Main Title
Sub Title
Presentation of the module
The Structure Module is splitIn 4 different types of applications: 1 - Beams & Columns... Metal frames from a complete catalog 2 - Panels & Plates... Plates, pebbles, etc... 3 - Walls & Floors... Civil Engineering,... 4 - Stair, Ladder and Handrail Stairs, ladders and railings
AVEVA E3D allows you to create structural elements according to the following hierarchy model: Section and plates FRMW GENSEC 1,PANE1,SCTN2,GWALL,FLOOR,SCREED Walls and floors CFLOOR CSCREE CWALL FLOOR SCREED STWALLHANDRA STRFLT RLADDR
Section Storage
The elements created via the Section discipline can be prioritized in two ways: In automatic via Grid Storage In manual via Manual StorageGrid Storage Structure: The sections will be automatically prioritized in a structure that will be created in relation to The associated "Grid" Storage Area (Frmw or Sbfr): Sections will be automatically prioritized in a framework or SubFRamework that will be created in relation to the associated "Grid" The elements created via the Section discipline can be prioritized in two ways: In automatic via Grid Storage In manual via Manual Storage Manual storage Structure: The sections will beStored in a Structure that will have been created manually by the user Storage Area (Frmw or Sbfr): The sections will be stored in a Framework or Sub-framework that has been Created manually by the user The Lock allows you to lock orNot the framework or Sub-Framework
Specific menu: Selection of the classDefault selection of materials Selection of the justification Selection of the specification Selection of the type Selection of the profile Use of the current profile by default Profiles: Defined by 2 points and a specification modifiable at any time, the profiles have specific attachment points and Plines that are the edges of the profiles.
Allows you to create an assembly element (fitting). It can be used to represent any element that is attached to the structure but is not an integral part of it.Create > Fitting Step 1: Click to identify the section where the fitting will be placed Step 2: Select the specification and fitting Step 3: Graphically indicate the Pline where the fitting will be positioned Step 4: Move the fitting to the positionN desired on the previously selected pline
Modification of a profile
Bracing gaps
Once the bracing has been created, it is possible to adjust the interval (Gaps) between the bracing and a reference element.Modify after Gaps Step 1 - Selection of the GENSEC composing the bracing (Yellow elements) Step 2 - Selection of the reference elements ( Cyan Elements) Step 3 - Modification of the Gap Gap: Distance between reference element and an element of the bracing The diDifferent bracing configurations: Diagonal Bracing Knee Bracing Cross Bracing Diamond Bracing K Bracing • Extend: Allows you to change the length of a Gensec in relation to a plan or panel. • Mitre Ends: Allows you to make a cut of the extremesIrons so that they are parallel to the bisector angle. • Daughter: Allows you to merge two irons to create a circular section • Merge: Allows you to make iron melts • Split: Allows you to make iron cuts in relation to an element• Splice: Allows you to make iron cuts compared to a plan • Fitting: Allows you to modify fitting specifications
Nodes and connections
Type of Knots
The creation of perm nodesAnd the connection of the elements between them. The installation of these connections makes it possible to quickly modify a frame, model the fasteners between irons and use some Design features. -Node for fixing with the GC (ENDATUM > FIXING)-Node for fixing metal frame / profile (JLDATU > PLDATU > FIXING)
Nodes and connections
Type of Knots
• Fixing knot with the GC Selection of the End DATUM tool then selection of the END of a structural iron• Metal frame fixing knot profile Use the Connect tool then select the main iron, then the secondary section(s) to connect, then Esc then Complete the action
Nodes and connections
Representation of joints
Once the connections have been made, it is possible to show the type of fixation/preparation of the profiles by defining a specification at the Joint (Fixing). After selecting modify -> Joint 1-SelectR its section (always the main section). 2-Click on its joint 3-Press enter 4-Select the attached type 5-Make "Apply"
Nodes and connections
Subordinate Node and Dominant Node
By default, the connection nodes between irons are subordinate, i.e. the direction of the connected iron has priority On the position of the connection node. By making a dominant node, its position takes precedence over the direction of the connected iron, so when youRestores the connections, the irons are adapted in length and direction.
Data consistency
This action makes it possible to checkIer the consistency of Piping & Structural data. CONSISTENCY CHECK DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES A230 CONNECTION TYPE HCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE The FBD-FBD connection types in this example must be the same. B230 CONNECTION TYPE TCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE The GBD-GBD connection types in this example must be the same. D430 BAD ARRIVE CONNECTION TYPE The GBD-FBD connection types in this example must be a compatible combination in COCO tables.E730 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE (of the Flange) NOT COMPATIBLE WITH TCONN The FBD-GBD connection types in this example must be a compatible combination in COCO tables
Data consistency
A10 HEAD REFERENCE NOT SET The header reference can only be entered (e.g. zero) if the head connection (HCONN) is of type OPEN, CLOSED or DRAN.A200 DIRECTION HDIR NOT SAME AS TERMINAL DIRECTIONIf the head is connected to an object such as a stitch or tee, then the HDIR position should always be identical to that of the p-point Appropriate of the object. A210 POSITION HPOS NOT SAME AS TERMINAL DIRECTION If the head is connected to an object such as aStitching or a tee, then the HPOS position should always be identical to that of the p-point Appropriate of the object. A230 CONNECTION TYPE HCONN NOT SAME AS TERMINAL CONNECTION TYPE If the head is connected to an object such as a stitching or a tee, then the positionItion HCONN should always be identical to that of the p-point Appropriate of the object. A300 REFERENCE HSTUBE UNSET There is more than one mm of tube between the head and the p-arrive of the first component (or tail), but the HSTUBE is not filled in. A310 REFERENCE HSTUBE REFERS TO A NONEXISTENT IS SPCOM This can happen if part of the specification has been deleted. A320 HSTUBE PROBLEM, CATREF IN SPCOM UNSET This indicates an error in the specification. A330 HSTUBE PROBLEM, CATREF IN THE SPCOM REFERS TO NONEXISTENT Catalogue COMPONENTThis can happen if part of the catalog has been deleted or if the CATREF is not filled in. A400 HBORE NOT SAME AS BORE OF HSTUBE The diameter of any component of the head (determined from the catalog) must be identical to the diameter of the HBORE head.A410 HCON NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CONNECTION TYPE OF HSTUBE The connection of any component of the head (determined from the catalog) must be identical to the connection of the head HCON. A420 ISPEC REFERENCE POINTS TO NONEXISTENT ELEMENT This wanderingUr occurs if, for example, the heat retardant specification pointed out by the ISPEC attribute has been deleted A20 HEAD REFERENCE POINTS TO NONEXISTENT ELEMENT This error is the result of a deletion of an element, such as a stitch to which a branch was initially connected.A30 BAD HEAD RETURN REFERENCE The head is connected to an element that does not refer to the branch reciprocally. This can happen when the head of the branch is Connected to another branch, which assumes that a tee must be placed somewhere along the branch.The error can also be Produce when two or more branches are connected to the same object.
Data consistency
B10 TAIL REFERENCE NOT SET The queue reference can be unfilled (e.g. zero) only if the queue connection (TCONN) is of type OPEN, VENT, CLOS or DRAN.
Data consistency
C500 TUBE TOO SHORT BETWEEN HEAD AND TAIL The distance between the head position (HPOS) and the tail position (TPOS) is greater than zero and less than the minimum accepted tube length (default: 100mm). C510 BAD HEAD TO TAIL GEOMETRY Either the head position (HPOS) is not at a positive distance along the line passing through TPOS in the direction of TDIR, or the tail position (TPOS) is not at a positive distance along the line passing through HPOS in the direction of HDIR. C520 HBORE NOT SAME AS TBORE When there are no components on the branch, the diameter of the head (HBORE) should ideally be identical to the tail diameter (TBORE). C530 HCONN IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH TCONN This means that the head is connected to the tail without a tube or pipe component between them, and therefore the head connection type (HCONN) must be compatible with the tail connection type (TCONN). C540 THIS BRANCH HAS NO COMPONENTS This message does not necessarily indicate an error; it is just a warning. A410 HCON NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CONNECTION TYPE OF HSTUBE The connection of any head component (determined from the catalog) must match the head connection (HCON). A420 ISPEC REFERENCE POINTS TO NONEXISTENT ELEMENT This error occurs if, for example, the insulation specification pointed to by the ISPEC attribute has been deleted.
Data consistency
D100 REFERENCE SPREF UNSET This means that you probably forgot to choose the piping component correctly. D300 CONN REFERENCE NOT SET Multi-channel components can be left unconnected only if the type of conneXion of the p-point concerned is OPEN, VENT, DRAN or NULL. D310 CONN REFERENCE POINTS TO NON-EXISTENT BRANCH This can happen if the branch that is pointed to by CONN reference has been reconnected to another object. D400 ARRIVE TUBE LESS THAN TUBE MINIMUM. ACTUAL TUBE LENGTH IS...The distance between the arrival p-point of this component and the output p-point of the preceding component (or head) is greater than zero and less than the length of the minimum specified tube (default: 100mm) D410 BAD ARRIVE GEOMETRY The position and diRection of the p-point of arrival of this component is not correct vis-à-vis the p-point of exit of the previous component (or head). The error can be caused by incorrect positioning of this component, or the preceding component (or head) or both.D420 BAD ARRIVES BORE The diameter of the p-point of arrival of this component is different from the diameter of the preceding tube or, if this component is not preceded by the tube, from the diameter of the output p-point of the preceding component (or HBORE). DIAGNOSIS FOR N'IMPORTE WHICH COMPONENT D430 BAD ARRIVES connection TYPE The connection type of the p-end point of this component is not compatible with the preceding tube, or if this component is not preceded by the tube, with the connection type of the output p-point of the preceding component (or HCONN).D500 REFERENCE LSTUBE UNSET You probably forgot to select the D600 PIPE component LEAVE BORE NOT SAME AS BORE OF LSTUBE The diameter of the output p-point of this component is not the same as the diameter of the tube that follows the component.D610 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH CONNECTION TYPE OF LSTUBE The connection type of the output p-point of this component is not compatible with the tube following the component.
Data consistency
E700 LEAVE TUBE LESS THAN TUBE MINIMUM. ACTUAL LENGTH IS ... The distance between the output p-point of the current component and the position of the tail (TPOS), is greater than zero and less than theSpecified minimum tube length (default: 100mm) E710 BAD LEAVE GEOMETRY The position and direction of the p-point of this component is not correct with respect to the TPOS position, and the TDIR direction of the tail. The error can be caused by a positiIncorrect onnement of this component, the tail, or both. E720 LEAVE BORE NOT SAME AS TBORE The diameter of the output p-point of this component is not the same as that of the TBORE tail. DIAGNOSIS FOR ANY COMPONENT (CONTINUED) E730 LEAVE CONNECTION TYPE NOT COMPTAIBLE WITH TCONN The connection type of the output p-point of this component is not compatible with the TCONN queue.
What is draw?
What is draw?
AppealingTo MODEL databases, the DRAW module allows the processing of the elements of the 3D model in order to obtain a 2D plan In addition, this module allows the dressing of the generated plans, including Labels, Quotations, ..... DRAW databases allow the generation of these plans.All the information of the 3D graphic elements resides in the MODEL and CATALOGUE databases and cannot be modified from the DRAW module, These bases are only for reference.
DRAW database
DRAW databases allow the creation, modification and storage of plans. DRAW represents the "paper space" of the AVEVA E3D system and allows the processing of the 3D model in hidden lines, as well as the dressing ofGenerated plans (quotes, tracking, annotations,...) Treatment Of Lines Hidden The information, geometries reside in the MODEL (Design) and PARAGON(Catalogue) and cannot be modified under DRAW However, a permanent link eXiste between the 2 types of databases.
Draw explorer
Open: Display the sheet in the 2D view Attributes: Display attributes Rename: Rename the current itemDelete: Delete the current item Delete Members: Delete members of the current element Select Element: Make the current element active New Explorer: Show a new explorer For this element Copy: Copy (eg. Ctrl + C ) Paste: Paste (eg.Ctrl +V )
Use of the mouse in the graphic view
RIGHT BUTTON: PowerWheel MIDDLE BUTTON: Mollette: Zoom In / OUT Button: Pan SIMPLE LEFT CLICK:-Selection of an element (View,Line, Text...) -Rectangle selection DOUBLE LEFT CLICK: Selection of the work area (View, Region or Sheet) NOTE: When creating view dressing elements, selecting a work area makes navigation unnecessaryTion and positioning in the DRAW Explorer. NOTE: The Navigator menu allows you to navigate between the different work areas of the Sheet NOTE: A second menu is accessible by combining a right click with the Crtl key
Property Grid & Attributs
The modification of the attributes of an element is done using a window containing the main attributes of it. Type of elements chosen (filter in case of multiple selection)Properties (attributes) of the element(s) Description of the property (attributes) Single / multiple selection Element selection (in the 2D window)
DRAWING (Plan notebook)
It is strongly recommended to generate the plan books (DRWG) and folios (SHEE) according to a model predefined by the E3D system administrator. This allows the creation of homogeneous plans, and standardized by profession, here are some examples:It is possible to create a plan book without using a predefined template from the Create Explicitly Drawing menu under the TOOLS tab. In this case, the user must configure the plan book. This method is therefore not recommended.
Adding a SHEET (Folio)
From the HOME tab after New This option allows the addition of a SHEET according to the model chosen when creating the DRAWING It isAlso possible to create a SHEET from a predefined model from HOME > New > Drawing Type ( choose Sheet in the subset Drawing Types
Modification of a SHEET (Folio)
Attributes and Cartridges
Modifying the attributes of a SHEET is done using the Property Grid: It is possible to change the format, cartridge, name and title of the Sheet, as well as Other attributes that could be usedS for filling the cartridge.
Modification of a SHEET (Folio)
Update of the 2D display
From the UPDATE tab > ..., it is possible to update: - l2D display linked to DRAW element attributes or linked to the MODEL database UPDATE > Annotation - The representation of MODEL elements in a VIEW (2D view) UPDATE > Design - Update all elements related to the attributes of DRAW elements And theIés to the representation of the elements of MODEL UPDATE > All - The image of the plan generated by DRAW (stored in the projPIC directory) UPDATE > Pictures - The background of the plan in reference UPDATE > Backing Sheet - All links external to the current element UPDATE > InstancesUPDATE > Refs UPDATE > Names
Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View)
From the Model Explorer
From the MODEL Explorer, and via a right mouse click, the Quick View Creation option allows the creation A 2D plan view of the chosen MODEL element. Values can be incremented manually. The tab key on the keyboard PermAnd select the field and space to lock it The choice of the position and dimension of the created 2D view is then available in the 2D view window. By default, the choice of size and position is made by defining the diagonal (Specify the first corner...Then Specify the opposite Corner) It is possible to define this 2D space from the center, then the width and height of the 2D view by the down key on the keyboard and then select "Center"
Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View)
Home design
This option allows the creation of a 2D view from a 3D view inserted into the 2D space. This 2D space is defined in the same way as when creating a Quick View. This view 3D generated in 2D space has the following features: - Drag & Drop from the Model Explorer - Definition of the direction of the view, and the limits of the view, of the center of rotation of the view on a right click - The addition and removal of an eleMent of MODEL in the Drawlist with a right click on the element in the view or from the Model Explorer Once the following elements are defined: - Drawlist (MODEL elements displayed) - Direction of view The finalization of the view is carried out either: -DepuIs the 2D view key on the keyboard and then select From the Ribbon Bar A context menu specific to defining a 2D view from a 3D space is then available Apply........... Validation and update of the VIEW Finish. ........... Validation and update of the VIEW (identical)Cancel......... Cancellation of changes
Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View)
It is possible to make projected views from a previous orthogonal VIEWEnt defined, as described below: Plan view (North to bottom) The projection of this view (at Below) will be a view in North elevation of the view Original version N North elevation view (West to the right) The projection of this view (right) Will be a view in west elevation of the viewOriginal version West North elevation view (East on the left) The projection of this view (left) Will be a view in East elevation of the view Original version
Tools for creating a VIEW (2D View)
A REGION, is a 2D space at a predefined scale in which it is possible to draw a set of elements, representing a detail Not being present in MODEL. The definition of the 2D space of the REGION, is carried out in the same way as the definition of a VIEWThe definition of the scale of this space is achieved by a keyboard input Once the space has been created, it is then possible to draw in 2D all the shapes available under the DRAW tab. DRAW The drawing opposite was drawn on a scale of 1:20 The platiNe (RECTANGLE) drawn is 40mm side (i.e. 40 x 20 = 800mm) The drawn holes (CIRCLE) have a diameter of 4mm (i.e. 4 x 20 = 80 mm)
Modification of the 2D format
When selecting a 2D view (VIEW), the VIEW Menu > 2D FORMAT appears. This menu allows you to modify the selected view. View / Section ) Representation Styles Modification of the type of representation of hidden lines and line processing rulesHidden and hatching Local Rules Management of user rules for processing hidden lines and hatching Drawlist Modification of the content of the lists of displayed items (Drawlist) Management of lists of displayed items (Drawlist) Update Update to jOr 2D view (graphic only) Creation of a projection, a detail view or a cutting plan from the current view Modify Modification of the 2D view from a 3D view (cf. 6.2.2 HOME > Design), Modifying the 2D view from the Limits Defined windowView or User-Defined View (PDMS method) Scale & Direction Adjustment of the 2D view scale Changing the direction and orientation of the 2D view
Modification of the 3D format
When selecting a 2D view (VIEW), the VIEW Menu > 2D FORMAT appears. By selecting the Edit in 3D option The VIEW Menu > 3D FORMAT appears Manage Management of the Drawlist (list of items displayed) Displaying the Navigate DrawlistChoice of navigation mode and display mode of the 3D Scale & Direction view Adjustment of the 2D view scale Changing the direction and orientation of the 2D View Define Limits Management of 3D and 2D view display limits
Status Bar
Graphical hanging options are available at the bottom right of the interface. Enable / disable orthogonal constraint (F8) Show the grid (F7)Enable / disable hanging on the grid (F9) Enable / disable the polar coordinate system (F10) Enable / disable the display of stroke thicknesses Adjust the graphic hook / Drawing grid Enable / disable the automatic update of VIEWEnable / disable the graying of inactive elements Activate / deactivate the degraded background Enable / disable object hanging (F3) Enable / disable advanced modification on dimensions, outlines and cutting planes Activate / disable the affDynamic ichage of length and angle information (F12)
Graphic hanging
Grid Settings Grid On: Activation of the grid Insertion: Intersection of 2D surfaces onlyPerpendicular: 2D perpendicular projection only Tangent: Tangent point Nearest: Approached point Parallel: Parallel hook P-point: P-point (MODEL) P-Line End Point: P-Line End(MODEL) P-Line Mid Point: P-Line Mid Point (MODEL) Owner: Origin of the OWNER (MODEL)Grid Spacing: Grid display spacing Grid Snap: Activation of the hooking on the grid Grid Snap On: Hanging space on the grid Style: Grid display style Draw rulers: Display of rulers at the edge of paper spaceObject Snap Object Snaps: Activation of object snapping Project Snaps onto LCS: Activation of projected object hanging Distance snap: Activation of remote hooking View: Hanging assigned to VIEWs Sheet/Region: Hanging assigned to SHEET and REGIONEndpoint: Segment end Midpoint: Middle point of segment Center: Center Node: Nodes (MODEL) Quadrant: Quadrant point Intersection: Intersection of 2 segments Extension: End of 2D objects only
Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)
AVEVA E3D Draw, uses two types of elements to differentiate elements in different layers, these two types of layers, called LAYER and Visual LAYER (VLAYER), oHave very distinct properties.
Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)
LAYER-type elements are native to PDMS and not E3D. Allowing you to order 2D elements in aVIEW, they appear in the following form in the hierarchy: Each of these LAYERs has a PURPOSE attribute that allows you to define the function of each of them; for example, the PURPOSE attribute filled in DIMA, allows you to Define a quotation layer (DImensionning), a LAYER whose PURPOSE is entered in LABA, allows you to define an element tracking layer (Labelling) and A LAYER whose PURPOSE is entered at NOTA, allows you to define a layer of annotations (2D Draughting) For more informationNs see ADMIN > System Defaults > Layer Purpose Definitions... in Administrator session LAYERs are defined under the hierarchy of a VIEW and are totally linked to it (position of the elements, dimensions, scale,...)
Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)
Visual LAYER
Elements of type VISUAL LAYER, belong to and are linked to the SHEET. Members of a VISUAL LAYER SET, they allow you to "group" the dressing of plans by category, and to define a formattingCommon to all the elements attached to this Home Layer The creation of a VISUAL LAYER is carried out from HOME > Visual Layer
Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)
Visual STYLE
Visual Styles are 2D representation styles that define colors, fonts, text height, line styles, etc., for each type of 2D element. These styles are accessible from ANNOTATE > Active Visual Style. Each Visual Style is predefined by the administrator, ensuring consistent graphical standards across all project plans. Note: The chosen style determines the properties of newly created elements, while modifying an element is done through the Properties window.
Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)
2D and Visual LAYER elements
Each 2D element (drawing or annotation) can be assigned to a Visual LAYER. The assignment of an element to a Visual LAYER, allowsTo define its color, its line type as well as its display configuration and Of printing. When created, 2D elements are associated with the active Visual LAYER of the Active Properties window. Selection of the work area Selection of the Visual LAYERSelection of the type of line Color selection Assignment of the Visual LAYER and Properties to one or more 2D element(s) Identification of the Visual LAYER and Properties of a 2D element
Layers (Layer & Visual Layer)
The quotation tools under ANNOTATE > Annotate, allow the realization of quotations under the Chained and Orthogonal Chained tools There are several types of quotations: - Orthogonal (orthogonal) - Aligned (aligned) Chained Orthogonal QuotationChained Aligned Quotation Orthogonal Quotation with Quotation Base on the left Orthogonal quotation with quotation base on the right Aligned Quotation with Quotation Base at the first point Offbeat Quotation with Quotation Base on the left Offbeat Quotation with Quotation Base on the rightOffbeat Quotation with Quotation Base at the first point The quotation can also be generated from 2D Space > Right click > Annotate > Orthogonal Chained
The pointsTs of quotation are automatically generated when selecting a 2D or 3D object, attachments to 3D elements (cotation Associative) are indicated by a blue highlight. The cursor allows you to select several types of attachment: - Challenge pointNor by geographical coordinates (DPOI) Coordinates X Y Coordinates - Point associated with MODEL elements (DPPT) In the image opposite: Attachment to Ppoint 2 of the flange In this case, the element to which the quotation is attached appears in blue highlighted.- Point defined by the end, middle point, intersection, ... of a segment (DPOI) In the image opposite: Attachment to the midpoint of the segment
The modiFication of the points of a rib is carried out in 2D. The reallocation of existing points is carried out by selecting them with a left click and validating the New position by another left click. The modification of the textual information is carried out pAr a double click on the displayed text
The identification of MODEL elements is carried out by the creation of Label. These 2D elements attached to the 3D elements, can be under theIn the form of framed texts, or be formatted according to a predefined template by the system administrator.
Type of Labels
General Label These Labels are simple benchmarks to set up entirely.Symbolic Label These Labels are benchmarks according to a model predefined by the system administrator
Modification of a label (FORMAT - LABEL Tools menu)
Visual Style ModifyVisual style operator, this option allows you to change the Style of the selected General Labels and Symbolic Labels (According to the predefined models). Text Text modifier, this option allows you to change the formatting of the text part of the General Labels selected.Leader Reminder line modifier, this option allows you to modify the formatting of the Reminder line of the General Labels and Symbolic Labels selected. Frame Framing modifier, this option allows you to modify the formatting ofThe framework of the selected General Labels. Gaps Manager of the cache elements of the Lines leaders.
Modification of a general label
General Labels During the seleCtion of the Label, it is possible to modify graphically, its position, orientation, attachment, as well as the setting in Form of the text. The formatting of the Leader Line and the Frame are managed from the FORMAT menu (LABELS TOOLS).The formatting of the text is most commonly carried out by a Double click on the General Label, giving access to the Text Editor
Modification of a Smart Texts label
Smart textsGeneral Labels as well as Simple Texts (TEXP - Text Primitive), can use information from databases. Principle of intelligent texts #: key character for the search for an attribute (C2:5): Taking into account the attribute from character 2 to character 5(P1:3): Taking into account parts 1 to 3 of the attribute (name parts are delimited by the "/") Ex: Label on an elbow whose PIPE is named /BAT-001/PIPE/50-ERA-001 The code #PIPE(P3:3)(C2:) will give: 50-ERA-001 The code #PIPE(P3:)(C2:3) will give: 50The (C2:) allows you to eliminate the / at the beginning of the name; in the absence of an end character, the character string ends at the end of the name These intelligent texts can also be assigned to the projection text of the quotations (e.g. #SPREF(P2:)(C2:))To retrieve the specification of a profile On a rating between two beams or poles.
Modification of a Symbolic Labels label
When selecting the Label, it is possibleBle to modify graphically, its position, orientation, attachment, as well as the scale of the associated symbol ( Template Reference - TMRF) The formatting of the callback line (Leader Line), is managed from the FORMAT menu (LABELS TOOLS). The betIn the form of the text cannot be modified on Symbolic Labels (managed by the system administrator)
Symbols accessible from ANNOTATE > Symbols are created asSymbolic Labels, referring to a 2D drawing model, alone Their position, orientation and size is modifiable. These elements do not have a callback line, but are attached to ELEMENTS of MODEL, and will be automatically replaced during theUpdate of a view for which the MODEL elements have been moved.
Verification of links
When updating a view, it may happen that some elements of the habilLage are linked to model elements that no longer exist. These elements are then no longer visible, or no longer informed. The Clean Up Annotation tool allows you to remove all annotation elements that are no longer linked to 3D elements. ActivationOf the Model Ref Check allows a real-time visualization of the links of the elements Dressing: In green: the dressing elements in connection with the model In red: the dressing elements unrelated to the model
2D drawing
From the DRAW Menu, a 2D interface is accessible to launch queries on the positioning and dimensions of the elements of the 2D space. This menu also allows the 2D drawing plot in the es2D pace to reproduce installation details not present in MODEL. It is also possible thanks to these tools to add 2D dressing to the plans in order to make fully finalized documents under DRAW. Measure Verification of dimensionsWe have 2D and 3D elements in 2D space Querying 3D element information (position, name, etc.) Draw 2D drawing Construct Construction line tools Modify Tools for editing 2D elements Multiple Copy (Array) This tool allows a copyR move to an array, i.e. the multiple copy of an element or a selection of elements with a step Defined.
Revision Control
Revision Control
AVEVA E3D integrates a tool ofE management of revisions, with which it is possible to compare revisions with each other. When creating the revision by clicking on, the system generates a Snapshot of the Sheet. For each revision, it is possible to fill in all the parametersIdentification of the people who have worked or verified the plan. For each revision, a REVI element is created and stored under the SHEET in the Draw Explorer. Depending on the configuration of the cartridge used, the information of the REVI can automaticallyFill in the cartridge revision table.
From the PROJECT > Export Menu, all the options defined by the system administrators are accessible.
The hierarchy
Under the EQUIPMENT module, equipment modeling is conducted. This STOCKAGE entity is classified as an Equipment (EQUI). In AVEVA E3D, it comprises a collection of primitives grouped within the same EQUIPMENT, such as NOZZ, CYLI, and DISH.
Specific attributes: Xlength: Length(mm) on the X axis Ylength: Length(mm) on the Y axis Zlength: Length(mm) on the Z axis Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBSAccepted members: All negative elements
Specific attributes: Height: Height (mm) Diameter: Diameter (mm)Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements
Specific attributes:Height: Height (mm) Catref: Catalogue Reference Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: No
Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Dtop: Diameter at P1 Dbottom: Diameter at P2 Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Members accepted: All negative elements
Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Dtop: Diameter at P1 Dbottom: Diameter at P2 Xoffset / Yoffset: offset on X/Y Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBSAccepted members: All negative elements
Specific attributes: Height: Height (mm) Xtop/Ytop: Dimension X/YTo P1 Xbot/Ybot: Dimension X/Y to P2 Xoffset / Yoffset: offset on X/Y Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Members accepted: All negative elements
RTORUS (Rectangular Torus)
Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Rinside: Inner radius Routside: Outer radius Angle: Angle Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements
CTORUS (Circular Torus)
Specific attributes: Rinside: Interior radius Routside: Outside radius Angle: Angle The diameter is defined byThe difference between ROUT and RINS Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements
DISH (Bombed ground)
Specific attributes: Diameter: Diameter Height: Height Radius: Radius Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements
Sloped Cylinder (SLCY)
Specific attributes: Height: Height (mm) Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members: All negative elements Diameter: Diameter (mm) Angle: Angle
Extrusion (EXTR)
Specific attributes: Height: Height(mm) Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBS Accepted members:All negative elements
Solid of Revolution (REVO)
Specific attributes: Angle: Angle Position in the hierarchy: EQUI, SUBE, STRU, SUBSAccepted members: All negative elements
Creation of the EQUI element
Equipment creation after click on OK
Creation of a primitive
Choice of the mode of creation
Once the primitive type has been selected, press the bottom arrow on the keyboard to select a primitive creation mode. TwoPoints: Creation of a primitive with 2 specific points (first and opposite corners) Three points: Creation of a primitive with 3 specific points (First, opposite and height) Four points: Creation of a primitive with 4 specific points (Origin, X, Y and Z)Explicit: Creation of a primitive from the center by defining length, width and height
Creation of a primitive
Example of creation of the primitive
Step1: Choice of the type of primitive Step 2: Definition of the base point Step 3: Definition of the opposite point in the diagonal Step 4: Definition of the height of the box
Creation of a primitive
A Sub-equipment (SUBE), is a sub-assembly of equipment. It is a graphic group whose display can be managed Regardless of the equipment. It is most often used to dissociate several partiesAre of the same equipment (e.g. a motor, feet, a chassis, etc.)
Change the origin of an Equipment / Sub-Equipment
ID Point: Placement of the oriGine to a P-point designated on the screen (it is possible to create a temporary primitive to place the origin of the equipment or sub-equipment. Explicit...: Displacement of the origin in one or more direction(s) In both cases a confirmation messageAtion/cancellation will be proposed to you (Return to the original origin YES: Cancellation NO: Confirmation of the action)
Standard equipment
The eqStandard equipment are equipment created using a configurable template. They can be modified after their creation. Note: The Modify Properties window allows you to fill in the configurable dimensions of Standard equipment. We find there atUssi a "Plotfile" plan, which informs the dimensions Configurable.
Level of representation
Level of representation
Each primitive of theThe model is defined by a level of representation. It allows you to define the level of detail To which the primitive corresponds. There are several levels of representation: •Level 0-3: Summary representation. •Level 4-6: Detailed representation. •NiCalf 7-10: Very detailed representation. •Level 9-10: Representation of the volumes of obstructions and reservations. The definition of the level of representation of an equipment primitive is carried out when it is created.
Level of obstruction
Level of obstruction
Each primitive of the model is defined by a level of obstruction. There are three levels of obstruction •Level 0: Clash none.Primitives are not taken into account in the Clasher •Level 1: Clash soft. Possibility to choose whether primitives are taken into account or not in the Clasher •Level 2: Hard clash. Primitives are always taken into account in the ClasherTo limit the calculation times of the Clasher it is advisable to create the primitives of an EQUI with an obstruction level 0 (image 1), and to create An obstruction level 2 primitive (image 2), which encompasses the total volume of the pump.
Creation of an association
Creation of an association
Rules for the association between equipment can be defined by the user. These rules allow a verification of the positioning of equipment.These rules are defined by a positioning constraint between 2 elements. At the end of the design, the user can check the state of these rules in order to validate the positioning of the elements. Associations are managed in a specific hierarchyThat, Available from the Associate Browser window
Verification of associations
Verification of associations
The rules of association can be consulted from the Association Manager.It allows you to check the status of the existing rules (Passed / Failed), and the criteria for them: -Type of association -Distance A summary table of the elements constituting the association is also presented.
Their functions
Their functions
Attachments are created in the same way as a piping component. They are used for various applications. We will detail the main ones. The different types of ATTA are defined by setting the ATTY attribute. • ATTY Unset: Default type. It is used to mark the position of a support on the piping in the isometric. • ATTY CCCC: Allows you to add a note with a leader line on the isometric. The attachment will also be dimensioned (referred to as a dimensioned comment). • ATTY CCNN: Allows you to add a note with a leader line on the isometric. In this case, the attachment will not be dimensioned (referred to as an undimensioned comment). • ATTY Flow: Adds an arrow to indicate the direction of fluid flow on the isometric. • ATTY XXXX: Splits the piping line. This option is used if you want to break your isometric to make it easier to read. • ATTY SSSS: Defines the point from which an isometric should be divided on the next sheet. The same considerations apply as for an ATTY SSSS. • ATTY INPP: Defines the beginning and end points of insulation on an isometric. If you want to add a comment to the attachment (in the case of CCCC or CCNN), you need to fill in the Stext attribute of the attachment.
Isometric Design
Isometric Design
It is possible to pre-visualize the isometrics of the Piping discipline with the isometric Pipe function
The Isodraft module
The Isodraft module
You can access the Isodraft module by selecting Project > Modules > Isodraft... Once in the module, you can display the Model Explorer. CEci allows you to display Design databases. To produce an Isometric, select in the Model Explorer, the line or branch for which you want to create the Isometric. CE button: allows you to re-select a branch or Pipe using the Model Explorer.Option: allows you to choose the rules defined by the administrator, depending on the option chosen, you have several choices in the window Standard iso options, for example in our case, the Project option uses the FTN.MET rule (to take the Iso into a metric unit)Detail: Allows you to select the branches of a line, if you want to exit only part of the selected piping line. Produce: allows you to generate: - Transfer File: transfer file for use with other software - Batch MAcro: allows you to take out a large amount of isometric. - Bolt Report: allows you to take a bolt report out of the piping line
Specific configurations
Specific configurations
In order to improve the readability of an isometric or to provide additional clarification, the user can perform several operations on Pipes and pipe components: - Use of attachments - Information on the names of valves, instruments.... - Quotation of an element in relation to irons or rows Dmtype: NORT EAST ELEV POS Dmfarray 1 /Name of the element 2 /... - Exclusion of items from the material list (MTOC, MTOT, MTOH attributes) - ON: Includes the components in the material list and draws them normally- OFF: Excludes components from the material list and draws them normally - DOTD: Excludes the components of the material list, draws them in dotted and dimensions - DOTU: Excludes components from the list of equipment, draws them in poiNtillés and do not size them
What is laser application?
What is the laser reading?
Recent developments in computer techniques and tools have made theLasergrammetry (recorded by 3D laser scanner) essential for the realization of TQC models (as built), the industrial installation survey for revamping studies... The advantages of this technology are multiple: time saving, pCircumcision, minimization of the risk of exposure in dangerous environments, 3D modeling... A laser scanner scans the surrounding space and collects millions of points thanks to its laser beam. A device can generate up to 1 million points per secondOf (each point being a measure in space, in 3D). A cloud of points can thus be generated in a few minutes and represent the environment accurately recorded. In order to obtain a complete model, it is necessary to make several stations ofE survey and compile all the point clouds obtained.
Preparation of the point cloud
Preparation of the point cloud
Before it can be operated under AVEVA E3D,The data extracted from the 3D laser scanners must be compiled by the AVEVA LFM Server software.
Import of the point cloud
Import of the point cloud
You have to be admIllustrator of the E3D2 project to import a point cloud The import of a point cloud is done from the ADMIN tab > LASER ACCESS > CREATE LASER MODEL Following the import, an XGEOM element is then created in the AVEVA E3D2 databases, it is visible in the Model Explorer.In the same way as any element of AVEVA E3D2, the point cloud can be displayed in the 3D view.
You have to be administeredAtor of the E3D2 project to import a point cloud The import of a point cloud is done from the ADMIN > LASER ACCESS > CREATE LASER MODEL tab Following the import, an XGEOM element is then created in the AVEVA E3D2 databases, it is visible in the Model Explorer.In the same way as any element of AVEVA E3D2, the point cloud can be displayed in the 3D view. From the Available Bubble views window or by graphically identifying a reading station via the Pick option, it is possible to switchThe 3D window in "Bubble View" mode The simultaneous display of a cloud of Points and 3D elements can allow A verification of the consistency of the 3D model and laser model. From this mode of viewing, The user can change stations from RelReference eve in order to move In the 3D model. The icon allows you to leave the "Bubble View" mode.
The HyperBubble tool allowsTo the user to work in an environment such as built fully immersed. The user is able to walk away from the scanner's position, move freely around the point cloud data in any direction. The HyperBubble is not available by default with the point cloud. To be able to use it, it must be created with the "LFM Server" software Once the HyperBubble is activated in Model (View > Laser > HyperBubble), use the "Walk Mode" or "Fly MOde" to navigate the point cloud. Walk Mode: Navigate the model as if you were walking in the model. Use the "Space" key on the keyboard to refocus the Fly Mode view: Navigate the model as in a flight simulator. CUse the "F2" key on the keyboard to show/hide the internal E3D windows (Model Explorer, Property grid etc...)
Density of points
Display Option
By dEfault, point clouds are represented with a low point density so as not to overload the software with data. From the Display Options tool, it is possible to define a volume and act on the density of the point cloud inside it.The volume must be defined via the "CE Volume" or "Pick Volume" options. Once the volume has been created, it is possible to modify it by double clicking graphically on the volume and using the graphic modification handles. The Display Re optionSet: Allows you to hide the volume The Edge Mode option: Allows you to optimize the edges of the reading to increase visibility (Passage in grayscale) The Low density option: Allows you to hide areas of the point cloud where the density is low
Density of points
Thanks to an AREA, it is possible to define a volume and act on the density of the point cloud inside it. The volume may be more complex (Circular, pyramidal etc...) that a volume made with the Display Mode option and it will be saved in a project database via an Area Definition. 1 - Creation of an Area WORLD at the same level as a SITE in the Model Explorer ( GENERAL > AREA > WOLRD ) 2 - Creation of aArea SET ( GENERAL > AREA > SET ) 3 - Creation of an Area DEFINITION ( GENERAL > AREA > DEFINITION ) 4 - In the DEFINITION area, model primitives to define the limits of the volume to increase the density of points
In AVEVA E3D, it is possible to demolish a part of a point cloud. 1 - Create a Demolition WORLD at the same level as a SITE in the Model Explorer (GENERAL > LASER DEMOLITION > WORLD) 2 - Create a Demolition SET (GENERAL > LASER DEMOLITION > SET) 3 - Create a Demolition PACKAGE (GENERAL > LASER DEMOLITION > PACKAGE) 4 - In the Demolition PACKAGE, model primitives to define the boundaries of the volume of the area to be demolished in the point cloud. 5 - Once the volume is defined, click on "READY" then "DEMOLITION" to demolish the desired area in the point cloud. To redisplay the demolished area, click again on "DEMOLITION". The BROWER option allows displaying a secondary hierarchy listing all the demolished elements in the point cloud of the project.
Measuring tool
Measuring tool
The use of the measurement tool requires a graphic selection. The Positioning dialog boxControl allows you to configure the type of hook on the elements of the graphic view. To take measurements in relation to a point cloud, you must select the type of hook "LASER data" By default, the measurement is broken down into 3 axial dimensions (East, North and Up).The results are displayed in the Measure window and in the graphic view. It is possible to obtain only a horizontal dimension and a vertical dimension by activating the Perpendicular to option. The Show linear dimension option allows the display of direct measurement in the graphic view.The Unit Type drop-down menu allows you to select the unit in which the result is to be presented.
When creating a pipe and defining theHEAD and TAIL, it is possible to automatically retrieve a position and a diameter. Select the Pick branch in laser data option, then click on a pipe in the laser reading to retrieve the position and diameter of the pipe. This optIon is valid for the HEAD and TAIL Useful options: Nudge option allows you to move the head or tail along the axis of the pipe Option Opposite Direction allows you to reverse the direction of the head or tail
The clasher tool can be used to check the clashes between the new modeling made in MODEL and the point cloud. To check the clashes with the point cloud, you must add the XGEOM inS the list of elements of obstructions.
Laser in Draw
Display of the point cloud
E3D 2 allows the insertion of a point cloud into a 2D plan in the DRAW To insert aPoint cloud in DRAW, you must add the XGEOM of the point cloud in the drawlist of the view. Once the XGEOM is in the drawlist, a "Laser Volume Representation Set" (LAVOST) must be created via the Display tool. This element of Representation will be assOcié to Area definition (AREADE) or demolition Package (DEMOPA). First, DRAW checks if the view is linked to a "laser volume representation set", if this Is not the case, a window opens to create a new laser volume representation.A laser volume representation is stored in the Library of the sheet and can be used by several Views. Once the laser volume representation is created, it must be linked to it one or more Area Definition or/and one or Several demolition package
Laser in Draw
Quotation and dressing of the plan
After inserting a point cloud in a view it is possible to create quotations and annotations in relation to this point cloud. For this he fAut adjust the graphic hooking on Laser, in order to select laser points.
Specific menu: Thickness of the panels Selection of the type of beam desired Specification of panelsSelection of materials for the panels Representation of the aretes Standard Plate: Smooth sheet metal Chequer Plate: Tear tin Standard Grating: Grating Each of these specifications Has a thickness range Clean Panel (PANE) It is defined by at least 3 vertex (PAVE), aSpecification or a thickness and justification. 1
Creation of panels
Under a FRAMEWORK (FRMW) or a SUBFRAMEWORK (SBFR), if the default hierarchies have not been rTaught: For the creation of a panel, simply select graphically or manually enter the coordinates of the points. There are several options when creating a panel: FILLET: allows you to create a leave at a point of the panel ARC: permAnd create a rounded side JUSTIFICATION: allows you to choose between top, bottom or center for the creation of the BACK panel: return to the previous point FINISH: complete the creation of the panel
Modification of panels
After creating a profile, it is possible to edit it at any time: Specification: allows you to change the thickness of a panel with specification - Thickness: allows you to change the thickness of a panel without specification- Justification: allows you to modify the justification of the panel (Top, Center, Bottom) - Panel Origin: allows you to move the origin of the panel - Representation: allows you to modify the representation and level of obstruction of the panel - Drawing Edges: allows you toE modify the representation of the edges - Offset: allows you to modify the dimension of the panel - Split: allows you to section the panel by an element or plane - Merge: allows you to merge several panels
Opening creation
The Negative Extrusion creation tool allows you to create specific openings
Accessories for Panel
Specification: allows you to choose the desired type of accessory.Fitting group: displays the possible types for the current element (GTYPE) Fitting: allows you to choose the subtype of accessories (for example, a particular style, or a gusset thickness). Design Parameters: Allows you to modify the attributes of the selected fitting.
The basics
This module allows you to create all the piping elements.
The branches
The Branches have two functions: 1. Define the start and finish points of a section of piping (Head/Tail) 2. Contain Head/Tail piping components:They define a position, direction and start or end diameter of the Piping. AVEVA E3D allows you to connect these points to elements such as tees, Nozzles, other branches, etc... and automatically retrieve the information NecessaryComponents: They define the passage of the piping, their order must remain the sense of the fluid! Thus, if two components are aligned, correctly oriented, and Of the same diameter, AVEVA E3D will automatically generate the tube between these 2 components
Configuration of Tools
The Piping Settings window allows the configuration of the default values of piping creation tools. Project > Options> Discipline > Piping > Piping Application Defaults