I was speeding, do I still plead not guilty?
I was written a ticket in South Carolina for speeding 1-10 MPH over the limit. In addition I was written for not having my registration on me. I haven't had a speeding ticket in about 10/15 years and honestly forget how to handle it. I am going into court in a few hours and I am still unsure how to plead. I am not going to contest the ticket because I always go about 5 MPH over the limit, but I'm afraid that if I plead "guilty" that will prevent the judge from tossing the ticket and letting me off with a warning. So do I plead "not guilty" then say that it was a mistake and I'm sorry? Note that I will not lie and claim innocence for personal reasons. EDIT: My court date was yesterday and I want to provide a followup for anyone who is interested. I plead "guilty" and my fine was reduced from around $280 to $65; however, I still received two points on my license. My "no registration" ticket was thrown out (I should have said "dismissed") since I had an updated copy. I feel it may be helpful to state that while a lot of the information below is technically accurate (e.g., pleading "not guilty" results in being held over for a trial) I also found that the process and results are very much relative to the judge. For example, one lucky gentleman had his speeding ticket dismissed primarily based on the fact that he had a commercial license and the points were going to be a big deal for his job. I wish that I would have been paying attention before this - I don't know whether he pleaded "not guilty" or "guilty". Everyone else (ranging from a poor old crying woman to a jerk whose cellphone went off twice while talking and offended the police officer) all received a reduced fine and points. As for whether to plead "not guilty" I am still on the fence. I would suggest watching the judge handle a few cases before you and see what kind of mood (s)he's in. If he's giving most people reduced fines and you can handle a couple of points on your license, then you should probably just take the reduction and walk away. However, if you want to invest time in fighting the ticket, try your luck at the officer not showing up for their court date or the judge is being a jerk and you think you could be better off another day then I don't think it is stupid to plead "not guilty". Just my two cents.
The judge will not "toss the ticket". He might lower the fine if you admit guilt and act, speak, and dress respectfully/appropriately. If you plead "not guilty", then he will hold this over for trial, or ask you what evidence you have for not speeding... since you've just said you were not guilty if speeding. Plead guilty. Don't do something stupid for a "1-10 mph over "ticket.
Friend in College cut off from parents, anything she can do?
Hey all, this is about my friend 20F. She is a University student in the state of Utah. Up to this point her parents have helped her out by lending her a car, paying for the phone, all insurances, and generally helping out when she needed it. Her parents live about an hour from her. She has a full ride scholarship to school, so tuition is not an issue. Her plan is to graduate with her Bachelors in one year, and then continue on to her Masters, also in Utah. She also works 3 jobs; two on campus and another is an internship off campus. Well, her parents decided to totally cut her off; take the car, take her off all insurances, cancel her phone line, no communication, the whole enchilada. I won't share the details behind it, but it is pretty petty. They have cut off a sibling for a similar petty issue as well, so they have a history. They have also threatened physical violence via email and text if she tries to contact them or go to their (her) house. She has copies of both email and text with her parent's names attached to them. This situation also takes away FAFSA from her since she will not have access to her parent's tax forms and other information. So, she cannot apply for federal aid as she is not technically an "independent" until she is 26 or in graduate school (I think being an emancipated minor is also called being independent for FAFSA purposes). The state also has no resources for her, that we or the University Financial Aid Office know of. Is there anything she can do, within the confines of the law, that could help? Any way to get declared as "independent" and receive Pell and other grants and subsidized/other loans? Anything at all? Thanks so much everyone!
No. Her parents have no obligation to support her and their refusal to do so doesn't make her an independent. She should look at probate loans.
Scammed out of a $50,000 investment...
I gave my friend 180 litecoin to invest ($10,000 right now) because he had a “hedge fund”. He claimed to have a series 7 and that he could triple my money. Now I want my money back and he said he sent it to the wrong address, and he won’t show me any proof that it sent. I don’t know who to go to or what to do. Do I go to the police or FBI? Is it worth it to sue? Was a crime even committed?
Yea sue Answer #2: Scam is always a crime. Do you have any kind of evidence? A proof that you gave him this money? A written evidence that he would make you earn money with your investment?
Is there anyone here that knows military law?
Boyfriend received a "general discharge" after 4 years from the army for what they deemed as a "pre-existing condition" (crohns disease). He had never been diagnosed or evaluated for crohns disease before the army. He now receives no benefits because of his discharge and they are requiring he pay back half of his student loans ($40,000), which he only has because they requested he get a degree to become an officer. Is there any way he can fight any of this? Mainly the student loans.
Former Naval officer here. The general discharge seems right. If he did not know he had crohns, he does not meet the criteria for fraudulent enlistment. Nor is he qualified for an honorable due to medical conditions as the disease is not due to military service. Honestly, you are lucky they are willing to pay half the student loans instead of sticking them all on you. Nothing can be done if something was improper, other than appeal it through the VA. I'm guessing the reason the loans came into effect because he was the Army equivalent of STA21, and didn't finish the contract.
In Seattle for a few days with a rental car and got a BS traffic violation. Can I try away with not paying ?
I literally just got off a plane and went to pick up some drunk friends with my rental car. I parked on the side in a red zone with my blinkers on and got out the car to get my friends to help them in bc they were drunk. I was gone for about 5 minutes and when we came back from a block away, there's a cop waiting for me. I explain the situation and he still writes me up a traffic ticket for blocking the road, which I wasn't even doing. The penalty is a whopping $160... which is completely stupid. I don't have time to fight it since I leave in a few days. What would happen if I just leave this alone? I live in PA
Having your blinkers on does not allow you to park where you aren't allowed.
GF accused me of molesting our child
I (24M) have had a rocky relationship with my GF (21F). We live together in PA so if that helps for what laws and procedures apply here. We have a lease together, split the bills evenly. She has 2 kids, (1M & 6F), that I raise as my own. Been together a year and a half now. We found out 2 weeks ago that she is pregnant with the guy she cheated on me with 2 months ago. I was fine with going into this being there for her. This Sunday, she woke me up saying and brutally accusing me of molesting her daughter, and then quickly left the house into her car to her fathers that she had prepacked, saying she was told this by her daughter on Saturday, specifically that "I touched her crotch" while she was climbing on me while I was about to change my son's diaper on the dining room floor that day while my GF was in the other room. I love these kids more than anything, I would never hurt them let alone do such a horrible thing. She left almost immediately Sunday morning. Didn't speak to me until that evening where I said how she lacks getting attention and is always looking for it and this is probably that. (Horrible in school, hardly ever listens to us or the teacher, constantly disciplining her). We both work night shift together and the same place and our daughter has to play by herself most of the day usually on the tablet or smart TV watching YouTube, but its never filtered. I know she watches a lot of things she shouldn't. I've seen her watch history and its videos of dolls getting high and pregnant and doing things and watching video games like Yandere. Shes told her cousin that she knows me and my gf have sex. But, apparently she opened an investigation that day regardless of even consulting me first about our daughter. She had brought the kids still home for a couple days but then left to get her from school on Wednesday and never came back. Barely responded to me all the way through until still now. Only talks to me at work for the most part. She told me tonight she can't bring the kids home cause shes not allowed. She said we might as well breakup and her move out cause from this point now even after the investigation I wouldn't ever be able to see the kids again. I'm so emotionally lost, broken and hurt about this tonight I dont know what to do. I love my family more than anything. She said she's waiting on a call for when she and our daughter will get an interview and then I will at some point after. She said that the police are getting involved. I don't know what I should do here. I've looked up as much as I can on the web and have seen people getting screwed over because who's going to believe someone that is accused of that kind of a horrible thing. What should I do? Who should or shouldn't I talk to? What are my options? I've become emotionally wrecked tonight and need some legal advice Reddit. Any advice would truly help me out here. I want my family together again. If I left out any other needed information please just ask.
Not a lawyer. You should shut up (don't even try and defend yourself when baited as you could be baited into saying something that could hurt you), move out, and retain a criminal defense attorney if charges are filed. If your girlfriend is cheating on you and flying off the handle this quickly the relationship is long over.
Can i sue medical clinic for giving me medication without consent while unconscious
They gave me schizophrenia medication and seizure medication and salt water IV which is all strictly against my diet and lifestyle. I gave no consent. I was having a bad acid trip but i wasn’t aggressive but they forced medicine on me that negatively impacted me greatly
I love that you think a salt water IV is against your diet, but LSD is not. The answer to your question is no.Answer #2: You want to sue medical professionals for taking steps to keep you alive when you incapacitated yourself with drugs?Answer #3: When you are unconscious, your consent is implied. In case it's your next question... Yes, you are also responsible for the medical treatment bill.Answer #4: Medical Malpractice, which is what you are claiming, is very fact specific and you need to speak with a MedMal lawyer. That being said, based on your post and your incapacitation, it does not sound like the clinic did anything objectively or reasonably wrong.
[NJ] Age of consent question
I met a girl on a dating app, app said shes 18 but she mentioned she's 17, I'm 22. Every google search says age of consent is 16, she turns 18 soon, I just can't help but feel like I'm going to get arrested. Am I 100% in my legal rights to meet up with her, and see what happens? I don't want my life ruined, but she's hot, and who the fuck made it that she can't be a day under 18 for it to be moral?
The law's not necessarily about what's moral. It's about what you will or won't be penalized for doing. Since there has to be a line somewhere (there's plenty of evidence that sexual relationships with kids are sufficiently bad for their development to be worth banning), the line's going to be a bit arbitrary. Many states do have a "close in age" exception to age of consent laws, to make the line _less_ arbitrary and to deal with the reality that teenagers will have sex with each other and probably shouldn't go to jail for it. New Jersey has such an exception, provided you're within four years of your partner: it doesn't apply to you, since you're more than four years older. The age of consent in New Jersey is 16. If she's not lying to you the way she lied to the site, she can legally consent to sexual contact with you. However, your paramour is a minor: if her parents tell you to stay away from her, stay away from her.Answer #2: Life advice...don't do it. There is probably a world of maturity difference between you two. You are in completely different places in your life.
If a judge doesn't agree with the prosecutor's charges, can they change them? Can they say oh no this is too light or too harsh? Or are they stuck with those charges?
I was talking to a friend about the the Brock Turner case and how the judge recently got...I don't know what to call it...recalled? Well, my position was that even even though the judge made some very questionable comments to say the least, his hands were kinda tied. Because he was sentenced to 6 months which, as I understand it, by definition means it's a misdemeanor right? So the prosecutor pursued this as a misdemeanor and not a felony. Could the judge have said no that's too light? Or we're his hands tied?
The prosecutor decides which charges to bring agsinst the accused and the judge decides on if the accused is guilty and on the sentence. If someone is charged and tried for murder, the judge cannot change the charge to manslaughter for example.
PA - Consequences if custodial parent doesn’t show for custody exchange.
PA - Long legal battle. Every attempt at me ultimately just takes away from my kids and our time together. Not sure what to do besides remove myself from the equation then they can’t be used as pawns anymore. Or hear me crying. Ncp isn’t actually what’s best for them but maybe if I’m not there that will change. Assuming ncp will just file for emergency custody after a few days if I remain missing and after six months they’ll move to terminate my parental rights. Are there any other legal consequences of doing it this way? Child abandonment charges or warrants for not following the order?
You should speak with a therapist and a lawyer who can help you find the remedies here that don’t involve giving up time with your children. But to answer your question more directly, the non-custodial parent could seek substantive changes in the orders, especially around child support payments. But probably could not terminate parental rights.
[WA] Is a voluntary search all or nothing?
This isn't about anything *specific*, I'm just curious how this works. Can you agree to a search, but a partial search? Like say the cops want to search your house (without a warrant) can you say yes to every room except *this* room? Or something similar? Or same with your car. You can look everywhere but don't tear up my seats? Don't look in the glove? I'll likely never have to deal with this because I would never allow a search without a warrant, I'm just curious how that works. It seems like since it's voluntary you should be able to have stipulations.
You can do this and you can revoke your consent at anytime. There is a danger to this, which is why it is always better to decline a voluntary search. If a cop is searching your car voluntarily and he is about to open the glove box at which point you start screaming "I revoke my consent!" you might have just given him probable cause by your reaction.
Can parking garages not allow you to reverse into parking spaces?
Milwaukee, Wi. I’ve been parking in a parking garage for 2 years downtown. I’ve been reversing into parking spaces the entire 2 years. Recently I had an “official” note placed on my windshield stating that I’m not allowed to back into the spaces. The contract on the back of the parking voucher in part reads “only a license is granted hereby and no bailment is created”. I’m not sure what that means or if it’s relevant but nothing else in the contract applies to this situation. Multiple vehicles reverse into parking spaces in the garage everyday and I’ve never seen another note left on a vehicle. I’m assuming the garage can do whatever they want.
Are the spaces straight or diagonal? If the lanes are one way and you are backing into a diagonal space, you would end up pulling out against traffic. Did you have to register for access to the garage or is it one where you receive a ticket upon entrance? It could be that they want to see your license plate and backing in requires them to get out of their vehicle and actually walk around to see it. At the end of the day though, yeah, the garage can probably make and enforce any rules they want within reason.Answer #2: I wish my garage would institute a no back-in. I’m sure you’re perfectly good at maneuverability, but I constantly get held up in the morning by people backing in. Also, when I’m backing out to leave and you’re pulling forward to leave, I don’t have a clear visual cue that you’re moving. It drives me nuts.
[NH] Can I be blocked from my apartment's parking lot?
Location is New Hampshire, and here's a MS Paint diagram: http://imgur.com/4nYrkx0 I live in Apartment B. Parking Lot B is owned by the apartment complex. Apartment A is an entirely separate complex with their own lot, Parking Lot A, managed by a different company. The red area is the road passing by Lot A and going to Lot B. This road is the *only* entrance/exit from Lot B, as the surrounding area is woods. Yesterday, I arrived home to find that the road was gone. It had been torn up and there were traffic cones blocking it. I had to park about 2 blocks away from my apartment and walk half a mile on a dirt path to get into my home. Lot B was not touched, but Lot A was also torn up. From what I can gather, this was planned road maintenance by the owners of Apartment A. However, for those of us living in Apartment B, our only entrance/exit from our parking lot has been removed without any warning. A parking space is guaranteed in my lease for Apartment B. Can Apartment A legally do this? Is there anything that I can do about it other than complain to Apartment B management? Other people living in B aren't able to go to work because their cars are stuck in the lot, and the lot is normally a schoolbus stop but the bus can't get in either. I know this is a mild annoyance for me right now, but it could easily turn into a big issue. Update: I spoke to the management of Apartment B. They had no warning this was happening from Apartment A, and the management companies are going to hash it out. I was told that I should not be blocked from my apartment and they had no reason to block off access completely. Apparently an official memo from B's management is going to go out to B residents today, so I'll update again when I have that. This is probably going to get resolved as far as I actually care really quickly, but I figure people here are interested enough for the updates. Update 2: Since I posted this, I had the attitude of "screw it" and started driving on the dirt road to park in B's lot anyways. However, someone at A has now posted up signs around the dirt warning "pass at own risk". It's a really bumpy road, so now I am worried about damaging my car. Does this sign actually absolve them of any liability if my car does get damaged? Or if I do park on the street and hurt myself walking down the road to actually enter my apartment, would Apartment A have any liability then?
Might wanna contact the fire marshall as well. Seems like this could be a case of blocking access to emergency services if there was a fire in your apartment. This might get everything resolved quicker too. Answer #2: YAY! LANDLOCKED APARTMENT!Answer #3: Does your lease guarantee parking in that lot?Answer #4: Sounds like B needs to look into their easement options, how long has this been the route to the B lot?Answer #5: Time to show the management of Apartment B how to post on /r/legaladvice with their easement issue. Answer #6: Have you spoken with management of apartment A yet? They may have been a bit dense and forgotten about that little detail, or something. I don't know how else to explain how they thought blocking access to apartment B (because you know, fires and stuff) was a good idea.Answer #7: Would the tenants with their cars in lot B be able to sue for damages and missed wages and such?
[SC] My friend got caught with a still and some jars of homemade alcohol and his girlfriend's kid drank some of it accidentally
Asking for my friend for what is likely to happen. His girlfriend's kid who is like 9 or 10 drank some of the alcohol he made accidentally and she ended up in the hospital. Him and his girlfriend were drunk or asleep when it happened. They both live there with him. The cops found his still and some other jars of his homemade alcohol on the property. In South Carolina under the law what is likely to happen to my friend?
Lets be honest, it takes quite some alcohol to end up in the hospital, and kids that age are not prone to drinking that amount of nasty burning. Not saying it isnt possible, just saying the level of belief is low and cps will be suspicious. Get a lawyer ASAP.
[TX] Post for a friend: Just found out that common law spouse has been cheating for at least a year. How to proceed?
So my friend is the dad, they have two kids, 7 and 4, and have been living together for about that long. I have looked into what constitutes common law marriage in Texas, and they meet the requirements other than getting it recognized by a court. And i read that they still have time to get it recognized (so they can get an official divorce) and what not. I'm worried that if for some reason they aren't able to get their common law marriage recognized, or that if the cheating 'wife' doesn't cooperate with him, would the dad be able to get much from the break up. I apologize if this is all over the place, but basically, the mom has been a terrible mom over the past year. Lately she's been gone at night, caught in lies, yelling at her kids that she's not coming back, and other things that would make a divorce case go in the dad's favor. But what if he can't get to that point because she doesn't cooperate or even because of financial reasons between the two?
If he wants custody, he can file for custody. No divorce needed unless assets need to be divied up.
My almost 3 year old daughter was involved in a car crash Friday with my parents and I don’t know what to do from here.
The guy hit my parents vehicle and ran off. The police found him and he admitted to doing it, his boss came and said the insurance company would basically pay whatever we wanted. The guy who hit my parents didn’t have a license either. I just don’t know where to go from here. My daughter isn’t hurt, but I want to sue for emotional damage as she doesn’t even want to go near her grandparents now. I also want to sue whoever gave him a car to drive, knowing he didn’t have a license. Do I have a case here?
>My daughter isn’t hurt, but I want to sue for emotional damage as she doesn’t even want to go near her grandparents now. You might as well not even entertain that road of thought. You aren't going to get very far basing a personal injury suit on emotional damages.Answer #2: Their insurance will pay for damages. That includes damages to your vehicle and medical bills. Suing for emotional trauma isn't really a thing unless you legit go seek therapy due to said accident, then those bills may be covered.Answer #3: You aren’t going to get money just because, there needs to be something diagnosably wrong and actual money spent as a consequence. Go get your daughter examined by the pediatrician if she hasn’t been already. If they find something wrong, follow up with specialists. If therapy is necessary (it probably isn’t, but it’s possible), go do that. Replace the car seat. Those are the things you can get compensated for.Answer #4: NAL- same thing happened when my 3 y/o kids were in the car with my mom and got rear ended. One kid went to urgent care right away. No major injuries other than some soft tissue bruising. Other kid did not go to doc at all. The one with the injury got $1500, the one without got $500 and they reimbursed the car seats immediately. So, she will likely get something but not much. Negotiate with their initial offer. Also, make sure you immediately replace the car seat. They will reimburse you for that no questions asked. She should never sit in the seat again that was in the car during the crash.
My brother just went to court for child support they ordered him to pay $850 a month. This leaves him with around $30 a month to live on. Can anything be done about this?
The location is Florida.
I live in NJ. My alimony and child support is higher than what I make. I have been in the NJ superior court for five years trying to get a reduction. I am in court right now in trial trying to get a reduction. The courts do not care that I have had no take home paycheck for over three years. In fact, without my family I would be homeless. I wish you the best of luck but here in NJ the courts do not follow the law or exercise common sense.
(TX) renter above me drilled into sprinkler line, water soaked into walls and dripped into apt. Recourse?
So last night the genius above me drilled into the sprinker line and all hell broke lose. His apt got 3-4 inches and water soaked into the walls of my apartment and was dripping out of all sorts of places. A Company came by, ripped out some floorboards, poked some holes and now there are 4 giant fans and a dehumidifier in my living room. I stayed at a hotel last as it's 90+F in my apt and sounds like an airplane hangar. The apartment is saying the fans needs to stay for 48+ hrs as of now and are waiting for another inspection of the apartment for possible more work. What is my recourse to get reimbursed for my hotel stay(s) and loss of use for my apartment over these few days? At the moment there is no serious property damage that I can see. UPDATE: I have $5,000 Loss of use however insurance says it probably wont be deemed uninhabitable and I have a $1,000 deductible. Not sure where to go from here other than being stuck with a hot loud apartment for a few days.
Do you have renter's insurance?
GA My Principal asked me to get out of my wheelchair and crawl up the stands in front of my entire graduating class.
This happened in Georgia. This happened to me 4 years ago when I was seventeen. I did not do anything at the time, and I likely won’t now, but I am curious if legally they did anything wrong. Sorry if this is kind of long but there are a lot of details. Background info: I was in a wheelchair and on hospital homebound for the entirety of my junior and senior years of high school. Hospital Homebound was a program my school district had for kids who were not allowed in school because of medical reasons. I had 5 ankle surgeries during this time including a complete re-building of my ankle. Long story short, after breaking my ankle the doctors discovered that I was born without the center bone in my ankle. The first surgery did not work and I had to have my ankle replaced at 17. That is not the problem though. During this time my doctor did not want me in school because if someone bumped my ankle it could cause me to have to have the surgery done again. This is the part that leads me to the actual legal question. The week of graduation my doctor cleared me to go to the graduation events as long as I was extremely careful. My parents contacted the school and told them this, and the school said they would help keep my ankle safe. I arrived at the school for graduation pictures in my wheelchair. They were supposed to be taken in the football stands. I get there and I am in a dress and my graduation gown. My principal comes up to me and tells me to get out of my wheelchair and crawl up the stands in front my entire graduating class. I did not feel comfortable with this, and I told him that. He insisted, and since I was a shy 17 year old I did what he told me to do. I tried to keep my ankle in the air while doing this to keep it safe but it was almost impossible to do that. I felt completely humiliated and afraid that I had hurt my ankle. It turned out that that my ankle was fine but I still feel like what they did was wrong. My question is, was my principal in the right asking me to get out of my wheelchair and crawl up the stands in front my entire graduating class. Even after my doctor had pulled me from school to keep my ankle safe? Edit: I just wanted to add that going to board of education is pointless because the principals uncle is the head of the board.
Probably to late to do anything about it now. You could just write a strongly worded letter to the ahole and let him know just how big of an ahole he is. You could also mail letters to the school board members also letting them know about the incident and how much legal exposure this principal causing the school. Even if he has changed schools I would still write him and whatever school board he works for to let them know exactly what kind of jerk they hired. Just make sure you do have witnesses that heard him tell you to crawl up the stands before writing such a letter to the school board. Pretty much no excuse for a telling someone to get out of a wheelchair and crawl around.Answer #2: It certainly sounds inappropriate. Illegal...probably not, unless you had a specific IEP/504 plan that he violated; or perhaps some kind of ADA violation in the construction of the stands. Regardless, he didn't "force" you. You could have sat out of the picture, or refused to crawl up and asked for some other type of assistance (like having two of your classmates support you). Even then you may be past a statute of limitations; although those can vary based on the state and type of claim. Answer #3: That's really fucked up and I'm sorry you had to go through it. I think you could have pursued something under the ADA especially if you got in contact with a disability advocacy group. Not sure what or if you still could, but he was completely in the wrong.
Can I sue for damages, lost pay, or emotional and physical trauma caused by a rotc injury?
2 years ago I was in the Texas A&M rotc and band (you have to be in rotc to be in the marching band) and on the way from a football game the senior sousaphone (marching tuba) leader made us run back to our dorms in the dark in formation while carrying our sousas (frankly stupid thing to do, the band director even said the same thing after my injury) and because I couldn't see I put my foot into a stormdrain and fell cracking the cartilage behind my kneecap. After the injury I tried to tell the people put in charge of me that I couldn't run and needed to go to the doctor. The rotc physical therapist and the school doctor both misdiagnosed me and due to the misdiagnosis and the other rotc students put into a position of authority by the school (they told me I had to keep running/marching/working out or I would be kicked out of the program) I continued to try to walk/run/workout on my knee till I could no longer stand. At that point I left the rotc both to remove myself from the frankly horrible living conditions and because the upperclassmen harassment and bullying. At that point I went to an actually qualified physician who did a MRI and found the cartilage injury. However at that point there was no real recourse for fixing it. I had to take pain meds (opiates that caused me to not be able to focus on my biomedical engineering schooling, and caused me to have to drop out of the school) Due to this self assigned "failure" I fell into a depression that lasted for close to 2 years. All in all this injury cost me thousands in medical bills, thousands in therapy, and now I cannot work any physical labor job and will walk with a limp for the rest of my life, I also have to spend $2000+ a year on injections so I can walk without a cane or crutch. My question is there legal recourse for this loss of money, loss of ability to work, physical and emotional pain, and continued medical costs?
Talk to a personal injury lawyer but that sounds like a very, very difficult claim for a number of reasons. Two years have passed and you may be perilously close to or past the statute of limitations. The initial at fault party is another student and you might not be able to hang liability on anybody else. Finally, the injury was not diagnosed for quite some time following the incident, and you may have difficulty proving causation. Not saying it’s impossible, but my initial reaction as a personal injury lawyer would be to decline representation on this claim.
[NC, USA] KFC Assistant manager drops heavy box on my face on first day
I went to my first shift at KFC this morning, and after awhile of watching training videos, the head manager told the assistant manager to get a uniform set for me from the office. I followed her into the office, and she used a precarious office chair with wheels as a step ladder, reached to the very top shelf near the ceiling, and started to pull the box down. The box slipped and it fell directly onto my face. It was probably around an 8 lbs box falling from near the ceiling. I was wearing my prescription glasses (wire frames), and the nose-pad piece of metal shoved to hard into my nose that it completely bent it. If I had not caught it it would most likely have broken my nose. My face feels very swollen and likely to bruise, especially my nose and brow bone area. When I got home I started to get some pretty intense pains going through my shoulder, and the pain in my head has been expanding to the back of my head. My nose and brow bone areas are painful when I touch them, I think I may have a mild concussion, as I am having trouble focusing, balance issues, and some anxiety. It is worth noting that in the moment she asked me if I was okay, to which I said yes (I think the shock kept me from feeling too much at that moment). I did not know what to do (especially because it was my first day) so I did not say anything at work, but called their insurance company's hotline as soon as I got home. What is the best course of action to try and receive some form of compensation? I will be visiting urgent care tomorrow and not attending work for the foreseeable future. If I want to leave this job because of this incident, should I wait until I have received workers comp to begin the process of working somewhere else? Advice would be much appreciated as I am living on my own and don't have someone to turn to for advice. Topic: Personal Injury
You would be covered under workers comp. See your manager to get started on filing a claim.
My mother's apartment complex threw out a lot of stuff that she had in storage including all of our family pictures and my father's ashes.
So as the title says my mom's apartment complex threw away a lot of irreplaceable stuff while working on the complex storage units. They had asked her to empty the storage unit and put all of the stuff in the empty apartment next door until the renovation was complete but apparently someone didn't get the memo. We found out about a week after the fact that one of the maintenance workers had gone in there and mistakenly thrown everything out. This included hundreds of dollars worth of tools and most importantly my late father's ashes and all of the photos my family has accumulated over the years. We've talked with a lawyer that is my mom's friends father in law but he wasn't really interested in taking this particular case. He sent them a demand letter for 90k compensation for the loss and the complex sent a counter offer for around 2k which is just insulting. After that the lawyer that was helping us said he did not want to get further involved with the case. I'm trying to figure out what to do next but I have no idea who to talk to or where to look for a lawyer that will actually help with this or if we can even do anything at all. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. Sorry if the formatting is no good I'm on mobile. I also live in Washington in case that info is helpful.
It's not legal advice, but have you tried getting in touch with the waste-disposal company? If they know the address and the pickup date they can locate the specific dump area with a high degree of accuracy. You may be able to recover the urn that way.
I've caught someone in my backyard multiple times and I was wondering what I could do legally against him so I can protect my family.
Back in July my security cameras caught a guy snooping around my house while I was at work. My backyard camera found him later walking up to the rear of my house, looking in, and then running off presumably because he saw my wife and daughters were home. Then two weeks ago in October at 2 in the morning, who I believe is the same guy gets into my car and pokes around. Runs away when the light comes on. Didn't get anything. Even though you can't see his face perfectly, his body language and height are the same. It's not obvious but I fully believe it's the same guy. Fast forward to today, and the same guy enters my backyard. I was home and while calling the cops I noticed a number of of my neighbors outside also on the phone. Apparently he had been in other people's yards and they tracked him back to my house. Cops apprehended him nearby and took him away. The officer that was helping me said that he might be charged with a misdemeanor but it's questionable if he'll have any jail time. As a parent and a husband, I want this guy to leave my family and my home alone. I'm not sure what I want to happen, but I want to make sure that I'm handling this situation properly. Legally should I be doing more that might insure my family's safety from this guy? Sorry if it's unclear what kind of legal advice I'm looking for. I live in Arizona if that's important. Edit: I removed the links to the YouTube videos I uploaded of each offense that my security cameras caught.
Restraining order, easily. Especially if you still have the videos. That should cover it for you...
[NY] Can I be convicted of a misdemeanor in family court?
I received an order of protection (harassment, not stay-away) and a court date for family court. I cannot afford a lawyer and the public defender only talks to you when you show up to court. So I don't really know what's happening. I didn't do anything and I don't know what I'm charged with. What are the possible outcomes? Can I be convicted of a misdemeanor or felony in family court?
> Can I be convicted of a misdemeanor in family court? No, but you can be charged with a crime for violating an order of protection issued by a family court.
Dad backing out of credit card obligation from divorce decree through bankruptcy
My parents divorced 7 years ago in South Dakota. The judge determined a jointly held credit card account was to continue being paid by my father. The account was closed, so no new debt was able to be put on the account, but I believe the balance at that time was around $10k. Apparently, a few years prior, credit card companies stopped removing debtors (my mother in this case) due to civil divorce rulings, so my mom has continued to show as a card holder. There have been a few times when my father didn't/ couldn't afford to pay the bill, causing my mother to pay so it didn't hurt her credit. My father never reimbursed her. My father has just filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, and included my mother and the credit card bank as creditors. This would remove my father from the account, and make my mother wholly liable for the debt. If my mother were to attend the bankruptcy hearing, could this be a legitimate cause for it to be denied? Could just this account be excluded from the bankruptcy? She now lives far from SD, and isn't sure of the risk vs potential benefit of attending.
The bankruptcy generally won't be denied, but she should get an attorney to see if there's any way to ensure that his debt to her survives bankruptcy, or that she receives some portion of his assets in the process in lieu.
[NY] Friend got trapped in a school elevator for an hour in high heat and got hospitalized. School refuses to provide inspection certificate when asked.
Long story short, a friend at my university got trapped in a malfunctioning elevator for about and hour and was hospitalized due to heat/dehydration from being trapped in the elevator with other people. We called the office that has all of the inspections on file for the elevators and we asked for a copy of the inspection. They refused to provide it, saying that they don't give them out to students because some of the information on them "may be taken out of context." Is this legal? Don't they have to produce the certificate if asked?
http://www1.nyc.gov/nyc-resources/service/2251/private-elevator-or-escalator-inspector-complaint You can also FOIL the records here: >Records Access Officer/Freedom of Information Requests: (212) 393-2096/2032 or 2116 >Records Access Officer >280 Broadway, 7th Floor >New York, NY 10007Answer #2: Personal injury lawyer and a lawsuit can get those documents via a subpoena. Call around. Answer #3: I thought that in NY inspection certificates had to be left in an easily view-able location.Answer #4: https://xkcd.com/897/
Parents want to put restraining order against 15 yr old girlfriend. (Utah)
So my mom found nudes on my phone of my girlfriend. She turned us in. That’s already about to be handled, I’m meeting with a probation officer to discuss if this goes to court or not. But my mom hates her and her family and is mad that her parents let us date knowing my parents didn’t. We’re both girls I’m 17 and she’s 15. My mom thought she was too young to date. And my dad is just homophonic. But after this whole case with the nudes is through, my parents want a restraining order on her and her family so they can’t contact me or see me etc. Can they actually do this if my girlfriend never harmed me, mentally or physically? My mom just hates her family and doesn’t want us having contact ever again.
Until you're 18 your parents can restrict you from contacting her even without a court order.Answer #2: It is very likely that a court will order you not to see each other given that you have exchanged the images. Your parents can just ask the court to make it part of any order and even if the judge was not planning on it. This is simply the reality of the situation in which you find yourself. Once you are 18, you will probably be able to see each other again, unless the court order goes on longer. Given you are both underage, you just don’t have much say. That is the way the legal system works for minors. Especially minors who have exchanged such images.
Woman who didn't like my blog post publicly stated on Facebook she served me decaf instead of regular coffee. And lots more.
I will just link to [this thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/2z6fe8/woman_posts_publicly_on_facebook_that_she_served/) But basically she publicly admitted to tampering with peoples food. When I emailed management, they replied that they cannot take sides because it would upset their female staff, and wished no further communication with me. On top of that other commenters are talking of harassing my family and posting pictures of me around the city calling me a rapist.
Decaf may be an abomination, but you have no damages and thus no suit. If your family is actually harassed, they can take action there. Answer #2: From your post on the other thread: > I told her management if she so much as tweets my name, I will go to the media with the screenshots, which involve a major political figure, and three major chain stores. Careful here - that sounds like extortion which is an actual crime.
Is it ok for a jury member to talk to a lawyer AFTER a trial?
I had jury duty for the first time a week ago and while it was very exciting and educational, the actual trial was a joke as both sides were very week. It was basically a he said she said case with no evidence at all. The defendant stands to lose a lot and I am one of the few jurers who could clearly see how weak the case was. I was shocked how many of my fellow jurers were ready to find the guy guilty based on almost nothing except their own perception of character. The jury was deadlocked and the judge called a mistrial. I guess there will be another trial down the road but I will not be involved at all. Anyway, what I wanted to ask here is if it is typically a no no for me to try to reach out to the defense attorney and give him my thoughts about what he did poorly during the trial. Basically I want to communicate some things that everybody in the jury said about it that should have been done.. Some very basic things that we were surprised did not happen.. I don't want to say anything specific, but I honestly think the attorney would be willing to listen to a quick bit of insight. I don't mean to sound like a dillusional person who is trying to get involved when it's not their place.. It's just that this guy is a community figure who has a lot to lose and I just want to shoot a short email off to his attorney in hopes that he will make some changes for next time. He's an older guy and seemed to be having a little trouble (along with the prosecutor too). The only way I won't is if it is a rule that he can't talk to ex-jury members (after the trial).
Yes, I try to speak with jurors after every trial win or lose.
My dog allegedly scratched someone's car, but they came onto the property without warning or consent
PA People I live with just informed me that they were out in the front yard with my dog, off leash, while I was not home. Apparently, a friend of theirs suddenly pulled into the drive way because they saw them out there. I'm told that my dog ran up to greet the person and started scratching at their car door before the people I live with could get him inside. Apparently this person is pissed and I'm concerned they may come after me for detailing/repainting they choose to do. While I assume I'm liable even though I was not present, how strong of a case would they have to bring against me since they came onto the property without warning and as far as I know there's no evidence that it was my dog that did the damage?
Driving into your driveway without express consent does not matter whatsoever. There exists a thing called "social license," which allows people to park in your driveway and approach your front door.
Active Duty Marine, father, with full custody of my 2y/o daughter.
After a two year long and tiring divorce/custody battle, I was awarded full custody of my two year old daughter. I was granted a 5 year restraining order, and was given an emergency hearing and received custody when she was 7 months old, she is now almost 3. I am active duty in the Marine Corps and will soon be receiving orders to another duty station. Per the custody order given from the state of California, she has over night visitation with her mother on the weekend every 2 weeks. Friday at 6 until Sunday at 6. My question is, how difficult is it going to be to take the orders as far as the court goes? I know I’m going to have to get a move away order. What is the process going to be like? The divorce and custody deal already cost me thousands in lawyer/court fees. I know I am very blessed with the decision that was made, as fathers usually don’t get full custody, and being Active Duty makes it even more rare. I just don’t want to lose my daughter. Has anyone gone through this, or is currently dealing with this type of situation?
Being active duty, you should first talk to base legal services, and they may be able to refer you to someone with experience here. I would hope the courts recognized that you were Active Duty and going to be moving, and took that into account as far as visitation when you are in town, but you should definitely read the order to see if it specifically calls that out. Here['s the DoD's site on the matter](https://www.militaryonesource.mil/-/child-custody-considerations-for-members-of-the-military), and it includes links to find legal assistance. ​Answer #2: \> fathers usually don’t get full custody When fathers fight for custody, they usually get it. Most don't for a variety of reasons. ​ It would be good to have a lawyer to make this go faster, but this will be nowhere as involved as the original divorce/custody decision. Good luck.
[CT - US] Divorced dad required to pay for college?
A mom and dad got divorced. He is paying her $1500/month for 'unallocated support'. No alimony or child support. One kid is entering college, the other in high school. Dad says the kid should take loans to go to school, mom says parents should split the bill and kid shouldn't take only a very small loan. Neither parent has spare money as both have huge debts and expenses. And neither makes a huge salary. Does dad have a legal obligation to pay for college? The kid is 20 years old.
No, not unless the divorce decree specifically lists it as an obligation. Answer #2: Without a court order forcing Dad to pay for college, he has no obligation to.
(Tx) I live in a townhouse in a college town. I have contacted my landlords to fix the drier 10+ times over the past year. They come out but never fix it. The landlords are requiring me to pay a bill for other maintenance, can I withhold payment until they fix the drier?
Howdy I live in a town where the landlords bully the tenants into a corner until their complaint is dropped. I am relatively confrontational, so I have no problem calling the management team on their shit. Over the past year or so we (roommates and I) have contacted the managers to get our drier fixed. They always respond promptly, come out, and look at it. However, they say "nothing is wrong with it, it must be user error" or "there might be a broken part". They replace the part but nothing is ever fixed. We have continued contacting them and explaining the problem but alas nothing. It is obvious the washer and drier need to be replaced but they won't do it. this has happened before, our ac unit went out and we contacted them, the maintenance man came out and explained the problem to me. The coil had corroded and the unit needed to be replaced. I contacted the landlords and they said nope. I contacted the ac company and they had records showing the unit needed to be replaced a few years prior. They finally replaced it and all is well. So jump to Monday, we were having problems with the ac unit and we are still contacting them about the drier. Maintenance came out and decided that the problem was from dirty ac filters. Roommates agreed that it was roommate b's fault. At that time I expected to get a call that we would have to pay the maintenance call due to our fault and to pay it with this months rent. However, we were not contacted about the drier. We get an email Friday saying we owed $200 by Monday. I contacted them back stating we would not pay unless we had our drier fixed. They called and stated we were not allowed to do that. However, our lease does not state we cannot withhold payment until a repair is complete. Can I withhold the payment? Or should I suck it up and pay, then start the battle for the drier another day?
Do NOT withhold payment. Texas is VERY landlord-friendly so you have to follow a very specific protocol. See [here](http://texastenant.org/repairs.html) for a pretty thorough explanation, but bottom line is this all has to start with a written (on paper) request for repairs sent certified mail. They don't have to do jack if you just call them, so long as it isn't a habitability issue. Read that link top to bottom.Answer #2: In most states, if you're even allowed to withhold rent in certain circumstances, it's generally only for reasons effecting the habitability of your rental unit. I would recommend you not withhold any rent.
Unpaid internship illegal?
Hello r/legaladvice I'm a recent college grad working an unpaid internship at a recording studio where they make us clean and sweep and paint constantly. I think it's illegal. We are supposed to have one learning day a week and one cleaning day a week, but often the learning days are ignored. Is it legal for them to make us clean all day? I twisted my ankle painting ceilings for this place. It feels wrong. Any advice would help. Location: Massachusetts
Massachusetts has stricter standards for unpaid internships than the federal ones. Under federal law, unpaid internships can be offered by for profit companies as long as they meet 6 standards that ensure the benefits of the internship go to the intern and not the company. However, in Mass. only a charity, or educational or religious institute can offer an unpaid internship. So right off the bat if this recording studio is not one of those you need to be paid min wage.Answer #2: That wouldn't be legal even if you got one learning day and one cleaning day. Cleaning is not learning about the business. Is this for school credit? Anyway you need to be paid as an employee.Answer #3: It sounds questionable... http://www.mass.gov/ago/doing-business-in-massachusetts/workplace-rights/worker-classification/volunteers-and-interns.htmlAnswer #4: Thanks for the responses! This is not through a college, I graduated last year. I'm documenting some of the weird shit I do here. Right now I'm taking individual soy sauce packages and pouring them into a bottle...
how can I make sure I inherit my dad's car? (CT)
My dad's health is not that good and he has already told me that I will inherit everything that he owns. Unfortunately the only thing of real value is his car. It has no loans on it and he has the title which is in his name. He has a lot of outstanding debt such mortgage, medical bills, etc. What can I do to make sure the debt collectors stay away from the car when that day comes? Should I do a joint ownership on the car? Topic: Wills Trusts and Estates
The easiest thing he can do is give it to you now. Otherwise you'll have to go through probate. Answer #2: Your father owes people money. They are first in line, not you. (don't intend to be mean but it's the truth). If he gifts it to you right before he dies and a Judge decides it was an attempt to avoid paying his creditors, they could go after you for the value of the car.
[OR] Community College Wants My Blood for Points?
I am in an online PE class for a community college in Oregon and for my week 3 assignment one is labelled "Blood Work". I opened up the document and it is instructing me to go to a specific medical lab next to a restaurant (of which the course assignment has the name misspelled, along with multiple other typos) to speak to the secretary and tell them what class I am in. Once I tell them my class and instructor, it says they will send my results to my instructor. Is this a violation of HIPAA? Is it even legal to require me to have my blood drawn for points? At the bottom of the course assignment it says that a fear of needles will result in 0 points being awarded unless an attempt is made.
I would talk to the dean about this... it definitely seems wrong.
[CALIFORNIA] Just found out I have a default judgement and an eviction on my record that I just found out about, years later, because I was not served properly, AFAIK. It is currently preventing me from leasing a home, and i need to find a place ASAP to get my daughter into school. Help!
Hopefully I can get some clarity on this situation. Some semi thorough background info (TL;DR at bottom): I opened a clothing store in 2005 with a friend of mine. We worked as a simple partnership, no LLC, so the lease was in both of our names. We did well, but the economy collapsed and we could no longer afford the nice location we were in. Luckily we got out of the lease we had been in, and moved to a cheaper (read: seedier) area, which was fine for us because we were essentially a skate/streetwear shop that threw art shows and we liked the freedom to throw events without the neighbors complaining. Our neighbors were a C grade taco shop, red light massage parlor, divey pool hall, tattoo shop, head shop, a liquor store and a jazzercise studio. It was fun at first having all that chaos but ultimately proved to be more drama than it was worth. The place was a shithole when we took possession and from the get-go I should have seen the signs about the landlords. The city inspectors called them slumlords even tho this was a commercial space. There were bums sleeping on the roof huffing Freon that we had to constantly replace ourselves. The suite was fully trashed by the previous tenant, with water damage, gross floor, damaged lights, ceiling tiles, water lines, black mold etc. We offered to do the mold remediation ourselves in exchange for a credit on rent (this included cutting out parts of the walls, treatment, new drywall, texture and paint. We also pulled out the destroyed drop ceiling (which would have had to been replaced anyway) and installed stainless HVAC ducting, high bay metal halide lights, etc to make it look more modern and presentable. We were naive and dealt with the landlord on a handshake basis concerning most things regarding the state of the space. We had been late a few times on rent but no more than a couple weeks, and was always clear with the landlord on when we could and would pay. After a few years the clothing line we launched out of the store was doing well and we decided to focus on that and get out of the retail game. My business partner, who had been the main contact with the landlord, said he had negotiated an early release from the lease, which we had about 5 months left on. The landlord had stated if we payed up to a certain month and cleaned out the space, we would be fine to vacate. Of course, we did not get this in writing. It was discussed over the phone/text. Virtual handshake. We tore down the walls we had put in, cleaned the space and painted over the murals we had in the space. It wasnt 100% perfect (being honest), but we had left it in a far better state than we received it. About a month after we vacated the landlord sent my partner some pissed off message stating that we didn't restore the space because we didn't replace the drop ceiling that we had removed when we upgraded the lighting. We felt he had no grounds to complain, and told him that we would not be installing a drop ceiling and went on with our business. That was the last we heard of it. This was early 2010. After years of being fairly cash rich and wary of debt, I owned everything i had outright, but I had little credit history that was recent. In 2016 I had started building it back up by getting a couple credit cards, car loan, and paying on time every month. When I checked my credit in early 2017 to see progress I noticed there was a public judgment on my report for about $20k, which I immediately thought was the result of ID theft. When I looked further, I realized that I had been sued by the previous landlord and a default decision was rendered in 2013, a full 3 years after we had vacated the space. I had initially thought it had to do with the drop ceiling but after looking further into it (and paying for copies of the minutes), it showed that it was for unpaid rent, but far more than we had left on the lease (10 months in the lawsuit vs 5 months). They had first filed in 2011, and didn't attempt to serve until 2012. Here's where I am having an issue getting some clarity. I never personally received any summons or any other legal document. They were all sent to my Parent's Address, which they threw out thinking it was junk mail (plain manilla envelopes show up like crazy when you register a business and when I moved out I changed the addresses for my bills, etc but didn't do mail forwarding). I had not changed my address on record at the DMV at that point. Eventually they had someone show up at my parents house and hand deliver it, which my mom signed for (I only know this from the filed form from the process server- she has no recollection of the event. She stated that she probably did receive it but whatever was delivered was probably thrown away with the junk mail). They were also attempting to serve my business partner at that address, which he had never lived at. So, bottom line is I still never saw anything and never had a chance to fight the suit. Now fast forward to this week, and I'm applying to lease a home, in a good neighborhood so my daughter can go to a decent public high school in LA, and the landlady informs me that I have an eviction on my public record! It stated the eviction was for my parents address, which is impossible, but when she mentioned the name of the landlord, I realized that it had to do with the retail space and the judgement I had recently become aware of. I dont understand how we got an unlawful detainer when we had vacated the space without any notice of eviction, etc. We had notified the landlord that we had vacated the space and he knew that we were not there. Even if the space required a bit of extra work, I can't understand how any eviction could have been filed. The record does not make any differentiation that it was commercial rather than residential. I've spoken to a couple lawyers that I have business with but this isn't their expertise and could only give me superficial remedies like trying to settle, waiting it out till it went off the record, filing to vacate, quash etc. The biggest issue I have is that this whole initial situation happened 6 1/2 years ago and I have little faith that I will have the records to back up the handshake agreement to end the lease early and our payment history. I do have records that the space was never up to code, along with corroborating witnesses from the neighboring businesses and people from the city who inspected our improvements. I dont mind contacting the landlord directly, settling the judgement at a lower amount and trying to get it handled that way rather than going back to court to fight the judgement due to my lack of records. The issue I need to resolve is how to deal with this eviction on the public record - because it is most definitely not accurate - and I need a resolution within this month if possible. Does anyone have any input on my options? **(TL;DR) I got sued with what i view as improper service. Found out about the judgement 6 years after the original complaint and 4 years after the judgement. I now have the judgement and an eviction on my record, which is preventing me from getting into a decent place with my daughter in LA. I need to fight the eviction more than I need to fight the judgement, but I'd like to do both if possible. HELP!** Thanks for reading all this! edit: formatting.
TLDR: > When I checked my credit in early 2017 [...] I noticed there was a public judgment on my report [...] When I looked further, I realized that I had been sued by the previous landlord and a default decision was rendered in 2013 [...] I never personally received any summons [...] They were all sent to my Parent's Address [...] I had not changed my address on record at the DMV. [...] Eventually they had someone show up at my parents house and hand deliver it, which my mom signed for [...] I've spoken to a couple lawyers [...] but this isn't their expertise [...] Does anyone have any input on my options? Answer #2: None of the history is relevant. What matters is you have a judgment. You can try to vacate for lack of service then go to court to argue on the merits.
Girlfriend is in a ton of debt. Now her workplace is taking her wages.
Starting off - My girlfriend has lots of debt. She made some mistakes when she was younger (opened lots of credit cards, has about $65k in student loan debt). She is getting herself back on track and has been doing well the last 2-3 years. She works for law enforcement and was attempting a physical test to advance to a new position when she tore her ACL. She immediately looked at worker's comp, and 9 months after fighting it in the courts, she won. She scheduled her surgery. One week before her surgery, she received a notice that they were going to appeal the decision. (They said she didn't have to take the test) She filed her FMLA paperwork (which was approved) and had the surgery anyways. 2 months later, last week, she received another letter saying that her lawyer never brought anything to court (he claimed he had nothing new to introduce), so the appealing side won. Now she is responsible for everything related to the surgery. (Around $40,000) Two days ago she received another letter - because it was a non-compensable injury, the FMLA paperwork is null so she actually took unpaid leave. They want all of their money back from the paychecks they sent out over the duration of her leave. She was set to receive a paycheck today, which she got, and it has the sum of $0. She has bills due tomorrow (from her credit cards and other debts she has been working so hard to pay off) and she has no money. After each paycheck and her paying all of her bills and not spending frivolously at all (she never goes out, has no luxuries), she has maybe $200 to last her the month to pay for food/groceries/household upkeep/etc. Now they are saying she still owes them 53 hours of work for no pay. Her parents co-signed on her student loans, so they are having to pick up a payment, and I had to give her $400 just so she could get a brace so she could get back to work. Now I need to give her $500 for her to pay off these bills due tomorrow so they dont overdraft her and put her even further back into debt. She is now trying to sue them again but at the district level. I have my own future to worry about and I'm doing OK enough to where that money doesn't hurt me, but it's still me having to dip into my savings. I want to do everything I can for her but they keep on taking her money. If they start garnishing her wages she will have nothing to live on at all. She can't get a second job because her contract says she can't while working where she is. They are trying to make her take that option, which would require her to quit (meaning she cant get unemployment.) I fully expect them to get their money back and immediately fire her (living in Texas, no real rules regarding how employees are treated) Can you guys help at all??? I hope this is the right subreddit. Topic: Contracts
The US Dept of Labor, Federal Law concerning garnishment, trumps Texas law. Read about it [here](http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs30.htm). There is a toll free number (1-866-487-9243).Answer #2: She needs to see a bankruptcy lawyer. She will be living under this cloud for the next 15 years. If she declares bankruptcy most of the stress will be relieved and you can move forward with your lives. I have counseled a solid 10-15 people into bankruptcy in my life and everyone one of them thanked me for it 3-5 days later.
My daughter's mother just confessed to me her youngest child molested my daughter. Can I get full custody? (Massachusetts)
I just found out from my daughter's mother that her youngest child (not from me) has been molesting my six year old daughter. To start from beginning, my daughter's mother (dm) recently had a huge fight with her current or her now ex boyfriend, it turns out he is a person who takes advantage of little girls and girls who are mentally handicapped. I won't go more into it than that. Fast forward a month or so, and department of children and families (dcf) is involved and is having the kids go through therapy. Today dcf was at dm house and apparently they caught dm youngest child touching my daughter in ways that no parent wants to see. When approached by dm about why she would allow this to happen, my daughter apparently replied that it's OK. DM blames her ex about the youngest child behavior, and honestly, I don't care in the slightest the root cause. All I care about is getting full custody of my daughter. As of right now, I believe to the best of my knowledge that I only have visitation rights every weekend and whatever we agree on as Copa rents. MY QUESTION IS CAN I TAKE MY DM TO COURT TO HAVE FULL CUSTODY OF MY DAUGHTER SINCE THE PERSON WHO MOLESTED HER IS HER YOUNGER BROTHER??? PLEASE HELP ME!!
Yes. You can certainly file for full custody and supervised visitation. You should hire an attorney to get the best outcome
[Ok] a maintenance person entered my apartment without my knowledge or prior notification and took pictures of a small amount of weed and a pipe and gave them to my landlord.
On May 24th I left my apartment and went for about a 40 min walk, I left my door unlocked (admitly stupid) and when I got back I found it was locked. My door can only be locked with a key so I knew instantly it had to be my landlord or maintenance etc... And panicked...because i had left a small amount of marijuana sitting on a book in living room with pipe next to it. So I went to office and both landlord and maintenance guy were there and they said yes he (MG) had been in apartment because of a work order to fix frayed carpet. Thing is I never summited a work order and as far as I know no carpet in apartment was frayed. So he goes on and unlockes door nethier him or landlord had said anything so when back in I breath a sigh of relief thinking maybe he didn't see it or simply didn't care about it. ...then the next day I get a call from my *mother*. My landlord had called her and told her to come to the office on next Tuesday so she could show her pictures the maintenance guy had taken in my apartment. Which I know what it's going to be of... I should state as of me posting this (Sat May 27th) I have heard nothing from my landlord she hasn't contacted me at all the only reason I know anything is wrong is because my mother told me. So now really worried I'm going to be evicted from my apartment (my landlord have me an anti- drug speech when I first got apartment) but what im wondering is, is it legal for somebody to enter your apartment without any prior notification (my sister told me in OK legally you have to have 24 notice before inspection) and then take photos of things in the apartment. While I don't have any evidence to back this up,i know my landlord doesn't like me and I think she send maintenence guy into my apartment with phony work order (to get around 24 hour notice) and told him to take pictures of anything that could be used against me. Next Tuesday I'm going to show up at meeting with landlord instead of my mother. But surely it can't be legal for her to do this... (In case your wondering how my mother got involved I'm autistic and she was with me when I got apartment but it's in my name, also I'm high functioning but I'm pretty sure my landlord thinks I'm retarded) Topic: Landlord Tenant Housing
The maintenance guy shouldn't have entered without prior notice, barring an emergency. But you can still be evicted for having illegal drugs in your apartment.
[VA] I believe Veterinarian caused bleeding injury to my dog - Contemplating hiring an Attorney
Where: Virginia, USA **Before the Vet Visit:** **Friday:** My dog, a Pomeranian mix, started limping Friday evening, from 5 PM- 11 PM (I went to bed at 11 PM), so I decided to keep an eye on her. I am 75% percent sure it was her back left leg. As she was walking, limping appeared to be lifting her back left leg a little bit in the air, as if not wanting to apply pressure to her leg. **Saturday:** No problems **Sunday:** During the day she seemed fine. Around 11:00-11:30 PM she was on the bed sleeping and she suddenly wakes up screaming, and flies off the bed howling in pain. She scares herself and pees herself :( I run to her to see what's wrong, and I'm seeing nothing as I'm inspecting her, meanwhile she's still howling. I take her outside because she peed and I'm trying to look at her and calm her down. I ask my partner if we should take her in immediately or wait, we decided to wait until the following day. **Monday:** I have her crated Sunday night-Monday morning. I check on her and she's still in pain. I can see in her face she's either very scared, in pain, or a combination of both. She's trembling and whimpering a bit. **The Vet Visit:** My partner and I put her in her soft dog bed to take her to the vet around 4 PM. I told them I thought it was her feet, specifically her right foot a the visit, because when I inspected her Monday morning, it seemed like the right foot was bothering her this time as I felt them. The Vet takes x-rays, they gave her some "strong good drugs" (my partner said this to me) because I was on the phone dealing with another type of emergency (work). We left the Vet's office at 5:30, get home at 6:30. They did x-rays and they said that what she had appeared to be back problems because she's getting old (she's 7-10), and they have use some medication. No mentioning problems with the legs. **Now, I think this is a very important piece of information** which I believe proves the Vet's caused this injury: we said we brought her to the Vet in the dog bed, and we brought her home in the dog bed. Since she was given the meds, she seemed out of it, and she never got out of the dog bed until she decided she was thirsty. When she got out of her dog bed, I noticed some dark spots underneath where she had been laying, but I assumed it was a little bit of puke, because she appeared nauseous. That means, IMHO, that the bleeding started at the Vet office since she was in the bed the whole time. After drinking the water, which was next to her dog bed, she throws up. She then walks over a few steps to this one spot and just sits there, up right, staring at the wall or something for maybe 2 hours? At around 9 PM I decide it's time to crate her for the evening, and as I try to move her I see a massive amount of blood on her fur around her butt and leg area, and a medium sized blood stain on the carpet (bigger than a strawberry, maybe the size of a peach). I try looking for the wound, but my dog has A LOT of fur, and she's scared and doesn't want to be touched. I called the emergency Vet office that is affiliated with the original Vet office I had taken her to in the afternoon. When I called I told them how this bleeding had never happened because (I wasn't be accusing them at this point - just being really confused as to why this could be happening). They said they'd wave the examination fee if I come in because she had already been looked at. I bring her to the 10:30-11 PM and they have to give her more pain meds, because the original one was only six hours, and she wasn't letting the Vets handle her. They mention that they found bruising around the area, and there was a wound (they said it wasn't big), and it was still bleeding a little bit. They suggest blood work to see if she might have problems bleeding or something? IDK, I can't remember exactly why; it was a lot of information they were throwing at me. The first Vet bill came to about 550 something, and so did the second bill; totaling a little over 1,000 at this point. At the first visit I did not pay upfront because they usually just mail me the bill. At the second visit, I had to pay half up front, which came to 250ish. My dog did have some limping and pain in the days leading up to the first appointment, but she was never bleeding. I really think the Vet's should be waiving this entire Vet visit because it all relates to the bleeding which I believe they caused. **My Questions are:** Can I hire an attorney for this? I also wanted to contact the first Vet office to let them know of the problem, but I don't know if I should do this before or after I go to pick up and pay for my dog. One of my worries is that they may retaliate against my dog in some way or add more things to the bill to make it more expensive by the time I am done with them. I've been using this Vet for years, and this is the first time something like this has happened. I do believe that they should be waiving the fees for me. If they deny it, I am considering hiring an attorney or letting people on social media know what happened to my dog while in their care. Please help and thank you in advance Edited: to add "Virginia, USA"
Nothing you have stated here would lead anyone to believe the vet caused the bleeding.
[IL/NV] Paid an artist for a painting, never received it, artist won't respond to emails...
My wife and I found a piece of artwork we liked in Chicago back during the summer. It was in a gallery/artist collective in Wicker Park, and so I contacted the gallery owner (I guess?) via his gallery's Facebook page about the piece. He stated the piece was $1200, and gave us a name and address to make a check out to. I confirmed the name was the one listed as the artist on one news site I found that spoke about the artwork. My wife and I were in the process of moving to Nevada, so we emailed the recipient of the check and asked him if he could hold on to the piece for a month (it was hanging in a gallery, and had been for a few years, so we figured another month wasn't a problem). He agreed. Once we moved, he became more and more difficult to contact (long delays would go by between emails), one time speaking about how his mother was sick. We weren't in a big hurry to get it, so we didn't press him that hard. However, we now haven't heard from him in 2 months, despite calling, emailing, and Facebook messaging him. My question now is: what is the next step? I googled him and found out he had a record of property damage from 2015, and the name on the arrest record corresponds to the address he gave us, so I don't think it was a fake address. So: we know where he lives, but we now live in NV. Is this something that we should call the cops about? Small claims? Learn our lesson and eat the $1200? Edit #1: I contacted the artist collective via email and they are going to look into the situation. Posting a nasty review on the collective's Google Maps page probably didn't hurt.
> Is this something that we should call the cops about? Nope. This is a civil matter, not a criminal one. > Small claims? That is how you would need to do it. But you have to file in a Chicago small claims court. That would mean you have to travel to Chicago for the trial. You would not be able to claim travel/lodging expenses as part of your damages. > Learn our lesson and eat the $1200? Do the math. If it is worth it to you, go for it. If not, move on.
(CA) My 15 year old daughter is pregnant and I don't want anything to do with it.
I have two children. My son is off at college. The youngest is 15, turning 16 in May, and still lives with us and attends high school. A week ago, she sat my husband and I down, and told us she was pregnant and that she was planning on keeping it. It took us both by surprise. We didn’t even know she had a boyfriend. Apparently, he isn’t even her boyfriend, just someone that she was “talking” to/ dating. Note, I always made importance of condom use and of birth control in my house. I told my children that when they were sexually active, they could come to me and ask for forms of birth control, no judgement. I’m extremely against the idea. She has no income. Her “job” is to get straight A’s and maintain her room in a neat manner. She still follows her chore chart. I drive her to dance class. At least to me, she’s still a child. She’s not emotionally or financially ready for a kid. For the past week I have tried to convince her that terminating, or at least putting the child up for adoption, is the best choice for someone in her situation. I have made her watch teen pregnancy shows, showed her statistics, showed her the cost of raising a child. She refuses to budge even with all this information. I think she has this dumbass believe that having this kid will anchor the guy who got her pregnant to her. I told her that won’t be the case, and that it’s real probable for him to drift away. I have told her that her lifestyle won't ever be the same. No dance class, no going out with friends, no shopping trips, no road trips with her brother during the summer. Going to college will be even harder. With her deciding to carry on with the pregnancy, I have made some decisions myself too. I know I can’t force her to abort, or give her child up for adoption, but I am done raising small children. I have told myself from early age that I was only having two children and that’s it. I refused to baby proof my house. When the girls were old enough to not have everything be a death trap, I redid the whole house. I don’t want it riddled with baby locks, baby gates. I got the blessing from my son to turn his old room into an art room for myself. It’s stripped bare. Youngest daughter said that could be a nursery. No way. Though we are not struggling financially, I do not have the budget for a child. I have planned my life financially to be able to retire early and live comfortably. I do not want to hear a yelling baby at 4 in the morning. And as heartless as it may sound, I essentially want absolutely nothing to do with a baby for a long term period. Even if it’s my own grandchild. I made it very clear to my kids that if they decide to have children in the future, it will be their responsibility, and I will only step in during times of dire need. With that being said. If my daughter decides to give birth and keep the baby, I do not want it staying here. I know I legally have to care for my daughter, but I do not want to house a baby. I do not want an infant in my house at all. We have no relatives living close to us. What can I legally do? Also, is it my legal responsibility to drive her to OBGYN and other prenatal care appointments? Topic: Custody Divorce and Family
I think you and your daughter should meet with a lawyer. A lawyer will be able to make it clear what your responsibilities are to your daughter before the baby comes and after the baby comes. Also, what your daughter's rights and responsibilities are for herself before the baby comes, and for her and the baby once it is born. Also, what the father's rights and responsibilities are to the baby after it is born. And lastly, any and all assistance that the county and state can provide to you, your daughter, and the baby. With that information I think you'll be better prepared to make a plan of how to best prepare your daughter for moving out with the baby once she turns 18.Answer #2: I can understand and respect you setting a clear boundary and refusing to be codependent to your daughter being completely unprepared to follow through on the decisions she’s making. You’re trying to make your daughter wake up to reality. I’d recommend you talk to cps and get some advice on what following this through means and what your rights are. I mean, if you do refuse to provide food and supplies for the baby and daughter doesn’t or can’t that’s going to result in neglect. Are you going to call cps on your daughter when that happens? Are you positive you have no liability?
Apartment building is allowing some residents to violate their leases in a way that disrupts others. [TX]
I live in a luxury high-rise with some really nice amenities that are shared by all residents (e.g. Starbucks machines, a penthouse lounge, etc.) There are 4 residents living here who are distributors for an MLM company who have been using these amenities for their business. They park several exotic cars with their company's logo outside the main entrance and frequently bring groups of 30-50 people over for sales pitches in our nice amenity rooms. The lease specifically has a section on Prohibited Conduct that expressly disallows conducting any types of business activities here, with exception to work-at-home business that does NOT involve customers or business associates coming to the apartment. This does NOT fall within that exception. A group of 30 residents has gotten together and protested to building management, but the response we get is either "we are monitoring the situation to make sure it isn't excessive/disruptive" or even "it's not conducting business, they are just bringing people over for luncheons." Our problem with this is that it creates significant traffic and parking shortages, these guests tend to leave trash around the property, and - most importantly - we frequently find our access to these amenities curtailed when we want to use them. We are okay sharing with the needs of other residents, but when a business frequently brings huge groups in, it affects everyone else's ability to access them. We know of at least one staff member who was even recruited by the MLM to become a distributor, so it appears there may be some conflicts of interest in how the rules were being enforced. He left a few weeks ago but we feel like that set a precedent here and that it's possible there are others "on the take". Might we have any remedies available to us if their failure to adhere to the lease is reducing our enjoyment of and access to the facilities? Thank you! Topic: Landlord Tenant Housing
Best non-legal course of action: keep using the shared amenities you're entitled to in the most disruptive way possible for their business. I could foresee some stops at the penthouse lounge during an important lunch, while wearing nothing but a bathrobe and loudly playing Justin Bieber music.
Bullied at work
A friend of mine has been relentlessly harassed at work by an assistant manager and coworker. Throwing food at her, laughing at her, smearing mayonnaise on her pants. Gets made fun of about her looks/clothes/etc. she’s asked them to stop but they only mocked her. Is there anything she can do? She’s scared to contact corporate in fear of retaliation
Contact corporate anyways? I mean technically throwing food at her could be some form of assault (in my state it's called assault by projectile) so she *could* call the police. But really she needs to stand up for herself, document the harrasment, records times, days, incidences, and witnesses and advocate for herself.
Landlord installing security cameras - is this a breach of privacy?
A little backstory: I live in a busy city with a large transient population and my apartment building is right in the heart of it. Unfortunately, tenants in the building were not locking the basement door, which accesses the laundry room, alley way, and bike storage area and a tenant in our building had his unlocked bike stolen from the basement. As a result, the landlord changed all the locks and the tenants have been better about locking all building doors. However when the locks were changed the landlord forgot to give the USPS deliver a new key. So when another tenants package was marked "delivered" but was actually being held at the nearest post office, the tenant reported another theft to our landlord - despite the fact that it was never actually stolen (it was delivered after the post office got a new key to the building). So now our landlord has decided to install security cameras inside the building with the intention being to monitor the tenants for package theft. Since it seems pretty obvious that the first incident was caused by an outside individual gaining access to our building, this seems a bit misdirected to me. Furthermore, it just generally weirds me out that my landlord will be able to see my comings-and-goings - a bit too Big Brother for my liking. I signed a lease in a building that didn't have 24/7 monitoring. Do I have any right to object to their installation? Edit: typos.
In the building's common rooms, it is very likely perfectly legal.
[MD] My husband's ex-girlfriend didn't show for her 3rd contempt hearing for his son.
So my stepsons birth mother hasn't showed for her court hearings for not paying child support. This is the 3rd time she hasn't showed. She now has a warrant for her arrest again. Do we still have to send him? I know visitation and CS or two different things but wasn't sure if there was a way to stop visitation till she is arrested. My step son (who is 8) is already having emotional issues because she didn't even show for her weekend last time and was also left alone by his cousin for half an hour and now has abandonment issues at home with husband and I.
You cannot just ignore the custody order regardless of child support. If she has a warrant and you know where she will be at drop off you could tip off the police, they may or may not care to arrest her. Answer #2: You can't ignore the custody order. Of course, you can tip the police off. The may even do something about it. Your strategy will depend on how you handoff the child to her, and the exact wording of your order. You can petition the court for a change in custody. Not paying child support doesn't directly impact custody, but being incarcerated for failing to pay it might. Get a lawyer. Besides the legal advice, your husband needs to get his son into therapy. Abandonment can leave lifelong impact on a child's mental health.Answer #3: follow custody order and do what your lawyer says is best advice, but if it really is having an impact on the child its reasonable to not put him through that. but you need support because your husband will be in contempt. parental alienation is a real thing but if school psychologist or gal can back it up (ie grades slipping/etc) you could maybe get supervised visitation where visitation is structured and observed and reports made to court
$12000(ish) for a trashed apartment I wasn't living in...
Alright, folks. I am a single mom who was renting a townhouse apartment in Beaverton, Oregon. Trying to cut costs a bit, I decided to get a roommate. I posted an ad on Craigslist and got a hit from a woman (let's call her Ally) who came over to view the place. She seemed relatively normal, passed a criminal background check, and was able to provide me with recent pay stubs. I agreed to let her move in and told her that she just needed to get her name on the lease within two weeks (per my lease agreement). A week after moving in, I received a call from Child Protective Services, stating that they were concerned for the safety and well being of my three year old daughter. Obviously, I was super confused, so the caseworker explained that she had been informed by Ally's mom that Ally had moved into an apartment providing childcare in exchange for rent and that Ally has a long history with DHS due to child abuse and neglect charges against her own two children that have been removed from her custody. I immediately explained that a) my daughter comes to work with me everyday (I work at a preschool), b) I had NO idea that Ally had that type of history (Ally has never been arrested for the abuse and neglect, so it didn't show up on a background check), and c) that I was under the impression that Ally had a job and could pay rent that way. Right after that phone call, I sent a text to Ally telling her that she needed to find a new place to live in the next two weeks. In the meantime, my daughter and I stayed with family. Ally wasn't happy about it, but she agreed. The night before Ally was supposed to be out of the apartment, she sent me a text stating that she had rights and that she wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon. I called the police, but they told me that even though she wasn't on the lease, she had "established residence" and that I would have to file for a legal eviction notice with the courts (and pay the hefty filing fees). I called my apartment manager and explained the situation to her as well, but she told me that since I had an "unauthorized tenant" living in the apartment, I was going to receive a 72-hour eviction notice, but if I broke my lease ($1600 fee), I could save myself from having an eviction on my record and the complex would handle the eviction process of Ally. So, that's what I did and I terminated my lease on April 1st by handing in my keys and giving a written notice of my intent to terminate the lease. Meanwhile, after I moved my daughter and I out, Ally moved in her boyfriend (whom she has a no-contact order with due to prior domestic abuse issues), her two dogs, a parrot, and her 3 adult bunnies (who quickly multiplied). Well, after eviction notices, court appearances, and finally changed locks, Ally and her boyfriend moved out on June 30th... nearly 3 months after I moved out. I am now being footed the bill for those three months of rent (1150/month), the apartment's electricity (even though I turned off the electricity from the electric company), storage fees (due to the things that they left behind when they finally moved out), and an estimated $8000 in damages (upstairs carpeting and downstairs kitchen linoleum has to be completely replaced, due to massive amounts of bunny feces and urine, several doors and walls need to be replaced/repaired due to holes, plumbing repair due to them flushing something down the toilet that busted a pipe, and a new refrigerator, since the door was broken off) because she was not on the lease. I have spoken briefly with an attorney, but he said that since it was my name and I "violated the lease agreement" by moving someone in that wasn't on the lease (even though she was supposed to get on it within the two weeks), I probably don't have much of a chance against the apartment complex. He suggested that I could sue Ally, but she doesn't have any money to speak of (apparently she forged the pay stubs she gave me and hasn't worked in over three years) and I don't want to dig my hole deeper by adding on a bunch of court and attorney costs. What do I do...???
> I probably don't have much of a chance against the apartment complex. He suggested that I could sue Ally This sounds exactly correct to me. Answer #2: Dog Law specialist here. You pay the $12K. This is on you, legally speaking. You can sue her, for that money, but she may well be judgement proof.
[FL] How far does the Romeo and Juliet law reach?
I just turned 18 and I'm about to graduate high school in a couple weeks. I'm talking to a Freshman girl who is 15. If we were to get together would I be safe from being registered as a sex offender or child predator? I don't really understand the Romeo and Juliet law in Florida so I don't know what it's year gaps are based on. I've heard it only applies in high school from some people and others have told me it applies no matter what. If we were to get together I would have already graduated if that makes any difference in this situation. Topic: Juvenile and Youth Law
Romeo and Juliet in Florida goes to 4 years close in age. It’s still illegal even then but you wouldn’t have to register as a sex offender.
Terminated for job abandonment
I work as a caregiver for 4 month's. During hurricane Matthew on 10/08/16. I call my employer to let her no I will be late . that We are waiting for day break so we can see the road better for our safety. The power went out at my job and there was no way I can get through to them. My administration call me from her cell and ask where I was at. I explain to her the reason and she gave a rude remark and said", Don't your car have headlights!!!?. I. Ask her did her car have headlights!!? I was suppose to be to work at 7:00am. I arrived to work at 8:16am. I was a hour and 16 minutes late. I work until the end of my shift 7:00pm. I was call in the office on 10/13/16. I was told that I am beginning terminated for job abandonment. This was the first time I ever was late. Do I have a legal right to sue?
You can file for unemployment. This doesn't sound like job abandonment, since you showed up to work and worked the full day. It sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to you being late. That said, you were over an hour late and got snarky with the administration when they reached out to you. I'd also have fired you.
[NJ] Wrongful Termination/Other Issues?
If she wasn't being paid in accordance with NJ state law, then she should file a wage claim with the NJ Dept of Labor against the district for being underpaid. She could speak to an employment attorney. She *may* have a case for being fired for reporting an illegal activity by the district. I'm not saying that this is actually what happened or what will happen if she talks to a lawyer.
(Fullerton, California) City of Fullerton wants me to pay them $3,000 after a Fullerton Police Officer hit my vehicle. Insurance ruled me not at fault for the incident.
Hi, this is my first time posting here. Posting on a burn account just in case. In early February of last year, I was driving to my university for a night class, and my vehicle was struck by a police car while I was driving through a solid green light. There was substantial damage done to my vehicle, with little to no visible damage to the police cruiser. There was a witness to the incident who spoke to me briefly after the incident as well. I should also mention that the police cruiser did not have his siren on when he barreled through the intersection, most likely because the particular intersection is where the Fullerton Police Station is located. After a few months of playing back and forth with my insurance company, they ruled that I was not at fault for the incident, largely due to the witness testimony. However, because I have only PL and PD, they essentially washed their hands of the case from there. They did, however, tell me to contact them should I receive anything like a bill or court summons from City of Fullerton. Fast forward to now: I just received a bill in the mail from City of Fullerton for over $3,000. The envelope they sent me includes photos of the supposed damage to the police cruiser in question as well as an outline of the expenses incurred when the police vehicle was repaired. Now, here's the catch: there is a note written stating that the police officer was involved in another accident in late January, 5 days before the incident with my vehicle. So, because I'm receiving this at about 7PM on a Friday, I won't be able to contact my insurance about this until Monday. The bill states that I must pay the amount by January 17th, 2017. I plan to call my insurance provider on Monday, as well as discuss the developments with the witness probably on Tuesday. Reddit, I simply want to know what you make of my situation and what you think that I should do beyond these two things. I don't make much money, and most certainly cannot afford to pay that amount by the due date mentioned. I've completely lost faith in my police department at this point, and am already bitter that the City is not paying for the damage to my vehicle, but hope to at least come out of this without having to pay this ridiculous fee. Any advice?
As your insurance company said, contact them if you receive a bill. They'll take care of it.Answer #2: > Reddit, I simply want to know what you make of my situation and what you think that I should do beyond these two things You shouldn't do the second thing, at all. Call your insurance company, like you were told, and shut up otherwise. Talking to the witness isn't going to help you and may instead hurt you.
How much trouble can I get into for saying there was a burglary when there wasn't one in order to get an insurance payout?
STATE: California
so filing a false police report and insurance fraud? i see felonies in your future
I'd like to advertise on a billboard in a major metropolitan area what jury nullification is. How can I do this without getting jail-time?
Seems like judges will pull out all the stops to prevent this info from being spread, and punish those who try. How can I do this without breaking the law/avoid legitimate grounds for a lawsuit? Edit:Chicago
Did you try taking the first amendment out, blowing in it, and then putting it back in again?
(NV) Tenant purposely sabotaging walk-throughs on home I'm trying to sell. What do I do?
Posting on a throwaway since my main account contains potentially identifying information. I own a home in a relatively nice area of my city that I put up for sale 3 months ago since the renters 1-year contract had expired. The realtor has told me several times now that potential clients have been disgusted when entering the home. The current renter has begun smoking inside when clients walk through, blasting loud music so that nobody can hear anything else when they enter, and left trash to pile up around the house. This only began very shortly after the home was put up for sale. I notified the renters at the end of their contract that I would be listing the home for sale, but agreed they can continue to live there though they would have to pay rent on a month-to-month basis now. They have consistently paid their rent and not missed a day, and since they're still honoring that I don't know what the legal procedure to stop them from sabotaging the sale of the home is. I don't entirely know if issuing an eviction notice because of this infriges on tenants rights since they're still paying rent and was also wondering if I should contact a lawyer before continuing any further with this.
> also wondering if I should contact a lawyer before continuing any further with this Probably. And check you lease (do you allow smoking?) but more than anything, if they are on month-to-month, [just end their tenancy](http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/nevada-notice-requirements-terminate-month-month-tenancy.html). You don't need a reason.
Outrageous demand for spousal support; How likely that courts (Oregon) would uphold this demand?
Hi, my brother just petitioned his wife for a dissolution of marriage in Oregon state. She responded with a demand for $1000 per month in spousal support. The question: How likely is it the court would uphold this demand considering; They have been married 2 years 4 months Have no property She has been employed the entire time My brother has been going to college until June 2014, and has only had a job since then They have no children They have no significant assets She makes somewhere around $2000 per month He makes around $3500 per month Edit: And thank you for any advice! Edit, Edit: I should add that she did not contribute to his education or cost of living throughout school. That was done through his own loans and parent support.
Looks like she spent close to two years supporting him while he went to college and they broke up shortly after he graduated. He should expect to have to pay her some compensatory support for that.Answer #2: According to the [Oregon State Bar]( https://www.osbar.org/public/legalinfo/1134_ChildSupportDivorce.htm), spousal support generally is not awarded in short term marriages. Your brother needs to hire a local family lawyer to make sure his interests are protected and he receives what he's entitled to under the law.
Got a follow request on Instagram from a company that seems like a sex trafficking ring
I'm essentially wondering who I should report this to. I fired up a virtual machine and looked at their website just to be safe. The page headline is something along the lines of "premier club for emancipated girls" and it mentions how the company is looking for (paraphrased) "independent girls who love to party and travel." When I Google the company, though, there are no search results for anything similar. I've known if Google removing sites from search results because of potential scams etc, so it makes it seem even more fishy. Is there like a specific FBI page I can send this link to, or what?
When you type “FBI report sex trafficking” into google the first result is [this](https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights/human-trafficking) extremely relevant page from FBI.gov About 2/3 the way down is info on how and who to report this to.
Neighbor(s) feel entitled to our driveway
FL for the location bot. https://imgur.com/a/xneaQ for the bad microsoft paint. Not even close to scale. We live in a non-HOA neighborhood, in an un-incorporated part of the county that is outside the city limits, meaning we have to call the County for any police issues. Our street is long and a somewhat busy thoroughfare to the rest of the neighborhood, BUT we live at the very end of the street, which culminates in a dead end, so there's not a lot of traffic at our end. We bought our house in 2012 and have had problems with one neighbor from day one, when we found tire tracks in our front yard from him doing donuts on the same day that we closed. I should note that neighbor has a huge driveway and has basically devoted his whole yard to parking vehicles while we have a strip of concrete and simple landscaping. We have 4 (running) cars. Our driveway is long enough to accomodate all of them, but sometimes one or the other has to park on the edge of the street, at the edge of our yard. **The first time we did this, we met neighbor across the street face to face when he rang our doorbell and started cussing at us and pointing fingers and "how dare you park your car there [on our own land]" and raging about how he almost hit our car backing out of his driveway and how he had to look in the rear window when backing out... etc. etc. Did I mention he drives a lifted truck? So ever since then, he's done some passive-aggressive stuff. Most of which we couldn't pin on any specific neighbor, but he's the only one who has a grudge. **our mailbox got mowed down, had to be completely replaced. **fireworks on pretty much any event, always aimed at our house, at the front door, at the garage, and our cars. We have burn marks on the garage door where his kids aimed bottle rockets or Roman candles at it. **recently a note left on one of the cars stating "you park like an asshole." The car in question was fully in our own driveway, not blocking traffic, not on the side of the road **a family friend of his came over for a visit and he told her to use our driveway to park in. We came home from shopping and there's a big SUV in the middle of the driveway. We parked on the edge of the street, which must have gotten his attention because the friend came running, telling us that she would move. But when she did come over, she acted like she was doing us a big favor by moving HER car out of OUR driveway. **the trash / recycling is the most annoying. Every single week, someone has knocked either the trash or the recycling bin (they come on the same day) into the ditch just behind the mailbox. We have been blaming the garbage men for it, but after over a year of observing this, the garbage guys don't knock over anyone else's cans.... just ours. And not both of them, just one of them. Last week the recycling bin went into the ditch and it was full and daughter and I had to go out and pick up cans and paper all over the place. While doing so, the neighbor was standing in his driveway watching us and smirking and it dawned on me that he's been doing it all this time. It's not an occasional thing, it's an every single week, one of those cans is going down thing. We've even moved the placement of the cans to the far end of our lot, where it would be WAY out of his way to knock them down and they still get knocked down. So I know that I need to get him on camera, and I am going out to get some cameras this weekend and I've already staked out where the best place on the house to put them to capture him knocking them down. I'm also going to start sitting outside on trash day, hoping to maybe catch him in the act with my phone camera. I realize that this is all very petty but what else (legally) can I do? What about when I start getting film or video evidence?
Regarding replacing your mailbox, [**this**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/7dqibp/new_asshole_in_a_peacefull_neighborhood_learns/) might be worth a read.Answer #2: Fence the property, automatic gate across the drive. Cameras. All the cameras everywhere. Document everything. Record what you legally can. Rinse, repeat, until you have enough to nail them for harassment. Best of luck. (Also, if they rent? Nice letter to the landlord might help. It's how I got my neighbors to stop throwing parties until 4am on Tuesdays. )Answer #3: Concrete reinforced metal fence. Only thing after that is cameras. Cameras in your house pointed outside are pretty hard to tamper with. Allow you to place at will. And make it clear you are recording. Hopefully he is not a moron. In case he is. Have cameras pointed in from the front and back (cover your doors) and make sure to have one covering your vehicles. Your trash cans can be placed in a wooden container that can be bolted or rebar driven to the ground. Prevents even the most determined mess maker. Keep a couple cheap disposable cameras around. Easier and cheaper to replace in case he goes psycho on you or your evidence recording device. Good luck psycho neighbors are no fun. But record enough and report it enough and the problem will eventually sort itself out. Answer #4: I wonder if it would send a strong message to call a towing company to remove an unknown car from your driveway in the future...
Missing airport flight.
Not sure if this is in the right place (mods delete if so) but basically that has just happened. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I was due to fly to Budapest today from Heathrow airport. The flight was at 1030hrs in London and I left Birmingham (just over 100 miles away) at 0500hrs on we were due to arrive at 0800hrs but there was a huge accident on the last stretch of road which close the motorway for about 2hrs. By the time we got to the airport parking it was 1000hrs and then I had to wait for the shuttle bus and rush to the gate. We got through security and everything and made it to the gate to be told it closed 2 minutes prior and they can't let us in. After some phoning around I managed to book the next flight at a cost of £150pp so I've called my insurance to try and claim it back but they're saying they won't pay because delays will only be paid if I'm involved in an accident or if I'm in public transport which is why I'm delayed. Does anybody know a way around this, are there any loopholes or anything I can do? It was meant to be a cheap relaxing weekend away and now I'm just ridiculously stressed. Cheers. It might also be worth noting that while we weren't moving in traffic I called the airline company multiple times to update them in my progress and even got them to leave a note at the gate etc.
The issue is with insurance. Call them back and escalate to a supervisor. Answer #2: You might want to try r/legaladviceuk
Received a PBJ for a DWI years ago in Maryland. Will it follow me around from state to state?
As I said in the title, I received a PBJ for a DWI years ago and as far as I know, barring a pardon from the Governor (which seems unlikely), a DWI conviction or PBJ stays on your record **forever** in MD. Is there any way to get out from under this, such as moving to a different state for example? I was never in trouble for anything before or since it happened and I just want to move on with my life already. Even people who get convicted for assault can get their records expunged. It's absurd.
You got a sandwich for a DUI? I am confused. :)
Single Father having issues with County Attorney not helping with filing Child Support
I am a divorced father with custody of my kid in Kentucky. I started the process for filing child support over a year ago, my ex-wife lives out of state and it took about 7 or 8 months to get her served. I had to restart the entire process once already but eventually she was served. Then a couple weeks after she was served I received notification from her state that the entire thing was being canceled. I called the office in her state and they advised they received notification from my home state that it was canceled. I called the office here and after a month of getting voicemails and no answer I eventually heard back that "they didn't cancel and would look into it." I waited for about a month and never heard back. I then did the dance of of calling and going straight to voicemail or speaking to secretary's who don't know anything I went up there in person again and my case worker took my name and number saying she was going to call me back. Haven't heard back yet. Basically the only thing that was accomplished was getting her served but that took me locating the paperwork they lost and physically taking it to their office. I have already spoke to the supervisor in the office multiple times and she just act annoyed that I call every couple weeks to check on the status. I don't know what I can do at this point.
I was recently at a legal seminar put on by our local child support enforcement agency. One topic they spoke about was out of state collection. What they said is that some states just won't collect or do anything to help enforce another state's order. And the local agency is powerless to do anything to make them collect. My guess that is what is happening in your case.Answer #2: You can hire an attorney to navigate this. Other than that you are at the whim of the very slow and inefficient government system.
Health insurance
I need advice. I signed up for our insurance when my boss was out of town. He takes care of the finances. So they didn't deduct from my check for 3 pay Checks. I didn't think nothing of it. I thought it would take a bit to start coming out. He gives me a paper today saying I need to pay 600 a check through the first of the year to "catch me up". I will lose my house if I do that! It's not my fault that he was on vacation and didn't take care of this. The reason I had to sign up for our insurance is because my wife lost her job and I enrolled as it was a life changing event. KENTUCKY
So they didn't deduct from your paycheck meaning you had extra money on all those paychecks. And now they are saying you need to pay them for the health insurance they have been providing all along but not charging you for. What did you do with the extra money from each check? Because you should have known exactly how much health insurance was going to cost when you enrolled. You owe them the money. I suggest to talk to your boss and try to work out a longer payback arrangement that lessens the amount per check. But you owe the money and should have known this was coming.
(Missouri) Can I enforce volunteering at charities as a group if I offer a signing bonus to employees with that as a stipulation?
Hi all, sorry for there title gore. I'm finishing dental school soon and I'm writing up my business plan for my practice. One of my major, MAJOR passions is community service and public health. My idea for an excellent way to give back (and to get my practice's name out there in a positive light) to have my whole (future) team of hygienists, assistants, and office managers (and myself of course) colunteer at our local disaster relief logistics company one night a week (with team shirts for PR!) So my question is, can I offer employees a signing bonus with the stipulation being they have to volunteer with us if they accept it? (One night a week, 2-3 hours) Or is that basically forcing them to volunteer, which I'm guessing would be pretty illegal?
One night a week? Are you insane? One night a month is pushing it. Nobody wants to give up 1/7th of their evenings for work stuff. *Maybe* one Saturday or Sunday afternoon a quarter. It's great you want to volunteer, but for most people their job is just their job.Answer #2: Passion for community service is great. Anyone with a pulse can work at the "disaster relief logistics" place. However you will be a licensed dentist with a dental facility, so an evening per week there would be a waste. Dental care is tremendously underserved in the US. Find an organization local to your practice that helps those in need. Offer to provide dental care to their clients. Restrict the offer to some number of hours or maybe 2-3 patients per week. This would be much more valuable than anything else your office could do. And it is directly helping someone rather than filling boxes. Answer #3: If you are insisting that employees do certain work as a condition of employment, you are going to need to pay them at least minimum wage for those hours, obey overtime laws, etc.
Shoplifting, first offense. Need advice desperately. [Wyoming]
Edit: Thanks everyone for your advice. I'm going to plead not guilty and then hire an attorney, who can hopefully get me into a diversion program. Also, I'm not a terrible person, I just made a terrible mistake. There is no need to insult me and say I have mental issues and suggest therapy. There is no need to be rude. Also if it wasn't clear this is my first shoplifting conviction. I never got one when I was a minor. First off, I completely admit and take full responsibility for my extremely stupid and selfish actions. I made a mistake, albeit a colossal one. I will absolutely *never* steal again, anything, from anywhere. There is absolutely no excuse for my actions, at all. I have been near suicidal worrying about this and how it will affect my and my husband's future, so please, be kind enough to spare me a lecture. I will have fully learned my lesson especially when all this is finished. I am 21 years old, married, and in Wyoming. This is my first offense (since being a minor) and I'm extremely scared. I have court in two days and I need some advice. I was caught shoplifting at Walmart, some makeup and other petty things, and it came to about $70. I know, vanity and stupidity. But, when caught I gave the LP permission to take my picture, and cooperated fully, signing a paper admitting guilt and everything. Then, an officer showed up and wrote me a citation for $220 and a must-appear for my court date. I realize that I probably shouldn't have let them search me until the officer showed up, but being both timid and terrified of further consequences for not cooperating fully (such as an optional trespass fine they could have added if they chose to, another $200 some dollars..) I gave up immediately and did everything they said, gave all merchandise back, was honest etc. So my husband has been telling me that I should plead not-guilty and then we will hire an attorney, and attempt to persuade them into doing a diversion program. I *need* this off of my record, I am absolutely terrified of not getting this expunged. I will pay whatever fines it takes, do whatever classes they want me to, community service, whatever it is, anything. No one will hire a shoplifter and as I see it now, my future is over. Like I said before, it's driven me near suicidal. I am the biggest idiot of all time. So what should I do? I don't really know how this works. How could I possibly plead not guilty when I've already signed a paper that's essentially an admission of guilt? My husband has said that pleading not guilty basically buys me more time, but I'm not sure. I really need advice, please. Thank you so much for reading if you have this far.
Your husband is right. Plead not guilty and hire an attorney. An attorney is better able to advise you on what is and isn't possible in your area. He or she is also better able to negotiate a deal, if one is an option, than you are. > This is my first offense (since being a minor) If this is also shoplifting it could be a problem.
[CA]Landlord raising rent $1000 with less than 30 days notice
I live with 5 other people in a house in LA and we've been renting month-to-month for the past year. At the end of the month, 4 of the current roommates will be moving out to be replaced by 4 new tenants. Today the landlord contacted us and said he will be raising the monthly rent from $4200 to $5200 per month. Is he allowed to do this? Is it considered a new lease since new tenants are moving in? Topic: Real Estate law
In CA, landlords must give 60 days notice of a rent increase of more than 10% (30 days if less than 10%).
Thanks mods!
I was reading through https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7oappq/calaid_off_day_after_notifying_employer_that_wife/ and saw the BOATLOAD of comments deleted by the mods. I have no idea what was deleted (since it is, you know, deleted), but apparently our mods have been working overtime trying to keep up with folks who shouldn't be posting. As ever, thanks for the work you do mods!
If you ever wonder, change "www.reddit.com..." to "www.removeddit.com...".
Foundation company changed it's warranty policy-TX
Last year I paid $6100 for foundation work on my house. In my contract it said I have a lifetime transferable warranty. To transfer the waranty, its $100 but otherwise no other cost. I currently need warranty service but now they say I need to $75 per visit because of a new policy. I think this should only apply to customers who sign new contracts where this is in the contract. Am I right??
If you have the warranty in writing and it says that there is no charge for a visit, then you're right. If it says something different you may not be right. What do you have and what does it say?
US/Arizona/Maricopa County...I sold tobacco to an underage person. TL;DR what can I do to lessen or get off of the charges.
I work at a gas station here in Arizona, and as such part of my job is selling alcohol and tobacco, WHICH means carding everyone. I know state law says you MUST card anyone appearing to be under 25. And my company policy is 30. I am usually really good at carding people and I get plenty of pissed off kids, because even if ARE of age, if they dont have an ID then no sale. Well One day Its unusually busy, and I was working with a new coworker that likes to do his own thing, which is anything to avoid helping out on Register. Lines get Long, I get pissed (but keep bottling it up, cause its not my customers fault that my idiot coworker wont come help with a line) and I get sloppy. Im moving fast, tunnel vision kicks in and I only glance at whos in front of me. This goes on for a solid 20 minutes, and as the lines dying down Im still in hyperdrive. Up walks this 6'5" (at least) husky guy with even stubble and what looks like (at a glance remember) a few gray hairs. He asks for some Cigarillos, as I'm going to get a better look at the guy I hear the door bell go off, signalling another rush. So i just mash the "Over 30" button, and tell him the prices. He slides his card and as soon as the reciept prints I send him on his way. Then for some reason My Hearing focuses on a customer talking to my idiot coworker and I hear "is there a manager here?" Now being the Senior employee on shift I go to address the gentlemen talking, thats when i notice him pull out his wallet and it flips down just like in the movies. Hes at an angle so i cant make out completely what was shown. But i Just know. My coworker tells the guy that theres no manager on duty, but Im the senior guy on shift so talk to me. Well that gentlemen turns out to be a Special Agent of the Maricopa County DA's office conducting a sting to make sure that people are getting carded. All I can think about is how my already shaky finances are completely fucked, and as a result my relationship is gonna become more unstable. The special Agent informs me of 3 options when I go to court- 1) plead guilty : which he said DONT do because thats basically guaranteed jail/ Felony charge 2) plead no contest/ fight it : again, he said not wise unless i can afford an amazing lawyer, because they have me on video(from my stores CCTV) and because he himself was a witness 3) ask the Judge to take an alcohol/tobacco awareness class. according to him this class is free, and 9/10 time the Judge will drop charges once completed... Any advice would be much appreciated... sorry for the crazy rant instead of a straight forward explanation.
> guaranteed jail/ Felony charge This makes no sense I have never heard of an underage tobacco sale being a felony. In fact a quick look at the Arizona DA's website talking about these stings says the penalty is a $300 petty offense not even a misdemeanor. This guy had no idea what he was talking about if he told you it was a felony charge with potential jail time. A felony is reserved for the most serious of crimes a tobacco sale to a minor would never be considered a felony. Source: https://www.azag.gov/tobacco/counter-strike
[Massachusetts] My apartment neighbors' party guests damaged my motorcycle and I caught it on video
Hi everybody. Last night my college-student apartment neighbors had a party from 9PM-midnight. It was super loud and obvious. I park my motorcycle behind our apartment building where people frequently go to smoke. So, when I hear parties I always go out to check on my bike before I go to bed just in case some drunk idiot knocks it over. 9 times out of 10 no one has touched it. At 11:45PM, I went out there and it was the 1 time out of 10. Yep, it was moved and a litany of parts on the right hand side were fucked up. Mirror, footpeg, fairing, leaking coolant, etc. Easily over $1000 of damage if handled by insurance. Fortunately for me, I park in a well-lit spot directly underneath a security camera, and I am tight with my landlord. So I texted him at 11:50 asking for the footage. Upon review this morning, as expected, the footage shows some drunk idiot deciding to mount the bike and subsequently knocking it over. Three of his friends help him push it back up and they go inside. My neighbor was not present when the bike was knocked over, but earlier in the video he is seen smoking cigarettes with the people that did knock it over, and he is seen later in the footage with the same people. The footage is crystal clear and there is zero doubt of the sequence of events. (god bless my landlord) No one left a note, and my neighbor, who knows me, and knows that that is my bike, did not attempt to contact me last night or this morning. My neighbor is an utter dickhead. He is frequently loud despite polite requests to keep it down, litters in the common areas, has fellow dickhead party guests over frequently, etc etc. Just a general flippant disregard for anyone else on this planet. So I have utterly zero sympathy for him and his friends. So, I filed a claim with my insurance and filed a police report at the local police station with all the info I have, including the name and contact information of my neighbor, and now I'm at right now. The police said that it'll take 2-3 business days to get it into the system and so forth, so I'm going to wait and see if my neighbor comes forward before then. If not, I'll go forward under the advice of the police/my insurance. My questions for y'all, as this is my first incident of this nature: Have I done everything right? Am I missing any steps? What will the police/insurance do from here? Are there any gotchas I should look out for in this process?
Is your neighbor renting his place? You might want to contact his landlord as well.
[FL] Ex-boyfriend stole truck, told I can't report it stolen.
I am writing this on behalf of my roommate. When my ex-boyfriend was my boyfriend I bought him a truck in my name under the condition that he make the payments and pay the insurance. He has gone MIA no payments in months, has multiple tickets, and has the police looking for him. I am told that if he gets in an accident or kills someone I am liable, I am also told that since it is insured in his name I cannot report it stolen. Do I have any recourse?
If he gets into an accident you defintely can be held liable *unless* you report it as stolen. Since you own it you can report it stolen. Who's insuring it is irrelevant there. Actually if he's insuring it by himself he's committing insurance fraud (you cant legally insure something you don't own) which is a felony.
To all Lawyers who negotiate/mediate, is this a terrible example of a negotiator not being flexible, handling it better?
How did he agitate him? You can't reason with the unreasonable.
I would like to report my father's sexual abuse to the police and feel lost as to where to look for help
What will happen? I've been so scared of it for so long that I've never even looked into it. I have essentially a confession from my father in email form. There will likely be conflicting accounts from my fellow survivor/crazy sister and bat shit insane mom (who I would really like to charge for child endangerment as she knew about the abuse after I was 13 ish). How should I prepare, where can I get info on this? I'm in Ontario, Canada.
How old are you? If you're still in school, go to the counselor - they're mandated reporters, will be familiar with the process, and can get you help dealing with it.Answer #2: Regardless of age call kids help phone, they'll take care of everything from there or at least give you advice on how to go about it
Is a contract with one PDF filer per page considered binding?
I am conducting a real estate transaction, and the buyer's agent has sent me a signed agreement. The only caveat is that each page of the agreement is an individual PDF file. Am I able to combine the files and consider the agreement binding? Do I need to request the buyer's agent to combine the files into one? Edit: this is in Georgia
I would request the buyer's agent combine the files. That way you can't be accused of changing the content of the document (even if you didn't).
[UK] My student accommodation is not charging me rent. Could I get into trouble?
I moved late into on campus accommodation. I've lived their for 2 years in the past, and they used to take a payment automatically from my account/notify me if I didn't have enough to pay. But this year since I moved late I think I may have been a glitch in the system. I've been living here since March and haven't paid a penny over my deposit but haven't been reminded to pay through any form of communication. I'm moving out in June, when my tenancy expires will I still be legally accountable? Thanks!
IANAL and know nothing about UK law. You should be prepared that they might figure this out at any time and demand immediate payment. In the US you would still owe this money and I'd be very surprised if that was not also true in the UK. You would be wise to set aside the rent each month in an account you do not touch. In the US they would be able to pursue payment of your debt for several years after the fact.
What happens when person A (who is life-threateningly allergic to dogs) starts work on the same day as person B (who requires a seeing eye dog). Both have documented medical conditions that require accommodation.
The allergic person has to act as the seeing eye “dog” for the blind person.Answer #2: While I'd doubt a person with a deadly allergy to dogs would be able to leave the confines of their home without dying, we should look at what is a *reasonable* accommodation. Person A would potentially die if one of his colleagues has a dog at home, he might die if one of his colleagues even touches a dog during the lunch break. Simply said; person A cannot reasonably expect not to come into contact with canine allergens. It would therefore be impossible to make accommodations for him that are both sufficient and reasonable.
Court Attire
So I need to get some shirts to testify in a trial. Would this shirt be appropriate for a female to wear to court? http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-1151180/dickies-performance-twill-work-shirt-womens.jsp
I personally recommend a business professional look. When I've been in court and on the stand it was button down professional shirt and dress pants and shoes. That shirt is too casual in my opinion. It is a dickies work shirt. Appearance matters a lot.
I'm wanted on the lam from probation
5 years ago, I pleaded First Offender in Georgia and was sentenced to 7 years probation. I hated everything about the system and just decided to stop reporting and not complete my community service after reporting the first two months. Obviously, I fucked up. I've since stayed on the good side of the law and haven't done anything that would get me in trouble at all. I could pass a drug test, no problems, and have a steady income and a promotion coming up. I want to get a new passport and travel... But I'm scared that my choices will catch up to me and I'll be arrested either leaving the country or coming back. And finish university. That'd be nice. How can I get back in the government's good graces, preferably without jail time? EDIT: I do have verifiable volunteer hours with Hands on Atlanta and other charitable organizations, I just didn't want to clean up litter in parks in the shithole county where I grew up. Any idea how hard it would be to get a stay of sentence from the state government if I can show how rehabilitated I am?
Without any jail time, very unlikely. You'll want to contact a criminal defense attorney in Georgia to examine your options.Answer #2: > I just didn't want to clean up litter in parks in the shithole county where I grew up. Ever think part of the reason its a shithole is because people commit crimes and then don't repay that debt back to the county? You may be the cause of the vicious cycle. If you are rehabilitated you know what you should do. Get lawyer. Turn yourself in. Make it right. Or flee to Alaska. Answer #3: > I just didn't want to clean up litter in parks in the shithole county where I grew up. Is community service as part of probation supposed to be something you WANT to do or just punishment that is less undesirable than being in prison?Answer #4: That's why you need an attorney. They can (hopefully) negotiate a deal to repay your debt, taking into account your change of outlook. It may still include some jail time, fines--who knows. But you're better off confronting it than letting it catch up to you as you said.
Atlanta, Georgia. After leasing an apartment, the complex informed me that the current tenant wishes to stay and I won't able to move in.
I signed the lease, paid the deposit, and was notified by email (welcome letter) that the apartment was mine and all the paperwork was accepted. Fast forward a month and I get a call informing me that the current resident has decided to stay and the apartment was no longer available. They offered me alternative apartments with a cash incentive. I declined, stating I wanted to proceed with the current contract I signed. The complex said this was not an option. I would like the apartment I signed the lease for, the other apartments they offered are not as desirable. My current lease runs out at the end of the year and it would be difficult to find a comparable apartment to the one I wanted in that time frame. They have offered to refund my deposit and application fee. What are my options?
You can sue them for breach if you can show damages but do you have any? It sounds like they are acting reasonably and they likey signed the lease in good faith. You can either accept the alternative unit or get all your money back. Answer #2: OP- It's likely your rental contract with the landlord has a clause for just this situation (where the existing tenant reverses the notice they gave) that dissolves the lease (takes the liability off your landlord). You should take back the deposit back and/or ask for a bigger concession on the other unit(s) they're offering you.
[Pennsylvania] Been living in a property for 9 months, landlord thinks we signed a lease that we never did and is demanding a lump sum of rent for this time
So for background, my current roommate and I moved into this apartment back in August. My roommate had been living in it for three months prior under a sublet from the landlord and had just finished that lease. We had been in talks with our landlord to sign a year long lease. We paid the security deposit for the new lease and then due to them being busy, they said we would have to schedule a time for them to come over and sign the lease with us. This all seemed fine, however after trying to reach them via email for a few days we got no response. Eventually they responded saying that they would be around that week, and we should let them know what times worked for us. We did, and got no response from them. Soon a month passed of no response and we reached out to try and give them our money for rent. We got the same response as before, that they would need to know when we were free and then we'd schedule a time. We responded with our availability and again got no response. This back and forth wound up continuing for around three months until eventually in December we stopped getting responses from them. At this point we stopped putting aside specific rent money as we assumed something may have been wrong and we didn't want to keep our shared rent in such high quantities out of the bank. Fast forward to two days ago, when my roommate received an email from our landlord saying that she wanted to know if we were going to be renewing our lease (which they and I had never signed in the first place) and telling us that they had no record of any deposit from us for the past 10 months or so and that they expected payment from us. We have no idea what to do or how to respond to this. They haven't moved to any kind of legal action yet, but their email was worded in such a way that it seems like it was written by a lawyer (to protect my identity I don't want to post it in full). I guess I'm wondering what the best move to make here is. The only signatures on the lease are my roommate's, and my cosigner's. I never signed my portion, and the landlord and manager never signed theirs. We can both easily get a new place if just leaving is the best move, but I'm concerned about what I should expect from a legal perspective. In addition, I'm concerned about my ability to rent at all in the future as I'm not sure if they can technically file this as a proper eviction since there is no legally binding lease in the first place. So all in all, I'd love to know what I should be nervous about, what I can do to protect myself, and what my next move should be. Thanks so much! Topic: Real Estate law
Whether or not you have a lease, you still owe the landlord money for rent. It sounds like you agreed to pay a set amount per month, so that's what you owe. For every month you've lived there. Answer #2: You didn't need to keep it in cash in the house, but you should have left it sitting in an account. Can you afford the back-rent?Answer #3: To clarify, you haven't paid any rent for all of those months? Is the money (if not paid) still at your bank ("we didn't want to keep our shared rent in such high quantities out of the bank.")?Answer #4: Advice for the future: Always get receipts for EVERY deposit and rent payment you ever make. Always sign the lease before you pay a deposit or any rent.
Sister Stealing Life Insurance
Hello, everyone. The guys on PersonalFinance sent me over here. I'm wondering if anyone here can point me in the right direction. I recently learned from a sister of mine that another of my sisters has been selling life insurance policies on my mother. Explanation: my mother is still alive. My sister somehow got her hands on my mother's social security number, DL number, and other information, and has been selling $250k life insurance policies to friends and strangers for $10k without my mother's consent or knowledge. My mother and I are obviously pissed off, and I'm wondering if there is a way to find out which companies hold the policies, and who is listed as beneficiaries. As far as I'm told, my mother can have these policies canceled, or at least change the beneficiaries. Any and all advice would be appreciated. There's even the possibility that I'm in the wrong subreddit. If so, please let me know. Edit: The bot told me I need to add locations. I live in New York, my mother lives in Florida, and the sister in question lives in NJ.
OP- Sorry to send you somewhere else, but you might post this question a third time in /r/insurance as there might be some good insights there as well.
Being accused of being a school shooter
I made a joke on my Instagram bio saying “I’m a school shooter running from the fbi” and a girl at school reported it to the principal I haven’t been questioned yet but still if he does what should I do? Will I go to jail I’m 12 so I obviously wasn’t being serious. Is this free speech or a threat.
I think this would be a good lesson for you to learn what is, and is not, actually funny. You're not going to go to jail but I would expect some questioning.Answer #2: You're being accused of being a school shooter... **because you said you were**. "I was totally just kidding" is not a great defense.Answer #3: “I’m 12 so I obviously wasn’t being serious” that’s not really how crimes work. Also, I’m glad that girl reported you, she knows what’s up. You’ll probably do an evaluation and the school will likely give you a hard time. Hope you’ve learned from this.
[Hypothetical] I work for a company and I correctly identify an obvious email phishing attempt. However, I follow the email's instructions anyway and release company information to the perpetrators. Are there legal ramifications?
Technically, I am not committing the fraud and there is no way for me to *absolutely* know that I had engaged with a phishing email. Thoughts?
Well, they could fire you for starters.
I'm a dentist. I got laid off because there wasn't enough work in the practice. Employer is now telling patients I quit and hygienists are saying they are looking for another dentist
Montana basically says after a probation period, if not defined then six months, the employee can only be discharge for good cause. “Good cause” is defined as reasonable job-related grounds for dismissal based on a failure to satisfactorily perform job duties, disruption of operations, or other legitimate business reasons. The above does not apply to collective bargaining agreements or valid employment contracts for a specific term. As you can see the last "other legitimate business reasons," leaves a huge area open for interpretation, to the point many will argue it basically leaves Montana as an "at will" state. Answer #2: I feel like everyone is ignoring OP's question. It doesn't seem that they are looking for wrongful termination, but the fact that the former employer is lying about the termination and tarnishing OP's name. I don't see any real comments from OP clarifying either. The way I see it is OP worked for a practice, and had hygenists working for him. His employer is telling the hygenists that he just quit, that looks bad to them cuz their boss is leaving a job that allows him to pay him. This causes them to bail on OP the dentist.
Hit someones car, left the scene for our safety.
Me and my friends were going to a bonfire Friday night. We are all under 18 years old. When we got there, it was clear this was not a very minor friendly bonfire, so we decided to try and leave. As we were leaving a drunk person got on my car, and would not get off the car unless we drove him to the bonfire (which was 15 feet away from us). I told him no, we are leaving, and told him to get off. He grabbed my hat, and told me "take me to the fucking bonfire". I was really scared at this point. His friends came over and pulled him off my car, but the told my friend who was driving (it was my car, but my friend was driving) to "stay where the fuck you are". They left, then came back with my hat, gave it to me, and proceeded to beat the shit out of me. I have multiple cuts and a bruise on my right eye, a sore torso, and a very sore jaw, two days after this happened. We tried to get out of there, but the guys then punched the driver of our car and made him swerve and hit someones car. We were scared for our life, since there was a group of drunk rednecks trying to harm us, so we drove away. Now the owner of the car we hit texts me, and says I have two days to pay him back, or he is taking this to the police. I'm 17, with no money. What do I do? Some details: This was at night. My friends and I are minors. We only know the identity of the owner of the other car. We do not know any of the other guys who assaulted us, or their ages. This was in the United States.
Driving away is understandable, though I'm confused why you didn't call the police and report the various assaults and the accident.Answer #2: Report it to the police. There is nothing in your story that would make this a bad idea. Answer #3: What happened when you called the police to report this incident?
Failed Background Check
Quick question that I thought someone here might be able to weigh in on. I recently had to submit my personal info for a federal background check. It is required for a site survey I need to do for a job on federal property. The information I was asked to provide was pretty sparse: Name, DOB, birthplace, social, address. I was pretty surprised (and embarrassed) when I found out that I had not passed the background check and my boss has to go instead (he passed). I have no criminal history other than a few speeding tickets, and my credit report is pretty good! The only thing I could possibly see them flagging is that my dad currently lives in Iran and I call him every weekend, although this seems like a ridiculous thing to fail me over. When reviewing my credit report I also saw that there was an address that was somehow linked to me in the last couple of years that is close to my actual address but not quite. I would be really interested to hear if any of you have experience in something like this. Thanks in advance for any input!
Calling Iran weekly will get you denied so fast it will make your head spin. I'm not even surprised. The government can discriminate against national origin for national security purposes. I'm former Navy. Having family members in certain countries will get you denied every time, especially if you have regular contact. The biggest red flag is Iran.Answer #2: It's the phone calls to Iran, guaranteed. Wanna know how uppity they are about this stuff? I can tell you a story about it... I was a CTI in the Navy and had to obtain a TS/SCI security clearance. At the time, I had been e-mail-type pen-pals with a guy in Canada for 7 years, since I was 13 years old. I'd obviously never met him in person. Just e-mails, phone calls, a few real letters and pictures exchanged... but it caused a big hold-up in my clearance. For a *Canadian*. I had to give the FBI guy his address, and someone actually went up to his tiny little town in British Columbia to talk with him. Eventually I did get my clearance though. And I'm still friends with the Canadian - thanks social media! 21 years this year - and we've still never met in person.
[SC] Dr prescribed wrong med for over 4 years to wife
Some background info, my wife has Grave's Disease. It is a hyperthyroid condition that shows up around 18. Her specialist did radioactive iodine treatments and killed about 90% of it. This caused her to have to take sinthroid to replace the missing thyroid hormone. (I'm no doctor, this is just what I was told.) She is now 38 and has been on sinthroid for years. Her current doctor has been managing her sinthroid levels for years. The normal range is 6-12. If it's below 6, then he raises her meds. When we actually looked up the labs for the past 4 years, we noticed that her thyroid level was 78! The only reason we thought to check was because a new nurse practitioner called us in a panic to tell her to stop the medicine. I'm thinking that I should talk to a lawyer, and I probably will regardless. I just wanted to post here to see if that's the best recourse. Thanks!
Are we talking T4 values here? If so, I would be downright shocked if your endo didn't notice that the lab values were 5x higher than they should be for years. Here's what probably happened. The labs usually report T4 values using a 5-12 range in ug/dl. However, because people like to be difficult, some labs report their values using ng/ml. Why is this important? Because a 78 ng/ml reading is actually a "normal" 7.8 in ug/dl. So go personally get a copy of the blood test results and see what reference range units they use. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or any other kind of medical professional.Answer #2: Talk to a lawyer. An issue like this is way to complicated for anyone to be able to give you any meaningful advice without both specialist knowledge and a full appreciation of your individual circumstances. Most medical malpractice lawyers will give you an initial consultation for free to decide if you have a case worth pursuing.
My friend was charged for synthetic marijuana but it was just regular marijuana
These are all excellent questions for this attorney.
7 years later I find out I was a plaintiff in a lawsuit. Told nothing and signed nothing
You may of heard the term "subrogation" before – that is what gives your insurance company The right to pay you first and then collect from the other person. That's what happened here I'm guessing.
Can I make my own pills if they don’t contain drugs?
I wanted to do a cosplay of a character from the game “We Happy Few” and I wanted to create my own edible “Joy pills”. So I wanted to know if I would be breaking any laws but doing so. Now I don’t plan on filling them with drugs, it’ll most likely be sugar, so they have some weight to them. Yet in the end I really just wanted to know if I could do that.
If they contain zero pharmaceuticals and you make no attempt to sell or pass them off as legitimate medicine, you should be fine from a legal standpoint. Personally, it'd be a good idea to make them oversized or something so its even more obvious that they aren't real. I would however contact the venue (I presume the cosplay is for a con?) and just check with them beforehand that it's ok to bring them, because I wouldn't put it past security to confiscate something like that.Answer #2: You could just use vitamins if you're lazy.
Building and City won't fix inaudible fire alarm despite it directly violating the provincial fire code.
I'm in Ontario, Canada. The fire alarm for my building (6 floors, ~8 units per floor) is inaudible from inside my apartment as it is on the far end of the hallway. I contacted the building manager, they said they aren't gonna do anything. I contacted my city's fire department safety inspector and he keeps blowing me off and not returning calls. My provincial fire code specifically says "alarm signalling devices shall be located so that the alarm signal and alert signal when sounded, may be heard throughout the building over all normal sounds at any time." What are the legal options I have to push forward with this? I want to have some weight to throw around to convince the fire department to remedy the situation, I don't care about getting money in a lawsuit or getting people in trouble I really just want to be able to hear the damn fire alarm. Any help would be much appreciated.
Talk to the city councillor for your ward, then. The fire department ultimately reports to council, and your councillor may pick this up as a bit of easy constituent outreach. "I called my fire marshal with a fire safety concern at my apartment, and they never even returned my calls" might do it.
UPDATE: Co-tenants in the front-house want to evict my girlfriend from the premises. (CA)
So the front-house neighbors (let's say Tom and Jennifer) wanted to evict my girlfriend (let's say Ashley) from the back-house and premises and gave us two weeks time to fulfill their request. So during that time I (lets say Brad) took the initiative to talk to the landlord and have her on the lease with me as a co-tenant for the next six months. At the end of the two weeks I updated them with the new lease situation and predictably they got upset and stopped any conversation after I told them Ashley is on the issue. However, Tom was so upset he made threats to have her forcibly removed and walked up to our door in the back-house making verbal threats. I handled the situation by going inside and closing the door on them and staying. Inside the rest of the night. Later that night, their friend (who I've met) later sent me a passive-aggressive text message saying he'll help me move out (pretty much saying they want me out too now). So the next day I get a text from the landlord telling me to disengage and resolve the issue. I told him I am trying to and that they got upset and made threats. I sent another text message reaching out again to Jennifer and Tom letting them know the situation and if they want to add any agreements about the shared laundry room and backyard so we don't have to interact and that we want to continue living peacefully in accordance with the lease. However Jennifer sent a text saying she's not going to let me do this and that we need to have a conversation again, but I know they are going to tell me Ashley has to leave because I didn't notify them first (according to our verbal agreement: which is to tell them about any changes) and how I betrayed them, and I'm not living up to this verbal agreement etc, etc. Anyway, I'm done meeting up after the last altercation threats they've been making, because they're having an effect on both me and my girlfriend. So we don't want to meet and requested we communicate in written form and also let the landlord know (through certified mail) that we are not feeling safe and that we don't want to meet with Tom and Jennifer and to tell them to drop the issue with Ashley being evicted, but the landlord hasn't gotten back and honestly doesn't seem to care. So now here's where I need legal advice. Tom and Jennifer are not dropping the issue with Ashley being on the lease and have attempted to contact us to meet through mutual friends. Our mutual friends don't know the situation and how long we've been dealing with their unreasonable demands regarding this unjust eviction. So I'm keeping record of how many times we've been contacted about this so I can file a civil restraining order. I don't want to have them evicted, we just want them to drop the issue, and the last thing I want is another confrontation because it could get violent. So I'm not sure what to do. Do I keep telling them that we don't want to meet? I've already let the landlord I've already told them that any threats or altercations will be dealt through the proper legal channels. Thank you in advance for the help.
They're not your landlord. You're under no obligation to listen to a word they say. Having said that, you're not their landlord, so you can't evict them, or have them evicted, either. Only the landlord can evict either of you, and only for certain things (nonpayment of rent, breach of lease, etc.). So you're welcome to meet or not meet with the other tenants, talk or not talk to them, or whatever. >So the next day I get a text from the landlord telling me to disengage and resolve the issue. This sounds like the best possible advice you can get, understanding that "resolve the issue" may end up meaning "stop interacting with them." If they realistically and believably threaten you with harm, call the police, not your landlord.
What's the best way to push back against an unfair employer? (NYC)
I serve as a full time employee at an international technology company, out of the Manhattan sales branch. Like most companies I've seen in this city, the management is toxic and dishonest, and I don't expect that to change. I love what I do, and I love my customers, so I've found ways to not only survive, but excel. I found out yesterday that regional numbers are low, so they may lay folks off. I've seen it before and it's done in the form of three warning letters, spaced out over a few weeks. I don't expect this to happen to me, but I'd like to prepare if it does. A few things things that may serve as artillery: 1. My branch manager walks the floor with a baseball bat 2. My direct manager creates activity-based goals, puts it on paper stating he will help me achieve them, but then doesn't. 3. My business partner lies constantly, often through email. I'm asking for legal opinion because the last guy who went to HR was simply transferred to another office upstate. Topic: Labor Law
Being a crappy boss is not illegal. So I don't see any legal options that you have other than to find new employment if you don't like this oneAnswer #2: \#1 is flipping brilliant. I'm going to try this today with some of the newer associates who pretend not to know what "deadline" means. Thanks OP!
Doctor perscribed two drugs known to interact badly, can she be sued?
My friend's doctor perscribed her the medicines Lexapro and Trazodone. Even a simple google search would reveal that the two drugs are known to interact badly. Unfortunately, her parents did not check this and my friend ended up in the hospital for serotonin syndrome, which is exactly what Lexapro and Trazodone can result in. Can the doctor face any legal repercussions? Is there any way to sue the doctor for the money for the hospital bills? (This is in Arizona) Topic: Medicine and Malpractice
Actually I thinking you are overstating the interaction issue. Yes they can, but it’s rare. And you need to understand that each of these drugs have the potential for fairly severe side effects if prescribed on their own (as do most drugs to be honest). But med mal is very fact based and a specialist area. Most med mal attorneys will offer a free consult, so that’s what you should probably do. Be aware, I suspect that this is not going to go anywhere - the reason you have found anecdotal stories about this interaction is a function of the fact that in some circumstances this is a good mix for patients. In other words, it’s acceptable prescribing practices. So by all means consult an attorney but don’t get your hopes up. And I say this as someone who ended up with mild serotonin syndrome just taking one antidepressant and I know how miserable and ill I was. So I do feel for your friend. I just don’t think this rises to the level of malpractice.
Car I sold in 2015 was involved in a hit and run in a state I've never been to. Somehow I'm being sued
The title says it all. I was getting letters from some law firm with @aol.com email addresses for months. I automatically assumed this was a scam and never acknowledged any of it. The letters were vague and gave no description of the car or the fact that it was a hit and run. The lawyers website is a fucking joke. Today I got letters from the court saying I'm being sued. I've been told it was a hit and run involving my old car. Great. The DMV is closed right now so I'll call them in the morning. Once I get copies of the notarized title transfer what do I do? I can't afford to travel across the country to show up in court, but I'm not going to hire somebody to appear in court either. How do I tell these people to leave me alone? I've never been sued or even in a courthouse before, not even on a field trip, so this whole thing is sort of intimidating me. I sold the car to a neighbor, we went to the DMV, we had a notary to sign, I did everything you were supposed to. I'm not worried about losing the case, I just can't afford to travel several states away to tell somebody to fuck off. I'm in OH the incident occurred in NJ. I also have my phone's location data and work clock in/clock out times for the day of the hit and run proving I was not there. I don't know if that helps. How do I go about telling these people I sold my car a long time ago and I have nothing to do with this?
The first thing I would do is contact the lawyers and make that situation clear to them. Then call the court - if the lawyers don't drop you from the suit, you should see about how you might submit your evidence of title transfer.
I did some explicit sexual things on video, my mom found the chat history and wants to sue the guys because they’re a lot older. Is that possible? I live in Washington state where the age of consent is 16.
So there’s two different situations she’s mad about. The first is that when I was between 12 or 13 and until like 15 I used to talk to this European guy and he would video chat me but I had my camera off. I never showed him anything but he would masturbate on camera and wed both sext. We would sext and he would talk about wanting me to move in with him. I think he was in his 30s, I think that’s what he said but I’m not sure. I never showed anything except my profile picture and he saw my username. There were a couple other guys but this one was the most explicit. The second is that around when I turned 16 I started talking to other guys and they were from the US and Canada mostly, but some in Europe. I would video chat with them and it was explicit, the videos aren’t saved but you can see when they started and through the chat history see what was going on kind of, but this was all voluntary. I would go on video and so would they. I thought some of the guys were younger like in their late 20s or 30s but she looked them up and some were a lot older. So there was a lot of sexting and explicit videos there and it went on for like 6 months before she found it and now she wants to take legal action. Would she be successful if its all voluntary, and you can see it from the logs? Does it matter what the age of consent is where the guys in the video chats were?
If you sent nudes that is distribution of child pornography by you and possession of the same by the guysAnswer #2: She's barking up the wrong tree in talking about suing these people. There are probably some very serious Federal child pornography charges at play here. The age of consent is irrelevant.Answer #3: If she wants to get them in trouble she should contact law enforcement. Of course that could get you into trouble as well.Answer #4: She's gonna have a hell of a time attempting to sue ~~folks~~ internet strangers all around the world even if she could articulate some sort of damages. Frankly, I doubt she would have any idea how to do it, much less start or succeed. She could go the law enforcement route, but that would be an issue for you as well...and it would still prove difficult for some RE: international internet strangers.
What is involuntary manslaughter?
So, I live in the US. Georgia. Me and a friend were joking around, and I showed him a picture with a caption saying, "Take your friend's phone, change your name to 'Brandy from the club', and call him at 3 in the morning and then hang up.". I jokingly told him to do that to one of our friends, and he said it'd get him killed. Then the question rose in my head, wouldn't that be involuntary manslaughter? Edit: I meant, wouldn't he be associated and it technically be involuntary manslaughter on his end for doing so. I just want to get my head around this, since we've been in a back and forth regarding it.
This is a general answer. It's going to vary in minutia from state to state. It's generally when you accidentally kill someone through gross negligence, but you didn't mean to kill them. For example, you're drunk and start shooting homemade fireworks at your neighbor's garage as a prank. The garage catches on fire and your neighbor dies in the fire. Or your friend asks you to inject them with heroin because they're too afraid to do it themselves. You oblige, but accidentally shoot the up with too much and they die. In your situation, your friend would not have any culpability. The person who did the killing would be charged with murder. Answer #2: It's when you oops and it results in someone's death.
Have a warrant issued in Alabama for an unpaid fine of 700 dollars. I now live in Washington State and need help resolving the issue as everyone I called in Alabama has been no help.
Was issued a warrant in Alabama for not finishing paying off a driving with a suspended license ticket. The thing is I live 3,000 miles away in Washington State and every one I called from the city said the only way to get it resolved is to come in and see the judge. Well I explained my situation and asked if I could do it over the phone, seeing as how it would cost 700 or more to even get to Alabama in the first place. She said no. I also asked if there was an email I could send to the judge explaining the situation, she then started to get mad. So I asked for the judges name and the address to reach him at for the city to send a letter and she at that point, angrily, gave me a name and an address of what she said was the judge but was actually the county attorney that only gives legal advice to county and city officials. I don't know what to do now and any help would be very much appreciated.
> I don't know what to do now You should hire you an attorney to help you navigate this. Likely, though, the proper answer(which you've been told repeatedly now) is to go see the judge. Not to email him, fax him, smoke-signal him, text him, Snapchat him, or any of that shit. Go to court.
Arraignment for diversion this Friday in St. Joseph county Indiana. Haven’t been able to get any type of guidance. Desperate for help.
SO has arraignment this Friday for diversion in St. Joseph county in Indiana. The crime was attempting to steal a $30 movie from a store. There’s a backstory I could give, but what’s the point. SO has no record, it won’t happen again and was a stupid momentary lapse of judgement with good intentions. We have called many law offices and have been unable to get any kind of consultation and quoted upwards of $1000 just to have a lawyer come to the arraignment without them even knowing what the charges are. Neither of us has ever had to deal with anything like this. We have no idea what should be done to try to limit financial loss or lasting hits to their record. My SO suffers from depression and has been freaking out at the possibility of having to go to jail or pay a huge fine to the point that I’m concerned about their wellbeing. We don’t have much money to work with. SO applied for the diversion program through the county and was told that they can go to a meeting following the arraignment, but that they can’t answer any questions now and was given no guidance on how to handle the arraignment. Please does anyone have any advice? We are pretty desperate.
If they've been criminally charged have they not been assigned a criminal defender by default?
Police officer pulled me out of work to issue a warning based on a complaint from a co-worker that is friends with the mayor.
So I work in white collar cube farm type office building that houses mainly engineers (like myself) and a few HR/management type people. It is worth noting that this building is access controlled, meaning nobody gets in without clearance. I was working at my cube this morning when a co-worker (that I'd never really formally met before) comes to my cube saying that there is a police officer out front with my picture/name and wants to speak with me about my car. Weird? When I get to the lobby I'm greeted by the officer and asks if the vehicle in question is mine. Long story short, there is someone in my building that is buddies with the local mayor that had taken the time to write an email complaining about my driving (more on this later) and I should get a ticket. This got forwarded to the police chief who then sent an office to my work to find me. I would like to note that the officer was very nice and felt like he was wasting his time. He also wanted to tell me who the accuser was but did not know. Essentially all he did was give me a verbal warning. As for my driving, I love to drive. I will call myself a 'spirited' driver but I'm always safe and ~~never~~ usually not doing anything that justifies getting pulled over. I got to all sorts of sanctioned events to get the racing out of my system, they make race tracks to keep that off the streets. Having said that, my car is louder than normal but by no means excessive (Audi A4 1.8t with a 3" turbo back exhaust and 2 high flow mufflers) and this is why I feel the complaint was made in the first place. THAT GUYS IS LOUD, HE MUST BE GOING FAST!! The thing I find funny, is the increased police presents the past few weeks around our parking lot. As I said, I'm usually not doing anything worth getting a ticket for so I was never bothered. Here is my question -->> Am I being harassed? I feel if there was any evidence of me doing anything wrong, I'd have a ticket. But someone was able to just send and email singling me out that justifies a police officer to pull me out of work with no real proof a violation was committed. This could have been written by an co-worker that I don't get along with, an ex girl friend, anyone really. I really want to write a letter to the city but I'm not too sure of the wording I need to use to point out how ludicrous this whole situation is. This took place in one of the surrounding townships in Cincinnati OH.
>Am I being harassed? A single conversation is not harassment. If it were me, I would not write a letter unless it recurred -- it might escalate the situation, when the opposite is the desired effect.
Can I get a license plate from a different state when I don’t live there?
i use to live in D.C. and now I live in virginia, but i feel a sense of pride from DC so i wanted to get a dc liscnese plate. it’s not that big a deal but i was just curious
You can get someone's old one to hang on the wall somewhere, but you generally need to prove residency to get your vehicle registered somewhere. That's the entire point of a license plate.