Welchol lowers "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which is also called LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Lowering your LDL cholesterol may reduce your risk of hardened arteries, which can lead to heart attacks, stroke, and circulation problems. Welchol is used to treat high cholesterol in adults and children at least 10 years old. Welchol is sometimes used together with "statin" cholesterol medications such as atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin, Crestor, Lipitor, Pravachol, Zocor, and others. Welchol is also used to improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This medication is not for treating type 1 diabetes. Welchol may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Welireg (belzutifan) is used in the treatment of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease to help reduce the size of tumors, including tumors in the brain and spinal cord called central nervous system hemangioblastomas, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, and renal cell carcinomas. Welireg is also used to treat advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in certain adults. Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is a rare genetic disorder that causes cysts, benign tumors, and malignant tumors to grow in the body due to a mutation in the Von Hippel–Lindau tumor suppressor gene. This change in the gene causes an accumulation in the protein HIF-2a, which is associated with tumor growth. Welireg is a hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) inhibitor that works by blocking HIF-2a, to help reduce tumor growth. Welireg is manufactured for Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.
Wellbutrin is an antidepressant medicine that is thought to work in the brain and nerves on the chemical messengers norepinephrine and dopamine. Wellbutrin XL  is used to treat major depressive disorder (MDD) and seasonal affective disorder, and Wellbutrin SR is only used to treat major depressive disorder (MDD). Another brand of bupropion called Zyban is used to help to stop smoking, Wellbutrin is not indicated to help quit smoking.
Wellbutrin SR is an antidepressant used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. The Zyban brand of bupropion is used to help people stop smoking by reducing cravings and other withdrawal effects. Wellbutrin SR may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Wellbutrin XL is an antidepressant used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder. The Zyban brand of bupropion is used to help people stop smoking by reducing cravings and other withdrawal effects. Wellbutrin XL may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Westcort Ointment is a medium potency corticosteroid indicated for the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid responsive dermatoses in adult patients.
Desiccated (dried) thyroid is a combination of hormones that are normally produced by your thyroid gland to regulate the body's energy and metabolism. Desiccated thyroid is given when the thyroid does not produce enough of this hormone on its own. Desiccated thyroid treats hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone). Desiccated thyroid is also used to treat or prevent goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), and is also given as part of a medical tests for thyroid disorders. Desiccated thyroid should not be used to treat obesity or weight problems. Desiccated thyroid may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Wezlana (ustekinumab-auub) is used to treat certain types of plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. Wezlana helps reduce the symptoms of these diseases but does not cure these inflammatory diseases. Wezlana works by blocking certain proteins in your body called IL-12 (interleukin-12) and IL-23 (interleukin-23) that cause inflammation in these autoimmune conditions. Wezlana is from a class of medicines called interleukin inhibitors. Wezlana is an interchangeable biosimilar of Stelara (ustekinumab). A biosimilar is a biologic medicine that is a very close copy of the original product, Stelara, which is made by another company.  An interchangeable biosimilar may be substituted for the reference product without consulting the prescriber, subject to state laws. This means that Wezlana can be dispensed when the prescription has been written for Stelara, depending on local state laws.
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Wild yam is a plant also known as American Yam, Atlantic Yam, Barbasco, China Root, Chiense Yam, Colic Root, Devil's Bones, DHEA Naturelle, Dioscorea, Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea batatas, Dioscorea composita, Dioscorea floribunda, Dioscorea hirticaulis, Dioscorea japonica, Dioscorea mexicana, Igname Sauvage, Igname Velue, Mexican Yam, Ñame Silvestre, Phytoestrogen, Rheumatism Root, Shan Yao, Yuma, and other names. Wild yam has been used to treat menopausal symptoms. However, research has shown that wild yam may not be effective in treating this condition. Other uses not proven with research have included premenstrual syndrome (PMS), osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, as a natural alternative to estrogens, and to increase energy and sexual desire in men and women. It is not certain whether wild yam is effective in treating any medical condition. Medicinal use of this product has not been approved by the FDA. Wild yam should not be used in place of medication prescribed for you by your doctor. Wild yam is often sold as an herbal supplement. There are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for many herbal compounds and some marketed supplements have been found to be contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs. Herbal/health supplements should be purchased from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination. Wild yam may also be used for purposes not listed in this product guide.
Winlevi cream is a prescription medication for acne vulgaris treatment. It contains clascoterone, an androgen receptor inhibitor. Winlevi cream works by blocking androgen receptors in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin. By doing so, it is thought to help reduce oil (sebum) production and inflammation, which improves acne. Winlevi was FDA-approved on August 26, 2020, for topical treatment of acne vulgaris in patients 12 years of age and older.
Winrevair (sotatercept) is an injectable activin signaling inhibitor that can be self-administered subcutaneously (under the skin) and may be used to treat adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH, WHO Group 1). Winrevair can improve your ability to exercise, improve your ability to perform normal activities with fewer symptoms and reduce the risk of your physical condition and symptoms worsening. Winrevair (sotatercept) works by binding to activin A (a cytokine that is involved in inflammation, fibrosis, and wound repair that promotes atherosclerotic plaque formation). It also binds to other TGF- β superfamily ligands, many of which act on cardiac cells. This action improves the signaling balance and modulates vascular proliferation (the uncontrolled duplication of immature cells), reducing inflammation, and slowing down or reversing the structural tissue changes that happen with PAH. Winrevair was FDA-approved on 26 March 2024.
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Witch hazel is a plant also known as Avellano de Bruja, Café du Diable, Hamamelis, Hamamélis, Hamamélis de Virginie, Hamamelis virginiana, Hazel, Noisetier des Sorcières, Snapping Tobacco Wood, Spotted Elder, Virginian Witch Hazel, Winter Bloom, and other names. Witch hazel is a liquid distilled from dried leaves, bark, and twigs of this plant. Witch hazel topical (for the skin) has been used in alternative medicine as a possibly effective aid in treating hemorrhoids, minor bleeding, and skin irritation. Witch hazel topical has also been used to treat eczema. However, research has shown that witch hazel topical may not be effective in treating this condition. Other uses not proven with research have included treating bruises or varicose veins. It is not certain whether witch hazel topical is effective in treating any medical condition. Medicinal use of this product has not been approved by the FDA. This product should not be used in place of medication prescribed for you by your doctor. Witch hazel topical may also be used for purposes not listed in this product guide.
Wixela Inhub® is indicated for the twice-daily treatment of asthma in patients aged 4 years and older. Wixela Inhub® should be used for patients not adequately controlled on a long-term asthma control medication such as an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) or whose disease warrants initiation of treatment with both an ICS and long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist (LABA). Wixela Inhub® is NOT indicated for the relief of acute bronchospasm. Wixela Inhub® 250/50 is indicated for the twice-daily maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. Wixela Inhub® 250/50 is also indicated to reduce exacerbations of COPD in patients with a history of exacerbations. Wixela Inhub® 250/50 twice daily is the only approved dosage for the treatment of COPD because an efficacy advantage of the higher strength Wixela Inhub® 500/50 over Wixela Inhub® 250/50 has not been demonstrated. Wixela Inhub® is NOT indicated for the relief of acute bronchospasm.
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Desiccated (dried) thyroid is a combination of hormones that are normally produced by your thyroid gland to regulate the body's energy and metabolism. Desiccated thyroid is given when the thyroid does not produce enough of this hormone on its own. Desiccated thyroid treats hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone). Desiccated thyroid is also used to treat or prevent goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), and is also given as part of a medical tests for thyroid disorders. Desiccated thyroid should not be used to treat obesity or weight problems. Desiccated thyroid may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Wynzora is a once-daily, topical, fixed-dose combination cream containing calcipotriene 0.005% (a vitamin D analog) and betamethasone dipropionate 0.064% (a corticosteroid) that may be used to treat plaque psoriasis in adults 18 years of age or older. The cream uses PAD™ Technology, which enables the mixing of oil and water using just a fraction of the emulsifier required in conventional creams and lotions. This improves the penetration, solubility, and stability of the active ingredients, the tolerability of the product, and makes it more convenient to use. Wynzora was approved on July 22, 2020.
Wyost (denosumab-bbdz) is an injection that is administered subcutaneously (under the skin) by a healthcare provider for the: Wyost works by binding to RANKL, a protein on the membrane of osteoclasts essential for their formation, function, and survival. This inhibits osteoclast formation, decreasing bone resorption and increasing bone mass and strength in both cortical (hard bone) and trabecular (spongy bone). Wyost is a monoclonal antibody that targets and inhibits RANK ligand (RANKL) and belongs to the class of medicines known as RANK ligand (RANKL) inhibitors. Wyost is an interchangeable biosimilar to Xgeva (denosumab) that was FDA-approved on 5 March 2024. An interchangeable biosimilar is a biological product that can be substituted in the pharmacy for the reference biologic because there are no clinically meaningful differences in safety, purity, and potency.
Xacduro is a combination antibiotic injection containing sulbactam and durlobactam that may be used in adults to treat hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (HABP) or ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (VABP) caused by susceptible strains of Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex. Acinetobacter infections typically occur in healthcare settings, such as hospitals, with those on ventilators, with catheters, in ICU, with open surgical wounds, or with prolonged stays more at risk. Acinetobacter can spread through direct contact with contaminated surfaces or equipment or from person to person. They are responsible for over 8,500 infections a year in the U.S. and over 700 deaths and the World Health Organization has declared Acinetobacter species top of the list of critical bacterial pathogens that pose the greatest threat to human health. Most Acinetobacter infections are caused by one of four species from the Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex and are typically resistant to antibiotics, including carbapenem, making them difficult to treat. Xacduro was approved on May 23, 2023.
Xadago is monoamine oxidase inhibitor type B (MAO-B). This medicine works by allowing a chemical called dopamine (DOE pa meen) to work for longer periods of time in the brain. Low levels of dopamine in the brain are associated with Parkinson's disease. Xadago is given with levodopa and carbidopa to treat "wearing-off" episodes (muscle stiffness, loss of muscle control) in people with Parkinson's disease.
Xalatan is classified as an ophthalmic glaucoma agent and lowers pressure inside the eye by increasing the amount of fluid that drains from the eye. Xalatan eye drops are used to treat certain types of glaucoma and other causes of high pressure inside the eye. Xalatan may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Xanax is a benzodiazepine (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peen). It is thought that alprazolam works by enhancing the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders and anxiety caused by depression. Xanax is also used to treat panic disorders with or without a fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment (agoraphobia). It is dangerous to purchase Xanax on the Internet or outside the United States. The sale and distribution of medicines outside the U.S. does not comply with safe-use regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These medications may contain dangerous ingredients, or may not be distributed by a licensed pharmacy.
Xanax XR is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines (ben-zoe-dye-AZE-eh-peens). Alprazolam affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety. Xanax XR is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression. Xanax XR may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Xarelto belongs to a class of medications called factor Xa inhibitors. It works by blocking the action of a certain natural substance that helps blood clots to form. Xarelto is used to treat or prevent blood clots (venous thromboembolism, or VTE). Blood clots can occur in the legs (deep vein thrombosis, DVT) or the lungs (pulmonary embolism, PE). This medicine is also used to help prevent strokes or serious blood clots in adults who have atrial fibrillation, (a condition in which the heart beats irregularly, increasing the chance of clots forming in the body, and possibly causing strokes) that is not caused by heart valve disease. Xarelto is also used to prevent DVT and PE in adults who are having hip replacement or knee replacement surgery or in people who are hospitalized for serious illnesses and are at risk of developing a clot due to decreased ability to move around or other risk factors. It is also used along with aspirin to lower the risk of a heart attack, stroke, or death in adults with coronary artery disease (narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart) or peripheral arterial disease (poor circulation in the blood vessels that supply blood to the arms and legs). Xarelto is also used to treat and prevent DVT and PE from happening again in children and certain infants who have received at least 5 days of initial anticoagulation (blood thinner) treatment. Xarelto is sometimes used to lower your risk of a DVT or PE coming back after you have received treatment for blood clots for at least 6 months. Xarelto is also used to prevent DVT and PE after heart surgery in children 2 years of age or older who have congenital heart disease (abnormality in the heart that develops before birth).
Xcopri (cenobamate) is an oral, once-daily, tablet that may be used to treat partial-onset seizures in adults. The tablets can be swallowed or crushed and mixed with water and either administered by mouth as an oral suspension or administered via a nasogastric tube.  Xcopri works as an anticonvulsant and can be used on its own to treat partial-onset seizures or can be used with other anti-seizure medications. Exactly how Xcopri works to reduce the frequency of partial-onset seizures is unknown but may be because it inhibits voltage-gated sodium channels and positively affects the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) ion channel. Some people may have their seizures reduced to zero. Xcopri was FDA-approved on 21 November 2019.
Xeljanz (tofacitinib) is an oral Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor that may be used alone or with other medications to reduce inflammation associated with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Xeljanz works by decreasing the activity of the immune system. It does this by blocking the activity of JAK enzymes (JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, TYK2) inside the cell – these enzymes are responsible for sending inflammatory signals in the body which are associated with cytokine release. By blocking these enzymes Xeljanz helps to decrease the immune reaction which causes rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ulcerative colitis. Xeljanz may be used to treat the following conditions in adults who are unable to take or did not respond to one or more tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor medication(s) Xeljanz is also approved to treat polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis in patients 2 years of age and older who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to one or more TNF blockers. Xeljanz was FDA-approved on November 6, 2012.
Xeloda is a cancer medicine that interferes with the growth of cancer cells and slows their spread in the body. Xeloda is used alone or in combination chemotherapy to treat colon cancer, breast cancer, or colorectal cancer. Xeloda is sometimes used when cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic).
Xelstrym (dextroamphetamine) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant prescription medicine. Xelstrym skin patches are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and children at least 6 years old. Xelstrym may help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in adults and children 6 years of age and older with ADHD. Xelstrym is a controlled substance as it contains dextroamphetamine. Xelstrym can be a target for people who abuse prescription medicines or street drugs. Keep the patches in a safe place to protect them from theft. Never give Xelstrym patches to anyone else, as it may cause death or harm them.
XEMBIFY® (immune globulin subcutaneous, human – klhw) is a 20% immune globulin solution for subcutaneous injection indicated for treatment of primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI) in patients 2 years of age and older. This includes, but is not limited to, congenital agammaglobulinemia, common variable immunodeficiency, X-linked agammaglobulinemia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, and severe combined immunodeficiencies.[1-4]
Xenical blocks some of the fat that you eat, keeping it from being absorbed by your body. Xenical is used to aid in weight loss, or to help reduce the risk of regaining weight already lost. This medicine must be used together with a reduced-calorie diet and is to used only by adults. Xenical is the prescription-strength form of orlistat. The alli brand of orlistat is available without a prescription.
Xeomin, also called botulinum toxin type A, is made from the bacteria that causes botulism. Botulinum toxin blocks nerve activity in the muscles, causing a temporary reduction in muscle activity. Xeomin injection is used in adults to treat: Xeomin is also used in children at least 2 years old to treat;
Xerava is a tetracycline antibiotic that is used to treat serious stomach infections in adults. Xerava may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Xermelo tablets are used to treat carcinoid syndrome diarrhea in adults, Xermelo works by blocking the enzyme that helps make serotonin which reduces the amount of serotonin being made to help prevent diarrhea. Xermelo (telotristat ethyl) is a tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor that specifically targets the underlying cause of carcinoid syndrome diarrhea, which is high serotonin levels. Xermelo is not a chemotherapy. Carcinoid syndrome diarrhea is caused by carcinoid tumors releasing too much serotonin, which increases wave-like contractions in the gut (peristalsis). These contractions reduce how much water and electrolyte is absorbed from the gut, which leads to diarrhea. Carcinoid syndrome is a rare condition that affects people with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors (mNETs). Xermelo is used together with medications such as octreotide (Sandostatin), which is a somatostatin analog (SSA) therapy; Xermelo is used with SSA therapy when the SSA therapy has not effectively controlled the diarrhea on its own. Medications like octreotide work by blocking the release of serotonin. When Xermelo is combined with SSA therapy, they work well together as Xermelo reduces how much serotonin is made, and SSA therapy decreases the amount of serotonin released, leading to an improvement in carcinoid syndrome diarrhea symptoms. Xermelo received FDA approval on February 28, 2017. Xermelo is indicated for treating carcinoid syndrome diarrhea in combination with somatostatin analog (SSA) therapy, such as octreotide in adults whose carcinoid syndrome diarrhea has not been controlled by SSA therapy.
Xgeva is a monoclonal antibody. Monoclonal antibodies are made to target and destroy only certain cells in the body. This may help to protect healthy cells from damage. The Xgeva brand of denosumab is used to prevent bone fractures and other skeletal conditions in people with multiple myeloma, and in people with tumors that have spread to the bone. Xgeva is also used to treat giant cell bone tumor in adults and teenagers with fully matured bone structure. Xgeva is also used to treat high blood levels of calcium caused by cancer, when other medicines such as pamidronate or zoledronic acid (Zometa) have been used without success. Xgeva was FDA-approved on June 1, 2010. Prolia is another brand of denosumab used to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women who have a high risk of bone fracture, and this was approved on the same date. Xgeva and Prolia have different dosages and uses and are not interchangeable (see Xgeva vs Prolia. How do they compare? for more information). Wyost (denosumab-bbdz) is an interchangeable biosimilar to Xgeva that was FDA-approved on 5 March 2024. An interchangeable biosimilar is a biological product that can be substituted in the pharmacy for the reference biologic because there are no clinically meaningful differences in safety, purity, and potency.
XHANCE is indicated for the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) in adults. XHANCE is indicated for the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps (CRSsNP) in adults.
Xiaflex is made from a mixture of proteins derived from a certain bacteria. Xiaflex is used to treat Dupuytren's contracture in adults. This condition causes an abnormal thickening of the tissue in the palm of the hand. This condition may get worse over time and form a "cord" in your palm, causing a permanent bend in your finger. Xiaflex is also used to treat a related condition called Peyronie's disease in adult men. This condition causes scar tissue or "plaque" to develop under the skin of the penis, resulting in an abnormal curving of the penis during erection. Xiaflex is available for Peyronie's disease only from a certified pharmacy under a special program called Xiaflex REMS. You must be registered in the program and understand the risks of taking this medicine.
Xifaxan is an antibiotic that fights bacterial infection only in the intestines. Rifaximin works differently from other antibiotics because it passes through your stomach and into your intestines without being absorbed into your blood stream. Because rifaximin treats only the intestinal tract, it will not treat infections of other parts of the body. Xifaxan is used to treat travelers' diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli) in adults and children who are at least 12 years old. Most people get this infection by eating food or drinking fluids that have been contaminated with the E. coli bacteria. Xifaxan is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in adults whose main symptom is diarrhea. Xifaxan is also used to lower the risk of a decline in brain function in adults with liver failure. Brain function can be affected when the liver stops working and cannot remove toxic substances from the body.
Xigduo XR extended-release tablets contain a combination of dapagliflozin and metformin. Dapagliflozin and metformin are oral diabetes medicines that help control blood sugar levels. Dapagliflozin works by helping the kidneys get rid of glucose from your bloodstream. Metformin lowers glucose production in the liver and also causes your intestines to absorb less glucose. Xigduo XR is used together with diet and exercise to improve blood sugar control in adults and children aged 10 years and older with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Xigduo XR is also used to: Xigduo was FDA-approved on 29 October 2014.
Xiidra (lifitegrast 5%) is an eye drop solution that is used twice daily in each eye to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) in adults over the age of 17 years. Xiidra works by preventing a certain protein called lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) on the surface of leukocytes (a type of blood cell), from binding to a type of adhesion molecule called ICAM-1 which may be overexpressed in corneal and conjunctival tissues in people with DED. The interaction between LFA-1 and ICAM-1 is associated with T-cell activation and migration and the secretion of inflammatory cytokines. By blocking this interaction, Xiidra may prevent the secretion of inflammatory cytokines which improves the symptoms of DED, although the exact way it works in DED is not known. Xiidra was FDA-approved on July 11, 2016.
Xofluza is used to treat flu symptoms caused by the influenza virus in people who have had symptoms for no more than 48 hours. Baloxavir marboxil will not treat the common cold. Xofluza is also used to prevent flu symptoms in people who have been in contact with someone who has the flu. Xofluza is for adults and children at least 5 years old and weighing at least 44 pounds (20 kilograms). Xofluza should not be used in place of getting a yearly flu shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends an annual flu shot to help protect you each year from new strains of influenza virus.
Xolair (omalizumab) injection is a medication used to treat types of allergic asthma, nasal polyps and chronic hives (chronic spontaneous urticaria). It may also be used to reduce the risk of allergic reactions (including anaphylaxis) in adults and children aged 1 year and older with Ig-E-mediated food allergies. Xolair works by reducing the release of inflammatory substances that cause allergy symptoms, thereby decreasing allergic responses in the body. Xolair is a monoclonal antibody that is usually given every 2 or 4 weeks to maintain its therapeutic effects.
Xolremdi (mavorixafor) is an oral CXC chemokine receptor 4 antagonist that may be used to increase the number of circulating mature neutrophils and lymphocytes in adults and children 12 years of age and older with WHIM syndrome (warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myelokathexis). WHIM syndrome is a rare genetic disorder affecting the immune system. It's caused by a malfunction in the CXCR4/CXCL12 pathway, leading to white blood cells being stuck in the bone marrow instead of circulating properly. This results in low levels of certain immune cells, making affected individuals prone to frequent infections. They also commonly experience stubborn warts caused by HPV, have reduced antibody production, and face an elevated risk of certain cancers. Xolremdi (mavorixafor) works by inhibiting the binding of a specific protein called SDF-1α/CXCL12 to the CXCR4 receptor, which is involved in immune cell movement. By inhibiting this binding Xolremdi helps prevent immune cells from being trapped in the bone marrow. This is particularly relevant in conditions like WHIM syndrome, where mutations in the CXCR4 gene cause immune cells to be overly responsive to CXCL12, leading to their retention in the bone marrow. Xolremdi works in both normal and mutated CXCR4 variants associated with WHIM syndrome, promoting the release of immune cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Xolremdi was FDA-approved on 26 April 2024.
Xopenex is a short-acting bronchodilator that relaxes muscles in the airways and increases air flow to the lungs. Xopenex inhalation is used to treat or prevent bronchospasm in people with reversible obstructive airway disease. Xopenex solution is for use in adults and children 6 years of age and older. Xopenex HFA aerosol is for use in adults and children 4 years of age and older.
Levalbuterol is a short-acting bronchodilator that relaxes muscles in the airways and increases air flow to the lungs. Xopenex HFA is used to treat or prevent asthma attacks in adults and children who are at least 4 years old. Xopenex HFA may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Xospata is a prescription medicine used to treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in adults with an abnormal FLT3 gene. Your doctor will test you for this gene. Xospata is given after other cancer treatments did not work or have stopped working. It is not known if Xospata is safe and effective in children.
Xphozah is a phosphate absorption inhibitor that is used to lower serum phosphorus levels for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis who have tried phosphate binders but they have not worked well enough, or they are unable to take them.  Xphozah is a twice a daily tablet that works by blocking phosphate absorption in the gut to help return phosphate to normal serum levels. Xphozah is the first and only phosphate absorption inhibitor that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Xphozah (tenapanor) became an FDA-approved medication on Oct. 17, 2023, after positive results from three Phase 3 clinical trials (PHREEDOM, BLOCK, and AMPLIFY) showing Xphozah significantly reduced high serum phosphorus in patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis. Xphozah is FDA-approved to reduce serum phosphorus in adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis as add-on therapy in patients who have an inadequate response to phosphate binders or are intolerant of any dose of phosphate binder therapy. Results from the three clinical trials showed that Xphozah significantly reduced elevated serum phosphorus in patients who were on maintenance hemodialysis.
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Xtandi is an androgen receptor inhibitor used to treat certain prostate cancers. Xtandi works by preventing the actions of androgens (male hormones), to help control cancer growth and decrease tumor size. Xtandi is used when prostate cancer no longer responds to hormone therapy or surgical treatment. Xtandi is also used when prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and it responds to hormone therapy or surgical treatment to lower testosterone. Xtandi is also used for patients who have cancer that responds to hormone therapy or surgical treatment to lower testosterone, and their cancer has not spread to other parts of the body, but they are at high risk of cancer spreading to other parts of the body. Xtandi became an FDA-approved medicine on August 31, 2012.
Xulane is a birth control patch you wear on your skin to stop you getting pregnant. Xulane contains two hormones - an estrogen and progestin - which are absorbed through the skin. It prevents pregnancy by stopping your ovaries from ovulating and releasing eggs. Xulane is a generic version of a patch called Ortho Evra, which has been discontinued.
Xultophy is an injection pen containing a combination of insulin degludec and liraglutide. Insulin degludec is a long-acting insulin that starts to work several hours after injection and keeps working evenly for 24 hours. Liraglutide is similar to a hormone that occurs naturally in the body and helps control blood sugar, insulin levels, and digestion. Xultophy is used to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This medicine should be used together with diet and exercise. Xultophy is usually given when your blood sugar levels have not been well controlled by using other medications. Xultophy is not for people with type 1 diabetes.
XyliMelts are manmade forms of the mucus secretions normally produced in the human mouth. This medicine help to create artificial saliva when the body does not produce enough on its own. XyliMelts are used to help relieve dryness and pain or discomfort in the mouth or throat that may be caused by certain disease conditions, medications, surgery, or chemotherapy and radiation treatments. XyliMelts may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
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Xylocaine (lidocaine HCl) Injections are indicated for production of local or regional anesthesia by infiltration techniques such as percutaneous injection and intravenous regional anesthesia by peripheral nerve block techniques such as brachial plexus and intercostal and by central neural techniques such as lumbar and caudal epidural blocks, when the accepted procedures for these techniques as described in standard textbooks are observed.
Xylocaine (lidocaine HCl) 2% Jelly is indicated for prevention and control of pain in procedures involving the male and female urethra, for topical treatment of painful urethritis, and as an anesthetic lubricant for endotracheal intubation (oral and nasal).
Xyosted injection is a single-dose syringe supplied as an autoinjector containing testosterone. Testosterone is a naturally occurring sex hormone produced in a man's testicles. Xyosted is a prescription medicine used as a hormone replacement therapy in adult men who have low or no testosterone due to certain medical conditions. Xyosted will not enhance athletic performance and should not be used for that purpose. It is not known if Xyosted is safe or effective in children younger than 18 years old. Improper use of testosterone may affect bone growth in children.
Xyrem is used to prevent attacks of cataplexy (episodes of muscle weakness that begin suddenly and last for a short time). Xyrem is also used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness in adults and children 7 years of age and older who have narcolepsy (a sleep disorder that may cause extreme sleepiness, sudden uncontrollable urge to sleep during daily activities, and cataplexy). Xyrem belongs to a class of medications called central nervous system depressants. Sodium oxybate works to treat narcolepsy and cataplexy by reducing activity in the brain. Xyrem is available only under a special program. You must be registered in the program and understand the risks and benefits of this medicine.
Xywav is used to treat cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle strength) or to reduce excessive daytime sleepiness caused by narcolepsy. Xywav is also used in adults to treat idiopathic hypersomnia (IH)  which is an uncommon chronic sleep disorder that causes daytime sleepiness even after a good night's sleep. Xywav is a central nervous system depressant. Xywav is an oral solution containing a combination of calcium oxybate, potassium oxybate, magnesium oxybate and sodium oxybate. Xywav is a low-sodium alternative to Xyrem. Xywav contains an ingredient also known as GHB, a known street drug of abuse. Because of the potential for abuse and serious side effects, Xywav is available only from a certified pharmacy under a special program (XYREM REMS). You must be registered in the program and understand the risks and benefits of this medicine.
Xyzal is an antihistamine that reduces the effects of natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms such as a runny nose or hives. Xyzal is used to treat symptoms of year-round (perennial) allergies in children who are at least 6 months old. Xyzal is also used to treat itching and swelling caused by chronic urticaria (hives) in adults and children who are at least 6 months old.
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Yasmin is a combination birth control pill containing female hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Yasmin also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Yasmin is used as contraception to prevent pregnancy.
Yaz tablets contain a combination of progesterone (drospirenone) and estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). Yaz is a combination birth control pill containing female hormones that prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from an ovary). Yaz also causes changes in your cervical mucus and uterine lining, making it harder for sperm to reach the uterus and harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus. Yaz is used as contraception to prevent pregnancy. It is also used to treat moderate acne in women who are at least 14 years old and have started having menstrual periods, and who wish to use birth control pills. Yaz is also used to treat the symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), such as anxiety, depression, irritability, trouble concentrating, lack of energy, sleep or appetite changes, breast tenderness, joint or muscle pain, headache, and weight gain.
Ycanth (cantharidin 0.7%) is a topical solution that is applied by a healthcare provider once every 3 weeks to the skin as needed to treat molluscum contagiosum in adults and children 2 years of age and older. Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease characterized by distinctive raised, skin-toned-to-pink-colored lesions called Mollusca that can cause pain, inflammation, itching, and bacterial infection. It is unknown how cantharidin works to treat molluscum contagiosum. Ycanth was FDA approved on July 21, 2023.
Yellow fever vaccine is recommended for people who plan to live in or travel to areas where yellow fever is known to exist, or those who are otherwise at high risk of coming into contact with the virus. This vaccine is used to help prevent yellow fever. The vaccine works by exposing you to a small dose of the virus, which causes the body to develop immunity to the disease. This vaccine will not treat an active infection that has already developed in the body. You should receive the vaccine at least 10 days prior to your arrival in an area where you may be exposed to the virus. This vaccine is also recommended for people who work in a research laboratory and may be exposed to yellow fever virus through needle-stick accidents or inhalation of viral droplets in the air. Like any vaccine, the yellow fever vaccine may not provide protection from disease in every person.
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Yervoy (ipilimumab) is a cancer treatment used to treat lung cancer (NSCLC), melanoma, renal cell carcinoma, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and pleural mesothelioma in certain patients. Opdivo and Yervoy are sometimes used together, or Yervoy can be used alone or combined with other cancer medicines. Yervoy works by stimulating the immune system to help find and kill the cancer cells. Yervoy is an immunotherapy that blocks a protein (antigen) that can stop your immune system from working properly. When Yervoy has blocked the protein (CTLA-4) the immune system can find and kill the cancer cells.  Yervoy is a solution that is given as an infusion into a vein (IV infusion), usually once every 3 to 6 weeks, depending on which type of cancer is being treated. Yervoy is often given when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and cannot be surgically removed or has come back after prior treatment.
Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) is an individualized immunotherapy medicine that is given by intravenous infusion and may be used to treat adults with: Yescarta is also used to treat follicular lymphoma when at least two kinds of treatment have failed to control the cancer. Approval for this indication was given under the accelerated approval scheme and continued approval may be based on clinical trial results. Not indicated for patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma. Yescarta contains your own T-cells which have been modified in a laboratory. T-cells are a type of white blood cell that are important for your immune response and these are collected by passing your blood through a machine. These separated T-cells are then sent to a laboratory where a special receptor, called a CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) is added to them. CAR improves the ability of your T-cells to latch onto CD19-expressing cancer cells and destroy them. Yescarta is called CD19-directed genetically modified autologous T-cell immunotherapy. The ZUMA-7 study reported a statistically significant improvement in overall survival (OS) for Yescarta compared with standard treatment (SOC) when Yescarta is used to treat relapsed or refractory large B-cell lymphoma within 12 months of completion of first-line treatment. The estimated 39-month OS rates were 55.9% in the Yescarta arm and 46% in the SOC arm. Yescarta was FDA-approved on October 18, 2017.
YF-Vax is recommended for people who plan to live in or travel to areas where yellow fever is known to exist, or those who are otherwise at high risk of coming into contact with the virus. This vaccine is used to help prevent yellow fever. The vaccine works by exposing you to a small dose of the virus, which causes the body to develop immunity to the disease. This vaccine will not treat an active infection that has already developed in the body. You should receive the vaccine at least 10 days prior to your arrival in an area where you may be exposed to the virus. This vaccine is also recommended for people who work in a research laboratory and may be exposed to yellow fever virus through needle-stick accidents or inhalation of viral droplets in the air. Like any vaccine, the YF-Vax may not provide protection from disease in every person.
Yimmugo (immune globulin intravenous, human-dira) is an immune globulin 10% liquid given by intravenous (into a vein) infusion that may be used to treat primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI) in adults and children 2 years of age or older. Yimmugo is a polyvalent immunoglobulin G preparation made from human blood that provides a broad range of immune globulin G (IgG) antibodies against a wide variety of pathogens and toxins, which can help a person with PI avoid recurrent, severe, infections. The exact way Yimmugo works is not fully understood but may include immunomodulatory effects. and may contain infectious agents such as viruses, the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [vCJD] agent, and, theoretically, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) agent. Primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI) is a group of disorders characterized by an impaired ability to produce antibodies, which leads to an increased susceptibility to infection, especially bacterial infections affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Yimmugo was FDA-approved on 13 June 2024.
No information from medical studies supports the use of this product for any health problem.
Yohimbine is used to increase peripheral blood flow. It is also used to dilate the pupil of the eye. Yohimbine is available only with your doctor's prescription.
Yondelis is a cancer medicine that interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. Yondelis is used to treat liposarcoma, a rare type of cancer that grows in fatty tissues of the body. Yondelis is also used to treat leiomyosarcoma, a rare fast-growing type of cancer that grows in many tissues of the body, including fat, muscle, bone, joints, and blood vessels. Yondelis is used to treat cancer that has spread to other parts of the body or cannot be treated with surgery.
Yonsa is used together with a steroid medicine (prednisone or methylprednisolone) to treat prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic) and cannot be treated with surgery or other medicines. Yonsa may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Yosprala contains a combination of aspirin and omeprazole. Aspirin is as platelet aggregation inhibitor. It also reduces substances in the body that cause pain, fever, and inflammation. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor that decreases the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Yosprala is used to help lower the risk of heart problems, strokes, or death in people who have had certain conditions related to blood clots, including angina (chest pain), a past heart attack, or a stroke or a "mini stroke." Yosprala is also used in people who have had surgery to improve blood flow to the heart and also have another condition that is already being treated with aspirin. Omeprazole helps reduce the risk of stomach ulcers that may be caused by aspirin, especially in people who are 55 or older, or those who have had stomach ulcers in the past.
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Yuflyma (adalimumab-aaty) is a biosimilar of Humira; it is a TNF alfa inhibitor used to reduce pain, inflammation, and skin symptoms in autoimmune conditions.  Yuflyma is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, plaque psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa.  Yuflyma is a biosimilar to Humira, biosimilars are biologic medicines that are a very close copy to the original product made by another company. It is not an interchangeable biosimilar. Yuflyma is available as a high-concentration and citrate-free formulation and can be given using a prefilled syringe or an autoinjector.
Yupelri is an anticholinergic medicine. Anticholinergic medicines help the muscles around the airways in your lungs stay relaxed. Yupelri is a prescription medicine used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Yupelri relaxes the muscles in your lungs to help prevent wheezing, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.
Yusimry is a biosimilar of Humira; it is a TNF alfa inhibitor used to reduce pain, inflammation, and skin symptoms in chronic autoimmune conditions. Yusimry is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis, plaque psoriasis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and uveitis. Yusimry (adalimumab-aqvh) is a biosimilar to Humira, biosimilars are biologic medicines that are a very close copy to the original product made by another company. It is not an interchangeable biosimilar. Yusimry is available as Yusimry Pen, which is a single-dose prefilled pen (40 mg/0.8mL) and also a Single-dose prefilled glass syringe (40 mg/0.8 mL).
Zaditor (for the eyes) is used in adults and children at least 3 years old to temporarily treat itching of the eyes caused by allergy to dust, pollen, grass, animals, or other allergens. Zaditor may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Zaleplon is a sedative that is used to treat insomnia. zaleplon causes relaxation to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Zaleplon may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Zanaflex is a short-acting muscle relaxer. It works by blocking nerve impulses (pain sensations) that are sent to your brain. Zanaflex is used to treat spasticity associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries by temporarily relaxing muscle tone. Zanaflex may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Zantac belongs to a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers. It works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces. Zantac has been used to treat and prevent ulcers in the stomach and intestines. It also was used to treat conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid, such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.. Zantac was also used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other conditions in which acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus, causing heartburn. A cancer-causing impurity found in many ranitidine medications may increase to unacceptable levels over time and when ranitidine is stored at high temperatures. As a result, the FDA has asked all makers of ranitidine to withdraw this medicine from the market in the United States.
Zanubrutinib is a chemotherapy drug used to treat certain types of B-cell cancers. These cancers affect B-lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps you fight off infection. They occur when your body makes too many abnormal B-cells. Zanubrutinib belongs to a class of drugs called kinase inhibitors. Zanubrutinib is a second-generation irreversible BTK (Bruton tyrosine kinase) inhibitor that works by blocking the action of a protein called Bruton's tyrosine kinase, which signals B-cells to grow and multiply. This stops cancer from growing in your body. Zanubrutinib was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019.
Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz) is used to treat neutropenia (lack of certain white blood cells) in patients receiving certain cancer medications, undergoing a bone marrow transplant, or caused by other conditions. Zarxio is used to decrease the chance of infection in people who have non myeloid cancer (cancer that does not involve the bone marrow) and are receiving chemotherapy medications that may decrease the number of neutrophils (a type of blood cell needed to fight infection). Zarxio is also used to help increase the number of white blood cells, and decrease the length of time with fever in people with acute myeloid leukemia (AML; a type of cancer of the white blood cells) who are receiving treatment with chemotherapy medications. Zarxio is also used in people who are undergoing bone marrow transplants and in people who have severe chronic neutropenia (condition in which there are a low number of neutrophils in the blood). Zarxio is also used to prepare the blood for leukapheresis (a treatment in which certain blood cells are removed from the body. Filgrastim-sndz belongs to a class of medications called colony-stimulating factors. It works by stimulating the growth of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell important in the body’s fight against infection.
Zavzpret (zavegepant) is a calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonist nasal spray used to treat acute migraine in adults. Zavzpret can begin relieving pain as early as 15 minutes, and after 2 hours, Zavzpret is significantly better than a placebo at relieving nausea, sensitivity to light (photophobia) or sensitivity to sound (phonophobia). Zavzpret is not used for preventing migraines.
Zebeta is a beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins). Zebeta is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Zebeta may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Zegalogue is a prescription medicine used to treat very low blood sugar (severe hypoglycemia) in people with diabetes aged 6 years and older. It is not known if Zegalogue is safe and effective in children under 6 years of age.
Zenpep contains a combination of three enzymes (proteins): lipase, protease, and amylase. These enzymes are normally produced by the pancreas and are important in the digestion of fats, proteins, and sugars. Zenpep is used to replace these enzymes when the body does not have enough of its own. Certain medical conditions can cause this lack of enzymes, including cystic fibrosis, chronic inflammation of the pancreas, or blockage of the pancreatic ducts. Zenpep may also be used following surgical removal of the pancreas.
Zepbound (tirzepatide) is used for weight loss for adults with obesity or who are overweight and have weight-related medical problems. Zepbound helps you to lose weight and maintain the weight loss and should be combined with diet and exercise. Zepbound works for weight loss by decreasing your appetite and slowing the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine, which may make you feel full more quickly and for a longer period of time. Zepbound is a once-weekly injection given under the skin (subcutaneous) using a pre-filled single-dose pen. Zepbound is a GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonist, so its mechanism of action is it activates both GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) and GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) hormone receptors. Zepbound contains the same active ingredient (tirzepatide) as Mounjaro, and they are both made by Eli Lilly and Company. Zepbound received FDA approval on November 8, 2023, for chronic weight management in adults with obesity (with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater) or adults who are overweight (with a BMI of 27 kg/m2 or greater) and also have weight-related medical problems such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea or cardiovascular disease. Zepbound should be used together with diet and increased physical activity.
Zeposia (ozanimod) capsules are used to treat adults with types relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC). Zeposia helps to reduce the relapse rate and the number and size of brain lesions in multiple sclerosis. For ulcerative colitis, Zeposia is used to reduce symptoms, and it can also help achieve and maintain remission. Zeposia is FDA-approved to treat adults with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis and also FDA-approved to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis, including clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease. Multiple sclerosis and ulcerative colitis are both autoimmune disorders where the immune cells (lymphocytes) are thought to incorrectly start attacking your healthy tissue, thinking that it is a foreign substance. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks and damages the myelin sheath that covers the nerves in the brain and spinal cord (CNS). This disrupts the brain from sending signals to the rest of the body and causes symptoms including numbness and tingling in the face, arms, feet, and legs, balance issues and trouble walking, vision problems, bowel and bladder problems, fatigue, and problems thinking and concentrating. In ulcerative colitis, the immune system attacks and causes inflammation in the lining of the colon which causes the symptoms of abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, bowel urgency, diarrhea, and tiredness. 
Zestril (lisinopril) is used alone or in combination with other medications to treat high blood pressure in adults and children 6 years of age and older. Zestril is also used in adults to treat congestive heart failure and to improve survival after a heart attack. Zestril belongs to a class of medications called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. It works by decreasing certain chemicals that tighten the blood vessels, so blood flows more smoothly and the heart can pump blood more efficiently.
Zetia reduces the level of total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood. Zetia is used to treat high cholesterol in people who cannot control their cholesterol levels by diet and exercise alone. Zetia works to reduce the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs. You should stay on a cholesterol-lowering diet while taking this medicine. Zetia is sometimes given together with other cholesterol-lowering medications, including fenofibrate, or a statin medication such as atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, or fluvastatin. You should not use Zetia with a "statin" cholesterol medicine if you have active liver disease or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding a baby.
Zidovudine capsules, a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, are indicated in combination with other antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. Zidovudine capsules are indicated for the prevention of maternal-fetal HIV-1 transmission [see Dosage and Administration (2.3)]. The indication is based on a dosing regimen that included 3 components: Points to consider prior to initiating zidovudine capsules in pregnant women for the prevention of maternal-fetal HIV-1 transmission include:
Zilbrysq is a treatment for generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) to help improve symptoms in patients who are AChR antibody positive (AChR-Ab+). Zilbrysq is the first once-daily, under-the-skin injection that can be self-administered by MG patients. Zilbrysq works by blocking a protein (C5) in the immune system that is involved with the symptoms of generalized myasthenia gravis. Zilbrysq  (zilucoplan) is from the class of medicines called complement inhibitors and is a C5 inhibitor. Zilbrysq became an FDA-approved medication on October 17, 2023, based on positive results from the 12-week phase 3 trial RAISE (NCT04115293). Zilbrysq is indicated for adult patients with generalized myasthenia gravis that is antiacetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody positive. Zilbrysq showed rapid and clinically meaningful improvements in symptoms of MG, compared to a placebo, measured using the MG-ADL score.
Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral. Zinc is important for growth and for the development and health of body tissues. Zinc is used to treat and to prevent zinc deficiency and it also helps in the immune system function. Zinc may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Zinc is a mineral that is used as a dietary supplement in people who do not get enough zinc from food. Zinc gluconate lozenges are used to help make cold symptoms less severe or shorter in duration. This includes sore throat, cough, sneezing, stuffy nose, and a hoarse voice. Zinc gluconate is not effective in treating flu or allergy symptoms. Zinc gluconate may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Zinc oxide is a mineral. Zinc oxide topical (for the skin) is used to treat diaper rash, minor burns, severely chapped skin, or other minor skin irritations. Zinc oxide rectal suppositories are used to treat itching, burning, irritation, and other rectal discomfort caused by hemorrhoids or painful bowel movements. There are many brands and forms of zinc oxide available. Not all brands are listed on this leaflet. Zinc oxide topical may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.