29.2002c-9.05957 0 -25.4297 1.5 -43.2598 11.4502l-124.32 -124.32l52.6602 -52.6602c12.4902 -12.4893 12.4902 -32.7393 0 -45.2295 l-69.6201 -69.6201c-28.7197 -28.71 -83.6699 -39.71 -130.29 -39.71c-36.0801 0 -67.1797 6.58984 -77.2295 16.6504c-23.0605 23.0596 -27.8799 156.59 23.0596 207.529l69.6201 69.6201c6.24023 6.25 14.4297 9.37012 22.6104 9.37012 c8.17969 0 16.3701 -3.12012 22.6094 -9.37012l52.6602 -52.6602l124.29 124.29c-4.45996 7.99023 -11.3896 22.7402 -11.3896 43.2305c0 23.2402 9.13965 45.7197 25.9102 62.4902l31.5596 31.5596c6.19043 6.19043 14.3105 9.29004 22.4297 9.29004 c8.12012 0 16.2402 -3.09961 22.4307 -9.29004zM190.26 9.62988l58.2998 58.3301l-116.63 116.63l-58.3096 -58.3203c-26.9404 -26.9395 -29.5 -108.68 -21.6299 -137.989c8 -2.04004 22.4199 -4.31055 41.8994 -4.31055c42.29 0 81.0205 10.3105 96.3701 25.6602z M440.49 319.22l16.8096 16.8105l-57.2803 57.2793l-20.0693 -20.0693c-25.3604 -25.3701 -7.21973 -69.1504 27.7803 -69.1504c11.5898 0 23.1494 5.52051 32.7598 15.1299z" /> <glyph glyph-name="slash" unicode="&#xf715;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M604 -60.4902l-597.99 467.51c-6.89941 5.52051 -8.01953 15.5908 -2.49023 22.4902l9.99023 12.4902c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023l598 -467.51c6.90039 -5.52051 8.01953 -15.5908 2.49023 -22.4902l-10 -12.4902 c-5.52051 -6.90039 -15.5898 -8.00977 -22.4902 -2.49023z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snake" unicode="&#xf716;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512 200c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM611.76 283.09c16.7803 -5.16992 28.2402 -20.6895 28.2305 -38.2695v-75.8506c0 -17.7393 -11.6602 -33.3701 -28.6504 -38.3994 c-94.0303 -32.6602 -97.2695 -35.5205 -115.47 -35.5205c-17.6299 0 -34.3398 5.93066 -47.8701 16.0898v-31.1396c0 -79.4004 -64.5996 -144 -144 -144c-102.48 0 -144 94.2998 -144 149.7v218.3c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-159.53 c0 -64.3193 -11.4502 -127.479 -34.04 -187.71c-4.72949 -12.6094 -16.4902 -20.7598 -29.96 -20.7598s-25.2305 8.15039 -29.96 20.7695c-22.5898 60.2305 -34.04 123.381 -34.04 187.7v159.53c0 79.5303 64.5596 144 144 144c102.48 0 144 -94.3096 144 -149.7v-218.3 c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16v48c0 64.0703 42.3496 117.87 100.31 136.49c10.6201 32.75 41.3301 55.4902 75.71 55.4902c18 0 18.9404 -1.9209 115.74 -36.8906zM592 177.02v61.9307c-93.3604 34.0498 -88.54 33.04 -95.9805 33.04 c-13.4395 0 -25.7891 -9.16992 -30.0498 -22.29l-7.58008 -23.3799l-23.3896 -7.52051c-19.1201 -6.13965 -67 -30.7002 -67 -90.7998v-48c0 -83.5498 -128 -87.25 -128 3.59961v214.7c0 53.8105 -40.9404 101.7 -96 101.7c-34.0801 0 -96 -25.1104 -96 -99.46v-156.07 c0 -42.0195 5.37012 -83.4893 16 -123.819c10.6299 40.3301 16 81.7998 16 123.819v159.53c0 38.8398 34.7695 69.71 74.8301 63.1104c31.4697 -5.18066 53.1797 -34.8203 53.1797 -66.71v-214.7c0 -137.59 192 -131 192 -5.7002v41.1299 c0 33.8398 26.79 61.2305 60.2998 62.6104l5.66016 -17.4707c4.26074 -13.1191 16.6104 -22.2891 30.0498 -22.2891c7.4209 0 2.61035 -1.01074 95.9805 33.0391zM496 232c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spider" unicode="&#xf717;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M151.17 280.65l-27.1504 54.2998c-1.86035 3.72949 -3.37109 10.1387 -3.37109 14.3066c0 2.86719 0.735352 7.40234 1.6416 10.123l25.8896 77.6797c2.79004 8.39062 11.8604 12.9209 20.2402 10.1201l15.1699 -5.05957 c8.39062 -2.7998 12.9102 -11.8604 10.1201 -20.2402l-23.7998 -71.3896l20.29 -40.5801c-1.41016 -4.20996 -2.49023 -8.20996 -3.20996 -11.79l-5.2207 -26.1201zM406.09 350.49l-23.7998 71.3896c-2.79004 8.37988 1.74023 17.4404 10.1201 20.2402l15.1699 5.05957 c8.37988 2.80078 17.4502 -1.73926 20.2402 -10.1201l25.8896 -77.6797c0.908203 -2.72168 1.64551 -7.25781 1.64551 -10.127c0 -4.16797 -1.5127 -10.5752 -3.375 -14.3027l-27.1504 -54.2998l-30.5996 -8.65039l-5.2207 26.1201 c-0.719727 3.58008 -1.7998 7.58008 -3.20996 11.79zM573.31 98.6201c4.90039 -7.35059 2.9209 -17.2803 -4.43945 -22.1797l-13.3105 -8.88086c-7.34961 -4.89941 -17.29 -2.90918 -22.1895 4.44043l-48 72h-47.0605l60.8301 -97.3301 c3.16992 -5.08984 4.86035 -10.96 4.86035 -16.96v-77.71c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v73.1104l-74.0801 118.529c1 -14.0498 2.08008 -28.1094 2.08008 -42.21c0 -53.0693 -40.7598 -101.43 -96 -101.43s-96 48.3604 -96 101.43 c0 14.1006 1.07031 28.1602 2.08008 42.21l-74.0801 -118.529v-73.1104c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v77.7002v0.00976562c0 5.0625 2.17773 12.6562 4.86035 16.9502l60.8301 97.3301h-47.0605l-48 -72 c-4.89941 -7.35059 -14.8398 -9.33984 -22.1895 -4.44043l-13.3105 8.87988c-7.36035 4.90039 -9.33984 14.8398 -4.43945 22.1904l52.75 79.1299c5.92969 8.90039 15.9199 14.25 26.6191 14.25h77.9404l-68.9902 24.3496c-5.75 1.91895 -13.1465 7.56738 -16.5098 12.6104 l-53.5996 80.4102c-4.90039 7.36035 -2.91016 17.29 4.43945 22.1895l13.3105 8.88086c7.35938 4.89941 17.29 2.90918 22.1895 -4.44043l50.5703 -75.8301l60.4902 -20.1699h36.0996l10.3701 51.8496c2.18945 10.9707 17.3701 60.1504 69.6299 60.1504 s67.4404 -49.1797 69.6299 -60.1504l10.3701 -51.8496h36.0996l60.5 20.1699l50.5605 75.8301c4.89941 7.34961 14.8398 9.33984 22.1895 4.44043l13.3105 -8.88086c7.34961 -4.89941 9.33984 -14.8398 4.43945 -22.1895l-53.5996 -80.4102 c-3.36328 -5.04297 -10.7598 -10.6914 -16.5098 -12.6104l-68.9902 -24.3594h77.9404c9.45117 -0.00195312 21.377 -6.38672 26.6191 -14.25zM288 48c28.71 0 48 27.6299 47.9902 53.4404c0 35.71 -3.5498 71.5596 -10.5498 106.579l-14.8809 74.4209 c-1.10938 4.94922 -6.09961 21.5596 -22.5596 21.5596c-16.4697 0 -21.4502 -16.5996 -22.5898 -21.6904l-14.8604 -74.29c-7 -35.0195 -10.5498 -70.8799 -10.5498 -106.59c0 -25.7998 19.29 -53.4297 48 -53.4297z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spider-black-widow" unicode="&#xf718;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M313.59 160c5.27051 0 8.28027 -5.01953 5.12012 -8.53027l-21.1104 -23.4697l21.1104 -23.46c3.16016 -3.52051 0.150391 -8.54004 -5.12012 -8.54004h-51.1797c-5.27051 0 -8.28027 5.01953 -5.12012 8.54004l21.1104 23.46l-21.1104 23.4697 c-3.16016 3.51074 -0.150391 8.53027 5.12012 8.53027h51.1797zM151.17 280.65l-27.1504 54.2998c-1.86035 3.72949 -3.37109 10.1387 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2.08008 -42.21c0 -53.0693 -40.7598 -101.43 -96 -101.43s-96 48.3604 -96 101.43 c0 14.1006 1.07031 28.1602 2.08008 42.21l-74.0801 -118.529v-73.1104c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v77.7002v0.00976562c0 5.0625 2.17773 12.6562 4.86035 16.9502l60.8301 97.3301h-47.0605l-48 -72 c-4.89941 -7.35059 -14.8398 -9.33984 -22.1895 -4.44043l-13.3105 8.87988c-7.36035 4.90039 -9.33984 14.8398 -4.43945 22.1904l52.75 79.1299c5.92969 8.90039 15.9199 14.25 26.6191 14.25h77.9404l-68.9902 24.3496c-5.75 1.91895 -13.1465 7.56738 -16.5098 12.6104 l-53.5996 80.4102c-4.90039 7.36035 -2.91016 17.29 4.43945 22.1895l13.3105 8.88086c7.35938 4.89941 17.29 2.90918 22.1895 -4.44043l50.5703 -75.8301l60.4902 -20.1699h36.0996l10.3701 51.8496c2.18945 10.9707 17.3701 60.1504 69.6299 60.1504 s67.4404 -49.1797 69.6299 -60.1504l10.3701 -51.8496h36.0996l60.5 20.1699l50.5605 75.8301c4.89941 7.34961 14.8398 9.33984 22.1895 4.44043l13.3105 -8.88086c7.34961 -4.89941 9.33984 -14.8398 4.43945 -22.1895l-53.5996 -80.4102 c-3.36328 -5.04297 -10.7598 -10.6914 -16.5098 -12.6104l-68.9902 -24.3594h77.9404c9.45117 -0.00195312 21.377 -6.38672 26.6191 -14.25zM288 48c28.71 0 48 27.6299 47.9902 53.4404c0 35.71 -3.5498 71.5596 -10.5498 106.579l-14.8809 74.4209 c-1.10938 4.94922 -6.09961 21.5596 -22.5596 21.5596c-16.4697 0 -21.4502 -16.5996 -22.5898 -21.6904l-14.8604 -74.29c-7 -35.0195 -10.5498 -70.8799 -10.5498 -106.59c0 -25.7998 19.29 -53.4297 48 -53.4297z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spider-web" unicode="&#xf719;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M569.41 208.5c8.79004 -9.25977 8.79004 -23.7598 0.00976562 -33.0303c-59.0098 -62.2002 -102.689 -138.97 -126.32 -222.029c-3 -10.5303 -12.5898 -17.4404 -23.0898 -17.4404c-1.89941 0 -3.87012 0.240234 -5.83984 0.719727 c-82.5703 20.7207 -169.76 20.7207 -252.32 0c-12.8799 -3.10938 -25.4092 4.28027 -28.9395 16.7207c-23.6299 83.0498 -67.3203 159.829 -126.32 222.029c-8.78027 9.27051 -8.78027 23.7607 0 33.0303c59 62.2002 102.69 138.98 126.3 222.03 c3.56055 12.4502 16.1299 19.8896 28.9404 16.7197c82.5703 -20.7197 169.76 -20.7197 252.32 0c12.75 3.21973 25.4092 -4.26953 28.9395 -16.7197c23.6299 -83.0498 67.3203 -159.83 126.32 -222.03zM500.57 215.98c-35.5898 45.2197 -64.3799 95.6094 -85.3701 149.449 l-22.4902 -39.1992c13.04 -40.7002 34.1396 -78.3701 61.8701 -110.25h45.9902zM246.57 215.98l-32.2607 56.2197c-7.38379 -16.3008 -21.6211 -41.4883 -31.7793 -56.2197h64.04zM254.11 299.25l33.8896 -59.0596l33.9004 59.0596 c-22.54 -2.26953 -45.25 -2.26953 -67.79 0zM246.57 167.99h-64.0508c10.1631 -14.7275 24.4092 -39.9053 31.8008 -56.2002zM288 143.78l-33.9004 -59.0703c11.2705 1.13965 22.5801 1.83008 33.9004 1.83008s22.6299 -0.700195 33.9004 -1.83008zM329.43 167.99 l32.25 -56.2002c7.40137 16.29 21.6475 41.4678 31.8008 56.2002h-64.0508zM329.43 215.98h64.04c-10.1562 14.7334 -24.3945 39.9199 -31.7793 56.2197zM374.6 391.1c-23.7607 -3.66309 -62.5576 -6.63672 -86.5996 -6.63672s-62.8389 2.97363 -86.5996 6.63672 l21.79 -37.9697c17.6572 -4.05273 46.6924 -7.34277 64.8096 -7.34277s47.1523 3.29004 64.8096 7.34277zM160.81 365.43c-21 -53.8398 -49.79 -104.229 -85.3799 -149.449h46c27.7207 31.8799 48.8301 69.5498 61.8701 110.25zM75.4297 167.99 c35.5898 -45.2207 64.3799 -95.6104 85.3799 -149.44l22.4902 39.2002c-13.0498 40.71 -34.1602 78.3896 -61.8896 110.24h-45.9805zM201.4 -7.12012c28.6895 4.41992 57.5898 7.38965 86.5996 7.38965s57.9102 -2.95996 86.5996 -7.38965l-21.79 37.9697 c-17.6572 4.05371 -46.6924 7.34277 -64.8096 7.34277s-47.1523 -3.28906 -64.8096 -7.34277zM415.19 18.5498c21 53.8301 49.79 104.22 85.3799 149.44h-45.9805c-27.7402 -31.8506 -48.8398 -69.5205 -61.8896 -110.24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="squirrel" unicode="&#xf71a;" d="M480 192h-75.96l-7.87988 -43.25c45.7803 -11.0801 75.8398 -49.4199 75.8398 -100.75c0 -23.5195 -9.12988 -45.6201 -21.8496 -64h29.8496c18.1904 0 32.8398 -15.1797 31.96 -33.5703c-0.389648 -8.20996 -7.74023 -14.4297 -15.96 -14.4297h-239.74 c-50.21 0 -99.3701 20.6602 -130.75 59.8604c-34.1797 42.6895 -41.2695 93.8994 -22.6299 142.81l8.81055 18.2998c-64.1006 16.1406 -111.69 74.2705 -111.69 143.3c0 81.4609 66.2803 147.73 147.72 147.73c58.3506 0 117.32 -42.96 145.721 -97.2305 c17.8291 30.4707 51.1396 73.2305 106.56 73.2305c13.25 0 24 -10.75 24 -24v-26.6602c50.9102 -11.46 88 -58.8994 88 -117.34v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM353.3 104h-14.0498l24.7197 136h100.03v16c0 40.3799 -28.1201 72 -64 72h-24v42.29 c-18.0898 -9.07031 -34.5303 -29.04 -50.5303 -61.0205l-72.1094 -173.579c-3.39062 -8.16016 -12.7607 -12.0303 -20.9199 -8.63086l-14.7607 6.14062c-8.16016 3.39941 -12.0195 12.7598 -8.62988 20.9199l54.3301 130.68h-0.439453 c0 54.9004 -60.3105 115.2 -115.221 115.2c-59.3193 0 -106.67 -52.0303 -98.8701 -112.85c6.44043 -50.2803 51.6602 -86.6201 102.341 -86.6201h34.7793l-39.0293 -80.8398c-3.78027 -10.1709 -6.12012 -22.2705 -6.12012 -34.0508 c0 -56.0498 45.5898 -101.64 101.62 -101.64h139.199c13.5703 5.33008 68.8008 56.4805 26.9707 98.3701c-14.4805 14.5 -34.8105 21.6299 -55.3105 21.6299zM400 272c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 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22.6309l59.3096 59.3096l-31.6299 59.0303 c-1.04688 1.9541 -1.89648 5.33887 -1.89648 7.55566c0 3.6582 2.09961 8.72754 4.68652 11.3145l17.54 17.5293c6.24023 6.25 16.3701 6.25 22.6201 0l16.6895 -16.6895l45.3799 45.3799l33.9404 -33.9404l-45.3799 -45.3799l28.1201 -28.1201z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tombstone" unicode="&#xf720;" d="M336 288c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-56v-128c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v128h-56c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h56v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16 h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h56zM496 -16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h48v272c0 106.04 85.96 192 192 192s192 -85.96 192 -192v-272h48zM400 -16v272 c0 79.4004 -64.5996 144 -144 144s-144 -64.5996 -144 -144v-272h288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tombstone-alt" unicode="&#xf721;" d="M496 -16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 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-2.08984c-13.3496 0.00976562 -25.9092 5.20996 -35.3496 14.6504l-25.46 25.46c-9.4502 9.43945 -14.6504 21.9893 -14.6504 35.3496c0 4.94043 0.709961 9.77051 2.08008 14.3701 c-15.6299 8.46973 -26.2598 25.0195 -26.2598 44v36c0 18.9805 10.6299 35.5303 26.2695 44c-1.36914 4.59961 -2.0791 9.42969 -2.0791 14.3701c0 13.3604 5.19922 25.9102 14.6396 35.3604l25.4502 25.4492c8.56934 8.57031 19.75 13.4199 31.7197 14.29v144.53 c0 22.0596 17.9404 40 40 40h133.44c16 0 30.4395 -9.51953 36.7793 -24.2305l58.1807 -135.77h115.6v48c0 22.4902 7.92969 44.1699 22.1201 61.29c4.79004 5.76953 13.5303 6.16016 18.5303 0.580078l16.2197 -18.1201 c3.64941 -4.08008 4.30957 -10.2695 0.990234 -14.6201c-6.34082 -8.30957 -9.86035 -18.54 -9.86035 -29.1299v-48h80zM144 400v-114.04c4.44043 1.2998 9.12988 2.04004 13.9902 2.04004h154.18l-47.9795 112h-120.19zM304 94v36c0 1.09961 -0.900391 2 -2 2h-17.7598 c-6.70996 22.5303 -6.24023 21.4102 -17.54 42.3896l12.5498 12.5605c0.669922 0.669922 0.669922 2.16016 0 2.83008l-25.46 25.46h-2.83008l-12.5596 -12.5605c-21.0205 11.3301 -19.9102 10.8506 -42.4004 17.5508v17.7695c0 1.09961 -0.900391 2 -2 2h-36 c-1.10352 0 -2 -0.896484 -2 -2v-17.7803c-22.5195 -6.70996 -21.3799 -6.22949 -42.4004 -17.5498l-12.5498 12.5605h-2.83008l-25.46 -25.4609c-0.660156 -0.65918 -0.669922 -2.14941 0 -2.81934l12.5605 -12.5605 c-11.3008 -20.9795 -10.8203 -19.8193 -17.5508 -42.3896h-17.7695c-1.09961 0 -2 -0.900391 -2 -2v-36c0 -1.09961 0.900391 -2 2 -2h17.7598c6.70996 -22.5303 6.24023 -21.4102 17.54 -42.3896l-12.5498 -12.5605c-0.669922 -0.669922 -0.669922 -2.16016 0 -2.83008 l25.46 -25.46h2.83008l12.5596 12.5605c21.0205 -11.3203 19.9102 -10.8398 42.4004 -17.5508v-17.7695c0 -1.09961 0.900391 -2 2 -2h36c1.10352 0 2 0.896484 2 2v17.7803c22.5195 6.70996 21.3799 6.22949 42.4004 17.5498l12.5498 -12.5605h2.83008l25.46 25.4609 c0.660156 0.65918 0.669922 2.14941 0 2.81934l-12.5605 12.5605c11.3008 20.9795 10.8203 19.8193 17.5508 42.3896h17.7695c1.09961 0 2 0.900391 2 2zM512 -16c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48zM592 179.88 v60.1201h-295.1l16.2695 -16.2803c9.4502 -9.43945 14.6504 -21.9893 14.6504 -35.3496c0 -4.94043 -0.709961 -9.77051 -2.08008 -14.3701c15.6299 -8.46973 26.2598 -25.0195 26.2598 -44v-18h107.05c15.1904 10.0703 33.3604 16 52.9502 16 c8.54004 0 16.6699 -1.48047 24.5498 -3.57031zM211.78 165.07c5.69531 -3.84863 13.4414 -11.5947 17.29 -17.29c6.89941 -10.21 10.9297 -22.5205 10.9297 -35.7803c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64c0 13.2598 4.03027 25.5703 10.9297 35.7803 c3.84863 5.69531 11.5947 13.4414 17.29 17.29c10.21 6.89941 22.5303 10.9297 35.7803 10.9297s25.5703 -4.03027 35.7803 -10.9297zM176 96c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="treasure-chest" unicode="&#xf723;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M448 416c70.6904 0 128 -57.3096 128 -128v-288c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-512c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v288c0 70.6904 57.3096 128 128 128h320zM96 16v144h-48v-144h48zM96 208v153.22c-28.2002 -12.3799 -48 -40.5 -48 -73.2197v-80h48zM432 16v144 h-80v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48h-80v-144h288zM272 160c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16s16 7.16016 16 16v32c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-32zM432 208v160h-288v-160h80v32 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32h80zM528 16v144h-48v-144h48zM528 208v80c0 32.7197 -19.7998 60.8398 -48 73.2197v-153.22h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trees" unicode="&#xf724;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M634.19 71.7695c6.12988 -7.11914 7.5293 -17.1494 3.61914 -25.6895c-3.89941 -8.54004 -12.4297 -14.0098 -21.8096 -14.0098h-168v-24.46l30.29 -48.4307c5.32031 -10.6396 -2.41992 -23.1699 -14.3096 -23.1699h-95.9609 c-11.8896 0 -19.6299 12.5205 -14.3096 23.1699l30.29 48.4307v24.46h-128v-24.46l30.2803 -48.4307c5.31934 -10.6396 -2.41992 -23.1699 -14.3105 -23.1699h-95.96c-11.8896 0 -19.6299 12.5205 -14.3096 23.1699l30.29 48.4307v24.46h-168 c-8.50098 0.00390625 -18.2725 6.28027 -21.8105 14.0098c-3.89941 8.54004 -2.5 18.5801 3.62988 25.6895l55.4707 64.3701h-5.28027c-8.46387 0.00488281 -18.2207 6.24121 -21.7803 13.9199c-3.93945 8.4707 -2.55957 18.4805 3.4707 25.6104l54.5596 64.5498h-12.25 c-9.46973 0 -18.0596 5.58008 -21.9404 14.2402c-1.14355 2.5752 -2.07227 6.95117 -2.07227 9.76953c0 5.08984 2.76074 12.2939 6.16309 16.0801l144 160.11c9.12988 10.0996 26.5596 10.0996 35.6895 0l78.1602 -86.9004l78.1602 86.9004 c9.12988 10.0996 26.5596 10.0996 35.6895 0l144 -160.11c3.39941 -3.78809 6.1582 -10.9951 6.1582 -16.085c0 -2.81641 -0.926758 -7.19043 -2.06738 -9.76465c-3.88086 -8.66016 -12.4707 -14.2402 -21.9404 -14.2402h-12.25l54.5596 -64.5498 c6.03027 -7.12988 7.41016 -17.1396 3.4707 -25.6104c-3.94043 -8.48926 -12.4404 -13.9199 -21.7803 -13.9199h-5.28027zM304 80.0996l67.6299 0.0107422l-89.6602 104.069h58.2803l-88 104.07h61.8799l-90.1299 100.2l-90.1299 -100.21h61.8799l-88 -104.07h58.2803 l-89.6602 -104.07h227.63zM435 80.0996l128.63 0.0107422l-89.6602 104.069h58.2803l-88 104.07h61.8799l-90.1299 100.2l-63.7002 -70.8301l33.5498 -37.3105c3.39941 -3.78809 6.1582 -10.9951 6.1582 -16.085c0 -2.81641 -0.926758 -7.19043 -2.06738 -9.76465 c-3.88086 -8.66016 -12.4707 -14.2402 -21.9404 -14.2402h-12.25l54.5596 -64.5498c6.03027 -7.12988 7.41016 -17.1396 3.4707 -25.6104c-3.94043 -8.48926 -12.4404 -13.9199 -21.7803 -13.9199h-5.29004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="turtle" unicode="&#xf726;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M637.12 287.54c14.79 -58.7197 -29.4297 -111.54 -85.7705 -111.54h-14.9795c-10.2998 -32.8398 -30.8506 -62.0898 -61.5 -82.8701l30.6797 -53.1299c8.5498 -14.7998 8.5498 -33.2002 0 -48s-24.4795 -24 -41.5693 -24h-36.9502c-17.1504 0 -33 9.15039 -41.5703 24 l-27.6396 47.8799c-42.0898 -10.8799 -99.29 -10.4199 -139.63 0l-27.6406 -47.8799c-8.56934 -14.8496 -24.4199 -24 -41.5693 -24h-36.9502c-17.1006 0 -33.0205 9.2002 -41.5703 24s-8.5498 33.2002 0 48l28.1797 48.8203l-81.5293 42.8496 c-10.5205 5.53027 -17.1104 16.4404 -17.1104 28.3301v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h5.4502c-6.48047 15.3701 -7.28027 32.3701 -1.91016 48.5098c49.0596 147.63 196.729 159.49 212.85 159.49c69.4199 0 132.391 -39.4502 173.03 -89.9004 c12.6699 34.3301 46.6299 57.9004 86.2598 57.9004c37.4102 0 48.6299 -13.9404 93.2607 -45.8203c17.3193 -12.3701 30.9795 -29.9893 36.1797 -50.6396zM81.0996 241.37c-5.60938 -16.8701 11.0303 -33.3701 33.5 -33.3701c0 0 268.631 0.19043 269.57 0.25 c24.0498 0.799805 34.0098 23.29 30.7402 33.1201c-19.1006 57.4902 -86.4102 126.63 -166.51 126.63h-0.790039c-80.1006 0 -147.41 -69.1396 -166.511 -126.63zM551.34 224c22.4102 0 40.6602 18.2305 40.6602 40.6504c0 13.0801 -6.37012 25.46 -17.0303 33.0801 c-42.0801 30.0498 -57.7295 49.1494 -89.1895 33.0195c-10.1406 -5.19043 -21.7803 -15.9102 -21.7803 -35.75v-55.2197c-0.139648 -57.9805 -48.9102 -79.7803 -80.9404 -79.7803h-316.68l98.8105 -51.9199l-53.1904 -92.0801h36.9697l46.7803 81.0498 c75.7305 -24.8301 117.6 -21.9297 184.5 0l46.75 -81.0498h36.9697l-56.4697 97.8096c21.6201 8.57031 85.21 19.8604 96.5 110.19h47.3398zM512 304c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="unicorn" unicode="&#xf727;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M631.98 384c7.91992 0 11.0293 -10.2695 4.43945 -14.6699l-92.46 -36.6699l0.0400391 -52.2705c0.0195312 -25.3096 -16.0801 -47.8301 -40.04 -56.0098l-31.0303 -10.5898c-2.60938 -0.889648 -19.9795 -7.13965 -40.9297 -0.169922v-5.62012 c0 -31.5498 -11.4297 -61.2002 -32 -84.3496v-155.65c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v123.8l-29.9102 8.54004l-8.50977 -23.71l25.5303 -100.76c5.12012 -20.2197 -10.1602 -39.8604 -31.0205 -39.8604h-74.7002 c-14.79 0 -27.6494 10.1406 -31.1094 24.5205l-24.1201 100.29c-1.20898 5.02344 -2.18945 13.2939 -2.18945 18.4609c0 6.30566 1.45117 16.332 3.23926 22.3789l12.9502 43.7598c-20.2598 20.4902 -32.1602 48.4502 -32.1602 78.5801 c0 2.62988 0.599609 5.08984 0.780273 7.67969c-9.91016 -7.29004 -16.7803 -18.46 -16.7803 -31.6797v-56c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v56c0 47.1602 37.3604 85.4502 83.9902 87.5996 c20.2402 29.1807 53.8799 48.4004 92.0098 48.4004h83.5303c14.5898 64.0498 72.0098 112 140.42 112h135.95c5.05957 0 8.94922 -4.67969 7.93945 -9.63965c-3.47949 -17.0703 -16.1396 -30.5605 -32.5098 -35.79l15.2803 -18.5703h105.37zM488.46 269.81 c4.50977 1.54004 7.54004 5.79004 7.54004 10.5605l-0.0498047 65.3496l-44.6699 54.2803h-51.3301c-53.0205 0 -96 -42.9805 -96 -96v-16h-127.95c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64c0 -26.8301 16.54 -49.7197 39.9404 -59.2402l-22.7002 -76.7197 c-0.686523 -2.37793 -1.24316 -6.31641 -1.24316 -8.79102c0 -2.06738 0.390625 -5.37793 0.873047 -7.38867l21.1299 -87.8604h41.5303l-24.0898 95.0498l28.6494 79.7803l107.91 -30.8301v-144h48v160.36c19.3203 14.6094 32 37.5498 32 63.6396v80h32l24.96 -24.9502 c6.77051 -6.78027 14.9697 -4.34961 16.4805 -3.83008zM432 368c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-injured" unicode="&#xf728;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 160c-79.5303 0 -144 64.4697 -144 144s64.4697 144 144 144s144 -64.4697 144 -144s-64.4697 -144 -144 -144zM306.64 352c-6.83984 11.7305 -15.8896 21.9297 -26.8799 29.8301l-39.7695 -29.8301h66.6494zM224 400c-35.3701 0 -65.9902 -19.4502 -82.6396 -48 h45.3193l60 45c-7.30957 1.79004 -14.8301 3 -22.6797 3zM129.62 320c-0.889648 -5.23047 -1.62012 -10.5195 -1.61035 -16c0 -52.9297 43.0703 -96 96 -96c52.9404 0 96 43.0703 96 96c0 5.48047 -0.729492 10.7695 -1.62012 16h-188.77zM313.6 144 c74.2305 0 134.4 -60.1699 134.4 -134.4v-25.5996c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v25.5996c0 74.2305 60.1699 134.4 134.4 134.4c11.04 0 21.79 -2.59961 32.21 -6.24023c17.9893 -6.2793 37.2793 -9.75977 57.3896 -9.75977 c20.1201 0 39.4004 3.48047 57.4004 9.75977c10.4199 3.64062 21.1592 6.24023 32.1992 6.24023zM80 -16v92.1699c-19.3701 -15.8604 -32 -39.6504 -32 -66.5703v-25.5996h32zM112 -16h90.9297l-47.6895 107.3c-1.4707 0.480469 -3 0.640625 -4.45996 1.15039 c-6.85059 2.38965 -12.2002 3.5498 -16.3799 3.5498c-7.79004 0 -15.21 -1.37012 -22.4004 -3.32031v-108.68zM283.08 -16c2.84961 4.78027 4.91992 10.0498 4.91992 16c0 17.6396 -14.3398 32 -32 32h-39.3701l21.3301 -48h45.1201zM400 -16v25.5996 c0 47.6406 -38.7598 86.4004 -86.4004 86.4004c-4.16992 0 -9.5293 -1.16016 -16.3799 -3.5498c-23.6602 -8.25977 -48.29 -12.4502 -73.2197 -12.4502c-10.0303 0 -19.9502 1.16992 -29.8301 2.51953l8.23047 -18.5195h53.5996c35.2803 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64 c0 -5.55957 -0.929688 -10.8604 -2.26953 -16h82.2695z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vr-cardboard" unicode="&#xf729;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M576 384c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-256c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-129.13c-37.7705 0 -72.04 22.1602 -87.54 56.6104l-8.07031 17.9297c-5.91992 13.1504 -18.0195 21.46 -31.2598 21.46s-25.3398 -8.30957 -31.2598 -21.46l-8.07031 -17.9297 c-15.5 -34.4502 -49.7598 -56.6104 -87.54 -56.6104h-129.13c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v256c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h512zM592 64v256c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-512c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-256c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h129.13 c18.8506 0 36.0303 11.1104 43.7705 28.2998l8.06934 17.9307c13.6006 30.2295 43.0498 49.7695 75.0303 49.7695s61.4297 -19.54 75.0303 -49.7695l8.06934 -17.9307c7.73047 -17.1895 24.9199 -28.2998 43.7705 -28.2998h129.13c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM176 272 c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64zM464 272c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wand-magic" unicode="&#xf72b;" d="M80 288l-26.6699 53.3301l-53.3301 26.6699l53.3301 26.6699l26.6699 53.3301l26.6699 -53.3301l53.3301 -26.6699l-53.3398 -26.6699zM431.99 160l26.6602 -53.3301l53.3301 -26.6699l-53.3301 -26.6699l-26.6602 -53.3301l-26.6699 53.3301l-53.3301 26.6699 l53.3398 26.6699zM223.99 352l-16 32l-32 16l32 16l16 32l16 -32l32 -16l-32 -16zM431.99 256h-29.21l-272.931 -302.53c-3.70996 -4.09961 -17.1094 -17.4697 -39.2793 -17.4697c-14 0 -27.6299 5.62988 -37.5 15.5498l-37.5303 37.5205 c-10.2197 10.2295 -15.8701 24.3701 -15.5 38.8096c0.339844 14.4297 6.67969 28.2598 17.3701 37.9502l0.0595703 0.0498047l78.5303 70.8398v39.2803c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h45.2803l272.77 246.08c15.1602 13.7197 38.5 13.1602 53 -1.36035l17.6602 -17.6299 c14.5303 -14.5596 15.1201 -37.8701 1.30957 -53.0898l-54.0293 -59.8896v-34.1104c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM94.2197 -14.3604l366.181 405.87l-4.91016 4.87988l-405.86 -366.13c-0.889648 -0.830078 -3.12988 -4.25977 -0.160156 -7.26953l37.5303 -37.5205 c2.99023 -3.06934 6.40039 -0.739258 7.21973 0.169922z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wheat" unicode="&#xf72d;" d="M460.88 295.54l39.54 -39.6104c6.24023 -6.25 6.24023 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-33.8496 -33.9102c-12.5801 -12.5996 -27.8604 -20.5898 -43.9307 -24.7295c4.55078 -6.25 4.29004 -14.9404 -1.34961 -20.5898l-33.6699 -33.7305 c-12.5898 -12.6094 -27.8799 -20.5996 -43.96 -24.7402c4.5498 -6.25977 4.29004 -14.9492 -1.35059 -20.5996l-34.0498 -34.1201c-37.4795 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-32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM328 144c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-144c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h144zM454.15 232.03c34.0195 -14.7705 57.8496 -48.5801 57.8496 -88.0303v-48c0 -23.6299 -12.9502 -44.0303 -32 -55.1201v-48.8799c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-32 c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v40h-288v-40c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-32c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v48.8799c-19.0498 11.0801 -32 31.4902 -32 55.1201v48c0 39.4502 23.8301 73.2598 57.8398 88.0303l15.0303 77.6602c6.57031 33.79 36.2803 58.3096 70.6895 58.3096 h16.4404v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h16.4404c34.3994 0 64.1191 -24.5195 70.6797 -58.3096zM120 300.56l-11.7197 -60.5596h295.439l-11.7197 60.5596c-2.17969 11.2705 -12.0898 19.4404 -23.5596 19.4404h-224.881 c-11.4697 0 -21.3691 -8.16992 -23.5596 -19.4404zM464 96v48c0 26.4697 -21.5303 48 -48 48h-320c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48v-48c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h384c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16z" /> 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c-12.8105 0 -24.8604 -4.99023 -33.9102 -14.0498l-111.04 -111.061l-30.0596 30.0703l-29.6602 -29.6504l128 -128l29.6602 29.6602l-30.0703 30.0605l33.9395 33.9395z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-brush" unicode="&#xf1fc;" d="M455.59 448c29.2998 0 56.4102 -21.5195 56.4102 -51.6602c0 -16.8203 -6.7998 -32.9902 -14.4902 -47.96c-109.3 -203.979 -149.55 -259.479 -206.45 -266.49c7.66016 -58.1396 -27.8799 -145.89 -145.06 -145.89c-102.74 0 -146 82.5498 -146 176.5 c11.1699 -7.62988 50.3496 -39.1904 63.0195 -39.1904c7.52051 0 13.9609 4.30078 16.6406 11.3809c21.7295 57.2695 58.7998 76.3594 100.32 81.3193c-10.2109 65.4902 15.75 70.1699 233.68 264.84c11.3096 10.1602 26.1201 17.1504 41.9297 17.1504zM222.08 15.1104 c16.7695 19.1299 20.2998 44.3301 18.2295 60.0996l-1.76953 13.4102l-36.0596 28.5098l-16.4307 -1.95996c-25.9102 -3.09961 -44.7295 -12.3203 -58.5195 -48.6504c-8.98047 -23.71 -29.6504 -40.0693 -54.21 -43.6699c14.0801 -20.7197 36.71 -35.6494 72.6797 -35.6494 c34.2402 0 59.8398 9.38965 76.0801 27.9102zM284.8 132.71c50.0498 6.16016 183.44 250.74 171.32 260.72c-11.8799 9.77051 -231.82 -179.35 -225.561 -219.54l2.44043 -15.6396l34.9297 -27.6201z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus" unicode="&#xf207;" d="M368 80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM144 80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM488 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-80 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-8v-160c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-16c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-224v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-16c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v160 h-8c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v80c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h8v48c0 44.7998 99.2002 80 224 80s224 -35.2002 224 -80v-48h8zM432 48v128h-352v-128h352zM432 224v64h-352v-64h352zM432 336v26.5703c-14.1797 13.8301 -76.6904 37.4297 -176 37.4297 s-161.82 -23.5996 -176 -37.4297v-26.5703h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bed" unicode="&#xf236;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M168 144c-48.5195 0 -88 39.4805 -88 88s39.4805 88 88 88s88 -39.4805 88 -88s-39.4805 -88 -88 -88zM168 272c-22.0596 0 -40 -17.9404 -40 -40s17.9404 -40 40 -40s40 17.9404 40 40s-17.9404 40 -40 40zM528 320c61.8604 0 112 -50.1396 112 -112v-192 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48h-544v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v352c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-256h240v192c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h224z M592 112v96c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64h-192v-160h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map" unicode="&#xf279;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560.02 416c8.4502 0 15.9805 -6.83008 15.9805 -16.0195v-346.32c0 -11.9609 -9.01367 -25.2705 -20.1201 -29.71l-151.83 -52.8105c-5.32617 -1.7334 -14.1953 -3.13965 -19.7969 -3.13965c-5.7373 0 -14.8105 1.47363 -20.2529 3.29004l-172 60.71l-170.05 -62.8398 c-1.99023 -0.790039 -4 -1.16016 -5.95996 -1.16016c-8.45996 0 -15.9902 6.83008 -15.9902 16.0195v346.32c0.00292969 11.959 9.0166 25.2686 20.1201 29.71l151.83 52.8105c6.43945 2.08984 13.1201 3.13965 19.8096 3.13965 c5.73242 -0.00195312 14.8008 -1.47168 20.2402 -3.28027l172 -60.7197h0.00976562l170.05 62.8398c1.98047 0.790039 4 1.16016 5.95996 1.16016zM224 357.58v-285.97l128 -45.1904v285.97zM48 29.9502l127.36 47.0801l0.639648 0.229492v286.2l-128 -44.5303v-288.979z M528 65.0801v288.97l-127.36 -47.0693l-0.639648 -0.240234v-286.19z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen" unicode="&#xf304;" d="M493.26 391.74c24.9902 -24.9902 24.9902 -65.5098 -0.00976562 -90.5098l-74.4902 -74.4902l-34.7402 -34.7402l-243.239 -243.24l-114.141 -12.6094c-0.899414 -0.100586 -1.7998 -0.150391 -2.68945 -0.150391c-14.0703 0 -25.4004 12.2803 -23.7998 26.6602 l12.6992 114.22l243.15 243.14l34.75 34.75l74.4902 74.4902c12.4902 12.4902 28.8701 18.7402 45.25 18.7402s32.7598 -6.25 45.2598 -18.75zM118.75 -5.38965l231.33 231.33l31.0195 31.0195l-60.1396 60.1396l-31.0195 -31.0195l-231.24 -231.24l-7.53027 -67.6895z M459.31 335.18c6.24023 6.23047 6.24023 16.3799 0 22.6299l-37.5098 37.5107c-4.06934 4.08008 -8.83984 4.68945 -11.3096 4.68945c-2.4707 0 -7.23047 -0.609375 -11.3105 -4.68945l-44.2793 -44.2803l60.1299 -60.1396z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-alt" unicode="&#xf305;" d="M493.25 391.74c25 -24.9902 25 -65.5098 0 -90.5098l-74.4902 -74.4902l-34.7402 -34.7402l-162.039 -162.05c-44.8252 -44.8174 -132.338 -86.8398 -195.341 -93.7998c-0.90918 -0.100586 -1.7998 -0.150391 -2.68945 -0.150391 c-14.0703 0 -25.4004 12.2803 -23.8105 26.6504l0.0302734 0.229492c7 62.9219 49.0137 150.322 93.7803 195.09l162.06 162.05l7.41992 7.4209l-33.9395 33.9395l-113.141 -113.12c-6.23926 -6.25 -16.3691 -6.25 -22.6191 0l-11.3105 11.3105 c-6.25 6.23926 -6.25 16.3701 0 22.6201l118.79 118.779c15.6104 15.6201 40.9404 15.6201 56.5596 0l39.5908 -39.5898l67.8701 67.8799c12.5 12.4902 28.8799 18.7402 45.2598 18.7402s32.7598 -6.25 45.25 -18.75zM188.03 63.8896l162.05 162.051l7.41992 7.41992 l-60.1396 60.1396l-7.41992 -7.41992l-162.051 -162.05c-37.0098 -37.0107 -62.8799 -84 -74.5996 -134.74c50.75 11.7197 97.7197 37.5801 134.74 74.5996zM459.31 335.18c4.08008 4.07031 4.68066 8.83984 4.68066 11.3105c0 2.46973 -0.610352 7.22949 -4.69043 11.3096 l-37.5098 37.5098c-4.07031 4.08008 -8.83984 4.69043 -11.3096 4.69043c-2.4707 0 -7.23047 -0.610352 -11.3105 -4.69043l-67.8701 -67.8691l11.3105 -11.3105l48.8193 -48.8301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="feather" unicode="&#xf52d;" d="M467.1 403.1c62.5605 -62.5498 64.8506 -161.68 -25.7598 -252.3l-85.7598 -85.75c-50.0898 -50.0898 -120.94 -65.5693 -178.13 -65.5693c-28.4502 0 -53.4404 3.84961 -70.8799 9.14941l-65.6006 -65.5996c-9.37012 -9.37012 -24.5693 -9.37012 -33.9395 0 s-9.37012 24.5693 0 33.9395l65.6602 65.6602c-16 52.4502 -18.6904 173.9 56.3691 248.95l85.75 85.7598c48.8008 48.8105 100.08 70.6602 146.78 70.6602c40 0 76.6504 -16.04 105.51 -44.9004zM147.37 49.4297c8.79004 -1.08008 18.6699 -1.89941 30.0801 -1.88965 c33.7402 0 95.9902 6.62988 140.609 48.46h-124.119zM350.58 128l56.7803 56.79c2.37988 2.37988 4.15918 4.80957 6.38965 7.20996h-123.81l-64 -64h124.64zM438.89 224c34.2402 52.8701 33.3906 105.96 -5.7793 145.12 c-20.1602 20.1602 -44.9004 30.8203 -71.5303 30.8203c-36.7705 0 -75.7803 -19.5605 -112.8 -56.5801c-67.04 -67.0508 -85.75 -85.7607 -85.75 -85.7607c-49.8105 -49.8096 -54.79 -128.18 -49.5205 -174.149l197 197c9.37012 9.37012 24.5703 9.37012 33.9404 0 s9.37012 -24.5703 0 -33.9404l-22.5098 -22.5098h116.949z" /> <glyph glyph-name="archway" unicode="&#xf557;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 400h-16v-416h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-159.98c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16h-0.0195312v160c0 53.0195 -42.9805 96 -96 96s-96 -42.9805 -96 -96v-176c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-159.98 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h15.9805v416h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h544c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM496 400h-416v-40h416v40zM432 -16h64v328h-416 v-328h64v144c0 79.4004 64.5996 144 144 144s144 -64.5996 144 -144v-144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="atlas" unicode="&#xf558;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 128c-66.2695 0 -120 53.7305 -120 120c0 66.2803 53.7305 120 120 120c66.2803 0 120 -53.7197 120 -120c0 -66.2695 -53.7197 -120 -120 -120zM310.38 264c-5.0498 27.3203 -22.8096 49.9805 -46.8604 62.1904c6.52051 -17.2002 10.8809 -38.5107 12.2705 -62.1904 h34.5898zM275.79 232c-1.38965 -23.6797 -5.74023 -44.9805 -12.2705 -62.1904c24.04 12.21 41.8105 34.8701 46.8604 62.1904h-34.5898zM224 333.76c-6.91016 -8.37012 -17.5098 -32.3896 -19.9697 -69.7598h39.9297c-2.4502 37.3701 -13.0498 61.3896 -19.96 69.7598z M243.96 232h-39.9199c2.4502 -37.3701 13.0498 -61.3896 19.96 -69.7598c6.91016 8.37012 17.5098 32.3896 19.96 69.7598zM184.47 326.19c-24.04 -12.21 -41.7998 -34.8701 -46.8594 -62.1904h34.5898c1.39941 23.6797 5.75 44.9902 12.2695 62.1904zM172.21 232h-34.5898 c5.05957 -27.3203 22.8203 -49.9805 46.8604 -62.1904c-6.52051 17.21 -10.8701 38.5107 -12.2705 62.1904zM448 64c0 -7.7998 -5.5 -14.2002 -12.9004 -15.7002c-4.19922 -13 -4.19922 -51.5996 0 -64.5996c7.30078 -1.40039 12.9004 -7.90039 12.9004 -15.7002v-16 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80v352c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368zM394 -16c-2.7002 17.2998 -2.7002 46.7002 0 64h-314c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32h314z M400 96v304h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-278.7c9.7998 4.2998 20.5996 6.7002 32 6.7002h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="backspace" unicode="&#xf55a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M469.65 266.35c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0.00976562 -22.6299l-51.7197 -51.7197l51.7197 -51.7197c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.3105 -11.3105c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-51.7197 51.7197l-51.7197 -51.7197 c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l51.7197 51.7197l-51.7197 51.7197c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3105 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l51.7197 -51.7197l51.71 51.7197 c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0zM576 384c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-256c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-370.75c-16.9697 0 -33.25 6.75 -45.25 18.75l-150.63 150.63c-12.5 12.4902 -12.5 32.75 0 45.25l150.63 150.63c12 12 28.2803 18.7402 45.2598 18.7402 h370.74zM592 64v256c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-370.75c-4.26953 0 -8.29004 -1.66992 -11.3096 -4.69043l-139.311 -139.31l139.32 -139.31c3.01953 -3.03027 7.04004 -4.69043 11.3096 -4.69043h370.74c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bezier-curve" unicode="&#xf55b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M576 272c-26.7998 0 -49.4502 16.6104 -58.9404 40h-80.0498c64.3105 -37.7803 108.79 -105.52 114.181 -184h24.8096c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h23.1904 c-5.79004 66.7803 -47.3906 123.33 -105.471 150.54c-4.0498 -12.9199 -15.4502 -22.54 -29.7197 -22.54h-96c-14.2695 0 -25.6699 9.62012 -29.7197 22.54c-58.0801 -27.21 -99.6807 -83.7598 -105.471 -150.54h23.1904c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h24.8096c5.39062 78.4805 49.8701 146.22 114.19 184h-80.0498c-9.5 -23.3896 -32.1504 -40 -58.9502 -40c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64 c26.7998 0 49.4502 -16.6104 58.9502 -40h117.05v24c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-24h117.05c9.5 23.3896 32.1504 40 58.9502 40c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64zM560 337.59v-3.17969l0.620117 -2.40039 c1.83008 -7.06934 8.16016 -12.0098 15.3799 -12.0098c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16c-7.21973 0 -13.5498 -4.94043 -15.3799 -12.0098zM80 334.41v3.18945l-0.620117 2.39062c-1.83008 7.06934 -8.16016 12.0098 -15.3799 12.0098 c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16c7.21973 0 13.5498 4.94043 15.3799 12.0098zM144 80h-64v-64h64v64zM352 304v64h-64v-64h64zM560 80h-64v-64h64v64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bong" unicode="&#xf55c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M443.31 230.63c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.2998 -11.3203c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-9.37988 9.37988l-43.4404 -43.4395c17.3604 -28.8105 27.4404 -62.5 27.4404 -98.6201c0 -43.7998 -14.79 -84.0703 -39.5303 -116.35 c-5.81934 -7.61035 -15.21 -11.6504 -24.79 -11.6504h-255.37c-9.5791 0 -18.9697 4.04004 -24.79 11.6504c-24.7197 32.2793 -39.5195 72.54 -39.5195 116.35c0 71.0303 38.6699 132.9 96 166.11v169.93l-15.9697 -0.0205078 c-8.85059 -0.00976562 -16.0303 7.16016 -16.0205 16.0107l0.0400391 15.7295c0.00976562 8.82031 7.16016 15.9707 15.9805 15.9805l223.939 0.259766c8.85059 0.00976562 16.0303 -7.16992 16.0205 -16.0195l-0.0400391 -15.7207 c-0.00976562 -8.81934 -7.16016 -15.9697 -15.9805 -15.9795l-15.9697 -0.0205078v-170.16c14.1201 -8.17969 27.0898 -18.1396 38.6504 -29.5098l39.4092 39.4102l-9.37988 9.37988c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3105 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0z M120.06 188.57c-24.8096 -14.3701 -44.1094 -35.7305 -56.5596 -60.5703h257c-12.4404 24.8398 -31.75 46.2002 -56.5596 60.5703l-23.9404 13.8701v197.569h-96v-197.569zM311.53 -16c16.04 23.75 24.4697 51.2305 24.46 80c0 5.38965 -0.470703 10.71 -1.07031 16h-285.85 c-0.600586 -5.29004 -1.07031 -10.6104 -1.07031 -16c0 -28.7695 8.42969 -56.25 24.4697 -80h239.061z" /> <glyph glyph-name="brush" unicode="&#xf55d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M352 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-288c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-48v-48c0 -44.1797 -35.8203 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8203 -80 80v48h-48c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v288c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h320zM336 400h-288v-176h288v176zM320 112 c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v48h-288v-48c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h96v-96c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32v96h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus-alt" unicode="&#xf55e;" d="M144 144c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM488 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-80c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-8v-160c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-16 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-224v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-16c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v160h-8c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v80c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h8v48c0 44.7998 99.2002 80 224 80 s224 -35.2002 224 -80v-48h8zM80 288v-64h152v64h-152zM432 48v128h-352v-128h352zM432 224v64h-152v-64h152zM432 336v26.5703c-14.1797 13.8301 -76.6904 37.4297 -176 37.4297s-161.82 -23.5996 -176 -37.4297v-26.5703h96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h96 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32h96zM368 80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cannabis" unicode="&#xf55f;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M516.88 135.92c16.5801 -8.0498 27.1104 -24.7695 27.1201 -43.0898s-10.4902 -35.0498 -27.0596 -43.1201c-2.1709 -1.0498 -46.2803 -22.2295 -105.46 -28.6699c1.46973 -13.8301 -3.18066 -27.8301 -13.0908 -38.1504 c-9.25977 -9.64941 -21.9795 -14.8896 -35.0293 -14.8896c-4.4707 0 -8.98047 0.610352 -13.4004 1.87988c-3.66992 1.0498 -25.8301 7.77051 -53.96 22.2705v-40.1504c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v40.1504 c-28.1299 -14.5 -50.29 -21.2207 -53.96 -22.2705c-4.42969 -1.25977 -8.92969 -1.87988 -13.4004 -1.87988c-13.0498 0 -25.7695 5.24023 -35.0293 14.8896c-7.37207 7.65625 -13.3555 22.4951 -13.3555 33.123c0 1.3916 0.118164 3.64355 0.264648 5.02734 c-59.1797 6.42969 -103.289 27.6201 -105.46 28.6699c-16.5693 8.07031 -27.0693 24.7998 -27.0596 43.1201s10.54 35.04 27.1201 43.0898c2.16016 1.0498 11.8994 5.63965 27.1895 10.96c-39 57.6104 -52.25 110.92 -52.9795 113.95 c-3.84961 15.9502 0.780273 32.7402 12.2803 44.5303c9.20996 9.44922 21.7998 14.6396 34.7793 14.6396c2.69336 -0.000976562 7.02148 -0.435547 9.66016 -0.969727c3.10059 -0.620117 55.54 -11.5605 114.37 -43.4707c14.4805 85.8203 57.5996 148.601 59.79 151.74 c9.03027 12.96 23.9004 20.7002 39.79 20.7002s30.7598 -7.74023 39.7998 -20.6904c2.19043 -3.13965 45.3105 -65.9297 59.79 -151.739c58.8301 31.9102 111.271 42.8398 114.37 43.4697c3.20996 0.650391 6.4502 0.969727 9.66016 0.969727 c12.9795 0 25.5703 -5.18945 34.7803 -14.6396c11.4893 -11.7998 16.1191 -28.5898 12.2695 -44.54c-0.729492 -3.03027 -13.9697 -56.3398 -52.9795 -113.95c15.29 -5.32031 25.0293 -9.91016 27.1895 -10.96zM378.22 67.2002c64.8398 0 117.4 25.5996 117.4 25.5996 s-40.8799 19.8506 -94.9697 24.5605c0.849609 0.769531 1.56934 1.2998 2.42969 2.08984c71.5498 65.5303 92.54 152.55 92.54 152.55s-95.0205 -19.2197 -166.57 -84.75c-0.939453 -0.849609 -1.56934 -1.57031 -2.47949 -2.41016 c0.849609 10.8301 1.33008 22.7305 1.33008 35.96c0 98.9697 -55.9004 179.2 -55.9004 179.2s-55.9004 -80.2305 -55.9004 -179.2c0 -13.2402 0.480469 -25.1299 1.33008 -35.96c-0.910156 0.839844 -1.5498 1.56055 -2.47949 2.41016 c-71.5498 65.5303 -166.57 84.75 -166.57 84.75s20.9902 -87.0195 92.54 -152.55c0.860352 -0.790039 1.58008 -1.32031 2.42969 -2.08984c-54.0898 -4.7207 -94.9697 -24.5605 -94.9697 -24.5605s52.5605 -25.5996 117.4 -25.5996 c17.2998 0 31.1299 0.870117 42.4199 2.33008c0.219727 -0.120117 0.399414 -0.160156 0.620117 -0.270508c-19.7607 -28.8096 -28.1807 -53.2598 -28.1807 -53.2598s47.9902 13.7305 91.3604 48.4805c43.3604 -34.75 91.3604 -48.4805 91.3604 -48.4805 s-8.41016 24.4502 -28.1807 53.2598c0.220703 0.120117 0.400391 0.160156 0.620117 0.270508c11.29 -1.4707 25.1201 -2.33008 42.4199 -2.33008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="concierge-bell" unicode="&#xf562;" d="M496 48c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16v48c0 112.82 83.4902 205.89 192 221.46v18.54h-48c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16 h160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-48v-18.54c108.51 -15.5703 192 -108.64 192 -221.46v-48h16zM432 48v48c0 97.0498 -78.9502 176 -176 176s-176 -78.9502 -176 -176v-48h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie" unicode="&#xf563;" d="M352 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM320 288c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM192 256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32 s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32zM192 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM288 224c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM510.37 193.21 c0.901367 -5.68848 1.63281 -14.9805 1.63281 -20.7402c0 -17.5703 -6.47559 -44.5352 -14.4531 -60.1895l-35.0996 -68.8701c-10.7695 -21.1328 -36.6592 -47.0273 -57.79 -57.7998l-69.1201 -35.21c-18.6299 -9.5 -39.1602 -14.3809 -59.8799 -14.3809 c-6.87988 0 -13.7705 0.530273 -20.6299 1.62012l-76.7002 12.1406c-23.3896 3.70801 -55.9639 20.3057 -72.71 37.0498l-54.7598 54.75c-16.7969 16.8027 -33.4443 49.4844 -37.1602 72.9502l-12.0801 76.2695c-0.901367 5.68945 -1.63184 14.9814 -1.63184 20.7412 c0 17.5723 6.47461 44.542 14.4521 60.1992l35.0996 68.8701c10.7666 21.1348 36.6562 47.0293 57.79 57.7998l69.1201 35.21c18.6396 9.5 39.1699 14.3799 59.8896 14.3799c5.72656 0 14.9648 -0.730469 20.6201 -1.62988l76.7002 -12.1504 c27.5303 -4.34961 52.9795 -17.3301 72.71 -37.0498l54.7598 -54.75c16.7969 -16.8027 33.4443 -49.4844 37.1602 -72.9502zM454.78 134.06c8.16992 16.0205 10.9893 33.8809 8.18945 51.6406l-12.0801 76.2598c-2.80957 17.75 -11 33.8301 -23.6895 46.5205l-54.7598 54.75 c-12.6406 12.6396 -28.6406 20.7998 -46.2705 23.5898l-76.7002 12.1494c-4.33008 0.680664 -8.73926 1.03027 -13.1201 1.03027c-13.1797 0 -26.3496 -3.16992 -38.0996 -9.15039l-69.1201 -35.21c-15.9502 -8.12012 -28.6797 -20.8496 -36.8096 -36.8193 l-35.1006 -68.8799c-8.16992 -16.0205 -10.9893 -33.8809 -8.17969 -51.6406l12.0801 -76.2695c2.80957 -17.7402 11 -33.8301 23.6895 -46.5107l54.7607 -54.7598c12.6396 -12.6396 28.6494 -20.7998 46.2793 -23.5898l76.6904 -12.1396 c3.59863 -0.566406 9.47656 -1.02734 13.1201 -1.03027c13.1699 0 26.3398 3.16992 38.0898 9.15039l69.1201 35.21c15.9502 8.12012 28.6797 20.8496 36.8096 36.8193z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie-bite" unicode="&#xf564;" d="M352 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM192 256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32zM192 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM288 224c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM510.52 192.18c4.10059 -27.3301 -0.349609 -55.2695 -12.9092 -79.8994l-35.1006 -68.8799 c-10.7637 -21.1406 -36.6533 -47.0391 -57.79 -57.8105l-69.1299 -35.2197c-18.6396 -9.5 -39.1699 -14.3799 -59.8896 -14.3799c-6.87988 0 -13.7803 0.529297 -20.6406 1.62012l-76.71 12.1396c-23.3916 3.70703 -55.9658 20.3105 -72.71 37.0596l-54.7695 54.7607 c-16.7949 16.8066 -33.4424 49.4922 -37.1602 72.96l-12.0801 76.2793c-0.900391 5.68945 -1.63184 14.9824 -1.63184 20.7422c0 17.5752 6.47461 44.5479 14.4521 60.208l35.0996 68.8799c10.7646 21.1396 36.6543 47.0391 57.79 57.8105l69.1299 35.2197 c18.6104 9.48047 39.1104 14.3301 59.79 14.3301c6.64062 0 13.3105 -0.5 19.9307 -1.50977c0.859375 -69.96 57.6895 -126.45 127.859 -126.45c0 -70.1699 56.5 -127.01 126.47 -127.86zM454.84 134.08c2.36816 4.63477 5.3252 12.4932 6.60059 17.54 c-58.8906 17.8203 -104.99 65.8398 -120.11 125.689c-59.8398 15.1309 -107.86 61.21 -125.69 120.091c-6.01953 -1.52051 -11.8594 -3.70996 -17.3799 -6.52051l-69.1299 -35.2197c-15.9395 -8.12012 -28.6699 -20.8604 -36.8096 -36.8301l-35.1006 -68.8799 c-8.16992 -16.0205 -10.9893 -33.8701 -8.17969 -51.6406l12.0801 -76.2695c2.80957 -17.75 11 -33.8301 23.6895 -46.5205l54.7705 -54.7598c12.6396 -12.6396 28.6396 -20.7998 46.2803 -23.5898l76.71 -12.1396c4.33008 -0.680664 8.75 -1.03027 13.1299 -1.03027 c13.1797 0 26.3594 3.16992 38.0996 9.15039l69.1299 35.2197c15.9404 8.12988 28.6699 20.8604 36.8105 36.8301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crop-alt" unicode="&#xf565;" d="M160 432v-336h160v-64h-192c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v224h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h80v80c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16zM496 96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-80v-80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v336h-160v64h192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-224h80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="digital-tachograph" unicode="&#xf566;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 352c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v256c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h576zM592 80v224h-544v-224h544zM96 208c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h192 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-192zM88 104c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v8c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h208c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-8c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-208zM344 104c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v8 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h208c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-8c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-208zM96 184h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM154.67 184h16 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM213.33 184h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8z M272 184h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drafting-compass" unicode="&#xf568;" d="M450.33 151.64l61.6699 -114.56l-7.9502 -65.8105c-1.46973 -12.5693 -8.59961 -23.46 -19.5693 -29.8291c-6.2002 -3.59082 -13.0508 -5.4209 -19.9404 -5.4209c-5.29004 0 -10.6201 1.08008 -15.7002 3.25l-61.4795 26.3408l-62.0508 115.3 c-22.3994 -5.7998 -45.6592 -8.87012 -69.3096 -8.87012c-23.6299 0 -46.7998 3.2998 -69.1699 9.12988l-62.2002 -115.57l-61.4395 -26.3301c-5.08008 -2.18945 -10.4404 -3.26953 -15.7402 -3.26953c-6.87988 0 -13.7402 1.83008 -19.9404 5.41992 c-10.9697 6.37988 -18.0996 17.2705 -19.5996 29.8896l-7.91016 65.75l62.04 115.25c-14.3799 13.7803 -27.8896 28.5205 -39.0596 45.4404c-5.02051 7.59961 -2.23047 18.0596 5.63965 22.6201l13.79 8c7.38965 4.29004 16.54 1.76953 21.29 -5.33984 c6.51953 -9.75 13.9102 -18.7002 21.7598 -27.1904l76.2705 141.71c-0.720703 4.75 -1.4502 9.50977 -1.4502 14.46c0 53.0098 42.8594 95.9902 95.7197 95.9902s95.7197 -42.9805 95.7305 -95.9902c0 -4.9502 -0.730469 -9.70996 -1.4502 -14.46l76.2998 -141.76 c7.80957 8.54004 15.21 17.4902 21.7295 27.2402c4.75 7.10938 13.9004 9.62012 21.29 5.33984l13.79 -8c7.87012 -4.56055 10.6602 -15.0205 5.64062 -22.6201c-11.1904 -16.96 -24.3799 -32.1904 -38.7002 -46.1104zM256 400c-26.4297 0 -47.8604 -21.4902 -47.8604 -48 s21.4307 -48 47.8604 -48s47.8604 21.4902 47.8604 48s-21.4307 48 -47.8604 48zM90.4805 3.15039l138.329 257.029l-0.149414 0.280273c-15.6602 4.70996 -29.7705 12.96 -40.9297 24.3701l-138.381 -257.15l4.83008 -40.0898zM256 120.02 c15.4902 0 30.6699 1.98047 45.5596 5.01074l-45.5596 84.6494l-45.5801 -84.6895c14.8701 -3.12012 30.0801 -4.9707 45.5801 -4.9707zM283.18 260.19l64.8506 -120.5c14.6602 6.40918 28.7598 14.0293 41.7998 23.2998l-65.5703 121.85 c-11.1602 -11.4102 -25.2598 -19.6602 -40.9297 -24.3701zM457.82 -12.4102l4.83008 40.0801l-50.0605 93.0303c-13.2295 -8.99023 -27.2695 -16.6299 -41.8301 -23.2402l50.7598 -94.3096z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drum-steelpan" unicode="&#xf56a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -57.3096 288 -128v-192c0 -70.6904 -128.94 -128 -288 -128s-288 57.3096 -288 128v192c0 70.6904 128.94 128 288 128zM288 368c-24.3096 0 -47.75 -1.23047 -69.8701 -3.46973l11.5 -44.71c4.50977 -17.5508 30.7002 -31.8203 58.3701 -31.8203 s53.8604 14.2695 58.3701 31.8203l11.5 44.71c-22.1201 2.23926 -45.5605 3.46973 -69.8701 3.46973zM229.62 272.45c-2.90039 -21.79 -11.7598 -42.1104 -24.8701 -59.4004c25.9697 -3.20996 53.9297 -5.0498 83.25 -5.0498c28.9697 0 56.6104 1.7998 82.3203 4.94043 c-13.1504 17.0693 -21.8203 37.25 -24.6406 59.0098c-16.21 -10.0801 -36.6602 -15.9502 -57.6797 -15.9502c-21.3398 0 -42.0498 6.08008 -58.3799 16.4502zM174.51 358.49c-75.2998 -13.5 -126.51 -39.9902 -126.51 -70.4902c0 -28.0898 43.5098 -52.75 109.2 -67.0303 c26.96 20.8604 40.1494 56.6699 30.3301 91.4404zM528 96v121.3c-51.5898 -34.5195 -139.77 -57.2998 -240 -57.2998s-188.41 22.7803 -240 57.2998v-121.3c0 -27.4697 93.46 -80 240 -80s240 52.5303 240 80zM418.16 220.85c66.04 14.25 109.84 38.9707 109.84 67.1504 c0 30.8701 -52.54 57.6104 -129.37 70.9502l-12.1895 -52.46c-5.02051 -21.6104 -1.33008 -43.8799 10.3994 -62.7002c5.66992 -9.08984 12.9404 -16.7803 21.3203 -22.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="feather-alt" unicode="&#xf56b;" d="M71.46 160.39c25.4102 249.41 388.82 284.051 440.54 287.61c-3.55957 -51.7197 -38.2002 -415.14 -287.61 -440.54c-41.9492 -4.84961 -84.1396 -7.25977 -126.37 -7.37988l-57.0498 -57.0498c-9.37012 -9.37012 -24.5693 -9.37012 -33.9395 0 s-9.37012 24.5693 0 33.9395l57.0498 57.0498c0.129883 42.2305 2.53027 84.4209 7.37988 126.37zM218.88 55.1396c39.54 4.03027 72.54 19.1406 100.43 40.8604h-125.369l-46.3701 -46.3701c24.0098 1.15039 47.8994 2.7998 71.3096 5.50977zM352.81 128 c16.71 19.2402 31.1406 40.8896 43.25 64h-106.119l-64 -64h126.869zM321.94 224h89.1699c25.8398 60.2402 39.4795 124.19 46.3701 169.49c-107.711 -16.3604 -321.15 -69.8906 -338.261 -237.95c-2.75 -23.8301 -4.41992 -47.8701 -5.58008 -71.96l187.9 187.9 c9.37012 9.36914 24.5703 9.36914 33.9404 0c9.36914 -9.37012 9.36914 -24.5703 0 -33.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill" unicode="&#xf575;" d="M502.63 230.94c12.4902 -12.5 12.4902 -32.75 -0.0195312 -45.2607l-221.57 -221.569c-18.7402 -18.75 -43.2998 -28.1201 -67.8701 -28.1201c-24.5596 0 -49.1299 9.37988 -67.8701 28.1201l-117.189 117.189c-37.4902 37.4902 -37.4902 98.2705 0 135.75l100.46 100.44 l-91.8799 91.8799c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.2998 11.3096c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l91.8799 -91.8691l87.1904 87.1895c6.23926 6.25 14.4297 9.37012 22.6191 9.37012h0.0302734c7.30957 0 17.4346 -4.19727 22.6006 -9.37012zM247.11 -1.9502 l113.939 113.95h-295.75l113.95 -113.95c9.05957 -9.05957 21.1104 -14.0498 33.9297 -14.0498c12.8203 0 24.8701 4.99023 33.9307 14.0498zM409.06 160l48.3105 48.3096l-185.061 185.061l-75.8691 -75.8701l69.8994 -69.9004 c9.37012 -9.36914 9.37012 -24.5693 0 -33.9395c-9.37988 -9.37012 -24.5703 -9.37012 -33.9395 0l-69.9004 69.8994l-100.45 -100.449c-6.43945 -6.44043 -10.71 -14.4404 -12.71 -23.1104h359.72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill-drip" unicode="&#xf576;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M512 128c0 0 64 -92.6504 64 -128s-28.6602 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64s64 128 64 128zM502.63 230.94c12.4902 -12.5 12.4902 -32.75 -0.0195312 -45.2607l-221.57 -221.569c-18.7402 -18.75 -43.2998 -28.1201 -67.8701 -28.1201 c-24.5596 0 -49.1299 9.37988 -67.8701 28.1201l-117.189 117.189c-37.4902 37.4902 -37.4902 98.2705 0 135.75l100.46 100.44l-91.8799 91.8799c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.2998 11.3096c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l91.8799 -91.8691l87.1904 87.1895 c6.23926 6.25 14.4297 9.37012 22.6191 9.37012h0.0302734c7.30957 0 17.4346 -4.19727 22.6006 -9.37012zM247.11 -1.9502l113.939 113.95h-295.75l113.95 -113.95c9.05957 -9.05957 21.1104 -14.0498 33.9297 -14.0498c12.8203 0 24.8701 4.99023 33.9307 14.0498z M409.06 160l48.3008 48.3096l-185.051 185.061l-75.8691 -75.8701l69.8994 -69.9004c9.37012 -9.36914 9.37012 -24.5693 0 -33.9395c-9.37988 -9.37012 -24.5703 -9.37012 -33.9395 0l-69.9004 69.8994l-100.45 -100.449 c-6.43945 -6.44043 -10.71 -14.4404 -12.71 -23.1104h359.72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fingerprint" unicode="&#xf577;" d="M256.12 202.04c13.2598 0 24 -10.75 23.9902 -24c1.55957 -99.1104 -15.9502 -176.61 -29.4805 -224.521c-2.97949 -10.5996 -12.6104 -17.5195 -23.0898 -17.5195c-20.9697 0 -25.8496 20.7695 -23.1201 30.4902c19.5605 69.6494 28.8398 139.3 27.7002 211.55 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM255.26 283.77c56.9707 -0.839844 104.03 -46.9199 104.91 -102.72c0.790039 -50.8994 -2.99023 -102.08 -11.2695 -152.109c-0.770508 -4.6709 -7.61035 -23.1006 -27.5801 -19.7705c-13.0703 2.16016 -21.9307 14.5205 -19.7607 27.5801 c7.80078 47.2197 11.3809 95.5 10.6104 143.55c-0.469727 30.1299 -26.3096 55 -57.6201 55.4697c-34.5303 0.150391 -54.8594 -26.3896 -54.4502 -52.3398c0.800781 -51.4395 -4.0293 -102.93 -14.3691 -153.02c-2.69043 -12.9805 -15.3105 -21.3105 -28.3604 -18.6406 c-12.9697 2.6709 -21.3301 15.3809 -18.6396 28.3604c9.61914 46.6396 14.1191 94.6104 13.3691 142.55c-0.849609 54.0205 41.9004 101.16 103.16 101.09zM144.57 303.55c10.2793 -8.37012 11.8398 -23.4795 3.48926 -33.7598 c-18.7998 -23.0898 -28.4697 -51.0898 -28 -80.9697c0.640625 -40.6699 -2.66992 -81.4902 -9.85938 -121.33c-0.820312 -4.5498 -7.78027 -22.8604 -27.8906 -19.3604c-13.0498 2.36035 -21.6992 14.8398 -19.3594 27.8896c6.63965 36.7803 9.7002 74.4707 9.10938 112.051 c-0.639648 40.7197 13.1309 80.5 38.75 112c8.39062 10.2793 23.46 11.8193 33.7607 3.47949zM254.04 365.88c101.09 -1.5 184.6 -83.0801 186.16 -181.83c0.0615234 -3.97852 0.111328 -10.4375 0.111328 -14.417c0 -29.1934 -2.68848 -76.4277 -6.00195 -105.433 c-1.06934 -9.23047 -9.85938 -23.0605 -26.5791 -21.1104c-13.1602 1.5 -22.6104 13.4102 -21.1104 26.5801c4.2998 37.5205 6.16992 75.75 5.58008 113.63c-1.15039 73.0801 -63.4502 133.45 -138.88 134.58c-11.5303 0.0800781 -22.9502 -1.08008 -34 -3.68945 c-12.8906 -3 -25.8301 4.93945 -28.8906 17.8291c-3.04004 12.9102 4.94043 25.8301 17.8301 28.8906c14.9102 3.53027 30.3701 5.37988 45.7803 4.96973zM506.11 244.43c6.22949 -28.2295 6.00977 -50.1602 5.83008 -72.3398 c-0.110352 -13.1895 -10.8301 -23.7998 -24 -23.7998h-0.200195c-13.25 0.110352 -23.9102 10.9297 -23.7998 24.2002c0.209961 24.1895 0.00976562 40.1895 -4.7002 61.5996c-2.86035 12.9502 5.31934 25.75 18.2598 28.6104 c13.0996 2.92969 25.75 -5.35059 28.6104 -18.2705zM465.99 335.15c7.62012 -10.8408 5 -25.8105 -5.83984 -33.4307c-10.8604 -7.58984 -25.8105 -5 -33.4199 5.86035c-39.8906 56.8301 -105.171 91.3604 -174.62 92.3896 c-56.3408 0.810547 -108.92 -20.0596 -147.681 -58.8594c-37.1201 -37.1406 -57.1094 -86.5 -56.2793 -139l-0.160156 -23.6406c-0.379883 -13 -11.0498 -23.2998 -23.9707 -23.2998c-0.239258 0 -0.489258 0 -0.719727 0.0205078 c-13.25 0.379883 -23.6699 11.4395 -23.2803 24.6895l0.120117 21.4697c-1.04004 65.6104 23.9502 127.28 70.3203 173.71c48.0098 48.0303 112.56 73.7607 182.35 72.9209c84.79 -1.27051 164.48 -43.4404 213.181 -112.83z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-martini-alt" unicode="&#xf57b;" d="M502.05 390.4l-222.05 -222.04v-184.36h64c22.0898 0 40 -17.9102 40 -40c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8c0 22.0898 17.9102 40 40 40h64v184.36l-222.05 222.04c-21.25 21.2598 -6.2002 57.5996 23.8496 57.5996h444.4 c30.0498 0 45.0996 -36.3398 23.8496 -57.5996zM256 212.24l91.7695 91.7598h-183.529zM443.77 400h-375.529l48 -48h279.529z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-squint-tears" unicode="&#xf586;" d="M117.1 63.9004c6.30078 0.899414 11.7002 -4.5 10.9004 -10.9004c-3.7002 -25.7998 -13.7002 -84 -30.5996 -100.9c-22 -21.8994 -57.9004 -21.5 -80.3008 0.900391c-22.3994 22.4004 -22.7998 58.4004 -0.899414 80.2998 c16.8994 16.9004 75.0996 26.9004 100.899 30.6006zM75.9004 105.6c-19.6006 -3.89941 -35.1006 -8.09961 -47.3008 -12.1992c-39.2998 90.5996 -22.0996 199.899 52 274c48.5 48.3994 111.9 72.5996 175.4 72.5996c38.9004 0 77.7998 -9.2002 113.2 -27.4004 c-4 -12.1992 -8.2002 -28 -12 -48.2998c-30.4004 17.9004 -65 27.7002 -101.2 27.7002c-53.4004 0 -103.6 -20.7998 -141.4 -58.5996c-61.5996 -61.5 -74.2998 -153.4 -38.6992 -227.801zM428.2 293.2c20.2998 3.89941 36.2002 8 48.5 12 c47.8994 -93.2002 32.8994 -210.5 -45.2002 -288.601c-48.5 -48.3994 -111.9 -72.5996 -175.4 -72.5996c-33.6992 0 -67.2998 7 -98.6992 20.5996c4.19922 12.2002 8.2998 27.7002 12.1992 47.2002c26.6006 -12.7998 55.9004 -19.7998 86.4004 -19.7998 c53.4004 0 103.6 20.7998 141.4 58.5996c65.6992 65.7002 75.7998 166 30.7998 242.601zM394.9 320.1c-6.30078 -0.899414 -11.7002 4.5 -10.9004 10.9004c3.7002 25.7998 13.7002 84 30.5996 100.9c22 21.8994 57.9004 21.5 80.3008 -0.900391 c22.3994 -22.4004 22.7998 -58.4004 0.899414 -80.2998c-16.8994 -16.9004 -75.0996 -26.9004 -100.899 -30.6006zM207.9 211.8c3 -3 4.19922 -7.2998 3.19922 -11.5l-22.5996 -90.5c-1.40039 -5.39941 -6.2002 -9.09961 -11.7002 -9.09961h-0.899414 c-5.80078 0.5 -10.5 5.09961 -11 10.8994l-4.80078 52.3008l-52.2998 4.7998c-5.7998 0.5 -10.3994 5.2002 -10.8994 11c-0.400391 5.89941 3.39941 11.2002 9.09961 12.5996l90.5 22.7002c4.2002 1 8.40039 -0.200195 11.4004 -3.2002zM247.6 236.9 c-0.0996094 0 -6.39941 -1.80078 -11.3994 3.19922c-3 3 -4.2002 7.30078 -3.2002 11.4004l22.5996 90.5c1.40039 5.7002 7 9.2002 12.6006 9.09961c5.7998 -0.5 10.5 -5.09961 11 -10.8994l4.7998 -52.2998l52.2998 -4.80078c5.7998 -0.5 10.4004 -5.19922 10.9004 -11 c0.399414 -5.89941 -3.40039 -11.1992 -9.10059 -12.5996zM299.6 148.4c29.1006 29.0996 53 59.5996 65.3008 83.7998c4.89941 9.2998 17.5996 9.89941 23.3994 1.7002c27.7002 -38.9004 6.10059 -106.9 -30.5996 -143.7s-104.8 -58.2998 -143.7 -30.6006 c-8.2998 5.90039 -7.5 18.6006 1.7002 23.4004c24.2002 12.5 54.7998 36.2998 83.8994 65.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-tears" unicode="&#xf588;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M117.1 191.9c6.30078 0.899414 11.7002 -4.5 10.9004 -10.9004c-3.7002 -25.7998 -13.7002 -84 -30.5996 -100.9c-22 -21.8994 -57.9004 -21.5 -80.3008 0.900391c-22.3994 22.4004 -22.7998 58.4004 -0.899414 80.2998c16.8994 16.9004 75.0996 26.9004 100.899 30.6006 zM623.8 161.3c21.9004 -21.8994 21.5 -57.8994 -0.799805 -80.2002c-22.4004 -22.3994 -58.4004 -22.7998 -80.2998 -0.899414c-16.9004 16.8994 -26.9004 75.0996 -30.6006 100.899c-0.899414 6.30078 4.5 11.7002 10.8008 10.8008 c25.7998 -3.7002 84 -13.7002 100.899 -30.6006zM497.2 99.5996c12.3994 -37.2998 25.0996 -43.7998 28.2998 -46.5c-44.5996 -65.7998 -120 -109.1 -205.5 -109.1s-160.9 43.2998 -205.5 109.1c3.09961 2.60059 15.7998 9.10059 28.2998 46.5 c33.4004 -63.8994 100.3 -107.6 177.2 -107.6s143.8 43.7002 177.2 107.6zM122.7 223.5c-2.40039 0.299805 -5 2.5 -49.5 -6.90039c12.3994 125.4 118.1 223.4 246.8 223.4s234.4 -98 246.8 -223.5c-44.2998 9.40039 -47.3994 7.2002 -49.5 7 c-15.2002 95.2998 -97.7998 168.5 -197.3 168.5s-182.1 -73.2002 -197.3 -168.5zM320 48c-51.9004 0 -115.3 32.9004 -123.3 80c-1.7002 10 7.89941 18.4004 17.7002 15.2998c26 -8.2998 64.3994 -13.0996 105.6 -13.0996s79.7002 4.7998 105.6 13.0996 c10 3.2002 19.4004 -5.39941 17.7002 -15.2998c-8 -47.0996 -71.3994 -80 -123.3 -80zM450.3 216.3c-3.09961 -0.899414 -7.2002 0.100586 -9.2998 3.7002l-9.5 17c-7.7002 13.7002 -19.2002 21.5996 -31.5 21.5996s-23.7998 -7.89941 -31.5 -21.5996l-9.5 -17 c-1.90039 -3.2002 -5.7998 -4.7998 -9.2998 -3.7002c-3.60059 1.10059 -6 4.60059 -5.7002 8.2998c3.2998 42.1006 32.2002 71.4004 56 71.4004s52.7002 -29.2998 56 -71.4004c0.299805 -3.7998 -2.09961 -7.19922 -5.7002 -8.2998zM240 258.6 c-12.2998 0 -23.7998 -7.7998 -31.5 -21.5996l-9.5 -17c-1.90039 -3.2002 -5.7998 -4.7998 -9.2998 -3.7002c-3.60059 1.10059 -6 4.60059 -5.7002 8.2998c3.2998 42.1006 32.2002 71.4004 56 71.4004s52.7002 -29.2998 56 -71.4004 c0.299805 -3.7998 -2.09961 -7.19922 -5.7002 -8.2998c-3.09961 -1 -7.2002 0 -9.2998 3.7002l-9.5 17c-7.7002 13.7002 -19.2002 21.5996 -31.5 21.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-horizontal" unicode="&#xf58d;" d="M488 352c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM464 256v48h-48v-48h48zM488 176c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24 v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM464 80v48h-48v-48h48zM120 352c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM96 256v48h-48v-48h48zM120 176c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM96 80v48h-48v-48h48zM304 352c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM280 256v48 h-48v-48h48zM304 176c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM280 80v48h-48v-48h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-vertical" unicode="&#xf58e;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M120 448c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM96 352v48h-48v-48h48zM296 448c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24h-96 c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM272 352v48h-48v-48h48zM120 80c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM96 -16v48h-48v-48h48zM296 80 c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM272 -16v48h-48v-48h48zM120 264c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM96 168v48h-48v-48h48zM296 264c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-96c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24h-96c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v96c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h96zM272 168v48h-48v-48h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headphones-alt" unicode="&#xf58f;" d="M192 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3496 32 -32.0596v-127.881c0 -17.6992 -14.3301 -32.0596 -32 -32.0596h-48c-35.3496 0 -64 28.71 -64 64.1201v63.7598c0 35.4199 28.6504 64.1201 64 64.1201h48zM176 16.0898v95.8203h-32c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.19043 -16 -16.0303v-63.7598 c0 -8.83984 7.17969 -16.0303 16 -16.0303h32zM256 416c143.09 0 251.43 -119.13 256 -256v-112c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v112c0 114.67 -93.3301 207.8 -208 207.82c-114.67 -0.0205078 -208 -93.1504 -208 -207.82v-112 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v112c4.57031 136.87 112.91 256 256 256zM368 160c35.3496 0 64 -28.71 64 -64.1201v-63.7598c0 -35.4102 -28.6504 -64.1201 -64 -64.1201h-48c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32.0596v127.881 c0 17.71 14.3301 32.0596 32 32.0596h48zM384 32.1201v63.7598c0 8.83984 -7.17969 16.0303 -16 16.0303h-32v-95.8203h32c8.82031 0 16 7.19043 16 16.0303z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headset" unicode="&#xf590;" d="M224 112c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-48c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v79.6396c0 35.3506 28.6504 64 64 64h48c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-143.64zM176 128v111.64h-32c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-79.6396c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h32z M256 448c142.82 0 251.42 -118.83 256 -256v-165.72c0 -49.8604 -40.4199 -90.2803 -90.2803 -90.2803h-181.72c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48h32c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48h101.72c23.3506 0 42.2803 18.9297 42.2803 42.2803 c0 0 -0.0400391 163.29 -0.120117 165.72h0.120117c0 114.69 -93.3096 208 -208 208s-208 -93.3096 -208 -208v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c4.58008 137.17 113.18 256 256 256zM368 80h-48c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32 v143.64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h48c35.3496 0 64 -28.6494 64 -64v-79.6396c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64zM336 239.64v-111.64h32c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v79.6396c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-32z" /> 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-64 64v192c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h74.6699h0.00292969c11.7754 0 28.9775 -5.73438 38.3975 -12.7998l110.93 -83.2002h192zM48 192v-32h160l-59.7305 44.7998c-2.75 2.06055 -6.15918 3.2002 -9.59961 3.2002h-74.6699 c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16zM112 -16v128h-64v-112c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h48zM232 -16v128h-72v-128h72zM352 -16v128h-72v-128h72zM464 0v112h-64v-128h48c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM96 288c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80c0 44.1904 35.8203 80 80 80 s80 -35.8096 80 -80c0 -44.1797 -35.8203 -80 -80 -80zM96 400c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hotel" unicode="&#xf594;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 400h-16v-416h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-544c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h15.9805v416h-15.9805c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h544 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM496 -16v416h-416.02v-416h176.02v80h-64c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96h-64v-80h176zM268.8 288c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM268.8 192c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM396.8 192c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM396.8 288c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM140.8 192c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM140.8 288c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004 c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="joint" unicode="&#xf595;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M476.34 266.9c-35.7803 25.0693 -60.3398 63.0098 -60.3398 106.699v66.4004c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-62.3096c0 -29.0303 15.8496 -54.71 39.6602 -71.3203c35.3301 -24.6504 56.3398 -64.8203 56.3398 -108.061v-30.3096 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v30.3096c0 27.4307 -13.2803 52.9102 -35.6602 68.5908zM553.28 360.91c54.3096 -36.4102 86.7197 -97.1602 86.7197 -162.601v-30.3096c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8 v30.3096c0 50.1504 -25.21 96.6504 -67.3604 123.99c-18.4697 11.9805 -28.6396 33.3701 -28.6396 55.3906v62.3096c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-62.3096c0 -6.82031 3.61035 -12.9805 9.28027 -16.7803zM616 96c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 v-112c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-337.06c-98.6406 0 -195.29 27.7197 -278.94 80c83.6504 52.2803 180.3 80 278.94 80h337.06zM278.94 -16h36.8691l-54.1895 63.2002c-53.1797 -1.91992 -105.46 -12.1904 -154.74 -31.2002c54.6396 -21.0703 112.9 -32 172.061 -32z M379.05 -16h96.7705l-54.8799 64h-96.7705zM592 -16v64h-107.83l54.8799 -64h52.9502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="luggage-cart" unicode="&#xf59d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 48c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-82.9404c1.79004 -5.03027 2.94043 -10.3604 2.94043 -16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 5.63965 1.15039 10.9697 2.94043 16h-197.881 c1.79004 -5.03027 2.94043 -10.3604 2.94043 -16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 5.63965 1.15039 10.9697 2.94043 16h-50.9404c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v384h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h112 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-384h480zM224 96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64v48c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-320z M480 304v-160h48v160h-48zM336 400v-48h96v48h-96zM336 304v-160h96v160h-96zM240 304v-160h48v160h-48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marked" unicode="&#xf59f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 288c8.5 0 16 -6.7998 16 -16v-250.3c0 -13.1006 -7.90039 -24.7998 -20.0996 -29.7002l-151.9 -52.9004c-13 -4.19922 -27 -4.09961 -40 0.200195l-172 60.7002l-170 -62.7998c-2 -0.799805 -4 -1.2002 -6 -1.2002c-8.5 0 -16 6.7998 -16 16v250.3 c0 13.1006 8 24.9004 20.0996 29.7002l133.2 46.5c4.2002 -14.2002 10.2998 -29.0996 18.2998 -44.5l-123.6 -43v-193l127.4 47l0.599609 0.200195v180.2c13.2002 -24 29.9004 -48.7002 48 -72.8008v-113l128 -45.1992v81.3994c1.90039 1.60059 3.7998 3.2002 5.5 5.10059 c14.5996 16.5 28.7998 33.5 42.5 50.7998v-143.2l128 44.5v193l-81.7002 -30.2002c14 21.7998 26 43.4004 34.2002 63.7998l73.5 27.2002c2 0.799805 4 1.2002 6 1.2002zM320 96c-5 0 -10 2 -13.5 6.09961c-35.2998 40 -127.3 150.2 -127.3 210.601 c0 74.7002 63 135.3 140.8 135.3s140.8 -60.5996 140.8 -135.3c0 -60.5 -92 -170.601 -127.3 -210.601c-3.5 -4.09961 -8.5 -6.09961 -13.5 -6.09961zM320 400c-51.2002 0 -92.7998 -39.2002 -92.7998 -87.2998c0 -21.4004 31.7998 -79.1006 92.7998 -152.601 c61 73.5 92.7998 131.2 92.7998 152.601c0 48.0996 -41.5996 87.2998 -92.7998 87.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marked-alt" unicode="&#xf5a0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M344 322c0 -13.2002 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7998 -24 24c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24s24 -10.7002 24 -24zM320 96c-5 0 -10 2 -13.5 6.09961c-35.2998 40 -127.3 150.2 -127.3 210.601c0 74.7002 63 135.3 140.8 135.3s140.8 -60.5996 140.8 -135.3 c0 -60.5 -92 -170.601 -127.3 -210.601c-3.5 -4.09961 -8.5 -6.09961 -13.5 -6.09961zM320 400c-51.2002 0 -92.7998 -39.2002 -92.7998 -87.2998c0 -21.4004 31.7998 -79.1006 92.7998 -152.601c61 73.5 92.7998 131.2 92.7998 152.601 c0 48.0996 -41.5996 87.2998 -92.7998 87.2998zM560 288c8.5 0 16 -6.7998 16 -16v-250.3c0 -13.1006 -7.90039 -24.7998 -20.0996 -29.7002l-151.9 -52.9004c-13 -4.19922 -27 -4.09961 -40 0.200195l-172 60.7002l-170 -62.7998c-2 -0.799805 -4 -1.2002 -6 -1.2002 c-8.5 0 -16 6.7998 -16 16v250.3c0 13.1006 8 24.9004 20.0996 29.7002l133.2 46.5c4.2002 -14.2002 10.2998 -29.0996 18.2998 -44.5l-123.6 -43v-193l127.4 47l0.599609 0.200195v180.2c13.2002 -24 29.9004 -48.7002 48 -72.8008v-113l128 -45.1992v81.3994 c1.90039 1.60059 3.7998 3.2002 5.5 5.10059c14.5996 16.5 28.7998 33.5 42.5 50.7998v-143.2l128 44.5v193l-81.7002 -30.2002c14 21.7998 26 43.4004 34.2002 63.7998l73.5 27.2002c2 0.799805 4 1.2002 6 1.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="marker" unicode="&#xf5a1;" d="M485.48 421.49c35.3594 -35.3604 35.3594 -92.6699 0.00976562 -128.03l-263.51 -263.51c-86.9707 -86.96 -192.301 -93.9502 -198.03 -93.9502c-14.0703 0 -25.4004 12.2803 -23.8105 26.6602l0.0302734 0.229492c7 62.9229 49.0137 150.323 93.7803 195.091 l207.819 207.81l-30.8994 30.9004l-113.13 -113.131c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l118.79 118.78c15.6104 15.6201 40.9404 15.6201 56.5605 0l36.5498 -36.5498l21.7598 21.7598 c17.6797 17.6699 40.8398 26.5098 64.0098 26.5098s46.3398 -8.83984 64.0107 -26.5098zM188.03 63.8896l73.0693 73.0703l-60.1396 60.1396l-73.0703 -73.0693c-37.0098 -37.0107 -62.8799 -84 -74.5996 -134.74c50.75 11.7197 97.7197 37.5801 134.74 74.5996z M451.55 327.41c8.03027 8.03027 12.4502 18.71 12.4502 30.0703c0 11.3496 -4.41992 22.0293 -12.46 30.0596c-8.03027 8.04004 -18.71 12.46 -30.0703 12.46c-11.3496 0 -22.0293 -4.41992 -30.0596 -12.46l-156.51 -156.5l60.1396 -60.1396z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medal" unicode="&#xf5a2;" d="M342.17 166.33c9.40039 -1.36035 13.1699 -12.9502 6.33984 -19.5801l-37.9297 -36.96l8.96973 -52.2197c1.28027 -7.4707 -4.67969 -13.4307 -11.3398 -13.4307c-1.75977 0 -3.57031 0.410156 -5.30957 1.33008l-46.9004 24.6504l-46.9004 -24.6504 c-1.75 -0.929688 -3.55957 -1.34961 -5.33008 -1.34961c-6.64941 0 -12.5996 5.97949 -11.3193 13.4395l8.96973 52.2207l-37.9297 36.96c-6.82031 6.62988 -3.0498 18.2295 6.34961 19.5898l52.4297 7.63965l23.4307 47.5205 c2.12012 4.26953 6.2002 6.38965 10.2803 6.38965c4.10938 0 8.21973 -2.13965 10.3291 -6.38965l23.4307 -47.5205zM495.97 448c12.9502 0 20.5303 -14.5703 13.1104 -25.1797l-113.99 -162.84c32.7002 -34.4502 52.9102 -80.8506 52.9102 -131.98 c0 -105.87 -86.1299 -192 -192 -192s-192 86.1299 -192 192c0 51.1299 20.21 97.5303 52.9102 131.97l-113.99 162.851c-7.41992 10.6094 0.160156 25.1797 13.1104 25.1797h157.85c10.0029 0 22.2959 -6.96191 27.4404 -15.54l54.6797 -91.1299l54.6797 91.1299 c5.78027 9.63965 16.2002 15.54 27.4404 15.54h157.85zM77.4902 400l76.6699 -109.53c18.5703 11.6807 39.1895 20.3506 61.2998 25.1299l-50.6396 84.4004h-87.3301zM400 128c0 79.5303 -64.4697 144 -144 144s-144 -64.4697 -144 -144s64.4697 -144 144 -144 s144 64.4697 144 144zM357.84 290.47l76.6699 109.53h-87.3301l-50.6396 -84.4004c22.1104 -4.76953 42.7295 -13.4492 61.2998 -25.1299z" /> <glyph glyph-name="monument" unicode="&#xf5a6;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 -16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h33.9805l44.8896 363.26c0.625 6.27344 4.75098 14.9834 9.20996 19.4404l76.6104 76.6094 c3.11914 3.13086 7.21973 4.69043 11.3096 4.69043h0.0322266c3.65039 0 8.70312 -2.10156 11.2773 -4.69043l76.6104 -76.6094c4.45898 -4.45703 8.58496 -13.167 9.20996 -19.4404l44.8896 -363.26h33.9805zM98.3398 -16h187.32l-43.5801 352.67l-50.0801 50.0801 l-50.0996 -50.0996zM227.2 176c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-22.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-70.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v22.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h70.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mortar-pestle" unicode="&#xf5a7;" d="M496 256c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-16c0 -81.4004 -50.7998 -150.8 -122.3 -178.8c12.7002 -16.7002 21.7002 -36.6006 24.8994 -58.4004c1.5 -9.7998 -6 -18.7998 -15.8994 -18.7998h-221.4 c-9.89941 0 -17.2998 9 -15.8994 18.7998c3.19922 21.7998 12.0996 41.6006 24.8994 58.4004c-71.5 28 -122.3 97.3994 -122.3 178.8v16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h168.6l241.801 181.2c16.1992 12.2002 37.8994 14.2002 56 5.09961 c32.6992 -16.2998 39.6992 -59.8994 13.8994 -85.7002l-100.6 -100.6h100.3zM455.2 398.9l-190.601 -142.9h63.2002l134.7 134.6c0.5 0.5 2 2.10059 1.5 4.80078c-0.5 2.69922 -2.40039 3.69922 -3 4c-0.799805 0.399414 -1.59961 0.599609 -2.5 0.599609 c-1.2002 0 -2.2998 -0.400391 -3.2998 -1.09961zM432 192v16h-352v-16c0 -59.7002 36 -112.3 91.7002 -134l59.2998 -23.2002l-38.5 -50.5996c0 -0.100586 -0.0996094 -0.100586 -0.0996094 -0.200195h127.199c0 0.0996094 -0.0996094 0.0996094 -0.0996094 0.200195 l-38.5 50.5996l59.2998 23.2002c55.7002 21.7002 91.7002 74.2998 91.7002 134z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-brush-alt" unicode="&#xf5a9;" d="M489.17 303.95l-202.24 -222.44l-0.0195312 -0.0195312c2.97949 -28.4502 -1.7002 -145.49 -142.91 -145.49c-101.33 0 -144 81.4199 -144 174.08c11.0098 -7.52051 49.6602 -38.6504 62.1504 -38.6504c7.40918 0 13.7598 4.23047 16.4092 11.2207 c23.2402 61.25 64.21 78.4395 109.341 81.3398l165.939 248.16c17.8105 25.4092 41.29 35.8496 64.6797 35.8496c64.7607 0 128.921 -80.0195 70.6504 -144.05zM393.15 384.6l-154.75 -231.449l27.7598 -23.1309l187.479 206.221 c10.6299 11.6699 12.96 22.2793 7.60059 34.4102c-7.15039 16.1797 -26.3203 29.3496 -42.7207 29.3496c-6.25977 0 -15.6895 -1.59961 -25.3691 -15.4004zM144 -16c107.75 0 95.8496 87.3799 93.6201 107.31l-30.9404 25.79 c-64.9893 -4.18945 -73.1992 -25.04 -83.2295 -51.4795c-9.02051 -23.8105 -30.4404 -39.8105 -55.5098 -41.9502c14.0293 -22.7998 37.46 -39.6699 76.0596 -39.6699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-roller" unicode="&#xf5aa;" d="M456 376c30.8799 0 56 -25.1201 56 -56v-96c0 -30.8799 -25.1201 -56 -56 -56h-200c-4.41016 0 -8 -3.58984 -8 -8v-32h8c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v128c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h8v32 c0 30.8799 25.1201 56 56 56h200c4.41016 0 8 3.58984 8 8v96c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-40v-24c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-320c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v96c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-24h40zM368 304v96h-320v-96h320 zM240 -16v96h-32v-96h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="passport" unicode="&#xf5ab;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-352c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v384c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h352zM400 -16v416h-336c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-384c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h336zM112 32 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-224zM224 120c-66.2695 0 -120 53.7305 -120 120c0 66.2803 53.7305 120 120 120c66.2803 0 120 -53.7197 120 -120c0 -66.2695 -53.7197 -120 -120 -120zM310.38 256 c-5.0498 27.3203 -22.8096 49.9805 -46.8604 62.1904c6.52051 -17.2002 10.8809 -38.5107 12.2705 -62.1904h34.5898zM275.79 224c-1.38965 -23.6797 -5.74023 -44.9805 -12.2705 -62.1904c24.04 12.21 41.8105 34.8701 46.8604 62.1904h-34.5898zM224 325.76 c-6.91016 -8.37012 -17.5098 -32.3896 -19.9697 -69.7598h39.9297c-2.4502 37.3701 -13.0498 61.3896 -19.96 69.7598zM243.96 224h-39.9199c2.4502 -37.3701 13.0498 -61.3896 19.96 -69.7598c6.91016 8.37012 17.5098 32.3896 19.96 69.7598zM184.47 318.19 c-24.04 -12.21 -41.7998 -34.8701 -46.8594 -62.1904h34.5898c1.39941 23.6797 5.75 44.9902 12.2695 62.1904zM172.21 224h-34.5898c5.05957 -27.3203 22.8203 -49.9805 46.8604 -62.1904c-6.52051 17.21 -10.8701 38.5107 -12.2705 62.1904z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-fancy" unicode="&#xf5ac;" d="M424.86 448c75.2197 0 119.64 -96.3799 58.21 -150.7l-211.19 -191.3l-28.6104 -85.8799c-2.96191 -8.90234 -12.5889 -18.5342 -21.4893 -21.5l-187.79 -62.6201l-33.9902 34l62.5996 187.88c2.96875 8.90039 12.6006 18.5322 21.5 21.5l85.8301 28.6201l191.221 211.28 c16.8594 19.0801 40.2598 28.7197 63.71 28.7197zM199.97 41.9502l26.3799 79.25l0.610352 1.80957l-40.0596 40.0703l-1.81055 -0.610352l-79.2002 -26.4102l-35.7197 -107.22l50 50.0205c-0.0195312 0.399414 -0.229492 0.729492 -0.229492 1.13965 c0 13.2598 10.7393 24 23.9893 24s23.9902 -10.7402 23.9902 -24c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -23.9902 -24c-0.399414 0 -0.739258 0.209961 -1.13965 0.230469l-50 -50.0205zM450.87 332.88c8.16016 7.23047 12.5996 16.6797 12.9102 27 c0.679688 21.9902 -18.6904 40.1201 -38.9199 40.1201c-10.7705 0 -20.6299 -4.44043 -27.7607 -12.5098l-174.229 -192.51l36 -36.0205z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-nib" unicode="&#xf5ad;" d="M493.87 352.4c24.1699 -24.1699 24.1699 -63.3506 0 -87.5205l-92.4502 -92.4502l-28.21 -99.8301c-5.08594 -17.9932 -23.6104 -37.3965 -41.3496 -43.3096l-279.86 -93.29l-52 52l93.29 279.86c5.91309 17.7393 25.3164 36.2637 43.3096 41.3496l99.8301 28.21 l92.4502 92.4502c12.0801 12.0898 27.9199 18.1299 43.7598 18.1299c15.8408 0 31.6807 -6.04004 43.7607 -18.1299zM327.02 85.6504l28.2305 99.8398l0.290039 1.04004l-105 105l-1.0498 -0.299805l-99.8301 -28.2109 c-5.11035 -1.44922 -9.15039 -5.30957 -10.8301 -10.3398l-77.6201 -232.85l103.59 103.59c-2.99023 6.25977 -4.7998 13.1797 -4.7998 20.5801c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48c-7.40039 0 -14.3203 1.80957 -20.5801 4.7998 l-103.59 -103.59l232.85 77.6104c5.03027 1.67969 8.90039 5.72949 10.3398 10.8301zM459.93 298.82c5.41992 5.41992 5.41992 14.2295 0 19.6396l-77.4697 77.4697c-7.96973 7.9707 -17.3496 2.29004 -19.6396 0l-74.4102 -74.4102l97.1094 -97.1094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pencil-ruler" unicode="&#xf5ae;" d="M502.71 79.8604c12.3896 -12.3906 12.3896 -32.4707 0 -44.8604l-89.71 -89.7002c-6.19043 -6.18945 -14.3096 -9.29004 -22.4297 -9.29004s-16.2402 3.10059 -22.4307 9.29004l-122.83 122.83l-112.949 -112.96l-107.44 -18.8398 c-1.26953 -0.219727 -2.50977 -0.330078 -3.74023 -0.330078c-12.8496 0 -23.1602 11.6602 -20.8594 24.9004l18.75 107.439l113.02 113l-22.6201 22.6201l-100.18 100.17c-12.3896 12.3896 -12.3799 32.4697 0 44.8604l89.71 89.7197 c6.2002 6.19043 14.3096 9.29004 22.4297 9.29004s16.2305 -3.09961 22.4307 -9.29004l86.71 -86.71l36.0898 -36.0996l56.0195 56.0098l0.0107422 -0.00976562l57.3691 57.3594c12.4902 12.4902 28.8701 18.7402 45.25 18.7402c16.3809 0 32.7607 -6.25 45.25 -18.7402 l22.6807 -22.6797c25 -24.9902 25 -65.5205 0.00976562 -90.5098l-57.3604 -57.3701l-56.0098 -56.0098zM414 395.32l-51.7002 -51.6807l45.3105 -45.3096l51.6895 51.6895c4.08008 4.07031 4.69043 8.84082 4.69043 11.3105s-0.610352 7.22949 -4.69043 11.3096 l-22.6797 22.6807c-4.08008 4.08008 -8.83984 4.68945 -11.3105 4.68945c-2.46973 0 -7.22949 -0.609375 -11.3096 -4.68945zM143.41 237.9l22.6494 -22.6309l66.6904 66.6807l-36.0996 36.0996l-2.32031 2.32031l-22.0303 -22.0303c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0 l-11.3096 11.3105c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l22.0293 22.0293l-38.9492 38.9404l-66.6904 -66.6904zM109.14 -0.169922l264.551 264.55l-45.3105 45.3105l-264.62 -264.561l-9.58984 -54.9395zM390.57 -9.25l66.6895 66.6797l-38.9395 38.9404l-22.0303 -22.0303 c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l22.0303 22.0293l-38.4395 38.4404l-66.6904 -66.6904z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plane-arrival" unicode="&#xf5af;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 -16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h608zM113.43 135.68l-96.4492 81.6904c-10.7705 9.12012 -16.9805 22.5195 -16.9805 36.6299v84.54 c0 16.3799 12.5996 45 48 45c7.78027 0 12 -1.52051 26.1396 -5.21973c14.5801 -3.80078 26.5205 -11.2305 32.2607 -25.1602l23.5498 -57.1602l76.7402 -20.04l-33.5107 110.06c-1.14941 3.77441 -2.08301 10.04 -2.08301 13.9854 c0 10.6621 5.99609 25.5566 13.3838 33.2451c9.16992 9.5498 21.7295 14.75 34.6191 14.75c8 0 9.57031 -0.889648 45.7803 -10.3496c11.0791 -2.89453 24.5234 -13.3994 30.0098 -23.4502l102.66 -188.09l97.8906 -25.5605 c32.6494 -8.53027 60.9492 -23.9199 81.8594 -44.5098c25.3701 -25 35.1104 -49.0898 28.9199 -71.6602c-6.08984 -22.0498 -26.5098 -37.8701 -60.71 -47c-36.3096 -9.67969 -70.6201 -4.53027 -93.25 1.37012l-306.359 80 c-12.0605 3.15039 -23.4102 9.11035 -32.4707 16.9297zM48 338.54v-84.54l96.4404 -81.6904c3.87988 -3.33984 8.56934 -5.80957 13.5693 -7.10938l306.37 -80c37.1006 -9.68066 61.9902 -3.23047 68.75 -1.43066c20.7197 5.53027 26.4199 11.9707 26.8105 13.3906 c0.399414 1.45996 -1.2207 9.80957 -16.3408 24.7002c-14.9199 14.6992 -35.7695 25.8594 -60.29 32.2598l-117.96 30.7998l-112.59 206.29l-33.6602 8.79004l58.5 -192.17l-182.93 47.7695l-32.6504 79.2803z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription" unicode="&#xf5b1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M289.94 96l89.3691 -89.3701c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.3096 -11.3096c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-89.3701 89.3691l-89.3701 -89.3691c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3096 11.3096c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299 l89.3691 89.3701l-128 128h-46.0596v-80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v256c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h144c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96c0 -52.4199 -42.0498 -94.8604 -94.2402 -95.8203l94.2402 -94.2393l89.3701 89.3691 c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l11.3096 -11.3096c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299zM48 272h112c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48h-112v-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shuttle-van" unicode="&#xf5b6;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M628.88 237.35c6.1377 -7.37109 11.1191 -21.1377 11.1201 -30.7295v-110.62c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c0 -52.9297 -43.0596 -96 -96 -96s-96 43.0703 -96 96h-128c0 -52.9297 -43.0596 -96 -96 -96s-96 43.0703 -96 96h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32 v288c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h418.02c16.5488 0 38.5762 -10.3174 49.1709 -23.0303zM376 368v-112h174.85l-88.54 106.24c-3.0498 3.66016 -7.5293 5.75977 -12.29 5.75977h-74.0195zM216 368v-112h112v112h-112zM48 368v-112h120v112h-120zM160 16 c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM480 16c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM592 112v94.6201l-1.15039 1.37988h-542.85v-96h29.3604 c16.6494 28.5498 47.2695 48 82.6396 48s65.9902 -19.4502 82.6396 -48h154.721c16.6494 28.5498 47.2695 48 82.6396 48s65.9902 -19.4502 82.6396 -48h29.3604z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smile-plus" unicode="&#xf5b9;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208 352c114.9 0 208 -93.0996 208 -208s-93.0996 -208 -208 -208s-208 93.0996 -208 208s93.0996 208 208 208zM208 -16c88.2002 0 160 71.7998 160 160s-71.7998 160 -160 160s-160 -71.7998 -160 -160s71.7998 -160 160 -160zM269.8 108.2 c8.60059 10.0996 23.7002 11.2002 33.7002 2.7002c10.0996 -8.60059 11.2998 -23.7002 2.7002 -33.8008c-24.4004 -28.5996 -60.2002 -45 -98.2002 -45s-73.7998 16.4004 -98.2002 45c-8.5 10 -7.39941 25.2002 2.7002 33.8008c10 8.5 25.0996 7.39941 33.7998 -2.7002 c30.6006 -35.7998 92.9004 -35.7998 123.5 0zM144 160c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32zM272 160c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32zM624 360 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-72v-72c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v72h-72c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h72v72c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-72h72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="solar-panel" unicode="&#xf5ba;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M585.24 421.26l54.2998 -320c3.32031 -19.5 -12 -37.2598 -32.1396 -37.2598h-191.4v-80.0498l31.96 0.0302734c8.84961 0.00976562 16.0303 -7.1709 16.0205 -16.0205l-0.0400391 -15.7197c-0.0107422 -8.82031 -7.16016 -15.9707 -15.9805 -15.9805l-255.94 -0.259766 c-8.84961 -0.00976562 -16.0293 7.16992 -16.0195 16.0195l0.0400391 15.7305c0.00976562 8.82031 7.16016 15.9697 15.9795 15.9805l31.9805 0.0292969v80.2402h-191.4c-20.1396 0 -35.46 17.7598 -32.1494 37.2598l54.3096 320 c2.62012 15.4307 16.2207 26.7402 32.1504 26.7402h466.18c15.9297 0 29.5303 -11.3096 32.1504 -26.7402zM558.3 288l-19.0098 112h-113.58l11.2002 -112h121.39zM251.31 288h137.37l-11.1992 112h-114.971zM393.49 240h-146.98l-12.7998 -128h172.58zM100.71 400 l-19.0098 -112h121.39l11.2002 112h-113.58zM73.5498 240l-21.7197 -128h133.65l12.7998 128h-124.73zM368 -16.0996v80.0996h-96v-80.2002zM454.51 112h133.65l-21.7197 128h-124.73z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spa" unicode="&#xf5bb;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568.28 256c4.39941 0 7.75977 -3.41016 7.71973 -7.82031c-0.230469 -27.9199 -7.12988 -126.13 -88.7695 -199.3c-82.0508 -79.8994 -163.311 -80.8799 -196.881 -80.8799h-4.47949c-33.4404 0 -114.88 0.820312 -197.11 80.8799 c-81.6299 73.1602 -88.54 171.38 -88.7695 199.3c-0.0400391 4.41016 3.33008 7.82031 7.71973 7.82031h0.0400391c21.3896 -0.0996094 84.5 -3.62988 147.75 -36.04c26.6201 78.3203 69.3096 146.59 121.78 192.23c2.91992 2.54004 6.83008 3.80957 10.7393 3.80957 c3.91016 0 7.82031 -1.26953 10.7402 -3.80957c52.46 -45.6406 95.1406 -113.91 121.73 -192.221c63.2598 32.4004 126.37 35.9307 147.75 36.0303h0.0400391zM122.26 83.2695c53.5498 -52.1494 105.391 -63.8691 139.16 -66.5195l-17.79 43.04 c-12.8301 31.04 -30.5098 56.3701 -54.0498 77.4297l-0.759766 0.680664l-0.730469 0.719727c-42.9795 41.8994 -96.1396 58.6299 -134.92 65.21c7.41992 -34.8105 25.25 -81.2197 67.6396 -119.21l0.740234 -0.660156zM288 78.1396 c13.0498 31.5605 33.29 65.2305 66.4102 94.8701c7.92969 7.7207 16.2695 14.25 24.6396 20.6104c-20.0693 63.8203 -51.8096 120.74 -91.0303 162.36c-39.2295 -41.6201 -71 -98.5303 -91.0791 -162.36c8.37988 -6.36035 16.7197 -12.8896 24.6494 -20.6201 c33.1201 -29.6299 53.3604 -63.2998 66.4102 -94.8604zM455.19 84.6201c42.3896 38 60.2295 84.4199 67.6396 119.229c-38.7305 -6.56934 -91.9199 -23.2998 -134.93 -65.2197l-0.730469 -0.719727l-0.759766 -0.679688 c-23.54 -21.0703 -41.2197 -46.3906 -54.0498 -77.4307l-17.8008 -43.0498c33.71 2.61035 85.54 14.29 139.181 66.5195l0.709961 0.69043z" /> <glyph glyph-name="splotch" unicode="&#xf5bc;" d="M459.67 268.37c30.1299 -10.1504 50.1299 -34.3301 52.1699 -63.0498c2 -27.9199 -13.6494 -53.8105 -40.8701 -67.5508l-56.1895 -28.3496c-8.62988 -4.33008 -14.1006 -11.3604 -14.6602 -18.7998l-4.25 -55.2402c-2 -25.5801 -18.3398 -47.7598 -43.75 -59.3496 c-11.8105 -5.39062 -24.5605 -8.03027 -37.25 -8.03027c-18.5898 0 -37 5.69043 -51.8701 16.7197l-49.25 36.4404c-8.58984 6.33008 -21.0303 8.78027 -32.3701 6.28027l-63.3994 -13.6406c-33.0908 -7.08984 -66.8408 4.39062 -86.0908 29.3799 c-16.2197 21 -18.8096 47.4902 -6.96973 70.8506l25.75 50.8799c3.31055 6.50977 2.58984 13.4795 -2.03027 19.6699l-34.8994 46.7803c-16.21 21.7295 -18.21 48.6699 -5.33984 72.0498c14.8691 27.0098 46.3398 42.6299 79.8994 40.21l65.1504 -5.02051 c11.54 -0.879883 23.1602 2.98047 30.1602 10.1406l41.8096 42.5498c21.1299 21.4902 53.3496 29.7197 84.2197 21.6602c28.0605 -7.37012 48.9102 -26.9805 55.75 -52.4199l14.5 -53.9707c2.03027 -7.64941 9.34082 -14.4199 19.0303 -17.6992zM449.33 180.62 c9.91016 4.99023 15.25 12.75 14.6299 21.2803c-0.650391 9.21973 -7.96973 17.0801 -19.5898 21l-60.75 20.4893c-25.1201 8.4707 -43.8398 27.4307 -50.0898 50.7402l-14.5 53.9404c-2.31055 8.62988 -10.3701 15.5195 -21.5898 18.4697 c-14.0605 3.66992 -28.8809 0.19043 -37.75 -8.86035l-41.8105 -42.5596c-16.9697 -17.2598 -42.8398 -26.4297 -68.0898 -24.3506l-65.1504 5.02051c-18.1592 1.22949 -29.75 -7.5 -34.1895 -15.5205c-3.75 -6.7998 -3.16016 -13.5996 1.78027 -20.1895l34.8994 -46.7803 c15.4004 -20.6602 17.8398 -47.5195 6.37012 -70.0996l-25.75 -50.8701c-3.45996 -6.82031 -2.70996 -13.5098 2.16016 -19.8398c6.57031 -8.52051 20.9697 -15.5 37.9697 -11.75l63.4004 13.6396c6.2793 1.35059 12.6895 2.02051 19.0293 2.02051 c18.8408 0 37.3701 -5.81055 52.0303 -16.6699l49.2197 -36.4502c13.6201 -10.0801 30.4307 -8.20996 40.6201 -3.58008c4.4707 2.03027 14.9404 7.97949 15.8105 19.3594l4.25 55.2402c1.87012 24.3105 17.1494 45.9902 40.8994 57.9697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spray-can" unicode="&#xf5bd;" d="M480 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM480 224c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM480 352c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32 s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM384 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM384 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM288 416 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM224 320c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-256c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v256c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96v96 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96zM144 400v-80h32v80h-32zM272 -16v240c0 26.4697 -21.5303 48 -48 48h-128c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48v-240h224zM160 192c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64 s28.6504 64 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimmer" unicode="&#xf5c4;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M185.53 124.62l37.1699 52.0498c13.0195 18.2402 67.6895 93.9004 160.58 158.95c20.4297 14.3604 46.3096 19.5996 70.9795 14.4395l101.59 -17.9297c13.3203 -2.34961 22.1504 -14.8203 19.7607 -27.8701c-2.39062 -13.04 -15.1104 -21.6494 -28.4307 -19.3701 l-102.38 18.0801c-11.9902 2.48047 -23.7803 0.110352 -33.0898 -6.41016c-23.29 -16.3096 -44.9297 -34.46 -65.5898 -53.5791l143.49 -100.48c-13.8906 -2.91016 -27.2402 -10.04 -39.21 -21.0801c-1.39062 -1.28027 -4.41016 -2.99023 -8.30078 -4.62012l-130.59 91.4502 c-17.29 -18.7695 -33.8193 -38.2402 -48.71 -59.1104l-25.79 -36.1094c-3.87012 -0.640625 -8.2002 -1.03027 -13.0098 -1.03027c-19.1201 0 -30.8604 6.16016 -34.3896 9.41992c-1.31055 1.20996 -2.74023 2.08008 -4.08008 3.2002zM624 80c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16 v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398 c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998 c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996 c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h16zM128 160 c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96s42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96s-42.9805 -96 -96 -96zM128 304c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48s48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimming-pool" unicode="&#xf5c5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398 s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998 c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996 c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h16zM216 48.6299 c-14.2197 1.41992 -23.4102 6.04004 -26.3896 8.7998c-6.79004 6.26074 -14.0908 10.9805 -21.6104 14.6699v255.9c0 48.5303 39.4697 88 88 88s88 -39.4697 88 -88v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24 c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9404 -40 -40v-120h208v120c0 48.5303 39.4697 88 88 88s88 -39.4697 88 -88v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9404 -40 -40v-255.91 c-7.51953 -3.68945 -14.8203 -8.41016 -21.6104 -14.6699c-2.98926 -2.75 -12.1699 -7.36035 -26.3896 -8.79004v111.37h-208v-111.37z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tint-slash" unicode="&#xf5c7;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M633.99 -23.0098c6.91016 -5.53027 8.01953 -15.6006 2.5 -22.5l-10 -12.4902c-5.53027 -6.88965 -15.5898 -8.00977 -22.4902 -2.49023l-598 467.51c-6.90039 5.52051 -8.01953 15.5908 -2.49023 22.4902l10 12.4902c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023z M320 364.34c-8.88965 -21.79 -18.71 -40.75 -28.7197 -58.5l-38.1201 29.7998c14.04 25.8008 27.1797 55.0703 37.6201 90.2705c4.4502 14.8896 16.8398 22.0898 29.1895 22.0898c12.6406 0 25.2402 -7.54004 29.25 -22.0898c41.8105 -141.03 125.25 -189.601 143.17 -277.3 l-84.2393 65.8594c-3.79004 5.52051 -7.75 11.21 -11.9502 17.21c-24.1807 34.5605 -53.0498 75.8301 -76.2002 132.66zM320 -16c37.46 0 70.8799 16.7305 94.3096 42.8799l38.1709 -29.8398c-32.25 -37.3496 -79.5508 -61.04 -132.48 -61.04 c-97.2803 0 -176 79.6504 -176 178.09c0 39.1904 12.5498 69.8906 30.7002 100.13l38.0596 -29.7598c-13.0293 -22.7197 -20.7598 -44.0195 -20.7598 -70.3701c0 -71.7295 57.4199 -130.09 128 -130.09z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tooth" unicode="&#xf5c9;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M443.96 351.8c9.59961 -39.54 1.95996 -78.7598 -21.5098 -110.47c-20.5 -27.7002 -32.0303 -61.8105 -36.2803 -107.35c-3.59961 -38.6904 -9.25977 -89.6104 -20.9297 -140.32l-7.7998 -33.9697c-3.2207 -13.9502 -15.4209 -23.6904 -29.6709 -23.6904 c-13.9697 0 -26.1191 9.5 -29.5498 23.1104l-34.46 138.479c-4.55957 18.3506 -20.9199 31.1602 -39.7598 31.1602s-35.1797 -12.8096 -39.7402 -31.1602l-34.4795 -138.43c-3.41992 -13.6602 -15.5703 -23.1602 -29.54 -23.1602 c-14.25 0 -26.4502 9.73047 -29.6699 23.6699l-7.80078 33.9902c-11.6699 50.7002 -17.3193 101.63 -20.9297 140.32c-4.25 45.5293 -15.7803 79.6396 -36.29 107.35c-23.46 31.71 -31.0996 70.9297 -21.5098 110.45c11.04 45.2998 47.1504 82.0898 92 93.7295 c26.8799 6.9502 56.29 -0.910156 87.25 -23.1494c0.0898438 -0.0605469 0.200195 -0.0507812 0.299805 -0.110352c23.3105 -14.4902 34.1504 -14.2402 40.4297 -14.3604c13.6104 0.280273 27.3604 4.87988 38.8105 13.3008c31.6699 23.2793 61.6797 31.4697 89.1602 24.3096 c44.8398 -11.6299 80.9395 -48.4102 91.9697 -93.7002zM383.87 269.9c14.8604 20.0693 19.6396 45.1191 13.4297 70.5098c-6.88965 28.3301 -29.4297 51.3496 -57.4102 58.5996c-13.5098 3.60059 -29.4092 -2.37012 -48.6299 -16.5293 c-7.17969 -5.27051 -15 -9.35059 -23.0801 -12.8203l8.45996 -5.25977c11.2607 -7 14.71 -21.8008 7.73047 -33.0508c-4.54004 -7.31934 -12.3896 -11.3398 -20.4004 -11.3398c-4.33008 0 -8.7002 1.16016 -12.6396 3.61035 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0.273438v383.727h8.85742v-383.727h-8.85742zM215.714 0.273438v383.727h8.85742v-383.727h-8.85742zM251.429 0.273438v383.727h18v-383.727h-18zM296.286 0.273438v383.727h18v-383.727h-18zM332.285 0.273438v383.727h18.001 v-383.727h-18.001zM368.286 0.273438v383.727h18.001v-383.727h-18.001zM395.143 0.273438v383.727h18v-383.727h-18zM440.286 0.273438v383.727h26.8564v-383.727h-26.8564zM476 0.273438v383.727h9.14258v-383.727h-9.14258zM494 0v384h18v-384h-18z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tag" unicode="&#xf02b;" d="M497.941 222.059c18.7441 -18.7441 18.7441 -49.1367 0 -67.8818l-204.118 -204.118c-18.7451 -18.7451 -49.1377 -18.7441 -67.8818 0l-211.883 211.883c-7.75977 7.75977 -14.0586 22.9658 -14.0586 33.9404v204.118c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h204.118 c10.9746 0 26.1807 -6.29883 33.9404 -14.0586zM475.314 176.804c6.2373 6.23828 6.2373 16.3896 0 22.6279l-211.883 211.883c-3.02148 3.02148 -7.04004 4.68555 -11.3135 4.68555h-204.118c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-204.117v-0.0439453 c0 -3.64844 2.09961 -8.69727 4.68555 -11.2695l211.884 -211.884c6.25195 -6.25293 16.3838 -6.24219 22.627 0zM144 324c-11.0283 0 -20 -8.97168 -20 -20s8.97168 -20 20 -20s20 8.97168 20 20s-8.97168 20 -20 20zM144 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48 s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book" unicode="&#xf02d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M356 288h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h168c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12zM368 236c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h168 c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8zM432.7 -32h3.2998c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-356c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80v352c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h344c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-368 c0 -10 -6.2002 -18.5996 -14.9004 -22.2002c-3.59961 -16.0996 -4.39941 -45.5996 -0.399414 -65.7998zM128 64h288v352h-288v-352zM32 48c13.4004 10 30 16 48 16h16v352h-16c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 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c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9707l7.07129 7.07031c4.68555 4.68555 12.2832 4.68555 16.9697 0l73.7822 -73.2969c4.68652 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9717l-73.7822 -73.2969c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9697 0l-7.07129 7.07031 c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9707l41.2236 40.7422v1h-179.887v-179.887h1l40.7412 41.2236c4.68555 4.68652 12.2842 4.68652 16.9707 0l7.07031 -7.07129c4.68555 -4.68457 4.68555 -12.2822 0 -16.9697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fast-backward" unicode="&#xf049;" d="M12 1c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-158.9c0.900391 1 1.90039 2 3 2.90039l200.5 160.5c20.5996 17.2002 52.5 2.7998 52.5 -24.5996v-118.801l171.5 143.5 c20.5996 17.2002 52.5 2.80078 52.5 -24.5996v-320c0 -27.4004 -31.9004 -41.7998 -52.5 -24.5996l-171.5 142.399v-117.8c0 -27.4004 -31.9004 -41.7998 -52.5 -24.5996l-200.5 159.399c-1.09961 0.900391 -2.09961 1.90039 -3 2.90039v-157.7 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8zM292.5 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unicode="&#xf057;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 -24c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216zM350.8 261.3l-69.2998 -69.2998 l69.2998 -69.2998c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-8.5 -8.5c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-69.2998 69.2998l-69.2998 -69.2998c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-8.5 8.5c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l69.2998 69.2998 l-69.2998 69.2998c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l8.5 8.5c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l69.2998 -69.2998l69.2998 69.2998c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l8.5 -8.5c4.60059 -4.7002 4.60059 -12.2998 0 -17z" /> <glyph glyph-name="check-circle" unicode="&#xf058;" d="M256 440c136.967 0 248 -111.033 248 -248s-111.033 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.033 248 248 248zM256 -24c119.945 0 216 97.3369 216 216c0 119.945 -97.3359 216 -216 216c-119.945 0 -216 -97.3369 -216 -216c0 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4.25098 -2.22754 5.53027l-176 184 c-4.92969 5.16016 -13.7803 1.73145 -13.7803 -5.53027v-120c-157.114 0 -320 -11.1797 -320 -171.19c0 -74.3994 40 -122.17 76.0195 -148.51c-51.333 181.993 72.584 191.7 243.98 191.7v-120c0 -7.25977 8.84668 -10.6904 13.7803 -5.53027z" /> <glyph glyph-name="expand" unicode="&#xf065;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 268v124c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h124c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-116v-116c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12zM300 416h124c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-124 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v116h-116c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12zM448 116v-124c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-124c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h116v116 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM148 -32h-124c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v124c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-116h116c6.59961 0 12 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0.700195 -6.7998 -2.7998v-128 c0 -3.59961 4.2998 -5.40039 6.7998 -2.7998l64 64c1.60059 1.5 1.60059 4.09961 0 5.59961zM502.6 297.4l-64 -64c-20.0996 -20.1006 -54.5996 -5.80078 -54.5996 22.5996v52h-17l-240.4 -260.1c-2.2998 -2.5 -5.5 -3.90039 -8.7998 -3.90039h-105.8 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h97l240.4 260.1c2.2998 2.5 5.5 3.90039 8.7998 3.90039h25.7998v44c0 28.5 34.5 42.7002 54.5996 22.5996l64 -64c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.6992 0 -45.1992zM482.8 322.8l-64 64 c-2.5 2.5 -6.7998 0.700195 -6.7998 -2.7998v-128c0 -3.59961 4.2998 -5.40039 6.7998 -2.7998l64 64c1.60059 1.5 1.60059 4.09961 0 5.59961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-up" unicode="&#xf077;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M4.46484 81.5254c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2832 0 16.9697l211.049 211.051c4.6875 4.68652 12.2852 4.68652 16.9717 0l211.05 -211.051c4.68555 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9697l-7.07031 -7.07129c-4.68652 -4.68652 -12.2852 -4.68652 -16.9707 0 l-195.494 195.493l-195.494 -195.493c-4.68652 -4.68652 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-64 -64s-64 28.6543 -64 64 c0 16.5801 6.30469 31.6855 16.6475 43.0537l-69.9277 372.946h-78.7197c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h85.3623c11.5488 0 21.46 -8.22559 23.5889 -19.5771l8.3291 -44.4229h422.711zM240 0c0 17.6445 -14.3555 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3555 -32 -32s14.3555 -32 32 -32s32 14.3555 32 32zM464 -32c17.6445 0 32 14.3555 32 32s-14.3555 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3555 -32 -32s14.3555 -32 32 -32zM502.156 160l40 192h-406.876l36 -192h330.876z" /> <glyph glyph-name="folder-open" unicode="&#xf07c;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M527.95 224c37.335 0 60.29 -40.8115 41.1592 -72.6963l-67.4531 -112.464c-14.4639 -24.1064 -40.5312 -38.8398 -68.5996 -38.8398h-385.057c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h160l64 -64h160c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48h47.9502z M48 352c-8.83691 0 -16 -7.16309 -16 -16v-268.47l70.5781 117.63c14.4639 24.1064 40.5312 38.8398 68.5986 38.8398h276.823v48c0 8.83691 -7.16309 16 -16 16h-173.255l-64 64h-146.745zM541.695 167.768c6.39844 10.6641 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10.5996h-9.09961c-11.5996 0 -21.4004 8.2002 -23.5996 19.6006c-2.60059 13.6992 -2.7002 24.1992 0.0996094 38.5c2.09961 11.2998 12.0996 19.5 23.5996 19.5h9c1.80078 3.69922 3.80078 7.19922 6.10059 10.5996 l-2.60059 4.5c-5.7998 10 -3.59961 22.7002 5.2002 30.2998c10.6006 9.10059 19.7002 14.2998 33.5 19c10.7998 3.7002 22.7002 -0.700195 28.5 -10.5996l2.60059 -4.40039c4.09961 0.299805 8.09961 0.299805 12.1992 0l2.60059 4.40039 c5.7998 9.89941 17.7002 14.2998 28.5996 10.5c13.2998 -4.5 22.2998 -9.60059 33.5 -19.1006c8.7998 -7.5 10.9004 -20.1992 5.10059 -30.1992l-2.60059 -4.40039c2.2998 -3.40039 4.2998 -6.90039 6.10059 -10.5996h5.09961c11.5996 0 21.4004 -8.2002 23.5996 -19.6006 c2.60059 -13.7002 2.7002 -24.2002 -0.0996094 -38.5c-2.09961 -11.2998 -12.0996 -19.5 -23.5996 -19.5h-5c-1.80078 -3.7002 -3.80078 -7.2002 -6.10059 -10.5996l2.5 -4.2998c5.90039 -10.2002 3.5 -23.1006 -5.5 -30.5 c-10.7002 -8.80078 -19.8994 -13.4004 -34 -17.9004c-10.5 -3.2998 -21.8994 0.799805 -27.7002 10.0996zM550.8 286.1l10.6006 -18.2998c6.69922 2.7998 12.8994 6.40039 18.6992 10.7998l-10.5996 18.3008l6.40039 7.5c4.7998 5.69922 8.59961 12.0996 11 19.0996 l3.2998 9.2998h21.0996c0.900391 7.10059 0.900391 14.4004 0 21.5h-21.0996l-3.2998 9.2998c-2.5 7 -6.2002 13.4004 -11 19.1006l-6.40039 7.5l10.5 18.3994c-5.7002 4.40039 -12 8 -18.7002 10.8008l-10.5996 -18.3008l-9.7002 1.80078 c-7.2998 1.39941 -14.7998 1.39941 -22.0996 0l-9.7002 -1.80078l-10.6006 18.3008c-6.59961 -2.7002 -12.8994 -6.40039 -18.5996 -10.8008l10.5996 -18.2998l-6.39941 -7.5c-4.7998 -5.7002 -8.60059 -12.0996 -11 -19.0996l-3.2998 -9.2998h-21.1006 c-0.899414 -7.10059 -0.899414 -14.4004 0 -21.5h21.1006l3.2998 -9.30078c2.5 -7 6.2002 -13.3994 11 -19.0996l6.39941 -7.5l-10.5996 -18.4004c5.7002 -4.39941 12 -8 18.7002 -10.7998l10.5996 18.2998l9.7002 -1.7998c7.2998 -1.39941 14.7998 -1.39941 22.0996 0z M145.3 -6.40039v31.6006c-12.8994 5.5 -25.0996 12.5996 -36.3994 21.0996l-27.5 -15.8994c-9.80078 -5.60059 -22.1006 -3.7002 -29.7002 4.59961c-24.2002 26.2998 -38.5 49.5 -50.6006 88.0996c-3.39941 10.7002 1.10059 22.3008 10.8008 28l27.2998 15.9004 c-1.7002 14 -1.7002 28.0996 0 42.0996l-27.2998 15.8008c-9.7002 5.59961 -14.2002 17.2998 -10.8008 28c12.1006 38.3994 26.2002 61.5996 50.6006 88.0996c7.59961 8.2998 20 10.2002 29.7002 4.59961l27.3994 -15.8994c11.2998 8.5 23.5 15.5 36.4004 21.0996v31.6006 c0 11.2998 7.7998 21 18.7998 23.3994c34.7002 7.7998 62 8.7002 101.7 0c11 -2.39941 18.8994 -12.2002 18.8994 -23.3994v-31.6006c12.9004 -5.5 25.1006 -12.5996 36.4004 -21l27.4004 15.7998c9.7998 5.60059 22.1992 3.7002 29.7998 -4.59961 c26.8994 -29.5996 41.5 -55.9004 52.0996 -88.5c3.40039 -10.5 -0.799805 -21.9004 -10.2002 -27.7002l-25 -15.7998c1.7002 -14 1.7002 -28.0996 0 -42.0996l28.1006 -17.5c8.59961 -5.40039 13 -15.6006 10.7998 -25.5c-6.90039 -31.3008 -33 -64.6006 -55.9004 -89.2002 c-7.59961 -8.2002 -19.8994 -10 -29.5996 -4.40039l-27.5 15.9004c-11.2998 -8.5 -23.5 -15.5 -36.4004 -21.1006v-31.5996c0 -11.2002 -7.7998 -21 -18.7998 -23.4004c-37.5 -8.2998 -64.8994 -8.19922 -101.899 0c-10.8008 2.5 -18.6006 12.3008 -18.6006 23.5z M177.3 -0.200195c24.7998 -5 50.5 -5 75.2998 0v47.7002l10.7002 3.7998c16.7998 5.90039 32.2998 14.9004 45.9004 26.5l8.59961 7.40039l41.4004 -23.9004c16.7998 19.1006 34 41.2998 42.0996 65.2002l-41.3994 23.9004l2.09961 11.0996 c3.2002 17.5996 3.2002 35.5 0 53.0996l-2.09961 11.1006l41.3994 23.8994c-8.09961 23.9004 -25.2998 46.2002 -42.0996 65.2002l-41.4004 -23.8994l-8.59961 7.39941c-13.6006 11.7002 -29 20.6006 -45.9004 26.5l-10.7002 3.7998v47.6006c-24.7998 5 -50.5 5 -75.2998 0 v-47.7002l-10.7002 -3.7998c-16.7998 -5.90039 -32.2998 -14.9004 -45.8994 -26.5l-8.60059 -7.40039l-41.3994 23.9004c-14.001 -15.916 -30.8906 -45.126 -37.7002 -65.2002l41.4004 -23.9004l-2.10059 -11.0996c-3.2002 -17.5996 -3.2002 -35.5 0 -53.0996 l2.10059 -11.1006l-41.4004 -23.8994c8.09961 -23.9004 20.9004 -46.2002 37.7002 -65.2002l41.3994 23.8994l8.60059 -7.39941c13.5996 -11.7002 29 -20.6006 45.8994 -26.5l10.7002 -3.7998v-47.6006zM215.7 105.1c-45.7002 0 -82.9004 37.2002 -82.9004 82.9004 s37.2002 82.9004 82.9004 82.9004s82.8994 -37.2002 82.8994 -82.9004s-37.1992 -82.9004 -82.8994 -82.9004zM215.7 238.9c-28 0 -50.9004 -22.8008 -50.9004 -50.9004s22.7998 -50.9004 50.9004 -50.9004c28 0 50.8994 22.8008 50.8994 50.9004 s-22.7998 50.9004 -50.8994 50.9004zM538.6 -52.7998l-2.5 3.89941c-4.09961 -0.299805 -8.09961 -0.299805 -12.1992 0l-2.5 -4c-5.80078 -9.19922 -17.1006 -13.3994 -27.5 -10.0996c-13.8008 4.2998 -23 8.7998 -34.3008 18.0996 c-9 7.40039 -11.1992 20.3008 -5.39941 30.4004l2.5 4.2998c-2.2998 3.40039 -4.2998 6.90039 -6.10059 10.6006h-9.09961c-11.5996 0 -21.4004 8.19922 -23.5996 19.5996c-2.60059 13.7002 -2.7002 24.2002 0.0996094 38.5c2.09961 11.2998 12.0996 19.5 23.5996 19.5h9 c1.80078 3.7002 3.80078 7.2002 6.10059 10.5996l-2.60059 4.5c-5.7998 10 -3.59961 22.7002 5.2002 30.3008c10.6006 9.09961 19.7002 14.2998 33.5 19c10.7998 3.69922 22.7002 -0.700195 28.5 -10.6006l2.60059 -4.39941c4.09961 0.299805 8.09961 0.299805 12.1992 0 l2.60059 4.39941c5.7998 9.90039 17.7002 14.2998 28.5996 10.5c13.2998 -4.5 22.2998 -9.59961 33.5 -19.0996c8.7998 -7.5 10.9004 -20.2002 5.10059 -30.2002l-2.60059 -4.40039c2.2998 -3.39941 4.2998 -6.89941 6.10059 -10.5996h5.09961 c11.5996 0 21.4004 -8.2002 23.5996 -19.5996c2.60059 -13.7002 2.7002 -24.2002 -0.0996094 -38.5c-2.09961 -11.3008 -12.0996 -19.5 -23.5996 -19.5h-5c-1.80078 -3.7002 -3.80078 -7.2002 -6.10059 -10.6006l2.5 -4.2998c5.90039 -10.2002 3.5 -23.0996 -5.5 -30.5 c-10.7002 -8.7998 -19.8994 -13.4004 -34 -17.9004c-10.5 -3.19922 -21.8994 0.900391 -27.7002 10.1006zM550.8 -18.2002l10.6006 -18.2998c6.69922 2.7998 12.8994 6.40039 18.6992 10.7998l-10.5996 18.2998l6.40039 7.5c4.7998 5.7002 8.59961 12.1006 11 19.1006 l3.2998 9.2998h21.0996c0.900391 7.09961 0.900391 14.4004 0 21.5h-21.0996l-3.2998 9.2998c-2.5 7 -6.2002 13.4004 -11 19.1006l-6.40039 7.5l10.5996 18.2998c-5.69922 4.39941 -12 8 -18.6992 10.7998l-10.6006 -18.2998l-9.7002 1.7998 c-7.2998 1.40039 -14.7998 1.40039 -22.0996 0l-9.7002 -1.7998l-10.5996 18.2998c-6.7002 -2.7998 -12.9004 -6.40039 -18.7002 -10.7998l10.5996 -18.2998l-6.39941 -7.5c-4.7998 -5.7002 -8.60059 -12.1006 -11 -19.1006l-3.2998 -9.2998h-21.1006 c-0.899414 -7.09961 -0.899414 -14.4004 0 -21.5h21.1006l3.2998 -9.2998c2.5 -7 6.2002 -13.4004 11 -19.1006l6.39941 -7.5l-10.5996 -18.2998c5.7002 -4.39941 12 -8 18.7002 -10.7998l10.5996 18.2998l9.7002 -1.7998c7.2998 -1.40039 14.7998 -1.40039 22.0996 0z M560 40c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32zM560 344.3c0 -17.5996 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-half" unicode="&#xf089;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 44.5996v-36.1992l-130.7 -68.6006c-23.3994 -12.2998 -50.8994 7.60059 -46.3994 33.7002l25 145.5l-105.7 103c-19 18.5 -8.5 50.7998 17.7002 54.5996l146.1 21.2002l65.2998 132.4c5.90039 11.8994 17.2998 17.7998 28.7002 17.7998v-32l-72.7998 -147.5 l-162.7 -23.5996l117.8 -114.801l-27.7998 -162z" 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0 17l7.09961 7.09961c4.60059 4.7002 12.2002 4.7002 16.9004 0zM512 48c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-132c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h132c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v288 c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-132c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h132c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="upload" unicode="&#xf093;" d="M452 16c0 -11 -9 -20 -20 -20s-20 9 -20 20s9 20 20 20s20 -9 20 -20zM368 36c11 0 20 -9 20 -20s-9 -20 -20 -20s-20 9 -20 20s9 20 20 20zM512 84v-104c0 -24.2998 -19.7002 -44 -44 -44h-424c-24.2998 0 -44 19.7002 -44 44v104c0 24.2998 19.7002 44 44 44h124 v99.2998h-52.7002c-35.5996 0 -53.3994 43.1006 -28.2998 68.2998l140.7 140.7c15.5996 15.6006 40.8994 15.6006 56.5996 0l140.7 -140.7c25.2002 -25.1992 7.2998 -68.2998 -28.2998 -68.2998h-52.7002v-99.2998h124c24.2998 0 44 -19.7002 44 -44zM200 259.3v-187.3 c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h96c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v187.3h84.7002c7.09961 0 10.7002 8.60059 5.7002 13.7002l-140.7 140.7c-3.10059 3.09961 -8.2002 3.09961 -11.2998 0l-140.7 -140.7c-5 -5 -1.5 -13.7002 5.7002 -13.7002h84.5996zM480 84 c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-124v-24c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-96c-22.0996 0 -40 17.9004 -40 40v24h-124c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-104c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h424c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12v104z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lemon" unicode="&#xf094;" d="M489.038 425.037c23.0938 -23.0938 28.8916 -54.3906 16.833 -75.0928c-34.3115 -58.9043 53.0781 -181.248 -86.7461 -321.071c-139.823 -139.824 -262.166 -52.4326 -321.068 -86.7432c-20.7168 -12.0664 -52.0146 -6.24805 -75.0947 16.832 c-23.0928 23.0938 -28.8916 54.3906 -16.833 75.0928c34.3125 58.9043 -53.0771 181.248 86.7451 321.071c139.828 139.828 262.161 52.4297 321.073 86.7451c7.02637 4.09375 15.2725 6.12891 24.0068 6.12891c16.9941 0 35.8301 -7.70898 51.084 -22.9629zM478.22 366.05 c12.2725 21.0684 -28.1885 59.8076 -48.167 48.1699c-76.5293 -44.5791 -183.11 49.7197 -314.551 -81.7227c-131.388 -131.387 -37.1738 -238.075 -81.7207 -314.55c-11.957 -20.5273 27.6426 -60.123 48.1709 -48.167c76.5176 44.5713 183.113 -49.7139 314.547 81.7197 c131.387 131.387 37.1748 238.075 81.7207 314.55zM259.471 336.381c-31.8896 -7.08594 -64.9727 -26.5107 -93.1562 -54.6943c-28.1846 -28.1846 -47.6084 -61.2676 -54.6943 -93.1562c-1.65723 -7.45703 -8.27148 -12.5332 -15.6045 -12.5332 c-1.14844 0 -2.31543 0.125 -3.48438 0.384766c-8.62598 1.91699 -14.0654 10.4639 -12.1484 19.0898c8.3916 37.7559 30.8721 76.4102 63.3066 108.844c32.4326 32.4336 71.0869 54.915 108.843 63.3057c8.62793 1.91895 17.1729 -3.52246 19.0898 -12.1484 s-3.52539 -17.1748 -12.1514 -19.0918z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phone-square" unicode="&#xf098;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h352c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM361.133 337.745c13.4639 -3.10645 22.8672 -14.9268 22.8672 -28.7451c0 -153.181 -123.967 -277 -277 -277c-13.8164 0 -25.6367 9.40332 -28.7432 22.8672l-13.4941 58.501 c-3.21484 13.9238 3.9873 28.1182 17.125 33.748l62.9922 26.998c12.0127 5.14648 26.1797 1.67969 34.4531 -8.43555l19.7402 -24.127c26.8145 14.793 60.583 48.5605 75.376 75.375l-24.1289 19.7422c-10.1133 8.27246 -13.5811 22.4395 -8.43555 34.4512l27.001 62.9951 c4.22266 9.87109 16.3623 17.8828 27.0986 17.8828c1.85938 0 4.83789 -0.34082 6.64941 -0.759766zM108.987 64.0078c133.948 1.05859 241.949 109.303 243.007 243.007l-54.5186 12.5791l-25.4355 -59.3477l42.29 -34.6025 c-29.7881 -63.4863 -62.0801 -94.9355 -123.973 -123.971l-34.6016 42.2881l-59.3477 -25.4346z" /> <glyph glyph-name="unlock" unicode="&#xf09c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 192c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-160c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v160c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16v96c0 88.4004 40 160.3 128.5 160c88.4004 -0.299805 127.5 -73.0996 127.5 -161.5v-18.5c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v20c0 70.5996 -25.4004 128 -96 128s-96 -57.4004 -96 -128v-96h240zM352 -16v160c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-288c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h288c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="credit-card" unicode="&#xf09d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480zM48 384c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-48h512v48c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-480zM528 0c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v208h-512v-208 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h480zM192 84v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h72c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM384 84v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-136c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h136c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rss" unicode="&#xf09e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M80 96c-26.4668 0 -48 -21.5332 -48 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-0.350586 -0.0205078 -0.703125 -0.0332031 -1.05371c-0.537109 -14.1875 -4.65625 -27.7266 -11.8848 -39.582 c4.64355 -23.3389 -2.33496 -48.3867 -16.6348 -65.4941c1.625 -49.7861 -29.0254 -85.8701 -88.6318 -85.8701h-23.2354c-54.1104 0 -90.4531 34.2812 -125.103 42.0381c-5.83398 -6.17676 -14.0947 -10.0381 -23.2617 -10.0381h-64c-17.6729 0 -32 14.3271 -32 32v224 c0 17.6729 14.3271 32 32 32h64c11.6201 0 21.792 -6.19434 27.3984 -15.459c18.0498 10.0752 49.8564 49.3828 60.9189 67.1436c13.8828 22.4629 23.1367 76.3154 71.6826 76.3154c41.3145 0 73.5996 -29.9219 73.5996 -70.4004 c0 -17.79 -4.35352 -32.6104 -9.79102 -44.7998h121.791zM32 256v-224h64v224h-64zM441.6 192c20.7002 0 38.4004 17.7002 38.4004 38.4004c0 20.3994 -18.2998 38.3994 -38.4004 38.3994h-172.8c0 18.9004 28.7998 38.4004 28.7998 76.7998 c0 22.4004 -17.5996 38.4004 -41.5996 38.4004s-28.7041 -35.6855 -44.502 -61.2002c-14.5957 -23.4434 -53.665 -72.5557 -83.5 -83.2617v-198.677c39.6797 -9.59473 72.0273 -40.8613 116.364 -40.8613h23.2354c44.208 0 62.3174 24.2148 55.2012 66.9004 c15.9414 8.72852 26.3477 37.0684 14.1006 58.5c21.126 19.8818 19.4033 50.5967 5.39941 66.5996h99.3008zM84 64c0 -11.0459 -8.9541 -20 -20 -20s-20 8.9541 -20 20s8.9541 20 20 20s20 -8.9541 20 -20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-point-left" unicode="&#xf0a5;" d="M0 230.4c0 38.1602 32.7695 70.3994 70.4004 70.3994h121.791c-5.4375 12.1895 -9.79102 27.0098 -9.79102 44.7998c0 40.4785 32.2861 70.4004 73.5996 70.4004c48.5459 0 57.7998 -53.8525 71.6836 -76.3154c11.0615 -17.7598 42.8682 -57.0684 60.9189 -67.1436 c5.60547 9.26465 15.7773 15.459 27.3975 15.459h64c17.6729 0 32 -14.3271 32 -32v-224c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32h-64c-9.16699 0 -17.4277 3.86133 -23.2607 10.0381c-34.6504 -7.75684 -70.9922 -42.0381 -125.103 -42.0381h-23.2354 c-59.6055 0 -90.2568 36.084 -88.6318 85.8701c-14.2998 17.1074 -21.2783 42.1553 -16.6348 65.4941c-7.22949 11.8545 -11.3486 25.3945 -11.8848 39.582c-0.0126953 0.350586 -0.0244141 0.703125 -0.0332031 1.05371h-56.8164 c-38.3369 0 -70.4004 31.916 -70.4004 70.4004zM480 32v224h-64v-224h64zM32 230.4c0 -20.7002 17.7002 -38.4004 38.4004 -38.4004h99.2988c-14.0039 -16.0029 -15.7256 -46.7178 5.39941 -66.5996c-12.2471 -21.4326 -1.83984 -49.7725 14.1006 -58.5 c-7.11621 -42.6855 10.9932 -66.9004 55.2012 -66.9004h23.2354c44.3379 0 76.6846 31.2666 116.364 40.8613v198.677c-29.835 10.7061 -68.9053 59.8193 -83.5 83.2617c-15.7959 25.5146 -20.5 61.2002 -44.5 61.2002s-41.5996 -16 -41.5996 -38.4004 c0 -38.3994 28.7998 -57.8994 28.7998 -76.7998h-172.8c-20.1006 0 -38.4004 -18 -38.4004 -38.3994zM448 84c11.0459 0 20 -8.9541 20 -20s-8.9541 -20 -20 -20s-20 8.9541 -20 20s8.9541 20 20 20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-point-up" unicode="&#xf0a6;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M115.2 377.6c0 37.6309 32.2393 70.4004 70.3994 70.4004c38.4844 0 70.4004 -32.0635 70.4004 -70.4004v-56.8154c0.291016 -0.0078125 0.762695 -0.0224609 1.05371 -0.0332031c14.1875 -0.537109 27.7266 -4.65625 39.582 -11.8848 c23.3389 4.64355 48.3867 -2.33496 65.4941 -16.6348c49.7861 1.625 85.8701 -29.0254 85.8701 -88.6318v-23.2354c0 -54.1104 -34.2812 -90.4531 -42.0381 -125.103c6.17676 -5.83398 10.0381 -14.0947 10.0381 -23.2617v-64c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32h-224 c-17.6729 0 -32 14.3271 -32 32v64c0 11.6201 6.19434 21.792 15.459 27.3984c-10.0752 18.0498 -49.3828 49.8564 -67.1436 60.9189c-22.4629 13.8828 -76.3154 23.1367 -76.3154 71.6826c0 41.3135 29.9219 73.5996 70.4004 73.5986 c17.79 0 32.6104 -4.35352 44.7998 -9.79102v121.792zM160 -32h224v64h-224v-64zM224 377.6c0 20.7002 -17.7002 38.4004 -38.4004 38.4004c-20.3994 0 -38.3994 -18.2998 -38.3994 -38.4004v-172.8c-18.9004 0 -38.4004 28.7998 -76.7998 28.7998 c-22.4004 0 -38.4004 -17.5996 -38.4004 -41.5996s35.6855 -28.7041 61.2002 -44.502c23.4434 -14.5957 72.5557 -53.665 83.2617 -83.5h198.677c9.59473 39.6797 40.8613 72.0273 40.8613 116.364v23.2354c0 44.208 -24.2148 62.3174 -66.9004 55.2012 c-8.72852 15.9414 -37.0684 26.3477 -58.5 14.1006c-19.8818 21.126 -50.5967 19.4033 -66.5996 5.39941v99.3008zM352 20c11.0459 0 20 -8.9541 20 -20s-8.9541 -20 -20 -20s-20 8.9541 -20 20s8.9541 20 20 20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-point-down" unicode="&#xf0a7;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M185.6 -64c-38.1602 0 -70.3994 32.7695 -70.3994 70.4004v121.791c-12.1895 -5.4375 -27.0098 -9.79102 -44.7998 -9.79102c-40.4785 0 -70.4004 32.2861 -70.4004 73.5996c0 48.5459 53.8525 57.7998 76.3154 71.6836c17.7598 11.0615 57.0684 42.8691 67.1436 60.9189 c-9.26465 5.60547 -15.459 15.7773 -15.459 27.3975v64c0 17.6729 14.3271 32 32 32h224c17.6729 0 32 -14.3271 32 -32v-64c0 -9.16699 -3.86133 -17.4277 -10.0381 -23.2607c7.75684 -34.6504 42.0381 -70.9922 42.0381 -125.103v-23.2354 c0 -59.6055 -36.084 -90.2568 -85.8701 -88.6318c-17.1074 -14.2998 -42.1553 -21.2783 -65.4941 -16.6348c-11.8545 -7.22949 -25.3945 -11.3486 -39.582 -11.8848c-0.350586 -0.0126953 -0.703125 -0.0244141 -1.05371 -0.0332031v-56.8164 c0 -38.3369 -31.916 -70.4004 -70.4004 -70.4004zM384 416h-224v-64h224v64zM185.6 -32c20.7002 0 38.4004 17.7002 38.4004 38.4004v99.2988c16.0029 -14.0039 46.7178 -15.7256 66.5996 5.39941c21.4326 -12.2471 49.7725 -1.83984 58.5 14.1006 c42.6855 -7.11621 66.9004 10.9932 66.9004 55.2012v23.2354c0 44.3379 -31.2666 76.6846 -40.8613 116.364h-198.677c-10.7061 -29.835 -59.8193 -68.9053 -83.2617 -83.5c-25.5146 -15.7959 -61.2002 -20.5 -61.2002 -44.5s16 -41.5996 38.4004 -41.5996 c38.3994 0 57.8994 28.7998 76.7998 28.7998v-172.8c0 -20.1006 18 -38.4004 38.3994 -38.4004zM332 384c0 11.0459 8.9541 20 20 20s20 -8.9541 20 -20s-8.9541 -20 -20 -20s-20 8.9541 -20 20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-circle-left" unicode="&#xf0a8;" d="M504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM256 -24c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216zM243.5 68.5l-115.1 115 c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l115.1 115c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l6.90039 -6.90039c4.69922 -4.69922 4.69922 -12.5 -0.200195 -17.0996l-85.5 -82.5h190.3c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-10c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-190.3l85.5996 -82.5 c4.7998 -4.7002 4.90039 -12.4004 0.200195 -17.0996l-6.90039 -6.90039c-4.7998 -4.7002 -12.3994 -4.7002 -17.0996 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-circle-right" unicode="&#xf0a9;" d="M8 192c0 137 111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248zM256 408c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216zM268.5 315.5l115.1 -115 c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-115.1 -115c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-6.90039 6.90039c-4.69922 4.69922 -4.69922 12.5 0.200195 17.0996l85.6006 82.5h-190.4c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v10c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h190.3l-85.5996 82.5 c-4.7998 4.7002 -4.90039 12.4004 -0.200195 17.0996l6.90039 6.90039c4.7998 4.7002 12.3994 4.7002 17.0996 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-circle-up" unicode="&#xf0aa;" d="M256 -56c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248zM40 192c0 -119.9 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192l-128 128v-256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="columns" unicode="&#xf0db;" d="M464 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h416zM240 0v352h-208v-336c0 -8.83691 7.16309 -16 16 -16h192zM480 16v336h-208v-352h192 c8.83691 0 16 7.16309 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="undo" unicode="&#xf0e2;" d="M20 440h10c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-110.625c43.1963 73.5781 123.239 122.91 214.793 122.624c136.387 -0.426758 247.42 -112.008 247.207 -248.396c-0.213867 -136.784 -111.166 -247.604 -248 -247.604c-63.9258 0 -122.202 24.1865 -166.178 63.9082 c-5.11328 4.61816 -5.35449 12.5605 -0.482422 17.4326l7.06934 7.06934c4.50293 4.50293 11.749 4.71387 16.4814 0.454102c37.8916 -34.1025 88.0439 -54.8643 143.109 -54.8643c117.744 0 214 95.3311 214 214c0 117.744 -95.3311 214 -214 214 c-82.8623 0 -154.737 -47.0771 -190.289 -116h114.289c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-10c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-160c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 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271.2 -205.399zM383.3 165.5c41.7998 60.7002 97.6006 82.7002 155.9 38.7998c-34.2002 104.4 -141.9 163.7 -251.2 163.7c-109.2 0 -215.9 -58.7002 -250.8 -163.2c48.5996 38.2002 114.5 28.5 156.1 -39.2998 c23.1006 34.5 50.2002 61.5 94.7002 61.5c37.4004 0 71 -21.7998 95.2998 -61.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paste" unicode="&#xf0ea;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M433.941 254.059c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0586 -22.9658 14.0586 -33.9404v-236.118c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v48h-80c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h66.752 c6.60547 18.623 24.3896 32 45.248 32s38.6426 -13.377 45.248 -32h66.752c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48h28.1182c10.9746 0 26.1807 -6.29883 33.9404 -14.0586zM411.314 231.432l-51.8838 51.8828c-1.72754 1.72949 -5.05664 3.6084 -7.43066 4.19434v-63.5088 h63.5088c-0.585938 2.37402 -2.46484 5.70312 -4.19434 7.43164zM160 418c-9.94141 0 -18 -8.05859 -18 -18s8.05859 -18 18 -18s18 8.05859 18 18s-8.05859 18 -18 18zM48 64h80v208c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h112v48c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-66.752 c-6.60547 -18.623 -24.3887 -32 -45.248 -32s-38.6426 13.377 -45.248 32h-66.752c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16zM400 -32c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16v208h-72c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v72h-144 c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="exchange" unicode="&#xf0ec;" d="M508.485 263.515l-92.4854 -92c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9697 0l-7.07129 7.07031c-4.68652 4.68652 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9707l60.9336 60.4443h-440.893c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h440.905l-60.9463 60.4443 c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2832 0 16.9707l7.07031 7.07031c4.68652 4.68555 12.2842 4.68555 16.9707 0l92.4854 -92c4.68652 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707zM3.51465 103.515c-4.68652 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2842 0 16.9707l92.4854 92 c4.68555 4.68652 12.2842 4.68555 16.9697 0l7.07129 -7.07031c4.68652 -4.6875 4.68652 -12.2852 0 -16.9707l-60.9336 -60.4443h440.893c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-440.905l60.9463 -60.4443 c4.68652 -4.68652 4.68652 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-7.07031 -7.07031c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9707 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coffee" unicode="&#xf0f4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M517.9 0h-491.801c-24.5 0 -33.0996 32 -20 32h531.801c13.0996 0 4.5 -32 -20 -32zM576 288.9c0.5 -53.4004 -42.7002 -96.9004 -96 -96.9004h-32v-32c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96h-192c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96v212c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h402.8 c52.7998 0 96.7002 -42.2002 97.2002 -95.0996zM416 352h-320v-192c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64h192c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64v192zM544 288c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64h-32v-128h32c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital" unicode="&#xf0f8;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M180 96h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12zM268 96c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40zM140 192c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40zM268 192c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40zM448 -64h-448v20c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h20v395c0 11.5977 10.7451 21 24 21h88v40c0 13.2549 10.7451 24 24 24h112c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-40h88c13.2549 0 24 -9.40234 24 -21v-395 h20c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-20zM64 -32h128v84c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-84h128v384h-80v-40c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-112c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v40h-80v-384zM266 384h-26v26c0 3.31152 -2.68848 6 -6 6 h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-26h-26c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h26v-26c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h20c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v26h26c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v20c0 3.31152 -2.68848 6 -6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medkit" unicode="&#xf0fa;" d="M464 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h112v40c0 13.2549 10.7451 24 24 24h144c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-40h112zM192 384v-32h128v32h-128zM384 320 h-256v-320h256v320zM32 16c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h48v320h-48c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-288zM480 16v288c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-48v-320h48c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM352 176v-32c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-56v-56 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-32c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v56h-56c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v32c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h56v56c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h32c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-56h56c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fighter-jet" unicode="&#xf0fb;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M526.785 252.068c71.3516 -15.6611 113.215 -22.6104 113.215 -60.0684c0 -37.1592 -41.0156 -44.2217 -113.214 -60.0684l-102.96 -11.2666l-41.6631 -16.665h-14.8535l-84.127 -104.391c20.9189 -1.58203 36.8174 -7.85059 36.8174 -15.6094 c0 -9 -21.3828 -16 -47.1895 -16h-128.811v32h16v120h-1.62988l-64 -72h-57.9082l-28.4619 28.1094v67.6465l-8 0.988281v94.5107l8 0.988281v67.6465l28.4619 28.1104h57.9082l64 -72h1.62988v120h-16v32h128.811c25.8066 0 47.1895 -7 47.1895 -16 c0 -7.75879 -15.8984 -14.0273 -36.8174 -15.6094l84.127 -104.391h14.8535l41.6621 -16.665zM521.6 163.556c86.4004 18.9629 86.4004 23.6289 86.4004 28.4443s0 9.48145 -86.4004 28.4443l-105.6 11.5557l-40 16h-24l-109.6 136h-50.4004v-152h-48l-64 72h-30.4004 l-9.59961 -9.48145v-54.5186h8v-16h41.5996v-5.92578l-57.5996 -7.11133v-37.9258l57.5996 -7.11133v-5.92578h-41.5996v-16h-8v-54.5186l9.59961 -9.48145h30.4004l64 72h48v-152h50.4004l109.6 136h24l40 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="beer" unicode="&#xf0fc;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 352c35.29 0 64 -28.71 64 -64v-162.334c0 -24.3975 -13.5566 -46.332 -35.3789 -57.2432l-60.6211 -30.3105v-22.1123c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-256c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h256c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16 h32zM320 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-256c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h256c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM416 125.666v162.334c0 17.6445 -14.3555 32 -32 32h-32v-246.112l46.3105 23.1562 c10.9111 5.45605 17.6895 16.4229 17.6895 28.6221zM192 304v-224c0 -8.83691 -7.16406 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v224c0 8.83691 7.16406 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16zM128 304v-224c0 -8.83691 -7.16406 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v224 c0 8.83691 7.16406 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16zM256 304v-224c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v224c0 8.83691 7.16309 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="h-square" unicode="&#xf0fd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h352c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM336 308v-232c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v100h-160v-100c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v232c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h8 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-100h160v100c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h8c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plus-square" unicode="&#xf0fe;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 384h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16zM400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352 c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM340 210c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-12c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-98v-98c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-12c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v98h-98c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v12c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h98v98 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h12c6.59961 0 12 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17 0l117.8 -116 c4.59961 -4.7002 4.59961 -12.2998 -0.0996094 -17zM294.9 200.5c4.69922 -4.7002 4.69922 -12.2998 0.0996094 -17l-117.8 -116c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-7.10059 7.09961c-4.69922 4.7002 -4.69922 12.3008 0 17l102.2 100.4l-102.3 100.4 c-4.7002 4.69922 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angle-double-up" unicode="&#xf102;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M136.5 198.9l116 -117.801c4.7002 -4.69922 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-100.4 102.3l-100.4 -102.2c-4.69922 -4.69922 -12.2998 -4.69922 -17 0l-7.09961 7.10059c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17 l116 117.8c4.7002 4.59961 12.2998 4.59961 17 -0.0996094zM119.5 326.9c4.7002 4.69922 12.2998 4.69922 17 0.0996094l116 -117.8c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.10059c-4.7002 -4.69922 -12.3008 -4.69922 -17 0l-100.4 102.2l-100.4 -102.3 c-4.69922 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-7.09961 7.09961c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 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4.59961 12.2998 4.59961 17 -0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angle-down" unicode="&#xf107;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M119.5 121.1l-116 117.801c-4.7002 4.69922 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0l100.4 -102.3l100.4 102.2c4.69922 4.69922 12.2998 4.69922 17 0l7.09961 -7.10059c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-116 -117.8 c-4.7002 -4.59961 -12.2998 -4.59961 -17 0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="desktop" unicode="&#xf108;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-192l24 -96h72c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-288c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16h72l24 96h-192c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480zM249 -32 h78l-16 64h-46zM544 112v288c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-480c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h480c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tablet" unicode="&#xf10a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M256 32c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32c0 21.2998 14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32zM448 400v-416c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM416 400 c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-416c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mobile" unicode="&#xf10b;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M192 32c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32zM320 400v-416c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM288 400c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16 h-224c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-416c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h224c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="keyboard" unicode="&#xf11c;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 384c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h480zM544 48v288c0 8.82324 -7.17676 16 -16 16h-480c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16v-288 c0 -8.82324 7.17676 -16 16 -16h480c8.82324 0 16 7.17676 16 16zM168 180c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM264 180c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM360 180c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM456 180 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM120 100c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM504 100c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM120 260c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24 c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM216 260c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM312 260c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM408 260c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM504 260 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h24c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24zM408 108c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-216c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h216 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="terminal" unicode="&#xf120;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M34.4951 411.535l211.051 -211.05c4.68652 -4.68652 4.68652 -12.2842 0 -16.9717l-211.051 -211.049c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9697 0l-7.07129 7.07031c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9707l195.493 195.494l-195.493 195.494 c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9707l7.07129 7.07031c4.68555 4.68652 12.2832 4.68652 16.9697 0zM640 -20c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-328c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v10c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h328c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-10z" /> <glyph glyph-name="code" unicode="&#xf121;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M228.5 -63.7998l-25 7.09961c-3.2002 0.900391 -5 4.2002 -4.09961 7.40039l140.699 492.899c0.900391 3.2002 4.2002 5 7.40039 4.10059l25 -7.10059c3.2002 -0.899414 5 -4.19922 4.09961 -7.39941l-140.699 -492.8 c-0.900391 -3.2002 -4.30078 -5.10059 -7.40039 -4.2002zM152.9 61.5c-1.80078 -2.09961 -5 -2.2998 -7.10059 -0.5l-144.1 127.2c-2.2998 2 -2.2998 5.5 0 7.5l144.1 127.2c2.10059 1.89941 5.2998 1.69922 7.10059 -0.400391l18.5 -20.9004 c1.89941 -2.09961 1.59961 -5.2998 -0.5 -7.09961l-121 -102.5l121 -102.5c2.09961 -1.7998 2.39941 -5 0.5 -7.09961zM430.2 61.0996c-2.10059 -1.89941 -5.2998 -1.69922 -7.10059 0.400391l-18.5 20.9004c-1.89941 2.09961 -1.59961 5.2998 0.5 7.09961l121 102.5 l-121 102.5c-2.09961 1.7998 -2.39941 5 -0.5 7.09961l18.5 20.9004c1.90039 2 5 2.2002 7.10059 0.400391l144.1 -127.101c2.2998 -2 2.2998 -5.5 0 -7.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="reply-all" unicode="&#xf122;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M105.368 201.369c-12.4912 12.5 -12.4912 32.7598 0 45.2598l160.002 159.97c20.04 20.04 54.6299 5.95996 54.6299 -22.6299v-72.6895c115.5 -3.83984 256 -28.1699 256 -181.07c0 -64.9805 -33.54 -118.26 -85.1104 -155.97 c-24.1895 -17.7002 -58.04 4.91992 -49.6895 34.5098c27.7002 98.1904 0.379883 122.06 -121.2 126.42v-71.1504c0 -28.6094 -34.6104 -42.6396 -54.6299 -22.6299zM128 223.999l160 -160v103.9c145.671 -1.32617 224.979 -22.6338 184 -167.9 c31.5098 23.0498 72 65.1104 72 130.21c0 131.425 -125.835 148.345 -256 149.69v104.1zM9.37207 246.627l160 159.974c13.4668 13.4678 33.4951 11.5068 45.1885 0.105469l-182.561 -182.707l182.564 -182.712c-11.6992 -11.4033 -31.7383 -13.3467 -45.1914 0.105469 l-160 159.979c-12.4971 12.498 -12.4971 32.7588 -0.000976562 45.2559z" /> <glyph glyph-name="location-arrow" unicode="&#xf124;" d="M461.9 448c32.2393 0 60.1592 -34.8896 46.5898 -67.4805l-191.9 -415.779c-9.25977 -19.8398 -26.71 -28.7402 -44.0098 -28.7402c-24.5303 0 -48.7402 17.9199 -48.7402 47.9297v175.91h-175.91c-51.1699 0 -67.1602 70.3604 -19.1895 92.75l415.77 191.891 c5.7998 2.41992 11.6602 3.51953 17.3906 3.51953zM479.45 393.92c1.88965 4.59961 -0.240234 9.71973 -2.43066 13.0098c-3.61914 5.43066 -9.68945 9.08008 -15.1094 9.08008c-1.71973 0 -3.37988 -0.339844 -5.08984 -1.0498l-414.681 -191.41 c-10.9697 -5.12012 -10.7998 -14.1699 -9.69922 -19.0996c0.849609 -3.7998 4.04004 -12.6299 15.4893 -12.6299h207.88v-207.9c0 -12.6104 10.96 -15.9395 16.7607 -15.9395c6.79004 0 11.8496 3.45996 15.0293 10.2793z" /> <glyph glyph-name="code-branch" unicode="&#xf126;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 304c0 -38.0996 -26.7002 -70 -62.5 -77.9004c-0.799805 -25.1992 -7.40039 -45.1992 -19.7998 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-0.000976562zM11.999 444.485 c4.68652 4.68652 12.2852 4.68652 16.9707 0l479.517 -479.515c4.68555 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2852 0 -16.9707l-8.48535 -8.48535c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2852 -4.68555 -16.9707 0l-479.517 479.515c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2852 0 16.9707z" /> <glyph glyph-name="question" unicode="&#xf128;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M200.343 448c88.0078 0 178.089 -68.793 178.089 -159.872c0 -94.9189 -78.8994 -120.433 -104.285 -139.423v-4.70508c0 -16.0068 -7.88379 -30.1982 -19.9639 -38.9238c20.6787 -17.623 33.8174 -43.8418 33.8174 -73.0762c0 -52.9346 -43.0654 -96 -96 -96 s-96 43.0654 -96 96c0 29.2344 13.1387 55.4531 33.8174 73.0762c-12.0801 8.72461 -19.9639 22.917 -19.9639 38.9238v13.749c0 101.507 109.301 96.5195 109.301 122.251c0 11.2432 -15.0713 18.2422 -25.2891 18.2422c-17.7617 0 -24.6592 -4.7793 -46.1318 -31.96 c-16.333 -20.6748 -45.9707 -24.2129 -66.6797 -8.50977l-42.0342 31.8711c-20.2822 15.3809 -25.0371 43.9551 -10.8242 65.0547c41.5654 61.7031 95.8369 93.3018 172.147 93.3018zM192 -32c35.29 0 64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64 zM242.146 154.406c0 35.6807 104.285 37.167 104.285 133.722c0 72.7139 -75.4258 127.872 -146.089 127.872c-67.9844 0 -111.467 -28.499 -145.608 -79.1797c-4.7373 -7.0332 -3.1377 -16.5537 3.61914 -21.6777l42.0342 -31.8711 c6.95117 -5.27148 16.832 -3.99219 22.2354 2.84766c22.0752 27.9424 37.459 44.123 71.2422 44.123c25.6094 0 57.2891 -18.2422 57.2891 -50.2422c0 -64.9248 -109.301 -35.4688 -109.301 -122.251v-13.749c0 -8.83691 7.16406 -16 16 -16h68.293 c8.83691 0 16 7.16309 16 16v10.4062z" /> <glyph glyph-name="puzzle-piece" unicode="&#xf12e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M506.584 192c43.1895 0 69.416 -37.165 69.416 -80c0 -41.6162 -25.7734 -81.8926 -67.8711 -81.8916c-43.9424 0 -75.8047 51.1289 -92.5195 29.1055c-19.1055 -25.1826 6.74316 -108.48 7.70117 -111.907c-80.3672 -0.0332031 -151.932 -24.7832 -187.085 6.28516 c-9.48438 8.38281 -14.498 20.0801 -14.498 33.8281c0 40.2324 34.2725 47.7969 34.2725 76.5801c0 11.8857 -10.3252 32 -49.0225 32c-24.4434 0 -46.9775 -7.56348 -46.9775 -32c0 -33.043 32 -44.5312 32 -73.875c0 -42.2861 -43.5566 -54.125 -85.8369 -54.125 c-35.4824 -0.00292969 -72.8477 6.63379 -106.163 14.6465v345.312c35.3457 -8.4834 125.985 -27.8047 154.401 -5.38867c21.5469 17.001 -24.3516 35.5859 -24.3516 88.6055c0 43.2148 41.2334 68.8242 84.792 68.8242c41.6055 0 75.4307 -26.0254 75.4316 -67.2988 c0 -42.9473 -47.9326 -72.6328 -31.3135 -86.4434c26.5928 -22.0957 129.607 -4.19238 163.836 2.17773c-5.50293 -24.709 -23.5996 -106.859 -3.47461 -131.941c15.251 -19.0068 34.9561 27.5059 87.2627 27.5059zM508.128 62.1074 c14.8955 0 35.8721 15.4795 35.8721 49.8926c0 24.6992 -12.457 48 -37.416 48c-33.8242 0 -48.3555 -32 -77.498 -32c-55.127 0 -54.9443 74.7061 -46.8662 128.999c-57.375 -7.83789 -158.22 -14.7354 -158.22 43.0928c0 39.8584 34.2725 51.1846 34.2725 80.6104 c0 26.0537 -23.3955 35.2979 -43.4307 35.2979c-24.5771 0 -52.792 -12.1465 -52.792 -36.8242c0 -33.6602 29.9502 -48.0752 29.9502 -76.6416c0 -64.6416 -96.7451 -58.1621 -160 -46.5049v-279.829c33.9951 -6.7041 128 -19.7656 128 13.9248 c0 3.60059 -4.46289 9.54492 -9.18945 15.8379c-46.7178 62.208 -18.8135 122.037 56.167 122.037c47.7051 0 81.0225 -26.3174 81.0225 -64c0 -44.2793 -50.707 -68.6445 -30.583 -86.4297c17.9014 -15.8203 88.5303 -2.81055 124.926 0.613281 c-10.5684 52.8379 -9.29395 117.816 44.2725 117.816c40.1484 0 51.5107 -33.8926 81.5127 -33.8926z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fire-extinguisher" unicode="&#xf134;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M429.627 415.823c9.67773 1.44531 18.373 -6.04785 18.373 -15.8232v-96c0 -9.80273 -8.72461 -17.2637 -18.373 -15.8232l-160 24c-15.8076 2.37109 -13.627 18.9307 -13.627 23.8232h-48v-33.335c45.4014 -7.61914 80 -47.0986 80 -94.665v-248 c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-144c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v246.794c0 47.7305 34.4258 88.0898 80 95.8535v33.3525c-55.5664 0 -113.418 9.36328 -145.141 -69.9434c-3.28027 -8.19922 -12.5879 -12.1943 -20.7988 -8.91309 c-8.2041 3.28125 -12.1943 12.5938 -8.91211 20.7988c18.9961 47.4893 51.1855 76.9199 94.0762 86.5537c-20.8535 36.9014 5.64453 83.5039 48.7754 83.5039c41.3154 0 68.1064 -43.1621 50.6035 -80h61.3965c0 5.58594 -1.82227 21.5059 13.627 23.8232zM256 208 c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64l-0.499023 -0.00195312c-35.0107 -0.258789 -63.501 -29.5088 -63.501 -65.2031v-238.795h128v240zM144 416c-13.2344 0 -24 -10.7656 -24 -24s10.7656 -24 24 -24s24 10.7656 24 24s-10.7656 24 -24 24zM416 322.579v58.8418l-128 -19.2002 v-20.4414z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-circle-left" unicode="&#xf137;" d="M504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM256 -24c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216zM169.4 200.5l115.1 115 c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.3008 0 -17l-99.5996 -99.4004l99.5 -99.5c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-115.101 115 c-4.59961 4.7998 -4.59961 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-0.299805 127.5 -73.0996 127.5 -161.5v-18.5c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v20c0 70.5996 -25.4004 128 -96 128s-96 -57.4004 -96 -128v-96h240zM352 -16v160c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-288c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h288c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM192 16 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v64c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16v-64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ellipsis-h" unicode="&#xf141;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M192 192c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32zM280 224c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM40 224c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ellipsis-v" unicode="&#xf142;" horiz-adv-x="64" d="M32 224c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32zM0 312c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32s32 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-1 -17.7002 7 -16.6006 16.5996l7.90039 71.4004l220.3 220.3c15.7002 15.6006 41 15.6006 56.6006 0zM137.3 70.5996 l162.601 162.801l-34.7002 34.6992l-162.7 -162.699l-4.2998 -39.1006zM349.7 282.9c3.09961 3.09961 3.09961 8.19922 0 11.2998l-23.4004 23.3994c-3.09961 3.10059 -8.2002 3.10059 -11.2998 0l-27 -27l34.7002 -34.6992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="external-link-square" unicode="&#xf14c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h352c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM99.5146 73.1719c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2842 0 16.9707l195.15 195.15l-0.707031 0.707031l-89.958 -0.341797c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v9.99902c0 6.62793 5.37207 12 12 12l136 0.342773 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37207 12 -12l-0.342773 -136c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-9.99902c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 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-12.04c-0.0839844 -5.44629 -4.04492 -10.0869 -9.33105 -11.3955c-9.46191 -2.34375 -18.4648 -4.97461 -27.0742 -7.91406 c-1.25 -0.427734 -2.55469 -0.650391 -3.87598 -0.650391h-143.717c-8.83691 0 -16 -7.16309 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.83691 7.16309 -16 16 -16h352c8.83691 0 16 7.16309 16 16v50.002c0 3.90527 1.91602 7.54297 5.09473 9.8125z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-square-down" unicode="&#xf150;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM320 224h-192l96 -96zM128 256h192.1c28.5 0 42.7002 -34.5 22.6006 -54.5996l-96 -96c-12.5 -12.5 -32.7998 -12.5 -45.2998 0l-96 96c-20.2002 20.0996 -5.80078 54.5996 22.5996 54.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-square-up" unicode="&#xf151;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M48 -32c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 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6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h137.712c80.2969 0 138.288 -49.125 138.288 -127.006c0 -78.4805 -57.9922 -128.803 -138.288 -128.803zM139.971 376.406 v-176.175h104.006c59.9043 0 98.7773 33.1416 98.7773 88.96c0 55.2354 -38.874 87.2148 -98.1396 87.2148h-104.644z" /> <glyph glyph-name="won-sign" unicode="&#xf159;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M564 288h-63.3418l-13.3408 -56h76.6826c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-16c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-86.2119l-51.167 -214.781c-1.21289 -5.08887 -6.44238 -9.21875 -11.6729 -9.21875h-28.3613c-5.20996 0 -10.4346 4.10938 -11.6621 9.17285 l-52.084 214.827h-71.3779l-52.083 -214.827c-1.30469 -5.38281 -6.12305 -9.17285 -11.6621 -9.17285h-28.3018c-5.26367 0 -10.501 4.16211 -11.6904 9.29004l-49.7822 214.71h-85.9434c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v16c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h76.6689l-12.9844 56 h-63.6846c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v16c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h54.4102l-16.7871 72.3994c-1.74414 7.52148 3.96777 14.71 11.6904 14.71h16.293c5.30859 0 10.5557 -4.20605 11.7119 -9.3877l17.3379 -77.7217h140.553l18.9199 77.9404 c1.22949 5.06055 6.4541 9.16895 11.6621 9.16895h18.7227h0.000976562c5.20801 0 10.4326 -4.1084 11.6611 -9.16895l18.9199 -77.9404h142.686l17.9971 77.8135c1.18652 5.13086 6.42383 9.2959 11.6904 9.2959v0h16.2754c7.75195 0 13.4697 -7.24023 11.6729 -14.7812 l-17.2305 -72.3281h53.8135c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-16c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12zM286.582 349.601c-0.996094 -5.9707 -2.69531 -15.6475 -3.79297 -21.6006h8.72559c-2.30859 12.5654 -3.79297 21.6006 -3.79297 21.6006h-1.13965zM115.579 288 l12.4912 -56h95.833l13.5947 56h-121.919zM184.056 67.8525l30.1387 124.147h-77.1992l27.6953 -124.147c5.12598 -22.8955 9.1123 -47.6992 9.1123 -47.6992h1.13965c0.569336 0 3.41797 24.8037 9.11328 47.6992zM261.161 232h51.9824l-12.3193 50.8203 c-0.405273 1.69531 -0.808594 3.42676 -1.20801 5.17969h-24.9258c-0.400391 -1.75293 -0.803711 -3.48438 -1.20801 -5.17969zM409.615 67.8525l28.7119 124.147h-78.2158l30.1377 -124.147c5.69531 -22.8955 8.54395 -47.6992 9.11328 -47.6992h1.13965 s3.98633 24.8037 9.11328 47.6992zM447.579 232l12.9512 56h-123.725l13.5957 -56h97.1777z" /> <glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-down" unicode="&#xf175;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M252.485 104.97c4.68652 -4.68555 4.68652 -12.2842 0.000976562 -16.9697l-116 -116.485c-4.6875 -4.68555 -12.2852 -4.68555 -16.9717 0l-116 116.485c-4.68555 4.68555 -4.68555 12.2842 0 16.9697l7.07031 7.07129c4.6875 4.68555 12.2852 4.68555 16.9707 0 l83.4443 -83.9277v375.887c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h10c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-375.887l83.4443 83.9277c4.68652 4.68555 12.2842 4.68555 16.9707 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-up" unicode="&#xf176;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M3.51465 279.03c-4.68652 4.68555 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9697l115.999 116.485c4.6875 4.68555 12.2852 4.68555 16.9717 0l116 -116.485c4.68555 -4.68555 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9697l-7.07031 -7.07129c-4.6875 -4.68555 -12.2852 -4.68555 -16.9707 0 l-83.4443 83.9277v-375.887c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-10c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 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83.4443c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2842 0 16.9707z" /> <glyph glyph-name="female" unicode="&#xf182;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M254.648 107.109c7.2207 -29.6738 -15.3672 -59.1094 -46.6963 -59.1094h-12.9521v-59c0 -29.2236 -23.7764 -53 -53 -53h-28c-29.2236 0 -53 23.7764 -53 53v59h-12.9531c-31.3311 0 -53.915 29.4414 -46.6953 59.1094l39.9092 164.275 c2.10254 8.9375 9.62695 20.8467 16.7939 26.583c1.20508 0.959961 3.24512 2.39648 4.55469 3.20801c-14.0479 15.5996 -22.6094 36.2305 -22.6094 58.8242c0 48.5234 39.4766 88 88 88s88 -39.4766 88 -88c0 -22.5938 -8.56152 -43.2246 -22.6094 -58.8242 c1.30957 -0.811523 3.34961 -2.24805 4.55469 -3.20801c7.16797 -5.73633 14.6914 -17.6455 16.7939 -26.583zM128 416c-30.9277 0 -56 -25.0723 -56 -56s25.0723 -56 56 -56s56 25.0723 56 56s-25.0723 56 -56 56zM208 80c10.2617 0 17.876 9.54199 15.6016 19.5459 l-40 164.454c-1.56152 6.875 -8.55176 12.4541 -15.6016 12.4541h-12.3496c-7.43359 -2.45996 -19.8203 -4.45605 -27.6494 -4.45605c-7.83008 0 -20.2168 1.99609 -27.6504 4.45605h-12.3506c-7.0498 0 -14.04 -5.5791 -15.6016 -12.4541l-40 -164.454 c-2.27539 -10.0068 5.34277 -19.5459 15.6016 -19.5459h45v-91c0 -11.5977 9.40234 -21 21 -21h28c11.5977 0 21 9.40234 21 21v91h45z" /> <glyph glyph-name="male" unicode="&#xf183;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M198.746 307.726c28.6689 -10.2031 49.2539 -37.5986 49.2539 -69.7256v-105c0 -24.7402 -17.041 -45.5752 -40 -51.3867v-92.6133c0 -29.2236 -23.7764 -53 -53 -53h-54c-29.2236 0 -53 23.7764 -53 53v92.6133c-22.959 5.81055 -40 26.6465 -40 51.3867v105 c0 32.127 20.585 59.5225 49.2539 69.7256c-10.8359 14.627 -17.2539 32.7148 -17.2539 52.2744c0 48.5234 39.4766 88 88 88s88 -39.4766 88 -88c0 -19.5596 -6.41797 -37.6475 -17.2539 -52.2744zM128 416c-30.9277 0 -56 -25.0723 -56 -56s25.0723 -56 56 -56 s56 25.0723 56 56s-25.0723 56 -56 56zM216 133v105c0 23.1963 -18.8037 42 -42 42h-9.36035c-23.6895 -10.8936 -50.5684 -10.4434 -73.2793 0h-9.36035c-23.1963 0 -42 -18.8037 -42 -42v-105c0 -11.5977 9.40234 -21 21 -21h19v-123c0 -11.5977 9.40234 -21 21 -21h54 c11.5977 0 21 9.40234 21 21v123h19c11.5977 0 21 9.40234 21 21z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bug" unicode="&#xf188;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M544 176c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16h-64v-24c0 -36.6338 -11.2559 -70.6855 -30.4834 -98.8896l57.7979 -57.7969c6.24902 -6.24805 6.24902 -16.3799 0 -22.6279c-6.24805 -6.24707 -16.3789 -6.24902 -22.6279 0l-55.6152 55.6162 c-31.9219 -32.2725 -76.1992 -52.3018 -125.071 -52.3018h-32c-48.8721 0 -93.1494 20.0293 -125.07 52.3027l-55.6152 -55.6162c-6.24805 -6.24707 -16.3789 -6.24805 -22.6279 0c-6.24805 6.24805 -6.24805 16.3799 0 22.6279l57.7979 57.7969 c-19.2285 28.2031 -30.4844 62.2549 -30.4844 98.8887v24h-64c-8.83594 0 -16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16406 16 16 16h64v121.373l-43.3145 43.3125c-6.24707 6.24805 -6.24707 16.3799 0 22.6279c6.24902 6.24707 16.3799 6.24707 22.6289 0l43.3125 -43.3135h42.373 c0 70.751 57.2598 128 128 128c70.751 0 128 -57.2598 128 -128h40.373l35.3125 35.3135c6.24805 6.24707 16.3799 6.24707 22.6279 0c6.24805 -6.24805 6.24805 -16.3799 0 -22.6279l-35.3135 -35.3125v-121.373h64zM289 416c-53.0186 0 -96 -42.9814 -96 -96h192 c0 53.0186 -42.9814 96 -96 96zM304 -24c79.4014 0 144 64.5986 144 144v168h-320v-168c0 -79.4014 64.5977 -144 144 -144v236c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h8c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-236z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-square-left" unicode="&#xf191;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352zM48 0h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16zM256 96v192l-96 -96zM288 288v-192.1c0 -28.5 -34.5 -42.7002 -54.5996 -22.6006l-96 96c-12.5 12.5 -12.5 32.7998 0 45.2998l96 96c20.0996 20.2002 54.5996 5.80078 54.5996 -22.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dot-circle" unicode="&#xf192;" d="M256 440c136.967 0 248 -111.033 248 -248s-111.033 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.033 248 248 248zM256 -24c119.945 0 216 97.3369 216 216c0 119.945 -97.3369 216 -216 216c-119.945 0 -216 -97.3369 -216 -216c0 -119.945 97.3369 -216 216 -216z M256 272c44.1826 0 80 -35.8174 80 -80s-35.8174 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8174 -80 80s35.8174 80 80 80zM256 144c26.4668 0 48 21.5332 48 48s-21.5332 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5332 -48 -48s21.5332 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lira-sign" unicode="&#xf195;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M371.994 192.319c6.78516 0 12.2539 -5.625 11.998 -12.4053c-5.11621 -135.061 -94.2051 -211.914 -224.725 -211.914h-83.2676c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v217.832l-49.3975 -10.9756c-7.49316 -1.66602 -14.6025 4.03613 -14.6025 11.7139v8.19434 c0 5.31348 4.20996 10.5615 9.39746 11.7139l54.6025 12.1348v47.2188l-49.3975 -10.9766c-7.49316 -1.66504 -14.6025 4.03613 -14.6025 11.7139v8.19531c0 5.31348 4.20996 10.5615 9.39746 11.7139l54.6025 12.1348v93.3867c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h19.9727 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-83.6172l165.426 36.7607c7.49316 1.66602 14.6025 -4.03613 14.6025 -11.7139v-8.19434c0 -5.31348 -4.20996 -10.5615 -9.39746 -11.7139l-170.631 -37.9189v-47.2188l165.426 36.7607c7.49316 1.66602 14.6025 -4.03613 14.6025 -11.7139 v-8.19434c0 -5.31348 -4.20996 -10.5615 -9.39746 -11.7139l-170.631 -37.9189v-200.094h46.834c106.694 0 184.072 60.8799 188.949 173.397c0.277344 6.3916 5.58496 11.4121 11.9834 11.4121h16.2549z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope-square" unicode="&#xf199;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h352c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM352 320c17.6729 0 32 -14.3271 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32h-256c-17.6729 0 -32 14.3271 -32 32v192c0 17.6729 14.3271 32 32 32h256zM352 288h-256.001v-33.8535 c14.1387 -11.6309 36.5732 -29.6709 82.1172 -65.8223c10.458 -8.33984 31.1357 -28.3242 45.6279 -28.3242l0.255859 0.00195312l0.255859 -0.00195312c14.4922 0 35.1699 19.9854 45.627 28.3242c45.5508 36.1572 67.9814 54.1924 82.1172 65.8203v33.8555zM96 96h255.999 v116.908c-14.1045 -11.3643 -33.6201 -26.9453 -62.2031 -49.6338c-14.1484 -11.2998 -38.0117 -35.2744 -65.541 -35.2744l-0.257812 0.000976562l-0.25293 -0.000976562c-27.6211 0 -51.7461 24.25 -65.5234 35.2598c-28.5967 22.7002 -48.1113 38.2812 -62.2207 49.6484 v-116.908z" /> <glyph glyph-name="building" unicode="&#xf1ad;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M192 341v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12zM308 353c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40 c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40zM180 257c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40zM308 257c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40zM180 161c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40zM308 161c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40zM448 -44v-20h-448v20c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h20v456c0 13.2549 10.7451 24 24 24h336c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-456h20c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12z M384 -32v448h-320v-448h128v85c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-85h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="child" unicode="&#xf1ae;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M413.287 357.254c24.9512 -24.9531 24.9512 -65.5547 -0.000976562 -90.5088l-77.2861 -77.2559v-197.489c0 -30.8789 -25.1221 -56 -56 -56h-16c-15.6543 0 -29.8281 6.45605 -40 16.8457c-10.1719 -10.3896 -24.3457 -16.8457 -40 -16.8457h-16 c-30.8779 0 -56 25.1211 -56 56v197.489l-77.2871 77.2568c-24.9521 24.9531 -24.9521 65.5547 0.00195312 90.5107c23.6055 23.6016 63.2295 27.3096 93.3164 -2.77832c1.32129 51.793 43.8652 93.5215 95.9688 93.5215c52.1074 0 94.6514 -41.7246 95.9688 -93.5225 c29.9863 29.9883 69.6084 26.4834 93.3184 2.77637zM224 416c-35.3457 0 -64 -28.6543 -64 -64s28.6543 -64 64 -64s64 28.6543 64 64s-28.6543 64 -64 64zM390.628 289.372c12.4961 12.4971 12.4961 32.7588 0 45.2559c-12.499 12.4971 -32.7578 12.4961 -45.2559 0 l-78.6279 -78.6279h-85.4883l-78.6279 78.6279c-12.499 12.4971 -32.7578 12.4961 -45.2559 0c-12.4961 -12.4971 -12.4961 -32.7588 0 -45.2559l86.6279 -86.6279v-210.744c0 -13.2549 10.7451 -24 24 -24h16c13.2549 0 24 10.7451 24 24v112h32v-112 c0 -13.2549 10.7451 -24 24 -24h16c13.2549 0 24 10.7451 24 24v210.744z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw" unicode="&#xf1b0;" d="M256 224c79.4102 0 192 -122.76 192 -200.25c0 -34.9004 -26.8096 -55.75 -71.7402 -55.75c-48.4102 0 -80.75 25.0801 -120.26 25.0801c-39.1699 0 -71.4199 -25.0801 -120.26 -25.0801c-44.9307 0 -71.7402 20.8496 -71.7402 55.75c0 77.4902 112.59 200.25 192 200.25 zM376.26 0c39.7402 0 39.7402 17.8799 39.7402 23.75c0 62.9004 -100.19 168.25 -160 168.25s-160 -105.35 -160 -168.25c0 -5.87012 0 -23.75 39.7402 -23.7598c20.6201 0 38.2295 5.80957 56.8701 11.96c19.54 6.4502 39.7393 13.1201 63.3896 13.1201 c23.8896 0 44.2305 -6.7002 63.9102 -13.1904c18.54 -6.11035 36.0498 -11.8799 56.3496 -11.8799zM474.83 286.73c29.1201 -6.96094 44.29 -40.6904 33.8896 -75.3408c-9.12012 -30.3896 -34.8896 -51.3896 -60.7393 -51.3896 c-3.61035 0 -7.23047 0.410156 -10.8105 1.26953c-29.1201 6.96094 -44.29 40.6904 -33.8896 75.3408c9.12012 30.3896 34.8896 51.3896 60.7393 51.3896c3.61035 0 7.24023 -0.410156 10.8105 -1.26953zM478.07 220.59c3.06934 10.2197 2.42969 20.5898 -1.69043 27.7705 c-2.25977 3.91992 -5.28027 6.37012 -8.97949 7.25c-1.08008 0.259766 -2.20996 0.389648 -3.37012 0.389648c-10.5801 0 -24.7305 -10.7002 -30.1006 -28.5996c-3.05957 -10.21 -2.42969 -20.5801 1.7002 -27.7607c2.25977 -3.92969 5.28027 -6.37012 8.98047 -7.25 c1.08008 -0.259766 2.20996 -0.389648 3.37012 -0.389648c10.5693 0 24.7197 10.7002 30.0898 28.5898zM318.56 257.39c-30.9395 8.14062 -46.4199 49.9404 -34.5791 93.3604c10.4795 38.4404 38.8594 65.2598 66.6992 65.2598h0.0546875 c3.00488 0 7.80078 -0.62207 10.7061 -1.38965c30.9395 -8.15039 46.4199 -49.9404 34.5791 -93.3604c-10.4795 -38.4297 -38.8594 -65.25 -66.6992 -65.25c-3.61035 0 -7.20996 0.450195 -10.7607 1.37988zM314.85 342.32 c-5.56934 -20.4307 -2.12988 -37.1006 2.94043 -45.9102c1.78027 -3.08984 4.78027 -7 8.90039 -8.08008c0.849609 -0.219727 1.70996 -0.330078 2.61914 -0.330078c10.2607 0 28.4102 14.4805 35.8301 41.6699c5.57031 20.4297 2.12988 37.1104 -2.94922 45.9102 c-1.78027 3.08984 -4.77051 7 -8.90039 8.08984c-0.839844 0.219727 -1.7002 0.330078 -2.61035 0.330078c-10.25 0 -28.4102 -14.4805 -35.8301 -41.6797zM182.68 256c-27.8301 0 -56.2197 26.8203 -66.6992 65.25c-11.8408 43.4199 3.63965 85.2197 34.5791 93.3604 c3.55078 0.939453 7.15039 1.38965 10.7607 1.38965c27.8398 0 56.2197 -26.8203 66.6992 -65.2598c11.8408 -43.4199 -3.63965 -85.2207 -34.5791 -93.3604c-3.55078 -0.929688 -7.15039 -1.37988 -10.7607 -1.37988zM149.8 375.58 c-5.08008 -8.7998 -8.51953 -25.4805 -2.9502 -45.9004c7.41992 -27.1992 25.5703 -41.6797 35.8301 -41.6797c0.910156 0 1.76074 0.110352 2.61035 0.330078c4.12988 1.08008 7.12012 4.99023 8.90039 8.08008c5.0791 8.7998 8.51953 25.4795 2.94922 45.9102 c-7.41992 27.1992 -25.5693 41.6797 -35.8301 41.6797c-0.90918 0 -1.75977 -0.110352 -2.60938 -0.330078c-4.12012 -1.08984 -7.12012 -5 -8.90039 -8.08984zM74.8398 161.27c-3.58008 -0.859375 -7.2002 -1.26953 -10.8203 -1.26953 c-25.8398 0 -51.6191 21 -60.7393 51.3896c-10.4004 34.6504 4.76953 68.3799 33.8896 75.3408c3.57031 0.859375 7.19043 1.26953 10.8105 1.26953c25.8496 0 51.6191 -21 60.7393 -51.3896c10.4102 -34.6504 -4.75977 -68.3799 -33.8799 -75.3408zM33.9297 220.6 c5.37012 -17.8994 19.5205 -28.5996 30.0898 -28.5996c1.1709 0 2.27051 0.129883 3.37012 0.389648c3.7002 0.879883 6.7207 3.32031 8.98047 7.25c4.12988 7.18066 4.75977 17.5605 1.7002 27.7705c-5.37012 17.8896 -19.5205 28.5898 -30.0898 28.5898 c-1.16016 0 -2.29004 -0.129883 -3.37012 -0.389648c-3.7002 -0.879883 -6.7207 -3.32031 -8.98047 -7.25c-4.12988 -7.16992 -4.75977 -17.5508 -1.7002 -27.7607z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cube" unicode="&#xf1b2;" d="M239.1 441.7c10.9004 4.09961 22.9004 4.09961 33.7002 -0.100586l208 -78c18.7002 -7 31.1006 -24.8994 31.1006 -44.8994v-225.101c0 -18.0996 -10.2002 -34.7998 -26.5 -42.8994l-208 -104c-13.5 -6.7998 -29.4004 -6.7998 -42.9004 0l-208 104 c-16.2002 8.09961 -26.5 24.7002 -26.5 42.8994v225.101c0 20 12.4004 38 31.0996 45zM256 413.8l-224 -84v-0.299805l224 -97.0996l224 97.0996v0.299805zM32 294.6v-210.8l208 -104v224.7zM272 -20.2002l208 103.9v210.899l-208 -90.0996v-224.7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cubes" unicode="&#xf1b3;" d="M488.6 191.3c14.1006 -5.2998 23.4004 -18.7002 23.4004 -33.7002v-101.399c0 -13.6006 -7.7002 -26.1006 -19.9004 -32.2002l-96 -48c-10.0996 -5.09961 -22.0996 -5.09961 -32.1992 0l-107.9 54l-107.9 -53.9004c-10.0996 -5.09961 -22.0996 -5.09961 -32.1992 0 l-96 48c-12.2002 6.10059 -19.9004 18.6006 -19.9004 32.2002v101.3c0 15 9.2998 28.4004 23.4004 33.7002l100.5 37.7002v111.1c0 15 9.2998 28.4004 23.3994 33.7002l96 36c8.2002 3.10059 17.2002 3.10059 25.2998 0l96 -36 c14.1006 -5.2998 23.4004 -18.7002 23.4004 -33.7002v-111.1zM16.5 44.2002l107.2 -53.6006v115.801l-107.2 46.5v-108.7zM247.5 44.2002v108.7l-107.2 -46.5v-115.801zM247.5 170.9v0.199219l-8.90039 3.30078l-107.6 39.5996l-114.5 -42.9004v-0.199219l115.5 -50z M247.8 190.6v98.4004l-107.3 46.5v-106.7l54.5 -20.3994zM140.5 353.5l115.5 -50l115.5 50v0.200195l-115.5 43.2998l-115.5 -43.4004v-0.0996094zM264.2 289v-98.4004l52.7998 17.8008l54.4004 20.3994v106.7zM371.8 -9.40039v115.801l-107.2 46.5v-108.7zM495.5 44.2002 v108.7l-107.2 -46.5v-115.801zM495.5 170.9v0.199219l-114.5 42.9004l-107.6 -39.5l-8.90039 -3.2998v-0.200195l115.5 -50.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="recycle" unicode="&#xf1b8;" d="M201.728 385.951l-43.3848 -69.459c-3.51074 -5.62207 -10.916 -7.33203 -16.5371 -3.81934l-6.78027 4.2373c-5.61914 3.51074 -7.3291 10.9121 -3.81934 16.5332l43.3867 69.4795c37.5752 60.1201 125.264 60.084 162.816 0l46.2168 -74.0146l12.0371 52.1396 c1.49121 6.45801 7.93359 10.4844 14.3916 8.99316l7.79395 -1.79883c6.45801 -1.49121 10.4844 -7.93457 8.99316 -14.3926l-21.6328 -93.7012c-1.49121 -6.45801 -7.93359 -10.4844 -14.3916 -8.99316l-93.7021 21.6328 c-6.45801 1.49121 -10.4844 7.93359 -8.99316 14.3916l1.79883 7.79395c1.49121 6.45801 7.93457 10.4844 14.3926 8.99316l52.2012 -12.0518l-46.251 74.0469c-25.002 40.0059 -83.4668 40.0986 -108.536 -0.0107422zM497.288 146.88 c39.9268 -63.8828 -6.13379 -146.88 -81.4082 -146.88h-105.253l37.8584 -37.8584c4.68555 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-5.65625 -5.65723c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9697 0l-68 68c-4.68652 4.6875 -4.68652 12.2852 0 16.9717l68 68 c4.68555 4.68555 12.2832 4.68555 16.9697 0l5.65625 -5.65625c4.68555 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9697l-37.8584 -37.8584h105.292c50.2178 0 80.877 55.3516 54.2725 97.9199l-52.9668 84.7979c-3.50977 5.62109 -1.80078 13.0225 3.81934 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-11.9404 3.65039 -14.5596 9.36035c-2.59082 5.68945 -1.62012 12.3896 2.46973 17.1299l74.1094 85.5498h-30.0293c-6.2207 0 -11.9102 3.61035 -14.5 9.27051 c-2.62988 5.65918 -1.75 12.3193 2.2793 17.0693l72.5 85.71h-28.2793c-6.31055 0 -12.0303 3.7207 -14.6201 9.49023c-0.761719 1.7168 -1.37988 4.63379 -1.37988 6.5127c0 3.39062 1.83691 8.19238 4.09961 10.7178l144 160.069c6.12012 6.75 17.6904 6.75 23.8105 0 l144 -160.069c4.21973 -4.70996 5.2793 -11.4502 2.71973 -17.2305c-2.58984 -5.76953 -8.31055 -9.49023 -14.6201 -9.49023h-28.2803l72.5 -85.71c4.03027 -4.75 4.90039 -11.4102 2.28027 -17.0693c-2.58984 -5.66016 -8.28027 -9.27051 -14.5 -9.27051h-30.0303z M192 -31.9805h64l-16 32.0107v32.0195h-32v-32.0195zM50.7803 64h346.439l-96 112h64.2803l-94.7803 112h61.3398l-108.06 120.08l-108.06 -120.08h61.3398l-94.7803 -112h64.2803z" /> <glyph glyph-name="database" unicode="&#xf1c0;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 416c-106 0 -192 -28.75 -192 -64v-32c0 -35.25 86 -64 192 -64s192 28.75 192 64v32c0 35.25 -86 64 -192 64zM416 266.5c-41.251 -29 -116.75 -42.5 -192 -42.5s-150.75 13.5 -192 42.5v-42.5c0 -35.25 86 -64 192 -64s192 28.75 192 64v42.5zM416 170.5 c-41.251 -29 -116.75 -42.5 -192 -42.5s-150.75 13.5 -192 42.5v-42.5c0 -35.25 86 -64 192 -64s192 28.75 192 64v42.5zM416 74.5c-41.251 -29 -116.75 -42.5 -192 -42.5s-150.75 13.5 -192 42.5v-42.5c0 -35.25 86 -64 192 -64s192 28.75 192 64v42.5zM224 448 c77.9043 0 224 -18.6621 224 -96v-320c0 -77.1992 -145.858 -96 -224 -96c-77.9043 0 -224 18.6621 -224 96v320c0 77.1992 145.858 96 224 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="life-ring" unicode="&#xf1cd;" d="M256 440c136.967 0 248 -111.033 248 -248s-111.033 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.033 248 248 248zM424.766 326.824c-8.32617 10.4082 -23.5322 25.6143 -33.9404 33.9404l-62.8848 -62.8848c11.1455 -7.58984 26.3506 -22.7949 33.9404 -33.9404zM256 96 c52.9346 0 96 43.0654 96 96s-43.0654 96 -96 96s-96 -43.0654 -96 -96s43.0654 -96 96 -96zM363.952 379.147c-66.6729 38.499 -149.188 38.5234 -215.903 0l66.1396 -66.1406c27.0059 9.33008 56.6338 9.3252 83.623 0zM121.176 360.766 c-10.4082 -8.32617 -25.6143 -23.5322 -33.9404 -33.9404l62.8848 -62.8848c7.58984 11.1455 22.7949 26.3506 33.9404 33.9404zM68.8525 299.952c-38.5 -66.6748 -38.5225 -149.189 0 -215.904l66.1396 66.1406c-9.33008 27.0059 -9.3252 56.6338 0 83.623z M87.2344 57.1758c8.32715 -10.4082 23.5322 -25.6133 33.9404 -33.9404l62.8848 62.8848c-11.1455 7.58984 -26.3506 22.7949 -33.9404 33.9404zM148.048 4.85254c66.6729 -38.499 149.188 -38.5234 215.903 0l-66.1406 66.1406 c-27.0059 -9.33008 -56.6338 -9.3252 -83.624 0zM390.824 23.2344c10.4082 8.32617 25.6143 23.5322 33.9404 33.9404l-62.8848 62.8848c-7.58984 -11.1455 -22.7949 -26.3506 -33.9404 -33.9404zM443.147 84.0479c38.5 66.6748 38.5225 149.189 0 215.904 l-66.1406 -66.1406c9.33008 -27.0059 9.3252 -56.6338 0 -83.623z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paper-plane" unicode="&#xf1d8;" d="M464 443.7c23 13.2998 51.7002 -5.90039 47.5996 -32.6006l-64 -417.1c-3.09961 -20.5 -24.6992 -32.5996 -43.7998 -24.7002l-126.399 52.2002l-60.7002 -73.7998c-18.9004 -23 -56.7002 -9.90039 -56.7002 20.2998v102l-140.2 58 c-24.5 10.0996 -26.7998 44 -3.7998 57.2998zM192 -32l54.5 66.2998l-54.5 22.5v-88.7998zM416 -1.09961l64 417.1l-448 -258.5l113.5 -46.7998l255.3 217.6c5.60059 4.7998 13.2998 -2.7998 8.5 -8.39941l-199.5 -235.801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="history" unicode="&#xf1da;" d="M20 424h10c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-94.625c43.1963 73.5781 123.239 122.91 214.793 122.624c136.387 -0.426758 247.42 -112.008 247.207 -248.396c-0.213867 -136.784 -111.166 -247.604 -248 -247.604c-63.9258 0 -122.202 24.1865 -166.178 63.9082 c-5.11328 4.61816 -5.35449 12.5605 -0.482422 17.4326l7.06934 7.06934c4.50293 4.50293 11.749 4.71387 16.4814 0.454102c37.8916 -34.1025 88.0439 -54.8643 143.109 -54.8643c117.744 0 214 95.3311 214 214c0 117.744 -95.3311 214 -214 214 c-82.8623 0 -154.737 -47.0771 -190.289 -116h98.2891c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-10c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-144c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v144c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12zM341.647 108.765c-3.89844 -5.35938 -11.4033 -6.54492 -16.7637 -2.64551 l-84.8838 61.7334v164.147c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h8c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-147.853l71.7061 -52.1494c5.36035 -3.89844 6.54492 -11.4033 2.64648 -16.7627z" /> <glyph glyph-name="share-alt" unicode="&#xf1e0;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M352 128c53 0 96 -43 96.0996 -96c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96c0 13 2.5 25.2998 7.2002 36.5996l-95.5 59.7002c-17.5996 -19.7998 -43.2002 -32.2998 -71.7998 -32.2998c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96c28.5996 0 54.2002 -12.5 71.7002 -32.2998 l95.5 59.7002c-4.60059 11.2998 -7.2002 23.5996 -7.2002 36.5996c0 53 43 96 96 96s96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96c-28.5996 0 -54.2002 12.5 -71.7998 32.2998l-95.5 -59.7002c9.7002 -23.3994 9.59961 -49.7998 0 -73.1992l95.5 -59.7002 c17.5996 19.7998 43.2002 32.2998 71.7998 32.2998zM352 416c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64s64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64zM96 128c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64zM352 -32 c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="share-alt-square" unicode="&#xf1e1;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M288 216c-16.0996 0 -30.5996 6.7998 -40.7998 17.7002l-49.7002 -24.9004c3.40039 -10.8994 3.40039 -22.5996 0 -33.5996l49.7002 -24.9004c10.2002 10.9004 24.7002 17.7002 40.7998 17.7002c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56s-25.0996 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.0996 -56 56 c0 3.2998 0.400391 6.59961 0.900391 9.7002l-53.6006 26.7998c-9.59961 -7.7998 -21.7998 -12.5 -35.2002 -12.5c-30.8994 0 -56 25.0996 -56 56s25.1006 56 56 56c13.3008 0 25.6006 -4.7002 35.2002 -12.5l53.6006 26.7998 c-0.600586 3.2002 -0.900391 6.5 -0.900391 9.7002c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56s56 -25.0996 56 -56s-25.0996 -56 -56 -56zM288 296c-13.2002 0 -24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24s24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24zM144 168c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24 s-10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24zM288 136c-13.2002 0 -24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24s24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24zM400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352 c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bomb" unicode="&#xf1e2;" d="M420.7 379.3l22.5996 -22.5l-56 -56l38.1006 -38.0996c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7998 0 -45.2998l-17.1006 -17.1006c5 -17.8994 7.7002 -36.7998 7.7002 -56.2998c0 -113.8 -92.9004 -208 -208 -208c-116.9 0 -211.3 96.5 -207.9 214.2 c3.2002 111.899 95.9004 201.8 207.801 201.8c19.5 0 38.3994 -2.7002 56.2998 -7.7002l17.0996 17.1006c12.5 12.5 32.7998 12.5 45.2998 0l38.1006 -38.1006zM372.4 209.7c28.5 28.3994 30.2998 30.2998 30.2998 30.2998l-98.7002 98.7002l-30.2998 -30.2998 c-20.6006 5.7998 -37.7998 11.5996 -65.7002 11.5996c-94.7998 0 -173.2 -76.0996 -175.9 -170.7c-2.19922 -73.5996 41 -138.8 106.2 -167c22 -9.5 45.5 -14.2998 69.7002 -14.2998c97.5 0 176 79.7998 176 176c0 27.9004 -5.7998 45.2002 -11.5996 65.7002zM512 376 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12s5.40039 12 12 12h24c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM452 436v-24c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12s-12 5.40039 -12 12v24c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12s12 -5.40039 12 -12zM457 393 c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l17 17c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0s4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-17 -17c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0zM389.1 409.9c-4.69922 4.69922 -4.69922 12.2998 0 17c4.7002 4.69922 12.3008 4.69922 17 0l17 -17 c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.3008 0 -17c-4.69922 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0zM490.9 342.1c4.69922 -4.69922 4.69922 -12.2998 0 -17c-4.7002 -4.69922 -12.3008 -4.69922 -17 0l-17 17c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.3008 0 17c4.69922 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0z M192 256c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16c0 52.9004 43.0996 96 96 96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16z" /> 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12zM352 268v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h136c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-136c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12zM352 204v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h136c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-136c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="at" unicode="&#xf1fa;" d="M256 440c137.863 0 248 -95.8145 248 -232c0 -81.7285 -50.9111 -138.954 -158.558 -138.954c-28.5205 0 -47.1865 14.4268 -45.9756 42.2129c-16.0322 -22.7041 -46.9033 -46.9814 -86.6328 -46.9814c-56.8076 0 -90.7227 36.7666 -90.7227 98.3535 c0 94.0771 65.1318 157.027 133.176 157.027c34.7363 0 61.6455 -15.9453 73.375 -43.0234c1.00098 12.1836 1.56641 13.8008 3.86133 25.6475c1.03906 5.36426 6.31641 9.71777 11.7803 9.71777h12.4209c7.55176 0 13.2266 -6.89062 11.7773 -14.3018l-32.0703 -164.071 c-4.19141 -23.0518 -0.230469 -33.8682 19.5029 -33.8682c63.2461 0 116.065 35.3682 116.065 108.241c0 119.976 -97.5547 200 -216 200c-119.393 0 -216 -96.625 -216 -216c0 -119.393 96.627 -216 216 -216c45.9736 0 90.9297 14.792 127.806 41.8574 c5.11426 3.75391 12.2891 2.7793 16.3076 -2.12988l5.07324 -6.19727c4.32812 -5.28711 3.40625 -13.1592 -2.09473 -17.2109c-42.4121 -31.2412 -94.167 -48.3193 -147.092 -48.3193c-137.081 0 -248 110.942 -248 248c0 137.081 110.941 248 248 248zM218.08 97.373 c58.3701 0 96.7393 64.8428 96.7393 122.976c0 37.9453 -19.2451 65.7354 -58.1025 65.7354c-46.4521 0 -97.2168 -46.8555 -97.2168 -121.545c0 -42.0576 21.8994 -67.166 58.5801 -67.166z" /> <glyph glyph-name="birthday-cake" unicode="&#xf1fd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 352c-17.75 0 -32 14.25 -32 32c0 31 32 23 32 64c12 0 32 -29.5 32 -56s-14.25 -40 -32 -40zM224 352c-17.75 0 -32 14.25 -32 32c0 31 32 23 32 64c12 0 32 -29.5 32 -56s-14.25 -40 -32 -40zM352 352c-17.75 0 -32 14.25 -32 32c0 31 32 23 32 64 c12 0 32 -29.5 32 -56s-14.25 -40 -32 -40zM400 192c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-208h-448v208c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h32v144h32v-144h96v144h32v-144h96v144h32v-144h32zM416 -32v72.0449c-16.2549 9.48047 -24.0117 23.9551 -42.5 23.9551 c-27.9834 0 -31.3926 -32 -74.75 -32c-43.5488 0 -46.6016 32 -74.75 32c-27.2832 0 -31.6572 -32 -74.5 -32c-43.4971 0 -46.7988 32 -74.75 32c-18.8223 0 -26.5283 -14.4775 -42.75 -23.957v-72.043h384zM416 80.374v63.626c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352 c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-63.6582c9.64941 7.88379 21.2871 15.6582 42.75 15.6582c43.5479 0 46.6016 -32 74.75 -32c27.2822 0 31.6582 32 74.5 32c43.2959 0 47.0547 -32 74.75 -32c27.9248 0 31.3203 32 74.75 32c21.2832 0 32.874 -7.75195 42.5 -15.626z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-area" unicode="&#xf1fe;" d="M500 32c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-488c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-340h468zM372 286c6.2002 4.09961 14.7002 1.59961 17.7002 -5.2998l90.2998 -216.7 h-416v96l119.6 155.5c4.5 5.59961 12.8008 6.09961 17.9004 1l86.5 -84.5zM96 148.8v-52.7998h335.5l-61.7002 152l-85.7998 -57.2002l-89.2998 89.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toggle-off" unicode="&#xf204;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 352h-192c-42.7383 0 -82.917 -16.6426 -113.137 -46.8633c-30.2207 -30.2197 -46.8633 -70.3984 -46.8633 -113.137s16.6426 -82.917 46.8633 -113.137c30.2197 -30.2207 70.3984 -46.8633 113.137 -46.8633h192c42.7383 0 82.917 16.6426 113.137 46.8633 c30.2207 30.2197 46.8633 70.3984 46.8633 113.137s-16.6426 82.917 -46.8633 113.137c-30.2197 30.2207 -70.3984 46.8633 -113.137 46.8633zM384 384c106.039 0 192 -85.9609 192 -192s-85.9609 -192 -192 -192h-192c-106.039 0 -192 85.9609 -192 192 s85.9609 192 192 192h192zM192 288c-52.9346 0 -96 -43.0654 -96 -96s43.0654 -96 96 -96s96 43.0654 96 96s-43.0654 96 -96 96zM192 320c70.6924 0 128 -57.3066 128 -128s-57.3076 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3066 -128 128s57.3076 128 128 128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toggle-on" unicode="&#xf205;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 352h-192c-88.4395 0 -160 -71.5752 -160 -160c0 -88.4395 71.5742 -160 160 -160h192c88.4395 0 160 71.5742 160 160c0 88.4395 -71.5742 160 -160 160zM384 384c106.039 0 192 -85.9609 192 -192s-85.9609 -192 -192 -192h-192c-106.039 0 -192 85.9609 -192 192 s85.9609 192 192 192h192zM384 80c-33.4521 0 -63.4775 14.665 -84.001 37.918c-17.4248 19.7432 -27.999 45.6777 -27.999 74.082c0 61.8564 50.1436 112 112 112s112 -50.1436 112 -112s-50.1436 -112 -112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bicycle" unicode="&#xf206;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512.303 256c70.5107 -0.170898 128.779 -59.4971 127.681 -130c-1.09277 -70.1533 -58.6348 -126.639 -129.193 -125.995c-69.958 0.638672 -126.878 58.1748 -126.801 128.138c0.0439453 39.6846 18.1455 75.1387 46.5303 98.5879l-12.6768 20.0176l-100.744 -143.924 c-2.63672 -3.7666 -8.50879 -6.82422 -13.1064 -6.82422h-52.0312c-14.209 -55.207 -64.3232 -96 -123.964 -96c-70.6904 0 -127.996 57.3076 -127.997 128c-0.000976562 70.6299 56.9365 127.766 127.565 127.999c20.3184 0.0673828 39.5361 -4.60645 56.6211 -12.9678 l31.8086 44.9688h-55.999c-8.83691 0 -16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16406 16 16 16h83.998c6.62793 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-20h135.724l-40.5322 64h-59.1924c-6.62793 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h67.998c4.86035 0 10.916 -3.33301 13.5166 -7.43945 l84.0361 -132.692c16.6123 7.81836 35.1729 12.1787 54.7588 12.1318zM127.997 32c41.7178 0 77.2988 26.752 90.5059 64h-106.506c-12.9141 0 -20.5273 14.5771 -13.1074 25.1758l66.6279 95.1855c-11.5312 4.91504 -24.2139 7.63867 -37.5205 7.63867 c-52.9336 0 -95.998 -43.0654 -95.998 -96s43.0654 -96 95.998 -96zM223.995 128c0 28.1396 -12.1699 53.4902 -31.5244 71.0654l-49.7441 -71.0654h81.2686zM295.663 128l89.5967 128h-152.935l-21.3711 -30.5303c27.5566 -23.4775 45.04 -58.4297 45.04 -97.4697h39.6689z M508.196 32.0732c54.6523 -2.11523 99.79 41.7334 99.7891 95.9277c0 52.9346 -43.0654 96 -95.998 96c-13.1562 0 -25.7012 -2.66211 -37.1279 -7.47266l52.7842 -83.3467c3.54688 -5.59766 1.88281 -13.0117 -3.7168 -16.5576l-6.75781 -4.28125 c-5.59863 -3.5459 -13.0117 -1.88184 -16.5576 3.7168l-52.7598 83.3066c-20.2764 -18.2432 -32.7705 -44.9766 -31.8096 -74.5459c1.62598 -50.0703 42.0957 -90.8096 92.1543 -92.7471z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shekel-sign" unicode="&#xf20b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M224 296c0 39.7695 -32.2402 72 -72 72h-104v-392c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v424c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h136c66.2695 0 120 -53.7197 120 -120v-208c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v208z M376 416c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-320c0 -66.2695 -53.7305 -120 -120 -120h-136c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v312c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-280h104c39.7598 0 72 32.2402 72 72v320c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cart-plus" unicode="&#xf217;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M551.991 384c15.2236 0 26.6006 -13.9912 23.4971 -28.8945l-43.3311 -208c-2.31934 -11.1299 -12.1279 -19.1055 -23.4961 -19.1055h-331.381l12 -64h296.048c11.4316 0 20.6943 -7.89062 23.2852 -18.1318c11.9531 -11.6279 19.3877 -27.875 19.3877 -45.8682 c0 -35.3457 -28.6543 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6543 -64 64v0.0703125c0 9.44922 3.84473 23.7539 8.58301 31.9297h-145.167c4.73828 -8.17578 8.58301 -22.4805 8.58301 -31.9297v-0.0703125c0 -35.3457 -28.6543 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6543 -64 64 c0 16.5801 6.30469 31.6855 16.6475 43.0537l-69.9277 372.946h-78.7197c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h85.3623c11.5488 0 21.46 -8.22559 23.5889 -19.5771l8.3291 -44.4229h422.711zM464 32c-17.6445 0 -32 -14.3555 -32 -32 s14.3555 -32 32 -32s32 14.3555 32 32s-14.3555 32 -32 32zM208 32c-17.6445 0 -32 -14.3555 -32 -32s14.3555 -32 32 -32s32 14.3555 32 32s-14.3555 32 -32 32zM502.156 160l40 192h-406.876l36 -192h330.876zM272 252v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h36v36 c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h8c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-36h36c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-36v-36c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v36h-36c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cart-arrow-down" unicode="&#xf218;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M551.991 384c15.2236 0 26.6006 -13.9912 23.4971 -28.8945l-43.3311 -208c-2.31934 -11.1299 -12.1279 -19.1055 -23.4961 -19.1055h-331.381l12 -64h296.048c11.4316 0 20.6943 -7.89062 23.2852 -18.1318c11.9531 -11.6279 19.3877 -27.875 19.3877 -45.8682 c0 -35.3457 -28.6543 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6543 -64 64v0.0703125c0 9.44922 3.84473 23.7539 8.58301 31.9297h-145.167c4.73828 -8.17578 8.58301 -22.4805 8.58301 -31.9297v-0.0703125c0 -35.3457 -28.6543 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6543 -64 64 c0 16.5801 6.30469 31.6855 16.6475 43.0537l-69.9277 372.946h-78.7197c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h85.3623c11.5488 0 21.46 -8.22559 23.5889 -19.5771l8.3291 -44.4229h422.711zM240 0c0 17.6445 -14.3555 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3555 -32 -32s14.3555 -32 32 -32s32 14.3555 32 32zM464 -32c17.6445 0 32 14.3555 32 32s-14.3555 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3555 -32 -32s14.3555 -32 32 -32zM502.156 160l40 192h-406.876l36 -192h330.876zM395.515 235.515l-51.0283 -51.0283 c-4.68652 -4.68652 -12.2842 -4.68652 -16.9717 0l-51.0283 51.0283c-7.56055 7.56055 -2.20605 20.4854 8.48438 20.4854h35.0293v52c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h8c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-52h35.0293c10.6904 0 16.0449 -12.9258 8.48535 -20.4854z" /> <glyph glyph-name="motorcycle" unicode="&#xf21c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512.238 256c71.0195 -0.128906 128.801 -58.9248 127.749 -129.937c-1.04102 -70.1865 -58.5732 -126.687 -129.153 -126.058c-69.6357 0.621094 -126.45 57.6436 -126.83 127.281c-0.227539 41.6631 19.457 78.7344 50.0859 102.267l-16.791 27.3955 c-44.4434 -32.7061 -69.7539 -86.7217 -64.6309 -143.511c0.844727 -9.38184 -6.55176 -17.4385 -15.9355 -17.4385h-84.7764c-14.2109 -55.2051 -64.3154 -96 -123.956 -96c-70.8594 0 -128.27 57.5781 -127.999 128.501c0.271484 70.7754 58.708 128.297 129.478 127.491 c11.2637 -0.121094 29.0596 -3.16113 39.7236 -6.78613l10.3643 18.8428c-11.4199 11.7119 -27.2988 19.9512 -51.5664 19.9512h-48c-9.09277 0 -16.4141 7.58398 -15.9814 16.7734c0.404297 8.60547 7.81738 15.2266 16.4336 15.2266h47.5479 c47.79 0 72.9053 -12.9355 89.584 -32h180.682l-39.2256 64h-67.04c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h76c4.94531 -0.000976562 11.0566 -3.42285 13.6416 -7.63867l27.2656 -44.4854l31.8926 42.5244 c3.97461 5.29883 12.5762 9.59961 19.2002 9.59961h60c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-84.2012l25.9053 -42.2656c15.5088 6.63477 32.5908 10.2988 50.5342 10.2656zM462 356l-30 -40h84v40h-54zM128 32 c41.7178 0 77.291 26.7529 90.499 64h-106.499c-12.1621 0 -19.874 13.0674 -14.0195 23.7109l55.4697 100.854c-6.88574 1.89648 -18.2705 3.43555 -25.4121 3.43555h-0.0380859c-52.9346 0 -96 -43.0654 -96 -96s43.0654 -96 96 -96zM320 128 c0 47.6377 17.7783 93.1348 48.9268 128h-159.467l-70.3994 -128h180.939zM508.206 32.0742c54.6553 -2.11719 99.7939 41.7314 99.7939 95.9258c0 52.9346 -43.0654 96 -96 96h-0.0839844c-9.46777 0 -24.3574 -2.67188 -33.2354 -5.96484l57.0518 -93.083 c3.46289 -5.65137 1.68945 -13.0391 -3.95996 -16.502l-6.82129 -4.18164c-5.65039 -3.46387 -13.0391 -1.69043 -16.502 3.95996l-57.4961 93.8086c-22.2373 -18.3691 -36.0928 -46.542 -34.8789 -77.8359c1.93262 -49.8223 42.3096 -90.1973 92.1318 -92.127z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars" unicode="&#xf222;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-88c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v45.4004l-95.5 -95.5c19.7002 -24.7002 31.5 -55.9004 31.5 -89.9004c0 -79.5 -64.5 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.5 -144 144s64.5 144 144 144 c34 0 65.2002 -11.7998 89.9004 -31.5l95.5 95.5h-45.4004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h88zM144 32c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.0996 112 -112 112c-62 0 -112 -50.0996 -112 -112c0 -62 50.0996 -112 112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="transgender" unicode="&#xf224;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M160 64.9004v-40.9004h52c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-52v-44c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v44h-52c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h52v40.9004 c-72 7.89941 -128 69 -128 143.1c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144c34 0 65.2002 -11.7998 89.9004 -31.5l95.5 95.5h-45.4004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h88c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-88c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v45.4004l-95.5 -95.5c19.7002 -24.7002 31.5 -55.9004 31.5 -89.9004c0 -74.0996 -56 -135.1 -128 -143.1zM144 96c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.0996 112 -112 112c-62 0 -112 -50.0996 -112 -112c0 -62 50.0996 -112 112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="venus-double" unicode="&#xf226;" d="M288 272c0 -74.0996 -56 -135.2 -128 -143.1v-64.9004h52c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-52v-52c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v52h-52c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h52v64.9004c-72 7.89941 -128 69 -128 143.1c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144s144 -64.5 144 -144zM32 272c0 -62 50.0996 -112 112 -112c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.0996 112 -112 112c-62 0 -112 -50.0996 -112 -112zM384 128.9v-64.9004h52 c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-52v-52c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v52h-52c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h52v64.9004c-27.4004 3 -52.5996 13.7998 -73.2002 30 c6.90039 8.19922 13 17 18.2998 26.2998c19.9004 -16.2998 44.7002 -25.2002 70.8008 -25.2002c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.1006 112 -112 112c-26.1006 0 -50.9004 -8.90039 -70.8008 -25.2002c-5.2998 9.2998 -11.3994 18.2002 -18.2998 26.2998 c24.6006 19.3008 55.5 30.9004 89.2002 30.9004c79.5 0 144 -64.5 144 -144c0 -74.0996 -56 -135.2 -128 -143.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-double" unicode="&#xf227;" d="M288 240c0 -79.5 -64.5 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.5 -144 144s64.5 144 144 144c34 0 65.2002 -11.7998 89.9004 -31.5l63.5 63.5h-45.4004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h88c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-88 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v45.4004l-63.5 -63.5c19.7002 -24.7002 31.5 -55.9004 31.5 -89.9004zM144 128c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.0996 112 -112 112c-62 0 -112 -50.0996 -112 -112c0 -62 50.0996 -112 112 -112z M512 276v-88c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v45.4004l-63.5 -63.5c19.7002 -24.7002 31.5 -55.9004 31.5 -89.9004c0 -79.5 -64.5 -144 -144 -144c-74.4004 0 -135.6 56.4004 -143.2 128.8c10.7002 1 21.2002 3 31.6006 6 c4.59961 -57.5 52.6992 -102.8 111.6 -102.8c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 59 -45.4004 107 -102.8 111.6c3 10.4004 4.89941 20.9004 6 31.6006c28.0996 -2.90039 53.7998 -14 74.7002 -30.7002l63.5 63.5h-45.4004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h88c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="venus-mars" unicode="&#xf228;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 240c0 -74.0996 -56 -135.2 -128 -143.1v-64.9004h52c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-52v-52c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v52h-52c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h52v64.9004c-72 7.89941 -128 69 -128 143.1c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144s144 -64.5 144 -144zM32 240c0 -62 50.0996 -112 112 -112c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.0996 112 -112 112c-62 0 -112 -50.0996 -112 -112zM576 436v-88 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v45.4004l-63.5 -63.5c19.7002 -24.7002 31.5 -55.9004 31.5 -89.9004c0 -79.5 -64.5 -144 -144 -144c-33.7002 0 -64.5996 11.5996 -89.2002 30.9004c6.90039 8.19922 13 17 18.2998 26.2998 c19.9004 -16.2998 44.7002 -25.2002 70.8008 -25.2002c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.1006 112 -112 112c-26.1006 0 -50.9004 -8.90039 -70.8008 -25.2002c-5.2998 9.2998 -11.3994 18.2002 -18.2998 26.2998c24.6006 19.3008 55.5 30.9004 89.2002 30.9004 c34 0 65.2002 -11.7998 89.9004 -31.5l63.5 63.5h-45.4004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h88c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-stroke" unicode="&#xf229;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12.0996 -12v-88c0 -6.59961 -5.39941 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v45.5l-49.5996 -49.5996l31.0996 -31.1006c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-5.69922 -5.7002c-4.7002 -4.69922 -12.3008 -4.69922 -17 0 l-31.1006 31.1006l-23.2998 -23.2998c19.7002 -24.7002 31.5 -55.9004 31.5 -89.9004c0 -79.5 -64.5 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.5 -144 144s64.5 144 144 144c34 0 65.2002 -11.7998 89.7998 -31.5996l23.2998 23.2998l-31.0996 31.0996c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17 l5.7002 5.7002c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l31.0996 -31.0996l49.6006 49.5996h-45.4004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h88zM144 32c62 0 112 50.0996 112 112c0 62 -50.0996 112 -112 112c-62 0 -112 -50.0996 -112 -112 c0 -62 50.0996 -112 112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="server" unicode="&#xf233;" d="M376 192c0 13.2549 10.7451 24 24 24s24 -10.7451 24 -24s-10.7451 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7451 -24 24zM336 168c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24s10.7451 24 24 24s24 -10.7451 24 -24s-10.7451 -24 -24 -24zM512 296c0 -12.2959 -4.62891 -23.5068 -12.2324 -32 c7.60352 -8.49316 12.2324 -19.7041 12.2324 -32v-80c0 -12.2959 -4.62891 -23.5068 -12.2324 -32c7.60352 -8.49316 12.2324 -19.7041 12.2324 -32v-80c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v80c0 12.2959 4.62891 23.5068 12.2324 32 c-7.60352 8.49316 -12.2324 19.7041 -12.2324 32v80c0 12.2959 4.62891 23.5068 12.2324 32c-7.60352 8.49316 -12.2324 19.7041 -12.2324 32v80c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-80zM32 296c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h416 c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16v80c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-416c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-80zM464 248h-416c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-80c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h416c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16v80c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16zM480 88 c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-416c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-80c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h416c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16v80zM400 312c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24s10.7451 24 24 24s24 -10.7451 24 -24s-10.7451 -24 -24 -24zM336 312 c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24s10.7451 24 24 24s24 -10.7451 24 -24s-10.7451 -24 -24 -24zM400 72c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24s-10.7451 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7451 -24 24s10.7451 24 24 24zM336 72c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24s-10.7451 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.7451 -24 24s10.7451 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="train" unicode="&#xf238;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 128c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16s7.17676 -16 16 -16s16 7.17676 16 16s-7.17676 16 -16 16zM224 160c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48zM320 448c65 0 128 -42.9814 128 -96v-256 c0 -47.1689 -50.6562 -86.3906 -106.9 -94.4717l55.2842 -55.2852c3.7793 -3.78027 1.10254 -10.2432 -4.24316 -10.2432h-25.7979c-2.74316 0 -6.54492 1.5752 -8.48438 3.51465l-60.4863 60.4854h-146.745l-60.4863 -60.4863 c-2.25 -2.25098 -5.30176 -3.51465 -8.48438 -3.51465h-25.7979c-5.34668 0 -8.02344 6.46289 -4.24316 10.2432l55.2852 55.2852c-56.2441 8.08203 -106.9 47.3037 -106.9 94.4727v256c0 53.0186 64 96 128 96h192zM32 320v-96h384v96h-384zM128 416 c-48.4482 0 -96 -31.7012 -96 -64h384c0 26.1191 -37.7627 64 -96 64h-192zM320 32c48.4482 0 96 31.7012 96 64v96h-384v-96c0 -32.2988 47.5518 -64 96 -64h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="subway" unicode="&#xf239;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M112 64c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48zM112 128c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16s7.17676 -16 16 -16s16 7.17676 16 16s-7.17676 16 -16 16zM336 64c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48 s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48zM336 128c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16s7.17676 -16 16 -16s16 7.17676 16 16s-7.17676 16 -16 16zM320 448c65 0 128 -42.9814 128 -96v-256c0 -47.1689 -50.6562 -86.3906 -106.9 -94.4717l55.2842 -55.2852 c3.7793 -3.78027 1.10254 -10.2432 -4.24316 -10.2432h-25.7979c-2.74316 0 -6.54492 1.5752 -8.48438 3.51465l-60.4863 60.4854h-146.745l-60.4863 -60.4863c-2.25 -2.25098 -5.30273 -3.51465 -8.48438 -3.51465h-25.7979c-5.34668 0 -8.02344 6.46289 -4.24316 10.2432 l55.2852 55.2852c-56.2441 8.08203 -106.9 47.3037 -106.9 94.4727v256c0 53.0186 64 96 128 96h192zM32 320v-96h176v96h-176zM416 96v96h-384v-96c0 -32.2988 47.5518 -64 96 -64h192c48.4482 0 96 31.7012 96 64zM416 224v96h-176v-96h176zM32 352h384 c0 26.1191 -37.7627 64 -96 64h-192c-48.4482 0 -96 -31.7012 -96 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-full" unicode="&#xf240;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M560 320h-512c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16v-224c0 -8.82324 7.17676 -16 16 -16h512c8.82324 0 16 7.17676 16 16v48h32v128h-32v48c0 8.82324 -7.17676 16 -16 16zM560 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16h8c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-144 c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v224c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h512zM128 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20 c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM192 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM256 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116 c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM320 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM384 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20 c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM448 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM512 134 c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-three-quarters" unicode="&#xf241;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M560 320h-512c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16v-224c0 -8.82324 7.17676 -16 16 -16h512c8.82324 0 16 7.17676 16 16v48h32v128h-32v48c0 8.82324 -7.17676 16 -16 16zM560 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16h8c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-144 c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v224c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h512zM128 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20 c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM192 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM256 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116 c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM320 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM384 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20 c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM448 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-half" unicode="&#xf242;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M560 320h-512c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16v-224c0 -8.82324 7.17676 -16 16 -16h512c8.82324 0 16 7.17676 16 16v48h32v128h-32v48c0 8.82324 -7.17676 16 -16 16zM560 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16h8c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-144 c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v224c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h512zM128 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20 c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM192 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM256 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116 c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM320 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-quarter" unicode="&#xf243;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M560 320h-512c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16v-224c0 -8.82324 7.17676 -16 16 -16h512c8.82324 0 16 7.17676 16 16v48h32v128h-32v48c0 8.82324 -7.17676 16 -16 16zM560 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16h8c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-144 c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v224c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h512zM128 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20 c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116zM192 134c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v116c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-116z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-empty" unicode="&#xf244;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M560 320h-512c-8.82324 0 -16 -7.17676 -16 -16v-224c0 -8.82324 7.17676 -16 16 -16h512c8.82324 0 16 7.17676 16 16v48h32v128h-32v48c0 8.82324 -7.17676 16 -16 16zM560 352c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16h8c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-144 c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v224c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h512z" /> <glyph glyph-name="i-cursor" unicode="&#xf246;" horiz-adv-x="192" d="M96 409.777c20.8066 24.5742 55.9697 36.8809 89.8076 38.2188c3.38672 0.132812 6.19238 -2.61328 6.19238 -6.00195v-20.0127c0 -3.19141 -2.49805 -5.84766 -5.68555 -5.98926c-40.833 -1.81738 -74.3145 -23.1191 -74.3145 -47.9922v-160h42 c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-42v-160c0 -24.873 33.4814 -46.1748 74.3145 -47.9922c3.1875 -0.141602 5.68555 -2.79785 5.68555 -5.98926v-20.0127c0 -3.38867 -2.80469 -6.13477 -6.19141 -6.00098 c-33.6328 1.33105 -68.8994 13.5234 -89.8086 38.2178c-20.8066 -24.5732 -55.9697 -36.8809 -89.8076 -38.2188c-3.38672 -0.132812 -6.19238 2.61328 -6.19238 6.00195v20.0127c0 3.19238 2.49805 5.84863 5.68555 5.98926 c40.833 1.81738 74.3145 23.1191 74.3145 47.9922v160h-42c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v20c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h42v160c0 24.873 -33.4814 46.1748 -74.3145 47.9922c-3.1875 0.141602 -5.68555 2.79785 -5.68555 5.98926v20.0127 c0 3.38867 2.80469 6.13477 6.19141 6.00098c33.6328 -1.33105 68.8994 -13.5234 89.8086 -38.2178z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-rock" unicode="&#xf255;" d="M412.055 364.901c44.3965 24.2041 99.9453 -7.63184 99.9453 -59.3213v-119.211c0 -14.7461 -2.94434 -29.1113 -8.74902 -42.6943l-44.3643 -103.808c-6.02637 -14.1025 -4.88672 -23.082 -4.88672 -47.8672c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-261 c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24c0 26.2119 2.05859 33.9404 -6.41113 41.3584l-101.2 88.626c-23.7607 20.8086 -37.3887 50.7393 -37.3887 82.1182v59.3262c0 48.7139 50.5986 80.2529 94.25 61.3506v10.0781c0 54.9209 63.3887 86.1553 107.312 53.8428 c25.9902 34.9307 78.6211 37.0586 106.879 2.22949c34.3154 26.9131 85.6494 14.7402 103.614 -26.0283zM159.67 57.4316c20.1963 -17.6855 17.3301 -38.3506 17.3301 -57.4316h245c0 18.0674 -1.11719 32.3701 7.46094 52.4434l44.3652 103.808 c3.4082 7.94531 6.17383 21.4092 6.17383 30.0537v0.0654297v119.211c0 48.1338 -71 45.9482 -71 0.706055c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.25c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v31.4375c0 47.209 -71 46.709 -71 0.705078v-32.1426c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.25 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v42.1514c0 48.1338 -71 45.9346 -71 0.704102v-42.8564c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.25c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v27.8652c0 48.1172 -71 45.9512 -71 0.706055v-121.43c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8 c-1.66016 0 -4.02148 0.888672 -5.27148 1.98242l-7.25 6.34863c-1.7334 1.51953 -2.72852 3.71289 -2.72852 6.01953v42.9453c0 19.29 -15.6514 35.2412 -34.8877 35.5576c-19.7852 0.389648 -36.1123 -15.3271 -36.1123 -34.8525v-59.3262 c0 -22.1562 9.64844 -43.3125 26.4697 -58.0449z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-paper" unicode="&#xf256;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M369.4 328.9c38 13 78.5996 -15.6006 78.5996 -57.1006v-136.3c0 -15.2998 -1.7998 -30.5 -5.2002 -45.2998l-31.3994 -135.601c-2.5 -10.8994 -12.2002 -18.5996 -23.4004 -18.5996h-232.2c-7.7002 0 -15 3.7002 -19.5 10l-125 174.4 c-19.2998 26.7998 -13.5 64.2998 13.1006 83.8994c20.7998 15.4004 48.0996 15.2002 68.3994 1.5v145.7c0 43.0996 43.4004 71.7002 81.7998 55.9004c18.1006 53 92.7002 55 112.5 0.799805c39.5 16.2998 82.3008 -13.7002 82.3008 -56.5v-22.7998zM416 135.5h-0.299805 v136.2c0 38.0996 -55.4004 36.8994 -55.4004 -0.700195v-79c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-7.09961c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v159.7c0 37.5996 -55.4004 38.7002 -55.4004 0.700195v-160.301c0 -4.39941 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-7.09961c-4.40039 0 -8 3.60059 -8 8v195 c0 37.6006 -55.4004 38.7002 -55.4004 0.700195v-195.8c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-7.09961c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v158.8c0 37.6006 -55.4004 38.7002 -55.4004 0.700195v-213.8c0 -7.7998 -10 -11 -14.5 -4.7002l-28.2998 39.4004 c-9 12.5996 -26.2998 15.2998 -38.5996 6.19922c-12.4004 -9.09961 -15.1006 -26.8994 -6.10059 -39.5l122.601 -171h221.699l30 129.4c2.90039 12.4004 4.40039 25.2002 4.40039 38z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-scissors" unicode="&#xf257;" d="M256 -32c-43.874 0 -72.8799 45.1357 -54.876 84.3594c-27.6162 13.0693 -40.8555 44.3818 -31.2969 72.7744h-102.327c-37.2197 0 -67.5 29.9902 -67.5 66.8545c0 36.8633 30.2803 66.8545 67.5 66.8545l108.5 -2.84277l-89.5693 30.8525 c-34.8857 13.5039 -51.9072 52.4844 -38.2119 86.8291c13.6787 34.2988 52.7109 51.1143 87.3506 37.709l156.211 -60.46c23.6797 29.1611 51.5469 49.334 88.2275 28.6836l101.5 -57.1396c18.8086 -10.5869 30.4922 -30.4814 30.4922 -51.9199v-214.272 c0 -13.4639 -4.66211 -26.6797 -13.1279 -37.21c-8.40527 -10.4551 -20.2666 -17.8896 -33.4004 -20.9336l-123.25 -28.5693c-4.48926 -1.04102 -9.10645 -1.56934 -13.7217 -1.56934h-72.5zM364.311 351.729c-12.1914 6.86426 -27.3975 4.01758 -36.1572 -6.76758 l-22.54 -27.7568c-1.32617 -1.63184 -4.1084 -2.95703 -6.21191 -2.95703c-0.824219 0 -2.11719 0.241211 -2.88672 0.539062l-172.497 66.7607c-43.9385 17.0049 -69.6152 -47.9854 -26.0361 -64.8516l160.906 -62.2744c2.82227 -1.0918 5.1123 -4.43457 5.1123 -7.45996 v-0.000976562v-12.1162c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-188.5c-46.9287 0 -47.0215 -69.709 0 -69.709h188.5c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-7.14258c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-29c-37.3506 0 -37.4102 -55.4248 0 -55.4248h29c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-7.14355 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8c-37.3496 0 -37.4102 -55.4238 0 -55.4238h72.5c1.81641 0 4.72656 0.333008 6.49609 0.742188l123.25 28.5693c12.8086 2.96973 21.7539 14.0605 21.7539 26.9707v214.271c0 9.89844 -5.43555 19.1084 -14.1895 24.0352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-lizard" unicode="&#xf258;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M558.232 150.069c11.624 -18.0938 17.7676 -39.0264 17.7676 -60.5322v-121.537h-224v58.6182v0.0283203c0 2.45703 -1.69922 5.49219 -3.79395 6.77637l-93.5361 57.7988c-4.2666 2.6377 -11.7998 4.77832 -16.8154 4.77832h-0.00683594h-125.848 c-26.4678 0 -48 21.5322 -48 48c0 44.1123 35.8877 80 80 80h113.47h0.03125c3.00293 0 6.32422 2.27148 7.41309 5.07031l23.1885 58.9297h-216.103c-39.7012 0 -72 32.2988 -72 72v8c0 26.4678 21.5322 48 48 48h304.45c21.8877 0 42.0176 -10.9941 53.8477 -29.4102z M544 0v89.5371v0.0429688c0 12.9512 -5.68555 32.3027 -12.6914 43.1953l-151.935 236.521c-5.91504 9.20801 -15.9814 14.7051 -26.9238 14.7051h-304.45c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-8c0 -22.0557 17.9443 -40 40 -40h221.976 c19.7217 0 33.2822 -19.8916 26.0557 -38.2539l-25.3398 -64.3945c-6.06152 -15.4004 -20.6719 -25.3525 -37.2227 -25.3525h-113.469c-26.4678 0 -48 -21.5322 -48 -48c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h125.847h0.0117188c10.0312 0 25.0986 -4.28125 33.6318 -9.55566 l93.5371 -57.7998c11.8799 -7.33984 18.9727 -20.0605 18.9727 -34.0264v-26.6182h160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-pointer" unicode="&#xf25a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M360.543 259.844c39.4463 20.9697 87.457 -7.97754 87.457 -53.3428v-87c0 -3.83691 -0.703125 -9.98535 -1.57031 -13.7227l-28.5703 -123.25c-6.31348 -27.2344 -30.4316 -46.5283 -58.1455 -46.5283h-185.714c-19.1074 0 -37.1973 9.32715 -48.3926 24.9502 l-114.271 159.5c-19.2363 26.8457 -13.4238 64.3213 13.1318 83.9258c20.8115 15.3623 48.0508 15.1455 68.3896 1.47168v181.902c0 33.2217 26.7891 60.25 59.7148 60.25s59.7139 -27.0283 59.7139 -60.25v-87.8281c23.4473 7.89355 50.1543 0.446289 66.1191 -20.3848 c27.8467 17.3701 64.6777 8.79785 82.1377 -19.6934zM82.0967 172.412c-20.96 29.251 -66.9736 -2.32031 -44.7607 -33.3242l114.283 -159.5c5.2002 -7.25586 13.5674 -11.5879 22.3809 -11.5879h185.715c12.9111 0 24.002 8.94531 26.9707 21.7529l28.5732 123.251 c0.492188 2.125 0.742188 4.31055 0.742188 6.49609v87c0 37.4102 -55.4287 37.3496 -55.4287 0c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14355c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v21.75c0 37.4082 -55.4287 37.3506 -55.4287 0v-21.75c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14062 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v36.25c0 37.4102 -55.4297 37.3496 -55.4297 0v-36.25c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14355c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v181.25c0 37.4102 -55.4277 37.3496 -55.4277 0v-250.118c0.825195 -1.15234 1.49414 -3.23828 1.49414 -4.65625 c0 -4.41504 -3.58301 -7.99902 -7.99902 -7.99902c-4.41309 0 -7.99707 3.58203 -7.99805 7.99609zM180.285 47v87c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h7.14355c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-87c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14355c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8zM258.857 47v87 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h7.14258c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-87c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14258c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8zM337.429 47v87c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h7.14355c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-87c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14355 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-peace" unicode="&#xf25b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M363.642 246.876c39.2227 18.0039 84.3584 -11.002 84.3584 -54.876v-72.5c0 -3.83691 -0.703125 -9.98438 -1.56934 -13.7217l-28.5693 -123.25c-3.04395 -13.1348 -10.4785 -24.9951 -20.9336 -33.4004c-10.5303 -8.46582 -23.7461 -13.1279 -37.21 -13.1279h-214.272 c-21.4385 0 -41.333 11.6836 -51.9209 30.4922l-57.1396 101.5c-20.6494 36.6807 -0.477539 64.5479 28.6836 88.2275l-60.459 156.212c-13.4053 34.6387 3.41016 73.6719 37.71 87.3486c34.3447 13.6963 73.3252 -3.32617 86.8291 -38.2119l30.8516 -89.5684 l-2.84277 108.5c0 37.2197 29.9912 67.5 66.8545 67.5c36.8643 0 66.8555 -30.2803 66.8555 -67.5v-102.327c28.3936 9.55859 59.7051 -3.68066 72.7744 -31.2969zM71.0391 119.847c-10.7852 -8.75977 -13.6318 -23.9658 -6.76953 -36.1572l57.1406 -101.5 c4.92676 -8.75293 14.1367 -14.1895 24.0352 -14.1895h214.273c12.9102 0 24.001 8.94531 26.9707 21.7539l28.5693 123.25c0.492188 2.125 0.742188 4.31055 0.742188 6.49609v72.5c0 37.4102 -55.4238 37.3496 -55.4238 0c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14355 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v29c0 37.4102 -55.4248 37.3506 -55.4248 0v-29c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-7.14258c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v188.5c0 47.0215 -69.709 46.9287 -69.709 0v-188.499c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-12.1172h-0.000976562 c-3.02539 0 -6.36816 2.29004 -7.45996 5.1123l-62.2744 160.905c-16.8662 43.5781 -81.8574 17.9014 -64.8516 -26.0371l66.7607 -172.496c0.297852 -0.769531 0.539062 -2.0625 0.539062 -2.88672c0 -2.10352 -1.3252 -4.88574 -2.95703 -6.21191z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trademark" unicode="&#xf25c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M264.1 352c6.7002 0 12 -5.40039 12.1006 -12v-15c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-97.7002v-269c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-20.9004c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v269h-97.6992c-6.60059 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v15c0 6.59961 5.39941 12 12 12h240.199z M640 45c0.5 -7 -5 -13 -12 -13.0996h-20.0996c-6.30078 0 -11.5 4.89941 -12 11.0996l-15 190.6c-1.40039 19.5 -0.5 47.1006 -0.5 47.1006h-0.900391s-9.5 -29.4004 -17.2002 -47.1006l-60.7002 -137c-2 -4.2998 -6.2998 -7.09961 -11 -7.09961h-24.2998 c-4.7998 0 -9.09961 2.7998 -11 7.2002l-60.2998 137c-7.2002 17.2002 -17.2002 48 -17.2002 48h-0.899414s0.5 -28.5 -0.900391 -48l-14.5996 -190.601c-0.5 -6.2998 -5.7002 -11.0996 -12 -11.0996h-20.7002c-7 0 -12.6006 6 -12 13l23.8994 296 c0.5 6.2002 5.7002 11 12 11h28.1006c4.7998 0 9.09961 -2.90039 11 -7.2998l70.2998 -165.8c7.2998 -17.7002 15.9004 -43.1006 15.9004 -43.1006h0.899414s8.60059 25.4004 15.9004 43.1006l70.2998 165.8c1.7998 4.39941 6.2002 7.2998 11 7.2998h28.0996 c6.30078 0 11.5 -4.7998 12 -11z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pause-circle" unicode="&#xf28b;" d="M218 288c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-180c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.2998 0 -6 2.7002 -6 6v180c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h20zM314 288c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-180c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.2998 0 -6 2.7002 -6 6v180c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h20z M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 -24c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stop-circle" unicode="&#xf28d;" d="M256 -56c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248zM40 192c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216zM336 288 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-160c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v160c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h160zM320 128v128h-128v-128h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shopping-bag" unicode="&#xf290;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M352 320h96v-304c0 -44.1826 -35.8174 -80 -80 -80h-288c-44.1826 0 -80 35.8174 -80 80v304h96c0 70.5791 57.4199 128 128 128c70.5791 0 128 -57.4209 128 -128zM224 416c-52.9346 0 -96 -43.0654 -96 -96h192c0 52.9346 -43.0654 96 -96 96zM416 16v272h-64v-48 c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v48h-192v-48c0 -8.83691 -7.16406 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v48h-64v-272c0 -26.4668 21.5332 -48 48 -48h288c26.4668 0 48 21.5332 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shopping-basket" unicode="&#xf291;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M564 256c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-16.4443l-29.8057 -214.603c-3.2959 -23.7314 -23.5859 -41.3975 -47.5439 -41.3975h-364.412c-23.958 0 -44.248 17.666 -47.5439 41.3975l-29.8057 214.603h-16.4443 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h76.875l139.233 154.704c5.90918 6.56934 16.0264 7.10059 22.5957 1.18848c6.56836 -5.91016 7.10059 -16.0283 1.18848 -22.5957l-119.968 -133.297h312.15l-119.967 133.296 c-5.91211 6.56836 -5.38086 16.6846 1.18848 22.5957c6.56934 5.91211 16.6865 5.37988 22.5957 -1.18848l139.232 -154.703h76.875zM486.054 13.7988l29.1953 210.201h-454.497l29.1943 -210.201c1.09277 -7.86719 7.90527 -13.7988 15.8477 -13.7988h364.412 c7.94238 0 14.7549 5.93164 15.8477 13.7988zM304 168v-112c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16c-8.83594 0 -16 7.16309 -16 16v112c0 8.83691 7.16406 16 16 16c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16zM416 168v-112c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v112 c0 8.83691 7.16309 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16zM192 168v-112c0 -8.83691 -7.16406 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16v112c0 8.83691 7.16406 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hashtag" unicode="&#xf292;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M446.381 265.891c-0.974609 -5.45898 -6.2666 -9.89062 -11.8135 -9.89062v0h-102.887l-22.8564 -128h98.6006c7.47168 0 13.126 -6.75391 11.8135 -14.1094l-1.42969 -8c-0.974609 -5.45898 -6.2666 -9.89062 -11.8125 -9.89062h-102.886l-21.0908 -118.109 c-0.974609 -5.45898 -6.2666 -9.89062 -11.8125 -9.89062h-8.12695c-7.47168 0 -13.127 6.75391 -11.8145 14.1094l20.3379 113.891h-127.493l-21.0908 -118.109c-0.974609 -5.45898 -6.2666 -9.89062 -11.8125 -9.89062h-8.12695 c-7.47168 0 -13.127 6.75391 -11.8145 14.1094l20.3379 113.891h-98.6006c-7.4707 0 -13.126 6.75391 -11.8125 14.1094l1.42871 8c0.974609 5.45898 6.2666 9.89062 11.8125 9.89062h102.887l22.8564 128h-98.5996c-7.47266 0 -13.127 6.75391 -11.8145 14.1094l1.42969 8 c0.974609 5.45898 6.2666 9.89062 11.8125 9.89062h102.887l21.0908 118.109c0.974609 5.45898 6.2666 9.89062 11.8125 9.89062h8.12695c7.47168 0 13.127 -6.75391 11.8145 -14.1094l-20.3379 -113.891h127.493l21.0908 118.109 c0.974609 5.45898 6.2666 9.89062 11.8125 9.89062h8.12695c7.47168 0 13.127 -6.75391 11.8145 -14.1094l-20.3379 -113.891h98.6006c7.4707 0 13.126 -6.75391 11.8125 -14.1094zM276.318 128l22.8574 128h-127.494l-22.8564 -128h127.493z" /> <glyph glyph-name="percent" unicode="&#xf295;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M96 224c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96s96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96zM96 380c-33.0996 0 -60 -26.9004 -60 -60s26.9004 -60 60 -60s60 26.9004 60 60s-26.9004 60 -60 60zM288 160c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96zM288 4 c33.0996 0 60 26.9004 60 60s-26.9004 60 -60 60s-60 -26.9004 -60 -60s26.9004 -60 60 -60zM347.8 416h30.2002c5 0 7.7998 -5.7002 4.7998 -9.59961l-341.8 -436c-1.09961 -1.5 -2.90039 -2.40039 -4.7998 -2.40039h-30.2002c-5 0 -7.7998 5.7002 -4.7998 9.59961 l341.8 436c1.09961 1.5 2.90039 2.40039 4.7998 2.40039z" /> <glyph glyph-name="braille" unicode="&#xf2a1;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M64 192c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3271 -32 32s14.3271 32 32 32s32 -14.3271 32 -32zM32 48c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM32 384c17.6729 0 32 -14.3271 32 -32s-14.3271 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3271 -32 32s14.3271 32 32 32zM192 208c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM192 48c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM192 384 c17.6729 0 32 -14.3271 32 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72.2539 161.066 161.065 161.066c88.8125 0 161.066 -72.2549 161.066 -161.066c0 -86.8574 -73.3916 -96.041 -73.3916 -165.334c0.000976562 -58.8154 -47.8496 -106.666 -106.666 -106.666zM333.333 208 c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16c0 36.1719 -29.4277 65.5996 -65.5996 65.5996c-36.1729 0 -65.6006 -29.4277 -65.6006 -65.5996c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16c0 53.8174 43.7832 97.5996 97.6006 97.5996 c53.8164 0 97.5996 -43.7832 97.5996 -97.5996zM439.803 253.984c-8.44238 -2.59082 -17.3945 2.14941 -19.9873 10.6025c-12.5547 40.916 -38.9209 76.9854 -74.2422 101.56c-7.25391 5.04492 -9.04297 15.0166 -3.99609 22.2705 c5.04492 7.25488 15.0166 9.04199 22.2705 3.99609c41.1758 -28.6455 71.915 -70.709 86.5596 -118.441c2.59082 -8.44629 -2.15625 -17.3965 -10.6045 -19.9873zM500.691 272.634c-8.4502 -2.5918 -17.3984 2.15332 -19.9912 10.6006 c-16.8135 54.7754 -51.9404 102.942 -98.918 135.631c-7.25293 5.04688 -9.04199 15.0186 -3.99512 22.2715c5.04688 7.25391 15.0186 9.04102 22.2715 3.99512c52.8271 -36.7588 92.3271 -90.9189 111.233 -152.507c2.5918 -8.44727 -2.1543 -17.3975 -10.6006 -19.9912z M240 192c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM176 128c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM80 32c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM16 -32c8.83691 0 16 -7.16309 16 -16s-7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16zM171.313 43.3135l-22.6279 -22.6279l-64 64l22.6279 22.6279z" /> <glyph glyph-name="american-sign-language-interpreting" unicode="&#xf2a3;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M635.9 234.7c9.19922 -19.1006 2.39941 -42.2002 -15.8008 -52.9004c-0.0996094 0 -48.0996 -27.5996 -48.0996 -27.5996l-32.5996 -59.2002c-7.7002 -57.7002 -36.7002 -110.3 -81.7002 -147.6c-8.7002 -7.30078 -19.7998 -11.3008 -31.1006 -11.3008 c-27.8994 0 -50.1992 23.7002 -48.5996 51.5c-44.9004 -6.19922 -68.7002 38.5 -51.7998 70.8008c-4.2998 1.69922 -8.7002 3.69922 -11.2998 5c-9.30078 4.69922 -16.8008 12 -21.5 21.0996c-16.5 -10.2002 -35.7002 -15.9004 -55.6006 -15.9004 c-1.5 0 -1.59961 0 -82.7002 7.5l-55.2998 -28c-20.7998 -10.5 -44.7998 -1.2998 -54.3994 18c0 0 -41.3008 83 -41.3008 83.1006c-9.19922 19.2002 -2.39941 42.2998 15.8008 53.0996l48.0996 27.6006l32.5996 59.1992c7.60059 57.8008 36.7002 110.5 81.7002 147.7 c8.7998 7.2002 19.7998 11.2002 31.1006 11.2002c28.3994 0 50.0996 -24.2002 48.5 -51.7002c44.8994 6.2002 68.7998 -38.2998 51.7998 -70.7998c14.3994 -5.59961 25.3994 -11.7002 32.8994 -26.0996c26.8008 16.5 54.2002 16.2998 59.3008 15.7998l79 -7.40039 l55.2998 28c20.7998 10.5 44.7998 1.2998 54.3994 -18c0 0 41.3008 -83 41.3008 -83.0996zM296.3 261.6c19.1006 -9.39941 35.1006 20.1006 14.5 30.5c-23.3994 11.4004 -51.8994 15.1006 -76.2002 9.7002c-8.7998 -1.89941 -13.5 10.1006 -5.7998 14.7002 c13.7998 8.2998 28.6006 13.4004 44 15.2998c9.2998 1 15.6006 9.40039 14.4004 18.7002c-1.40039 10.2998 -9.90039 15.7002 -18.5 14.5996c-23.4004 -2.7998 -45.2998 -11.1992 -65.2002 -24.7998c-7.2002 -5 -16 3.7998 -11.0996 11.1006 c8.39941 12.3994 19 24.0996 31.5 34.7998c17.6992 14.7998 -4.40039 40 -21 26.0996c-40 -33.0996 -65.2002 -79.7002 -70.9004 -131.399c-0.0996094 -1.10059 -0.400391 -2.10059 -0.900391 -3l-38 -69.1006c-0.699219 -1.2998 -1.69922 -2.39941 -3 -3.09961 l-53.6992 -30.7998c-3.90039 -2.30078 -5.30078 -7.40039 -3.30078 -11.6006l41.1006 -82.7998v-0.0996094c2.09961 -4.10059 7.2002 -5.7002 11.2998 -3.60059l61.4004 31.1006c1.2998 0.699219 2.7998 0.899414 4.2998 0.799805c23 -2.10059 82.2998 -7.60059 87 -8 c28.2998 0.0996094 54.3994 16.8994 66.7002 42.7998c9.39941 19.7998 -20.6006 34.5996 -30 14.4004c-0.100586 0 -0.100586 -0.100586 -0.100586 -0.100586c-7 -14.3994 -21.2002 -23.3994 -37 -23.3994c-19.7002 0 -40.8994 15.6992 -40.8994 41.0996 c0 22.5996 18.2998 41.0996 40.8994 41.0996c15.7998 0 30 -9 37 -23.3994c10.2002 -20.6006 39.2002 -5.10059 30 14.2998c-13 27.5 -38.5 42.5996 -71.8994 42.5996c-9 0 -11.1006 12.5 -2.7002 15.5c21.5996 7.7002 45.7002 6.30078 66.0996 -4zM248 175.4 c-2.09961 3.5 -3.59961 9.19922 -10.2002 9.09961c-5 0 -8.89941 -4 -8.89941 -9.09961c0 -6.80078 6.09961 -9.10059 8.89941 -9.10059c6.60059 0 8.2002 5.7998 10.2002 9.10059zM603.8 209.3c3.90039 2.2998 5.2998 7.2998 3.40039 11.5l-41.1006 82.7998v0.100586 c-2.09961 4.09961 -7.19922 5.7002 -11.2998 3.59961l-61.3994 -31.0996c-1.40039 -0.700195 -2.90039 -0.900391 -4.40039 -0.799805l-85.5 8c-29.5996 -0.100586 -55.7002 -16.5 -68.2002 -42.8008c-9.39941 -19.8994 20.6006 -34.5996 30 -14.3994l0.100586 0.0996094 c7 14.4004 21.1992 23.4004 37 23.4004c19.6992 0 40.8994 -15.7002 40.8994 -41.1006c0 -22.5996 -18.2998 -41.0996 -40.8994 -41.0996c-15.8008 0 -30 9 -37 23.4004l-0.100586 0.0996094c-9.5 20.2002 -39.3994 5.40039 -30 -14.4004 c13 -27.5 38.5 -42.5996 71.9004 -42.5996c9 0 11.0996 -12.5 2.7002 -15.5c-21.7002 -7.7002 -45.8008 -6.2998 -66.2002 4c-18.9004 9.2998 -35.2002 -20 -14.4004 -30.5c23.4004 -11.4004 51.9004 -15.0996 76.2002 -9.7002 c8.7998 1.90039 13.5 -10.0996 5.7998 -14.7002c-13.7998 -8.2998 -28.5996 -13.3994 -44 -15.2998c-22 -2.5 -17.3994 -36 4.2002 -33.2998c23.2998 2.7998 45.2002 11.2002 65.0996 24.7998c7.10059 4.90039 16.1006 -3.7002 11.1006 -11.0996 c-8.40039 -12.5 -19 -24.1006 -31.5 -34.7998c-17.7002 -14.7002 4.5 -39.9004 21 -26.1006c40.0996 33.2002 65.2998 79.7998 71 131.5c0.0996094 1.10059 0.399414 2.10059 0.899414 3l38 69.1006c0.700195 1.2998 1.7002 2.39941 3 3.09961zM392 208.6 c2.09961 -3.5 3.59961 -9.19922 10.2002 -9.09961c5 0 8.89941 4 8.89941 9.09961c0 6.80078 -6.09961 9.10059 -8.89941 9.10059c-6.7002 0 -8.2998 -5.7998 -10.2002 -9.10059z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deaf" unicode="&#xf2a4;" d="M409.171 339.515l-5.65625 5.65625c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2842 0 16.9707l82.3447 82.3447c4.68555 4.68555 12.2832 4.68555 16.9707 0l5.65625 -5.65625c4.68555 -4.68652 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-82.3447 -82.3447 c-4.68652 -4.68652 -12.2842 -4.68652 -16.9707 0zM26.1416 -60.4854c-4.68652 -4.68652 -12.2842 -4.68652 -16.9707 0l-5.65625 5.65625c-4.68555 4.6875 -4.68555 12.2852 0 16.9707l186.345 186.345c4.68652 4.68555 12.2842 4.68555 16.9707 0l5.65625 -5.65625 c4.68555 -4.6875 4.68555 -12.2852 0 -16.9707zM343.676 42.666c0 -58.8154 -47.8496 -106.666 -106.668 -106.666c-8.83691 0 -16 7.16309 -16 16s7.16309 16 16 16c41.1719 0 74.667 33.4951 74.667 74.666c0 85.1738 73.3916 93.9004 73.3916 165.334 c0 71.167 -57.8994 129.066 -129.067 129.066c-71.167 0 -129.066 -57.8994 -129.066 -129.066c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16c0 88.8115 72.2559 161.066 161.067 161.066s161.067 -72.2549 161.067 -161.066 c0 -86.8574 -73.3916 -96.041 -73.3916 -165.334zM336.743 192c-8.83691 0 -16 7.16309 -16 16c0 36.1719 -29.4277 65.5996 -65.6006 65.5996c-36.1719 0 -65.5996 -29.4277 -65.5996 -65.5996c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16309 -16 16 c0 53.8164 43.7832 97.5996 97.5996 97.5996c53.8174 0 97.6006 -43.7822 97.6006 -97.5996c0 -8.83691 -7.16309 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="low-vision" unicode="&#xf2a8;" 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103.037 146.149 130.679l-56.9258 76.7266c-4 5.39062 -2.87207 13.0039 2.51855 17.0039l6.50684 4.82812c5.3916 4 13.0029 2.87109 17.0029 -2.51953l62.1816 -83.8086c32.6699 10.8447 67.627 16.7217 103.93 16.7217 c119.86 0 224.998 -63.9902 281.348 -159.63zM362.31 119.041c32.5039 22.4814 53.6904 59.3223 53.6904 100.959c0 68.4805 -57.3096 124 -128 124c-28.0547 0 -54.0078 -8.74609 -75.0977 -23.583l34.6992 -46.7695c20.3467 16.5703 48.2607 18.7305 70.5381 6.82227 h-0.0195312c-14.5605 0 -26.3604 -11.7998 -26.3604 -26.3496c0 -14.5605 11.7998 -26.3604 26.3604 -26.3604c14.5498 0 26.3496 11.7998 26.3496 26.3604v0.0195312c15.2432 -28.5166 6.84961 -64.6006 -20.6709 -83.1924zM541.78 183.88 c1.22559 2.07324 2.21973 5.71094 2.21973 8.11914c0 2.40918 -0.994141 6.04688 -2.21973 8.12012c-29.0703 49.3398 -73.3398 90.4395 -127.66 115.89c55.5352 -69.1875 41.5273 -170.561 -32.7129 -222.709l22.2402 -29.9746 c57.5635 24.3135 106.229 66.4072 138.133 120.555z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thermometer-full" unicode="&#xf2c7;" 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-7.16309 16 -16v-194.742c18.6406 -6.59082 32 -24.3594 32 -45.2578zM224 148.653 c19.9121 -22.5645 32 -52.1953 32 -84.6533c0 -70.6963 -57.3018 -128 -128 -128c-0.298828 0 -0.610352 0.000976562 -0.90918 0.00292969c-70.3018 0.488281 -127.448 58.3613 -127.089 128.664c0.164062 32.1982 12.2227 61.5771 31.998 83.9863v203.347 c0 53.0186 42.9814 96 96 96s96 -42.9814 96 -96v-203.347zM224 64c0 39.8936 -22.8145 62.1436 -32 72.5527v215.447c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64v-215.447c-9.4668 -10.7275 -31.7969 -32.582 -31.999 -72.0488 c-0.268555 -52.7061 42.6191 -96.1348 95.3125 -96.501l0.686523 -0.00292969c52.9346 0 96 43.0654 96 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thermometer-half" unicode="&#xf2c9;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M176 64c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 20.8984 13.3594 38.667 32 45.2578v130.742c0 8.83691 7.16309 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16v-130.742c18.6406 -6.59082 32 -24.3594 32 -45.2578zM224 148.653 c19.9121 -22.5645 32 -52.1953 32 -84.6533c0 -70.6963 -57.3018 -128 -128 -128c-0.298828 0 -0.610352 0.000976562 -0.90918 0.00292969c-70.3018 0.488281 -127.448 58.3613 -127.089 128.664c0.164062 32.1982 12.2227 61.5771 31.998 83.9863v203.347 c0 53.0186 42.9814 96 96 96s96 -42.9814 96 -96v-203.347zM224 64c0 39.8936 -22.8145 62.1436 -32 72.5527v215.447c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64v-215.447c-9.4668 -10.7275 -31.7969 -32.582 -31.999 -72.0488 c-0.268555 -52.7061 42.6191 -96.1348 95.3125 -96.501l0.686523 -0.00292969c52.9346 0 96 43.0654 96 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thermometer-quarter" unicode="&#xf2ca;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M176 64c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 20.8984 13.3594 38.667 32 45.2578v66.7422c0 8.83691 7.16309 16 16 16s16 -7.16309 16 -16v-66.7422c18.6406 -6.59082 32 -24.3594 32 -45.2578zM224 148.653 c19.9121 -22.5645 32 -52.1953 32 -84.6533c0 -70.6963 -57.3018 -128 -128 -128c-0.298828 0 -0.610352 0.000976562 -0.90918 0.00292969c-70.3018 0.488281 -127.448 58.3613 -127.089 128.664c0.164062 32.1982 12.2227 61.5771 31.998 83.9863v203.347 c0 53.0186 42.9814 96 96 96s96 -42.9814 96 -96v-203.347zM224 64c0 39.8936 -22.8145 62.1436 -32 72.5527v215.447c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64v-215.447c-9.4668 -10.7275 -31.7969 -32.582 -31.999 -72.0488 c-0.268555 -52.7061 42.6191 -96.1348 95.3125 -96.501l0.686523 -0.00292969c52.9346 0 96 43.0654 96 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thermometer-empty" unicode="&#xf2cb;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M176 64c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48zM224 148.653c19.9121 -22.5645 32 -52.1953 32 -84.6533c0 -70.6963 -57.3018 -128 -128 -128c-0.298828 0 -0.610352 0.000976562 -0.90918 0.00292969 c-70.3018 0.488281 -127.448 58.3613 -127.089 128.664c0.164062 32.1982 12.2227 61.5771 31.998 83.9863v203.347c0 53.0186 42.9814 96 96 96s96 -42.9814 96 -96v-203.347zM224 64c0 39.8936 -22.8145 62.1436 -32 72.5527v215.447c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64 s-64 -28.71 -64 -64v-215.447c-9.4668 -10.7275 -31.7969 -32.582 -31.999 -72.0488c-0.268555 -52.7061 42.6191 -96.1348 95.3125 -96.501l0.686523 -0.00292969c52.9346 0 96 43.0654 96 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="podcast" unicode="&#xf2ce;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M326.011 134.634c-2.53223 4.82812 -7.5166 12.0625 -11.127 16.1475c-1.85449 2.09961 -1.91309 5.21484 -0.263672 7.48047c13.4395 18.4746 21.3799 41.1953 21.3799 65.7383c0 63.2207 -52.6533 114.375 -116.41 111.915 c-57.7314 -2.22852 -104.689 -48.7236 -107.458 -106.433c-1.27832 -26.6367 6.8125 -51.377 21.248 -71.2207c1.64844 -2.26562 1.5918 -5.38086 -0.262695 -7.48047c-3.61035 -4.08496 -8.59473 -11.3174 -11.126 -16.1455 c-2.00293 -3.81543 -7.25 -4.42188 -9.96094 -1.07129c-20.0215 24.7354 -32.0303 56.208 -32.0303 90.4355c0 79.7949 65.2383 144.638 145.178 143.995c77.583 -0.624023 141.19 -63.4004 142.79 -140.969c0.730469 -35.3584 -11.3613 -67.9268 -31.9277 -93.377 c-2.73828 -3.38867 -8.00391 -2.87305 -10.0293 0.984375zM224 448c123.814 0 224 -100.204 224 -224c0 -82.75 -44.3926 -152.922 -107.601 -191.484c-4.32227 -2.63672 -9.77344 0.932617 -9.0752 5.94727c1.24414 8.94336 2.31055 17.7383 3.10938 26.0352 c0.146484 1.49023 1.25 3.41309 2.46289 4.29199c47.9111 34.9453 79.1035 91.502 79.1035 155.21c0 107.21 -88.3262 194.178 -196.032 191.958c-103.616 -2.13477 -187.328 -87.123 -187.964 -190.76c-0.393555 -64.1973 30.8887 -121.245 79.1016 -156.409 c1.21191 -0.878906 2.31445 -2.80078 2.46094 -4.29102c0.798828 -8.29688 1.86621 -17.0938 3.11035 -26.0381c0.697266 -5.01465 -4.75391 -8.58203 -9.07812 -5.94531c-63.834 38.9326 -107.599 109.482 -107.599 191.485c0 123.815 100.206 224 224 224zM288 92.25 c0 -32.9492 -12.8711 -104.179 -20.5713 -132.813c-5.14258 -19.0098 -24.5703 -23.4365 -43.4287 -23.4365c-18.8574 0 -38.2861 4.42676 -43.4277 23.4385c-7.64551 28.4277 -20.5723 99.6631 -20.5723 132.812c0 35.1562 31.1416 43.75 64 43.75s64 -8.59375 64 -43.75z M256 92.25c0 16.3174 -64 16.2998 -64 0c0 -27.6768 11.4805 -93.8047 19.0098 -122.747c6.03809 -2.0166 19.9482 -2.01562 25.9814 0c7.52148 28.8965 19.0088 95.0605 19.0088 122.747zM288 224c0 -35.3457 -28.6543 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6543 -64 64s28.6543 64 64 64 s64 -28.6543 64 -64zM256 224c0 17.6445 -14.3555 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3555 -32 -32s14.3555 -32 32 -32s32 14.3555 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="window-maximize" unicode="&#xf2d0;" d="M464 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416zM480 16v240h-448v-240c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h416c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM32 288h448v80c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-416 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="window-restore" unicode="&#xf2d2;" d="M464 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-320c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-48v-48c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-320c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v48c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320zM32 304v-80h352v80c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-320 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM384 -16v208h-352v-208c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h320c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM480 80v320c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-320c-8.7998 0 -16 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2.68848 -6 6v6h-18c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v12c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h18v6c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6zM30 264h42v-48h-42c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v6h-18c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v12 c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h18v6c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6zM30 360h42v-48h-42c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v6h-18c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v12c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h18v6c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="utensils-alt" unicode="&#xf2e6;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M0 388c0 52.2998 62.5996 79.4004 100.8 43.9004l192 -178.2l11.2002 10.2998c-12.5996 40 -6 78.2002 26.0996 110.3c20.9004 20.9004 79.7002 61.7998 87.1006 66.9004c28 19.7002 66.7002 -6.40039 70.5996 -37.4004c20.2998 -2.5 41.1006 -21.8994 43.9004 -44 c30.0996 -3.7998 57.5 -42.0996 37.3994 -70.5996c-5.09961 -7.40039 -45.8994 -66.2002 -66.7998 -87.1006c-33.2002 -33.0996 -71.5 -38.1992 -110.3 -26.0996l-7.2002 -7.7002l108.101 -100.3c24.7998 -23.0996 25.6992 -62.2998 1.59961 -86.4004l-28 -28 c-24.2998 -24.2998 -63.2998 -23 -86.2002 1.40039c-0.899414 0.900391 6 -7.2002 -90.2998 106.3l-93.0996 -105.1c-22.7002 -25.7002 -62.7002 -27.2002 -87.3008 -2.60059l-28 28c-24.3994 24.3008 -23.1992 64.4004 2.60059 87.3008l104.399 92.5996 c-118.8 10.7002 -188.6 83.5996 -188.6 226.5zM379.7 210.8c32.7002 -18.5996 70.3994 -15.5996 100 13.7998c19.5996 19.7002 63.2998 82.9004 63.2998 82.9004c5.5 7.59961 -12.2998 25.2002 -19.7002 19.4004l-80.8994 -80.9004c-8.30078 -7 -26.4004 11 -19.8008 19.5 l76.4004 86.0996c5.40039 7.5 -12.0996 24.9004 -19.5 19.5l-86.0996 -76.3994c-8.5 -6.7002 -26.4004 11.5 -19.4004 19.7002l81 80.8994c5.7002 7.40039 -11.7998 25.2002 -19.4004 19.7002c0 0 -63.2998 -43.7002 -82.7998 -63.2998 c-29.2998 -29.2998 -32.7002 -67 -13.8994 -100l-22.5 -19.9004l44.8994 -41.7002zM218.7 145.3l-113.3 -100.3c-12 -10.7002 -12.6006 -29.4004 -1.2002 -40.7998l28 -28c11.5 -11.5 30.0996 -10.7998 40.7998 1.2002l96.0996 108.6zM32 388c0 -117.2 49 -196 189 -196 l182.6 -215.2c10.8008 -11.5 29 -11.7998 40.2002 -0.599609l28 28c11.2998 11.2002 10.9004 29.5 -0.700195 40.2998l-392 364c-18 16.7002 -47.0996 3.90039 -47.0996 -20.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="utensils" unicode="&#xf2e7;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M344.1 -22.2998l14.2002 164.8c-42.0996 33.0996 -70.3994 77 -70.3994 129.5c0.0996094 94.2998 88.1992 176 152.1 176c22.0996 0 40 -17.2998 40 -38.5v-435c0 -21.2002 -17.9004 -38.5 -40 -38.5h-56c-22.7998 0 -41.7998 18.7002 -39.9004 41.7002zM320 272 c0 -51 32.2002 -85.5 71.7998 -114.5l-15.7998 -182.6c-0.299805 -3.7002 3.40039 -6.90039 8 -6.90039h56c4.2998 0 8 3 8 6.5v435c0 3.5 -3.7002 6.5 -8 6.5c-44.5996 0 -120 -65.7998 -120 -144zM240.7 414.2c1.7998 -9.40039 15.2998 -84.6006 15.2998 -116.101 c0 -50.8994 -26.7998 -91.5996 -71 -110.699l11.4004 -210.801c1.19922 -22.0996 -16.4004 -40.5996 -38.4004 -40.5996h-60c-22.0996 0 -39.5996 18.5996 -38.4004 40.5996l11.4004 210.801c-44.2998 19.0996 -71 59.7998 -71 110.699c0 31.5 13.5 106.7 15.2998 116.101 c3.2998 19.2998 20.9004 33.7998 46.1006 33.7998c11.8994 0 24.0996 -3.40039 33.2998 -11.2002c8.39941 7.10059 20 11.2002 33.2998 11.2002s24.9004 -4.09961 33.2998 -11.2002c9.2002 7.7998 21.4004 11.2002 33.2998 11.2002 c24.9004 0 42.8008 -14.2998 46.1006 -33.7998zM152.3 208c42.6006 8.7998 71.7002 43.2002 71.6006 90c0 29.7002 -14.8008 110.6 -14.8008 110.6c-1.59961 9.90039 -28.2998 9.7002 -29.5 -0.199219v-122.4c-0.899414 -11.4004 -28.1992 -11.5996 -29.5 -0.200195 l-7.39941 122.9c-1.60059 9.7002 -27.9004 9.7002 -29.5 0l-7.40039 -122.9c-1.2998 -11.5 -28.5996 -11.2998 -29.5 0.200195v122.5c-1.2002 9.90039 -27.8994 10.0996 -29.5 0.200195c0 0 -14.7998 -80.9004 -14.7998 -110.601 c0 -47.0996 29.2998 -81.2998 71.7002 -90.0996l-12.2002 -233.1c-0.200195 -3.80078 2.7998 -6.90039 6.5 -6.90039h60c3.7998 0 6.7002 3.2002 6.5 6.90039z" /> <glyph glyph-name="undo-alt" unicode="&#xf2ea;" d="M256.2 440c136.6 -0.0996094 248.1 -111.8 247.8 -248.5s-111.2 -247.5 -248 -247.5c-63.9004 0 -122.2 24.2002 -166.2 63.9004c-5.09961 4.59961 -5.39941 12.5 -0.5 17.3994l7.10059 7.10059c4.5 4.5 11.7998 4.7998 16.5 0.5 c38.8994 -35.1006 89.3994 -54.9004 143.1 -54.9004c118 0 214 95.5996 214 214c0 118 -95.5996 214 -214 214c-46.5 0 -90.7002 -14.9004 -127 -41.7002l53.5996 -53.7002c20.1006 -20.0996 5.90039 -54.5996 -22.5996 -54.5996h-128c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128 c0 28.5 34.5996 42.7002 54.5996 22.5996l50.1006 -50.0996c42 32.2998 94.5 51.5 151.5 51.5zM160 288l-128 128v-128h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="times-octagon" unicode="&#xf2f0;" d="M361.5 433.9l136.5 -136.5c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -33.9004v-143c0 -12.7002 -5.09961 -24.9004 -14.0996 -33.9004l-136.5 -136.5c-9 -9 -21.2002 -14.0996 -33.9004 -14.0996h-143.1c-12.7002 0 -24.9004 5.09961 -33.9004 14.0996l-136.5 136.5 c-9 9 -14.0996 21.2002 -14.0996 33.9004v143.1c0 12.7002 5.09961 24.9004 14.0996 33.9004l136.5 136.4c9 9 21.2002 14.0996 33.9004 14.0996h143.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM480 120.5v143c0 4.2998 -1.7002 8.2998 -4.7002 11.2998l-136.5 136.5 c-3 3 -7 4.7002 -11.2998 4.7002h-143.1c-4.30078 0 -8.30078 -1.7002 -11.3008 -4.7002l-136.399 -136.5c-3 -3 -4.7002 -7 -4.7002 -11.2998v-143.1c0 -4.30078 1.7002 -8.30078 4.7002 -11.3008l136.5 -136.399c3 -3 7 -4.7002 11.2998 -4.7002h143.1 c4.30078 0 8.30078 1.7002 11.3008 4.7002l136.399 136.5c3 3 4.7002 7 4.7002 11.2998zM350.8 105.7l-8.5 -8.5c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-69.2998 69.2998l-69.2998 -69.2998c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-8.5 8.5 c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l69.2998 69.2998l-69.2998 69.2998c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l8.5 8.5c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l69.2998 -69.2998l69.2998 69.2998c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l8.5 -8.5 c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-69.2998 -69.2998l69.2998 -69.2998c4.60059 -4.7002 4.60059 -12.2998 0 -17z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sync-alt" unicode="&#xf2f1;" d="M457.373 438.613c20.0625 20.0625 54.627 5.84668 54.627 -22.6279v-127.985c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32h-127.968c-28.4824 0 -42.7275 34.5283 -22.627 54.6279l53.6143 53.6221c-35.5322 26.2383 -79.4658 41.75 -127.02 41.75 c-114.611 0 -207.841 -89.9131 -213.707 -202.707c-0.330078 -6.34375 -5.625 -11.293 -11.9766 -11.293h-10.0156c-6.82617 0 -12.3301 5.68945 -11.9912 12.5068c6.51465 131.155 114.918 235.493 247.69 235.493c56.9531 0 109.411 -19.2109 151.278 -51.4893zM480 288 v128l-128 -128h128zM491.699 192c6.82617 0 12.3301 -5.68945 11.9912 -12.5068c-6.51465 -131.155 -114.917 -235.493 -247.69 -235.493c-56.9541 0 -109.413 19.2119 -151.281 51.4912l-50.0918 -50.0967c-20.0117 -20.0137 -54.627 -5.98633 -54.627 22.6279v127.978 c0 17.6729 14.3271 32 32 32h127.969c28.4824 0 42.7266 -34.5273 22.627 -54.627l-53.6113 -53.6162c35.5479 -26.248 79.4902 -41.7568 127.016 -41.7568c114.504 0 207.84 89.7969 213.708 202.707c0.330078 6.34375 5.62402 11.293 11.9766 11.293h10.0146zM32 -32 l128 128h-128v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sign-out-alt" unicode="&#xf2f5;" d="M160 230.9v-77.7002c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h144v-93.9004c0 -7.2002 8.59961 -10.7002 13.5996 -5.7002l141.601 143.101c6.2998 6.2998 6.2998 16.3994 0 22.7002l-141.601 143.1c-5 5 -13.5996 1.40039 -13.5996 -5.7002v-93.8994h-144 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM128 230.9c0 26.3994 21.5 48 48 48h112v61.8994c0 35.6006 43.0996 53.4004 68.2002 28.2998l141.7 -143.1c18.7998 -18.7998 18.7998 -49.2002 0 -68l-141.7 -143c-25.2002 -25.2002 -68.2002 -7.2002 -68.2002 28.2998v61.9004h-112 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v77.7002zM0 336c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h132c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-132c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h132c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-132c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sign-in-alt" unicode="&#xf2f6;" d="M32 230.9v-77.7002c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h144v-93.9004c0 -7.2002 8.59961 -10.7002 13.5996 -5.7002l141.601 143.101c6.2998 6.2998 6.2998 16.3994 0 22.7002l-141.601 143.1c-5 5 -13.5996 1.40039 -13.5996 -5.7002v-93.8994h-144 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM0 230.9c0 26.3994 21.5 48 48 48h112v61.8994c0 35.6006 43.0996 53.4004 68.2002 28.2998l141.7 -143.1c18.7998 -18.7998 18.7998 -49.2002 0 -68l-141.7 -143c-25.2002 -25.2002 -68.2002 -7.2002 -68.2002 28.2998v61.9004h-112 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v77.7002zM512 48c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-132c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h132c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v288c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-132c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12 h132c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shield-check" unicode="&#xf2f7;" d="M466.5 364.3c17.7998 -7.39941 29.5 -24.8994 29.5 -44.2998c0 -221.3 -135.9 -344.6 -221.6 -380.3c-11.8008 -4.90039 -25.1006 -4.90039 -36.9004 0c-107 44.5996 -221.5 181.8 -221.5 380.3c0 19.4004 11.7002 36.9004 29.5996 44.2998l192 80 c4.89062 2.0293 13.1562 3.6748 18.4502 3.6748c5.29492 0 13.5596 -1.64551 18.4502 -3.6748zM262.2 -30.7998c97.7998 38.7998 201.8 174.8 201.7 350.8c0.0996094 6.5 -3.80078 12.2998 -9.80078 14.7998l-192 80c-3.89941 1.60059 -8.39941 1.60059 -12.2998 0l-192 -80 c-5.89941 -2.5 -9.7998 -8.2998 -9.7998 -14.7998c0 -176 104 -312 201.9 -350.8c3.89941 -1.60059 8.2998 -1.60059 12.2998 0zM398.4 294.2l8.5 -8.60059c4.59961 -4.69922 4.59961 -12.2998 -0.100586 -17l-180.5 -179c-4.7002 -4.59961 -12.2998 -4.59961 -17 0.100586 l-85.8994 86.5996c-4.60059 4.7002 -4.60059 12.2998 0.0996094 17l8.5 8.5c4.7002 4.60059 12.2998 4.60059 17 -0.0996094l69 -69.5l163.4 162.1c4.69922 4.60059 12.2998 4.60059 17 -0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="redo-alt" unicode="&#xf2f9;" d="M457.4 438.6c20 20.1006 54.5996 5.90039 54.5996 -22.5996v-127.9c0 -17.6992 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-128c-28.5 0 -42.7002 34.5 -22.5996 54.6006l53.5996 53.5996c-36.2998 26.7998 -80.5 41.7002 -127 41.7002c-118.4 0 -214 -96 -214 -214 c0 -118.4 96 -214 214 -214c53.7002 0 104.1 19.7998 143.1 54.9004c4.80078 4.19922 12 4 16.5 -0.5l7.10059 -7.10059c4.89941 -4.7998 4.59961 -12.7998 -0.5 -17.3994c-44 -39.7002 -102.3 -63.9004 -166.2 -63.9004c-136.8 0 -247.7 110.8 -248 247.5 s111.2 248.4 247.8 248.5c57 0 109.601 -19.2002 151.5 -51.5zM480 288v128l-128 -128h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="question-square" unicode="&#xf2fd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h352c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM224 108c15.4639 0 28 -12.5361 28 -28s-12.5361 -28 -28 -28s-28 12.5361 -28 28s12.5361 28 28 28zM231.67 132h-16c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v0.380859c0 70.3428 77.4404 63.6191 77.4404 107.408 c0 20.0156 -17.7617 40.2109 -57.4404 40.2109c-29.1436 0 -44.2646 -9.64941 -59.2109 -28.6924c-3.9082 -4.97949 -11.0537 -5.99414 -16.248 -2.37598l-13.1338 9.15039c-5.625 3.91895 -6.86035 11.7705 -2.64551 17.1768 c21.2266 27.2275 46.4102 44.7412 91.2383 44.7412c52.3203 0 97.4404 -29.751 97.4404 -80.2109c0 -67.4141 -77.4404 -63.8486 -77.4404 -107.408v-0.380859c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plus-octagon" unicode="&#xf301;" d="M361.5 433.9l136.5 -136.5c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -33.9004v-143c0 -12.7002 -5.09961 -24.9004 -14.0996 -33.9004l-136.5 -136.5c-9 -9 -21.2002 -14.0996 -33.9004 -14.0996h-143.1c-12.7002 0 -24.9004 5.09961 -33.9004 14.0996l-136.5 136.5 c-9 9 -14.0996 21.2002 -14.0996 33.9004v143.1c0 12.7002 5.09961 24.9004 14.0996 33.9004l136.5 136.4c9 9 21.2002 14.0996 33.9004 14.0996h143.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM480 120.5v143c0 4.2998 -1.7002 8.2998 -4.7002 11.2998l-136.5 136.5 c-3 3 -7 4.7002 -11.2998 4.7002h-143.1c-4.30078 0 -8.30078 -1.7002 -11.3008 -4.7002l-136.399 -136.5c-3 -3 -4.7002 -7 -4.7002 -11.2998v-143.1c0 -4.30078 1.7002 -8.30078 4.7002 -11.3008l136.5 -136.399c3 -3 7 -4.7002 11.2998 -4.7002h143.1 c4.30078 0 8.30078 1.7002 11.3008 4.7002l136.399 136.5c3 3 4.7002 7 4.7002 11.2998zM384 198v-12c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-98v-98c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-12c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v98h-98c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v12 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h98v98c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h12c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-98h98c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pencil-alt" unicode="&#xf303;" d="M493.255 391.764c24.9932 -24.9922 24.9932 -65.5156 0.000976562 -90.5098l-352.417 -352.417l-114.184 -12.6865c-15.2842 -1.69922 -28.2021 11.2178 -26.5039 26.5039l12.6865 114.184l352.417 352.416c24.9951 24.9941 65.5176 24.9932 90.5098 0zM164.686 100.687 c-6.24902 6.24805 -6.24902 16.3789 0 22.627l180.688 180.687l-30.0586 30.0586l-224.06 -224.059h34.7451v-48h48v-34.7451l224.059 224.06l-30.0586 30.0586l-180.687 -180.687c-6.24805 -6.24707 -16.3789 -6.24805 -22.6279 0zM126.147 -20.5977l19.8525 19.8525 v34.7451h-48v48h-34.7451l-19.8525 -19.8525l-6.55566 -58.9951l30.3057 -30.3057zM470.627 323.882c12.5068 12.5078 12.5059 32.749 0 45.2549l-37.4902 37.4902c-12.5068 12.5068 -32.75 12.5049 -45.2549 0l-49.9404 -49.9414l82.7441 -82.7441z" /> <glyph glyph-name="minus-octagon" unicode="&#xf308;" d="M361.5 433.9l136.5 -136.5c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -33.9004v-143c0 -12.7002 -5.09961 -24.9004 -14.0996 -33.9004l-136.5 -136.5c-9 -9 -21.2002 -14.0996 -33.9004 -14.0996h-143.1c-12.7002 0 -24.9004 5.09961 -33.9004 14.0996l-136.5 136.5 c-9 9 -14.0996 21.2002 -14.0996 33.9004v143.1c0 12.7002 5.09961 24.9004 14.0996 33.9004l136.5 136.4c9 9 21.2002 14.0996 33.9004 14.0996h143.1c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996zM480 120.5v143c0 4.2998 -1.7002 8.2998 -4.7002 11.2998l-136.5 136.5 c-3 3 -7 4.7002 -11.2998 4.7002h-143.1c-4.30078 0 -8.30078 -1.7002 -11.3008 -4.7002l-136.399 -136.5c-3 -3 -4.7002 -7 -4.7002 -11.2998v-143.1c0 -4.30078 1.7002 -8.30078 4.7002 -11.3008l136.5 -136.399c3 -3 7 -4.7002 11.2998 -4.7002h143.1 c4.30078 0 8.30078 1.7002 11.3008 4.7002l136.399 136.5c3 3 4.7002 7 4.7002 11.2998zM140 174c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v12c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h232c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-12c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-232z" /> <glyph 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-12 5.37305 -12 12v10c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h276 v78.3506zM416 192l-96 96v-192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-alt-up" unicode="&#xf30c;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M32.6494 256c-29.499 0 -43.209 34.6504 -23.2324 54.627l95.9551 96c12.498 12.4971 32.7578 12.4961 45.2549 0l95.9521 -96c20.0371 -20.0361 6.15723 -54.627 -23.2314 -54.627h-78.3477v-276c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-10c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12 v276h-78.3506zM128 384l-96 -96h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lock-alt" unicode="&#xf30d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 28c-11 0 -20 9 -20 20v64c0 11 9 20 20 20s20 -9 20 -20v-64c0 -11 -9 -20 -20 -20zM448 176v-192c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16v64c0 88.4004 72 160.3 160.5 160 c88.4004 -0.299805 159.5 -73.0996 159.5 -161.5v-62.5h16c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM96 224h256v64c0 70.5996 -57.4004 128 -128 128s-128 -57.4004 -128 -128v-64zM416 -16v192c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-192 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 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-71.1904 162.15c-30.1797 28.46 -79.8096 28.8799 -110.619 1.05957l-11 -9.89941l-10.75 10.2002 c-14.5 13.7598 -31.6602 20.46 -52.4404 20.46s-37.9404 -6.7002 -52.4404 -20.46l-10.75 -10.2002l-11 9.89941c-30.8691 27.8506 -80.5 27.3506 -110.619 -1.0498c-45.9102 -43.3096 -71.1904 -100.89 -71.1904 -162.16c0 -61.2695 25.2803 -118.85 71.1904 -162.14 c30.1494 -28.4102 79.7793 -28.8701 110.619 -1.05957l11 9.89941l10.75 -10.2002c14.5 -13.7598 31.6602 -20.46 52.4404 -20.46s37.9404 6.7002 52.4404 20.46l10.75 10.2002l11 -9.89941c30.8398 -27.8105 80.46 -27.3604 110.619 1.05957zM474.47 169.07 c10.8105 -8.60059 14.9404 -22.6602 10.4902 -35.8008c-5.46973 -16.1992 -12.2197 -30.0293 -20.6904 -42.3398c-17.6191 -25.25 -42.5898 -44.46 -74.3096 -57.1797l-21.9697 -8.80957v31.1494h-32v-36.8398l-14.4404 -1.41016 c-10.7803 -1.0498 -21.8701 -1.75 -33.5596 -1.75c-81.1201 0 -141.94 25.6504 -175.78 74.1699c-8.70996 12.7207 -15.5898 26.7207 -21.0898 42.9004c-4.44043 13.1602 -0.339844 27.2197 10.4697 35.8398c10.5303 8.38965 24.8105 9.36035 36.2803 2.30957 c17.25 -10.5498 36.5996 -19.3291 59.1602 -26.8096l10.9697 -3.63965v-36.79h32v29.2295l17.6602 -1.85938c64.5 -6.75 127.12 7.16992 180.53 39.8994c11.4697 7.00977 25.6592 6.12012 36.2793 -2.26953zM454.66 143.47l0.290039 0.600586 c-54.6602 -33.4902 -120.09 -50.8506 -183.5 -46.0703c-2.87988 -14.75 -15.8799 -25.9199 -31.4404 -25.9199h-32c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3496 -32 31.9902v13.8701c-20.3398 7.43945 -38.3701 16.0098 -54.8096 26.0898c4.78027 -13.9707 10.3701 -25.4102 17.3398 -35.5605 c27.5303 -39.4697 79.25 -60.3896 149.47 -60.3896c5.4707 0 10.7803 0.169922 16 0.469727v7.53027c0 17.6299 14.3398 31.9902 32 31.9902h32c11.9004 0 22.3105 -6.54004 27.8398 -16.2305c17.4307 9.69043 31.5605 22.1699 42.1201 37.3105 c6.7207 9.72949 12.1904 20.9893 16.6904 34.3193zM249.15 192.05l-82.3008 0.0205078c-2.84961 0 -4.85938 1.10938 -6 3.33008c-1.13965 2.21973 -1.13965 4.42969 0 6.65918l41.1504 66.6504c1.13965 2.21973 3 3.33008 5.57031 3.33008 c2.56934 0 4.71973 -1.09961 6.42969 -3.33008l41.1504 -66.6699c1.13965 -2.21973 1.13965 -4.44043 0 -6.66016c-1.14062 -2.21973 -3.15039 -3.33008 -6 -3.33008zM409.15 192.05l-82.3008 0.0205078c-2.84961 0 -4.85938 1.10938 -6 3.33008 c-1.13965 2.21973 -1.13965 4.42969 0 6.65918l41.1504 66.6504c1.13965 2.21973 3 3.33008 5.57031 3.33008c2.56934 0 4.71973 -1.09961 6.42969 -3.33008l41.1504 -66.6699c1.13965 -2.21973 1.13965 -4.44043 0 -6.66016 c-1.14062 -2.21973 -3.15039 -3.33008 -6 -3.33008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="info-square" unicode="&#xf30f;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.82227 -7.17773 16 -16 16h-352c-8.82227 0 -16 -7.17773 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.82227 7.17773 -16 16 -16h352c8.82227 0 16 7.17773 16 16zM188 96h12v120h-12c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h48c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-140h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12zM224 336c17.6729 0 32 -14.3271 32 -32s-14.3271 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3271 -32 32s14.3271 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="expand-arrows" unicode="&#xf31d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M447.7 84l0.299805 -104c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12l-104 0.299805c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v10c0 6.60059 5.40039 12 12 12l58 -0.299805l0.700195 0.700195l-166.7 166.7l-166.7 -166.7l0.700195 -0.700195l58 0.299805c6.59961 0 12 -5.39941 12 -12v-10 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12l-104 -0.299805c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12l0.299805 104c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h10c6.60059 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12l-0.299805 -58l0.700195 -0.700195l166.7 166.7l-166.7 166.7l-0.700195 -0.700195l0.299805 -58 c0 -6.59961 -5.39941 -12 -12 -12h-10c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12l-0.299805 104c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12l104 -0.299805c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-10c0 -6.60059 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12l-58 0.299805l-0.700195 -0.700195l166.7 -166.7l166.7 166.7 l-0.700195 0.700195l-58 -0.299805c-6.59961 0 -12 5.39941 -12 12v10c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12l104 0.299805c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12l-0.299805 -104c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-10c-6.60059 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12l0.299805 58l-0.700195 0.700195 l-166.7 -166.7l166.7 -166.7l0.700195 0.700195l-0.299805 58c0 6.59961 5.39941 12 12 12h10c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="expand-wide" unicode="&#xf320;" d="M0 236v124c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h124c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-116v-116c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12zM364 384h124c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-124 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v116h-116c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12zM512 148v-124c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-124c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h116v116 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM148 0h-124c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v124c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-116h116c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="exclamation-square" unicode="&#xf321;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M219.5 128c-6.40039 0 -11.7002 5.09961 -12 11.5l-7 168c-0.299805 6.7998 5.2002 12.5 12 12.5h23c6.7998 0 12.2998 -5.7002 12 -12.5l-7 -168c-0.299805 -6.40039 -5.59961 -11.5 -12 -11.5h-9zM400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM224 108c15.5 0 28 -12.5 28 -28s-12.5 -28 -28 -28 s-28 12.5 -28 28s12.5 28 28 28z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-double-down" unicode="&#xf322;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M443.5 349.5l-211 -211.1c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-211 211.1c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0l195.4 -195.5l195.5 195.4c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961 c4.60059 -4.60059 4.60059 -12.2002 -0.0996094 -16.9004zM443.5 238.5c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 -0.0996094 -17.0996l-211 -211.101c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-211 211.101c-4.7002 4.69922 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961 c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l195.5 -195.4l195.4 195.5c4.69922 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-double-up" unicode="&#xf325;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M4.5 34.5l211 211.1c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l211 -211.1c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-195.4 195.5l-195.5 -195.4c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-7.09961 7.09961 c-4.60059 4.60059 -4.60059 12.2002 0.0996094 16.9004zM4.5 145.5c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l211.1 211.1c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0l211 -211.1c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0 l-195.5 195.5l-195.4 -195.5c-4.69922 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="compress-wide" unicode="&#xf326;" d="M500 224h-124c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v124c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-116h116c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12zM160 248c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-124 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h116v116c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-124zM160 12c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v116h-116c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h124c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-124zM384 12c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v124c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h124c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-116v-116z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard" unicode="&#xf328;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h88.5996c-0.399414 2.59961 -0.599609 5.2998 -0.599609 8c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56s56 -25.0996 56 -56 c0 -2.7002 -0.200195 -5.40039 -0.599609 -8h88.5996zM192 416c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM352 -16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-48v-20c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v20h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h288c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-square-down" unicode="&#xf329;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM215.5 112.4l-115 115.1c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0l99.4004 -99.5996l99.5 99.5c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.3008 0 -17 l-115 -115.101c-4.7998 -4.5 -12.3994 -4.5 -17.0996 0.100586z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-square-left" unicode="&#xf32a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352zM48 0h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16zM144.4 200.5l115.1 115c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.3008 0 -17l-99.5996 -99.4004l99.5 -99.5c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961 c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-115.101 115c-4.5 4.7998 -4.5 12.3994 0.100586 17.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-square-right" unicode="&#xf32b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 368c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352zM400 384h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352 c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16zM303.6 183.5l-115.1 -115c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-7.09961 7.09961c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.3008 0 17l99.5996 99.4004l-99.5 99.5c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961 c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0l115.101 -115c4.5 -4.7998 4.5 -12.3994 -0.100586 -17.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-square-up" unicode="&#xf32c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M48 -32c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352zM32 368v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM232.5 271.6l115 -115.1c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-99.4004 99.5996l-99.5 -99.5c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-7.09961 7.09961 c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.3008 0 17l115 115.101c4.7998 4.5 12.3994 4.5 17.0996 -0.100586z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-circle-down" unicode="&#xf32d;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM472 192c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216zM352 224h-192l96 -96zM160 256 h192.1c28.5 0 42.7002 -34.5 22.6006 -54.5996l-96 -96c-12.5 -12.5 -32.7998 -12.5 -45.2998 0l-96 96c-20.2002 20.0996 -5.80078 54.5996 22.5996 54.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-circle-left" unicode="&#xf32e;" d="M504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM256 -24c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216zM288 96v192l-96 -96zM320 288 v-192.1c0 -28.5 -34.5 -42.7002 -54.5996 -22.6006l-96 96c-12.5 12.5 -12.5 32.7998 0 45.2998l96 96c20.0996 20.2002 54.5996 5.80078 54.5996 -22.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-circle-right" unicode="&#xf330;" d="M8 192c0 137 111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248zM256 408c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216zM224 288v-192l96 96zM192 96v192.1 c0 28.5 34.5 42.7002 54.5996 22.6006l96 -96c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7998 0 -45.2998l-96 -96c-20.0996 -20.2002 -54.5996 -5.80078 -54.5996 22.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="caret-circle-up" unicode="&#xf331;" d="M256 -56c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248zM40 192c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216zM160 160h192l-96 96zM352 128 h-192.1c-28.5 0 -42.7002 34.5 -22.6006 54.5996l96 96c12.5 12.5 32.7998 12.5 45.2998 0l96 -96c20.2002 -20.0996 5.80078 -54.5996 -22.5996 -54.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="camera-alt" unicode="&#xf332;" d="M256 40c-66.2002 0 -120 53.7998 -120 120s53.7998 120 120 120s120 -53.7998 120 -120s-53.7998 -120 -120 -120zM256 248c-48.5 0 -88 -39.5 -88 -88s39.5 -88 88 -88s88 39.5 88 88s-39.5 88 -88 88zM224 160c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16 c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32zM324.3 384h-131c-6.7002 0 -12.7002 -4.2002 -15 -10.4004l-20.0996 -53.5996h-110.2c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h416 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v288c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-110.1l-22.1006 58.7998c-1.2002 3.10059 -4.2002 5.2002 -7.5 5.2002zM324.3 416c16.7002 0 31.6006 -10.2998 37.4004 -26l14.2998 -38h88c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h88l12.4004 32.9004c7 18.6992 24.8994 31.0996 44.8994 31.0996h131z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge-check" unicode="&#xf336;" d="M345.34 265.54l11.2998 -11.3096c3.12012 -3.12012 3.12012 -8.19043 0 -11.3105l-124.449 -124.45c-1.56055 -1.55957 -3.60059 -2.33984 -5.65039 -2.33984s-4.09961 0.780273 -5.66016 2.33984l-65.54 65.54c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.19043 0 11.3105 l11.3105 11.3096c1.55957 1.56055 3.60938 2.33984 5.65918 2.33984h0.0146484c1.82617 0 4.35547 -1.04785 5.64551 -2.33984l48.5703 -48.5703l107.479 107.48c1.56055 1.55957 3.61035 2.33984 5.66016 2.33984h0.0146484c1.82617 0 4.35547 -1.04785 5.64551 -2.33984z M512 192c0 -35.5 -19.4004 -68.2002 -49.5996 -85.5c9.09961 -33.5996 -0.300781 -70.4004 -25.4004 -95.5c-26.0996 -26.0996 -62.7998 -34.2998 -95.5 -25.4004c-17.4004 -30.1992 -50 -49.5996 -85.5 -49.5996s-68.0996 19.4004 -85.5 49.5996 c-32.0996 -8.69922 -69 -1.09961 -95.5 25.4004c-25.0996 25.0996 -34.5 61.9004 -25.4004 95.5c-30.1992 17.2998 -49.5996 50 -49.5996 85.5s19.4004 68.2002 49.5996 85.5c-9.09961 33.5996 0.300781 70.4004 25.4004 95.5s61.9004 34.5 95.5 25.4004 c17.2998 30.1992 50 49.5996 85.5 49.5996s68.2002 -19.4004 85.5 -49.5996c33.5996 9.09961 70.4004 -0.300781 95.5 -25.4004s34.5 -61.9004 25.4004 -95.5c30.1992 -17.2998 49.5996 -50 49.5996 -85.5zM420.9 123.7c9.59961 3.59961 59.0996 16.2002 59.0996 68.2998 c0 51 -47 63.7002 -59.0996 68.2998c4.39941 9.60059 30.2998 53.4004 -6.5 90.1006c-36 36 -78.3008 11.7998 -90.1006 6.5c-3.59961 9.59961 -16.2002 59.0996 -68.2998 59.0996c-51 0 -63.7002 -47 -68.2998 -59.0996c-9.2998 4.19922 -53.2998 30.3994 -90.1006 -6.5 c-36 -36 -11.7998 -78.3008 -6.5 -90.1006c-9.59961 -3.59961 -59.0996 -16.2002 -59.0996 -68.2998c0 -51 47 -63.7002 59.0996 -68.2998c-4.39941 -9.60059 -30.2998 -53.4004 6.5 -90.1006c28.8008 -28.6992 57.5 -21.2998 90.1006 -6.5 c3.59961 -9.59961 16.2002 -59.0996 68.2998 -59.0996c51 0 63.7002 47 68.2998 59.0996c32.6006 -14.7998 61.2002 -22.3994 90.1006 6.5c36 36 11.7998 78.3008 6.5 90.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrows-alt-h" unicode="&#xf337;" d="M502.6 214.6c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.6992 0 -45.2998l-64 -64c-20.0996 -20.2002 -54.5996 -5.7998 -54.5996 22.6006v47h-256v-47c0 -28.5 -34.5 -42.7002 -54.5996 -22.6006l-64 64c-12.5 12.5 -12.5 32.7998 0 45.2998l64 64 c20.0996 20.2002 54.5996 5.80078 54.5996 -22.5996v-47h256v47c0 28.5 34.5 42.7002 54.5996 22.5996zM100 128v128c0 3.5 -4.2998 5.2998 -6.7998 2.7998l-64 -64c-1.60059 -1.5 -1.60059 -4 0 -5.59961l64 -64c2.5 -2.60059 6.7998 -0.700195 6.7998 2.7998zM482.8 189.2 c1.60059 1.5 1.60059 4.09961 0 5.59961l-64 64c-2.5 2.60059 -6.7998 0.700195 -6.7998 -2.7998v-128c0 -3.5 4.2998 -5.2998 6.7998 -2.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-square-down" unicode="&#xf339;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M347.5 179.5l-115 -115.1c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-115 115.1c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l6.90039 6.90039c4.69922 4.69922 12.5 4.69922 17.0996 -0.200195l82.5 -85.6006v190.4c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h10 c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-190.3l82.5 85.5996c4.7002 4.7998 12.4004 4.90039 17.0996 0.200195l6.90039 -6.90039c4.7002 -4.7998 4.7002 -12.3994 0 -17.0996zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM416 368c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-square-left" unicode="&#xf33a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M211.5 68.5l-115.1 115c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l115.1 115c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l6.90039 -6.90039c4.69922 -4.69922 4.69922 -12.5 -0.200195 -17.0996l-85.5 -82.5h190.3c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-10 c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-190.3l85.5996 -82.5c4.7998 -4.7002 4.90039 -12.4004 0.200195 -17.0996l-6.90039 -6.90039c-4.7998 -4.7002 -12.3994 -4.7002 -17.0996 0zM400 -32h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48zM400 0c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-square-right" unicode="&#xf33b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M236.5 315.5l115.1 -115c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-115.1 -115c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-6.90039 6.90039c-4.69922 4.69922 -4.69922 12.5 0.200195 17.0996l85.6006 82.5h-190.4c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v10 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h190.3l-85.5996 82.5c-4.7998 4.7002 -4.90039 12.4004 -0.200195 17.0996l6.90039 6.90039c4.7998 4.7002 12.3994 4.7002 17.0996 0zM48 416h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352 c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48zM48 384c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-square-up" unicode="&#xf33c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M100.5 204.5l115 115.1c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l115 -115.1c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-6.90039 -6.90039c-4.69922 -4.69922 -12.5 -4.69922 -17.0996 0.200195l-82.5 85.5v-190.3c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-10 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v190.3l-82.5 -85.5996c-4.7002 -4.7998 -12.4004 -4.90039 -17.0996 -0.200195l-6.90039 6.90039c-4.7002 4.7998 -4.7002 12.3994 0 17.0996zM0 16v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48 h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48zM32 16c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-to-left" unicode="&#xf33e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M216 35.5l-148.5 148c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l148.5 148c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.3008 0 -17l-116 -115.4h311.9c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-10c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-311.9 l115.9 -115.4c4.7002 -4.69922 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.60059 -4.7002 -12.2002 -4.7002 -16.9004 0zM12 0c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8z " /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-to-right" unicode="&#xf340;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M215 348.5c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l148.6 -148c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 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16.9004 0zM12 0c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-from-right" unicode="&#xf344;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M152 35.5l-148.5 148c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l148.5 148c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961c4.7002 -4.7002 4.7002 -12.3008 0 -17l-116 -115.4h311.9c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-10c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-311.9 l115.9 -115.4c4.7002 -4.69922 4.7002 -12.2998 0 -17l-7.09961 -7.09961c-4.60059 -4.7002 -12.2002 -4.7002 -16.9004 0zM436 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12 h8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-from-top" unicode="&#xf345;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M348.5 120l-148 -148.5c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-148 148.5c-4.7002 4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 0 17l7.09961 7.09961c4.7002 4.7002 12.3008 4.7002 17 0l115.4 -116v311.9c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h10c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-311.9 l115.4 115.9c4.69922 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l7.09961 -7.09961c4.7002 -4.60059 4.7002 -12.2002 0 -16.9004zM0 404c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h360c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-from-bottom" unicode="&#xf346;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 -32h-360c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h360c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12zM153.1 64h77.7002c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v144h93.9004c7.09961 0 10.7002 8.59961 5.7002 13.5996 l-143.101 143.601c-6.2998 6.2998 -16.3994 6.2998 -22.7002 0l-143 -143.601c-5 -5 -1.5 -13.5996 5.7002 -13.5996h93.9004v-144c-0.100586 -8.7998 7.09961 -16 15.8994 -16zM153.1 32c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v112h-61.7998 c-35.5996 0 -53.3994 43.0996 -28.2998 68.2002l143 143.6c18.7998 18.7998 49.2002 18.7998 68 0l143.1 -143.5c25.2002 -25.2002 7.2002 -68.2002 -28.2998 -68.2002h-61.8994v-112c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-77.8008v-0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-from-left" unicode="&#xf347;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12zM96 230.9v-77.7002c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h144v-93.9004c0 -7.09961 8.59961 -10.7002 13.5996 -5.7002 l141.601 143.101c6.2998 6.2998 6.2998 16.3994 0 22.7002l-141.601 143c-5 5 -13.5996 1.5 -13.5996 -5.7002v-93.9004h-144c-8.7998 0.100586 -16 -7.09961 -16 -15.8994zM64 230.9c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h112v61.8994c0 35.6006 43.0996 53.4004 68.2002 28.2998 l141.7 -143.1c18.7998 -18.7998 18.7998 -49.2002 0 -68l-141.7 -143.1c-25.2002 -25.2002 -68.2002 -7.2002 -68.2002 28.2998v61.8994h-112c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v77.8008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-from-right" unicode="&#xf348;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 372v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM352 153.1v77.7002c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-144v93.9004c0 7.09961 -8.59961 10.7002 -13.5996 5.7002 l-141.7 -143.101c-6.2998 -6.2998 -6.2998 -16.3994 0 -22.7002l141.6 -143.1c5 -5 13.6006 -1.5 13.6006 5.7002v93.8994h144c8.89941 0 16.0996 7.2002 16.0996 16zM384 153.1c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-112v-61.8994c0 -35.6006 -43.0996 -53.4004 -68.2002 -28.2998 l-141.7 143.1c-18.7998 18.7998 -18.7998 49.2002 0 68l141.7 143.1c25.2002 25.1006 68.2002 7.10059 68.2002 -28.3994v-61.9004h112c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-77.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-from-top" unicode="&#xf349;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M12 416h360c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12zM230.9 320h-77.7002c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-144h-93.9004c-7.09961 0 -10.7002 -8.59961 -5.7002 -13.5996 l143.101 -143.5c6.2998 -6.30078 16.3994 -6.30078 22.7002 0l143.1 143.5c5 5 1.5 13.5996 -5.7002 13.5996h-93.8994v144c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16zM230.9 352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-112h61.8994c35.6006 0 53.4004 -43.0996 28.2998 -68.2002l-143.1 -143.6 c-18.7998 -18.7998 -49.2002 -18.7998 -68 0l-143.1 143.6c-25.1006 25.2002 -7.10059 68.2002 28.3994 68.2002h61.9004v112c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h77.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-to-bottom" unicode="&#xf34a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M230.9 384h-77.7002c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-144h-93.9004c-7.2002 0 -10.7002 -8.59961 -5.7002 -13.5996l143 -143.601c6.30078 -6.2998 16.4004 -6.2998 22.7002 0l143.2 143.601c5 5 1.40039 13.5996 -5.7002 13.5996h-93.8994v144 c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16zM230.9 416c26.3994 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-112.1h61.8994c35.6006 0 53.4004 -43.1006 28.2998 -68.2002l-143.1 -143.5c-18.7998 -18.7998 -49.2002 -18.7998 -68 0l-143 143.6c-25.2002 25.2002 -7.2002 68.2002 28.2998 68.2002h61.9004v112 c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h77.7002zM384 -20c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h360c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-to-left" unicode="&#xf34b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M20 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8zM400 278.8c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-77.7002c0 -26.3994 -21.5 -48 -48.0996 -48h-112v-61.8994 c0 -35.6006 -43.1006 -53.4004 -68.2002 -28.2998l-143.5 143.1c-18.7998 18.7998 -18.7998 49.2002 0 68l143.6 143c25.2002 25.2002 68.2002 7.2002 68.2002 -28.2998v-61.9004h112zM415.9 153.1v77.8008c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-144v93.8994 c0 7.2002 -8.60059 10.7002 -13.6006 5.7002l-143.5 -143.1c-6.2998 -6.30078 -6.2998 -16.4004 0 -22.7002l143.601 -143.2c5 -5 13.5996 -1.40039 13.5996 5.7002v93.8994h144c8.7998 0 15.9004 7.2002 15.9004 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-to-right" unicode="&#xf34c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M32 230.9v-77.7002c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h144v-93.9004c0 -7.2002 8.59961 -10.7002 13.5996 -5.7002l143.5 143.101c6.30078 6.2998 6.30078 16.3994 0 22.7002l-143.5 143.1c-5 5 -13.5996 1.40039 -13.5996 -5.7002v-93.8994h-144 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM0 230.9c0 26.3994 21.5 48 48 48h112v61.8994c0 35.6006 43.0996 53.4004 68.2002 28.2998l143.6 -143.1c18.7998 -18.7998 18.7998 -49.2002 0 -68l-143.6 -143c-25.2002 -25.2002 -68.2002 -7.2002 -68.2002 28.2998v61.9004h-112 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v77.7002zM436 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-360c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v360c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-square-down" unicode="&#xf350;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM352 224c28.5 0 42.7002 -34.5 22.7002 -54.5996l-128 -128c-12.5 -12.5 -32.7998 -12.5 -45.2998 0l-128 128c-20.2002 20.0996 -5.80078 54.5996 22.5996 54.5996h64v104c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h80c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-104h64z M224 64l128 128h-96v128h-64v-128h-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-square-left" unicode="&#xf351;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352zM48 0h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16zM256 64c0 -28.5 -34.5 -42.7002 -54.5996 -22.7002l-128 128c-12.5 12.5 -12.5 32.7998 0 45.2998l128 128c20.0996 20.2002 54.5996 5.80078 54.5996 -22.5996v-64h104c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24 h-104v-64zM96 192l128 -128v96h128v64h-128v96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-square-right" unicode="&#xf352;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 368c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352zM400 384h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352 c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16zM192 320c0 28.5 34.5 42.7002 54.5996 22.7002l128 -128c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7998 0 -45.2998l-128 -128c-20.0996 -20.2002 -54.5996 -5.80078 -54.5996 22.5996v64h-104c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v80c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h104 v64zM352 192l-128 128v-96h-128v-64h128v-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-square-up" unicode="&#xf353;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M48 -32c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352zM32 368v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM96 160c-28.5 0 -42.7002 34.5 -22.7002 54.5996l128 128c12.5 12.5 32.7998 12.5 45.2998 0l128 -128c20.2002 -20.0996 5.80078 -54.5996 -22.5996 -54.5996h-64v-104c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24 v104h-64zM224 320l-128 -128h96v-128h64v128h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-left" unicode="&#xf355;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M395.4 288.1c29 0 52.5996 -23.5996 52.5996 -52.5996v-86.9004c0 -29 -23.5996 -52.5996 -52.5996 -52.5996h-139.4v-85c0 -35.7002 -43.2002 -53.4004 -68.2998 -28.2998l-172.3 172.1c-20.6006 20.6006 -20.6006 53.7998 0 74.4004l172.3 172.1 c25.2998 25.2002 68.2998 7.2002 68.2998 -28.2998v-84.9004h139.4zM416 148.6v86.7002c0 11.4004 -9.2002 20.6006 -20.5996 20.6006h-171.4v117c0 7.19922 -8.7002 10.6992 -13.7002 5.69922l-172.3 -172.1c-8 -8 -8 -21.0996 0 -29.0996l172.3 -172.101 c5.10059 -5 13.7002 -1.39941 13.7002 5.7002v117h171.4c11.3994 0 20.5996 9.2002 20.5996 20.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-down" unicode="&#xf358;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM472 192c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216zM384 224 c28.5 0 42.7002 -34.5 22.7002 -54.5996l-128 -128c-12.5 -12.5 -32.7998 -12.5 -45.2998 0l-128 128c-20.2002 20.0996 -5.80078 54.5996 22.5996 54.5996h64v104c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h80c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-104h64zM256 64l128 128h-96v128h-64v-128 h-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-left" unicode="&#xf359;" d="M504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM256 -24c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216zM288 64 c0 -28.5 -34.5 -42.7002 -54.5996 -22.7002l-128 128c-12.5 12.5 -12.5 32.7998 0 45.2998l128 128c20.0996 20.2002 54.5996 5.80078 54.5996 -22.5996v-64h104c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-104v-64zM128 192l128 -128v96h128v64 h-128v96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-right" unicode="&#xf35a;" d="M8 192c0 137 111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248zM256 408c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216zM224 320 c0 28.5 34.5 42.7002 54.5996 22.7002l128 -128c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7998 0 -45.2998l-128 -128c-20.0996 -20.2002 -54.5996 -5.80078 -54.5996 22.5996v64h-104c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v80c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h104v64zM384 192l-128 128v-96h-128v-64h128 v-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-up" unicode="&#xf35b;" d="M256 -56c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248zM40 192c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216zM128 160 c-28.5 0 -42.7002 34.5 -22.7002 54.5996l128 128c12.5 12.5 32.7998 12.5 45.2998 0l128 -128c20.2002 -20.0996 5.80078 -54.5996 -22.5996 -54.5996h-64v-104c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v104h-64zM256 320l-128 -128h96v-128h64 v128h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="external-link-square-alt" unicode="&#xf360;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 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-2.96973 20.9189 8.02832 20.9189h267.976c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-200h63.9736zM528 24l80 72h-160zM396.003 52.9199c8.1748 -7.3584 2.9707 -20.9199 -8.02734 -20.9199h-267.976c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v200h-63.9736 c-29.2881 0 -43.1406 36.2256 -21.4072 55.7852l79.9736 72c12.1699 10.9531 30.6455 10.9521 42.8145 0l79.9678 -72c21.7695 -19.5928 7.83203 -55.7852 -21.4072 -55.7852h-63.9678v-192h251.086h0.000976562c2.54199 0 6.1377 -1.37988 8.02734 -3.08008zM32 288h160 l-80 72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="exchange-alt" unicode="&#xf362;" d="M12 256c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v8c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h372v56c0 29.5645 36.5352 43.0645 55.917 21.2588l64 -72c10.7773 -12.124 10.7773 -30.3945 0 -42.5186l-64 -72c-19.3887 -21.8125 -55.917 -8.29199 -55.917 21.2598v56h-372zM416 344v-144 l64 72zM500 128c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-372v-56c0 -29.5645 -36.5352 -43.0645 -55.917 -21.2588l-64 72c-10.7773 12.124 -10.7773 30.3945 0 42.5186l64 72c19.3887 21.8125 55.917 8.29199 55.917 -21.2598v-56h372zM96 40 v144l-64 -72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat" unicode="&#xf363;" d="M512 192c0 -88.2246 -71.7754 -160 -160 -160h-241.372l68.2012 -68.2012c4.68555 -4.68555 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-5.65625 -5.65625c-4.68555 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9707 0l-98.3428 98.3428c-4.68652 4.68652 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9717 l98.3428 98.3428c4.68555 4.68555 12.2842 4.68555 16.9707 0l5.65625 -5.65625c4.68555 -4.68555 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-68.2012 -68.2021h241.372c70.5791 0 128 57.4209 128 128c0 28.5547 -9.40332 54.9521 -25.2715 76.2676 c-3.56641 4.79199 -3.11719 11.4629 1.10645 15.6865l5.70508 5.70508c5.16016 5.16016 13.6777 4.54688 18.083 -1.27148c20.3115 -26.8262 32.377 -60.2227 32.377 -96.3877zM57.2715 115.732c3.56641 -4.79199 3.11719 -11.4609 -1.10742 -15.6855l-5.70508 -5.70508 c-5.16016 -5.16113 -13.6777 -4.54688 -18.083 1.27148c-20.3105 26.8252 -32.376 60.2217 -32.376 96.3867c0 88.2246 71.7754 160 160 160h241.372l-68.2002 68.2012c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2852 0 16.9707l5.65625 5.65625 c4.68652 4.68555 12.2852 4.68555 16.9707 0l98.3418 -98.3418c4.68652 -4.6875 4.68652 -12.2852 0 -16.9717l-98.3428 -98.3428c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2852 -4.68555 -16.9707 0l-5.65625 5.65625c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2852 0 16.9707l68.2012 68.2012h-241.372 c-70.5791 0 -128 -57.4209 -128 -128c0 -28.5547 9.40332 -54.9521 25.2715 -76.2676z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat-alt" unicode="&#xf364;" d="M54.0273 120.287c3.07812 -4.53516 2.5957 -10.6025 -1.07129 -14.6748l-5.48828 -6.09668c-5.17871 -5.75098 -14.3574 -5.16309 -18.7852 1.18555c-18.0703 25.9082 -28.6826 57.3857 -28.6826 91.2988c0 88.2246 71.7754 160 160 160h160v63.9736 c0 29.2881 36.2256 43.1406 55.7852 21.4062l72 -79.9736c10.9531 -12.1699 10.9521 -30.6455 0 -42.8145l-72 -79.9678c-19.5928 -21.7705 -55.7852 -7.83203 -55.7852 21.4072v63.9688h-160c-70.5791 0 -128 -57.4209 -128 -128 c0 -26.5527 8.12891 -51.2422 22.0273 -71.7129zM352 416v-160l72 80zM483.317 283.299c18.0703 -25.9082 28.6826 -57.3857 28.6826 -91.2988c0 -88.2246 -71.7754 -160 -160 -160h-160v-63.9736c0 -29.29 -36.2256 -43.1396 -55.7852 -21.4072l-72 79.9736 c-10.9531 12.1699 -10.9521 30.6455 0 42.8145l72 79.9688c19.5928 21.7705 55.7852 7.83203 55.7852 -21.4072v-63.9688h160c70.5791 0 128 57.4209 128 128c0 26.5527 -8.12891 51.2422 -22.0273 71.7129c-3.07812 4.53516 -2.5957 10.6025 1.07129 14.6748 l5.48828 6.09668c5.17871 5.75098 14.3574 5.16309 18.7852 -1.18555zM160 -32v160l-72 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat-1" unicode="&#xf365;" d="M512 192c0 -88.2246 -71.7754 -160 -160 -160h-241.372l68.2012 -68.2012c4.68555 -4.68555 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-5.65625 -5.65625c-4.68555 -4.68555 -12.2842 -4.68555 -16.9707 0l-98.3428 98.3428c-4.68652 4.68652 -4.68652 12.2842 0 16.9717 l98.3428 98.3428c4.68555 4.68555 12.2842 4.68555 16.9707 0l5.65625 -5.65625c4.68555 -4.68555 4.68555 -12.2842 0 -16.9707l-68.2012 -68.2021h241.372c70.5791 0 128 57.4209 128 128c0 28.5547 -9.40332 54.9521 -25.2715 76.2676 c-3.56641 4.79199 -3.11719 11.4629 1.10645 15.6865l5.70508 5.70508c5.16016 5.16016 13.6777 4.54688 18.083 -1.27148c20.3115 -26.8262 32.377 -60.2227 32.377 -96.3877zM57.2715 115.732c3.56641 -4.79199 3.11719 -11.4609 -1.10742 -15.6855l-5.70508 -5.70508 c-5.16016 -5.16113 -13.6777 -4.54688 -18.083 1.27148c-20.3105 26.8252 -32.376 60.2217 -32.376 96.3867c0 88.2246 71.7754 160 160 160h241.372l-68.2002 68.2012c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2852 0 16.9707l5.65625 5.65625 c4.68652 4.68555 12.2852 4.68555 16.9707 0l98.3418 -98.3418c4.68652 -4.6875 4.68652 -12.2852 0 -16.9717l-98.3428 -98.3428c-4.68652 -4.68555 -12.2852 -4.68555 -16.9707 0l-5.65625 5.65625c-4.68555 4.68652 -4.68555 12.2852 0 16.9707l68.2012 68.2012h-241.372 c-70.5791 0 -128 -57.4209 -128 -128c0 -28.5547 9.40332 -54.9521 25.2715 -76.2676zM229.495 145.007c0 6.44434 3.40137 9.84668 9.84668 9.84668h17.3652v53.3486c0 4.83398 0.178711 9.84668 0.178711 9.84668h-0.358398s-1.79004 -3.93848 -3.93848 -5.72852 l-1.61133 -1.43262c-4.6543 -4.29785 -9.48828 -4.11621 -13.7852 0.537109l-4.6543 5.01367c-4.47461 4.65332 -4.29688 9.48633 0.358398 13.9629l22.1992 20.7666c3.75977 3.40137 7.16113 4.83301 12.1729 4.83301h10.2051c6.44434 0 9.84668 -3.40039 9.84668 -9.8457 v-91.3018h17.5439c6.44336 0 9.84668 -3.40137 9.84668 -9.84668v-7.16211c0 -6.44336 -3.40234 -9.8457 -9.84668 -9.8457h-65.5225c-6.44434 0 -9.84668 3.40234 -9.84668 9.8457v7.16211z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat-1-alt" unicode="&#xf366;" d="M54.0273 120.287c3.07812 -4.53516 2.5957 -10.6025 -1.07129 -14.6748l-5.48828 -6.09668c-5.17871 -5.75098 -14.3574 -5.16309 -18.7852 1.18555c-18.0703 25.9082 -28.6826 57.3857 -28.6826 91.2988c0 88.2246 71.7754 160 160 160h160v63.9736 c0 29.2881 36.2256 43.1406 55.7852 21.4062l72 -79.9736c10.9531 -12.1699 10.9521 -30.6455 0 -42.8145l-72 -79.9678c-19.5928 -21.7705 -55.7852 -7.83203 -55.7852 21.4072v63.9688h-160c-70.5791 0 -128 -57.4209 -128 -128 c0 -26.5527 8.12891 -51.2422 22.0273 -71.7129zM352 416v-160l72 80zM483.317 283.299c18.0703 -25.9082 28.6826 -57.3857 28.6826 -91.2988c0 -88.2246 -71.7754 -160 -160 -160h-160v-63.9736c0 -29.29 -36.2256 -43.1396 -55.7852 -21.4072l-72 79.9736 c-10.9531 12.1699 -10.9521 30.6455 0 42.8145l72 79.9688c19.5928 21.7705 55.7852 7.83203 55.7852 -21.4072v-63.9688h160c70.5791 0 128 57.4209 128 128c0 26.5527 -8.12891 51.2422 -22.0273 71.7129c-3.07812 4.53516 -2.5957 10.6025 1.07129 14.6748 l5.48828 6.09668c5.17871 5.75098 14.3574 5.16309 18.7852 -1.18555zM160 -32v160l-72 -80zM229.495 145.007c0 6.44434 3.40137 9.84668 9.84668 9.84668h17.3652v53.3486c0 4.83398 0.178711 9.84668 0.178711 9.84668h-0.358398s-1.79004 -3.93848 -3.93848 -5.72852 l-1.61133 -1.43262c-4.6543 -4.29785 -9.48828 -4.11621 -13.7852 0.537109l-4.6543 5.01367c-4.47461 4.65332 -4.29688 9.48633 0.358398 13.9629l22.1992 20.7666c3.75977 3.40137 7.16113 4.83301 12.1729 4.83301h10.2051c6.44434 0 9.84668 -3.40039 9.84668 -9.8457 v-91.3018h17.5439c6.44336 0 9.84668 -3.40137 9.84668 -9.84668v-7.16211c0 -6.44238 -3.40234 -9.8457 -9.84668 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52.2881 -34.5283 36.6631 -62.4893zM417.952 256h-95.6465l30.1104 115.2l0.0273438 0.103516l0.0273438 0.103516c1.7002 6.33105 -3.07812 12.5928 -9.65723 12.5928h-103.559 h-0.0371094c-5.01953 0 -9.46289 -4.05664 -9.91895 -9.05566l-0.0078125 -0.0869141l-0.00878906 -0.0878906l-17.2402 -171.881c-0.523438 -5.8291 4.08887 -10.8896 9.95996 -10.8896h97.1172l-43.6533 -178.902l-0.0664062 -0.274414l-0.0722656 -0.274414 c-1.72363 -6.55469 3.37402 -12.5479 9.65625 -12.5479c2.8418 0 6.63184 1.34668 8.74316 5.12793l0.0273438 0.0478516l0.0273438 0.0478516l132.909 235.916c3.69238 6.63477 -1.12012 14.8604 -8.73828 14.8604z" /> <glyph glyph-name="browser" unicode="&#xf37e;" d="M464 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416zM32 368v-48h64v64h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16zM480 16v272h-448v-272c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h416c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16 zM480 320v48c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-336v-64h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="code-merge" unicode="&#xf387;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M304 256c44.2002 0 80 -35.7998 80 -80s-35.7998 -80 -80 -80c-35.5 0 -65.5 23.0996 -76 55c-30.0996 0.900391 -77 8 -113.4 39.7002c-6.89941 6 -13.0996 12.7002 -18.5996 19.8994v-116.199c36.5 -7.40039 64 -39.7002 64 -78.4004c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80 s-80 35.7998 -80 80c0 38.7002 27.5 71 64 78.4004v195.199c-36.5 7.40039 -64 39.7002 -64 78.4004c0 44.2002 35.7998 79.9004 80 79.9004s80 -35.8008 80 -80c0 -37.9004 -26.5 -69.7002 -62 -77.9004c4.7002 -32.0996 17.2002 -57.2998 37.5 -75.0996 c27.2002 -23.8008 63.5996 -30.4004 88.7998 -31.7002c3.7002 40.7998 38 72.7998 79.7002 72.7998zM32 368c0 -26.5 21.5 -48 48 -48s48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48zM128 16c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48s48 21.5 48 48z M304 128c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="credit-card-blank" unicode="&#xf389;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 417c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 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-6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-136c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h136c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12zM488 353c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v48c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h80zM480 289v32h-64v-32h64zM260 129h-56 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h56c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12zM288 141v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h56c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-56 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12zM96 141v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h56c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-56c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12zM480 181v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h72c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="desktop-alt" unicode="&#xf390;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 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24h8v-20c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12v20h320v-20c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12v20h8zM96 76v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40 c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM96 172v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM96 268v40 c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM384 44v296c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-232c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-296c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h232 c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM480 76v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM480 172v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40 c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM480 268v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="industry-alt" unicode="&#xf3b3;" d="M404 64h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12zM288 76c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40zM160 76c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v40c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h40c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-40zM512 264v-272c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-464c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24 v400c0 13.2549 10.7451 24 24 24h80c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-185.167l157.267 78.6328c15.7852 7.89355 34.7334 -3.45898 34.7334 -21.4658v-57.167l157.267 78.6328c15.7852 7.89355 34.7334 -3.45898 34.7334 -21.4658zM96 168v216h-64v-384h448v251.056 l-180.422 -90.2109c-5.31055 -2.6543 -11.5781 1.20605 -11.5781 7.15527v83.0557l-180.422 -90.2109c-5.30957 -2.65527 -11.5781 1.20801 -11.5781 7.15527z" /> <glyph glyph-name="level-down-alt" unicode="&#xf3be;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M216.01 64c29.5518 0 43.0723 -36.5283 21.2598 -55.917l-71.9854 -64c-12.125 -10.7773 -30.3955 -10.7773 -42.5205 0l-71.9863 64c-21.8047 19.3818 -8.30469 55.917 21.2598 55.917h53.9873v348h-94c-2.74414 0 -6.54492 1.5752 -8.48535 3.51465l-12 12 c-7.56055 7.55957 -2.20605 20.4854 8.48535 20.4854h118c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-360h53.9854zM216.024 32h-144l72 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="level-up-alt" unicode="&#xf3bf;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M237.27 375.917c21.8125 -19.3887 8.29199 -55.917 -21.2598 -55.917h-53.9854v-360c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-118c-10.6914 0 -16.0459 12.9258 -8.48535 20.4854l12 12c1.93945 1.93945 5.74023 3.51465 8.4834 3.51465h0.00195312h94v348h-53.9873 c-29.5645 0 -43.0645 36.5352 -21.2598 55.917l71.9863 64c12.125 10.7773 30.3955 10.7773 42.5205 0zM72.0244 352h144l-72 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lock-open-alt" unicode="&#xf3c2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M227 31c-11 0 -20 9 -20 20v64c0 11 9 20 20 20s20 -9 20 -20v-64c0 -11 -9 -20 -20 -20zM480.5 448c88.4004 -0.299805 159.5 -73.0996 159.5 -161.5v-82.5c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v84c0 70.7998 -57.7998 128.4 -128.7 128 c-70.5996 -0.400391 -127.3 -58.7002 -127.3 -129.4v-62.5996h48c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-192c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h272v64c0 88.4004 72 160.3 160.5 160zM400 192h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-192 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v192c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marker-alt" unicode="&#xf3c5;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 352c52.9346 0 96 -43.0654 96 -96s-43.0654 -96 -96 -96s-96 43.0654 -96 96s43.0654 96 96 96zM192 192c35.29 0 64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64zM192 448c106.039 0 192 -85.9609 192 -192 c0 -77.4131 -26.9697 -99.0312 -172.267 -309.67c-9.53613 -13.7744 -29.9316 -13.7725 -39.4658 0c-145.298 210.639 -172.268 232.257 -172.268 309.67c0 106.039 85.9609 192 192 192zM192 -25.9307c139.308 201.461 160 217.44 160 281.931 c0 42.7383 -16.6426 82.917 -46.8633 113.137c-30.2197 30.2207 -70.3984 46.8633 -113.137 46.8633s-82.917 -16.6426 -113.137 -46.8633c-30.2207 -30.2197 -46.8633 -70.3984 -46.8633 -113.137c0 -64.4941 20.7051 -80.4883 160 -281.931z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mobile-alt" unicode="&#xf3cd;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M192 32c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32zM224 352h-128v-240h128v240zM244 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-280c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v280 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h168zM320 400v-416c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM288 400c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-224c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-416 c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h224c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mobile-android" unicode="&#xf3ce;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M196 0h-72c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h72c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12zM320 400v-416c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM288 400c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-224c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-416c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h224c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mobile-android-alt" unicode="&#xf3cf;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M224 352h-128v-240h128v240zM272 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-416c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224zM48 -32h224c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v416c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-224c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16 v-416c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16zM244 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-280c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v280c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h168zM196 32c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-72 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plane-alt" unicode="&#xf3de;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M462.5 255.681c47.7275 0 113.5 -16.0791 113.5 -63.6807c0 -47.3184 -65.1357 -63.6797 -113.5 -63.6797l-108.596 0.00195312l-33.6973 -64.332c6.53125 -0.112305 11.793 -5.43262 11.793 -11.9902v-40c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-33.3105l-26.5195 -50.6279 c-5.44434 -8.86035 -14.4531 -13.3721 -23.4561 -13.3721h-54.1748c-17.54 0 -30.4746 16.3057 -26.5635 33.3311l27.9893 160.119c-20.6982 1.05664 -40.8311 2.82715 -58.7227 5.16895l-32.2451 -57.8867c-4.89551 -8.1582 -13.8457 -13.2285 -23.3623 -13.2305 l-39.9111 -0.000976562c-17.1797 -0.00195312 -30.0967 15.7178 -26.7217 32.5947l13.4102 67.0488c-10.9023 8.40723 -16.4121 18.0791 -16.4121 28.8545c0 10.7764 5.50977 20.4482 16.4121 28.8535l-13.4102 67.0527c-3.36914 16.8447 9.50781 32.5938 26.7207 32.5938 h39.9082c9.5166 0 18.4697 -5.06934 23.3662 -13.2305l0.258789 -0.446289l31.9873 -57.4414c17.8916 2.3418 38.0254 4.1123 58.7217 5.16895l-27.9893 160.119c-3.90918 17.0176 9.01465 33.3311 26.5635 33.3311h54.1748c9.26855 0 18.543 -4.8584 23.6797 -13.792 l26.2988 -50.208h33.3066c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-39.999c0 -6.55664 -5.25977 -11.877 -11.79 -11.9902l33.6953 -64.3301h108.596zM462.5 160.32c25.3477 0 81.5 8.47656 81.5 31.6797c0 20.9814 -48.9873 31.6807 -81.5 31.6807h-128.441l-100.21 192.319 h-45.6211l33.5879 -192.14c-44.918 -1.33887 -66.8877 -2.18848 -113.777 -9.35645l-41.2061 73.9961h-31.3154l19.4834 -96.501l-19.4824 -96.498l31.3154 0.000976562l41.2051 73.9941c46.6084 -7.12402 68.4434 -8.00391 113.778 -9.35645l-33.5889 -192.14h45.6211 l100.21 192.321z" /> <glyph glyph-name="reply" unicode="&#xf3e5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M11.0928 196.35c-14.791 15.4707 -14.791 39.8301 0 55.3008l175.997 183.983c24.6943 25.8164 68.9102 8.62012 68.9102 -27.6494v-88.1543c165.452 -1.98535 320 -31.9326 320 -203.021c0 -94.9795 -55.8398 -150.23 -89.1299 -174.57 c-24.2334 -17.7227 -58.0215 4.99219 -49.6797 34.5098c37.873 134.363 -26.7656 149.279 -181.19 151.091v-87.8398c0 -36.2393 -44.1904 -53.4941 -68.9092 -27.6504zM34.2197 229.53c-1.22949 -1.2793 -2.22754 -3.75586 -2.22754 -5.53027 s0.998047 -4.25098 2.22754 -5.53027l176 -184c4.93359 -5.16016 13.7803 -1.72949 13.7803 5.53027v120c171.396 0 295.313 -9.70703 243.98 -191.7c36.0195 26.3398 76.0195 74.1104 76.0195 148.51c0 160.011 -162.886 171.19 -320 171.19v120 c0 7.26172 -8.85059 10.6904 -13.7803 5.53027z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shield-alt" unicode="&#xf3ed;" d="M466.5 364.3c17.7998 -7.39941 29.5 -24.8994 29.5 -44.2998c0 -221.3 -135.9 -344.6 -221.6 -380.3c-11.8008 -4.90039 -25.1006 -4.90039 -36.9004 0c-107 44.5996 -221.5 181.8 -221.5 380.3c0 19.4004 11.7002 36.9004 29.5996 44.2998l192 80 c4.89062 2.0293 13.1562 3.6748 18.4502 3.6748c5.29492 0 13.5596 -1.64551 18.4502 -3.6748zM262.2 -30.7998c97.7998 38.7998 201.8 174.8 201.7 350.8c0.0996094 6.5 -3.80078 12.2998 -9.80078 14.7998l-192 80c-3.89941 1.60059 -8.39941 1.60059 -12.2998 0l-192 -80 c-5.89941 -2.5 -9.7998 -8.2998 -9.7998 -14.7998c0 -176 104 -312 201.9 -350.8c3.89941 -1.60059 8.2998 -1.60059 12.2998 0zM256 37c-65.5996 36.5 -132.6 131.4 -142.7 251.5l142.7 59.5v-311zM224 103.8v196.2l-76.0996 -31.7002 c10.2998 -66.7002 39.6992 -124.6 76.0996 -164.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sliders-h-square" unicode="&#xf3f0;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM324 288c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-100v-40c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-48c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v40h-36c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h36v40 c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h48c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-40h100zM192 224v96h-32v-96h32zM340 128c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-20v-40c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-48c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v40h-116 c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v8c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h116v40c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h48c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-40h20zM288 64v96h-32v-96h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sliders-v-square" unicode="&#xf3f2;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM200 288c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-40v-116c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v116h-40c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v48c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h40v32 c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-32h40zM192 224v32h-96v-32h96zM360 192c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-40v-20c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-8c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v20h-40 c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v48c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h40v128c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h8c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-128h40zM352 128v32h-96v-32h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tablet-alt" unicode="&#xf3fa;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M352 352h-256v-256h256v256zM372 384c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-296c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-296c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v296c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h296zM400 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-416c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 -16v416c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-416c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM224 48c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tablet-android" unicode="&#xf3fb;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 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6.10059l28.5 -22.5v-35.2002c0 -68.0996 51.2998 -127.7 119.3 -132.2c26.2998 -1.7998 50.9004 4.7998 71.9004 16.7998l26.3994 -20.7998c-21.5 -14.5996 -46.3994 -24.5996 -73.5996 -27.2998 v-65h72zM320 96c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96v14.5l33.2002 -26c5.5 -29.7998 31.5 -52.4004 62.7998 -52.4004c1.2002 0 2.2002 0.200195 3.2998 0.300781l32.2002 -25.4004c-11 -4.40039 -22.9004 -7 -35.5 -7zM637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5 c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="balance-scale" unicode="&#xf24e;" d="M634.4 168.91c3.86914 -5.78027 6.08984 -12.7197 5.50977 -19.6406c-5.46973 -65.6699 -60.6504 -117.27 -127.91 -117.27s-122.44 51.5996 -127.91 117.27c-0.580078 6.9209 1.64062 13.8604 5.50977 19.6406l109.051 175.97 c3.16992 4.74023 8.25977 7.12012 13.3496 7.12012s10.1797 -2.37988 13.3496 -7.12012zM512 64c41.2803 0 77 26.7695 90.4199 64h-181.2c13.2305 -36.8701 49.2002 -64 90.7803 -64zM421.73 160h181.25l-90.9404 145.76zM536 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-432c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h200v354.26c-27.5596 7.14062 -48 31.9502 -48 61.7402h-152c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h161.11 c0.149414 0.259766 4.37012 11.1104 19.1094 21.0703c10.21 6.89941 22.5303 10.9297 35.7803 10.9297s25.5703 -4.03027 35.7803 -10.9297c14.7393 -9.95996 18.96 -20.8105 19.1094 -21.0703h161.11c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-152 c0 -29.79 -20.4404 -54.5996 -48 -61.7402v-354.26h200zM288 384c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32zM255.91 149.27c-5.46973 -65.6699 -60.6504 -117.27 -127.91 -117.27s-122.44 51.5996 -127.91 117.27 c-0.580078 6.9209 1.64062 13.8604 5.50977 19.6406l109.051 175.97c3.16992 4.74023 8.25977 7.12012 13.3496 7.12012s10.1797 -2.37988 13.3496 -7.12012l109.051 -175.97c3.86914 -5.78027 6.08984 -12.7197 5.50977 -19.6406zM128.04 305.76l-90.3096 -145.76h181.25z M37.2197 128c13.2305 -36.8701 49.2002 -64 90.7803 -64c41.2803 0 77 26.7695 90.4199 64h-181.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="microphone-alt" unicode="&#xf3c9;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M160 96c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96v160c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96v-160c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96zM96 352v-160c0 -35.29 28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v32h-56 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v32h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64zM312 256c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-56c0 -82.7998 -63.29 -150.9 -144 -158.99v-65.0098h72 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-176c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h72v65.2305c-82.3604 8.30957 -144 81.0391 -144 164.43v50.3398c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-51.4902 c0 -68.1201 51.2998 -127.689 119.27 -132.22c74.5303 -4.96973 136.73 54.25 136.73 127.71v56c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-bill-alt" unicode="&#xf3d1;" d="M608 384c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-320c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v320c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h576zM32 352v-64c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64h-64zM32 32h64c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64v-64zM608 32v64 c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64h64zM608 128v128c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96h-384c0 -52.9004 -43.0996 -96 -96 -96v-128c52.9004 0 96 -43.0996 96 -96h384c0 52.9004 43.0996 96 96 96zM608 288v64h-64c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64zM320 320 c61.9004 0 112 -57.2998 112 -128s-50.2002 -128 -112 -128c-61.9004 0 -112 57.2998 -112 128s50.0996 128 112 128zM320 96c44.0996 0 80 43.0996 80 96s-35.9004 96 -80 96s-80 -43.0996 -80 -96s35.9004 -96 80 -96zM352 159.9c4.40039 0.0996094 8 -3.5 8 -7.90039v-16 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-64c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16v55.4004l-0.5 -0.300781c-3.7002 -2.39941 -8.59961 -1.5 -11.0996 2.2002l-8.90039 13.2998c-2.40039 3.7002 -1.5 8.60059 2.2002 11.1006l15.2998 10.2002 c3.90039 2.59961 8.59961 4 13.2998 4h13.7002c4.40039 0 8 -3.60059 8 -8v-88h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blender" unicode="&#xf517;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M288 48c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24zM422.25 103.97c33.96 -14.79 57.75 -48.5693 57.75 -87.9697v-48c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-320c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v48 c0 40.9297 25.7197 75.6201 61.79 89.4404l-7.53027 86.5596h-102.26c-26.4697 0 -48 21.5303 -48 48v160c0 26.4697 21.5303 48 48 48h464zM48 224h99.4805l-16.7002 192h-82.7803c-8.80957 0 -16 -7.16992 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83008 7.19043 -16 16 -16zM470.58 416 h-307.68l26.4395 -304h201.93l29.2207 112h-124.49c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h132.84l16.7002 64h-149.54c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h157.88zM448 -32v48c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64h-192 c-35.29 0 -64 -28.71 -64 -64v-48h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="broadcast-tower" unicode="&#xf519;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M40.5498 448c11.71 0 19.2002 -12.0801 14.3506 -22.7197c-14.6406 -32.1299 -22.9004 -67.7305 -22.9004 -105.28s8.25977 -73.1504 22.8896 -105.28c4.86035 -10.6396 -2.63965 -22.7197 -14.3398 -22.7197c-6.18945 0 -11.96 3.53027 -14.54 9.16992 c-16.5596 36.2598 -26.0098 76.4297 -26.0098 118.83c0 42.4102 9.4502 82.5703 26.0098 118.83c2.57031 5.63965 8.33984 9.16992 14.54 9.16992zM326.44 269.16l137.21 -315.59c0.365234 -0.842773 0.662109 -2.27148 0.662109 -3.18945 c0 -2.89648 -2.15625 -6.18555 -4.8125 -7.34082l-14.7002 -6.37988c-4.0498 -1.75977 -8.75977 0.0996094 -10.5195 4.14941l-67.4707 155.19h-157.3l-67.4795 -155.19c-1.76074 -4.0498 -6.4707 -5.90918 -10.5205 -4.14941l-14.7002 6.37988 c-4.0498 1.75977 -5.90918 6.47949 -4.14941 10.5303l137.13 315.399c-15.5596 11.6807 -25.79 30.1104 -25.79 51.0303c0 35.2998 28.7197 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64c0 -20.8096 -10.1299 -39.1396 -25.5596 -50.8398zM288 352c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32 s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM223.42 128h129.48l-56.04 128.9c-2.91992 -0.410156 -5.83008 -0.900391 -8.86035 -0.900391c-2.92969 0 -5.73047 0.490234 -8.5498 0.870117zM118.99 256h-0.150391 c-6.92969 0 -13.2695 4.41016 -15.21 11.0703c-4.89941 16.8193 -7.62988 34.5498 -7.62988 52.9297s2.73047 36.1104 7.62988 52.9297c1.92969 6.65039 8.28027 11.0703 15.21 11.0703h0.150391c10.7002 0 18.0996 -10.2402 15.1494 -20.5303 c-3.96973 -13.8193 -6.13965 -28.3799 -6.13965 -43.4697s2.16992 -29.6504 6.13965 -43.4697c2.9502 -10.29 -4.44922 -20.5303 -15.1494 -20.5303zM457.16 384c6.92969 0 13.2803 -4.41992 15.2197 -11.0703c4.88965 -16.8193 7.62012 -34.54 7.62012 -52.9297 s-2.73047 -36.1104 -7.62012 -52.9297c-1.93945 -6.65039 -8.28027 -11.0703 -15.2197 -11.0703h-0.150391c-10.7002 0 -18.0996 10.2402 -15.1494 20.5303c3.96973 13.8193 6.13965 28.3799 6.13965 43.4697s-2.16992 29.6504 -6.13965 43.4697 c-2.9502 10.29 4.44922 20.5303 15.1494 20.5303h0.150391zM549.99 438.83c16.5693 -36.2598 26.0098 -76.4199 26.0098 -118.83c0 -42.4004 -9.44043 -82.5703 -26.0195 -118.83c-2.57031 -5.63965 -8.34082 -9.16992 -14.54 -9.16992 c-11.7002 0 -19.1904 12.0703 -14.3408 22.7197c14.6406 32.1299 22.9004 67.7305 22.9004 105.28s-8.25977 73.1504 -22.8896 105.28c-4.85059 10.6396 2.63965 22.7197 14.3398 22.7197c6.2002 0 11.96 -3.53027 14.54 -9.16992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="broom" unicode="&#xf51a;" d="M638.26 432.47c0.960938 -1.20508 1.74023 -3.43457 1.74023 -4.97559c0 -2.12891 -1.35254 -4.93066 -3.01953 -6.25391l-244.141 -192.931l45.1699 -56.75c4.99023 -6.2793 2.54004 -15.5996 -4.89941 -18.5996l-77.4707 -31.2695 c-6.66992 -27.5605 -29.0596 -103.301 -79.9893 -143.78c-60.54 -48.1201 -260.271 -41.9697 -275.65 -41.2998c0 0 38.7803 209.33 101.66 259.31c50.8096 40.4004 129.479 45.0498 158.01 45.3701l48.6201 68.5898c4.62012 6.50977 14.2002 6.78027 19.1797 0.530273 l45.4404 -57.0801l244.149 192.93c3.45996 2.75 8.49023 2.16992 11.2402 -1.2793zM255.73 2.37988c40.3594 32.0801 60.3398 94.2305 67.5293 121.771l-67.7695 85.1299c-44.21 -1.14062 -100.3 -11.6699 -133.9 -38.3799 c-17.8096 -14.1504 -35.1396 -49.8203 -50.1494 -91.46l45.9795 9.70996c6.19043 1.30957 9.92969 -6.63086 4.96973 -10.5703l-68.79 -54.6797c-5.43945 -19.1006 -10.3398 -38.1699 -14.3994 -55.9199h0.599609c106.49 0 189.23 13.1797 215.931 34.3994zM342.83 151.25 l46.1699 18.0303c3.75977 1.47949 5.03027 6.16992 2.50977 9.33008l-67.6094 84.9297c-2.5 3.13965 -7.31055 2.99023 -9.61035 -0.290039l-28.4004 -40.4697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chalkboard" unicode="&#xf51b;" d="M632 0c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-624c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h24v384c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h512c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-384h24zM288 0h192v64h-192v-64zM512 0h64v384h-512v-384h192 v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chalkboard-teacher" unicode="&#xf51c;" d="M608 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-352c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-290.04c1.2002 -6.07031 2.04004 -12.2598 2.04004 -18.6699v-37.3301c0 -22.0898 -17.9102 -40 -40 -40h-240c-22.0898 0 -40 17.9102 -40 40v37.3301 c0 19.8301 6.00977 38.25 16.3096 53.54c17.25 25.6299 46.6709 39.1104 76.9004 39.1104c27.8398 0 34.8203 -9.98047 66.79 -9.98047c32.0195 0 39 9.98047 66.79 9.99023c30.2295 0 59.6504 -13.4902 76.9004 -39.1104 c0.619141 -0.919922 1.05957 -1.93945 1.64941 -2.87988h46.6602v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64h64v352h-416v-101.88c37.2002 -13.2197 64 -48.3799 64 -90.1201c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96s-96 42.9805 -96 96 s42.9805 96 96 96v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h416zM224 224c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64zM288 -24v37.3301c0 12.79 -3.75 25.1299 -10.8496 35.6699c-10.5303 15.6396 -29.3604 24.9805 -50.3604 24.9805 c-21.7803 0 -30 -9.98047 -66.79 -9.98047c-36.7998 0 -44.9902 9.98047 -66.79 9.98047c-21.0098 0 -39.8301 -9.34082 -50.3604 -24.9805c-7.09961 -10.54 -10.8496 -22.8799 -10.8496 -35.6699v-37.3301c0 -4.41016 3.58984 -8 8 -8h240c4.41016 0 8 3.58984 8 8zM512 64 v64h-128v-64h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="church" unicode="&#xf51d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M281.71 127.7c38.1699 3.63965 70.29 -26.2803 70.29 -63.7002v-120c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v120c0 19.4199 -17.3896 34.8496 -37.4102 31.5596c-15.7295 -2.59961 -26.5898 -17.4092 -26.5898 -33.3594v-118.2 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v117.25c0 33.4297 24.4297 63.2803 57.71 66.4502zM558.57 92.0098c10.4697 -5 17.4297 -17.8994 17.4297 -32.3301v-115.68c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v115.68 c0 1.99023 -0.450195 3.43066 -0.799805 4.20996l-95.2002 45.4004v-165.29c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v229.88l-128 76.7998l-128 -76.7998v-229.88c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v165.29 l-95.2002 -45.4004c-0.349609 -0.790039 -0.799805 -2.22949 -0.799805 -4.20996v-115.68c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v115.68c0 14.4307 6.95996 27.3301 17.4297 32.3301l110.57 52.7207v29.1494 c0 10.0029 6.96191 22.2959 15.54 27.4404l128.46 77.0801v73.5996h-72c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h72v56c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-56h72c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-72 v-73.5996l128.46 -77.0801c9.63965 -5.78027 15.54 -16.2002 15.54 -27.4404v-29.1396z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coins" unicode="&#xf51e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M336 416c113.9 0 176 -43 176 -80v-192c0 -41.7002 -70.2998 -75.9004 -160 -79.5996v-16.4004c0 -44.2002 -78.7998 -80 -176 -80s-176 35.7998 -176 80v192c0 44.5996 76.0996 75.7998 160 79.2998v16.7002c0 35.5996 50.5996 56.2002 51.5 56.5996 c31.9004 14.4004 75.9004 23.4004 124.5 23.4004zM320 48v50.0996c-31.7998 -20.5996 -84.4004 -34.0996 -144 -34.0996s-112.2 13.5 -144 34.0996v-50.0996c0 -13.9004 50.5 -48 144 -48s144 34.0996 144 48zM320 144v50.0996 c-31.7998 -20.5996 -84.4004 -34.0996 -144 -34.0996s-112.2 13.5 -144 34.0996v-50.0996c0 -13.9004 50.5 -48 144 -48s144 34.0996 144 48zM176 192c81 0 146.7 21.5 146.7 48s-65.7002 48 -146.7 48s-146.7 -21.5 -146.7 -48s65.7002 -48 146.7 -48zM480 144v50.0996 c-28.9004 -18.6992 -75.2002 -31.0996 -128 -33.2998v-64.0996c83 3.7002 128 34.2002 128 47.2998zM480 240v50.0996c-29.7002 -19.2998 -77.5 -32.0996 -132.1 -33.7998c2.39941 -5.2998 4.09961 -10.7002 4.09961 -16.2998v-47.2002 c82.9004 3.7998 128 34.1006 128 47.2002zM336 288c81 0 146.8 21.5 146.8 48s-65.7002 48 -146.7 48s-146.699 -21.5 -146.699 -48c0 -6.09961 3.7998 -11.7998 10.0996 -17.0996c30.5996 -1.80078 78.7002 -8.30078 115.6 -30 c6.90039 -0.400391 13.6006 -0.900391 20.9004 -0.900391z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crow" unicode="&#xf520;" d="M416 376c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM520 384c66.2695 0 120 -35.8203 120 -80l-128 -17.0703v-30.9297c0 -79.6699 -45.6699 -147.98 -110.71 -177.04l45.9795 -124.36 c2.27051 -6.22949 -0.939453 -13.1094 -7.16992 -15.3799l-6.83008 -2.48926c-6.22949 -2.27051 -13.1094 0.939453 -15.3799 7.16992l-46.25 125.08c-12.9893 -3.16016 -26.46 -4.98047 -40.3496 -4.98047h-20.4697l40.46 -109.4 c2.26953 -6.22949 -0.94043 -13.1094 -7.16992 -15.3799l-6.83008 -2.48926c-6.23047 -2.27051 -13.1104 0.939453 -15.3799 7.16992l-44.4102 120.1h-109.49l-126.84 -60.7695c-4.16992 -2.21094 -8.49023 -3.23047 -12.71 -3.23047 c-14.9199 0 -28.4502 12.7402 -28.4502 30.2598c0 9.50977 4.20996 18.46 11.3799 24.1699l308.62 257.971v39.5996c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96c41.7402 0 76.9004 -26.7998 90.1201 -64h13.8799zM480 256v96c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64v-54.5596 l-307.85 -257.32c150.899 72.3398 74.4395 44.7002 266.619 99.6104c39.4707 11.2598 72.6006 38.7598 90.9102 75.4199c4 7.92969 13.5605 11.0498 21.4707 7.15918c7.90918 -3.94922 11.0996 -13.5596 7.15918 -21.4697 c-22.3096 -44.6602 -62.6895 -78.1602 -110.72 -91.8896l-45.3301 -12.9502h57.0303c82 0 148.71 71.7803 148.71 160zM512 319.22l80.46 10.7305c-15.5801 12.5596 -41.6299 22.0498 -72.46 22.0498h-8v-32.7803z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crown" unicode="&#xf521;" d="M536 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-432c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h432zM584 288c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56s-25.0996 -56 -56 -56c-2 0 -3.90039 0.400391 -5.7998 0.599609l-66.2002 -176.6h-384 l-66.2002 176.6c-1.89941 -0.199219 -3.7998 -0.599609 -5.7998 -0.599609c-30.9004 0 -56 25.0996 -56 56s25.0996 56.0996 56 56.0996s56 -25.0996 56 -56c0 -7.59961 -1.59961 -14.7998 -4.2998 -21.3994l56.2998 -33.7998 c5.09961 -3.10059 10.7998 -4.60059 16.4004 -4.60059c11.0996 0 21.8994 5.7002 27.7998 16.1006l74.3994 130.199c-11.2998 10.2002 -18.5996 24.9004 -18.5996 41.4004c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56s56 -25.0996 56 -56c0 -16.5 -7.2998 -31.2002 -18.5996 -41.5 l74.3994 -130.2c5.90039 -10.2998 16.7002 -16.0996 27.7998 -16.0996c5.60059 0 11.2002 1.5 16.4004 4.59961l56.2998 33.7998c-2.7998 6.60059 -4.2998 13.8008 -4.2998 21.4004c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56zM320 384c-13.2002 0 -24 -10.7998 -24 -24 s10.7998 -24 24 -24s24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24zM56 208c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24zM489.8 32l56.1006 149.4l-53.4004 -32c-10 -5.90039 -21.2998 -9.10059 -32.9004 -9.10059 c-22.8994 0 -44.1992 12.2998 -55.5996 32.2002l-75.5 132.4c-2.7998 -0.400391 -5.5 -0.800781 -8.40039 -0.800781c-2.89941 0 -5.59961 0.400391 -8.39941 0.800781l-75.6006 -132.301c-11.3994 -19.8994 -32.6992 -32.2998 -55.5996 -32.2998 c-11.5996 0 -22.9004 3.10059 -32.9004 9.10059l-53.3994 32l56 -149.4h339.6zM584 208c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice" unicode="&#xf522;" d="M480 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM224 248c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 248c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM128 248c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM224 152c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM224 344c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM576 256c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-192c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-192 c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v68.7402l-49.46 -49.46c-12.8496 -12.8506 -29.7002 -19.2803 -46.54 -19.2803s-33.6904 6.42969 -46.54 19.2803l-158.18 158.18c-25.7002 25.7002 -25.7002 67.3799 0 93.0801l158.18 158.18 c12.8496 12.8604 29.7002 19.2803 46.54 19.2803s33.6904 -6.41992 46.54 -19.2803l158.19 -158.18c4.38965 -4.38965 7.75977 -9.37012 10.6494 -14.54h136.62zM247.27 42.5498l158.181 158.181c6.21973 6.21973 9.63965 14.4795 9.63965 23.2695 s-3.41992 17.0596 -9.63965 23.2695l-158.181 158.181c-6.21973 6.21973 -14.4795 9.63965 -23.2695 9.63965s-17.0596 -3.42969 -23.2695 -9.63965l-158.181 -158.181c-6.21973 -6.21973 -9.63965 -14.4795 -9.63965 -23.2695s3.42969 -17.0498 9.63965 -23.2695 l158.181 -158.181c6.21973 -6.21973 14.4795 -9.63965 23.2695 -9.63965s17.0596 3.42969 23.2695 9.63965zM608 0v192c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-128c0 -16.8398 -6.42969 -33.6904 -19.2803 -46.54l-76.7197 -76.7197v-100.74c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h192 c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-five" unicode="&#xf523;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v320c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h320zM416 32v320c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-320c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-320 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h320c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM128 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM224 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM128 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 120 c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-four" unicode="&#xf524;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v320c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h320zM416 32v320c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-320c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-320 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h320c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM128 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM128 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-one" unicode="&#xf525;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v320c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h320zM416 32v320c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-320c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-320 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h320c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM224 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-six" unicode="&#xf526;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v320c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h320zM416 32v320c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-320c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-320 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h320c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM128 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM128 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM128 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 312 c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-three" unicode="&#xf527;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v320c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h320zM416 32v320c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-320c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-320 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h320c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM128 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM224 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-two" unicode="&#xf528;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v320c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h320zM416 32v320c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-320c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-320 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h320c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM128 312c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM320 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="divide" unicode="&#xf529;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M376 216c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h368zM192 112c26.46 0 48 -21.54 48 -48s-21.54 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.54 -48 48s21.54 48 48 48zM192 272c-26.46 0 -48 21.54 -48 48 s21.54 48 48 48s48 -21.54 48 -48s-21.54 -48 -48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="door-closed" unicode="&#xf52a;" d="M400 160c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM632 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-624c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h120v448 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448h120zM480 -32v448h-320v-448h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="door-open" unicode="&#xf52b;" d="M288 160c-13.25 0 -24 14.3301 -24 32s10.75 32 24 32s24 -14.3301 24 -32s-10.75 -32 -24 -32zM632 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-624c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h120v397.08 c0 15.2197 9.99023 28.4795 24.2305 32.1699l192 49.7402c2.63965 0.689453 5.25977 1.00977 7.8291 1.00977c17.1406 0 31.9404 -14.4199 31.9404 -33.1797v-30.8203h96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-384h120zM352 414.82l0.0595703 1.13965l-191.8 -49.6904 l-0.259766 -398.27h192v446.82zM480 -32v384h-96v-384h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="equals" unicode="&#xf52c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M376 144c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h368zM376 288c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h368z" /> <glyph glyph-name="frog" unicode="&#xf52e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M368 328c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM554.67 0c11.7803 0 21.3301 -9.5498 21.3301 -21.3301c0 -5.88965 -4.78027 -10.6699 -10.6699 -10.6699h-92.5205l-120.85 133.98 c-0.260742 -16.8975 -8.09668 -42.0127 -17.4902 -56.0605l-34.46 -45.9199h62.6602c11.7803 0 21.3301 -9.5498 21.3301 -21.3301c0 -5.88965 -4.78027 -10.6699 -10.6699 -10.6699h-309.33c-34.9199 0 -63.8896 28.1104 -64 63.0195 c-0.5 166.86 126.75 304.021 289.46 319.44c6.82031 37.25 39.3096 65.54 78.54 65.54c39.1904 0 71.6699 -28.2305 78.5303 -65.4404c0 0 58.4297 -19.0498 98.9893 -41.2695c18.7607 -10.2803 30.4805 -29.8398 30.4805 -51.2305v-0.00292969 c0 -18.8037 -13.3105 -41.5283 -29.71 -50.7266l-161.98 -91.5996l102.881 -115.73h67.4795zM346.84 134.92l183.79 100.32c8.25 4.62012 13.3701 13.3701 13.3701 22.8193c0 9.61035 -5.30957 18.4902 -13.8604 23.1709c-37.3896 20.4893 -92.9795 38.7393 -93.54 38.9199 l-18.0801 5.89941l-3.45996 18.71c-4.18945 22.7402 -23.9893 39.2402 -47.0596 39.2402c-23.0996 0 -42.9004 -16.5303 -47.0596 -39.2998l-4.36035 -23.8105l-24.0996 -2.29004c-148.95 -14.1191 -260.931 -137.71 -260.48 -287.479 c0.0498047 -17.1602 14.4102 -31.1201 32 -31.1201h196.03l48.3398 64.4004c22.3896 33.6094 12.04 80.9893 -24.96 102.189c-25.5205 14.6201 -57.71 10.9404 -81.2402 -6.70996l-32.5703 -24.4395c-7.06934 -5.26074 -17.0996 -3.89062 -22.4092 3.18945 c-5.28027 7.08008 -3.84082 17.1104 3.21973 22.4102l31.0703 23.3096c38.2393 28.6904 91.8398 31.1904 129.75 2.07031c17.5791 -13.5 29.3994 -31.6895 35.6094 -51.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glasses" unicode="&#xf530;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M574.21 167.42c1.19043 -4.92969 1.79004 -9.97949 1.79004 -15.0498v-73.6504c0 -61.1494 -50.1396 -110.72 -112 -110.72h-36.0801c-58.6104 0 -107.31 44.6602 -111.689 102.44l-4.37012 57.5596h-47.7207l-4.37012 -57.5596 c-4.38965 -57.7705 -53.0791 -102.44 -111.689 -102.44h-36.0801c-61.8604 0 -112 49.5703 -112 110.72v73.6406c0 5.08008 0.599609 10.1299 1.7998 15.0596l45.4502 187.8c5.41016 21.7305 19.6602 40.2305 39.1104 50.9102c19.5 10.7002 42.7197 12.8105 63.8096 5.75 l22.8496 -7.61035c4.19043 -1.39941 6.46094 -5.92969 5.06055 -10.1191l-5.06055 -15.1807c-1.39941 -4.18945 -5.92969 -6.45996 -10.1191 -5.05957l-20.2803 6.76953c-13.1104 4.37012 -27.75 4.29004 -39.9902 -2.13965 c-12.2998 -6.45996 -20.9297 -17.46 -24.29 -30.9004l-40.5703 -171.239c22.3604 7.62988 53.25 15.0693 89.5801 15.0693c37.3408 0.0107422 80.2607 -8 125 -31.4795h71.3105c44.7402 23.4795 87.6602 31.4795 125 31.4795c36.3301 0 67.2197 -7.42969 89.5703 -15.0596 l-40.6104 171.439c-3.94043 15.7207 -15.3604 28.2803 -31.5098 33.8408c-10.0703 3.46973 -21.1299 2.88965 -31.2305 -0.480469l-21.79 -7.26953c-4.18945 -1.40039 -8.71973 0.869141 -10.1201 5.05957l-5.05957 15.1797 c-1.40039 4.19043 0.870117 8.7207 5.05957 10.1201l22.8506 7.62012c21.1494 7.03027 44.3398 4.88965 63.8096 -5.76953c19.4697 -10.6807 33.71 -29.1807 39.0898 -50.7305zM227.86 72.8604l4.66992 61.4893c-33.5205 16.6904 -68.8105 25.1309 -105.16 25.1309 c-42.1602 0 -76.5801 -11.4902 -95.3701 -19.4609v-61.2998c0 -43.4102 35.8896 -78.7197 80 -78.7197h36.0801c41.6396 0 76.6797 32 79.7803 72.8604zM544 78.7197v61.2998c-18.7803 7.9707 -53.1797 19.4609 -95.3398 19.4609 c-36.3604 0 -71.6602 -8.4502 -105.19 -25.1309l4.66992 -61.4893c3.10059 -40.8604 38.1504 -72.8604 79.7803 -72.8604h36.0801c44.1104 0 80 35.3096 80 78.7197z" /> <glyph glyph-name="greater-than" unicode="&#xf531;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M320 197.83l-0.00976562 -12.9102c-0.00292969 -2.72559 -1.9834 -5.92871 -4.41992 -7.15039l-289.71 -144.92c-3.9502 -1.97949 -8.76074 -0.369141 -10.7305 3.58008l-14.29 28.6201c-1.96973 3.9502 -0.370117 8.75977 3.58008 10.7305l232.45 116.22l-232.45 116.22 c-2.44043 1.22266 -4.4209 4.42969 -4.4209 7.1582c0 1.04102 0.376953 2.64062 0.84082 3.57227l14.2998 28.6201c1.9707 3.94922 6.78027 5.55957 10.7305 3.58008l289.729 -146.181c2.7002 -1.35938 4.40039 -4.12012 4.40039 -7.13965z" /> <glyph glyph-name="greater-than-equal" unicode="&#xf532;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M32.8398 129.05c-0.463867 0.931641 -0.84082 2.53125 -0.84082 3.57227c0 2.72852 1.98047 5.93555 4.4209 7.1582l232.45 116.22l-232.45 116.22c-2.44043 1.22266 -4.4209 4.42969 -4.4209 7.1582c0 1.04102 0.376953 2.64062 0.84082 3.57227l14.2998 28.6201 c1.9707 3.94922 6.78027 5.55957 10.7305 3.58008l289.72 -146.181c2.7002 -1.35938 4.40039 -4.12012 4.40039 -7.13965v-12.9102c-0.000976562 -2.72754 -1.98145 -5.93066 -4.41992 -7.15039l-289.71 -144.92c-0.933594 -0.467773 -2.53711 -0.847656 -3.58105 -0.847656 c-2.72949 0 -5.93262 1.98438 -7.14941 4.42773zM376 16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h368z" /> <glyph glyph-name="helicopter" unicode="&#xf533;" d="M304 32c-8.83105 0 -20.3018 5.73438 -25.5996 12.7998l-86.4004 115.2l-160 64l-31.5098 108.12c-2.53027 10.0996 5.10938 19.8799 15.5195 19.8799h55.9902c5.03027 0 9.78027 -2.37012 12.7998 -6.40039l43.2002 -57.5996h224v96h-216c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h432c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-184v-96c123.71 0 224 -100.29 224 -224c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-272zM416 253.11v-189.11h160c0 94.9502 -69.3398 173.8 -160 189.11zM212.22 186.38 l5.37988 -7.17969l86.4004 -115.2h80v192h-272l-9.59961 12.7998l-38.4004 51.2002h-26.6699l21.0195 -72.0801l145.54 -58.21zM637.66 -21.6504c3.12012 -3.12988 3.12012 -8.18945 -0.00976562 -11.3096l-7.59082 -7.58984 c-15 -15.0098 -35.3594 -23.4404 -56.5791 -23.4404h-341.48c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h341.51c12.7305 0 24.9307 5.0498 33.9307 14.0498l7.59961 7.60059c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3096 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kiwi-bird" unicode="&#xf535;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M463.99 248c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM562.6 171.98l13.3604 -186.841c0.530273 -7.5 -4.25 -14.3799 -11.4697 -16.5c-1.5 -0.439453 -3 -0.639648 -4.5 -0.639648 c-5.75 0 -11.1904 3.08984 -14.0303 8.33984l-74.4404 136.44c-2.53906 -0.169922 -4.94922 -0.780273 -7.5293 -0.780273h-15.5098c-54.6006 0 -106.4 -19.25 -152.15 -49.0596c-12.46 -8.12012 -26.1104 -14.4307 -40.3398 -19.5v-67.4404c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8 h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v58.9102c-10.4307 -1.77051 -21.0605 -2.91016 -32 -2.91016c-22.4404 0 -43.9805 3.84961 -64 10.9297v-66.9297c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v81.9697c-68.3604 39.6201 -110.17 120 -91.5605 207.96 c15.0605 71.1807 71.9307 128.99 142.891 145.021c15.1699 3.42969 30.1094 5.0498 44.6699 5.0498c40.3301 0 77.7002 -12.4805 108.55 -33.7598c43.4795 -29.9902 94.9199 -46.2402 147.74 -46.2402h9.37012c60.6494 0 115.01 -45.4102 118.18 -105.98 c1.11035 -21.1191 -4.09961 -40.7793 -13.2305 -58.0391zM504.15 119.84l34.6299 -63.5303l-5.73047 80.0703c-8.71973 -6.87988 -18.3594 -12.4697 -28.8994 -16.54zM522.03 168.94c15.25 16.0693 23.0098 37.1699 21.8398 59.4092 c-2.17969 41.71 -40.8604 75.6504 -86.2197 75.6504h-9.37012c-59.3105 0 -116.681 17.9502 -165.91 51.9004c-26.6602 18.3799 -57.9102 28.0996 -90.3799 28.0996c-12.4307 0 -25.0898 -1.44043 -37.6104 -4.26953c-58.5195 -13.2207 -106.2 -61.6104 -118.64 -120.421 c-10.2998 -48.71 1.31934 -98.2695 31.8799 -135.979c30.5596 -37.7002 75.8994 -59.3301 124.37 -59.3301c30.9795 0 61.0195 8.90039 86.8701 25.75c55.2598 36 112.319 54.25 169.62 54.25h15.5098c22.1699 0 42.7793 8.86035 58.04 24.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="less-than" unicode="&#xf536;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M0 186.17v12.9102v0.00488281c0 2.72656 1.98047 5.92773 4.41992 7.14551l289.71 144.92c3.9502 1.97949 8.75977 0.369141 10.7305 -3.58008l14.29 -28.6201c1.96973 -3.9502 0.369141 -8.75977 -3.58008 -10.7305l-232.44 -116.22l232.44 -116.22 c3.94922 -1.98047 5.5498 -6.78027 3.58008 -10.7305l-14.29 -28.6201c-1.9707 -3.94922 -6.78027 -5.55957 -10.7305 -3.58008l-289.729 146.181c-2.7002 1.35938 -4.40039 4.12012 -4.40039 7.13965z" /> <glyph glyph-name="less-than-equal" unicode="&#xf537;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M347.58 139.78c3.9502 -1.98047 5.5498 -6.78027 3.57031 -10.7207l-14.29 -28.6191c-1.9707 -3.95996 -6.78027 -5.56055 -10.7305 -3.58008l-289.71 144.92c-2.70996 1.34961 -4.41992 4.12012 -4.41992 7.14941v12.9102v0.000976562 c0 2.71875 1.97168 5.91699 4.40039 7.13965l289.739 146.17c0.933594 0.467773 2.53711 0.847656 3.58105 0.847656c2.72949 0 5.93262 -1.98438 7.14941 -4.42773l14.29 -28.6201c1.96973 -3.9502 0.370117 -8.75977 -3.58008 -10.7305l-232.45 -116.22zM0 8 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h368c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="memory" unicode="&#xf538;" d="M496 176h-64v128h96v-128h-32zM464 272v-64h32v64h-32zM336 176h-64v128h96v-128h-32zM304 272v-64h32v64h-32zM176 176h-64v128h96v-128h-32zM144 272v-64h32v64h-32zM632 288c-13.25 0 -24 -10.7402 -24 -24c0 -13.25 10.75 -24 24 -24h8v-240h-640v240h8 c13.2598 0 24 10.75 24 24c0 13.2598 -10.7402 24 -24 24h-8v64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h576c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-64h-8zM608 32v64h-576v-64h80v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16h96v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16 s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16h96v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16h96v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16h80zM608 314.59v37.4102h-576v-37.4102c18.9004 -9 32 -28.2998 32 -50.5898s-13.0996 -41.5898 -32 -50.5898v-85.4102h576 v85.4102c-18.9102 9 -32 28.2998 -32 50.5898s13.0898 41.5898 32 50.5898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="microphone-alt-slash" unicode="&#xf539;" d="M256 352v-48.5l-32 25.2002v23.2998c0 53 43 96 96 96s96 -43 96 -96v-160c0 -4.59961 -0.700195 -9 -1.2998 -13.4004l-57.7002 45.4004h27v32h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v32h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56c0 35.2998 -28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64zM480 192c0 -20 -3.7998 -39 -10.5996 -56.5996l-27 21.2998c3.2998 11.2998 5.59961 23 5.59961 35.2998v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56zM320 96 c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96v14.5l33.2002 -26c5.5 -29.7998 31.5 -52.4004 62.7998 -52.4004c1.2002 0 2.2002 0.200195 3.2998 0.300781l32.2002 -25.4004c-11 -4.40039 -22.9004 -7 -35.5 -7zM637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5 c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002zM408 -32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-176c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h72v65.4004c-82.4004 8.2998 -144 81 -144 164.399v50.2998c0 2.60059 1.5 4.60059 3.5 6.10059l28.5 -22.5v-35.2002c0 -68.0996 51.2998 -127.7 119.3 -132.2c26.2998 -1.7998 50.9004 4.7998 71.9004 16.7998l26.3994 -20.7998 c-21.5 -14.5996 -46.3994 -24.5996 -73.5996 -27.2998v-65h72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-bill-wave" unicode="&#xf53a;" d="M320 304c53.0195 0 96 -50.1396 96 -112c0 -61.8701 -43 -112 -96 -112c-53.0195 0 -96 50.1504 -96 112c0 61.8604 42.9805 112 96 112zM320 112c35.29 0 64 35.8896 64 80s-28.71 80 -64 80s-64 -35.8896 -64 -80s28.71 -80 64 -80zM621.16 393.54 c11.6094 -4.87012 18.8398 -16.8301 18.8398 -29.4697v-317.261c0 -18.4893 -15.04 -31.8096 -32.25 -31.8096c-14.6602 0 -38.0898 15.3496 -103 15.3496c-123.17 0 -246.33 -62.3496 -369.5 -62.3496c-38.7998 0 -77.6201 6.19043 -116.41 22.4697 c-11.6094 4.86035 -18.8398 16.8301 -18.8398 29.46v317.261c0 18.4893 15.04 31.8096 32.25 31.8096c14.6504 0 38.0898 -15.3398 103 -15.3398c123.17 0 246.33 62.3496 369.5 62.3398c38.7998 0 77.6201 -6.19043 116.41 -22.46zM32.9502 336.74l-0.219727 -73.3203 c33.6592 0.389648 60.9199 27.0205 62.8896 60.4297c-21.6396 2.36035 -42.4502 6.4707 -62.6699 12.8906zM32 19.9297c19.8799 -8.43945 41.0596 -13.8496 63.5098 -16.8896c-2.5 33.1201 -29.7998 59.3604 -63.3799 59.4297zM607.05 47.2598l0.219727 71.3906 c-33 -0.380859 -59.7998 -26.0205 -62.6895 -58.5205c21.5703 -2.36035 42.3096 -6.46973 62.4697 -12.8701zM607.36 150.8l0.40918 136.67c-52.7295 0.129883 -95.5596 43.1406 -95.7393 96.0703c-57.7305 1.33008 -109.431 -10.9502 -184.221 -29.8896 c-63.3799 -16.04 -129.869 -33.2803 -200.399 -31.8701c-3.06055 -50.2002 -44.1299 -90.1807 -94.7803 -90.5205l-0.410156 -136.67c52.0703 -0.120117 94.3203 -42.1094 95.5498 -94.1299c57.8701 -1.33984 109.341 10.8701 184.41 29.8701 c63.4199 16.0498 129.87 33.2998 200.601 31.8701c3.98926 49.2803 44.5801 88.2598 94.5801 88.5996zM607.87 319.6l0.129883 44.4707c-19.9297 8.45996 -41.1797 13.8799 -63.71 16.9102c1.54004 -34.04 29.3398 -61.3105 63.5801 -61.3809z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-bill-wave-alt" unicode="&#xf53b;" d="M320 304c53.0195 0 96 -50.1396 96 -112c0 -61.8701 -43 -112 -96 -112c-53.0195 0 -96 50.1504 -96 112c0 61.8604 42.9805 112 96 112zM320 112c35.29 0 64 35.8896 64 80s-28.71 80 -64 80s-64 -35.8896 -64 -80s28.71 -80 64 -80zM621.16 393.54 c11.6094 -4.87012 18.8398 -16.8301 18.8398 -29.4697v-317.261c0 -18.4893 -15.04 -31.8096 -32.25 -31.8096c-14.6602 0 -38.0898 15.3496 -103 15.3496c-123.17 0 -246.33 -62.3496 -369.5 -62.3496c-38.7998 0 -77.6201 6.19043 -116.41 22.4697 c-11.6094 4.86035 -18.8398 16.8301 -18.8398 29.46v317.261c0 18.4893 15.04 31.8096 32.25 31.8096c14.6504 0 38.0898 -15.3398 103 -15.3398c123.17 0 246.33 62.3496 369.5 62.3398c38.7998 0 77.6201 -6.19043 116.41 -22.46zM598.47 49.54 c3.77051 -1.05957 8.4707 -2.38965 10.0205 -2.57031l-0.490234 317.101c-31.25 13.3896 -65.2803 19.9297 -103.25 19.9297c-57.5996 0 -115.55 -14.6602 -176.92 -30.2002c-62.4502 -15.7998 -127.021 -32.1494 -192.59 -32.1494 c-48.4307 0 -76.7803 8.00977 -93.71 12.7998c-3.77051 1.05957 -8.4707 2.38965 -10.0205 2.56934l0.490234 -317.1c31.2598 -13.4004 65.29 -19.9297 103.25 -19.9297c57.5996 0 115.55 14.6699 176.9 30.2002c62.4492 15.8096 127.029 32.1494 192.6 32.1494 c48.4404 0 76.7803 -8.00977 93.7197 -12.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check" unicode="&#xf53c;" d="M624 416c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-400c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v400c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h608zM608 0v288h-576v-288h576zM608 320v64h-576v-64h576zM104 64c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h144c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-144zM392 64c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h144c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-144zM104 160 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h208c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-208zM400 160c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v64c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h128c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-64 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-128zM416 224v-32h96v32h-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check-alt" unicode="&#xf53d;" d="M608 416c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-384c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v384c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h576zM608 0v384h-576v-384h576zM296 128c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80zM536 160c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80zM296 224c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h240c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-240zM134.72 190.28c-18.0996 4.88965 -30.7197 21 -30.7197 39.1699c0 21.7295 17.8203 39.2002 40 40.2998v10.25c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8 v-10.1699c10.29 -0.639648 20.0498 -3.87012 28.3496 -9.52051c3.73047 -2.5498 4.24023 -7.90918 1.13086 -11.1895l-12.0703 -12.7305c-2.40039 -2.5498 -6.16016 -2.83984 -9.24023 -1.17969c-3.54004 1.91016 -7.62012 2.9502 -11.7695 2.9502h-26.3408 c-5.55957 0 -10.0596 -3.90039 -10.0596 -8.7002c0 -3.75 2.90039 -7.16016 7.08984 -8.2998l42.1904 -11.4404c18.0996 -4.88965 30.7197 -21 30.7197 -39.1699c0 -21.7295 -17.8203 -39.2002 -40 -40.2998v-10.25c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v10.1699c-10.29 0.639648 -20.0498 3.87012 -28.3496 9.52051c-3.73047 2.5498 -4.24023 7.90918 -1.13086 11.1895l12.0703 12.7305c2.40039 2.5498 6.16016 2.84961 9.24023 1.17969c3.54004 -1.91016 7.62012 -2.9502 11.7695 -2.9502 h26.3408c5.55957 0 10.0596 3.90039 10.0596 8.7002c0 3.75 -2.90039 7.16016 -7.08984 8.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="not-equal" unicode="&#xf53e;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M376 288c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-102.06l-96 -96h198.06c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-246.06l-93.6602 -93.6504c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3105 0l-22.6299 22.6309 c-3.12012 3.11914 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l59.7197 59.71h-54.0596c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h102.06l96 96h-198.06c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h246.06l93.6602 93.6602 c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3105 0l22.6299 -22.6299c3.12012 -3.12012 3.12012 -8.19043 0 -11.3105l-21.1602 -21.1602l-38.5596 -38.5596h54.0596z" /> <glyph glyph-name="palette" unicode="&#xf53f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M112 184c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM144 296c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM256 448c141.1 0 255.6 -113.9 256.1 -254.7 c-0.0996094 -35.7002 -29.0996 -65.2998 -64.8994 -65.2998h-79.7002c-51 0 -84 -53 -60.9004 -98.4004c18.9004 -37.0996 -1.2998 -85.2998 -42.5 -91.6992c-8.09961 -1.30078 -16.2998 -1.90039 -24.5996 -1.90039c-123.1 0 -268.9 133.5 -234.3 308.6 c19.5996 99.1006 99.7002 179 199.1 198.4c17.5 3.40039 34.7998 5 51.7002 5zM447.1 160c18.1006 0 32.9004 15 32.9004 33.2998c-0.400391 122.7 -100.9 222.601 -224 222.601c-15 0 -30.2998 -1.5 -45.5 -4.5c-86.9004 -17 -156.8 -86.6006 -173.9 -173.2 c-13.5 -68.1006 3.40039 -135.101 47.4004 -188.7c41.4004 -50.2998 100.9 -81.5996 155.5 -81.5996c6.7998 0 13.4004 0.5 19.7002 1.5c10.7998 1.69922 16.2998 9.69922 18.7002 14.2998c4.89941 9.7002 5 21.7002 0.0996094 31.2998 c-15.9004 31.2002 -14.5 67.5 3.7002 97.2002c18.2998 29.8994 50.3994 47.7998 85.7002 47.7998h79.6992zM368 312c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM240 360c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="parking" unicode="&#xf540;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM416 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-352c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM244.1 320.1c46 0 87.1006 -33.5 91.5 -79.1992c5.10059 -52.5 -36.1992 -96.8008 -87.5996 -96.8008h-72v-72c0 -4.39941 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.60059 -8 8v240c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h92.0996zM248 176 c30.9004 0 56 25.0996 56 56s-25.0996 56 -56 56h-72v-112h72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="percentage" unicode="&#xf541;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M317.66 315.72l-21.1602 -21.1602l-260.22 -260.21c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3105 0l-22.6299 22.6309c-3.12012 3.11914 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l281.38 281.37c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3105 0l22.6299 -22.6299 c3.12012 -3.12012 3.12012 -8.19043 0 -11.3105zM64 224c-16.3799 0 -32.7598 6.25 -45.2598 18.7402c-24.9902 24.9902 -24.9902 65.5195 0 90.5098c12.5 12.5 28.8799 18.75 45.2598 18.75s32.7598 -6.25 45.25 -18.75c24.9902 -24.9902 24.9902 -65.5195 0 -90.5098 c-12.4902 -12.4902 -28.8701 -18.7402 -45.25 -18.7402zM41.3799 310.63c-12.4795 -12.4795 -12.4795 -32.7803 0 -45.2598c6.04004 -6.04004 14.0703 -9.37012 22.6201 -9.37012s16.5898 3.33008 22.6299 9.37988c12.4697 12.4697 12.4805 32.7705 0 45.25 c-6.0498 6.04004 -14.0801 9.37012 -22.6299 9.37012s-16.5801 -3.33008 -22.6201 -9.37012zM256 160c16.3799 0 32.7598 -6.25 45.25 -18.75c24.9902 -24.9902 24.9902 -65.5195 0 -90.5098c-12.4902 -12.4902 -28.8701 -18.7402 -45.25 -18.7402 s-32.7598 6.25 -45.2598 18.7402c-24.9902 24.9902 -24.9902 65.5195 0 90.5098c12.5 12.5 28.8799 18.75 45.2598 18.75zM278.63 73.3701c12.4697 12.4795 12.4805 32.7803 0 45.2598c-6.0498 6.04004 -14.0801 9.37012 -22.6299 9.37012 c-8.54004 0 -16.5801 -3.33008 -22.6201 -9.37012c-12.4795 -12.4795 -12.4795 -32.7803 0 -45.2598c6.04004 -6.04004 14.0703 -9.37012 22.6201 -9.37012s16.5898 3.33008 22.6299 9.37012z" /> <glyph glyph-name="project-diagram" unicode="&#xf542;" d="M592 448c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-96c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-96c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v32h-256v-32c0 -15.2002 -7.2002 -28.5898 -18.2402 -37.3896l83.4307 -141.181c4.68945 1.53027 9.59961 2.57031 14.7998 2.57031h96 c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-96c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-96c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v96c0 9.51953 2.85938 18.3301 7.62988 25.79l-88.7598 150.21h-94.8604c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v96c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96 c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-32h256v32c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96zM32 304c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h96c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v96c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-96c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-96zM368 96h-96c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16 v-96c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h96c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v96c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16zM608 304v96c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-96c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-96c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h96c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="receipt" unicode="&#xf543;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M344 208c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240zM344 112c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240zM418.1 448c15.6006 0 29.9004 -12.5 29.8008 -29.9004v-452.3c0 -17.5996 -14.3008 -29.7998 -29.8008 -29.7998c-5.89941 0 -11.8994 1.7998 -17.2998 5.7002l-43.5 31.2998l-38.5996 -27.7998 c-8.40039 -6.10059 -18.2002 -9.10059 -28 -9.10059s-19.7002 3.10059 -28.1006 9.10059l-38.5996 27.7998l-38.5996 -27.7998c-8.40039 -6.10059 -18.2002 -9.10059 -28 -9.10059c-9.90039 0 -19.7002 3.10059 -28.1006 9.10059l-38.5996 27.7998l-43.5 -31.2998 c-5.5 -3.90039 -11.5 -5.7002 -17.2998 -5.7002c-15.6006 0 -29.9004 12.5 -29.9004 29.7998v452.3c0 17.6006 14.4004 29.8008 29.9004 29.9004c5.89941 0 11.8994 -1.7998 17.2998 -5.7002l43.5 -31.2998l38.5996 27.7998c8.40039 6.10059 18.2002 9.10059 28 9.10059 s19.7002 -3.10059 28.1006 -9.10059l38.5996 -27.7998l38.5996 27.7998c8.40039 6.10059 18.2002 9.10059 28 9.10059c9.90039 0 19.7002 -3.10059 28.1006 -9.10059l38.5996 -27.7998l43.5 31.2998c5.5 3.90039 11.5 5.7002 17.2998 5.7002zM416 -29.7998v443.6 l-40 -28.7998l-18.5996 -13.5l-18.7002 13.5l-38.6006 27.7002c-2.7998 2 -6 3.09961 -9.39941 3.09961c-3.40039 0 -6.60059 -1 -9.40039 -3l-38.5996 -27.7998l-18.7002 -13.5l-18.7002 13.5l-38.5996 27.7002c-2.7998 2 -6 3.09961 -9.40039 3.09961 c-3.2998 0 -6.5 -1 -9.2998 -3l-38.5996 -27.7998l-18.7002 -13.5l-18.7002 13.5l-40 28.7998v-444.2l40 29.4004l18.5996 13.5l18.7002 -13.5l38.6006 -27.7002c2.7998 -2 6 -3.09961 9.39941 -3.09961c3.40039 0 6.60059 1 9.40039 3l38.5996 27.7998l18.7002 13.5 l18.7002 -13.5l38.5996 -27.7002c2.7998 -2 6 -3.09961 9.40039 -3.09961c3.2998 0 6.5 1 9.2998 3l38.5996 27.7998l18.7002 13.5l18.7002 -13.5zM344 304c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ruler" unicode="&#xf545;" d="M635.7 282.2c8.7998 -15.2002 3.59961 -34.7002 -11.7002 -43.2998l-496.6 -286.5c-5 -2.90039 -10.5 -4.30078 -15.9004 -4.30078c-11 0 -21.7002 5.7002 -27.5996 15.9004l-79.6006 137.8c-8.7998 15.2002 -3.59961 34.7002 11.6006 43.4004l496.699 286.5 c5 2.89941 10.5 4.2998 15.9004 4.2998c11 0 21.7002 -5.7002 27.5996 -15.9004zM111.5 -20.2002l496.7 286.7l-79.6006 137.8l-69 -39.7998l43.8008 -75.7998c2.19922 -3.7998 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004l-13.7998 -8 c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-43.7998 75.7998l-55.2002 -31.7998l27.9004 -48.2002c2.2002 -3.7998 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004l-13.7998 -8c-3.7998 -2.19922 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-27.8994 48.2002l-55.2002 -31.7998 l43.9004 -75.6006c2.19922 -3.7998 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.8994l-13.7998 -8c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.900391 -10.9004 2.89941l-43.7998 75.7998l-55.2002 -31.7998l27.9004 -48.2002c2.2002 -3.7998 0.899414 -8.69922 -2.90039 -10.8994l-13.7998 -8 c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.900391 -10.9004 2.89941l-27.8994 48.2002l-55.2002 -31.7998l43.7998 -75.7998c2.2002 -3.7998 0.900391 -8.7002 -2.89941 -10.9004l-13.8008 -8c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.69922 -0.899414 -10.8994 2.90039l-43.7998 75.7998l-69 -39.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ruler-combined" unicode="&#xf546;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M480 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v448c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-288h288zM32 416v-425.38l128 128v41.3799h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v48h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v48h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v64h-128zM480 -32v128h-64v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-48 v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-48v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-41.3799l-128 -128h425.38z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ruler-horizontal" unicode="&#xf547;" d="M608 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h576zM608 96v192h-80v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-64v-56 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-64v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-64v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-64v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-80v-192h576z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ruler-vertical" unicode="&#xf548;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M224 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-192c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v448c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h192zM32 -32h192v64h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v64h-56 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v64h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v64h-56c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v64h-192v-448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="school" unicode="&#xf549;" d="M352 256c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-40c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32h16zM368 128c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-136c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v136c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-96c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-136c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v136c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96zM608 256c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-280 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v280h-96v-280c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v365.33l-160 106.67l-160 -106.67v-365.33c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v280h-96v-280 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v280c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h96v53.3301c0.00195312 9.45312 6.38574 21.3838 14.25 26.6299l160 106.67c5.37012 3.58008 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-117.43c-0.853516 -0.856445 -1.54492 -2.53223 -1.54492 -3.74023c0 -1.20898 0.691406 -2.88379 1.54492 -3.74023 l52.8496 -52.8604c1.28027 -1.2793 2.74023 -1.5498 3.74023 -1.5498h0.0390625c1.20117 0 2.8584 0.694336 3.70117 1.5498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shoe-prints" unicode="&#xf54b;" d="M337.46 176c90.3604 0 174.54 -34.29 174.54 -102.86c0 -81.9795 -108.16 -137.14 -218.7 -137.14c-43.1299 0 -75.8799 7.7002 -107.77 17.1797l-57.5303 14.8203h-64c-35.3496 0 -64 32.9805 -64 70.8496c0 37.8701 28.6504 68.5703 64 68.5703h64 c60.21 0 79.9404 16.7402 104.73 34.29c28.5693 20.2305 69.8193 34.29 104.729 34.29zM112 0v75.4297h-48c-17.6396 0 -32 -16.3994 -32 -36.5693c0 -20.7002 14.9502 -38.8604 32 -38.8604h48zM193.51 -15.8398c165 -48.9404 286.49 26.8301 286.49 88.9795 c0 58.1299 -141.67 104.48 -232.92 39.5107c-22.3301 -15.96 -47.75 -33.6699 -103.08 -36.6201v-79.1104zM421.29 448c111.83 0 218.71 -55.8398 218.71 -137.14c0 -68.5703 -84.1797 -102.86 -174.54 -102.86c-34.9199 0 -76.1602 14.0596 -104.729 34.2803 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121.3c0.200195 0 0.200195 0.0996094 0 0.299805l-43.8994 75.5996 c-4.30078 7.80078 0.299805 14.1006 8.5 14.1006h65.0996c7.2998 0 13.2998 -4.10059 18 -12.2002zM382.6 401.9l-144 -253v-0.300781l91.6006 -166.6c3.89941 -7.09961 0.200195 -14.0996 -8.5 -14.0996h-65.2002c-7.59961 0 -13.5996 4 -18 12.1992l-92.4004 168.5 c3.30078 5.80078 51.5 90.8008 144.801 255.2c4.59961 8.10059 10.3994 12.2002 17.5 12.2002h65.6992c8 0 12.3008 -6.7002 8.5 -14.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="xing-square" unicode="&#xf169;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM140.4 127.8c4.89941 0 9.09961 2.90039 12.5996 9.10059c32.0996 56.5 48.7998 85.8994 50.0996 88.1992l-31.8994 55.3008 c-3.40039 5.7998 -7.7002 8.69922 -12.9004 8.69922h-46.5996c-5.7998 0 -9 -4.5 -6 -10.0996l31.3994 -54c0.100586 -0.0996094 0.100586 -0.200195 0 -0.200195l-49.2998 -86.7002c-2.7002 -5 0.5 -10.2998 6 -10.2998h46.6006zM360.1 341.9 c2.80078 5.2998 -0.299805 10.0996 -6 10h-46.8994c-5.10059 0 -9.2002 -2.90039 -12.5 -8.7002c-66.6006 -117.4 -101.101 -178.2 -103.4 -182.3l66 -120.301c3.2002 -5.7998 7.40039 -8.69922 12.9004 -8.69922h46.5996c6.10059 0 8.7998 5 6 10.0996l-65.5 119v0.200195z " /> <glyph glyph-name="stack-overflow" unicode="&#xf16c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M290.7 137l-8.2002 -39l-195.7 41l8.2002 39.2998zM341.7 224l-25.5 -30.7998l-153.5 128.3l25.5 30.7998zM310.5 184.3l-16.7998 -36.2998l-181.2 84.5l16.7002 36.5zM262 416l119.3 -160.3l-32 -24l-119.3 160.3zM282.5 88v-39.7002h-200v39.7002h200zM322.2 8v120h40 v-160h-359.5v160h40v-120h279.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="instagram" unicode="&#xf16d;" d="M224.1 307c63.6006 0 114.9 -51.2998 114.9 -114.9c0 -63.5996 -51.2998 -114.899 -114.9 -114.899c-63.5996 0 -114.899 51.2998 -114.899 114.899c0 63.6006 51.2998 114.9 114.899 114.9zM224.1 117.4c41.1006 0 74.7002 33.5 74.7002 74.6992 c0 41.2002 -33.5 74.7002 -74.7002 74.7002c-41.1992 0 -74.6992 -33.5 -74.6992 -74.7002c0 -41.1992 33.5996 -74.6992 74.6992 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-34.7998 42.5996 -42.5996c29.4004 -11.6006 99.5 -9 132.1 -9 c32.6006 0 102.601 -2.7002 132.101 9c19.7002 7.89941 34.7998 23 42.5996 42.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="flickr" unicode="&#xf16e;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM144.5 129c35.0996 0 63.5 28.4004 63.5 63.5s-28.4004 63.5 -63.5 63.5s-63.5 -28.4004 -63.5 -63.5s28.4004 -63.5 63.5 -63.5z M303.5 129c35.0996 0 63.5 28.4004 63.5 63.5s-28.4004 63.5 -63.5 63.5s-63.5 -28.4004 -63.5 -63.5s28.4004 -63.5 63.5 -63.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="adn" unicode="&#xf170;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 280.5l64.9004 -98.7998h-129.801zM496 192c0 -136.9 -111.1 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.1 -248 248s111.1 248 248 248s248 -111.1 248 -248zM396.2 109.3l-148.2 223.2l-148.2 -223.2h30.4004l33.5996 51.7002h168.601l33.5996 -51.7002h30.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tumblr" unicode="&#xf173;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M309.8 -32.2998c-13.5996 -14.5 -50 -31.7002 -97.3994 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3.40039 -2.7998 6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002h-44.2998 c-5.89941 0 -9.5 -3.2998 -10 -10.2002c-1.7998 -25.7002 -13.8994 -59.5 -52.7002 -73.2002c-4.2998 -1.5 -7.09961 -5.5 -7.09961 -10v-42.5c0 -3.39941 2.7998 -6.19922 6.2002 -6.19922h29.7002v-90c0 -32.4004 16.3994 -87.9004 91.8994 -87.9004 c29.7002 0 52.4004 10.7002 60.9004 19.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="windows" unicode="&#xf17a;" d="M0 354.3l183.6 25.2998v-177.399h-183.6v152.1zM0 29.7002v149.899h183.6v-175.199zM203.8 1.7002v177.899h244.2v-211.6zM203.8 382.3l244.2 33.7002v-213.8h-244.2v180.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="linux" unicode="&#xf17c;" d="M220.8 324.7c-1.09961 0.599609 -3.09961 0.399414 -3.39941 1.7002c-0.200195 0.399414 0.199219 0.899414 0.599609 1.09961c1.59961 0.900391 3.7998 0.599609 5.5 -0.0996094c1.2998 -0.600586 3.40039 -1.5 3.2002 -2.90039 c-0.100586 -1.09961 -1.7998 -1.5 -2.90039 -1.5c-1.2002 0 -2 1.2002 -3 1.7002zM198.9 323c-1 -0.0996094 -2.7002 0.400391 -2.80078 1.40039c-0.199219 1.39941 1.90039 2.2998 3.2002 2.89941c1.7002 0.700195 3.90039 1 5.5 0.100586 c0.400391 -0.200195 0.799805 -0.700195 0.600586 -1.10059c-0.400391 -1.2002 -2.40039 -1 -3.5 -1.59961c-1 -0.5 -1.80078 -1.7002 -3 -1.7002zM420 44.2002c11.0996 -12.4004 15.9004 -21.5 15.5 -29.7002c-0.5 -8.2002 -6.5 -13.7998 -13.9004 -18.2998 c-14.8994 -9 -37.2998 -15.7998 -50.8994 -32.2002c-14.2002 -16.9004 -31.7002 -26.5996 -48.2998 -27.9004c-16.5 -1.2998 -32 6.30078 -40.3008 23v0.100586c-1.09961 2.09961 -1.89941 4.39941 -2.5 6.7002c-21.5 -1.2002 -40.1992 5.2998 -55.0996 4.09961 c-22 -1.2002 -35.7998 -6.5 -48.2998 -6.59961c-4.7998 -10.6006 -14.2998 -17.6006 -25.9004 -20.2002c-16 -3.7002 -36.0996 0 -55.8994 10.3994c-18.5 9.80078 -42 8.90039 -59.3008 12.5c-8.69922 1.80078 -16.2998 5 -20.0996 12.3008 c-3.7002 7.2998 -3 17.2998 2.2002 31.6992c1.7002 5.10059 0.399414 12.7002 -0.799805 20.8008c-0.600586 3.89941 -1.2002 7.89941 -1.2002 11.7998c0 4.2998 0.700195 8.5 2.7998 12.3994c4.5 8.5 11.7998 12.1006 18.5 14.5c6.7002 2.40039 12.7998 4 17 8.30078 c5.2002 5.5 10.0996 14.3994 16.5996 20.1992c-2.59961 17.2002 0.200195 35.4004 6.2002 53.3008c12.6006 37.8994 39.2002 74.1992 58.1006 96.6992c16.0996 22.9004 20.7998 41.3008 22.5 64.7002c1.09961 31.7998 -24.5 135.4 77.8994 135.2 c80.9004 -0.0996094 76.2998 -85.4004 75.7998 -131.3c-0.299805 -30.1006 16.3008 -50.5 33.4004 -72c15.2002 -18 35.0996 -44.2998 46.5 -74.4004c9.2998 -24.5996 12.9004 -51.7998 3.7002 -79.0996c1.39941 -0.5 2.7998 -1.2002 4.09961 -2 c1.40039 -0.799805 2.7002 -1.7998 4 -2.90039c6.60059 -5.59961 8.7002 -14.2998 10.5 -22.3994c1.90039 -8.10059 3.60059 -15.7002 7.2002 -19.7002zM223.7 360.7c-3.2002 -7.2002 -3.90039 -14.9004 -2.90039 -21.7998c3.60059 -0.900391 8.90039 -2.40039 13 -4.40039 c-2.09961 12.2002 4.5 23.5 11.7998 23c8.90039 -0.299805 13.9004 -15.5 9.10059 -27.2998c-0.799805 -1.90039 -2.7998 -3.40039 -3.90039 -4.60059c6.7002 -2.2998 11 -4.09961 12.6006 -4.89941c7.89941 9.5 10.7998 26.2002 4.2998 40.3994 c-9.7998 21.4004 -34.2002 21.8008 -44 -0.399414zM183 372.2c-18.9004 0 -24 -37.5 -8.40039 -52.1006c7.80078 5.7002 6.90039 4.7002 5.90039 5.5c-8 6.90039 -6.59961 27.4004 1.7998 28.1006c6.2998 0.5 10.7998 -10.7002 9.60059 -19.6006 c3.09961 2.10059 6.69922 3.60059 10.1992 4.60059c1.7002 19.2998 -9 33.5 -19.0996 33.5zM169.4 311.5c-4.2002 -3.2998 -5.60059 -7.40039 -4.2002 -12.2998c1.5 -4.90039 6.09961 -10.5 14.7002 -15.2998c7.7998 -4.60059 12 -11.5 20 -15 c2.59961 -1.10059 5.69922 -1.90039 9.59961 -2.10059c18.4004 -1.09961 27.0996 11.2998 38.2002 14.9004c11.7002 3.7002 20.0996 11 22.7002 18.0996c3.19922 8.5 -2.10059 14.7002 -10.5 18.2002c-11.3008 4.90039 -16.3008 5.2002 -22.6006 9.2998 c-10.2998 6.60059 -18.7998 8.90039 -25.8994 8.90039c-14.4004 0 -23.2002 -9.7998 -27.9004 -14.2002c-0.5 -0.5 -7.90039 -5.90039 -14.0996 -10.5zM172.7 -22.5c2.09961 20.5 -31.5 49 -41 68.9004l-19.6006 35.5996c-6.7998 9.2002 -13.7998 14.7998 -21.8994 16 c-7.7002 1.2002 -12.6006 -1.40039 -17.7002 -6.90039c-4.7998 -5.09961 -8.7998 -12.2998 -14.2998 -18c-7.7998 -6.5 -9.2998 -6.19922 -19.6006 -9.89941c-6.2998 -2.2002 -11.2998 -4.60059 -14.7998 -11.2998c-2.7002 -5 -2.09961 -12.2002 -0.899414 -20 c1.19922 -7.90039 3 -16.3008 0.599609 -23.9004v-0.200195c-5 -13.7002 -5 -21.7002 -2.59961 -26.3994c7.89941 -15.4004 46.5996 -6.10059 76.5 -21.9004c31.3994 -16.4004 72.5996 -17.0996 75.2998 18zM171.3 3.40039c37.6006 -25.7002 82.2002 -15.7002 114.3 7.19922 c3.2002 11 6.30078 21.3008 6.80078 29c0.799805 15.2002 1.59961 28.7002 4.39941 39.9004c3.10059 12.5996 9.2998 23.0996 21.4004 27.2998c2.2998 21.1006 18.7002 21.1006 38.2998 12.5c18.9004 -8.5 26 -16 22.7998 -26.0996c1 0 2 0.0996094 4.2002 0 c5.2002 16.8994 -14.2998 28 -30.7002 34.7998c2.90039 12 2.40039 24.0996 -0.399414 35.7002c-6 25.2998 -22.6006 47.7998 -35.2002 59c-2.2998 0.0996094 -2.10059 -1.90039 2.59961 -6.5c11.6006 -10.7002 37.1006 -49.2002 23.2998 -84.9004 c-3.89941 1 -7.59961 1.5 -10.8994 1.40039c-5.2998 29.0996 -17.5 53.2002 -23.6006 64.5996c-11.5 21.4004 -29.5 65.2998 -37.1992 95.7002c-4.5 -6.40039 -12.4004 -11.9004 -22.3008 -15c-4.69922 -1.5 -9.69922 -5.5 -15.8994 -9 c-13.9004 -8 -30 -8.7998 -42.4004 1.2002c-4.5 3.59961 -8 7.59961 -12.5996 10.2998c-1.60059 0.900391 -5.10059 3.2998 -6.2002 4.09961c-2 -37.7998 -27.2998 -85.2998 -39.2998 -112.699c-8.2998 -19.7002 -13.2002 -40.8008 -13.7998 -61.5 c-21.8008 29.0996 -5.90039 66.2998 2.59961 82.3994c9.5 17.6006 11 22.5 8.7002 20.7998c-8.60059 -14 -22 -36.2998 -27.2002 -59.1992c-2.7002 -11.9004 -3.2002 -24 0.299805 -35.2002s11.1006 -21.5 24.6006 -29.9004c0 0 24.7998 -14.2998 38.2998 -32.5 c7.39941 -10 9.7002 -18.7002 7.39941 -24.8994c-2.5 -6.7002 -9.59961 -8.90039 -16.6992 -8.90039c4.7998 -6 10.2998 -13 14.3994 -19.5996zM428.7 14.9004c0.299805 5.09961 -3.10059 13 -13.7002 24.5996c-10 11.2998 -7.2002 33.0996 -17.0996 41.5996 c-6.90039 6 -13.6006 5.40039 -22.6006 5.10059c-7.7002 -8.7998 -25.7998 -19.6006 -38.3994 -16.2998c-11.5 2.89941 -18 16.2998 -18.8008 29.5c-0.299805 -0.200195 -0.699219 -0.300781 -1 -0.5c-7.09961 -3.90039 -11.0996 -10.8008 -13.6992 -21.1006 c-2.5 -10.2002 -3.40039 -23.5 -4.2002 -38.7002c-0.700195 -11.7998 -6.2002 -26.3994 -9.90039 -40.5996c-3.5 -13.2002 -5.7998 -25.2002 -1.09961 -36.2998c7.2002 -14.5 19.5 -20.4004 33.7002 -19.2998c14.1992 1.09961 30.3994 9.7998 43.5996 25.5 c22 26.5996 62.2998 29.6992 63.2002 46.5zM173.3 299.3c-3.5 2.7998 -3.09961 6.60059 -1.7002 6.5c2.40039 -0.299805 2.80078 -3.5 4.30078 -4.89941c2 -1.90039 4.59961 -4.40039 7.69922 -6.90039c6.2002 -4.90039 14.5 -9.7002 24.9004 -9.7002 s22.5 6 29.9004 10.2002c4.19922 2.40039 9.5 6.59961 13.8994 9.7998c3.40039 2.5 3.2002 5.40039 6 5.10059c2.7998 -0.300781 0.799805 -3.2002 -3.09961 -6.60059c-3.90039 -3.39941 -9.90039 -7.7998 -14.7998 -10.3994 c-9.30078 -4.90039 -20.2002 -10.8008 -31.8008 -10.8008c-11.5 0 -20.6992 5.40039 -27.2998 10.6006c-3.2998 2.59961 -6 5.2002 -8 7.09961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dribbble" unicode="&#xf17d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 440c136.748 0 248 -111.252 248 -248s-111.252 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.252 -248 248s111.252 248 248 248zM419.97 325.634c-4.46582 -6.04102 -39.9629 -51.5459 -118.284 -83.5225c7.43652 -15.2217 12.8652 -27.5732 18.6172 -41.6143 c70.4844 8.86426 140.519 -5.34082 147.502 -6.81836c-0.46582 49.998 -18.332 95.9092 -47.835 131.955zM396.421 350.13c-52.0947 46.2188 -122.885 63.6816 -190.061 47.4893c5.85449 -7.83984 44.3281 -60.2324 79.04 -124.008 c75.3232 28.2324 107.211 71.0918 111.021 76.5186zM165.941 383.38c-59.2637 -27.9531 -103.562 -82.585 -117.298 -148.318c9.47461 -0.125 96.7471 -0.503906 195.834 25.8096c-35.0986 62.3926 -72.9512 114.85 -78.5361 122.509zM44.1699 191.677 c0 -54.4072 20.624 -104.082 54.457 -141.636c34.3369 58.7793 103.932 120.731 180.531 142.306c-5.31738 12.0342 -11.1104 24.0811 -17.1738 35.9492c-105.786 -31.6592 -208.438 -30.3359 -217.706 -30.1455c-0.0654297 -2.15137 -0.108398 -4.30762 -0.108398 -6.47363 zM125.977 24.5645c62.7539 -48.9355 144.656 -56.8955 212.769 -27.8828c-3.15039 18.585 -15.4492 83.3555 -45.1895 160.639c-85.4004 -29.1348 -145.452 -87.5234 -167.579 -132.756zM374.357 16.0752c47.5215 32.1338 81.3525 83.0371 90.7949 141.978 c-7.24707 2.28711 -65.5674 19.6816 -131.947 9.05566c27.7061 -76.1367 38.9805 -138.147 41.1523 -151.033z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skype" unicode="&#xf17e;" d="M424.7 148.2c14.5996 -18.9004 23.2998 -42.5 23.2002 -68.1006c0 -61.7998 -50.2002 -112 -112 -112c-25.6006 0 -49.2002 8.7002 -68.2002 23.3008c-14.1006 -3 -28.9004 -4.7002 -43.7998 -4.7002c-113.4 0 -205.301 91.7998 -205.301 205.3 c0 14.9004 1.80078 29.7998 4.7002 43.7998c-14.5996 18.9004 -23.2998 42.5 -23.2998 68.2002c0 61.7998 50.2002 112 112 112c25.7002 0 49.2998 -8.7002 68.2998 -23.4004c14.1006 3 28.9004 4.7002 43.7998 4.7002c113.4 0 205.301 -91.7998 205.301 -205.3 c0 -14.9004 -1.80078 -29.7998 -4.7002 -43.7998zM230.1 56.7002c54.9004 0 112 27.3994 112 86.5c0 50.7998 -49.2998 68.2998 -90.6992 77.5996c-48.3008 11.2002 -69.1006 13.2002 -69.1006 33c0 15.5 16.2998 22.5 42 22.5c45.7998 0 46.7002 -33.5 75 -33.5 c18.9004 0 30.2998 14.9004 30.2998 31.7998c0 33.5 -55.6992 55.4004 -110.8 55.4004c-50.5 0 -109.1 -21.9004 -109.1 -81.0996c0 -65.2002 55.2998 -71.8008 117.8 -87.2002c26 -6.40039 42 -9.2998 42 -28c0 -14.9004 -16.5996 -26.2998 -42.2998 -26.2998 c-54 0 -56.9004 44.8994 -88.1006 44.8994c-20.5 0 -29.5 -14.5996 -29.5 -30.5996c0 -35.7998 54.9004 -65 120.5 -65z" /> <glyph glyph-name="foursquare" unicode="&#xf180;" horiz-adv-x="368" d="M323.1 445c40 0 50.7002 -22.7998 42.2002 -65.2002l-48.5996 -243c-3.7002 -14.5 -9.2002 -39.7002 -44.2998 -39.7002h-83.4004c-3.40039 0 -3.7002 0.300781 -6.7998 -3.09961c0 0 -2.2002 -2.5 -131.101 -151.9 c-10.0996 -11.6992 -26.6992 -9.59961 -32.8994 -7.09961c-6.10059 2.40039 -18.2002 9.7998 -18.2002 30.0996v433.801c0 17.7998 12.4004 46.0996 49.9004 46.0996h273.199zM306.8 371.2c2.10059 9.7998 -5.2998 17.5 -13.5 17.5h-219 c-9.7998 0 -16.5996 -8.90039 -16.5996 -16.6006v-338.8c0 -0.899414 0.899414 -1.2002 1.7998 -0.299805c80.5996 96.9004 89.5 108.3 89.5 108.3c9.2998 10.7998 13 12.6006 26.5 12.6006h73.5c10.0996 0 16 8.59961 16.9004 13.5 c0.899414 5 9.59961 49.8994 11.3994 58.7998c1.7998 9 -6.5 18.2002 -14.7998 18.2002h-90.4004c-12 0 -20.5996 8.59961 -20.5996 20.5996v13c0 12 8.59961 20.2998 20.5996 20.2998h106.4c7.40039 0 15.7002 6.7002 16.9004 13.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gratipay" unicode="&#xf184;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 440c136.9 0 248 -111.1 248 -248s-111.1 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.1 -248 248s111.1 248 248 248zM362.6 213.6c8.80078 12 19.1006 50.4004 -13.7998 72c-27.7002 18.1006 -54.2002 4.2002 -68.0996 -11.8994c-15.1006 -16.9004 -45.7998 -17.9004 -61.7002 0 c-13.9004 16.0996 -40.4004 30 -68.5 11.8994c-32.7002 -21.5996 -22.2998 -60.0996 -13.5996 -72l112.699 -152.699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vk" unicode="&#xf189;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M545 330.3c-7.40039 -34.2998 -79.2998 -135.5 -79.4004 -135.6c-6.19922 -10 -8.69922 -15 0 -26.2002c3.40039 -4.7998 79.1006 -76.5996 90.3008 -111.5c4.89941 -16.5996 -3.60059 -25 -20.4004 -25h-58.9004c-22.3994 0 -29 17.9004 -69 57.9004 c-35 33.6992 -50 38.0996 -58.6992 38.0996c-18.8008 0 -15.4004 -6.2998 -15.4004 -73.0996c0 -14.5 -4.59961 -22.9004 -42.0996 -22.9004c-62.4004 0 -131 37.9004 -179.7 107.8c-73.1006 102.4 -93.1006 179.9 -93.1006 195.5c0 8.7998 3.40039 16.7002 20.2002 16.7002 h58.9004c15.0996 0 20.7998 -6.59961 26.5996 -22.9004c28.7998 -84 77.4004 -157.399 97.4004 -157.399c7.5 0 10.8994 3.5 10.8994 22.5v86.7998c-2.19922 40 -23.3994 43.2998 -23.3994 57.5c0 6.5 5.59961 13.5 15 13.5h92.5996 c12.4004 0 16.6006 -6.7002 16.6006 -21.7002v-116.7c0 -12.5 5.69922 -16.8994 9.39941 -16.8994c7.5 0 13.7998 4.39941 27.5 18.0996c42.4004 47.4004 72.4004 120.5 72.4004 120.5c3.7002 8.7998 10.5996 16.7002 25.5996 16.7002h58.9004 c17.7998 0 21.5 -9.2002 17.7998 -21.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="weibo" unicode="&#xf18a;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M407 270.4c7.59961 24 -13.4004 46.7998 -37.4004 41.6992c-22 -4.7998 -28.7998 28.1006 -7.09961 32.8008c50.0996 10.8994 92.2998 -37.1006 76.5 -84.8008c-6.7998 -21.1992 -38.7998 -10.7998 -32 10.3008zM214.8 1.2998c-106.3 0 -214.8 51.4004 -214.8 136.3 c0 44.3008 28 95.4004 76.2998 143.7c99.7002 99.7002 203.2 100.9 173.601 5.7002c-4 -13.0996 12.2998 -5.7002 12.2998 -6c79.5 33.5996 140.5 16.7998 114 -51.4004c-3.7002 -9.39941 1.09961 -10.8994 8.2998 -13.0996c135.7 -42.2998 34.7998 -215.2 -169.7 -215.2z M358.5 147.6c-5.40039 55.7002 -78.5 94 -163.4 85.7002c-84.7998 -8.59961 -148.8 -60.2998 -143.399 -116c5.39941 -55.7002 78.5 -94 163.399 -85.7002c84.8008 8.60059 148.801 60.3008 143.4 116zM347.9 412.9c102.3 21.5996 189.3 -74.5 157.399 -174.301 c-8.2998 -25 -44.7998 -12.1992 -37.3994 12c23.0996 71.2002 -39.4004 139.2 -111.7 124c-25.1006 -5.39941 -34.2002 32.7002 -8.2998 38.3008zM269.4 101.9c-17.1006 -38.8008 -66.8008 -60 -109.101 -46.3008c-40.7998 13.1006 -58 53.4004 -40.2998 89.7002 c17.7002 35.4004 63.0996 55.4004 103.4 45.1006c42 -10.8008 63.0996 -50.2002 46 -88.5zM183.1 131.9c-12.8994 5.39941 -30 -0.300781 -38 -12.9004c-8.2998 -12.9004 -4.2998 -28 8.60059 -34c13.0996 -6 30.7998 -0.299805 39.0996 12.9004 c8 13.0996 3.7002 28.2998 -9.7002 34zM215.7 145.3c-5.10059 1.7002 -11.4004 -0.599609 -14.2998 -5.39941c-2.90039 -5.10059 -1.40039 -10.6006 3.69922 -12.9004c5.10059 -2 11.7002 0.299805 14.6006 5.40039c2.7998 5.19922 1.09961 10.8994 -4 12.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="renren" unicode="&#xf18b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M214 278.9c0 -110.4 -61 -205.4 -147.6 -247.4c-36.4004 43.2998 -58.4004 98.7998 -58.4004 159.9c0 122.699 89.0996 224.399 206 244.1v-156.6zM255 -56c-42.9004 0 -83.2998 11 -118.5 30.4004c57.2002 36.0996 103.4 90.6992 118.5 154.6 c15.5 -63.9004 61.7002 -118.5 118.8 -154.7c-35.0996 -19.2998 -75.5 -30.2998 -118.8 -30.2998zM445.6 31.5c-86.5996 42 -147.6 136.9 -147.6 247.4v156.6c116.9 -19.7002 206 -121.4 206 -244.1c0 -61.1006 -22 -116.601 -58.4004 -159.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pagelines" unicode="&#xf18c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 135.3c-55.0996 -136.7 -187.1 -54 -187.1 -54c-40.5 -81.7998 -107.4 -134.399 -184.601 -134.7c-16.0996 0 -16.5996 24.4004 0 24.4004c64.4004 0.299805 120.5 42.7002 157.2 110.1c-41.0996 -15.8994 -118.6 -27.8994 -161.6 82.2002 c109 44.9004 159.1 -11.2002 178.3 -45.5c9.89941 24.4004 17 50.9004 21.5996 79.7002c0 0 -139.7 -21.9004 -149.5 98.0996c119.101 47.9004 152.601 -76.6992 152.601 -76.6992c1.59961 16.6992 3.2998 52.5996 3.2998 53.3994c0 0 -106.3 73.7002 -38.1006 165.2 c124.601 -43 61.4004 -162.4 61.4004 -162.4c0.5 -1.59961 0.5 -23.7998 0 -33.3994c0 0 45.2002 89 136.4 57.5c-4.2002 -134 -141.9 -106.4 -141.9 -106.4c-4.40039 -27.3994 -11.2002 -53.3994 -20 -77.5c0 0 83 91.7998 172 20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vimeo-square" unicode="&#xf194;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM383.8 266.4c1.90039 41.5996 -13.5996 63 -46.5 64c-44.2998 1.39941 -74.3994 -23.6006 -90.0996 -75.1006 c19.5996 8.40039 48.5996 10.6006 45.2002 -22.2002c-0.900391 -11.0996 -8.10059 -27.0996 -21.5 -48.2998c-37.2002 -58.7002 -46.3008 -39.0996 -66.8008 90.5c-5.7998 36.5 -21.0996 53.5 -46 51.1006c-22 -2 -57.1992 -38 -94.0996 -70.4004l15 -19.4004 c14.2998 10.1006 22.7002 15.1006 25.0996 15.1006c20.8008 0 31.5 -54.1006 56.7002 -146.4c12.9004 -34.3994 28.6006 -51.5996 47.2998 -51.5996c30.1006 0 66.9004 28.2998 110.4 84.7998c42.0996 54.0996 63.9004 96.7998 65.2998 127.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wordpress" unicode="&#xf19a;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M61.7002 278.6l101.5 -278c-71 34.4004 -119.9 107.2 -119.9 191.4c0 30.9004 6.60059 60.0996 18.4004 86.5996zM399.6 202.7c0 -18.2002 -7 -39.2998 -16 -68.7002l-21.1992 -70.9004l-76.9004 228.7c12.7998 0.700195 24.2998 2 24.2998 2 c11.4004 1.2998 10.1006 18.2002 -1.39941 17.5c0 0 -34.5 -2.7002 -56.7002 -2.7002c-20.9004 0 -56 2.7002 -56 2.7002c-11.4004 0.700195 -12.7998 -16.7998 -1.2998 -17.5c0 0 10.7998 -1.2998 22.2998 -2l33.0996 -90.7998l-46.5996 -139.6l-77.5 230.399 c12.7998 0.700195 24.2998 2 24.2998 2c11.4004 1.2998 10.0996 18.2002 -1.40039 17.5c0 0 -34.5 -2.7002 -56.6992 -2.7002c-4 0 -8.7002 0.100586 -13.7002 0.300781c38.0996 57.7998 103.5 95.8994 177.8 95.8994c55.4004 0 105.8 -21.2002 143.7 -55.8994 c-1 0.0996094 -1.90039 0.199219 -2.7998 0.199219c-20.9004 0 -35.7002 -18.1992 -35.7002 -37.7998c0 -17.5 10.0996 -32.3994 20.8994 -49.8994c8.10059 -14.2002 17.5 -32.4004 17.5 -58.7002zM259.7 173.4l65.3994 -179.2c0.400391 -1 0.900391 -2 1.5 -2.90039 c-22.0996 -7.7998 -45.7998 -12.0996 -70.5996 -12.0996c-20.9004 0 -41 3.09961 -60.0996 8.7002zM442.7 294.1c16.5996 -30.2998 26 -65.0996 26 -102.1c0 -78.5 -42.5 -147 -105.8 -183.9l65 187.9c12.1992 30.4004 16.1992 54.5996 16.1992 76.2002 c0 7.89941 -0.5 15.0996 -1.39941 21.8994zM504 192c0 -136.8 -111.3 -248 -248 -248c-136.8 0 -248 111.3 -248 248c0 136.8 111.2 248 248 248c136.7 0 248 -111.2 248 -248zM492.6 192c0 130.5 -106.199 236.6 -236.6 236.6c-130.5 0 -236.6 -106.1 -236.6 -236.6 s106.199 -236.6 236.6 -236.6c130.5 0 236.6 106.1 236.6 236.6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="openid" unicode="&#xf19b;" d="M271.5 16l-68 -32c-115 10.2998 -203.5 71.5 -203.5 145.8c0 71.5 82.5 131 191.7 144.3v-43c-71.5 -12.5 -124 -53 -124 -101.3c0 -51 58.5 -93.2998 135.7 -103v340l68 33.2002v-384h0.0996094zM448 157l-131.3 28.5l36.7998 20.7002c-19.5 11.5 -43.5 20 -70 24.7998 v43c46.2002 -5.5 87.7002 -19.5 120.3 -39.2998l35 19.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="google" unicode="&#xf1a0;" horiz-adv-x="488" d="M488 186.2c0 -141.5 -96.9004 -242.2 -240 -242.2c-137.2 0 -248 110.8 -248 248s110.8 248 248 248c66.7998 0 123 -24.5 166.3 -64.9004l-67.5 -64.8994c-88.2998 85.2002 -252.5 21.2002 -252.5 -118.2c0 -86.5 69.1006 -156.6 153.7 -156.6 c98.2002 0 135 70.3994 140.8 106.899h-140.8v85.2998h236.1c2.30078 -12.6992 3.90039 -24.8994 3.90039 -41.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="reddit" unicode="&#xf1a1;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M201.5 142.5c-13.7998 0 -24.9004 11.0996 -24.9004 24.5996c0 13.8008 11.1006 24.9004 24.9004 24.9004c13.5996 0 24.5996 -11.0996 24.5996 -24.9004c0 -13.5996 -11.0996 -24.5996 -24.5996 -24.5996zM504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248 s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM371.7 233.2c-9.40039 0 -17.7002 -3.90039 -23.7998 -10c-22.4004 15.5 -52.6006 25.5 -86.1006 26.5996l17.4004 78.2998l55.3994 -12.5c0 -13.5996 11.1006 -24.5996 24.6006 -24.5996c13.7998 0 24.8994 11.2998 24.8994 24.9004 c0 13.5996 -11.0996 24.8994 -24.8994 24.8994c-9.7002 0 -18 -5.7998 -22.1006 -13.7998l-61.1992 13.5996c-3 0.800781 -6.10059 -1.39941 -6.90039 -4.39941l-19.0996 -86.4004c-33.2002 -1.39941 -63.1006 -11.2998 -85.5 -26.7998 c-6.10059 6.40039 -14.7002 10.2002 -24.1006 10.2002c-34.8994 0 -46.2998 -46.9004 -14.3994 -62.7998c-1.10059 -5 -1.7002 -10.2002 -1.7002 -15.5c0 -52.6006 59.2002 -95.2002 132 -95.2002c73.0996 0 132.3 42.5996 132.3 95.2002 c0 5.2998 -0.599609 10.7998 -1.90039 15.7998c31.3008 16 19.8008 62.5 -14.8994 62.5zM302.8 117c2.2002 2.2002 6.10059 2.2002 8.2998 0c2.5 -2.5 2.5 -6.40039 0 -8.59961c-22.8994 -22.8008 -87.3994 -22.8008 -110.199 0c-2.5 2.19922 -2.5 6.09961 0 8.59961 c2.19922 2.2002 6.09961 2.2002 8.2998 0c17.5 -17.9004 75.3994 -18.2002 93.5996 0zM310.5 192c13.9004 0 24.9004 -11.0996 24.9004 -24.9004c0 -13.5 -11.1006 -24.5996 -24.9004 -24.5996c-13.5 0 -24.5996 11 -24.5996 24.5996c0 13.8008 11 24.9004 24.5996 24.9004z " /> <glyph glyph-name="reddit-square" unicode="&#xf1a2;" d="M283.2 102.5c2.7002 -2.7002 2.7002 -6.7998 0 -9.2002c-24.5 -24.5 -93.7998 -24.5996 -118.4 0c-2.7002 2.40039 -2.7002 6.5 0 9.2002c2.40039 2.40039 6.5 2.40039 8.90039 0c18.7002 -19.2002 81 -19.5996 100.5 0c2.39941 2.2998 6.59961 2.2998 9 0zM191.9 156.3 c0 -14.5996 -11.9004 -26.5 -26.5 -26.5c-14.9004 0 -26.8008 11.9004 -26.8008 26.5c0 14.9004 11.9004 26.7998 26.8008 26.7998c14.5996 0 26.5 -11.8994 26.5 -26.7998zM282.6 183.1c14.9004 0 26.8008 -11.8994 26.8008 -26.7998 c0 -14.5996 -11.9004 -26.5 -26.8008 -26.5c-14.5996 0 -26.5 11.9004 -26.5 26.5c0 14.9004 11.9004 26.7998 26.5 26.7998zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM348.3 227.4 c-10.0996 0 -19 -4.2002 -25.5996 -10.7002c-24.1006 16.7002 -56.5 27.3994 -92.5 28.5996l18.7002 84.2002l59.5 -13.4004c0 -14.5996 11.8994 -26.5 26.5 -26.5c14.8994 0 26.7998 12.2002 26.7998 26.8008c0 14.5996 -11.9004 26.7998 -26.7998 26.7998 c-10.4004 0 -19.3008 -6.2002 -23.8008 -14.9004l-65.6992 14.6006c-3.30078 0.899414 -6.5 -1.5 -7.40039 -4.80078l-20.5 -92.7998c-35.7002 -1.5 -67.7998 -12.2002 -91.9004 -28.8994c-6.5 6.7998 -15.7998 11 -25.8994 11c-37.5 0 -49.7998 -50.4004 -15.5 -67.5 c-1.2002 -5.40039 -1.7998 -11 -1.7998 -16.7002c0 -56.5 63.6992 -102.3 141.899 -102.3c78.5 0 142.2 45.7998 142.2 102.3c0 5.7002 -0.599609 11.5996 -2.09961 17c33.5996 17.2002 21.1992 67.2002 -16.1006 67.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stumbleupon-circle" unicode="&#xf1a3;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 262.5c9.7998 0 17.7998 -8 17.7002 -17.5996v-20.6006l22.8994 -10.7002l34.1006 10.1006v23.7002c0 40.2998 -34 72.5996 -74.7002 72.5996 c-40.5 0 -74.7002 -32.0996 -74.7002 -72.0996v-108.4c0 -9.90039 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26.7002 -26.7002s26.7002 11.7998 26.7002 26.7002 v162.399c0 60 51.2998 108.2 112.1 108.2c61 0 112.1 -48.5 112.1 -109v-35.5996l-51.0996 -15.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="digg" unicode="&#xf1a6;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M81.7002 275.7v76.2998h51v-250.7h-132.7v174.4h81.7002zM81.7002 142.3v92.2998h-30.7998v-92.2998h30.7998zM378.9 275.7h133.1v-243.7h-133.1v40.7998h81.7998v28.5h-81.7998v174.4zM460.7 142.3v92.2998h-30.7998v-92.2998h30.7998zM225.1 101.3v174.4h133.301 v-243.7h-133.301v40.7998h82.1006v28.5h-82.1006zM276.3 234.6v-92.2998h30.7998v92.2998h-30.7998zM153.3 352h51.2998v-51h-51.2998v51zM153.3 275.7h51.2998v-174.4h-51.2998v174.4z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pied-piper-pp" unicode="&#xf1a7;" d="M205.3 273.4c0 -21.1006 -14.2002 -38.1006 -31.7002 -38.1006c-7.09961 0 -12.7998 1.2002 -17.1992 3.7002v68c4.39941 2.7002 10.0996 4.2002 17.1992 4.2002c17.5 0 31.7002 -16.9004 31.7002 -37.7998zM257.9 206.4c17.3994 0 31.6992 -17 31.6992 -38.1006 c0 -20.8994 -14.2998 -37.7998 -31.6992 -37.7998c-7.10059 0 -12.8008 1.2002 -17.2002 3.7002v68c4.39941 2.7002 10.0996 4.2002 17.2002 4.2002zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM185 192.9c41 0 74.2002 35.5996 74.2002 79.5996s-33.2002 79.5996 -74.2002 79.5996c-12 0 -24.0996 -3.19922 -34.5996 -8.7998h-45.7002v-206.3l51.7998 10.0996v50.6006c8.59961 -3.10059 18.0996 -4.7998 28.5 -4.7998zM343.4 167.6 c0 44 -33.2002 79.6006 -73.9004 79.6006c-3.2002 0 -6.40039 -0.200195 -9.59961 -0.700195c-3.7002 -12.5 -10.1006 -23.7998 -19.2002 -33.4004c-13.7998 -15 -32.2002 -23.7998 -51.7998 -24.7998v-156.3l51.7998 10.0996v50.6006 c8.59961 -3.2002 18.2002 -4.7002 28.7002 -4.7002c40.7998 0 74 35.5996 74 79.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drupal" unicode="&#xf1a9;" d="M319.5 333.3c13.5 -8.2998 96.5 -67 96.5 -179.3c0 -112 -88.5 -186 -190.2 -186c-102 0 -193.8 80.2998 -193.8 189.5c0 109 85 167.5 100.8 175.8c18.7002 10.1006 32.2002 15.2998 53.5 32.2998c10.5 8.30078 19.2998 20.2002 22 49.5 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-30l-44.2998 -44.2998c-20.5 20.5 -42.5996 16.2998 -55.3994 3.5c-14.3008 -14.2998 -14.3008 -37.9004 0 -52.2002 l99.5 -99.5l-44 -44.2998c-87.7002 87.2002 -49.7002 49.7002 -99.8008 99.7002c-26.7998 26.5 -35 64.7998 -24.7998 98.8994c-26.8994 5.80078 -46.7002 29.7002 -46.7002 58.3008zM130.1 239.5c28.5 28.4004 81.3008 80.7998 99.6006 99.9004 c26.5996 26.5996 64.5 35 98.2998 25.0996c4.09961 29.0996 29.2002 51.5996 59.5 51.5996c33 0 59.7998 -26.8994 59.7998 -60.0996c0 -30.2998 -22.7002 -55.4004 -51.8994 -59.5c9.59961 -33.5996 2.2998 -70 -28.9004 -101.2l-44 44.2998 c20.5 20.4004 16.2998 42.6006 3.5 55.4004c-14.2998 14.2998 -37.5996 14.2998 -51.9004 0c-10 -10.0996 -89.6992 -89.7998 -99.6992 -99.7998zM396.4 87.2998c29.0996 -4.09961 51.5996 -28.8994 51.5996 -59.0996c0 -33.2998 -26.7998 -60.1006 -59.7998 -60.1006 c-29.2002 0 -53.4004 20.7002 -58.9004 48.1006c-34.7002 -10.7998 -75.0996 -2.2002 -102.7 28l44 44.2998c20.4004 -20.5 42.6006 -16.2998 55.4004 -3.5c14.2998 14.2998 14.2998 37.5996 0 51.9004l-99.7002 99.6992l44.2998 44.3008 c104.5 -104.4 87.7002 -87.5 99.5 -99.7002c25.4004 -25.4004 34.5 -61.2002 26.3008 -93.9004zM312.1 140.4c-87.2998 -87.3008 -67.3994 -67.7002 -99.5 -99.7002c-25.6992 -25.4004 -61.5 -34.2002 -94.1992 -26c-6.10059 -26.9004 -30 -46.7002 -58.6006 -46.7002 c-33 0 -59.7998 26.7998 -59.7998 60.0996c0 28.3008 19.5 52.2002 46.2002 58.2002c-8.5 33.1006 -0.700195 68.1006 29.5 98.2998l44 -44.2998c-20.1006 -20.0996 -16.2998 -42 -3.2002 -55.3994c14.2998 -14.3008 37.5996 -14.3008 51.9004 0 c49.2998 49.3994 12.6992 13.3994 99.6992 99.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="behance" unicode="&#xf1b4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M232 210.8c43.5996 -12.2998 64.7002 -45.2002 64.7002 -89.7002c0 -72 -60.5 -102.899 -124.9 -102.899h-171.8v354.399h167.1c60.7002 0 113.301 -17.1992 113.301 -87.7998c0 -35.7998 -16.6006 -58.7998 -48.4004 -74zM77.9004 312.1v-82.6992h79 c27.7998 0 47.5 12.0996 47.5 42.1992c0 32.6006 -25.3008 40.5 -53.4004 40.5h-73.0996zM161.2 78.4004c31.7002 0 57.5996 11.1992 57.5996 47c0 36.2998 -21.7002 50.5996 -56 50.5996h-84.8994v-97.5996h83.2998zM519.7 319.1h-143.7v34.9004h143.7v-34.9004zM576 142.8 c0 -4.5 -0.299805 -9 -0.599609 -13.2002h-185.101c0 -41.0996 21.7002 -65.2998 63 -65.2998c21.4004 0 49 11.6006 55.7002 33.5h62.2002c-19.1006 -58.7002 -58.7998 -86.2998 -120.101 -86.2998c-81 0 -131.3 54.7998 -131.3 134.7c0 77 53.1006 135.8 131.3 135.8 c80.5 0 124.9 -63.2998 124.9 -139.2zM390.4 174h114.699c-3 34 -20.7998 54.7998 -56.1992 54.7998c-33.8008 0 -56.2002 -21.0996 -58.5 -54.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="steam" unicode="&#xf1b6;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M496 192c0 -137 -111.2 -248 -248.4 -248c-113.8 0 -209.6 76.2998 -239 180.4l95.2002 -39.3008c6.40039 -32.0996 34.9004 -56.3994 68.9004 -56.3994c39.2002 0 71.8994 32.3994 70.2002 73.5l84.5 60.2002c52.0996 -1.30078 95.7998 40.8994 95.7998 93.5 c0 51.5996 -42 93.5 -93.7002 93.5s-93.7002 -42 -93.7002 -93.5v-1.2002l-59.2002 -85.7002c-15.5 0.900391 -30.6992 -3.40039 -43.5 -12.0996l-133.1 55c10.2002 127.699 117.1 228.1 247.6 228.1c137.2 0 248.4 -111 248.4 -248zM155.7 63.7002 c19.7998 -8.2002 42.5 1.09961 50.7998 21c8.2998 19.7998 -1.09961 42.5 -20.9004 50.7002l-31.5 13c12.2002 4.59961 26 4.7998 38.9004 -0.600586c13 -5.39941 23.0996 -15.5996 28.5 -28.5996s5.2998 -27.2998 -0.0996094 -40.2998 c-11.2002 -26.8008 -42.1006 -39.6006 -69 -28.4004c-10.2119 4.26953 -22.3975 15.8281 -27.2002 25.7998zM329.5 193.6c-34.4004 0 -62.4004 28 -62.4004 62.3008c0 34.2998 28 62.2998 62.4004 62.2998s62.4004 -28 62.4004 -62.2998 c0 -34.3008 -27.9004 -62.3008 -62.4004 -62.3008zM329.6 209.2c25.9004 0 46.9004 21 46.9004 46.7998c0 25.9004 -21 46.7998 -46.9004 46.7998c-25.8994 0 -46.8994 -21 -46.8994 -46.7998c0.0996094 -25.7998 21.0996 -46.7998 46.8994 -46.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="steam-square" unicode="&#xf1b7;" d="M185.2 91.5c7.7002 18.5 -1 39.7002 -19.6006 47.4004l-29.5 12.1992c11.4004 4.30078 24.3008 4.5 36.4004 -0.5c12.2002 -5.09961 21.5996 -14.5996 26.7002 -26.6992c5 -12.2002 5 -25.6006 -0.100586 -37.7002c-10.5 -25.1006 -39.3994 -37 -64.5996 -26.5 c-11.5996 4.7998 -20.4004 13.5996 -25.4004 24.2002l28.5 -11.8008c18.6006 -7.7998 39.9004 0.900391 47.6006 19.4004zM400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v112.8l89.0996 -36.8994 c6 -30 32.7002 -52.7002 64.5 -52.7002c36.6006 0 67.3008 30.2998 65.7002 68.7998l79 56.2998c48.7002 -1.2002 89.6006 38.2998 89.6006 87.5c0 48.2002 -39.3008 87.5 -87.6006 87.5s-87.5996 -39.2998 -87.5996 -87.5v-1.09961l-55.4004 -80.2002 c-14.5 0.799805 -28.7002 -3.09961 -40.7002 -11.2998l-116.6 48.0996v160.7c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM300.3 193.5c-32.2002 0 -58.3994 26.0996 -58.3994 58.2998s26.1992 58.2998 58.3994 58.2998s58.4004 -26.1992 58.4004 -58.2998 c0 -32.0996 -26.2002 -58.2998 -58.4004 -58.2998zM300.4 208.1c24.1992 0 43.8994 19.6006 43.8994 43.8008c0 24.1992 -19.5996 43.7998 -43.8994 43.7998c-24.2002 0 -43.9004 -19.6006 -43.9004 -43.7998c0 -24.2002 19.7002 -43.8008 43.9004 -43.8008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spotify" unicode="&#xf1bc;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 440c136.9 0 248 -111.1 248 -248s-111.1 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.1 -248 248s111.1 248 248 248zM348.7 75.0996c8.09961 0 15.2002 6.30078 15.2002 15.4004s-3.60059 12.5996 -9.7002 16.5c-71.4004 42.7002 -155.101 44.2998 -237 26.2002 c-7.5 -1.60059 -13.6006 -6.5 -13.6006 -16.7998c0 -8.10059 6.10059 -15.8008 15.8008 -15.8008c2.89941 0 8 1.60059 11.8994 2.60059c71.7002 14.7002 144.3 13.0996 206.7 -24.5c3.90039 -2.2998 6.5 -3.60059 10.7002 -3.60059zM375.6 140.7 c10.9004 0 19.3008 8.7002 19.4004 19.5c0 8.7002 -3.2002 14.8994 -11.2998 19.7002c-49.4004 29.3994 -112.101 45.5 -177 45.5c-41.6006 0 -70 -5.80078 -97.7998 -13.6006c-10.3008 -2.89941 -15.5 -10 -15.5 -20.7002c0 -10.6992 8.69922 -19.3994 19.3994 -19.3994 c4.5 0 7.10059 1.2998 11.9004 2.59961c82.8994 22.5 176.1 7.60059 238.6 -29.3994c3.60059 -1.90039 7.10059 -4.2002 12.2998 -4.2002zM406.6 216.9c12.2002 0 23.2002 9.69922 23.2002 23.2998c0 11.8994 -5.09961 18.0996 -12.8994 22.5996 c-55.9004 32.6006 -132.4 47.7998 -205.4 47.7998c-42.9004 0 -82.2998 -4.89941 -117.5 -15.1992c-9 -2.60059 -17.4004 -10.3008 -17.4004 -23.9004c0 -13.2998 10.1006 -23.5996 23.3008 -23.5996c4.7998 0 9.2998 1.59961 12.8994 2.59961 c82.4004 23 209.7 12.7998 280.9 -29.7002c4.5 -2.59961 7.7002 -3.89941 12.8994 -3.89941z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deviantart" unicode="&#xf1bd;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M320 354.8l-98.2002 -179.1l7.40039 -9.5h90.7998v-127.7h-160.9l-13.5 -9.2002l-43.6992 -84c-0.300781 0 -8.60059 -8.59961 -9.2002 -9.2002h-92.7002v93.2002l93.2002 179.4l-7.40039 9.2002h-85.7998v127.6h156l13.5 9.2002l43.7002 84 c0.299805 0 8.59961 8.59961 9.2002 9.2002h97.5996v-93.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="soundcloud" unicode="&#xf1be;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M111.4 191.7l5.7998 -65l-5.7998 -68.2998c-0.300781 -2.5 -2.2002 -4.40039 -4.40039 -4.40039s-4.2002 1.90039 -4.2002 4.40039l-5.59961 68.2998l5.59961 65c0 2.2002 1.90039 4.2002 4.2002 4.2002c2.2002 0 4.09961 -2 4.40039 -4.2002zM132.8 237.3 c2.5 0 4.7002 -2.2002 4.7002 -5l5.7998 -105.6l-5.7998 -68.2998c0 -2.80078 -2.2002 -5 -4.7002 -5c-2.7998 0 -4.7002 2.19922 -5 5l-5 68.2998l5 105.6c0.299805 2.7998 2.2002 5 5 5zM158.3 261.4c2.7998 0 5.2998 -2.2002 5.2998 -5.30078l5.30078 -130 l-5.30078 -67.7998c0 -3.09961 -2.5 -5.2998 -5.2998 -5.2998c-3.09961 0 -5.2998 2.2002 -5.59961 5.2998l-4.40039 67.7998l4.40039 130c0.299805 3.10059 2.5 5.30078 5.59961 5.30078zM7.2002 164.8c1.39941 0 2.2002 -1.09961 2.5 -2.5l5.59961 -35.5996l-5.59961 -35 c-0.299805 -1.40039 -1.10059 -2.5 -2.5 -2.5c-1.40039 0 -2.2002 1.09961 -2.5 2.5l-4.7002 35l4.7002 35.5996c0.299805 1.40039 1.09961 2.5 2.5 2.5zM30.7998 186.7c1.40039 0 2.5 -1.10059 2.7998 -2.5l7.2002 -57.5l-7.2002 -56.4004 c-0.299805 -1.39941 -1.39941 -2.5 -2.7998 -2.5c-1.39941 0 -2.5 1.10059 -2.5 2.7998l-6.39941 56.1006l6.39941 57.5c0 1.39941 1.10059 2.5 2.5 2.5zM56.0996 198.1c1.7002 0 3.10059 -1.39941 3.10059 -3.2998l6.89941 -68.0996l-6.89941 -65.7998 c0 -1.7002 -1.40039 -3.10059 -3.10059 -3.10059c-1.59961 0 -3 1.40039 -3.2998 3.10059l-5.7998 65.7998l5.7998 68.0996c0.200195 1.90039 1.60059 3.2998 3.2998 3.2998zM81.4004 200.3c1.89941 0 3.59961 -1.39941 3.89941 -3.59961l6.40039 -70l-6.40039 -67.7998 c-0.299805 -2.2002 -2 -3.60059 -3.89941 -3.60059c-1.90039 0 -3.60059 1.40039 -3.60059 3.60059l-5.7998 67.7998l5.7998 70c0 2.2002 1.7002 3.59961 3.60059 3.59961zM322.8 311.2c2.5 -1.40039 4.10059 -4.2002 4.5 -7.2002l3.90039 -177.5l-3.90039 -64.2002 c0 -4.7002 -3.89941 -8.59961 -8.59961 -8.59961s-8.60059 3.89941 -8.90039 8.59961l-1.7002 31.7002l-1.69922 32.5l3.2998 176.7v0.799805c0.200195 2.5 1.39941 5 3.2998 6.7002c1.40039 1.09961 3.40039 1.89941 5.59961 1.89941 c1.40039 0 3.10059 -0.599609 4.2002 -1.39941zM296.1 295.9c2.2002 -1.40039 3.60059 -3.90039 3.90039 -6.7002l3.2998 -162.8l-3.09961 -58.6006l-0.299805 -6.7002c0 -2.2998 -0.800781 -4.19922 -2.5 -5.59961c-1.40039 -1.40039 -3.40039 -2.5 -5.60059 -2.5 c-2.5 0 -4.7002 1.2002 -6.39941 3.09961c-1.10059 1.40039 -1.7002 3 -1.7002 4.7002v0.299805c-3.10059 65.3008 -3.10059 65.6006 -3.10059 65.6006l2.80078 160.8l0.299805 1.7002c0 2.7998 1.39941 5.2998 3.59961 6.7002 c1.2998 0.799805 2.7998 1.39941 4.40039 1.39941c1.59961 0 3 -0.599609 4.39941 -1.39941zM184.7 273.4c3.39941 0 5.89941 -2.80078 6.09961 -6.10059l5 -140.6l-5 -67.2002c-0.299805 -3.2998 -2.7998 -5.7998 -6.09961 -5.7998c-3 0 -5.5 2.5 -5.7998 5.7998 l-4.40039 67.2002l4.40039 140.6c0 3.2998 2.69922 6.10059 5.7998 6.10059zM561.4 210.6c43.2998 0 78.5996 -35.2998 78.5 -78.8994c0 -43.2998 -35.3008 -78.2998 -78.6006 -78.2998h-218.3c-4.7002 0.599609 -8.59961 4.19922 -8.59961 9.19922v249.7 c0 4.7998 1.69922 7 7.7998 9.2002c15.2998 6.09961 32.5 9.40039 50.2998 9.40039c72.5 0 131.9 -55.6006 138.3 -126.4c9.5 3.90039 19.7998 6.09961 30.6006 6.09961zM264.7 270.9c4.2002 0 7.2002 -3.30078 7.5 -7.80078l3.89941 -136.699l-3.89941 -65.6006 c0 -4.2002 -3.2998 -7.5 -7.5 -7.5s-7.5 3.2998 -7.7998 7.5l-3.30078 65.6006l3.30078 136.699c0.299805 4.5 3.59961 7.80078 7.7998 7.80078zM211.1 278.7c3.60059 0 6.40039 -3.10059 6.7002 -6.7002l4.40039 -145.3l-4.40039 -66.9004 c-0.299805 -3.59961 -3.09961 -6.39941 -6.7002 -6.39941c-3.2998 0 -6.09961 2.7998 -6.39941 6.39941l-3.90039 66.9004l3.90039 145.3c0 3.59961 3.09961 6.7002 6.39941 6.7002zM237.8 275.3c3.90039 0 6.90039 -3 6.90039 -6.89941l4.2002 -141.7l-4.2002 -66.4004 c0 -3.7998 -3.10059 -6.89941 -6.90039 -6.89941s-6.59961 3 -6.89941 6.89941l-3.90039 66.4004l3.90039 141.7c0 3.7998 3 6.89941 6.89941 6.89941z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vine" unicode="&#xf1ca;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 193.3v-52.0996c-18.4004 -4.2002 -36.9004 -6.10059 -52.0996 -6.10059c-36.9004 -77.3994 -103 -143.8 -125.101 -156.199c-14 -7.90039 -27.0996 -8.40039 -42.7002 0.799805c-27.0996 16.2998 -129.899 100.6 -164.1 365.6h74.5 c18.7002 -159.1 64.5 -240.7 114.8 -301.8c27.9004 27.9004 54.7998 65.0996 75.6006 106.9c-49.8008 25.2998 -80.1006 80.8994 -80.1006 145.6c0 65.5996 37.7002 115.1 102.2 115.1c114.9 0 106.2 -127.899 81.5996 -181.5c0 0 -46.3994 -9.19922 -63.5 20.5 c3.40039 11.3008 8.2002 30.8008 8.2002 48.5c0 31.3008 -11.2998 46.6006 -28.3994 46.6006c-18.2002 0 -30.8008 -17.1006 -30.8008 -50c0.100586 -79.2002 59.4004 -118.7 129.9 -101.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="codepen" unicode="&#xf1cb;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M502.285 288.296c6.00098 -3.99902 9.71484 -11.1426 9.71582 -18.2852v-155.999c0 -7.14258 -3.71484 -14.2871 -9.71484 -18.2861l-234 -156.021c-8.06055 -4.95996 -16.584 -4.91504 -24.5713 0l-234 156.021c-6.00098 4 -9.71484 11.1436 -9.71484 18.2861v155.999 c0 7.14258 3.71387 14.2861 9.71387 18.2852l234 156c8.06055 4.95996 16.584 4.91504 24.5713 0zM278 384.869v-102.572l95.4287 -63.7148l76.8574 51.4287zM234 384.869l-172.286 -114.858l76.8574 -51.4287l95.4287 63.7148v102.572zM44 228.868v-73.7139 l55.1426 36.8564zM234 -0.84668v102.571l-95.4287 63.7158l-76.8574 -51.4297zM256 140.011l77.7148 52l-77.7148 52l-77.7148 -52zM278 -0.84668l172.286 114.857l-76.8574 51.4297l-95.4287 -63.7158v-102.571zM468 155.154v73.7139l-55.1426 -36.8574z" /> <glyph glyph-name="jsfiddle" 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-14.0908 -11.9287 -7.97754 -22.1982 -2.52734c-24.6113 13.0635 -49.0469 12.6406 -72.0332 -3.08301c-21.9678 -15.0244 -31.9102 -36.6201 -26.4199 -62.9805c2.4082 -11.5703 -0.914062 -17.0635 -10.0967 -23.1367 c-38.1895 -25.2578 -53.0879 -74.8604 -34.1855 -116.105c18.4355 -40.2295 51.3135 -59.6631 95.1748 -59.9951c0.700195 -0.00488281 163.728 -0.545898 163.728 0.154297c56.8857 0 113.778 -0.551758 170.652 0.229492 c28.9375 0.397461 53.0498 13.2178 71.2803 35.6504zM443.952 134.157c-5.84863 -31.1572 -34.6221 -55.0967 -66.666 -55.0957c-16.9531 0.00195312 -32.0586 6.5459 -44.0791 17.7051c-27.6973 25.7139 -71.1406 74.9805 -95.9375 93.3877 c-20.0557 14.8877 -41.9893 12.333 -60.2715 -3.78223c-49.9961 -44.0713 15.8594 -121.775 67.0625 -77.1885c4.54883 3.95996 7.84082 9.54297 12.7441 12.8447c8.18457 5.50879 20.7666 0.883789 13.168 -10.6221c-17.3574 -26.2842 -49.3301 -38.1973 -78.8623 -29.3008 c-28.8975 8.70312 -48.8408 35.9678 -48.626 70.1787c1.22461 22.4844 12.3633 43.0596 35.4141 55.9648c22.5742 12.6377 46.3682 13.1455 66.9902 -2.47363c50.791 -38.4756 75.5781 -81.7451 107.296 -101.245c24.5586 -15.0996 54.2549 -7.36328 68.8232 17.5059 c28.8301 49.209 -34.5918 105.016 -78.8682 63.46c-3.98828 -3.74414 -6.91699 -8.93164 -11.4092 -11.7197c-10.9756 -6.81152 -17.333 4.1123 -12.8096 10.3525c20.7031 28.5537 50.4639 40.4404 83.2715 28.2139c31.4287 -11.7139 49.1074 -44.3662 42.7598 -78.1855z " /> <glyph glyph-name="rebel" unicode="&#xf1d0;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256.5 -56c-139.3 0 -247.5 116.2 -243.3 254.1c2.7998 79.2002 43.2002 152.2 116.5 200.4c0.299805 0 1.89941 0.599609 1.09961 -0.799805c-5.7998 -5.5 -111.3 -129.8 -14.0996 -226.4c49.7998 -49.5 90 -2.5 90 -2.5c38.5 50.1006 -0.600586 125.9 -0.600586 125.9 c-10 24.8994 -45.6992 40.0996 -45.6992 40.0996l28.7998 31.7998c24.3994 -10.5 43.2002 -38.6992 43.2002 -38.6992c0.799805 29.5996 -21.9004 61.3994 -21.9004 61.3994l44.5996 50.7002l44.3008 -50.0996c-20.5 -28.8008 -21.9004 -62.6006 -21.9004 -62.6006 c13.7998 23 43.5 39.2998 43.5 39.2998l28.5 -31.7998c-27.4004 -8.89941 -45.4004 -39.8994 -45.4004 -39.8994c-15.7998 -28.5 -27.0996 -89.4004 0.600586 -127.301c32.3994 -44.5996 87.7002 2.80078 87.7002 2.80078c102.699 91.8994 -10.5 225 -10.5 225 c-6.10059 5.5 0.799805 2.7998 0.799805 2.7998c50.0996 -36.5 114.6 -84.4004 116.2 -204.8c2 -145.601 -99.9004 -249.4 -242.4 -249.4z" /> <glyph glyph-name="empire" unicode="&#xf1d1;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M287.6 393.8c-10.7998 2.2002 -22.0996 3.2998 -33.5 3.60059v18.1992c78.1006 -2.19922 146.101 -44 184.601 -106.6l-15.7998 -9.09961c-6.10059 9.69922 -12.7002 18.7998 -20.2002 27.0996l-18 -15.5c-26 29.5996 -61.4004 50.7002 -101.9 58.4004zM53.4004 125.6 c3.89941 -10.7998 8.2998 -21.0996 13.5996 -31.0996l-15.7998 -9.09961c-17.1006 31.5996 -27.1006 68.0996 -27.1006 106.6s9.90039 75 27.1006 106.5l15.7998 -9.09961c-5.2998 -9.7002 -10 -20.2002 -13.5996 -31l22.6992 -7.7002 c-6.39941 -18.2998 -9.69922 -38.2002 -9.69922 -58.7002s3.59961 -40.4004 10 -58.7002zM213.1 14l-4.69922 -23.7998c10.7998 -1.90039 22.1992 -3.2998 33.5 -3.60059v-18.2998c-78.1006 2.2998 -146.4 44.2998 -184.9 106.601l16 9.39941 c5.7998 -9.7002 12.7002 -18.7998 20.2002 -27.3994l18 15.7998c26.0996 -29.6006 61.5 -50.7002 101.899 -58.7002zM93.2998 327.1c-7.5 -8.2998 -14.0996 -17.5 -20.0996 -27.1992l-15.7998 9.09961c38.5 62.5996 106.5 104.4 184.6 106.6v-18.1992 c-11.4004 -0.300781 -22.7002 -1.40039 -33.5 -3.60059l4.7002 -23.7998c-40.5 -7.7002 -75.9004 -28.7998 -101.9 -58.4004zM402.7 56.9004c7.5 8.59961 14.3994 17.6992 20.0996 27.3994l16.1006 -9.39941c-38.5 -62.3008 -106.801 -104.4 -184.9 -106.601v18.2998 c11.4004 0.300781 22.7002 1.7002 33.5 3.60059l-4.7002 23.7998c40.5 8 75.9004 29.0996 101.9 58.7002zM496 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM483.8 192c0 130.1 -105.7 235.8 -235.8 235.8 s-235.8 -105.7 -235.8 -235.8s105.7 -235.8 235.8 -235.8s235.8 105.7 235.8 235.8zM444.8 298.6c17.2002 -31.5996 27.1006 -68.0996 27.1006 -106.6s-9.90039 -75 -27.1006 -106.4l-15.7998 9.10059c5.2998 10 9.7002 20.2002 13.5996 31l-23 7.7002 c6.40039 18.2998 10 38.1992 10 58.6992s-3.2998 40.4004 -9.69922 58.7002l22.6992 7.7002c-3.59961 10.7998 -8.2998 21.2998 -13.5996 31zM261.8 120.9l13.2998 -66.7002c-8.59961 -1.7002 -17.6992 -2.7998 -27.0996 -2.7998s-18.5 1.09961 -27.0996 2.7998 l13.2998 66.7002c-16.2998 3.2998 -30.5 11.5996 -40.7002 23.5l-51.2002 -44.8008c-11.8994 13.6006 -21.2998 29.4004 -27.0996 46.8008l64.2002 22.0996c-2.5 7.40039 -3.90039 15.2002 -3.90039 23.5s1.40039 16 3.90039 23.5l-64.5 22.0996 c6.09961 17.5 15.5 33.2002 27.3994 46.8008l51.2002 -44.8008c10.2998 11.9004 24.4004 20.5 40.7002 23.8008l-13.2998 66.3994c8.59961 2 17.6992 2.7998 27.0996 2.7998s18.5 -0.899414 27.0996 -2.7998l-13.2998 -66.3994 c16.2998 -3.30078 30.5 -11.9004 40.7002 -23.8008l51.2002 44.8008c11.8994 -13.6006 21.2998 -29.4004 27.3994 -46.8008l-64.5 -22.0996c2.5 -7.40039 3.90039 -15.2002 3.90039 -23.5s-1.40039 -16 -3.90039 -23.5l64.2002 -22.0996 c-5.7998 -17.5 -15.2002 -33.2002 -27.0996 -46.8008l-51.2002 44.8008c-10.2998 -11.9004 -24.4004 -20.2002 -40.7002 -23.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hacker-news" unicode="&#xf1d4;" d="M0 416h448v-448h-448v448zM21.2002 218.8h-0.200195c0.0996094 0.100586 0.200195 0.299805 0.299805 0.400391c0 -0.100586 0 -0.299805 -0.0996094 -0.400391zM239.2 164.9l80.7998 155.1h-34.7998c-54.7998 -101.2 -48.2998 -98.5996 -60.6006 -125.6 c-10.0996 24.3994 -6.7998 27.2998 -59.2998 125.6h-37.2998l79.7998 -153.3v-102.7h31.4004v100.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tencent-weibo" unicode="&#xf1d5;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M72.2998 -47.7998c1.40039 -19.9004 -27.5996 -22.2002 -29.7002 -2.90039c-11.5996 129.9 31.1006 239.5 101.4 313.2c-15.5996 34 9.2002 77.0996 50.5996 77.0996c30.3008 0 55.1006 -24.5996 55.1006 -55.0996c0 -44 -49.5 -70.7998 -86.9004 -45.0996 c-65.7002 -71.3008 -101.399 -169.801 -90.5 -287.2zM192 447.9c92 0 166.6 -74.6006 166.6 -166.5c0 -102.301 -93.2998 -185.5 -204 -162.301c-19 4.7002 -12.5 33.2002 6.60059 29.1006c80.7998 -20.7998 167.7 42.2998 167.7 133.1c0 75.5 -61.5 136.9 -136.9 136.9 c-101 0 -168.3 -106.601 -122 -199.2c9 -17.9004 -17.5996 -30.7998 -26.2998 -13.4004c-56 108.101 22.3994 242.301 148.3 242.301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="qq" unicode="&#xf1d6;" d="M433.754 27.5547c-11.5264 -1.39258 -44.8604 52.7412 -44.8604 52.7412c0 -31.3447 -16.1357 -72.2471 -51.0508 -101.786c16.8418 -5.19141 54.8428 -19.167 45.8037 -34.4209c-7.31641 -12.3428 -125.511 -7.88086 -159.633 -4.03711 c-34.1221 -3.84375 -152.315 -8.30566 -159.632 4.03711c-9.04492 15.25 28.918 29.2139 45.7832 34.415c-34.9199 29.5391 -51.0586 70.4453 -51.0586 101.792c0 0 -33.334 -54.1338 -44.8594 -52.7412c-5.37012 0.650391 -12.4238 29.6445 9.34668 99.7041 c10.2617 33.0244 21.9951 60.4785 40.1445 105.779c-3.05566 116.898 45.2441 214.956 160.262 214.962c113.737 -0.00585938 163.156 -96.1328 160.264 -214.963c18.1182 -45.2227 29.9121 -72.8506 40.1445 -105.778c21.7676 -70.0596 14.7158 -99.0527 9.3457 -99.7041z " /> <glyph glyph-name="slideshare" unicode="&#xf1e7;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M187.7 294.3c34 0 61.7002 -25.7002 61.7002 -57.7002c0 -31.6992 -27.7002 -57.6992 -61.7002 -57.6992s-61.7002 26 -61.7002 57.6992c0 32 27.7002 57.7002 61.7002 57.7002zM331.1 294.3c34.3008 0 61.8008 -25.7002 61.7002 -57.7002 c0 -31.6992 -27.3994 -57.6992 -61.7002 -57.6992c-34 0 -61.6992 26 -61.6992 57.6992c0 32 27.6992 57.7002 61.6992 57.7002zM487.7 204.3c15.2002 10.5 25.2002 -4 16.0996 -17.7998c-18.2998 -22.5996 -53.2002 -50.2998 -106.3 -72 c56.2998 -191.7 -137.4 -222.3 -134.3 -124c0 0.700195 -0.299805 53.7998 -0.299805 93.5c-4.30078 0.799805 -8.60059 2 -13.7002 3.09961c0 -40 -0.299805 -95.8994 -0.299805 -96.5996c3.09961 -98.2002 -190.601 -67.5996 -134.301 124.1 c-53.1992 21.7002 -88 49.4004 -106.3 72c-9.09961 13.7002 0.900391 28.3008 16 17.7002c2 -1.39941 4.2998 -2.89941 6.2998 -4.2998v198.3c0 27.4004 20.6006 49.7002 46 49.7002h359.101c25.3994 0 46 -22.2998 46 -49.7002v-198.3zM457.2 185.1h0.0996094v190.601 c0 32.7998 -10.5996 45.7002 -40.8994 45.7002h-317.7c-31.7002 0 -40.6006 -10.8008 -40.6006 -45.7002v-192.4c67.7002 -35.3994 125.7 -29.0996 157.4 -28c13.4004 0.299805 22 -2.2998 27.0996 -7.7002c1.7002 -1.59961 10 -9.39941 20.3008 -17.0996 c1.09961 15.7998 10 25.7998 33.6992 24.9004c32.3008 -1.40039 91.7002 -7.7002 160.601 29.6992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paypal" unicode="&#xf1ed;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M111.4 152.1c-3.5 -19.1992 -17.4004 -108.699 -21.5 -134c-0.300781 -1.7998 -1 -2.5 -3 -2.5h-74.6006c-7.59961 0 -13.0996 6.60059 -12.0996 13.9004l58.5996 371.9c1.5 9.59961 10.1006 16.8994 20 16.8994c152.3 0 165.101 3.7002 204 -11.3994 c60.1006 -23.3008 65.6006 -79.5 44 -140.301c-21.5 -62.5996 -72.5 -89.5 -140.1 -90.2998c-43.4004 -0.700195 -69.5 7 -75.2998 -24.2002zM357.1 296c28.4004 -21.2002 30.3008 -57.7998 23.8008 -92.5996c-16.5 -83.5 -71.9004 -112.301 -142.9 -112.301 c-15 0 -24.7002 2.30078 -29.2998 -19.6992c-15.5 -97.4004 -13.7002 -85.9004 -14.4004 -91.3008c-1.7002 -8.59961 -8.7998 -14.8994 -17.3994 -14.8994h-63.5c-7.10059 0 -11.6006 5.7998 -10.6006 12.8994c0 0 4.5 29.3008 27.1006 169.7 c0.799805 6.10059 4.7998 9.40039 10.8994 9.40039c54 0 164.601 -9.90039 204.5 103.899c3.7002 11.1006 6.7998 22.2002 8.7998 33.6006c0.5 3.09961 1.2002 2.59961 3 1.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="google-wallet" unicode="&#xf1ee;" d="M156.8 321.2c37.6006 -60.6006 64.2002 -113.101 84.2998 -162.5c-8.2998 -33.7998 -18.7998 -66.5 -31.2998 -98.2998c-13.2002 52.2998 -26.5 101.3 -56 148.5c6.5 36.3994 2.2998 73.5996 3 112.3zM109.3 248c5 0 10 -2.5 13 -6.5 c43.7998 -59.7998 66.2998 -123.8 82.5 -193.5h-103.5c-20 69.5 -49.5 133 -91.7002 187.3c-4 5.2002 0 12.7002 6.5 12.7002h93.2002zM157.1 336h108.7c74.7998 -103 131.2 -230 143.2 -368h-113.7c-8.2002 133.5 -69.7002 260 -138.2 368zM408.9 404.5 c19 -67.5 31.0996 -139 31.0996 -212.6c0 -69.5 -9.5 -142.5 -25.2998 -203c-10.9004 92.5 -42.4004 184.6 -90.6006 270.8c-4.19922 50.5 -13.2998 99.5 -26.5 146c-1.19922 5.2998 2.5 10.2998 7.80078 10.2998h88.2998c7 0 13.3994 -4.7002 15.2002 -11.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-visa" unicode="&#xf1f0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M470.1 216.7c0 0 7.60059 -37.2002 9.30078 -45h-33.4004c3.2998 8.89941 16 43.5 16 43.5c-0.200195 -0.299805 3.2998 9.09961 5.2998 14.8994zM576 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM152.5 116.8l63.2002 155.2h-42.5l-39.2998 -106l-4.30078 21.5l-14 71.4004c-2.2998 9.89941 -9.39941 12.6992 -18.1992 13.0996h-64.7002l-0.700195 -3.09961c15.7998 -4 29.9004 -9.80078 42.2002 -17.1006l35.7998 -135h42.5zM246.9 116.6 l25.1992 155.4h-40.1992l-25.1006 -155.4h40.1006zM386.8 167.4c0.200195 17.6992 -10.5996 31.1992 -33.7002 42.2998c-14.0996 7.09961 -22.6992 11.8994 -22.6992 19.2002c0.199219 6.59961 7.2998 13.3994 23.0996 13.3994 c13.0996 0.299805 22.7002 -2.7998 29.9004 -5.89941l3.59961 -1.7002l5.5 33.5996c-7.90039 3.10059 -20.5 6.60059 -36 6.60059c-39.7002 0 -67.5996 -21.2002 -67.7998 -51.4004c-0.299805 -22.2998 20 -34.7002 35.2002 -42.2002 c15.5 -7.59961 20.7998 -12.5996 20.7998 -19.2998c-0.200195 -10.4004 -12.6006 -15.2002 -24.1006 -15.2002c-16 0 -24.5996 2.5 -37.6992 8.2998l-5.30078 2.5l-5.59961 -34.8994c9.40039 -4.2998 26.7998 -8.10059 44.7998 -8.2998 c42.2002 -0.100586 69.7002 20.7998 70 53zM528 116.6l-32.4004 155.4h-31.0996c-9.59961 0 -16.9004 -2.7998 -21 -12.9004l-59.7002 -142.5h42.2002s6.90039 19.2002 8.40039 23.3008h51.5996c1.2002 -5.5 4.7998 -23.3008 4.7998 -23.3008h37.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-mastercard" unicode="&#xf1f1;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M482.9 37.7002c0 -6.7998 -4.60059 -11.7002 -11.2002 -11.7002c-6.7998 0 -11.2002 5.2002 -11.2002 11.7002s4.40039 11.7002 11.2002 11.7002c6.59961 0 11.2002 -5.2002 11.2002 -11.7002zM172.1 49.4004c6.5 0 10.8008 -5.2002 10.9004 -11.7002 c0 -6.7998 -4.40039 -11.7002 -10.9004 -11.7002c-7.09961 0 -11.1992 5.2002 -11.1992 11.7002s4.09961 11.7002 11.1992 11.7002zM289.6 49.7002c5.2002 0 8.7002 -3 9.60059 -8.7002h-19.1006c0.800781 5.2002 4.10059 8.7002 9.5 8.7002zM397.4 49.4004 c6.7998 0 11.1992 -5.2002 11.1992 -11.7002c0 -6.7998 -4.39941 -11.7002 -11.1992 -11.7002c-6.80078 0 -10.9004 5.2002 -10.9004 11.7002s4.09961 11.7002 10.9004 11.7002zM503.3 23.2998c0 -0.299805 0.299805 -0.5 0.299805 -1.09961 c0 -0.299805 -0.299805 -0.5 -0.299805 -1.10059c-0.299805 -0.299805 -0.299805 -0.5 -0.5 -0.799805c-0.299805 -0.299805 -0.5 -0.5 -1.09961 -0.5c-0.299805 -0.299805 -0.5 -0.299805 -1.10059 -0.299805c-0.299805 0 -0.5 0 -1.09961 0.299805 c-0.299805 0 -0.5 0.299805 -0.799805 0.5c-0.299805 0.299805 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.799805c-0.299805 0.5 -0.299805 0.800781 -0.299805 1.10059c0 0.5 0 0.799805 0.299805 1.09961c0 0.5 0.299805 0.799805 0.5 1.10059c0.299805 0.299805 0.5 0.299805 0.799805 0.5 c0.5 0.299805 0.799805 0.299805 1.09961 0.299805c0.5 0 0.800781 0 1.10059 -0.299805c0.5 -0.300781 0.799805 -0.300781 1.09961 -0.5c0.299805 -0.200195 0.200195 -0.600586 0.5 -1.10059zM501.1 21.9004c0.5 0 0.5 0.299805 0.800781 0.299805 c0.299805 0.299805 0.299805 0.5 0.299805 0.799805s0 0.5 -0.299805 0.799805c-0.300781 0 -0.5 0.299805 -1.10059 0.299805h-1.59961v-3.5h0.799805v1.40039h0.299805l1.10059 -1.40039h0.799805zM576 367v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48 v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM64 227.4c0 -76.5 62.0996 -138.5 138.5 -138.5c27.2002 0 53.9004 8.19922 76.5 23.0996c-72.9004 59.2998 -72.4004 171.2 0 230.5c-22.5996 15 -49.2998 23.0996 -76.5 23.0996 c-76.4004 0.100586 -138.5 -62 -138.5 -138.199zM288 118.6c70.5 55 70.2002 162.2 0 217.5c-70.2002 -55.2998 -70.5 -162.6 0 -217.5zM145.7 42.2998c0 8.7002 -5.7002 14.4004 -14.7002 14.7002c-4.59961 0 -9.5 -1.40039 -12.7998 -6.5 c-2.40039 4.09961 -6.5 6.5 -12.2002 6.5c-3.7998 0 -7.59961 -1.40039 -10.5996 -5.40039v4.40039h-8.2002v-36.7002h8.2002c0 18.9004 -2.5 30.2002 9 30.2002c10.1992 0 8.19922 -10.2002 8.19922 -30.2002h7.90039c0 18.2998 -2.5 30.2002 9 30.2002 c10.2002 0 8.2002 -10 8.2002 -30.2002h8.2002v23h-0.200195zM190.6 56h-7.89941v-4.40039c-2.7002 3.30078 -6.5 5.40039 -11.7002 5.40039c-10.2998 0 -18.2002 -8.2002 -18.2002 -19.2998c0 -11.2002 7.90039 -19.2998 18.2002 -19.2998 c5.2002 0 9 1.89941 11.7002 5.39941v-4.59961h7.89941v36.7998zM231.1 30.4004c0 15 -22.8994 8.19922 -22.8994 15.1992c0 5.7002 11.8994 4.80078 18.5 1.10059l3.2998 6.5c-9.40039 6.09961 -30.2002 6 -30.2002 -8.2002c0 -14.2998 22.9004 -8.2998 22.9004 -15 c0 -6.2998 -13.5 -5.7998 -20.7002 -0.799805l-3.5 -6.2998c11.2002 -7.60059 32.5996 -6 32.5996 7.5zM266.5 21.0996l-2.2002 6.80078c-3.7998 -2.10059 -12.2002 -4.40039 -12.2002 4.09961v16.5996h13.1006v7.40039h-13.1006v11.2002h-8.19922v-11.2002h-7.60059 v-7.2998h7.60059v-16.7002c0 -17.5996 17.2998 -14.4004 22.5996 -10.9004zM279.8 34.5h27.5c0 16.2002 -7.39941 22.5996 -17.3994 22.5996c-10.6006 0 -18.2002 -7.89941 -18.2002 -19.2998c0 -20.5 22.5996 -23.8994 33.7998 -14.2002l-3.7998 6 c-7.7998 -6.39941 -19.6006 -5.7998 -21.9004 4.90039zM338.9 56c-4.60059 2 -11.6006 1.7998 -15.2002 -4.40039v4.40039h-8.2002v-36.7002h8.2002v20.7002c0 11.5996 9.5 10.0996 12.7998 8.40039zM349.5 37.7002c0 11.3994 11.5996 15.0996 20.7002 8.39941l3.7998 6.5 c-11.5996 9.10059 -32.7002 4.10059 -32.7002 -15c0 -19.7998 22.4004 -23.7998 32.7002 -15l-3.7998 6.5c-9.2002 -6.5 -20.7002 -2.59961 -20.7002 8.60059zM416.2 56h-8.2002v-4.40039c-8.2998 11 -29.9004 4.80078 -29.9004 -13.8994 c0 -19.2002 22.4004 -24.7002 29.9004 -13.9004v-4.59961h8.2002v36.7998zM449.9 56c-2.40039 1.2002 -11 2.90039 -15.2002 -4.40039v4.40039h-7.90039v-36.7002h7.90039v20.7002c0 11 9 10.2998 12.7998 8.40039zM490.2 70.9004h-7.90039v-19.3008 c-8.2002 10.9004 -29.8994 5.10059 -29.8994 -13.8994c0 -19.4004 22.5 -24.6006 29.8994 -13.9004v-4.59961h7.90039v51.7002zM497.8 146v-4.59961h0.799805v4.59961h1.90039v0.799805h-4.59961v-0.799805h1.89941zM504.4 22.2002c0 0.5 0 1.09961 -0.300781 1.59961 c-0.299805 0.299805 -0.5 0.799805 -0.799805 1.10059c-0.299805 0.299805 -0.799805 0.5 -1.09961 0.799805c-0.5 0 -1.10059 0.299805 -1.60059 0.299805c-0.299805 0 -0.799805 -0.299805 -1.39941 -0.299805c-0.5 -0.299805 -0.799805 -0.5 -1.10059 -0.799805 c-0.5 -0.300781 -0.799805 -0.800781 -0.799805 -1.10059c-0.299805 -0.5 -0.299805 -1.09961 -0.299805 -1.59961c0 -0.299805 0 -0.799805 0.299805 -1.40039c0 -0.299805 0.299805 -0.799805 0.799805 -1.09961c0.300781 -0.299805 0.5 -0.5 1.10059 -0.799805 c0.5 -0.300781 1.09961 -0.300781 1.39941 -0.300781c0.5 0 1.10059 0 1.60059 0.300781c0.299805 0.299805 0.799805 0.5 1.09961 0.799805s0.5 0.799805 0.799805 1.09961c0.300781 0.600586 0.300781 1.10059 0.300781 1.40039zM507.6 146.9h-1.39941l-1.60059 -3.5 l-1.59961 3.5h-1.40039v-5.40039h0.800781v4.09961l1.59961 -3.5h1.09961l1.40039 3.5v-4.09961h1.09961v5.40039zM512 227.4c0 76.1992 -62.0996 138.3 -138.5 138.3c-27.2002 0 -53.9004 -8.2002 -76.5 -23.1006c72.0996 -59.2998 73.2002 -171.5 0 -230.5 c22.5996 -15 49.5 -23.0996 76.5 -23.0996c76.4004 -0.0996094 138.5 61.9004 138.5 138.4z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-discover" unicode="&#xf1f2;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M520.4 251.9c0 -8.40039 -5.5 -12.8008 -15.8008 -12.8008h-4.69922v24.9004h4.89941c10.1006 0 15.6006 -4.2002 15.6006 -12.0996zM528 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480z M483.9 277.1v-82h16v32.8008h2.19922l22.2002 -32.8008h19.6006l-25.8008 34.4004c12.1006 2.5 18.7002 10.5996 18.7002 23.2002c0 28.5 -30.2998 24.3994 -52.8994 24.3994zM428 277v-82h45.2998v13.7998h-29.2998v22.2002h28.2998v13.7998h-28.2998v18.2002h29.2998v14 h-45.2998zM359.3 277h-17.5l35 -84.2002h8.60059l35.5 84.2002h-17.5l-22.2002 -55.2002zM303.4 280c-24.6006 0 -44.6006 -19.9004 -44.6006 -44.5996c0 -24.6006 19.9004 -44.6006 44.6006 -44.6006c24.5996 0 44.5996 19.9004 44.5996 44.6006 c0 24.5996 -19.9004 44.5996 -44.5996 44.5996zM254.1 273.9c-30.1992 15 -63.2998 -6.80078 -63.2998 -38c0 -32.5 33.6006 -52.5 63.2998 -38.2002v19c-19.2998 -19.2998 -46.7998 -5.7998 -46.7998 19.2002c0 23.6992 26.7002 39.0996 46.7998 19v19zM156.9 207.6 c-7.60059 0 -13.8008 3.7002 -17.5 10.8008l-10.3008 -9.90039c17.8008 -26.0996 56.6006 -18.2002 56.6006 11.2998c0 13.1006 -5.40039 19 -23.6006 25.6006c-9.59961 3.39941 -12.2998 5.89941 -12.2998 10.2998c0 8.7002 14.5 14.0996 24.9004 2.5l8.39941 10.7998 c-19.0996 17.0996 -49.6992 8.90039 -49.6992 -14.2998c0 -11.2998 5.19922 -17.2002 20.1992 -22.7002c25.7002 -9.09961 14.7002 -24.4004 3.30078 -24.4004zM55.4004 195c30.8994 0 44.0996 22.4004 44.0996 40.9004c0 24.0996 -18 41.0996 -44.0996 41.0996h-23.4004 v-82h23.4004zM122.9 195v82h-16v-82h16zM544 15v145c-33.2998 -20.7998 -226.4 -124.4 -416 -160h401c8.2002 0 15 6.7998 15 15zM74.0996 256.4c5.7002 -5 8.90039 -12.6006 8.90039 -20.5c0 -7.90039 -3.2002 -15.5 -8.90039 -20.7002 c-4.89941 -4.40039 -11.5996 -6.40039 -21.8994 -6.40039h-4.2002v54.2002h4.2002c10.2998 0 16.7002 -1.7002 21.8994 -6.59961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-paypal" unicode="&#xf1f4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M186.3 189.8c0 -12.2002 -9.7002 -21.5 -22 -21.5c-9.2002 0 -16 5.2002 -16 15c0 12.2002 9.5 22 21.7002 22c9.2998 0 16.2998 -5.7002 16.2998 -15.5zM80.5 238.3c11.2998 0 19.7998 -1.5 17.5 -14.8994c-2 -12.7002 -10.5 -14.2002 -21.5 -14.2002l-8.2002 -0.299805 l4.2998 26.6992c0.200195 1.7002 1.7002 2.7002 3.2002 2.7002h4.7002zM364.5 238.3c8.5 0 18 -0.5 18.0996 -11.0996c0 -15 -9 -18 -22 -18l-8 -0.299805l4.2002 26.6992c0.200195 1.7002 1.40039 2.7002 3.2002 2.7002h4.5zM576 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM128.3 232.6c0 21 -16.2002 28 -34.7002 28h-40c-2.5 0 -5 -2 -5.19922 -4.69922l-16.4004 -102.101c-0.299805 -2 1.2002 -4 3.2002 -4h19c2.7002 0 5.2002 2.90039 5.5 5.7002l4.5 26.5996 c1 7.2002 13.2002 4.7002 18 4.7002c28.5996 0 46.0996 17 46.0996 45.7998zM212.5 223.8h-19c-3.7998 0 -4 -5.5 -4.2002 -8.2002c-5.7998 8.5 -14.2002 10 -23.7002 10c-24.5 0 -43.1992 -21.5 -43.1992 -45.1992c0 -19.5 12.1992 -32.2002 31.6992 -32.2002 c9 0 20.2002 4.89941 26.5 11.8994c-0.5 -1.5 -1 -4.69922 -1 -6.19922c0 -2.30078 1 -4 3.2002 -4h17.2002c2.7002 0 5 2.89941 5.5 5.69922l10.2002 64.3008c0.299805 1.89941 -1.2002 3.89941 -3.2002 3.89941zM253 125.9l63.7002 92.5996c0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1.7002 c0 1.7002 -1.5 3.5 -3.2002 3.5h-19.2002c-1.7002 0 -3.5 -1 -4.5 -2.5l-26.5 -39l-11 37.5c-0.799805 2.2002 -3 4 -5.5 4h-18.7002c-1.69922 0 -3.19922 -1.7998 -3.19922 -3.5c0 -1.2002 19.5 -56.7998 21.1992 -62.1006c-2.69922 -3.7998 -20.5 -28.5996 -20.5 -31.5996 c0 -1.7998 1.5 -3.2002 3.2002 -3.2002h19.2002c1.7998 0.100586 3.5 1.10059 4.5 2.60059zM412.3 232.6c0 21 -16.2002 28 -34.7002 28h-39.6992c-2.7002 0 -5.2002 -2 -5.5 -4.69922l-16.2002 -102c-0.200195 -2 1.2998 -4 3.2002 -4h20.5c2 0 3.5 1.5 4 3.19922l4.5 29 c1 7.2002 13.1992 4.7002 18 4.7002c28.3994 0 45.8994 17 45.8994 45.7998zM496.5 223.8h-19c-3.7998 0 -4 -5.5 -4.2998 -8.2002c-5.5 8.5 -14 10 -23.7002 10c-24.5 0 -43.2002 -21.5 -43.2002 -45.1992c0 -19.5 12.2002 -32.2002 31.7002 -32.2002 c9.2998 0 20.5 4.89941 26.5 11.8994c-0.299805 -1.5 -1 -4.69922 -1 -6.19922c0 -2.30078 1 -4 3.2002 -4h17.2998c2.7002 0 5 2.89941 5.5 5.69922l10.2002 64.3008c0.299805 1.89941 -1.2002 3.89941 -3.2002 3.89941zM544 257.1c0 2 -1.5 3.5 -3.2002 3.5h-18.5 c-1.5 0 -3 -1.19922 -3.2002 -2.69922l-16.1992 -104l-0.300781 -0.5c0 -1.80078 1.5 -3.5 3.5 -3.5h16.5c2.5 0 5 2.89941 5.2002 5.69922l16.2002 101.2v0.299805zM454 205.3c9.2998 0 16.2998 -5.7002 16.2002 -15.5c0 -12.2998 -9.7002 -21.5 -21.7002 -21.5 c-9.2002 0 -16.2002 5.2998 -16.2002 15c0 12.2998 9.5 22 21.7002 22z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-stripe" unicode="&#xf1f5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M492.4 227.2c8.69922 0 18 -6.7002 18 -22.7002h-36.7002c0 16 9.7998 22.7002 18.7002 22.7002zM375 224.6c12.9004 0.100586 21.9004 -14.5 21.9004 -33.0996c0 -19.0996 -8.80078 -33.4004 -21.9004 -33.4004c-8.2998 0 -13.2998 3 -16.7998 6.7002l-0.200195 52.7998 c3.7002 4.10059 8.7998 7 17 7zM528 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480zM122.2 166.9c0 42.2998 -54.2998 34.6992 -54.2998 50.6992c0 5.5 4.59961 7.7002 12.0996 7.7002 c10.7998 0 24.5 -3.2998 35.2998 -9.09961v33.3994c-11.7998 4.7002 -23.5 6.5 -35.2998 6.5c-28.7998 0 -48 -15 -48 -40.1992c0 -39.3008 54 -32.9004 54 -49.9004c0 -6.59961 -5.7002 -8.7002 -13.5996 -8.7002c-11.8008 0 -26.9004 4.90039 -38.9004 11.2998v-33.8994 c13.2002 -5.7002 26.5996 -8.10059 38.7998 -8.10059c29.6006 0.200195 49.9004 14.7002 49.9004 40.3008zM191 223.5v30.2998h-26.9004v30.7998l-34.6992 -7.39941l-0.200195 -113.9c0 -21 15.7998 -36.5 36.8994 -36.5c11.6006 0 20.2002 2.10059 24.9004 4.7002v28.9004 c-4.5 -1.80078 -27 -8.30078 -27 12.5996v50.5h27zM265 221.1v32.7002h-0.0996094c-4.7002 1.7002 -21.3008 4.7998 -29.6006 -10.5l-2.2002 10.5h-30.6992v-124.5h35.5v84.4004c8.39941 11 22.5996 8.89941 27.0996 7.39941zM309.1 129.3v124.5h-35.6992v-124.5h35.6992z M309.1 272.2v28.8994l-35.6992 -7.59961v-28.9004zM383.2 126.7c25.3994 0.0996094 48.5996 20.5 48.5996 65.5996c0 41.2998 -23.5 63.7998 -48.3994 63.7998c-13.9004 0 -22.9004 -6.59961 -27.8008 -11.0996l-1.7998 8.7998h-31.2998v-165.8l35.5 7.5l0.0996094 40.2002 c5.10059 -3.7002 12.7002 -9 25.1006 -9zM543.6 178.2c0.100586 2 0.400391 9.39941 0.400391 12.8994c0 36.4004 -17.5996 65.1006 -51.2998 65.1006c-33.7998 0 -54.2998 -28.7002 -54.2998 -64.9004c0 -42.7998 24.1992 -64.5 58.7998 -64.5 c17 0 29.7002 3.90039 39.3994 9.2002v28.5996c-9.69922 -4.89941 -20.7998 -7.89941 -34.8994 -7.89941c-13.7998 0 -26 4.89941 -27.6006 21.5h69.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lastfm" unicode="&#xf202;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M225.8 80.9004c0 0 -31.7002 -31.1006 -97.8994 -31.1006c-82.2002 0 -127.9 48.1006 -127.9 137.2c0 92.7002 45.7002 147.2 131.8 147.2c117.7 0 129.3 -66.2002 161.3 -163c14 -42.7998 38.7002 -73.9004 97.9004 -73.9004c39.9004 0 61 8.7998 61 30.5 c0 31.9004 -34.9004 35.1006 -79.7998 45.7002c-48.6006 11.7002 -68 36.9004 -68 76.7998c0 64 51.5996 83.9004 104.399 83.9004c59.8008 0 96.2002 -21.7002 100.9 -74.5l-58.5996 -7c-2.30078 25.2002 -17.5 35.7998 -45.7002 35.7998 c-25.7998 0 -41.6006 -11.7998 -41.6006 -31.7002c0 -17.5996 7.60059 -28.0996 33.4004 -34c52.2998 -11.5 115 -19.2002 115 -92.0996c0 -58.6006 -49.2998 -80.9004 -122 -80.9004c-101.4 0 -136.6 45.7002 -155.4 102.601 c-26.0996 81.5996 -34.3994 134.899 -100.899 134.899c-35.7002 0 -72.1006 -25.7998 -72.1006 -97.8994c0 -56.3008 28.7002 -91.5 69.2002 -91.5c45.7002 0 76.2002 34 76.2002 34z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ioxhost" unicode="&#xf208;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 288c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24c0 -13.2002 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-52.7002c3.10059 -15.5 4.7002 -31.5996 4.7002 -48c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248c-102.9 0 -191.2 62.7002 -228.7 152h-67.2998c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24c0 13.2002 10.7002 24 24 24 h52.7002c-3.10059 15.5 -4.7002 31.5996 -4.7002 48c0 137 111 248 248 248c102.9 0 191.2 -62.7002 228.7 -152h67.2998zM520 192c0 16.5996 -2 32.5996 -5.7998 48h-298.2c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24c0 13.2002 10.7002 24 24 24h279.5 c-33.9004 62 -99.7998 104 -175.5 104c-110.5 0 -200 -89.5 -200 -200c0 -16.5996 2 -32.5996 5.7998 -48h298.2c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24c0 -13.2002 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-279.5c33.9004 -62 99.7998 -104 175.5 -104c110.5 0 200 89.5 200 200zM216 216h208 c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24c0 -13.2002 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-208c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24c0 13.2002 10.7002 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angellist" unicode="&#xf209;" d="M347.1 232.6c48 -11.6992 54.9004 -50.5996 54.9004 -93.6992c0 -114.301 -73.4004 -202.9 -191.4 -202.9c-96.1992 0 -164.6 76.4004 -164.5 148.6c0 37.1006 14.2002 61.7002 51.1006 71.7002c-3.10059 8.2998 -8 20.7998 -8 29.7002 c0 23.5 24.8994 52.5996 48.2998 52.5996c6.90039 0 13.7002 -2 20 -4.2998c-12.4004 35.2002 -46.5996 126.7 -46.5996 162c0 28.7998 14.5996 51.7002 45.6992 51.7002c40 0 85.4004 -144 95.1006 -172.5c12.5 31.4004 52.5 163.1 97.0996 163.1 c28 0 43.7002 -22.2998 43.7002 -48.8994c0 -30.2002 -33.7002 -124.5 -45.4004 -157.101zM311.7 340l-33.1006 -93.7002l34 -6c8.5 23.4004 47.1006 128.9 47.1006 148c0 7.10059 -2.2998 16 -10.9004 16c-16 0 -33.0996 -52 -37.0996 -64.2998zM142.3 399.7 c0 -29.1006 34.6006 -120 45.5 -148.8c7.7002 4.39941 19.7998 2.69922 35.4004 1.39941l-34.6006 100.3c-31.7998 92.8008 -46.2998 59 -46.2998 47.1006zM140 204c-7.7002 0 -20.2998 -13.4004 -20.4004 -21.0996c0 -20.8008 56 -97.7002 76.9004 -97.7002 c5.7002 0 10.5996 6.2998 10.5996 11.3994c0 12.8008 -37.7998 107.4 -67.0996 107.4zM324.3 17.7002c55.2998 61.5 49.1006 158.6 31 174.7c-24 21.0996 -106 29.0996 -138.3 29.0996c-17.2998 0 -17.4004 -6.40039 -17.4004 -13.0996 c0 -43.7002 92.9004 -39.7002 120.601 -39.7002c11.2002 0 15.7998 -9.90039 16.8994 -21.1006c-7.39941 -7.39941 -17.6992 -11.6992 -27.3994 -15.3994c-9.40039 -3.40039 -19.1006 -7.10059 -27.1006 -13.1006c-22 -16 -43.6992 -43.3994 -43.6992 -71.6992 c0 -17.7002 10.5996 -32.9004 10.5996 -50.3008c0 -0.299805 -2 -6.5 -2 -7.39941c-32.5996 2.2998 -40.5996 34.5996 -41.7002 61.7002c-3.39941 -0.900391 -8 -0.600586 -11.7002 -0.600586c5.10059 -17.7998 -11.8994 -42 -38 -42 c-37.7998 0 -88 57.2002 -58.2998 86.9004c28.7002 -35.9004 35 -51.4004 51.1006 -51.4004c4 0 11.6992 3.40039 11.6992 8.2998c0 12.8008 -42.8994 73.1006 -54.2998 73.1006c-16.7998 0 -37.7002 -24.9004 -20.5996 -68.2998 c22.5996 -55.7002 69.5 -88.3008 128.899 -88.3008c43.4004 0 80.6006 16.6006 109.7 48.6006zM225.7 143.7c3.2002 -8.2998 6.59961 -16.6006 9.39941 -25.1006c6.30078 7.10059 12.9004 13.7002 20.3008 19.1006c-10 2 -20 2.89941 -29.7002 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="buysellads" unicode="&#xf20d;" d="M224 297.3l42.9004 -160.7h-85.8008zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM382.7 42.7002l-94.5 298.7h-128.4l-94.5 -298.7h90.7002l111.7 91.5996l24.2002 -91.5996h90.7998z " /> <glyph glyph-name="connectdevelop" unicode="&#xf20e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M550.5 207c6.69629 -1.33887 11.7861 -7.5 11.7881 -14.7324c0 -7.5 -5.3584 -13.6602 -12.3223 -15l-54.9111 -95.3574c0.536133 -1.60742 0.804688 -3.21387 0.804688 -4.82129c0 -7.23145 -5.09082 -13.3926 -12.0547 -14.7314l-51.6963 -90.2686 c0.535156 -1.33887 0.802734 -2.67773 0.802734 -4.28516c0 -8.30371 -6.69727 -15.2676 -15.2686 -15.2676c-4.28516 0 -8.30371 1.875 -10.9814 4.82129h-107.144c-2.67871 -3.21484 -6.96484 -5.35742 -11.5176 -5.35742s-8.83887 2.14258 -11.5166 5.35645h-106.875 c-2.67969 -3.21484 -6.69727 -5.35742 -11.5186 -5.35742c-8.30371 0 -15.2676 6.69727 -15.2676 15.2676c0 1.875 0.535156 3.75 1.07031 5.35742l-51.6963 89.7324c-6.96484 1.33887 -12.0547 7.5 -12.0547 14.7314c0 1.875 0.268555 3.21387 0.804688 4.82129 l-55.1797 95.3574c-6.96484 1.60742 -12.0537 7.76855 -12.0537 15c0 7.5 5.3584 13.6611 12.5898 15l53.3047 92.1436c0 0.536133 -0.268555 1.07227 -0.268555 1.60645c0 6.16113 3.75098 11.251 9.10742 13.6611l55.9824 97.2334 c-0.536133 1.33887 -1.07129 3.21387 -1.07129 4.82129c0 8.57129 6.96484 15.2676 15.2676 15.2676c4.82227 0 8.83887 -2.14258 11.7861 -5.625h106.071c2.67871 3.48242 6.69629 5.625 11.5176 5.625s8.83887 -2.14258 11.5176 -5.62402h106.606 c2.94727 3.48242 6.96484 5.625 11.7861 5.625c8.30371 0 15.2676 -6.69727 15.2676 -15.2676c0 -1.60742 -0.535156 -3.21484 -1.07031 -4.82129l55.4463 -95.8936c8.03613 -0.267578 14.7324 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2.14355 1.07031 3.48242 1.33887zM431.303 12.2676l34.8223 60.8037h-21.9639zM466.125 81.1074c0.267578 1.07129 0.803711 2.14258 1.33887 2.94531l-17.1426 18.2139l-4.55371 -21.1592h20.3574zM532.286 188.518 c-0.268555 1.33984 -0.536133 2.41113 -0.536133 3.75c0 1.60742 0.536133 2.94629 0.802734 4.28516l-45.8027 79.2861l-34.5537 -163.928l20.625 -21.9639c1.33887 0.802734 2.67871 1.33887 4.01758 1.87402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="forumbee" unicode="&#xf211;" d="M5.7998 138.3c-3.7998 17 -5.7998 34.2002 -5.7998 51.4004c0 123.3 99.7998 223.3 223.1 223.3c16.6006 0 33.3008 -2 49.3008 -5.5c-123.4 -47 -220.5 -145.5 -266.601 -269.2zM398.7 327.5c-151.101 -44 -269.2 -164.4 -312.3 -315.7 c-17.2002 13.4004 -32.7002 30.9004 -45.2002 49c43.3994 149.9 160.1 267.7 309.7 312c18.0996 -12.5996 34.0996 -27.7998 47.7998 -45.2998zM414.5 74.7998c13.0996 -35.2998 24.2002 -73.2998 33.5 -109.8c-36.0996 9.2998 -72 20.5 -107 33.5996 c-25.7002 -16 -54.5996 -26.8994 -84.5996 -31.2998c42.5996 79.7002 108.199 147.4 187.6 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115.1 -23.0996 157 -65.0996zM223.9 9.2998c101.699 0 186.6 82.7998 186.6 184.601c0.0996094 49.2998 -21.2998 95.5996 -56.0996 130.5c-34.8008 34.8994 -81.1006 54.0996 -130.4 54.0996c-101.8 0 -184.6 -82.7998 -184.6 -184.5 c0 -34.9004 9.69922 -68.7998 28.1992 -98.2002l4.40039 -7l-18.5996 -68.0996l69.7998 18.2998l6.7002 -4c28.2998 -16.7998 60.7998 -25.7002 94 -25.7002zM325.1 147.5c5.5 -2.7002 9.2002 -4.09961 10.5 -6.59961c1.40039 -2.30078 1.40039 -13.4004 -3.19922 -26.4004 c-4.60059 -13 -26.7002 -24.7998 -37.4004 -26.4004c-17.5996 -2.59961 -31.4004 -1.2998 -66.5996 13.9004c-55.7002 24.0996 -92 80.0996 -94.8008 83.7998c-2.69922 3.7002 -22.5996 30.1006 -22.5996 57.4004s14.2998 40.7002 19.4004 46.2998 c5.09961 5.5 11.0996 6.90039 14.7998 6.90039s7.39941 0 10.5996 -0.200195c3.40039 -0.200195 8 1.2998 12.5 -9.5c4.60059 -11.1006 15.7002 -38.4004 17.1006 -41.2002c1.39941 -2.7998 2.2998 -6 0.5 -9.7002c-10.6006 -21.2002 -22 -20.5 -16.3008 -30.2998 c21.5 -36.9004 42.9004 -49.7002 75.5 -66c5.5 -2.7998 8.80078 -2.2998 12 1.40039c3.30078 3.7998 13.9004 16.1992 17.6006 21.7998c3.7002 5.59961 7.39941 4.7002 12.5 2.7998c5.09961 -1.7998 32.3994 -15.2002 37.8994 -18z" /> <glyph glyph-name="viacoin" unicode="&#xf237;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 416l-48 -112h48v-48h-68.5l-13.7998 -32h82.2998v-48h-102.8l-89.2002 -208l-89.2002 208h-102.8v48h82.2998l-13.7998 32h-68.5v48h48l-48 112h64l80.7998 -192h94.5l80.7002 192h64zM192 112l27 64h-54z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medium" unicode="&#xf23a;" d="M0 416h448v-448h-448v448zM372.2 309.9v5h-83.2002l-59.2998 -147.9l-67.4004 148h-87.2998v-5.09961l28.0996 -33.9004c2.80078 -2.5 4.2002 -6.09961 3.80078 -9.7998v-133c0.799805 -4.7998 -0.700195 -9.7002 -4.10059 -13.2002l-31.5996 -38.2998v-5.10059h89.7998 v5.10059l-31.5996 38.2998c-3.40039 3.5 -5.10059 8.40039 -4.40039 13.2002v115l78.7002 -171.601h9.09961l67.6006 171.601v-136.9c0 -3.59961 0 -4.2998 -2.40039 -6.7002l-24.2998 -23.5996v-4.90039h118v5.10059l-23.5 23 c-2.10059 1.5 -3.10059 4.09961 -2.7002 6.7002v169.3c-0.400391 2.5 0.599609 5.09961 2.7002 6.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="y-combinator" unicode="&#xf23b;" d="M448 416v-448h-448v448h448zM236 160.5l77.5 145.5h-32.7002l-45.7998 -91c-4.7002 -9.2998 -9 -18.2998 -12.7998 -26.7998l-12.2002 26.7998l-45.2002 91h-35l76.7002 -143.8v-94.5h29.5v92.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="opencart" unicode="&#xf23d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M423.3 7.2998c0 -25.2998 -20.2998 -45.5996 -45.5996 -45.5996s-45.7998 20.2998 -45.7998 45.5996s20.5996 45.7998 45.7998 45.7998c25.3994 0 45.5996 -20.5 45.5996 -45.7998zM169.4 53.0996c25.2998 0 45.7998 -20.5 45.7998 -45.7998 s-20.5 -45.5996 -45.7998 -45.5996c-25.3008 0 -45.6006 20.3994 -45.6006 45.5996s20.2998 45.7998 45.6006 45.7998zM461.1 323.1c302.2 0 169.5 -67.1992 -17.1992 -233.899c59.1992 102.8 262.5 193.899 -70.8008 188.899c-319.8 -4.69922 -338.699 92.5 -373.1 144.2 c81.9004 -86.3994 158.9 -99.2002 461.1 -99.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="expeditedssl" unicode="&#xf23e;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 404.6c117.4 0 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8.89941v31.6006c-10.5 6.09961 -17.7002 17.3994 -17.7002 30.3994c0 19.7002 15.7998 35.4004 35.4004 35.4004c19.5996 0 35.5 -15.7998 35.5 -35.4004zM248 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248 s111 248 248 248zM248 -38.2998c127 0 230.3 103.3 230.3 230.3s-103.3 230.3 -230.3 230.3s-230.3 -103.3 -230.3 -230.3s103.3 -230.3 230.3 -230.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-jcb" unicode="&#xf24b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M431.5 203.7v32.2998c41.2002 0 38.5 -0.200195 38.5 -0.200195c7.2998 -1.2998 13.2998 -7.2998 13.2998 -16c0 -8.7998 -6 -14.5 -13.2998 -15.7998c-1.2002 -0.400391 -3.2998 -0.299805 -38.5 -0.299805zM474.3 183.5c7.5 -1.5 13.5 -8.2998 13.5 -17 c0 -9 -6 -15.5 -13.5 -17c-2.7998 -0.700195 -3.2002 -0.5 -42.7998 -0.5v35c39.5 0 40 0.200195 42.7998 -0.5zM576 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM182 255.7h-57 c0 -67.1006 10.7002 -109.7 -35.7998 -109.7c-19.5 0 -38.7998 5.7002 -57.2002 14.7998v-28c30 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21.5 -48 48v352 c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480zM329.7 0c105 0 200.7 85.5 200.7 190.2c0 114.6 -95.7002 193.8 -200.7 193.8h-90.2998c-106.2 0 -193.801 -79.2002 -193.801 -193.8c0 -104.7 87.6006 -190.2 193.801 -190.2h90.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gg" unicode="&#xf260;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M179.2 217.6l102.399 -102.399l-102.399 -102.4l-179.2 179.2l179.2 179.2l44.7998 -44.7998l-25.5996 -25.6006l-19.2002 19.2002l-128 -128l128 -128l51.5 51.5l-77.1006 76.5zM332.8 371.2l179.2 -179.2l-179.2 -179.2l-44.7998 44.7998l25.5996 25.6006 l19.2002 -19.2002l128 128l-128 128l-51.5 -51.5l77.1006 -76.5l-25.6006 -25.5996l-102.399 102.399z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gg-circle" unicode="&#xf261;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M257 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM207.5 65.2002l75 75.2002l-77.2002 77.1992l-24.3994 -24.3994l53.0996 -52.9004l-26.5996 -26.5996l-77.2002 77.2002l77.2002 77.1992l11.0996 -11.0996l24.2002 24.2002 l-35.2002 35.3994l-125.7 -125.699zM306.5 67.4004l125.7 125.6l-125.7 125.7l-75 -75l77.2002 -77.2002l24.3994 24.4004l-53.0996 52.8994l26.5 26.5l77.2002 -77.2002l-77.2002 -77.1992l-11.0996 11.0996l-24.1006 -24.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tripadvisor" unicode="&#xf262;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M166.4 167.479c0 -13.2354 -10.7305 -23.9658 -23.9668 -23.9658c-13.2354 0 -23.9658 10.7305 -23.9658 23.9658c0 13.2363 10.7305 23.9668 23.9658 23.9668c13.2363 0 23.9668 -10.7295 23.9668 -23.9668zM431.362 191.435 c13.2295 0 23.9551 -10.7246 23.9561 -23.9561c0 -13.2305 -10.7266 -23.9551 -23.9561 -23.9551c-13.2314 0 -23.9561 10.7256 -23.9561 23.9551c0 13.2314 10.7256 23.9561 23.9561 23.9561zM520.75 51.9453c-62.667 -49.1045 -153.276 -38.1094 -202.379 24.5586 l-30.9795 -46.3252l-30.6826 45.9395c-48.2773 -60.3906 -135.622 -71.8916 -197.885 -26.0547c-64.0586 47.1572 -77.7588 137.315 -30.6016 201.373c-5.05762 17.1221 -17.7021 42.7236 -28.2227 57.1475l90.2861 0.0498047 c48.0039 29.8701 132.851 54.1123 189.389 54.1123c2.11914 0 5.55762 -0.0371094 7.67578 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90.1133 88.1621 68.125 147.783zM213.624 167.486v-0.115234 c-0.0566406 -39.3281 -31.9863 -71.1631 -71.3145 -71.1064c-39.3271 0.0576172 -71.1621 31.9863 -71.1055 71.3145s31.9863 71.1631 71.3135 71.1055c39.2598 -0.115234 71.042 -31.9395 71.1064 -71.1982zM189.112 167.486v0.0839844 c-0.0517578 25.7832 -20.9941 46.6445 -46.7783 46.5938s-46.6445 -20.9941 -46.5938 -46.7773c0.0507812 -25.7842 20.9941 -46.6445 46.7764 -46.5938c25.7266 0.113281 46.5371 20.9678 46.5957 46.6934zM502.535 167.486 c-0.0205078 -39.3281 -31.918 -71.2422 -71.2471 -71.2217c-39.3291 0.0214844 -71.1943 31.918 -71.1729 71.2471c0.0195312 39.3281 31.918 71.1943 71.2471 71.1729c39.29 -0.0654297 71.1211 -31.9082 71.1729 -71.1982zM478.031 167.494 c-0.00878906 25.7842 -20.918 46.6787 -46.7021 46.6699s-46.6787 -20.918 -46.6699 -46.7021s20.918 -46.6777 46.7021 -46.6699c25.7646 0.0458984 46.6357 20.9277 46.6699 46.6934v0.00878906z" /> <glyph glyph-name="odnoklassniki" unicode="&#xf263;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M275.1 114c-27.3994 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270.9c0 22.0996 17.8994 40 39.7998 40s39.7998 -17.9004 39.7998 -40c0 -22 -17.8994 -39.8008 -39.7998 -39.8008s-39.7998 17.9004 -39.7998 39.8008zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM142.9 270.9c0 -44.6006 36.3994 -80.9004 81.0996 -80.9004s81.0996 36.2002 81.0996 80.9004c0 44.7998 -36.3994 81.0996 -81.0996 81.0996s-81.0996 -36.2002 -81.0996 -81.0996zM317.4 180.2 c-4.60059 9.09961 -17.3008 16.7998 -34.1006 3.59961c0 0 -22.7002 -18 -59.2998 -18s-59.2998 18 -59.2998 18c-16.7998 13.2002 -29.5 5.5 -34.1006 -3.59961c-7.89941 -16.1006 1.10059 -23.7002 21.4004 -37c17.2998 -11.1006 41.2002 -15.2002 56.5996 -16.7998 l-12.8994 -12.9004c-18.2002 -18 -35.5 -35.5 -47.7002 -47.7002c-17.5996 -17.5996 10.7002 -45.7998 28.4004 -28.5996l47.6992 47.8994c18.2002 -18.1992 35.7002 -35.6992 47.7002 -47.8994c17.6006 -17.2002 46 10.7002 28.6006 28.5996l-47.7002 47.7002l-13 12.9004 c15.5 1.59961 39.0996 5.89941 56.2002 16.7998c20.3994 13.2998 29.2998 21 21.5 37z" /> <glyph glyph-name="get-pocket" unicode="&#xf265;" d="M407.6 384c22.7002 0 40.4004 -18.2002 40.4004 -40.5996v-135.2c0 -124.7 -99.7998 -224.2 -223.8 -224.2c-124.5 0 -224.2 99.5 -224.2 224.2v135.2c0 22.0996 18.5 40.5996 40.5996 40.5996h367zM245.6 115.5c111.9 107.5 114.801 105.4 114.801 123.2 c0 16.8994 -13.8008 30.7002 -30.7002 30.7002c-16.9004 0 -14.9004 -2.40039 -105.5 -89.3008c-89.1006 85.5 -88.2002 89.3008 -105.2 89.3008c-16.9004 0 -30.7002 -13.8008 -30.7002 -30.7002c0 -18.1006 1.2002 -14.2998 114.9 -123.2 c11 -11.0996 30 -11.7998 42.3994 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wikipedia-w" unicode="&#xf266;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 396.8l-0.299805 -12.2002c-28.1006 -0.799805 -45 -15.7998 -55.7998 -40.2998c-25 -57.7998 -103.301 -240 -155.301 -358.6h-13.5996l-81.9004 193.1c-32.5 -63.5996 -68.2998 -130 -99.1992 -193.1c-0.300781 -0.299805 -15 0 -15 0.299805 c-46.9004 109.7 -96.1006 218.6 -143.101 328.6c-11.3994 26.7002 -49.3994 70 -75.5996 69.7002c0 3.10059 -0.299805 10 -0.299805 14.2002h161.899v-13.9004c-19.2002 -1.09961 -52.7998 -13.2998 -43.2998 -34.1992c21.9004 -49.7002 103.6 -240.301 125.6 -288.601 c15 29.7002 57.8008 109.2 75.3008 142.8c-13.9004 28.3008 -58.6006 133.9 -72.8008 160c-9.69922 17.8008 -36.0996 19.4004 -55.7998 19.7002v13.9004l142.5 -0.299805v-13.1006c-19.3994 -0.599609 -38.0996 -7.7998 -29.3994 -26.0996 c18.8994 -40 30.5996 -68.1006 48.0996 -104.7c5.59961 10.7998 34.7002 69.4004 48.0996 100.8c8.90039 20.6006 -3.89941 28.6006 -38.5996 29.4004c0.299805 3.59961 0 10.2998 0.299805 13.5996c44.4004 0.299805 111.101 0.299805 123.101 0.600586v-13.6006 c-22.5 -0.799805 -45.8008 -12.7998 -58.1006 -31.7002l-59.2002 -122.8c6.40039 -16.0996 63.3008 -142.8 69.2002 -156.7l122.4 282.601c-8.60059 23.0996 -36.4004 28.0996 -47.2002 28.2998v13.9004l127.8 -1.10059z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chrome" unicode="&#xf268;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M131.5 230.5l-76.4004 117.4c47.6006 59.1992 119 91.7998 192 92.0996c42.3008 0.299805 85.5 -10.5 124.801 -33.2002c43.3994 -25.2002 76.3994 -61.3994 97.3994 -103l-205.3 10.7998c-58.0996 3.40039 -113.4 -29.2998 -132.5 -84.0996zM164.4 192 c0 46.2998 37.3994 83.5996 83.5996 83.5996s83.5996 -37.3994 83.5996 -83.5996s-37.3994 -83.5996 -83.5996 -83.5996s-83.5996 37.3994 -83.5996 83.5996zM479.3 281.2c43.5 -111.9 0 -241.9 -107.399 -303.9c-43.4004 -25.2002 -91.3008 -35.3994 -137.801 -32.8994 l112.101 172.399c31.8994 49 31.2998 112.9 -6.60059 157.2zM133.7 144.4c26.2998 -51.7002 81.8994 -83.3008 139.5 -72.5l-63.7002 -124.801c-118.7 18.2002 -209.5 120.9 -209.5 244.9c0 50.0996 14.9004 96.9004 40.4004 135.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="opera" unicode="&#xf26a;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M313.9 415.3c-170.2 0 -252.601 -223.8 -147.5 -355.1c36.5 -45.4004 88.5996 -75.6006 147.5 -75.6006c36.2998 0 70.2998 11.1006 99.3994 30.4004c-43.7998 -39.2002 -101.899 -63 -165.3 -63c-3.90039 0 -8 0 -11.9004 0.299805 c-131.5 6.10059 -236.1 114.601 -236.1 247.7c0 137 111 248 248 248h0.799805c63.1006 -0.299805 120.7 -24.0996 164.4 -63.0996c-29 19.3994 -63.1006 30.3994 -99.2998 30.3994zM415.7 17.5996c-40.9004 -24.6992 -90.7002 -23.5996 -132 5.80078 c56.2002 20.5 97.7002 91.5996 97.7002 176.6c0 84.7002 -41.2002 155.8 -97.4004 176.6c41.7998 29.2002 91.2002 30.3008 132.9 5c105.899 -98.6992 105.5 -265.699 -1.2002 -364z" /> <glyph glyph-name="internet-explorer" unicode="&#xf26b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M483.049 288.294c25.1963 -45.4473 33.2578 -97.5811 26.8516 -141.162h-328.792c0 -100.432 144.31 -136.029 196.818 -47.4355h120.833c-32.5645 -91.7285 -119.689 -146.022 -216.813 -146.022c-35.1367 0 -70.2725 0.143555 -101.695 15.5732 c-87.3975 -44.4941 -180.251 -56.5693 -180.251 42.0059c0 45.8066 23.2461 107.096 43.9922 145.022c35.1357 63.7227 81.4121 124.875 135.687 173.168c-43.7061 -18.8604 -91.125 -66.2959 -121.977 -101.158c25.877 112.787 129.466 193.638 237.098 186.457 c130.032 59.7939 209.673 34.1445 209.673 -38.5771c0 -27.4326 -10.5684 -63.2959 -21.4238 -87.8711zM64.5586 101.123c-73.001 -152.4 11.5254 -172.244 100.267 -123.304c-46.5635 27.4326 -82.5557 72.1533 -100.267 123.304zM180.536 209.996h207.961 c-2 55.1514 -50.5635 94.8711 -103.981 94.8711c-53.7041 0 -101.979 -39.7197 -103.979 -94.8711zM365.072 397.596c46.2764 -18.002 85.9824 -57.2939 112.263 -99.5859c7.1416 18.8604 14.5693 47.8643 14.5693 67.8672c0 32.0049 -22.8525 53.7217 -54.2744 53.7217 c-23.9951 0 -51.1328 -11.7158 -72.5576 -22.0029z" /> <glyph glyph-name="contao" unicode="&#xf26d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M45.4004 143c14.3994 -67.0996 26.3994 -129 68.1992 -175h-79.5996c-18.7002 0 -34 15.2002 -34 34v380c0 18.7002 15.2002 34 34 34h57.7002c-13.7998 -12.5996 -26.1006 -27.2002 -36.9004 -43.5996c-45.3994 -70 -27 -146.801 -9.39941 -229.4zM478 416 c18.7998 0 34 -15.2002 34 -34v-380.1c0 -18.8008 -15.2998 -34 -34 -34h-52.0996c38.6992 38.3994 60.5996 92.0996 57.3994 163.6l-137.399 -29.5996c-1.7002 -32.5 -12.9004 -63.8008 -57.4004 -73.2002c-24.9004 -5.2998 -45.4004 0.599609 -58.2998 11.7002 c-15.7998 13.5 -28.4004 31 -49.5 131.199c-21.4004 100.5 -17 121.601 -8.2002 140.301c7.2998 15.2998 23.7002 29.2998 48.2998 34.5996c44.7998 9.40039 67.7002 -14.9004 82.6006 -43.9004l137.1 29.3008c-13.5 34.5996 -31.2998 62.6992 -52.7002 84.0996h90.2002z " /> <glyph glyph-name="500px" unicode="&#xf26e;" d="M103.3 103.7c-6.5 14.2002 -6.89941 18.2998 7.40039 23.0996c25.5996 8 8 -9.2002 43.2002 -49.2002h0.299805v93.9004c1.2002 50.2002 44 92.2002 97.7002 92.2002c53.8994 0 97.6992 -43.5 97.6992 -96.7998c0 -63.4004 -60.7998 -113.2 -128.5 -93.3008 c-10.5 4.2002 -2.09961 31.7002 8.5 28.6006c53 0 89.4004 10.0996 89.4004 64.3994c0 61 -77.0996 89.6006 -116.9 44.6006c-23.5 -26.4004 -17.5996 -42.1006 -17.5996 -157.601c50.7002 -31 118.3 -22 160.4 20.1006c24.7998 24.7998 38.5 58 38.5 93 c0 35.2002 -13.8008 68.2002 -38.8008 93.2998c-24.7998 24.7998 -57.7998 38.5 -93.2998 38.5s-68.7998 -13.7998 -93.5 -38.5c-0.299805 -0.299805 -16 -16.5 -21.2002 -23.9004l-0.5 -0.599609c-3.2998 -4.7002 -6.2998 -9.09961 -20.0996 -6.09961 c-6.90039 1.69922 -14.2998 5.7998 -14.2998 11.7998v186.8c0 5 3.89941 10.5 10.5 10.5h241.3c8.2998 0 8.2998 -11.5996 8.2998 -15.0996c0 -3.90039 0 -15.1006 -8.2998 -15.1006h-223.2v-132.899h0.299805c104.2 109.8 282.801 36 282.801 -108.9 c0 -178.1 -244.801 -220.3 -310.101 -62.7998zM166.6 364.5c3.80078 18.7998 145.101 50.7998 238.301 -38.2002c8.5 -7.5 -9.5 -22.7998 -14.3008 -22.7998c-6.59961 0 -84.5996 87.9004 -209.399 40.4004c-10 -3.90039 -15.1006 16.3994 -14.6006 20.5996zM393 33.2998 c8.09961 8 27.5996 -12.5996 20.7002 -20.3994c-135.601 -135.601 -357.601 -52.1006 -381.601 121.3c-1.5 10.7002 28.9004 15.5 28.9004 3.2998c33 -165 222 -214.1 332 -104.2zM213.6 141.4c0 3.39941 2.30078 4.69922 20.4004 22.5996l-18.2002 18.2002 c-5.59961 5.59961 7.40039 17.2998 12.4004 17.2998c3.09961 0 2.89941 -0.700195 21.5 -19.5l17.8994 17.9004c6.10059 6.09961 22.5 -8.90039 16.2002 -15.7002l-18.2002 -18.2002l17.3008 -17.2998c7.7998 -7.7998 -5.30078 -18.2002 -10.7002 -18.2002 c-3.2002 0 -2.7002 0.200195 -22.2998 19.5c-19.7002 -19.7002 -18.5 -19.5 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37.5 17.5c15.7002 1.80078 41 0.800781 46 -5.69922c3.7002 -5.10059 0 -27.1006 -6.5 -43.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vimeo-v" unicode="&#xf27d;" d="M447.8 294.4c-2 -43.6006 -32.3994 -103.301 -91.3994 -179.101c-60.9004 -79.2002 -112.4 -118.8 -154.601 -118.8c-26.0996 0 -48.2002 24.0996 -66.2998 72.2998c-35.2002 129.2 -50.2002 204.9 -79.2998 204.9c-3.40039 0 -15.1006 -7.10059 -35.2002 -21.1006 l-21 27.2002c51.5996 45.2998 100.9 95.7002 131.8 98.5c34.9004 3.40039 56.2998 -20.5 64.4004 -71.5c28.7002 -181.5 41.3994 -208.899 93.5996 -126.7c18.7002 29.6006 28.7998 52.1006 30.2002 67.6006c4.7998 45.8994 -35.7998 42.7998 -63.2998 31 c22 72.0996 64.0996 107.1 126.2 105.1c45.7998 -1.2002 67.5 -31.0996 64.8994 -89.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="black-tie" unicode="&#xf27e;" d="M0 416h448v-448h-448v448zM316.5 90.7998l-64.5 184l64.4004 86.6006h-184.9l64.5 -86.6006l-64.5 -184l92.5 -88.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fonticons" unicode="&#xf280;" d="M0 416h448v-448h-448v448zM187 275.1c11.9004 0 16.5996 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0c-29 -29 -121.2 -28.5 -149 0c-3.5 3.5 -9.7002 3.5 -13.2002 0c-4 -4 -4 -10.2002 0 -13.7002c36.3994 -36.3994 139.1 -36.3994 175.5 0zM342.9 99.7998c22 0 39.5996 17.7002 39.6992 39.2002 c0 22.0996 -17.6992 39.7002 -39.6992 39.7002c-21.6006 0 -39.2002 -17.7002 -39.2002 -39.7002c0 -21.5996 17.5996 -39.2002 39.2002 -39.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="codiepie" unicode="&#xf284;" horiz-adv-x="472" d="M422.5 245.1c30.7002 0 33.5 -53.0996 -0.299805 -53.0996h-10.7998v-44.2998h-26.6006v97.3994h37.7002zM472 95.4004c-42.0996 -91.9004 -121.6 -151.4 -224 -151.4c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248c97.4004 0 172.8 -53.7002 218.2 -138.4l-186 -108.8z M433.5 82.9004l-60.2998 30.6992c-27.1006 -44.2998 -70.4004 -71.3994 -122.4 -71.3994c-82.5 0 -149.2 66.7002 -149.2 148.899c0 82.5 66.7002 149.2 149.2 149.2c48.4004 0 88.9004 -23.5 116.9 -63.3994l59.5 34.5996c-40.7002 62.5996 -104.7 100 -179.2 100 c-121.2 0 -219.5 -98.2998 -219.5 -219.5s98.2998 -219.5 219.5 -219.5c78.5996 0 146.5 42.0996 185.5 110.4z" /> 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74.6006 60.4004 c40.0996 89.0996 58.0996 82.0996 108.899 82.0996c7.5 20.9004 27 35.6006 50.4004 35.6006c29.5 0 53.5 -23.9004 53.5 -53.5c0 -29.6006 -23.9004 -53.5 -53.5 -53.5c-23.4004 0 -42.9004 14.7998 -50.4004 35.5996h-29.7998 c-29.0996 0 -44.2998 -67.4004 -69.5996 -106.9h310.1v35.6006c0 3.2998 1.7002 6.09961 4.5 7.7998s6.40039 1.40039 8.90039 -0.299805l89.0996 -53.5c2.7998 -1.10059 4.5 -4.10059 4.5 -7.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="product-hunt" unicode="&#xf288;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M326.3 229.2c0 -20.5 -16.7002 -37.2002 -37.2002 -37.2002h-70.2998v74.4004h70.2998c20.5 0 37.2002 -16.7002 37.2002 -37.2002zM504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM375.9 229.2 c0 47.8994 -38.9004 86.7998 -86.8008 86.7998h-119.899v-248h49.5996v74.4004h70.2998c47.9004 0 86.8008 38.8994 86.8008 86.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mixcloud" unicode="&#xf289;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M424.43 228.271c42.3623 -9.1377 74.4805 -47.0693 74.4805 -92.2002c0 -52.3311 -42.6406 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134.3v-176.9l-73.7998 73.8008l-27 -26.9004l92.7002 -93l-92.7002 -93l26.9004 -26.9004l73.7998 73.8008l2.2998 -170l127.4 127.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bluetooth-b" unicode="&#xf294;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M196.48 187.977l97.9111 -103.333l-148.552 -148.644l-2.71484 198.284l-86.1113 -86.1113l-31.4053 31.4053l108.061 108.398l-108.061 108.399l31.4053 31.4053l86.1113 -86.1113v206.33l145.981 -156.69zM237.34 290.973l-50.3145 50.3174l0.337891 -100.295z M187.363 134.96l-0.337891 -100.294l50.3145 50.3164z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wpbeginner" unicode="&#xf297;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M462.799 125.626c56.2109 -64.3076 4.16211 -157.626 -91.8545 -157.626c-39.6025 0 -78.8242 17.6865 -100.143 50.04c-6.88672 -0.356445 -22.7021 -0.356445 -29.5898 0c-21.3643 -32.4209 -60.624 -50.04 -100.143 -50.04 c-95.4902 0 -148.349 92.9961 -91.8555 157.626c-79.1387 131.851 31.2646 290.374 206.792 290.374c175.632 0 285.87 -158.626 206.793 -290.374zM123.152 208.598h41.5283v58.0752h-41.5283v-58.0752zM340.332 122.526v23.8389 c-60.5059 -20.915 -132.355 -9.19824 -187.589 33.9707l0.246094 -24.8965c51.1006 -46.3672 131.746 -57.875 187.343 -32.9131zM189.579 208.598h166.058v58.0752h-166.058v-58.0752z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wpforms" unicode="&#xf298;" d="M448 372.8v-361.7c0 -24.2998 -19 -43.1992 -43.2002 -43.1992h-361.6c-23.9004 0.0996094 -43.2002 18.6992 -43.2002 43.2998v361.6c0 24.1006 18.7998 43.2002 43.2002 43.2002h361.7c24 0 43.0996 -18.7998 43.0996 -43.2002zM410.7 11.2002v361.6 c0 3 -2.60059 5.7998 -5.7998 5.7998h-9.30078l-110.3 -74.5996l-61.2998 49.9004l-61.2002 -49.9004l-110.3 74.7002h-9.2998c-3.2002 0 -5.7998 -2.7998 -5.7998 -5.7998v-361.7c0 -3 2.59961 -5.7998 5.7998 -5.7998h361.7 c3.19922 -0.100586 5.7998 2.69922 5.7998 5.7998zM150.2 262v-37h-73.5v37h73.5zM150.2 187.6v-37.2998h-73.5v37.2998h73.5zM161.3 334.9l54 43.6992h-118.5zM371.3 262v-37h-196v37h196zM371.3 187.6v-37.2998h-196v37.2998h196zM286.7 334.9l64.5 43.6992h-118.4z M371.3 113v-37.2998h-99.3994v37.2998h99.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envira" unicode="&#xf299;" d="M0 416c477.6 0 366.6 -317.3 367.1 -366.3l80.9004 -81.7002h-26l-70.4004 71.2002c-39 -4.2002 -124.399 -34.5 -214.399 37c-90.2002 71.5 -85.2002 157.1 -137.2 339.8zM79.7002 370c-49.7002 23.5 -5.2002 -9.2002 -5.2002 -9.2002 c45.2002 -31.2002 66 -73.7002 90.2002 -119.899c31.5 -60.2002 79 -139.7 144.2 -167.7c65 -28 34.1992 -12.5 6 8.5c-28.2002 21.2002 -68.2002 87 -91 130.2c-31.7002 60 -61 118.6 -144.2 158.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glide" unicode="&#xf2a5;" d="M252.8 299.4c0 -8.80078 -1.59961 -17.7002 -3.39941 -26.4004c-5.80078 -27.7998 -11.6006 -55.7998 -17.3008 -83.5996c-1.39941 -6.30078 -8.2998 -4.90039 -13.6992 -4.90039c-23.8008 0 -30.5 26 -30.5 45.5c0 29.2998 11.1992 68.0996 38.5 83.0996 c4.2998 2.5 9.19922 4.2002 14.0996 4.2002c11.4004 0 12.2998 -8.2998 12.2998 -17.8994zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM384 181c0 5.09961 -20.7998 37.7002 -25.5 39.5 c-2.2002 0.900391 -7.2002 2.2998 -9.59961 2.2998c-23.1006 0 -38.7002 -10.5 -58.2002 -21.5l-0.5 0.5c4.2998 29.4004 14.5996 57.2002 14.5996 87.4004c0 44.5996 -23.7998 62.7002 -67.5 62.7002c-71.7002 0 -108 -70.8008 -108 -123.5c0 -54.7002 32 -85 86.2998 -85 c7.5 0 6.90039 0.599609 6.90039 -2.30078c-10.5 -80.2998 -56.5 -82.8994 -56.5 -58.8994c0 24.3994 28 36.5 28.2998 38c-0.200195 7.59961 -29.2998 17.2002 -36.7002 17.2002c-21.0996 0 -32.6992 -33 -32.6992 -50.6006c0 -32.2998 20.3994 -54.7002 53.2998 -54.7002 c48.2002 0 83.3994 49.7002 94.2998 91.7002c9.40039 37.7002 7 39.4004 12.2998 42.1006c20 10.0996 35.7998 16.7998 58.4004 16.7998c11.0996 0 19 -2.2998 36.7002 -5.2002c1.7998 -0.0996094 4.09961 1.7002 4.09961 3.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glide-g" unicode="&#xf2a6;" d="M407.1 236.8c7.5 -2.89941 40.9004 -55.3994 40.9004 -63.3994c0 -2.90039 -3.7998 -5.80078 -6.7002 -5.80078c-28.3994 4.7002 -41.0996 8.40039 -58.8994 8.40039c-36.3008 0 -61.6006 -10.7998 -93.8008 -27c-8.5 -4.2998 -4.59961 -7.09961 -19.6992 -67.5996 c-17.4004 -67.6006 -74 -145.4 -151.4 -145.4c-52.7002 0 -85.5 36 -85.5 87.9004c0 28.0996 18.5 79.1992 52.4004 79.2998c11.8994 0 58.5996 -15.4004 58.8994 -27.6006c-0.5 -2.39941 -45.5 -21.7998 -45.5 -61c0 -38.5 73.9004 -34.2998 90.7998 94.6006 c0 4.7998 1 3.7998 -11 3.7998c-87.2998 0 -138.6 48.7002 -138.6 136.6c0 84.7002 58.2998 198.4 173.4 198.4c70.1992 0 108.399 -29.0996 108.399 -100.6c0 -48.5 -16.5 -93.1006 -23.5 -140.4l0.900391 -0.900391c31.2998 17.7002 56.3994 34.5 93.5 34.5 c3.7998 0 11.8994 -2.39941 15.3994 -3.7998zM231.8 321.2c2.90039 13.8994 5.5 28.0996 5.60059 42.3994c0 15.4004 -1.40039 28.7002 -20 28.7002c-7.80078 0 -15.6006 -2.59961 -22.6006 -6.7002c-43.7998 -24.0996 -61.7998 -86.3994 -61.7998 -133.399 c0 -31.2998 10.7002 -73.1006 49 -73.1006c8.7002 0 19.7002 -2.39941 22 7.80078c9.2002 44.6992 18.5 89.5996 27.7998 134.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="viadeo" unicode="&#xf2a9;" d="M276.2 297.5v-0.700195c-17.9004 52.6006 -42.6006 103.4 -70.7998 151.2c43.2998 -29.2002 67 -100 70.7998 -150.5zM308.9 175.8c15.0996 3.10059 29.5 9 42.1992 17c24.5 -58.5996 20.2002 -139.7 -36.3994 -201c-67.7998 -73.8994 -191.9 -74.5996 -259.8 0 c-108.801 117.8 -31.6006 313.7 129.899 313.7c21.2998 0 42.6006 -3.5 62.5 -10.7002c-6.89941 -13.3994 -11.7002 -28.2002 -13.3994 -43.2998c-15.4004 6.5 -32.3008 9.59961 -49.1006 9.59961c-78 0 -135.399 -66.6992 -135.399 -142.3 c0 -68.7998 45.5996 -126 111.3 -137.399c98.5 38.3994 116.6 188.199 116.6 280c0 11.6992 0 23.6992 -1 35.3994c12.4004 -36.0996 18.9004 -73.8994 18.9004 -112c0 -86.5 -35.1006 -158.399 -109.3 -205.1l-3.80078 -0.299805 c80 -1.60059 137.801 61.6992 137.801 139.399c0 19.5 -3.40039 38.7998 -11 57zM418.1 436.3c52 -74 20.9004 -208.6 -58.0996 -208.6c-21.2998 0 -40.2002 11.3994 -55 25.7998c35.0996 19.2998 79.4004 49.2002 99.7002 84.9004 c2.39941 4.7998 6.5 13.6992 7.2002 19.1992c-19.9004 -44.6992 -70.8008 -79.6992 -118.2 -90.6992c-7.5 11.6992 -12 24.6992 -12 38.7998c0 16.5 8.2002 38.5 20.5996 50.5c34.5 32.8994 84.7998 13.5996 115.8 80.0996z" 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-20.2998 -1.80078 -21.9004 -10.3008c-1 -4.89941 1.2002 -12.0996 17 -18.2998c6.10059 -2.5 20.6006 -5.2998 24 -13.2002c1.40039 -3.2998 0.900391 -7.5 -1.59961 -12.5 c-0.0996094 -0.0996094 -0.200195 -0.199219 -0.200195 -0.299805c-0.899414 -2 -21.7002 -49.5 -68 -57.0996c-3.59961 -0.600586 -6.09961 -3.7998 -5.89941 -7.40039c0.699219 -13.8994 31.6992 -19.2998 45.5 -21.3994c1.39941 -1.90039 2.5 -9.90039 4.2998 -16 c0.799805 -2.7002 2.89941 -6 8.2998 -6s13.2998 3.09961 25.7998 3.09961c17.6006 0 23.6006 -4 37.4004 -13.7002c9.89941 -7 27.5 -19.7998 48.5 -18.2002c20.7998 -0.899414 34.7002 7.90039 49.2002 18.2002c13.6992 9.7002 19.7998 13.7002 37.3994 13.7002 c13 0 19.6006 -2.90039 25.7998 -2.90039h0.200195c4.40039 0 7 2.2002 8.10059 5.90039c1.7998 6.09961 2.89941 14 4.2998 15.9004c26.7002 4.19922 41.2998 10.0996 44.7998 18.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snapchat-ghost" unicode="&#xf2ac;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M510.846 55.3271c-5.21094 -12.1572 -27.2383 -21.0889 -67.3594 -27.3184c-2.06445 -2.78613 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-6.29688c5.02148 0 8.21191 1.2041 9.95996 2.1709c-2.04297 35.9365 -7.10156 87.29 5.68652 115.969c33.7734 75.7188 105.356 81.6025 126.478 81.6025 c0.943359 0 9.14062 0.0888672 10.1094 0.0888672c52.1484 0 102.255 -26.7803 126.724 -81.6426c12.7764 -28.6504 7.74902 -79.792 5.69434 -116.01c1.58203 -0.87207 4.35742 -1.94141 8.59961 -2.13867c6.39648 0.286133 13.8145 2.38867 22.0693 6.25684 c6.08496 2.84668 14.4053 2.46094 20.4795 -0.0576172l0.0292969 -0.00976562c9.47559 -3.38574 15.4385 -10.2158 15.5889 -17.8701c0.183594 -9.74707 -8.52246 -18.165 -25.8779 -25.0186c-2.11816 -0.834961 -4.69434 -1.6543 -7.43457 -2.52441 c-9.79688 -3.10645 -24.5996 -7.80566 -28.6152 -17.2715c-2.0791 -4.9043 -1.25684 -11.2109 2.45996 -18.748c0.0869141 -0.167969 0.166016 -0.341797 0.238281 -0.514648c1.30176 -3.03027 32.6152 -74.46 102.23 -85.9346 c6.42676 -1.05762 11.1631 -7.87695 7.72461 -15.8584z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snapchat-square" unicode="&#xf2ad;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 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-5.2998 24 -13.2002c1.40039 -3.2998 0.900391 -7.5 -1.59961 -12.5 c-0.0996094 -0.0996094 -0.200195 -0.199219 -0.200195 -0.299805c-0.899414 -2 -21.7002 -49.5 -68 -57.0996c-3.59961 -0.600586 -6.09961 -3.7998 -5.89941 -7.40039c0.699219 -13.8994 31.6992 -19.2998 45.5 -21.3994c1.39941 -1.90039 2.5 -9.90039 4.2998 -16 c0.799805 -2.7002 2.89941 -6 8.2998 -6s13.2998 3.09961 25.7998 3.09961c17.6006 0 23.6006 -4 37.4004 -13.7002c9.89941 -7 27.5 -19.7998 48.5 -18.2002c20.7998 -0.899414 34.7002 7.90039 49.2002 18.2002c13.6992 9.7002 19.7998 13.7002 37.3994 13.7002 c13 0 19.6006 -2.90039 25.7998 -2.90039h0.200195c4.40039 0 7 2.2002 8.10059 5.90039c1.7998 6.09961 2.89941 14 4.2998 15.9004c26.7002 4.19922 41.2998 10.0996 44.7998 18.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="first-order" unicode="&#xf2b0;" d="M12.9004 218.8c0.0996094 0.100586 0.199219 0.299805 0.299805 0.400391c0 -0.100586 0 -0.299805 -0.100586 -0.400391h-0.199219zM224 351.4c7.40039 0 14.5996 -0.5 21.7002 -1.7002l-4 -67.7002l22.2998 64.2998c14.2998 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22.5996c3.69922 14.3008 9.5 27.7002 16.5996 40l61.0996 -29.6992l-50.5996 45.3994c8.90039 11.7998 19.2002 22 30.5996 30.9004l45.1006 -50.9004l-29.4004 61.4004c12.2998 7.2002 25.7002 12.8994 40 16.5996l22 -64l-3.7002 67.4004 c6.80078 1.09961 14.3008 1.7002 21.4004 1.7002zM443.4 320v-256l-219.4 -128l-219.4 128v256l219.4 128zM426.3 309.7l-202.3 117.399l-202.3 -117.399v-235.101l202.3 -117.699l202.3 117.699v235.101zM224 410.9l187.7 -109.4v-218.9l-187.7 -109.5l-187.7 109.5 v218.801zM224 360c-92.2998 0 -166.9 -75.0996 -166.9 -168c0 -92.5996 74.6006 -167.7 166.9 -167.7c92 0 166.9 75.1006 166.9 167.7c0 92.9004 -74.9004 168 -166.9 168z" /> <glyph glyph-name="themeisle" unicode="&#xf2b2;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M208 359.714c0 10 6.28613 21.7139 17.7148 21.7139c11.1426 0 17.7139 -11.7139 17.7139 -21.7139c0 -10.2852 -6.57129 -21.7139 -17.7139 -21.7139c-11.4287 0 -17.7148 11.4287 -17.7148 21.7139zM512 199.714c0 -36.001 -11.4287 -102.286 -36.2861 -129.714 c-22.8574 -24.8584 -87.4277 -61.1426 -120.856 -70.5723l-1.14355 -0.286133v-32.5703c0 -16.2861 -12.5723 -30.5713 -29.1426 -30.5713c-10 0 -19.4297 5.71387 -24.5723 14.2861c-5.42676 -8.57227 -14.8564 -14.2861 -24.8564 -14.2861 s-19.4287 5.71387 -24.8574 14.2861c-5.14258 -8.57227 -14.5713 -14.2861 -24.5703 -14.2861c-10.2861 0 -19.4287 5.71387 -24.8574 14.2861c-5.14355 -8.57227 -14.5713 -14.2861 -24.5713 -14.2861c-18.8574 0 -29.4287 15.7139 -29.4287 32.8574 c-16.2861 -12.2852 -35.7158 -19.4287 -56.5713 -19.4287c-22 0 -43.4287 8.28516 -60.2861 22.8574c10.2852 0.286133 20.5713 2.28613 30.2852 5.71387c-20.8574 5.71387 -39.4277 18.8574 -52 36.2861c21.3701 -4.64551 46.209 -1.67285 67.1426 11.1426 c-22 22 -56.5703 58.8574 -68.5713 87.4287c-5.71387 13.4287 -6.85645 31.4287 -6.85645 45.7139c0 49.7139 20.2861 160 86.2861 160c10.5713 0 18.8564 -4.8584 23.1426 -14.8574c3.0498 4.46289 8.42578 11.374 12 15.4277c2 2.57227 5.71387 5.42969 7.14355 8.28613 c7.99902 12.5713 11.7139 21.1426 21.7139 34c32.2852 41.1445 81.7139 69.4297 134.856 69.4297c6 0 12 -0.285156 17.7148 -1.14355c10.8564 11.7148 26 18.2861 41.7148 18.2861c14.5703 0 29.7139 -6 40 -16.2861c0.856445 -0.857422 1.42773 -2.28613 1.42773 -3.42773 c0 -3.71387 -10.2852 -13.4287 -12.8574 -16.2861c4.28613 -1.42871 15.7148 -6.8584 15.7148 -12c0 -2.85742 -2.85742 -5.14258 -4.57129 -7.14258c31.4287 -27.7148 49.4287 -67.1436 56.2861 -108c4.28613 5.14258 10.2852 8.57129 17.1426 8.57129 c10.5713 0 20.8574 -7.14355 28.5713 -14.001c20.8564 -18.5703 25.7139 -53.1416 25.7139 -79.7139zM188 358.572c0 -18.2861 12.5713 -37.1436 32.2861 -37.1436c19.7139 0 32.2852 18.8574 32.2852 37.1436c0 18 -12.5713 36.8564 -32.2852 36.8564 c-19.7148 0 -32.2861 -18.8574 -32.2861 -36.8564zM237.714 254c0 19.7139 3.71387 39.1426 8.57129 58.2861c-52.0391 -79.5342 -13.5312 -184.571 68.8574 -184.571c21.4287 0 42.5713 7.71387 60 20c2 7.42871 3.71484 14.8574 3.71484 22.5723 c0 14.2861 -6.28613 21.4277 -20.5723 21.4277c-4.57129 0 -9.14355 -0.856445 -13.4287 -1.71387c-63.3438 -12.668 -107.143 -3.66895 -107.143 63.999zM196.572 -0.858398c0 11.1436 -8.8584 20.8574 -20.2861 20.8574c-11.4287 0 -20 -9.71484 -20 -20.8574v-32.5703 c0 -11.1436 8.57129 -21.1426 20 -21.1426c11.4277 0 20.2861 9.71484 20.2861 21.1426v32.5703zM245.715 -0.858398c0 11.1436 -8.57227 20.8574 -20 20.8574c-11.4287 0 -20.2861 -9.71484 -20.2861 -20.8574v-32.5703c0 -11.1436 8.85742 -21.1426 20.2861 -21.1426 c11.4277 0 20 10 20 21.1426v32.5703zM295.428 -0.858398c0 11.1436 -8.85645 20.8574 -20.2852 20.8574s-20.2852 -9.71484 -20.2852 -20.8574v-32.5703c0 -11.1436 8.85645 -21.1426 20.2852 -21.1426s20.2852 9.71484 20.2852 21.1426v32.5703zM345.143 -0.858398 c0 11.1436 -8.85645 20.8574 -20.2852 20.8574s-20.2861 -9.71484 -20.2861 -20.8574v-32.5703c0 -11.1436 8.85742 -21.1426 20.2861 -21.1426s20.2852 10 20.2852 21.1426v32.5703zM421.714 162c-30.8564 -59.1416 -90.2852 -102.572 -158.571 -102.572 c-96.5703 0 -160.57 84.5723 -160.57 176.572c0 16.8574 2 33.4287 6 49.7139c-20 -33.7148 -29.7139 -72.5723 -29.7139 -111.429c0 -60.2861 24.8564 -121.715 71.4287 -160.857c5.14258 9.71387 14.8564 16.2861 26 16.2861c10 0 19.4277 -5.71387 24.5713 -14.2861 c5.42871 8.57129 14.5703 14.2861 24.8574 14.2861c10 0 19.4277 -5.71387 24.5713 -14.2861c5.42871 8.57129 14.8564 14.2861 24.8574 14.2861c10 0 19.4287 -5.71387 24.8574 -14.2861c5.14258 8.57129 14.5713 14.2861 24.5723 14.2861 c10.8564 0 20.8564 -6.57227 25.7139 -16c43.4268 36.2861 68.5693 92 71.4258 148.286zM432.286 261.714c0 53.7139 -34.5713 105.714 -92.5723 105.714c-30.2852 0 -58.5713 -15.1426 -78.8564 -36.8564c-19.9951 -66.3828 -27.4473 -136.571 41.4287 -136.571 c28.8047 0 97.3564 28.5381 84.2861 -36.8574c28.8564 26 45.7139 65.7148 45.7139 104.571z" /> <glyph glyph-name="google-plus" unicode="&#xf2b3;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 440c136.9 0 248 -111.1 248 -248s-111.1 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.1 -248 248s111.1 248 248 248zM177.3 68c71.2998 0 118.8 50.4004 118.8 121.2c0 7.09961 -0.599609 13.8994 -1.89941 20.7002h-116.9v-42.6006h70.1006 c-5.2002 -34.2002 -37.5 -53.2998 -70.1006 -53.2998c-43 0 -77.2002 35.5 -77.2002 78.0996c0 42.6006 34.3008 78.1006 77.2002 78.1006c18.1006 0 36.2002 -6.2002 49.4004 -19.1006l33.5996 32.6006c-22.8994 21.2998 -51.7002 32.2998 -83 32.2998 c-68.7998 0 -124 -55.5 -124 -124s55.2002 -124 124 -124zM407.5 174.2h35.2002v35.5h-35.2002v35.5h-35.5v-35.5h-35.5v-35.5h35.5v-35.5h35.5v35.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="font-awesome" unicode="&#xf2b4;" d="M397.8 416c27.5 0 50.2002 -22.7002 50.2002 -50.2002v-347.6c0 -27.5 -22.7002 -50.2002 -50.2002 -50.2002h-347.6c-27.5 0 -50.2002 22.7002 -50.2002 50.2002v347.6c0 27.5 22.7002 50.2002 50.2002 50.2002h347.6zM352.4 131.7h0.0996094v140.3 c0 4.2002 -4.2002 7.7998 -9 7.7998c-6 0 -31.0996 -16.0996 -53.7998 -16.0996c-4.7002 0 -8.90039 0.599609 -13.1006 2.39941c-20.2998 7.7002 -38.1992 13.7002 -60.8994 13.7002c-20.9004 0 -43 -6.5 -61.5 -14.2998 c-1.7998 -1.2002 -3.60059 -1.7998 -5.40039 -2.40039v18.5c8.2998 6 13.1006 15.5 13.1006 26.3008c0 18.5996 -15 33.5 -33.5 33.5c-18.6006 0 -33.5 -15 -33.5 -33.5c0 -10.8008 5.2998 -20.3008 13.0996 -26.3008v-218.6c0 -11.2998 9 -20.2998 20.2998 -20.2998 c8.90039 0 16.7002 5.89941 19.1006 14.2998v1.2002c0.599609 1.2002 0.599609 3 0.599609 4.7998v45.4004c1.2002 0.599609 2.40039 0.599609 3.59961 1.19922c19.7002 8.90039 44.2002 17.3008 67.5 17.3008c32.3008 0 44.8008 -16.7002 71.7002 -16.7002 c19.2002 0 37.1006 6.5 53.7998 13.7002c4.2002 1.7998 7.80078 3.59961 7.80078 7.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="linode" unicode="&#xf2b8;" d="M437.4 221.7c0.599609 -2 -8.80078 -66.2998 -9.7002 -72.7998c0 -0.900391 -0.5 -1.7002 -1.10059 -2l-54.5996 -43.7002c-1.09961 -0.900391 -2.59961 -0.900391 -3.7002 0l-20.2998 14l-2.2998 -33.4004c0 -0.899414 -0.200195 -1.7002 -1.10059 -2.2998 l-66.8994 -53.4004c-1.10059 -0.899414 -2.90039 -0.899414 -4 0l-28 23.7002l2 -46c0 -0.899414 -0.200195 -1.7002 -1.10059 -2.2998l-83.6992 -66.9004c-0.600586 -0.299805 -1.10059 -0.599609 -1.7002 -0.599609c-0.900391 0.299805 -1.7002 0.299805 -2.2998 0.900391 l-65.1006 69.0996c-1.5 1.40039 -15.5 72 -16.8994 79.0996c-0.300781 1.10059 0.5 2.5 1.39941 3.10059l17.4004 10.5996c-3.40039 3.2002 -26.5 23.4004 -27.1006 26.2998l-20.5996 100.301c-0.299805 1.09961 0.299805 2.5 1.7002 3.39941l26.8994 12.9004 c-4.59961 3.5 -37.6992 27.5 -38.5996 30.8994l-27.4004 133.101c-0.299805 1.7002 0.600586 3.09961 2 3.7002l123.7 38.5996c0.600586 0 1.40039 0 2.2998 -0.299805l90.6006 -43.7002c0.799805 -0.599609 1.7002 -1.7002 1.7002 -2.59961l5.69922 -132.301 c0 -1.19922 -0.599609 -2.2998 -1.69922 -2.89941l-33.7002 -17.4004l36 -24.2998c0.799805 -0.299805 1.39941 -1.40039 1.39941 -2.2998l1.40039 -35.1006l34.5996 21.2002c0.800781 0.600586 2.2002 0.600586 3.10059 0l24 -16l0.899414 31.4004 c0 0.899414 0.5 2 1.40039 2.59961l58.9004 36c1.09961 0.600586 2.19922 0.600586 3.09961 0l70 -38.5996c0.5 -0.600586 1.09961 -1.10059 1.40039 -2zM232.6 216.9l-100.6 -57.2002l14 -96.6006l90.5996 61.2002zM224.9 396.9l-120.9 -46.6006l19.7002 -134.8 l106.6 55.4004zM44 274.9l73.0996 -57.2002l-19.3994 132.899l-79.7002 49.4004zM74.5996 127.1l64.8008 -60.7998l-13.7002 93.4004l-70 58.2998zM98.9004 9.40039l57.6992 -61.2002l-9.69922 67.3994l-61.7002 60.9004zM163.4 -55.0996l78.1992 62.2998l-3.09961 70 l-85.7002 -61.4004zM245.4 60l27.0996 -22.9004l-0.599609 68.3008l-29.4004 22.5996c0 -2.2998 1.2002 -6.2998 -1.09961 -8l-22.3008 -14.9004l24.3008 -20c2.89941 -2.19922 2 -21.6992 2 -25.0996zM339.7 85.4004l4.2002 66.8994l-65.7002 -46.8994l0.599609 -68.6006z M367.4 111.1l5.7998 66.6006l-64.6006 40.5996l-0.599609 -30l41.2002 -27.2002c0.799805 -0.599609 1.39941 -1.69922 1.09961 -2.59961l-2 -34zM422 150.9l8.5 63.3994l-51.0996 -36.5996l-5.7002 -65.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="quora" unicode="&#xf2c4;" d="M440.5 61.2998c1.7998 -18 -7.2002 -93.2998 -89 -93.2998c-49.5 0 -75.5 28.7002 -95.2002 62.2998c-117.7 -32.5996 -249 54.9004 -249 189c0 117 98 196.7 197.7 196.7c101.8 0 198.5 -79.2002 198.4 -196.7c0 -65.5 -30.5 -118.8 -74.7002 -153 c14.2002 -21.5996 29 -35.7998 49.5 -35.7998c22.5 0 31.5 17.2998 33 30.7998h29.2998zM297 118.8c11.2998 24.9004 16.7998 58.7002 16.7002 100.5c0 104.2 -32.5 157.7 -108.7 157.7c-75 0 -107.5 -53.5 -107.5 -157.9c0 -103.699 32.5 -156.699 107.5 -156.699 c12 0 22.7002 1.19922 32.7002 4.19922c-15.5 30.5 -33.7002 61.3008 -69.2002 61.3008c-6.7998 0 -13.5996 -1 -19.7998 -4l-12.2002 24.2998c14.7002 12.7998 38.5 22.7998 69 22.7998c47.7998 0 72 -23 91.5 -52.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="telegram" unicode="&#xf2c6;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM369.8 270.1c3.60059 16.8008 -6.09961 23.5 -17.2002 19.5l-239.1 -92.1992c-16.4004 -6.40039 -16.0996 -15.5 -2.7998 -19.7002l61.2002 -19.1006l142 89.4004 c6.59961 4.40039 12.6992 1.90039 7.69922 -2.5l-114.899 -103.8l-4.40039 -63.1006c6.40039 0 9.2002 2.80078 12.5 6.10059l29.9004 28.7998l62 -45.7002c11.2998 -6.39941 19.3994 -3.09961 22.3994 10.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bandcamp" unicode="&#xf2d5;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM296.2 113.9l84.7002 156.1h-181l-84.7002 -156.1h181z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grav" unicode="&#xf2d6;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M301.1 236c4.40039 -4.40039 4.40039 -11.9004 0 -16.2998l-9.69922 -9.7002c-4.40039 -4.7002 -11.9004 -4.7002 -16.6006 0l-10.5 10.5c-4.39941 4.7002 -4.39941 11.9004 0 16.5996l9.7002 9.7002c4.40039 4.40039 11.9004 4.40039 16.5996 0zM270.9 255.7 c-2.7002 -2.7998 -7.40039 -2.7998 -10.5 0c-2.80078 3 -2.80078 7.7002 0 10.5c3 3 7.69922 3 10.5 0c3 -2.7002 3 -7.5 0 -10.5zM244.9 250.4c2.7998 3 7.5 3 10.5 0c2.7998 -2.7002 2.7998 -7.40039 0 -10.2002c-3 -3 -7.7002 -3 -10.5 0c-3 2.7002 -3 7.39941 0 10.2002 zM317.4 263.7c-19.9004 14.3994 -33.8008 43.2002 -11.9004 68.0996c21.5996 24.9004 40.7002 17.2002 59.7998 -0.799805c11.9004 -11.2998 29.2998 -24.9004 17.2002 -48.2002c-12.5 -23.5 -45.0996 -33.2002 -65.0996 -19.0996zM365.1 308.2 c-8.89941 10 -23.2998 -6.90039 -15.5 -16.1006c7.40039 -9 32.1006 -2.39941 15.5 16.1006zM504 192c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248zM437.8 149.4c2.5 16.0996 -20.2002 16.5996 -25.2002 25.6992 c-13.5996 24.1006 -27.6992 36.8008 -54.5 30.4004c11.6006 8 23.5 6.09961 23.5 6.09961c0.300781 6.40039 0 13 -9.39941 24.9004c3.89941 12.5 0.299805 22.4004 0.299805 22.4004c15.5 8.59961 26.7998 24.3994 29.0996 43.1992 c3.60059 31 -18.7998 59.2002 -49.7998 62.8008c-22.0996 2.5 -43.7002 -7.7002 -54.2998 -25.7002c-23.2002 -40.1006 1.40039 -70.9004 22.4004 -81.4004c-14.4004 1.40039 -34.3008 11.9004 -40.1006 34.2998c-6.59961 25.7002 2.7998 49.8008 8.90039 61.4004 c0 0 -4.40039 5.7998 -8 8.90039c0 0 -13.7998 0 -24.6006 -5.30078c11.9004 15.2002 25.2002 14.4004 25.2002 14.4004c0 6.40039 -0.599609 14.9004 -3.59961 21.5996c-5.40039 11 -23.7998 12.9004 -31.7002 -2.7998c0.0996094 0.200195 0.299805 0.400391 0.400391 0.5 c-5 -11.8994 -1.10059 -55.8994 16.8994 -87.2002c-2.5 -1.39941 -9.09961 -6.09961 -13 -10c-21.5996 -9.69922 -56.2002 -60.2998 -56.2002 -60.2998c-28.1992 -10.7998 -77.1992 -50.8994 -70.5996 -79.7002c0.299805 -3 1.40039 -5.5 3 -7.5 c-2.7998 -2.19922 -5.5 -5 -8.2998 -8.2998c-11.9004 -13.7998 -5.2998 -35.2002 17.7002 -24.3994c15.7998 7.19922 29.5996 20.1992 36.2998 30.3994c0 0 -5.5 5 -16.2998 4.40039c27.6992 6.59961 34.2998 9.39941 46.1992 9.09961c8 -3.89941 8 34.2998 8 34.2998 c0 14.7002 -2.19922 31 -11.0996 41.5c12.5 -12.1992 29.0996 -32.6992 28 -60.5996c-0.799805 -18.2998 -15.2002 -23 -15.2002 -23c-9.09961 -16.5996 -43.2002 -65.9004 -30.3994 -106c0 0 -9.7002 14.9004 -10.2002 22.0996 c-17.4004 -19.3994 -46.5 -52.2998 -24.6006 -64.5c26.6006 -14.6992 108.801 88.6006 126.2 142.301c34.6006 20.7998 55.4004 47.2998 63.9004 65c22 -43.5 95.2998 -94.5 101.1 -59z" /> <glyph glyph-name="etsy" unicode="&#xf2d7;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 100c-1.75 -10.75 -13.75 -110 -15.5 -132c-117.879 4.29883 -219.895 4.74316 -368.5 0v25.5c45.457 8.94824 60.627 8.01855 61 35.25c1.79297 72.3223 3.52441 244.143 0 322c-1.0293 28.46 -12.1299 26.7646 -61 36v25.5 c73.8857 -2.3584 255.933 -8.55078 362.999 3.75c-3.5 -38.25 -7.75 -126.5 -7.75 -126.5h-23.249c-11.0527 42.835 -18.7588 90.5 -54.75 90.5h-137c-10.25 0 -10.75 -3.5 -10.75 -9.75v-163.75c58 -0.5 88.5 2.5 88.5 2.5c29.7695 0.951172 27.5596 8.50195 40.75 65.251 h25.75c-4.40723 -101.351 -3.91016 -61.8291 -1.75 -160.25h-25.75c-9.15527 40.0859 -9.06543 61.0449 -39.501 61.5c0 0 -21.5 2 -88 2v-139c0 -26 14.25 -38.25 44.25 -38.25h89.251c63.6357 0 66.5645 24.9961 98.751 99.75h22.249v-0.000976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="imdb" unicode="&#xf2d8;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM21.2998 218.8h-0.299805c0.0996094 0.100586 0.200195 0.299805 0.299805 0.400391v-0.400391zM97 128.2v127.8h-33v-127.8h33z M210.2 128.2v127.8h-43l-7.60059 -59.9004c-2.69922 20 -5.39941 40.1006 -8.69922 59.9004h-42.8008v-127.8h29v84.5l12.2002 -84.5h20.6006l11.5996 86.3994v-86.3994h28.7002zM221.6 128.2c86.1006 -0.100586 75 -6 75 82.5c0 8.09961 0.300781 16.7998 -1.39941 24.3994 c-4.2998 22.5 -31.4004 20.9004 -49 20.9004h-24.6006v-127.8zM382.5 157.4v36c0 17.2998 -0.799805 30.0996 -22.2002 30.0996c-8.89941 0 -14.8994 -2.7002 -20.8994 -9.2002v41.7002h-31.7002v-127.8h29.7998l1.90039 8.09961 c5.69922 -6.7998 11.8994 -9.7998 20.8994 -9.7998c19.7998 0 22.2002 15.2002 22.2002 30.9004zM265 218.1v-49.2998c0 -9.7002 1.90039 -18.7002 -10.2998 -18.3994v83.6992c11.8994 0 10.2998 -6.2998 10.2998 -16zM350.5 192v-32.7002 c0 -5.39941 1.59961 -14.3994 -6.2002 -14.3994c-1.59961 0 -3 0.799805 -3.7998 2.39941c-2.2002 5.10059 -1.09961 44.1006 -1.09961 44.7002c0 3.7998 -1.10059 12.7002 4.89941 12.7002c7.2998 0 6.2002 -7.2998 6.2002 -12.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ravelry" unicode="&#xf2d9;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M407.4 386.5c72.6992 -37.9004 112 -117.2 103.3 -199.5c-1.7002 -16.7002 -4.40039 -36.2002 -9.7998 -52.2002c-22.2002 -65.7002 -52.9004 -108.6 -123.101 -147.7c-6.39941 -4.39941 -13.2998 -8.59961 -20.2002 -10.7998 c-12.5 -4.39941 -26.0996 -5.39941 -40.0996 -3.89941c-5.90039 -0.5 -11.7998 -0.700195 -18 -0.700195c-93.7002 0 -173 64 -196.9 151.399c-0.699219 0 -1.5 0.200195 -2.19922 0.200195c-5.60059 -44.2998 27.0996 -104.1 27.0996 -104.1s2 -3 13.2998 -20.2002 c-62.7998 33.2002 -64.5 131.2 -64.5 131.2c-15 5.59961 -67.2002 23.3994 -76.2998 37.8994c0 0 40.9004 -22.3994 76.2002 -27c-0.200195 0.300781 0.5 7.90039 0.5 7.90039c2.2002 30 12.5 53.4004 23.0996 71.4004c6.90039 33.7998 22.1006 64.2998 43.2998 89.8994 c3.7002 15.2998 9.60059 33.5 19.9004 52.7002c4.40039 8.40039 8.59961 13.7998 19.9004 19c74.8994 35 148.699 43.9004 224.5 4.5zM138.8 284.8c-7.59961 -11.2998 -13.7002 -23.5996 -18.8994 -36.3994c8.09961 8.59961 14.7998 14.1992 18.1992 16.6992 c-0.5 7.40039 0.700195 19.7002 0.700195 19.7002zM107.6 162.9c0.700195 -9.60059 2 -18.9004 4.2002 -28.1006l41.4004 -6.89941c-14.1006 42.0996 -15.7998 90.0996 -15.7998 90.0996c-16.5 -16 -25.4004 -37.9004 -29.8008 -55.0996zM115.5 120.1 c21.4004 -69.6992 81 -122.8 154.1 -134.399c-1 0.299805 -1.69922 0.5 -2.69922 1c0 0 -81 47.5 -108.301 124.3c-9.09961 1.5 -28.2998 5.90039 -43.0996 9.09961zM386 3.90039c63 32 106.6 98 106.8 174c0 107.399 -86.5996 194.5 -193 194.5 c-49.2998 0 -94.0996 -18.7002 -128.3 -49.5c-5.2002 -10.1006 -8.59961 -22.9004 -11.0996 -39.4004c52.5 44.5996 146 33.5 146 33.5c23.3994 -1 20.5996 -21.7002 20.3994 -28.0996c-85.2002 7.19922 -127 -17.2002 -168.399 -52.4004 c0 0 8.09961 -78.7998 26.7998 -110.8c107.8 -4.90039 189.8 53.7002 189.8 53.7002c10.2998 7.39941 19.4004 8.09961 21.4004 -4.7002c1.5 -10.4004 2.19922 -24.4004 -9.60059 -29.7998c-36 -16.8008 -75.5996 -27.3008 -115 -33 c-25.5996 -3.7002 -39.7998 -4.60059 -78 -3.90039c36.4004 -84.7002 127.5 -107.8 127.5 -107.8c28.5 -4.7002 50.2002 -1 64.7002 3.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sellcast" unicode="&#xf2da;" d="M353.4 416c52.0996 0 94.6992 -42.5996 94.6992 -94.5996v-258.801c0 -52 -42.5996 -94.5996 -94.6992 -94.5996h-258.7c-52.1006 0 -94.7002 42.5996 -94.7002 94.7002v258.7c0 52 42.5996 94.5996 94.7002 94.5996h258.7zM303.4 99.5996 c27.8994 48.2002 11.1992 110.5 -37.2002 138.5c-18.6006 10.8008 0.0996094 -0.0996094 -18.5 10.7002c-25 14.4004 -46.2002 -23.2998 -21.6006 -37.5c18 -10.2002 0.800781 -0.399414 18.6006 -10.5996c27.5996 -16 37.2002 -51.7998 21.2998 -79.4004 c-16 -27.5996 -51.7998 -37.2002 -79.4004 -21.2998c-18.5996 10.7998 0.100586 -0.0996094 -18.5 10.7002c-10.2998 6 -23.5996 2.39941 -29.5 -7.90039l-15.6992 -27.2002c-12.6006 -21.7998 19.3994 -53 42.2998 -13.1992c48.2998 -27.7002 110.3 -11 138.2 37.1992z M325.2 308.4c14.2998 24.7998 -23.4004 46.3994 -37.7002 21.5l-4.7998 -8.40039c-48.2998 27.7002 -110.3 11 -138.2 -37.2002c-27.7998 -48.2998 -11.0996 -110.6 37.0996 -138.399c18.6006 -10.8008 -0.0996094 0.0996094 18.5 -10.7002 c25 -14.4004 46.2002 23.2998 21.6006 37.5c-0.100586 0 -18.6006 10.5996 -18.6006 10.5996c-27.5996 16 -37.2998 51.7998 -21.2998 79.4004c16 27.5996 51.7998 37.2002 79.4004 21.2998c18.5996 -10.7998 -0.100586 0.0996094 18.5 -10.7002 c10.2002 -5.09961 20 -2.89941 26.5 3.60059c2.7002 2.69922 2 2 19 31.5z" /> 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-29.3994l-29.4004 -68.2998l-68.2998 29.0996zM339.4 227.7 l54.5996 -23.1006l-23.4004 -54.2998l-54.2998 23.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="meetup" unicode="&#xf2e0;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M99 33.7002c1.09961 -5.7002 -2.2998 -11.1006 -8 -12.2998c-5.40039 -1.10059 -10.9004 2.2998 -12 8c-1.09961 5.39941 2.2998 11.0996 7.7002 12.2998c5.39941 1.2002 11.0996 -2.2998 12.2998 -8zM242.1 -37.7002c6.60059 4.60059 15.5 2.7998 19.7002 -3.7002 c4.60059 -6.59961 2.90039 -15.3994 -3.39941 -20c-6.60059 -4.59961 -15.4004 -2.89941 -20 3.7002c-4.30078 6.60059 -2.60059 15.4004 3.69922 20zM156.1 424.6c-6.2998 -1.5 -12.5 2.5 -13.8994 9.10059c-1.2002 6.2998 2.7998 12.5996 9.09961 14 c6.2998 1.5 12.6006 -2.5 13.7002 -9.10059c1.40039 -6.2998 -2.59961 -12.5996 -8.90039 -14zM34.4004 221.7c10 -7.10059 12.5996 -20.7998 5.69922 -31.2002c-6.89941 -10.2998 -20.5996 -12.7998 -30.5996 -5.7002c-10 6.90039 -12.5996 20.9004 -5.7002 30.9004 c6.90039 10.2998 20.6006 12.8994 30.6006 6zM306.4 392.6c-10.3008 -6.2998 -23.7002 -2.89941 -29.7002 7.40039c-6.2998 10.5996 -2.90039 24.2998 7.39941 30.5996c10.3008 6.30078 23.7002 2.90039 30 -7.69922c6 -10.3008 2.90039 -24 -7.69922 -30.3008zM115.3 334.6 c-7.5 -5.19922 -18 -3.5 -23.0996 4.30078c-5.10059 7.69922 -3.40039 18.2998 4.2998 23.6992c7.40039 5.10059 18 3.40039 23.0996 -4.2998c5.10059 -7.7002 3.40039 -18.2998 -4.2998 -23.7002zM487.6 178.6c7.40039 1.40039 14.8008 -3.5 16.3008 -10.8994 c1.69922 -7.7002 -3.2002 -15.2002 -10.6006 -16.6006c-7.39941 -1.69922 -14.8994 3.2002 -16.2998 10.6006c-1.7002 7.7998 3.2002 15.2002 10.5996 16.8994zM527.3 235.4c1.40039 -5.7002 -2.2998 -11.1006 -7.7002 -12.6006 c-5.69922 -1.09961 -11.1992 2.60059 -12.2998 8c-1.09961 5.7002 2.2998 11.5 8 12.6006c5.40039 1.09961 10.9004 -2.30078 12 -8zM447 309.1c8.2998 6 20 3.80078 25.7002 -4.89941c5.7002 -8.60059 3.7002 -20.2998 -4.60059 -26.2998 c-8.59961 -5.7002 -20.2998 -3.7002 -26 4.89941c-5.69922 8.60059 -3.69922 20.2998 4.90039 26.2998zM440.7 169.7c26.2998 -43.1006 15.0996 -100 -26.2998 -129.101c-17.4004 -12.2998 -37.1006 -17.6992 -56.9004 -17.0996 c-12 -47.0996 -69.4004 -64.5996 -105.1 -32.5996c-1.10059 -0.900391 -2.60059 -1.7002 -3.7002 -2.90039c-39.1006 -27.0996 -92.2998 -17.4004 -119.4 22.2998c-9.7002 14.2998 -14.5996 30.6006 -15.0996 46.9004c-65.4004 10.8994 -90 94 -41.1006 139.7 c-28.2998 46.8994 0.600586 107.399 53.4004 114.899c25.0996 66.2002 107.6 97.6006 163.6 54.2002c67.4004 22.2998 136.301 -29.4004 130.9 -101.1c41.0996 -12.6006 52.7998 -66.9004 19.7002 -95.2002zM370.7 95.4004 c-3.10059 20.5996 -40.9004 4.59961 -43.1006 27.0996c-3.09961 32 43.7002 101.1 40 128c-3.39941 24 -19.3994 29.0996 -33.3994 29.4004c-13.4004 0.299805 -16.9004 -2 -21.4004 -4.60059c-2.89941 -1.7002 -6.59961 -4.89941 -11.7002 0.299805 c-6.2998 6 -11.0996 11.7002 -19.3994 12.9004c-12.2998 2 -17.7002 -2 -26.6006 -9.7002c-3.39941 -2.89941 -12 -12.8994 -20 -9.09961c-3.39941 1.7002 -15.3994 7.7002 -24 11.3994c-16.2998 7.10059 -40 -4.59961 -48.5996 -20 c-12.9004 -22.8994 -38 -113.1 -41.7002 -125.1c-8.59961 -26.5996 10.9004 -48.5996 36.9004 -47.0996c11.0996 0.599609 18.2998 4.59961 25.3994 17.3994c4 7.40039 41.7002 107.7 44.6006 112.601c2 3.39941 8.89941 8 14.5996 5.09961 c5.7002 -3.09961 6.90039 -9.40039 6 -15.0996c-1.09961 -9.7002 -28 -70.9004 -28.8994 -77.7002c-3.40039 -22.9004 26.8994 -26.6006 38.5996 -4c3.7002 7.09961 45.7002 92.5996 49.4004 98.2998c4.2998 6.2998 7.39941 8.2998 11.6992 8 c3.10059 0 8.30078 -0.900391 7.10059 -10.9004c-1.40039 -9.39941 -35.1006 -72.2998 -38.9004 -87.6992c-4.59961 -20.6006 6.60059 -41.4004 24.9004 -50.6006c11.3994 -5.7002 62.5 -15.7002 58.5 11.1006zM376.4 3.09961c10.5996 7.5 24.8994 4.60059 32.2998 -6 c7.09961 -10.5996 4.59961 -25.1992 -6 -32.5996c-10.6006 -7.09961 -24.9004 -4.59961 -32 6c-7.2002 10.5996 -4.60059 25.2002 5.7002 32.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="font-awesome-alt" unicode="&#xf35c;" d="M339.3 276.8c5.40039 0 9.5 -3 7.7002 -7.09961v-134.4c0 -4.2002 -3 -6 -7.2002 -7.7998c-15.5996 -7.09961 -33.5 -13.7002 -52 -13.7002c-26.2998 0 -38.2002 16.1006 -69.2998 16.1006c-22.7002 0 -46 -8.30078 -65.7002 -16.7002 c-0.599609 -0.600586 -1.7998 -1.2002 -3 -1.2002v-44.2002c0 -1.7998 0 -3 -0.599609 -4.7998v-1.2998c-2.40039 -7.7002 -9.5 -13.7002 -18.5 -13.7002c-10.7002 0 -19.7002 8.90039 -19.7002 19.7002v212.1c-7.7002 6 -12.5 15.5 -12.5 25.7002 c0 18 14.2998 32.2998 32.2998 32.2998s32.2998 -14.3994 32.2998 -32.2998c0 -10.7998 -4.69922 -19.7002 -12.5 -25.7002v-17.8994c1.2002 0.599609 3 1.19922 4.80078 1.7998c17.8994 7.09961 39.3994 13.7002 59.6992 13.7002 c22.1006 0 39.4004 -5.90039 59.1006 -13.7002c4.09961 -1.7998 8.2998 -2.40039 12.5 -2.40039c22.7002 0 46.5996 15.5 52.5996 15.5zM397.8 416c27.5 0 50.2002 -22.7002 50.2002 -50.2002v-347.6c0 -27.5 -22.7002 -50.2002 -50.2002 -50.2002h-347.6 c-27.5 0 -50.2002 22.7002 -50.2002 50.2002v347.6c0 27.5 22.7002 50.2002 50.2002 50.2002h347.6zM412.1 18.2998v347.601c0 7.69922 -6.5 14.2998 -14.2998 14.2998v-0.100586h-347.6c-7.7002 0 -14.2998 -6.5 -14.2998 -14.2998v-347.5 c0 -7.7002 6.5 -14.2998 14.2998 -14.2998h347.6c7.7002 0 14.2998 6.5 14.2998 14.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="accessible-icon" unicode="&#xf368;" d="M423.9 192.2l-12.9004 -157.3c-3.2998 -40.7002 -63.9004 -35.1006 -60.5996 4.89941l10 122.5l-41.1006 -2.2998c10.1006 -20.7002 15.7998 -43.9004 15.7998 -68.5c0 -41.2002 -16.0996 -78.7002 -42.2998 -106.5l-39.2998 39.2998 c57.9004 63.7002 13.0996 167.2 -74 167.2c-25.9004 0 -49.5 -9.90039 -67.2002 -26l-39.2998 39.2998c22 20.7002 50.0996 35.1006 81.4004 40.2002l75.2998 85.7002l-42.6006 24.7998l-51.5996 -46c-30 -26.7998 -70.5996 18.5 -40.5 45.4004l68 60.6992 c9.7998 8.80078 24.0996 10.2002 35.5 3.60059c0 0 139.3 -80.9004 139.5 -81.1006c16.2002 -10.0996 20.7002 -36 6.09961 -52.5996l-58.3994 -66.5l106.1 5.90039c18.5 1.09961 33.6006 -14.4004 32.1006 -32.7002zM359 346.2 c-28.0996 0 -50.9004 22.7998 -50.9004 50.8994c0 28.1006 22.8008 50.9004 50.9004 50.9004s50.9004 -22.7998 50.9004 -50.9004c0 -28.0996 -22.8008 -50.8994 -50.9004 -50.8994zM179.6 -8.5c20.8008 0 40.1006 6.40039 56.1006 17.2998l39.7002 -39.7002 c-100.7 -78.8994 -251.4 -8.19922 -251.4 122.5c0 36.1006 12.4004 69.4004 33.2002 95.7002l39.7002 -39.7002c-44.7002 -65.5 2.09961 -156.1 82.6992 -156.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="accusoft" unicode="&#xf369;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M322.1 196c-1.69922 -1.59961 -89.5996 -82.5 -90.1992 -83.2998l-92.6006 -33.7998c-4.7998 -2 -7.59961 -3.7002 -7 -8.90039c0.200195 -1.5 0.600586 -22.5996 1 -27.7002c-0.700195 -0.5 -0.0996094 0 -0.599609 -0.599609c0 0 -113.7 -36.6006 -114.5 -36.6006 c-14.1006 -5.09961 -22.7002 -8.2998 -15.7002 1.7002c1.2998 1.7998 234.4 231.601 243.4 240.9c13 13.5 25 15.0996 25 15.0996l51.1992 -65.7998v-1zM482.2 75.9004c-5.7002 6.89941 -232.2 297.1 -239.9 306.6c-13.7002 17.2002 0 16.7998 19.2002 16.9004 c9.7002 0.0996094 106.3 0.599609 116.5 0.599609c24.0996 0.0996094 28.7002 -0.599609 38.4004 -12.7998c2.09961 -2.7002 205.1 -245.8 207.199 -248.3c5.5 -6.7002 15.2002 -19.1006 7.2002 -23.4004c-2.39941 -1.2998 -114.6 -47.7002 -117.8 -48.9004 c-10.0996 -4 -17.5 -6.7998 -30.7998 9.30078zM634.9 74.2998c6 -1.39941 7.09961 -4.2002 1.69922 -8.2002c-2 -1.39941 -123.699 -76.5996 -125.8 -77.7998c-15.0996 -8.7998 -38 -1.59961 -53.5996 1.7002c-7.10059 1.5 -305.3 68.2998 -308 69.0996 c-2.60059 0.900391 -4.40039 1 -4.60059 3.5c-0.299805 4 6 5.60059 11.1006 7.60059c5 1.89941 145.3 52.5996 150.2 54.7002c4.7998 2.09961 11.2998 2.69922 14.3994 2.89941c4.90039 0.299805 59.9004 -8.39941 65.2998 -9.2998l57.1006 -74 c9.7998 -11.4004 20.7002 -21.9004 36.7002 -14.5996c2.5 1.19922 117.5 51.5996 117.5 51.5996c13.3994 -2.5 35.6992 -6.90039 38 -7.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="adversal" unicode="&#xf36a;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M482.1 416c24.5 0 29.9004 -5.59961 29.9004 -30.2002v-388.1c0 -24.5 -5.5 -29.7002 -29.9004 -29.7002h-453.399c-22.9004 0 -28.7002 5.59961 -28.7002 28.9004v390.199c0 23 5.7998 28.9004 28.7002 28.9004h453.399zM178.4 227.7 c9.39941 -7.2002 12.3994 -17.1006 11.2998 -27.2998c-1.7998 -19.1006 -75.7998 -11.4004 -114 -30.9004c-27.2002 -13.9004 -42.7002 -41.7002 -39.6006 -71c6.7002 -64.7002 89.6006 -79.7002 147 -43.2998c4.60059 3.2002 8.30078 4.89941 11.9004 1 c2.09961 -2.60059 2 -4 3.90039 -6.2002c7.2998 -9.59961 38.1992 -14.0996 46.5996 -7.40039c3.09961 2.80078 4.59961 6.30078 2.7002 10.7002c-13.6006 30.5 -6.60059 63 -9.2998 88.7998c0 69.3008 6.39941 111.7 -34.5 128.5 c-41.9004 17.4004 -84.2002 16.6006 -125.301 -4.7998c-16.2998 -9 -53.6992 -52.8994 -24.8994 -64.2998c5.2998 -2.2998 12.7998 -4 22.5 -5.5c8.2002 -1.2002 13.2002 -2.7998 17.5 8.2998c12.0996 32.1006 56.7002 43.6006 84.2002 23.4004zM465.1 5.7002 c0 14.2998 -9.7998 9.89941 -16.5996 9.89941c-132.3 0.400391 -264.5 0.400391 -396.8 0c-6.60059 0 -16.7002 4.80078 -17.1006 -9.09961c-0.399414 -15.5 10.4004 -10.7002 17.8008 -10.7002h394.899c6.7002 0 17.7998 -5.2002 17.7998 9.90039zM468.9 346.2 c0 0.200195 0 0.299805 0.0996094 0.5c0 9.89941 -3.5 15.0996 -13.5996 14.2998c-3.10059 -0.400391 -6.60059 0 -9.7002 0c-26.1006 0 -26 0 -26 -26.2002v-71c-79.2002 45.6006 -124.3 -6.59961 -136.101 -30.5c-16.3994 -32.8994 -21.7998 -66.5996 -15.6992 -100 c16.2998 -92.2998 91 -114.899 144.399 -85.2002c4.60059 2.80078 6.60059 7.5 12.4004 -1.19922c8.59961 -12.7002 23.7002 -5.2002 36.0996 -5.60059c7.40039 0 8.10059 8.2002 8.10059 13.9004v291zM417.4 113.9c-19.5 -47.6006 -72.9004 -43.3008 -90 -5.2002 c-15.1006 33.2998 -15.5 68.2002 0.399414 101.5c16.2998 34.0996 59.7002 35.7002 81.5 4.7998c20.6006 -28.7998 14.9004 -84.5996 8.10059 -101.1zM122.6 78.5996c-7.5 1.30078 -33 3.30078 -33.6992 27.8008c-0.400391 13.8994 7.7998 23 19.7998 25.7998 c24.3994 5.89941 49.2998 9.89941 73.7002 14.7002c8.89941 2 7.39941 -4.40039 7.7998 -9.5c1.39941 -33 -26.1006 -59.2002 -67.6006 -58.8008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="affiliatetheme" unicode="&#xf36b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M159.7 210.6c-51.2998 -70.8994 -116.601 -110.8 -145.7 -89.1992c-29.2002 21.6992 -11.2002 96.5996 40.2002 167.5c51.2998 70.8994 116.6 110.8 145.7 89.1992c29.0996 -21.5996 11.0996 -96.5996 -40.2002 -167.5zM510.9 267.9 c0.699219 -8.2002 1.09961 -16.5 1 -25c0 -151.801 -121.601 -274.9 -271.601 -274.9c-82.8994 0 -157.2 37.5996 -207 96.9004c71.2998 19.3994 130.5 68.3994 164.101 133.199c7.69922 -32.5996 24 -58.5996 49 -73.7998c72.5996 -44.0996 190.699 20.2002 264.5 143.601z " /> <glyph glyph-name="algolia" unicode="&#xf36c;" d="M229.3 265.4c49.2002 0 89.2002 -39.9004 89.2002 -89.2002s-39.9004 -89.2002 -89.2002 -89.2002s-89.2002 39.9004 -89.2002 89.2002s39.9004 89.2002 89.2002 89.2002zM292 208.8c1.2998 0.700195 1.7998 2.40039 1.09961 3.7002 c-12.1992 21.4004 -34.8994 36.0996 -61.0996 37.0996c-1.40039 0.100586 -2.7002 -1.09961 -2.7002 -2.59961v-66.5c0 -1.90039 2 -3.2002 3.7998 -2.2998zM389.1 416c32.5 0 58.9004 -26.4004 58.8008 -58.9004v-330.199c0 -32.5 -26.3008 -58.9004 -58.9004 -58.9004 h-330.1c-32.5 0 -58.9004 26.4004 -58.9004 59v330.1c0 32.5 26.4004 58.9004 58.9004 58.9004h330.199zM186.5 331.3h0.0996094v-15.7998c0 -1.7002 1.7002 -3 3.40039 -2.5c12.7002 3.7002 25.9004 5.5 39.4004 5.5c13 0 25.7998 -1.7002 38.0996 -5.09961 c1.59961 -0.5 3.2998 0.699219 3.2998 2.5v15.3994c0 10.7998 -8.7002 19.5 -19.5 19.5h-45.2998c-10.7998 0 -19.5 -8.7002 -19.5 -19.5zM102.1 294.3c-7.59961 -7.59961 -7.59961 -19.8994 0 -27.3994l7.7002 -7.7002c1.10059 -1.2002 3 -1 4 0.299805 c4.40039 6.09961 9.40039 12 14.7998 17.4004c5.5 5.5 11.4004 10.3994 17.6006 14.8994c1.2998 1 1.39941 2.90039 0.299805 4l-7.7002 7.7002c-7.59961 7.59961 -19.8994 7.59961 -27.5 0zM229.3 49.5c69.9004 0 126.601 56.7998 126.601 126.6 c0 70 -56.6006 126.601 -126.601 126.601c-69.8994 0 -126.6 -56.7002 -126.6 -126.601c0 -69.8994 56.5996 -126.6 126.6 -126.6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="amilia" unicode="&#xf36d;" d="M240.1 416c134.101 0 191.9 -55.7002 192 -136v-296.6c0 -3 -1 -8.10059 -5.09961 -9.10059c-4 -1 -57.2998 -0.700195 -66.5 -0.700195s-56.7998 1 -59.9004 2c-4 0.900391 -6.09961 6.10059 -6.09961 9.10059v25.3994 c-39.5996 -21.3994 -105.5 -42.0996 -153.3 -42.0996c-109.7 0 -124.9 85.7002 -124.9 104s-5.09961 95.5 30.4004 111.8c31.5 13.2002 156.3 36.5 243.7 47.7998v38.5c0 44.7002 -1 73.1006 -58.9004 73.1006c-55.7998 0 -119.8 -25.4004 -152.3 -47.7002 c-6.10059 -4.09961 -16.2002 -4.09961 -20.2998 6.09961c-5.10059 12.2002 -9.10059 34.5 -10.2002 39.6006c-1.90039 10.2002 2.09961 16.2998 7.2002 19.3994c52.6992 38.5 122.3 55.4004 184.199 55.4004zM290.3 68v106.7c-44.7002 -4.10059 -95.5 -20.2998 -119.8 -33.5 c-21.2998 -10.2002 -18.2998 -40.7002 -18.2998 -52.9004c0.0996094 -11.2002 6.2002 -44.7002 59 -44.7002c30.3994 0 57.7002 11.2002 79.0996 24.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angrycreative" unicode="&#xf36e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 209.8l-3.2002 -28.2002l-34.5 -2.2998l-2 -18.0996l34.5 2.2998l-3.2002 -28.2002l-34.3994 -2.2002l-2.2998 -20.0996l34.3994 2.2002l-3 -26.1006l-64.7002 -4.09961l12.7002 113.2l-47.2998 -115.4l-31.9004 -2l-23.7998 117.8l30.2998 2l13.6006 -79.3994 l31.7002 82.3994zM426.8 76.5l12.7998 120l28.4004 1.90039l-12.9004 -120.101zM162 59.9004l-19.4004 36l-3.5 -37.4004l-28.1992 -1.7002l2.69922 29.1006c-11 -18 -32 -34.3008 -56.8994 -35.8008c-32.7998 -2 -59.7002 20.9004 -56.4004 58.2002 c2.60059 29.2998 26.7002 62.7998 67.5 65.4004c37.7002 2.39941 47.6006 -23.2002 51.2998 -28.7998l2.80078 30.7998l38.8994 2.5c20.1006 1.2998 38.7002 -3.7002 42.5 -23.7002l2.60059 26.5996l64.7998 4.2002l-2.7002 -27.8994l-36.4004 -2.40039l-1.69922 -17.9004 l36.3994 2.30078l-2.7002 -27.9004l-36.3994 -2.2998l-1.90039 -19.9004l36.2998 2.2998l-2.09961 -20.7998l55 117.2l23.7998 1.59961l32.1006 -110.6l8.89941 85.5996l-22.2998 -1.39941l2.90039 27.8994l75 4.90039l-3 -28l-24.3008 -1.59961l-9.69922 -91.9004 l-58 -3.7002l-4.30078 15.6006l-39.3994 -2.5l-8 -16.3008zM117.7 130.1l-26.4004 -1.69922c-6.7002 12.3994 -14.3994 16.5996 -26.2998 15.7998c-19 -1.2002 -33.2998 -17.5 -34.5996 -33.2998c-1.40039 -16 7.2998 -32.5 28.6992 -31.2002 c12.8008 0.799805 21.3008 8.59961 28.9004 18.8994l27 1.7002zM173.8 137.8c1.2002 12.9004 -7.59961 13.6006 -26.0996 12.4004l-2.7002 -28.5c14.2002 0.899414 27.5 2.09961 28.7998 16.0996zM194.9 67l5.7998 60c-5 -13.5 -14.7002 -21.0996 -27.9004 -26.5996z M330.3 112l-7.89941 37.7998l-15.8008 -39.2998zM160.2 186.6l-4.2998 17.5l-39.6006 -2.59961l-8.09961 -18.2002l-31.9004 -2.09961l57 121.899l23.9004 1.60059l30.7002 -102l9.89941 104.7l27 1.7998l37.7998 -63.6006l6.5 66.6006l28.5 1.89941l-4 -41.1992 c7.40039 13.5 22.9004 44.6992 63.6006 47.5c40.5 2.7998 52.3994 -29.3008 53.3994 -30.3008l3.30078 32l39.2998 2.7002c12.7002 0.900391 27.7998 -0.299805 36.2998 -9.7002l-4.40039 11.9004l32.2002 2.2002l12.9004 -43.2002l23 45.7002l31 2.2002l-43.6006 -78.4004 l-4.7998 -44.2998l-28.3994 -1.90039l4.7998 44.2998l-15.7998 43c1 -22.2998 -9.2002 -40.0996 -32 -49.5996l25.1992 -38.7998l-36.3994 -2.40039l-19.2002 36.7998l-4 -38.2998l-28.4004 -1.89941l3.30078 31.5c-6.7002 -9.30078 -19.7002 -35.4004 -59.6006 -38 c-26.2002 -1.7002 -45.5996 10.2998 -55.3994 39.1992l-4 -40.2998l-25 -1.59961l-37.6006 63.2998l-6.2998 -66.2002zM436.8 268.7c10.2002 0.700195 17.5 2.09961 21.6006 4.2998c4.5 2.40039 7 6.40039 7.59961 12.0996 c0.599609 5.30078 -0.599609 8.80078 -3.40039 10.4004c-3.59961 2.09961 -10.5996 2.7998 -22.8994 2zM327.7 234c5.59961 -5.90039 12.7002 -8.5 21.2998 -7.90039c4.7002 0.300781 9.09961 1.80078 13.2998 4.10059c5.5 3 10.6006 8 15.1006 14.2998l-34.2002 -2.2998 l2.39941 23.8994l63.1006 4.30078l1.2002 12l-31.2002 -2.10059c-4.10059 3.7002 -7.7998 6.60059 -11.1006 8.10059c-4 1.69922 -8.09961 2.7998 -12.1992 2.5c-8 -0.5 -15.3008 -3.60059 -22 -9.2002c-7.7002 -6.40039 -12 -14.5 -12.9004 -24.4004 c-1.09961 -9.59961 1.40039 -17.2998 7.2002 -23.2998zM126.4 225.8l23.7998 1.60059l-8.2998 37.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="app-store" unicode="&#xf36f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M255.9 327.1l9.09961 15.7002c5.59961 9.7998 18.0996 13.1006 27.9004 7.5c9.7998 -5.59961 13.0996 -18.0996 7.5 -27.8994l-87.5 -151.5h63.2998c20.5 0 32 -24.1006 23.0996 -40.8008h-185.5c-11.2998 0 -20.3994 9.10059 -20.3994 20.4004 s9.09961 20.4004 20.3994 20.4004h52l66.6006 115.399l-20.8008 36.1006c-5.59961 9.7998 -2.2998 22.1992 7.5 27.8994c9.80078 5.60059 22.2002 2.2998 27.9004 -7.5zM177.2 109.1l-19.6006 -34c-5.59961 -9.7998 -18.0996 -13.0996 -27.8994 -7.5 c-9.7998 5.60059 -13.1006 18.1006 -7.5 27.9004l14.5996 25.2002c16.4004 5.09961 29.7998 1.2002 40.4004 -11.6006zM346.1 170.8h53.1006c11.2998 0 20.3994 -9.09961 20.3994 -20.3994c0 -11.3008 -9.09961 -20.4004 -20.3994 -20.4004h-29.5l19.8994 -34.5 c5.60059 -9.7998 2.30078 -22.2002 -7.5 -27.9004c-9.7998 -5.59961 -22.1992 -2.2998 -27.8994 7.5c-33.5 58.1006 -58.7002 101.601 -75.4004 130.601c-17.0996 29.5 -4.89941 59.0996 7.2002 69.0996c13.4004 -23 33.4004 -57.7002 60.0996 -104zM256 440 c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM472 192c0 119.9 -97.2998 216 -216 216c-119.9 0 -216 -97.2998 -216 -216c0 -119.9 97.2998 -216 216 -216c119.9 0 216 97.2998 216 216z" /> <glyph glyph-name="app-store-ios" unicode="&#xf370;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM127 63.5l19.2998 33.2998c-10.2998 12.5 -23.5 16.2998 -39.5996 11.4004l-14.2998 -24.7002 c-5.5 -9.5 -2.30078 -21.7998 7.2998 -27.2998c9.5 -5.5 21.7998 -2.2998 27.2998 7.2998zM265.9 117.4c8.7998 16.2998 -2.5 40 -22.7002 40h-62.1006l85.8008 148.6c5.5 9.5 2.2998 21.7998 -7.30078 27.2998c-9.5 5.5 -21.7998 2.2998 -27.2998 -7.2998 l-8.89941 -15.4004l-8.90039 15.4004c-5.5 9.5 -17.7002 12.7998 -27.2998 7.2998c-9.5 -5.5 -12.7998 -17.7002 -7.2998 -27.2998l20.5 -35.4004l-65.4004 -113.199h-51c-11 0 -20 -9 -20 -20s9 -20 20 -20h181.9zM364 117.4c11 0 20 8.89941 20 20c0 11 -9 20 -20 20h-52 c-26.2002 45.2998 -45.7998 79.2998 -58.9004 102c-11.8994 -9.80078 -23.7998 -38.8008 -7.09961 -67.8008c16.5 -28.3994 41.0996 -71.1992 74 -128.1c5.5 -9.5 17.7002 -12.7998 27.2998 -7.2998c9.5 5.5 12.7998 17.7002 7.2998 27.2998l-19.5996 33.9004h29z" /> <glyph glyph-name="apper" unicode="&#xf371;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M42.0996 208.9c22.2002 0 29 -2.80078 33.5 -14.6006h0.800781v22.9004c0 11.2998 -4.80078 15.3994 -17.9004 15.3994c-11.2998 0 -14.4004 -2.5 -15.0996 -12.7998h-38.6006c0.299805 13.9004 1.5 19.1006 5.7998 24.4004 c7.30078 8.7998 18.9004 11.7998 46.1006 11.7998c33 0 47.0996 -5 53.8994 -18.9004c2 -4.2998 4 -15.5996 4 -23.6992v-76.3008h-38.2998l1.2998 19.1006h-1c-5.2998 -15.6006 -13.5996 -20.4004 -35.5 -20.4004c-30.2998 0 -41.0996 10.1006 -41.0996 37.2998 c0 25.2002 12.2998 35.8008 42.0996 35.8008zM59.2002 160.8c13.0996 0 16.8994 3 16.8994 13.4004c0 9.09961 -4.2998 11.5996 -19.5996 11.5996c-13.0996 0 -17.9004 -3 -17.9004 -12.0996c-0.0996094 -10.4004 3.7002 -12.9004 20.6006 -12.9004zM137 255.7h38.2998 l-1.5 -20.6006h0.799805c9.10059 17.1006 15.9004 20.9004 37.5 20.9004c14.4004 0 24.7002 -3 31.5 -9.09961c9.80078 -8.60059 12.8008 -20.4004 12.8008 -48.1006c0 -30 -3 -43.0996 -12.1006 -52.8994c-6.7998 -7.30078 -16.3994 -10.1006 -33.2002 -10.1006 c-20.3994 0 -29.1992 5.5 -33.7998 21.2002h-0.799805v-70.2998h-39.5v169zM217.9 195c0 27.5 -3.30078 32.5 -20.7002 32.5c-16.9004 0 -20.7002 -5 -20.7002 -28.7002c0 -28 3.5 -33.5 21.2002 -33.5c16.3994 0 20.2002 5.60059 20.2002 29.7002zM275.8 255.7h38.2998 l-1.5 -20.6006h0.800781c9.09961 17.1006 15.8994 20.9004 37.5 20.9004c14.3994 0 24.6992 -3 31.5 -9.09961c9.7998 -8.60059 12.7998 -20.4004 12.7998 -48.1006c0 -30 -3 -43.0996 -12.1006 -52.8994c-6.7998 -7.30078 -16.3994 -10.1006 -33.2998 -10.1006 c-20.3994 0 -29.2002 5.5 -33.7998 21.2002h-0.799805v-70.2998h-39.5v169h0.0996094zM356.7 195c0 27.5 -3.2998 32.5 -20.7002 32.5c-16.9004 0 -20.7002 -5 -20.7002 -28.7002c0 -28 3.5 -33.5 21.2002 -33.5c16.4004 0 20.2002 5.60059 20.2002 29.7002zM410.5 198.8 c0 25.4004 3.2998 37.7998 12.2998 45.7998c8.7998 8.10059 22.2002 11.3008 45.1006 11.3008c42.7998 0 55.6992 -12.8008 55.6992 -55.7002v-11.1006h-75.2998c-0.299805 -2 -0.299805 -4 -0.299805 -4.7998c0 -16.8994 4.5 -21.8994 20.0996 -21.8994 c13.9004 0 17.9004 3 17.9004 13.8994h37.5v-2.2998c0 -9.7998 -2.5 -18.9004 -6.7998 -24.7002c-7.2998 -9.7998 -19.6006 -13.5996 -44.2998 -13.5996c-27.5 0 -41.6006 3.2998 -50.6006 12.2998c-8.5 8.5 -11.2998 21.2998 -11.2998 50.7998zM486.9 210.4 c-0.300781 1.7998 -0.300781 3.2998 -0.300781 3.7998c0 12.2998 -3.2998 14.5996 -19.5996 14.5996c-14.4004 0 -17.0996 -3 -18.0996 -15.0996l-0.300781 -3.2998h38.3008zM542.5 255.7h38.2998l-1.7998 -19.9004h0.700195 c6.7998 14.9004 14.3994 20.2002 29.7002 20.2002c10.7998 0 19.0996 -3.2998 23.3994 -9.2998c5.2998 -7.2998 6.7998 -14.4004 6.7998 -34c0 -1.5 0 -5 0.200195 -9.2998h-35c0.299805 1.7998 0.299805 3.2998 0.299805 4c0 15.3994 -2 19.3994 -10.2998 19.3994 c-6.2998 0 -10.7998 -3.2998 -13.0996 -9.2998c-1 -3 -1 -4.2998 -1 -12.2998v-68h-38.2998v118.5h0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="asymmetrik" unicode="&#xf372;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M517.5 138.8c-13.9004 -14.2998 -30.4004 -27.7002 -48.9004 -39.7998l73.4004 -110.4h-101.6l-45.9004 71.8008c-17.5996 -7.2002 -35.9004 -13.4004 -54.5 -18.7002l32.5996 -53.1006h-135.5l22.8008 37.1006c-23.3008 -2.7002 -46.4004 -3.7002 -68.6006 -2.7002 l-22 -34.4004h-101.6l34.5 51.7002c-45 17.9004 -68.9004 47.9004 -68.4004 83c0.299805 25.7998 14 54.2998 41.7002 82.9004c38.9004 40 96.5 72.5996 161.6 92.8994c-22.2998 -8.09961 -42 -18.5 -62 -30.6992c-31.1992 -16.2002 -58.6992 -35.9004 -79.5 -58.1006 c-57.3994 -61 -46.5 -121.8 19.1006 -151.2l190.2 285.5l150.899 -226.399c13 9.5 24.7998 19.7998 35 30.5996c98 104.2 53.7002 207.9 -98.7998 231.7c-68.2998 10.5996 -146.8 5.7002 -221.3 -14.7998c-60.1006 -10 -118.7 -31.7002 -170.7 -58.2002 c118.1 66.9004 277.9 102.1 406.6 82.4004c110 -16.8008 170.2 -69.5 169.4 -135c-0.400391 -36.1006 -19.7002 -76.1006 -58.5 -116.101zM329.9 58.2998c18.3994 5.2998 36.5 11.7998 53.6992 19.2002l-78.6992 123l-101.9 -159.3 c22.5 -0.700195 45.7998 0.899414 69.2002 4.39941l32.7002 53.3008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="audible" unicode="&#xf373;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 248.1v-54l-320 -200l-320 199.9v54l320 -200zM445.5 176.1c-70.7998 94.4004 -200.5 110.7 -290.2 36.3008c-2.59961 -2.2002 -5.2002 -4.40039 -7.7002 -6.7002h-0.299805c37.1006 55.7002 100.601 92.3994 172.601 92.3994s135.5 -36.7998 172.699 -92.5996z M225.4 157.3c21 29.6006 55.5 49 94.3994 49c39.2002 0 73.9004 -19.5996 94.7998 -49.5l-45.3994 -28.3994c-21.2002 29.1992 -52 47.5996 -86.4004 47.5996c-20.8994 0 -40.5 -6.7998 -57.3994 -18.7002zM103.6 286.9c-11.5 -9.10059 -24.2998 -22.1006 -34.1992 -32.6006 c53.8994 82.1006 147 135.601 250.5 135.601c104.899 0 197.199 -54 250.699 -135.7l-48.7998 -30.4004l-0.700195 1c-99.2998 138.5 -285.699 166.4 -417.5 62.1006zM570.6 254.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="avianex" unicode="&#xf374;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M453.1 416c39 0 64.8008 -31.2002 57.8008 -69.7998l-56.7002 -308.5c-7.10059 -38.5 -44.4004 -69.7002 -83.2998 -69.7002h-312c-39 0 -64.8008 31.2002 -57.7002 69.7002l56.5996 308.6c7.10059 38.5 44.4004 69.7002 83.2998 69.7002h312zM394.9 68.7002 l6.2998 7.89941l-94.9004 119.4l-4.5 7.2998c19.7998 14.2002 33.5 24.2998 35.2998 25.6006c7.90039 6.59961 6.30078 20.7998 -2.69922 31.2998c-9.2002 10.7998 -23 14.3994 -30.7002 7.89941c0 0 -14.4004 -13.5996 -33.7998 -32.3994l-4.90039 4.5l-103.1 112.399 l-8.90039 -4.7998l-18.7998 -28.8994l68.7998 -99.8008l20.5 -29.5996c-12 -12.2998 -23.5 -24.4004 -32.7998 -34.9004l-58 31.1006l-15.7002 -15.4004l52.4004 -48.0996l40.5996 -61l17.9004 12.7002l-22.1006 64.1992c12.5 7.60059 27 17.1006 41.7002 27.1006 l115.4 -110z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bimobject" unicode="&#xf378;" d="M416 416c17.5996 0 32 -14.4004 32 -32v-384c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.5996 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v384c0 17.5996 14.4004 32 32 32h384zM352 158.6h-0.0996094v35c0 49.4004 -11.4004 82.5 -103.801 82.5h-17.2998 c-30 0 -65.0996 -8.2998 -69.7002 -38.7998h-1.09961v74.7002h-64v-232h64v34.7998h0.900391c8 -23.8994 26.2998 -38.7998 70.3994 -38.7998h16.9004c92.3994 0 103.8 33.2002 103.8 82.5996zM288 187.5v-22.9004c0 -21.6992 -3.40039 -33.7998 -38.4004 -33.7998h-45.2998 c-28.8994 0 -44.0996 6.5 -44.0996 35.7002v19c0 29.2998 15.2002 35.7002 44.0996 35.7002h45.2998c35 0.200195 38.4004 -12 38.4004 -33.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bitcoin" unicode="&#xf379;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M504 192c0 -136.967 -111.033 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.033 248 248 248s248 -111.033 248 -248zM362.349 227.33c4.9375 32.999 -20.1904 50.7393 -54.5498 62.5732l11.1465 44.7021l-27.2129 6.78027l-10.8516 -43.5234 c-7.1543 1.78223 -14.502 3.46387 -21.8027 5.12988l10.9287 43.8096l-27.1982 6.78125l-11.1523 -44.6855c-5.92188 1.34863 -11.7354 2.68164 -17.377 4.08398l0.0302734 0.139648l-37.5293 9.37012l-7.23926 -29.0625s20.1914 -4.62695 19.7646 -4.91309 c11.0225 -2.75098 13.0146 -10.0439 12.6807 -15.8242l-12.6963 -50.9258c0.759766 -0.193359 1.74414 -0.472656 2.8291 -0.90625c-0.907227 0.224609 -1.87598 0.472656 -2.87598 0.712891l-17.7959 -71.3379c-1.34961 -3.34863 -4.76758 -8.37012 -12.4717 -6.46484 c0.271484 -0.394531 -19.7793 4.9375 -19.7793 4.9375l-13.5107 -31.1475l35.4141 -8.82617c6.58887 -1.65137 13.0449 -3.37988 19.4004 -5.00684l-11.2617 -45.2129l27.1816 -6.78027l11.1533 44.7324c5.96875 -1.61719 15.6846 -4.13867 21.6865 -5.62695 l-11.1152 -44.5225l27.2139 -6.78125l11.2617 45.1279c46.4043 -8.78125 81.2988 -5.23926 95.9863 36.7266c11.8359 33.79 -0.589844 53.2812 -25.0049 65.9912c17.7803 4.09766 31.1748 15.792 34.7471 39.9492zM300.172 140.151 c-8.41016 -33.79 -65.3076 -15.5234 -83.7549 -10.9434l14.9443 59.8994c18.4453 -4.60352 77.5996 -13.7178 68.8105 -48.9561zM308.589 227.818c-7.67285 -30.7363 -55.0312 -15.1201 -70.3926 -11.292l13.5479 54.3262 c15.3633 -3.82715 64.8359 -10.9727 56.8447 -43.0342z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bity" unicode="&#xf37a;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M78.4004 380.8c95.3994 89.2002 246.1 91.2002 343.1 -3.7998c14.2998 -14.0996 -6.40039 -37.0996 -22.4004 -21.5c-84.7998 82.4004 -215.8 80.2998 -298.899 3.2002c-16.2998 -15.1006 -36.5 8.2998 -21.7998 22.0996zM177.3 -37.7998 c-128.7 38.2998 -201.899 170.7 -169.8 298.1c5.2998 21 35.2002 12.5 30.2002 -7.09961c-28.2998 -111.3 35.2998 -227.101 147.5 -261c21.3994 -6.40039 11.3994 -35.7002 -7.90039 -30zM325.4 -35.7998c-19.2002 -6.2998 -30 22.7002 -8.80078 29.7002 c106.101 35.5 167.4 145.699 143.2 253.399c-4.89941 21.7002 25.5 27.6006 30 7.90039c28.5 -124.101 -42.5 -250.8 -164.399 -291zM262.5 43.2002c0 -8.2002 -6.59961 -14.7998 -14.7998 -14.7998s-14.7998 6.59961 -14.7998 14.7998l0.199219 71.7998 c0 8.09961 6.60059 14.7998 14.8008 14.7998c8.19922 0 14.7998 -6.59961 14.7998 -14.7998zM333.5 312.2c0 21.7998 32.5 19.5996 32.5 0v-71.6006c0 -69.2998 -60.7002 -90.8994 -118 -90.0996c-57.2998 -0.799805 -118 20.7998 -118 90.0996v71.6006 c0 19.5996 32.5 21.7998 32.5 0c-1.40039 -88.2002 -7 -131.8 85.5 -132.5c90.2002 0.599609 87.5996 41.5996 85.5 132.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blackberry" unicode="&#xf37b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M166 331.1c0 -23.3994 -16.4004 -49.0996 -72.5 -49.0996h-70.0996l21 88.7998h67.7998c42.0996 0 53.7998 -23.2998 53.7998 -39.7002zM292.2 370.8c42.0996 0 53.7998 -23.2998 53.7002 -39.7002c0 -23.3994 -16.3008 -49.0996 -70.1006 -49.0996h-70.0996 l18.7002 88.7998h67.7998zM88.7998 239.9c42.1006 0 53.7998 -23.4004 53.7998 -39.7002c0 -25.7002 -16.3994 -49.1006 -72.5 -49.1006h-70.0996l21 88.8008h67.7998zM268.9 239.9c42 0 53.6992 -23.4004 53.6992 -39.7002c0 -25.7002 -16.2998 -49.1006 -70.0996 -49.1006 h-70.0996l18.6992 88.8008h67.8008zM458.2 293.7c42.0996 0 53.7998 -23.4004 53.7002 -39.7002c0 -25.7002 -16.3008 -49.0996 -70.1006 -49.0996h-70.0996l18.7002 88.7998h67.7998zM430.2 155.8c42.0996 0 53.7002 -23.3994 53.7002 -39.7002 c0 -25.6992 -14 -49.0996 -70.1006 -49.0996h-70.0996l18.7002 88.7998h67.7998zM240.8 102c42.1006 0 53.7998 -23.4004 53.7002 -39.7002c0 -23.3994 -14 -49.0996 -70.0996 -49.0996h-70.1006l18.7002 88.7998h67.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blogger" unicode="&#xf37c;" d="M162.4 252c4.7998 4.90039 6.19922 5.09961 36.3994 5.09961c27.2002 0 28.1006 -0.0996094 32.1006 -2.09961c5.7998 -2.90039 8.2998 -7 8.2998 -13.5996c0 -5.90039 -2.40039 -10 -7.60059 -13.4004c-2.7998 -1.7998 -4.5 -1.90039 -31.0996 -2.09961 c-16.4004 -0.100586 -29.5 0.199219 -31.5 0.799805c-10.2998 2.89941 -14.0996 17.7002 -6.59961 25.2998zM223.8 157.5c55.4004 0 55.1006 0 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3.10059c-6.2002 3.59961 -7.89941 7.59961 -8 18.2998 c0 20.3994 -8.5 39.3994 -25.2998 56.5c-12 12.2002 -25.2998 20.5 -40.5996 25.0996c-3.60059 1.10059 -11.8008 1.5 -39.2002 1.7998c-42.9004 0.5 -52.5 -0.399414 -67.1006 -6.19922c-27 -10.7002 -46.2998 -33.4004 -53.3994 -62.4004 c-1.2998 -5.40039 -1.60059 -14.2002 -1.90039 -64.2998c-0.399414 -62.7998 0 -72.1006 4 -84.5c9.7002 -30.7002 37.1006 -53.4004 64.6006 -58.4004c9.19922 -1.7002 122.199 -2.09961 133.699 -0.5c20.1006 2.7002 35.9004 10.7998 50.7002 25.9004 c10.7002 10.8994 17.4004 22.7998 21.7998 38.5c3.2002 10.8994 2.90039 88.3994 1.7002 93.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="blogger-b" unicode="&#xf37d;" d="M446.6 225.3c2 -8.89941 2.40039 -134.1 -2.5 -151.7c-7.09961 -25.2998 -17.8994 -44.3994 -35.1992 -62.0996c-23.9004 -24.4004 -49.4004 -37.5 -81.9004 -41.9004c-18.7002 -2.5 -201.2 -1.89941 -216 0.800781c-44.5 8 -88.7998 44.6992 -104.4 94.2998 c-6.2998 20.0996 -7 35 -6.39941 136.5c0.5 81 1 95.0996 3.09961 103.899c11.4004 46.8008 42.6006 83.4004 86.1006 100.601c23.5996 9.39941 39 10.7998 108.399 10c44.2002 -0.5 57.4004 -1.10059 63.2998 -2.90039c24.6006 -7.5 46.2002 -20.7998 65.5 -40.5 c27.1006 -27.5996 40.8008 -58.2998 40.9004 -91.2998c0.0996094 -17.2002 2.7998 -23.5996 12.9004 -29.5c6.39941 -3.7002 8.59961 -4.09961 28.6992 -5c12 -0.5 23.2002 -1.7002 25 -2.7002c5.7002 -3.09961 10.7002 -10.5 12.5 -18.5zM124.5 288.9 c-12.2002 -12.3008 -6 -36.1006 10.5996 -40.8008c3.10059 -0.799805 24.3008 -1.39941 50.8008 -1.19922c43 0.199219 45.6992 0.399414 50.2998 3.2998c8.5 5.39941 12.2998 12.0996 12.2998 21.5996c0 10.6006 -4.09961 17.2002 -13.4004 21.9004 c-6.39941 3.2998 -7.89941 3.39941 -51.7998 3.39941c-48.7998 0 -51 -0.299805 -58.7998 -8.19922zM316.3 89.0996c14.4004 8.2002 17 28.1006 4.90039 39.4004c-8.5 7.90039 -8 7.90039 -97.6006 7.7998c-87.0996 -0.0996094 -90.1992 -0.299805 -97.2998 -6.7002 c-5.59961 -5.09961 -9.2998 -15.0996 -8.2002 -22.3994c1.10059 -7.7002 7.80078 -16.2998 14.9004 -19.4004c3.59961 -1.59961 22.7998 -2.7998 90.9004 -2l77.5 0.900391z" /> <glyph glyph-name="buromobelexperte" unicode="&#xf37f;" d="M0 416h128v-128h-128v128zM120 296v112h-112v-112h112zM160 416h128v-128h-128v128zM280 296v112h-112v-112h112zM320 416h128v-128h-128v128zM440 296v112h-112v-112h112zM0 256h128v-128h-128v128zM120 136v112h-112v-112h112zM160 256h128v-128h-128v128zM280 136v112 h-112v-112h112zM320 256h128v-128h-128v128zM440 136v112h-112v-112h112zM0 96h128v-128h-128v128zM120 -24v112h-112v-112h112zM160 96h128v-128h-128v128zM280 -24v112h-112v-112h112zM320 96h128v-128h-128v128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="centercode" unicode="&#xf380;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M329.2 179.4c-3.7998 -35.2002 -35.4004 -60.6006 -70.6006 -56.8008c-35.1992 3.80078 -60.5996 35.4004 -56.7998 70.6006s35.4004 60.5996 70.6006 56.7998c35.0996 -3.7998 60.5996 -35.4004 56.7998 -70.5996zM243.4 -55.7002 c-146.7 7.7002 -251.601 138.2 -233.301 279.4c11.2002 86.5996 65.8008 156.899 139.101 192c161 77.0996 349.7 -37.4004 354.7 -216.601c4.09961 -147 -118.4 -262.199 -260.5 -254.8zM423.3 124.3c27.9004 118 -160.5 205.9 -237.2 234.2 c-57.5 -56.2998 -69.0996 -188.6 -33.7998 -344.4c68.7998 -15.7998 169.101 26.4004 271 110.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloudscale" unicode="&#xf383;" d="M318.1 294c6.2002 6.2998 15.8008 -3.09961 9.5 -9.59961l-75.1992 -88.8008c0.899414 -8.19922 -1.80078 -16.7998 -8.10059 -23.0996c-11.0996 -11 -28.8994 -11 -40 0c-11.0996 11.0996 -11.0996 29 0 40c6.2998 6.2998 14.7998 9 23.1006 8.09961l25.1992 20.4004 c-16.3994 15.2998 -38.3994 24.7002 -62.5996 24.7002c-50.7998 0 -94.5996 -41.4004 -92.5996 -97.4004c-1 6.2998 -1.40039 12.7998 -1.40039 19.4004c0 71.5 57.7998 132.3 129.4 132.3c31.7998 0 60.7998 -14.2998 83.2998 -33.5996zM234.3 182.5 c5.60059 5.5 5.60059 14.5996 0 20.2002c-5.59961 5.59961 -14.5996 5.59961 -20.2002 0c-5.59961 -5.60059 -5.59961 -14.6006 0 -20.2002c5.60059 -5.5 14.6006 -5.5 20.2002 0zM224 416c123.5 0 224 -100.5 224 -224s-100.5 -224 -224 -224s-224 100.5 -224 224 s100.5 224 224 224zM224 32c88.2002 0 160 71.7998 160 160s-71.7998 160 -160 160s-160 -71.7998 -160 -160s71.7998 -160 160 -160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloudsmith" unicode="&#xf384;" horiz-adv-x="332" d="M332.5 28.0996c0 -46.3994 -37.5996 -84.0996 -84 -84.0996s-84 37.7002 -84 84.0996c0 46.4004 37.5996 84 84 84s84 -37.5996 84 -84zM248.5 272c-46.4004 0 -80 -33.5996 -80 -80s-37.5996 -80 -84 -80s-84 33.5996 -84 80s37.5996 88 84 88s76 29.5996 76 76 s41.5996 84 88 84s80 -37.5996 80 -84s-33.5996 -84 -80 -84z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloudversify" unicode="&#xf385;" horiz-adv-x="616" d="M148.6 144v-0.0996094h-48.8994c-6.40039 0 -11.7002 5.39941 -11.7002 11.7998v40.3994c0 7.60059 7 11.9004 10.7998 11.9004h46.7998v-6.59961c0 -10.7002 8.80078 -16.7002 19.5 -16.7002h20.2002c10.7998 0 19.5 8.7998 19.5 19.5v20.3994 c0 10.6006 -3.5 19.5 -15.2002 19.5c18.5 15.2002 37.2002 21.4004 45 24.1006c15 56.5 42 92.3994 99.3008 109.7c55.0996 16.5 153.5 3.09961 186.5 -85c73.8994 -22.6006 106.899 -92.6006 92.0996 -155.101c-13 -54.8994 -62.2998 -100.6 -131.5 -99.5 c-49.5996 -51.3994 -135.2 -48.8994 -186.4 -5.59961c-78.5996 -4.2002 -137.8 42.7998 -146 111.3zM376 136c8.7002 -54.0996 59.7002 -65.5 91.7998 -59.2002c39.1006 7.7002 70.5 37.5 79.7002 76.5c5.7998 24.4004 2.40039 50 -9.40039 72l-10.5 19.6006 c1.2002 -22.5 -12.5 -60.6006 -47.5 -76.9004c65.5 67.7002 2.10059 141.2 -67.6992 150.5c-49.8008 6.59961 -83.3008 -13 -114.2 -43.7002c48 -4.7002 87.7002 -26.7998 101.8 -74.7998c-30.0996 49.2998 -103 56.5996 -133.6 40.7998 c-35.5 -18.2002 -60 -54 -57 -93.8994c3.59961 -47.4004 39.5 -67.4004 57.3994 -79.8008c-4.5 21.7002 -4 71.3008 29.2002 92.9004c-36.2998 -60 28.0996 -144.6 135.3 -110.8c-33.5996 14.3994 -66 40.5 -55.2998 86.7998zM128 240h-39.7998 c-8.90039 0 -16.2002 7.2998 -16.2002 16.2002v39.5996c0 8.90039 7.2998 16.2002 16.2002 16.2002h39.7998c8.90039 0 16.2002 -7.2998 16.2002 -16.2002v-39.5996c0 -8.90039 -7.2998 -16.2002 -16.2002 -16.2002zM10.0996 280c-5.59961 0 -10.0996 4.5 -10.0996 10.0996 v27.8008c0 5.59961 4.5 10.0996 10.0996 10.0996h27.7002c5.5 0 10.1006 -4.5 10.1006 -10.0996v-27.8008c0 -5.59961 -4.5 -10.0996 -10.1006 -10.0996h-27.7002zM168 305.3v21.4004c0 5.09961 4.2002 9.2998 9.2998 9.2998h21.4004 c5.09961 0 9.2998 -4.2002 9.2998 -9.2998v-21.4004c0 -5.09961 -4.2002 -9.2998 -9.2998 -9.2998h-21.4004c-5.09961 0 -9.2998 4.2002 -9.2998 9.2998zM56 212.5v-25c0 -6.2998 -5.09961 -11.5 -11.4004 -11.5h-25.1992c-6.30078 0 -11.4004 5.2002 -11.4004 11.5v25 c0 6.2998 5.09961 11.5 11.4004 11.5h25.0996c6.40039 0 11.5 -5.2002 11.5 -11.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cpanel" unicode="&#xf388;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M210.3 227.8c6.60059 -29.0996 -14.5 -65.2998 -51.7002 -65.2998h-32l6.40039 23.7998c1.7998 6.2002 7.2998 10.7998 14.2998 10.7998h10.2998c12.4004 0 20.8008 11.7002 18.3008 22.6006c-2.10059 9.2002 -9.90039 14.7998 -18.3008 14.7998h-19.7998 l-25.7998 -95.7002c-1.90039 -6.2002 -7.40039 -10.7002 -14.2002 -10.7002l-24.7002 -0.0996094l34.9004 130.1c1.7998 6.40039 7.2002 10.9004 14.2998 10.9004h37c24.1006 0 45.4004 -16.4004 51 -41.2002zM53.7998 199.8c-24.8994 0 -24.7002 -37.3994 0 -37.3994 h11.2998c4.2002 0 7.60059 -3.90039 6.40039 -8.30078l-7.09961 -26.0996h-12.4004c-33.5 0 -59 31.4004 -50.2998 65.2002c7.2998 27 28.2998 41.0996 51.2002 41.0996h40l-6.2002 -23.5996c-1.90039 -6.5 -7.40039 -10.9004 -14.2998 -10.9004h-18.6006zM301.3 234.6 c18.7998 0 33.2998 -17.5996 28.5 -36.7998l-14 -51.7998c-2.7998 -10.5996 -12.2002 -17.7998 -23.3994 -17.7998l-57.5 0.200195c-42.9004 0 -38.5 63.7998 0.699219 63.7998h48.4004l-3.5 -13.2002c-1.90039 -6.2002 -7.40039 -10.7998 -14.2002 -10.7998h-21.5996 c-5.2998 0 -5.2998 -7.90039 0 -7.90039h34.8994c4.60059 0 5.10059 3.90039 5.5 5.2998l8.60059 31.8008c0.299805 1 1.89941 5.2998 -2.10059 5.2998h-57.5c-9.69922 0 -16.5996 8.89941 -14.1992 18.5l3.5 13.3994h77.8994zM633.1 269c4.5 0 7.7002 -4 6.5 -8.2998 l-26.5 -98.2002c-5.09961 -20.7002 -24.1992 -34.5 -44.8994 -34.5l35.5996 133.1c1.2002 4.7002 5.5 7.90039 10.4004 7.90039h18.8994zM396.8 234.3c34.4004 0 59.2998 -32.2998 50.2998 -65.3994l-8.7998 -33.1006c-1.2002 -4.89941 -5.7002 -7.7998 -10.2998 -7.7998 h-19.0996c-4.5 0 -7.60059 4 -6.40039 8.2998l10.5996 40c3.30078 11.6006 -5.59961 23.4004 -18.0996 23.4004h-19.7998l-17.2002 -64c-1.2002 -4.7998 -5.59961 -7.7998 -10.4004 -7.7998h-18.8994c-4.2002 0 -7.60059 3.89941 -6.40039 8.2998l26.2002 98h48.2998 v0.0996094zM495.1 159.7h73.3008l-5.7002 -21c-1.90039 -6.2002 -7.40039 -10.7002 -14.2002 -10.7002h-66.7002c-20 0 -33.2998 19 -28.2998 36.7002l10.7998 40c4.7998 17.5996 20.7002 29.5996 38.6006 29.5996h47.2998c19 0 33.2002 -17.7002 28.2998 -36.7998 l-3.2002 -12c-2.89941 -11 -12.7002 -17.5996 -23.2002 -17.5996h-53.3994l3.5 13c1.59961 6.19922 7.2002 10.7998 14.2002 10.7998h21.5996c2 0 3.2998 1 3.90039 3l0.699219 2.59961c0.700195 2.7002 -1.2998 5.10059 -3.89941 5.10059h-32.9004 c-4.09961 0 -6.89941 -2.10059 -7.7998 -6l-8 -30c-0.900391 -3.30078 1.5 -6.7002 5.09961 -6.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="css3-alt" unicode="&#xf38b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M0 416h384l-34.9004 -395.8l-157.1 -52.2002l-157.1 52.2002zM313.1 336h-242.199l5.7998 -47.2998h122.899l-6.5 -2.7002l-112.1 -46.7002l3.59961 -46.2998l0.200195 0.0996094v-0.0996094l166.3 -0.5l-3.69922 -61.5996l-54.7002 -15.4004l-52.6006 13.2998 l-3.19922 38.2998h-48.9004l6.40039 -73.8994l98.7998 -29.2002l98.2002 28.7002l12.7998 146.6h-111.5l0.299805 0.100586l115.3 49.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cuttlefish" unicode="&#xf38c;" horiz-adv-x="440" d="M344 142.5c13.7002 -50.9004 41.7002 -93.2998 87 -117.8c-45.2998 -49.6006 -110.5 -80.7002 -183 -80.7002c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248c72.5 0 137.7 -31.0996 183 -80.7002c-45.2998 -24.5 -73.2998 -66.8994 -87 -117.8 c-17.5 31.5996 -57.4004 54.5 -96 54.5c-56.5996 0 -104 -47.4004 -104 -104s47.4004 -104 104 -104c38.5996 0 78.5 22.9004 96 54.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="d-and-d" unicode="&#xf38d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M82.5 349.1c-0.599609 17.2002 2 33.8008 12.7002 48.2002c0.299805 -7.39941 1.2002 -14.5 4.2002 -21.5996c5.89941 27.5 19.6992 49.2998 42.2998 65.5c-1.90039 -5.90039 -3.5 -11.7998 -3 -17.7002c8.7002 7.40039 18.7998 17.7998 44.3994 22.7002 c14.7002 2.7998 29.7002 2 42.1006 -1c38.5 -9.2998 61 -34.2998 69.7002 -72.2998c5.2998 -23.1006 0.699219 -45 -8.30078 -66.4004c-5.19922 -12.4004 -12 -24.4004 -20.6992 -35.0996c-2 1.89941 -3.90039 3.7998 -5.80078 5.59961 c-42.7998 40.7998 -26.7998 25.2002 -37.3994 37.4004c-1.10059 1.19922 -1 2.19922 -0.100586 3.59961c8.30078 13.5 11.8008 28.2002 10 44c-1.09961 9.7998 -4.2998 18.9004 -11.2998 26.2002c-14.5 15.2998 -39.2002 15 -53.5 -0.600586 c-11.3994 -12.5 -14.0996 -27.3994 -10.8994 -43.5996c0.199219 -1.2998 0.399414 -2.7002 0 -3.90039c-3.40039 -13.6992 -4.60059 -27.5996 -2.5 -41.5996c0.0996094 -0.5 0.0996094 -1.09961 0.0996094 -1.59961c0 -0.300781 -0.0996094 -0.5 -0.200195 -1.10059 c-21.7998 11 -36 28.2998 -43.2002 52.2002c-8.2998 -17.7998 -11.0996 -35.5 -6.59961 -54.0996c-15.5996 15.1992 -21.2998 34.2998 -22 55.1992zM552.1 225.9c0.5 -0.600586 1.2002 -1 1.7002 -1.40039v-0.5c-15 3.59961 -29.7998 1.7998 -44.5 -1.2998 c-9.2998 -2 -18.2998 -4.7002 -26.7002 -9c-2.89941 -1.5 -5.69922 -3.2998 -8 -4.7002c-5.7998 2.40039 -11.2998 5.5 -17.1992 6.7998c-24.5 5.2998 -45.8008 -1.2002 -62.5 -20c-19.7002 -22.2002 -34.5 -47.5996 -46.7002 -74.5l-1.2002 -2.7002 c-0.0996094 -0.199219 -0.200195 -0.299805 -0.400391 -0.399414c-12.0996 8.2998 -21.5996 20.2998 -36.0996 25.5996c0.299805 0.400391 0.400391 0.900391 0.700195 1.2998c20.5996 28.2002 44.8994 52.5 75.0996 70.4004c16 9.5 33 16.0996 51.5 18.5 c1.7998 0.200195 3.5 0.400391 5.2998 1.09961c-4.39941 0 -8.7998 0.300781 -13.0996 -0.0996094c-21.2002 -1.90039 -40.5 -9.59961 -58.7002 -20.2002c-13.7998 -8 -26.2002 -17.7002 -36.5996 -29.7998c-0.400391 -0.5 -0.600586 -1.09961 -0.900391 -1.7002 c-0.299805 0.299805 -0.700195 0.600586 -1 0.900391c11 30.8994 30.7002 55 57.7002 73.2998c0.200195 -0.200195 0.5 -0.299805 0.700195 -0.5c-1.2002 -1.7002 -2.5 -3.2998 -3.5 -5.09961c-1.7998 -3.30078 -3.7002 -6.5 -5.10059 -10 c-1.7998 -4.30078 1.60059 -8.60059 12 -0.5c18.2002 14.0996 29.6006 26.2998 48.9004 29.5996c0.700195 0.0996094 1.2998 0.299805 1.90039 0.299805h2.5c-1 -0.700195 -1.60059 -1.09961 -2.2002 -1.5c-11.6006 -7.7998 -11.7998 -7.39941 -15 -12 c-2.60059 -3.7002 -0.200195 -8 4.7002 -6.7998c2.59961 0.599609 5.19922 1.2998 7.69922 2.2002c9.40039 3.2998 19 5.7998 29 6.39941c13.9004 0.800781 27.1006 -1.89941 39.9004 -7.09961c15.0996 -6.2002 28.5 -15 40.0996 -26.5996zM316.7 50.4004 c1.5 -1.30078 1.89941 -2.40039 0.899414 -4.2002c-25.2998 -50.2002 -61.0996 -89.1006 -116 -98.7998c-26.7998 -4.7002 -52.8994 -2.7002 -77.8994 8.59961c-18.5 8.2002 -34.6006 19.5996 -47.2002 35.5996c-2 2.60059 -3.7002 5.40039 -5.90039 8.60059 c-0.699219 -7.7998 0.100586 -14.9004 1.5 -21.9004c-0.199219 -0.200195 -0.399414 -0.299805 -0.599609 -0.5c-3.2002 3.40039 -6.59961 6.60059 -9.5 10.2998c-12.2002 15.5 -19.5 33.3008 -24.0996 52.3008c-11.8008 48.2998 -0.5 78.7998 7.7998 101.1 c-8.7002 -4.7998 -16.2002 -10.2998 -23.6006 -16.2002c11.6006 32.7998 31.9004 59.9004 56.1006 84.6006c2.39941 -2.10059 3.2998 -4.7002 3 -7.40039c-0.200195 -1 -5.90039 -38.9004 -5.60059 -44.7002c18.9004 18.9004 40.5 33.2998 64.8008 43.9004 c-7.5 -11.1006 -11 -23.4004 -11.8008 -37.2998c13.4004 12.1992 27.7002 20.0996 46.4004 13.8994c-8.5 -9.09961 -30.7998 -30.5 -38.5996 -64.2998c-5.10059 -21.9004 -3.80078 -43.0996 8.19922 -62.5996c11.2002 -18.3008 27.8008 -27.8008 49.4004 -27.8008 c12.5996 0 23.7998 5 34.0996 11.8008c18.5 12.2998 32.8008 28.5 44 47.5996c1.90039 3.2002 1.10059 2.09961 1.90039 3c19.9004 -16.0996 3.2998 -2.59961 42.7002 -35.5996zM488.7 96.7998c20.2002 -6.59961 35.5 -18.7998 43.7998 -38.8994 c9.2002 -23.1006 2.09961 -49.4004 -17.4004 -66c-16.3994 -14 -35.6992 -19.2002 -57 -17.4004c-0.599609 0 -1.19922 0 -1.89941 -0.299805c15.0996 -10.7002 31.5996 -15.2002 50.8994 -10.6006c-2.19922 -2.39941 -3.89941 -4.69922 -5.89941 -6.5 c-12.2998 -10.8994 -26.9004 -16.8994 -42.9004 -19.7998c-39.5996 -7.2998 -75.5996 12.7998 -85 56.9004c-0.5 2.09961 -0.599609 4.2002 -0.899414 6.39941c-10.8008 -8.19922 -16.4004 -34.0996 -0.700195 -52.2998c-1.60059 0.5 -2.60059 0.700195 -3.60059 1.10059 c-21.2998 8.2998 -34.3994 28.2998 -33.5 51.1992c0.900391 23.2002 4.90039 41 -13 56c-16.5 13.8008 -33 27.4004 -49.5 41.1006c-8.09961 6.7002 -14.7998 14.5 -17 25.0996c-1 4.60059 -1.39941 9.40039 -1.7998 14.1006c-0.5 6.09961 -3.2998 11 -7.89941 14.7998 c-4.5 3.89941 -9.30078 7.39941 -13.8008 11.2002c-8.89941 7.5 -12.2998 18.8994 -7.2998 29.8994c2.7998 -12.8994 9.60059 -18.8994 22.6006 -20.2998c4.39941 -0.5 8.89941 -0.799805 13.2998 -1.5c8.09961 -1.2002 12.7998 -6.09961 14.2998 -14.2002 c0.700195 -3.39941 1.2998 -6.7998 2.2002 -10.2002c1.59961 -5.59961 4.5 -8 10.3994 -8.39941c4.60059 -0.299805 9.30078 -0.5 13.9004 -0.900391c7.59961 -0.599609 14.2002 -3.7998 20.0996 -8.7002c19.4004 -16.1992 39 -32.1992 58.5 -48.2998 c5.7002 -4.7002 12 -8.2002 19.6006 -8.5c16.7002 -0.599609 29 15.2002 24.7998 31.7998c-0.200195 0.700195 -0.400391 1.5 -0.0996094 2.80078c2.39941 -2 4.89941 -3.80078 7 -5.90039c14.0996 -14 18.0996 -39.2998 8.69922 -56.0996 c-2.09961 -3.80078 -5.2998 -7.10059 -8.09961 -10.8008c0.700195 -0.199219 1.7998 -0.5 3 -0.599609c14 -1.40039 27.2002 1 38.9004 9.09961c15.7998 10.9004 18 31.2002 5.39941 45.6006c-4.7002 5.39941 -8.89941 8 -18.7998 12 c6.5 1.2998 19.2002 0.200195 28.7002 -2.90039zM99.4004 268.7c-5.30078 9.2002 -13.2002 15.5996 -22.1006 21.2998c13.7002 0.5 26.6006 -0.200195 39.6006 -3.7002c-7 12.2002 -8.5 24.7002 -5 38.7002c5.2998 -11.9004 13.6992 -20.0996 23.5996 -26.7998 c19.7002 -13.2002 35.7002 -19.6006 46.7002 -30.2002c3.39941 -3.2998 6.2998 -7.09961 9.59961 -10.9004c-0.799805 2.10059 -1.39941 4.10059 -2.2002 6c-5 10.6006 -13 18.6006 -22.5996 25c-1.7998 1.2002 -2.7998 2.5 -3.40039 4.5 c-3.2998 12.5 -3 25.1006 -0.699219 37.6006c1 5.5 2.7998 10.8994 4.5 16.2998c0.799805 2.40039 2.2998 4.59961 4 6.59961c0.599609 -6.89941 0 -25.5 19.5996 -46c10.7998 -11.2998 22.4004 -21.8994 33.9004 -32.6992c9 -8.5 18.2998 -16.7002 25.5 -26.8008 c1.09961 -1.59961 2.19922 -3.2998 3.7998 -4.69922c-5 13 -14.2002 24.0996 -24.2002 33.7998c-9.59961 9.2998 -19.4004 18.3994 -29.2002 27.3994c-3.2998 3 -4.59961 6.7002 -5.09961 10.9004c-1.2002 10.4004 0 20.5996 4.2998 30.2002c0.5 1 1.09961 2 1.90039 3.2998 c0.5 -4.2002 0.599609 -7.90039 1.39941 -11.5996c4.7998 -23.1006 20.4004 -36.3008 49.2998 -63.5c10 -9.40039 19.3008 -19.2002 25.6006 -31.6006c4.7998 -9.2998 7.2998 -19 5.7002 -29.5996c-0.100586 -0.600586 0.5 -1.7002 1.09961 -2 c6.2002 -2.60059 10 -6.90039 9.7002 -14.2998c7.7002 2.59961 12.5 8 16.3994 14.5c4.2002 -20.2002 -9.09961 -50.3008 -27.1992 -58.7002c0.399414 4.5 5 23.3994 -16.5 27.7002c-6.80078 1.2998 -12.8008 1.2998 -22.9004 2.09961c4.7002 9 10.4004 20.5996 0.5 22.4004 c-24.9004 4.59961 -52.7998 -1.90039 -57.7998 -4.60059c8.2002 -0.399414 16.2998 -1 23.5 -3.2998c-2 -6.5 -4 -12.7002 -5.7998 -18.9004c-1.90039 -6.5 2.09961 -14.5996 9.2998 -9.59961c1.2002 0.900391 2.2998 1.90039 3.2998 2.7002 c-3.09961 -17.9004 -2.90039 -15.9004 -2.7998 -18.2998c0.299805 -10.2002 9.5 -7.80078 15.7002 -7.30078c-2.5 -11.7998 -29.5 -27.2998 -45.4004 -25.7998c7 4.7002 12.7002 10.2998 15.9004 17.9004c-6.5 -0.799805 -12.9004 -1.60059 -19.2002 -2.40039 l-0.299805 0.900391c4.69922 3.39941 8 7.7998 10.1992 13.0996c8.7002 21.1006 -3.59961 38 -25 39.9004c-9.09961 0.799805 -17.7998 -0.799805 -25.8994 -5.5c6.2002 15.5996 17.2002 26.5996 32.5996 34.5c-15.2002 4.2998 -8.89941 2.7002 -24.5996 6.2998 c14.5996 9.2998 30.2002 13.2002 46.5 14.5996c-5.2002 3.2002 -48.1006 3.60059 -70.2002 -20.8994c7.90039 -1.40039 15.5 -2.7998 23.2002 -4.2002c-23.7998 -7 -44 -19.7002 -62.4004 -35.5996c1.10059 4.7998 2.7002 9.5 3.2998 14.2998 c0.600586 4.5 0.800781 9.2002 0.100586 13.5996c-1.5 9.40039 -8.90039 15.1006 -19.7002 16.2998c-7.90039 0.900391 -15.5996 -0.0996094 -23.2998 -1.2998c-0.900391 -0.0996094 -1.7002 -0.299805 -2.90039 0c15.7998 14.7998 36 21.7002 53.1006 33.5 c6 4.5 6.7998 8.2002 3 14.9004zM227.8 241.9c3.2998 -16 12.6006 -25.5 23.7998 -24.3008c-4.59961 11.3008 -12.0996 19.5 -23.7998 24.3008z" /> <glyph 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-32h384c17.5996 0 32 14.5 32 32v256 c0 17.5996 -14.5 32 -32 32zM448 384c35.2002 0 64 -28.7998 64 -64v-256c0 -35.2002 -28.7998 -64 -64 -64h-384c-35.2002 0 -64 28.7998 -64 64v256c0 35.2002 28.7998 64 64 64h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deskpro" unicode="&#xf38f;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M205.9 -64l31.0996 38.4004c12.2998 0.199219 25.5996 1.39941 36.5 6.59961c38.9004 18.5996 38.4004 61.9004 38.2998 63.7998c-0.0996094 5 -0.799805 4.40039 -28.8994 37.4004h79.0996c-0.200195 -50.1006 -7.2998 -68.5 -10.2002 -75.7002 c-9.39941 -23.7002 -43.8994 -62.7998 -95.2002 -69.4004c-8.69922 -1.09961 -32.7998 -1.19922 -50.6992 -1.09961zM406.3 103.7l-119.2 -0.100586l17.4004 31.3008l175.5 -0.300781c-15.2002 -17.2998 -35.0996 -30.8994 -73.7002 -30.8994zM362.7 327.6v-168.3h-73.5 l-32.7002 -55.5h-6.5c-52.2998 0 -58.0996 56.5 -58.2998 58.9004c-1.2002 13.2002 -21.2998 11.5996 -20.1006 -1.7998c1.40039 -15.8008 8.80078 -40 26.4004 -57.1006h-91c-25.5 0 -110.8 26.7998 -107 114v213.3c0 16 9.7002 16.6006 15 16.8008h82 c0.200195 0 0.299805 -0.100586 0.5 -0.100586c4.2998 0.400391 50.0996 2.10059 50.0996 -43.7002c0 -13.2998 20.2002 -13.3994 20.2002 0c0 18.2002 -5.5 32.8008 -15.7998 43.7002h84.2002c108.7 0.400391 126.5 -79.3994 126.5 -120.2zM230.2 271.6l64 -29.2998 c13.2998 45.5 -42.2002 71.7002 -64 29.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="discord" unicode="&#xf392;" d="M297.216 204.8c0 -15.6162 -11.5195 -28.416 -26.1123 -28.416c-14.3359 0 -26.1113 12.7998 -26.1113 28.416s11.5195 28.416 26.1113 28.416c14.5928 0 26.1123 -12.7998 26.1123 -28.416zM177.664 233.216c14.5918 0 26.3682 -12.7998 26.1123 -28.416 c0 -15.6162 -11.5205 -28.416 -26.1123 -28.416c-14.3359 0 -26.1123 12.7998 -26.1123 28.416s11.5205 28.416 26.1123 28.416zM448 395.264v-459.264c-64.4941 56.9941 -43.8682 38.1279 -118.784 107.776l13.5684 -47.3604h-290.304 c-28.9287 0 -52.4805 23.5518 -52.4805 52.7363v346.111c0 29.1846 23.5518 52.7363 52.4805 52.7363h343.039c28.9287 0 52.4805 -23.5518 52.4805 -52.7363zM375.04 152.576c0 82.4316 -36.8643 149.248 -36.8643 149.248 c-36.8643 27.6475 -71.9355 26.8799 -71.9355 26.8799l-3.58398 -4.0957c43.5195 -13.3125 63.7441 -32.5127 63.7441 -32.5127c-60.8115 33.3291 -132.244 33.335 -191.232 7.42383c-9.47168 -4.35156 -15.1035 -7.42383 -15.1035 -7.42383 s21.2471 20.2246 67.3271 33.5361l-2.55957 3.07227s-35.0723 0.767578 -71.9355 -26.8799c0 0 -36.8643 -66.8164 -36.8643 -149.248c0 0 21.5039 -37.1201 78.0801 -38.9121c0 0 9.47168 11.5195 17.1514 21.248c-32.5117 9.72754 -44.7998 30.208 -44.7998 30.208 c3.7666 -2.63574 9.97656 -6.05273 10.4961 -6.40039c43.21 -24.1973 104.588 -32.126 159.744 -8.95996c8.95996 3.32812 18.9443 8.19238 29.4395 15.1045c0 0 -12.7998 -20.9922 -46.3359 -30.4639c7.68066 -9.72852 16.8965 -20.7363 16.8965 -20.7363 c56.5762 1.79199 78.3359 38.9121 78.3359 38.9121z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dochub" unicode="&#xf394;" horiz-adv-x="416" d="M397.9 288h-141.9v140.4zM304 256h96v-126.1c0 -129.301 -70.2998 -193.9 -210.8 -193.9h-189.2v512h189.2c12.2002 0 23.7002 -1.09961 34.5996 -3.2998v-84c-10 1.7002 -21.0996 2.5 -33.0996 2.5h-94.7002v-337.3h94.7002c76.7998 0 113.3 33.2998 113.3 100.1v130z " /> <glyph glyph-name="docker" unicode="&#xf395;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M349.9 211.7h-66.1006v59.3994h66.1006v-59.3994zM349.9 416v-60.7002h-66.1006v60.7002h66.1006zM428.1 271.2v-59.4004h-66.0996v59.4004h66.0996zM271.8 343.3v-60.0996h-66.0996v60.0996h66.0996zM349.9 343.3v-60.0996h-66.1006v60.0996h66.1006zM626.7 243.3 l13.2998 -8.89941c-1.90039 -3.90039 -7 -14.6006 -8.5 -17.1006c-23.7002 -45.2998 -69.9004 -45.5996 -91.2998 -45.2002c-54.5 -131.699 -171 -204.199 -328.4 -204.199c-72.7002 0 -128.3 22.2998 -165.399 66.1992c-38.2002 45.3008 -52.7002 111.301 -44 162.101 h434.699c22.6006 -0.400391 39.7002 6 48.4004 10.7002c-19.7002 30.1992 -14.7002 76 3.7002 103.8l9.2998 14l14 -9.2998c24.4004 -18.8008 37.7998 -39.7002 41.0996 -63.7002c25.5 4.7998 58.7002 1.2998 73.1006 -8.40039zM115.6 271.2h0.100586v-59.4004h-66.1006 v59.4004h66zM193.7 271.2v-59.4004h-66.1006v59.4004h66.1006zM271.8 271.2v-59.4004h-66.0996v59.4004h66.0996zM193.7 343.3v-60.0996h-66.1006v60.0996h66.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="draft2digital" unicode="&#xf396;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M480 49.9004l-144 -81.9004v64.2002l-336 -0.100586c18.2998 19.1006 84.5 87.8008 161.1 174.801c32.6006 37.1992 78 83.2998 69.7002 127.6c-5.2998 28.2998 -42.2002 50.7998 -83.2998 33.5c-8.59961 -3.59961 -24.5 -17.4004 -26.2998 -24.7002 c28.2998 -4.7002 48 -29.7002 48 -56.7998c0 -31.7002 -25.6006 -57.4004 -57.2998 -57.4004c-37.3008 0 -62.2002 34.1006 -56.7002 67.1006c1.2002 7.89941 5.09961 26.7998 18.2002 47.7002c14.8994 23.8994 45.1992 54.8994 104.3 67.2998 c103.8 21.7002 161.6 -36.6006 166 -41.2002c28.8994 -29.9004 48 -90.7002 12.7998 -153.3c-30 -53.4004 -81 -114.3 -111.8 -149.3h91.2998v64.6992zM369.9 77v-54.4004l47.0996 27.2002zM134.2 286.6c0 12.3008 -10 22.4004 -22.4004 22.4004 c-12.3994 0 -22.3994 -10 -22.3994 -22.4004c0 -12.3994 10 -22.3994 22.3994 -22.3994c12.4004 0 22.4004 10 22.4004 22.3994zM82.5 67.5h114.4c17.5996 19.2002 91.5 100.8 128.5 166.7c36.5996 65.0996 -5.80078 113.3 -5.80078 113.3 c-14.1992 14.9004 -36.8994 36.2002 -82.1992 38.2998c6.7998 -5.5 16.8994 -16.8994 24.2998 -35.7002c11.8994 -30.2998 6.7002 -69.5996 -28.4004 -112.699c-53.0996 -65.2002 -125.2 -142.5 -150.8 -169.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dribbble-square" unicode="&#xf397;" d="M90.2002 219.8c8.89941 42.4004 37.3994 77.7002 75.7002 95.7002c3.59961 -4.90039 28 -38.7998 50.6992 -79c-64 -17 -120.3 -16.7998 -126.399 -16.7002zM314.6 294c-2.5 -3.5 -23 -31.0996 -71.5996 -49.4004c-22.4004 41.1006 -47.2002 74.9004 -51 80 c43.2998 10.5 89 -0.799805 122.6 -30.5996zM140.1 84c14.3008 29.2002 53 66.7998 108.101 85.5996c19.2002 -49.7998 27.2002 -91.5996 29.2002 -103.6c-44 -18.7002 -96.8008 -13.5996 -137.301 18zM238.9 192.2c-49.4004 -13.9004 -94.3008 -53.9004 -116.5 -91.7998 c-21.8008 24.2998 -35.1006 56.2998 -35.1006 91.3994c0 1.40039 0.100586 2.7998 0.100586 4.2002c6 -0.200195 72.1992 -1 140.399 19.4004c3.90039 -7.7002 7.7002 -15.4004 11.1006 -23.2002zM273.8 175.9c42.7998 6.89941 80.5 -4.30078 85.1006 -5.80078 c-6.10059 -38 -27.9004 -70.8994 -58.6006 -91.5996c-1.39941 8.2998 -8.59961 48.2998 -26.5 97.4004zM253.5 224.3c50.5 20.7002 73.4004 50 76.2998 53.9004c19.1006 -23.2002 30.6006 -52.7998 30.9004 -85.1006c-4.5 1 -49.7002 10.1006 -95.2002 4.40039 c-3.7002 9 -7.2002 17 -12 26.7998zM448 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM384 192c0 88.2002 -71.7998 160 -160 160s-160 -71.7998 -160 -160s71.7998 -160 160 -160 s160 71.7998 160 160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dyalog" unicode="&#xf399;" horiz-adv-x="416" d="M0 416h171.2c74.5 0 137.7 -24 182.5 -69.5996c40.2002 -40.9004 62.2998 -95.6006 62.2998 -154.301c0 -111.399 -84.0996 -224.1 -244.8 -224.1h-171.2v64h171.2c122.2 0 180.8 84 180.8 160.1c0 79.7002 -67.4004 159.9 -180.8 159.9h-107.2v-55.2002h-64v119.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="earlybirds" unicode="&#xf39a;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M313.2 400.5c1.2002 13 21.2998 14 36.5996 8.7002c0.900391 -0.299805 26.2002 -9.7002 19 -15.2002c-27.8994 7.40039 -56.3994 -18.2002 -55.5996 6.5zM112.2 393.6c-7.7998 6.2002 19.8994 16.4004 20.8994 16.7002c16.8008 5.7002 38.9004 4.60059 40.2002 -9.59961 c0.900391 -27.1006 -30.3994 1 -61.0996 -7.10059zM319.4 288c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16c-8.80078 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.19922 16 16 16zM159.7 288c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16z M478.2 124.8c-9.90039 -24 -40.7002 -11 -63.9004 1.2002c-13.5 -69.0996 -58.0996 -111.4 -126.3 -124.2c0.299805 -0.899414 -2 0.100586 24 -1c33.5996 -1.39941 63.7998 3.10059 97.4004 8c-19.8008 13.7998 -11.4004 37.1006 -9.80078 38.1006 c1.40039 0.899414 14.7002 -1.7002 21.6006 -11.5c8.59961 12.5 28.3994 14.7998 30.2002 13.5996c1.59961 -1.09961 6.59961 -20.9004 -6.90039 -34.5996c4.7002 0.899414 8.2002 1.59961 9.7998 2.09961c2.60059 0.799805 17.7002 -11.2998 3.10059 -13.2998 c-14.3008 -2.2998 -22.6006 -5.10059 -47.1006 -10.7998c-45.8994 -10.7002 -85.8994 -11.8008 -117.7 -12.8008l1 -11.5996c3.80078 -18.0996 -23.3994 -24.2998 -27.5996 -6.2002c0.799805 -17.8994 -27.0996 -21.7998 -28.4004 1l-0.5 -5.2998 c-0.699219 -18.4004 -28.3994 -17.9004 -28.2998 0.599609c-7.5 -13.5 -28.0996 -6.7998 -26.3994 8.5l1.19922 12.4004c-36.6992 -0.900391 -59.6992 -3.09961 -61.7998 -3.09961c-20.8994 0 -20.8994 31.5996 0 31.5996c2.40039 0 27.7002 -1.2998 63.2002 -2.7998 c-61.0996 15.5 -103.7 55 -114.9 118.2c-25 -12.8008 -57.5 -26.8008 -68.1992 -0.800781c-10.5 25.4004 21.5 42.6006 66.7998 73.4004c0.700195 6.59961 1.59961 13.2998 2.7002 19.7998c-14.4004 19.6006 -11.6006 36.2998 -16.1006 60.4004 c-16.7998 -2.40039 -23.2002 9.09961 -23.5996 23.0996c0.299805 7.2998 2.09961 14.9004 2.39941 15.4004c1.10059 1.7998 10.1006 2 12.7002 2.59961c6 31.7002 50.6006 33.2002 90.9004 34.5c19.7002 21.7998 45.2002 41.5 80.8994 48.2998 c-15.2998 19.4004 -3.39941 39.9004 -2.39941 40.4004c1.7002 0.799805 21.2002 -4.2998 26.2998 -23.2002c5.2002 8.7998 18.2998 11.4004 19.5996 10.7002c1.10059 -0.599609 6.40039 -15 -4.89941 -25.9004c40.2998 -3.5 72.2002 -24.6992 96 -50.6992 c36.0996 -1.5 71.7998 -5.90039 77.0996 -34c2.7002 -0.600586 11.6006 -0.800781 12.7002 -2.60059c0.299805 -0.5 2.09961 -8.09961 2.40039 -15.3994c-0.5 -13.9004 -6.80078 -25.4004 -23.6006 -23.1006c-3.2002 -17.2998 -2.7002 -32.8994 -8.7002 -47.7002 c2.40039 -11.6992 4 -23.7998 4.80078 -36.3994c37 -25.4004 70.2998 -42.5 60.2998 -66.9004zM207.4 288.1c0.899414 44 -37.9004 42.2002 -78.6006 40.3008c-21.7002 -1 -38.8994 -1.90039 -45.5 -13.9004c-11.3994 -20.9004 5.90039 -92.9004 23.2002 -101.2 c9.7998 -4.7002 73.4004 -7.89941 86.2998 7.10059c8.2002 9.39941 15 49.3994 14.6006 67.6992zM259.4 229.8c-4.30078 12.4004 -6 30.1006 -15.3008 32.7002c-2 0.5 -9 0.5 -11 0c-10 -2.7998 -10.7998 -22.0996 -17 -37.2002c15.4004 0 19.3008 -9.7002 23.7002 -9.7002 c4.2998 0 6.2998 11.3008 19.6006 14.2002zM395.1 314.5c-6.59961 12.0996 -24.7998 12.9004 -46.5 13.9004c-40.1992 1.89941 -78.1992 3.7998 -77.2998 -40.3008c-0.5 -18.2998 5 -58.2998 13.2002 -67.7998c13 -14.8994 76.5996 -11.7998 86.2998 -7.09961 c15.7998 7.59961 36.5 78.8994 24.2998 101.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="firstdraft" unicode="&#xf3a1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 256h-64v-128h-128v-128h-192v25.5996h166.4v128h128v128h89.5996v-25.5996zM358.4 217.6h25.5996v-153.6h-128v-128h-192v25.5996h166.4v128h128v128zM384 25.5996v-25.5996h-64v-64h-25.5996v89.5996h89.5996zM0 448h384v-128h-128v-128h-128v-128h-128v384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fonticons-fi" unicode="&#xf3a2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M114.4 224h92.3994l-15.2002 -51.2002h-76.3994v-157.8c0 -8 -2.7998 -9.2002 4.39941 -10l59.6006 -5.59961v-34.4004h-179.2v35.2002l29.2002 2.7998c7.2002 0.799805 9.2002 3.2002 9.2002 10.7998v155.8c0 3.2002 -4 3.2002 -8 3.2002h-30.4004v51.2002h38.4004 v28.7998c0 68 36.3994 96 106 96c46.7998 0 88.7998 -11.2002 88.7998 -72.3994l-69.6006 -8.40039c0.400391 25.5996 -6 31.5996 -22.3994 31.5996c-25.2002 0 -26 -13.5996 -26 -37.5996v-32c0 -3.2002 -4.7998 -6 -0.799805 -6zM384 -35h-140.8v34.4004l28 3.59961 c7.2002 0.799805 10.3994 2.40039 10.3994 10v148c0 5.59961 -4 9.2002 -9.19922 10.7998l-33.2002 8.7998l9.2002 40.4004h110v-208c0 -8 -3.60059 -8.7998 4 -10l21.5996 -3.59961v-34.4004zM354 312.2l12.4004 -45.6006l-10 -10l-42.8008 22.8008l-42.7998 -22.8008 l-10 10l12.4004 45.6006l-30 36.3994l4.7998 10h38l21.2002 38.4004h12.7998l21.2002 -38.4004h38l4.7998 -13.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fort-awesome-alt" unicode="&#xf3a3;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M208 210.6c2.09961 0 3.7002 -1.59961 3.7002 -3.69922v-51.7002c0 -2.10059 -1.60059 -3.7002 -3.7002 -3.7002h-22.2002c-2.09961 0 -3.7002 1.59961 -3.7002 3.7002v51.7002c0 2.09961 1.60059 3.69922 3.7002 3.69922h22.2002zM326.2 210.6 c2 0 3.59961 -1.59961 3.7002 -3.69922v-51.7002c0 -2.10059 -1.60059 -3.7002 -3.7002 -3.7002h-22.2002c-2.09961 0 -3.7002 1.59961 -3.7002 3.7002v51.7002c0 2.09961 1.60059 3.69922 3.7002 3.69922h22.2002zM458.2 335.7 c28.8994 -40.7002 45.7998 -90.2002 45.7998 -143.7c0 -2 0 -4 -0.0996094 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17.2998 -17.4004 17.2998 -30.5c0 -15.8008 -10.7002 -29 -24.9004 -33.5v-92.2002c81.9004 32.2998 139.8 112.1 139.8 205.399 c0 83.2002 -46 155.601 -113.899 193.2c-5.2998 2.90039 -7.40039 9.60059 -4.7002 15.1006c2.90039 5.89941 10.2002 8.19922 15.9004 5c75 -41.5 125.8 -121.5 125.8 -213.301c0 -114.699 -79.2002 -210.899 -185.9 -236.8v104 c-7.5 -2.59961 -15.0996 -4.7002 -23 -6.2002v-123.699c129.9 17 230.2 128.1 230.2 262.699c0 32.8008 -6 64.3008 -16.9004 93.3008c-2.19922 5.69922 0.600586 12.1992 6.30078 14.5996c6 2.59961 13 -0.5 15.2998 -6.59961zM365.9 172.5 c-13.1006 0 -23.7002 -10.5996 -23.7002 -23.7002c0 -13.2002 10.7002 -23.7002 23.7002 -23.7002c13.0996 0 23.6992 10.6006 23.6992 23.7002c0 13.2002 -10.6992 23.7002 -23.6992 23.7002zM226.1 125.2c13.2002 0 23.7002 10.7002 23.7002 23.7002 c0 13.0996 -10.5996 23.6992 -23.7002 23.6992c-13.1992 0 -23.6992 -10.6992 -23.6992 -23.6992s10.5 -23.7002 23.6992 -23.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gofore" unicode="&#xf3a7;" horiz-adv-x="400" d="M324 128.2c54.2998 0 65.7002 -50.1006 67.7002 -77.7002c-46.5 -56.2998 -107.8 -82.5 -171 -82.5c-123.7 0 -220.7 101.5 -220.7 224c0 123.4 98 224 220.7 224c59 0 114.3 -23.2998 156.1 -65.5996l-62.2998 -63.3008c-25 25.4004 -58.2998 39.4004 -93.5996 39.4004 c-73.2002 0 -132.4 -60.2998 -132.4 -134.4c0 -74.1992 59.2002 -134.399 132.4 -134.399c33.5996 0 65.3994 12.7002 89.8994 35.7998v34.7002h13.2002zM311.9 240.7c47.6992 0 88.0996 -35 88.0996 -100.2v-30.5996c-15.5 26.6992 -42.5 41.7998 -76 41.7998h-118.4v89 h106.301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="goodreads" unicode="&#xf3a8;" d="M299.9 256.8c5.09961 -37.2998 -4.7002 -79 -35.9004 -100.7c-22.2998 -15.5 -52.7998 -14.0996 -70.7998 -5.69922c-37.1006 17.2998 -49.5 58.5996 -46.7998 97.1992c4.2998 60.9004 40.8994 87.9004 75.2998 87.5c46.8994 0.200195 71.7998 -31.7998 78.2002 -78.2998 zM448 360v-336c0 -30.9004 -25.0996 -56 -56 -56h-336c-30.9004 0 -56 25.0996 -56 56v336c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56h336c30.9004 0 56 -25.0996 56 -56zM330 134.8c0 0 -0.0996094 34 -0.0996094 217.3h-29v-40.2998c-0.800781 -0.299805 -1.2002 0.5 -1.60059 1.2002 c-9.59961 20.7002 -35.8994 46.2998 -76 46c-51.8994 -0.400391 -87.2002 -31.2002 -100.6 -77.7998c-4.2998 -14.9004 -5.7998 -30.1006 -5.5 -45.6006c1.7002 -77.8994 45.0996 -117.8 112.399 -115.199c28.9004 1.09961 54.5 17 69 45.1992 c0.5 1 1.10059 1.90039 1.7002 2.90039c0.200195 -0.0996094 0.400391 -0.0996094 0.600586 -0.200195c0.299805 -3.7998 0.199219 -30.7002 0.0996094 -34.5c-0.200195 -14.7998 -2 -29.5 -7.2002 -43.5c-7.7998 -21 -22.2998 -34.7002 -44.5 -39.5 c-17.7998 -3.89941 -35.5996 -3.7998 -53.2002 1.2002c-21.5 6.09961 -36.5 19 -41.0996 41.7998c-0.299805 1.60059 -1.2998 1.2998 -2.2998 1.2998h-26.7998c0.799805 -10.5996 3.19922 -20.2998 8.5 -29.1992c24.1992 -40.5 82.6992 -48.5 128.199 -37.4004 c49.9004 12.2998 67.3008 54.9004 67.4004 106.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="goodreads-g" unicode="&#xf3a9;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M42.5996 44.7002h2.80078c12.6992 0 25.5 0 38.1992 -0.100586c1.60059 0 3.10059 0.400391 3.60059 -2.09961c7.09961 -34.9004 30 -54.5996 62.8994 -63.9004c26.9004 -7.59961 54.1006 -7.7998 81.3008 -1.7998c33.7998 7.40039 56 28.2998 68 60.4004 c8 21.5 10.6992 43.7998 11 66.5c0.0996094 5.7998 0.299805 47 -0.200195 52.7998l-0.900391 0.299805c-0.799805 -1.5 -1.7002 -2.89941 -2.5 -4.39941c-22.0996 -43.1006 -61.2998 -67.4004 -105.399 -69.1006c-103 -4 -169.4 57 -172 176.2 c-0.5 23.7002 1.7998 46.9004 8.2998 69.7002c20.5996 71.0996 74.5996 118.2 153.899 118.8c61.3008 0.400391 101.5 -38.7002 116.2 -70.2998c0.5 -1.10059 1.2998 -2.2998 2.40039 -1.90039v61.6006h44.2998c0 -280.301 0.0996094 -332.2 0.0996094 -332.2 c-0.0996094 -78.5 -26.6992 -143.7 -103 -162.2c-69.5 -16.9004 -159 -4.7998 -196 57.2002c-8 13.5 -11.7998 28.2998 -13 44.5zM188.9 411.5c-52.5 0.5 -108.5 -40.7002 -115 -133.8c-4.10059 -59 14.7998 -122.2 71.5 -148.601 c27.5996 -12.8994 74.2998 -15 108.3 8.7002c47.5996 33.2002 62.7002 97 54.7998 154c-9.7002 71.1006 -47.7998 120 -119.6 119.7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="google-drive" unicode="&#xf3aa;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M339 133.1l-163.6 282.9h161.199l163.601 -282.9h-161.2zM201.5 109.5h310.5l-80.5996 -141.5h-310.5zM154.1 380.6l82.9004 -141.399l-156.4 -271.2l-80.5996 141.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="google-play" unicode="&#xf3ab;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M325.3 213.7l-220.7 221.3l280.801 -161.2zM47 448l256.6 -255.9l-256.6 -256c-13 6.80078 -21.7002 19.2002 -21.7002 35.3008v441.3c0 16.0996 8.7002 28.5 21.7002 35.2998zM472.2 222.4c19.2002 -14.3008 19.2002 -46.5 1.2002 -60.8008l-60.1006 -34.0996 l-65.7002 64.5l65.7002 64.5zM104.6 -51l220.7 221.3l60.1006 -60.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gripfire" unicode="&#xf3ac;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M112.5 146.6c0 -26.8994 16.5996 -47.1992 32.5996 -69.5c22.5 -30.1992 44.2002 -56.8994 44.2002 -86.5c-0.0996094 -14.5 -4.39941 -29.6992 -17.5 -46.3994c0 5.2998 4.7998 12.2002 4.7998 22.2998c0 15.2002 -13 39.9004 -78.0996 86.5996 c-34.2998 29.1006 -66.5 58.5 -66.5 108.301c0 114.699 147.1 176.5 147.1 268.6c0 3.2998 -0.199219 6.7002 -0.599609 10c5.09961 -2.40039 39.0996 -43.2998 39.0996 -90.4004c0 -80.5 -105.1 -129.199 -105.1 -203zM317.8 185.6 c1.5 -8.39941 2.2002 -16.5996 2.2002 -24.5996c0 -51.7998 -29.4004 -97.5 -67.2998 -136.8c-1 -1 -2.2002 -2.40039 -3.2002 -2.40039c-3.59961 0 -35.5 41.6006 -35.5 53.2002c0 0 41.7998 55.7002 41.7998 96.9004c0 10.7998 -2.7002 21.6992 -9.09961 33.3994 c-1.5 -32.2998 -55.7002 -87.7002 -58.1006 -87.7002c-2.69922 0 -17.8994 22 -17.8994 42.1006c0 5.2998 1 10.7002 3.2002 15.7998c2.39941 5.5 56.5996 72 56.5996 116.7c0 6.2002 -1 12 -3.40039 17.0996l-4 7.2002c16.7002 -6.5 82.6006 -64.0996 94.7002 -130.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grunt" unicode="&#xf3ad;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M61.2998 258.7c0.5 4.89941 2.7998 10 7 12h0.100586c-4.60059 1.7002 -9.2002 3.09961 -13.5 4.09961c42.1992 10.2002 73.3994 -20.5996 83.0996 -31.7998c16.5996 -19.2002 35.5 -8.7998 35.5 -8.7998c0.299805 -11.1006 -10.2998 -19 -21.0996 -19.5 c1.19922 -15.4004 -13.9004 -32.5 -13.9004 -32.5s5.59961 15 2.7002 25.2998c-0.900391 3.2002 -2 6.09961 -3 8.5c-19.2998 -17.2002 -48 -1.5 -54.9004 6.09961c-9.59961 10.6006 -12.3994 23.8008 -12.7998 34.1006c-1.7998 -3.7998 -3.2998 -9.10059 -4 -16.6006 c0 0 -6.2998 9.10059 -5.2002 19.1006zM89.5996 260.5c-2.89941 -9.09961 -3.39941 -27.7002 6.90039 -35.2998c16.2998 -12.1006 32.2998 -5 38 -1.7002c-7.5 11.2998 -25.4004 26 -44.9004 37zM231.7 214.7c-10.7998 0.399414 -21.4004 8.39941 -21.2002 19.2998 c0 0 18.7998 -10.4004 35.5 8.7998c9.7002 11.2002 40.7998 42 83.0996 31.7998c-4.2998 -0.899414 -8.89941 -2.2998 -13.5 -4.09961h0.100586c4.09961 -1.7998 6.39941 -6.7998 7 -11.7998c1.2002 -10 -5.2002 -19.1006 -5.2002 -19.1006 c-0.599609 7.5 -2.2002 12.8008 -4 16.6006c-0.5 -10.2998 -3.2002 -23.5 -12.7998 -34.1006c-6.7998 -7.59961 -35.5 -23.3994 -54.7998 -6.09961c-1 -2.5 -2.10059 -5.2998 -3 -8.5c-2.90039 -10.2998 2.69922 -25.2998 2.69922 -25.2998s-15.0996 17 -13.8994 32.5z M294.4 260.5c-19.5 -11 -37.4004 -25.5996 -44.9004 -37c5.7002 -3.40039 21.5996 -10.5 37.9004 1.59961c10.3994 7.7002 10 26.3008 7 35.4004zM160 29.5c4.09961 0 7 -0.900391 8.7998 -2.7002c2.2002 -2.2998 1.5 -5.2998 0.900391 -6.7998 c-1.10059 -2.7002 -5.5 -11.5996 -13 -19.7998c-2.7002 -2.90039 -6.60059 -4.60059 -11 -4.60059c-4.2998 0 -8.7002 1.60059 -11.7998 4.30078c-2.30078 2.09961 -10.2002 9.5 -13.7002 18.5996c-1.2998 3.40039 -1 6.09961 0.899414 8.09961 c1.30078 1.30078 4 2.90039 9.5 2.90039h29.4004zM349.2 130.7c0 0 29.2998 -22.5 21.0996 -70.9004c-5.2998 -29.5 -23.2002 -46 -47 -54.7002c-8.7998 -19.0996 -29.3994 -45.6992 -67.2998 -49.5996c-14.5 -11.7998 -34.5 -19.5 -63.5996 -19.5h-0.200195 c-29.2002 0 -49.2002 7.7002 -63.6006 19.5c-37.8994 3.90039 -58.5 30.5 -67.2998 49.5996c-23.7998 8.60059 -41.7998 25.2002 -47 54.7002c-8.59961 48.2002 20.6006 70.7998 20.6006 70.7998c2.39941 -17.8994 13 -33.8994 24.5996 -43.7998 c3.09961 22.7002 3.7002 55.5 3.7002 62.4004c0 14.7002 -9.5 24.5 -12.2002 26.0996c-2.5 1.5 -5.2998 3 -8.2998 4.60059c-18 9.59961 -40.4004 21.5996 -40.4004 43.6992c0 16.1006 9.2998 23.2002 15.4004 27.8008c0.799805 0.599609 1.5 1.19922 2.2002 1.69922 c2.09961 1.7002 3.69922 3 4.2998 4.40039c4.39941 9.7998 3.59961 34.2002 1.7002 37.5996c-0.600586 0.700195 -16.8008 21 -11.8008 39.2002c2 7.40039 6.90039 13.2998 14.1006 17c5.2998 2.7002 11.7998 4.2002 19.5 4.5c0.0996094 2 0.5 4 0.899414 5.90039 c0.5 2.59961 1.10059 5.2998 0.900391 8.09961c-0.400391 4.7002 -0.799805 9.10059 -2.2002 11.2998c-8.39941 13.3008 -28.7998 17.6006 -29 17.6006l-12.2998 2.39941l8.09961 9.40039c0.200195 0.200195 17.3008 17.5 46.3008 17.5c7.89941 0 16 -1.2998 23.8994 -3.5 c24.2998 -7.7998 42.9004 -30.5 49.4004 -39.2998c2 0.599609 3.89941 1.2002 5.89941 1.7002c-1 26.3994 20.7002 47.3994 28.2002 48.2998c0.5 -4.5 -0.399414 -22.2002 7.2002 -27.6006c2.2002 14.4004 9.59961 30.3008 39.0996 40.7002 c-6.2998 -16.7002 -0.799805 -30.7002 1.80078 -37.2002c20.0996 18.2002 33.6992 15.2002 33.6992 15.2002s-13.1992 -22.7002 -9 -38.5c3.30078 -0.799805 6.5 -1.7002 9.60059 -2.7002c6.5 8.80078 25.2002 31.5 49.3994 39.3008 c8.10059 2.59961 16.2002 3.89941 24.1006 3.89941c29 0 46.2002 -17.2998 46.2998 -17.5l8.09961 -9.5l-12.2998 -2.39941c-0.200195 0 -20.5996 -4.30078 -29 -17.6006c-1.39941 -2.2998 -1.7998 -6.59961 -2.2002 -11.2998 c-0.199219 -2.7998 0.300781 -5.5 0.900391 -8.09961c0.400391 -2 0.799805 -3.90039 0.900391 -5.90039c7.59961 -0.299805 14.1992 -1.7998 19.5 -4.5c7.19922 -3.7002 12.0996 -9.59961 14.0996 -17c4.90039 -18.2998 -11.2002 -38.5996 -11.7998 -39.2002 c-1.90039 -3.39941 -2.7002 -27.7998 1.7002 -37.5996c0.599609 -1.40039 2.19922 -2.7002 4.2998 -4.40039c0.700195 -0.599609 1.39941 -1.09961 2.2002 -1.7002c6.09961 -4.59961 15.3994 -11.5996 15.3994 -27.7998c0 -22.0996 -22.3994 -34.0996 -40.3994 -43.7002 c-2.90039 -1.59961 -5.80078 -3.09961 -8.30078 -4.59961c-2.69922 -1.59961 -12.1992 -11.4004 -12.1992 -26.0996c0 -6.90039 0.599609 -39.7002 3.69922 -62.4004c11.6006 9.90039 22.2002 25.7998 24.6006 43.7002zM305.7 410.3 c-17.7998 -5.7002 -31.6006 -23.0996 -37.7002 -32.2002c1.59961 -0.699219 3.09961 -1.39941 4.7002 -2.19922c2.59961 -1.2002 4.89941 -2.40039 7.09961 -3.7002c2.7002 5.5 8.40039 13.7002 20.7002 22.3994c8.2002 5.80078 18.2002 8.90039 28.7002 8.90039 c3.59961 0 6.7998 -0.400391 9.2002 -0.799805c3.2998 2.09961 6.59961 3.89941 9.69922 5.2998c-4.7998 2 -13.6992 5 -24.6992 5c-6.10059 0 -12.1006 -0.900391 -17.7002 -2.7002zM326.7 392.1c-7.40039 -0.299805 -14 -2.69922 -19.6006 -7 c-8 -6.39941 -12.0996 -17.6992 -13.5 -22.5c4.90039 -4.19922 8.2002 -8.09961 10.5 -11.1992c3.40039 1 7.30078 1.89941 11.5 2.69922c3.30078 4.5 3.90039 10.6006 4.40039 17c0.5 6.2002 1.09961 12.6006 4.40039 17.8008c0.699219 1.09961 1.5 2.19922 2.2998 3.19922 zM45.5996 402.7c2.40039 0.399414 5.60059 0.799805 9 0.899414c10.6006 0 20.5 -3.09961 28.8008 -8.89941c12.3994 -8.7002 18.0996 -17 20.6992 -22.4004c2.2002 1.2002 4.60059 2.5 7.10059 3.7002c1.59961 0.799805 3.2002 1.5 4.7998 2.2002 c-6.09961 8.89941 -19.9004 26.2998 -37.7002 32.0996c-5.7002 1.7998 -11.5996 2.7002 -17.7002 2.7002c-11 0 -19.8994 -3 -24.6992 -5c3.09961 -1.2998 6.39941 -3.09961 9.69922 -5.2998zM90.2998 362.6c-1.39941 4.80078 -5.5 16.1006 -13.5 22.4004 c-5.5 4.40039 -12.0996 6.7002 -19.5 7c0.799805 -1 1.60059 -2.09961 2.2998 -3.2002c3.30078 -5.2002 3.90039 -11.5996 4.40039 -17.7998c0.5 -6.40039 1 -12.5 4.2998 -16.9004c4.2002 -0.799805 8.10059 -1.7998 11.5 -2.69922c2.2002 3.19922 5.60059 7 10.5 11.1992z M58.0996 188.1c8.7002 -5 18.1006 -16.7998 19 -34.1992c0.900391 -14.7002 -0.899414 -49.9004 -3.39941 -75.9004c12.5 -4.7998 26.7002 -6.40039 39.7002 -6.7998c2 4.09961 3.89941 8.5 5.5 13.0996c0.699219 1.90039 19.5996 51 26.3994 62.2002 c-5.39941 -39 -17.5 -73.7002 -23.5 -89.5996c3.40039 0.399414 7.2998 0.699219 11.7002 0.699219h117c4.40039 0 8.2002 -0.199219 11.7002 -0.699219c-6 15.8994 -18 50.5996 -23.5 89.5996c6.7998 -11.0996 25.7002 -60.2002 26.3994 -62.2002 c1.60059 -4.59961 3.5 -9 5.5 -13.0996c13 0.399414 27.3008 2 39.7002 6.7998c-2.5 26 -4.2998 61.2998 -3.39941 75.9004c1.09961 17.5 10.3994 29.1992 19.0996 34.1992c2.7002 1.5 5.5 3.10059 8.40039 4.60059c14.7998 8 30.1992 16.2998 30.1992 30.5 c0 11.0996 -4.2998 14.5 -8.89941 18.2002l-0.5 0.399414c-0.700195 0.600586 -1.5 1.2002 -2.2002 1.7998c0.900391 -7.19922 1.90039 -13.2998 2.7002 -14.8994c0 0 -12.1006 15 -15.7002 44.2998c-1.40039 11.5 1.09961 34.2002 5.09961 43 c-0.199219 -4.90039 0 -9.7998 0.300781 -14.4004c0.399414 0.900391 0.799805 1.60059 1.2998 2.2002c3.2998 4 11.8994 17.5 9.39941 26.6006c-1 3.39941 -3.19922 6 -6.69922 7.7998c-3.80078 1.89941 -8.80078 2.89941 -15.1006 2.89941 c-12.2998 0 -25.8994 -3.7998 -32.8994 -6c-25.1006 -7.89941 -55.4004 -30.8994 -64.1006 -37.6992c-0.200195 -0.200195 -0.399414 -0.300781 -0.399414 -0.300781l-5.60059 -3.89941l3.5 5.7998c0.200195 0.299805 19.1006 31.4004 53.1006 46.5 c-2 2.90039 -7.40039 8.2002 -21.6006 15.0996c-21.3994 10.5 -46.3994 15.8008 -74.2998 15.8008c-27.7998 0 -52.9004 -5.30078 -74.2998 -15.8008c-14.2002 -7 -19.6006 -12.1992 -21.6006 -15.0996c34.1006 -15.0996 53 -46.2002 53.2002 -46.5l3.5 -5.7998 l-5.59961 3.89941s-0.200195 0.100586 -0.400391 0.300781c-8.7002 6.7998 -39 29.6992 -64.0996 37.6992c-7 2.30078 -20.6006 6 -32.9004 6c-6.2998 0 -11.2998 -1 -15.0996 -2.89941c-3.60059 -1.7998 -5.7998 -4.2998 -6.7002 -7.7998 c-2.40039 -9.10059 6.2002 -22.6006 9.40039 -26.6006c0.5 -0.599609 0.899414 -1.39941 1.2998 -2.2002c0.299805 4.60059 0.5 9.5 0.299805 14.4004c4 -8.7002 6.5 -31.5 5.09961 -43c-3.59961 -29.2998 -15.6992 -44.2998 -15.6992 -44.2998 c0.799805 1.59961 1.7998 7.7002 2.69922 14.8994c-0.799805 -0.599609 -1.5 -1.19922 -2.19922 -1.7998l-0.5 -0.399414c-4.60059 -3.60059 -8.90039 -7.10059 -8.90039 -18.2002c0 -14.2002 15.2998 -22.5 30.2002 -30.5c2.7998 -1.5 5.7002 -3 8.39941 -4.60059z M34.7998 43.4004c11.9004 -19.7002 35.5 -29.4004 58.2002 -29.5c-4.5 13.2998 -3.09961 24 4.09961 31.7998l1.40039 1.39941c1.7998 2.40039 4.2998 5.80078 7 10c-27.2002 1.10059 -63.5 11 -74.4004 45.4004c-5 -5 -8.39941 -39.0996 3.7002 -59.0996zM80.5 -0.0996094 c6.5 -9.5 16.5 -19.6006 30.9004 -25.5c-4.90039 7.19922 -8.80078 15.0996 -12.3008 23.0996c-6.39941 0.5 -12.5996 1.2998 -18.5996 2.40039zM192 -50.2002c60.5996 0.100586 78.2998 45.9004 84.9004 64.7002c3.59961 10.5 3.2998 18.2998 -0.900391 23.0996 c-2.7998 3.30078 -9.5 7.2002 -24.5996 7.2002h-118.801c-15.0996 0 -21.6992 -3.89941 -24.5996 -7.2002c-4.2998 -4.89941 -4.59961 -12.5996 -0.900391 -23.0996c6.60059 -18.9004 24.3008 -64.5996 84.9004 -64.7002zM272.6 -25.5996 c14.4004 5.89941 24.4004 16 30.9004 25.5c-6 -1.10059 -12.2002 -1.90039 -18.5996 -2.40039c-3.5 -8 -7.40039 -15.9004 -12.3008 -23.0996zM349.2 43.4004c12.2002 19.8994 8.7998 54 3.7998 59c-10.9004 -34.4004 -47.2002 -44.2002 -74.4004 -45.4004 c2.7002 -4.2002 5.2002 -7.59961 7 -10c0.5 -0.5 1 -1 1.40039 -1.5c7.2002 -7.7002 8.59961 -18.5 4.09961 -31.7998c22.5 0.399414 46.1006 10 58.1006 29.7002zM191.9 260.3c-12.7002 0.200195 -27.2002 17.7998 -27.2002 17.7998 c9.89941 -6 18.7998 -8.09961 27.2998 -8.2998c8.5 0.200195 17.4004 2.2998 27.2998 8.2998c0 0 -14.5 -17.6992 -27.2002 -17.7998h-0.199219zM253.6 29.5996c5.40039 -0.0996094 8.10059 -1.69922 9.40039 -3c1.90039 -1.89941 2.2002 -4.59961 0.900391 -7.89941 c-3.5 -8.90039 -11.4004 -16.1006 -13.7002 -18.1006c-3.10059 -2.59961 -7.40039 -4.19922 -11.7998 -4.19922c-4.40039 0 -8.30078 1.59961 -11 4.5c-7.5 8 -12 16.6992 -13 19.2998c-0.600586 1.5 -1.30078 4.39941 0.899414 6.7002 c1.7002 1.7998 4.7002 2.69922 8.90039 2.69922h29.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gulp" unicode="&#xf3ae;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M209.8 56.9004l-14.0996 -24.6006l-4.60059 -80.2002c0 -8.89941 -28.2998 -16.0996 -63.0996 -16.0996s-63.0996 7.2002 -63.0996 16.0996l-5.80078 79.4004l-14.8994 25.4004c41.2002 -17.3008 126 -16.7002 165.6 0zM13.7998 310.2 c30.7002 -17 197.8 -16.9004 228.3 0.200195l-14.7998 -136.801c-4.7998 -4.19922 -11.5996 -10.1992 -16.5996 -14.0996c-1.60059 -1.2002 -6 -4.7002 -8 -4.7002c-1.2998 0 -2.2002 0.5 -2.2002 1.7998c0.0996094 1 3.40039 4.5 5 6.40039 c4.90039 5.7002 13.7998 16 13.7998 23.4004c0 7 -10.7002 14.0996 -25.7002 0.199219c-1.59961 -1.5 -3.09961 -3 -4.5 -4.5c0.400391 1.10059 1.10059 5.10059 1.10059 6.2002c0 2.7998 -1.40039 4 -4.2002 4c-1 0 -1.90039 -0.599609 -2.7002 -1.59961 c-2.59961 -3.10059 -3.89941 -7.5 -5.2998 -11.2998c-0.5 -1.80078 -1.09961 -3.60059 -1.7002 -5.5c-0.399414 -0.200195 -0.700195 -0.300781 -0.899414 -0.600586c-3.80078 -3.89941 -17.7002 -17 -23.1006 -17c-2.2998 0 -1.59961 3.60059 -1 5.7998 c1 3.40039 6.7998 17.7002 8.7002 22.3008c4.59961 11.0996 8 19.7998 13.2002 31.8994c3.89941 9.2002 3.7998 8.60059 4.5 10.5c0.700195 2.10059 0.700195 4.90039 -1 6.2002c-1 0.700195 -2 1.09961 -3.2002 1.09961c-2.40039 0 -4.7998 -1.39941 -6.09961 -4.69922 c-25.5 -64.4004 -25.2002 -63.3008 -26.4004 -68.2002c-2 -1.7002 -4.40039 -3.40039 -6.7998 -4.5c-3.10059 -1.40039 -6.7998 -2.2002 -6.7998 1.2002c0 3.69922 1.39941 8.19922 2.69922 11.6992c2.2002 6.10059 4.90039 11.1006 6.90039 16.7002 c0.900391 2.40039 1.2998 4.7002 -0.400391 6.90039c-0.799805 1 -1.89941 1.5 -3.19922 1.5c-2.60059 0 -4.10059 -2.60059 -5.2002 -5.10059c-0.700195 -1.5 -1.2998 -3.09961 -1.7998 -4.7998c-1.2002 -4 -3.60059 -8.7002 -5.60059 -12.2998 c-2.7998 -5 -6.5 -10.0996 -11.0996 -13.5c-2.2002 -1.59961 -4.5 -2.40039 -6.90039 -2.40039c-3.5 0 -2.39941 5.7002 -1.5 9c2.2002 7.80078 5.5 13.3008 9.2998 20.8008c1.30078 2.69922 2.30078 5.39941 -0.299805 7.19922c-0.5 0.300781 -1 0.5 -1.59961 0.700195 c-3.40039 0.900391 -6 -1.09961 -7.60059 -4.5c-3.09961 -6.2998 -5.39941 -11.7002 -7.09961 -16.2002c-3.2998 -8.89941 -6.90039 -18.2998 -4.59961 -23.7998c1.5 -3.7002 4.5 -5.09961 8.59961 -5.09961c9.7998 0 17.7998 6.7002 22.4004 14.8994 c-4.30078 -19.7998 8.19922 -17.2998 20 -8.09961c0.0996094 -0.400391 0.0996094 -0.799805 0.199219 -1.2002c1.5 -6.7002 8.7002 -6.7002 14.5 -4.09961c3.5 1.59961 8.2002 4.5 14.4004 10.5c0.200195 0.299805 0.799805 1.39941 -0.799805 -2.2998 c-7.2002 -16.2002 -13.5 -28.2002 -15 -34.3008c-0.200195 -0.899414 -0.299805 -1.7998 -0.299805 -2.69922c0 -1.80078 0.399414 -3.10059 1.2998 -3.7002c1.59961 -1.2002 4.2002 -1.2998 6.09961 -0.299805c1.7998 1 3.10059 2.59961 4 4.5 c1 2.19922 0.200195 0.699219 5.2002 14c5 13.3994 2.90039 7.7998 9.09961 22c1.90039 4.2998 4.2002 9.5 8.5 15.5c2.5 3.39941 5.5 7 8.7002 9.69922c5.7002 4.7002 11.7002 5.40039 11.7002 2.5c0 -2.19922 -3.2998 -6.39941 -4.7002 -8.09961 c-5.2998 -6.7002 -14.3994 -16.2998 -14.3994 -21.5c0 -9.5 12 -8 17.3994 -5.7002c7.2998 3.2002 13.9004 9.60059 19.6006 14.7998l-10.9004 -94.5996c-1.90039 -4.90039 -39.0996 -17.0996 -88.2002 -17.0996c-49 0 -86.2002 12.0996 -88.2002 17.0996l-7.59961 79.5996 c2.09961 -1.5 4.2998 -2.39941 7.7002 -2.39941c7.39941 0 16.0996 6.7002 21.5 11.7998c2.2998 2.2002 4.39941 4.40039 6.39941 6.59961c-1 -3 -7.09961 -22 -7.2998 -25.1992c-0.0996094 -1 -0.200195 -4.90039 0.799805 -6.30078 c0.5 -0.799805 1.40039 -1.19922 2.60059 -1.19922c2.89941 0 5.59961 4.69922 6.2998 7.5c0 0 1.7998 6.2998 7.59961 25.7998c6.30078 21.0996 10 24.5 10 34.7002c0 5.59961 -7.2998 6.7998 -9.89941 0l-5.2002 -15.5c-2.2002 -4.5 -8 -11.5 -12.5 -16 c-3.5 -3.5 -10.7998 -10.1006 -15.7998 -10.1006c-2.40039 0 -3.90039 1.40039 -4.90039 3.60059c-2.2998 5.2998 -0.899414 14.2998 0.600586 19.8994c2.59961 9.7002 6.89941 19.4004 12 28.2002c4.19922 7.2998 10.1992 15.7002 17.0996 20.7002 c6.59961 4.7998 12.7998 4.5 16.9004 -2.7998c1.5 -2.7002 3.7998 -7.30078 6.7998 -7.30078c2.5 0 5.7002 2.60059 4.5 9.10059c-0.5 2.5 -4.90039 8.7998 -10.1006 11.7998c-6 3.59961 -12.3994 3.59961 -18.6992 0.900391 c-19.2002 -8.2002 -34.1006 -35.2002 -40 -55.2002zM243.5 318.7c0 -21 -231.2 -21 -231.2 0c0 8.7998 51.7998 15.8994 115.601 15.8994c9 0 17.7998 -0.0996094 26.2998 -0.399414l12.5996 48.7002l61.2998 64.5c1.40039 1.39941 5.80078 0.199219 9.90039 -3.5 c4.09961 -3.7002 6.59961 -7.90039 5.2998 -9.30078l-0.0996094 -0.0996094l-57.2998 -60.5l-10 -40.7002c39.8994 -2.59961 67.5996 -8.09961 67.5996 -14.5996zM174.1 314.1c0 0.800781 -0.899414 1.5 -2.5 2.10059l-0.199219 -0.799805 c0 -1.30078 -5 -2.40039 -11.1006 -2.40039c-6.09961 0 -11.0996 1.09961 -11.0996 2.40039c0 0.0996094 0 0.199219 0.0996094 0.299805l0.200195 0.700195c-1.7998 -0.600586 -3 -1.40039 -3 -2.30078c0 -2.09961 6.2002 -3.69922 13.7002 -3.69922 c7.7002 -0.100586 13.8994 1.59961 13.8994 3.69922z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hacker-news-square" unicode="&#xf3af;" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM21.2002 218.8h-0.200195c0.0996094 0.100586 0.200195 0.299805 0.299805 0.400391c0 -0.100586 0 -0.299805 -0.0996094 -0.400391z M239.2 164.9l80.7998 155.1h-34.7998c-54.7998 -101.2 -48.2998 -98.5996 -60.6006 -125.6c-10.0996 24.3994 -6.7998 27.2998 -59.2998 125.6h-37.2998l79.7998 -153.3v-102.7h31.4004v100.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hire-a-helper" unicode="&#xf3b0;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M443.1 448c3.90039 -36.4004 32.5 -65.7998 68.9004 -71.7002v-370.5c-35.4004 -4 -64.9004 -33.3994 -67.9004 -69.7998h-372.199c-5.90039 36.4004 -34.5 63.9004 -71.9004 68.7998v371.5c37.4004 3.90039 67.9004 34.4004 71.9004 71.7002h371.199zM406.1 43.0996 c7.80078 0 5.80078 10.8008 0 10.8008c-10.2998 3.39941 -13.5 3.59961 -21.6992 13.7998c-7.80078 12.8994 -7.90039 44.3994 -7.90039 127.8v101.2c0 22.0996 12.2002 28.2998 28.5996 32.3994c8.90039 2.2002 3.90039 11.8008 -1 11.8008 c-36.5 0 -20.5996 -2 -57.0996 -2c-32.7002 0 -16.5 2 -49.2002 2c-3.2998 0 -8.5 -8.30078 -1 -10.8008c4.90039 -1.59961 27.6006 -3.69922 27.6006 -39.2998c0 -45.5996 0.199219 -55.7998 -1 -68.7998c0 -1.2998 -2.30078 -12.7998 -12.8008 -12.7998h-109.199 c-10.5 0 -12.8008 11.5 -12.8008 12.7998c-1.19922 13 -1 23.2002 -1 68.7998c0 35.6006 22.7002 37.7002 27.6006 39.2998c7.5 2.5 2.2998 10.8008 -1 10.8008c-32.7002 0 -16.5 -2 -49.2002 -2c-36.5 0 -20.5996 2 -57.0996 2c-5 0 -9.80078 -9.60059 -1 -11.8008 c16.3994 -4.09961 28.5996 -10.1992 28.5996 -32.3994v-101.2c0 -83.4004 -0.200195 -114.9 -7.90039 -127.8c-8.19922 -10.2998 -11.5 -10.4004 -21.6992 -13.7998c-5.80078 0 -7.90039 -10.8008 0 -10.8008c36.2998 0 18.7998 2 55.0996 2c35.7998 0 21 -2 56.0996 -2 c6 0 4.90039 8.2002 0 9.80078c-22.7998 7.59961 -22.8994 10.2998 -24.5996 12.7998c-10.4004 15.5996 -5.90039 83 -5.90039 113c0 5.2998 6.40039 12.7998 13.8008 12.7998h111.199c7.40039 0 13.8008 -7.5 13.8008 -12.7998c0 -30 4.5 -97.4004 -5.90039 -113 c-1.7002 -2.60059 -1.7998 -5.2002 -24.5996 -12.7998c-4.90039 -1.60059 -5.90039 -9.80078 0 -9.80078c35.0996 0 20.2998 2 56.0996 2c36.2998 0 18.7998 -2 55.0996 -2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hotjar" unicode="&#xf3b1;" d="M414.9 286.5c30 -53 41.7998 -121.6 26.2998 -180.9c-14.7002 -56.6992 -68.2998 -120.3 -148.8 -145.6c54.5 76.9004 43.8994 200.1 -27.1006 215.5c54.2002 -93.9004 -53.7002 -180.3 -110.8 -93.9004c-2.5 -7.19922 -25.0996 -74.5 4.09961 -129.6 c-61.0996 9.09961 -117.8 33.5 -144.6 93.4004c-35 78.1992 -2.7002 149.8 79 204.899c129.2 87.2998 28.0996 197.7 28.0996 197.7s219.101 -29 293.801 -161.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hubspot" unicode="&#xf3b2;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M267.4 236.4l-163.2 114.699c-7.90039 -4.69922 -17 -7.59961 -26.7998 -7.59961c-28.8008 0 -52.2002 23.4004 -52.2002 52.2998c0 28.7998 23.3994 52.2002 52.2002 52.2002c28.8994 0 52.3994 -23.4004 52.3994 -52.2002c0 -4.7998 -0.799805 -9.39941 -2 -13.7998 c51.4004 -39.0996 141.3 -103.9 168.9 -124.8c13.0996 6.89941 27.5 11.5 42.7002 13.5996v61.2002c-17.5 7.40039 -28.2002 23.7998 -28.2002 42.9004c0 26.0996 20.5996 47.8994 46.7002 47.8994c26.0996 0 47 -21.7998 47 -47.8994 c0 -19.1006 -10.7002 -35.5 -28.2002 -42.9004v-61.5996c62.5 -9.5 110.2 -63.5 110.2 -128.7c0 -71.9004 -58.1006 -130.2 -130 -130.2c-29.9004 0 -57.3008 10 -79.3008 26.9004l-50 -50.2002c1.30078 -3.90039 1.90039 -7.90039 1.90039 -12.1006 c0 -10.6992 -4.2002 -20.8994 -11.7998 -28.5c-7.7002 -7.69922 -17.7998 -11.5996 -28.6006 -11.5996c-10.6992 0 -20.8994 4 -28.5 11.5996c-7.59961 7.60059 -11.7998 17.7002 -11.7998 28.5c0 10.8008 4.2002 21 11.7998 28.6006 c7.60059 7.59961 17.7002 11.7998 28.5 11.7998c4.90039 0 9.60059 -0.900391 14 -2.5l49.5 49.7998c-16.2998 21.7002 -26 48.7002 -26 78c0 37.2998 15.7002 70.9004 40.8008 94.6006zM356.9 72.7998c38.0996 0 69 30.9004 69 69c0 38.1006 -30.9004 69 -69 69 c-38.1006 0 -69 -30.8994 -69 -69c0 -38.0996 30.8994 -69 69 -69z" /> <glyph glyph-name="itunes" unicode="&#xf3b4;" d="M223.6 367.7c94.5 0 171.2 -76.7002 171.2 -171.3c0 -94.5 -76.5996 -171.2 -171.2 -171.2c-94.5996 0 -171.1 76.7998 -171.1 171.3s76.5 171.2 171.1 171.2zM303 127.7c1.40039 6.2002 0.900391 -3 1 167.6c0 5.7002 -3.2998 9.10059 -9 8.7002 c-1.7998 0 -14.0996 -2.40039 -115.1 -21.4004c-0.900391 0 -4.60059 -1 -6.7002 -2.69922c-2 -1.60059 -3.10059 -3.80078 -3.5 -6.40039c-1.7002 -6.7002 2.39941 -128 -2.60059 -133.7c-2.09961 -2.5 -4.69922 -3.2002 -7.69922 -3.7002 c-17.7002 -3.19922 -29.6006 -4.7998 -38 -12.7998c-14.5 -14.2002 -7 -38.8994 14.3994 -42.8994c8 -1.40039 23.1006 0.599609 31.4004 5.19922c7.2998 3.80078 12.7998 10.6006 14.8994 19.6006c1.7002 7.7002 1.2002 2.39941 1.2002 118.5 c0 5.7002 1.7002 7.2002 6.7002 8.2998c0 0 87.9004 16.4004 91.9004 17.0996c5.69922 1 8.39941 -0.5 8.39941 -6.09961c0 -78.7998 1 -77.2002 -2.2002 -80.7998c-2.09961 -2.5 -4.69922 -3.2002 -7.69922 -3.7002c-17.7002 -3.2002 -29.6006 -4.7998 -38 -12.7998 c-10.6006 -10.4004 -10.4004 -26.7998 1.39941 -36.7998c9.7002 -7.80078 19.7998 -7.2002 31.9004 -5c13.7998 2.59961 24.0996 10.1992 27.2998 23.7998zM345.2 416c56.8994 0 102.8 -45.9004 102.8 -102.8v-242.4c0 -56.8994 -45.7998 -102.8 -102.8 -102.8h-242.4 c-56.8994 0 -102.8 45.9004 -102.8 102.8v242.4c0 56.8994 45.9004 102.8 102.8 102.8h242.4zM223.6 4c106.301 0 192.5 86.2002 192.5 192.5s-86.1992 192.5 -192.5 192.5c-106.3 0 -192.5 -86.2002 -192.5 -192.5s86.2002 -192.5 192.5 -192.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="itunes-note" unicode="&#xf3b5;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M381.9 59.7998c-6.40039 -27.3994 -27.2002 -42.7998 -55.1006 -48c-24.5 -4.5 -44.8994 -5.59961 -64.5 10.2002c-23.8994 20.0996 -24.2002 53.4004 -2.7002 74.4004c17 16.1992 40.9004 19.5 76.8008 25.7998c6 1.09961 11.1992 2.5 15.5996 7.39941 c6.40039 7.2002 4.40039 4.10059 4.40039 163.2c0 11.2002 -5.5 14.2998 -17 12.2998c-8.2002 -1.39941 -185.7 -34.5996 -185.7 -34.5996c-10.2002 -2.2002 -13.4004 -5.2002 -13.4004 -16.7002c0 -234.7 1.10059 -223.899 -2.5 -239.5 c-4.2002 -18.2002 -15.3994 -31.8994 -30.2002 -39.5c-16.7998 -9.2998 -47.1992 -13.3994 -63.3994 -10.3994c-43.2002 8.09961 -58.4004 58 -29.1006 86.5996c17 16.2002 40.9004 19.5 76.8008 25.7998c6 1.10059 11.1992 2.5 15.5996 7.40039 c10.0996 11.5 1.7998 256.6 5.2002 270.2c0.799805 5.19922 3 9.59961 7.09961 12.8994c4.2002 3.5 11.7998 5.5 13.4004 5.5c204 38.2002 228.899 43.1006 232.399 43.1006c11.5 0.799805 18.1006 -6 18.1006 -17.6006c0.200195 -344.5 1.09961 -326 -1.7998 -338.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="jenkins" unicode="&#xf3b6;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M487.1 23c1.5 -11.9004 -5.2998 -28.2998 -8.69922 -39.7002c-4.90039 -16.2998 -9.7002 -31.8994 -14.6006 -47.2002h-422c-0.700195 1.90039 -1.39941 4 -2.09961 6c-4.60059 14.2002 -12.6006 31.7002 -14.7002 45.8008 c-3.09961 20.8994 16.5996 22.0996 29.2002 31.0996c19.5 14 34.7998 21.7998 55.8994 34.2998c6.30078 3.7998 25.1006 13.2002 27.3008 17.6006c4.2998 8.69922 -7.30078 20.8994 -10.4004 27.6992c-4.90039 10.7002 -7.5 19.8008 -8.2002 30.4004 c-17.7002 2.7998 -31.0996 13.2998 -39.2002 25.2002c-13.3994 19.7002 -22.6992 56 -11.0996 83.7002c0.900391 2.19922 5.40039 6.5 6.09961 9.7998c1.40039 6.59961 -2.5 15.3994 -2.69922 22.3994c-1.2002 36 6.09961 67 30.2998 77.8008 c9.7998 39.0996 45 52.1992 78.0996 71.5996c12.2998 7.2998 26 11.9004 40.1006 17.0996c50.5 18.7002 128.1 15.1006 170.1 -16.5996c17.7998 -13.5 46.2002 -41.9004 56.4004 -62.5c26.8994 -54.2998 25 -145.1 6.19922 -211.2 c-2.5 -8.89941 -6.19922 -21.8994 -11.2998 -32.5996c-3.59961 -7.40039 -14.7002 -22.2998 -13.2998 -28.9004c1.40039 -6.7998 25.2998 -24.8994 30.4004 -29.8994c9.19922 -8.80078 26.7998 -20.7002 28.1992 -31.9004zM205.9 414.3 c-33.2002 -9.39941 -75.7002 -33.5 -89.3008 -63.3994c10.6006 1.5 17.9004 6.7998 28.3008 7.5c3.89941 0.299805 9.09961 -1.60059 13.5996 -0.5c9 2.2998 16.5996 22.5 23.4004 30c6.59961 7.39941 14.5996 10.5 20 17.1992c3.5 1.7002 8.69922 1.60059 8.89941 6.80078 c-1.5 1.69922 -3.09961 2.89941 -4.89941 2.39941zM101.1 320.7c-14.6992 -16.1006 -11.5996 -46.2998 -9.7998 -67.7998c26.5 16.6992 61.6006 -1.30078 61.2998 -29.6006c12.6006 0.299805 4.7002 15.7998 2.40039 25.7002c-7.5 32.5996 12.5996 67.9004 0.900391 97.5996 c-22.7002 -1.7998 -41.3008 -11 -54.8008 -25.8994zM137.8 120.5c4.90039 -20 15.7002 -46 26.2998 -61.4004c13.6006 -19.3994 40.1006 -22.2998 68.7002 -24.1992c5.10059 11 23.9004 10.0996 36.2002 7.19922c-14.7002 5.80078 -28.4004 19.9004 -39.7002 32.4004 c-13 14.2998 -26.0996 29.7002 -26.7998 48.4004c24.5 -34 44.7998 -63.8008 89.5 -78.8008c33.7998 -11.2998 73.2002 5.2002 99.2002 23.4004c10.7998 7.59961 17.2002 19.5996 24.8994 30.5996c28.7002 41.2002 42 100.101 39.1006 157.101 c-1.2002 23.5 -1.10059 47 -9 62.7998c-8.2998 16.5996 -36.2002 31.2998 -52.5 16.4004c-3 16.0996 13.5996 26.0996 33.0996 20.2998c-13.8994 18 -28.5996 39.5996 -48.2998 50.7002c-34.4004 19.5 -92.7002 34.0996 -129.3 15.7998 c-29.6006 -14.7002 -69.5 -39.1006 -83.1006 -70c12.7002 -29.7998 -3.7998 -57.1006 -4.7998 -87.4004c-0.599609 -16.0996 7.60059 -30.2002 8.2002 -47.7002c-4.40039 -7.19922 -17.7002 -8.09961 -26.9004 -7.59961c-3.09961 15.5 -8.5 32.9004 -24.5 34.7002 c-22.5 2.39941 -39.0996 -16.2998 -40.0996 -35.7998c-1.2002 -23 17.7002 -61 44.4004 -58.4004c10.2998 1.09961 12.7998 11.4004 24.0996 11.2998c6.09961 -12.2002 -9.40039 -16 -11 -24.7002c-0.400391 -2.19922 1.2998 -11 2.2998 -15.0996zM359.8 -3.59961 c-1.59961 -4.40039 0.299805 -10.4004 -0.599609 -16.5c14.8994 -4.2002 31.8994 -6.40039 50.7002 -7c3.69922 4.7998 4.89941 13.7998 4.5 22.7998c-0.600586 10.7998 -3.40039 33.0996 -10.1006 37c-14.0996 8.2002 -39 -16.5 -49.5996 -20.2998 c1.2002 -3.40039 3.09961 -6 3.2002 -10.2002c6.2998 1.5 13.8994 0.5 19.2998 -2.2002c-6.2998 -0.700195 -13.2998 -0.599609 -17.4004 -3.59961zM342.6 16.4004c7.60059 5.5 14.3008 12 22.2002 17.0996c-18.2002 -1.59961 -41 -12.9004 -59 -4.90039 c-0.0996094 -0.899414 -1.2998 -0.599609 -1.5 -1.39941c12.2998 -9.60059 21.5 -11.6006 38.2998 -10.7998zM330.5 -16.7998c26.9004 -8.40039 22.2002 36.7998 -2.7998 20.2002c-0.700195 -8.2002 1.2002 -10.8008 2.7998 -20.2002zM226 9.40039 c0 6.19922 3.59961 12 2.7998 16.3994c-13.7998 2.40039 -31.8994 0.799805 -41.2998 7.2998c-9.59961 -9.69922 26.9004 -23 38.5 -23.6992zM57.7002 -49.0996v-0.100586h180.7c-0.800781 2.5 -1.5 4.90039 -2.2002 7.2002c-4.7998 15.2998 -7.5 26.7002 -8.7002 35.5 c-19.2002 9.2002 -39.7002 18.5 -56.2002 30.2002c-3 2.2002 -23.3994 28.7002 -26.2002 27.5996c-36.8994 -14.5996 -71.3994 -39.7002 -102.199 -63.5c5.59961 -11.7998 10.5 -24.2002 14.7998 -36.8994zM298.3 -54.7998h-0.799805 c0.299805 0.200195 0.5 0.399414 0.799805 0.5v-0.5zM305.8 -49.0996h9.60059c-1 1.5 -2.10059 2.89941 -3.2002 4.2998c-2.10059 -1.5 -4.2998 -2.90039 -6.40039 -4.2998zM320.9 -24.4004c0.0996094 3.60059 0.299805 7.2002 0.399414 10.6006 c-6.5 3.2002 -14 5.5 -23.5 5.89941c6.5 3.30078 15.9004 3.2002 21.7998 7.10059c0.100586 1.5 0.100586 2.89941 0.200195 4.2998c-10.7998 0.900391 -14.7998 5.59961 -21.8994 9.5c-11.6006 6.40039 -29 13.2002 -43.9004 16.0996 c-18.5 3.60059 -16.7998 -25.1992 -16 -42.3994c0.700195 -13.6006 7.7002 -28 10.7998 -37c1.5 -4.2002 1.7998 -8.7002 5.40039 -9.5c6.39941 -1.5 27.3994 6.89941 33.3994 10.2002c12.7002 6.89941 22.5 17.8994 33.3008 25.1992zM374.3 -49.0996l0.600586 12.5996 c-11.2002 -0.700195 -17.5 10.2002 -25.4004 11c-6.90039 0.700195 -12.7002 -7.90039 -21.7002 -4.2002c-2 -2.2002 -3.89941 -4.7002 -6 -6.89941c3.2002 -3.90039 6.10059 -8.10059 8.90039 -12.5h17.3994c0.200195 3.19922 2.80078 5.7998 6.10059 5.7998 s6 -2.60059 6.09961 -5.7998h14zM383 -49.0996h36.2998c-6.7002 10.1992 -20.0996 18.7998 -35.7002 11.5c-0.199219 -3.7002 -0.399414 -7.5 -0.599609 -11.5zM466.4 -12.0996c1.19922 6.19922 4.59961 19.5996 3.7998 25.0996 c-1.40039 9.7998 -14.6006 17.0996 -21.4004 23.0996c-12.3994 11.1006 -20.2002 21 -33.2002 31.4004c-5.19922 -7.7998 -16.5 -13 -20.7998 -19.2998c30.7002 14.8994 36.2998 -55.7998 24.2002 -78.5c1.90039 -6.7998 8.2998 -9.40039 10.9004 -15.5 c-0.700195 -1.10059 -1.30078 -2.2002 -1.90039 -3.2998h27.9004c0.199219 0 0.399414 0 0.599609 -0.100586c4.09961 13.1006 7.59961 25.9004 9.90039 37.1006zM222.2 317.5c5.39941 14.9004 27.2002 34.7002 45 32c7.7002 -1.2002 18 -8.2002 12.2002 -17.7002 c-30.2002 7 -45.2002 -12.5996 -54.4004 -33.0996c-8.09961 2 -4.90039 13.0996 -2.7998 18.7998zM406.3 254.4c8.2002 3.59961 22.4004 0.699219 29.6006 5.2998c-4.2002 11.5 -10.3008 21.3994 -9.30078 37.7002c0.5 0 1 0 1.40039 -0.100586 c6.7998 -14.2002 12.7002 -29.2002 21.4004 -41.7002c-5.7002 -13.5 -43.6006 -25.3994 -43.1006 -1.19922zM309.5 251.7c-6.7998 10.8994 -19 32.5 -14.5 45.2998c6.5 -11.9004 8.59961 -24.4004 17.7998 -33.2998c4.10059 -4 12.2002 -9 8.2002 -20.2002 c-0.900391 -2.7002 -7.7998 -8.59961 -11.7002 -9.7002c-14.3994 -4.2998 -47.8994 -0.899414 -36.5996 17.1006c11.8994 -0.700195 27.8994 -7.80078 36.7998 0.799805zM336.8 181.7c3.7998 -6.60059 1.40039 -18.7002 12.1006 -20.6006 c20.1992 -3.39941 43.5996 12.3008 58.0996 17.8008c9 15.1992 -0.799805 20.6992 -8.90039 30.5c-16.5996 20 -38.7998 44.7998 -38 74.6992c6.7002 4.90039 7.30078 -7.39941 8.2002 -9.69922c8.7002 -20.3008 30.4004 -46.2002 46.2998 -63.5 c3.90039 -4.30078 10.3008 -8.40039 11 -11.2002c2.10059 -8.2002 -5.39941 -18 -4.5 -23.5c-21.6992 -13.9004 -45.7998 -29.1006 -81.3994 -25.6006c-7.40039 6.7002 -10.2998 21.4004 -2.90039 31.1006zM135.5 190.9c-6.7998 3.89941 -8.40039 21 -16.4004 21.3994 c-11.3994 0.700195 -9.2998 -22.2002 -9.2998 -35.5c-7.7998 7.10059 -9.2002 29.1006 -3.5 40.2998c-6.59961 3.2002 -9.5 -3.59961 -13.0996 -5.89941c4.7002 34.0996 49.7998 15.7998 42.2998 -20.2998zM435.1 162.1c-10.0996 -19.1992 -24.3994 -40.3994 -54 -41 c-0.599609 6.2002 -1.09961 15.6006 0 19.4004c22.7002 2.2002 36.6006 13.7002 54 21.5996zM293.2 149.7c18.8994 -9.90039 53.5996 -11 79.2998 -10.2002c1.40039 -5.59961 1.2998 -12.5996 1.40039 -19.4004c-33 -1.7998 -72 6.40039 -80.7002 29.6006zM385.4 103 c-1.7002 -4.2998 -5.30078 -9.2998 -9.80078 -11.0996c-12.0996 -4.90039 -45.5996 -8.7002 -62.3994 0.299805c-10.7002 5.7002 -17.5 18.5 -23.4004 26c-2.7998 3.59961 -16.8994 12.8994 -0.200195 12.8994c13.1006 -32.6992 58 -29 95.8008 -28.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="joget" unicode="&#xf3b7;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M378.1 403c116.601 -71.7998 152.9 -224.6 81 -341.2c-71.8994 -116.5 -224.6 -152.8 -341.199 -80.8994c-116.601 71.8994 -152.9 224.6 -81 341.199c46.8994 76 128.1 117.9 211.3 117.9c44.3994 0 89.3994 -11.9004 129.899 -37zM429.9 79.7998 c5.2998 8.7002 9.89941 17.6006 13.8994 26.6006c-32.0996 -1.10059 -157.1 1.5 -208.8 -17.6006c-58.4004 -21.5 -36.9004 -53.3994 -31.2002 -67.0996c3.7998 -9.10059 14.7002 -28.7998 23.7002 -42.4004c6.7998 -0.599609 13.5996 -1 20.4004 -1 c71.5996 0 141.6 36 182 101.5zM229.1 166.1c51 -1.2998 205.4 -4.39941 230.301 -4.89941c11.8994 81.7998 -24.5 166.6 -99.3008 212.7c-100.5 61.8994 -232.1 30.6992 -294 -69.8008c-28.5996 -46.3994 -37.2998 -99.3994 -28.5 -149.1 c11 40.9004 49.7002 131.5 178.301 140.2c50.8994 4 41.5 -19.2002 23.5996 -29.7002c-17.7998 -10.5 -45.7002 -23.7998 -68.9004 -51.2002c-23.1992 -27.3994 3 -46.7998 58.5 -48.2002zM412.9 220.9c22.6992 -6 19.0996 -15.5 19.0996 -15.5l-46.5 -23.4004 l-169.5 -1.59961s33.7998 10.7998 65.2998 31.2998c26 16.8994 49.7002 35.5996 67.5 35.5996c3.7002 0 7.2002 -0.899414 10.4004 -2.7002c18.5 -10.5996 -2.90039 -18.1992 -13.4004 -24.5996s-50.7002 -34.5 -50.7002 -34.5s1.40039 -7.59961 31.1006 8.2002 c29.7002 15.8994 64 33.2002 86.7002 27.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="js" unicode="&#xf3b8;" d="M0 416h448v-448h-448v448zM243.8 66.5996v143.7h-42.0996v-143.1c0 -21.1006 -8.7998 -26.5 -22.6006 -26.5c-14.5 0 -20.5 9.89941 -27.0996 21.5996l-34.2998 -20.7002c10 -21.0996 29.5 -38.5 63.2002 -38.5c37.2998 0 62.8994 19.9004 62.8994 63.5zM343.4 3.09961 c39.8994 0 69.6992 20.8008 69.6992 58.6006c0 35.2002 -20.0996 50.8994 -55.8994 66.2002l-10.5 4.5c-18.1006 7.89941 -25.9004 13 -25.9004 25.5996c0 10.2002 7.7998 18 20.1006 18c12.0996 0 19.8994 -5.09961 27.0996 -18l32.7998 21 c-13.7998 24.4004 -33 33.7002 -59.7998 33.7002c-37.5 0 -61.5996 -24 -61.5996 -55.6006c0 -34.2998 20.0996 -50.5996 50.5 -63.5l10.5 -4.5c19.2998 -8.5 30.6992 -13.5996 30.6992 -28c0 -12.0996 -11.1992 -20.7998 -28.5996 -20.7998 c-20.7002 0 -32.5 10.9004 -41.5 25.6006l-34.2998 -19.8008c12.2998 -24.3994 37.5996 -43 76.7002 -43z" /> <glyph glyph-name="keycdn" unicode="&#xf3ba;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M63.7998 38.7002l60.5 59c32.1006 -42.7998 71.1006 -66 126.601 -67.4004c30.5 -0.700195 60.2998 7 86.3994 22.4004c5.10059 -5.2998 18.5 -19.5 20.9004 -22c-32.2002 -20.7002 -69.6006 -31.1006 -108.101 -30.2002 c-43.2998 1.09961 -84.5996 16.7002 -117.699 44.4004c0.299805 0.599609 -38.2002 -37.5 -38.6006 -37.9004c9.5 -29.7998 -13.0996 -62.4004 -46.2998 -62.4004c-26.7998 0.100586 -47.5 21.7002 -47.5 48.5c0 34.3008 33.0996 56.6006 63.7998 45.6006zM418.7 291.1 c19.0996 -31.2998 29.5996 -67.3994 28.7002 -104c-1.10059 -44.7998 -19 -87.5 -48.6006 -121c0.299805 -0.299805 23.7998 -25.1992 24.1006 -25.5c9.59961 1.30078 19.1992 -2 25.8994 -9.09961c11.2998 -12 10.9004 -30.9004 -1.09961 -42.4004 c-12 -11.2998 -30.9004 -10.8994 -42.4004 1.10059c-6.7002 7 -9.39941 16.7998 -7.59961 26.2998c-24.9004 26.5996 -44.4004 47.2002 -44.4004 47.2002c42.7002 34.0996 63.2998 79.5996 64.4004 124.2c0.700195 28.8994 -7.2002 57.1992 -21.1006 82.1992zM104 394.9 c6.7002 -7 9.40039 -16.8008 7.59961 -26.3008l45.9004 -48.0996c-4.7002 -3.7998 -13.2998 -10.4004 -22.7998 -21.2998c-25.4004 -28.5 -39.6006 -64.7998 -40.7002 -102.9c-0.700195 -28.8994 6.09961 -57.2002 20 -82.3994l-22 -21.5 c-19.2998 31.5996 -28.9004 67.6992 -27.7998 104.699c1 44.6006 18.2998 87.6006 47.5 121.101l-25.2998 26.3994c-9.60059 -1.2998 -19.2002 2 -25.9004 9.10059c-11.2998 12 -10.9004 30.8994 1.09961 42.3994c11.9004 11.2002 30.6006 10.9004 42.4004 -1.19922z M464.9 440c26 0 47.0996 -22.4004 47.0996 -48.2998c0 -25.9004 -21.0996 -47.7002 -47.0996 -47.7002c-6.30078 -0.0996094 -14 1.09961 -15.9004 1.7998l-62.9004 -59.7002c-32.6992 43.6006 -76.6992 65.9004 -126.899 67.2002 c-30.5 0.700195 -60.2998 -6.7998 -86.2002 -22.3994l-21.0996 22c32.1992 20.7998 69.5996 31.0996 108.1 30.1992c43.2998 -1.09961 84.5996 -16.6992 117.7 -44.5996l41.0996 38.5996c-1.5 4.7002 -2.2002 9.60059 -2.2002 14.5 c-0.0996094 26.7002 22.3008 48.4004 48.3008 48.4004zM256.7 334.6c5.5 0 10.8994 -0.399414 16.3994 -1.09961c78.1006 -9.7998 133.4 -81.0996 123.801 -159.1c-9.80078 -78.1006 -81.1006 -133.4 -159.101 -123.801c-78.0996 9.80078 -133.399 81.1006 -123.8 159.2 c9.2998 72.4004 70.0996 124.601 142.7 124.8zM197.7 215.2c0.599609 -22.7002 12.2002 -41.7998 32.3994 -52.2002l-11 -51.7002h73.7002l-11 51.7002c20.1006 10.9004 32.1006 29 32.4004 52.2002c-0.400391 32.7998 -25.7998 57.5 -58.2998 58.2998 c-32.1006 -0.799805 -57.3008 -24.7998 -58.2002 -58.2998zM256 288z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kickstarter" unicode="&#xf3bb;" d="M400 -32h-352c-26.4004 0 -48 21.5996 -48 48v352c0 26.4004 21.5996 48 48 48h352c26.4004 0 48 -21.5996 48 -48v-352c0 -26.4004 -21.5996 -48 -48 -48zM199.6 269.5c0 30.7002 -17.5996 45.0996 -39.6992 45.0996c-25.8008 0 -40 -19.7998 -40 -44.5v-154.8 c0 -25.7998 13.6992 -45.5996 40.5 -45.5996c21.5 0 39.1992 14 39.1992 45.5996v41.7998l60.6006 -75.6992c12.2998 -14.9004 39 -16.8008 55.7998 0c14.5996 15.0996 14.7998 36.7998 4 50.3994l-49.0996 62.7998l40.5 58.7002c9.39941 13.5 9.5 34.5 -5.60059 49.1006 c-16.3994 15.8994 -44.5996 17.2998 -61.3994 -7l-44.8008 -64.7002v38.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kickstarter-k" unicode="&#xf3bc;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M147.3 333.6v-70.5996l82.7998 118.2c31.2002 44.3994 83.3008 41.7998 113.601 12.7998c27.8994 -26.7002 27.7998 -65.0996 10.3994 -89.7998l-74.8994 -107.4l90.7998 -114.8c19.9004 -24.7998 19.5996 -64.5996 -7.40039 -92.2002 c-31.0996 -30.7002 -80.5 -27.2002 -103.199 0l-112.101 138.3v-76.5c0 -57.7998 -32.5996 -83.3994 -72.3994 -83.3994c-49.6006 0 -74.9004 36.0996 -74.9004 83.3994v283c0 45.2002 26.2002 81.4004 73.9004 81.4004c40.8994 0 73.3994 -26.2002 73.3994 -82.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="line" unicode="&#xf3c0;" d="M272.1 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3.2002 -3.2002v-11.3994c0 -1.80078 -1.39941 -3.2002 -3.2002 -3.2002h-31.0996v-12h31.0996c1.80078 0 3.2002 -1.40039 3.2002 -3.2002v-11.5c0 -1.7998 -1.39941 -3.2002 -3.2002 -3.2002h-31.0996v-12h31.0996 c1.80078 0 3.2002 -1.39941 3.2002 -3.2002v-11.3994c0 -1.7998 -1.39941 -3.2002 -3.2002 -3.2002h-45.6992c-1.80078 0 -3.2002 1.5 -3.2002 3.2002v71.0996c0 1.7998 1.5 3.2002 3.2002 3.2002h45.6992zM448 334.3v-285.3 c-0.0996094 -44.7998 -36.7998 -81.0996 -81.7002 -81h-285.3c-44.7998 0.0996094 -81.0996 36.9004 -81 81.7002v285.3c0.0996094 44.7998 36.9004 81.0996 81.7002 81h285.3c44.7998 -0.0996094 81.0996 -36.7998 81 -81.7002zM386.4 211.7 c0 73 -73.2002 132.399 -163.101 132.399c-89.8994 0 -163.1 -59.3994 -163.1 -132.399c0 -65.4004 58 -120.2 136.399 -130.601c19.1006 -4.09961 16.9004 -11.0996 12.6006 -36.7998c-0.700195 -4.09961 -3.2998 -16.0996 14.0996 -8.7998 c17.4004 7.2998 93.9004 55.2998 128.2 94.7002c23.5996 26 34.9004 52.2998 34.9004 81.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lyft" unicode="&#xf3c3;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M0 366.9h77.7998v-208.7c0 -33.1006 15 -52.7998 27.2002 -61c-12.7002 -11.1006 -51.2002 -20.9004 -80.2002 2.7998c-17 14 -24.7998 37.2998 -24.7998 59v207.9zM485.9 193.4c0 -14.2002 11.5996 -25.9004 26.0996 -25.9004v-76.5 c-56.7002 0 -102.7 46.0996 -102.7 102.7v77.0996c0 34.6006 -52.2002 34.6006 -52.2002 0v-23.2998h38.8008v-76.7998h-38.8008v-6.7002c0 -21.7998 -7.69922 -45 -24.7998 -59c-16.2998 -13.7002 -35.7002 -16.2998 -51.7002 -14v179.2 c0 56.7002 46.1006 102.7 102.7 102.7c49.1006 0 90.2002 -34.4004 100.3 -80.7002h26.1006v-76.7998h-23.7998v-22zM191.6 292.4v0.5h77.1006v-178.2c0 -52.4004 -29.7002 -91.7002 -76.7998 -100.8c-26.1006 -5.10059 -52.5 -2.80078 -77.6006 4.69922v70.3008 c9.7998 -4.2002 29.5 -9.40039 45 -7.80078c20.4004 2 32.7998 11.9004 34.9004 25.3008c0 0 -21.2002 -20.4004 -58.2002 -10.6006c-37 9.90039 -45 40.1006 -45 63.9004v132.7h76.7998v-113c0 -15.4004 23.7998 -15.4004 23.7998 0v113z" /> <glyph glyph-name="magento" unicode="&#xf3c4;" d="M445.7 320.1v-256.1l-63.4004 -36.5v255.8l-158.5 91.6006l-158.6 -91.6006l0.399414 -255.899l-63.2998 36.5996v255.9l221.9 128.1zM255.6 27.5v255.9l63.4004 -36.6006v-256l-95.0996 -54.8994l-94.9004 54.8994l-0.0996094 255.9l63.2998 36.5996v-256 l31.7998 -18.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medapps" unicode="&#xf3c6;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M118.3 209.6c3.5 12.5 6.90039 33.6006 13.2002 33.6006c8.2998 -1.7998 9.59961 -23.4004 18.5996 -36.6006c4.60059 23.5 5.30078 85.1006 14.1006 86.7002c9 0.700195 19.7002 -66.5 22 -77.5c9.89941 -4.09961 48.8994 -6.59961 48.8994 -6.59961 c1.90039 -7.2998 -24 -7.60059 -40 -7.7998c-4.59961 -14.8008 -5.39941 -27.7002 -11.3994 -28c-4.7002 -0.200195 -8.2002 28.7998 -17.5 49.5996l-9.40039 -65.5c-4.39941 -13 -15.5 22.5 -21.8994 39.2998c-3.30078 0.100586 -62.4004 1.60059 -47.6006 7.7998zM228 0 h-136c-21.2002 0 -21.2002 32 0 32h136c21.2002 0 21.2002 -32 0 -32zM204 -64h-88c-21.2002 0 -21.2002 32 0 32h88c21.2002 0 21.2002 -32 0 -32zM238.2 77.5c-3.60059 -21.2998 -36 -15.5 -32.6006 5.09961c3.60059 21.2002 5.60059 40.6006 15.3008 58.6006 c32.5996 60.2998 66.0996 95.5 66.0996 151.6c0 67.9004 -57 123.2 -127 123.2s-127 -55.2998 -127 -123.2c0 -56.0996 33.5 -91.2998 66.0996 -151.7c9.7002 -17.8994 11.7002 -36.8994 15.3008 -58.5996c3.5 -20.7998 -29.1006 -26.0996 -32.6006 -5.09961 c-3.2002 19.0996 -5.2002 36.3994 -11.8994 48.8994c-8 14.7002 -16.1006 28.1006 -24 41c-24.6006 40.4004 -45.9004 75.2998 -45.9004 125.5c0 85.6006 71.7998 155.2 160 155.2s160 -69.5996 160 -155.2c0 -50.2998 -21.2998 -85.0996 -45.9004 -125.5 c-7.89941 -12.8994 -16.0996 -26.2998 -24 -41c-6.69922 -12.3994 -8.69922 -29.8994 -11.8994 -48.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medium-m" unicode="&#xf3c7;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M71.5 305.7c0.599609 5.89941 -1.7002 11.7998 -6.09961 15.7998l-45.1006 54.4004v8.09961h140.2l108.4 -237.7l95.2998 237.7h133.7v-8.09961l-38.6006 -37c-3.2998 -2.5 -5 -6.7002 -4.2998 -10.8008v-272c-0.700195 -4.09961 1 -8.2998 4.2998 -10.7998l37.7002 -37 v-8.09961h-189.7v8.09961l39.1006 37.9004c3.7998 3.7998 3.7998 5 3.7998 10.7998v219.8l-108.7 -275.899h-14.7002l-126.399 275.899v-184.899c-1.10059 -7.80078 1.5 -15.6006 7 -21.2002l50.7998 -61.6006v-8.09961h-144v8l50.7998 61.7002 c5.40039 5.59961 7.90039 13.5 6.5 21.2002v213.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medrt" unicode="&#xf3c8;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M113.7 192c0 -121.8 83.8994 -222.8 193.5 -241.1c-18.7002 -4.5 -38.2002 -6.90039 -58.2002 -6.90039c-137.6 0 -249 111 -249 248s111.4 248 248.9 248c20.0996 0 39.5996 -2.40039 58.1992 -6.90039c-109.6 -18.2998 -193.399 -119.3 -193.399 -241.1zM411.1 91.7002 c77.7002 55.3994 104.4 155.1 67 233.899c11.2002 -9.89941 21.5 -21.2998 30.5 -34.1992c61.6006 -88.3008 40.8008 -210.301 -46.5 -272.601c-87.2998 -62.2998 -208.1 -41.2002 -269.699 47c-9 12.7998 -16.2002 26.4004 -21.7002 40.5 c60.7998 -62.0996 162.7 -70 240.399 -14.5996zM192.3 335.7c72.5 54.5996 171.601 45.7002 221.601 -19.7998c45.2998 -59.7002 34.3994 -145.601 -22.3008 -201.801c18.5 51.4004 11.3008 111 -24.3994 158c-43 56.5 -114.601 78.3008 -178.9 60.5 c1.2998 1 2.60059 2.10059 4 3.10059zM296 224h40c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-40c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-40c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v40c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-40 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h40c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v40c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-40c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="microsoft" unicode="&#xf3ca;" d="M0 416h214.6v-214.6h-214.6v214.6zM233.4 416h214.6v-214.6h-214.6v214.6zM0 182.6h214.6v-214.6h-214.6v214.6zM233.4 182.6h214.6v-214.6h-214.6v214.6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mizuni" unicode="&#xf3cc;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 440c137 0 248 -111.1 248 -248c0 -137 -111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248c0 136.9 111 248 248 248zM168 88.0996v223.9c0 22.0996 -17.9004 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9004 -40 -40v-272.1c21.2002 20.8994 48.5996 37.5996 80 48.1992zM288 98v214 c0 22.0996 -17.9004 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9004 -40 -40v-214c13 2 26.4004 3.09961 40.2002 3.09961c13.5996 0 26.8994 -1.09961 39.7998 -3.09961zM408 40.2998v271.7c0 22.0996 -17.9004 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9004 -40 -40v-223.7c31.4004 -10.5996 58.7998 -27.2002 80 -48z " /> <glyph glyph-name="monero" unicode="&#xf3d0;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M352 64h108.4c-43.4004 -71.9004 -122.301 -120 -212.4 -120s-169 48.0996 -212.4 120h108.4v127.8l104 -104.8l104 105v-128zM88 112h-74.7998c-8.60059 25.0996 -13.2002 52 -13.2002 80c0 137 111 248 248 248s248 -111 248 -248c0 -28 -4.7002 -54.9004 -13.2002 -80 h-74.7998v208l-160.6 -159.4l-159.4 159.4v-208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="napster" unicode="&#xf3d2;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M298.3 74.4004c-14.2002 -13.6006 -31.2998 -24.1006 -50.3994 -30.5c-19 6.39941 -36.2002 16.8994 -50.3008 30.5h100.7zM342.3 274c-56.3994 39.7998 -132.1 39.9004 -188.899 -0.0996094c-19.9004 16.7998 -43.6006 29.5 -69.5 36.3994v-161.6 c0 -217.3 328 -219.101 328 0.299805v161.2c-26 -7 -49.6006 -19.2998 -69.6006 -36.2002zM133.5 332.5c6.5 -3.2002 14.0996 -7.40039 20.4004 -11.4004c58.6992 30.5 129.199 30.6006 187.899 0.100586c6.7002 4.2002 13.5 8 20.6006 11.5 c-64.6006 59.8994 -164.5 59.7998 -228.9 -0.200195zM43.7998 354.8c17.5 -0.5 34.2998 -3.09961 50.6006 -7.5c82 91.6006 225.5 91.6006 307.5 0.100586c16.0996 4.39941 32.7998 6.89941 50.0996 7.39941v-69.2002c58.7002 -36.5 58.5 -121.899 -0.200195 -158.199 l-0.299805 -1.7002c-25.9004 -238.8 -381.2 -243.601 -407.6 1.5c-58.5 37.2002 -58.5 121.8 -0.100586 158.3v69.2998zM259.2 96c13.0996 59.2998 33.5 56 113 55.4004c-0.799805 -8.2002 0.0996094 -32.3008 -26.2002 -47.4004c-4.40039 -2.5 -15.2998 -6 -25.5 -6.5 c-25.2998 -1.2002 -61.2998 -1.5 -61.2998 -1.5zM123.7 151.3c79.2998 0.700195 99.7998 4 113 -55.3994c0 0 -36 0.399414 -61.2998 1.5c-10.3008 0.5 -21.1006 4 -25.5 6.5c-26.3008 15.0996 -25.4004 39.1992 -26.2002 47.3994zM292.8 27.9004 c3 -4.90039 3.2002 -8.80078 3.2998 -8.90039c-29.0996 -17.5996 -67.0996 -17.5996 -96.1992 0c0 0 0.899414 5.5 3.69922 9.59961c3.5 5.10059 6.40039 6.60059 6.40039 6.60059c23.7002 -6.90039 51.0996 -7.2998 75.9004 0c0 0 3.69922 -2 6.89941 -7.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="npm" unicode="&#xf3d4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 160h-32v64h32v-64zM576 288v-192h-288v-32h-128v32h-160v192h576zM160 256h-128v-128h64v96h32v-96h32v128zM320 256h-128v-160h64v32h64v128zM544 256h-192v-128h64v96h32v-96h32v96h32v-96h32v128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ns8" unicode="&#xf3d5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M187.1 288.1h44.9004l-48.5 -160.1h-56.9004l-50.5996 106.5l-31.0996 -106.5h-44.9004l49 160.1h49.4004l54.5 -113.699zM639.6 289c4.60059 -28.5996 -36.0996 -44.7002 -65.6992 -50.5996h-0.100586c17.5 -29.3008 22.1006 -69.3008 3.40039 -105.5 c-26.4004 -51.2002 -86.5 -79.9004 -135.101 -68c-29.3994 7.19922 -51.3994 29 -56.7998 59.5c-0.700195 3.5 -1 7.09961 -1.2002 10.7998c-5.5 -2.7998 -11.8994 -4.2002 -18.5 -4.90039c-15.5996 -1.7002 -21 -2.2998 -160.899 -2.2998l11.5996 39.5h126.8 c9.10059 0 12.2002 3.2002 13.8008 7.40039c1.69922 4.59961 3.39941 10.1992 4.5 14.5996c1.09961 3.90039 0.0996094 6.59961 -7.7002 6.59961h-87.2998c-33.4004 0 -38.2002 9.2002 -32.8008 28.6006c3.2002 11.5 10.8008 37.2002 17.6006 47.0996 c7.09961 10.2002 18.2998 13.7002 30.5996 15c15.6006 1.7002 20.4004 1.2002 160.101 1.2002l-9.7002 -31.5h-133.5c-5.5 0 -11.2002 -0.700195 -13.2998 -7.09961c-1.80078 -5.40039 -2.10059 -6.7002 -3.7002 -12.2002c-1.40039 -5.10059 2.2002 -7.40039 11.5 -7.40039 h87.5996c20.4004 0 31 -6.7998 34 -16.5996c19.9004 21.3994 50.4004 39.5 94.2002 48.2002v0.0996094c-13.4004 42.5 43.9004 66.5996 88.5 58.7998c18.2002 -3.2002 39.2002 -13.2998 42.0996 -31.2998zM530.7 184.3c3.09961 15.7998 -0.5 33.7002 -7.2002 47.7998 c-23.2998 -2.89941 -52.2998 -10.0996 -68.5 -26.8994c-24.4004 -25.2998 -16.7998 -60 14.0996 -64.7998c25 -3.90039 55.7002 14.3994 61.6006 43.8994zM552.5 267.4c10.5996 1.5 23.5 3.5 34.2002 9.59961c14.7998 8.5 10.3994 21 -4.90039 24.4004 c-10.8994 2.39941 -25.0996 -0.5 -31.7998 -7.7002c-7.2998 -7.7998 -1.7002 -20.2998 2.5 -26.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="nutritionix" unicode="&#xf3d6;" horiz-adv-x="400" d="M88 439.9c0 0 133.4 8.19922 121 -104.4c0 0 19.0996 74.9004 103 40.5996c0 0 -17.7002 -74 -88 -56c0 0 14.5996 54.6006 66.0996 56.6006c0 0 -39.8994 10.2998 -82.0996 -48.7998c0 0 -19.7998 94.5 -93.5996 99.6992c0 0 75.1992 -19.3994 77.5996 -107.5 c0 -0.0996094 -106.4 -7 -104 119.801zM400 124.3c0 -48.5 -9.7002 -95.2998 -32 -132.3c-42.2002 -30.9004 -105 -48 -168 -48c-62.9004 0 -125.8 17.0996 -168 48c-22.2998 37 -32 83.7998 -32 132.3c0 48.4004 17.7002 94.7002 40 131.7 c42.2002 30.9004 97.0996 48.5996 160 48.5996c63 0 117.8 -17.5996 160 -48.5996c22.2998 -37 40 -83.2998 40 -131.7zM120 20c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM120 86.2002c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28 s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM120 152.4c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM192 20c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM192 86.2002c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28 s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM192 152.4c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM264 20c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM264 86.2002c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28 s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM264 152.4c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM336 20c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM336 86.2002c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28 s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM336 152.4c0 15.5 -12.5 28 -28 28s-28 -12.5 -28 -28s12.5 -28 28 -28s28 12.5 28 28zM360 192c-4.7998 22.2998 -7.40039 36.9004 -16 56c-38.7998 19.9004 -90.5 32 -144 32s-105.2 -12.0996 -144 -32 c-8.7998 -19.5 -11.2002 -33.9004 -16 -56c42.2002 7.90039 98.7002 14.7998 160 14.7998s117.8 -6.89941 160 -14.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="page4" unicode="&#xf3d7;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 -56c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248c20.9004 0 41.2998 -2.59961 60.7002 -7.5l-266.4 -376.5h205.7v-112zM248 87.5996h-149.4l149.4 213.601v-213.601zM344 56h111.4c-26.9004 -41 -65.7002 -73.5 -111.4 -92.7002v92.7002zM401.4 194.2v-16.7002 l-21.2002 8.2998zM381.1 139.7c5.90039 0 8.2002 -4.7002 8.2002 -10.6006v-10h-16.2002v7.7002c0 6.60059 1.30078 12.9004 8 12.9004zM496 192c0 -37.2998 -8.2002 -72.7002 -23 -104.4h-129v333.101c89.2998 -37.5 152 -125.8 152 -228.7zM360.4 304.4h68.1992v47.5996 h-13.8994v-32.5996h-13.9004v29.5996h-13.8994v-29.5996h-12.7002v32.5996h-13.9004v-47.5996h0.100586zM428.5 119.1h-26.5v11c0 15.4004 -5.59961 25.2002 -20.9004 25.2002c-15.3994 0 -20.6992 -10.5996 -20.6992 -25.8994v-25.3008h68.1992v15h-0.0996094zM428.5 222.1 l-68.2002 -29.6992v-12.4004l68.2002 -29.5v16.5996l-14.4004 5.7002v26.5l14.4004 5.90039v16.8994zM423.7 290.6h-35.6006v-26.5996h13.9004v12.2002h11c8.59961 -15.7998 1.2998 -35.2998 -18.5996 -35.2998c-22.5 0 -28.3008 25.2998 -15.5 37.6992l-11.6006 10.6006 c-16.2002 -17.5 -12.2002 -63.9004 27.1006 -63.9004c34 0 44.6992 35.9004 29.2998 65.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="periscope" unicode="&#xf3da;" d="M370 384.4c38.4004 -40.7002 59.5 -94.3008 59.5 -150.801c0 -74.2998 -57.4004 -159.5 -82 -192.6c-8 -10.7998 -79.2998 -105 -120.9 -105c-34 0 -88.7998 56.5 -125.399 104.9c-24.9004 32.8994 -82.7002 117.6 -82.7002 192.699c0 118.2 93.4004 214.4 208.1 214.4 c53.9004 0 104.801 -22.5996 143.4 -63.5996zM226.6 -45.9004c37.3008 0 184.801 167.301 184.7 279.4c0 107.3 -83.8994 196.3 -184.7 196.3c-106.1 0 -190 -88.8994 -190 -196.3c0 -112.1 147.5 -279.4 190 -279.4zM338 241.2c0 -59.1006 -51.0996 -109.7 -110.8 -109.7 c-100.601 0 -150.7 108.2 -92.9004 181.8v-0.399414c0 -24.5 20.1006 -44.4004 44.7998 -44.4004c24.7002 0 44.8008 19.9004 44.8008 44.4004c0 18.1992 -11.1006 33.7998 -26.9004 40.6992c76.5996 19.2002 141 -39.2998 141 -112.399z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phabricator" unicode="&#xf3db;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M323 185.9c0 0 21.5996 -19.6006 20.9004 -20.7002l-8.10059 -19.7998c-0.5 -1.40039 -29.7002 -0.5 -29.7002 -0.5l-9.09961 -9.10059s1.59961 -31.5 0.200195 -32.0996l-20 -7.5c-1.2998 -0.5 -21.7998 23.2998 -21.7998 23.2998l-13.1006 0.200195 s-19.2998 -24.1006 -20.7002 -23.5l-20.0996 8.2998c-1.40039 0.5 -1.2002 32.2998 -1.2002 32.2998l-9.39941 9.2998s-28.9004 -0.899414 -29.5 0.5l-9.5 20c-0.600586 1.40039 21.0996 21.2002 21.0996 21.2002l-0.0996094 12.9004s-21.6006 19.5996 -21 21 l8.09961 19.7998c0.5 1.2998 29.7002 0.400391 29.7002 0.400391l9.09961 9.09961s-1.59961 28.4004 -0.200195 28.9004l20 8.2998c1.40039 0.599609 21.9004 -20.7998 21.9004 -20.7998l13.0996 -0.200195s19.3008 21.5996 20.7002 21l20.1006 -9.2002 c1.39941 -0.599609 1.19922 -29.0996 1.19922 -29.0996l9.40039 -9.30078s28.9004 0.900391 29.5 -0.5l9.5 -20c0.599609 -1.39941 -21.0996 -21.1992 -21.0996 -21.1992zM278.1 194.6c-0.699219 17 -15.5 30.3008 -32.7998 29.5 c-17.2998 -0.699219 -30.7998 -15.1992 -30.0996 -32.2998c0.700195 -17.0996 15.5 -30.3994 32.7998 -29.5996s30.7998 15.2998 30.0996 32.3994zM479.3 232.5c22.2998 -22.2998 22.2998 -58.7002 0 -81c-67.3994 -67.4004 -44.2998 -44.4004 -95.2998 -95.2998 c-74.4004 -74.5 -194.7 -74.9004 -269.8 -1.60059l-0.100586 -0.0996094c-51 51 -27.5 27.5996 -97.3994 97c-22.2998 22.2998 -22.2998 58.7002 0 81c67.8994 67.4004 44.7998 44.2998 95.7002 95.2998c74.3994 74.4004 194.699 74.9004 269.8 1.60059l0.0996094 0.0996094 zM140.4 84.2002c59.5996 -59.5 156 -59.6006 215.6 -0.100586c59.5996 59.6006 59.5 156.101 0 215.601c-59.5996 59.5 -156.1 59.5996 -215.6 0c-59.6006 -59.5 -59.6006 -156 0 -215.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="playstation" unicode="&#xf3df;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M570.9 75.7002c-11.3008 -14.2002 -38.8008 -24.2998 -38.8008 -24.2998l-205.1 -73.6006v54.2998l150.9 53.8008c17.0996 6.09961 19.7998 14.7998 5.7998 19.3994c-13.9004 4.60059 -39.1006 3.2998 -56.2002 -2.89941l-100.5 -35.5v56.3994 c23.2002 7.7998 47.0996 13.6006 75.7002 16.7998c40.8994 4.5 90.8994 -0.599609 130.2 -15.5c44.1992 -14 49.1992 -34.6992 38 -48.8994zM346.5 168.2v139c0 16.2998 -3 31.2998 -18.2998 35.5996c-11.7002 3.7998 -19 -7.09961 -19 -23.3994v-347.9l-93.7998 29.7998 v414.7c39.8994 -7.40039 98 -24.9004 129.199 -35.4004c79.5 -27.2998 106.4 -61.2998 106.4 -137.8c0 -74.5 -46 -102.8 -104.5 -74.5996zM43.2002 37.7998c-45.4004 12.7998 -53 39.5 -32.2998 54.7998c19.0996 14.2002 51.6992 24.9004 51.6992 24.9004l134.5 47.7998 v-54.5l-96.7998 -34.5996c-17.0996 -6.10059 -19.7002 -14.7998 -5.7998 -19.4004c13.9004 -4.59961 39.0996 -3.2998 56.2002 2.90039l46.3994 16.8994v-48.7998c-51.5996 -9.2998 -101.399 -7.2998 -153.899 10z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pushed" unicode="&#xf3e1;" horiz-adv-x="432" d="M407 336.1c21.7002 -1.89941 33.7998 -28 17.4004 -44.7998l-235.2 -231.3l-35.2998 -80.7998c-11 -17.2002 -41.2002 -14.2998 -47.7002 7l-105.101 348.3c-4.59961 18.2998 6.30078 33.9004 21.4004 36.5996l271.3 44.4004c17.9004 3.40039 39.1006 -13.5 28.7002 -37 l-14 -33.4004zM297.6 394.4l-189 -31l177.4 -16.3008l16.7998 39.9004c2.2998 4.90039 -0.0996094 8.09961 -5.2002 7.40039zM22.7002 340.1l157.899 -244.3l96.9004 230.7l-248.7 22.7002c-5.09961 0.899414 -9.2002 -4 -6.09961 -9.10059zM136 -8.40039 c0 0 28.2002 64.1006 35.2002 79.1006l-127.7 197.6l83.0996 -275.5c1.5 -4.2998 6.80078 -5.2002 9.40039 -1.2002zM408.8 306.1c3.10059 3.30078 1.40039 7.5 -2.59961 8.60059l-106.4 9.7002l-89.7002 -213.7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="python" unicode="&#xf3e2;" d="M439.8 247.5c10.7002 -42.9004 11.2002 -75.0996 0 -108.6c-10.7998 -32.5 -22.2998 -54.2002 -53.3994 -54.2002h-160.2v-13.6006h106.7v-40.6992c0 -30.8008 -26.5 -46.5 -53.4004 -54.3008c-40.5 -11.6992 -73 -9.89941 -106.8 0 c-28.2002 8.30078 -53.4004 25.3008 -53.4004 54.3008v101.8c0 29.2998 24.2002 54.2998 53.4004 54.2998h106.8c35.5996 0 66.7998 31 66.7998 67.7998v47.4004h40.1006c31.0996 0 45.6992 -23.2998 53.3994 -54.2002zM286.2 44c-11 0 -20 -9 -20.1006 -20.2998 c0 -11.2002 9.10059 -20.4004 20.1006 -20.4004c11.0996 0 20.0996 9.10059 20.0996 20.4004c0 11.2002 -9 20.2998 -20.0996 20.2998zM167.8 199.9c-36.2998 0 -66.7998 -31.1006 -66.7998 -66.4004v-48.7998h-36.7002c-31.0996 0 -49.2002 22.5996 -56.7998 54.2002 c-10.2002 42.5 -9.7998 67.8994 0 108.6c8.5 35.5 35.7002 54.2002 66.7998 54.2002h147v13.5996h-106.899v40.7002c0 30.9004 8.19922 47.5996 53.3994 55.5996c32.1006 5.7002 71 6 106.8 0.100586c29 -4.90039 53.4004 -26.6006 53.4004 -55.6006v-101.899 c0 -29.7998 -23.7002 -54.2998 -53.4004 -54.2998h-106.8zM161.1 342.5c11.1006 0 20.1006 9.09961 20.1006 20.2998s-9.10059 20.4004 -20.1006 20.4004c-11.0996 0 -20 -9.10059 -20.0996 -20.4004c0 -11.2002 9 -20.2998 20.0996 -20.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="red-river" unicode="&#xf3e3;" d="M353.2 416c52.3994 0 94.7998 -42.4004 94.7998 -94.7998v-258.4c0 -52.3994 -42.4004 -94.7998 -94.7998 -94.7998h-258.4c-52.3994 0 -94.7998 42.4004 -94.7998 94.7998v258.4c0 52.3994 42.4004 94.7998 94.7998 94.7998h258.4zM144.9 247.1 c-0.600586 12.4004 11.6992 24.6006 24 24h56.2998c27 0 48.8994 21.9004 48.8994 48.9004h-154.199c-13.2002 0 -23.9004 -10.7002 -23.9004 -23.9004v-154.199c27 0 48.9004 21.8994 48.9004 48.8994v56.2998zM321.2 175.1c27 0 48.8994 21.9004 48.8994 48.9004h-154.199 c-13.2002 0 -23.9004 -10.7002 -23.9004 -23.9004v-154.199c27 0 48.9004 21.8994 48.9004 48.8994v56.2998c-0.600586 12.4004 11.6992 24.6006 24 24h56.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="replyd" unicode="&#xf3e6;" d="M320 -32h-192c-70.4004 0 -128 57.5996 -128 128v192c0 70.4004 57.5996 128 128 128h192c70.4004 0 128 -57.5996 128 -128v-192c0 -70.4004 -57.5996 -128 -128 -128zM193.4 174.8c-6.10059 2 -11.6006 3.10059 -16.4004 3.10059 c-7.2002 0 -13.5 -1.90039 -18.9004 -5.60059c-5.39941 -3.7002 -9.59961 -9 -12.7998 -15.7998h-1.09961l-4.2002 18.2998h-28v-138.899h36.0996v89.6992c1.5 5.40039 4.40039 9.80078 8.7002 13.2002c4.2998 3.40039 9.7998 5.10059 16.2002 5.10059 c4.59961 0 9.7998 -1 15.5996 -3.10059zM308.6 71.4004c-3.19922 -2.40039 -7.69922 -4.80078 -13.6992 -7.10059s-12.8008 -3.5 -20.4004 -3.5c-12.2002 0 -21.0996 3 -26.5 8.90039c-5.5 5.89941 -8.5 14.7002 -9 26.3994h83.2998 c0.900391 4.80078 1.60059 9.40039 2.10059 13.9004c0.5 4.40039 0.699219 8.59961 0.699219 12.5c0 10.7002 -1.59961 19.7002 -4.69922 26.9004c-3.2002 7.19922 -7.30078 13 -12.5 17.1992c-5.2002 4.30078 -11.1006 7.30078 -17.8008 9.2002 c-6.69922 1.7998 -13.5 2.7998 -20.5996 2.7998c-21.0996 0 -37.5 -6.09961 -49.2002 -18.2998s-17.5 -30.5 -17.5 -55c0 -22.7998 5.2002 -40.7002 15.6006 -53.7002c10.3994 -13.0996 26.7998 -19.5996 49.1992 -19.5996c10.7002 0 20.9004 1.5 30.4004 4.59961 c9.5 3.10059 17.0996 6.80078 22.5996 11.2002zM286.8 141.7c3.7998 -5.40039 5.2998 -13.1006 4.60059 -23.1006h-51.7002c0.899414 9.40039 3.7002 17 8.2002 22.6006c4.5 5.59961 11.5 8.5 21 8.5c8.19922 0.0996094 14.0996 -2.60059 17.8994 -8zM366.7 139.2 c4.09961 -3.90039 9.39941 -5.7998 16.0996 -5.7998c7 0 12.6006 1.89941 16.7002 5.7998c4.09961 3.89941 6.09961 9.09961 6.09961 15.5996s-2 11.6006 -6.09961 15.4004s-9.59961 5.7002 -16.7002 5.7002c-6.7002 0 -12 -1.90039 -16.0996 -5.7002 c-4.10059 -3.7998 -6.10059 -8.90039 -6.10059 -15.4004s2 -11.7002 6.10059 -15.5996zM366.7 38.7002c4.09961 -3.90039 9.39941 -5.7998 16.0996 -5.7998c7 0 12.6006 1.89941 16.7002 5.7998c4.09961 3.89941 6.09961 9.09961 6.09961 15.5996 s-2 11.6006 -6.09961 15.4004s-9.59961 5.7002 -16.7002 5.7002c-6.7002 0 -12 -1.90039 -16.0996 -5.7002c-4.10059 -3.7998 -6.10059 -8.90039 -6.10059 -15.4004c0 -6.59961 2 -11.7002 6.10059 -15.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="resolving" unicode="&#xf3e7;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M281.2 169.8l-197.9 -57.2002l-28.5996 98.6006l188.2 54.0996c52.6992 15.2998 65 8.10059 71.0996 -12.7998l11.2002 -39.2998c5.59961 -19.9004 2 -30.1006 -44 -43.4004zM248.5 440c137 0 248.5 -111.4 247.5 -247.7c0 -136.899 -111.5 -248.3 -248.5 -248.3 c-46 0 -89.5 12.7002 -126.3 34.7002l-23 80.2002l286.8 -37.3008l48.0996 13.3008l-9.69922 34.1992l-220.4 27.1006l92.5996 26.5996c30.2002 8.7002 42 15.7998 61.4004 33.2002c24.5 23 31.7002 45.5 23.5 73.5996l-10.7002 37.8008 c-8.7002 30.1992 -25.0996 49.0996 -61.3994 55.1992c-25.1006 3.5 -44.5 2 -79.3008 -8.19922l-221.899 -63.9004c26 108.8 124.2 189.5 241.3 189.5zM38.2998 59.4004c-24 38.3994 -38.2998 83.2998 -38.2998 131.8z" /> <glyph 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46.7998l25.1006 10.7002zM99 184.8l-31.0996 -13l-5.2002 40.7998l27.3994 14.4004zM123.2 71l-41.6006 -5.90039l-8.09961 63.5l35.2002 10.8008zM151.7 210.9l21.2002 -57.1006l-46.2002 -13.5996l-13.7002 54.0996zM237.4 -19.5996 l-70.9004 3.2998l-24.2998 95.7998l55.2002 8.59961zM152.5 260.1l42.2002 22.4004l28 -45.9004l-50.7998 -21.2998zM193.5 165.2l61.2998 18.7002l52.7998 -86.6006l-79.7998 -11.2998zM244.9 250.8l67.2998 28.7998l65.5 -65.3994l-88.6006 -26.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="searchengin" unicode="&#xf3eb;" horiz-adv-x="460" d="M220.6 317.7l-67.1992 -209.3v130.3l-54.7002 -24.2002l54.7002 190.3v-115.3zM137.4 414.4l-1.30078 -4.7002l-15.1992 -52.9004c-40.3008 -15.5 -68.9004 -54.5996 -68.9004 -100.3c0 -52.2998 34.2998 -95.9004 83.4004 -105.5v-53.5996 c-77.9004 10.5 -135.4 78.1992 -135.4 159c0 80.5 59.7998 147.199 137.4 158zM448.8 -32.7998c-11.2002 -11.2002 -23.0996 -12.2998 -28.5996 -10.5c-5.40039 1.7998 -27.1006 19.8994 -60.4004 44.3994c-33.2998 24.6006 -33.5996 35.7002 -43 56.7002 c-9.39941 20.9004 -30.3994 42.6006 -57.5 52.4004l-9.7002 14.7002c-24.6992 -16.9004 -53 -26.9004 -81.2998 -28.7002l2.10059 6.59961l15.8994 49.5c46.5 11.9004 80.9004 54 80.9004 104.2c0 54.5 -38.4004 102.1 -96 107.1v52.1006 c83.2002 -5.10059 148.8 -74.5 148.8 -159.3c0 -33.6006 -11.2002 -64.7002 -29 -90.4004l14.5996 -9.59961c9.80078 -27.1006 31.5 -48 52.4004 -57.4004s32.2002 -9.7002 56.7998 -43c24.6006 -33.2002 42.7002 -54.9004 44.5 -60.2998 c1.7998 -5.40039 0.700195 -17.2998 -10.5 -28.5zM438.9 -14.9004c0 4.40039 -3.60059 8 -8 8c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8c0 -4.39941 3.59961 -8 8 -8c4.39941 0 8 3.60059 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="servicestack" unicode="&#xf3ec;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M88 232c81.7002 -10.2002 273.7 -102.3 304 -232h-392c99.5 8.09961 184.5 137 88 232zM120 384c102.8 -15.5 335.3 -167.9 376 -384h-96c-26.2998 126.7 -150.7 216.7 -233.6 250.4c1.2998 49.6992 -14.1006 98 -46.4004 133.6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sistrix" unicode="&#xf3ee;" d="M448 -1l-30.5 -31l-146 148.1c-28.7002 -23.6992 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24.5996c-6.09961 19.1006 3.90039 39.7002 23 45.9004l45.2998 15l-15.6992 47c-6.10059 19.0996 3.89941 39.7002 23 45.9004 c19.0996 6.19922 39.7998 -3.90039 46 -22.9004l15.6992 -47l93.4004 31.2002l-15.7002 47c-6.09961 19.0996 3.90039 39.7002 23 45.8994c19.1006 6.2002 39.7998 -3.89941 46 -22.8994l15.7002 -47l45.4004 15.0996c19.0996 6.2002 39.7998 -3.89941 46 -22.8994 c6.09961 -19.1006 -3.90039 -39.7002 -23 -45.9004l-45.4004 -15.0996l30.2998 -90l45.4004 15.0996c19.0996 6.2002 39.7998 -3.90039 46 -22.9004zM192.1 130.4l93.5 31.2998l-30.2998 90.2002l-93.5 -31.3008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="staylinked" unicode="&#xf3f5;" horiz-adv-x="440" d="M382.7 155.5l44.2998 -41.2998c3.7002 -3.5 3.2998 -9 -0.700195 -12.2002l-198 -163.9c-9.89941 -7.59961 -17.2998 -0.799805 -17.2998 -0.799805l-208.7 196.101c-3.5 3.5 -3 9 1.2002 12.1992l45.7998 34.9004c4.2002 3.2002 10.4004 3 13.9004 -0.5l151.899 -147.5 c3.7002 -3.5 10 -3.7002 14.2002 -0.400391l93.2002 74c4.09961 3.2002 4.5 8.7002 0.900391 12.2002l-84 81.2998c-3.60059 3.5 -9.90039 3.7002 -14 0.5l-0.100586 -0.0996094c-4.09961 -3.2002 -10.3994 -3 -14 0.5l-68.0996 64.2998 c-3.5 3.5 -3.10059 9 1.09961 12.2002l57.2998 43.5996c4.10059 3.2002 10.3008 3 13.8008 -0.5l170 -167.3zM437.2 238.9c3.7002 -3.5 3.39941 -9 -0.700195 -12.2002l-45.7998 -35.7998c-4.10059 -3.2002 -10.4004 -3 -14.1006 0.5l-160.399 159 c-3.60059 3.5 -9.7998 3.69922 -13.9004 0.5l-92.2002 -71.5c-4.19922 -3.30078 -4.69922 -8.7002 -1.09961 -12.2002l94.5996 -91.7998c3.7002 -3.5 10 -3.60059 14.2002 -0.400391l0.100586 0.0996094c4.19922 3.2002 10.5996 3 14.1992 -0.5l57.1006 -54.3994 c3.7002 -3.5 3.2998 -9 -0.900391 -12.2002l-7.7002 -6l0.300781 -0.299805l-50.2002 -38.7998c-4.2002 -3.30078 -10.6006 -3.10059 -14.2998 0.399414l-171.7 165.101l-42.2998 41.6992c-3.60059 3.5 -3 9 1.19922 12.2002l206.801 162.101 c8.2998 6.59961 14.7998 2.2998 16.2998 1.09961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="steam-symbol" unicode="&#xf3f6;" d="M395.5 270.5c0 -33.7998 -27.5 -61 -61 -61c-33.7998 0 -61 27.2998 -61 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-12l-9.59961 -4s17.2998 63.5996 19.3994 63.5996c2.10059 0 20.2998 -0.699219 20.2998 -0.699219l66.7002 38.5996l-92.5 -26.0996 l-55.8994 -36.8008l-22.8008 -28l-6.59961 -1.39941l20.7998 73.5996l6.90039 5.5l20.7002 -12.8994l88.2998 45.1992l56.7998 51.5l14.7998 68.4004l-125.399 -23.2998l15.1992 18.2002l-173.399 53.2998l81.8994 10.5l-166 122.899l114.9 -18.0996l-101.3 108 l252.899 -126.6l-31.5 38l124.4 -74.4004l-143.3 99l18.7002 -38.4004l-49.6006 18.1006l-45.5 84.2998l194.601 -122l-42.9004 55.7998l108 -96.3994l12 8.89941l-21 16.4004l4.2002 37.7998l37.7998 10.4004l29.2002 -24.7002l11.5 -4.2002l-7 -6.2002l8.5 -12 l-13.1006 -7.39941l-10.2998 -20.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="supple" unicode="&#xf3f9;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 185.5c0 -64.0996 -109 -116.1 -243.5 -116.1c-24.7998 0 -48.5996 1.7998 -71.0996 5c7.69922 -0.400391 15.5 -0.600586 23.3994 -0.600586c134.5 0 243.5 56.9004 243.5 127.101c0 29.3994 -19.0996 56.3994 -51.2002 78 c60 -21.1006 98.9004 -55.1006 98.9004 -93.4004zM47.7002 220.1c0.0996094 -29.3994 19.2998 -56.5 51.5996 -78c-60.2002 21 -99.2002 55 -99.2998 93.3008c-0.0996094 64.0996 108.8 116.3 243.3 116.699c24.7002 0 48.5 -1.69922 71 -4.89941 c-7.7002 0.299805 -15.3994 0.5 -23.2998 0.5c-134.5 -0.299805 -243.4 -57.4004 -243.3 -127.601zM107.9 180.2l8.7998 10.8994s8.7998 -10.0996 20.7002 -10.0996c6.5 0 12.2998 3.5 12.2998 10.0996c0 14.5 -40.2002 13.3008 -40.2002 39.9004 c0 13.9004 12 24.0996 28.5 24.0996c10 0 25.4004 -4.69922 25.4004 -16.7998v-7.89941h-14.2002v3.89941c0 4 -5.60059 6.60059 -11.2998 6.60059c-7.2002 0 -12.5 -3.7002 -12.5 -9.10059c0 -14.5996 40.1992 -11.7002 40.1992 -39.7002 c0 -13.5996 -10.5 -25.0996 -28.3994 -25.0996c-18.7998 0 -29.2998 13.2002 -29.2998 13.2002zM228.7 253.8h15.7002v-55c0 -18.8994 -13.3008 -31.8994 -33.4004 -31.8994c-20.2998 0 -33.7002 13 -33.7002 31.8994v55h15.7998v-54.5 c0 -11.2002 7.10059 -17.7002 17.8008 -17.7002c10.6992 0 17.7998 6.5 17.7998 17.8008v54.3994zM263.1 168.4v72h-7.7998v13.3994h39.1006c16 0 27.1992 -11.2002 27.1992 -27.7998s-11.1992 -28.0996 -27.1992 -28.0996h-15.5v-29.5h-15.8008zM278.9 211.4h12.5996 c8.90039 0 14 5.7998 14 14.6992c0 8.7002 -5 14.4004 -13.7002 14.4004h-12.8994v-29.0996zM335.9 168.4v72h-7.80078v13.3994h39.1006c16 0 27.2002 -11.2002 27.2002 -27.7998s-11.2002 -28.0996 -27.2002 -28.0996h-15.5v-29.5h-15.7998zM351.6 211.4h12.6006 c9 0 14 5.7998 14 14.6992c0 8.7002 -5 14.4004 -13.7002 14.4004h-12.9004v-29.0996zM408.7 176.6h0.0996094v61.2002c0 1.60059 -0.899414 2.60059 -2.59961 2.60059h-5.2002v13.3994h15.4004c5.7998 0 8.19922 -2.5 8.19922 -8.2002v-61.1992 c0 -1.60059 0.900391 -2.60059 2.60059 -2.60059h18.5996c1.60059 0 2.60059 0.900391 2.60059 2.60059v5.19922h14.2998v-13c0 -5.7998 -2.40039 -8.19922 -8.2002 -8.19922h-37.5996c-5.80078 0 -8.2002 2.39941 -8.2002 8.19922zM472.1 176.6h-0.0996094v63.9004h-7.7998 v13.4004h51.5996c5.7002 0 8.2002 -2.5 8.2002 -8.2002v-13h-14.2002v5.2002c0 1.59961 -0.899414 2.59961 -2.59961 2.59961h-19.2002v-22.4004h27.7002v-13.3994h-27.7002v-20.2998c0 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-0.0996094 4.89941 -0.0996094 7.39941v12.4004h102.9v-12.4004z M123.4 104.1c8.89941 -10.5996 20.0996 -19.0996 33 -24.7998h-138.301c-3.7998 8 -7 16.2998 -9.59961 24.7998h114.9zM105.7 138.8c2 -7.89941 5.2002 -15.3994 9.2002 -22.2998h-109.7c-1.7002 7.2998 -3 14.7002 -3.90039 22.2998h104.4zM102.9 208.1v-17.2998h-102.9 v17.2998h102.9zM102.9 381.3v-4.89941h-102.9v4.89941h102.9zM102.9 416v-2.5h-102.9v2.5h102.9zM102.9 346.7v-7.40039h-102.9v7.40039h102.9zM102.9 242.7v-14.7998h-102.9v14.7998h102.9zM102.9 312v-9.90039h-102.9v9.90039h102.9zM102.9 277.4v-12.4004h-102.9v12.4004 h102.9zM269.1 116.5c4 6.90039 7.10059 14.4004 9.2002 22.2998h104.4c-0.799805 -7.59961 -2.10059 -15 -3.90039 -22.2998h-109.7zM281.1 302.2v9.7998h102.9v-9.7998h-102.9zM281.1 265v12.4004h102.9v-12.4004h-102.9zM281.1 339.3v7.40039h102.9v-7.40039h-102.9z M281.1 416h102.9v-2.5h-102.9v2.5zM78.0996 5.09961c-11.7998 8.7002 -23.5996 18.7002 -33.1992 29.7002h293.1c-9.5 -11.0996 -20.4004 -21 -32.2002 -29.7002h-227.7zM281.1 376.4v4.89941h102.9v-4.89941h-102.9zM281.1 227.9v14.7998h102.9v-14.7998h-102.9z M38.7998 42.2998c-6.59961 8.5 -10.5996 17.6006 -15.7998 27.2002h338.9c-5.2002 -9.59961 -11.1006 -18.7002 -17.8008 -27.2002h-305.3zM227.6 79.4004c12.8008 5.59961 24.1006 14.0996 32.9004 24.7998h115c-2.7002 -8.60059 -4.7998 -16.7998 -8.5 -24.7998h-139.4z M281.1 161.1v12.4004h102.9v-12.4004c0 -2.5 -0.0996094 -4.89941 -0.200195 -7.39941h-103.1c0.299805 2.39941 0.399414 4.89941 0.399414 7.39941zM281.1 190.8v17.2998h102.9v-17.2998h-102.9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="untappd" unicode="&#xf405;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M401.3 398.1c-79.7998 -160.1 -84.5996 -152.5 -87.8994 -173.199l-5.2002 -32.8008c-1.90039 -12 -6.60059 -23.5 -13.7002 -33.3994l-148.9 -207.8c-7.59961 -10.6006 -20.3994 -16.2002 -33.3994 -14.6006c-40.2998 5 -77.7998 32.2002 -95.2998 68.5 c-5.7002 11.7998 -4.5 25.7998 3.09961 36.4004l148.9 207.899c7.09961 9.90039 16.3994 18 27.1992 23.7002l29.3008 15.5c18.5 9.7998 9.69922 11.9004 135.6 138.9c1 4.7998 1 7.2998 3.59961 8c3 0.700195 6.60059 1 6.30078 4.59961l-0.400391 4.60059 c-0.200195 1.89941 1.2998 3.59961 3.2002 3.59961c4.5 0.0996094 13.2002 -1.2002 25.5996 -10c12.2998 -8.90039 16.4004 -16.7998 17.7002 -21.0996c0.599609 -1.80078 -0.599609 -3.7002 -2.40039 -4.2002l-4.5 -1.10059 c-3.39941 -0.899414 -2.5 -4.39941 -2.2998 -7.39941c0.100586 -2.7998 -2.2998 -3.60059 -6.5 -6.10059zM230.1 411.6c-3.19922 0.800781 -8.19922 1.2002 -6.7998 5.40039c1.2998 4.2998 5.40039 12.2002 17.7002 21.0996c12.4004 8.90039 21.0996 10.1006 25.5996 10 c4.2002 -0.0996094 3.10059 -4.89941 2.80078 -8.19922c-0.300781 -3.60059 3.2998 -3.80078 6.2998 -4.60059c2.59961 -0.700195 2.59961 -3.2998 3.59961 -8c9.10059 -9.2002 17.6006 -17.8994 25.6006 -26.0996c1.2998 -1.40039 1.19922 -3.5 -0.100586 -4.90039 c-15.8994 -16.3994 -29.2998 -30.5996 -40.5 -42.5996c-1 -1 -2.59961 -0.799805 -3.2998 0.5c-6.90039 13.5 -14.2998 28.0996 -22.2002 44c-4.2998 2.5 -6.59961 3.2998 -6.39941 6c0.199219 3 1.09961 6.5 -2.30078 7.39941zM620 41.2998 c7.7002 -10.7002 8.7998 -24.7002 3.40039 -36.5996c-17.7002 -36.6006 -55.4004 -63.7002 -95.7002 -68.6006c-12.9004 -1.5 -25.5 4.10059 -33.1006 14.7002l-148.899 207.9c-7.10059 9.89941 -11.7998 21.3994 -13.7002 33.3994 c-1.59961 9.80078 -2 19.1006 -0.299805 29.8008c1.89941 12 2.7002 6 49 94.7998c0.700195 1.39941 2.59961 1.59961 3.59961 0.5c16.2998 -18 19.2998 -23 30.5 -28.9004c29.7998 -15.7002 43.2002 -20.5996 56.4004 -39.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ussunnah" unicode="&#xf407;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M156.8 162.9l5.7002 -14.4004h-8.2002c-1.2998 3.2002 -3.09961 7.7002 -3.7998 9.5c-2.5 6.2998 -1.09961 8.40039 0 10c1.90039 2.7002 3.2002 4.40039 3.59961 5.2002c0 -2.2002 0.800781 -5.7002 2.7002 -10.2998zM454.1 144.1 c-2.09961 -13.7998 -5.69922 -27.0996 -10.5 -39.6992l43 -23.4004l-44.7998 18.7998c-5.2998 -13.2002 -12 -25.5996 -19.8994 -37.2002l34.1992 -30.1992l-36.7998 26.3994c-8.39941 -11.7998 -18 -22.5996 -28.7002 -32.2998l24.9004 -34.7002l-28.0996 31.7998 c-11 -9.59961 -23.1006 -18 -36.1006 -25.0996l15.7002 -37.2002l-19.2998 35.2998c-13.1006 -6.7998 -27 -12.0996 -41.6006 -15.8994l6.7002 -38.4004l-10.5 37.4004c-14.2998 -3.40039 -29.2002 -5.2998 -44.5 -5.40039l-1.7998 -38.2998l-1.90039 38.4004 c-15.2998 0.0996094 -30.1992 2 -44.5 5.2998l-10.5996 -37.2998l6.7002 38.1992c-14.6006 3.7002 -28.6006 9.10059 -41.7002 15.8008l-19.2002 -35.1006l15.6006 37c-13 7 -25.2002 15.4004 -36.2002 25.1006l-27.9004 -31.6006l24.7002 34.4004 c-10.7002 9.7002 -20.4004 20.5 -28.7998 32.2998l-36.5 -26.2002l33.8994 29.9004c-7.89941 11.5996 -14.5996 24.0996 -20 37.2998l-44.3994 -18.7002l42.5996 23.2002c-4.7998 12.7002 -8.39941 26.0996 -10.5 39.9004l-51 -9l50.2998 14.1992 c-1.09961 8.5 -1.69922 17.1006 -1.69922 25.9004c0 4.7002 0.199219 9.40039 0.5 14.0996l-55.4004 2.90039l56 2.7998c1.2998 13.1006 3.7998 25.7998 7.5 38.1006l-57.0996 16.0996l58.8994 -10.4004c4 12 9.10059 23.5 15.2002 34.4004l-55.0996 30l58.2998 -24.5996 c6.2998 10.5996 13.5 20.3994 21.5996 29.5996l-49.5 43.5996l53.9004 -38.6992c8.09961 8.59961 17 16.5 26.5996 23.5996l-40 55.5996l45.6006 -51.5996c9.5 6.59961 19.6992 12.2998 30.2998 17.2002l-27.2998 64.8994l33.7998 -62.0996 c10.5 4.40039 21.3994 7.90039 32.7002 10.4004l-12.4004 70.6992l19.5 -69.1992c11 2.09961 22.2998 3.19922 33.7998 3.39941l3.7002 72.2002l3.59961 -72.2002c11.5 -0.200195 22.8008 -1.39941 33.8008 -3.5l19.5996 69.2998l-12.4004 -70.6992 c11.3008 -2.60059 22.2002 -6.10059 32.6006 -10.5l33.8994 62.1992l-27.3994 -65.0996c10.5996 -4.90039 20.7002 -10.7002 30.2002 -17.2002l45.7998 51.7998l-40.1006 -55.8994c9.5 -7.10059 18.4004 -15 26.5 -23.6006l54.2002 38.9004l-49.7002 -43.9004 c8 -9.09961 15.2002 -18.8994 21.5 -29.3994l58.7002 24.7002l-55.5 -30.2002c6.10059 -10.9004 11.1006 -22.2998 15.1006 -34.2998l59.2998 10.3994l-57.5 -16.2002c3.7002 -12.1992 6.2002 -24.8994 7.5 -37.8994l56.2998 -2.7002l-56 -2.7998 c0.299805 -4.60059 0.5 -9.2998 0.5 -14.1006c0 -8.69922 -0.599609 -17.2998 -1.59961 -25.7998l50.6992 -14.2998zM432.3 175.1c0 97.5 -79 176.5 -176.5 176.5s-176.5 -79 -176.5 -176.5s79 -176.5 176.5 -176.5s176.5 79 176.5 176.5zM408.3 175.1 c0 -84.2998 -68.2998 -152.6 -152.6 -152.6s-152.601 68.2998 -152.601 152.6c0 84.3008 68.3008 152.601 152.601 152.601s152.6 -68.2998 152.6 -152.601zM195 207c0 -2.09961 1.2998 -3.7998 3.59961 -5.09961c3.30078 -1.90039 6.2002 -4.60059 8.2002 -8.2002 c2.7998 5.7002 4.2998 9.5 4.2998 11.2002c0 2.19922 -1.09961 4.39941 -3.19922 7c-2.10059 2.5 -3.2002 5.19922 -3.30078 7.69922c-6.5 -6.7998 -9.59961 -10.8994 -9.59961 -12.5996zM154.3 226c0 -2.09961 1.2998 -3.7998 3.60059 -5.09961 c3.5 -1.90039 6.19922 -4.60059 8.19922 -8.2002c2.80078 5.7002 4.30078 9.5 4.30078 11.2002c0 2.19922 -1.10059 4.39941 -3.2002 7c-2.10059 2.5 -3.2002 5.19922 -3.2998 7.69922c-6.5 -6.7998 -9.60059 -10.8994 -9.60059 -12.5996zM135.3 226 c0 -2.09961 1.2998 -3.7998 3.60059 -5.09961c3.2998 -1.90039 6.19922 -4.60059 8.19922 -8.2002c2.80078 5.7002 4.30078 9.5 4.30078 11.2002c0 2.19922 -1.10059 4.39941 -3.2002 7c-2.10059 2.5 -3.2002 5.19922 -3.2998 7.69922 c-6.40039 -6.7998 -9.60059 -10.8994 -9.60059 -12.5996zM340.2 138.1c-8.40039 3 -8.7002 6.80078 -8.7002 15.6006v112.3c-8.2002 -12.5 -14.2002 -18.5996 -18 -18.5996c6.2998 -14.4004 9.5 -23.9004 9.5 -28.3008v-64.2998c0 -2.2002 -2.2002 -6.5 -4.7002 -6.5h-18 c-2.7998 7.5 -10.2002 26.9004 -15.2998 40.2998c-2 -2.5 -7.2002 -9.19922 -10.7002 -13.6992c2.40039 -1.60059 4.10059 -3.60059 5.2002 -6.30078c2.59961 -6.69922 6.40039 -16.5 7.90039 -20.1992h-9.2002c-3.90039 10.3994 -9.60059 25.3994 -11.7998 31.0996 c-2 -2.5 -7.2002 -9.2002 -10.7002 -13.7002c2.39941 -1.59961 4.09961 -3.59961 5.2002 -6.2998c0.799805 -2 2.7998 -7.2998 4.2998 -10.9004h-9.2002c-1.5 4.10059 -5.59961 14.6006 -8.40039 22c-2 -2.5 -7.19922 -9.19922 -10.6992 -13.6992 c2.5 -1.60059 4.2998 -3.60059 5.19922 -6.30078c0.200195 -0.599609 0.5 -1.39941 0.600586 -1.69922h-17.7002c-4.59961 13.8994 -11.4004 27.6992 -11.4004 34.0996c0 2.2002 0.300781 5.09961 1.10059 8.2002c-8.7998 -10.7998 -14 -15.9004 -14 -25 c0 -7.5 10.3994 -28.2998 10.3994 -33.2998c0 -1.7002 -0.5 -3.30078 -1.39941 -4.90039c-9.60059 12.7002 -15.5 20.7002 -18.7998 20.7002h-12l-11.2002 28c-3.7998 9.59961 -5.7002 16 -5.7002 18.7998c0 3.7998 0.5 7.7002 1.7002 12.2002 c-1 -1.2998 -3.7002 -4.7002 -5.5 -7.10059c-0.799805 2.10059 -3.10059 7.7002 -4.60059 11.5c-2.09961 -2.5 -7.5 -9.09961 -11.1992 -13.5996c0.899414 -2.2998 3.2998 -8.09961 4.89941 -12.2002c-2.5 -3.2998 -9.09961 -11.7998 -13.5996 -17.7002 c-4 -5.2998 -5.7998 -13.2998 -2.7002 -21.7998c2.5 -6.7002 2 -7.89941 -1.7002 -14.0996h61.7002c5.5 0 14.2998 -14 15.5 -22c13.2002 16 15.4004 19.5996 16.7998 21.5996h107c3.90039 0 7.2002 1.90039 9.90039 5.7998zM360.3 164.7v101.6 c-9 -12.5 -15.8994 -18.5996 -20.7002 -18.5996c7.10059 -14.4004 10.7002 -23.9004 10.7002 -28.2998v-66.3008c0 -17.5 8.60059 -20.3994 24 -20.3994c8.10059 0 12.5 0.799805 13.7002 2.7002c-4.2998 1.59961 -7.59961 2.5 -9.90039 3.2998 c-8.09961 3.2002 -17.7998 7.39941 -17.7998 26z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vaadin" unicode="&#xf408;" d="M224.5 307.3c1.5 17.6006 4.90039 52.7002 49.7998 52.7002h98.6006c20.6992 0 32.0996 7.7998 32.0996 21.5996v12.3008c0 12.1992 9.2998 22.0996 21.5 22.0996s21.5 -9.90039 21.5 -22.0996v-36.5c0 -42.9004 -21.5 -62 -66.7998 -62h-100.5 c-30.1006 0 -33 -14.7002 -33 -27.1006c0 -1.2998 -0.100586 -2.5 -0.200195 -3.7002c-0.700195 -12.2998 -10.9004 -22.1992 -23.4004 -22.1992s-22.6992 9.7998 -23.3994 22.1992c-0.100586 1.2002 -0.200195 2.40039 -0.200195 3.7002c0 12.2998 -3 27.1006 -33 27.1006 h-100.7c-45.2998 0 -66.7998 19.0996 -66.7998 62v36.5c0 12.1992 9.40039 22.0996 21.5996 22.0996c12.2002 0 21.5 -9.90039 21.5 -22.0996v-12.3008c0 -13.7998 11.4004 -21.5996 32.1006 -21.5996h98.5996c44.7998 0 48.2998 -35.0996 49.7998 -52.7002h0.900391z M224 -8c-11.5 0 -21.4004 7 -25.7002 16.2998c-1.09961 1.7998 -97.0996 169.5 -98.2002 171.4c-11.8994 19.7002 3.2002 44.2998 27.2002 44.2998c13.9004 0 23.4004 -6.40039 29.7998 -20.2998l66.9004 -117.7l66.9004 117.7c6.5 13.8994 15.8994 20.2998 29.7998 20.2998 c24 0 39.0996 -24.7002 27.2002 -44.2998c-1.10059 -1.7998 -97.1006 -169.601 -98.2002 -171.4c-4.2998 -9.2998 -14.2002 -16.2998 -25.7002 -16.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vimeo" unicode="&#xf40a;" d="M403.2 416c24.7002 0 44.7998 -20.0996 44.7998 -44.7998v-358.4c0 -24.7002 -20.0996 -44.7998 -44.7998 -44.7998h-358.4c-24.7002 0 -44.7998 20.0996 -44.7998 44.7998v358.4c0 24.7002 20.0996 44.7998 44.7998 44.7998h358.4zM377 267.2 c1.90039 42.2002 -13.7998 63.7998 -47.0996 64.7002c-44.9004 1.39941 -75.3008 -23.9004 -91.2002 -76c19.8994 8.5 49.2998 10.7998 45.7998 -22.4004c-1 -11.2002 -8.2998 -27.5 -21.7998 -48.9004c-37.7002 -59.3994 -46.9004 -39.5996 -67.6006 91.6006 c-5.7998 36.8994 -21.2998 54.0996 -46.5 51.7002c-22.2998 -2 -57.8994 -38.4004 -95.1992 -71.2002l15.1992 -19.6006c14.5 10.1006 23 15.2002 25.4004 15.2002c21 0 31.9004 -54.7002 57.4004 -148c13.0996 -34.8994 29 -52.2998 47.8994 -52.2998 c30.4004 0 67.7002 28.5996 111.7 85.7998c42.5996 54.7002 64.5996 97.9004 66 129.4z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vnv" unicode="&#xf40b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M104.9 96c-34.1006 0 -46.4004 30.4004 -46.4004 30.4004l-55.9004 111.5s-10.3994 18.0996 10.4004 18.0996h32.7998c10.4004 0 13.2002 -8.7002 18.7998 -18.0996l36.7002 -74.5s5.2002 -13.1006 21.1006 -13.1006c15.8994 0 21.0996 13.1006 21.0996 13.1006 l36.7002 74.5c5.59961 9.5 8.39941 18.0996 18.7998 18.0996h32.7998c20.7998 0 10.4004 -18.0996 10.4004 -18.0996l-55.7998 -111.5s-12.2002 -30.4004 -46.4004 -30.4004h-35.0996zM499.9 96c-34.1006 0 -46.4004 30.4004 -46.4004 30.4004l-55.9004 111.5 s-10.3994 18.0996 10.4004 18.0996h32.7998c10.4004 0 13.2002 -8.7002 18.7998 -18.0996l36.7002 -74.5s5.2002 -13.1006 21.1006 -13.1006c15.8994 0 21.0996 13.1006 21.0996 13.1006l36.7998 74.5c5.60059 9.5 8.40039 18.0996 18.7998 18.0996h32.9004 c20.7998 0 10.4004 -18.0996 10.4004 -18.0996l-55.9004 -111.5s-12.2002 -30.4004 -46.4004 -30.4004h-35.1992zM337.6 256c34.1006 0 46.4004 -30.4004 46.4004 -30.4004l55.9004 -111.5s10.3994 -18.0996 -10.4004 -18.0996h-32.7998 c-10.4004 0 -13.2002 8.7002 -18.7998 18.0996l-36.7002 74.5s-5.2002 13.1006 -21.1006 13.1006c-15.8994 0 -21.0996 -13.1006 -21.0996 -13.1006l-36.7002 -74.5c-5.59961 -9.39941 -8.39941 -18.0996 -18.7998 -18.0996h-32.9004 c-20.7998 0 -10.3994 18.0996 -10.3994 18.0996l55.8994 111.5s12.2002 30.4004 46.4004 30.4004h35.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="whatsapp-square" unicode="&#xf40c;" d="M224 325.2c35.2002 0 68.2002 -13.7002 93.2002 -38.7002c24.8994 -24.9004 40.0996 -58 40.0996 -93.2002c0 -72.7002 -60.7002 -131.8 -133.3 -131.8h-0.0996094c-23.7002 0 -46.9004 6.40039 -67.1006 18.4004l-4.7998 2.89941l-49.9004 -13.0996l13.3008 48.5996 l-3.10059 5c-13.2002 20.9004 -20.2002 45.2002 -20.2002 70.1006c0.100586 72.6992 59.2002 131.8 131.9 131.8zM301.5 136.8c3.2998 9.2002 3.2998 17.2002 2.40039 19.1006c-1 1.59961 -3.60059 2.59961 -7.60059 4.59961s-23.5 11.5996 -27.0996 12.9004 c-3.60059 1.2998 -6.2998 2 -8.90039 -2c-2.59961 -3.90039 -10.2002 -12.9004 -12.5 -15.5c-2.2998 -2.7002 -4.59961 -3 -8.59961 -1c-23.2998 11.6992 -38.6006 20.7998 -53.9004 47.0996c-4.09961 7 4 6.40039 11.6006 21.5996 c1.39941 2.60059 0.699219 4.90039 -0.300781 6.90039s-8.89941 21.5 -12.1992 29.4004c-3.2002 7.69922 -6.5 6.69922 -8.90039 6.7998c-2.2998 0.0996094 -5 0.0996094 -7.59961 0.0996094c-2.7002 0 -7 -1 -10.6006 -5c-3.7002 -4 -13.8994 -13.5996 -13.8994 -33.0996 s14.1992 -38.4004 16.1992 -41c2 -2.60059 28 -42.6006 67.7002 -59.7998c25.1006 -10.8008 34.9004 -11.8008 47.5 -9.90039c7.60059 1.09961 23.4004 9.5 26.7002 18.7998zM400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48 v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM223.9 34.7998c87.3994 0 160.1 71.1006 160.1 158.5c0 42.4004 -18 82.2002 -47.9004 112.2c-30 30 -69.7998 46.5 -112.199 46.5c-87.4004 0 -158.5 -71.0996 -158.601 -158.5c0 -28 7.2998 -55.2998 21.2002 -79.2998l-22.5 -82.2002 l84.0996 22.0996c23.1006 -12.5996 49.2002 -19.2998 75.8008 -19.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="whmcs" unicode="&#xf40d;" d="M448 287l-29.0996 -7l-2.2002 -12.0996l20.8994 -18.8008l-10.2998 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-22.7002l-38.8994 40.5l-21.7002 -6.59961l-12.6006 -54l-42.3994 0.5l-12.6006 53.5996l-21.6992 5.59961l-36.4004 -38.3994l-37.4004 21.7002l15.2002 50.5l-13.7002 16.0996 l-55.5 -14.0996l-19.6992 34.7998l37.8994 37.3994l-4.7998 22.8008l-54 14.0996l0.5 40.9004l53.5 14.6992l5.7002 19.7002l-38.9004 39.4004l20.7002 35.7998l53.5996 -14.0996l15.2002 15.6992l-15.2002 52l36.4004 20.7002l36.7998 -39.3994l22.7002 6.09961l11.5996 52 h42.4004l11.5996 -45.9004l-22.5996 5.90039l-6.2998 1.7002l-3.2998 -5.7002l-11 -19.0996l-3.30078 -5.60059l4.60059 -4.59961l17.2002 -17.4004l-0.300781 -1l-23.7998 -6.5l-6.2002 -1.7002l-0.0996094 -6.39941l-0.200195 -12.9004 c-47.5 -10.3994 -83.2998 -52.7998 -83.2998 -103.5c0 -58.2998 47.2998 -105.7 105.7 -105.7c50.5 0 92.7002 35.4004 103.2 82.8008l13.1992 -0.200195l6.90039 -0.100586l1.59961 6.7002l5.60059 24l1.89941 0.600586l17.1006 -17.8008l4.7002 -4.89941l5.7998 3.39941 l20.3994 12.1006l5.80078 3.5l-2 6.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wordpress-simple" unicode="&#xf411;" 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-10.5996 19.1006 1.40039 18.4004c0 0 36.7998 -2.7998 58.7002 -2.7998c23.2998 0 59.3994 2.7998 59.3994 2.7998c12 0.700195 13.4004 -17 1.40039 -18.4004c0 0 -12.1006 -1.39941 -25.5 -2.09961z M368.1 -0.700195c66.3008 38.6006 110.9 110.4 110.9 192.7c0 38.7998 -9.90039 75.2002 -27.2998 107c1 -7.09961 1.5 -14.7002 1.5 -22.9004c0 -22.6992 -4.2998 -48.0996 -17 -79.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="xbox" unicode="&#xf412;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M369.9 129.8c44.2998 -54.2998 64.6992 -98.7998 54.3994 -118.7c-7.89941 -15.0996 -56.7002 -44.5996 -92.5996 -55.8994c-29.6006 -9.2998 -68.4004 -13.2998 -100.4 -10.2002c-38.2002 3.7002 -76.8994 17.4004 -110.1 39 c-27.9004 18.2002 -34.2002 25.7002 -34.2002 40.5996c0 29.9004 32.9004 82.3008 89.2002 142.101c32 33.8994 76.5 73.7002 81.3994 72.5996c9.40039 -2.09961 84.3008 -75.0996 112.301 -109.5zM188.6 304.2c-66.3994 -81.5 -106 -155.4 -120.3 -194.4 c-9.7998 -26.5 -13.7002 -53 -9.5 -64c2.7998 -7.39941 0.200195 -4.7002 -9.2998 9.90039c-23.2002 35.5 -34.9004 70.3994 -40.5 120.899c-1.90039 16.7002 -1.2002 26.3008 4.2002 60.5c6.7998 42.7002 31.0996 92 60.2998 122.4 c12.4004 12.9004 13.5 13.2002 28.7002 8.09961c28.2998 -9.5 56.7002 -36.5 86.3994 -63.3994zM500.2 240.7c4.7002 -22.6006 5.09961 -70.9004 0.799805 -93.4004c-3.59961 -18.5 -11.2002 -42.5 -18.5996 -58.7002c-5.5 -12.1992 -19.3008 -35.7998 -25.4004 -43.5 c-3.09961 -3.89941 -3.09961 -3.89941 -1.40039 4.60059c2.30078 11.2002 -0.599609 31.5996 -7.39941 52.2998c-20.7002 62.9004 -80.5 149 -122.9 202.3c23.2998 21.4004 41 38.2998 64.2998 52.7998c11.8008 7.40039 28.7002 13.9004 36 13.9004 c7.10059 0 57.7002 -50.2998 74.6006 -130.3zM141.3 405c-14.5996 -0.700195 -14 0.0996094 9.40039 11.2002c81.2002 38.2998 170 27.5996 233.899 -11.7002c-13.3994 0.599609 -43.5 5.90039 -107.399 -25.2002c-11.2002 -5.5 -20.9004 -9.7998 -21.6006 -9.7002 c-4.59961 0.900391 -66.5996 37.9004 -114.3 35.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="yandex" unicode="&#xf413;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M153.1 132.2l-87.3994 -196.2h-63.7002l96 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c-16 0 -21.2002 -8.09961 -34.5 -8.59961c-14 -0.5 -24.6006 13.7998 -33.5 26.7998c-18.2002 26.2998 -32.1006 74 -13.2998 106.3c9.09961 16.0996 25.6992 26.2002 43.5996 26.5c13.7998 0.299805 26.4004 -9.09961 34.7998 -9.09961 c8.2002 0 23.1006 10.8994 40.5 9.89941zM228.2 308.5h73.2002c37.6992 0 64.0996 -26 64.0996 -64s-26.7998 -64.2998 -65.0996 -64.2998h-41.9004v-66.6006h-30.2998v194.9zM258.5 283v-77.4004h34.7998c26.4004 0 41.4004 14.2002 41.4004 38.8008 c0 24.5996 -15 38.5996 -41.2998 38.5996h-34.9004zM420.7 112.1c-28.1006 0 -47.7002 16.8008 -47.7998 42c0 25 19 39.4004 54.0996 41.5l37.7998 2.30078v10.7998c0 15.8994 -10.3994 24.5 -28.8994 24.5c-15.2002 0 -26.3008 -7.90039 -28.6006 -19.9004h-27.2998 c0.900391 25.2002 24.7002 43.6006 56.7998 43.6006c34.6006 0 57.1006 -18.2002 57.1006 -46.3008v-97h-28v23.4004h-0.600586c-8 -15.2998 -25.5996 -24.9004 -44.5996 -24.9004zM428.9 135.2c20.5 0 36 13 36 31.2002v11l-33.6006 -2.10059 c-18.8994 -1.09961 -28.7998 -8.2002 -28.7998 -20.5c0 -11.7998 10.2998 -19.5996 26.4004 -19.5996zM531.4 60.5996c-2.30078 0 -9.80078 0.300781 -11.6006 0.700195v23.4004c1.90039 -0.200195 6.5 -0.5 8.90039 -0.5c13.3994 0 20.8994 5.7002 25.5 20.2998 l2.7998 8.59961l-51.2002 141.9h31.6006l35.5996 -115.1h0.599609l35.6006 115.1h30.7998l-53.0996 -149c-12.1006 -34.0996 -26 -45.4004 -55.5 -45.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cc-apple-pay" unicode="&#xf416;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M302.2 229.6c0 -17.1992 -10.5 -27.0996 -29 -27.0996h-24.2998v54.2002h24.3994c18.4004 0 28.9004 -9.7998 28.9004 -27.1006zM349.7 167c0 8.59961 6.89941 13.5 20.2002 14.4004l23.5 1.5v-7.7002c0 -12.7998 -10.8008 -21.9004 -25.2002 -21.9004 c-11.2998 0 -18.5 5.40039 -18.5 13.7002zM576 369v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM127.8 250.8c8.40039 -0.700195 16.7998 4.2002 22.1006 10.4004 c5.19922 6.39941 8.59961 15 7.69922 23.7002c-7.39941 -0.300781 -16.5996 -4.90039 -21.8994 -11.3008c-4.7998 -5.5 -8.90039 -14.3994 -7.90039 -22.7998zM188.4 176.3c-0.200195 0.200195 -19.6006 7.60059 -19.8008 30c-0.199219 18.7002 15.3008 27.7002 16 28.2002 c-8.7998 13 -22.3994 14.4004 -27.0996 14.7002c-12.2002 0.700195 -22.5996 -6.90039 -28.4004 -6.90039c-5.89941 0 -14.6992 6.60059 -24.2998 6.40039c-12.5 -0.200195 -24.2002 -7.2998 -30.5 -18.6006c-13.0996 -22.5996 -3.39941 -56 9.2998 -74.3994 c6.2002 -9.10059 13.7002 -19.1006 23.5 -18.7002c9.30078 0.400391 13 6 24.2002 6c11.2998 0 14.5 -6 24.2998 -5.90039c10.2002 0.200195 16.5 9.10059 22.8008 18.2002c6.89941 10.4004 9.7998 20.4004 10 21zM323.8 229.7c0 26.5996 -18.5 44.7998 -44.8994 44.7998 h-51.2002v-136.4h21.2002v46.6006h29.2998c26.7998 0 45.5996 18.3994 45.5996 45zM413.8 206c0 19.7002 -15.7998 32.4004 -40 32.4004c-22.5 0 -39.0996 -12.9004 -39.7002 -30.5h19.1006c1.59961 8.39941 9.39941 13.8994 20 13.8994c13 0 20.2002 -6 20.2002 -17.2002 v-7.5l-26.4004 -1.59961c-24.5996 -1.5 -37.9004 -11.5996 -37.9004 -29.0996c0 -17.7002 13.7002 -29.4004 33.4004 -29.4004c13.2998 0 25.5996 6.7002 31.2002 17.4004h0.399414v-16.4004h19.6006v68h0.0996094zM516 237.1h-21.5l-24.9004 -80.5996h-0.399414 l-24.9004 80.5996h-22.2998l35.9004 -99.2998l-1.90039 -6c-3.2002 -10.2002 -8.5 -14.2002 -17.9004 -14.2002c-1.69922 0 -4.89941 0.200195 -6.19922 0.300781v-16.4004c1.19922 -0.400391 6.5 -0.5 8.09961 -0.5c20.7002 0 30.4004 7.90039 38.9004 31.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fly" unicode="&#xf417;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M197.8 20.2002c12.9004 -11.7002 33.7002 -33.2998 33.2002 -50.7002c0 -0.799805 -0.0996094 -1.59961 -0.0996094 -2.5c-1.80078 -19.7998 -18.8008 -31.0996 -39.1006 -31c-25 0.0996094 -39.8994 16.7998 -38.7002 35.7998c1 16.2002 20.5 36.7002 32.4004 47.6006 c2.2998 2.09961 2.7002 2.69922 5.59961 3.59961c3.40039 0 3.90039 -0.299805 6.7002 -2.7998zM331.9 380.7c23.8994 -40 27.7998 -73.2998 20.7998 -112.5c-15.2002 -69.9004 -103.601 -166.5 -155.9 -215.7c-1.7002 -1.59961 -1.39941 -1.40039 -3.5 -2.09961 l-3.2998 0.0996094c-1.7002 0.599609 -4.5 3.5 -6.2002 5.09961c-58.7998 57.8008 -148.7 151.601 -155.8 233.801c-1.5 71.3994 29.2998 113.399 82.9004 141.3c9.89941 4.09961 37 17.2998 81.0996 17.2998c22 0.200195 51.0996 -4.5 76.5996 -15.2002 c24.7002 -11.5 47 -26.3994 63.3008 -52.0996zM186.8 96.0996v325.7c-57.8994 -5.5 -72.7002 -89.2002 -69.2998 -136.7c4.09961 -58.2998 41.2998 -137.899 69.2998 -189zM328.7 268c15.7998 54.9004 -10.9004 134.7 -99.7002 153 c38.2002 -25.5996 49.5996 -85.5 48 -131.4c-2 -58.5996 -39.4004 -140 -67.2002 -191.899c41.6006 42.2998 102.5 113.5 118.9 170.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="node" unicode="&#xf419;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M316.3 -4c-2.09961 0 -4.2002 0.599609 -6.09961 1.59961l-19.2002 11.4004c-2.90039 1.59961 -1.5 2.2002 -0.5 2.5c3.7998 1.2998 4.59961 1.59961 8.7002 4c0.399414 0.200195 1 0.0996094 1.39941 -0.0996094l14.8008 -8.80078 c0.5 -0.299805 1.2998 -0.299805 1.7998 0l57.7998 33.4004c0.5 0.299805 0.900391 0.900391 0.900391 1.59961v66.7002c0 0.700195 -0.300781 1.2998 -0.900391 1.60059l-57.7998 33.2998c-0.5 0.299805 -1.2002 0.299805 -1.7998 0l-57.8008 -33.2998 c-0.599609 -0.300781 -0.899414 -1 -0.899414 -1.60059v-66.7002c0 -0.599609 0.399414 -1.19922 0.899414 -1.5l15.8008 -9.09961c8.59961 -4.2998 13.8994 0.799805 13.8994 5.7998v65.9004c0 0.899414 0.700195 1.7002 1.7002 1.7002h7.2998 c0.900391 0 1.7002 -0.700195 1.7002 -1.7002v-65.9004c0 -11.5 -6.2002 -18 -17.0996 -18c-3.30078 0 -6 0 -13.3008 3.60059l-15.1992 8.69922c-3.7002 2.2002 -6.10059 6.2002 -6.10059 10.5v66.7002c0 4.2998 2.2998 8.40039 6.10059 10.5l57.7998 33.4004 c3.7002 2.09961 8.5 2.09961 12.0996 0l57.7998 -33.4004c3.7002 -2.2002 6.10059 -6.2002 6.10059 -10.5v-66.7002c0 -4.2998 -2.2998 -8.39941 -6.10059 -10.5l-57.7998 -33.3994c-1.7002 -1.10059 -3.7998 -1.7002 -6 -1.7002zM363 61.7998 c0 -12.5996 -10.5 -19.7998 -29 -19.7998c-25.2998 0 -30.5996 11.5996 -30.5996 21.2998c0 1 0.799805 1.7002 1.69922 1.7002h7.5c0.900391 0 1.60059 -0.599609 1.7002 -1.40039c1.10059 -7.59961 4.5 -11.3994 19.7998 -11.3994 c12.2002 0 17.4004 2.7002 17.4004 9.2002c0 3.69922 -1.5 6.39941 -20.4004 8.2998c-15.7998 1.59961 -25.5996 5 -25.5996 17.7002c0 11.5996 9.7998 18.5996 26.2998 18.5996c18.5 0 27.6006 -6.40039 28.7998 -20.2002 c0.100586 -0.5 -0.0996094 -0.899414 -0.399414 -1.2998c-0.299805 -0.299805 -0.700195 -0.5 -1.2002 -0.5h-7.5c-0.799805 0 -1.40039 0.5 -1.59961 1.2998c-1.80078 8 -6.2002 10.6006 -18.1006 10.6006c-13.2998 0 -14.7998 -4.60059 -14.7998 -8.10059 c0 -4.2002 1.7998 -5.39941 19.7998 -7.7998c17.7998 -2.40039 26.2002 -5.7002 26.2002 -18.2002zM417.5 111.9c0 -6.10059 -5 -11.1006 -11.0996 -11.1006c-6.10059 0 -11.1006 5 -11.1006 11.1006c0 6.2998 5.2002 11.0996 11.1006 11.0996 c6 0.0996094 11.0996 -4.7998 11.0996 -11.0996zM415.7 111.9c0 5.19922 -4.2002 9.2998 -9.40039 9.2998c-5.09961 0 -9.2998 -4.10059 -9.2998 -9.2998c0 -5.2002 4.2002 -9.40039 9.2998 -9.40039c5.2002 0.0996094 9.40039 4.2998 9.40039 9.40039zM411.2 105.7 h-2.60059c-0.0996094 0.599609 -0.5 3.7998 -0.5 3.89941c-0.199219 0.700195 -0.399414 1.10059 -1.2998 1.10059h-2.2002v-5h-2.39941v12.5h4.2998c1.5 0 4.40039 0 4.40039 -3.2998c0 -2.30078 -1.5 -2.80078 -2.40039 -3.10059 c1.7002 -0.0996094 1.7998 -1.2002 2.09961 -2.7998c0.100586 -1 0.300781 -2.7002 0.600586 -3.2998zM408.4 114.5c0 1.7002 -1.2002 1.7002 -1.80078 1.7002h-2v-3.5h1.90039c1.59961 0 1.90039 1.09961 1.90039 1.7998zM137.3 257l-0.200195 -95 c0 -1.2998 -0.699219 -2.59961 -1.7998 -3.2002c-1.09961 -0.700195 -2.59961 -0.700195 -3.7002 0l-36.3994 20.9004c-2.2998 1.2998 -3.7002 3.7998 -3.7002 6.39941v44.4004c0 2.59961 -1.40039 5.09961 -3.7002 6.40039l-15.5 8.89941 c-1.09961 0.700195 -2.39941 1 -3.7002 1c-1.2998 0 -2.5 -0.299805 -3.69922 -1l-15.5 -8.89941c-2.30078 -1.30078 -3.7002 -3.80078 -3.7002 -6.40039v-44.4004c0 -2.59961 -1.40039 -5 -3.7002 -6.39941l-36.4004 -20.9004 c-1.19922 -0.700195 -2.59961 -0.700195 -3.69922 0c-1.10059 0.700195 -1.80078 1.90039 -1.80078 3.2002l-0.0996094 95c0 2.59961 1.40039 5.09961 3.7002 6.40039l61.2002 35.2998c1.09961 0.599609 2.19922 1 3.39941 1h0.600586 c1.19922 -0.100586 2.39941 -0.400391 3.39941 -1l61.2998 -35.2998c2.30078 -1.30078 3.7002 -3.7002 3.7002 -6.40039zM472.5 360.7v-176.4c0 -2.59961 -1.40039 -5.09961 -3.7002 -6.39941l-61.2998 -35.4004c-2.2998 -1.2998 -5.09961 -1.2998 -7.40039 0 l-61.2998 35.4004c-2.2998 1.2998 -3.7002 3.7998 -3.7002 6.39941v70.7998c0 2.60059 1.40039 5.10059 3.7002 6.40039l61.2998 35.4004c2.30078 1.2998 5.10059 1.2998 7.40039 0l15.2998 -8.80078c1.7002 -1 3.90039 0.300781 3.90039 2.2002v94 c0 2.7998 3 4.60059 5.5 3.2002l36.5 -20.4004c2.2998 -1.19922 3.7998 -3.69922 3.7998 -6.39941zM426.5 231.8c0 0.700195 -0.400391 1.2998 -0.900391 1.60059l-21 12.1992c-0.599609 0.300781 -1.2998 0.300781 -1.89941 0l-21 -12.1992 c-0.600586 -0.300781 -0.900391 -0.900391 -0.900391 -1.60059v-24.2998c0 -0.700195 0.400391 -1.2998 0.900391 -1.59961l21 -12.1006c0.599609 -0.299805 1.2998 -0.299805 1.7998 0l21 12.1006c0.599609 0.299805 0.900391 0.899414 0.900391 1.59961v24.2998h0.0996094 zM636.3 232.5l-36.7002 -21.2998c-2.5 -1.40039 -5.59961 0.399414 -5.59961 3.2002v17.3994c0 1.2998 -0.799805 2.5 -1.90039 3.2002l-19.1992 11.0996c-1.10059 0.700195 -2.60059 0.700195 -3.7002 0l-19.2002 -11.0996 c-1.2002 -0.700195 -1.90039 -1.90039 -1.90039 -3.2002v-22.2002c0 -1.2998 0.700195 -2.5 1.90039 -3.19922l61.7002 -35.4004c2.5 -1.40039 2.5 -5 0 -6.40039l-36.7998 -20.5c-2.30078 -1.2998 -5.10059 -1.2998 -7.30078 0l-60.8994 34.7002 c-2.2998 1.2998 -3.7002 3.7002 -3.7002 6.40039v70.7998c0 2.59961 1.40039 5.09961 3.7002 6.40039l61.2998 35.3994c2.2998 1.2998 5.09961 1.2998 7.40039 0l60.8994 -35.3994c2.2998 -1.30078 3.7002 -3.80078 3.7002 -6.40039v-17.0996 c0 -2.60059 -1.40039 -5.10059 -3.7002 -6.40039zM559 229l11.7998 6.7998c0.400391 0.299805 1 0.299805 1.40039 0l11.7998 -6.7998c0.400391 -0.200195 0.700195 -0.700195 0.700195 -1.2002v-13.5996c0 -0.5 -0.299805 -0.900391 -0.700195 -1.2002l-11.7998 -6.7998 c-0.400391 -0.299805 -1 -0.299805 -1.40039 0l-11.7998 6.7998c-0.400391 0.200195 -0.700195 0.700195 -0.700195 1.2002v13.5996c0 0.5 0.299805 0.900391 0.700195 1.2002zM304.8 185.5c0 -0.599609 -0.0996094 -1.2002 -0.200195 -1.7002 c-0.5 -2 -1.7998 -3.7002 -3.59961 -4.7002l-61 -35.1992c-2.2002 -1.30078 -5 -1.40039 -7.40039 0l-61.1992 35.1992c-2.10059 1.2002 -4 3.60059 -4 6.40039v70.4004c0 2.69922 1.59961 5.09961 3.89941 6.39941l61.1006 35.2002 c2.39941 1.40039 5.2998 1.2002 7.39941 0l61.1006 -35.2002c2.2998 -1.2998 3.89941 -3.7998 3.89941 -6.39941v-70.4004zM230.5 310.4l-0.799805 -0.5h1.09961zM306.7 180.2l-0.400391 0.700195v-0.900391z" /> <glyph glyph-name="react" unicode="&#xf41b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M418.2 270.8c54.3994 -18.7002 93.7998 -48.0996 93.7998 -78.3994c0 -31.7002 -41.7998 -62.6006 -99.5 -81.7002c-3.09961 -1 -6.2002 -2 -9.40039 -2.90039c1.10059 -4.59961 2.10059 -9.09961 3 -13.5c11.4004 -57.5996 2.60059 -104.899 -24.3994 -120.5 c-26.1006 -15.0996 -68.4004 -0.200195 -111.2 36.6006c-4.59961 4 -9.2002 8.09961 -13.5996 12.3994c-3.5 -3.39941 -7 -6.59961 -10.5 -9.7002c-44.2002 -38.6992 -89.6006 -54.6992 -116.601 -39.0996c-26.2002 15.0996 -34.3994 59.0996 -23.8994 114.6 c1.19922 6.10059 2.5 12 4 18c-4.60059 1.30078 -9.10059 2.80078 -13.6006 4.30078c-55.5 19 -96.2998 50.2998 -96.2998 81.5c0 30.1992 38.2998 59.3994 91.7002 77.8994c5.89941 2.10059 12.2002 4.10059 18.5996 5.90039 c-1.39941 5.59961 -2.59961 11.0996 -3.7002 16.7002c-11 56.3994 -3.19922 101.5 23 116.699c27.3008 15.9004 72.9004 -1.09961 118.4 -41.5c2.7998 -2.5 5.59961 -5.09961 8.2998 -7.69922c4 3.89941 8.2002 7.7998 12.5 11.5 c43.4004 37.7998 86.2998 53.5 112.601 38.3994c27.2998 -15.7998 35.3994 -63.7002 23.0996 -123.3c-0.799805 -3.7002 -1.59961 -7.40039 -2.5 -11.0996c5.40039 -1.60059 10.7998 -3.30078 16.2002 -5.10059zM282.9 355.7c-4 -3.5 -7.80078 -7 -11.7002 -10.7002 c15.3994 -16.7002 29.5996 -34.5 42.5996 -53.0996c22.6006 -2 45.1006 -5.60059 67.2998 -10.6006c0.900391 3.2998 1.60059 6.60059 2.30078 10c10.5996 51.5 4.09961 90.7002 -12.8008 100.4c-15.7998 9.09961 -50.5 -3.60059 -87.6992 -36zM167.2 140.5 c-5 8.59961 -9.7002 17.2998 -14.2998 26.0996c-6.40039 -15.1992 -11.9004 -30.0996 -16.3008 -44.5c15.3008 -3.2998 30.8008 -5.7998 46.4004 -7.5c-5.5 8.5 -10.7002 17.2002 -15.7998 25.9004zM136.9 260.8c4.39941 -14.0996 9.69922 -28.7002 16 -43.5996 c4.5 8.7998 9.2998 17.5 14.1992 26c4.90039 8.59961 10.1006 17.0996 15.4004 25.3994c-15.9004 -2 -31.2002 -4.59961 -45.5996 -7.7998zM164.3 191.9c6.7002 -13.8008 13.7998 -27.3008 21.5 -40.6006s15.9004 -26.2998 24.6006 -39 c14.6992 -0.899414 29.8994 -1.39941 45.5996 -1.39941s31.2002 0.5 46.0996 1.59961c8.5 12.7998 16.6006 25.7002 24.2002 39c7.7002 13.4004 14.9004 27 21.6006 40.7998c-6.80078 13.7002 -14 27.2002 -21.7002 40.4004s-15.7998 26.0996 -24.2998 38.7002 c-14.9004 1.09961 -30.3008 1.69922 -45.9004 1.69922s-30.9004 -0.599609 -45.9004 -1.69922c-8.59961 -12.7002 -16.7998 -25.6006 -24.3994 -38.9004c-7.60059 -13.2998 -14.7998 -26.7998 -21.4004 -40.5996zM344.9 140.7c-5 -8.60059 -10.1006 -17.2002 -15.5 -25.6006 c15.7998 1.80078 31.5 4.5 47 8c-4.90039 15.1006 -10.5 29.8008 -16.9004 44.3008c-4.7002 -9 -9.5 -17.9004 -14.5996 -26.7002zM359.3 217.2c6.10059 14.2002 11.5 28.5996 16.1006 43.3994c-14.4004 3.30078 -29.8008 6 -45.9004 8 c5.2998 -8.2998 10.4004 -16.6992 15.2998 -25.1992c5 -8.60059 9.7998 -17.4004 14.5 -26.2002zM256.2 329.7c-10 -10.9004 -20.1006 -22.9004 -29.9004 -35.7998c19.7998 0.899414 39.7002 0.899414 59.5 0c-9.2002 12.3994 -19.0996 24.3994 -29.5996 35.7998zM140.2 391 c-15.7998 -9.09961 -22 -45.5996 -12.6006 -94c1.10059 -5.2002 2.2002 -10.4004 3.5 -15.5c22.2002 4.90039 44.6006 8.40039 67.2002 10.4004c13.1006 18.5996 27.4004 36.3994 42.9004 53.0996c-2.60059 2.40039 -5.10059 4.7998 -7.60059 7 c-39.2998 34.7998 -76.5996 48.7998 -93.3994 39zM115.7 127.4c6.89941 22 15.2002 43.5996 24.7998 64.5c-9.5 20.5996 -17.7002 41.8994 -24.5 63.5996c-5.7998 -1.7002 -11.5996 -3.5 -17.2998 -5.5c-45.6006 -15.9004 -77.2002 -39.2998 -77.2002 -57.5996 c1.90039 -12.1006 8.7002 -22.9004 18.7998 -29.9004c17.5 -13.9004 41.7002 -24.5 63 -31.2002c4.10059 -1.39941 8.2002 -2.7002 12.4004 -3.89941zM232.3 29.4004c3.2002 2.7998 6.40039 5.7998 9.60059 8.89941c-15.5 16.7998 -30 34.7002 -43.2002 53.4004 c-22.9004 1.7002 -45.5 5 -67.9004 9.7998c-1.39941 -5.5 -2.59961 -11.0996 -3.7002 -16.7002c-9 -47.5 -2.39941 -82.7998 13.5 -92c11.4004 -4.5 24.2002 -4 35.3008 1.2998c20.7998 8.2002 39.8994 20.2002 56.3994 35.3008zM256.8 53.7002 c10.5 11.5996 20.4004 23.7002 29.6006 36.3994c-10 -0.5 -20.1006 -0.699219 -30.4004 -0.699219c-10 0 -19.9004 0.199219 -29.5 0.599609c9.90039 -13.0996 20.0996 -25.2998 30.2998 -36.2998zM387.5 23.7002c3.2002 22.2002 2.40039 44.7002 -2.5 66.2998 c-0.799805 4 -1.7002 8.09961 -2.7002 12.2002c-22.5 -5.10059 -45.2998 -8.60059 -68.2002 -10.5c-12.7998 -18.7998 -26.8994 -36.7002 -42.1992 -53.6006c4.2998 -4 8.5 -7.89941 12.6992 -11.5c36.6006 -31.3994 70.5 -43.3994 86.4004 -34.1992 c9.59961 7.69922 15.5996 19.0996 16.5 31.2998zM405.7 131.2c49.8994 16.5 84.7998 41.7998 84.7998 61.3994c0 18.2002 -32.7002 42 -79.2998 58c-4.7998 1.60059 -9.7998 3.2002 -15 4.7002c-6.7998 -21.5 -14.9004 -42.5 -24.5 -62.8994 c9.89941 -20.7002 18.5 -42 25.5 -63.8008c2.89941 0.800781 5.7002 1.7002 8.5 2.60059zM256 146.2c-25.2998 0 -45.7998 20.5 -45.7998 45.7998s20.5 45.7998 45.7998 45.7998s45.7998 -20.5 45.7998 -45.7998s-20.5 -45.7998 -45.7998 -45.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="autoprefixer" unicode="&#xf41c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M318.4 432l164.1 -480h-77.5l-25.2002 81.4004h-119.5l-25.3994 -81.4004h-77.5zM278.1 90.0996h83.6006l-40.9004 130.4h-1.5zM640 43l-158.5 -9.5l-19.4004 56.5l167.9 -15.5996zM177.9 90l-19.4004 -56.4004l-158.5 9.40039l10 31.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="less" unicode="&#xf41d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M612.7 229c0 -11 6.7998 -22.5996 27.2998 -23.2998v-27.2998c-20.5 -1 -27.2998 -12.6006 -27.2998 -23.6006c0 -20.3994 3.2002 -32 3.2002 -54.5996c0 -34.2002 -12.7002 -45.2002 -40.5 -45.2002h-20.5v25.2002h6.2998v0.5c13.5996 0 17.2998 4.7002 17.2998 22.5996 c0 17.2998 -1.59961 32.6006 -1.59961 51.5c0 24.2002 7.7998 33.6006 23.5996 37.2998v1.60059c-15.7002 3.7002 -23.5996 13.0996 -23.5996 37.2998c0 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-113.101l-50.7998 -50.7998c-99.5996 19.1006 -187.399 -68 -168.1 -168.5c-14.9004 -14.7998 -61.2998 -68 -147.4 -68c-106.2 0 -191.8 86 -191.8 192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="football-helmet-primary" unicode="&#xf44f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M491 240.54c1.66016 -8.90039 -4.94043 -17.54 -13.9004 -18.7002l-188.199 -24.5c-15.3906 -1.99707 -27.8818 -16.2139 -27.8818 -31.7334c0 -3.39648 1.02246 -8.71289 2.28125 -11.8662l23.1006 -57.7002c5.89941 -14.7998 31.1992 -60.5 -5 -96.7002 c-10.6045 -10.6084 -31.3838 -19.2178 -46.3828 -19.2178c-8.54199 0 -21.6768 3.09863 -29.3174 6.91797l-85.7002 45h-53.5h-0.104492c-4.31348 0 -10.001 2.73242 -12.6953 6.09961c-40.4004 50.9004 -61.2998 117.9 -51.1006 190 c15.2002 107.301 102 194.2 209.301 209.301c136 19.1992 254.3 -72 279.1 -196.9zM176 88h0.0605469c13.2148 0 23.9395 10.7246 23.9395 23.9395v0.0605469c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="golf-ball-primary" unicode="&#xf450;" horiz-adv-x="416" d="M326.9 244.1c12.1934 -4.24414 22.0908 -18.1689 22.0908 -31.0801c0 -18.167 -14.7441 -32.9102 -32.9102 -32.9102c-12.9121 0 -26.8359 9.89648 -31.0811 22.0908c26.2998 -9.40039 51.5 15.0996 41.9004 41.8994zM221 138.2 c26.2998 -9.40039 51.5 15.0996 41.9004 41.8994c12.1934 -4.24414 22.0908 -18.1689 22.0908 -31.0801c0 -18.167 -14.7441 -32.9102 -32.9102 -32.9102c-12.9121 0 -26.8359 9.89648 -31.0811 22.0908zM235.9 196.1c-12.8457 0.0644531 -26.6895 9.96484 -30.9004 22.1006 c26.2998 -9.40039 51.5 15.0996 41.9004 41.8994c12.21 -4.2373 22.1191 -18.166 22.1191 -31.0898c0 -18.167 -14.7441 -32.9102 -32.9102 -32.9102h-0.208984zM128 0c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32h224c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-16 c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-20c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v20c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="golf-club-primary" unicode="&#xf451;" d="M120 55.9502c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-120v48h120zM120 151.95c4.41602 0 8 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-85.2998 80 -85.2998h22.4004c-5.29785 -8.63086 -12.376 -23.3701 -15.8008 -32.9004 c-30.0938 -4.41406 -54.5547 -32.6826 -54.5996 -63.0996c0 -35.5 29.4004 -64 64.9004 -64h126.1c35.5 0 64.9004 28.5 64.9004 64c-0.0449219 30.417 -24.5059 58.6855 -54.6006 63.0996c-3.4082 9.53809 -10.4863 24.2773 -15.7998 32.9004h22.5 c44.2002 0 80 38.2002 80 85.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="quidditch-primary" unicode="&#xf458;" d="M93.2002 190.28c59.8994 47.7998 163.3 40.9199 163.3 40.9199l86.7002 -109.2s-16.7002 -102.42 -76.6006 -150.12c-59.8994 -47.7002 -266.6 -34.0996 -266.6 -34.0996s3.7998 23.0996 11 55.3994l94.5996 112.2c0.767578 0.920898 1.38965 2.64062 1.38965 3.83984 c0 3.31152 -2.68848 6 -6 6c-0.56543 0 -1.45605 -0.152344 -1.98926 -0.339844l-60.4004 -22.0996c14.4004 41.7002 32.7002 80 54.6006 97.5zM435.6 173.68c1.31934 -1.65918 2.38965 -4.72559 2.38965 -6.84473c0 -4.90625 -3.89258 -9.72461 -8.68945 -10.7549 l-58.7998 -12.4004l-86.7002 109.2l25.2998 54.6006c1.63184 3.51562 6.10254 6.36914 9.97852 6.36914c2.93555 0 6.79883 -1.86816 8.62207 -4.16992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="racquet-primary" unicode="&#xf45a;" d="M615.55 388.19c54.2998 -76.7002 15.4502 -197.601 -86.7998 -270c-49.0996 -34.8008 -103.9 -52 -153.5 -52c-27.5996 0 -84.5 15.0996 -171.9 -18.6006l-45.6992 64.5c32.6992 38.2002 56.6992 83.2002 67.6992 132.7c12.2002 54.7002 49.5 110.5 106.801 151.1 c100.5 71.2002 228.199 70.2002 283.399 -7.69922zM210.15 101c12.8809 3.96094 34.1162 9.02344 47.3994 11.2998c-11.7002 12.2998 -12 11.7002 -21.2002 29.7002c-6.4541 -11.8125 -18.1914 -30.1807 -26.1992 -41zM569.85 271.2 c21.3008 66.0996 -13.2998 112.8 -83.8496 112.8c-106.45 0 -178.65 -90 -195.05 -141.1c-21.2998 -66.2002 13.2998 -112.801 83.8994 -112.801c84.1006 0 171.101 66.8008 195 141.101z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shuttlecock-primary" unicode="&#xf45b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M512 228v-54.5996c-0.0302734 -9.84277 -7.28809 -21.2217 -16.2002 -25.4004l-250.35 -116.5l-39.2002 -39.2002l-150 150l39.2002 39.2002l116.55 250.3c4.16113 8.9082 15.5186 16.165 25.3496 16.2002h54.6504c15.4121 -0.0439453 27.9561 -12.5879 28 -28v-20 c-12.2998 0 -56.5996 1.2998 -71.0996 -44.7002l-28.8008 -91.2002l-45.3994 -26.3994l-36.2998 -78l25.6992 -25.7002l70.8008 70.7998l44.5 140.8c3.87891 12.334 17.5205 22.3701 30.4492 22.4004h94.1504c15.4561 0 28 -12.5439 28 -28v-94.0996 c-0.0341797 -12.9336 -10.0693 -26.5977 -22.4004 -30.5l-140.8 -44.5l-70.7998 -70.8008l25.7002 -25.7998l78 36.2998l26.3994 45.4004l91.2002 28.7998c49 15.5 44.7002 65.2002 44.7002 71.2002h20c15.4121 -0.0439453 27.9561 -12.5879 28 -28z" /> <glyph glyph-name="table-tennis-primary" unicode="&#xf45d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M5.78027 -4.76953c-3.1875 3.18457 -5.77441 9.42773 -5.77441 13.9336c0 4.95508 3.03516 11.6143 6.77441 14.8662l103 89.3896l-34.5 34.5801c-39 39.0898 -44.6006 98.79 -17.2998 144.09l220.399 -220.29c-3.7002 -12.71 -6.2998 -25.9102 -6.2002 -39.71v-0.183594 c0 -15.7627 4.92871 -40.3604 11 -54.9062c-25.6992 2.7998 -50.5996 13.5898 -70.2998 33.2998l-35.7002 35.7002l-89.2998 -103.3c-3.23438 -3.73828 -9.87109 -6.77148 -14.8135 -6.77148c-4.49512 0 -10.7158 2.58496 -13.8867 5.77148z" /> <glyph glyph-name="futbol-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1e3;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M452 344v0zM503.88 184.23c-1.18066 -39.8535 -20.3916 -98.918 -42.8799 -131.841l-7.15039 31.4502l-109.5 -13.4297l-46.6895 -100.101l27.3398 -16.3096l0.0595703 -0.230469c-18.6709 -5.38965 -49.5957 -9.76465 -69.0293 -9.76465 s-50.3594 4.375 -69.0303 9.76465v0.230469l27.3701 16.2803l-46.6904 100.1l-109.52 13.46l-7.16016 -31.4502c-22.4795 32.9141 -41.6846 91.9609 -42.8701 131.801l24.1699 -21.0801l80.6104 75.2393l-20.8301 108.5l-32.0801 -2.84961 c24.3281 31.3408 74.3477 67.7451 111.65 81.2598l0.349609 -0.259766l-12.4004 -29.1104l96.4004 -53.4092l96.4004 53.4092l-12.6504 29.6006c37.5146 -13.4912 87.8027 -49.998 112.25 -81.4902l-31.7002 2.83984l-21.1602 -108.5l80.6201 -75.2402zM356.32 220 l-100.32 72.6699l-100.32 -72.6699l38.4502 -117.44h124.09z" /> <glyph glyph-name="baseball-secondary" unicode="&#x10f432;" d="M123 93.1201c13.4697 12.5996 26.3701 25.7002 39 39.2002l55.7998 -77.8203c-16.5 -8 -32.8994 -16.4004 -48.7998 -25.5zM495 95.9199c44.0498 -0.0380859 79.7998 -35.8203 79.7998 -79.8701v-0.129883c0 -44.1602 -35.8398 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8398 -80 80 s35.8398 80 80 80h0.200195z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bowling-pins-secondary" unicode="&#x10f437;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M133.17 288h-74.3701c-0.799805 35.7998 -20.8994 59.0996 -18.7998 96c1.90039 34.2002 22.5996 63.9004 56 64c33.2695 -0.0996094 54.0703 -29.7998 55.9697 -64c2.10059 -36.9004 -18 -60.2002 -18.7998 -96zM314.77 288 c-0.799805 35.7998 -20.8994 59.0996 -18.7998 96c1.90039 34.2002 22.7002 63.9004 56 64c33.4004 -0.0996094 54.1006 -29.7002 56 -64c2.10059 -36.9004 -18 -60.2998 -18.7998 -96h-74.4004zM443.67 128c11.4004 -51 -0.599609 -140.5 -26.5996 -192h-130 c-26.1006 51.5 -38.2002 140.9 -26.7002 192c10.7998 48.0996 39.8994 82.7998 50.7002 128h81.8994c10.7998 -45.2002 39.9004 -79.9004 50.7002 -128zM136.87 256c10.7998 -45.2002 40 -79.9004 50.8301 -128c11.3994 -51.0996 -0.600586 -140.5 -26.7002 -192h-130.03 c-26.0996 51.5 -38.0996 140.9 -26.5996 192c10.7002 48.0996 39.8994 82.7998 50.7002 128h81.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="boxing-glove-secondary" unicode="&#x10f438;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M352 48v-80c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-256c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v80h133.3l-40.5 -30.4004c-1.74707 -1.33984 -3.16406 -4.21582 -3.16406 -6.41797c0 -1.46094 0.700195 -3.60352 1.56445 -4.78125l9.59961 -12.8008 c1.3252 -1.76562 4.19238 -3.19922 6.40039 -3.19922c1.47168 0 3.62207 0.716797 4.7998 1.59961l48 36l48 -36c1.17773 -0.882812 3.32812 -1.59961 4.7998 -1.59961c2.20801 0 5.0752 1.43359 6.40039 3.19922l9.59961 12.8008 c0.866211 1.17773 1.56836 3.32129 1.56836 4.7832c0 2.20312 -1.41895 5.07715 -3.16797 6.41602l-40.5 30.4004h133.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cricket-secondary" unicode="&#x10f449;" d="M421.48 126.48l-263.48 -184.48c-8.90039 -6.2002 -20.5 -7.90039 -30.4004 -3.5c-65.3076 29.165 -122.437 110.736 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unicode="&#xf46a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 448c111.8 -100.9 192 -220.6 192 -300.5c0 -124.5 -79 -211.5 -192 -211.5s-192 87 -192 211.5c0 79.5996 79.7002 199.2 192 300.5zM192 0c56.5 0 96 39 96 94.7998c0 13.5 -4.59961 61.5 -96 161.2c-91.4004 -99.7002 -96 -147.7 -96 -161.2 c0 -55.7998 39.5 -94.7998 96 -94.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="capsules" unicode="&#xf46b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M555.3 147.9c36.2002 -51.7002 23.7002 -123 -28 -159.2c-20 -14 -42.7998 -20.7002 -65.5 -20.7002c-36.0996 0 -71.5996 17 -93.7998 48.7998l-131.2 187.3c-5.5 7.90039 -9.5 16.4004 -12.7998 25v-149.1c0 -61.9004 -50.0996 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.0996 -112 112 v224c0 61.9004 50.0996 112 112 112c60 0 108.5 -47.2002 111.4 -106.5c7.7998 21 21.7998 40 41.5 53.7998c20 14 42.8994 20.7002 65.5 20.7002c36 0 71.5 -17 93.7998 -48.7998zM160 192v112c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-112h96zM354.8 147.1 l82.5 57.7002l-65.5996 93.7002c-9.40039 13.5 -24.7998 21.5 -41.2998 21.5c-10.3008 0 -20.3008 -3.09961 -28.8008 -9.09961c-11 -7.7002 -18.3994 -19.3008 -20.6992 -32.5c-2.40039 -13.2002 0.599609 -26.6006 8.2998 -37.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-check" unicode="&#xf46c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64h80zM192 408c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24 s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM313.2 176.2c4.7002 4.7002 4.7998 12.2002 0.0996094 17l-28.2002 28.3994c-4.69922 4.7002 -12.2998 4.80078 -17 0.100586l-106 -105.2l-46 46.4004c-4.69922 4.69922 -12.2998 4.7998 -17 0.0996094l-28.3994 -28.2002 c-4.7002 -4.7002 -4.7998 -12.2998 -0.100586 -17l82.6006 -83.2998c4.7002 -4.7002 12.2998 -4.7998 17 -0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-list" unicode="&#xf46d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64h80zM96 24c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24 s10.7002 -24 24 -24zM96 120c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24zM96 216c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24zM192 408c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24 s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM320 40v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-144c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h144c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM320 136v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-144 c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h144c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM320 232v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-144c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h144c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="conveyor-belt" unicode="&#xf46e;" d="M144 192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v224c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112v-128l64 32l64 -32v128h112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-224c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352zM544 128c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96h-448c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96h448z M128 0c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM320 0c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM512 0c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="conveyor-belt-alt" unicode="&#xf46f;" d="M80 192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v224c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-224c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-224zM400 192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v160c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-160 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160zM544 128c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96h-448c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96h448zM128 0c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM320 0c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32 s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32zM512 0c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly" unicode="&#xf472;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M294.2 170.3l-53 159.4c-2.7998 8.2998 1.7002 17.3994 10.0996 20.2002l61.6006 20.5l33.0996 -99.4004l60.7002 20.0996l-33.1006 99.4004l61.1006 20.4004c8.2998 2.7998 17.3994 -1.7002 20.2002 -10.1006l60.3994 -181.2 c2.7998 -8.2998 -1.7002 -17.3994 -10.0996 -20.1992l-161.5 -53.8008c-14.7998 11.3008 -31.5 19.7002 -49.5 24.7002zM575.2 121.6c2.7998 -8.39941 -1.7998 -17.3994 -10.1006 -20.1992l-213.3 -71.2002c-1.09961 -57.7998 -53.2002 -103.3 -113.399 -92.6006 c-39.4004 6.90039 -71.2002 39.8008 -77.3008 79.2002c-5.69922 36.9004 9.90039 70.1006 36 90.5l-92.1992 276.7h-88.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112c13.7998 0 26 -8.7998 30.4004 -21.9004l99.3994 -298.199 c29.9004 -0.600586 56.2998 -15 73.5 -37l213.5 71.1992c8.2998 2.80078 17.4004 -1.69922 20.2002 -10.0996zM256 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-empty" unicode="&#xf473;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M575.2 121.6c2.7998 -8.39941 -1.7998 -17.3994 -10.2002 -20.1992l-213.2 -71.2002c-1.09961 -57.7998 -53.2002 -103.3 -113.399 -92.6006c-39.4004 6.90039 -71.2002 39.8008 -77.3008 79.2002c-5.69922 36.9004 9.90039 70.1006 36 90.5l-92.1992 276.7h-88.9004 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112c13.7998 0 26 -8.7998 30.4004 -21.9004l99.3994 -298.199c29.9004 -0.600586 56.2998 -15 73.5 -37l213.5 71.1992c8.2998 2.80078 17.4004 -1.69922 20.2002 -10.0996zM256 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48 s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-flatbed" unicode="&#xf474;" d="M208 128c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h144v-128l48 32l48 -32v128h144c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-256c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-384zM624 64c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-82.7998 c1.7002 -5 2.89941 -10.4004 2.89941 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.10059 11 2.90039 16h-197.9c1.7002 -5 2.90039 -10.4004 2.90039 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.09961 11 2.90039 16h-82.9004 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v368h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368h496z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-flatbed-alt" unicode="&#xf475;" d="M624 64c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-82.7998c1.7002 -5 2.89941 -10.4004 2.89941 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.10059 11 2.90039 16h-197.9c1.7002 -5 2.90039 -10.4004 2.90039 -16 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.09961 11 2.90039 16h-82.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v368h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368h496zM208 128c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16 v256c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-256c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160zM432 288c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-96zM432 128 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="first-aid" unicode="&#xf479;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M0 368c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v-448h-48c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352zM128 -32v448h320v-448h-320zM192 216v-48c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h56v-56c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h48c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v56h56c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v48 c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-56v56c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-56h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8zM528 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-48v448h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="forklift" unicode="&#xf47a;" d="M624 64c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v416c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368h80zM416 210.9v-107.801c19.5 -17.5996 32 -42.7998 32 -71.0996c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96 s-96 43 -96 96h-64c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96v208c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48v112c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h144.3c19.2998 0 36.6006 -11.4004 44.2002 -29.0996l78.2998 -182.801c3.40039 -8 5.2002 -16.5 5.2002 -25.1992zM96 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48 s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM256 192h96v18.9004l-74.2002 173.1h-117.8v-96zM352 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital-alt" unicode="&#xf47d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M544 352c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-368c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-544c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v368c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h128v64c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h192c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-64h128zM160 12v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12 h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM160 140v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM320 12v40 c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM320 140v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40 c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM336 310v20c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-26v26c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-20c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-26h-26c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-20c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h26v-26c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h20c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v26h26 c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6zM480 12v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12zM480 140v40c0 6.59961 -5.40039 12 -12 12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 -5.40039 -12 -12v-40 c0 -6.59961 5.40039 -12 12 -12h40c6.59961 0 12 5.40039 12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital-symbol" unicode="&#xf47e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 448c141.4 0 256 -114.6 256 -256s-114.6 -256 -256 -256s-256 114.6 -256 256s114.6 256 256 256zM368 72v240c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-88h-96v88c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-240 c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h48c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v88h96v-88c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h48c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="notes-medical" unicode="&#xf481;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64h80zM192 408c-13.2998 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24s10.7002 -24 24 -24s24 10.7002 24 24 s-10.7002 24 -24 24zM288 104v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-56v56c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-56h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h56v-56c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h48c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8 v56h56c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM288 296v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-176c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h176c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pallet" unicode="&#xf482;" d="M144 192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v224c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112v-128l64 32l64 -32v128h112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-224c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352zM624 64h-48v-64h48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-608 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v64h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h608c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM288 0v64h-160v-64h160zM512 0v64h-160v-64h160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pallet-alt" unicode="&#xf483;" d="M80 192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v224c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-224c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-224zM400 192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v160c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-160 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-160zM624 64h-48v-64h48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v64h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h608 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM288 0v64h-160v-64h160zM512 0v64h-160v-64h160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pills" unicode="&#xf484;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M112 416c61.9004 0 112 -50.0996 112 -112v-224c0 -61.9004 -50.0996 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.0996 -112 112v224c0 61.9004 50.0996 112 112 112zM160 192v112c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-112h96zM299.7 221.7l210.8 -210.8 c3.5 -3.5 3.2002 -9.40039 -0.799805 -12.3008c-62.5 -45.2998 -150.101 -40.3994 -206.4 15.9004s-61.2002 143.9 -15.8994 206.4c2.89941 3.89941 8.7998 4.2998 12.2998 0.799805zM529.5 240.7c56.4004 -56.2998 61.2002 -143.8 15.9004 -206.4 c-2.90039 -3.89941 -8.80078 -4.2998 -12.3008 -0.799805l-210.8 210.8c-3.5 3.5 -3.2002 9.40039 0.799805 12.2998c62.5 45.3008 150.101 40.4004 206.4 -15.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription-bottle" unicode="&#xf485;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M32 256v64h320v-352c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-256c-17.5996 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32v64h120c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-120v64h120c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-120v64h120c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v16 c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-120zM360 448c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-336c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v48c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h336z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription-bottle-alt" unicode="&#xf486;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M360 448c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2002 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24h-336c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v48c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24h336zM32 -32v352h320v-352c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-256c-17.5996 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32zM96 152v-48 c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h56v-56c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h48c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v56h56c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-56v56c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-56h-56c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8z " /> <glyph glyph-name="procedures" unicode="&#xf487;" d="M528 224c61.9004 0 112 -50.0996 112 -112v-160c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v48h-512v-48c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v352c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-240h192 v144c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h256zM136 352c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h140.9c3.09961 0 5.7998 -1.7002 7.19922 -4.40039l19.9004 -39.7998l49.7002 99.4004c5.89941 11.7998 22.7002 11.7998 28.5996 0l27.6006 -55.2002h102.1 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-121.9l-22.0996 44.2002l-49.7002 -99.4004c-5.89941 -11.7998 -22.7002 -11.7998 -28.5996 0l-27.6006 55.2002h-126.1zM160 96c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64 s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scanner-keyboard" unicode="&#xf489;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M400 352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-137.4c0 -4.19922 -1.7002 -8.2998 -4.7002 -11.2998l-27.2998 -27.2998v-176c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-256c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v176l-27.2998 27.2998c-3 3 -4.7002 7.10059 -4.7002 11.2998v137.4 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h384zM192 8v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-80c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h80c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM192 104v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-80c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-48 c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h80c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM320 8v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-80c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h80c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM320 104v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-80c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8 v-48c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h80c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM352 232v48c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-272c-4.40039 0 -8 -3.59961 -8 -8v-48c0 -4.40039 3.59961 -8 8 -8h272c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8zM256 440v-56h-64v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM408 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56h-64v56c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48zM568 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-272c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v272c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48zM320 440v-56h-32v56 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM472 448c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-272c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v272c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shipping-fast" unicode="&#xf48b;" d="M624 96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-128c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96v128h152c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-208c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-208c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h240c4.40039 0 8 3.59961 8 8v16c0 4.40039 -3.59961 8 -8 8h-272c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h56v48c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h256c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-48h44.0996c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996l99.9004 -99.9004c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -33.9004v-108.1h16zM160 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM480 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM560 192v12.0996l-99.9004 99.9004h-44.0996v-112h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shipping-timed" unicode="&#xf48c;" d="M248 288c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v80c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-56h24zM624 96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48 c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-128c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-16c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-48h44.0996c12.7002 0 24.9004 -5.09961 33.9004 -14.0996l99.9004 -99.9004 c9 -9 14.0996 -21.2002 14.0996 -33.9004v-108.1h16zM160 -16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM208 160c61.9004 0 112 50.0996 112 112s-50.0996 112 -112 112s-112 -50.0996 -112 -112s50.0996 -112 112 -112zM480 -16 c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM560 192v12.0996l-99.9004 99.9004h-44.0996v-112h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smoking" unicode="&#xf48d;" d="M632 96c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-144c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v144c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48zM553.3 360.9c54.2998 -36.4004 86.7002 -97.1006 86.7002 -162.601v-30.2998c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v30.2998c0 50.2002 -25.2002 96.7002 -67.4004 124c-18.3994 12 -28.5996 33.4004 -28.5996 55.4004v62.2998c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-62.2998c0 -6.7998 3.59961 -13 9.2998 -16.7998zM432 96 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-128c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-384c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v64c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h384zM400 -16v64h-176v-64h176zM487.7 306.4c35.2998 -24.7002 56.2998 -64.8008 56.2998 -108.101v-30.2998c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v30.2998c0 27.4004 -13.2998 52.9004 -35.7002 68.6006c-35.7002 25.0996 -60.2998 63 -60.2998 106.699v66.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-62.2998c0 -29 15.7998 -54.7002 39.7002 -71.2998zM536 96 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-144c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v144c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="syringe" unicode="&#xf48e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M201.5 273.2l64.9004 65l135.699 -135.7l-181.899 -181.9c-17.5 -17.5996 -41.5 -25.5996 -65.4004 -23l-63.5996 7.10059l-66.2998 -66.2998c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.3008 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998 l66.4004 66.4004l-7.10059 63.5996c-2.59961 24.2998 5.7002 48.0996 23 65.4004l26.4004 26.3994l55.7998 -55.8994c3.10059 -3.10059 8.2002 -3.10059 11.2998 0l11.3008 11.2998c3.09961 3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l-55.8008 55.7998l45.3008 45.2998 l55.6992 -55.7998c3.10059 -3.09961 8.2002 -3.09961 11.3008 0l11.2998 11.2998c3.09961 3.10059 3.09961 8.2002 0 11.3008zM509.7 366.5c3.09961 -3.2002 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.4004l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.3008 0l-28.2998 28.2998 l-45.2998 -45.2998l73.5 -73.5c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-33.9004 -34c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.19922 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-17 17l-135.7 135.9l-17 17c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.19922 0 11.2998l33.9004 33.8994 c3.09961 3.10059 8.2002 3.10059 11.2998 0l17 -17l56.6006 -56.5996l45.2998 45.2998l-28.2998 28.2998c-3.10059 3.10059 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.3008l11.2998 11.2998c3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 3.09961 11.2998 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tablet-rugged" unicode="&#xf48f;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M439.2 283.6l-23.2002 -11.5996v-16l23.2002 -11.5996c5.39941 -2.7002 8.7998 -8.2002 8.7998 -14.3008v-76.1992c0 -6.10059 -3.40039 -11.6006 -8.7998 -14.3008l-23.2002 -11.5996v-16l23.2002 -11.5996c5.39941 -2.7002 8.7998 -8.2002 8.7998 -14.3008v-76.1992 c0 -6.10059 -3.40039 -11.6006 -8.7998 -14.3008l-23.2002 -11.5996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48l-23.2002 11.5996c-5.39941 2.7002 -8.7998 8.2002 -8.7998 14.3008v76.1992c0 6.10059 3.40039 11.6006 8.7998 14.3008l23.2002 11.5996v16 l-23.2002 11.5996c-5.39941 2.7002 -8.7998 8.2002 -8.7998 14.3008v76.1992c0 6.10059 3.40039 11.6006 8.7998 14.3008l23.2002 11.5996v16l-23.2002 11.5996c-5.39941 2.7002 -8.7998 8.2002 -8.7998 14.3008v76.1992c0 6.10059 3.40039 11.6006 8.7998 14.3008 l23.2002 11.5996c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48l23.2002 -11.5996c5.39941 -2.7002 8.7998 -8.2002 8.7998 -14.3008v-76.1992c0 -6.10059 -3.40039 -11.6006 -8.7998 -14.3008zM352 16v352c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-224 c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h224c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tablets" unicode="&#xf490;" d="M160 256c81.0996 0 147.5 -58.5 160 -134.7c0.799805 -4.7998 -3.2998 -9.2998 -8.2998 -9.2998h-303.3c-5 0 -9.10059 4.5 -8.30078 9.2998c12.4004 76.2002 78.8008 134.7 159.9 134.7zM311.6 80c5 0 9.10059 -4.5 8.30078 -9.2998 c-12.4004 -76.2002 -78.8008 -134.7 -159.9 -134.7s-147.5 58.5 -159.9 134.7c-0.799805 4.7998 3.30078 9.2998 8.30078 9.2998h303.199zM593.4 401.4c56.5 -56.5 61.3994 -144.2 15.8994 -206.9c-2.7998 -4 -8.7998 -4.2998 -12.2998 -0.799805l-211.3 211.399 c-3.5 3.40039 -3.2002 9.40039 0.799805 12.3008c62.7002 45.3994 150.4 40.5 206.9 -16zM363 382.3l211.3 -211.3c3.5 -3.40039 3.2002 -9.40039 -0.799805 -12.2998c-62.7002 -45.5 -150.4 -40.6006 -206.9 15.8994c-56.3994 56.5 -61.2998 144.2 -15.8994 206.9 c2.7998 4 8.7998 4.2998 12.2998 0.799805z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thermometer" unicode="&#xf491;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M476.8 427.6c49.4004 -40.6992 42.1006 -107.3 7.2002 -142.199l-254.2 -253.301h-99.8994l-89 -89c-9.30078 -9.39941 -24.5 -9.39941 -33.9004 0c-9.40039 9.30078 -9.40039 24.5 0 33.9004l89 89v100.9l45.2998 45.6992l50.1006 -50.1992 c3.09961 -3.10059 8.19922 -3.10059 11.2998 0l11.2998 11.2998c3.09961 3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l-50.0996 50.2002l45.0996 45.3994l50.2998 -50.1992c3.10059 -3.10059 8.2002 -3.10059 11.2998 0l11.3008 11.2998c3.09961 3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998 l-50.3008 50.4004l45.1006 45.3994l50.3994 -50.5c3.10059 -3.09961 8.2002 -3.09961 11.3008 0l11.2998 11.2998c3.09961 3.10059 3.09961 8.2002 0 11.3008l-50.5 50.5l45.7002 46c36.3994 36.5 94.3994 40.8994 131.899 10.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vial" unicode="&#xf492;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M477.7 261.9c3.09961 -3.10059 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.2002l-34 -33.9004c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-11.2002 11.1006l-246.3 -245.7c-20.1006 -20.1006 -46.5 -30.1006 -72.9004 -30.1006c-28.9004 -0.0996094 -57.7998 11.9004 -78.4004 35.9004 c-35.6992 41.5 -29.3994 104.8 9.40039 143.5l242.4 241.9l-11.2002 11.0996c-3.10059 3.09961 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.2998l34 33.9004c3.09961 3.09961 8.2002 3.09961 11.2998 0zM318 192l69.5 69.4004l-78.5 78.2998l-148 -147.7h157z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vials" unicode="&#xf493;" d="M72 384c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v48c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h208c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-48c0 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c-3.09961 8.10059 -1 13.2002 7 16.7998c24.2002 11 39.2998 29.4004 43.2998 55.8008c0.469727 3.01562 0.850586 7.94043 0.850586 10.9922c0 36.2061 -29.2764 68.1074 -65.3506 71.207c-39 3.40039 -71.7998 -23.6992 -77.5 -59.6992 c-5.19922 -33 11.1006 -63.7002 41.9004 -77.7002c9.59961 -4.40039 11.5 -8.60059 7.7998 -18.4004c-17.8994 -46.5996 -35.7998 -93.2324 -53.7002 -139.899c-2.59961 -6.90039 -8.2998 -9.30078 -15.5 -6.5c-52.5996 20.2998 -101.399 61 -130.8 119 c-24.8994 49.1992 -25.2002 87.6992 -26.7998 108.699zM28.8994 183.461c0.399414 -6.59961 0.599609 -14.3008 1.2998 -22.1006c6.2998 -71.9004 49.5996 -143.5 131 -183.101c3.2002 -1.5 4.39941 -0.799805 5.59961 2.2998c14.9004 39.1006 29.9004 78.2012 45 117.302 c1.2998 3.2998 0.600586 4.7998 -2.39941 6.69922c-31.6006 19.9004 -47.3008 48.5 -45.6006 86c1 21.6006 9.2998 40.5 23.7998 56.3008c30 32.6992 77 39.7998 115.5 17.5996c25.3174 -14.5977 45.8643 -50.1641 45.8643 -79.3877 c0 -3.05078 -0.296875 -7.98438 -0.664062 -11.0127c-3.59961 -30.5996 -19.2998 -53.8994 -45.7002 -69.7998c-2.69922 -1.59961 -3.5 -2.89941 -2.2998 -6c15.2002 -39.2002 30.2666 -78.4336 45.2002 -117.7c1.2002 -3.09961 2.40039 -3.7998 5.59961 -2.2998 c35.5 16.6006 65.2002 40.2998 88.1006 72c34.7998 48.2002 49.0996 101.9 42.2998 161c-13.7002 117.5 -119.4 214.8 -255.5 198c-106.1 -13 -195.3 -102.5 -197.1 -225.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sass" unicode="&#xf41e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M301.84 69.0801c-0.299805 -0.599609 -0.599609 -1.08008 0 0zM550.97 156.08c57.9092 0.300781 90.5703 -37.0801 88.9707 -71.0801c-1.10059 -26.9004 -25.6904 -37.9004 -30.29 -38.7002c-3.30078 -0.599609 -5.10059 -0.700195 -5.60059 1.90039 c-0.299805 1.7998 0.900391 2.7002 4.7998 5.09961c3.90039 2.40039 15.6006 10.5 17.7002 25c2.10059 14.5 -8.7998 49.2998 -64.4795 55.7998c-26 3 -46.3906 -0.599609 -62.0898 -7.19922c2.89941 -7.60059 5.09961 -15.5 5.39941 -23.4004 c0.799805 -17.5 -11.29 -30.4004 -23.79 -39.5996c-5.48535 -3.98535 -15.1572 -8.95801 -21.5898 -11.1006c-5.2002 -2.2002 -12.2002 -4.5 -17.0996 -3.5c-10.9004 2.2002 -16.7002 11.7998 -9.30078 33.1006c4 11.5 15.5 29 34.0908 44.0996 c-4.30078 8.7002 -8.99023 17.5996 -11.3906 25.7002c-2.18164 7.00781 -4.95898 18.5664 -6.2002 25.7998c0 0 -15.2998 -31.7197 -35.0898 -60.6201c-1.09961 -1.7002 -2.2998 -3.39941 -3.39941 -5c3.7998 -9 6.89941 -18.5996 7.2998 -28.2002 c0.700195 -17.3994 -6.90039 -30.5996 -19.4004 -39.7998c-5.16211 -3.70605 -14.208 -8.45508 -20.1895 -10.5996c-3.90039 -1.7998 -12 -4.60059 -23.5 -5.40039c-6.29004 -0.5 -12.29 -0.0996094 -15.6904 2.5c-4.59961 3.40039 -5.2002 7.7998 -2.7998 13.7002 c2 5 17.21 22.4004 30 37.5996c3.5 4.2002 6.90039 8.5 9.90039 12.5c-0.0498047 0.0449219 -0.09375 0.134766 -0.100586 0.200195c0 0 2.2998 3 6.10059 8.2002c-4.7002 10.0996 -10.6006 20.5 -13.4004 30c-2.18164 7.00781 -4.95898 18.5664 -6.2002 25.7998 c0 0 -15.4902 -39.7002 -31.6895 -71.5c-12.4902 -24.5996 -20.79 -39.5 -24.5908 -46v-0.299805s-0.5 -0.900391 -1.5 -2.40039c-0.5 -0.799805 -0.699219 -1.19922 -0.699219 -1.19922v0.0996094c-4.20996 -6.2002 -13.6104 -18.2998 -23 -18.2998 c-25.7002 0 -16.3008 52.2002 -16.3008 52.2002s-7.5 -19.3008 -16 -35.9004c-6.88965 -13.5996 -13.0898 -25 -26.8896 -25c-3.90039 0 -10.1904 0.0996094 -15.3896 5c-11.8008 11.2002 -20.9004 39.7002 -19.1006 61.7002c1.5 18.7998 4.40039 31.7998 8.40039 42.5996 c-7.10059 -3.89941 -15.2002 -8.39941 -23.4902 -13.2998c-4.2998 -2.5 -8.59961 -5 -12.7998 -7.5c0.0996094 -0.299805 0.299805 -0.5 0.400391 -0.799805c10.5996 -20.4004 13.3896 -65.2002 -9.60059 -99.5s-65.7803 -55.2002 -107.57 -43.6006 c-13.3896 3.80078 -33.79 31.6006 -16.29 70.4004c15.4902 34.2002 77.3809 66.5996 93.6709 74.7002c1.39941 0.799805 2.89941 1.59961 4.5 2.5c-32.4902 28.3994 -113.671 66.7998 -125.061 125.7c-3.2002 16.5996 4.58984 56.2998 53.2803 101.899 c40.9902 38.2998 97.9697 67.7002 150.66 86.4004c88.4297 31.3994 181.949 12.8994 196.31 -43.5c14.1006 -55.5 -33.9902 -121.8 -95.7695 -145.601c-54.9902 -21.2998 -100.471 -17.8994 -119.17 -11.7998c-21.29 7 -33.79 21 -36.79 28.9004 c-1.2002 3.09961 -3.30078 8.2998 0 10.0996c2 1.10059 2.7998 0.799805 8.09961 -5.09961c5.09961 -5.60059 25.4902 -20.6006 64.2803 -16.2998c101.77 11.3994 163.06 90.5 143.66 133c-13.4902 29.7998 -91.8408 43.1992 -189.841 -5.60059 c-119.569 -59.5996 -126.069 -108.7 -127.069 -127.399c-2.7998 -51.3008 63.2793 -78.3008 99.0693 -116.5c0.5 -0.5 0.900391 -1 1.40039 -1.5c6.7002 3.69922 13.7998 7.59961 20.7002 11.3994c18 9.90039 35.0996 19.2002 43 23.5 c12.5801 18.2998 38.1797 38.5 56.5801 38.5c29.4893 0 19.3896 -42.3994 19.3896 -42.3994s0.599609 2 1.40039 2c0.799805 0 4.09961 5.5 13.1992 2.19922c9.40039 -3.5 7.2002 -10 7.30078 -10.6992c0.0996094 -1.30078 -11 -38.9004 -15.7002 -63.1006 c-2.2002 -11.5 -0.900391 -19.8994 -0.299805 -19.8994c0.899414 0 2.7998 2.89941 4.5 6.09961v0.0996094s1.2998 2.40039 3.5 6.7002c0 0.200195 -0.200195 -0.299805 -0.5 -0.799805c0.199219 0.400391 0.5 0.900391 0.899414 1.7002 c2.60059 5 6.2002 12.3994 10.4004 21.5996c8.18945 18.1006 39.4795 87.7002 42.0801 95.4004c2.59961 7.7002 4 15.7002 5.2998 19.0996c1.2998 3.40039 12.4102 6 25.2998 5.90039c12.8906 -0.100586 14.1904 -5.60059 14.29 -6.7002 c0.100586 -1.09961 -6.2002 -16.4004 -7.59961 -27.2002c-1.40039 -10.7998 -0.100586 -16.2002 1.09961 -25.2998c0.799805 -6 4.5 -13.5 8.90039 -22c13.2998 21.7998 36.79 63.5996 39.0898 75.2998c1.03613 5.38965 3.41016 13.9473 5.2998 19.1006 c1.29004 3.39941 12.3896 6 25.29 5.89941c12.9004 -0.0996094 14.2002 -5.59961 14.2998 -6.7002c0.100586 -1.09961 -6.2002 -16.3994 -7.59961 -27.1992c-1.40039 -10.8008 -0.100586 -16.2002 1.09961 -25.3008c1 -7.7998 7.10059 -18.1992 13 -30.0996 c15.1289 7.45215 41.0938 13.5 57.958 13.5h0.0419922zM121.79 11.3799c19.4004 21.0996 27.3896 47.9199 19.0996 78.3203c-1 -0.600586 -2 -1.10059 -2.89941 -1.7002c0 0 -0.400391 -0.200195 -1.2002 -0.700195c-4.7998 -2.89941 -8.7002 -5.2998 -11.4004 -6.89941 c-11.7998 -7.40039 -29.5898 -19.4004 -43.3896 -32.4004c-22.6904 -21.4199 -27.3896 -51 -15.4902 -57.9199c11.0898 -6.40039 36.8906 1.2002 55.2803 21.2998zM256.15 102.78c4 9.7998 19.6992 53.2998 16.1992 59.2002c-2.59961 4.5 -13.6992 0.899414 -23.79 -10.4004 c-6.2998 -7 -16.8994 -25 -21.8994 -40.0996c-9.90039 -30 -5.60059 -60.5 1.39941 -62.3008c8.2002 -2.09961 21.6904 37.9004 28.0908 53.6006zM367.15 49.7803c7.7998 4.7998 24.96 16.8994 25.0898 34.7998c0 0.599609 -0.100586 1.09961 -0.100586 1.59961 c-3.98926 -5.19922 -7.68945 -9.89941 -10.8896 -13.8994c-5.5 -6.7998 -19.4004 -21.7002 -19.4004 -21.7002s-2 -1.90039 -1.09961 -2.40039c1.2002 -0.699219 3.7002 0.200195 6.40039 1.60059zM452.73 69.2803c9.68945 3.5 25.7998 11.8994 25.8994 34.3994 c-0.0673828 3.06152 -0.918945 7.90039 -1.89941 10.8008c-10.4102 -9.2002 -16.4004 -18.8008 -19 -24.5c-6.7002 -14.6006 -7 -19.3008 -5 -20.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angular" unicode="&#xf420;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M185.7 179.9l38.0996 91.5996l38.1006 -91.5996h-76.2002zM223.8 416l207.8 -74.4004l-31.7998 -275.699l-176 -97.9004l-176 97.9004l-31.7998 275.699zM354 74.2002l-130.2 292.3l-130.1 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337.5c0 16.2998 3.90039 29.4004 9.2998 37.0996c27 32.4004 106.8 57.9004 176.3 66.4004 c-8.5 -7 -13.8994 -14.7002 -13.8994 -39.4004zM301.5 416c71.7998 0 138.8 -11.5996 138.8 -52.5c0 -82.5996 -52.5 -182.3 -78.7998 -182.3c-47.9004 0 -101.7 132.1 -101.7 198.5c0 30.8994 11.6006 36.2998 41.7002 36.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="amazon-pay" unicode="&#xf42c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M14 122.7c2.2998 4.2002 5.2002 4.89941 9.7002 2.5c10.3994 -5.60059 20.5996 -11.4004 31.2002 -16.7002c33.6992 -16.8047 90.7744 -37.5469 127.399 -46.2998c17.2734 -4.16797 45.5869 -9.4541 63.2002 -11.7998c22.083 -2.96875 58.0898 -5.37793 80.3721 -5.37793 c4.03809 0 10.5908 0.0800781 14.6279 0.177734c17.4004 0.399414 34.7998 1.7998 52.0996 3.7998c46.7393 5.44824 119.897 24.623 163.301 42.7998c2.89941 1.2002 5.89941 2 9.09961 1.2002c6.7002 -1.7998 9 -9 4.09961 -13.9004 c-2.47168 -2.27246 -6.77246 -5.58789 -9.59961 -7.39941c-30.7002 -21.1006 -64.2002 -36.4004 -99.5996 -47.9004c-20.3311 -6.55176 -53.9756 -14.4365 -75.1006 -17.5996c-14.6006 -2.23633 -38.4346 -4.38672 -53.2002 -4.7998 c-0.694336 -0.0419922 -1.81445 -0.176758 -2.5 -0.300781h-21.0996c-0.685547 0.124023 -1.80469 0.258789 -2.5 0.300781c-3.59961 0.199219 -7.2002 0.299805 -10.7002 0.399414c-13.9971 0.634766 -36.5762 3.00879 -50.3994 5.2998 c-22.7275 3.7041 -58.7471 13.0674 -80.4004 20.9004c-44.8652 16.1797 -110.094 55.1562 -145.6 87c-1.80078 1.59961 -3 3.7998 -4.40039 5.7002v2zM172 382.9c2.7998 0 5.5 0 8.2998 -0.100586c3.2998 -0.5 6.60059 -0.799805 9.7998 -1.5 c21.3008 -4.39941 35.4004 -17.2998 43.9004 -36.8994c6.90039 -15.9004 8.59961 -32.7002 8.09961 -49.8008c-0.399414 -15.3994 -3.2998 -30.1992 -10.2998 -44.0996c-9.2002 -18.4004 -23.3994 -30.9004 -43.7998 -34.9004c-22.5 -4.39941 -43.0996 0.5 -61 15.4004 c-0.5 0.5 -1.09961 1 -2.2002 1.90039v-72.4004c0 -1 0 -2 -0.0996094 -3c-0.299805 -3 -2.10059 -5 -5 -5c-7 -0.0996094 -14.1006 -0.0996094 -21.1006 0c-2.89941 0.0996094 -4.69922 2 -4.89941 5c-0.100586 1 -0.100586 2 -0.100586 3v209.3 c0 6.90039 1.30078 8.2002 8.2002 8.2002h11.5c4.60059 0 6.90039 -2 7.60059 -6.59961c0.5 -2.7002 0.899414 -5.5 1.2998 -8.2002c0.0439453 -0.405273 0.222656 -1.0332 0.399414 -1.40039c2.5 1.90039 4.7002 3.7002 7.10059 5.40039 c9.39941 6.90625 26.4238 13.6709 38 15.0996zM124.6 341c0.100586 -14.0996 0 -28 0 -42.0996c0 -14.1006 0.100586 -28.1006 0 -42.2002c-0.00488281 -0.0703125 -0.00878906 -0.183594 -0.00878906 -0.253906c0 -1.10547 0.765625 -2.46973 1.70898 -3.0459 c11.2002 -7.90039 23.4004 -13.3008 37.4004 -13.9004c20.2002 -0.900391 35.7998 7.2002 42.5996 28.5c3.2002 10 4 20.2002 4 30.5996c0 11.2002 -1 22.3008 -4.89941 33c-6.40039 17.5 -18.6006 24.8008 -33.5 25.9004 c-16.8008 1.2998 -31.9004 -3.7002 -45.6006 -13.2002c-0.945312 -0.556641 -1.71289 -1.90039 -1.71289 -2.99805c0 -0.0830078 0.00585938 -0.21875 0.0126953 -0.301758zM330.3 382.9c4 0 8 0 11.9004 0.0996094c3.59961 -0.5 7.2002 -0.799805 10.7998 -1.2998 c7.7002 -1.10059 15.0996 -3.10059 21.7998 -7.10059c11.6006 -6.89941 17.1006 -17.5 19 -30.3994c0.5 -3.29297 0.905273 -8.66895 0.905273 -12c0 -0.248047 -0.00195312 -0.651367 -0.00488281 -0.900391v-106 c0.00195312 -0.128906 0.00390625 -0.336914 0.00390625 -0.46582c0 -0.645508 -0.046875 -1.69141 -0.104492 -2.33398c-0.0742188 -2.57422 -2.22461 -4.67969 -4.7998 -4.7002c-5.39941 -0.0996094 -10.8994 -0.0996094 -16.2998 0 c-2.90039 0.100586 -4.7998 2.10059 -5.40039 5.2002c-0.699219 3.59961 -1.19922 7.2002 -1.7998 11c-0.481445 -0.245117 -1.19824 -0.737305 -1.59961 -1.09961c-11.7998 -9.7002 -25.2002 -16.1006 -40.2998 -18.4004c-13.1006 -2 -26 -1.2002 -37.9004 5.40039 c-12.4004 6.89941 -19.4004 17.6992 -21.4004 31.6992c-1.5 10.5 -0.799805 20.9004 3.90039 30.7002c6.09961 12.6006 16.5 20.4004 29.4004 24.9004c10.7998 3.7998 22 4.5 33.2998 3.89941c8.95312 -0.556641 23.2891 -2.75195 32 -4.89941 c0.399414 -0.100586 0.799805 0 1.2998 -0.100586c0.0898438 0.381836 0.179688 1.00879 0.200195 1.40039c-0.100586 8.2998 0 16.5996 -0.299805 24.9004c-0.200195 5.89941 -1.60059 11.5996 -5.30078 16.3994c-4.19922 5.5 -10.2998 7.40039 -16.7998 8.40039 c-12.5 1.89941 -24.8994 0.899414 -37.2002 -1.40039c-7.89941 -1.5 -15.6992 -3.7002 -23.5 -5.7002c-4.69922 -1.19922 -6.69922 0.100586 -6.7998 4.90039c-0.0996094 3.2998 0.100586 6.59961 0 9.90039c-0.0996094 3.89941 1.7002 6.5 5.2998 7.69922 c5.90039 2 11.8008 4.2002 17.9004 5.80078c7.86426 1.92188 20.8115 3.75879 28.9004 4.09961c0.899414 0.0996094 1.89941 0.299805 2.89941 0.400391zM365.3 255.2c-0.0996094 4.7002 0.100586 9.2998 0.100586 14.0996s-0.100586 9.5 0 14.2998 c0 1.60059 -0.5 2.40039 -2.10059 2.60059c-8.39941 1.09961 -16.5996 2.7002 -25 3.39941c-1.95117 0.227539 -5.12891 0.412109 -7.09375 0.412109c-4.99316 0 -12.9258 -1.16992 -17.7061 -2.61133c-8 -2.60059 -13.9004 -7.30078 -16.4004 -15.6006 c-0.779297 -2.57422 -1.41211 -6.84766 -1.41211 -9.53809c0 -2.78613 0.677734 -7.2041 1.5127 -9.86133c1.55762 -5.40918 7.11328 -11.3672 12.3994 -13.3008c5.40039 -2.19922 11.1006 -2.39941 16.8008 -1.7998c13.8994 1.40039 26.1992 6.7998 37.3994 14.9004 c0.832031 0.543945 1.50684 1.79199 1.50684 2.78613c0 0.0595703 -0.00292969 0.155273 -0.00683594 0.213867zM625.2 125.8v-17.2998c-0.700195 -3.59961 -1.2998 -7.2998 -2.10059 -10.9004c-4.39941 -20.2998 -11.8994 -39.1992 -24.6992 -55.5996 c-3.27148 -3.9209 -8.96094 -9.92383 -12.7002 -13.4004c-1.1416 -1.04102 -3.29199 -2.16113 -4.7998 -2.5c-2.90039 -0.699219 -4.60059 1.2002 -4.10059 4.10059c0.201172 0.852539 0.649414 2.19629 1 3c5.7998 14.7998 11.7002 29.7002 15.7998 45.0996 c2.10059 7.60059 3.90039 15.2998 3.5 23.2998c-0.199219 5.2002 -2.5 9 -7.59961 10.4004c-3.89746 1.15332 -10.3486 2.36328 -14.4004 2.7002c-11.3994 0.899414 -22.8994 0.200195 -34.2998 -0.900391c-7.7998 -0.799805 -15.5 -1.7002 -23.2998 -2.5 c-0.504883 -0.0576172 -1.32617 -0.103516 -1.83398 -0.103516c-0.100586 0 -0.264648 0.000976562 -0.366211 0.00390625c-1.5 -0.100586 -3.2002 0.299805 -3.59961 1.7998c-0.111328 0.383789 -0.201172 1.01855 -0.201172 1.41797 c0 0.764648 0.314453 1.92188 0.701172 2.58203c0.838867 1.1582 2.49609 2.72656 3.7002 3.5c12.0996 8.2998 25.6992 12.9004 40 15.5996c7.29883 1.34375 19.2461 2.43457 26.668 2.43457c3.46484 0 9.0791 -0.239258 12.5312 -0.53418 c5.92773 -0.371094 15.335 -2.11816 21 -3.90039c4.30078 -1.39941 8.10059 -3.2998 9.10059 -8.2998zM493.1 249c0.300781 -0.700195 0.501953 -1.2998 0.902344 -2.40039c2.59961 7.7002 5.2002 15 7.7002 22.2002l34.7998 100 c0.5 1.40039 1.09961 2.7002 1.59961 4.10059c0.932617 2.87988 4.14648 5.21777 7.17383 5.21777c0.145508 0 0.381836 -0.0078125 0.526367 -0.0185547c6.60059 0 13.2998 0.100586 19.9004 0c2.7998 0 4.09961 -1.59961 3.7002 -4.39941 c-0.277344 -1.56641 -0.994141 -4.03027 -1.60059 -5.5c-23.3662 -59.9336 -46.8994 -119.801 -70.5996 -179.601c-2.1416 -5.27734 -6.2627 -13.5205 -9.2002 -18.3994c-8.7998 -14.9004 -22.4004 -21.7998 -39.5 -21.4004c-4.70801 0.18457 -12.2793 1.08008 -16.9004 2 c-5.39941 0.900391 -7.2998 3.40039 -7.39941 8.90039c-0.100586 3.2666 -0.100586 6.56641 0 9.89941c0.0996094 3.5 1.7998 5 5.2002 4.80078c2.5 -0.200195 5 -0.800781 7.5 -1c1.30664 -0.148438 3.43359 -0.268555 4.74902 -0.268555 c2.98828 0 7.75977 0.612305 10.6504 1.36816c7.2002 1.90039 12.2002 6.7998 15.2002 13.2998c3.40039 7.2998 6 15 9.2998 22.2998c1.90039 4.2002 1.5 7.7002 -0.200195 11.8008c-19.7998 48.5 -39.5 97 -59.1006 145.5 c-0.649414 1.64453 -1.50098 4.37695 -1.90039 6.09961c-0.5 2.5 0.700195 4.5 3.2002 4.5c7.7002 0.0996094 15.2998 0 22.9004 -0.0996094c3.2002 0 5.2998 -1.90039 6.39941 -4.80078c2.10059 -5.59961 4.30078 -11.1992 6.30078 -16.8994 c12.8994 -35.7666 25.7988 -71.5 38.6982 -107.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="quinscape" unicode="&#xf459;" d="M313.6 -26.5996c4.40039 -4.40039 8.10059 -9 13.3008 -12.5c-18.5029 -5.58008 -49.2031 -10.1074 -68.5283 -10.1074c-0.516602 0 -1.35547 0.00292969 -1.87207 0.00683594c-135 0 -244.5 109.5 -244.5 244.601c0 135.1 109.4 244.6 244.5 244.6 s244.6 -109.5 244.6 -244.6c0 -35.3008 -6.89941 -67.4004 -20.2998 -97.7002c-3 5.7002 -7.2002 10.2002 -11.2002 15.2998c11.2002 93.5 -62.0996 176.6 -157 176.6c-87.2705 0 -158.1 -70.8281 -158.1 -158.1s70.8291 -158.1 158.1 -158.1h1zM313.5 -26.5 l0.400391 -0.0996094zM391.9 142.4c54.7471 0 99.1992 -44.4326 99.1992 -99.1807v-0.0195312c0 -54.7588 -44.4414 -99.2002 -99.1992 -99.2002c-54.7588 0 -99.2002 44.4414 -99.2002 99.2002c0 54.7578 44.4414 99.2002 99.2002 99.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="java" unicode="&#xf4e4;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M277.74 135.1c-94.5 -24.8994 -277 -13.2998 -224.5 12.1006c44.5 21.3994 80.5996 19 80.5996 19s-93.0996 -22.1006 -33 -30.1006c25.4004 -3.39941 76 -2.59961 123.101 1.30078c38.5 3.19922 77.1992 10.1992 77.1992 10.1992s-13.5996 -5.7998 -23.3994 -12.5z M192.34 167.2c-48.5 43.7998 -84.0996 82.2998 -60.2002 118.2c35.1006 52.5 132.2 78.0996 110.7 162.6c0 0 53.1602 -53.2002 -50.5 -135c-83.0996 -65.5996 -19 -103.1 0 -145.8zM306.94 343.4c-111.601 -64.7002 -91 -83.5 -64.1006 -121.301 c28.7998 -40.5 -33.8994 -72.8994 -33.8994 -72.8994s31.1992 25.5996 6.5 54c-83.7002 96.3994 91.5996 140.2 91.5 140.2zM300.84 72.9004c96.1006 49.8994 51.6006 97.8994 20.6006 91.3994c-3.10352 -0.581055 -8.03125 -1.92578 -11 -3 c1.71973 2.44629 5.39258 5.26855 8.19922 6.2998c61.3008 21.6006 108.5 -63.5996 -19.7998 -97.2998c0.649414 0.642578 1.5459 1.80762 2 2.60059zM348 10.5996c53 -23.8994 -115.16 -72 -319.4 -38.7998c-74.8994 12.1006 36.1006 54.5 56.4004 40.2002 c0 0 -6.5 0.400391 -17.7002 -2c-10.7998 -2.2998 -45.0996 -13.4004 -26.7998 -21.2998c50.7998 -22.1006 233.7 -16.7998 291.6 0.700195c30.4004 9.2998 15.9004 21.1992 15.9004 21.1992zM124.44 52c0 0 -19.6006 -11.4004 13.8994 -15.2002 c40.6006 -4.59961 61.2998 -4 106 4.5c7.46094 -4.46777 20.0938 -10.6504 28.2002 -13.7998c-100.2 -42.9004 -226.8 2.5 -148.1 24.5zM304.24 -45.2002c69.7998 13.2002 76.2002 29.7002 76.2002 29.7002c-3.30078 -43.5996 -144.9 -52.7998 -237.101 -46.9004 c-60.5996 3.90039 -72.3994 13.7002 -72.3994 13.6006c57.5 -9.5 154.6 -11.2002 233.3 3.59961zM260.64 95c5.08594 -4.74902 14.5391 -10.4834 21.1006 -12.7998c-121.3 -35.5 -256.3 -2.90039 -169.5 25.8994c0 0 -21.9004 -16.1992 11.5996 -19.6992 c43.2998 -4.5 77.6006 -4.80078 136.8 6.59961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mastodon" unicode="&#xf4f6;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M433 268.89c0 0 0.799805 -71.6992 -9 -121.5c-6.23047 -31.5996 -55.1104 -66.1992 -111.23 -72.8994c-20.0996 -2.40039 -93.1191 -14.2002 -178.75 6.7002v-0.339844c0 -3.75977 0.40332 -9.83496 0.900391 -13.5605c6.62988 -49.5996 49.2197 -52.5996 89.6299 -54 c40.8105 -1.2998 77.1201 10.0996 77.1201 10.0996l1.7002 -36.8994s-28.5098 -15.2998 -79.3203 -18.1006c-28.0098 -1.59961 -62.8193 0.700195 -103.33 11.4004c-112.229 29.7002 -105.63 173.4 -105.63 289.1c0 97.2002 63.7197 125.7 63.7197 125.7 c61.9209 28.4004 227.96 28.7002 290.48 0c0 0 63.71 -28.5 63.71 -125.7zM357.88 143.69c0 122 5.29004 147.71 -18.4199 175.01c-25.71 28.7002 -79.7197 31 -103.83 -6.10059l-11.5996 -19.5l-11.6006 19.5c-24.0098 36.9004 -77.9297 35 -103.83 6.10059 c-23.6094 -27.1006 -18.4092 -52.9004 -18.4092 -175h46.7295v114.2c0 49.6992 64 51.5996 64 -6.90039v-62.5098h46.3301v62.5c0 58.5 64 56.5996 64 6.89941v-114.199h46.6299z" /> <glyph glyph-name="teamspeak" unicode="&#xf4f9;" d="M244.2 101.21c-2.40039 -12.5 -10.6006 -20 -22.5 -24.2998c-9.2002 -3.2002 -50.1006 -1.60059 -61.7002 -1c-18 1.2998 -33.2002 8.5 -43.4004 24c-14.5 22.5 -19.5 47.7002 -14.5 73.8994c4.60059 24.5 24.6006 34.7002 46.3008 22.7002 c15.1992 -7.5 42.5 -27.3994 63.3994 -46.5996c20.4004 -18.7002 34.7998 -36.4004 32.4004 -48.7002zM449.2 80.4102c6.7002 -5.41016 11.2002 -22 11.5996 -32.1006c1 -50.3994 -23.8994 -68 -46.5996 -85.3994c-65.1006 -50 -295.101 -16.9004 -145.4 -6.40039 c127.4 9 164.101 96.1006 172.101 121.5c0.647461 1.99023 2.87109 3.60547 4.96387 3.60547c1.04102 0 2.53516 -0.540039 3.33594 -1.20508zM511.2 202.81c0 -17.1992 1.89941 -34.5996 -1 -51.6992c-4 -24.7002 -29.1006 -41.7002 -53.2002 -36.7002 c-7.2002 1.7002 -9.40039 7.2002 -9.40039 14.2002c0 28.0996 0.800781 56.3994 0 84.5996c-1.89941 75.79 -36.1992 132.79 -102.3 169.4c-111 60.3896 -253.2 -7 -277.8 -131.5c-6.09961 -30.4004 -1.7002 -48.3008 -3.7002 -125.801 c-0.299805 -7.19922 -4.2998 -11.1992 -12 -11.5c-30.7998 -1.39941 -51.7998 18.2002 -51.7998 49v20.9004l0.799805 26.4902c2.40039 15.5 10.7002 27 24.9004 34c3.5 1.7998 5.7002 3.5 6.39941 7.7998c6.10059 33.4102 19.5 64 39.3008 91.71 c2.2998 3.09961 4 5.2998 1 9.2998c-3.7002 5.40039 -1 10.2002 3 14.5c28.0996 31.7998 61.8994 55.1006 102 67.4004c96 29.4668 180.1 9.29688 252.3 -60.5098c6.7002 -6.40039 15.5 -12.9004 7 -24.4004c-1.2998 -1.7998 1.09961 -3.5 2.2002 -5 c17.2246 -23.209 35.3242 -65.1367 40.3994 -93.5898c0.900391 -3.7002 3 -5.10059 5.90039 -6.40039c17.3994 -8.7998 25.7002 -23.2998 26 -42.2002zM351.6 71.3096l-51.5996 7.7002c-22.7998 5.90039 -51 32.7002 22.2002 60.7998 c21.5996 8.5 85.7002 37.2002 87.7998 -8c0.900391 -32 -21.9004 -63.2998 -58.4004 -60.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fulcrum" unicode="&#xf50b;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M95.75 283.86l-35.3799 -43.5508l-35.3701 43.5508l35.3799 43.5498zM144.23 448v-211.11l-41.0801 -44.8896l41.0801 -44.8896v-211.11l-20.5107 198.18l-51 57.8203l50.9707 57.8203zM223.9 283.86l35.3799 43.5498l35.3799 -43.5498l-35.3799 -43.5508zM175.42 236.86 v211.14l20.5801 -198.18l51 -57.8203l-51 -57.8203l-20.5801 -198.18v211.11l41.0801 44.8896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mandalorian" unicode="&#xf50f;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M232.27 -63.8896c-1 3.25977 -1.68945 15.8301 -1.38965 24.5801c0.549805 15.8896 1 24.7197 1.40039 28.7598c0.639648 6.2002 2.87012 20.7197 3.2793 21.3799c0.600586 1 0.400391 27.8701 -0.239258 33.1299c-0.310547 2.58008 -0.629883 11.9004 -0.69043 20.7305 c-0.129883 16.4697 -0.530273 20.1191 -2.72949 24.7598c-1.10059 2.31934 -1.23047 3.83984 -1 11.4297c0.0449219 1.07324 0.0820312 2.81641 0.0820312 3.89062c0 2.43945 -0.189453 6.39062 -0.422852 8.81934c-2 13 -3.45996 27.7002 -3.25 33.9004 s0.430664 7.14941 2.06055 9.66992c3.0498 4.70996 6.50977 14 8.62012 23.2695c2.25977 9.86035 3.87988 17.1807 4.58984 20.7402c0.921875 4.24121 2.90137 10.9834 4.41992 15.0498c2.26953 6.25 2.49023 15.3906 0.370117 15.3906 c-0.299805 0 -1.37988 -1.2207 -2.41016 -2.70996c-1.03027 -1.49023 -4.75977 -4.80078 -8.29004 -7.36035c-8.37012 -6.08008 -11.7002 -9.38965 -12.6602 -12.5801s-1 -7.22949 -0.160156 -7.75977c0.34082 -0.209961 1.29004 -2.40039 2.11035 -4.87988 c0.791992 -2.41602 1.43457 -6.43945 1.43457 -8.98145c0 -1.78223 -0.320312 -4.64062 -0.714844 -6.37891c-0.389648 -1.76953 -1 -5.46973 -1.45996 -8.22949c-0.459961 -2.76074 -1 -6.46094 -1.25 -8.2207c-0.149414 -1.27637 -0.84375 -3.18555 -1.5498 -4.25977 c-1 -1 -1.13965 -0.910156 -2.0498 0.530273c-0.619141 1.24316 -1.26465 3.37109 -1.44043 4.75c-0.25 1.73926 -1.62988 7.10938 -3.08008 11.9297c-3.2793 10.9004 -3.51953 16.1504 -1 21c0.683594 1.19141 1.43164 3.25684 1.66992 4.61035 c0 2.38965 -2.19922 5.31934 -7.40918 9.88965c-7 6.17969 -8.62988 7.91992 -10.2305 11.2998c-1.70996 3.60059 -3.05957 4.06055 -4.54004 1.54004c-1.78027 -3 -2.59961 -9.10938 -3 -22l-0.339844 -12.1895l2 -2.25c3.20996 -3.7002 12.0703 -16.4502 13.7803 -19.8301 c3.41016 -6.74023 4.33984 -11.6904 4.41016 -23.5605c0.0693359 -11.8701 0.949219 -22.75 2 -24.71c0.359375 -0.660156 0.509766 -1.34961 0.339844 -1.51953s0.410156 -2.08984 1.29004 -4.27051c0.871094 -2.41406 1.79395 -6.44629 2.05957 -9 c0.306641 -2.88867 1.07227 -7.53516 1.70996 -10.3701c2.23047 -9.55957 2.77051 -14.0801 2.39062 -20.1396c-0.200195 -3.26953 -0.530273 -11.0703 -0.730469 -17.3203c-1.30957 -41.7598 -1.84961 -58 -2 -61.21c-0.120117 -2 -0.389648 -11.5098 -0.599609 -21.0693 c-0.360352 -16.3008 -1.30078 -27.3701 -2.41992 -28.6504c-0.640625 -0.729492 -8.07031 4.91016 -12.5205 9.49023c-3.75 3.87012 -4 4.79004 -2.83008 9.9502c0.700195 3 2.25977 18.29 3.33008 32.6191c0.360352 4.78027 0.80957 10.5 1 12.7109 c0.830078 9.36914 1.66016 20.3496 2.61035 34.7793c0.55957 8.45996 1.33008 16.4404 1.71973 17.7305s0.889648 9.88965 1.12988 19.1094l0.429688 16.7705l-2.25977 4.2998c-1.71973 3.28027 -4.87012 6.94043 -13.2197 15.3398 c-6 6.07031 -11.8398 12.2998 -12.9102 13.8506l-1.9502 2.80957l0.75 10.9004c1.08984 15.71 1.10059 48.5693 0 59.0596l-0.889648 8.7002l-3.28027 4.51953c-5.85938 8.08008 -5.7998 7.75 -6.21973 33.2705c-0.100586 6.07031 -0.379883 11.5 -0.629883 12.0596 c-0.830078 1.87012 -3.0498 2.66016 -8.54004 3.05078c-8.86035 0.619141 -11 1.89941 -23.8506 14.5498c-6.14941 6 -12.3398 12 -13.75 13.1895c-2.80957 2.41992 -2.79004 2 -0.55957 9.62988l1.34961 4.65039l-1.68945 3c-0.630859 1.17676 -1.79102 3 -2.58984 4.07031 c-1.33008 1.50977 -5.5 10.8896 -6 13.4893c-0.0859375 0.307617 -0.155273 0.816406 -0.155273 1.13574c0 0.868164 0.458984 2.10645 1.02539 2.76465c2.22949 2.86035 3.39941 5.67969 4.44922 10.7305c2.33008 11.1895 7.74023 26.0898 10.6006 29.2197 c3.17969 3.46973 7.7002 1 9.41016 -5c1.33984 -4.79004 1.36914 -9.79004 0.0996094 -18.5498c-0.445312 -3.05176 -0.893555 -8.02832 -1 -11.1104c0 -4 0.19043 -4.69043 2.25 -7.38965c3.33008 -4.37012 7.72949 -7.41016 15.2002 -10.5205 c1.41992 -0.591797 3.53418 -1.86914 4.71973 -2.84961c11.1699 -10.7207 18.6201 -16.1807 22.9502 -16.8506c5.17969 -0.799805 8 -4.54004 10 -13.3896c1.30957 -5.65039 4 -11.1396 5.45996 -11.1396c0.994141 0.203125 2.48633 0.826172 3.33008 1.38965 c2 1.21973 2.25 1.73047 2.25 4.17969c-0.21875 4.96191 -1.11523 12.9541 -2 17.8398c-0.370117 1.66016 -0.780273 4.06055 -0.930664 5.35059c-0.149414 1.29004 -0.609375 3.84961 -1 5.68945c-2.5498 11.1602 -3.64941 15.46 -4.09961 16 c-1.5498 2 -4.08008 10.2002 -4.92969 15.9209c-1.64062 11.1094 -4 14.2295 -12.9102 17.3896c-4.0791 1.50293 -10.0547 5.0332 -13.3398 7.87988c-1.15039 1 -4 3.21973 -6.35059 5.05957c-2.34961 1.84082 -4.40918 3.53027 -4.59961 3.76074 c-0.701172 0.606445 -1.90625 1.50293 -2.69043 2c-6.23926 4.21973 -8.83984 7 -11.2598 12l-2.43945 5l-0.220703 13l-0.219727 13l6.91016 6.5498c3.9502 3.75 8.47949 7.34961 10.5898 8.42969c3.30957 1.69043 4.4502 1.89062 11.3701 2 c8.53027 0.19043 10.1201 0 11.6602 -1.55957c1.54004 -1.56055 1.35938 -6.40039 -0.290039 -8.5c-0.501953 -0.564453 -1.10156 -1.60352 -1.33984 -2.32031c0 -0.580078 -2.61035 -4.91016 -5.41992 -9c-0.879883 -1.80371 -1.94141 -4.85938 -2.37012 -6.82031 c20.4395 -13.3896 21.5498 -3.76953 14.0693 -29l11.3604 -2.51953c3.11035 8.66016 6.46973 17.2598 8.61035 26.2197c0.290039 7.62988 -12 4.19043 -15.4004 8.68066c-2.33008 5.92969 3.12988 14.1797 6.05957 19.1992c1.60059 2.33984 6.62012 4.7002 8.82031 4.15039 c0.879883 -0.219727 4.16016 0.349609 7.37012 1.28027c2.04395 0.641602 5.42676 1.39453 7.5498 1.67969c1.69336 0.183594 4.38184 0.760742 6 1.29004c3.65039 1.11035 4.5 1.16992 6.35059 0.400391c1.56738 -0.539062 4.1748 -1.14844 5.81934 -1.36035 c1.74902 -0.236328 4.43652 -1.0918 6 -1.91016c1.30762 -0.765625 3.54785 -1.73828 5 -2.16992c2.51074 -0.679688 3 -0.570312 7.05078 1.66992l4.34961 2.40039l10.7402 0.389648c10.4395 0.400391 10.8096 0.469727 15.2598 2.67969l4.58008 2.32031l2.45996 -1.42969 c1.75977 -1 3.13965 -2.73047 4.84961 -6c2.36035 -4.51074 2.37988 -4.58008 1.37012 -7.37012c-0.879883 -2.44043 -0.889648 -3.2998 -0.0996094 -6.39062c0.435547 -1.68164 1.37695 -4.3291 2.09961 -5.90918c0.535156 -1.04785 1.12207 -2.83984 1.31055 -4 c0.30957 -4.33008 0 -5.30078 -2.41016 -6.91992c-2.16992 -1.4707 -7 -7.91016 -7 -9.34082c-0.206055 -0.859375 -0.685547 -2.2041 -1.07031 -3c-5 -11.5098 -6.75977 -13.5596 -14.2598 -17c-9.2002 -4.19922 -12.2998 -5.18945 -16.21 -5.18945 c-3.10059 0 -4 -0.25 -4.54004 -1.25977c-0.972656 -1.19629 -2.80566 -2.8584 -4.08984 -3.70996c-1.53223 -1.02344 -3.49512 -3.16504 -4.37988 -4.78027c-0.411133 -1.04004 -1.52734 -2.34375 -2.49023 -2.91016 c-0.78125 -0.321289 -1.87891 -1.08789 -2.4502 -1.70996c-1.83496 -1.61133 -4.9707 -4.02148 -7 -5.37988c-3.33008 -2.33984 -6.87012 -5 -7.87012 -6c-0.560547 -0.604492 -1.62695 -1.36621 -2.37988 -1.7002c-0.697266 -0.314453 -1.65137 -1.05273 -2.12988 -1.65039 c-1.31055 -1.38965 -1.49023 -2.10938 -1.13965 -4.59961c0.255859 -1.65527 0.892578 -4.29004 1.41992 -5.87988c1.31934 -3.7998 1.30957 -7.86035 0 -10.5703c-1.31055 -2.70996 -0.890625 -6.64941 1.34961 -9.58984c2 -2.62988 2.16016 -4.55957 0.709961 -8.83984 c-0.587891 -2.27344 -1.06445 -6.02344 -1.06445 -8.37109c0 -0.148438 0.00195312 -0.390625 0.00488281 -0.539062c0 -4.87988 0.219727 -6.28027 1.45996 -8.37988c1.23926 -2.09961 1.81934 -2.48047 3.23926 -2.32031c2 0.230469 2.30078 1.0498 4.70996 12.1201 c2.18066 10 3.70996 11.9199 13.7607 17.0801c2.93945 1.50977 7.45996 4 10 5.44043c2.54004 1.43945 6.79004 3.68945 9.37012 4.90918c4.99414 2.18652 11.8125 7.41504 15.2197 11.6709c7.10938 8.78906 10 16.2197 12.8496 33.2998 c0.298828 2.31445 1.58008 5.77832 2.86035 7.72949c1.19434 1.86133 2.48828 5.13574 2.88965 7.31055c1 5.2998 2.85059 9.08008 5.58008 11.5098c4.7002 4.17969 6 1.08984 4.58984 -10.8701c-0.459961 -3.86035 -1.09961 -10.3301 -1.43945 -14.3799l-0.610352 -7.36035 l4.4502 -4.08984l4.4502 -4.08984l0.109375 -8.41992c0.0605469 -4.62988 0.470703 -9.53027 0.919922 -10.8896l0.820312 -2.4707l-6.42969 -6.2793c-8.54004 -8.33008 -12.8799 -13.9307 -16.7598 -21.6104c-1.77051 -3.49023 -3.74023 -7.11035 -4.38086 -8 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0.780273 -11 0.790039 -22.7402v-19.0605l-1.80957 -2.62988c-2.70996 -3.91016 -15.1104 -13.54 -15.4902 -12.29zM261.8 -18.7803c-0.179688 0.299805 -0.330078 6.87012 -0.330078 14.5898c0 14.0605 -0.889648 27.54 -2.25977 34.4502 c-0.400391 2 -0.80957 9.7002 -0.900391 17.0605c-0.149414 11.9297 -1.39941 24.3701 -2.63965 26.3799c-0.660156 1.06934 -3 17.6602 -3 21.2998c0 4.23047 1 6 5.28027 9.12988s4.85938 3.13965 5.47949 0.719727c0.280273 -1.09961 1.4502 -5.61914 2.60059 -10 c3.92969 -15.1191 4.13965 -16.2695 4.0498 -21.7393c-0.0996094 -5.78027 -0.129883 -6.12988 -1.74023 -17.7305c-1 -7.07031 -1.16992 -12.3896 -1 -28.4297c0.169922 -19.4004 -0.639648 -35.7305 -2 -41.2705c-0.709961 -2.7793 -2.7998 -5.47949 -3.42969 -4.42969z M190.8 18.7998c-0.638672 2.95215 -1.41406 7.78613 -1.72949 10.79s-1.09082 7.83789 -1.73047 10.79c-0.433594 1.76758 -0.880859 4.6748 -1 6.49023c-0.30957 3.18945 -0.910156 7.45996 -1.33008 9.47949c-1 4.79004 -3.34961 19.3506 -3.41992 21.0703 c0 0.740234 -0.339844 4.0498 -0.700195 7.36035c-0.669922 6.20996 -0.839844 27.6699 -0.219727 28.29c1 1 6.62988 -2.76074 11.3301 -7.43066l5.28027 -5.25l-0.450195 -6.46973c-0.25 -3.55957 -0.599609 -10.2295 -0.780273 -14.8301 c-0.179688 -4.59961 -0.490234 -9.87012 -0.669922 -11.71s-0.610352 -9.36035 -0.939453 -16.7197c-0.790039 -17.4102 -1.94043 -31.29 -2.65039 -32c-0.101562 -0.107422 -0.302734 -0.193359 -0.450195 -0.193359c-0.208008 0 -0.454102 0.149414 -0.549805 0.333008 h0.00976562zM103.62 285.39c21.0703 -12.79 17.8398 -14.1494 28.4902 -17.6592c13 -4.29004 18.8701 -7.13086 23.1494 -16.8701c-43.6602 -36.1406 -69.0098 -57.8604 -76.71 -70.8604c-31 -52 -6 -101.59 62.75 -87.21c-14.1797 -29.2305 -78 -28.6299 -98.6797 4.90039 c-24.6797 39.9492 -22.0898 118.3 61 187.659v0.0400391zM314.41 106.39c56.6602 -6.87988 82.3203 37.7402 46.54 89.2305c0 0 -26.8701 29.3398 -64.2803 68c3 15.4502 9.49023 32.1201 30.5703 53.8203c89.2002 -63.5107 92 -141.61 92.46 -149.36 c4.2998 -70.6396 -78.7002 -91.1797 -105.29 -61.71v0.0195312z" /> 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-1.73047 26.0605 -0.310547 37.7402 5.43945 c20.2305 9.71973 36.8105 25.2002 54.4404 38.7705c23.0107 17.7168 62.8379 42.4951 88.8994 55.3096c25.71 12 52.9404 22.7803 81.5703 24.1201c-15.6299 -13.7197 -32.1504 -26.5205 -46.7803 -41.3799c-14.5098 -14 -27.46 -29.5 -40.1094 -45.1807 c-3.52051 -4.59961 -8.9502 -6.93945 -13.5801 -10.1592c-18.8516 -12.6768 -42.0986 -39.6016 -51.8906 -60.1006c-9.33008 -19.6797 -14.5 -41.8496 -11.7695 -63.6494c1.93945 -13.6904 8.70996 -27.5908 20.8994 -34.9102c12.9004 -8 29.0508 -8.07031 43.4805 -5.10059 c32.7998 7.4502 61.4297 28.8906 81 55.8408c20.4404 27.5195 30.5195 62.1992 29.1602 96.3496c-0.520508 7.5 -1.57031 15 -1.66016 22.4902c8 -19.4805 14.8203 -39.71 16.6504 -60.8301c2 -14.2803 0.75 -28.7598 -1.62012 -42.9004 c-1.91016 -11 -5.66992 -21.5098 -7.78027 -32.4297c17.209 19.293 34.833 55.6123 39.3398 81.0703c1.24121 7.8584 2.24902 20.6953 2.24902 28.6514c0 21.957 -7.37305 55.999 -16.459 75.9883c20.7803 -32 32.3398 -69.5801 35.71 -107.48 c0.490234 -12.7295 0.490234 -25.5098 0 -38.2295c-2.37305 -28.7334 -15.6289 -72.5254 -29.5898 -97.75c-26.1201 -47.3398 -68 -85.6299 -117.19 -108c-78.29 -36.2305 -174.68 -31.3203 -248 14.6797c-32.9014 20.1289 -73.8711 64.3281 -91.4492 98.6602 c-12.291 24.2021 -23.6523 65.8301 -25.3604 92.9199v31.3398c3.92969 69.7402 40.8701 135.92 96 178.36zM318 304.29c4.54688 0.770508 11.7148 2.77734 16 4.47949c5 1.77051 9.24023 5.94043 10.3203 11.2207c-8.95996 -4.99023 -17.9805 -9.91992 -26.3203 -15.7002z " /> <glyph glyph-name="wolf-pack-battalion" unicode="&#xf514;" d="M267.73 -23.5303l-11.4404 -21.1396l-11.4404 21.1104l-10.5596 -15.8408l-5.28027 12.3203l-5.2793 -7v-29.8301c-21.0605 7.91992 -21.1104 66.8604 -25.5107 97.21c-4.62012 31.8799 0.879883 92.8105 -81.3701 149.11c8.88086 23.5996 12 49.4297 2.64062 80.0498 c-27.8701 -3.33008 -53.9404 -10.5801 -63.3398 -54.0996l30.3496 -8.36035c-11.2002 -23.04 -17.0195 -46.7598 -13.2002 -72.1396l27.2705 7l6.16016 -33.4307l18.4697 7l8.7998 -33.4297l19.3496 7l-26.4297 -21.0596l-8.7998 28.1494l-24.6299 -5.28027l-7 35.6309 l-26.3906 -14.5205c-0.25 20.0205 -6.95996 58.0605 8.80078 84.4502l-26.3906 -5.28027c-3.99023 22.0703 2.37988 39.21 7.91992 56.7402l-22.4297 -9.67969c0.44043 25.0693 29.9404 56.79 61.5898 58.5098c20.2197 1.08984 56.7305 25.1602 54.1006 51.8994 c-1.95996 19.8701 -17.4502 42.6201 -43.1104 49.7002c43.9795 -36.5098 9.71973 -67.2998 -5.28027 -73.46c-4.39941 11.4404 -17.54 69.0801 0 130.2c40.4697 -22.8701 89.7002 -65.0996 93.21 -147.86l58.0605 -38.71l3.51953 -93.25l-107.33 59.8203l-7 -7 l17.5801 -3.50977l44 -38.71l15.8398 5.2793l28.1504 -49.2598l3.51953 -119.64l-21.1094 -15.8398l32.5498 -15.8398l32.5498 15.8398l-21.1094 15.8398l3.51953 119.64l28.0996 49.25l15.8408 -5.28027l44 38.7109l17.5898 3.51953l-7 7l-107.3 -59.7695l3.51953 93.25 l58 38.71c3.5498 82.6895 52.8096 124.92 93.2002 147.79c17.54 -61.1201 4.39941 -118.761 0 -130.2c-14.96 6.16016 -49.2803 36.9502 -5.28027 73.46c-25.6602 -7.08008 -41.1104 -29.8301 -43.1104 -49.7002c-2.63965 -26.7305 33.8809 -50.8096 54.1006 -51.9004 c31.6396 -1.70996 61.1396 -33.4297 61.5801 -58.5l-22.4307 9.68066c5.54004 -17.5303 11.9209 -34.6699 7.9209 -56.7402l-26.3906 5.28027c15.7998 -26.3906 9.0498 -64.4502 8.7998 -84.4502l-26.3896 14.5195l-7 -35.6299l-24.5898 5.24023l-8.7998 -28.1504 l-26.3906 21.1104l19.3506 -7l8.7998 33.3896l18.4697 -7l6.16016 33.4307l27.2803 -7.05078c3.7998 25.3809 -2.0498 49.1406 -13.2002 72.1406l30.3496 8.35938c-9.42969 43.5205 -35.4297 50.7305 -63.3398 54.1006 c-9.35938 -30.6201 -6.24023 -56.4404 2.64062 -80.0498c-82.25 -56.3008 -76.75 -117.221 -81.3701 -149.11c-4.40039 -30.3496 -4.4502 -89.29 -25.5107 -97.21v29.9502l-5.2793 7l-5.28027 -12.3203zM346.9 71.4697l-15.8408 10.5303 c7.4707 4.36035 13.7607 8.41992 19.3506 12.3203c-0.600586 -7.2207 -0.270508 -13.8398 -3.50977 -22.8398v-0.0107422zM375.05 120.73c-0.399414 -10.9404 -0.899414 -21.6602 -1.75977 -31.6709c-7.84961 1.86035 -15.5703 3.80078 -21.1104 7 c8.24023 7.94043 15.5508 16.3203 22.8701 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29.9102 56.3008zM111.13 242.14c-0.80957 -14.2998 -1.83984 -28.8193 -1.75977 -42.2295c-19.2197 8.10938 -29.7803 9.71973 -44 14.0801 c10.6299 18.9502 27.2295 25.5195 45.7598 28.1494z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hornbill" unicode="&#xf592;" d="M76.3799 77.7002c0.182617 -1.37207 0.331055 -3.6084 0.331055 -4.99219c0 -20.8662 -16.9346 -37.8008 -37.7998 -37.8008s-37.7998 16.9346 -37.7998 37.8008c0 20.8652 16.9346 37.7998 37.7998 37.7998c1.49805 0 3.91602 -0.173828 5.39844 -0.387695 c-78.2793 111.35 52 190.53 52 190.53c-5.85938 -43 -8.23926 -91.1602 -8.23926 -91.1602c-67.3105 -41.4902 0.929688 -64.0605 39.8096 -72.8701c18.6445 -50.7129 77.6279 -91.9023 131.66 -91.9404c1.91992 0 3.76953 0.209961 5.66992 0.280273l0.110352 -18.8604 c-99.2207 -1.38965 -158.7 29.1406 -188.94 51.6006zM184.38 405.4c109.75 73.9395 187.601 -54.0605 187.601 -54.0605c-43.04 5.86035 -91.1807 8.24023 -91.1807 8.24023c-43.0996 70.0098 -65.7998 -6.58008 -73.7998 -44.29 c-48.4805 -19.5557 -87.8545 -77.8545 -87.8896 -130.13c0 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11.7598v-0.0595703c0.0917969 0.000976562 0.239258 0.000976562 0.330078 0.000976562c20.9375 0 37.9297 -16.9922 37.9297 -37.9297 s-16.9922 -37.9297 -37.9297 -37.9297c-13.1963 0 -28.5273 9.66211 -34.2197 21.5684c-1.76367 3.66602 -3.39453 9.93848 -3.63965 14c-111.98 -80.3398 -191.9 51 -191.9 51c43.0703 -5.87988 91.1904 -8.21973 91.1904 -8.21973 c41.3301 -67.1709 63.9199 0.540039 72.7695 39.4893c50.418 18.7646 91.3604 77.6543 91.3906 131.45c0 2.08008 -0.220703 4.08984 -0.300781 6.15039l19.5205 0.139648c1.28027 -89.9697 -23.71 -147.2 -45.1406 -179.66z" /> <glyph glyph-name="nimblr" unicode="&#xf5a8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M246.6 148.71c15.5703 0 27.1504 -11.46 27.1504 -27s-11.6201 -27 -27.1504 -27c-15.6992 0 -27.1494 11.5703 -27.1494 27s11.5498 27 27.1494 27zM113 121.75c0 15.6104 11.6797 27 27.1504 27c15.4697 0 27.1494 -11.46 27.1494 -27s-11.4697 -27 -27.1494 -27 c-15.4404 0 -27.1504 11.3096 -27.1504 27zM191.76 289c98.3701 0 177.76 -78.9102 177.76 -176.48c0 -97.5693 -79.6094 -176.52 -177.76 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223.37c21.1797 0 21.1094 -38.8506 0 -38.8506h-32.3105v38.8408zM321.14 241.62c-68.46 0 -71 -105.8 0 -105.8c69.4805 0.00976562 69.4102 105.8 0 105.8zM321.14 224.23c44.1201 0 44.8008 -70.8604 0 -70.8604c-44.7998 0 -44.4297 70.8604 0 70.8604z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hackerrank" unicode="&#xf5f7;" d="M477.5 320c14.5 -25 14.4805 -230.92 -0.00976562 -256s-192.391 -128 -221.33 -128c-28.9404 0 -206.83 102.8 -221.32 128s-14.4102 230.79 0 256s192.351 128 221.32 128s206.84 -103.05 221.34 -128zM316.13 33.7803c3.95996 0 40.4404 35.7793 37.5605 38.6895 c-0.870117 0.839844 -8.82031 1.49023 -17.6904 1.83984c0 32.4004 -3 19.0508 0.679688 210.341c0.0703125 3.65918 -1.04004 5.37988 -4.5 5.37988c-11.0801 0.0693359 -22.1602 0.0195312 -33.2295 -0.0605469c-3.25977 -0.0292969 -4.31055 -1.80957 -4.20996 -5.2002 c1.58984 -48.8994 1.2002 -79.0898 1.2002 -83.6396h-80.2607c0.629883 25.7998 0.209961 79.6396 2.62988 105.39v3.16016c8.87012 0.350586 15.9004 0.970703 16.7705 1.83984c2.90039 2.91016 -34.3203 38.6904 -38.2705 38.6904 c-3.94922 0 -41.4092 -35.7695 -38.4893 -38.6904c0.879883 -0.839844 7.58984 -1.48926 17.2598 -1.83984v-3.16992c3.15039 -128.67 1.07031 -179.229 0.150391 -212.67c-0.130859 -4.58008 1.63965 -6.10938 5.73926 -6.10938 c10.1406 0.0292969 20.2803 -0.0800781 30.4102 -0.0800781c4.16016 -0.0605469 5.96973 1.39941 5.74023 5.93945c-1.83008 36.6797 -1.37012 65.7803 -1.37012 72.8799h79.9297c0 -2.41992 0.44043 -3.84961 0.44043 -5.84961 c-0.350586 -17.7305 -0.94043 -60.0898 -0.94043 -86.3203c-11.29 -0.349609 -16.6797 -0.959961 -17.5498 -1.83008c-2.91016 -2.91992 34 -38.6895 38 -38.6895z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kaggle" unicode="&#xf5fa;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M304.2 -53.5l1.39941 -7.59961c-0.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -6 -3h-66.8994c-4 0 -7.5 1.7998 -10.5 5.2998l-110.5 140.6l-30.7998 -29.2998v-109c0 -5 -2.5 -7.5 -7.5 -7.5h-51.9004c-5 0 -7.5 2.5 -7.5 7.5v497c0 5 2.5 7.5 7.5 7.5h51.9004c5 0 7.5 -2.5 7.5 -7.5v-306 l132.3 133.7c3.5 3.5 7 5.2998 10.5 5.2998h69.2002c7 0 7.89941 -7.7998 5.2998 -10.5l-139.8 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80.7002c0.5 1 0.699219 2.2002 1.19922 3.2002l-28.7998 1l-3 3.39941 c8.5 3.5 25.2998 13.2998 40.2998 14.2998c6.30273 12.0684 18.7568 30.123 27.8008 40.3008c1.2998 6.39941 3.2998 14.1992 6.59961 25.7998l-7.59961 -4.7002l-1.7002 1.7002l1.7002 8.39941c8.87207 21.3857 29.7939 51.5811 46.6992 67.4004l-33 14.2998h3.7002 c20.9004 4.90039 33.2002 3.2998 49.2002 0c-2.5 4.10059 -5.40039 10.5 -8.40039 18.9004c-1.16699 3.20996 -2.11426 8.58691 -2.11426 12.0029c0 3.81152 1.1709 9.76855 2.61426 13.2969c8.90039 -7.40039 14.3008 -24.5996 15.2002 -27 c0.700195 3.59961 2.10059 21.2998 33.7002 45.5l1.83008 -0.5l-12 -44.2002c30 17.7002 63 21.9004 97.9004 11.7998c-12.7002 -12.1992 -24.3008 -28.8994 -42.5 -33c7.39941 -2.2998 28.6992 -9.69922 34.1992 -15.1992l-24.7998 7.09961 c6.5 -6 19.6006 -16.4004 25.1006 -25.0996c19.418 -0.893555 50.0615 -6.85254 68.3994 -13.3008l-0.5 0.5c29.4004 14.7002 37.7002 27.3008 74.7998 3c0 -30.1992 -2.2998 -23.3994 3 -29.7998c6.41602 5.42383 17.75 12.8154 25.3008 16.5 c13 6.40039 23.0996 4.7002 30.6992 -5.89941c11.8008 0 17.8008 -15.7002 18.4004 -27c14.7998 -2.90039 2.7002 -30.7002 2.5 -30.7002l-7.09961 -18.2002c7.7998 -7.7998 22.0996 -20.9004 31.6992 -44.7998zM398 336.8c-13.0996 8.90039 -22.7002 11.9004 -28.2998 8.5 c8.09961 -7.2002 13 -14.2998 13.5 -20.7002c1.2002 -7.59961 -2.2002 -14.7998 -10.6006 -21.8994l-4.19922 -3.40039c3.60059 -5.90918 7.36328 -16.2578 8.39941 -23.0996h2.5c-2.09961 13.8994 -2.5 11 0.700195 14.7998c11 -6.40039 14.9004 -14.5 16 -19.9004 c21.7998 10.1006 29.5 12.7002 54.7998 20.9004l-18.2002 -16c11.4004 0 25.6006 0.299805 46.5 -8.40039c7 24.3008 7.10059 20.7002 2.5 20.7002l-4.69922 -11.2998c-1.7002 10.5 -2.90039 18.9004 -3.40039 25.2998c-0.5 6.7002 -3.90039 9.60059 -9.2998 10.1006 c-0.00976562 -0.384766 -0.0175781 -1.00781 -0.0175781 -1.3916c0 -3.87012 0.769531 -10.0566 1.71777 -13.8086l-1.7002 -5.90039c-2.90039 10.6006 -5.90039 20.2002 -9.2998 27.7998c-9.7002 17.7002 -30.2002 -9.19922 -43 -11.2998 c3.72266 -0.207031 9.77051 -0.375977 13.5 -0.375977c3.72852 0 9.77637 0.168945 13.5 0.375977l-22.4004 -5.39941l3.40039 -4.7002c-5.5 0 -16.9004 -0.900391 -22.4004 17.2002zM358.4 346.9l-20.3008 -11.8008c11.3008 -7.59961 20.2002 -18.1992 27.8008 -31.1992 c6.39941 2.89941 10.0996 5.09961 11.7998 7.59961c2.5 2.7998 2.5 4.7002 3 7.09961c0.599609 1.30078 0.799805 2.7002 -3.40039 11.1006c-7.5 11.7998 -16.2002 15.2998 -18.8994 17.2002zM91 304.9c-7.7998 -24.1006 -11.7002 -49.4004 -13.2002 -74.6006l13.2002 -5 l1.2002 27c9.5 -16.3994 11.2002 -23.2998 12.2998 -28.7998c2.7998 2.09961 7.7002 7 22.5996 11.2998l1.2002 -1.7002l-7.59961 -10.5996c10.0996 3.5 19.5 3.5 28.2998 0.5l-10.5996 -8.40039c22.7998 -8.39941 26.5996 -7.59961 38.3994 -26.0996l-11.7998 1.2002 c34.9297 -20.5 66 -47.9004 141.2 -63.2002c15.5996 24.0996 14 21.0996 14 22.9004l0.200195 0.199219l-0.200195 0.200195c-0.700195 1.90039 -14.1006 16.6006 -18.2002 20.7002c7.2998 -1.7998 6 -0.900391 10.7998 -3.7002 c1.7002 -0.899414 -5.39941 5.40039 -21.8994 20.2002c16.5 -6.7002 27.5996 -15.5 33 -27.7998l1.69922 30.7002l-22.3994 17.6992l6.39941 5.90039c-7.2998 0 -31 3.7002 -49.1992 -16l-2.5 0.5c5.89844 12.1807 13.0664 32.7881 16 46 c1.61914 7.72656 2.96289 20.4053 3 28.2998c0 19.5 -4.7002 38.4004 -13.5 56.6006c-6.40039 13.5 -16.5 25.2998 -30 35.3994c-5.4707 4.09961 -14.7441 10.1475 -20.7002 13.5c3 0.700195 1 1.2002 -5.40039 1.2002c-6.39941 0.200195 -13 0.700195 -19.3994 1.2002v-3 c-8.67773 -1.375 -20.0127 -8.18457 -25.3008 -15.2002h-1.19922l-5.40039 -3.40039c-1.2002 2.90039 0 6.30078 4.2002 9.30078l10.5996 11.2998l-3.39941 -0.5l2 3.39941c-2.30078 0.200195 -4.2002 0.5 -6.2002 0.700195l-0.5 1.2002l2.5 1.7002 c2.2002 -0.200195 4.59961 -0.5 7.09961 -0.700195c2.52539 1.3457 6.89746 2.43848 9.75879 2.43848c1.18359 0 3.08301 -0.196289 4.24121 -0.438477l2.5 -1.2002l0.200195 -0.5c6.50488 0.421875 16.9883 1.7207 23.4004 2.90039 c20.6992 2.89941 36.6992 11.2998 48.5 24.7998l-21.1006 0.5c-25.7998 0.5 -49.3994 -5.40039 -71.2998 -18.9004l-2.5 2.5l0.5 4.7002l1.7002 7.10059c1.37695 7.08105 4.24414 18.415 6.39941 25.2998c-1.69922 -0.700195 -4.59961 -4.90039 -9.2998 -11.2998 c-4.7002 -6.40039 -8.39941 -13 -10.0996 -19.4004c-0.905273 -4.24512 -3.54785 -10.6514 -5.90039 -14.2998l-13.5 29l8.40039 -35.7998l-0.5 -1.7002h-0.015625c-4.51953 0 -11.6807 1.12012 -15.9844 2.5c-3.40039 0.700195 -10.6006 1.2002 -20.9004 1.2002 c0.5 0 -0.700195 0 -3.2002 -0.5c5.40039 -1.30078 13.5 -4.2002 24.8008 -8.40039l6.39941 1.2002c-4.2002 -3.40039 -10.8994 -10.1006 -20.2002 -19.4004c-9.39941 -8.89941 -20.1992 -26.0996 -32.5 -50.2002l4.2002 1.2002l10.1006 9.2998l-5.40039 -4.69922 l13 12.2998l-2.5 -3.40039c-5.09961 -7.59961 -8.09961 -12.2998 -9.2998 -15.2002zM367.5 -25.0996c8.2998 40.2998 3.59961 55.1992 -0.700195 89.5c-35.5 -11.8008 -20.2998 -6 -32 -10.8008l10.5 -14.1992l-1.2002 -1.2002c-20.1992 6 -23.1992 10.7998 -27.7998 15 c6 -22.2002 13.9004 -26.4004 29.5 -31.7002c-9.5 -9.59961 -25.3994 4 -34.3994 13l2.5 -23.5996l-4.2002 -3c-5 22.0996 -22 39.0996 -25.2998 39.0996c-44 -13 -79.1006 -5.7998 -113.9 10.5996c-1.59961 -0.399414 -70.5996 -18 -120.5 37.1006 c13.7002 -35 32.2998 -63.7002 71.2998 -82.6006c-4.13574 8.56934 -13.4102 20.4863 -20.7002 26.6006c0 0 0.700195 3.7002 1.2002 10.0996c19.4004 -19.3994 50.7002 -39.5 93.2002 -60.2002c-59.5996 24.5 -59.9004 24.8008 -69.0996 29l16 -20.6992 c-3 -1.30078 -6.7002 -0.5 -10.1006 1.19922c-10.3359 6.03809 -26.1943 17.1484 -35.3994 24.8008c1.89941 -2.2002 80.0996 -98.5 200.899 -74.3008c-43.0996 21.8008 -52.3994 52.4004 -66.5996 73.5l17.7002 -7.59961l-11.8008 23.0996 c20.1006 -27.7998 28.6006 -35 38.4004 -44.2998l-30 16.5c12.5996 -27.0996 33.7002 -47 63.5 -58.7998c2.90039 1.5 9.09961 -1.09961 59 23.9004zM482.8 189.3l8.93066 -12.7998l-12.3008 32.5c10.9004 0 10 -0.0996094 21.2002 -3.40039 c-6.72168 9.44824 -18.8184 23.7842 -27 32l-26.5996 23.1006l1.2002 3l23.5996 2.5c-9.00293 1.98535 -23.7871 3.86719 -33 4.2002l-17.7002 -0.5l-0.5 2.89941l14.7998 13l-41.7998 -20.2002l-12.2998 18.9004l3.40039 -16l-2.5 -1.2002l-5.90039 4.2002h-10.0996 l5.39941 -4.2002v-2l-13.5 -27.7998c-10.0996 -31.2002 -21.8994 -67.9004 -35.3994 -109.7l1.19922 16l-1.19922 -3v-0.5c-6.40039 -16 -13.6006 -29.5 -21.2002 -39.5996l9.2998 21.8994l-46.7002 -20.1992c11.7998 13.5 23.6006 19.3994 34.9004 18.8994 c-71.2002 11.4004 -106.2 41 -110.4 46c3.60059 -6.2002 13.2002 -17.7998 16 -40.0996l-1.7002 -1.2002c-4.2998 15.5996 -16.3994 46.5996 -55.7998 69.5996l23.6006 -2.5c-10.5 12.6006 -36.3008 17.8008 -40.8008 16l-2.5 2.5l8.40039 8.40039l-22.2998 -5.7998 l5.39941 13.5c-8.09961 -4.40039 -4.2998 -2.40039 -17 -8.90039l-1.69922 0.5c0.599609 0.600586 0.899414 -0.700195 -3 9.2998c-0.600586 -11 -0.400391 -8.59961 -1 -11.7998c-1.07324 -0.355469 -2.73145 -1.11719 -3.7002 -1.7002c-40 20.6006 -57.2002 11 -73 5.2002 c36.7998 -6 29.2998 -4 38.3994 -9.2998c-25.7998 -12.2002 -31.8994 -12.5996 -51.3994 -70.0996l22.2695 22.2998l2.5 -16.4004c13.4004 -58 68.7002 -92.5 126.4 -83.3994l-26.1006 22.3994l44.8008 -22.3994l-1.2002 -3c4.59961 -1.7002 9.2998 -3 13.5 -4.2002 c16.4727 -4.87598 43.7852 -8.83203 60.9648 -8.83203c8.94727 0 23.3887 1.08887 32.2354 2.43164l-32.5 21.2002c35.7998 -7 50.6992 -31.4004 56.7998 -39.5996l-7.60059 29l1.2002 2.5l19 -27.9004l-9.2998 26.5996l21.9004 -13.5h1.19922l-3.39941 4.2002 l7.09961 -4.7002l-14.2998 16l1.2002 3l7.59961 -7.09961c4.2998 1.2002 41.4004 10.5 80.9004 40.2998c47.8994 35.4004 68.0996 73.7998 71.5996 79.7002l-3 9.2998zM476.7 260.6l-18.2002 -1.19922l14.2998 -11.8008zM221.9 253.5 c2.69922 -5.09961 5.69922 -12.4004 18.3994 -18.7998c-7.5 -10.9004 -8.2998 -10.5 -20.2002 -16c-7.59961 -7.7002 -13.5 -13.1006 -17.6992 -14.7998l7.09961 13c-4.61914 -1.69336 -12.3604 -3.06641 -17.2793 -3.06641c-2.08789 0 -5.45703 0.25293 -7.52051 0.566406 l-0.5 1.19922c19 2.10059 37.2002 9.40039 46.5 16c-4.10059 4.2002 -7.10059 11.3008 -8.7998 21.9004zM225.6 355.8c4.92578 -2.78809 11.3486 -8.9707 14.3008 -13.7998c14.6992 -24.0996 19.1992 -40.0996 11.2998 -47.7002 c-7.90039 -7.59961 -16.7998 -7.09961 -26.1006 3c-9.2998 10.1006 -13.5 23.7002 -11.7998 39.6006c1.7002 15.8994 5.90039 22.2998 12.2998 18.8994zM220.9 309.5c7.09961 -21.2998 33.3994 -23.0996 26.8994 4.90039c-3.89941 16.5 -8.7998 27.0996 -15.2002 32.5 c-6.59961 5.39941 -10.0996 6.69922 -11.2998 4.19922c-2.5 -2.89941 -3.5 -11.2998 -3 -24.7998c7.5 12.7998 11.6006 5.90039 12.5 4.7002l-0.5 -0.5c-0.799805 -1.7002 -2.59961 -3.09961 1.7002 -6.2002l1.2002 0.5v-4.7002 c-1.7998 -12.5 -6.90039 -12.7998 -12.2998 -10.5996zM175.9 315c-2.09375 0.388672 -4.49707 2.27051 -5.40039 4.2002c-3.5 8.5 0 21.2002 8.09961 21.2002c2 -0.5 3.7002 -1.7002 5.40039 -4.7002c-1.5 -0.400391 -4.7002 -4.7998 0.700195 -5.90039h0.5 c0 -13.7002 -7.7002 -15.0996 -9.2998 -14.7998zM216 365.1l-3.7002 2.40039l-0.5 2.5c18.2998 0 25.7998 -8.7998 28.2998 -14.2998c-6.0459 3.29688 -16.542 5.97266 -23.4297 5.97266c-0.737305 0 -1.93359 -0.0322266 -2.66992 -0.0732422l-0.5 3zM144.2 315.7 c1.59961 -1.60059 0.599609 -0.299805 4.89941 -6.60059c-25.3994 -4.69922 -23.1992 -12.2998 -30 -12.2998c0.300781 0.600586 7.10059 16 23.6006 16l-7.10059 7.60059c9.40039 0.5 15.2002 2.09961 19.9004 -5.90039c0.0175781 6.60938 1.31641 17.1826 2.90039 23.5996 c2 7.60059 3.69922 11.8008 5.39941 13.5c1 1.5 16.2998 15.7002 29 22.4004c2.05469 1.48047 5.77637 2.68262 8.30859 2.68262c1.48438 0 3.81055 -0.44043 5.19141 -0.982422c0.285156 -0.345703 0.515625 -0.989258 0.515625 -1.43652 c0 -0.0732422 -0.00683594 -0.191406 -0.015625 -0.263672l-13 -7.59961c7.60059 -11.8008 10.5 -25.3008 8.7998 -41.3008c-0.932617 -9.45898 -7.5625 -22.1377 -14.7998 -28.2998l2.90039 -4.7002c-30 2.2002 -24.7998 6.80078 -46.5 23.6006zM162.9 334.4 c-1.80078 -7.2002 -2.30078 -16 -3.10059 -26l5.40039 -6.40039l7.09961 -3.40039c2.01465 -0.384766 5.31445 -0.697266 7.36523 -0.697266c1.08887 0 2.85156 0.0888672 3.93457 0.197266c1 1.7002 3.5 4.2002 6.40039 7.60059c5 5.89941 7.90039 13.7998 8.40039 23.0996 c0.0703125 1.18262 0.126953 3.10449 0.126953 4.28906c0 5.92773 -1.40137 15.3408 -3.12695 21.0107c-3 8.10059 -5.90039 11 -10.1006 9.30078c-5.39941 -1.7002 -10.5996 -5.40039 -16 -11.8008c-3 -4.19922 -5.2002 -9.59961 -6.39941 -17.1992zM204.9 278.3 l-3.10059 -6.5c7.10059 4.2002 13.5 7.2002 19.4004 8.40039l7.09961 0.5l11.7998 -7.60059h-2.5c-8.7998 3.7002 -19.3994 1.2002 -30.6992 -7.59961c-0.5 -4.7002 1.69922 -14.7002 5.89941 -29.5l9.2002 0.5c-21.9004 -6.59961 -37.5996 -8.40039 -48.9004 -5.40039 c-24.8994 6.7002 -27.3994 23.6006 -27.5 24.1006c-1.47754 5.69238 -2.67676 15.0869 -2.67676 20.9688c0 3.53418 0.438477 9.23828 0.977539 12.7314c-6.40039 -0.5 -11 -4.2002 -15.2002 -10.6006c-2.90039 5.90039 -5.40039 8.7998 -5.90039 9.2998 c1.5 0.700195 12.2998 7.5 32.5 4.90039l0.5 -2.5l-5.89941 -1.2002c-0.100586 -0.399414 -1.90039 -29.5 18.8994 -24.7998c1.40039 0.299805 1.2998 -0.0996094 36.1006 14.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="acquisitions-incorporated" unicode="&#xf6af;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M357.45 -20.2002c2.2002 -14.2998 4.09961 -28.7002 6.59961 -43.7002h-337.1c-4 0 -6.10059 0.700195 -5.2998 5.7002c2.09961 12.9004 3.5 25.9004 5 38.7998c0.5 4.80078 2.2998 6.80078 7.59961 6.80078c118.1 -1 114.9 -0.300781 121.4 2.39941 c9.39941 4 14.8994 12.9004 14.8994 23.1006c-0.0996094 42.8994 -0.299805 85.8994 -0.200195 128.8c0 3.7998 -1.19922 5.89941 -4.59961 6.7998c-15.7002 3.90039 -31.2998 7.7002 -47.5996 11.7002c-5.30078 -12.2998 -10.4004 -24.4004 -15.7002 -36.7002 c1.7998 -3.2998 28.3994 -2.90039 35.2998 -2.90039v-27.5996h-114.3c1 8.59961 1.7002 16.7998 3.2002 24.9004c0.299805 1.39941 3.59961 3.09961 5.5 3.19922c8.39941 0.400391 16.8994 0.300781 25.3994 0.100586c4 0 5.90039 1.09961 7.60059 5.2002 c16.5996 40.6992 13.5 31.1992 67.2998 161c31.5 76.0996 33 76 32.5996 87.3994c-0.700195 18.6006 -25.3994 22.2998 -37.7002 22.1006c-30 -0.400391 -38.3994 0.5 -101.8 0.5c-7.2002 44.5 -4.2002 32.0996 -6.39941 45.2998c-0.700195 4.2002 1 5.2998 4.59961 5.2998 l339.1 -0.200195c-0.799805 -5.39941 -1.59961 -10.7998 -2.39941 -16.0996c-1.2998 -9.7002 -2.7998 -19.4004 -4 -29.2002c-0.299805 -2.90039 -1.2002 -4.2998 -4.2998 -4.2998c-20.6006 -0.100586 -41.2002 -0.100586 -61.8008 -0.5 c-18.6992 -0.400391 -37.5996 -0.299805 -56.1992 -2c-13.4004 -1.2002 -23.3008 -12.6006 -18.9004 -26.6006c8.59961 -27.0996 27.7002 -69.0996 36.5 -89.1992c65.7002 -154.2 61.4004 -157 84 -158.601c6.59961 -0.5 13.4004 -0.0996094 20.4004 -0.0996094 c1.2998 -9.40039 2.59961 -18 4 -27.5h-116v27c10.3994 0 20.3994 0.0996094 30.3994 -0.100586c3.5 0 5 0.700195 3.40039 4.40039c-4.40039 10.2998 -8.7002 20.5996 -13.2002 30.9004c-1.59961 3.69922 -4.09961 4.7998 -8.40039 3.5 c-12.3994 -3.60059 -24.7998 -6.7002 -37.2998 -9.7002c-4.2998 -1.10059 -6 -2.7998 -5.89941 -7.5c0.799805 -57.5 0.899414 -127.5 1 -129.101c0.399414 -12.5996 8.69922 -21.3994 21 -23.0996c0.899414 -0.200195 12.8994 -2.7998 112.699 -2.59961 c8.30078 0 8.40039 0.0996094 9.60059 -7.60059zM182.55 185.5c2.46484 -0.869141 6.58691 -1.5752 9.2002 -1.5752s6.73535 0.706055 9.2002 1.5752c13 4.2002 26.2998 7.7998 39.3994 11.7002c1.1123 0.512695 2.86035 1.45312 3.90039 2.09961 c-6.7002 17.4004 -13.0996 34.2002 -19.7002 50.9004c-8.89941 22.7002 -17.7002 60.2998 -27 82.7998c-1.5 0.799805 -1.89941 -2.40039 -9.39941 0c-17.1006 -44 -34.1006 -87.7998 -51.3008 -132.1c1.54297 -0.917969 4.1416 -2.2168 5.80078 -2.90039 c13.2998 -4.2998 26.5996 -8.2998 39.8994 -12.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="critical-role" unicode="&#xf6c9;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M225.82 448c0.259766 -0.150391 216.569 -124.51 217.12 -124.72c3 -1.18066 3.69922 -3.45996 3.69922 -6.56055c-0.0732422 -83.4463 -0.0732422 -166.899 0 -250.359c0.00976562 -0.124023 0.0175781 -0.326172 0.0175781 -0.450195 c0 -2.06836 -1.52148 -4.45703 -3.39746 -5.33008c-21.3701 -12 -207.859 -118.29 -218.93 -124.58h-3c-79.3301 45.6602 -218.25 125.44 -218.4 125.52c-1.04297 0.491211 -1.89062 1.8252 -1.89062 2.97754c0 0.0732422 0.00488281 0.19043 0.0107422 0.262695 c0 0.870117 0 225.94 -0.0498047 253.101c-0.0078125 0.102539 -0.0136719 0.269531 -0.0136719 0.37207c0 1.78223 1.31836 3.82422 2.94336 4.55762c23.2607 13.0996 209.271 119.21 220.141 125.21h1.75zM215.4 427.58l-0.219727 0.158203 c-64.7471 -36.8604 -129.474 -73.7305 -194.18 -110.61c0 -0.120117 0.0800781 -0.229492 0.129883 -0.349609l30.8604 -11.6406c-7.70996 -6 -8.32031 -6 -10.6504 -5.12988c-0.0996094 0 -24.1699 9.28027 -26.7998 10v-230.43 c0.879883 1.41016 64.0703 110.91 64.1299 111c1.62012 2.82031 3 1.91992 9.12012 1.51953c1.40039 -0.0898438 1.47949 -0.219727 0.780273 -1.41992c-41.1904 -71.3301 -36.4004 -63 -67.4805 -116.939c-0.80957 -1.40039 -0.609375 -1.12988 1.25 -1.12988h186.5 c1.44043 0 1.69043 0.229492 1.7002 1.63965v8.87988c0 1.33984 2.36035 0.810547 -18.3701 1c-7.45996 0.0703125 -14.1396 3.21973 -21.3799 12.7002c-7.37988 9.66016 -14.6201 19.4297 -21.8496 29.21c-2.28027 3.08008 -3.4502 2.37988 -16.7607 2.37988 c-1.75 0 -1.7793 0 -1.75977 -1.82031c0.290039 -26.21 0.150391 -25.2695 1 -32.6592c0.520508 -4.37012 2.16016 -4.2002 9.69043 -4.81055c3.13965 -0.259766 3.87988 -4.08008 0.519531 -4.91992c-1.57031 -0.389648 -31.5996 -0.509766 -33.6699 0.0996094 c-0.982422 0.269531 -1.78027 1.31543 -1.78027 2.33398c0 1.16016 0.931641 2.2334 2.08008 2.39648c3.29004 0.759766 6.16016 -0.80957 6.66016 4.44043c1.2998 13.6592 1.16992 9 1.09961 79.4199c0 10.8193 -0.349609 12.5801 -5.35938 13.5498 c-1.21973 0.240234 -3.54004 0.160156 -4.69043 0.549805c-2.87988 1 -2 4.83984 1.77051 4.84961c33.6699 0 46.0801 1.07031 56.0596 -4.85938c7.74023 -4.61035 12 -11.4805 12.5098 -20.4004c0.880859 -14.5898 -6.50977 -22.3496 -15 -32.5898 c-0.282227 -0.241211 -0.510742 -0.738281 -0.510742 -1.11035c0 -0.371094 0.228516 -0.868164 0.510742 -1.10938c2.60059 -3.25 5 -6.62988 7.70996 -9.83008c27.5605 -33.2305 24.1104 -30.54 41.2803 -33.0605c0.890625 -0.129883 1 0.419922 1 1.15039v11 c0 1 0.320312 1.42969 1.41016 1.25977c2.98633 -0.454102 7.86133 -0.822266 10.8818 -0.822266c3.53223 0 9.2207 0.50293 12.6982 1.12207c1.08008 0.150391 1.5 -0.199219 1.47949 -1.33008c0 -0.109375 0.880859 -26.6895 0.870117 -26.7998 c-0.0498047 -1.51953 0.669922 -1.62012 1.89062 -1.62012h186.71c-27.1533 47.0342 -54.2334 93.9746 -81.2402 140.821c2.25977 0.660156 -0.400391 0 6.69043 1.38965c2 0.390625 2.0498 0.410156 3.10938 -1.43945c7.31055 -12.6396 77.3105 -134 77.3701 -134.061 v230.44c-1.71973 -0.5 -103.3 -38.7197 -105.76 -39.6797c-1.08008 -0.419922 -1.5498 -0.200195 -1.91016 0.879883c-0.629883 1.89941 -1.33984 3.75977 -2.08984 5.62012c-0.320312 0.790039 -0.0898438 1.12988 0.649414 1.38965 c0.100586 0 95.5303 35.8496 103 38.7705c-65.4199 37.5693 -130.56 75 -196 112.6l86.8203 -150.39l-0.280273 -0.330078c-9.56934 0.899414 -10.46 1.59961 -11.7998 3.93945c-1 1.69043 -73.5 127.71 -82 142.16c-9.09961 -14.6699 -83.5596 -146.21 -85.3701 -146.32 c-2.92969 -0.169922 -5.87988 -0.0800781 -9.25 -0.0800781c28.833 49.8271 57.5596 99.4941 86.1797 149.001zM267.331 297.658c1.54688 0.120117 4.02832 0.500977 5.54004 0.849609c1.68945 0.299805 2.53027 -0.200195 2.59961 -1.91992 c0 -0.109375 0.0703125 -19.0596 -0.859375 -20.4502c-0.930664 -1.38965 -1.87988 -1.21973 -2.60059 0.19043c-5 9.68945 6.2207 9.66016 -39.1201 12c-0.699219 0 -1 -0.230469 -1 -0.929688c0 -0.130859 3.7207 -122 3.73047 -122.11 c0 -0.889648 0.519531 -1.2002 1.20996 -1.50977c2.46484 -0.980469 6.3623 -2.79492 8.7002 -4.0498c7.30957 -4.33008 11.3799 -10.8408 12.4102 -19.3105c1.43945 -11.7998 -2.77051 -35.7695 -32.21 -37.1396c-2.75 -0.129883 -28.2607 -1.08008 -34.1406 23.25 c-4.66016 19.2598 8.25977 32.7002 19.8906 36.3994c1.11035 0.202148 2.0127 1.28223 2.0127 2.41113c0 0.0683594 -0.00585938 0.180664 -0.0126953 0.249023c0.0996094 5.62988 3 107.101 3.70996 121.351c0.0498047 1.0791 -0.620117 1.15918 -1.35059 1.14941 c-32.3496 -0.519531 -36.75 0.339844 -40.2197 -8.51953c-2.41992 -6.18066 -4.13965 -1.32031 -3.9502 -0.230469c1.05957 6 2.16309 12 3.31055 18c0.399414 2.11035 1.42969 2.61035 3.42969 1.86035c5.58984 -2.11035 6.71973 -1.7002 37.25 -1.91992 c1.72949 0 1.78027 0.0800781 1.82031 1.84961c0.679688 27.4902 0.579102 22.5898 1 29.5498c0.00976562 0.0878906 0.0185547 0.231445 0.0185547 0.320312c0 0.986328 -0.738281 2.09766 -1.64941 2.48047c-5.59961 2.90918 -8.75 7.5498 -8.89941 13.8691 c-0.350586 14.8105 17.7197 21.6699 27.3799 11.5107c6.83984 -7.19043 5.7998 -18.9102 -2.4502 -24.1504c-1.24316 -0.68457 -2.25195 -2.3916 -2.25195 -3.81055c0 -0.146484 0.0146484 -0.383789 0.0322266 -0.529297c0 -0.589844 -0.110352 4.30957 1 -30.0498 c0 -0.900391 0.429688 -1.12012 1.24023 -1.11035c0.0996094 0 23 0.0898438 34.4697 0.370117zM68.2705 306.298c19.8408 4.50977 32.6807 0.560547 52.4902 -1.68945c2.75977 -0.310547 3.74023 -1.2207 3.62012 -4c-0.209961 -5 -1.16016 -22.3301 -1.24023 -23.1504 c-0.0371094 -0.932617 -0.767578 -1.98145 -1.62988 -2.33984c-4.05957 -1.7002 -3.60938 4.4502 -4 7.29004c-3.12988 22.4297 -73.8701 32.7002 -74.6299 -25.4004c-0.30957 -23.9199 17 -53.6299 54.0801 -50.8799c27.2402 2 19 20.1904 24.8398 20.4697 c0.0996094 0.0136719 0.261719 0.0244141 0.362305 0.0244141c1.50195 0 2.7207 -1.21875 2.7207 -2.71973c0 -0.186523 -0.0371094 -0.483398 -0.0830078 -0.664062c-1.83008 -10.8506 -3.41992 -18.9502 -3.4502 -19.1504 c-1.54004 -9.16992 -86.6992 -22.0898 -93.3496 42.0605c-2.70996 25.8496 10.4404 53.3691 40.2695 60.1494zM148.271 218.628h-19.4893c-0.0576172 -0.00488281 -0.151367 -0.00878906 -0.208984 -0.00878906c-1.04102 0 -2.13867 0.805664 -2.45117 1.79883 c2.37988 3.75 5.88965 -0.919922 5.86035 6.13965c-0.0800781 25.75 0.209961 38 0.229492 40.1006c0 3.41992 -0.530273 4.64941 -3.32031 4.93945c-7 0.720703 -3.10938 3.37012 -1.10938 3.38086c11.8398 0.0996094 22.6201 0.179688 30.0498 -0.720703 c8.76953 -1.06934 16.71 -12.6299 7.92969 -22.6201c-2 -2.25 -4 -4.41992 -6.13965 -6.72949c0.950195 -1.15039 6.89941 -8.82031 17.2803 -19.6797c2.65918 -2.78027 6.14941 -3.51074 9.87988 -3.13086h0.0214844c1.1709 0 2.16016 0.950195 2.20801 2.12012 c0.299805 3.41992 0.259766 -4.72949 0.450195 40.5801c0 5.65039 -0.339844 6.58008 -3.22949 6.83008c-3.9502 0.350586 -4 2.25977 -0.69043 3.37012l19.0898 0.0898438c0.320312 0 4.49023 -0.530273 1 -3.37988c0 -0.0498047 -0.160156 0 -0.240234 0 c-3.60938 -0.259766 -3.93945 -1 -4 -4.62012c-0.269531 -43.9297 0.0703125 -40.2295 0.410156 -42.8203c0.110352 -0.839844 0.270508 -2.22949 5.10059 -2.13965c2.48926 0 3.85938 -3.37012 0 -3.39941c-10.3701 -0.0800781 -20.7402 0 -31.1104 -0.0703125 c-10.6699 0 -13.4697 6.2002 -24.21 20.8203c-1.59961 2.17969 -8.31055 2.35938 -8.2002 0.369141c0.879883 -16.4697 0 -17.7793 4 -17.6699c4.75 0.100586 4.73047 -3.56934 0.830078 -3.5498h0.0595703zM423.271 228.778 c-1.20996 -7.12988 0.170898 -10.3799 -5.2998 -10.3398c-61.5498 0.419922 -47.8193 0.219727 -50.7197 0.30957c-1.02246 0.100586 -2.64844 0.426758 -3.62988 0.730469c-2.53027 0.599609 1.47949 1.22949 -0.379883 5.59961 c-1.43066 3.37012 -2.78027 6.78027 -4.11035 10.1895c-0.210938 0.797852 -1.05078 1.44434 -1.875 1.44434c-0.0351562 0 -0.0908203 -0.00195312 -0.125 -0.00390625c-1.82812 0.0878906 -4.79785 0.15918 -6.62793 0.15918 c-2.19727 0 -5.75879 -0.102539 -7.95215 -0.229492c-0.587891 -0.0771484 -1.31348 -0.551758 -1.62012 -1.05957c-1.58008 -3.62012 -3.06934 -7.29004 -4.50977 -11c-1.26953 -3.23047 7.86035 -1.32031 12.1904 -2.16016c3 -0.570312 4.5293 -3.71973 0.65918 -3.72949 h-26.3691c-2.91992 0 -3.09082 3.14941 -0.740234 3.20996c0.0791016 -0.00390625 0.208008 -0.00683594 0.288086 -0.00683594c2.14648 0 4.66992 1.55762 5.63184 3.47656c1.5 3 2.7998 6 4.11035 9.08984c18.1797 42.1396 17.0596 40.1699 18.4199 41.6104 c0.300781 0.431641 0.973633 0.78125 1.5 0.78125s1.19824 -0.349609 1.5 -0.78125c2.92969 -3.33984 18.3994 -44.71 23.6201 -51.9199c2 -2.7002 5.73926 -2 6.35938 -2c3.61035 -0.130859 4 1.10938 4.12988 4.29004 c0.0898438 1.86914 0.0800781 -1.1709 0.0703125 41.2393c0 4.45996 -2.36035 3.74023 -5.5498 4.27051c-0.259766 0 -2.56055 0.629883 -0.0800781 3.05957c0.209961 0.200195 -0.890625 0.240234 21.7002 0.150391c2.31934 0 5.31934 -2.75 -1.20996 -3.4502 c-0.0322266 0.000976562 -0.0830078 0.00292969 -0.115234 0.00292969c-1.41309 0 -2.55957 -1.14746 -2.55957 -2.56055c0 -0.0751953 0.00683594 -0.197266 0.0146484 -0.272461c-0.0703125 -1.62988 -0.19043 -38.8896 0.290039 -41.21 c0.27832 -1.34668 1.62109 -2.43848 2.99609 -2.43848c0.0644531 0 0.168945 0.00390625 0.233398 0.00878906c13.25 -0.430664 14.9199 -0.44043 16 3.41016c1.66992 5.7793 4.12988 2.51953 3.73047 0.189453zM318.551 164.408 c-4.24023 0 -4.41992 3.38965 -0.609375 3.41016c35.9092 0.160156 28.1094 -0.379883 37.1895 0.649414c1.67969 0.19043 2.37988 -0.239258 2.25 -1.88965c-0.259766 -3.38965 -0.639648 -6.78027 -1 -10.1602c-0.25 -2.16016 -3.2002 -2.61035 -3.39941 0.150391 c-0.380859 5.30957 -2.15039 4.44922 -15.6309 5.08008c-1.58008 0.0693359 -1.63965 0 -1.63965 -1.52051v-16.1299c0 -1.65039 0 -1.59961 1.62012 -1.46973c3.12012 0.25 10.3096 -0.339844 15.6895 1.51953c0.470703 0.160156 3.30078 1.79004 3.07031 -1.75977 c0 -0.209961 -0.759766 -10.3496 -1.17969 -11.3896c-0.530273 -1.29004 -1.87988 -1.51074 -2.58008 -0.320312c-1.16992 2 0 5.08008 -3.70996 5.2998c-15.4199 0.900391 -12.9102 2.5498 -12.9102 -6c0 -12.25 -0.759766 -16.1104 3.88965 -16.2402 c16.6406 -0.479492 14.4004 0 16.4307 5.70996c0.839844 2.37012 3.5 1.77051 3.17969 -0.580078c-0.44043 -3.20996 -0.849609 -6.42969 -1.22949 -9.63965c0 -0.360352 -0.160156 -2.39941 -4.66016 -2.38965c-37.1602 0.0800781 -34.54 0.189453 -35.21 0.30957 c-2.7207 0.509766 -2.2002 3 0.219727 3.4502c1.09961 0.19043 4 -0.540039 4.16016 2.55957c2.43945 56.2207 -0.0703125 51.3408 -3.91016 51.3301zM318.141 273.928c2.45996 -0.609375 3.12988 -1.75977 2.9502 -4.64941 c-0.330078 -5.2998 -0.339844 -9 -0.549805 -9.69043c-0.660156 -2.22949 -3.15039 -2.12012 -3.33984 0.270508c-0.379883 4.80957 -3.0498 7.81934 -7.57031 9.14941c-26.2803 7.73047 -32.8096 -15.46 -27.1699 -30.2197c5.87988 -15.4102 22 -15.9199 28.8604 -13.7803 c5.91992 1.85059 5.87988 6.5 6.91016 7.58008c1.22949 1.2998 2.25 1.83984 3.11914 -1.09961c0 -0.100586 0.570312 -11.8906 -6 -12.75c-1.59961 -0.209961 -19.3799 -3.69043 -32.6797 3.38965c-21 11.1904 -16.7402 35.4697 -6.87988 45.3301 c14 14.0596 39.9102 7.05957 42.3203 6.46973h0.0292969zM289.801 167.858c3.28027 0 3.66016 -3 0.160156 -3.43066c-2.61035 -0.319336 -5 0.419922 -5 -5.45996c0 -2 -0.19043 -29.0498 0.400391 -41.4502c0.109375 -2.28906 1.14941 -3.51953 3.43945 -3.64941 c22 -1.20996 14.9502 1.64941 18.79 6.33984c1.83008 2.24023 2.75977 -0.839844 2.75977 -1.08008c0.350586 -13.6201 -4 -12.3896 -5.18945 -12.3994l-38.1602 0.189453c-1.92969 0.230469 -2.05957 3 -0.419922 3.37988c2 0.480469 4.93945 -0.399414 5.12988 2.7998 c1 15.8701 0.570312 44.6504 0.339844 47.8105c-0.269531 3.76953 -2.7998 3.26953 -5.67969 3.70996c-2.46973 0.379883 -2 3.21973 0.339844 3.21973c1.4502 0.0205078 17.9697 0.0302734 23.0898 0.0205078zM258.171 225.648 c0.0703125 -4.08008 2.86035 -3.45996 6 -3.58008c2.61035 -0.100586 2.53027 -3.41016 -0.0703125 -3.43066c-6.47949 0 -13.6992 0 -21.6094 0.0605469c-3.83984 0 -3.37988 3.34961 0 3.37012c4.49023 0 3.24023 -1.61035 3.41016 45.54 c0 5.08008 -3.27051 3.54004 -4.7207 4.22949c-2.58008 1.23047 -1.35938 3.08984 0.410156 3.15039c1.29004 0 20.1904 0.410156 21.1699 -0.209961c0.980469 -0.620117 1.87012 -1.65039 -0.419922 -2.86035c-1 -0.519531 -3.85938 0.280273 -4.14941 -2.46973 c0 -0.209961 -0.820312 -1.62988 -0.0703125 -43.7998h0.0498047zM221.261 -48.6221c0.408203 -0.273438 1.13867 -0.495117 1.62988 -0.495117c0.492188 0 1.22168 0.22168 1.62988 0.495117c17 9.79004 182 103.57 197.421 112.51 c-0.140625 0.430664 11.2598 0.180664 -181.521 0.270508c-1.21973 0 -1.57031 -0.370117 -1.53027 -1.56055c0 -0.0996094 1.25 -44.5098 1.2207 -50.3799c-0.0791016 -2.17969 -0.688477 -5.63379 -1.36035 -7.70996c-0.549805 -1.83008 0.379883 0.5 -13.5 -32.2295 c-0.730469 -1.7207 -1 -2.20996 -2 0.0800781c-4.19043 10.3398 -8.28027 20.7197 -12.5703 31c-1.12109 2.52441 -2.03125 6.81543 -2.03125 9.57812c0 0.333984 0.0146484 0.876953 0.03125 1.21191c0.160156 2.45996 0.800781 16.1191 1.51074 48c0 1.94922 0 2 -2 2 h-183c2.5791 -1.63086 178.319 -102.57 196 -112.761zM130.361 140.128c0 -2.39941 0.359375 -2.79004 2.75977 -3c11.54 -1.16992 21 -3.74023 25.6396 7.32031c6 14.46 2.66016 34.4102 -12.4795 38.8398c-2 0.589844 -16 2.75977 -15.9404 -1.50977 c0.0498047 -8.04004 0.00976562 -11.6104 0.0205078 -41.6504zM236.111 155.178c0 -2.12988 1.06934 -38.6797 1.08984 -39.1299c0.339844 -9.93945 -25.5801 -5.76953 -25.2305 2.58984c0.0800781 2 1.37012 37.4199 1.10059 39.4307 c-14.1006 -7.44043 -14.4199 -40.21 6.43945 -48.8008c1.88184 -0.816406 5.0752 -1.47949 7.12695 -1.47949c5.53418 0 12.3721 3.83008 15.2637 8.5498c4.90918 7.75977 6.83984 29.4697 -5.43066 39c-0.0966797 -0.0400391 -0.257812 -0.09375 -0.359375 -0.120117 v-0.0400391zM223.831 353.178c-9.83008 0 -9.73047 -14.75 -0.0703125 -14.8701c9.66016 -0.119141 10.1006 14.8809 0.0703125 14.9102v-0.0400391zM143.681 249.348c0 -1.7998 0.410156 -2.39941 2.16992 -2.58008c13.6201 -1.38965 12.5107 11 12.1602 13.3604 c-1.68945 11.2197 -14.3799 10.2002 -14.3496 7.81055c0.0498047 -4.5 -0.0302734 -13.6807 0.0195312 -18.5908zM356.001 242.948l-6.09961 15.8398c-2.16016 -5.48047 -4.16016 -10.5703 -6.23047 -15.8398h12.3301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="think-peaks" unicode="&#xf731;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M465.4 38.5996l-206.2 353.801l-204.2 -352.101l-32 0.299805l236.2 407.4l206.2 -353.9l55.0996 95l32 -0.299805zM110.1 82.7002l149.601 257.899l235.8 -404.6l-32.5 0.0996094l-203.4 349.101l-117.399 -202.5h-32.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="reacteurope" unicode="&#xf75d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M250.6 236.26l2 6.7998l-5.69922 4.30078l7.19922 0.0996094l2.30078 6.7998l2.2998 -6.7998l7.09961 -0.0996094l-5.7002 -4.30078l2.10059 -6.7998l-5.7998 4.10059zM314.3 236.26l1.90039 6.7998l-5.7002 4.30078l7.2002 0.0996094l2.2998 6.7998l2.2998 -6.7998 l7.2002 -0.0996094l-5.7002 -4.30078l2.10059 -6.7998l-5.80078 4.10059zM223 185.76c4.90039 0 3.7998 -3.89941 3.7998 -13.7598c0 -10.2998 -6.7002 -14.0996 -16.7998 -14.0996h-0.200195c-10.0996 0 -16.7998 3.69922 -16.7998 14.0996v40.0596 c0 9.90039 6.7002 14.1006 16.7998 14.1006h0.200195c10.0996 0 16.7998 -4.2002 16.7998 -14.1006c0 -8.39941 0.900391 -12.1992 -3.7998 -12.2998h-3.40039c-4.5 0 -3.7998 3.2998 -3.7998 10.5c0 4.7002 -2.2998 6.10059 -5.7998 6.10059 s-5.7998 -1.40039 -5.7998 -6.10059v-36.5996c0 -4.7002 2.2998 -6.10059 5.7998 -6.10059s5.7998 1.40039 5.7998 6.10059c0 8.09961 -1 12.0996 3.7998 12.0996h3.40039zM142.3 168.36c2.5 0 3.7998 -1.30078 3.7998 -3.80078v-2.09961 c0 -2.5 -1.2998 -3.7998 -3.7998 -3.7998h-21.8994c-2.5 0 -3.80078 1.2998 -3.80078 3.7998v59.0996c0 2.5 1.30078 3.90039 3.7002 3.80078h21.7002c2.5 0 3.7998 -1.30078 3.7998 -3.80078v-2.09961c0 -2.5 -1.2998 -3.7998 -3.7998 -3.7998h-14.4004v-18.2998h11.4004 c2.5 0 3.7998 -1.30078 3.7998 -3.80078v-2.09961c0 -2.5 -1.2998 -3.7998 -3.7998 -3.7998h-11.4004v-19.2998h14.7002zM100.3 186.86l8.10059 -23.9004c0.799805 -2.59961 -0.400391 -4.40039 -3.2002 -4.40039h-3.2998 c-0.0820312 -0.00585938 -0.21582 -0.0107422 -0.297852 -0.0107422c-1.81543 0 -3.6084 1.43848 -4.00293 3.21094l-7.39941 23.5h-5.60059v-22.8994c0 -2.5 -1.2998 -3.80078 -3.7998 -3.80078h-3.39941c-2.5 0 -3.80078 1.30078 -3.80078 3.80078v59.0996 c0 2.5 1.30078 3.7998 3.80078 3.7998h13.3994c10.1006 0 16.7998 -4 16.7998 -14.0996v-11.9004c0 -6.39941 -2.69922 -10.3994 -7.2998 -12.3994zM96.5 200.86v8.69922c0 4.80078 -2.5 6.10059 -6.09961 6.10059h-5.80078v-20.9004h5.80078 c3.59961 0 6.09961 1.2998 6.09961 6.10059zM176 222l11.2002 -59.2002c0.5 -2.7002 -0.799805 -4.09961 -3.40039 -4.09961h-3.5c-0.100586 -0.00976562 -0.264648 -0.0185547 -0.366211 -0.0185547c-1.94531 0 -3.61816 1.57617 -3.7334 3.51855l-1.7998 11.2998h-12.2002 l-1.7998 -11.2998c-0.116211 -1.94238 -1.78809 -3.51855 -3.7334 -3.51855c-0.101562 0 -0.265625 0.00878906 -0.367188 0.0185547h-3c-2.5 0 -3.89941 1.39941 -3.39941 4.09961l11 59.2002c0.135742 1.88477 1.78027 3.41504 3.66992 3.41504 c0.0908203 0 0.239258 -0.00683594 0.330078 -0.0146484h6.89941c0.110352 0.0117188 0.290039 0.0205078 0.401367 0.0205078c1.89844 0 3.60059 -1.53223 3.79883 -3.4209zM163.7 182.7h9.39941l-4.69922 29.7002zM253 162.5c0 -2.45996 -1.2998 -3.83984 -3.7998 -3.7998 h-3.40039c-2.5 0 -3.7998 1.2998 -3.7998 3.7998v53.2002h-7.2998c-2.5 0 -3.7998 1.2998 -3.7998 3.7998v2.09961c0 2.5 1.2998 3.80078 3.7998 3.80078h25.7998c2.5 0 3.7998 -1.30078 3.7998 -3.80078v-2.09961c0 -2.5 -1.2998 -3.7998 -3.7998 -3.7998h-7.5v-53.2002z M501 163.3c0.0449219 0.00390625 0.119141 -0.0322266 0.164062 -0.0322266c1.01562 0 1.84082 -0.824219 1.84082 -1.83984c0 -0.0351562 -0.00292969 -0.0927734 -0.00488281 -0.12793v-0.799805c0.00195312 -0.0273438 0.00292969 -0.0722656 0.00292969 -0.100586 c0 -0.999023 -0.810547 -1.80957 -1.81055 -1.80957c-0.0527344 0 -0.139648 0.00488281 -0.192383 0.00976562h-22.5c-0.0527344 -0.00488281 -0.139648 -0.00976562 -0.192383 -0.00976562c-1 0 -1.81055 0.810547 -1.81055 1.80957 c0 0.0283203 0.000976562 0.0732422 0.00292969 0.100586v63c-0.00878906 0.0625 -0.0166016 0.166016 -0.0166016 0.229492c0 0.893555 0.725586 1.62012 1.62012 1.62012c0.111328 0 0.289062 -0.0224609 0.396484 -0.0498047h22.2002 c0.0644531 0.00878906 0.169922 0.015625 0.235352 0.015625c0.977539 0 1.77051 -0.792969 1.77051 -1.76953c0 -0.0400391 -0.00292969 -0.105469 -0.00585938 -0.145508v-0.800781c0.00195312 -0.03125 0.00292969 -0.0820312 0.00292969 -0.113281 c0 -1.04297 -0.84668 -1.88965 -1.88965 -1.88965c-0.03125 0 -0.0820312 0.000976562 -0.113281 0.00292969h-19.1006v-25.7998h16.1006c0.03125 0.00195312 0.0820312 0.00390625 0.113281 0.00390625c1.04297 0 1.88965 -0.84668 1.88965 -1.89062 c0 -0.03125 -0.000976562 -0.0820312 -0.00292969 -0.113281v-0.799805c0.00195312 -0.03125 0.00292969 -0.0820312 0.00292969 -0.113281c0 -1.04297 -0.84668 -1.88965 -1.88965 -1.88965c-0.03125 0 -0.0820312 0.000976562 -0.113281 0.00292969h-16.1006v-26.7002 h19.4004zM407.9 226.2c10.0996 0 15.2998 -4.74023 15.2998 -14.1006v-40.0996c0 -9.2998 -5.2002 -14.0996 -15.2998 -14.0996h-0.800781c-10.0996 0 -15.2998 4.7998 -15.2998 14.0996v40.0996c0 9.40039 5.2002 14.1006 15.2998 14.1006h0.800781zM418.1 173.8v36.6006 c0 7.89941 -3 11.0996 -10.5 11.0996s-10.5 -3.2002 -10.5 -11.0996v-36.6006c0 -8 3 -11.0996 10.5 -11.0996s10.4004 3.09961 10.5 11.0996zM371.6 188.3l10.6006 -27.2998c0.5 -1.2998 -0.100586 -2.2998 -1.5 -2.2998h-1.5 c-0.0351562 -0.00195312 -0.0927734 -0.00390625 -0.128906 -0.00390625c-0.886719 0 -1.85938 0.673828 -2.1709 1.50391l-10.4004 27.2002h-11.5996v-26.9004c0.00390625 -0.0458984 0.0078125 -0.12207 0.0078125 -0.167969 c0 -0.960938 -0.779297 -1.74023 -1.74023 -1.74023c-0.0458984 0 -0.12207 0.00390625 -0.167969 0.0078125h-1.2002c-0.0527344 -0.00488281 -0.139648 -0.00976562 -0.192383 -0.00976562c-0.999023 0 -1.81055 0.810547 -1.81055 1.80957 c0 0.0283203 0.00195312 0.0732422 0.00292969 0.100586v63c-0.000976562 0.0273438 -0.00292969 0.0722656 -0.00292969 0.100586c0 0.999023 0.811523 1.80957 1.81055 1.80957c0.0527344 0 0.139648 -0.00488281 0.192383 -0.00976562h13.7002 c10.0996 0 15.2998 -4.7002 15.2998 -14.1006v-9.7002c0 -7.19922 -3.09961 -11.6992 -9.2002 -13.2998zM365.2 192.2c7.5 0 10.5 3.16016 10.5 11v6.39941c0 8 -3 11.1006 -10.5 11.1006h-10.2002v-28.5h10.2002zM451.1 225.3c10.1006 0 15.3008 -4.7002 15.3008 -14.0996 v-10.5c0 -9.2998 -5.2002 -14.1006 -15.3008 -14.1006h-10.5996v-26.0996c0.00488281 -0.0458984 0.0078125 -0.12207 0.0078125 -0.167969c0 -0.960938 -0.779297 -1.74023 -1.73926 -1.74023c-0.046875 0 -0.12207 0.00390625 -0.168945 0.0078125h-1.19922 c-0.0537109 -0.00488281 -0.139648 -0.00976562 -0.193359 -0.00976562c-0.999023 0 -1.80957 0.810547 -1.80957 1.80957c0 0.0283203 0.000976562 0.0732422 0.00292969 0.100586v63c-0.00976562 0.0625 -0.0166016 0.166016 -0.0166016 0.229492 c0 0.893555 0.725586 1.62012 1.62012 1.62012c0.111328 0 0.288086 -0.0224609 0.396484 -0.0498047h13.6992zM461.3 202.5v7.09961c0 7.90039 -3 11.1006 -10.5 11h-10.2002v-29.1992h10.2002c7.5 0 10.5 3.19922 10.5 11.0996zM259.5 140l7.09961 -0.0996094 l-5.69922 -4.30078l2.09961 -6.7998l-5.7998 4.10059l-5.7998 -4.10059l2.09961 6.7998l-5.7002 4.30078l7.10059 0.0996094l2.2998 6.7998zM487.1 276.1c122.301 -46.0996 118.401 -132.54 -33.8984 -176.34c13.3994 -49.7002 18.0996 -101.899 0.0996094 -133.8 c-3.7998 -6.7002 -16.7998 -27.7002 -47.5996 -27.7002c-41.5 0 -110.2 41.6006 -182.101 142c-42.7998 3.5 -72.1992 10.1006 -84.5996 13c-20.5 -82.2998 -6.7998 -125.3 15.5 -137.899c1.2002 -0.700195 38.4004 -27.2002 120.9 52.7998 c3.39941 -3.5 6.79883 -6.90039 10.1982 -10.2002c-63.0996 -61.2002 -110.199 -71 -138.199 -55.2002c-32.4004 18.2998 -42.8008 72 -22.3008 153.9c-18.8994 5 -121.6 33.2002 -122.1 92.7998c-0.400391 40.9004 49.7998 74.7002 120.3 95 c-13.3994 49.5996 -18.2002 101.8 -0.0996094 133.8c3.7998 6.74023 16.7998 27.7402 47.5996 27.7402c41.6006 0 110.3 -41.6396 182.2 -142.14c23.6113 -1.88379 61.5127 -7.70801 84.5996 -13c20.5 82 6.90039 125.1 -15.5 137.8 c-1.2998 0.700195 -38.3994 27.2002 -120.899 -52.7998c-3.40039 3.5 -6.80078 6.89941 -10.2002 10.1992c52.2998 50.9404 103.7 74.6006 138.2 55.2402c33.8994 -19.2002 41.8994 -75.8994 22.2998 -153.899c9.98535 -2.61523 25.9346 -7.67773 35.5996 -11.3008z M135.901 411.16c-23.1006 -40.7998 1 -121.562 1.19922 -122.961c22.9912 5.78516 60.8018 12.3262 84.4004 14.5996c12.7793 18.6787 35.4922 47.4404 50.7002 64.2002c3.39941 -3.33301 6.7998 -6.74609 10.2002 -10.2393 c-12.5371 -13.7451 -31.4434 -37.2207 -42.2002 -52.3994c14.8213 1.11914 38.9141 2.02734 53.7783 2.02734c11.082 0 29.0566 -0.504883 40.1211 -1.12793c-64.5 86.6006 -126.5 126.2 -163.3 126.2c-23 0 -32 -15.2002 -34.8994 -20.2998zM440.701 -27.1406 c3.2998 6 21.5 38.5996 -1.2002 123c-4.09961 -1.10059 -37.0996 -9.90039 -84.4004 -14.6006c-12.7578 -18.6943 -35.4717 -47.4551 -50.6992 -64.2002c-3.40039 3.2998 -6.80078 6.7002 -10.2002 10.2002c12.5371 13.7461 31.4424 37.2207 42.2002 52.4004 c-14.7715 -1.14258 -38.7842 -2.06934 -53.5996 -2.06934c-11.1328 0 -29.1875 0.524414 -40.3008 1.16895c64.5996 -86.7998 126.6 -126.2 163.3 -126.2c23.1006 0 32 15.2002 34.9004 20.3008zM449.801 111.459c25.6006 7.2998 85.9004 27.4004 105.7 62.5 c1.40039 2.5 33.5 50.5 -72.5996 90.4004c-9.36914 3.51562 -24.8252 8.44336 -34.5 11c-3.60059 -12.9004 -7.90039 -26.1006 -12.8008 -39.5c-3.15723 -0.430664 -7.14453 -2.93945 -8.89941 -5.60059l-0.100586 0.100586 c-1.6416 1.55762 -4.68848 3.48438 -6.7998 4.2998c5.7002 15 10.6006 29.7998 14.6006 44.2002c-7.2002 1.69922 -31.8008 7.59961 -72.2002 11.6992c16.7002 -24.5 27.8994 -44.0996 34.2998 -55.5c-3.50781 -1.14648 -8.16699 -4.46094 -10.4004 -7.39941 c-13.5996 16.3994 -11 19.8994 -42.5 64.5c-13.752 0.96582 -36.1016 1.75 -49.8877 1.75c-17.2871 0 -45.292 -1.23145 -62.5117 -2.75c-16.9004 -25 -28.2998 -45.2002 -34.7998 -56.9004c-3.49707 -1.49023 -8.06738 -5.25391 -10.2002 -8.39941 c-0.914062 2.88965 -3.78125 6.47363 -6.40039 8c6.10059 11.3994 16.9004 31 32.7998 55.2998c-39.5996 -4.60059 -65 -11.2002 -72 -13c4.30078 -14.1006 9.40039 -28.6006 15.2002 -43.2998c-0.71582 -0.522461 -1.74609 -1.50781 -2.2998 -2.2002 c-1.5 1.89941 -4 5.2998 -14.4004 5.2998c-4.69922 12.2998 -8.7998 24.5 -12.3994 36.4004c-138.8 -40.3604 -158.4 -121.36 1.5 -164c3.59961 12.8994 7.7998 26 12.7002 39.3994c0.269531 -0.0146484 0.708008 -0.0273438 0.978516 -0.0273438 c1.68359 0 4.33594 0.460938 5.9209 1.02734c3 -1.2002 5.2002 -1 8.40039 -1c-5.5 -14.5996 -10.2002 -28.8994 -14.1006 -42.8994c19.7119 -4.56055 52.0576 -9.80176 72.2002 -11.7002c-16.2998 23.8994 -27.5 43.3994 -33.7998 54.5996 c8.7002 0 10.7002 1.60059 12.5996 3.2002c0.794922 -0.480469 2.13965 -1.15234 3 -1.5c15.3008 -26.7002 28.9004 -46.5996 36.8008 -57.7998c13.751 -0.96582 36.1006 -1.75 49.8857 -1.75c17.2871 0 45.2939 1.23145 62.5137 2.75 c16.5 24.2998 27.7002 44 33.9004 55.2002c7.2998 0 9.7998 3 10.8994 4.19922c1.5332 -1.11426 4.2207 -2.54785 6 -3.19922c-15 -28 -28.6992 -48.9004 -32.1992 -54.2002c20.1172 2.22656 52.373 8.05078 72 13c-4.10059 13.7998 -9 27.8994 -14.7002 42.2002 c1.65723 0.743164 4.07617 2.35645 5.39941 3.59961l0.100586 0.0996094c2.07227 -3.14648 6.8125 -5.7002 10.5811 -5.7002c0.0322266 0 0.0859375 0 0.119141 0.000976562c4.69922 -12.3008 8.7998 -24.5 12.3994 -36.4004zM335.401 225.459 c0.0556641 0.00585938 0.145508 0.0107422 0.201172 0.0107422c1.05566 0 1.95117 -0.856445 1.99805 -1.91113v-51.5c0 -9.5 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-8.40039 -6.80078 -13.1006 -13.3008 -14.9004 c-4.2373 -1.46777 -11.3154 -2.67773 -15.7998 -2.7002c-17.2002 0 -41.2002 14.7998 -41.5 42.6006c-0.200195 15.6992 7.7002 30 21.6006 39.1992c15.8994 10.5 43.5996 14.1006 69.1992 -1.59961c31.5 -19.2998 39.7002 -57.0996 31.5 -82.9004 c-11.8994 -37.2998 -45.5996 -57.1992 -90 -53.2998c-31.5 2.7998 -60.6992 19.4004 -78.0996 44.4004c-6.32715 9.0332 -13.7197 25.0264 -16.5 35.7002c-7.12012 28.0596 0 58.0596 5.48047 71.3994c25.6992 63.6006 80.1992 97.2998 99.5996 109.7 c100.2 61.5996 171.1 59.0996 223 57.2998c61.2998 -2.2002 126.6 -23.2998 135.7 -26.2998c0 2 0.299805 20.2998 0.299805 20.2998zM531.48 272.54c-1.10059 -33.5 39.0996 -51.5996 63.2998 -28.9004c24.3994 22.9004 9 64 -24.4004 65.2002 c-0.380859 0.0136719 -0.999023 0.0253906 -1.37988 0.0253906c-20.0615 0 -36.8711 -16.2734 -37.5195 -36.3252zM570.08 297.84c14.0312 -0.413086 25.4199 -12.1406 25.4199 -26.1787c0 -0.282227 -0.00878906 -0.739258 -0.0195312 -1.02148 c-0.50293 -13.9795 -12.2646 -25.3262 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51.2002 53.8994 79.7002 31.8994v-28.3994c-17.9004 18.2998 -47.9004 18.0996 -48.5 -2.2002c-0.700195 -26.5996 55.0996 -21.7002 53.4004 -73.2002c-1.30078 -41.5996 -47 -55 -83.2002 -33.5v30.1006 c20.3994 -18.1006 51.3994 -18.6006 50.7998 4.89941c-0.599609 27.9004 -52.0996 23.1006 -52.2002 70.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="usps" unicode="&#xf7e1;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M460.3 206.3c-1.39941 -2.2002 -4.2998 -4.39941 -3.7998 0.100586c2.90039 11.5996 13.9004 30.5 4.40039 32c-17.8008 3.09961 -88.1006 -4.5 -88.1006 0c0 2.39941 26.7002 3.09961 37.9004 8.69922c9.39941 9.40039 10.7998 8 10.8994 8h27 c26.9004 0 37.5 -7.5 11.7002 -48.7998zM348.2 183.7c-62.2998 -21.2002 -124.8 -54.2002 -321.2 -151.5l52.4004 245.5c185 0 335.199 5.59961 337.899 -22.6006h-196.6l30.7002 -93.2998c35 16.7998 120.899 51.7002 172.6 53.9004 c21.7998 0.799805 30.5996 -2.90039 26.2002 -5.7998c-4.7002 -2.30078 -38 -4.90039 -102 -26.2002zM94.7002 352h454.3l-67.7002 -319.7h-423.1s402 157.3 406.399 160.2c0 0 35.7002 48 14.6006 67.7002c-6.5 6.59961 -16 6.59961 -52.4004 6.59961 c-2.09961 19.5 -78.7998 31.5 -332.1 85.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="airbnb" unicode="&#xf834;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 74.8799h0.0595703c24.71 31.1797 39.5508 58.9297 45 83.1797c22.5508 88 -112.609 88 -90.0596 0c4.91992 -23.75 19.7598 -51.5098 45 -83.1797zM362.15 1.65039c35.6396 15.3496 50.1797 53.5693 37.0098 86.6396 c-25.4902 61.6104 -78.8398 168.47 -114.84 239.09c-16.9707 33.9297 -28.0303 59.8701 -60.3701 59.8701c-33.8203 0 -43.6299 -27.3301 -59.3799 -57.4004c-4.15039 -10.3799 -100.771 -202.399 -115.87 -241.56c-17.8105 -50.0303 21.2998 -98.5205 71.2998 -91.0898 c24.5996 2.22949 52.6201 18.8701 85.1504 54.9199c-29.2002 37.1104 -47.5 70.3096 -54.4307 99.5c-11.8799 53.9902 18.3604 100.5 73.2803 100.5c64.96 0 122.75 -69.9297 18.8496 -200c35.6309 -39.5898 77.2402 -68.7803 119.301 -50.4697zM409.15 137.77 c0 -0.679688 16.8496 -35.6895 16.8301 -39.5791c25.2393 -69.3301 -26.7207 -130.24 -89.6104 -130.19c-11.1104 0 -53.6904 -1.37988 -112.37 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-110.56 -8.83984 -111.56 -9.21973 c1.54004 2.44922 7.86035 7.26953 17.7598 9.71973c22 5.47949 54.6406 9.84961 93 11.2295c-2.38965 52.0703 15.3398 84.7705 36 81.29h0.180664c11.3291 -1.2998 21.2598 -13.5801 28.5 -25.9297c0.669922 35.2002 7.7998 65.54 25 84.0703 c4.72949 5.14941 13.5693 12.5498 27.3994 11h0.0498047c10.5205 -0.850586 24 -6.91992 40.8398 -23.4707c25.6006 -25.0693 51.54 -71.9893 60.4805 -88.9297c37.25 -3.7002 68.7695 -12.5801 93.7695 -23.7998c32.3506 51.5898 46.4805 89.5303 48.2002 100.05 c0.640625 -1.25 2.93066 -8.41992 -0.450195 -20.25c-6.22949 -21.6201 -18.5791 -51.7197 -36.3398 -85.2998c45.79 -23.7305 65.3203 -55.0098 52.8506 -71.3301c-3.35059 -4.94043 -12.0498 -12.5498 -38.9199 -12.3701zM370.76 116.16 c70.4102 4.37988 79.6504 20.5703 78.5098 33.5c-1.87988 21.25 -21.1992 41.2598 -49.0596 58.8301c0.889648 -24.5605 -5.63965 -54.6201 -29.4502 -92.3301zM216.9 60.3096c-19.04 -30.46 9.19922 -39.5596 49.7998 -17.6992 c-7 12.0898 -13.9199 24.8594 -20.6006 38.1895c-9.66992 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1.50781s5.39941 -0.675781 7.33984 -1.50781zM20.1602 317.58c-4.0498 1.86035 -4.0498 4.88965 0 6.74023l196.5 90.2793c1.9502 0.774414 5.23633 1.40332 7.33496 1.40332s5.38477 -0.628906 7.33496 -1.40332 l196.51 -90.2793c4 -1.85059 4 -4.87988 0 -6.74023l-196.51 -90.29c-1.95215 -0.765625 -5.23828 -1.3877 -7.33496 -1.3877s-5.38281 0.62207 -7.33496 1.3877z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chromecast" unicode="&#xf838;" d="M447.83 384h0.169922c23.5811 0 42.7197 -19.1387 42.7197 -42.7197v-298.561c0 -23.5811 -19.1387 -42.7197 -42.7197 -42.7197v0h-149.36v42.7197h149.19v298.561h-383.83v-63.9199h-42.7197v63.9199c0 23.5811 19.1387 42.7197 42.7197 42.7197h383.83z M21.2803 64.4199c35.2783 0 63.9102 -28.6318 63.9102 -63.9102v-0.00976562h-63.9102v63.9199zM21.2803 149.7l0.0292969 -0.339844h0.330078c82.248 -0.105469 149 -66.9424 149 -149.19v-0.169922h-42.7197v0.339844v0.0302734c0 58.8594 -47.7705 106.63 -106.63 106.63 h-0.00976562v42.7002zM21.2803 234.97v-0.330078c129.46 -0.370117 234.34 -105.18 234.8 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30.4502 25.0703 32.2002c81 0 90 -2.32031 101 7.7998 c9.81934 9.24023 7.7998 15.5 7.7998 102.78c1 8.2998 7.79004 30.8096 53.4102 24.1396c6 -0.860352 31.9102 -4.17969 37.4795 -30.6396l64.2607 -11.1504c20.4297 -3.70996 70.9395 -7 80.5996 -57.9404c22.6602 -121.09 8.91016 -238.46 7.7998 -238.46 c-15.9795 -114.38 -111.07 -108.85 -111.07 -108.85c-18.9492 0.230469 -54.25 9.40039 -67.2695 39.8301zM280.76 212.63c-1 -1.91992 -2.2002 -6 0.850586 -7c14.0898 -4.92969 39.75 -6.83984 45.8799 -5.53027c3.10938 0.25 3.0498 4.43066 2.47949 6.65039 c-3.5293 21.8496 -40.8301 26.5 -49.2393 5.91992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="itch-io" unicode="&#xf83a;" d="M71.9199 413.23c19.2197 1.66992 114.32 2.76953 184.08 2.76953s116.56 -0.400391 184 -2.73047c21.7197 -12.9297 64.5195 -62.0996 64.9199 -75v-21.3398c0 -27.0596 -25.25 -50.8398 -48.25 -50.8398c-27.54 0 -50.54 22.8799 -50.54 50 c0 -27.1494 -22.2295 -50 -49.7598 -50s-49 22.8799 -49 50c0 -27.1494 -23.5898 -50 -51.1602 -50h-0.5c-27.5703 0 -51.1602 22.8799 -51.1602 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4.89941 -16.7402 4.93945 -20.2295 4.93945c-12 0 -20.46 -7.29004 -20.46 -17.6396c0 -12.46 11.4795 -15.4404 17.8701 -17.1699 c6.10938 -2 13.1699 -3.26074 13.1699 -8.7002c0 -4 -3.52051 -7.06055 -9.16992 -7.06055c-5.82617 0.0126953 -14.3379 2.85742 -19 6.35059c-0.155273 0.132812 -0.447266 0.241211 -0.651367 0.241211c-0.526367 0 -0.973633 -0.426758 -0.999023 -0.951172 l-2.34961 -7.52051c-0.470703 -0.939453 0.229492 -1.17969 0.229492 -1.40918c1.71973 -1.40039 10.3301 -6.59082 22.79 -6.59082h-0.0195312zM357.09 224c0 0.709961 -0.240234 1.17969 -1.17969 1.17969h-11.7598c0 0.140625 0.939453 8.94043 4.46973 12.4707 c4.16016 4.14941 11.7598 1.63965 12 1.63965c1.16992 -0.469727 1.41016 0 1.63965 0.469727l2.83008 7.77051c0.700195 0.939453 0 1.16992 -0.240234 1.41016c-5.08984 2 -17.3496 2.86914 -24.46 -4.24023c-5.47949 -5.48047 -7 -13.9199 -8 -19.5205h-8.46973 c-0.600586 -0.0498047 -1.125 -0.578125 -1.16992 -1.17969l-1.41992 -7.75977c0 -0.700195 0.240234 -1.16992 1.17969 -1.16992h8.23047c-8.50977 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19.7607 16.4697 19.7607c0.245117 0.00585938 0.643555 0.0107422 0.888672 0.0107422c3.00586 0 7.76855 -0.744141 10.6318 -1.66113c2.8623 -0.916992 0.939453 -0.469727 1.17969 0.709961c0.939453 2.58984 1.63965 4.46973 2.58984 7.53027 c0.230469 0.939453 -0.469727 1.16992 -0.709961 1.16992c-11.5898 3.87012 -22.3398 2.5293 -27.7598 0c-1.58984 -0.740234 -16.2305 -6.49023 -16.2305 -27.5205c0 -2.89941 -0.580078 -30.1094 28.9404 -30.1094c4.42383 0.00878906 11.377 1.27637 15.5195 2.83008 c0.290039 0.214844 0.525391 0.682617 0.525391 1.04395c0 0.105469 -0.0244141 0.274414 -0.0546875 0.375977v-0.0107422zM556.56 210.12c-0.799805 3 -5.36914 16.2295 -22.3496 16.2295c-16 0 -23.5195 -10.1094 -25.6396 -18.5898 c-0.913086 -3.0166 -1.6543 -8.02441 -1.6543 -11.1768c0 -0.161133 0.00195312 -0.421875 0.00390625 -0.583008c0 -25.8701 18.8398 -29.4004 29.8799 -29.4004c10.8203 0 16.46 2.35059 18.5801 3.76074c0.469727 0.239258 0.709961 0.709961 0.240234 1.87988 l-2.36035 6.83008c-0.186523 0.402344 -0.698242 0.728516 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16.2998zM137 224c82.5996 0 153.8 -66.5 150.9 -149c-2.60059 -75.4004 -63.5 -136.3 -138.9 -138.9c-82.5 -2.7998 -149 68.3008 -149 150.9v249c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-250.9c0 -47.0996 38.4004 -88.0996 85.4004 -84.8994c39.7998 2.7002 71.7998 34.5996 74.3994 74.5c3.10059 46.8994 -37.8994 85.2998 -84.8994 85.2998h-10.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="boot" unicode="&#xf782;" d="M415 184.2c57 -14.2002 97 -65.4004 97 -124.2v-78.7998c0 -8.5 -3.40039 -16.6006 -9.40039 -22.6006l-22.5996 -22.5996h-64l-32 32l-32 -32h-64l-32 32l-32 -32h-64l-32 32l-32 -32h-64l-22.5996 22.7002c-6 6 -9.40039 14.0996 -9.40039 22.5996v434.7 c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h320c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-80c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32v-104zM48 400v-48h288v48h-288zM464 32v28.0996c0 36.8008 -24.9004 68.7002 -60.5996 77.6006l-89.3008 22.2998h-82.0996c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h72v32h-72c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h72v48h-256v-272h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cash-register" unicode="&#xf788;" d="M168 152c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM136 200v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM232 200v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM360 152c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM408 216c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM511.4 68.5c0.399414 -3 0.599609 -6 0.599609 -9v-75.5 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v75.4004c0 3.09961 0.200195 6.09961 0.599609 9.09961l25.5 178.3c3.40039 23.6006 23.6006 41.2002 47.5 41.2002h70.4004v32h-96c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h256 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-96v-32h230.4c23.8994 0 44.0996 -17.5996 47.5 -41.2002zM80 368h192v32h-192v-32zM73.5996 240l-22.7998 -160h410.4l-22.9004 160h-364.7zM464 -16v48h-416v-48h416zM328 200v-16 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16zM264 152c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16z " /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-network" unicode="&#xf78a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M568 80c39.7998 0 72 -32.2002 72 -72s-32.2002 -72 -72 -72s-72 32.2002 -72 72c0 3.2002 0.599609 6.40039 1 9.5l-82.2002 47c-20.2002 -20.0996 -48.0996 -32.5 -78.7998 -32.5c-61.9004 0 -112 50.0996 -112 112c0 36.2002 17.5 68.0996 44.2002 88.5l-33.5 71.7002 c-0.900391 -0.100586 -1.7998 -0.299805 -2.7002 -0.299805c-39.7998 0 -72 32.1992 -72 72c0 39.7998 32.2002 72 72 72s72 -32.2002 72 -72c0 -21.5 -9.59961 -40.6006 -24.5996 -53.8008l32.1992 -69c7.80078 1.80078 16 2.90039 24.4004 2.90039 c61.9004 0 112 -50.0996 112 -112c0 -13.7998 -2.90039 -26.7998 -7.40039 -39l78.2002 -44.7002c12.9004 12.1006 30.1006 19.7002 49.2002 19.7002zM232 352c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24zM336 80 c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64zM568 -16c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24s-10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24zM513.6 245.2l-48 -36l-19.1992 25.5996l48 36zM576 256 c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64zM152 128v32h48v-32h-48zM64 208c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chimney" unicode="&#xf78b;" d="M480 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-160c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32v-256c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v256c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v160c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h448zM304 -16v80h-224v-80h224zM80 112h80 v112h-80v-112zM432 -16v80h-80v-80h80zM432 112v112h-224v-112h224zM464 272v128h-416v-128h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="compress-arrows-alt" unicode="&#xf78c;" d="M300 224c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v136c0 10.7002 12.9004 16 20.5 8.40039l51 -51l113.9 113.899c6.19922 6.2002 16.3994 6.2002 22.5996 0l11.2998 -11.2998c6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002 -16.4004 0 -22.5996l-113.8 -113.9l50.9004 -51 c7.59961 -7.59961 2.2998 -20.5 -8.40039 -20.5h-136zM393.4 88.5l113.899 -114c6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002 -16.4004 0 -22.5996l-11.2998 -11.3008c-6.2002 -6.19922 -16.4004 -6.19922 -22.5996 0l-113.9 113.9l-51 -50.9004c-7.59961 -7.59961 -20.5 -2.2998 -20.5 8.40039 v136c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h135.9c10.6992 0 16 -12.9004 8.5 -20.5zM212 160c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-135.9c0 -10.6992 -12.9004 -16 -20.5 -8.5l-51 51l-113.9 -113.899c-6.19922 -6.2002 -16.3994 -6.2002 -22.5996 0l-11.2998 11.2998 c-6.2002 6.2002 -6.2002 16.4004 0 22.5996l113.8 113.9l-50.9004 51c-7.59961 7.59961 -2.2998 20.5 8.40039 20.5h136zM118.6 295.5l-113.899 113.9c-6.2002 6.19922 -6.2002 16.3994 0 22.5996l11.2998 11.2998c6.2002 6.2002 16.4004 6.2002 22.5996 0l113.9 -113.8 l51 50.9004c7.59961 7.59961 20.5 2.2998 20.5 -8.40039v-136c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-136c-10.7002 0 -16 12.9004 -8.40039 20.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deer" unicode="&#xf78e;" d="M384 288c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM465.4 339.5c27.3994 -7.7998 46.5996 -33.0996 46.5996 -61.5996v-29.9004c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-43.2002l-20.7998 -31.2998v-176.8 c0 -22.1006 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-64c-22.0996 0 -40 17.8994 -40 40v120h-52.7002l-10.7002 -28.6006l24 -80.7002c3.30078 -13.0996 0.600586 -25.5996 -7 -35.3994c-7.59961 -9.7002 -19.0996 -15.2998 -31.5 -15.2998h-63.7998 c-18.3994 0 -34.2998 12.5 -38.7998 30.2998l-24.5 81.5c-4.7002 18.3994 -3.59961 36.5 2.59961 53.2998l10.4004 27.7998v7.2002h-48v64c0 48.5 39.5 88 88 88h178.3l14.6006 24.4004l-63.8008 17.8994c-24.0996 6.7002 -40.8994 28.9004 -40.8994 53.9004v47.7998 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-47.7998c0 -3.60059 2.39941 -6.7002 5.7998 -7.7002l11 -3.09961l13.4004 16.7998c1.09961 1.39941 1.69922 3.2002 1.69922 5v36.7998c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.80078 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-36.7002 c0 -12.7002 -4.39941 -25.0996 -12.2998 -35l9.5 -2.7998l48.7998 24.4004c6.2002 3.09961 11.5 7.7998 15.4004 13.5996l18.0996 27.2002c4.90039 7.2998 14.8008 9.2998 22.2002 4.39941l13.2998 -8.89941c7.30078 -4.90039 9.30078 -14.9004 4.40039 -22.2002 l-18.0996 -27.0996c-2.5 -3.7002 -5.7002 -6.7002 -8.7002 -10zM464 248v29.9004c0 7.09961 -4.7998 13.5 -11.7002 15.3994l-83.2998 23.5c-16.2002 4.5 -33.2998 -3 -40.7998 -18l-34.5 -58.7998h-205.7c-22.0996 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40v-16h48l0.5 -68 l-14.0996 -31.7998c-2.80078 -7.60059 -3.30078 -15.7998 -1.30078 -23.7002l23.1006 -76.5h47.0996l-25.3994 85.2002l28.0996 74.7998h134v-160h48v183.3l43.2002 64.7002h68.7998c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deer-rudolph" unicode="&#xf78f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M400 288c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM536 352c22.0996 0 40 -17.9004 40 -40s-17.9004 -40 -40 -40c-2.7998 0 -5.2998 1 -8 1.59961v-25.5996c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-42.0996l-21.9004 -38.4004 v-169.699c0 -22.1006 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-64c-22.0996 0 -40 17.8994 -40 40v120h-68.7002l-10.7002 -28.6006l24 -80.7002c3.30078 -13.0996 0.600586 -25.5996 -7 -35.3994c-7.59961 -9.7002 -19.0996 -15.2998 -31.5 -15.2998h-63.7998 c-18.3994 0 -34.2998 12.5 -38.7998 30.2998l-24.5 81.5c-4.7002 18.3994 -3.59961 36.5 2.59961 53.2998l10.4004 27.7998v7.2002h-48v64c0 48.5 39.5 88 88 88h194.3l14.5 24.4004l-63.7998 17.8994c-24.0996 6.7002 -40.9004 28.9004 -40.9004 53.9004v47.7998 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.80078 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-47.7998c0 -3.60059 2.40039 -6.7002 5.80078 -7.7002l11 -3.09961l13.3994 16.7998c1.10059 1.39941 1.7002 3.2002 1.7002 5v36.7998c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-36.7002 c0 -12.7002 -4.40039 -25.0996 -12.2998 -35l-0.700195 -0.899414l9 -2.5l1.2998 0.599609l48.7998 24.4004c6.2002 3.09961 11.5 7.7998 15.4004 13.5996l18.0996 27.2002c4.90039 7.2998 14.8008 9.2998 22.2002 4.39941l13.2998 -8.89941 c7.30078 -4.90039 9.30078 -14.7998 4.40039 -22.2002l-18.0996 -27.2002c-2.5 -3.7002 -5.7002 -6.7002 -8.7002 -10l68.7002 -19.3994c7.09961 -2 13.5996 -5.30078 19.3994 -9.40039c6.7002 12.9004 19.7002 22 35.2002 22zM480 248v29.9004 c0 7.09961 -4.7998 13.5 -11.7002 15.3994l-83.2998 23.5c-16.2002 4.5 -33.2998 -3 -40.7998 -18l-34.5 -58.7998h-221.7c-22.0996 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40v-16h48l0.5 -68l-14.0996 -31.7998c-2.80078 -7.60059 -3.30078 -15.7998 -1.30078 -23.7002l23.1006 -76.5 h47.0996l-25.3994 85.2002l28.0996 74.7998h150v-160h48v174.4l42.0996 73.5996h69.9004c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dreidel" unicode="&#xf792;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M443.3 400c6.2998 -6.2002 6.2998 -16.4004 0 -22.5996l-114.7 -114.7l77.6006 -77.6006c13.0996 -13.0996 13.0996 -34.1992 0 -47.2998l-150.2 -150.2c-12.5996 -12.5996 -29.5996 -19.5996 -47.2998 -19.5996h-141.8c-37 0 -66.9004 29.9004 -66.9004 66.9004v141.8 c0 17.7998 7 34.7998 19.5996 47.2998l150.301 150.2c6.5 6.5 15 9.7998 23.5996 9.7998c8.5 0 17.0996 -3.2998 23.5996 -9.7998l77.6006 -77.6006l114.7 114.7c6.19922 6.2002 16.3994 6.2002 22.5996 0zM222.1 21.5l53.1006 53.2002l-168.5 168.5l-53.2002 -53.2002 c-3.5 -3.5 -5.5 -8.2998 -5.5 -13.2998v-141.8c0 -10.4004 8.5 -18.9004 18.9004 -18.9004h141.899c5 0 9.7002 1.90039 13.2998 5.5zM309.2 108.7l52.7998 52.7002l-168.6 168.5l-52.7002 -52.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dumpster" unicode="&#xf793;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 288h-97.2998l-25.6006 128h98.9004c7.2998 0 13.7002 -5 15.5 -12.0996l24 -96c2.5 -10.1006 -5.09961 -19.9004 -15.5 -19.9004zM404.5 416l25.5996 -128h-126.1v128h100.5zM560 224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-26l-22 -176 v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16h-320v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16l-22 176h-26c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h20l-4 32h512l-4 -32h20zM469.6 48 l20.1006 160h-403.3l20 -160h363.199zM16 288c-10.4004 0 -18 9.7998 -15.5 19.9004l24 96c1.7998 7.09961 8.2002 12.0996 15.5 12.0996h98.9004l-25.6006 -128h-97.2998zM272 416v-128h-126.1l25.5996 128h100.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dumpster-fire" unicode="&#xf794;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M418.7 343.9c-19.7002 -17.6006 -37.7002 -36.5 -53.9004 -55.8008h-60.7998v128h100.5l14.4004 -72zM461.3 343.9l-11.8994 10.5996l-12.3008 61.5h98.9004c7.2998 0 13.7002 -5 15.4004 -12.0996l24 -96c0.199219 -0.800781 -0.100586 -1.5 0 -2.30078 c-1 1 -2 2.2002 -3.10059 3.10059l-21.2998 19l-21.2998 -19c-5.90039 -5.2002 -11.6006 -10.7002 -17.2998 -16.2998c-15.6006 17.7998 -32.9004 35.1992 -51.1006 51.5zM272 416v-128h-126.1l25.5996 128h100.5zM106.4 48h198.8 c8.09961 -17.5996 18.7998 -33.7002 31.5996 -48h-208.8v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16l-22 176h-26c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h20l-4 32h308.6c-11.2998 -16.0996 -21 -32.2998 -28.8994 -48 h-225.3zM16 288c-10.4004 0 -18 9.7998 -15.5 19.9004l24 96c1.7998 7.09961 8.2002 12.0996 15.5 12.0996h98.9004l-25.6006 -128h-97.2998zM551.1 284.8c51.8008 -46.2002 88.9004 -121.8 88.8008 -158.399c0 -87.5 -71.6006 -158.4 -160 -158.4 c-88.4004 0 -160 70.9004 -160 158.4c0 49.2998 49.7998 130.899 120 193.6c27.3994 -24.4004 51.5 -50.5996 71 -76.4004c11.8994 14 25.2998 27.9004 40.1992 41.2002zM480 16c61.7998 0 112 49.5 112 110.3c0 14.7998 -15.7998 53.5 -42.2002 88.7998 c-2 -2.2998 -0.5 -0.599609 -41.0996 -48.3994c-38 50.3994 -46.1006 62.3994 -68.5 86.0996c-47.2998 -51.7002 -72.2002 -103.8 -72.2002 -126.399c0 -60.9004 50.2002 -110.4 112 -110.4z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ear-muffs" unicode="&#xf795;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M621.4 142.8c15.0996 -15 23.5996 -38.7998 15.5996 -63.2002c7.7998 -24.2998 -0.5 -48 -15.7002 -63c-5.2002 -30.2998 -28.2002 -45 -44.8994 -50.0996c-0.5 -0.700195 -23.7002 -32.5996 -66 -23.9004c-8.90039 -4.2998 -18.8008 -6.59961 -29 -6.59961 c-36 0 -65.3008 28.2998 -65.3008 63.0996c0 6.90039 1.2002 13.7002 3.60059 20.2002c-6.40039 17.7002 -2.7998 32.9004 -0.200195 40.5c-6.09961 17.6006 -2.59961 32.7002 0 40.2998c-2.59961 7.60059 -6.2002 22.9004 0.200195 40.5 c-2.40039 6.5 -3.60059 13.3008 -3.60059 20.2002c0 34.7998 29.3008 63.1006 65.3008 63.1006h14.6992c0 97 -79 176 -176 176c-97.0996 0 -176 -79 -176 -176h14.7002c36 0 65.2998 -28.3008 65.2998 -63.1006c0 -6.89941 -1.19922 -13.7002 -3.59961 -20.2002 c6.40039 -17.6992 2.90039 -32.8994 0.200195 -40.5c2.59961 -7.59961 6.09961 -22.6992 0 -40.2998c2.59961 -7.59961 6.2002 -22.8994 -0.200195 -40.5c2.40039 -6.5 3.59961 -13.2998 3.59961 -20.2002c0 -34.7998 -29.2998 -63.0996 -65.2998 -63.0996 c-10.2998 0 -20.0996 2.2998 -29 6.59961c-42.2998 -8.69922 -65.5 23.2002 -66 23.9004c-16.7002 5.09961 -39.7002 19.7998 -44.8994 50.0996c-15.2002 15 -23.5 38.8008 -15.7002 63c-8.2002 24.4004 0.299805 48.2002 15.2998 63.2002 c6.40039 39.7002 43.5 49.9004 44.4004 50.2002c13.8994 18.4004 32.1992 22.2998 33.0996 22.5996v8.40039c0 123.5 100.5 223.9 224 224c123.5 -0.0996094 224 -100.5 223.9 -224v-8.40039c0.899414 -0.299805 19.2998 -4.19922 33.0996 -22.5996 c0.900391 -0.200195 38.0996 -10.5 44.4004 -50.2002zM167.5 134c24.4004 21 -7.7002 57.2002 -31.4004 35.7002c-16.0996 14.5996 -41.2998 2.5 -39.6992 -19.2998c-20.8008 7.69922 -38.2002 -13.1006 -30.5 -31.6006c-16.9004 -4.59961 -24.1006 -24.8994 -11.5 -38.7998 c-12.6006 -13.9004 -5.40039 -34.2002 11.5 -38.7002c-7.7002 -18.5996 10 -39.2998 30.5 -31.5996c-1.60059 -21.7998 23.6992 -33.7998 39.6992 -19.2998c23.7002 -21.5 55.9004 14.5996 31.4004 35.5996c11.0996 9.5 11.7002 25.9004 0 36 c11.0996 9.5 11.7002 25.9004 0 36c11.0996 9.5 11.7002 25.9004 0 36zM574.1 41.2002c16.9004 4.59961 24.1006 24.8994 11.5 38.7002c12.6006 13.8994 5.40039 34.1992 -11.5 38.7998c7.7002 18.5 -9.7998 39.3994 -30.5 31.5996 c1.60059 21.7998 -23.6992 33.7998 -39.6992 19.2998c-23.7002 21.6006 -55.8008 -14.5996 -31.4004 -35.5996c-11.7002 -10.0996 -11.0996 -26.5 0 -36c-11.7002 -10.0996 -11.0996 -26.5 0 -36c-11.7002 -10.0996 -11.0996 -26.5 0 -36 c-24.5 -21 7.7002 -57.0996 31.4004 -35.7002c16.0996 -14.5996 41.2998 -2.5 39.6992 19.2998c20.6006 -7.59961 38.3008 13 30.5 31.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ethernet" unicode="&#xf796;" d="M496 256c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-224c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v224c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h48zM464 48v160h-64v64h-64v64h-160v-64h-64v-64h-64v-160h48v112h32v-112h64v112h32v-112h64v112h32v-112h64v112h32v-112h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fireplace" unicode="&#xf79a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M342.3 136.4c8.5 10.1992 18.2002 20.3994 28.9004 30c37.2998 -33.6006 64 -88.6006 64 -115.2c0 -63.6006 -51.6006 -115.2 -115.2 -115.2s-115.2 51.5996 -115.2 115.2c0 35.7998 35.9004 95.2002 86.4004 140.8c19.7002 -17.7998 37.0996 -36.7998 51.0996 -55.5996z M357.8 -0.5c24.1006 17.5996 29.7002 51.7998 16.2998 78.4004c-1.59961 3.2998 -3.5 6.69922 -5.5 10.1992l-28.6992 -34.1992s-44.9004 60 -48.3008 64.0996c-23.6992 -29.7002 -35.5996 -47.0996 -35.5996 -66.7998c0 -39.6006 28.7002 -64 64 -64 c14.0996 0 27.2002 4.59961 37.7998 12.2998zM624 448c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-112c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-343.9c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v104c0 88.4004 -71.5996 160 -160 160 c-5.2002 0 -10.5 -0.299805 -15.7998 -0.799805c-83.2998 -8 -144.2 -83 -144.2 -166.7v-96.5996c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v344h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v112c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h608zM560 -16v320h-480v-320h32 v73.0996c0 109.9 82.5 203.9 187.7 213.9c6.7998 0.700195 13.5996 1 20.2998 1c114.7 0 208 -93.2998 208 -208v-80h32zM592 352v48h-544v-48h544z" /> <glyph glyph-name="frosty-head" unicode="&#xf79b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 208c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16.0996v-16c0 -8.80078 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-12.9004c4.2002 -10.5 7.80078 -21.3008 9.80078 -32.7002c13.2998 -73.6006 -18.9004 -140.101 -72.8008 -177.7c-12.5996 -8.7998 -27.6992 -13.5996 -43.0996 -13.5996h-40.2998 c8.7002 12.5 19.7998 28 31.0996 48h9.2002c5.59961 0 11 1.69922 15.7002 5c41.8994 29.1992 62.2998 79 53.0996 129.8c-2.7002 14.7002 -8.2002 28.5996 -15.7998 41.2998h-218.8c-11.7998 -19.2998 -19.2002 -41.4004 -19.2002 -65.7002 c0 -44 22.2998 -84.5 59.7998 -108.3c1.5 -1 5 -2 10.4004 -2h9.89941c11.3008 -19.9004 22.5 -35.5 31.1006 -48h-41c-12.6006 0 -25.5 2.7002 -36.2002 9.5c-49.2002 31.2998 -82 86 -82 148.8c0 23.2998 4.90039 45.2998 13.0996 65.7002h-13.0996 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32v208c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h224c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-208h32zM288 208v64h-192v-64h192zM288 320v80h-192v-80h192zM192 80c20.5996 0 37.2998 -16.7002 37.2998 -37.2998 c0 -20.7002 -37.2998 -74.7002 -37.2998 -74.7002s-37.2998 54 -37.2998 74.7002c0 20.5996 16.7002 37.2998 37.2998 37.2998zM109.3 106.7c0 11.7002 9.60059 21.2998 21.2998 21.2998c11.7002 0 21.3008 -9.5 21.3008 -21.2998 c0 -11.7002 -9.5 -21.2998 -21.3008 -21.2998c-11.6992 0 -21.2998 9.5 -21.2998 21.2998zM274.7 106.7c0 -11.7998 -9.60059 -21.4004 -21.2998 -21.2998c-11.7002 0 -21.3008 9.5 -21.3008 21.2998c0 11.7002 9.5 21.2998 21.3008 21.2998 c11.6992 0 21.2998 -9.5 21.2998 -21.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gifts" unicode="&#xf79c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 224c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-224c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v352c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h61.4004l-30.7002 22c-7.2002 5.09961 -8.7998 15.0996 -3.7002 22.2998l9.2998 13 c5.10059 7.2002 15.1006 8.7998 22.2998 3.7002l32 -22.7998l-11.5 30.5996c-3.09961 8.2998 1.10059 17.5 9.40039 20.6006l15 5.59961c8.2998 3.09961 17.5 -1.09961 20.5996 -9.40039l19.9004 -53.0996l19.9004 53c3.09961 8.2998 12.2998 12.5 20.5996 9.40039 l15 -5.60059c8.2998 -3.09961 12.5 -12.2998 9.40039 -20.5996l-11.5 -30.6006l32 22.9004c7.19922 5.2002 17.1992 3.5 22.2998 -3.7002l9.2998 -13c5.2002 -7.2002 3.5 -17.2002 -3.7002 -22.2998l-30.7002 -22h61.4004c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-1 c43.0996 -4.90039 68.5996 -48.2998 80 -74.2998c12 27.5996 39.7998 75.2998 87.9004 75.2998c45.0996 0 72.0996 -36.7002 72.0996 -72.2002c0 -8.2998 -1.7998 -16.2002 -4.40039 -23.7998h20.4004zM519.9 272c-18.6006 0 -35.7002 -27.7002 -44.5 -48h52.5996 c2.7002 1.40039 5.09961 3 7.2002 4.7998c7.2998 6.40039 8.7998 13.9004 8.7998 19c0 9.7002 -6.40039 24.2002 -24.0996 24.2002zM344.1 272c-17.6992 0 -24.0996 -14.5 -24.0996 -24.2002c0 -5.2002 1.5 -12.5996 8.7998 -19 c2.10059 -1.7998 4.5 -3.39941 7.2002 -4.7998h52.5996c-8.89941 20.5996 -25.7998 48 -44.5 48zM224 192c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h20.4004c-2.7002 7.59961 -4.40039 15.5 -4.40039 23.7998c0 21 9.7002 42.2002 26.7002 56.2002h-250.7v-320h176v208zM408 -16v72h-136 v-72h136zM408 104v72h-136v-72h136zM431.3 224l0.700195 0.200195l0.700195 -0.200195h-1.40039zM592 -16v72h-136v-72h136zM592 104v72h-136v-72h136z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gingerbread-man" unicode="&#xf79d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M192 352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM224 112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM446.7 221.4c4.7002 -29.2002 -3.5 -58.8008 -22.4004 -81.1006 c-11.3994 -13.2998 -25.7002 -23.2002 -41.7002 -29.0996l7 -8.5c18 -21.6006 26.6006 -50.2002 23.6006 -78.5c-2.90039 -27.1006 -15.9004 -50.9004 -36.7002 -67.1006c-17.5 -13.5996 -39.2998 -21.0996 -61.5 -21.0996c-29.7002 0 -57.7002 13.0996 -76.7998 36 l-14.2002 17l-14.2002 -17c-19 -22.9004 -47 -36 -76.7998 -36c-22.2002 0 -44 7.5 -61.4004 21c-20.7998 16.2002 -33.7998 40.0996 -36.6992 67.0996c-3 28.3008 5.59961 56.9004 23.5996 78.5l7 8.5c-16 5.90039 -30.4004 15.8008 -41.7002 29.1006 c-19.0996 22.3994 -27.2998 52 -22.5 81.2002c7.60059 46.6992 48.6006 81 98 82.5c-0.899414 6 -1.2998 12 -1.2998 18.0996c0 33.7002 13.0996 65.2998 36.9004 89.0996c23.7998 23.8008 55.3994 36.9004 89.0996 36.9004s65.2998 -13.0996 89.0996 -36.9004 c23.8008 -23.7998 36.9004 -55.3994 36.9004 -89.0996c0 -6.09961 -0.400391 -12.2002 -1.2998 -18.0996c49.5 -1.5 90.3994 -35.8008 98 -82.5zM348 153c67 0 72 103 -2.7998 103h-60.4004c-5.89941 0 -8.5 7.90039 -4.5 12.0996c13.4004 14 21.7002 33 21.7002 53.9004 c0 43.0996 -34.9004 78 -78 78s-78 -34.9004 -78 -78c0 -20.9004 8.2998 -39.9004 21.7002 -53.9004c4 -4.19922 1.2998 -12.0996 -4.5 -12.0996h-60.4004c-74.7998 0 -69.7002 -103 -2.7998 -103h31.0996c8.2002 0 14.8008 -6.59961 14.8008 -14.7998 c0 -3.5 -1.2002 -6.7998 -3.40039 -9.5l-47.2998 -56.7002c-18.9004 -22.7002 -17.5 -58.7998 5.7998 -77c25.5 -19.9004 56.9004 -10.4004 71.9004 7.7002l31.0996 37.2998c5.2002 6.2998 12.5996 9.40039 20 9.40039s14.7998 -3.2002 20 -9.40039l31 -37.2998 c15 -18 46.4004 -27.6006 71.9004 -7.7002c23.2998 18.2002 24.6992 54.2998 5.7998 77l-47.2998 56.7002c-2.2002 2.7002 -3.40039 6 -3.40039 9.5c0 8.2002 6.59961 14.7998 14.7998 14.7998h31.2002zM224 176c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM224 240c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-champagne" unicode="&#xf79e;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M200 -16c22.0996 0 40 -17.9004 40 -40c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-208c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8c0 22.0996 17.9004 40 40 40h48v114.6c-65 11.9004 -111.7 70.9004 -103 137.101l27 184.899c2.2998 15.7002 15.7998 27.4004 31.7002 27.4004h136.6 c15.9004 0 29.4004 -11.7002 31.7002 -27.4004l27 -185c8.59961 -66.0996 -38 -125.1 -103 -137.1v-114.5h48zM73.5 400l-11.7002 -80h132.4l-11.7002 80h-109zM66.5996 171.4c15.2002 -17.4004 37.6006 -27.4004 61.4004 -27.4004s46.2002 10 61.5 27.4004 c14.2998 16.3994 20.7002 37 17.9004 58.0996l-6.2002 42.5996h-146.3l-6.30078 -43.2998c-2.69922 -20.3994 3.7002 -41.0996 18 -57.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-cheers" unicode="&#xf79f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M587.6 33.9004c20.5 8.09961 43.8008 -2 51.8008 -22.5c1.59961 -4.10059 -0.400391 -8.80078 -4.5 -10.4004l-164 -64.4004c-4.10059 -1.59961 -8.80078 0.400391 -10.4004 4.5c-8.09961 20.6006 2 43.8008 22.5996 51.9004l29.8008 11.7002l-40.2002 102.3 c-7.90039 -1.59961 -15.9004 -2.5 -23.7998 -2.5c-52.7002 0 -101 34.2002 -114.2 87.4004l-14.7998 59.5996l-14.8008 -59.5996c-13.2998 -53.2002 -61.5996 -87.4004 -114.199 -87.4004c-7.80078 0 -15.8008 0.900391 -23.8008 2.5l-40.2998 -102.4l29.7998 -11.6992 c20.6006 -8.10059 30.7002 -31.3008 22.6006 -51.9004c-1.60059 -4.09961 -6.2998 -6.09961 -10.4004 -4.5l-163.8 64.4004c-4.09961 1.59961 -6.09961 6.2998 -4.5 10.3994c8.09961 20.6006 31.2998 30.7002 51.9004 22.6006l29.7998 -11.7002l40.5 103 c-50.9004 33.5 -70.1006 100.2 -40.2002 154.3l84.0996 152c5.80078 10.4004 16.7002 16.5 28 16.5c3.90039 0 7.90039 -0.700195 11.7002 -2.2002l113.7 -44.7002l113.7 44.7002c3.7998 1.5 7.7998 2.2002 11.7002 2.2002c11.3994 0 22.1992 -6.09961 28 -16.5 l84.0996 -152c29.9004 -54.0996 10.7002 -120.8 -40.2002 -154.3l40.5 -103zM258.6 203.5l12.5 50.0996l-121.5 47.8008l-25.0996 -45.3008c-9.2998 -16.7998 -10.7998 -36.2998 -4.09961 -54.7998c7.09961 -19.7002 22.6992 -35.5996 42.7998 -43.5 c9.09961 -3.5 18.3994 -5.2998 27.7998 -5.2998c32.2998 0 60.0996 21 67.5996 51zM282.8 300.7l14.4004 57.7998l-95.4004 37.5l-28.7998 -52.0996zM357.2 300.7l109.8 43.2002l-28.7998 52.0996l-95.4004 -37.5996zM476.8 157.9 c20.1006 7.89941 35.7002 23.7998 42.7998 43.6992c6.7002 18.5 5.2002 38 -4.09961 54.8008l-25.0996 45.2998l-121.5 -47.7998l12.5 -50.3008c7.5 -30 35.2998 -51 67.5996 -51c9.5 0 18.7998 1.80078 27.7998 5.30078z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-whiskey" unicode="&#xf7a0;" d="M480 416c19.5 0 34.4004 -17.2002 31.7002 -36.5l-55.6006 -356.5c-4.5 -31.5 -31.5996 -54.9004 -63.3994 -54.9004h-273c-31.9004 0 -58.9004 23.4004 -63.4004 54.9004l-56 356.5c-2.7002 19.2998 12.2002 36.5 31.7002 36.5h448zM392.7 16 c7.89941 0 14.7002 5.90039 15.7998 13.7002l17.7998 114.3h-340.399l17.8994 -113.6c1.2002 -8.5 8 -14.4004 15.9004 -14.4004h273zM433.8 192l27.5 176h-410.6l27.7002 -176h355.399z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-whiskey-rocks" unicode="&#xf7a1;" d="M480 416c19.5 0 34.4004 -17.2002 31.7002 -36.5l-55.6006 -356.5c-4.5 -31.5 -31.5996 -54.9004 -63.3994 -54.9004h-273c-31.9004 0 -58.9004 23.4004 -63.4004 54.9004l-56 356.5c-2.7002 19.2998 12.2002 36.5 31.7002 36.5h448zM392.7 16 c7.89941 0 14.7002 5.90039 16 13.7002l8.89941 57.2002l-20.1992 -20.2002c-12.1006 -12 -28.2002 -18.7002 -45.3008 -18.7002c-17.0996 0 -33.1992 6.59961 -45.2998 18.7002l-45.2998 45.2998c-3.59961 3.59961 -6.5 7.5 -9 11.5996 c-11.5996 -16.6992 -30.7998 -27.5996 -52.5 -27.5996h-64c-17.7998 0 -33.9004 7.2998 -45.5 19.0996l13.2998 -84.6992c1.2002 -8.5 8 -14.4004 15.9004 -14.4004h273zM120 160c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h64c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v64c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16 h-64c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-64zM295.4 168.6c-6.2002 -6.2998 -6.2002 -16.3994 0 -22.5996l45.2998 -45.2998c3 -3 7 -4.7002 11.2998 -4.7002s8.2998 1.7002 11.2998 4.7002l45.2998 45.2998c6.2002 6.2002 6.2002 16.4004 0 22.5996l-45.2998 45.3008 c-3 3 -7 4.69922 -11.2998 4.69922s-8.2998 -1.69922 -11.2998 -4.69922zM436.4 208.6l24.8994 159.4h-410.6l21.7998 -138.8c2.7002 32.7998 30 58.7998 63.5 58.7998h64c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64v-19l42.5996 42.7998c12.1006 12 28.2002 18.7002 45.3008 18.7002 c17.0996 0 33.1992 -6.59961 45.2998 -18.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="globe-snow" unicode="&#xf7a3;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M232 368c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM104 288c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM328 304c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM363.3 49l46.2998 -61.7998c15.8008 -21.1006 0.800781 -51.2002 -25.5996 -51.2002h-320c-26.4004 0 -41.4004 30.0996 -25.5996 51.2002l46.2998 61.7998c-51.5 41 -84.7002 104 -84.7002 175c0 123.7 100.3 224 224 224 s224 -100.3 224 -224c0 -71 -33.2002 -134 -84.7002 -175zM96 -16h256l-24 32h-208zM296.9 64c60.6992 27.7998 103.1 89 103.1 160c0 97 -79 176 -176 176s-176 -79 -176 -176c0 -71 42.4004 -132.2 103.1 -160h40.9004v48h-57.7998c-14.2002 0 -22 15 -12.9004 24.9004 l50.7002 55.0996h-15.2998c-10.7002 0 -16.5 11.2998 -9.7002 18.7002l67.4004 73.2002c5 5.5 14.2998 5.5 19.2998 0l67.3994 -73.2002c6.80078 -7.5 1 -18.7002 -9.69922 -18.7002h-15.4004l50.7998 -55.0996c9.10059 -9.90039 1.2998 -24.9004 -12.8994 -24.9004 h-57.9004v-48h40.9004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-lines" unicode="&#xf7a4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h416zM432 272c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-santa" unicode="&#xf7a7;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M627 269.7c8.2002 -10.5 12.7998 -23.7002 12.7998 -37.7998c0 -14.1006 -4.7002 -27.3008 -13 -37.7002c-1.5 -13.2002 -7.39941 -25.7998 -17.3994 -35.7998c-9.80078 -9.80078 -22.4004 -15.9004 -36 -17.5c-10.4004 -8.2002 -23.5 -12.9004 -37.5 -12.9004 s-27.1006 4.7002 -37.5 12.9004c-13.6006 1.59961 -26.2002 7.69922 -36 17.5c-10 10 -15.9004 22.6992 -17.4004 35.8994c-2.40039 3.10059 -3.7998 6.7002 -5.59961 10.2002l-51.8008 20.2998l62.8008 -112.8h29.5996c17.7002 0 32 -16.0996 32 -36v-72 c0 -19.9004 -14.2998 -36 -32 -36h-448c-17.7002 0 -32 16.0996 -32 36v72c0 19.9004 14.2998 36 32 36h26.7998l79 189.6c29 69.4004 94.6006 114.301 167.4 114.4h0.200195c74.3994 0 120.899 -27 192.399 -93.2002c0.200195 0 0.299805 0.100586 0.400391 0.100586 c10.5 8.2998 23.5996 13.0996 37.7998 13.0996s27.2998 -4.7998 37.7998 -13.0996c13.6006 -1.5 26.1006 -7.60059 35.7998 -17.3008c10 -10 15.9004 -22.6992 17.4004 -35.8994zM464 64h-416v-48h416v48zM335.4 220.1c-7.10059 12.6006 -6.90039 27.6006 0.199219 39.9004 c7.30078 12.2998 20.6006 20 34.8008 20c5 0 10 -0.900391 14.7998 -2.7998l52.5 -20.6006c2.09961 4.5 4.09961 9.10059 7.2002 13c1.09961 9.5 5.19922 18.3008 10.6992 26.4004c-60.7998 54.9004 -95.8994 72 -150.3 72h-0.0996094 c-53.4004 0 -101.7 -33.2998 -123.101 -84.7998l-71.2998 -171.2h284.7zM582.3 219.5c5.7998 1.7002 9.90039 6.7002 9.90039 12.5s-3.90039 10.7998 -9.7002 12.5l-9.5 2.7998l4.7002 8.7002c2.89941 5.2998 2.09961 11.5 -2 15.5996 c-2.40039 2.40039 -5.60059 3.7002 -9 3.7002c-2.2998 0 -4.60059 -0.599609 -6.7002 -1.7002l-8.7002 -4.69922l-2.7998 9.5c-1.7002 5.7998 -6.7002 9.69922 -12.5 9.69922s-10.7998 -3.89941 -12.5 -9.69922l-2.7998 -9.5l-8.7002 4.69922 c-2.09961 1.10059 -4.40039 1.7002 -6.7002 1.7002c-3.39941 0 -6.59961 -1.2998 -9 -3.7002c-4.09961 -4 -4.89941 -10.2998 -2 -15.5996l4.7002 -8.7002l-9.5 -2.7998c-5.7998 -1.7002 -9.7002 -6.7002 -9.7002 -12.5s3.90039 -10.7998 9.7002 -12.5l9.5 -2.7998 l-4.7002 -8.7002c-2.89941 -5.2998 -2.09961 -11.5 2 -15.5996c2.5 -2.5 5.7998 -3.90039 9.40039 -3.90039c1.7998 0 3.7998 0.599609 6.2002 1.90039l8.69922 4.69922l2.80078 -9.5c1.69922 -5.7998 6.69922 -9.69922 12.5 -9.69922 c5.7998 0 10.7998 3.89941 12.5 9.69922l2.7998 9.5l8.7002 -4.69922c2.39941 -1.30078 4.39941 -1.90039 6.19922 -1.90039c3.5 0 6.90039 1.40039 9.40039 3.90039c4.09961 4 4.90039 10.2998 2 15.5996l-4.7002 8.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hat-winter" unicode="&#xf7a8;" d="M480 32c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-32c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v32c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h448zM195.2 342.8c-11 3.2998 -19.2002 13.1006 -19.2002 25.2002s8.2002 21.9004 19.2002 25.2002 c-5.5 10.0996 -4.40039 22.7998 4.2002 31.3994c8.59961 8.60059 21.2998 9.7002 31.3994 4.2002c3.2998 11 13.1006 19.2002 25.2002 19.2002s21.9004 -8.2002 25.2002 -19.2002c10.0996 5.5 22.7998 4.40039 31.3994 -4.2002 c8.60059 -8.59961 9.7002 -21.2998 4.2002 -31.3994c11 -3.2998 19.2002 -13.1006 19.2002 -25.2002s-8.2002 -21.9004 -19.2002 -25.2002c5.5 -10.0996 4.40039 -22.7998 -4.2002 -31.3994c-5.2998 -5.2002 -12.0996 -7.80078 -18.8994 -7.80078 c-4.2998 0 -8.5 1.5 -12.5 3.60059c-3.2998 -11 -13.1006 -19.2002 -25.2002 -19.2002s-21.9004 8.2002 -25.2002 19.2002c-3.89941 -2.10059 -8.09961 -3.60059 -12.5 -3.60059c-6.89941 0 -13.7002 2.60059 -18.8994 7.80078 c-8.60059 8.59961 -9.7002 21.2998 -4.2002 31.3994zM85.9004 112.1c-5.5 -26.3994 -5.90039 -45.5996 -5.90039 -48.0996h-48c0 2 2.2998 165.5 131.9 244.8c2.7998 -7.39941 7 -14.2002 12.8994 -20.0996c6.60059 -6.60059 14.6006 -11.2002 23.2002 -14 c-46.7998 -24.6006 -75.2002 -61.7998 -92.5996 -98.2002l20.5996 10.2998l64 -32l64 32l64 -32l64 32l20.5 -10.2002c-17.4004 36.4004 -45.7998 73.6006 -92.5996 98.2002c8.59961 2.7998 16.5996 7.40039 23.1992 14c5.90039 5.90039 10.2002 12.7998 13 20.1006 c129.601 -79.4004 131.9 -242.9 131.9 -244.9h-48c0 2.5 -0.400391 21.7002 -5.90039 48.0996l-42.0996 21.1006l-64 -32l-64 32l-64 -32l-64 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="holly-berry" unicode="&#xf7aa;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM255.9 304c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48zM144 256.1c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48z M420 111.8c18.4004 -1.7998 35.0996 -21.7002 24.9004 -42.7998c-14.4004 -29.7998 -22 -64.0996 -22.2002 -99c-0.100586 -24.4004 -21.7002 -34.0996 -34.9004 -34.0996c-5.89941 0 -11.7998 1.5 -17.2998 4.5c-32.2002 17.5 -67.5 28.3994 -102.1 31.5 c-21.1006 1.7998 -33.8008 23.8994 -25 42.5996c5.7998 12.4004 10.5996 25.7998 14.0996 40c6.59961 26.2998 -73.7002 26.2998 -67.0996 0c3.5 -14.0996 8.19922 -27.5996 14.0996 -40c8.90039 -18.5996 -3.7998 -40.7002 -25 -42.5996 c-34.5996 -3.10059 -69.9004 -14 -102.1 -31.5c-5.5 -3 -11.4004 -4.5 -17.3008 -4.5c-13.3994 0 -34.7998 9.7998 -34.8994 34.0996c-0.200195 34.9004 -7.7998 69.2002 -22.2002 99c-9.7002 20.0996 5.7002 40.7998 25 42.7002 c14.2998 1.39941 29.0996 4.2002 43.9004 8.39941c7.09961 2 11.3994 8.7002 9.7998 15.2002c-3.5 14.2002 -8.2002 27.7002 -14.1006 40.1006c-8.7998 18.5 3.7002 40.6992 25 42.5996c78.5 7 93.8008 37.9004 131.4 37.9004c36.5 0 54 -31 131.4 -37.9004 c21.0996 -1.7998 33.7998 -23.9004 25 -42.5996c-5.80078 -12.3008 -10.6006 -25.8008 -14.1006 -40c-1.59961 -6.5 2.7002 -13.2002 9.7998 -15.2002c14.7002 -4.2002 29.5 -7 43.9004 -8.40039zM187.1 115.9c9.7002 2.7998 19.4004 5.09961 29.1006 6.89941 c-8.90039 23.9004 -14.5 49.5 -16.5 75.7002c-25.6006 -12 -52.5 -20.5 -79.5 -25.0996c3.09961 -8.5 5.7002 -17.3008 8 -26.3008c8 -31.7998 -11 -63.8994 -43.2002 -73c-9.7002 -2.7998 -19.4004 -5 -29.0996 -6.7998c9 -24 14.5 -49.2998 16.5 -75.7002 c25.7998 12 52.3994 20.4004 79.5 25c-3.10059 8.5 -5.7002 17.3008 -8 26.3008c-8 31.7998 11 63.8994 43.1992 73zM375.6 -8.40039c2 26.4004 7.5 51.7002 16.4004 75.7002c-9.7002 1.7998 -19.4004 4 -29.0996 6.7998c-32.2002 9.10059 -51.2002 41.2002 -43.2002 73 c2.2998 9 4.89941 17.8008 8 26.3008c-27 4.69922 -53.9004 13.1992 -79.5 25.0996c-0.100586 -0.5 -0.200195 -1 -0.200195 -1.5c5 -49.7002 21 -71 22.9004 -85c25.8994 -12.4004 40.2998 -40.7998 33.1992 -69.0996c-2.2998 -9 -4.89941 -17.8008 -8 -26.3008 c27.2002 -4.59961 53.8008 -13 79.5 -25z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ice-skate" unicode="&#xf7ac;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-24c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-504c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v32c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h88v48c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v234.3c0 13.1006 8 24.9004 20.0996 29.7002l128.4 51.4004 c7.59961 3 15.7002 4.59961 23.7998 4.59961h99.7002v24c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-176l87.2998 -21.9004c42.7002 -10.6992 72.7002 -49 72.7002 -93.0996v-53c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-16v-48h72c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32zM80 96c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h352c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v53c0 22.0996 -15 41.2998 -36.4004 46.5996l-113.5 28.4004h-82.0996c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h72v32h-72c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h72v48h-99.7002c-2 0 -4 -0.299805 -5.89941 -1.09961l-118.4 -47.4004v-223.5zM144 32v-48h240v48h-240z" /> <glyph glyph-name="icicles" unicode="&#xf7ad;" d="M480 448c20 0 35.0996 -18.2002 31.5 -37.9004l-79.7998 -461.3c-1.7002 -8.5 -8.7002 -12.7998 -15.7002 -12.7998s-14 4.2998 -15.9004 12.7998l-58.7998 357.4l-38.0996 -134.8c-2.2998 -7.60059 -8.7998 -11.4004 -15.2998 -11.4004s-13 3.7998 -15.3008 11.4004 l-26.3994 95.6992l-38.7002 -190.699c-1.90039 -8.30078 -8.7998 -12.4004 -15.5996 -12.4004c-6.90039 0 -13.7002 4.09961 -15.6006 12.4004l-36.3994 181.1l-28.8008 -86.5996c-2.39941 -7.30078 -8.7998 -10.9004 -15.0996 -10.9004s-12.5996 3.7002 -15.0996 10.9004 l-79.5 235.899c-6.2002 20.5 9.19922 41.2002 30.5996 41.2002h448zM95.7998 276.8l41 123.2h-82.5zM199.2 276.7l25.0996 123.3h-64l26.7002 -133l5.09961 -25.2998zM295.3 319.3l22.7998 80.7002h-58.6992l29 -105.1zM416.8 144.3l44.2002 255.7h-86.4004l14.2002 -86z " /> <glyph glyph-name="igloo" unicode="&#xf7ae;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M320 448c173.7 0 315.3 -139.3 319.6 -312h0.400391v-136c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-512c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v136h0.400391c4.2998 172.7 145.899 312 319.6 312zM563.7 248h-43.7002v-112h71.5996c-1.19922 40.0996 -11.0996 78 -27.8994 112z M392 390v-94h141.5c-35.5 45 -84.7998 78.4004 -141.5 94zM320 400c-86.5996 0 -163.6 -40.7998 -213.5 -104h237.5v102.8c-7.90039 0.700195 -15.9004 1.2002 -24 1.2002zM76.2998 248c-16.7998 -34 -26.7002 -71.9004 -27.8994 -112h71.5996v112h-43.7002zM192 64 c0 8.2002 0.900391 16.2002 2.40039 24h-146.4v-88c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h128v80zM400 -16v80c0 44.0996 -35.9004 80 -80 80s-80 -35.9004 -80 -80v-80h160zM320 192c43.9004 0 82.5996 -22.2002 105.7 -56h46.2998v112h-304v-112h46.2998 c23.1006 33.7998 61.7998 56 105.7 56zM592 0v88h-146.4c1.5 -7.7998 2.40039 -15.7998 2.40039 -24v-80h128c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mistletoe" unicode="&#xf7b4;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M542.1 234.6c40 -40 45.4004 -99.3994 12.1006 -132.699c-14.7002 -14.6006 -34.5 -21.8008 -55.4004 -21.8008c-26.5996 0 -55 11.5 -77.3994 33.9004c-26 26 -38.6006 89.5996 -44.2002 130.9l-65.2002 65.1992v-144.399c28.4004 -32.7002 72 -89.2002 72 -127.3 c0 -56.6006 -43 -102.4 -96 -102.4s-96 45.7998 -96 102.4c0 38.0996 43.5996 94.5 72 127.3v144.3l-65.2002 -65.2002c-0.299805 -2.2998 -0.599609 -4.5 -1 -6.89941c3.2998 1.09961 6.60059 2.09961 10.2002 2.09961c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32 c-8.09961 0 -15.2002 3.2002 -20.7998 8.09961c-7.2998 -28.1992 -17.7002 -55.2998 -32.6006 -70.1992c-22.3994 -22.4004 -50.7998 -33.9004 -77.3994 -33.9004c-20.9004 0 -40.7002 7.2002 -55.2998 21.9004c-33.3008 33.2998 -27.9004 92.6992 12.0996 132.699 c26 26 89.5996 38.6006 130.9 44.2002l99.0996 99.1006v54.0996c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-54.0996l99.2002 -99.1006c41.2998 -5.59961 104.899 -18.2002 130.899 -44.2002zM120.7 147.9c10.3994 10.3994 20.2998 43.3994 27 79.6992 c-36.4004 -6.59961 -69.4004 -16.5 -79.7998 -26.8994c-20.5 -20.5 -26.2002 -50.7998 -12.1006 -64.9004c6.40039 -6.39941 15.2002 -7.7998 21.4004 -7.7998c14.7998 0 31 7.40039 43.5 19.9004zM336 38.4004c0 13.5996 -20.7002 47.5996 -48 81.5 c-27.5996 -34 -48 -67.7002 -48 -81.5c0 -30 21.5 -54.4004 48 -54.4004s48 24.4004 48 54.4004zM520.2 135.8c14.0996 14.1006 8.39941 44.4004 -12 64.9004c-10.2998 10.2998 -43.4004 20.2998 -79.7002 26.8994c6.59961 -36.2998 16.5 -69.2998 26.9004 -79.6992 c12.3994 -12.5 28.5996 -19.9004 43.3994 -19.9004c6.2002 0 15 1.40039 21.4004 7.7998zM384 384c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mitten" unicode="&#xf7b5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416.8 263.3c36.7998 -30.7002 41.7998 -85.5996 11.1006 -122.399l-64.1006 -76.9004h-62.5l89.7002 107.7c13.7002 16.3994 11.5 41 -5 54.7002c-6.90039 5.7998 -15.7998 9 -24.7998 9c-11.6006 0 -22.5 -5.10059 -29.9004 -14l-38.5 -46.2002l-32.7002 141.5 c-11.2998 49 -54.2998 83.2998 -104.6 83.2998c-8.09961 0 -16.2002 -1 -24.2002 -2.7998c-57.7002 -13.2998 -93.7998 -71.1006 -80.5 -128.8l53.4004 -204.4h-49.6006l-50.5996 193.6c-19.2998 83.5 33 167.101 116.4 186.4c11.5996 2.59961 23.3994 4 35.0996 4 c72.7998 0 135 -49.5996 151.4 -120.5l12.5996 -54.7002c12.5996 6.90039 26.9004 10.6006 41.7002 10.6006c20.2998 0 40 -7.10059 55.5996 -20.1006zM368.1 32c8.80078 0 16 -7.2002 15.9004 -16v-64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v64 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h320.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mug-hot" unicode="&#xf7b6;" d="M400 256c61.7998 0 112 -50.2002 112 -112s-50.2002 -112 -112 -112h-16c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96h-192c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96v192c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h368zM336 32v176h-288v-176c0 -26.5 21.5 -48 48 -48h192c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM400 80 c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64h-16v-128h16zM239.1 301.5c-2.69922 16.5996 -10.3994 31.9004 -22.3994 44.0996c-22.6006 23.1006 -36.7002 52.5 -40.6006 84.4004c-1.19922 9.5 6.5 18 16.3008 18h16.3994c8.2002 0 15 -5.90039 16.1006 -13.7998 c2.7998 -20.2002 12 -38.7998 26.3994 -53.5c20.2002 -20.5 32.7998 -46.5 36.6006 -74.7002c1.2998 -9.5 -6.5 -18 -16.3008 -18h-16.5c-8 0 -14.6992 5.7998 -16 13.5zM127.1 301.5c-2.69922 16.5996 -10.3994 31.9004 -22.3994 44.0996 c-22.6006 23.1006 -36.7002 52.5 -40.6006 84.4004c-1.09961 9.5 6.5 18 16.3008 18h16.3994c8.2002 0 15 -5.90039 16.1006 -13.7998c2.7998 -20.2002 12 -38.7998 26.3994 -53.5c20.2002 -20.5 32.7998 -46.5 36.6006 -74.7002c1.2998 -9.5 -6.5 -18 -16.3008 -18h-16.5 c-8 0 -14.6992 5.7998 -16 13.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ornament" unicode="&#xf7b8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M288 294.1c57.2998 -33.1992 96 -95.0996 96 -166.1c0 -106 -86 -192 -192 -192s-192 86 -192 192c0 71 38.7002 132.9 96 166.1v41.9004c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h24.9004c-5.5 9.40039 -8.90039 20.2998 -8.90039 32c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64 c0 -11.7002 -3.40039 -22.5996 -8.90039 -32h24.9004c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-41.9004zM192 400c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16s7.2002 -16 16 -16s16 7.2002 16 16s-7.2002 16 -16 16zM192 272c-42.4004 0 -80.2002 -18.7998 -106.5 -48h213 c-26.2998 29.2002 -64.0996 48 -106.5 48zM336 128c0 16.9004 -3.5 32.9004 -8.90039 48h-270.3c-5.2998 -15.0996 -8.7998 -31.0996 -8.7998 -48s3.40039 -32.9004 8.7998 -48h270.4c5.2998 15.0996 8.7998 31.0996 8.7998 48zM192 -16c42.4004 0 80.2002 18.7998 106.6 48 h-213.1c26.2998 -29.2002 64.0996 -48 106.5 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="restroom" unicode="&#xf7bd;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M328 448c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-480c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v480c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM200.8 310.6c32.5 -15.3994 55.2002 -48.1992 55.2002 -86.5996v-112c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-16v-112 c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v112h-16c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v112c0 38.4004 22.7002 71.2002 55.2002 86.5996c-9.60059 14.1006 -15.2002 31.1006 -15.2002 49.4004c0 48.5996 39.4004 88 88 88s88 -39.4004 88 -88 c0 -18.2998 -5.59961 -35.2998 -15.2002 -49.4004zM128 400c-22.0996 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40s17.9004 -40 40 -40s40 17.9004 40 40s-17.9004 40 -40 40zM208 128v96c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48h-64c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-96h48v-144h64v144h48zM638.8 117.7 c3.10059 -12.9004 0.200195 -26.2002 -8 -36.6006c-8.5 -10.7998 -21.3994 -17 -35.2998 -17h-3.5v-88c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-80c-22.0996 0 -40 17.9004 -40 40v88h-3.5c-13.9004 0 -26.7998 6.2002 -35.2998 17c-8.2002 10.4004 -11.1006 23.8008 -8 36.6006 l37.7002 134.7c4.89941 17.6992 15 32.6992 28.1992 44.2998c-16.5996 16 -27.0996 38.3994 -27.0996 63.2998c0 48.5996 39.4004 88 88 88s88 -39.4004 88 -88c0 -24.9004 -10.4004 -47.2998 -27.0996 -63.2998c13.0996 -11.6006 23.2998 -26.6006 28.1992 -44.2998z M512 400c-22.0996 0 -40 -17.9004 -40 -40s17.9004 -40 40 -40s40 17.9004 40 40s-17.9004 40 -40 40zM544 112h46.5l-35.5996 127.5c-5.40039 19.0996 -23 32.5 -42.9004 32.5s-37.5996 -13.2998 -42.9004 -32.5l-36 -128.7l46.9004 1.2002v-128h64v128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rv" unicode="&#xf7be;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M592.1 240l29.2002 -29.2002c12 -12 18.7002 -28.2002 18.7002 -45.2002v-101.6c0 -17.5996 -14.4004 -32 -32 -32h-33.5996c1 -5.2002 1.59961 -10.5 1.59961 -16c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.7998 -80 80c0 5.5 0.5 10.7998 1.59961 16h-163.199 c1 -5.2002 1.59961 -10.5 1.59961 -16c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.7998 -80 80v16l-77.2998 77.2002c-12 12 -18.7002 28.2998 -18.7002 45.2998v197.5c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64h160v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h128c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16h124 c72.9004 0 132 -59.0996 132 -132c0 -24.2998 -19.7002 -44 -44 -44h-3.90039zM176 -16c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32zM368 80v208h223.8c-2.09961 44.5 -38.8994 80 -83.8994 80h-444 c-8.80078 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-197.5c0 -4.2998 1.69922 -8.2998 4.69922 -11.2998l63.2002 -63.2002h12.6006c13.3994 9.90039 29.6992 16 47.5996 16s34.2998 -6.09961 47.5996 -16h144.4zM572.2 192l-43.2002 43.2002c-3.09961 3.09961 -7.2002 4.7998 -11.5 4.7998 h-101.5v-48h156.2zM496 -16c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32zM592 80v64h-176v-64h32.4004c13.3994 9.90039 29.6992 16 47.5996 16s34.2998 -6.09961 47.5996 -16h48.4004zM304 320c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16 v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-192c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h192zM272 240v32h-128v-32h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scarf" unicode="&#xf7c1;" d="M509.7 52.2998c3.09961 -3.2002 3.09961 -8.2002 -0.200195 -11.2002l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-68.8008 68.6006l-22.5996 -22.6006l68.7998 -68.5996c3.10059 -3.10059 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.3008 c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-68.7998 68.6006l-22.5 -22.5l68.6992 -69.7002c3.10059 -3.09961 3.10059 -8.2002 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998c-3.09961 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.2998 0l-140.5 143.699l-140.7 -143.8 c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.10059 3.10059 -3.10059 8.2002 0 11.3008l68.7002 69.6992l-22.5 22.5l-68.8008 -68.5996c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.19922 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-11.2998 11.2998 c-3.09961 3.10059 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l68.7998 68.6006l-22.5996 22.5996l-68.7998 -68.5996c-3.10059 -3.10059 -8.2002 -3.10059 -11.3008 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l68.9004 68.4004l74.2998 74.2002l-24.0996 24.6992 c-48.6006 53.7002 -13 113.301 -11.5 115.801l43.5996 73.0996c4.2998 7.2002 9.90039 13.2998 16.7998 18c39.1006 26.4004 125.7 30.7998 171.5 0.200195c6.90039 -4.7002 12.5 -10.7998 16.7998 -18l43.6006 -73.1006c1.5 -2.5 37.0996 -62.0996 -11.5 -115.8 l-24.1006 -24.7002l74.3008 -74.1992zM361 310.9l-12 20.0996l-59.2002 -59.2002l42.7002 -42.7998l23.0996 23.5996c22 24.9004 9.7002 50.9004 5.40039 58.3008zM194.7 383.9l-6.2998 -10.4004l67.5996 -67.7998l67.7002 67.7998l-6.2998 10.5 c-12.5 20.9004 -110.101 20.9004 -122.7 -0.0996094zM221.7 115.6l0.799805 0.800781l-43.4004 44.2998l-40 -39.9004l44.4004 -44.2998zM328.5 76.5996l44.4004 44.4004l-209.801 210.1l-12 -20.0996c-4.39941 -7.5 -16.6992 -33.5 5.30078 -58.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sd-card" unicode="&#xf7c2;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 448c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64v-384c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v320l128 128h256zM400 0v384c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-236.1l-99.9004 -99.9004v-300.1c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h320 c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM320 272v96h48v-96h-48zM240 272v96h48v-96h-48zM160 272v96h48v-96h-48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shovel-snow" unicode="&#xf7c3;" d="M503.2 375.7c11.7002 -11.7002 11.7002 -30.7002 0 -42.4004l-24.5 -24.5c-17.7002 -17.7998 -43 -25.3994 -67.6006 -20.5c-6.5 1.2998 -12.5996 3.60059 -18.3994 6.40039l-96.7998 -96.7998l41.5 -41.5c17.7998 -17.7002 19.5996 -45.9004 4.19922 -65.8008 l-104.5 -135.199c-9.89941 -12.8008 -24.6992 -19.4004 -39.5 -19.4004c-12.6992 0 -25.5 4.7998 -35.2998 14.5996l-147.7 147.7c-21.2998 21.2998 -19 56.4004 4.80078 74.7998l135.3 104.4c9 7 19.7998 10.4004 30.5 10.4004 c12.7998 0 25.5996 -4.90039 35.2998 -14.6006l41.5 -41.5l96.7998 96.7998c-2.7998 5.80078 -5.09961 11.9004 -6.39941 18.4004c-1 5 -1.5 9.90039 -1.5 14.7998c0 19.7002 7.69922 38.7002 21.8994 52.9004l24.5 24.5c11.7002 11.7002 30.7002 11.7002 42.4004 0z M303.4 122.5l-116.801 116.9l-1.39941 0.599609c-0.600586 0 -1 -0.200195 -1.2002 -0.400391l-135.2 -104.5l-0.200195 -2.89941l147.601 -147.5c0.700195 -0.200195 1.2998 -0.299805 1.7002 -0.299805c0.899414 0 1.09961 0.199219 1.19922 0.399414l104.5 135.2 c0.600586 0.700195 0.5 1.7998 -0.199219 2.5zM444.8 342.7l11.7998 11.7998l-38.0996 38.0996l-11.7998 -11.7998c-6.2998 -6.39941 -9 -15.3994 -7.2998 -24.2998c2.09961 -10.7002 10.3994 -19 21.0996 -21.0996c8.7998 -1.80078 17.9004 0.899414 24.2998 7.2998z M153.7 182.3c9.39941 9.40039 24.5 9.40039 34 0c9.39941 -9.2998 9.39941 -24.5 0 -33.8994l-32 -32c-4.7002 -4.7002 -10.7998 -7 -17 -7s-12.2998 2.2998 -17 7c-9.40039 9.2998 -9.40039 24.5 0 33.8994zM180.4 57.7002 c-9.40039 9.39941 -9.40039 24.5996 0.0996094 33.8994l32 32c9.2998 9.40039 24.5 9.30078 33.9004 0c9.39941 -9.2998 9.39941 -24.5 0 -33.8994l-32 -32c-4.7002 -4.7002 -10.8008 -7 -17 -7c-6.2002 0 -12.3008 2.2998 -17 7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skating" unicode="&#xf7c5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 448c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48zM152 304c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 23.9004c0 13.1992 10.7998 24 24 24h180.6c13 0 24.6006 -7.7002 29.6006 -19.7002s2.2998 -25.7002 -6.90039 -34.9004l-88.5996 -88.5996 l72.7998 -66.2998c8.2002 -8.2002 12.5 -18.5 12.5 -29v-89.4004c0 -13.2002 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7998 -24 24v85.7998l-87.7002 80c-11.7998 11.7002 -17.7998 27 -17.2002 42.5c0.600586 15.6006 7.7002 30.2998 19.5 40.4004l36.5 31.2998h-103.1zM187.5 174.6 c2.09961 -2.5 3.7998 -5.09961 6.09961 -7.39941l28.4004 -25.9004l-102.1 -102.2c-4.7002 -4.69922 -10.8008 -7 -17 -7c-6.2002 0 -12.3008 2.30078 -17 7c-9.40039 9.30078 -9.40039 24.5 0 33.9004zM400 0c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-96 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16h96c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM117.8 -8.59961c6.2998 6.2998 16.4004 6.19922 22.6006 0c6.19922 -6.2002 6.19922 -16.4004 0 -22.6006c-9.30078 -9.2998 -21.7002 -14 -33.9004 -14 s-24.5996 4.60059 -33.9004 14l-67.8994 67.9004c-6.2002 6.2002 -6.2002 16.3994 0 22.5996s16.3994 6.2002 22.5996 0l67.9004 -67.8994c6.2002 -6.2002 16.3994 -6.2002 22.5996 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ski-jump" unicode="&#xf7c7;" d="M400 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM510.7 257.9c6.59961 -39.1006 -12.1006 -78.6006 -46.5 -98.3008l-429.2 -220.899c-3.5 -1.7998 -7.2002 -2.7002 -10.9004 -2.7002c-8.69922 0 -17.0996 4.7002 -21.3994 13 c-6.10059 11.7998 -1.5 26.2998 10.2998 32.2998l120 61.7002c-10.7998 5.7998 -16 18.5996 -11.2002 30.0996l53.2998 129.4c4.2002 10.0996 4.60059 10.5 5.90039 12.0996l68.7002 89.4004h-113.7c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24h184 c13 0 24.5996 -7.7002 29.5996 -19.7002s2.30078 -25.7002 -6.89941 -34.8994l-121.2 -110.301c-0.799805 -0.799805 -1.59961 -1.7998 -2 -2.89941l-50.5 -122.601l272.2 140.2c16.0996 9.2002 25.3994 28.7998 22.0996 48.1006 c-2.2002 13.0996 6.60059 25.5 19.7002 27.6992c12.9004 2.30078 25.5 -6.59961 27.7002 -19.6992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ski-lift" unicode="&#xf7c8;" d="M112 320c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM256 448v-208l-32 -8v216h32zM191.6 66.5996c-29.0996 -9.69922 -33.5 -10.5996 -46.0996 -10.5996c-33.0996 0 -64.5 18.7998 -79.5 50l-63.5996 133 c-5.7002 12 -0.700195 26.2998 11.2998 32s26.2998 0.599609 32 -11.2998l63.5996 -133c8.7002 -18.2002 29.7002 -27.1006 48.7002 -20.7002l18.4004 6.2002c12.6992 4.2998 26.1992 -2.60059 30.3994 -15.2002s-2.59961 -26.2002 -15.2002 -30.4004zM488 160 c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 23.9004 -24.0996c0 -33.9004 -21.4004 -64.6006 -53.2002 -76.4004l-330.5 -122.1c-2.7002 -1 -5.5 -1.5 -8.2998 -1.5c-9.7002 0 -18.9004 6 -22.5 15.6992c-4.60059 12.4004 1.7998 26.2002 14.1992 30.8008l152.301 56.2998v122.5l-98.2002 -24.5 c-11.1006 -2.90039 -22.7998 2.7002 -27.6006 13.2002l-47.2998 100.6c-8.39941 18.2998 3.10059 36.7002 15.7002 42.5c16.2002 7.5 35.0996 0.400391 42.5 -15.5996l39.7002 -85.5l93.5 23.3994c14.7998 3.7002 29.7998 -7.5 29.7998 -23.2998v-135.5l130.2 48.2002 c13 4.7998 21.7998 17.3994 21.7998 31.2998c0 13.2002 10.7998 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skiing" unicode="&#xf7c9;" d="M432 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM120 356.4l-26.2998 23.0996c-2.2002 1.90039 -2.40039 5.2002 -0.5 7.40039c1.2998 1.5 3.2002 2.09961 5 1.69922l34.3994 -7h0.300781l11.0996 21.7002 c13.7002 -7.09961 21.2002 -21.0996 20.9004 -35.5996l72.1992 -35.7998l74.5 29.7998c14.2002 5.7002 30.3008 5.2998 44.3008 -1.2002s24.6992 -18.5 29.5996 -33.0996l18.0996 -54.4004l55.2002 -27.5996c11.9004 -5.90039 16.7002 -20.3008 10.7998 -32.2002 c-5.89941 -11.7998 -20.2998 -16.7002 -32.1992 -10.7002l-58.1006 29c-9.59961 4.7998 -16.7002 13 -20.0996 23.0996l-14.1006 42.3008l-61.0996 -24.4004l-132.7 66.2002c-11.7002 -9.7002 -28.3994 -12.1006 -42.7998 -4.7998zM505 -4 c9.2998 -9.40039 9.2998 -24.5996 0 -33.9004c-16.9004 -17 -39.7998 -26 -63 -26c-12.5996 0 -25.2002 2.60059 -37.0996 8.10059l-391.9 202.5c-11.7998 6 -16.4004 20.5 -10.2998 32.2998c6 11.7998 20.3994 16.4004 32.2998 10.2998l205 -106l49.0996 73.6006 l-79.7998 79.7998c-11.8994 11.8994 -17.2998 28.2998 -15.7002 44.8994l76.9004 -38.0996l57.2002 -57.2002c13.5 -13.3994 15.5996 -34.7002 5 -50.5l-49.7002 -74.5996l143 -73.9004c14.4004 -6.59961 33 -3.39941 45.0996 8.7002c9.30078 9.2998 24.5 9.40039 33.9004 0 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skiing-nordic" unicode="&#xf7ca;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M336 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM552 32c13.2002 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24c0 -39.7002 -32.2998 -72 -72 -72h-480c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7998 24 24 24h42.9004l57.3994 287 c-3.2998 4.90039 -4.89941 10.5996 -4.09961 16.4004c0.799805 6.39941 4.09961 12 9.2002 15.8994l39.6992 30.4004c21.1006 16.2002 48.1006 22 73.7002 15.7998l71.4004 -21.2002c24.2002 -6.09961 45.2998 -23.5996 56.5996 -46.7002l28.2002 -57.6992h49 c13.2002 0 24 -10.8008 24 -24c0 -7.60059 -3.7998 -14.1006 -9.2998 -18.5l-28.2002 -197.4h69.5c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24c0 13.2998 10.7998 24 24 24zM297.4 -16l29.1992 92.9004l-90.5 53.3994c-24.1992 14.2998 -34 44.5 -23 70.2998l41 95.7002l-23.7998 7 c-2.39941 0.600586 -5 0.900391 -7.59961 0.900391c-8.5 0 -17.2998 -3 -24.4004 -8.5l-39.7002 -30.4004c-0.899414 -0.700195 -2.09961 -0.899414 -3.09961 -1.5l-56 -279.8h33.0996l65.1006 137.6c6.2002 -7.2998 13.3994 -13.6992 22 -18.7998l17.3994 -10.2998 l-51.3994 -108.5h111.7zM402.1 -16l27.3008 192h-35.5c-15.1006 0 -29.2002 8.7998 -35.9004 22.4004l-28.2002 57.5996l-40.5 -101.4l67.1006 -39.5996c15.5996 -9.40039 23 -28.0996 18.1992 -45.2002l-26.8994 -85.7998h54.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sledding" unicode="&#xf7cb;" d="M505 28c9.2998 -9.40039 9.2998 -24.5996 0 -33.9004c-16.9004 -17 -39.7998 -26 -63 -26c-12.5996 0 -25.2002 2.60059 -37.0996 8.10059l-391.9 202.5c-11.7998 6 -16.4004 20.5 -10.2998 32.2998c6 11.7998 20.3994 16.4004 32.2998 10.2998l117.5 -60.5996 c-0.5 1.39941 -1.5 2.5 -1.7002 4c-1.09961 8.09961 2 16.2002 8.2002 21.5l100 85.7998h-107c-13.2002 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24h160c16.2998 0 30.7998 -9.7002 37 -24.7002s2.7998 -32.0996 -8.7002 -43.5996l-67.7002 -67.7002h71.5 c22.1006 0 40 -17.9004 40 -40v-80c0 -7.5 -3.69922 -13.9004 -9.09961 -18.2998l51 -26.4004c14.4004 -6.59961 33 -3.39941 45.0996 8.7002c9.30078 9.2998 24.5 9.40039 33.9004 0zM336 65.7002v70.2998h-135.9zM400 320c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48 s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sleigh" unicode="&#xf7cc;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M612.7 97.2998c18.5 -14.7002 28.5996 -37.2002 27.2002 -61c-2.2002 -39 -36.9004 -68.2998 -75.9004 -68.2998h-516c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h88v56.5c-60.2002 20.2002 -104 76.5996 -104 143.5v152h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16 v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h44.2002c74.3994 0 141.3 -41.9004 174.6 -109.4c46.7998 -94.8994 181.2 -107.899 181.2 -42.5996v72c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32v-120 c0 -66.2002 -53.7998 -120 -120 -120v-48h127.3c13.6006 0 24.6006 11 24.6006 24.5996c0 7.5 -3.30078 14.5 -9.2002 19.2002l-9.2998 7.40039c-6.90039 5.5 -8 15.5996 -2.5 22.5l10 12.5c5.5 6.89941 15.5996 8 22.5 2.5zM80 216c0 -57.2998 46.7002 -104 104 -104h256 c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72v120h-48v-40c0 -124.4 -203.7 -117.6 -272.3 21.4004c-22.1006 44.7998 -63.7998 74.6992 -111.7 81.1992v-150.6zM392 16v48h-208v-48h208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sms" unicode="&#xf7cd;" d="M135.4 229.5l22 -18.7998c8.39941 -7.2002 13.2998 -17.4004 13.2998 -28.1006c0 -21.2998 -19 -38.5996 -42.4004 -38.5996h-12.2998c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h12.2998c5.90039 0 10.4004 3.5 10.4004 6.59961 c0 1.30078 -0.700195 2.60059 -2.10059 3.80078l-21.8994 18.7998c-8.40039 7.2002 -13.2998 17.3994 -13.2998 28.0996c0 21.2998 19 38.6006 42.3994 38.6006h12.2002c4.40039 0 8 -3.60059 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-12.2998 c-5.90039 0 -10.4004 -3.5 -10.4004 -6.60059c0 -1.2998 0.700195 -2.59961 2.10059 -3.7998zM304 272c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 15.9004 -16v-104c0 -4.40039 -3.60059 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v68.2002l-24.8008 -55.7998 c-2.89941 -5.90039 -11.3994 -5.90039 -14.2998 0l-24.7998 55.7998v-68.2002c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v104c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c6.09961 0 11.5996 -3.40039 14.2998 -8.7998l17.7002 -35.4004l17.7002 35.4004 c2.7002 5.39941 8.2002 8.7998 14.2998 8.7998h16zM375.4 229.5l22 -18.7998c8.39941 -7.2002 13.2998 -17.4004 13.2998 -28.1006c0 -21.2998 -19 -38.5996 -42.4004 -38.5996h-12.2998c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h12.2002 c5.89941 0 10.3994 3.5 10.3994 6.59961c0 1.30078 -0.699219 2.60059 -2.09961 3.80078l-21.9004 18.7998c-8.39941 7.2002 -13.2998 17.3994 -13.2998 28.0996c0 21.2998 19 38.6006 42.4004 38.6006h12.2998c4.40039 0 8 -3.60059 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8 h-12.2998c-5.90039 0 -10.4004 -3.5 -10.4004 -6.60059c0 -1.2998 0.700195 -2.59961 2.10059 -3.7998zM256 416c141.4 0 256 -93.0996 256 -208s-114.6 -208 -256 -208c-32.7998 0 -64 5.2002 -92.9004 14.2998c-29.0996 -20.5996 -77.5996 -46.2998 -139.1 -46.2998 c-9.59961 0 -18.2998 5.7002 -22.0996 14.5c-3.80078 8.7998 -2 19 4.59961 26c0.5 0.400391 31.5 33.7998 46.4004 73.2002c-33 35.0996 -52.9004 78.7002 -52.9004 126.3c0 114.9 114.6 208 256 208zM256 48c114.7 0 208 71.7998 208 160s-93.2998 160 -208 160 s-208 -71.7998 -208 -160c0 -42.2002 21.7002 -74.0996 39.7998 -93.4004l20.6006 -21.7998l-10.6006 -28.0996c-5.5 -14.5 -12.5996 -28.1006 -19.8994 -40.2002c23.5996 7.59961 43.1992 18.9004 57.5 29l19.5 13.7998l22.6992 -7.2002 c25.3008 -8 51.7002 -12.0996 78.4004 -12.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowboarding" unicode="&#xf7ce;" d="M432 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48zM473.4 197l-95.8008 73.2998l-82.1992 -37.8994l62.6992 -47c12.4004 -9.30078 18.3008 -25.2002 15.1006 -40.4004l-21.7998 -102 c-2.40039 -11.0996 -12.1006 -18.5996 -22.9004 -18.9004l103.8 -37.7998c9.7002 -3.5 20.2002 -3 29.5 1.2998c12 5.60059 26.2998 0.400391 31.9004 -11.5996c5.59961 -12 0.399414 -26.2998 -11.6006 -31.9004c-11.5996 -5.5 -24 -8.19922 -36.5 -8.19922 c-10 0 -20 1.7998 -29.6992 5.2998l-364.801 132.8c-21.6992 8 -39 23.7998 -48.7998 44.7998c-5.59961 12 -0.399414 26.2998 11.6006 31.9004c12 5.7002 26.2998 0.399414 31.8994 -11.6006c4.40039 -9.39941 12.1006 -16.5 21.7998 -20l43.6006 -15.8994 c-2.2002 2.09961 -4.10059 4.5 -5.2998 7.5c-5.10059 12.2002 0.699219 26.2998 12.8994 31.3994l76.2998 31.8008c3 1.2998 4.90039 4.19922 4.90039 7.39941v54.9004c0 21.3994 11.9004 40.5996 31 50.0996l58.4004 29.2002l-34.8008 11.5996 c-10.0996 3.40039 -18.2998 10.5 -23.0996 20l-36.5 65.1006c-6.5 11.5996 -2.40039 26.2002 9.2002 32.7002c11.5 6.5 26.2002 2.2998 32.7002 -9.2002l35.8994 -64l67 -22.4004c15.6006 -5.2002 30.1006 -12.7998 43.2002 -22.5996l119.7 -91.6006 c10.5 -8.09961 12.5 -23.1992 4.39941 -33.6992c-4.7998 -6.2002 -11.8994 -9.40039 -19.0996 -9.40039c-5.09961 0 -10.2998 1.7002 -14.5996 5zM325.3 150l-77.3994 58v-26.7002c0 -22.7002 -13.5 -43 -34.4004 -51.7002l-76.2998 -31.7998 c-2.40039 -1 -4.7998 -1.2998 -7.2998 -1.5l182.8 -66.5c-6.5 5.5 -10.1006 14.2002 -8.2002 23.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowflakes" unicode="&#xf7cf;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M527.9 328v28.4004l-28 -16.1006c-3.80078 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.2002 3.80078 -0.900391 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.8994 16l-27.8994 16c-3.80078 2.2002 -5.10059 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994 c2.2002 3.7998 7.09961 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.39941 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.69922 0.899414 10.8994 -2.90039l8 -13.8994c2.2002 -3.80078 0.900391 -8.7002 -2.89941 -10.9004 l-27.9004 -16l27.9004 -16c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.89941 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.09961 -5.10059 -10.8994 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.60059 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM608.1 192l27.9004 -16 c3.7998 -2.2002 5.09961 -7.09961 2.90039 -10.9004l-8 -13.8994c-2.2002 -3.7998 -7.10059 -5.10059 -10.9004 -2.90039l-28 16.1006v-28.4004c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v28.4004l-28 -16.1006 c-3.7998 -2.2002 -8.7002 -0.899414 -10.9004 2.90039l-8 13.8994c-2.19922 3.80078 -0.899414 8.7002 2.90039 10.9004l27.9004 16l-27.9004 16c-3.7998 2.2002 -5.09961 7.09961 -2.90039 10.9004l8 13.8994c2.2002 3.7998 7.10059 5.10059 10.9004 2.90039l28 -16.1006 v28.4004c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-28.4004l28 16.1006c3.7998 2.2002 8.7002 0.899414 10.9004 -2.90039l8 -13.8994c2.19922 -3.80078 0.899414 -8.7002 -2.90039 -10.9004zM445.9 313.1c4.2998 -7.69922 1.69922 -17.5 -5.7002 -21.8994 l-39.2002 -23l34.0996 -9.2998c8.40039 -2.30078 13.3008 -11.1006 11.1006 -19.6006l-4.10059 -15.5c-2.2998 -8.5 -10.8994 -13.5996 -19.2998 -11.2998l-79.7002 21.7002l-71.8994 -42.2002l71.7998 -42.2002l79.7002 21.7002 c8.39941 2.2998 17.0996 -2.7998 19.2998 -11.2998l4.09961 -15.5c2.30078 -8.5 -2.69922 -17.2998 -11.0996 -19.6006l-34.0996 -9.2998l39.1992 -23c7.60059 -4.39941 10.1006 -14.2002 5.5 -21.7002l-7.89941 -13.8994c-4.40039 -7.7002 -14 -10.2998 -21.5 -5.90039 l-39.2002 23l9.09961 -34.7002c2.30078 -8.5 -2.69922 -17.2998 -11.0996 -19.5996l-15.2002 -4.09961c-8.39941 -2.30078 -17.0996 2.7998 -19.2998 11.2998l-21.2998 81l-71.9004 42.2002v-84.5l58.2998 -59.3008c6.10059 -6.19922 6.10059 -16.3994 0 -22.5996 l-11.0996 -11.2998c-6.09961 -6.2002 -16.0996 -6.2002 -22.2002 0l-24.8994 25.3994v-46.0996c0 -8.7998 -7 -16 -15.7002 -16h-15.7002c-8.7002 0 -15.7002 7.2002 -15.7002 16v45.9004l-24.8994 -25.4004c-6.10059 -6.2002 -16.1006 -6.2002 -22.2002 0l-11.1006 11.2998 c-6.09961 6.2002 -6.09961 16.4004 0 22.6006l58.3008 59.2998v84.5l-71.9004 -42.2002l-21.2998 -81c-2.2998 -8.5 -10.9004 -13.5996 -19.2998 -11.2998l-15.2002 4.09961c-8.40039 2.2998 -13.2998 11.1006 -11.1006 19.6006l9.10059 34.6992l-39.2002 -23 c-7.5 -4.39941 -17.2002 -1.7998 -21.5 5.90039l-7.90039 13.9004c-4.2998 7.69922 -1.69922 17.5 5.80078 21.8994l39.1992 23l-34.0996 9.2998c-8.40039 2.30078 -13.2998 11.1006 -11.0996 19.6006l4.09961 15.5c2.2998 8.5 10.9004 13.5996 19.2998 11.2998 l79.7002 -21.7002l71.9004 42.2002l-71.9004 42.2002l-79.7002 -21.7002c-8.39941 -2.2998 -17.0996 2.7998 -19.2998 11.2998l-4.09961 15.5c-2.30078 8.5 2.69922 17.2998 11.0996 19.6006l34.0996 9.09961l-39.1992 23c-7.60059 4.5 -10.1006 14.2002 -5.80078 21.9004 l7.90039 13.8994c4.40039 7.7002 14 10.2998 21.5 5.90039l39.2002 -23l-9.10059 34.7002c-2.2998 8.5 2.7002 17.2998 11.1006 19.5996l15.2002 4.09961c8.39941 2.30078 17.0996 -2.7998 19.2998 -11.2998l21.2998 -81l71.9004 -42.2002v84.5l-58.3008 59.3008 c-6.09961 6.19922 -6.09961 16.3994 0 22.5996l11.4004 11.2998c6.09961 6.2002 16.0996 6.2002 22.2002 0l24.8994 -25.3994v46.0996c0 8.7998 7 16 15.7002 16h15.7002c8.7002 0 15.7002 -7.2002 15.7002 -16v-45.9004l24.8994 25.4004 c6.10059 6.2002 16.1006 6.2002 22.2002 0l11.1006 -11.2998c6.09961 -6.2002 6.09961 -16.4004 0 -22.6006l-58.3008 -59.2998v-84.5l71.9004 42.2002l21.2998 81c2.2998 8.5 10.9004 13.5996 19.2998 11.2998l15.2002 -4.09961 c8.40039 -2.2998 13.2998 -11.1006 11.1006 -19.6006l-9.10059 -34.6992l39.2002 23c7.5 4.39941 17.2002 1.7998 21.5 -5.90039z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowman" unicode="&#xf7d0;" d="M256 160c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM224 360c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16 s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM510.9 263.7c3.19922 -8.10059 -0.800781 -17.2002 -8.90039 -20.2002l-110.1 -44.9004c0 -0.799805 0.199219 -1.59961 0.199219 -2.39941 c0 -7.10059 -0.699219 -14.5 -2.09961 -22.2002c12.5996 -18.5996 21.2002 -39.2998 25.0996 -60.5996c11.5 -63.5 -14.1992 -125.7 -67 -162.301c-14 -9.7998 -30.3994 -14.8994 -47.3994 -14.8994h-89.9004c-15.5 0 -29.7002 3.7998 -41.2002 11.0996 c-47.0996 29.9004 -75.2998 80.7002 -75.2998 136.101c0 32.7998 9.60059 63.8994 27.7998 90.6992c-1.39941 7.7002 -2.09961 14.9004 -2.09961 22c0 0.800781 0.200195 1.60059 0.200195 2.40039l-110.101 44.9004c-8.19922 3.19922 -12.1992 12.2998 -8.89941 20.2998 l5.89941 14.5c3.30078 8 12.6006 11.8994 20.8008 8.7002l28.0996 -11.5v29c0 8.59961 7.2002 15.5996 16 15.5996h16c8.7998 0 16 -7 16 -15.5996v-46.9004c0 -0.5 -0.200195 -1 -0.299805 -1.5l26.2002 -10.7002c3.59961 9.2002 8 18.2002 13.6992 26.6006 c-7.59961 16.2998 -11.5996 34.0996 -11.5996 52.0996c0 68.4004 55.5996 124 124 124s124 -55.5996 124 -124c0 -18 -4 -35.7998 -11.5996 -52.0996c5.59961 -8.30078 10 -17.4004 13.6992 -26.6006l26.2002 10.7002c0 0.5 -0.299805 1 -0.299805 1.5v46.9004 c0 8.59961 7.2002 15.5996 16 15.5996h16c8.7998 0 16 -7 16 -15.5996v-29l28.2002 11.5c8.2002 3.19922 17.5 -0.700195 20.7998 -8.7002zM320.7 -9.7002c37.2002 25.7998 55.2002 69.6006 47 114.4c-3.10059 17.2998 -10.9004 34.2002 -22.5 48.8994l-7.2998 9.30078 l2.89941 11.5c2.10059 8.19922 3.10059 15.0996 3.10059 21.6992c0 26.8008 -12 46.3008 -22.2002 57.8008l-12 13.6992l9.89941 15.2002c8 12.5 12.3008 26.7998 12.3008 41.2998c0 41.9004 -34.1006 76 -76 76c-41.9004 0 -76 -34.0996 -76 -76 c0 -14.5996 4.19922 -28.7998 12.2998 -41.2998l9.89941 -15.2002l-12 -13.6992c-10.0996 -11.5 -22.1992 -30.9004 -22.1992 -57.8008c0 -6.5 1 -13.3994 3.09961 -21.5996l2.90039 -11.5l-7.30078 -9.2998c-16 -20.2002 -24.3994 -44.6006 -24.3994 -70.4004 c0 -38.7998 19.7998 -74.5996 53 -95.5996c4.7998 -3.10059 11.0996 -3.7002 15.5 -3.7002h89.8994c7.2002 0 14.2002 2.2002 20.1006 6.2998zM288 360c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM256 320 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-16 -32 -16 -32s-16 23.2002 -16 32s7.2002 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowmobile" unicode="&#xf7d1;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M636.8 1.59961c5.2998 -7.09961 3.90039 -17.0996 -3.2002 -22.3994l-34.0996 -25.6006c-15.2002 -11.3994 -33.7998 -17.5996 -52.7998 -17.5996h-114.7c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h54l-48 64h-124.8 c4.2998 -9.7998 6.7998 -20.5996 6.7998 -32c0 -44.0996 -35.9004 -80 -80 -80h-160c-44.0996 0 -80 35.9004 -80 80c0 33.5 20.7002 62.0996 49.9004 74c0.5 1.40039 0.799805 2.90039 1.5 4.2998l32 64c5.39941 10.9004 16.5 17.7002 28.5996 17.7002h11.4004 c-2 3.40039 -4.2002 6.7002 -5.5 10.5996c-4.80078 14.2002 -3.7002 29.4004 3 42.8008l29.7998 59.6992c8 16 23.3994 27.3008 41.0996 30.2002c17.5 2.7998 35.7998 -3 48.6006 -15.7002l55 -53.3994c1.5 -1.40039 3.5 -2.2002 5.59961 -2.2002h41l23.5 31.4004 l-35 69.8994c-5.90039 11.9004 -1.09961 26.2998 10.7998 32.2002c11.9004 6 26.2998 1.09961 32.2002 -10.7002l41 -82l152.7 -76.3994c5.39941 -2.7002 8.7998 -8.2002 8.7998 -14.3008v-77.5c0 -5.2998 -2.59961 -10.2998 -7.09961 -13.2998l-76.9004 -51.2998l54 -72 h0.700195c8.7002 0 17.0996 2.7998 24 8l34.0996 25.5996c7.10059 5.30078 17.1006 3.90039 22.4004 -3.19922zM220 256.4l-34.2002 -68.6006l23.9004 -11.8994h78.2998l18 24h-5c-14.7002 0 -28.5 5.59961 -39 15.7998zM240 -16c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32 s-14.2998 32 -32 32h-160c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32h160zM465.5 96l62.5 41.7002v40.5996l-129.6 64.9004l-86.4004 -115.2h-190.1l-16 -32h359.6zM240 352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48s21.5 48 48 48s48 -21.5 48 -48s-21.5 -48 -48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="snowplow" unicode="&#xf7d2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M120 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM579.7 30.2002l55.5996 -55.6006c6.2002 -6.19922 6.2002 -16.3994 0 -22.5996l-11.2998 -11.2998c-6.2002 -6.2002 -16.4004 -6.2002 -22.5996 0l-55.6006 55.5996 c-16.5 16.5 -25.7998 38.9004 -25.7998 62.2002v45.5h-55.5c9.59961 -16.5 15.5 -35.5 15.5 -56c0 -61.9004 -50.0996 -112 -112 -112h-256c-61.9004 0 -112 50.0996 -112 112c0 38 19 71.5 48 91.7002v132.3c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16v80c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h144.3 c19.2998 0 36.6006 -11.4004 44.2002 -29.0996l78.2998 -182.801c3.40039 -8 5.2002 -16.5 5.2002 -25.1992v-58.9004h88v45.5c0 23.2998 9.2998 45.7002 25.7998 62.2002l55.6006 55.5996c6.19922 6.2002 16.3994 6.2002 22.5996 0l11.2998 -11.2998 c6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002 -16.4004 0 -22.5996l-55.5996 -55.6006c-7.5 -7.5 -11.7002 -17.7002 -11.7002 -28.2998v-139c0 -10.5996 4.2002 -20.7998 11.7002 -28.2998zM160 400v-64.5l60.5996 -87.5h148.9l-65.0996 152h-144.4zM96 272v-113.6 c5.2998 0.699219 10.5 1.59961 16 1.59961h256c5.5 0 10.7002 -0.799805 16 -1.59961v41.5996h-176c-7.90039 0 -15.2002 3.7998 -19.7002 10.2998l-42.7002 61.7002h-49.5996zM368 -16c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64h-256 c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64h256zM200 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM360 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM280 72 c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-christmas" unicode="&#xf7d4;" d="M487.7 223.1c14.2998 -3.59961 24.2998 -16.3994 24.2998 -31.0996s-10 -27.5 -24.2998 -31.0996l-121.5 -30.4004l60.3994 -75.5c7.80078 -9.7998 7.10059 -23.2002 -1.69922 -32c-4.7002 -4.7002 -10.7002 -7.09961 -16.8008 -7.09961 c-5.2998 0 -10.5996 1.7998 -15.0996 5.39941l-75.4004 60.7002l-30.5 -121.8c-3.59961 -14.2998 -16.3994 -24.2998 -31.0996 -24.2998h-0.0996094c-14.7002 0 -27.5 10 -31 24.2998l-30.4004 121.5l-75.5 -60.4004c-4.5 -3.59961 -9.7998 -5.39941 -15.0996 -5.39941 c-6 0 -12.1006 2.39941 -16.8008 7.09961c-8.7998 8.7998 -9.5 22.2002 -1.69922 32l60.6992 75.4004l-121.8 30.5c-14.2998 3.59961 -24.2998 16.3994 -24.2998 31.0996s10 27.5 24.2998 31.0996l121.4 30.2002l-60.4004 75.5c-7.7998 9.7998 -7.09961 23.2002 1.7002 32 s22.2002 9.5 32 1.7002l75.4004 -60.7002l30.5 121.9c3.5 14.2998 16.1992 24.2998 31 24.2998h0.0996094c14.7002 0 27.5 -10 31.0996 -24.2998l30.3008 -121.4l75.5 60.4004c9.7998 7.7002 23.1992 7.09961 32 -1.7002c8.7998 -8.7998 9.5 -22.2002 1.69922 -32 l-60.6992 -75.4004zM287.6 160.4l126.5 31.5996l-126.5 31.5996l-31.5996 126.5l-31.5996 -126.5l-126.5 -31.5996l126.5 -31.5996l31.5996 -126.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tenge" unicode="&#xf7d7;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 304c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-148v-260c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v260h-148c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h360zM372 416 c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-40c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v40c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h360z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toilet" unicode="&#xf7d8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M152 384c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h48zM368 400h-16v-156.7c20.2002 -10.0996 32 -22.2002 32 -35.2998c0 -61.2998 -28.9004 -115.9 -73.7002 -151l24.2998 -79.7002 c6.30078 -20.5 -9.09961 -41.2998 -30.5996 -41.2998h-224c-21.5 0 -36.9004 20.7998 -30.5996 41.2998l24.2998 79.7002c-44.7998 35.0996 -73.7002 89.5996 -73.7002 151c0 13.0996 11.7998 25.2002 32 35.2998v156.7h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM80 400v-140.1c31.5 7.59961 70.2002 12.0996 112 12.0996s80.5 -4.5 112 -12.0996v140.1h-224zM101.6 -16h180.801l-14.5 47.5996 c-23.3008 -10 -48.9004 -15.5996 -75.9004 -15.5996s-52.5996 5.59961 -75.9004 15.5996zM192 64c63.5996 0 117.3 41.5996 136.3 98.9004c-34.7998 -11.7002 -83 -18.9004 -136.3 -18.9004s-101.5 7.2002 -136.3 18.9004c19 -57.3008 72.7002 -98.9004 136.3 -98.9004z M192 180c77.0996 0 139.6 12.5 139.6 28s-62.5 28 -139.6 28s-139.6 -12.5 -139.6 -28s62.5 -28 139.6 -28z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tram" unicode="&#xf7da;" d="M511.1 398.4c3.60059 -12.8008 -3.89941 -26 -16.6992 -29.6006l-214.4 -59.0996v-85.7002h168c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-224c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v224c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h168v72.5l-201.6 -55.5996 c-2.10059 -0.600586 -4.30078 -0.900391 -6.40039 -0.900391c-10.5 0 -20.2002 7 -23.2002 17.7002c-3.5 12.7002 4 26 16.7998 29.5l464 128c12.8008 3.39941 26 -4 29.5 -16.7998zM432 176h-352v-192h352v192zM144 64c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32zM240 64c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32zM336 64 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32zM192 352c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32zM288 384 c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32s32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-christmas" unicode="&#xf7db;" d="M232 192c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM312 96c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM502.1 13.2002c11.1006 -14.5 13 -34.1006 4.90039 -50.4004 s-24.7002 -26.7002 -43 -26.7002h-416c-18.2002 0 -34.9004 10.3008 -43 26.7002c-8.09961 16.2998 -6.2002 35.9004 4.90039 50.4004l66.5 87c-10.6006 4.7998 -19.4004 13.2998 -24.3008 24.3994c-7.69922 17.4004 -4.39941 37.6006 8.40039 51.7002l113.6 124.9 l-12.3994 6.2002c-10.9004 5.39941 -17.7002 16.5 -17.7002 28.5996s6.7998 23.2002 17.7002 28.5996l43.7998 21.9004l21.9004 43.7998c5.39941 10.9004 16.5 17.7002 28.5996 17.7002s23.2002 -6.7998 28.7002 -17.7002l21.8994 -43.7998l43.8008 -21.9004 c10.8994 -5.39941 17.6992 -16.5 17.6992 -28.5996s-6.89941 -23.2002 -17.6992 -28.5996l-12.4004 -6.2002l113.5 -124.9c12.7998 -14.0996 16.0996 -34.2998 8.40039 -51.7002c-4.90039 -11.0996 -13.7002 -19.5996 -24.3008 -24.3994zM236.5 348.4l-24.7002 -12.4004 l24.6006 -12.2998c3.09961 -1.60059 5.69922 -4.10059 7.19922 -7.2002l12.4004 -24.7002l12.4004 24.5c1.59961 3.10059 4.09961 5.7002 7.19922 7.2002l24.7002 12.4004l-24.7002 12.3994c-3.09961 1.60059 -5.69922 4.10059 -7.19922 7.2002l-12.4004 24.7002 l-12.2998 -24.6006c-1.60059 -3.09961 -4.10059 -5.69922 -7.2002 -7.19922zM48 -16h416l-122.4 160h74.4004l-116.3 127.9l-15.1006 -30.2002c-5.39941 -10.9004 -16.5 -17.7002 -28.5996 -17.7002s-23.2002 6.90039 -28.5996 17.7002l-15.1006 30.2002l-116.3 -127.9 h74.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-decorated" unicode="&#xf7dc;" d="M500.3 15.4004c12.2998 -14.2002 15.2002 -34.2002 7.40039 -51.3008c-7.7998 -17.0996 -24.9004 -28.0996 -43.7002 -28.0996h-416c-18.7998 0 -35.9004 11 -43.7002 28.0996c-7.7998 17.1006 -4.89941 37.2002 7.40039 51.4004l46.5996 53.7002 c-9.2002 4.59961 -16.7998 12.2002 -21.5 21.7998c-8.09961 16.5 -6 36.2002 5.40039 50.5996l56.2002 71.5c-9.90039 5 -17.9004 13.3008 -22.5 23.9004c-7.60059 17.5996 -4 38.0996 9.19922 52l136 144c9.10059 9.59961 21.7002 15 34.9004 15 s25.7998 -5.40039 34.9004 -15.0996l136 -144c13.1992 -14 16.7998 -34.4004 9.19922 -52c-4.59961 -10.6006 -12.5996 -18.9004 -22.5 -23.9004l56.2002 -71.5c11.2998 -14.4004 13.4004 -34.0996 5.40039 -50.5996c-4.7002 -9.60059 -12.2998 -17.1006 -21.5 -21.8008z M48 -16h416l-110.9 128h78.9004l-113.1 144h73.0996l-136 144l-136 -144h73.0996l-113.1 -144h78.9004zM304 72c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM192 184c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24zM296 272c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24s24 -10.7002 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="truck-plow" unicode="&#xf7de;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M579.7 62.2002l55.5996 -55.6006c6.2002 -6.19922 6.2002 -16.3994 0 -22.5996l-11.2998 -11.2998c-6.2002 -6.2002 -16.4004 -6.2002 -22.5996 0l-55.6006 55.5996c-16.5 16.5 -25.7998 38.9004 -25.7998 62.2002v45.5h-40v-72c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96h-64 c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v128c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h96v128c0 17.5996 14.2998 32 32 32h126.9c14 0 27.0996 -7.5 34.2998 -19.5l84.3994 -140.5h42.4004c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-40h40v45.5 c0 23.2998 9.2998 45.7002 25.7998 62.2002l55.6006 55.5996c6.19922 6.2002 16.3994 6.2002 22.5996 0l11.2998 -11.2998c6.2002 -6.2002 6.2002 -16.4004 0 -22.5996l-55.5996 -55.6006c-7.5 -7.5 -11.7002 -17.7002 -11.7002 -28.2998v-139 c0 -10.5996 4.2002 -20.7998 11.7002 -28.2998zM176 368v-112h173.6l-67.1992 112h-106.4zM128 16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48zM210.7 112h90.5996c16.6006 28.5996 47.2998 48 82.7002 48 c17.5996 0 33.7998 -5.09961 48 -13.2998v61.2998h-384v-91.0996c17.2002 26 46.5996 43.0996 80 43.0996c35.5 0 66.0996 -19.4004 82.7002 -48zM384 16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wreath" unicode="&#xf7e2;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M298.9 63.2002c10.3994 3.39941 21.0996 -4.2998 21.0996 -15.2002v-96c0 -10.9004 -10.7002 -18.7002 -21.0996 -15.2002l-74.9004 31.2002l-74.9004 -31.2002c-10.3994 -3.39941 -21.0996 4.2998 -21.0996 15.2002v96c0 10.9004 10.7002 18.7002 21.0996 15.2002 l74.9004 -31.2002zM309.8 257.1c0.5 -5.19922 0 -3.69922 2.40039 -8c3.09961 -5.59961 7.7998 -14.0996 7.7998 -25.0996s-4.7002 -19.5 -7.7998 -25.0996c-2.40039 -4.5 -1.90039 -2.90039 -2.40039 -8c-0.599609 -6.40039 -1.59961 -16 -7.7998 -24.8008 c-6.2998 -9 -14.9004 -13 -20.7002 -15.6992c-4.39941 -2.10059 -3.2002 -1.2002 -6.2002 -4.7002c-4.2998 -4.90039 -10.6992 -12.2998 -21.1992 -15.7998c-11.1006 -3.7002 -21.8008 -1 -25.9004 -0.100586c-4.7998 1 -3.40039 1 -7.90039 0 c-6.19922 -1.39941 -15.5996 -3.39941 -26 0.100586c-10.3994 3.5 -16.8994 10.8994 -21.0996 15.7998c-3.2002 3.7998 -2 2.7998 -6.09961 4.7002c-5.7002 2.69922 -14.4004 6.7998 -20.7002 15.7998c-6.10059 8.7002 -7.10059 18.2998 -7.7998 24.7002 c-0.5 5.5 -0.100586 3.7998 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-2.59961 -21.71 -4.2998c-13.9102 -3.5 -27.4805 -8.33984 -40.46 -14.4199c-10.46 -4.99023 -20.5898 -10.7002 -30.1797 -17.2197c-4.18066 -2.9209 -8.40039 -5.80078 -12.3408 -9.03027 c-5.08008 -3.96973 -9.97949 -8.16992 -14.6797 -12.5898c-2.50977 -2.24023 -4.80957 -4.7002 -7.21973 -7.06055c-28.2207 -28.79 -48.4404 -65.3896 -57.5 -104.689c-2.04004 -8.44043 -3.54004 -17.0205 -4.44043 -25.6504 c-1.09961 -8.88965 -1.43945 -17.8496 -1.41016 -26.7998c0.110352 -7.13965 0.379883 -14.2803 1.2207 -21.3701c0.620117 -7.12012 1.87012 -14.1602 3.19922 -21.1797c1.07031 -4.65039 2.03027 -9.32031 3.33008 -13.9102 c6.29004 -23.3799 16.5 -45.7002 30.0703 -65.75c8.63965 -12.9805 18.7803 -24.9297 29.9805 -35.7705c16.2793 -15.8193 35.0498 -29.04 55.3398 -39.2197c7.2793 -3.51953 14.6602 -6.87012 22.2695 -9.62988c5.04004 -1.75977 10.0605 -3.57031 15.2197 -4.98047 c11.2607 -3.22949 22.7705 -5.59961 34.3906 -7.05957c2.91016 -0.290039 5.80957 -0.610352 8.71973 -0.900391c13.8203 -1.08008 27.7402 -1 41.54 0.430664c4.4502 0.599609 8.91992 0.989258 13.3496 1.7793c3.63086 0.670898 7.28027 1.25 10.8701 2.10059 c4.12988 0.979492 8.28027 1.91016 12.3604 3.07031c26.5 7.33984 51.5801 19.71 73.5801 36.1992c15.7803 11.8203 29.96 25.7607 42.1201 41.2803c3.25977 4.02051 6.16992 8.30957 9.12988 12.5498c3.38965 5.06055 6.58008 10.25 9.59961 15.54 c2.40039 4.44043 4.74023 8.91016 6.9502 13.4502c5.69043 12.0498 10.2803 24.6201 13.75 37.4902c2.58984 10.0098 4.75 20.1602 5.90039 30.4502c1.76953 13.4697 1.93945 27.0996 1.29004 40.6494c-0.290039 3.89062 -0.669922 7.77051 -1 11.6602 c-2.23047 19.0801 -6.79004 37.9102 -13.8203 55.7998c-5.9502 15.1299 -13.5303 29.6299 -22.6104 43.1299c-12.6895 18.8008 -28.2393 35.6807 -45.9697 49.8301c-25.0498 20 -54.4697 34.5498 -85.6504 42.0801c-7.7793 1.92969 -15.6895 3.33984 -23.6299 4.4502 c-3.90918 0.589844 -7.84961 0.820312 -11.7695 1.24023c-7.38965 0.569336 -14.8105 0.719727 -22.2197 0.580078zM139.26 364.47c13.2998 8.89062 28.0801 15.3799 43.2998 20.1807c-3.16992 -1.77051 -6.43945 -3.38086 -9.5293 -5.29004 c-11.21 -6.68066 -21.5205 -14.9004 -30.3799 -24.4902c-6.80078 -7.42969 -12.7607 -15.7305 -17.0107 -24.8896c-3.29004 -6.86035 -5.63965 -14.1904 -6.85938 -21.7109c-0.930664 -4.84961 -1.2998 -9.80957 -1.16992 -14.75 c0.129883 -13.6592 4.43945 -27.0791 11.29 -38.8193c5.91992 -10.2197 13.6299 -19.3301 22.3594 -27.2598c4.85059 -4.36035 10.2402 -8.09082 14.9502 -12.6006c2.25977 -2.18945 4.49023 -4.41992 6.42969 -6.91016c2.62012 -3.30957 4.89062 -6.98926 5.99023 -11.0996 c0.900391 -3.02051 0.660156 -6.2002 0.69043 -9.31055c0.0195312 -4.09961 -0.0400391 -8.19922 0.0292969 -12.2998c0.140625 -3.54004 -0.0195312 -7.08984 0.110352 -10.6299c0.0800781 -2.37988 0.0205078 -4.75977 0.0498047 -7.13965 c0.160156 -5.77051 0.0605469 -11.5303 0.150391 -17.2998c0.109375 -2.91016 0.0195312 -5.82031 0.129883 -8.74023c0.0302734 -1.62988 0.129883 -3.28027 -0.0302734 -4.91016c-0.910156 -0.120117 -1.81934 -0.179688 -2.72949 -0.160156 c-10.9902 0 -21.8799 2.62988 -31.9502 6.92969c-6 2.7002 -11.8105 5.89062 -17.0898 9.83008c-5.75 4.19043 -11.0898 8.95996 -15.79 14.3105c-6.53027 7.24023 -11.9805 15.3896 -16.6201 23.9502c-1.07031 2.0293 -2.24023 4.01953 -3.17969 6.12012 c-1.16016 2.63965 -2.62012 5.13965 -3.66992 7.81934c-4.05078 9.68066 -6.57031 19.9404 -8.08008 30.3105c-0.490234 4.43945 -1.09082 8.87988 -1.2002 13.3496c-0.700195 15.7305 0.839844 31.5498 4.66992 46.8203c2.12012 8.14941 4.76953 16.1797 8.30957 23.8301 c6.32031 14.1992 15.3398 27.1797 26.3008 38.1895c6.2793 6.2002 13.1299 11.8398 20.5293 16.6699zM314.63 384.59c2.74023 -0.740234 5.41016 -1.74023 8.08984 -2.67969c6.36035 -2.33008 12.6807 -4.83984 18.71 -7.95996 c13.1104 -6.44043 25.3105 -14.8105 35.8203 -24.9697c10.2002 -9.9502 18.7402 -21.6006 25.1396 -34.3408c1.28027 -2.75 2.64062 -5.45996 3.81055 -8.25977c6.30957 -15.0996 10 -31.2598 11.2295 -47.5703c0.410156 -4.54004 0.44043 -9.08984 0.450195 -13.6396 c0.0703125 -11.6396 -1.49023 -23.25 -4.2998 -34.5303c-1.96973 -7.26953 -4.34961 -14.4893 -7.86035 -21.1797c-3.17969 -6.63965 -6.67969 -13.1602 -10.8398 -19.2402c-6.93945 -10.4697 -15.5996 -19.8701 -25.8203 -27.2197 c-10.4795 -7.63965 -22.6396 -13.0195 -35.3994 -15.3799c-3.50977 -0.69043 -7.08008 -1.08008 -10.6602 -1.20996c-1.84961 -0.0605469 -3.71973 -0.160156 -5.55957 0.0996094c-0.280273 2.15039 0 4.31055 -0.0107422 6.45996 c-0.0292969 3.73047 0.140625 7.4502 0.100586 11.1699c0.189453 7.02051 0.0195312 14.0508 0.209961 21.0703c0.0292969 2.37988 -0.0302734 4.75977 0.0292969 7.13965c0.170898 5.07031 -0.0390625 10.1406 0.140625 15.21 c0.0996094 2.99023 -0.240234 6.04004 0.509766 8.95996c0.660156 2.5 1.78027 4.86035 3.08984 7.08008c4.45996 7.31055 11.0605 12.96 17.6807 18.2607c5.37988 4.17969 10.4697 8.76953 15.0195 13.8398c7.67969 8.37012 14.1699 17.8799 18.7803 28.2695 c2.5 5.93066 4.51953 12.1006 5.5498 18.46c0.860352 4.37012 1.05957 8.83008 1.00977 13.2705c-0.0195312 7.84961 -1.39941 15.6494 -3.63965 23.1699c-1.75 5.72949 -4.27051 11.1797 -7.08984 16.4502c-3.87012 6.92969 -8.65039 13.3096 -13.96 19.1992 c-9.94043 10.8506 -21.75 19.9404 -34.6006 27.1006c-1.84961 1.01953 -3.83984 1.82031 -5.62988 2.96973zM213.83 326.14c0.979492 1.18066 1.99023 2.33008 3.12012 3.37988c-0.610352 -0.929688 -1.27051 -1.80957 -1.9502 -2.67969 c-3.09961 -3.87988 -5.54004 -8.30957 -7.03027 -13.0596c-0.870117 -3.27051 -1.67969 -6.60059 -1.72949 -10c-0.0703125 -2.52051 -0.0800781 -5.07031 0.319336 -7.57031c1.13086 -7.62988 4.33008 -14.8496 8.77051 -21.1201c2 -2.7002 4.25 -5.26953 6.91992 -7.33008 c1.62012 -1.26953 3.53027 -2.08984 5.33984 -3.0498c3.11035 -1.67969 6.32031 -3.22949 9.07031 -5.47949c2.66992 -2.09082 4.5498 -5.33008 4.39941 -8.79004c-0.00976562 -73.6709 0 -147.341 -0.00976562 -221.021c0 -1.34961 -0.0800781 -2.7002 0.0400391 -4.04004 c0.129883 -1.47949 0.820312 -2.83008 1.46973 -4.14941c0.860352 -1.66016 1.78027 -3.34082 3.18066 -4.62012c0.849609 -0.770508 1.96973 -1.40039 3.14941 -1.24023c1.5 0.200195 2.66016 1.34961 3.4502 2.57031c0.959961 1.50977 1.67969 3.15918 2.28027 4.84961 c0.759766 2.12988 0.439453 4.41992 0.540039 6.62988c0.139648 4.03027 -0.0205078 8.06055 0.139648 12.0898c0.0302734 5.89062 0.0302734 11.7705 0.0605469 17.6602c0.139648 3.62012 0.0292969 7.24023 0.109375 10.8604 c0.150391 4.0293 -0.0195312 8.05957 0.140625 12.0898c0.0292969 5.99023 0.0292969 11.9795 0.0693359 17.9697c0.140625 3.62012 0.0205078 7.24023 0.110352 10.8604c0.139648 3.92969 -0.0205078 7.85938 0.139648 11.7803 c0.0302734 5.98926 0.0302734 11.9795 0.0605469 17.9697c0.160156 3.93945 -0.00976562 7.87988 0.189453 11.8193c0.290039 -1.43945 0.129883 -2.91992 0.220703 -4.37988c0.189453 -3.60938 0.419922 -7.22949 0.759766 -10.8398 c0.320312 -3.43945 0.439453 -6.88965 0.859375 -10.3193c0.370117 -3.10059 0.510742 -6.2207 0.950195 -9.31055c0.570312 -4.08984 0.870117 -8.20996 1.54004 -12.29c1.45996 -9.04004 2.83008 -18.1104 5.08984 -26.9902c1.13086 -4.81934 2.40039 -9.60938 4 -14.2998 c2.54004 -7.89941 5.7207 -15.6699 10.3105 -22.6201c1.72949 -2.63965 3.87012 -4.97949 6.09961 -7.20996c0.270508 -0.25 0.549805 -0.509766 0.879883 -0.709961c0.600586 -0.25 1.31055 0.0703125 1.7002 0.570312c0.709961 0.879883 1.16992 1.93945 1.7002 2.92969 c4.0498 7.7998 8.17969 15.5605 12.3398 23.3105c0.700195 1.30957 1.44043 2.62012 2.56055 3.60938c1.75 1.57031 3.83984 2.69043 5.97949 3.62988c2.87988 1.2207 5.90039 2.19043 9.03027 2.41992c6.58008 0.620117 13.1094 -0.75 19.5596 -1.84961 c3.69043 -0.580078 7.40039 -1.16992 11.1299 -1.41016c3.74023 -0.0996094 7.48047 -0.0498047 11.21 0.280273c8.55078 0.919922 16.9902 2.95996 24.9404 6.25c5.2998 2.24023 10.46 4.83008 15.3096 7.92969c11.46 7.20996 21.46 16.5703 30.04 27.0107 c1.16992 1.41992 2.25 2.89941 3.45996 4.2793c-1.19922 -3.24023 -2.66992 -6.37012 -4.15918 -9.47949c-1.25 -2.90039 -2.84082 -5.61035 -4.27051 -8.41992c-5.16016 -9.62988 -11.0195 -18.9102 -17.75 -27.5205 c-4.03027 -5.20996 -8.53027 -10.0498 -13.3301 -14.5703c-6.63965 -6.0498 -14.0703 -11.3691 -22.4297 -14.7598c-8.20996 -3.37012 -17.3105 -4.62988 -26.0898 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24.1904 -9.50977 24.1904 -24.0195v-335.961c0 -14.5 -11.8604 -24.0195 -24.1904 -24.0195 c-5.89941 0 -11.9092 2.17969 -16.7793 7.0498l-88.9707 88.9502h-102.06c-13.2598 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v144c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h102.06l88.9707 88.9502c4.85938 4.87012 10.8701 7.0498 16.7793 7.0498zM224 43.3301v297.34l-84.6904 -84.6699h-107.31v-128 h107.31zM421.51 446.17c95.2705 -50.0996 154.49 -147.49 154.49 -254.16c0 -106.68 -59.2197 -204.069 -154.49 -254.16c-7.97949 -4.13965 -17.5596 -1.0498 -21.6602 6.7002c-4.12988 7.81055 -1.11914 17.5 6.7002 21.6104c84.7598 44.5498 137.4 131.1 137.4 225.85 s-52.6406 181.3 -137.4 225.851c-7.83008 4.10938 -10.8301 13.7998 -6.7002 21.6094c4.13086 7.82031 13.7705 10.7803 21.6602 6.7002zM480 192.01c0 -66.1299 -34.0195 -126.63 -88.8096 -157.87c-7.98047 -4.5498 -17.7402 -1.48926 -22.04 5.89062 c-4.44043 7.66016 -1.76074 17.4395 5.95996 21.8594c44.7695 25.54 72.6094 75.4004 72.6094 130.12c0 54.7207 -27.8398 104.57 -72.6094 130.12c-7.73047 4.41992 -10.4102 14.2002 -5.95996 21.8604c4.44922 7.66992 14.3496 10.2695 22.04 5.88965 c54.79 -31.25 88.8096 -91.75 88.8096 -157.87z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-bar" unicode="&#xf080;" d="M424 96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v240c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-240c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16zM328 96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v144c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-144 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16zM136 96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v80c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-80c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16zM232 96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v208c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8 v-208c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16zM504 32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-488c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v360c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-344h472z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bullhorn" unicode="&#xf0a1;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M544 263.12c19.0498 -11.0898 32 -31.4902 31.9902 -55.1201c0 -23.6299 -12.9502 -44.0303 -32 -55.1201v-152.88c0 -9.21973 -7.08008 -32 -32 -32c-6.19336 0.00585938 -15.1445 3.15039 -19.9805 7.01953l-85.0293 68.0303 c-42.7002 34.1406 -96.3203 52.9502 -150.98 52.9502h-28.0801c-2.79004 -10.21 -4.41016 -20.8896 -4.41016 -32c0 -29.0801 9.75 -55.9199 26.1504 -77.4404c15.79 -20.7197 0.149414 -50.5596 -25.9004 -50.5596h-106.279c-11.8809 0 -23.2109 6.37012 -28.4004 17.0596 c-16.2998 33.5908 -25.5605 71.1709 -25.5605 110.94l0.480469 32c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v96c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h192c54.6602 0 108.28 18.8096 150.99 52.9502l85.0293 68.0303c5.79004 4.63965 12.8604 7.01953 19.9805 7.01953h0.00976562 c25.0098 0 31.9902 -23.2598 31.9902 -32v-152.88zM223.76 -32c-20.9395 27.2197 -32.2402 60.71 -32.2402 96c0 10.5703 1.5 21.2998 3.81055 32h-99.3301l-0.00976562 -0.480469l-0.480469 -32c0.00976562 -33.2998 7.53027 -64.9297 22.3604 -95.4893zM64 128h192v160 h-192c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-96c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32zM512.05 1.07031l-0.0498047 414.92c-0.00976562 -0.120117 -0.0302734 -0.169922 -0.0703125 -0.169922c-0.0195312 0 -0.0498047 0.0195312 -0.0800781 0.0498047l-84.8691 -67.9004 c-39.9902 -31.9697 -88.4404 -51.8301 -138.98 -57.8398v-164.26c50.54 -6.00977 98.9902 -25.8701 138.97 -57.8301l84.8301 -67.8701c0.120117 0.320312 0.209961 0.650391 0.25 0.900391z" /> <glyph glyph-name="briefcase" unicode="&#xf0b1;" d="M464 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-256c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v256c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h112v72c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h144c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-72h112zM192 384v-64h128v64h-128zM480 16 v144h-160v-40c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v40h-160v-144c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h416c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM224 128h64v32h-64v-32zM480 192v80c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-416c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-80h448 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lightbulb" unicode="&#xf0eb;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M176 448c97.2002 0 176 -78.7998 176 -176c0 -44.3701 -16.4502 -84.8496 -43.5596 -115.78c-25.4502 -29.0293 -50.1807 -76.5 -52.4404 -92.2197l-0.0703125 -75.1797c-0.00976562 -3.14062 -0.939453 -6.2207 -2.67969 -8.83984l-24.5098 -36.8408 c-2.95996 -4.45996 -7.95996 -7.13965 -13.3203 -7.13965h-78.8496c-5.35059 0 -10.3506 2.67969 -13.3203 7.13965l-24.5098 36.8408c-1.74023 2.61914 -2.68066 5.68945 -2.68066 8.83984l-0.0595703 75.1797c-2.15039 15.3203 -26.79 62.9697 -52.4404 92.2197 c-27.0596 30.8701 -43.5 71.2607 -43.5596 115.54c-0.120117 92.7002 73.0498 176.24 176 176.24zM223.94 -6.30957v6.30957h-95.9004l0.00976562 -6.30957l17.0898 -25.6904h61.71zM223.98 32l0.0390625 32h-96.0791l0.0693359 -32h95.9707zM284.38 177.32 c22.9697 26.1992 35.6201 59.8301 35.6201 94.6797c0 79.4004 -64.5996 144 -144 144c-83.5703 0 -144.13 -67.0098 -143.95 -144c0.0800781 -34.8496 12.4502 -68.2998 35.5801 -94.6797c13.9902 -15.96 36.3203 -48.0898 50.5801 -81.3105h115.59 c14.25 33.21 36.5898 65.3506 50.5801 81.3105zM176 384c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16c-44.1201 0 -80 -35.8896 -80 -80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16c0 61.75 50.25 112 112 112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-pie" unicode="&#xf200;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M527.79 160c9.5498 0 17.4004 -8.38965 16.0596 -17.8496c-7.80957 -55.25 -34.4297 -104.4 -73.1299 -140.86c-2.9502 -2.78027 -6.75 -4.12988 -10.5693 -4.12988c-3.75391 0.00683594 -8.95996 2.16113 -11.6201 4.80957l-158.03 158.03h237.29zM459.88 35.8799 c23.7998 26.1201 40.6396 57.96 48.7598 92.1201h-140.88zM224 160l155.87 -155.87c6.84961 -6.84961 6.33008 -18.4795 -1.57031 -24.0801c-38.29 -27.1602 -84.8594 -43.3994 -135.26 -44.0303c-0.980469 -0.00976562 -1.92969 -0.0195312 -2.91016 -0.0195312 c-126.95 0 -235.66 104.47 -239.99 231.63c-4.23926 124.771 86.8506 228.88 206.011 245.72c0.709961 0.100586 1.41992 0.150391 2.10938 0.150391c8.56055 0 15.7402 -7.37988 15.7402 -16.21v-237.29zM242.63 -31.9805c35.6201 0.44043 70.0205 9.90039 100.58 27.5205 l-141.84 141.84l-9.37012 9.37012v231.42c-95.6699 -22.4199 -163.28 -109.32 -159.88 -209.45c3.7002 -108.8 98.96 -200.72 208 -200.72zM511.96 224.8c0.629883 -9.12012 -7.0498 -16.7998 -16.1904 -16.7998h-223.77v223.77c0 8.78027 7.09961 16.2305 15.7598 16.2305 c0.339844 0 0.69043 -0.00976562 1.04004 -0.0400391c119.46 -8.24023 214.92 -103.7 223.16 -223.16zM304 240h174.1c-13.8193 89.25 -84.8496 160.29 -174.1 174.1v-174.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-line" unicode="&#xf201;" d="M504 32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-488c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v360c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-344h472zM98.3398 184.97l84.1201 83.3203c6.25 6.2002 16.3398 6.17969 22.5703 -0.0498047 l84.6299 -84.6299l82.2197 82.2197l-44.71 44.71c-15.2998 15.2998 -4.46973 41.46 17.1699 41.46h119.47c8.94043 0 16.1904 -7.25 16.1904 -16.1904v-119.47c0 -14.6396 -11.9805 -24.3398 -24.46 -24.3398c-5.96973 0 -12.0498 2.20996 -17 7.16016l-44.04 44.04 l-93.5303 -93.5303c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-84.6895 84.6904l-72.6904 -72.0107c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096zM362.96 320l85.04 -85.04v85.04h-85.04z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volume-slash" unicode="&#xf2e2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M256 340.7l-20.7998 -20.7002l-25.2998 19.9004l37.0996 37.0996c4.90039 4.7998 10.9004 7 16.7998 7c12.2998 0 24.2002 -9.5 24.2002 -24v-81.7002l-32 25.2002v37.2002zM408 322.1c-7.59961 4.40039 -10.2998 14.2002 -5.7998 21.9004 c4.39941 7.7002 14.2002 10.2998 21.7998 5.90039c54.2998 -31.3008 88 -91.8008 88 -157.9c0 -27.2002 -6 -53.4004 -16.5996 -77l-25.9004 20.4004c6.7998 17.5996 10.5 36.7998 10.5 56.5996c0 54.7002 -27.5996 104.6 -72 130.1zM438.8 417.8 c-7.7998 4.2002 -10.7998 13.7998 -6.59961 21.7002c4.09961 7.7998 13.7002 10.7998 21.5996 6.7002c95.1006 -50.1006 154.2 -147.5 154.2 -254.2c0 -49.0996 -13 -96 -35.9004 -137.4l-25.5 20.1006c18.7002 35.5996 29.4004 75.5 29.4004 117.3 c0 94.7998 -52.5996 181.3 -137.2 225.8zM361.1 225.6c-8 3.80078 -11.2998 13.4004 -7.5 21.4004c3.80078 8 13.5 11.2998 21.3008 7.5c25.2998 -12.0996 41.0996 -36 41.0996 -62.4004c0 -4.5 -1 -8.69922 -1.90039 -13l-33.0996 26 c-3.59961 8.5 -10.4004 16 -19.9004 20.5zM637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002z M438.8 -33.7998c17.6006 9.2002 33.4004 20.7002 48.1006 33.2998l25.6992 -20.2002c-17.5996 -15.8994 -37.0996 -30 -58.7998 -41.3994c-2.39941 -1.2002 -5 -1.80078 -7.5 -1.80078c-6 -0.0996094 -11.3994 3.2002 -14.2002 8.5 c-4.09961 7.80078 -1.09961 17.5 6.7002 21.6006zM256 43.2998h0.0996094v138l32 -25.2002v-132.1c0 -14.5 -11.8994 -24 -24.1992 -24c-5.90039 0 -11.9004 2.09961 -16.8008 7l-89 89h-102.1c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7998 -24 24v144c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h64.5 l40.5996 -32h-97.0996v-128h107.3z" /> <glyph glyph-name="route-highway" unicode="&#xf61a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M428.4 178.79c37.9395 -56.5205 18.5596 -139.43 -38.8105 -166.03l-165.62 -76.7598l-165.56 76.75c-57.3604 26.5996 -76.75 109.51 -38.8105 166.03c30.4707 45.4297 11.8008 104.479 -13 155.399c-3.95996 8.14062 -3.33984 17.75 1.87012 25.1299l41.1807 58.3701 c4.55957 6.45996 11.7998 10.1299 19.2793 10.1299h0.000976562c2.34375 0 6.02148 -0.680664 8.20898 -1.51953c15.3604 -5.87988 32.6602 -8.88965 50.25 -8.88965c29.5107 0 59.8203 8.46973 83.1699 26.1094c3.95996 2.99023 8.7002 4.49023 13.4404 4.49023 s9.48047 -1.5 13.4502 -4.48047c23.3496 -17.6396 53.6494 -26.1094 83.1602 -26.1094c17.5898 0 34.8896 3.00977 50.2598 8.88965c2.68945 1.03027 5.46973 1.52051 8.20996 1.52051c7.47949 0 14.7197 -3.66992 19.2803 -10.1406l41.1699 -58.3594 c5.20996 -7.37988 5.83008 -17 1.87012 -25.1299c-24.8008 -50.9307 -43.4805 -109.98 -13 -155.4zM72.1699 394.09l-35 -49.6201c8.03027 -16.7793 16 -36.0996 21.8604 -56.4795h329.95c5.84961 20.3896 13.8291 39.7002 21.8594 56.4795l-35 49.6201 c-17.1699 -5.7002 -36.1201 -8.68945 -55.2295 -8.68945c-35.6406 0 -69.6406 10.0293 -96.6104 28.3799c-26.9697 -18.3398 -60.9805 -28.3799 -96.6104 -28.3799c-19.0996 0 -38.0498 2.98926 -55.2197 8.68945zM412.61 88.0596 c7.01953 25.1201 3 52.3701 -10.7705 72.8809c-20.25 30.1895 -24.0801 63.2393 -19.8701 95.0498h-315.92c4.2002 -31.8105 0.379883 -64.8604 -19.8701 -95.04c-13.7793 -20.5205 -17.8096 -47.7705 -10.7793 -72.8906c6 -21.4395 19.29 -38.2998 36.4795 -46.2695 l152.101 -70.5205l152.159 70.5205c17.1807 7.96973 30.4707 24.8301 36.4707 46.2695z" /> <glyph glyph-name="abacus" unicode="&#xf640;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 448c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-488c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v72h-64v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-96v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-72c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v488c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-64h32v16 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h32v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h96v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h64v64c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16zM416 384v-64h32v64 h-32zM224 384v-64h32v64h-32zM96 384v-64h32v64h-32zM128 0v64h-32v-64h32zM256 0v64h-32v-64h32zM448 0v64h-32v-64h32zM544 48v128h-128v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-128h32v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h32v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32 v-16h96v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h64zM96 160h32v64h-32v-64zM224 160h32v64h-32v-64zM352 160h32v64h-32v-64zM544 208v128h-64v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-96v-16 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-16c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v16h-32v-128h32v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h32v16 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h32v16c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-16h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="analytics" unicode="&#xf643;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M80 96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-128c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v128c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64zM64 -32v96h-32v-96h32zM560 256c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-288c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v288c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64zM544 -32v256h-32v-256h32zM502.77 359.32l-89.5996 -71.6699c1.70996 -4.93066 2.83008 -10.1406 2.83008 -15.6504c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48 c0 5.50977 1.12012 10.7197 2.83008 15.6504l-89.5996 71.6797c-7.35059 -4.57031 -15.9404 -7.33008 -25.2305 -7.33008c-7.40039 0 -14.3203 1.80957 -20.5801 4.7998l-96.2197 -96.2197c2.99023 -6.25977 4.7998 -13.1797 4.7998 -20.5801 c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48c7.40039 0 14.3203 -1.80957 20.5801 -4.7998l96.2197 96.2197c-2.99023 6.25977 -4.7998 13.1797 -4.7998 20.5801c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48 c0 -5.50977 -1.12012 -10.7197 -2.83008 -15.6396l89.5996 -71.6807c7.35059 4.57031 15.9404 7.33008 25.2305 7.33008s17.8799 -2.75977 25.2305 -7.33008l89.5996 71.6807c-1.70996 4.92969 -2.83008 10.1299 -2.83008 15.6396c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48 s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48c-9.29004 0 -17.8799 2.75977 -25.2305 7.32031zM528 416c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16zM48 224c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16zM208 384c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16zM368 256c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16zM240 256 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-288c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v288c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64zM224 -32v256h-32v-256h32zM400 128c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v160c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64zM384 -32v128h-32v-128h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ankh" unicode="&#xf644;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M312 160c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-136v-184c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v184h-136c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h96.5801 c-36.7998 35.9502 -72.5801 96.3701 -72.5801 150.86c0 84.1592 57.3096 137.14 128 137.14s128 -52.9805 128 -137.14c0 -54.4902 -35.7803 -114.92 -72.5801 -150.86h96.5801zM64 310.86c0 -71.79 75.25 -149.021 96.1797 -150.86h0.0302734 c20.54 1.83984 95.79 79.0801 95.79 150.86c0 61.8994 -39.4805 105.14 -96 105.14s-96 -43.2402 -96 -105.14z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge-dollar" unicode="&#xf645;" d="M289.94 198.95c27.8594 -7.98047 45.29 -38.1299 35.1396 -67.7803c-7.38965 -21.5801 -28.9102 -35.1699 -51.7197 -35.1699h-1.36035v-24c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24h-1.37988c-15.7197 0 -30.6396 5.09961 -42.9004 14.5098 c-3.92969 3.02051 -4.48926 8.73047 -0.989258 12.2305l11.4199 11.4199c2.61914 2.62012 6.84961 3.33008 9.83984 1.16016c6.5498 -4.76074 14.3896 -7.32031 22.6299 -7.32031h36.9102c11.2793 0 20.4697 9.17969 20.4697 20.4805 c0 9.08984 -6.12988 17.1797 -14.8799 19.6992l-56.4404 16.1104c-21.3896 6.09961 -38.3896 24.0596 -40.4492 46.2197c-2.89062 31.1807 21.6494 57.4805 52.2393 57.4805h3.53027v24c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-24h1.37988 c15.7197 0 30.6396 -5.10059 42.9004 -14.5098c3.92969 -3.01074 4.48926 -8.73047 0.989258 -12.2305l-11.4199 -11.4199c-2.61914 -2.62012 -6.84961 -3.33008 -9.83984 -1.16016c-6.5498 4.75977 -14.3896 7.32031 -22.6299 7.32031h-36.9102 c-11.2793 0 -20.4697 -9.18066 -20.4697 -20.4805c0 -9.08984 6.12988 -17.1797 14.8799 -19.7002zM512 192c0 -35.5 -19.4004 -68.2002 -49.5996 -85.5c9.09961 -33.5996 -0.300781 -70.4004 -25.4004 -95.5c-26.0996 -26.0996 -62.7998 -34.2998 -95.5 -25.4004 c-17.4004 -30.1992 -50 -49.5996 -85.5 -49.5996s-68.0996 19.4004 -85.5 49.5996c-32.0996 -8.69922 -69 -1.09961 -95.5 25.4004c-25.0996 25.0996 -34.5 61.9004 -25.4004 95.5c-30.1992 17.2998 -49.5996 50 -49.5996 85.5s19.4004 68.2002 49.5996 85.5 c-9.09961 33.5996 0.300781 70.4004 25.4004 95.5s61.9004 34.5 95.5 25.4004c17.2998 30.1992 50 49.5996 85.5 49.5996s68.2002 -19.4004 85.5 -49.5996c33.5996 9.09961 70.4004 -0.300781 95.5 -25.4004s34.5 -61.9004 25.4004 -95.5 c30.1992 -17.2998 49.5996 -50 49.5996 -85.5zM420.9 123.7c9.59961 3.59961 59.0996 16.2002 59.0996 68.2998c0 51 -47 63.7002 -59.0996 68.2998c4.39941 9.60059 30.2998 53.4004 -6.5 90.1006c-36 36 -78.3008 11.7998 -90.1006 6.5 c-3.59961 9.59961 -16.2002 59.0996 -68.2998 59.0996c-51 0 -63.7002 -47 -68.2998 -59.0996c-9.2998 4.19922 -53.2998 30.3994 -90.1006 -6.5c-36 -36 -11.7998 -78.3008 -6.5 -90.1006c-9.59961 -3.59961 -59.0996 -16.2002 -59.0996 -68.2998 c0 -51 47 -63.7002 59.0996 -68.2998c-4.39941 -9.60059 -30.2998 -53.4004 6.5 -90.1006c28.8008 -28.6992 57.5 -21.2998 90.1006 -6.5c3.59961 -9.59961 16.2002 -59.0996 68.2998 -59.0996c51 0 63.7002 47 68.2998 59.0996 c32.6006 -14.7998 61.2002 -22.3994 90.1006 6.5c36 36 11.7998 78.3008 6.5 90.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge-percent" unicode="&#xf646;" d="M349.66 274.35c3.12012 -3.12988 3.12012 -8.18945 -0.00976562 -11.3096l-164.69 -164.69c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l164.7 164.69c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3096 0z M240 256c0 -26.4697 -21.5303 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5303 -48 48s21.5303 48 48 48s48 -21.5303 48 -48zM176 256c0 -8.83008 7.19043 -16 16 -16s16 7.16992 16 16s-7.19043 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16992 -16 -16zM320 176c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48s-21.5303 -48 -48 -48 s-48 21.5303 -48 48s21.5303 48 48 48zM320 112c8.80957 0 16 7.16992 16 16s-7.19043 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16992 -16 -16s7.19043 -16 16 -16zM512 192c0 -35.5 -19.4004 -68.2002 -49.5996 -85.5c9.09961 -33.5996 -0.300781 -70.4004 -25.4004 -95.5 c-26.0996 -26.0996 -62.7998 -34.2998 -95.5 -25.4004c-17.4004 -30.1992 -50 -49.5996 -85.5 -49.5996s-68.0996 19.4004 -85.5 49.5996c-32.0996 -8.69922 -69 -1.09961 -95.5 25.4004c-25.0996 25.0996 -34.5 61.9004 -25.4004 95.5 c-30.1992 17.2998 -49.5996 50 -49.5996 85.5s19.4004 68.2002 49.5996 85.5c-9.09961 33.5996 0.300781 70.4004 25.4004 95.5s61.9004 34.5 95.5 25.4004c17.2998 30.1992 50 49.5996 85.5 49.5996s68.2002 -19.4004 85.5 -49.5996 c33.5996 9.09961 70.4004 -0.300781 95.5 -25.4004s34.5 -61.9004 25.4004 -95.5c30.1992 -17.2998 49.5996 -50 49.5996 -85.5zM420.9 123.7c9.59961 3.59961 59.0996 16.2002 59.0996 68.2998c0 51 -47 63.7002 -59.0996 68.2998 c4.39941 9.60059 30.2998 53.4004 -6.5 90.1006c-36 36 -78.3008 11.7998 -90.1006 6.5c-3.59961 9.59961 -16.2002 59.0996 -68.2998 59.0996c-51 0 -63.7002 -47 -68.2998 -59.0996c-9.2998 4.19922 -53.2998 30.3994 -90.1006 -6.5 c-36 -36 -11.7998 -78.3008 -6.5 -90.1006c-9.59961 -3.59961 -59.0996 -16.2002 -59.0996 -68.2998c0 -51 47 -63.7002 59.0996 -68.2998c-4.39941 -9.60059 -30.2998 -53.4004 6.5 -90.1006c28.8008 -28.6992 57.5 -21.2998 90.1006 -6.5 c3.59961 -9.59961 16.2002 -59.0996 68.2998 -59.0996c51 0 63.7002 47 68.2998 59.0996c32.6006 -14.7998 61.2002 -22.3994 90.1006 6.5c36 36 11.7998 78.3008 6.5 90.1006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bible" unicode="&#xf647;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 56c0 -10 -6.2002 -18.5996 -14.9004 -22.2002c-3.59961 -16.0996 -4.39941 -45.5996 -0.399414 -65.7998h3.2998c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-372c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v368c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h344 c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-368zM404.3 -32c-3.09961 20.4004 -2.89941 45.2002 0 64h-340.3c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32h340.3zM416 64v352h-336c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-312.88c9.4502 5.5 20.2803 8.87988 32 8.87988h352zM152 224 c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v48c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h40v40c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h48c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-40h40c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-48c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-40v-104c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-48 c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v104h-40zM160 288v-32h64v-128h32v128h64v32h-64v64h-32v-64h-64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="business-time" unicode="&#xf64a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M48 32h278.8c2.5957 -9.1748 8.22656 -23.5117 12.5703 -32h-291.37c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v256c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h112v72c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h144c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-72h112c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48.8096 c-5.28027 0.479492 -10.5996 0.80957 -16 0.80957s-10.7197 -0.330078 -16 -0.80957v48.8096c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-416c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-80h363c-12.96 -9.09961 -24.71 -19.8096 -34.7695 -32h-40.2305v-40c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-80 c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v40h-160v-144c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16zM224 192v-32h64v32h-64zM192 416v-64h128v64h-128zM550.29 96c5.33984 0 9.70996 -4.37012 9.70996 -9.70996v-12.5703c0 -5.33984 -4.37012 -9.70996 -9.70996 -9.70996h-60.5703 c-5.33984 0 -9.70996 4.37012 -9.70996 9.70996v76.5703c0 5.33984 4.37012 9.70996 9.70996 9.70996h12.5703c5.33984 0 9.70996 -4.37012 9.70996 -9.70996v-54.29h38.29zM496 224c79.5898 0 144 -64.4102 144 -144s-64.4102 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.4102 -144 144 s64.4102 144 144 144zM496 -32c61.7598 0 112 50.2402 112 112s-50.2402 112 -112 112s-112 -50.2402 -112 -112s50.2402 -112 112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cabinet-filing" unicode="&#xf64b;" d="M464 448c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-416c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v416c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h416zM480 -16v192h-448v-192c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h416c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM480 208v192 c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-416c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-192h448zM336 352c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-40c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24h-128v-24c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v40 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h160zM168 32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v40c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-40c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24h-128v-24c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-line-down" unicode="&#xf64d;" d="M504 32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-488c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v360c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-344h472zM182.45 211.71l-84.1104 83.3203c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096 l11.3105 11.3105c3.11914 3.11914 8.18945 3.11914 11.3096 0l72.6904 -72.0107l84.6895 84.6904c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l93.5303 -93.5303l44.0303 44.04c4.9502 4.9502 11.0293 7.16016 17 7.16016c12.4795 0 24.46 -9.7002 24.46 -24.3398v-119.47 c0 -8.94043 -7.25 -16.1904 -16.1904 -16.1904h-119.47c-21.6299 0 -32.4697 26.1602 -17.1699 41.46l44.71 44.71l-82.2197 82.2197l-84.6309 -84.6299c-6.21973 -6.22949 -16.3096 -6.25 -22.5693 -0.0498047zM448 245.04l-85.04 -85.04h85.04v85.04z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-pie-alt" unicode="&#xf64e;" d="M461.29 160c9.54004 0 17.3896 -8.38965 16.0596 -17.8398c-16.46 -116.5 -116.31 -206.16 -237.35 -206.16c-2.67969 0 -5.37988 0.0400391 -8.07031 0.129883c-124.02 4.07031 -227.729 107.771 -231.8 231.8c-4.08984 124.641 86.9502 228.601 206.021 245.42 c0.709961 0.100586 1.41992 0.150391 2.10938 0.150391c8.56055 0 15.7402 -7.37988 15.7402 -16.21v-237.29h237.29zM240 -32c96.4902 0 180.27 67.5703 202.15 160h-250.15v250.17c-95.5498 -22.4004 -163.16 -109.189 -159.89 -209.18 c3.51953 -107.24 93.6299 -197.351 200.87 -200.87c2.33984 -0.0800781 4.68945 -0.120117 7.01953 -0.120117zM288.8 447.96c119.46 -8.24023 214.92 -103.7 223.17 -223.16c0.620117 -9.10938 -7.05957 -16.7998 -16.2002 -16.7998h-223.77v223.77 c0 8.79004 7.09961 16.2305 15.7598 16.2305c0.339844 0 0.69043 -0.00976562 1.04004 -0.0400391zM304 240h174.1c-13.8193 89.25 -84.8496 160.29 -174.1 174.1v-174.1z" /> <glyph glyph-name="city" unicode="&#xf64f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M132 80c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM132 176c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40 c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM132 272c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM228 80c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM228 176c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM228 272c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM420 176c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM420 272 c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM420 368c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40 c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM548 80c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM548 176c6.62012 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37988 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62012 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37988 12 12 12h40zM616 256c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-288c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v280h-128v192h-160v-96h-288v-376c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v384c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h72v88c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-88h64v88c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-88h64v72c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h176c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-168h104z " /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-alt-dollar" unicode="&#xf650;" d="M448 448c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-288c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-144l-124.87 -93.6299c-2.20996 -1.62988 -4.66992 -2.37012 -7.08008 -2.37012c-6.21973 0 -12.0498 4.91992 -12.0498 12.0195v83.9805h-96c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v288 c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h384zM480 96v288c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-384c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-288c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h128v-75.9805l92.8096 69.5801l8.53027 6.40039h154.66c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM289.94 246.95 c27.8594 -7.98047 45.29 -38.1299 35.1396 -67.7705c-7.38965 -21.5801 -28.9102 -35.1699 -51.7197 -35.1699h-1.36035v-24c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24h-1.37988c-15.7197 0 -30.6396 5.10059 -42.9004 14.5098 c-3.92969 3.02051 -4.48926 8.73047 -0.989258 12.2305l11.4199 11.4199c2.61914 2.62012 6.84961 3.33008 9.83984 1.16016c6.5498 -4.75977 14.3896 -7.32031 22.6299 -7.32031h36.9102c11.2793 0 20.4697 9.18066 20.4697 20.4805 c0 9.08984 -6.12988 17.1797 -14.8799 19.7002l-56.4404 16.1094c-21.3896 6.10059 -38.3896 24.0605 -40.4492 46.2197c-2.89062 31.1807 21.6494 57.4805 52.2393 57.4805h3.53027v24c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-24.0098h1.37988 c15.7197 0 30.6396 -5.10059 42.9004 -14.5098c3.92969 -3.01074 4.48926 -8.73047 0.989258 -12.2305l-11.4199 -11.4199c-2.61914 -2.62012 -6.84961 -3.33008 -9.83984 -1.16016c-6.5498 4.75977 -14.3896 7.32031 -22.6299 7.32031h-36.9102 c-11.2793 0 -20.4697 -9.18066 -20.4697 -20.4805c0 -9.08984 6.12988 -17.1797 14.8799 -19.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-dollar" unicode="&#xf651;" d="M256 416c141.38 0 256 -93.1201 256 -208s-114.62 -208 -256 -208c-32.7998 0 -64.0498 5.2002 -92.8701 14.3301c-29.1299 -20.6104 -77.6396 -46.3301 -139.149 -46.3301c-9.59082 0 -18.2402 5.73047 -22.0303 14.5195 c-3.79004 8.79004 -1.96973 19.0303 4.58984 25.9805c0.429688 0.44043 31.46 33.7803 46.3604 73.2305c-33.04 35.0391 -52.9004 78.7197 -52.9004 126.27c0 114.88 114.62 208 256 208zM256 32c123.51 0 224 78.9502 224 176s-100.49 176 -224 176 s-224 -78.9502 -224 -176c0 -37.5996 15.2803 -73.6699 44.1797 -104.33l13.7207 -14.5498l-7.07031 -18.71c-10.9902 -29.1104 -28.8203 -54.46 -40.8105 -69.5498c44.0908 4.25 79.6006 23.2998 102.62 39.5898l12.9902 9.18945l15.1602 -4.7998 c26.8896 -8.51953 54.8799 -12.8398 83.21 -12.8398zM289.94 214.95c27.8594 -7.98047 45.29 -38.1299 35.1396 -67.7803c-7.38965 -21.5801 -28.9102 -35.1699 -51.7197 -35.1699h-1.36035v-24c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24h-1.37988 c-15.7197 0 -30.6396 5.09961 -42.9004 14.5098c-3.92969 3.02051 -4.48926 8.73047 -0.989258 12.2305l11.4199 11.4199c2.61914 2.62012 6.84961 3.33008 9.83984 1.16016c6.5498 -4.76074 14.3896 -7.32031 22.6299 -7.32031h36.9102 c11.2793 0 20.4697 9.17969 20.4697 20.4805c0 9.08984 -6.12988 17.1797 -14.8799 19.6992l-56.4404 16.1104c-21.3896 6.09961 -38.3896 24.0596 -40.4492 46.2197c-2.89062 31.1807 21.6494 57.4805 52.2393 57.4805h3.53027v24c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-24h1.37988c15.7197 0 30.6396 -5.10059 42.9004 -14.5098c3.92969 -3.01074 4.48926 -8.73047 0.989258 -12.2305l-11.4199 -11.4199c-2.61914 -2.62012 -6.84961 -3.33008 -9.83984 -1.16016 c-6.5498 4.75977 -14.3896 7.32031 -22.6299 7.32031h-36.9102c-11.2793 0 -20.4697 -9.18066 -20.4697 -20.4805c0 -9.08984 6.12988 -17.1797 14.8799 -19.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comments-alt-dollar" unicode="&#xf652;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M224 213.4v-13.4004c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v13.3203c-10.1104 0.739258 -19.9004 4.29004 -28.0801 10.3193c-3.91992 2.89062 -4.07031 8.75 -0.540039 12.1104l11.4404 10.8701c2.68945 2.5498 6.83008 3.33984 10 1.39941 c3.30957 -2.01953 7.05957 -3.09961 10.96 -3.09961h25.9395c5.32031 0 9.66016 4.91016 9.66016 10.9404c0 4.95996 -2.96973 9.30957 -7.18945 10.5801l-41.5605 12.4697c-17.6602 5.29004 -30 22.25 -30 41.2295c0 22.8408 17.5303 41.1699 39.3799 42.46v13.4004 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-13.3203c10.1104 -0.739258 19.9004 -4.29004 28.0801 -10.3193c3.91992 -2.89062 4.07031 -8.75 0.540039 -12.1104l-11.4395 -10.8701c-2.69043 -2.5498 -6.83008 -3.33008 -10 -1.39941 c-3.31055 2.01953 -7.06055 3.09961 -10.96 3.09961h-25.9404c-5.32031 0 -9.66016 -4.91016 -9.66016 -10.9404c0 -4.95996 2.96973 -9.30957 7.19043 -10.5801l41.5596 -12.4697c17.6602 -5.29004 30 -22.25 30 -41.2295c0 -22.8408 -17.5303 -41.1699 -39.3799 -42.46z M512 288c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-160c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-32v-51.9805c0 -7.09961 -5.83008 -12.0195 -12.0498 -12.0195c-2.40039 0 -4.87012 0.740234 -7.08008 2.37012l-108.87 61.6299h-96c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v45.8799 l-76.8701 -43.5098c-2.20996 -1.62988 -4.66992 -2.37012 -7.08008 -2.37012c-6.21973 0 -12.0498 4.91992 -12.0498 12.0195v51.9805h-32c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v192c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h288c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-96h96zM128 110.43 l87.5703 49.5703h136.43c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32v192c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-288c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-192c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h64v-49.5703zM544 64v160c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-96v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-128 v-64c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h104.43l87.5703 -49.5703v49.5703h64c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comments-dollar" unicode="&#xf653;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M532.01 61.8301c15.2998 -30.7402 37.3398 -54.5205 37.6904 -54.8799c6.30957 -6.69043 8.05957 -16.5303 4.41992 -24.9902c-3.62988 -8.45996 -11.96 -13.96 -21.1797 -13.96c-53.54 0 -96.6709 20.2402 -125.171 38.7803 c-18.9395 -4.37012 -38.9795 -6.78027 -59.7695 -6.78027c-86.2695 0 -160.26 40.4102 -191.77 97.96c-9.55078 1.13965 -18.9209 2.73047 -28 4.82031c-28.5 -18.54 -71.6309 -38.7803 -125.171 -38.7803c-8.37988 0.00390625 -17.873 6.25391 -21.1895 13.9502 c-3.62988 8.45996 -1.88965 18.2998 4.41992 24.9902c0.360352 0.359375 22.4004 24.1494 37.7002 54.8896c-27.4707 27.1201 -43.9902 61.1299 -43.9902 98.1699c0 88.3701 93.1201 160 208 160c86.3398 0 160.37 -40.4697 191.83 -98.0898 c0 0.00976562 -0.00976562 0.0195312 -0.00976562 0.0302734c99.7295 -11.8105 176.18 -77.9209 176.18 -157.94c0 -37.04 -16.5195 -71.0498 -43.9902 -98.1699zM155.42 133.96c17.1602 -3.9502 34.8496 -5.95996 52.5801 -5.95996c97.0498 0 176 57.4199 176 128 s-78.9502 128 -176 128s-176 -57.4199 -176 -128c0 -34.1904 18.75 -59.8701 34.4805 -75.4004l16.4893 -16.2793l-10.3193 -20.75c-9.37012 -18.8301 -20.7705 -35.1406 -29.54 -46.4404c37.1895 4.21973 67.6094 19.4102 87.6797 32.4697l11.3896 7.41016zM445.22 33.6104 c20.0703 -13.0605 50.4805 -28.25 87.6699 -32.4707c-8.71973 11.25 -20.1494 27.5801 -29.5293 46.4404l-10.3203 20.75l16.4902 16.2803c15.7197 15.5195 34.4697 41.1992 34.4697 75.3896c0 59.3301 -55.8799 109.22 -131.32 123.66 c2.05078 -9 3.32031 -18.21 3.32031 -27.6602c0 -86.4004 -89.0898 -156.62 -200.43 -159.71c30.4297 -38.3496 87.29 -64.29 152.43 -64.29h0.0341797c14.6924 0 38.2373 2.6748 52.5557 5.96973l13.2402 3.0498zM233.38 265.09c17.6504 -5.29004 30 -22.25 30 -41.2295 c0 -22.8408 -17.5303 -41.1699 -39.3799 -42.46v-13.4004c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v13.3203c-10.1104 0.739258 -19.9004 4.29004 -28.0801 10.3193c-3.91992 2.89062 -4.07031 8.75 -0.540039 12.1104l11.4404 10.8701 c2.68945 2.5498 6.83008 3.33984 10 1.39941c3.30957 -2.01953 7.05957 -3.09961 10.96 -3.09961h25.9395c5.32031 0 9.66016 4.91016 9.66016 10.9404c0 4.95996 -2.96973 9.30957 -7.18945 10.5801l-41.5605 12.4697c-17.6602 5.29004 -30 22.25 -30 41.2295 c0 22.8408 17.5303 41.1699 39.3799 42.46v13.4004c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-13.3203c10.1104 -0.739258 19.9004 -4.29004 28.0801 -10.3193c3.91992 -2.89062 4.07031 -8.75 0.540039 -12.1104l-11.4395 -10.8701 c-2.69043 -2.5498 -6.83008 -3.33008 -10 -1.39941c-3.31055 2.01953 -7.06055 3.09961 -10.96 3.09961h-25.9404c-5.32031 0 -9.66016 -4.91016 -9.66016 -10.9404c0 -4.95996 2.96973 -9.30957 7.19043 -10.5801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dharmachakra" unicode="&#xf655;" d="M503.67 215.65c4.54004 0.189453 8.33008 -3.44043 8.32031 -7.99023v-31.3203c0 -4.5498 -3.78027 -8.17969 -8.33008 -7.99023l-24.8105 1.03027c-4.5 -44.8896 -22.2695 -85.8398 -49.3096 -118.939l18.3096 -16.8408 c1.42773 -1.31055 2.58594 -3.94629 2.58594 -5.88477c0 -1.8291 -1.05078 -4.3623 -2.3457 -5.65527l-22.1494 -22.1494c-3.20996 -3.21973 -8.45996 -3.11035 -11.54 0.240234l-16.8408 18.3096c-33.0996 -27.0303 -74.0498 -44.8096 -118.939 -49.3096l1.03027 -24.8105 c0.189453 -4.54004 -3.44043 -8.33008 -7.99023 -8.33008h-31.3203c-4.41406 0 -7.99707 3.58301 -7.99707 7.99707c0 0.0917969 0.00292969 0.241211 0.00683594 0.333008l1.03027 24.8105c-44.8896 4.5 -85.8398 22.2695 -118.939 49.3096l-16.8408 -18.3096 c-3.08008 -3.35059 -8.33008 -3.45996 -11.54 -0.240234l-22.1494 22.1494c-3.21973 3.20996 -3.11035 8.45996 0.240234 11.54l18.2998 16.8408c-27.0303 33.0996 -44.8105 74.0498 -49.3105 118.939l-24.8096 -1.03027 c-4.54004 -0.189453 -8.33008 3.44043 -8.33008 7.99023v31.3203c0 4.5498 3.79004 8.17969 8.33984 8l24.8105 -1.03027c4.5 44.8896 22.2695 85.8398 49.3096 118.94l-18.3096 16.8398c-1.42773 1.31055 -2.58594 3.94727 -2.58594 5.88477 c0 1.8291 1.05078 4.3623 2.3457 5.65527l22.1494 22.1396c3.20996 3.21973 8.45996 3.11035 11.54 -0.240234l16.8506 -18.3096c33.0996 27.0303 74.0596 44.8096 118.939 49.3096l-1.0293 24.8105c-0.19043 4.54004 3.43945 8.33008 7.98926 8.33008h31.3203 c4.41406 0 7.99707 -3.58301 7.99707 -7.99707c0 -0.0917969 -0.00292969 -0.241211 -0.00683594 -0.333008l-1.03027 -24.8105c44.8896 -4.5 85.8398 -22.2793 118.94 -49.3096l16.8398 18.3096c3.08008 3.35059 8.33008 3.4502 11.54 0.240234l22.1494 -22.1494 c3.2207 -3.20996 3.11035 -8.45996 -0.239258 -11.54l-18.3105 -16.8408c27.0303 -33.0996 44.8105 -74.0498 49.3105 -118.939zM446.75 213.28c-4.09961 37.0098 -18.79 70.8193 -40.9199 98.46l-70.9102 -65.2402c7.59961 -10.9697 12.8604 -23.5996 15.3398 -37.2402z M256 128c35.29 0 64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64zM375.74 341.83c-27.6406 22.1299 -61.4502 36.8203 -98.46 40.9199l-4.02051 -96.4902c13.6406 -2.47949 26.2705 -7.74023 37.2402 -15.3398zM234.72 382.75 c-37.0098 -4.09961 -70.8193 -18.79 -98.46 -40.9199l65.2402 -70.9102c10.9697 7.59961 23.5996 12.8604 37.2402 15.3398zM106.17 311.74c-22.1299 -27.6406 -36.8203 -61.4502 -40.9199 -98.46l96.4902 -4.02051c2.47949 13.6406 7.74023 26.2705 15.3398 37.2402z M65.25 170.72c4.09961 -37.0098 18.79 -70.8193 40.9199 -98.46l70.9102 65.2402c-7.59961 10.9697 -12.8604 23.5996 -15.3398 37.2402zM136.26 42.1699c27.6406 -22.1299 61.4502 -36.8203 98.46 -40.9199l4.02051 96.4902 c-13.6406 2.47949 -26.2705 7.74023 -37.2402 15.3398zM277.28 1.25c37.0098 4.09961 70.8193 18.79 98.46 40.9199l-65.2402 70.9102c-10.9697 -7.59961 -23.5996 -12.8604 -37.2402 -15.3398zM405.83 72.2598c22.1299 27.6406 36.8203 61.4502 40.9199 98.46 l-96.4902 4.02051c-2.47949 -13.6406 -7.74023 -26.2705 -15.3398 -37.2402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="empty-set" unicode="&#xf656;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M445.66 402.35c1.29199 -1.29492 2.33984 -3.83008 2.33984 -5.65918c0 -1.83008 -1.04785 -4.36523 -2.33984 -5.66016l-75.1201 -75.1201c28.3096 -33.4502 45.46 -76.6504 45.46 -123.91c0 -106.04 -85.96 -192 -192 -192c-47.2598 0 -90.46 17.1504 -123.92 45.4697 l-75.1201 -75.1201c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l75.1201 75.1201c-28.3096 33.4502 -45.46 76.6504 -45.46 123.91c0 106.04 85.96 192 192 192c47.2598 0 90.46 -17.1504 123.92 -45.46 l75.1201 75.1201c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3096 0zM64 192c0 -38.3398 14.1104 -73.0996 36.6904 -100.69l224 224c-27.5908 22.5703 -62.3506 36.6904 -100.69 36.6904c-88.2197 0 -160 -71.7803 -160 -160zM384 192 c0 38.3398 -14.1104 73.0996 -36.6904 100.69l-224 -224c27.5908 -22.5703 62.3506 -36.6904 100.69 -36.6904c88.2197 0 160 71.7803 160 160z" /> 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11.3105c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l50.9102 50.9102l-50.9004 50.9199c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.19043 0 11.3105l11.3105 11.3096 c3.12012 3.12012 8.18945 3.12012 11.3096 0l50.9102 -50.9102l50.9199 50.9102c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3105 0zM194.74 352h-146.74c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h416c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16v224 c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-192c-8.49023 0 -16.6299 3.37012 -22.6299 9.37012zM48 384h146.74c8.49023 0 16.6299 -3.37012 22.6299 -9.37012l54.6299 -54.6299h192c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-224c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416 c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="folders" unicode="&#xf660;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M592 384c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-224c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-80v-80c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h80v80c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h146.74 c8.49023 0 16.6299 -3.37012 22.6299 -9.37012l54.6299 -54.6299h192zM480 -16v80h-304c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v176h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h416c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM608 112v224 c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-192c-8.49023 0 -16.6299 3.37012 -22.6299 9.37012l-54.6299 54.6299h-146.74c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h416c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="function" unicode="&#xf661;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M308.8 341.4c3.5 -2.5 4.2002 -7.2002 1.7002 -10.6006c-36.0996 -51.7002 -55.2002 -110.5 -55.2002 -170.8s19 -119.2 55.2002 -170.8c2.5 -3.40039 1.7002 -8.10059 -1.7002 -10.6006l-12.7002 -9.09961c-3.59961 -2.59961 -8.69922 -1.7998 -11.1992 1.7998 c-39.9004 56.9004 -61 122 -61 188.7s21.0996 131.8 61 188.7c2.59961 3.59961 7.59961 4.39941 11.1992 1.7998zM224 408v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-56c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-80h72c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-72v-144 c0 -44.2002 -35.7998 -80 -80 -80h-24c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h24c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v144h-72c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h72v80c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h56c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM579 348.7 c39.9004 -56.9004 61 -122 61 -188.7s-21.0996 -131.8 -61 -188.7c-2.5 -3.59961 -7.59961 -4.39941 -11.2002 -1.7998l-12.7002 9.09961c-3.39941 2.40039 -4.09961 7.10059 -1.69922 10.6006c36.0996 51.7002 55.1992 110.5 55.1992 170.8s-19 119.2 -55.1992 170.8 c-2.5 3.40039 -1.7002 8.10059 1.69922 10.6006l12.7002 9.09961c3.60059 2.59961 8.7002 1.7998 11.2002 -1.7998zM509.7 226.4c3.09961 -3.2002 3.09961 -8.2002 0 -11.3008l-55 -55l55 -55c3.09961 -3.09961 3.09961 -8.19922 0 -11.2998l-11.2998 -11.2998 c-3.10059 -3.09961 -8.2002 -3.09961 -11.3008 0l-55 55l-55 -55c-3.09961 -3.09961 -8.19922 -3.09961 -11.2998 0l-11.2998 11.2998c-3.09961 3.10059 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.2998l55 55l-55 55c-3.09961 3.10059 -3.09961 8.2002 0 11.3008l11.2998 11.2998 c3.10059 3.09961 8.2002 3.09961 11.2998 0l55 -55l55 55c3.10059 3.09961 8.2002 3.09961 11.3008 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="funnel-dollar" unicode="&#xf662;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M464.02 288c97.2002 0 175.98 -78.6396 175.98 -175.99c0 -97.2002 -78.6396 -175.979 -175.98 -175.979c-42.5596 0 -81.5898 15.0898 -112.02 40.21v-13.2207c0 -15.9893 -13.1299 -27.0195 -27.1201 -27.0195c-5.20996 0 -10.54 1.53027 -15.3604 4.90039l-74 46.9795 c-7.21973 5.0498 -11.5195 13.3105 -11.5195 22.1201v182l-216.06 209.91c-16.9902 16.9902 -4.89062 46.0898 19.0898 46.0898h521.939c24.04 0 36.0498 -29.1299 19.0898 -46.0898l-117.97 -114.61c4.61035 0.360352 9.23047 0.700195 13.9297 0.700195zM320 -26v37.0195 c-20.0801 28.5908 -31.96 63.3604 -31.96 101.011c0 69.1396 39.8896 128.779 97.9004 157.56l150.699 146.41h-497.29l216.65 -210.47v-193.061l0.259766 -0.219727zM464.02 -31.96c79.3906 0 143.98 64.5898 143.98 143.979c0 79.3906 -64.5898 143.98 -143.98 143.98 c-79.3896 0 -143.979 -64.5898 -143.979 -143.98c0 -79.3896 64.5898 -143.979 143.979 -143.979zM491.13 120.58c18.6006 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-16.1201c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16.29c-11.29 0.580078 -22.2705 4.51953 -31.3701 11.3496c-3.90039 2.93066 -4.09961 8.77051 -0.570312 12.1406l11.75 11.21c2.77051 2.63965 6.89062 2.75977 10.1309 0.729492c3.85938 -2.42969 8.25977 -3.71973 12.8193 -3.71973 h28.1104c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.61035 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295l-45 13.5c-18.6006 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v16.1201c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8 v-16.29c11.29 -0.580078 22.2695 -4.51953 31.3701 -11.3496c3.89941 -2.93066 4.09961 -8.77051 0.569336 -12.1406l-11.75 -11.21c-2.76953 -2.63965 -6.88965 -2.75977 -10.1299 -0.729492c-3.85938 2.42969 -8.25977 3.71973 -12.8203 3.71973h-28.1094 c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1797 8.76953 -12.7295z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gift-card" unicode="&#xf663;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h71.2998c-9.5 13.4004 -15.2998 29.9004 -15.2998 48c0 44.0996 33.4004 80 74.5 80 c42.2998 0 66.7998 -25.4004 109.5 -95.7998c42.7002 70.3994 67.2002 95.7998 109.5 95.7998c41.0996 0 74.5 -35.9004 74.5 -80c0 -18.0996 -5.7998 -34.5996 -15.2998 -48h71.2998zM308.2 323.6l-2.2002 -3.59961h91.5c23.4004 0 42.5 21.5 42.5 48s-19.0996 48 -42.5 48 c-23.2998 0 -39.7998 -9.09961 -89.2998 -92.4004zM178.5 416c-23.4004 0 -42.5 -21.5 -42.5996 -48c0 -26.5 19.0996 -48 42.5 -48h91.5l-2.10059 3.59961c-49.5 83.3008 -65.8994 92.4004 -89.2998 92.4004zM544 -16v32h-512v-32c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h480 c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM544 48v64h-512v-64h512zM544 144v128c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-201.38l79.0303 -79.0303c3.11914 -3.12012 3.11914 -8.18945 0 -11.3096l-11.3105 -11.3105c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-95.0303 95.0303 l-95.0303 -95.0303c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.18945 0 11.3096l79.0303 79.0303h-201.38c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-128h512z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hamsa" unicode="&#xf665;" d="M256 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24s-10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7402 -24 24s10.75 24 24 24zM451.95 224c40.7402 0 60 -37.2402 60.0498 -64c0.0195312 -15.1904 -5.0498 -30.1299 -14.79 -42.0703l-89.7998 -110.04 c-37.3203 -45.6797 -92.5098 -71.8896 -151.4 -71.8896c-58.8896 0 -114.08 26.2002 -151.41 71.9004l-89.8096 110.04c-9.75 11.9395 -14.8203 26.8799 -14.79 42.0596c0.0498047 26.6904 18.96 64 60.0596 64h35.9404v128c0 35.29 28.71 64 64 64h0.0839844 c10.7148 0 26.627 -4.85645 35.5156 -10.8398c8.75 24.9297 32.5205 42.8398 60.4004 42.8398s51.6504 -17.9102 60.4004 -42.8398c10.1895 6.84961 22.4395 10.8398 35.5996 10.8398c35.29 0 64 -28.71 64 -64v-128h35.9502zM472.43 138.17 c7.60059 9.31055 9.65039 22.8896 5.19043 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69.8604zM256 48c44.1797 0 80 48 80 48s-35.8203 48 -80 48s-80 -48 -80 -48s35.8203 -48 80 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="integral" unicode="&#xf667;" horiz-adv-x="366" d="M88.46 -31.8398c-19.2998 1.2998 -36.7998 11.9102 -48.8799 27.0195l-37.8301 47.2803c-0.967773 1.20996 -1.75293 3.4502 -1.75293 5c0 2.12305 1.3457 4.92285 3.00293 6.25l12.5 10c1.20801 0.967773 3.44336 1.75293 4.99121 1.75293 c2.12109 0 4.91602 -1.3457 6.23926 -3.00293l39.7197 -49.6504c7.68945 -9.63965 19.9297 -14.4092 32.4199 -12.3291c14.0596 2.33984 24.7197 14.0996 27.9297 27.9893l76.8506 333.311c6.42969 27.8994 28.8994 50.5098 57.3193 53.7695 c23.0498 2.64062 45.1201 -6.58984 59.3799 -24.3799l43.9004 -54.9199c0.967773 -1.20898 1.75293 -3.44727 1.75293 -4.99512c0 -2.12207 -1.3457 -4.91992 -3.00293 -6.24512l-12.5 -10c-3.4502 -2.75977 -8.48047 -2.2002 -11.2305 1.25l-43.8994 54.9199 c-7.7002 9.62012 -19.8301 14.3906 -32.29 12.3701c-14.0898 -2.29004 -24.8301 -14.0195 -28.04 -27.9502l-77.5498 -336.31c-7.31055 -31.6904 -36.1006 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c-20.5449 -18.374 -37.2188 -55.6553 -37.2188 -83.2178v-0.0791016c0 -56.5625 42.3428 -102.422 97.0928 -110.219v71.5781l-20.6875 -20.6875c-2.58691 -2.58984 -7.6582 -4.69238 -11.3193 -4.69238c-8.83105 0 -15.998 7.16699 -15.998 15.998 c0 3.66113 2.10254 8.73242 4.69238 11.3193l20.6875 20.6875h-25.375c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16h25.375l-20.6875 20.6875c-2.58984 2.58691 -4.69238 7.6582 -4.69238 11.3193c0 8.83105 7.16699 15.998 15.998 15.998 c3.66113 0 8.73242 -2.10254 11.3193 -4.69238l20.6875 -20.6875v265.375c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 15.999 16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-265.375l20.6875 20.6875c2.58594 2.58301 7.65039 4.67871 11.3057 4.67871c8.83105 0 15.998 -7.16699 15.998 -15.998 c0 -3.6543 -2.09668 -8.71973 -4.67969 -11.3057l-20.6865 -20.6875h25.374c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-25.374l20.6865 -20.7031c2.5791 -2.58496 4.67188 -7.64551 4.67188 -11.2959c0 -8.82812 -7.16406 -15.9932 -15.9922 -15.9932 c-3.6543 0 -8.71875 2.09668 -11.3037 4.67969l-20.7188 20.6875v-71.6719c83.499 11.3125 96.9678 88.1406 97.0303 110.297v0.249023c0 27.502 -16.6318 64.707 -37.125 83.0479c-4.44922 3.95996 -8.06055 12.0078 -8.06055 17.9639 c0 6.74707 4.42285 15.4502 9.87305 19.4268c33.4062 24.7656 52.5928 62.5469 52.5928 103.656c-0.00195312 13.3721 -4.0332 34.3027 -9 46.7188c-0.932617 2.35742 -1.69043 6.32715 -1.69043 8.8623c0 13.25 10.7539 24.0352 24.0029 24.0752 c4.1748 -0.00585938 10.3213 -1.98047 13.7188 -4.40625c63.1465 -44.5928 114.525 -143.523 114.686 -220.828zM526.251 179.203l-35.75 -31.2656c-2.49512 -2.17578 -7.20801 -3.94141 -10.5186 -3.94141c-8.83594 0 -16.0068 7.1709 -16.0068 16.0068 c0 4.00781 2.44727 9.4043 5.46289 12.0439l57.6875 50.4688c-0.633789 10.2773 -2.95801 26.7764 -5.1875 36.8281l-30.6562 -30.6562c-2.58496 -2.58301 -7.64941 -4.67969 -11.3037 -4.67969c-8.82812 0 -15.9932 7.16504 -15.9932 15.9932 c0 3.65039 2.09375 8.71094 4.67188 11.2959l42.4062 42.4062c-11.6348 29.7012 -40.4736 70.9521 -64.374 92.0781c1.96582 -9.09473 3.5625 -24.0293 3.5625 -33.334v-0.103516v-0.451172c0 -41.6201 -26.1094 -96.8301 -58.2803 -123.236 c22.6494 -23.0186 41.0312 -67.9092 41.0312 -100.202c0 -0.129883 -0.000976562 -0.339844 -0.000976562 -0.469727c-0.1875 -87.8906 -72.8428 -143.828 -145.029 -143.828c-79.998 0 -145.06 64.8125 -145.06 144.469c0.12793 32.2148 18.5381 77.0293 41.0928 100.031 c-32.1885 26.3955 -58.3125 81.6016 -58.3125 123.229c0 0.126953 0.000976562 0.332031 0.000976562 0.458984v0.09375c0.174805 9.2998 1.78516 24.252 3.59375 33.375c-23.9834 -21.0527 -52.8926 -62.2539 -64.5303 -91.9688l42.5303 -42.5312 c2.58301 -2.58594 4.67969 -7.65137 4.67969 -11.3057c0 -8.83105 -7.16797 -15.998 -15.998 -15.998c-3.65527 0 -8.71973 2.0957 -11.3057 4.67871l-30.5 30.5c-2.33984 -9.92188 -4.86035 -26.2246 -5.625 -36.3906l57.9678 -50.75 c3.00684 -2.63867 5.44727 -8.02637 5.44727 -12.0264c0 -8.83301 -7.16895 -16.001 -16.001 -16.001c-3.30664 0 -8.01465 1.76172 -10.5078 3.93359l-35.625 31.2031c10.9688 -93.5 92.9678 -211.156 238.184 -211.156c122.936 0 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30.3604 4.92969 s20.5098 -1.63965 30.3604 -4.92969zM544 218.7v42.6094l-242.22 72.6504c-9.06055 2.71973 -18.5303 2.70996 -27.5303 0.0205078l-242.25 -72.6807v-42.4395l85.8896 23.3398c5.09082 1.38965 10.1104 -2.44043 10.1104 -7.71973v-16.5801v-0.00585938 c0 -3.37012 -2.63867 -6.82617 -5.88965 -7.71484l-90.1104 -24.4795v-162.37l242.11 -53.7998c3.78613 -0.841797 10.0059 -1.52539 13.8848 -1.52539c3.87793 0 10.0986 0.683594 13.8848 1.52539l242.12 53.7998v162.59l-90.1104 24.25 c-3.47949 0.950195 -5.88965 4.11035 -5.88965 7.71973v16.5801c0 5.28027 5.01953 9.11035 10.1104 7.7207zM544 294.72v39.4102l-235.76 78.5801c-17.7705 5.91992 -32.9102 2.53027 -40.4805 0l-235.76 -78.5898v-39.4102l233.03 69.9199 c14.9697 4.53027 30.8799 4.54004 45.9697 -0.0195312z" /> <glyph glyph-name="keynote" unicode="&#xf66c;" d="M505.24 173.51c4.4502 -8.87988 6.75977 -18.6797 6.75977 -28.6201v-48.8896c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-160v-96h56c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v96h-160 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v48.8896v0.0214844c0 8.33496 3.02832 21.1465 6.75977 28.5986l48.4004 96.7998c4.88184 9.76465 17.7031 17.6895 28.6201 17.6904h12.2197v16c0 57.1299 43.1699 103.88 98.5195 110.64c6.21094 19.3008 24.1104 33.3604 45.4805 33.3604 h64c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-64c-20.4004 0 -37.71 12.7803 -44.6602 30.7197c-38.0898 -6.12012 -67.3398 -38.9502 -67.3398 -78.7197v-16h300.22c10.917 -0.000976562 23.7383 -7.92578 28.6201 -17.6904zM240 416 c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16h64c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16h-64zM83.7803 256l-48 -96h440.45l-48 96h-344.45zM288 -32v96h-64v-96h64zM480 96v32h-448v-32h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="khanda" unicode="&#xf66d;" d="M415.81 382c73.71 -40.2402 111.78 -123.85 90.1602 -207.51c-7.25 -28.0898 -22.3799 -53.5703 -41.25 -75.5898l-52.5098 -61.3105c-3.12012 -3.64941 -7.59961 -5.58984 -12.1504 -5.58984c-2.5498 0 -5.11914 0.620117 -7.5 1.87988l-79.3496 42.2305 l-29.21 -20.3408l47.0801 -32.7793c1.66992 0.370117 3.22949 1.00977 5.00977 1.00977c13.25 0 23.9902 -10.7402 23.9902 -24c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -23.9902 -24c-12.0898 0 -21.6797 9.11035 -23.3301 20.7598l-40.9102 28.4805v-30.1504 c9.38086 -5.58008 15.9902 -15.3896 15.9902 -27.0996c0 -17.6699 -14.3203 -32 -31.9795 -32c-17.6602 0 -31.9805 14.3301 -31.9805 32c0 11.7197 6.60059 21.5293 15.9902 27.0996v29.9502l-40.6299 -28.2803c-1.64062 -11.6494 -11.2305 -20.7598 -23.3301 -20.7598 c-13.25 0 -23.9902 10.75 -23.9902 24c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 23.9902 24c1.78027 0 3.33984 -0.639648 5.00977 -1.00977l47.0801 32.7793l-29.21 20.3408l-79.3496 -42.2305c-2.37012 -1.26953 -4.9502 -1.87988 -7.5 -1.87988 c-4.55078 0 -9.03027 1.94043 -12.1504 5.58984l-55.9697 65.3604c-12.5703 14.6797 -23.3906 31.0693 -30.46 49.0596c-35.6602 90.6904 2.95996 186.391 81.4893 229.24c2.53027 1.40039 5.44043 2.09961 8.33008 2.09961c4.35059 0 8.69043 -1.58984 11.6904 -4.7998 c4.99023 -5.30957 6.45996 -12.9199 2.58984 -19.0801c-16.4902 -26.1602 -25.2002 -56.3896 -25.2002 -87.4697c0.180664 -53.1904 26.7598 -102.62 71.0303 -132.18l76.5898 -53.3301v19.8994l-44.0498 36.0908c-3.91016 4.20996 -5 10.0996 -2.81055 15.2793 l7.85059 17.2402c-33.8506 19.2598 -56.9404 55.2402 -56.9404 96.9902c0 40.79 22.0205 76.1396 54.5898 95.7197l-5.21973 11.4404c-2.2002 5.22949 -1.17969 11.5996 3.57031 16.04l58.9902 52.8096l58.9893 -52.8203c4.81055 -4.5 5.74023 -10.8994 3.57031 -16.04 l-5.21973 -11.4395c32.5693 -19.5801 54.5898 -54.9199 54.5898 -95.71c0 -41.7402 -23.0996 -77.7305 -56.9404 -96.9902l7.85059 -17.2402c2.18945 -5.18945 1.10938 -11.0801 -2.81055 -15.2793l-44.0498 -36.0908v-20.0996l76.6299 53.3496 c44.5 29.7207 71.0801 79.1602 71.2705 132.41c0 31.0205 -8.70996 61.25 -25.2002 87.4102c-1.36328 2.15723 -2.46973 5.97949 -2.46973 8.53223c0 3.51465 1.96191 8.43652 4.37988 10.9883c3.08984 3.2998 7.31934 5.00977 11.5996 5.00977h0.0078125 c2.28027 0 5.75391 -0.891602 7.75195 -1.99023zM115.73 68.1504l53.5596 28.5098l-24.2803 16.9102c-52.6396 35.1299 -84.5098 94.4492 -84.7295 158.319v0.100586c0 12.2705 2.21777 31.9375 4.9502 43.8994c-33.5205 -41.2393 -43.2002 -98.5293 -22.1104 -152.159 c5.2002 -13.2305 13.5996 -26.6709 24.9795 -39.9609zM299.94 338.63l-14.6201 -32.0498c-8.75 -24.5205 -8.75 -51.04 0 -75.5605l12.2695 -26.9297c22.8301 14.1006 38.21 39.1504 38.21 67.9102c0 27.7998 -14.2803 52.29 -35.8594 66.6299zM255.86 405.06 l-27.8799 -24.9492l27.4893 -60.2607l0.379883 -0.830078l0.380859 0.830078l27.4795 60.2803zM214.11 204.09l12.2598 26.9199c8.75 24.5303 8.75 51.04 0 75.5605l-14.6104 32.0596c-21.5693 -14.3398 -35.8594 -38.8203 -35.8594 -66.6299 c0 -28.7598 15.3799 -53.8096 38.21 -67.9102zM255.86 134.66l27.8301 22.8096l-27.4707 60.2803l-0.370117 0.820312l-0.369141 -0.820312l-27.4609 -60.2803zM475.02 182.5c12.4609 48.25 1.30078 96.6797 -28.1396 133 c3.20996 -14.1699 4.85059 -28.7305 4.85059 -43.4297c-0.230469 -64.0107 -32.1904 -123.42 -85.5 -159.021l-23.5205 -16.3799l53.5703 -28.5098l44.1699 51.5703c17.4395 20.3594 29.0693 41.4795 34.5693 62.7695z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lambda" unicode="&#xf66e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M440 0c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-77.7803c-11.2998 0.000976562 -24.3145 8.33008 -29.0498 18.5898l-155.25 336.38l-145.17 -350.05c-1.12988 -2.71582 -4.43457 -4.91992 -7.37695 -4.91992h-0.00292969h-17.3604 c-5.70996 0 -9.58008 5.80957 -7.38965 11.0801l159.06 383.39l-7.79004 16.8799c-1.2998 2.84082 -4.13965 4.65039 -7.25977 4.65039h-136.63c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h141.78c11.2998 -0.000976562 24.3145 -8.33008 29.0498 -18.5898 l181.28 -392.76c1.2998 -2.84082 4.13965 -4.65039 7.25977 -4.65039h72.6299z" /> <glyph glyph-name="landmark" unicode="&#xf66f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M565.62 355.89c6.24023 -2.33984 10.3799 -8.30957 10.3799 -14.9795v-36.9102c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-544c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v36.9102c0 6.11914 4.65039 12.8301 10.3799 14.9795l266.38 90.0703 c3.62012 1.36035 7.43066 2.04004 11.2402 2.04004s7.62012 -0.679688 11.2402 -2.04004zM544 320v9.44043l-256 86.5596l-256 -86.5801v-9.41992h512zM568 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h24v64c0 17.6699 16.3701 32 36.5703 32h11.4297v192h32v-192h96v192h32v-192h96v192h32v-192h96v192h32v-192h11.4297c20.2002 0 36.5703 -14.3301 36.5703 -32v-64h24zM512 -32v62.7197c-0.700195 0.520508 -2.2002 1.28027 -4.57031 1.28027 h-438.859c-2.36035 0 -3.87012 -0.759766 -4.57031 -1.28027v-62.7197h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lightbulb-dollar" unicode="&#xf670;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M203.09 264.58c18.6006 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-16.1201c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16.29c-11.29 0.580078 -22.2695 4.51953 -31.3701 11.3496 c-3.89941 2.93066 -4.09961 8.77051 -0.570312 12.1406l11.75 11.21c2.77051 2.63965 6.89062 2.75977 10.1309 0.729492c3.85938 -2.42969 8.25977 -3.71973 12.8193 -3.71973h28.1104c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.61035 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295 l-45 13.5c-18.6006 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v16.1201c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16.29c11.29 -0.580078 22.2695 -4.51953 31.3701 -11.3496 c3.89941 -2.93066 4.09961 -8.77051 0.569336 -12.1406l-11.75 -11.21c-2.76953 -2.63965 -6.88965 -2.75977 -10.1299 -0.729492c-3.85938 2.42969 -8.25977 3.71973 -12.8193 3.71973h-28.1104c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904 c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1797 8.76953 -12.7295zM176 448c97.2002 0 176 -78.7998 176 -176c0 -44.3701 -16.4502 -84.8496 -43.5596 -115.78c-25.4502 -29.0293 -50.1807 -76.5 -52.4404 -92.2197l-0.0703125 -75.1797 c-0.00976562 -3.14062 -0.939453 -6.2207 -2.67969 -8.83984l-24.5098 -36.8408c-2.95996 -4.45996 -7.95996 -7.13965 -13.3203 -7.13965h-78.8496c-5.35059 0 -10.3506 2.67969 -13.3203 7.13965l-24.5098 36.8408c-1.74023 2.61914 -2.68066 5.68945 -2.68066 8.83984 l-0.0595703 75.1797c-2.15039 15.3203 -26.79 62.9697 -52.4404 92.2197c-27.0596 30.8701 -43.5 71.2607 -43.5596 115.54c-0.120117 92.7002 73.0498 176.24 176 176.24zM223.94 -6.30957v6.30957h-95.9004l0.00976562 -6.30957l17.0898 -25.6904h61.71zM223.98 32 l0.0390625 32h-96.0791l0.0693359 -32h95.9707zM284.38 177.32c22.9697 26.1992 35.6201 59.8301 35.6201 94.6797c0 79.4004 -64.5996 144 -144 144c-83.5703 0 -144.13 -67.0098 -143.95 -144c0.0800781 -34.8496 12.4502 -68.2998 35.5801 -94.6797 c13.9902 -15.96 36.3203 -48.0898 50.5801 -81.3105h115.59c14.25 33.21 36.5898 65.3506 50.5801 81.3105z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lightbulb-exclamation" unicode="&#xf671;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M176 200c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM159.53 231.5l-7 112c-0.290039 4.61035 3.37012 8.5 7.97949 8.5h30.9707c4.60938 0 8.26953 -3.88965 7.97949 -8.5l-7 -112 c-0.258789 -4.1377 -3.83398 -7.49805 -7.97949 -7.5h-16.9707c-4.21973 0 -7.71973 3.28027 -7.97949 7.5zM176 448c97.2002 0 176 -78.7998 176 -176c0 -44.3701 -16.4502 -84.8496 -43.5596 -115.78c-25.4502 -29.0293 -50.1807 -76.5 -52.4404 -92.2197 l-0.0703125 -75.1797c-0.00976562 -3.14062 -0.939453 -6.2207 -2.67969 -8.83984l-24.5098 -36.8408c-2.95996 -4.45996 -7.95996 -7.13965 -13.3203 -7.13965h-78.8496c-5.35059 0 -10.3506 2.67969 -13.3203 7.13965l-24.5098 36.8408 c-1.74023 2.61914 -2.68066 5.68945 -2.68066 8.83984l-0.0595703 75.1797c-2.15039 15.3203 -26.79 62.9697 -52.4404 92.2197c-27.0596 30.8701 -43.5 71.2607 -43.5596 115.54c-0.120117 92.7002 73.0498 176.24 176 176.24zM223.94 -6.30957v6.30957h-95.9004 l0.00976562 -6.30957l17.0898 -25.6904h61.71zM223.98 32l0.0390625 32h-96.0791l0.0693359 -32h95.9707zM284.38 177.32c22.9697 26.1992 35.6201 59.8301 35.6201 94.6797c0 79.4004 -64.5996 144 -144 144c-83.5703 0 -144.13 -67.0098 -143.95 -144 c0.0800781 -34.8496 12.4502 -68.2998 35.5801 -94.6797c13.9902 -15.96 36.3203 -48.0898 50.5801 -81.3105h115.59c14.25 33.21 36.5898 65.3506 50.5801 81.3105z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lightbulb-slash" unicode="&#xf673;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224 328.7c19.5 32.8994 55 55.2998 96 55.2998c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16c-30.7998 0 -57.2998 -17.7002 -70.5996 -43.2998zM320 416c-62.9004 0 -102.5 -36.7002 -121.7 -67l-25.2002 19.7998c23.7002 35.7998 71.8008 79.2002 146.9 79.2002 c97.2002 0 176 -78.7998 176 -175.9c0 -73.1992 -44.4004 -116.8 -47.2998 -120.3l-25 19.7002c5 6.09961 40.2998 41.4004 40.2998 100.5c0 79.4004 -64.5996 144 -144 144zM637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5 c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002zM262.2 96h102.1l36.7002 -28.9004c-0.0996094 -0.5 -0.900391 -2.69922 -1 -3.09961l-0.0996094 -75.2002 c0 -3.09961 -1 -6.2002 -2.7002 -8.7998l-24.5 -36.7998c-2.90039 -4.40039 -7.90039 -7.10059 -13.2998 -7.10059h-78.9004c-5.2998 0 -10.2998 2.60059 -13.2998 7.10059l-24.5 36.7998c-1.7998 2.59961 -2.7002 5.7002 -2.7002 8.7998l-0.0996094 75.2002 c-2.10059 15.2998 -26.7002 62.9004 -52.4004 92.2002c-26.5 30.2998 -42.5996 69.7998 -43.2998 113.1l35.2998 -27.7998c5.09961 -23.5996 15.9004 -45.7002 32.0996 -64.2002c14 -15.8994 36.3008 -48.0996 50.6006 -81.2998zM367.9 -6.2998h0.0996094v6.2998h-95.9004 v-6.2998l17.1006 -25.7002h61.7002zM368 32v32h-96.0996l0.0996094 -32h96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mail-bulk" unicode="&#xf674;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M592 352c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-224c0 -26.4697 -21.5303 -48 -48 -48h-176v32h176c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16v224c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-352c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-16h-32v16c0 26.4697 21.5303 48 48 48h352zM96 400v-112h-32v112 c0 26.4697 21.5303 48 48 48h288c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-16h-32v16c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-288c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16zM560 192h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v64c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-64 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM512 256v-32h32v32h-32zM336 256c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-224c0 -26.4697 -21.5303 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.4697 0 -48 21.5303 -48 48v224c0 26.4697 21.5303 48 48 48h288zM352 -16v150.4 c-12.7998 -9.60059 -32 -25.6006 -96 -70.4004c-12.7998 -9.59961 -38.4004 -32 -64 -32s-51.2002 22.4004 -64 32c-64 44.7998 -83.2002 60.7998 -96 70.4004v-150.4c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h288c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM352 172.8v35.2002 c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-288c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-32c25.5996 -19.2002 22.4004 -19.2002 115.2 -86.4004c9.59961 -6.39941 28.7998 -25.5996 44.7998 -25.5996s35.2002 19.2002 44.7998 22.4004c92.7998 67.1992 89.6006 67.1992 115.2 86.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="megaphone" unicode="&#xf675;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 416c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-432c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v19.3301l-195.36 45.9697c-10.1895 -41.9902 -47.5098 -73.29 -92.6396 -73.29c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96c0 7.27051 1.01953 14.2705 2.58008 21.0703 l-130.58 30.7197v-11.7998c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v176c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-11.7998l512 120.47v19.3301c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16zM256 0c29.9297 0 54.9199 20.7305 61.8896 48.5303 l-124.13 29.21c-1.04004 -4.43066 -1.75977 -8.99023 -1.75977 -13.7402c0 -35.29 28.71 -64 64 -64zM32 148.67l512 -120.47v327.6l-512 -120.47v-86.6602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mosque" unicode="&#xf678;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M240 64c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-72c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v72c0 8.83008 -7.19043 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16992 -16 -16v-72c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v70.1104 c0 24.8301 18.4697 49.8896 48 49.8896zM592 192c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-200c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v200c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-416c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-200c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v312h-96v-320h-32v392c0 80 80 120 80 120s80 -40 80 -120v-138.95c5.03027 1.7998 10.3604 2.9502 16 2.9502h6.16992c-3.76953 8.63965 -6.16992 17.5898 -6.16992 26.9102c0 53.9297 43.5195 95.46 90.7402 124.66 c42.6494 26.3799 75.0098 52.5801 117.26 104.43c42.3896 -52.0098 75.4805 -78.5898 117.26 -104.43c47.2207 -29.2002 90.7402 -70.7305 90.7402 -124.66c0 -9.32031 -2.40039 -18.2705 -6.16992 -26.9102h6.16992zM128 288v40c0 40.5996 -29.5498 68.6201 -48 82.1504 c-18.4502 -13.5303 -48 -41.5508 -48 -82.1504v-40h96zM549.07 192c7.25977 9.21973 10.9297 18.2402 10.9297 26.9102c0 33.0303 -24.5596 65.2803 -73 95.8398c-40.9805 25.8604 -74.8896 53.4502 -103 83.8604c-28.1104 -30.4102 -62.0098 -58 -103 -83.8604 c-48.4404 -30.5703 -73 -62.8096 -73 -95.8398c0 -8.66992 3.66992 -17.6904 10.9297 -26.9102h330.141zM384 128c61.0195 -30.5098 64 -76.1797 64 -89.8896v-94.1104c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v94.1104 c0 27.1895 -20.6904 45.3301 -32 53.2197c-11.3096 -7.88965 -32 -26.0303 -32 -53.2197v-94.1104c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v94.1104c0 13.6895 2.98047 59.3799 64 89.8896zM528 64c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-72 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v72c0 8.83008 -7.19043 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16992 -16 -16v-72c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v70.1104c0 24.8301 18.4697 49.8896 48 49.8896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="om" unicode="&#xf679;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M296.62 355.06l-21.5605 21.5605c-1.68848 1.68652 -3.05957 4.99316 -3.05957 7.37988s1.37109 5.69336 3.05957 7.37988l21.5605 21.5605c1.68652 1.68848 4.99316 3.05957 7.37988 3.05957s5.69336 -1.37109 7.37988 -3.05957l21.5605 -21.5605 c1.68848 -1.68652 3.05957 -4.99316 3.05957 -7.37988s-1.37109 -5.69336 -3.05957 -7.37988l-21.5605 -21.5605c-4.08008 -4.06934 -10.6797 -4.06934 -14.7598 0zM310.56 288c-56.0293 0 -84.0693 41.7803 -85.2393 43.5596c-4.91992 7.5 4.23926 16.1201 11.2295 10.8701 c0.299805 -0.229492 30.2002 -22.3701 69.8906 -22.3701c23.1191 0 45.0098 7.54004 65.0596 22.4004c5.15039 3.83008 12.5 0.120117 12.5 -6.45996v-25.9697v-0.00488281c0 -1.43652 -0.680664 -3.54883 -1.51953 -4.71582 c-2.08008 -2.88965 -15.3301 -17.3096 -71.9209 -17.3096zM355.1 239.53c50.2803 5.2793 92.9004 -34.1807 92.8906 -83.4199v-84.1201c0 -39.7598 -32.2305 -72 -72 -72h-24c-50.4004 0 -48 32.6201 -48 32.6201v19.2998c0 3.84961 4.9502 5.5498 7.4502 2.55957 c7.94922 -9.5 19.8691 -22.4697 40.5498 -22.4697h24c22.0898 0 40 17.9102 40 40v84.1299c0 32.3398 -29.7402 57.8506 -63.2803 50.6504c-10.0703 -2.16016 -19.0996 -7.78027 -26.3799 -15.0605l-23.1396 -23.1494 c-15.7305 -15.7305 -37.0703 -24.5703 -59.3203 -24.5703h-49.1299c17.6396 -18.3096 28.7695 -42.9502 29.2402 -70.21c1 -58.1904 -50.3408 -105.79 -108.54 -105.79c-88.0801 0 -115.48 61.9502 -115.44 80.3496c0.00976562 4.69043 6.16016 6.80078 8.87012 2.78027 c13.6699 -20.25 45.5498 -51.1299 103.13 -51.1299h8c42.0596 0 75.8301 36.2695 71.6504 79.1699c-3.64062 37.4102 -37.2705 64.8203 -74.8604 64.8203l-37.2998 -0.169922c-2.79004 0.229492 -5.32031 1.75 -6.58984 4.2793l-8.04004 16.0908 c-2.66016 5.3291 1.18945 11.6094 7.14941 11.6396l31.9902 0.169922c35.29 0 63.0596 32.8203 54.3896 69.54c-5.01953 21.2803 -23.1094 38.0898 -44.6797 41.6699c-18.8604 3.12988 -36.9902 -2.95996 -49.6602 -15.9102 c-2.9502 -3.01953 -7.49023 -3.71973 -10.8594 -1.18945l-12.8604 9.66992c-3.65039 2.75 -4.42969 8.14941 -1.36035 11.5293c20.21 22.2705 50.2002 32.7803 81.3906 27.25c32.7393 -5.80957 59.8701 -31.0195 68.4893 -63.1299 c8.20996 -30.5498 -0.299805 -58.7393 -17.5293 -79.4199h72.5596c11.8662 0.000976562 28.3076 6.81055 36.7002 15.2002l22.0303 22.0303c14.1992 14.2002 32.5195 24.1895 52.4893 26.29z" /> <glyph glyph-name="omega" unicode="&#xf67a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 192c0 -81.6299 -43.8096 -152.85 -109.06 -192h101.06c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-144c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v24.3096c0 6.57031 4.09961 12.2803 10.1602 14.8301c69.1094 29.0703 117.84 97.3008 117.84 176.86 c0 108.52 -90.4902 196.3 -199.98 191.84c-97.4092 -3.96973 -178.319 -83.6299 -183.72 -180.97c-4.66992 -84.1699 45.2998 -157.34 117.54 -187.73c6.06055 -2.54004 10.1602 -8.25977 10.1602 -14.8301v-24.3096c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-144 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h101.06c-72.6396 43.5898 -118.71 126.92 -107.34 220.12c12.3799 101.43 94.9199 183.09 196.48 194.43c135.26 15.1201 249.8 -90.3398 249.8 -222.55z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pastafarianism" unicode="&#xf67b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M629.28 92.8604c8.60938 -3.14062 12.8994 -12.3906 9.62012 -20.6504c-3.25 -8.26953 -12.8701 -12.4102 -21.4502 -9.25c-13.1006 4.83008 -23.3398 -1.16992 -40.2998 -12.2002c-13.6904 -8.89941 -29.9004 -19.4502 -49.8604 -19.4502 c-6.53027 0 -13.5205 1.14062 -20.9004 3.84082c-29.9297 10.9697 -36.6592 36.4492 -42.0498 56.9199c-2.51953 9.56934 -4.66016 17.0996 -7.82031 22.8496c-19.3896 -17.3701 -44.71 -33.1504 -76.6299 -42.4102c12.4502 -50.0293 36.4102 -102.85 68.1104 -102.85 c8.83984 0 16 -7.53027 16 -16.8301s-7.16016 -16.8301 -16 -16.8301c-60.4404 0 -89.3096 88.0596 -99.6299 129.86c-9.04004 -1.12988 -18.4297 -1.86035 -28.3701 -1.86035s-19.3301 0.719727 -28.3701 1.86035c-10.3203 -41.8008 -39.1895 -129.86 -99.6299 -129.86 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.53027 -16 16.8301s7.16016 16.8301 16 16.8301c31.7002 0 55.6602 52.8203 68.1104 102.84c-31.9199 9.25977 -57.2402 25.0498 -76.6299 42.4102c-3.1709 -5.74023 -5.31055 -13.2803 -7.82031 -22.8506 c-5.39062 -20.4697 -12.1201 -45.9492 -42.0498 -56.9199c-7.37988 -2.69922 -14.3701 -3.83984 -20.9004 -3.83984c-19.96 0 -36.1797 10.54 -49.8604 19.4502c-16.96 11.0303 -27.1992 17.0303 -40.2998 12.2002c-8.58008 -3.16016 -18.2002 0.979492 -21.4502 9.25 c-3.2793 8.26953 1.01074 17.5195 9.62012 20.6602c29.9307 10.9697 52.5801 -3.78027 70.75 -15.6104c16.9707 -11 27.2002 -16.9502 40.2998 -12.2002c13.0908 4.7998 16.6006 15.8301 21.6104 34.8906c3.35059 12.71 7.23047 27.3496 16.8506 39.25 c-7.51074 9.16992 -13.4707 17.8994 -18.2109 25.6494c-9.73926 -11.2598 -22.7598 -20.8398 -42.1797 -20.8398c-30.0303 0 -44.8799 22.8398 -55.71 39.5195c-11.0801 17.0303 -16.9902 24.4805 -27.4902 24.4805c-9.19922 0 -16.6396 7.16016 -16.6396 16 s7.44043 16 16.6396 16c30.0303 0 44.8799 -22.8398 55.71 -39.5195c11.0801 -17.0303 16.9902 -24.4805 27.4902 -24.4805c46.0801 0 20.6797 62.8799 119.11 118.33l-21.1299 42.2598c-1.94043 -0.209961 -3.83008 -0.589844 -5.82031 -0.589844 c-30.9297 0 -56 25.0703 -56 56s25.0703 56 56 56s56 -25.0703 56 -56c0 -17.4199 -8.12012 -32.7803 -20.5898 -43.0498l20.5596 -41.1104c20.7705 7.5 44.6504 12.1602 72.0303 12.1602s51.2598 -4.66016 72.0195 -12.1602l20.5605 41.1104 c-12.46 10.2695 -20.5801 25.6299 -20.5801 43.0498c0 30.9297 25.0703 56 56 56s56 -25.0703 56 -56s-25.0703 -56 -56 -56c-2 0 -3.87988 0.389648 -5.82031 0.589844l-21.1299 -42.2598c98.4307 -55.4502 73.0303 -118.33 119.11 -118.33 c10.4902 0 16.4102 7.4502 27.4902 24.4805c10.8301 16.6797 25.6797 39.5195 55.71 39.5195c9.19922 0 16.6396 -7.16016 16.6396 -16s-7.44043 -16 -16.6396 -16c-10.4902 0 -16.4102 -7.4502 -27.4902 -24.4805c-10.8301 -16.6797 -25.6797 -39.5195 -55.71 -39.5195 c-19.4199 0 -32.4404 9.58008 -42.1797 20.8398c-4.74023 -7.75 -10.7002 -16.4795 -18.2109 -25.6494c9.62012 -11.9004 13.5 -26.54 16.8506 -39.25c5 -19.0605 8.50977 -30.0908 21.6104 -34.8906c13.0996 -4.75 23.3291 1.2002 40.2998 12.2002 c18.1602 11.8301 40.8193 26.5801 70.75 15.6104zM448 416c-13.2305 0 -24 -10.7695 -24 -24s10.7695 -24 24 -24s24 10.7695 24 24s-10.7695 24 -24 24zM192 368c13.2305 0 24 10.7695 24 24s-10.7695 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7695 -24 -24s10.7695 -24 24 -24zM320 96 c97.04 0 142.39 68.2598 156.81 96.0098c-14.3594 27.6299 -59.6895 95.9902 -156.81 95.9902s-142.45 -68.3604 -156.81 -95.9902c14.4199 -27.75 59.7695 -96.0098 156.81 -96.0098z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phone-office" unicode="&#xf67d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M352 128c17.6602 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6396 -14.3398 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v32c0 17.6396 14.3398 32 32 32h32zM352 64v32h-32v-32h32zM352 256c17.6602 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6396 -14.3398 -32 -32 -32h-32 c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v32c0 17.6396 14.3398 32 32 32h32zM352 192v32h-32v-32h32zM480 128c17.6602 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6396 -14.3398 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v32c0 17.6396 14.3398 32 32 32h32zM480 64v32h-32v-32h32z M480 256c17.6602 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6396 -14.3398 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v32c0 17.6396 14.3398 32 32 32h32zM480 192v32h-32v-32h32zM512 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-352c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-448 c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v352c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h18.9404c6.60938 18.5996 24.1895 32 45.0596 32h64c20.8701 0 38.4502 -13.4004 45.0596 -32h274.94zM320 384v-64h160v64h-160zM112 400v-336c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h64 c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v336c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-64c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16zM544 0v352c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32v-64c0 -17.6396 -14.3398 -32 -32 -32h-160c-17.6602 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32v64h-48v-320c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48 h-64c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v320h-16c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-352c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h448c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pi" unicode="&#xf67e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M444.79 62.4004c3.54004 -2.65039 4.25977 -7.66016 1.62012 -11.21l-20.7803 -27.7305c-17.46 -23.2002 -51.04 -31.6201 -78.6104 -14.1201c-17.4199 11.0605 -27.0195 31.1602 -27.0195 51.79v258.87h-160v-131.47c0 -32.9141 -14.1572 -82.2793 -31.5996 -110.19 l-46.6006 -74.5703c-1.29883 -2.07324 -4.33887 -3.75684 -6.78516 -3.75684c-1.26855 0 -3.16992 0.544922 -4.24512 1.21777l-13.5596 8.47949c-2.07324 1.29785 -3.75488 4.33594 -3.75488 6.78125c0 1.26562 0.543945 3.16504 1.21484 4.23926l46.5801 74.5293 c17.4805 27.9707 26.75 60.29 26.75 93.2803v131.46h-119.98c-7.12988 0 -10.6992 8.62012 -5.65918 13.6602l13.6592 13.6494c3 3 7.07031 4.69043 11.3105 4.69043h412.67c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-88v-261.33 c0 -14.7002 11.9697 -26.6699 26.6602 -26.6699c8.33984 0 16.3398 3.98047 21.3594 10.6699l20.75 27.7197c1.32422 1.77051 4.19336 3.20801 6.4043 3.20801c1.4707 0 3.61914 -0.71582 4.7959 -1.59766z" /> <glyph glyph-name="place-of-worship" unicode="&#xf67f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M558.57 92.0098c10.4697 -5 17.4297 -17.8994 17.4297 -32.3301v-115.68c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8c0 0 0.349609 119.22 0 120l-96 45.29v-165.29c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v229.88l-64 38.4004 v133.09l-64 64l-64 -64v-133.09l-64 -38.4004v-229.88c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v165.29l-96 -45.29c-0.349609 -0.780273 0 -120 0 -120c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v115.68 c0 14.4307 6.95996 27.3301 17.4297 32.3301l110.57 52.7207v29.1494v0.0107422c0 9.99707 6.95703 22.2861 15.5303 27.4297l48.4697 29.0801v114.979c0 8.48047 3.37012 16.6201 9.37012 22.6201l75.3203 75.3096c3.11914 3.13086 7.21973 4.69043 11.3096 4.69043 s8.19043 -1.55957 11.3096 -4.69043l75.3105 -75.3096c6.00977 -6 9.37988 -14.1396 9.37988 -22.6299v-114.97l48.4697 -29.0801c9.62988 -5.79004 15.5303 -16.2002 15.5303 -27.4404v-29.1396zM281.71 127.7c38.1699 3.63965 70.29 -26.2803 70.29 -63.7002v-120 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v120c0 19.4199 -17.3896 34.8496 -37.4102 31.5596c-15.7295 -2.59961 -26.5898 -17.4092 -26.5898 -33.3594v-118.2c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v117.25 c0 33.4297 24.4297 63.2803 57.71 66.4502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="podium" unicode="&#xf680;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M440 288c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-56l-31.9004 -288h55.9004c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-368c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56l-31.9004 286.23l-0.00976562 1.76953 h-56.0898c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v16c0 57.1299 43.1699 103.88 98.5195 110.64c6.21094 19.3008 24.1104 33.3604 45.4805 33.3604h64c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-64 c-20.4004 0 -37.71 12.7803 -44.6602 30.7197c-38.0898 -6.12012 -67.3398 -38.9502 -67.3398 -78.7197v-16h344zM208 416c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16h64c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16h-64zM320 -32l31.9004 288h-255.9 l31.9004 -286.23l0.00976562 -1.76953h192.09z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pray" unicode="&#xf683;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M240 304c-39.7002 0 -72 32.2998 -72 72s32.2998 72 72 72s72 -32.2998 72 -72s-32.2998 -72 -72 -72zM240 416c-22.0498 0 -40 -17.9502 -40 -40s17.9502 -40 40 -40s40 17.9502 40 40s-17.9502 40 -40 40zM219.25 121.11l-16.5596 19.7197l-24.4902 -45.6201 l102.75 -74.9502c15.6895 -12.0801 21.6494 -32.1699 15.1797 -51.1895c-6.72949 -19.7803 -25.2598 -33.0703 -46.0996 -33.0703h-202.03c-26.4697 0 -48 21.5303 -48 48s21.5303 48 48 48h18.9404c-35.1406 30.2305 -44.4404 79.5 -21.4307 122.43l49.3799 92.04 c9.32031 17.29 32.6406 41.5303 71.1699 41.5303c24.4004 0 47.1406 -10.4297 62.3809 -28.5898l31.3096 -35.1602l42.3096 49.6904c18.7402 18.75 49.1309 18.75 67.8809 0c18.7393 -18.7402 18.7393 -49.1309 0 -67.8809l-80.1309 -88 c-15.5098 -17.0791 -50.0693 -21.3594 -70.5596 3.05078zM136.81 85.7803l59.9902 111.76l46.9404 -55.8398c4.76953 -5.66992 14.7197 -8.45996 22.3799 -2.12012l81.1895 89.1104c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299s-16.3799 6.25 -22.6299 0l-66.3994 -77.1602 l-54.3398 64.6699c-24.3301 28.9902 -67.1709 17.8799 -80.8809 -7.5498l-49.3398 -91.9805c-17.2197 -32.1094 -9.5 -68.8398 22.5 -89.2803l90.0303 -50.0195h-138.25c-8.80957 0 -16 -7.16992 -16 -16s7.19043 -16 16 -16h202.02c14.7002 0 22.5 18.3604 11.4004 26.9004 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="praying-hands" unicode="&#xf684;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M502.58 107.77c-13.4199 4.14062 -22.5801 16.54 -22.5703 30.5801v66.5107c0 14.0732 -5.66699 35.4111 -12.6494 47.6299l-86.5107 151.399c-6.87988 12.0801 -21.7793 15.2002 -32.75 8.94043c-11.5 -6.58008 -15.5 -21.25 -8.93945 -32.75l64.1895 -112.33 c8.29004 -14.5 12.6504 -30.9199 12.6504 -47.6299v-84.1299c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v64c0 13.25 -10.75 24 -24 24s-24 -10.75 -24 -24v-86.0801c0 -35.8604 23.8604 -67.3398 58.3896 -77.0303l239.771 -68.5596 c3.4502 -0.970703 5.83984 -4.11035 5.83984 -7.7002v-16.6201c0 -5.2998 -5.05957 -9.12988 -10.1602 -7.7002l-244.09 69.7705c-28.4102 7.96973 -51.4004 26.6396 -65.75 50.7295c-14.3496 -24.0996 -37.3398 -42.7598 -65.75 -50.7295l-244.09 -69.7705 c-5.10059 -1.42969 -10.1602 2.40039 -10.1602 7.7002v16.6201c0.00390625 3.34473 2.62012 6.79395 5.83984 7.7002l239.771 68.5596c34.5195 9.69043 58.3896 41.1699 58.3896 77.0303v86.0801c0 13.25 -10.75 24 -24 24s-24 -10.75 -24 -24v-64 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v84.1299c0.000976562 14.0723 5.66797 35.4111 12.6504 47.6299l64.1895 112.33c6.56055 11.5 2.56055 26.1699 -8.93945 32.75c-10.9102 6.21973 -25.8203 3.21973 -32.75 -8.94043l-86.5107 -151.399 c-8.29004 -14.5 -12.6494 -30.9199 -12.6494 -47.6299v-66.5107c0 -14.04 -9.16016 -26.4492 -22.5801 -30.5801l-127.061 -39.9893c-5.13965 -1.58008 -10.3496 2.26953 -10.3496 7.64941v16.7402c0.00195312 3.26172 2.5332 6.68848 5.65039 7.65039l122.35 38.5293 v66.5107v0.00878906c0 18.7617 7.55371 47.21 16.8604 63.501l86.4893 151.37c9.94043 17.4297 28.5801 28.2598 48.6602 28.2598c14.79 0 29.2598 -6.00977 39.9902 -16.9404c10.7305 10.9307 25.2002 16.9404 39.9902 16.9404 c20.0801 0 38.7197 -10.8301 48.6602 -28.2598l86.4795 -151.36c11.0605 -19.3398 16.8701 -41.2295 16.8701 -63.5098v-66.5098l122.34 -38.54c3.36035 -1.04004 5.65039 -4.14062 5.65039 -7.65039v-16.7402c0 -5.38965 -5.20996 -9.22949 -10.3506 -7.64941z M374.27 254.15l-54.2695 94.96l-54.2695 -94.96c6.35938 1.67969 13.1494 2.25977 20.1592 1.54004c13.6602 -1.40039 25.3799 -8.2207 34.1104 -17.9502c8.74023 9.72949 20.4502 16.5498 34.1104 17.9502c7.01953 0.719727 13.8096 0.139648 20.1592 -1.54004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="presentation" unicode="&#xf685;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 448c4.41992 0 8 -3.58984 8 -8.01953v-16.0508c0 -4.42969 -3.58008 -8.01953 -8 -8.01953h-24v-287.771c0 -17.6895 -14.3398 -32.0898 -32 -32.0898h-208v-49.1299l85.6504 -85.8896c3.11914 -3.12988 3.11914 -8.20996 0 -11.3398l-11.3105 -11.3408 c-1.29199 -1.2959 -3.8252 -2.34668 -5.65527 -2.34668c-1.8291 0 -4.3623 1.05078 -5.6543 2.34668l-79.0303 79.2402l-79.04 -79.2402c-1.29199 -1.2959 -3.8252 -2.34668 -5.65527 -2.34668c-1.8291 0 -4.36328 1.05078 -5.6543 2.34668l-11.3105 11.3408 c-3.12012 3.12988 -3.12012 8.20996 0 11.3398l85.6602 85.8896v49.1299h-208c-17.6602 0 -32 14.4004 -32 32.0898v287.78h-24c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58984 -8 8.02051v16.04c0 4.42969 3.58008 8.01953 8 8.01953h560zM512 128v288h-448v-288h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="print-slash" unicode="&#xf686;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002zM192.1 416v-62.2002l-32.0996 25.2998v36.9004 c0 17.7002 13.5996 32 30.5 32h180.3c8.5 0 16.6006 -3.40039 22.6006 -9.40039l77.0996 -77.1992c6 -6 9.40039 -14.1006 9.40039 -22.6006v-82.7998h16c44.1992 0 80 -35.7998 80 -80v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.10059 -15.9004 -15.9004 -16l-40.5996 32h24.5v80 c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48h-139l-40.6006 32h131.7v64h-64c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v64h-159.9zM384 402.8v-50.7998h50.7998zM448 -32v62.0996l32 -25.1992v-52.9004c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-288c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v112h-80 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h16v0.900391l41.7998 -32.9004h-57.7998c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-80h268.4l40.5996 -32h-213v-96h256zM440 160c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 23.9004 24c13.1992 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24 c0 -11.9004 -8.80078 -21.2998 -20.2002 -23.2002l-27.4004 21.6006c0 0.5 -0.299805 1 -0.299805 1.59961z" /> <glyph glyph-name="quran" unicode="&#xf687;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M246.25 109.62c-70.1299 0 -127.18 57.0703 -127.18 127.2s57.0693 127.189 127.189 127.189c15.0898 0 30.0898 -2.75 44.5898 -8.18945c8.66016 -3.2002 13.6201 -12.1602 11.7803 -21.2803c-1.71973 -8.71973 -9.43945 -15.0596 -18.3799 -15.0596l-4.16016 0.199219 c-45.6494 0 -82.8398 -37.1699 -82.8398 -82.8594c0 -45.6904 37.1904 -82.8604 82.8799 -82.8604l4.12012 0.200195c10.3701 0 18.8096 -8.42969 18.8096 -18.7705v-0.0253906c0 -7.44238 -5.72461 -15.4043 -12.7793 -17.7744 c-14.0605 -5.25 -29 -7.96973 -44.0303 -7.96973zM246.25 340c-56.9102 0 -103.19 -46.2998 -103.19 -103.19c0 -58.7295 49.9707 -106.689 108.69 -103.029c-45.2197 12.4502 -78.5 53.9199 -78.5 103.029c0 49.0908 33.3096 90.5801 78.5 103.03 c-1.83984 0.110352 -3.66016 0.160156 -5.5 0.160156zM448 56c0 -10 -6.2002 -18.5996 -14.9004 -22.2002c-3.59961 -16.0996 -4.39941 -45.5996 -0.399414 -65.7998h3.2998c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-372 c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v368c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h344c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-368zM404.3 -32c-3.09961 20.4004 -2.89941 45.2002 0 64h-340.3c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32h340.3zM416 64v352h-336 c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-312.88c9.4502 5.5 20.2803 8.87988 32 8.87988h352zM292.72 292.73c5.37012 10.9395 23.3105 10.9395 28.6807 0.00976562l10.1592 -20.5801l22.7207 -3.2998c6.0293 -0.860352 11.0596 -5.09082 12.9395 -10.8906 s0.320312 -12.1602 -4.05957 -16.4102l-16.4697 -16.0293l3.90918 -22.6201c1.03027 -6 -1.43945 -12.0703 -6.37988 -15.6602c-2.3252 -1.68359 -6.54395 -3.05078 -9.41504 -3.05078c-2.18555 0 -5.5293 0.824219 -7.46484 1.84082l-20.2803 10.6904l-20.2793 -10.6904 c-5.37988 -2.84961 -11.9404 -2.37988 -16.8799 1.2002c-4.94043 3.59961 -7.41016 9.66016 -6.38086 15.6602l3.91016 22.6191l-16.4697 16.0303c-4.37012 4.25 -5.94043 10.6104 -4.05957 16.4102c1.87988 5.7998 6.90918 10.0303 12.9395 10.8896l22.7197 3.30078z M316.94 253.32l-9.88086 20.0293l-9.87988 -20.0293l-22.1201 -3.2002l16.0303 -15.6006l-3.78027 -22.0195l19.75 10.4102l19.75 -10.4102l-3.7793 22.0195l16.0293 15.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="search-dollar" unicode="&#xf688;" d="M235.09 248.58c18.6006 -5.58008 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-12.2998 0 -16.9902l-9.89941 -9.89941c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-128.99 128.989c-2.2002 2.30078 -3.5 5.30078 -3.5 8.5v10.2002 c-37.0996 -34.2002 -86.5898 -55.2002 -141.09 -55.2002c-114.891 0 -207.99 93.1006 -207.99 207.99c0 114.891 93.0996 207.99 207.99 207.99c114.89 0 207.99 -93.0996 207.99 -207.99c0 -54.4902 -21 -103.99 -55.3008 -141.09h10.3008 c3.19922 0 6.19922 -1.2002 8.5 -3.5zM207.99 64.0195c97.2998 0 175.99 78.6904 175.99 175.99c0 97.29 -78.7002 175.99 -175.99 175.99s-175.99 -78.6904 -175.99 -175.99s78.7002 -175.99 175.99 -175.99z" /> <glyph glyph-name="search-location" unicode="&#xf689;" d="M208 352c49.5303 0 89.8096 -40.2998 89.8096 -89.8301c0 -34.6504 -38.3398 -87.2002 -70.5 -125.2c-4.83984 -5.7002 -11.8691 -8.96973 -19.3096 -8.96973s-14.4697 3.26953 -19.2803 8.96973c-32.1895 38 -70.5293 90.54 -70.5293 125.2 c0 49.5303 40.2793 89.8301 89.8096 89.8301zM208 163.77c35.3096 42.7002 57.8096 80.8906 57.8096 98.4102c0 31.8906 -25.9395 57.8301 -57.8096 57.8301s-57.8096 -25.9395 -57.8096 -57.8301c0 -17.5195 22.5 -55.71 57.8096 -98.4102zM208 288 c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM508.47 -33.5801c4.70996 -4.7002 4.70996 -12.2998 0 -16.9902l-9.89941 -9.89941c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.3008 -4.7002 -17 0l-128.99 128.989 c-2.2002 2.30078 -3.5 5.30078 -3.5 8.5v10.2002c-37.0996 -34.2002 -86.5898 -55.2002 -141.09 -55.2002c-114.891 0 -207.99 93.1006 -207.99 207.99c0 114.891 93.0996 207.99 207.99 207.99c114.89 0 207.99 -93.0996 207.99 -207.99 c0 -54.4902 -21 -103.99 -55.3008 -141.09h10.3008c3.19922 0 6.19922 -1.2002 8.5 -3.5zM207.99 64.0195c97.2998 0 175.99 78.6904 175.99 175.99c0 97.29 -78.7002 175.99 -175.99 175.99s-175.99 -78.6904 -175.99 -175.99s78.7002 -175.99 175.99 -175.99z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sigma" unicode="&#xf68b;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M296 288c-4.41016 0 -7.99023 3.58008 -7.99023 8v56h-255.96l129.4 -138.12c11.5 -12.2695 11.5 -31.4902 -0.0302734 -43.7695l-130.07 -138.92l256.65 0.80957v56c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-56c0 -17.6699 -14.3203 -32 -31.9902 -32 h-254.399c-11.2305 0 -22.3105 5.04004 -28.3799 14.4902c-7.75 12.0898 -6.74023 27.0098 2.06934 37.7793l130.79 139.73l-130.1 138.94c-9.56055 11.6299 -10.4902 26.4199 -2.7998 38.5c6.00977 9.43945 17.0098 14.5596 28.1992 14.5596h254.62 c17.6699 0 31.9902 -14.3301 31.9902 -32v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-alt-slash" unicode="&#xf694;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M384 288v-85.2998l-32 25.2002v60.0996c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h32c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-135.7l-32 25.2002v110.5h-32zM544 416v-339.3l-32 25.2002v314.1c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h32c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-389.7l-32 25.2002v364.5h-32z M637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002zM224 192h18.4004l45.5996 -35.9004v-188.1 c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v192c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32zM256 -32v192h-32v-192h32zM416 -32v87.2998l32 -25.2002v-62.0996c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v137.7l32 -25.2002v-112.5h32 zM96 64c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-64c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v64c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h32zM96 -32v64h-32v-64h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-slash" unicode="&#xf695;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M80 64c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-112c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v112c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32zM472 344v-210.6l-48 37.7998v172.8c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM600 440v-407.4l-48 37.8008v369.6 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8zM424 -56v105l48 -37.7998v-67.2002c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8zM208 160c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-208c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v208 c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h32zM637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 -1.2002l-614 483.5c-3.40039 2.7002 -4 7.7002 -1.2002 11.2002l10 12.5c2.7002 3.5 7.7998 4 11.2002 1.2002zM296 -56v205.8 l48 -37.7998v-168c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square-root" unicode="&#xf697;" d="M160.13 -29.29c-9.50977 3.62012 -16.8799 11.4297 -21.1494 20.6602l-80.9209 175.33c-2.61914 5.66992 -8.29004 9.2998 -14.5293 9.2998h-35.5303c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h35.5303c18.6201 0 35.75 -10.9404 43.5898 -27.8799 l81.3096 -176.2c2.31055 -5.16016 11.1201 -4.38965 12.6602 1.08984l101.101 375.46c5.58984 20.9199 24.6494 35.5303 46.3398 35.5303h175.47c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-175.47c-7.2207 0 -13.5898 -4.86035 -15.4404 -11.8301 l-101.12 -375.479c-5.7998 -21.4707 -29.0293 -34.6807 -51.8398 -25.9805z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square-root-alt" unicode="&#xf698;" d="M509.16 199.03l-55.04 -55.0303l55.0303 -55.0303c3.11914 -3.12012 3.11914 -8.18945 0 -11.3096l-11.3105 -11.3105c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-55.0303 55.0303l-55.0303 -55.0303c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0 l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.18945 0 11.3096l55.0303 55.0303l-55.0303 55.0303c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.18945 0 11.3096l11.3105 11.3105c3.12012 3.11914 8.18945 3.11914 11.3096 0l55.0303 -55.0303l55.0303 55.0303 c3.12012 3.11914 8.18945 3.11914 11.3096 0l11.3105 -11.3105c3.12988 -3.12012 3.12988 -8.17969 0.00976562 -11.3096zM211.97 -3.30957c-5.7998 -21.4707 -29.0293 -34.6807 -51.8398 -25.9805c-9.50977 3.62012 -16.8896 11.4199 -21.1494 20.6602l-80.9209 175.33 c-2.60938 5.66992 -8.29004 9.2998 -14.5293 9.2998h-35.5303c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h35.5303c18.6299 0 35.75 -10.9404 43.5898 -27.8701l81.3096 -176.2c2.32031 -5.16016 11.1299 -4.38965 12.6602 1.08984l101.101 375.45 c5.58984 20.9199 24.6494 35.5303 46.3398 35.5303h175.47c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-175.47c-7.2207 0 -13.6006 -4.86035 -15.4404 -11.8301z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-and-crescent" unicode="&#xf699;" d="M340.47 -18.3604c8.74023 0 15.1299 -6.96973 15.1299 -15.0596c0 -6.62012 -4.31934 -12.2402 -10.2793 -14.2598c-29.04 -10.8301 -59.0898 -16.3203 -89.3203 -16.3203c-141.16 0 -256 114.84 -256 256s114.84 256 256 256c30.3896 0 60.5801 -5.54004 89.75 -16.4805 c6.91992 -2.59961 10.9297 -9.83984 9.46973 -17.0898c-1.41992 -7.04004 -7.62012 -12.0693 -14.75 -12.0693c-1.47949 0 -6.85938 0.459961 -9.17969 0.459961c-116.25 0 -210.82 -94.5703 -210.82 -210.82s94.5703 -210.82 210.82 -210.82 c2.29004 0 7.72949 0.459961 9.17969 0.459961zM32 192c0 -116.55 89.4697 -212.59 203.34 -223.05c-86.3203 37.2695 -146.87 123.22 -146.87 223.05s60.5498 185.78 146.86 223.05c-113.87 -10.46 -203.33 -106.5 -203.33 -223.05zM503.46 234.14 c8.16992 -1.17969 11.4297 -11.2197 5.52051 -16.9893l-55.2705 -53.8701l13.0498 -76.0703c1.11035 -6.42969 -4.00977 -11.6602 -9.80957 -11.6602c-1.53027 0 -3.11035 0.370117 -4.64062 1.16992l-68.3096 35.9102l-68.3301 -35.9102 c-1.53027 -0.80957 -3.11035 -1.16992 -4.63965 -1.16992c-5.7998 0 -10.9199 5.21973 -9.81055 11.6602l13.0498 76.0703l-55.2695 53.8701c-5.91016 5.76953 -2.65039 15.8096 5.51953 16.9893l76.3809 11.1006l34.1592 69.21 c1.83008 3.7002 5.38086 5.5498 8.93066 5.5498s7.09961 -1.84961 8.92969 -5.5498l34.1602 -69.21zM431.38 186.2l23.29 22.6895l-32.1797 4.68066l-16.6504 2.41992l-7.4502 15.0898l-14.3896 29.1602l-14.3799 -29.1504l-7.4502 -15.0898l-16.6504 -2.41992 l-32.1797 -4.67969l23.2803 -22.7002l12.0498 -11.7402l-2.83984 -16.5801l-5.5 -32.0498l28.7803 15.1299l14.8896 7.83008l14.8896 -7.83008l28.7803 -15.1299l-5.5 32.0498l-2.83984 16.5801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="synagogue" unicode="&#xf69b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M406.38 297.23c2.31055 -4.18066 2.12012 -9.29004 -0.429688 -13.3203l-17.7305 -27.9102l17.7305 -27.9102c2.55957 -4.00977 2.75 -9.12012 0.439453 -13.3096c-2.30957 -4.2207 -6.75 -6.83984 -11.5596 -6.83984h-37.1396l-26.5107 -41.7305 c-2.43945 -3.83008 -6.58984 -6.11035 -11.1602 -6.11035c-4.56934 0 -8.71973 2.29004 -11.1592 6.12012l-26.5 41.7207h-37.1504h-0.00488281c-4.30664 0 -9.4834 3.06348 -11.5547 6.83984c-2.31055 4.18945 -2.12012 9.2998 0.439453 13.3301l17.7305 27.9092 l-17.7305 27.9102c-2.55957 4.01074 -2.75 9.12012 -0.439453 13.3105c2.30957 4.21973 6.75 6.83984 11.5596 6.83984h37.1396l26.5107 41.7295c4.87012 7.65039 17.4297 7.64062 22.3096 -0.0195312l26.5 -41.7197h37.1504h0.00488281 c4.30664 0 9.4834 -3.06445 11.5547 -6.83984zM320 333.53l-18.71 -29.4502h37.4199zM250.38 288.08l10.8896 -17.1504l10.9004 17.1504h-21.79zM250.38 223.92h21.7998l-10.8994 17.1602zM320 178.47l18.71 29.4502h-37.4199zM348.87 223.92l20.3799 32.0801 l-20.3701 32.0801h-57.75l-20.3799 -32.0801l20.3701 -32.0801h57.75zM389.62 223.92l-10.8896 17.1504l-10.9004 -17.1504h21.79zM378.72 270.92l10.9004 17.1602h-21.7998zM313.71 127.7c38.1699 3.63965 70.29 -26.2803 70.29 -63.7002v-120 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v120c0 19.4199 -17.3896 34.8496 -37.4102 31.5596c-15.7295 -2.59961 -26.5898 -17.4092 -26.5898 -33.3594v-118.2c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v117.25 c0 33.4297 24.4297 63.2803 57.71 66.4502zM631.99 179.71c5.16016 -4.87012 8.00977 -11.1396 8.00977 -17.6396v-218.07c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v214.36l-64 60.4492l-64 -60.4492v-214.36c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v369.6l-128 102.4l-128 -102.4v-369.6c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v214.36l-64 60.4492l-64 -60.4492v-214.36c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v218.07 c0 6.5 2.84961 12.7695 8 17.6299l76 71.7803c6.59961 6.22949 17.4004 6.22949 24 0l52 -49.1104v111.229c0 8.49023 5.38086 19.6865 12.0098 24.9902l128 102.4c5.83984 4.66992 12.9199 7.00977 19.9902 7.00977s14.1504 -2.33984 19.9805 -7.00977l128 -102.4 c7.58984 -6.07031 12.0098 -15.2695 12.0098 -24.9902v-111.22l52 49.1104c6.59961 6.22949 17.3994 6.22949 24 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tally" unicode="&#xf69c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M634.79 298.42l4.83984 -15.2598c0.205078 -0.649414 0.37207 -1.72949 0.37207 -2.41113c0 -3.23242 -2.50098 -6.65039 -5.58203 -7.62891l-106.42 -33.1299v-263.99c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v254.03l-96 -29.8799v-224.15 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v214.18l-96 -29.8799v-184.3c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v174.34l-96 -29.8799v-144.46c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v134.49 l-96.75 -30.1104c-4.20996 -1.33008 -8.70996 1 -10.04 5.20996l-4.83984 15.25c-0.205078 0.649414 -0.37207 1.72949 -0.37207 2.41113c0 3.23242 2.50098 6.65039 5.58203 7.62891l106.42 33.1299v263.99c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-254.03 l96 29.8799v224.15c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-214.18l96 29.8799v184.3c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-174.33l96 29.8799v144.45c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-134.49l96.75 30.1201 c4.20996 1.33008 8.70996 -1 10.04 -5.20996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="theta" unicode="&#xf69e;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M176 416c97.2002 0 176 -100.29 176 -224s-78.7998 -224 -176 -224s-176 100.29 -176 224s78.7998 224 176 224zM176 384c-75.3496 0 -137.26 -77.6104 -143.39 -176h286.779c-6.12988 98.3896 -68.04 176 -143.39 176zM176 0c75.3496 0 137.26 77.6104 143.4 176 h-286.79c6.12988 -98.3896 68.04 -176 143.39 -176z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tilde" unicode="&#xf69f;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416 280c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-75.1602c0 -59.8203 -48.5 -108.52 -108.26 -108.82c-37.0703 -0.199219 -71.3604 19.9209 -92.4902 50.3809l-75.2803 108.55c-17.8896 25.8096 -50.1602 38.6494 -81.96 30.7402 c-34.8496 -8.68066 -58.0098 -41.9307 -58.0098 -77.8408v-71.8496c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v75.1602c0 59.8203 48.5 108.52 108.26 108.82c37.0703 0.199219 71.3604 -19.9209 92.4902 -50.3809l75.2803 -108.55 c17.8896 -25.8096 50.1602 -38.6494 81.96 -30.7402c34.8496 8.68066 58.0098 41.9307 58.0098 77.8408v71.8496z" /> <glyph glyph-name="torii-gate" unicode="&#xf6a1;" d="M480 288h-32v-96h56c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-56v-216c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v216h-320v-216c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v216h-56 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h56v96h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v128c35.3271 -17.6611 96.0537 -31.998 135.55 -32h240.9c39.4961 0.00195312 100.223 14.3389 135.55 32v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM32 320h447.99v80.4404 c-33.3799 -10.8203 -68.4805 -16.4404 -103.55 -16.4404h-240.891c-35.0596 0 -70.1602 5.62012 -103.55 16.4404v-80.4404zM96 288v-96h144v96h-144zM416 192v96h-144v-96h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="union" unicode="&#xf6a2;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M170.65 0.349609c-93.1904 -6.04004 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32 32h416zM224 224c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64 s-64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64zM288 -24v37.3301c0 12.79 -3.75 25.1299 -10.8496 35.6699c-10.5303 15.6396 -29.3604 24.9805 -50.3604 24.9805c-21.7803 0 -30 -9.98047 -66.79 -9.98047c-36.7998 0 -44.9902 9.98047 -66.79 9.98047 c-21.0098 0 -39.8301 -9.34082 -50.3604 -24.9805c-7.09961 -10.54 -10.8496 -22.8799 -10.8496 -35.6699v-37.3301c0 -4.41016 3.58984 -8 8 -8h240c4.41016 0 8 3.58984 8 8zM338.62 295.31l63.0498 -63.0293l53.3105 53.3096l-33.2402 33.2402 c-12.2402 12.2402 -3.57031 33.1699 13.7402 33.1699h95.5791c7.15039 0 12.9502 -5.7998 12.9502 -12.9502v-95.5801c0 -11.71 -9.58008 -19.4697 -19.5693 -19.4697c-4.78027 0 -9.64062 1.76953 -13.6006 5.73047l-33.2402 33.2393l-58.9697 -58.9697 c-4.68945 -4.69043 -10.8096 -7.01953 -16.9697 -7.01953s-12.2803 2.3291 -16.9697 7.01953l-63.04 63.0303l-34.25 -34.25c-0.910156 12.8701 -3.65039 25.3193 -8.20996 37.04l25.4893 25.4893c9.37988 9.38086 24.5605 9.38086 33.9404 0zM512 320h-46.1797 l46.1797 -46.1797v46.1797z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-crown" unicode="&#xf6a4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M313.6 128c74.2305 0 134.4 -60.1699 134.4 -134.4v-9.59961c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v9.59961c0 74.2305 60.1699 134.4 134.4 134.4c28.7793 0 42.5098 -16 89.5996 -16c47 0 60.8896 16 89.5996 16zM416 -16v9.59961 c0 56.46 -45.9404 102.4 -102.4 102.4c-18.9395 0 -40.1992 -16 -89.5996 -16c-50.2695 0 -70.2197 16 -89.5996 16c-56.46 0 -102.4 -45.9404 -102.4 -102.4v-9.59961c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h352c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM224 160 c-70.6904 0 -128 57.3096 -128 128v160l64 -32l64 32l64 -32l64 32v-160c0 -70.6904 -57.2998 -128 -128 -128zM128 396.22v-60.2197h192v60.2197l-32 -16l-64 32l-64 -32zM128 304v-16c0 -52.9297 43.0596 -96 96 -96s96 43.0703 96 96v16h-192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="users-crown" unicode="&#xf6a5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M564 160c41.9102 0 76 -35.8896 76 -80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16c0 26.4697 -19.75 48 -44 48h-40c-5.5498 0 -10.8096 -1.25 -15.7002 -3.2998c-7.51953 8.5 -16.0693 16 -25.4502 22.3701c11.8809 8.09961 25.9707 12.9297 41.1504 12.9297 h40zM544 192c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80s80 -35.8203 80 -80s-35.8203 -80 -80 -80zM544 320c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48s48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48zM400.15 139.98c36.2793 0 71.5801 -16.1807 92.2793 -46.9307 c12.3604 -18.3496 19.5703 -40.46 19.5703 -64.25v-12.7998c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v12.7998c0 23.79 7.20996 45.9004 19.5703 64.2402c20.6992 30.75 55.9893 46.9297 92.2793 46.9297h0.0224609 c10.0049 0 25.8945 -2.35645 35.4678 -5.25977c14.1602 -4.29004 29.1006 -6.70996 44.6602 -6.70996s30.5 2.41992 44.6602 6.71973c11.6201 3.53027 23.6094 5.26074 35.4902 5.26074zM480 16v12.7998c0 16.6299 -4.87988 32.6699 -14.1104 46.3799 c-13.8301 20.54 -38.3994 32.8008 -65.7393 32.8008h-0.0664062c-7.36914 0 -19.0732 -1.73828 -26.124 -3.88086c-17.6904 -5.37988 -35.8398 -8.09961 -53.96 -8.09961s-36.2695 2.73047 -53.96 8.09961c-8.48047 2.57031 -17.29 3.88086 -26.1904 3.88086 c-27.3398 0 -51.9092 -12.2607 -65.7393 -32.8008c-9.23047 -13.71 -14.1104 -29.75 -14.1104 -46.3799v-12.7998c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h288c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM96 192c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80s80 -35.8203 80 -80 s-35.8203 -80 -80 -80zM96 320c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48s48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48zM157.15 147.07c-9.38086 -6.37012 -17.9307 -13.8701 -25.4502 -22.3701c-4.89062 2.0498 -10.1504 3.2998 -15.7002 3.2998h-40 c-24.25 0 -44 -21.5303 -44 -48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16c0 44.1104 34.0898 80 76 80h40c15.1797 0 29.2695 -4.83008 41.1504 -12.9297zM320 160c-61.8604 0 -112 50.1396 -112 112v144l56 -28l56 28l56 -28l56 28v-144 c0 -61.8604 -50.1396 -112 -112 -112zM240 364.22v-44.2197h160v44.2197l-24 -12l-56 28l-56 -28zM240 288v-16c0 -44.1104 35.8896 -80 80 -80s80 35.8896 80 80v16h-160z" /> <glyph 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-8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-208v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-208v-56 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56l-55.1602 19.6699c-10.9902 5.49023 -11.9395 20.7998 -1.71973 27.6201l88.8799 48.71v64l-55.1602 17.6904c-11.79 5.89941 -11.79 22.7197 0 28.6191l119.16 49.6904v64l-27.3096 16.3096 c-7.7207 7.7207 -5.61035 20.7402 4.15918 25.6201l183.15 86.0703l183.15 -86.0801c9.76953 -4.87988 11.8799 -17.9004 4.15918 -25.6201l-27.3096 -16.2998v-64l119.16 -49.6904c11.79 -5.89941 11.79 -22.7197 0 -28.6191l-55.1602 -17.6904v-64zM320 412.64 l-129.04 -60.6396h258.1zM192 320v-64h256v64h-256zM94.5996 194.06l6.41016 -2.05957h437.99l6.41016 2.05957l-71.8105 29.9404h-307.199zM128 160v-64h384v64h-384zM570.47 32l14.3701 5.12988l-49.04 26.8701h-431.609l-49.04 -26.8701l14.3799 -5.12988h500.939z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volume" unicode="&#xf6a8;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M342.91 254.43c25.3398 -12.1396 41.0898 -36.0693 41.0898 -62.4297s-15.75 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22.04 5.88965c54.79 -31.25 88.8096 -91.75 88.8096 -157.87z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volume-mute" unicode="&#xf6a9;" d="M454.63 192l55.0205 -55.04c3.11914 -3.12012 3.11914 -8.19043 0 -11.3096l-11.3105 -11.3105c-3.12012 -3.12012 -8.18945 -3.12012 -11.3096 0l-55.0303 55.0303l-55.04 -55.0205c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105 c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l55.0303 55.0303l-55.0205 55.04c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.19043 0 11.3096l11.3105 11.3105c3.12012 3.12012 8.18945 3.12012 11.3096 0l55.0303 -55.0303l55.04 55.0205c3.12012 3.11914 8.19043 3.11914 11.3096 0 l11.3105 -11.3105c3.12012 -3.12012 3.12012 -8.18945 0 -11.3096zM231.81 384c12.3203 0 24.1904 -9.50977 24.1904 -24.0195v-335.961c0 -14.5 -11.8604 -24.0195 -24.1904 -24.0195c-5.89941 0 -11.9092 2.17969 -16.7793 7.0498l-88.9707 88.9502h-102.06 c-13.2598 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v144c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h102.06l88.9707 88.9502c4.85938 4.87012 10.8701 7.0498 16.7793 7.0498zM224 43.3301v297.34l-75.3203 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5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM288 352c-17.6699 0 -31.9902 -14.3301 -31.9902 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32c6.66992 0 12.5098 2.51953 17.6406 6.00977l9.21973 27.6699c0.80957 2.44043 2.33984 4.41016 3.4502 6.66992c-3.74023 13.5205 -15.6104 23.6504 -30.3203 23.6504 zM96 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM144 224c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM390.77 296.41c4.18066 12.5703 -2.59961 26.1699 -15.1699 30.3594 c-12.6299 4.28027 -26.1895 -2.60938 -30.3594 -15.1699l-61.3398 -184.01c-33.4004 -2.16016 -59.9004 -29.6494 -59.9004 -63.5898c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 19.46 -8.87012 36.6699 -22.5596 48.4102z M405.43 239.21c5.68066 -8.94043 15.1904 -15.21 26.5703 -15.2197c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32c-3.91992 0 -7.58008 -0.94043 -11.0498 -2.23047zM480 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z " /> <glyph glyph-name="route" unicode="&#xf4d7;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M416 128c52.9004 0 96 -43.0996 96 -96s-43.0996 -96 -96 -96h-277.8c13.5 16.2998 31.2998 39.2002 47.2998 64h230.5c17.5996 0 32 14.4004 32 32s-14.4004 32 -32 32h-96c-52.9004 0 -96 43.0996 -96 96s43.0996 96 96 96h45.2998 c-23.0996 32.5996 -45.2998 70.5 -45.2998 96c0 53 43 96 96 96s96 -43 96 -96s-96 -160 -96 -160h-96c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32h96zM416 384c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32s32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32zM96 192 c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-96 -160 -96 -160s-96 107 -96 160s43 96 96 96zM96 64c17.7002 0 32 14.2998 32 32s-14.2998 32 -32 32s-32 -14.2998 -32 -32s14.2998 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-open" unicode="&#xf518;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M542.22 415.95c18.4199 1.04004 33.7803 -12.9902 33.7705 -30.7002v-337.84c0 -16.2305 -13.1299 -29.7705 -30.0205 -30.6602c-49.4697 -2.59961 -149.52 -12.0996 -218.7 -46.9199c-10.6494 -5.36035 -23.2793 1.93945 -23.2793 13.4902v363.87 c0 5.2793 2.62988 10.3291 7.26953 13.1699c67.2402 41.1592 176.16 52.4795 230.96 55.5898zM264.73 360.36c4.64941 -2.85059 7.26953 -7.7002 7.26953 -12.9902v-364.12c0 -11.5195 -12.5898 -18.8096 -23.21 -13.46c-69.1797 34.8398 -169.28 44.3496 -218.771 46.9502 c-16.8896 0.879883 -30.0195 14.4199 -30.0195 30.6602v337.85c0 17.71 15.3604 31.7402 33.7803 30.7002c54.7998 -3.12012 163.72 -14.4307 230.95 -55.5898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="air-freshener" unicode="&#xf5d0;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M378.94 126.59c11.75 -12.1494 1.71973 -30.5898 -16.6406 -30.5898h-138.3v-32h112c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-288c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h112v32h-138.3 c-18.3604 0 -28.3906 18.4404 -16.6406 30.5898l94.2402 97.4102h-49.2197c-15.2998 0 -23.6602 16.5996 -13.8604 27.5303l113.33 126.51c-3.42969 6.61035 -5.5498 14 -5.5498 21.96c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48 c0 -7.95996 -2.12012 -15.3496 -5.5498 -21.96l113.33 -126.51c9.7998 -10.9307 1.43945 -27.5303 -13.8604 -27.5303h-49.2197zM192 416.02c-8.84961 0 -16.0195 -7.16992 -16.0195 -16.0195c0 -8.83984 7.16992 -16.0195 16.0195 -16.0195 s16.0195 7.17969 16.0195 16.0195c0 8.84961 -7.16992 16.0195 -16.0195 16.0195zM304 16h-224v-32h224v32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="apple-alt" unicode="&#xf5d1;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M350.85 319c25.9707 -4.66992 47.2705 -18.6699 63.9199 -42c14.6504 -20.6699 24.6406 -46.6699 29.9609 -78c4.66992 -28.6699 4.31934 -57.3301 -1 -86c-7.99023 -47.3301 -23.9707 -87 -47.9404 -119c-28.6396 -38.6699 -64.5898 -58 -107.87 -58 c-10.6602 0 -22.2998 3.33008 -34.96 10c-8.66016 5.33008 -18.3096 8 -28.9697 8s-20.2998 -2.66992 -28.9707 -8c-12.6592 -6.66992 -24.2998 -10 -34.96 -10c-43.2793 0 -79.2295 19.3301 -107.869 58c-23.9707 32 -39.9502 71.6699 -47.9404 119 c-5.32031 28.6699 -5.66992 57.3301 -1 86c5.32031 31.3301 15.3096 57.3301 29.96 78c16.6504 23.3301 37.9502 37.3301 63.9199 42c15.9805 2.66992 37.9502 0.330078 65.9199 -7c23.9697 -6.66992 44.2803 -14.6699 60.9307 -24 c16.6494 9.33008 36.96 17.3301 60.9297 24c27.9795 7.33008 49.96 9.66992 65.9395 7zM295.91 360c-9.32031 -8.66992 -21.6504 -15 -36.96 -19c-10.6602 -3.33008 -22.2998 -5 -34.96 -5l-14.9805 1c-1.33008 9.33008 -1.33008 20 0 32 c2.66992 24 10.3203 42.3301 22.9707 55c9.31934 8.66992 21.6494 15 36.96 19c10.6592 3.33008 22.2998 5 34.96 5l14.9795 -1l1 -15c0 -12.6699 -1.66992 -24.3301 -4.99023 -35c-3.98926 -15.3301 -10.3096 -27.6699 -18.9795 -37z" /> <glyph glyph-name="backpack" unicode="&#xf5d4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M320 128c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-32h-256v32c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h192zM96 -64v96h256v-96h-256zM320 368c70.6904 0 128 -57.3096 128 -128v-240c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64v160c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64h-192c-35.29 0 -64 -28.71 -64 -64v-160 c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v240c0 70.6904 57.3096 128 128 128h8v24c0 30.8799 25.1201 56 56 56h64c30.8799 0 56 -25.1201 56 -56v-24h8zM184 392v-24h80v24c0 4.41016 -3.58984 8 -8 8h-64c-4.41016 0 -8 -3.58984 -8 -8zM320 248v16c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8 h-176c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h176c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bell-school" unicode="&#xf5d5;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M416 240c0 -114.88 -93.1201 -208 -208 -208s-208 93.1201 -208 208s93.1201 208 208 208s208 -93.1201 208 -208zM128 240c0 -44.1104 35.8896 -80 80 -80s80 35.8896 80 80s-35.8896 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8896 -80 -80zM256 240c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48 s-48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48zM464 128c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48c0 -18.54 -10.6299 -34.4404 -26.0195 -42.4404c-8.5 -39.6895 -43.7803 -69.5596 -85.9805 -69.5596h-48c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-224 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v80.46c40.1699 -30.2803 89.9404 -48.46 144 -48.46s103.83 18.1797 144 48.46v-32.46h48c16.5498 0 30.7803 10.0996 36.8604 24.4502c-12.5908 8.66016 -20.8604 23.1201 -20.8604 39.5498c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bell-school-slash" unicode="&#xf5d6;" d="M272 0c38.29 0 74.2305 9.49023 106.34 25.5801l37.6602 -29.1104v-28.4697c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-224c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v80.46c40.1699 -30.2803 89.9404 -48.46 144 -48.46zM350.19 47.3301 c-24.1504 -9.81055 -50.5107 -15.3301 -78.1904 -15.3301c-114.88 0 -208 93.1201 -208 208c0 9.17969 0.799805 18.1504 1.9502 27.0098zM633.82 -10.0996c6.97949 -5.43066 8.22949 -15.4805 2.80957 -22.4502l-19.6396 -25.2705 c-5.43066 -6.97949 -15.4805 -8.23926 -22.46 -2.80957l-588.351 454.729c-6.97949 5.43066 -8.22949 15.4805 -2.80957 22.4502l19.6396 25.2705c5.41992 6.97949 15.4805 8.22949 22.46 2.80957l77.7305 -60.0801c37.7402 38.9502 90.2598 63.4502 148.8 63.4502 c114.87 0 208 -93.1201 208 -208c0 -39.5195 -11.1201 -76.3799 -30.29 -107.8l36.8096 -28.4502c8.28027 14.4199 23.6602 24.25 41.4805 24.25c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48c0 -13.4297 -5.5498 -25.54 -14.4404 -34.25zM346.64 211.85 c3.34082 8.78027 5.36035 18.2002 5.36035 28.1504c0 44.1104 -35.8896 80 -80 80c-17.1904 0 -32.8896 -5.70996 -45.8701 -15l27 -20.8701c5.7998 2.48047 12.1699 3.87012 18.8701 3.87012c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48 c0 -2.40039 -0.370117 -4.7002 -0.709961 -7.00977z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bone" unicode="&#xf5d7;" d="M598.88 203.44c-9.42969 -4.70996 -9.42969 -18.1709 -0.00976562 -22.8809c25.2002 -12.5996 41.1201 -38.3496 41.1201 -66.5293v-7.64062c0 -41.0898 -33.2998 -74.3896 -74.3799 -74.3896c-32.0107 0 -60.4404 20.4902 -70.5703 50.8604 c-6.53027 19.5996 -10.7305 45.1396 -38.1104 45.1396h-273.87c-26.5098 0 -30.4297 -22.1104 -38.1094 -45.1396c-10.1299 -30.3701 -38.5498 -50.8604 -70.5703 -50.8604c-41.0801 0 -74.3799 33.2998 -74.3799 74.3896v7.64062 c0 28.1699 15.9199 53.9297 41.1201 66.5293c9.42969 4.70996 9.42969 18.1709 0 22.8809c-25.2002 12.5996 -41.1201 38.3594 -41.1201 66.5293v7.64062c0 41.0898 33.2998 74.3896 74.3896 74.3896c32.0107 0 60.4404 -20.4902 70.5605 -50.8604 c6.53027 -19.5996 10.7295 -45.1396 38.1094 -45.1396h273.87c26.5107 0 30.4307 22.1104 38.1104 45.1396c10.1299 30.3701 38.5498 50.8604 70.5703 50.8604c41.0898 0 74.3896 -33.2998 74.3896 -74.3896v-7.64062c0 -28.1699 -15.9199 -53.9297 -41.1201 -66.5293z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bone-break" unicode="&#xf5d8;" d="M598.88 299.44c-9.42969 -4.70996 -9.42969 -18.1709 -0.00976562 -22.8809c25.2002 -12.5996 41.1201 -38.3496 41.1201 -66.5293v-7.64062c0 -41.0898 -33.2998 -74.3896 -74.3799 -74.3896c-32.0107 0 -60.4404 20.4902 -70.5605 50.8604l-7.75 23.2598 c-4.35938 13.0703 -16.5898 21.8799 -30.3594 21.8799h-104.94l32 64l-32 64h104.94c12.7305 0.000976562 26.332 9.80273 30.3594 21.8799l7.75 23.2598c10.1299 30.3701 38.5498 50.8604 70.5703 50.8604c41.0801 0 74.3799 -33.2998 74.3799 -74.3896v-7.64062 c0 -28.1699 -15.9199 -53.9297 -41.1201 -66.5293zM320 165.49l-62.9902 -62.9502c-9.74023 -9.74023 -12.1494 -24.6201 -5.99023 -36.9404l10.9609 -21.9297c14.3193 -28.6396 8.70996 -63.2295 -13.9307 -85.8701c-29.0498 -29.0498 -76.1494 -29.0498 -105.2 0 l-5.39941 5.40039c-19.9199 19.9199 -26.8799 49.3896 -17.9697 76.1201c3.3291 10 -6.18066 19.5098 -16.1807 16.1797c-26.7295 -8.91016 -56.2002 -1.9502 -76.1201 17.9697l-5.39941 5.40039c-29.0498 29.0498 -29.0498 76.1494 0 105.2 c22.6494 22.6396 57.2295 28.25 85.8701 13.9297l21.9297 -10.96c12.3203 -6.16016 27.2002 -3.75 36.9395 5.99023l62.9707 62.9697l26.5098 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-alt" unicode="&#xf5d9;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 89.5996c0 -9.59961 -3.2002 -16 -9.59961 -19.1992c-3.2002 -12.8008 -3.2002 -57.6006 0 -73.6006c6.39941 -6.39941 9.59961 -12.7998 9.59961 -19.2002v-16c0 -16 -12.7998 -25.5996 -25.5996 -25.5996h-326.4c-54.4004 0 -96 41.5996 -96 96v320 c0 54.4004 41.5996 96 96 96h326.4c16 0 25.5996 -9.59961 25.5996 -25.5996v-332.801zM380.8 0v64h-284.8c-16 0 -32 -12.7998 -32 -32s12.7998 -32 32 -32h284.8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-reader" unicode="&#xf5da;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M352 352c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96s-96 42.9805 -96 96s42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96zM233.59 206.9c4.10059 -2.51074 6.41016 -6.79004 6.41992 -11.46v-245.99c0 -10.1602 -11.1094 -16.5898 -20.4795 -11.8701 c-61.0498 30.75 -149.38 39.1396 -193.04 41.4297c-14.9004 0.770508 -26.4902 12.7207 -26.4902 27.0498v222.801c0 15.6299 13.5498 28.0098 29.7998 27.0898c48.3604 -2.75 144.46 -12.7305 203.79 -49.0498zM482.2 255.95 c16.25 0.919922 29.7998 -11.46 29.8096 -27.0898v-222.82c0 -14.3301 -11.5898 -26.2803 -26.4902 -27.0596c-43.6494 -2.29004 -131.93 -10.6807 -192.97 -41.4004c-9.39941 -4.73047 -20.54 1.70996 -20.54 11.9004v245.789c0 4.6709 2.31055 9.12012 6.41016 11.6309 c59.3203 36.3193 155.43 46.3096 203.78 49.0498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus-school" unicode="&#xf5dd;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M488 336c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-80c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-24v-20.9004c9.38965 -5.58008 16 -15.3799 16 -27.0996v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-192v-32 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v128c0 11.7197 6.61035 21.5303 16 27.0996v20.9004h-24c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v80c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h24v32c0 44.7998 92.1104 80 208 80 s208 -35.2002 208 -80v-32h24zM160 376v-16c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h176c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8v16c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-176c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8zM112 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z M240 192v128h-96c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32v-64c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32h96zM272 192h96c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32v64c0 17.6699 -14.3301 32 -32 32h-96v-128zM400 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32 s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-battery" unicode="&#xf5df;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M480 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v256c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h128v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h96 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h32zM192 184v16c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-112c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h112c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8zM448 184v16c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-40v40c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-40h-40c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h40v-40c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8v40h40c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-bump" unicode="&#xf5e0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M575.67 -44.4404c2.06055 -9.90918 -5.84961 -19.2695 -16.1299 -19.2695h-158.9c-10.29 0 -18.1895 9.34961 -16.1299 19.2695c9.07031 43.75 48.4199 76.6709 95.5801 76.6709s86.5098 -32.9209 95.5801 -76.6709zM173.72 -5.16016 c7.2002 -16.1699 -0.239258 -35.04 -16.6201 -42.1494l-32.21 -13.9805c-16.3799 -7.11035 -35.5 0.230469 -42.6992 16.4004l-22.5605 50.6396c-13.9902 6.28027 -25.8896 17.2598 -32.5703 32.2402l-21.6094 48.5195c-11.3506 25.4902 -4.32031 54.1504 15.1201 72.1904 l-1.04004 30.4902l-1.89062 55.1299c-1.62012 47.3301 25.71 90.2197 69.6201 109.279l121.08 52.5605c43.9199 19.0596 94.4199 9.9502 128.66 -23.2197l39.8896 -38.6406l22.0605 -21.3701c26.6094 1.9502 52.7598 -12.3096 64.1201 -37.79l21.6201 -48.5195 c6.67969 -14.9805 6.8291 -31.0605 2.05957 -45.4805l22.5596 -50.6396c7.2002 -16.1699 -0.239258 -35.04 -16.6191 -42.1504l-32.21 -13.9795c-16.3809 -7.11035 -35.5 0.229492 -42.7002 16.3994l-13.79 30.9502l-244.061 -105.93zM355.14 200.53 c8.02051 -18.0107 34.1406 -3.08984 52.4502 4.84961c18.2998 7.94043 25.1602 25.25 17.1299 43.2598c-8.01953 18.0107 -25.5801 24.7207 -43.8799 16.7803c-18.2998 -7.9502 -33.7295 -46.8799 -25.7002 -64.8896zM141.58 107.83 c-8.02051 18.0098 -47.5205 33.1104 -65.8203 25.1699s-25.1602 -25.25 -17.1299 -43.2598c8.02051 -18.0098 25.5801 -24.7207 43.8799 -16.7803c18.2998 7.9502 47.1006 16.8604 39.0703 34.8701zM330.21 297.35l-39.8896 38.6406 c-14.5898 14.1299 -36.4307 18.0693 -55.1406 9.9502l-121.08 -52.5605c-18.71 -8.12012 -30.5293 -26.6699 -29.8398 -46.8398l1.89062 -55.1299z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-crash" unicode="&#xf5e1;" d="M143.25 227.19l-12.4199 -46.3701c-3.00977 -11.25 -3.62988 -22.8906 -2.41016 -34.3906l-35.2002 -28.9795c-6.56934 -5.41016 -16.3096 0.429688 -14.6201 8.76953l15.4404 76.6807c1.05957 5.25977 -2.66016 10.2793 -8 10.79l-77.8604 7.5498 c-8.46973 0.819336 -11.2295 11.8301 -4.13965 16.54l65.1504 43.2998c4.45996 2.96973 5.37988 9.15039 1.97949 13.29l-49.71 60.4102c-5.41016 6.56934 0.429688 16.2998 8.78027 14.6201l76.6797 -15.4404c5.25977 -1.05957 10.2803 2.66016 10.7998 8l7.5498 77.8604 c0.820312 8.47949 11.8301 11.2295 16.5508 4.13965l43.2998 -65.1396c2.96973 -4.45996 9.14941 -5.37988 13.29 -1.98047l60.3994 49.71c6.57031 5.41016 16.3008 -0.429688 14.6201 -8.76953l-11.3301 -56.1602c-2.70996 -3.0498 -5.42969 -6.08984 -7.90918 -9.40039 l-32.1504 -42.9697l-10.71 -14.3203c-32.7305 -8.75977 -59.1797 -34.5293 -68.0801 -67.7393zM637.82 94.6797l-12.4199 -46.3594c-3.13086 -11.6807 -9.38086 -21.6104 -17.5508 -29.3604c-2.25488 -2.13574 -6.17969 -5.27148 -8.75977 -7l-13.9902 -52.2295 c-1.13965 -4.27051 -3.09961 -8.10059 -5.64941 -11.3809c-7.66992 -9.83984 -20.7402 -14.6797 -33.54 -11.25l-30.9102 8.28027c-17.0703 4.57031 -27.2002 22.1201 -22.6299 39.1904l8.28027 30.9102l-247.28 66.2598l-8.28027 -30.9102 c-4.57031 -17.0703 -22.1201 -27.2002 -39.1895 -22.6299l-30.9102 8.28027c-12.7998 3.42969 -21.7002 14.1592 -23.4199 26.5098c-0.570312 4.12012 -0.350586 8.41992 0.790039 12.6797l13.9893 52.2305c-1.37207 2.78809 -3.2041 7.46973 -4.08984 10.4492 c-3.2002 10.79 -3.64941 22.5205 -0.519531 34.2002l12.4199 46.3701c5.30957 19.7998 19.3594 34.8301 36.8896 42.21c4.9082 2.06836 13.1914 4.18262 18.4902 4.71973l18.1299 24.2305l32.1504 42.9697c3.44922 4.61035 7.18945 8.90039 11.1992 12.8398 c8 7.89062 17.0303 14.4404 26.7402 19.5107c4.86035 2.54004 9.89062 4.70996 15.0498 6.48926c10.3301 3.58008 21.1904 5.62988 32.2402 6.04004s22.3105 -0.819336 33.4307 -3.7998l122.68 -32.8701c11.1201 -2.97949 21.4795 -7.54004 30.8496 -13.4297 c11.7236 -7.36133 27.2646 -22.8174 34.6904 -34.5c8.81934 -13.8799 14.6396 -29.8398 16.6797 -46.9902l6.36035 -53.29l3.58984 -30.0498c8.79297 -6.34863 18.9805 -19.7568 22.7402 -29.9297c4.38965 -11.8799 5.29004 -25.1904 1.75 -38.3906zM255.58 213.66 c-18.5498 4.96973 -34.21 -4.04004 -39.1699 -22.5303s4.10938 -34.1201 22.6494 -39.0898c18.5508 -4.96973 45.54 -15.5098 50.4902 2.97949c4.95996 18.4902 -15.4297 53.6709 -33.9697 58.6406zM546.19 185.49l-6.36035 53.29 c-0.580078 4.87012 -1.88965 9.5293 -3.82031 13.8594c-5.7998 12.9902 -17.2002 23.0107 -31.4199 26.8203l-122.68 32.8701c-3.36914 0.902344 -8.93457 1.63477 -12.4229 1.63477c-13.2676 0 -30.4883 -8.62207 -38.4375 -19.2451l-32.1494 -42.9697l172 -46.0801z M564.68 130.84c-18.5498 4.96973 -53.7998 -15.3096 -58.75 -33.79c-4.94922 -18.4902 23.6904 -22.8594 42.2402 -27.8301c18.5498 -4.96973 34.21 4.04004 39.1699 22.5303c4.9502 18.4805 -4.10938 34.1201 -22.6602 39.0898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-garage" unicode="&#xf5e2;" d="M512.49 155.1c23.1797 -9.61914 39.5098 -32.4395 39.5098 -59.0996v-32c0 -20.1201 -9.48047 -37.8604 -24 -49.5898v-46.4102c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-224v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32 c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v46.4102c-14.5195 11.7295 -24 29.4697 -24 49.5898v32c0 26.6602 16.3301 49.4805 39.5098 59.1104l5.07031 12.6699l19.9297 49.8193c17.1104 42.7705 57.9307 70.4004 103.99 70.4004h127c46.0703 0 86.8799 -27.6299 103.99 -70.4004 l19.9297 -49.8301zM160 48.2002c19.2002 0 48 -3.19043 48 15.9502c0 19.1396 -28.7998 47.8496 -48 47.8496s-32 -12.7598 -32 -31.9004c0 -19.1396 12.7998 -31.8994 32 -31.8994zM198.4 159.99h243.199l-13.5293 33.8301 c-7.29004 18.2197 -24.9404 30.1699 -44.5703 30.1699h-127c-19.6299 0 -37.2803 -11.9502 -44.5703 -30.1699zM480 48.2002c19.2002 0 32 12.7598 32 31.8994c0 19.1406 -12.7998 31.9004 -32 31.9004s-48 -28.71 -48 -47.8496c0 -19.1406 28.7998 -15.9502 48 -15.9502z M631.76 279.77c7.73047 -4.2998 10.5205 -14.0498 6.2207 -21.7998l-7.78027 -14.0098c-4.2998 -7.72949 -14.0498 -10.5195 -21.79 -6.21973l-288.41 158.729l-288.41 -158.72c-7.74023 -4.2998 -17.4902 -1.51953 -21.79 6.21973l-7.78027 14.0107 c-4.2998 7.73926 -1.50977 17.4893 6.2207 21.7891l300.09 165.211c3.00488 1.66797 8.2334 3.02246 11.6699 3.02246s8.66504 -1.35449 11.6699 -3.02246z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-mechanic" unicode="&#xf5e3;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M503.91 344c5.93945 0 9.89941 -6.2998 7.24023 -11.6299c-13.0605 -26.25 -39.9102 -44.3701 -71.2305 -44.3701c-32.7402 0 -60.5596 19.8301 -72.9395 48h-222.25c-10.3203 -23.5195 -31.4004 -41.6504 -57.0508 -46.5098 c-37.8301 -7.16992 -71.6494 12.3496 -86.8398 42.8701c-2.64941 5.33008 1.2998 11.6396 7.25 11.6396h55.9805l24 24l-24 24h-55.9805c-5.93945 0 -9.89941 6.30957 -7.25 11.6299c13.0605 26.25 39.9102 44.3701 71.2305 44.3701c32.7393 0 60.5596 -19.8301 72.9395 -48 h222.25c10.3301 23.5303 31.4004 41.6504 57.0498 46.5098c37.8301 7.16992 71.6504 -12.3496 86.8408 -42.8701c2.64941 -5.33008 -1.30078 -11.6396 -7.25 -11.6396h-55.9707l-24 -24l24 -24h55.9805zM448.49 155.09c23.1797 -9.60938 39.5098 -32.4297 39.5098 -59.0898 v-32c0 -20.1201 -9.48047 -37.8604 -24 -49.5898v-46.4102c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-224v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v46.4102c-14.5195 11.7295 -24 29.4697 -24 49.5898v32 c0 26.6602 16.3301 49.4805 39.5098 59.0996l5.07031 12.6699l19.9297 49.8203c17.1104 42.7705 57.9307 70.4004 103.99 70.4004h127c46.0703 0 86.8799 -27.6299 103.99 -70.4004l19.9297 -49.8301zM96 48.2002c19.2002 0 48 -3.19043 48 15.9502 c0 19.1396 -28.7998 47.8496 -48 47.8496s-32 -12.7598 -32 -31.9004c0 -19.1396 12.7998 -31.8994 32 -31.8994zM134.4 159.99h243.199l-13.5293 33.8301c-7.29004 18.2197 -24.9404 30.1699 -44.5703 30.1699h-127c-19.6299 0 -37.2803 -11.9502 -44.5703 -30.1699z M416 48.2002c19.2002 0 32 12.7598 32 31.8994c0 19.1406 -12.7998 31.9004 -32 31.9004s-48 -28.71 -48 -47.8496c0 -19.1406 28.7998 -15.9502 48 -15.9502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-side" unicode="&#xf5e4;" d="M544 256c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-48c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96s-96 42.9805 -96 96h-128c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96s-96 42.9805 -96 96h-48c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v112 c0 29.79 20.4404 54.5996 48 61.7402l47.9102 122.029c9.71973 24.3008 33.25 40.2305 59.4199 40.2305h213.91c16.9795 -0.00195312 39.3701 -10.7627 49.9795 -24.0195l108.78 -135.98h16zM160 16c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48 s21.5303 -48 48 -48zM232 256v96h-76.6699l-38.4004 -96h115.07zM280 256h166.04l-76.7998 96h-89.2402v-96zM480 16c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="car-tilt" unicode="&#xf5e5;" d="M624 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h165.36l-53.4199 53.4102c-19.3301 19.3301 -23.5303 47.8799 -12.96 71.4199l-11.9209 27.8203l-21.1396 49.3301 c-18.1396 42.3398 -8.82031 90.7393 23.75 123.31l89.7998 89.8096c32.5703 32.5801 80.9805 41.9004 123.311 23.75l49.3301 -21.1494l27.8193 -11.9199c23.54 10.5693 52.0898 6.37012 71.4199 -12.96l33.9404 -33.9404c11.4004 -11.3994 17.3301 -26.0498 18.3301 -40.96 l38.2402 -38.2295c12.5 -12.5 12.5 -32.7607 0 -45.2607l-22.6299 -22.6299c-12.4902 -12.5 -32.75 -12.5 -45.25 0l-22.6309 22.6299l-192.33 -192.33l42.1006 -42.0996h306.88zM399.47 347.57c-13.5801 -13.5703 -13.6396 -54.2402 -0.109375 -67.7803 c13.5293 -13.54 31.6396 9.08008 45.2197 22.6602s13.6104 31.6494 0.0703125 45.1895c-13.5303 13.54 -31.6006 13.5107 -45.1807 -0.0693359zM140.74 227.19l21.1396 -49.3203l181.021 181.01l-49.3301 21.1396c-4.99902 2.14258 -13.4688 3.88086 -18.9072 3.88086 c-10.9756 0 -26.1816 -6.29883 -33.9434 -14.0605l-89.7998 -89.7998c-7.76074 -7.76074 -14.0596 -22.9678 -14.0596 -33.9434c0 -5.43848 1.73828 -13.9082 3.87988 -18.9062zM218.31 76.1904c13.5703 13.5693 36.2002 31.6797 22.6602 45.2197 c-13.54 13.5303 -54.2002 13.4697 -67.7793 -0.110352c-13.5801 -13.5693 -13.6006 -31.6494 -0.0703125 -45.1797c13.54 -13.54 31.6104 -13.5098 45.1895 0.0703125z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-prescription" unicode="&#xf5e8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M176 208c8.82031 0 16 -7.17969 16 -16s-7.17969 -16 -16 -16h-48v32h48zM336 384c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v352c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h80c0 35.29 28.71 64 64 64 s64 -28.71 64 -64h80zM192 408c-13.2598 0 -24 -10.7402 -24 -24c0 -13.25 10.7402 -24 24 -24s24 10.75 24 24c0 13.2598 -10.7402 24 -24 24zM304 16c6.24023 6.25 6.24023 16.3799 0 22.6201l-30.0703 30.0596l29.9004 29.9004c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299 l-11.2998 11.3096c-6.25 6.25 -16.3799 6.25 -22.6299 0l-29.9004 -29.8994l-33.46 33.46c19.8398 10.8701 33.46 31.7002 33.46 55.9199c0 35.3496 -28.6602 64 -64 64h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h16 c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16v48h18.7402l59.3193 -59.3096l-30.0596 -30.0605c-6.25 -6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l11.3096 -11.3096c6.25 -6.25 16.3809 -6.25 22.6309 0l30.0596 30.0596l30.0596 -30.0596c6.25 -6.25 16.3809 -6.25 22.6309 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="compass-slash" unicode="&#xf5e9;" d="M633.82 -10.0996c6.97949 -5.43066 8.22949 -15.4805 2.81934 -22.4502l-19.6396 -25.2705c-5.42969 -6.97949 -15.4805 -8.23926 -22.46 -2.80957l-588.36 454.729c-6.97949 5.43066 -8.22949 15.4805 -2.80957 22.4502l19.6396 25.2705 c5.41992 6.97949 15.4805 8.22949 22.46 2.80957l99.71 -77.0703c44.79 44.7207 106.511 72.4404 174.82 72.4404c136.97 0 248 -111.03 248 -248c0 -45.6201 -12.5303 -88.21 -34.0303 -124.93zM446.14 291.95c7.61035 16.6494 -9.54004 33.7998 -26.1992 26.2002 l-132.48 -60.5508l105.65 -81.6592zM220.05 65.8604l66.7197 30.4893l155.33 -120.06c-36.0693 -20.46 -77.6699 -32.29 -122.1 -32.29c-136.97 0 -248 111.03 -248 248c0 22.0703 3.16016 43.3496 8.57031 63.71l138.979 -107.41l-25.7002 -56.2402 c-7.60938 -16.6494 9.55078 -33.8096 26.2002 -26.1992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="diploma" unicode="&#xf5ea;" d="M384 179.33l95.1602 -164c3.0498 -7.49023 -2.65039 -15.6299 -10.7305 -15.3203l-36.6396 -0.00976562l-25.2002 -28.5195c-5.55957 -5.87012 -15.3398 -4.04004 -18.3896 3.44922l-68.2002 121.07l-68.1904 -121.07 c-3.05957 -7.48926 -12.8291 -9.31934 -18.3896 -3.44922l-25.21 28.5195l-36.6396 0.00976562c-8.08008 -0.30957 -13.7803 7.83008 -10.7305 15.3203l95.1602 164v140.67h128v-140.67zM224 187.94l-51.0098 -87.9102l-104.601 -35.2402 c-15.0195 -3.11035 -30.25 3.26953 -37.0293 14.7695c-41.8105 70.9404 -41.8105 217.95 0 288.891c6.7793 11.5 22 17.8701 37.0293 14.7695l126.96 -42.79c9.44043 -3.17969 19.0107 -5.91992 28.6504 -8.37012v-144.119zM608.64 368.44 c41.8105 -70.9404 41.8105 -217.95 0 -288.891c-6.7793 -11.5 -22 -17.8701 -37.0293 -14.7695l-104.601 35.2393l-51.0098 87.9209v144.119c9.63965 2.44043 19.21 5.19043 28.6504 8.37012l126.96 42.7803c15.0195 3.11035 30.25 -3.26953 37.0293 -14.7695z" /> 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-7.17969 -16 -16z M305.15 40.5303c42.6025 13.877 88.4424 59.7168 102.319 102.319c-14.2197 11.7402 -23.4697 29.2705 -23.4697 49.1504s9.25 37.4199 23.4697 49.1504c-13.8799 42.6006 -59.7188 88.4395 -102.319 102.319c-11.7402 -14.2197 -29.2705 -23.4697 -49.1504 -23.4697 s-37.4102 9.25 -49.1504 23.4697c-42.6006 -13.8799 -88.4395 -59.7188 -102.319 -102.319c14.2197 -11.7305 23.4697 -29.2705 23.4697 -49.1504s-9.25 -37.4102 -23.4697 -49.1504c13.8799 -42.6006 59.7188 -88.4395 102.319 -102.319 c11.7402 14.2197 29.2705 23.4697 49.1504 23.4697s37.4102 -9.25 49.1504 -23.4697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="draw-polygon" unicode="&#xf5ee;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 96c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 63.9902 -64c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64c-23.6299 0 -44.0303 12.9502 -55.1201 32h-209.75c-11.0801 -19.0498 -31.4902 -32 -55.1201 -32c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64c0 23.6299 12.9502 44.04 32 55.1299v209.75 c-19.0498 11.0801 -32 31.4902 -32 55.1201c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64c23.6299 0 44.04 -12.9502 55.1201 -32h209.76c11.0801 19.0498 31.4902 32 55.1201 32c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64c-0.349609 0 -0.669922 0.0898438 -1.01953 0.0996094 l-39.2002 -65.3193c5.08008 -9.16992 8.21973 -19.5605 8.21973 -30.7803s-3.15039 -21.6104 -8.21973 -30.7803l39.2002 -65.3193c0.349609 0 0.669922 0.0996094 1.01953 0.0996094zM96 87.1201c8.07422 -4.68848 18.4316 -15.0459 23.1201 -23.1201h208.36 l-38.4609 64.0996c-0.349609 0 -0.669922 -0.0996094 -1.01953 -0.0996094c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64c0.349609 0 0.669922 -0.0898438 1.01953 -0.0996094l38.4609 64.0996h-208.36c-4.69043 -8.07227 -15.0479 -18.4297 -23.1201 -23.1201v-209.76z M272 192c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16zM400 352c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16zM64 368c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16 s16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16zM48 32c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 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16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16zM64 368c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16zM48 32c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16s16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16zM384 16c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ear" unicode="&#xf5f0;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 448c106.04 0 192 -85.96 192 -192c0 -71.0195 -38.6699 -132.89 -96 -166.1v-9.90039c0 -79.5303 -64.4697 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.4697 -144 144v176c0 106.04 85.96 192 192 192zM320 248v8c0 70.5801 -57.4199 128 -128 128s-128 -57.4199 -128 -128 c0 -35.2998 28.7002 -64 64 -64h32c17.6396 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32s-14.3604 -32 -32 -32h-8c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h8c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64h-32c-17.6396 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32 c0 52.9404 43.0596 96 96 96s96 -43.0596 96 -96v-8c0 -4.41992 3.58008 -8 8 -8h16c4.41992 0 8 3.58008 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="engine-warning" 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-67.2598 -196.32c-5.58008 -7.17969 -16.2998 -7.94922 -23.1699 -2l-12.1504 10.5c-6.46973 5.60059 -7.09961 15.0898 -1.87988 21.8701c36.5 47.3799 56.46 105.72 56.46 165.95c0 60.1904 -19.96 118.53 -56.4697 165.91 c-5.2207 6.78027 -4.58984 16.2695 1.87988 21.8701l12.1494 10.5098c6.88086 5.9502 17.5908 5.17969 23.1709 -2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gas-pump-slash" unicode="&#xf5f4;" d="M633.82 -10.0996c6.97949 -5.43066 8.22949 -15.4805 2.81934 -22.4502l-19.6396 -25.2705c-5.42969 -6.97949 -15.4805 -8.23926 -22.46 -2.80957l-588.36 454.729c-6.97949 5.43066 -8.22949 15.4805 -2.80957 22.4502l19.6396 25.2705 c5.41992 6.97949 15.4805 8.22949 22.46 2.80957l53.75 -41.5498c8.16016 25.96 32.1299 44.9199 60.7803 44.9199h160c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-201.02l143.95 -111.25c0 0.0898438 0.0498047 0.169922 0.0498047 0.269531v160.81 c-27.0703 3.9209 -48 27.0508 -48 55.1904v62.0596l-37.6602 37.6602c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3105 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l80.9697 -80.9697c12.0098 -12.0107 18.75 -28.29 18.75 -45.2607v-223.43 c0 -11.3701 -2.91016 -21.9805 -7.62988 -31.5195zM96 32v211.79l274.03 -211.79h-274.03zM400 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glasses-alt" unicode="&#xf5f5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560.51 222.1c13.3301 -53.4395 15.4902 -74.2197 15.4805 -118.1c0 -75.1104 -60.8906 -136 -136 -136c-72.3701 0 -130.971 56.6904 -135.19 128h-33.6094c-4.2207 -71.3096 -62.8203 -128 -135.19 -128c-75.1104 0 -136 60.8896 -136 136 c0 43.8799 2.16016 64.6602 15.4902 118.1l31.7598 127.261c6.7002 26.8594 33.75 66.6396 85.4199 66.6396c15.6299 0 23.0303 -2.94043 43.0205 -9.58984c8.38965 -2.79004 12.9199 -11.8604 10.1191 -20.2402l-5.05957 -15.1797 c-2.24023 -6.7002 -8.48047 -10.9404 -15.1797 -10.9404c-3.53027 0 -4.81055 0.740234 -18.2305 5.20996c-26.0703 8.68066 -48.21 -6.12988 -53.5303 -27.54l-29.6699 -118.68c20.8906 13.0801 45.3906 20.96 71.8604 20.96c55.0898 0 102.27 -32.9102 123.65 -80h56.6992 c21.3809 47.0898 68.5605 80 123.65 80c26.4697 0 50.9697 -7.87988 71.8604 -20.9697l-29.6699 118.68c-5.33008 21.4102 -27.46 36.2197 -53.5303 27.54c-13.4102 -4.46973 -14.6904 -5.20996 -18.2305 -5.20996c-6.69922 0 -12.9395 4.24023 -15.1797 10.9404 l-5.05957 15.1797c-2.80078 8.37988 1.72949 17.4502 10.1191 20.2402c19.9902 6.65918 27.3906 9.59961 43.0205 9.59961c51.6797 0 78.7197 -39.7803 85.4199 -66.6396zM136 32c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72s-32.2998 72 -72 72s-72 -32.2998 -72 -72s32.2998 -72 72 -72z M440 32c39.7002 0 72 32.2998 72 72s-32.2998 72 -72 72s-72 -32.2998 -72 -72s32.2998 -72 72 -72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="heart-rate" unicode="&#xf5f8;" d="M624 224c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-124.22l-55.1504 -110.3c-5.93945 -11.8398 -18.6201 -18.7305 -31.7803 -17.5303c-12.0977 1.2002 -24.5156 11.6924 -27.7197 23.4199l-61.3896 225.12l-68.4404 -319.4 c-3.08008 -14.3594 -15.5498 -24.7793 -30.2197 -25.2793c-0.360352 -0.0205078 -0.730469 -0.0205078 -1.08984 -0.0205078c-14.2305 0 -26.8105 9.43066 -30.75 23.2002l-57.3799 200.79h-119.86c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h144 c14.29 0 26.8398 -9.46973 30.7695 -23.2002l28.79 -100.78l69.1406 322.681c3.09961 14.4395 15.6602 24.8701 30.4297 25.2803c14.6904 0.529297 27.8604 -9.33008 31.75 -23.5605l73.9502 -271.2l26.54 53.0898c5.41992 10.8408 16.5098 17.6904 28.6299 17.6904h144z " /> <glyph glyph-name="inhaler" unicode="&#xf5f9;" d="M32 0c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM32 192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM32 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM128 144c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM616.27 409.98c17.0801 -4.58008 27.2109 -22.1201 22.6309 -39.1904l-46.29 -172.78l-168.74 168.74l15.4102 57.5195 c4.56934 17.0703 22.1201 27.2002 39.1895 22.6309zM409.19 336.18l176.96 -176.96c8.04004 -8.04004 11.21 -19.75 8.33008 -30.75l-44.2207 -168.59c-3.68945 -14.0703 -16.3994 -23.8799 -30.9502 -23.8799h-295.31c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h122.49l35.9102 136.92c3.12988 11.96 18.0498 16 26.79 7.25977zM128 48c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kidneys" unicode="&#xf5fb;" d="M231.6 415.93c35.3301 -39.5596 31.8906 -100.239 -7.68945 -135.54c-49.1504 -43.8398 -27.1104 -90.5693 -26.0703 -94.2695c17.1797 -60.6396 -28.1602 -122.11 -92.4697 -122.11c-41.8896 0 -80.4102 27.6201 -92.3506 69.9307 c-5.41992 19.1494 -14.1699 48.0195 -12.8896 90.0596c2.25977 74.04 35.9502 146.15 95.8506 199.62c39.5791 35.2998 100.289 31.8701 135.619 -7.69043zM303.87 180.23v-180.23l0.0195312 -48c0 -8.83984 -7.15918 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16 l-0.0195312 16.0098v212.21c0 3.07031 -1.71973 5.79004 -4.44043 7.16016l-24.21 12.1104l-1.81934 6.49023c-4.89062 17.3096 3.08984 32.1396 11.6592 42.2598l35.8408 -17.9199c19.1299 -9.58984 30.9697 -28.7803 30.9697 -50.0898zM366.84 230.32l35.8906 17.96 c8.5293 -10 16.5 -24.6201 11.6094 -41.5605l-2.12988 -7.38965l-23.8701 -11.9404c-2.75 -1.37988 -4.46973 -4.12988 -4.46973 -7.15918v-180.23l0.0195312 -48c0 -8.83984 -7.15918 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16.0195l-0.0195312 212.211 c0 21.3096 11.8799 40.5 30.9697 50.0898zM543.89 423.7c60.2002 -53.54 93.9199 -125.67 96.0107 -199.7c1.18945 -42.46 -7.81055 -71.2695 -13.3506 -90.54c-12.1299 -42.0898 -50.5195 -69.46 -92.2598 -69.46c-64.6699 0 -109.8 62 -92.3203 122.57 c0.730469 2.55957 23.8398 49.5898 -25.7598 93.71c-39.6396 35.25 -43.1797 95.9297 -7.91016 135.52c35.2598 39.6504 96.04 43.1201 135.59 7.90039z" /> <glyph glyph-name="laptop-code" unicode="&#xf5fc;" d="M255.03 186.35l-58.3506 58.3408c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l58.3398 58.3398c6.25 6.25 16.3809 6.25 22.6309 0l11.3096 -11.3105c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-35.71 -35.7197l35.7197 -35.71c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299 l-11.3096 -11.3105c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0zM351.04 197.65c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l35.71 35.7197l-35.71 35.71c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3096 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3809 6.25 22.6309 0l58.3398 -58.3408 c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-58.3398 -58.3398c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3809 -6.25 -22.6309 0zM624 32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -35.2002 -28.7998 -64 -64 -64h-512c-35.2002 0 -64 28.7998 -64 64v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h239.23 c-0.25 -14.5303 14.0791 -32 32.7695 -32h60.7998c18.0303 0 32 12.1904 32.7402 32h242.46zM576 400v-336h-512v336c0 26.4004 21.5996 48 48 48h416c26.4004 0 48 -21.5996 48 -48zM512 128v256h-384v-256h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="layer-group" unicode="&#xf5fd;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M12.4102 299.98c-16.5498 7.50977 -16.5498 32.5293 0 40.0391l232.95 105.671c2.79883 1.2793 7.56738 2.31738 10.6445 2.31738s7.84668 -1.03809 10.6455 -2.31738l232.93 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-3.08008 -21.29 0z M304 384c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h192c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-192zM499.59 83.9004c16.5498 -7.5 16.5498 -32.5 0 -40l-232.95 -105.591c-6.7998 -3.0791 -14.4893 -3.0791 -21.29 0 l-232.939 105.591c-16.5498 7.5 -16.5498 32.5 0 40l58.0996 26.3301l161.641 -73.2705c7.56934 -3.42969 15.5898 -5.16992 23.8594 -5.16992c8.27051 0 16.2998 1.74023 23.8604 5.16992l161.63 73.2705z" /> <glyph glyph-name="layer-plus" unicode="&#xf5ff;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M304 304c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64v64c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-64h64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64v-64c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v64h-64zM499.59 83.9004c16.5498 -7.5 16.5498 -32.5 0 -40l-232.95 -105.591c-6.7998 -3.0791 -14.4893 -3.0791 -21.29 0l-232.939 105.591c-16.5498 7.5 -16.5498 32.5 0 40l58.54 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8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-72v72 c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-72h-72c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h72v-72c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h16c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16v72h72c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marker-question" unicode="&#xf60b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 448c105.6 0 192 -86.4004 192 -192c0 -76.7998 -25.5996 -99.2002 -172.8 -310.4c-9.60059 -12.7998 -28.7998 -12.7998 -38.4004 0c-147.2 211.2 -172.8 233.601 -172.8 310.4c0 105.6 86.4004 192 192 192zM192 96c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM218.67 209.27c31.25 16.2607 64 37.7803 64 78.7305c0 43.25 -32.9199 88 -88 88c-41.8096 0 -76.9004 -29.2998 -85.8096 -68.4502c-2.28027 -9.99023 5.19922 -19.5498 15.4395 -19.5498h16.8398 c7.2207 0 13.1807 4.98047 15.3301 11.8799c5.07031 16.2803 20.2705 28.1201 38.2002 28.1201c25.9805 0 40 -20.6104 40 -40c0 -15.96 -20.0596 -27.1904 -50.6699 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-8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h272c70.5801 0 128 57.4199 128 128s-57.4199 128 -128 128v64 c105.88 0 192 -86.1201 192 -192c0 -49.2002 -18.7598 -93.9902 -49.29 -128h1.29004zM104 32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h208c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="oil-temp" unicode="&#xf614;" d="M320 64c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80c0 32.79 19.7695 60.9004 48 73.25v214.75c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h96c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-48v-32h48c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16 h-48v-32h48c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-48v-22.75c28.2305 -12.3604 48 -40.46 48 -73.25c0 -44.1797 -35.8203 -80 -80 -80zM16 64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16 c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c8.25 -7.60059 22.7998 -14.3008 41.5898 -16.7402c3.30957 -24.6904 14.25 -46.9697 30.96 -63.8604 c-5.4502 -0.509766 -10.79 -1.2998 -16.46 -1.2998c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-16zM624 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004 s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004 c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h16zM624 128c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 15.9805 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-38.6201 0 -72.7207 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3809 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398c-5.6709 0 -11 0.790039 -16.4609 1.2998c16.7109 16.8906 27.6406 39.1699 30.9609 63.8604c18.7891 2.43945 33.3496 9.13965 41.5898 16.7402 c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="parking-slash" unicode="&#xf617;" d="M288 80v15.4004l164.83 -127.4h-308.83c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v227.79l128 -98.9297v-64.8604c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h32c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM633.82 -10.0996c6.97949 -5.43066 8.22949 -15.4805 2.80957 -22.4502l-19.6396 -25.2705 c-5.43066 -6.97949 -15.4805 -8.23926 -22.46 -2.80957l-588.351 454.729c-6.97949 5.43066 -8.22949 15.4805 -2.80957 22.4502l19.6396 25.2705c5.41992 6.97949 15.4805 8.22949 22.46 2.80957l60.9502 -47.1104c8.79004 11.1709 22.2705 18.4805 37.5801 18.4805h352 c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-308.68zM409.69 163.13c13.8193 16.5205 22.3096 37.6299 22.3096 60.8701c0 52.9404 -43.0596 96 -96 96h-96c-8.01953 0 -14.3896 -6 -15.54 -13.71l65.0596 -50.29h46.4805c17.6396 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32 c0 -8.48047 -3.44043 -16.0898 -8.83984 -21.8203z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pencil-paintbrush" unicode="&#xf618;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M316.08 365.29l113.2 -113.19l-296.92 -296.93l-107.45 -18.8398c-14.5 -2.5498 -27.1201 10.0703 -24.5898 24.5596l18.7598 107.44zM497.93 320.76l-46.0293 -46.04l-113.2 113.2l46.0303 46.0205c18.7598 18.7598 49.1797 18.7598 67.9395 0l45.2598 -45.25 c18.75 -18.7607 18.75 -49.1709 0 -67.9307zM456.75 56.3799c11.1104 0 45.46 27.6699 55.25 34.3506c0 -82.3506 -37.9297 -154.73 -128 -154.73c-68.5801 0 -117.36 36.0498 -126.17 99.3896l101.68 101.681c34.25 -5.33008 64.5205 -22.9307 82.6504 -70.71 c2.34961 -6.20996 8 -9.98047 14.5898 -9.98047zM120.18 214.68l-99.0996 100.33c-73.2305 80.4707 62.9697 188.29 124.93 99.8906l69.9902 -104.41z" /> <glyph glyph-name="poop" unicode="&#xf619;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M451.36 78.8604c34.3301 -5.48047 60.6396 -34.9805 60.6396 -70.8604c0 -39.7598 -32.2402 -72 -72 -72h-368c-39.7598 0 -72 32.2402 -72 72c0 35.8799 26.3096 65.3799 60.6396 70.8604c-17.2998 13.1494 -28.6396 33.7295 -28.6396 57.1396 c0 39.7695 32.2402 72 72 72h14.0703c-13.4199 11.7305 -22.0703 28.7803 -22.0703 48c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h16c44.1797 0 80 35.8203 80 80c0 17.3799 -5.69043 33.3604 -15.1104 46.4805c4.95996 0.779297 9.94043 1.51953 15.1104 1.51953 c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96c0 -11.2803 -2.30957 -21.9502 -5.87988 -32h5.87988c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64c0 -19.2197 -8.65039 -36.2695 -22.0703 -48h14.0703c39.7598 0 72 -32.2305 72 -72c0 -23.4102 -11.3398 -43.9902 -28.6396 -57.1396z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ruler-triangle" unicode="&#xf61c;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M501.65 -4.08008c22.1094 -22.1201 6.44922 -59.9199 -24.8203 -59.9199h-441.73c-19.3896 0 -35.0996 15.71 -35.0996 35.0996v441.73c0 21.1602 17.3096 35.1699 35.3496 35.1699c8.62012 0 17.4102 -3.2002 24.5605 -10.3496l51.1699 -51.1699l-38.5703 -38.5703 c-3.12012 -3.12012 -3.12012 -8.19043 0 -11.3105l11.3105 -11.3096c3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 -3.12012 11.3096 0l38.5703 38.5703l56.5996 -56.5908l-38.5693 -38.5693c-3.12012 -3.12012 -3.12012 -8.19043 0 -11.3105l11.3096 -11.3096 c3.12012 -3.12012 8.19043 -3.12012 11.3096 0l38.5703 38.5703l56.5703 -56.5703l-38.5703 -38.5703c-3.12012 -3.12012 -3.12012 -8.18945 0 -11.3096l11.3105 -11.3105c3.11914 -3.12012 8.18945 -3.12012 11.3096 0l38.5703 38.5703l56.5693 -56.5703l-38.5693 -38.5693 c-3.12012 -3.12012 -3.12012 -8.19043 0 -11.3105l11.3096 -11.3096c3.12012 -3.12012 8.19043 -3.12012 11.3105 0l38.5693 38.5693l56.5703 -56.5693l-38.5703 -38.5703c-3.12012 -3.12012 -3.12012 -8.18945 0 -11.3096l11.3105 -11.3105 c3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 -3.12012 11.3096 0l38.5703 38.5703zM128 64h124.54l-124.54 124.54v-124.54z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scalpel" unicode="&#xf61d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M482.7 436.15c33.7598 -24.0801 38.8994 -71.6904 12.5303 -102.49l-139.021 -162.44c-6.08984 -7.12012 -15 -11.2197 -24.3701 -11.2197h-131.939c-13.7002 0 -21.0908 16.0596 -12.1904 26.4697l201.5 235.46c23.3096 27.25 64.29 35.0508 93.4902 14.2207zM0 -64 l176 192h105.6v-8.04004c0 -38.3896 -15.3496 -76.6104 -46.7197 -102.32c-0.200195 -0.15918 -0.389648 -0.319336 -0.589844 -0.479492c-64.0098 -51.9805 -147.29 -81.2305 -234.29 -81.1602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scalpel-path" unicode="&#xf61e;" d="M312 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80zM472 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80zM632 -32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h80zM234.88 17.6396c-0.200195 -0.15918 -0.389648 -0.319336 -0.589844 -0.479492 c-64.0098 -51.9805 -147.29 -81.2305 -234.29 -81.1602l176 192h105.6v-8.04004c0 -38.3896 -15.3496 -76.6104 -46.7197 -102.32zM482.71 436.15c33.75 -24.0801 38.8896 -71.6904 12.5303 -102.48l-139.021 -162.439c-6.08984 -7.12012 -15 -11.2207 -24.3701 -11.2207 h-131.939c-13.7002 0 -21.0898 16.0498 -12.1904 26.46l201.5 235.46c23.3105 27.25 64.29 35.0508 93.4902 14.2207z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skeleton" unicode="&#xf620;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M496 288c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-208v-32h144c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-144v-32h112.01c44.1807 0 80 -35.8203 80 -80s-35.8193 -80 -80 -80c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80 c0 4.46094 0.72168 11.6289 1.61035 16h-131.23c1.05078 -5.16992 1.61035 -10.5195 1.61035 -16c0 -44.1797 -35.8203 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80h112v32h-144c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h144v32h-208 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h208v32h-144c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h144v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h144c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-144v-32h208zM112 -16c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32zM400 48c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-of-life" unicode="&#xf621;" horiz-adv-x="480" d="M471.99 113.57c7.66016 -4.41992 10.2793 -14.2002 5.85938 -21.8506l-32.0195 -55.4297c-4.41992 -7.66016 -14.21 -10.2803 -21.8701 -5.86035l-135.93 78.4307v-156.86c0 -8.83984 -7.16992 -16 -16.0107 -16h-64.0391c-8.84082 0 -16.0107 7.16016 -16.0107 16 v156.85l-135.93 -78.4297c-7.66016 -4.41016 -17.4502 -1.79004 -21.8701 5.86035l-32.0195 55.4297c-4.41992 7.65039 -1.80078 17.4404 5.85938 21.8604l135.931 78.4297l-135.931 78.4297c-7.66016 4.41992 -10.2793 14.21 -5.85938 21.8604l32.0195 55.4199 c4.41992 7.65039 14.21 10.2803 21.8701 5.86035l135.93 -78.4307v156.86c0 8.83984 7.16992 16 16.0107 16h64.0391c8.84082 0 16.0107 -7.16016 16.0107 -16v-156.85l135.93 78.4297c7.66016 4.41992 17.4502 1.79004 21.8701 -5.86035l32.0195 -55.4297 c4.41992 -7.66016 1.80078 -17.4404 -5.85938 -21.8604l-135.931 -78.4297z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stomach" unicode="&#xf623;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M384 352c70.7002 0 128 -57.3096 128.01 -128v-84.3496c0 -112.48 -91.1699 -203.65 -203.649 -203.65c-10.7305 0 -82.1504 -2.20996 -149.37 65.0098c-11.4805 11.4902 -23.96 18.2002 -41.0703 18.2002c-19.96 0 -53.9199 -13.5801 -53.9199 -51.21v-16 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 70.6904 57.2998 128 128 128h64c35.3398 0 64 28.6504 64 64v58.5c0 1.87012 0.419922 3.65039 0.490234 5.5h-0.490234c-70.7002 0 -128 57.3096 -128 128v80c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-80c0 -35.3496 28.6602 -64 64 -64h18.8301c18.3096 31.4297 54.8799 64 109.17 64zM448 139.65v84.3496c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64c-37.6201 0 -64 -33.3496 -64 -69.5v-58.5c0 -6.16992 -0.759766 -12.1396 -1.59961 -18.0703 c22.6895 8.20996 48.2295 3.44043 65.5996 -13.9297c16.2598 -16.2695 39.71 -21.3799 61.2695 -15.2998c1.7207 8.74023 2.73047 17.7197 2.73047 26.9502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-alt-average" unicode="&#xf624;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM96 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM144 224c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM343.12 32 c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 26.8398 -16.5596 49.75 -40 59.25v196.75c0 13.25 -10.75 24 -24 24s-24 -10.75 -24 -24v-196.75c-23.4404 -9.5 -40 -32.4004 -40 -59.25c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24zM400 256 c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32zM480 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-alt-fast" unicode="&#xf625;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM288 352c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM96 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM144 224c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32 s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM343.12 32c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 12.0703 -3.54004 23.2305 -9.34961 32.8604l108.56 144.739c7.9502 10.6104 5.79004 25.6602 -4.7998 33.6104 c-10.6104 7.91992 -25.6299 5.75977 -33.6104 -4.7998l-108.56 -144.75c-5.2207 1.37988 -10.5898 2.33984 -16.2402 2.33984c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24zM480 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-alt-fastest" unicode="&#xf626;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM432 288c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM288 352c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM96 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32 s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM144 224c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM483.95 72.3301c13.0693 2.16992 21.9102 14.5498 19.7197 27.6201 c-2.16992 13.0801 -14.5303 21.8896 -27.6201 19.7197l-133.68 -22.2803c-11.2705 18.3008 -31.3105 30.6104 -54.3701 30.6104c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24c3.20996 5.53027 5.38965 11.6396 6.89941 18.0098z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-alt-slow" unicode="&#xf627;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM288 352c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM96 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32zM343.12 32 c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.88965 32c0 35.3496 -28.6494 64 -64 64c-5.64941 0 -11.0293 -0.969727 -16.2402 -2.33984l-108.56 144.74c-7.9502 10.5693 -22.9697 12.7197 -33.6104 4.7998c-10.5996 -7.9502 -12.75 -23 -4.7998 -33.6104l108.55 -144.729 c-5.80957 -9.62988 -9.34961 -20.79 -9.34961 -32.8604c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24zM400 256c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32zM480 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-alt-slowest" unicode="&#xf628;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM288 352c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM144 288c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32zM343.12 32 c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 35.3496 -28.6504 64 -64 64c-23.0596 0 -43.0996 -12.3096 -54.3701 -30.6104l-133.68 22.2803c-13.0898 2.16992 -25.4502 -6.63965 -27.6201 -19.7197c-2.19043 -13.0703 6.66016 -25.4502 19.7197 -27.6201l133.931 -22.3203 c1.50977 -6.37988 3.68945 -12.4902 6.89941 -18.0098h110.24zM400 256c0 -17.6699 14.3301 -32 32 -32s32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32zM480 64c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32s-14.3301 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-average" unicode="&#xf629;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM343.12 32c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 26.8398 -16.5596 49.75 -40 59.25v196.75c0 13.25 -10.75 24 -24 24s-24 -10.75 -24 -24v-196.75c-23.4404 -9.5 -40 -32.4004 -40 -59.25c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32 h110.24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-fast" unicode="&#xf62a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM451.2 241.59c7.95996 10.6104 5.7998 25.6602 -4.79004 33.6201c-10.6104 7.91992 -25.6299 5.75977 -33.6104 -4.7998l-108.56 -144.75c-5.2207 1.37988 -10.5898 2.33984 -16.2402 2.33984c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64 c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 12.0703 -3.54004 23.2305 -9.34961 32.8604z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-fastest" unicode="&#xf62b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM483.95 72.3301c13.0693 2.16992 21.9102 14.5498 19.7197 27.6201c-2.16992 13.0801 -14.5303 21.8896 -27.6201 19.7197l-133.68 -22.2803c-11.2705 18.3008 -31.3105 30.6104 -54.3701 30.6104c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64 c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24c3.20996 5.53027 5.38965 11.6396 6.89941 18.0098z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-slow" unicode="&#xf62c;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM343.12 32c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.88965 32c0 35.3496 -28.6494 64 -64 64c-5.64941 0 -11.0293 -0.969727 -16.2402 -2.33984l-108.56 144.74c-7.9502 10.5693 -22.9697 12.7197 -33.6104 4.7998 c-10.5996 -7.9502 -12.75 -23 -4.7998 -33.6104l108.55 -144.729c-5.80957 -9.62988 -9.34961 -20.79 -9.34961 -32.8604c0 -11.7197 3.37988 -22.5498 8.87988 -32h110.24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tachometer-slowest" unicode="&#xf62d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -128.94 288 -288c0 -52.7998 -14.25 -102.26 -39.0596 -144.8c-5.61035 -9.62012 -16.3008 -15.2002 -27.4404 -15.2002h-443c-11.1396 0 -21.8301 5.58008 -27.4404 15.2002c-24.8096 42.54 -39.0596 92 -39.0596 144.8 c0 159.06 128.94 288 288 288zM343.12 32c5.5 9.4502 8.87988 20.2803 8.87988 32c0 35.3496 -28.6504 64 -64 64c-23.0596 0 -43.0996 -12.3096 -54.3701 -30.6104l-133.68 22.2803c-13.0898 2.16992 -25.4502 -6.63965 -27.6201 -19.7197 c-2.19043 -13.0703 6.66016 -25.4502 19.7197 -27.6201l133.931 -22.3203c1.50977 -6.37988 3.68945 -12.4902 6.89941 -18.0098h110.24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="teeth" unicode="&#xf62e;" d="M544 448c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-320c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96h-448c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96v320c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96h448zM160 80v64c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-64 c0 -26.5098 21.4902 -48 48 -48s48 21.4902 48 48zM160 208v64c0 26.5098 -21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48v-64c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h64c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM304 88v56c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-56 c0 -30.9297 25.0703 -56 56 -56s56 25.0703 56 56zM304 208v88c0 30.9297 -25.0703 56 -56 56s-56 -25.0703 -56 -56v-88c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h80c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM448 88v56c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-56 c0 -30.9297 25.0703 -56 56 -56s56 25.0703 56 56zM448 208v88c0 30.9297 -25.0703 56 -56 56s-56 -25.0703 -56 -56v-88c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h80c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM576 80v64c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-64 c0 -26.5098 21.4902 -48 48 -48s48 21.4902 48 48zM576 208v64c0 26.5098 -21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48v-64c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h64c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="teeth-open" unicode="&#xf62f;" d="M544 448c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6602 -64 -64 -64h-512c-35.3398 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v64c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96h448zM160 272v32c0 26.5098 -21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48v-32c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h64 c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM304 272v56c0 30.9297 -25.0703 56 -56 56s-56 -25.0703 -56 -56v-56c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h80c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM448 272v56c0 30.9297 -25.0703 56 -56 56s-56 -25.0703 -56 -56v-56c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h80 c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM576 272v32c0 26.5098 -21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48v-32c0 -8.83984 7.16016 -16 16 -16h64c8.83984 0 16 7.16016 16 16zM576 128c35.3398 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-32c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96h-448 c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96v32c0 35.3496 28.6602 64 64 64h512zM160 48v32c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-32c0 -26.5098 21.4902 -48 48 -48s48 21.4902 48 48zM304 56v24c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-80 c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-24c0 -30.9297 25.0703 -56 56 -56s56 25.0703 56 56zM448 56v24c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-80c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-24c0 -30.9297 25.0703 -56 56 -56s56 25.0703 56 56zM576 48v32c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-64 c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-32c0 -26.5098 21.4902 -48 48 -48s48 21.4902 48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-pressure-warning" unicode="&#xf633;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M474.5 306.46c23.7402 -41.5195 37.5 -90.2695 37.5 -142.54c0 -76.8096 -32.54 -146.14 -80 -195.92v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16h-32v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16h-32 v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16h-32v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c-47.46 49.7803 -80 119.11 -80 195.92c0 52.2705 13.7598 101.021 37.5 142.53 c16.1699 28.29 26.5 60.9297 26.5 95.46v28.9502c0 9.46973 7.16016 17.1396 16 17.1396h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48c0 -32 -15.2305 -74.8496 -34.9297 -109.31c-19.0107 -33.2402 -29.0605 -71.5508 -29.0605 -110.771 c0 -41.1201 12.75 -82.4902 35.7998 -118.12c5.7207 -8.83984 15.9502 -13.79 26.4805 -13.79h259.43c10.5303 0 20.7607 4.94043 26.4805 13.79c23.0498 35.6299 35.7998 76.9902 35.7998 118.12c0 39.2197 -10.0498 77.5205 -29.0596 110.771 c-19.71 34.46 -34.9404 77.3096 -34.9404 109.31v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.66992 16 -17.1396v-28.9502c0 -34.5205 10.3301 -67.1699 26.5 -95.4502zM246.48 192c-8.2207 0 -15.1006 6.23047 -15.9209 14.4102l-12.7998 128 c-0.939453 9.41992 6.4502 17.5898 15.9199 17.5898h44.6406c9.46973 0 16.8594 -8.16992 15.9199 -17.5898l-12.7998 -128c-0.820312 -8.17969 -7.7002 -14.4102 -15.9209 -14.4102h-19.0391zM256 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toothbrush" unicode="&#xf635;" d="M624 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h608zM64 32h-32v184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184zM128 32h-32v184 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184zM192 32h-32v184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184zM256 32h-32v184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184zM320 32h-32v184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184zM384 32h-32v184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184zM416 32v184c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-184h-32zM64 256c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64h261.49 c33.3994 0 50.1299 40.3799 26.5098 64c70.6904 0 128 -57.3096 128 -128c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="traffic-cone" unicode="&#xf636;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M362.12 256l38.2002 -96h-288.65l38.21 96h212.24zM289.73 437.92l46.9199 -117.92h-161.301l46.9199 117.92c2.21875 5.56348 8.88086 10.0801 14.8701 10.0801h37.7207c5.98926 0 12.6514 -4.5166 14.8701 -10.0801zM496 0c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32l38.21 96h339.58l38.21 -96h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="traffic-light" unicode="&#xf637;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 256c0 -41.7402 -26.7998 -76.9004 -64 -90.1201v-37.8799h64c0 -42.8398 -28.25 -78.6904 -66.9902 -91.0498c-12.4297 -57.6699 -63.6094 -100.95 -125.01 -100.95s-112.58 43.2803 -125.01 100.95c-38.7402 12.3594 -66.9902 48.21 -66.9902 91.0498h64v37.8799 c-37.2002 13.2197 -64 48.3799 -64 90.1201h64v37.8799c-37.2002 13.2197 -64 48.3799 -64 90.1201h64v32c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-32h64c0 -41.7402 -26.7998 -76.9004 -64 -90.1201v-37.8799h64zM192 32 c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM192 160c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM192 288c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="traffic-light-go" unicode="&#xf638;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 240c17.6396 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32s-14.3604 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3604 -32 32s14.3604 32 32 32zM192 368c17.6396 0 32 -14.3604 32 -32s-14.3604 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3604 -32 32s14.3604 32 32 32zM384 256c0 -41.7402 -26.7998 -76.9004 -64 -90.1201v-37.8799 h64c0 -42.8398 -28.25 -78.6904 -66.9902 -91.0498c-12.4297 -57.6699 -63.6094 -100.95 -125.01 -100.95s-112.58 43.2803 -125.01 100.95c-38.7402 12.3594 -66.9902 48.21 -66.9902 91.0498h64v37.8799c-37.2002 13.2197 -64 48.3799 -64 90.1201h64v37.8799 c-37.2002 13.2197 -64 48.3799 -64 90.1201h64v32c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-32h64c0 -41.7402 -26.7998 -76.9004 -64 -90.1201v-37.8799h64zM192 32c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48 s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM192 160c26.5098 0 48 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-7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-464c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v336c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-320h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volume-slash" unicode="&#xf2e2;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M633.99 -23.0195c6.91016 -5.52051 8.01953 -15.5908 2.5 -22.4902l-10 -12.4902c-5.53027 -6.88965 -15.5898 -8.00977 -22.4902 -2.49023l-598 467.51c-6.90039 5.52051 -8.01953 15.5908 -2.49023 22.4902l10 12.4902 c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023zM370.23 268.87c22.6895 -12.4902 37.9492 -34.0898 43.2598 -58.5801l-70.6699 55.25c7.39941 6.58008 18.2695 8.33008 27.4102 3.33008zM400.52 306.62c-11.1895 7.09961 -14.5 21.9199 -7.40918 33.1299 c7.08984 11.21 21.9297 14.5 33.1201 7.41016c53.71 -34.0703 85.7695 -92.0703 85.7695 -155.16c0 -18.1104 -2.91992 -35.6797 -7.9502 -52.5l-41.6602 32.5703c0.970703 6.5498 1.61035 13.1797 1.61035 19.9297c0 46.5596 -23.7305 89.4004 -63.4805 114.62z M453.79 387.58c-11.1699 7.32031 -14.29 22.3301 -6.9502 33.5c7.33008 11.1895 22.3398 14.2803 33.5098 6.9502c79.9199 -52.4502 127.65 -140.7 127.65 -236.03c0 -40.1904 -8.92969 -78.9102 -24.7305 -114.43l-39.2295 30.6699 c10.1104 26.3398 15.5703 54.6299 15.5703 83.7598c0 78.9805 -39.5508 152.09 -105.82 195.58zM288 359.98v-51.5703l-61.4697 48.0498l20.5 20.4902c4.85938 4.87012 10.8701 7.0498 16.7793 7.0498c12.3203 0 24.1904 -9.50977 24.1904 -24.0195zM240 81.9502v81.21 l48 -37.5303v-101.61c0 -14.5 -11.8604 -24.0195 -24.1904 -24.0195c-5.89941 0 -11.9092 2.17969 -16.7793 7.0498l-88.9707 88.9502h-102.06c-13.2598 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v144c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h24.3096l61.4004 -48h-61.71v-96h97.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="route-highway" unicode="&#xf61a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M428.4 178.79c37.9395 -56.5205 18.5596 -139.43 -38.8105 -166.03l-165.62 -76.7598l-165.56 76.75c-57.3604 26.5996 -76.75 109.51 -38.8105 166.03c30.4707 45.4297 11.8008 104.479 -13 155.399c-3.95996 8.14062 -3.33984 17.75 1.87012 25.1299l41.1807 58.3701 c4.55957 6.45996 11.7998 10.1299 19.2793 10.1299h0.000976562c2.34375 0 6.02148 -0.680664 8.20898 -1.51953c15.3604 -5.87988 32.6602 -8.88965 50.25 -8.88965c29.5107 0 59.8203 8.46973 83.1699 26.1094c3.95996 2.99023 8.7002 4.49023 13.4404 4.49023 s9.48047 -1.5 13.4502 -4.48047c23.3496 -17.6396 53.6494 -26.1094 83.1602 -26.1094c17.5898 0 34.8896 3.00977 50.2598 8.88965c2.68945 1.03027 5.46973 1.52051 8.20996 1.52051c7.47949 0 14.7197 -3.66992 19.2803 -10.1406l41.1699 -58.3594 c5.20996 -7.37988 5.83008 -17 1.87012 -25.1299c-24.8008 -50.9307 -43.4805 -109.98 -13 -155.4zM78.6504 375.52l-23.0107 -32.6191c7.12988 -15.4102 16.29 -37.5703 22.0801 -62.9004h292.58c5.78027 25.3398 14.9502 47.5 22.0801 62.9004l-23.0098 32.6191 c-15.5703 -4.0293 -32.1201 -6.11914 -48.75 -6.11914c-34.9902 0 -68.6299 8.94922 -96.6104 25.4492c-27.9795 -16.5098 -61.6299 -25.4492 -96.6094 -25.4492c-16.6309 0 -33.1807 2.08984 -48.75 6.11914zM397.2 92.3701 c5.78027 20.6797 2.5498 42.9795 -8.66016 59.6602c-17.2305 25.6797 -23.5703 53.3496 -23.8301 79.9697h-281.42c-0.25 -26.6299 -6.59961 -54.2803 -23.8301 -79.96c-11.21 -16.6904 -14.4404 -39 -8.66016 -59.6699c4.74023 -16.9199 14.8701 -30.0605 27.7998 -36.0605 l145.381 -67.3994l145.43 67.3994c12.9199 5.99023 23.0596 19.1406 27.79 36.0605z" /> <glyph glyph-name="abacus" unicode="&#xf640;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M552 448c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-476c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v60h-48v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-192v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-48v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-48v-60c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v476c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24v-48h48v24 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h48v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h192v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h48v48c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM96 328h-48v-112h48 v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h48v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h48v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h192v112h-48v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16 h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-192v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-48v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24zM480 56h48v112h-192v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-48v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-48v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24h-48v-112h48v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h48v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24h192v24c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="analytics" unicode="&#xf643;" horiz-adv-x="608" d="M416 128c17.6699 0 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17.3799 -3.37012l95.3398 76.2705c-0.339844 2.33008 -0.709961 4.66016 -0.709961 7.08984c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48 c-6.15039 0 -11.9697 1.25977 -17.3604 3.36035l-95.3398 -76.2705c0.339844 -2.33008 0.709961 -4.66016 0.709961 -7.08984c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 2.42969 0.360352 4.76953 0.709961 7.09961l-95.3398 76.2705 c-5.41016 -2.11035 -11.2295 -3.37012 -17.3799 -3.37012c-4.26953 0 -8.33984 0.740234 -12.2803 1.78027l-101.5 -101.5c1.04004 -3.94043 1.78027 -8.01074 1.78027 -12.2803c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ankh" unicode="&#xf644;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M304 176c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-120v-176c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v176h-120c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h76.9199 c-29.46 36.3496 -54.8203 87.8604 -54.8203 134.86c0 84.1592 54.5703 137.14 121.9 137.14s121.9 -52.9805 121.9 -137.14c0 -47.0107 -25.3604 -98.5107 -54.8203 -134.86h76.9199zM160 400c-44.2002 0 -73.9004 -35.8203 -73.9004 -89.1396 c0 -53.8301 49.6904 -119.5 73.9004 -133.351c24.21 13.8604 73.9004 79.5205 73.9004 133.351c0 53.3193 -29.6904 89.1396 -73.9004 89.1396z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge-dollar" unicode="&#xf645;" d="M286.41 208.28c22.25 -6.36035 40.0098 -24.7207 42.9102 -47.6699c4.0498 -32.0703 -19.0303 -59.4307 -49.3203 -63.0508v-17.5596c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v17.7197c-11.4297 1.35059 -22.2803 5.19043 -31.7803 11.46 c-6.21973 4.10059 -6.81934 13.1104 -1.5498 18.3799l17.5205 17.5205c3.73926 3.74023 9.30957 4.24023 14.1094 2.03027c3.18066 -1.4502 6.66016 -2.2207 10.2598 -2.2207h32.7803c4.66016 0 8.44043 3.78027 8.44043 8.41992 c-0.00878906 3.50684 -2.75 7.14062 -6.12012 8.11035l-50.0703 14.2998c-22.25 6.36035 -40.0098 24.7207 -42.9102 47.6699c-4.0498 32.0703 19.0303 59.4307 49.3203 63.0508v17.5596c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-17.7197 c11.4297 -1.35059 22.2803 -5.19043 31.7803 -11.46c6.21973 -4.10059 6.81934 -13.1104 1.5498 -18.3799l-17.5205 -17.5205c-3.73926 -3.74023 -9.30957 -4.24023 -14.1094 -2.03027c-3.18066 1.4502 -6.66016 2.2207 -10.2598 2.2207h-32.7803 c-4.66016 0 -8.44043 -3.78027 -8.44043 -8.41992c0.00878906 -3.50684 2.75 -7.14062 6.12012 -8.11035zM512 192c0 -36.2002 -18.5996 -68.2002 -46.7002 -86.7002c6.7998 -32.7998 -2.59961 -68.7002 -28.2998 -94.2998 c-25.5996 -25.5996 -61.2002 -35.0996 -94.2998 -28.2998c-18.4004 -27.9004 -50.2998 -46.7002 -86.7002 -46.7002c-36.2002 0 -68.2002 18.5996 -86.7002 46.7002c-33.0996 -6.7998 -68.7002 2.59961 -94.2998 28.2998 c-25.5996 25.5996 -35.0996 61.4004 -28.2998 94.2998c-28 18.4004 -46.7002 50.4004 -46.7002 86.7002c0 36.2002 18.5996 68.2002 46.7002 86.7002c-6.7998 32.7998 2.59961 68.7002 28.2998 94.2998c25.5996 25.5996 61.4004 35.0996 94.2998 28.2998 c18.4004 28 50.4004 46.7002 86.7002 46.7002s68.2002 -18.7002 86.7002 -46.7002c32.7998 6.7998 68.7002 -2.59961 94.2998 -28.2998c25.5996 -25.5996 35.0996 -61.4004 28.2998 -94.2998c27.9004 -18.2998 46.7002 -50.2002 46.7002 -86.7002zM403.7 130.7 c17.3994 6.5 60.2002 15.8994 60.2002 61.2002c0 43.8994 -39.6006 53.5 -60.2002 61.1992c7.7002 16.9004 31.2998 53.8008 -0.700195 85.8008c-31 31 -65.9004 9.7998 -85.7998 0.699219c-6.5 17.6006 -15.9004 60.4004 -61.2002 60.4004 c-43.9004 0 -53.5 -39.5996 -61.2002 -60.2002c-16.8994 7.7002 -53.7998 31.2998 -85.7998 -0.700195c-31 -31 -9.7998 -65.8994 -0.700195 -85.7998c-17.5 -6.59961 -60.2998 -16 -60.2998 -61.2998c0 -43.9004 39.5996 -53.5 60.2002 -61.2002 c-7.7002 -16.8994 -31.2998 -53.7998 0.700195 -85.7998c31 -31 64.7998 -10.4004 85.8994 -0.799805c6.5 -17.4004 15.9004 -60.2002 61.2002 -60.2002c43.9004 0 53.5 39.5996 61.2002 60.2002c30.5 -13.7998 57.7998 -27.2998 85.7998 0.700195 c31 31 9.7998 65.8994 0.700195 85.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge-percent" unicode="&#xf646;" d="M341.65 266.35c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0.00976562 -22.6396l-137.37 -137.37c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l137.36 137.38c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0zM192 224c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32 s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM320 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32zM512 192c0 -36.2002 -18.5996 -68.2002 -46.7002 -86.7002 c6.7998 -32.7998 -2.59961 -68.7002 -28.2998 -94.2998c-25.5996 -25.5996 -61.2002 -35.0996 -94.2998 -28.2998c-18.4004 -27.9004 -50.2998 -46.7002 -86.7002 -46.7002c-36.2002 0 -68.2002 18.5996 -86.7002 46.7002 c-33.0996 -6.7998 -68.7002 2.59961 -94.2998 28.2998c-25.5996 25.5996 -35.0996 61.4004 -28.2998 94.2998c-28 18.4004 -46.7002 50.4004 -46.7002 86.7002c0 36.2002 18.5996 68.2002 46.7002 86.7002c-6.7998 32.7998 2.59961 68.7002 28.2998 94.2998 c25.5996 25.5996 61.4004 35.0996 94.2998 28.2998c18.4004 28 50.4004 46.7002 86.7002 46.7002s68.2002 -18.7002 86.7002 -46.7002c32.7998 6.7998 68.7002 -2.59961 94.2998 -28.2998c25.5996 -25.5996 35.0996 -61.4004 28.2998 -94.2998 c27.9004 -18.2998 46.7002 -50.2002 46.7002 -86.7002zM403.7 130.7c17.3994 6.5 60.2002 15.8994 60.2002 61.2002c0 43.8994 -39.6006 53.5 -60.2002 61.1992c7.7002 16.9004 31.2998 53.8008 -0.700195 85.8008c-31 31 -65.9004 9.7998 -85.7998 0.699219 c-6.5 17.6006 -15.9004 60.4004 -61.2002 60.4004c-43.9004 0 -53.5 -39.5996 -61.2002 -60.2002c-16.8994 7.7002 -53.7998 31.2998 -85.7998 -0.700195c-31 -31 -9.7998 -65.8994 -0.700195 -85.7998c-17.5 -6.59961 -60.2998 -16 -60.2998 -61.2998 c0 -43.9004 39.5996 -53.5 60.2002 -61.2002c-7.7002 -16.8994 -31.2998 -53.7998 0.700195 -85.7998c31 -31 64.7998 -10.4004 85.8994 -0.799805c6.5 -17.4004 15.9004 -60.2002 61.2002 -60.2002c43.9004 0 53.5 39.5996 61.2002 60.2002 c30.5 -13.7998 57.7998 -27.2998 85.7998 0.700195c31 31 9.7998 65.8994 0.700195 85.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bible" unicode="&#xf647;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M160 240c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h48v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h48c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-48v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96h-48zM448 64c0 -7.7998 -5.5 -14.2002 -12.9004 -15.7002c-4.19922 -13 -4.19922 -51.5996 0 -64.5996c7.30078 -1.40039 12.9004 -7.90039 12.9004 -15.7002v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80v352 c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368zM394 -16c-2.7002 17.2998 -2.7002 46.7002 0 64h-314c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32h314zM400 96v304h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-278.7 c9.7998 4.2998 20.5996 6.7002 32 6.7002h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="business-time" unicode="&#xf64a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M496 224c79.5898 0 144 -64.4102 144 -144s-64.4102 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.4102 -144 144s64.4102 144 144 144zM560 73.71v12.5801c0 5.33984 -4.37012 9.70996 -9.70996 9.70996h-38.29v54.2803c0 5.33984 -4.37012 9.70996 -9.70996 9.70996h-12.5703 c-5.33984 0 -9.70996 -4.37012 -9.70996 -9.70996v-76.5703c0 -5.33984 4.37012 -9.70996 9.70996 -9.70996h60.5703c5.33984 0 9.70996 4.37012 9.70996 9.70996zM216 128c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v24h-144v-122c0 -3.30957 2.69043 -6 6 -6h269.06 c2.57324 -13.9111 9.90723 -35.415 16.3701 -48h-291.43c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v256c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h80v48c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h160c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48h80c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48.8096 c-5.28027 0.479492 -10.5996 0.80957 -16 0.80957c-10.9404 0 -21.6104 -1.13965 -32 -3.05957v45.0596c0 3.30957 -2.69043 6 -6 6h-404c-3.30957 0 -6 -2.69043 -6 -6v-74h347.13c-15.3613 -10.7891 -36.1709 -32.293 -46.4502 -48h-28.6797v-24 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-80zM176 400v-48h160v48h-160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cabinet-filing" unicode="&#xf64b;" d="M464 448c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-416c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v416c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h416zM464 -16v184h-416v-184h416zM464 216v184h-416v-184h416zM160 272c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v8h-128v-8c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16zM160 40c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v24c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h160 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-24c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v8h-128v-8c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-line-down" unicode="&#xf64d;" d="M180.69 201.38l-74.3506 74.3398c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.3105 11.3105c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l51.7197 -51.7197l84.6797 84.6797c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l110.23 -110.22l29.4902 29.5 c15.1201 15.1191 40.9697 4.40918 40.9697 -16.9707v-100.93c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-100.93c-21.3799 0 -32.0898 25.8496 -16.9707 40.9697l29.5 29.4902l-87.5996 87.5996l-84.6797 -84.6797c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0zM496 48 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-464c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v336c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-320h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-pie-alt" unicode="&#xf64e;" d="M461.29 160c9.54004 0 17.3896 -8.38965 16.0596 -17.8398c-16.46 -116.5 -116.31 -206.16 -237.35 -206.16c-2.67969 0 -5.37988 0.0400391 -8.07031 0.129883c-124.02 4.07031 -227.729 107.771 -231.8 231.8c-4.08984 124.641 86.9502 228.601 206.021 245.42 c0.709961 0.100586 1.40918 0.150391 2.10938 0.150391c8.56055 0 15.7402 -7.37988 15.7402 -16.21v-237.29h237.29zM240 -16c82.0596 0 154.15 52.9404 180.78 128h-244.78v244.86c-77.6396 -27.21 -130.69 -102.08 -127.9 -187.351 c3.25 -98.9795 86.4199 -182.149 185.4 -185.399c2.16992 -0.0703125 4.34961 -0.110352 6.5 -0.110352zM288.8 447.96c119.46 -8.24023 214.92 -103.7 223.17 -223.16c0.620117 -9.10938 -7.05957 -16.7998 -16.2002 -16.7998h-223.77v223.77 c0 8.79004 7.09961 16.2305 15.7598 16.2305c0.339844 0 0.69043 -0.00976562 1.04004 -0.0400391z" /> <glyph glyph-name="city" unicode="&#xf64f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M244 64c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM244 256c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40 c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM148 256c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM148 64c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM148 160c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM244 160c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM532 64c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM532 160 c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM616 256c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-280c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v256h-128v192 h-160v-96h-256v-352c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v376c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h40v80c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-80h64v80c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-80 h32v72c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h208c13.2598 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-168h104zM404 352c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM404 160c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12 v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40zM404 256c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v40c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-alt-dollar" unicode="&#xf650;" d="M448 448c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-288c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-144l-124.87 -93.6299c-2.2002 -1.62988 -4.66992 -2.37012 -7.08008 -2.37012c-6.21973 0 -12.0498 4.91992 -12.0498 12.0195v83.9805h-96c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v288 c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h384zM464 96v288c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-384c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h144v-59.9902l67.2002 50.3906l12.7998 9.59961h160c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM286.41 256.28 c22.25 -6.36035 40.0098 -24.7207 42.9102 -47.6699c4.0498 -32.0703 -19.0303 -59.4307 -49.3203 -63.0508v-17.5596c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v17.7197c-11.4297 1.35059 -22.2803 5.19043 -31.7803 11.46 c-6.22949 4.10059 -6.81934 13.1104 -1.5498 18.3799l17.5205 17.5205c3.73926 3.74023 9.30957 4.24023 14.1094 2.03027c3.18066 -1.4502 6.66016 -2.2207 10.2598 -2.2207h32.7803c4.66016 0 8.44043 3.78027 8.44043 8.41992 c-0.00878906 3.50684 -2.75 7.14062 -6.12012 8.11035l-50.0703 14.2998c-22.25 6.36035 -40.0098 24.7207 -42.9102 47.6699c-4.0498 32.0703 19.0303 59.4307 49.3203 63.0508v17.5596c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-17.7197 c11.4297 -1.35059 22.2803 -5.19043 31.7803 -11.46c6.21973 -4.10059 6.81934 -13.1104 1.5498 -18.3799l-17.5205 -17.5205c-3.73926 -3.74023 -9.30957 -4.24023 -14.1094 -2.03027c-3.18066 1.4502 -6.66016 2.2207 -10.2598 2.2207h-32.7803 c-4.66016 0 -8.44043 -3.78027 -8.44043 -8.41992c0.00878906 -3.50684 2.75 -7.14062 6.12012 -8.11035z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-dollar" unicode="&#xf651;" d="M256 416c141.38 0 256 -93.1201 256 -208s-114.62 -208 -256 -208c-32.7998 0 -64.0498 5.2002 -92.8701 14.3301c-29.1299 -20.6104 -77.6396 -46.3301 -139.149 -46.3301c-9.59082 0 -18.2402 5.73047 -22.0303 14.5195 c-3.79004 8.79004 -1.96973 19.0303 4.58984 25.9805c0.429688 0.44043 31.46 33.7803 46.3604 73.2305c-33.04 35.0391 -52.9004 78.7197 -52.9004 126.27c0 114.87 114.62 208 256 208zM256 48c114.69 0 208 71.7803 208 160s-93.3096 160 -208 160 s-208 -71.7803 -208 -160c0 -42.25 21.6504 -74.0703 39.8203 -93.3301l20.5898 -21.8301l-10.6104 -28.0703c-5.47949 -14.5195 -12.5693 -28.1592 -19.8594 -40.2197c23.5898 7.52051 43.1299 18.8203 57.4697 28.9697l19.4795 13.7803l22.7402 -7.20996 c25.3203 -8.01953 51.6797 -12.0898 78.3701 -12.0898zM286.41 224.28c22.25 -6.36035 40.0098 -24.7207 42.9102 -47.6699c4.0498 -32.0703 -19.0303 -59.4307 -49.3203 -63.0508v-17.5596c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v17.7197 c-11.4297 1.35059 -22.2803 5.19043 -31.7803 11.46c-6.22949 4.10059 -6.81934 13.1104 -1.5498 18.3799l17.5205 17.5205c3.73926 3.74023 9.30957 4.24023 14.1094 2.03027c3.18066 -1.4502 6.66016 -2.2207 10.2598 -2.2207h32.7803 c4.66016 0 8.44043 3.78027 8.44043 8.41992c-0.00878906 3.50684 -2.75 7.14062 -6.12012 8.11035l-50.0703 14.2998c-22.25 6.36035 -40.0098 24.7207 -42.9102 47.6699c-4.0498 32.0703 19.0303 59.4307 49.3203 63.0508v17.5596c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-17.7197c11.4297 -1.35059 22.2803 -5.19043 31.7803 -11.46c6.21973 -4.10059 6.81934 -13.1104 1.5498 -18.3799l-17.5205 -17.5205c-3.73926 -3.74023 -9.30957 -4.24023 -14.1094 -2.03027 c-3.18066 1.4502 -6.66016 2.2207 -10.2598 2.2207h-32.7803c-4.66016 0 -8.44043 -3.78027 -8.44043 -8.41992c0.00878906 -3.50684 2.75 -7.14062 6.12012 -8.11035z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comments-alt-dollar" unicode="&#xf652;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M512 288c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-160c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-32v-51.9805c0 -7.09961 -5.83008 -12.0195 -12.0498 -12.0195c-2.40039 0 -4.87012 0.740234 -7.08008 2.37012l-108.87 61.6299h-96c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v29.8799 l-76.8701 -43.5098c-2.20996 -1.62988 -4.66992 -2.37012 -7.08008 -2.37012c-6.21973 0 -12.0498 4.91992 -12.0498 12.0195v51.9805h-32c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v208c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h288c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-96h96zM200.35 153.77 l11.0107 6.23047h140.64c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v208c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-288c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-208c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h80v-38.1299zM528 64v160c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-96v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-112 v-48c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h108.65l11 -6.23047l56.3496 -31.8994v38.1299h80c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM233.28 289.72c18.0996 -4.88965 30.7197 -21 30.7197 -39.1699c0 -21.7295 -17.8203 -39.2002 -40 -40.2998v-10.25c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v10.1699c-10.29 0.639648 -20.0498 3.87012 -28.3496 9.52051c-3.73047 2.5498 -4.24023 7.90918 -1.13086 11.1895l12.0703 12.7305c2.40039 2.5498 6.16016 2.84961 9.24023 1.17969c3.54004 -1.91016 7.62012 -2.9502 11.7695 -2.9502 h26.3408c5.55957 0 10.0596 3.90039 10.0596 8.7002c0 3.75 -2.90039 7.16016 -7.08984 8.2998l-42.1904 11.4404c-18.0996 4.88965 -30.7197 21 -30.7197 39.1699c0 21.7295 17.8203 39.2002 40 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0.359375 22.4004 24.1494 37.7002 54.8896c-27.4707 27.1201 -43.9902 61.1299 -43.9902 98.1699c0 88.3604 93.1201 160 208 160c86.3203 0 160.35 -40.46 191.82 -98.0596 c99.7295 -11.8105 176.18 -77.9209 176.18 -157.94c0 -37.04 -16.5195 -71.0498 -43.9902 -98.1699zM159.02 149.55c15.9805 -3.67969 32.4609 -5.5498 48.9805 -5.5498c86.7305 0 160 51.29 160 112s-73.2695 112 -160 112s-160 -51.29 -160 -112 c0 -28.6602 16.1602 -50.6299 29.71 -64.0195l24.7402 -24.4209l-15.4902 -31.1191c-2.07422 -4.16797 -5.6582 -10.8164 -8 -14.8408c14.6396 5.12012 29.0303 12.2607 43.0996 21.4102l17.0908 11.1201zM498.29 95.9902c13.5498 13.3799 29.71 35.3496 29.71 64.0098 c0 49.1504 -48.2998 91.5098 -112.65 105.97c0.260742 -3.30957 0.650391 -6.59961 0.650391 -9.96973c0 -80.8604 -78.04 -147.53 -179.3 -158.3c29.0801 -29.6406 77.3398 -49.7002 131.3 -49.7002h0.0371094c13.6816 0 35.6084 2.48633 48.9434 5.5498l19.8691 4.58008 l17.0908 -11.1201c14.0693 -9.13965 28.46 -16.29 43.0996 -21.3994c-2.74023 4.72949 -5.44043 9.68945 -8 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84.7803 48.7793 117.59 l-14.96 14.0703c-5.12988 4.71973 -5.2998 12.7598 -0.370117 17.6895l16.6006 16.6006c4.92969 4.92969 12.9697 4.75977 17.6895 -0.370117l14.0703 -14.96c32.8203 26.6201 73.2598 44.1797 117.59 48.7793l-0.620117 20.4609 c-0.290039 6.96973 5.28027 12.7695 12.25 12.7695h23.4805c6.96973 0 12.54 -5.7998 12.25 -12.7695l-0.620117 -20.4609c44.3301 -4.59961 84.7803 -22.1592 117.59 -48.7793l14.0703 14.96c4.71973 5.12988 12.7598 5.2998 17.6895 0.370117l16.6006 -16.6006 c4.92969 -4.92969 4.75977 -12.9697 -0.370117 -17.6895l-14.96 -14.0703c26.6201 -32.8096 44.1797 -73.2598 48.7793 -117.59zM430.49 213.89c-4.02051 32.1504 -16.7207 61.5703 -35.7002 85.9404l-58.6699 -55.2002c6.55957 -9.9502 11.3994 -21.1396 13.8896 -33.2002z M256 144c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM363.84 330.79c-24.3799 18.9795 -53.7998 31.6904 -85.9395 35.7002l-2.45996 -80.4805c12.0596 -2.49023 23.25 -7.33008 33.1992 -13.8896zM234.11 366.49 c-32.1504 -4.00977 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8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h128c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="folder-times" unicode="&#xf65f;" d="M464 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-224c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h146.74c8.49023 0 16.6299 -3.37012 22.6299 -9.37012l54.6299 -54.6299h192zM464 48v224h-198.62 c-8.49023 0 -16.6299 3.37012 -22.6299 9.37012l-54.6299 54.6299h-140.12v-288h416zM227.71 222.23l28.29 -28.29l28.29 28.29c3.12012 3.12988 7.21973 4.68945 11.3096 4.68945h0.0078125c3.65625 0 8.7207 -2.10059 11.3027 -4.68945l11.3096 -11.3105 c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-28.2793 -28.29l28.2793 -28.2803c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.3096 -11.3096c-3.12012 -3.12988 -7.21973 -4.69043 -11.3105 -4.69043c-4.08984 0 -8.18945 1.57031 -11.3096 4.69043l-28.29 28.2793l-28.29 -28.2793 c-3.12012 -3.12988 -7.21973 -4.69043 -11.3096 -4.69043c-4.09082 0 -8.19043 1.57031 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-16h-56v-144c0 -48.5996 -39.4004 -88 -88 -88h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c22.0898 0 40 17.9102 40 40v144h-56c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h56v48c0 48.5996 39.4004 88 88 88h48c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16zM317.43 339.08 c6.83008 -5.13965 8.08008 -14.5303 3.28027 -21.5801c-31.5098 -46.2402 -48.71 -101.59 -48.71 -157.5c0 -55.9199 17.2002 -111.27 48.71 -157.49c4.80957 -7.0498 3.55957 -16.4502 -3.28027 -21.5898l-12.7998 -9.62988 c-7.21973 -5.44043 -17.8096 -4.02051 -22.9199 3.41016c-37.3203 54.2803 -57.71 119.45 -57.71 185.3c0 65.8301 20.3896 131 57.71 185.3c5.11035 7.41992 15.7002 8.85059 22.9199 3.41016zM582.29 345.3c37.3203 -54.2803 57.71 -119.45 57.71 -185.3 c0 -65.8301 -20.3896 -131 -57.71 -185.31c-5.11035 -7.43066 -15.7002 -8.85059 -22.9199 -3.41016l-12.7998 9.62988c-6.83008 5.14941 -8.08008 14.54 -3.28027 21.5898c31.5098 46.2402 48.71 101.59 48.71 157.5c0 55.9199 -17.2002 111.27 -48.71 157.49 c-4.80957 7.0498 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72c-12.0898 9.06934 -19.2002 23.29 -19.2002 38.3994v135.91l-182.11 198.75c-21.1299 21.1299 -6.15918 57.25 23.71 57.25h508.801c29.8691 0 44.8398 -36.1201 23.71 -57.2402zM335.99 -15.9102v7.37988c-29.6807 31.5 -47.9902 73.8301 -47.9902 120.53 c0 71.9805 43.2598 133.77 105.15 161.04l116.33 126.96h-442.961l173.48 -189.33v-154.58zM464 -16c70.5801 0 128 57.4199 128 128s-57.4199 128 -128 128s-128 -57.4199 -128 -128s57.4199 -128 128 -128zM491.09 120.58 c18.6006 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-16.1201c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16.29c-11.29 0.580078 -22.2695 4.51953 -31.3701 11.3496 c-3.89941 2.93066 -4.09961 8.77051 -0.570312 12.1406l11.75 11.21c2.77051 2.63965 6.89062 2.75977 10.1309 0.729492c3.85938 -2.42969 8.25977 -3.71973 12.8193 -3.71973h28.1104c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.61035 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295 l-45 13.5c-18.6006 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v16.1201c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16.29c11.29 -0.580078 22.2695 -4.51953 31.3701 -11.3496 c3.89941 -2.93066 4.09961 -8.77051 0.569336 -12.1406l-11.75 -11.21c-2.76953 -2.63965 -6.88965 -2.75977 -10.1299 -0.729492c-3.85938 2.42969 -8.25977 3.71973 -12.8193 3.71973h-28.1104c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904 c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1797 8.76953 -12.7295z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gift-card" unicode="&#xf663;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h60c-6.21973 12.0596 -10.0703 25.5195 -10.0703 40c0 48.5195 39.4805 88 88 88 c41.6006 0 68.5107 -21.3301 103.03 -68.3301c34.5303 46.9902 61.4404 68.3301 103.04 68.3301c48.5195 0 88 -39.4805 88 -88c0 -14.4805 -3.84961 -27.9404 -10.0703 -40h58.0703zM392 400c-20.3496 0 -34.71 -3.53027 -86.0703 -80h86.0703c22.0596 0 40 17.9502 40 40 c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40zM145.93 360c0 -22.0498 17.9404 -40 40 -40h86.0703c-51.4902 76.7305 -66.1299 80 -86.0703 80c-22.0596 0 -40 -17.9404 -40 -40zM222.06 272h-174.06v-144h480v144h-174.06l51.7197 -51.7197c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299 l-11.3105 -11.3105c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-83.7197 83.7197l-83.7197 -83.7197c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299zM48 -16h480v80h-480v-80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hamsa" unicode="&#xf665;" d="M256.01 160c53 0 95.9805 -64 95.9805 -64s-42.9707 -64 -95.9805 -64s-95.9795 64 -95.9795 64s42.9697 64 95.9795 64zM256.01 64c17.6602 0 31.9902 14.3301 31.9902 32s-14.3301 32 -31.9902 32s-31.9902 -14.3301 -31.9902 -32s14.3203 -32 31.9902 -32z M505.55 164.6c12.2598 -27.1895 6.75 -58.6797 -14.04 -80.2295l-83.4199 -86.46c-37.9795 -39.3398 -93.4102 -61.9102 -152.08 -61.9102s-114.1 22.5703 -152.09 61.9199l-83.4199 86.46c-20.7803 21.5498 -26.29 53.0303 -14.0801 80.1201 c11.8301 26.4199 38.3799 43.5 67.6299 43.5h5.99023v128c0 44.1104 35.8799 80 79.9795 80c4.28027 0 8.65039 -0.339844 13.0703 -1.05957c4.35254 -0.708008 11.2207 -2.58105 15.3301 -4.18066c14.2002 22.3604 39.1904 37.2402 67.5801 37.2402 c3.63379 0 9.49316 -0.475586 13.0801 -1.05957c22.6699 -3.69043 42.04 -17.4404 54.0098 -36.3408c8.95996 3.49023 18.71 5.40039 28.8906 5.40039c4.2793 0 8.64941 -0.339844 13.0693 -1.05957c38.1406 -6.2002 66.9102 -40.8809 66.9102 -80.6504v-126.29h6 c29.25 0 55.7998 -17.0801 67.5898 -43.4004zM456.98 117.71c7.05957 7.30957 8.95996 17.9805 4.81934 27.1699c-4.12012 9.17969 -13.4795 15.1201 -23.8398 15.1201h-53.9902v174.29c0 15.9404 -10.8896 30.71 -26.6201 33.2695 c-1.80957 0.300781 -3.60938 0.44043 -5.36914 0.44043c-17.6709 0 -31.9902 -14.3301 -31.9902 -32v-104c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v134.29c0 15.9404 -10.8906 30.71 -26.6201 33.2695 c-1.81055 0.300781 -3.61035 0.44043 -5.37012 0.44043c-17.6699 0 -31.9902 -14.3301 -31.9902 -32v-136c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 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-5.91016 13.1104 -9.44043 21.4102 -9.44043c12.5703 0 23.6699 7.98047 26.3896 18.9697l80.6602 325.25c8.12988 32.8398 38.8398 55.7803 74.6201 55.7803 c23.1797 0 44.8799 -9.75 59.5098 -26.7305z" /> <glyph glyph-name="intersection" unicode="&#xf668;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M48 16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v208c0 93.5 80.6201 168.53 175.99 159.21c83.1201 -8.11035 144.01 -82.8398 144.01 -166.35v-200.86c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v208 c0 69.4404 -63.54 124.33 -135.52 109.59c-52.3604 -10.7295 -88.4805 -59.3594 -88.4805 -112.81v-204.78z" /> <glyph glyph-name="jedi" unicode="&#xf669;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 206.766c0 -149.297 -122.06 -270.766 -272.088 -270.766c-4.25 0 -8.53125 0.0986328 -12.8438 0.296875c-138.841 6.35938 -252.588 119.578 -258.963 257.75c-0.28125 6.29688 0.1875 12.4844 0.3125 18.7188 c-0.231445 0.987305 -0.419922 2.6123 -0.419922 3.62695c0 1.1582 0.244141 3.00488 0.544922 4.12305c3.55078 72.4766 54.5801 165.213 113.904 207c3.4043 2.43262 9.56445 4.41309 13.749 4.42188c7.05957 -0.0205078 15.9912 -4.78809 19.9375 -10.6406 c2.27441 -3.35156 4.12012 -9.36035 4.12012 -13.4111c0 -2.54395 -0.767578 -6.52441 -1.71387 -8.88574c-4.94629 -12.4023 -8.96387 -33.3037 -8.96875 -46.6562c0 -41.1094 19.1875 -78.9062 52.624 -103.672c5.44922 -3.97363 9.87207 -12.6729 9.87207 -19.418 c0 -5.95508 -3.61035 -13.999 -8.05957 -17.957c-24 -21.6719 -37.2178 -51.0312 -37.2178 -82.6875c0 -51.9062 35.7178 -95.2656 83.873 -108.172l2.21875 57.2656l-20.6562 -14.0312c-1.69531 -1.10449 -4.71387 -2.00098 -6.7373 -2.00098 c-2.61719 0 -6.31836 1.4209 -8.2627 3.17285c-2.07422 1.96094 -3.75684 5.87012 -3.75684 8.72461c0 1.82617 0.758789 4.58203 1.69434 6.15039l17.2812 28.9375l-36.5928 7.57812c-5.27832 1.09473 -9.5625 6.35938 -9.5625 11.75s4.28418 10.6553 9.5625 11.75 l36.5928 7.59375l-17.2812 28.9219c-0.936523 1.56836 -1.69727 4.3252 -1.69727 6.15234c0 6.62305 5.375 11.9971 11.998 11.9971c2.04395 0 5.07324 -0.93457 6.76172 -2.08691l24.4688 -16.6094l11.2178 260.781c0.261719 6.35645 5.6377 11.5156 11.999 11.5156 c6.37891 0 11.7549 -5.17285 12.001 -11.5469l11.2188 -260.719l24.4678 16.6094c1.69043 1.13867 4.71582 2.0625 6.75293 2.0625c2.62988 0 6.32422 -1.45605 8.24707 -3.25c1.91699 -2.02246 3.59668 -5.9209 3.75 -8.70312 c-0.0732422 -1.80664 -0.830078 -4.56445 -1.6875 -6.15625l-17.25 -28.9375l36.5615 -7.59375c5.27832 -1.09473 9.5625 -6.35938 9.5625 -11.75s-4.28418 -10.6553 -9.5625 -11.75l-36.5615 -7.57812l17.25 -28.9219c0.936523 -1.56836 1.69629 -4.3252 1.69629 -6.15137 c0 -2.85547 -1.68457 -6.7627 -3.75879 -8.72363c-1.94043 -1.76465 -5.64355 -3.19727 -8.2666 -3.19727c-2.02441 0 -5.04102 0.900391 -6.7334 2.00977l-20.6562 14.0312l2.21875 -57.5781c40.749 10.5156 73.1553 43.8906 81.5303 85.375 c1.28027 6.18164 2.32031 16.3213 2.32031 22.6338c0 27.541 -16.6631 64.791 -37.1953 83.1475c-4.44824 3.95996 -8.05957 12.0078 -8.05957 17.9639c0 6.74707 4.42285 15.4502 9.87207 19.4268c33.4375 24.7656 52.5928 62.5469 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-36.75l41.7803 -36.5469c3.02051 -2.63867 5.47266 -8.03418 5.47266 -12.0449c0 -3.32422 -1.78027 -8.0498 -3.97266 -10.5488zM507.001 162.375l-16.499 -14.4375c-2.49512 -2.17188 -7.20312 -3.93359 -10.5107 -3.93359 c-8.83594 0 -16.0068 7.1709 -16.0068 16.0068c0 4.00391 2.44434 9.39648 5.45508 12.0361l42.3428 37.0312c-0.108398 10.1885 -1.66211 26.5967 -3.46875 36.625l-17.0303 -17.0156c-2.58594 -2.58301 -7.65039 -4.67969 -11.3047 -4.67969 c-8.82812 0 -15.9932 7.16406 -15.9932 15.9922c0 3.65137 2.09375 8.71191 4.67285 11.2969l30.0615 30.0625c-6.44141 18.1143 -21.127 45.2246 -32.7803 60.5156c-2.07715 -37.0713 -25.1904 -88.3467 -51.5928 -114.453 c29.25 -36.7031 40.9053 -84.1406 31.4062 -131.375c-5.34473 -26.0273 -25.001 -62.3291 -43.874 -81.0312c47.0508 27.8037 94.1455 93.8213 105.122 147.359z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kaaba" unicode="&#xf66b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M554.12 364.49c13.0703 -4.36035 21.8799 -16.5898 21.8994 -30.3604v-310.8c0 -15 -10.4199 -27.9902 -25.0596 -31.2402l-242.12 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56.4697 34.4697h32c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-32c-27.71 0 -51.0801 17.7197 -59.9805 42.3604c-30.7998 -11.6602 -52.0195 -40.5107 -52.0195 -74.3604h284.22 c10.917 -0.000976562 23.7383 -7.92578 28.6201 -17.6904zM256 400c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16h32c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16h-32zM464 112l0.00976562 32.8896c0 2.4707 -0.580078 4.9502 -1.68945 7.16016 l-43.9805 87.9502h-324.67l-43.9795 -87.96c-1.11035 -2.2002 -1.69043 -4.67969 -1.69043 -7.15039v-32.8896h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="khanda" unicode="&#xf66d;" d="M415.81 382c73.71 -40.2402 111.78 -123.85 90.1602 -207.51c-7.25 -28.0898 -22.3896 -53.5703 -41.25 -75.5898l-52.5098 -61.3105c-3.12012 -3.64941 -7.59961 -5.58984 -12.1504 -5.58984c-2.5498 0 -5.11914 0.620117 -7.5 1.87988l-79.3496 42.2305 l-29.21 -20.3408l47.0801 -32.7793c1.66992 0.370117 3.22949 1.00977 5.00977 1.00977c13.25 0 23.9902 -10.7402 23.9902 -24c0 -13.25 -10.7402 -24 -23.9902 -24c-12.0898 0 -21.6797 9.11035 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l7.85059 17.2402c-33.8506 19.2598 -56.9404 55.2402 -56.9404 96.9902c0 40.79 22.0205 76.1396 54.5898 95.7197l-5.21973 11.4404c-2.33008 5.5293 -0.929688 11.8301 3.57031 16.04l58.9902 52.8096l58.9893 -52.8203c4.5 -4.20996 5.91016 -10.5098 3.57031 -16.04 l-5.21973 -11.4395c32.5693 -19.5801 54.5898 -54.9199 54.5898 -95.71c0 -41.7402 -23.0996 -77.7305 -56.9404 -96.9902l7.85059 -17.2402c2.18945 -5.18945 1.10938 -11.0801 -2.81055 -15.2793l-44.0498 -36.0908v-20.0996l76.6299 53.3496 c44.5 29.7207 71.0801 79.1602 71.2705 132.41c0 31.0205 -8.70996 61.25 -25.2002 87.4102c-1.36328 2.15723 -2.46973 5.97949 -2.46973 8.53223c0 3.51465 1.96191 8.43652 4.37988 10.9883c3.08984 3.2998 7.31934 5.00977 11.5996 5.00977h0.0078125 c2.28027 0 5.75391 -0.891602 7.75195 -1.99023zM119.53 88.2998l19.1299 10.1699l-2.79004 1.9502c-45.5703 30.4199 -76.8105 77.7803 -87.5098 131.05c-1.48047 -20.3096 1.56934 -41.3896 9.62988 -61.8896c4.5498 -11.5605 12.0293 -23.4697 22.25 -35.4004z M327.81 272c0 24.5703 -12.3994 46.2598 -31.2295 59.2598l-11.25 -24.6797c-8.75 -24.5205 -8.75 -51.04 0 -75.5605l8.95996 -19.6699c20.0801 12.79 33.5195 35.1201 33.5195 60.6504zM183.9 272c0 -25.5303 13.4395 -47.8604 33.5195 -60.6504l8.95996 19.6699 c8.75 24.5303 8.75 51.04 0 75.5605l-11.25 24.6797c-18.8301 -13 -31.2295 -34.6895 -31.2295 -59.2598zM459.54 186.5c3.92969 15.2305 5.22949 30.4902 4.11035 45.2598c-10.7305 -53.4795 -42.1904 -101.08 -88.5508 -132.04l-1.7793 -1.23926l19.1494 -10.1904 l35.8398 41.8398c15.8408 18.5 26.3506 37.46 31.2305 56.3701z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lambda" unicode="&#xf66e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M440 16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-82.96h-0.00390625c-11.1133 0 -24.0361 8.13086 -28.8457 18.1504l-146.04 304.25l-134.011 -312.7c-2.5293 -5.89062 -8.30957 -9.7002 -14.71 -9.7002h-17.4102 c-11.4893 0 -19.2295 11.75 -14.71 22.2998l152.681 358.78l-9.08008 18.9199h-136.91c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h146.96c11.1133 -0.000976562 24.0381 -8.13281 28.8496 -18.1504l183.28 -381.85h72.9102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="landmark" unicode="&#xf66f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M48 288c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v36.9102c0 6.11914 4.65039 12.8301 10.3799 14.9795l234.38 90.0703c3.62012 1.36035 7.43066 2.04004 11.2402 2.04004s7.62012 -0.679688 11.2402 -2.04004l234.38 -90.0703 c6.24023 -2.33984 10.3799 -8.30957 10.3799 -14.9795v-36.9102c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-480zM288 398.86l-163.58 -62.8604h327.16zM560 -16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-544c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16v64c0 17.6699 16.3701 32 36.5703 32h27.4297v176h48v-176h64v176h48v-176h64v176h48v-176h64v176h48v-176h27.4297c20.2002 0 36.5703 -14.3301 36.5703 -32v-64h16zM496 -16v48h-416v-48h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lightbulb-dollar" unicode="&#xf670;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M168 152c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16.29c-11.29 0.580078 -22.2695 4.51953 -31.3701 11.3496c-3.89941 2.93066 -4.09961 8.77051 -0.570312 12.1406l11.75 11.21c2.77051 2.63965 6.89062 2.75977 10.1309 0.729492 c3.85938 -2.42969 8.25977 -3.71973 12.8193 -3.71973h28.1104c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.61035 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295l-45 13.5c-18.6006 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v16.1201 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16.29c11.29 -0.580078 22.2695 -4.51953 31.3701 -11.3496c3.89941 -2.93066 4.09961 -8.77051 0.569336 -12.1406l-11.75 -11.21c-2.76953 -2.63965 -6.88965 -2.75977 -10.1299 -0.729492 c-3.85938 2.42969 -8.25977 3.71973 -12.8193 3.71973h-28.1104c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1797 8.76953 -12.7295l45 -13.5c18.6006 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896 c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-16.1201c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16zM96.0596 -11.1699l-0.0400391 43.1797h159.961l-0.0507812 -43.1797c-0.00976562 -3.13965 -0.939453 -6.21973 -2.67969 -8.83984l-24.5098 -36.8398 c-2.95996 -4.45996 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-13.3203 -7.14062h-78.8496c-5.35059 0 -10.3506 2.68066 -13.3203 7.14062l-24.5098 36.8398 c-1.74023 2.62012 -2.68066 5.68945 -2.68066 8.83984zM287.98 64h-48.0107v0.0595703c-9.67969 33.3604 -35.7793 73.1709 -52.4199 92.1602c-19.3096 22.04 -32.9502 49.0205 -39.3496 78.7002l98.0195 -76.6299c23.4502 -34.5 35.0898 -66.1201 39.5498 -80.0498 c1.4707 -4.57031 2.2002 -9.33008 2.21094 -14.1299v-0.110352zM633.99 -23.0195c6.91016 -5.52051 8.01953 -15.5908 2.5 -22.4902l-10 -12.4902c-5.53027 -6.88965 -15.5898 -8.00977 -22.4902 -2.49023l-598 467.51c-6.90039 5.52051 -8.01953 15.5908 -2.49023 22.4902 l10 12.4902c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mail-bulk" unicode="&#xf674;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M112 400v-144h-48v144c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h288c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48h-48v48h-288zM336 224c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-192c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v192c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h288zM336 -16 v120.04c-14.5 -11.0205 -80 -58.1201 -80 -58.1201c-14.4404 -11.2002 -38.6201 -29.9199 -64 -29.9199s-49.5596 18.7197 -64 29.9199c0 0 -65.5098 47.1104 -80 58.1201v-120.04h288zM336 162.61v13.3896h-288v-10.1904c2.37012 -1.84961 109.09 -81.5596 112.5 -84.2793 c8.80957 -6.98047 22.0898 -17.5303 31.5 -17.5303c7.80957 0 18.4102 7.23047 26.9102 13.0596c5.28027 3.61035 114.72 83.7002 117.09 85.5508zM528 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-192c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-112v48h112v192h-288v-16h-48v16 c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h288zM432 240h64v-64h-64v64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="megaphone" unicode="&#xf675;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 416c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-416c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v12.9404l-179.91 41.7197c-11.0898 -40.6699 -47.8896 -70.6602 -92.0801 -70.6602c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96 c0 6.13965 1.11035 11.96 2.28027 17.7402l-115.01 26.6699c-1.66992 -7.0498 -7.7207 -12.4102 -15.2803 -12.4102h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v160c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c7.55957 0 13.6104 -5.36035 15.2803 -12.4102l480.72 111.47v12.9404 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16zM256 16c21.3701 0 39.2998 14.1299 45.5 33.46l-92.25 21.3896c-0.349609 -2.30957 -1.25 -4.42969 -1.25 -6.84961c0 -26.4697 21.5303 -48 48 -48zM48 157.5l480 -111.3v291.609l-480 -111.31v-69z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mosque" unicode="&#xf678;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M288 64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v80c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32zM400 96c0 0 48 -24 48 -72v-72c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v72 c0 48 48 72 48 72zM512 64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v80c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32zM622.29 172.25c10.3896 -5.28027 17.71 -15.79 17.71 -28.25v-192c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v176h-384v-176c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v304h-112v-304c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v376c0 80 104 120 104 120s104 -40 104 -120v-20.79 c15.8604 12.71 34.2803 24.1201 53.4502 34.5996c85.4102 46.71 121.87 88.4502 138.55 106.19c16.6904 -17.75 53.1504 -59.4805 138.55 -106.19c53.2305 -29.1094 101.45 -64.9492 101.45 -117.81c0 -19.0996 -6.62012 -36.79 -17.71 -51.75zM160 304v24 c0 29.5996 -33.1904 54.1201 -55.9902 66.8398c-23.5498 -13.1094 -56.0098 -37.6396 -56.0098 -66.8398v-24h112zM529.23 176c34.0293 0 62.7695 21.9805 62.7695 48c0 23.1104 -24.2998 47.1602 -76.4805 75.7002c-45.3896 24.8301 -83.4697 51.29 -115.52 80.3496 c-32.0498 -29.0596 -70.1299 -55.5303 -115.52 -80.3496c-52.1807 -28.54 -76.4805 -52.5898 -76.4805 -75.7002c0 -26.0195 28.75 -48 62.7695 -48h258.461z" /> <glyph glyph-name="om" unicode="&#xf679;" d="M420.11 248c50.6592 0 91.8896 -41.2197 91.8701 -91.8799v-108.13c0 -48 -35.8809 -80 -80.0107 -80c-70.2295 0 -80.0098 32.7998 -80.0098 46.5996v27.5703c0 5.50977 7.07031 7.92969 10.6504 3.66016c20.6895 -24.71 42.8799 -29.8203 69.3701 -29.8203 c17.6592 0 32.0098 14.3604 32.0098 32v108.12c0 24.1895 -19.6904 43.8799 -43.8799 43.8799c-11.5703 0 -22.8799 -4.67969 -31.04 -12.8398l-24.25 -24.25c-17.1006 -17.1006 -40.79 -26.9102 -64.9805 -26.9102h-46.6299c16.5 -21.0596 26.75 -47.2305 26.75 -76 c0 -68.3799 -55.6299 -124 -124.02 -124c-135.5 0 -155.99 90.8896 -155.94 120.61c0.00976562 7.0498 9.24023 10.2197 13.3203 4.17969c37.8594 -56.0801 59.8496 -76.8096 142.62 -76.8096c41.9092 0 76.0098 34.0898 76.0098 76c0 41.9092 -34.1006 76 -76.0098 76 l-36.7705 -0.170898c-4.17969 0.34082 -7.97949 2.62012 -9.87988 6.41016l-12.0703 24.1299c-4.01953 8.02051 1.82031 17.46 10.79 17.46l39.6406 0.170898c35.2998 0 63.0801 32.8193 54.4199 69.5293c-5.02051 21.2803 -23.1201 38.0898 -44.6904 41.6699 c-16.96 2.82031 -33.3398 -1.83008 -45.6797 -12.21c-5.82031 -4.88965 -14.0801 -5.46973 -20.1602 -0.910156l-13.1504 9.87012c-7.73926 5.82031 -8.85938 17.4102 -1.80957 24.0508c23.0195 21.6699 54.7295 31.7891 87.7998 26.7295 c41.9902 -6.42969 76.5898 -39.3496 85.0703 -80.9697c5.88965 -28.8701 -0.780273 -55.9307 -14.9004 -77.7402h65.29c11.5703 0 22.8799 4.67969 31.04 12.8398l24.25 24.25c17.1006 17.1006 40.79 26.9102 64.9805 26.9102zM360.59 387.06l-21.5703 21.5605 c-1.68848 1.68652 -3.05957 4.99316 -3.05957 7.37988s1.37109 5.69336 3.05957 7.37988l21.5703 21.5605c1.68652 1.68848 4.99316 3.05957 7.37988 3.05957c2.3877 0 5.69336 -1.37109 7.37988 -3.05957l21.5703 -21.5605 c1.68945 -1.68652 3.05957 -4.99316 3.05957 -7.37988s-1.37012 -5.69336 -3.05957 -7.37988l-21.5703 -21.5605c-4.08008 -4.06934 -10.6797 -4.06934 -14.7598 0zM376.75 297.27c-77.71 0 -116.62 59.5908 -118.22 62.1309 c-9.69043 15.1895 9.29004 32.0801 23.2793 21.2598c0.380859 -0.290039 38.6309 -29.4004 89.4707 -29.4004c29.4502 0 57.3994 9.91016 83.0693 29.4707c10.8701 8.2793 25.7002 -0.0302734 25.7002 -12.7305v-35.5195c0 -3.29004 -1.00977 -6.49023 -2.89941 -9.18066 c-4.28027 -6.10938 -24.1602 -26.0303 -100.4 -26.0303z" /> <glyph glyph-name="omega" unicode="&#xf67a;" 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-11.3604c-13.5303 -9.15039 -30.8398 -20.8398 -52.4297 -20.8398 c-7.16016 0 -14.8203 1.2793 -22.9404 4.38965c-32.6494 12.4404 -40 41.3301 -45.3398 62.4404c-2.20996 8.71973 -4 14.4795 -5.9502 18.8594c-16.6201 -13.5996 -36.9297 -25.8594 -61.5996 -34.1494c10.0098 -37.0107 32.2695 -90.8203 60.2002 -90.8203 c13.25 0 24 -10.75 24 -24s-10.75 -24 -24 -24c-66.7402 0 -97.04 88.6299 -107.4 129.13c-6.68945 -0.599609 -13.4199 -1.13965 -20.5801 -1.13965s-13.8896 0.540039 -20.5801 1.13965c-10.3799 -40.5098 -40.6797 -129.14 -107.42 -129.14c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24 s10.75 24 24 24c28.0605 0 50.2803 53.8096 60.2305 90.8096c-24.6904 8.28027 -45.0098 20.5498 -61.6299 34.1602c-1.95996 -4.37012 -3.74023 -10.1396 -5.9502 -18.8604c-5.33984 -21.1094 -12.6904 -50 -45.3398 -62.4395 c-8.12988 -3.11035 -15.7803 -4.39062 -22.9404 -4.39062c-21.5898 -0.0195312 -38.8994 11.6807 -52.4297 20.8408c-17.0605 11.5498 -23.1807 14.4492 -31.4004 11.3594c-12.3096 -4.75977 -26.2197 1.49023 -30.9697 13.8799c-4.70996 12.3906 1.5 26.25 13.9102 30.9707 c32.6494 12.46 57.3701 -4.26074 75.3701 -16.4502c17.0596 -11.5303 23.21 -14.4199 31.3994 -11.3604c8.08984 3.10059 10.8105 9.37988 15.8701 29.3799c3.33008 13.1504 7.44043 29.3105 17.96 42.6406c-2.24023 2.91992 -4.42969 5.79004 -6.37988 8.58008 c-10.1699 -9.57031 -23.4102 -17.1104 -41.7002 -17.1104c-33.9697 0 -50.8701 25.7803 -62.0596 42.8301c-10.6006 16.1396 -15 21.1699 -21.9404 21.1699c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24s10.75 24 24 24c33.9707 0 50.8799 -25.7803 62.0605 -42.8301 c10.5996 -16.1396 15 -21.1699 21.9395 -21.1699c17.4307 0 40.3398 67.1602 103.931 106.47l-15.0205 30.0303c-1.66016 -0.129883 -3.24023 -0.5 -4.91992 -0.5c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6602 64 64 64c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64 c0 -16.1904 -6.20996 -30.7998 -16.1201 -42.0801l15.8506 -31.71c18.96 5.98047 40.1592 9.79004 64.2695 9.79004s45.3096 -3.80957 64.2803 -9.79004l15.8496 31.71c-9.91016 11.2705 -16.1201 25.8896 -16.1201 42.0801c0 35.3496 28.6602 64 64 64 c35.3506 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6494 -64 -64 -64c-1.68945 0 -3.26953 0.370117 -4.91992 0.5l-15.0195 -30.0303c64.3096 -39.7393 86.0996 -106.46 103.93 -106.46c6.94043 0 11.3496 5.03027 21.9404 21.1699c11.1895 17.0508 28.0898 42.8301 62.0596 42.8301 c13.25 0 24 -10.75 24 -24s-10.75 -24 -24 -24c-6.94043 0 -11.3496 -5.0293 -21.9404 -21.1699c-11.1895 -17.0498 -28.0898 -42.8301 -62.0596 -42.8301c-18.29 0 -31.5303 7.5498 -41.7002 17.1104c-1.9502 -2.79004 -4.12988 -5.66016 -6.37988 -8.58008 c10.5205 -13.3301 14.6299 -29.4902 17.96 -42.6396c5.06055 -20 7.78027 -26.29 15.8701 -29.3809c8.20996 -3.05957 14.3096 -0.169922 31.4004 11.3604c18.0293 12.1797 42.75 28.9199 75.3691 16.4502zM447.99 400c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16 c8.81934 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.18066 16 -16 16zM192.01 368c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16c-8.81934 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.18066 -16 16 -16zM320 112c80.5098 0 122.01 52.0498 138.49 80.0303c-16.3906 27.7998 -57.9004 79.9697 -138.49 79.9697 c-80.5098 0 -122.01 -52.0498 -138.49 -80.0303c16.3906 -27.7998 57.9004 -79.9697 138.49 -79.9697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phone-office" unicode="&#xf67d;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M368 112c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32zM320 192c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32zM432 48c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32zM432 144c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32zM512 416c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-352c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-448c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v352c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h34.9404 c6.60938 18.5996 24.1895 32 45.0596 32h80c20.8701 0 38.4502 -13.4004 45.0596 -32h242.94zM144 400v-320h80v320h-80zM528 0v256h-168c-22.0596 0 -40 17.9404 -40 40v72h-48v-288c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-80c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288h-32 c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h448c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16zM528 304v48c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-144v-64h160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pi" unicode="&#xf67e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M436 352c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-100v-238.31c0 -9.75 7.94043 -17.6904 17.6904 -17.6904h0.0371094c5.21387 0 11.791 3.52148 14.6826 7.86035l23.6201 35.46c3.66992 5.51953 11.1201 7.00977 16.6396 3.33008 l19.9697 -13.3105c5.52051 -3.67969 7.01074 -11.1201 3.33008 -16.6396l-23.6299 -35.4502c-16.1396 -24.2598 -46.75 -35.5703 -76.3701 -25.6797c-27.0098 9.01953 -43.9697 36.0498 -43.9697 64.5293v235.9h-96v-137.79c0 -60.5596 -22.0498 -117.74 -62.3799 -162.37 c-4.58008 -5.07031 -12.6904 -5.08008 -17.5205 -0.25l-16.9893 16.9902c-4.52051 4.53027 -4.4707 11.6396 -0.209961 16.4199c31.7598 35.6396 49.0996 81.0898 49.0996 129.21v137.79h-135.98c-7.12988 0 -10.6992 8.62012 -5.65918 13.6602l24.9697 24.9697 c6 6 14.1396 9.37012 22.6299 9.37012h386.04z" /> <glyph glyph-name="place-of-worship" unicode="&#xf67f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M558.57 108.01c10.4697 -5 17.4297 -17.8994 17.4297 -32.3301v-122.449c0 -9.52051 -5.95996 -17.2305 -13.3301 -17.2305h-18.6699c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v116.89l-80 34.3008v-151.19c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16 v212.82l-64 38.3994v135.521l-48 48l-48 -48v-135.521l-64 -38.3994v-212.82c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v151.19l-80 -34.3008v-116.89c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-18.6699c-7.36035 0 -13.3301 7.71973 -13.3301 17.2305 v122.449c0 14.4307 6.95996 27.3301 17.4297 32.3301l110.57 47.4004v18.46v0.00683594c0 10.0029 6.96191 22.2979 15.54 27.4434l48.46 29.0801v114.979c0 8.48047 3.37012 16.6201 9.37012 22.6201l75.3203 75.3096c3.11914 3.13086 7.21973 4.69043 11.3096 4.69043 s8.19043 -1.55957 11.3096 -4.69043l75.3105 -75.3096c6.00977 -6 9.37988 -14.1396 9.37988 -22.6299v-114.97l48.4697 -29.0801c9.62988 -5.79004 15.5303 -16.2002 15.5303 -27.4404v-18.46zM281.71 127.7c38.1699 3.63965 70.29 -26.2803 70.29 -63.7002v-112 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-96c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v109.25c0 33.4297 24.4404 63.2803 57.71 66.4502z" /> <glyph glyph-name="podium" unicode="&#xf680;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 288c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-51.0195l-23.7109 -256h42.7305c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h42.7305 l-23.7109 256h-51.0195c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h48c0 62.2002 44.6299 114.06 103.53 125.53c10.7002 20.3994 31.8398 34.4697 56.4697 34.4697h32c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-32 c-27.71 0 -51.0801 17.71 -59.9805 42.3496c-30.7998 -11.6592 -52.0195 -40.5 -52.0195 -74.3496h320zM224 400c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16h32c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16h-32zM309.04 -16l23.71 256h-217.5l23.71 -256 h170.08z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pray" unicode="&#xf683;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M256 320c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64s28.6504 64 64 64s64 -28.6504 64 -64s-28.6504 -64 -64 -64zM233.72 160.52l-31.1602 40.9707l-44.0293 -97.8203l119.41 -112.37c6.68945 -6.2998 10.0596 -14.79 10.0596 -23.2998c0 -27.0703 -26.4297 -32 -32 -32h-228 c-15.4697 0 -28 12.5303 -28 28s12.5303 28 28 28h137.5l-70.3203 48.0996c-38.1494 26.1309 -51.5293 77.46 -31.0596 119.41l47 109.41c9.87012 20.3896 28.0303 32.9697 49.0596 34.8604c21.0303 1.75977 40.9707 -7.24023 53.4707 -24.3799l46.6895 -61.3809 l77.4697 63.2705c11.6602 10.0303 29.4102 8.66992 39.4707 -3.08008c10.0693 -11.75 8.66016 -29.4297 -3.08984 -39.4795l-100 -82.54c-5.85059 -5.01074 -13.5703 -7.39062 -21.1602 -6.56055c-6.62012 0.717773 -15.2705 5.59668 -19.3105 10.8896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="praying-hands" unicode="&#xf684;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M620.1 83.5996l-108 27.1006v103.8c0 12.0996 -3.39941 24 -9.89941 34.2002l-89.7998 140.1c-7.60059 12.1006 -24.2002 15 -35.5 5.7998c-9.60059 -7.89941 -10.8008 -22.2998 -4.2002 -32.7998l57.5996 -89c6.5 -10.2002 9.90039 -22.0996 9.90039 -34.2002v-76.5996 c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v56c0 13.2002 -10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7002 -24 -24v-69.2002c0 -55.0996 37.5 -103.1 90.8994 -116.5l193 -48.2998c7.10059 -1.7002 12.1006 -8.09961 12.1006 -15.5v-16.5 c0 -10.4004 -9.7998 -18 -19.9004 -15.5l-196.899 49.2998c-44.6006 11.2002 -81 39.7998 -103.301 77.2998c-22.3994 -37.5 -58.6992 -66.0996 -103.3 -77.2998l-196.899 -49.2998c-10.1006 -2.59961 -19.9004 5.09961 -19.9004 15.5v16.5c0 7.40039 5 13.7998 12 15.5 l193 48.2998c53.4004 13.4004 90.9004 61.5 90.9004 116.601v69.0996c0 13.2002 -10.8008 24 -24 24c-13.2002 0 -24 -10.7002 -24 -24v-56c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.80078 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v76.5c0 12.0996 3.39941 24 9.89941 34.2002l57.6006 89 c6.69922 10.5996 5.39941 25 -4.2002 32.7998c-11.2998 9.2002 -27.9004 6.2998 -35.5 -5.7998l-89.7998 -140.101c-6.5 -10.1992 -9.90039 -22.0996 -9.90039 -34.1992v-103.801l-108.1 -27c-10.1006 -2.59961 -19.9004 5.10059 -19.9004 15.5v16.5 c0 7.40039 5 13.8008 12.0996 15.5l67.9004 17v66.3008c0 21.1992 6 42 17.2998 59.8994l89.7998 140.101c13.2002 20.8994 36.2002 33.5996 60.9004 33.5996c13.5996 0 26.9004 -3.90039 38.4004 -11.0996c18.8994 -11.9004 31.0996 -31.5 33.2998 -54.3008 c0.200195 -1.7998 0.299805 -3.5 0.299805 -5.19922c0 1.69922 0.0996094 3.39941 0.299805 5.19922c2.2002 22.7002 14.4004 42.4004 33.2998 54.3008c11.6006 7.2998 24.8008 11.0996 38.4004 11.0996c24.7002 0 47.7002 -12.7002 60.9004 -33.5996l89.7998 -140.101 c11.2998 -17.8994 17.2998 -38.7002 17.2998 -59.8994v-66.3008l67.9004 -17c7.09961 -1.69922 12.0996 -8.09961 12.0996 -15.5v-16.5c0 -10.3994 -9.7998 -18 -19.9004 -15.5zM320 271.3c11.5 10.4004 26.2002 17.4004 42.4004 18.6006l-29.9004 47.3994 c-7.59961 12.1006 -12.4004 24.4004 -12.5996 38.1006c-0.200195 -13.7002 -5 -26 -12.6006 -38.1006l-29.8994 -47.3994c16.3994 -1.2002 31.0996 -8.2002 42.5996 -18.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="presentation" unicode="&#xf685;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 448c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16v-272c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-200v-43.7197l77.6504 -77.6504c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.3008 -11.3203c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0 l-67.7197 67.7207l-67.71 -67.71c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3105 11.3096c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l77.6504 77.6504v43.7197h-200c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v272h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h544z M496 144v256h-416v-256h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="print-slash" unicode="&#xf686;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M451.91 180.26c3.59961 2.16016 7.58008 3.74023 12.0898 3.74023c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -2.44043 -0.709961 -4.66016 -1.38965 -6.87012zM192 400v-16.54l-47.1602 36.8701c2.08984 15.5303 14.2705 27.6699 29.6406 27.6699h221.64 c12.7295 0 24.9395 -5.05957 33.9395 -14.0596l51.8809 -51.8809c9 -9 14.0596 -21.21 14.0596 -33.9395v-76.1201c44.1797 0 80 -35.8203 80 -80v-108.76l-48 37.5293v71.2305c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-100.03l-61.3994 48h113.43v64h-48 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48h-192zM633.99 -23.0195c6.91016 -5.52051 8.01953 -15.5908 2.5 -22.4902l-10 -12.4902c-5.53027 -6.88965 -15.5898 -8.00977 -22.4902 -2.49023l-598 467.51c-6.90039 5.52051 -8.01953 15.5908 -2.49023 22.4902l10 12.4902 c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023zM448 -16v16.5498l48 -37.5303v-11.0195c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-320c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v128c0 32.1699 19.0996 59.71 46.4805 72.4199l51.6992 -40.4199 h-18.1797c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-96h213.9l61.3994 -48h-195.3v-64h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="quran" unicode="&#xf687;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M257.13 265.43c-2.20996 2.16992 -0.990234 5.93066 2.07031 6.37012l28.6396 4.16016l12.8105 25.9502c1.36914 2.76953 5.33008 2.76953 6.69922 0l12.8105 -25.9502l28.6396 -4.16016c3.06055 -0.439453 4.28027 -4.20996 2.07031 -6.37012l-20.7197 -20.1992 l4.88965 -28.5205c0.519531 -3.04004 -2.66992 -5.38965 -5.41992 -3.94043l-25.6201 13.4707l-25.6201 -13.4707c-2.76953 -1.44922 -5.93945 0.920898 -5.41992 3.94043l4.88965 28.5205zM232.66 144c-57.3506 0 -104 46.6602 -104 104s46.6602 104 104 104 c12.3398 0 24.6201 -2.25 36.4697 -6.66992c6.33984 -2.42969 9.92969 -8.95996 8.58984 -15.5498c-1.29004 -6.2998 -6.91016 -10.8906 -13.3799 -10.8906l-3.43945 0.169922c-39.1807 0 -71.0605 -31.8799 -71.0605 -71.0596s31.8701 -71.0596 71.0605 -71.0596 l3.43945 0.169922c7.57031 0 13.6904 -6.12012 13.6904 -13.6406c0 -5.87988 -3.75 -11.0596 -9.33984 -12.9395c-11.5 -4.2998 -23.7207 -6.53027 -36.0303 -6.53027zM448 64c0 -7.7998 -5.5 -14.2002 -12.9004 -15.7002c-4.19922 -13 -4.19922 -51.5996 0 -64.5996 c7.30078 -1.40039 12.9004 -7.90039 12.9004 -15.7002v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-352c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80v352c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-368zM394 -16c-2.7002 17.2998 -2.7002 46.7002 0 64h-314 c-17.5996 0 -32 -14.4004 -32 -32c0 -17.7002 14.2998 -32 32 -32h314zM400 96v304h-320c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-278.7c9.7998 4.2998 20.5996 6.7002 32 6.7002h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="search-dollar" unicode="&#xf688;" d="M235.09 248.58c18.6006 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896c0 -24.5303 -19.0498 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-16.1201c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16.29c-11.29 0.580078 -22.2695 4.51953 -31.3701 11.3496 c-3.89941 2.93066 -4.09961 8.77051 -0.570312 12.1406l11.75 11.21c2.77051 2.63965 6.89062 2.75977 10.1309 0.729492c3.85938 -2.42969 8.25977 -3.71973 12.8193 -3.71973h28.1104c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.61035 11.1797 -8.76953 12.7295 l-45 13.5c-18.6006 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v16.1201c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16.29c11.29 -0.580078 22.2695 -4.51953 31.3701 -11.3496 c3.89941 -2.93066 4.09961 -8.77051 0.569336 -12.1406l-11.75 -11.21c-2.76953 -2.63965 -6.88965 -2.75977 -10.1299 -0.729492c-3.85938 2.42969 -8.25977 3.71973 -12.8193 3.71973h-28.1104c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904 c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1797 8.76953 -12.7295zM508.47 -20.8799c4.70996 -4.7002 4.70996 -12.2998 0 -16.9902l-22.5996 -22.5996c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-121.39 121.39c-2.2002 2.2998 -3.5 5.2998 -3.5 8.5v13.2002 c-36.5 -31.5 -83.9902 -50.6006 -135.99 -50.6006c-114.891 0 -207.99 93.1006 -207.99 207.99c0 114.891 93.0996 207.99 207.99 207.99c114.89 0 207.99 -93.0996 207.99 -207.99c0 -51.9902 -19.1006 -99.4902 -50.6006 -135.99h13.2002 c3.2002 0 6.2002 -1.19922 8.5 -3.5zM207.99 80.0195c88.3896 0 159.99 71.5908 159.99 159.99c0 88.3906 -71.6006 159.99 -159.99 159.99c-88.4004 0 -159.99 -71.5898 -159.99 -159.99c0 -88.3896 71.5898 -159.99 159.99 -159.99z" /> <glyph 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12.4902 c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023zM544 400v-291.74l-48 37.5303v270.21c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-370.28l-48 37.5303v316.75h-32zM384 272v-38.6504l-48 37.5303v17.1201c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-117.19l-48 37.5303v63.6602h-32zM112 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM96 -16v64h-32v-64h32zM416 -16v41.5596l48 -37.5293 v-20.0303c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v120.11l48 -37.5303v-66.5801h32zM176 160c0 16.29 12.3604 29.21 28.1104 31.21l99.8896 -78.0898v-145.12c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192z M224 144v-160h32v160h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-slash" unicode="&#xf695;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M633.99 -23.0195c6.91016 -5.52051 8.01953 -15.5908 2.5 -22.4902l-10 -12.4902c-5.53027 -6.88965 -15.5898 -8.00977 -22.4902 -2.49023l-598 467.51c-6.90039 5.52051 -8.01953 15.5908 -2.49023 22.4902l10 12.4902 c5.52051 6.90039 15.5898 8.00977 22.4902 2.49023zM80 64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32zM480 336v-177.7l-64 50.04v127.66c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16zM608 432v-373.77l-64 50.0391v323.73c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16zM416 -48v73.5596l64 -50.04v-23.5195c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16zM288 -48v173.63l64 -50.04 v-123.59c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16zM208 160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-192c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v192c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square-root" unicode="&#xf697;" d="M174.06 -32c-17.8398 0 -33.8799 9.91992 -41.8096 25.8896l-83.0596 166.11h-33.1904c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h38.1201c15.1602 0 29.0303 -8.57031 35.8096 -22.1299l75.6504 -151.33 c3.30957 -6.62988 13.0801 -5.58008 14.9102 1.59961l97.1895 349.24c4.41016 18.04 20.4102 30.6201 38.9102 30.6201h179.41c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-173.12l-103.32 -364.2 c-5.08984 -21.0801 -23.8096 -35.7998 -45.5 -35.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square-root-alt" unicode="&#xf698;" d="M507.45 208.46c6.06934 -6.07031 6.06934 -15.9199 -0.00976562 -21.9902l-42.4707 -42.4697l42.4707 -42.4697c6.06934 -6.07031 6.06934 -15.9102 0 -21.9805l-10.9902 -10.9902c-6.07031 -6.06934 -15.9102 -6.06934 -21.9805 0l-42.4697 42.4707l-42.4697 -42.4707 c-6.07031 -6.06934 -15.9102 -6.06934 -21.9805 0l-10.9902 10.9902c-6.06934 6.07031 -6.06934 15.9102 0 21.9805l42.4707 42.4697l-42.4707 42.4697c-6.06934 6.07031 -6.06934 15.9102 0 21.9805l10.9902 10.9902c6.07031 6.06934 15.9102 6.06934 21.9805 0 l42.4697 -42.4707l42.4805 42.4805c6.06934 6.06934 15.9092 6.06934 21.9795 0zM496 416c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 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7.72949 0.459961 9.17969 0.459961zM48 192c0 -70.1602 34.9297 -132.33 88.2998 -170.02c-39.7295 45.5098 -63.8301 105 -63.8301 170.02s24.1006 124.51 63.8301 170.02c-53.3799 -37.6895 -88.2998 -99.8594 -88.2998 -170.02zM503.46 234.14 c8.16992 -1.17969 11.4297 -11.2197 5.52051 -16.9893l-55.2705 -53.8701l13.0498 -76.0703c1.11035 -6.42969 -4.00977 -11.6602 -9.80957 -11.6602c-1.53027 0 -3.11035 0.370117 -4.64062 1.16992l-68.3096 35.9102l-68.3301 -35.9102 c-1.53027 -0.80957 -3.11035 -1.16992 -4.63965 -1.16992c-5.7998 0 -10.9199 5.21973 -9.81055 11.6602l13.0498 76.0703l-55.2695 53.8701c-5.91016 5.76953 -2.65039 15.8096 5.51953 16.9893l76.3809 11.1006l34.1592 69.21 c1.83008 3.7002 5.38086 5.5498 8.93066 5.5498s7.09961 -1.84961 8.92969 -5.5498l34.1602 -69.21zM420.21 197.66l0.0703125 0.0703125l-0.100586 0.00976562l-24.9697 3.62988l-11.1699 22.6299l-0.0400391 0.0898438l-0.0400391 -0.0898438l-11.1699 -22.6299 l-24.9697 -3.62988l-0.100586 -0.00976562l0.0703125 -0.0703125l18.0703 -17.6104l-4.27051 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13.21 27.4844l140.8 112.64c6.43066 5.13965 14.21 7.70996 21.9902 7.70996h0.0205078c6.80957 0 16.6523 -3.4541 21.9697 -7.70996l140.79 -112.63c7.29102 -5.83594 13.21 -18.1514 13.21 -27.4902v-82.6797 l36 34c3.18945 3.00977 7.58984 4.50977 12 4.50977s8.80957 -1.5 12 -4.50977zM388.06 293.8c3.7207 0 5.98047 -4.08984 4.01074 -7.24023l-19.2002 -30.5596l19.1895 -30.5703c1.98047 -3.14941 -0.279297 -7.23926 -4 -7.23926h-38.9395l-25.1201 -39.9805 c-1.84961 -2.9502 -6.15039 -2.9502 -8 0l-25.1201 40h-38.9395c-3.70996 0 -5.98047 4.08984 -4 7.24023l19.1992 30.5596l-19.1992 30.5605c-1.98047 3.14941 0.279297 7.23926 4 7.23926h38.9395l25.1201 39.9805c1.84961 2.9502 6.15039 2.9502 8 0l25.1104 -39.9902 h38.9492z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tally" unicode="&#xf69c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M639.25 276.09c2.66992 -8.42969 -1.99023 -17.4199 -10.4199 -20.0898l-92.8301 -29.4404v-242.56c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v227.35l-80 -25.3691v-201.98c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v186.76l-80 -25.3701v-161.39c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v146.18l-80 -25.3701v-120.81c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v105.59l-78.3203 -24.8398 c-8.41992 -2.67969 -17.4199 1.99023 -20.0898 10.4102l-4.83984 15.25c-2.66992 8.42969 2 17.4199 10.4199 20.0898l92.8301 29.4404v260.06c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-244.84l80 25.3701v219.47c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-204.26l80 25.3701v178.89c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-163.67l80 25.3701v138.3c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-123.08l78.3203 24.8398 c8.42969 2.66992 17.4199 -2 20.0898 -10.4199z" /> <glyph glyph-name="theta" unicode="&#xf69e;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M176 416c97.2002 0 176 -100.29 176 -224s-78.7998 -224 -176 -224s-176 100.29 -176 224s78.7998 224 176 224zM176 368c-63.46 0 -117.77 -67.4902 -126.6 -152h253.199c-8.83008 84.5098 -63.1396 152 -126.6 152zM176 16c63.46 0 117.77 67.4902 126.6 152h-253.199 c8.83008 -84.5098 63.1396 -152 126.6 -152z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tilde" unicode="&#xf69f;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M316.25 97.3301c-31.4805 4.74023 -58.9805 24.0801 -77.7002 49.8301l-70.96 97.6201c-19.2002 26.3594 -56.5996 36.3301 -87.9697 17.5c-20.4199 -12.2705 -31.6201 -35.6504 -31.6201 -59.4707v-58.8096c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v56.21c0 46.29 25.0098 90.7705 67.2598 109.69c51.2998 22.9697 108.58 5.13965 139.15 -36.8809l74 -101.8c19.2002 -26.3594 56.5996 -36.3301 87.9697 -17.5c20.4199 12.2607 31.6201 35.6504 31.6201 59.4707v58.8096 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-61.8896c0 -68.71 -61.0303 -123.42 -131.75 -112.78z" /> <glyph glyph-name="torii-gate" unicode="&#xf6a1;" d="M480 272h-32v-64h48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-48v-208c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v208h-288v-208c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v208h-48 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h48v64h-32c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32v144c42.0996 -21 88.5 -32 135.6 -32h240.9c47 0 93.4004 11 135.5 32v-144c0 -17.7002 -14.2998 -32 -32 -32zM232 208v64h-120v-64h120zM400 208v64h-120v-64h120z M48 320h415.9v59.0996c-28.5 -7.2998 -58 -11.0996 -87.5 -11.0996h-240.9c-29.4004 0 -58.9004 3.7998 -87.5 11.0996v-59.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="union" unicode="&#xf6a2;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M272 368c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-208c0 -93.5 -80.6201 -168.53 -175.99 -159.21c-83.1201 8.11035 -144.01 82.8398 -144.01 166.35v200.86c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-208 c0 -69.4404 63.54 -124.33 135.52 -109.59c52.3604 10.7295 88.4805 59.3594 88.4805 112.81v204.78z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-chart" unicode="&#xf6a3;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M160 128c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96s96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96zM160 272c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48s21.5 -48 48 -48s48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48 -48 48zM417 191c-9.40039 -9.2998 -24.5996 -9.2998 -34 0l-55 55l-42 -42c1 6.59961 2 13.2002 2 20 c0 14.9004 -3 29 -7.59961 42.2998l30.6992 30.7002c9.30078 9.40039 24.5 9.40039 33.9004 0l55 -55l55 55l-24.2002 24.2998c-11.3994 11.2998 -3.2998 30.7002 12.7002 30.7002h88.5c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-88.5996c0 -16 -19.4004 -24 -30.7002 -12.7002 l-24.2998 24.2998zM592 448c26.5 0 48 -22.2002 48 -49.5996v-316.801c0 -27.3994 -21.5 -49.5996 -48 -49.5996h-240v48h240v320h-384v-57.5996c-1.2998 0.599609 -2.7998 0.799805 -4.09961 1.2998c-4 1.5 -8 2.7998 -12.2002 3.7998 c-5.2002 1.40039 -10.5 2.2002 -15.9004 2.90039c-4.39941 1 -9.39941 1.59961 -15.7998 1.59961v46.4004c0 27.3994 21.5 49.5996 48 49.5996h384zM226.8 106c30.2002 0 59.6006 -13.5 76.9004 -39.2002c10.2998 -15.2998 16.2998 -33.7002 16.2998 -53.5v-37.2998 c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-240c-22.0996 0 -40 17.9004 -40 40v37.2998c0 19.9004 6 38.2998 16.2998 53.6006c17.2002 25.5996 46.7002 39.0996 76.9004 39.0996c9.89941 0 19.8994 -1.5 29.5996 -4.40039c11.7998 -3.59961 24.2002 -5.59961 37.2002 -5.59961 s25.4004 2 37.2002 5.59961c9.7002 2.90039 19.7002 4.40039 29.5996 4.40039zM272 -16v29.2998c0 9.60059 -2.7998 18.7998 -8.09961 26.7002c-7.60059 11.2002 -21.4004 17.9004 -37.1006 17.9004c-5.2998 0 -10.5 -0.800781 -15.5996 -2.30078 c-16.7998 -5.09961 -34 -7.69922 -51.2002 -7.69922s-34.4004 2.59961 -51.2002 7.69922c-5 1.5 -10.2998 2.30078 -15.5996 2.30078c-15.7002 0 -29.6006 -6.7002 -37.1006 -17.9004c-5.2998 -7.90039 -8.09961 -17.0996 -8.09961 -26.7002v-29.2998h224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-crown" unicode="&#xf6a4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 160c-70.6904 0 -128 57.3096 -128 128v160l64 -32l64 32l64 -32l64 32v-160c0 -70.6904 -57.2998 -128 -128 -128zM144 320v-32c0 -44.1104 35.8896 -80 80 -80s80 35.8896 80 80v32h-160zM313.6 144c74.2305 0 134.4 -60.1699 134.4 -134.4v-25.5996 c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v25.5996c0 74.2305 60.1699 134.4 134.4 134.4c11.04 0 21.79 -2.59961 32.21 -6.24023c17.9893 -6.2793 37.2793 -9.75977 57.3896 -9.75977c20.1201 0 39.4004 3.48047 57.4004 9.75977 c10.4199 3.64062 21.1592 6.24023 32.1992 6.24023zM400 -16v25.5996c0 47.6406 -38.7598 86.4004 -86.4004 86.4004c-4.16992 0 -9.5293 -1.16016 -16.3799 -3.5498c-23.6602 -8.25977 -48.29 -12.4502 -73.2197 -12.4502s-49.5596 4.19043 -73.2197 12.4502 c-6.85059 2.38965 -12.2002 3.5498 -16.3799 3.5498c-47.6406 0 -86.4004 -38.7598 -86.4004 -86.4004v-25.5996h352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="users-crown" unicode="&#xf6a5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M556 192c46.3096 0 84 -37.6904 84 -84c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 19.8398 -16.1602 36 -36 36h-24c-4.37988 0 -8.45996 -1.05957 -12.3398 -2.5c-9.25 14.04 -21.0605 26.0801 -34.4297 36.2197 c13.3799 9.01074 29.4697 14.2803 46.7695 14.2803h24zM544 224c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80s80 -35.8203 80 -80s-35.8203 -80 -80 -80zM544 336c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32z M154.77 177.72c-13.3691 -10.1396 -25.1797 -22.1797 -34.4297 -36.2197c-3.87988 1.44043 -7.96973 2.5 -12.3398 2.5h-24c-19.8398 0 -36 -16.1602 -36 -36c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 46.3096 37.6904 84 84 84h24 c17.2998 0 33.3896 -5.26953 46.7695 -14.2803zM96 224c-44.1797 0 -80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80s80 -35.8203 80 -80s-35.8203 -80 -80 -80zM96 336c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32zM364.66 166.72 c47.0801 14.2998 100.29 -0.849609 127.77 -41.6699c12.3604 -18.3496 19.5703 -40.46 19.5703 -64.25v-44.7998c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v44.7998c0 23.79 7.20996 45.9004 19.5703 64.2598 c27.4795 40.8203 80.6895 55.96 127.77 41.6602c14.1602 -4.2998 29.1006 -6.71973 44.6602 -6.71973s30.5 2.41992 44.6602 6.71973zM464 16v44.7998c0 36.4404 -29.1602 66.2002 -65.3799 67.1807c-25.5098 -10.6104 -51.9502 -15.9805 -78.6201 -15.9805 c-26.6797 0 -53.1201 5.37012 -78.6201 15.9805c-36.2197 -0.980469 -65.3799 -30.7402 -65.3799 -67.1807v-44.7998h288zM320 192c-61.8604 0 -112 50.1396 -112 112v112l56 -28l56 28l56 -28l56 28v-112c0 -61.8604 -50.1396 -112 -112 -112zM256 320v-16 c0 -35.29 28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64v16h-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="value-absolute" unicode="&#xf6a6;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M32 416c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-416c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v416c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16zM347.31 304c6.25 -6.24023 6.25 -16.3799 0.0107422 -22.6201l-89.3799 -89.3799l89.3691 -89.3701 c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.2998 -11.3203c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-89.3799 89.3799l-89.3701 -89.3691c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3203 11.2998c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l89.3799 89.3799l-89.3691 89.3701 c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l11.2998 11.3203c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0l89.3799 -89.3799l89.3701 89.3691c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6299 0zM432 416c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-416c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v416c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vihara" unicode="&#xf6a7;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M632.88 63.0596c10.2197 -9.08984 9.25977 -29.5098 -1.72949 -36.8291l-55.1504 -26.2305v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48h-184v-48c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48h-184v-48 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v48l-55.1602 26.2305c-10.9902 7.31934 -11.9395 27.7393 -1.71973 36.8291l88.8799 64.9404v32l-55.1602 23.5898c-11.79 7.86035 -11.79 30.2998 0 38.1602l119.16 66.25v32l-27.3096 16.3096 c-7.7207 7.7207 -5.61035 20.7402 4.15918 25.6201l183.15 86.0703l183.15 -86.0801c9.76953 -4.87988 11.8799 -17.9004 4.15918 -25.6201l-27.3096 -16.2998v-32l119.16 -66.25c11.79 -7.86035 11.79 -30.2998 0 -38.1602l-55.1602 -23.5898v-32zM320 394.96 l-57.3799 -26.96h114.77zM208 320v-32h224v32h-224zM172.45 240l-57.5605 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-24.0195 -24.1904 -24.0195c-5.89941 0 -11.9092 2.17969 -16.7793 7.0498l-88.9707 88.9502h-102.06c-13.2598 0 -24 10.75 -24 24 v144c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h102.06l88.9707 88.9502c4.85938 4.87012 10.8701 7.0498 16.7793 7.0498zM208 81.9502v220.1l-62.0596 -62.0498h-97.9404v-96h97.9404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volume-mute" unicode="&#xf6a9;" d="M231.81 384c12.3203 0 24.1904 -9.50977 24.1904 -24.0195v-335.961c0 -14.5 -11.8604 -24.0195 -24.1904 -24.0195c-5.89941 0 -11.9092 2.17969 -16.7793 7.0498l-88.9707 88.9502h-102.06c-13.2598 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v144c0 13.2598 10.7402 24 24 24h102.06 l88.9707 88.9502c4.85938 4.87012 10.8701 7.0498 16.7793 7.0498zM208 81.9502v220.1l-48 -47.9902l-14.0596 -14.0596h-97.9404v-96h97.9404l14.0596 -14.0596zM465.94 192l41.3691 -41.3701c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-11.3096 -11.3096 c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-41.3701 41.3691l-41.3701 -41.3799c-6.25 -6.25 -16.3799 -6.25 -22.6299 0l-11.3096 11.3203c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l41.3691 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0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM176 144c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crop-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf565;" d="M416 384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-392c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-48c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v328h-160v96h224zM0 360c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h40v-96h-40c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="digital-tachograph-primary" unicode="&#xf566;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 352c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-256c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v256c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h576zM304 96v8c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-224c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-8c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h224 c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM72 160c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16zM136 160c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16zM200 160c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16zM264 160c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8 h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16zM304 224v48c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-208c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h208c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16zM576 96v8c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-224c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-8 c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h224c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drafting-compass-primary" unicode="&#xf568;" d="M457.21 103.25l54.79 -94.9004l-7 -58.25c-0.949219 -7.75879 -8.06445 -14.0557 -15.8818 -14.0557c-1.81445 0 -4.64062 0.581055 -6.30859 1.2959l-53.9492 23l-54.5 94.4004c24.9062 9.90332 62.0234 31.6367 82.8496 48.5098zM340.9 304.7l50.9795 -88.3203 c-19.3242 -19.3828 -56.3516 -41.2676 -82.6494 -48.8496l-50.4902 87.4697h-2.24023c-1.08008 0 -2.15039 0.0595703 -3.21973 0.0595703l-170.11 -294.76l-54 -23c-1.66211 -0.709961 -4.47754 -1.28613 -6.28516 -1.28613c-7.83105 0 -14.9482 6.31055 -15.8848 14.0859 l-7 58.25l171.61 297.23c-6.41113 11.8564 -11.6143 32.4189 -11.6143 45.8984c0 53.2676 43.2314 96.5 96.5 96.5c53.2676 0 96.5 -43.2324 96.5 -96.5c0 -13.7744 -5.41895 -34.7314 -12.0957 -46.7783zM256.5 320c17.3877 0 31.5 14.1123 31.5 31.5 s-14.1123 31.5 -31.5 31.5s-31.5 -14.1123 -31.5 -31.5s14.1123 -31.5 31.5 -31.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drum-steelpan-primary" unicode="&#xf56a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -57.3096 288 -128v-192c0 -70.6904 -128.94 -128 -288 -128s-288 57.3096 -288 128v192c0 70.6904 128.94 128 288 128zM205 257.64c1.40234 5.18945 2.54004 13.7646 2.54004 19.1396c0 10.9189 -4.45312 27.4414 -9.94043 36.8809 l-25.5996 44.3398c-73.8896 -13.6104 -124 -39.8398 -124 -70c0 -30.7803 52.2305 -57.46 128.69 -70.8398c11.8301 8.36328 24.5127 26.498 28.3096 40.4795zM288 208c21.0801 0 41.4102 1 60.8896 2.7002c-8.05957 26.1299 -32.1494 45.2998 -60.8896 45.2998 s-52.8301 -19.1699 -60.8896 -45.2998c19.4795 -1.7002 39.8096 -2.7002 60.8896 -2.7002zM352 352v13c-20.4004 1.91992 -41.7998 3 -64 3s-43.5996 -1.12012 -64 -3v-13c0 -35.3281 28.6719 -64 64 -64s64 28.6719 64 64zM398.93 217.1 c76.6699 13.3604 129.07 40.0703 129.07 70.9004c0 30.21 -50.2803 56.5 -124.44 70.0996l-25.6299 -44.4199c-5.49512 -9.42383 -9.95508 -25.9268 -9.95508 -36.8359c0 -20.916 13.8682 -47.6816 30.9551 -59.7441z" /> <glyph glyph-name="feather-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf56b;" d="M24 -64h-0.0585938c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24c0 5.50098 3.16211 13.1172 7.05859 17l264 264c3.88672 3.88672 11.5029 7.04199 17 7.04199c13.2705 0 24.042 -10.7715 24.042 -24.042c0 -5.49707 -3.15527 -13.1133 -7.04199 -17l-264 -264 c-3.86719 -3.86426 -11.4414 -7 -16.9082 -7h-0.0917969z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill-primary" unicode="&#xf575;" d="M502.63 231c5.17773 -5.1748 9.37988 -15.3145 9.37988 -22.6348c0 -7.3252 -4.20605 -17.4697 -9.38965 -22.6455l-221.57 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c-5.16992 -5.17285 -9.36523 -15.3066 -9.36523 -22.6201s4.19531 -17.4463 9.36523 -22.6201l117.189 -117.21c5.17285 -5.16406 15.3018 -9.35449 22.6104 -9.35449s17.4385 4.19043 22.6104 9.35449z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fingerprint-primary" unicode="&#xf577;" d="M466 335.15c2.66406 -3.53906 4.8252 -10.0049 4.8252 -14.4346c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24c-7.17773 0 -16.1855 4.88086 -20.1055 10.8945c-35.2236 50.0156 -113.453 91.4062 -174.62 92.3896c-56.3398 0.780273 -108.92 -20.0898 -147.659 -58.8701 c-31.0869 -30.8838 -56.3154 -91.5137 -56.3154 -135.333c0 -1.0127 0.015625 -2.65527 0.0351562 -3.66699l-0.160156 -23.6396c-0.375 -12.8623 -11.123 -23.2998 -23.9902 -23.2998h-0.00976562h-0.719727c-12.8564 0.379883 -23.29 11.127 -23.29 23.9893 c0 0.193359 0.00390625 0.506836 0.00976562 0.700195l0.129883 21.4697c-0.0244141 1.25977 -0.0439453 3.30371 -0.0439453 4.5625c0 54.7637 31.5234 130.542 70.3643 169.147c48.0098 48.0303 112.55 73.7607 182.35 72.9404 c74.6885 -1.21094 170.202 -51.7676 213.2 -112.85zM254 365.88c101.12 -1.5 184.63 -83.0801 186.19 -181.88c0.0585938 -3.89844 0.106445 -10.2256 0.106445 -14.124c0 -29.2695 -2.7002 -76.626 -6.02734 -105.706 c-1.06934 -9.22949 -9.85938 -23.0596 -26.5791 -21.1104c-11.7393 1.34668 -21.2666 12.0283 -21.2666 23.8447c0 0.756836 0.0693359 1.9834 0.15625 2.73535c3.13867 27.4941 5.68652 72.2666 5.68652 99.9395c0 3.7793 -0.0478516 9.91211 -0.106445 13.6904 c-1.15039 73.0801 -63.4502 133.45 -138.88 134.58c-0.449219 0.00585938 -1.17676 0.00976562 -1.625 0.00976562c-9.05273 0 -23.5566 -1.65723 -32.375 -3.69922c-1.50586 -0.356445 -3.9834 -0.645508 -5.53027 -0.645508c-13.251 0 -24.0059 10.7539 -24.0059 24.0049 c0 10.4805 8.27734 20.9463 18.4756 23.3604c11.4639 2.78027 30.3398 5.03711 42.1357 5.03711c1.00586 0 2.63867 -0.0166016 3.64453 -0.0371094zM255.22 283.77c56.9697 -0.839844 104.061 -46.9199 104.94 -102.77 c0.0556641 -3.61133 0.100586 -9.47461 0.100586 -13.0869c0 -38.6201 -5.10742 -100.889 -11.4004 -138.993c-0.770508 -4.66992 -7.58008 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2.06836 0.34082 2.8418l22.5 90.5996c3.2998 13.2002 22.4004 11.5 23.6006 -1.7998 l4.7998 -52.2998zM497.22 433.1c19.6006 -19.5996 19.9004 -51 0.700195 -70.1992c-14.7998 -14.8008 -65.7002 -23.6006 -88.2998 -26.8008c-0.349609 -0.0537109 -0.921875 -0.0976562 -1.27539 -0.0976562c-4.58691 0 -8.31055 3.72266 -8.31055 8.30957 c0 0.330078 0.0390625 0.862305 0.0859375 1.18848c3.2998 22.5996 12 73.5 26.7998 88.2998c19.0801 19.2002 50.7002 18.9004 70.2998 -0.700195z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-tears-primary" unicode="&#xf588;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M102.42 191.9c0.349609 0.0537109 0.920898 0.0976562 1.27539 0.0976562c4.58691 0 8.31055 -3.72266 8.31055 -8.30957c0 -0.330078 -0.0390625 -0.862305 -0.0859375 -1.18848c-3.2998 -22.5996 -12 -73.5 -26.7998 -88.2998 c-19.2002 -19.2002 -50.6006 -18.9004 -70.2002 0.700195c-19.5996 19.5996 -19.9004 51.0996 -0.799805 70.1992c14.7998 14.8008 65.7002 23.6006 88.2998 26.8008zM240 296c23.8203 0 52.7197 -29.2998 56 -71.4004c0.700195 -8.59961 -10.7998 -12 -14.9004 -4.5 l-9.5 17c-7.69922 13.7002 -19.1992 21.6006 -31.5 21.6006c-12.2998 0 -23.7998 -7.90039 -31.5 -21.6006l-9.5 -17c-4.19922 -7.39941 -15.5996 -4 -14.8994 4.5c3.09961 42.1006 32 71.4004 55.7998 71.4004zM625.8 165.1 c19.1797 -19.0996 18.7998 -50.6992 -0.799805 -70.2998c-19.5996 -19.5996 -51 -19.8994 -70.2002 -0.700195c-14.7998 14.8008 -23.5996 65.7002 -26.7998 88.3008c-0.0478516 0.331055 -0.0878906 0.87207 -0.0878906 1.20703c0 4.62598 3.75488 8.37988 8.38086 8.37988 c0.334961 0 0.875977 -0.0390625 1.20703 -0.0869141c22.5996 -3.30078 73.5 -12 88.2998 -26.8008zM400 296c23.8203 0 52.7197 -29.2998 56 -71.4004c0.700195 -8.59961 -10.7998 -12 -14.9004 -4.5l-9.5 17c-7.69922 13.7002 -19.1992 21.6006 -31.5 21.6006 c-12.2998 0 -23.7998 -7.90039 -31.5 -21.6006l-9.5 -17c-4.19922 -7.39941 -15.5996 -4 -14.8994 4.5c3.09961 42.1006 32 71.4004 55.7998 71.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-horizontal-primary" unicode="&#xf58d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416 352c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 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-12.7998 -12.7998 v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998zM192 300.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004 c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998zM320 204.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004 c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998zM320 300.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004 c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998zM448 204.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004 c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998zM448 300.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004 c0 -6.39941 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="joint-primary" unicode="&#xf595;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M360.89 95.9502h0.0869141c16.249 0 38.0186 -10.0127 48.5938 -22.3506l117.949 -137.6h-88.4492c-16.248 0.000976562 -38.0166 10.0137 -48.5898 22.3496l-117.801 137.431c1.40039 0.0195312 53.8105 0.109375 88.21 0.169922zM195 89 c2.93652 0.491211 7.73633 0.888672 10.7139 0.888672c16.3613 0 38.3477 -10.0254 49.0762 -22.3789l112.72 -131.51h-88.5693c-83.3203 0 -208.285 35.8398 -278.94 80c49.7441 31.0371 137.104 63.7412 195 73zM616 96c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-112 c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-17.4199c-16.2441 0.00292969 -38.0088 10.0156 -48.5801 22.3496l-118 137.65h184z" /> <glyph glyph-name="luggage-cart-primary" unicode="&#xf59d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 64c8.83203 0 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-6.39551l-23.4307 -47.5195l-52.3994 -7.62988c-5.41797 -0.798828 -9.81445 -5.89062 -9.81445 -11.3672c0 -2.67285 1.55176 -6.35645 3.46387 -8.22266l37.9307 -37l-9 -52.2207 c-0.0898438 -0.526367 -0.162109 -1.38867 -0.162109 -1.92285c0 -6.33691 5.14258 -11.4805 11.4795 -11.4805c1.56152 0 3.9502 0.588867 5.33203 1.31348l46.9004 24.6504l46.9404 -24.6904c1.38184 -0.724609 3.77051 -1.31348 5.33203 -1.31348 c6.33691 0 11.4795 5.14355 11.4795 11.4805c0 0.53418 -0.0722656 1.39648 -0.162109 1.92285l-9 52.2207z" /> <glyph glyph-name="monument-primary" unicode="&#xf5a6;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M289.14 347.26l30.8604 -315.26h-256l30.8701 315.26c0.626953 6.27246 4.75293 14.9824 9.20996 19.4404l76.5996 76.6094c2.58691 2.58789 7.65625 4.68848 11.3154 4.68848s8.72754 -2.10059 11.3145 -4.68848l76.6201 -76.6094 c4.45703 -4.45801 8.58301 -13.168 9.20996 -19.4404zM240 140.8v38.4004c0 6.39941 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998 12.7998h-70.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 6.40039 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-0.00585938 0.329102 -0.00585938 0.455078c0 9.11328 7.39648 16.5098 16.5098 16.5098c1.18066 0 3.06445 -0.244141 4.20605 -0.544922l65.0898 -17.7295c5.12402 -1.42285 10.3477 -6.75781 11.6602 -11.9102l100.36 -191.851l97.5098 -26.5596 c26.4805 -7.20996 51.5498 -20.1797 70.8301 -40c21.6396 -22.25 27.2002 -40.46 23.3701 -55s-17.5801 -27.3701 -47.25 -35.6699c-26.4404 -7.36035 -54.5205 -5.85059 -81 1.35938l-287.62 78.3506c-7.94727 2.16699 -19.3584 8.40723 -25.4697 13.9297l-88.7402 80 c-6.53027 5.91016 -12.3701 14.3398 -12.5596 23.25z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription-primary" unicode="&#xf5b1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M379.32 17.9102c2.58691 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154c0 -3.6582 -2.10059 -8.72754 -4.6875 -11.3145l-22.6299 -22.6299c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-78.0596 78.0596l45.2598 45.2002z M172 225.22l84 -84l-45.25 -45.2197l-128 128h-18.75v-80c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v256c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h144c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c0 -48.8896 -36.7305 -88.7803 -84 -94.7803zM64 288h96 c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32h-96v-64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shuttle-van-primary" unicode="&#xf5b6;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M628.88 237.35c6.13672 -7.37109 11.1182 -21.1387 11.1201 -30.7295v-110.62c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-17.1396c-7.62402 53.0254 -57.29 96.0605 -110.86 96.0605s-103.236 -43.0352 -110.86 -96.0605h-98.2793 c-7.62402 53.0254 -57.29 96.0605 -110.86 96.0605s-103.236 -43.0352 -110.86 -96.0605h-17.1396c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v288c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h425.52c12.4092 -0.000976562 28.9268 -7.73828 36.8701 -17.2695zM160 256v96h-96v-96h96zM320 256v96h-96 v-96h96zM384 256h146l-80 96h-66v-96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smile-plus-primary" unicode="&#xf5b9;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 368c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v64h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h64v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64h64zM272 218.8c14.7939 0 26.7998 -12.0059 26.7998 -26.7998s-12.0059 -26.7998 -26.7998 -26.7998s-26.7998 12.0059 -26.7998 26.7998s12.0059 26.7998 26.7998 26.7998zM144 218.8c14.7939 0 26.7998 -12.0059 26.7998 -26.7998 s-12.0059 -26.7998 -26.7998 -26.7998s-26.7998 12.0059 -26.7998 26.7998s12.0059 26.7998 26.7998 26.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="solar-panel-primary" unicode="&#xf5ba;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M432 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-31.7402c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16l-224 -0.259766c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v31.7402c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16l48 0.0498047v32.21h128v-32.0498zM380.16 384l9.76953 -96h-139.87l9.77051 96h120.33zM541.75 288 h-102.75l-9.73047 96h96.1904zM394.82 240l11.3994 -112h-172.45l11.4004 112h149.65zM90.0996 240h105.971l-11.4102 -112h-113.561zM210.72 384l-9.71973 -96h-102.76l16.29 96h96.1895zM549.9 240l19.0098 -112h-113.61l-11.3994 112h106z" /> 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-63.25 -50.71 c-0.142578 -0.000976562 -0.373047 -0.00195312 -0.515625 -0.00195312c-12.458 0 -30.6846 6.03125 -40.6846 13.4619l-54.3203 40.8301c-10.1211 7.39746 -28.5098 13.4014 -41.0469 13.4014c-0.141602 0 -0.371094 0 -0.512695 -0.000976562h-0.0175781 c-4.3252 0 -11.2666 -0.749023 -15.4922 -1.6709l-70 -15.2793c-4.34766 -0.955078 -11.4893 -1.73438 -15.9404 -1.74023c-43.2402 0 -75.9199 38.7598 -57.5098 75.5996l28.4297 57c8.18066 16.4004 6.44043 35.1699 -4.58984 50.2402l-38.54 52.4004 c-26.7998 36.46 4.36035 83.0693 52.9502 83.0693c1.99023 0 4 -0.0791016 6.0498 -0.239258l71.8799 -5.62012c1.91992 -0.150391 3.83008 -0.219727 5.74023 -0.219727c18.6201 0 36.46 7.08984 48.46 19.5293l46.0898 47.6699 c12.96 13.3906 30.6699 19.5703 48.1699 19.5703c27.6299 0 54.7402 -15.4004 61.8301 -42.1904l16 -60.4492c4.60059 -17.3799 18.8604 -31.7002 38.1406 -38.3008zM306.89 61c2.26074 29.6699 0.629883 95.25 79.8701 135.87 c-86.2002 29.5195 -94.5898 86.9297 -105.069 126.52c-47.71 -49.29 -68.54 -79.7998 -172.07 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14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996 c10.29 -9.48047 30.0898 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0898 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004 s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0898 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimming-pool-primary" unicode="&#xf5c5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M0 -16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16c26 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0898 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004 s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0898 -17.9004 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7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h544z" /> <glyph glyph-name="vector-square-primary" unicode="&#xf5cb;" d="M128 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96zM96 0v32h-32v-32h32zM480 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96zM448 0v32h-32v-32h32zM480 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96zM448 352v32h-32v-32h32z M128 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96zM96 352v32h-32v-32h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="weight-hanging-primary" unicode="&#xf5cd;" d="M510.28 2.15039c8.33008 -33.3105 -14.6602 -66.1504 -46.2803 -66.1504h-416c-31.6201 0 -54.6104 32.8398 -46.2305 66.1504l73 292.13c3.79004 15.1797 16.4404 25.7197 30.8701 25.7197h300.771c14.4297 0 27.0703 -10.5303 30.8701 -25.7197z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tint-secondary" unicode="&#x10f043;" horiz-adv-x="352" d="M205.22 425.91c46.9902 -158.48 146.78 -200.07 146.78 -311.82c0 -98.4395 -78.7197 -178.09 -176 -178.09s-176 79.6504 -176 178.09c0 111.19 100 154.061 146.78 311.82c9 30.1201 50.5 28.7803 58.4395 0zM176 0c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 c-44.1104 0.0498047 -79.9502 35.8896 -80 80c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16c0.0771484 -61.7471 50.2529 -111.923 112 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cut-secondary" unicode="&#x10f0c4;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 224c-52.9756 0.0166016 -95.9697 43.0244 -95.9697 96c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96c52.9912 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96c0 -10.084 -3.00684 -25.8809 -6.70996 -35.2598l24.8496 -24.8604l-67.8799 -67.8799l-32.9297 32.9297 c-3.66992 -0.512695 -9.65527 -0.929688 -13.3604 -0.929688zM96 352c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32s32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32zM444.48 25.5703c1.94824 -1.94141 3.5293 -5.75 3.5293 -8.5c0 -2.75098 -1.58105 -6.55859 -3.5293 -8.5 c-13.5811 -13.5801 -40.1904 -24.6016 -59.3955 -24.6016s-45.8145 11.0215 -59.3945 24.6016l-115.521 115.55l67.8896 67.8799z" /> <glyph glyph-name="magic-secondary" unicode="&#x10f0d0;" d="M80 448l26.6602 -53.3301l53.3398 -26.6699l-53.3398 -26.6699l-26.6602 -53.3301l-26.6602 53.3301l-53.3398 26.6699l53.3398 26.6699zM272 400l-32 -16l-16 -32l-16 32l-32 16l32 16l16 32l16 -32zM458.66 106.67l53.3398 -26.6699l-53.3398 -26.6699 l-26.6602 -53.3301l-26.6602 53.3301l-53.3398 26.6699l53.3398 26.6699l26.6602 53.3301zM399 204.93l-39.5098 -39.5693l-39.5898 39.5801l-50.9102 50.9092l-39.6104 39.6104l39.6201 39.5996l86.4902 86.54l17 17c5.17285 5.17285 15.3096 9.37012 22.625 9.37012 s17.4512 -4.19727 22.625 -9.37012l17 -17l50.8594 -50.8594l17 -17c5.17578 -5.17383 9.37598 -15.3125 9.37598 -22.6299c0 -7.31836 -4.2002 -17.4561 -9.37598 -22.6299l-17 -17zM308.5 295.45l50.9502 -50.9102l86.5996 86.5498l-50.9102 50.9102z" 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32h32zM378.06 275.14l17.3906 -67.1396h-278.9l17.2002 66.3604c2.23047 8.15918 9.58984 13.6396 15.0596 13.6396h214.4 c5.46973 0 12.8496 -5.48047 14.8496 -12.8604z" /> <glyph glyph-name="eye-dropper-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1fb;" d="M32 -64l-32 32l32 56v45.5c0 17 6.7002 33.2998 18.7998 45.2998l126.601 126.601l128 -128l-126.7 -126.7c-12 -12 -28.2998 -18.7002 -45.2002 -18.7002h-45.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-brush-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1fc;" d="M512 398.45c0 -16.1406 -6.51953 -31.6406 -13.9004 -46c-113.04 -210.98 -149.04 -256.45 -211.1 -256.45c-6.28223 0.0634766 -16.3125 1.40723 -22.3896 3l-63.8203 53.1797c-4.75293 10.1533 -8.66309 27.4902 -8.73047 38.7002c0 53.75 21.2705 58 225.681 240.64 c10.79 9.77051 25 16.4805 40.1602 16.4805c28.0996 0 54.0996 -20.6396 54.0996 -49.5498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus-secondary" unicode="&#x10f207;" d="M352 0h96v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32zM64 -32v32h96v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-32c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32zM128 160c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v128c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h256 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bed-secondary" unicode="&#x10f236;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M528 320c61.8242 0 112 -50.1758 112 -112v-48h-352v144c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h224zM176 352c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-secondary" unicode="&#x10f279;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M192 416l192 -64v-384l-192 64v384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-secondary" unicode="&#x10f304;" d="M498 305.92l-56.5996 -56.5498l-128 128l56.5498 56.5498c7.76172 7.76855 22.9736 14.0732 33.9551 14.0732s26.1934 -6.30469 33.9551 -14.0732l60.1396 -60.0898c7.76855 -7.76172 14.0732 -22.9736 14.0732 -33.9551s-6.30469 -26.1934 -14.0732 -33.9551z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f305;" d="M498 373.83c7.76855 -7.76172 14.0732 -22.9736 14.0732 -33.9551s-6.30469 -26.1934 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-11.3154 s2.10059 -8.72852 4.68848 -11.3154l62.0596 -62.0596l-62.0596 -62.0596c-2.58789 -2.58691 -4.68848 -7.65625 -4.68848 -11.3154s2.10059 -8.72852 4.68848 -11.3154l22.6191 -22.6191c2.58691 -2.58789 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154 -4.68848 s8.72852 2.10059 11.3154 4.68848l62.0596 62.0596l62.0596 -62.0596c2.58691 -2.58789 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154 -4.68848s8.72852 2.10059 11.3154 4.68848l22.6191 22.6191c2.58789 2.58691 4.68848 7.65625 4.68848 11.3154s-2.10059 8.72852 -4.68848 11.3154z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bezier-curve-secondary" unicode="&#x10f55b;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M368 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96zM160 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96zM576 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v96c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h96z" /> 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-20.2686 72.7002 -37l54.7598 -54.6992c16.8037 -16.8154 33.4512 -49.5195 37.1602 -73zM176 80c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32 s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM208 240c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM368 112c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie-bite-secondary" unicode="&#x10f564;" d="M510.52 192.19c0.828125 -5.45801 1.5 -14.3672 1.5 -19.8877c0 -17.5439 -6.45508 -44.4746 -14.4092 -60.1123l-35.1006 -68.8809c-10.7686 -21.1348 -36.6582 -47.0342 -57.79 -57.8096l-69.1299 -35.21c-15.5791 -7.93945 -42.4141 -14.3828 -59.8994 -14.3828 c-5.72949 0 -14.9717 0.726562 -20.6309 1.62305l-76.71 12.1494c-23.3896 3.71094 -55.9639 20.3145 -72.71 37.0605l-54.7695 54.7598c-16.8018 16.8164 -33.4492 49.5205 -37.1602 73l-12.0801 76.2695c-0.904297 5.7002 -1.6377 15.0098 -1.6377 20.7812 c0 17.5781 6.47656 44.5566 14.458 60.2188l35.0996 68.8809c10.7686 21.1348 36.6582 47.0342 57.79 57.8096l69.1299 35.2197c15.5576 7.90625 42.3477 14.3223 59.7988 14.3223c5.53027 0 14.4551 -0.677734 19.9219 -1.51172 c0.780273 -69.7939 58.0615 -126.462 127.859 -126.49c0.0615234 -69.7549 56.7197 -127.014 126.47 -127.81zM176 80c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM208 240c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM368 112c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crop-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f565;" d="M160 424v-328h160v-96h-224c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v392c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h48c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24zM488 96c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-48c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-40v96h40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="digital-tachograph-secondary" unicode="&#x10f566;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M296 112c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-8c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-224c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v8c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h224zM568 112c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-8c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-224c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v8 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h224zM288 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-208c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drafting-compass-secondary" unicode="&#x10f568;" d="M12.5 198.14c-4.86035 7.66992 -1.88965 18 6.0498 22.3906l28.0703 15.5693c7.47949 4.15039 16.6104 1.45996 21.2598 -5.71973c8.39844 -12.9775 24.4141 -32.04 35.75 -42.5498l-32.6299 -56.5098c-19.0234 15.9229 -45.2314 45.8584 -58.5 66.8193zM499.5 198.14 c-46.8428 -73.9883 -155.931 -134.083 -243.5 -134.14h-0.0166016c-29.1484 0 -74.918 8.40918 -102.163 18.7695l32.5293 56.3506c18.7451 -6.1377 49.9658 -11.1191 69.6904 -11.1191c67.291 0 151.551 45.8652 188.08 102.379 c4.64941 7.17969 13.7803 9.87012 21.2598 5.71973l28.0703 -15.5693c7.93945 -4.39062 10.9102 -14.7207 6.0498 -22.3906z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drum-steelpan-secondary" 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7.89258 1.87012 10.7803 h320.52zM512 128c0 0 64 -92.6504 64 -128c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64c0 35.3496 64 128 64 128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fingerprint-secondary" unicode="&#x10f577;" d="M506.1 244.43c6.23047 -28.2295 6.01074 -50.1602 5.83008 -72.3398c-0.109375 -13.1377 -10.8604 -23.7998 -23.999 -23.7998h-0.000976562h-0.199219c-13.1387 0.109375 -23.8018 10.8604 -23.8018 23.999c0 0.0556641 0.000976562 0.145508 0.000976562 0.201172 c0.209961 24.1895 0.0107422 40.1895 -4.69922 61.5996c-0.34375 1.47949 -0.623047 3.91309 -0.623047 5.43164c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24c10.7656 0 21.291 -8.55273 23.4922 -19.0918zM256.11 202c13.2422 -0.00585938 23.9893 -10.7578 23.9893 -24v0 c0.0566406 -3.47168 0.102539 -9.1084 0.102539 -12.5811c0 -59.6348 -13.2529 -154.583 -29.582 -211.938c-2.70996 -9.66406 -13.0537 -17.5127 -23.0898 -17.5205c-20.9707 0 -25.8506 20.7705 -23.1201 30.4902c15.3438 54.0479 27.7959 143.511 27.7959 199.694 c0 3.27246 -0.0429688 8.58398 -0.0957031 11.8555c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24zM144.56 303.55c4.88477 -3.97559 8.84961 -12.3145 8.84961 -18.6133c0 -4.69629 -2.40137 -11.4688 -5.35938 -15.1162c-15.4717 -18.8652 -28.0273 -53.9766 -28.0273 -78.374 c0 -0.724609 0.0117188 -1.90137 0.0273438 -2.62598c0.0439453 -2.74805 0.0791016 -7.20801 0.0791016 -9.95605c0 -30.9844 -4.45312 -80.8799 -9.93848 -111.374c-0.820312 -4.5498 -7.78027 -22.8604 -27.8906 -19.3604 c-10.8965 1.96582 -19.7393 12.5469 -19.7393 23.6191c0 1.18262 0.169922 3.08691 0.379883 4.25098c5.06836 28.165 9.18262 74.25 9.18262 102.867c0 2.54004 -0.0332031 6.66309 -0.0732422 9.20312c-0.0117188 0.746094 -0.0205078 1.95703 -0.0205078 2.70312 c0 33.9619 17.3691 82.9268 38.7705 109.297c3.97656 4.88965 12.3184 8.85742 18.6201 8.85742c4.70605 0 11.4883 -2.40918 15.1396 -5.37793z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-martini-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f57b;" d="M256 234.87l-101.16 101.13h202.271z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-squint-tears-secondary" unicode="&#x10f586;" d="M414.12 304.4c24 3.5 42.0996 7.39941 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68 122.3 35.7002 167.6c-2.64062 3.71777 -8.48438 6.73535 -13.0439 6.73535c-5.41211 0 -11.7988 -3.91309 -14.2559 -8.73535 c-14.5996 -28.1992 -42.4004 -63.8994 -76.2998 -97.7998c-33.9004 -33.8994 -69.5 -61.7002 -97.7998 -76.2998c-4.81738 -2.43945 -8.72754 -8.80273 -8.72754 -14.2021c0 -4.54883 3.01367 -10.3711 6.72754 -12.998c14.3994 -10.2002 32.0996 -14.7002 51 -14.7002 c41 0 87.3994 21.1006 116.699 50.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-tears-secondary" unicode="&#x10f588;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M496.42 177.9c11.7998 -82.3008 29.9004 -100.4 35.7998 -106.301c0.791016 -0.734375 2.13477 -1.85449 3 -2.5c-42.7002 -74.6992 -123 -125.1 -215.2 -125.1c-92.1992 0 -172.5 50.4004 -215.199 125c1 0.900391 2.09961 1.59961 3 2.5 c5.89941 6 24 24.0996 35.7998 106.4c2.89941 20.3994 -12.5 49.5996 -45.7002 45.6992c-8.90039 -1.2998 -16.7998 -2.69922 -24.2998 -4.09961c13.7002 124 118.66 220.5 246.38 220.5s232.72 -96.5 246.42 -220.5c-7.5 1.40039 -15.4004 2.7998 -24.2998 4.09961 c-1.55078 0.21875 -4.08008 0.396484 -5.64648 0.396484c-22.3281 0 -40.4492 -18.1221 -40.4492 -40.4502c0 -1.56543 0.176758 -4.0957 0.395508 -5.64551zM344.22 224.6c-0.700195 -8.5 10.7002 -11.8994 14.9004 -4.5l9.5 17 c7.7002 13.7002 19.2002 21.6006 31.5 21.6006s23.7998 -7.90039 31.5 -21.6006l9.5 -17c4.09961 -7.5 15.5996 -4.09961 14.8994 4.5c-3.2998 42.1006 -32.1992 71.4004 -56 71.4004c-23.7998 0 -52.6992 -29.2998 -55.7998 -71.4004zM184.22 224.6 c-0.700195 -8.5 10.7002 -11.8994 14.9004 -4.5l9.5 17c7.7002 13.7002 19.2002 21.6006 31.5 21.6006s23.7998 -7.90039 31.5 -21.6006l9.5 -17c4.09961 -7.5 15.5996 -4.09961 14.8994 4.5c-3.2998 42.1006 -32.1992 71.4004 -56 71.4004 c-23.7998 0 -52.6992 -29.2998 -55.7998 -71.4004zM463.82 109.3c0.118164 0.71582 0.213867 1.88574 0.213867 2.61133c0 8.85938 -7.19043 16.0498 -16.0508 16.0498c-1.37988 0 -3.56836 -0.34082 -4.88379 -0.760742 c-30.1992 -9.7002 -75.0996 -15.2002 -123.1 -15.2002s-92.8799 5.5 -123.08 15.2002c-1.3252 0.428711 -3.53223 0.776367 -4.92578 0.776367c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16c0 -0.743164 0.101562 -1.94336 0.225586 -2.67676 c9.2998 -55 83.2002 -93.2998 143.8 -93.2998c60.6006 0 134.5 38.2998 143.801 93.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-horizontal-secondary" unicode="&#x10f58d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 160c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64zM256 160c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64zM416 160c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-vertical-secondary" unicode="&#x10f58e;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M288 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64zM288 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64zM288 256c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headphones-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f58f;" d="M496 32h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112c0 114.67 -93.3301 207.8 -208 207.82c-114.67 0.0195312 -208 -93.1504 -208 -207.82v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112c4.57031 136.87 112.91 256 256 256 s251.43 -119.13 256 -256v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headset-secondary" unicode="&#x10f590;" d="M192 -16c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h32c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48h101.72c23.3389 0 42.2803 18.9414 42.2803 42.2803c0 23.3379 0 163.29 -0.120117 165.72h0.120117c0 114.69 -93.3096 208 -208 208s-208 -93.3096 -208 -208v-16 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c4.58008 137.17 113.18 256 256 256s251.42 -118.83 256 -256v-165.72c0 -49.835 -40.4453 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-60.3398 63.0098 -60.3398 106.699v66.4004c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-62.3096c0 -29.0303 15.8496 -54.6904 39.6602 -71.3203zM553.28 360.91c47.8691 -32.0293 86.7197 -104.77 86.7197 -162.367v-0.233398v-30.3096 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v30.2998v0.186523c0 44.2871 -30.1768 99.7559 -67.3604 123.813c-18.4697 11.9805 -28.6396 33.3906 -28.6396 55.3906v62.3096c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-62.3096 c0.0761719 -6.00586 4.23438 -13.5234 9.28027 -16.7803z" /> <glyph glyph-name="luggage-cart-secondary" unicode="&#x10f59d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M480 400v-272h-192v272c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h96c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48zM432 352v48h-96v-48h96zM192 320c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h32v-224h-32c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v160zM544 352c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-160 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-32v224h32zM450.74 0h90.5195c1.5127 -4.28223 2.74023 -11.4434 2.74023 -15.9854c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 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-32c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-624 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h624zM112 176c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16zM256 144c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16zM352 48 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16s16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="box-full" unicode="&#xf49c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M638.3 208.2c4.5 -9.2002 -0.299805 -20.2002 -10.2002 -23l-52.0996 -14.9004v-147.3c0 -14.5996 -10 -27.4004 -24.2002 -31l-216.399 -54.0996c-6 -1.5 -17.4004 -3.40039 -31 0l-216.2 54.0996c-14.2002 3.5 -24.2002 16.2998 -24.2002 31v147.3l-52.2002 14.9004 c-9.7998 2.7998 -14.7002 13.7998 -10.0996 23l51.5 102.8c2.7998 5.5 8.5 9 14.5996 9c1.2002 0 0 0.200195 29.5 -3.59961c6.40039 73.5996 67.4004 131.6 142.7 131.6c77.7002 0 140.7 -61.7002 143.5 -138.7l42.7998 117.7c6.10059 16.5996 24.5 25.0996 41 19.0996 l55.7002 -20.2998c16.5996 -6 25.0996 -24.3994 19.0996 -41l-26.1992 -71.7998c60.5996 7.7002 55.2998 7 56.2998 7c6.09961 0 11.7998 -3.40039 14.5996 -9zM456.4 416l-42.2002 -115.9l66 8.40039l31.7998 87.2998zM38.7998 210.7l168.3 -48.1006l60.1006 99.8008 l-190.4 24.2998zM304 -29v290.5l-75.7002 -125.6c-3 -5 -8.39941 -7.90039 -14 -7.90039c-3.2998 0 5 -2.09961 -118.3 33.0996v-138.1zM320 288l30.9004 3.90039c0.5 4 1.09961 8 1.09961 12.0996c0 61.7998 -50.2002 112 -112 112 c-58.9004 0 -106.8 -45.7998 -111.1 -103.6c36.5 -4.7002 95.3994 -12.2002 191.1 -24.4004zM544 23v138.2c-123.5 -35.2002 -115 -33.1006 -118.3 -33.1006c-5.60059 0 -11 2.90039 -14 7.90039l-75.7002 125.5v-290.5zM432.9 162.7l168.3 48.0996l-38 76l-190.4 -24.2998z " /> <glyph glyph-name="box-open" unicode="&#xf49e;" horiz-adv-x="608" d="M606.4 304.2c4.2998 -9.2002 -0.300781 -20.2002 -9.7002 -23l-49.5 -14.9004v-211.3c0 -14.5996 -9.5 -27.4004 -23 -31l-205.601 -54.0996c-5.7998 -1.5 -16.5 -3.40039 -29.5 0l-205.399 54.0996c-13.5 3.5 -23 16.2998 -23 31v211.3l-49.5 14.9004 c-9.2998 2.7998 -14 13.7998 -9.60059 23l48.9004 102.8c2.7002 5.5 8.09961 9 13.9004 9c0.599609 0 239.6 -32 239.6 -32s239 32 239.6 32c5.80078 0 11.2002 -3.40039 13.9004 -9zM73 382.7l-36.0996 -76l159.899 -48.1006l57.1006 99.8008zM91.2002 257.1v-202.1 l197.6 -52v354.4l-71.8994 -125.5c-2.80078 -5 -7.90039 -7.90039 -13.3008 -7.90039c-3.09961 0 4.7002 -2.09961 -112.399 33.0996zM516.8 55v202.2c-117.399 -35.2002 -109.3 -33.1006 -112.399 -33.1006c-5.30078 0 -10.4004 2.90039 -13.3008 7.90039l-71.8994 125.5 v-354.5zM411.3 258.7l159.8 48l-36.0996 76l-180.8 -24.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="home-heart" unicode="&#xf4c9;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.5 228.1c2.7998 -2.39941 3.40039 -6.69922 1.09961 -9.69922l-14.1992 -17.5c-2.40039 -2.90039 -6.7002 -3.40039 -9.60059 -1l-38.7998 31.2998v-279.2c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v279.3l-38.7002 -31.2002 c-3 -2.39941 -7.2002 -1.89941 -9.59961 1l-14.2002 17.5c-2.40039 2.90039 -1.90039 7.10059 1 9.5l262.9 211.9c13.0996 10.7002 32 10.7002 45.1992 0l169.4 -136.6v72.5996c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-98.4004zM480 -32v289l-187.9 151.5 c-2.39941 2 -5.89941 2 -8.39941 0l-187.7 -151.4v-289.1h384zM276.9 246.5l11.0996 -11.7002l11.2002 11.7002c15.3994 16.0996 63 44 104.899 7.7002c35.4004 -30.6006 37.2002 -85.5 5.60059 -118.7l-108.9 -114.1c-7.09961 -7.40039 -18.5 -7.40039 -25.5 0 l-108.899 114.1c-31.6006 33.0996 -29.7002 88.0996 5.59961 118.7c32.4004 28.2002 78.2998 20.2002 104.9 -7.7002zM321.7 224.2l-33.7002 -35.2998l-33.7002 35.2998c-11.8994 12.5 -39.7002 25 -61.8994 5.7002c-23.8008 -20.5 -20.1006 -54.6006 -3.40039 -72.1006 l99 -103.8l99 103.8c16.7998 17.6006 20.4004 51.5 -3.40039 72.1006c-24.3994 21.0996 -53.1992 3.5 -61.8994 -5.7002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drumstick" unicode="&#xf6d6;" d="M471.25 390.41c31.5303 -35.5205 45.4902 -81.6201 39.3496 -129.75c-7 -53.8203 -37.5596 -102.5 -84 -133.5c-31.3398 -20.9697 -65.4697 -31.1602 -104.34 -31.1602h-70.1201l-43.2998 -43.3799c-5.93945 -5.92969 -3.05957 -14.6797 -2.05957 -17.21 c18.8701 -47.1904 -15.54 -99.4102 -67.3906 -99.4102c-37.3301 0 -69.6797 28.2998 -71.6797 67.6699c-52.1299 2.61035 -67.71 50.1396 -67.71 71.6699v0.0371094c0 40.0361 32.4932 72.5303 72.5303 72.5303c7.70215 0 19.7578 -2.31934 26.9102 -5.17676 c8.10938 -3.26074 14.0898 -1.08008 17.2197 2.05957l43.3398 43.3496v69.3008c0 70.6191 35.6299 114.22 62.4697 140.85c33.1299 33.0195 79.1006 50.9297 126 49.6504c40.8037 -1.11816 95.8096 -26.8916 122.78 -57.5303zM186.25 75.2695l26.0303 26.0205 c-18.8281 7.05371 -39.8525 28.0518 -46.9307 46.8701l-26 -26c-13.8096 -13.8203 -34.0898 -16.25 -51.8096 -9.12012c-3.96582 1.5957 -10.6533 2.88965 -14.9287 2.88965h-0.0712891c-52.21 0 -53.8301 -77.7598 -3.20996 -80.2998l28.9102 -1.4502l1.4502 -28.9102 c3.0293 -60.6191 100.869 -40.4395 77.3994 18.2607c-7.45996 18.8799 -3.93945 38.6602 9.16016 51.7393zM478.84 264.71c5 38.8496 -6.21973 75.9502 -31.5303 104.44c-21.917 24.9229 -66.6318 45.8848 -99.8096 46.79 c-1.52637 0.0400391 -3.02637 0.0595703 -4.5 0.0595703c-0.150391 0.000976562 -0.394531 0.000976562 -0.544922 0.000976562c-31.5205 0 -75.1807 -18.0996 -97.4551 -40.4014c-36.6504 -36.4199 -53 -72.8594 -53 -118.149v-81.4502 c0.131836 -26.4961 21.7432 -48 48.2393 -48h0.140625h81.9004c32.3398 0 60.6494 8.40039 86.5596 25.71c38.1904 25.54 64.3398 67 70 111z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drumstick-bite" unicode="&#xf6d7;" d="M471.39 390.42c26.54 -29.8799 40.6104 -67.0703 40.6104 -107.55v-0.0351562c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16c-1.29688 0 -3.35742 0.301758 -4.59961 0.674805c-10.29 3.07031 -18.9404 4.49023 -27.29 4.49023c-52.9209 -0.0712891 -95.9287 -43.0791 -96 -96 c0.0341797 -14.752 6.37793 -36.8975 14.1592 -49.4297c1.28027 -2.11133 2.31934 -5.82812 2.31934 -8.2959c0 -6.75879 -5.29492 -13.6777 -11.8193 -15.4443c-13.6523 -3.76562 -36.2266 -6.8252 -50.3896 -6.83008h-70.1494l-43.3906 -43.3799 c-5.93945 -5.92969 -3.05957 -14.6797 -2.05957 -17.21c18.8701 -47.1904 -15.54 -99.4102 -67.3906 -99.4102c-37.3301 0 -69.6797 28.2998 -71.6797 67.6699c-52.1299 2.61035 -67.71 50.1396 -67.71 71.6699v0.0371094c0 40.0361 32.4932 72.5303 72.5303 72.5303 c7.70215 0 19.7578 -2.31934 26.9102 -5.17676c8.10938 -3.26074 14.0898 -1.08008 17.2197 2.05957l43.3896 43.3701v69.29c0 70.6201 35.6406 114.22 62.46 140.85c33.1602 32.9805 78.4902 50.8506 126.03 49.6406c40.8193 -1.1123 95.8564 -26.8809 122.85 -57.5205z M186.23 75.2695l26.0996 26.0107c-18.8506 7.04492 -39.9072 28.0469 -47 46.8799l-26 -26c-13.8105 -13.8203 -34.0898 -16.25 -51.8105 -9.12012c-3.96484 1.5957 -10.6533 2.88965 -14.9277 2.88965h-0.0722656c-52.21 0 -53.8291 -77.7598 -3.20996 -80.2998 l28.9102 -1.4502l1.4502 -28.9102c3.03027 -60.6191 100.87 -40.4395 77.4004 18.2607c-7.45996 18.8799 -3.94043 38.6602 9.16016 51.7393zM464.14 304c3.96191 -0.0078125 10.3643 -0.442383 14.29 -0.969727c-3.08496 20.8164 -16.9727 50.4424 -31 66.1299 c-21.9346 24.9297 -66.6758 45.8916 -99.8701 46.79c-1.5 0.0400391 -3 0.0595703 -4.5 0.0595703c-0.141602 0.000976562 -0.37207 0.000976562 -0.513672 0.000976562c-31.5303 0 -75.2031 -18.1035 -97.4863 -40.4111c-36.6494 -36.4297 -53 -72.8691 -53 -118.159 v-81.4404c0.131836 -26.4961 21.7432 -48 48.2402 -48h0.150391h81.9297h0.193359c6.26172 0 16.3711 0.739258 22.5664 1.65039c-4.93359 12.3164 -8.96484 33.0811 -9 46.3496c0.0888672 70.5684 57.4326 127.912 128 128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pie" unicode="&#xf705;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528.49 219.77c42.3594 -1.76953 47.5098 -37.1396 47.5098 -45.9092c-0.125977 -25.3154 -20.7744 -45.8604 -46.0898 -45.8604h-0.160156c-2.71973 0 -4.78027 0.589844 -7.32031 0.759766l-32.4297 -97.3096c-5.78711 -17.3574 -25.334 -31.4473 -43.6299 -31.4502 h-316.74c-18.293 0.00195312 -37.8398 14.0869 -43.6299 31.4404l-32.46 97.3193c-2.5498 -0.160156 -4.59961 -0.759766 -7.32031 -0.759766h-0.129883c-25.3154 0 -45.9639 20.5449 -46.0898 45.8604c0 8.5 5 44.2695 47.5303 45.9092 c37.8799 98.5605 133.54 164.23 240.47 164.23s202.58 -65.6699 240.49 -164.23zM459.65 41.5898l31.2598 93.8105c-8.63965 3.53613 -21.668 11.0137 -29.0801 16.6895c-11 8.2002 -14.2402 8.07031 -25.1201 0c-12.1299 -9 -32.4697 -24.0596 -67.9404 -24.0596 c-35.4697 0 -55.7793 15 -67.9297 24c-12.7002 9.4502 -16.1396 6.75977 -25.21 0.0498047c-12.1602 -9.02051 -32.5303 -24.0801 -68 -24.0801s-55.8203 15 -67.9395 24c-12.8105 9.49023 -16.3203 6.7998 -25.4102 0.0595703 c-7.44434 -5.68164 -20.5264 -13.1592 -29.2002 -16.6895l31.2598 -93.79c1.75879 -5.28711 7.70898 -9.57812 13.2803 -9.58008h316.75c5.57422 0.00292969 11.5234 4.29883 13.2803 9.58984zM529.77 160c7.65625 0 13.8809 6.16406 13.8809 13.8203 s-6.21387 13.8701 -13.8701 13.8701c-6.20996 0 -11.0303 -0.600586 -26.7803 8.30957c-53.2803 154 -199 156 -215 156c-16.2803 0 -161.77 -2.13965 -215.1 -156.06c-15.6699 -8.65039 -21.3604 -8.1709 -26.75 -8.1709c-7.65625 0 -13.8701 -6.21289 -13.8701 -13.8691 s6.21387 -13.8701 13.8701 -13.8701c25 0 38.3193 9.83984 49 17.7393c33.7598 25 56.6895 5 63.4697 0c10.75 -7.92969 24 -17.7695 49 -17.7695s38.25 9.83984 48.9102 17.7695c9.7998 7.25 31.4795 23.6807 63.2998 0 c10.7197 -7.92969 23.9697 -17.7695 48.9395 -17.7695c24.9707 0 38.2305 9.83984 48.8701 17.75c13.1602 9.75 33.5107 22.0596 63.2207 0.0595703c10.7197 -7.96973 23.9697 -17.8096 48.9092 -17.8096zM199.16 302.31 c4.88477 -2.43945 8.84961 -8.85254 8.84961 -14.3125c0 -2.08594 -0.756836 -5.29199 -1.68945 -7.15723l-16 -32c-3.11035 -6.16016 -11.9307 -11.8594 -21.4707 -7.16016c-4.88477 2.44043 -8.84961 8.85352 -8.84961 14.3135 c0 2.08594 0.756836 5.29199 1.69043 7.15723l16 32c2.45996 4.87109 8.88672 8.8252 14.3447 8.8252c2.07324 0 5.26562 -0.746094 7.125 -1.66602zM398.3 295.16l16 -32c0.932617 -1.86523 1.69043 -5.07129 1.69043 -7.15723 c0 -5.45996 -3.96484 -11.873 -8.85059 -14.3125c-9.54004 -4.7002 -18.3701 0.989258 -21.4697 7.15918l-16 32c-0.931641 1.86523 -1.68848 5.07031 -1.68848 7.15527c0 8.83398 7.16992 16.0039 16.0039 16.0039c5.45996 0 11.873 -3.96484 14.3145 -8.84863zM288 304 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" 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122.131c14.5098 52.6992 64.3398 90.7598 121.2 92.6992 c20.04 0.669922 35.7695 2.24023 58.8701 10.1504c-27.8604 13.4502 -57.8203 21.71 -89 21.71c-138.61 0 -256.61 -157.25 -256.61 -256c0 -70.8896 67.8604 -96 256.57 -96s255.6 25.1201 255.6 96zM557.68 274.27c20.6201 -11.3291 47.5303 2.06055 50.2002 27.4707 c2 19.3799 -11.7295 36.8594 -30.6699 38.8594c-0.892578 0.0869141 -2.34473 0.157227 -3.24121 0.157227c-3.43945 0 -8.83789 -1.00195 -12.0488 -2.2373c-1.47949 -0.544922 -3.95898 -0.988281 -5.53613 -0.988281c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16895 -16 16 c0 2.51855 1.07812 6.29883 2.40625 8.43848c2.43945 3.79688 4.83203 10.5166 5.33984 15c3.31055 32.0898 -32.4795 50.1904 -55.5996 31.46c-7.23145 -5.86133 -13.1006 -18.1748 -13.1006 -27.4834c0 -2.50977 0.515625 -6.51758 1.15039 -8.94629 c19.8799 -75.4805 -106.05 -114 -153.34 -115.6c-75.4902 -2.48047 -94.9199 -54.9707 -98.9199 -69.4805c-9.08008 -32.9199 -1.10059 -67.3398 21.3994 -92.1201c22.1904 -24.4502 54.0801 -35.1396 87.2803 -29.2295c35.3701 6.19922 64.4199 35.46 74 74.54 c8.44043 34.4092 69.6104 176.25 146.68 134.159z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ball-pile" unicode="&#xf77e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M480 128c53 0 96 -43 96 -96s-43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96c0 27.2002 11.4004 51.7002 29.7002 69.2002c-9.40039 -3.10059 -19.2002 -5.2002 -29.7002 -5.2002s-20.2998 2.09961 -29.7002 5.2002c18.2998 -17.5 29.7002 -42 29.7002 -69.2002c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96 s-96 43 -96 96c0 27.2002 11.4004 51.7002 29.7002 69.2002c-9.40039 -3.10059 -19.2002 -5.2002 -29.7002 -5.2002s-20.2998 2.09961 -29.7002 5.2002c18.2998 -17.5 29.7002 -42 29.7002 -69.2002c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96s-96 43 -96 96s43 96 96 96 c10.5 0 20.2998 -2.09961 29.7002 -5.2002c-18.2998 17.5 -29.7002 42 -29.7002 69.2002c0 53 43 96 96 96c10.5 0 20.2998 -2.09961 29.7002 -5.2002c-18.2998 17.5 -29.7002 42 -29.7002 69.2002c0 53 43 96 96 96s96 -43 96 -96 c0 -27.2002 -11.4004 -51.7002 -29.7002 -69.2002c9.40039 3.10059 19.2998 5.2002 29.7002 5.2002c53 0 96 -43 96 -96c0 -27.2998 -11.5 -51.7002 -29.7002 -69.2002c9.40039 3.10059 19.2998 5.2002 29.7002 5.2002zM288 416c-35.2998 0 -64 -28.7002 -64 -64 s28.7002 -64 64 -64s64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64zM317.7 122.8c-18.2998 17.5 -29.7002 42 -29.7002 69.2002s11.4004 51.7002 29.7002 69.2002c-9.40039 -3.10059 -19.2002 -5.2002 -29.7002 -5.2002s-20.2998 2.09961 -29.7002 5.2002 c18.2998 -17.5 29.7002 -41.9004 29.7002 -69.2002s-11.5 -51.7002 -29.7002 -69.2002c9.40039 3.10059 19.2998 5.2002 29.7002 5.2002s20.2998 -2.09961 29.7002 -5.2002zM96 -32c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64 zM192 128c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64zM288 -32c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64zM384 128c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64 s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64zM480 -32c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64s-64 -28.7002 -64 -64s28.7002 -64 64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="biohazard" unicode="&#xf780;" 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29 -10.7002c10.8994 -2.2998 18.7998 -12.0996 18.6992 -23.3994c-0.199219 -11.5 -8 -21 -19.0996 -23.1006c-41.2998 -8.09961 -83.9004 -0.799805 -119.9 20.4004c-12.3994 7.2998 -24 16.4004 -34.6992 27.2998 c-10.6006 -10.7998 -22.2002 -20 -34.7002 -27.2998c-26.5 -15.5996 -56.5 -23.5996 -86.9004 -23.5996c-11 0 -22.0996 1.09961 -33.0996 3.19922c-11 2.2002 -19 11.9004 -19.1006 23.1006c-0.0996094 11.2998 7.7002 21.0996 18.7002 23.3994 c11.2998 2.40039 20.7998 5.90039 29 10.7002c46.6006 27.4004 62.6006 88.2998 35.7002 135.8c-13.0996 23 -34.2002 39.4004 -59.5 46.2002c-24.9004 6.7002 -50.9004 3.2002 -73.2002 -9.89941c-8.2002 -4.80078 -15.8994 -11.5 -23.5996 -20.3008 c-7.5 -8.59961 -20 -10.5996 -29.7002 -4.7998c-9.7002 5.90039 -13.9004 17.5 -10.2002 28.1006c13.7998 40.2998 41.2002 74.1992 77.2002 95.2998c12.2002 7.09961 25.5996 12.7002 40.0996 16.7002c-3.5 13.8994 -5.19922 27.3994 -5.19922 40.7998 c0 42.2002 15.0996 83.2002 42.5 115.5c7.39941 8.7002 19.7998 10.7998 29.5996 5.2002c9.7998 -5.5 14.2002 -17.3008 10.7002 -28c-3.60059 -11.2002 -5.40039 -21.4004 -5.40039 -31c0 -54.8008 43.6006 -99.3008 97.2998 -99.3008 c53.7002 0 97.3008 44.6006 97.3008 99.3008c0 9.59961 -1.80078 19.7998 -5.5 31.0996c-3.5 10.5 0.899414 22.2998 10.5996 27.9004c10 5.69922 22.4004 3.39941 29.7002 -5.2002c27.2998 -32.2998 42.3994 -73.2998 42.3994 -115.5 c0 -13.4004 -1.69922 -26.9004 -5.19922 -40.7998c14.5 -3.90039 27.8994 -9.5 40.0996 -16.7002c36 -21.2002 63.4004 -55 77.2002 -95.2998zM429.6 209.2c33.1006 8.89941 67.7002 4.2002 97.4004 -13c-11.9004 17.5 -27.4004 32.2002 -45.5996 42.8994 c-13.9004 8.2002 -29.2002 13.6006 -46.9004 16.7002l-18.5 3.2002l6.09961 17.7002c5.7002 16.7998 8.5 32.2998 8.5 47.5c0 21.0996 -4.59961 41.8994 -13.2998 60.8994c-0.399414 -72 -58.2998 -130.5 -129.3 -130.5c-71.0996 0 -128.9 58.5 -129.3 130.5 c-8.7002 -19 -13.2998 -39.7998 -13.2998 -60.8994c0 -15.2998 2.89941 -30.7998 8.59961 -47.5l6.09961 -17.7998l-18.5 -3.2002c-17.6992 -3.10059 -33 -8.60059 -46.8994 -16.7002c-18.2002 -10.7002 -33.7002 -25.4004 -45.6006 -42.9004 c19.8008 11.5 41.8008 17.4004 64.1006 17.4004c11 0 22.2002 -1.40039 33.2002 -4.40039c33.6992 -9 61.7998 -30.7998 79.0996 -61.2998c35.5 -62.5996 14.2998 -142.899 -47.2998 -179.1c-0.100586 0 -0.299805 -0.100586 -0.400391 -0.200195 c20.7998 1.7002 41.1006 8 59.2998 18.7002c14.1006 8.2998 27 19.7002 38.4004 33.7998l12.5 15.5l12.5 -15.4004c11.4004 -14.0996 24.2998 -25.5 38.4004 -33.7998c18.1992 -10.7002 38.5 -17 59.2998 -18.7002c-0.100586 0 -0.200195 0.100586 -0.400391 0.200195 c-61.5 36.1006 -82.7998 116.5 -47.2002 179.101c17.3008 30.5 45.3008 52.2998 79 61.2998zM461.9 149.4c0.299805 0 0.599609 0.0996094 0.899414 0.0996094c10.5 0 20.7998 -2.90039 30.2002 -8c-7.7002 -46 -30.4004 -86.9004 -63.0996 -117.4 c-9.60059 5.7002 -17 13.7002 -22.5 22.8008c28.5996 26.5 48.2998 62.2998 54.5 102.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bacon" unicode="&#xf7e5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M566.93 343.6c12.7002 -12.5996 12.0703 -33.6494 -1.81934 -45.0498c-36.3701 -30.0098 -66.2402 -41.1494 -91.1104 -50.4102c-9.2002 -3.43945 -69 -19.3193 -98.7305 -98.1299c-8.93945 -23.5898 -46.7393 -134.689 -188.939 -187.689 c-15.8496 -5.90039 -27.3398 -10.1807 -40.9404 -20.2402c-4.54004 -3.35645 -12.8086 -6.08008 -18.4551 -6.08008h-0.0146484h-0.0810547c-6.98047 0 -16.6699 3.9873 -21.6289 8.90039l-96.1396 95.4893c-12.7002 12.6104 -12.0703 33.6104 1.79004 45.0605 c36.3398 29.9795 66.21 41.0996 91.0693 50.3594c9.16992 3.41016 68.9707 19.2607 98.7207 98.0801c8.60938 22.8203 46.3496 134.591 188.979 187.73c15.8506 5.91016 27.3604 10.2002 41 20.2998c4.53516 3.35449 12.7939 6.07617 18.4346 6.07617 c7.00879 0 16.751 -3.98926 21.7451 -8.90625zM32.4297 61.75l37.0205 -36.5098c23.7803 17.2402 43.9795 25 63.6396 32.3701c26.25 9.83984 51.0703 19.1094 85.9102 54c34.8398 34.8896 44.1201 59.6797 54 85.9492c10.5596 28.3008 21.5596 57.5303 61.3398 97.3105 s69.0703 50.7695 97.3506 61.3701c16.8193 6.2793 33.1191 12.5 51.8193 25.2793l-34.54 34.1104c-16.9697 -12.3701 -31.46 -17.7598 -48.1895 -24c-82.6504 -30.7803 -139.601 -86.8203 -169.261 -166.54l-0.929688 -2.5 c-15.1699 -40.1895 -47.6299 -92.9902 -116.1 -116.29c-24.3799 -9.04004 -50.4199 -18.7402 -82.0605 -44.5498zM461.43 277.65c24.3799 9.04004 50.46 18.7393 82.21 44.5898l-37 36.5098c-23.8096 -17.2695 -44.0195 -25.0498 -63.6699 -32.4199 c-26.3096 -9.81055 -51.0898 -19.0605 -86 -54c-34.9102 -34.9404 -44.1895 -59.7402 -54.0596 -86c-10.6006 -28.3496 -21.5703 -57.5898 -61.3506 -97.3496c-39.7793 -39.7607 -69.0293 -50.7305 -97.3096 -61.3301 c-16.8301 -6.31055 -33.0898 -12.4805 -51.7598 -25.2207l35.2295 -34.8301c15.8203 12.9502 30.4404 18.3906 47.3701 24.6904c82.5898 30.7695 139.55 86.8398 169.32 166.66l0.879883 2.35938c15.1396 40.1807 47.6104 92.9902 116.14 116.341z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-medical" unicode="&#xf7e6;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 56c-0.0273438 -8.86914 -6.70312 -18.8145 -14.9004 -22.2002c-3.59961 -16.0996 -4.39941 -45.5996 -0.399414 -65.7998h3.2998c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-372c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v368 c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80h344h0.0605469c13.2148 0 23.9395 -10.7246 23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-368zM404.3 -32c-1.24219 8.78809 -2.25098 23.124 -2.25098 32s1.00879 23.2119 2.25098 32h-340.3c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32h340.3z M416 64v352h-336c-26.4961 0 -48 -21.5039 -48 -48v-312.88c8.16602 4.85059 22.502 8.8291 32 8.87988h352zM152 208c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v56h-56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-user" unicode="&#xf7e7;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M240 224c-44.1104 0.0498047 -79.9502 35.8896 -80 80c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80s80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80zM240 352c-26.4688 -0.0273438 -47.9727 -21.5312 -48 -48c0 -26.4961 21.5039 -48 48 -48s48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48zM448 56 c-0.0273438 -8.86914 -6.70312 -18.8145 -14.9004 -22.2002c-3.59961 -16.0996 -4.39941 -45.5996 -0.399414 -65.7998h3.2998c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-372c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v368c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80h344 h0.0605469c13.2148 0 23.9395 -10.7246 23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-368zM404.3 -32c-1.24219 8.78809 -2.25098 23.124 -2.25098 32s1.00879 23.2119 2.25098 32h-340.3c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32h340.3zM416 64v352h-336 c-26.4961 0 -48 -21.5039 -48 -48v-312.88c8.16602 4.85059 22.502 8.8291 32 8.87988h352zM150.41 96c-19.4102 0 -38.4102 13 -38.4102 38.4102c0 40.5898 37.3096 73.5898 83.1904 73.5898c21.5 -2.41992 22.5996 -8 44.8096 -8s23.3096 5.62012 44.8096 8 c45.8809 0 83.1904 -33 83.1904 -73.5898c0 -25.4102 -19 -38.4102 -38.4102 -38.4102h-179.18zM195.19 176c-28.1904 0 -51.1904 -18.6602 -51.1904 -41.5898c0 -3.21973 -0.410156 -6.41016 6.41016 -6.41016h179.18c6.82031 0 6.41016 3.19043 6.41016 6.41016 c0 22.9297 -23 41.5898 -51.1904 41.5898c-4.65918 0 -18.4297 -8 -44.8096 -8s-40.1504 8 -44.8096 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="brackets" unicode="&#xf7e9;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M120 416c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-72c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h72c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-72c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352 c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h72zM400 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-352c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-72c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h72c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v352c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-72 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="brackets-curly" unicode="&#xf7ea;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M571.31 203.31c2.58496 -2.58594 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3096s-2.09766 -8.72363 -4.68262 -11.3096l-45.25 -45.25c-7.76074 -7.76074 -14.0596 -22.9668 -14.0596 -33.9424v-0.0078125v-85.4902c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-72 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h72c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v85.4805v0.00292969c0 18.2949 10.501 43.6416 23.4404 56.5762l33.9395 33.9404l-33.9395 33.9404c-12.9395 12.9346 -23.4404 38.2812 -23.4404 56.5762v0.00292969v85.4805 c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-72c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h72c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-85.4902v-0.0078125c0 -10.9756 6.29883 -26.1816 14.0596 -33.9424zM184 416c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8 h-72c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-85.4805v-0.00292969c0 -18.2949 -10.501 -43.6416 -23.4404 -56.5762l-33.9395 -33.9404l33.9395 -33.9404c12.9395 -12.9346 23.4404 -38.2812 23.4404 -56.5762v-0.00292969v-85.4805c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h72 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-72c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v85.4902v0.0078125c0 10.9756 -6.29883 26.1816 -14.0596 33.9424l-45.25 45.25c-2.58496 2.58594 -4.68262 7.65332 -4.68262 11.3096s2.09766 8.72363 4.68262 11.3096 l45.25 45.25c7.76074 7.76074 14.0596 22.9668 14.0596 33.9424v0.0078125v85.4902c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bread-loaf" unicode="&#xf7eb;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M400 416c132.55 0 240 -71.6299 240 -160c0 -35.3496 -30.8604 -64 -64 -64v-192c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v192c-33.1396 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64c0 88.3701 107.45 160 240 160h160zM384 0v224h36c15.4404 0 28 14.3604 28 32 c0 69.3799 -95.25 128 -208 128s-208 -58.6201 -208 -128c0 -17.6396 16.5596 -32 32 -32h32v-224h288zM544 0v192h-128v-192h128zM580 224c15.4404 0 28 14.3604 28 32c0 69.3799 -95.25 128 -208 128h-16.4404c58.4404 -29.1797 96.4404 -75.5703 96.4404 -128 c-0.0332031 -9.41992 -3.76074 -23.7559 -8.32031 -32h108.32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bread-slice" unicode="&#xf7ec;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 448c172.28 0 288 -90.8799 288 -175.75c0 -33.9805 -26.5898 -60.5801 -64 -66.5801v-223.45c0 -25.4893 -22.4404 -46.2197 -50 -46.2197h-348c-27.5596 0 -50 20.7305 -50 46.2197v223.45c-37.4102 5.9502 -64 32.5801 -64 66.5801 c0 84.8701 115.72 175.75 288 175.75zM496 236.44c27.3799 0 48 15.3896 48 35.8096c0 58.75 -91.1602 143.75 -256 143.75s-256 -85 -256 -143.75c0 -20.4199 20.6201 -35.8096 48 -35.8096h16v-254.221c0 -7.7002 8.25 -14.2197 18 -14.2197h348 c9.75 0 18 6.51953 18 14.2197v254.221h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="burrito" unicode="&#xf7ed;" d="M512 325v-0.15332c0 -8.88477 -3.01465 -22.6455 -6.73047 -30.7168c3.7168 -8.50586 6.7334 -22.9434 6.7334 -32.2256c0 -29.0908 -21.6396 -62.1416 -48.3027 -73.7744l-218.15 -218.13c-18.7549 -18.7549 -55.502 -33.9766 -82.0244 -33.9766 c-26.5234 0 -63.2705 15.2217 -82.0254 33.9766l-47.5 47.5c-18.7549 18.7549 -33.9766 55.502 -33.9766 82.0254c0 26.5225 15.2217 63.2695 33.9766 82.0244l218.12 218.15c11.6328 26.6631 44.6836 48.3027 73.7744 48.3027c9.28223 0 23.7197 -3.0166 32.2256 -6.7334 c8.1084 3.71582 21.9287 6.73145 30.8477 6.73145c30.1846 0 61.8906 -23.4131 70.7725 -52.2607c28.8105 -8.89551 52.2227 -40.5879 52.2598 -70.7402zM267.55 369.87l-210.95 -210.97c-7.08203 -7.12891 -15.6436 -20.5684 -19.1094 -30 c19.5273 -9.23926 52.9072 -16.8105 74.5098 -16.9004c97 0 176 78.9502 176 176c-0.0166016 24.002 -9.17773 60.6797 -20.4502 81.8701zM222.92 -7.38965l211.08 211.04c-21.3311 11.0439 -58.1377 20.0078 -82.1582 20.0078 c-12.3867 0 -32.1797 -2.48535 -44.1816 -5.54785c-28.7998 -80.3604 -105.521 -138.11 -195.66 -138.11c-22.8555 0.0195312 -58.5391 7.14258 -79.6504 15.9004c0.666992 -18.0137 11.5303 -42.998 24.25 -55.7705l47.5303 -47.5195 c13.5811 -13.5801 40.1895 -24.6016 59.3955 -24.6016c19.2051 0 45.8135 11.0215 59.3945 24.6016zM480 262c-0.0244141 10.4443 -5.78516 25.1562 -12.8604 32.8398c7.09668 6.81152 12.8584 20.3232 12.8604 30.1602 c0 0.0722656 0.000976562 0.189453 0.000976562 0.261719c0 23.041 -18.6992 41.7402 -41.7402 41.7402c-2.24023 0 -5.84277 -0.350586 -8.04102 -0.782227c0.414062 2.12793 0.763672 5.61328 0.780273 7.78027v0.0585938c0 23.1514 -18.7891 41.9404 -41.9404 41.9404 c-9.85059 0 -23.3887 -5.76074 -30.2197 -12.8594c-7.68359 7.0752 -22.3955 12.8359 -32.8398 12.8604c-12.9189 -0.0673828 -29.8398 -8.40039 -37.7695 -18.5996c20.4795 -32.8809 31.7695 -70.2607 31.7695 -109.4 c-0.0546875 -9.84473 -1.50684 -25.6992 -3.24023 -35.3896c49.5098 8.30957 101.74 -1.4707 144.84 -28.1904c11.0605 8.91992 18.4004 22.2402 18.4004 37.5801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-scatter" unicode="&#xf7ee;" d="M504 32c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-488c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v360c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-344h472zM160 136c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24 s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM416 296c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM192 296c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM384 136c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24 s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM288 200c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cheese" unicode="&#xf7ef;" d="M299.83 416c118.17 -6.2002 212.17 -104.05 212.17 -223.87v-192.13c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v192.13l278.7 216.87c4.76074 3.78223 13.5596 6.91797 19.6396 7h1.49023zM480 0v160.11h-448v-160.11h448zM52.1299 192.13 h427.87c0 102.09 -79.5801 186.25 -181.28 191.87z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cheese-swiss" unicode="&#xf7f0;" d="M176 128.1c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM176 64.0996v-0.0400391c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v0.0400391c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM299.83 416 c118.17 -6.2002 212.17 -104.05 212.17 -223.87v-192.13c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v192.13l278.7 216.87c4.76074 3.78223 13.5596 6.91797 19.6396 7h1.49023zM240 320.21c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16 s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16zM480 0v160.11h-66.9404c-6.16016 -17.6699 -26.3467 -32.0107 -45.0596 -32.0107s-38.8994 14.3408 -45.0596 32.0107h-290.94v-160.11h448zM352 176.12c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16zM413.06 192.12l66.9404 0.00976562c0 102.09 -79.5801 186.25 -181.32 191.83l-44 -34.2598c18.3867 -5.87793 33.3086 -26.3135 33.3086 -45.6162c0 -26.4355 -21.4551 -47.8896 -47.8896 -47.8896c-24.8477 0 -46.2607 20.127 -47.7988 44.9258 l-140.17 -109h270.811c6.16016 17.6699 26.3467 32.0098 45.0596 32.0098s38.8994 -14.3398 45.0596 -32.0098z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clinic-medical" unicode="&#xf7f2;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.48 228.08c1.38867 -1.17871 2.5166 -3.61426 2.5166 -5.4375c0 -1.30176 -0.629883 -3.20703 -1.40723 -4.25293l-14.1895 -17.5c-1.13184 -1.39258 -3.50684 -2.52246 -5.30078 -2.52246c-1.33594 0 -3.26172 0.682617 -4.2998 1.52246l-38.7998 31.29v-279.18 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v279.28l-38.6699 -31.1904c-1.03711 -0.842773 -2.96387 -1.52637 -4.30078 -1.52637c-1.79492 0 -4.16895 1.13184 -5.29883 2.52637l-14.2002 17.4902 c-0.84082 1.02441 -1.52344 2.93164 -1.52344 4.25684c0 1.78223 1.13086 4.13086 2.52344 5.24316l262.88 211.92c5.45117 4.4248 15.5732 8.0166 22.5947 8.0166s17.1436 -3.5918 22.5947 -8.0166zM480 -32v289l-187.89 151.48 c-1.01172 0.827148 -2.89355 1.5 -4.2002 1.5c-1.30762 0 -3.18848 -0.672852 -4.2002 -1.5l-187.71 -151.4v-289.08h384zM256 232c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="clipboard-user" unicode="&#xf7f3;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-352c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h88.5801c-0.31543 2.19629 -0.575195 5.78027 -0.580078 8c0 30.9121 25.0879 56 56 56s56 -25.0879 56 -56 c-0.00488281 -2.21973 -0.264648 -5.80371 -0.580078 -8h88.5801zM192 416c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24zM352 -16v352c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-48v-20c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-168 c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v20h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-352c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h288c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16zM236.81 112c45.8809 0 83.1904 -33 83.1904 -73.5898c0 -25.4102 -19 -38.4102 -38.4102 -38.4102h-179.18 c-19.4102 0 -38.4102 13 -38.4102 38.4102c0 40.5898 37.3096 73.5898 83.1904 73.5898c21.5 -2.41992 22.5996 -8 44.8096 -8s23.3096 5.62012 44.8096 8zM281.59 32c6.82031 0 6.41016 3.19043 6.41016 6.41016c0 22.9297 -23 41.5898 -51.1904 41.5898 c-4.65918 0 -18.4297 -8 -44.8096 -8s-40.1504 8 -44.8096 8c-28.1904 0 -51.1904 -18.6602 -51.1904 -41.5898c0 -3.21973 -0.410156 -6.41016 6.41016 -6.41016h179.18zM192 128c-44.1104 0.0498047 -79.9502 35.8896 -80 80c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80 s80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80zM192 256c-26.4688 -0.0273438 -47.9727 -21.5312 -48 -48c0 -26.4961 21.5039 -48 48 -48s48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-alt-medical" unicode="&#xf7f4;" d="M448 448c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-288c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-144l-124.87 -93.6299c-1.73633 -1.30371 -4.9082 -2.36523 -7.08008 -2.37012h-0.0498047c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v0v84h-96c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v288 c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h384zM480 96v288c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-288c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32h128v-76l92.7998 69.5996l8.54004 6.40039h154.66c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32zM344 272c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8 v-48c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-medical" unicode="&#xf7f5;" d="M344 240c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56zM256 416c141.38 0 256 -93.1201 256 -208s-114.62 -208 -256 -208h-0.0986328c-26.2109 0 -67.7627 6.41992 -92.751 14.3301c-29.1504 -20.6104 -77.6406 -46.3301 -139.15 -46.3301h-0.03125c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24 c0 5.27637 2.94336 12.668 6.57129 16.5c0.459961 0.44043 31.46 33.7803 46.3604 73.2305c-33.04 35.0391 -52.9004 78.7197 -52.9004 126.27c0 114.88 114.62 208 256 208zM256 32c123.51 0 224 79 224 176s-100.49 176 -224 176s-224 -79 -224 -176 c0 -37.5996 15.2803 -73.6699 44.1797 -104.31l13.7207 -14.5605l-7.06055 -18.71c-11 -29.1104 -28.8398 -54.4199 -40.8398 -69.5498c44.0996 4.25 79.6299 23.2998 102.63 39.5898l13 9.17969l15.1602 -4.7998c22.3779 -7.08789 59.5918 -12.8398 83.0664 -12.8398 h0.143555z" /> <glyph glyph-name="croissant" unicode="&#xf7f6;" d="M508.1 272.34c16.0605 -42.3398 -19.7598 -87.0703 -65.1895 -79.4697l-87.2402 14.54c-7.10742 -7.56934 -21.1387 -15.3691 -31.3203 -17.4102c-2.27539 -8.37988 -9.07617 -20.1934 -15.1797 -26.3701l-24.7695 -24.7695 c-6.16504 -6.0918 -17.9609 -12.8604 -26.3301 -15.1104c-2.03906 -10.2217 -9.86523 -24.3027 -17.4707 -31.4297l14.54 -87.2305c7.5 -45.2295 -36.96 -81.2998 -79.5 -65.1797c-30.6396 11.6094 -57.0996 30.0898 -78.8799 52.8096 c-2.30957 -0.160156 -2.21973 -1.31934 -11.3994 -0.160156c-13.7197 1.79004 -31.6895 12.1523 -40.1104 23.1309c-42.0596 55.1299 -54.5996 125.609 -36.8398 191.13c-4.63867 7.79395 -8.40332 21.4814 -8.40332 30.5518c0 4.04785 0.793945 10.5205 1.77344 14.4482 c21.3906 85.9199 108.486 173.002 194.41 194.38c19.0293 4.7998 33.6699 -0.780273 43.9199 -6.60059c15.7627 4.51367 41.8633 8.27637 58.2598 8.40039c41.1689 -0.0800781 101.188 -20.3564 133.97 -45.2598c10.9824 -8.41895 21.3447 -26.3877 23.1299 -40.1104 c0.254883 -2.02637 0.460938 -5.3291 0.460938 -7.37109c0 -1.3125 -0.0849609 -3.44043 -0.19043 -4.74902c22.5 -21.6602 40.8496 -47.8301 52.3594 -78.1699zM298.37 416c-9.38672 -0.0966797 -24.4854 -1.66895 -33.6904 -3.50977 c1.05078 -2.32031 2.58008 -4.31055 3.35059 -6.79004l56 -182c0.709961 -2.28027 8.35938 5.05957 9.91016 7.05957l84 107c8.46973 10.7305 8.91992 28.9199 -5 39.54c-28.0371 21.293 -79.3652 38.6299 -114.57 38.7002zM35.2598 182.89 c-1.69336 -9.25977 -3.06738 -24.416 -3.06738 -33.8301c0 -35.0762 17.2646 -86.1797 38.5381 -114.069c7.96973 -10.4004 25.4697 -16.0498 39.5498 -5l107 84c1.97949 1.5498 9.33008 9.20996 7.06934 9.89941l-182 56c-2.00977 0.703125 -5.18555 2.04688 -7.08984 3z M187 -30.1699c19.5596 -7.41016 40.0498 9.16992 36.5703 29.9902l-11.5703 69.4199l-82 -64.3203c13.9131 -12.6396 39.4492 -28.3604 57 -35.0898zM286.56 186.25c4.51855 4.52539 8.16699 13.3887 8.16699 19.7842c0 2.3125 -0.549805 5.98438 -1.22656 8.19629l-56 182 c-3.36035 10.9033 -15.3477 19.7529 -26.7578 19.7529c-1.88867 0 -4.90918 -0.369141 -6.74219 -0.823242c-75.6455 -18.8154 -152.316 -95.4766 -171.14 -171.12c-0.461914 -1.8457 -0.835938 -4.88672 -0.835938 -6.78809c0 -11.415 8.85547 -23.4043 19.7656 -26.7617 l182 -56c13.5996 -4.15039 24 3 28 7zM448.19 224.39c20.6504 -3.43945 37.4795 16.8506 29.9893 36.6104c-6.74023 17.542 -22.4561 43.0781 -35.0801 57l-64.3398 -82z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crutch" unicode="&#xf7f7;" d="M507.31 262.29c2.58496 -2.58691 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3096c0 -3.65723 -2.09766 -8.72363 -4.68262 -11.3105l-42.1699 -42.1797c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65527 -4.6875 -11.3145 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6299 22.6299l-112.76 -112.72 c-8.94531 -8.96484 -26.2207 -18.5518 -38.5605 -21.4004l-124.72 -28.79l-118.87 -118.84c-1.29297 -1.29297 -3.82617 -2.3418 -5.6543 -2.3418c-1.8291 0 -4.3623 1.04883 -5.65527 2.3418l-11.3203 11.3203c-1.29199 1.29297 -2.34082 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543 s1.04883 4.3623 2.34082 5.65527l118.86 118.82l28.7998 124.729c2.84277 12.3496 12.4209 29.6475 21.3799 38.6104l112.74 112.72l-22.6299 22.6299c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154s2.09961 8.72754 4.6875 11.3145l42.2002 42.1504 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262zM284.5 130l21.4404 21.4297l-90.5107 90.5107l-21.4297 -21.4209c-5.375 -5.36816 -11.1143 -15.7344 -12.8096 -23.1396l-24.1006 -104.27l104.29 24.0801 c7.39844 1.69922 17.7568 7.4375 23.1201 12.8096zM328.57 174.08l68.6797 68.6895l-90.5 90.5l-68.6904 -68.6797zM453.82 231.45l19.5498 19.5498l-158.37 158.37l-19.5703 -19.5498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crutches" unicode="&#xf7f8;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M635.31 262.29c2.58496 -2.58691 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3096c0 -3.65723 -2.09766 -8.72363 -4.68262 -11.3105l-42.1699 -42.1797c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65527 -4.6875 -11.3145 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.09961 -11.3154 4.6875l-22.6396 22.6299l-112.75 -112.72 c-8.94531 -8.96484 -26.2207 -18.5518 -38.5605 -21.4004l-124.72 -28.79l-118.87 -118.84c-1.29297 -1.29297 -3.82617 -2.3418 -5.6543 -2.3418c-1.8291 0 -4.3623 1.04883 -5.65527 2.3418l-11.3203 11.3203c-1.29199 1.29297 -2.34082 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543 s1.04883 4.3623 2.34082 5.65527l118.86 118.82l28.7998 124.729c2.84277 12.3496 12.4209 29.6475 21.3799 38.6104l112.74 112.72l-22.6299 22.6299c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154s2.09961 8.72754 4.6875 11.3145l42.2002 42.1504 c2.58594 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262s8.72363 -2.09766 11.3096 -4.68262zM412.5 130l21.4404 21.4297l-90.5107 90.5107l-21.4297 -21.4209c-5.37207 -5.37012 -11.1104 -15.7363 -12.8096 -23.1396l-24.1006 -104.27l104.28 24.0801 c7.40234 1.69629 17.7646 7.43555 23.1299 12.8096zM456.57 174.08l68.6797 68.6895l-90.5 90.5l-68.6904 -68.6797zM581.82 231.45l19.5498 19.5498l-158.37 158.37l-19.5703 -19.5498zM220 95.9297c-4.55664 2.6543 -11.3301 7.78418 -15.1201 11.4502l-112.729 112.76 l-22.6406 -22.6299c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3145 -4.6875c-3.65918 0 -8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.6875l-42.1699 42.1807c-2.58496 2.58594 -4.68262 7.65332 -4.68262 11.3096s2.09766 8.72363 4.68262 11.3096l181 181 c2.58691 2.58496 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096 4.68262c3.65723 0 8.72363 -2.09766 11.3105 -4.68262l42.1797 -42.1699c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65527 4.6875 -11.3145s-2.09961 -8.72852 -4.6875 -11.3154l-22.6299 -22.6299l69.4902 -69.4795l-20.6201 -20.6104 c-0.679688 -0.679688 -1.20996 -1.46973 -1.87012 -2.16016l-69.6299 69.6201l-90.5 -90.5l112.67 -112.8c0.110352 -0.110352 0.259766 -0.169922 0.370117 -0.280273zM58.1797 231.43l158.37 158.391l-19.5498 19.5498l-158.37 -158.37zM413 57.6299l96.6299 -96.6602 c1.29297 -1.29297 2.3418 -3.82617 2.3418 -5.6543c0 -1.8291 -1.04883 -4.3623 -2.3418 -5.65527l-11.3203 -11.3203c-1.29297 -1.29199 -3.82617 -2.34082 -5.6543 -2.34082s-4.3623 1.04883 -5.65527 2.34082l-110.24 110.24l27 6.21973 c3.15039 0.730469 6.16992 1.83008 9.24023 2.83008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="debug" unicode="&#xf7f9;" d="M130.25 136.16c-2.73047 -0.400391 -16.1201 -0.0302734 -18.0898 13.5498c-0.0898438 0.623047 -0.162109 1.63965 -0.162109 2.26855c0 7.66699 6.16113 14.7637 13.752 15.8418l50.25 7.17969v29.1201l32 -32v-28.1201c0.0273438 -26.4688 21.5312 -47.9727 48 -48 c6.56738 0.0439453 16.5752 2.63379 22.3398 5.78027l23.29 -23.29c-11.3271 -7.98926 -31.7686 -14.4805 -45.6299 -14.4902c-25.1904 0 -47.3799 11.8799 -62 30.0703l-41.1201 -27.3799c-9.32031 -6.20996 -18.7803 -0.660156 -22.1895 4.42969 c-1.48535 2.22559 -2.69043 6.2041 -2.69043 8.87988c0 4.72461 3.18945 10.6875 7.12012 13.3096l44.1104 29.4004c-1.56738 5.41016 -2.95605 14.3701 -3.10059 20zM256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 -24 c44.2764 0 107.364 23.5469 140.81 52.5596l-304.25 304.25c-29.0127 -33.4453 -52.5596 -96.5234 -52.5596 -140.8v-0.00976562c0 -119.1 96.9004 -216 216 -216zM211.84 258.78l92.1602 -92.1602v73.3799c-0.0175781 26.4785 -21.5215 47.9678 -48 47.9678 c-17.5127 0 -37.2969 -13.0762 -44.1602 -29.1875zM419.44 51.1904c29.0127 33.4453 52.5596 96.5234 52.5596 140.8v0.00976562c0 119.1 -96.9004 216 -216 216h-0.00976562c-44.2764 0 -107.354 -23.5469 -140.8 -52.5596l73.3496 -73.3604 c14.0596 22.6602 38.8203 37.9199 67.46 37.9199c25.1904 0 47.3799 -11.8799 62.0498 -30.0498l41.0703 27.3799c2.22559 1.48535 6.2041 2.69043 8.87988 2.69043c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16.001c0 -4.72461 -3.18945 -10.6875 -7.12012 -13.3096l-44.1104 -29.4004 c1.82031 -6.56934 3.23047 -10.6895 3.23047 -28l45.75 6.55078c0.666016 0.101562 1.75293 0.18457 2.42676 0.18457c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16c0 -7.75293 -6.23926 -14.8604 -13.9268 -15.8652l-50.25 -7.17969v-26l50.25 -7.16016 c7.59082 -1.07715 13.752 -8.17383 13.752 -15.8408c0 -0.629883 -0.0722656 -1.64648 -0.162109 -2.26855c-1.96973 -13.5703 -15.3594 -13.9707 -18.0898 -13.5703l-45.8799 6.5498c-0.115234 -1.98828 -0.473633 -5.19531 -0.799805 -7.16016z" /> <glyph glyph-name="disease" unicode="&#xf7fa;" d="M463.92 262.94c27.6797 -9.41016 46.0801 -31.5205 47.9297 -57.7402c1.78027 -25.3604 -12.5596 -48.96 -37.4297 -61.5801l-58.1299 -29.4697c-11.7197 -5.94043 -19.1904 -15.9902 -20 -26.8604l-4.44043 -57.46 c-1.7793 -23.3496 -16.8398 -43.6904 -40.2793 -54.3496c-9.10742 -4.12988 -24.6152 -7.48047 -34.6143 -7.48047h-0.0957031c-0.119141 -0.000976562 -0.313477 -0.000976562 -0.432617 -0.000976562c-14.6475 0 -36.1328 7.01562 -47.958 15.6611l-50.8994 37.9102 c-11 8.14941 -26.0303 11.1992 -40.5703 8.06934l-65.6396 -14.1396c-30.8701 -6.65039 -62.21 3.94043 -80.0605 27c-14.75 19.0703 -17.1797 43.1104 -6.5 64.3301l26.6602 52.9297c4.96973 9.83008 3.90039 20.7305 -2.91016 29.9199l-36.1201 48.6904 c-14.6895 19.7695 -16.4297 44.21 -4.75 65.3994c13.75 24.8906 42.8701 39.4209 74.1807 37l67.3799 -5.21973c14.6201 -1.24023 28.9297 3.78027 38.1201 13.1602l43.25 44.29c19.5596 20 49.6895 27.6797 78.3896 20.1797 c26.04 -6.83008 45.3203 -24.8594 51.5996 -48.2393l15 -56.1602c2.90039 -10.9502 12.4004 -20.1201 25.4004 -24.5303zM459.92 172.15c13.4004 6.7998 20.9004 18.3096 20.0703 30.7793c-0.930664 13.3301 -10.7803 24.4307 -26.3105 29.6904l-62.8398 21.3203 c-23.1494 7.85938 -40.3701 25.2598 -46.0898 46.5898l-15 56.1396c-3.21973 12.1299 -14 21.6797 -28.75 25.54c-17.4502 4.58984 -36.1396 0.0400391 -47.5195 -11.5996l-43.2402 -44.2607c-15.7207 -16.0996 -39.1904 -24.5801 -63.5 -22.71l-67.3799 5.2207 c-18.3408 1.30957 -35.9307 -6.59082 -43.6807 -20.5908c-3.25 -5.89941 -7.2793 -17.7393 2.44043 -30.8291l36.0996 -48.6904c14.0898 -19.0098 16.25 -42.6904 5.78027 -63.4102l-26.5596 -52.8994c-6.93066 -13.79 -0.959961 -24.9404 3.21973 -30.3408 c7.84961 -10.1699 25 -20.3594 48 -15.3594l65.5996 14.1895c4.84277 1.04883 12.7939 1.90039 17.748 1.90039h0.0917969c17.5605 0 34.9004 -5.44043 48.5605 -15.5898l50.9395 -37.9307c14.1201 -10.5293 34.0605 -12.3398 50.7803 -4.70996 c6.08984 2.78027 20.3701 11.0107 21.6201 27.6699l4.38965 57.4102c1.65039 22.1504 15.6504 41.9502 37.4004 53zM160 256c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM288 160c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32 s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM304 256c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="egg" unicode="&#xf7fb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 448c106 0 192 -214 192 -320s-86 -192 -192 -192s-192 86 -192 192s86 320 192 320zM192 -32c88.2197 0 160 71.7803 160 160c0 100.72 -82.2402 288 -160 288s-160 -187.28 -160 -288c0 -88.2197 71.7803 -160 160 -160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="egg-fried" unicode="&#xf7fc;" d="M224 335.88c70.5898 0 128 -57.5 128 -128.149c0 -70.6504 -57.4102 -128.12 -128 -128.12s-128 57.4492 -128 128.12c0 70.6699 57.4404 128.149 128 128.149zM224 111.64c52.959 0.0830078 95.9668 43.1309 96 96.0908c0 52.9893 -43.0703 96.1191 -96 96.1191 s-96 -43.1191 -96 -96.1191c0.0332031 -52.96 43.041 -96.0078 96 -96.0908zM224 279.82c8.83203 0 16 -7.19824 16 -16.0303s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16c-22.0693 -0.0439453 -39.9893 -17.9912 -40 -40.0596c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16 c0.0214844 39.7217 32.2783 72.0176 72 72.0898zM478.32 297.55c54.3193 -51.5498 38.8896 -149.28 -17.3906 -192.1c-47.5293 -36.1699 -97.25 -32.4502 -140.93 -73.8906c-46.7803 -44.3799 -91.0596 -95.5596 -155.72 -95.5596 c-15.0898 0 -31.2803 2.79004 -48.9199 9.11035c-62.1406 22.2998 -110.561 84.8398 -114.971 150.75c-4.40918 65.9092 38.9004 128.569 50 192.909c13.29 77.1309 38.2207 143.131 125 157.131c6.89844 1.13672 18.1699 2.07715 25.1602 2.09961 c55.0801 0 89.7197 -32.2598 133.38 -68.21s104.891 -41.5303 144.391 -82.2402zM479.84 208.24c0.850586 15.5293 -1.08984 44.7598 -23.54 66.0195c-17.75 18.2705 -41.7998 28.46 -67.25 39.2705c-25.4502 10.8096 -51.7803 21.9795 -75.4502 41.4697l-9.34961 7.80957 c-37.2197 30.8809 -64.1104 53.1904 -103.7 53.1904c-5.57715 -0.0332031 -14.5684 -0.808594 -20.0693 -1.73047c-57.7002 -9.26953 -83.4805 -43.5693 -98.5908 -130.939c-4.98926 -28.8604 -15.3994 -56.3398 -25.3994 -82.9199 c-13.5801 -35.96 -26.4102 -69.9297 -24.25 -102.41c3.5 -52.8496 43 -104.46 93.9199 -122.71c13.5596 -4.87012 26.0303 -7.24023 38.1201 -7.24023c44.2598 0 79.7695 34.4805 117.359 71c5.44043 5.29004 10.8799 10.5703 16.3506 15.7598 c28.2998 26.8506 58.6895 37.96 85.4902 47.75c20.5596 7.52051 39.9697 14.6104 58.0898 28.4004c21.9199 16.6797 36.5801 46.2803 38.2695 77.2803z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fish-cooked" unicode="&#xf7fe;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M363.44 384c152.739 0 276.56 -153.6 276.56 -192s-123.82 -192 -276.56 -192c-99.96 0 -187.271 65.7197 -235.9 121.94l-97 -85.6504c-13.4805 -11.0098 -33.54 0.709961 -30.1504 17.5898l26.8799 138.12l-26.8691 138.11 c-3.40039 16.8896 16.6797 28.6094 30.1895 17.5596l97 -85.6699c48.5898 56.2803 135.851 122 235.851 122zM363.44 32c128.189 0 236.079 126.49 244.35 160c-8.27051 33.5098 -116.16 160 -244.35 160c-85.4404 0 -165.32 -57.2803 -211.641 -110.88l-20.3496 -23.5498 c-31.0801 25.4102 -12.0801 8.76953 -92.0801 81.6201c21.7598 -113.921 18.7598 -98.3809 20.5596 -107.19c-1.7998 -8.82031 1.19043 6.7002 -20.5693 -107.19c79.8398 72.7305 60.8896 56.1309 92.0801 81.6104l20.3496 -23.5498 c46.3203 -53.6006 126.25 -110.87 211.65 -110.87zM341.66 282.35c1.30371 -1.29492 2.36133 -3.83691 2.36133 -5.6748c0 -1.83691 -1.05762 -4.37988 -2.36133 -5.6748l-84.6904 -84.6201c-1.29297 -1.29199 -3.82617 -2.34082 -5.6543 -2.34082 c-1.8291 0 -4.3623 1.04883 -5.65527 2.34082l-11.3105 11.3105c-1.29199 1.29297 -2.34082 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543s1.04883 4.3623 2.34082 5.65527l84.6807 84.6602c1.29297 1.29492 3.8291 2.3457 5.66016 2.3457c1.83008 0 4.36621 -1.05078 5.65918 -2.3457z M453.66 266.35c1.30371 -1.29492 2.36133 -3.83691 2.36133 -5.6748c0 -1.83691 -1.05762 -4.37988 -2.36133 -5.6748l-148.69 -148.62c-1.29297 -1.29199 -3.82617 -2.34082 -5.6543 -2.34082c-1.8291 0 -4.3623 1.04883 -5.65527 2.34082l-11.3105 11.3105 c-1.29199 1.29297 -2.34082 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543s1.04883 4.3623 2.34082 5.65527l148.681 148.66c1.29297 1.29492 3.8291 2.3457 5.66016 2.3457c1.83008 0 4.36621 -1.05078 5.65918 -2.3457zM490.35 197.66l11.3105 -11.3398 c1.29492 -1.29395 2.3457 -3.83008 2.3457 -5.66016c0 -1.83105 -1.05078 -4.36621 -2.3457 -5.66016l-84.6904 -84.6201c-1.29297 -1.29199 -3.82617 -2.34082 -5.6543 -2.34082c-1.8291 0 -4.3623 1.04883 -5.65527 2.34082l-11.3105 11.3105 c-1.29199 1.29297 -2.34082 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543s1.04883 4.3623 2.34082 5.65527l84.6807 84.6602c1.29297 1.29492 3.8291 2.3457 5.66016 2.3457c1.83008 0 4.36621 -1.05078 5.65918 -2.3457z" /> <glyph glyph-name="flower-daffodil" unicode="&#xf800;" d="M288 304c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32zM495.87 160c9.18945 0 16.9795 -9 16.0596 -19.6504c-9.98926 -114.5 -106.359 -204.35 -223.76 -204.35h-64.3398c-117.4 0 -213.771 89.8496 -223.76 204.35 c-0.94043 10.6504 6.87012 19.6504 16.0596 19.6504h47.2705h0.157227c60.2666 0 139.313 -38.5283 176.442 -86v96.54c-10.54 -5.77734 -28.8506 -10.499 -40.8701 -10.54c-48.0352 0.0498047 -87.0693 39.0752 -87.1299 87.1104v0.209961 c0 17.8691 9.57812 43.2617 21.3799 56.6797c-11.8018 13.418 -21.3799 38.8105 -21.3799 56.6797v0.209961c0.0605469 48.0352 39.0947 87.0605 87.1299 87.1104h0.220703c17.8584 0 43.2373 -9.56934 56.6494 -21.3604c13.4121 11.791 38.791 21.3604 56.6494 21.3604 h0.220703c48.0352 -0.0498047 87.0693 -39.0752 87.1299 -87.1104v-0.209961c0 -17.8691 -9.57812 -43.2617 -21.3799 -56.6797c11.8018 -13.418 21.3799 -38.8105 21.3799 -56.6797v-0.209961c-0.0605469 -48.0352 -39.0947 -87.0605 -87.1299 -87.1104 c-12.0186 0.0449219 -30.3281 4.76758 -40.8701 10.54v-96.54c37.1289 47.4717 116.176 86 176.442 86h0.157227h47.2705zM240 -32c0 25.9502 2 43.9102 -11.5996 66.6504c-30.9541 51.5293 -104.862 93.3496 -164.974 93.3496h-0.0263672h-29.5107 c15.4199 -90.8604 96.0508 -160 189.94 -160h16.1699zM256 231.61l12.8701 -17.2207c9.01074 -12.3369 28.7227 -22.3682 44 -22.3896c30.3984 0.0224609 55.0967 24.7109 55.1299 55.1104c-0.0107422 15.3008 -10.0498 35.04 -22.4102 44.0596l-17.2197 12.8301 l17.2197 12.8301c12.3604 9.01953 22.3994 28.7588 22.4102 44.0596c-0.0332031 30.416 -24.7451 55.1045 -55.1602 55.1104c-15.2773 -0.0214844 -34.9893 -10.0527 -44 -22.3896l-12.8398 -17.2207l-12.8701 17.2207c-9.01074 12.3369 -28.7227 22.3682 -44 22.3896 c-30.3984 -0.0224609 -55.0967 -24.7109 -55.1299 -55.1104c0.0107422 -15.3008 10.0498 -35.04 22.4102 -44.0596l17.2197 -12.8301l-17.2197 -12.8301c-12.3604 -9.01953 -22.3994 -28.7588 -22.4102 -44.0596c0.0332031 -30.416 24.7451 -55.1045 55.1602 -55.1104 c15.2773 0.0214844 34.9893 10.0527 44 22.3896zM288 -32c94.0498 0 174.69 69.1396 190.11 160h-29.5107c-60.1104 -0.000976562 -134.017 -41.8223 -164.97 -93.3496c-13.6299 -22.75 -11.6299 -40.6504 -11.6299 -66.6504h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="flower-tulip" unicode="&#xf801;" d="M495.87 160c9.18945 0 16.9795 -9 16.0596 -19.6504c-9.98926 -114.5 -106.359 -204.35 -223.76 -204.35h-64.3398c-117.4 0 -213.771 89.8496 -223.76 204.35c-0.94043 10.6504 6.87012 19.6504 16.0596 19.6504h47.2705h0.157227 c60.2666 0 139.313 -38.5283 176.442 -86v86c-79.4883 0 -144 64.5117 -144 144v128c0.0175781 8.81445 7.18555 15.9688 16 15.9688c2.88672 0 7.12012 -1.38379 9.4502 -3.08887l73.9102 -53.6396l48.3496 51c2.64844 3.17676 8.1543 5.75488 12.29 5.75488 s9.6416 -2.57812 12.29 -5.75488l48.3496 -51l73.9102 53.6396c2.33008 1.70508 6.56348 3.08887 9.4502 3.08887c8.81445 0 15.9824 -7.1543 16 -15.9688v-128c0 -79.4883 -64.5117 -144 -144 -144v-86c37.1289 47.4717 116.176 86 176.442 86h0.157227h47.2705zM128 304 c0 -61.8242 50.1758 -112 112 -112h32c61.8242 0 112 50.1758 112 112v96.5898l-71.2803 -51.7295l-56.7197 59.8398l-56.7197 -59.8398l-71.2803 51.7295v-96.5898zM240 -32c0 25.9502 2 43.9102 -11.5996 66.6504c-30.9541 51.5293 -104.862 93.3496 -164.974 93.3496 h-0.0263672h-29.5107c15.4199 -90.8604 96.0508 -160 189.94 -160h16.1699zM288 -32c94.0498 0 174.69 69.1396 190.11 160h-29.5107c-60.1104 -0.000976562 -134.017 -41.8223 -164.97 -93.3496c-13.6299 -22.75 -11.6299 -40.6504 -11.6299 -66.6504h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="folder-tree" unicode="&#xf802;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 224c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64h-192v-256h192v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h80l32 -32h112c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-224c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64h-208c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v392 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-88h192v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h80l32 -32h112c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-224zM288 128v-160h224v128h-125.26l-32 32h-66.7402zM288 416v-160h224v128h-125.26 l-32 32h-66.7402z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass" unicode="&#xf804;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M352 448c17.6641 0 32.0029 -14.3359 32.0029 -32c0 -0.552734 -0.0283203 -1.44824 -0.0625 -2l-32 -448c-1.03711 -16.5596 -15.3457 -30 -31.9375 -30h-0.00292969h-256h-0.00292969c-16.5918 0 -30.9004 13.4404 -31.9375 30l-32 448 c-0.0341797 0.551758 -0.0625 1.44727 -0.0625 2c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h0.00292969h320zM352 416h-320l9.13965 -128h301.71zM64 -31.7197l256 -0.280273l20.5703 288h-297.141z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hamburger" unicode="&#xf805;" d="M384 240c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM208 304c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM304 304c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16 s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM128 240c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM512 128c-0.0458984 -15.7041 -9.60645 -36.9219 -21.3398 -47.3604c3.08984 -4.91992 5.33984 -10.3994 5.33984 -16.6396 v-32c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-352c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v32c0 6.24023 2.25 11.7197 5.33984 16.6396c-11.7793 10.4609 -21.3398 31.7354 -21.3398 47.4893c0 18.4209 12.3105 41.8516 27.4805 52.3008 c-12.7705 20.8799 -16.1104 53.9404 -3.66016 80.75c40.1797 86.5605 128.64 154.69 232.18 154.82c103.55 -0.129883 192 -68.2695 232.18 -154.83c12.1299 -26.1299 7.19043 -58.1299 -6.34961 -79.0703c16.6113 -10.3115 30.127 -34.5479 30.1699 -54.0996z M52.8496 247.7c-6 -12.9004 -6.48926 -30.21 -1.23926 -44.0801c0.499023 -1.32129 1.61426 -3.29199 2.48926 -4.40039c3.76074 -4.83008 9.88086 -7.21973 16 -7.21973h368.341c0.0517578 0 0.136719 -0.000976562 0.189453 -0.000976562 c7.0752 0 15.457 5.09863 18.71 11.3809c0.140625 0.270508 0.270508 0.549805 0.410156 0.830078c6.65039 13.9404 7.2002 31.0098 1.41016 43.4805c-37.79 81.4092 -119.44 136.18 -203.16 136.31c-83.7002 -0.129883 -165.34 -54.9004 -203.15 -136.3zM464 32v32h-416 v-32c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32h352c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32zM448 96c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hard-hat" unicode="&#xf807;" d="M480 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32v32c0 101.34 67.6602 186.11 160 213.75v10.25c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-10.25 c92.3398 -27.6396 160 -112.41 160 -213.75v-32zM64 128v-32h384v32c0 78.7598 -48.2402 145.4 -116.3 174.89l-26 -104.069c-0.978516 -3.69824 -4.87598 -6.69922 -8.70117 -6.69922c-4.90137 0 -8.93262 3.97754 -8.99902 8.87891v151h-64v-151 c-0.0205078 -4.94727 -4.05273 -8.96289 -9 -8.96289c-3.8584 0 -7.76465 3.03418 -8.71973 6.77246l-26 104.07c-68.04 -29.4795 -116.28 -96.1201 -116.28 -174.88zM480 32v32h-448v-32h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="head-side-brain" unicode="&#xf808;" d="M509.21 173c1.52344 -3.42676 2.75977 -9.25 2.75977 -13c0 -17.6475 -14.3223 -31.9834 -31.9697 -32h-32v-64c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-64v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v88h96c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32v96h64.0195 c-8.63965 19.4404 -17.8398 46.5596 -27.5693 75.2695c-13.3398 39.3301 -29.9307 88.2705 -42.4502 106.07c-29.0352 41.207 -93.5107 74.6553 -143.92 74.6602h-66.0801c-89.3398 0 -164.65 -69 -167.89 -153.77 c-0.0644531 -1.68066 -0.116211 -4.41016 -0.116211 -6.0918c0 -39.4795 23.9072 -92.8545 53.3662 -119.139l10.6396 -9.54004v-183.46c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v169.18c-35.3311 31.4951 -64.0059 95.4697 -64.0059 142.801 c0 2.0625 0.0654297 5.4082 0.145508 7.46973c3.98047 104.47 95.3301 184.55 199.86 184.55h66.0898h0.000976562c59.5723 0 135.75 -39.5361 170.039 -88.25c24.6396 -35.0195 52.1396 -139.63 73.0801 -186.75zM313.6 256h-42.1299 c2.01172 -4.1875 3.68262 -11.3555 3.73047 -16c0 -21.1973 -17.2031 -38.4004 -38.4004 -38.4004c-3.65723 0.0947266 -9.3916 1.25098 -12.7998 2.58008v-44.1797h-51.2002v44.1797c-3.4082 -1.3291 -9.14258 -2.48535 -12.7998 -2.58008 c-21.1973 0 -38.4004 17.2031 -38.4004 38.4004c0 0.879883 0.450195 1.62012 0.510742 2.48047c-15.1104 5.17969 -26.1104 19.0693 -26.1104 35.9199c0 21.1963 17.2031 38.3994 38.4004 38.3994c0 21.1973 17.2031 38.4004 38.3994 38.4004v0 c7.08984 0 13.3799 -2.4502 19.0898 -5.81055c6.77051 10.9307 18.3105 18.6104 32.1104 18.6104s25.3496 -7.67969 32.1201 -18.6104c5.7002 3.36035 11.9795 5.81055 19.0801 5.81055c14.8818 -0.0722656 30.9199 -11.541 35.7998 -25.6006h2.59961 c21.21 0 38.4004 -16.4795 38.4004 -36.7998c0 -20.3193 -17.1904 -36.7998 -38.4004 -36.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="head-side-medical" unicode="&#xf809;" d="M336 232c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48zM509.21 173c1.52344 -3.42676 2.75977 -9.25 2.75977 -13c0 -17.6475 -14.3223 -31.9834 -31.9697 -32h-32v-64c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-64v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v88h96 c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32v96h64.0195c-8.63965 19.4404 -17.8398 46.5596 -27.5693 75.2695c-13.3398 39.3301 -29.9307 88.2705 -42.4502 106.07c-29.0352 41.207 -93.5107 74.6553 -143.92 74.6602h-66.0801c-89.3398 0 -164.65 -69 -167.89 -153.77 c-0.0644531 -1.68066 -0.116211 -4.41016 -0.116211 -6.0918c0 -39.4795 23.9072 -92.8545 53.3662 -119.139l10.6396 -9.54004v-183.46c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v169.18c-35.3311 31.4951 -64.0059 95.4697 -64.0059 142.801 c0 2.0625 0.0654297 5.4082 0.145508 7.46973c3.98047 104.47 95.3301 184.55 199.86 184.55h66.0898h0.000976562c59.5723 0 135.75 -39.5361 170.039 -88.25c24.6396 -35.0195 52.1396 -139.63 73.0801 -186.75z" /> <glyph glyph-name="home-alt" unicode="&#xf80a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M541 218.84c1.65137 -1.3252 2.99121 -4.12012 2.99121 -6.2373c0 -1.56348 -0.797852 -3.81738 -1.78125 -5.03223l-10.0996 -12.4102c-1.32617 -1.62891 -4.10547 -2.95117 -6.20605 -2.95117c-1.56738 0 -3.82715 0.802734 -5.04395 1.79102l-40.8604 33.3799v-243.05 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16l-128 -0.330078c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v128.08l-64 0.299805v-128c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-128c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v243l-40.8604 -33.3799c-1.20996 -0.96875 -3.44922 -1.75488 -4.99902 -1.75488 c-2.09766 0 -4.875 1.31934 -6.2002 2.94531l-10.1006 12.4092c-0.985352 1.21582 -1.78613 3.47363 -1.78613 5.03906c0 2.09766 1.32031 4.87598 2.94629 6.20117l232.77 190c4.87891 3.93457 13.9238 7.12793 20.1904 7.12793s15.3125 -3.19336 20.1904 -7.12793z M447.89 0.25l0.110352 253.24l-160 130.569l-160 -130.569v-253.24h95.9902v128.14v0c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h0.0498047l96 -0.269531c8.77734 -0.0546875 15.9229 -7.22266 15.9502 -16v-128.17l96 0.299805h-0.100586z" /> <glyph glyph-name="home-lg" unicode="&#xf80b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.48 228.09c1.38965 -1.18066 2.51758 -3.61816 2.51758 -5.44238c0 -1.30371 -0.630859 -3.21094 -1.4082 -4.25781l-14.1895 -17.5c-1.13184 -1.39258 -3.50684 -2.52246 -5.30078 -2.52246c-1.33594 0 -3.26172 0.682617 -4.2998 1.52246l-38.7998 31.29v-279.18 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v279.28l-38.6699 -31.1904c-1.03711 -0.842773 -2.96387 -1.52637 -4.30078 -1.52637c-1.79492 0 -4.16895 1.13184 -5.29883 2.52637l-14.2002 17.5 c-0.84082 1.02441 -1.52344 2.93164 -1.52344 4.25684c0 1.78223 1.13086 4.13086 2.52344 5.24316l262.88 211.91c5.45117 4.4248 15.5732 8.0166 22.5947 8.0166s17.1436 -3.5918 22.5947 -8.0166l169.4 -136.6v72.5996c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-98.4199zM336 -32v160h-96v-160h96zM480 -32v289l-187.89 151.48c-1.01172 0.827148 -2.89355 1.5 -4.2002 1.5c-1.30762 0 -3.18848 -0.672852 -4.2002 -1.5l-187.71 -151.4v-289.08h112v176c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-176h112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="home-lg-alt" unicode="&#xf80c;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M573.48 228.09c1.38965 -1.18066 2.51758 -3.61816 2.51758 -5.44238c0 -1.30371 -0.630859 -3.21094 -1.4082 -4.25781l-14.1895 -17.5c-1.13184 -1.39258 -3.50684 -2.52246 -5.30078 -2.52246c-1.33594 0 -3.26172 0.682617 -4.2998 1.52246l-38.7998 31.29v-279.18 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v279.28l-38.6699 -31.1904c-1.03711 -0.842773 -2.96387 -1.52637 -4.30078 -1.52637c-1.79492 0 -4.16895 1.13184 -5.29883 2.52637l-14.2002 17.5 c-0.84082 1.02441 -1.52344 2.93164 -1.52344 4.25684c0 1.78223 1.13086 4.13086 2.52344 5.24316l262.88 211.91c5.45117 4.4248 15.5732 8.0166 22.5947 8.0166s17.1436 -3.5918 22.5947 -8.0166zM240 -32h96v160h-96v-160zM480 -32v289l-187.89 151.48 c-1.01172 0.827148 -2.89355 1.5 -4.2002 1.5c-1.30762 0 -3.18848 -0.672852 -4.2002 -1.5l-187.71 -151.4v-289.08h112v176c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-176h112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital-user" unicode="&#xf80d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M148 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM148 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM148 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM244 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM244 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM244 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM192 320v-26c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v26h-26c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v20c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h26v26 c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-26h26c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-26zM480 128c-52.9922 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96s43.0078 96 96 96s96 -43.0078 96 -96s-43.0078 -96 -96 -96zM480 288 c-35.2891 -0.0380859 -63.9619 -28.7109 -64 -64c0 -35.3281 28.6719 -64 64 -64s64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64zM623.69 66.8701c9.00293 -13.3574 16.3096 -37.2705 16.3096 -53.3779v-0.162109v-37.3301c0 -22.0801 -17.9199 -40 -40 -40h-240 c-22.0801 0 -40 17.9199 -40 40v37.3301v0.181641c0 16.1084 7.30664 40.0215 16.3096 53.3779c17.25 25.6299 46.6709 39.1104 76.9004 39.1104c27.8398 0 34.79 -10 66.79 -10s39 10 66.79 10c30.21 0 59.6504 -13.5 76.9004 -39.1299zM608 -24v37.3301v0.136719 c0 10.7217 -4.86035 26.6406 -10.8496 35.5332c-10.5303 15.6602 -29.3604 25 -50.3604 25c-21.79 0 -30 -10 -66.79 -10s-44.9902 10 -66.79 10c-21.0098 0 -39.8301 -9.36035 -50.3604 -25c-5.98926 -8.89258 -10.8496 -24.8115 -10.8496 -35.5332v-0.136719v-37.3301 c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h240c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM320 320h-48v96h-192v-96h-48v-376c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v376c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h16v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h192c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64h16 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-197.31c-10.0215 -5.37695 -24.3574 -16.5771 -32 -25v222.31z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospitals" unicode="&#xf80e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M148 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM148 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM148 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM244 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM244 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM244 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM192 320v-26c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v26h-26c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v20c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h26v26 c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-26h26c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-26zM468 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM468 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM468 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40 c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM564 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM564 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM564 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM512 320v-26 c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-20c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v26h-26c-3.31152 0 -6 2.68848 -6 6v20c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h26v26c0 3.31152 2.68848 6 6 6h20c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-26h26c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-26z M640 352c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-376c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v376h-48v96h-192v-96h-48v-376c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v376h-48v96h-192v-96h-48v-376c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v376c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h16v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h192c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64h64v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h192c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hotdog" unicode="&#xf80f;" d="M469.96 268.79l22.1602 -22.1396c24.9902 -24.9902 26.6602 -63.8506 3.71973 -86.79l-207.68 -207.681c-10.8203 -10.8193 -25.1904 -16.1699 -39.9805 -16.1699c-16.5498 0 -33.6094 6.69043 -46.8096 19.8906l-22.1504 22.1494l-13.6201 -13.6201 c-18.3193 -18.3301 -42.6797 -28.4297 -68.5996 -28.4297s-50.2803 10.0996 -68.5801 28.4102c-18.3301 18.3203 -28.4199 42.6797 -28.4199 68.5898s10.0898 50.2695 28.4102 68.5801l13.6299 13.6299l-22.1504 22.1504c-24.9893 24.9893 -26.6592 63.8496 -3.71973 86.79 l207.68 207.68c10.8203 10.8203 25.1904 16.1699 39.9805 16.1699c16.54 0 33.6104 -6.69043 46.7998 -19.9004l22.1504 -22.1494l13.6201 13.6201c18.3193 18.3301 42.6797 28.4297 68.5996 28.4297s50.2803 -10.0996 68.5801 -28.4102 c18.3301 -18.3203 28.4199 -42.6797 28.4199 -68.5898s-10.0898 -50.2695 -28.4199 -68.5801zM38.7998 201.53c-10.4297 -10.4307 -8.75977 -29.0605 3.71973 -41.54l22.1504 -22.1504l245.49 245.49l-22.1504 22.1504c-11.75 11.7393 -30.6299 14.6299 -41.54 3.71973z M142.96 -12.96l318 318c25.3896 25.3701 25.3896 66.5303 0 91.9102c-25.3701 25.3994 -66.5498 25.3799 -91.9102 0l-318 -318c-25.3896 -25.3701 -25.3896 -66.5303 0 -91.9102c25.3701 -25.4004 66.5498 -25.3799 91.9102 0zM473.2 182.47 c10.4297 10.4307 8.75977 29.0605 -3.71973 41.54l-22.1504 22.1504l-245.49 -245.49l22.1504 -22.1504c11.7598 -11.7598 30.6396 -14.6094 41.5293 -3.71973zM416 352c6.25 6.25 16.3799 6.25 22.6201 0c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299 c-19.5898 -19.5898 -37.5205 -22.6699 -51.9199 -25.1396c-12.9502 -2.2207 -22.3105 -3.82031 -34.71 -16.2305c-12.4004 -12.4102 -14.0098 -21.7598 -16.2305 -34.71c-2.46973 -14.4004 -5.5498 -32.3301 -25.1396 -51.9199s-37.5205 -22.6699 -51.9199 -25.1396 c-12.9502 -2.2207 -22.3105 -3.83008 -34.71 -16.2305c-12.4004 -12.4102 -14.0098 -21.7598 -16.2305 -34.71c-2.46973 -14.4004 -5.54004 -32.3203 -25.1396 -51.9199c-19.5898 -19.6006 -37.5205 -22.6699 -51.9199 -25.1396 c-12.9404 -2.2207 -22.2998 -3.83008 -34.7002 -16.2305c-3.12012 -3.12012 -7.21973 -4.69043 -11.3096 -4.69043c-4.09082 0 -8.19043 1.57031 -11.3105 4.69043c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299c19.5898 19.6006 37.5205 22.6699 51.9199 25.1396 c12.9404 2.2207 22.2998 3.83008 34.7002 16.2305s14 21.75 16.2305 34.71c2.46973 14.4004 5.53906 32.3203 25.1396 51.9199c19.5898 19.5898 37.5195 22.6699 51.9199 25.1396c12.9502 2.2207 22.3096 3.83008 34.71 16.2305 c12.4004 12.4102 14.0098 21.7598 16.2305 34.71c2.46973 14.4004 5.53906 32.3203 25.1396 51.9199c19.5898 19.5898 37.5195 22.6699 51.9199 25.1396c12.9502 2.2207 22.3096 3.82031 34.71 16.2305z" /> <glyph glyph-name="island-tropical" unicode="&#xf811;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M299.39 416c75.2305 0 137.53 -47.25 148.37 -108.86c0.117188 -0.72168 0.210938 -1.90039 0.210938 -2.63184c0 -9.11328 -7.39648 -16.5098 -16.5098 -16.5098c-0.0722656 0 -0.188477 0.000976562 -0.260742 0.00195312h-150.91 c6.33008 -48.5098 11.5996 -121.28 1.90039 -195.59c58.1895 -13.4102 101.81 -65.4102 101.81 -127.61c-0.0273438 -15.875 -12.9346 -28.7773 -28.8096 -28.7998h-326.381c-15.875 0.0224609 -28.7822 12.9248 -28.8096 28.7998c0 72.3398 58.8398 131.2 131.19 131.2 h20.5098c16.04 41.6299 32.8193 95.1504 41.6699 152.15l-83.1299 -83.1406c-5.66016 -5.64941 -18.1104 -8.33008 -25.2402 1.83984c-29.8799 42.6309 -27.0596 103.28 5.25 153.15h-73.4502c-0.0722656 -0.000976562 -0.188477 -0.00195312 -0.260742 -0.00195312 c-9.11328 0 -16.5098 7.39648 -16.5098 16.5098c0 0.731445 0.09375 1.91016 0.210938 2.63184c10.8398 61.6201 73.1396 108.86 148.38 108.86c41.8398 0 79.5996 -14.6699 106.83 -38.2305c13.9395 3.68066 28.54 6.23047 43.9395 6.23047zM351.94 -32 c-1.76074 52.9307 -46.1709 95.9385 -99.1309 96h-121.619c-52.96 -0.0615234 -97.3701 -43.0693 -99.1309 -96h319.881zM250.12 96c9.64941 73 4.13965 145.36 -2.12012 192h-14.7695l-10.2705 -10.2803c-6.41992 -64.8994 -19.25 -133.25 -37.1104 -181.72h64.2705z M220 320h190.66c-16.4404 37.5195 -60.8203 64 -111.271 64c-20.6992 0 -41.3301 -6.62012 -52.1396 -9.41992l-12.7598 11c-22.6602 19.6201 -53.1504 30.4199 -85.8701 30.4199c-50.4502 0 -94.8398 -26.4697 -111.28 -64h79.9004 c11.2275 10.4863 31.6924 24.1553 45.6797 30.5098c0.827148 0.351562 2.22754 0.635742 3.12598 0.635742c3.01855 0 6.3584 -2.28223 7.4541 -5.0957l6 -14.9102c0.295898 -0.767578 0.537109 -2.05762 0.537109 -2.87988c0 -2.89844 -2.1582 -6.18652 -4.81738 -7.33984 c-65.1094 -29.3203 -91.6895 -101.68 -73 -150.68z" /> <glyph glyph-name="laptop-medical" unicode="&#xf812;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 80c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48c-0.0498047 -44.1104 -35.8896 -79.9502 -80 -80h-480c-44.1104 0.0498047 -79.9502 35.8896 -80 80v48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48v272c0.0380859 35.2891 28.7109 63.9619 64 64h384 c35.2891 -0.0380859 63.9619 -28.7109 64 -64v-272h48zM96 352v-272h152.87c4.05957 0 7.01953 -3.08984 7.91992 -7.08984c3.12402 -13.75 17.1035 -24.9102 31.2051 -24.9102h0.00488281h64h0.00488281c14.1016 0 28.0811 11.1602 31.2051 24.9102 c0.919922 3.95996 3.86035 7.08984 7.91992 7.08984h152.87v272c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32zM608 16v32h-194.75c-6.24414 -17.6621 -26.5166 -31.998 -45.25 -32h-96c-18.7217 0.0185547 -38.9941 14.3545 -45.25 32h-194.75v-32 c0.0273438 -26.4688 21.5312 -47.9727 48 -48h480c26.4688 0.0273438 47.9727 21.5312 48 48zM288 136v56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="meat" unicode="&#xf814;" d="M343 332.1c9.75 9.80078 29.6699 5.83008 44.3799 -8.86914c14.71 -14.7002 18.6904 -34.5605 8.87988 -44.3701c-9.80957 -9.81055 -29.6699 -5.83008 -44.3799 8.87012c-14.71 14.6992 -18.6895 34.5693 -8.87988 44.3691zM443.67 379.42 c54.8398 -54.8701 97.8896 -158 42.6201 -213.27c-38.6504 -38.6904 -113.81 -102.15 -183.65 -102.15h-82.5898l-11.4297 -11.3799c-5.87988 -5.92969 -3 -14.6797 -2 -17.21c18.8496 -47.1904 -15.5303 -99.4102 -67.3398 -99.4102 c-37.2803 0 -69.6504 28.2998 -71.6201 67.6699c-52.0898 2.61035 -67.6602 50.1396 -67.6602 71.6699v0.0625c0 40.0098 32.4707 72.4805 72.4795 72.4805c7.68164 0 19.7061 -2.30859 26.8408 -5.15234c8.09961 -3.26074 14.0693 -1.08008 17.21 2.05957l11.4697 11.4795 v82.2803c0 69.8203 63.5195 144.92 102.22 183.601c6.78027 6.79004 30.1006 25.8496 68.7207 25.8496c31.4492 0 89.21 -13.0703 144.68 -68.5195zM302.64 96c37.5508 0 88.5801 26.8096 139.811 72.71c-3.72559 -0.547852 -9.80469 -1.03125 -13.5703 -1.08008 c-43.5098 0 -93.3203 23.8203 -133.32 63.8203c-31.5293 31.5098 -53.8193 70.6396 -61.1699 107.33c-1.26758 6.34277 -2.29688 16.7402 -2.29688 23.208c0 4.69727 0.545898 12.2832 1.2168 16.9316c-46.3096 -51.4297 -73.3096 -102.7 -73.3096 -140.37v-95.5498 l-20.7803 -20.8398c-13.7598 -13.8203 -34.0596 -16.25 -51.7598 -9.12012c-3.96582 1.5957 -10.6533 2.88965 -14.9277 2.88965h-0.0722656c-52.2002 0 -53.7803 -77.7598 -3.2002 -80.2998l28.8799 -1.4502l1.4502 -28.9102 c3.03027 -60.6191 100.79 -40.4395 77.3398 18.2607c-7.45996 18.8799 -3.92969 38.6602 9.15039 51.7393l20.7197 20.7305h95.8398zM463.64 211.42c24.2598 24.2598 11.2002 91.5801 -42.6396 145.45c-55.8096 55.7803 -122.08 66.1299 -145.51 42.6699 c-24.5498 -24.54 -11.0303 -91.7598 42.6797 -145.45c55.8301 -55.79 122.07 -66.0898 145.47 -42.6699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pager" unicode="&#xf815;" d="M272 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-80v32h80zM448 384c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-256c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-384c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v256c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h384zM480 64v256 c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32v-256c0 -17.6641 14.3359 -32 32 -32h384c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32zM64 112c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h80v-32h-80c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16zM424 320c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-112 c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-336c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v112c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h336zM416 192v96h-320v-96h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pepper-hot" unicode="&#xf816;" d="M452.4 312.4c32.8945 -28.0469 59.5957 -85.8926 59.5996 -129.12c0 -13.4805 -1.94043 -27.2803 -6.05957 -43.3105c-2.35059 -9.10938 -8.66016 -13.1094 -14.8906 -13.1094c-3.52539 0.0117188 -8.37305 2.08105 -10.8193 4.62012 c-74.8008 -108.341 -231.23 -195.48 -416.23 -195.48c-35.3291 0.03125 -64.0029 28.7305 -64.0029 64.0596c0 3.09277 0.436523 8.0752 0.972656 11.1201c3 17.79 21.1699 52.5508 62.5801 52.8799c44.3906 0.360352 87.9902 16.4404 113.16 53 c18.5205 26.9209 29.4902 57.9404 40.2305 88.54c12.2998 35.1602 25.0596 68.6504 48 93.4707c-11.0205 4.71973 -13.5303 20.3398 -1.4707 27.9297c26.0898 16.3398 55.4404 25 84.8701 25c30.1406 0 53.9199 -6 78.2002 -20.6699 c30.5498 45.3496 22.0498 77.4199 13.8096 93c-0.541016 0.984375 -0.981445 2.69531 -0.981445 3.81836c0 1.78027 1.00879 4.25781 2.25195 5.53125l12 12c1.27148 1.2793 3.7666 2.31934 5.57031 2.32031h0.0410156c2.40625 0 5.3623 -1.67578 6.59863 -3.74023 c11.8203 -19.75 30.3096 -67.6602 -13.4297 -131.859zM348.34 320c-10.5605 -0.0292969 -27.2881 -2.68164 -37.3398 -5.91992l37.6104 -16.0801c10.7031 -4.58887 19.3896 -17.7646 19.3896 -29.4111v-0.0390625v-51.7295h60.9297h0.00390625 c7.52051 0 17.8545 -4.39941 23.0664 -9.82031l27.8701 -28.96c0.129883 1.76953 0.129883 3.50977 0.129883 5.24023c0 46.04 -37 136.72 -131.66 136.72zM64 -32c147.88 0 306.7 61.1396 393.18 186.43c-13.6201 14.5107 -28.2393 30.4102 -28.2393 30.4102h-60.9404 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v51.71l-40.4404 16.4004c-12.1396 -13.1006 -24.3896 -21.3799 -48.46 -90c-10.75 -30.6602 -22.9297 -65.4004 -44.0596 -96.0898c-28.9199 -42.0205 -79.6797 -66.3799 -139.271 -66.8506 c-23.5596 -0.189453 -30.5693 -22.0195 -31.2793 -26.1895c-4.25977 -25.3398 17.5098 -37.8203 31.5098 -37.8203z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pizza" unicode="&#xf817;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M523.2 347.87c29.1387 -38.0811 52.7881 -107.904 52.7881 -155.855c0 -47.9502 -23.6494 -117.773 -52.7881 -155.854c-2.55273 -3.3125 -8.01758 -6.00098 -12.1992 -6.00098c-0.0439453 0 -0.116211 0 -0.161133 0.000976562h-0.0283203 c-3.74121 0 -8.92969 2.1416 -11.5811 4.78027l-157.061 157.06l157.061 157.09c2.65137 2.63867 7.83984 4.78027 11.5811 4.78027h0.0283203c0.0410156 0 0.106445 0.000976562 0.146484 0.000976562c4.18457 0 9.65625 -2.68848 12.2139 -6.00098zM461.2 118.18 c10.3086 19.0703 18.7539 52.1416 18.7998 73.8203c-0.0810547 21.6758 -8.46289 54.7695 -18.71 73.8701l-73.8701 -73.8701zM508.51 70.8799c19.5742 30.5635 35.501 84.8252 35.501 121.12s-15.8867 90.5566 -35.4609 121.12l-23.7197 -23.71 c16.9697 -28.6201 27.1699 -61.7305 27.1699 -97.4102c-0.0498047 -28.9805 -12.1914 -72.6689 -27.0996 -97.5195zM256.45 192l169.149 -169.15c6.45996 -6.45996 6.4502 -17.3896 -0.419922 -23.3896c-39.875 -35.0303 -115.313 -63.46 -168.39 -63.46h-0.339844 c-81.0703 0 -162.15 38.2803 -213.8 114.82c-56.8701 84.3398 -56.8701 198.04 0 282.34c51.6396 76.5596 132.72 114.84 213.81 114.84h0.333984c53.0752 0 128.513 -28.4297 168.386 -63.46c6.87012 -6.03027 6.87988 -16.9297 0.419922 -23.3896zM264 256 c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM308.61 289.41l35.1201 35.1201c-25.2305 16.9795 -55.0908 27.4697 -87.7305 27.4697c-88.2197 0 -160 -71.7803 -160 -160c0 -37 13.1602 -70.7305 34.3604 -97.8799 c5.71387 18.7041 26.2236 33.8848 45.7812 33.8848c26.4238 0 47.8701 -21.4463 47.8701 -47.8701c0 -13.498 -8.87598 -30.873 -19.8115 -38.7852c16.3398 -5.63965 33.5693 -9.34961 51.7998 -9.34961c32.6201 0 62.3896 10.5801 87.6201 27.5801l-132.42 132.42 l35.4102 35.4102c-16.9072 6.54395 -30.6289 26.5693 -30.6289 44.6982c0 26.457 21.4727 47.9297 47.9307 47.9297c18.1289 0 38.1533 -13.7217 44.6982 -30.6279zM192 80c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16z M256.45 -32h0.166992c41.0801 0 101.113 19.9766 134.003 44.5898l-23.6201 23.6201c-31.4199 -22.4404 -69.4502 -36.21 -111 -36.21c-106 0 -192 86 -192 192s86 192 192 192c41.5498 0 79.4805 -13.8701 110.87 -36.3301l23.7402 23.7402 c-32.8867 24.6133 -92.916 44.5898 -133.993 44.5898h-0.157227c-75.8398 0 -144.1 -36.7197 -187.28 -100.74c-49.75 -73.7402 -49.7393 -172.81 0 -246.54c43.1904 -64.0098 111.45 -100.72 187.271 -100.72z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pizza-slice" unicode="&#xf818;" d="M158.87 447.85c181.91 -17.1699 332.02 -164.93 352.899 -345.689c1.87012 -16.2197 -7.89941 -31.54 -23.6191 -35.8906l-467.601 -129.659c-1.19141 -0.333008 -3.16211 -0.606445 -4.39941 -0.610352c-8.90625 0.0585938 -16.1348 7.33301 -16.1348 16.2393 c0 1.15918 0.239258 3.00977 0.53418 4.13086l122.99 467.36c3.62402 13.3975 17.8301 24.2715 31.71 24.2715c0.0996094 0 0.260742 -0.000976562 0.360352 -0.00195312c1.08008 0 2.16992 -0.0498047 3.25977 -0.150391zM38.4902 -25.21l358.96 99.5498 c-16.0703 147.12 -116.15 245.75 -264.45 259.75zM428.65 83l50.9492 14.1104c-18.7393 166.76 -158.069 303.26 -323.739 318.89h-0.25c-0.0322266 0.00195312 -0.0839844 0.00390625 -0.115234 0.00390625c-0.311523 0 -0.757812 -0.163086 -0.995117 -0.364258 l-13.2402 -50.3096c159.87 -17.1396 268.12 -123.7 287.391 -282.33zM192 272c26.4688 -0.0273438 47.9727 -21.5312 48 -48c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM192 208c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM144 128c26.4688 -0.0273438 47.9727 -21.5312 48 -48c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM144 64c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16 zM240 128c0.0273438 26.4688 21.5312 47.9727 48 48c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48zM304 128c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rings-wedding" unicode="&#xf81b;" d="M351.64 287.21c89.8604 -7.92969 160.36 -83.29 160.36 -175.21v-0.0732422c0 -97.1133 -78.8164 -175.93 -175.93 -175.93c-46.5078 0 -107.915 29.4082 -137.07 65.6426c-6.31738 -0.885742 -16.6211 -1.62012 -23 -1.63965c-97.1523 0 -176 78.8477 -176 176 c0 76.3799 48.75 141.22 116.76 165.56l-42.7598 62.2207l60.8096 44.2197h82.3809l60.8096 -44.2197l-42.7598 -62.2207c68.0098 -24.3398 116.76 -89.1797 116.76 -165.56c0 -64.1699 -34.46 -120.16 -85.7695 -150.91c-7.37598 5.75391 -17.707 16.6494 -23.0605 24.3203 c45.46 24.2295 76.8301 71.5898 76.8301 126.59c0 27.1699 -8 52.3301 -21.1396 74c-61.3301 -16.3799 -106.86 -71.5498 -106.86 -138c0 -79.4004 64.5996 -144 144 -144s144 64.5996 144 144c0 67.75 -47.1904 124.35 -110.36 139.61 c-4.01562 10.3066 -12.0801 26.2549 -18 35.5996zM118 396.22l31.8896 -46.3701c7.16211 1.13281 18.8594 2.0957 26.1104 2.15039c7.25098 -0.0546875 18.9482 -1.01758 26.1104 -2.15039l31.8896 46.3701l-27.2197 19.7803h-61.5605zM176 32 c1.09961 0 2.12012 0.290039 3.20996 0.320312c-10.5967 20.7148 -19.2021 56.4111 -19.21 79.6797c0 76.7598 49.3496 141.58 117.89 165.63c-23.2344 23.3887 -68.8486 42.3701 -101.816 42.3701h-0.0732422c-79.4004 0 -144 -64.5996 -144 -144s64.5996 -144 144 -144z " /> <glyph glyph-name="salad" unicode="&#xf81e;" d="M495.82 160c9.17969 0 16.9199 -7.71973 16.1201 -16.8398c-6.62012 -76.1602 -58.4502 -139.03 -127.94 -163.65v-11.5098c0 -17.6699 -13.8398 -32 -31.54 -32h-192.25h-0.0507812c-17.6641 0 -32.0713 14.3359 -32.1592 32v11.3096 c-69.8203 24.46 -121.3 87.4805 -127.94 163.851c-0.799805 9.12012 6.94043 16.8398 16.1201 16.8398h28.3398c-27.0898 23.3398 -44.5195 57.4199 -44.5195 96c0 70.6562 57.3438 128 128 128c3.61035 0 7.0498 -0.769531 10.6104 -1.07031 c17.79 38.3301 56.3896 65.0703 101.39 65.0703s83.5996 -26.7402 101.39 -65.0703c3.56055 0.300781 6.98047 1.07031 10.6104 1.07031c58.3799 0 107 -39.3301 122.25 -92.79c22.9805 -20.5195 37.75 -50.0498 37.75 -83.21 c-0.0439453 -13.9561 -5.05273 -35.46 -11.1797 -48h-5zM480 208c0 44.1602 -35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80c0.0800781 -14.8262 7.56543 -36.3301 16.71 -48h126.58c9.14844 11.6689 16.6338 33.1729 16.71 48zM32 256 c0.0771484 -52.915 43.085 -95.9092 96 -95.9697h73.3398l-111 111c-1.29199 1.29297 -2.34082 3.82617 -2.34082 5.6543c0 1.8291 1.04883 4.3623 2.34082 5.65527l11.3506 11.29c1.29297 1.29297 3.82617 2.3418 5.6543 2.3418s4.3623 -1.04883 5.65527 -2.3418l111 -111 v161.37c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-184h43.0898c-6.09668 12.5469 -11.0654 34.0508 -11.0898 48c0.0664062 61.7578 50.2422 111.934 112 112c7.28613 -0.0693359 18.9346 -1.57031 26 -3.34961 c-29.8096 36.4492 -70.9297 38.2793 -106 35.3496c-28 64 -65.8203 64 -80 64c-14.7197 0 -52.1299 -0.269531 -80 -64c-105 8.78027 -128 -60.8701 -128 -96zM373.79 9.66016c53.3496 18.9102 92.5 64.2695 103.62 118.34h-442.82 c11.1504 -54.2695 50.5205 -99.7002 104.18 -118.49l21.2305 -7.50977v-34h192v34.1104z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sandwich" unicode="&#xf81f;" d="M480 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 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35.1904 7.20996 49.0703 14.1299c74.2197 37.1201 130.3 6.06055 142.399 0c1.1709 -0.579102 49.5703 -32.1396 113.721 0 c74.0898 37.1201 130.1 6.05078 142.189 0c13.8506 -6.92969 25.9404 -13.0098 48.9404 -14.1191z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sausage" unicode="&#xf820;" d="M455.72 375.17c31.0244 -14.0566 56.2383 -53.1094 56.2803 -87.1699c0 -194.09 -157.91 -352 -352 -352c-34.0605 0.0419922 -73.1133 25.2559 -87.1699 56.2803l-44.75 -14.9199c-17.5996 -5.86035 -28.0801 10.5996 -28.0801 20.2393v68.8008 c0 10.3496 10.4902 26.0996 28.0801 20.2393l44.75 -14.9199c14.0566 31.0244 53.1094 56.2383 87.1699 56.2803c88.2197 0 160 71.7803 160 160c0.0419922 34.0605 25.2559 73.1133 56.2803 87.1699l-14.9199 44.75c-0.603516 1.81152 -1.09277 4.83105 -1.09277 6.74023 c0 11.7754 9.55664 21.3359 21.332 21.3398h68.8008c11.7754 -0.00390625 21.332 -9.56445 21.332 -21.3398c0 -1.90918 -0.489258 -4.92871 -1.09277 -6.74023zM64 23.0596v17.8809l-32 10.6592v-39.1992zM435.6 416h-39.1992l10.6592 -32h17.8809zM160 -32 c176.45 0 320 143.55 320 320c0 35.3281 -28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64c0 -105.87 -86.1299 -192 -192 -192c-35.3281 0 -64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64zM400 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16c0 -132.34 -107.66 -240 -240 -240 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16c114.69 0 208 93.3096 208 208c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shish-kebab" unicode="&#xf821;" d="M511.21 363.83c0.444336 -3.39648 0.805664 -8.93359 0.805664 -12.3584c0 -19.2188 -10.0605 -46.7354 -22.4561 -61.4219c-1.31445 -1.45605 -3.97461 -2.63867 -5.9375 -2.63867c-1.84961 0 -4.4043 1.07031 -5.70215 2.38867l-11.4395 11.4404 c-1.2334 1.28223 -2.23438 3.76562 -2.23438 5.54492c0 1.63672 0.866211 3.97363 1.93359 5.21484c7.6377 9.60156 13.8369 27.3506 13.8369 39.6191c0 2.26465 -0.236328 5.9248 -0.526367 8.1709c-2.57031 20.21 -14.6006 37.8301 -32.9199 48.3096 c-19.5508 11.1602 -44.5107 10.4404 -63.6006 -1.47949c-20.8496 -13.0303 -32.6396 -35.2705 -30.8496 -60.5498c0.879883 -12.0898 6.7002 -23.04 13 -33.3906c7.5498 -12.3799 5.32031 -29.2295 -5.53027 -40.0693l-25.7803 -25.75l42.1504 -42.1504 c10.1328 -10.1172 18.3564 -29.9502 18.3564 -44.2695s-8.22363 -34.1523 -18.3564 -44.2705l-42.29 -42.2998c-10.0869 -10.1279 -29.876 -18.3486 -44.1699 -18.3486c-0.966797 0 -2.53516 0.0439453 -3.5 0.0986328 c0.0517578 -0.943359 0.09375 -2.47559 0.09375 -3.41992c0 -14.3115 -8.23145 -34.1221 -18.374 -44.2197l-42.2998 -42.3008c-10.1182 -10.1299 -29.9512 -18.3525 -44.2695 -18.3525s-34.1514 8.22266 -44.2705 18.3525l-42.2695 42.2705l-69.6406 -69.5801 c-1.29297 -1.29492 -3.8291 -2.34668 -5.66016 -2.34668c-1.83008 0 -4.36621 1.05176 -5.65918 2.34668l-11.3105 11.3096c-1.29492 1.29395 -2.3457 3.83008 -2.3457 5.66016c0 1.83105 1.05078 4.36621 2.3457 5.66016l69.6602 69.5498l-42.2998 42.3301 c-10.1055 10.1289 -18.3076 29.9619 -18.3076 44.2705c0 14.3076 8.20215 34.1406 18.3076 44.2695l42.2998 42.2998c10.0967 10.1426 29.9053 18.373 44.2158 18.373c0.94043 0 2.46484 -0.0410156 3.4043 -0.0927734 c-0.0546875 0.969727 -0.0996094 2.54395 -0.0996094 3.51562c0 14.2861 8.21582 34.0635 18.3398 44.1445l42.3096 42.3096c10.1201 10.126 29.9531 18.3447 44.2705 18.3447c14.3164 0 34.1494 -8.21875 44.2695 -18.3447l42.4404 -42.4502l25.7793 25.7607 c-14.6895 22.4395 -20.46 49.9893 -14.8701 76.3701c5.59082 26.3799 21.71 48.7295 45.4102 63c12.3828 7.36914 34.126 13.3496 48.5352 13.3496c14.1172 0 35.4795 -5.75684 47.6855 -12.8496c26.4297 -15.5801 43.7695 -41.5801 47.5195 -71.3203zM245.09 30.5801 c4.95117 4.94629 8.96973 14.6416 8.96973 21.6396c0 6.99902 -4.01855 16.6934 -8.96973 21.6406l-107.229 107.229c-4.94727 4.95117 -14.6416 8.96973 -21.6406 8.96973c-6.99805 0 -16.6934 -4.01855 -21.6396 -8.96973l-42.2998 -42.2998 c-4.94922 -4.94727 -8.96582 -14.6426 -8.96582 -21.6396c0 -6.99805 4.0166 -16.6924 8.96582 -21.6406l107.229 -107.229c4.94824 -4.94922 14.6426 -8.96582 21.6406 -8.96582c6.99707 0 16.6924 4.0166 21.6396 8.96582zM353.31 182.08l-107.229 107.229 c-4.9502 4.94727 -14.6465 8.96191 -21.6455 8.96191c-6.99805 0 -16.6943 -4.01465 -21.6445 -8.96191l-42.2998 -42.2998c-4.94727 -4.94922 -8.96191 -14.6465 -8.96191 -21.6445s4.01465 -16.6953 8.96191 -21.6455l107.22 -107.229 c4.9502 -4.94727 14.6465 -8.96191 21.6455 -8.96191c6.99805 0 16.6943 4.01465 21.6445 8.96191l42.3096 42.2998c4.94727 4.9502 8.96191 14.6465 8.96191 21.6445c0 6.99902 -4.01465 16.6953 -8.96191 21.6455z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sickle" unicode="&#xf822;" d="M511.54 287.72c0.260742 -1.28125 0.47168 -3.43164 0.47168 -4.73828c0 -8.53418 -6.35742 -18.207 -14.1914 -21.5918c-2.49512 -1.1123 -6.73828 -2.01562 -9.4707 -2.01562c-6.55664 0 -14.9971 4.3125 -18.8398 9.62598 c-8.99219 12.1396 -27.0518 27.8682 -40.3096 35.1104c-37.2197 20.6094 -84.4697 18.9492 -120.38 -4.05078c-25.4844 -16.2314 -49.9141 -53.6396 -54.5303 -83.5c-4.94043 -32.2393 3.70996 -63.5 24.3398 -88.0791c2.06543 -2.46289 3.74121 -7.06836 3.74121 -10.2822 c0 -3.65625 -2.09766 -8.72168 -4.68066 -11.3086l-27.2803 -27.2695l3.14941 -3.15039c2.58789 -2.58691 4.68848 -7.65625 4.68848 -11.3145c0 -3.65918 -2.10059 -8.72852 -4.68848 -11.3154l-45.2393 -45.2598c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262 c-3.65625 0 -8.72363 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-11.3105 11.3096l-79.1992 -79.1992c-2.58691 -2.58496 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3105 -4.68262c-3.65625 0 -8.72363 2.09766 -11.3096 4.68262l-67.8799 67.8799c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.68848 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3145 c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154l79.1992 79.2002l-11.3096 11.3096c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154c0 3.6582 2.09961 8.72754 4.6875 11.3145l49.5498 49.54c-5.72949 33.1602 -4.66016 69.25 1.57031 97.9199 c20 91.9697 98.2402 156.2 190.24 156.2c131.54 0 186.79 -104.84 197.6 -160.28zM197 42.5098l22.6602 22.6104l-90.5098 90.5098l-22.6309 -22.6299l22.6201 -22.6201l-22.6299 -22.6201l-67.8799 -67.8799l45.2598 -45.25l67.8506 67.8799l22.6299 22.6299z M444.73 332.09c7.1123 -3.92383 17.9795 -11.2803 24.2695 -16.4199c-20.6201 45.8604 -67.9297 100.33 -155.09 100.33c-76.8506 0 -142.22 -53.8701 -159 -131c-7.33984 -33.8496 -8.02051 -82.6396 6.08984 -116l66.8203 -66.7695l17.4297 17.4297 c-20.1396 29.6396 -28.1396 65.2402 -22.5801 101.72c5.83789 37.7578 36.7178 85.0752 68.9297 105.62c45.7803 29.2803 105.881 31.2803 153.131 5.08984z" /> <glyph glyph-name="soup" unicode="&#xf823;" d="M319.5 296.1c-1.7998 32.7002 -14.9004 56.2002 -32.2002 73.4004c-16.083 15.8926 -30.0605 47.1182 -31.2002 69.7002c-0.0166016 0.192383 -0.0302734 0.506836 -0.0302734 0.700195c0 4.37793 3.55273 7.96191 7.93066 8l16 0.0996094 c0.0458984 0.000976562 0.121094 0.00195312 0.167969 0.00195312c3.93848 0 7.44727 -3.18164 7.83203 -7.10156c0.799805 -10.7002 3.5 -30.2002 21.9004 -48.9004c22.2998 -22.2002 39.5 -53.4004 41.5996 -95.5 c0.00195312 -0.0722656 0.00390625 -0.188477 0.00390625 -0.260742c0 -4.38281 -3.55664 -7.93945 -7.93945 -7.93945h-0.0644531h-16c-4.24902 0.0595703 -7.83301 3.55371 -8 7.7998zM208 296.1c-1.80957 32.7002 -14.9102 56.2002 -32.2002 73.4004 c-26 26.0996 -30.2002 54.7998 -31.2002 69.7002c-0.0166016 0.192383 -0.0302734 0.506836 -0.0302734 0.700195c0 4.37793 3.55273 7.96191 7.93066 8l16 0.0996094c0.0664062 0.00195312 0.173828 0.00390625 0.240234 0.00390625 c3.94141 0 7.46289 -3.18262 7.85938 -7.10352c0.800781 -10.7002 3.5 -30.2002 21.8008 -48.9004c22.2998 -22.2002 39.5 -53.4004 41.5996 -95.5c0.00195312 -0.0722656 0.00390625 -0.188477 0.00390625 -0.260742c0 -4.38281 -3.55664 -7.93945 -7.93945 -7.93945 h-0.0644531h-16c-4.24902 0.0595703 -7.83301 3.55371 -8 7.7998zM480 256c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32c0 -94.7002 -51.5596 -177.16 -128 -221.45v-34.5498c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-192c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v34.5498 c-76.4404 44.29 -128 126.75 -128 221.45c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM352 21c131.37 76.1104 128 185.54 128 203h-448c0 -17.2197 -4.33984 -126.33 128 -203v-53h192v53z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stretcher" unicode="&#xf825;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-72.7998l-143.15 -125.82l51.8398 -45.3594c8.94824 6.16504 25.0293 11.1699 35.8955 11.1699c34.9189 0 63.2598 -28.3408 63.2598 -63.2607 c0 -34.9189 -28.3408 -63.2598 -63.2598 -63.2598c-34.9199 0 -63.2607 28.3408 -63.2607 63.2598c0 8.11035 2.90137 20.6006 6.47559 27.8809l-55 48.3896l-55 -48.3799c3.90234 -7.73047 7.06934 -21.0312 7.06934 -29.6904 c0 -36.3662 -29.5137 -65.8799 -65.8799 -65.8799c-36.3652 0 -65.8799 29.5137 -65.8799 65.8799c0 36.3652 29.5146 65.8799 65.8799 65.8799c11.501 0 28.4717 -5.36719 37.8809 -11.9795l51.8398 45.3604l-143.11 125.81h-23.1797h-0.00683594 c-15.8643 0 -37.293 9.62305 -47.833 21.4805l-121.7 128c-4.45898 5.01855 -8.07812 14.54 -8.07812 21.2539c0 7.93164 4.81055 18.6455 10.7383 23.916l23.9199 21.2598c5.02051 4.46387 14.5469 8.08789 21.2646 8.08789c7.93164 0 18.6455 -4.81055 23.915 -10.7383 l112.16 -117.26h416zM256 -32c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM480 32c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32s32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32zM368 119.27l119.7 104.73h-239.4zM608 256v32 h-429.67l-122.44 128l-23.8896 -21.2598l120.97 -127.21c6.7998 -7.61035 15.5107 -11.5303 24.6504 -11.5303h430.38z" /> <glyph glyph-name="taco" unicode="&#xf826;" d="M511.47 40.3604c4.40039 -35.0205 -20.4697 -72.3604 -59.9795 -72.3604h-391c-39.4902 0 -64.3506 37.4199 -59.96 72.3604c2.27344 17.5869 8.85059 45.4521 14.6797 62.1992c-7.66016 19.7207 -1.08008 27.5303 -7.5498 50.0908 c-5.32031 18.2695 -12.54 43.29 -3 69.3496c10.1201 27.75 33.3994 41.7598 48.8496 51.0898c3.2207 1.94043 8.29004 4.94043 10.8604 6.94043c1.21973 3.47949 2.66016 10.5293 3.66016 15c4.09961 19.2998 9.75977 45.71 31.7598 63.71 c20.3799 16.6699 44.3799 16.75 52.3799 16.75h0.110352c11.8096 0 21.04 -1.41992 29.2598 -1.35059c11.21 9.02051 38.2197 41.8604 75.8799 41.8604c36.3301 0 59.1201 -30.7002 73.0703 -41.8604c7.75977 -0.0693359 17.8301 1.34082 29.2598 1.34082 c7.91016 0 31.9805 0 52.4902 -16.7402c22.0293 -17.9902 27.6494 -44.4199 31.7598 -63.7402c1 -4.7002 2.55957 -12.2197 3.42969 -14.9004c2.48047 -1.93945 7.77051 -5.12988 11.1201 -7.12988c15.4004 -9.25977 38.6807 -23.2695 48.79 -51 c9.5498 -26.0996 2.32031 -51.1299 -3 -69.5801c-6.43945 -22.4199 0.200195 -30.0596 -7.5 -49.8896c5.81445 -16.7324 12.3682 -44.5713 14.6299 -62.1396zM451.47 0c17.1104 0 30.6602 17.1904 28.25 36.3799c-15.5898 124.15 -109.81 219.62 -223.72 219.62 s-208.13 -95.4697 -223.74 -219.62c-2.41016 -19.1895 11.1006 -36.3799 28.21 -36.3799h391zM472.47 156c6.32031 27 10.5303 39.4404 4.81055 55.0195c-6.26074 17.1504 -21.6602 26.4209 -35.2607 34.6104c-22.0898 13.2705 -23.4297 14.8398 -29.3398 42.75 c-3.45996 16.2705 -7.38965 34.7197 -20.6895 45.5801c-9.49023 7.74023 -20.9199 9.53027 -32.2598 9.53027c-39.3301 0 -35.5605 -8.08008 -60.6904 16c-14.2002 13.6094 -26.3701 24.5098 -41.6201 24.5098c-12.0498 0 -26.0303 -6.80957 -44.4395 -24.5098 c-25.1309 -24 -21.3701 -16 -60.6807 -16c-11.3496 0 -22.7695 -1.79004 -32.2598 -9.54004c-13.2998 -10.8506 -17.2305 -29.3105 -20.6904 -45.5801c-5.90918 -27.9199 -7.26953 -29.4902 -29.3496 -42.75c-13.6201 -8.17969 -29 -17.4502 -35.2803 -34.6201 c-6.83984 -18.6904 1.12012 -39.3203 4.77051 -55c46.4297 79.7305 126.939 132 216.46 132c89.5195 0 170.09 -52.2695 216.52 -132zM112 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM176 160 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tanakh" unicode="&#xf827;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M368 448c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80v-368c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-372c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h3.2998c4 20.2002 3.2002 49.7002 -0.399414 65.7998c-8.19727 3.38574 -14.873 13.3311 -14.9004 22.2002v368 v0.0605469c0 13.2148 10.7246 23.9395 23.9395 23.9395h0.0605469h344zM384 -32c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32h-340.3c1.24219 -8.78809 2.25098 -23.124 2.25098 -32s-1.00879 -23.2119 -2.25098 -32h340.3zM416 55.1201v312.88 c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48h-336v-352h352c9.49805 -0.0507812 23.834 -4.0293 32 -8.87988zM314.58 240l27.8301 -46.4102c1.56543 -2.59082 2.83594 -7.15039 2.83594 -10.1777c0 -2.9043 -1.17676 -7.30469 -2.62598 -9.82227 c-3.20117 -5.60254 -11.0352 -10.1494 -17.4883 -10.1494h-0.0117188h-56.2998l-27.6006 -46.1602c-3.20703 -5.41016 -10.9141 -9.7998 -17.2031 -9.7998h-0.0166016h-0.0595703h-0.0136719c-6.19922 0 -13.7822 4.33594 -16.9268 9.67969l-27.7402 46.2598h-56.3496 h-0.0224609c-11.04 0 -20 8.95996 -20 20c0 3.04785 1.26855 7.64453 2.83203 10.2598l27.7002 46.3203l-27.8301 46.4102c-1.56543 2.59082 -2.83594 7.15039 -2.83594 10.1777c0 2.9043 1.17676 7.30469 2.62598 9.82227c3.20117 5.60254 11.0352 10.1494 17.4883 10.1494 h0.0117188h56.2998l27.6006 46.1602c3.20703 5.41016 10.9141 9.7998 17.2031 9.7998h0.0166016c7.12988 0.700195 13.4102 -3.60938 17 -9.67969l27.7402 -46.2598h56.3496h0.0224609c11.04 0 20 -8.95996 20 -20c0 -3.04785 -1.26855 -7.64453 -2.83203 -10.2598z M318.06 292.58l-34.96 -0.0205078l17.4902 -29.1895zM224 344.62l-16.8203 -28.0605h33.6201zM130 292.56l17.4004 -29.1699l17.5098 29.1699h-34.9102zM130 187.44h34.96l-17.4902 29.21zM224 135.38l16.79 28.0605h-33.5898zM255.15 187.44l31.46 52.5596l-31.4805 52.54 h-62.3096l-31.4307 -52.54l31.4805 -52.5596h62.2803zM283.15 187.44h34.9092l-17.46 29.1699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-hard-hat" unicode="&#xf82c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M313.6 96c74.1895 0 134.4 -60.2109 134.4 -134.4c0 -14.1309 -11.4688 -25.5996 -25.5996 -25.5996v0h-396.801c-14.1309 0 -25.5996 11.4688 -25.5996 25.5996c0 74.1895 60.2109 134.4 134.4 134.4h0.0400391c28.6797 0 42.4092 -16 89.5596 -16 s60.8799 16 89.5996 16zM32.2002 -32h383.6c-3.37793 52.9287 -49.1631 95.9365 -102.2 96c-20 0 -38.5996 -16 -89.5996 -16c-50.6396 0 -69.7402 16 -89.5596 16c-53.0537 -0.046875 -98.8564 -43.0557 -102.24 -96zM88 288c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h8c0 51.5195 35 94.46 82.3301 107.52c4.31543 11.2646 17.6074 20.4395 29.6699 20.4805h32c12.0625 -0.0410156 25.3545 -9.21582 29.6699 -20.4805c47.3301 -13.0596 82.3301 -56 82.3301 -107.52h8c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-12.6602c2.44531 -8.66309 4.53223 -22.999 4.66016 -32c0 -70.6562 -57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128c0.12793 9.00098 2.21484 23.3369 4.66016 32h-12.6602zM272 393.09v-73.0898h48 c-0.0693359 28.8281 -21.5732 61.5723 -48 73.0898zM208 416v-96h32v96h-32zM128 320h48v73.0898c-26.4268 -11.5176 -47.9307 -44.2617 -48 -73.0898zM134 288c-3.24414 -8.53418 -5.93164 -22.8701 -6 -32c0 -52.9922 43.0078 -96 96 -96s96 43.0078 96 96 c-0.0683594 9.12988 -2.75586 23.4658 -6 32h-180z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-headset" unicode="&#xf82d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M320 96c70.6562 0 128 -57.3438 128 -128c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32c0.0107422 70.6445 57.3555 127.98 128 127.98v0h4.74023c12.1299 0 23.9395 -2.88086 35.4199 -6.78027 c14.9863 -5.08398 39.9941 -9.20996 55.8203 -9.20996c15.8252 0 40.833 4.12598 55.8193 9.20996c11.5 3.89941 23.3398 6.7998 35.5 6.7998h4.7002zM32 -32l384 0.0195312c-0.0546875 52.9375 -43.0635 95.9453 -96 96h-4.7002 c-6.91016 0 -14.9297 -1.61914 -25.2402 -5.10938c-17.7412 -6.0166 -47.3457 -10.9004 -66.0791 -10.9004c-18.7344 0 -48.3389 4.88379 -66.0801 10.9004c-10.2402 3.46973 -18.2402 5.08984 -25.1602 5.08984h-4.74023c-52.9365 -0.0546875 -95.9453 -43.0635 -96 -96z M48 224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 105.88 86.1201 192 192 192s192 -86.1201 192 -192v-16c-0.0771484 -61.7471 -50.2529 -111.923 -112 -112h-96c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32h32c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32h32 c44.1104 0.0498047 79.9502 35.8896 80 80v16c0 88.2197 -71.7803 160 -160 160s-160 -71.7803 -160 -160v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM224 352c-0.12793 0.000976562 -0.334961 0.000976562 -0.461914 0.000976562 c-52.7607 0 -95.5801 -42.8193 -95.5801 -95.5801c0 -20.4521 11.1875 -49.3125 24.9717 -64.4209c-4.86816 -8.16113 -8.86914 -22.4971 -8.92969 -32c0 -1.19043 0.290039 -2.2998 0.349609 -3.46973c-29.25 23.4697 -48.3496 59.0498 -48.3496 99.4697 c0 70.6562 57.3438 128 128 128s128 -57.3438 128 -128c0 -14.5801 -3 -28.3604 -7.4502 -41.4199c-7.73926 -12.4316 -25.9053 -22.5479 -40.5498 -22.5801h-8.58984c-0.0498047 0.0898438 -0.179688 0.150391 -0.179688 0.240234 c13.6709 15.0791 24.7656 43.8369 24.7656 64.1904c0 52.7549 -42.8154 95.5703 -95.5693 95.5703c-0.118164 0 -0.308594 0 -0.426758 -0.000976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-md-chat" unicode="&#xf82e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512 448c70.7002 0 128 -50.1396 128 -112s-57.2998 -112 -128 -112c-7.2627 0.00488281 -18.9551 1.06641 -26.0996 2.37012c-22.8809 -17.2305 -55.3809 -34.3604 -95.2305 -34.3604c-2.66992 0 -5.00977 1.87012 -6.09961 5 c-0.322266 0.894531 -0.583984 2.39258 -0.583984 3.34277c0 1.74316 0.821289 4.30859 1.83398 5.72754c10.2012 14.3975 24.2188 39.2031 31.29 55.3701c-20.3604 19.8301 -33.1104 45.79 -33.1104 74.5498c0 61.8301 57.3096 112 128 112zM512 256 c52.9404 0 96 35.8896 96 80s-43.0596 80 -96 80s-96 -35.8896 -96 -80c0 -23.8301 12.75 -41.2402 23.4404 -51.6299l15.8691 -15.4502l-8.86914 -20.2803c-1.91016 -4.43945 -3.91016 -8.70996 -5.91016 -12.79c7.65137 3.7207 19.3574 10.9199 26.1299 16.0703 l11.1797 8.41992l13.7803 -2.5c5.5791 -1.01074 14.71 -1.83594 20.3799 -1.83984zM317.69 159.9c71.8203 -2.08594 130.11 -62.0928 130.11 -133.944c0 -0.0976562 -0.000976562 -0.257812 -0.000976562 -0.356445v-81.5996c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v81.5c0 54.2998 -42.5996 98.4004 -96 101.8v-73.7002c26.4053 -6.74902 47.9092 -34.3457 48 -61.5996v-32c-0.0117188 -3.65332 -2.11719 -8.71582 -4.7002 -11.2998l-10.2998 -10.2998 c-1.29297 -1.29004 -3.82422 -2.33691 -5.64941 -2.33691c-1.82617 0 -4.35742 1.04688 -5.65039 2.33691l-11.2998 11.2998c-1.29004 1.29297 -2.33691 3.82422 -2.33691 5.64941c0 1.82617 1.04688 4.35742 2.33691 5.65039l5.7002 5.7002v23.5996 c0 15.9004 -10.9004 30.7002 -26.6006 33.2998c-1.44141 0.239258 -3.79785 0.433594 -5.25977 0.433594c-17.6826 0 -32.0811 -14.3506 -32.1396 -32.0332v-25.2998l5.69922 -5.7002c1.29004 -1.29297 2.33691 -3.82422 2.33691 -5.65039 c0 -1.8252 -1.04688 -4.35645 -2.33691 -5.64941l-11.2998 -11.2998c-1.29297 -1.29004 -3.82422 -2.33691 -5.64941 -2.33691c-1.82617 0 -4.35742 1.04688 -5.65039 2.33691l-10.2998 10.2998c-2.58301 2.58398 -4.68848 7.64648 -4.7002 11.2998v29.2002 c0 30.0996 19.7998 57.0996 48 64.5996v68.7998c-17.1885 -5.7959 -45.8604 -10.499 -64 -10.499s-46.8115 4.70312 -64 10.499v-76.8994c22.0801 -6.58301 40 -30.625 40 -53.666c0 -30.9121 -25.0879 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.0879 -56 56c0 23.041 17.9199 47.083 40 53.666 v81.7002c-53.4004 -3.40039 -96 -47.5 -96 -101.801v-81.5996c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v81.5996v0.0283203c0 72.0107 58.4189 132.165 130.4 134.272c33.7998 1 44.1895 -15.9004 93.5898 -15.9004 c49.3994 0 59.8994 16.9004 93.7002 15.9004zM168 -8c-0.0332031 13.2148 -10.7852 23.9668 -24 24c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24zM224 192c-70.6562 0 -128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128s128 -57.3438 128 -128 s-57.3438 -128 -128 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0.141602 -0.00585938 0.373047 -0.00585938 0.515625c0 12.9668 10.5215 23.7158 23.4863 23.9941h39.5498c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-0.519531l-3.49023 -209.48l182.53 -100.09c6.86523 -3.77441 12.4365 -13.1963 12.4365 -21.0312 c0 -3.40039 -1.3291 -8.5791 -2.9668 -11.5586z" /> <glyph glyph-name="exclamation-circle-primary" unicode="&#xf06a;" d="M278.32 320c8.80957 -0.0224609 15.959 -7.19043 15.959 -16c0 -0.439453 -0.0351562 -1.15234 -0.0791016 -1.58984l-12.7998 -128c-0.794922 -7.9541 -7.92676 -14.4102 -15.9199 -14.4102h-19c-7.99414 0 -15.126 6.45605 -15.9209 14.4102l-12.7998 128 c-0.0439453 0.4375 -0.0791016 1.15039 -0.0791016 1.58984c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 15.999 16h44.6406zM256 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="random-primary" unicode="&#xf074;" d="M505 329c3.89648 -3.88281 7.05859 -11.499 7.05859 -17s-3.16211 -13.1172 -7.05859 -17l-80 -80c-15 -15 -41 -4.48047 -41 17v40h-32l-220.44 -236.19c-1.96289 -2.10254 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3.6377 11.2139 6.59082 16.4922 6.59082c5.70801 0 13.5156 -3.37402 17.4277 -7.53125l75.71 -79.8994l75.71 79.8994c3.91211 4.15723 11.7197 7.53125 17.4277 7.53125c5.27832 0 12.667 -2.95312 16.4922 -6.59082z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrows-h-primary" unicode="&#xf07e;" d="M358.59 301.63l11.3604 11.3701c3.89941 3.87598 11.5264 7.02148 17.0244 7.02148c5.49902 0 13.126 -3.14551 17.0254 -7.02148l98.6504 -98.4004c5.1875 -5.16504 9.39844 -15.2988 9.39844 -22.6191c0 -7.32129 -4.21094 -17.4551 -9.39844 -22.6201 l-98.6504 -98.3604c-3.90234 -3.88965 -11.54 -7.04688 -17.0498 -7.04688s-13.1484 3.15723 -17.0498 7.04688l-11.3105 11.3701c-3.6377 3.8252 -6.59082 11.2139 -6.59082 16.4922c0 5.70801 3.37402 13.5156 7.53125 17.4277l79.8994 75.71l-79.8994 75.71 c-4.15723 3.91211 -7.53125 11.7197 -7.53125 17.4277c0 5.27832 2.95312 12.667 6.59082 16.4922zM153.41 82.3701l-11.3105 -11.3701c-3.89941 -3.87598 -11.5264 -7.02148 -17.0244 -7.02148s-13.126 3.14551 -17.0254 7.02148l-98.6494 98.3799 c-5.18848 5.16504 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-7.02734c-5.47852 0 -13.0654 3.14844 -16.9346 7.02734zM504 248.64c3.87988 -3.87988 7.0293 -11.4824 7.0293 -16.9697s-3.14941 -13.0898 -7.0293 -16.9697 l-124.22 -124.45c-3.86914 -3.88379 -11.458 -7.03613 -16.9404 -7.03613c-5.48145 0 -13.0713 3.15234 -16.9395 7.03613l-22.5801 22.6201c-3.87988 3.87988 -7.0293 11.4824 -7.0293 16.9697s3.14941 13.0898 7.0293 16.9697l124.21 124.45 c3.86719 3.88379 11.4541 7.03516 16.9346 7.03516s13.0674 -3.15137 16.9355 -7.03516z" /> <glyph glyph-name="umbrella-primary" unicode="&#xf0e9;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M557 155.8c-51.5 54.4004 -107.61 52.5 -158.61 -37c-5.2998 -9.5 -14.8994 -8.59961 -19.6992 0c-2.5 4.40039 -32.2002 73.2002 -90.7002 73.2002c-45.7998 0 -70.5 -37.7998 -90.7002 -73.2002c-4.7998 -8.59961 -14.4004 -9.5 -19.7002 0 c-50.8994 89.4004 -106.59 92 -158.59 37c-10.2002 -9.89941 -20.9004 1.2998 -18.7002 11.4004c29.1904 136.3 137.99 218.2 255.7 230.899v17.9004c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32v-17.9004c117.3 -12.6992 227.11 -94.5996 255.71 -230.899 c2.2002 -10.1006 -8.40039 -21.4004 -18.71 -11.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paste-primary" unicode="&#xf0ea;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M296 416c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-72h-136c-30.8789 -0.0332031 -55.9668 -25.1211 -56 -56v-232h-104c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v336c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h80.6104c10.1855 17.6631 35 31.998 55.3896 31.998s45.2041 -14.335 55.3896 -31.998h80.6104z M160 360c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="exchange-primary" unicode="&#xf0ec;" d="M0 280v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h382l-30.5 27.7305c-4.13965 3.91895 -7.5 11.7266 -7.5 17.4277c0 5.48828 3.14941 13.0918 7.03027 16.9717l10.8398 10.8701c3.87988 3.87988 11.4824 7.0293 16.9697 7.0293s13.0898 -3.14941 16.9697 -7.0293l82.8203 -82.3398 c5.1748 -5.17383 9.375 -15.3125 9.375 -22.6299c0 -7.31836 -4.2002 -17.4561 -9.375 -22.6299l-82.8203 -82.4004c-3.87988 -3.87988 -11.4824 -7.0293 -16.9697 -7.0293s-13.0898 3.14941 -16.9697 7.0293l-10.8701 10.8701 c-3.88086 3.87988 -7.03027 11.4834 -7.03027 16.9717c0 5.70117 3.36035 13.5088 7.5 17.4277l30.5303 27.7305h-382c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coffee-primary" unicode="&#xf0f4;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512.06 416c70.6562 0 128 -57.3438 128 -128s-57.3438 -128 -128 -128h-32c0 -52.9922 -43.0078 -96 -96 -96h-192c-52.9912 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96v232v0.0605469c0 13.2148 10.7256 23.9395 23.9404 23.9395h0.0595703h392zM512.06 224c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64 s-28.6719 64 -64 64h-32v-128h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hospital-primary" unicode="&#xf0f8;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M180 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM180 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM288 338.67c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-34.6699v-34.6699c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-26.6602c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v34.6699h-34.6699c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v26.6602c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h34.6699v34.6699 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h26.6602c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-34.6699h34.6699c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-26.6602zM308 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40z M308 256c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medkit-primary" unicode="&#xf0fa;" d="M336 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-400h-256v400c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h160zM192 352v-32h128v32h-128zM352 128v32c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-48v48c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-48h-48 c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h48v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h48c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16zM0 272c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h16v-352h-16c-26.4961 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0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v224c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-80h128v80 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-224z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plus-square-primary" unicode="&#xf0fe;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M80 220c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h92v92c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h56c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-92h92c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-56c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-92v-92c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-56c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v92 h-92c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angle-double-left-primary" unicode="&#xf100;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M32.1104 209l135.55 136c3.85059 3.8916 11.4199 7.0498 16.8945 7.0498c5.47559 0 13.0439 -3.1582 16.8955 -7.0498l22.5498 -22.7402c3.87988 -3.87207 7.02832 -11.4629 7.02832 -16.9443s-3.14844 -13.0732 -7.02832 -16.9453l-96.1104 -96.3701l96 -96.4697 c3.87988 -3.87207 7.0293 -11.4639 7.0293 -16.9453s-3.14941 -13.0732 -7.0293 -16.9453l-22.54 -22.6396c-3.85059 -3.8916 -11.4199 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5.37598 12 12 12h40zM464 172c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40zM500 128c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM500 320c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40zM364 256c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40zM268 256 c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40zM172 256c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40zM76 256c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 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51.1699c0 29.8301 -38 49.6299 -68.8203 49.6299 c-39.1201 0 -57.75 -18.0703 -82.75 -49.4502c-3.97754 -4.9834 -12.3809 -9.02734 -18.7568 -9.02734c-4.45605 0 -10.9531 2.18457 -14.5029 4.87695l-43.1406 32.71c-5.25 3.97656 -9.51074 12.5479 -9.51074 19.1338c0 4.17676 1.94434 10.3447 4.34082 13.7666 c40.5898 58.2998 92.2803 91 172.101 91c84.8799 0 175.489 -66.2598 175.479 -153.6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="puzzle-piece-primary" unicode="&#xf12e;" horiz-adv-x="576" /> <glyph glyph-name="fire-extinguisher-primary" unicode="&#xf134;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M434 421.67c0.547852 0.0927734 1.44434 0.167969 2 0.167969c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-0.0078125v-115.66v-0.0078125c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12c-0.555664 0 -1.45215 0.0751953 -2 0.167969l-168 28c-7.75977 1.2998 -9.62012 7.33984 -10 12.1299 v58.4502c0.230469 5.03027 1.84961 11.3994 10 12.7598zM192 305c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96v-241c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-128c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v241c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96z" /> <glyph 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7.05078 16.9502l17 17c3.86914 3.8916 11.4619 7.05078 16.9502 7.05078c5.4873 0 13.0811 -3.15918 16.9502 -7.05078l135.5 -135.5c3.89648 -3.88281 7.05859 -11.499 7.05859 -17 s-3.16211 -13.1172 -7.05859 -17z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-circle-up-primary" unicode="&#xf139;" d="M273 305.9l135.5 -135.5c3.8916 -3.86914 7.05078 -11.4629 7.05078 -16.9502c0 -5.48828 -3.15918 -13.0811 -7.05078 -16.9502l-17 -17c-3.86914 -3.8916 -11.4619 -7.05078 -16.9502 -7.05078c-5.4873 0 -13.0811 3.15918 -16.9502 7.05078l-101.6 101.6 l-101.6 -101.6c-3.86914 -3.8916 -11.4629 -7.05078 -16.9502 -7.05078c-5.48828 0 -13.0811 3.15918 -16.9502 7.05078l-17 17c-3.8916 3.86914 -7.05078 11.4619 -7.05078 16.9502c0 5.4873 3.15918 13.0811 7.05078 16.9502l135.5 135.5 c3.88281 3.89648 11.499 7.05859 17 7.05859s13.1172 -3.16211 17 -7.05859z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-circle-down-primary" unicode="&#xf13a;" d="M239 78.0996l-135.5 135.5c-3.8916 3.86914 -7.05078 11.4629 -7.05078 16.9502c0 5.48828 3.15918 13.0811 7.05078 16.9502l17 17c3.86914 3.8916 11.4619 7.05078 16.9502 7.05078c5.4873 0 13.0811 -3.15918 16.9502 -7.05078l101.6 -101.6l101.6 101.6 c3.86914 3.8916 11.4629 7.05078 16.9502 7.05078c5.48828 0 13.0811 -3.15918 16.9502 -7.05078l17 -17c3.8916 -3.86914 7.05078 -11.4619 7.05078 -16.9502c0 -5.4873 -3.15918 -13.0811 -7.05078 -16.9502l-135.5 -135.5 c-3.88281 -3.89648 -11.499 -7.05859 -17 -7.05859s-13.1172 3.16211 -17 7.05859z" /> <glyph glyph-name="unlock-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf13e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 192c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-160c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v160c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h352zM264 40v48c0 22.0801 -17.9199 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9199 -40 -40v-48c0 -22.0801 17.9199 -40 40 -40 s40 17.9199 40 40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ellipsis-h-primary" unicode="&#xf141;" d="M432 264c39.7441 0 72 -32.2559 72 -72s-32.2559 -72 -72 -72s-72 32.2559 -72 72s32.2559 72 72 72zM80 264c39.7441 0 72 -32.2559 72 -72s-32.2559 -72 -72 -72s-72 32.2559 -72 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150c2.58691 2.58789 7.65625 4.6875 11.3154 4.6875s8.72852 -2.09961 11.3154 -4.6875l22.6191 -22.6201 c2.58789 -2.58691 4.68848 -7.65527 4.68848 -11.3145s-2.10059 -8.72852 -4.68848 -11.3154l-184 -184v0.0498047z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-square-primary" unicode="&#xf14b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M345 282.9c3.85059 -3.88574 6.97656 -11.4795 6.97656 -16.9502s-3.12598 -13.0645 -6.97656 -16.9502l-23.0996 -23.0996c-0.980469 -0.952148 -2.88477 -1.72461 -4.25 -1.72461c-1.36621 0 -3.27051 0.772461 -4.25 1.72461l-55.5 55.5 c-0.952148 0.979492 -1.72461 2.88379 -1.72461 4.25c0 1.36523 0.772461 3.26953 1.72461 4.25l23.0996 23.0996c3.86914 3.8916 11.4619 7.05078 16.9502 7.05078c5.4873 0 13.0811 -3.15918 16.9502 -7.05078zM246.7 270l55.5 -55.5 c0.951172 -0.979492 1.72363 -2.88379 1.72363 -4.25s-0.772461 -3.27051 -1.72363 -4.25l-135.7 -135.7l-57.0996 -6.2998c-0.345703 -0.0361328 -0.908203 -0.0654297 -1.25586 -0.0654297c-6.68457 0 -12.1094 5.42578 -12.1094 12.1104 c0 0.347656 0.0292969 0.90918 0.0644531 1.25488l6.30078 57.1006l135.699 135.699c0.982422 0.945312 2.88672 1.71191 4.25 1.71191c1.4082 0 3.35742 -0.811523 4.35059 -1.81152z" /> <glyph glyph-name="external-link-square-primary" unicode="&#xf14c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M69.9102 86.0898l207.399 205.91l-56 -1.58984c-0.181641 -0.00488281 -0.477539 -0.00976562 -0.65918 -0.00976562c-12.8779 0 -23.335 10.4521 -23.3408 23.3301v14.9395c0.00585938 12.8779 10.4619 23.3301 23.3408 23.3301h0.0195312h132.22v0 c17.1729 0 31.1104 -13.9375 31.1104 -31.1104v-132.22v0c0 -12.8779 -10.4521 -23.334 -23.3301 -23.3398h-14.9102c-12.8779 0.00585938 -23.3291 10.4619 -23.3291 23.3398c0 0.182617 0.00390625 0.477539 0.00976562 0.660156l1.58984 56l-205.94 -207.42 c-3.23828 -3.25977 -9.59473 -5.90625 -14.1895 -5.90625c-4.57227 0 -10.9072 2.62402 -14.1406 5.85645l-19.8994 19.8994c-3.23242 3.2334 -5.85645 9.56836 -5.85645 14.1406c0 4.59473 2.64648 10.9512 5.90625 14.1895z" /> <glyph glyph-name="share-square-primary" unicode="&#xf14d;" horiz-adv-x="576" 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32.0039 32.0039c7.31738 0 17.4561 -4.19922 22.6299 -9.37402l86.6201 -86.6299h101.5l86.6201 86.6299c5.17383 5.1748 15.3125 9.37402 22.6299 9.37402 c17.666 0 32.0039 -14.3379 32.0039 -32.0039c0 -7.31738 -4.19922 -17.4561 -9.37402 -22.6299l-94.6299 -94.6201v-266.75c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-16c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v112h-16v-112c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-16 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v266.75z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paw-primary" unicode="&#xf1b0;" d="M474.84 286.72c29.1602 -6.95996 44.2998 -40.6895 33.8906 -75.3398c-10.4102 -34.6494 -42.4404 -57.0898 -71.5605 -50.1299s-44.2998 40.6904 -33.8896 75.3398c10.4102 34.6504 42.4395 57.1299 71.5596 50.1299zM37.1699 286.72 c29.1201 6.95996 61.1602 -15.4697 71.5605 -50.1201c10.3994 -34.6494 -4.77051 -68.3799 -33.8906 -75.3398s-61.1602 15.5205 -71.5596 50.1299c-10.4004 34.6104 4.76953 68.3799 33.8896 75.3301zM150.57 414.61c30.9395 8.13965 65.5596 -20.4502 77.4297 -63.8701 s-3.62012 -85.2305 -34.5498 -93.3604c-30.9307 -8.12988 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-4.68848 11.3145c0 3.65918 2.10059 8.72852 4.68848 11.3154zM419.36 362.33 c12.0693 7.5498 27.2598 -3.33008 24.0693 -17.21l-25.4102 -110.25c-1.57715 -6.85059 -8.5625 -12.4102 -15.5918 -12.4102c-1.00586 0 -2.61719 0.183594 -3.59766 0.410156l-110.24 25.4502c-13.8799 3.20996 -16.8799 21.6299 -4.87988 29.1602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-primary" unicode="&#xf1bb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M23.1396 32c-8.0957 0 -17.5293 5.93555 -21 13.25c-1.17285 2.47852 -2.125 6.7168 -2.125 9.45898c0 4.68359 2.54199 11.3096 5.67578 14.791l79.8896 90.5h-30.5801c-0.0810547 -0.000976562 -0.211914 -0.00195312 -0.292969 -0.00195312 c-7.94043 0 -17.1406 5.8252 -20.5371 13.002c-1.1875 2.48926 -2.15137 6.74902 -2.15137 9.50781c0 4.55957 2.42871 11.0518 5.42188 14.4922l78.1396 91h-28.8896h-0.09375c-8.19141 0 -17.499 6.09277 -20.7764 13.5996 c-1.00391 2.3291 -1.81836 6.27637 -1.81836 8.8125c0 4.87695 2.71387 11.7168 6.05762 15.2676l110.28 117.48c6 6.4502 17.29 6.4502 23.3203 0l110.27 -117.48c3.3457 -3.54785 6.06152 -10.3867 6.06152 -15.2637c0 -2.53711 -0.816406 -6.48633 -1.82129 -8.81641 c-3.27441 -7.50684 -12.5791 -13.5996 -20.7695 -13.5996h-0.0908203h-28.8896l78.1299 -90.8896c3.00488 -3.43457 5.44336 -9.9248 5.44336 -14.4873c0 -2.76172 -0.96875 -7.02344 -2.16309 -9.5127c-3.37793 -7.2373 -12.6016 -13.1113 -20.5879 -13.1113 c-0.0527344 0 -0.139648 0.000976562 -0.192383 0.000976562h-30.6299l79.8896 -90.4902c3.13867 -3.48242 5.68555 -10.1133 5.68555 -14.8008c0 -2.74316 -0.952148 -6.98047 -2.125 -9.45898c-3.46973 -7.31445 -12.8564 -13.25 -20.9521 -13.25h-0.0478516h-337.73z" /> <glyph glyph-name="database-primary" unicode="&#xf1c0;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M-1 112c48.1201 -33.1396 136.21 -48.5703 224 -48.5703s175.87 15.4307 224 48.5703v-102.86c0 -40.2793 -100.33 -73.1396 -224 -73.1396s-224 32.8604 -224 73.1396v102.86zM223 223.43c87.79 0 175.87 15.4307 224 48.5703v-102.86 c0 -40.2793 -100.33 -73.1396 -224 -73.1396s-224 32.8604 -224 73.1396v102.86c48.1201 -33.1396 136.21 -48.5703 224 -48.5703z" /> <glyph 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-25.7861 -14.6699 -37.7871 -14.6699c-30.9121 0 -56 25.0879 -56 56s25.0879 56 56 56 c12.001 0 28.9297 -6.57227 37.7871 -14.6699l68 40.7695c-0.970703 3.78223 -1.75879 10.0195 -1.75879 13.9229c0 30.9121 25.0879 56 56 56s56 -25.0879 56 -56c0 -30.9111 -25.0879 -56 -56 -56c-11.9902 0 -28.9072 6.5625 -37.7617 14.6475l-68 -40.7695 c0.960938 -3.77637 1.74023 -10.0039 1.74023 -13.9004s-0.779297 -10.124 -1.74023 -13.9004l68 -40.7695c8.85645 8.09473 25.7822 14.6641 37.7803 14.6641c30.9082 0 55.9971 -25.0859 56 -55.9941z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bomb-primary" unicode="&#xf1e2;" d="M415 247.1l-17.4004 -17.3994c10.1572 -22.4746 18.4004 -60.7305 18.4004 -85.3936v-0.207031c0 -114.899 -93.0996 -208 -208 -208s-208 93 -208 207.9s93.0996 208 208 208h0.207031c24.6631 0 62.9189 -8.24316 85.3926 -18.4004l17.4004 17.4004 c3.86914 3.8916 11.4619 7.05078 16.9502 7.05078c5.4873 0 13.0811 -3.15918 16.9502 -7.05078l70.0996 -70c3.8916 -3.86914 7.05078 -11.4619 7.05078 -16.9502c0 -5.4873 -3.15918 -13.0811 -7.05078 -16.9502zM176 240c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 c-52.9092 -0.0820312 -95.918 -43.0908 -96 -96c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16c0.0332031 35.2949 28.7051 63.9668 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="newspaper-primary" unicode="&#xf1ea;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M292 96c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-152c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h152zM292 192c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-152c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h152zM500 96c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-152c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h152zM500 192c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-152 c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h152zM0 320c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h32v-320v-0.0126953c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32c-0.248047 0 -0.651367 0.00585938 -0.900391 0.0126953c-17.4297 0.490234 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unicode="&#xf1fd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 64c-28 0 -31.2598 32 -74.5 32c-43.4297 0 -46.8301 -32 -74.75 -32c-27.7002 0 -31.4502 32 -74.75 32c-42.8398 0 -47.2197 -32 -74.5 -32c-28.1504 0 -31.2002 32 -74.75 32s-46.6504 -32 -74.75 -32v80c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h16v144h64v-144h64v144h64 v-144h64v144h64v-144h16c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-area-primary" unicode="&#xf1fe;" d="M390.1 283.8l89.9004 -187.8h-384v104l86.7998 144.7c1.93066 3.21191 6.53809 5.81934 10.2861 5.81934c3.32031 0 7.62695 -2.15918 9.61426 -4.81934l85.2998 -113.7l84.7002 56.5c1.66406 1.10449 4.63574 2 6.63379 2c4.12207 0 8.94531 -3.00098 10.7656 -6.7002z " /> <glyph glyph-name="toggle-off-primary" unicode="&#xf204;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M192 64c-70.6562 0 -128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128s128 -57.3438 128 -128v-0.0703125c0 -70.6172 -57.3125 -127.93 -127.93 -127.93h-0.0703125z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toggle-on-primary" unicode="&#xf205;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 384c106 0 192 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-2.38965 c-4.9082 0 -10.9951 3.38184 -13.5869 7.5498zM290.63 144l74.29 120h-127.55l-74.2803 -120h127.54z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shekel-sign-primary" unicode="&#xf20b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M328 280v-168c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v168c0 30.9121 -25.0879 56 -56 56h-112v-352c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v408c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h168 c75.0723 0 136 -60.9277 136 -136z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cart-plus-primary" unicode="&#xf217;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M504.42 42.4004c17.4385 -8.44531 31.5918 -31.0254 31.5918 -50.4014c0 -30.9111 -25.0889 -56 -56 -56c-30.9121 0 -56 25.0889 -56 56c0 12.9902 7.53027 30.9102 16.8086 40.001h-209.641c9.28125 -9.09082 16.8145 -27.0137 16.8145 -40.0059 c0 -30.9121 -25.0879 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.0879 -56 56c0 17.9053 12.6045 39.667 28.1357 48.5762l-70.25 343.43h-69.8799c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h102.53c10.792 -0.0195312 21.3066 -8.61621 23.4697 -19.1904l68.1201 -332.81h268.42 c13.2461 -0.00195312 23.9971 -10.7539 23.9971 -24c0 -1.48633 -0.267578 -3.87012 -0.59668 -5.32031zM304 232c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h40v40c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-40h40 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-40v-40c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v40h-40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cart-arrow-down-primary" unicode="&#xf218;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M504.42 42.4004c17.4385 -8.44531 31.5918 -31.0254 31.5918 -50.4014c0 -30.9111 -25.0889 -56 -56 -56c-30.9121 0 -56 25.0889 -56 56c0 12.9902 7.53027 30.9102 16.8086 40.001h-209.641c9.28125 -9.09082 16.8145 -27.0137 16.8145 -40.0059 c0 -30.9121 -25.0879 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.0879 -56 56c0 17.9053 12.6045 39.667 28.1357 48.5762l-70.25 343.43h-69.8799c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h102.53c10.792 -0.0195312 21.3066 -8.61621 23.4697 -19.1904l68.1201 -332.81h268.42 c13.2461 -0.00195312 23.9971 -10.7539 23.9971 -24c0 -1.48633 -0.267578 -3.87012 -0.59668 -5.32031zM359.42 179.52l-67.8398 72c-7.65039 7.55078 -2.23047 20.4805 8.58984 20.4805h43.54v52c0.0380859 6.62402 5.44531 12 12.0703 12h0.0693359h24.29h0.0800781 c6.625 0 12.0322 -5.37598 12.0703 -12v-52h43.5498c10.8203 0 16.2402 -12.9297 8.58984 -20.4805l-67.8301 -72c-1.97461 -1.93652 -5.82324 -3.50781 -8.58984 -3.50781c-2.76562 0 -6.61426 1.57129 -8.58984 3.50781z" /> <glyph glyph-name="motorcycle-primary" unicode="&#xf21c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M175.83 271.2c-9.09961 13.8994 -23.2998 24.7998 -47.7998 24.7998h-56.0303h-0.00488281c-12.9756 0 -23.7246 10.5283 -23.9951 23.5c-0.269531 13.5 11 24.5 24.5303 24.5h55.4697c55 0 82.2002 -16.9004 99.9004 -40h153.699l-19.1992 32h-66.4004 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h80c7.48145 -0.0117188 16.7109 -5.20898 20.5996 -11.5996l22.8008 -38l37.5 41.6992c3.94434 4.36133 11.918 7.90039 17.7979 7.90039h0.00195312h45.2998h0.0605469 c13.2148 0 23.9395 -10.7246 23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-32v-0.0605469c0 -13.2148 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395 -23.9395h-0.0605469h-82.4004l107.101 -178.6c1.25391 -2.10156 2.27246 -5.79199 2.27246 -8.23828c0 -5.00977 -3.48242 -11.1748 -7.77246 -13.7617 l-13.7002 -8.2002c-2.10059 -1.25488 -5.79102 -2.27246 -8.23828 -2.27246c-5.00977 0 -11.1748 3.48242 -13.7617 7.77246l-87.0996 145.399c-31.1152 -25.1016 -56.3672 -77.9189 -56.3672 -117.896c0 -1.96191 0.0751953 -5.14355 0.166992 -7.10352 c0.0136719 -0.302734 0.0253906 -0.795898 0.0253906 -1.09961c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-0.0253906h-216.2c-13.2422 0.00585938 -23.9893 10.7578 -23.9893 24c0 3.41406 1.33887 8.61133 2.98926 11.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-primary" unicode="&#xf222;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M371.9 384c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-79v-0.0292969c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12c-2.75098 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-16.9004 16.9004l-80.7002 -80.7002c12.1992 -19.3936 22.0996 -53.7285 22.0996 -76.6406 c0 -79.4541 -64.4844 -143.939 -143.939 -143.939s-143.94 64.4854 -143.94 143.939c0 79.4551 64.4854 143.94 143.94 143.94c22.9111 0 57.2461 -9.90039 76.6396 -22.0996l80.7002 80.6992l-16.8994 16.9004c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.53027 5.75 -3.53027 8.5 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0302734h79zM143.9 64c44.1592 0 80 35.8398 80 80s-35.8408 80 -80 80c-44.1602 0 -80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="transgender-primary" unicode="&#xf224;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 448c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-79v-0.0292969c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12c-2.75 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-16.9004 16.9004l-80.6992 -80.7002c12.2119 -19.4062 22.123 -53.7666 22.123 -76.6953 c0 -63.4209 -50.1865 -126.322 -112.023 -140.405v-27.5996h36c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-36v-28c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v28h-36c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h36v27.5996c-61.7861 14.1143 -111.932 77.0059 -111.932 140.385c0 79.4873 64.5117 144 144 144c22.9062 0 57.2373 -9.89453 76.6318 -22.084l80.7002 80.6992l-16.9004 16.9004c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.75 -3.5293 8.5 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0292969h79zM144 128c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80s-35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="venus-double-primary" unicode="&#xf226;" d="M288 272c0 -63.4092 -50.1758 -126.309 -112 -140.4v-51.5996h36c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-36v-36c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v36h-36c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h36v51.5996c-61.8242 14.0918 -112 76.9902 -112 140.399c0 79.4883 64.5117 144 144 144c79.4873 0 144 -64.5117 144 -143.999zM144 192c44.0996 0.0605469 79.9395 35.9004 80 80c0 44.1602 -35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80 s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-double-primary" unicode="&#xf227;" d="M340 448c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-79v-0.0292969c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12c-2.75 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-16.9004 16.9004l-48.6992 -48.7002c12.1992 -19.3936 22.0996 -53.7285 22.0996 -76.6406 c0 -79.4541 -64.4854 -143.939 -143.94 -143.939c-79.4541 0 -143.939 64.4854 -143.939 143.939c0 79.4551 64.4854 143.94 143.939 143.94c22.9121 0 57.2471 -9.90039 76.6406 -22.0996l48.7002 48.6992l-16.9004 16.9004c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.75 -3.5293 8.5 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0292969h79zM144 160c44.0996 0.0605469 79.9395 35.9004 80 80c0 44.1602 -35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="venus-mars-primary" unicode="&#xf228;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 240c-0.0419922 -63.376 -50.2178 -126.275 -112 -140.4v-51.5996h36c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-36v-36c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v36h-36c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h36v51.5996c-61.8242 14.0918 -112 76.9902 -112 140.399c0 79.4883 64.5117 144 144 144c79.4873 0 144 -64.5117 144 -143.999zM144 160c44.0996 0.0605469 79.9395 35.9004 80 80c0 44.1602 -35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80 s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-stroke-primary" unicode="&#xf229;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 384c6.57715 -0.0478516 11.998 -5.42383 12.0996 -12v-78.9004v-0.0292969c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12c-2.75 0 -6.55762 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-16.8994 16.9004l-17.5 -17.5l14.0996 -14.0996c1.94824 -1.94238 3.5293 -5.75 3.5293 -8.5 c0 -2.75098 -1.58105 -6.55859 -3.5293 -8.5l-28.2998 -28.3008c-1.94141 -1.94824 -5.74902 -3.5293 -8.5 -3.5293s-6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-14.0996 14.1006l-18 -18c12.1992 -19.3994 22.0996 -53.7422 22.0996 -76.6582c0 -79.4873 -64.5117 -144 -144 -144 c-79.4648 0 -143.977 64.4932 -144 143.958c0 79.5 64.5 144 143.9 144h0.244141c22.8643 0 57.1172 -9.90039 76.4551 -22.0996l18 18l-14.0996 14.0996c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.74902 -3.5293 8.5s1.58105 6.55859 3.5293 8.5l28.2998 28.2002 c1.94141 1.94824 5.75 3.5293 8.5 3.5293c2.75098 0 6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293l14.1006 -14.1006l17.5 17.5l-16.9004 16.9004c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.75 -3.5293 8.5c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0292969h79zM144 64c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80 s-35.8398 80 -80 80s-80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="server-primary" unicode="&#xf233;" d="M456 192c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24zM480 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM368 328 c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM432 328c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM480 96c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448 c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM368 8c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM432 8c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="train-primary" unicode="&#xf238;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M130 0c-68.1797 0 -130 44 -130 96v256c0 53 64 96 128 96h192c65 0 128 -43 128 -96v-256c0 -51.8096 -61.5996 -96 -130 -96h-188zM224 40c30.9121 0 56 25.0879 56 56s-25.0879 56 -56 56s-56 -25.0879 -56 -56s25.0879 -56 56 -56zM48 328v-112 c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24h304c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24v112c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24h-304c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="subway-primary" unicode="&#xf239;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M130 0c-68.1797 0 -130 44 -130 96v256c0 53 64 96 128 96h192c65 0 128 -43 128 -96v-256c0 -51.8096 -61.5996 -96 -130 -96h-188zM352 64c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48zM248 328v-112 c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24h104c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24v112c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24h-104c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24zM48 328v-112c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24h104c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24v112c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24h-104 c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24zM96 160c-26.4961 0 -48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48s48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-full-primary" unicode="&#xf240;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M512 128h-416v128h416v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-three-quarters-primary" unicode="&#xf241;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M416 128h-320v128h320v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-half-primary" unicode="&#xf242;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M320 128h-224v128h224v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-quarter-primary" unicode="&#xf243;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224 128h-128v128h128v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-empty-primary" unicode="&#xf244;" horiz-adv-x="640" /> <glyph glyph-name="i-cursor-primary" unicode="&#xf246;" horiz-adv-x="256" d="M160 48c0 -44.9404 57.8896 -48.5498 83.8496 -48.2402c0.0419922 0.000976562 0.109375 0.000976562 0.151367 0.000976562c6.53711 0 11.9121 -5.30469 11.999 -11.8408v-39.7998v0c0 -6.5752 -5.33594 -11.9512 -11.9102 -12 c-35.0898 -0.230469 -78.3594 0.620117 -116.09 37.8799c-38.4697 -38 -83.6201 -38.3398 -116.16 -37.9297c-6.53516 0.0869141 -11.8398 5.46191 -11.8398 11.999v0.000976562v39.9297c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0498047c27.8701 0 84 3.07031 84 48v287.82 c0 44.9395 -57.8896 48.7295 -83.8496 48.4199c-0.0556641 -0.000976562 -0.145508 -0.00195312 -0.201172 -0.00195312c-6.54297 0 -11.918 5.30957 -11.999 11.8516v39.7998v0.000976562c0 6.57422 5.33594 11.9502 11.9102 11.999 c35.0898 0.220703 78.3594 -0.629883 116.09 -37.8896c38.4697 38 83.6201 38.3398 116.16 37.9297c6.53516 -0.0869141 11.8398 -5.46191 11.8398 -11.999v-0.000976562v-40c-0.0380859 -6.58496 -5.41406 -11.9297 -12 -11.9297v0c-27.9199 0 -84 -3.25 -84 -48.1797 v-287.82z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-rock-primary" unicode="&#xf255;" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-paper-primary" unicode="&#xf256;" horiz-adv-x="448" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-scissors-primary" unicode="&#xf257;" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-lizard-primary" unicode="&#xf258;" horiz-adv-x="576" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-pointer-primary" unicode="&#xf25a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M272 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16zM208 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z M336 128c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16v64c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-peace-primary" unicode="&#xf25b;" horiz-adv-x="448" /> <glyph glyph-name="trademark-primary" unicode="&#xf25c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M272.5 340v-43.0996c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-85.0996v-240.9c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-54.3008c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v240.9h-85.0996c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v43.0996c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h248.72 c6.50293 -0.0595703 11.7812 -5.38672 11.7812 -11.8896c0 -0.0302734 -0.000976562 -0.0800781 -0.000976562 -0.110352z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pause-circle-primary" unicode="&#xf28b;" d="M224 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48zM336 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16 v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stop-circle-primary" unicode="&#xf28d;" d="M352 272v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h160c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shopping-bag-primary" unicode="&#xf290;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0.0595703 288.13l447.95 -0.209961l-0.160156 -272c0 -44.1602 -35.8398 -80 -80 -80l-288 0.160156c-44.1318 0.0273438 -79.9492 35.8672 -79.9492 80v0.0498047zM128 200.06c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z M320 199.94c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shopping-basket-primary" unicode="&#xf291;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M552 256c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-16c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8l-26.1104 -182.79c-3.25 -22.748 -24.5381 -41.21 -47.5166 -41.21h-0.00292969h-364.74h-0.00292969c-22.9785 0 -44.2666 18.4619 -47.5166 41.21l-26.1104 182.79h-8 c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h528zM200 56v112c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24v-112c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24zM312 56v112c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24v-112 c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24zM424 56v112c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24v-112c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hashtag-primary" unicode="&#xf292;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M44.1797 256.19c-5.45703 0.975586 -9.88574 6.26758 -9.88574 11.8115c0 0.586914 0.0830078 1.53125 0.186523 2.1084l7.13965 40c0.974609 5.45801 6.26562 9.88867 11.8096 9.88965h242.57l-11 -64h-238.71h-0.0283203 c-0.579102 0 -1.51172 0.0849609 -2.08203 0.19043zM7.33008 118.11c0.974609 5.45898 6.26758 9.88965 11.8125 9.88965h0.0078125h78.8496l-11 -64h-75h-0.0283203c-0.579102 0 -1.51172 0.0849609 -2.08203 0.19043c-5.45703 0.975586 -9.88574 6.26758 -9.88574 11.8115 c0 0.586914 0.0830078 1.53125 0.186523 2.1084zM438.11 319.81c5.45703 -0.975586 9.88574 -6.26758 9.88574 -11.8115c0 -0.586914 -0.0830078 -1.53125 -0.186523 -2.1084l-7.13965 -40c-0.974609 -5.45898 -6.26758 -9.88965 -11.8125 -9.88965h-0.0078125h-78.8496 l11 64h75h0.0283203c0.579102 0 1.51172 -0.0849609 2.08203 -0.19043zM403.82 127.81c5.45703 -0.975586 9.88574 -6.26758 9.88574 -11.8115c0 -0.586914 -0.0830078 -1.53125 -0.186523 -2.1084l-7.13965 -40c-0.974609 -5.45801 -6.26562 -9.88867 -11.8096 -9.88965 h-242.57l11 64h238.71h0.0283203c0.579102 0 1.51172 -0.0849609 2.08203 -0.19043z" /> <glyph glyph-name="percent-primary" unicode="&#xf295;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M4.7002 -26.0996l368 463.699c3.94922 5.62012 12.7305 10.1904 19.5996 10.2002l31.6006 0.100586c19.3994 0.0996094 30.8994 -21.8008 19.6992 -37.8008l-366.199 -463.699c-3.9502 -5.62012 -12.7314 -10.1904 -19.6006 -10.2002l-33.3994 -0.100586 c-19.5 0 -30.9004 21.9004 -19.7002 37.8008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="braille-primary" unicode="&#xf2a1;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M64 240c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM64 400c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM224 400c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64 s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM448 400c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="assistive-listening-systems-primary" unicode="&#xf2a2;" d="M240 212c-13.248 0 -24 -10.752 -24 -24c0 -15.4561 -12.5439 -28 -28 -28s-28 12.5439 -28 28c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80s80 -35.8398 80 -80c0 -15.4561 -12.5439 -28 -28 -28s-28 12.5439 -28 28c0 13.248 -10.752 24 -24 24zM240 364c97.0498 0 176 -79 176 -176 c0 -96 -71.4102 -109.8 -72 -144.23c-0.192383 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15.1094 41 4.39941 41 -17v-335.83c0 -21.4199 -25.7598 -32.1299 -41 -17z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-down-primary" unicode="&#xf358;" d="M223.77 320h64.5605h0.0205078c6.62402 0 12.0352 -5.37598 12.0791 -12v-115.84h71.4102c10.79 0 16.2402 -12.8906 8.57031 -20.4805l-115.891 -114.16c-1.94824 -1.92969 -5.75684 -3.49609 -8.5 -3.49609c-2.74219 0 -6.55078 1.56641 -8.5 3.49609l-115.93 114.16 c-7.66992 7.49023 -2.21973 20.4805 8.57031 20.4805h71.5098v115.84c0.0439453 6.62402 5.45605 12 12.0801 12h0.0195312z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-left-primary" unicode="&#xf359;" d="M384 224.23v-64.5605v-0.0205078c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12.0352 -12 -12.0791h-115.84v-71.4102c0 -10.79 -12.8906 -16.2402 -20.4805 -8.57031l-114.16 115.891c-1.92969 1.94824 -3.49609 5.75684 -3.49609 8.5c0 2.74219 1.56641 6.55078 3.49609 8.5l114.16 115.93 c7.49023 7.66992 20.4805 2.21973 20.4805 -8.57031v-71.5098h115.84c6.62402 -0.0439453 12 -5.45605 12 -12.0801v-0.0195312z" /> <glyph 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17v48h-360c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h360v48c0 21.3604 25.9004 32 41 17z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat-primary" unicode="&#xf363;" d="M67.6504 126.48l-12.1807 -12.1904c-3.87988 -3.87793 -11.4805 -7.02539 -16.9658 -7.02539c-8.08496 0 -17.6465 5.83594 -21.3438 13.0254c-9.47266 18.6992 -17.1602 50.8887 -17.1602 71.8506v0.179688c0 88.2197 71.7695 160 160 160h181.93l-34.5098 32.4102 c-4.17969 3.92383 -7.57227 11.7627 -7.57227 17.4961c0 5.48926 3.15039 13.0928 7.03223 16.9736l10.7803 10.7998c3.87988 3.87988 11.4824 7.0293 16.9697 7.0293s13.0898 -3.14941 16.9697 -7.0293l92.6807 -92.6904 c3.87988 -3.87988 7.02832 -11.4824 7.02832 -16.9697s-3.14844 -13.0898 -7.02832 -16.9697l-92.6807 -92.71c-3.87988 -3.87988 -11.4824 -7.0293 -16.9697 -7.0293s-13.0898 3.14941 -16.9697 7.0293l-10.7803 10.7695 c-3.88184 3.88086 -7.03223 11.4854 -7.03223 16.9736c0 5.7334 3.39258 13.5723 7.57227 17.4971l34.5098 32.4199h-181.93c-52.9883 -0.00488281 -95.9922 -43.0127 -95.9922 -96c0 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-0.0107422 -95.9795 -43.0195 -95.9795 -96c0 -11.3057 3.74512 -28.8584 8.35938 -39.1797c1.19141 -2.60156 2.1582 -7.03516 2.1582 -9.89648c0 -5.40039 -3.08594 -12.8975 -6.8877 -16.7334l-12.1807 -12.1904 c-3.87988 -3.87793 -11.4805 -7.02441 -16.9658 -7.02441c-8.08496 0 -17.6465 5.83496 -21.3438 13.0244c-9.47266 18.7002 -17.1602 50.8887 -17.1602 71.8506v0.149414c0 88.2305 71.7695 160 160 160h181.93l-34.5098 32.4209 c-4.17969 3.92383 -7.57227 11.7627 -7.57227 17.4961c0 5.48926 3.15039 13.0928 7.03223 16.9736l10.7803 10.7998c3.87988 3.87988 11.4824 7.0293 16.9697 7.0293s13.0898 -3.14941 16.9697 -7.0293z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat-1-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf366;" d="M441 336.94c3.87207 -3.87891 7.01367 -11.4746 7.01367 -16.9551s-3.1416 -13.0762 -7.01367 -16.9551l-80 -80c-14.8799 -14.8506 -41 -4.91016 -41 17.46v47.5098h-158.88c-52.8105 0 -96.5703 -42.1797 -97.1201 -95 c-0.00390625 -0.310547 -0.00683594 -0.81543 -0.00683594 -1.12598c0 -11.874 4.13379 -30.2178 9.22656 -40.9443c1.26953 -2.68652 2.29883 -7.27832 2.29883 -10.25c0 -5.51953 -3.17969 -13.1533 -7.09863 -17.04 c-4.74023 -4.69922 -8.63965 -8.5498 -11.8701 -11.7793c-3.87988 -3.88086 -11.4824 -7.03027 -16.9707 -7.03027c-7.90332 0 -17.3652 5.64453 -21.1191 12.5996c-10.1934 19.2617 -18.4658 52.5801 -18.4658 74.3721c0 0.380859 0.00292969 0.998047 0.00585938 1.37793 c0.660156 88.1504 73.4404 158.82 161.6 158.82h158.4v47.4199c0 22.29 26 32.4697 41 17.5205zM306.13 160c7.65039 0 11.5703 -4.08008 11.5703 -11.5703v-8.89941c0 -7.48047 -3.91992 -11.5703 -11.5703 -11.5703h-67.29c-7.66016 0 -11.5801 4.08984 -11.5801 11.5703 v8.89941c0 7.48047 3.91992 11.5703 11.5801 11.5703h15.1602v39.8896c0 5.11035 0.5 10.5 0.5 10.5h-0.360352c-0.709961 -1.08496 -1.98242 -2.75586 -2.83984 -3.72949c-4.4502 -4.28027 -10.5098 -4.45996 -15.6699 1.05957l-5.51953 6.23047 c-5.34082 5.37988 -4.98047 11.2197 0.540039 16.3799l21.7197 19.9395c4.41992 4.10059 8.36035 5.7002 14.4199 5.7002h12.0996c7.66016 0 11.75 -3.91992 11.75 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12 -12 12h-72c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h72c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM176 140v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-88c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12 v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h88c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM352 44v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-136c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h136c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM384 140v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-64 c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h64c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 140v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-88c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h88c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 280v48 v0.0605469c0 13.2148 -10.7246 23.9395 -23.9395 23.9395h-0.0605469h-80h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-48v-0.0605469c0 -13.2148 10.7246 -23.9395 23.9395 -23.9395h0.0605469h80h0.0605469 c13.2148 0 23.9395 10.7246 23.9395 23.9395v0.0605469z" /> <glyph 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384c13.1816 -0.0332031 23.8799 -10.7578 23.8799 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-336.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-8v20c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-20h-47v384h47v-20 c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v20h8.12012zM480 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM480 172v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12 h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM480 268v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM96 364v20 h47v-384h-47v20c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-20h-8.12012c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v336.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h8v-20 c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 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5.37598 12 12z M288 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM416 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40 c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="level-down-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf3be;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M296 96c20.8701 0 31.8496 -25 17.5801 -40.3301l-104 -112c-3.93066 -4.23242 -11.8096 -7.66699 -17.585 -7.66699c-5.2002 0 -12.5137 2.87012 -16.3252 6.40723c-0.439453 0.399414 -0.860352 0.830078 -1.25977 1.25977l-104 112 c-14.1602 15.3301 -3.33984 40.3301 17.5898 40.3301h208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="level-up-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf3bf;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M88 288c-20.9404 0 -31.7598 25 -17.5996 40.3301l104 112c0.399414 0.429688 0.819336 0.860352 1.25977 1.25977c3.81152 3.53711 11.125 6.40723 16.3242 6.40723c5.77637 0 13.6543 -3.43457 17.5859 -7.66699l104 -112 c14.25 -15.3301 3.26953 -40.3301 -17.5703 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unicode="&#xf3cf;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M272 76c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-200c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v312c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h200c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-312z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plane-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf3de;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M576 192c0 -30.9004 -46.5996 -56 -104 -56l-274.8 0.400391c-24.9414 0.666992 -65.2168 4.16211 -89.9004 7.7998l-39.7998 -66.4004c-1.94434 -3.19531 -6.55957 -5.79395 -10.2998 -5.7998h-42.6006c-6.5918 0.03125 -11.9424 5.40723 -11.9424 12 c0 0.668945 0.109375 1.74414 0.243164 2.40039l16.5 82.7998c-12.5 6.89941 -19.4004 14.7002 -19.4004 22.7998s6.90039 15.9004 19.4004 22.7998l-16.6006 82.7998c-0.133789 0.65625 -0.242188 1.73145 -0.242188 2.40039c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0419922h42.6006 c3.74023 -0.00585938 8.35547 -2.60449 10.2998 -5.7998l39.7998 -66.4004c24.6836 3.6377 64.959 7.13281 89.9004 7.7998l274.8 0.400391c57.4004 0 104 -25.0996 104 -56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="reply-primary" unicode="&#xf3e5;" d="M224 88c0 -20.7002 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33.167 9 49.5 5c16.3613 -3.88672 30.1943 -12.0537 41.5 -24.501c11.54 -12.4746 18.373 -27.1416 20.499 -44c2.33301 -17 -0.833984 -33.5 -9.50098 -49.5h-1c18 -7.33301 32.333 -19 43 -35c10.6689 -15.8066 16.0029 -33.2432 16.0029 -52.3105 c0 -0.0791016 -0.000976562 -0.308594 -0.00292969 -0.689453c0 -26.667 -9.33301 -49.334 -28 -68.001s-41.334 -28 -68.001 -28h-320c-26.667 0 -49.334 9.33301 -68.001 28z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tv-retro-primary" unicode="&#xf401;" d="M464 351.93c26.4189 0 47.9004 -21.4414 47.9004 -47.8594v-0.140625v-288c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-16v-32h-48l-21.3008 32h-245.3l-21.2998 -32h-48v32h-16c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v288c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h416zM392 39.9297c0 0 8 0 8 120 s-8 120 -8 120s0 8 -168 8c-152 0 -152 -8 -152 -8s-8 0 -8 -120s8 -120 8 -120s0 -8 152 -8c168 0 168 8 168 8zM464 139.93v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-8c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h8c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12z M464 203.93v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 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78.2363v1.66992c0 105.87 -86.1299 192 -192 192s-192 -86.1299 -192 -192v-1.62988 c-17.6641 -17.9814 -32 -53.0312 -32 -78.2363v-0.133789c0 -1.2002 0 -2.38965 0.0595703 -3.58008l-14.3691 7c-9.75098 4.875 -17.6758 17.6787 -17.6904 28.5801v48c0 141.5 114.52 256 256 256s256 -114.52 256 -256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="barcode-secondary" unicode="&#x10f02a;" d="M179.71 0.269531v383.73h8.86035v-383.73h-8.86035zM215.71 0.269531v383.73h8.86035v-383.73h-8.86035zM98.8604 0.269531v383.73h8.84961v-383.73h-8.84961zM26.8604 0.269531v383.73h9.13965v-383.73h-9.13965zM494 384h18v-384h-18v384zM440.29 0.269531v383.73 h26.8496v-383.73h-26.8496zM296.29 0.269531v383.73h18v-383.73h-18zM368.29 0.269531v383.73h18v-383.73h-18z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tag-secondary" unicode="&#x10f02b;" d="M497.94 222.06c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0576 -22.9648 14.0576 -33.9395s-6.29785 -26.1797 -14.0576 -33.9404l-204.12 -204.12c-7.76074 -7.75977 -22.9658 -14.0576 -33.9404 -14.0576s-26.1797 6.29785 -33.9395 14.0576l-211.881 211.881 c-7.75977 7.75977 -14.0586 22.9648 -14.0596 33.9395v204.12c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h204.12c10.9746 -0.000976562 26.1797 -6.2998 33.9395 -14.0596zM112 288c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="book-secondary" unicode="&#x10f02d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 0c-19.2002 0 -32 12.7998 -32 32s16 32 32 32h319.33c-1.92969 -16.2402 -1.75977 -48.3799 0.530273 -64h-319.86z" /> <glyph glyph-name="camera-secondary" unicode="&#x10f030;" d="M344 160c0 -48.5762 -39.4238 -88 -88 -88s-88 39.4238 -88 88s39.4238 88 88 88c48.5049 -0.0712891 87.9287 -39.4951 88 -88z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pencil-secondary" unicode="&#x10f040;" d="M96 96v-64h64v-64l-64 -16l-80 80l16 64h64zM498 373.74c7.70117 -7.74121 13.9521 -22.8857 13.9521 -33.8047c0 -10.9795 -6.30859 -26.1826 -14.082 -33.9355l-46.1006 -46.0996c-1.94141 -1.94824 -5.74902 -3.53027 -8.5 -3.53027 c-2.75 0 -6.55762 1.58203 -8.5 3.53027l-111 111c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.74902 -3.5293 8.5c0 2.75 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c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-0.0292969v-157.801c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h285.8h0.0292969c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12c0 -2.75 -1.58105 -6.55762 -3.5293 -8.5l-40 -40 c-1.95703 -1.91113 -5.76465 -3.47852 -8.5 -3.5h-229.8v-320h320v101.801c0.0205078 2.73438 1.58887 6.54297 3.5 8.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrows-secondary" unicode="&#x10f047;" d="M440 192l-34.6797 -32h-117.32v-117.34l-32 -34.6602l-32 34.6797v117.32h-117.34l-34.6602 32l34.6797 32h117.32v117.34l32 34.6602l32 -34.6699v-117.33h117.34z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fast-backward-secondary" unicode="&#x10f049;" d="M64 162.69v-150.69c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v360c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-209.3v-0.00976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="backward-secondary" unicode="&#x10f04a;" d="M512 352v-320c0 -27.3896 -31.9004 -41.79 -52.5098 -24.5898l-171.49 142.899v83.3809l171.49 142.859c20.6094 17.2002 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11.3096s-2.09766 8.72363 -4.68262 11.3096l-22.6191 22.6309c-2.58691 2.58691 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 4.6875 s-8.72852 -2.10059 -11.3154 -4.6875l-150.06 -150.061l-70.0596 70.0605c-2.58691 2.58691 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154 4.6875s-8.72852 -2.10059 -11.3154 -4.6875l-22.6191 -22.6309c-2.58496 -2.58594 -4.68262 -7.65332 -4.68262 -11.3096 s2.09766 -8.72363 4.68262 -11.3096l104 -104c2.58594 -2.58496 7.65332 -4.68262 11.3096 -4.68262s8.72363 2.09766 11.3096 4.68262z" /> <glyph glyph-name="question-circle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f059;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.08 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 18c25.3643 0.0273438 45.9727 20.6357 46 46c0 25.3916 -20.6084 46 -46 46s-46 -20.6084 -46 -46s20.6084 -46 46 -46zM296 149.33 c0 28.46 83.1904 29.6699 83.1904 106.67c0 58 -60.1904 102 -116.53 102c-54.5 0 -89.2598 -23 -116.55 -63.7402c-1.12793 -1.67578 -2.04199 -4.67578 -2.04199 -6.69629c0 -3.29102 2.12891 -7.5752 4.75195 -9.56348l34.6992 -26.2598 c1.77539 -1.3457 5.02246 -2.4375 7.25 -2.4375c3.21094 0 7.43164 2.0459 9.4209 4.56738c17.8594 22.6494 30.1094 35.79 57.2998 35.79c20.4297 0 45.7002 -13.1797 45.7002 -33c0 -15 -12.3701 -22.6904 -32.54 -34 c-23.5205 -13.1904 -54.6504 -29.6006 -54.6504 -70.6602v-4c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h56c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v1.33008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="info-circle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f05a;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.08 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM256 330c-23.1836 0 -42 -18.8164 -42 -42s18.8164 -42 42 -42s42 18.8164 42 42s-18.8164 42 -42 42zM312 76v24c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-12v100 c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-64c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-24c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h12v-64h-12c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-24c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h88c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crosshairs-secondary" unicode="&#x10f05b;" d="M256 408c119.29 0 216 -96.71 216 -216s-96.71 -216 -216 -216s-216 96.71 -216 216s96.71 216 216 216zM363.48 84.5195c24.5752 24.4414 44.5205 72.4072 44.5205 107.066c0 0.114258 -0.000976562 0.299805 -0.000976562 0.414062c0 83.9043 -68.0957 152 -152 152 s-152 -68.0957 -152 -152c0 -83.9033 68.0957 -152 152 -152c34.7539 0 82.9053 19.9453 107.48 44.5195z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ban-secondary" unicode="&#x10f05e;" d="M406.78 86.4697c-10.3145 -14.6631 -30.5869 -34.9355 -45.25 -45.25l-256.311 256.311c10.3145 14.6631 30.5869 34.9355 45.25 45.25z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-left-secondary" unicode="&#x10f060;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M424 151h-286.4l-41.5996 41l41.5898 41h286.41c13.2998 0 24 -11 24 -24.6299v-32.8203c0.000976562 -0.0908203 0.00195312 -0.239258 0.00195312 -0.331055c0 -13.25 -10.7529 -24.0996 -24.002 -24.2188z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-right-secondary" unicode="&#x10f061;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M24 233h286.4l41.5996 -41l-41.5898 -41h-286.41c-13.2998 0 -24 11 -24 24.6299v32.8203c-0.000976562 0.0908203 -0.00195312 0.239258 -0.00195312 0.331055c0 13.25 10.7529 24.0996 24.002 24.2188z" /> 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-12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v124v0.0605469c0 13.2148 10.7246 23.9395 23.9395 23.9395h0.0605469h124zM436 128 c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-124v-0.0605469c0 -13.2148 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395 -23.9395h-0.0605469h-124c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h84v84c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="compress-secondary" unicode="&#x10f066;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M436 320c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-124h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 10.7246 -23.9395 23.9395v0.0605469v124c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-84h84zM136 128h0.0605469 c13.2148 0 23.9395 -10.7246 23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-124c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v84h-84c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h124z" /> <glyph glyph-name="minus-secondary" unicode="&#x10f068;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 208v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 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-7.03418 -16.9756l-10.8203 -10.8203c-3.87988 -3.88281 -11.4863 -7.03516 -16.9766 -7.03516c-5.70801 0 -13.5225 3.36719 -17.4434 7.51562l-40.4092 42.7998v-182.109h187.54 h0.0585938c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13672 16.9414 -7l16 -16c15.1191 -15.1201 4.40918 -41 -17 -41h-243.54c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v222.119l-40.4209 -42.8096c-3.9209 -4.15137 -11.7373 -7.52051 -17.4473 -7.52051c-5.48828 0 -13.0918 3.14941 -16.9727 7.03027z " /> <glyph glyph-name="shopping-cart-secondary" unicode="&#x10f07a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M552 384c1.48145 0 3.86621 -0.268555 5.30957 -0.599609c10.3096 -2.3457 18.6768 -12.8301 18.6768 -23.4023c0 -1.48633 -0.266602 -3.86914 -0.59668 -5.31836l-47.2695 -208c-2.34375 -10.3096 -12.8271 -18.6787 -23.4004 -18.6797h-293.149l-52.3604 256h392.79z " /> <glyph glyph-name="folder-open-secondary" unicode="&#x10f07c;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M69.0801 176.37l-69.0801 -118.42v278.05c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h160l64 -64h160c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-48h-328c-30.4043 -0.0576172 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1.4248l-8.19922 -14.2998c-1.96777 -3.4248 -6.76855 -6.20312 -10.7178 -6.20312c-1.25 0 -3.21387 0.359375 -4.38281 0.802734 c-9.7334 3.625 -24.1143 11.958 -32.0996 18.5996c-2.4541 2.05566 -4.44629 6.32129 -4.44629 9.52246c0 1.82617 0.737305 4.59375 1.64648 6.17773l8.19922 14.2998c-5.7998 6.74414 -12.9229 19.0186 -15.8994 27.4004h-16.5h-0.0302734 c-5.76465 0 -11.2168 4.61426 -12.1699 10.2998c-0.848633 5.08496 -1.53809 13.3955 -1.53809 18.5498c0 5.15527 0.689453 13.4658 1.53809 18.5508c0.945312 5.71094 6.41113 10.3701 12.2002 10.3994h16.5c2.97656 8.38184 10.0996 20.6572 15.8994 27.4004 l-8.19922 14.2998c-0.927734 1.58691 -1.68066 4.36719 -1.68066 6.20605c0 3.20312 2.00684 7.45703 4.48047 9.49414c7.99609 6.62402 22.377 14.9561 32.0996 18.5996c1.16895 0.443359 3.13281 0.803711 4.38281 0.803711c3.94922 0 8.75 -2.7793 10.7178 -6.20312 l8.19922 -14.3008c4.33984 0.787109 11.4404 1.42578 15.8506 1.42578s11.5107 -0.638672 15.8496 -1.42578l8.2002 14.3008c1.9668 3.42383 6.76855 6.20312 10.7178 6.20312c1.25 0 3.21289 -0.360352 4.38184 -0.803711c9.73438 -3.625 24.1152 -11.958 32.1006 -18.5996 c2.4541 -2.05566 4.44531 -6.32129 4.44531 -9.52246c0 -1.82617 -0.737305 -4.59375 -1.64551 -6.17773l-8.19043 -14.2998c5.80078 -6.74316 12.9238 -19.0186 15.9004 -27.4004h16.5h0.0302734c5.76465 0 11.2168 -4.61426 12.1699 -10.2998zM501.61 16.0996 c38.5 -29.6006 82.3896 14.3105 52.7998 52.8008c-38.5 29.5996 -82.4004 -14.3008 -52.7998 -52.8008zM638.41 359.9c0.845703 -5.07715 1.53223 -13.3643 1.53223 -18.5107c0 -5.16309 -0.69043 -13.4873 -1.54199 -18.5801 c-0.945312 -5.71094 -6.41113 -10.3701 -12.2002 -10.3994h-16.5c-2.97754 -8.38184 -10.1006 -20.6572 -15.9004 -27.4004l8.2002 -14.2998c0.927734 -1.58691 1.68066 -4.36719 1.68066 -6.20605c0 -3.20312 -2.00781 -7.45703 -4.48047 -9.49414 c-7.99609 -6.62402 -22.377 -14.9561 -32.1006 -18.5996c-1.16895 -0.443359 -3.13184 -0.803711 -4.38184 -0.803711c-3.94922 0 -8.75098 2.7793 -10.7178 6.20312l-8.2002 14.3008c-4.33887 -0.787109 -11.4395 -1.42578 -15.8496 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3.42188 6.76758 6.19824 10.7148 6.19824c1.25391 0 3.22266 -0.361328 4.39551 -0.807617c9.7334 -3.625 24.1143 -11.958 32.0996 -18.6006c2.4541 -2.05469 4.44531 -6.32031 4.44531 -9.52148 c0 -1.82617 -0.737305 -4.59375 -1.64551 -6.17773l-8.2002 -14.3008c5.80078 -6.74316 12.9238 -19.0186 15.9004 -27.3994h16.5h0.0302734c5.76465 0 11.2168 -4.61426 12.1699 -10.2998zM501.61 314.9c38.5 -29.6006 82.3896 14.3096 52.7998 52.7998 c-38.5 29.7002 -82.4004 -14.2998 -52.7998 -52.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="star-half-secondary" unicode="&#x10f089;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M545.3 222l-105.7 -103l25 -145.5c4.5 -26.0996 -23 -46 -46.3994 -33.7002l-130.7 68.6006v439.6c0.0712891 0.000976562 0.1875 0.000976562 0.259766 0.000976562c10.9248 0 23.666 -7.97461 28.4404 -17.8008l65.2998 -132.4l146.1 -21.2002 c26.2002 -3.7998 36.7002 -36.0996 17.7002 -54.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sign-out-secondary" unicode="&#x10f08b;" d="M180 0h-84c-52.9922 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96v192c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96h84c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 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20c0 11.04 -8.95996 20 -20 20s-20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20z M432 -35.9199c11.0068 0.0332031 19.9668 8.99316 20 20c0 11.04 -8.95996 20 -20 20s-20 -8.95996 -20 -20s8.95996 -20 20 -20z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lemon-secondary" unicode="&#x10f094;" d="M489 425c23.1299 -23.0596 28.9297 -54.3496 16.8701 -75.0596c-34.3105 -58.9404 53.0303 -181.2 -86.7705 -321.07c-139.8 -139.87 -262.1 -52.4297 -321 -86.7002c-20.71 -12.0596 -51.9697 -6.22949 -75.0996 16.8301s-28.9297 54.3496 -16.8701 75.0596 c34.3105 58.9404 -53.0898 181.23 86.7402 321.061s262.13 52.4395 321.13 86.75c20.6504 12.0596 51.9404 6.25977 75 -16.8701zM243.88 352.48c6.24414 1.91406 11.3115 8.80664 11.3115 15.3369c0 8.83203 -7.16895 16 -16 16 c-0.856445 0 -2.23145 -0.132812 -3.07129 -0.297852c-69.7998 -17.4492 -154.22 -101.949 -171.601 -171.64c-0.164062 -0.839844 -0.296875 -2.21484 -0.296875 -3.07129c0 -8.83105 7.16797 -16 16 -16c6.53027 0 13.3838 5.06738 15.2969 11.3115 c14.5508 58.2002 90.1709 133.81 148.36 148.36z" /> <glyph 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12 -12 12h-40 c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v40zM160 308v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12zM176 212 c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v40zM64 308v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40 c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12zM128 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM416 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-232c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h232c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 268v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 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v1.09961l-192 72l-192 -72v-1.09961l192 -78z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cubes-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1b3;" d="M488.6 197.8c12.9082 -4.82227 23.3916 -19.9199 23.4004 -33.7002v-110.1v-0.000976562c0 -12.2812 -8.91504 -26.7061 -19.9004 -32.1992l-100 -50c-4.19336 -2.10742 -11.4062 -3.81738 -16.0996 -3.81738s-11.9062 1.70996 -16.0996 3.81738l-103.9 52l-103.9 -52 c-4.19336 -2.10742 -11.4062 -3.81738 -16.0996 -3.81738s-11.9062 1.70996 -16.0996 3.81738l-100 50c-10.9854 5.49316 -19.9004 19.918 -19.9004 32.1992v0.000976562v110.1v0.0146484c0 13.7461 10.4385 28.8369 23.2998 33.6855l96.6006 36.2002v108.48 c0.00878906 13.7793 10.4912 28.877 23.3994 33.6992l100 37.5c3.37402 1.2793 9.04199 2.31836 12.6504 2.31836s9.27539 -1.03906 12.6494 -2.31836l100 -37.5c12.9082 -4.82227 23.3916 -19.9199 23.4004 -33.6992v-108.48zM238 52.8203v75.3896l-85 -38.7998v-79.0898z M238 164.82v0.580078l-102 38.1992l-102 -38.1992v-0.600586l102 -41.3896zM154 343.28l102 -41.3906l102 41.3906v0.599609l-102 38.2002l-102 -38.2002v-0.599609zM273 269.49v-68.1904l85 31.9004v73.29zM478 52.8203v75.3896l-85 -38.7998v-79.0898zM478 164.82 v0.580078l-102 38.1992l-102 -38.1992v-0.600586l102 -41.3896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="recycle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1b8;" d="M497.29 146.9c39.9199 -63.9004 -6.13965 -146.9 -81.4102 -146.9h-95.8799v64h95.9805c25.0791 0 40.3994 27.79 27.1396 49l-27.5498 44.1299c-1.00879 1.6123 -1.82812 4.46387 -1.82812 6.36523c0 3.6709 2.52637 8.22852 5.6377 10.1748l33.8604 21.1602 c1.6084 1.00293 4.45312 1.81738 6.34961 1.81738c3.67383 0 8.23535 -2.53027 10.1797 -5.64746zM148 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-51.8896c-75.3301 0 -121.301 83 -81.4004 146.9l50.8203 81.3896l54.2197 -33.8896 l-50.8701 -81.4004c-13.2803 -21.2695 2.12012 -49 27.1201 -49h52zM378.67 336.86l-54.2197 -33.9307l-41.29 66.0703c-12.2598 19.6797 -41.54 20.3398 -54.2598 0l-18.04 -28.7695c-1.94824 -3.10059 -6.5 -5.61621 -10.1611 -5.61621 c-1.90625 0 -4.76465 0.822266 -6.37891 1.83594l-33.9199 21.1895c-3.1123 1.94629 -5.6377 6.50488 -5.6377 10.1748c0 1.90137 0.818359 4.75391 1.82715 6.36523l18 28.7607c37.6104 60.1699 125.3 60 162.82 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1bb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M224 32v-24.4502l30.29 -48.3994c0.930664 -1.86426 1.68652 -5.06738 1.68652 -7.15039c0 -8.81934 -7.15723 -15.9873 -15.9766 -16h-96h-0.000976562c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16c0 2.08691 0.756836 5.29395 1.69141 7.16016l30.3096 48.3799v24.46h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="database-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1c0;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M447 374.86v-45.7207c0 -40.2793 -100.33 -73.1396 -224 -73.1396s-224 32.8604 -224 73.1396v45.7207c0 40.2793 100.33 73.1396 224 73.1396s224 -32.8604 224 -73.1396z" /> <glyph glyph-name="life-ring-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1cd;" d="M292.08 281l-0.410156 0.169922zM225.46 283l-111.92 112c35.4033 24.8555 99.2432 45.0273 142.5 45.0273s107.097 -20.1719 142.5 -45.0273l-112 -112c-8.20703 2.73828 -21.8887 4.95996 -30.54 4.95996s-22.333 -2.22168 -30.54 -4.95996zM294.13 280.08 l0.520508 -0.219727zM296.62 278.96l0.459961 -0.209961zM186.25 126l-0.19043 0.209961zM180.74 132.36l0.209961 -0.260742zM182.39 130.36c0.120117 -0.140625 0.230469 -0.280273 0.350586 -0.410156c-0.120117 0.149414 -0.230469 0.290039 -0.350586 0.429688 v-0.0195312zM184.13 128.36l0.360352 -0.400391zM319.64 263.87l0.400391 -0.360352zM177.51 136.71l-0.0996094 0.150391zM304.18 275l0.339844 -0.19043zM315.6 267.22l0.260742 -0.209961zM321.96 261.71l-0.209961 0.19043zM318 265.26l-0.419922 0.350586z M306.4 273.69l0.469727 -0.290039zM311.08 270.6l0.169922 -0.119141zM309.08 271.95l-0.429688 0.290039zM299.37 277.63l-0.100586 0.0498047zM175.76 244.72c0.100586 0.140625 0.19043 0.280273 0.280273 0.419922 c-0.0400391 -0.139648 -0.179688 -0.279297 -0.280273 -0.419922zM174.31 242.44l0.290039 0.459961zM173 240.19l0.19043 0.319336zM180.78 251.6l0.209961 0.260742zM182.78 254.03c-0.120117 -0.129883 -0.230469 -0.270508 -0.350586 -0.410156 c0.0800781 0.139648 0.19043 0.280273 0.310547 0.379883zM177.45 247.14l0.0996094 0.150391zM169.25 233.07c-0.0703125 -0.140625 -0.129883 -0.290039 -0.200195 -0.430664c0.0302734 0.140625 0.0898438 0.290039 0.160156 0.430664h0.0400391zM174.64 141.07 l-0.290039 0.459961zM170.37 148.6v0zM173.19 143.46l-0.19043 0.320312zM175.8 139.25c0.100586 -0.139648 0.19043 -0.280273 0.280273 -0.419922c-0.0800781 0.169922 -0.219727 0.30957 -0.320312 0.450195zM169 151.36 c0.0703125 -0.140625 0.129883 -0.290039 0.200195 -0.430664c-0.0605469 0.140625 -0.120117 0.290039 -0.200195 0.430664zM167 228.06c0 -0.129883 -0.0996094 -0.25 -0.160156 -0.379883c0.0703125 0.129883 0.160156 0.25 0.160156 0.379883zM168.09 230.64 c-0.0703125 -0.169922 -0.149414 -0.339844 -0.219727 -0.5c0.129883 0.160156 0.129883 0.330078 0.229492 0.5h-0.00976562zM167.87 153.86c0.0703125 -0.160156 0.149414 -0.330078 0.219727 -0.5c-0.0898438 0.169922 -0.0898438 0.339844 -0.209961 0.5h-0.00976562z M166.87 156.32c0.0595703 -0.129883 0.110352 -0.25 0.160156 -0.379883c-0.0302734 0.129883 -0.120117 0.25 -0.180664 0.379883h0.0205078zM338.87 240.51l0.189453 -0.319336zM327.51 128l0.360352 0.400391zM325.94 126.29l-0.19043 -0.209961zM325.75 258 l0.19043 -0.209961zM329.26 130c0.120117 0.129883 0.230469 0.269531 0.350586 0.410156c-0.120117 -0.169922 -0.230469 -0.310547 -0.350586 -0.410156zM331.26 251.63l-0.209961 0.259766zM331.26 132.43l-0.209961 -0.259766zM329.61 253.65 c-0.120117 0.139648 -0.230469 0.279297 -0.350586 0.40918c0.120117 -0.15918 0.230469 -0.299805 0.350586 -0.439453v0.0302734zM327.87 255.65l-0.360352 0.399414zM334.49 247.3l0.0996094 -0.149414zM334.59 136.87l-0.0996094 -0.150391zM398.49 395 c1.33301 -0.94043 2.66602 -1.88965 3.99902 -2.84961c-1.33301 0.953125 -2.66602 1.90332 -3.99902 2.84961zM343.9 153.361c0.0693359 0.169922 0.149414 0.339844 0.219727 0.5c-0.0703125 -0.160156 -0.120117 -0.330078 -0.219727 -0.5zM344.99 155.941 c0.0498047 0.129883 0.0996094 0.25 0.160156 0.379883c-0.0605469 -0.129883 -0.150391 -0.25 -0.150391 -0.379883h-0.00976562zM341.64 148.581v0zM336.24 139.281l-0.280273 -0.419922zM337.69 141.561l-0.290039 -0.459961zM339.04 143.811l-0.19043 -0.319336z M342.79 150.931c0.0703125 0.140625 0.129883 0.290039 0.200195 0.430664c-0.0703125 -0.140625 -0.129883 -0.290039 -0.200195 -0.430664zM449 347.791c-0.973633 1.16699 -1.92383 2.32031 -2.85059 3.45996c0.959961 -1.13965 1.91016 -2.29297 2.85059 -3.45996z M445.49 352.001c-0.990234 1.15039 -2 2.32031 -3 3.50977c1 -1.16016 2 -2.33008 3 -3.50977zM452.36 343.501c-0.907227 1.18066 -1.82715 2.32715 -2.76074 3.5c0.933594 -1.17285 1.85352 -2.33984 2.76074 -3.5zM455.72 339.061v-0.0595703 c-0.910156 1.25977 -1.83008 2.46973 -2.75 3.70996c0.919922 -1.20996 1.83984 -2.41992 2.75 -3.65039zM336.24 244.721l-0.280273 0.419922zM403 391.721c1.25293 -0.913086 2.47363 -1.83301 3.66016 -2.75977c-1.20703 0.933594 -2.42676 1.85352 -3.66016 2.75977z M415.231 382.101c-1.14746 0.959961 -2.30469 1.91016 -3.47168 2.85059c1.18066 -0.94043 2.34766 -1.89062 3.50098 -2.85059h-0.0292969zM411.001 385.601c-1.17285 0.933594 -2.34277 1.85742 -3.50977 2.77051c1.17969 -0.913086 2.34961 -1.83691 3.50977 -2.77051z M419.501 378.471c-1.16016 1.02051 -2.34277 2.02051 -3.50977 3c1.17969 -0.979492 2.34961 -1.97949 3.50977 -3zM344.121 230.141c-0.0703125 0.160156 -0.150391 0.330078 -0.219727 0.5c0.0996094 -0.169922 0.149414 -0.339844 0.219727 -0.5zM184.491 256.001 l-0.360352 -0.400391zM343.001 232.641c-0.0703125 0.140625 -0.129883 0.290039 -0.200195 0.430664c0.0605469 -0.140625 0.120117 -0.290039 0.200195 -0.430664zM456.161 338.441c1 -1.31055 1.89941 -2.62012 2.83984 -3.94043 c-0.950195 1.32031 -1.88965 2.62988 -2.84961 3.94043h0.00976562zM337.401 242.901l0.290039 -0.459961zM419.931 378.081c6.49609 -5.72852 16.415 -15.6514 22.1406 -22.1504c-5.72754 6.49707 -15.6465 16.4199 -22.1406 22.1504zM345.151 227.681 c-0.0478516 0.103516 -0.120117 0.274414 -0.160156 0.379883c0.00976562 -0.129883 0.0996094 -0.25 0.160156 -0.379883zM459.001 49.5107l-112 111.95c2.73828 8.20703 4.95996 21.8887 4.95996 30.54s-2.22168 22.333 -4.95996 30.54l112 111.97 c24.8555 -35.4023 45.0273 -99.2432 45.0273 -142.5s-20.1719 -107.097 -45.0273 -142.5zM220.331 102.851l-0.410156 0.169922zM217.871 103.851l-0.520508 0.220703zM212.571 106.341l0.0996094 -0.0498047zM322.001 122.251l-0.209961 -0.19043zM309.141 112.001 l-0.429688 -0.290039zM311.141 113.351l0.169922 0.120117zM315.621 116.691l0.259766 0.209961zM319.621 120.081l0.399414 0.360352zM318.021 118.691l-0.419922 -0.350586zM215.381 105.001l-0.459961 0.209961zM196.381 116.741l-0.259766 0.209961zM192.381 120.131 l-0.399414 0.360352zM186.081 257.751l0.189453 0.209961zM190.081 122.251l0.209961 -0.19043zM205.601 110.311l-0.469727 0.290039zM207.861 108.961l-0.34082 0.19043zM286.581 100.961l111.93 -111.96c-35.4023 -24.8555 -99.2432 -45.0273 -142.5 -45.0273 s-107.097 20.1719 -142.5 45.0273l111.99 111.96c8.20703 -2.73828 21.8887 -4.95996 30.54 -4.95996s22.333 2.22168 30.54 4.95996zM202.861 112.001l0.429688 -0.290039zM200.861 113.351l-0.169922 0.120117zM416.001 2.51074 c1.16016 0.993164 2.33008 1.99316 3.50977 3c-1.16016 -1.00684 -2.33008 -2.00684 -3.50977 -3zM459.001 49.5107c-0.929688 -1.33008 -1.87988 -2.63965 -2.83984 -3.9502c0.950195 1.31055 1.89941 2.62012 2.83984 3.9502zM411.791 -0.999023 c1.16016 0.94043 2.31641 1.89062 3.46973 2.85059c-1.14648 -0.926758 -2.30273 -1.87695 -3.46973 -2.85059zM407.471 -4.41895v0.0507812c1.18066 0.913086 2.35059 1.81934 3.51074 2.71875c-1.16016 -0.926758 -2.33008 -1.84961 -3.51074 -2.76953zM455.721 45.002 c-0.90625 -1.25293 -1.82617 -2.47363 -2.75977 -3.66016c0.926758 1.20703 1.84668 2.42676 2.75977 3.66016zM445.491 32.001c-1 -1.17969 -2 -2.34961 -3 -3.50977c1 1.18945 2.00977 2.35938 3 3.50977zM448.951 36.1807 c-0.94043 -1.15918 -1.89062 -2.31738 -2.85059 -3.4707c0.959961 1.16699 1.92676 2.33398 2.90039 3.50098zM449.601 36.9893c0.933594 1.17285 1.85742 2.34961 2.77051 3.50977c-0.919922 -1.17969 -1.84375 -2.34961 -2.77051 -3.50977zM299.431 106.369 c-0.0244141 -0.0185547 -0.0693359 -0.0410156 -0.0996094 -0.0498047c0.0302734 0.00878906 0.0751953 0.03125 0.0996094 0.0498047zM294.131 103.879l0.520508 0.219727zM306.441 110.309l0.469727 0.290039zM296.621 104.999l0.459961 0.209961zM304.181 108.999 l0.339844 0.19043zM442.081 28.1094c-5.72949 -6.4873 -15.6523 -16.4326 -22.1504 -22.1504c6.49902 5.72852 16.4219 15.6514 22.1504 22.1504zM402.451 -8.10059c-1.33301 -0.959961 -2.66699 -1.90918 -4 -2.84961c1.36035 0.913086 2.69336 1.84961 4 2.80957 v0.0400391zM292.08 103l-0.410156 -0.169922zM403 -7.71973c1.2334 0.913086 2.45215 1.83301 3.65918 2.75977c-1.18652 -0.933594 -2.40625 -1.85352 -3.65918 -2.75977zM193.999 118.74l0.419922 -0.350586zM69.9287 355.93 c5.72559 6.49902 15.6445 16.4219 22.1406 22.1504c-6.49414 -5.73047 -16.4131 -15.6533 -22.1406 -22.1504zM100.209 384.93c-1.16016 -0.94043 -2.31641 -1.89062 -3.46973 -2.85059c1.15332 0.973633 2.30957 1.93066 3.46973 2.87109v-0.0205078zM190.209 261.93 l-0.209961 -0.189453zM194.339 265.6l-0.419922 -0.349609zM109.549 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-37.7871 14.6699c-30.9121 0 -56 -25.0879 -56 -56s25.0879 -56 56 -56c12.001 0 28.9297 6.57227 37.7871 14.6699 l68 -40.7695c-0.967773 -3.77539 -1.75293 -10.0029 -1.75293 -13.9004c0 -30.9121 25.0879 -56 56 -56h0.0126953z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bomb-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1e2;" d="M500 388c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12s-5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12s5.37598 12 12 12h24zM440 448c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12s-12 5.37598 -12 12v24c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12zM473.9 393 c-1.94434 -1.94336 -5.75195 -3.52051 -8.5 -3.52051c-6.63574 0 -12.0215 5.38477 -12.0215 12.0205c0 2.74805 1.57715 6.55664 3.52148 8.5l17 17c1.94336 1.94336 5.75098 3.52051 8.5 3.52051c6.63477 0 12.0205 -5.38477 12.0205 -12.0205 c0 -2.74805 -1.57715 -6.55664 -3.52051 -8.5zM406.1 393l-17 17c-1.94336 1.94336 -3.52051 5.75195 -3.52051 8.5c0 6.63574 5.38574 12.0205 12.0205 12.0205c2.74902 0 6.55664 -1.57715 8.5 -3.52051l17 -17c1.94434 -1.94336 3.52148 -5.75195 3.52148 -8.5 c0 -6.63574 -5.38574 -12.0205 -12.0215 -12.0205c-2.74805 0 -6.55566 1.57715 -8.5 3.52051zM473.9 359l17 -17c1.94336 -1.94336 3.52051 -5.75195 3.52051 -8.5c0 -6.63574 -5.38574 -12.0205 -12.0205 -12.0205c-2.74902 0 -6.55664 1.57715 -8.5 3.52051l-17 17 c-1.94434 1.94336 -3.52148 5.75195 -3.52148 8.5c0 6.63574 5.38574 12.0205 12.0215 12.0205c2.74805 0 6.55566 -1.57715 8.5 -3.52051zM371.4 324.5l52 52l17.0996 -17l-52 -52z" /> <glyph glyph-name="newspaper-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1ea;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M544 384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-303.95c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-495.52h1.64941l0.810547 0.0605469l0.829102 0.0898438l0.790039 0.0996094l0.820312 0.120117l0.770508 0.139648l0.80957 0.170898l0.759766 0.169922l0.790039 0.209961 l0.75 0.209961l0.780273 0.25l0.719727 0.239258l0.770508 0.290039l0.709961 0.280273l0.740234 0.320312l0.689453 0.30957c0.25 0.110352 0.490234 0.230469 0.730469 0.360352l0.669922 0.339844c0.239258 0.120117 0.479492 0.259766 0.709961 0.389648 l0.649414 0.370117l0.69043 0.430664c0.209961 0.129883 0.419922 0.259766 0.620117 0.399414l0.679688 0.459961l0.599609 0.430664l0.650391 0.489258l0.580078 0.459961l0.620117 0.520508l0.549805 0.479492l0.599609 0.560547l0.530273 0.5 c0.200195 0.200195 0.390625 0.389648 0.570312 0.589844l0.509766 0.530273l0.540039 0.609375l0.480469 0.550781c0.179688 0.209961 0.349609 0.449219 0.509766 0.639648c0.160156 0.189453 0.30957 0.379883 0.459961 0.580078l0.479492 0.660156l0.419922 0.599609 c0.160156 0.230469 0.310547 0.459961 0.460938 0.69043l0.389648 0.609375l0.419922 0.720703l0.360352 0.629883c0.139648 0.25 0.259766 0.489258 0.389648 0.739258l0.330078 0.650391c0.120117 0.25 0.25 0.540039 0.349609 0.759766 c0.100586 0.220703 0.19043 0.410156 0.299805 0.669922c0.110352 0.260742 0.230469 0.570312 0.320312 0.790039c0.0898438 0.220703 0.160156 0.400391 0.259766 0.669922c0.100586 0.270508 0.19043 0.540039 0.280273 0.820312l0.240234 0.679688l0.240234 0.84082 c0.0595703 0.229492 0.109375 0.40918 0.189453 0.689453s0.160156 0.639648 0.209961 0.870117c0.0498047 0.229492 0.100586 0.389648 0.160156 0.69043c0.0605469 0.299805 0.120117 0.689453 0.160156 0.90918c0.0400391 0.220703 0.0703125 0.34082 0.120117 0.680664 s0.0498047 0.790039 0.129883 1s0.0800781 0.419922 0.0800781 0.629883c0.0400391 0.359375 0.0898438 0.729492 0.0898438 1.08984v322.21c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM304 76v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-152c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8 c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h152c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM304 172v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-152c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h152c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 76v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-152 c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h152c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 172v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-152c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h152c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM512 268v40 c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-360c-6.62402 0 -12 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-32c43.3604 0 46.75 32 74.75 32zM96 352h-0.100586c-17.6084 0 -31.8994 14.291 -31.8994 31.8994 v0.100586c0 31 32 23 32 64c12 0 32 -29.5 32 -56s-14.25 -40 -32 -40zM224 352h-0.100586c-17.6084 0 -31.8994 14.291 -31.8994 31.8994v0.100586c0 31 32 23 32 64c12 0 32 -29.5 32 -56s-14.25 -40 -32 -40zM352 352h-0.100586 c-17.6084 0 -31.8994 14.291 -31.8994 31.8994v0.100586c0 31 32 23 32 64c12 0 32 -29.5 32 -56s-14.25 -40 -32 -40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chart-area-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1fe;" d="M500 64c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-488c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v360c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-308h436z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toggle-off-secondary" unicode="&#x10f204;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 384c106 0 192 -86 192 -192s-86 -192 -192 -192h-192c-106 0 -192 86 -192 192s86 192 192 192h192zM192 64h0.0703125c70.6172 0 127.93 57.3125 127.93 127.93v0.0703125c0 70.6562 -57.3438 128 -128 128s-128 -57.3438 -128 -128s57.3438 -128 128 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0 31.6699 -3.37109 43.2432 -7.52539l-26.21 -42.3408 c-4.66992 1.02344 -12.3418 1.85449 -17.123 1.85449c-44.1602 0 -80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80c28.9121 0 61.7607 21.5068 73.3232 48.0059z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shekel-sign-secondary" unicode="&#x10f20b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M200 272v-224h112c30.9121 0 56 25.0879 56 56v296c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-296c0 -75.0723 -60.9277 -136 -136 -136h-168c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v280c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cart-plus-secondary" unicode="&#x10f217;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M552 384c1.48145 0 3.86621 -0.268555 5.30957 -0.599609c10.3096 -2.3457 18.6768 -12.8301 18.6768 -23.4023c0 -1.48633 -0.266602 -3.86914 -0.59668 -5.31836l-47.2695 -208c-2.34375 -10.3096 -12.8271 -18.6787 -23.4004 -18.6797h-293.149l-52.3604 256h392.79z M448 248v16c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-40v40c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-40h-40c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h40v-40c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h16c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16 v40h40c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cart-arrow-down-secondary" unicode="&#x10f218;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M552 384c1.48145 0 3.86621 -0.268555 5.30957 -0.599609c10.3096 -2.3457 18.6768 -12.8301 18.6768 -23.4023c0 -1.48633 -0.266602 -3.86914 -0.59668 -5.31836l-47.2695 -208c-2.34375 -10.3096 -12.8271 -18.6787 -23.4004 -18.6797h-293.149l-52.3604 256h392.79z M444.42 251.52c7.65039 7.55078 2.23047 20.4805 -8.58984 20.4805h-43.54v52c-0.0380859 6.62402 -5.44531 12 -12.0703 12h-0.0800781h-24.29h-0.0693359c-6.625 0 -12.0322 -5.37598 -12.0703 -12v-52h-43.54c-10.8203 0 -16.2402 -12.9297 -8.58984 -20.4805 l67.8301 -72c1.97559 -1.93652 5.82324 -3.50781 8.58984 -3.50781s6.61426 1.57129 8.58984 3.50781z" /> <glyph glyph-name="motorcycle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f21c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M252 96c-13.6992 -52.9268 -69.1875 -95.8809 -123.858 -95.8809c-70.623 0 -127.939 57.3164 -127.939 127.939s57.3164 127.94 127.939 127.94c10.2695 0 26.5938 -2.37402 36.4385 -5.29883l-24 -43.6904c-3.45508 0.550781 -9.09863 0.998047 -12.5977 0.998047 c-44.1602 0 -80 -35.8398 -80 -80s35.8398 -80 80 -80c28.9062 0 61.752 21.501 73.3174 47.9922h50.7002zM512 256c70.6562 0 128.021 -57.3438 128.021 -128s-57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128c0 32.5723 20.1016 76.1758 44.8682 97.3301l25.2607 -42.1699 c-12.2197 -12.8271 -22.1367 -37.6152 -22.1367 -55.3311c0 -44.2812 35.9385 -80.2197 80.2197 -80.2197c44.2822 0 80.2207 35.9385 80.2207 80.2197s-35.9385 80.2197 -80.2207 80.2197c-4.48438 0 -11.6895 -0.729492 -16.083 -1.62891l-25.6104 42.71 c11.0947 3.79199 29.6143 6.87012 41.3389 6.87012h0.121094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-secondary" unicode="&#x10f222;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M143.9 64c-44.1602 0 -80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80c44.1592 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8408 -80 -80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="transgender-secondary" unicode="&#x10f224;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M224 208c0 -44.1602 -35.8398 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80c44.0996 -0.0605469 79.9395 -35.9004 80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="venus-double-secondary" unicode="&#x10f226;" d="M512 272c0 -63.4092 -50.1758 -126.309 -112 -140.4v-51.5996h36c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-36v-36c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v36h-36c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40 c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h36v51.5996c-17.4814 3.98633 -43.1064 16.2168 -57.2002 27.3008c11.835 14.0869 26.2158 39.668 32.1006 57.0996c12.9854 -13.248 38.5801 -24 57.1309 -24c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80s-35.8398 80 -80 80 c-18.5508 0 -44.1455 -10.752 -57.1309 -24c-5.85254 17.4502 -20.2334 43.0312 -32.1006 57.0996c21.6494 17.0576 61.5889 30.9014 89.1504 30.9014c79.4883 0 144.022 -64.5127 144.05 -144.001z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-double-secondary" unicode="&#x10f227;" d="M380.7 202l48.7002 48.7002l-16.9004 16.8994c-1.94824 1.94238 -3.5293 5.75 -3.5293 8.5c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0292969h79c6.62402 -0.0322266 12 -5.43555 12 -12.0596v-0.0400391v-79v0c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-0.0996094h-0.0419922 c-2.71191 0 -6.45605 1.56836 -8.3584 3.5l-16.9004 16.9004l-48.6992 -48.7002c12.2002 -19.3994 22.1016 -53.7441 22.1016 -76.6611c0 -79.4883 -64.5117 -144 -144 -144c-71.5273 0 -135.682 57.7295 -143.202 128.861c18.4482 1.71777 46.8066 9.96094 63.2998 18.3994 c-0.0996094 -1 -0.0996094 -2.09961 -0.0996094 -3.2002c0 -44.1592 35.8398 -80 80 -80s80 35.8408 80 80c0 44.1602 -35.8398 80 -80 80c-1 0 -2.09961 -0.0996094 -3.2002 -0.0996094c8.40039 16.5049 16.6436 44.8633 18.4004 63.2998 c18.335 -1.94922 45.8867 -11.4912 61.5 -21.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="venus-mars-secondary" unicode="&#x10f228;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M576 436v-79v0c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-0.0996094h-0.0419922c-2.71191 0 -6.45605 1.56836 -8.3584 3.5l-16.9004 16.9004l-48.6992 -48.7002c12.2656 -19.4375 22.2207 -53.8662 22.2207 -76.8496c0 -79.4883 -64.5117 -144 -144 -144 c-27.6318 0 -67.6475 13.9102 -89.3213 31.0498c11.8672 14.0684 26.248 39.6494 32.1006 57.0996c12.9854 -13.248 38.5801 -24 57.1309 -24c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80s-35.8398 80 -80 80c-18.5508 0 -44.1455 -10.752 -57.1309 -24 c-5.88477 17.4316 -20.2656 43.0127 -32.1006 57.0996c21.6621 17.0576 61.6201 30.9014 89.1914 30.9014c22.9297 0 57.2949 -9.90137 76.709 -22.1006l48.7002 48.6992l-16.9004 16.9004c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.75 -3.5293 8.5c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0292969 h79c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mars-stroke-secondary" unicode="&#x10f229;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M144 64c-44.1602 0 -80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80s80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="server-secondary" unicode="&#x10f233;" d="M432 328c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM432 56c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM480 256c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64 c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h448zM368 168c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM432 168c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24 s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="train-secondary" unicode="&#x10f238;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M376 352c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-112c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-304c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v112c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h304zM381 -49.7197c1.68066 -1.32617 3.04395 -4.13965 3.04395 -6.28027c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-0.0439453h-304 h-0.0439453c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8c0 2.14062 1.36328 4.9541 3.04395 6.28027l63 49.7197h188z" /> <glyph glyph-name="subway-secondary" unicode="&#x10f239;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M176 192h-104c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v112c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h104c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-112c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24zM376 352c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-112c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-104c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v112 c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h104zM381 -49.7197c1.68066 -1.32617 3.04395 -4.13965 3.04395 -6.28027c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-0.0439453h-304h-0.0439453c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8c0 2.14062 1.36328 4.9541 3.04395 6.28027l63 49.7197h188z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-full-secondary" unicode="&#x10f240;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h512c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-16h8zM576 160v64h-32v64h-480v-192h480v64 h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-three-quarters-secondary" unicode="&#x10f241;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h512c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-16h8zM576 160v64h-32v64h-480v-192h480v64 h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-half-secondary" unicode="&#x10f242;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h512c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-16h8zM576 160v64h-32v64h-480v-192h480v64 h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-quarter-secondary" unicode="&#x10f243;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h512c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-16h8zM576 160v64h-32v64h-480v-192h480v64 h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-empty-secondary" unicode="&#x10f244;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-512c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h512c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-16h8zM576 160v64h-32v64h-480v-192h480v64 h32z" /> 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21.5039 48 48 48c0.220703 0 0.579102 -0.00292969 0.799805 -0.00683594 c26.2998 -0.400391 47.2002 -22.5 47.2002 -48.7998v-133.5v-0.185547c0 -10.6621 -3.36035 -27.2891 -7.5 -37.1143l-49 -116.301c-4.12012 -9.88184 -7.47949 -26.5928 -7.5 -37.2998v-2.89941v-0.0605469c0 -13.2148 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395 -23.9395h-0.0605469 h-240h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 10.7246 -23.9395 23.9395v0.0605469v6.69922c-0.0146484 11.8945 -7.22754 27.9785 -16.0996 35.9004l-111.7 99.29c-17.7656 15.835 -32.1914 48.002 -32.2002 71.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-paper-secondary" unicode="&#x10f256;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 280v-150.36v-0.0410156c0 -12.2959 -2.28516 -31.9893 -5.09961 -43.959l-26.5107 -112.64c-4.80859 -20.4238 -25.7402 -37 -46.7227 -37h-0.00683594h-197.59c-13.4932 0 -30.8848 8.85742 -38.8203 19.7695l-125.6 172.7 c-4.22461 5.80762 -7.65234 16.3496 -7.65234 23.5303c0 22.0811 17.9209 40.002 40.002 40.002c11.2432 0 25.7363 -7.37891 32.3496 -16.4717l31.6504 -43.5303v236v0.0078125c0 21.6533 17.5703 39.5703 39.2197 39.9922 c22.4199 0.419922 40.7803 -18.3604 40.7803 -40.79v-175.21h8v216v0.0078125c0 21.6533 17.5703 39.5703 39.2197 39.9922c22.4199 0.419922 40.7803 -18.3604 40.7803 -40.79v-215.21h8v177v0.0078125c0 21.6533 17.5703 39.5703 39.2197 39.9922 c22.4199 0.419922 40.7803 -18.3604 40.7803 -40.79v-176.21h8v87.21c0 22.4297 18.3604 41.21 40.7803 40.7803c21.6475 -0.422852 39.2188 -18.3379 39.2197 -39.9902z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-scissors-secondary" unicode="&#x10f257;" d="M512 280v-240v-0.00292969c0 -17.4883 -13.8164 -34.9326 -30.8398 -38.9375l-136 -32c-2.49512 -0.583008 -6.59863 -1.05762 -9.16016 -1.05957h-80c-22.0801 0 -40 17.9199 -40 40s17.9199 40 40 40v8h-32c-22.0801 0 -40 17.9199 -40 40s17.9199 40 40 40h32v8h-208 c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48h208v13.5703l-177.55 69.7393c-17.002 6.52637 -30.8008 26.6016 -30.8008 44.8135c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48c5.125 0 13.1445 -1.55176 17.9004 -3.46289l190.34 -74.7598l24.8799 31.0996 c6.62988 8.28613 20.6221 15.0107 31.2344 15.0107c5.86328 0 14.7549 -2.36133 19.8457 -5.27051l112 -64c11.123 -6.3584 20.1504 -21.916 20.1504 -34.7275v-0.0126953z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-lizard-secondary" unicode="&#x10f258;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M561.17 135.48c8.18652 -12.9639 14.8301 -35.9277 14.8301 -51.2588v-0.00195312v-116.22h-192v61.46c0 7.28711 -4.99512 16.3682 -11.1504 20.2705l-111.75 70.8096c-6.49219 4.11621 -18.002 7.45801 -25.6895 7.45996h-147.41c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v8 c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h123.65h0.00195312c11.7754 0 25.0078 8.82129 29.5381 19.6904l21.4092 51.3896c0.763672 1.83398 1.38379 4.93359 1.38379 6.91992c0 9.92676 -8.05664 17.9912 -17.9834 18h-230c-30.9121 0 -56 25.0879 -56 56v16c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24 h333.54h0.00585938c14.6045 0 32.7861 -10.0215 40.584 -22.3701z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-pointer-secondary" unicode="&#x10f25a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M408 248c22.0801 0 40 -17.9199 40 -40v-96c-0.00195312 -2.56152 -0.476562 -6.66504 -1.05957 -9.16016l-32 -136c-4.00488 -17.0234 -21.4492 -30.8398 -38.9375 -30.8398h-0.00292969h-208h-0.00292969c-11.2422 0 -25.7334 7.37891 -32.3467 16.4697l-128 176 c-4.22461 5.80762 -7.65234 16.3496 -7.65234 23.5303c0 22.0811 17.9209 40.002 40.002 40.002c11.2432 0 25.7363 -7.37891 32.3496 -16.4717l31.6504 -43.5303v276c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40s40 -17.9199 40 -40v-200h8v40c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40 s40 -17.9199 40 -40v-40h8v24c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40s40 -17.9199 40 -40v-24h8c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40zM224 48v64c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM288 48v64 c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16zM352 48v64c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hand-peace-secondary" unicode="&#x10f25b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 192v-80c-0.00195312 -2.56152 -0.476562 -6.66504 -1.05957 -9.16016l-32 -136c-4.00488 -17.0234 -21.4492 -30.8398 -38.9375 -30.8398h-0.00292969h-240h-0.00292969c-12.8115 0 -28.3691 9.02734 -34.7275 20.1504l-64 112 c-2.91113 5.0918 -5.27344 13.9854 -5.27344 19.8516c0 10.6084 6.72168 24.5986 15.0039 31.2285l31.0996 24.8799l-74.7598 190.34c-1.91113 4.75586 -3.46289 12.7754 -3.46289 17.9004c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48c18.2119 0 38.2871 -13.7988 44.8135 -30.8008 l69.7393 -177.55h13.5703v208c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48s48 -21.5039 48 -48v-208h8v32c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40s40 -17.9199 40 -40v-32h8c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40s40 -17.9199 40 -40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trademark-secondary" unicode="&#x10f25c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M640 44.1504v-0.0605469c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12.041 -12 -12.0898h-53.9004h-0.0263672c-6.19629 0 -11.5605 5.01758 -11.9736 11.2002l-9.09961 132.899c-1.7998 24.2002 0 53.7002 0 53.7002h-0.900391s-10.6992 -33.5996 -17.8994 -53.7002l-30.7002 -84.6992 c-1.58496 -4.36133 -6.6377 -7.90039 -11.2783 -7.90039h-0.0214844h-50.2998h-0.0224609c-4.63965 0 -9.69238 3.53906 -11.2783 7.90039l-30.6992 84.6992c-7.2002 20.1006 -17.9004 53.7002 -17.9004 53.7002h-0.900391s1.80078 -29.5 0 -53.7002l-9.09961 -132.899 c-0.454102 -6.15332 -5.83008 -11.1709 -12 -11.2002h-55.5c-6.09668 0.486328 -11.0449 5.8457 -11.0449 11.9619c0 0.287109 0.0205078 0.751953 0.0449219 1.03809l24.4004 296c0.568359 6.0293 5.94434 10.957 12 11h65.3994 c4.69629 -0.0351562 9.75879 -3.66406 11.2998 -8.09961l43.8008 -127.101c7.19922 -20.5996 16.0996 -52.7998 16.0996 -52.7998h0.900391s8.89941 32.2002 16.0996 52.7998l43.7998 127.101c1.53027 4.45215 6.59277 8.08008 11.2998 8.09961h65.4004h0.0419922 c6.09277 0 11.4502 -4.92773 11.958 -11l24 -296v-0.849609z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pause-circle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f28b;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM240 112v160c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h48c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16zM352 112v160 c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-48c-8.83203 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13.1787c5.74316 0 14.1748 -2.74121 18.8203 -6.11914z M377.88 402.82l106.78 -146.82h-79.1406l-79.3994 109.18c-3.4375 4.6709 -6.22754 13.168 -6.22754 18.9678c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32c9.05957 0 20.7012 -5.9707 25.9873 -13.3271z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hashtag-secondary" unicode="&#x10f292;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M202.46 415.81c5.45215 -0.979492 9.87695 -6.27051 9.87695 -11.8105c0 -0.586914 -0.0839844 -1.53125 -0.186523 -2.10938l-14.6201 -81.8896h-65l15.3799 86.1104c0.974609 5.45801 6.26562 9.88867 11.8096 9.88965h40.6299h0.0283203 c0.579102 0 1.5127 -0.0849609 2.08203 -0.19043zM72.1904 -17.8896l48.9199 273.89h65l-49.6602 -278.11c-0.974609 -5.45801 -6.26562 -9.88867 -11.8105 -9.88965h-40.6396h-0.0283203c-0.579102 0 -1.51172 0.0849609 -2.08203 0.19043 c-5.45703 0.975586 -9.88574 6.26758 -9.88574 11.8115c0 0.586914 0.0830078 1.53125 0.186523 2.1084zM235.84 -17.8896l14.6299 81.8896h65l-15.3701 -86.1104c-0.974609 -5.45898 -6.2666 -9.88965 -11.8125 -9.88965h-0.00683594h-40.6299h-0.0283203 c-0.579102 0 -1.5127 0.0849609 -2.08203 0.19043c-5.45703 0.975586 -9.88672 6.26758 -9.88672 11.8115c0 0.586914 0.0839844 1.53125 0.186523 2.1084zM366.11 415.81c5.45703 -0.975586 9.88574 -6.26758 9.88574 -11.8115 c0 -0.586914 -0.0830078 -1.53125 -0.186523 -2.1084l-48.9199 -273.89h-65l49.6602 278.11c0.975586 5.45898 6.26758 9.88965 11.8135 9.88965h0.00683594h40.6299h0.0283203c0.579102 0 1.51172 -0.0849609 2.08203 -0.19043z" /> <glyph glyph-name="percent-secondary" unicode="&#x10f295;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M336 160h0.0595703c61.791 0 111.94 -50.1494 111.94 -111.94v-0.0595703c0 -61.8242 -50.1758 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.1758 -112 112s50.1758 112 112 112zM336 0c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48zM112 448 h0.0595703c61.791 0 111.94 -50.1494 111.94 -111.94v-0.0595703c0 -61.8242 -50.1758 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.1758 -112 112s50.1758 112 112 112zM112 288c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48z" /> 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19.5234 -7.12207 23.3398 -15.3506c5.31543 -11.2441 19.7217 -20.3701 32.1592 -20.3701 c0.0195312 0 0.0517578 0.000976562 0.0712891 0.000976562z" /> <glyph glyph-name="deaf-secondary" unicode="&#x10f2a4;" d="M508.48 416.2c1.94824 -1.94141 3.5293 -5.75 3.5293 -8.5c0 -2.75098 -1.58105 -6.55859 -3.5293 -8.5l-87 -87c-1.94238 -1.94824 -5.75 -3.5293 -8.5 -3.5293c-2.75098 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-28.2803 28.29c-1.94824 1.94141 -3.5293 5.74902 -3.5293 8.5 c0 2.75 1.58105 6.55859 3.5293 8.5l87 87c1.94141 1.94824 5.74902 3.5293 8.5 3.5293c2.75 0 6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293zM169 133.26l28.2598 -28.2598c1.94824 -1.94141 3.5293 -5.74902 3.5293 -8.5s-1.58105 -6.55859 -3.5293 -8.5l-148.46 -148.48 c-1.94141 -1.94824 -5.74902 -3.5293 -8.5 -3.5293c-2.75 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-28.29 28.25c-1.94824 1.94238 -3.5293 5.75 -3.5293 8.5c0 2.75098 1.58105 6.55859 3.5293 8.5l148.49 148.49c1.94141 1.94824 5.74902 3.5293 8.5 3.5293 s6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293z" /> <glyph 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c-9.52832 -1.00586 -25.0361 -1.82129 -34.6162 -1.82129c-12.2891 0 -32.1465 1.33984 -44.3242 2.99121l-40.6299 58l-119.39 170.58c-8.64355 -9.25293 -21.3174 -25.3408 -28.29 -35.9102l124.189 -177.42c-61.9814 21.5723 -139.409 84.9189 -172.83 141.4 c-3.66895 6.22559 -6.64648 17.1436 -6.64648 24.3691c0 7.22656 2.97754 18.1445 6.64648 24.3701c27.1279 45.7734 87.8633 102.047 135.57 125.61z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thermometer-full-secondary" unicode="&#x10f2c7;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M272 169.5c19.7002 -24.5996 32 -55.5 32 -89.5c0 -79.4883 -64.5117 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.5117 -144 144c0 34 12.2998 64.7998 32 89.5v166.5c0 61.8242 50.1758 112 112 112s112 -50.1758 112 -112v-166.5zM160 0h0.123047 c44.0889 0 79.8701 35.7812 79.8701 79.8701c0 22.0635 -14.333 50.7041 -31.9932 63.9297v192.2c0 26.4961 -21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48v-192.2c-17.6602 -13.2256 -31.9932 -41.8662 -31.9932 -63.9297c0 -44.0889 35.7812 -79.8701 79.8701 -79.8701 h0.123047z" /> <glyph 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16.9492 6.97656s13.0645 -3.12598 16.9502 -6.97656l154.7 -154l154.7 154 c3.86816 3.8916 11.4619 7.05078 16.9502 7.05078c5.4873 0 13.0811 -3.15918 16.9492 -7.05078l22.7002 -22.7002c3.8916 -3.86816 7.05078 -11.4619 7.05078 -16.9502c0 -5.4873 -3.15918 -13.0811 -7.05078 -16.9492l-194.3 -194.4 c-3.90137 -3.85156 -11.5176 -6.97656 -17 -6.97656s-13.0986 3.125 -17 6.97656z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chevron-double-up-secondary" unicode="&#x10f325;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M435 27.1396c3.87988 -3.87988 7.0293 -11.4824 7.0293 -16.9697s-3.14941 -13.0898 -7.0293 -16.9697l-22.6299 -22.6699c-3.86914 -3.87109 -11.4521 -7.0127 -16.9248 -7.0127c-5.47363 0 -13.0557 3.1416 -16.9258 7.0127l-154.52 153.97l-154.5 -154 c-3.86914 -3.87109 -11.4521 -7.0127 -16.9248 -7.0127c-5.47363 0 -13.0557 3.1416 -16.9248 7.0127l-22.6504 22.7002c-3.87988 3.87988 -7.0293 11.4824 -7.0293 16.9697s3.14941 13.0898 7.0293 16.9697l194 194.33c3.87109 3.87988 11.46 7.02832 16.9404 7.02832 c5.47949 0 13.0693 -3.14844 16.9395 -7.02832z" /> 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8.57031v71.4102h115.84c6.62402 0.0439453 12 5.45508 12 12.0791v0.0205078z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-right-secondary" unicode="&#x10f35a;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM390.48 183.48c1.94043 1.9502 3.51562 5.76758 3.51562 8.51953s-1.5752 6.56934 -3.51562 8.51953l-114.16 115.891c-7.58984 7.66992 -20.4805 2.21973 -20.4805 -8.57031 v-71.4102h-115.84c-6.62402 -0.0439453 -12 -5.45508 -12 -12.0791v-0.0205078v-64.5605v-0.0195312c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12.0361 12 -12.0801h115.84v-71.5098c0 -10.79 12.9902 -16.2402 20.4805 -8.57031z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-circle-up-secondary" unicode="&#x10f35b;" d="M256 440c137 0 248 -111 248 -248s-111 -248 -248 -248s-248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248zM371.84 191.84c10.79 0 16.2402 12.9902 8.57031 20.4805l-115.93 114.16c-1.94922 1.92969 -5.75781 3.49609 -8.5 3.49609c-2.74316 0 -6.55176 -1.56641 -8.5 -3.49609 l-115.891 -114.16c-7.66992 -7.58984 -2.21973 -20.4805 8.57031 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16.9697c0 5.4873 3.14844 13.0898 7.02832 16.9707l92.6807 92.7197 c3.87988 3.87988 11.4824 7.0293 16.9697 7.0293s13.0898 -3.14941 16.9697 -7.0293l10.7803 -10.7695c3.88184 -3.88086 7.03223 -11.4854 7.03223 -16.9736c0 -5.7334 -3.39258 -13.5723 -7.57227 -17.4971l-34.5098 -32.4102h181.93 c52.9854 0.00683594 95.9883 43.0146 95.9883 96c0 11.3125 -3.74902 28.874 -8.36816 39.2002c-1.19141 2.60156 -2.1582 7.03516 -2.1582 9.89648c0 5.40137 3.08594 12.8975 6.8877 16.7334l12.1807 12.1904c3.87891 3.87402 11.4766 7.01855 16.959 7.01855 c8.09082 0 17.6553 -5.8418 21.3506 -13.0391z" /> <glyph glyph-name="repeat-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f364;" d="M493.54 266.5c10.1934 -19.2607 18.4658 -52.5801 18.4658 -74.3721c0 -0.379883 -0.00292969 -0.998047 -0.00585938 -1.37793c-0.660156 -88.1504 -73.4404 -158.75 -161.6 -158.75h-158.4v-47.5c0 -22.5 -26.1797 -32.2998 -41 -17.5l-80 80 c-3.87988 3.87988 -7.0293 11.4824 -7.0293 16.9697s3.14941 13.0898 7.0293 16.9707l80 80c15.1104 15.1094 41 4.33984 41 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2.6875 -2.30859 7.28223 -2.30859 10.2559c0 5.51758 3.18457 13.1445 7.1084 17.0244c4.74023 4.70996 8.63965 8.5498 11.8701 11.79c3.87988 3.87988 11.4824 7.0293 16.9707 7.0293 c7.90332 0 17.3652 -5.64453 21.1191 -12.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="share-all-secondary" unicode="&#x10f367;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M567.69 221.84l-176 -152c-15.3906 -13.2803 -39.6904 -2.53027 -39.6904 18.1602v15.8301l108.61 93.79c10.7061 9.24707 19.3945 28.2334 19.3945 42.3799s-8.68848 33.1328 -19.3945 42.3799l-108.61 93.79v15.8301c0 20.6602 24.2803 31.46 39.6904 18.1602l176 -152 c4.58594 -3.96289 8.30859 -12.0986 8.30859 -18.1602s-3.72266 -14.1973 -8.30859 -18.1602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="battery-bolt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f376;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M64 288v-192h178.78l-14.1699 -64h-180.61c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h115.94l-7.66016 -64h-92.2803zM616 288c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-144c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-8v-16c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-169.45 l36.6201 64h116.83v64h32v64h-32v64h-72.1104c-10.2188 8.83203 -29.4736 16 -42.9805 16h-0.128906h-33.3506l9.9502 48h154.62c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-16h8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="browser-secondary" unicode="&#x10f37e;" d="M76 288c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v40c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h40c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-40zM0 224h512v-208c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="code-merge-secondary" unicode="&#x10f387;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M227.06 154.1c-41.0234 6.02441 -96.1543 36.5205 -123.06 68.0703v-129.84c-6.46875 2.02539 -17.2207 3.66992 -24 3.66992s-17.5312 -1.64453 -24 -3.66992v199.34c6.46582 -2.02637 17.2139 -3.66992 23.9902 -3.66992c10.085 0 25.6484 3.54395 34.7402 7.91016 c17.1963 -43.0859 68.1689 -84.9336 113.779 -93.4102c-2.48926 -7.09766 -4.51074 -18.9619 -4.51074 -26.4834c0 -6.16699 1.37109 -15.9854 3.06055 -21.917z" /> <glyph glyph-name="credit-card-blank-secondary" unicode="&#x10f389;" 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5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h168zM276 160c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h168zM276 224c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-8 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-168c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h168z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbs-up-primary" unicode="&#xf164;" d="M104 224c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-240c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v240c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h80zM64 -24c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbs-down-primary" unicode="&#xf165;" d="M104 416c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-240c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v240c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h80zM64 168c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="wheelchair-primary" unicode="&#xf193;" d="M503.12 12.2197l-65.46 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-24.2402h-285.46c-7.12988 -13.248 -25.127 -24 -40.1719 -24h-0.0283203h-114.34c-23.1797 0 -32 10 -32 24v144 c0 14 8.7998 24 32 24h114.34h0.0283203c15.0449 0 33.042 -10.752 40.1719 -24h285.46c43.7803 0 87.7305 -8.83984 120.6 -24.2402zM488 152c31.9404 0 31.9102 80 0 80c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-64c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="language-primary" unicode="&#xf1ab;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M616.12 352c13.1816 -0.0332031 23.8799 -10.7578 23.8799 -23.9395v-0.0605469v-272.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-296v320h296.12zM576 232v16c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-64v16c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-16 c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-16h-64c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-15.9199c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h114.3c-6.2002 -14.2998 -16.5 -28.9902 -30 -43.1904c-5.21387 5.42285 -13.0088 14.7822 -17.3994 20.8906 c-1.99609 2.80469 -6.40918 5.08008 -9.85156 5.08008c-1.82324 0 -4.57812 -0.75293 -6.14844 -1.68066l-7.30078 -4.2998l-6.5 -3.88965l-0.639648 -0.410156c-2.86035 -1.97461 -5.18262 -6.39941 -5.18262 -9.87598c0 -2.0625 0.951172 -5.11621 2.12305 -6.81445 c5.28711 -7.50586 14.6953 -19.0146 21 -25.6895c-6.92676 -5.37012 -18.6191 -13.4346 -26.1006 -18c-3.1875 -1.93457 -5.77344 -6.53027 -5.77344 -10.2588c0 -1.75488 0.705078 -4.41699 1.57324 -5.94141l7.90039 -13.9297l0.200195 -0.339844 c1.93555 -3.17871 6.52734 -5.75781 10.248 -5.75781c1.86133 0 4.66211 0.787109 6.25195 1.75781c10.1924 6.26855 26.0518 17.4189 35.3994 24.8896c9.34277 -7.47852 25.2021 -18.6289 35.4004 -24.8896c0.0908203 -0.0605469 0.243164 -0.150391 0.339844 -0.200195 c1.52246 -0.865234 4.17871 -1.56738 5.92969 -1.56738c3.85254 0 8.52539 2.71777 10.4307 6.06738l7.89941 13.8896c0.883789 1.53418 1.60059 4.2168 1.60059 5.9873c0 3.69629 -2.55371 8.27148 -5.7002 10.2129c-7.45703 4.59961 -19.1504 12.6641 -26.0996 18 c21 22.4902 35.7998 46.2803 42.6992 69.8799h11.4004c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM187.71 279.95l57.6396 -168.141c0.359375 -1.03125 0.650391 -2.75391 0.650391 -3.8457v-0.0839844c-0.0654297 -6.55762 -5.44141 -11.8799 -11.999 -11.8799h-0.000976562h-23 h-0.0869141c-4.92773 0 -10.0762 3.83008 -11.4932 8.5498l-9.41992 31.7197h-60.2998l-9.12012 -31.6191c-1.41406 -4.74414 -6.58008 -8.61914 -11.5303 -8.65039h-23c-6.63672 0.0253906 -12.0234 5.43262 -12.0234 12.0703c0 1.05762 0.265625 2.7334 0.59375 3.73926 l57.6494 168.141c1.5498 4.44336 6.62598 8.0498 11.332 8.0498h0.0986328h32.5801c4.70215 -0.0244141 9.82227 -3.63086 11.4297 -8.0498zM140.9 174.3h38.0996l-10.9004 37.5c-3.5 12.1006 -7.7998 33.2002 -7.7998 33.2002h-0.5s-4.2998 -21.0996 -7.7998 -33.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-pdf-primary" unicode="&#xf1c1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM240 116.2c19.2998 2.5 59.7002 6.39941 73.5996 -7.2002 c11.5 -11.4004 9.5 -43.4004 -19.6992 -43.4004c-16.9004 0 -42.3008 7.7002 -64 19.5c-24.9004 -4.09961 -53.2002 -14.6992 -79 -23.1992c-25.4004 -43.8008 -43.2002 -61.8008 -61.1006 -61.8008c-5.5 0 -15.8994 3.10059 -21.5 10 c-19.0996 23.5 27.4004 54.1006 54.5 68c0.100586 0 0.100586 0.100586 0.200195 0.100586c12.0996 21.2002 29.2002 58.2002 40.7998 85.7998c-8.5 32.9004 -13.0996 58.7002 -8.09961 77c5.39941 19.7002 43.0996 22.5996 47.7998 -6.7998 c5.40039 -17.6006 -1.7002 -45.7002 -6.2002 -64.2002c9.40039 -24.7998 22.7002 -41.5996 42.7002 -53.7998zM86.0996 19.9004c0 -0.800781 13.2002 5.39941 34.9004 40.1992c-6.7002 -6.2998 -29.0996 -24.5 -34.9004 -40.1992zM179.9 238.8 c-2.90039 0 -3 -30.8994 2 -46.8994c5.59961 10 6.39941 46.8994 -2 46.8994zM151.8 82c18.2998 7 39 17.2002 62.9004 21.9004c-12.7002 9.59961 -24.9004 23.3994 -34.5 40.7998c-7.7002 -20.2002 -17.2998 -43.2998 -28.4004 -62.7002zM302.9 87.7002 c4.09961 2.7002 -2.5 11.8994 -42.8008 9c37.1006 -15.7998 42.8008 -9 42.8008 -9z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-word-primary" unicode="&#xf1c2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM305 192c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-0.0556641 c0 -0.739258 -0.134766 -1.92383 -0.299805 -2.64453l-38 -168c-1.14941 -5.13379 -6.35156 -9.2998 -11.6123 -9.2998h-0.0878906h-38c-5.15723 0.0195312 -10.3535 4.0957 -11.5996 9.09961c-25.8008 103.5 -20.8008 81.2002 -25.6006 110.5h-0.5 c-1.09961 -14.2998 -2.39941 -17.3994 -25.5996 -110.5c-1.24609 -5.00391 -6.44336 -9.08008 -11.6006 -9.09961h-37.0996c-5.30859 0.00683594 -10.5498 4.21777 -11.7002 9.40039l-37.7998 168c-0.157227 0.708984 -0.285156 1.87305 -0.285156 2.59961 c0 6.61621 5.36914 11.9922 11.9854 12h24.5h0.0224609c5.45508 0 10.7314 -4.3457 11.7773 -9.7002c15.5996 -78 20.0996 -109.5 21 -122.2c1.59961 10.2002 7.2998 32.7002 29.4004 122.7c1.21582 5.02344 6.39746 9.10059 11.5654 9.10059h0.133789h29.1006h0.03125 c5.22266 0 10.4502 -4.12207 11.6689 -9.2002c24 -100.4 28.7998 -124 29.5996 -129.4c-0.200195 11.2002 -2.59961 17.7998 21.5996 129.2c0.961914 5.24414 6.06934 9.5 11.4004 9.5h0.0996094h23.9004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-excel-primary" unicode="&#xf1c3;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM224 112l60.0996 -93.5c1.05664 -1.63867 1.91309 -4.55078 1.91309 -6.5 c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-0.0126953h-34.9004h-0.0400391c-3.95117 0 -8.68262 2.82227 -10.5596 6.2998c-19.5996 36.2002 -36.5 68.7002 -36.5 68.7002c-6.40039 -14.7998 -10 -20 -36.5996 -68.7998c-1.85254 -3.47754 -6.55371 -6.2998 -10.4941 -6.2998 h-0.00585938h-34.9004h-0.0126953c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12c0 1.94922 0.856445 4.86133 1.91309 6.5l60.2998 93.5l-60.2998 93.5c-1.05664 1.63867 -1.91309 4.5498 -1.91309 6.5c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h0.0126953h34.7998h0.0400391 c3.95215 0 8.68262 -2.82227 10.5605 -6.30078c26.0996 -48.7998 20 -33.5996 36.5996 -68.5c0 0 6.09961 11.7002 36.5996 68.5c1.87793 3.47852 6.6084 6.30078 10.5605 6.30078h0.0400391h34.7998h0.0771484c6.58496 0 11.9297 -5.34473 11.9297 -11.9297 c0 -1.94141 -0.854492 -4.83984 -1.90723 -6.4707z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-powerpoint-primary" unicode="&#xf1c4;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM204.1 223.8c44.5 0 72.9004 -32.7998 72.9004 -77 c0 -90.2998 -88.7998 -77.5996 -111.1 -77.5996v-57.2002c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12h-30.8008c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v199.8c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h81zM213.8 124.6c10 11.4004 9.7998 33.2002 0.200195 44.1006 c-4.7998 5.39941 -11.5 8.09961 -20.2998 8.09961h-27.9004v-60.7002h26.9004c9.2002 0 16.2002 2.90039 21.0996 8.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-image-primary" unicode="&#xf1c5;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 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97.0996v32h32v-32h22.3301 c5.44141 -0.0195312 10.7275 -4.36523 11.7998 -9.7002zM128.33 58c17.9004 0 32.4004 12.0996 32.4004 27s-14.6006 27 -32.5 27c-17.9004 0 -32.4004 -12 -32.4004 -27s14.5996 -27 32.5 -27zM160 256v-32h-32v32h32zM160 320v-32h-32v32h32zM160 384v-32h-32v32h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-audio-primary" unicode="&#xf1c7;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM148 192c6.62402 0 12 -5.37598 12 -12v-136v-0.00976562c0 -6.62402 -5.37598 -12 -12 -12 c-2.75 0 -6.55859 1.58105 -8.5 3.5293l-35.5 36.4805h-28c-6.62402 0 -12 5.37598 -12 12v56c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h28l35.4697 36.4697c1.94141 1.94922 5.75 3.53027 8.50098 3.53027h0.0292969zM227.59 162.39 c11.2402 -11.6504 20.3926 -34.2451 20.3926 -50.4346c0 -16.2021 -9.13574 -38.8105 -20.3926 -50.4648c-21.7803 -22.4102 -56.8594 10.4502 -34.3799 33.6699c3.76758 3.86621 6.82617 11.3857 6.82617 16.7852c0 5.39844 -3.05859 12.918 -6.82617 16.7852 c-22.0801 22.9092 12.2002 56.4795 34.3799 33.6592zM279.41 212.39c54.0801 -55.8799 54.0801 -144.97 0 -200.88c-21.6699 -22.3994 -56.6602 10.3105 -34.1904 33.5205c14.916 15.46 27.0215 45.4424 27.0215 66.9248s-12.1055 51.4648 -27.0215 66.9248 c-21.9697 22.8105 12.1904 56.3203 34.1904 33.5098z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-video-primary" unicode="&#xf1c8;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM279 184.94c15 15.0596 41 4.5 41 -16.9404v-112c0 -21.4404 -25.9404 -32 -41 -17l-55 55 v-38c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-112c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v112c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h112c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-38.0596z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-code-primary" unicode="&#xf1c9;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 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2.93945 3.8584 5.16016 3.8584 c0.428711 0 1.10938 -0.0976562 1.51953 -0.21875l27.4502 -8c2.12109 -0.638672 3.84277 -2.95508 3.84277 -5.16992c0 -0.422852 -0.0957031 -1.09473 -0.212891 -1.5zM334.29 115.93c0.943359 -0.87793 1.69922 -2.61523 1.69922 -3.9043 c0 -1.17383 -0.654297 -2.82031 -1.45898 -3.67578l-0.25 -0.25l-64.8604 -60.6895c-0.862305 -0.807617 -2.52246 -1.46387 -3.7041 -1.46387c-1.28711 0 -3.05078 0.758789 -3.93555 1.69336l-19.5801 20.8408c-0.800781 0.854492 -1.4502 2.49902 -1.4502 3.66992 c0 1.29004 0.765625 3.05078 1.70996 3.92969l0.129883 0.120117l40.7598 35.7998l-40.7598 35.7998c-1.01172 0.890625 -1.83398 2.70703 -1.83398 4.05566c0 1.12305 0.602539 2.7207 1.34375 3.56445l0.110352 0.120117l19.5801 20.8496 c0.885742 0.938477 2.65137 1.69922 3.94043 1.69922c1.17969 0 2.83691 -0.65332 3.69922 -1.45898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="circle-notch-primary" unicode="&#xf1ce;" d="M256 8.07031v-64c-136.44 -0.310547 -247.42 109.93 -248 246.42v0.229492c-0.610352 116.12 78.5996 213.851 186 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3.54004 14.7715 7.90137 19.1602c0.360352 0.359375 0.740234 0.719727 1.12012 1.05957l201.11 180.69l69.21 -69.2002h0.0595703z" /> <glyph glyph-name="utensil-knife-primary" unicode="&#xf2e4;" d="M113 -53.5498c-4.8916 -5.75879 -14.9941 -10.4316 -22.5498 -10.4316c-5.97363 0 -14.5264 3.12793 -19.0898 6.98145c-0.640625 0.530273 -1.24023 1.08984 -1.82031 1.66992l-48.8896 48.7705c-4.77344 4.78027 -8.64844 14.1436 -8.64844 20.8994 s3.875 16.1191 8.64844 20.9004l160.279 160l77.5 -77.4805z" /> <glyph glyph-name="utensil-spoon-primary" unicode="&#xf2e5;" d="M293.78 162.11l-194.98 -217.11c-4.48242 -4.97363 -13.5547 -9.01074 -20.25 -9.01074c-5.78027 0 -13.9561 3.14062 -18.25 7.01074c-0.339844 0.30957 -0.669922 0.620117 -1 0.950195l-51.2998 51.2695c-4.42773 4.40039 -8.02148 13.0381 -8.02148 19.2803 c0 6.1875 3.54004 14.7715 7.90137 19.1602c0.360352 0.359375 0.740234 0.719727 1.12012 1.05957l217.14 195c11.6992 -25.6475 42.0107 -55.9551 67.6602 -67.6494z" /> <glyph glyph-name="triangle-primary" 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8.5625 24.6484 19.1123 29.29c52.1904 23.21 60.9102 38.9102 61 75.6104v103.1c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-103.1c0.19043 -37.5 9.41016 -52.6104 61 -75.6104c10.4863 -4.68359 18.9961 -17.8066 18.9961 -29.291c0 -1.84082 -0.307617 -4.79688 -0.686523 -6.59863z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-landscape-primary" unicode="&#xf2fa;" d="M64 80v224c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-224c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-portrait-primary" unicode="&#xf2fb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M64 16v352c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-352c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-wide-primary" unicode="&#xf2fc;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M64 112v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h480c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-480c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16z" /> <glyph 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20.4746 -6.46484 25.1201 -14.4297l76.3799 -130.91c2.18555 -3.75098 3.95898 -10.3193 3.95898 -14.6602s-1.77344 -10.9092 -3.95898 -14.6602z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-check-primary" unicode="&#xf316;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M285.17 206.7l28.0996 -28.4902c1.94922 -1.94141 3.53027 -5.74902 3.53027 -8.5c0 -2.75 -1.58105 -6.55859 -3.53027 -8.5l-143 -141.81c-1.94141 -1.94824 -5.74902 -3.53027 -8.5 -3.53027c-2.75 0 -6.55762 1.58203 -8.5 3.53027l-82.5693 83.2695 c-1.92969 1.93848 -3.49512 5.73047 -3.49512 8.46484c0 2.7666 1.59766 6.59082 3.56445 8.53516l28.4004 28.2002c1.94141 1.94824 5.75 3.5293 8.5 3.5293c2.75098 0 6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293l46 -46.3506l106 105.181c1.94141 1.94824 5.75 3.5293 8.5 3.5293 c2.75098 0 6.55859 -1.58105 8.5 -3.5293zM377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-exclamation-primary" unicode="&#xf31a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM160 115.2l-7.2002 111.97v0.830078c0 6.62402 5.37598 12 12 12h55.2002 c6.19824 -0.399414 11.2285 -5.76465 11.2285 -11.9756c0 -0.227539 -0.0126953 -0.59668 -0.0283203 -0.824219l-7.2002 -112c-0.413086 -6.18262 -5.77734 -11.2002 -11.9736 -11.2002h-0.0263672h-40h-0.0263672c-6.19629 0 -11.5605 5.01758 -11.9736 11.2002zM192 88 c22.0801 0 40 -17.9199 40 -40s-17.9199 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9199 -40 40s17.9199 40 40 40z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-edit-primary" unicode="&#xf31c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM242.4 131.6c0.819336 -0.820312 1.46484 -2.45508 1.46484 -3.61426 s-0.666016 -2.76562 -1.48535 -3.58496l-95 -95l-48.2002 -5.40039c-0.299805 -0.0332031 -0.788086 -0.0595703 -1.08984 -0.0595703s-0.790039 0.0263672 -1.08984 0.0595703c-5 0.549805 -9.05859 5.07812 -9.05859 10.1094 c0 0.301758 0.0263672 0.790039 0.0585938 1.09082l5.42969 48.2002l95 95c0.820312 0.819336 2.42578 1.48438 3.58496 1.48438s2.76562 -0.665039 3.58496 -1.48438zM298.1 208.7c3.27051 -3.26953 5.89453 -9.64551 5.89453 -14.2705 c0 -4.62402 -2.65332 -11.0303 -5.92383 -14.2998l-26 -26c-0.820312 -0.819336 -2.42578 -1.48438 -3.58496 -1.48438s-2.76562 0.665039 -3.58496 1.48438l-46.8008 46.7998c-0.819336 0.820312 -1.48438 2.42578 -1.48438 3.58496s0.665039 2.76562 1.48438 3.58496 l26 26c3.26953 3.27051 9.67578 5.9248 14.3008 5.9248c4.62402 0 11.0303 -2.6543 14.2998 -5.9248z" /> <glyph glyph-name="club-primary" unicode="&#xf327;" d="M367.31 -38.5898c-2.95117 -14.0244 -16.9775 -25.4082 -31.3096 -25.4102h-160h-0.135742c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32c0 11.5361 8.57324 24.6621 19.1357 29.2998c52.1904 23.2002 60.9102 38.9004 61 75.6104v103.09c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-103.09c0.19043 -37.5 9.41016 -52.6104 61 -75.6104c10.4854 -4.68652 18.9951 -17.8115 18.9951 -29.2959c0 -1.83984 -0.307617 -4.79395 -0.685547 -6.59375z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-edit-primary" unicode="&#xf333;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M330.1 176.7c3.27051 -3.26953 5.89453 -9.64551 5.89453 -14.2705c0 -4.62402 -2.65332 -11.0303 -5.92383 -14.2998l-26 -26c-0.820312 -0.819336 -2.42578 -1.48438 -3.58496 -1.48438s-2.76562 0.665039 -3.58496 1.48438l-46.8008 46.7998 c-0.819336 0.820312 -1.48438 2.42578 -1.48438 3.58496s0.665039 2.76562 1.48438 3.58496l26 26c3.26953 3.27051 9.67578 5.9248 14.3008 5.9248c4.62402 0 11.0303 -2.6543 14.2998 -5.9248zM274.4 99.5996c0.819336 -0.820312 1.46484 -2.45508 1.46484 -3.61426 s-0.666016 -2.76562 -1.48535 -3.58496l-95 -95l-48.2002 -5.40039c-0.299805 -0.0332031 -0.788086 -0.0595703 -1.08984 -0.0595703s-0.790039 0.0263672 -1.08984 0.0595703c-5 0.549805 -9.05859 5.07812 -9.05859 10.1094 c0 0.301758 0.0263672 0.790039 0.0585938 1.09082l5.42969 48.2002l95 95c0.820312 0.819336 2.42578 1.48438 3.58496 1.48438s2.76562 -0.665039 3.58496 -1.48438zM400 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-80h-448v80c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h48v-48 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h128v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-exclamation-primary" unicode="&#xf334;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 56c22.0801 0 40 -17.9199 40 -40s-17.9199 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9199 -40 40s17.9199 40 40 40zM204 72c-6.19629 0 -11.5869 5.01758 -12 11.2002l-7.2002 112v0.620117v0.0800781c0 6.62402 5.37598 12.0449 12 12.0996h55.2002 c6.19824 -0.399414 11.2285 -5.76465 11.2285 -11.9756c0 -0.227539 -0.0126953 -0.59668 -0.0283203 -0.824219l-7.2002 -112c-0.413086 -6.18262 -5.77734 -11.2002 -11.9736 -11.2002h-0.0263672h-40zM400 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-80h-448v80 c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h48v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h128v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 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-55.4199z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spinner-third-primary" unicode="&#xf3f4;" d="M271.23 375.38c-8.49023 0.69043 -15.2305 7.31055 -15.2305 15.8301v32.0596c0 9.11035 7.66992 16.7803 16.7695 16.1709c129.15 -8.62012 231.23 -116.11 231.23 -247.44v-0.188477c0 -31.4189 -11.2002 -79.8262 -25 -108.052 c-4 -8.16992 -14.3701 -11 -22.2598 -6.4502l-27.8398 15.9004c-7.41016 4.23047 -9.83008 13.3496 -6.2002 21.0703c9.5498 20.3428 17.2998 55.0918 17.2998 77.5645v0.155273c0 96.4902 -74.2695 175.63 -168.77 183.38z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ticket-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf3ff;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M480 320v-256h-384v256h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square-full-primary" unicode="&#xf45c;" d="M431 30.6699c0 -8.09766 -6.57227 -14.6699 -14.6699 -14.6699h-322.66v0c-8.09766 0 -14.6699 6.57227 -14.6699 14.6699v322.66c0 8.09766 6.57227 14.6699 14.6699 14.6699h322.66c8.09766 0 14.6699 -6.57227 14.6699 -14.6699v-322.66z" /> <glyph glyph-name="whistle-primary" unicode="&#xf460;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208 288c52.9922 0 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7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM352 160c8.83203 0 16.0098 -7.16797 16.0098 -16v0 c-0.00292969 -0.553711 -0.0605469 -1.4502 -0.129883 -2c-1.08789 -7.72852 -8.30566 -14.001 -16.1113 -14.001c-0.0517578 0 -0.136719 0 -0.188477 0.000976562h-89.4805l-22.0996 44.2002l-56.7998 -113.7c-1.22266 -2.43555 -4.42578 -4.41113 -7.15039 -4.41113 s-5.92773 1.97559 -7.14941 4.41113l-34.8008 69.5h-126.1c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h140.9c2.72266 -0.00976562 5.94824 -1.98145 7.19922 -4.40039l19.9004 -39.7998l56.7998 113.7c1.22266 2.43555 4.42578 4.41113 7.15039 4.41113 s5.92773 -1.97559 7.14941 -4.41113l34.7002 -69.5h70.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="x-ray-primary" unicode="&#xf497;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M240 96c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM400 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM64 384h512v-384h-512v384zM480 232v16 c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-136v32h104c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-104v24c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-24h-104c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h104v-32h-136 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h136v-32h-104c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h104v-32h-64c-26.4961 0 -48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48s48 21.5039 48 48v16h64v-16c0 -26.4961 21.5039 -48 48 -48 s48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48h-64v32h104c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-104v32h136c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dove-primary" unicode="&#xf4ba;" d="M320 271.31v-26.8096c-55.9873 3.21289 -133.993 37.6143 -174.12 76.79c1.12012 5.67969 2.44043 11.3398 4 17c9.04492 32.3027 34.2588 79.0557 56.2803 104.36c8.91016 10.29 25.7598 4.83984 27.6895 -8.65039c7.59668 -53.4707 46.1914 -126.356 86.1504 -162.69z " /> <glyph glyph-name="piggy-bank-primary" unicode="&#xf4d3;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M51.2598 192.48c1.29492 -0.265625 3.41797 -0.480469 4.73926 -0.480469h0.000976562h43.3701c-1.85156 -8.73535 -3.36133 -23.0713 -3.37012 -32h-40c-30.9121 0.0439453 -56 25.168 -56 56.0801v0.0703125v0.078125c0 1.98242 0.210938 5.18652 0.469727 7.15137 c3.62988 28.2197 29.0303 48.6201 57.5303 48.6201c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-1c-11.5996 0 -22.2598 -7.82031 -24.4805 -19.2197c-0.264648 -1.30664 -0.480469 -3.44824 -0.480469 -4.78125 c0 -10.8262 8.61133 -21.3633 19.2207 -23.5186zM432 192c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM306.5 448c52.9863 -0.0380859 95.9902 -43.0732 95.9902 -96.0596c0 -9.33984 -2.58887 -24.043 -5.78027 -32.8203 c-3.49316 0.457031 -9.1875 0.851562 -12.71 0.879883h-128h-0.273438c-10.6465 0 -27.6865 -2.02051 -38.0361 -4.50977c-3.98242 9.68359 -7.21387 26.04 -7.21387 36.5098c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96h0.0234375z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skull-primary" unicode="&#xf54c;" d="M160 256c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64zM352 256c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tshirt-primary" unicode="&#xf553;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M320 400.8c51.9102 0 96.4102 19.4004 116.51 47.2002l31.3398 -15.5498c-3.49219 -3.84473 -9.45898 -9.78516 -13.3193 -13.2598c-36.1006 -32.4902 -83.9004 -50.3906 -134.53 -50.3906s-98.4102 17.9004 -134.51 50.3906 c-3.86035 3.47461 -9.82812 9.41504 -13.3203 13.2598l31.3398 15.5498c20.1006 -27.7998 64.6006 -47.2002 116.49 -47.2002zM26.0898 360l28.6699 14.25l71.6904 -143.4l-28.7402 -14.0693zM585.19 374.3l28.6699 -14.21l-71.6104 -143.24l-28.7402 14.0703z" /> <glyph glyph-name="award-primary" unicode="&#xf559;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M366.62 295.28c-7.48047 -28.4102 -7.46973 -24.4502 0.00976562 -52.8105c0.760742 -2.87598 1.37695 -7.62598 1.37695 -10.6016c0 -9.32324 -5.28516 -22.3057 -11.7969 -28.9785c-20.4102 -20.75 -18.4697 -17.3496 -25.9502 -45.75 c-3.23633 -12.54 -15.9912 -25.5322 -28.4697 -29c-21.79 -5.92969 -23.5098 -4.58984 -38.79 -20.1396c-6.45605 -6.62305 -19.2021 -11.999 -28.4512 -11.999c-6.36816 0 -15.9014 2.76855 -21.2793 6.17871c-5.37305 3.41113 -14.8994 6.17969 -21.2646 6.17969 c-6.36426 0 -15.8916 -2.76855 -21.2646 -6.17969c-5.37891 -3.41113 -14.9141 -6.17969 -21.2842 -6.17969c-9.25 0 -21.999 5.37598 -28.4561 12c-14.7305 15 -16.4004 14 -38.7305 20.1201c-12.4785 3.46777 -25.2324 16.459 -28.4697 29 c-7.53027 28.3994 -5.58984 24.9697 -26 45.75c-6.50879 6.67578 -11.792 19.6611 -11.792 28.9854c0 2.9707 0.615234 7.71191 1.37207 10.585c7.48047 28.4199 7.46973 24.46 0 52.8193c-0.761719 2.87891 -1.38086 7.63281 -1.38086 10.6104 c0 9.32227 5.28711 22.3008 11.8008 28.9697c20.4102 20.75 18.4805 17.3604 25.9502 45.75c3.24023 12.5381 15.9941 25.5293 28.4697 29c27.9404 7.61035 24.5303 5.62988 44.9404 26.4102c6.46484 6.62207 19.2227 11.9961 28.4775 11.9961 c2.9248 0 7.58984 -0.621094 10.4121 -1.38574c27.9502 -7.60059 24.0303 -7.60059 51.9502 0c2.80469 0.754883 7.43848 1.36719 10.3438 1.36719c9.23633 0 21.9756 -5.35645 28.4365 -11.958c20.4795 -20.7891 17.1201 -18.7998 45 -26.4092 c12.4756 -3.4707 25.2295 -16.4629 28.4697 -29c7.48047 -28.3906 5.54004 -24.9707 25.9502 -45.7402c6.51172 -6.6748 11.7969 -19.6611 11.7969 -28.9863c0 -2.97656 -0.617188 -7.72656 -1.37695 -10.6035zM192 176c52.9922 0 96 43.0078 96 96s-43.0078 96 -96 96 s-96 -43.0078 -96 -96s43.0078 -96 96 -96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-contract-primary" unicode="&#xf56c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM304 64c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-47.1904h-0.133789 c-14.709 0 -31.959 10.6895 -38.5059 23.8604c-1.625 3.59863 -6.14941 6.51953 -10.0986 6.51953h-0.0712891c-0.0449219 0.000976562 -0.118164 0.000976562 -0.163086 0.000976562c-3.79102 0 -8.19727 -2.77344 -9.83691 -6.19043l-7.66992 -15.3408 c-2.44043 -4.88477 -8.85254 -8.84961 -14.3135 -8.84961h-0.0166016c-0.0517578 -0.000976562 -0.134766 -0.00195312 -0.186523 -0.00195312c-0.263672 0 -0.691406 0.0234375 -0.953125 0.0517578c-5.86621 0.432617 -12.1377 5.31152 -14 10.8906l-16.8604 50.4697 l-10.6104 -31.8799c-5.42773 -16.3008 -23.7773 -29.5303 -40.958 -29.5303h-0.0419922h-12.3896c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16h12.3896c4.44824 0.00878906 9.20215 3.44043 10.6104 7.66016l18.1904 54.6396 c3.01367 9.06934 13.2168 16.4307 22.7744 16.4307s19.7607 -7.36133 22.7754 -16.4307l13.9102 -41.6396c19.7695 16.1895 54 9.7002 66 -14.1602c1.68359 -3.54395 6.23535 -6.45605 10.1592 -6.5h47.1904z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-download-primary" unicode="&#xf56d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM289.18 128c14.2803 0 21.4004 -17.29 11.2705 -27.3604l-96.4502 -95.6992 c-2.75195 -2.72363 -8.12793 -4.93457 -12 -4.93457s-9.24805 2.21094 -12 4.93457l-96.4199 95.6992c-10.1602 10.0703 -3.04004 27.3604 11.2402 27.3604h65.1797v80c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-80h65.1797z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-export-primary" unicode="&#xf56e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M272 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7l97.9004 -98c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112zM571 139.95c2.75098 -2.74902 4.9834 -8.13672 4.9834 -12.0254 c0 -3.86621 -2.20996 -9.23047 -4.93359 -11.9746l-95.71 -96.4004c-10.0996 -10.0996 -27.4102 -3 -27.4102 11.2998v65.1006h-239.93c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h239.98v65.2002c0 14.2998 17.3096 21.3994 27.4092 11.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-import-primary" unicode="&#xf56f;" d="M505 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM283.07 236.18l95.4893 -96.25c2.71875 -2.74316 4.92383 -8.10352 4.92383 -11.9648 s-2.20508 -9.22168 -4.92383 -11.9648l-95.5596 -96.1699c-10.0898 -10.0703 -27.3701 -3 -27.3701 11.2695v64.9004h-239.63c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v31.9102c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h239.7v65c0 14.2695 17.2803 21.3398 27.3701 11.2695z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-invoice-primary" unicode="&#xf570;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM304 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-224 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h224zM288 128v64h-192v-64h192zM312 32c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-invoice-dollar-primary" unicode="&#xf571;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM219.09 120.58c18.5898 -5.58008 31.5801 -23.4199 31.5801 -43.3896 c0 -24.5303 -19 -44.4404 -42.6699 -45.0703v-24.1201c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v24.29c-9.61133 0.499023 -23.665 5.58398 -31.3701 11.3496c-1.7041 1.32617 -3.08691 4.15527 -3.08691 6.31445 c0 1.9082 1.12695 4.51855 2.5166 5.82617l11.75 11.2197c1.29883 1.17969 3.77539 2.1377 5.53027 2.1377c1.38867 0 3.44922 -0.630859 4.60059 -1.40723c3.24023 -2.05176 8.98438 -3.72266 12.8193 -3.73047h28.1201c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904 c0 5.94922 -3.60938 11.1895 -8.76953 12.7295l-45 13.5c-18.5801 5.58008 -31.5801 23.3896 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6699 45.0703v24.1201c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-24.29 c9.61328 -0.491211 23.667 -5.57617 31.3701 -11.3496c1.7041 -1.32617 3.08691 -4.15527 3.08691 -6.31445c0 -1.9082 -1.12695 -4.51855 -2.5166 -5.82617l-11.7607 -11.2197c-1.29785 -1.17969 -3.77539 -2.1377 -5.5293 -2.1377 c-1.38867 0 -3.44922 0.630859 -4.60059 1.40723c-3.24023 2.05469 -8.9834 3.72559 -12.8193 3.73047h-28.1104c-6.5 0 -11.7998 -5.91992 -11.7998 -13.1904c0 -5.94922 3.60938 -11.1895 8.76953 -12.7295z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-prescription-primary" unicode="&#xf572;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM273.94 68.6797l30.0596 -30.0596c2.58496 -2.58691 4.68262 -7.65332 4.68262 -11.3105 c0 -3.65625 -2.09766 -8.72266 -4.68262 -11.3096l-11.3096 -11.3203c-2.58691 -2.58691 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3154 -4.6875s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.6875l-30.0596 30.0703l-30.0596 -30.0596c-2.58691 -2.58789 -7.65625 -4.68848 -11.3154 -4.68848 s-8.72852 2.10059 -11.3154 4.68848l-11.3096 11.3096c-2.58789 2.58691 -4.6875 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154c0 3.6582 2.09961 8.72754 4.6875 11.3145l30.0596 30.0605l-59.3193 59.3096h-18.7402v-48c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16 v160c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h80h0.192383c35.2178 0 63.8008 -28.582 63.8008 -63.7998c0 -20.9932 -14.9873 -46.1348 -33.4531 -56.1201l33.46 -33.46l29.9004 29.8994c2.58691 2.58789 7.65527 4.68848 11.3145 4.68848s8.72852 -2.10059 11.3154 -4.68848 l11.3096 -11.3096c2.58789 -2.58691 4.6875 -7.65625 4.6875 -11.3154c0 -3.6582 -2.09961 -8.72754 -4.6875 -11.3145zM176 176c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16h-48v-32h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-signature-primary" unicode="&#xf573;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 326.1v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7l97.9004 -98c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562zM288 101l162.79 161.66l67.8799 -67.8799l-161.67 -162.78h-69v69z M568.56 280.65c4.12305 -4.11621 7.46875 -12.1846 7.46875 -18.0107c0 -5.82031 -3.3418 -13.8848 -7.45801 -18l-27.25 -27.25l-67.8799 67.8799l27.25 27.25c4.11719 4.11035 12.1816 7.44629 18 7.44629c5.81738 0 13.8818 -3.33594 18 -7.44629z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-upload-primary" unicode="&#xf574;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM204 219l96.4297 -95.6396c10.1504 -10.0703 3 -27.3604 -11.25 -27.3604h-65.1797v-80 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v80h-65.1797c-14.2803 0 -21.4102 17.29 -11.2705 27.3604l96.4502 95.6396c2.75195 2.72363 8.12793 4.93359 12 4.93359s9.24805 -2.20996 12 -4.93359z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stamp-primary" unicode="&#xf5bf;" d="M480 32v-96h-448v96h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="suitcase-rolling-primary" unicode="&#xf5c1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 288c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-224c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v224c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h288zM320 72v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-240c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h240 c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM320 168v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-240c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h240c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-certificate-primary" unicode="&#xf5f3;" d="M505 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM255 176.91c-5.44043 -20.6797 -5.42969 -17.7705 0 -38.4199 c0.555664 -2.09473 1.00586 -5.55371 1.00586 -7.7207c0 -6.77832 -3.84668 -16.2129 -8.58594 -21.0596c-14.8799 -15.1396 -13.4102 -12.5303 -18.8799 -33.2695c-2.35449 -9.11523 -11.6279 -18.5547 -20.7002 -21.0703c-14.3203 -3.90039 -11.5303 -3 -15.8398 -5 v-114.37l-64 32l-64 -32v114.38c-4.30957 2 -1.53027 1.10059 -15.8301 5c-9.07715 2.51172 -18.3555 11.9512 -20.71 21.0703c-5.45996 20.6602 -4.01953 18.1602 -18.8799 33.2695c-4.73926 4.84668 -8.58594 14.2812 -8.58594 21.0596 c0 2.16699 0.450195 5.62598 1.00586 7.7207c5.41992 20.6201 5.4502 17.7002 0 38.4102c-0.556641 2.09863 -1.00879 5.56348 -1.00879 7.73438c0 6.78809 3.85254 16.2344 8.59863 21.0859c14.8701 15.1396 13.4102 12.5293 18.8701 33.2695 c2.35352 9.12109 11.6318 18.5654 20.71 21.0801c20.1797 5.50977 17.7705 4.03027 32.6797 19.21c4.70117 4.81348 13.9766 8.71973 20.7041 8.71973c2.12793 0 5.52246 -0.453125 7.57617 -1.00977c20.29 -5.53027 17.4297 -5.54004 37.75 0 c2.03906 0.548828 5.40918 0.995117 7.52051 0.995117c6.75586 0 16.0557 -3.93555 20.7598 -8.78516c14.8496 -15.1104 12.4102 -13.6797 32.6895 -19.21c9.05078 -2.50684 18.3291 -11.915 20.71 -21c5.44043 -20.6904 4 -18.1797 18.8604 -33.2998 c4.73926 -4.84863 8.58594 -14.2871 8.58594 -21.0684c0 -2.16699 -0.450195 -5.62695 -1.00586 -7.72168zM128 96c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="theater-masks-primary" unicode="&#xf630;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M606.8 326.95c24.2002 -13.4102 37.0801 -41.3906 32.2002 -69.4902l-31.7803 -179.46c-15.3701 -87 -156.67 -151.85 -219.63 -140.77c-62.96 11.0791 -173.51 120.27 -158.14 207.27l31.7197 179.44c4.94043 28.0898 26.6602 49.9795 53.9404 54.3398 c19.6699 3.15723 51.8018 5.71875 71.7236 5.71875c64.7939 0 163.339 -25.5576 219.966 -57.0488zM333.85 230.19c-0.283203 -1.73047 -0.513672 -4.55664 -0.513672 -6.30957c0 -1.61035 0.194336 -4.20898 0.433594 -5.80078 c10.8008 5.57031 24.8105 7.74023 39.4404 5.16992s27.04 -9.41016 35.2803 -18.3096c2.70215 4.94727 4.89551 13.5381 4.89551 19.1758c0 22.0801 -17.9199 40 -40 40c-18.9463 0 -36.6582 -15.1992 -39.5361 -33.9258zM404.21 31.5098 c55.6504 -9.79004 108.12 23.7705 122.29 75.6904c-28.0801 -16.9697 -68.5801 -24.21 -111.81 -16.6006c-43.2305 7.61035 -78.8008 28.2305 -99.3809 53.7607c-4.51953 -53.6104 33.2803 -103.07 88.9004 -112.851zM538.47 194.18 c0.176758 1.38867 0.320312 3.65137 0.320312 5.05078c0 22.0801 -17.9199 40 -40 40c-17.6553 0 -35.1357 -13.9775 -39.0205 -31.2002c-0.285156 -1.7373 -0.517578 -4.57617 -0.517578 -6.33691c0 -1.59961 0.191406 -4.18164 0.427734 -5.76367 c10.79 5.57031 24.79 7.74023 39.4307 5.16992c14.6396 -2.56934 27.0596 -9.40918 35.2998 -18.3096c1.6084 2.96973 3.42676 8.07227 4.05957 11.3896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-primary" unicode="&#xf631;" d="M256 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM256 448c141.38 0 256 -114.62 256 -256s-114.62 -256 -256 -256s-256 114.62 -256 256s114.62 256 256 256zM256 0c105.87 0 192 86.1299 192 192 s-86.1299 192 -192 192s-192 -86.1299 -192 -192s86.1299 -192 192 -192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-flat-primary" unicode="&#xf632;" d="M480 32c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-448c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32h2.61035c-19.1055 32.707 -34.6104 89.9941 -34.6104 127.873v0.126953c0 141.38 114.62 256 256 256s256 -114.62 256 -256v-0.126953 c0 -37.8789 -15.5049 -95.166 -34.6104 -127.873h2.61035zM398.7 32c27.1982 30.0928 49.2852 87.4375 49.2998 128c0 105.87 -86.1299 192 -192 192s-192 -86.1299 -192 -192c0.0146484 -40.5625 22.1016 -97.9072 49.2998 -128h285.4zM256 192 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-rugged-primary" unicode="&#xf634;" d="M480 256c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-64c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-9.40039c-3.61523 -12.252 -11.4727 -31.3184 -17.54 -42.5596l6.58008 -6.58008c5.17285 -5.17383 9.37012 -15.3096 9.37012 -22.625s-4.19727 -17.4521 -9.37012 -22.625l-45.25 -45.2607 c-5.17285 -5.17188 -15.3096 -9.37012 -22.625 -9.37012s-17.4512 4.19824 -22.625 9.37012l-6.58008 6.58008c-11.2432 -6.05859 -30.3105 -13.9121 -42.5596 -17.5293v-9.40039c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v9.38965 c-12.2539 3.6123 -31.3252 11.4658 -42.5703 17.5303l-6.58008 -6.58008c-5.17285 -5.17188 -15.3086 -9.37012 -22.625 -9.37012c-7.31543 0 -17.4512 4.19824 -22.625 9.37012l-45.25 45.2705c-5.17188 5.17285 -9.37012 15.3096 -9.37012 22.625 s4.19824 17.4512 9.37012 22.625l6.58008 6.58008c-6.05859 11.2432 -13.9121 30.3105 -17.5293 42.5596h-9.40039c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v64c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h9.40039c3.61719 12.249 11.4707 31.3164 17.5293 42.5596l-6.58008 6.58008 c-5.17188 5.17383 -9.37012 15.3096 -9.37012 22.625s4.19824 17.4521 9.37012 22.625l45.2607 45.2607c5.17285 5.17188 15.3096 9.37012 22.625 9.37012s17.4512 -4.19824 22.625 -9.37012l6.58008 -6.58008c11.2432 6.05859 30.3105 13.9121 42.5596 17.5293v9.40039 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h64c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-9.40039c12.2539 -3.6123 31.3252 -11.4658 42.5703 -17.5293l6.58008 6.58008c5.17285 5.17188 15.3086 9.37012 22.625 9.37012c7.31543 0 17.4512 -4.19824 22.625 -9.37012l45.25 -45.2607 c5.17188 -5.17285 9.37012 -15.3096 9.37012 -22.625s-4.19824 -17.4512 -9.37012 -22.625l-6.58008 -6.58008c6.05859 -11.2432 13.9121 -30.3105 17.5293 -42.5596h9.40039zM256 64c70.6562 0 128 57.3438 128 128s-57.3438 128 -128 128s-128 -57.3438 -128 -128 s57.3438 -128 128 -128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="watch-fitness-primary" unicode="&#xf63e;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M182.26 100l-0.160156 0.151367l-84.6699 85.6396c-9.62109 9.77148 -17.4297 28.832 -17.4297 42.5449c0 14.0195 8.10938 33.3799 18.0996 43.2148c1.16699 1.15332 2.38672 2.25977 3.66016 3.31934c24 20 59.6201 16.4199 81.6201 -5.81055l8.62012 -8.71973 l8.62012 8.73047c22 22.2295 57.6201 25.8096 81.6201 5.80957c12.0107 -10.0352 21.7588 -30.8828 21.7588 -46.5342c0 -12.1455 -6.32129 -29.5664 -14.1094 -38.8857c-1.05371 -1.25977 -2.16016 -2.47949 -3.31934 -3.66016l-84.6699 -85.6396 c-2.25293 -2.28906 -6.68848 -4.14746 -9.90039 -4.14746c-3.13867 0 -7.50195 1.78613 -9.74023 3.9873zM64 -31.999v48h256v-48c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-192c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32zM288 448.001c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-48h-256v48 c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ad-primary" unicode="&#xf641;" d="M212 271.87l53.6904 -154.62c0.488281 -1.4082 0.885742 -3.75977 0.885742 -5.25c0 -8.83008 -7.16602 -15.998 -15.9961 -16h-16.9404h-0.00585938c-6.28125 0 -13.0527 4.81641 -15.1143 10.75l-7.36914 21.25h-70.29l-7.37988 -21.25 c-2.06152 -5.93359 -8.83301 -10.75 -15.1143 -10.75h-0.00585938h-16.9404h-0.00585938c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16c0 1.49023 0.396484 3.8418 0.885742 5.25l53.7002 154.63c3.09277 8.89844 13.249 16.1201 22.6699 16.1201v0h26.6602 c9.42383 -0.000976562 19.5801 -7.22754 22.6699 -16.1299zM157.52 176h36.9609l-18.4805 53.2197zM408 288c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-4.04102 0.0273438 -9.41699 2.57227 -12 5.67969 c-7.41895 -3.13477 -19.9756 -5.67969 -28.0293 -5.67969c-39.7441 0 -72 32.2559 -72 72s32.2559 72 72 72h0.0292969c6.83691 -0.0654297 17.5889 -2.04492 24 -4.41992v36.4199c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16zM352 144c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24 s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-chart-line-primary" unicode="&#xf659;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM115.2 96c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-70.4004 c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v70.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004zM211.2 224c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-198.4 c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v198.4c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004zM307.2 160c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-134.4 c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v134.4c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-chart-pie-primary" unicode="&#xf65a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM160 237.34v-141.34h141.34c-14.1396 -69.0898 -87.4795 -116.58 -164.87 -86.5 c-24.9854 9.79004 -53.209 38.0146 -63 63c-30.0498 77.3604 17.4404 150.7 86.5303 164.84z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-spreadsheet-primary" unicode="&#xf65b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM312 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-192c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-240 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v192c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h240zM136 32v48h-48v-48h48zM136 112v48h-48v-48h48zM216 32v48h-48v-48h48zM216 112v48h-48v-48h48zM296 32v48h-48v-48h48zM296 112v48h-48v-48h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-user-primary" unicode="&#xf65c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M377 343c3.86426 -3.86426 7 -11.4355 7 -16.8994v-0.000976562v-6.09961h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h6.09961h0.0595703c5.47363 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9404 -7zM192 128c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64s64 -28.6719 64 -64 s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64zM236.8 96c37.1104 0 67.2002 -25.79 67.2002 -57.5996v-19.2002c0 -10.6104 -10.0303 -19.2002 -22.4004 -19.2002h-179.199c-12.4004 0 -22.4004 8.59961 -22.4004 19.2002v19.2002c0 31.8096 30.0996 57.5996 67.0996 57.5996h5 c10.5557 -4.41699 28.4082 -8.00293 39.8506 -8.00293s29.2949 3.58594 39.8496 8.00293h5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="socks-primary" unicode="&#xf696;" d="M288 384v-32h-160v32h160zM288 320v-32h-160v32h160zM320 176v112h192v-144c-0.00585938 -35.3213 -22.9434 -81.1875 -51.2002 -102.38l-115.2 -86.4004c-2.63574 -1.97168 -7.09375 -4.90137 -9.94922 -6.54004c-12.2266 -6.99316 -33.5811 -12.6699 -47.667 -12.6699 c-30.7393 0 -68.0723 21.6562 -83.333 48.3398c-24.6504 42.6504 -10.1904 97.5 29.2197 127.051zM320 320v32h192v-32h-192zM480 448c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32h-192v32c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="torah-primary" unicode="&#xf6a0;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M48 448c26.5098 0 48 -14.3301 48 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -21.4902 -32 -48 -32s-48 14.3301 -48 32v448c0 17.6699 21.4902 32 48 32zM592 448c26.5098 0 48 -14.3301 48 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -21.4902 -32 -48 -32s-48 14.3301 -48 32v448c0 17.6699 21.4902 32 48 32z M415.63 192l29.3701 -49c1.66602 -2.73633 3.01758 -7.55664 3.01758 -10.7598c0 -3.07617 -1.25293 -7.73047 -2.79785 -10.3906c-3.37305 -5.91699 -11.6396 -10.7197 -18.4512 -10.7197h-0.0283203h-59.4502l-29.1299 -48.7002 c-3.38281 -5.71582 -11.5186 -10.3613 -18.1602 -10.3701h-0.0703125c-6.54102 0 -14.5508 4.57031 -17.8799 10.2002l-29.25 48.8799h-59.5693h-0.0166016c-11.6523 0 -21.1094 9.45801 -21.1094 21.1104c0 3.2373 1.35547 8.11621 3.02539 10.8896l29.21 48.8604 l-29.3398 49c-1.66602 2.73828 -3.01855 7.56348 -3.01855 10.7686c0 3.07227 1.24902 7.72266 2.78809 10.3818c3.36719 5.91113 11.6201 10.71 18.4229 10.71h0.0576172h59.4502l29.1396 48.71c3.38086 5.72363 11.5205 10.3701 18.168 10.3701h0.0419922h0.0644531 c6.55176 0 14.5645 -4.58301 17.8857 -10.2305l29.25 -48.8496h59.5195c11.6572 -0.000976562 21.1182 -9.46289 21.1182 -21.1201c0 -3.23438 -1.35156 -8.1084 -3.01758 -10.8799zM419.26 247.5h-36.8496l18.4502 -30.8203zM320 302.5l-17.7695 -29.6201h35.4492z M220.73 247.5l18.4492 -30.7998l18.3701 30.7998h-36.8193zM220.73 136.5h36.8594l-18.46 30.8203zM320.05 81.5l17.7197 29.6396h-35.46zM352.92 136.5l33.1699 55.5l-33.2295 55.5195h-65.79l-33.1602 -55.5195l33.2197 -55.5h65.79zM382.45 136.5h36.8594 l-18.4492 30.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badger-honey-primary" unicode="&#xf6b4;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M622.25 321.53c9.45996 -6.58984 15.3301 -18.4102 15.3096 -31.2705c0 -11.8301 -8.83984 -32.5098 -16.1592 -47.6201c-7.79004 -16.1797 -18.3906 -16.1797 -40.79 -19l-41.9404 -8.33984c-33.25 -9.18945 -88.4297 -32.5693 -152.43 -75.6699l27 -135 c0.166992 -0.847656 0.302734 -2.23633 0.302734 -3.09961c0 -8.82812 -7.16504 -15.9961 -15.9932 -16h-63.3701h-0.000976562c-7.23926 0 -14.2676 5.76074 -15.6885 12.8594l-23 115.141h-105.69l-33 -66.8604l15.5498 -41.2598 c0.263672 -1.05469 0.477539 -2.79199 0.477539 -3.87891c0 -6.89453 -5.42871 -13.8477 -12.1172 -15.5215c-1.03906 -0.264648 -2.75293 -0.479492 -3.8252 -0.479492h-0.0146484h-63.7705c-6.89453 0.000976562 -13.8477 5.43066 -15.5195 12.1201l-14.0898 35.4092 c-1.05664 4.22266 -1.91406 11.1807 -1.91406 15.5322c0 6.40527 1.8252 16.4707 4.07422 22.4678l21.4893 57.3008c-25.4795 16.9297 -45.7393 47.79 -53.5596 81.1699h-20c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0.00878906 45.9619 34.1191 98.3779 76.1396 117 c5.62012 -20.7305 20.0605 -55 42.6201 -84.79c30.1104 -39.8506 56.4502 -48.21 73.2402 -48.21h45.4697c8.70605 0.00683594 22.1465 3.0625 30 6.81934l102 61.7402l0.530273 0.25c29.7998 14.3301 59.1396 27.1904 90 27.1904h164.67zM493.58 267.53 c13.2256 0.0214844 23.96 10.7734 23.96 24v0c-0.000976562 1.39551 -0.242188 3.63574 -0.540039 5h-46.8799c-0.298828 -1.38086 -0.541016 -3.64746 -0.541016 -5.06055c0 -13.2148 10.7256 -23.9395 23.9404 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0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h8c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-8c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v32c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h8zM312 192c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-20.7998 c0 -35.4805 -12.8799 -68.8906 -36.2803 -94.0898c-0.269531 -0.290039 -0.540039 -0.560547 -0.830078 -0.830078c-2.54102 -2.36133 -7.41992 -4.27832 -10.8896 -4.27832c-3.84863 0 -9.09961 2.28809 -11.7197 5.1084 c-23.4004 25.1992 -36.2803 58.6094 -36.2803 94.0898v20.7998c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-20.7998v-0.0292969c0 -16.9336 7.16797 -42.4033 16 -56.8506c8.83203 14.4473 16 39.917 16 56.8506v0.0292969v20.7998c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16 zM201.33 130.76c7.26465 -6.06445 13.2363 -18.667 13.3301 -28.1299c0.00976562 -21.29 -19 -38.6201 -42.3906 -38.6201h-12.2695c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h12.2695c5.9502 0 10.4102 3.5 10.4102 6.62012 c-0.100586 1.32715 -1.05078 3.04785 -2.12012 3.83984l-21.8896 18.7705c-7.26855 6.06641 -13.2402 18.6729 -13.3301 28.1396c0 21.2998 19.0205 38.6201 42.4102 38.6201h12.25c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16.0098c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-12.2695 c-5.9502 0 -10.4102 -3.5 -10.4102 -6.62012c0.100586 -1.32715 1.05078 -3.04785 2.12012 -3.83984z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pig-primary" unicode="&#xf706;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M51.2598 224.48c1.29492 -0.265625 3.41797 -0.480469 4.73926 -0.480469h0.000976562h43.3701c-1.85156 -8.73535 -3.36133 -23.0713 -3.37012 -32h-40c-30.9121 0.0439453 -56 25.168 -56 56.0801v0.0703125v0.078125c0 1.98242 0.210938 5.18652 0.469727 7.15137 c3.62988 28.2197 29.0303 48.6201 57.5303 48.6201c3.31152 0 6 -2.68848 6 -6v-20c0 -3.31152 -2.68848 -6 -6 -6h-1c-11.5996 0 -22.2598 -7.82031 -24.4805 -19.2197c-0.264648 -1.30664 -0.480469 -3.44824 -0.480469 -4.78125 c0 -10.8262 8.61133 -21.3633 19.2207 -23.5186zM432 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rabbit-primary" unicode="&#xf708;" 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141.3h-106.09h-0.0869141c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8 c0 1.84863 1.06934 4.40234 2.38672 5.7002l18.2998 18.2998l-26.3799 26.4004c-1.28906 1.29199 -2.33594 3.82324 -2.33594 5.64941s1.04688 4.35742 2.33594 5.65039l26.3799 26.2998l-18.4199 18.2998c-1.31738 1.29785 -2.38672 3.85156 -2.38672 5.7002 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h0.0869141h117.48c12.4961 -35.3125 53.041 -63.9727 90.5 -63.9727s78.0029 28.6602 90.5 63.9727h117.39h0.0869141c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8c0 -1.84863 -1.06934 -4.40234 -2.38672 -5.7002l-18.29 -18.2998l26.3896 -26.2998zM256 336 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16zM192 352c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16s16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scroll-primary" unicode="&#xf70e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M64 448c35.3281 -0.543945 64 -29.6602 64 -64.9922v-0.0078125v-63h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64zM192 -64h16c-2.58984 0 -5.13965 0.129883 -7.66016 0.370117c-2.75 -0.240234 -5.53027 -0.370117 -8.33984 -0.370117zM624 64 c8.79883 0 15.9668 -7.1416 16 -15.9404v-0.0595703c0 -61.8242 -50.1758 -112 -112 -112v0h-320c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scroll-old-primary" unicode="&#xf70f;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M192 -64h16c-2.58984 0 -5.13965 0.129883 -7.66016 0.370117c-2.75 -0.240234 -5.53027 -0.370117 -8.33984 -0.370117zM64 448c35.3281 -0.543945 64 -29.6602 64 -64.9922v-0.0078125v-63h-112c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64zM624 64 c8.79883 0 15.9668 -7.1416 16 -15.9404v-0.0595703c0 -61.8242 -50.1758 -112 -112 -112v0h-320c44.1602 0 80 35.8398 80 80v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h73.3701h0.00292969c3.65918 0 8.72949 -2.10156 11.3174 -4.69043l27.3096 -27.3096l27.3096 27.3096 c2.58789 2.58887 7.6582 4.69043 11.3174 4.69043h0.00292969h169.37z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scythe-primary" unicode="&#xf710;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M639.44 410l-96.2705 -461c-1.37012 -7.17578 -8.41016 -13 -15.7158 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-8.8457 8.85254 -8.8457 14.3115c0 2.08203 0.755859 5.28516 1.68652 7.14844l14.3096 28.6201 c2.44043 4.88477 8.85254 8.84961 14.3135 8.84961c2.08496 0 5.29102 -0.756836 7.15625 -1.69043l186.53 -90.71l186.54 90.7002c1.86426 0.931641 5.06836 1.6875 7.15234 1.6875c5.45605 0 11.8652 -3.95898 14.3076 -8.83691l14.2998 -28.6309 c0.931641 -1.86328 1.6875 -5.06836 1.6875 -7.15234c0 -5.45508 -3.95898 -11.8652 -8.83691 -14.3076l-142 -69.0596zM168 272c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="toilet-paper-primary" unicode="&#xf71e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M480 448c53 0 96 -86 96 -192s-43 -192 -96 -192s-96 86 -96 192s43 192 96 192zM480 192c17.6699 0 32 28.6504 32 64s-14.3301 64 -32 64s-32 -28.6504 -32 -64s14.3301 -64 32 -64zM112 256c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16 s7.16797 16 16 16zM176 256c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16797 -16 16s7.16797 16 16 16zM240 256c8.83203 0 16 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1.95215 -3.65918 5.81738 -3.65918 8.62695c0 5.72363 4.59668 11.042 10.2588 11.873l54.7002 8l24.5 49.5996c1.82617 3.68066 6.6416 6.66797 10.75 6.66797s8.9248 -2.9873 10.75 -6.66797l24.5 -49.5996zM400 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-80h-448v80 c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h48v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h128v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tornado-primary" unicode="&#xf76f;" d="M405.88 384c-4.27637 -8.50586 -9.8584 -22.8418 -12.46 -32h-381.52c-2.4502 8.72461 -5.64941 23.0605 -7.14062 32h401.12zM404.39 266.7c6.98047 -11.4697 15.7803 -21.9697 25.3408 -32h-345.12c-9.05566 8.10547 -22.4961 22.4414 -30 32h349.779zM347.4 0 c2.47363 8.66211 4.7627 22.998 5.10938 32h125.49c-6.79688 -9.20215 -18.5615 -23.5381 -26.2598 -32h-104.34zM504.52 149.4c3.88477 -8.40723 7.23633 -22.7432 7.48047 -32h-213.03c-18.4502 11.5 -40.46 21.5801 -64.0596 32h269.609z" /> <glyph glyph-name="volcano-primary" unicode="&#xf770;" d="M480 -64h-447.9c-26.3994 0 -41.5 30.0996 -25.5996 51.2002l120.5 153.8l-0.240234 -0.30957l13.2402 -16.4902c9.7998 -12.2002 30.2998 -12.2002 40.0996 0c9.34863 11.7246 29.1055 21.4014 44.1006 21.5996c17.2002 1.5 33.5996 -7 44.7998 -20.0996 l31.5996 -36.7998c9.80078 -11.4004 29.2002 -11.4004 39 0l45.1006 52.5996l120.8 -154.3c15.9004 -21.1299 0.799805 -51.2002 -25.5 -51.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="windsock-primary" unicode="&#xf777;" d="M111.89 46.9004v274.18l80 -11.4004v-251.39zM498.3 266c7.55957 -1.1377 13.7109 -8.26562 13.7305 -15.9102v-132.2v-0.0175781c0 -7.63867 -6.1377 -14.709 -13.7002 -15.7822l-82.3301 -11.7998v187.4zM255.93 67.3896v233.19l96 -13.7002v-205.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-day-primary" unicode="&#xf783;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 336v-80h-448v80c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h48v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h128v-48c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h48c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 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horiz-adv-x="448" d="M287 180.42l-31 -52.4199v-192h-64v96l-31 52.4199c-3.13965 5.32031 1.42969 11.5801 8.45996 11.5801h22.54v208c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-112h22.5303c7.04004 0 11.6094 -6.25977 8.46973 -11.5801z" /> <glyph glyph-name="files-medical-primary" unicode="&#xf7fd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M96 56c0.0332031 -30.8789 25.1211 -55.9668 56 -56h168v-40c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-272c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v368c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h72v-296zM376 224c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-56v-56 c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h56v56c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h48c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-56h56zM441 375c3.86328 -3.87695 7 -11.4668 7 -16.9404v-6.05957h-96v96h6 h0.0585938c5.47461 0 13.0635 -3.13574 16.9414 -7z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sack-primary" unicode="&#xf81c;" d="M337 344v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-146c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h146c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sack-dollar-primary" unicode="&#xf81d;" d="M285.64 137.28c20.2402 -6 34.3604 -25.2002 34.3906 -46.7402c-0.140625 -26.4004 -20.9199 -47.9404 -46.6006 -48.54v-17.3398c-0.0322266 -4.75879 -3.9209 -8.62012 -8.67969 -8.62012h-0.0195312h-17.4102h-0.0205078 c-4.75879 0 -8.65137 3.86133 -8.68945 8.62012v17.5098c-10.4355 0.532227 -25.7393 5.98438 -34.1602 12.1699c-1.85742 1.41211 -3.36426 4.4502 -3.36426 6.7832c0 2.03809 1.20703 4.82324 2.69434 6.2168l12.8398 12.0605 c1.40723 1.27051 4.08789 2.30176 5.98438 2.30176c1.51465 0 3.76172 -0.691406 5.01562 -1.54199c3.5332 -2.1875 9.77441 -3.97949 13.9297 -4h30.5801c7.07031 0 12.8398 6.34961 12.8398 14.2197c0 6.45996 -3.91992 12.0605 -9.58008 13.6699l-49 14.54 c-20.2393 6 -34.3896 25.2002 -34.3896 46.7402c0 26.3799 20.6797 47.8203 46.46 48.5703v17.4795c0.0380859 4.75879 3.93164 8.62012 8.68945 8.62012h0.0507812h17.4199h0.0205078c4.75781 0 8.64648 -3.86133 8.67969 -8.62012v-17.5498 c10.4375 -0.53125 25.7461 -5.9834 34.1699 -12.1699c1.8457 -1.41504 3.34277 -4.45117 3.34277 -6.77734c0 -1.60938 -0.798828 -3.94922 -1.7832 -5.22266c-0.232422 -0.295898 -0.644531 -0.744141 -0.919922 -1l-12.7295 -12.2002 c-1.40527 -1.27051 -4.08301 -2.30176 -5.97656 -2.30176c-1.51855 0 -3.76953 0.695312 -5.02344 1.55176c-3.53516 2.18359 -9.77539 3.97559 -13.9307 4h-30.5596c-7.07031 0 -12.8398 -6.34961 -12.8398 -14.21c0 -6.45996 3.91992 -12.0596 9.56934 -13.6797zM329 352 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-146c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h146z" /> <glyph glyph-name="steak-primary" unicode="&#xf824;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M466.86 329.11c55.1396 -62.8408 60.4395 -163.04 11.5293 -218.811c-76.1494 -86.75 -164.319 -107.76 -224.819 -110.1c-37.6504 -1.37988 -131.521 6.51953 -171.23 46.6201c-2.47949 2.50977 -59.4297 61.7598 38 104.18c71.6602 31.21 132.3 71.2598 155.23 149.63 c14.7793 50.6602 51.4297 83.3701 93.29 83.3701c32.5801 0 66.4492 -19 98 -54.8896zM384 192.08c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tasks-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf828;" d="M48 368h304v-32h-304v32zM160 208v-32h-112v32h112zM48 16v32h240v-32h-240z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trash-restore-primary" unicode="&#xf829;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h120l9.40039 18.7002c3.58984 7.3418 13.1357 13.2998 21.3086 13.2998h0.0908203h114.3h0.0175781 c8.20215 0 17.8262 -5.95801 21.4824 -13.2998l9.40039 -18.7002h120zM235.31 283.06l89.3809 -94.2598c10.0791 -10.6201 2.93945 -28.7998 -11.3203 -28.7998h-57.3701v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h-57.3701 c-14.2598 0 -21.3994 18.1797 -11.3203 28.7998l89.3809 94.2598c2.52441 2.72949 7.5918 4.94336 11.3096 4.94336c3.33301 0 8.02441 -1.83789 10.4697 -4.10254c0.287109 -0.266602 0.567383 -0.546875 0.839844 -0.84082z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trash-restore-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf82a;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h120l9.40039 18.7002c3.58984 7.3418 13.1357 13.2998 21.3086 13.2998h0.0908203h114.3h0.0175781 c8.20215 0 17.8262 -5.95801 21.4824 -13.2998l9.40039 -18.7002h120zM235.31 283.06l89.3809 -94.2598c10.0791 -10.6201 2.93945 -28.7998 -11.3203 -28.7998h-57.3701v-112c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v112h-57.3701 c-14.2598 0 -21.3994 18.1797 -11.3203 28.7998l89.3809 94.2598c2.52441 2.72949 7.5918 4.94336 11.3096 4.94336c3.33301 0 8.02441 -1.83789 10.4697 -4.10254c0.287109 -0.266602 0.567383 -0.546875 0.839844 -0.84082z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bring-forward-primary" unicode="&#xf856;" d="M304 96h-256c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v256c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h256c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-256c0 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-8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-160c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h40v304h-88v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h352c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trash-undo-primary" unicode="&#xf895;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h120l9.40039 18.7002c3.58984 7.3418 13.1357 13.2998 21.3086 13.2998h0.0908203h114.3h0.0175781 c8.20215 0 17.8262 -5.95801 21.4824 -13.2998l9.40039 -18.7002h120zM208 231.92c82.4697 -0.799805 144 -18.3604 144 -103.92c0 -34.29 -20.1396 -68.2598 -42.4102 -86.0195c-6.9502 -5.54004 -16.8496 1.39941 -14.29 10.3994 c23.0801 80.9297 -6.5498 101.72 -87.2998 102.72v-44.6895c0 -12.6904 -14.7598 -19.0703 -23.6104 -10.4697l-84 81.5898l-0.149414 0.149414c-2.33594 2.37012 -4.23145 6.99316 -4.23145 10.3203c0 3.39551 1.96289 8.08594 4.38086 10.4697l84 81.5898 c8.84082 8.59082 23.6104 2.24023 23.6104 -10.4697v-41.6699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="trash-undo-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf896;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M208 231.92c82.4697 -0.799805 144 -18.3604 144 -103.92c0 -34.29 -20.1396 -68.2598 -42.4102 -86.0195c-6.9502 -5.54004 -16.8496 1.39941 -14.29 10.3994c23.0801 80.9297 -6.5498 101.72 -87.2998 102.72v-44.6895c0 -12.6904 -14.7598 -19.0703 -23.6104 -10.4697 l-84 81.5898l-0.149414 0.149414c-2.33594 2.37012 -4.23145 6.99316 -4.23145 10.3203c0 3.39551 1.96289 8.08594 4.38086 10.4697l84 81.5898c8.84082 8.59082 23.6104 2.24023 23.6104 -10.4697v-41.6699zM432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h120l9.40039 18.7002c3.58691 7.3418 13.1309 13.2998 21.3018 13.2998h0.0976562h114.3h0.0175781c8.20215 0 17.8262 -5.95801 21.4824 -13.2998l9.40039 -18.7002 h120z" /> <glyph glyph-name="heart-secondary" unicode="&#x10f004;" d="M462.32 385.37c62.7793 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-68.7002c-23.2607 -12.3105 -51 7.38965 -46.4805 33.6895l25 145.49l-105.91 103 c-19.04 18.5 -8.51953 50.79 17.75 54.5801l146.36 21.2998l65.4297 132.391c11.7998 23.8896 45.7705 23.5898 57.4805 0l65.4297 -132.391zM437.64 205.5c1.99707 1.94922 3.61816 5.83594 3.61816 8.62695c0 5.72266 -4.5957 11.042 -10.2578 11.873l-91.3398 13.2803 l-40.9004 82.8096c-1.82227 3.69141 -6.64258 6.6875 -10.7598 6.6875s-8.9375 -2.99609 -10.7598 -6.6875l-40.9004 -82.8096l-91.3398 -13.2803c-5.63867 -0.848633 -10.2148 -6.16504 -10.2148 -11.8662c0 -2.79395 1.62402 -6.64355 3.625 -8.59375l66 -64.2305 l-15.6299 -90.8594c-0.0957031 -0.557617 -0.173828 -1.46777 -0.173828 -2.0332c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12c1.63184 0 4.12891 0.615234 5.57324 1.37305l81.8203 42.9404l81.8203 -42.9805c1.44434 -0.757812 3.94141 -1.37305 5.57324 -1.37305 c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12c0 0.56543 -0.078125 1.47559 -0.173828 2.0332l-15.6299 90.8594z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tags-secondary" unicode="&#x10f02c;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M497.94 222.06c7.75977 -7.75977 14.0576 -22.9648 14.0576 -33.9395s-6.29785 -26.1797 -14.0576 -33.9404l-204.12 -204.12c-7.76074 -7.75977 -22.9658 -14.0576 -33.9404 -14.0576s-26.1797 6.29785 -33.9395 14.0576l-211.881 211.881 c-7.75977 7.75977 -14.0586 22.9648 -14.0596 33.9395v204.12c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h204.12c10.9746 -0.000976562 26.1797 -6.2998 33.9395 -14.0596zM112 288c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bookmark-secondary" unicode="&#x10f02e;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 400v-464l-192 112l-192 -112v464c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h32v-326.11v-0.000976562c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16c2.08691 0 5.29395 0.757812 7.16016 1.69141l88.8398 44.4199l88.8398 -44.4199c1.86621 -0.933594 5.07324 -1.69141 7.16016 -1.69141 c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v0.000976562v326.11h32c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="font-secondary" unicode="&#x10f031;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 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72.4102 41.3203zM321.89 164.5c8.67383 5.12891 15.7129 17.4688 15.7129 27.5449 s-7.03906 22.417 -15.7129 27.5449l-209.609 123.95c-21.2803 12.6201 -48.2803 -2.75977 -48.2803 -27.54v-247.8c0 -24.7803 27 -40.2002 48.2803 -27.5498z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pause-secondary" unicode="&#x10f04c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M144 417c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-352c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-96c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h96zM128 49v288c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-288 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16zM400 417c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-352c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-96c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h96zM384 49v288c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="stop-secondary" unicode="&#x10f04d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 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12 5.37598 12 12zM256 12v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40 c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM256 140v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM384 12v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40 c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM384 140v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-40c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM304 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbtack-secondary" unicode="&#x10f08d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 120c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-136v144c0 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-3.60254 -5.78906 -3.60254 -8.57227c0 -5.14648 4.04688 -10.3555 9.03223 -11.6279l46 -11.7295l-12.7393 -44.6299 c-0.253906 -0.890625 -0.459961 -2.36426 -0.459961 -3.29004c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12c0.925781 0 2.39941 0.206055 3.29004 0.459961l44.5293 12.7197l11.7402 -46c1.25977 -5.00879 6.47266 -9.07422 11.6377 -9.07422c2.80273 0 6.66113 1.63281 8.6123 3.64453 l32.75 33.4697l32.7695 -33.4805c1.94824 -1.98828 5.78906 -3.60254 8.57324 -3.60254c5.14551 0 10.3545 4.04688 11.627 9.0332l11.7402 46l44.5801 -12.71c0.890625 -0.253906 2.36426 -0.459961 3.29004 -0.459961c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12 c0 0.925781 -0.206055 2.39941 -0.459961 3.29004l-12.71 44.6299l45.9502 11.7295c4.98535 1.27246 9.03223 6.48145 9.03223 11.6279c0 2.7832 -1.61328 6.62402 -3.60254 8.57227z" /> <glyph glyph-name="copy-secondary" unicode="&#x10f0c5;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M352 352h96v-296c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-272c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24v368c0 13.248 10.752 24 24 24h200v-96z" /> <glyph 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-6.9502c0.0292969 -0.0253906 0.0742188 -0.0703125 0.0996094 -0.0996094l119 -119c15.1006 -15.1006 4.40039 -41 -17 -41h-238z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-down-secondary" unicode="&#x10f0dd;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M279.07 223.95h-238c-21.4004 0 -32.1006 25.8994 -17 41l119 119c3.86816 3.8916 11.4619 7.0498 16.9492 7.0498c5.44238 0 12.9912 -3.11328 16.8506 -6.9502l0.0996094 -0.0996094l119.101 -119c15.0693 -15.0498 4.39941 -41 -17 -41z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sort-up-secondary" unicode="&#x10f0de;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M41.0498 159.95h238c21.4004 0 32.1006 -25.9004 17 -41l-119 -119c-3.86816 -3.8916 -11.4619 -7.05078 -16.9502 -7.05078c-5.44141 0 -12.9902 3.11426 -16.8496 6.9502l-0.0996094 0.100586l-119.101 119c-15.0498 15.0498 -4.39941 41 17 41z" /> <glyph glyph-name="envelope-secondary" unicode="&#x10f0e0;" d="M256.47 96c30.1006 0 60.4102 23.4199 82.5303 40.5195c3.59961 2.78027 148.54 108.95 173 128.12v-216.64c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v216.67c24.7695 -19.3701 169.39 -125.37 172.99 -128.15 c22.1299 -17.0996 52.4395 -40.5195 82.54 -40.5195h0.939453zM464 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-19v-0.0410156c0 -6.44336 -4.12109 -14.8926 -9.2002 -18.8594c-30.5996 -24 -40.7002 -32.3994 -173.399 -128.699 c-16.8008 -12.2002 -50.2002 -41.8008 -73.4004 -41.4004c-23.2002 -0.400391 -56.5996 29.2002 -73.4004 41.4004c-132.699 96.2998 -142.8 104.8 -173.399 128.699c-5.07031 3.98535 -9.19141 12.4521 -9.2002 18.9004v19c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spinner-secondary" unicode="&#x10f110;" d="M108.92 92.9199c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM256 32c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM464 240c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48 s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM403.08 92.9199c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48zM403.08 291.08c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 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-10.4404 3.10059 -13.0596 6.87012 l-79.9004 115l-79.9004 -115c-2.63477 -3.79199 -8.52148 -6.87012 -13.1387 -6.87012h-0.000976562h-67c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h33.4805l77.8096 112l-77.8096 112h-33.4805c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h67c4.58984 -0.0224609 10.4404 -3.10059 13.0596 -6.87012l79.9004 -115l79.9004 115c2.63477 3.79199 8.52148 6.87012 13.1387 6.87012h0.000976562h67z" /> <glyph glyph-name="subscript-secondary" unicode="&#x10f12c;" d="M336 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-33.4805l-77.8096 -112l77.8096 -112h33.4805c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-67c-4.58984 0.0224609 -10.4404 3.10059 -13.0596 6.87012 l-79.9004 115l-79.9004 -115c-2.63477 -3.79199 -8.52148 -6.87012 -13.1387 -6.87012h-0.000976562h-67c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h33.4805l77.8096 112l-77.8096 112h-33.4805c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h67c4.58984 -0.0224609 10.4404 -3.10059 13.0596 -6.87012l79.9004 -115l79.9004 115c2.63477 3.79199 8.52148 6.87012 13.1387 6.87012h0.000976562h67z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shield-secondary" unicode="&#x10f132;" d="M256 224l230.5 -0.0302734c-31.9297 -161.29 -139.75 -254.149 -212.09 -284.29c-4.87891 -2.02637 -13.127 -3.6748 -18.4102 -3.67969v288zM237.59 444.33c4.91406 1.85254 13.1621 3.49609 18.4102 3.66992v-224h-230.37 c-5.30469 26.2305 -9.61816 69.2383 -9.62988 96v0.0546875c0 17.6777 13.2559 37.5137 29.5898 44.2754z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-secondary" unicode="&#x10f133;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 256h448v-272c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v272zM304 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 320 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> 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0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8 c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h168c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM288 204v8c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-168c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-8c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h168c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="thumbs-up-secondary" unicode="&#x10f164;" d="M163.56 218.19c39.6104 39.1494 56.6504 80.5898 89.1201 113.109c14.8008 14.8398 20.1807 37.2402 25.3906 58.9102c4.44922 18.5 13.75 57.79 33.9297 57.79c24 0 72 -8 72 -81.4502c0 -42.4199 -26 -66.21 -33.2803 -94.5498h101.73 c33.3896 0 59.3896 -27.75 59.5498 -58.0996c0.0800781 -17.9404 -7.5498 -37.25 -19.4404 -49.1904l-0.109375 -0.120117c9.83984 -23.3301 8.24023 -56 -9.31055 -79.46c8.68066 -25.8994 -0.0693359 -57.71 -16.3799 -74.7598 c4.2998 -17.6006 2.24023 -32.5801 -6.14941 -44.6299c-20.4102 -29.3301 -70.9902 -29.7402 -113.771 -29.7402h-2.83984c-48.2803 0 -87.7998 17.5996 -119.56 31.7305c-16 7.08984 -36.8203 15.8799 -52.6504 16.1699 c-6.50293 0.119141 -11.7803 5.49414 -11.7803 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64.2002c-4.7002 29.3994 -42.4004 26.5 -47.7998 6.7998 c-5 -18.2998 -0.400391 -44.0996 8.09961 -77c-11.5996 -27.5996 -28.7002 -64.5996 -40.7998 -85.7998c-0.0996094 0 -0.0996094 -0.100586 -0.200195 -0.100586c-27.0996 -13.8994 -73.5996 -44.5 -54.5 -68c5.60059 -6.89941 16 -10 21.5 -10 c17.9004 0 35.7002 18 61.1006 61.8008c25.7998 8.5 54.0996 19.0996 79 23.1992c21.6992 -11.7998 47.0996 -19.5 64 -19.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-word-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1c2;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM316.7 177.3c0.165039 0.720703 0.299805 1.90527 0.299805 2.64453v0.0556641c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-23.9004h-0.0996094c-5.33105 0 -10.4385 -4.25586 -11.4004 -9.5c-24.1992 -111.4 -21.7998 -118 -21.5996 -129.2 c-0.799805 5.40039 -5.59961 29 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9.7002h-22.3301v32h32v32 h-32v32h32v32h-32v32h32v32h-32v-32h-32v-32h32v-32h-32v-32h32v-32h-32v-32l-19.3701 -97.0801c-0.585938 -2.86816 -1.06152 -7.57227 -1.06152 -10.5c0 -28.9424 23.4893 -52.4316 52.4316 -52.4316c23.625 0 46.6387 18.7852 51.3701 41.9316z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-audio-secondary" unicode="&#x10f1c7;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM160 44v136v0.00976562c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12c-2.75 0 -6.55859 -1.58105 -8.5 -3.5293l-35.5 -36.4805h-28c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-56c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h28l35.5 -36.5 c1.94141 -1.94824 5.75 -3.5293 8.5 -3.5293c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v0.0292969zM193.24 95.1299c-22.4805 -23.2197 12.5996 -56.0498 34.3799 -33.6699c11.248 11.6523 20.377 34.2539 20.377 50.4502c0 16.1953 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5.37598 -12 12 -12h60v-60c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h40c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12v60h60c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM304 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-minus-secondary" unicode="&#x10f272;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 256h448v-272c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v272zM328 76v40c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12h-184c-6.62402 0 -12 -5.37598 -12 -12v-40c0 -6.62402 5.37598 -12 12 -12h184c6.62402 0 12 5.37598 12 12zM304 320 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 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-38.5303 -123.409 -42.46 -173.93 -2.49023c-62.7695 49.7803 -66.0801 139.2 -9.76953 193.17l193.5 185.61c5.2627 4.96289 15.4053 8.99121 22.6396 8.99121s17.377 -4.02832 22.6396 -8.99121l193.5 -185.62c56.21 -53.96 52.9004 -143.38 -9.87988 -193.14z " /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-landscape-secondary" unicode="&#x10f2fa;" d="M464 384c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-288c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v288c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h416zM448 80v224c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-352c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-224 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h352c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rectangle-portrait-secondary" unicode="&#x10f2fb;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M336 448c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-416c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-288c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v416c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h288zM320 16v352c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-224c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-352 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h224c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" 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3.5293c-2.75 0 -6.55859 -1.58105 -8.5 -3.5293l-106 -105.18 l-46 46.3496c-1.94141 1.94824 -5.74902 3.5293 -8.5 3.5293c-2.75 0 -6.55859 -1.58105 -8.5 -3.5293l-28.4004 -28.1699c-1.9668 -1.94434 -3.56445 -5.76855 -3.56445 -8.53516c0 -2.73438 1.56543 -6.52637 3.49512 -8.46484l82.5996 -83.3105 c1.94141 -1.94824 5.75 -3.5293 8.5 -3.5293c2.75098 0 6.55859 1.58105 8.5 3.5293z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-exclamation-secondary" unicode="&#x10f31a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM164.8 240c-6.60742 0 -11.9834 -5.3623 -12 -11.9697v-0.830078l7.2002 -112c0.413086 -6.18262 5.77734 -11.2002 11.9736 -11.2002h0.0263672h40h0.0263672c6.19629 0 11.5605 5.01758 11.9736 11.2002l7.2002 112 c0.015625 0.227539 0.0283203 0.597656 0.0283203 0.826172c0 6.19629 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9.67578 5.9248 14.3008c0 4.61035 -2.64062 11.0029 -5.89453 14.2695l-25.3994 25.4004c-3.26953 3.27051 -9.67578 5.92383 -14.3008 5.92383c-4.62402 0 -11.0303 -2.65332 -14.2998 -5.92383l-26 -26 c-0.819336 -0.820312 -1.48438 -2.42578 -1.48438 -3.58496s0.665039 -2.76562 1.48438 -3.58496l46.7998 -46.8008c0.820312 -0.819336 2.42578 -1.48438 3.58496 -1.48438s2.76562 0.665039 3.58496 1.48438z" /> <glyph glyph-name="club-secondary" unicode="&#x10f327;" d="M512 156c0 -68.4482 -55.5518 -124 -124 -124c-41.3604 0 -77.5498 20.54 -100 51.6904v92.3096c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-92.3096c-22.4502 -31.1504 -58.6396 -51.6904 -100 -51.6904c-68.4482 0 -124 55.5518 -124 124 s55.5518 124 124 124c5.7998 0 11.3604 -0.94043 16.9502 -1.70996c-4.94043 12.2881 -8.9502 33.0107 -8.9502 46.2549c0 68.4482 55.5518 124 124 124s124 -55.5518 124 -124c0 -13.2441 -4.00977 -33.9668 -8.9502 -46.2549 c5.58984 0.769531 11.1504 1.70996 16.9502 1.70996c68.4482 0 124 -55.5518 124 -124z" /> 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3.58496 -1.48438s2.76562 0.665039 3.58496 1.48438zM112 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 320 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="calendar-exclamation-secondary" unicode="&#x10f334;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 256h448v-272c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v272zM196.18 208c-6.29297 -0.364258 -11.4014 -5.77539 -11.4014 -12.0801c0 -0.198242 0.00976562 -0.521484 0.0214844 -0.719727l7.2002 -112 c0.413086 -6.18262 5.77734 -11.2002 11.9736 -11.2002h0.0263672h40h0.0283203c6.18066 0 11.5439 5.00391 11.9717 11.1699l7.2002 112v0.830078c0 6.62402 -5.37598 12 -12 12v0h-55.0205zM224 -24c22.0801 0 40 17.9199 40 40s-17.9199 40 -40 40s-40 -17.9199 -40 -40 s17.9199 -40 40 -40zM112 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM304 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badge-secondary" unicode="&#x10f335;" d="M512 192c0 -33.6582 -25.5762 -70.5879 -57.0898 -82.4102c4.3418 -9.56738 7.86523 -25.8584 7.86523 -36.3652c0 -48.5762 -39.4238 -88 -88 -88c-10.5068 0 -26.7979 3.52344 -36.3652 7.86523c-11.8125 -31.5391 -48.7314 -57.1357 -82.4102 -57.1357 s-70.5977 25.5967 -82.4102 57.1357c-9.56738 -4.3418 -25.8584 -7.86523 -36.3652 -7.86523c-48.5762 0 -88 39.4238 -88 88c0 10.5068 3.52344 26.7979 7.86523 36.3652c-31.5391 11.8125 -57.1357 48.7314 -57.1357 82.4102s25.5967 70.5977 57.1357 82.4102 c-4.3418 9.56738 -7.86523 25.8584 -7.86523 36.3652c0 48.5762 39.4238 88 88 88c10.5068 0 26.7979 -3.52344 36.3652 -7.86523c11.8125 31.5391 48.7314 57.1357 82.4102 57.1357s70.5977 -25.5967 82.4102 -57.1357c9.56738 4.3418 25.8584 7.86523 36.3652 7.86523 c48.5762 0 88 -39.4238 88 -88c0 -10.5068 -3.52344 -26.7979 -7.86523 -36.3652c31.5137 -11.8223 57.0898 -48.7344 57.0898 -82.3926v-0.0175781zM389.77 136.58c27.7178 2.73926 50.2129 27.5674 50.2129 55.4199s-22.4951 52.6807 -50.2129 55.4199 c6.98047 8.50195 12.6445 24.3301 12.6445 35.3301c0 30.7354 -24.9443 55.6797 -55.6797 55.6797c-10.998 0 -26.8232 -5.66211 -35.3242 -12.6396c-2.73926 27.7119 -27.5625 50.2031 -55.4102 50.2031s-52.6709 -22.4912 -55.4102 -50.2031 c-8.50098 6.97754 -24.3262 12.6396 -35.3242 12.6396c-30.7354 0 -55.6797 -24.9443 -55.6797 -55.6797c0 -11 5.66406 -26.8281 12.6445 -35.3301c-27.7178 -2.73926 -50.2129 -27.5674 -50.2129 -55.4199s22.4951 -52.6807 50.2129 -55.4199 c-6.98047 -8.50195 -12.6445 -24.3301 -12.6445 -35.3301c0 -30.7354 24.9443 -55.6797 55.6797 -55.6797c10.998 0 26.8232 5.66211 35.3242 12.6396c2.73926 -27.7119 27.5625 -50.2031 55.4102 -50.2031s52.6709 22.4912 55.4102 50.2031 c8.51172 -7.01172 24.3691 -12.7031 35.3975 -12.7031c30.7295 0 55.6699 24.9404 55.6699 55.6699c0 11.0303 -5.69336 26.8906 -12.708 35.4033z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spinner-third-secondary" unicode="&#x10f3f4;" d="M456.71 77.3096c7.77051 -4.43945 17.8701 -1.75 22 6.11035c-40.29 -82.4697 -124.71 -139.42 -222.71 -139.42c-137 0 -248 111 -248 248s111 248 248 248c5.17969 0 10.2402 -0.459961 15.3398 -0.790039c-8.46777 -0.349609 -15.3398 -7.51172 -15.3398 -15.9863 v-0.0136719v-32c0 -8.51953 6.74023 -15.1396 15.2305 -15.8301c0.75 -0.0595703 1.48926 -0.139648 2.22949 -0.209961c-5.75 0.540039 -11.5703 0.830078 -17.46 0.830078c-101.544 -0.0244141 -183.956 -82.4561 -183.956 -184c0 -101.568 82.4326 -184 184 -184 c63.9238 0 138.245 46.7754 165.896 104.41c-0.53125 -1.45703 -0.960938 -3.89746 -0.960938 -5.44727c0 -5.04883 3.53906 -11.21 7.90039 -13.7529z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ticket-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f3ff;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M576 240c-26.4961 0 -48 -21.5039 -48 -48s21.5039 -48 48 -48v-96c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v96c26.4961 0 48 21.5039 48 48s-21.5039 48 -48 48v96c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h480c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-96z M480 64v256h-384v-256h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="square-full-secondary" unicode="&#x10f45c;" d="M-1 448h512v-512h-512v512zM431 30.6699v322.66c0 8.09766 -6.57227 14.6699 -14.6699 14.6699h-322.66c-8.09766 0 -14.6699 -6.57227 -14.6699 -14.6699v-322.66c0 -8.09766 6.57227 -14.6699 14.6699 -14.6699v0h322.66c8.09766 0 14.6699 6.57227 14.6699 14.6699z " /> <glyph glyph-name="whistle-secondary" unicode="&#x10f460;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M634 121.64c3.29785 -2.65137 5.97559 -8.2373 5.97559 -12.4697c0 -2.9209 -1.41406 -7.19531 -3.15527 -9.54004l-78.2002 -104.33c-2.6377 -3.53906 -8.36035 -6.41211 -12.7744 -6.41211c-2.34277 0 -5.89355 0.946289 -7.92578 2.1123l-150.41 86 c-75.3994 -113.42 -236.71 -121.82 -326.51 -32c-65.5 65.4404 -78.0996 163.76 -38 242c-12.6963 10.4766 -23 32.3389 -23 48.7998v0.200195c0.0332031 35.2949 28.7051 63.9668 64 64c19.2002 0 36.9004 -8.90039 49 -23.5c65.2998 33.5996 144.4 30.7998 207 -9.2998 l86.5996 -63.6504c3.2998 -2.65137 5.97852 -8.23926 5.97852 -12.4727c0 -1.4834 -0.393555 -3.8252 -0.87793 -5.22754l-10.2002 -29.5098c-0.244141 -0.703125 -0.441406 -1.87793 -0.441406 -2.62207c0 -2.13867 1.3623 -4.95215 3.04102 -6.27734l25.2002 -20.21 c1.20703 -0.961914 3.43945 -1.74121 4.98242 -1.74121c1.22363 0 3.06836 0.510742 4.11816 1.14062l27.3994 16.21c2.09961 1.24121 5.7832 2.24805 8.22266 2.24805c3.08301 0 7.55273 -1.54492 9.97754 -3.44824zM40.4004 314.78 c15.1992 20.5996 27.2998 31.9102 45.0996 44.9199c-5.04297 4.62109 -14.6865 8.37207 -21.5264 8.37207c-17.5859 0 -31.8594 -14.2734 -31.8594 -31.8604c0 -6.7998 3.71191 -16.4014 8.28613 -21.4316zM208 96c52.9922 0 96 43.0078 96 96s-43.0078 96 -96 96 s-96 -43.0078 -96 -96s43.0078 -96 96 -96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="band-aid-secondary" unicode="&#x10f462;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M0 288c0.0273438 35.3008 28.6992 63.9727 64 64h96v-320h-96c-35.3008 0.0273438 -63.9727 28.6992 -64 64v192zM576 352c35.3008 -0.0273438 63.9727 -28.6992 64 -64v-192c-0.0273438 -35.3008 -28.6992 -63.9727 -64 -64h-96v320h96zM192 32v320h256v-320h-256z M368 264h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24zM368 168h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24 s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24zM272 264h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24zM272 168h-0.0605469c-13.2148 0 -23.9395 -10.7246 -23.9395 -23.9395v-0.0605469 c0 -13.248 10.752 -24 24 -24s24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-medical-secondary" unicode="&#x10f477;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM288 104v48c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-56v56c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-48c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-56h-56c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-48c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h56v-56c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h48 c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v56h56c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-medical-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f478;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 -40v-0.120117c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v168h70.0996l34.8008 -69.5c1.22168 -2.43555 4.4248 -4.41113 7.14941 -4.41113 s5.92773 1.97559 7.15039 4.41113l56.7998 113.7l22.0996 -44.2002h89.4805c0.0517578 -0.000976562 0.136719 -0.000976562 0.188477 -0.000976562c7.80566 0 15.0234 6.27246 16.1113 14.001c0.0693359 0.549805 0.126953 1.44629 0.129883 2 c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-70.21l-34.7002 69.5c-1.22168 2.43555 -4.4248 4.41113 -7.14941 4.41113s-5.92773 -1.97559 -7.15039 -4.41113l-56.7998 -113.7l-19.9004 39.7998c-1.25098 2.41895 -4.47656 4.39062 -7.19922 4.40039h-84.9004v264.12 c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112v-360z" /> <glyph glyph-name="x-ray-secondary" unicode="&#x10f497;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M624 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h608zM624 448c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16 v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h608zM168 256h136v32h-104c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h104v24c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h16c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-24h104c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-104v-32h136 c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-136v-32h104c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-104v-32h64c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48s-21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48v16h-64v-16 c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5039 -48 48s21.5039 48 48 48h64v32h-104c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h104v32h-136c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8zM240 64c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16 s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM400 96c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16s16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dove-secondary" unicode="&#x10f4ba;" d="M400 384h112l-32 -64v-160.26c-0.0664062 -88.1768 -71.6836 -159.74 -159.86 -159.74h-0.139648h-76.8203l-65.1992 -56.0996c-5.00586 -4.37012 -14.46 -7.91602 -21.1045 -7.91602c-0.274414 0 -0.720703 0.00683594 -0.996094 0.015625 c-92.8799 3.84961 -135.88 49.4502 -153.28 76.3496c-1.44434 2.21387 -2.61719 6.15723 -2.61719 8.80078c0 6.90332 5.42871 13.8926 12.1172 15.5996l143.9 36c-11.3037 8.37988 -28.7305 23.0742 -38.9004 32.7998c-51 49 -85.0996 115.101 -85.0996 185.9v0.141602 c0 33.5088 11.6484 85.2783 26 115.559c5.7998 12.2998 23.5 11.5996 29 -0.900391c36.9707 -84.0225 141.354 -156.486 233 -161.75v59.4004v0.0292969c0 44.1602 35.8398 80.0312 80 80.0703zM400.05 287.9c6.22949 0.0136719 11.2852 5.08008 11.2852 11.3096 c0 6.24316 -5.06641 11.3096 -11.3096 11.3096s-11.3105 -5.06641 -11.3105 -11.3096c0 -6.22949 5.05566 -11.2959 11.2852 -11.3096h0.0498047z" /> <glyph glyph-name="piggy-bank-secondary" unicode="&#x10f4d3;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 224c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-128c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48.7197c-7.43164 -9.83594 -21.4443 -23.8486 -31.2803 -31.2803v-80.7197c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48h-128v-48 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v80c-35.3281 26.4531 -64 83.7412 -64 127.875v0.125c0 81.1201 65.1797 160 160 160h128c7.87988 0 15.4297 -1.21973 23 -2.32031c17.6104 20.8203 43.5996 34.3203 73 34.3203h32l-18.8896 -75.54 c13.2939 -12.3574 30.041 -35.8594 37.3799 -52.46h29.5098zM432 160c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="skull-secondary" unicode="&#x10f54c;" d="M256 448c141.4 0 256 -100.3 256 -224c0 -70.0996 -36.9004 -132.6 -94.5 -173.7c-9.7002 -6.89941 -15.2002 -18.2002 -13.5 -29.8994l9.40039 -66.2002c0.0917969 -0.639648 0.167969 -1.68359 0.169922 -2.33008c0 -8.76074 -7.11035 -15.8701 -15.8701 -15.8701v0 h-77.7002v56c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-56h-64v56c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-55.9697h-77.7002c-0.646484 0.000976562 -1.69043 0.0771484 -2.33008 0.169922 c-7.47266 1.11035 -13.5381 8.14258 -13.5381 15.6973c0 0.638672 0.0761719 1.6709 0.167969 2.30273l9.40039 66.2002c1.7002 11.7998 -3.90039 23 -13.5 29.8994c-57.5996 41.1006 -94.5 103.601 -94.5 173.7c0 123.7 114.6 224 256 224zM160 128 c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64zM352 128c35.3281 0 64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 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-0.768555 -5.32812 -1.71387 -7.2041 l-57.2803 -114.4c-2.43652 -4.89746 -8.85449 -8.87305 -14.3252 -8.87305c-2.0752 0 -5.2666 0.749023 -7.125 1.67383h-0.0595703l-17.2402 8.44922l71.5996 143.19z" /> <glyph glyph-name="award-secondary" unicode="&#x10f559;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M382.78 -0.69043c0.676758 -1.64062 1.22559 -4.41309 1.22559 -6.18848c0 -0.124023 -0.00195312 -0.326172 -0.00585938 -0.451172c-0.317383 -8.50195 -7.48047 -15.4023 -15.9893 -15.4023c-0.176758 0 -0.463867 0.00488281 -0.640625 0.0126953l-52.6904 2 l-36.25 -38.2803c-2.61133 -2.75098 -7.81055 -4.98438 -11.6035 -4.98438c-5.94824 0 -12.5898 4.47266 -14.8262 9.98438l-59.8496 147.1l-60.1504 -147.1c-0.728516 -1.77539 -2.44824 -4.28906 -3.83984 -5.61035c-2.55469 -2.4209 -7.48535 -4.38574 -11.0049 -4.38574 c-3.79883 0 -9.00293 2.23828 -11.6152 4.99609l-36.2197 38.2998l-52.6904 -2c-0.166016 -0.00585938 -0.435547 -0.0107422 -0.602539 -0.0107422c-8.83105 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16c0 1.72168 0.525391 4.41504 1.17285 6.01074l59 144.22 c4.5957 -6.39355 14.4834 -13.292 22.0693 -15.3994c22.3301 -6.12012 24 -5.12012 38.7305 -20.1201c6.45605 -6.62598 19.2041 -12.0029 28.4551 -12.0029c6.37012 0 15.9062 2.76953 21.2852 6.18262c5.37305 3.41113 14.9004 6.17969 21.2646 6.17969 c6.36523 0 15.8916 -2.76855 21.2646 -6.17969c5.37793 -3.41211 14.9121 -6.18164 21.2812 -6.18164c9.24902 0 21.9941 5.37695 28.4492 12.002c15.2598 15.5596 17 14.2197 38.7695 20.1504c7.66504 2.13379 17.624 9.13184 22.2305 15.6191zM192 208 c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64s28.6719 64 64 64s64 -28.6719 64 -64s-28.6719 -64 -64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-contract-secondary" unicode="&#x10f56c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM64 376v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h80c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8zM64 312v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h80c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16 c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8zM304 32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16h-47.2197c-3.92383 0.0439453 -8.47559 2.95605 -10.1602 6.5c-11.9199 23.8604 -46.2002 30.3496 -66 14.1602l-13.8799 41.6396 c-3.01465 9.06934 -13.2178 16.4307 -22.7754 16.4307s-19.7607 -7.36133 -22.7744 -16.4307l-18.1904 -54.6396c-1.4082 -4.21973 -6.16211 -7.65137 -10.6104 -7.66016h-12.3896c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16h12.3896h0.0419922 c17.1807 0 35.5303 13.2295 40.958 29.5303l10.6104 31.8799l16.8604 -50.4697c1.8623 -5.5791 8.13379 -10.458 14 -10.8906c0.261719 -0.0283203 0.689453 -0.0517578 0.953125 -0.0517578c0.0517578 0 0.134766 0.000976562 0.186523 0.00195312h0.0166016 c5.46094 0 11.873 3.96484 14.3135 8.84961l7.66992 15.3408c1.63965 3.41699 6.0459 6.19043 9.83691 6.19043c0.0449219 0 0.118164 0 0.163086 -0.000976562h0.0712891c3.94922 0 8.47363 -2.9209 10.0986 -6.51953c6.54688 -13.1709 23.7969 -23.8604 38.5059 -23.8604 h0.133789h47.1904z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-download-secondary" unicode="&#x10f56d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM300.45 100.64c10.1299 10.0703 3.00977 27.3604 -11.2705 27.3604h-65.1797v80c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-80h-65.1797c-14.2803 0 -21.4004 -17.29 -11.2402 -27.3604l96.4199 -95.6992 c2.75195 -2.72363 8.12793 -4.93457 12 -4.93457s9.24805 2.21094 12 4.93457z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-export-secondary" unicode="&#x10f56e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M384 95.9502v-136.07c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112v-160.05h-176c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h176z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-import-secondary" unicode="&#x10f56f;" d="M512 -40v-0.120117c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v136h127.63v-64.9004c0 -14.2695 17.2803 -21.3398 27.3701 -11.2695l95.5596 96.1699 c2.71875 2.74316 4.92383 8.10352 4.92383 11.9648s-2.20508 9.22168 -4.92383 11.9648l-95.4893 96.25c-10.0898 10.0703 -27.3701 3 -27.3701 -11.2695v-65h-127.7v264.21c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112v-360z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-invoice-secondary" unicode="&#x10f570;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M96 128v64h192v-64h-192zM384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 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13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM64 376v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h80c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8zM64 296c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h80c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8 h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16zM208 32.1201c23.6699 0.629883 42.6699 20.54 42.6699 45.0703c0 19.9697 -12.9902 37.8096 -31.5801 43.3896l-45 13.5c-5.16016 1.54004 -8.76953 6.78027 -8.76953 12.7295c0 7.27051 5.2998 13.1904 11.7998 13.1904h28.1104 c3.83594 -0.00488281 9.5791 -1.67578 12.8193 -3.73047c1.15137 -0.776367 3.21191 -1.40723 4.60059 -1.40723c1.75391 0 4.23145 0.958008 5.5293 2.1377l11.75 11.2197c1.38965 1.30762 2.51758 3.91797 2.51758 5.82617c0 2.15918 -1.38281 4.98828 -3.08691 6.31445 c-7.70312 5.77344 -21.7568 10.8584 -31.3701 11.3496v24.29c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-24.1201c-23.6201 -0.629883 -42.6699 -20.5498 -42.6699 -45.0703c0 -19.9697 12.9893 -37.8096 31.5801 -43.3896l45 -13.5 c5.15918 -1.54004 8.76953 -6.78027 8.76953 -12.7295c0 -7.27051 -5.2998 -13.1904 -11.7998 -13.1904h-28.1104c-3.83496 0.0078125 -9.5791 1.67871 -12.8193 3.73047c-1.15137 0.776367 -3.21191 1.40723 -4.60059 1.40723 c-1.75488 0 -4.23145 -0.958008 -5.53027 -2.1377l-11.75 -11.2197c-1.38965 -1.30762 -2.5166 -3.91797 -2.5166 -5.82617c0 -2.15918 1.38281 -4.98828 3.08691 -6.31445c7.70508 -5.76562 21.7588 -10.8506 31.3701 -11.3496v-24.29c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16 c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v24.1201z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-prescription-secondary" unicode="&#x10f572;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M176 208c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16s-7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48v32h48zM272 320h112v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12 c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16zM304 16c2.58496 2.58691 4.68262 7.65332 4.68262 11.3096c0 3.65723 -2.09766 8.72363 -4.68262 11.3105l-30.0596 30.0596l29.8994 29.9004 c2.58789 2.58691 4.6875 7.65625 4.6875 11.3145c0 3.65918 -2.09961 8.72852 -4.6875 11.3154l-11.3096 11.3096c-2.58691 2.58789 -7.65625 4.68848 -11.3154 4.68848s-8.72754 -2.10059 -11.3145 -4.68848l-29.9004 -29.8994l-33.46 33.46 c18.4658 9.98535 33.4531 35.127 33.4531 56.1201c0 35.2178 -28.583 63.7998 -63.8008 63.7998h-0.192383h-80c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-160c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h16c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h18.7402l59.3193 -59.3096l-30.0596 -30.0605 c-2.58789 -2.58691 -4.6875 -7.65625 -4.6875 -11.3145c0 -3.65918 2.09961 -8.72852 4.6875 -11.3154l11.3096 -11.3096c2.58691 -2.58789 7.65625 -4.68848 11.3154 -4.68848s8.72852 2.10059 11.3154 4.68848l30.0596 30.0596l30.0596 -30.0703 c2.58691 -2.58691 7.65625 -4.6875 11.3154 -4.6875s8.72852 2.10059 11.3154 4.6875z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-signature-secondary" unicode="&#x10f573;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M64 48c0 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12.4844 -0.695312 17.1904 -1.55078c38.75 -6.75 70.4902 -38.6699 77.2598 -77.5c0.838867 -4.62988 1.52051 -12.2061 1.52051 -16.9111c0 -12.7178 -4.73535 -32.209 -10.5703 -43.5088 c-12.5801 -24.2598 -21.46 -50.2998 -21.46 -77.6699v-9.45996v-0.00976562c0 -16.2461 13.1846 -29.4346 29.4297 -29.4404h66.5703c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="suitcase-rolling-secondary" unicode="&#x10f5c1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M144 400v-112h-48v112c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h96c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-112h-48v112h-96zM64 -48v16h64v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16zM256 -48v16h64v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16zM312 192c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h240zM312 96c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-240 c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h240z" /> 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-6.75 1.88086 c-1.22949 1.17969 -3.21973 3.20996 -5 5.0498c-0.839844 0.859375 -1.72949 1.78027 -2.70996 2.76953c-9.89453 10.1621 -29.4355 18.4102 -43.6191 18.4102c-4.45117 0 -11.5527 -0.94043 -15.8506 -2.09961h-0.0498047l-3.77051 -1 c-2.39941 -0.660156 -5 -1.39062 -6.68945 -1.79004v109.13c0.0322266 13.083 10.6768 23.7812 23.7598 23.8799h232v-112c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="theater-masks-secondary" unicode="&#x10f630;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M229.45 144.5c-7.27148 -41.1436 9.74121 -85.7021 51.0391 -133.686c-10.1064 -4.91992 -19.3633 -8.12012 -27.7705 -9.60059c-21.4805 -3.77246 -48.3867 -0.00683594 -80.7188 11.2959s-62.4082 28.9082 -90.2295 52.8164s-44.1387 49.4668 -48.9521 76.6768 l-31.8203 179.46c-2.44824 14.0713 -0.709961 27.4971 5.21582 40.2764s14.9541 22.5137 27.085 29.2031c28.3525 15.7441 64.0371 29.1875 107.055 40.3301c43.0166 11.1426 80.7402 16.7139 113.17 16.7139c24.082 0 48.0068 -1.90527 71.7754 -5.71484 c9.00391 -1.43164 17.3184 -4.6582 24.9434 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0.333008 -6.73242 0.499023 -10.1104 0.499023c-6.00586 0 -11.9688 -0.522461 -17.8896 -1.56836 c-25.7568 -4.54004 -46.5254 -16.9053 -62.3057 -37.0967s-22.6113 -42.8262 -20.4941 -67.9033c21.1484 26.2021 52.002 42.8691 92.5605 50c2.87305 0.5 5.73633 0.929688 8.58984 1.29004zM90.5391 265.285c1.72852 -9.82617 6.70508 -18.2451 14.9893 -25.1992 s17.4141 -10.4316 27.3906 -10.4316c11.8848 0 22.0332 4.20605 30.4443 12.6172s12.6172 18.5596 12.6172 30.4443c0 2.50488 -0.216797 4.99121 -0.651367 7.45996c-0.828125 4.31348 -2.28809 8.40039 -4.37988 12.2598 c-9.57129 -10.3711 -22.2383 -16.9414 -38 -19.7109c-15.7695 -2.76953 -29.9365 -0.916016 -42.5 5.56055c-0.30957 -2.0625 -0.463867 -4.13379 -0.463867 -6.21387c0 -2.27734 0.18457 -4.53906 0.553711 -6.78613z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-secondary" unicode="&#x10f631;" d="M256 384c106 0 192 -86 192 -192s-86 -192 -192 -192s-192 86 -192 192s86 192 192 192zM256 336h-0.237305c-18.5938 0 -47.1953 -6.71973 -63.8428 -15l38.8604 -53.5098c6.74414 2.45508 18.043 4.44727 25.2197 4.44727s18.4756 -1.99219 25.2197 -4.44727 l38.8604 53.5098c-16.6475 8.28027 -45.249 15 -63.8428 15h-0.237305zM113.52 171l62.5508 20.2803c0 0.239258 -0.0703125 0.469727 -0.0703125 0.719727c0.0351562 14.542 7.14941 35.7812 15.8799 47.4102l-38.75 53.3398 c-22.7041 -23.0459 -41.1309 -68.0059 -41.1309 -100.357c0 -0.108398 0.000976562 -0.28418 0.000976562 -0.392578v-0.0419922c0 -5.81445 0.680664 -15.2041 1.51953 -20.958zM232 50v66.0703c-14.042 4.38086 -32.4102 17.6279 -41 29.5693l-62.6797 -20.3496 c18.3428 -34.9258 64.792 -68.6562 103.68 -75.29zM256 160c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM357.82 90.1797c8.61816 8.59668 20.2031 24.3213 25.8594 35.1006l-62.6797 20.3594 c-8.58984 -11.9414 -26.958 -25.1885 -41 -29.5693v-66.0703c25.0498 4.17188 59.9131 22.1729 77.8203 40.1797zM335.93 191.27l62.5508 -20.3193c0.836914 5.7793 1.51855 15.21 1.51953 21.0498c0 0.108398 0.000976562 0.28418 0.000976562 0.392578 c0 32.3516 -18.4268 77.3115 -41.1309 100.357l-38.75 -53.3398c8.73047 -11.6289 15.8447 -32.8682 15.8799 -47.4102c0 -0.25 -0.0703125 -0.480469 -0.0703125 -0.730469z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-flat-secondary" unicode="&#x10f632;" d="M189.89 32h-76.9795c-26.999 30.0869 -48.9102 87.3135 -48.9102 127.737v0.262695c0 106 86 192 192 192s192 -86 192 -192v-0.28418c0 -40.415 -21.9023 -97.6318 -48.8896 -127.716h-77c22.2842 11.5967 49.8672 39.0508 61.5693 61.2803l-62.6797 20.3594 c-8.58984 -11.9414 -26.958 -25.1885 -41 -29.5693v-52.0703h-48v52.0703c-14.042 4.38086 -32.4102 17.6279 -41 29.5693l-62.6797 -20.3594c11.7021 -22.2295 39.2852 -49.6836 61.5693 -61.2803zM256 128c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM358.87 260.75l-38.75 -53.3398c8.73047 -11.6289 15.8447 -32.8682 15.8799 -47.4102c0 -0.25 -0.0703125 -0.480469 -0.0703125 -0.730469l62.5508 -20.3193c0.836914 5.7793 1.51855 15.21 1.51953 21.0498 c0 0.108398 0.000976562 0.28418 0.000976562 0.392578c0 32.3516 -18.4268 77.3115 -41.1309 100.357zM256 304h-0.237305c-18.5938 0 -47.1953 -6.71973 -63.8428 -15l38.8604 -53.5098c6.74414 2.45508 18.043 4.44727 25.2197 4.44727 s18.4756 -1.99219 25.2197 -4.44727l38.8604 53.5098c-16.6475 8.28027 -45.249 15 -63.8428 15h-0.237305zM153.13 260.75c-22.7041 -23.0459 -41.1309 -68.0059 -41.1309 -100.357c0 -0.108398 0.000976562 -0.28418 0.000976562 -0.392578v-0.0419922 c0 -5.81445 0.680664 -15.2041 1.51953 -20.958l62.5508 20.2803c0 0.239258 -0.0703125 0.469727 -0.0703125 0.719727c0.0351562 14.542 7.14941 35.7812 15.8799 47.4102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tire-rugged-secondary" unicode="&#x10f634;" d="M256 320c70.6562 0 128 -57.3438 128 -128s-57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128zM184 168c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM256 96c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24 s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM256 240c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM328 168c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="watch-fitness-secondary" unicode="&#x10f63e;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M320 368c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-224c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-256c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v224c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h256zM286.57 185.79c1.15918 1.17969 2.26562 2.39941 3.31934 3.66016 c7.78809 9.31934 14.1094 26.7402 14.1094 38.8848c0 15.6523 -9.74805 36.5 -21.7588 46.5352c-23.96 20.0098 -59.6201 16.4199 -81.6201 -5.81055l-8.62012 -8.71973l-8.62012 8.71973c-21.9697 22.2305 -57.6201 25.8105 -81.6201 5.81055 c-1.27344 -1.06738 -2.49316 -2.17383 -3.66016 -3.32031c-9.99023 -9.83496 -18.0996 -29.1953 -18.0996 -43.2148c0 -13.7129 7.80859 -32.7734 17.4297 -42.5449l84.6699 -85.6396l0.160156 -0.160156c2.23828 -2.20117 6.60156 -3.9873 9.74023 -3.9873 c3.21191 0 7.64746 1.85742 9.90039 4.14746z" /> <glyph glyph-name="ad-secondary" unicode="&#x10f641;" d="M352 192c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 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6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998 -12.7998h38.4004 c6.39941 0 12.7998 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-chart-pie-secondary" unicode="&#x10f65a;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM136.47 9.5c77.3906 -30.0801 150.73 17.4102 164.87 86.5h-141.34v141.34c-69.0898 -14.1396 -116.53 -87.4795 -86.5303 -164.84c9.79102 -24.9854 38.0146 -53.21 63 -63zM192 128h120.14v0.0195312 c0 66.3066 -53.8135 120.12 -120.12 120.12h-0.0195312v-120.14z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-spreadsheet-secondary" unicode="&#x10f65b;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M272 320h112v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16zM328 16v192c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-240c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-192c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h240c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="file-user-secondary" unicode="&#x10f65c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M384 320v-360.12c-0.0332031 -13.1816 -10.7578 -23.8799 -23.9395 -23.8799h-0.0605469h-336.12c-13.1816 0.0332031 -23.8799 10.7578 -23.8799 23.9395v0.0605469v464.12c0.0332031 13.1816 10.7578 23.8799 23.9395 23.8799h0.0605469h232v-112 c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h112zM192 256c-35.3281 0 -64 -28.6719 -64 -64s28.6719 -64 64 -64s64 28.6719 64 64s-28.6719 64 -64 64zM304 19.2002v19.2002c0 31.8096 -30.0898 57.5996 -67.2002 57.5996h-5c-10.5547 -4.41699 -28.4072 -8.00293 -39.8496 -8.00293 s-29.2949 3.58594 -39.8506 8.00293h-5c-37.0098 0 -67.0996 -25.79 -67.0996 -57.5996v-19.2002c0 -10.6006 10 -19.2002 22.4004 -19.2002h179.199c12.4004 0 22.4004 8.58984 22.4004 19.2002z" /> <glyph glyph-name="socks-secondary" 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7.64551 3.01855 10.8799c0 11.6572 -9.46094 21.1191 -21.1182 21.1201h-59.54l-29.25 48.8496 c-3.32129 5.64746 -11.334 10.2305 -17.8857 10.2305h-0.0644531h-0.0341797c-6.65137 0 -14.7988 -4.64648 -18.1855 -10.3701l-29.1299 -48.71h-59.4502h-0.0566406c-6.28711 0 -14.2051 -4.25586 -17.6738 -9.5c-0.259766 -0.390625 -0.509766 -0.800781 -0.75 -1.20996 c-0.239258 -0.410156 -0.459961 -0.830078 -0.65918 -1.25c-1.17383 -2.38672 -2.12598 -6.48047 -2.12598 -9.13867c0 -3.2041 1.35156 -8.02441 3.01562 -10.7617l29.3496 -49l-29.21 -48.8604c-1.65625 -2.7666 -3 -7.62891 -3 -10.8535 c0 -10.5117 8.48535 -19.9268 18.9404 -21.0166c0.570312 -0.0605469 1.49805 -0.109375 2.07129 -0.109375h0.0888672h59.54l29.2197 -48.8799c3.33496 -5.6416 11.3604 -10.2207 17.9141 -10.2207h0.0859375 c0.0634766 -0.000976562 0.166992 -0.00195312 0.231445 -0.00195312c0.320312 0 0.839844 0.0234375 1.1582 0.0527344c6.13281 0.404297 13.6455 5.02832 16.7705 10.3193l29.1299 48.7002h59.4502h0.0283203c6.81152 0 15.0781 4.80273 18.4512 10.7197zM382.44 136.47 l18.4092 30.7998l18.4502 -30.7998h-36.8594zM320.05 81.4697l-17.7402 29.6406h35.46zM352.86 247.47l33.2295 -55.4697l-33.1699 -55.5h-65.79l-16.6104 27.75l-16.6094 27.75l16.5801 27.71l16.5801 27.7598h65.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="badger-honey-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6b4;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M619.83 323.06c0.830078 -0.469727 1.65039 -1 2.42969 -1.5293h-164.71c-30.8594 0 -60.2002 -12.8604 -90 -27.1904l-0.530273 -0.25l-102 -61.7402c-7.85352 -3.75684 -21.293 -6.8125 -30 -6.81934h-45.4697c-16.79 0 -43.1299 8.35938 -73.2402 48.21 c-22.5596 29.79 -36.96 64.0596 -42.6191 84.79c13.6631 6.07129 36.8887 11 51.8408 11h0.0185547h227c19.1006 0 37.9404 7 55 16.79c14.1816 8.29199 39.0225 15.1064 55.4502 15.21h0.0371094c11.8691 0 30.3418 -3.83105 41.2324 -8.5498 c44.5605 -19.25 57.9102 -37.2705 115.561 -69.9209zM541.59 209.53l-2.88965 5.76953l41.8896 8.33984l-7 -14.1094l-16 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="candy-corn-secondary" unicode="&#x10f6bd;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M480 448c165.81 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-7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v80c-35.3281 26.4531 -64 83.7412 -64 127.875v0.125c0 81.1201 65.1797 160 160 160h128c7.87988 0 15.4297 -1.21973 23 -2.32031c17.6104 20.8203 43.5996 34.3203 73 34.3203h32l-18.8896 -75.54 c13.2939 -12.3574 30.041 -35.8594 37.3799 -52.46h29.5098zM432 192c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rabbit-secondary" unicode="&#x10f708;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M445.56 -39.5195c1.34277 -2.14844 2.41211 -5.94727 2.41211 -8.48047c0 -8.81641 -7.15527 -15.9844 -15.9717 -16h-37.7402h-0.00195312c-4.89453 0 -10.9736 3.36914 -13.5674 7.51953l-72.9102 116.66l-74.3506 -60.1797h22.5703c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-16 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-142c-36.4316 0 -66 29.5684 -66 66v12c0 98.2559 79.7441 178 178 178h14v71c0.0146484 2.83496 0.40918 7.4043 0.879883 10.2002c2.10059 13.0498 8.88965 23.6201 18 31.5498c-10.2695 12.0801 -20.7002 33.7197 -27.6396 59.6201 c-11.3203 42.2402 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79.5498 5 83.3203c14.1006 3.76953 34.6904 -27.4209 46 -69.6602c4.79004 -17.9004 7.02051 -34.7207 7.08008 -48.6699zM496 208 c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scarecrow-secondary" unicode="&#x10f70d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M216.84 33.7998c1.84668 -0.993164 5.04785 -1.7998 7.14551 -1.7998c2.09668 0 5.29785 0.806641 7.14453 1.7998l24.8701 13.2002v-95c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v95zM224 448c52.9922 0 96 -43.0078 96 -96 s-43.0078 -96 -96 -96s-96 43.0078 -96 96s43.0078 96 96 96zM192 352c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16zM256 336c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16s-7.16797 16 -16 16s-16 -7.16797 -16 -16s7.16797 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="scroll-secondary" unicode="&#x10f70e;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M544 352v-288h-240c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-32c0 -44.1602 -35.8398 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8398 -80 80v367c0 35.8799 -29.1201 65 -65 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8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32zM112 320c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v96c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tornado-secondary" unicode="&#x10f76f;" d="M393.42 352c-9.70996 -35.0801 -3.09961 -62.1602 10.9697 -85.2998h-349.779c-18.2207 23.25 -33.0703 51.1396 -42.71 85.2998h381.52zM429.73 234.7c27.0898 -28.4404 60.2695 -53.1104 74.7891 -85.2998h-269.609c-49.1699 21.6992 -105.22 44.8691 -150.271 85.2998 h345.091zM429.11 422.8c-7.21484 -10.2275 -17.6221 -27.6104 -23.2305 -38.7998h-401.12c-2.16113 13.0254 -4.29395 34.3047 -4.75977 47.5c-0.00195312 0.0830078 -0.00292969 0.216797 -0.00292969 0.299805c0 8.94238 7.25781 16.2002 16.2002 16.2002h0.0126953h400 c12.9004 0 20.2998 -14.5996 12.9004 -25.2002zM331.71 -41.0996c5.33887 10.958 12.3682 29.3711 15.6904 41.0996h104.33c-15.3301 -17.0098 -34.0508 -35.5 -56.6309 -55.7002c-5.12207 -4.55762 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34.7725 -4.26367c5.07031 -1.22363 9.18457 -6.44922 9.18457 -11.665c0 -2.74805 -1.5791 -6.55371 -3.52441 -8.49512l-74.3604 -74.3594l11.3105 -67.9307l67.8799 -11.3096 l74.3604 74.4102c1.94043 1.94434 5.74512 3.52246 8.49219 3.52246c5.14551 0 10.3545 -4.04688 11.6279 -9.03223z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tree-large-secondary" unicode="&#x10f7dd;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M414.81 -64h-158.81v192l31 52.4199c3.13965 5.32031 -1.42969 11.5801 -8.45996 11.5801h-22.54v112c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-208h-22.5303c-7 0 -11.5996 -6.25977 -8.45996 -11.5801l30.9902 -52.4199v-96h-158.87 c-28.5 0 -43.7002 34.5 -24.7002 56.3799l89.8105 103.62h-36c-25.6104 0 -39.5098 29.21 -23.2402 48.5l95 111.5h-44.7598c-21.2998 0 -32.9004 22.5 -19.2998 37.29l134.8 146.54c10 10.8896 28.5996 10.8896 38.5996 0l134.93 -146.54 c13.6006 -14.79 2 -37.29 -19.2998 -37.29h-44.7998l94.8301 -111.46c16.2998 -19.2998 2.40039 -48.54 -23.2002 -48.54h-36l89.7705 -103.58c18.9395 -21.7998 3.83984 -56.4199 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11.3809c21.7295 57.2695 58.7998 76.3594 100.32 81.3193c-10.2109 65.4902 15.75 70.1699 233.68 264.84c11.3096 10.1602 26.1201 17.1504 41.9297 17.1504zM236.52 2.4502 c20.6504 23.5498 25.9307 51.6201 21.9004 82.2998l-65.0801 50.6201c-67.71 -8.08984 -77.1094 -44.5205 -83.7598 -62.04c-7.36035 -19.4502 -25.6396 -32.0303 -46.5605 -32.0303c-6.78906 0 -13.75 1.74023 -21.7695 5.39062 c12.46 -39.8604 40.9697 -78.6904 104.75 -78.6904c40.0195 0 70.4697 11.5898 90.5195 34.4502zM469.31 363.5c5.15039 10.0498 10.6904 22.2598 10.6904 32.8398c0 11.7598 -12.6201 19.6602 -24.4102 19.6602c-6.72949 0 -14.21 -3.25977 -20.54 -8.9502 c-236.62 -211.359 -230.62 -190.21 -221.819 -246.64l62 -48.2197c50.3896 6.19922 75.6797 30.3496 194.079 251.31z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus" unicode="&#xf207;" d="M128 64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM384 64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM488 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-80 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-8v-160c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-48c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-160v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-48c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v160 h-8c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v80c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h8v48c0 44.7998 99.2002 80 224 80s224 -35.2002 224 -80v-48h8zM144 -32v32h-48v-32h48zM416 -32v32h-48v-32h48zM448 32l0.00976562 128h-384.02l0.00976562 -128h384zM448.01 192l0.0205078 128h-384.05 l0.00976562 -128h384.02zM448.03 352v15.6904c-3.33984 13.3096 -67.4404 48.3096 -192.03 48.3096s-188.69 -35 -192.03 -48.3096v-15.6904h384.061z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bed" unicode="&#xf236;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M144 128c-44.1104 0 -80 35.8896 -80 80s35.8896 80 80 80s80 -35.8896 80 -80s-35.8896 -80 -80 -80zM144 256c-26.4697 0 -48 -21.5303 -48 -48s21.5303 -48 48 -48s48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48zM528 288c61.8604 0 112 -50.1396 112 -112v-168 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v56h-576v-56c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v368c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-280h224v176c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h256zM608 96v80 c0 44.1104 -35.8896 80 -80 80h-240v-160h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map" unicode="&#xf279;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560.02 416c8.4502 0 15.9805 -6.83008 15.9805 -16.0195v-346.32c0 -11.9609 -9.01367 -25.2705 -20.1201 -29.71l-151.83 -52.8105c-5.32617 -1.7334 -14.1953 -3.13965 -19.7969 -3.13965c-5.7373 0 -14.8105 1.47363 -20.2529 3.29004l-172 60.71l-170.05 -62.8398 c-1.99023 -0.790039 -4 -1.16016 -5.95996 -1.16016c-8.45996 0 -15.9902 6.83008 -15.9902 16.0195v346.32c0.00292969 11.959 9.0166 25.2686 20.1201 29.71l151.83 52.8105c6.43945 2.08984 13.1201 3.13965 19.8096 3.13965 c5.73242 -0.00195312 14.8008 -1.47168 20.2402 -3.28027l172 -60.7197h0.00976562l170.05 62.8398c1.98047 0.790039 4 1.16016 5.95996 1.16016zM30.6299 329.82l1.28027 -322.87l144.09 53.25v320.189zM208 60.29l160 -56.4805v319.91l-160 56.4805v-319.91zM400 3.61035 l145.37 50.5801l-1.28027 322.869l-144.09 -53.2598v-320.189z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen" unicode="&#xf304;" d="M493.25 391.74c25 -24.9902 25 -65.5098 0.00976562 -90.5l-352.479 -352.48l-114.141 -12.6094c-0.90918 -0.100586 -1.7998 -0.150391 -2.68945 -0.150391c-14.0703 0 -25.4004 12.2803 -23.7998 26.6602l12.6992 114.22l352.381 352.38 c12.5 12.4902 28.8799 18.7402 45.2598 18.7402s32.7598 -6.25 45.25 -18.75zM126.09 -20.6797l263.99 263.979l-82.7705 82.7705l-263.89 -263.891l-10.3604 -93.1699zM470.63 323.86c12.4697 12.4795 12.4697 32.7793 0 45.2598l-37.5098 37.5098 c-6.0498 6.04004 -14.0801 9.37012 -22.6299 9.37012s-16.5898 -3.33008 -22.6299 -9.37012l-57.9307 -57.9297l82.7705 -82.7705z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-alt" unicode="&#xf305;" d="M493.25 391.74c25 -24.9902 25 -65.5098 0.00976562 -90.5098l-271.279 -271.28c-86.9707 -86.96 -192.301 -93.9502 -198.03 -93.9502c-14.0703 0 -25.4004 12.2803 -23.8105 26.6504l0.0302734 0.229492c7 62.9219 49.0137 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-11.3203 -4.69043c-9.14941 0 -16.0195 7.48047 -16.0195 16.0195v0.0185547c0 3.65625 2.10156 8.71973 4.69043 11.3018l70.8799 70.8701c-18.29 46.7002 -25.7803 178.08 53.54 257.4l85.7393 85.7393 c48.8008 48.8008 100.061 70.6504 146.761 70.6504c40 0 76.6396 -16.0303 105.5 -44.8896zM151.76 268.96c-63.8701 -63.8604 -60.4697 -165.79 -50.5693 -209.12l223.819 223.82c6.25977 6.25977 16.3906 6.25977 22.6504 0s6.25977 -16.3906 0 -22.6504 l-37.2402 -37.2402h147.17c32.6201 56.5908 29.1904 114.37 -13.1299 156.69c-23.2295 23.2305 -51.8799 35.5098 -82.8496 35.5098c-41.1104 0 -84.0303 -21.1895 -124.11 -61.2695zM177.5 31.5801c37.0801 0 106.58 7.2998 155.46 56.1797l7.99023 7.99023 l-158.19 0.370117l-58.75 -58.75c12.5205 -3 30.1904 -5.79004 53.4902 -5.79004zM372.88 127.67c0 0 56.7402 57.9502 61.8506 64.0703h-156.341l-64.0693 -64.0703h158.56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="archway" unicode="&#xf557;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568 416h-24v-448h24c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-167.98c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16l-0.0195312 16v160c0 52.9404 -43.0596 96 -96 96s-96 -43.0596 -96 -96v-176c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-168 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h24v448h-24c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h560c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8zM512 -32v352h-448v-352h96v160c0 70.5801 57.4102 128 128 128 s128 -57.4199 128 -128v-160h96zM512 352v64h-448v-64h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="atlas" unicode="&#xf558;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 56c0 -10 -6.2002 -18.5996 -14.9004 -22.2002c-3.59961 -16.0996 -4.39941 -45.5996 -0.399414 -65.7998h3.2998c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-8c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-372c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v368c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80h344 c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-368zM404.3 -32c-3.09961 20.4004 -2.89941 45.2002 0 64h-340.3c-17.6699 0 -32 -14.3301 -32 -32s14.3301 -32 32 -32h340.3zM416 64v352h-336c-26.5 0 -48 -21.5 -48 -48v-312.88c9.4502 5.5 20.2803 8.87988 32 8.87988h352zM224 112 c-70.6904 0 -128 57.3096 -128 128s57.3096 128 128 128s128 -57.3096 128 -128s-57.3096 -128 -128 -128zM318.38 256c-5.28027 31.2197 -25.5898 57.1699 -53.2998 70.4102c7.66992 -19.0605 12.7197 -43.3799 14.21 -70.4102h39.0898zM279.29 224 c-1.49023 -27.0303 -6.53027 -51.3496 -14.21 -70.4102c27.71 13.2402 48.0098 39.1904 53.2998 70.4102h-39.0898zM224 334.69c-7.69043 -7.4502 -20.7695 -34.4307 -23.4404 -78.6904h46.8701c-2.66016 44.2695 -15.7393 71.2402 -23.4297 78.6904zM247.43 224h-46.8594 c2.66016 -44.2695 15.7393 -71.2402 23.4297 -78.6904c7.69043 7.4502 20.7695 34.4307 23.4297 78.6904zM182.92 326.41c-27.71 -13.2402 -48.0195 -39.1904 -53.2998 -70.4102h39.0898c1.49023 27.0303 6.53027 51.3496 14.21 70.4102zM168.71 224h-39.0898 c5.28027 -31.2197 25.5898 -57.1699 53.2998 -70.4102c-7.66992 19.0605 -12.7197 43.3799 -14.21 70.4102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="backspace" unicode="&#xf55a;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M469.66 266.35c1.29199 -1.29492 2.33984 -3.83008 2.33984 -5.65918c0 -1.83008 -1.04785 -4.36523 -2.33984 -5.66016l-63.0303 -63.0303l63.0205 -63.04c3.11914 -3.12012 3.11914 -8.19043 0 -11.3096l-11.3105 -11.3105 c-3.12012 -3.12012 -8.18945 -3.12012 -11.3096 0l-63.0303 63.0303l-63.0303 -63.0205c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.18945 0 11.3096l63.0303 63.0303l-63.0303 63.04 c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.19043 0 11.3096l11.3105 11.3105c3.12012 3.12012 8.18945 3.12012 11.3096 0l63.0303 -63.0303l63.04 63.0303c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3096 0zM576 384c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-256c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64 h-370.75c-16.9697 0 -33.25 6.75 -45.25 18.75l-150.63 150.63c-12.5 12.4902 -12.5 32.75 0 45.25l150.63 150.63c12 12 28.2803 18.7402 45.2598 18.7402h370.74zM608 64v256c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-370.74c-8.5498 0 -16.5898 -3.33008 -22.6299 -9.37012 l-150.63 -150.63l150.63 -150.63c6.0498 -6.04004 14.0801 -9.37012 22.6299 -9.37012h370.74c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bezier-curve" 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304 c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32zM368 288v96h-96v-96h96zM576 0v96h-96v-96h96zM576 368c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32s14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3604 32 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bong" unicode="&#xf55c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M445.66 223.43c1.29102 -1.29199 2.33887 -3.82324 2.33887 -5.64941c0 -1.83105 -1.05273 -4.36719 -2.34863 -5.66016l-11.3105 -11.3105c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-19.7998 19.8008l-51.2607 -51.2607 c20.04 -30.2695 32.0303 -66.3096 32.0303 -105.35c0 -43.7998 -14.79 -84.0703 -39.5303 -116.35c-5.81934 -7.61035 -15.21 -11.6504 -24.79 -11.6504h-255.37c-9.5791 0 -18.9697 4.04004 -24.79 11.6504c-24.7197 32.2793 -39.5195 72.54 -39.5195 116.35 c0 71.0303 38.6699 132.89 96 166.1v185.9h-24c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h240.01c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-24v-185.89c16.46 -9.53027 31.1299 -21.6504 44.04 -35.4404l48.5703 48.5703 l-19.7998 19.7998c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.19043 0 11.3096l11.3096 11.3105c3.12012 3.12012 8.19043 3.12012 11.3105 0zM112.04 202.41c-29.9297 -17.3301 -52.8301 -43.7197 -66.3496 -74.4004h292.619c-13.5195 30.6807 -36.4199 57.0703 -66.3496 74.4102 l-15.96 9.24023v204.34h-128v-204.35zM319.69 -32c20.9297 27.2305 32.3096 60.7305 32.3193 96c0 10.8799 -1.45996 21.54 -3.62988 32h-312.75c-2.16992 -10.46 -3.62988 -21.1201 -3.62988 -32c0 -35.2598 11.3799 -68.7695 32.9297 -96.8896z" /> <glyph glyph-name="brush" unicode="&#xf55d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M352 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-288c0 -35.3496 -28.6602 -64 -64 -64h-64v-64c0 -35.3496 -28.6602 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64v64h-64c-35.3398 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v288c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h320zM352 128v32h-320v-32 c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h96v-96c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32v96h96c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32zM352 192v224h-320v-224h320z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bus-alt" unicode="&#xf55e;" d="M384 64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM128 64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32s32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32zM488 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-80 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-8v-160c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-48c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32h-160v-32c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-48c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v160 h-8c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v80c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h8v48c0 44.7998 99.2002 80 224 80s224 -35.2002 224 -80v-48h8zM63.9697 320l0.0205078 -128h176.01v128h-176.03zM144 -32v32h-48v-32h48zM416 -32v32h-48v-32h48zM448 32l0.00976562 128h-384.02 l0.00976562 -128h384zM448.01 192l0.0205078 128h-176.03v-128h176.01zM448.03 352v15.6904c-3.33984 13.3096 -67.4404 48.3096 -192.03 48.3096s-188.69 -35 -192.03 -48.3096v-15.6904h128.03v8c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h80c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-8h128.03z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cannabis" unicode="&#xf55f;" d="M494.42 124.57c10.7705 -5.44043 17.5498 -16.4902 17.5605 -28.5605c0.00976562 -12.0693 -6.77051 -23.1201 -17.54 -28.5693c-2.31055 -1.16016 -54.4209 -27.1807 -120.971 -29.8906c2.85059 -6.83984 4.26074 -11.0596 4.41016 -11.5098 c0.895508 -2.70312 1.62207 -7.20801 1.62207 -10.0557c0 -7.1582 -4.0459 -17.1377 -9.03223 -22.2744c-6.10938 -6.30957 -14.4395 -9.71973 -22.9697 -9.71973c-3.04004 0 -6.11035 0.439453 -9.12012 1.33008c-1.64941 0.5 -31.4502 9.5498 -66.3896 30.71v-72.0303 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v72.04c-34.9307 -21.1602 -64.7305 -30.2197 -66.3906 -30.71c-3.00977 -0.900391 -6.08008 -1.33008 -9.11914 -1.33008h-0.000976562c-17.6631 0 -31.999 14.3359 -31.999 31.999 c0 2.8457 0.725586 7.34863 1.61914 10.0508c0.150391 0.450195 1.57031 4.66992 4.41016 11.5098c-66.5498 2.7002 -118.67 28.7207 -120.97 29.8906c-9.68164 4.90527 -17.54 17.6953 -17.54 28.5498v0.0195312c0.00878906 10.8691 7.89355 23.6592 17.5996 28.5508 c1.19043 0.599609 19.5908 9.7793 47.96 17.8301c-48.2998 64.25 -63.9492 129.699 -64.7197 133.04c-0.457031 1.96973 -0.828125 5.20996 -0.828125 7.23242c0 7.20801 4.09375 17.2383 9.13867 22.3867c6.08008 6.20996 14.3496 9.61035 22.8594 9.61035 c2.19043 0 4.40039 -0.229492 6.58984 -0.689453c3.34082 -0.700195 66.3105 -14.3506 130.681 -55.9707c8.58008 97.79 57.8496 172.391 60.1396 175.8c5.94043 8.87012 15.9102 14.1904 26.5801 14.1904s20.6396 -5.32031 26.5996 -14.1904 c2.28027 -3.40918 51.5508 -78 60.1406 -175.8c64.3701 41.6201 127.34 55.2705 130.68 55.9707c2.19043 0.459961 4.40039 0.689453 6.58984 0.689453c7.4248 0 17.666 -4.30566 22.8604 -9.61035c5.04492 -5.14746 9.13965 -15.1748 9.13965 -22.3828 c0 -2.02344 -0.37207 -5.26562 -0.830078 -7.23633c-0.779297 -3.34082 -16.4199 -68.8008 -64.7197 -133.04c28.3604 -8.05078 46.7598 -17.2305 47.96 -17.8301zM362.4 69.3398c64.9492 0 117.6 26.6602 117.6 26.6602s-40.9502 20.6699 -95.1299 25.5898 c0.849609 0.799805 1.57031 1.36035 2.42969 2.17969c71.6807 68.2607 92.7002 158.9 92.7002 158.9s-95.1797 -20.0195 -166.85 -88.29c-0.930664 -0.889648 -1.57031 -1.62988 -2.48047 -2.50977c0.849609 11.2803 1.33008 23.6699 1.33008 37.46 c0 103.1 -56 186.67 -56 186.67s-56 -83.5703 -56 -186.66c0 -13.79 0.480469 -26.1797 1.33008 -37.46c-0.910156 0.879883 -1.5498 1.62012 -2.48047 2.50977c-71.6699 68.2607 -166.85 88.2803 -166.85 88.2803s21.0195 -90.6504 92.7002 -158.91 c0.859375 -0.819336 1.58008 -1.37988 2.42969 -2.17969c-54.1797 -4.91016 -95.1299 -25.5801 -95.1299 -25.5801s52.6504 -26.6602 117.6 -26.6602c17.3301 0 31.1904 0.890625 42.4902 2.41992c0.219727 -0.120117 0.400391 -0.160156 0.620117 -0.279297 c-19.7998 -30.0107 -28.2295 -55.4805 -28.2295 -55.4805s48.0791 14.2998 91.5195 50.5c43.4404 -36.2002 91.5195 -50.5 91.5195 -50.5s-8.42969 25.4697 -28.2295 55.4805c0.219727 0.119141 0.400391 0.15918 0.620117 0.279297 c11.2998 -1.51953 25.1602 -2.41992 42.4902 -2.41992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="concierge-bell" unicode="&#xf562;" d="M504 32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-496c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h24v64c0 118.31 91.79 214.96 208 223.19v32.8096h-40c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h112 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-40v-32.8096c116.21 -8.23047 208 -104.881 208 -223.19v-64h24zM448 32v64c0 100.17 -78.2998 184.19 -178.26 191.27c-17.1504 1.21094 -10.6104 1.19043 -27.4805 0 c-99.96 -7.0791 -178.26 -91.0996 -178.26 -191.27v-64h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie" unicode="&#xf563;" d="M352 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM344 320c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24zM184 256c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24 s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24zM192 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM288 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM510.37 193.21c0.901367 -5.68848 1.63281 -14.9805 1.63281 -20.7402c0 -17.5703 -6.47559 -44.5352 -14.4531 -60.1895l-35.0996 -68.8701c-10.7695 -21.1328 -36.6592 -47.0273 -57.79 -57.7998l-69.1201 -35.21 c-18.6299 -9.5 -39.1602 -14.3809 -59.8799 -14.3809c-6.87988 0 -13.7705 0.530273 -20.6299 1.62012l-76.7002 12.1406c-23.3896 3.70801 -55.9639 20.3057 -72.71 37.0498l-54.7598 54.75c-16.7969 16.8027 -33.4443 49.4844 -37.1602 72.9502l-12.0801 76.2695 c-0.901367 5.68945 -1.63184 14.9814 -1.63184 20.7412c0 17.5723 6.47461 44.542 14.4521 60.1992l35.0996 68.8701c10.7666 21.1348 36.6562 47.0293 57.79 57.7998l69.1201 35.21c18.6396 9.5 39.1699 14.3799 59.8896 14.3799 c6.87988 0 13.7705 -0.540039 20.6201 -1.62988l76.7002 -12.1504c27.5303 -4.34961 52.9795 -17.3301 72.71 -37.0498l54.7598 -54.75c16.7969 -16.8027 33.4443 -49.4844 37.1602 -72.9502zM469.04 126.8c9.7002 19.04 13.0703 40.2803 9.71973 61.4004l-12.0801 76.2598 c-3.33984 21.1104 -13.0898 40.2402 -28.1797 55.3301l-54.7598 54.75c-15.04 15.0498 -34.0898 24.7598 -55.0801 28.0801l-76.7002 12.1494c-5.15039 0.820312 -10.4102 1.23047 -15.6201 1.23047c-15.6895 0 -31.3701 -3.76953 -45.3594 -10.8896l-69.1201 -35.21 c-18.9707 -9.66992 -34.1201 -24.8203 -43.8008 -43.8203l-35.0996 -68.8799c-9.7002 -19.04 -13.0703 -40.2803 -9.71973 -61.4004l12.0801 -76.2598c3.33984 -21.1104 13.0898 -40.2402 28.1797 -55.3301l54.75 -54.7598c15.0498 -15.04 34.0996 -24.75 55.0898 -28.0801 l76.6904 -12.1396c5.16016 -0.820312 10.4199 -1.23047 15.6299 -1.23047c15.6895 0 31.3799 3.75977 45.3594 10.8896l69.1201 35.21c18.9707 9.66992 34.1201 24.8203 43.8008 43.8203z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cookie-bite" unicode="&#xf564;" d="M352 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM184 256c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24zM192 120c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM288 216c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM510.52 192.18c4.10059 -27.3301 -0.349609 -55.2695 -12.9092 -79.8994 l-35.1006 -68.8799c-10.7637 -21.1406 -36.6533 -47.0391 -57.79 -57.8105l-69.1299 -35.2197c-18.6396 -9.5 -39.1699 -14.3799 -59.8896 -14.3799c-6.87988 0 -13.7803 0.529297 -20.6406 1.62012l-76.71 12.1396c-23.3916 3.70703 -55.9658 20.3105 -72.71 37.0596 l-54.7695 54.7607c-16.7949 16.8066 -33.4424 49.4922 -37.1602 72.96l-12.0801 76.2793c-0.900391 5.68945 -1.63184 14.9824 -1.63184 20.7422c0 17.5752 6.47461 44.5479 14.4521 60.208l35.0996 68.8799c10.7646 21.1396 36.6543 47.0391 57.79 57.8105l69.1299 35.2197 c18.6104 9.48047 39.1104 14.3301 59.79 14.3301c6.64062 0 13.3105 -0.5 19.9307 -1.50977c0.859375 -69.96 57.6895 -126.45 127.859 -126.45c0 -70.1699 56.5 -127.01 126.47 -127.86zM469.1 126.82c5.89062 11.54 9.43066 23.9492 10.5303 36.6797 c-63.1602 13.1396 -112.96 63.8301 -124.87 127.25c-63.4102 11.9102 -114.1 61.71 -127.25 124.86c-12.71 -1.12988 -25.1797 -4.69043 -36.5098 -10.46l-69.1201 -35.2305c-18.9795 -9.66992 -34.1299 -24.8203 -43.8096 -43.8203l-35.1006 -68.8799 c-9.7002 -19.0498 -13.0693 -40.29 -9.71973 -61.4102l12.0801 -76.2695c3.33984 -21.0996 13.0801 -40.2402 28.1797 -55.3301l54.7705 -54.7598c15.04 -15.04 34.0898 -24.75 55.0898 -28.0801l76.7002 -12.1396c5.16016 -0.820312 10.4199 -1.23047 15.6299 -1.23047 c15.6895 0 31.3799 3.76953 45.3594 10.8896l69.1309 35.2207c18.9795 9.66992 34.1299 24.8193 43.8096 43.8193z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crop-alt" unicode="&#xf565;" d="M488 128c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-48c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-72v-72c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-48c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v72h-192c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192h-72c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24v48c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h72v72 c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24h48c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24v-72h192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-192h72zM96 288v32h-64v-32h64zM320 64v32h-160v320h-32v-352h192zM320 128v128h-128v-128h128zM384 -32v352h-192v-32h160v-320h32zM480 64v32h-64v-32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="digital-tachograph" unicode="&#xf566;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M608 352c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v256c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h576zM608 64v256h-576v-256h576zM80 176c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v80c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h208 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-80c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-208zM88 264v-64h192v64h-192zM72 88c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v8c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h224c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-8c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-224zM344 88 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v8c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h224c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-8c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-224zM80 160h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8z M144 160h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM208 160h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8zM272 160h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drafting-compass" unicode="&#xf568;" d="M433.86 143.69l78.1396 -135.351l-7.01953 -58.25c-1 -8.34961 -8.11035 -14.0996 -15.8809 -14.0996c-2.08984 0 -4.21973 0.419922 -6.29004 1.2998l-53.9492 23.04l-77.9805 135.06c-29.3604 -10.6992 -60.5596 -16.8193 -92.6299 -16.8193 c-33.4297 0 -65.8896 6.62012 -96.2598 18.3301l-78.8506 -136.57l-53.9492 -23.04c-2.08008 -0.889648 -4.20996 -1.2998 -6.29004 -1.2998c-7.77051 0 -14.8701 5.75 -15.8809 14.0996l-7.01953 58.25l79.9004 138.38c-20.2402 17.54 -38.5703 37.4707 -53 60.7607 c-2.38086 3.83984 -1.01074 8.94922 2.88965 11.21l13.8604 8.0293c3.72949 2.16992 8.40918 0.890625 10.6895 -2.76953c11.5605 -18.5703 25.96 -34.7002 41.7705 -49.1406l75.9395 131.53c-7.43945 13.6299 -12.0498 29.0303 -12.0498 45.6602 c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96c0 -16.6299 -4.61035 -32.0303 -12.0498 -45.6504l77.71 -134.59c17.0195 15.1201 32.2197 32.4502 44.5098 52.2002c2.28027 3.66016 6.95996 4.92969 10.6904 2.77051l13.8594 -8.03027 c3.90039 -2.25977 5.27051 -7.37988 2.89062 -11.21c-15.1602 -24.46 -34.2803 -45.6299 -55.75 -63.7998zM392.11 152.01l-73.6699 127.61c-8.09082 -6.98047 -17.1709 -12.7705 -27.2803 -16.7598l73.2598 -126.891c9.58008 4.74023 18.8203 10.0703 27.6904 16.04z M256 416c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64s28.6504 -64 64 -64s64 28.6504 64 64s-28.6504 64 -64 64zM60.7598 -14.4199l160.09 277.28c-10.1094 3.98926 -19.1895 9.7793 -27.2793 16.7598l-160.521 -278.04l3.19043 -26.4697zM258.25 110.59 c26.3604 0 51.9902 4.82031 76.3203 13.04l-76.54 132.57c-0.69043 -0.0205078 -1.33984 -0.209961 -2.04004 -0.209961s-1.33984 0.189453 -2.04004 0.209961l-75.8105 -131.311c25.3906 -9.18945 52.3799 -14.2998 80.1104 -14.2998zM475.76 -24.8896l3.19043 26.4697 l-70.8701 122.76c-8.91992 -5.89941 -18.1201 -11.2803 -27.6602 -16.0996l70.8203 -122.66z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drum-steelpan" unicode="&#xf56a;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M288 416c159.06 0 288 -57.3096 288 -128v-192c0 -70.6904 -128.94 -128 -288 -128s-288 57.3096 -288 128v192c0 70.6904 128.94 128 288 128zM288 384c-25.6797 0 -50.4297 -1.45996 -73.8203 -4.08984l15.4502 -60.0898 c4.50977 -17.5508 30.7002 -31.8203 58.3701 -31.8203s53.8604 14.2803 58.3701 31.8301l15.4502 60.0801c-23.3906 2.62988 -48.1406 4.08984 -73.8203 4.08984zM382.84 198.88c-20.1094 19.3301 -33.5195 44.9902 -37.1602 73.0703 c-16.21 -10.0801 -36.6602 -15.9502 -57.6797 -15.9502c-21.3398 0 -42.0498 6.08008 -58.3701 16.4404c-3.74023 -28.0303 -17.0498 -53.8203 -37.1201 -73.4707c29.5303 -4.4502 61.7002 -6.96973 95.4902 -6.96973c33.54 0 65.4902 2.48047 94.8398 6.87988z M178.26 374.63c-86.3896 -15.4199 -146.26 -48.3604 -146.26 -86.6299c0 -34.0195 47.3203 -63.8398 118.5 -80.8799c37.0898 20.7598 56.7803 64.8096 44.7305 107.47zM544 96v133.54c-47.8096 -41.2705 -144.38 -69.54 -256 -69.54s-208.19 28.2695 -256 69.5303v-133.53 c0 -39.1396 99.7305 -96 256 -96s256 56.8604 256 96zM425.61 207.13c71.1094 17.0605 118.39 46.8701 118.39 80.8701c0 38.79 -61.4805 72.1299 -149.79 87.2695l-15.5596 -66.9795c-9.59082 -41.3203 10.9199 -82.4697 46.96 -101.16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="feather-alt" unicode="&#xf56b;" d="M71.46 160.39c25.4102 249.41 388.82 284.051 440.54 287.61c-3.55957 -51.7197 -38.2002 -415.13 -287.61 -440.54c-42.0098 -4.84961 -84.2695 -7.25977 -126.56 -7.37988l-11.1602 -0.0302734l-59.3604 -59.3594 c-3.11914 -3.13086 -7.21973 -4.69043 -11.3096 -4.69043c-8.53027 0 -16 6.86035 -16 16v0.0253906c0 3.65234 2.10156 8.70801 4.69043 11.2842l59.3594 59.3604l0.0302734 11.1602c0.110352 42.29 2.51953 84.5498 7.37988 126.56zM103.29 157.15 c-3.87012 -33.5303 -5.7998 -67.6201 -6.5498 -101.79l227.95 227.949c6.23926 6.25 16.3691 6.24023 22.6191 0c6.25 -6.23926 6.25 -16.3691 0 -22.6191l-36.6895 -36.6904h117.78c29.0693 70.2002 42.1592 143.77 47.8301 188.23 c-101.25 -12.8906 -353.48 -64.0908 -372.94 -255.08zM214.62 128h158.729c15.5205 19.6904 29.0107 41.2695 40.3809 64h-135.11zM220.72 39.25c50.2207 5.12012 90.5801 26.5 123.34 56.75h-161.439l-63.2598 -63.2598c34.1592 0.75 68.1992 2.67969 101.359 6.50977z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill" unicode="&#xf575;" d="M502.63 230.94c12.4902 -12.5 12.4902 -32.7607 0 -45.25l-221.57 -221.57c-18.75 -18.75 -43.3096 -28.1201 -67.8799 -28.1201c-24.5596 0 -49.1201 9.37988 -67.8701 28.1201l-117.189 117.189c-37.4902 37.4902 -37.4902 98.2607 0 135.75l106.1 106.101 l-99.8799 99.8701c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l11.3203 11.3105c3.12012 3.11914 8.18945 3.11914 11.3096 0l99.8701 -99.8701l92.8506 92.8496c6.23926 6.25 14.4297 9.37012 22.6191 9.37012c8.19043 0 16.3809 -3.12012 22.6309 -9.37012z M258.43 -13.2598l141.25 141.26h-363.85c3.13965 -8.91992 8.03027 -17.1797 14.9102 -24.0596l117.2 -117.2c12.0791 -12.0801 28.1494 -18.7402 45.2393 -18.7402s33.1602 6.66016 45.25 18.7402zM431.68 160l48.3203 48.3203l-207.69 207.68h-0.0195312 l-92.8301 -92.8398l87.8496 -87.8506c6.25 -6.23926 6.25 -16.3691 0 -22.6191c-6.23926 -6.25 -16.3691 -6.25 -22.6191 0l-87.8506 87.8496l-106.09 -106.11c-9.49023 -9.48926 -15.4902 -21.4697 -17.6904 -34.4297h398.62z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fill-drip" unicode="&#xf576;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M512 128c0 0 64 -92.6504 64 -128s-28.6602 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.6504 -64 64s64 128 64 128zM512 -32c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32c-0.259766 9.78027 -13.5596 37.6504 -31.9902 68.6904c-18.4395 -31.0605 -31.75 -58.9502 -32.0098 -68.7305 c0 -17.5996 14.3604 -31.96 32 -31.96zM502.63 230.94c12.4902 -12.5 12.4902 -32.7607 -0.00976562 -45.2607l-221.57 -221.569c-18.7402 -18.75 -43.2998 -28.1201 -67.8701 -28.1201c-24.5596 0 -49.1201 9.37988 -67.8701 28.1201l-117.189 117.189 c-37.4902 37.4902 -37.4902 98.2598 0 135.75l106.1 106.101l-99.8799 99.8799c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l11.3203 11.3105c3.12012 3.11914 8.18945 3.11914 11.3096 0l99.8701 -99.8701l92.8506 92.8496c6.23926 6.25 14.4297 9.37012 22.6191 9.37012 c8.19043 0 16.3809 -3.12012 22.6309 -9.37012zM258.43 -13.2598l141.25 141.26h-363.85c3.13965 -8.91992 8.03027 -17.1797 14.9102 -24.0596l117.2 -117.2c12.0791 -12.0801 28.1494 -18.7402 45.2393 -18.7402s33.1602 6.66016 45.25 18.7402zM431.68 160 l48.3203 48.3203l-207.69 207.68h-0.0195312l-92.8301 -92.8398l87.8496 -87.8506c6.25 -6.23926 6.25 -16.3691 0 -22.6191c-6.23926 -6.25 -16.3691 -6.25 -22.6191 0l-87.8506 87.8496l-106.09 -106.11c-9.49023 -9.48926 -15.4902 -21.4697 -17.6904 -34.4297h398.62z " /> <glyph glyph-name="fingerprint" unicode="&#xf577;" d="M256 278.08c54.1904 -0.799805 98.1299 -44.5605 99 -97.5605c0.780273 -52.3096 -3.08984 -104.71 -11.5596 -155.789c-1.28027 -7.84082 -8.06055 -13.3906 -15.75 -13.3906c-0.880859 0 -1.75 0.0605469 -2.66016 0.219727 c-8.7207 1.44043 -14.6006 9.6709 -13.1602 18.3906c8.14941 49.2002 11.8994 99.6895 11.1201 150.06c-0.560547 35.8701 -29.8506 65.5098 -66.9707 66.0605c-6.47949 0 -30.0898 -0.140625 -48.75 -18.8008c-11.8193 -11.8096 -18.1592 -27.5391 -17.9092 -44.3096 c0.80957 -52.5703 -4.12988 -105.18 -14.6904 -156.35c-1.82031 -8.66992 -10.4102 -14.1006 -18.9102 -12.4404c-8.62988 1.79004 -14.2197 10.25 -12.4102 18.9102c10.0908 48.8896 14.7803 99.1602 14 149.39c-0.40918 25.5 9.28027 49.4404 27.2803 67.4404 c18.5303 18.5498 43.0898 27.7598 71.3701 28.1699zM255.91 191.99c8.03027 0.149414 16.1201 -6.91016 16.2598 -15.75c1.19043 -76.4707 -8.55957 -151.13 -28.9697 -224.21l-1.21973 -4.37012c-2 -7.0498 -8.41016 -11.6602 -15.4102 -11.6602 c-13.6699 0 -17.2607 13.71 -15.4102 20.3398l1.21973 4.33008c19.5605 70.0801 28.9004 141.68 27.7803 215.07c-0.120117 8.83984 6.91016 16.1094 15.75 16.25zM112.66 298.21c5.59961 6.88965 15.6602 7.87012 22.5098 2.32031 c6.83984 -5.57031 7.90039 -15.6504 2.31055 -22.5107c-20.7207 -25.5195 -31.4404 -56.46 -30.9102 -89.4697c0.629883 -41.6396 -2.75 -83.29 -10.0898 -123.819c-1.41016 -7.7207 -8.16016 -13.1406 -15.7207 -13.1406c-0.959961 0 -1.89941 0.0800781 -2.87012 0.25 c-8.71973 1.58008 -14.4697 9.91016 -12.9092 18.6104c6.96973 38.4697 10.21 78.0498 9.58984 117.609c-0.629883 40.04 12.8994 79.1709 38.0898 110.15zM511.88 195.18c0.120117 -7.91016 0.150391 -15.8096 0.0800781 -23.7197 c-0.0595703 -8.79004 -7.21973 -15.8701 -16 -15.8701h-0.120117c-8.83984 0.0703125 -15.9297 7.29004 -15.8701 16.1201c0.0703125 7.66016 0.0302734 15.3096 -0.0898438 22.9697c-0.219727 14.3398 -1.91016 28.7305 -5 42.7305 c-1.89941 8.63965 3.57031 17.1699 12.1904 19.0801c8.71973 1.83008 17.1494 -3.56055 19.0596 -12.1699c3.56055 -16.1104 5.5 -32.6406 5.75 -49.1406zM252.6 447.95c84.9004 -1.25 164.681 -43.4697 213.431 -112.95 c5.08984 -7.23047 3.33984 -17.2002 -3.91016 -22.2803c-7.16016 -5.05957 -17.1602 -3.31934 -22.2803 3.91016c-42.8799 61.0898 -113.06 98.2305 -187.75 99.3203c-60.25 0.889648 -117.37 -21.6406 -159.149 -63.4805 c-40.0908 -40.1201 -61.6807 -93.4697 -60.7803 -150.16c0.120117 -8.00977 0.0595703 -16.0293 -0.160156 -24.0293c-0.25 -8.68066 -7.37988 -15.5498 -16 -15.5498h-0.44043c-8.83984 0.25 -15.8096 7.61914 -15.5596 16.4492 c0.219727 7.53027 0.280273 15.0703 0.160156 22.6201c-1.03027 65.4404 23.8799 126.98 70.1602 173.29c48 48.0303 112.31 74.2002 182.279 72.8604zM253.88 363.02c99.8701 -1.46973 182.37 -81.9492 183.86 -179.39c0.620117 -41.0303 -1.37988 -82.3496 -6 -122.82 c-0.930664 -8.16992 -7.87012 -14.1895 -15.8701 -14.1895c-0.620117 0 -1.21973 0.0302734 -1.83984 0.110352c-8.78027 1 -15.0898 8.91992 -14.0898 17.6992c4.46973 39.1104 6.42969 79.0508 5.80957 118.7c-1.25 80.3301 -69.5898 146.67 -152.37 147.89 c-12.2197 0.220703 -25.1895 -1.16992 -37.3096 -4.0293c-8.5 -2.00977 -17.2207 3.2793 -19.25 11.8594c-2.04004 8.60059 3.2793 17.2305 11.8701 19.2607c11.4707 2.72363 30.3486 4.93555 42.1387 4.93555c0.841797 0 2.20898 -0.0117188 3.05078 -0.0263672z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glass-martini-alt" unicode="&#xf57b;" d="M502.05 390.4l-230.05 -230.04v-192.36h53.3203c14.7295 0 26.6699 -11.9404 26.6699 -26.6699c0 -2.94043 -2.37988 -5.33008 -5.33008 -5.33008h-181.33c-2.94043 0 -5.33008 2.37988 -5.33008 5.33008c0 14.7295 11.9404 26.6699 26.6699 26.6699h53.3301v192.36 l-230.05 230.04c-21.25 21.2598 -6.2002 57.5996 23.8496 57.5996h444.4c30.0498 0 45.0996 -36.3398 23.8496 -57.5996zM32.2002 414.93c-0.44043 -1.08008 -0.140625 -1.38965 0.379883 -1.89941l61.0303 -61.0303h324.779l61.0303 61.04 c0.520508 0.509766 0.830078 0.820312 0.379883 1.88965c-0.439453 1.07031 -0.879883 1.07031 -1.59961 1.07031h-444.4c-0.719727 0 -1.16016 0 -1.59961 -1.07031zM256.06 189.67l130.341 130.33h-260.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-squint-tears" unicode="&#xf586;" d="M402 241.9c5.2002 0.5 10.9004 -2.10059 14.2002 -6.60059c32.2998 -45.5 7.2002 -124.899 -35.7002 -167.7c-29.2998 -29.3994 -75.7002 -50.3994 -116.7 -50.3994c-18.8994 0 -36.7002 4.5 -51 14.7002c-4.5 3.2998 -7.09961 8.59961 -6.7002 14.1992 c0.400391 5.60059 3.7002 10.6006 8.7002 13.1006c28.2002 14.5 63.9004 42.2998 97.7998 76.2998c33.9004 33.9004 61.7002 69.5 76.3008 97.7998c2.59961 4.90039 7.5 8.2002 13.0996 8.60059zM357.8 90.2002c24.7998 24.7002 42.9004 66 41.1006 98.2002 c-16.5 -24.1006 -38.7002 -50.4004 -63.8008 -75.5c-25.0996 -25.2002 -51.3994 -47.3008 -75.5 -63.8008c33.3008 -2 73.4004 16.4004 98.2002 41.1006zM207.9 211.8c3 -3 4.19922 -7.2998 3.19922 -11.5l-22.5996 -90.5c-0.700195 -2.89941 -4 -9.5 -12.5996 -9.09961 c-5.80078 0.5 -10.5 5.09961 -11 10.8994l-4.80078 52.3008l-52.2998 4.7998c-5.7998 0.5 -10.3994 5.2002 -10.8994 11c-0.400391 5.89941 3.39941 11.2002 9.09961 12.5996l90.5 22.7002c4.09961 1 8.40039 -0.200195 11.4004 -3.2002zM247.6 236.9 c-0.0996094 0 -6.39941 -1.80078 -11.3994 3.19922c-3 3 -4.2002 7.30078 -3.2002 11.4004l22.5996 90.5c1.40039 5.7002 6.90039 9.2002 12.6006 9.09961c5.7998 -0.5 10.5 -5.09961 11 -10.8994l4.7998 -52.2998l52.2998 -4.80078 c5.7998 -0.5 10.4004 -5.19922 10.9004 -11c0.399414 -5.89941 -3.40039 -11.1992 -9.10059 -12.5996zM491.2 323.4c-4.40039 -4.30078 -10.7998 -8.40039 -18.7998 -12.2002c52 -94.2998 38.8994 -214.7 -41 -294.601c-48.4004 -48.3994 -111.9 -72.5996 -175.4 -72.5996 c-41.2002 0 -82.2002 10.9004 -119.2 31.4004c-3.59961 -7.60059 -7.59961 -14 -12.0996 -18.5c-28.4004 -28.4004 -74.4004 -27.7002 -102.9 0.799805c-28.5996 28.5996 -29 74.7002 -0.899414 102.899c4.2998 4.40039 10.6992 8.40039 18.6992 12.2002 c-52 94.2002 -38.8994 214.7 41 294.601c48.4004 48.3994 111.9 72.5996 175.4 72.5996c41.2002 0 82.2002 -10.9004 119.3 -31.4004c3.60059 7.60059 7.60059 14 12.1006 18.5c27.5996 27.5 73.6992 28.4004 102.899 -0.799805 c28.6006 -28.5996 29 -74.7002 0.900391 -102.899zM410 404.5c-6.59961 -6.59961 -16.7998 -32.2998 -24.7998 -83.2998c51 8 76.7002 18.2002 83.2998 24.7998c15.5996 15.5996 15.2002 41.5 -0.900391 57.5996c-7.89941 7.90039 -18.1992 12.3008 -29.1992 12.4004 h-0.400391c-10.5996 0 -20.5996 -4.09961 -28 -11.5zM102 -20.5c6.59961 6.59961 16.7998 32.4004 24.7998 83.2002c-51 -8 -76.7002 -18.2002 -83.2998 -24.7998c-15.5996 -15.6006 -15.2002 -41.5 0.900391 -57.6006c16.0996 -16.0996 41.8994 -16.5 57.5996 -0.799805z M408.8 39.2998c70.7002 70.7002 81.1006 178.4 32.9004 261c-16.7002 -4.5 -36.7998 -8.59961 -60.6006 -12c-1.2998 -0.200195 -2.5 -0.299805 -3.69922 -0.299805c-6.7002 0 -13.1006 2.59961 -18 7.5c-5.7002 5.7998 -8.40039 13.7002 -7.2002 21.7002 c2.7998 19.2998 6.7998 41.2002 12.2002 60.8994c-32.6006 19.1006 -69.6006 29.9004 -108.4 29.9004c-57.7002 0 -112 -22.4004 -152.7 -63.2002c-70.7002 -70.7002 -81.0996 -178.3 -33 -261c16.7002 4.5 36.7998 8.60059 60.6006 12 c8 1.10059 15.8994 -1.5 21.6992 -7.2998c5.7002 -5.7998 8.40039 -13.7002 7.2002 -21.7002c-2.7998 -19.2998 -6.7998 -41.2002 -12.2002 -60.8994c32.6006 -19.1006 69.6006 -29.9004 108.4 -29.9004c57.7002 0 112 22.5 152.8 63.2998z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grin-tears" unicode="&#xf588;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M349.7 200.3c-3.60059 1.10059 -6 4.60059 -5.7002 8.2998c3.2998 42.1006 32.2002 71.4004 56 71.4004s52.7002 -29.2998 56 -71.4004c0.299805 -3.7998 -2.09961 -7.19922 -5.7002 -8.2998c-3.09961 -1 -7.2002 0 -9.2998 3.7002l-9.5 17 c-7.7002 13.7002 -19.2002 21.5996 -31.5 21.5996s-23.7998 -7.89941 -31.5 -21.5996l-9.5 -17c-1.90039 -3.2002 -5.90039 -4.7998 -9.2998 -3.7002zM443.1 127.2c5.40039 1.7998 11.2002 0.599609 15.5 -3.10059c4.2002 -3.69922 6.2002 -9.2998 5.30078 -14.7998 c-9.30078 -55 -83.2002 -93.2998 -143.801 -93.2998c-60.5996 0 -134.5 38.2998 -143.8 93.2998c-1 5.60059 1.10059 11.1006 5.2998 14.7998c4.2002 3.60059 10 4.80078 15.3008 3.10059c30.1992 -9.7002 75.0996 -15.2002 123.1 -15.2002s92.9004 5.5 123.1 15.2002z M320 48c35 0 77 16.2998 98.5996 40.2998c-57.5 -10.7998 -139.6 -10.7998 -197.1 0c21.5 -24 63.5 -40.2998 98.5 -40.2998zM189.7 200.3c-3.60059 1.10059 -6 4.60059 -5.7002 8.2998c3.2998 42.1006 32.2002 71.4004 56 71.4004s52.7002 -29.2998 56 -71.4004 c0.299805 -3.7998 -2.09961 -7.19922 -5.7002 -8.2998c-3.09961 -1 -7.2002 0 -9.2998 3.7002l-9.5 17c-7.7002 13.7002 -19.2002 21.5996 -31.5 21.5996s-23.7998 -7.89941 -31.5 -21.5996l-9.5 -17c-1.90039 -3.2002 -5.90039 -4.7998 -9.2998 -3.7002zM619.2 188.6 c28.0996 -28.0996 27.7002 -74.2998 -1.10059 -102.8c-11.8994 -11.8994 -44.2998 -32.7998 -82.6992 -14.7002c-42.4004 -75.5 -122.7 -127 -215.5 -127c-92.8008 0 -173 51.5 -215.5 127c-38.5 -18.1992 -70.9004 2.90039 -82.7002 14.7002 c-28.6006 28.6006 -29 74.7002 -0.900391 102.9c9.2002 9.2002 26.7998 17.2002 52.4004 23.8994c10.5 127.301 116.8 227.4 246.8 227.4s236.3 -100.1 246.8 -227.5c25.6006 -6.7002 43.2002 -14.7002 52.4004 -23.9004zM102 107.5 c6.59961 6.59961 16.7998 32.2998 24.7002 83.2998c-51 -8 -76.7002 -18.2002 -83.2998 -24.7998c-15.6006 -15.5996 -15.2002 -41.5 0.899414 -57.5996c16.2998 -16.4004 42.2002 -16.4004 57.7002 -0.900391zM320 -24c82.5996 0 154.1 46.9004 190.4 115.1 c-15.6006 22.2002 -24.9004 67.5 -30.1006 103.601c-1.2002 8.09961 1.40039 15.8994 7.2002 21.7002c5.7998 5.7998 13.7998 8.39941 21.7002 7.2998c8.7002 -1.2002 16.7998 -2.60059 24.5996 -4c-13.7002 106 -104.1 188.3 -213.8 188.3s-200.1 -82.2998 -213.8 -188.2 c7.7998 1.40039 15.8994 2.7002 24.5996 4c8 1.10059 15.9004 -1.5 21.7002 -7.2998c5.7002 -5.7998 8.40039 -13.7002 7.2002 -21.7002c-5.10059 -36.0996 -14.5 -81.3994 -30.1006 -103.6c36.3008 -68.2998 107.801 -115.2 190.4 -115.2zM595.7 108.4 c16.0996 16.0996 16.5 41.8994 0.899414 57.6992c-6.59961 6.60059 -32.2998 16.8008 -83.2998 24.8008c8 -51 18.2002 -76.7002 24.7998 -83.3008c15.3008 -15.3994 41.2002 -15.6992 57.6006 0.800781z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-horizontal" unicode="&#xf58d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M424 352c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM416 256v64h-64v-64h64zM264 352c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80 c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM256 256v64h-64v-64h64zM104 352c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM96 256v64h-64v-64h64z M424 160c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM416 64v64h-64v-64h64zM264 160c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80 c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM256 64v64h-64v-64h64zM104 160c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM96 64v64h-64v-64h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="grip-vertical" unicode="&#xf58e;" horiz-adv-x="320" d="M104 416c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM96 320v64h-64v-64h64zM104 256c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80 c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM96 160v64h-64v-64h64zM104 96c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM96 0v64h-64v-64h64zM296 416 c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM288 320v64h-64v-64h64zM296 256c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80 c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM288 160v64h-64v-64h64zM296 96c13.2197 0 24 -10.7695 24 -24v-80c0 -13.2305 -10.7803 -24 -24 -24h-80c-13.2197 0 -24 10.7695 -24 24v80c0 13.2305 10.7803 24 24 24h80zM288 0v64h-64v-64h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headphones-alt" unicode="&#xf58f;" d="M384 160c35.3496 0 64 -28.71 64 -64.1201v-63.7598c0 -35.4102 -28.6504 -64.1201 -64 -64.1201h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3604 -32 32.0596v127.881c0 17.71 14.3301 32.0596 32 32.0596h32zM416 32.1201v63.7598c0 17.6797 -14.3604 32.0605 -32 32.0605h-32v-127.881 h32c17.6396 0 32 14.3809 32 32.0605zM160 160c17.6699 0 32 -14.3496 32 -32.0596v-127.881c0 -17.71 -14.3301 -32.0596 -32 -32.0596h-32c-35.3496 0 -64 28.71 -64 64.1201v63.7598c0 35.4102 28.6504 64.1201 64 64.1201h32zM160 0.0595703v127.881h-32 c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3809 -32 -32.0605v-63.7598c0 -17.6797 14.3604 -32.0605 32 -32.0605h32zM256 416c141.16 0 256 -114.85 256 -256v-120c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v120c0 123.52 -100.5 224 -224 224s-224 -100.48 -224 -224v-120 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v120c0 141.15 114.84 256 256 256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="headset" unicode="&#xf590;" d="M192 224v-127.64c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-32c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6494 -64 64v63.6396c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32zM160 96.3604v127.64h-32c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-63.6396c0 -17.6406 14.3604 -32 32 -32h32z M384 64.3604h-32c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v127.64c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h32c35.3496 0 64 -28.6504 64 -64v-63.6396c0 -35.3506 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64zM352 224v-127.64h32c17.6396 0 32 14.3594 32 32v63.6396c0 17.6396 -14.3604 32 -32 32h-32zM256 448 c141.16 0 256 -114.85 256 -256v-176c0 -44.1104 -35.8799 -80 -80 -80h-192c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48s21.4902 48 48 48h64c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48c0 -5.63965 -1.15039 -10.9697 -2.94043 -16h82.9404c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48v176 c0 123.52 -100.5 224 -224 224c-124.37 0 -220.57 -103.19 -223.91 -224l-0.0898438 -24c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8l0.0996094 24c3.82031 138.18 113.87 256 255.9 256zM304 -32c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16h-64 c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hot-tub" unicode="&#xf593;" d="M80 304c-39.7598 0 -72 32.2402 -72 72c0 39.7695 32.2402 72 72 72s72 -32.2305 72 -72c0 -39.7598 -32.2402 -72 -72 -72zM80 416c-22.0596 0 -40 -17.9404 -40 -40s17.9404 -40 40 -40s40 17.9404 40 40s-17.9404 40 -40 40zM335.58 231.72 c-1.79004 30.7705 -14.2002 58.6006 -33.96 75.5107c-26.8506 22.9795 -43.5703 60.0498 -45.6006 100.42c-0.229492 4.54004 3.57031 8.33984 8.11035 8.33984h15.9805c4.2998 0 7.67969 -3.41992 7.92969 -7.70996c1.78027 -30.7705 14.1904 -58.6006 33.96 -75.5205 c26.8496 -22.9795 43.5703 -60.0498 45.5996 -100.42c0.230469 -4.54004 -3.56934 -8.33984 -8.10938 -8.33984h-15.9805c-4.2998 0 -7.67969 3.42969 -7.92969 7.71973zM431.58 231.72c-1.79004 30.7705 -14.2002 58.6006 -33.96 75.5107 c-26.8506 22.9795 -43.5703 60.0498 -45.6006 100.42c-0.229492 4.54004 3.57031 8.33984 8.11035 8.33984h15.9805c4.2998 0 7.67969 -3.41992 7.92969 -7.70996c1.78027 -30.7705 14.1904 -58.6006 33.96 -75.5205c26.8496 -22.9795 43.5703 -60.0498 45.5996 -100.42 c0.230469 -4.54004 -3.56934 -8.33984 -8.10938 -8.33984h-15.9805c-4.2998 0 -7.67969 3.42969 -7.92969 7.71973zM104 0c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v112c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16zM200 0 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v112c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16zM296 0c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v112c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16z M392 0c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v112c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16zM480 192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-160c0 -35.3496 -28.6504 -64 -64 -64h-384c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v224 c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h58.6699h0.00292969c11.7754 0 28.9775 -5.73438 38.3975 -12.7998l110.93 -83.2002h208zM32 224v-32h186.67l-76.7998 57.5996c-5.5 4.13086 -12.3203 6.40039 -19.2002 6.40039h-58.6699c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32zM480 0v160h-448 v-160c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h384c17.6396 0 32 14.3604 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hotel" unicode="&#xf594;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M396.8 224c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM268.8 320 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM396.8 320 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM140.8 320 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM268.8 224 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM568 416h-24v-448h24 c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-560c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h23.9805v448h-23.9805c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h560c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8zM320 -32v80c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16v-80h64zM512 -32v448h-448.02v-448h160.02v80c0 26.4697 21.5303 48 48 48h32c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-80h160zM140.8 224 c-6.39941 0 -12.7998 6.40039 -12.7998 12.7998v38.4004c0 6.39941 6.40039 12.7998 12.7998 12.7998h38.4004c6.39941 0 12.7998 -6.40039 12.7998 -12.7998v-38.4004c0 -6.39941 -6.40039 -12.7998 -12.7998 -12.7998h-38.4004zM167.11 66.3398 c-4.60059 0.640625 -7.90039 4.91992 -6.94043 9.35059c12.6104 58.0195 66.1104 100.81 127.83 100.81s115.22 -42.79 127.85 -100.82c0.959961 -4.41992 -2.33984 -8.69922 -6.93945 -9.33984l-16.25 -2.25977c-4.2998 -0.599609 -8.11035 2.24023 -9.07031 6.36035 c-9.96973 42.8291 -49.7402 74.2793 -95.5801 74.2793s-85.6201 -31.4502 -95.5801 -74.2793c-0.959961 -4.12012 -4.76953 -6.95996 -9.06934 -6.36035z" /> <glyph glyph-name="joint" unicode="&#xf595;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M556.44 354.52c52.3193 -34.8994 83.5596 -93.2793 83.5596 -156.21v-30.3096c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v30.3203c0 52.0596 -25.7803 100.38 -68.9805 129.359c-16.7393 11.2305 -27.0195 29.8506 -27.0195 50.0107v62.3096 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-63.2598c0 -9.07031 4.90039 -17.1904 12.4404 -22.2207zM503.57 274.39c-33.4199 22.5605 -55.5703 58.2607 -55.5703 98.5801v67.0303c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h16c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-60.9697 c0 -30.5605 14.0703 -60.2803 39.6904 -76.9404c35.2295 -22.8994 56.3096 -61.8203 56.3096 -103.78v-30.3096c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v30.3096c0 30.5908 -15.0996 58.9805 -40.4297 76.0801zM616 96c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 v-112c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24h-337.06c-98.6406 0 -195.29 27.7197 -278.94 80c83.6504 52.2803 180.3 80 278.94 80h337.06zM278.94 -32h61.1094l-81.2998 94.8799c-66.8203 -2.74023 -132.21 -18.2402 -192.32 -46.8799c66.1807 -31.5303 138.66 -48 212.511 -48z M382.21 -32h117.85l-82.2695 96h-117.85zM608 -32v96h-148.06l82.2695 -96h65.79z" /> <glyph glyph-name="luggage-cart" unicode="&#xf59d;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M224 96c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64v48c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h96c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-48h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-320zM480 320v-192h64v192h-64zM320 400v-48 h128v48c0 8.83984 -7.16016 16 -16 16h-96c-8.83984 0 -16 -7.16016 -16 -16zM320 320v-192h128v192h-128zM224 320v-192h64v192h-64zM632 32c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-90.9404c1.79004 -5.03027 2.94043 -10.3604 2.94043 -16 c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 5.63965 1.15039 10.9697 2.94043 16h-197.881c1.79004 -5.03027 2.94043 -10.3604 2.94043 -16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.4902 -48 48c0 5.63965 1.15039 10.9697 2.94043 16h-58.9404 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v408h-88c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h112c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-408h504zM208 -32c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16zM496 -32 c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16s-7.17969 16 -16 16s-16 -7.17969 -16 -16s7.17969 -16 16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marked" unicode="&#xf59f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 288c8.5 0 16 -6.7998 16 -16v-250.3c0 -13.1006 -7.90039 -24.7998 -20.0996 -29.7002l-151.9 -52.9004c-13 -4.19922 -27 -4.09961 -40 0.200195l-172 60.7002l-170 -62.7998c-2 -0.799805 -4 -1.2002 -6 -1.2002c-8.5 0 -16 6.7998 -16 16v250.3 c0 13.1006 8 24.9004 20.0996 29.7002l150.301 52.4004c-6.40039 14.7998 -10.4004 28.7998 -10.4004 40.5996c0 67.9004 57.2998 123 128 123s128 -55 128 -123c0 -26.2002 -19 -62.5 -42.2998 -97.4004l10.2998 -3.59961l170 62.7998c2 0.799805 4 1.2002 6 1.2002z M176 28.2002v224.2l-145.4 -50.5l1.30078 -226.9zM288 416c-52.9004 0 -96 -40.7998 -96 -91c0 -27 38.0996 -88.9004 96 -156.8c57.9004 67.8994 96 129.8 96 156.8c0 50.2002 -43.0996 91 -96 91zM208 28.2998l160 -56.5v223.9l-13.4004 4.7002 c-20.5996 -27.8008 -41.5 -52.4004 -54.2998 -66.9004c-3.2998 -3.7002 -7.7998 -5.5 -12.2998 -5.5s-9.09961 1.7998 -12.2998 5.5c-15.6006 17.7002 -43.2998 50.4004 -67.7002 85.7002v-190.9zM400 -28.4004l145.4 50.5l-1.30078 226.9l-144.1 -53.2002v-224.2z" /> <glyph glyph-name="map-marked-alt" unicode="&#xf5a0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M560 288c8.5 0 16 -6.7998 16 -16v-250.3c0 -13.1006 -7.90039 -24.7998 -20.0996 -29.7002l-151.9 -52.9004c-13 -4.19922 -27 -4.09961 -40 0.200195l-172 60.7002l-170 -62.7998c-2 -0.799805 -4 -1.2002 -6 -1.2002c-8.5 0 -16 6.7998 -16 16v250.3 c0 13.1006 8 24.9004 20.0996 29.7002l150.301 52.4004c-6.40039 14.7998 -10.4004 28.7998 -10.4004 40.5996c0 67.9004 57.2998 123 128 123s128 -55 128 -123c0 -26.2002 -19 -62.5 -42.2998 -97.4004l10.2998 -3.59961l170 62.7998c2 0.799805 4 1.2002 6 1.2002z M176 28.2002v224.2l-145.4 -50.5l1.30078 -226.9zM288 416c-52.9004 0 -96 -40.7998 -96 -91c0 -27 38.0996 -88.9004 96 -156.8c57.9004 67.8994 96 129.8 96 156.8c0 50.2002 -43.0996 91 -96 91zM368 -28.2002v223.9l-13.4004 4.7002 c-20.5996 -27.8008 -41.5 -52.4004 -54.2998 -66.9004c-3.2998 -3.7002 -7.7998 -5.5 -12.2998 -5.5s-9.09961 1.7998 -12.2998 5.5c-15.6006 17.7002 -43.2998 50.4004 -67.7002 85.7002v-190.9zM400 -28.4004l145.4 50.5l-1.30078 226.9l-144.1 -53.2002v-224.2zM312 320 c0 -13.2998 -10.7998 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7998 -24 24c0 13.2998 10.7998 24 24 24s24 -10.7002 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="marker" unicode="&#xf5a1;" d="M421.4 448c79.9492 0 121.14 -97.3799 64 -154.54l-263.471 -263.51c-44.8115 -44.8164 -132.307 -86.8389 -195.3 -93.7998c-0.910156 -0.100586 -1.7998 -0.150391 -2.68945 -0.150391c-14.0605 0 -25.3906 12.2803 -23.79 26.6504l0.0292969 0.229492 c6.99707 62.9189 49.002 150.319 93.7607 195.09l234.55 234.601l-23.4199 23.4297l-130.09 -130.1c-3.12012 -3.12012 -8.19043 -3.12012 -11.3105 0l-11.3096 11.3096c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.19043 0 11.3096l130.08 130.11c12.5 12.5 32.75 12.5 45.25 0 l23.4297 -23.4297l6.28027 6.28027c17.6699 17.6797 40.8301 26.5195 64 26.5195zM199.31 52.5801l78.71 78.7197l-82.75 82.7705l-78.71 -78.7207c-44.8291 -44.8398 -74.1895 -103.52 -83.3193 -166.159c62.1602 8.97949 121.08 38.3896 166.069 83.3896zM462.77 316.09 c11.0605 11.0498 17.1406 25.75 17.1504 41.3799c0 32.3701 -26.2002 58.5303 -58.5195 58.5303c-15.6309 0 -30.3301 -6.08984 -41.3809 -17.1396l-162.13 -162.16l82.75 -82.7705z" /> <glyph glyph-name="medal" unicode="&#xf5a2;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M332.37 172.59l44.1104 -6.4502c10.4092 -1.50977 18.9092 -8.66992 22.1895 -18.6992c3.25 -10.0107 0.589844 -20.8301 -6.96973 -28.1709l-31.9102 -31.0898l7.55957 -43.9199c3.95996 -23.0693 -20.5596 -39.0801 -39.9092 -28.9502l-39.4404 20.7207 l-39.4697 -20.7305c-19.6201 -10.5303 -43.7803 6.23047 -39.8701 28.9697l7.55957 43.9209l-31.9102 31.0898c-7.55957 7.33984 -10.2197 18.1494 -6.96973 28.1699c3.28027 10.0303 11.7803 17.2002 22.2197 18.7002l44.0605 6.43945l19.7197 39.9697 c9.37012 18.9404 39.8398 18.8906 49.2803 0.0800781zM325.41 99.3398l37.3994 36.4697l-51.6895 7.53027l-23.1201 46.8799l-23.1201 -46.8799l-51.6895 -7.53027l37.4092 -36.4697l-8.93945 -52.0596l46.3398 24.9102l46.25 -24.3008zM559.97 448 c12.9502 0 20.5303 -14.5703 13.1104 -25.1797l-144.12 -205.88c21.9004 -29.3408 35.04 -65.5908 35.04 -104.94c0 -97.0498 -78.9502 -176 -176 -176s-176 78.9502 -176 176c0 39.3496 13.1396 75.5996 35.04 104.94l-144.12 205.88 c-7.41992 10.6094 0.160156 25.1797 13.1104 25.1797h157.85c10.0029 0 22.2959 -6.96191 27.4404 -15.54l86.6797 -144.46l86.6797 144.46c5.78027 9.63965 16.2002 15.54 27.4404 15.54h157.85zM46.7598 416l122.271 -174.68 c23.1299 21.29 51.8301 36.6201 83.7793 43.1299l-78.9297 131.55h-127.12zM432 112c0 79.5303 -64.4697 144 -144 144s-144 -64.4697 -144 -144s64.4697 -144 144 -144s144 64.4697 144 144zM406.97 241.32l122.271 174.68h-127.12l-78.9297 -131.55 c31.9492 -6.50977 60.6494 -21.8398 83.7793 -43.1299z" /> <glyph glyph-name="monument" unicode="&#xf5a6;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 32c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-352c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v64c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h48l30.8701 315.26c0.625 6.27344 4.75098 14.9834 9.20996 19.4404l76.6104 76.6094 c3.11914 3.13086 7.21973 4.69043 11.3096 4.69043s8.19043 -1.55957 11.3096 -4.69043l76.6201 -76.6094c4.45898 -4.45703 8.58496 -13.167 9.20996 -19.4404l30.8604 -315.26h48zM126.71 344.08l-30.5596 -312.08h191.699l-30.5498 312.15l-65.29 65.2295zM352 -32v32 h-320v-32h320zM232 192c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mortar-pestle" unicode="&#xf5a7;" d="M504 256c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-24v-32c0 -81.4199 -50.7598 -150.83 -122.29 -178.75c12.7705 -16.7695 21.71 -36.6299 24.9199 -58.4404c1.4502 -9.83984 -5.97949 -18.8096 -15.9199 -18.8096h-221.42 c-9.94043 0 -17.3701 8.98047 -15.9199 18.8096c3.21973 21.8105 12.1602 41.6602 24.9199 58.4404c-71.5303 27.9199 -122.29 97.3301 -122.29 178.75v32h-24c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h181.39l242.681 182.01 c8.81934 6.61035 19.3594 9.99023 29.9795 9.99023c6.50684 0 16.5107 -2.36133 22.3301 -5.26953c30.4902 -15.25 37.0898 -55.8906 12.9805 -80l-106.73 -106.73h113.37zM451.26 412.41l-208.54 -156.41h102.66l129.351 129.36 c15.7393 15.7393 -5.89062 40.2295 -23.4707 27.0498zM448 192v32h-384v-32c0 -66.3096 40.0098 -124.77 101.93 -148.94l39.5107 -15.4199l-25.6807 -33.7598c-6.08984 -8 -10.8701 -16.75 -14.1895 -25.8799h180.87c-3.32031 9.12988 -8.11035 17.8799 -14.1904 25.8799 l-25.6797 33.7598l39.5098 15.4199c61.9102 24.1709 101.92 82.6309 101.92 148.94z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-brush-alt" unicode="&#xf5a9;" d="M489.17 303.95l-202.24 -222.44l-0.0195312 -0.0195312c2.97949 -28.4502 -1.7002 -145.49 -142.91 -145.49c-101.33 0 -144 81.4199 -144 174.08c11.0098 -7.52051 49.6602 -38.6504 62.1504 -38.6504c7.40918 0 13.7598 4.23047 16.4092 11.2207 c23.2402 61.25 64.21 78.4395 109.341 81.3398l165.939 248.16c17.8105 25.4092 41.29 35.8496 64.6797 35.8496c64.7607 0 128.921 -80.0195 70.6504 -144.05zM230.96 -1.17969c19.6396 21.8096 26.6797 54.9697 23.7197 83.1797l-56.8896 50.5596 c-71.6797 -4.59961 -82.4502 -43.1699 -89.3096 -61.2598c-7.33008 -19.3496 -25.5205 -31.8701 -46.3301 -31.8701c-6.57031 0 -13.1699 1.54004 -20.7207 4.86035c12.4199 -38.8203 40.4902 -76.29 102.57 -76.29c39.2803 0 68.54 10.3701 86.96 30.8203zM270.36 110.85 l195.13 214.631c14.8398 16.2998 18.3301 33.6797 10.3896 51.6396c-9.7998 22.1699 -34.46 38.8799 -57.3604 38.8799c-15.1895 0 -28.1396 -7.46973 -38.4697 -22.2197l-159.55 -238.61z" /> <glyph glyph-name="paint-roller" unicode="&#xf5aa;" d="M464 384c26.4697 0 48 -21.5303 48 -48v-96c0 -26.4697 -21.5303 -48 -48 -48h-208c-8.80957 0 -16 -7.16992 -16 -16v-48h16c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-128c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v128c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h16 v48c0 26.4697 21.5303 48 48 48h208c8.80957 0 16 7.16992 16 16v96c0 8.83008 -7.19043 16 -16 16h-48v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-320c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v64c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-16h48zM384 384v16 c0 8.82031 -7.17969 16 -16 16h-320c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16v-64c0 -8.82031 7.17969 -16 16 -16h320c8.82031 0 16 7.17969 16 16v48zM256 -32v128h-64v-128h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="passport" unicode="&#xf5ab;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-352c-35.3496 0 -64 28.6504 -64 64v384c0 35.3496 28.6504 64 64 64h352zM416 -32v448h-352c-17.6396 0 -32 -14.3604 -32 -32v-384c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32h352zM112 32 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16h224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-224zM224 128c-70.6904 0 -128 57.3096 -128 128s57.3096 128 128 128s128 -57.3096 128 -128s-57.3096 -128 -128 -128zM318.38 272 c-5.28027 31.2197 -25.5898 57.1699 -53.2998 70.4102c7.66992 -19.0605 12.7197 -43.3799 14.21 -70.4102h39.0898zM279.29 240c-1.49023 -27.0303 -6.53027 -51.3496 -14.21 -70.4102c27.71 13.2402 48.0098 39.1904 53.2998 70.4102h-39.0898zM224 350.69 c-7.69043 -7.4502 -20.7695 -34.4307 -23.4404 -78.6904h46.8701c-2.66016 44.2695 -15.7393 71.2402 -23.4297 78.6904zM247.43 240h-46.8594c2.66016 -44.2695 15.7393 -71.2402 23.4297 -78.6904c7.69043 7.4502 20.7695 34.4307 23.4297 78.6904zM182.92 342.41 c-27.71 -13.2402 -48.0195 -39.1904 -53.2998 -70.4102h39.0898c1.49023 27.0303 6.53027 51.3496 14.21 70.4102zM168.71 240h-39.0898c5.28027 -31.2197 25.5898 -57.1699 53.2998 -70.4102c-7.66992 19.0605 -12.7197 43.3799 -14.21 70.4102z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-fancy" unicode="&#xf5ac;" d="M424.86 448c75.2197 0 119.64 -96.3799 58.21 -150.7l-211.19 -191.3l-28.5996 -85.8799c-2.96875 -8.90039 -12.6006 -18.5322 -21.5 -21.5l-187.79 -62.6201l-33.9902 34l62.5996 187.88c2.96875 8.90039 12.6006 18.5322 21.5 21.5l85.8301 28.6201l191.221 211.28 c16.8594 19.0801 40.25 28.7197 63.71 28.7197zM212.93 30.25l29.5 88.5898l-59.6895 59.71l-88.54 -29.5303c-0.600586 -0.199219 -49.3203 -145.489 -49.3203 -145.489l68.6396 68.6699c-0.65918 2.55957 -1.56934 5.03027 -1.56934 7.7998 c0 17.6699 14.3193 32 31.9902 32c17.6699 0 31.9893 -14.3301 31.9893 -32s-14.3193 -32 -31.9893 -32c-2.77051 0 -5.24023 0.910156 -7.80078 1.57031l-68.6299 -68.6602s145.221 48.75 145.42 49.3398zM461.6 321.03c11.3604 10.0498 17.7207 23.5801 18.1699 38.3594 c0.960938 31.0605 -25.8096 56.6104 -54.9092 56.6104c-13.2002 -0.000976562 -31.0088 -8.0293 -39.75 -17.9199l-178.94 -197.71l58.0898 -58.1104z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pen-nib" unicode="&#xf5ad;" d="M493.87 352.4c24.1699 -24.1699 24.1699 -63.3506 0 -87.5205l-92.4502 -92.4502l-28.21 -99.8301c-5.08594 -17.9932 -23.6104 -37.3965 -41.3496 -43.3096l-279.86 -93.29l-52 52l93.29 279.86c5.91309 17.7393 25.3164 36.2637 43.3096 41.3496l99.8301 28.21 l92.4502 92.4502c12.0801 12.0898 27.9199 18.1299 43.7598 18.1299c15.8408 0 31.6807 -6.04004 43.7607 -18.1299zM342.42 81.2998l28.21 99.8398l0.350586 1.25l-124.601 124.601l-1.25 -0.360352l-99.8301 -28.21 c-9.00195 -2.54102 -18.7051 -11.8057 -21.6602 -20.6797l-87.0293 -261.101l0.709961 -0.699219l115.75 115.75c-5.62012 9.51953 -9.07031 20.4795 -9.07031 32.3096c0 35.2998 28.7197 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7197 -64 -64 -64 c-11.8301 0 -22.7803 3.4502 -32.2998 9.07031l-115.76 -115.761l0.699219 -0.699219l261.101 87.0293c8.875 2.95508 18.1396 12.6582 20.6797 21.6602zM176 144c0 -17.6396 14.3398 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32s-14.3398 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3604 -32 -32zM471.25 287.51 c11.6504 11.6504 11.6504 30.6104 0 42.2598l-77.4697 77.4707c-11.6904 11.6895 -30.6006 11.6699 -42.2705 0l-80.0693 -80.0605l119.75 -119.729z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pencil-ruler" unicode="&#xf5ae;" d="M502.71 79.8604c12.3896 -12.3906 12.3896 -32.4707 0 -44.8604l-89.7197 -89.7002c-6.19043 -6.18945 -14.3105 -9.29004 -22.4307 -9.29004h-0.0322266c-7.24219 0 -17.2725 4.16211 -22.3877 9.29004l-122.83 122.83l-112.939 -112.96l-107.44 -18.8398 c-13.3701 -2.33984 -27.3096 8.92969 -24.5898 24.5596l18.7598 107.45l113.011 113l-122.801 122.8c-12.3896 12.3906 -12.3799 32.4707 0 44.8604l89.7002 89.71c6.2002 6.19043 14.3105 9.29004 22.4307 9.29004c8.11914 0 16.2393 -3.09961 22.4297 -9.29004 l122.82 -122.82l49.3994 49.4004l68.6504 68.6396c9.37988 9.37988 21.6797 14.0703 33.9697 14.0703s24.5898 -4.69043 33.9697 -14.0703l45.25 -45.25c18.75 -18.7598 18.7607 -49.1699 0 -67.9297l-68.6494 -68.6602l-49.4004 -49.3994zM407.36 411.3l-46.0303 -46 l67.9395 -67.9395l46.0303 46.0293c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.4199 0 22.6699l-45.25 45.2402c-4.08984 4.08984 -18.5996 4.08984 -22.6895 0zM31.9297 326.37l122.69 -122.521l89.5 89.4902l-44.1006 44.0498l-39.0391 -39.04c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3105 0 l-11.3096 11.3105c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l39.0293 39.0303l-55.9492 55.8896zM116.89 -15.0596l289.75 289.779l-67.9395 67.9404l-289.83 -289.8l-14.3701 -82.3701zM390.77 -32.0801l89.3105 89.7197l-55.9404 55.8799l-39.1699 -39.1699 c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.18945 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105c-3.11914 3.12012 -3.11914 8.18945 0 11.3096l39.1504 39.1602l-44.1201 44.0703l-89.4697 -89.4805z" /> <glyph glyph-name="plane-arrival" unicode="&#xf5af;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M632 -32c4.41992 0 8 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-4.54004 20.7002 -18.1797 34.8799c-15.4805 16.0703 -36.9102 28.2109 -61.9902 35.1104l-110.44 30.4004l-108.76 209.029l-48.7998 13.9805l54.5098 -194.65l-157.85 43.4404 l-31.54 79.7197l-28.3506 7.7998l0.100586 -97.5693c0.0595703 -2.77051 1.23926 -5.4707 3.16992 -7.23047l93.3193 -83.1699c4.71094 -4.29004 10.4004 -7.43945 16.4307 -9.09961l295.95 -81.4502c10.3896 -2.86035 39.5693 -10.1299 70.4199 -1.4502 c18.3398 5.16016 30 12.54 32.0098 20.2598z" /> <glyph glyph-name="prescription" unicode="&#xf5b1;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M278.63 96l103.021 -103.04c3.11914 -3.12012 3.11914 -8.19043 0 -11.3096l-11.3105 -11.3105c-3.12012 -3.12012 -8.18945 -3.12012 -11.3096 0l-103.03 103.03l-103.04 -103.021c-3.12012 -3.11914 -8.19043 -3.11914 -11.3096 0l-11.3105 11.3105 c-3.12012 3.12012 -3.12012 8.18945 0 11.3096l103.03 103.03l-128 128h-73.3701v-88c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v272c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h152c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96s-42.9805 -96 -96 -96h-9.37012l105.37 -105.37 l103.04 103.021c3.12012 3.11914 8.19043 3.11914 11.3096 0l11.3105 -11.3105c3.12012 -3.12012 3.12012 -8.18945 0 -11.3096zM32 256h128c35.29 0 64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64 -64 64h-128v-128z" /> <glyph glyph-name="shuttle-van" unicode="&#xf5b6;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M625.17 209.8c9.58008 -11.5 14.8301 -26 14.8301 -40.9697v-104.83c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-33.6201c-7.42969 -36.4697 -39.75 -64 -78.3799 -64s-70.9502 27.5303 -78.3799 64h-195.24c-7.42969 -36.4697 -39.75 -64 -78.3799 -64 s-70.9502 27.5303 -78.3799 64h-33.6201c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v272c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h402.02c16.5488 0 38.5762 -10.3174 49.1709 -23.0303zM352 352v-128h219.68l-97.0801 116.49c-6.09961 7.30957 -15.0498 11.5098 -24.5801 11.5098h-98.0195z M192 352v-128h128v128h-128zM32 336v-112h128v128h-112c-8.82031 0 -16 -7.17969 -16 -16zM144 0c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM496 0c26.5098 0 48 21.4902 48 48s-21.4902 48 -48 48s-48 -21.4902 -48 -48 s21.4902 -48 48 -48zM608 64v104.83c-0.00683594 6.39453 -3.33105 15.5742 -7.41992 20.4902l-2.23047 2.67969h-566.35v-128h33.6201c7.42969 36.4697 39.75 64 78.3799 64s70.9502 -27.5303 78.3799 -64h195.24c7.42969 36.4697 39.75 64 78.3799 64 s70.9502 -27.5303 78.3799 -64h33.6201z" /> <glyph glyph-name="smile-plus" unicode="&#xf5b9;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M208 352c114.9 0 208 -93.0996 208 -208s-93.0996 -208 -208 -208s-208 93.0996 -208 208s93.0996 208 208 208zM208 -32c97 0 176 79 176 176s-79 176 -176 176s-176 -79 -176 -176s79 -176 176 -176zM283.8 98.7002c5.7998 6.7002 16 7.39941 22.6006 1.7998 c6.69922 -5.7998 7.59961 -15.9004 1.7998 -22.5996c-24.9004 -29.2002 -61.4004 -45.9004 -100.2 -45.9004s-75.2998 16.7002 -100.1 45.7998c-5.7002 6.7998 -5 16.7998 1.7998 22.6006c6.59961 5.69922 16.7998 4.89941 22.5 -1.80078 c18.7998 -22 46.3994 -34.5996 75.7998 -34.5996s57 12.5996 75.7998 34.7002zM144 168c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24s24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24zM272 168c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24s24 -10.7002 24 -24 s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24zM632 352c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-88v-88c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v88h-88c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h88v88c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h16 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-88h88z" /> <glyph glyph-name="solar-panel" unicode="&#xf5ba;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M586.22 421.26l53.3301 -320c3.25 -19.5 -11.79 -37.2598 -31.5596 -37.2598h-191.99v-96h40c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-272c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h40v96h-191.99 c-19.7793 0 -34.8193 17.7598 -31.5596 37.2598l53.3301 320c2.56934 15.4307 15.9199 26.7402 31.5596 26.7402h469.32c15.6396 0 28.9902 -11.3096 31.5596 -26.7402zM578.66 272l-24 144h-129l14.3994 -144h138.601zM407.93 272l-14.3896 144h-147.07l-14.3994 -144 h175.859zM85.3398 416l-24 -144h138.601l14.3994 144h-129zM56.0098 240l-24 -144h150.33l14.4004 144h-140.73zM384 -32v96h-128v-96h128zM214.48 96h211.05l-14.4004 144h-182.25zM457.65 96h150.34l-24 144h-140.74z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spa" unicode="&#xf5bb;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M568.28 255.92c4.39941 0 7.75977 -3.41016 7.68945 -7.82031c-0.229492 -27.9395 -7.12988 -126.21 -88.7695 -199.409c-58.2305 -56.7305 -131.07 -74.8008 -176.96 -80.46c0 -0.300781 -44.5098 -0.300781 -44.5205 0 c-45.8896 5.65918 -118.729 23.7295 -176.96 80.46c-81.6299 73.21 -88.54 171.47 -88.7695 199.409c-0.0400391 4.41016 3.33008 7.82031 7.71973 7.82031h0.0400391c22.6504 -0.110352 92.0098 -4.29004 158.85 -42.3604c19.4502 81.5908 60.4004 153.891 112.57 199.301 c2.41016 2.09961 5.62988 3.13965 8.84961 3.13965c3.2207 0 6.4502 -1.0498 8.85059 -3.13965c52.1602 -45.4102 93.0898 -117.71 112.52 -199.29c66.8506 38.0596 136.21 42.25 158.851 42.3496h0.0400391zM110.13 72.5303 c47.2803 -46.0205 119.09 -71.4707 161.86 -72.6201c0 24.5195 -5.07031 45.25 -13.5703 65.8203c-13.7695 33.3193 -32.7998 60.5596 -58.1699 83.2793c-55.5303 54.1299 -125.6 69.3398 -166.44 73.4404c4.70996 -37.6406 21.1006 -100.4 76.3203 -149.92zM221.59 172.87 c33.1201 -29.6396 53.3604 -63.3301 66.4102 -94.9004c13.0498 31.5703 33.29 65.2607 66.4102 94.9102c8.51953 8.2998 17.4502 15.4199 26.4697 22.1504c-15.1104 71.5801 -48.6797 138.149 -92.8496 182.319c-44.1904 -44.1797 -77.7705 -110.75 -92.9004 -182.33 c9.00977 -6.72949 17.9502 -13.8496 26.46 -22.1494zM464.9 71.6299c55.9893 50.2305 72.54 113.17 77.2793 150.851c-40.7295 -4.06055 -110.66 -19.1006 -165.439 -72.5205c-26.3701 -23.6504 -45.4004 -50.8896 -59.1699 -84.2197 c-8.58984 -20.79 -13.5703 -41.5098 -13.5703 -65.8203c44.7695 1.2002 116.29 28.25 160.9 71.71z" /> <glyph glyph-name="splotch" unicode="&#xf5bc;" d="M463.94 262.92c27.6895 -9.40039 46.0596 -31.5098 47.8896 -57.7598c1.80957 -25.3604 -12.5303 -48.9697 -37.4697 -61.5801l-58.0908 -29.4805c-11.7197 -5.93945 -19.1895 -15.9697 -20 -26.8594l-4.40918 -57.4502 c-1.81055 -23.3604 -16.8701 -43.6699 -40.3105 -54.3398c-11 -5.02051 -22.9102 -7.46973 -34.7197 -7.46973c-17.3799 0 -34.5303 5.30957 -48.4102 15.6396l-50.9395 37.9199c-11 8.19043 -26.1807 11.1699 -40.5605 8.08008l-65.5898 -14.1699 c-30.8398 -6.60059 -62.1797 3.96973 -80.0605 27.0303c-14.75 19.0596 -17.1895 43.1094 -6.5 64.3291l26.6602 52.9209c4.9707 9.84961 3.90039 20.75 -2.91016 29.9092l-36.1299 48.6904c-14.6592 19.75 -16.4395 44.1895 -4.75 65.3604 c13.7207 24.9092 42.75 39.46 74.1602 37.0498l67.4404 -5.2207c14.5693 -1.21973 28.9697 3.78027 38.1299 13.1602l43.25 44.2803c19.5303 20 49.6299 27.75 78.4697 20.1699c26.0303 -6.82031 45.2803 -24.8496 51.5303 -48.2295l15 -56.1406 c2.91016 -10.9502 12.4395 -20.1201 25.4102 -24.5293zM459.91 172.14c13.4395 6.81055 20.9102 18.3105 20.0195 30.79c-0.929688 13.3301 -10.7793 24.4199 -26.3096 29.6904l-62.8398 21.3096c-23.1504 7.86035 -40.3701 25.2607 -46.0898 46.5898l-15 56.1406 c-3.2207 12.1201 -13.9707 21.6699 -28.7207 25.5303c-17.4102 4.59961 -36.0898 0.0498047 -47.4697 -11.5908l-43.25 -44.2695c-15.7197 -16.0898 -39.1602 -24.54 -63.5 -22.7002l-67.4102 5.21973c-18.4395 1.27051 -35.9697 -6.63965 -43.6895 -20.6094 c-3.25 -5.91016 -7.28027 -17.75 2.43945 -30.8301l36.1299 -48.6699c14.0898 -18.96 16.25 -42.6602 5.78027 -63.4102l-26.6602 -52.9102c-6.93945 -13.79 -0.939453 -24.9297 3.25 -30.3398c7.83984 -10.1504 25.0605 -20.3203 48 -15.3398l65.5898 14.1699 c5.91016 1.29004 11.9102 1.91016 17.9102 1.91016c17.5898 0 34.8701 -5.44043 48.5303 -15.6104l50.9395 -37.9199c14.0605 -10.4697 33.9707 -12.3096 50.75 -4.7002c6.10059 2.77051 20.3809 11 21.6309 27.6602l4.40918 57.4404 c1.69043 22.1396 15.6904 41.9492 37.4707 52.9697z" /> <glyph glyph-name="spray-can" unicode="&#xf5bd;" d="M224 320c53.0195 0 96 -42.9805 96 -96v-256c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-256c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v256c0 53.0195 42.9805 96 96 96v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96zM128 416v-96h64v96h-64zM288 -32v256 c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64h-128c-35.29 0 -64 -28.71 -64 -64v-256h256zM160 208c44.1797 0 80 -35.8203 80 -80s-35.8203 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8203 -80 80s35.8203 80 80 80zM160 80c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48s-21.5303 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48 s21.5303 -48 48 -48zM488 368c-13.25 0 -24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24s24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24zM488 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM392 416 c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM392 320c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM296 416c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24 c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24zM488 224c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimmer" unicode="&#xf5c4;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M128 160c-53.0195 0 -96 42.9805 -96 96s42.9805 96 96 96s96 -42.9805 96 -96s-42.9805 -96 -96 -96zM128 320c-35.29 0 -64 -28.71 -64 -64s28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64s-28.71 64 -64 64zM189.61 105.42c-2.19043 2.02051 -4.52051 3.58008 -6.81055 5.33984 l45.3799 64.8105c42.6201 60.9395 94.9404 113.779 155.5 157.029c11.5166 8.22461 32.3486 14.8994 46.5 14.8994c4.68359 0 12.2012 -0.796875 16.7803 -1.7793l99.8799 -17.9697c8.69043 -1.55957 14.4697 -9.88965 12.9102 -18.5898 c-1.58984 -8.71973 -10 -14.4404 -18.5898 -12.9102l-100.38 18.0801c-13.5605 2.91992 -27.5 0.0595703 -38.4707 -7.77051c-26.7793 -19.1191 -51.6699 -40.3994 -74.9092 -63.3096l167.76 -116.15c-12.3604 -1.58008 -24.3301 -6.37988 -35.4404 -14.3691l-154.55 107 c-18.0703 -19.79 -35.29 -40.4004 -50.7598 -62.5205l-42.2402 -60.29c-12.1104 1.81055 -19.8301 5.98047 -22.5596 8.5zM632 64c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-24c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398 c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-24c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h24c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004 c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998 c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="swimming-pool" unicode="&#xf5c5;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M632 0c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-24c-38.6201 0 -72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398 s-72.7197 12.1797 -96 31.8398c-23.2803 -19.6494 -57.3799 -31.8398 -96 -31.8398h-24c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v16c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h24c26.04 0 45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998 c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996 c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004s45.7998 8.41992 56.0703 17.9004c8.89941 8.20996 19.6602 14.0996 31.7695 14.0996h16.2998c12.1104 0 22.8701 -5.88965 31.7705 -14.0996c10.29 -9.48047 30.0498 -17.9004 56.0898 -17.9004h24zM192 39.79 c-0.839844 0.55957 -1.88965 1.16992 -2.38965 1.63965c-9.16992 8.4502 -19.2002 14.3398 -29.6104 18.0703v276.5c0 44.1104 35.8799 80 80 80s80 -35.8896 80 -80v-8c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v8c0 26.4697 -21.5303 48 -48 48 s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48v-112h224v112c0 44.1104 35.8799 80 80 80s80 -35.8896 80 -80v-8c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v8c0 26.4697 -21.5303 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5303 -48 -48v-296.21c-5.03027 -3.33984 -15.6201 -7.79004 -32 -7.79004 v160h-224v-152.21z" /> <glyph glyph-name="tint-slash" unicode="&#xf5c7;" horiz-adv-x="640" d="M320 -32c45.2002 0 85 21.5996 111.4 54.7998l25.6992 -20.2002c-32.1992 -40.5 -81.5996 -66.5 -137.1 -66.5c-97.2998 0 -176 79.7002 -176 178.101c0 42.2998 14.5996 74.7002 35.0996 107.399l25.3008 -20c-17.3008 -28 -28.4004 -54.0996 -28.4004 -87.5 c0 -80.5996 64.5996 -146.1 144 -146.1zM320 411.9c-12.5 -40.6006 -28.5 -74.1006 -45 -103l-25.4004 20c15.4004 27.3994 29.9004 58.7998 41.2002 97c4.5 14.8994 16.7998 22.0996 29.2002 22.0996c12.5996 0 25.2002 -7.5 29.2998 -22.0996 c43.7002 -147.7 133.3 -193.9 145.3 -289.9l-41.7998 32.9004c-9.7998 23.3994 -25.0996 45.5 -43.5 71.8994c-29.2002 41.7998 -65.5 93.6006 -89.2998 171.101zM637 -37.2002c3.5 -2.7998 4 -7.7998 1.2002 -11.2998l-10 -12.5 c-2.7002 -3.40039 -7.7998 -4 -11.2002 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1.22656 -6.14258c0 -5.89648 -4.41992 -12.5166 -9.86621 -14.7773l-29.5098 -12.3096c-1.62891 -0.677734 -4.38184 -1.22754 -6.14453 -1.22754c-5.88477 0 -12.499 4.40723 -14.7656 9.83691l-49.2002 118.15 h-150l-49.2305 -118.15c-2.26562 -5.42969 -8.88086 -9.83691 -14.7646 -9.83691c-1.76367 0 -4.5166 0.549805 -6.14453 1.22754l-29.5107 12.3096c-5.43164 2.26562 -9.83984 8.88184 -9.83984 14.7666c0 1.7666 0.550781 4.52344 1.23047 6.15332l130.5 313.41 c-6.20508 9.03613 -11.2402 25.2656 -11.2402 36.2266c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64s64 -28.6719 64 -64c0 -10.9609 -5.03516 -27.1904 -11.2402 -36.2266zM271.62 128h96.7598l-48.3799 116.19z" /> <glyph glyph-name="broom-primary" unicode="&#xf51a;" d="M93.1699 190.29c59.9697 47.71 163.3 40.9404 163.3 40.9404l86.7305 -109.23s-16.6006 -102.29 -76.5703 -150.07c-59.9697 -47.7793 -266.63 -34.1201 -266.63 -34.1201s3.7998 23.1406 11 55.4307l94.6504 112.17c0.77832 0.924805 1.41016 2.65625 1.41016 3.86523 c0 3.31152 -2.6875 6 -6 6c-0.586914 0 -1.50977 -0.164062 -2.06055 -0.365234l-60.4297 -22.0898c14.4297 41.6602 32.7197 80.04 54.5996 97.4697zM435.59 173.81c1.31641 -1.65723 2.38379 -4.7207 2.38379 -6.83789c0 -4.92188 -3.9082 -9.74316 -8.72363 -10.7617 l-58.7998 -12.4502l-86.7305 109.181l25.3301 54.5498c1.63184 3.51465 6.10156 6.36719 9.97754 6.36719c2.93066 0 6.78906 -1.8623 8.6123 -4.15723z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chalkboard-primary" unicode="&#xf51b;" d="M544 384v-384h-64v64h-192v-64h-192v384h448z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chalkboard-teacher-primary" unicode="&#xf51c;" d="M208 96c61.8242 0 112.002 -50.1758 112.002 -112c0 -0.170898 -0.000976562 -0.449219 -0.00195312 -0.620117c-0.139648 -26.2598 -21.7305 -47.3799 -48 -47.3799h-224c-26.2695 0 -47.8604 21.1201 -48 47.3799 c-0.000976562 0.170898 -0.00195312 0.449219 -0.00195312 0.620117c0 61.8242 50.1758 112 112 112h0.0517578h0.03125c1.9707 0 5.09277 -0.488281 6.96875 -1.08984c10.999 -3.70801 29.3438 -6.80371 40.9502 -6.91016 c11.6035 0.106445 29.9443 3.20215 40.9404 6.91016c1.87891 0.601562 5.00488 1.08984 6.97754 1.08984h0.0820312zM160 128c-52.9922 0 -96 43.0078 -96 96s43.0078 96 96 96s96 -43.0078 96 -96s-43.0078 -96 -96 -96zM224 384h352v-288h-64v64h-128v-64h-85.4902 c-14.2402 11.5322 -40.2871 24.2422 -58.1396 28.3701c2.92871 2.37793 7.47168 6.47266 10.1396 9.13965c20.6895 20.6943 37.4805 61.2383 37.4805 90.5c0 29.2627 -16.791 69.8066 -37.4805 90.5c-6.58008 6.58691 -18.457 15.7266 -26.5098 20.4004v49.0898z" /> <glyph glyph-name="church-primary" unicode="&#xf51d;" d="M480 173.88v-237.88h-96v96c0 35.3281 -28.6719 64 -64 64s-64 -28.6719 -64 -64v-96h-96v237.88c0.000976562 10.002 6.96289 22.2949 15.54 27.4404l112.46 67.4795v51.2002h-48c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h48v48 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h32c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-48h48c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-48v-51.2002l112.46 -67.4795c8.57715 -5.14551 15.5391 -17.4385 15.54 -27.4404z" /> <glyph glyph-name="coins-primary" unicode="&#xf51e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M192 128c-106 0 -192 35.7998 -192 80s86 80 192 80s192 -35.7998 192 -80s-86 -80 -192 -80zM0 42.7002c41.2998 -29.1006 116.8 -42.7002 192 -42.7002s150.7 13.5996 192 42.7002v-42.7002c0 -35.2998 -86 -64 -192 -64s-192 28.7002 -192 64v42.7002zM0 147.6 c41.2998 -34 116.9 -51.5996 192 -51.5996s150.7 17.5996 192 51.5996v-51.5996c0 -35.2998 -86 -64 -192 -64s-192 28.7002 -192 64v51.5996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crow-primary" unicode="&#xf520;" d="M464 448c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80v-112c0 -106 -86 -192 -192 -192h-186.73l-121.539 -60.7695c-3.5127 -1.75 -9.54883 -3.16992 -13.4727 -3.16992c-16.6816 0 -30.2197 13.5391 -30.2197 30.2197c0 8.32617 5.39941 19.1445 12.0518 24.1494l371.91 292.57v21 c0 44.1602 35.8398 80 80 80zM464 344c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="crown-primary" unicode="&#xf521;" d="M640 272c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48c-2.14258 0.0527344 -5.59277 0.411133 -7.7002 0.799805l-72.2998 -192.8h-384l-72.2998 192.8c-2.10742 -0.388672 -5.55762 -0.74707 -7.7002 -0.799805c-0.0712891 0 -0.186523 -0.000976562 -0.257812 -0.000976562 c-26.6943 0 -48.3604 21.666 -48.3604 48.3604s21.666 48.3604 48.3604 48.3604s48.3604 -21.666 48.3604 -48.3604c0 -5.8291 -1.97266 -14.8604 -4.40234 -20.1592l72.2998 -43.4004c4.18457 -2.5 11.5381 -4.5293 16.4131 -4.5293 c10.2529 0 22.7021 7.22559 27.7871 16.1299l81.5 142.6c-9.77051 7.95215 -17.7002 24.6299 -17.7002 37.2275c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48s48 -21.5039 48 -48c0 -12.5977 -7.92969 -29.2754 -17.7002 -37.2275l81.5 -142.6 c5.08496 -8.9043 17.5342 -16.1299 27.7871 -16.1299c4.875 0 12.2285 2.0293 16.4131 4.5293l72.4004 43.4004c-2.42285 5.19629 -4.39355 14.0664 -4.40039 19.7998c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48s48 -21.5039 48 -48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-primary" unicode="&#xf522;" d="M592 256c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-224c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-224c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v46.4199l136.26 136.26c13.0439 13.0967 23.6299 38.7266 23.6299 57.2109c0 9.23926 -2.96973 23.625 -6.62988 32.1094h118.74zM480 72 c13.248 0 24 10.752 24 24s-10.752 24 -24 24s-24 -10.752 -24 -24s10.752 -24 24 -24zM96 248c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM352 200c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24s24 -10.752 24 -24 s-10.752 -24 -24 -24zM224 120c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM224 376c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24zM224 248c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24 s-10.752 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.752 -24 24s10.752 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-five-primary" unicode="&#xf523;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M320 256c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32zM320 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM224 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-four-primary" unicode="&#xf524;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M128 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM320 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM320 256c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-one-primary" unicode="&#xf525;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M256 192c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-six-primary" unicode="&#xf526;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M320 256c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32s32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32zM320 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM320 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 128 c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-three-primary" unicode="&#xf527;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M320 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM224 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-two-primary" unicode="&#xf528;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M128 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM320 128c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="divide-primary" unicode="&#xf529;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M0 208c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="door-closed-primary" unicode="&#xf52a;" d="M464 448c26.4697 0 48 -22.7803 48 -50.7998v-397.2h-384v397.2c0 28.0195 21.5303 50.7998 48 50.7998h288zM416 160c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="door-open-primary" unicode="&#xf52b;" d="M312.24 447c20.2002 5.23047 39.7598 -10.5996 39.7598 -32.1797v-414.82h-256v365.08c0 15.2197 10 28.4795 24.2402 32.1797zM264 160c13.25 0 24 14.3301 24 32s-10.75 32 -24 32s-24 -14.3301 -24 -32s10.75 -32 24 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="equals-primary" unicode="&#xf52c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 304v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="frog-primary" unicode="&#xf52e;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M368 416c44.1602 0 80 -35.8398 80 -80s-35.8398 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.8398 -80 80s35.8398 80 80 80zM368 368c-17.6641 0 -32 -14.3359 -32 -32h64c0 17.6641 -14.3359 32 -32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glasses-primary" unicode="&#xf530;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M574.1 167.62c1.04883 -4.21387 1.89941 -11.1582 1.90039 -15.5v-70.25c0 -62.8701 -51.5801 -113.87 -115.2 -113.87h-37.1201c-60.2793 0 -110.37 45.9297 -114.87 105.37l-2.92969 38.6299h-35.75l-2.92969 -38.6299 c-4.50977 -59.4297 -54.6006 -105.37 -114.88 -105.37h-37.1201c-63.6201 0 -115.2 51 -115.2 113.88v70.25c0.000976562 4.33984 0.851562 11.2793 1.90039 15.4902l45.3398 181.729c9.18066 36.7959 47.4102 66.6582 85.334 66.6582 c7.89062 0 20.3701 -2.02832 27.8555 -4.52734l15.25 -5.08008c6.03711 -2.01465 10.9355 -8.81445 10.9355 -15.1777c0 -1.42773 -0.365234 -3.6875 -0.81543 -5.04297l-5.05957 -15.1797c-2.00879 -6.04785 -8.81152 -10.9561 -15.1846 -10.9561 c-1.42871 0 -3.68945 0.365234 -5.0459 0.816406l-13.1699 4.38965c-10.8701 3.62012 -22.9902 3.57031 -33.1494 -1.73047c-8.87793 -4.55469 -18.0078 -16.1182 -20.3809 -25.8096l-38.46 -153.8c21.8984 6.80273 58.2803 12.3848 81.21 12.46 c34.7803 0 73.9902 -7.00977 114.86 -26.75h73.1797c40.8506 19.7402 80.0801 26.7402 114.851 26.7402c22.9268 -0.0761719 59.3047 -5.6582 81.2002 -12.46l-38.46 153.819c-2.37207 9.69141 -11.4971 21.2588 -20.3701 25.8203 c-10.1602 5.2998 -22.29 5.34961 -33.1602 1.72949l-13.1797 -4.38965c-1.3584 -0.451172 -3.62109 -0.818359 -5.05176 -0.818359c-6.36523 0 -13.165 4.90039 -15.1787 10.9385l-5.05957 15.1504c-0.454102 1.35938 -0.822266 3.62695 -0.822266 5.06055 c0 6.36621 4.90234 13.166 10.9414 15.1787l15.25 5.08008c7.48633 2.50098 19.9688 4.53027 27.8613 4.53027c37.9277 0 76.1553 -29.8682 85.3291 -66.6699zM203.38 78.2002l3.12988 41.2197c-18.6436 7.12305 -49.9717 12.9111 -69.9297 12.9199 c-20.6465 -0.114258 -53.1621 -5.90234 -72.5801 -12.9199v-37.54c0 -27.5098 23 -49.8799 51.2002 -49.8896h37.1201c26.6602 0 49.0596 20.2998 51.0596 46.21zM460.8 32c28.2002 0 51.2002 22.3604 51.2002 49.8701v37.54 c-19.4111 7.02148 -51.918 12.8184 -72.5596 12.9395c-19.9639 -0.0078125 -51.3018 -5.7959 -69.9502 -12.9199l3.12988 -41.2197c1.95996 -25.9102 24.3896 -46.21 51.0596 -46.21h37.1201z" /> <glyph glyph-name="greater-than-primary" unicode="&#xf531;" horiz-adv-x="384" /> <glyph glyph-name="greater-than-equal-primary" unicode="&#xf532;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M55.3398 204.17l175.44 68.0498l-175.561 68.0898c-18.29 6 -27.7393 24.2607 -21.0996 40.79l12.0303 29.9004c6.63965 16.5498 26.8496 25.0801 45.1494 19.0801l301.7 -119.98c13.7695 -4.51953 23 -16.6094 23 -30.1699v-16 c0 -13.5596 -9.20996 -25.6494 -23 -30.1699l-301.39 -119.819c-18.3906 -6 -38.7002 2.54004 -45.3799 19.1494l-12.0908 30.0801c-6.67969 16.6104 2.86035 34.9697 21.2002 41z" /> <glyph glyph-name="helicopter-primary" unicode="&#xf533;" d="M384 320c123.71 0 224 -100.29 224 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31.8096c2.92578 -0.00390625 7.5625 -0.730469 10.3496 -1.62012 c30.8906 -9.7998 61.7607 -13.7197 92.6504 -13.7197c123.16 0 246.31 62.3398 369.5 62.3398c38.7998 0 77.6201 -6.19043 116.41 -22.46zM308.23 45.71c63.3994 16.0498 128.96 32.6396 196.52 32.6201h0.469727c11.168 0 29.2441 -0.949219 40.3506 -2.12012 c9.57129 14.9883 30.3721 33.3564 46.4297 41v197.58c-19.2451 9.1543 -42.6221 32.042 -52.1797 51.0898c-9.51562 1.1709 -25.0205 2.12012 -34.6074 2.12012h-0.493164c-55.5996 0 -112.609 -14.4297 -172.96 -29.6904 c-63.3896 -16.0498 -128.95 -32.6396 -196.51 -32.6396h-0.472656c-11.1689 0 -29.249 0.949219 -40.3574 2.12012c-9.56934 -14.9873 -30.3652 -33.3555 -46.4199 -41v-197.58c19.2344 -9.15918 42.5977 -32.0479 52.1504 -51.0898 c9.51562 -1.1709 25.0195 -2.12012 34.6064 -2.12012h0.493164c55.5996 0 112.62 14.4297 172.98 29.71z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-bill-wave-alt-primary" unicode="&#xf53b;" d="M621.16 393.54c11.6094 -4.87012 18.8398 -16.8301 18.8398 -29.4697v-317.25c0 -18.4902 -15 -31.8203 -32.2402 -31.8203c-2.92578 0.00878906 -7.5625 0.739258 -10.3496 1.62988c-30.8906 9.7998 -61.7598 13.7197 -92.6504 13.7197 c-123.17 0 -246.34 -62.3496 -369.51 -62.3496c-38.7998 0 -77.6201 6.19043 -116.41 22.4697c-11.6094 4.86035 -18.8398 16.8301 -18.8398 29.46v317.261c0 18.4893 15 31.8096 32.25 31.8096c2.92676 -0.00195312 7.56348 -0.727539 10.3496 -1.62012 c30.8906 -9.7998 61.7607 -13.7197 92.6504 -13.7197c123.16 0 246.31 62.3398 369.5 62.3398c38.7998 0 77.6201 -6.19043 116.41 -22.46zM320 96c44.1699 0 80 43 80 96s-35.8203 96 -80 96s-80 -43 -80 -96s35.8096 -96 80 -96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check-primary" unicode="&#xf53c;" d="M568 96c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-112c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h112zM376 192c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-304c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v16 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h304zM248 96c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-176c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 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5.82617l11.75 11.2197c1.29785 1.18164 3.77441 2.14062 5.5293 2.14062c1.38867 0 3.4502 -0.631836 4.60156 -1.41016c3.24121 -2.05078 8.98438 -3.72168 12.8193 -3.73047h28.1104 c6.5 0 11.7998 5.91992 11.7998 13.1904c0 5.94922 -3.61035 11.1895 -8.76953 12.7295l-45 13.5c-18.5908 5.58008 -31.5801 23.4199 -31.5801 43.3896c0 24.5205 19.0498 44.4404 42.6797 45.0703z" /> <glyph glyph-name="not-equal-primary" unicode="&#xf53e;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M416 144c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v32c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384zM416 336c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-32c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-384c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32 v32c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="palette-primary" unicode="&#xf53f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M96 192c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM128 320c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 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9.30957h0.0908203h35.3701c8.72949 -0.00878906 15.8145 -7.10059 15.8145 -15.8301c0 -2.20508 -0.848633 -5.56934 -1.89453 -7.50977zM614.06 438.66l-0.0595703 0.0498047c14.3242 -31.1982 25.9502 -84.3799 25.9502 -118.71 s-11.626 -87.5117 -25.9502 -118.71c-2.41113 -5.12793 -8.9668 -9.29004 -14.6338 -9.29004h-0.0566406h-35.2295c-8.75195 0.0078125 -15.8555 7.11816 -15.8555 15.8701c0 2.25098 0.880859 5.67773 1.96582 7.64941c48.1396 89.8105 17.9893 174.94 -0.280273 209.23 c-1.02734 1.9248 -1.86035 5.25781 -1.86035 7.44043c0 8.72656 7.08301 15.8096 15.8105 15.8096h0.0498047h35.4199h0.0732422c5.6875 0 12.2539 -4.18457 14.6562 -9.33984zM489.06 384c0.0498047 0.000976562 0.129883 0.000976562 0.178711 0.000976562 c6.49414 0 13.3174 -5.03613 15.2314 -11.2412c4.15918 -14.2646 7.53516 -37.9014 7.53516 -52.7598s-3.37598 -38.4951 -7.53516 -52.7598c-1.93262 -6.20508 -8.77637 -11.2412 -15.2754 -11.2412c-0.0371094 0 -0.0976562 0.000976562 -0.134766 0.000976562h-33.7295 h-0.0761719c-8.69336 0 -15.75 7.05566 -15.75 15.75c0 1.5459 0.432617 3.97852 0.96582 5.42969c4.16797 11.4512 7.55078 30.6348 7.55078 42.8203s-3.38281 31.3691 -7.55078 42.8203c-0.530273 1.44824 -0.960938 3.87695 -0.960938 5.41992 c0 8.69922 7.06055 15.7598 15.7598 15.7598h0.0615234h33.7295z" /> <glyph glyph-name="broom-secondary" unicode="&#x10f51a;" d="M636.53 417c1.92285 -2.41504 3.48438 -6.88086 3.48438 -9.96875c0 -4.24902 -2.69434 -9.84961 -6.01465 -12.501l-232.5 -177.8l-39.7197 50l232.479 177.8c2.4082 1.9209 6.86133 3.47949 9.94141 3.47949c4.24121 0 9.82715 -2.69238 12.4688 -6.00977z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chalkboard-secondary" unicode="&#x10f51b;" d="M624 0c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-32c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-608c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16v408c0 22.0801 17.9199 40 40 40h496c22.0801 0 40 -17.9199 40 -40v-408h16zM96 0h448v384h-448v-384z" /> <glyph glyph-name="chalkboard-teacher-secondary" unicode="&#x10f51c;" d="M640 398.41v-316.82c0 -27.3398 -21.5303 -49.5898 -48 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0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM320 64c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM320 160c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM320 256c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-three-secondary" unicode="&#x10f527;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 -64v-320c0 -35.3281 -28.6719 -64 -64 -64h-320c-35.3281 0 -64 28.6719 -64 64v320c0 35.3281 28.6719 64 64 64h320zM128 256c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM224 160 c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM320 64c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dice-two-secondary" unicode="&#x10f528;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M384 416c35.3281 0 64 -28.6719 64 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166.8 126.69 303.9 289.33 319.45c-0.209961 -1.15039 -0.400391 -2.32031 -0.560547 -3.49023 c-0.416016 -3.02148 -0.761719 -7.94922 -0.769531 -11c0 -47.54 39.29 -80 80 -80c46 0 80 37.6104 80 80c-0.00878906 4.04395 -0.609375 10.5527 -1.33984 14.5303c3 -1 59.4102 -19.6201 98.8594 -41.2305c16.8516 -9.1123 30.5273 -32.0547 30.5273 -51.2119 c0 -18.8291 -13.3311 -41.582 -29.7568 -50.7881l-154.44 -86.6094l98.5205 -104.65h53.6299c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="glasses-secondary" unicode="&#x10f530;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M64 119.42c19.417 7.02051 51.9326 12.8135 72.5801 12.9297c19.958 -0.00878906 51.2861 -5.79688 69.9297 -12.9199l-3.12988 -41.2197c-1.96973 -25.9102 -24.3994 -46.21 -51.0596 -46.21h-37.1201c-28.2002 0 -51.2002 22.3701 -51.2002 49.8799v37.54zM512 81.8701 c0 -27.5098 -23 -49.8701 -51.2002 -49.8799h-37.1094c-26.6709 0 -49.0605 20.2998 -51.0605 46.21l-3.12988 41.2197c18.6494 7.12305 49.9863 12.9111 69.9502 12.9199c20.6387 -0.119141 53.1406 -5.91211 72.5498 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32.6797c13.6152 1.11816 35.1191 5.71875 48 10.2705v-58.9502c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v48.6797z" /> <glyph glyph-name="less-than-secondary" unicode="&#x10f536;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M381 47.6104l-13.5596 -29.0801c-4.76855 -10.2324 -17.7998 -18.5371 -29.0879 -18.5371c-3.92773 0 -10.0029 1.34668 -13.5625 3.00684l-306.31 142.84c-10.2002 4.75488 -18.4795 17.7471 -18.4805 29v34.2402c0.000976562 11.2529 8.28027 24.2451 18.4805 29 l306.46 142.92c3.5498 1.65527 9.60938 2.99902 13.5264 2.99902c11.2549 0 24.248 -8.27832 29.0029 -18.4795l13.5205 -29c1.65332 -3.54785 2.99512 -9.60352 2.99512 -13.5176c0 -11.2529 -8.27637 -24.2461 -18.4756 -29.002l-218.51 -101.9l218.46 -101.85 c10.2363 -4.76367 18.5449 -17.7939 18.5449 -29.085c0 -3.9248 -1.34668 -9.99805 -3.00488 -13.5547z" /> <glyph glyph-name="less-than-equal-secondary" unicode="&#x10f537;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M24 48h400c13.248 0 24 -10.752 24 -24v-48c0 -13.248 -10.752 -24 -24 -24h-400c-13.248 0 -24 10.752 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-152 92.0498 -152 181.689v6.85059 l52 -40.2207c12.4395 -53.2197 55.3301 -96.3994 111.18 -101.85c6.94043 -0.669922 13.6396 -0.200195 20.3496 0.200195l50.4004 -39c-9.16113 -3.16797 -24.3936 -6.78809 -34 -8.08008v-33.7803h56zM331 224l-107 83v45c0 52.9922 43.0078 96 96 96s96 -43.0078 96 -96 h-85.3301c-5.88965 0 -10.6699 -3.58008 -10.6699 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 4.78027 -8 10.6699 -8h85.3301v-32h-85.3301c-5.88965 0 -10.6699 -3.58008 -10.6699 -8v-16c0 -4.41992 4.78027 -8 10.6699 -8h85.3301v-32h-85z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-bill-wave-secondary" unicode="&#x10f53a;" d="M545.58 76.2305c-11.1055 1.16992 -29.1826 2.12012 -40.3496 2.12012c-0.126953 0 -0.333008 0 -0.460938 -0.000976562c-67.5293 0 -133.13 -16.5898 -196.529 -32.6396c-60.3799 -15.2803 -117.4 -29.71 -173 -29.71h-0.493164 c-9.58691 0 -25.0918 0.949219 -34.6074 2.12012c-9.55176 19.042 -32.915 41.9307 -52.1494 51.0898v197.57c16.0547 7.64453 36.8506 26.0127 46.4199 41c11.1074 -1.1709 29.1875 -2.12012 40.3574 -2.12012h0.472656c67.5596 0 133.12 16.6396 196.51 32.6396 c60.3896 15.2705 117.4 29.7002 173 29.7002h0.493164c9.58691 0 25.0908 -0.949219 34.6064 -2.12012c9.55469 -19.0449 32.9219 -41.9326 52.1602 -51.0898v-197.56c-16.0576 -7.64355 -36.8584 -26.0117 -46.4297 -41zM320 96c44.1699 0 80 43 80 96s-35.8203 96 -80 96 s-80 -43 -80 -96s35.8096 -96 80 -96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-bill-wave-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f53b;" d="M320 96c-44.1904 0 -80 43 -80 96s35.8203 96 80 96s80 -43 80 -96s-35.8301 -96 -80 -96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check-secondary" unicode="&#x10f53c;" d="M0 0v320h640v-320c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32zM448 208v-32c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h96c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v32c0 8.83203 -7.16797 16 -16 16h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16zM448 88v-16 c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h112c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-112c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8zM64 184v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h304c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-304c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8z M64 88v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h176c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-176c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8z" /> <glyph glyph-name="money-check-alt-secondary" unicode="&#x10f53d;" d="M608 416c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32v-384c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-576c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v384c0 17.6641 14.3359 32 32 32h576zM176 120.12c23.6201 0.629883 42.6699 20.54 42.6699 45.0703c0 19.9697 -12.9902 37.8096 -31.5801 43.3896 l-45 13.5c-5.16016 1.54004 -8.76953 6.78027 -8.76953 12.7295c0 7.27051 5.2998 13.1904 11.7998 13.1904h28.1104c3.83594 -0.00488281 9.5791 -1.67578 12.8193 -3.73047c1.15039 -0.77832 3.21191 -1.41016 4.60156 -1.41016 c1.75488 0 4.23145 0.958984 5.52832 2.14062l11.75 11.2197c1.38965 1.30762 2.51758 3.91797 2.51758 5.82617c0 2.15918 -1.38281 4.98828 -3.08691 6.31445c-7.70312 5.77246 -21.7568 10.8574 -31.3701 11.3496v16.29c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-16 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16.1201c-23.6201 -0.629883 -42.6699 -20.5498 -42.6699 -45.0703c0 -19.9697 12.9893 -37.8096 31.5801 -43.3896l45 -13.5c5.15918 -1.54004 8.76953 -6.78027 8.76953 -12.7295c0 -7.27051 -5.2998 -13.1904 -11.7998 -13.1904h-28.1104 c-3.83496 0.00878906 -9.57812 1.67969 -12.8193 3.73047c-1.15137 0.77832 -3.21289 1.41016 -4.60156 1.41016c-1.75488 0 -4.23145 -0.958984 -5.5293 -2.14062l-11.75 -11.2197c-1.38965 -1.30762 -2.5166 -3.91797 -2.5166 -5.82617 c0 -2.15918 1.38281 -4.98828 3.08691 -6.31445c7.7041 -5.76855 21.7578 -10.8535 31.3701 -11.3496v-16.29c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h16c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8v16.1201zM416 136v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-112c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h112c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM576 136v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h80c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM576 232v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-272 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h272c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8z" /> <glyph 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14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM128 256c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM256 320 c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32zM384 256c17.6641 0 32 14.3359 32 32s-14.3359 32 -32 32s-32 -14.3359 -32 -32s14.3359 -32 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="parking-secondary" unicode="&#x10f540;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M272 224c-0.0498047 -17.6143 -14.3857 -31.9502 -32 -32h-48v64h48c17.6143 -0.0498047 31.9502 -14.3857 32 -32zM448 368v-352c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h352 c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48zM336 224c-0.0820312 52.9092 -43.0908 95.918 -96 96h-96c-8.83203 0 -16 -7.16797 -16 -16v-224c0 -8.83203 7.16797 -16 16 -16h32c8.83203 0 16 7.16797 16 16v48h48c52.9092 0.0820312 95.918 43.0908 96 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="percentage-secondary" unicode="&#x10f541;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M365.25 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-3.22559 -9.59961 -3.22559s-7.24902 1.44531 -9.59961 3.22559l-54.4004 44.7998l-54.4004 -44.7998c-2.35059 -1.78027 -6.65137 -3.22559 -9.59961 -3.22559s-7.24902 1.44531 -9.59961 3.22559l-54.4004 44.7998l-38.4004 -44.7998 c-2.35449 -1.7666 -6.65527 -3.2002 -9.59961 -3.2002c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v480c0.0166016 8.81543 7.18457 15.9697 16 15.9697c2.94434 0 7.24512 -1.43359 9.59961 -3.2002l38.4004 -44.7695l54.4004 44.7695c2.35059 1.78125 6.65137 3.22559 9.59961 3.22559 s7.24902 -1.44434 9.59961 -3.22559l54.4004 -44.7695l54.4004 44.7695c2.35059 1.78125 6.65137 3.22559 9.59961 3.22559s7.24902 -1.44434 9.59961 -3.22559l54.4004 -44.7695zM320 88v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-240c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16 c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h240c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM320 184v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-240c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 -8 8 -8h240c4.41602 0 8 3.58398 8 8zM320 280v16c0 4.41602 -3.58398 8 -8 8h-240 c-4.41602 0 -8 -3.58398 -8 -8v-16c0 -4.41602 3.58398 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-10.7998c9.60059 -9.60059 25.2002 -9.40039 34.5 0.5l32.4004 34.5v-125.9c0 -13.2998 10.7002 -24 24 -24h16c13.2998 0 24 10.7002 24 24v125.9 l32.4004 -34.5c9.2998 -9.80078 24.8994 -10.1006 34.5 -0.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-md" unicode="&#xf0f0;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M224 192c-70.7002 0 -128 57.2998 -128 128s57.2998 128 128 128s128 -57.2998 128 -128s-57.2998 -128 -128 -128zM104 24c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24s24 -10.7002 24 -24s-10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24zM320 159.4c71.2002 -3.5 128 -61.8008 128 -133.801 v-44.7998c0 -24.7002 -20.0996 -44.7998 -44.7998 -44.7998h-358.4c-24.7002 0 -44.7998 20.0996 -44.7998 44.7998v44.7998c0 66.6006 48.5 121.4 112.1 132.101v-80.4004c-23.0996 -6.89941 -40 -28.0996 -40 -53.3994c0 -30.9004 25.1006 -56 56 -56 c30.9004 0 56 25.0996 56 56c0 25.2998 -16.8994 46.5 -40 53.3994v81.6006c7.7002 -1 15.2002 -2.60059 22.6006 -5.2002c18 -6.2998 37.2998 -9.7998 57.3994 -9.7998c20.1006 0 39.4004 3.5 57.4004 9.7998c2.2002 0.799805 4.40039 1.2002 6.59961 1.89941v-45.1992 c-36.5 -7.5 -64 -39.8008 -64 -78.4004v-43.7998c0 -8.10059 5.90039 -14.7998 13.8008 -15.9004l31.1992 -4.2002c4.30078 -0.799805 8.5 2 9.40039 6.30078l3.09961 15.6992c0.800781 4.30078 -2 8.5 -6.2998 9.40039l-19.2998 3.90039v26.6992 c0 67 96 64.7002 96 1.90039v-28.5l-19.2998 -3.90039c-4.40039 -0.799805 -7.2002 -5.09961 -6.2998 -9.39941l3.09961 -15.7002c0.900391 -4.40039 5.09961 -7.2002 9.40039 -6.2998l32.1992 6.39941c7.5 1.5 12.9004 8.10059 12.9004 15.7002v41.7002 c0 38.5996 -27.5 71 -64 78.4004v49z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sliders-h" unicode="&#xf1de;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M496 64c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-336v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16h-80c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h80v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16h336zM496 224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-80v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16h-336c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h336v16 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16h80zM496 384c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-208v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16h-208c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h208v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16h208z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-secret" unicode="&#xf21b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M383.9 139.7c38.2998 -23.7002 64.0996 -65.7002 64.0996 -114.101v-44.7998c0 -24.7002 -20.0996 -44.7998 -44.7998 -44.7998h-358.4c-24.7002 0 -44.7998 20.0996 -44.7998 44.7998v44.7998c0 49.7002 27.2998 92.6006 67.4004 115.9l-25.8008 60.2002 c-4.5 10.5996 3.2002 22.2998 14.7002 22.2998h57.5c-11 18.9004 -17.7998 40.5996 -17.7998 64v0.299805c-39.2002 7.7998 -64 19.1006 -64 31.7002c0 13.2998 27.2998 25.0996 70 33c9.2002 32.7998 27.0996 65.7998 40.5996 82.7998 c9.5 11.9004 25.9004 15.6006 39.5 8.7998l27.6006 -13.7998c9 -4.5 19.5996 -4.5 28.5996 0l27.6006 13.7998c13.5996 6.80078 30 3.10059 39.5 -8.7998c13.5996 -17 31.3994 -50 40.5996 -82.7998c42.7998 -7.90039 70.0996 -19.7002 70.0996 -33 c0 -12.5996 -24.7998 -23.9004 -64 -31.7002v-0.299805c0 -23.4004 -6.7998 -45.0996 -17.7998 -64h58.5c11.2998 0 19 -11.2002 15 -21.7002zM176 -32l32 120l-24 40l-49.5996 32zM272 -32l41.5996 192l-49.5996 -32l-24 -40zM313.7 266.5 c0.799805 2.59961 6.2998 5.7002 6.39941 5.7998v10.7998c-28.2998 -3.69922 -61 -5.7998 -96 -5.7998s-67.6992 2.2002 -96 5.7998v-10.7998c0 -0.0996094 5.5 -3.2998 6.30078 -5.7998c3.7998 -11.9004 7 -24.5996 16.5 -33.4004c8 -7.39941 47 -25.1992 64 25 c2.89941 8.40039 15.5 8.40039 18.2998 0c16 -47.3994 53.8994 -34.2998 64 -25c9.5 8.80078 12.5996 21.5 16.5 33.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-plus" unicode="&#xf234;" d="M624 240c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-64v-64c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v64h-64c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h64v64c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-64h64zM224 192c-70.7002 0 -128 57.2998 -128 128s57.2998 128 128 128s128 -57.2998 128 -128s-57.2998 -128 -128 -128zM313.6 160c74.2002 0 134.4 -60.2002 134.4 -134.4v-41.5996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v41.5996c0 74.2002 60.2002 134.4 134.4 134.4h16.6992c22.3008 -10.2002 46.9004 -16 72.9004 -16s50.7002 5.7998 72.9004 16h16.6992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-times" unicode="&#xf235;" d="M589.6 208l45.6006 -45.5996c6.2998 -6.30078 6.2998 -16.5 0 -22.8008l-22.7998 -22.7998c-6.30078 -6.2998 -16.5 -6.2998 -22.8008 0l-45.5996 45.6006l-45.5996 -45.6006c-6.30078 -6.2998 -16.5 -6.2998 -22.8008 0l-22.7998 22.7998 c-6.2998 6.30078 -6.2998 16.5 0 22.8008l45.6006 45.5996l-45.6006 45.5996c-6.2998 6.30078 -6.2998 16.5 0 22.8008l22.7998 22.7998c6.30078 6.2998 16.5 6.2998 22.8008 0l45.5996 -45.6006l45.5996 45.6006c6.30078 6.2998 16.5 6.2998 22.8008 0l22.7998 -22.7998 c6.2998 -6.30078 6.2998 -16.5 0 -22.8008zM224 192c-70.7002 0 -128 57.2998 -128 128s57.2998 128 128 128s128 -57.2998 128 -128s-57.2998 -128 -128 -128zM313.6 160c74.2002 0 134.4 -60.2002 134.4 -134.4v-41.5996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352 c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v41.5996c0 74.2002 60.2002 134.4 134.4 134.4h16.6992c22.3008 -10.2002 46.9004 -16 72.9004 -16s50.7002 5.7998 72.9004 16h16.6992z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-download-alt" unicode="&#xf381;" d="M537.6 221.4c58.4004 -11.8008 102.4 -63.5 102.4 -125.4c0 -70.7002 -57.2998 -128 -128 -128h-368c-79.5 0 -144 64.5 -144 144c0 62.7998 40.2002 116.2 96.2002 135.9c-0.100586 2.69922 -0.200195 5.39941 -0.200195 8.09961c0 88.4004 71.5996 160 160 160 c59.2998 0 111 -32.2002 138.7 -80.2002c15.2002 10.2002 33.5996 16.2002 53.2998 16.2002c53 0 96 -43 96 -96c0 -12.2002 -2.2998 -23.9004 -6.40039 -34.5996zM404.7 132.7c10.0996 10.0996 2.89941 27.2998 -11.2998 27.2998h-65.4004v112c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16 h-48c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-112h-65.4004c-14.1992 0 -21.3994 -17.2002 -11.2998 -27.2998l105.4 -105.4c6.2002 -6.2002 16.3994 -6.2002 22.5996 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cloud-upload-alt" unicode="&#xf382;" d="M537.6 221.4c58.4004 -11.8008 102.4 -63.5 102.4 -125.4c0 -70.7002 -57.2998 -128 -128 -128h-368c-79.5 0 -144 64.5 -144 144c0 62.7998 40.2002 116.2 96.2002 135.9c-0.100586 2.69922 -0.200195 5.39941 -0.200195 8.09961c0 88.4004 71.5996 160 160 160 c59.2998 0 111 -32.2002 138.7 -80.2002c15.2002 10.2002 33.5996 16.2002 53.2998 16.2002c53 0 96 -43 96 -96c0 -12.2002 -2.2998 -23.9004 -6.40039 -34.5996zM393.4 160c14.1992 0 21.3994 17.2002 11.2998 27.2998l-105.4 105.4 c-6.2002 6.2002 -16.3994 6.2002 -22.5996 0l-105.4 -105.4c-10.0996 -10.0996 -3 -27.2998 11.2998 -27.2998h65.4004v-112c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h48c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16v112h65.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="sliders-v" unicode="&#xf3f1;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M112 352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-336c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v336h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16v80c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32 c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-80h16zM432 224c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-208c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v208h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16v208 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-208h16zM272 96c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-32c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16v-80c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v80h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v32 c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16v336c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h32c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-336h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-alt" unicode="&#xf406;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 160c-79.5 0 -144 64.5 -144 144s64.5 144 144 144s144 -64.5 144 -144s-64.5 -144 -144 -144zM384 128c70.7002 0 128 -57.2998 128 -128v-16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v16c0 70.7002 57.2998 128 128 128h55.0996 c22.3008 -10.2002 46.9004 -16 72.9004 -16s50.7002 5.7998 72.9004 16h55.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-alt-slash" unicode="&#xf4fa;" d="M633.8 -10.0996c7 -5.40039 8.2998 -15.5 2.90039 -22.3008l-19.6006 -25.2998c-5.5 -7 -15.5 -8.2002 -22.5 -2.7998l-588.399 454.7c-7 5.39941 -8.2002 15.3994 -2.7998 22.3994l19.5996 25.2002c5.5 7 15.5 8.2002 22.5 2.7998l135.5 -104.8 c16 62.1006 71.9004 108.2 139 108.2c79.5 0 144 -64.5 144 -144c0 -54.0996 -30.2002 -100.7 -74.4004 -125.3zM198.4 128h47.3994l248.4 -192h-382.2c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v9.59961c0 74.2002 60.2002 134.4 134.4 134.4z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-astronaut" unicode="&#xf4fb;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M64 224c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v96c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h13.5c24.7002 56.5 80.9004 96 146.5 96s121.8 -39.5 146.5 -96h13.5c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-96c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-13.5c-24.7002 -56.5 -80.9004 -96 -146.5 -96 s-121.8 39.5 -146.5 96h-13.5zM104 312v-24c0 -53 43 -96 96 -96h48c53 0 96 43 96 96v24c0 22.0996 -21.5 40 -48 40h-144c-26.5 0 -48 -17.9004 -48 -40zM176 240l-12 36l-36 12l36 12l12 36l12 -36l36 -12l-36 -12zM327.6 126.6c67.5 -7.09961 120.4 -63.5996 120.4 -133 v-9.59961c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-80v64c0 17.7002 -14.2998 32 -32 32h-128c-17.7002 0 -32 -14.2998 -32 -32v-64h-80c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v9.59961c0 69.4004 52.9004 125.9 120.4 133c29.8994 -19.2998 65.3994 -30.5996 103.6 -30.5996 s73.7002 11.2998 103.6 30.5996zM272 0c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16s7.2002 16 16 16zM176 0c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-48h-32v48c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-check" unicode="&#xf4fc;" d="M224 192c-70.7002 0 -128 57.2998 -128 128s57.2998 128 128 128s128 -57.2998 128 -128s-57.2998 -128 -128 -128zM313.6 160c74.2002 0 134.4 -60.2002 134.4 -134.4v-41.5996c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v41.5996 c0 74.2002 60.2002 134.4 134.4 134.4h16.6992c22.3008 -10.2002 46.9004 -16 72.9004 -16s50.7002 5.7998 72.9004 16h16.6992zM636.6 288.4c4.60059 -4.60059 4.5 -12.1006 -0.0996094 -16.8008l-141.3 -140.199c-4.7002 -4.60059 -12.2002 -4.60059 -16.7998 0.0996094 l-81.7002 82.2998c-4.60059 4.7002 -4.60059 12.2002 0.0996094 16.7998l28.1006 27.9004c4.69922 4.59961 12.1992 4.59961 16.7998 -0.0996094l45.5 -45.8008l104.8 104c4.7002 4.60059 12.2002 4.60059 16.7998 -0.0996094z" /> <glyph glyph-name="user-clock" unicode="&#xf4fd;" d="M496 224c79.5996 0 144 -64.4004 144 -144s-64.4004 -144 -144 -144s-144 64.4004 -144 144s64.4004 144 144 144zM560 73.7002v12.5996c0 5.2998 -4.40039 9.7002 -9.7002 9.7002h-38.2998v54.2998c0 5.2998 -4.40039 9.7002 -9.7002 9.7002h-12.5996 c-5.2998 0 -9.7002 -4.40039 -9.7002 -9.7002v-76.5996c0 -5.2998 4.40039 -9.7002 9.7002 -9.7002h60.5996c5.2998 0 9.7002 4.40039 9.7002 9.7002zM320 80c0 -59.5 29.7998 -112.1 75.0996 -144h-347.1c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v41.5996 c0 74.2002 60.2002 134.4 134.4 134.4h16.6992c22.3008 -10.2002 46.9004 -16 72.9004 -16s50.7002 5.7998 72.9004 16h16.6992c8.40039 0 16.6006 -1 24.6006 -2.5c-11.5 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-42.2002 21.7002 -74.0996 39.7998 -93.4004 l20.6006 -21.7998l-10.6006 -28.0996c-5.5 -14.5 -12.5996 -28.1006 -19.8994 -40.2002c23.5996 7.59961 43.1992 18.9004 57.5 29l19.5 13.7998l22.6992 -7.2002c25.3008 -8 51.7002 -12.0996 78.4004 -12.0996z" /> <glyph glyph-name="folder" unicode="&#xf07b;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M464 320c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-224c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v288c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h146.74c8.49023 0 16.6299 -3.37012 22.6299 -9.37012l54.6299 -54.6299h192zM464 48v224h-198.62 c-8.49023 0 -16.6299 3.37012 -22.6299 9.37012l-54.6299 54.6299h-140.12v-288h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="camera-retro" unicode="&#xf083;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M154 368h-116c-3.2998 0 -6 2.7002 -6 6v36c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h116c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-36c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6zM512 368v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h136l33.5996 44.7998 c9.10059 12.1006 23.3008 19.2002 38.4004 19.2002h208c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48zM464 304h-416v-288h416v288zM464 368h-208l-12 -16h220v16zM376 160c0 -66.2002 -53.7998 -120 -120 -120s-120 53.7998 -120 120s53.7998 120 120 120s120 -53.7998 120 -120zM328 160 c0 39.7002 -32.2998 72 -72 72s-72 -32.2998 -72 -72s32.2998 -72 72 -72s72 32.2998 72 72zM232 160c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.2002 -16 16c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16s-7.2002 -16 -16 -16c-13.2002 0 -24 -10.7998 -24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="key" unicode="&#xf084;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M320 400c-79.5293 0 -144 -64.4707 -144 -144v-0.105469c0 -11.7666 2.76758 -30.4561 6.17676 -41.7178l-134.177 -134.177v-96h96v48h48v48h32l42.3398 42.3389c16.584 -6.66406 34.6924 -10.3389 53.6602 -10.3389c79.5293 0 144 64.4707 144 144 s-64.4707 144 -144 144zM320 448c106.046 0 192 -85.9648 192 -192c0 -106.046 -85.9648 -192 -192 -192c-13.5391 0 -26.8936 1.39648 -39.9512 4.16699l-40.0488 -40.167v-20c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-24v-24c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-144 c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v129.941c0 5.4873 3.14941 13.0898 7.0293 16.9707l122.77 122.77c-1.19727 8.69531 -1.79883 17.4863 -1.79883 26.3184c0 106.046 85.9648 192 192 192zM320 304c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48s48 -21.4902 48 -48s-21.4902 -48 -48 -48 s-48 21.4902 -48 48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hdd" unicode="&#xf0a0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M567.403 212.358c5.59668 -8.04688 8.59668 -17.6113 8.59668 -27.4121v-136.946c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v136.946c0 8.30957 3.85156 20.5898 8.59668 27.4121l105.08 151.053 c7.90625 11.3652 25.5596 20.5889 39.4033 20.5889h0.000976562h269.838h0.000976562c13.8438 0 31.4971 -9.22363 39.4033 -20.5889zM153.081 336l-77.9131 -112h425.664l-77.9131 112h-269.838zM528 48v128h-480v-128h480zM496 112c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32 s-32 14.3271 -32 32s14.3271 32 32 32s32 -14.3271 32 -32zM400 112c0 -17.6729 -14.3271 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3271 -32 32s14.3271 32 32 32s32 -14.3271 32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="flag-checkered" unicode="&#xf11e;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M448 120.6c-17.2002 -10.3994 -43.2998 -21.0996 -72 -23.8994v70.3994c28 3.90039 56.5 13.5 72 22.9004v-69.4004zM448 327.9v-69.4004c-23.4004 -8.90039 -47 -17.4004 -72 -21.4004v70.6006c25.2998 4.39941 50.7998 12.0996 72 20.2002zM88 111.2v69.2998 c24 7.7002 47.7002 12.9004 72 15.2998v-70.0996c-24.7998 -2.60059 -50.2998 -7.5 -72 -14.5zM445.1 396.2c31.6006 13.5996 66.9004 -9.7002 66.8008 -44.1006v-239.899c0 -16.2002 -8.10059 -31.2998 -21.7002 -40.2002c-26.5 -17.4004 -70 -40 -128.5 -40 c-68.6006 0 -112.8 32 -161.9 32c-56.5 0 -89.8994 -11.2998 -127.8 -28.5996v-83.4004c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v406.4c-14.2998 8.2998 -24 23.7998 -24 41.5996c0 27.5996 23.2002 49.7002 51.2002 47.9004 c23 -1.5 41.8994 -19.5 44.3994 -42.4004c0.900391 -7 0.100586 -14 -2.09961 -20.7002c22.5 8.7002 49.5 15.2002 80.7998 15.2002c68.6006 0 112.8 -32 161.9 -32c35.3994 0 73 12.7002 108.899 28.2002zM464 112v240c-31.5 -14.5996 -84.5 -32 -127.8 -32 c-59.9004 0 -102 32 -161.9 32c-41.5 0 -80.5 -16.5996 -102.3 -32v-232c31.4004 14.5996 84.4004 24 127.8 24c59.9004 0 102 -32 161.9 -32c41.5 0 80.5 16.5996 102.3 32zM88 311.4c17.2002 10.5 43.2998 21.0996 72 23.8994v-70.3994 c-28 -3.90039 -56.5 -13.5 -72 -22.9004v69.4004zM160 264.9c23.2998 3.19922 43.5 2.39941 72 -5.2002v-67c-20.5996 4.39941 -41.5 6.09961 -72 3.09961v69.1006zM304 172.2v66.8994c25.5 -5.39941 48.2002 -5.89941 72 -2.09961v-70 c-23.2998 -3.09961 -43.5 -2.2998 -72 5.2002v-66.6006c-23.0996 6.7002 -46.0996 15.3008 -72 19.6006v67.5c25.5 -5.2998 48.2998 -14.2998 72 -20.5zM304 306.7v-67.4004c-25.5 5.2998 -48.2002 14.2002 -72 20.5v66.6006c23.2002 -6.80078 46.0996 -15.4004 72 -19.7002 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="bullseye" unicode="&#xf140;" horiz-adv-x="496" d="M248 344c84 0 152 -67.9805 152 -152c0 -84 -67.9805 -152 -152 -152c-84 0 -152 67.9805 -152 152c0 84 67.9805 152 152 152zM248 88c57.3496 0 104 46.6504 104 104s-46.6504 104 -104 104s-104 -46.6504 -104 -104s46.6504 -104 104 -104zM248 440 c136.97 0 248 -111.03 248 -248s-111.03 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.03 -248 248s111.03 248 248 248zM248 -8c110.28 0 200 89.7197 200 200s-89.7197 200 -200 200s-200 -89.7197 -200 -200s89.7197 -200 200 -200zM248 248c30.8799 0 56 -25.1201 56 -56 s-25.1201 -56 -56 -56s-56 25.1201 -56 56s25.1201 56 56 56z" /> <glyph glyph-name="graduation-cap" unicode="&#xf19d;" d="M606.72 300.09c19.9004 -6.13965 33.2803 -23.8496 33.2803 -44.0996s-13.3701 -37.9707 -33.2803 -44.1104l-109 -33.6201l14.2803 -114.26c0 -35.3496 -85.96 -64 -192 -64s-192 28.6602 -192 64l14.29 114.26l-54.8701 16.9199 c-1.88965 -3.16016 -3.71973 -6.2793 -4.84961 -9.83008c7.93945 -5.81934 13.4297 -14.7598 13.4297 -25.3594c0 -10.7803 -5.69043 -19.8506 -13.8604 -25.6504l25.54 -114.87c2.2207 -9.98926 -5.37988 -19.4697 -15.6201 -19.4697h-56.1094 c-10.2402 0 -17.8398 9.48047 -15.6201 19.4697l25.5303 114.87c-8.18066 5.7998 -13.8604 14.8701 -13.8604 25.6504c0 12.6797 7.53027 23.4102 18.2197 28.5898c1.2998 5.68945 3.24023 11.1201 5.7002 16.3096l-22.6396 6.98047 c-19.9004 6.13965 -33.2803 23.8604 -33.2803 44.1104s13.3799 37.9697 33.2803 44.1094l258 79.5703c18.8193 5.78027 38.6299 5.78027 57.4395 0zM462.44 73.5303l-11.29 90.3594l-102.42 -31.5898c-25.2002 -7.76953 -46.29 -3.42969 -57.4404 0l-102.42 31.5898 l-11.2998 -90.3594c58.9697 -33.7803 225.17 -34.2002 284.87 0zM334.59 178.18l252.23 77.79l-252.221 77.8203c-9.43945 2.91016 -19.75 2.91016 -29.1895 0l-252.22 -77.79l41.3691 -12.7803c5.91016 2.73047 12.0703 5.03027 18.71 6.27051l203.78 38.2002 c8.57031 1.59961 17.04 -4.04004 18.6602 -12.7607c1.62988 -8.68945 -4.08984 -17.0498 -12.7803 -18.6699l-168.31 -31.5596l150.78 -46.5205c9.43945 -2.91016 19.75 -2.91016 29.1895 0z" /> <glyph glyph-name="closed-captioning" unicode="&#xf20a;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M464 384c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-288c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-416c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416zM458 48c3.2998 0 6 2.7002 6 6v276c0 3.2998 -2.7002 6 -6 6h-404c-3.2998 0 -6 -2.7002 -6 -6v-276c0 -3.2998 2.7002 -6 6 -6h404z M246.9 133.7c1.69922 -2.40039 1.5 -5.60059 -0.5 -7.7002c-53.6006 -56.7998 -172.801 -32.0996 -172.801 67.9004c0 97.2998 121.7 119.5 172.5 70.0996c2.10059 -2 2.5 -3.2002 1 -5.7002l-17.5 -30.5c-1.89941 -3.09961 -6.19922 -4 -9.09961 -1.7002 c-40.7998 32 -94.5996 14.9004 -94.5996 -31.1992c0 -48 51 -70.5 92.1992 -32.6006c2.80078 2.5 7.10059 2.10059 9.2002 -0.899414zM437.3 133.7c1.7002 -2.40039 1.5 -5.60059 -0.5 -7.7002c-53.5996 -56.9004 -172.8 -32.0996 -172.8 67.9004 c0 97.2998 121.7 119.5 172.5 70.0996c2.09961 -2 2.5 -3.2002 1 -5.7002l-17.5 -30.5c-1.90039 -3.09961 -6.2002 -4 -9.09961 -1.7002c-40.8008 32 -94.6006 14.9004 -94.6006 -31.1992c0 -48 51 -70.5 92.2002 -32.6006c2.7998 2.5 7.09961 2.10059 9.2002 -0.899414z " /> <glyph glyph-name="object-group" unicode="&#xf247;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M500 320h-12v-256h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v12h-320v-12c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v72c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h12v256h-12 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v72c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h72c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-12h320v12c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h72c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12zM448 384v-32h32v32h-32zM32 384v-32h32v32h-32zM64 0v32 h-32v-32h32zM480 0v32h-32v-32h32zM440 64v256h-12c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v12h-320v-12c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-12v-256h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-12h320v12c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h12zM404 256c6.62695 0 12 -5.37207 12 -12v-168 c0 -6.62793 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-200c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37207 -12 12v52h-84c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37207 -12 12v168c0 6.62793 5.37305 12 12 12h200c6.62695 0 12 -5.37207 12 -12v-52h84zM136 280v-112h144v112h-144zM376 104v112h-56v-76 c0 -6.62793 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-76v-24h144z" /> <glyph glyph-name="object-ungroup" unicode="&#xf248;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M564 224h-12v-160h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v12h-224v-12c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v72c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h12v24h-88v-12 c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v72c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h12v160h-12c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v72c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h72c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-12h224v12c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h72 c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-12v-24h88v12c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h72c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12zM352 384v-32h32v32h-32zM352 128v-32h32v32h-32zM64 96v32h-32v-32h32zM64 352v32 h-32v-32h32zM96 136h224v12c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h12v160h-12c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v12h-224v-12c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-12v-160h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-12zM224 0v32h-32v-32h32zM504 64v160h-12c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v12 h-88v-88h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-72c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-72c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v12h-88v-24h12c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-12h224v12c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h12zM544 0v32h-32v-32h32zM544 256v32h-32v-32h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hourglass-start" unicode="&#xf251;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 448c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-4c0 -80.0996 -31.8984 -165.619 -97.1797 -208c64.9912 -42.1934 97.1797 -127.436 97.1797 -208h4c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-360 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h4c0 80.0996 31.8984 165.619 97.1797 208c-64.9912 42.1934 -97.1797 127.436 -97.1797 208h-4c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h360zM320 -16c0 101.62 -57.3076 184 -128 184 s-128 -82.3799 -128 -184h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hourglass-half" unicode="&#xf252;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 400c0 -80.0996 -31.8984 -165.619 -97.1797 -208c64.9912 -42.1934 97.1797 -127.436 97.1797 -208h4c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h4 c0 80.0996 31.8984 165.619 97.1797 208c-64.9912 42.1934 -97.1797 127.436 -97.1797 208h-4c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h360c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-4zM320 400h-256 c0 -28.6719 4.56445 -55.8096 12.7012 -80h230.598c8.13672 24.1904 12.7012 51.3281 12.7012 80zM307.299 64c-20.7041 61.5469 -64.5518 104 -115.299 104s-94.5947 -42.4531 -115.299 -104h230.598z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hourglass-end" unicode="&#xf253;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M372 448c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-4c0 -80.0996 -31.8984 -165.619 -97.1797 -208c64.9912 -42.1934 97.1797 -127.436 97.1797 -208h4c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-360 c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h4c0 80.0996 31.8984 165.619 97.1797 208c-64.9912 42.1934 -97.1797 127.436 -97.1797 208h-4c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h360zM192 216c70.6924 0 128 82.3789 128 184 h-256c0 -101.621 57.3076 -184 128 -184z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hourglass" unicode="&#xf254;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M368 400c0 -80.0996 -31.8984 -165.619 -97.1797 -208c64.9912 -42.1934 97.1797 -127.436 97.1797 -208h4c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h4 c0 80.0996 31.8994 165.619 97.1797 208c-64.9912 42.1934 -97.1797 127.436 -97.1797 208h-4c-6.62695 0 -12 5.37305 -12 12v24c0 6.62695 5.37305 12 12 12h360c6.62695 0 12 -5.37305 12 -12v-24c0 -6.62695 -5.37305 -12 -12 -12h-4zM64 400 c0 -101.621 57.3066 -184 128 -184s128 82.3799 128 184h-256zM320 -16c0 101.62 -57.3076 184 -128 184s-128 -82.3799 -128 -184h256z" /> <glyph glyph-name="registered" unicode="&#xf25d;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 440c136.967 0 248 -111.033 248 -248s-111.033 -248 -248 -248s-248 111.033 -248 248s111.033 248 248 248zM256 -8c110.549 0 200 89.4678 200 200c0 110.549 -89.4678 200 -200 200c-110.549 0 -200 -89.4688 -200 -200c0 -110.549 89.4678 -200 200 -200z M366.442 73.791c4.40332 -7.99219 -1.37012 -17.791 -10.5107 -17.791h-42.8096h-0.0126953c-3.97559 0 -8.71582 2.84961 -10.5801 6.36035l-47.5156 89.3027h-31.958v-83.6631c0 -6.61719 -5.38281 -12 -12 -12h-38.5674c-6.61719 0 -12 5.38281 -12 12v248.304 c0 6.61719 5.38281 12 12 12h78.667c71.251 0 101.498 -32.749 101.498 -85.252c0 -31.6123 -15.2148 -59.2969 -39.4824 -73.1758c3.02148 -4.61719 0.225586 0.199219 53.2715 -96.085zM256.933 208.094c20.9131 0 32.4307 11.5186 32.4316 32.4316 c0 19.5752 -6.5127 31.709 -38.9297 31.709h-27.377v-64.1406h33.875z" /> <glyph glyph-name="industry" unicode="&#xf275;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M475.115 284.277c15.9541 10.1504 36.8848 -1.33105 36.8848 -20.248v-272.029c0 -13.2549 -10.7451 -24 -24 -24h-464c-13.2549 0 -24 10.7451 -24 24v400c0 13.2549 10.7451 24 24 24h112c13.2549 0 24 -10.7451 24 -24v-196.251l139.115 88.5283 c15.9541 10.1504 36.8848 -1.33203 36.8848 -20.248v-68.2803zM464 16v204.309l-139.115 -88.5273c-15.9541 -10.1514 -36.8848 1.33301 -36.8848 20.248v68.2793l-139.115 -88.5273c-15.9541 -10.1514 -36.8848 1.33203 -36.8848 20.248v215.971h-64v-352h416z" /> <glyph glyph-name="comment-alt" unicode="&#xf27a;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M448 448c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64v-288c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-144l-124.9 -93.5996c-2.19922 -1.7002 -4.69922 -2.40039 -7.09961 -2.40039c-6.2002 0 -12 4.90039 -12 12v84h-96c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v288c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64h384z M464 96v288c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-384c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-288c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h144v-60l67.2002 50.4004l12.7998 9.59961h160c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="id-card" unicode="&#xf2c2;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M528 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480zM528 16v288h-480v-288h32.7998c-1 4.5 -0.799805 -3.59961 -0.799805 22.4004c0 31.7998 30.0996 57.5996 67.2002 57.5996 c11.3994 0 17.8994 -8 44.7998 -8c26.0996 0 34 8 44.7998 8c37.1006 0 67.2002 -25.7998 67.2002 -57.5996c0 -26 0.0996094 -17.9004 -0.799805 -22.4004h224.8zM360 96c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h112c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16 c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-112zM360 160c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h112c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-112zM360 224c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v16c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h112 c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-16c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-112zM192 128c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64s64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="window-minimize" unicode="&#xf2d1;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M480 -32h-448c-17.7002 0 -32 14.2998 -32 32s14.2998 32 32 32h448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32s-14.2998 -32 -32 -32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="images" unicode="&#xf302;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M480 32v-16c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-384c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v256c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h16v-48h-10c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-244c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h372c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v10h48zM522 368h-372 c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-244c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h372c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6v244c0 3.31152 -2.68848 6 -6 6zM528 416c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-256c0 -26.5098 -21.4902 -48 -48 -48h-384c-26.5098 0 -48 21.4902 -48 48v256 c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h384zM264 304c0 -22.0908 -17.9092 -40 -40 -40s-40 17.9092 -40 40s17.9092 40 40 40s40 -17.9092 40 -40zM192 208l39.5146 39.5146c4.68652 4.68652 12.2842 4.68652 16.9717 0l39.5137 -39.5146l103.515 103.515 c4.68652 4.68652 12.2842 4.68652 16.9717 0l71.5137 -71.5146v-80h-288v48z" /> <glyph glyph-name="inbox-in" unicode="&#xf310;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M395.5 262.5l-99 -99c-4.7002 -4.7002 -12.2998 -4.7002 -17 0l-99 99c-7.59961 7.59961 -2.2002 20.5 8.5 20.5h67v153c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h40c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-153h67c10.7002 0 16.0996 -12.9004 8.5 -20.5zM528 96h-120l-32 -64h-176l-32 64 h-120v-112h480v112zM576 93.7998v-109.8c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v109.8c0 11.7998 4.2998 23.1006 12.0996 31.9004l101.601 114.2c2.2998 2.59961 4.89941 4.89941 7.7002 7c2.39941 1.69922 5.59961 1.39941 7.69922 -0.700195 l24.8008 -24.9004c2.19922 -2.2002 2.2998 -5.89941 0.199219 -8.2002l-61.3994 -69.0996h105l32 -64h116.7l32 64h105l-61.4004 69.0996c-2.09961 2.40039 -2 5.90039 0.200195 8.2002l24.5996 25c2 2.10059 5.2998 2.40039 7.7002 0.700195 c2.90039 -2.09961 5.5 -4.40039 7.90039 -7.09961l101.6 -114.2c7.7002 -8.7998 12 -20.2002 12 -31.9004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="inbox-out" unicode="&#xf311;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M180.5 345.5l99 99c4.7002 4.7002 12.2998 4.7002 17 0l99 -99c7.59961 -7.59961 2.2002 -20.5 -8.5 -20.5h-67v-153c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-40c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12v153h-67c-10.7002 0 -16.0996 12.9004 -8.5 20.5zM576 93.7998v-109.8 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-480c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v109.8c0 11.7998 4.2998 23.1006 12.0996 31.9004l101.601 114.2c9.09961 10.1992 22.2002 16.0996 35.8994 16.0996h52.4004c3.2998 0 6 -2.7002 6 -6v-36c0 -3.2998 -2.7002 -6 -6 -6h-52.4004l-56.8994 -64h105 l32 -64h116.7l32 64h105l-56.9004 64h-52.5c-3.2998 0 -6 2.7002 -6 6v36c0 3.2998 2.7002 6 6 6h52.4004c13.6992 0 26.7998 -5.90039 35.8994 -16.0996l101.601 -114.2c7.7998 -8.7998 12.0996 -20.2002 12.0996 -31.9004zM528 96h-120l-32 -64h-176l-32 64h-120v-112h480 v112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="arrow-alt-to-top" unicode="&#xf34d;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M48 112c-42.7002 0 -64 51.7998 -34.0996 81.9004l144 144c18.7998 18.6992 49.1992 18.6992 67.8994 0l143.9 -144c30.2998 -30.2002 8.7002 -81.9004 -33.9004 -81.9004h-51.5996v-96c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-88.6006c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v96h-51.5996z M192 304l-144 -144h99.7002v-144h88.5996v144h99.7002zM0 380v24c0 6.59961 5.40039 12 12 12h360c6.59961 0 12 -5.40039 12 -12v-24c0 -6.59961 -5.40039 -12 -12 -12h-360c-6.59961 0 -12 5.40039 -12 12z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gem" unicode="&#xf3a5;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M464 448c4.09961 0 7.7998 -2 10.0996 -5.40039l99.9004 -147.199c2.90039 -4.40039 2.59961 -10.1006 -0.700195 -14.2002l-276 -340.8c-4.7998 -5.90039 -13.7998 -5.90039 -18.5996 0l-276 340.8c-3.2998 4 -3.60059 9.7998 -0.700195 14.2002l100 147.199 c2.2002 3.40039 6 5.40039 10 5.40039h352zM444.7 400h-56.7998l51.6992 -96h68.4004zM242.6 400l-51.5996 -96h194l-51.7002 96h-90.7002zM131.3 400l-63.2998 -96h68.4004l51.6992 96h-56.7998zM88.2998 256l119.7 -160l-68.2998 160h-51.4004zM191.2 256l96.7998 -243.3 l96.7998 243.3h-193.6zM368 96l119.6 160h-51.3994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="basketball-hoop" unicode="&#xf435;" d="M639.9 111.1c0 -22.7998 -13.6006 -43.1992 -34.7002 -51.7998l-103.5 -42.5l3.7998 53.4004l81.4004 33.5c3 1.2002 5 4.2002 5 7.39941v118.301c-82.8008 217 -458.5 217.899 -543.9 -0.100586v-118.3c0 -3.2998 2 -6.2002 5 -7.40039l81.4004 -33.5l3.7998 -53.3994 l-103.5 42.5c-21.1006 8.7002 -34.7002 29 -34.7002 51.8994l1.2002 129.9c0.599609 2 67.5 199 318.8 199s318.1 -197 318.8 -199c1.60059 -10.2002 1.10059 8.5 1.10059 -129.9zM461.2 -64l-75.4004 71.5996l-65.7998 -71.5996l-65.7998 71.5996l-75.4004 -71.5996 l-18.2002 224h-24.5996c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v32c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h368c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-24.5996zM206.7 95.5996l46.7002 -43.5996l44 44l-42.1006 42.0996zM320 118.6l41.4004 41.4004h-82.8008zM342.6 96 l44 -44l46.7002 43.5996l-48.5996 42.5zM447.3 160h-39l36.5 -31.9004zM192.7 160l2.59961 -31.9004l36.5 31.9004h-39.0996zM230.8 29.4004l-29.8994 27.8994l4.2998 -53.5zM363.2 30.2002l-43.2002 43.2002l-43.2002 -43.2002l43.2002 -40.2998zM434.8 3.7998l4.2998 53.5 l-29.8994 -27.8994zM464 240h-32v48h-224v-48h-32v80h288v-80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hockey-sticks" unicode="&#xf454;" d="M600 144c22.0996 0 40 -18 40 -40v-128c0 -22.0996 -17.9004 -40 -40 -40h-186.4c-37.1992 0 -71.0996 17 -93.5 45.0996c-22.3994 -28.0996 -56.3994 -45.0996 -93.5996 -45.0996h-186.5c-22.0996 0 -40 17.9004 -40 40v128c0 22 17.9004 40 40 40h192.7l-112.7 217.6 c-9.90039 19.6006 -1.7998 43.7002 17.9004 53.6006l57.2998 28.5996c19.7002 9.90039 43.7002 1.90039 53.5996 -17.7002l71.2002 -136.3l71.2002 136.3c9.89941 19.6006 33.8994 27.6006 53.5996 17.7002l57.2998 -28.7002 c19.7002 -9.89941 27.8008 -33.8994 17.9004 -53.5996l-112.7 -217.5h192.7zM166.6 375.8l98.8008 -190.6l27.5 52.7002l-83.3008 159.399zM79.5996 -16v112h-31.5996v-112h31.5996zM290.9 23.7998l182.5 352l-43 21.5l-148.4 -284 c-5.2002 -10.5 -16.2002 -17.2998 -28.5 -17.2998h-141.9v-112h114.801c27.5 0 52.1992 15.2002 64.5 39.7998zM527.9 -16v112c-166.601 0 -138 -0.299805 -145.2 0.599609l-35.7002 -68.8994c23.0996 -44.5 59.9004 -43.7002 66.5 -43.7002h114.4zM592 -16v112h-32v-112h32 z" /> <glyph glyph-name="pennant" unicode="&#xf456;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M542.3 264.5c26 5.2998 43.6006 -24.7998 27.5 -45c-79.8994 -100.2 -184.5 -123.7 -188.899 -124.7c-60.6006 -13.0996 -106.9 -17.5996 -135.101 -19c-9.39941 -0.5 -85 -1.89941 -165.8 -56.2002v-75.5996c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-32 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v397.6c-18.7998 9 -32 28.1006 -32 50.4004c0 30.9004 25.0996 56 56 56c34.9004 0 65.5 -33.7002 53.2002 -72.7002c49.2002 2.40039 112.1 -7.59961 186.7 -48c141.699 -76.8994 224.5 -67.5996 246.399 -62.7998zM370.8 141.7 c0.700195 0.200195 66.2998 15.2998 128.101 71.8994c-48.9004 1.7002 -124.5 16.6006 -225.9 71.5c-83.4004 45.2002 -148.9 47.5 -193 38.9004v-248.2c37.7998 21.6006 93.7998 44.4004 163.4 47.9004c26.3994 1.39941 69.8994 5.59961 127.399 18z" /> <glyph glyph-name="dolly-flatbed-empty" unicode="&#xf476;" d="M624 48c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-16c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-82.7998c1.7002 -5 2.89941 -10.4004 2.89941 -16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.10059 11 2.90039 16h-197.9c1.7002 -5 2.90039 -10.4004 2.90039 -16 c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48s-48 21.5 -48 48c0 5.59961 1.09961 11 2.90039 16h-50.9004c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v384h-80c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h112c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-384h480z" /> <glyph glyph-name="id-card-alt" unicode="&#xf47f;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M512 384c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64v-320c0 -35.2998 -28.7002 -64 -64 -64h-448c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v320c0 35.2998 28.7002 64 64 64h144v32c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h96c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-32h144zM256 400v-64h64v64h-64zM528 0v320 c0 8.7998 -7.2002 16 -16 16h-144v-48h-160v48h-144c-8.7998 0 -16 -7.2002 -16 -16v-320c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h112.8c-0.299805 1.09961 -0.799805 2.09961 -0.799805 3.2002v19.2002c0 31.7998 30.0996 57.5996 67.2002 57.5996c11.3994 0 17.8994 -8 44.7998 -8 c26.0996 0 34 8 44.7998 8c37.1006 0 67.2002 -25.7998 67.2002 -57.5996v-19.2002c0 -1.10059 -0.599609 -2.10059 -0.799805 -3.2002h112.8c8.7998 0 16 7.2002 16 16zM288 224c35.2998 0 64 -28.7002 64 -64s-28.7002 -64 -64 -64s-64 28.7002 -64 64s28.7002 64 64 64z " /> <glyph glyph-name="inventory" unicode="&#xf480;" d="M624 448c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-496h-48v32h-544v-32h-48v496c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-144h272v144c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h192c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-144h48v144c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16zM368 400v-112h128v112 h-128zM144 16h120v128h-120v-128zM312 16h120v128h-120v-128zM480 16h112v224h-544v-224h48v160c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h352c8.7998 0 16 -7.2002 16 -16v-160z" /> <glyph glyph-name="gas-pump" unicode="&#xf52f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M493.3 340.7c12 -12 18.7002 -28.2998 18.7002 -45.2998v-223.4c0 -42.2002 -36.5 -76 -79.5 -71.7002c-37.5 3.90039 -64.5 38.2002 -64.5 75.9004v27.7998c0 22.0996 -17.9004 40 -40 40h-8v-160h24c4.40039 0 8 -3.59961 8 -8v-32c0 -4.40039 -3.59961 -8 -8 -8h-336 c-4.40039 0 -8 3.59961 -8 8v32c0 4.40039 3.59961 8 8 8h24v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h192c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-208h8c48.5996 0 88 -39.4004 88 -88v-32c0 -13.2002 10.7998 -24 24 -24s24 10.7998 24 24v160.8c-27.0996 3.90039 -48 27.1006 -48 55.2002v62.0996 l-43.2002 43.3008c-3.09961 3.09961 -3.09961 8.19922 0 11.2998l22.6006 22.5996c3.09961 3.10059 8.19922 3.10059 11.2998 0zM272 -16v224h-192v-224h192zM272 256v144h-192v-144h192z" /> <glyph glyph-name="infinity" unicode="&#xf534;" d="M484.4 352c85.7998 0 155.6 -71.7998 155.6 -160s-69.7998 -160 -155.6 -160c-77.4004 0 -135.101 68.0996 -164.4 112.5c-29.2998 -44.4004 -86.9004 -112.5 -164.4 -112.5c-85.7998 0 -155.6 71.7998 -155.6 160s69.7998 160 155.6 160 c77.4004 0 135.101 -68.0996 164.4 -112.5c29.2998 44.4004 87 112.5 164.4 112.5zM155.6 80c67.8008 0 120.4 82.2998 137.2 112c-16.7002 29.7002 -69.3994 112 -137.2 112c-59.3994 0 -107.6 -50.2002 -107.6 -112s48.2002 -112 107.6 -112zM484.4 80 c59.3994 0 107.6 50.2002 107.6 112s-48.2998 112 -107.6 112c-67.8008 0 -120.4 -82.2998 -137.2 -112c16.7002 -29.7002 69.3994 -112 137.2 -112z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cocktail" unicode="&#xf561;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M296 -16c22.0898 0 40 -17.9102 40 -40c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-240c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8c0 22.0898 17.9102 40 40 40h64v117.22l-176.74 176.73c-15.5195 15.5195 -4.5293 42.0498 17.4199 42.0498h366.641c21.9492 0 32.9395 -26.5303 17.4199 -42.0498 l-176.74 -176.73v-117.22h64zM81.0996 272l126.9 -126.9l126.9 126.9h-253.801zM432 448c79.5303 0 144 -64.4697 144 -144s-64.4697 -144 -144 -144c-27.4102 0 -52.7695 8.08008 -74.5801 21.3799l35.2598 35.2598c12.0303 -5.43945 25.2803 -8.63965 39.3203 -8.63965 c52.9297 0 96 43.0596 96 96s-43.0703 96 -96 96c-35.3701 0 -65.9902 -19.4502 -82.6396 -48h-52.54c19.8301 55.7998 72.5693 96 135.18 96z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fish" unicode="&#xf578;" d="M360.18 384c153.91 0 279.82 -144.95 279.82 -192s-125.91 -192 -279.82 -192c-103.38 0 -183.5 63.1396 -220.38 98.6699l-72.8799 -56.3096c-13.9102 -10.7207 -33.25 -11.6406 -48.2197 -2.2207c-14.3105 9.03027 -21.3105 25.3906 -17.8105 41.6699l23.75 110.19 l-23.75 110.19c-3.5 16.2793 3.5 32.6396 17.8105 41.6699c14.9697 9.42969 34.3096 8.51953 48.2197 -2.23047l72.8799 -56.2998c36.8799 35.5303 117 98.6699 220.38 98.6699zM360.18 48c125.221 0 227.971 119.87 231.851 144.8 c-3.87988 23.3203 -106.63 143.2 -231.851 143.2c-81.1895 0 -156.779 -51.0898 -200.439 -98.9102l-14.9102 -16.3096l-92.7197 71.6299l21.6592 -100.41l-21.6592 -100.41l92.7197 71.6299l14.9102 -16.3096c43.6494 -47.8203 119.25 -98.9102 200.439 -98.9102zM448 224 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32s-14.3301 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3301 -32 32s14.3301 32 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="highlighter" unicode="&#xf591;" horiz-adv-x="544" d="M0 -31.9805l68.4297 70.6006l67.0107 -67.04l-35.5605 -35.5801zM527.93 368.73c20.4902 -20.5 21.5107 -53.3906 2.35059 -75.1104l-226.25 -265.13c-6.02734 -6.83398 -18.3145 -12.3799 -27.4268 -12.3799h-0.00390625 c-3.01953 0.00195312 -7.8125 0.723633 -10.6992 1.60938l-42.7207 13.0801l-33.8594 -33.8799c-9.37012 -9.37988 -24.5801 -9.37988 -33.9502 0l-62.2598 62.29c-9.37012 9.37012 -9.37012 24.5596 0 33.9297l33.9492 33.9707l-13.0498 42.8301 c-0.875977 2.87695 -1.58789 7.6543 -1.58789 10.6621c0 9.11426 5.5459 21.4062 12.3779 27.4375l264.891 226.229c10.3994 9.18066 23.3496 13.7305 36.2793 13.7305c14.0703 0 28.1201 -5.38965 38.79 -16.0703zM272.78 65.8203l32.75 38.3594l-105.181 105.23 l-38.2295 -32.6504l10.8604 -35.6602l8.39941 -27.5693l-20.3701 -20.3799l-16.9697 -16.9805l28.3096 -28.3203l16.8906 16.9004l20.3994 20.4102l27.5908 -8.4502zM493.77 324.79c2.90039 3.2998 2.77051 7.41992 0.230469 9.97949l-63.1699 63.2002 c-1.66016 1.66016 -3.56055 2.01074 -4.86035 2.01074c-1.70996 0 -3.23926 -0.580078 -4.5293 -1.7207l-196.681 -168l101.601 -101.649z" /> <glyph glyph-name="books" unicode="&#xf5db;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M575.46 -6.58984c2.27051 -8.5 -2.82031 -17.3203 -11.3096 -19.6006l-15.46 -4.13965c-7.53027 -2.01953 -15.2607 1.70996 -18.5 8.40039c-13.6406 0.689453 -66.3809 -13.4404 -77.8506 -20.8604c0.540039 -7.41016 -4.29004 -14.5 -11.8301 -16.5195l-15.46 -4.14062 c-8.5 -2.28027 -17.3193 2.81055 -19.5996 11.3105l-101.45 384.199v-364.06c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -40 -32h-240c-9.66992 0 -24 14.3301 -24 32v448c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 24 32h240c25.6699 0 40 -14.3301 40 -32v-4.7002l11.3203 3.03027 c7.5293 2.01953 15.2598 -1.70996 18.5 -8.40039c13.6299 -0.689453 66.3799 13.4404 77.8496 20.8604c-0.540039 7.41992 4.29004 14.5098 11.8301 16.5303l15.4502 4.12988c8.5 2.28027 17.3193 -2.81055 19.5996 -11.3105zM128 -16v48h-80v-48h80zM128 80v224h-80v-224 h80zM128 352v48h-80v-48h80zM256 -16v48h-80v-48h80zM256 80v224h-80v-224h80zM256 352v48h-80v-48h80zM441.98 -3.00977c16.5391 7.30957 60.5195 18.8994 77.2793 20.71l-97.2402 369.319c-16.5391 -7.31934 -60.5195 -18.9092 -77.2793 -20.71z" /> <glyph glyph-name="charging-station" unicode="&#xf5e7;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M120.57 224c-5.18066 0 -9.18066 3.99023 -8.51074 8.48047l19.1006 81c0.570312 3.72949 4.2002 6.50977 8.5 6.50977h48.5703c5.61914 0 9.72949 -4.66992 8.2793 -9.43066l-8.2793 -36.2793h41.2197c6.59961 0 10.7197 -6.27051 7.41992 -11.2607l-66.9297 -99.2793 c-1.57031 -2.37012 -4.44043 -3.74023 -7.4209 -3.74023c-5.47949 0 -9.61914 4.49023 -8.33984 9.23047l8.78027 54.7695h-42.3896zM560 320c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48c0 -35.7598 -23.6201 -65.6904 -56 -75.9297v-104.07c0 -41.9102 -34.0898 -76 -76 -76 s-76 34.0898 -76 76v28c0 22.0596 -17.9404 40 -40 40h-8v-160h24c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-32c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-336c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v32c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h24v416c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 48 48h192c26.5098 0 48 -21.4902 48 -48v-208h8 c48.5303 0 88 -39.4697 88 -88v-28c0 -15.4404 12.5596 -28 28 -28s28 12.5596 28 28v104.07c-32.3799 10.2393 -56 40.1699 -56 75.9297v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h32v48c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16 s16 -7.16016 16 -16v-48h16zM272 -16v416h-192v-416h192zM528 256v16h-64v-16c0 -17.6396 14.3604 -32 32 -32s32 14.3604 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="globe-stand" unicode="&#xf5f6;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M208.07 96c-88.4502 0 -160.051 71.6904 -160.061 160c0 88.3701 71.6602 160 160.061 160c88.4492 0 160.06 -71.6797 160.06 -160c0 -88.3701 -71.6602 -160 -160.06 -160zM208.07 368c-61.8799 0 -112.04 -50.1396 -112.04 -112s50.1602 -112 112.04 -112 s112.04 50.1396 112.04 112s-50.1602 112 -112.04 112zM348.12 -16c19.8896 0 36.0098 -16.1201 36 -36c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-296.101c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12c0 19.8799 16.1201 36 36.0107 36h100.04v32.4404 c-47.54 1.64941 -94.6904 17.2295 -134.721 46.9492l-26.71 -26.6992c-6.25977 -6.25 -16.3896 -6.25 -22.6396 0l-11.3096 11.2998c-6.25 6.25 -6.25 16.3799 0 22.6299l59.04 59.0303c2.7793 -3.18066 5.50977 -6.39062 8.5293 -9.41016 c36.2803 -36.2705 84.5098 -56.2402 135.811 -56.2402c51.2998 0 99.5293 19.9805 135.81 56.2402s56.2598 84.4697 56.2598 135.76s-19.9795 99.5098 -56.2598 135.77c-3.01953 3.01074 -6.24023 5.74023 -9.41016 8.53027l43.0303 43.0098 c6.25977 6.25 16.3896 6.25 22.6396 0l11.3105 -11.2998c6.25 -6.25 6.25 -16.3799 0 -22.6299l-10.7002 -10.7002c69.8203 -93.9395 62.3398 -227.16 -22.9102 -312.38c-36.6699 -36.6699 -82.25 -58.8496 -129.75 -66.7695v-35.5303h100.03z" /> <glyph glyph-name="monitor-heart-rate" unicode="&#xf611;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M544 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-512c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v448c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h512zM528 -16v416h-480v-191.99h176.02c10.3203 0 19.4902 -6.60938 22.7607 -16.4102l10.2197 -30.6592 l40.4297 111.27c3.41016 9.36035 12.2207 15.6396 22.1904 15.7998c9.25 0.330078 18.9697 -5.85938 22.6602 -15.0898l25.9697 -64.9102h95.75c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-112 c-8.96094 0.000976562 -18.9375 6.75195 -22.2695 15.0703l-8.6709 21.6299l-42.5 -116.91c-3.46973 -9.5 -12.4697 -15.7998 -22.5596 -15.7998h-0.30957c-9.41504 0.129883 -19.4814 7.48145 -22.4707 16.4102l-26.5293 79.5898h-158.69v-176h480z" /> <glyph glyph-name="oil-can" unicode="&#xf613;" d="M629.8 287.69c4.69043 1.33984 10.2002 -1.94043 10.2002 -7.69043v-18.0801c0 -2.12012 -0.839844 -4.16016 -2.33984 -5.66016l-212.26 -214.75c-6.01074 -6.08984 -14.21 -9.50977 -22.7607 -9.50977h-274.64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v46.54l-69.7197 12.6904 c-15.2207 2.75977 -26.2803 16.0195 -26.2803 31.4795v94.9502c0 17.9795 14.6699 32.0098 31.9297 32.0098c4.18066 0 -5.06934 1.4502 144.07 -25.6699h56v48h-56c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-56v-48h56.8896c8.33984 -0.00292969 21.1611 -3.03125 28.6201 -6.75977l50.4902 -25.2402zM96 159.33v62.4297l-48 8.73047v-62.4307zM395.95 80l123.189 124.65c-94.6094 -28.1904 -82.1699 -24.4805 -107.64 -32.0703 c-21.4297 10.7197 -6.24023 3.12012 -67.46 33.7295c-2.2002 1.11035 -4.67969 1.69043 -7.15039 1.69043h-192.89v-128h251.95zM549.33 74.6699c0 23.5605 42.6699 85.3301 42.6699 85.3301s42.6699 -61.7598 42.6699 -85.3301s-19.0996 -42.6699 -42.6699 -42.6699 s-42.6699 19.1104 -42.6699 42.6699z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cross" unicode="&#xf654;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M344 344c22.0596 0 40 -17.9404 40 -40v-96c0 -22.0596 -17.9404 -40 -40 -40h-64v-192c0 -22.0596 -17.9404 -40 -40 -40h-96c-22.0596 0 -40 17.9404 -40 40v192h-64c-22.0596 0 -40 17.9404 -40 40v96c0 22.0596 17.9404 40 40 40h64v64c0 22.0596 17.9404 40 40 40 h96c22.0596 0 40 -17.9404 40 -40v-64h64zM336 216v80h-104v104h-80v-104h-104v-80h104v-232h80v232h104z" /> <glyph glyph-name="poll" unicode="&#xf681;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M400 416c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352zM400 16v352h-352v-352h352zM120 64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v128c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16 v-128c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16zM216 64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v224c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-224c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16zM312 64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v64c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16 c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="poll-h" unicode="&#xf682;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M448 16c0 -26.5 -21.5 -48 -48 -48h-352c-26.5 0 -48 21.5 -48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48 -21.5 48 -48v-352zM48 16h352v352h-352v-352zM96 296c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h128c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16 h-128c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16zM96 200c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h224c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-224c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16zM96 104c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-16 c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-64c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-1" unicode="&#xf68c;" d="M80 64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-2" unicode="&#xf68d;" d="M208 160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-192c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v192c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32zM80 64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-3" unicode="&#xf68e;" d="M208 160c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-192c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v192c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32zM80 64c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-96c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v96 c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32zM336 256c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-288c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v288c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-4" unicode="&#xf68f;" d="M208 160c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-208c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v208c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32zM80 64c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-112c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v112 c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32zM336 256c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-304c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v304c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32zM464 352c4.41992 0 8 -3.58008 8 -8v-400c0 -4.41992 -3.58008 -8 -8 -8h-32 c-4.41992 0 -8 3.58008 -8 8v400c0 4.41992 3.58008 8 8 8h32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-alt" unicode="&#xf690;" d="M576 400h-32v-416h32v416zM416 272h-32v-288h32v288zM256 144h-32v-160h32v160zM96 48h-32v-64h32v64zM592 448c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-448c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v448c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM432 320 c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-320c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v320c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM272 192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192 c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM112 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-alt-1" unicode="&#xf691;" d="M96 48h-32v-64h32v64zM112 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-alt-2" unicode="&#xf692;" d="M256 144h-32v-160h32v160zM96 48h-32v-64h32v64zM272 192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-192c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM112 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96 c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="signal-alt-3" unicode="&#xf693;" d="M416 272h-32v-288h32v288zM256 144h-32v-160h32v160zM96 48h-32v-64h32v64zM432 320c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-320c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v320c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM272 192c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32 v-192c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v192c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64zM112 96c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32v-96c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v96c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 32 32h64z" /> <glyph glyph-name="cat" unicode="&#xf6be;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M416 320c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM547.53 443.85c17.3096 -7.71973 28.4697 -24.8994 28.4697 -43.8496v-112.01c0 -47.1602 -25.9297 -87.9902 -64 -110.19v-209.8c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32 h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v86.0498l-81.9902 -48.2402c1.07031 -7.17969 1.74023 -14.4395 1.85059 -21.8096h16.1396c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-184c-48.5996 0 -88 39.29 -88 112.7v212.38 c0 22.3496 -16.9805 43.5498 -39.3203 42.9297c-13.5596 -0.379883 -24.6797 10.5205 -24.6797 23.9902c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24c48.5303 0 88 -39.4697 88 -88v-93.0195c37.6299 51.1191 94.7695 87.2891 162.25 97.5195l47 7.12012 c-0.400391 4.13965 -1.25 8.13965 -1.25 12.3799v112c0 18.96 11.1602 36.1299 28.4697 43.8496c5.14746 2.29102 13.8965 4.15039 19.5303 4.15039c10.1689 0 24.5586 -5.51953 32.1201 -12.3203l39.6396 -35.6797h16.4902l39.6396 35.6797 c8.99023 8.08984 20.4805 12.3203 32.1201 12.3203h0.00292969c5.62988 0 14.374 -1.85938 19.5176 -4.15039zM464 -16v177.62c-5.2998 -0.669922 -10.5195 -1.62012 -16 -1.62012c-49.25 0 -91.5996 28.2598 -112.99 69.1504l-53.5693 -8.12012 c-98.1904 -14.8701 -169.44 -97.75 -169.44 -197.03c0 -22.0596 17.9404 -40 40 -40h103.72c-0.759766 36.5 -18.4102 70.3701 -47.6299 91.54c-6.62012 4.7998 -8.04004 14.1396 -4.07031 21.29l7.44043 13.3896c4.45996 8.02051 15.0098 11.0703 22.5303 5.81055 c23.2197 -16.2305 41.3701 -38.1299 53.4502 -63.1104l96.3496 56.6797c9.90039 5.81055 22.21 5.88086 32.1201 0.19043c9.92969 -5.67969 16.0898 -16.3203 16.0898 -27.7705v-98.0195h32zM528 288v112l-53.3398 -48h-53.3301l-53.3301 48v-112 c0 -44.1797 35.8203 -80 80 -80s80 35.8203 80 80zM464 304c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="elephant" unicode="&#xf6da;" d="M528 320.03c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM512 416.03c70.6904 0 128 -57.3105 128 -128v-216.021c0 -42.0898 -36.3096 -75.8594 -79.2197 -71.6494c-37.4004 3.66992 -64.7803 37.29 -64.7803 74.8701 v4.7793c0 8.83984 7.16016 16 16 16h16c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16v-8c0 -13.2295 10.7803 -24 24 -24s24 10.7598 24 24v88.0098h-144v-192.02c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v72.8398c-61.4502 -16.9795 -109.52 -5.10938 -128 0 v-72.8398c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v128.01h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v112.01c0 106.051 85.96 192.011 192 192.021h108.82c12.6094 13.1504 28.4492 23.21 46.4893 28.1104 c32.3809 8.75977 65.8506 2.41992 91.8203 -17.46c4.25 -3.26074 8.07031 -6.89062 11.71 -10.6602h61.1602zM400 -16v179.78c-36.8203 10.5293 -64 44.1094 -64 84.2598c-20.3096 8.47949 -37.6904 23.3398 -49.2197 42.5303c-13.9707 23.29 -17.6504 50.54 -11.54 77.4697 h-83.2402c-79.5303 0 -144 -64.4697 -144 -144.01v-80.0107h32v-160.02h48v119.91c112.92 -31.2002 103.33 -33.3398 224 0v-119.91h48zM592 240.02v48c0 44.1201 -35.8896 80.0107 -80 80.0107h-85.46c-11.1396 23.4697 -37.5 37.71 -66.6602 29.7998 c-39.3203 -10.71 -48.3701 -55.1104 -31.9395 -82.5703c14.1699 -23.5996 33.4092 -25.4102 56.0596 -30v-37.2402c0 -22.0596 17.9404 -40 40 -40h136c17.6699 0 32 14.3301 32 32z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hammer-war" unicode="&#xf6e4;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M352.07 416c17.29 0 31.9297 -14.0498 31.9297 -32.0098v-191.98c0 -17.96 -14.6396 -32.0098 -31.9404 -32.0098c-3.8291 0 5.70996 -1.40039 -136.06 22.2305v-234.23c0 -6.62988 -5.37012 -12 -12 -12h-24c-6.62988 0 -12 5.37012 -12 12v234.23 c-141.14 -23.5205 -132.2 -22.2305 -136.06 -22.2305c-17.3008 0 -31.9404 14.0498 -31.9404 32.0098v191.98c0 17.96 14.6396 32.0098 31.9297 32.0098c3.83984 0 -5.70996 1.40039 136.07 -22.2305v42.2305c0 6.62988 5.37012 12 12 12h24c6.62988 0 12 -5.37012 12 -12 v-42.2305c141.15 23.5205 132.24 22.2305 136.07 22.2305zM336 210.89v154.221l-144 -24l-144 24v-154.221l144 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hippo" unicode="&#xf6ed;" d="M559.21 356.55c44.8496 3.10059 80.79 -34.4795 80.7998 -78.1797v-82.5498c0 -28.3604 -23.0498 -51.4404 -51.3896 -51.4404l-12.7803 -0.00976562v-32.3701c0 -8.83984 -7.16992 -16 -16 -16h-31.9902c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v32.3203l-95.9697 -0.0703125 v-144.25c0 -17.6699 -14.3203 -32 -31.9902 -32h-79.9795c-17.6699 0 -31.9902 14.3301 -31.9902 32v40.5801c-24.9502 -6.82031 -72.04 -15.2998 -127.96 0v-40.5801c0 -17.6699 -14.3203 -32 -31.9902 -32h-79.9795c-17.6699 0 -31.9902 14.3301 -31.9902 32v224 c0 96 99.4805 160 207.94 160c34.7197 0 67.25 -7.4502 95.9697 -20.2305v4.23047c0 26.5098 21.4902 48 47.9902 48h31.9893c20.7803 0 38.3105 -13.2998 44.9805 -31.7998c32.5303 -1.07031 62.1602 -17.7598 80.9795 -43.5098 c14.3701 6.88965 30.6201 14.4492 49.3604 15.8594zM367.89 16v137.18c-37.5195 16.3906 -63.79 53.71 -63.79 97.3506l-0.189453 58.8896c-26.8701 16.5605 -60.0898 26.5801 -95.9697 26.5801c-75.8701 0 -151.511 -44.2002 -159.95 -123.51v-196.49h47.9795v87.4697 c109.471 -29.9502 100.99 -33.6299 223.931 0v-87.4697h47.9893zM592.01 192.38l0.0205078 85.9805c0 13.3301 -10.9805 31.8896 -29.2402 30.3096c-16.3701 -1.21973 -21.0996 -8.70996 -76.04 -29.25l-8.96973 21.1699 c-8.51074 20.0898 -27.5498 33.8701 -49.3105 35.4199c-10.6094 0.759766 -22.1396 -0.959961 -44.5693 -7.5293v31.5195c0 4.41992 -3.58008 8 -8 8h-16c-4.41992 0 -8 -3.58008 -8 -8l0.189453 -109.47c0 -32.1904 26.0801 -58.2803 58.2598 -58.2803h0.0302734z M431.87 288c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16992 16 16 16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hood-cloak" unicode="&#xf6ef;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M569.6 -12.7998c15.8008 -21.1006 0.400391 -51.2002 -26 -51.2002h-511.3c-26.2998 0 -41.7998 30.2002 -26 51.2002c57.7002 76.8994 57.7002 140.8 57.7002 140.8v64c0 146.5 128 256 223.6 256h149.101c17.5 0 26.2002 -21.2002 13.8994 -33.5l-39.7998 -39.7998 c54.7998 -59.7002 101.2 -98.7002 101.2 -182.7v-64s0 -63.9004 57.5996 -140.8zM368.3 -16v136c0 44.0996 -35.8994 80 -80 80c-44.0996 0 -80 -35.9004 -80 -80v-136h160zM416.3 -16h97.2002c-48 75.7998 -49.5 136.6 -49.5 144v64 c0 53.4004 -22.9004 80.2002 -70.5 130.9c-14.7998 15.6992 -12.7002 13.5 -49.2002 53.1992l23.9004 23.9004h-80.7002c-69 0 -175.5 -89.2998 -175.5 -208v-64c0 -7.40039 -1.5 -68.2002 -49.5 -144h97.7998v136c0 70.5996 57.4004 128 128 128 c70.6006 0 128 -57.4004 128 -128v-136z" /> <glyph glyph-name="horse" unicode="&#xf6f0;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M464 368c8.83984 0 16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16s-16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16zM575.95 345.75l0.0498047 -65.3398c0.0195312 -25.3203 -16.0303 -47.8398 -39.9902 -56.0205l-31.0195 -10.5898 c-2.62012 -0.889648 -19.9902 -7.13965 -40.9404 -0.169922c0 0 -0.0302734 -7.5 -0.0800781 -8.42969c-0.660156 -30.5098 -12.0098 -59.0801 -31.9697 -81.5498v-155.65c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-80c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32v121.5l-60.9404 13.5303 l-9.47949 -26.4102l25.5303 -100.76c5.12012 -20.2207 -10.1602 -39.8604 -31.0205 -39.8604h-74.7002c-14.79 0 -27.6494 10.1396 -31.1094 24.5195l-24.1104 100.29c-1.20898 5.02539 -2.18945 13.2979 -2.18945 18.4658c0 6.30762 1.45117 16.3359 3.23926 22.3848 l12.9404 43.7598c-20.25 20.4902 -32.1602 48.4502 -32.1602 78.5801c0 2.62988 0.599609 5.08984 0.780273 7.67969c-9.91016 -7.29004 -16.7803 -18.46 -16.7803 -31.6797v-56c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16v56 c0 47.1602 37.3604 85.4502 83.9902 87.5996c20.2402 29.1807 53.8896 48.4004 92.0098 48.4004h115.58c14.5996 64.0498 72.0195 112 140.42 112h135.9c5.05957 0 8.94922 -4.67969 7.93945 -9.63965c-3.42969 -16.8203 -16.54 -30.2607 -32.5596 -35.6602 l21.7295 -26.4805c6.03125 -7.32812 10.9326 -20.9785 10.9404 -30.4697zM520.51 269.81c4.50977 1.54004 7.54004 5.79004 7.54004 10.5605l-0.0498047 65.3496l-44.6699 54.2803h-51.3301c-53.0195 0 -96 -42.9805 -96 -96v-16h-160c-35.3496 0 -64 -28.6504 -64 -64 c0 -26.8301 16.54 -49.7197 39.9404 -59.2402l-22.7002 -76.7197c-0.686523 -2.37793 -1.24316 -6.31641 -1.24316 -8.79102c0 -2.06738 0.390625 -5.37793 0.873047 -7.38867l21.1299 -87.8604h41.5303l-24.0801 95.0498l28.7295 80.0205l139.82 -31.0703v-144h48v160.36 c19.3203 14.6094 32 37.5498 32 63.6396h0.0498047v80h32l24.96 -24.9502c6.77051 -6.78027 14.9707 -4.34961 16.4805 -3.83008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="kite" unicode="&#xf6f4;" d="M608 448c17.7002 0 32 -14.2998 32 -32v-262.5c0 -14.9004 -10.2998 -27.9004 -24.7998 -31.2002c0 0 -344.601 -79.2002 -346.3 -79.2998l-88.3008 -88.2998c-23.8994 -24 -66.3994 -27.2002 -92.8994 4.2998c-10.7002 12.7002 -15.7002 29.2002 -15.7002 45.7002v124 l-47.0996 -30.1006c-10.7002 -6.69922 -24.9004 0.600586 -24.9004 12.8008v65.2998c0 12.2002 14.2002 19.5 24.9004 12.7002l47.0996 -30.1006v64.7002c0 22.0996 -17.9004 40 -40 40h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v16c0 8.7998 7.2002 16 16 16h16 c48.5996 0 88 -39.4004 88 -88v-64.7002l47.2002 30.2002c10.7002 6.7002 24.8994 -0.599609 24.8994 -12.7998v-65.2998c0 -12.3008 -14.2998 -19.6006 -24.8994 -12.8008l-47.1006 30.1006v-129.101c0 -13.8994 16.8008 -20.7998 26.6006 -11l88.2998 88.3008 c0.0996094 1.69922 79.2998 346.3 79.2998 346.3c3.40039 14.5 16.2998 24.7998 31.2002 24.7998h262.5zM592 166.2l-116.9 116.899l116.9 116.9h-233.8l116.8 -117l-187 -187z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mask" unicode="&#xf6fa;" d="M320.67 384c449.09 0 348.32 -384 158.46 -384c-39.8994 0 -77.4697 20.6904 -101.42 55.8604l-25.7295 37.79c-7.82031 11.5 -19.5703 17.25 -31.3105 17.25s-23.4795 -5.75 -31.3096 -17.25l-25.7305 -37.79c-23.9502 -35.1699 -61.5195 -55.8604 -101.42 -55.8604 c-199.11 0 -284.14 384 158.46 384zM479.13 52.3604c66.5205 0 112.87 66.6299 112.87 126.43c0 37.9502 -17.71 71.6201 -51.2305 97.3701c-32.9492 25.3096 -97.8799 55.4795 -220.1 55.4795c-121.77 0 -187.02 -30.8398 -220.32 -56.71 c-34.25 -26.5996 -52.3496 -61.0801 -52.3496 -99.6992c0 -59.3408 45.8896 -122.87 114.21 -122.87c24.5703 0 48.0801 12.9795 62.8799 34.7197l25.7305 37.79c16.6094 24.3896 42.0693 38.3799 69.8496 38.3799s53.2402 -13.9902 69.8496 -38.3799l25.7305 -37.79 c14.7998 -21.7402 38.3096 -34.7197 62.8799 -34.7197zM192 261.82c39.1104 0 64.5303 -25.6602 76.2695 -41.0508c4.98047 -6.53906 4.98047 -16.0996 0 -22.6299c-11.7393 -15.3896 -37.1592 -41.0498 -76.2695 -41.0498s-64.54 25.6504 -76.2695 41.0498 c-4.98047 6.53027 -4.98047 16.1006 0 22.6299c11.7393 15.3906 37.1592 41.0508 76.2695 41.0508zM448 261.82c39.1104 0 64.5303 -25.6602 76.2695 -41.0508c4.98047 -6.53906 4.98047 -16.0996 0 -22.6299c-11.7393 -15.3896 -37.1592 -41.0498 -76.2695 -41.0498 s-64.54 25.6504 -76.2695 41.0498c-4.98047 6.53027 -4.98047 16.1006 0 22.6299c11.7393 15.3906 37.1592 41.0508 76.2695 41.0508z" /> <glyph glyph-name="monkey" unicode="&#xf6fb;" d="M640 328c0 -38.7695 -30.7197 -70.1602 -69.1104 -71.71c-3.88965 -13.0996 -9.93945 -25.1396 -18.0195 -35.7598l51.3096 -205.24c2.54004 -10.1602 3.82031 -20.5801 3.82031 -31.0498v-16.2402c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -32 -32h-64c-17.6699 0 -32 14.3301 -32 32 v28.6396l-12.5996 49.9102l-83.4004 -62.5498h32c17.6699 0 32 -14.3301 32 -32c0 -8.83984 -7.16016 -16 -16 -16h-248c-48.5303 0 -88 39.4697 -88 88v256c0 13.2305 -10.7803 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7695 -24 -24v-64c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24v64 c0 39.7002 32.3096 72 72 72s72 -32.2998 72 -72v-256c0 -22.0596 17.9404 -40 40 -40h8v48c0 104.17 71.21 191.42 167.54 216.45c-0.959961 2.5498 -1.65039 5.20996 -2.42969 7.83984c-38.3906 1.5498 -69.1104 32.9404 -69.1104 71.71c0 39.7695 32.2402 72 72 72 h12.2695c20.2402 28.96 53.7109 48 91.7305 48s71.4902 -19.04 91.7305 -48h12.2695c39.7598 0 72 -32.2305 72 -72zM592 328c0 10.9199 -7.48047 19.79 -17.4805 22.6797c0.640625 -4.84961 1.48047 -9.64941 1.48047 -14.6797v-30.3799 c9.26953 3.33008 16 11.9795 16 22.3799zM352 336c0 5.03027 0.839844 9.83008 1.48047 14.6797c-10 -2.88965 -17.4805 -11.7598 -17.4805 -22.6797c0 -10.4004 6.73047 -19.0498 16 -22.3799v30.3799zM400 336v-48c0 -35.29 28.71 -64 64 -64s64 28.71 64 64v48 c0 35.29 -28.71 64 -64 64s-64 -28.71 -64 -64zM557.61 3.63965l-45.8506 183.42c-14.54 -6.88965 -30.6094 -11.0596 -47.7598 -11.0596c-29.1104 0 -55.3701 11.3799 -75.29 29.5801c-84.0898 -13.1699 -148.71 -85.8398 -148.71 -173.58v-48h64l192.3 144.23 l30.2402 -119.851l1.45996 -5.78027v-18.5996h32v0.240234v0.0117188c0 5.43262 -1.07031 14.1182 -2.38965 19.3877zM496 312c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16zM432 312c-8.83984 0 -16 7.16016 -16 16 s7.16016 16 16 16s16 -7.16016 16 -16s-7.16016 -16 -16 -16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="narwhal" unicode="&#xf6fe;" d="M591.21 227.84c29.5 -23.4502 48.79 -59.2197 48.79 -99.8398v-96c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96h-364.12c-72.8398 0 -131.88 59.04 -131.88 131.88v80l-31.3799 16.5c-10.3799 5.92969 -16.6201 15.9199 -16.6201 26.6201v112.97 c0 9.41992 9.00977 16.0303 18.7197 16.0303c3.4707 0 7.03027 -0.839844 10.2998 -2.70996l82.9805 -47.4199l82.9805 47.4199c3.26953 1.86035 6.81934 2.70996 10.2891 2.70996h0.0107422c9.70996 0 18.7197 -6.62012 18.7197 -16.0303v-112.97 c0 -10.7002 -6.24023 -20.7002 -16.6299 -26.6396l-31.3799 -16.4902v-62.8701c0 -9.63965 7.88965 -16.0303 16.1201 -16.0303c3.92969 0 7.93945 1.45996 11.1992 4.7207c101.54 98.8398 167.551 182.31 308.69 182.31c1.74023 0 3.34961 -0.44043 5.05957 -0.509766 l103.28 187.09c2.7998 5.07031 9.17969 6.91016 14.25 4.11035c4.2002 -2.32031 6.17969 -7.11035 5.14062 -11.5703zM592 32v96c0 44.1104 -35.8896 80 -80 80c-105.48 0 -159.72 -54 -241.82 -135.74c-10.7793 -10.7295 -21.8496 -21.75 -33.3799 -32.9697 c-11.6494 -11.6504 -27.6797 -18.3203 -44.6797 -18.3203c-35.3604 0 -64.1201 28.7207 -64.1201 64.0303v91.8701l25.6699 13.5l22.3301 11.7402v49.0498l-40.1797 -22.9697l-23.8203 -13.6104l-23.8096 13.6201l-40.1904 22.96v-49.0498l22.3301 -11.75l25.6699 -13.4902 v-109c0 -46.2402 37.6299 -83.8701 83.8799 -83.8701h364.12c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48zM432 104c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="whale" unicode="&#xf72c;" d="M512 320c70.6904 0 128 -57.3096 128 -128v-96c0 -53.0195 -42.9805 -96 -96 -96h-364.12c-72.8398 0 -131.88 59.04 -131.88 131.88v80l-31.3799 16.5c-10.3799 5.92969 -16.6201 15.9199 -16.6201 26.6201v112.97c0 9.41992 9.00977 16.0303 18.7197 16.0303h0.0390625 c3.0293 0 7.62695 -1.21387 10.2607 -2.70996l82.9805 -47.4199l82.9805 47.4199c3.26953 1.86035 6.81934 2.70996 10.2891 2.70996h0.0107422c9.70996 0 18.7197 -6.62012 18.7197 -16.0303v-112.97c0 -10.7002 -6.24023 -20.7002 -16.6299 -26.6396l-31.3799 -16.4902 v-62.8701c0 -9.63965 7.88965 -16.0303 16.1201 -16.0303c3.92969 0 7.93945 1.45996 11.1992 4.7207c101.54 98.8398 167.551 182.31 308.69 182.31zM592 96v96c0 44.1104 -35.8896 80 -80 80c-105.48 0 -159.72 -54 -241.82 -135.73 c-10.7793 -10.7295 -21.8496 -21.75 -33.3799 -32.9697c-11.6494 -11.6494 -27.6797 -18.3193 -44.6797 -18.3193c-35.3604 0 -64.1201 28.7197 -64.1201 64.0293v91.8701l25.6699 13.4902l22.3301 11.7402v49.0498l-40.1797 -22.9697l-23.8203 -13.6104l-23.8096 13.6201 l-40.1904 22.96v-49.0498l22.3301 -11.7402l25.6699 -13.4902v-109c0 -46.25 37.6299 -83.8799 83.8799 -83.8799h364.12c26.4697 0 48 21.5303 48 48zM432 168c13.25 0 24 -10.7402 24 -24c0 -13.25 -10.75 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.75 -24 24c0 13.2598 10.75 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="hurricane" unicode="&#xf751;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M209.9 358.4c98.5 -15.9004 174.1 -103.9 174.1 -209.9c0 -108.2 -77.9004 -199.4 -181.2 -212.2c-1.59961 -0.200195 -3.2002 -0.299805 -4.7002 -0.299805c-11.1992 0 -22 5 -29.2998 13.9004c-8.5 10.2998 -11.0996 24 -7 36.6992l12.2998 39 c-98.5 15.8008 -174.1 103.9 -174.1 209.9c0 108.2 77.9004 199.4 181.3 212.2c12.7002 1.7002 25.5 -3.5 33.9004 -13.6006c8.5 -10.1992 11.0996 -24 7 -36.6992zM212.1 -13.4004c71.6006 16.4004 123.9 83.4004 123.9 161.9c0 90.7002 -70.9004 164.5 -158 164.5 h-32.7998l26.7002 84.4004c-71.6006 -16.4004 -123.9 -83.4004 -123.9 -161.9c0 -90.7002 70.9004 -164.5 158 -164.5h32.7998zM192 264c39.7002 0 72 -32.2998 72 -72s-32.2998 -72 -72 -72s-72 32.2998 -72 72s32.2998 72 72 72zM192 168c13.2002 0 24 10.7998 24 24 s-10.7998 24 -24 24s-24 -10.7998 -24 -24s10.7998 -24 24 -24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="poll-people" unicode="&#xf759;" d="M154.2 57.4004c22.7002 -14.5 37.7998 -39.8008 37.7998 -68.6006v-14.3994c0 -21.2002 -17.2002 -38.4004 -38.4004 -38.4004h-115.199c-21.2002 0 -38.4004 17.2002 -38.4004 38.4004v14.3994c0 28.7998 15.0996 54.1006 37.7998 68.6006 c-6.09961 10.1992 -9.7998 21.8994 -9.7998 34.5996c0 37.5 30.5 68 68 68s68 -30.5 68 -68c0 -12.7002 -3.7002 -24.4004 -9.7998 -34.5996zM96 112c-11 0 -20 -9 -20 -20s9 -20 20 -20s20 9 20 20s-9 20 -20 20zM144 -16v4.7998c0 18.5 -15.0996 33.6006 -33.5996 33.6006 h-28.8008c-18.5 0 -33.5996 -15.1006 -33.5996 -33.6006v-4.7998h96zM154.2 345.4c22.7002 -14.5 37.7998 -39.8008 37.7998 -68.6006v-14.3994c0 -21.2002 -17.2002 -38.4004 -38.4004 -38.4004h-115.199c-21.2002 0 -38.4004 17.2002 -38.4004 38.4004v14.3994 c0 28.7998 15.0996 54.1006 37.7998 68.6006c-6.09961 10.1992 -9.7998 21.8994 -9.7998 34.5996c0 37.5 30.5 68 68 68s68 -30.5 68 -68c0 -12.7002 -3.7002 -24.4004 -9.7998 -34.5996zM96 400c-11 0 -20 -9 -20 -20s9 -20 20 -20s20 9 20 20s-9 20 -20 20zM144 272 v4.7998c0 18.5 -15.0996 33.6006 -33.5996 33.6006h-28.8008c-18.5 0 -33.5996 -15.1006 -33.5996 -33.6006v-4.7998h96zM616 416c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-112c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-368c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v112c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24 h368zM592 304v64h-80v-64h80zM616 128c13.2998 0 24 -10.7002 24 -24v-112c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24h-368c-13.2998 0 -24 10.7002 -24 24v112c0 13.2998 10.7002 24 24 24h368zM592 16v64h-240v-64h240z" /> <glyph glyph-name="rainbow" unicode="&#xf75b;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M268.3 415.3c167.7 11.2998 307.7 -122 307.7 -287.3v-144c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v135.7c0 121.899 -87.4004 230.8 -208.4 246.3c-146.399 18.7002 -271.6 -95.2998 -271.6 -238v-144c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v133.8c0 153.3 115.4 287.3 268.3 297.5zM262.7 317.9c117.1 15 217.3 -76.2002 217.3 -190.4v-143.5c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v137.1c0 75.2002 -54.7998 142.4 -129.6 149.7 c-85.9004 8.40039 -158.4 -59.0996 -158.4 -143.3v-143.5c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v136.8c0 97.6006 70 184.7 166.7 197.101zM268.9 222.1c61.2998 11.9004 115.1 -34.8994 115.1 -94.0996v-144c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16 c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v144c0 26.5 -21.5 48 -48 48s-48 -21.5 -48 -48v-144c0 -8.7998 -7.2002 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.7998 0 -16 7.2002 -16 16v140.2c0 46.3994 31.2998 89 76.9004 97.8994z" /> <glyph glyph-name="angel" unicode="&#xf779;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M571.7 -5.09961c14.0996 -29 -8.7002 -58.9004 -36.2998 -58.9004h-494.7c-27 0 -50.7998 29.0996 -36.2998 58.9004l38.1992 78.5c6.60059 13.5 6.60059 29.5996 0 43.0996c-16.1992 33.2998 -26.3994 37.4004 -26.3994 75.2998c0 51.1006 46.8994 96 100.399 96 c25.1006 0 48.7002 -10.0996 66.3008 -28.0996l72.6992 -73.2998c10.3008 3.39941 21.2002 5.39941 32.4004 5.39941c11.2998 0 22.2002 -2 32.5 -5.39941l72.7002 73.3994c17.5996 18.1006 41.2002 28.1006 66.2998 28.1006c53.5 0 100.4 -44.9004 100.4 -96 c0 -37.8008 -10.2002 -41.9004 -26.4004 -75.3008c-6.59961 -13.5 -6.59961 -29.5996 0 -43.0996zM52.4004 -16h67.6992l75.4004 150.8c4.7998 9.60059 11.0996 18.2002 18.4004 25.7002l-65.2002 65.7998c-8.60059 8.7998 -20 13.7002 -32.1006 13.7002 c-26.8994 0 -52.3994 -23.2998 -52.3994 -48c0 -15.2002 0.899414 -16.7998 8.09961 -29.2002c3.60059 -6.2002 8.10059 -13.8994 13.5 -25.0996c12.9004 -26.6006 12.9004 -58.5 0 -85.1006zM173.8 -16h228.5l-64.5 129.3c-9.5 18.9004 -28.5 30.7002 -49.7002 30.7002 c-21.1992 0 -40.1992 -11.7998 -49.6992 -30.7002zM455.9 -16h67.7998l-33.4004 68.5996c-12.8994 26.6006 -12.8994 58.5 0 85.1006c5.40039 11.2002 9.90039 18.8994 13.5 25.0996c7.2002 12.4004 8.10059 14 8.10059 29.2002c0 24.7002 -25.4004 48 -52.4004 48 c-12.0996 0 -23.5 -4.7998 -32.0996 -13.7002l-65.2002 -65.7998c7.2998 -7.5 13.5996 -16 18.3994 -25.7002zM208 304c0 44.2002 35.7998 80 80 80s80 -35.7998 80 -80s-35.7998 -80 -80 -80s-80 35.7998 -80 80zM320 304c0 17.5996 -14.4004 32 -32 32 s-32 -14.4004 -32 -32s14.4004 -32 32 -32s32 14.4004 32 32zM176.7 310.7c-30 14.5 -48.7002 34.7998 -48.7002 57.2998c0 44.2002 71.5996 80 160 80s160 -35.7998 160 -80c0 -22.5 -18.7002 -42.7998 -48.5 -57.2998l-0.200195 0.0996094 c-0.799805 13 -3.89941 25.2002 -8.7998 36.6006c10.9004 6 17.5996 13 17.5996 20.5996c0 22.0996 -53.6992 40 -120 40c-66.2998 0 -120 -17.9004 -120 -40c0 -7.59961 6.60059 -14.5996 17.6006 -20.5996c-4.90039 -11.4004 -8 -23.6006 -8.7998 -36.6006z" /> <glyph glyph-name="baby" unicode="&#xf77c;" horiz-adv-x="384" d="M192 288c-44.2002 0 -80 35.7998 -80 80s35.7998 80 80 80s80 -35.7998 80 -80s-35.7998 -80 -80 -80zM327.6 231.8c-17.3994 -12.2002 -36.0996 -21.3994 -55.3994 -28.5v-40.2002c9.39941 -5.59961 16 -15.3994 16 -27.0996v-18.7002 c0 -6.2002 -2.2998 -11.8994 -5.60059 -17l38.6006 -48.2998c9.09961 -11.4004 9.39941 -27.5 0.599609 -39.2002l-48 -64c-6.2998 -8.39941 -15.7998 -12.7998 -25.5996 -12.7998c-6.7002 0 -13.4004 2.09961 -19.2002 6.40039 c-14.2002 10.5996 -17 30.6992 -6.40039 44.7998l33.1006 44.2002l-18.2998 22.8994c-11.3008 -9 -25.2002 -14.2002 -39.8008 -14.2002h-11c-14.5996 0 -28.5 5.2002 -39.7998 14.2002l-18.2998 -22.8994l33.0996 -44.2002 c10.6006 -14.1006 7.80078 -34.2002 -6.39941 -44.7998c-5.7998 -4.30078 -12.5 -6.40039 -19.2002 -6.40039c-9.7002 0 -19.2998 4.40039 -25.5996 12.7998l-48 64c-8.7002 11.7002 -8.5 27.7998 0.599609 39.2002l38.4004 48.2998 c-3.30078 5.10059 -5.60059 10.7998 -5.60059 17v18.7002c0 11.7002 6.60059 21.5 16 27.0996v40.2002c-19.3994 7.10059 -38.2002 16.2998 -55.5996 28.5l-42.7998 30c-14.5 10.2002 -18 30.1006 -7.80078 44.6006c10.1006 14.3994 30.1006 18 44.6006 7.7998l42.7998 -30 c58.9004 -41.2998 138.9 -41.2998 197.8 0l42.7998 30c14.5 10.2002 34.5 6.7002 44.6006 -7.7998c10.2002 -14.5 6.7002 -34.5 -7.7998 -44.6006zM256 117.3v18.7002h-128v-18.7002l35.9004 -35.8994c6 -6.10059 14.0996 -9.40039 22.5996 -9.40039h11 c8.5 0 16.5996 3.40039 22.5996 9.40039z" /> <glyph glyph-name="candy-cane" unicode="&#xf786;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M497.1 352.6c36 -76.0996 4.80078 -171.199 -70.8994 -216.5l-325.7 -193.6c-7.2002 -4.2002 -15.2998 -6.5 -23.5996 -6.5c-16.1006 0 -31.2002 8.59961 -39.5 22.4004l-30.8008 51.5c-6.2998 10.5 -8.09961 22.8994 -5.09961 34.7998c3 11.8994 10.4004 22 21 28.2998 l331.4 197c15.6992 9.40039 1.59961 33.5996 -14.4004 24l-25.7998 -15.4004c-23.2002 -13.7998 -51 -4.2998 -63.1006 15.9004l-30.7998 51.5c-13 21.7998 -5.89941 50.0996 15.9004 63.0996l25.7998 15.4004c25.7998 15.4004 55.0996 23.5 85 23.5 c65 0 122.7 -36.5996 150.6 -95.4004zM212.4 64.7002l64.1992 38.2002l-56.3994 31.7998l-64.2002 -38.2002zM324.2 131.2l59.2998 35.3994l-56.2998 31.7002l-59.4004 -35.2998zM395.1 320v-0.0996094h62.9004c-1.40039 4.09961 -2.40039 8.19922 -4.2998 12.0996 c-14.2002 30.0996 -39.4004 51.7002 -69.5 61.7002v-62.9004c4.09961 -3.09961 7.7002 -6.7002 10.8994 -10.7998zM336.1 399.3c-31.3994 -2.7998 -46.3994 -13.8994 -74 -30.3994l28.9004 -48.3008c25.7998 15.8008 29.2002 19.2002 45.0996 22v56.7002zM108.4 68.2002 l-59.6006 -35.4004l28.9004 -48.2998l87.2002 51.9004zM426.6 197.4c20.6006 20.6992 33.4004 47.0996 36.5 74.5996h-55.3994c-3.7002 -22.2002 -15 -34.7998 -32.9004 -45.4004z" /> <glyph glyph-name="carrot" unicode="&#xf787;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M369.8 305.8c47.5 22.7002 103.7 11 142.3 -35.3994c-36.6992 -44.2002 -89.1992 -56.6006 -135.1 -37.9004c10.7998 -31.2998 9.59961 -66.7998 -6.09961 -98.9004c-13.2002 -27 -34.6006 -47.3994 -59.6006 -59.5996l-277.6 -135.5 c-3.40039 -1.59961 -6.90039 -2.40039 -10.2998 -2.40039c-8.60059 0 -16.9004 4.80078 -21 13.1006c-3.30078 6.7002 -3 14.2998 0 20.5l135.5 277.5c22.5 46 68.5996 72.7998 116.6 72.7998c14.2002 0 28.5 -3.2002 42.5 -8.09961 c-19.2998 46.0996 -7.09961 99.1992 37.4004 136.1c46.3994 -38.4004 58.0996 -94.7002 35.3994 -142.2zM327.7 154.6c9.59961 19.5 10.8994 41.7002 3.89941 62.2002c-7.09961 20.6006 -21.7998 37.2002 -41.3994 46.7998c-11.2998 5.5 -23.2998 8.30078 -35.7002 8.30078 c-21.0996 0 -40.2998 -8.40039 -55.0996 -22.1006l41.5996 -40.8994c9.40039 -9.30078 9.40039 -24.5 0 -33.9004c-4.7002 -4.7002 -10.7998 -7 -17 -7s-12.2998 2.2998 -17 7l-34 34.7002l-96.0996 -196.8l110.399 54l-12.2002 12.1992 c-9.39941 9.30078 -9.2998 24.5 0 33.9004c9.30078 9.40039 24.5 9.40039 33.9004 0l23.9004 -23.9004l57.2998 28c16.5 8 29.3994 21 37.5 37.5z" /> <glyph glyph-name="horse-head" unicode="&#xf7ab;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M506.9 179.4c10.6992 -27.4004 4.19922 -58.6006 -16.6006 -79.4004c-2 -2 4 3.09961 -38.7998 -32.2998c-13.7998 -12.7002 -31.5 -19.7002 -50.2998 -19.7002h-27.2998c-23.4004 0 -45.9004 11.2002 -60 30l-5.5 7.40039 c-3.60059 -1.10059 -1.60059 -0.600586 -3.90039 -1.60059l39.0996 -62.2002l0.5 -0.899414l0.5 -0.900391c9.90039 -17.2998 9.80078 -38.7002 -0.199219 -55.8994c-9.90039 -17.2002 -28.5 -27.9004 -48.4004 -27.9004h-232c-35.2998 0 -64 28.7002 -64 64v76 c0 115 19 253.8 166.8 306.9l164.8 61.7998c30.4004 10.8994 64.2002 -6.5 72.4004 -38c5.7002 -21.4004 5.09961 -42.4004 -1 -61.2998c32.5 -25.6006 103.1 -164.101 103.9 -166zM456.4 134c7.2998 7.2998 9.59961 18.2002 5.7998 27.7998l-56.7998 101.5 c-15 28.5 -40.9004 57.7002 -75.5 64.4004c14.5996 8.59961 37.5996 29.2002 27.6992 66.8994c-0.599609 2.40039 -4.19922 7 -9.69922 5l-164.301 -61.5996c-106.399 -38.2998 -135.6 -132.1 -135.6 -262v-76c0 -8.7998 7.2002 -16 16 -16h231.9 c6.09961 0 9.89941 6.7002 6.89941 12l-48.0996 76.4004c-1.2998 -0.100586 -2.60059 -0.400391 -4 -0.400391c-51.2998 0 -97.7002 28.5996 -121.101 74.7002c-3.09961 6.2002 -1.89941 13.5996 3.10059 18.5996l12.0996 12.1006 c3.10059 3 7.10059 4.69922 11.2998 4.69922c6.30078 0 12.1006 -3.69922 14.6006 -9.5c14.0996 -32 45.5 -52.5996 80.0996 -52.5996c30.2002 0 49.1006 13.7998 67.7002 32.4004l33.7002 -45.5c5.09961 -6.80078 13.2002 -10.8008 21.7002 -10.8008h27.2998 c6.89941 0 13.5 2.7002 18.3994 7.60059zM296 272c13.2998 0 24 -10.7998 24 -24c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24s10.7002 24 24 24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="lights-holiday" unicode="&#xf7b2;" d="M637.8 362.3c4.60059 -8 1.7002 -18.0996 -6.59961 -22.5c-45.9004 -24.8994 -97.7998 -43.7002 -153 -56.2002l17.8994 -39.2998c5.40039 -0.599609 10.5 -3.7002 12.9004 -9l9.2002 -20.2002c25.5996 0.800781 49.5996 -12.5 65.2002 -46.6992 c21.8994 -48.2002 -4.30078 -129.7 -17.4004 -135.7s-91.7998 27.7998 -113.7 76.0996c-15.5 34.2998 -9.7998 61.1006 7.7002 79.7998l-9.2002 20.2002c-2.39941 5.2998 -1.39941 11.1006 1.7002 15.6006l-22.7998 50.0996c-28 -4.2002 -56.7002 -6.90039 -85.7998 -7.7998 v-45.2002c4.69922 -2.7002 8 -7.59961 8 -13.5v-22.2002c23.5996 -9.7998 40 -31.8994 40 -69.5c0 -53.0996 -57.6006 -116.399 -72 -116.399c-14.4004 0 -72 63.3994 -72 116.399c0 37.7002 16.3994 59.7002 40 69.5v22.2002c0 5.7998 3.2998 10.7002 8 13.5v45.2002 c-29 0.899414 -57.7002 3.5 -85.8008 7.7998l-22.7998 -50.0996c3.10059 -4.40039 4.10059 -10.3008 1.7002 -15.6006l-9.2002 -20.2002c17.5 -18.6992 23.2998 -45.5996 7.7002 -79.7998c-21.9004 -48.2002 -100.6 -82.0996 -113.7 -76.0996 c-13.0996 5.89941 -39.2998 87.3994 -17.3994 135.7c15.5996 34.1992 39.5996 47.5 65.1992 46.7998l9.2002 20.2002c2.40039 5.2998 7.5 8.39941 12.9004 9l17.8994 39.2998c-55.2998 12.5 -107.199 31.2998 -153 56.2002c-8.09961 4.39941 -11.0996 14.5 -6.39941 22.3994 l8.09961 13.7998c4.5 7.60059 14.1006 10.1006 21.7998 5.90039c80.8008 -43.7998 182.301 -67.5996 287.9 -67.5996s207.1 24 287.9 67.6992c7.69922 4.10059 17.3994 1.7002 21.7998 -5.89941zM143.8 128.7c9.7998 21.3994 4.40039 28.2998 -10.3994 35 c-14.8008 6.7998 -23.6006 6.2002 -33.3008 -15.2002c-6.5 -14.2002 -4.5 -39 -0.199219 -58.4004c17.3994 9.60059 37.3994 24.4004 43.8994 38.6006zM506.6 163.8c-14.7998 -6.7998 -20.1992 -13.7002 -10.3994 -35c6.5 -14.2002 26.5 -29 43.8994 -38.5996 c4.2002 19.3994 6.30078 44.2002 -0.199219 58.3994c-9.7002 21.4004 -18.5 21.9004 -33.3008 15.2002zM320 63.0996c11.9004 15.9004 24 37.7002 24 53.3008c0 23.5 -7.7002 27.5996 -24 27.5996s-24 -4.09961 -24 -27.5996c0 -15.6006 12.0996 -37.4004 24 -53.3008z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mug-marshmallows" unicode="&#xf7b7;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M400 288c61.7998 0 112 -50.2002 112 -112s-50.2002 -112 -112 -112h-16c0 -53 -43 -96 -96 -96h-192c-53 0 -96 43 -96 96v192c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32v79.5c0 17.7002 14.2998 32 32 32h128c13.5996 0 25 -8.5 29.5996 -20.4004l27.4004 27.4004 c6.40039 6.2998 14.7002 9.5 23 9.5s16.7002 -3.2002 23 -9.5l79.5 -79.5c10.5996 -10.7002 11.7998 -26.5996 4.59961 -39h20.9004zM272 361.6l-57.5 -57.5996l16 -16h83.0996l16 16zM80 351.5v-63.5996h84.9004c-7.2002 12.5 -6 28.3994 4.59961 39l6.5 6.5v18.0996h-96z M336 64v176h-192v-56c0 -13.2998 -10.7002 -24 -24 -24s-24 10.7002 -24 24v56h-48v-176c0 -26.5 21.5 -48 48 -48h192c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM400 112c35.2998 0 64 28.7002 64 64s-28.7002 64 -64 64h-16v-128h16z" /> <glyph glyph-name="books-medical" unicode="&#xf7e8;" d="M256 192c0 -70.6562 -57.3438 -128 -128 -128s-128 57.3438 -128 128s57.3438 128 128 128s128 -57.3438 128 -128zM106.67 133.33c0 -2.94238 2.3877 -5.33008 5.33008 -5.33008h32c2.94238 0 5.33008 2.3877 5.33008 5.33008v37.3398h37.3398 c2.94238 0 5.33008 2.3877 5.33008 5.33008v32c0 2.94238 -2.3877 5.33008 -5.33008 5.33008h-37.3398v37.3398c0 2.94238 -2.3877 5.33008 -5.33008 5.33008v0h-32c-2.94238 0 -5.33008 -2.3877 -5.33008 -5.33008v-37.3398h-37.3398 c-2.94238 0 -5.33008 -2.3877 -5.33008 -5.33008v-32c0 -2.94238 2.3877 -5.33008 5.33008 -5.33008h37.3398v-37.3398zM639.46 -6.58984c0.293945 -1.11328 0.533203 -2.95215 0.533203 -4.10352c0 -6.77539 -5.30566 -13.7178 -11.8428 -15.4971l-15.46 -4.13965 c-1.12305 -0.300781 -2.97754 -0.544922 -4.13965 -0.544922c-5.50195 0 -11.9346 4.00781 -14.3604 8.94531c-13.6406 0.689453 -66.3809 -13.4404 -77.8506 -20.8604c0.0195312 -0.292969 0.0351562 -0.769531 0.0351562 -1.06348 c0 -6.78027 -5.31543 -13.7041 -11.8652 -15.4561l-15.46 -4.14062c-1.12402 -0.301758 -2.98145 -0.545898 -4.14551 -0.545898c-6.77637 0 -13.6992 5.31152 -15.4541 11.8564l-101.45 384.199v-364.06c0 -17.6699 -14.3301 -32 -40 -32h-240 c-9.66992 0 -24 14.3301 -24 32v77.5596c14.9102 -6.54004 31.1396 -10.2393 48 -11.9395v-49.6201h80v61.5596c15.6318 6.84668 38.0312 22.2754 50 34.4404h78v224h-78c-11.9688 12.165 -34.3682 27.5938 -50 34.4404v61.5596h-80v-49.6201 c-16.8604 -1.7002 -33.0898 -5.37988 -48 -11.9395v77.5596c0 17.6699 14.3301 32 24 32h240c25.6699 0 40 -14.3301 40 -32v-4.7002l11.3203 3.03027c1.12207 0.300781 2.97656 0.544922 4.13965 0.544922c5.50098 0 11.9346 -4.00781 14.3604 -8.94531 c13.6299 -0.689453 66.3799 13.4404 77.8496 20.8604c-0.0195312 0.295898 -0.0361328 0.776367 -0.0361328 1.07324c0 6.78027 5.31641 13.7051 11.8662 15.457l15.5 4.12988c1.1123 0.294922 2.94824 0.53418 4.09961 0.53418 c6.76953 0 13.6914 -5.30664 15.4502 -11.8447zM320 -16v48h-80v-48h80zM320 352v48h-80v-48h80zM506 -3c16.5195 7.2998 60.5 18.8896 77.2598 20.7002l-97.2598 369.3c-16.5195 -7.2998 -60.5 -18.8896 -77.2598 -20.6904z" /> <glyph glyph-name="mailbox" unicode="&#xf813;" horiz-adv-x="576" d="M432 384c79.4883 0 144 -64.5117 144 -144v-208c0 -17.6641 -14.3359 -32 -32 -32h-512c-17.6641 0 -32 14.3359 -32 32v208c0 79.4883 64.5117 144 144 144h288zM240 48v192c0 52.9922 -43.0078 96 -96 96s-96 -43.0078 -96 -96v-192h192zM528 48v192 c-0.0546875 52.9365 -43.0635 95.9453 -96 96h-181.37c22.9902 -25.5195 37.3701 -58.9502 37.3701 -96v-192h240zM464 256c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-64c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v32h-72c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v32 c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h120zM184 256c4.41602 0 8 -3.58398 8 -8v-48c0 -4.41602 -3.58398 -8 -8 -8h-80c-4.41602 0 -8 3.58398 -8 8v48c0 4.41602 3.58398 8 8 8h80z" /> <glyph glyph-name="drone" unicode="&#xf85f;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M339.41 355.67l-49.7705 -35.9297c-0.785156 4.4541 -1.52051 11.7383 -1.63965 16.2598c0 61.8242 50.1758 112 112 112s112 -50.1758 112 -112s-50.1758 -112 -112 -112c-4.52148 0.119141 -11.8057 0.854492 -16.2598 1.63965l35.9297 49.7705 c24.4707 7.84766 44.332 35.0732 44.332 60.7715c0 35.2285 -28.5918 63.8203 -63.8203 63.8203c-25.6982 0 -52.9238 -19.8613 -60.7715 -44.332zM111 79.7998l49 67.8604v88.6797l-49 67.8604c-17.1162 0.484375 -31.0068 14.7744 -31.0068 31.8975 c0 17.6143 14.2949 31.9092 31.9092 31.9092c17.123 0 31.4131 -13.8906 31.8975 -31.0068l67.8604 -49h88.6797l67.8604 49c0.484375 17.1162 14.7744 31.0068 31.8975 31.0068c17.6143 0 31.9092 -14.2949 31.9092 -31.9092 c0 -17.123 -13.8906 -31.4131 -31.0068 -31.8975l-49 -67.8604v-88.6797l49 -67.8604c17.1162 -0.484375 31.0068 -14.7744 31.0068 -31.8975c0 -17.6143 -14.2949 -31.9092 -31.9092 -31.9092c-17.123 0 -31.4131 13.8906 -31.8975 31.0068l-67.8604 49h-88.6797 l-67.8604 -49c-0.484375 -17.1162 -14.7744 -31.0068 -31.8975 -31.0068c-17.6143 0 -31.9092 14.2949 -31.9092 31.9092c0 17.123 13.8906 31.4131 31.0068 31.8975zM208 240v-96h96v96h-96zM400 160c61.8242 0 112 -50.1758 112 -112s-50.1758 -112 -112 -112 s-112 50.1758 -112 112c0.119141 4.52148 0.854492 11.8057 1.63965 16.2598l49.7705 -35.9199c7.84473 -24.4775 35.0713 -44.3428 60.7754 -44.3428c35.2285 0 63.8193 28.5918 63.8193 63.8203c0 25.7002 -19.8623 52.9258 -44.335 60.7725l-35.9297 49.7705 c4.4541 0.785156 11.7383 1.51953 16.2598 1.63965zM112 224c-61.8242 0 -112 50.1758 -112 112s50.1758 112 112 112s112 -50.1758 112 -112c-0.120117 -4.52148 -0.854492 -11.8057 -1.63965 -16.2598l-49.7705 35.9297c-7.84668 24.4727 -35.0723 44.335 -60.7725 44.335 c-35.2285 0 -63.8203 -28.5908 -63.8203 -63.8193c0 -25.7041 19.8652 -52.9307 44.3428 -60.7754l35.9199 -49.7705c-4.4541 -0.785156 -11.7383 -1.52051 -16.2598 -1.63965zM172.59 28.3301l49.7705 35.9297c0.785156 -4.4541 1.52051 -11.7383 1.63965 -16.2598 c0 -61.8242 -50.1758 -112 -112 -112s-112 50.1758 -112 112s50.1758 112 112 112c4.52148 -0.119141 11.8057 -0.854492 16.2598 -1.63965l-35.9297 -49.7705c-24.4707 -7.84766 -44.332 -35.0732 -44.332 -60.7715c0 -35.2285 28.5918 -63.8203 63.8203 -63.8203 c25.6982 0 52.9238 19.8613 60.7715 44.332z" /> <glyph glyph-name="fan" unicode="&#xf863;" horiz-adv-x="512" d="M256 224c17.6641 0 32 -14.3359 32 -32s-14.3359 -32 -32 -32s-32 14.3359 -32 32s14.3359 32 32 32zM511.69 182.94c0.178711 -1.37793 0.323242 -3.64551 0.323242 -5.03516c0 -8.78906 -4.99219 -21.0176 -11.1436 -27.2949 c-6.25488 -6.41211 -18.6016 -11.6162 -27.5596 -11.6162c-1.0459 0 -2.73926 0.0830078 -3.78027 0.185547l-77.1602 7.78027c2.00391 -11.4971 3.63086 -30.3008 3.63086 -41.9717c0 -0.145508 -0.000976562 -0.382812 -0.000976562 -0.52832 c0 -85.1797 -64.0898 -157.46 -149 -168.15c-1.33984 -0.170898 -3.52344 -0.30957 -4.87402 -0.30957h-0.125977h-0.0888672c-8.7832 0 -21.0049 4.98633 -27.2812 11.1299c-6.42383 6.22266 -11.6367 18.5303 -11.6367 27.4736 c0 1.07324 0.0878906 2.80957 0.197266 3.87695l7.7793 77.1494c-11.4951 -2.00391 -30.2949 -3.63086 -41.9639 -3.63086c-0.148438 0 -0.387695 0.000976562 -0.536133 0.000976562c-85.1895 0 -157.47 64.0801 -168.16 149.08 c-0.176758 1.375 -0.321289 3.61621 -0.321289 5.00293c0 8.77539 4.97363 20.9961 11.1016 27.2773c6.24219 6.41602 18.5732 11.624 27.5244 11.624c1.06738 0 2.79395 -0.0869141 3.85547 -0.194336l77.1602 -7.78027c-2.00391 11.498 -3.63086 30.3008 -3.63086 41.9717 c0 0.145508 0.000976562 0.382812 0.000976562 0.52832c0 85.1807 64.0898 157.49 149.09 168.15c1.40039 0.185547 3.68262 0.335938 5.09473 0.335938c21.418 0 38.7998 -17.3828 38.7998 -38.7998c0 -1.01758 -0.078125 -2.66406 -0.174805 -3.67676l-7.7793 -77.1494 c11.4951 2.00391 30.2949 3.63086 41.9639 3.63086c0.148438 0 0.387695 -0.000976562 0.536133 -0.000976562c85.1895 0 157.47 -64.1104 168.16 -149.06zM324.75 202l137.4 -13.8896c-12.1807 55.3701 -61.3408 95.8398 -118.591 95.8398 c-22.25 0 -43 -3.44043 -61.6592 -10.2197l-35.9004 -13l13.8701 137.38c-55.3701 -12.2207 -95.8398 -61.3408 -95.8398 -118.591c0 -22.25 3.43945 -43 10.2197 -61.6494l13 -35.9102l-137.37 13.8799c12.21 -55.3701 61.3398 -95.8398 118.59 -95.8398 c22.25 0 43 3.42969 61.6299 10.2402l35.9004 13l-13.8701 -137.391c55.3701 12.1904 95.8398 61.3408 95.8398 118.591c0 22.25 -3.43945 43 -10.2197 61.6494z" /> <glyph glyph-name="phone-square-alt" unicode="&#xf87b;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M344.73 139c3.79199 -1.85547 7.0498 -6.7832 7.26953 -11c-0.015625 -0.75293 -0.154297 -1.96289 -0.30957 -2.7002l-12 -52c-1.33105 -4.9502 -6.56738 -9.11621 -11.6904 -9.2998c-128 0 -232 103.77 -232 232c0.183594 5.12305 4.34961 10.3594 9.2998 11.6904 l52 12c0.737305 0.155273 1.94727 0.293945 2.7002 0.30957c4.2168 -0.219727 9.14453 -3.47754 11 -7.26953l24 -56c0.501953 -1.25781 0.949219 -3.37695 1 -4.73047c-0.168945 -3.05957 -2.13965 -7.22168 -4.40039 -9.29004l-30.3096 -24.7998 c15.6807 -33.2373 55.3828 -72.9395 88.6201 -88.6201l24.7998 30.3096c2.06836 2.26074 6.23047 4.23145 9.29004 4.40039c1.35254 -0.0546875 3.47168 -0.50293 4.73047 -1zM400 416c26.4961 0 48 -21.5039 48 -48v-352c0 -26.4961 -21.5039 -48 -48 -48h-352 c-26.4961 0 -48 21.5039 -48 48v352c0 26.4961 21.5039 48 48 48h352zM400 22v340c0 3.31152 -2.68848 6 -6 6h-340c-3.31152 0 -6 -2.68848 -6 -6v-340c0 -3.31152 2.68848 -6 6 -6h340c3.31152 0 6 2.68848 6 6z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-center-h" unicode="&#xf89c;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M432 216c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-416c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v16c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h416zM112 360c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM112 -32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM212 -32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM312 -32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM212 264c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24 c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM312 360c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM212 360 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM212 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM432 24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24zM432 120c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24zM432 320c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24zM432 416c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24zM16 64c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM16 264 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM16 360c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24zM16 -32c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24z" /> <glyph glyph-name="border-center-v" unicode="&#xf89d;" horiz-adv-x="448" d="M248 -16c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-16c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v416c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h16c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-416zM392 304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24 c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24zM0 304c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24zM0 204c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24 c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24zM0 104c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 -16h-24c-8.83203 0 -16 7.16797 -16 16v24zM296 204c0 8.83203 7.16797 16 16 16h24 c8.83203 0 16 -7.16797 16 -16v-24c0 -8.83203 -7.16797 -16 -16 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