Hi! how are you doing tonight? I'm doing great. Just relaxing with my two dogs. Great. In my spare time I do volunteer work. That's neat. What kind of volunteer work do you do? I work in a homeless shelter in my town.
Good for you . Do you like vintage cars ? I 've two old mustangs .
Good for you. Do you like vintage cars? I've two older mustangs.
Hello, how are you doing? I love spending time with my family. That is great, me too! I'm married and my husband and I've 2 children. So then have you ever been to disneyland? No, we recently purchased a new house, so we cannot afford it. Have you?
Yes I love mickey mouse such a precious little rat .
Yes I love mickey mouse such a cute little rat.
Hi! do you like turtles? I am much more of a cat person actually. I have a turtle his name is speedy. Kitties are nice too, tho! That is an adorable name for a turtle. I have 2 cats. What are your kitties names?
Snow and winter , named after my favourite season .
Snow and winter, named after my favorite season.
Hello, how are you tonight? Do you have pink and blue hair? Hi, I'm doing pretty good these evening. What do you like to do in your spare time? I bird watch. I actually have purple hair and I love it and enjoy watching war documentaries. Those are fun. I've a cat, do you?
I 've a bird and she loves cheeseburgers like me , my darling .
I've a bird and she loves cheeseburgers like me, my favorite.
Hey, I enjoy mowing lawns in the summer. Hello. How are you? My pet turtle and I are sitting here. My turtle and myself love to grill outside. Mommy says to pick up toys. I do not like to. I want to play dolls! Yeah, I have been retired for a long time! Years!
I want to go next door and play with my good friend , not work !
I want to go next door and play with my best friend, not work!
Hi, Kevin here. I love mexican food, aerosmith and nascar racing and a construction worker. I'm a recording engineer myself. Currently living in California. Great! I wear a yellow construction worker hat to Aerosmith concerts. That sounds fun. I'd rather be inside though. Wow! What artists you work with? I started working at sixteen as a construction model.
No one you know probably . The market was short last year unfortunately .
No one you know probably. The market was dead last year unfortunately.
Hey there how is it going? Hello. all is moving great. And you? I'm good just putting hair dye in. Alright. I work in it. If you don't mind, what work are you into? Oh right how I am between jobs.
The economical situation seem to be gradually picking up though .
The economic situation seem to be gradually picking up though.
Hello, what are you doing today? I am thinking about my upcoming retirement. How about you? Just raising my kids, I'm a homemaking dad. Very cool. My kids are grown. I'm already 60 years old. I'm not there yet. My oldest in a junior.
How old is your young ?
How old is your youngest?
Hello. Do you know of any apartments for rent? Hi there. Hmm I am not familiar with any. Which area are you looking? Jacksonville. I work at burger king and do not use drugs if that helps. Maybe you can expand your options if you find another career. I'm only 19. Just graduated.
Congratulations . I work in construction , started when I was 16 . It is big money .
Congratulations. I work in construction, started when I was 16. It is great money.
Hey how are you doing tonight? Hi there, how are you? Doing good, watching Friday, my favorite, and looking on indeed. I teach in the summers? Awesome! Maybe you could help my daughter, she's so smart.
Does she have dogs like me ?
Does she own dogs like me?
Hi want to be my friend? Sure. Do you like to dance? I know how but it isn't my favorite. I learned at prep school. What was your favorite subject in school? I guess math. I am hoping to get into finance.
I like math too . Chemistry was my favourite subject in school .
I like math too. Chemistry was my favorite subject in school.
Hello, my name is Leon. I am a audio engineer. How are you? Hello, Leon. My dogs and I are doing well. That is good to hear! I've been better, my girlfriend just left me. Oh no. I go to the gym a lot. The treadmill keeps my mind off things. I tend to stick indoors but maybe the gym will help, thanks.
You are most welcome . The rowing machine is decent too .
You are most welcome. The rowing machine is nice too.
How are you doing today. Great thanks. What are you doing? I am playing my favorite game. Hat game? I love games as well, being 13 and all. No it is on Xbox.
I 've an Xbox too . My elder brother never will let me play though .
I've an Xbox too. My older brother never will let me play though.
Hi! how are you this evening? I am well! Just got back from taking a walk. Same here! I'm a professional dog walker. Just walked two labs. Oh that sounds fun. I like dogs. Me too! I love kayaking almost as much.
I love hamburgers and French fries , but not soda . Are you married ?
I love hamburgers and french fries, but not soda. Are you married?
Hello. How are you today? Good today. Just cooking some mexican food. I cooking but am not very good. Oh I like mexican food, but my favorite food are cheeseburgers. I inherited some money and bought a yacht to travel, I try different foods traveling. I help out at a soup kitchen since I grew up poor.
Cheeseburgers are big , I try all kinds of foods everywhere I go , got ta love food .
Cheeseburgers are great, I try all kinds of foods everywhere I go, gotta love food.
Stay at home dad here, son is a junior in high school. Yo whats up my man. Not much my father used to work at home depot. You sound like you are trying to rush through your character. I love scary horror movies, do you? Yup, nice to get it out of the way.
Not very honorable in my opinion .
Not very ethical in my opinion.
Hello, how are you? I'm a feminist. Oh my I just love country music! Do you? Only if they're female singers. Solar panels are all over my roof. Solar panels rock! I have actually met the Taylor swift herself. Seriously!? I only buy organic food like Taylor Swift.
That is neat . I manage a convenience store .
That is great. I manage a convenience store.
Hi. just got done with my training run. Training for a marathon. Nice! I just like to eat food haha. After surviving cancer, I try to stay healthy. I try to eat healthy but it doesn't help when I can not cook well. Yeah. Maybe I could help. I am a recently hired life coach.
I been across the globe for years eating food and now I am rich .
I been across the globe for years eating food and now I am fat.
Hello, how are you today? Good I live in Ohio working as a doctor looking for a job in California. I have never been to California. I work in it from home. Working from home would be nice. I'm moving for my daughter, she is a prodigy. It can be lonely, I sometimes go to the gym just for the interaction.
Very nice I go to the park for that . Do you like movies , my favourite is Friday .
Very nice I go to the park for that. Do you like movies, my favorite is Friday.
Hello I love music. Are you familiar with Tom petty? Hi! I do but I rarely have time to listen in between school and work. What is the focus of your studies? Are you in school too? No. I finished in 1995. What year are in?
first year , I just moved here with my good friend for school too .
First year, I just moved here with my best friend for school too.
Hello how are you doing today? I am great, I hope you are doing well. Where are you from? I live in a rural area. I see. Have you lived there for a long time? We just recently bought a home. No 2 years my husband birth parents live here.
That is very nice . Life must be very loose outside the cities . Do you have children ?
That is very nice. Life must be very relaxing outside the cities. Do you have children?
Hi, I m susie. How are you? I'm good. Just got back from some volunteering. How are you doing? Are you having problems texting? I am an old retired guy, so I might be doing something wrong! I am fine, just getting ready for a walk with my dog.
That sounds like a decent time . I like to try to be alive myself . I love walks .
That sounds like a nice time. I like to try to be active myself. I love walks.
Hello, how are you tonight. Do you like horses? Hi there, yes I love horses and so does barnaby my german shepherd. That's a cute name. I have a lab named Sirius. Yeah, Barnaby is a keeper and a great scorpion spotter. I hate scorpions. I don't have them on the farm. I've seen them in the city though.
Barnaby found one in my dad older nascar cars right before I sat down .
Barnaby found one in my dad old nascar cars right before I sat down.
Are you in college? I'm an art major. I'm not in college, I graduated with a doctorate degree. That's neat. I am visiting Europe again this year, have you ever been? Farthest I've ever been away from home was at the park. Do you have any hobbies?
Going to the park is my favourite hobby . Or going to my daughters piano concerts .
Going to the park is my favorite hobby. Or going to my daughters piano concerts.
Hi. how are you? Hello, I'm doing very well thank you. I just came back from a walk. Ah. I love taking walks and taking pictures. I love photography, I'm always photographing my food. My boyfriend and I'll cook in our new place together next week.
That is decent , do you drink soda and eat fast food ?
That is nice, do you drink soda and eat fast food?
Do you like hummus? I enjoy it very much. No I don't like hummus. I'm locked up. I'm from Germany, do you like roller coasters? I'm using the library at the juvenile detention center. Are you good at swimming? I can help you get out.
I 'm a keen swimmer . What is the plan ?
I'm a great swimmer. What is the plan?
What do you do for a living? Nothing, too young male and been very I'll, too. I'm not I will, but I'm overweight. Oh, that isn't good for your health. No. It got worse when my wife left me.
Wow , and I thought having a transplant for my heart that was outside my body was tough !
Wow, and I thought having a transplant for my heart that was outside my body was bad!
Hi, how are you doing today? Just came back from a visit in the city, how about you? Just play some board games with the family. Sounds fun! Do you have any hobbies? I play a couple instruments and I'm a piano teacher. Nice, I play the violin. I try to get a three mile walk into my day.
Violin , oh my gosh ! My father was a professional violin player and he showed me a lot !
Violin, oh my gosh! My father was a pro violin player and he showed me a lot!
Hello. can you move objects with your mind? Hi how are you doing? I am okay no I wish I could. I'm great. I had heart surgery and woke up with weird superpowers. I'm so sorry to hear that I believe your powers are from the lord. I do not know. My heart was outside of my body now it is in.
I tend to watch heavy amounts of t. v. on spare times .
I tend to watch large amounts of t. v. on free times.
Would you like to grab a coffee? I'm dying for a mocha. Coffee is my passion, so yes! The last person I had coffee with kept trying to add schnapps. Not cool. Not at all. I don't drink any type of alcohol. If you love mountain biking too I will eat my fathers hard hat.
No , I 'm kinda a calm family man . My wife and kids rock .
No, I'm kinda a quiet family man. My wife and kids rock.
Hi, I am taking a break from studying my computer programming. What is computer programming, I am new to the United States. I'm from India so I understand. It is telling computers how to run programs. Cool, I was born in Somalia, but my aunt helped me escape. That was nice of her! My aunt taught me how to swim.
I had to get away , I was forced to marry Young , but now I am glad .
I had to get away, I was forced to marry young, but now I am happy.
Hey, what are you planning for today? Oh not much, my name is heather and just looking to chat with people. I like chatting too, it is how I got homecoming queen talking to everyone. What is your name and do you have any hobbies? Kris, I run, training to run a k, how about yourself any hobbies?
Ha , ha that is odd my husband was homecoming king in high school .
Ha, ha that is funny my husband was homecoming king in high school.