The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    ArrowNotImplementedError
Message:      Cannot write struct type 'from' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 583, in write_table
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 404, in _build_writer
                  self.pa_writer = self._WRITER_CLASS(, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyarrow/parquet/", line 1010, in __init__
                  self.writer = _parquet.ParquetWriter(
                File "pyarrow/_parquet.pyx", line 2157, in pyarrow._parquet.ParquetWriter.__cinit__
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError: Cannot write struct type 'from' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2027, in _prepare_split_single
                  num_examples, num_bytes = writer.finalize()
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 602, in finalize
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 404, in _build_writer
                  self.pa_writer = self._WRITER_CLASS(, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyarrow/parquet/", line 1010, in __init__
                  self.writer = _parquet.ParquetWriter(
                File "pyarrow/_parquet.pyx", line 2157, in pyarrow._parquet.ParquetWriter.__cinit__
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError: Cannot write struct type 'from' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

{ "original": "@mazwinnikanis Dalam hujan lebat some more", "normalized": "@mazwinnikanis Dalam hujan lebat some more" }
{ "result": "@mazwinnikanis In the heavy rain some more", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@is_pelssy @TitiRusdi Wuuiihhh.. Ketemu dimana tuu? Salam ya", "normalized": "@is_pelssy @TitiRusdi Wuuiihhh. . Ketemu dimana itu ? Salam ya" }
{ "result": "@is_pelssy @TitiRusdi Wow. . Where did you find that? Hello yes", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Cakap jangan risau, tapi apa yang berlaku sejak sekolah buka:\n\n83 Kluster Pendidikan\nLebih 4,868 kes di sekolah\n27 sekolah di Johor tutup\n19 sekolah di Selangor tutup\nSemua sekolah di Kelantan tutup\n\nRakyat mestilah risau dapat Menteri macam Rina Harun dan Radzi Jidin.", "normalized": "Cakap jangan risau, tetapi apa yang berlaku sejak sekolah buka : 83 Kluster Pendidikan Lebih 4,868 kes di sekolah 27 sekolah di Johor tutup 19 sekolah di Selangor tutup Semua sekolah di Kelantan tutup Rakyat mestilah risau dapat Menteri macam Rina Harun dan Radzi Jidin." }
{ "result": "Say don't worry, but what has happened since schools opened : 83 Education Clusters More than 4,868 cases in schools 27 schools in Johor closed 19 schools in Selangor closed All schools in Kelantan closed The people must be worried about Ministers like Rina Harun and Radzi Jidin.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@ChusnulCh__ @MUIPusat @DivHumas_Polri @CCICPolri Mana nih komennya @hnurwahid , @ustadtengkuzul , @haikal_hassan ,", "normalized": "@ChusnulCh__ @MUIPusat @DivHumas_Polri @CCICPolri Mana nih komennya @hnurwahid, @ustadtengkuzul, @haikal_hassan," }
{ "result": "@ChusnulCh__ @MUIPusat @DivHumas_Polri @CCICPolri Where are the comments @hnurwahid, @ustadtengkuzul, @haikal_hassan,", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Harap kalini aku just perlu dua minggu jelah buat pilihan nak tukar tayar apa. Sebab sebelum ni aku amik masa sebulan lebih hahahaha", "normalized": "Harap kalini aku just perlu dua minggu sahaja lah buat pilihan nak tukar tayar apa. Sebab sebelum ini aku ambil masa sebulan lebih haha" }
{ "result": "Please, this time I only need two weeks to decide what tire to change. Because before it took me more than a month haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@iam_badrulamin Kawe otok dokleh mikir doh gapo blaja supo nattey", "normalized": "@iam_badrulamin Kawe otok tak boleh mikir doh gapo blaja supo nattey" }
{ "result": "@iam_badrulamin You otok can't think doh gapo blaja supo nattey", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@rishi_rider24 em Chestam mana Bad Luck .Inka ABD medha baram veyadame ", "normalized": "@rishi_rider24 em Chestam mana Bad Luck. Inka ABD medha baram veyadama" }
{ "result": "@rishi_rider24 em Chestam where Bad Luck. Inka ABD medha baram veyadama", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Fahdil OCPD Tawau ,mencari masalah keluarga dan memperbanyak banyakkan hal untuk tujuan kenaikan pangkat untuk men", "normalized": "Fahdil OCPD Tawau, mencari masalah keluarga dan memperbanyak banyakkan hal untuk tujuan kenaikan pangkat untuk men" }
{ "result": "Fahdil OCPD Tawau, looking for family problems and multiplying things for the purpose of promotion to men", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Lawak pula ingat beli make-up semberono dulu akaii Banyak lagi cerita tapi sya mau update dulu lah READYSTOCK lip", "normalized": "Lawak pula ingat beli make-up semberono dahulu akaii Banyak lagi cerita tetapi saya mahu update dahulu lah READYSTOCK lip" }
{ "result": "Just kidding, remember to buy make-up recklessly first, akaii. There are many more stories, but I want to update first. READYSTOCK lip", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Mengapa kau tahan org yg bangkitkan isu org kena PKPD tanpa bekalan makanan? Korg takkan nak suruh org kampung mereput kebuluran dlm rumah. Berikan je lah bekalan makanan mencukupi org takdelah nak demo ke apa Ya Allah.", "normalized": "Mengapa kamu tahan orang yang bangkitkan isu orang kena PKPD tanpa bekalan makanan ? Kamu Semua tidak akan nak suruh orang kampung mereput kebuluran dalam rumah. Berikan sahaja lah bekalan makanan mencukupi orang takdelah nak demo ke apa Ya Allah ." }
{ "result": "Why do you hold people who raise the issue of people suffering from PKPD without food supply? All of you will not want to tell the villagers to starve to death in the house. Just give enough food supply, people don't want to demo, God.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "tula sirat pecaya sgt kt melisa tu aku rasa sirat tu kena manderam ngn melisa sbb tu la jd cmtu skrg mak dh mati a", "normalized": "tula sirat pecaya sangat di melisa itu aku rasa sirat itu kena manderam dengan melisa sebab itu lah jadi cmtu sekarang mak dah mati a" }
{ "result": "Tula sirat really believes in melisa, I think sirat has to sleep with melisa because that's why it's like that now mom is dead", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Bismillah Cinta \n\nMungkin byk benda yg Ai jadikan gurauan tetapi satu hal yg Ai tidak pernah main-main. Ai sgt ser", "normalized": "Bismillah Cinta Mungkin banyak benda yang Ai jadikan gurauan tetapi satu hal yang Ai tidak pernah main-main. Ai sangat ser" }
{ "result": "Bismillah Love Maybe there are many things that Ai makes fun of but one thing that Ai never plays around with. Ai very much sir", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "bila rakyat cakap orang politician tak boleh pakai dan tak layak guna #KerajaanGagal @fahmi_fadzil", "normalized": "bila rakyat cakap orang politician tidak boleh pakai dan tidak layak guna #KerajaanGagal @fahmi_fadzil" }
{ "result": "when the people say politicians can't use and don't deserve to use #KerajaanGagal @fahmi_fadzil", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@mighvv . Akak, kita geng!", "normalized": "@mighvv. Akak, kita geng!" }
{ "result": "@mighvv. Brother, we are a gang!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Tutup je lah. Many Malaysians mana reti jaga khazanah alam nak nak yang instagramable gini. Ibarat beruk dapat bunga.", "normalized": "Tutup sahaja lah. Many Malaysians mana reti jaga khazanah alam nak nak yang instagramabla begini. Ibarat beruk dapat bunga ." }
{ "result": "Just close it. Many Malaysians want to take care of natural treasures like this on Instagram. Like a monkey getting flowers.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Khususnya Tambun Selatan!", "normalized": "Khususnya Tambun Selatan!" }
{ "result": "Especially Tambun Selatan!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@HeyCopiya Aku slalu jugak buat", "normalized": "@HeyCopiya Aku selalu juga buat" }
{ "result": "@HeyCopiya I always do too", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "lagi liat laut, sambil menikmati angin laut. entah kapan terakhir kali kesini.", "normalized": "lagi lihat laut, sambil menikmati angin laut. entah kapan terakhir kali kesini ." }
{ "result": "still see the sea, while enjoying the sea breeze. I don't know when was the last time you were here.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "KEHILANGAN !!!! MINTAK HEBAH2 KAN YEA.. PAKCIK NI TINGGAL DI LIPAT KAJANG JASIN MELAKA.. \n\nAssalammualaikum.. jika ada siapa2 ternampak pakcik ni di minta hubungi kami segera.. umur 75tahun, Dah puas anak menantu cari di jasin, masih tidak jumpa...", "normalized": "KEHILANGAN!!!! MINTA HEBAH2 KAN YEA. . PAKCIK INI TINGGAL DI LIPAT KAJANG JASIN MELAKA. . Assalammualaikum. . jika ada siapa-siapa ternampak pakcik ini di meminta hubungi kami segera. . umur 75tahun, Dah puas anak menantu cari di Jasin, masih tidak jumpa. .." }
{ "result": "LOST!!!! ASK FOR THE PUBLIC YEA. . THIS UNCLE LIVES IN LIPAT KAJANG JASIN MELAKA. . Peace be upon you. . If anyone sees this uncle please contact us immediately. . 75 years old, the son-in-law has been satisfied looking in Jasin, still can't find it. ..", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "ByPass Persimpangan Jalan Temenggong, Muar, Johor.\n\n- Melibatkan kematian. Keta hitam yang terjongket tue langgar. Footage Video menyusul kt komen.", "normalized": "ByPass Persimpangan Jalan Temenggong, Muar, Johor. - Melibatkan kematian. Keta hitam yang terjongket tue langgar. Footage Video menyusul di komen." }
{ "result": "ByPass Jalan Temenggong Intersection, Muar, Johor. - Involves death. The black Keta that is standing up hit it. Video footage follows in the comments.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "TMJ Secara Santai Melawat Bilik Persalinan Pasukan Terengganu, Ucap Tahniah Menang Keatas JDT\n", "normalized": "TMJ Secara Santai Melawat Bilik Persalinan Pasukan Terengganu, Ucap Tahniah Menang Keatas JDT" }
{ "result": "TMJ Casually Visits Terengganu Team's Maternity Room, Congratulates On Winning Over JDT", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Apa khabar geng dakwah sentap", "normalized": "Apa khabar geng dakwah sentap" }
{ "result": "How are you, dakwah santap gang?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@goblinfirstsnow Tak lah. Ni dekat KCM tu", "normalized": "@goblinfirstsnow Tidak lah. Ini dekat KCM itu" }
{ "result": "@goblinfirstsnow No way. This is near the KCM", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@EdRul09 sudah tutup. U lambat. Hehe", "normalized": "@EdRul09 sudah tutup. U lambat. Hehe" }
{ "result": "@EdRul09 is closed. You are late. Hehe", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@kejoraqasrina @syvzwvn Mana aku tau ", "normalized": "@kejoraqasrina @syvzwvn Mana aku tahu" }
{ "result": "@kejoraqasrina @syvzwvn How do I know", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Al Fatihah buat semua perwira yg terkorban.", "normalized": "Al Fatihah buat semua perwira yang terkorban ." }
{ "result": "Al Fatihah for all the officers who died.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Burpp Alhamdulillah ", "normalized": "Burpp Alhamdulillah" }
{ "result": "Burpp Alhamdulillah", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Aku tkde baju raya thun ni santuy", "normalized": "Aku tiada baju raya tahun ini santuy" }
{ "result": "I don't have Raya clothes this year, Santuy", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "13 Ramadan 1442H, kini dah masuk Fasa ke 2 dah puasa, Fasa pertama dah berlalu, rentak momentum sungkei dah dapat", "normalized": "13 Ramadan 1442H, kini dah masuk Fasa ke 2 dah puasa, Fasa pertama dah berlalu, rentak momentum sungkei dah dapat" }
{ "result": "13 Ramadan 1442H, it is now the 2nd phase of fasting, the first phase has passed, the rhythm of the sungkei momentum has been achieved", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Dipercayai akibat 'langgar' lampu isyarat merah. \n\nPemandu Hilux merempuh sebuah kereta MYVI dinaiki seorang wanita dan anaknya di Muar, Johor pagi ini.\n\nSi ibu dilaporkan meninggal dunia, manakala anak cedera parah. \n\nKredit Video : FB Aku Budak Kluang", "normalized": "Dipercayai akibat ' langgar' lampu isyarat merah. Pemandu Hilux merempuh sebuah kereta MYVI dinaiki seorang wanita dan anaknya di Muar, Johor pagi ini. Si ibu dilaporkan meninggal dunia, manakala anak cedera parah. Kredit Video : FACEBOOK Aku Budak Kluang" }
{ "result": "Believed to be the result of 'hitting' a red traffic light. A Hilux driver crashed into a MYVI car occupied by a woman and her child in Muar, Johor this morning. The mother was reported dead, while the child was seriously injured. Video Credit: FACEBOOK Aku Budak Kluang", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@aimanzom Ye ah tu. Ada cult following, beruk2 mana tah akan datang bekap dia. Bodo2 je.", "normalized": "@aimanzom Ya ah itu. Ada cult following, beruk-beruk mana tah akan datang backup dia. Bodo2 sahaja ." }
{ "result": "@aimanzom Yes ah that. There is a cult following, where will the apes come to back him up? Just stupid.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@sirdiluzze @SupremeLeader__ means lu tak badass cam wa. wa badass, lu notabada4s", "normalized": "@sirdiluzze @SupremeLeader__ means kamu tidak badass cam wa. wa badass, kamu notabada4s" }
{ "result": "@sirdiluzze @SupremeLeader__ means you're not badass. wa badass, you notabada4s", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@ketengahketepi setiap kali berbuka tengok drama ni mesti rasa stress & nak maki sorang sorang ahahahaha", "normalized": "@ketengahketepi setiap kali berbuka tengok drama ini mesti rasa stress & nak maki seorang seorang haha" }
{ "result": "@ketengahketepi every time I break my fast watching this drama I must feel stressed & want to curse each other haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Tnggu keja mlm la nk dpt iftar sama2 ", "normalized": "Tunggu kerja mlm lah nak dapat iftar sama-sama" }
{ "result": "Wait for work in the evening to have iftar together", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Saya jual Kurta SS by Mikania untuk raih dana pengurusan pejabat Parlimen Muar. \n\nAda lengan pendek dan juga lengan panjang dalam 11 warna!\n\nHarap dapat bantu dan sokong", "normalized": "Saya jual Kurta SS dengan Mikania untuk raih dana pengurusan pejabat Parlimen Muar. Ada lengan pendek dan juga lengan panjang dalam 11 warna! Harap dapat bantu dan sokong" }
{ "result": "I sold Kurta SS with Mikania to raise funds for the management of the Muar Parliament office. There are short sleeves and long sleeves in 11 colors! Please help and support", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Mati lemas mati syahid", "normalized": "Mati lemas mati syahid" }
{ "result": "Martyred by drowning", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Tu dia mat derih, satu hari tak nak nap. Kol 7:50 dah lena. Tidoq lah nak oi.", "normalized": "Itu dia mat derih, satu hari tidak mahu nap. Kol pukul 07.50 dah lena. Tidoq lah nak oi ." }
{ "result": "That's when he died, one day he didn't want to take a nap. Col at 07.50 already sleepy. I don't want oi.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Kalimah yang begitu jelas dirakamkan waktu subuh tadi. Maha Suci Allah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi \n\nLokasi: Gong Pauh, Kuala Terengganu.\n\nkredit: Mohd Hasmizi Harun", "normalized": "Kalimah yang begitu jelas dirakamkan waktu subuh tadi. Maha Suci Allah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi Lokasi : Gong Pauh, Kuala Terengganu. kredit : Mohd Hasmizi Harun" }
{ "result": "The words that were so clear were recorded this morning. Glory be to God who created the heavens and the earth Location: Gong Pauh, Kuala Terengganu. credit: Mohd Hasmizi Harun", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@vitajk95 @vitaxana Dom kolaka timur sulawesi tenggara bismillahirohmannirohim semoga rejekiku aamiin allahuma aamiin mksih kak ", "normalized": "@vitajk95 @vitaxana Dom kolaka timur sulawesi tenggara bismillahirohmannirohim semoga rejekiku aamiin allahuma aamiin terima kasih kak" }
{ "result": "@vitajk95 @vitaxana Dom kolaka east sulawesi southeast bismillahirohmannirohim may I be lucky amen allahuma amen thank you bro", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Harini aku melawat Muzium Tapak di Jugra, Kuala Langat.\n\nMuzium ini terletak di kaki Bukit Jugra.\nIni adalah untaian.", "normalized": "Hari Ini aku melawat Muzium Tapak di Jugra, Kuala Langat. Muzium ini terletak di kaki Bukit Jugra. Ini adalah untaian." }
{ "result": "Today I visited the Site Museum in Jugra, Kuala Langat. The museum is located at the foot of Bukit Jugra. This is a thread.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@_najmiazman nak broken menda nya. forever alone hahah", "normalized": "@_najmiazman nak broken menda nya. forever alone haha" }
{ "result": "@_najmiazman wants to break it. forever alone haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@wansabby Salah tu. Dasar oyen ", "normalized": "@wansabby Salah itu. Dasar oyen" }
{ "result": "@wansabby That's wrong. Oyen policy", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "KUTIPAN SUMBANGAN BAGI PROGRAM BELIA JUARA RAMADAN UiTM\n\nMPP UiTM Shah Alam akan menganjurkan program Belia Juara Ramadan yang bertujuan untuk mambantu pelajar UiTM yang kurang berkemampuan dengan memberikan sumbangan kepada 150 pelajar. \n\nLink Sumbangan:\n", "normalized": "KUTIPAN SUMBANGAN BAGI PROGRAM BELIA JUARA RAMADAN UiTM MPP UiTM Shah Alam akan menganjurkan program Belia Juara Ramadan yang bertujuan untuk mambantu pelajar UiTM yang kurang berkemampuan dengan memberikan sumbangan kepada 150 pelajar. Link Sumbangan :" }
{ "result": "COLLECTION OF DONATIONS FOR UiTM RAMADAN YOUTH PROGRAM MPP UiTM Shah Alam will organize the Ramadan Youth Champions program which aims to help UiTM's underprivileged students by donating to 150 students. Donation link:", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "KENYATAAN MEDIA:\n\nCADANGAN ALTERNATIF KEPADA KPM BERHUBUNG MASALAH PENUTUPAN SEKOLAH & PDPR \n\n25 April 2021\n\nYB Dr Maszlee Malik\nAhli Parlimen Simpang Renggam (P151)", "normalized": "KENYATAAN MEDIA : CADANGAN ALTERNATIF KEPADA KPM BERHUBUNG MASALAH PENUTUPAN SEKOLAH & PDPR 25 April 2021 YANG BAHAGIA Doktor Maszlee Malik Ahli Parlimen Simpang Renggam (P151)" }
{ "result": "MEDIA STATEMENT: ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL TO MOE REGARDING THE PROBLEM OF SCHOOL CLOSURE & PDPR 25 April 2021 HAPPY Doctor Maszlee Malik Member of Parliament for Simpang Renggam (P151)", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "So right! I tahun ke 11 aku!!! Baik cni, trus lockdown, smpai skrg xleh gerak. Hadoi!!", "normalized": "Jadi right! Saya tahun ke 11 aku!!! Baik cni, terus lockdown, sampai sekarang tak boleh gerak. Aduh!!" }
{ "result": "So right! I'm in my 11th year!!! Well cni, continue the lockdown, until now I can't move. Ouch!!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Innalillah.", "normalized": "Innalillah ." }
{ "result": "God willing.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "puji syukurr", "normalized": "puji syukur" }
{ "result": "thank you", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Banyak yg menjadi kuat setelah dipukul kehidupan dgn begitu berat. Tapi ada juga yg belajar dr melihat pengalaman org lain & jadi lebih siap.\n\nManapun yg akan kamu hadapi, jangan tunggu kerikil itu jatuh menghujanimu. Tangkap & lempar dgn sekuat tenaga sebelum menjadi batu besar.", "normalized": "Banyak yang menjadi kuat setelah dipukul kehidupan dengan begitu berat. Tetapi ada juga yang belajar dr melihat pengalaman orang lain & jadi lebih siap. Manapun yang akan kamu hadapi, jangan tunggu kerikil itu jatuh menghujanimu. Tangkap & lempar dengan sekuat tenaga sebelum menjadi batu besar." }
{ "result": "Many become strong after being hit by life so hard. But there are also those who learn from seeing other people's experiences & become more prepared. Whatever you are going to face, don't wait for the pebbles to fall on you. Catch & throw with all your might before it turns into a boulder.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Yg duduk di semenanjung balik sabah ka? :\")", "normalized": "Yang duduk di semenanjung balik sabah ke ? :\")" }
{ "result": "Who sits on the peninsula back to Sabah? :\")", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Insyaallah malam ni i pilih winner untuk 1st giveaway tu ya \n\nThank you untuk semua yang sudi join giveaway santai ni hehe", "normalized": "Insyaallah malam ini saya pilih winner untuk 1st giveaway itu ya Thank you untuk semua yang sudi join giveaway santai ini hehe" }
{ "result": "God willing, tonight I will choose the winner for the 1st giveaway. Thank you for everyone who is willing to join this casual giveaway hehe", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Topik kita hari tu @mrEnn33", "normalized": "Topik kita hari itu @mrEnn33" }
{ "result": "Our topic of the day @mrEnn33", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Aku x sure la aku sorg je ke yg perasan..puasa tahun ni xde iklan bisik dah ek?", "normalized": "Aku tak sure lah aku sorg sahaja ke yang perasan. puasa tahun ini tidak ada iklan bisik dah ek ?" }
{ "result": "I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed. Fasting this year, there are no whisper ads yet, right?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Ahli Parlimen Tawau tak perlu pun tunggu dia balik Tawau baru bantuan diberi. Call je mana-mana restoran, sediakan food pack untuk setiap hari. Harini kedai ni, esok kedai lain. Tak perlu tunggu buat gimik bagi sumbangan. Nak harap kerajaan pusat & negeri lagi tak boleh pakai.", "normalized": "Ahli Parlimen Tawau tidak perlu pun tunggu dia balik Tawau baru bantuan diberi. Call sahaja mana-mana restoran, sediakan food pack untuk setiap hari. Hari Ini kedai ini, esok kedai lain. Tidak perlu tunggu buat gimik bagi sumbangan. Nak harap kerajaan pusat & negeri lagi tidak boleh pakai ." }
{ "result": "The Tawau Member of Parliament does not even have to wait for him to return to Tawau before assistance is given. Just call any restaurant, prepare a food pack for every day. Today this shop, tomorrow another shop. No need to wait for gimmicks for donations. I hope the central and state governments can't use it again.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@FadzilahMamat Malaysia ada 3 kapal selam semuanya. 1 lagi di Melaka ", "normalized": "@FadzilahMamat Malaysia ada 3 kapal selam semuanya. 1 lagi di Melaka" }
{ "result": "@FadzilahMamat Malaysia has 3 submarines in total. 1 more in Malacca", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Tips dalam hubungan,\n\nkalau bergaduh jangan ambik keputusan utk bertekak, rileks tarik nafas , diam sebentar .. dua", "normalized": "Tips dalam hubungan, kalau bergaduh jangan ambil keputusan untuk bertekak, rileks tarik nafas, diam sebentar. . dua" }
{ "result": "Tips in a relationship, if you have a fight, don't decide to cut your throat, relax, take a breath, be quiet for a while. . two", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@jaja_ucop Kannnnn. Pastu dan dan keluar dari bilik bunyi basuh piring hahaahahahaha", "normalized": "@jaja_ucop Kannnnn. Lepas Itu dan dan keluar dari bilik bunyi basuh piring haha" }
{ "result": "@jaja_ucop Kannnn. After that and out of the room the sound of washing dishes haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": " PLEASE HELP \n\nsaya percaya semua orang punya porsinya masing2. dengan ini saya meminta bantuan dari teman2 sekalian siapa tau ada relasi, kolega, maupun keluarga dari kalian yg sedang mencari investasi bisnis property terutama rumah/kost.\n\nDIJUAL RUMAH LOKASI SOLO KOTA", "normalized": "TOLONG HELP saya percaya semua orang punya porsinya masing-masing. dengan ini saya meminta bantuan dari teman-teman sekalian siapa tahu ada relasi, kolega, maupun keluarga dari kalian yang sedang mencari investasi bisnis property terutama rumah / kost. DIJUAL RUMAH LOKASI SOLO KOTA" }
{ "result": "PLEASE HELP, I believe everyone has their share. I am hereby asking for help from all of you who know of any relations, colleagues, or family of you who are looking for property business investment, especially houses / boarding houses. SOLO CITY LOCATION HOUSE FOR SALE", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "lopek korang ni.\n\nwa badass, lu orang notabada4s", "normalized": "lopek kamu semua ini. wa badass, kamu orang notabada4s" }
{ "result": "lopek all of you. wa badass, you people are notabada4s", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "SINGSINGKAN LENGAN BAJU UNTUK NTT BERSAMA KAMI!!!\n\nMasih ingat apa yang terjadi pada 4 April 2020?\n\nHari itu badai siklon seroja menguji saudara kita yang ada di Nusa Tenggara Timur hingga hampir rata dengan tanah.", "normalized": "SINGSINGKAN LENGAN BAJU UNTUK NTT BERSAMA KAMI!!! Masih ingat apa yang terjadi pada 4 April 2020 ? Hari itu badai siklon seroja menguji saudara kita yang ada di Nusa Tenggara Timur hingga hampir rata dengan tanah." }
{ "result": "ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVE FOR NTT WITH US!!! Do you still remember what happened on April 4, 2020? That day, a severe cyclone tested our brothers in East Nusa Tenggara until they were almost level with the ground.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Semoga dipermudahkan urusan kami. Lekor Terengganu diterbangkan khas untuk pasaran Kudat. Eksklusif di Frozen Food,", "normalized": "Semoga dipermudahkan urusan kami. Lekor Terengganu diterbangkan khas untuk pasaran Kudat. Eksklusif di Frozen Food," }
{ "result": "May our affairs be made easier. Terengganu Lekor is specially flown for the Kudat market. Exclusively on Frozen Food,", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@goblinfirstsnow Yup. Selalu pergi situ. 8 rakaat habis pukul 9.15, 20 rakaat around 10pm. Lajuuuuu", "normalized": "@goblinfirstsnow Ya. Selalu pergi situ. 8 rakaat habis pukul 09.15, 20 rakaat around pukul 22. Lajuuuuu" }
{ "result": "@goblinfirstsnow Yes. Always go there. 8 rakaat ends at 09.15, 20 rakaat around 22. Fast", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Rambut husband dia mcm baru bangun tidur je ", "normalized": "Rambut husband dia macam baru bangun tidur sahaja" }
{ "result": "Her husband's hair looks like he just woke up", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@zackparani1 Benda lama jangan dikenang", "normalized": "@zackparani1 Benda lama jangan dikenang" }
{ "result": "@zackparani1 Don't remember old things", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun\nAl-Fatihah ", "normalized": "Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun Al-Fatihah" }
{ "result": "Innalillahiwainnailaihirajiun Al-Fatihah", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@laufeatwoon batu disemur enak gx siee", "normalized": "@laufeatwoon batu disemur enak gx sie" }
{ "result": "@laufeatwoon boiled stone is delicious gx sie", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "comel je aah pastu dia boleh ckp nanti pulangkan pingan pulangkn pingan alah alah alahh terigt kecik2 dlu selalu berkongsi juadah berbuka dgn jiran", "normalized": "comel sahaja betul lepas itu dia boleh cukup nanti pulangkan pingan pulangkn pingan alah alah alah terigt kecil-kecil dahulu selalu berkongsi juadah berbuka dengan jiran" }
{ "result": "It's just so cute, after that he can just give it back, give it back, give it back, give it back.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "1-2 minggu ingat macam 1-2 hari ke...", "normalized": "1 - 2 minggu ingat macam 1 - 2 hari ke. . ." }
{ "result": "1 - 2 weeks remember like 1 - 2 days. . .", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "alhamdulillah kawan kawan datang berbuka dekat tb", "normalized": "alhamdulillah kawan kawan datang berbuka dekat tb" }
{ "result": "Alhamdulillah friends came to break the fast near tb", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@loneranger8206 Maknanya awak xpose jgk la kan??", "normalized": "@loneranger8206 Maknanya awak tak posa juga lah kan ? ?" }
{ "result": "@loneranger8206 That means you don't pose either right? ?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "maksudnya gimans ni ?", "normalized": "maksudnya gimans ini ?" }
{ "result": "what do you mean gimans?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@Shahredzu4111 Penuh meja ", "normalized": "@Shahredzu4111 Penuh meja" }
{ "result": "@Shahredzu4111 Full table", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@Dinda_Diya @TheArieAir @wiwikherma @RiyanCameron @CantikaCahyhani @RestuAndara99 @HandhikaPutera @ViolletaVio1 @Allwahid805 Sama\"", "normalized": "@Dinda_Diya @TheArieAir @wiwikherma @RiyanCameron @CantikaCahyhani @RestuAndara99 @HandhikaPutera @ViolletaVio1 @Allwahid805 Sama \"" }
{ "result": "@Dinda_Diya @TheArieAir @wivikherma @RiyanCameron @CantikaCahyhani @RestuAndara99 @HandhikaPutera @ViolletaVio1 @Allwahid805 Same \"", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "alahhh bestnya!! nasib baik dkt sarawak skrg! eeeeee", "normalized": "alah bestnya!! nasib baik dekat sarawak sekarang! ee" }
{ "result": "it's the best!! Good luck near Sarawak now! eh", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "datang dari bukit jelutong babi bukan dekat sial", "normalized": "datang dari bukit Jelutong babi bukan dekat sial" }
{ "result": "coming from Jelutong hill the pig is not near damn", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@HadiHasan21 Macamnila aku dengan mak aku naik motor hampir kene. Hilux tu terus pecut tktau buta ke apa. Nasib aku", "normalized": "@HadiHasan21 Macamnila aku dengan mak aku naik motor hampir kena. Hilux itu terus pecut tktau buta ke apa. Nasib aku" }
{ "result": "@HadiHasan21 How about me and my mom riding a motorbike and almost getting hit. The Hilux kept speeding blindly to what. My luck", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@iDiannnn Kalau sudah kena nasi sama ayam goreng. Mmg bertambah tu jon haha", "normalized": "@iDiannnn Kalau sudah kena nasi sama ayam goreng. Memang bertambah itu jon haha" }
{ "result": "@iDiannnn If you've had rice with fried chicken. It really increases, jon haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Dah lama x pekena dalgona", "normalized": "Dah lama tak pekena dalgona" }
{ "result": "It's been a long time since I've had dalgona", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Hairan kenapa UUM masih tak terajang keluar si Kamarul ni. Level apa Professor gini?", "normalized": "Hairan kenapa UUM masih tidak terajang keluar si Kamarul ini. Level apa Professor begini ?" }
{ "result": "I wonder why UUM still hasn't kicked out this Kamarul. What level is this professor?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@windy_sehunnie Hahahaha. Aku tak ingat. Tapi aku pernah pegi tak pasti dengan siapa. ", "normalized": "@windy_sehunnie Haha. Aku tidak ingat. Tetapi aku pernah pergi tidak pasti dengan siapa ." }
{ "result": "@windy_sehunnie Haha. I don't remember. But I used to go not sure with whom.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Subjek yang bukan teras juga penting dalam pendidikan pelajar. Ia penting untuk pembangunan insaniah, bukan kebolehpasaran dunia kerja. Manusia yang baik ialah manusia yang seimbang keilmuan dan kemanusiaannya.\n\nSama seperti banyak perkara lain, jumlahnya itu perlu berpada-pada.", "normalized": "Subjek yang bukan teras juga penting dalam pendidikan pelajar. Ia penting untuk pembangunan insaniah, bukan kebolehpasaran dunia kerja. Manusia yang baik ialah manusia yang seimbang keilmuan dan kemanusiaannya. Sama seperti banyak perkara lain, jumlahnya itu perlu berpada-pada ." }
{ "result": "Non-core subjects are also important in student education. It is important for soft development, not marketability of the world of work. A good person is a person who has a balance of knowledge and humanity. Just like many other things, the amount has to vary.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@nxsreen_ I see, thanks kongsi ilmu...tapi permulaan ni memang target cold brew ready to drink je dulu.", "normalized": "@nxsreen_ Saya see, thanks kongsi ilmu. . tetapi permulaan ini memang target cold brew ready kepada drink sahaja dahulu ." }
{ "result": "@nxsreen_ I see, thanks for sharing the knowledge. . but this beginning is indeed the target of cold brew ready to drink only first.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Baju raya dh ade, sampin dh ade, kasut raya dh ade. Sekarang yg tinggal duit nk beli semua tu belom ada ", "normalized": "Baju raya dah ada, sampin dah ada, kasut raya dah ada. Sekarang yang tinggal duit nak beli semua itu belum ada" }
{ "result": "Raya shirts are available, samin are available, raya shoes are available. Now there is no money left to buy all that", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@sehaghazalee @Rakitamy Terima kasih kaymt grab taxi awk ok! ", "normalized": "@sehaghazalee @Rakitamy Terima kasih kaymt grab taxi awak ok!" }
{ "result": "@sehaghazalee @Rakitamy Thank you kaymt grab your taxi ok!", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Apa lagi benda yang boleh kita buat untuk elakkan rasa sedih ", "normalized": "Apa lagi benda yang boleh kita buat untuk elakkan rasa sedih" }
{ "result": "What else can we do to avoid feeling sad?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@aariffdanishsh yang budak klang tu", "normalized": "@aariffdanishsh yang budak Klang itu" }
{ "result": "@aariffdanishsh that Klang boy", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Saya telah meluangkan lebih setengah hari melawat kesemua 21 Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) di kawasan Parlimen Bagan. Kami turun membawa pakej bantuan makanan yang ditaja bersama oleh pejabat saya, Yayasan Food Bank dan Pertubuhan Kasih Malaysia.\n(1/5)", "normalized": "Saya telah meluangkan lebih setengah hari melawat kesemua 21 Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) di kawasan Parlimen Bagan. Kami turun membawa pakej bantuan makanan yang ditaja bersama oleh pejabat saya, Yayasan Food Bank dan Pertubuhan Kasih Malaysia. (1 / 5)" }
{ "result": "I have spent more than half a day visiting all 21 Village Community Management Councils (MPKK) in the Bagan Parliamentary constituency. We went down with a food aid package jointly sponsored by my office, the Food Bank Foundation and the Malaysian Charity Organization. (1 / 5)", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@SinarOnline Kurang keupayaan sbb umno Perlis lebih suka menjaga poket sendiri dari menjaga kepentingan parti", "normalized": "@SinarOnline Kurang keupayaan sebab umno Perlis lebih suka menjaga poket sendiri dari menjaga kepentingan parti" }
{ "result": "@SinarOnline Lack of ability because Perlis umno prefers to look after their own pockets rather than look after the interests of the party", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Tak tahu aku harus gembira atau sedih ", "normalized": "Tidak tahu aku harus gembira atau sedih" }
{ "result": "I don't know if I should be happy or sad", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@FajIsmail Haha. Jauh lagi sy ni nak dikenali macam Dr. ", "normalized": "@FajIsmail Haha. Jauh lagi sy ini nak dikenali macam Dr." }
{ "result": "@FajIsmail Haha. I still want to be known like Dr.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Ada sesiapa area Kulai / Senai nak kucing? Kucing bersih dan cantik je. Makcik yang bela dah tua, so aku bantu carikan tuan yang nak bela. Percuma.", "normalized": "Ada sesiapa area Kulai / Senai nak kucing ? Kucing bersih dan cantik sahaja. Makcik yang bela dah tua, jadi aku bantu carikan tuan yang nak bela. Percuma." }
{ "result": "Does anyone in the Kulai / Senai area want a cat? Only clean and beautiful cats. The aunt who defends is old, so I help find the master who wants to defend. Free.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Pernah ada perbincangan bersama sahabat. Topiknya siapa yg punya semangat bangsa paling tinggi? Atartuk atau Tunku?", "normalized": "Pernah ada perbincangan bersama sahabat. Topiknya siapa yang punya semangat bangsa paling tinggi ? Atartuk atau Tunku ?" }
{ "result": "Had a discussion with a friend. The topic is who has the highest national spirit? Atartuk or Tunku?", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@SyairulSyazwin Untunglah duduk KL Selangor", "normalized": "@SyairulSyazwin Untunglah duduk KUALA LUMPUR Selangor" }
{ "result": "@SyairulSyazwin Good luck sitting in KUALA LUMPUR Selangor", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@shfqas Ibu kena warded la pulak ", "normalized": "@shfqas Ibu kena warded lah pula" }
{ "result": "@shfqas Mother has to be warded anyway", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Setuju ", "normalized": "Setuju" }
{ "result": "Agreed", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "Betul dekat traffic light rumah mak aku ni. Depan sikit dekat masjid tu selalu juga berlaku kemalangan.", "normalized": "Betul dekat traffic light rumah mak aku ini. Depan sikit dekat masjid itu selalu juga berlaku kemalangan ." }
{ "result": "It's right near the traffic light at my mom's house. In front of the mosque there are always accidents.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "3 jam masuk ktcc barang nya cuma satu ", "normalized": "3 jam masuk ktcc barang nya cuma satu" }
{ "result": "3 hours into ktcc, there is only one item", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "kerol aming ni jangan tiba2 mahiadin ajak jumpa ja bukan boleh kira mahiadin lepaih jumpa sugu teruih down sugu pi sabah covid naik pi sarawak pun covid naik literally pembawa malang af harap2 orang gaji dia berak dalam nasik dia", "normalized": "kerol aming ini jangan tiba-tiba mahiadin ajak jumpa sahaja bukan boleh kira mahiadin lepaih jumpa sugu teruih down sugu pi sabah covid naik pi sarawak pun covid naik literally pembawa malang af harap-harap orang gaji dia berak dalam nasi dia" }
{ "result": "kerol aming, don't suddenly invite me to see you, don't you think it's a long time ago, see you sugu teruih down sugu pi sabah covid goes up pi sarawak too covid goes up literally poor bearer af hope the wage earner poops in his rice", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@_najmiazman takyah nak gelak sangat lah. kau pun sama antek hahaha", "normalized": "@_najmiazman takyah nak gelak sangat lah. kamu pun sama antek haha" }
{ "result": "@_najmiazman I don't want to laugh so much. you are also a minion haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@EdRul09 Amboi... Jangan pengaruh dengan puji2 i ya hahaha", "normalized": "@EdRul09 Amboi. .. Jangan pengaruh dengan puji-puji saya ya haha" }
{ "result": "@EdRul09 Amboi. .. Don't influence me with my praise haha", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
{ "original": "@vnsaudrey8 Ikut sesb page. Dari kingfisher/manggatal sampai tuaran tiada karan.", "normalized": "@vnsaudrey8 Ikut sesb page. Dari kingfisher / manggatal sampai tuaran tiada karan ." }
{ "result": "@vnsaudrey8 Follow the page. From kingfisher / manggatal to tuaran no karan.", "pronunciation": "undefined", "from": {}, "statusCode": null, "error": null, "message": null }
End of preview.