981 values
15 values
""" Module for visualizing Python code profiles using the Chrome developer tools. Example usage: >>> profiler = Profiler() >>> profiler.start() >>> my_expensive_code() >>> profiler.stop() >>> with open('my.cpuprofile', 'w') as f: ... f.write(profiler.output()) In a gevented environnment, context switches can make things confusing. Data collection can be limited to a single greenlet by passing >>> profiler = Profiler(target_greenlet = gevent.getcurrent()) """ import os import sys import json import timeit try: import gevent except ImportError: gevent = None class Node(object): def __init__(self, name, id_): = name self.id_ = id_ self.children = {} self.hitCount = 1 def serialize(self): res = { 'functionName':, 'hitCount': self.hitCount, 'children': [c.serialize() for c in self.children.values()], 'scriptId': '1', 'url': '', 'lineNumber': 1, 'columnNumber': 1, 'deoptReason': '', 'id': self.id_, 'callUID': self.id_ } return res def add(self, frames, id_gen): if not frames: self.hitCount += 1 return head = frames[0] child = self.children.get(head) if child is None: child = Node(name=head, id_=id_gen()) self.children[head] = child child.add(frames[1:], id_gen) class GProfiler(object): def __init__(self, target_greenlet=None, interval=0.0001): self.target_greenlet_id = ( id(target_greenlet) if target_greenlet else None) self.interval = interval self.started = None self.last_profile = None self.root = Node('head', 1) self.nextId = 1 self.samples = [] self.timestamps = [] def _id_generator(self): self.nextId += 1 return self.nextId def _profile(self, frame, event, arg): # pylint: disable=W0613 if event == 'call': self._record_frame(frame.f_back) def _record_frame(self, frame): if self.target_greenlet_id and id(gevent.getcurrent()) != self.target_greenlet_id: return now = timeit.default_timer() if self.last_profile is not None: if now - self.last_profile < self.interval: return self.last_profile = now self.timestamps.append(int(1e6 * now)) stack = [] while frame is not None: stack.append(self._format_frame(frame)) frame = frame.f_back stack.reverse() self.root.add(stack, self._id_generator) self.samples.append(self.nextId) @staticmethod def _format_frame(frame): return '{}({})'.format(frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_globals.get('__name__')) def output(self): if self.samples: data = { 'startTime': self.started, 'endTime': 0.000001 * self.timestamps[-1], 'timestamps': self.timestamps, 'samples': self.samples, 'head': self.root.serialize() } else: data = {} return json.dumps(data) def start(self): sys.setprofile(self._profile) self.started = timeit.default_timer() print("# Running in profile mode. #") @staticmethod def stop(): sys.setprofile(None) print("# Profile mode stopped. #") def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback_): self.stop() filename = './pybenchmark_%s_.cpuprofile' % os.getpid() with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(self.output()) print(("Written profile file '%s'." % (filename)))
#!/usr/bin/env python """Import the given python module(s) and report error(s) encountered.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import contextlib import imp import os import re import sys import traceback try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO import ansible.module_utils.basic import ansible.module_utils.common.removed class ImporterAnsibleModuleException(Exception): """Exception thrown during initialization of ImporterAnsibleModule.""" pass class ImporterAnsibleModule(object): """Replacement for AnsibleModule to support import testing.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ImporterAnsibleModuleException() # stop Ansible module execution during AnsibleModule instantiation ansible.module_utils.basic.AnsibleModule = ImporterAnsibleModule # no-op for _load_params since it may be called before instantiating AnsibleModule ansible.module_utils.basic._load_params = lambda *args, **kwargs: {} # no-op for removed_module since it is called in place of AnsibleModule instantiation ansible.module_utils.common.removed.removed_module = lambda *args, **kwargs: None def main(): """Main program function.""" base_dir = os.getcwd() messages = set() for path in sys.argv[1:] or test_python_module(path, base_dir, messages, False) test_python_module(path, base_dir, messages, True) if messages: exit(10) def test_python_module(path, base_dir, messages, ansible_module): if ansible_module: # importing modules with __main__ under Python 2.6 exits with status code 1 if sys.version_info < (2, 7): return # only run __main__ protected code for Ansible modules if not path.startswith('lib/ansible/modules/'): return # async_wrapper is not an Ansible module if path == 'lib/ansible/modules/utilities/logic/': return # run code protected by __name__ conditional name = '__main__' # show the Ansible module responsible for the exception, even if it was thrown in module_utils filter_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'lib/ansible/modules') else: # do not run code protected by __name__ conditional name = 'module_import_test' # show the Ansible file responsible for the exception, even if it was thrown in 3rd party code filter_dir = base_dir capture = Capture() try: with open(path, 'r') as module_fd: with capture_output(capture): imp.load_module(name, module_fd, os.path.abspath(path), ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE)) capture_report(path, capture, messages) except ImporterAnsibleModuleException: # module instantiated AnsibleModule without raising an exception pass except BaseException as ex: # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, broad-except capture_report(path, capture, messages) exc_type, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() message = str(ex) results = list(reversed(traceback.extract_tb(exc_tb))) source = None line = 0 offset = 0 for result in results: if result[0].startswith(filter_dir): source = result[0][len(base_dir) + 1:].replace('test/sanity/import/', '') line = result[1] or 0 break if not source: # If none of our source files are found in the traceback, report the file we were testing. # I haven't been able to come up with a test case that encounters this issue yet. source = path message += ' (in %s:%d)' % (results[-1][0], results[-1][1] or 0) elif isinstance(ex, SyntaxError): if ex.filename.endswith(path): # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member # A SyntaxError in the source we're importing will have the correct path, line and offset. # However, the traceback will report the path to this script instead. # We'll use the details from the SyntaxError in this case, as it's more accurate. source = path line = ex.lineno or 0 # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member offset = ex.offset or 0 # pylint: disable=locally-disabled, no-member message = str(ex) # Hack to remove the filename and line number from the message, if present. message = message.replace(' (%s, line %d)' % (os.path.basename(path), line), '') message = re.sub(r'\n *', ': ', message) error = '%s:%d:%d: %s: %s' % (source, line, offset, exc_type.__name__, message) report_message(error, messages) class Capture(object): """Captured output and/or exception.""" def __init__(self): self.stdout = StringIO() self.stderr = StringIO() def capture_report(path, capture, messages): """Report on captured output. :type path: str :type capture: Capture :type messages: set[str] """ if capture.stdout.getvalue(): message = '%s:%d:%d: %s: %s' % (path, 0, 0, 'Output', 'Import resulted in output to stdout.') report_message(message, messages) if capture.stderr.getvalue(): message = '%s:%d:%d: %s: %s' % (path, 0, 0, 'Output', 'Import resulted in output to stderr.') report_message(message, messages) def report_message(message, messages): """Report message if not already reported. :type message: str :type messages: set[str] """ if message not in messages: messages.add(message) print(message) @contextlib.contextmanager def capture_output(capture): """Capture sys.stdout and sys.stderr. :type capture: Capture """ old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = capture.stdout sys.stderr = capture.stderr try: yield finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr if __name__ == '__main__': main()
"""Parse a Python module and describe its classes and methods. Parse enough of a Python file to recognize imports and class and method definitions, and to find out the superclasses of a class. The interface consists of a single function: readmodule_ex(module [, path]) where module is the name of a Python module, and path is an optional list of directories where the module is to be searched. If present, path is prepended to the system search path sys.path. The return value is a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are the names of the classes defined in the module (including classes that are defined via the from XXX import YYY construct). The values are class instances of the class Class defined here. One special key/value pair is present for packages: the key '__path__' has a list as its value which contains the package search path. A class is described by the class Class in this module. Instances of this class have the following instance variables: module -- the module name name -- the name of the class super -- a list of super classes (Class instances) methods -- a dictionary of methods file -- the file in which the class was defined lineno -- the line in the file on which the class statement occurred The dictionary of methods uses the method names as keys and the line numbers on which the method was defined as values. If the name of a super class is not recognized, the corresponding entry in the list of super classes is not a class instance but a string giving the name of the super class. Since import statements are recognized and imported modules are scanned as well, this shouldn't happen often. A function is described by the class Function in this module. Instances of this class have the following instance variables: module -- the module name name -- the name of the class file -- the file in which the class was defined lineno -- the line in the file on which the class statement occurred """ import sys import imp import tokenize from token import NAME, DEDENT, OP from operator import itemgetter __all__ = ["readmodule", "readmodule_ex", "Class", "Function"] _modules = {} # cache of modules we've seen # each Python class is represented by an instance of this class class Class: '''Class to represent a Python class.''' def __init__(self, module, name, super, file, lineno): self.module = module = name if super is None: super = [] self.super = super self.methods = {} self.file = file self.lineno = lineno def _addmethod(self, name, lineno): self.methods[name] = lineno class Function: '''Class to represent a top-level Python function''' def __init__(self, module, name, file, lineno): self.module = module = name self.file = file self.lineno = lineno def readmodule(module, path=None): '''Backwards compatible interface. Call readmodule_ex() and then only keep Class objects from the resulting dictionary.''' res = {} for key, value in _readmodule(module, path or []).items(): if isinstance(value, Class): res[key] = value return res def readmodule_ex(module, path=None): '''Read a module file and return a dictionary of classes. Search for MODULE in PATH and sys.path, read and parse the module and return a dictionary with one entry for each class found in the module. ''' return _readmodule(module, path or []) def _readmodule(module, path, inpackage=None): '''Do the hard work for readmodule[_ex]. If INPACKAGE is given, it must be the dotted name of the package in which we are searching for a submodule, and then PATH must be the package search path; otherwise, we are searching for a top-level module, and PATH is combined with sys.path. ''' # Compute the full module name (prepending inpackage if set) if inpackage is not None: fullmodule = "%s.%s" % (inpackage, module) else: fullmodule = module # Check in the cache if fullmodule in _modules: return _modules[fullmodule] # Initialize the dict for this module's contents dict = {} # Check if it is a built-in module; we don't do much for these if module in sys.builtin_module_names and inpackage is None: _modules[module] = dict return dict # Check for a dotted module name i = module.rfind('.') if i >= 0: package = module[:i] submodule = module[i+1:] parent = _readmodule(package, path, inpackage) if inpackage is not None: package = "%s.%s" % (inpackage, package) if not '__path__' in parent: raise ImportError('No package named {}'.format(package)) return _readmodule(submodule, parent['__path__'], package) # Search the path for the module f = None if inpackage is not None: f, fname, (_s, _m, ty) = imp.find_module(module, path) else: f, fname, (_s, _m, ty) = imp.find_module(module, path + sys.path) if ty == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY: dict['__path__'] = [fname] path = [fname] + path f, fname, (_s, _m, ty) = imp.find_module('__init__', [fname]) _modules[fullmodule] = dict if ty != imp.PY_SOURCE: # not Python source, can't do anything with this module f.close() return dict stack = [] # stack of (class, indent) pairs g = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline) try: for tokentype, token, start, _end, _line in g: if tokentype == DEDENT: lineno, thisindent = start # close nested classes and defs while stack and stack[-1][1] >= thisindent: del stack[-1] elif token == 'def': lineno, thisindent = start # close previous nested classes and defs while stack and stack[-1][1] >= thisindent: del stack[-1] tokentype, meth_name, start =[0:3] if tokentype != NAME: continue # Syntax error if stack: cur_class = stack[-1][0] if isinstance(cur_class, Class): # it's a method cur_class._addmethod(meth_name, lineno) # else it's a nested def else: # it's a function dict[meth_name] = Function(fullmodule, meth_name, fname, lineno) stack.append((None, thisindent)) # Marker for nested fns elif token == 'class': lineno, thisindent = start # close previous nested classes and defs while stack and stack[-1][1] >= thisindent: del stack[-1] tokentype, class_name, start =[0:3] if tokentype != NAME: continue # Syntax error # parse what follows the class name tokentype, token, start =[0:3] inherit = None if token == '(': names = [] # List of superclasses # there's a list of superclasses level = 1 super = [] # Tokens making up current superclass while True: tokentype, token, start =[0:3] if token in (')', ',') and level == 1: n = "".join(super) if n in dict: # we know this super class n = dict[n] else: c = n.split('.') if len(c) > 1: # super class is of the form # module.class: look in module for # class m = c[-2] c = c[-1] if m in _modules: d = _modules[m] if c in d: n = d[c] names.append(n) super = [] if token == '(': level += 1 elif token == ')': level -= 1 if level == 0: break elif token == ',' and level == 1: pass # only use NAME and OP (== dot) tokens for type name elif tokentype in (NAME, OP) and level == 1: super.append(token) # expressions in the base list are not supported inherit = names cur_class = Class(fullmodule, class_name, inherit, fname, lineno) if not stack: dict[class_name] = cur_class stack.append((cur_class, thisindent)) elif token == 'import' and start[1] == 0: modules = _getnamelist(g) for mod, _mod2 in modules: try: # Recursively read the imported module if inpackage is None: _readmodule(mod, path) else: try: _readmodule(mod, path, inpackage) except ImportError: _readmodule(mod, []) except: # If we can't find or parse the imported module, # too bad -- don't die here. pass elif token == 'from' and start[1] == 0: mod, token = _getname(g) if not mod or token != "import": continue names = _getnamelist(g) try: # Recursively read the imported module d = _readmodule(mod, path, inpackage) except: # If we can't find or parse the imported module, # too bad -- don't die here. continue # add any classes that were defined in the imported module # to our name space if they were mentioned in the list for n, n2 in names: if n in d: dict[n2 or n] = d[n] elif n == '*': # don't add names that start with _ for n in d: if n[0] != '_': dict[n] = d[n] except StopIteration: pass f.close() return dict def _getnamelist(g): # Helper to get a comma-separated list of dotted names plus 'as' # clauses. Return a list of pairs (name, name2) where name2 is # the 'as' name, or None if there is no 'as' clause. names = [] while True: name, token = _getname(g) if not name: break if token == 'as': name2, token = _getname(g) else: name2 = None names.append((name, name2)) while token != "," and "\n" not in token: token =[1] if token != ",": break return names def _getname(g): # Helper to get a dotted name, return a pair (name, token) where # name is the dotted name, or None if there was no dotted name, # and token is the next input token. parts = [] tokentype, token =[0:2] if tokentype != NAME and token != '*': return (None, token) parts.append(token) while True: tokentype, token =[0:2] if token != '.': break tokentype, token =[0:2] if tokentype != NAME: break parts.append(token) return (".".join(parts), token) def _main(): # Main program for testing. import os mod = sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(mod): path = [os.path.dirname(mod)] mod = os.path.basename(mod) if mod.lower().endswith(".py"): mod = mod[:-3] else: path = [] dict = readmodule_ex(mod, path) objs = dict.values() objs.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(getattr(a, 'lineno', 0), getattr(b, 'lineno', 0))) for obj in objs: if isinstance(obj, Class): print "class",, obj.super, obj.lineno methods = sorted(obj.methods.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1)) for name, lineno in methods: if name != "__path__": print " def", name, lineno elif isinstance(obj, Function): print "def",, obj.lineno if __name__ == "__main__": _main()
"""empty message Revision ID: 42caf438dcdf Revises: None Create Date: 2015-05-15 13:14:21.980616 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '42caf438dcdf' down_revision = None from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table('roles', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('default', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), sa.Column('permissions', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), sa.UniqueConstraint('name') ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_roles_default'), 'roles', ['default'], unique=False) op.create_table('users', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('email', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('username', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('password_hash', sa.String(length=128), nullable=True), sa.Column('role_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('confirmed', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('location', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('about_me', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('member_since', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('university', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('last_seen', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('avatar_hash', sa.String(length=32), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['role_id'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_users_email'), 'users', ['email'], unique=True) op.create_index(op.f('ix_users_username'), 'users', ['username'], unique=True) op.create_table('follows', sa.Column('follower_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('followed_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('timestamp', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['followed_id'], [''], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['follower_id'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('follower_id', 'followed_id') ) op.create_table('posts', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('body', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('body_html', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('timestamp', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('author_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['author_id'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_posts_timestamp'), 'posts', ['timestamp'], unique=False) op.create_table('comments', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('body', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('body_html', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('timestamp', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('disabled', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True), sa.Column('author_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('post_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['author_id'], [''], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['post_id'], [''], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_index(op.f('ix_comments_timestamp'), 'comments', ['timestamp'], unique=False) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_index(op.f('ix_comments_timestamp'), table_name='comments') op.drop_table('comments') op.drop_index(op.f('ix_posts_timestamp'), table_name='posts') op.drop_table('posts') op.drop_table('follows') op.drop_index(op.f('ix_users_username'), table_name='users') op.drop_index(op.f('ix_users_email'), table_name='users') op.drop_table('users') op.drop_index(op.f('ix_roles_default'), table_name='roles') op.drop_table('roles') ### end Alembic commands ###
import sys sys.path.append("build/") sys.path.append("data/scripts") import pycd3 as cd class PythonNodeFactory(cd.NodeFactory): def __init__(self, node_klass): cd.NodeFactory.__init__(self) self.klass = node_klass def createNode(self): return self.klass() def getNodeName(self): return self.klass.__name__ def defineflow(): fd = cd.FlowDefinition() fd['Q'] = cd.CalculationUnit.flow fd['C0'] = cd.CalculationUnit.concentration fd['C1'] = cd.CalculationUnit.concentration cd.Flow.define(fd) def register_python_nodes(nr, module): __import__(module, None, None, [], 1) for n in cd.Node.__subclasses__(): if nr.contains(n.__name__): continue cd.log("registering python node %s" % n.__name__) nr.addNodeFactory(PythonNodeFactory(n)) def setup_test_model(model, nr, simulation): src = nr.createNode("RandomCatchment") src.init(0, 7200, 300) src.setId('source') snk = nr.createNode("FileOut") snk.init(0, 7200, 300) snk.setId('sink') con = simulation.createConnection(src, 'out', snk, 'in') model.addNode(src) model.addNode(snk) model.addConnection(con) simulation.setModel(model) sp = cd.SimulationParameters(0, 72000, 300) simulation.setSimParams(sp) def main(): cd.init() defineflow() nr = cd.NodeRegistry() nr.addNativePlugin("nodes") sr = cd.SimulationRegistry() sr.addNativePlugin("nodes") register_python_nodes(nr, 'testnodes') sim = sr.createSimulation("OrderedPipeSimulation") model = cd.Model() setup_test_model(model, nr, sim) sim.start(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Copyright (c) 2010 The Echo Nest. All rights reserved. Created by Tyler Williams on 2011-10-21. The Sandbox module loosely covers Refer to the official api documentation if you are unsure about something. """ try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json import datetime import util from proxies import ResultList def list(sandbox_name, results=15, start=0): """ Returns a list of all assets available in this sandbox Args: sandbox_name (str): A string representing the name of the sandbox Kwargs: results (int): An integer number of results to return start (int): An integer starting value for the result set Returns: A list of asset dictionaries Example: >>> sandbox.list('bluenote') [{}, {}] >>> """ result = util.callm("%s/%s" % ('sandbox', 'list'), {'sandbox':sandbox_name, 'results': results, 'start': start}) assets = result['response']['assets'] start = result['response']['start'] total = result['response']['total'] return ResultList(assets, start, total) def access(sandbox_name, asset_ids): """ Returns a list of assets with expiring access urls that can be used to download them *Requires Oauth* Args: sandbox_name (str): A string representing the name of the sandbox asset_ids (list): A list of asset_ids (str) to fetch Kwargs: Returns: A list of asset dictionaries Example: >>> sandbox.access('bluenote', ['12345']) [{}, {}] >>> """ result = util.oauthgetm("%s/%s" % ('sandbox', 'access'), {'sandbox':sandbox_name, 'id':asset_ids}) return result['response']['assets']
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Jeroen Hoekx <> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community', 'version': '1.0'} DOCUMENTATION = """ module: jboss version_added: "1.4" short_description: deploy applications to JBoss description: - Deploy applications to JBoss standalone using the filesystem options: deployment: required: true description: - The name of the deployment src: required: false description: - The remote path of the application ear or war to deploy deploy_path: required: false default: /var/lib/jbossas/standalone/deployments description: - The location in the filesystem where the deployment scanner listens state: required: false choices: [ present, absent ] default: "present" description: - Whether the application should be deployed or undeployed notes: - "The JBoss standalone deployment-scanner has to be enabled in standalone.xml" - "Ensure no identically named application is deployed through the JBoss CLI" author: "Jeroen Hoekx (@jhoekx)" """ EXAMPLES = """ # Deploy a hello world application - jboss: src: /tmp/hello-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war deployment: hello.war state: present # Update the hello world application - jboss: src: /tmp/hello-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war deployment: hello.war state: present # Undeploy the hello world application - jboss: deployment: hello.war state: absent """ import os import shutil import time def is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.deployed"%(deployment))) def is_undeployed(deploy_path, deployment): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.undeployed"%(deployment))) def is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.failed"%(deployment))) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( src=dict(), deployment=dict(required=True), deploy_path=dict(default='/var/lib/jbossas/standalone/deployments'), state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present'], default='present'), ), ) changed = False src = module.params['src'] deployment = module.params['deployment'] deploy_path = module.params['deploy_path'] state = module.params['state'] if state == 'present' and not src: module.fail_json(msg="Argument 'src' required.") if not os.path.exists(deploy_path): module.fail_json(msg="deploy_path does not exist.") deployed = is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment) if state == 'present' and not deployed: if not os.path.exists(src): module.fail_json(msg='Source file %s does not exist.'%(src)) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): ### Clean up old failed deployment os.remove(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.failed"%(deployment))) shutil.copyfile(src, os.path.join(deploy_path, deployment)) while not deployed: deployed = is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): module.fail_json(msg='Deploying %s failed.'%(deployment)) time.sleep(1) changed = True if state == 'present' and deployed: if module.sha1(src) != module.sha1(os.path.join(deploy_path, deployment)): os.remove(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.deployed"%(deployment))) shutil.copyfile(src, os.path.join(deploy_path, deployment)) deployed = False while not deployed: deployed = is_deployed(deploy_path, deployment) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): module.fail_json(msg='Deploying %s failed.'%(deployment)) time.sleep(1) changed = True if state == 'absent' and deployed: os.remove(os.path.join(deploy_path, "%s.deployed"%(deployment))) while deployed: deployed = not is_undeployed(deploy_path, deployment) if is_failed(deploy_path, deployment): module.fail_json(msg='Undeploying %s failed.'%(deployment)) time.sleep(1) changed = True module.exit_json(changed=changed) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2011 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying # file license.txt or # import time import json import pprint import hashlib import struct import re import base64 import httplib import sys from multiprocessing import Process ERR_SLEEP = 15 MAX_NONCE = 1000000L settings = {} pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) class BitcoinRPC: OBJID = 1 def __init__(self, host, port, username, password): authpair = "%s:%s" % (username, password) self.authhdr = "Basic %s" % (base64.b64encode(authpair)) self.conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port, False, 30) def rpc(self, method, params=None): self.OBJID += 1 obj = { 'version' : '1.1', 'method' : method, 'id' : self.OBJID } if params is None: obj['params'] = [] else: obj['params'] = params self.conn.request('POST', '/', json.dumps(obj), { 'Authorization' : self.authhdr, 'Content-type' : 'application/json' }) resp = self.conn.getresponse() if resp is None: print "JSON-RPC: no response" return None body = resp_obj = json.loads(body) if resp_obj is None: print "JSON-RPC: cannot JSON-decode body" return None if 'error' in resp_obj and resp_obj['error'] != None: return resp_obj['error'] if 'result' not in resp_obj: print "JSON-RPC: no result in object" return None return resp_obj['result'] def getblockcount(self): return self.rpc('getblockcount') def getwork(self, data=None): return self.rpc('getwork', data) def uint32(x): return x & 0xffffffffL def bytereverse(x): return uint32(( ((x) << 24) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x) >> 24) )) def bufreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): word = struct.unpack('@I', in_buf[i:i+4])[0] out_words.append(struct.pack('@I', bytereverse(word))) return ''.join(out_words) def wordreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): out_words.append(in_buf[i:i+4]) out_words.reverse() return ''.join(out_words) class Miner: def __init__(self, id): = id self.max_nonce = MAX_NONCE def work(self, datastr, targetstr): # decode work data hex string to binary static_data = datastr.decode('hex') static_data = bufreverse(static_data) # the first 76b of 80b do not change blk_hdr = static_data[:76] # decode 256-bit target value targetbin = targetstr.decode('hex') targetbin = targetbin[::-1] # byte-swap and dword-swap targetbin_str = targetbin.encode('hex') target = long(targetbin_str, 16) # pre-hash first 76b of block header static_hash = hashlib.sha256() static_hash.update(blk_hdr) for nonce in xrange(self.max_nonce): # encode 32-bit nonce value nonce_bin = struct.pack("<I", nonce) # hash final 4b, the nonce value hash1_o = static_hash.copy() hash1_o.update(nonce_bin) hash1 = hash1_o.digest() # sha256 hash of sha256 hash hash_o = hashlib.sha256() hash_o.update(hash1) hash = hash_o.digest() # quick test for winning solution: high 32 bits zero? if hash[-4:] != '\0\0\0\0': continue # convert binary hash to 256-bit Python long hash = bufreverse(hash) hash = wordreverse(hash) hash_str = hash.encode('hex') l = long(hash_str, 16) # proof-of-work test: hash < target if l < target: print time.asctime(), "PROOF-OF-WORK found: %064x" % (l,) return (nonce + 1, nonce_bin) else: print time.asctime(), "PROOF-OF-WORK false positive %064x" % (l,) # return (nonce + 1, nonce_bin) return (nonce + 1, None) def submit_work(self, rpc, original_data, nonce_bin): nonce_bin = bufreverse(nonce_bin) nonce = nonce_bin.encode('hex') solution = original_data[:152] + nonce + original_data[160:256] param_arr = [ solution ] result = rpc.getwork(param_arr) print time.asctime(), "--> Upstream RPC result:", result def iterate(self, rpc): work = rpc.getwork() if work is None: time.sleep(ERR_SLEEP) return if 'data' not in work or 'target' not in work: time.sleep(ERR_SLEEP) return time_start = time.time() (hashes_done, nonce_bin) =['data'], work['target']) time_end = time.time() time_diff = time_end - time_start self.max_nonce = long( (hashes_done * settings['scantime']) / time_diff) if self.max_nonce > 0xfffffffaL: self.max_nonce = 0xfffffffaL if settings['hashmeter']: print "HashMeter(%d): %d hashes, %.2f Khash/sec" % (, hashes_done, (hashes_done / 1000.0) / time_diff) if nonce_bin is not None: self.submit_work(rpc, work['data'], nonce_bin) def loop(self): rpc = BitcoinRPC(settings['host'], settings['port'], settings['rpcuser'], settings['rpcpass']) if rpc is None: return while True: self.iterate(rpc) def miner_thread(id): miner = Miner(id) miner.loop() if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: CONFIG-FILE" sys.exit(1) f = open(sys.argv[1]) for line in f: # skip comment lines m ='^\s*#', line) if m: continue # parse key=value lines m ='^(\w+)\s*=\s*(\S.*)$', line) if m is None: continue settings[] = f.close() if 'host' not in settings: settings['host'] = '' if 'port' not in settings: settings['port'] = 8332 if 'threads' not in settings: settings['threads'] = 1 if 'hashmeter' not in settings: settings['hashmeter'] = 0 if 'scantime' not in settings: settings['scantime'] = 30L if 'rpcuser' not in settings or 'rpcpass' not in settings: print "Missing username and/or password in cfg file" sys.exit(1) settings['port'] = int(settings['port']) settings['threads'] = int(settings['threads']) settings['hashmeter'] = int(settings['hashmeter']) settings['scantime'] = long(settings['scantime']) thr_list = [] for thr_id in range(settings['threads']): p = Process(target=miner_thread, args=(thr_id,)) p.start() thr_list.append(p) time.sleep(1) # stagger threads print settings['threads'], "mining threads started" print time.asctime(), "Miner Starts - %s:%s" % (settings['host'], settings['port']) try: for thr_proc in thr_list: thr_proc.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass print time.asctime(), "Miner Stops - %s:%s" % (settings['host'], settings['port'])
try: from functools import wraps except ImportError: from django.utils.functional import wraps # Python 2.4 fallback. from django.utils.decorators import decorator_from_middleware_with_args, available_attrs from django.utils.cache import patch_cache_control, add_never_cache_headers from django.middleware.cache import CacheMiddleware def cache_page(*args, **kwargs): """ Decorator for views that tries getting the page from the cache and populates the cache if the page isn't in the cache yet. The cache is keyed by the URL and some data from the headers. Additionally there is the key prefix that is used to distinguish different cache areas in a multi-site setup. You could use the sites.get_current().domain, for example, as that is unique across a Django project. Additionally, all headers from the response's Vary header will be taken into account on caching -- just like the middleware does. """ # We need backwards compatibility with code which spells it this way: # def my_view(): pass # my_view = cache_page(my_view, 123) # and this way: # my_view = cache_page(123)(my_view) # and this: # my_view = cache_page(my_view, 123, key_prefix="foo") # and this: # my_view = cache_page(123, key_prefix="foo")(my_view) # and possibly this way (?): # my_view = cache_page(123, my_view) # and also this way: # my_view = cache_page(my_view) # and also this way: # my_view = cache_page()(my_view) # We also add some asserts to give better error messages in case people are # using other ways to call cache_page that no longer work. cache_alias = kwargs.pop('cache', None) key_prefix = kwargs.pop('key_prefix', None) assert not kwargs, "The only keyword arguments are cache and key_prefix" if len(args) > 1: assert len(args) == 2, "cache_page accepts at most 2 arguments" if callable(args[0]): return decorator_from_middleware_with_args(CacheMiddleware)(cache_timeout=args[1], cache_alias=cache_alias, key_prefix=key_prefix)(args[0]) elif callable(args[1]): return decorator_from_middleware_with_args(CacheMiddleware)(cache_timeout=args[0], cache_alias=cache_alias, key_prefix=key_prefix)(args[1]) else: assert False, "cache_page must be passed a view function if called with two arguments" elif len(args) == 1: if callable(args[0]): return decorator_from_middleware_with_args(CacheMiddleware)(cache_alias=cache_alias, key_prefix=key_prefix)(args[0]) else: return decorator_from_middleware_with_args(CacheMiddleware)(cache_timeout=args[0], cache_alias=cache_alias, key_prefix=key_prefix) else: return decorator_from_middleware_with_args(CacheMiddleware)(cache_alias=cache_alias, key_prefix=key_prefix) def cache_control(**kwargs): def _cache_controller(viewfunc): def _cache_controlled(request, *args, **kw): response = viewfunc(request, *args, **kw) patch_cache_control(response, **kwargs) return response return wraps(viewfunc, assigned=available_attrs(viewfunc))(_cache_controlled) return _cache_controller def never_cache(view_func): """ Decorator that adds headers to a response so that it will never be cached. """ def _wrapped_view_func(request, *args, **kwargs): response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) add_never_cache_headers(response) return response return wraps(view_func, assigned=available_attrs(view_func))(_wrapped_view_func)
#Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one #or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file #distributed with this work for additional information #regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file #to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the #"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance #with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #limitations under the License. """HOD Service Proxy Implementation""" # -*- python -*- import sys, time, signal, httplib, socket, threading import sha, base64, hmac import xml.dom.minidom from hodlib.Common.socketServers import hodHTTPServer from hodlib.Common.hodsvc import hodBaseService from hodlib.Common.threads import loop from hodlib.Common.tcp import tcpSocket from hodlib.Common.util import get_exception_string from hodlib.Common.AllocationManagerUtil import * class svcpxy(hodBaseService): def __init__(self, config): hodBaseService.__init__(self, 'serviceProxy', config['service_proxy'], xrtype='twisted') self.amcfg=config['allocation_manager'] def _xr_method_isProjectUserValid(self, userid, project, ignoreErrors = False, timeOut = 15): return self.isProjectUserValid(userid, project, ignoreErrors, timeOut) def isProjectUserValid(self, userid, project, ignoreErrors, timeOut): """Method thats called upon by the hodshell to verify if the specified (user, project) combination is valid""" self.logs['main'].info("Begin isProjectUserValid()") am = AllocationManagerUtil.getAllocationManager(self.amcfg['id'], self.amcfg, self.logs['main']) self.logs['main'].info("End isProjectUserValid()") return am.getQuote(userid, project)
# - communicate with Mercurial's API over a pipe # # Copyright Matt Mackall <> # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. from i18n import _ import struct import sys, os import dispatch, encoding, util logfile = None def log(*args): if not logfile: return for a in args: logfile.write(str(a)) logfile.flush() class channeledoutput(object): """ Write data from in_ to out in the following format: data length (unsigned int), data """ def __init__(self, in_, out, channel): self.in_ = in_ self.out = out = channel def write(self, data): if not data: return self.out.write(struct.pack('>cI',, len(data))) self.out.write(data) self.out.flush() def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in ('isatty', 'fileno'): raise AttributeError(attr) return getattr(self.in_, attr) class channeledinput(object): """ Read data from in_. Requests for input are written to out in the following format: channel identifier - 'I' for plain input, 'L' line based (1 byte) how many bytes to send at most (unsigned int), The client replies with: data length (unsigned int), 0 meaning EOF data """ maxchunksize = 4 * 1024 def __init__(self, in_, out, channel): self.in_ = in_ self.out = out = channel def read(self, size=-1): if size < 0: # if we need to consume all the clients input, ask for 4k chunks # so the pipe doesn't fill up risking a deadlock size = self.maxchunksize s = self._read(size, buf = s while s: s = self._read(size, buf += s return buf else: return self._read(size, def _read(self, size, channel): if not size: return '' assert size > 0 # tell the client we need at most size bytes self.out.write(struct.pack('>cI', channel, size)) self.out.flush() length = length = struct.unpack('>I', length)[0] if not length: return '' else: return def readline(self, size=-1): if size < 0: size = self.maxchunksize s = self._read(size, 'L') buf = s # keep asking for more until there's either no more or # we got a full line while s and s[-1] != '\n': s = self._read(size, 'L') buf += s return buf else: return self._read(size, 'L') def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): l = self.readline() if not l: raise StopIteration return l def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in ('isatty', 'fileno'): raise AttributeError(attr) return getattr(self.in_, attr) class server(object): """ Listens for commands on stdin, runs them and writes the output on a channel based stream to stdout. """ def __init__(self, ui, repo, mode): self.cwd = os.getcwd() logpath = ui.config("cmdserver", "log", None) if logpath: global logfile if logpath == '-': # write log on a special 'd' (debug) channel logfile = channeledoutput(sys.stdout, sys.stdout, 'd') else: logfile = open(logpath, 'a') # the ui here is really the repo ui so take its baseui so we don't end # up with its local configuration self.ui = repo.baseui self.repo = repo self.repoui = repo.ui if mode == 'pipe': self.cerr = channeledoutput(sys.stderr, sys.stdout, 'e') self.cout = channeledoutput(sys.stdout, sys.stdout, 'o') self.cin = channeledinput(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, 'I') self.cresult = channeledoutput(sys.stdout, sys.stdout, 'r') self.client = sys.stdin else: raise util.Abort(_('unknown mode %s') % mode) def _read(self, size): if not size: return '' data = # is the other end closed? if not data: raise EOFError return data def runcommand(self): """ reads a list of \0 terminated arguments, executes and writes the return code to the result channel """ length = struct.unpack('>I', self._read(4))[0] if not length: args = [] else: args = self._read(length).split('\0') # copy the uis so changes (e.g. --config or --verbose) don't # persist between requests copiedui = self.ui.copy() self.repo.baseui = copiedui self.repo.ui = self.repo.dirstate._ui = self.repoui.copy() self.repo.invalidate() self.repo.invalidatedirstate() req = dispatch.request(args[:], copiedui, self.repo, self.cin, self.cout, self.cerr) ret = dispatch.dispatch(req) or 0 # might return None # restore old cwd if '--cwd' in args: os.chdir(self.cwd) self.cresult.write(struct.pack('>i', int(ret))) def getencoding(self): """ writes the current encoding to the result channel """ self.cresult.write(encoding.encoding) def serveone(self): cmd = self.client.readline()[:-1] if cmd: handler = self.capabilities.get(cmd) if handler: handler(self) else: # clients are expected to check what commands are supported by # looking at the servers capabilities raise util.Abort(_('unknown command %s') % cmd) return cmd != '' capabilities = {'runcommand' : runcommand, 'getencoding' : getencoding} def serve(self): hellomsg = 'capabilities: ' + ' '.join(sorted(self.capabilities)) hellomsg += '\n' hellomsg += 'encoding: ' + encoding.encoding # write the hello msg in -one- chunk self.cout.write(hellomsg) try: while self.serveone(): pass except EOFError: # we'll get here if the client disconnected while we were reading # its request return 1 return 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Sphinx directive to support embedded IPython code. This directive allows pasting of entire interactive IPython sessions, prompts and all, and their code will actually get re-executed at doc build time, with all prompts renumbered sequentially. It also allows you to input code as a pure python input by giving the argument python to the directive. The output looks like an interactive ipython section. To enable this directive, simply list it in your Sphinx ```` file (making sure the directory where you placed it is visible to sphinx, as is needed for all Sphinx directives). For example, to enable syntax highlighting and the IPython directive:: extensions = ['IPython.sphinxext.ipython_console_highlighting', 'IPython.sphinxext.ipython_directive'] The IPython directive outputs code-blocks with the language 'ipython'. So if you do not have the syntax highlighting extension enabled as well, then all rendered code-blocks will be uncolored. By default this directive assumes that your prompts are unchanged IPython ones, but this can be customized. The configurable options that can be placed in are: ipython_savefig_dir: The directory in which to save the figures. This is relative to the Sphinx source directory. The default is `html_static_path`. ipython_rgxin: The compiled regular expression to denote the start of IPython input lines. The default is re.compile('In \[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'). You shouldn't need to change this. ipython_rgxout: The compiled regular expression to denote the start of IPython output lines. The default is re.compile('Out\[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'). You shouldn't need to change this. ipython_promptin: The string to represent the IPython input prompt in the generated ReST. The default is 'In [%d]:'. This expects that the line numbers are used in the prompt. ipython_promptout: The string to represent the IPython prompt in the generated ReST. The default is 'Out [%d]:'. This expects that the line numbers are used in the prompt. ipython_mplbackend: The string which specifies if the embedded Sphinx shell should import Matplotlib and set the backend. The value specifies a backend that is passed to `matplotlib.use()` before any lines in `ipython_execlines` are executed. If not specified in, then the default value of 'agg' is used. To use the IPython directive without matplotlib as a dependency, set the value to `None`. It may end up that matplotlib is still imported if the user specifies so in `ipython_execlines` or makes use of the @savefig pseudo decorator. ipython_execlines: A list of strings to be exec'd in the embedded Sphinx shell. Typical usage is to make certain packages always available. Set this to an empty list if you wish to have no imports always available. If specified in as `None`, then it has the effect of making no imports available. If omitted from altogether, then the default value of ['import numpy as np', 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'] is used. ipython_holdcount When the @suppress pseudo-decorator is used, the execution count can be incremented or not. The default behavior is to hold the execution count, corresponding to a value of `True`. Set this to `False` to increment the execution count after each suppressed command. As an example, to use the IPython directive when `matplotlib` is not available, one sets the backend to `None`:: ipython_mplbackend = None An example usage of the directive is: .. code-block:: rst .. ipython:: In [1]: x = 1 In [2]: y = x**2 In [3]: print(y) See for additional documentation. ToDo ---- - Turn the ad-hoc test() function into a real test suite. - Break up ipython-specific functionality from matplotlib stuff into better separated code. Authors ------- - John D Hunter: orignal author. - Fernando Perez: refactoring, documentation, cleanups, port to 0.11. - VáclavŠmilauer <>: Prompt generalizations. - Skipper Seabold, refactoring, cleanups, pure python addition """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stdlib import os import re import sys import tempfile import ast from pandas.compat import zip, range, map, lmap, u, cStringIO as StringIO import warnings # To keep compatibility with various python versions try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 # Third-party import sphinx from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from docutils import nodes from sphinx.util.compat import Directive # Our own from IPython import Config, InteractiveShell from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir from IPython.utils import io from IPython.utils.py3compat import PY3 if PY3: from io import StringIO text_type = str else: from StringIO import StringIO text_type = unicode #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for tokenizing blocks COMMENT, INPUT, OUTPUT = range(3) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions and class declarations #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def block_parser(part, rgxin, rgxout, fmtin, fmtout): """ part is a string of ipython text, comprised of at most one input, one ouput, comments, and blank lines. The block parser parses the text into a list of:: blocks = [ (TOKEN0, data0), (TOKEN1, data1), ...] where TOKEN is one of [COMMENT | INPUT | OUTPUT ] and data is, depending on the type of token:: COMMENT : the comment string INPUT: the (DECORATOR, INPUT_LINE, REST) where DECORATOR: the input decorator (or None) INPUT_LINE: the input as string (possibly multi-line) REST : any stdout generated by the input line (not OUTPUT) OUTPUT: the output string, possibly multi-line """ block = [] lines = part.split('\n') N = len(lines) i = 0 decorator = None while 1: if i==N: # nothing left to parse -- the last line break line = lines[i] i += 1 line_stripped = line.strip() if line_stripped.startswith('#'): block.append((COMMENT, line)) continue if line_stripped.startswith('@'): # we're assuming at most one decorator -- may need to # rethink decorator = line_stripped continue # does this look like an input line? matchin = rgxin.match(line) if matchin: lineno, inputline = int(, # the ....: continuation string continuation = ' %s:'%''.join(['.']*(len(str(lineno))+2)) Nc = len(continuation) # input lines can continue on for more than one line, if # we have a '\' line continuation char or a function call # echo line 'print'. The input line can only be # terminated by the end of the block or an output line, so # we parse out the rest of the input line if it is # multiline as well as any echo text rest = [] while i<N: # look ahead; if the next line is blank, or a comment, or # an output line, we're done nextline = lines[i] matchout = rgxout.match(nextline) #print "nextline=%s, continuation=%s, starts=%s"%(nextline, continuation, nextline.startswith(continuation)) if matchout or nextline.startswith('#'): break elif nextline.startswith(continuation): nextline = nextline[Nc:] if nextline and nextline[0] == ' ': nextline = nextline[1:] inputline += '\n' + nextline else: rest.append(nextline) i+= 1 block.append((INPUT, (decorator, inputline, '\n'.join(rest)))) continue # if it looks like an output line grab all the text to the end # of the block matchout = rgxout.match(line) if matchout: lineno, output = int(, if i<N-1: output = '\n'.join([output] + lines[i:]) block.append((OUTPUT, output)) break return block class DecodingStringIO(StringIO, object): def __init__(self,buf='',encodings=('utf8',), *args, **kwds): super(DecodingStringIO, self).__init__(buf, *args, **kwds) self.set_encodings(encodings) def set_encodings(self, encodings): self.encodings = encodings def write(self,data): if isinstance(data, text_type): return super(DecodingStringIO, self).write(data) else: for enc in self.encodings: try: data = data.decode(enc) return super(DecodingStringIO, self).write(data) except : pass # default to brute utf8 if no encoding succeded return super(DecodingStringIO, self).write(data.decode('utf8', 'replace')) class EmbeddedSphinxShell(object): """An embedded IPython instance to run inside Sphinx""" def __init__(self, exec_lines=None,state=None): self.cout = DecodingStringIO(u'') if exec_lines is None: exec_lines = [] self.state = state # Create config object for IPython config = Config() config.InteractiveShell.autocall = False config.InteractiveShell.autoindent = False config.InteractiveShell.colors = 'NoColor' # create a profile so instance history isn't saved tmp_profile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='profile_') profname = 'auto_profile_sphinx_build' pdir = os.path.join(tmp_profile_dir,profname) profile = ProfileDir.create_profile_dir(pdir) # Create and initialize global ipython, but don't start its mainloop. # This will persist across different EmbededSphinxShell instances. IP = InteractiveShell.instance(config=config, profile_dir=profile) # io.stdout redirect must be done after instantiating InteractiveShell io.stdout = self.cout io.stderr = self.cout # For debugging, so we can see normal output, use this: #from import Tee #io.stdout = Tee(self.cout, channel='stdout') # dbg #io.stderr = Tee(self.cout, channel='stderr') # dbg # Store a few parts of IPython we'll need. self.IP = IP self.user_ns = self.IP.user_ns self.user_global_ns = self.IP.user_global_ns self.input = '' self.output = '' self.is_verbatim = False self.is_doctest = False self.is_suppress = False # Optionally, provide more detailed information to shell. self.directive = None # on the first call to the savefig decorator, we'll import # pyplot as plt so we can make a call to the plt.gcf().savefig self._pyplot_imported = False # Prepopulate the namespace. for line in exec_lines: self.process_input_line(line, store_history=False) def clear_cout(self): self.cout.truncate(0) def process_input_line(self, line, store_history=True): """process the input, capturing stdout""" stdout = sys.stdout splitter = self.IP.input_splitter try: sys.stdout = self.cout splitter.push(line) more = splitter.push_accepts_more() if not more: try: source_raw = splitter.source_raw_reset()[1] except: # recent ipython #4504 source_raw = splitter.raw_reset() self.IP.run_cell(source_raw, store_history=store_history) finally: sys.stdout = stdout def process_image(self, decorator): """ # build out an image directive like # .. image:: somefile.png # :width 4in # # from an input like # savefig somefile.png width=4in """ savefig_dir = self.savefig_dir source_dir = self.source_dir saveargs = decorator.split(' ') filename = saveargs[1] # insert relative path to image file in source outfile = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(savefig_dir,filename), source_dir) imagerows = ['.. image:: %s'%outfile] for kwarg in saveargs[2:]: arg, val = kwarg.split('=') arg = arg.strip() val = val.strip() imagerows.append(' :%s: %s'%(arg, val)) image_file = os.path.basename(outfile) # only return file name image_directive = '\n'.join(imagerows) return image_file, image_directive # Callbacks for each type of token def process_input(self, data, input_prompt, lineno): """ Process data block for INPUT token. """ decorator, input, rest = data image_file = None image_directive = None is_verbatim = decorator=='@verbatim' or self.is_verbatim is_doctest = (decorator is not None and \ decorator.startswith('@doctest')) or self.is_doctest is_suppress = decorator=='@suppress' or self.is_suppress is_okexcept = decorator=='@okexcept' or self.is_okexcept is_okwarning = decorator=='@okwarning' or self.is_okwarning is_savefig = decorator is not None and \ decorator.startswith('@savefig') # set the encodings to be used by DecodingStringIO # to convert the execution output into unicode if # needed. this attrib is set by # based on the specified block options, defaulting to ['ut self.cout.set_encodings(self.output_encoding) input_lines = input.split('\n') if len(input_lines) > 1: if input_lines[-1] != "": input_lines.append('') # make sure there's a blank line # so splitter buffer gets reset continuation = ' %s:'%''.join(['.']*(len(str(lineno))+2)) if is_savefig: image_file, image_directive = self.process_image(decorator) ret = [] is_semicolon = False # Hold the execution count, if requested to do so. if is_suppress and self.hold_count: store_history = False else: store_history = True # Note: catch_warnings is not thread safe with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: for i, line in enumerate(input_lines): if line.endswith(';'): is_semicolon = True if i == 0: # process the first input line if is_verbatim: self.process_input_line('') self.IP.execution_count += 1 # increment it anyway else: # only submit the line in non-verbatim mode self.process_input_line(line, store_history=store_history) formatted_line = '%s %s'%(input_prompt, line) else: # process a continuation line if not is_verbatim: self.process_input_line(line, store_history=store_history) formatted_line = '%s %s'%(continuation, line) if not is_suppress: ret.append(formatted_line) if not is_suppress and len(rest.strip()) and is_verbatim: # the "rest" is the standard output of the # input, which needs to be added in # verbatim mode ret.append(rest) output = if not is_suppress and not is_semicolon: ret.append(output) elif is_semicolon: # get spacing right ret.append('') # context information filename = self.state.document.current_source lineno = self.state.document.current_line # output any exceptions raised during execution to stdout # unless :okexcept: has been specified. if not is_okexcept and "Traceback" in output: s = "\nException in %s at block ending on line %s\n" % (filename, lineno) s += "Specify :okexcept: as an option in the ipython:: block to suppress this message\n" sys.stdout.write('\n\n>>>' + ('-' * 73)) sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stdout.write('<<<' + ('-' * 73) + '\n\n') # output any warning raised during execution to stdout # unless :okwarning: has been specified. if not is_okwarning: for w in ws: s = "\nWarning in %s at block ending on line %s\n" % (filename, lineno) s += "Specify :okwarning: as an option in the ipython:: block to suppress this message\n" sys.stdout.write('\n\n>>>' + ('-' * 73)) sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.write('-' * 76 + '\n') s=warnings.formatwarning(w.message, w.category, w.filename, w.lineno, w.line) sys.stdout.write(s) sys.stdout.write('<<<' + ('-' * 73) + '\n') self.cout.truncate(0) return (ret, input_lines, output, is_doctest, decorator, image_file, image_directive) def process_output(self, data, output_prompt, input_lines, output, is_doctest, decorator, image_file): """ Process data block for OUTPUT token. """ TAB = ' ' * 4 if is_doctest and output is not None: found = output found = found.strip() submitted = data.strip() if self.directive is None: source = 'Unavailable' content = 'Unavailable' else: source = self.directive.state.document.current_source content = self.directive.content # Add tabs and join into a single string. content = '\n'.join([TAB + line for line in content]) # Make sure the output contains the output prompt. ind = found.find(output_prompt) if ind < 0: e = ('output does not contain output prompt\n\n' 'Document source: {0}\n\n' 'Raw content: \n{1}\n\n' 'Input line(s):\n{TAB}{2}\n\n' 'Output line(s):\n{TAB}{3}\n\n') e = e.format(source, content, '\n'.join(input_lines), repr(found), TAB=TAB) raise RuntimeError(e) found = found[len(output_prompt):].strip() # Handle the actual doctest comparison. if decorator.strip() == '@doctest': # Standard doctest if found != submitted: e = ('doctest failure\n\n' 'Document source: {0}\n\n' 'Raw content: \n{1}\n\n' 'On input line(s):\n{TAB}{2}\n\n' 'we found output:\n{TAB}{3}\n\n' 'instead of the expected:\n{TAB}{4}\n\n') e = e.format(source, content, '\n'.join(input_lines), repr(found), repr(submitted), TAB=TAB) raise RuntimeError(e) else: self.custom_doctest(decorator, input_lines, found, submitted) def process_comment(self, data): """Process data fPblock for COMMENT token.""" if not self.is_suppress: return [data] def save_image(self, image_file): """ Saves the image file to disk. """ self.ensure_pyplot() command = ('plt.gcf().savefig("%s", bbox_inches="tight", ' 'dpi=100)' % image_file) #print 'SAVEFIG', command # dbg self.process_input_line('bookmark ipy_thisdir', store_history=False) self.process_input_line('cd -b ipy_savedir', store_history=False) self.process_input_line(command, store_history=False) self.process_input_line('cd -b ipy_thisdir', store_history=False) self.process_input_line('bookmark -d ipy_thisdir', store_history=False) self.clear_cout() def process_block(self, block): """ process block from the block_parser and return a list of processed lines """ ret = [] output = None input_lines = None lineno = self.IP.execution_count input_prompt = self.promptin % lineno output_prompt = self.promptout % lineno image_file = None image_directive = None for token, data in block: if token == COMMENT: out_data = self.process_comment(data) elif token == INPUT: (out_data, input_lines, output, is_doctest, decorator, image_file, image_directive) = \ self.process_input(data, input_prompt, lineno) elif token == OUTPUT: out_data = \ self.process_output(data, output_prompt, input_lines, output, is_doctest, decorator, image_file) if out_data: ret.extend(out_data) # save the image files if image_file is not None: self.save_image(image_file) return ret, image_directive def ensure_pyplot(self): """ Ensures that pyplot has been imported into the embedded IPython shell. Also, makes sure to set the backend appropriately if not set already. """ # We are here if the @figure pseudo decorator was used. Thus, it's # possible that we could be here even if python_mplbackend were set to # `None`. That's also strange and perhaps worthy of raising an # exception, but for now, we just set the backend to 'agg'. if not self._pyplot_imported: if 'matplotlib.backends' not in sys.modules: # Then ipython_matplotlib was set to None but there was a # call to the @figure decorator (and ipython_execlines did # not set a backend). #raise Exception("No backend was set, but @figure was used!") import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') # Always import pyplot into embedded shell. self.process_input_line('import matplotlib.pyplot as plt', store_history=False) self._pyplot_imported = True def process_pure_python(self, content): """ content is a list of strings. it is unedited directive content This runs it line by line in the InteractiveShell, prepends prompts as needed capturing stderr and stdout, then returns the content as a list as if it were ipython code """ output = [] savefig = False # keep up with this to clear figure multiline = False # to handle line continuation multiline_start = None fmtin = self.promptin ct = 0 for lineno, line in enumerate(content): line_stripped = line.strip() if not len(line): output.append(line) continue # handle decorators if line_stripped.startswith('@'): output.extend([line]) if 'savefig' in line: savefig = True # and need to clear figure continue # handle comments if line_stripped.startswith('#'): output.extend([line]) continue # deal with lines checking for multiline continuation = u' %s:'% ''.join(['.']*(len(str(ct))+2)) if not multiline: modified = u"%s %s" % (fmtin % ct, line_stripped) output.append(modified) ct += 1 try: ast.parse(line_stripped) output.append(u'') except Exception: # on a multiline multiline = True multiline_start = lineno else: # still on a multiline modified = u'%s %s' % (continuation, line) output.append(modified) # if the next line is indented, it should be part of multiline if len(content) > lineno + 1: nextline = content[lineno + 1] if len(nextline) - len(nextline.lstrip()) > 3: continue try: mod = ast.parse( '\n'.join(content[multiline_start:lineno+1])) if isinstance(mod.body[0], ast.FunctionDef): # check to see if we have the whole function for element in mod.body[0].body: if isinstance(element, ast.Return): multiline = False else: output.append(u'') multiline = False except Exception: pass if savefig: # clear figure if plotted self.ensure_pyplot() self.process_input_line('plt.clf()', store_history=False) self.clear_cout() savefig = False return output def custom_doctest(self, decorator, input_lines, found, submitted): """ Perform a specialized doctest. """ from .custom_doctests import doctests args = decorator.split() doctest_type = args[1] if doctest_type in doctests: doctests[doctest_type](self, args, input_lines, found, submitted) else: e = "Invalid option to @doctest: {0}".format(doctest_type) raise Exception(e) class IPythonDirective(Directive): has_content = True required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 4 # python, suppress, verbatim, doctest final_argumuent_whitespace = True option_spec = { 'python': directives.unchanged, 'suppress' : directives.flag, 'verbatim' : directives.flag, 'doctest' : directives.flag, 'okexcept': directives.flag, 'okwarning': directives.flag, 'output_encoding': directives.unchanged_required } shell = None seen_docs = set() def get_config_options(self): # contains sphinx configuration variables config = self.state.document.settings.env.config # get config variables to set figure output directory confdir = savefig_dir = config.ipython_savefig_dir source_dir = os.path.dirname(self.state.document.current_source) if savefig_dir is None: savefig_dir = config.html_static_path if isinstance(savefig_dir, list): savefig_dir = savefig_dir[0] # safe to assume only one path? savefig_dir = os.path.join(confdir, savefig_dir) # get regex and prompt stuff rgxin = config.ipython_rgxin rgxout = config.ipython_rgxout promptin = config.ipython_promptin promptout = config.ipython_promptout mplbackend = config.ipython_mplbackend exec_lines = config.ipython_execlines hold_count = config.ipython_holdcount return (savefig_dir, source_dir, rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout, mplbackend, exec_lines, hold_count) def setup(self): # Get configuration values. (savefig_dir, source_dir, rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout, mplbackend, exec_lines, hold_count) = self.get_config_options() if is None: # We will be here many times. However, when the # EmbeddedSphinxShell is created, its interactive shell member # is the same for each instance. if mplbackend: import matplotlib # Repeated calls to use() will not hurt us since `mplbackend` # is the same each time. matplotlib.use(mplbackend) # Must be called after (potentially) importing matplotlib and # setting its backend since exec_lines might import pylab. = EmbeddedSphinxShell(exec_lines, self.state) # Store IPython directive to enable better error messages = self # reset the execution count if we haven't processed this doc #NOTE: this may be borked if there are multiple seen_doc tmp files #check time stamp? if not self.state.document.current_source in self.seen_docs: = 1 = 0 self.seen_docs.add(self.state.document.current_source) # and attach to shell so we don't have to pass them around = rgxin = rgxout = promptin = promptout = savefig_dir = source_dir = hold_count # setup bookmark for saving figures directory'bookmark ipy_savedir %s'%savefig_dir, store_history=False) return rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout def teardown(self): # delete last bookmark'bookmark -d ipy_savedir', store_history=False) def run(self): debug = False #TODO, any reason block_parser can't be a method of embeddable shell # then we wouldn't have to carry these around rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout = self.setup() options = self.options = 'suppress' in options = 'doctest' in options = 'verbatim' in options = 'okexcept' in options = 'okwarning' in options = [options.get('output_encoding', 'utf8')] # handle pure python code if 'python' in self.arguments: content = self.content self.content = parts = '\n'.join(self.content).split('\n\n') lines = ['.. code-block:: ipython', ''] figures = [] for part in parts: block = block_parser(part, rgxin, rgxout, promptin, promptout) if len(block): rows, figure = for row in rows: lines.extend([' %s'%line for line in row.split('\n')]) if figure is not None: figures.append(figure) for figure in figures: lines.append('') lines.extend(figure.split('\n')) lines.append('') if len(lines)>2: if debug: print('\n'.join(lines)) else: # This has to do with input, not output. But if we comment # these lines out, then no IPython code will appear in the # final output. self.state_machine.insert_input( lines, self.state_machine.input_lines.source(0)) # cleanup self.teardown() return [] # Enable as a proper Sphinx directive def setup(app): = app app.add_directive('ipython', IPythonDirective) app.add_config_value('ipython_savefig_dir', None, 'env') app.add_config_value('ipython_rgxin', re.compile('In \[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'), 'env') app.add_config_value('ipython_rgxout', re.compile('Out\[(\d+)\]:\s?(.*)\s*'), 'env') app.add_config_value('ipython_promptin', 'In [%d]:', 'env') app.add_config_value('ipython_promptout', 'Out[%d]:', 'env') # We could just let matplotlib pick whatever is specified as the default # backend in the matplotlibrc file, but this would cause issues if the # backend didn't work in headless environments. For this reason, 'agg' # is a good default backend choice. app.add_config_value('ipython_mplbackend', 'agg', 'env') # If the user sets this config value to `None`, then EmbeddedSphinxShell's # __init__ method will treat it as []. execlines = ['import numpy as np', 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'] app.add_config_value('ipython_execlines', execlines, 'env') app.add_config_value('ipython_holdcount', True, 'env') # Simple smoke test, needs to be converted to a proper automatic test. def test(): examples = [ r""" In [9]: pwd Out[9]: '/home/jdhunter/py4science/book' In [10]: cd bookdata/ /home/jdhunter/py4science/book/bookdata In [2]: from pylab import * In [2]: ion() In [3]: im = imread('stinkbug.png') @savefig mystinkbug.png width=4in In [4]: imshow(im) Out[4]: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x39ea850> """, r""" In [1]: x = 'hello world' # string methods can be # used to alter the string @doctest In [2]: x.upper() Out[2]: 'HELLO WORLD' @verbatim In [3]:<TAB> x.startswith x.strip """, r""" In [130]: url = '\ .....: &d=9&e=22&f=2009&g=d&a=1&br=8&c=2006&ignore=.csv' In [131]: print url.split('&') ['', 'd=9', 'e=22', 'f=2009', 'g=d', 'a=1', 'b=8', 'c=2006', 'ignore=.csv'] In [60]: import urllib """, r"""\ In [133]: import numpy.random @suppress In [134]: numpy.random.seed(2358) @doctest In [135]: numpy.random.rand(10,2) Out[135]: array([[ 0.64524308, 0.59943846], [ 0.47102322, 0.8715456 ], [ 0.29370834, 0.74776844], [ 0.99539577, 0.1313423 ], [ 0.16250302, 0.21103583], [ 0.81626524, 0.1312433 ], [ 0.67338089, 0.72302393], [ 0.7566368 , 0.07033696], [ 0.22591016, 0.77731835], [ 0.0072729 , 0.34273127]]) """, r""" In [106]: print x jdh In [109]: for i in range(10): .....: print i .....: .....: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 """, r""" In [144]: from pylab import * In [145]: ion() # use a semicolon to suppress the output @savefig test_hist.png width=4in In [151]: hist(np.random.randn(10000), 100); @savefig test_plot.png width=4in In [151]: plot(np.random.randn(10000), 'o'); """, r""" # use a semicolon to suppress the output In [151]: plt.clf() @savefig plot_simple.png width=4in In [151]: plot([1,2,3]) @savefig hist_simple.png width=4in In [151]: hist(np.random.randn(10000), 100); """, r""" # update the current fig In [151]: ylabel('number') In [152]: title('normal distribution') @savefig hist_with_text.png In [153]: grid(True) @doctest float In [154]: 0.1 + 0.2 Out[154]: 0.3 @doctest float In [155]: np.arange(16).reshape(4,4) Out[155]: array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3], [ 4, 5, 6, 7], [ 8, 9, 10, 11], [12, 13, 14, 15]]) In [1]: x = np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(4,4) In [2]: x[0,0] = np.inf In [3]: x[0,1] = np.nan @doctest float In [4]: x Out[4]: array([[ inf, nan, 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6., 7.], [ 8., 9., 10., 11.], [ 12., 13., 14., 15.]]) """, ] # skip local-file depending first example: examples = examples[1:] #ipython_directive.DEBUG = True # dbg #options = dict(suppress=True) # dbg options = dict() for example in examples: content = example.split('\n') IPythonDirective('debug', arguments=None, options=options, content=content, lineno=0, content_offset=None, block_text=None, state=None, state_machine=None, ) # Run test suite as a script if __name__=='__main__': if not os.path.isdir('_static'): os.mkdir('_static') test() print('All OK? Check figures in _static/')
import os.path, sys, fnmatch from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as _build_py from distutils.util import convert_path from glob import glob try: from distutils.util import Mixin2to3 as _Mixin2to3 # add support for converting doctests that is missing in 3.1 distutils from distutils import log from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package import setuptools class DistutilsRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool): def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kw): log.error(msg, *args) def log_message(self, msg, *args):, *args) def log_debug(self, msg, *args): log.debug(msg, *args) class Mixin2to3(_Mixin2to3): def run_2to3(self, files, doctests = False): # See of the distribution option has been set, otherwise check the # setuptools default. if self.distribution.use_2to3 is not True: return if not files: return"Fixing "+" ".join(files)) self.__build_fixer_names() self.__exclude_fixers() if doctests: if setuptools.run_2to3_on_doctests: r = DistutilsRefactoringTool(self.fixer_names) r.refactor(files, write=True, doctests_only=True) else: _Mixin2to3.run_2to3(self, files) def __build_fixer_names(self): if self.fixer_names: return self.fixer_names = [] for p in setuptools.lib2to3_fixer_packages: self.fixer_names.extend(get_fixers_from_package(p)) if self.distribution.use_2to3_fixers is not None: for p in self.distribution.use_2to3_fixers: self.fixer_names.extend(get_fixers_from_package(p)) def __exclude_fixers(self): excluded_fixers = getattr(self, 'exclude_fixers', []) if self.distribution.use_2to3_exclude_fixers is not None: excluded_fixers.extend(self.distribution.use_2to3_exclude_fixers) for fixer_name in excluded_fixers: if fixer_name in self.fixer_names: self.fixer_names.remove(fixer_name) except ImportError: class Mixin2to3: def run_2to3(self, files, doctests=True): # Nothing done in 2.x pass class build_py(_build_py, Mixin2to3): """Enhanced 'build_py' command that includes data files with packages The data files are specified via a 'package_data' argument to 'setup()'. See 'setuptools.dist.Distribution' for more details. Also, this version of the 'build_py' command allows you to specify both 'py_modules' and 'packages' in the same setup operation. """ def finalize_options(self): _build_py.finalize_options(self) self.package_data = self.distribution.package_data self.exclude_package_data = self.distribution.exclude_package_data or {} if 'data_files' in self.__dict__: del self.__dict__['data_files'] self.__updated_files = [] self.__doctests_2to3 = [] def run(self): """Build modules, packages, and copy data files to build directory""" if not self.py_modules and not self.packages: return if self.py_modules: self.build_modules() if self.packages: self.build_packages() self.build_package_data() self.run_2to3(self.__updated_files, False) self.run_2to3(self.__updated_files, True) self.run_2to3(self.__doctests_2to3, True) # Only compile actual .py files, using our base class' idea of what our # output files are. self.byte_compile(_build_py.get_outputs(self, include_bytecode=0)) def __getattr__(self,attr): if attr=='data_files': # lazily compute data files self.data_files = files = self._get_data_files(); return files return _build_py.__getattr__(self,attr) def build_module(self, module, module_file, package): outfile, copied = _build_py.build_module(self, module, module_file, package) if copied: self.__updated_files.append(outfile) return outfile, copied def _get_data_files(self): """Generate list of '(package,src_dir,build_dir,filenames)' tuples""" self.analyze_manifest() data = [] for package in self.packages or (): # Locate package source directory src_dir = self.get_package_dir(package) # Compute package build directory build_dir = os.path.join(*([self.build_lib] + package.split('.'))) # Length of path to strip from found files plen = len(src_dir)+1 # Strip directory from globbed filenames filenames = [ file[plen:] for file in self.find_data_files(package, src_dir) ] data.append( (package, src_dir, build_dir, filenames) ) return data def find_data_files(self, package, src_dir): """Return filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'""" globs = (self.package_data.get('', []) + self.package_data.get(package, [])) files = self.manifest_files.get(package, [])[:] for pattern in globs: # Each pattern has to be converted to a platform-specific path files.extend(glob(os.path.join(src_dir, convert_path(pattern)))) return self.exclude_data_files(package, src_dir, files) def build_package_data(self): """Copy data files into build directory""" lastdir = None for package, src_dir, build_dir, filenames in self.data_files: for filename in filenames: target = os.path.join(build_dir, filename) self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(target)) srcfile = os.path.join(src_dir, filename) outf, copied = self.copy_file(srcfile, target) srcfile = os.path.abspath(srcfile) if copied and srcfile in self.distribution.convert_2to3_doctests: self.__doctests_2to3.append(outf) def analyze_manifest(self): self.manifest_files = mf = {} if not self.distribution.include_package_data: return src_dirs = {} for package in self.packages or (): # Locate package source directory src_dirs[assert_relative(self.get_package_dir(package))] = package self.run_command('egg_info') ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('egg_info') for path in ei_cmd.filelist.files: d,f = os.path.split(assert_relative(path)) prev = None oldf = f while d and d!=prev and d not in src_dirs: prev = d d, df = os.path.split(d) f = os.path.join(df, f) if d in src_dirs: if path.endswith('.py') and f==oldf: continue # it's a module, not data mf.setdefault(src_dirs[d],[]).append(path) def get_data_files(self): pass # kludge 2.4 for lazy computation if sys.version<"2.4": # Python 2.4 already has this code def get_outputs(self, include_bytecode=1): """Return complete list of files copied to the build directory This includes both '.py' files and data files, as well as '.pyc' and '.pyo' files if 'include_bytecode' is true. (This method is needed for the 'install_lib' command to do its job properly, and to generate a correct installation manifest.) """ return _build_py.get_outputs(self, include_bytecode) + [ os.path.join(build_dir, filename) for package, src_dir, build_dir,filenames in self.data_files for filename in filenames ] def check_package(self, package, package_dir): """Check namespace packages' __init__ for declare_namespace""" try: return self.packages_checked[package] except KeyError: pass init_py = _build_py.check_package(self, package, package_dir) self.packages_checked[package] = init_py if not init_py or not self.distribution.namespace_packages: return init_py for pkg in self.distribution.namespace_packages: if pkg==package or pkg.startswith(package+'.'): break else: return init_py f = open(init_py,'rbU') if 'declare_namespace'.encode() not in from distutils import log log.warn( "WARNING: %s is a namespace package, but its does\n" "not declare_namespace(); setuptools 0.7 will REQUIRE this!\n" '(See the setuptools manual under "Namespace Packages" for ' "details.)\n", package ) f.close() return init_py def initialize_options(self): self.packages_checked={} _build_py.initialize_options(self) def get_package_dir(self, package): res = _build_py.get_package_dir(self, package) if self.distribution.src_root is not None: return os.path.join(self.distribution.src_root, res) return res def exclude_data_files(self, package, src_dir, files): """Filter filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'""" globs = (self.exclude_package_data.get('', []) + self.exclude_package_data.get(package, [])) bad = [] for pattern in globs: bad.extend( fnmatch.filter( files, os.path.join(src_dir, convert_path(pattern)) ) ) bad = dict.fromkeys(bad) seen = {} return [ f for f in files if f not in bad and f not in seen and seen.setdefault(f,1) # ditch dupes ] def assert_relative(path): if not os.path.isabs(path): return path from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError raise DistutilsSetupError( """Error: setup script specifies an absolute path: %s setup() arguments must *always* be /-separated paths relative to the directory, *never* absolute paths. """ % path )
"""CloudStack plugin for integration tests.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import json import os import re import time from import ( CloudProvider, CloudEnvironment, ) from lib.util import ( find_executable, ApplicationError, display, SubprocessError, is_shippable, ) from lib.http import ( HttpClient, HttpError, urlparse, ) from lib.docker_util import ( docker_run, docker_rm, docker_inspect, docker_pull, docker_network_inspect, get_docker_container_id, ) try: # noinspection PyPep8Naming import ConfigParser as configparser except ImportError: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import configparser class CsCloudProvider(CloudProvider): """CloudStack cloud provider plugin. Sets up cloud resources before delegation.""" DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME = 'cloudstack-sim' def __init__(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ super(CsCloudProvider, self).__init__(args, config_extension='.ini') # The simulator must be pinned to a specific version to guarantee CI passes with the version used. self.image = '' self.container_name = '' self.endpoint = '' = '' self.port = 0 def filter(self, targets, exclude): """Filter out the cloud tests when the necessary config and resources are not available. :type targets: tuple[TestTarget] :type exclude: list[str] """ if os.path.isfile(self.config_static_path): return docker = find_executable('docker', required=False) if docker: return skip = 'cloud/%s/' % self.platform skipped = [ for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require the "docker" command or config (see "%s"): %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), self.config_template_path, ', '.join(skipped))) def setup(self): """Setup the cloud resource before delegation and register a cleanup callback.""" super(CsCloudProvider, self).setup() if self._use_static_config(): self._setup_static() else: self._setup_dynamic() def get_remote_ssh_options(self): """Get any additional options needed when delegating tests to a remote instance via SSH. :rtype: list[str] """ if self.managed: return ['-R', '8888:localhost:8888'] return [] def get_docker_run_options(self): """Get any additional options needed when delegating tests to a docker container. :rtype: list[str] """ if self.managed: return ['--link', self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME] return [] def cleanup(self): """Clean up the cloud resource and any temporary configuration files after tests complete.""" if self.container_name: if is_shippable(): docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name) elif not self.args.explain: display.notice('Remember to run `docker rm -f %s` when finished testing.' % self.container_name) super(CsCloudProvider, self).cleanup() def _setup_static(self): """Configure CloudStack tests for use with static configuration.""" parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() self.endpoint = parser.get('cloudstack', 'endpoint') parts = urlparse(self.endpoint) = parts.hostname if not raise ApplicationError('Could not determine host from endpoint: %s' % self.endpoint) if parts.port: self.port = parts.port elif parts.scheme == 'http': self.port = 80 elif parts.scheme == 'https': self.port = 443 else: raise ApplicationError('Could not determine port from endpoint: %s' % self.endpoint)'Read cs host "%s" and port %d from config: %s' % (, self.port, self.config_static_path), verbosity=1) self._wait_for_service() def _setup_dynamic(self): """Create a CloudStack simulator using docker.""" config = self._read_config_template() self.container_name = self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME results = docker_inspect(self.args, self.container_name) if results and not results[0]['State']['Running']: docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name) results = [] if results:'Using the existing CloudStack simulator docker container.', verbosity=1) else:'Starting a new CloudStack simulator docker container.', verbosity=1) docker_pull(self.args, self.image) docker_run(self.args, self.image, ['-d', '-p', '8888:8888', '--name', self.container_name]) if not self.args.explain: display.notice('The CloudStack simulator will probably be ready in 2 - 4 minutes.') container_id = get_docker_container_id() if container_id:'Running in docker container: %s' % container_id, verbosity=1) = self._get_simulator_address()'Found CloudStack simulator container address: %s' %, verbosity=1) else: = 'localhost' self.port = 8888 self.endpoint = 'http://%s:%d' % (, self.port) self._wait_for_service() if self.args.explain: values = dict(, PORT=str(self.port), ) else: credentials = self._get_credentials() if self.args.docker: host = self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME else: host = values = dict( HOST=host, PORT=str(self.port), KEY=credentials['apikey'], SECRET=credentials['secretkey'], ) config = self._populate_config_template(config, values) self._write_config(config) def _get_simulator_address(self): networks = docker_network_inspect(self.args, 'bridge') try: bridge = [network for network in networks if network['Name'] == 'bridge'][0] containers = bridge['Containers'] container = [containers[container] for container in containers if containers[container]['Name'] == self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME][0] return re.sub(r'/[0-9]+$', '', container['IPv4Address']) except: display.error('Failed to process the following docker network inspect output:\n%s' % json.dumps(networks, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) raise def _wait_for_service(self): """Wait for the CloudStack service endpoint to accept connections.""" if self.args.explain: return client = HttpClient(self.args, always=True) endpoint = self.endpoint for _ in range(1, 30):'Waiting for CloudStack service: %s' % endpoint, verbosity=1) try: client.get(endpoint) return except SubprocessError: pass time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for CloudStack service.') def _get_credentials(self): """Wait for the CloudStack simulator to return credentials. :rtype: dict[str, str] """ client = HttpClient(self.args, always=True) endpoint = '%s/admin.json' % self.endpoint for _ in range(1, 30):'Waiting for CloudStack credentials: %s' % endpoint, verbosity=1) response = client.get(endpoint) if response.status_code == 200: try: return response.json() except HttpError as ex: display.error(ex) time.sleep(10) raise ApplicationError('Timeout waiting for CloudStack credentials.') class CsCloudEnvironment(CloudEnvironment): """CloudStack cloud environment plugin. Updates integration test environment after delegation.""" def configure_environment(self, env, cmd): """ :type env: dict[str, str] :type cmd: list[str] """ changes = dict( CLOUDSTACK_CONFIG=self.config_path, ) env.update(changes) cmd.append('-e') cmd.append('cs_resource_prefix=%s' % self.resource_prefix)
############################################################################### # # Tests for XlsxWriter. # # Copyright (c), 2013-2016, John McNamara, # import unittest from ...compatibility import StringIO from ...xmlwriter import XMLwriter class TestXMLwriter(unittest.TestCase): """ Test the XML Writer class. """ def setUp(self): self.fh = StringIO() self.writer = XMLwriter() self.writer._set_filehandle(self.fh) def test_xml_declaration(self): """Test _xml_declaration()""" self.writer._xml_declaration() exp = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_start_tag(self): """Test _xml_start_tag() with no attributes""" self.writer._xml_start_tag('foo') exp = """<foo>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_start_tag_with_attributes(self): """Test _xml_start_tag() with attributes""" self.writer._xml_start_tag('foo', [('span', '8'), ('baz', '7')]) exp = """<foo span="8" baz="7">""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_start_tag_with_attributes_to_escape(self): """Test _xml_start_tag() with attributes requiring escaping""" self.writer._xml_start_tag('foo', [('span', '&<>"')]) exp = """<foo span="&amp;&lt;&gt;&quot;">""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_start_tag_unencoded(self): """Test _xml_start_tag_unencoded() with attributes""" self.writer._xml_start_tag_unencoded('foo', [('span', '&<>"')]) exp = """<foo span="&<>"">""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_end_tag(self): """Test _xml_end_tag()""" self.writer._xml_end_tag('foo') exp = """</foo>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_empty_tag(self): """Test _xml_empty_tag()""" self.writer._xml_empty_tag('foo') exp = """<foo/>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_empty_tag_with_attributes(self): """Test _xml_empty_tag() with attributes""" self.writer._xml_empty_tag('foo', [('span', '8')]) exp = """<foo span="8"/>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_empty_tag_unencoded(self): """Test _xml_empty_tag_unencoded() with attributes""" self.writer._xml_empty_tag_unencoded('foo', [('span', '&')]) exp = """<foo span="&"/>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_data_element(self): """Test _xml_data_element()""" self.writer._xml_data_element('foo', 'bar') exp = """<foo>bar</foo>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_data_element_with_attributes(self): """Test _xml_data_element() with attributes""" self.writer._xml_data_element('foo', 'bar', [('span', '8')]) exp = """<foo span="8">bar</foo>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_data_element_with_escapes(self): """Test _xml_data_element() with data requiring escaping""" self.writer._xml_data_element('foo', '&<>"', [('span', '8')]) exp = """<foo span="8">&amp;&lt;&gt;"</foo>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_string_element(self): """Test _xml_string_element()""" self.writer._xml_string_element(99, [('span', '8')]) exp = """<c span="8" t=\"s\"><v>99</v></c>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_si_element(self): """Test _xml_si_element()""" self.writer._xml_si_element('foo', [('span', '8')]) exp = """<si><t span="8">foo</t></si>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_rich_si_element(self): """Test _xml_rich_si_element()""" self.writer._xml_rich_si_element('foo') exp = """<si>foo</si>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_number_element(self): """Test _xml_number_element()""" self.writer._xml_number_element(99, [('span', '8')]) exp = """<c span="8"><v>99</v></c>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_xml_formula_element(self): """Test _xml_formula_element()""" self.writer._xml_formula_element('1+2', 3, [('span', '8')]) exp = """<c span="8"><f>1+2</f><v>3</v></c>""" got = self.fh.getvalue() self.assertEqual(got, exp)
from jinja2 import Template from bokeh.embed import file_html from bokeh.layouts import column from bokeh.models import Div, Paragraph from bokeh.resources import CDN from bokeh.util.browser import view template = Template(""" <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>{{ title if title else "Bokeh Plot" }}</title> {{ bokeh_css }} {{ bokeh_js }} <style> .custom { border-radius: 0.5em; padding: 1em; } .custom-1 { border: 3px solid #2397D8; } .custom-2 { border: 3px solid #14999A; background-color: whitesmoke; } </style> </head> <body> {{ plot_div|indent(8) }} {{ plot_script|indent(8) }} </body> </html> """) p = Paragraph(text="The divs below were configured with additional css_classes:") div1 = Div(text=""" <p> This Bokeh Div adds the style classes:<p> <pre> .custom { border-radius: 0.5em; padding: 1em; } .custom-1 { border: 3px solid #2397D8; } </pre> """) div1.css_classes = ["custom", "custom-1"] div2 = Div(text=""" <p> This Bokeh Div adds the style classes:<p> <pre> .custom { border-radius: 0.5em; padding: 1em; } .custom-2 { border: 3px solid #14999A; background-color: whitesmoke; } </pre> """) div2.css_classes = ["custom", "custom-2"] html = file_html(column(p, div1, div2), template=template, resources=CDN) output_file = 'css_classes.html' with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write(html) view(output_file)
"""Add columns to Event model Columns added: location_name latitude longitude price and max_attendants Revision ID: f90d3b386518 Revises: 1150136bf0ab Create Date: 2016-08-08 11:30:45.154593 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'f90d3b386518' down_revision = '1150136bf0ab' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('events', sa.Column('latitude', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=7), nullable=True)) op.add_column('events', sa.Column('longitude', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=7), nullable=True)) op.add_column('events', sa.Column('location_name', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True)) op.add_column('events', sa.Column('max_attendants', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('events', sa.Column('price', sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=3), nullable=True)) ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_column('events', 'price') op.drop_column('events', 'max_attendants') op.drop_column('events', 'location_name') op.drop_column('events', 'longitude') op.drop_column('events', 'latitude') ### end Alembic commands ###
#import pprint from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from psrd.extensions.table.general import add_additional_fields, fix_cost, set_subtype, clear_nbsp def set_damage(weapon): damage = { "see text": ('see text', 'see text'), "special": ('special', 'special'), "Special": ('Special', 'Special'), "1d2": ('&mdash;', '1d3'), "1d3": ('1', '1d4'), "1d4": ('1d2', '1d6'), "1d6": ('1d3', '1d8'), "1d8": ('1d4', '2d6'), "1d10": ('1d6', '2d8'), "1d12": ('1d10', '3d6'), "2d4": ('1d6', '2d6'), "2d6": ('1d8', '3d6'), "2d8": ('1d6', '3d8'), "2d10": ('2d8', '4d8'), "2d12": ('2d10', '6d6'), "3d6": ('2d6', '4d6'), "3d8": ('2d8', '4d8'), "4d6": ('3d6', '6d6'), "4d8": ('3d8', '6d8'), "6d6": ('4d6', '8d6'), "6d8": ('4d8', '8d8'), "8d6": ('6d6', '12d6'), "8d8": ('6d8', '12d8'), } if weapon.has_key(u"Dmg (M)"): medium = weapon[u"Dmg (M)"] parts = medium.split('/') tiny = [] large = [] for part in parts: dmg = damage[part] tiny.append(dmg[0]) large.append(dmg[1]) weapon["Dmg (T)"] = '/'.join(tiny) weapon["Dmg (L)"] = '/'.join(large) def process_weapons(table_data, weapons): remap = {"Cost": "price", "Weight": "weight", "Name": "name"} for weapon in weapons: item = {"type": "item"} set_damage(weapon) fix_cost(weapon) fields = weapon.keys() fields.sort() for key in fields: if key in remap.keys(): item[remap[key]] = weapon[key] else: misc = item.setdefault('misc', []) subsection = "Weapon" value = weapon[key] if weapon['Name'] in table_data.get('distinct_section', {}): subsection = table_data['distinct_section'][weapon['Name']] misc.append({ "field": key, "subsection": subsection, "value": value}) weapon['item'] = item set_subtype(table_data, "Weapon Class", weapon) #pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) #pp.pprint(weapons) return weapons def parse_weapon_table(table, table_data): soup = BeautifulSoup(table['body']) fields = parse_weapon_header( category = None weapon_class = None weapons = [] for line in soup.table.contents: if == 'thead': category =[0].getText() elif == 'tr': if len(line.contents) == 1: weapon_class = line.getText() else: weapon = {'Proficiency':category, 'Weapon Class': weapon_class} for i in range(len(line.contents)): data = line.contents[i].getText() if data != '&mdash;': weapon[fields[i]] = clear_nbsp( line.contents[i].getText()) elif fields[i] in ('Cost', 'Weight'): weapon[fields[i]] = line.contents[i].getText() add_additional_fields(table_data, weapon) weapons.append(weapon) return process_weapons(table_data, weapons) def parse_weapon_header(line): for sup in line.findAll('sup'): sup.extract() fields = [td.getText() for td in line.contents] fields.pop(0) fields.insert(0, 'Name') return fields
import os, unittest from django.db import settings from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSGeometry from django.contrib.gis.utils import GeoIP, GeoIPException # Note: Requires use of both the GeoIP country and city datasets. # The GEOIP_DATA path should be the only setting set (the directory # should contain links or the actual database files 'GeoIP.dat' and # 'GeoLiteCity.dat'. class GeoIPTest(unittest.TestCase): def test01_init(self): "Testing GeoIP initialization." g1 = GeoIP() # Everything inferred from GeoIP path path = settings.GEOIP_PATH g2 = GeoIP(path, 0) # Passing in data path explicitly. g3 =, 0) # MaxMind Python API syntax. for g in (g1, g2, g3): self.assertEqual(True, bool(g._country)) self.assertEqual(True, bool(g._city)) # Only passing in the location of one database. city = os.path.join(path, 'GeoLiteCity.dat') cntry = os.path.join(path, 'GeoIP.dat') g4 = GeoIP(city, country='') self.assertEqual(None, g4._country) g5 = GeoIP(cntry, city='') self.assertEqual(None, g5._city) # Improper parameters. bad_params = (23, 'foo', 15.23) for bad in bad_params: self.assertRaises(GeoIPException, GeoIP, cache=bad) if isinstance(bad, basestring): e = GeoIPException else: e = TypeError self.assertRaises(e, GeoIP, bad, 0) def test02_bad_query(self): "Testing GeoIP query parameter checking." cntry_g = GeoIP(city='<foo>') # No city database available, these calls should fail. self.assertRaises(GeoIPException,, '') self.assertRaises(GeoIPException, cntry_g.coords, '') # Non-string query should raise TypeError self.assertRaises(TypeError, cntry_g.country_code, 17) self.assertRaises(TypeError, cntry_g.country_name, GeoIP) def test03_country(self): "Testing GeoIP country querying methods." g = GeoIP(city='<foo>') fqdn = '' addr = '' for query in (fqdn, addr): for func in (g.country_code, g.country_code_by_addr, g.country_code_by_name): self.assertEqual('US', func(query)) for func in (g.country_name, g.country_name_by_addr, g.country_name_by_name): self.assertEqual('United States', func(query)) self.assertEqual({'country_code' : 'US', 'country_name' : 'United States'}, def test04_city(self): "Testing GeoIP city querying methods." g = GeoIP(country='<foo>') addr = '' fqdn = '' for query in (fqdn, addr): # Country queries should still work. for func in (g.country_code, g.country_code_by_addr, g.country_code_by_name): self.assertEqual('US', func(query)) for func in (g.country_name, g.country_name_by_addr, g.country_name_by_name): self.assertEqual('United States', func(query)) self.assertEqual({'country_code' : 'US', 'country_name' : 'United States'}, # City information dictionary. d = self.assertEqual('USA', d['country_code3']) self.assertEqual('Houston', d['city']) self.assertEqual('TX', d['region']) self.assertEqual(713, d['area_code']) geom = g.geos(query) self.failIf(not isinstance(geom, GEOSGeometry)) lon, lat = (-95.3670, 29.7523) lat_lon = g.lat_lon(query) lat_lon = (lat_lon[1], lat_lon[0]) for tup in (geom.tuple, g.coords(query), g.lon_lat(query), lat_lon): self.assertAlmostEqual(lon, tup[0], 4) self.assertAlmostEqual(lat, tup[1], 4) def suite(): s = unittest.TestSuite() s.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(GeoIPTest)) return s def run(verbosity=2): unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(suite())
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Scott Anderson <> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: django_manage short_description: Manages a Django application. description: - Manages a Django application using the I( application frontend to I(django-admin). With the I(virtualenv) parameter, all management commands will be executed by the given I(virtualenv) installation. version_added: "1.1" options: command: choices: [ 'cleanup', 'collectstatic', 'flush', 'loaddata', 'migrate', 'runfcgi', 'syncdb', 'test', 'validate', ] description: - The name of the Django management command to run. Built in commands are cleanup, collectstatic, flush, loaddata, migrate, runfcgi, syncdb, test, and validate. - Other commands can be entered, but will fail if they're unknown to Django. Other commands that may prompt for user input should be run with the I(--noinput) flag. required: true app_path: description: - The path to the root of the Django application where B( lives. required: true settings: description: - The Python path to the application's settings module, such as 'myapp.settings'. required: false pythonpath: description: - A directory to add to the Python path. Typically used to include the settings module if it is located external to the application directory. required: false virtualenv: description: - An optional path to a I(virtualenv) installation to use while running the manage application. required: false apps: description: - A list of space-delimited apps to target. Used by the 'test' command. required: false cache_table: description: - The name of the table used for database-backed caching. Used by the 'createcachetable' command. required: false database: description: - The database to target. Used by the 'createcachetable', 'flush', 'loaddata', and 'syncdb' commands. required: false failfast: description: - Fail the command immediately if a test fails. Used by the 'test' command. required: false default: "no" choices: [ "yes", "no" ] fixtures: description: - A space-delimited list of fixture file names to load in the database. B(Required) by the 'loaddata' command. required: false skip: description: - Will skip over out-of-order missing migrations, you can only use this parameter with I(migrate) required: false version_added: "1.3" merge: description: - Will run out-of-order or missing migrations as they are not rollback migrations, you can only use this parameter with 'migrate' command required: false version_added: "1.3" link: description: - Will create links to the files instead of copying them, you can only use this parameter with 'collectstatic' command required: false version_added: "1.3" notes: - I(virtualenv) (U( must be installed on the remote host if the virtualenv parameter is specified. - This module will create a virtualenv if the virtualenv parameter is specified and a virtualenv does not already exist at the given location. - This module assumes English error messages for the 'createcachetable' command to detect table existence, unfortunately. - To be able to use the migrate command with django versions < 1.7, you must have south installed and added as an app in your settings. - To be able to use the collectstatic command, you must have enabled staticfiles in your settings. - As of ansible 2.x, your I( application must be executable (rwxr-xr-x), and must have a valid I(shebang), i.e. "#!/usr/bin/env python", for invoking the appropriate Python interpreter. requirements: [ "virtualenv", "django" ] author: "Scott Anderson (@tastychutney)" ''' EXAMPLES = """ # Run cleanup on the application installed in 'django_dir'. - django_manage: command=cleanup app_path={{ django_dir }} # Load the initial_data fixture into the application - django_manage: command=loaddata app_path={{ django_dir }} fixtures={{ initial_data }} # Run syncdb on the application - django_manage: > command=syncdb app_path={{ django_dir }} settings={{ settings_app_name }} pythonpath={{ settings_dir }} virtualenv={{ virtualenv_dir }} # Run the SmokeTest test case from the main app. Useful for testing deploys. - django_manage: command=test app_path={{ django_dir }} apps=main.SmokeTest # Create an initial superuser. - django_manage: command="createsuperuser --noinput --username=admin" app_path={{ django_dir }} """ import os def _fail(module, cmd, out, err, **kwargs): msg = '' if out: msg += "stdout: %s" % (out, ) if err: msg += "\n:stderr: %s" % (err, ) module.fail_json(cmd=cmd, msg=msg, **kwargs) def _ensure_virtualenv(module): venv_param = module.params['virtualenv'] if venv_param is None: return vbin = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(venv_param), 'bin') activate = os.path.join(vbin, 'activate') if not os.path.exists(activate): virtualenv = module.get_bin_path('virtualenv', True) vcmd = '%s %s' % (virtualenv, venv_param) vcmd = [virtualenv, venv_param] rc, out_venv, err_venv = module.run_command(vcmd) if rc != 0: _fail(module, vcmd, out_venv, err_venv) os.environ["PATH"] = "%s:%s" % (vbin, os.environ["PATH"]) os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_param def createcachetable_filter_output(line): return "Already exists" not in line def flush_filter_output(line): return "Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line def loaddata_filter_output(line): return "Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line def syncdb_filter_output(line): return ("Creating table " in line) or ("Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line) def migrate_filter_output(line): return ("Migrating forwards " in line) or ("Installed" in line and "Installed 0 object" not in line) or ("Applying" in line) def collectstatic_filter_output(line): return "0 static files" not in line def main(): command_allowed_param_map = dict( cleanup=(), createcachetable=('cache_table', 'database', ), flush=('database', ), loaddata=('database', 'fixtures', ), syncdb=('database', ), test=('failfast', 'testrunner', 'liveserver', 'apps', ), validate=(), migrate=('apps', 'skip', 'merge', 'database',), collectstatic=('clear', 'link', ), ) command_required_param_map = dict( loaddata=('fixtures', ), ) # forces --noinput on every command that needs it noinput_commands = ( 'flush', 'syncdb', 'migrate', 'test', 'collectstatic', ) # These params are allowed for certain commands only specific_params = ('apps', 'clear', 'database', 'failfast', 'fixtures', 'liveserver', 'testrunner') # These params are automatically added to the command if present general_params = ('settings', 'pythonpath', 'database',) specific_boolean_params = ('clear', 'failfast', 'skip', 'merge', 'link') end_of_command_params = ('apps', 'cache_table', 'fixtures') module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( command = dict(default=None, required=True), app_path = dict(default=None, required=True), settings = dict(default=None, required=False), pythonpath = dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['python_path']), virtualenv = dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['virtual_env']), apps = dict(default=None, required=False), cache_table = dict(default=None, required=False), clear = dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), database = dict(default=None, required=False), failfast = dict(default='no', required=False, type='bool', aliases=['fail_fast']), fixtures = dict(default=None, required=False), liveserver = dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['live_server']), testrunner = dict(default=None, required=False, aliases=['test_runner']), skip = dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), merge = dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), link = dict(default=None, required=False, type='bool'), ), ) command = module.params['command'] app_path = os.path.expanduser(module.params['app_path']) virtualenv = module.params['virtualenv'] for param in specific_params: value = module.params[param] if param in specific_boolean_params: value = module.boolean(value) if value and param not in command_allowed_param_map[command]: module.fail_json(msg='%s param is incompatible with command=%s' % (param, command)) for param in command_required_param_map.get(command, ()): if not module.params[param]: module.fail_json(msg='%s param is required for command=%s' % (param, command)) _ensure_virtualenv(module) cmd = "./ %s" % (command, ) if command in noinput_commands: cmd = '%s --noinput' % cmd for param in general_params: if module.params[param]: cmd = '%s --%s=%s' % (cmd, param, module.params[param]) for param in specific_boolean_params: if module.boolean(module.params[param]): cmd = '%s --%s' % (cmd, param) # these params always get tacked on the end of the command for param in end_of_command_params: if module.params[param]: cmd = '%s %s' % (cmd, module.params[param]) rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd, cwd=os.path.expanduser(app_path)) if rc != 0: if command == 'createcachetable' and 'table' in err and 'already exists' in err: out = 'Already exists.' else: if "Unknown command:" in err: _fail(module, cmd, err, "Unknown django command: %s" % command) _fail(module, cmd, out, err, path=os.environ["PATH"], syspath=sys.path) changed = False lines = out.split('\n') filt = globals().get(command + "_filter_output", None) if filt: filtered_output = filter(filt, out.split('\n')) if len(filtered_output): changed = filtered_output module.exit_json(changed=changed, out=out, cmd=cmd, app_path=app_path, virtualenv=virtualenv, settings=module.params['settings'], pythonpath=module.params['pythonpath']) # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # This file is distributed under the same license as the Django package. # from __future__ import unicode_literals # The *_FORMAT strings use the Django date format syntax, # see DATE_FORMAT = 'j. F Y' TIME_FORMAT = 'H:i' DATETIME_FORMAT = 'j. F Y H:i' YEAR_MONTH_FORMAT = 'F Y' MONTH_DAY_FORMAT = 'j. F' SHORT_DATE_FORMAT = 'd.m.Y' SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT = 'd.m.Y H:i' FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK = 1 # Monday # The *_INPUT_FORMATS strings use the Python strftime format syntax, # see DATE_INPUT_FORMATS = [ '%d.%m.%Y', '%d.%m.%y', # '25.10.2006', '25.10.06' # '%d. %B %Y', '%d. %b. %Y', # '25. October 2006', '25. Oct. 2006' ] DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS = [ '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', # '25.10.2006 14:30:59' '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S.%f', # '25.10.2006 14:30:59.000200' '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', # '25.10.2006 14:30' '%d.%m.%Y', # '25.10.2006' ] DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = ',' THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = '.' NUMBER_GROUPING = 3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder. # # This file does only contain a selection of the most common options. For a # full list see the documentation: # # -- Path setup -------------------------------------------------------------- # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. # import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) # -- Project information ----------------------------------------------------- project = 'pynYNAB' copyright = '2018, rienafairefr' author = 'rienafairefr' # The short X.Y version version = '' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags release = '' # -- General configuration --------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. # # needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom # ones. extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinxarg.ext' ] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix(es) of source filenames. # You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string: # # source_suffix = ['.rst', '.md'] source_suffix = '.rst' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # # This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. # Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. language = None # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. # This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path . exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store'] # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. # html_theme = 'alabaster' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. # # html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # Custom sidebar templates, must be a dictionary that maps document names # to template names. # # The default sidebars (for documents that don't match any pattern) are # defined by theme itself. Builtin themes are using these templates by # default: ``['localtoc.html', 'relations.html', 'sourcelink.html', # 'searchbox.html']``. # # html_sidebars = {} # -- Options for HTMLHelp output --------------------------------------------- # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'pynYNABdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------ latex_elements = { # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). # # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # # 'pointsize': '10pt', # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # # 'preamble': '', # Latex figure (float) alignment # # 'figure_align': 'htbp', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, 'pynYNAB.tex', 'pynYNAB Documentation', 'rienafairefr', 'manual'), ] # -- Options for manual page output ------------------------------------------ # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ (master_doc, 'pynynab', 'pynYNAB Documentation', [author], 1) ] # -- Options for Texinfo output ---------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ (master_doc, 'pynYNAB', 'pynYNAB Documentation', author, 'pynYNAB', 'One line description of project.', 'Miscellaneous'), ] # -- Extension configuration -------------------------------------------------
import re import logging import xmltodict from share.transform.chain import ChainTransformer, ctx, links as tools from share.transform.chain.exceptions import InvalidIRI from share.transform.chain.links import GuessAgentTypeLink from share.transform.chain.parsers import Parser from share.transform.chain.utils import force_text from share.transform.chain.utils import oai_allowed_by_sets logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_list(dct, key): val = dct.get(key, []) return val if isinstance(val, list) else [val] #### Identifiers #### class MODSWorkIdentifier(Parser): schema = 'WorkIdentifier' uri = tools.RunPython(force_text, ctx) class Extra: identifier_type = tools.Try(ctx['@type']) class MODSAgentIdentifier(Parser): schema = 'AgentIdentifier' uri = ctx #### Agents #### class AffiliatedAgent(Parser): schema = tools.GuessAgentType(ctx, default='organization') name = ctx class IsAffiliatedWith(Parser): related = tools.Delegate(AffiliatedAgent, ctx) class MODSAgent(Parser): schema = tools.RunPython('get_agent_schema', ctx) name = tools.OneOf( tools.RunPython(force_text, ctx['mods:displayForm']), tools.RunPython('squash_name_parts', ctx) ) related_agents = tools.Map(tools.Delegate(IsAffiliatedWith), tools.Concat(tools.Try( tools.Filter(lambda x: bool(x), tools.RunPython(force_text, ctx['mods:affiliation'])) ))) identifiers = tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSAgentIdentifier), tools.Unique(tools.Map( tools.Try(tools.IRI(), exceptions=(InvalidIRI, )), tools.Map( tools.RunPython(force_text), tools.Filter( lambda obj: 'invalid' not in obj, tools.Try(ctx['mods:nameIdentifier']), ) ) )) ) class Extra: name_type = tools.Try(ctx['@type']) name_part = tools.Try(ctx['mods:namePart']) affiliation = tools.Try(ctx['mods:affiliation']) description = tools.Try(ctx['mods:description']) display_form = tools.Try(ctx['mods:displayForm']) etal = tools.Try(ctx['mods:etal']) name_identifier = tools.Try(ctx['mods:nameIdentifier']) def squash_name_parts(self, name): name_parts = get_list(name, 'mods:namePart') return ' '.join([force_text(n) for n in name_parts]) def get_agent_schema(self, obj): name_type = obj.get('@type') if name_type == 'personal': return 'person' if name_type == 'conference': return 'organization' # TODO SHARE-718 # if name_type == 'family': # return 'family' if name_type == 'corporate': return GuessAgentTypeLink(default='organization').execute(self.squash_name_parts(obj)) return GuessAgentTypeLink().execute(self.squash_name_parts(obj)) class MODSPersonSplitName(MODSAgent): schema = 'person' name = None family_name = tools.RunPython('get_name_part', ctx, 'family') given_name = tools.RunPython('get_name_part', ctx, 'given') suffix = tools.RunPython('get_name_part', ctx, 'termsOfAddress') def get_name_part(self, obj, type): name_parts = get_list(obj, 'mods:namePart') return ' '.join([force_text(n) for n in name_parts if n.get('@type') == type]) class MODSSimpleAgent(Parser): schema = tools.GuessAgentType(ctx, default='organization') name = ctx class MODSSimplePublisher(Parser): schema = 'Publisher' agent = tools.Delegate(MODSSimpleAgent, ctx) #### Tags/Subjects #### class MODSSubject(Parser): schema = 'Subject' name = ctx class MODSThroughSubjects(Parser): schema = 'ThroughSubjects' subject = tools.Delegate(MODSSubject, ctx) class MODSTag(Parser): schema = 'Tag' name = ctx class MODSThroughTags(Parser): schema = 'ThroughTags' tag = tools.Delegate(MODSTag, ctx) #### Work Relations #### RELATION_MAP = { # 'preceding': # 'succeeding': 'original': 'IsDerivedFrom', 'host': 'IsPartOf', 'constituent': 'IsPartOf', 'series': 'IsPartOf', # 'otherVersion': # 'otherFormat': 'isReferencedBy': 'References', 'references': 'References', 'reviewOf': 'Reviews', } REVERSE_RELATIONS = { 'isReferencedBy', 'constituent', } # Finds the generated subclass of MODSCreativeWork def related_work_parser(_): return type(next(p for p in ctx.parsers if isinstance(p, MODSCreativeWork))) def map_relation_type(obj): return RELATION_MAP.get(obj['@type'], 'WorkRelation') class MODSReverseWorkRelation(Parser): schema = tools.RunPython(map_relation_type) subject = tools.Delegate(related_work_parser, ctx) class MODSWorkRelation(Parser): schema = tools.RunPython(map_relation_type) related = tools.Delegate(related_work_parser, ctx) def work_relation_parser(obj): if obj['@type'] in REVERSE_RELATIONS: return MODSReverseWorkRelation return MODSWorkRelation #### Agent-work relations #### def agent_parser(name): name_parts = get_list(name, 'mods:namePart') split_name = any(isinstance(n, dict) and n.get('@type') in {'given', 'family'} for n in name_parts) return MODSPersonSplitName if split_name else MODSAgent class MODSAgentWorkRelation(Parser): schema = 'AgentWorkRelation' agent = tools.Delegate(agent_parser, ctx) cited_as = tools.RunPython(force_text, tools.Try(ctx['mods:displayForm'])) class MODSHost(MODSAgentWorkRelation): schema = 'Host' class MODSFunder(MODSAgentWorkRelation): schema = 'Funder' class MODSContributor(MODSAgentWorkRelation): schema = 'Contributor' class MODSCreator(MODSContributor): schema = 'Creator' order_cited = ctx('index') class MODSPublisher(MODSAgentWorkRelation): schema = 'Publisher' #### Works #### class MODSCreativeWork(Parser): default_type = 'CreativeWork' type_map = None role_map = None schema = tools.RunPython( 'get_schema', tools.OneOf( tools.RunPython(force_text, ctx['mods:genre']), tools.Static(None) ) ) title = tools.RunPython('join_title_info', ctx) # Abstracts have the optional attribute "shareable". Don't bother checking for it, because # abstracts that are not shareable should not have been shared with SHARE. description = tools.Join(tools.RunPython(force_text, tools.Try(ctx['mods:abstract']), '\n')) identifiers = tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSWorkIdentifier), tools.Filter( lambda obj: 'invalid' not in obj, tools.Concat( tools.Try(ctx['mods:identifier']), tools.Try(ctx.header['identifier']), tools.Try(ctx['mods:location']['mods:url']), ) ) ) related_works = tools.Concat( tools.Map( tools.Delegate(work_relation_parser), tools.Try(ctx['mods:relatedItem']) ) ) related_agents = tools.Concat( tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSCreator), tools.RunPython('filter_names', ctx, 'creator') ), tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSFunder), tools.RunPython('filter_names', ctx, 'funder') ), tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSHost), tools.RunPython('filter_names', ctx, 'host') ), tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSPublisher), tools.RunPython('filter_names', ctx, 'publisher') ), tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSContributor), tools.RunPython('filter_names', ctx, 'creator', 'funder', 'host', 'publisher', invert=True) ), tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSSimplePublisher), tools.Try(ctx['mods:originInfo']['mods:publisher']), ), ) rights = tools.RunPython(force_text, tools.Try(ctx['mods:accessCondition']), '\n') language = tools.ParseLanguage( tools.Try(ctx['mods:language']['mods:languageTerm']), ) subjects = tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSThroughSubjects), tools.Subjects( tools.Concat( tools.Try(ctx['mods:subject']['mods:topic']), ) ) ) tags = tools.Map( tools.Delegate(MODSThroughTags), tools.Concat( tools.Map( tools.RunPython('tokenize'), tools.Map( tools.RunPython(force_text), tools.Try(ctx.header.setSpec), tools.Try(ctx['mods:genre']), tools.Try(ctx['mods:classification']), tools.Try(ctx['mods:subject']['mods:topic']), ) ), deep=True ) ) date_updated = tools.ParseDate(tools.Try(ctx.header.datestamp)) # TODO (in regulator) handle date ranges, uncertain dates ('1904-1941', '1890?', '1980-', '19uu', etc.) date_published = tools.OneOf( tools.ParseDate(tools.RunPython(force_text, tools.Try(ctx['mods:originInfo']['mods:dateIssued']))), tools.Static(None) ) is_deleted = tools.RunPython(lambda status: status == 'deleted', tools.Try(ctx.record.header['@status'])) class Extra: """ Fields that are combined in the base parser are relisted as singular elements that match their original entry to preserve raw data structure. """ # (dc:description) abstract = tools.Try(ctx['mods:abstract']) # (dc:rights) accessConditions = tools.Try(ctx['mods:accessCondition']) # (dc:subject) classification = tools.Try(ctx['mods:classification']) # (N/A) extension = tools.Try(ctx['mods:extension']) # SHARE type # (dc:type) genre = tools.Try(ctx['mods:genre']) # (dc:identifier) identifier = tools.Try(ctx['mods:identifier']) # (dc:language) language = tools.Try(ctx['mods:language']) # (dc:identifier for url) location = tools.Try(ctx['mods:location']) # (dc:creator|dc:contributor) name = tools.Try(ctx['mods:name']) # (dc:description) note = tools.Try(ctx['mods:note']) # (dc:publisher|dc:date) originInfo = tools.Try(ctx['mods:originInfo']) # Extra # (dc:title) part = tools.Try(ctx['mods:part']) # (dc:format or N/A) physicalDescription = tools.Try(ctx['mods:physicalDescription']) # Metadata information # (N/A) recordInfo = tools.Try(ctx['mods:recordInfo']) # (dc:relation) relatedItem = tools.Try(ctx['mods:relatedItem']) # (dc:subject|dc:type|dc:coverage|N/A) subject = tools.Try(ctx['mods:subject']) # (dc:description) tableOfContents = tools.Try(ctx['mods:tableOfContents']) # (N/A) targetAudience = tools.Try(ctx['mods:targetAudience']) # (dc:title) titleInfo = tools.Try(ctx['mods:titleInfo']) # Extra # (dc:type) typeOfResource = tools.Try(ctx['mods:typeOfResource']) def get_schema(self, types): if not types or not self.type_map: return self.default_type if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] for t in types: if isinstance(t, dict): t = t['#text'] t = t.lower() if t in self.type_map: return self.type_map[t] return self.default_type def tokenize(self, data): if isinstance(data, str): data = [data] tokens = [] for item in data: tokens.extend([x.strip() for x in re.split(r'(?: - )|\.|,', item) if x]) return tokens # Map titleInfos to a string: def join_title_info(self, obj): def get_part(title_info, part_name, delimiter=''): part = force_text(title_info.get(part_name, ''), ' ').strip() return delimiter + part if part else '' title_infos = get_list(obj, 'mods:titleInfo') titles = [] for title_info in title_infos: title = '' title += get_part(title_info, 'mods:nonSort') title += get_part(title_info, 'mods:title') title += get_part(title_info, 'mods:subTitle', ': ') title += get_part(title_info, 'mods:partNumber', '. ') title += get_part(title_info, 'mods:partName', ': ') if title: titles.append(title) return '. '.join(titles) def filter_names(self, obj, *roles, invert=False): names = get_list(obj, 'mods:name') filtered = [*names] if invert else [] for name in names: name_roles = get_list(name, 'mods:role') for role in name_roles: role_terms = get_list(role, 'mods:roleTerm') name_roles = {force_text(r).lower() for r in role_terms} name_roles.update({self.role_map[r] for r in name_roles if r in self.role_map}) if name_roles.intersection(roles): if invert: filtered.remove(name) else: filtered.append(name) return filtered class MODSTransformer(ChainTransformer): """Transformer for oai_dc metadata format. transformer_kwargs (TODO explain): emitted_type approved_sets blocked_sets type_map role_map """ VERSION = 1 marc_roles = { 'fnd': 'funder', 'hst': 'host', 'his': 'host', 'pbl': 'publisher', 'cre': 'creator', 'aut': 'creator', 'author': 'creator', } def get_root_parser(self, unwrapped, emitted_type='creativework', type_map=None, role_map=None, **kwargs): root_type_map = { **{r.lower(): r for r in self.allowed_roots}, **{t.lower(): v for t, v in (type_map or {}).items()} } root_role_map = { **{k: v for k, v in self.marc_roles.items()}, **{k.lower(): v.lower() for k, v in (role_map or {}).items()} } class RootParser(MODSCreativeWork): default_type = emitted_type.lower() type_map = root_type_map role_map = root_role_map return RootParser def do_transform(self, datum, approved_sets=None, blocked_sets=None, **kwargs): if not oai_allowed_by_sets(datum, blocked_sets, approved_sets): return (None, None) return super().do_transform(datum, **kwargs) def unwrap_data(self, data, namespaces=None, **kwargs): unwrapped_data = xmltodict.parse(data, process_namespaces=True, namespaces=(namespaces or self.NAMESPACES)) return { **unwrapped_data['record'].get('metadata', {}).get('mods:mods', {}), 'header': unwrapped_data['record']['header'], }
from setuptools import setup import os here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) setup( name="BIDS2ISATab", # Versions should comply with PEP440. For a discussion on single-sourcing # the version across and the project code, see # version='0.1.0', description="Command line tool generating ISA-Tab compatible description from a Brain Imaging Data Structure " "compatible dataset.", long_description="Command line tool generating ISA-Tab compatible description from a Brain Imaging Data Structure " "compatible dataset.", # The project URL. url='', # Choose your license license='BSD', classifiers=[ # How mature is this project? Common values are # 3 - Alpha # 4 - Beta # 5 - Production/Stable 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', # Pick your license as you wish (should match "license" above) 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', # Specify the Python versions you support here. In particular, ensure # that you indicate whether you support Python 2, Python 3 or both. 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', ], # What does your project relate to? keywords='bids isatab', # You can just specify the packages manually here if your project is # simple. Or you can use find_packages. packages=["bids2isatab"], # List run-time dependencies here. These will be installed by pip when your # project is installed. install_requires = ["future", "pandas", 'nibabel'], include_package_data=True, # To provide executable scripts, use entry points in preference to the # "scripts" keyword. Entry points provide cross-platform support and allow # pip to create the appropriate form of executable for the target platform. entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'bids2isatab=bids2isatab.main:main', ], }, )
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import numpy as np try: from scipy.special import ai_zeros, bi_zeros, erf, expn except ImportError: pass try: # wasn't always in scipy.special, so import separately from scipy.special import comb except ImportError: pass try: from scipy.special import loggamma except ImportError: pass from .common import Benchmark, with_attributes class Airy(Benchmark): def time_ai_zeros(self): ai_zeros(100000) def time_bi_zeros(self): bi_zeros(100000) class Erf(Benchmark): def setup(self, *args): self.rand = np.random.rand(1e5) def time_real(self, offset): erf(self.rand + offset) time_real.params = [0.0, 2.0] time_real.param_names = ['offset'] class Comb(Benchmark): def setup(self, *args): self.N = np.arange(1, 1000, 50) self.k = np.arange(1, 1000, 50) @with_attributes(params=[(10, 100, 1000, 10000), (1, 10, 100)], param_names=['N', 'k']) def time_comb_exact(self, N, k): comb(N, k, exact=True) def time_comb_float(self): comb(self.N[:,None], self.k[None,:]) class Loggamma(Benchmark): def setup(self): x, y = np.logspace(3, 5, 10), np.logspace(3, 5, 10) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) self.large_z = x + 1j*y def time_loggamma_asymptotic(self): loggamma(self.large_z) class Expn(Benchmark): def setup(self): n, x = np.arange(50, 500), np.logspace(0, 20, 100) n, x = np.meshgrid(n, x) self.n, self.x = n, x def time_expn_large_n(self): expn(self.n, self.x)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) Citrix Inc # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # Import appliances generated by boxgrinder into XenServer/XCP import os, sys, time, socket, traceback, syslog log_f = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), "aw") pid = None use_syslog = False def reopenlog(log_file): global log_f if log_f: log_f.close() if log_file and log_file <> "stdout:": log_f = open(log_file, "aw") elif log_file and log_file == "stdout:": log_f = os.fdopen(os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()), "aw") def log(txt): global log_f, pid, use_syslog if use_syslog: syslog.syslog(txt) return if not pid: pid = os.getpid() t = time.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) print >>log_f, "%s [%d] %s" % (t, pid, txt) log_f.flush() # For reference, here's what the boxgrinder default output XML looks like # Is there a definition somewhere? example = """ <image> <name>centos-base</name> <domain> <boot type='hvm'> <guest> <arch>x86_64</arch> </guest> <os> <loader dev='hd'/> </os> <drive disk='centos-base-sda.raw' target='hda'/> </boot> <devices> <vcpu>1</vcpu> <memory>262144</memory> <interface/> <graphics/> </devices> </domain> <storage> <disk file='centos-base-sda.raw' use='system' format='raw'/> </storage> </image> """ import xmlrpclib class XCPError(Exception): def __init__(self, result): self.result = result def __str__(self): # {'Status': 'Failure', 'ErrorDescription': ['SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED', 'a', 'Authentication failure']} return " ".join(self.result["ErrorDescription"]) class Failure(Exception): def __init__(self, reason): self.reason = reason def __str__(self): return self.reason def value(x): if "Value" in x: return x["Value"] else: raise XCPError(x) # We base our VMs off this generic HVM template base_template = "Other install media" import xml.dom.minidom import sys # Creates the VM, VBDs and VDIs def import_metadata(server, session, filename): doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename) def getSingleElement(doc, name): elements = doc.getElementsByTagName(name) if len(elements) <> 1: raise Failure("Expecting exactly one <%s> element" % name) return elements[0] image = getSingleElement(doc, "image") domain = getSingleElement(image, "domain") boot = getSingleElement(domain, "boot") devices = getSingleElement(domain, "devices") storage = getSingleElement(image, "storage") def getText(doc, name): nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(name) if len(nodes) <> 1: print >>sys.stderr, "Expecting exactly one %s tag" % name sys.exit(1) result = "" for child in nodes[0].childNodes: if child.nodeType == child.TEXT_NODE: result = result + return result def getAttr(doc, name): for (n, value) in doc.attributes.items(): if name == n: return value return "" # Clone the "Other install media" template and inherit basic # properties from it. templates = value(server.VM.get_by_name_label(session, base_template)) if len(templates) <> 1: raise Failure("Expecting exactly one \"%s\" template" % base_template) template = templates[0] name = getText(image, "name") log("Cloning template %s into %s" % (base_template, name)) vm = value(server.VM.clone(session, template, name)) value(server.VM.set_is_a_template(session, vm, False)) vcpu = getText(devices, "vcpu") if vcpu <> "": log("Setting number of vCPUs to: %s" % vcpu) value(server.VM.set_VCPUs_max(session, vm, vcpu)) value(server.VM.set_VCPUs_at_startup(session, vm, vcpu)) memory = getText(devices, "memory") # KiB if memory <> "": log("Setting memory to %s KiB" % memory) bytes = str(long(memory) * 1024L) value(server.VM.set_memory_limits(session, vm, "0", bytes, bytes, bytes)) boot_type = getAttr(boot, "type") if boot_type == "hvm": log("VM is set to HVM boot by default") else: log("Ignoring unknown boot type: %s" % boot_type) # Disks disks = storage.getElementsByTagName("disk") drives = boot.getElementsByTagName("drive") pool = value(server.pool.get_all(session))[0] sr = value(server.pool.get_default_SR(session, pool)) try: log("Will create disks in the default SR: %s" % (value(server.SR.get_name_label(session, sr)))) except Exception, e: log("Caught %s" % str(e)) raise Failure("Default SR is not set on the pool (%s)" % sr) vdis = {} for disk in disks: ty = getAttr(disk, "format") if ty <> "raw": raise Failure("Expected all disks to have format = raw") filename = getAttr(disk, "file") size = os.path.getsize(filename) _type = "user" if getAttr(disk, "use") == "system": _type = "system" vdi_info = { "name_label": filename, "name_description": "", "SR": sr, "virtual_size": str(size), "type": _type, "sharable": False, "read_only": False, "other_config": {}, } vdi = value(server.VDI.create(session, vdi_info)) log("Created VDI %s for %s" % (vdi, filename)) vdis[filename] = vdi for drive in drives: disk = getAttr(drive, "disk") target = getAttr(drive, "target") vdi = vdis[disk] bootable = drive == drives[0] vbd_info = { "VM": vm, "VDI": vdi, "userdevice": target, "bootable": bootable, "mode": "RW", "type": "Disk", "empty": False, "other_config": { "owner": "true" }, "qos_algorithm_type": "", "qos_algorithm_params": {}, } vbd = value(server.VBD.create(session, vbd_info)) log("Created VBD %s for %s" % (vbd, disk)) return (vm, vdis) CURL = "/usr/bin/curl" if not(os.path.exists(CURL)): raise Failure("%s doesn't exist" % CURL) import commands def import_vdi(url, session, vdi, filename): cmd = "%s -T%s %s/import_raw_vdi?session_id=%s\&vdi=%s" % (CURL, filename, url, session, vdi) log("%s" % cmd) (code, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if code <> 0: log("Disk upload failed: %s" % output) raise Failure("disk upload failed") if __name__ == "__main__": from optparse import OptionParser settings = { "log": "stdout:", "server": "", "username": "root", "password": "", } log("settings = %s" % repr(settings)) parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] filename.xml") parser.add_option("-l", "--log", dest="logfile", help="log to LOG", metavar="LOG") parser.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="server", help="connect to SERVER", metavar="SERVER") parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", help="login as USERNAME", metavar="USERNAME") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="use password PASSWORD", metavar="PASSWORD") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("wrong number of arguments") options = options.__dict__ for setting in settings: if setting in options and options[setting]: settings[setting] = options[setting] s = repr(settings[setting]) if setting == "password": s = "*REDACTED*" log("option settings[%s] <- %s" % (setting, s)) if settings["log"] == "syslog:": use_syslog = True reopenlog(None) elif settings["log"] == "stdout:": use_syslog = False reopenlog("stdout:") else: use_syslog = False reopenlog(settings["log"]) server = xmlrpclib.Server(settings["server"]) session = value(server.session.login_with_password(settings["username"], settings["password"], "1.0", "xen-api-scripts-import-boxgrinder")) try: (vm, vdis) = import_metadata(server, session, args[0]) for filename in vdis.keys(): import_vdi(settings["server"], session, vdis[filename], filename) log("VM import complete") log("%s" % vm) finally: value(server.session.logout(session))
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: sts=4 sw=4 et # GladeVcp Widgets # # Copyright (c) 2010 Pavel Shramov <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # 2014 Steffen Noack # add property 'mouse_btn_mode' # 0 = default: left rotate, middle move, right zoom # 1 = left zoom, middle move, right rotate # 2 = left move, middle rotate, right zoom # 3 = left zoom, middle rotate, right move # 4 = left move, middle zoom, right rotate # 5 = left rotate, middle zoom, right move # 2015 Moses McKnight introduced mode 6 # 6 = left move, middle zoom, right zoom (no rotate - for 2D plasma machines or lathes) import os import gtk, gobject import linuxcnc import gremlin import rs274.glcanon import gcode from hal_actions import _EMC_ActionBase from hal_glib import GStat class HAL_Gremlin(gremlin.Gremlin, _EMC_ActionBase): __gtype_name__ = "HAL_Gremlin" __gsignals__ = { 'line-clicked': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT,)), 'gcode_error': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING,)), } __gproperties__ = { 'view' : ( gobject.TYPE_STRING, 'View type', 'Default view: p, x, y, y2, z, z2', 'p', gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'enable_dro' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Enable DRO', 'Show DRO on graphics', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'metric_units' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Use Metric Units', 'Show DRO in metric or imperial units', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'use_relative' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show Relative', 'Show DRO relative to active system or machine origin', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'use_commanded' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show Commanded', 'Show commanded or actual position', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_extents_option' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show Extents', 'Show machine extents', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_limits' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show limits', 'Show machine limits', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_live_plot' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show live plot', 'Show machine plot', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_velocity' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show tool speed', 'Show tool velocity', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_program' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show program', 'Show program', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_rapids' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show rapids', 'Show rapid moves', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_tool' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show tool', 'Show tool', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_dtg' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show DTG', 'Show Distance To Go', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'show_lathe_radius' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Show Lathe Radius', 'Show X axis in Radius', False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'grid_size' : ( gobject.TYPE_FLOAT, 'Grid Size', 'Grid Size', 0, 100, 0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'use_joints_mode' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Use joints mode', 'Use joints mode', False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'use_default_controls' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Use Default Mouse Controls', 'Use Default Mouse Controls', True, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), 'mouse_btn_mode' : ( gobject.TYPE_INT, 'Mouse Button Mode', ('Mousebutton assignment, l means left, m middle, r right \n' '0 = default: l-rotate, m-move, r-zoom \n' '1 = l-zoom, m-move, r-rotate\n' '2 = l-move, m-rotate, r-zoom\n' '3 = l-zoom, m-rotate, r-move\n' '4 = l-move, m-zoom, r-rotate\n' '5 = l-rotate, m-zoom, r-move\n' '6 = l-move, m-zoom, r-zoom'), 0, 6, 0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT), } __gproperties = __gproperties__ def __init__(self, *a, **kw): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) inifile = os.environ.get('INI_FILE_NAME', '/dev/null') inifile = linuxcnc.ini(inifile) gremlin.Gremlin.__init__(self, inifile) self._reload_filename = None self.gstat = GStat() self.gstat.connect('file-loaded', self.fileloaded) self.gstat.connect('reload-display', self.reloadfile) def reloadfile(self,w): try: self.fileloaded(None,self._reload_filename) except: pass def fileloaded(self,w,f): self._reload_filename=f try: self._load(f) except AttributeError,detail: #AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'gl_end' print 'hal_gremlin: continuing after',detail def do_get_property(self, property): name ='-', '_') if name == 'view': return self.current_view elif name in self.__gproperties.keys(): return getattr(self, name) else: raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % def do_set_property(self, property, value): name ='-', '_') if name == 'view': view = value.lower() if self.lathe_option: if view not in ['p','y','y2']: return False elif view not in ['p', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'z2']: return False self.current_view = view if self.initialised: self.set_current_view() elif name == 'enable_dro': self.enable_dro = value elif name == 'metric_units': self.metric_units = value elif name in self.__gproperties.keys(): setattr(self, name, value) else: raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % self.queue_draw() return True # This overrides method so we can change the DRO def dro_format(self,s,spd,dtg,limit,homed,positions,axisdtg,g5x_offset,g92_offset,tlo_offset): if not self.enable_dro: return limit, homed, [''], [''] if self.metric_units: format = "% 6s:% 9.3f" if self.show_dtg: droformat = " " + format + " DTG %1s:% 9.3f" else: droformat = " " + format offsetformat = "% 5s %1s:% 9.3f G92 %1s:% 9.3f" rotformat = "% 5s %1s:% 9.3f" else: format = "% 6s:% 9.4f" if self.show_dtg: droformat = " " + format + " DTG %1s:% 9.4f" else: droformat = " " + format offsetformat = "% 5s %1s:% 9.4f G92 %1s:% 9.4f" rotformat = "% 5s %1s:% 9.4f" diaformat = " " + format posstrs = [] droposstrs = [] for i in range(9): a = "XYZABCUVW"[i] if s.axis_mask & (1<<i): posstrs.append(format % (a, positions[i])) if self.show_dtg: droposstrs.append(droformat % (a, positions[i], a, axisdtg[i])) else: droposstrs.append(droformat % (a, positions[i])) droposstrs.append("") for i in range(9): index = s.g5x_index if index<7: label = "G5%d" % (index+3) else: label = "G59.%d" % (index-6) a = "XYZABCUVW"[i] if s.axis_mask & (1<<i): droposstrs.append(offsetformat % (label, a, g5x_offset[i], a, g92_offset[i])) droposstrs.append(rotformat % (label, 'R', s.rotation_xy)) droposstrs.append("") for i in range(9): a = "XYZABCUVW"[i] if s.axis_mask & (1<<i): droposstrs.append(rotformat % ("TLO", a, tlo_offset[i])) # if its a lathe only show radius or diameter as per property if self.is_lathe(): posstrs[0] = "" if self.show_lathe_radius: posstrs.insert(1, format % ("Rad", positions[0])) else: posstrs.insert(1, format % ("Dia", positions[0]*2.0)) droposstrs[0] = "" if self.show_dtg: if self.show_lathe_radius: droposstrs.insert(1, droformat % ("Rad", positions[0], "R", axisdtg[0])) else: droposstrs.insert(1, droformat % ("Dia", positions[0]*2.0, "D", axisdtg[0]*2.0)) else: if self.show_lathe_radius: droposstrs.insert(1, droformat % ("Rad", positions[0])) else: droposstrs.insert(1, diaformat % ("Dia", positions[0]*2.0)) if self.show_velocity: posstrs.append(format % ("Vel", spd)) pos=0 for i in range(9): if s.axis_mask & (1<<i): pos +=1 if self.is_lathe: pos +=1 droposstrs.insert(pos, " " + format % ("Vel", spd)) if self.show_dtg: posstrs.append(format % ("DTG", dtg)) return limit, homed, posstrs, droposstrs # Override gremlin's / function so we can emit a GObject signal def update_highlight_variable(self,line): self.highlight_line = line if line == None: line = -1 self.emit('line-clicked', line) def realize(self, widget): gremlin.Gremlin.realize(self, widget) @rs274.glcanon.with_context def _load(self, filename): return self.load(filename) def report_gcode_error(self, result, seq, filename): error_str = gcode.strerror(result) errortext = "G-Code error in " + os.path.basename(filename) + "\n" + "Near line " \ + str(seq) + " of\n" + filename + "\n" + error_str + "\n" print(errortext) self.emit("gcode-error", errortext)
# # Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.0) # # DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # # options string: py # from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException, TApplicationException from ttypes import * DDL_TIME = "transient_lastDdlTime" HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_OWNER = "hive_filter_field_owner__" HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_PARAMS = "hive_filter_field_params__" HIVE_FILTER_FIELD_LAST_ACCESS = "hive_filter_field_last_access__" IS_ARCHIVED = "is_archived" ORIGINAL_LOCATION = "original_location" IS_IMMUTABLE = "immutable" META_TABLE_COLUMNS = "columns" META_TABLE_COLUMN_TYPES = "columns.types" BUCKET_FIELD_NAME = "bucket_field_name" BUCKET_COUNT = "bucket_count" FIELD_TO_DIMENSION = "field_to_dimension" META_TABLE_NAME = "name" META_TABLE_DB = "db" META_TABLE_LOCATION = "location" META_TABLE_SERDE = "serde" META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMNS = "partition_columns" META_TABLE_PARTITION_COLUMN_TYPES = "partition_columns.types" FILE_INPUT_FORMAT = "file.inputformat" FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "file.outputformat" META_TABLE_STORAGE = "storage_handler" TABLE_IS_TRANSACTIONAL = "transactional" TABLE_NO_AUTO_COMPACT = "no_auto_compaction"
# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Robey Pointer <> # # This file is part of paramiko. # # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. import socket import sys # windows does not have termios... try: import termios import tty has_termios = True except ImportError: has_termios = False def interactive_shell(chan): if has_termios: posix_shell(chan) else: windows_shell(chan) def posix_shell(chan): import select oldtty = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) chan.settimeout(0.0) while True: r, w, e =[chan, sys.stdin], [], []) if chan in r: try: x = chan.recv(1024) if len(x) == 0: print '\r\n*** EOF\r\n', break sys.stdout.write(x) sys.stdout.flush() except socket.timeout: pass if sys.stdin in r: x = if len(x) == 0: break chan.send(x) finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, oldtty) # thanks to Mike Looijmans for this code def windows_shell(chan): import threading sys.stdout.write("Line-buffered terminal emulation. Press F6 or ^Z to send EOF.\r\n\r\n") def writeall(sock): while True: data = sock.recv(256) if not data: sys.stdout.write('\r\n*** EOF ***\r\n\r\n') sys.stdout.flush() break sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() writer = threading.Thread(target=writeall, args=(chan,)) writer.start() try: while True: d = if not d: break chan.send(d) except EOFError: # user hit ^Z or F6 pass
import urllib import urllib2 from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.conf import settings from django.template import RequestContext, loader, Context from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseNotFound from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.contrib.auth.models import User from settings import MAX_API_ITEMS, API_URL from django.views.decorators.http import condition from tagging.models import Tag from models import APIMetric import csv import datetime import re import PyRSS2Gen from django.utils.encoding import smart_str from django.core.serializers.json import DateTimeAwareJSONEncoder from frontend.models import UserProfile from codewiki.models import Scraper, Code, UserCodeRole, ScraperRunEvent, CodePermission, scraper_search_query, scraper_search_query_unordered, scrapers_overdue from codewiki.managers.datastore import DataStore import frontend from cStringIO import StringIO try: import json except: import simplejson as json def getscraperorresponse(short_name): try: scraper = Code.objects.get(short_name=short_name) except Code.DoesNotExist: return None, "Sorry, this scraper does not exist" # if not scraper.actionauthorized(user, "apidataread"): # return scraper.authorizationfailedmessage(user, "apidataread").get("body") return scraper, None # see def stringnot(v): if v == None: return "" if type(v) in [unicode, str]: return v.encode("utf-8") return v def stream_rows(dataproxy, format): n = 0 while True: line = dataproxy.receiveonelinenj() try: ret = json.loads(line) except ValueError, e: yield str(e) break if "error" in ret: yield str(ret) break fout = StringIO() # csv and json numerical values are typed, but not htmltable numerics if format == "csv": writer = csv.writer(fout, dialect='excel') if n == 0: writer.writerow([ k.encode('utf-8') for k in ret["keys"] ]) for row in ret["data"]: writer.writerow([ stringnot(v) for v in row ]) elif format == "htmltable": if n == 0: # there seems to be an 8px margin imposed on the body tag when delivering a page that has no <body> tag fout.write('<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; ">\n') fout.write("<tr> <th>%s</th> </tr>\n" % ("</th> <th>".join([ k.encode('utf-8') for k in ret["keys"] ]))) for row in ret["data"]: fout.write("<tr> <td>%s</td> </tr>\n" % ("</td> <td>".join([ str(stringnot(v)).replace("<", "&lt;") for v in row ]))) else: assert False, "Bad format "+format yield fout.getvalue() n += 1 if not ret.get("moredata"): if format == "htmltable": yield "</table>\n" break # formats that should be easy to stream because they are line based # may also work for jsondict if we close the bracket ourselves def out_csvhtml(dataproxy, short_name, format): strea = stream_rows(dataproxy, format) if format == "csv": mimetype = 'text/csv; charset=utf-8' else: mimetype = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' response = HttpResponse(mimetype=mimetype) # used to take strea #response = HttpResponse(strea, mimetype='text/csv') # when streamchunking was tried if format == "csv": response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s.csv' % (short_name) for s in strea: response.write(s) dataproxy.close() # unless you put in a content length, the middleware will measure the length of your data # (unhelpfully consuming everything in your generator) before then returning a zero length result #response["Content-Length"] = 1000000000 return response # TODO: Fix this so that we can stream the results to either the browser # or the download. Currently this dies on large data ~38k rows (depending # on query) with a timeout and so the user gets nothing, but maybe we should # do iterating over the results as they come in and part-encoding the # stream with each row? def out_json(dataproxy, callback, short_name, format): # json is not chunked. The output is of finite fixed bite sizes because # it is generally used by browsers which aren't going to survive a huge # download; however could chunk the jsondict type stream_wise as above # by manually creating the outer bracketing as with htmltable. result = dataproxy.receiveonelinenj() # no streaming rows because streamchunking value was not set if not result: dataproxy.close() return HttpResponse("Error: Dataproxy responded with an invalid response") if format == "jsondict": try: res = json.loads(result) while res.get('stillproducing') == 'yes': dresult = json.loads(dataproxy.receiveonelinenj()) res['data'].extend(dresult['data']) res['stillproducing'] = dresult.get('stillproducing') except ValueError, e: dataproxy.close() return HttpResponse("Error: %s" % (e.message,)) if "error" not in res: dictlist = [ dict(zip(res["keys"], values)) for values in res["data"] ] result = json.dumps(dictlist, cls=DateTimeAwareJSONEncoder, indent=4) else: assert format == "jsonlist" if callback: result = "%s(%s)" % (callback, result) response = HttpResponse(result, mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s.json' % (short_name) dataproxy.close() return response def out_rss2(dataproxy, scraper): result = dataproxy.receiveonelinenj() # no streaming rows because streamchunking value was not set try: res = json.loads(result) except ValueError, e: return HttpResponse("Error:%s" % (e.message,)) if "error" in res: return HttpResponse("Error2: %s" % res["error"]) keymatches = { } if "guid" not in res["keys"] and "link" in res["keys"]: keymatches["guid"] = "link" if "pubDate" not in res["keys"] and "date" in res["keys"]: keymatches["pubDate"] = "date" rsskeys = ["title", "link", "description", "guid", "pubDate"] missingkeys = [ key for key in rsskeys if key not in res["keys"] and key not in keymatches ] if missingkeys: return HttpResponse("Error3: You are missing the following keys in the table: %s" % str(missingkeys)) items = [ ] for value in res["data"]: ddata = dict(zip(res["keys"], value)) # usual datetime conversion mess! spubDate = re.findall("\d+", ddata[keymatches.get("pubDate", "pubDate")]) try: pubDate = datetime.datetime(*map(int, spubDate[:6])) except Exception, e: return HttpResponse("Date conversion error: %s\n%s" % (str(e), str(ddata))) guid = PyRSS2Gen.Guid(ddata[keymatches.get("guid", "guid")]) rssitem = PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem(title=ddata["title"], link=ddata["link"], description=ddata["description"], guid=guid, pubDate=pubDate) items.append(rssitem) current_site = Site.objects.get_current() link = reverse('code_overview', args=[scraper.wiki_type, scraper.short_name]) link = 'https://%s%s' % (current_site.domain,link,) rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2(title=scraper.title, link=link, description=scraper.description_safepart(),, items=items) fout = StringIO() rss.write_xml(fout) return HttpResponse(fout.getvalue(), mimetype='application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8') # ***Streamchunking could all be working, but for not being able to set the Content-Length # inexact values give errors in apache, so it would be handy if it could have a setting where # it organized some chunking instead # see # setting the Content-Length to -1 to prevent middleware from consuming the generator to measure it # causes an error in the apache server. same for a too long content length # Should consider giving transfer-coding: chunked, # # Streaming is only happening from the dataproxy into here. Streaming # from here out through django is nearly impossible as we don't know # the length of the output file if we incrementally build the csv output; # the generator code has therefore been undone, # all for want of setting response["Content-Length"] to the correct value. @condition(etag_func=None) def sqlite_handler(request): short_name = request.GET.get('name') apikey = request.GET.get('apikey', None) scraper,err = getscraperorresponse(short_name) if err: result = json.dumps({'error':err, "short_name":short_name}) if request.GET.get("callback"): result = "%s(%s)" % (request.GET.get("callback"), result) return HttpResponse(result) u,s,kd = None, None, "" if request.user.is_authenticated(): u = request.user if scraper.privacy_status != "private": s = scraper # XX why this only when not private? FAI kd = short_name else: # When private we MUST have an apikey and it should match if not scraper.api_actionauthorized(apikey): result = json.dumps({'error':"Invalid API Key", "short_name":short_name}) if request.GET.get("callback"): result = "%s(%s)" % (request.GET.get("callback"), result) return HttpResponse(result) APIMetric.record( "sqlite", key_data=kd, user=u, code_object=s ) dataproxy = DataStore(request.GET.get('name')) lattachlist = request.GET.get('attach', '').split(";") attachlist = [ ] for aattach in lattachlist: if aattach: aa = aattach.split(",") attachi = {"name":aa[0], "asname":(len(aa) == 2 and aa[1] or None)} attachlist.append(attachi) dataproxy.request({"maincommand":"sqlitecommand", "command":"attach", "name":attachi["name"], "asname":attachi["asname"]}) sqlquery = request.GET.get('query', "") format = request.GET.get("format", "json") if format == "json": format = "jsondict" req = {"maincommand":"sqliteexecute", "sqlquery":sqlquery, "data":None, "attachlist":attachlist} if format == "csv": req["streamchunking"] = 1000 # This is inlined from the dataproxy.request() function to allow for # receiveoneline to perform multiple readlines in this case. # (this is the stream-chunking thing. the right interface is not yet # apparent) dataproxy.m_socket.sendall(json.dumps(req) + '\n') if format not in ["jsondict", "jsonlist", "csv", "htmltable", "rss2"]: dataproxy.close() return HttpResponse("Error: the format '%s' is not supported" % format) if format in ["csv", 'htmltable']: return out_csvhtml(dataproxy, scraper.short_name, format) if format == "rss2": return out_rss2(dataproxy, scraper) return out_json(dataproxy, request.GET.get("callback"), scraper.short_name, format) def scraper_search_handler(request): apikey = request.GET.get('apikey', None) query = request.GET.get('query') if not query: query = request.GET.get('searchquery') try: maxrows = int(request.GET.get('maxrows', "")) except ValueError: maxrows = 5 result = [ ] # list of dicts boverduescraperrequest = False if query == "*OVERDUE*": # We should check apikey against our shared secret. If it matches then it should # be allowed to continue. if request.META.get("HTTP_X_REAL_IP", "Not specified") in settings.INTERNAL_IPS: boverduescraperrequest = True if settings.INTERNAL_IPS == ["IGNORETHIS_IPS_CONSTRAINT"] or '' in settings.INTERNAL_IPS: boverduescraperrequest = True else: u = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): u = request.user APIMetric.record( "scrapersearch", key_data=query, user=u, code_object=None ) # TODO: If the user has specified an API key then we should pass them into # the search query and refine the resultset to show only valid scrapers if boverduescraperrequest: scrapers_all = scrapers_overdue() else: scrapers_all = scraper_search_query_unordered(user=None, query=query, apikey=apikey) # scrapers we don't want to be returned in the search nolist = request.GET.get("nolist", "").split() quietfields = request.GET.get('quietfields', "").split("|") #offset = request.GET.get('offset', 0) srequestinguser = request.GET.get("requestinguser", "") lrequestinguser = User.objects.filter(username=srequestinguser) if lrequestinguser: requestinguser = lrequestinguser[0] else: requestinguser = None # convert the query into an ordered list if boverduescraperrequest: scraperlist = scrapers_all # probably a way of sorting by some ranking on these ownership fields right in the database elif requestinguser: scraperlist = list(scrapers_all.distinct()) for scraper in scraperlist: usercoderoles = UserCodeRole.objects.filter(code=scraper, user=requestinguser) if usercoderoles: if usercoderoles[0].role == "owner": scraper.colleaguescore = (3, scraper.short_name) # created_at elif usercoderoles[0].role == "editor": scraper.colleaguescore = (2, scraper.short_name) # created_at else: scraper.colleaguescore = (1, scraper.short_name) # created_at else: scraper.colleaguescore = (0, scraper.short_name) # created_at scraperlist.sort(key=lambda user:user.colleaguescore, reverse=True) else: scrapers_all = scrapers_all.order_by('-created_at') scraperlist = scrapers_all.distinct()[:(maxrows+len(nolist))] for scraper in scraperlist: if scraper.short_name in nolist: continue res = {'short_name':scraper.short_name } res['title'] = scraper.title owners = scraper.userrolemap()["owner"] if owners: owner = owners[0] try: profile = owner.get_profile() ownername = if boverduescraperrequest: res['beta_user'] = profile.beta_user # to enable certain scrapers to go through the lxc process except frontend.models.UserProfile.DoesNotExist: ownername = owner.username if not ownername: ownername = owner.username if ownername: res['title'] = "%s / %s" % (ownername, scraper.title) if 'description' not in quietfields: res['description'] = scraper.description_safepart() res['created'] = scraper.created_at.isoformat() res['privacy_status'] = scraper.privacy_status res['language'] = scraper.language # extra data added to the overdue request kind so that twister has everything it needs to get on with it # and doesn't need to call back for further information if boverduescraperrequest: res['overdue_proportion'] = float(scraper.overdue_proportion) vcsstatus = scraper.get_vcs_status(-1) res['code'] = vcsstatus.get("code", "#Code not previously saved") res["rev"] = vcsstatus.get("prevcommit", {}).get("rev", -1) res['guid'] = scraper.guid res["attachables"] = [ ascraper.short_name for ascraper in scraper.attachable_scraperdatabases() ] res["envvars"] = scraper.description_envvars() result.append(res) if len(result) > maxrows: break if request.GET.get("format") == "csv": fout = StringIO() writer = csv.writer(fout, dialect='excel') headers = [ 'short_name', 'title', 'description', 'created', 'privacy_status' ] writer.writerow(headers) for r in result: writer.writerow([r[header] for header in headers]) response = HttpResponse(fout.getvalue(), mimetype='text/csv') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=search.csv' return response res = json.dumps(result, indent=4) callback = request.GET.get("callback") if callback: res = "%s(%s)" % (callback, res) response = HttpResponse(res, mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8') #response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=search.json' return response def usersearch_handler(request): query = request.GET.get('searchquery') try: maxrows = int(request.GET.get('maxrows', "")) except ValueError: maxrows = 5 u = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): u = request.user APIMetric.record( "usersearch", key_data=query, user=u, code_object=None ) # usernames we don't want to be returned in the search nolist = request.GET.get("nolist", "").split() srequestinguser = request.GET.get("requestinguser", "") lrequestinguser = User.objects.filter(username=srequestinguser) if lrequestinguser: requestinguser = lrequestinguser[0] else: requestinguser = None if query: users = User.objects.filter(username__icontains=query) userprofiles = User.objects.filter(userprofile__name__icontains=query) users_all = users | userprofiles else: users_all = User.objects.all() users_all = users_all.order_by('username') # if there is a requestinguser, then rank by overlaps and sort # (inefficient, but I got no other ideas right now) # (could be doing something with scraper.userrolemap()) if requestinguser: requestuserscraperset = set([usercoderole.code.short_name for usercoderole in requestinguser.usercoderole_set.all()]) userlist = list(users_all) for user in userlist: user.colleaguescore = len(requestuserscraperset.intersection([usercoderole.code.short_name for usercoderole in user.usercoderole_set.all()])) userlist.sort(key=lambda user:user.colleaguescore, reverse=True) #for user in userlist: # print (user, user.colleaguescore) else: userlist = users_all[:(maxrows+len(nolist))] result = [ ] for user in userlist: if user.username not in nolist: res = {'username':user.username, "profilename":user.get_profile().name, "date_joined":user.date_joined.isoformat() } result.append(res) if len(result) > maxrows: break res = json.dumps(result, indent=4) callback = request.GET.get("callback") if callback: res = "%s(%s)" % (callback, res) response = HttpResponse(res, mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=search.json' return response def userinfo_handler(request): username = request.GET.get('username', "") apikey = request.GET.get('apikey', "") users = User.objects.filter(username=username) result = [ ] for user in users: # list of users is normally 1 info = { "username":user.username, "profilename":user.get_profile().name } info["datejoined"] = user.date_joined.isoformat() info['coderoles'] = { } for ucrole in user.usercoderole_set.exclude(code__privacy_status="deleted"): if ucrole.code.privacy_status != "private": if ucrole.role not in info['coderoles']: info['coderoles'][ucrole.role] = [ ] info['coderoles'][ucrole.role].append(ucrole.code.short_name) elif apikey: try: api_user = UserProfile.objects.get(apikey=apikey).user if api_user.usercoderole_set.filter(code__short_name=ucrole.code.short_name): if ucrole.role not in info['coderoles']: info['coderoles'][ucrole.role] = [ ] info['coderoles'][ucrole.role].append(ucrole.code.short_name) except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: pass result.append(info) u = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): u = request.user APIMetric.record( "getuserinfo", key_data=username, user=u, code_object=None ) res = json.dumps(result, indent=4) callback = request.GET.get("callback") if callback: res = "%s(%s)" % (callback, res) response = HttpResponse(res, mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=userinfo.json' return response def runevent_handler(request): apikey = request.GET.get('apikey', None) short_name = request.GET.get('name') scraper,err = getscraperorresponse(short_name) if err: result = json.dumps({'error':err, "short_name":short_name}) if request.GET.get("callback"): result = "%s(%s)" % (request.GET.get("callback"), result) return HttpResponse(result) kd = scraper.short_name s = scraper # Check accessibility if this scraper is private using # apikey if not scraper.api_actionauthorized(apikey): result = json.dumps({'error':"Invalid API Key", "short_name":short_name}) if request.GET.get("callback"): result = "%s(%s)" % (request.GET.get("callback"), result) return HttpResponse(result) if scraper.privacy_status == 'private': # XXX not sure why we do this, do metrics not work with private? FAI kd,s = '', None u = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): u = request.user APIMetric.record( "runeventinfo", key_data=kd, user=u, code_object=s ) runid = request.GET.get('runid', '-1') runevent = None if scraper.wiki_type != "view": # negative index counts back from the most recent run if runid[0] == '-': try: i = -int(runid) - 1 runevents = scraper.scraper.scraperrunevent_set.all().order_by('-run_started') if i < len(runevents): runevent = runevents[i] except ValueError: pass if not runevent: try: runevent = scraper.scraper.scraperrunevent_set.get(run_id=runid) except ScraperRunEvent.DoesNotExist: pass if not runevent: result = json.dumps({'error':"run_event not found", "short_name":short_name}) if request.GET.get("callback"): result = "%s(%s)" % (request.GET.get("callback"), result) return HttpResponse(result) info = { "runid":runevent.run_id, "run_started":runevent.run_started.isoformat(), "records_produced":runevent.records_produced, "pages_scraped":runevent.pages_scraped } if runevent.run_ended: info['run_ended'] = runevent.run_ended.isoformat() if runevent.exception_message: info['exception_message'] = runevent.exception_message info['output'] = runevent.output if runevent.first_url_scraped: info['first_url_scraped'] = runevent.first_url_scraped domainsscraped = [ ] for domainscrape in runevent.domainscrape_set.all(): domainsscraped.append({'domain':domainscrape.domain, 'bytes':domainscrape.bytes_scraped, 'pages':domainscrape.pages_scraped}) if domainsscraped: info['domainsscraped'] = domainsscraped result = [info] # a list with one element res = json.dumps(result, indent=4) callback = request.GET.get("callback") if callback: res = "%s(%s)" % (callback, res) response = HttpResponse(res, mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=runevent.json' return response def convert_history(commitentry): result = { 'version':commitentry['rev'], 'date':commitentry['date'].isoformat() } if 'user' in commitentry: result["user"] = commitentry['user'].username lsession = commitentry['description'].split('|||') if len(lsession) == 2: result['session'] = lsession[0] return result def convert_run_event(runevent): result = { "runid":runevent.run_id, "run_started":runevent.run_started.isoformat(), "records_produced":runevent.records_produced, "pages_scraped":runevent.pages_scraped, "still_running":( != -1), } if runevent.run_ended: result['last_update'] = runevent.run_ended.isoformat() if runevent.exception_message: result['exception_message'] = runevent.exception_message return result def convert_date(date_str): if not date_str: return None try: #return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d') return datetime.datetime(*map(int, re.findall("\d+", date_str))) # should handle 2011-01-05 21:30:37 except ValueError: return None def scraperinfo_handler(request): result = [ ] apikey =request.GET.get('apikey', None) quietfields = request.GET.get('quietfields', "").split("|") history_start_date = convert_date(request.GET.get('history_start_date', None)) try: rev = int(request.GET.get('version', '')) except ValueError: rev = None for short_name in request.GET.get('name', "").split(): scraper,err = getscraperorresponse(short_name) if err: result = json.dumps({'error':err, "short_name":short_name}) if request.GET.get("callback"): result = "%s(%s)" % (request.GET.get("callback"), result) return HttpResponse(result) # Check accessibility if this scraper is private using # apikey if hasattr(scraper, "privacy_status") and scraper.privacy_status == 'private': if not scraper.api_actionauthorized(apikey): scraper = u'Invalid API Key' if type(scraper) in [str, unicode]: result.append({'error':scraper, "short_name":short_name}) else: result.append(scraperinfo(scraper, history_start_date, quietfields, rev)) u = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): u = request.user APIMetric.record( "getinfo", key_data=request.GET.get('name', ""), user=u, code_object=None ) res = json.dumps(result, indent=4) callback = request.GET.get("callback") if callback: res = "%s(%s)" % (callback, res) response = HttpResponse(res, mimetype='application/json; charset=utf-8') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=scraperinfo.json' return response def scraperinfo(scraper, history_start_date, quietfields, rev): info = { } info['short_name'] = scraper.short_name info['language'] = scraper.language info['created'] = scraper.created_at.isoformat() info['title'] = scraper.title info['description'] = scraper.description_safepart() info['tags'] = [ for tag in Tag.objects.get_for_object(scraper)] info['wiki_type'] = scraper.wiki_type info['privacy_status'] = scraper.privacy_status if scraper.wiki_type == 'scraper': info['last_run'] = scraper.scraper.last_run and scraper.scraper.last_run.isoformat() or '' info['run_interval'] = scraper.scraper.run_interval attachables = [ ] for cp in CodePermission.objects.filter(code=scraper).all(): if cp.permitted_object.privacy_status != "deleted": attachables.append(cp.permitted_object.short_name) info["attachables"] = attachables # these ones have to be filtering out the incoming private scraper names # (the outgoing attach to list doesn't because they're refered in the code as well) info["attachable_here"] = [ ] for cp in CodePermission.objects.filter(permitted_object=scraper).all(): if cp.code.privacy_status not in ["deleted", "private"]: info["attachable_here"].append(cp.code.short_name) if scraper.wiki_type == 'scraper': info['records'] = scraper.scraper.record_count # old style datastore if 'datasummary' not in quietfields: dataproxy = DataStore(scraper.short_name) sqlitedata = dataproxy.request({"maincommand":"sqlitecommand", "command":"datasummary", "val1":0, "val2":None}) if sqlitedata and type(sqlitedata) not in [str, unicode]: info['datasummary'] = sqlitedata if 'userroles' not in quietfields: info['userroles'] = { } for ucrole in scraper.usercoderole_set.all(): if ucrole.role not in info['userroles']: info['userroles'][ucrole.role] = [ ] info['userroles'][ucrole.role].append(ucrole.user.username) status = scraper.get_vcs_status(rev) if 'code' not in quietfields: info['code'] = status["code"] for committag in ["currcommit", "prevcommit", "nextcommit"]: if committag not in quietfields: if committag in status: info[committag] = convert_history(status[committag]) if "currcommit" not in status and "prevcommit" in status and not status["ismodified"]: if 'filemodifieddate' in status: info["modifiedcommitdifference"] = str(status["filemodifieddate"] - status["prevcommit"]["date"]) info['filemodifieddate'] = status['filemodifieddate'].isoformat() if 'history' not in quietfields: history = [ ] commitentries = scraper.get_commit_log("code") for commitentry in commitentries: if history_start_date and commitentry['date'] < history_start_date: continue history.append(convert_history(commitentry)) history.reverse() info['history'] = history if scraper.wiki_type == 'scraper' and 'runevents' not in quietfields: if history_start_date: runevents = scraper.scraper.scraperrunevent_set.filter(run_ended__gte=history_start_date).order_by('-run_started') else: runevents = scraper.scraper.scraperrunevent_set.all().order_by('-run_started')[:2] info['runevents'] = [ ] for runevent in runevents: info['runevents'].append(convert_run_event(runevent)) return info
# Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. # from sparts.tasks.poller import PollerTask from sparts.tests.base import SingleTaskTestCase class MyTask(PollerTask): INTERVAL = 0.1 counter = 0 do_increment = False num_changes = 0 def fetch(self): if self.do_increment: self.counter += 1 return self.counter def onValueChanged(self, old_value, new_value): self.num_changes += 1 class PollerTests(SingleTaskTestCase): TASK = MyTask def test_value_changed(self): self.assertEqual(self.task.getValue(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.task.num_changes, 1) # Change from None => 1 self.task.execute(None) self.assertEqual(self.task.getValue(), 0) self.assertEqual(self.task.num_changes, 1) # Enable incrementing, and force at least one execution self.task.do_increment = True self.task.execute(None) self.task.do_increment = False self.assertGreater(self.task.getValue(), 0) self.assertGreater(self.task.num_changes, 1)
import json import subprocess from importlib import import_module import ansiconv import sys from channels import Group from channels.auth import channel_session_user_from_http from channels.sessions import channel_session from django.conf import settings from fabric_bolt.projects.models import Project, Deployment from fabric_bolt.projects.signals import deployment_finished from .. import backend import time def start_task(message): time.sleep(1) project = Project.objects.get(id=message.content['project_id']) deployment = Deployment.objects.get(id=message.content['deployment_id']) deployment.output = '' engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE) SessionStore = engine.SessionStore session = SessionStore(message.content['session_key']) if backend.get_task_details(project, is None: return process = subprocess.Popen( backend.build_command(project, deployment, session), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, executable=getattr(settings, 'SHELL', '/bin/sh'), ) while True: nextline = process.stdout.readline() if nextline == '' and process.poll() is not None: break Group("deployment-{}".format({ "text": json.dumps({ 'status': 'pending', 'text': str('<span class="output-line">{}</span>'.format(ansiconv.to_html(nextline))) }), }) deployment.add_output(nextline) sys.stdout.flush() Deployment.objects.filter( status=deployment.SUCCESS if process.returncode == 0 else deployment.FAILED ) Group("deployment-{}".format({ "text": json.dumps({ 'status': deployment.SUCCESS if process.returncode == 0 else deployment.FAILED, 'text': '' }), }) deployment_finished.send(deployment, # Connected to websocket.connect @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_connect(message): # Work out room name from path (ignore slashes) deployment_id = message.content['path'].strip("/") # Save room in session and add us to the group message.channel_session['deployment_id'] = deployment_id Group("deployment-{}".format(deployment_id)).add(message.reply_channel) deployment = Deployment.objects.filter(pk=deployment_id)[0] Group("deployment-{}".format(deployment_id)).send({ "text": json.dumps({ "text": deployment.get_formatted_output(), 'status': deployment.status }) }) # Connected to websocket.disconnect @channel_session def ws_disconnect(message): Group("deployment-{}".format(message.channel_session['deployment_id'])).discard(message.reply_channel) # Connected to websocket.connect @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_receive(message): deployment = Deployment.objects.filter(pk=message.channel_session['deployment_id'])[0] deployment.add_input(message.content)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime import functools import math import os import re import tokenize import unittest import custom_migration_operations.more_operations import custom_migration_operations.operations from django import get_version from django.conf import settings from django.core.validators import EmailValidator, RegexValidator from django.db import migrations, models from django.db.migrations.writer import ( MigrationWriter, OperationWriter, SettingsReference, ) from django.test import SimpleTestCase, ignore_warnings, mock from django.utils import datetime_safe, six from django.utils._os import upath from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible from django.utils.timezone import FixedOffset, get_default_timezone, utc from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from .models import FoodManager, FoodQuerySet class TestModel1(object): def upload_to(self): return "somewhere dynamic" thing = models.FileField(upload_to=upload_to) class OperationWriterTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_empty_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.TestOperation() buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.TestOperation(\n' '),' ) def test_args_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation(1, 2) buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation(\n' ' arg1=1,\n' ' arg2=2,\n' '),' ) def test_kwargs_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.KwargsOperation(kwarg1=1) buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.KwargsOperation(\n' ' kwarg1=1,\n' '),' ) def test_args_kwargs_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsKwargsOperation(1, 2, kwarg2=4) buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsKwargsOperation(\n' ' arg1=1,\n' ' arg2=2,\n' ' kwarg2=4,\n' '),' ) def test_nested_args_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation( custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation(1, 2), custom_migration_operations.operations.KwargsOperation(kwarg1=3, kwarg2=4) ) buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation(\n' ' arg1=custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation(\n' ' arg1=1,\n' ' arg2=2,\n' ' ),\n' ' arg2=custom_migration_operations.operations.KwargsOperation(\n' ' kwarg1=3,\n' ' kwarg2=4,\n' ' ),\n' '),' ) def test_multiline_args_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation("test\n arg1", "test\narg2") buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, "custom_migration_operations.operations.ArgsOperation(\n" " arg1='test\\n arg1',\n" " arg2='test\\narg2',\n" ")," ) def test_expand_args_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.ExpandArgsOperation([1, 2]) buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.ExpandArgsOperation(\n' ' arg=[\n' ' 1,\n' ' 2,\n' ' ],\n' '),' ) def test_nested_operation_expand_args_signature(self): operation = custom_migration_operations.operations.ExpandArgsOperation( arg=[ custom_migration_operations.operations.KwargsOperation( kwarg1=1, kwarg2=2, ), ] ) buff, imports = OperationWriter(operation, indentation=0).serialize() self.assertEqual(imports, {'import custom_migration_operations.operations'}) self.assertEqual( buff, 'custom_migration_operations.operations.ExpandArgsOperation(\n' ' arg=[\n' ' custom_migration_operations.operations.KwargsOperation(\n' ' kwarg1=1,\n' ' kwarg2=2,\n' ' ),\n' ' ],\n' '),' ) class WriterTests(SimpleTestCase): """ Tests the migration writer (makes migration files from Migration instances) """ def safe_exec(self, string, value=None): l = {} try: exec(string, globals(), l) except Exception as e: if value:"Could not exec %r (from value %r): %s" % (string.strip(), value, e)) else:"Could not exec %r: %s" % (string.strip(), e)) return l def serialize_round_trip(self, value): string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(value) return self.safe_exec("%s\ntest_value_result = %s" % ("\n".join(imports), string), value)['test_value_result'] def assertSerializedEqual(self, value): self.assertEqual(self.serialize_round_trip(value), value) def assertSerializedResultEqual(self, value, target): self.assertEqual(MigrationWriter.serialize(value), target) def assertSerializedFieldEqual(self, value): new_value = self.serialize_round_trip(value) self.assertEqual(value.__class__, new_value.__class__) self.assertEqual(value.max_length, new_value.max_length) self.assertEqual(value.null, new_value.null) self.assertEqual(value.unique, new_value.unique) def test_serialize_numbers(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(1) self.assertSerializedEqual(1.2) self.assertTrue(math.isinf(self.serialize_round_trip(float("inf")))) self.assertTrue(math.isinf(self.serialize_round_trip(float("-inf")))) self.assertTrue(math.isnan(self.serialize_round_trip(float("nan")))) def test_serialize_constants(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(None) self.assertSerializedEqual(True) self.assertSerializedEqual(False) def test_serialize_strings(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(b"foobar") string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(b"foobar") self.assertEqual(string, "b'foobar'") self.assertSerializedEqual("föobár") string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize("foobar") self.assertEqual(string, "'foobar'") def test_serialize_multiline_strings(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(b"foo\nbar") string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(b"foo\nbar") self.assertEqual(string, "b'foo\\nbar'") self.assertSerializedEqual("föo\nbár") string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize("foo\nbar") self.assertEqual(string, "'foo\\nbar'") def test_serialize_collections(self): self.assertSerializedEqual({1: 2}) self.assertSerializedEqual(["a", 2, True, None]) self.assertSerializedEqual({2, 3, "eighty"}) self.assertSerializedEqual({"lalalala": ["yeah", "no", "maybe"]}) self.assertSerializedEqual(_('Hello')) def test_serialize_builtin_types(self): self.assertSerializedEqual([list, tuple, dict, set, frozenset]) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( [list, tuple, dict, set, frozenset], ("[list, tuple, dict, set, frozenset]", set()) ) def test_serialize_functions(self): with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, 'Cannot serialize function: lambda'): self.assertSerializedEqual(lambda x: 42) self.assertSerializedEqual(models.SET_NULL) string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(models.SET(42)) self.assertEqual(string, 'models.SET(42)') self.serialize_round_trip(models.SET(42)) def test_serialize_datetime(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) self.assertSerializedEqual(datetime.datetime.utcnow) self.assertSerializedEqual( self.assertSerializedEqual( self.assertSerializedEqual( self.assertSerializedEqual( self.assertSerializedEqual( self.assertSerializedEqual(datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=get_default_timezone())) self.assertSerializedEqual(datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 31, 22, 1, tzinfo=FixedOffset(180))) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 1, 1), ("datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 1, 1)", {'import datetime'}) ) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=utc), ( "datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=utc)", {'import datetime', 'from django.utils.timezone import utc'}, ) ) def test_serialize_datetime_safe(self): self.assertSerializedResultEqual(, 3, 31), (", 3, 31)", {'import datetime'}) ) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( datetime_safe.time(10, 25), ("datetime.time(10, 25)", {'import datetime'}) ) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( datetime_safe.datetime(2014, 3, 31, 16, 4, 31), ("datetime.datetime(2014, 3, 31, 16, 4, 31)", {'import datetime'}) ) def test_serialize_fields(self): self.assertSerializedFieldEqual(models.CharField(max_length=255)) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( models.CharField(max_length=255), ("models.CharField(max_length=255)", {"from django.db import models"}) ) self.assertSerializedFieldEqual(models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( models.TextField(null=True, blank=True), ("models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)", {'from django.db import models'}) ) def test_serialize_settings(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(SettingsReference(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, "AUTH_USER_MODEL")) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( SettingsReference("someapp.model", "AUTH_USER_MODEL"), ("settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL", {"from django.conf import settings"}) ) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( ((x, x * x) for x in range(3)), ("((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4))", set()) ) def test_serialize_compiled_regex(self): """ Make sure compiled regex can be serialized. """ regex = re.compile(r'^\w+$', re.U) self.assertSerializedEqual(regex) def test_serialize_class_based_validators(self): """ Ticket #22943: Test serialization of class-based validators, including compiled regexes. """ validator = RegexValidator(message="hello") string = MigrationWriter.serialize(validator)[0] self.assertEqual(string, "django.core.validators.RegexValidator(message='hello')") self.serialize_round_trip(validator) # Test with a compiled regex. validator = RegexValidator(regex=re.compile(r'^\w+$', re.U)) string = MigrationWriter.serialize(validator)[0] self.assertEqual(string, "django.core.validators.RegexValidator(regex=re.compile('^\\\\w+$', 32))") self.serialize_round_trip(validator) # Test a string regex with flag validator = RegexValidator(r'^[0-9]+$', flags=re.U) string = MigrationWriter.serialize(validator)[0] self.assertEqual(string, "django.core.validators.RegexValidator('^[0-9]+$', flags=32)") self.serialize_round_trip(validator) # Test message and code validator = RegexValidator('^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', 'Invalid', 'invalid') string = MigrationWriter.serialize(validator)[0] self.assertEqual(string, "django.core.validators.RegexValidator('^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', 'Invalid', 'invalid')") self.serialize_round_trip(validator) # Test with a subclass. validator = EmailValidator(message="hello") string = MigrationWriter.serialize(validator)[0] self.assertEqual(string, "django.core.validators.EmailValidator(message='hello')") self.serialize_round_trip(validator) validator = deconstructible(path="migrations.test_writer.EmailValidator")(EmailValidator)(message="hello") string = MigrationWriter.serialize(validator)[0] self.assertEqual(string, "migrations.test_writer.EmailValidator(message='hello')") validator = deconstructible(path="custom.EmailValidator")(EmailValidator)(message="hello") with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ImportError, "No module named '?custom'?"): MigrationWriter.serialize(validator) validator = deconstructible(path="django.core.validators.EmailValidator2")(EmailValidator)(message="hello") with self.assertRaisesMessage(ValueError, "Could not find object EmailValidator2 in django.core.validators."): MigrationWriter.serialize(validator) def test_serialize_empty_nonempty_tuple(self): """ Ticket #22679: makemigrations generates invalid code for (an empty tuple) default_permissions = () """ empty_tuple = () one_item_tuple = ('a',) many_items_tuple = ('a', 'b', 'c') self.assertSerializedEqual(empty_tuple) self.assertSerializedEqual(one_item_tuple) self.assertSerializedEqual(many_items_tuple) def test_serialize_builtins(self): string, imports = MigrationWriter.serialize(range) self.assertEqual(string, 'range') self.assertEqual(imports, set()) @unittest.skipUnless(six.PY2, "Only applies on Python 2") def test_serialize_direct_function_reference(self): """ Ticket #22436: You cannot use a function straight from its body (e.g. define the method and use it in the same body) """ with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.serialize_round_trip(TestModel1.thing) def test_serialize_local_function_reference(self): """ Neither py2 or py3 can serialize a reference in a local scope. """ class TestModel2(object): def upload_to(self): return "somewhere dynamic" thing = models.FileField(upload_to=upload_to) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.serialize_round_trip(TestModel2.thing) def test_serialize_local_function_reference_message(self): """ Make sure user is seeing which module/function is the issue """ class TestModel2(object): def upload_to(self): return "somewhere dynamic" thing = models.FileField(upload_to=upload_to) with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, ValueError, '^Could not find function upload_to in migrations.test_writer'): self.serialize_round_trip(TestModel2.thing) def test_serialize_managers(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(models.Manager()) self.assertSerializedResultEqual( FoodQuerySet.as_manager(), ('migrations.models.FoodQuerySet.as_manager()', {'import migrations.models'}) ) self.assertSerializedEqual(FoodManager('a', 'b')) self.assertSerializedEqual(FoodManager('x', 'y', c=3, d=4)) def test_serialize_frozensets(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(frozenset()) self.assertSerializedEqual(frozenset("let it go")) def test_serialize_timedelta(self): self.assertSerializedEqual(datetime.timedelta()) self.assertSerializedEqual(datetime.timedelta(minutes=42)) def test_serialize_functools_partial(self): value = functools.partial(datetime.timedelta, 1, seconds=2) result = self.serialize_round_trip(value) self.assertEqual(result.func, value.func) self.assertEqual(result.args, value.args) self.assertEqual(result.keywords, value.keywords) def test_simple_migration(self): """ Tests serializing a simple migration. """ fields = { 'charfield': models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow), 'datetimefield': models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.utcnow), } options = { 'verbose_name': 'My model', 'verbose_name_plural': 'My models', } migration = type(str("Migration"), (migrations.Migration,), { "operations": [ migrations.CreateModel("MyModel", tuple(fields.items()), options, (models.Model,)), migrations.CreateModel("MyModel2", tuple(fields.items()), bases=(models.Model,)), migrations.CreateModel( name="MyModel3", fields=tuple(fields.items()), options=options, bases=(models.Model,) ), migrations.DeleteModel("MyModel"), migrations.AddField("OtherModel", "datetimefield", fields["datetimefield"]), ], "dependencies": [("testapp", "some_other_one")], }) writer = MigrationWriter(migration) output = writer.as_string() # It should NOT be unicode. self.assertIsInstance(output, six.binary_type, "Migration as_string returned unicode") # We don't test the output formatting - that's too fragile. # Just make sure it runs for now, and that things look alright. result = self.safe_exec(output) self.assertIn("Migration", result) # In order to preserve compatibility with Python 3.2 unicode literals # prefix shouldn't be added to strings. tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(six.StringIO(str(output)).readline) for token_type, token_source, (srow, scol), __, line in tokens: if token_type == tokenize.STRING: self.assertFalse( token_source.startswith('u'), "Unicode literal prefix found at %d:%d: %r" % ( srow, scol, line.strip() ) ) # Silence warning on Python 2: Not importing directory # 'tests/migrations/migrations_test_apps/without_init_file/migrations': # missing @ignore_warnings(category=ImportWarning) def test_migration_path(self): test_apps = [ 'migrations.migrations_test_apps.normal', 'migrations.migrations_test_apps.with_package_model', 'migrations.migrations_test_apps.without_init_file', ] base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(upath(__file__))) for app in test_apps: with self.modify_settings(INSTALLED_APPS={'append': app}): migration = migrations.Migration('0001_initial', app.split('.')[-1]) expected_path = os.path.join(base_dir, *(app.split('.') + ['migrations', ''])) writer = MigrationWriter(migration) self.assertEqual(writer.path, expected_path) def test_custom_operation(self): migration = type(str("Migration"), (migrations.Migration,), { "operations": [ custom_migration_operations.operations.TestOperation(), custom_migration_operations.operations.CreateModel(), migrations.CreateModel("MyModel", (), {}, (models.Model,)), custom_migration_operations.more_operations.TestOperation() ], "dependencies": [] }) writer = MigrationWriter(migration) output = writer.as_string() result = self.safe_exec(output) self.assertIn("custom_migration_operations", result) self.assertNotEqual( result['custom_migration_operations'].operations.TestOperation, result['custom_migration_operations'].more_operations.TestOperation ) def test_sorted_imports(self): """ #24155 - Tests ordering of imports. """ migration = type(str("Migration"), (migrations.Migration,), { "operations": [ migrations.AddField("mymodel", "myfield", models.DateTimeField( default=datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1, 1, 1, tzinfo=utc), )), ] }) writer = MigrationWriter(migration) output = writer.as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertIn( "import datetime\n" "from django.db import migrations, models\n" "from django.utils.timezone import utc\n", output ) def test_migration_file_header_comments(self): """ Test comments at top of file. """ migration = type(str("Migration"), (migrations.Migration,), { "operations": [] }) dt = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 31, 4, 40, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc) with mock.patch('', lambda: dt): writer = MigrationWriter(migration) output = writer.as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertTrue( output.startswith( "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" "# Generated by Django %(version)s on 2015-07-31 04:40\n" % { 'version': get_version(), } ) ) def test_models_import_omitted(self): """ django.db.models shouldn't be imported if unused. """ migration = type(str("Migration"), (migrations.Migration,), { "operations": [ migrations.AlterModelOptions( name='model', options={'verbose_name': 'model', 'verbose_name_plural': 'models'}, ), ] }) writer = MigrationWriter(migration) output = writer.as_string().decode('utf-8') self.assertIn("from django.db import migrations\n", output) def test_deconstruct_class_arguments(self): # Yes, it doesn't make sense to use a class as a default for a # CharField. It does make sense for custom fields though, for example # an enumfield that takes the enum class as an argument. class DeconstructableInstances(object): def deconstruct(self): return ('DeconstructableInstances', [], {}) string = MigrationWriter.serialize(models.CharField(default=DeconstructableInstances))[0] self.assertEqual(string, "models.CharField(default=migrations.test_writer.DeconstructableInstances)")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from views.gobstonesMain import * from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore import datetime from views.qDesigner.interactive import * sys.path.append('..') from .fileOption import FileOption from .preferencesWindow import PreferencesWindow from .editOption import EditOption from .boardOption import * from .helpOption import HelpOption from pygobstones.language.programRun import * from views.boardPrint.board import * from views.boardPrint.boardViewer import * from resultsMainWindow import * from pygobstones.commons.i18n import * from pygobstones.commons.paths import root_path from views.boardPrint.parseBoard import * import time import views.resources import logging GOBSTONES = 'Gobstones 3.0.0' XGOBSTONES = 'XGobstones 1.0.0' class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.initOptions() self.initMenuBarActions() self.initSignalsAndSlots() self.ui.actionStop.setEnabled(False) = 'Gobstones.xml' self.lang = GOBSTONES self.initWindowTitle() self.initPreferencesDictionary() self.initLoggerSize() self.initialBoardGenerator = InitialBoardGenerator() self.guiInterpreterHandler = GUIInterpreterHandler(self) self.programRun = ProgramRun(self.getLang(), self.guiInterpreterHandler) self.rootDirectory = root_path() self.runButton = RunButton(self, self.ui.actionRun, self.ui.actionStop) self.setStyleSheet( "QMainWindow{background-image:url(':/backgroundWidget.png')}") def initWindowTitle(self): self.filePath = i18n('Without working directory') self.updateWindowTitle() def initMenuBarActions(self): self.ui.actionNewFile.triggered.connect(self.openNewFileDialog) self.ui.actionCloseFile.triggered.connect(self.closeFiles) self.ui.actionOpenFile.triggered.connect(self.openFileDialog) self.ui.actionSaveAs.triggered.connect(self.saveAsFileDialog) self.ui.actionSave.triggered.connect(self.saveFile) self.ui.actionExit.triggered.connect(self.close) self.ui.actionRun.triggered.connect( self.ui.actionStop.triggered.connect(self.stop) self.ui.actionBoardOptions.triggered.connect(self.openBoardOptions) self.ui.actionLoadBoard.triggered.connect(self.loadBoard) self.ui.actionChangeLang.triggered.connect(self.changeLang) self.ui.actionFind.triggered.connect( self.ui.actionReplace.triggered.connect(self.replace) self.ui.actionFonts.triggered.connect(self.fonts) self.ui.actionPreferences.triggered.connect(self.openPreferences) self.ui.actionOpenBoardEditor.triggered.connect(self.openBoardEditor) self.ui.actionUndo.triggered.connect(self.undo) self.ui.actionRedo.triggered.connect(self.redo) self.ui.actionCut.triggered.connect(self.cut) self.ui.actionCopy.triggered.connect(self.copy) self.ui.actionPaste.triggered.connect(self.paste) self.ui.actionSelectAll.triggered.connect(self.selectAll) self.ui.actionManual.triggered.connect(self.openManual) self.ui.actionLicense.triggered.connect(self.viewLicense) self.ui.actionAbout.triggered.connect(self.viewAbout) self.ui.actionCheck.triggered.connect(self.check) def initPreferencesDictionary(self): global preferencesDictionary preferencesDictionary = {'logger': False, 'roseOfWinds': True, 'cellNumbers': True, 'lineNumbers': True, 'autoIndentation': False, } def initLoggerSize(self): if MainWindow.getPreference('logger'): self.ui.splitter.setSizes([800, 80]) else: self.ui.splitter.setSizes([800, 0]) @staticmethod def getPreference(keyPreference): return preferencesDictionary[keyPreference] def setPreference(self, keyPreference, valuePreference): preferencesDictionary[keyPreference] = valuePreference def getInitialBoard(self): return self.initialBoardGenerator.getInitialBoard() def setInitialBoard(self, board): self.initialBoardGenerator.setInitialBoard(board) def setAtNothingBoardOptions(self): self.initialBoardGenerator.set_nothing_options() def openBoardOptions(self): self.boardOption.openBoardOptionWindow(self.initialBoardGenerator) def openBoardEditor(self): self.boardOption.openBoardEditor(self.initialBoardGenerator) def undo(self): self.editOption.undo() def redo(self): self.editOption.redo() def cut(self): self.editOption.cut() def copy(self): self.editOption.copy() def paste(self): self.editOption.paste() def selectAll(self): self.editOption.selectAll() def search(self): self.editOption.openSearch() def replace(self): self.editOption.openReplace() def fonts(self): self.editOption.openFontDialog() def openPreferences(self): PreferencesWindow(self) def openManual(self): self.helpOption.openManual() def viewLicense(self): self.helpOption.viewLicense() def viewAbout(self): self.helpOption.viewAbout() def setClothing(self, clothing): = clothing def getClothing(self): return def initSignalsAndSlots(self): self.ui.textEditFile.document().modificationChanged.connect(self.updateTextEditFileUI) self.ui.textEditLibrary.document().modificationChanged.connect(self.updateTextEditLibraryUI) def closeFiles(self): self.fileOption.closeFiles() def openFileDialog(self): ''' Purpose: Open a dialog for open a file. Then open the file that was selected and load it in the first text editor. Additionally load library. ''' if self.fileOption.openFiles(): self.fileOpened() def openNewFileDialog(self): self.fileOption.newFile() self.fileOpened() def closeEvent(self, event): self.fileOption.closeApp(event) def loadBoard(self): self.boardOption.loadBoard() def saveFile(self): if self.fileOption.saveFile(): self.fileSaved() def saveAsFileDialog(self): if self.fileOption.saveAsFileDialog(): self.fileSaved() def fileSaved(self): self.updateCompleters() def fileOpened(self): self.updateCompleters() def programText(self): return str(self.ui.textEditFile.toPlainText()) def updateCompleters(self): filename, text = str(self.fileOption.getFileName()), self.programText() self.ui.textEditFile.updateCompleter(filename, text) self.ui.textEditLibrary.setCompleter(self.ui.textEditFile.getCompleter()) def initOptions(self): self.fileOption = FileOption(self) self.editOption = EditOption(self) self.editOption.initEditorBehavior() self.boardOption = BoardOption(self) self.helpOption = HelpOption(self) def updateTextEditFileUI(self): self.editOption.updateEditUI(self.ui.textEditFile, 0) def updateTextEditLibraryUI(self): self.editOption.updateEditUI(self.ui.textEditLibrary, 1) def run(self): self.ui.logger.clear() if MainWindow.getPreference('logger') == False: self.setPreference('logger', True) self.initLoggerSize() self.guiInterpreterHandler.wasStoped = False self.guiInterpreterHandler.showInLog(i18n( 'Start execution || Languaje: ') + self.lang) self.guiInterpreterHandler.log('----------------' + str([:19] + '-----------------') self.ui.actionStop.setEnabled(True) self.ui.actionCheck.setEnabled(False) self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString(i18n('Processing...'))) self.programRun.handler = self.guiInterpreterHandler self.runButton.start(self.programRun) def stop(self): self.guiInterpreterHandler.initialStatus() self.runButton.stopInterpreter() self.resetButtonsRunAndStop() self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString (i18n('Execution interrupted by the user'))) self.guiInterpreterHandler.showInLog(i18n( 'Execution interrupted by the user')) self.guiInterpreterHandler.log('----------------' + str([:19] + '-----------------') def resetButtonsRunAndStop(self): self.ui.actionStop.setEnabled(False) self.ui.actionRun.setEnabled(True) self.ui.actionCheck.setEnabled(True) def updateFilePath(self, path): self.filePath = path self.updateWindowTitle() def updateWindowTitle(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.lang + ' -- ' + self.filePath) def check(self): self.ui.actionStop.setEnabled(True) self.ui.actionCheck.setEnabled(False) self.ui.actionRun.setEnabled(False) self.guiInterpreterHandler.showInLog(i18n( 'Start check || Languaje: ') + self.lang) self.guiInterpreterHandler.log('----------------' + str([:19] + '-----------------') self.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString(i18n('Checking...'))) self.checkButton = CheckButton(self) self.checkButton.start() def changeLang(self): if self.lang == GOBSTONES: self.lang = XGOBSTONES self.ui.actionChangeLang.setText("XGobstones") icon = QtGui.QIcon(":/logoXGobstones.png") self.ui.actionChangeLang.setIcon(icon) self.ui.set_highlighter(XGobstonesHighlighter) else: self.lang = GOBSTONES self.ui.actionChangeLang.setText("Gobstones") icon = QtGui.QIcon(":/logoGobstones.png") self.ui.actionChangeLang.setIcon(icon) self.ui.set_highlighter(GobstonesHighlighter) self.guiInterpreterHandler.showInLog(i18n ("The languaje was changed to ") + self.lang) self.updateWindowTitle() self.programRun = ProgramRun(self.getLang(), self.guiInterpreterHandler) def getLang(self): if self.lang == GOBSTONES: return 'gobstones' else: return 'xgobstones' # RUN BUTTON ..................... class GUIInterpreterHandler(EjecutionFailureHandler, EjecutionHandler): def __init__(self, mainW): self.mainW = mainW self.wasStoped = False self.isOpenInteractiveW = False self.interactiveW = InteractiveWindow(self.mainW) self.interactiveRunning = False self.failure_dict = { EjecutionFailureHandler.DEFAULT: self.interpreter_log_default_exception, EjecutionFailureHandler.PARSER_FAILURE: self.interpreter_log_failure, EjecutionFailureHandler.STATIC_FAILURE: self.interpreter_log_failure, EjecutionFailureHandler.DYNAMIC_FAILURE: self.interpreter_boom_failure, } super(GUIInterpreterHandler, self).__init__(self.failure_dict) def initialStatus(self): self.wasStoped = False self.isOpenInteractiveW = False self.interactiveW = InteractiveWindow(self.mainW) self.interactiveRunning = False def success(self, board_string, result): if not self.interactiveRunning: if not self.wasStoped: self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString (i18n('Execution completed'))) self.results = Results(self.mainW) board = self.prepareString(board_string) self.results.setInitialBoard(BoardViewer(self, self.mainW.initialBoardGenerator.board, self.mainW.getClothing())) self.results.setFinalBoard(BoardViewer(self, parseABoardString(board), self.mainW.getClothing())) self.results.setRetVars(result) self.setCodeInResults() self.results.ui.tabWidgetResults.setCurrentIndex(2) self.mainW.resetButtonsRunAndStop() self.showInLog(i18n('Execution completed')) self.log('----------------'+ str([:19] + '-----------------\n') else: self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString (i18n('Execution completed'))) self.showInLog(i18n('Execution completed')) self.log('----------------'+ str([:19] + '-----------------\n') self.interactiveW.setStatusMessage(' ' + i18n('Execution completed')) self.mainW.resetButtonsRunAndStop() self.wasStoped = False self.isOpenInteractiveW = False self.interactiveRunning = False def read_request(self): self.interactiveRunning = True if (not self.isOpenInteractiveW): self.isOpenInteractiveW = True self.partialBoard = self.mainW.initialBoardGenerator.getStringBoard() self.interactiveW.initialStatus(self.partialBoard) def partial(self, board_str): self.interactiveW.setPressAKeyState() self.interactiveW.setBoard(board_str) self.interactiveRunning = False def log(self, msg): if not self.wasStoped: self.showInLog(msg) def showInLog(self, msg): # This method not required that the state is not stopped loggermsg = self.mainW.ui.logger.document().toPlainText() self.mainW.ui.logger.setText(loggermsg + '\n -> ' + QtCore.QString().fromUtf8(msg)) self.mainW.ui.logger.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) def prepareString(self, board): myPrettyBoard = '' for s in board: if not (ord(s) is 13 or ord(s) is 10): myPrettyBoard += s if ord(s) is 10: myPrettyBoard += '\n' return myPrettyBoard def interpreter_log_default_exception(self, exception): if not self.wasStoped: self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString (i18n('Was occurred an error'))) self.showInLog(i18n('Was occurred an error')) self.log(exception.msg) self.mainW.resetButtonsRunAndStop() def interpreter_log_failure(self, exception): if not self.wasStoped: self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString (i18n('Was occurred an error'))) self.showInLog(i18n('Was occurred an error')) self.showRowAndColError(exception) self.log(exception.msg) self.mainW.resetButtonsRunAndStop() def showRowAndColError(self, exception): self.showInLog(i18n('In row: ') + str(exception.area.interval()[0].row) + ' // ' + i18n('column: ') + str(exception.area.interval()[0].col)) def interpreter_boom_failure(self, exception): if not self.wasStoped: self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString('Boom !!!')) self.showInLog('Boom !!!') self.log(exception.msg) self.log('----------------'+ str([:19] + '-----------------\n') if not self.interactiveRunning: self.results = Results(self.mainW) self.results.setInitialBoard(BoardViewer(self, self.mainW.initialBoardGenerator.board, self.mainW.getClothing())) self.results.setFinalBoard(BoardViewerError()) self.results.setRetVars(None) self.results.ui.tabWidgetResults.setCurrentIndex(2) self.setCodeInResults() else: self.interactiveW.boom() self.mainW.resetButtonsRunAndStop() self.wasStoped = False self.isOpenInteractiveW = False self.interactiveRunning = False def setCodeInResults(self): fileCode = QtGui.QTextDocument( i18n('### FILE CODE ###\n\n') + self.mainW.ui.textEditFile.document().toPlainText()) libraryCode = QtGui.QTextDocument( i18n('### LIBRARY CODE ###\n\n') + self.mainW.ui.textEditLibrary.document().toPlainText()) self.results.setSourceCode(fileCode, libraryCode) class RunButton(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, mainW, actionRun, actionStop): super(RunButton, self).__init__() self.mainW = mainW self.actionRun = actionRun self.actionStop = actionStop def start(self, interpreter): self.actionRun.setEnabled(False), self.mainW.programText(), self.mainW.getInitialBoard()) def stopInterpreter(self): self.mainW.guiInterpreterHandler.wasStoped = True # CHECK BUTTON ..................... class CheckButton(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, mainW): super(CheckButton, self).__init__() self.mainW = mainW def start(self): self.gui = GUIInterpreterHandler_CheckMode(self.mainW) self.mainW.programRun.handler = self.gui, self.mainW.programText(), self.mainW.initialBoardGenerator.getStringBoard(), ProgramRun.RunMode.ONLY_CHECK) class GUIInterpreterHandler_CheckMode(GUIInterpreterHandler): def success(self, board_string, result): self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString(i18n('Check completed'))) self.showInLog(i18n('Check completed, program is OK')) self.log('----------------' + str([:19] + '-----------------\n') self.mainW.resetButtonsRunAndStop() def initialize_failure_handler(self): def fail_handler(exception): self.mainW.ui.statusbar.showMessage(QtCore.QString(i18n('Check failed'))) self.showInLog(i18n('Check failed:')) self.showRowAndColError(exception) self.log(exception.msg) self.log('----------------' + str([:19] + '-----------------\n') self.failure = EjecutionFailureHandler(fail_handler).failure class InteractiveWindow(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self, mainW): super(InteractiveWindow, self).__init__() self.setWindowTitle(i18n('Interactive Mode')) self.setGeometry(200, 200, 600, 600) self.ui = Ui_Interactive() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.combo.activated[str].connect(self.onActivated) self.mainW = mainW self.current_clothing = 'Gobstones.xml' self.pressAKey = True self.setModal(True) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.switch_view) self.currentImage = ':/ballGreen.png' self.setStyleSheet( "InteractiveWindow{background-image:url(':/backgroundWidget.png');}") self.load_views = None self.forceQuit = False def init_switcher(self): if len(self.filesNames) == 1: self.next_clothing = None self.switcher = Switcher(i18n('Without clothing'), i18n('Without clothing'), self.ui.pushButton) else: self.current_clothing = self.boardV.getClothing() if self.current_clothing == 'Gobstones.xml': self.next_clothing = self.filesNames[1] self.switcher = Switcher(i18n('Enable clothing'), i18n('Disable clothing'), self.ui.pushButton) else: self.next_clothing = 'Gobstones.xml' self.switcher = Switcher(i18n('Disable clothing'), i18n('Enable clothing'), self.ui.pushButton) def onActivated(self, text): if not text == 'Gobstones': if clothing_for_file_exists(self.mainW.fileOption.moduleFile): fn = str(text) + ".xml" path = os.path.join(clothing_dir_for_file(self.mainW.fileOption.moduleFile), fn) self.next_clothing = self.current_clothing self.current_clothing = path self.boardV.setClothing(path) self.boardV.update() elif self.current_clothing != 'Gobstones.xml': self.switch_view() self.switcher.change_state(text) def loadViewAlternatives(self): self.filesNames = ['Gobstones', 'PixelBoard'] if clothing_for_file_exists(self.mainW.fileOption.moduleFile): path = clothing_dir_for_file(self.mainW.fileOption.moduleFile) files = os.listdir(path) for f in files: fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(path,f)) if fileExtension == '.xml': self.filesNames.append(os.path.join(path, fileName)) for fn in self.filesNames: (filepath, filename) = os.path.split(fn) self.ui.combo.addItem(filename) def switch_view(self): self.switcher.switch() self.ui.pushButton.setText(self.switcher.get_text()) if self.current_clothing != "Gobstones.xml": self.boardV.setClothing('Gobstones.xml') self.boardV.update() self.next_clothing = self.current_clothing self.current_clothing = 'Gobstones.xml' else: if self.next_clothing is not None: self.boardV.setClothing(self.add_extension(self.next_clothing)) self.boardV.update() self.current_clothing = self.next_clothing self.next_clothing = 'Gobstones.xml' else: return def setPressAKeyState(self): self.pressAKey = True self.ui.label.setText( ' ' + i18n("Press a key to continue")) self.currentImage = ':/ballGreen.png' self.update() def setProcessingAKeyState(self): self.pressAKey = False self.ui.label.setText( ' ' + i18n("Processing a key, wait")) self.currentImage = ':/ballRed.png' self.update() def keyPressEvent(self, e): modifiers = QtGui.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_D and modifiers.testFlag(QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier): a = str(e.text()) ordinalValue = ord(a) self.setProcessingAKeyState() self.mainW.programRun.send_input(ordinalValue) if self.forceQuit: super(InteractiveWindow, self).keyPressEvent(e) self.close() self.forceQuit = True elif self.pressAKey: if e.key() != QtCore.Qt.Key_Control: self.forceQuit = False try: a = str(e.text()) ordinalValue = ord(a) except: if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left: self.setProcessingAKeyState() self.mainW.programRun.send_input(1004) elif e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: self.setProcessingAKeyState() self.mainW.programRun.send_input(1001) elif e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right: self.setProcessingAKeyState() self.mainW.programRun.send_input(1003) elif e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: self.setProcessingAKeyState() self.mainW.programRun.send_input(1002) return self.setProcessingAKeyState() self.mainW.programRun.send_input(ordinalValue) def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QPainter() painter.Antialiasing painter.begin(self) rect = QtCore.QRect(self.width()-285, self.height() - 32 , 20, 20) img = QtGui.QImage(self.currentImage) painter.drawImage(rect, img) painter.end() def setBoard(self, board): self.boardV = BoardViewer(self, parseABoardString(board), self.add_extension(self.current_clothing)) self.boardV.setParent(self.ui.boardViewer) self.ui.boardViewer.removeTab(0) self.ui.boardViewer.insertTab(0, self.boardV, i18n('Board')) def add_extension(self, path): if not path.endswith('xml'): return path + '.xml' else: return path def boom(self): self.setStatusMessage(' BOOM !!!') boom = BoardViewerError() self.ui.boardViewer.removeTab(0) self.ui.boardViewer.insertTab(0, boom, i18n('Interactive')) def setStatusMessage(self, message): self.pressAKey = False self.ui.label.setText(i18n(message)) def reset_clothing(self): self.ui.combo.clear() def initialStatus(self, partialBoard): if (self.load_views is None) or (self.load_views != root_path()): self.reset_clothing() self.loadViewAlternatives() self.load_views = root_path() self.boardV = BoardViewer(self, parseABoardString(partialBoard), self.mainW.getClothing()) self.boardV.setParent(self.ui.boardViewer) self.ui.boardViewer.removeTab(0) self.ui.boardViewer.insertTab(0, self.boardV, i18n('Board')) self.setPressAKeyState() self.init_switcher() def closeEvent(self, e): self.mainW.ui.actionStop.setEnabled(False) self.mainW.programRun.send_input(4) e.accept()
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import inspect import sys import warnings import py from py._code.code import FormattedExcinfo import _pytest from _pytest import nodes from _pytest._code.code import TerminalRepr from _pytest.compat import ( NOTSET, exc_clear, _format_args, getfslineno, get_real_func, is_generator, isclass, getimfunc, getlocation, getfuncargnames, safe_getattr, FuncargnamesCompatAttr, ) from _pytest.outcomes import fail, TEST_OUTCOME from ordereddict_backport import OrderedDict def pytest_sessionstart(session): import _pytest.python scopename2class.update({ 'class': _pytest.python.Class, 'module': _pytest.python.Module, 'function': _pytest.main.Item, }) session._fixturemanager = FixtureManager(session) scopename2class = {} scope2props = dict(session=()) scope2props["module"] = ("fspath", "module") scope2props["class"] = scope2props["module"] + ("cls",) scope2props["instance"] = scope2props["class"] + ("instance", ) scope2props["function"] = scope2props["instance"] + ("function", "keywords") def scopeproperty(name=None, doc=None): def decoratescope(func): scopename = name or func.__name__ def provide(self): if func.__name__ in scope2props[self.scope]: return func(self) raise AttributeError("%s not available in %s-scoped context" % ( scopename, self.scope)) return property(provide, None, None, func.__doc__) return decoratescope def get_scope_node(node, scope): cls = scopename2class.get(scope) if cls is None: if scope == "session": return node.session raise ValueError("unknown scope") return node.getparent(cls) def add_funcarg_pseudo_fixture_def(collector, metafunc, fixturemanager): # this function will transform all collected calls to a functions # if they use direct funcargs (i.e. direct parametrization) # because we want later test execution to be able to rely on # an existing FixtureDef structure for all arguments. # XXX we can probably avoid this algorithm if we modify CallSpec2 # to directly care for creating the fixturedefs within its methods. if not metafunc._calls[0].funcargs: return # this function call does not have direct parametrization # collect funcargs of all callspecs into a list of values arg2params = {} arg2scope = {} for callspec in metafunc._calls: for argname, argvalue in callspec.funcargs.items(): assert argname not in callspec.params callspec.params[argname] = argvalue arg2params_list = arg2params.setdefault(argname, []) callspec.indices[argname] = len(arg2params_list) arg2params_list.append(argvalue) if argname not in arg2scope: scopenum = callspec._arg2scopenum.get(argname, scopenum_function) arg2scope[argname] = scopes[scopenum] callspec.funcargs.clear() # register artificial FixtureDef's so that later at test execution # time we can rely on a proper FixtureDef to exist for fixture setup. arg2fixturedefs = metafunc._arg2fixturedefs for argname, valuelist in arg2params.items(): # if we have a scope that is higher than function we need # to make sure we only ever create an according fixturedef on # a per-scope basis. We thus store and cache the fixturedef on the # node related to the scope. scope = arg2scope[argname] node = None if scope != "function": node = get_scope_node(collector, scope) if node is None: assert scope == "class" and isinstance(collector, _pytest.python.Module) # use module-level collector for class-scope (for now) node = collector if node and argname in node._name2pseudofixturedef: arg2fixturedefs[argname] = [node._name2pseudofixturedef[argname]] else: fixturedef = FixtureDef(fixturemanager, '', argname, get_direct_param_fixture_func, arg2scope[argname], valuelist, False, False) arg2fixturedefs[argname] = [fixturedef] if node is not None: node._name2pseudofixturedef[argname] = fixturedef def getfixturemarker(obj): """ return fixturemarker or None if it doesn't exist or raised exceptions.""" try: return getattr(obj, "_pytestfixturefunction", None) except TEST_OUTCOME: # some objects raise errors like request (from flask import request) # we don't expect them to be fixture functions return None def get_parametrized_fixture_keys(item, scopenum): """ return list of keys for all parametrized arguments which match the specified scope. """ assert scopenum < scopenum_function # function try: cs = item.callspec except AttributeError: pass else: # cs.indices.items() is random order of argnames. Need to # sort this so that different calls to # get_parametrized_fixture_keys will be deterministic. for argname, param_index in sorted(cs.indices.items()): if cs._arg2scopenum[argname] != scopenum: continue if scopenum == 0: # session key = (argname, param_index) elif scopenum == 1: # module key = (argname, param_index, item.fspath) elif scopenum == 2: # class key = (argname, param_index, item.fspath, item.cls) yield key # algorithm for sorting on a per-parametrized resource setup basis # it is called for scopenum==0 (session) first and performs sorting # down to the lower scopes such as to minimize number of "high scope" # setups and teardowns def reorder_items(items): argkeys_cache = {} for scopenum in range(0, scopenum_function): argkeys_cache[scopenum] = d = {} for item in items: keys = OrderedDict.fromkeys(get_parametrized_fixture_keys(item, scopenum)) if keys: d[item] = keys return reorder_items_atscope(items, set(), argkeys_cache, 0) def reorder_items_atscope(items, ignore, argkeys_cache, scopenum): if scopenum >= scopenum_function or len(items) < 3: return items items_done = [] while 1: items_before, items_same, items_other, newignore = \ slice_items(items, ignore, argkeys_cache[scopenum]) items_before = reorder_items_atscope( items_before, ignore, argkeys_cache, scopenum + 1) if items_same is None: # nothing to reorder in this scope assert items_other is None return items_done + items_before items_done.extend(items_before) items = items_same + items_other ignore = newignore def slice_items(items, ignore, scoped_argkeys_cache): # we pick the first item which uses a fixture instance in the # requested scope and which we haven't seen yet. We slice the input # items list into a list of items_nomatch, items_same and # items_other if scoped_argkeys_cache: # do we need to do work at all? it = iter(items) # first find a slicing key for i, item in enumerate(it): argkeys = scoped_argkeys_cache.get(item) if argkeys is not None: newargkeys = OrderedDict.fromkeys(k for k in argkeys if k not in ignore) if newargkeys: # found a slicing key slicing_argkey, _ = newargkeys.popitem() items_before = items[:i] items_same = [item] items_other = [] # now slice the remainder of the list for item in it: argkeys = scoped_argkeys_cache.get(item) if argkeys and slicing_argkey in argkeys and \ slicing_argkey not in ignore: items_same.append(item) else: items_other.append(item) newignore = ignore.copy() newignore.add(slicing_argkey) return (items_before, items_same, items_other, newignore) return items, None, None, None def fillfixtures(function): """ fill missing funcargs for a test function. """ try: request = function._request except AttributeError: # XXX this special code path is only expected to execute # with the oejskit plugin. It uses classes with funcargs # and we thus have to work a bit to allow this. fm = function.session._fixturemanager fi = fm.getfixtureinfo(function.parent, function.obj, None) function._fixtureinfo = fi request = function._request = FixtureRequest(function) request._fillfixtures() # prune out funcargs for jstests newfuncargs = {} for name in fi.argnames: newfuncargs[name] = function.funcargs[name] function.funcargs = newfuncargs else: request._fillfixtures() def get_direct_param_fixture_func(request): return request.param class FuncFixtureInfo: def __init__(self, argnames, names_closure, name2fixturedefs): self.argnames = argnames self.names_closure = names_closure self.name2fixturedefs = name2fixturedefs class FixtureRequest(FuncargnamesCompatAttr): """ A request for a fixture from a test or fixture function. A request object gives access to the requesting test context and has an optional ``param`` attribute in case the fixture is parametrized indirectly. """ def __init__(self, pyfuncitem): self._pyfuncitem = pyfuncitem #: fixture for which this request is being performed self.fixturename = None #: Scope string, one of "function", "class", "module", "session" self.scope = "function" self._fixture_values = {} # argname -> fixture value self._fixture_defs = {} # argname -> FixtureDef fixtureinfo = pyfuncitem._fixtureinfo self._arg2fixturedefs = fixtureinfo.name2fixturedefs.copy() self._arg2index = {} self._fixturemanager = pyfuncitem.session._fixturemanager @property def fixturenames(self): # backward incompatible note: now a readonly property return list(self._pyfuncitem._fixtureinfo.names_closure) @property def node(self): """ underlying collection node (depends on current request scope)""" return self._getscopeitem(self.scope) def _getnextfixturedef(self, argname): fixturedefs = self._arg2fixturedefs.get(argname, None) if fixturedefs is None: # we arrive here because of a a dynamic call to # getfixturevalue(argname) usage which was naturally # not known at parsing/collection time parentid = self._pyfuncitem.parent.nodeid fixturedefs = self._fixturemanager.getfixturedefs(argname, parentid) self._arg2fixturedefs[argname] = fixturedefs # fixturedefs list is immutable so we maintain a decreasing index index = self._arg2index.get(argname, 0) - 1 if fixturedefs is None or (-index > len(fixturedefs)): raise FixtureLookupError(argname, self) self._arg2index[argname] = index return fixturedefs[index] @property def config(self): """ the pytest config object associated with this request. """ return self._pyfuncitem.config @scopeproperty() def function(self): """ test function object if the request has a per-function scope. """ return self._pyfuncitem.obj @scopeproperty("class") def cls(self): """ class (can be None) where the test function was collected. """ clscol = self._pyfuncitem.getparent(_pytest.python.Class) if clscol: return clscol.obj @property def instance(self): """ instance (can be None) on which test function was collected. """ # unittest support hack, see _pytest.unittest.TestCaseFunction try: return self._pyfuncitem._testcase except AttributeError: function = getattr(self, "function", None) if function is not None: return py.builtin._getimself(function) @scopeproperty() def module(self): """ python module object where the test function was collected. """ return self._pyfuncitem.getparent(_pytest.python.Module).obj @scopeproperty() def fspath(self): """ the file system path of the test module which collected this test. """ return self._pyfuncitem.fspath @property def keywords(self): """ keywords/markers dictionary for the underlying node. """ return self.node.keywords @property def session(self): """ pytest session object. """ return self._pyfuncitem.session def addfinalizer(self, finalizer): """ add finalizer/teardown function to be called after the last test within the requesting test context finished execution. """ # XXX usually this method is shadowed by fixturedef specific ones self._addfinalizer(finalizer, scope=self.scope) def _addfinalizer(self, finalizer, scope): colitem = self._getscopeitem(scope) self._pyfuncitem.session._setupstate.addfinalizer( finalizer=finalizer, colitem=colitem) def applymarker(self, marker): """ Apply a marker to a single test function invocation. This method is useful if you don't want to have a keyword/marker on all function invocations. :arg marker: a :py:class:`_pytest.mark.MarkDecorator` object created by a call to ``pytest.mark.NAME(...)``. """ try: self.node.keywords[marker.markname] = marker except AttributeError: raise ValueError(marker) def raiseerror(self, msg): """ raise a FixtureLookupError with the given message. """ raise self._fixturemanager.FixtureLookupError(None, self, msg) def _fillfixtures(self): item = self._pyfuncitem fixturenames = getattr(item, "fixturenames", self.fixturenames) for argname in fixturenames: if argname not in item.funcargs: item.funcargs[argname] = self.getfixturevalue(argname) def cached_setup(self, setup, teardown=None, scope="module", extrakey=None): """ (deprecated) Return a testing resource managed by ``setup`` & ``teardown`` calls. ``scope`` and ``extrakey`` determine when the ``teardown`` function will be called so that subsequent calls to ``setup`` would recreate the resource. With pytest-2.3 you often do not need ``cached_setup()`` as you can directly declare a scope on a fixture function and register a finalizer through ``request.addfinalizer()``. :arg teardown: function receiving a previously setup resource. :arg setup: a no-argument function creating a resource. :arg scope: a string value out of ``function``, ``class``, ``module`` or ``session`` indicating the caching lifecycle of the resource. :arg extrakey: added to internal caching key of (funcargname, scope). """ if not hasattr(self.config, '_setupcache'): self.config._setupcache = {} # XXX weakref? cachekey = (self.fixturename, self._getscopeitem(scope), extrakey) cache = self.config._setupcache try: val = cache[cachekey] except KeyError: self._check_scope(self.fixturename, self.scope, scope) val = setup() cache[cachekey] = val if teardown is not None: def finalizer(): del cache[cachekey] teardown(val) self._addfinalizer(finalizer, scope=scope) return val def getfixturevalue(self, argname): """ Dynamically run a named fixture function. Declaring fixtures via function argument is recommended where possible. But if you can only decide whether to use another fixture at test setup time, you may use this function to retrieve it inside a fixture or test function body. """ return self._get_active_fixturedef(argname).cached_result[0] def getfuncargvalue(self, argname): """ Deprecated, use getfixturevalue. """ from _pytest import deprecated warnings.warn( deprecated.GETFUNCARGVALUE, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.getfixturevalue(argname) def _get_active_fixturedef(self, argname): try: return self._fixture_defs[argname] except KeyError: try: fixturedef = self._getnextfixturedef(argname) except FixtureLookupError: if argname == "request": class PseudoFixtureDef: cached_result = (self, [0], None) scope = "function" return PseudoFixtureDef raise # remove indent to prevent the python3 exception # from leaking into the call result = self._getfixturevalue(fixturedef) self._fixture_values[argname] = result self._fixture_defs[argname] = fixturedef return fixturedef def _get_fixturestack(self): current = self values = [] while 1: fixturedef = getattr(current, "_fixturedef", None) if fixturedef is None: values.reverse() return values values.append(fixturedef) current = current._parent_request def _getfixturevalue(self, fixturedef): # prepare a subrequest object before calling fixture function # (latter managed by fixturedef) argname = fixturedef.argname funcitem = self._pyfuncitem scope = fixturedef.scope try: param = funcitem.callspec.getparam(argname) except (AttributeError, ValueError): param = NOTSET param_index = 0 if fixturedef.params is not None: frame = inspect.stack()[3] frameinfo = inspect.getframeinfo(frame[0]) source_path = frameinfo.filename source_lineno = frameinfo.lineno source_path = py.path.local(source_path) if source_path.relto(funcitem.config.rootdir): source_path = source_path.relto(funcitem.config.rootdir) msg = ( "The requested fixture has no parameter defined for the " "current test.\n\nRequested fixture '{0}' defined in:\n{1}" "\n\nRequested here:\n{2}:{3}".format( fixturedef.argname, getlocation(fixturedef.func, funcitem.config.rootdir), source_path, source_lineno, ) ) fail(msg) else: # indices might not be set if old-style metafunc.addcall() was used param_index = funcitem.callspec.indices.get(argname, 0) # if a parametrize invocation set a scope it will override # the static scope defined with the fixture function paramscopenum = funcitem.callspec._arg2scopenum.get(argname) if paramscopenum is not None: scope = scopes[paramscopenum] subrequest = SubRequest(self, scope, param, param_index, fixturedef) # check if a higher-level scoped fixture accesses a lower level one subrequest._check_scope(argname, self.scope, scope) # clear sys.exc_info before invoking the fixture (python bug?) # if its not explicitly cleared it will leak into the call exc_clear() try: # call the fixture function val = fixturedef.execute(request=subrequest) finally: # if fixture function failed it might have registered finalizers self.session._setupstate.addfinalizer(fixturedef.finish, subrequest.node) return val def _check_scope(self, argname, invoking_scope, requested_scope): if argname == "request": return if scopemismatch(invoking_scope, requested_scope): # try to report something helpful lines = self._factorytraceback() fail("ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the %r scoped " "fixture %r with a %r scoped request object, " "involved factories\n%s" % ( (requested_scope, argname, invoking_scope, "\n".join(lines))), pytrace=False) def _factorytraceback(self): lines = [] for fixturedef in self._get_fixturestack(): factory = fixturedef.func fs, lineno = getfslineno(factory) p = self._pyfuncitem.session.fspath.bestrelpath(fs) args = _format_args(factory) lines.append("%s:%d: def %s%s" % ( p, lineno, factory.__name__, args)) return lines def _getscopeitem(self, scope): if scope == "function": # this might also be a non-function Item despite its attribute name return self._pyfuncitem node = get_scope_node(self._pyfuncitem, scope) if node is None and scope == "class": # fallback to function item itself node = self._pyfuncitem assert node return node def __repr__(self): return "<FixtureRequest for %r>" % (self.node) class SubRequest(FixtureRequest): """ a sub request for handling getting a fixture from a test function/fixture. """ def __init__(self, request, scope, param, param_index, fixturedef): self._parent_request = request self.fixturename = fixturedef.argname if param is not NOTSET: self.param = param self.param_index = param_index self.scope = scope self._fixturedef = fixturedef self._pyfuncitem = request._pyfuncitem self._fixture_values = request._fixture_values self._fixture_defs = request._fixture_defs self._arg2fixturedefs = request._arg2fixturedefs self._arg2index = request._arg2index self._fixturemanager = request._fixturemanager def __repr__(self): return "<SubRequest %r for %r>" % (self.fixturename, self._pyfuncitem) def addfinalizer(self, finalizer): self._fixturedef.addfinalizer(finalizer) class ScopeMismatchError(Exception): """ A fixture function tries to use a different fixture function which which has a lower scope (e.g. a Session one calls a function one) """ scopes = "session module class function".split() scopenum_function = scopes.index("function") def scopemismatch(currentscope, newscope): return scopes.index(newscope) > scopes.index(currentscope) def scope2index(scope, descr, where=None): """Look up the index of ``scope`` and raise a descriptive value error if not defined. """ try: return scopes.index(scope) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "{0} {1}has an unsupported scope value '{2}'".format( descr, 'from {0} '.format(where) if where else '', scope) ) class FixtureLookupError(LookupError): """ could not return a requested Fixture (missing or invalid). """ def __init__(self, argname, request, msg=None): self.argname = argname self.request = request self.fixturestack = request._get_fixturestack() self.msg = msg def formatrepr(self): tblines = [] addline = tblines.append stack = [self.request._pyfuncitem.obj] stack.extend(map(lambda x: x.func, self.fixturestack)) msg = self.msg if msg is not None: # the last fixture raise an error, let's present # it at the requesting side stack = stack[:-1] for function in stack: fspath, lineno = getfslineno(function) try: lines, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(get_real_func(function)) except (IOError, IndexError, TypeError): error_msg = "file %s, line %s: source code not available" addline(error_msg % (fspath, lineno + 1)) else: addline("file %s, line %s" % (fspath, lineno + 1)) for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.rstrip() addline(" " + line) if line.lstrip().startswith('def'): break if msg is None: fm = self.request._fixturemanager available = [] parentid = self.request._pyfuncitem.parent.nodeid for name, fixturedefs in fm._arg2fixturedefs.items(): faclist = list(fm._matchfactories(fixturedefs, parentid)) if faclist and name not in available: available.append(name) msg = "fixture %r not found" % (self.argname,) msg += "\n available fixtures: %s" % (", ".join(sorted(available)),) msg += "\n use 'pytest --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them." return FixtureLookupErrorRepr(fspath, lineno, tblines, msg, self.argname) class FixtureLookupErrorRepr(TerminalRepr): def __init__(self, filename, firstlineno, tblines, errorstring, argname): self.tblines = tblines self.errorstring = errorstring self.filename = filename self.firstlineno = firstlineno self.argname = argname def toterminal(self, tw): # tw.line("FixtureLookupError: %s" %(self.argname), red=True) for tbline in self.tblines: tw.line(tbline.rstrip()) lines = self.errorstring.split("\n") if lines: tw.line('{0} {1}'.format(FormattedExcinfo.fail_marker, lines[0].strip()), red=True) for line in lines[1:]: tw.line('{0} {1}'.format(FormattedExcinfo.flow_marker, line.strip()), red=True) tw.line() tw.line("%s:%d" % (self.filename, self.firstlineno + 1)) def fail_fixturefunc(fixturefunc, msg): fs, lineno = getfslineno(fixturefunc) location = "%s:%s" % (fs, lineno + 1) source = _pytest._code.Source(fixturefunc) fail(msg + ":\n\n" + str(source.indent()) + "\n" + location, pytrace=False) def call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs): yieldctx = is_generator(fixturefunc) if yieldctx: it = fixturefunc(**kwargs) res = next(it) def teardown(): try: next(it) except StopIteration: pass else: fail_fixturefunc(fixturefunc, "yield_fixture function has more than one 'yield'") request.addfinalizer(teardown) else: res = fixturefunc(**kwargs) return res class FixtureDef: """ A container for a factory definition. """ def __init__(self, fixturemanager, baseid, argname, func, scope, params, unittest=False, ids=None): self._fixturemanager = fixturemanager self.baseid = baseid or '' self.has_location = baseid is not None self.func = func self.argname = argname self.scope = scope self.scopenum = scope2index( scope or "function", descr='fixture {0}'.format(func.__name__), where=baseid ) self.params = params startindex = unittest and 1 or None self.argnames = getfuncargnames(func, startindex=startindex) self.unittest = unittest self.ids = ids self._finalizer = [] def addfinalizer(self, finalizer): self._finalizer.append(finalizer) def finish(self): exceptions = [] try: while self._finalizer: try: func = self._finalizer.pop() func() except: # noqa exceptions.append(sys.exc_info()) if exceptions: e = exceptions[0] del exceptions # ensure we don't keep all frames alive because of the traceback py.builtin._reraise(*e) finally: ihook = self._fixturemanager.session.ihook ihook.pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(fixturedef=self) # even if finalization fails, we invalidate # the cached fixture value if hasattr(self, "cached_result"): del self.cached_result def execute(self, request): # get required arguments and register our own finish() # with their finalization for argname in self.argnames: fixturedef = request._get_active_fixturedef(argname) if argname != "request": fixturedef.addfinalizer(self.finish) my_cache_key = request.param_index cached_result = getattr(self, "cached_result", None) if cached_result is not None: result, cache_key, err = cached_result if my_cache_key == cache_key: if err is not None: py.builtin._reraise(*err) else: return result # we have a previous but differently parametrized fixture instance # so we need to tear it down before creating a new one self.finish() assert not hasattr(self, "cached_result") ihook = self._fixturemanager.session.ihook return ihook.pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef=self, request=request) def __repr__(self): return ("<FixtureDef name=%r scope=%r baseid=%r >" % (self.argname, self.scope, self.baseid)) def pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request): """ Execution of fixture setup. """ kwargs = {} for argname in fixturedef.argnames: fixdef = request._get_active_fixturedef(argname) result, arg_cache_key, exc = fixdef.cached_result request._check_scope(argname, request.scope, fixdef.scope) kwargs[argname] = result fixturefunc = fixturedef.func if fixturedef.unittest: if request.instance is not None: # bind the unbound method to the TestCase instance fixturefunc = fixturedef.func.__get__(request.instance) else: # the fixture function needs to be bound to the actual # request.instance so that code working with "fixturedef" behaves # as expected. if request.instance is not None: fixturefunc = getimfunc(fixturedef.func) if fixturefunc != fixturedef.func: fixturefunc = fixturefunc.__get__(request.instance) my_cache_key = request.param_index try: result = call_fixture_func(fixturefunc, request, kwargs) except TEST_OUTCOME: fixturedef.cached_result = (None, my_cache_key, sys.exc_info()) raise fixturedef.cached_result = (result, my_cache_key, None) return result class FixtureFunctionMarker: def __init__(self, scope, params, autouse=False, ids=None, name=None): self.scope = scope self.params = params self.autouse = autouse self.ids = ids = name def __call__(self, function): if isclass(function): raise ValueError( "class fixtures not supported (may be in the future)") function._pytestfixturefunction = self return function def fixture(scope="function", params=None, autouse=False, ids=None, name=None): """ (return a) decorator to mark a fixture factory function. This decorator can be used (with or without parameters) to define a fixture function. The name of the fixture function can later be referenced to cause its invocation ahead of running tests: test modules or classes can use the pytest.mark.usefixtures(fixturename) marker. Test functions can directly use fixture names as input arguments in which case the fixture instance returned from the fixture function will be injected. :arg scope: the scope for which this fixture is shared, one of "function" (default), "class", "module" or "session". :arg params: an optional list of parameters which will cause multiple invocations of the fixture function and all of the tests using it. :arg autouse: if True, the fixture func is activated for all tests that can see it. If False (the default) then an explicit reference is needed to activate the fixture. :arg ids: list of string ids each corresponding to the params so that they are part of the test id. If no ids are provided they will be generated automatically from the params. :arg name: the name of the fixture. This defaults to the name of the decorated function. If a fixture is used in the same module in which it is defined, the function name of the fixture will be shadowed by the function arg that requests the fixture; one way to resolve this is to name the decorated function ``fixture_<fixturename>`` and then use ``@pytest.fixture(name='<fixturename>')``. Fixtures can optionally provide their values to test functions using a ``yield`` statement, instead of ``return``. In this case, the code block after the ``yield`` statement is executed as teardown code regardless of the test outcome. A fixture function must yield exactly once. """ if callable(scope) and params is None and autouse is False: # direct decoration return FixtureFunctionMarker( "function", params, autouse, name=name)(scope) if params is not None and not isinstance(params, (list, tuple)): params = list(params) return FixtureFunctionMarker(scope, params, autouse, ids=ids, name=name) def yield_fixture(scope="function", params=None, autouse=False, ids=None, name=None): """ (return a) decorator to mark a yield-fixture factory function. .. deprecated:: 3.0 Use :py:func:`pytest.fixture` directly instead. """ if callable(scope) and params is None and not autouse: # direct decoration return FixtureFunctionMarker( "function", params, autouse, ids=ids, name=name)(scope) else: return FixtureFunctionMarker(scope, params, autouse, ids=ids, name=name) defaultfuncargprefixmarker = fixture() @fixture(scope="session") def pytestconfig(request): """ the pytest config object with access to command line opts.""" return request.config class FixtureManager: """ pytest fixtures definitions and information is stored and managed from this class. During collection fm.parsefactories() is called multiple times to parse fixture function definitions into FixtureDef objects and internal data structures. During collection of test functions, metafunc-mechanics instantiate a FuncFixtureInfo object which is cached per node/func-name. This FuncFixtureInfo object is later retrieved by Function nodes which themselves offer a fixturenames attribute. The FuncFixtureInfo object holds information about fixtures and FixtureDefs relevant for a particular function. An initial list of fixtures is assembled like this: - ini-defined usefixtures - autouse-marked fixtures along the collection chain up from the function - usefixtures markers at module/class/function level - test function funcargs Subsequently the funcfixtureinfo.fixturenames attribute is computed as the closure of the fixtures needed to setup the initial fixtures, i. e. fixtures needed by fixture functions themselves are appended to the fixturenames list. Upon the test-setup phases all fixturenames are instantiated, retrieved by a lookup of their FuncFixtureInfo. """ _argprefix = "pytest_funcarg__" FixtureLookupError = FixtureLookupError FixtureLookupErrorRepr = FixtureLookupErrorRepr def __init__(self, session): self.session = session self.config = session.config self._arg2fixturedefs = {} self._holderobjseen = set() self._arg2finish = {} self._nodeid_and_autousenames = [("", self.config.getini("usefixtures"))] session.config.pluginmanager.register(self, "funcmanage") def getfixtureinfo(self, node, func, cls, funcargs=True): if funcargs and not hasattr(node, "nofuncargs"): argnames = getfuncargnames(func, cls=cls) else: argnames = () usefixtures = getattr(func, "usefixtures", None) initialnames = argnames if usefixtures is not None: initialnames = usefixtures.args + initialnames fm = node.session._fixturemanager names_closure, arg2fixturedefs = fm.getfixtureclosure(initialnames, node) return FuncFixtureInfo(argnames, names_closure, arg2fixturedefs) def pytest_plugin_registered(self, plugin): nodeid = None try: p = py.path.local(plugin.__file__) except AttributeError: pass else: # construct the base nodeid which is later used to check # what fixtures are visible for particular tests (as denoted # by their test id) if p.basename.startswith(""): nodeid = p.dirpath().relto(self.config.rootdir) if p.sep != nodes.SEP: nodeid = nodeid.replace(p.sep, nodes.SEP) self.parsefactories(plugin, nodeid) def _getautousenames(self, nodeid): """ return a tuple of fixture names to be used. """ autousenames = [] for baseid, basenames in self._nodeid_and_autousenames: if nodeid.startswith(baseid): if baseid: i = len(baseid) nextchar = nodeid[i:i + 1] if nextchar and nextchar not in ":/": continue autousenames.extend(basenames) # make sure autousenames are sorted by scope, scopenum 0 is session autousenames.sort( key=lambda x: self._arg2fixturedefs[x][-1].scopenum) return autousenames def getfixtureclosure(self, fixturenames, parentnode): # collect the closure of all fixtures , starting with the given # fixturenames as the initial set. As we have to visit all # factory definitions anyway, we also return a arg2fixturedefs # mapping so that the caller can reuse it and does not have # to re-discover fixturedefs again for each fixturename # (discovering matching fixtures for a given name/node is expensive) parentid = parentnode.nodeid fixturenames_closure = self._getautousenames(parentid) def merge(otherlist): for arg in otherlist: if arg not in fixturenames_closure: fixturenames_closure.append(arg) merge(fixturenames) arg2fixturedefs = {} lastlen = -1 while lastlen != len(fixturenames_closure): lastlen = len(fixturenames_closure) for argname in fixturenames_closure: if argname in arg2fixturedefs: continue fixturedefs = self.getfixturedefs(argname, parentid) if fixturedefs: arg2fixturedefs[argname] = fixturedefs merge(fixturedefs[-1].argnames) return fixturenames_closure, arg2fixturedefs def pytest_generate_tests(self, metafunc): for argname in metafunc.fixturenames: faclist = metafunc._arg2fixturedefs.get(argname) if faclist: fixturedef = faclist[-1] if fixturedef.params is not None: parametrize_func = getattr(metafunc.function, 'parametrize', None) func_params = getattr(parametrize_func, 'args', [[None]]) func_kwargs = getattr(parametrize_func, 'kwargs', {}) # skip directly parametrized arguments if "argnames" in func_kwargs: argnames = parametrize_func.kwargs["argnames"] else: argnames = func_params[0] if not isinstance(argnames, (tuple, list)): argnames = [x.strip() for x in argnames.split(",") if x.strip()] if argname not in func_params and argname not in argnames: metafunc.parametrize(argname, fixturedef.params, indirect=True, scope=fixturedef.scope, ids=fixturedef.ids) else: continue # will raise FixtureLookupError at setup time def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, items): # separate parametrized setups items[:] = reorder_items(items) def parsefactories(self, node_or_obj, nodeid=NOTSET, unittest=False): if nodeid is not NOTSET: holderobj = node_or_obj else: holderobj = node_or_obj.obj nodeid = node_or_obj.nodeid if holderobj in self._holderobjseen: return self._holderobjseen.add(holderobj) autousenames = [] for name in dir(holderobj): # The attribute can be an arbitrary descriptor, so the attribute # access below can raise. safe_getatt() ignores such exceptions. obj = safe_getattr(holderobj, name, None) # fixture functions have a pytest_funcarg__ prefix (pre-2.3 style) # or are "@pytest.fixture" marked marker = getfixturemarker(obj) if marker is None: if not name.startswith(self._argprefix): continue if not callable(obj): continue marker = defaultfuncargprefixmarker from _pytest import deprecated self.config.warn('C1', deprecated.FUNCARG_PREFIX.format(name=name), nodeid=nodeid) name = name[len(self._argprefix):] elif not isinstance(marker, FixtureFunctionMarker): # magic globals with __getattr__ might have got us a wrong # fixture attribute continue else: if name = msg = 'fixtures cannot have "pytest_funcarg__" prefix ' \ 'and be decorated with @pytest.fixture:\n%s' % name assert not name.startswith(self._argprefix), msg fixture_def = FixtureDef(self, nodeid, name, obj, marker.scope, marker.params, unittest=unittest, ids=marker.ids) faclist = self._arg2fixturedefs.setdefault(name, []) if fixture_def.has_location: faclist.append(fixture_def) else: # fixturedefs with no location are at the front # so this inserts the current fixturedef after the # existing fixturedefs from external plugins but # before the fixturedefs provided in conftests. i = len([f for f in faclist if not f.has_location]) faclist.insert(i, fixture_def) if marker.autouse: autousenames.append(name) if autousenames: self._nodeid_and_autousenames.append((nodeid or '', autousenames)) def getfixturedefs(self, argname, nodeid): """ Gets a list of fixtures which are applicable to the given node id. :param str argname: name of the fixture to search for :param str nodeid: full node id of the requesting test. :return: list[FixtureDef] """ try: fixturedefs = self._arg2fixturedefs[argname] except KeyError: return None else: return tuple(self._matchfactories(fixturedefs, nodeid)) def _matchfactories(self, fixturedefs, nodeid): for fixturedef in fixturedefs: if nodes.ischildnode(fixturedef.baseid, nodeid): yield fixturedef
"""\ A library of useful helper classes to the SAX classes, for the convenience of application and driver writers. """ import os, urllib.parse, urllib.request import io from . import handler from . import xmlreader def __dict_replace(s, d): """Replace substrings of a string using a dictionary.""" for key, value in d.items(): s = s.replace(key, value) return s def escape(data, entities={}): """Escape &, <, and > in a string of data. You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as the optional entities parameter. The keys and values must all be strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value. """ # must do ampersand first data = data.replace("&", "&amp;") data = data.replace(">", "&gt;") data = data.replace("<", "&lt;") if entities: data = __dict_replace(data, entities) return data def unescape(data, entities={}): """Unescape &amp;, &lt;, and &gt; in a string of data. You can unescape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as the optional entities parameter. The keys and values must all be strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value. """ data = data.replace("&lt;", "<") data = data.replace("&gt;", ">") if entities: data = __dict_replace(data, entities) # must do ampersand last return data.replace("&amp;", "&") def quoteattr(data, entities={}): """Escape and quote an attribute value. Escape &, <, and > in a string of data, then quote it for use as an attribute value. The \" character will be escaped as well, if necessary. You can escape other strings of data by passing a dictionary as the optional entities parameter. The keys and values must all be strings; each key will be replaced with its corresponding value. """ entities = entities.copy() entities.update({'\n': '&#10;', '\r': '&#13;', '\t':'&#9;'}) data = escape(data, entities) if '"' in data: if "'" in data: data = '"%s"' % data.replace('"', "&quot;") else: data = "'%s'" % data else: data = '"%s"' % data return data def _gettextwriter(out, encoding): if out is None: import sys return sys.stdout if isinstance(out, io.TextIOBase): # use a text writer as is return out # wrap a binary writer with TextIOWrapper if isinstance(out, io.RawIOBase): # Keep the original file open when the TextIOWrapper is # destroyed class _wrapper: __class__ = out.__class__ def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(out, name) buffer = _wrapper() buffer.close = lambda: None else: # This is to handle passed objects that aren't in the # IOBase hierarchy, but just have a write method buffer = io.BufferedIOBase() buffer.writable = lambda: True buffer.write = out.write try: # TextIOWrapper uses this methods to determine # if BOM (for UTF-16, etc) should be added buffer.seekable = out.seekable buffer.tell = out.tell except AttributeError: pass return io.TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding=encoding, errors='xmlcharrefreplace', newline='\n', write_through=True) class XMLGenerator(handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, out=None, encoding="iso-8859-1", short_empty_elements=False): handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self) out = _gettextwriter(out, encoding) self._write = out.write self._flush = out.flush self._ns_contexts = [{}] # contains uri -> prefix dicts self._current_context = self._ns_contexts[-1] self._undeclared_ns_maps = [] self._encoding = encoding self._short_empty_elements = short_empty_elements self._pending_start_element = False def _qname(self, name): """Builds a qualified name from a (ns_url, localname) pair""" if name[0]: # Per, The 'xml' prefix is # bound by definition to It # does not need to be declared and will not usually be found in # self._current_context. if '' == name[0]: return 'xml:' + name[1] # The name is in a non-empty namespace prefix = self._current_context[name[0]] if prefix: # If it is not the default namespace, prepend the prefix return prefix + ":" + name[1] # Return the unqualified name return name[1] def _finish_pending_start_element(self,endElement=False): if self._pending_start_element: self._write('>') self._pending_start_element = False # ContentHandler methods def startDocument(self): self._write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>\n' % self._encoding) def endDocument(self): self._flush() def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri): self._ns_contexts.append(self._current_context.copy()) self._current_context[uri] = prefix self._undeclared_ns_maps.append((prefix, uri)) def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix): self._current_context = self._ns_contexts[-1] del self._ns_contexts[-1] def startElement(self, name, attrs): self._finish_pending_start_element() self._write('<' + name) for (name, value) in attrs.items(): self._write(' %s=%s' % (name, quoteattr(value))) if self._short_empty_elements: self._pending_start_element = True else: self._write(">") def endElement(self, name): if self._pending_start_element: self._write('/>') self._pending_start_element = False else: self._write('</%s>' % name) def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs): self._finish_pending_start_element() self._write('<' + self._qname(name)) for prefix, uri in self._undeclared_ns_maps: if prefix: self._write(' xmlns:%s="%s"' % (prefix, uri)) else: self._write(' xmlns="%s"' % uri) self._undeclared_ns_maps = [] for (name, value) in attrs.items(): self._write(' %s=%s' % (self._qname(name), quoteattr(value))) if self._short_empty_elements: self._pending_start_element = True else: self._write(">") def endElementNS(self, name, qname): if self._pending_start_element: self._write('/>') self._pending_start_element = False else: self._write('</%s>' % self._qname(name)) def characters(self, content): if content: self._finish_pending_start_element() self._write(escape(content)) def ignorableWhitespace(self, content): if content: self._finish_pending_start_element() self._write(content) def processingInstruction(self, target, data): self._finish_pending_start_element() self._write('<?%s %s?>' % (target, data)) class XMLFilterBase(xmlreader.XMLReader): """This class is designed to sit between an XMLReader and the client application's event handlers. By default, it does nothing but pass requests up to the reader and events on to the handlers unmodified, but subclasses can override specific methods to modify the event stream or the configuration requests as they pass through.""" def __init__(self, parent = None): xmlreader.XMLReader.__init__(self) self._parent = parent # ErrorHandler methods def error(self, exception): self._err_handler.error(exception) def fatalError(self, exception): self._err_handler.fatalError(exception) def warning(self, exception): self._err_handler.warning(exception) # ContentHandler methods def setDocumentLocator(self, locator): self._cont_handler.setDocumentLocator(locator) def startDocument(self): self._cont_handler.startDocument() def endDocument(self): self._cont_handler.endDocument() def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri): self._cont_handler.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri) def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix): self._cont_handler.endPrefixMapping(prefix) def startElement(self, name, attrs): self._cont_handler.startElement(name, attrs) def endElement(self, name): self._cont_handler.endElement(name) def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs): self._cont_handler.startElementNS(name, qname, attrs) def endElementNS(self, name, qname): self._cont_handler.endElementNS(name, qname) def characters(self, content): self._cont_handler.characters(content) def ignorableWhitespace(self, chars): self._cont_handler.ignorableWhitespace(chars) def processingInstruction(self, target, data): self._cont_handler.processingInstruction(target, data) def skippedEntity(self, name): self._cont_handler.skippedEntity(name) # DTDHandler methods def notationDecl(self, name, publicId, systemId): self._dtd_handler.notationDecl(name, publicId, systemId) def unparsedEntityDecl(self, name, publicId, systemId, ndata): self._dtd_handler.unparsedEntityDecl(name, publicId, systemId, ndata) # EntityResolver methods def resolveEntity(self, publicId, systemId): return self._ent_handler.resolveEntity(publicId, systemId) # XMLReader methods def parse(self, source): self._parent.setContentHandler(self) self._parent.setErrorHandler(self) self._parent.setEntityResolver(self) self._parent.setDTDHandler(self) self._parent.parse(source) def setLocale(self, locale): self._parent.setLocale(locale) def getFeature(self, name): return self._parent.getFeature(name) def setFeature(self, name, state): self._parent.setFeature(name, state) def getProperty(self, name): return self._parent.getProperty(name) def setProperty(self, name, value): self._parent.setProperty(name, value) # XMLFilter methods def getParent(self): return self._parent def setParent(self, parent): self._parent = parent # --- Utility functions def prepare_input_source(source, base=""): """This function takes an InputSource and an optional base URL and returns a fully resolved InputSource object ready for reading.""" if isinstance(source, str): source = xmlreader.InputSource(source) elif hasattr(source, "read"): f = source source = xmlreader.InputSource() source.setByteStream(f) if hasattr(f, "name"): source.setSystemId( if source.getByteStream() is None: sysid = source.getSystemId() basehead = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(base)) sysidfilename = os.path.join(basehead, sysid) if os.path.isfile(sysidfilename): source.setSystemId(sysidfilename) f = open(sysidfilename, "rb") else: source.setSystemId(urllib.parse.urljoin(base, sysid)) f = urllib.request.urlopen(source.getSystemId()) source.setByteStream(f) return source
import webiopi import datetime GPIO = webiopi.GPIO #LIGHT = 17 # GPIO pin using BCM numbering VALVE1 = 2 VALVE2 = 3 VALVE3 = 7 VALVE4 = 8 VALVE5 = 9 VALVE6 = 10 VALVE7 = 11 VALVE8 = 18 #HOUR_ON = 8 # Turn Light ON at 08:00 #HOUR_OFF = 18 # Turn Light OFF at 18:00 # setup function is automatically called at WebIOPi startup def setup(): # set the GPIO used by the light to output GPIO.setFunction(VALVE1, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE2, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE3, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE4, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE5, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE6, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE7, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setFunction(VALVE8, GPIO.OUT) # retrieve current datetime #now = # test if we are between ON time and tun the light ON #if ((now.hour >= HOUR_ON) and (now.hour < HOUR_OFF)): # GPIO.digitalWrite(LIGHT, GPIO.HIGH) @webiopi.macro def getLightHours(): return "%d;%d" % (HOUR_ON, HOUR_OFF) @webiopi.macro def setLightHours(on, off): global HOUR_ON, HOUR_OFF HOUR_ON = int(on) HOUR_OFF = int(off) return getLightHours() # destroy function is called at WebIOPi shutdown def destroy(): GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE1, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE2, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE3, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE4, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE5, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE6, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE7, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.digitalWrite(VALVE8, GPIO.HIGH)
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from collections import defaultdict from telemetry.timeline import slice as slice_module from telemetry.timeline import bounds class MissingData(Exception): pass class NoBeginFrameIdException(Exception): pass class RenderingFrame(object): """Object with information about the triggering of a BeginMainFrame event.""" send_begin_frame_event = 'ThreadProxy::ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame' begin_main_frame_event = 'ThreadProxy::BeginMainFrame' def __init__(self, events): all_send_begin_frame_events = [e for e in events if == self.send_begin_frame_event] if len(all_send_begin_frame_events) != 1: raise MissingData('There must be at exactly one %s event.' % self.send_begin_frame_event) all_begin_main_frame_events = [e for e in events if == self.begin_main_frame_event] if not all_begin_main_frame_events: raise MissingData('There must be at least one %s event.' % self.begin_main_frame_event) all_begin_main_frame_events.sort(key=lambda e: e.start) self._send_begin_frame = all_send_begin_frame_events[0] self._begin_main_frame = all_begin_main_frame_events[-1] self._bounds = bounds.Bounds() self._bounds.AddEvent(self._begin_main_frame) self._bounds.AddEvent(self._send_begin_frame) @staticmethod def IsEventUseful(event): return in [RenderingFrame.send_begin_frame_event, RenderingFrame.begin_main_frame_event] @property def bounds(self): return self._bounds @property def queueing_duration(self): return self._begin_main_frame.start - self._send_begin_frame.start def GetFrameEventsInsideRange(renderer_process, timeline_range): """Returns RenderingFrames for all relevant events in the timeline_range.""" # First filter all events from the renderer_process and turn them into a # dictonary of the form: # {0: [send_begin_frame, begin_main_frame, begin_main_frame], # 1: [begin_main_frame, send_begin_frame], # 2: [send_begin_frame, begin_main_frame]} begin_frame_events_by_id = defaultdict(list) for event in renderer_process.IterAllEvents( event_type_predicate=lambda t: t == slice_module.Slice, event_predicate=RenderingFrame.IsEventUseful): begin_frame_id = event.args.get('begin_frame_id', None) if begin_frame_id is None: raise NoBeginFrameIdException('Event is missing a begin_frame_id.') begin_frame_events_by_id[begin_frame_id].append(event) # Now, create RenderingFrames for events wherever possible. frames = [] for events in begin_frame_events_by_id.values(): try: frame = RenderingFrame(events) if frame.bounds.Intersects(timeline_range): frames.append(frame) except MissingData: continue frames.sort(key=lambda frame: frame.bounds.min) return frames
items_found_can_i_use = None can_i_use_file = None can_i_use_popup_is_showing = False can_i_use_list_from_main_menu = False path_to_can_i_use_data = os.path.join(H_SETTINGS_FOLDER, "can_i_use", "can_i_use_data.json") path_to_test_can_i_use_data = os.path.join(H_SETTINGS_FOLDER, "can_i_use", "can_i_use_data2.json") url_can_i_use_json_data = "" can_i_use_css = "" with open(os.path.join(H_SETTINGS_FOLDER, "can_i_use", "style.css")) as css_file: can_i_use_css = "<style>""</style>" def donwload_can_i_use_json_data() : global can_i_use_file if os.path.isfile(path_to_can_i_use_data) : with open(path_to_can_i_use_data) as json_file: try : can_i_use_file = json.load(json_file) except Exception as e : print("Error: "+traceback.format_exc()) sublime.active_window().status_message("Can't use \"Can I use\" json data from:") if Util.download_and_save(url_can_i_use_json_data, path_to_test_can_i_use_data) : if os.path.isfile(path_to_can_i_use_data) : if not Util.checksum_sha1_equalcompare(path_to_can_i_use_data, path_to_test_can_i_use_data) : with open(path_to_test_can_i_use_data) as json_file: try : can_i_use_file = json.load(json_file) if os.path.isfile(path_to_can_i_use_data) : os.remove(path_to_can_i_use_data) os.rename(path_to_test_can_i_use_data, path_to_can_i_use_data) except Exception as e : print("Error: "+traceback.format_exc()) sublime.active_window().status_message("Can't use new \"Can I use\" json data from:") if os.path.isfile(path_to_test_can_i_use_data) : os.remove(path_to_test_can_i_use_data) else : os.rename(path_to_test_can_i_use_data, path_to_can_i_use_data) with open(path_to_can_i_use_data) as json_file : try : can_i_use_file = json.load(json_file) except Exception as e : print("Error: "+traceback.format_exc()) sublime.active_window().status_message("Can't use \"Can I use\" json data from:") Util.create_and_start_thread(donwload_can_i_use_json_data, "DownloadCanIuseJsonData") def find_in_can_i_use(word) : global can_i_use_file can_i_use_data = can_i_use_file.get("data") word = word.lower() return [value for key, value in can_i_use_data.items() if value["title"].lower().find(word) >= 0] def back_to_can_i_use_list(action): global can_i_use_popup_is_showing if action.find("http") >= 0: return view = sublime.active_window().active_view() can_i_use_popup_is_showing = False view.hide_popup() if len(action.split(",")) > 1 and action.split(",")[1] == "main-menu" : view.run_command("can_i_use", args={"from": "main-menu"}) else : view.run_command("can_i_use") def show_pop_can_i_use(index): global can_i_use_file global items_found_can_i_use global can_i_use_popup_is_showing if index < 0: return item = items_found_can_i_use[index] browser_accepted = ["ie", "edge", "firefox", "chrome", "safari", "opera", "ios_saf", "op_mini", "android", "and_chr"] browser_name = [ "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IE", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;EDGE", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Firefox", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chrome", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Safari", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Opera", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;iOS Safari", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Opera Mini", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Android Browser", "Chrome for Android" ] html_browser = "" html_browser += "<div>" html_browser += "<h1 class=\"title\">"+cgi.escape(item["title"])+" <a href=\""+item["spec"].replace(" ", "%20")+"\"><span class=\"status "+item["status"]+"\"> - "+item["status"].upper()+"</span></a></h1>" html_browser += "<p class=\"description\">"+cgi.escape(item["description"])+"</p>" html_browser += "<p class=\"\"><span class=\"support\">Global Support: <span class=\"support-y\">"+str(item["usage_perc_y"])+"%</span>"+( " + <span class=\"support-a\">"+str(item["usage_perc_a"])+"%</span> = " if float(item["usage_perc_a"]) > 0 else "" )+( "<span class=\"support-total\">"+str( "{:10.2f}".format(float(item["usage_perc_y"]) + float(item["usage_perc_a"])) )+"%</span>" if float(item["usage_perc_a"]) > 0 else "" )+"</span> "+( " ".join(["<span class=\"category\">"+category+"</span>" for category in item["categories"]]) )+"</p>" html_browser += "</div>" html_browser += "<div class=\"container-browser-list\">" i = 0 for browser in browser_accepted : browser_versions = can_i_use_file["agents"] stat = item["stats"].get(browser) stat_items_ordered = list() for k in stat.keys() : if k != "TP" : stat_items_ordered.append(k) if len(stat_items_ordered) >= 1 and stat_items_ordered[0] != "all" : stat_items_ordered.sort(key=LooseVersion) stat_items_ordered = stat_items_ordered[::-1] html_p = "<p class=\"version-stat-item\"><span class=\"browser-name\">"+browser_name[i]+"</span> : " j = 0 while j < len(stat_items_ordered) : if j == 7: break class_name = stat.get(stat_items_ordered[j]) html_annotation_numbers = "" requires_prefix = "" can_be_enabled = "" if"\bx\b", class_name) : requires_prefix = "x" if"\bd\b", class_name) : can_be_enabled = "d" if class_name.find("#") >= 0 : numbers = class_name[class_name.find("#"):].strip().split(" ") for number in numbers : number = int(number.replace("#", "")) html_annotation_numbers += "<span class=\"annotation-number\">"+str(number)+"</span>" html_p += "<span class=\"version-stat "+stat.get(stat_items_ordered[j])+" \">"+( html_annotation_numbers if html_annotation_numbers else "" )+stat_items_ordered[j]+( "<span class=\"can-be-enabled\">&nbsp;</span>" if can_be_enabled else "" )+( "<span class=\"requires-prefix\">&nbsp;</span>" if requires_prefix else "" )+"</span> " j = j + 1 html_p += "</p>" html_browser += html_p i = i + 1 html_browser += "</div>" if item["notes_by_num"] : html_browser += "<div>" html_browser += "<h3>Notes</h3>" notes_by_num = item["notes_by_num"] notes_by_num_ordered = list() for k in notes_by_num.keys() : notes_by_num_ordered.append(k) notes_by_num_ordered.sort() i = 0 while i < len(notes_by_num_ordered) : note = notes_by_num.get(notes_by_num_ordered[i]) html_p = "<p class=\"note\"><span class=\"annotation-number\">"+str(notes_by_num_ordered[i])+"</span>"+cgi.escape(note)+"</p>" html_browser += html_p i = i + 1 html_browser += "</div>" if item["links"] : html_browser += "<div>" html_browser += "<h3>Links</h3>" links = item["links"] for link in links : html_p = "<p class=\"link\"><a href=\""+link.get("url")+"\">"+cgi.escape(link.get("title"))+"</a></p>" html_browser += html_p html_browser += "</div>" view = sublime.active_window().active_view() can_i_use_popup_is_showing = True view.show_popup(""" <html> <head></head> <body> """+can_i_use_css+""" <div class=\"container-back-button\"> <a class=\"back-button\" href=\"back"""+( ",main-menu" if can_i_use_list_from_main_menu else "")+"""\">&lt; Back</a> <a class=\"view-on-site\" href=\""""+item["title"].replace(" ", "%20")+"""\"># View on \"Can I use\" site #</a> </div> <div class=\"content\"> """+html_browser+""" <div class=\"legend\"> <h3>Legend</h3> <div class=\"container-legend-items\"> <span class=\"legend-item y\">&nbsp;</span> = Supported <span class=\"legend-item n\">&nbsp;</span> = Not Supported <span class=\"legend-item p a\">&nbsp;</span> = Partial support <span class=\"legend-item u\">&nbsp;</span> = Support unknown <span class=\"legend-item requires-prefix\">&nbsp;</span> = Requires Prefix <span class=\"legend-item can-be-enabled\">&nbsp;</span> = Can Be Enabled </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>""", sublime.COOPERATE_WITH_AUTO_COMPLETE, -1, 1250, 650, back_to_can_i_use_list) class can_i_useCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit, **args): global items_found_can_i_use global can_i_use_file global can_i_use_list_from_main_menu can_i_use_data = can_i_use_file.get("data") if not can_i_use_data : return view = self.view selection = view.sel()[0] if args.get("from") != "main-menu" : can_i_use_list_from_main_menu = False word = view.substr(view.word(selection)).strip() items_found_can_i_use = find_in_can_i_use(word) sublime.active_window().show_quick_panel([item["title"] for item in items_found_can_i_use], show_pop_can_i_use) else : can_i_use_list_from_main_menu = True items_found_can_i_use = find_in_can_i_use("") sublime.active_window().show_quick_panel([item["title"] for item in items_found_can_i_use], show_pop_can_i_use) def is_enabled(self, **args): view = self.view if args.get("from") == "main-menu" or javascriptCompletions.get("enable_can_i_use_menu_option") : return True return False def is_visible(self, **args): view = self.view if args.get("from") == "main-menu" : return True if javascriptCompletions.get("enable_can_i_use_menu_option") : if Util.split_string_and_find_on_multiple(view.scope_name(0), ["source.js", "text.html.basic", "source.css"]) < 0 : return False return True return False class can_i_use_hide_popupEventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_modified_async(self, view) : global can_i_use_popup_is_showing if can_i_use_popup_is_showing : view.hide_popup() can_i_use_popup_is_showing = False
# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Yaco Sistemas ( # Copyright (C) 2010 Lorenzo Gil Sanchez <> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime def auth_response(session_id, uid, audience='', acs_url='', metadata_url='', attribute_statements=None): """Generates a fresh signed authentication response Params: session_id: The session ID to generate the reponse for. Login set an outstanding session ID, i.e. djangosaml2 waits for a response for that session. uid: Unique identifier for a User (will be present as an attribute in the answer). Ignored when attribute_statements is not ``None``. audience: SP entityid (used when PySAML validates the response audience). acs_url: URL where the response has been posted back. metadata_url: URL where the SP metadata can be queried. attribute_statements: An alternative XML AttributeStatement to use in lieu of the default (uid). The uid argument is ignored when attribute_statements is not ``None``. """ timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(seconds=10) tomorrow = + datetime.timedelta(days=1) yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) if attribute_statements is None: attribute_statements = ( '<saml:AttributeStatement>' '<saml:Attribute FriendlyName="uid" Name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri">' '<saml:AttributeValue xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="xs:string">' '%(uid)s' '</saml:AttributeValue>' '</saml:Attribute>' '</saml:AttributeStatement>' ) % {'uid': uid} saml_response_tpl = ( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" '<samlp:Response xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:xsi="" Destination="%(acs_url)s" ID="id-88b9f586a2a3a639f9327485cc37c40a" InResponseTo="%(session_id)s" IssueInstant="%(timestamp)s" Version="2.0">' '<saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity">' '' '</saml:Issuer>' '<samlp:Status>' '<samlp:StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Success" />' '</samlp:Status>' '<saml:Assertion ID="id-093952102ceb73436e49cb91c58b0578" IssueInstant="%(timestamp)s" Version="2.0">' '<saml:Issuer Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:entity">' '' '</saml:Issuer>' '<saml:Subject>' '<saml:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient" NameQualifier="" SPNameQualifier="%(metadata_url)s">' '1f87035b4c1325b296a53d92097e6b3fa36d7e30ee82e3fcb0680d60243c1f03' '</saml:NameID>' '<saml:SubjectConfirmation Method="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:bearer">' '<saml:SubjectConfirmationData InResponseTo="%(session_id)s" NotOnOrAfter="%(tomorrow)s" Recipient="%(acs_url)s" />' '</saml:SubjectConfirmation>' '</saml:Subject>' '<saml:Conditions NotBefore="%(yesterday)s" NotOnOrAfter="%(tomorrow)s">' '<saml:AudienceRestriction>' '<saml:Audience>' '%(audience)s' '</saml:Audience>' '</saml:AudienceRestriction>' '</saml:Conditions>' '<saml:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="%(timestamp)s" SessionIndex="%(session_id)s">' '<saml:AuthnContext>' '<saml:AuthnContextClassRef>' 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Password' '</saml:AuthnContextClassRef>' '</saml:AuthnContext>' '</saml:AuthnStatement>' '%(attribute_statements)s' '</saml:Assertion>' '</samlp:Response>') return saml_response_tpl % { 'session_id': session_id, 'audience': audience, 'acs_url': acs_url, 'metadata_url': metadata_url, 'attribute_statements': attribute_statements, 'timestamp': timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), 'tomorrow': tomorrow.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), 'yesterday': yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'), }
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from . import _base class Filter(_base.Filter): def slider(self): previous1 = previous2 = None for token in self.source: if previous1 is not None: yield previous2, previous1, token previous2 = previous1 previous1 = token yield previous2, previous1, None def __iter__(self): for previous, token, next in self.slider(): type = token["type"] if type == "StartTag": if (token["data"] or not self.is_optional_start(token["name"], previous, next)): yield token elif type == "EndTag": if not self.is_optional_end(token["name"], next): yield token else: yield token def is_optional_start(self, tagname, previous, next): type = next and next["type"] or None if tagname in 'html': # An html element's start tag may be omitted if the first thing # inside the html element is not a space character or a comment. return type not in ("Comment", "SpaceCharacters") elif tagname == 'head': # A head element's start tag may be omitted if the first thing # inside the head element is an element. # XXX: we also omit the start tag if the head element is empty if type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"): return True elif type == "EndTag": return next["name"] == "head" elif tagname == 'body': # A body element's start tag may be omitted if the first thing # inside the body element is not a space character or a comment, # except if the first thing inside the body element is a script # or style element and the node immediately preceding the body # element is a head element whose end tag has been omitted. if type in ("Comment", "SpaceCharacters"): return False elif type == "StartTag": # XXX: we do not look at the preceding event, so we never omit # the body element's start tag if it's followed by a script or # a style element. return next["name"] not in ('script', 'style') else: return True elif tagname == 'colgroup': # A colgroup element's start tag may be omitted if the first thing # inside the colgroup element is a col element, and if the element # is not immediately preceeded by another colgroup element whose # end tag has been omitted. if type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"): # XXX: we do not look at the preceding event, so instead we never # omit the colgroup element's end tag when it is immediately # followed by another colgroup element. See is_optional_end. return next["name"] == "col" else: return False elif tagname == 'tbody': # A tbody element's start tag may be omitted if the first thing # inside the tbody element is a tr element, and if the element is # not immediately preceeded by a tbody, thead, or tfoot element # whose end tag has been omitted. if type == "StartTag": # omit the thead and tfoot elements' end tag when they are # immediately followed by a tbody element. See is_optional_end. if previous and previous['type'] == 'EndTag' and \ previous['name'] in ('tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot'): return False return next["name"] == 'tr' else: return False return False def is_optional_end(self, tagname, next): type = next and next["type"] or None if tagname in ('html', 'head', 'body'): # An html element's end tag may be omitted if the html element # is not immediately followed by a space character or a comment. return type not in ("Comment", "SpaceCharacters") elif tagname in ('li', 'optgroup', 'tr'): # A li element's end tag may be omitted if the li element is # immediately followed by another li element or if there is # no more content in the parent element. # An optgroup element's end tag may be omitted if the optgroup # element is immediately followed by another optgroup element, # or if there is no more content in the parent element. # A tr element's end tag may be omitted if the tr element is # immediately followed by another tr element, or if there is # no more content in the parent element. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] == tagname else: return type == "EndTag" or type is None elif tagname in ('dt', 'dd'): # A dt element's end tag may be omitted if the dt element is # immediately followed by another dt element or a dd element. # A dd element's end tag may be omitted if the dd element is # immediately followed by another dd element or a dt element, # or if there is no more content in the parent element. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] in ('dt', 'dd') elif tagname == 'dd': return type == "EndTag" or type is None else: return False elif tagname == 'p': # A p element's end tag may be omitted if the p element is # immediately followed by an address, article, aside, # blockquote, datagrid, dialog, dir, div, dl, fieldset, # footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hr, menu, # nav, ol, p, pre, section, table, or ul, element, or if # there is no more content in the parent element. if type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"): return next["name"] in ('address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'datagrid', 'dialog', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'fieldset', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hr', 'menu', 'nav', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'ul') else: return type == "EndTag" or type is None elif tagname == 'option': # An option element's end tag may be omitted if the option # element is immediately followed by another option element, # or if it is immediately followed by an <code>optgroup</code> # element, or if there is no more content in the parent # element. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] in ('option', 'optgroup') else: return type == "EndTag" or type is None elif tagname in ('rt', 'rp'): # An rt element's end tag may be omitted if the rt element is # immediately followed by an rt or rp element, or if there is # no more content in the parent element. # An rp element's end tag may be omitted if the rp element is # immediately followed by an rt or rp element, or if there is # no more content in the parent element. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] in ('rt', 'rp') else: return type == "EndTag" or type is None elif tagname == 'colgroup': # A colgroup element's end tag may be omitted if the colgroup # element is not immediately followed by a space character or # a comment. if type in ("Comment", "SpaceCharacters"): return False elif type == "StartTag": # XXX: we also look for an immediately following colgroup # element. See is_optional_start. return next["name"] != 'colgroup' else: return True elif tagname in ('thead', 'tbody'): # A thead element's end tag may be omitted if the thead element # is immediately followed by a tbody or tfoot element. # A tbody element's end tag may be omitted if the tbody element # is immediately followed by a tbody or tfoot element, or if # there is no more content in the parent element. # A tfoot element's end tag may be omitted if the tfoot element # is immediately followed by a tbody element, or if there is no # more content in the parent element. # XXX: we never omit the end tag when the following element is # a tbody. See is_optional_start. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] in ['tbody', 'tfoot'] elif tagname == 'tbody': return type == "EndTag" or type is None else: return False elif tagname == 'tfoot': # A tfoot element's end tag may be omitted if the tfoot element # is immediately followed by a tbody element, or if there is no # more content in the parent element. # XXX: we never omit the end tag when the following element is # a tbody. See is_optional_start. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] == 'tbody' else: return type == "EndTag" or type is None elif tagname in ('td', 'th'): # A td element's end tag may be omitted if the td element is # immediately followed by a td or th element, or if there is # no more content in the parent element. # A th element's end tag may be omitted if the th element is # immediately followed by a td or th element, or if there is # no more content in the parent element. if type == "StartTag": return next["name"] in ('td', 'th') else: return type == "EndTag" or type is None return False
import logging try: from .gsrt_config import GSRTConfig except ImportError: from gsrt_config import GSRTConfig def get_logger(): """ To change log level from calling code, use something like logging.getLogger("autofocus").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) """ logger = logging.getLogger("autofocus") if not logger.handlers: handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s [in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) return logger AF_APIKEY = None SHOW_WARNINGS = False SSL_VERIFY = True SSL_CERT = None defaults = { "apikey": "", "ssl_verify": 'true', "api_base": "", "ignore_warnings": 'false', "http_timeout": "120" } gconfig = GSRTConfig("autofocus", defaults=defaults) AF_APIKEY = gconfig.get("apikey") SSL_VERIFY = gconfig.getboolean("ssl_verify") HTTP_TIMEOUT = float(gconfig.get("http_timeout")) _BASE_URL = gconfig.get("api_base") ignore_warnings = gconfig.getboolean("ignore_warnings") SHOW_WARNINGS = False if ignore_warnings else True if SHOW_WARNINGS: get_logger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) else: get_logger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) try: SSL_CERT = gconfig.get("autofocus", "ssl_cert") except Exception: pass
from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys from datetime import date, datetime from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_UP, ROUND_DOWN from unittest import TestCase from wtforms import validators, widgets, meta from wtforms.fields import * from wtforms.fields import Label, Field, SelectFieldBase, html5 from wtforms.form import Form from wtforms.compat import text_type from wtforms.utils import unset_value from tests.common import DummyPostData from wtforms.widgets import TextInput PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info class AttrDict(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.__dict__.update(*args, **kw) def make_form(_name='F', **fields): return type(str(_name), (Form, ), fields) class DefaultsTest(TestCase): def test(self): expected = 42 def default_callable(): return expected test_value = StringField(default=expected).bind(Form(), 'a') test_value.process(None) self.assertEqual(, expected) test_callable = StringField(default=default_callable).bind(Form(), 'a') test_callable.process(None) self.assertEqual(, expected) class LabelTest(TestCase): def test(self): expected = """<label for="test">Caption</label>""" label = Label('test', 'Caption') self.assertEqual(label(), expected) self.assertEqual(str(label), expected) self.assertEqual(text_type(label), expected) self.assertEqual(label.__html__(), expected) self.assertEqual(label().__html__(), expected) self.assertEqual(label('hello'), """<label for="test">hello</label>""") self.assertEqual(StringField('hi').bind(Form(), 'a').label.text, 'hi') if PYTHON_VERSION < (3,): self.assertEqual(repr(label), "Label(u'test', u'Caption')") else: self.assertEqual(repr(label), "Label('test', 'Caption')") self.assertEqual(label.__unicode__(), expected) def test_auto_label(self): t1 = StringField().bind(Form(), 'foo_bar') self.assertEqual(t1.label.text, 'Foo Bar') t2 = StringField('').bind(Form(), 'foo_bar') self.assertEqual(t2.label.text, '') def test_override_for(self): label = Label('test', 'Caption') self.assertEqual(label(for_='foo'), """<label for="foo">Caption</label>""") self.assertEqual(label(**{'for': 'bar'}), """<label for="bar">Caption</label>""") class FlagsTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): t = StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()]).bind(Form(), 'a') self.flags = t.flags def test_existing_values(self): self.assertEqual(self.flags.required, True) self.assertTrue('required' in self.flags) self.assertEqual(self.flags.optional, False) self.assertTrue('optional' not in self.flags) def test_assignment(self): self.assertTrue('optional' not in self.flags) self.flags.optional = True self.assertEqual(self.flags.optional, True) self.assertTrue('optional' in self.flags) def test_unset(self): self.flags.required = False self.assertEqual(self.flags.required, False) self.assertTrue('required' not in self.flags) def test_repr(self): self.assertEqual(repr(self.flags), '<wtforms.fields.Flags: {required}>') def test_underscore_property(self): self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.flags, '_foo') self.flags._foo = 42 self.assertEqual(self.flags._foo, 42) class UnsetValueTest(TestCase): def test(self): self.assertEqual(str(unset_value), '<unset value>') self.assertEqual(repr(unset_value), '<unset value>') self.assertEqual(bool(unset_value), False) assert not unset_value self.assertEqual(unset_value.__nonzero__(), False) self.assertEqual(unset_value.__bool__(), False) class FiltersTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = StringField(default=' hello', filters=[lambda x: x.strip()]) b = StringField(default='42', filters=[int, lambda x: -x]) def test_working(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(, 'hello') self.assertEqual(, -42) assert form.validate() def test_failure(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=[' foo bar '], b=['hi'])) self.assertEqual(, 'foo bar') self.assertEqual(, 'hi') self.assertEqual(len(form.b.process_errors), 1) assert not form.validate() class FieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = StringField(default='hello', render_kw={'readonly': True, 'foo': u'bar'}) def setUp(self): self.field = self.F().a def test_unbound_field(self): unbound = self.F.a assert unbound.creation_counter != 0 assert unbound.field_class is StringField self.assertEqual(unbound.args, ()) self.assertEqual(unbound.kwargs, {'default': 'hello', 'render_kw': {'readonly': True, 'foo': u'bar'}}) assert repr(unbound).startswith('<UnboundField(StringField') def test_htmlstring(self): self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.field.__html__(), widgets.HTMLString)) def test_str_coerce(self): self.assertTrue(isinstance(str(self.field), str)) self.assertEqual(str(self.field), str(self.field())) def test_unicode_coerce(self): self.assertEqual(text_type(self.field), self.field()) def test_process_formdata(self): Field.process_formdata(self.field, [42]) self.assertEqual(, 42) def test_meta_attribute(self): # Can we pass in meta via _form? form = self.F() assert form.a.meta is form.meta # Can we pass in meta via _meta? form_meta = meta.DefaultMeta() field = StringField(_name='Foo', _form=None, _meta=form_meta) assert field.meta is form_meta # Do we fail if both _meta and _form are None? self.assertRaises(TypeError, StringField, _name='foo', _form=None) def test_render_kw(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(form.a(), u'<input foo="bar" id="a" name="a" readonly type="text" value="hello">') self.assertEqual(form.a(foo=u'baz'), u'<input foo="baz" id="a" name="a" readonly type="text" value="hello">') self.assertEqual( form.a(foo=u'baz', readonly=False, other='hello'), u'<input foo="baz" id="a" name="a" other="hello" type="text" value="hello">' ) def test_select_field_copies_choices(self): class F(Form): items = SelectField(choices=[]) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(F, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def add_choice(self, choice): self.items.choices.append((choice, choice)) f1 = F() f2 = F() f1.add_choice('a') f2.add_choice('b') self.assertEqual(f1.items.choices, [('a', 'a')]) self.assertEqual(f2.items.choices, [('b', 'b')]) self.assertTrue(f1.items.choices is not f2.items.choices) class PrePostTestField(StringField): def pre_validate(self, form): if == "stoponly": raise validators.StopValidation() elif"stop"): raise validators.StopValidation("stop with message") def post_validate(self, form, stopped): if == "p": raise ValueError("Post") elif stopped and == "stop-post": raise ValueError("Post-stopped") class PrePostValidationTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = PrePostTestField(validators=[validators.Length(max=1, message="too long")]) def _init_field(self, value): form = self.F(a=value) form.validate() return form.a def test_pre_stop(self): a = self._init_field("long") self.assertEqual(a.errors, ["too long"]) stoponly = self._init_field("stoponly") self.assertEqual(stoponly.errors, []) stopmessage = self._init_field("stopmessage") self.assertEqual(stopmessage.errors, ["stop with message"]) def test_post(self): a = self._init_field("p") self.assertEqual(a.errors, ["Post"]) stopped = self._init_field("stop-post") self.assertEqual(stopped.errors, ["stop with message", "Post-stopped"]) class SelectFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = SelectField(choices=[('a', 'hello'), ('btest', 'bye')], default='a') b = SelectField(choices=[(1, 'Item 1'), (2, 'Item 2')], coerce=int, option_widget=widgets.TextInput()) def test_defaults(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(, 'a') self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.validate(), False) self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<select id="a" name="a"><option selected value="a">hello</option><option value="btest">bye</option></select>""") self.assertEqual(form.b(), """<select id="b" name="b"><option value="1">Item 1</option><option value="2">Item 2</option></select>""") def test_with_data(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['btest'])) self.assertEqual(, 'btest') self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<select id="a" name="a"><option value="a">hello</option><option selected value="btest">bye</option></select>""") def test_value_coercion(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(b=['2'])) self.assertEqual(, 2) self.assertTrue(form.b.validate(form)) form = self.F(DummyPostData(b=['b'])) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertFalse(form.b.validate(form)) def test_iterable_options(self): form = self.F() first_option = list(form.a)[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(first_option, form.a._Option)) self.assertEqual( list(text_type(x) for x in form.a), ['<option selected value="a">hello</option>', '<option value="btest">bye</option>'] ) self.assertTrue(isinstance(first_option.widget, widgets.Option)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(list(form.b)[0].widget, widgets.TextInput)) self.assertEqual(first_option(disabled=True), '<option disabled selected value="a">hello</option>') def test_default_coerce(self): F = make_form(a=SelectField(choices=[('a', 'Foo')])) form = F(DummyPostData(a=[])) assert not form.validate() self.assertEqual(, 'None') self.assertEqual(len(form.a.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(form.a.errors[0], 'Not a valid choice') class SelectMultipleFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = SelectMultipleField(choices=[('a', 'hello'), ('b', 'bye'), ('c', 'something')], default=('a', )) b = SelectMultipleField(coerce=int, choices=[(1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'C')], default=("1", "3")) def test_defaults(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(, ['a']) self.assertEqual(, [1, 3]) # Test for possible regression with null data = None self.assertTrue(form.validate()) self.assertEqual(list(form.a.iter_choices()), [(v, l, False) for v, l in form.a.choices]) def test_with_data(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['a', 'c'])) self.assertEqual(, ['a', 'c']) self.assertEqual(list(form.a.iter_choices()), [('a', 'hello', True), ('b', 'bye', False), ('c', 'something', True)]) self.assertEqual(, []) form = self.F(DummyPostData(b=['1', '2'])) self.assertEqual(, [1, 2]) self.assertTrue(form.validate()) form = self.F(DummyPostData(b=['1', '2', '4'])) self.assertEqual(, [1, 2, 4]) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) def test_coerce_fail(self): form = self.F(b=['a']) assert form.validate() self.assertEqual(, None) form = self.F(DummyPostData(b=['fake'])) assert not form.validate() self.assertEqual(, [1, 3]) class RadioFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = RadioField(choices=[('a', 'hello'), ('b', 'bye')], default='a') b = RadioField(choices=[(1, 'Item 1'), (2, 'Item 2')], coerce=int) def test(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(, 'a') self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.validate(), False) self.assertEqual( form.a(), ( """<ul id="a">""" """<li><input checked id="a-0" name="a" type="radio" value="a"> <label for="a-0">hello</label></li>""" """<li><input id="a-1" name="a" type="radio" value="b"> <label for="a-1">bye</label></li></ul>""" ) ) self.assertEqual( form.b(), ( """<ul id="b">""" """<li><input id="b-0" name="b" type="radio" value="1"> <label for="b-0">Item 1</label></li>""" """<li><input id="b-1" name="b" type="radio" value="2"> <label for="b-1">Item 2</label></li></ul>""" ) ) self.assertEqual( [text_type(x) for x in form.a], ['<input checked id="a-0" name="a" type="radio" value="a">', '<input id="a-1" name="a" type="radio" value="b">'] ) def test_text_coercion(self): # Regression test for text coercsion scenarios where the value is a boolean. coerce_func = lambda x: False if x == 'False' else bool(x) F = make_form(a=RadioField(choices=[(True, 'yes'), (False, 'no')], coerce=coerce_func)) form = F() self.assertEqual( form.a(), '''<ul id="a">''' '''<li><input id="a-0" name="a" type="radio" value="True"> <label for="a-0">yes</label></li>''' '''<li><input checked id="a-1" name="a" type="radio" value="False"> <label for="a-1">no</label></li></ul>''' ) class StringFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = StringField() def test(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="text" value="">""") form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['hello'])) self.assertEqual(, 'hello') self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="text" value="hello">""") form = self.F(DummyPostData(b=['hello'])) self.assertEqual(, '') class HiddenFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = HiddenField(default="LE DEFAULT") def test(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="hidden" value="LE DEFAULT">""") self.assertTrue(form.a.flags.hidden) class TextAreaFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = TextAreaField(default="LE DEFAULT") def test(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<textarea id="a" name="a">LE DEFAULT</textarea>""") class PasswordFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = PasswordField(widget=widgets.PasswordInput(hide_value=False), default="LE DEFAULT") b = PasswordField(default="Hai") def test(self): form = self.F() self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="password" value="LE DEFAULT">""") self.assertEqual(form.b(), """<input id="b" name="b" type="password" value="">""") class FileFieldTest(TestCase): def test_file_field(self): class F(Form): file = FileField() self.assertEqual(F(DummyPostData(file=['test.txt'])), 'test.txt') self.assertEqual(F(DummyPostData()), None) self.assertEqual(F(DummyPostData(file=['test.txt', 'multiple.txt'])), 'test.txt') def test_multiple_file_field(self): class F(Form): files = MultipleFileField() self.assertEqual(F(DummyPostData(files=['test.txt'])), ['test.txt']) self.assertEqual(F(DummyPostData()), []) self.assertEqual(F(DummyPostData(files=['test.txt', 'multiple.txt'])), ['test.txt', 'multiple.txt']) def test_file_field_without_file_input(self): class F(Form): file = FileField(widget=TextInput()) f = F(DummyPostData(file=['test.txt'])) self.assertEqual(, 'test.txt') self.assertEqual(f.file(), '<input id="file" name="file" type="text">') class IntegerFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = IntegerField() b = IntegerField(default=48) def test(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['v'], b=['-15'])) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.a.raw_data, ['v']) self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="text" value="v">""") self.assertEqual(, -15) self.assertEqual(form.b(), """<input id="b" name="b" type="text" value="-15">""") self.assertTrue(not form.a.validate(form)) self.assertTrue(form.b.validate(form)) form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=[], b=[''])) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.a.raw_data, []) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.b.raw_data, ['']) self.assertTrue(not form.validate()) self.assertEqual(len(form.b.process_errors), 1) self.assertEqual(len(form.b.errors), 1) form = self.F(b=9) self.assertEqual(, 9) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '') self.assertEqual(form.b._value(), '9') class DecimalFieldTest(TestCase): def test(self): F = make_form(a=DecimalField()) form = F(DummyPostData(a='2.1')) self.assertEqual(, Decimal('2.1')) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '2.1') form.a.raw_data = None self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '2.10') self.assertTrue(form.validate()) form = F(DummyPostData(a='2,1'), a=Decimal(5)) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.a.raw_data, ['2,1']) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) form = F(DummyPostData(a='asdf'), a=Decimal('.21')) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), 'asdf') assert not form.validate() def test_quantize(self): F = make_form(a=DecimalField(places=3, rounding=ROUND_UP), b=DecimalField(places=None)) form = F(a=Decimal('3.1415926535')) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '3.142') form.a.rounding = ROUND_DOWN self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '3.141') self.assertEqual(form.b._value(), '') form = F(a=3.14159265, b=72) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '3.142') self.assertTrue(isinstance(, float)) self.assertEqual(form.b._value(), '72') class FloatFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = FloatField() b = FloatField(default=48.0) def test(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['v'], b=['-15.0'])) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.a.raw_data, ['v']) self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="text" value="v">""") self.assertEqual(, -15.0) self.assertEqual(form.b(), """<input id="b" name="b" type="text" value="-15.0">""") self.assertFalse(form.a.validate(form)) self.assertTrue(form.b.validate(form)) form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=[], b=[''])) self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '') self.assertEqual(, None) self.assertEqual(form.b.raw_data, ['']) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) self.assertEqual(len(form.b.process_errors), 1) self.assertEqual(len(form.b.errors), 1) form = self.F(b=9.0) self.assertEqual(, 9.0) self.assertEqual(form.b._value(), "9.0") class BooleanFieldTest(TestCase): class BoringForm(Form): bool1 = BooleanField() bool2 = BooleanField(default=True, false_values=()) obj = AttrDict(bool1=None, bool2=True) def test_defaults(self): # Test with no post data to make sure defaults work form = self.BoringForm() self.assertEqual(form.bool1.raw_data, None) self.assertEqual(, False) self.assertEqual(, True) def test_rendering(self): form = self.BoringForm(DummyPostData(bool2="x")) self.assertEqual(form.bool1(), '<input id="bool1" name="bool1" type="checkbox" value="y">') self.assertEqual(form.bool2(), '<input checked id="bool2" name="bool2" type="checkbox" value="x">') self.assertEqual(form.bool2.raw_data, ['x']) def test_with_postdata(self): form = self.BoringForm(DummyPostData(bool1=['a'])) self.assertEqual(form.bool1.raw_data, ['a']) self.assertEqual(, True) form = self.BoringForm(DummyPostData(bool1=['false'], bool2=['false'])) self.assertEqual(, False) self.assertEqual(, True) def test_with_model_data(self): form = self.BoringForm(obj=self.obj) self.assertEqual(, False) self.assertEqual(form.bool1.raw_data, None) self.assertEqual(, True) def test_with_postdata_and_model(self): form = self.BoringForm(DummyPostData(bool1=['y']), obj=self.obj) self.assertEqual(, True) self.assertEqual(, False) class DateFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = DateField() b = DateField(format='%m/%d %Y') def test_basic(self): d = date(2008, 5, 7) form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['2008-05-07'], b=['05/07', '2008'])) self.assertEqual(, d) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '2008-05-07') self.assertEqual(, d) self.assertEqual(form.b._value(), '05/07 2008') def test_failure(self): form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['2008-bb-cc'], b=['hi'])) assert not form.validate() self.assertEqual(len(form.a.process_errors), 1) self.assertEqual(len(form.a.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(len(form.b.errors), 1) self.assertEqual(form.a.process_errors[0], 'Not a valid date value') class TimeFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = TimeField() b = TimeField(format='%H:%M') def test_basic(self): d = datetime(2008, 5, 5, 4, 30, 0, 0).time() # Basic test with both inputs form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['4:30'], b=['04:30'])) self.assertEqual(, d) self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="text" value="4:30">""") self.assertEqual(, d) self.assertEqual(form.b(), """<input id="b" name="b" type="text" value="04:30">""") self.assertTrue(form.validate()) # Test with a missing input form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['04'])) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) self.assertEqual(form.a.errors[0], 'Not a valid time value') class DateTimeFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = DateTimeField() b = DateTimeField(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') def test_basic(self): d = datetime(2008, 5, 5, 4, 30, 0, 0) # Basic test with both inputs form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['2008-05-05', '04:30:00'], b=['2008-05-05 04:30'])) self.assertEqual(, d) self.assertEqual(form.a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="text" value="2008-05-05 04:30:00">""") self.assertEqual(, d) self.assertEqual(form.b(), """<input id="b" name="b" type="text" value="2008-05-05 04:30">""") self.assertTrue(form.validate()) # Test with a missing input form = self.F(DummyPostData(a=['2008-05-05'])) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) self.assertEqual(form.a.errors[0], 'Not a valid datetime value') form = self.F(a=d, b=d) self.assertTrue(form.validate()) self.assertEqual(form.a._value(), '2008-05-05 04:30:00') def test_microseconds(self): d = datetime(2011, 5, 7, 3, 23, 14, 424200) F = make_form(a=DateTimeField(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')) form = F(DummyPostData(a=['2011-05-07 03:23:14.4242'])) self.assertEqual(d, class SubmitFieldTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = SubmitField('Label') def test(self): self.assertEqual(self.F().a(), """<input id="a" name="a" type="submit" value="Label">""") class FormFieldTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): F = make_form( a=StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()]), b=StringField(), ) self.F1 = make_form('F1', a=FormField(F)) self.F2 = make_form('F2', a=FormField(F, separator='::')) def test_formdata(self): form = self.F1(DummyPostData({'a-a': ['moo']})) self.assertEqual(, 'a-a') self.assertEqual(form.a['a'].data, 'moo') self.assertEqual(form.a['b'].data, '') self.assertTrue(form.validate()) def test_iteration(self): self.assertEqual([ for x in self.F1().a], ['a-a', 'a-b']) def test_with_obj(self): obj = AttrDict(a=AttrDict(a='mmm')) form = self.F1(obj=obj) self.assertEqual(, 'mmm') self.assertEqual(, None) obj_inner = AttrDict(a=None, b='rawr') obj2 = AttrDict(a=obj_inner) form.populate_obj(obj2) self.assertTrue(obj2.a is obj_inner) self.assertEqual(obj_inner.a, 'mmm') self.assertEqual(obj_inner.b, None) def test_widget(self): self.assertEqual( self.F1().a(), '''<table id="a">''' '''<tr><th><label for="a-a">A</label></th><td><input id="a-a" name="a-a" type="text" value=""></td></tr>''' '''<tr><th><label for="a-b">B</label></th><td><input id="a-b" name="a-b" type="text" value=""></td></tr>''' '''</table>''' ) def test_separator(self): form = self.F2(DummyPostData({'a-a': 'fake', 'a::a': 'real'})) self.assertEqual(, 'a::a') self.assertEqual(, 'real') self.assertTrue(form.validate()) def test_no_validators_or_filters(self): class A(Form): a = FormField(self.F1, validators=[validators.DataRequired()]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, A) class B(Form): a = FormField(self.F1, filters=[lambda x: x]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, B) class C(Form): a = FormField(self.F1) def validate_a(form, field): pass form = C() self.assertRaises(TypeError, form.validate) def test_populate_missing_obj(self): obj = AttrDict(a=None) obj2 = AttrDict(a=AttrDict(a='mmm')) form = self.F1() self.assertRaises(TypeError, form.populate_obj, obj) form.populate_obj(obj2) class FieldListTest(TestCase): t = StringField(validators=[validators.DataRequired()]) def test_form(self): F = make_form(a=FieldList(self.t)) data = ['foo', 'hi', 'rawr'] a = F(a=data).a self.assertEqual(a.entries[1].data, 'hi') self.assertEqual(a.entries[1].name, 'a-1') self.assertEqual(, data) self.assertEqual(len(a.entries), 3) pdata = DummyPostData({'a-0': ['bleh'], 'a-3': ['yarg'], 'a-4': [''], 'a-7': ['mmm']}) form = F(pdata) self.assertEqual(len(form.a.entries), 4) self.assertEqual(, ['bleh', 'yarg', '', 'mmm']) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) form = F(pdata, a=data) self.assertEqual(, ['bleh', 'yarg', '', 'mmm']) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) # Test for formdata precedence pdata = DummyPostData({'a-0': ['a'], 'a-1': ['b']}) form = F(pdata, a=data) self.assertEqual(len(form.a.entries), 2) self.assertEqual(, ['a', 'b']) self.assertEqual(list(iter(form.a)), list(form.a.entries)) def test_enclosed_subform(self): make_inner = lambda: AttrDict(a=None) F = make_form( a=FieldList(FormField(make_form('FChild', a=self.t), default=make_inner)) ) data = [{'a': 'hello'}] form = F(a=data) self.assertEqual(, data) self.assertTrue(form.validate()) form.a.append_entry() self.assertEqual(, data + [{'a': None}]) self.assertFalse(form.validate()) pdata = DummyPostData({'a-0': ['fake'], 'a-0-a': ['foo'], 'a-1-a': ['bar']}) form = F(pdata, a=data) self.assertEqual(, [{'a': 'foo'}, {'a': 'bar'}]) inner_obj = make_inner() inner_list = [inner_obj] obj = AttrDict(a=inner_list) form.populate_obj(obj) self.assertTrue(obj.a is not inner_list) self.assertEqual(len(obj.a), 2) self.assertTrue(obj.a[0] is inner_obj) self.assertEqual(obj.a[0].a, 'foo') self.assertEqual(obj.a[1].a, 'bar') # Test failure on populate obj2 = AttrDict(a=42) self.assertRaises(TypeError, form.populate_obj, obj2) def test_entry_management(self): F = make_form(a=FieldList(self.t)) a = F(a=['hello', 'bye']).a self.assertEqual(a.pop_entry().name, 'a-1') self.assertEqual(, ['hello']) a.append_entry('orange') self.assertEqual(, ['hello', 'orange']) self.assertEqual(a[-1].name, 'a-1') self.assertEqual(a.pop_entry().data, 'orange') self.assertEqual(a.pop_entry().name, 'a-0') self.assertRaises(IndexError, a.pop_entry) def test_min_max_entries(self): F = make_form(a=FieldList(self.t, min_entries=1, max_entries=3)) a = F().a self.assertEqual(len(a), 1) self.assertEqual(a[0].data, None) big_input = ['foo', 'flaf', 'bar', 'baz'] self.assertRaises(AssertionError, F, a=big_input) pdata = DummyPostData(('a-%d' % i, v) for i, v in enumerate(big_input)) a = F(pdata).a self.assertEqual(, ['foo', 'flaf', 'bar']) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, a.append_entry) def test_validators(self): def validator(form, field): if and[0] == 'fail': raise ValueError('fail') elif len( > 2: raise ValueError('too many') F = make_form(a=FieldList(self.t, validators=[validator])) # Case 1: length checking validators work as expected. fdata = DummyPostData({'a-0': ['hello'], 'a-1': ['bye'], 'a-2': ['test3']}) form = F(fdata) assert not form.validate() self.assertEqual(form.a.errors, ['too many']) # Case 2: checking a value within. fdata['a-0'] = ['fail'] form = F(fdata) assert not form.validate() self.assertEqual(form.a.errors, ['fail']) # Case 3: normal field validator still works form = F(DummyPostData({'a-0': ['']})) assert not form.validate() self.assertEqual(form.a.errors, [['This field is required.']]) def test_no_filters(self): my_filter = lambda x: x self.assertRaises(TypeError, FieldList, self.t, filters=[my_filter], _form=Form(), _name='foo') def test_process_prefilled(self): data = ['foo', 'hi', 'rawr'] class A(object): def __init__(self, a): self.a = a obj = A(data) F = make_form(a=FieldList(self.t)) # fill form form = F(obj=obj) self.assertEqual(len(form.a.entries), 3) # pretend to submit form unchanged pdata = DummyPostData({ 'a-0': ['foo'], 'a-1': ['hi'], 'a-2': ['rawr']}) form.process(formdata=pdata) # check if data still the same self.assertEqual(len(form.a.entries), 3) self.assertEqual(, data) class MyCustomField(StringField): def process_data(self, data): if data == 'fail': raise ValueError('Contrived Failure') return super(MyCustomField, self).process_data(data) class CustomFieldQuirksTest(TestCase): class F(Form): a = MyCustomField() b = SelectFieldBase() def test_processing_failure(self): form = self.F(a='42') assert form.validate() form = self.F(a='fail') assert not form.validate() def test_default_impls(self): f = self.F() self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, f.b.iter_choices) class HTML5FieldsTest(TestCase): class F(Form): search = html5.SearchField() telephone = html5.TelField() url = html5.URLField() email = html5.EmailField() datetime = html5.DateTimeField() date = html5.DateField() dt_local = html5.DateTimeLocalField() integer = html5.IntegerField() decimal = html5.DecimalField() int_range = html5.IntegerRangeField() decimal_range = html5.DecimalRangeField() def _build_value(self, key, form_input, expected_html, data=unset_value): if data is unset_value: data = form_input if expected_html.startswith('type='): expected_html = '<input id="%s" name="%s" %s value="%s">' % (key, key, expected_html, form_input) return { 'key': key, 'form_input': form_input, 'expected_html': expected_html, 'data': data } def test_simple(self): b = self._build_value VALUES = ( b('search', 'search', 'type="search"'), b('telephone', '123456789', 'type="tel"'), b('url', '', 'type="url"'), b('email', '', 'type="email"'), b('datetime', '2013-09-05 00:23:42', 'type="datetime"', datetime(2013, 9, 5, 0, 23, 42)), b('date', '2013-09-05', 'type="date"', date(2013, 9, 5)), b('dt_local', '2013-09-05 00:23:42', 'type="datetime-local"', datetime(2013, 9, 5, 0, 23, 42)), b('integer', '42', '<input id="integer" name="integer" step="1" type="number" value="42">', 42), b('decimal', '43.5', '<input id="decimal" name="decimal" step="any" type="number" value="43.5">', Decimal('43.5')), b('int_range', '4', '<input id="int_range" name="int_range" step="1" type="range" value="4">', 4), b('decimal_range', '58', '<input id="decimal_range" name="decimal_range" step="any" type="range" value="58">', 58), ) formdata = DummyPostData() kw = {} for item in VALUES: formdata[item['key']] = item['form_input'] kw[item['key']] = item['data'] form = self.F(formdata) for item in VALUES: field = form[item['key']] render_value = field() if render_value != item['expected_html']: tmpl = 'Field {key} render mismatch: {render_value!r} != {expected_html!r}' raise AssertionError(tmpl.format(render_value=render_value, **item)) if != item['data']: tmpl = 'Field {key} data mismatch: {!r} != {data!r}' raise AssertionError(tmpl.format(field=field, **item))
# # (c) 2017 Red Hat Inc. # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type DOCUMENTATION = """ --- cliconf: exos short_description: Use exos cliconf to run command on Extreme EXOS platform description: - This exos plugin provides low level abstraction apis for sending and receiving CLI commands from Extreme EXOS network devices. version_added: "2.6" """ import re import json from ansible.errors import AnsibleConnectionFailure from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text from import to_list from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import Mapping from import NetworkConfig, dumps from ansible.plugins.cliconf import CliconfBase class Cliconf(CliconfBase): def get_diff(self, candidate=None, running=None, diff_match='line', diff_ignore_lines=None, path=None, diff_replace='line'): diff = {} device_operations = self.get_device_operations() option_values = self.get_option_values() if candidate is None and device_operations['supports_generate_diff']: raise ValueError("candidate configuration is required to generate diff") if diff_match not in option_values['diff_match']: raise ValueError("'match' value %s in invalid, valid values are %s" % (diff_match, ', '.join(option_values['diff_match']))) if diff_replace not in option_values['diff_replace']: raise ValueError("'replace' value %s in invalid, valid values are %s" % (diff_replace, ', '.join(option_values['diff_replace']))) # prepare candidate configuration candidate_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=1) candidate_obj.load(candidate) if running and diff_match != 'none' and diff_replace != 'config': # running configuration running_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=running, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines) configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.difference(running_obj, path=path, match=diff_match, replace=diff_replace) else: configdiffobjs = candidate_obj.items diff['config_diff'] = dumps(configdiffobjs, 'commands') if configdiffobjs else '' return diff def get_device_info(self): device_info = {} device_info['network_os'] = 'exos' reply = self.run_commands({'command': 'show switch detail', 'output': 'text'}) data = to_text(reply, errors='surrogate_or_strict').strip() match ='ExtremeXOS version (\S+)', data) if match: device_info['network_os_version'] = match ='System Type: +(\S+)', data) if match: device_info['network_os_model'] = match ='SysName: +(\S+)', data) if match: device_info['network_os_hostname'] = return device_info def get_default_flag(self): # The flag to modify the command to collect configuration with defaults return 'detail' def get_config(self, source='running', format='text', flags=None): options_values = self.get_option_values() if format not in options_values['format']: raise ValueError("'format' value %s is invalid. Valid values are %s" % (format, ','.join(options_values['format']))) lookup = {'running': 'show configuration', 'startup': 'debug cfgmgr show configuration file'} if source not in lookup: raise ValueError("fetching configuration from %s is not supported" % source) cmd = {'command': lookup[source], 'output': 'text'} if source == 'startup': reply = self.run_commands({'command': 'show switch', 'format': 'text'}) data = to_text(reply, errors='surrogate_or_strict').strip() match ='Config Selected: +(\S+)\.cfg', data, re.MULTILINE) if match: cmd['command'] += else: # No Startup(/Selected) Config return {} cmd['command'] += ' '.join(to_list(flags)) cmd['command'] = cmd['command'].strip() return self.run_commands(cmd)[0] def edit_config(self, candidate=None, commit=True, replace=None, diff=False, comment=None): resp = {} operations = self.get_device_operations() self.check_edit_config_capability(operations, candidate, commit, replace, comment) results = [] requests = [] if commit: for line in to_list(candidate): if not isinstance(line, Mapping): line = {'command': line} results.append(self.send_command(**line)) requests.append(line['command']) else: raise ValueError('check mode is not supported') resp['request'] = requests resp['response'] = results return resp def get(self, command, prompt=None, answer=None, sendonly=False, output=None, newline=True, check_all=False): if output: command = self._get_command_with_output(command, output) return self.send_command(command=command, prompt=prompt, answer=answer, sendonly=sendonly, newline=newline, check_all=check_all) def run_commands(self, commands=None, check_rc=True): if commands is None: raise ValueError("'commands' value is required") responses = list() for cmd in to_list(commands): if not isinstance(cmd, Mapping): cmd = {'command': cmd} output = cmd.pop('output', None) if output: cmd['command'] = self._get_command_with_output(cmd['command'], output) try: out = self.send_command(**cmd) except AnsibleConnectionFailure as e: if check_rc is True: raise out = getattr(e, 'err', e) if out is not None: try: out = to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict').strip() except UnicodeError: raise ConnectionError(message=u'Failed to decode output from %s: %s' % (cmd, to_text(out))) if output and output == 'json': try: out = json.loads(out) except ValueError: raise ConnectionError('Response was not valid JSON, got {0}'.format( to_text(out) )) responses.append(out) return responses def get_device_operations(self): return { 'supports_diff_replace': False, # identify if config should be merged or replaced is supported 'supports_commit': False, # identify if commit is supported by device or not 'supports_rollback': False, # identify if rollback is supported or not 'supports_defaults': True, # identify if fetching running config with default is supported 'supports_commit_comment': False, # identify if adding comment to commit is supported of not 'supports_onbox_diff': False, # identify if on box diff capability is supported or not 'supports_generate_diff': True, # identify if diff capability is supported within plugin 'supports_multiline_delimiter': False, # identify if multiline delimiter is supported within config 'supports_diff_match': True, # identify if match is supported 'supports_diff_ignore_lines': True, # identify if ignore line in diff is supported 'supports_config_replace': False, # identify if running config replace with candidate config is supported 'supports_admin': False, # identify if admin configure mode is supported or not 'supports_commit_label': False, # identify if commit label is supported or not 'supports_replace': False } def get_option_values(self): return { 'format': ['text', 'json'], 'diff_match': ['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none'], 'diff_replace': ['line', 'block'], 'output': ['text', 'json'] } def get_capabilities(self): result = super(Cliconf, self).get_capabilities() result['rpc'] += ['run_commmands', 'get_default_flag', 'get_diff'] result['device_operations'] = self.get_device_operations() result['device_info'] = self.get_device_info() result.update(self.get_option_values()) return json.dumps(result) def _get_command_with_output(self, command, output): if output not in self.get_option_values().get('output'): raise ValueError("'output' value is %s is invalid. Valid values are %s" % (output, ','.join(self.get_option_values().get('output')))) if output == 'json' and not command.startswith('run script'): cmd = 'run script %s' % command else: cmd = command return cmd
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page from django.views.generic import TemplateView from . import models from . import views urlpatterns = patterns('', # base #(r'^about/login-required/$', # views.DecoratedAboutView()), # TemplateView (r'^template/no_template/$', TemplateView.as_view()), (r'^template/simple/(?P<foo>\w+)/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='generic_views/about.html')), (r'^template/custom/(?P<foo>\w+)/$', views.CustomTemplateView.as_view(template_name='generic_views/about.html')), (r'^template/content_type/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='generic_views/robots.txt', content_type='text/plain')), (r'^template/cached/(?P<foo>\w+)/$', cache_page(2.0)(TemplateView.as_view(template_name='generic_views/about.html'))), # DetailView (r'^detail/obj/$', views.ObjectDetail.as_view()), url(r'^detail/artist/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.ArtistDetail.as_view(), name="artist_detail"), url(r'^detail/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(), name="author_detail"), (r'^detail/author/bycustompk/(?P<foo>\d+)/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(pk_url_kwarg='foo')), (r'^detail/author/byslug/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view()), (r'^detail/author/bycustomslug/(?P<foo>[\w-]+)/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(slug_url_kwarg='foo')), (r'^detail/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/template_name_suffix/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(template_name_suffix='_view')), (r'^detail/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/template_name/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(template_name='generic_views/about.html')), (r'^detail/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/context_object_name/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(context_object_name='thingy')), (r'^detail/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/dupe_context_object_name/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(context_object_name='object')), (r'^detail/page/(?P<pk>\d+)/field/$', views.PageDetail.as_view()), (r'^detail/author/invalid/url/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view()), (r'^detail/author/invalid/qs/$', views.AuthorDetail.as_view(queryset=None)), (r'^detail/nonmodel/1/$', views.NonModelDetail.as_view()), # FormView (r'^contact/$', views.ContactView.as_view()), # Create/UpdateView (r'^edit/artists/create/$', views.ArtistCreate.as_view()), (r'^edit/artists/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/$', views.ArtistUpdate.as_view()), (r'^edit/authors/create/naive/$', views.NaiveAuthorCreate.as_view()), (r'^edit/authors/create/redirect/$', views.NaiveAuthorCreate.as_view(success_url='/edit/authors/create/')), (r'^edit/authors/create/interpolate_redirect/$', views.NaiveAuthorCreate.as_view(success_url='/edit/author/%(id)d/update/')), (r'^edit/authors/create/restricted/$', views.AuthorCreateRestricted.as_view()), (r'^edit/authors/create/$', views.AuthorCreate.as_view()), (r'^edit/authors/create/special/$', views.SpecializedAuthorCreate.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/naive/$', views.NaiveAuthorUpdate.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/redirect/$', views.NaiveAuthorUpdate.as_view(success_url='/edit/authors/create/')), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/interpolate_redirect/$', views.NaiveAuthorUpdate.as_view(success_url='/edit/author/%(id)d/update/')), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/$', views.AuthorUpdate.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/update/$', views.OneAuthorUpdate.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/special/$', views.SpecializedAuthorUpdate.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/naive/$', views.NaiveAuthorDelete.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/redirect/$', views.NaiveAuthorDelete.as_view(success_url='/edit/authors/create/')), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/interpolate_redirect/$', views.NaiveAuthorDelete.as_view(success_url='/edit/authors/create/?deleted=%(id)s')), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/$', views.AuthorDelete.as_view()), (r'^edit/author/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/special/$', views.SpecializedAuthorDelete.as_view()), # ArchiveIndexView (r'^dates/books/$', views.BookArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/context_object_name/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(context_object_name='thingies')), (r'^dates/books/allow_empty/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True)), (r'^dates/books/template_name/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(template_name='generic_views/list.html')), (r'^dates/books/template_name_suffix/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(template_name_suffix='_detail')), (r'^dates/books/invalid/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(queryset=None)), (r'^dates/books/paginated/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(paginate_by=10)), (r'^dates/books/reverse/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(queryset=models.Book.objects.order_by('pubdate'))), (r'^dates/books/by_month/$', views.BookArchive.as_view(date_list_period='month')), (r'^dates/booksignings/$', views.BookSigningArchive.as_view()), # ListView (r'^list/dict/$', views.DictList.as_view()), (r'^list/dict/paginated/$', views.DictList.as_view(paginate_by=1)), url(r'^list/artists/$', views.ArtistList.as_view(), name="artists_list"), url(r'^list/authors/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(), name="authors_list"), (r'^list/authors/paginated/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(paginate_by=30)), (r'^list/authors/paginated/(?P<page>\d+)/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(paginate_by=30)), (r'^list/authors/paginated-orphaned/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(paginate_by=30, paginate_orphans=2)), (r'^list/authors/notempty/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(allow_empty=False)), (r'^list/authors/notempty/paginated/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(allow_empty=False, paginate_by=2)), (r'^list/authors/template_name/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(template_name='generic_views/list.html')), (r'^list/authors/template_name_suffix/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(template_name_suffix='_objects')), (r'^list/authors/context_object_name/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(context_object_name='author_list')), (r'^list/authors/dupe_context_object_name/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(context_object_name='object_list')), (r'^list/authors/invalid/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(queryset=None)), (r'^list/authors/paginated/custom_class/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(paginate_by=5, paginator_class=views.CustomPaginator)), (r'^list/authors/paginated/custom_page_kwarg/$', views.AuthorList.as_view(paginate_by=30, page_kwarg='pagina')), (r'^list/authors/paginated/custom_constructor/$', views.AuthorListCustomPaginator.as_view()), # YearArchiveView # Mixing keyword and possitional captures below is intentional; the views # ought to be able to accept either. (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/make_object_list/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view(make_object_list=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/allow_empty/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/allow_future/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view(allow_future=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/paginated/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view(make_object_list=True, paginate_by=30)), (r'^dates/books/no_year/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/reverse/$', views.BookYearArchive.as_view(queryset=models.Book.objects.order_by('pubdate'))), (r'^dates/booksignings/(?P<year>\d{4})/$', views.BookSigningYearArchive.as_view()), # MonthArchiveView (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/$', views.BookMonthArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/$', views.BookMonthArchive.as_view(month_format='%m')), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/allow_empty/$', views.BookMonthArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/allow_future/$', views.BookMonthArchive.as_view(allow_future=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/paginated/$', views.BookMonthArchive.as_view(paginate_by=30)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/no_month/$', views.BookMonthArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/booksignings/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/$', views.BookSigningMonthArchive.as_view()), # WeekArchiveView (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/(?P<week>\d{1,2})/$', views.BookWeekArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/(?P<week>\d{1,2})/allow_empty/$', views.BookWeekArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/(?P<week>\d{1,2})/allow_future/$', views.BookWeekArchive.as_view(allow_future=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/(?P<week>\d{1,2})/paginated/$', views.BookWeekArchive.as_view(paginate_by=30)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/no_week/$', views.BookWeekArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/(?P<week>\d{1,2})/monday/$', views.BookWeekArchive.as_view(week_format='%W')), (r'^dates/booksignings/(?P<year>\d{4})/week/(?P<week>\d{1,2})/$', views.BookSigningWeekArchive.as_view()), # DayArchiveView (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view(month_format='%m')), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/allow_empty/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/allow_future/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view(allow_future=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/allow_empty_and_future/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True, allow_future=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/paginated/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view(paginate_by=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/no_day/$', views.BookDayArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/booksignings/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/$', views.BookSigningDayArchive.as_view()), # TodayArchiveView (r'^dates/books/today/$', views.BookTodayArchive.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/today/allow_empty/$', views.BookTodayArchive.as_view(allow_empty=True)), (r'^dates/booksignings/today/$', views.BookSigningTodayArchive.as_view()), # DateDetailView (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.BookDetail.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{1,2})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.BookDetail.as_view(month_format='%m')), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<pk>\d+)/allow_future/$', views.BookDetail.as_view(allow_future=True)), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/nopk/$', views.BookDetail.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/byslug/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$', views.BookDetail.as_view()), (r'^dates/books/get_object_custom_queryset/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.BookDetailGetObjectCustomQueryset.as_view()), (r'^dates/booksignings/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>[a-z]{3})/(?P<day>\d{1,2})/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', views.BookSigningDetail.as_view()), # Useful for testing redirects (r'^accounts/login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login') )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sphinx.roles import sphinx.environment from sphinx.writers.html import HTMLTranslator from docutils.writers.html4css1 import HTMLTranslator as DocutilsTranslator def patch(): # navify toctree (oh god) @monkey(sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment) def resolve_toctree(old_resolve, self, *args, **kwargs): """ If navbar, bootstrapify TOC to yield a navbar """ navbar = kwargs.pop('navbar', None) toc = old_resolve(self, *args, **kwargs) if toc is None: return None navbarify(toc[0], navbar=navbar) return toc # monkeypatch visit_table to remove border and add .table HTMLTranslator.visit_table = visit_table # disable colspec crap HTMLTranslator.write_colspecs = lambda self: None # copy data- attributes straight from source to dest HTMLTranslator.starttag = starttag_data def navbarify(node, navbar=None): """ :param node: toctree node to navbarify :param navbar: Whether this toctree is a 'main' navbar, a 'side' navbar or not a navbar at all """ if navbar == 'side': for n in node.traverse(): if n.tagname == 'bullet_list': n['classes'].append('nav') elif navbar == 'main': # add classes to just toplevel node['classes'].extend(['nav', 'navbar-nav', 'navbar-right']) for list_item in node.children: # bullet_list # list_item # compact_paragraph # reference # bullet_list # list_item # compact_paragraph # reference # no bullet_list.list_item -> don't dropdownify if not list_item.children[1].children: return list_item['classes'].append('dropdown') # list_item.compact_paragraph.reference link = list_item.children[0].children[0] link['classes'].append('dropdown-toggle') link.attributes['data-toggle'] = 'dropdown' # list_item.bullet_list list_item.children[1]['classes'].append('dropdown-menu') def visit_table(self, node): """ * remove border * add table class """ self._table_row_index = 0 self.context.append(self.compact_p) self.compact_p = True classes = {self.settings.table_style} node_classes = node.get('classes', []) if 'no-table' in node_classes: node_classes.remove('no-table') else: classes.add('table') self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'table', CLASS=' '.join(classes).strip())) def starttag_data(self, node, tagname, suffix='\n', empty=False, **attributes): attributes.update( (k, v) for k, v in node.attributes.iteritems() if k.startswith('data-') ) # oh dear return DocutilsTranslator.starttag( self, node, tagname, suffix=suffix, empty=empty, **attributes) class monkey(object): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __call__(self, fn): name = fn.__name__ old = getattr(self.obj, name) setattr(self.obj, name, lambda self_, *args, **kwargs: \ fn(old, self_, *args, **kwargs))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Andrey Antukh <> # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Jesús Espino <> # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 David Barragán <> # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Alejandro Alonso <> # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Anler Hernández <> # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from functools import wraps, partial from django.core.paginator import Paginator def as_tuple(function=None, *, remove_nulls=False): if function is None: return partial(as_tuple, remove_nulls=remove_nulls) @wraps(function) def _decorator(*args, **kwargs): return list(function(*args, **kwargs)) return _decorator def as_dict(function): @wraps(function) def _decorator(*args, **kwargs): return dict(function(*args, **kwargs)) return _decorator def split_by_n(seq:str, n:int): """ A generator to divide a sequence into chunks of n units. """ while seq: yield seq[:n] seq = seq[n:] def iter_queryset(queryset, itersize:int=20): """ Util function for iterate in more efficient way all queryset. """ paginator = Paginator(queryset, itersize) for page_num in paginator.page_range: page = for element in page.object_list: yield element
""" Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Oracle Corporation This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as available from This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. """ import xpcom import sys import platform # this code overcomes somewhat unlucky feature of Python, where it searches # for binaries in the same place as platfom independent modules, while # rest of Python bindings expect _xpcom to be inside xpcom module candidates = ['VBoxPython' + str(sys.version_info[0]) + '_' + str(sys.version_info[1]), 'VBoxPython' + str(sys.version_info[0]), 'VBoxPython'] if platform.system() == 'Darwin': # On Darwin (aka Mac OS X) we know exactly where things are in a normal # VirtualBox installation. Also, there are two versions of python there # (2.3.x and 2.5.x) depending on whether the os is striped or spotty, so # we have to choose the right module to load. # # XXX: This needs to be adjusted for OSE builds. A more general solution would # be to to sed the file during install and inject the VBOX_PATH_APP_PRIVATE_ARCH # and VBOX_PATH_SHARED_LIBS when these are set. sys.path.append('/Applications/') cglue = None for m in candidates: try: cglue = __import__(m) break except: pass if platform.system() == 'Darwin': sys.path.remove('/Applications/') if cglue == None: raise Exception, "Cannot find VBoxPython module" sys.modules['xpcom._xpcom'] = cglue xpcom._xpcom = cglue
#! /usr/bin/env python # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2008, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ Library for supporting message and service generation for all ROS client libraries. This is mainly responsible for calculating the md5sums and message definitions of classes. """ # NOTE: this should not contain any rospy-specific code. The rospy # generator library is rospy.genpy. import sys import hashlib try: from cStringIO import StringIO # Python 2.x except ImportError: from io import StringIO # Python 3.x from . import msgs from .msgs import InvalidMsgSpec, MsgSpec, bare_msg_type, is_builtin from .msg_loader import load_depends from .srvs import SrvSpec from . import names from . import base def compute_md5_text(msg_context, spec): """ Compute the text used for md5 calculation. MD5 spec states that we removes comments and non-meaningful whitespace. We also strip packages names from type names. For convenience sake, constants are reordered ahead of other declarations, in the order that they were originally defined. :returns: text for ROS MD5-processing, ``str`` """ package = spec.package buff = StringIO() for c in spec.constants: buff.write("%s %s=%s\n"%(c.type,, c.val_text)) for type_, name in zip(spec.types, spec.names): msg_type = bare_msg_type(type_) # md5 spec strips package names if is_builtin(msg_type): buff.write("%s %s\n"%(type_, name)) else: # recursively generate md5 for subtype. have to build up # dependency representation for subtype in order to # generate md5 sub_pkg, _ = names.package_resource_name(msg_type) sub_pkg = sub_pkg or package sub_spec = msg_context.get_registered(msg_type) sub_md5 = compute_md5(msg_context, sub_spec) buff.write("%s %s\n"%(sub_md5, name)) return buff.getvalue().strip() # remove trailing new line def _compute_hash(msg_context, spec, hash): """ subroutine of compute_md5() :param msg_context: :class:`MsgContext` instance to load dependencies into/from. :param spec: :class:`MsgSpec` to compute hash for. :param hash: hash instance """ # accumulate the hash # - root file if isinstance(spec, MsgSpec): hash.update(compute_md5_text(msg_context, spec).encode()) elif isinstance(spec, SrvSpec): hash.update(compute_md5_text(msg_context, spec.request).encode()) hash.update(compute_md5_text(msg_context, spec.response).encode()) else: raise Exception("[%s] is not a message or service"%spec) return hash.hexdigest() def compute_md5(msg_context, spec): """ Compute md5 hash for message/service :param msg_context: :class:`MsgContext` instance to load dependencies into/from. :param spec: :class:`MsgSpec` to compute md5 for. :returns: md5 hash, ``str`` """ return _compute_hash(msg_context, spec, hashlib.md5()) ## alias compute_md5_v2 = compute_md5 def _unique_deps(dep_list): uniques = [] for d in dep_list: if d not in uniques: uniques.append(d) return uniques def compute_full_text(msg_context, spec): """ Compute full text of message/service, including text of embedded types. The text of the main msg/srv is listed first. Embedded msg/srv files are denoted first by an 80-character '=' separator, followed by a type declaration line,'MSG: pkg/type', followed by the text of the embedded type. :param msg_context: :class:`MsgContext` instance to load dependencies into/from. :param spec: :class:`MsgSpec` to compute full text for. :returns: concatenated text for msg/srv file and embedded msg/srv types, ``str`` """ buff = StringIO() sep = '='*80+'\n' # write the text of the top-level type buff.write(spec.text) buff.write('\n') # append the text of the dependencies (embedded types). Can't use set() as we have to preserve order. for d in _unique_deps(msg_context.get_all_depends(spec.full_name)): buff.write(sep) buff.write("MSG: %s\n"%d) buff.write(msg_context.get_registered(d).text) buff.write('\n') # #1168: remove the trailing \n separator that is added by the concatenation logic return buff.getvalue()[:-1] def compute_full_type_name(package_name, file_name): """ Compute the full type name of message/service 'pkg/type'. :param package_name: name of package file is in, ``str`` :file_name: name of the msg og srv file, ``str`` :returns: typename in format 'pkg/type' :raises: :exc:`MsgGenerationException` if file_name ends with an unknown file extension """ # strip extension for ext in (base.EXT_MSG, base.EXT_SRV): if file_name.endswith(ext): short_name = file_name[:-len(ext)] break else: raise base.MsgGenerationException("Processing file: '%s' - unknown file extension"% (file_name)) return "%s/%s"%(package_name, short_name)
''' my.oledhat.interface This library contains the high-level functions for drawing on the MyOled class (the means of publishing new images onto the NanoHat OLED device). Key functions:- prompt_for_keyboard_text display keyboard; let user enter a phrase; return the phrase choose_from_list display a list; let the user choose an item; return the item draw_simple_message_and_buttons_screen ;) Created on Jan 14, 2018 @author: johnrabsonjr from testme import * app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = NanohateOledSimulator(None) from my.oledhat.interface import * prompt_for_keyboard_text(title='Choose one') #draw_keyboard(0, (0,1), 10, 63) ''' import dbm import os import time from my.globals.consts import INFERNALPORPOISES_PASSWD_FNAME, RUNNING_ON_MAC from my.oledhat.classes import MyOled, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_LEFT from my.v2and3 import getkeypress, is_a_keypress_in_queue OUR_PWDCT_FNAME = '/%s/fonsa/pwdct' % ('tmp' if RUNNING_ON_MAC else 'etc') OUR_AP_INFO_FNAME = '/%s/fonsa/apinfo' % ('tmp' if RUNNING_ON_MAC else 'etc') os.system('p=%s; mkdir -p $p; chmod 700 $p; rmdir $p' % OUR_PWDCT_FNAME) try: OUR_PW_DCT =, 'c') except Exception as e: print("Failed to get OUR_PW_DCT. => %s" % str(e)) OUR_PW_DCT =, 'n') if os.path.exists(INFERNALPORPOISES_PASSWD_FNAME): OUR_PW_DCT['From the Window'] = open(INFERNALPORPOISES_PASSWD_FNAME, 'r').read().strip('\n') KEYBOARDS_LST = ((( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', '<=', '=>', ), ( 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', '_delete', ), ( 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', '_space', ), ('s', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', '_enter'), ('y', 'z', "'", '"', '!', '?', '_cancel')), (( 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', '<=', '=>', ), ( 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', '_delete', ), ( 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', '_space', ), ('S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', '_enter'), ('Y', 'Z', ';', ':', '{', '}', '_cancel')), (( '1', '2', '3', '+', '@', '#', '<=', '=>', ), ( '4', '5', '6', '$', '%', '^', '_delete', ), ( '7', '8', '9', '-', '_', '=', '_cancel1', ), ('*', '0', '~', '&', '(', ')', '_enter'), ('/', '\\', '[', ']', '<', '>', '_cancel'))) def add_keyboard_button(coords, label, special, inverted): if inverted: tx, ty, bx, by = coords tx -= 2 if len(label) > 2 else 0.0 bx += 1 if len(label) > 2 else 0.0 # ty += 0.5 by += 2 MyOled.draw.rectangle((tx, ty, bx, by), fill=128, outline=128) MyOled.add_text( coords, label, bold=True if inverted else False, fontsize=12 if inverted and len(label) == 1 else 10 if special else 10, fill=0 if inverted else 128) # , fontsize, fill, horizalign, vertalign) def draw_keyboard(current_keyboard_number, current_position, vert_start, vert_end): cx, cy = current_position xstep = (MyOled.width - 1) / 8 ystep = (vert_end - vert_start) / 5 MyOled.draw.rectangle((0, vert_start, MyOled.width - 1, vert_end), fill=0) for rowno in range(0, 5): column_len = len(KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number][rowno]) for colno in range(0, column_len): str_to_show = KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number][rowno][colno] tx = xstep * colno ty = ystep * rowno + vert_start bx = tx + xstep - 1 by = ty + ystep this_is_a_special_button = False if str_to_show[0] == '_': str_to_show = str_to_show[1:] # if colno == column_len - 1 and column_len < 8: this_is_a_special_button = True bx += xstep # print(str((tx, ty, bx, by))) add_keyboard_button( (tx, ty, bx, by), str_to_show, special=this_is_a_special_button, inverted=True if rowno == cy and colno == cx else False) # def draw_network_connections_chooser_screen(list_of_network_connections): # draw_simple_message_and_buttons_screen('Hotspot chooser', 'up', 'down', 'choose') def prompt_for_keyboard_text(prompt='PW:', promptfontsize=10, vert_start=10, vert_end=MyOled.height_above_buttons - 1): '''Draw a keyboard. Let the user peck out a series of characters. Then let the user accept/reject the string. ''' current_keyboard_number = 0 current_x = len(KEYBOARDS_LST[0][-1]) - 1 current_y = len(KEYBOARDS_LST[0]) - 1 outval = '' enter_pushed = False cancel_pushed = False k = None while not enter_pushed and not cancel_pushed: # MyOled.wipe() MyOled.add_text( (0, 0, MyOled.width - 1, vert_start - 1), text=prompt + outval, fontsize=promptfontsize, horizalign=ALIGN_LEFT, wipe_first=True) draw_keyboard(current_keyboard_number, (current_x, current_y), vert_start, vert_end) if k is None: MyOled.add_buttons_labels(('down', 'right', 'choose')) else: MyOled.refresh_buttons(k) if not is_a_keypress_in_queue(): MyOled.refresh_buttons(None) k = getkeypress() if k == 1: current_y = (current_y + 1) % len( KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number]) if current_x >= len( KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number][current_y]): current_x = len( KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number][current_y]) - 1 elif k == 2: current_x = (current_x + 1) % len( KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number][current_y]) else: s = KEYBOARDS_LST[current_keyboard_number][current_y][current_x] if s == '_enter': enter_pushed = True elif s == '_cancel': outval = None cancel_pushed = True elif s == '_space': outval += ' ' elif s == '_delete': outval = outval[0:max(0, len(outval) - 1)] elif s == '<=': current_keyboard_number = (current_keyboard_number + len( KEYBOARDS_LST) - 1) % len(KEYBOARDS_LST) elif s == '=>': current_keyboard_number = ( current_keyboard_number + 1) % len(KEYBOARDS_LST) else: outval += s return outval def choose_from_list(my_lst, title='Choose one', vert_start=11, vert_end=MyOled.height_above_buttons - 2): itemno = 0 total_items_per_windowful = 4 retval = None mylabels = ('up', 'down', 'choose') vertslider_width_in_pixels = 6 fontsize = 10 # MyOled.add_buttons_labels(mylabels) top_itemno_on_display = 0 tx = 0 ty = vert_start bx = MyOled.width - 1 by = vert_end lineheight = (by - ty) / total_items_per_windowful MyOled.add_buttons_labels(mylabels) MyOled.refresh() while retval is None: MyOled.wipe() # print('%d, %d, %d, %d' % (tx, ty, bx, by)) MyOled.add_text((tx, 0, bx, ty - 1), text=title, fontsize=14) bottom_itemno_on_display = min( top_itemno_on_display + total_items_per_windowful - 1, len(my_lst) - 1) draw_windowful_of_choosable_items( top_itemno_on_display, bottom_itemno_on_display, fontsize, my_lst, itemno, lineheight, bx, tx, ty, vertslider_width_in_pixels) if len(my_lst) > total_items_per_windowful: draw_slider_for_choosable_items(my_lst, itemno, lineheight, bx, ty, vertslider_width_in_pixels, total_items_per_windowful) MyOled.refresh() k = getkeypress() MyOled.refresh_buttons(buttonpushed=k) # MyOled.add_buttons_labels(mylabels, (k == 1, k == 2, k == 3)) if k == 1: if itemno > 0: itemno -= 1 if itemno < top_itemno_on_display: top_itemno_on_display -= 1 elif k == 2: if itemno < len(my_lst) - 1: itemno += 1 if itemno > bottom_itemno_on_display: top_itemno_on_display += 1 else: retval = my_lst[itemno] MyOled.refresh_buttons( buttonpushed=None ) # No button pushed! Yay! That means we'll refresh the buttons and show NO SELECTION. return retval def draw_windowful_of_choosable_items( top_itemno_on_display, bottom_itemno_on_display, fontsize, my_lst, itemno, lineheight, bx, tx, ty, vertslider_width_in_pixels): for this_line_on_display in range(top_itemno_on_display, bottom_itemno_on_display + 1): current_entry = my_lst[this_line_on_display] text_to_display = current_entry # '%d) %s' % (lino, current_entry) y_delta = this_line_on_display - top_itemno_on_display if this_line_on_display == itemno: MyOled.draw.rectangle( (tx, ty + y_delta * lineheight, bx - vertslider_width_in_pixels - 2, ty + (y_delta + 1) * lineheight), fill=255, outline=255) MyOled.add_text( (tx, ty + y_delta * lineheight, bx, ty + (y_delta + 1) * lineheight), text=text_to_display, fontsize=fontsize, fill=0 if this_line_on_display == itemno else 128, horizalign=ALIGN_LEFT, vertalign=ALIGN_CENTER) def draw_slider_for_choosable_items(my_lst, itemno, lineheight, bx, ty, vertslider_width_in_pixels, total_items_per_windowful): # Draw slider vertslider_range_in_pixels = lineheight * total_items_per_windowful cliqheight_in_pixels = vertslider_range_in_pixels / len(my_lst) start_of_scrollmarker = ty + cliqheight_in_pixels * itemno end_of_scrollmarker = ty + cliqheight_in_pixels * (itemno + 1) # print('Slider vert from %d to %d' % (start_of_scrollmarker, end_of_scrollmarker)) MyOled.draw.rectangle( (bx - vertslider_width_in_pixels, ty, bx, ty + lineheight * total_items_per_windowful), fill=255, outline=255) MyOled.draw.rectangle( (bx - vertslider_width_in_pixels, start_of_scrollmarker, bx, end_of_scrollmarker), fill=0, outline=255) def draw_this_test_image(): # MyOled.image ='1', (MyOled.width, MyOled.height)) text = time.strftime("%A") MyOled.draw.text((2, 2), text, font=MyOled.font14, fill=255) text = time.strftime("%e %b %Y") MyOled.draw.text((2, 18), text, font=MyOled.font14, fill=255) # MyOled.add_buttons_labels(('hi', 'there', 'shutd')) MyOled.refresh() # text = time.strftime("%X") # draw.text((2, 40), text, font=MyOled.fontb24, fill=255) # def retrieve_stored_hotspot_pw(hotspot_name): # ''' # ''' # global OUR_PW_DCT # print('QQQ retrieve password for %s if we have it' % hotspot_name) # if hotspot_name == ETHERNET_QUASIHOTSPOT_ENTRY: # return None # elif hotspot_name in OUR_PW_DCT.keys(): # return OUR_PW_DCT[hotspot_name] # else: # return None def draw_simple_message_and_buttons_screen(textmsg, labelA, labelB, labelC): print('Simple page - %s' % textmsg) MyOled.draw.text((2, 2), textmsg, font=MyOled.fontb14, fill=255) MyOled.add_buttons_labels((labelA, labelB, labelC)) def does_hotspot_require_password(hotspot_name): if hotspot_name in ('From the Window', 'To the Walls', 'Orange Julius Caesar', 'Tangerine Idi Amin' ): # FIXME: does hotspot require password? Find out! res = True else: res = False return res
""" Provides a Python implementation of RDDs. """ from __future__ import (division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals) import io import sys import copy import pickle import random import logging import functools import itertools import subprocess from collections import defaultdict from . import utils from .fileio import File, TextFile from .stat_counter import StatCounter from .cache_manager import CacheManager from .exceptions import FileAlreadyExistsException try: from itertools import izip as zip # Python 2 except ImportError: pass # Python 3 log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RDD(object): """ In Spark's original form, RDDs are Resilient, Distributed Datasets. This class reimplements the same interface with the goal of being fast on small data at the cost of being resilient and distributed. :param partitions: A list of instances of :class:`Partition`. :param ctx: An instance of the applicable :class:`Context`. """ def __init__(self, partitions, ctx): self._p = partitions self.context = ctx self._name = None self._rdd_id = ctx.newRddId() def __getstate__(self): r = dict((k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()) r['_p'] = list(self.partitions()) r['context'] = None return r def compute(self, split, task_context): """split is a partition. This function is used in derived RDD classes to add smarter behavior for specific cases.""" return split.x() def partitions(self): self._p, r = itertools.tee(self._p, 2) return r """ Public API ---------- """ def aggregate(self, zeroValue, seqOp, combOp): """ [distributed] :param zeroValue: The initial value to an aggregation, for example ``0`` or ``0.0`` for aggregating ``int`` s and ``float`` s, but any Python object is possible. Can be ``None``. :param seqOp: A reference to a function that combines the current state with a new value. In the first iteration, the current state is zeroValue. :param combOp: A reference to a function that combines outputs of seqOp. In the first iteration, the current state is zeroValue. :returns: Output of ``combOp`` operations. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> seqOp = (lambda x, y: (x[0] + y, x[1] + 1)) >>> combOp = (lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1])) >>> Context().parallelize( ... [1, 2, 3, 4], 2 ... ).aggregate((0, 0), seqOp, combOp) (10, 4) """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, i: functools.reduce( seqOp, i, copy.deepcopy(zeroValue) ), resultHandler=lambda l: functools.reduce( combOp, l, copy.deepcopy(zeroValue) ), ) def aggregateByKey(self, zeroValue, seqFunc, combFunc, numPartitions=None): """ [distributed] :param zeroValue: The initial value to an aggregation, for example ``0`` or ``0.0`` for aggregating ``int`` s and ``float`` s, but any Python object is possible. Can be ``None``. :param seqFunc: A reference to a function that combines the current state with a new value. In the first iteration, the current state is zeroValue. :param combFunc: A reference to a function that combines outputs of seqFunc. In the first iteration, the current state is zeroValue. :param numPartitions: (optional) Not used. :returns: Output of ``combOp`` operations. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> seqOp = (lambda x, y: x + y) >>> combOp = (lambda x, y: x + y) >>> r = Context().parallelize( ... [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3), ('c', 4)] ... ).aggregateByKey(0, seqOp, combOp) >>> (r['a'], r['b']) (4, 2) """ def seqFuncByKey(tc, i): r = defaultdict(lambda: copy.deepcopy(zeroValue)) for k, v in i: r[k] = seqFunc(r[k], v) return r def combFuncByKey(l): r = defaultdict(lambda: copy.deepcopy(zeroValue)) for p in l: for k, v in p.items(): r[k] = combFunc(r[k], v) return r return self.context.runJob(self, seqFuncByKey, resultHandler=combFuncByKey) def cache(self): """ Whenever a partition is computed, cache the result. Alias for :func:`RDD.persist`. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> from pysparkling import CacheManager >>> >>> n_exec = 0 >>> >>> def _map(e): ... global n_exec ... n_exec += 1 ... return e*e >>> >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) >>> my_rdd = >>> >>>'no exec until here') >>> f = my_rdd.first() >>>'available caches in {1}: {0}'.format( ... CacheManager.singleton().stored_idents(), ... CacheManager.singleton(), ... )) >>> >>>'executed map on first partition only so far') >>> a = my_rdd.collect() >>>'available caches in {1}: {0}'.format( ... CacheManager.singleton().stored_idents(), ... CacheManager.singleton(), ... )) >>> >>>'now _map() was executed on all partitions and should' ... 'not be executed again') >>>'available caches in {1}: {0}'.format( ... CacheManager.singleton().stored_idents(), ... CacheManager.singleton(), ... )) >>> (my_rdd.collect(), n_exec) ([1, 4, 9, 16], 4) """ return self.persist() def cartesian(self, other): """ :param other: Another RDD. :returns: A new RDD with the cartesian product of this RDD with ``other``. .. note:: This is currently implemented as a local operation requiring all data to be pulled on one machine. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize([1, 2]) >>> sorted(rdd.cartesian(rdd).collect()) [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)] """ v1 = self.toLocalIterator() v2 = self.collect() return self.context.parallelize([(a, b) for a in v1 for b in v2]) def coalesce(self, numPartitions, shuffle=False): """ :param numPartitions: Number of partitions in the resulting RDD. :param shuffle: (optional) Not used. :returns: A new RDD. .. note:: This is currently implemented as a local operation requiring all data to be pulled on one machine. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3], 2).coalesce(1).getNumPartitions() 1 """ return self.context.parallelize(self.toLocalIterator(), numPartitions) def collect(self): """ :returns: The entire dataset as a list. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3]).collect() [1, 2, 3] """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, i: list(i), resultHandler=lambda l: [x for p in l for x in p], ) def count(self): """ :returns: Number of entries in this dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3], 2).count() 3 """ return self.context.runJob(self, lambda tc, i: sum(1 for _ in i), resultHandler=sum) def countApprox(self): """ Same as :func:`RDD.count()`. """ return self.count() def countByKey(self): """ :returns: A ``dict`` containing the count for every key. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize( ... [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('b', 2)] ... ).countByKey()['b'] 4 """ def map_func(tc, x): r = defaultdict(int) for k, v in x: r[k] += v return r return self.context.runJob(self, map_func, resultHandler=utils.sum_counts_by_keys) def countByValue(self): """ :returns: A ``dict`` containing the count for every value. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 2, 4, 1]).countByValue()[2] 2 """ def map_func(tc, x): r = defaultdict(int) for v in x: r[v] += 1 return r return self.context.runJob(self, map_func, resultHandler=utils.sum_counts_by_keys) def distinct(self, numPartitions=None): """ :param numPartitions: The number of partitions of the newly created RDD. :returns: A new RDD containing only distict elements. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 2, 4, 1]).distinct().count() 3 """ return self.context.parallelize(list(set(self.toLocalIterator())), numPartitions) def filter(self, f): """ :param f: A reference to a function that if it evaluates to true when applied to an element in the dataset, the element is kept. :returns: A new dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize( ... [1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 9], 3, ... ).filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).collect() [2, 2, 4] """ def map_func(tc, i, x): return (xx for xx in x if f(xx)) return MapPartitionsRDD(self, map_func, preservesPartitioning=True) def first(self): """ :returns: The first element in the dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 9], 3).first() 1 Works also with empty partitions: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2], 20).first() 1 """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, iterable: iterable, allowLocal=True, resultHandler=lambda l: next(itertools.chain.from_iterable(l)), ) def flatMap(self, f, preservesPartitioning=True): """ A map operation followed by flattening. :param f: The map function. :param preservesPartitioning: (optional) Preserve the partitioning of the original RDD. Default True. :returns: A new RDD. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize(['hello', 'world']).flatMap( ... lambda x: [ord(ch) for ch in x] ... ).collect() [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100] """ return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: (e for xx in x for e in f(xx)), preservesPartitioning=preservesPartitioning, ) def flatMapValues(self, f): """ A map operation on the values in a (key, value) pair followed by a map. :param f: The map function. :returns: A new RDD. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([(1, 'hi'), (2, 'world')]).flatMapValues( ... lambda x: [ord(ch) for ch in x] ... ).collect() [(1, 104), (1, 105), (2, 119), (2, 111), (2, 114), (2, 108), (2, 100)] """ return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: ((xx[0], e) for xx in x for e in f(xx[1])), preservesPartitioning=True, ) def fold(self, zeroValue, op): """ :param zeroValue: The inital value, for example ``0`` or ``0.0``. :param op: The reduce operation. :returns: The folded (or aggregated) value. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([4, 7, 2]) >>> my_rdd.fold(0, lambda a, b: a+b) 13 """ return self.aggregate(zeroValue, op, op) def foldByKey(self, zeroValue, op): """ :param zeroValue: The inital value, for example ``0`` or ``0.0``. :param op: The reduce operation. :returns: The folded (or aggregated) value by key. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([('a', 4), ('b', 7), ('a', 2)]) >>> my_rdd.foldByKey(0, lambda a, b: a+b)['a'] 6 """ return self.aggregateByKey(zeroValue, op, op) def foreach(self, f): """ Applies ``f`` to every element, but does not return a new RDD like :func:``. :param f: Apply a function to every element. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3]) >>> a = [] >>> my_rdd.foreach(lambda x: a.append(x)) >>> len(a) 3 """ self.context.runJob(self, lambda tc, x: [f(xx) for xx in x], resultHandler=None) def foreachPartition(self, f): """ Applies ``f`` to every partition, but does not return a new RDD like :func:`RDD.mapPartitions()`. :param f: Apply a function to every partition. """ self.context.runJob(self, lambda tc, x: f(x), resultHandler=None) def getNumPartitions(self): """ :returns: Returns the number of partitions. """ return sum(1 for _ in self.partitions()) def getPartitions(self): """ :returns: The partitions of this RDD. """ return self.partitions() def groupBy(self, f, numPartitions=None): """ :param f: Function returning a key given an element of the dataset. :param numPartitions: The number of partitions in the new grouped dataset. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([4, 7, 2]) >>> my_rdd.groupBy(lambda x: x % 2).collect() [(0, [2, 4]), (1, [7])] """ return self.context.parallelize(( (k, [gg[1] for gg in g]) for k, g in itertools.groupby( sorted(self.keyBy(f).collect()), lambda e: e[0], ) ), numPartitions) def groupByKey(self, numPartitions=None): """ :param numPartitions: The number of partitions in the new grouped dataset. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. """ return self.context.parallelize(( (k, [gg[1] for gg in g]) for k, g in itertools.groupby( sorted(self.collect()), lambda e: e[0], ) ), numPartitions) def histogram(self, buckets): """ :param buckets: A list of bucket boundaries or an int for the number of buckets. :returns: A tuple (bucket_boundaries, histogram_values) where bucket_boundaries is a list of length n+1 boundaries and histogram_values is a list of length n with the values of each bucket. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([0, 4, 7, 4, 10]) >>> b, h = my_rdd.histogram(10) >>> h [1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] """ if isinstance(buckets, int): num_buckets = buckets stats = self.stats() min_v = stats.min() max_v = stats.max() buckets = [min_v + float(i)*(max_v-min_v)/num_buckets for i in range(num_buckets+1)] h = [0 for _ in buckets] for x in self.toLocalIterator(): for i, b in enumerate(zip(buckets[:-1], buckets[1:])): if x >= b[0] and x < b[1]: h[i] += 1 # make the last bin inclusive on the right if x == buckets[-1]: h[-1] += 1 return (buckets, h) def id(self): # not implemented yet return None def intersection(self, other): """ :param other: The other dataset to do the intersection with. :returns: A new RDD containing the intersection of this and the other RDD. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd1 = Context().parallelize([0, 4, 7, 4, 10]) >>> rdd2 = Context().parallelize([3, 4, 7, 4, 5]) >>> rdd1.intersection(rdd2).collect() [4, 7] """ return self.context.parallelize( list(set(self.toLocalIterator()) & set(other.toLocalIterator())) ) def isCheckpointed(self): return False def join(self, other, numPartitions=None): """ :param other: The other RDD. :param numPartitions: Number of partitions to create in the new RDD. :returns: A new RDD containing the join. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd1 = Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1)]) >>> rdd2 = Context().parallelize([(2, 1), (1, 3)]) >>> rdd1.join(rdd2).collect() [(1, (1, 3))] """ d1 = dict(self.collect()) d2 = dict(other.collect()) keys = set(d1.keys()) & set(d2.keys()) return self.context.parallelize(( (k, (d1[k], d2[k])) for k in keys ), numPartitions) def keyBy(self, f): """ :param f: Function that returns a key from a dataset element. :returns: A new RDD containing the keyed data. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize([0, 4, 7, 4, 10]) >>> rdd.keyBy(lambda x: x % 2).collect() [(0, 0), (0, 4), (1, 7), (0, 4), (0, 10)] """ return e: (f(e), e)) def keys(self): """ :returns: A new RDD containing the keys of the current RDD. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1)]).keys().collect() [0, 1] """ return e: e[0]) def leftOuterJoin(self, other, numPartitions=None): """ :param other: The other RDD. :param numPartitions: (optional) Number of partitions of the resulting RDD. :returns: A new RDD with the result of the join. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd1 = Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1)]) >>> rdd2 = Context().parallelize([(2, 1), (1, 3)]) >>> rdd1.leftOuterJoin(rdd2).collect() [(0, (1, None)), (1, (1, 3))] """ d1 = dict(self.collect()) d2 = dict(other.collect()) return self.context.parallelize(( (k, (d1[k], d2[k] if k in d2 else None)) for k in d1.keys() ), numPartitions) def lookup(self, key): """ Return all the (key, value) pairs where the given key matches. :param key: The key to lookup. :returns: A list of matched (key, value) pairs. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 3)]).lookup(1) [1, 3] """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, x: (xx[1] for xx in x if xx[0] == key), resultHandler=lambda l: [e for ll in l for e in ll], ) def map(self, f): """ :param f: Map function. :returns: A new RDD with mapped values. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3]).map(lambda x: x+1).collect() [2, 3, 4] """ return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: (f(xx) for xx in x), preservesPartitioning=True, ) def mapPartitions(self, f, preservesPartitioning=False): """ :param f: Map function. :returns: A new RDD with mapped partitions. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) >>> def f(iterator): ... yield sum(iterator) >>> rdd.mapPartitions(f).collect() [3, 7] """ return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: f(x), preservesPartitioning=preservesPartitioning, ) def mapValues(self, f): """ :param f: Map function. :returns: A new RDD with mapped values. """ return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: ((e[0], f(e[1])) for e in x), preservesPartitioning=True, ) def max(self): """ :returns: The maximum element. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2], 2).max() == 4 True """ return self.stats().max() def mean(self): """ :returns: The mean of this dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([0, 4, 7, 4, 10]).mean() 5.0 """ return self.stats().mean() def min(self): """ :returns: The minimum element. """ return self.stats().min() def name(self): """ :returns: The name of the dataset. """ return self._name def persist(self, storageLevel=None): """ Cache the results of computed partitions. :param storageLevel: Not used. """ return PersistedRDD(self, storageLevel=storageLevel) def pipe(self, command, env={}): """ Run a command with the elements in the dataset as argument. :param command: Command line command to run. :param env: ``dict`` of environment variables. .. warning:: Unsafe for untrusted data. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> piped = Context().parallelize(['0', 'hello', 'world']).pipe('echo') >>> b'hello\\n' in piped.collect() True """ return self.context.parallelize(subprocess.check_output( [command]+x if isinstance(x, list) else [command, x] ) for x in self.collect()) def randomSplit(self, weights, seed=None): """ Split the RDD into a few RDDs according to the given weights. .. note:: Creating the new RDDs is currently implemented as a local operation. :param weights: Determines the relative lengths of the resulting RDDs. :param seed: Seed for random number generator. :returns: A list of RDDs. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize(range(500)) >>> rdd1, rdd2 = rdd.randomSplit([2, 3], seed=42) >>> (rdd1.count(), rdd2.count()) (199, 301) """ sum_weights = sum(weights) boundaries = [0] for w in weights: boundaries.append(boundaries[-1] + w/sum_weights) random.seed(seed) lists = [[] for _ in weights] for e in self.toLocalIterator(): r = random.random() for i, lbub in enumerate(zip(boundaries[:-1], boundaries[1:])): if r >= lbub[0] and r < lbub[1]: lists[i].append(e) return [self.context.parallelize(l) for l in lists] def reduce(self, f): """ :param f: A commutative and associative binary operator. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([0, 4, 7, 4, 10]).reduce(lambda a, b: a+b) 25 """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, x: functools.reduce(f, x), resultHandler=lambda x: functools.reduce(f, x), ) def reduceByKey(self, f): """ :param f: A commutative and associative binary operator. .. note:: This operation includes a :func:`pysparkling.RDD.groupByKey()` which is a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 3)]) >>> rdd.reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a+b).collect() [(0, 1), (1, 4)] """ return self.groupByKey().mapValues(lambda x: functools.reduce(f, x)) def repartition(self, numPartitions): """ :param numPartitions: Number of partitions in new RDD. :returns: A new RDD. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. """ return self.context.parallelize(self.toLocalIterator(), numPartitions) def rightOuterJoin(self, other, numPartitions=None): """ :param other: The other RDD. :param numPartitions: (optional) Number of partitions of the resulting RDD. :returns: A new RDD with the result of the join. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd1 = Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1)]) >>> rdd2 = Context().parallelize([(2, 1), (1, 3)]) >>> sorted(rdd1.rightOuterJoin(rdd2).collect()) [(1, (1, 3)), (2, (None, 1))] """ d1 = dict(self.collect()) d2 = dict(other.collect()) return self.context.parallelize(( (k, (d1[k] if k in d1 else None, d2[k])) for k in d2.keys() ), numPartitions) def sample(self, withReplacement, fraction, seed=None): """ :param withReplacement: Not used. :param fraction: Specifies the probability that an element is sampled. :param seed: (optional) Seed for random number generator. :returns: Sampled RDD. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize(range(100)) >>> sampled = rdd.sample(False, 0.1, seed=5) >>> all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(sampled.collect(), ... sampled.collect())) True """ return PartitionwiseSampledRDD( self, fraction, preservesPartitioning=True, seed=seed, ) def sampleStdev(self): """ :returns: sample standard deviation Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3]).sampleStdev() 1.0 """ return self.stats().sampleStdev() def sampleVariance(self): """ :returns: sample variance Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1, 2, 3]).sampleVariance() 1.0 """ return self.stats().sampleVariance() def saveAsPickleFile(self, path, batchSize=10): """ .. warning:: The output of this function is incompatible with the PySpark output as there is no pure Python way to write Sequence files. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> tmpFile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) >>> tmpFile.close() >>> d = ['hello', 'world', 1, 2] >>> rdd = Context().parallelize(d).saveAsPickleFile( >>> 'hello' in Context().pickleFile( True """ if File(path).exists(): raise FileAlreadyExistsException( 'Output {0} already exists.'.format(path) ) codec_suffix = '' if path.endswith(('.gz', '.bz2', '.lzo')): codec_suffix = path[path.rfind('.'):] def _map(path, obj): stream = io.BytesIO() pickle.dump(self.collect(), stream) File(path).dump(stream) if self.getNumPartitions() == 1: _map(path, self.collect()) return self self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, x: _map( path+'/part-{0:05d}{1}'.format(tc.partitionId(), codec_suffix), list(x), ), resultHandler=lambda l: list(l), ) TextFile(path+'/_SUCCESS').dump() return self def saveAsTextFile(self, path, compressionCodecClass=None): """ If the RDD has many partitions, the contents will be stored directly in the given path. If the RDD has more partitions, the data of the partitions are stored in individual files under ``path/part-00000`` and so on and once all partitions are written, the file ``path/_SUCCESS`` is written last. :param path: Destination of the text file. :param compressionCodecClass: Not used. :returns: ``self`` """ if TextFile(path).exists(): raise FileAlreadyExistsException( 'Output {0} already exists.'.format(path) ) codec_suffix = '' if path.endswith(('.gz', '.bz2', '.lzo')): codec_suffix = path[path.rfind('.'):] if self.getNumPartitions() == 1: TextFile( path ).dump(io.StringIO(''.join([ str(xx)+'\n' for xx in self.toLocalIterator() ]))) return self self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, x: TextFile( path+'/part-{0:05d}{1}'.format(tc.partitionId(), codec_suffix) ).dump(io.StringIO(''.join([ str(xx)+'\n' for xx in x ]))), resultHandler=lambda l: list(l), ) TextFile(path+'/_SUCCESS').dump() return self def sortBy(self, keyfunc, ascending=True, numPartitions=None): """ :param keyfunc: Returns the value that will be sorted. :param ascending: Default is True. :param numPartitions: Default is None. None means the output will have the same number of partitions as the input. :returns: A new sorted RDD. .. note:: Sorting is currently implemented as a local operation. Examples: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize([5, 1, 2, 3]) >>> rdd.sortBy(lambda x: x).collect() [1, 2, 3, 5] >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize([1, 5, 2, 3]) >>> rdd.sortBy(lambda x: x, ascending=False).collect() [5, 3, 2, 1] """ if numPartitions is None: numPartitions = self.getNumPartitions() return self.context.parallelize( sorted(self.collect(), key=keyfunc, reverse=not ascending), numPartitions, ) def sortByKey(self, ascending=True, numPartitions=None, keyfunc=lambda x: x[0]): """ :param ascending: Default is True. :param numPartitions: Default is None. None means the output will have the same number of partitions as the input. :param keyfunc: Returns the value that will be sorted. :returns: A new sorted RDD. .. note:: Sorting is currently implemented as a local operation. Examples: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize( ... [(5, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd')] ... ) >>> rdd.sortByKey().collect()[0][1] == 'b' True >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd = Context().parallelize( ... [(1, 'b'), (5, 'a'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd')] ... ) >>> rdd.sortByKey(ascending=False).collect()[0][1] == 'a' True """ return self.sortBy(keyfunc, ascending, numPartitions) def stats(self): """ :returns: A :class:`pysparkling.StatCounter` instance. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> d = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36] >>> s = Context().parallelize(d, 3).stats() >>> sum(d)/len(d) == s.mean() True """ return self.aggregate( StatCounter(), lambda a, b: a.merge(b), lambda a, b: a.mergeStats(b), ) def stdev(self): """ :returns: standard deviation Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1.5, 2.5]).stdev() 0.5 """ return self.stats().stdev() def subtract(self, other, numPartitions=None): """ :param other: The RDD to be subtracted from the current RDD. :param numPartitions: Currently not used. Partitions are preserved. :returns: New RDD. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> rdd1 = Context().parallelize([(0, 1), (1, 1)]) >>> rdd2 = Context().parallelize([(1, 1), (1, 3)]) >>> rdd1.subtract(rdd2).collect() [(0, 1)] """ list_other = other.collect() return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: (e for e in x if e not in list_other), preservesPartitioning=True, ) def sum(self): """ :returns: The sum of all the elements. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([0, 4, 7, 4, 10]).sum() 25 """ return self.context.runJob(self, lambda tc, x: sum(x), resultHandler=sum) def take(self, n): """ Only evaluates the partitions that are necessary to return n elements. :param n: Number of elements to return. :returns: Elements of the dataset in a list. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([4, 7, 2]).take(2) [4, 7] Another example where only the first two partitions only are computed (check the debug logs): >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([4, 7, 2], 3).take(2) [4, 7] """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, i: i, allowLocal=True, resultHandler=lambda l: list(itertools.islice( itertools.chain.from_iterable(l), n, )), ) def takeSample(self, n): """ Assumes samples are evenly distributed between partitions. Only evaluates the partitions that are necessary to return n elements. :param n: The number of elements to sample. :returns: Samples from the dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([4, 7, 2]).takeSample(1)[0] in [4, 7, 2] True Another example where only one partition is computed (check the debug logs): >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> d = [4, 9, 7, 3, 2, 5] >>> Context().parallelize(d, 3).takeSample(1)[0] in d True """ rnd_entries = sorted([random.random() for _ in range(n)]) num_partitions = sum(1 for _ in self.partitions()) rnd_entries = [ ( int(e*num_partitions), # partition number e*num_partitions-int(e*num_partitions), # element in partition ) for e in rnd_entries ] partition_indices = [i for i, e in rnd_entries] partitions = [p for i, p in enumerate(self.partitions()) if i in partition_indices] def res_handler(l): map_results = list(l) entries = itertools.groupby(rnd_entries, lambda e: e[0]) r = [] for i, e_list in enumerate(entries): p_result = map_results[i] if not p_result: continue for p_num, e in e_list[1]: e_num = int(e*len(p_result)) r.append(p_result[e_num]) return r return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, i: list(i), partitions=partitions, resultHandler=res_handler, ) def toLocalIterator(self): """ :returns: An iterator over the dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> sum(Context().parallelize([4, 9, 7, 3, 2, 5], 3).toLocalIterator()) 30 """ return self.context.runJob( self, lambda tc, i: list(i), resultHandler=lambda l: (x for p in l for x in p), ) def union(self, other): """ :param other: The other RDD for the union. :returns: A new RDD. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([4, 9, 7, 3, 2, 5], 3) >>> my_rdd.union(my_rdd).count() 12 """ return self.context.union((self, other)) def values(self): """ :returns: Values of a (key, value) dataset. """ return e: e[1]) def variance(self): """ :returns: The variance of the dataset. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> Context().parallelize([1.5, 2.5]).variance() 0.25 """ return self.stats().variance() def zip(self, other): """ :param other: Other dataset to zip with. :returns: New RDD with zipped entries. .. note:: Creating the new RDD is currently implemented as a local operation. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([4, 9, 7, 3, 2, 5], 3) >>> [(4, 4), (9, 9), (7, 7), (3, 3), (2, 2), (5, 5)] """ return self.context.parallelize( zip(self.toLocalIterator(), other.toLocalIterator()) ) def zipWithUniqueId(self): """ This is a fast operation. :returns: New RDD where every entry is zipped with a unique index. Example: >>> from pysparkling import Context >>> my_rdd = Context().parallelize([423, 234, 986, 5, 345], 3) >>> my_rdd.zipWithUniqueId().collect() [(423, 0), (234, 1), (986, 4), (5, 2), (345, 5)] """ num_p = self.getNumPartitions() return MapPartitionsRDD( self, lambda tc, i, x: ( (xx, e*num_p+tc.partition_id) for e, xx in enumerate(x) ), preservesPartitioning=True, ) class MapPartitionsRDD(RDD): def __init__(self, prev, f, preservesPartitioning=False): """prev is the previous RDD. f is a function with the signature (task_context, partition index, iterator over elements). """ RDD.__init__(self, prev.partitions(), prev.context) self.prev = prev self.f = f self.preservesPartitioning = preservesPartitioning def compute(self, split, task_context): return self.f(task_context, split.index, self.prev.compute(split, task_context._create_child())) def partitions(self): return self.prev.partitions() class PartitionwiseSampledRDD(RDD): def __init__(self, prev, fraction, preservesPartitioning=False, seed=None): """prev is the previous RDD. f is a function with the signature (task_context, partition index, iterator over elements). """ RDD.__init__(self, prev.partitions(), prev.context) if not seed: seed = random.randint(0, sys.maxint) self.prev = prev self.fraction = fraction self.preservesPartitioning = preservesPartitioning self.seed = seed def compute(self, split, task_context): random.seed(self.seed+split.index) return ( x for x in self.prev.compute(split, task_context._create_child()) if random.random() < self.fraction ) def partitions(self): return self.prev.partitions() class PersistedRDD(RDD): def __init__(self, prev, storageLevel=None): """prev is the previous RDD. """ RDD.__init__(self, prev.partitions(), prev.context) self.prev = prev self.storageLevel = storageLevel def compute(self, split, task_context): if self._rdd_id is None or split.index is None: cid = None else: cid = '{0}:{1}'.format(self._rdd_id, split.index) cm = CacheManager.singleton() if not cm.has(cid): cm.add( cid, list(self.prev.compute(split, task_context._create_child())), self.storageLevel ) return iter(cm.get(cid))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Advent of Code 2015, Day 7: Some Assembly Required""" class Circuit: """A set of wires connected with bitwise logic gates""" def __init__(self, instructions): """Parse instructions into a circuit layout instructions should be the text from the puzzle input without any processing. The wire signals are not 'solved' at this stage. """ wires = [line.split(' -> ') for line in instructions.splitlines()] self._wires = {w: s for s, w in wires} def _solve(self, wire): """Return the signal provided to a wire The signal is discovered by recursively solving the circuit, according to the instructions provided in init. """ value = self._wires.get(wire, wire) # In case wire is an int try: number = int(value) # Just assigning is fairly quick instead of checking whether # the value in the dictionary is still a string, but don't # add extra keys that are just ints referencing themselves if wire != number: self._wires[wire] = number return number except ValueError: # Wire needs solving pass parts = value.split() if len(parts) == 1: result = self._solve(*parts) # Another wire if len(parts) == 2: # "NOT": Invert 16-bit unsigned integer result = 65535 - self._solve(parts[1]) elif len(parts) == 3: left, op, right = parts if op == 'AND': result = self._solve(left) & self._solve(right) elif op == 'OR': result = self._solve(left) | self._solve(right) elif op == 'LSHIFT': result = self._solve(left) << int(right) elif op == 'RSHIFT': result = self._solve(left) >> int(right) self._wires[wire] = result return self._wires[wire] def build(self): """Contruct the circuit so each wire has a signal""" for wire in list(self._wires): # list used to avoid 'dict changed size' error if not isinstance(self._wires[wire], int): self._solve(wire) def __getitem__(self, key): """Allow indexing on wire identifier""" return self._solve(key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._wires[key] = value def test_circuit(): """Test Circuit with some example instructions""" instructions = '''\ 123 -> x 456 -> y x AND y -> d x OR y -> e x LSHIFT 2 -> f y RSHIFT 2 -> g NOT x -> h NOT y -> i ''' expected = dict([ ('d', 72), ('e', 507), ('f', 492), ('g', 114), ('h', 65412), ('i', 65079), ('x', 123), ('y', 456)]) circuit = Circuit(instructions) # Ensure each wire has a value assert circuit._wires == expected def main(puzzle_input): first = Circuit(puzzle_input) a_value = first['a'] print('Part one, signal on wire a:', a_value) second = Circuit(puzzle_input) second['b'] = a_value print('Part two, signal on wire a after overriding b:', second['a']) if __name__ == '__main__': with open('../input/2015-07.txt') as f: puzzle_input = main(puzzle_input)
"""The test for the statistics sensor platform.""" import unittest import statistics import pytest from homeassistant.setup import setup_component from homeassistant.components.statistics.sensor import StatisticsSensor from homeassistant.const import ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, TEMP_CELSIUS, STATE_UNKNOWN from homeassistant.util import dt as dt_util from tests.common import get_test_home_assistant from unittest.mock import patch from datetime import datetime, timedelta from tests.common import init_recorder_component from homeassistant.components import recorder class TestStatisticsSensor(unittest.TestCase): """Test the Statistics sensor.""" def setup_method(self, method): """Set up things to be run when tests are started.""" self.hass = get_test_home_assistant() self.values = [17, 20, 15.2, 5, 3.8, 9.2, 6.7, 14, 6] self.count = len(self.values) self.min = min(self.values) self.max = max(self.values) = sum(self.values) self.mean = round(sum(self.values) / len(self.values), 2) self.median = round(statistics.median(self.values), 2) self.deviation = round(statistics.stdev(self.values), 2) self.variance = round(statistics.variance(self.values), 2) self.change = round(self.values[-1] - self.values[0], 2) self.average_change = round(self.change / (len(self.values) - 1), 2) self.change_rate = round(self.average_change / (60 * (self.count - 1)), 2) def teardown_method(self, method): """Stop everything that was started.""" self.hass.stop() def test_binary_sensor_source(self): """Test if source is a sensor.""" values = ["on", "off", "on", "off", "on", "off", "on"] assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "binary_sensor.test_monitored", } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() for value in values: self.hass.states.set("binary_sensor.test_monitored", value) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert str(len(values)) == state.state def test_sensor_source(self): """Test if source is a sensor.""" assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS} ) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert str(self.mean) == state.state assert self.min == state.attributes.get("min_value") assert self.max == state.attributes.get("max_value") assert self.variance == state.attributes.get("variance") assert self.median == state.attributes.get("median") assert self.deviation == state.attributes.get("standard_deviation") assert self.mean == state.attributes.get("mean") assert self.count == state.attributes.get("count") assert == state.attributes.get("total") assert "°C" == state.attributes.get("unit_of_measurement") assert self.change == state.attributes.get("change") assert self.average_change == state.attributes.get("average_change") def test_sampling_size(self): """Test rotation.""" assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", "sampling_size": 5, } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS} ) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert 3.8 == state.attributes.get("min_value") assert 14 == state.attributes.get("max_value") def test_sampling_size_1(self): """Test validity of stats requiring only one sample.""" assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", "sampling_size": 1, } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() for value in self.values[-3:]: # just the last 3 will do self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS} ) self.hass.block_till_done() state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") # require only one data point assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get("min_value") assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get("max_value") assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get("mean") assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get("median") assert self.values[-1] == state.attributes.get("total") assert 0 == state.attributes.get("change") assert 0 == state.attributes.get("average_change") # require at least two data points assert STATE_UNKNOWN == state.attributes.get("variance") assert STATE_UNKNOWN == state.attributes.get("standard_deviation") def test_max_age(self): """Test value deprecation.""" mock_data = {"return_time": datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC)} def mock_now(): return mock_data["return_time"] with patch( "homeassistant.components.statistics.sensor.dt_util.utcnow", new=mock_now ): assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", "max_age": {"minutes": 3}, } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() # insert the next value one minute later mock_data["return_time"] += timedelta(minutes=1) state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert 6 == state.attributes.get("min_value") assert 14 == state.attributes.get("max_value") def test_change_rate(self): """Test min_age/max_age and change_rate.""" mock_data = { "return_time": datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC) } def mock_now(): return mock_data["return_time"] with patch( "homeassistant.components.statistics.sensor.dt_util.utcnow", new=mock_now ): assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() # insert the next value one minute later mock_data["return_time"] += timedelta(minutes=1) state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert datetime( 2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC ) == state.attributes.get("min_age") assert datetime( 2017, 8, 2, 12, 23 + self.count - 1, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC ) == state.attributes.get("max_age") assert self.change_rate == state.attributes.get("change_rate") @pytest.mark.skip("Flaky in CI") def test_initialize_from_database(self): """Test initializing the statistics from the database.""" # enable the recorder init_recorder_component(self.hass) # store some values for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS} ) self.hass.block_till_done() # wait for the recorder to really store the data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done() # only now create the statistics component, so that it must read the # data from the database assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", "sampling_size": 100, } }, ) self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() # check if the result is as in test_sensor_source() state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert str(self.mean) == state.state @pytest.mark.skip("Flaky in CI") def test_initialize_from_database_with_maxage(self): """Test initializing the statistics from the database.""" mock_data = { "return_time": datetime(2017, 8, 2, 12, 23, 42, tzinfo=dt_util.UTC) } def mock_now(): return mock_data["return_time"] # Testing correct retrieval from recorder, thus we do not # want purging to occur within the class itself. def mock_purge(self): return # Set maximum age to 3 hours. max_age = 3 # Determine what our minimum age should be based on test values. expected_min_age = mock_data["return_time"] + timedelta( hours=len(self.values) - max_age ) # enable the recorder init_recorder_component(self.hass) with patch( "homeassistant.components.statistics.sensor.dt_util.utcnow", new=mock_now ), patch.object(StatisticsSensor, "_purge_old", mock_purge): # store some values for value in self.values: self.hass.states.set( "sensor.test_monitored", value, {ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT: TEMP_CELSIUS}, ) self.hass.block_till_done() # insert the next value 1 hour later mock_data["return_time"] += timedelta(hours=1) # wait for the recorder to really store the data[recorder.DATA_INSTANCE].block_till_done() # only now create the statistics component, so that it must read # the data from the database assert setup_component( self.hass, "sensor", { "sensor": { "platform": "statistics", "name": "test", "entity_id": "sensor.test_monitored", "sampling_size": 100, "max_age": {"hours": max_age}, } }, ) self.hass.block_till_done() self.hass.start() self.hass.block_till_done() # check if the result is as in test_sensor_source() state = self.hass.states.get("sensor.test") assert expected_min_age == state.attributes.get("min_age") # The max_age timestamp should be 1 hour before what we have right # now in mock_data['return_time']. assert mock_data["return_time"] == state.attributes.get("max_age") + timedelta( hours=1 )
""" Django REST Framework serializers for the User API Accounts sub-application """ from rest_framework import serializers from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.accounts import NAME_MIN_LENGTH from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_api.serializers import ReadOnlyFieldsSerializerMixin from student.models import UserProfile, LanguageProficiency from ..models import UserPreference from .image_helpers import get_profile_image_urls_for_user from . import ( ACCOUNT_VISIBILITY_PREF_KEY, ALL_USERS_VISIBILITY, PRIVATE_VISIBILITY, ) PROFILE_IMAGE_KEY_PREFIX = 'image_url' class LanguageProficiencySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): """ Class that serializes the LanguageProficiency model for account information. """ class Meta(object): model = LanguageProficiency fields = ("code",) def get_identity(self, data): """ This is used in bulk updates to determine the identity of an object. The default is to use the id of an object, but we want to override that and consider the language code to be the canonical identity of a LanguageProficiency model. """ try: return data.get('code', None) except AttributeError: return None class UserReadOnlySerializer(serializers.Serializer): """ Class that serializes the User model and UserProfile model together. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Don't pass the 'configuration' arg up to the superclass self.configuration = kwargs.pop('configuration', None) if not self.configuration: self.configuration = settings.ACCOUNT_VISIBILITY_CONFIGURATION # Don't pass the 'custom_fields' arg up to the superclass self.custom_fields = kwargs.pop('custom_fields', None) super(UserReadOnlySerializer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def to_representation(self, user): """ Overwrite to_native to handle custom logic since we are serializing two models as one here :param user: User object :return: Dict serialized account """ profile = user.profile data = { "username": user.username, "url": self.context.get('request').build_absolute_uri( reverse('accounts_api', kwargs={'username': user.username}) ), "email":, # For backwards compatibility: Tables created after the upgrade to Django 1.8 will save microseconds. # However, mobile apps are not expecting microsecond in the serialized value. If we set it to zero the # DRF JSONEncoder will not include it in the serialized value. # "date_joined": user.date_joined.replace(microsecond=0), "is_active": user.is_active, "bio": AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(, "country": AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(, "profile_image": AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.get_profile_image( profile, user, self.context.get('request') ), "time_zone": None, "language_proficiencies": LanguageProficiencySerializer( profile.language_proficiencies.all(), many=True ).data, "name":, "gender": AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(profile.gender), "goals": profile.goals, "year_of_birth": profile.year_of_birth, "level_of_education": AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(profile.level_of_education), "mailing_address": profile.mailing_address, "requires_parental_consent": profile.requires_parental_consent(), "account_privacy": self._get_profile_visibility(profile, user), } return self._filter_fields( self._visible_fields(profile, user), data ) def _visible_fields(self, user_profile, user): """ Return what fields should be visible based on user settings :param user_profile: User profile object :param user: User object :return: whitelist List of fields to be shown """ if self.custom_fields: return self.custom_fields profile_visibility = self._get_profile_visibility(user_profile, user) if profile_visibility == ALL_USERS_VISIBILITY: return self.configuration.get('shareable_fields') else: return self.configuration.get('public_fields') def _get_profile_visibility(self, user_profile, user): """Returns the visibility level for the specified user profile.""" if user_profile.requires_parental_consent(): return PRIVATE_VISIBILITY # Calling UserPreference directly because the requesting user may be different from existing_user # (and does not have to be is_staff). profile_privacy = UserPreference.get_value(user, ACCOUNT_VISIBILITY_PREF_KEY) return profile_privacy if profile_privacy else self.configuration.get('default_visibility') def _filter_fields(self, field_whitelist, serialized_account): """ Filter serialized account Dict to only include whitelisted keys """ visible_serialized_account = {} for field_name in field_whitelist: visible_serialized_account[field_name] = serialized_account.get(field_name, None) return visible_serialized_account class AccountUserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer, ReadOnlyFieldsSerializerMixin): """ Class that serializes the portion of User model needed for account information. """ class Meta(object): model = User fields = ("username", "email", "date_joined", "is_active") read_only_fields = ("username", "email", "date_joined", "is_active") explicit_read_only_fields = () class AccountLegacyProfileSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer, ReadOnlyFieldsSerializerMixin): """ Class that serializes the portion of UserProfile model needed for account information. """ profile_image = serializers.SerializerMethodField("_get_profile_image") requires_parental_consent = serializers.SerializerMethodField() language_proficiencies = LanguageProficiencySerializer(many=True, required=False) class Meta(object): model = UserProfile fields = ( "name", "gender", "goals", "year_of_birth", "level_of_education", "country", "mailing_address", "bio", "profile_image", "requires_parental_consent", "language_proficiencies" ) # Currently no read-only field, but keep this so view code doesn't need to know. read_only_fields = () explicit_read_only_fields = ("profile_image", "requires_parental_consent") def validate_name(self, new_name): """ Enforce minimum length for name. """ if len(new_name) < NAME_MIN_LENGTH: raise serializers.ValidationError( "The name field must be at least {} characters long.".format(NAME_MIN_LENGTH) ) return new_name def validate_language_proficiencies(self, value): """ Enforce all languages are unique. """ language_proficiencies = [language for language in value] unique_language_proficiencies = set(language["code"] for language in language_proficiencies) if len(language_proficiencies) != len(unique_language_proficiencies): raise serializers.ValidationError("The language_proficiencies field must consist of unique languages") return value def transform_gender(self, user_profile, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Converts empty string to None, to indicate not set. Replaced by to_representation in version 3. """ return AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(value) def transform_country(self, user_profile, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Converts empty string to None, to indicate not set. Replaced by to_representation in version 3. """ return AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(value) def transform_level_of_education(self, user_profile, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Converts empty string to None, to indicate not set. Replaced by to_representation in version 3. """ return AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(value) def transform_bio(self, user_profile, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Converts empty string to None, to indicate not set. Replaced by to_representation in version 3. """ return AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.convert_empty_to_None(value) @staticmethod def convert_empty_to_None(value): """ Helper method to convert empty string to None (other values pass through). """ return None if value == "" else value @staticmethod def get_profile_image(user_profile, user, request=None): """ Returns metadata about a user's profile image. """ data = {'has_image': user_profile.has_profile_image} urls = get_profile_image_urls_for_user(user, request) data.update({ '{image_key_prefix}_{size}'.format(image_key_prefix=PROFILE_IMAGE_KEY_PREFIX, size=size_display_name): url for size_display_name, url in urls.items() }) return data def get_requires_parental_consent(self, user_profile): """ Returns a boolean representing whether the user requires parental controls. """ return user_profile.requires_parental_consent() def _get_profile_image(self, user_profile): """ Returns metadata about a user's profile image This protected method delegates to the static 'get_profile_image' method because 'serializers.SerializerMethodField("_get_profile_image")' will call the method with a single argument, the user_profile object. """ return AccountLegacyProfileSerializer.get_profile_image(user_profile, user_profile.user) def update(self, instance, validated_data): """ Update the profile, including nested fields. """ language_proficiencies = validated_data.pop("language_proficiencies", None) # Update all fields on the user profile that are writeable, # except for "language_proficiencies", which we'll update separately update_fields = set(self.get_writeable_fields()) - set(["language_proficiencies"]) for field_name in update_fields: default = getattr(instance, field_name) field_value = validated_data.get(field_name, default) setattr(instance, field_name, field_value) # Now update the related language proficiency if language_proficiencies is not None: instance.language_proficiencies.all().delete() instance.language_proficiencies.bulk_create([ LanguageProficiency(user_profile=instance, code=language["code"]) for language in language_proficiencies ]) return instance
"""Utilities for comparing files and directories. Classes: dircmp Functions: cmp(f1, f2, shallow=True) -> int cmpfiles(a, b, common) -> ([], [], []) """ import os import stat from itertools import filterfalse __all__ = ["cmp", "dircmp", "cmpfiles"] _cache = {} BUFSIZE = 8*1024 def cmp(f1, f2, shallow=True): """Compare two files. Arguments: f1 -- First file name f2 -- Second file name shallow -- Just check stat signature (do not read the files). defaults to 1. Return value: True if the files are the same, False otherwise. This function uses a cache for past comparisons and the results, with a cache invalidation mechanism relying on stale signatures. """ s1 = _sig(os.stat(f1)) s2 = _sig(os.stat(f2)) if s1[0] != stat.S_IFREG or s2[0] != stat.S_IFREG: return False if shallow and s1 == s2: return True if s1[1] != s2[1]: return False outcome = _cache.get((f1, f2, s1, s2)) if outcome is None: outcome = _do_cmp(f1, f2) if len(_cache) > 100: # limit the maximum size of the cache _cache.clear() _cache[f1, f2, s1, s2] = outcome return outcome def _sig(st): return (stat.S_IFMT(st.st_mode), st.st_size, st.st_mtime) def _do_cmp(f1, f2): bufsize = BUFSIZE with open(f1, 'rb') as fp1, open(f2, 'rb') as fp2: while True: b1 = b2 = if b1 != b2: return False if not b1: return True # Directory comparison class. # class dircmp: """A class that manages the comparison of 2 directories. dircmp(a, b, ignore=None, hide=None) A and B are directories. IGNORE is a list of names to ignore, defaults to ['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags']. HIDE is a list of names to hide, defaults to [os.curdir, os.pardir]. High level usage: x = dircmp(dir1, dir2) -> prints a report on the differences between dir1 and dir2 or x.report_partial_closure() -> prints report on differences between dir1 and dir2, and reports on common immediate subdirectories. x.report_full_closure() -> like report_partial_closure, but fully recursive. Attributes: left_list, right_list: The files in dir1 and dir2, filtered by hide and ignore. common: a list of names in both dir1 and dir2. left_only, right_only: names only in dir1, dir2. common_dirs: subdirectories in both dir1 and dir2. common_files: files in both dir1 and dir2. common_funny: names in both dir1 and dir2 where the type differs between dir1 and dir2, or the name is not stat-able. same_files: list of identical files. diff_files: list of filenames which differ. funny_files: list of files which could not be compared. subdirs: a dictionary of dircmp objects, keyed by names in common_dirs. """ def __init__(self, a, b, ignore=None, hide=None): # Initialize self.left = a self.right = b if hide is None: self.hide = [os.curdir, os.pardir] # Names never to be shown else: self.hide = hide if ignore is None: self.ignore = ['RCS', 'CVS', 'tags'] # Names ignored in comparison else: self.ignore = ignore def phase0(self): # Compare everything except common subdirectories self.left_list = _filter(os.listdir(self.left), self.hide+self.ignore) self.right_list = _filter(os.listdir(self.right), self.hide+self.ignore) self.left_list.sort() self.right_list.sort() def phase1(self): # Compute common names a = dict(zip(map(os.path.normcase, self.left_list), self.left_list)) b = dict(zip(map(os.path.normcase, self.right_list), self.right_list)) self.common = list(map(a.__getitem__, filter(b.__contains__, a))) self.left_only = list(map(a.__getitem__, filterfalse(b.__contains__, a))) self.right_only = list(map(b.__getitem__, filterfalse(a.__contains__, b))) def phase2(self): # Distinguish files, directories, funnies self.common_dirs = [] self.common_files = [] self.common_funny = [] for x in self.common: a_path = os.path.join(self.left, x) b_path = os.path.join(self.right, x) ok = 1 try: a_stat = os.stat(a_path) except os.error as why: # print('Can\'t stat', a_path, ':', why.args[1]) ok = 0 try: b_stat = os.stat(b_path) except os.error as why: # print('Can\'t stat', b_path, ':', why.args[1]) ok = 0 if ok: a_type = stat.S_IFMT(a_stat.st_mode) b_type = stat.S_IFMT(b_stat.st_mode) if a_type != b_type: self.common_funny.append(x) elif stat.S_ISDIR(a_type): self.common_dirs.append(x) elif stat.S_ISREG(a_type): self.common_files.append(x) else: self.common_funny.append(x) else: self.common_funny.append(x) def phase3(self): # Find out differences between common files xx = cmpfiles(self.left, self.right, self.common_files) self.same_files, self.diff_files, self.funny_files = xx def phase4(self): # Find out differences between common subdirectories # A new dircmp object is created for each common subdirectory, # these are stored in a dictionary indexed by filename. # The hide and ignore properties are inherited from the parent self.subdirs = {} for x in self.common_dirs: a_x = os.path.join(self.left, x) b_x = os.path.join(self.right, x) self.subdirs[x] = dircmp(a_x, b_x, self.ignore, self.hide) def phase4_closure(self): # Recursively call phase4() on subdirectories self.phase4() for sd in self.subdirs.values(): sd.phase4_closure() def report(self): # Print a report on the differences between a and b # Output format is purposely lousy print('diff', self.left, self.right) if self.left_only: self.left_only.sort() print('Only in', self.left, ':', self.left_only) if self.right_only: self.right_only.sort() print('Only in', self.right, ':', self.right_only) if self.same_files: self.same_files.sort() print('Identical files :', self.same_files) if self.diff_files: self.diff_files.sort() print('Differing files :', self.diff_files) if self.funny_files: self.funny_files.sort() print('Trouble with common files :', self.funny_files) if self.common_dirs: self.common_dirs.sort() print('Common subdirectories :', self.common_dirs) if self.common_funny: self.common_funny.sort() print('Common funny cases :', self.common_funny) def report_partial_closure(self): # Print reports on self and on subdirs for sd in self.subdirs.values(): print() def report_full_closure(self): # Report on self and subdirs recursively for sd in self.subdirs.values(): print() sd.report_full_closure() methodmap = dict(subdirs=phase4, same_files=phase3, diff_files=phase3, funny_files=phase3, common_dirs = phase2, common_files=phase2, common_funny=phase2, common=phase1, left_only=phase1, right_only=phase1, left_list=phase0, right_list=phase0) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr not in self.methodmap: raise AttributeError(attr) self.methodmap[attr](self) return getattr(self, attr) def cmpfiles(a, b, common, shallow=True): """Compare common files in two directories. a, b -- directory names common -- list of file names found in both directories shallow -- if true, do comparison based solely on stat() information Returns a tuple of three lists: files that compare equal files that are different filenames that aren't regular files. """ res = ([], [], []) for x in common: ax = os.path.join(a, x) bx = os.path.join(b, x) res[_cmp(ax, bx, shallow)].append(x) return res # Compare two files. # Return: # 0 for equal # 1 for different # 2 for funny cases (can't stat, etc.) # def _cmp(a, b, sh, abs=abs, cmp=cmp): try: return not abs(cmp(a, b, sh)) except os.error: return 2 # Return a copy with items that occur in skip removed. # def _filter(flist, skip): return list(filterfalse(skip.__contains__, flist)) # Demonstration and testing. # def demo(): import sys import getopt options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'r') if len(args) != 2: raise getopt.GetoptError('need exactly two args', None) dd = dircmp(args[0], args[1]) if ('-r', '') in options: dd.report_full_closure() else: if __name__ == '__main__': demo()
import logging import gc from apgl.predictors.AbstractPredictor import AbstractPredictor from exp.sandbox.predictors.edge.AbstractEdgeLabelPredictor import AbstractEdgeLabelPredictor from sandbox.util.Util import Util from sandbox.util.Parameter import Parameter from import * import numpy class EgoEdgeLabelPredictor(AbstractEdgeLabelPredictor): """ A class which splits the graph into ego networks and then makes predictions assuming that all ego networks are independent. """ def __init__(self, alterRegressor, egoRegressor): """ The alterRegressor must be a primal method, since the number of alters for each ego vary, and hence the dual vectors are not constant in size. """ Parameter.checkClass(alterRegressor, AbstractPredictor) Parameter.checkClass(egoRegressor, AbstractPredictor) self.alterRegressor = alterRegressor self.egoRegressor = egoRegressor def learnModel(self, graph): """ Learn a prediction model based on considering ego networks as independent. For each ego, X contains a list of neighbours and the corresponding labels are the values of the edge labels. We then find the set of primal weights w for each ego network and then regress onto the set of weights using the ego labels. :param graph: The input graph to learn from. :type graph: class:`apgl.graph.AbstractSingleGraph` """"Learning model on graph of size " + str(graph.getNumVertices()))"EgoLearner: " + str(self.egoRegressor))"AlterLearner: " + str(self.alterRegressor)) allIndices = numpy.arange(0, graph.getNumVertices()) V = graph.getVertexList().getVertices(list(allIndices)) W = numpy.zeros((0, graph.getVertexList().getNumFeatures())) Xe = numpy.zeros((0, graph.getVertexList().getNumFeatures())) printStep = numpy.floor(graph.getNumVertices()/10) alterError = 0.0 for i in range(graph.getNumVertices()): Util.printIteration(i, printStep, graph.getNumVertices()) neighbours = graph.neighbours(i) if neighbours.shape[0] != 0: X = V[neighbours, :] y = numpy.ones(X.shape[0]) for j in range(neighbours.shape[0]): y[j] = graph.getEdge(i, neighbours[j]) w = self.alterRegressor.learnModel(X, y) #alterError = numpy.mean(numpy.abs(self.alterRegressor.predict(X) - y)) W = numpy.r_[W, numpy.array([w])] Xe = numpy.r_[Xe, numpy.array([V[i, :]])] #Now we need to solve least to find regressor of Xe onto W"Finding regression matrix onto weights using matrix of size " + str(Xe.shape)) gc.collect() #self.standardiser = Standardiser() #self.standardiser2 = Standardiser() #Xe = self.standardiser.standardiseArray(Xe) #W = self.standardiser2.standardiseArray(W) self.egoRegressor.learnModel(Xe, W) return W def predictEdges(self, graph, edges): """ Make prediction given the edges and given graph. :param edges: A numpy array consisting of the edges to make predictions over. """ Parameter.checkInt(graph.getVertexList().getNumFeatures(), 1, float('inf'))"Making prediction over " + str(edges.shape[0]) + " edges") predY = numpy.zeros(edges.shape[0]) for i in range(edges.shape[0]): #Make a prediction for each ego-alter egoInd = edges[i, 0] alterInd = edges[i, 1] ego = numpy.array([graph.getVertex(egoInd)]) #ego = self.standardiser.standardiseArray(ego) c = self.egoRegressor.predict(ego) #c = self.standardiser2.unstandardiseArray(c) predY[i] =, c.ravel()) return predY #TODO: Write this def classifyEdges(self, graph, edges): pass
""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ class DevNullTest(): def check_readline(self, selftest, text): """ Reads line from serial port and checks if text was part of read string """ result = False c = selftest.mbed.serial_readline() if c and text in c: result = True return result def test(self, selftest): result = True # Test should print some text and later stop printing # 'MBED: re-routing stdout to /null' res = self.check_readline(selftest, "re-routing stdout to /null") if not res: # We haven't read preamble line result = False else: # Check if there are printed characters str = '' for i in range(3): c = selftest.mbed.serial_read(32) if c is None: return selftest.RESULT_IO_SERIAL else: str += c if len(str) > 0: result = False break selftest.notify("Received %d bytes: %s"% (len(str), str)) return selftest.RESULT_SUCCESS if result else selftest.RESULT_FAILURE
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst import numpy as np from astropy import units as u from astropy.utils import NumpyRNGContext from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated # TODO: remove this function in v5.0. I think we can have a fairly fast # deprecation cycle here because it is not meant to be public API. @deprecated(since='v4.3', message='This function has been deprecated in favor of the ' 'public-facing utilities in ' 'astropy.coordinates.angle_utilities', alternative='Use uniform_spherical_random_surface() from ' 'astropy.coordinates.angle_utilities instead.') def randomly_sample_sphere(ntosample, randomseed=12345): """ Generates a set of spherical coordinates uniformly distributed over the sphere in a way that gives the same answer for the same seed. Also generates a random distance vector on [0, 1] (no units) This simply returns (lon, lat, r) instead of a representation to avoid failures due to the representation module. """ with NumpyRNGContext(randomseed): lat = np.arcsin(np.random.rand(ntosample)*2-1) lon = np.random.rand(ntosample)*np.pi*2 r = np.random.rand(ntosample) return lon*u.rad, lat*u.rad, r
# # # Codec mapping tests for Japanese encodings # from test import support from test import multibytecodec_support import unittest class TestCP932Map(multibytecodec_support.TestBase_Mapping, unittest.TestCase): encoding = 'cp932' mapfileurl = '' \ 'WINDOWS/CP932.TXT' supmaps = [ (b'\x80', '\u0080'), (b'\xa0', '\uf8f0'), (b'\xfd', '\uf8f1'), (b'\xfe', '\uf8f2'), (b'\xff', '\uf8f3'), ] for i in range(0xa1, 0xe0): supmaps.append((bytes([i]), chr(i+0xfec0))) class TestEUCJPCOMPATMap(multibytecodec_support.TestBase_Mapping, unittest.TestCase): encoding = 'euc_jp' mapfilename = 'EUC-JP.TXT' mapfileurl = '' class TestSJISCOMPATMap(multibytecodec_support.TestBase_Mapping, unittest.TestCase): encoding = 'shift_jis' mapfilename = 'SHIFTJIS.TXT' mapfileurl = '' \ '/EASTASIA/JIS/SHIFTJIS.TXT' pass_enctest = [ (b'\x81_', '\\'), ] pass_dectest = [ (b'\\', '\xa5'), (b'~', '\u203e'), (b'\x81_', '\\'), ] class TestEUCJISX0213Map(multibytecodec_support.TestBase_Mapping, unittest.TestCase): encoding = 'euc_jisx0213' mapfilename = 'EUC-JISX0213.TXT' mapfileurl = '' class TestSJISX0213Map(multibytecodec_support.TestBase_Mapping, unittest.TestCase): encoding = 'shift_jisx0213' mapfilename = 'SHIFT_JISX0213.TXT' mapfileurl = '' if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
# This file is part of QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python. # # Copyright (c) 2011 and later, Paul D. Nation and Robert J. Johansson. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python nor the names # of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ############################################################################### """ This module provides the circuit implementation for Quantum Fourier Transform. """ __all__ = ['qft', 'qft_steps', 'qft_gate_sequence'] import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from qutip.qobj import * from qutip.qip.gates import snot, cphase, swap from qutip.qip.circuit import QubitCircuit def qft(N=1): """ Quantum Fourier Transform operator on N qubits. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of qubits. Returns ------- QFT: qobj Quantum Fourier transform operator. """ if N < 1: raise ValueError("Minimum value of N can be 1") N2 = 2 ** N phase = 2.0j * np.pi / N2 arr = np.arange(N2) L, M = np.meshgrid(arr, arr) L = phase * (L * M) L = np.exp(L) dims = [[2] * N, [2] * N] return Qobj(1.0 / np.sqrt(N2) * L, dims=dims) def qft_steps(N=1, swapping=True): """ Quantum Fourier Transform operator on N qubits returning the individual steps as unitary matrices operating from left to right. Parameters ---------- N: int Number of qubits. swap: boolean Flag indicating sequence of swap gates to be applied at the end or not. Returns ------- U_step_list: list of qobj List of Hadamard and controlled rotation gates implementing QFT. """ if N < 1: raise ValueError("Minimum value of N can be 1") U_step_list = [] if N == 1: U_step_list.append(snot()) else: for i in range(N): for j in range(i): U_step_list.append(cphase(np.pi / (2 ** (i - j)), N, control=i, target=j)) U_step_list.append(snot(N, i)) if swapping is True: for i in range(N // 2): U_step_list.append(swap(N, [N - i - 1, i])) return U_step_list def qft_gate_sequence(N=1, swapping=True): """ Quantum Fourier Transform operator on N qubits returning the gate sequence. Parameters ---------- N: int Number of qubits. swap: boolean Flag indicating sequence of swap gates to be applied at the end or not. Returns ------- qc: instance of QubitCircuit Gate sequence of Hadamard and controlled rotation gates implementing QFT. """ if N < 1: raise ValueError("Minimum value of N can be 1") qc = QubitCircuit(N) if N == 1: qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[0]) else: for i in range(N): for j in range(i): qc.add_gate(r"CPHASE", targets=[j], controls=[i], arg_label=r"{\pi/2^{%d}}" % (i - j), arg_value=np.pi / (2 ** (i - j))) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[i]) if swapping is True: for i in range(N // 2): qc.add_gate(r"SWAP", targets=[i], controls=[N - 1 - i]) return qc
import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import kron,identity from copy import copy,deepcopy from ops import Z,Zs from utils import index_map class HGen(object): def __init__(self,terms,L,d=2,part='left',fermi=False,sfermi=False,sectors=np.array([0.5,-0.5])): self.l=1;self.d=d;self.D=self.d self.H=np.zeros([self.d,self.d]) self.terms=terms;self.pterms=[] self.L=L;self.part=part self.single_site_sectors=sectors self.basis_sector_array=copy(self.single_site_sectors) self.basis_by_sector=index_map(self.basis_sector_array) if fermi==True: self.I=Z elif sfermi==True: self.I=Zs else: self.I=identity(self.d) if self.part=='left': for term in self.terms: if len(term.ops)==1 and (term.ops[0].site is None or term.ops[0].site==1): self.H+=term.ops[0].mat*term.param elif len(term.ops)>1 and (term.ops[0].site is None or term.ops[0].site==1): pterm=deepcopy(term) pterm.ops[0].site=1 pterm.current_index=0 pterm.current_op=deepcopy(pterm.ops[0]) for i in range(len(pterm.dists)): #if sites are given,this step can be skipped pterm.ops[i+1].site=pterm.dists[i]+pterm.ops[i].site self.pterms.append(pterm) else: for term in self.terms: if len(term.ops)==1 and (term.ops[-1].site is None or term.ops[-1].site==self.L): self.H+=term.ops[-1].mat*term.param elif len(term.ops)>1 and (term.ops[-1].site is None or term.ops[-1].site==self.L): pterm=deepcopy(term) pterm.ops[-1].site=self.L pterm.current_index=len(term.ops)-1 pterm.current_op=deepcopy(pterm.ops[-1]) for i in range(len(pterm.dists)): pterm.ops[-i-2].site=pterm.ops[-i-1].site-pterm.dists[-i-1] self.pterms.append(pterm) def enlarge(self): self.l+=1 if self.part=='left': self.H=kron(self.H,identity(self.d)) pts=[] for pterm in self.pterms: if pterm.ops[pterm.current_index+1].site==self.l: pterm.current_index+=1 pterm.current_op.mat=kron(pterm.current_op.mat,pterm.ops[pterm.current_index].mat) #other attribute? else: pterm.current_op.mat=kron(pterm.current_op.mat,self.I) if pterm.current_index<len(pterm.ops)-1: pts.append(pterm) else: self.H+=pterm.current_op.mat*pterm.param self.pterms=deepcopy(pts) for term in self.terms: if len(term.ops)==1 and (term.ops[0].site is None or term.ops[0].site==self.l): self.H+=kron(identity(self.D),term.ops[0].mat)*term.param elif len(term.ops)>1 and (term.ops[0].site is None or term.ops[0].site==self.l): pterm=deepcopy(term) pterm.current_index=0 pterm.current_op=deepcopy(pterm.ops[0]) pterm.current_op.mat=kron(identity(self.D),pterm.current_op.mat) pterm.ops[0].site=self.l for i in range(len(pterm.dists)): pterm.ops[i+1].site=pterm.dists[i]+pterm.ops[i].site self.pterms.append(pterm) self.basis_sector_array=np.add.outer(self.basis_sector_array,self.single_site_sectors).flatten() else: self.H=kron(identity(self.d),self.H) pts=[] for pterm in self.pterms: if pterm.ops[pterm.current_index-1].site==self.L-self.l+1: pterm.current_index-=1 pterm.current_op.mat=kron(pterm.ops[pterm.current_index].mat,pterm.current_op.mat) else: pterm.current_op.mat=kron(self.I,pterm.current_op.mat) if pterm.current_index>0: pts.append(pterm) else: self.H+=pterm.current_op.mat*pterm.param self.pterms=deepcopy(pts) for term in self.terms: if len(term.ops)==1 and (term.ops[-1].site is None or term.ops[-1].site==self.L-self.l+1): self.H+=kron(term.ops[-1].mat,identity(self.D))*term.param elif len(term.ops)>1 and (term.ops[-1].site is None or term.ops[-1].site==self.L-self.l+1): pterm=deepcopy(term) pterm.current_index=len(pterm.ops)-1 pterm.current_op=deepcopy(pterm.ops[-1]) pterm.current_op.mat=kron(pterm.current_op.mat,identity(self.D)) pterm.ops[-1].site=self.L-self.l+1 for i in range(len(pterm.dists)): pterm.ops[-i-2].site=pterm.ops[-i-1].site-pterm.dists[-i-1] self.pterms.append(pterm) self.basis_sector_array=np.add.outer(self.single_site_sectors,self.basis_sector_array).flatten() self.basis_by_sector=index_map(self.basis_sector_array) self.D*=self.d def transform(self,T): self.H=T.conjugate().transpose().dot( for pterm in self.pterms: pterm.current_op.mat=T.conjugate().transpose().dot( self.D=self.H.shape[0]
import json import os import textwrap import re import sys BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Global defines for the file paths shaders_path = "shaders/" shader_builder_class_path = "FileFragments/Shader/ShaderBuilderClass.part" shader_method_path = "FileFragments/Shader/ShaderMethod.part" shader_builder_header_file_path = 'OGL/ShaderBuilder.hpp' # Global variables for the part files of the ShaderBuilder shader_method_string = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, shader_method_path), 'r', newline='\n').read() regex_space = re.compile(r'\t+|\r+|\v+') indent_level = ' ' def build_shader_method(obj): # The method string, use this so that we can safely replace method_str = shader_method_string vertex_shader_source = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, shaders_path + obj["file_name"] + ".vert"), 'r', newline='').read() fragment_shader_source = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, shaders_path + obj["file_name"] + ".frag"), 'r', newline='').read() vertex_shader_source = re.sub(regex_space, '', vertex_shader_source) fragment_shader_source = re.sub(regex_space, '', fragment_shader_source) vertex_shader_source = vertex_shader_source.replace('\n', '\\n') fragment_shader_source = fragment_shader_source.replace('\n', '\\n') method_str = method_str.replace("~shadername~", obj["name"]) method_str = method_str.replace("~vertsrc~", vertex_shader_source) method_str = method_str.replace("~fragsrc~", fragment_shader_source) indented_str = '' for line in method_str.splitlines(): indented_str += indent_level + line + '\n' return indented_str def read_shaders_file(): # Load the shaders file data from the shaders.json file with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, shaders_path + "shaders.json"), encoding='utf-8') as shaders_file: shaders_data = json.load(shaders_file) # The variable that stores the ShaderMethods built shader_methods = '' # Iterate through the Shader definitions, and generate a method for them for obj in shaders_data["shaders"]: shader_methods += build_shader_method(obj) + '\n' shader_methods = shader_methods.rstrip() shader_builder_class_string = open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, shader_builder_class_path), 'r', newline='\n').read() shader_builder_class_string = shader_builder_class_string.replace("~methods~", shader_methods) with open(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, shader_builder_header_file_path), "w+") as builder_header: builder_header.write(shader_builder_class_string) builder_header.close() read_shaders_file()
""" This file is part of PUQ Copyright (c) 2013 PUQ Authors See LICENSE file for terms. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import time, os, re, h5py, sys, string import numpy as np from puq.testprogram import TestProgram from numpy import ndarray from puq.hdf import get_output_names from logging import debug from puq.util import vprint from puq.options import options from puq.jpickle import pickle, unpickle from socket import gethostname from puq.parameter import get_psamples import getpass from puq.calibrate import calibrate # for python3 if sys.version[0] == "3": raw_input = input py3 = True else: py3 = False _vcache = {} _dcache = {} class Sweep(object): """ Creates an object that contains all the information about a parameter sweep. Args: psweep: Parameter Sweep object. See :class:`PSweep`. host: Host object. See :class:`Host`. prog: TestProgram object: See :class:`TestProgram`. caldata(array: Experimental data for calibration. Optional. calerr(float): Measurement error in the experimental data. description(string): Optional description of this run. """ def __init__(self, psweep, host, prog, caldata=None, calerr=None, description=''): = host self._reinit = False if isinstance(prog, TestProgram): self.prog = prog else: self.prog = TestProgram(prog) if description == '': description = self.prog.desc self.description = description # optional calibration data self.caldata = caldata self.err = calerr # trying to get 10Hz resolution, 1 year clock secperyear = 365*24*60*60 self.fname = 'sweep_%s' % int((time.time() % secperyear) * 10) self.psweep = psweep = self.prog self.input_script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) def _save_hdf5(self): debug('') h5 = h5py.File(self.fname + '.hdf5') # write HDF5 header information, once only if 'version' not in h5.attrs: h5.attrs['MEMOSA_UQ'] = b'MEMOSA' h5.attrs['version'] = 201 # h5.attrs['id'] = h5.attrs['date'] = time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M %Z %Y", time.localtime()) h5.attrs['hostname'] = gethostname() h5.attrs['username'] = getpass.getuser() h5.attrs['UQtype'] = self.psweep.__class__.__name__.lower() h5.attrs['description'] = self.description # overwrite previous if 'input' in h5: del h5['input'] if 'private' in h5: del h5['private'] hp = h5.require_group('private') hp['sweep'] = pickle(self) # in /input write the input params in json and regular arrays h = h5.require_group('input') # basic parameter table for non-python reading of the hdf5 file h['param_array'] = np.column_stack([p.values for p in self.psweep.params]) if py3: h['param_array'].attrs['name'] = [bytes(, 'UTF-8') for p in self.psweep.params] h['param_array'].attrs['description'] = [bytes(p.description, 'UTF-8') for p in self.psweep.params] else: h['param_array'].attrs['name'] = [str( for p in self.psweep.params] h['param_array'].attrs['description'] = [str(p.description) for p in self.psweep.params] # json-pickled parameters h = h.require_group('params') for p in self.psweep.params: h[] = pickle(p) h[].attrs['description'] = p.description h[].attrs['label'] = p.label if hasattr(self.psweep, 'kde'): h5['input/kde'] = pickle(self.psweep.kde) # input script if hasattr(self, 'input_script'): h5['input/scriptname'] = str(self.input_script) try: h5['input/script'] = open(self.input_script).read() except: h5['input/script'] = "Source was unavailable." h5.close() def _save_and_run(self): self._save_hdf5() res = if res: self._save_hdf5() return res def run(self, fn=None, overwrite=False): """ Calls to run all the jobs in the Sweep. Collect the data from the outputs and call the PSweep analyze method. If the PSweep method has an iterative callback defined, call it, otherwise return. Args: fn(string): HDF5 filename for output. '.hdf5' will be appended to the filename if necessary. If fn is None, a filename will be generated starting with "sweep\_" followed by a timestamp. overwrite(boolean): If True and fn is not None, will silently overwrite any previous files of the same name. Returns: True on success. """ if fn is not None: self.fname = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] fn = self.fname + '.hdf5' if os.path.exists(fn): if not overwrite: done = False while 1: ans = raw_input('%s already exists. Replace (Y/N):' % fn) try: if ans.upper() == 'N': done = True break elif ans.upper() == 'Y': break except: pass print("Please answer with 'Y' or 'N'\n") if done: sys.exit(-1) os.remove(fn) vprint(1, 'Saving run to %s.hdf5' % self.fname) return def extend(self, num=None): return self.psweep.extend(num) def collect_data(self, hf=None): """ Collects data from captured stdout files and puts it in arrays in 'output/data'. Returns True on success. """ need_to_close = False if hf is None: hf = h5py.File(self.fname + '.hdf5') need_to_close = True finished_jobs = self._extract_hdf5(hf, finished_jobs) has_data = 'data' in hf['output'] if has_data: outd = hf['output/data'] data = dict([(x, outd[x].value) for x in outd]) params = dict([(, p.values) for p in self.psweep.params]) if need_to_close: hf.close() if not has_data and not self._reinit: print("WARNING: There is no data in the output section!") print("Check that your runs completed successfully.") return False return params, data def analyze_errors(self, hf): p = re.compile('Command exited with non-zero status \d+') for job in hf['output/jobs']: if job == 'time': continue err = hf['output/jobs/%s/stderr' % job].value res = p.findall(err) if res: print("Job %s: %s" % (job, res[0])) for line in err.split('\n'): if line != res[0] and not line.startswith('HDF5:{'): print(line) elif len(err) == 0: print("Job %s never completed. Walltime exceeded?" % job) results = False out = hf['output/jobs/%s/stdout' % job].value for line in out.split('\n'): if line.startswith('HDF5:{'): results = True break if not results: print("ERROR: Job %s has no output data in stdout." % job) def analyze(self, verbose=False): """ Collects the output from all the jobs into an HDF5 file. Parses any tagged data in the output and puts it in the /data group in the HDF5 file. """ debug('') hf = h5py.File(self.fname + '.hdf5') if not[1]: print("Cannot collect data or perform analysis until all jobs are completed.") print("You should do 'puq resume' to resume jobs.") sys.exit(-1) # collect the data if it has not already been collected. has_data = 'output' in hf and 'data' in hf['output'] if not has_data: self.collect_data(hf) try: self.psweep.analyze(hf) except: print('Warning: analysis failed.') errors = 1 # quick error check if 'data' in hf['output']: errors = 0 try: options[self.psweep.__class__.__name__]['verbose'] = verbose except KeyError: options[self.psweep.__class__.__name__] = {'verbose': verbose} for var in hf['output/data']: if not isinstance(hf['output/data/%s' % var], h5py.Group): tlen = len(hf['output/data/%s' % var].value) num_jobs = len(hf['output/jobs']) if 'time' in hf['output/jobs']: num_jobs -= 1 if tlen != num_jobs: errors += 1 print("Expected %s data points for variable %s, but got %s." % (num_jobs, var, tlen)) self.analyze_errors(hf) return errors if 'psamples' not in hf: s = get_psamples(self.psweep.params) if s is not None: hf['psamples'] = s # FIXME check for correlation if multiple outputs # calibrate if hasattr(self, 'caldata') and self.caldata is not None: self._calibrate(hf) hf.close() self._save_hdf5() return errors # Bayesian Calibration def _calibrate(self, hf): ovar = get_output_names(hf)[0] method = hf.attrs['UQtype'] rs = unpickle(hf["/%s/%s/response" % (method, ovar)].value) # print "Calling calibrate from sweep" self.psweep.params, self.psweep.kde = calibrate(self.psweep.params, self.caldata, self.err, rs.eval) def _dump_hdf5_cache(self, hf, d): global _vcache, _dcache if len(_vcache): if d: dgrp = hf.require_group('output/data') else: dgrp = hf.require_group('output/jobs') for n in _vcache: if n in dgrp: del dgrp[n] adata = _vcache[n] if d and len(adata.shape) > 1: # Data is a multidimensional array and we want to do analysis # on each array element individually. So we write them # individually to /output/data numvals =[1:]) for i, index in enumerate(np.ndindex(adata.shape[1:])): name = '%s%s' % (n, [ind for ind in index]) data = adata.flatten()[i::numvals] ds = dgrp.create_dataset(name, data=data) ds.attrs["description"] = _dcache[n] else: ds = dgrp.create_dataset(n, data=adata) ds.attrs["description"] = str(_dcache[n]) _vcache = {} _dcache = {} def _dump_hdf5(self, grp, line, job, mjob): debug("Dump %s : %s" % (job, line)) global _vcache, _dcache # old format used single quotes. if line.startswith("{'"): line = line.replace("'", '"') x = unpickle(line) v = x['value'] n = x['name'] if n not in _vcache: if isinstance(v, ndarray): _vcache[n] = np.empty([mjob] + list(v.shape)) else: _vcache[n] = np.empty((mjob)) _vcache[n].fill(np.nan) _dcache[n] = x['desc'] _vcache[n][job] = v # Extract tagged data to hdf5 def _extract_hdf5(self, hf, jobs): debug("Extract") mjob = np.max(jobs) + 1 run_grp = hf.require_group('output/jobs') for ext in ['out', 'err']: for j in jobs: grp = run_grp.require_group(str(j)) if not 'std%s' % ext in grp: continue f = grp['std%s' % ext].value cont = False for line in f.splitlines(): if cont: line = line.strip() cline += line if line.endswith(':5FDH'): cont = False cline = cline[:-5] self._dump_hdf5(grp, cline, j, mjob) elif line.startswith('HDF5:'): line = line[5:].strip() if line.endswith(':5FDH'): line = line[:-5] self._dump_hdf5(grp, line, j, mjob) else: cont = True cline = line elif ext == 'err': print('STDERR[job %d]: %s' % (j, line)) self._dump_hdf5_cache(hf, ext == 'out') def resume(self): if hasattr(, 'jobs'): self._save_hdf5() self.analyze() else: print("All jobs finished.")
import numpy as np from import GenericMap __all__ = ['SJIMap'] class SJIMap(GenericMap): """ A 2D IRIS Slit Jaw Imager Map. The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer spacecraft provides simultaneous spectra and images of the photosphere, chromosphere, transition region, and corona with 0.33 to 0.4 arcsec spatial resolution, 2-second temporal resolution and 1 km/s velocity resolution over a field-of- view of up to 175 arcsec by 175 arcsec. IRIS consists of a 19-cm UV telescope that feeds a slit-based dual-bandpass imaging spectrograph. Slit-jaw images in four different passbands (C ii 1330, Si iv 1400, Mg ii k 2796 and Mg ii wing 2830 A) can be taken simultaneously with spectral rasters that sample regions up to 130 arcsec by 175 arcsec at a variety of spatial samplings (from 0.33 arcsec and up). IRIS is sensitive to emission from plasma at temperatures between 5000 K and 10 MK. IRIS was launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit on 27 June 2013. .. warning:: This object can only handle level 1 SJI files. References ---------- * `IRIS Mission Page <>`_ * `IRIS Analysis Guide <>`_ * `IRIS Instrument Paper <>`_ """ def __init__(self, data, header, **kwargs): # Assume pixel units are arcesc if not given header['cunit1'] = header.get('cunit1', 'arcsec') header['cunit2'] = header.get('cunit2', 'arcsec') GenericMap.__init__(self, data, header, **kwargs) self.meta['detector'] = "SJI" self.meta['waveunit'] = "Angstrom" self.meta['wavelnth'] = header['twave1'] @classmethod def is_datasource_for(cls, data, header, **kwargs): """Determines if header corresponds to an IRIS SJI image""" tele = header.get('TELESCOP', '').startswith('IRIS') obs = header.get('INSTRUME', '').startswith('SJI') level = header.get('lvl_num') == 1 return tele and obs
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (C) 2011 Smile (<>) # License LGPL-3.0 or later ( from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class TestUsers(TransactionCase): def setUp(self): super(TestUsers, self).setUp() Users = self.env['res.users'] Groups = self.env['res.groups'] # Create groups self.group1, self.group2 = map( lambda index: Groups.create( {'name': 'Group %d' % index}), range(1, 3)) # Create user profiles self.user_profile1 = Users.create({ 'name': 'Profile 1', 'login': 'profile1', 'is_user_profile': True, 'groups_id': [(4,], }) self.user_profile2 = Users.create({ 'name': 'Profile 2', 'login': 'profile2', 'is_user_profile': True, 'groups_id': [(6, 0, (self.group1 | self.group2).ids)], }) # Create users self.user = Users.create({ 'name': 'Demo User', 'login': 'demouser', 'user_profile_id':, }) def test_create(self): """ Test create method We create a dictionary of values We create a user from these values, he has a user profile We check that that the new user has been created with his name """ userValue = {'name': 'User Test 1', 'login': 'usertest1', 'user_profile_id':, } Users = self.env['res.users'] user_test = Users.create(userValue) newUser = self.env['res.users'].browse( self.assertEqual(userValue['name'], newUser['name']) def test_write(self): """ Test write method We use the user created in the first method We change his user_profile_id We check if the update has been done """ userEdited = self.env['res.users'].browse({'user_profile_id':}) self.assertEqual(userEdited, True) def test_check_user_profile_id(self): """ Test _check_user_profile_id method We try to create a user with admin as user profile It raises a Validation Error """ userValue = {'name': 'User Test 1', 'login': 'usertest1', 'user_profile_id': self.env.ref('base.user_root').id, } with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.env['res.users'].create(userValue) def test_onchange_user_profile(self): """ Test onchange user profile method We try to set the profile of an existing user to admin It raises a Validation Error """ admin = self.env.ref('base.user_root').id with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): self.env['res.users'].browse({'user_profile_id': admin})
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Generated from FHIR 4.0.0-a53ec6ee1b ( on 2019-05-07. # 2019, SMART Health IT. from . import element class ContactPoint(element.Element): """ Details of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.). Details for all kinds of technology mediated contact points for a person or organization, including telephone, email, etc. """ resource_type = "ContactPoint" def __init__(self, jsondict=None, strict=True): """ Initialize all valid properties. :raises: FHIRValidationError on validation errors, unless strict is False :param dict jsondict: A JSON dictionary to use for initialization :param bool strict: If True (the default), invalid variables will raise a TypeError """ self.period = None """ Time period when the contact point was/is in use. Type `Period` (represented as `dict` in JSON). """ self.rank = None """ Specify preferred order of use (1 = highest). Type `int`. """ self.system = None """ phone | fax | email | pager | url | sms | other. Type `str`. """ self.use = None """ home | work | temp | old | mobile - purpose of this contact point. Type `str`. """ self.value = None """ The actual contact point details. Type `str`. """ super(ContactPoint, self).__init__(jsondict=jsondict, strict=strict) def elementProperties(self): js = super(ContactPoint, self).elementProperties() js.extend([ ("period", "period", period.Period, False, None, False), ("rank", "rank", int, False, None, False), ("system", "system", str, False, None, False), ("use", "use", str, False, None, False), ("value", "value", str, False, None, False), ]) return js import sys try: from . import period except ImportError: period = sys.modules[__package__ + '.period']
from django.utils.http import http_date, parse_http_date_safe class ConditionalGetMiddleware(object): """ Handles conditional GET operations. If the response has a ETag or Last-Modified header, and the request has If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since, the response is replaced by an HttpNotModified. Also sets the Date and Content-Length response-headers. """ def process_response(self, request, response): response['Date'] = http_date() if not response.streaming and not response.has_header('Content-Length'): response['Content-Length'] = str(len(response.content)) if response.has_header('ETag'): if_none_match = request.META.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH') if if_none_match == response['ETag']: # Setting the status is enough here. The response handling path # automatically removes content for this status code (in # http.conditional_content_removal()). response.status_code = 304 if response.has_header('Last-Modified'): if_modified_since = request.META.get('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE') if if_modified_since is not None: if_modified_since = parse_http_date_safe(if_modified_since) if if_modified_since is not None: last_modified = parse_http_date_safe(response['Last-Modified']) if last_modified is not None and last_modified <= if_modified_since: # Setting the status code is enough here (same reasons as # above). response.status_code = 304 return response
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import datetime import difflib import glob import os import re import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "filenames", help="list of files to check, all files if unspecified", nargs='*') rootdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/../../" rootdir = os.path.abspath(rootdir) parser.add_argument( "--rootdir", default=rootdir, help="root directory to examine") default_boilerplate_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, "hack/boilerplate") parser.add_argument( "--boilerplate-dir", default=default_boilerplate_dir) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="give verbose output regarding why a file does not pass", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() verbose_out = sys.stderr if args.verbose else open("/dev/null", "w") def get_refs(): refs = {} for path in glob.glob(os.path.join(args.boilerplate_dir, "boilerplate.*.txt")): extension = os.path.basename(path).split(".")[1] ref_file = open(path, 'r') ref = ref_file.close() refs[extension] = ref return refs def is_generated_file(filename, data, regexs): for d in skipped_ungenerated_files: if d in filename: return False p = regexs["generated"] return def file_passes(filename, refs, regexs): try: f = open(filename, 'r') except Exception as exc: print("Unable to open %s: %s" % (filename, exc), file=verbose_out) return False data = f.close() # determine if the file is automatically generated generated = is_generated_file(filename, data, regexs) basename = os.path.basename(filename) extension = file_extension(filename) if generated: if extension == "go": extension = "generatego" elif extension == "bzl": extension = "generatebzl" if extension != "": ref = refs[extension] else: ref = refs[basename] # remove extra content from the top of files if extension == "go" or extension == "generatego": p = regexs["go_build_constraints"] (data, found) = p.subn("", data, 1) elif extension in ["sh", "py"]: p = regexs["shebang"] (data, found) = p.subn("", data, 1) data = data.splitlines() # if our test file is smaller than the reference it surely fails! if len(ref) > len(data): print('File %s smaller than reference (%d < %d)' % (filename, len(data), len(ref)), file=verbose_out) return False # trim our file to the same number of lines as the reference file data = data[:len(ref)] p = regexs["year"] for d in data: if if generated: print('File %s has the YEAR field, but it should not be in generated file' % filename, file=verbose_out) else: print('File %s has the YEAR field, but missing the year of date' % filename, file=verbose_out) return False if not generated: # Replace all occurrences of the regex "2014|2015|2016|2017|2018" with "YEAR" p = regexs["date"] for i, d in enumerate(data): (data[i], found) = p.subn('YEAR', d) if found != 0: break # if we don't match the reference at this point, fail if ref != data: print("Header in %s does not match reference, diff:" % filename, file=verbose_out) if args.verbose: print(file=verbose_out) for line in difflib.unified_diff(ref, data, 'reference', filename, lineterm=''): print(line, file=verbose_out) print(file=verbose_out) return False return True def file_extension(filename): return os.path.splitext(filename)[1].split(".")[-1].lower() skipped_dirs = ['third_party', '_gopath', '_output', '.git', 'cluster/', "vendor", "test/e2e/generated/bindata.go", "hack/boilerplate/test", "staging/src/"] # list all the files contain 'DO NOT EDIT', but are not generated skipped_ungenerated_files = [ 'hack/lib/', 'hack/boilerplate/'] def normalize_files(files): newfiles = [] for pathname in files: if any(x in pathname for x in skipped_dirs): continue newfiles.append(pathname) for i, pathname in enumerate(newfiles): if not os.path.isabs(pathname): newfiles[i] = os.path.join(args.rootdir, pathname) return newfiles def get_files(extensions): files = [] if len(args.filenames) > 0: files = args.filenames else: for root, dirs, walkfiles in os.walk(args.rootdir): # don't visit certain dirs. This is just a performance improvement # as we would prune these later in normalize_files(). But doing it # cuts down the amount of filesystem walking we do and cuts down # the size of the file list for d in skipped_dirs: if d in dirs: dirs.remove(d) for name in walkfiles: pathname = os.path.join(root, name) files.append(pathname) files = normalize_files(files) outfiles = [] for pathname in files: basename = os.path.basename(pathname) extension = file_extension(pathname) if extension in extensions or basename in extensions: outfiles.append(pathname) return outfiles def get_dates(): years = return '(%s)' % '|'.join((str(year) for year in range(2014, years+1))) def get_regexs(): regexs = {} # Search for "YEAR" which exists in the boilerplate, but shouldn't in the real thing regexs["year"] = re.compile('YEAR') # get_dates return 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, or 2018 until the current year as a regex like: "(2014|2015|2016|2017|2018)"; # company holder names can be anything regexs["date"] = re.compile(get_dates()) # strip // +build \n\n build constraints regexs["go_build_constraints"] = re.compile( r"^(// \+build.*\n)+\n", re.MULTILINE) # strip #!.* from scripts regexs["shebang"] = re.compile(r"^(#!.*\n)\n*", re.MULTILINE) # Search for generated files regexs["generated"] = re.compile('DO NOT EDIT') return regexs def main(): regexs = get_regexs() refs = get_refs() filenames = get_files(refs.keys()) for filename in filenames: if not file_passes(filename, refs, regexs): print(filename, file=sys.stdout) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())
# Tests invocation of the interpreter with various command line arguments # Most tests are executed with environment variables ignored # See for testing of script execution import, unittest import os import shutil import sys import subprocess import tempfile from test.script_helper import (spawn_python, kill_python, assert_python_ok, assert_python_failure) # XXX (ncoghlan): Move to script_helper and make consistent with run_python def _kill_python_and_exit_code(p): data = kill_python(p) returncode = p.wait() return data, returncode class CmdLineTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_directories(self): assert_python_failure('.') assert_python_failure('< .') def verify_valid_flag(self, cmd_line): rc, out, err = assert_python_ok(*cmd_line) self.assertTrue(out == b'' or out.endswith(b'\n')) self.assertNotIn(b'Traceback', out) self.assertNotIn(b'Traceback', err) def test_optimize(self): self.verify_valid_flag('-O') self.verify_valid_flag('-OO') def test_site_flag(self): self.verify_valid_flag('-S') def test_usage(self): rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-h') self.assertIn(b'usage', out) def test_version(self): version = ('Python %d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]).encode("ascii") for switch in '-V', '--version': rc, out, err = assert_python_ok(switch) self.assertFalse(err.startswith(version)) self.assertTrue(out.startswith(version)) def test_verbose(self): # -v causes imports to write to stderr. If the write to # stderr itself causes an import to happen (for the output # codec), a recursion loop can occur. rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-v') self.assertNotIn(b'stack overflow', err) rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-vv') self.assertNotIn(b'stack overflow', err) def test_xoptions(self): def get_xoptions(*args): # use subprocess module directly because test.script_helper adds # "-X faulthandler" to the command line args = (sys.executable, '-E') + args args += ('-c', 'import sys; print(sys._xoptions)') out = subprocess.check_output(args) opts = eval(out.splitlines()[0]) return opts opts = get_xoptions() self.assertEqual(opts, {}) opts = get_xoptions('-Xa', '-Xb=c,d=e') self.assertEqual(opts, {'a': True, 'b': 'c,d=e'}) def test_showrefcount(self): def run_python(*args): # this is similar to assert_python_ok but doesn't strip # the refcount from stderr. It can be replaced once # assert_python_ok stops doing that. cmd = [sys.executable] cmd.extend(args) PIPE = subprocess.PIPE p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() p.stdout.close() p.stderr.close() rc = p.returncode self.assertEqual(rc, 0) return rc, out, err code = 'import sys; print(sys._xoptions)' # normally the refcount is hidden rc, out, err = run_python('-c', code) self.assertEqual(out.rstrip(), b'{}') self.assertEqual(err, b'') # "-X showrefcount" shows the refcount, but only in debug builds rc, out, err = run_python('-X', 'showrefcount', '-c', code) self.assertEqual(out.rstrip(), b"{'showrefcount': True}") if hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'): # debug build self.assertRegex(err, br'^\[\d+ refs, \d+ blocks\]') else: self.assertEqual(err, b'') def test_run_module(self): # Test expected operation of the '-m' switch # Switch needs an argument assert_python_failure('-m') # Check we get an error for a nonexistent module assert_python_failure('-m', 'fnord43520xyz') # Check the runpy module also gives an error for # a nonexistent module assert_python_failure('-m', 'runpy', 'fnord43520xyz') # All good if module is located and run successfully assert_python_ok('-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1') def test_run_module_bug1764407(self): # -m and -i need to play well together # Runs the timeit module and checks the __main__ # namespace has been populated appropriately p = spawn_python('-i', '-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1') p.stdin.write(b'Timer\n') p.stdin.write(b'exit()\n') data = kill_python(p) self.assertTrue(data.find(b'1 loop') != -1) self.assertTrue(data.find(b'__main__.Timer') != -1) def test_run_code(self): # Test expected operation of the '-c' switch # Switch needs an argument assert_python_failure('-c') # Check we get an error for an uncaught exception assert_python_failure('-c', 'raise Exception') # All good if execution is successful assert_python_ok('-c', 'pass') @unittest.skipUnless(, 'need support.FS_NONASCII') def test_non_ascii(self): # Test handling of non-ascii data command = ("assert(ord(%r) == %s)" % (, ord( assert_python_ok('-c', command) # On Windows, pass bytes to subprocess doesn't test how Python decodes the # command line, but how subprocess does decode bytes to unicode. Python # doesn't decode the command line because Windows provides directly the # arguments as unicode (using wmain() instead of main()). @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32', 'Windows has a native unicode API') def test_undecodable_code(self): undecodable = b"\xff" env = os.environ.copy() # Use C locale to get ascii for the locale encoding env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' code = ( b'import locale; ' b'print(ascii("' + undecodable + b'"), ' b'locale.getpreferredencoding())') p = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, "-c", code], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode == 1: # _Py_char2wchar() decoded b'\xff' as '\udcff' (b'\xff' is not # decodable from ASCII) and run_command() failed on # PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(). This is the expected behaviour on # Linux. pattern = b"Unable to decode the command from the command line:" elif p.returncode == 0: # _Py_char2wchar() decoded b'\xff' as '\xff' even if the locale is # C and the locale encoding is ASCII. It occurs on FreeBSD, Solaris # and Mac OS X. pattern = b"'\\xff' " # The output is followed by the encoding name, an alias to ASCII. # Examples: "US-ASCII" or "646" (ISO 646, on Solaris). else: raise AssertionError("Unknown exit code: %s, output=%a" % (p.returncode, stdout)) if not stdout.startswith(pattern): raise AssertionError("%a doesn't start with %a" % (stdout, pattern)) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == 'darwin', 'test specific to Mac OS X') def test_osx_utf8(self): def check_output(text): decoded = text.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') expected = ascii(decoded).encode('ascii') + b'\n' env = os.environ.copy() # C locale gives ASCII locale encoding, but Python uses UTF-8 # to parse the command line arguments on Mac OS X env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' p = subprocess.Popen( (sys.executable, "-c", "import sys; print(ascii(sys.argv[1]))", text), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() self.assertEqual(stdout, expected) self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0) # test valid utf-8 text = 'e:\xe9, euro:\u20ac, non-bmp:\U0010ffff'.encode('utf-8') check_output(text) # test invalid utf-8 text = ( b'\xff' # invalid byte b'\xc3\xa9' # valid utf-8 character b'\xc3\xff' # invalid byte sequence b'\xed\xa0\x80' # lone surrogate character (invalid) ) check_output(text) def test_unbuffered_output(self): # Test expected operation of the '-u' switch for stream in ('stdout', 'stderr'): # Binary is unbuffered code = ("import os, sys; sys.%s.buffer.write(b'x'); os._exit(0)" % stream) rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-u', '-c', code) data = err if stream == 'stderr' else out self.assertEqual(data, b'x', "binary %s not unbuffered" % stream) # Text is line-buffered code = ("import os, sys; sys.%s.write('x\\n'); os._exit(0)" % stream) rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-u', '-c', code) data = err if stream == 'stderr' else out self.assertEqual(data.strip(), b'x', "text %s not line-buffered" % stream) def test_unbuffered_input(self): # sys.stdin still works with '-u' code = ("import sys; sys.stdout.write(") p = spawn_python('-u', '-c', code) p.stdin.write(b'x') p.stdin.flush() data, rc = _kill_python_and_exit_code(p) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertTrue(data.startswith(b'x'), data) def test_large_PYTHONPATH(self): path1 = "ABCDE" * 100 path2 = "FGHIJ" * 100 path = path1 + os.pathsep + path2 code = """if 1: import sys path = ":".join(sys.path) path = path.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") sys.stdout.buffer.write(path)""" rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-S', '-c', code, PYTHONPATH=path) self.assertIn(path1.encode('ascii'), out) self.assertIn(path2.encode('ascii'), out) def test_empty_PYTHONPATH_issue16309(self): # On Posix, it is documented that setting PATH to the # empty string is equivalent to not setting PATH at all, # which is an exception to the rule that in a string like # "/bin::/usr/bin" the empty string in the middle gets # interpreted as '.' code = """if 1: import sys path = ":".join(sys.path) path = path.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") sys.stdout.buffer.write(path)""" rc1, out1, err1 = assert_python_ok('-c', code, PYTHONPATH="") rc2, out2, err2 = assert_python_ok('-c', code, __isolated=False) # regarding to Posix specification, outputs should be equal # for empty and unset PYTHONPATH self.assertEqual(out1, out2) def test_displayhook_unencodable(self): for encoding in ('ascii', 'latin-1', 'utf-8'): env = os.environ.copy() env['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = encoding p = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, '-i'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) # non-ascii, surrogate, non-BMP printable, non-BMP unprintable text = "a=\xe9 b=\uDC80 c=\U00010000 d=\U0010FFFF" p.stdin.write(ascii(text).encode('ascii') + b"\n") p.stdin.write(b'exit()\n') data = kill_python(p) escaped = repr(text).encode(encoding, 'backslashreplace') self.assertIn(escaped, data) def check_input(self, code, expected): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb+") as stdin: sep = os.linesep.encode('ASCII') stdin.write(sep.join((b'abc', b'def'))) stdin.flush() with subprocess.Popen( (sys.executable, "-c", code), stdin=stdin, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() self.assertEqual(stdout.rstrip(), expected) def test_stdin_readline(self): # Issue #11272: check that sys.stdin.readline() replaces '\r\n' by '\n' # on Windows (sys.stdin is opened in binary mode) self.check_input( "import sys; print(repr(sys.stdin.readline()))", b"'abc\\n'") def test_builtin_input(self): # Issue #11272: check that input() strips newlines ('\n' or '\r\n') self.check_input( "print(repr(input()))", b"'abc'") def test_output_newline(self): # Issue 13119 Newline for print() should be \r\n on Windows. code = """if 1: import sys print(1) print(2) print(3, file=sys.stderr) print(4, file=sys.stderr)""" rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-c', code) if sys.platform == 'win32': self.assertEqual(b'1\r\n2\r\n', out) self.assertEqual(b'3\r\n4', err) else: self.assertEqual(b'1\n2\n', out) self.assertEqual(b'3\n4', err) def test_unmached_quote(self): # Issue #10206: python program starting with unmatched quote # spewed spaces to stdout rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-c', "'") self.assertRegex(err.decode('ascii', 'ignore'), 'SyntaxError') self.assertEqual(b'', out) def test_stdout_flush_at_shutdown(self): # Issue #5319: if stdout.flush() fails at shutdown, an error should # be printed out. code = """if 1: import os, sys sys.stdout.write('x') os.close(sys.stdout.fileno())""" rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-c', code) self.assertEqual(b'', out) self.assertRegex(err.decode('ascii', 'ignore'), 'Exception ignored in.*\nOSError: .*') def test_closed_stdout(self): # Issue #13444: if stdout has been explicitly closed, we should # not attempt to flush it at shutdown. code = "import sys; sys.stdout.close()" rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-c', code) self.assertEqual(b'', err) # Issue #7111: Python should work without standard streams @unittest.skipIf( != 'posix', "test needs POSIX semantics") def _test_no_stdio(self, streams): code = """if 1: import os, sys for i, s in enumerate({streams}): if getattr(sys, s) is not None: os._exit(i + 1) os._exit(42)""".format(streams=streams) def preexec(): if 'stdin' in streams: os.close(0) if 'stdout' in streams: os.close(1) if 'stderr' in streams: os.close(2) p = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, "-E", "-c", code], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=preexec) out, err = p.communicate() self.assertEqual(, b'') self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 42) def test_no_stdin(self): self._test_no_stdio(['stdin']) def test_no_stdout(self): self._test_no_stdio(['stdout']) def test_no_stderr(self): self._test_no_stdio(['stderr']) def test_no_std_streams(self): self._test_no_stdio(['stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr']) def test_hash_randomization(self): # Verify that -R enables hash randomization: self.verify_valid_flag('-R') hashes = [] for i in range(2): code = 'print(hash("spam"))' rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-c', code) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) hashes.append(out) self.assertNotEqual(hashes[0], hashes[1]) # Verify that sys.flags contains hash_randomization code = 'import sys; print("random is", sys.flags.hash_randomization)' rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-c', code) self.assertEqual(rc, 0) self.assertIn(b'random is 1', out) def test_del___main__(self): # Issue #15001: PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags() did crash because it kept a # borrowed reference to the dict of __main__ module and later modify # the dict whereas the module was destroyed filename = self.addCleanup(, filename) with open(filename, "w") as script: print("import sys", file=script) print("del sys.modules['__main__']", file=script) assert_python_ok(filename) def test_unknown_options(self): rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-E', '-z') self.assertIn(b'Unknown option: -z', err) self.assertEqual(err.splitlines().count(b'Unknown option: -z'), 1) self.assertEqual(b'', out) # Add "without='-E'" to prevent _assert_python to append -E # to env_vars and change the output of stderr rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-z', without='-E') self.assertIn(b'Unknown option: -z', err) self.assertEqual(err.splitlines().count(b'Unknown option: -z'), 1) self.assertEqual(b'', out) rc, out, err = assert_python_failure('-a', '-z', without='-E') self.assertIn(b'Unknown option: -a', err) # only the first unknown option is reported self.assertNotIn(b'Unknown option: -z', err) self.assertEqual(err.splitlines().count(b'Unknown option: -a'), 1) self.assertEqual(b'', out) def test_isolatedmode(self): self.verify_valid_flag('-I') self.verify_valid_flag('-IEs') rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-I', '-c', 'from sys import flags as f; ' 'print(f.no_user_site, f.ignore_environment, f.isolated)', # dummyvar to prevent extranous -E dummyvar="") self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b'1 1 1') with as tmpdir: fake = os.path.join(tmpdir, "") main = os.path.join(tmpdir, "") with open(fake, "w") as f: f.write("raise RuntimeError('isolated mode test')\n") with open(main, "w") as f: f.write("import uuid\n") f.write("print('ok')\n") self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, subprocess.check_output, [sys.executable, main], cwd=tmpdir, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) out = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "-I", main], cwd=tmpdir) self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b"ok") def test_main(): if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()
import warnings try: from paste.registry import StackedObjectProxy beaker_session = StackedObjectProxy(name="Beaker Session") beaker_cache = StackedObjectProxy(name="Cache Manager") except: beaker_cache = None beaker_session = None from beaker.cache import CacheManager from beaker.session import Session, SessionObject from beaker.util import coerce_cache_params, coerce_session_params, \ parse_cache_config_options class CacheMiddleware(object): cache = beaker_cache def __init__(self, app, config=None, environ_key='beaker.cache', **kwargs): """Initialize the Cache Middleware The Cache middleware will make a CacheManager instance available every request under the ``environ['beaker.cache']`` key by default. The location in environ can be changed by setting ``environ_key``. ``config`` dict All settings should be prefixed by 'cache.'. This method of passing variables is intended for Paste and other setups that accumulate multiple component settings in a single dictionary. If config contains *no cache. prefixed args*, then *all* of the config options will be used to intialize the Cache objects. ``environ_key`` Location where the Cache instance will keyed in the WSGI environ ``**kwargs`` All keyword arguments are assumed to be cache settings and will override any settings found in ``config`` """ = app config = config or {} self.options = {} # Update the options with the parsed config self.options.update(parse_cache_config_options(config)) # Add any options from kwargs, but leave out the defaults this # time self.options.update( parse_cache_config_options(kwargs, include_defaults=False)) # Assume all keys are intended for cache if none are prefixed with # 'cache.' if not self.options and config: self.options = config self.options.update(kwargs) self.cache_manager = CacheManager(**self.options) self.environ_key = environ_key def __call__(self, environ, start_response): if environ.get('paste.registry'): if environ['paste.registry'].reglist: environ['paste.registry'].register(self.cache, self.cache_manager) environ[self.environ_key] = self.cache_manager return, start_response) class SessionMiddleware(object): session = beaker_session def __init__(self, wrap_app, config=None, environ_key='beaker.session', **kwargs): """Initialize the Session Middleware The Session middleware will make a lazy session instance available every request under the ``environ['beaker.session']`` key by default. The location in environ can be changed by setting ``environ_key``. ``config`` dict All settings should be prefixed by 'session.'. This method of passing variables is intended for Paste and other setups that accumulate multiple component settings in a single dictionary. If config contains *no session. prefixed args*, then *all* of the config options will be used to intialize the Session objects. ``environ_key`` Location where the Session instance will keyed in the WSGI environ ``**kwargs`` All keyword arguments are assumed to be session settings and will override any settings found in ``config`` """ config = config or {} # Load up the default params self.options = dict(invalidate_corrupt=True, type=None, data_dir=None, key='', timeout=None, save_accessed_time=True, secret=None, log_file=None) # Pull out any config args meant for beaker session. if there are any for dct in [config, kwargs]: for key, val in dct.items(): if key.startswith('beaker.session.'): self.options[key[15:]] = val if key.startswith('session.'): self.options[key[8:]] = val if key.startswith('session_'): warnings.warn('Session options should start with session. ' 'instead of session_.', DeprecationWarning, 2) self.options[key[8:]] = val # Coerce and validate session params coerce_session_params(self.options) # Assume all keys are intended for session if none are prefixed with # 'session.' if not self.options and config: self.options = config self.options.update(kwargs) self.wrap_app = = wrap_app self.environ_key = environ_key def __call__(self, environ, start_response): session = SessionObject(environ, **self.options) if environ.get('paste.registry'): if environ['paste.registry'].reglist: environ['paste.registry'].register(self.session, session) environ[self.environ_key] = session environ['beaker.get_session'] = self._get_session if 'paste.testing_variables' in environ and 'webtest_varname' in self.options: environ['paste.testing_variables'][self.options['webtest_varname']] = session def session_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): if session.accessed(): session.persist() if session.__dict__['_headers']['set_cookie']: cookie = session.__dict__['_headers']['cookie_out'] if cookie: headers.append(('Set-cookie', cookie)) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return self.wrap_app(environ, session_start_response) def _get_session(self): return Session({}, use_cookies=False, **self.options) def session_filter_factory(global_conf, **kwargs): def filter(app): return SessionMiddleware(app, global_conf, **kwargs) return filter def session_filter_app_factory(app, global_conf, **kwargs): return SessionMiddleware(app, global_conf, **kwargs)
#!/usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'greg' from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import numpy as np import math def dist(c1,c2): return math.sqrt((c1[0]-c2[0])**2 + (c1[1]-c2[1])**2) class CannotSplit(Exception): def __init__(self,value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return "" samples_needed = 3 def adaptiveDBSCAN(XYpts,user_ids): if XYpts == []: return [] pts_in_each_cluster = [] users_in_each_cluster = [] cluster_centers = [] #increase the epsilon until we don't have any nearby clusters corresponding to non-overlapping #sets of users X = np.array(XYpts) #for epsilon in [5,10,15,20,25,30]: for first_epsilon in [100,200,300,400]: db = DBSCAN(eps=first_epsilon, min_samples=samples_needed).fit(X) labels = db.labels_ pts_in_each_cluster = [] users_in_each_cluster = [] cluster_centers = [] for k in sorted(set(labels)): if k == -1: continue class_member_mask = (labels == k) pts_in_cluster = list(X[class_member_mask]) xSet,ySet = zip(*pts_in_cluster) cluster_centers.append((np.mean(xSet),np.mean(ySet))) pts_in_each_cluster.append(pts_in_cluster[:]) users_in_each_cluster.append([u for u,l in zip(user_ids,labels) if l == k]) #do we have any adjacent clusters with non-overlapping sets of users #if so, we should merge them by increasing the epsilon value cluster_compare = [] for cluster_index, (c1,users) in enumerate(zip(cluster_centers,users_in_each_cluster)): for cluster_index, (c2,users2) in enumerate(zip(cluster_centers[cluster_index+1:],users_in_each_cluster[cluster_index+1:])): overlappingUsers = [u for u in users if u in users2] cluster_compare.append((dist(c1,c2),overlappingUsers)) cluster_compare.sort(key = lambda x:x[0]) needToMerge = [] in [c[1] for c in cluster_compare[:10]] if not(needToMerge): break #print epsilon #print [c[1] for c in cluster_compare[:10]] centers_to_return = [] assert not(needToMerge) #do we need to split any clusters? for cluster_index in range(len(cluster_centers)): #print "splitting" needToSplit = (sorted(users_in_each_cluster[cluster_index]) != sorted(list(set(users_in_each_cluster[cluster_index])))) if needToSplit: subcluster_centers = [] stillToSplit = [] X = np.array(pts_in_each_cluster[cluster_index]) #for epsilon in [30,25,20,15,10,5,1,0.1,0.01]: for second_epsilon in range(200,1,-2):#[400,300,200,100,80,75,65,60,50,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,10,5,1]: db = DBSCAN(eps=second_epsilon, min_samples=samples_needed).fit(X) labels = db.labels_ subcluster_centers = [] needToSplit = False for k in sorted(set(labels)): if k == -1: continue class_member_mask = (labels == k) users_in_subcluster = [u for u,l in zip(users_in_each_cluster[cluster_index],labels) if l == k] needToSplit = (sorted(users_in_subcluster) != sorted(list(set(users_in_subcluster)))) if needToSplit: stillToSplit = list(X[class_member_mask]) break pts_in_cluster = list(X[class_member_mask]) xSet,ySet = zip(*pts_in_cluster) subcluster_centers.append((np.mean(xSet),np.mean(ySet))) if not(needToSplit): break if needToSplit: print "second is " + str(second_epsilon) print stillToSplit for i in range(len(stillToSplit)): p1 = stillToSplit[i] for j in range(len(stillToSplit[i+1:])): p2 = stillToSplit[j+i+1] print math.sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p2[1])**2), #print (i,j+i+1), print print X print users_in_each_cluster[cluster_index] raise CannotSplit(pts_in_each_cluster[cluster_index]) centers_to_return.extend(subcluster_centers) #if needToSplit: # print pts_in_each_cluster[cluster_index] # print users_in_each_cluster[cluster_index] #else: else: centers_to_return.append(cluster_centers[cluster_index]) return centers_to_return
######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### # 255: Control characters that usually does not exist in any text # 254: Carriage/Return # 253: symbol (punctuation) that does not belong to word # 252: 0 - 9 # The following result for thai was collected from a limited sample (1M). # Character Mapping Table: TIS620CharToOrderMap = ( 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254,255,255,254,255,255, # 00 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, # 10 253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 20 252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 30 253,182,106,107,100,183,184,185,101, 94,186,187,108,109,110,111, # 40 188,189,190, 89, 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""" Wrapper class that takes a list of template loaders as an argument and attempts to load templates from them in order, caching the result. """ import hashlib from django.template.base import TemplateDoesNotExist from django.template.loader import BaseLoader, get_template_from_string, find_template_loader, make_origin from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes class Loader(BaseLoader): is_usable = True def __init__(self, loaders): self.template_cache = {} self._loaders = loaders self._cached_loaders = [] @property def loaders(self): # Resolve loaders on demand to avoid circular imports if not self._cached_loaders: # Set self._cached_loaders atomically. Otherwise, another thread # could see an incomplete list. See #17303. cached_loaders = [] for loader in self._loaders: cached_loaders.append(find_template_loader(loader)) self._cached_loaders = cached_loaders return self._cached_loaders def find_template(self, name, dirs=None): for loader in self.loaders: try: template, display_name = loader(name, dirs) return (template, make_origin(display_name, loader, name, dirs)) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass raise TemplateDoesNotExist(name) def load_template(self, template_name, template_dirs=None): key = template_name if template_dirs: # If template directories were specified, use a hash to differentiate key = '-'.join([template_name, hashlib.sha1(force_bytes('|'.join(template_dirs))).hexdigest()]) try: template = self.template_cache[key] except KeyError: template, origin = self.find_template(template_name, template_dirs) if not hasattr(template, 'render'): try: template = get_template_from_string(template, origin, template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: # If compiling the template we found raises TemplateDoesNotExist, # back off to returning the source and display name for the template # we were asked to load. This allows for correct identification (later) # of the actual template that does not exist. return template, origin self.template_cache[key] = template return template, None def reset(self): "Empty the template cache." self.template_cache.clear()
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: skip-file """ data iterator for mnist """ import os import random import sys # code to automatically download dataset curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__))) sys.path.append(os.path.join(curr_path, "../../tests/python/common")) import get_data import mxnet as mx def mnist_iterator(batch_size, input_shape): """return train and val iterators for mnist""" # download data get_data.GetMNIST_ubyte() flat = False if len(input_shape) == 3 else True train_dataiter = image="data/train-images-idx3-ubyte", label="data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte", input_shape=input_shape, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, flat=flat) val_dataiter = image="data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte", label="data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte", input_shape=input_shape, batch_size=batch_size, flat=flat) return (train_dataiter, val_dataiter) def cifar10_iterator(batch_size, data_shape, resize=-1): get_data.GetCifar10() train = path_imgrec = "data/cifar/train.rec", # mean_img = "data/cifar/mean.bin", resize = resize, data_shape = data_shape, batch_size = batch_size, rand_crop = True, rand_mirror = True) val = path_imgrec = "data/cifar/test.rec", # mean_img = "data/cifar/mean.bin", resize = resize, rand_crop = False, rand_mirror = False, data_shape = data_shape, batch_size = batch_size) return train, val class DummyIter( def __init__(self, batch_size, data_shape, batches = 5): super(DummyIter, self).__init__(batch_size) self.data_shape = (batch_size,) + data_shape self.label_shape = (batch_size,) self.provide_data = [('data', self.data_shape)] self.provide_label = [('softmax_label', self.label_shape)] self.batch =[mx.nd.zeros(self.data_shape)], label=[mx.nd.zeros(self.label_shape)]) self._batches = 0 self.batches = batches def next(self): if self._batches < self.batches: self._batches += 1 return self.batch else: self._batches = 0 raise StopIteration def dummy_iterator(batch_size, data_shape): return DummyIter(batch_size, data_shape), DummyIter(batch_size, data_shape) class ImagePairIter( def __init__(self, path, data_shape, label_shape, batch_size=64, flag=0, input_aug=None, target_aug=None): super(ImagePairIter, self).__init__(batch_size) self.data_shape = (batch_size,) + data_shape self.label_shape = (batch_size,) + label_shape self.input_aug = input_aug self.target_aug = target_aug self.provide_data = [('data', self.data_shape)] self.provide_label = [('label', self.label_shape)] is_image_file = lambda fn: any(fn.endswith(ext) for ext in [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg"]) self.filenames = [os.path.join(path, x) for x in os.listdir(path) if is_image_file(x)] self.count = 0 self.flag = flag random.shuffle(self.filenames) def next(self): from PIL import Image if self.count + self.batch_size <= len(self.filenames): data = [] label = [] for i in range(self.batch_size): fn = self.filenames[self.count] self.count += 1 image ='YCbCr').split()[0] if image.size[0] > image.size[1]: image = image.transpose(Image.TRANSPOSE) image = mx.nd.expand_dims(mx.nd.array(image), axis=2) target = image.copy() for aug in self.input_aug: image = aug(image)[0] for aug in self.target_aug: target = aug(target)[0] data.append(image) label.append(target) data = mx.nd.concat(*[mx.nd.expand_dims(d, axis=0) for d in data], dim=0) label = mx.nd.concat(*[mx.nd.expand_dims(d, axis=0) for d in label], dim=0) data = [mx.nd.transpose(data, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2)).astype('float32')/255] label = [mx.nd.transpose(label, axes=(0, 3, 1, 2)).astype('float32')/255] return, label=label) else: raise StopIteration def reset(self): self.count = 0 random.shuffle(self.filenames)
""" Migration 12 - Converts modules based on March 2016 Module Tiericide Some modules have been unpublished (and unpublished module attributes are removed from database), which causes pyfa to crash. We therefore replace these modules with their new replacements """ CONVERSIONS = { 16457: ( # Crosslink Compact Ballistic Control System 16459, # Muon Coil Bolt Array I 16461, # Multiphasic Bolt Array I 16463, # 'Pandemonium' Ballistic Enhancement ), 5281 : ( # Coadjunct Scoped Remote Sensor Booster 7218, # Piercing ECCM Emitter I ), 5365 : ( # Cetus Scoped Burst Jammer 5359, # 1Z-3 Subversive ECM Eruption ), 1973 : ( # Sensor Booster I 1947, # ECCM - Radar I 2002, # ECCM - Ladar I 2003, # ECCM - Magnetometric I 2004, # ECCM - Gravimetric I 2005, # ECCM - Omni I ), 1951 : ( # 'Basic' Tracking Enhancer 6322, # Beta-Nought Tracking Mode 6323, # Azimuth Descalloping Tracking Enhancer 6324, # F-AQ Delay-Line Scan Tracking Subroutines 6321, # Beam Parallax Tracking Program ), 521 : ( # 'Basic' Damage Control 5829, # GLFF Containment Field 5831, # Interior Force Field Array 5835, # F84 Local Damage System 5833, # Systematic Damage Control ), 22925: ( # 'Bootleg' Remote Sensor Booster 22939, # 'Boss' Remote Sensor Booster 22941, # 'Entrepreneur' Remote Sensor Booster ), 5443 : ( # Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler 5441, # Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler I ), 1963 : ( # Remote Sensor Booster I 1959, # ECCM Projector I ), 6325 : ( # Fourier Compact Tracking Enhancer 6326, # Sigma-Nought Tracking Mode I 6327, # Auto-Gain Control Tracking Enhancer I 6328, # F-aQ Phase Code Tracking Subroutines ), 21486: ( # 'Kindred' Gyrostabilizer 21488, # Monophonic Stabilization Actuator I ), 19927: ( # Hypnos Scoped Magnetometric ECM 9518, # Initiated Ion Field ECM I ), 10188: ( # 'Basic' Magnetic Field Stabilizer 11111, # Insulated Stabilizer Array 11109, # Linear Flux Stabilizer 11115, # Gauss Field Balancer 11113, # Magnetic Vortex Stabilizer ), 22919: ( # 'Monopoly' Magnetic Field Stabilizer 22917, # 'Capitalist' Magnetic Field Stabilizer I ), 5839 : ( # IFFA Compact Damage Control 5841, # Emergency Damage Control I 5843, # F85 Peripheral Damage System I 5837, # Pseudoelectron Containment Field I ), 522 : ( # 'Micro' Cap Battery 4747, # Micro Ld-Acid Capacitor Battery I 4751, # Micro Ohm Capacitor Reserve I 4745, # Micro F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit 4749, # Micro Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell 3480, # Micro Capacitor Battery II ), 518 : ( # 'Basic' Gyrostabilizer 5915, # Lateral Gyrostabilizer 5919, # F-M2 Weapon Inertial Suspensor 5913, # Hydraulic Stabilization Actuator 5917, # Stabilized Weapon Mounts ), 19931: ( # Compulsive Scoped Multispectral ECM 19933, # 'Hypnos' Multispectral ECM I ), 5403 : ( # Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor 5401, # Fleeting Warp Disruptor I ), 23902: ( # 'Trebuchet' Heat Sink I 23900, # 'Mangonel' Heat Sink I ), 1893 : ( # 'Basic' Heat Sink 5845, # Heat Exhaust System 5856, # C3S Convection Thermal Radiator 5855, # 'Boreas' Coolant System 5854, # Stamped Heat Sink ), 6160 : ( # F-90 Compact Sensor Booster 20214, # Extra Radar ECCM Scanning Array I 20220, # Extra Ladar ECCM Scanning Array I 20226, # Extra Gravimetric ECCM Scanning Array I 20232, # Extra Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I 7948, # Gravimetric Positional ECCM Sensor System I 7964, # Radar Positional ECCM Sensor System I 7965, # Omni Positional ECCM Sensor System I 7966, # Ladar Positional ECCM Sensor System I 7970, # Magnetometric Positional ECCM Sensor System I 20218, # Conjunctive Radar ECCM Scanning Array I 20224, # Conjunctive Ladar ECCM Scanning Array I 20230, # Conjunctive Gravimetric ECCM Scanning Array I 20236, # Conjunctive Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I 6157, # Supplemental Scanning CPU I ), 23418: ( # 'Radical' Damage Control 22893, # 'Gonzo' Damage Control I ), 19952: ( # Umbra Scoped Radar ECM 9520, # 'Penumbra' White Noise ECM ), 1952 : ( # Sensor Booster II 2258, # ECCM - Omni II 2259, # ECCM - Gravimetric II 2260, # ECCM - Ladar II 2261, # ECCM - Magnetometric II 2262, # ECCM - Radar II ), 5282 : ( # Linked Enduring Sensor Booster 7219, # Scattering ECCM Projector I ), 1986 : ( # Signal Amplifier I 2579, # Gravimetric Backup Array I 2583, # Ladar Backup Array I 2587, # Magnetometric Backup Array I 2591, # Multi Sensor Backup Array I 4013, # RADAR Backup Array I ), 4871 : ( # Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery 4875, # Large Ohm Capacitor Reserve I 4869, # Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit 4873, # Large Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell ), 1964 : ( # Remote Sensor Booster II 1960, # ECCM Projector II ), 5933 : ( # Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer 5931, # Cross-Lateral Gyrostabilizer I 5935, # F-M3 Munition Inertial Suspensor 5929, # Pneumatic Stabilization Actuator I ), 4025 : ( # X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier 4029, # 'Langour' Drive Disruptor I ), 4027 : ( # Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier 4031, # Patterned Stasis Web I ), 22937: ( # 'Enterprise' Remote Tracking Computer 22935, # 'Tycoon' Remote Tracking Computer ), 22929: ( # 'Marketeer' Tracking Computer 22927, # 'Economist' Tracking Computer I ), 1987 : ( # Signal Amplifier II 2580, # Gravimetric Backup Array II 2584, # Ladar Backup Array II 2588, # Magnetometric Backup Array II 2592, # Multi Sensor Backup Array II 4014, # RADAR Backup Array II ), 19939: ( # Enfeebling Scoped Ladar ECM 9522, # Faint Phase Inversion ECM I ), 5340 : ( # P-S Compact Remote Tracking Computer 5341, # 'Prayer' Remote Tracking Computer ), 19814: ( # Phased Scoped Target Painter 19808, # Partial Weapon Navigation ), 1949 : ( # 'Basic' Signal Amplifier 1946, # Basic RADAR Backup Array 1982, # Basic Ladar Backup Array 1983, # Basic Gravimetric Backup Array 1984, # Basic Magnetometric Backup Array 1985, # Basic Multi Sensor Backup Array 6193, # Emergency Magnetometric Scanners 6194, # Emergency Multi-Frequency Scanners 6202, # Emergency RADAR Scanners 6216, # Emergency Ladar Scanners 6217, # Emergency Gravimetric Scanners 6225, # Sealed RADAR Backup Cluster 6238, # Sealed Magnetometric Backup Cluster 6239, # Sealed Multi-Frequency Backup Cluster 6241, # Sealed Ladar Backup Cluster 6242, # Sealed Gravimetric Backup Cluster 6257, # Surplus RADAR Reserve Array 6258, # F-42 Reiterative RADAR Backup Sensors 6283, # Surplus Magnetometric Reserve Array 6284, # F-42 Reiterative Magnetometric Backup Sensors 6285, # Surplus Multi-Frequency Reserve Array 6286, # F-42 Reiterative Multi-Frequency Backup Sensors 6289, # Surplus Ladar Reserve Array 6290, # F-42 Reiterative Ladar Backup Sensors 6291, # Surplus Gravimetric Reserve Array 6292, # F-42 Reiterative Gravimetric Backup Sensors 6309, # Amplitude Signal Enhancer 6310, # 'Acolyth' Signal Booster 6311, # Type-E Discriminative Signal Augmentation 6312, # F-90 Positional Signal Amplifier ), 21527: ( # 'Firewall' Signal Amplifier 21521, # Gravimetric Firewall 21523, # Ladar Firewall 21525, # Magnetometric Firewall 21527, # Multi Sensor Firewall 21529, # RADAR Firewall ), 23416: ( # 'Peace' Large Remote Armor Repairer None, # 'Pacifier' Large Remote Armor Repairer ), 6176 : ( # F-12 Enduring Tracking Computer 6174, # Monopulse Tracking Mechanism I ), 6159 : ( # Alumel-Wired Enduring Sensor Booster 7917, # Alumel Radar ECCM Sensor Array I 7918, # Alumel Ladar ECCM Sensor Array I 7922, # Alumel Gravimetric ECCM Sensor Array I 7926, # Alumel Omni ECCM Sensor Array I 7937, # Alumel Magnetometric ECCM Sensor Array I 7867, # Supplemental Ladar ECCM Scanning Array I 7869, # Supplemental Gravimetric ECCM Scanning Array I 7870, # Supplemental Omni ECCM Scanning Array I 7887, # Supplemental Radar ECCM Scanning Array I 7889, # Supplemental Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I 20216, # Incremental Radar ECCM Scanning Array I 20222, # Incremental Ladar ECCM Scanning Array I 20228, # Incremental Gravimetric ECCM Scanning Array I 20234, # Incremental Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I 7892, # Prototype ECCM Radar Sensor Cluster 7893, # Prototype ECCM Ladar Sensor Cluster 7895, # Prototype ECCM Gravimetric Sensor Cluster 7896, # Prototype ECCM Omni Sensor Cluster 7914, # Prototype ECCM Magnetometric Sensor Cluster 6158, # Prototype Sensor Booster ), 5849 : ( # Extruded Compact Heat Sink 5846, # Thermal Exhaust System I 5858, # C4S Coiled Circuit Thermal Radiator 5857, # 'Skadi' Coolant System I ), 22895: ( # 'Shady' Sensor Booster 22897, # 'Forger' ECCM - Magnetometric I ), 11105: ( # Vortex Compact Magnetic Field Stabilizer 11103, # Insulated Stabilizer Array I 11101, # Linear Flux Stabilizer I 11107, # Gauss Field Balancer I ), 22945: ( # 'Executive' Remote Sensor Dampener 22943, # 'Broker' Remote Sensor Dampener I ), 6173 : ( # Optical Compact Tracking Computer 6175, # 'Orion' Tracking CPU I ), 5279 : ( # F-23 Compact Remote Sensor Booster 7217, # Spot Pulsing ECCM I 7220, # Phased Muon ECCM Caster I 5280, # Connected Remote Sensor Booster ), 4787 : ( # Small Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery 4791, # Small Ohm Capacitor Reserve I 4785, # Small F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit 4789, # Small Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell ), 19946: ( # BZ-5 Scoped Gravimetric ECM 9519, # FZ-3 Subversive Spatial Destabilizer ECM ), 6073 : ( # Medium Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery 6097, # Medium Ohm Capacitor Reserve I 6111, # Medium F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit 6083, # Medium Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell ), 21484: ( # 'Full Duplex' Ballistic Control System 21482, # Ballistic 'Purge' Targeting System I ), 6296 : ( # F-89 Compact Signal Amplifier 6218, # Protected Gravimetric Backup Cluster I 6222, # Protected Ladar Backup Cluster I 6226, # Protected Magnetometric Backup Cluster I 6230, # Protected Multi-Frequency Backup Cluster I 6234, # Protected RADAR Backup Cluster I 6195, # Reserve Gravimetric Scanners 6199, # Reserve Ladar Scanners 6203, # Reserve Magnetometric Scanners 6207, # Reserve Multi-Frequency Scanners 6212, # Reserve RADAR Scanners 20238, # Secure Gravimetric Backup Cluster I 20244, # Secure Ladar Backup Cluster I 20250, # Secure Magnetometric Backup Cluster I 20260, # Secure Radar Backup Cluster I 6244, # F-43 Repetitive Gravimetric Backup Sensors 6252, # F-43 Repetitive Ladar Backup Sensors 6260, # F-43 Repetitive Magnetometric Backup Sensors 6268, # F-43 Repetitive Multi-Frequency Backup Sensors 6276, # F-43 Repetitive RADAR Backup Sensors 20240, # Shielded Gravimetric Backup Cluster I 20246, # Shielded Ladar Backup Cluster I 20252, # Shielded Magnetometric Backup Cluster I 20262, # Shielded Radar Backup Cluster I 6243, # Surrogate Gravimetric Reserve Array I 6251, # Surrogate Ladar Reserve Array I 6259, # Surrogate Magnetometric Reserve Array I 6267, # Surrogate Multi-Frequency Reserve Array I 6275, # Surrogate RADAR Reserve Array I 20242, # Warded Gravimetric Backup Cluster I 20248, # Warded Ladar Backup Cluster I 20254, # Warded Magnetometric Backup Cluster I 20264, # Warded Radar Backup Cluster I 6294, # 'Mendicant' Signal Booster I 6293, # Wavelength Signal Enhancer I 6295, # Type-D Attenuation Signal Augmentation ), 5302 : ( # Phased Muon Scoped Sensor Dampener 5300, # Indirect Scanning Dampening Unit I ), } def upgrade(saveddata_engine): # Convert modules for replacement_item, list in CONVERSIONS.items(): for retired_item in list: saveddata_engine.execute('UPDATE "modules" SET "itemID" = ? WHERE "itemID" = ?', (replacement_item, retired_item)) saveddata_engine.execute('UPDATE "cargo" SET "itemID" = ? WHERE "itemID" = ?', (replacement_item, retired_item))
""" Various complex queries that have been problematic in the past. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import threading from django.db import models from django.utils import six from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible class DumbCategory(models.Model): pass class ProxyCategory(DumbCategory): class Meta: proxy = True @python_2_unicode_compatible class NamedCategory(DumbCategory): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Tag(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True, related_name='children') category = models.ForeignKey(NamedCategory, null=True, default=None) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Note(models.Model): note = models.CharField(max_length=100) misc = models.CharField(max_length=10) class Meta: ordering = ['note'] def __str__(self): return self.note def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Note, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Regression for #13227 -- having an attribute that # is unpickleable doesn't stop you from cloning queries # that use objects of that type as an argument. self.lock = threading.Lock() @python_2_unicode_compatible class Annotation(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) tag = models.ForeignKey(Tag) notes = models.ManyToManyField(Note) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class ExtraInfo(models.Model): info = models.CharField(max_length=100) note = models.ForeignKey(Note) value = models.IntegerField(null=True) class Meta: ordering = ['info'] def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) num = models.IntegerField(unique=True) extra = models.ForeignKey(ExtraInfo) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Item(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) created = models.DateTimeField() modified = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag, blank=True) creator = models.ForeignKey(Author) note = models.ForeignKey(Note) class Meta: ordering = ['-note', 'name'] def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Report(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) creator = models.ForeignKey(Author, to_field='num', null=True) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Ranking(models.Model): rank = models.IntegerField() author = models.ForeignKey(Author) class Meta: # A complex ordering specification. Should stress the system a bit. ordering = ('author__extra__note', 'author__name', 'rank') def __str__(self): return '%d: %s' % (self.rank, @python_2_unicode_compatible class Cover(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=50) item = models.ForeignKey(Item) class Meta: ordering = ['item'] def __str__(self): return self.title @python_2_unicode_compatible class Number(models.Model): num = models.IntegerField() def __str__(self): return six.text_type(self.num) # Symmetrical m2m field with a normal field using the reverse accessor name # ("valid"). class Valid(models.Model): valid = models.CharField(max_length=10) parent = models.ManyToManyField('self') class Meta: ordering = ['valid'] # Some funky cross-linked models for testing a couple of infinite recursion # cases. class X(models.Model): y = models.ForeignKey('Y') class Y(models.Model): x1 = models.ForeignKey(X, related_name='y1') # Some models with a cycle in the default ordering. This would be bad if we # didn't catch the infinite loop. class LoopX(models.Model): y = models.ForeignKey('LoopY') class Meta: ordering = ['y'] class LoopY(models.Model): x = models.ForeignKey(LoopX) class Meta: ordering = ['x'] class LoopZ(models.Model): z = models.ForeignKey('self') class Meta: ordering = ['z'] # A model and custom default manager combination. class CustomManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): qs = super(CustomManager, self).get_queryset() return qs.filter(public=True, tag__name='t1') @python_2_unicode_compatible class ManagedModel(models.Model): data = models.CharField(max_length=10) tag = models.ForeignKey(Tag) public = models.BooleanField(default=True) objects = CustomManager() normal_manager = models.Manager() def __str__(self): return # An inter-related setup with multiple paths from Child to Detail. class Detail(models.Model): data = models.CharField(max_length=10) class MemberManager(models.Manager): def get_queryset(self): return super(MemberManager, self).get_queryset().select_related("details") class Member(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) details = models.OneToOneField(Detail, primary_key=True) objects = MemberManager() class Child(models.Model): person = models.OneToOneField(Member, primary_key=True) parent = models.ForeignKey(Member, related_name="children") # Custom primary keys interfered with ordering in the past. class CustomPk(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10, primary_key=True) extra = models.CharField(max_length=10) class Meta: ordering = ['name', 'extra'] class Related(models.Model): custom = models.ForeignKey(CustomPk) class CustomPkTag(models.Model): id = models.CharField(max_length=20, primary_key=True) custom_pk = models.ManyToManyField(CustomPk) tag = models.CharField(max_length=20) # An inter-related setup with a model subclass that has a nullable # path to another model, and a return path from that model. @python_2_unicode_compatible class Celebrity(models.Model): name = models.CharField("Name", max_length=20) greatest_fan = models.ForeignKey("Fan", null=True, unique=True) def __str__(self): return class TvChef(Celebrity): pass class Fan(models.Model): fan_of = models.ForeignKey(Celebrity) # Multiple foreign keys @python_2_unicode_compatible class LeafA(models.Model): data = models.CharField(max_length=10) def __str__(self): return class LeafB(models.Model): data = models.CharField(max_length=10) class Join(models.Model): a = models.ForeignKey(LeafA) b = models.ForeignKey(LeafB) @python_2_unicode_compatible class ReservedName(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20) order = models.IntegerField() def __str__(self): return # A simpler shared-foreign-key setup that can expose some problems. @python_2_unicode_compatible class SharedConnection(models.Model): data = models.CharField(max_length=10) def __str__(self): return class PointerA(models.Model): connection = models.ForeignKey(SharedConnection) class PointerB(models.Model): connection = models.ForeignKey(SharedConnection) # Multi-layer ordering @python_2_unicode_compatible class SingleObject(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return class RelatedObject(models.Model): single = models.ForeignKey(SingleObject, null=True) f = models.IntegerField(null=True) class Meta: ordering = ['single'] @python_2_unicode_compatible class Plaything(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) others = models.ForeignKey(RelatedObject, null=True) class Meta: ordering = ['others'] def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Article(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20) created = models.DateTimeField() def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Food(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class Eaten(models.Model): food = models.ForeignKey(Food, to_field="name", null=True) meal = models.CharField(max_length=20) def __str__(self): return "%s at %s" % (, self.meal) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Node(models.Model): num = models.IntegerField(unique=True) parent = models.ForeignKey("self", to_field="num", null=True) def __str__(self): return "%s" % self.num # Bug #12252 @python_2_unicode_compatible class ObjectA(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) def __str__(self): return def __iter__(self): # Ticket #23721 assert False, 'type checking should happen without calling model __iter__' class ProxyObjectA(ObjectA): class Meta: proxy = True class ChildObjectA(ObjectA): pass @python_2_unicode_compatible class ObjectB(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) objecta = models.ForeignKey(ObjectA) num = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField() def __str__(self): return class ProxyObjectB(ObjectB): class Meta: proxy = True @python_2_unicode_compatible class ObjectC(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) objecta = models.ForeignKey(ObjectA, null=True) objectb = models.ForeignKey(ObjectB, null=True) childobjecta = models.ForeignKey(ChildObjectA, null=True, related_name='ca_pk') def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class SimpleCategory(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=15) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class SpecialCategory(SimpleCategory): special_name = models.CharField(max_length=15) def __str__(self): return + " " + self.special_name @python_2_unicode_compatible class CategoryItem(models.Model): category = models.ForeignKey(SimpleCategory) def __str__(self): return "category item: " + str(self.category) @python_2_unicode_compatible class OneToOneCategory(models.Model): new_name = models.CharField(max_length=15) category = models.OneToOneField(SimpleCategory) def __str__(self): return "one2one " + self.new_name class CategoryRelationship(models.Model): first = models.ForeignKey(SimpleCategory, related_name='first_rel') second = models.ForeignKey(SimpleCategory, related_name='second_rel') class NullableName(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20, null=True) class Meta: ordering = ['id'] class ModelD(models.Model): name = models.TextField() class ModelC(models.Model): name = models.TextField() class ModelB(models.Model): name = models.TextField() c = models.ForeignKey(ModelC) class ModelA(models.Model): name = models.TextField() b = models.ForeignKey(ModelB, null=True) d = models.ForeignKey(ModelD) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Job(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True) def __str__(self): return class JobResponsibilities(models.Model): job = models.ForeignKey(Job, to_field='name') responsibility = models.ForeignKey('Responsibility', to_field='description') @python_2_unicode_compatible class Responsibility(models.Model): description = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True) jobs = models.ManyToManyField(Job, through=JobResponsibilities, related_name='responsibilities') def __str__(self): return self.description # Models for disjunction join promotion low level testing. class FK1(models.Model): f1 = models.TextField() f2 = models.TextField() class FK2(models.Model): f1 = models.TextField() f2 = models.TextField() class FK3(models.Model): f1 = models.TextField() f2 = models.TextField() class BaseA(models.Model): a = models.ForeignKey(FK1, null=True) b = models.ForeignKey(FK2, null=True) c = models.ForeignKey(FK3, null=True) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Identifier(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return class Program(models.Model): identifier = models.OneToOneField(Identifier) class Channel(models.Model): programs = models.ManyToManyField(Program) identifier = models.OneToOneField(Identifier) class Book(models.Model): title = models.TextField() chapter = models.ForeignKey('Chapter') class Chapter(models.Model): title = models.TextField() paragraph = models.ForeignKey('Paragraph') class Paragraph(models.Model): text = models.TextField() page = models.ManyToManyField('Page') class Page(models.Model): text = models.TextField() class MyObject(models.Model): parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True, blank=True, related_name='children') data = models.CharField(max_length=100) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) # Models for #17600 regressions @python_2_unicode_compatible class Order(models.Model): id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True) class Meta: ordering = ('pk', ) def __str__(self): return '%s' % @python_2_unicode_compatible class OrderItem(models.Model): order = models.ForeignKey(Order, related_name='items') status = models.IntegerField() class Meta: ordering = ('pk', ) def __str__(self): return '%s' % class BaseUser(models.Model): pass @python_2_unicode_compatible class Task(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=10) owner = models.ForeignKey(BaseUser, related_name='owner') creator = models.ForeignKey(BaseUser, related_name='creator') def __str__(self): return self.title @python_2_unicode_compatible class Staff(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=10) def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class StaffUser(BaseUser): staff = models.OneToOneField(Staff, related_name='user') def __str__(self): return self.staff class Ticket21203Parent(models.Model): parentid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) parent_bool = models.BooleanField(default=True) created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) class Ticket21203Child(models.Model): childid = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) parent = models.ForeignKey(Ticket21203Parent) class Person(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Company(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) employees = models.ManyToManyField(Person, related_name='employers', through='Employment') def __str__(self): return class Employment(models.Model): employer = models.ForeignKey(Company) employee = models.ForeignKey(Person) title = models.CharField(max_length=128) # Bug #22429 class School(models.Model): pass class Student(models.Model): school = models.ForeignKey(School) class Classroom(models.Model): school = models.ForeignKey(School) students = models.ManyToManyField(Student, related_name='classroom') class Ticket23605A(models.Model): pass class Ticket23605B(models.Model): modela_fk = models.ForeignKey(Ticket23605A) modelc_fk = models.ForeignKey("Ticket23605C") field_b0 = models.IntegerField(null=True) field_b1 = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Ticket23605C(models.Model): field_c0 = models.FloatField()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import schedulers_all # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """WebBasket Web Interface.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" __lastupdated__ = """$Date$""" from invenio.utils import apache import os import cgi import urllib from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, \ CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE, \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, CFG_PREFIX, CFG_SITE_LANG from invenio.base.globals import cfg from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language from invenio.legacy.webpage import page from invenio.legacy.webuser import getUid, page_not_authorized, isGuestUser from invenio.legacy.webbasket.api import \ check_user_can_comment, \ check_sufficient_rights, \ perform_request_display, \ perform_request_search, \ create_guest_warning_box, \ create_basket_navtrail, \ perform_request_write_note, \ perform_request_save_note, \ perform_request_delete_note, \ perform_request_add_group, \ perform_request_edit, \ perform_request_edit_topic, \ perform_request_list_public_baskets, \ perform_request_unsubscribe, \ perform_request_subscribe, \ perform_request_display_public, \ perform_request_write_public_note, \ perform_request_save_public_note, \ delete_record, \ move_record, \ perform_request_add, \ perform_request_create_basket, \ perform_request_delete, \ wash_topic, \ wash_group, \ perform_request_export_xml, \ page_start, \ page_end from invenio.legacy.webbasket.db_layer import get_basket_name, \ get_max_user_rights_on_basket from invenio.utils.url import get_referer, redirect_to_url, make_canonical_urlargd from invenio.ext.legacy.handler import wash_urlargd, WebInterfaceDirectory from invenio.legacy.webstat.api import register_customevent from invenio.ext.logging import register_exception from invenio.legacy.webuser import collect_user_info from invenio.modules.comments.api import check_user_can_attach_file_to_comments from invenio.modules.access.engine import acc_authorize_action from invenio.utils.html import is_html_text_editor_installed from invenio.legacy.ckeditor.connector import process_CKEditor_upload, send_response from invenio.legacy.bibdocfile.api import stream_file class WebInterfaceBasketCommentsFiles(WebInterfaceDirectory): """Handle upload and access to files for comments in WebBasket. The upload is currently only available through the CKEditor. """ def _lookup(self, component, path): """ This handler is invoked for the dynamic URLs (for getting and putting attachments) Eg: /yourbaskets/attachments/get/31/652/5/file/myfile.pdf /yourbaskets/attachments/get/31/552/5/image/myfigure.png bskid/recid/uid/ /yourbaskets/attachments/put/31/550/ bskid/recid """ if component == 'get' and len(path) > 4: bskid = path[0] # Basket id recid = path[1] # Record id uid = path[2] # uid of the submitter file_type = path[3] # file, image, flash or media (as # defined by CKEditor) if file_type in ['file', 'image', 'flash', 'media']: file_name = '/'.join(path[4:]) # the filename def answer_get(req, form): """Accessing files attached to comments.""" form['file'] = file_name form['type'] = file_type form['uid'] = uid form['recid'] = recid form['bskid'] = bskid return self._get(req, form) return answer_get, [] elif component == 'put' and len(path) > 1: bskid = path[0] # Basket id recid = path[1] # Record id def answer_put(req, form): """Attaching file to a comment.""" form['recid'] = recid form['bskid'] = bskid return self._put(req, form) return answer_put, [] # All other cases: file not found return None, [] def _get(self, req, form): """ Returns a file attached to a comment. A file is attached to a comment of a record of a basket, by a user (who is the author of the comment), and is of a certain type (file, image, etc). Therefore these 5 values are part of the URL. Eg: CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL/yourbaskets/attachments/get/31/91/5/file/myfile.pdf bskid/recid/uid """ argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'file': (str, None), 'type': (str, None), 'uid': (int, 0), 'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) # Can user view this basket & record & comment, i.e. can user # access its attachments? #uid = getUid(req) user_info = collect_user_info(req) rights = get_max_user_rights_on_basket(argd['uid'], argd['bskid']) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if user_info['email'] == 'guest': # Ask to login target = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/youraccount/login' + \ make_canonical_urlargd({'ln' : argd['ln'], 'referer' : \ CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + user_info['uri']}, {}) return redirect_to_url(req, target) elif not(check_sufficient_rights(rights, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_SHARE_LEVELS']['READITM'])): return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to view this attachment")) if not argd['file'] is None: # Prepare path to file on disk. Normalize the path so that # ../ and other dangerous components are removed. path = os.path.abspath(CFG_PREFIX + '/var/data/baskets/comments/' + \ str(argd['bskid']) + '/' + str(argd['recid']) + '/' + \ str(argd['uid']) + '/' + argd['type'] + '/' + \ argd['file']) # Check that we are really accessing attachements # directory, for the declared basket and record. if path.startswith(CFG_PREFIX + '/var/data/baskets/comments/' + \ str(argd['bskid']) + '/' + str(argd['recid'])) and \ os.path.exists(path): return stream_file(req, path) # Send error 404 in all other cases return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND def _put(self, req, form): """ Process requests received from CKEditor to upload files, etc. URL eg: CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL/yourbaskets/attachments/put/31/91/ bskid/recid/ """ if not is_html_text_editor_installed(): return argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0)}) uid = getUid(req) # URL where the file can be fetched after upload user_files_path = '%(CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL)s/yourbaskets/attachments/get/%(bskid)s/%(recid)i/%(uid)s' % \ {'uid': uid, 'recid': argd['recid'], 'bskid': argd['bskid'], 'CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL': CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL} # Path to directory where uploaded files are saved user_files_absolute_path = '%(CFG_PREFIX)s/var/data/baskets/comments/%(bskid)s/%(recid)s/%(uid)s' % \ {'uid': uid, 'recid': argd['recid'], 'bskid': argd['bskid'], 'CFG_PREFIX': CFG_PREFIX} # Check that user can # 1. is logged in # 2. comment records of this basket (to simplify, we use # WebComment function to check this, even if it is not # entirely adequate) # 3. attach files user_info = collect_user_info(req) (auth_code, dummy) = check_user_can_attach_file_to_comments(user_info, argd['recid']) fileurl = '' callback_function = '' if user_info['email'] == 'guest': # 1. User is guest: must login prior to upload data ='Please login before uploading file.' if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: msg = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to use WebBasket' elif not check_user_can_comment(uid, argd['bskid']): # 2. User cannot edit comment of this basket msg = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to submit files' elif auth_code: # 3. User cannot submit msg = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to submit files.' else: # Process the upload and get the response (msg, uploaded_file_path, filename, fileurl, callback_function) = \ process_CKEditor_upload(form, uid, user_files_path, user_files_absolute_path, recid=argd['recid']) send_response(req, msg, fileurl, callback_function) class WebInterfaceYourBasketsPages(WebInterfaceDirectory): """Defines the set of /yourbaskets pages.""" _exports = ['', 'display_item', 'display', 'search', 'write_note', 'save_note', 'delete_note', 'add', 'delete', 'modify', 'edit', 'edit_topic', 'create_basket', 'display_public', 'list_public_baskets', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'write_public_note', 'save_public_note', 'attachments'] attachments = WebInterfaceBasketCommentsFiles() def index(self, req, dummy): """Index page.""" redirect_to_url(req, '%s/yourbaskets/display?%s' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, req.args)) def display_item(self, req, dummy): """Legacy URL redirection.""" redirect_to_url(req, '%s/yourbaskets/display?%s' % (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, req.args)) def display(self, req, form): """Display basket interface.""" #import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger('password', fAllowRemote=True) argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'category': (str, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']), 'topic': (str, ""), 'group': (int, 0), 'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'bsk_to_sort': (int, 0), 'sort_by_title': (str, ""), 'sort_by_date': (str, ""), 'of': (str, "hb"), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/display", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/display%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, dummy, navtrail) = perform_request_display(uid=uid, selected_category=argd['category'], selected_topic=argd['topic'], selected_group_id=argd['group'], selected_bskid=argd['bskid'], selected_recid=argd['recid'], of=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body # register event in webstat if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["display", "", user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") rssurl = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + "/rss" if argd['of'] != 'hb': page_start(req, of=argd['of']) if argd['of'].startswith('x'): req.write(body) page_end(req, of=argd['of']) return elif argd['bskid']: rssurl = "%s/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&amp;topic=%s&amp;group=%i&amp;bskid=%i&amp;of=xr" % \ (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['category'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['group'], argd['bskid']) return page(title = _("Display baskets"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1, rssurl=rssurl) def search(self, req, form): """Search baskets interface.""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'category': (str, ""), 'topic': (str, ""), 'group': (int, 0), 'p': (str, ""), 'b': (str, ""), 'n': (int, 0), 'of': (str, "hb"), 'verbose': (int, 0), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/search", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/search%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_search(uid=uid, selected_category=argd['category'], selected_topic=argd['topic'], selected_group_id=argd['group'], p=argd['p'], b=argd['b'], n=argd['n'], # format=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) # register event in webstat if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["search", "", user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Search baskets"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def write_note(self, req, form): """Write a comment (just interface for writing)""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'category': (str, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']), 'topic': (str, ""), 'group': (int, 0), 'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'cmtid': (int, 0), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/write_note", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/write_note%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_write_note(uid=uid, category=argd['category'], topic=argd['topic'], group_id=argd['group'], bskid=argd['bskid'], recid=argd['recid'], cmtid=argd['cmtid'], ln=argd['ln']) # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["write_note", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Add a note"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def save_note(self, req, form): """Save comment on record in basket""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'category': (str, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']), 'topic': (str, ""), 'group': (int, 0), 'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'note_title': (str, ""), 'note_body': (str, ""), 'date_creation': (str, ""), 'editor_type': (str, ""), 'of': (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG), 'reply_to': (int, 0)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/save_note", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/save_note%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_save_note(uid=uid, category=argd['category'], topic=argd['topic'], group_id=argd['group'], bskid=argd['bskid'], recid=argd['recid'], note_title=argd['note_title'], note_body=argd['note_body'], date_creation=argd['date_creation'], editor_type=argd['editor_type'], ln=argd['ln'], reply_to=argd['reply_to']) # TODO: do not stat event if save was not succussful # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["save_note", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Display item and notes"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def delete_note(self, req, form): """Delete a comment @param bskid: id of basket (int) @param recid: id of record (int) @param cmtid: id of comment (int) @param category: category (see webbasket_config) (str) @param topic: nb of topic currently displayed (int) @param group: id of group baskets currently displayed (int) @param ln: language""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'category': (str, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']), 'topic': (str, ""), 'group': (int, 0), 'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'cmtid': (int, 0), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/delete_note", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/delete_note%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/display%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_delete_note(uid=uid, category=argd['category'], topic=argd['topic'], group_id=argd['group'], bskid=argd['bskid'], recid=argd['recid'], cmtid=argd['cmtid'], ln=argd['ln']) # TODO: do not stat event if delete was not succussful # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["delete_note", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Display item and notes"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def add(self, req, form): """Add records to baskets. @param recid: list of records to add @param colid: in case of external collections, the id of the collection the records belong to @param bskids: list of baskets to add records to. if not provided, will return a page where user can select baskets @param referer: URL of the referring page @param new_basket_name: add record to new basket @param new_topic_name: new basket goes into new topic @param create_in_topic: # of topic to put basket into @param ln: language""" # TODO: apply a maximum limit of items (100) that can be added to a basket # at once. Also see the build_search_url function of # for the "rg" GET variable. argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'recid': (list, []), 'category': (str, ""), 'bskid': (int, 0), 'colid': (int, 0), 'es_title': (str, ""), 'es_desc': (str, ""), 'es_url': (str, ""), 'note_body': (str, ""), 'date_creation': (str, ""), 'editor_type': (str, ""), 'b': (str, ""), 'copy': (int, 0), 'move_from_basket': (int, 0), 'wait': (int, 0), 'referer': (str, ""), 'of': (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/add", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/add%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if not argd['referer']: argd['referer'] = get_referer(req) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_add(uid=uid, recids=argd['recid'], colid=argd['colid'], bskid=argd['bskid'], es_title=argd['es_title'], es_desc=argd['es_desc'], es_url=argd['es_url'], note_body=argd['note_body'], date_creation=argd['date_creation'], editor_type=argd['editor_type'], category=argd['category'], b=argd['b'], copy=argd['copy'], move_from_basket=argd['move_from_basket'], wait=argd['wait'], referer=argd['referer'], ln=argd['ln']) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body # register event in webstat bskid = argd['bskid'] basket_str = "%s (%s)" % (get_basket_name(bskid), bskid) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["add", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _('Add to basket'), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def delete(self, req, form): """Delete basket interface""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid' : (int, -1), 'confirmed' : (int, 0), 'category' : (str, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']), 'topic' : (str, ""), 'group' : (int, 0), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln' : (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/delete", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/delete%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) body=perform_request_delete(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], confirmed=argd['confirmed'], category=argd['category'], selected_topic=argd['topic'], selected_group_id=argd['group'], ln=argd['ln']) if argd['confirmed']: if argd['category'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']: argd['topic'] = wash_topic(uid, argd['topic'])[0] elif argd['category'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['GROUP']: argd['group'] = wash_group(uid, argd['group'])[0] url = """%s/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&topic=%s&group=%i&ln=%s""" % \ (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['category'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['group'], argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) else: navtrail = '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/youraccount/display?ln=%s">'\ '%s</a>' navtrail %= (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['ln'], _("Your Account")) navtrail_end = create_basket_navtrail(uid=uid, category=argd['category'], topic=argd['topic'], group=argd['group'], bskid=argd['bskid'], ln=argd['ln']) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["delete", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Delete a basket"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail + navtrail_end, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def modify(self, req, form): """Modify basket content interface (reorder, suppress record, etc.)""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'action': (str, ""), 'bskid': (int, -1), 'recid': (int, 0), 'category': (str, cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE']), 'topic': (str, ""), 'group': (int, 0), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/modify", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/modify%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL url += '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&topic=%s&group=%i&bskid=%i&ln=%s' % \ (argd['category'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['group'], argd['bskid'], argd['ln']) if argd['action'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_ACTIONS']['DELETE']: delete_record(uid, argd['bskid'], argd['recid']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['action'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_ACTIONS']['UP']: move_record(uid, argd['bskid'], argd['recid'], argd['action']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['action'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_ACTIONS']['DOWN']: move_record(uid, argd['bskid'], argd['recid'], argd['action']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['action'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_ACTIONS']['COPY'] or \ argd['action'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_ACTIONS']['MOVE']: if(argd['action'] == cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_ACTIONS']['MOVE']): title = _("Move record to basket") from_bsk = argd['bskid'] else: title = _("Copy record to basket") from_bsk = 0 referer = get_referer(req) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_add(uid=uid, recids=argd['recid'], copy=True, move_from_basket=from_bsk, referer=referer, ln=argd['ln']) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body else: title = '' body = '' # warnings = [('WRN_WEBBASKET_UNDEFINED_ACTION',)] navtrail = '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/youraccount/display?ln=%s">'\ '%s</a>' navtrail %= (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['ln'], _("Your Account")) navtrail_end = create_basket_navtrail(uid=uid, category=argd['category'], topic=argd['topic'], group=argd['group'], bskid=argd['bskid'], ln=argd['ln']) # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["modify", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = title, body = body, navtrail = navtrail + navtrail_end, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def edit(self, req, form): """Edit basket interface""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'groups': (list, []), 'topic': (str, ""), 'add_group': (str, ""), 'group_cancel': (str, ""), 'submit': (str, ""), 'cancel': (str, ""), 'delete': (str, ""), 'new_name': (str, ""), 'new_topic': (str, ""), 'new_topic_name': (str, ""), 'new_group': (str, ""), 'external': (str, ""), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/edit", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/edit%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if argd['cancel']: url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&topic=%s&ln=%s' url %= (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['delete']: url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL url += '/yourbaskets/delete?bskid=%i&category=%s&topic=%s&ln=%s' % \ (argd['bskid'], cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['add_group'] and not(argd['new_group']): body = perform_request_add_group(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], topic=argd['topic'], ln=argd['ln']) # warnings = [] elif (argd['add_group'] and argd['new_group']) or argd['group_cancel']: if argd['add_group']: perform_request_add_group(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], topic=argd['topic'], group_id=argd['new_group'], ln=argd['ln']) body = perform_request_edit(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], topic=argd['topic'], ln=argd['ln']) elif argd['submit']: body = perform_request_edit(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], topic=argd['topic'], new_name=argd['new_name'], new_topic=argd['new_topic'], new_topic_name=argd['new_topic_name'], groups=argd['groups'], external=argd['external'], ln=argd['ln']) if argd['new_topic'] != "-1": argd['topic'] = argd['new_topic'] url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&topic=%s&ln=%s' % \ (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) else: body = perform_request_edit(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], topic=argd['topic'], ln=argd['ln']) navtrail = '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/youraccount/display?ln=%s">'\ '%s</a>' navtrail %= (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['ln'], _("Your Account")) navtrail_end = create_basket_navtrail( uid=uid, category=cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], topic=argd['topic'], group=0, bskid=argd['bskid'], ln=argd['ln']) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["edit", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Edit basket"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail + navtrail_end, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def edit_topic(self, req, form): """Edit topic interface""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'topic': (str, ""), 'submit': (str, ""), 'cancel': (str, ""), 'delete': (str, ""), 'new_name': (str, ""), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/edit", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/edit_topic%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if argd['cancel']: url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&ln=%s' url %= (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['delete']: url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL url += '/yourbaskets/delete?bskid=%i&category=%s&topic=%s&ln=%s' % \ (argd['bskid'], cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], urllib.quote(argd['topic']), argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) elif argd['submit']: body = perform_request_edit_topic(uid=uid, topic=argd['topic'], new_name=argd['new_name'], ln=argd['ln']) url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&ln=%s' % \ (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) else: body = perform_request_edit_topic(uid=uid, topic=argd['topic'], ln=argd['ln']) navtrail = '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/youraccount/display?ln=%s">'\ '%s</a>' navtrail %= (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['ln'], _("Your Account")) navtrail_end = "" #navtrail_end = create_basket_navtrail( # uid=uid, # category=cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], # topic=argd['topic'], # group=0, # ln=argd['ln']) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body # register event in webstat #basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) #if user_info['email']: # user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) #else: # user_str = "" #try: # register_customevent("baskets", ["edit", basket_str, user_str]) #except: # register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Edit topic"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail + navtrail_end, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def create_basket(self, req, form): """Create basket interface""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'new_basket_name': (str, ""), 'new_topic_name' : (str, ""), 'create_in_topic': (str, "-1"), 'topic' : (str, ""), 'recid' : (list, []), 'colid' : (int, -1), 'es_title' : (str, ''), 'es_desc' : (str, ''), 'es_url' : (str, ''), 'copy' : (int, 0), 'move_from_basket':(int, 0), 'referer' : (str, ''), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln' : (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/create_basket", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/create_basket%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if argd['new_basket_name'] and \ (argd['new_topic_name'] or argd['create_in_topic'] != "-1"): (bskid, topic) = perform_request_create_basket( req, uid=uid, new_basket_name=argd['new_basket_name'], new_topic_name=argd['new_topic_name'], create_in_topic=argd['create_in_topic'], recids=argd['recid'], colid=argd['colid'], es_title=argd['es_title'], es_desc=argd['es_desc'], es_url=argd['es_url'], copy=argd['copy'], move_from_basket=argd['move_from_basket'], referer=argd['referer'], ln=argd['ln']) # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s ()" % argd['new_basket_name'] if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["create_basket", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") if ( argd['recid'] and argd['colid'] >= 0 ): url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/add?category=%s&copy=%i&referer=%s&bskid=%i&colid=%i&move_from_basket=%i&recid=%s&wait=1&ln=%s' url %= (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], argd['copy'], urllib.quote(argd['referer']), bskid, argd['colid'], argd['move_from_basket'], '&recid='.join(str(recid) for recid in argd['recid']), argd['ln']) elif ( argd['es_title'] and argd['es_desc'] and argd['es_url'] and argd['colid'] == -1 ): # Adding NEW external record - this does not need 'move_from_basket' data url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/add?category=%s&bskid=%i&colid=%i&es_title=%s&es_desc=%s&es_url=%s&wait=1&ln=%s' url %= (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], bskid, argd['colid'], urllib.quote(argd['es_title']), urllib.quote(argd['es_desc']), urllib.quote(argd['es_url']), argd['ln']) else: url = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + '/yourbaskets/display?category=%s&topic=%s&ln=%s' url %= (cfg['CFG_WEBBASKET_CATEGORIES']['PRIVATE'], urllib.quote(topic), argd['ln']) redirect_to_url(req, url) else: body = perform_request_create_basket(req, uid=uid, new_basket_name=argd['new_basket_name'], new_topic_name=argd['new_topic_name'], create_in_topic=argd['create_in_topic'], topic=argd['topic'], recids=argd['recid'], colid=argd['colid'], es_title=argd['es_title'], es_desc=argd['es_desc'], es_url=argd['es_url'], copy=argd['copy'], move_from_basket=argd['move_from_basket'], referer=argd['referer'], ln=argd['ln']) navtrail = '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/youraccount/'\ 'display?ln=%s">%s</a>' navtrail %= (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['ln'], _("Your Account")) if isGuestUser(uid): body = create_guest_warning_box(argd['ln']) + body return page(title = _("Create basket"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def display_public(self, req, form): """Display a public basket""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'of': (str, "hb"), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/display", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not argd['bskid']: (body, navtrail) = perform_request_list_public_baskets(uid) title = _('List of public baskets') # register event in webstat if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["list_public_baskets", "", user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") else: (body, dummy, navtrail) = perform_request_display_public(uid=uid, selected_bskid=argd['bskid'], selected_recid=argd['recid'], of=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) title = _('Public basket') # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["display_public", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") rssurl = CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL + "/rss" if argd['of'] != 'hb': page_start(req, of=argd['of']) if argd['of'].startswith('x'): req.write(body) page_end(req, of=argd['of']) return elif argd['bskid']: rssurl = "%s/yourbaskets/display_public?&amp;bskid=%i&amp;of=xr" % \ (CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, argd['bskid']) return page(title = title, body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1, rssurl=rssurl) def list_public_baskets(self, req, form): """List of public baskets interface.""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'limit': (int, 1), 'sort': (str, 'name'), 'asc': (int, 1), 'of': (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/list_public_baskets", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') user_info = collect_user_info(req) nb_views_show = acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'runwebstatadmin') nb_views_show_p = not(nb_views_show[0]) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_list_public_baskets(uid, argd['limit'], argd['sort'], argd['asc'], nb_views_show_p, argd['ln']) return page(title = _("List of public baskets"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def subscribe(self, req, form): """Subscribe to a basket pseudo-interface.""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'of': (str, 'hb'), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/subscribe", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/subscribe%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if not argd['bskid']: (body, navtrail) = perform_request_list_public_baskets(uid) title = _('List of public baskets') else: # TODO: Take care of XML output as shown below #req.content_type = "text/xml" #req.send_http_header() #return perform_request_display_public(bskid=argd['bskid'], of=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) subscribe_warnings_html = perform_request_subscribe(uid, argd['bskid'], argd['ln']) (body, dummy, navtrail) = perform_request_display_public(uid=uid, selected_bskid=argd['bskid'], selected_recid=0, of=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) #warnings.extend(subscribe_warnings) body = subscribe_warnings_html + body title = _('Public basket') return page(title = title, body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def unsubscribe(self, req, form): """Unsubscribe from basket pseudo-interface.""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'of': (str, 'hb'), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE == 2: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/unsubscribe", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/unsubscribe%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) if not argd['bskid']: (body, navtrail) = perform_request_list_public_baskets(uid) title = _('List of public baskets') else: # TODO: Take care of XML output as shown below #req.content_type = "text/xml" #req.send_http_header() #return perform_request_display_public(bskid=argd['bskid'], of=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) unsubscribe_warnings_html = perform_request_unsubscribe(uid, argd['bskid'], argd['ln']) (body, dummy, navtrail) = perform_request_display_public(uid=uid, selected_bskid=argd['bskid'], selected_recid=0, of=argd['of'], ln=argd['ln']) # warnings.extend(unsubscribe_warnings) body = unsubscribe_warnings_html + body title = _('Public basket') return page(title = title, body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1) def write_public_note(self, req, form): """Write a comment (just interface for writing)""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'cmtid': (int, 0), 'of' : (str, ''), 'ln' : (str, CFG_SITE_LANG)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/write_public_note", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/write_public_note%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_write_public_note(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], recid=argd['recid'], cmtid=argd['cmtid'], ln=argd['ln']) # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["write_public_note", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Add a note"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], secure_page_p=1) def save_public_note(self, req, form): """Save comment on record in basket""" argd = wash_urlargd(form, {'bskid': (int, 0), 'recid': (int, 0), 'note_title': (str, ""), 'note_body': (str, ""), 'editor_type': (str, ""), 'of': (str, ''), 'ln': (str, CFG_SITE_LANG), 'reply_to': (str, 0)}) _ = gettext_set_language(argd['ln']) uid = getUid(req) if uid == -1 or CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_SITE >= 1: return page_not_authorized(req, "../yourbaskets/save_public_note", navmenuid = 'yourbaskets') if isGuestUser(uid): return redirect_to_url(req, "%s/youraccount/login%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd({ 'referer' : "%s/yourbaskets/save_public_note%s" % ( CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL, make_canonical_urlargd(argd, {})), "ln" : argd['ln']}, {}))) user_info = collect_user_info(req) if not user_info['precached_usebaskets']: return page_not_authorized(req, "../", \ text = _("You are not authorized to use baskets.")) (body, navtrail) = perform_request_save_public_note(uid=uid, bskid=argd['bskid'], recid=argd['recid'], note_title=argd['note_title'], note_body=argd['note_body'], editor_type=argd['editor_type'], ln=argd['ln'], reply_to=argd['reply_to']) # TODO: do not stat event if save was not succussful # register event in webstat basket_str = "%s (%d)" % (get_basket_name(argd['bskid']), argd['bskid']) if user_info['email']: user_str = "%s (%d)" % (user_info['email'], user_info['uid']) else: user_str = "" try: register_customevent("baskets", ["save_public_note", basket_str, user_str]) except: register_exception(suffix="Do the webstat tables exists? Try with 'webstatadmin --load-config'") return page(title = _("Display item and notes"), body = body, navtrail = navtrail, uid = uid, lastupdated = __lastupdated__, language = argd['ln'], req = req, navmenuid = 'yourbaskets', of = argd['of'], navtrail_append_title_p = 0, secure_page_p=1)
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Module that declares the functions in tf.contrib.receptive_field's API.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.contrib.receptive_field.python.util.graph_compute_order import get_compute_order from tensorflow.contrib.receptive_field.python.util.receptive_field import compute_receptive_field_from_graph_def # pylint: enable=unused-import del absolute_import del division del print_function
from types import NoneType import copy import re import sys import pymongo from pulp.server import exceptions as pulp_exceptions from pulp.server.db.model.base import Model class Criteria(Model): def __init__(self, filters=None, sort=None, limit=None, skip=None, fields=None): super(Criteria, self).__init__() assert isinstance(filters, (dict, NoneType)) assert isinstance(sort, (list, tuple, NoneType)) assert isinstance(limit, (int, NoneType)) assert isinstance(skip, (int, NoneType)) assert isinstance(fields, (list, tuple, NoneType)) self.filters = filters self.sort = sort self.limit = limit self.skip = skip self.fields = fields def as_dict(self): """ @return: the Criteria as a dict, suitable for serialization by something like JSON, and compatible as input to the from_dict method. @rtype: dict """ return { 'filters': self.filters, 'sort': self.sort, 'limit': self.limit, 'skip': self.skip, 'fields': self.fields } @classmethod def from_client_input(cls, doc): """ Accept input provided by a client (such as through a GET or POST request), validate that the provided data is part of a Criteria definition, and ensure that no additional data is present. @param doc: a dict including only data that corresponds to attributes of a Criteria object @type doc: dict @return: new Criteria instance based on provided data @rtype: pulp.server.db.model.criteria.Criteria """ if not isinstance(doc, dict): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['criteria']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] doc = copy.copy(doc) filters = _validate_filters(doc.pop('filters', None)) sort = _validate_sort(doc.pop('sort', None)) limit = _validate_limit(doc.pop('limit', None)) skip = _validate_skip(doc.pop('skip', None)) fields = _validate_fields(doc.pop('fields', None)) if doc: raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(doc.keys()) return cls(filters, sort, limit, skip, fields) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, input_dictionary): """ Convert a dictionary representation of the Criteria into a new Criteria object. The output of as_dict() is suitable as input to this method. :param input_dictionary: The dictionary representation of a Criteria object that will be used to construct one. :type input_dictionary: dict :return: A new Criteria object :rtype: Criteria """ return cls(input_dictionary['filters'], input_dictionary['sort'], input_dictionary['limit'], input_dictionary['skip'], input_dictionary['fields']) @property def spec(self): if self.filters is None: return None spec = copy.copy(self.filters) _compile_regexs_for_not(spec) return spec class UnitAssociationCriteria(Model): # Shadowed here for convenience SORT_ASCENDING = pymongo.ASCENDING SORT_DESCENDING = pymongo.DESCENDING def __init__(self, type_ids=None, association_filters=None, unit_filters=None, association_sort=None, unit_sort=None, limit=None, skip=None, association_fields=None, unit_fields=None, remove_duplicates=False): """ There are a number of entry points into creating one of these instances: multiple REST interfaces, the plugins, etc. As such, this constructor does quite a bit of validation on the parameter values. @param type_ids: list of types to search @type type_ids: [str] @param association_filters: mongo spec describing search parameters on association metadata @type association_filters: dict @param unit_filters: mongo spec describing search parameters on unit metadata; only used when a single type ID is specified @type unit_filters: dict @param association_sort: ordered list of fields and directions; may only contain association metadata @type association_sort: [(str, <SORT_* constant>)] @param unit_sort: ordered list of fields and directions; only used when a single type ID is specified @type unit_sort: [(str, <SORT_* constant>)] @param limit: maximum number of results to return @type limit: int @param skip: number of results to skip @type skip: int @param association_fields: if specified, only the given fields from the association's metadata will be included in returned units @type association_fields: list of str @param unit_fields: if specified, only the given fields from the unit's metadata are returned; only applies when a single type ID is specified @type unit_fields: list of str @param remove_duplicates: if True, units with multiple associations will only return a single association; defaults to False @type remove_duplicates: bool """ super(UnitAssociationCriteria, self).__init__() # A default instance will be used in the case where no criteria is # passed in, so use sane defaults here. if type_ids is not None and not isinstance(type_ids, (list, tuple)): type_ids = [type_ids] self.type_ids = type_ids self.association_filters = association_filters or {} self.unit_filters = unit_filters or {} self.association_sort = association_sort self.unit_sort = unit_sort self.limit = limit self.skip = skip # The unit_id and unit_type_id are required as association returned data; # frankly it doesn't make sense without them but it's also a technical # requirement for the algorithm to run. Make sure they are there. if association_fields is not None: if 'unit_id' not in association_fields: association_fields.append('unit_id') if 'unit_type_id' not in association_fields: association_fields.append('unit_type_id') self.association_fields = association_fields self.unit_fields = unit_fields self.remove_duplicates = remove_duplicates @classmethod def from_client_input(cls, query): """ Parses a unit association query document and assembles a corresponding internal criteria object. Example: { "type_ids" : ["rpm"], "filters" : { "unit" : <mongo spec syntax>, "association" : <mongo spec syntax> }, "sort" : { "unit" : [ ["name", "ascending"], ["version", "descending"] ], "association" : [ ["created", "descending"] ] }, "limit" : 100, "skip" : 200, "fields" : { "unit" : ["name", "version", "arch"], "association" : ["created"] }, "remove_duplicates" : True } @param query: user-provided query details @type query: dict @return: criteria object for the unit association query @rtype: L{UnitAssociationCriteria} @raises ValueError: on an invalid value in the query """ query = copy.copy(query) type_ids = query.pop('type_ids', None) filters = query.pop('filters', None) if filters is None: association_filters = None unit_filters = None else: association_filters = _validate_filters(filters.pop('association', None)) unit_filters = _validate_filters(filters.pop('unit', None)) sort = query.pop('sort', None) if sort is None: association_sort = None unit_sort = None else: association_sort = _validate_sort(sort.pop('association', None)) unit_sort = _validate_sort(sort.pop('unit', None)) limit = _validate_limit(query.pop('limit', None)) skip = _validate_skip(query.pop('skip', None)) fields = query.pop('fields', None) if fields is None: association_fields = None unit_fields = None else: association_fields = _validate_fields(fields.pop('association', None)) unit_fields = _validate_fields(fields.pop('unit', None)) remove_duplicates = bool(query.pop('remove_duplicates', False)) # report any superfluous doc key, value pairs as errors for d in (query, filters, sort, fields): if d: raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(d.keys()) # These are here for backward compatibility, in the future, these # should be removed and the corresponding association_spec and unit_spec # properties should be used if association_filters: _compile_regexs_for_not(association_filters) if unit_filters: _compile_regexs_for_not(unit_filters) return cls(type_ids=type_ids, association_filters=association_filters, unit_filters=unit_filters, association_sort=association_sort, unit_sort=unit_sort, limit=limit, skip=skip, association_fields=association_fields, unit_fields=unit_fields, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates) @property def association_spec(self): if self.association_filters is None: return None association_spec = copy.copy(self.association_filters) _compile_regexs_for_not(association_spec) return association_spec @property def unit_spec(self): if self.unit_filters is None: return None unit_spec = copy.copy(self.unit_filters) _compile_regexs_for_not(unit_spec) return unit_spec def __str__(self): s = '' if self.type_ids: s += 'Type IDs [%s] ' % self.type_ids if self.association_filters: s += 'Assoc Filters [%s] ' % self.association_filters if self.unit_filters is not None: s += 'Unit Filters [%s] ' % self.unit_filters if self.association_sort is not None: s += 'Assoc Sort [%s] ' % self.association_sort if self.unit_sort is not None: s += 'Unit Sort [%s] ' % self.unit_sort if self.limit: s += 'Limit [%s] ' % self.limit if self.skip: s += 'Skip [%s] ' % self.skip if self.association_fields: s += 'Assoc Fields [%s] ' % self.association_fields if self.unit_fields: s += 'Unit Fields [%s] ' % self.unit_fields s += 'Remove Duplicates [%s]' % self.remove_duplicates return s def _validate_filters(filters): if filters is None: return None if not isinstance(filters, dict): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['filters']) return filters def _validate_sort(sort): """ @type sort: list, tuple @rtype: tuple """ if sort is None: return None if not isinstance(sort, (list, tuple)): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['sort']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] try: valid_sort = [] for entry in sort: if not isinstance(entry[0], basestring): raise TypeError('Invalid field name [%s]' % str(entry[0])) flag = str(entry[1]).lower() direction = None if flag in ('ascending', '1'): direction = pymongo.ASCENDING if flag in ('descending', '-1'): direction = pymongo.DESCENDING if direction is None: raise ValueError('Invalid sort direction [%s]' % flag) valid_sort.append((entry[0], direction)) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['sort']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] else: return valid_sort def _validate_limit(limit): if isinstance(limit, bool): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['limit']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] if limit is None: return None try: limit = int(limit) if limit < 1: raise TypeError() except (TypeError, ValueError): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['limit']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] else: return limit def _validate_skip(skip): if isinstance(skip, bool): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['skip']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] if skip is None: return None try: skip = int(skip) if skip < 0: raise TypeError() except (TypeError, ValueError): raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['skip']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] else: return skip def _validate_fields(fields): if fields is None: return None try: if isinstance(fields, (basestring, dict)): raise TypeError fields = list(fields) for f in fields: if not isinstance(f, basestring): raise TypeError() except TypeError: raise pulp_exceptions.InvalidValue(['fields']), None, sys.exc_info()[2] return fields def _compile_regexs_for_not(spec): if not isinstance(spec, (dict, list, tuple)): return if isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)): map(_compile_regexs_for_not, spec) return for key, value in spec.items(): if key == '$not' and isinstance(value, basestring): spec[key] = re.compile(value) _compile_regexs_for_not(value)
# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. r"""Code to validate and convert settings of the Microsoft build tools. This file contains code to validate and convert settings of the Microsoft build tools. The function ConvertToMSBuildSettings(), ValidateMSVSSettings(), and ValidateMSBuildSettings() are the entry points. This file was created by comparing the projects created by Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 for all available settings through the user interface. The MSBuild schemas were also considered. They are typically found in the MSBuild install directory, e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild """ import sys import re # Dictionaries of settings validators. The key is the tool name, the value is # a dictionary mapping setting names to validation functions. _msvs_validators = {} _msbuild_validators = {} # A dictionary of settings converters. The key is the tool name, the value is # a dictionary mapping setting names to conversion functions. _msvs_to_msbuild_converters = {} # Tool name mapping from MSVS to MSBuild. _msbuild_name_of_tool = {} class _Tool(object): """Represents a tool used by MSVS or MSBuild. Attributes: msvs_name: The name of the tool in MSVS. msbuild_name: The name of the tool in MSBuild. """ def __init__(self, msvs_name, msbuild_name): self.msvs_name = msvs_name self.msbuild_name = msbuild_name def _AddTool(tool): """Adds a tool to the four dictionaries used to process settings. This only defines the tool. Each setting also needs to be added. Args: tool: The _Tool object to be added. """ _msvs_validators[tool.msvs_name] = {} _msbuild_validators[tool.msbuild_name] = {} _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name] = {} _msbuild_name_of_tool[tool.msvs_name] = tool.msbuild_name def _GetMSBuildToolSettings(msbuild_settings, tool): """Returns an MSBuild tool dictionary. Creates it if needed.""" return msbuild_settings.setdefault(tool.msbuild_name, {}) class _Type(object): """Type of settings (Base class).""" def ValidateMSVS(self, value): """Verifies that the value is legal for MSVS. Args: value: the value to check for this type. Raises: ValueError if value is not valid for MSVS. """ def ValidateMSBuild(self, value): """Verifies that the value is legal for MSBuild. Args: value: the value to check for this type. Raises: ValueError if value is not valid for MSBuild. """ def ConvertToMSBuild(self, value): """Returns the MSBuild equivalent of the MSVS value given. Args: value: the MSVS value to convert. Returns: the MSBuild equivalent. Raises: ValueError if value is not valid. """ return value class _String(_Type): """A setting that's just a string.""" def ValidateMSVS(self, value): if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise ValueError('expected string; got %r' % value) def ValidateMSBuild(self, value): if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise ValueError('expected string; got %r' % value) def ConvertToMSBuild(self, value): # Convert the macros return ConvertVCMacrosToMSBuild(value) class _StringList(_Type): """A settings that's a list of strings.""" def ValidateMSVS(self, value): if not isinstance(value, basestring) and not isinstance(value, list): raise ValueError('expected string list; got %r' % value) def ValidateMSBuild(self, value): if not isinstance(value, basestring) and not isinstance(value, list): raise ValueError('expected string list; got %r' % value) def ConvertToMSBuild(self, value): # Convert the macros if isinstance(value, list): return [ConvertVCMacrosToMSBuild(i) for i in value] else: return ConvertVCMacrosToMSBuild(value) class _Boolean(_Type): """Boolean settings, can have the values 'false' or 'true'.""" def _Validate(self, value): if value != 'true' and value != 'false': raise ValueError('expected bool; got %r' % value) def ValidateMSVS(self, value): self._Validate(value) def ValidateMSBuild(self, value): self._Validate(value) def ConvertToMSBuild(self, value): self._Validate(value) return value class _Integer(_Type): """Integer settings.""" def __init__(self, msbuild_base=10): _Type.__init__(self) self._msbuild_base = msbuild_base def ValidateMSVS(self, value): # Try to convert, this will raise ValueError if invalid. self.ConvertToMSBuild(value) def ValidateMSBuild(self, value): # Try to convert, this will raise ValueError if invalid. int(value, self._msbuild_base) def ConvertToMSBuild(self, value): msbuild_format = (self._msbuild_base == 10) and '%d' or '0x%04x' return msbuild_format % int(value) class _Enumeration(_Type): """Type of settings that is an enumeration. In MSVS, the values are indexes like '0', '1', and '2'. MSBuild uses text labels that are more representative, like 'Win32'. Constructor args: label_list: an array of MSBuild labels that correspond to the MSVS index. In the rare cases where MSVS has skipped an index value, None is used in the array to indicate the unused spot. new: an array of labels that are new to MSBuild. """ def __init__(self, label_list, new=None): _Type.__init__(self) self._label_list = label_list self._msbuild_values = set(value for value in label_list if value is not None) if new is not None: self._msbuild_values.update(new) def ValidateMSVS(self, value): # Try to convert. It will raise an exception if not valid. self.ConvertToMSBuild(value) def ValidateMSBuild(self, value): if value not in self._msbuild_values: raise ValueError('unrecognized enumerated value %s' % value) def ConvertToMSBuild(self, value): index = int(value) if index < 0 or index >= len(self._label_list): raise ValueError('index value (%d) not in expected range [0, %d)' % (index, len(self._label_list))) label = self._label_list[index] if label is None: raise ValueError('converted value for %s not specified.' % value) return label # Instantiate the various generic types. _boolean = _Boolean() _integer = _Integer() # For now, we don't do any special validation on these types: _string = _String() _file_name = _String() _folder_name = _String() _file_list = _StringList() _folder_list = _StringList() _string_list = _StringList() # Some boolean settings went from numerical values to boolean. The # mapping is 0: default, 1: false, 2: true. _newly_boolean = _Enumeration(['', 'false', 'true']) def _Same(tool, name, setting_type): """Defines a setting that has the same name in MSVS and MSBuild. Args: tool: a dictionary that gives the names of the tool for MSVS and MSBuild. name: the name of the setting. setting_type: the type of this setting. """ _Renamed(tool, name, name, setting_type) def _Renamed(tool, msvs_name, msbuild_name, setting_type): """Defines a setting for which the name has changed. Args: tool: a dictionary that gives the names of the tool for MSVS and MSBuild. msvs_name: the name of the MSVS setting. msbuild_name: the name of the MSBuild setting. setting_type: the type of this setting. """ def _Translate(value, msbuild_settings): msbuild_tool_settings = _GetMSBuildToolSettings(msbuild_settings, tool) msbuild_tool_settings[msbuild_name] = setting_type.ConvertToMSBuild(value) _msvs_validators[tool.msvs_name][msvs_name] = setting_type.ValidateMSVS _msbuild_validators[tool.msbuild_name][msbuild_name] = ( setting_type.ValidateMSBuild) _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name][msvs_name] = _Translate def _Moved(tool, settings_name, msbuild_tool_name, setting_type): _MovedAndRenamed(tool, settings_name, msbuild_tool_name, settings_name, setting_type) def _MovedAndRenamed(tool, msvs_settings_name, msbuild_tool_name, msbuild_settings_name, setting_type): """Defines a setting that may have moved to a new section. Args: tool: a dictionary that gives the names of the tool for MSVS and MSBuild. msvs_settings_name: the MSVS name of the setting. msbuild_tool_name: the name of the MSBuild tool to place the setting under. msbuild_settings_name: the MSBuild name of the setting. setting_type: the type of this setting. """ def _Translate(value, msbuild_settings): tool_settings = msbuild_settings.setdefault(msbuild_tool_name, {}) tool_settings[msbuild_settings_name] = setting_type.ConvertToMSBuild(value) _msvs_validators[tool.msvs_name][msvs_settings_name] = ( setting_type.ValidateMSVS) validator = setting_type.ValidateMSBuild _msbuild_validators[msbuild_tool_name][msbuild_settings_name] = validator _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name][msvs_settings_name] = _Translate def _MSVSOnly(tool, name, setting_type): """Defines a setting that is only found in MSVS. Args: tool: a dictionary that gives the names of the tool for MSVS and MSBuild. name: the name of the setting. setting_type: the type of this setting. """ def _Translate(unused_value, unused_msbuild_settings): # Since this is for MSVS only settings, no translation will happen. pass _msvs_validators[tool.msvs_name][name] = setting_type.ValidateMSVS _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name][name] = _Translate def _MSBuildOnly(tool, name, setting_type): """Defines a setting that is only found in MSBuild. Args: tool: a dictionary that gives the names of the tool for MSVS and MSBuild. name: the name of the setting. setting_type: the type of this setting. """ def _Translate(value, msbuild_settings): # Let msbuild-only properties get translated as-is from msvs_settings. tool_settings = msbuild_settings.setdefault(tool.msbuild_name, {}) tool_settings[name] = value _msbuild_validators[tool.msbuild_name][name] = setting_type.ValidateMSBuild _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name][name] = _Translate def _ConvertedToAdditionalOption(tool, msvs_name, flag): """Defines a setting that's handled via a command line option in MSBuild. Args: tool: a dictionary that gives the names of the tool for MSVS and MSBuild. msvs_name: the name of the MSVS setting that if 'true' becomes a flag flag: the flag to insert at the end of the AdditionalOptions """ def _Translate(value, msbuild_settings): if value == 'true': tool_settings = _GetMSBuildToolSettings(msbuild_settings, tool) if 'AdditionalOptions' in tool_settings: new_flags = '%s %s' % (tool_settings['AdditionalOptions'], flag) else: new_flags = flag tool_settings['AdditionalOptions'] = new_flags _msvs_validators[tool.msvs_name][msvs_name] = _boolean.ValidateMSVS _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name][msvs_name] = _Translate def _CustomGeneratePreprocessedFile(tool, msvs_name): def _Translate(value, msbuild_settings): tool_settings = _GetMSBuildToolSettings(msbuild_settings, tool) if value == '0': tool_settings['PreprocessToFile'] = 'false' tool_settings['PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers'] = 'false' elif value == '1': # /P tool_settings['PreprocessToFile'] = 'true' tool_settings['PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers'] = 'false' elif value == '2': # /EP /P tool_settings['PreprocessToFile'] = 'true' tool_settings['PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers'] = 'true' else: raise ValueError('value must be one of [0, 1, 2]; got %s' % value) # Create a bogus validator that looks for '0', '1', or '2' msvs_validator = _Enumeration(['a', 'b', 'c']).ValidateMSVS _msvs_validators[tool.msvs_name][msvs_name] = msvs_validator msbuild_validator = _boolean.ValidateMSBuild msbuild_tool_validators = _msbuild_validators[tool.msbuild_name] msbuild_tool_validators['PreprocessToFile'] = msbuild_validator msbuild_tool_validators['PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers'] = msbuild_validator _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[tool.msvs_name][msvs_name] = _Translate fix_vc_macro_slashes_regex_list = ('IntDir', 'OutDir') fix_vc_macro_slashes_regex = re.compile( r'(\$\((?:%s)\))(?:[\\/]+)' % "|".join(fix_vc_macro_slashes_regex_list) ) # Regular expression to detect keys that were generated by exclusion lists _EXCLUDED_SUFFIX_RE = re.compile('^(.*)_excluded$') def _ValidateExclusionSetting(setting, settings, error_msg, stderr=sys.stderr): """Verify that 'setting' is valid if it is generated from an exclusion list. If the setting appears to be generated from an exclusion list, the root name is checked. Args: setting: A string that is the setting name to validate settings: A dictionary where the keys are valid settings error_msg: The message to emit in the event of error stderr: The stream receiving the error messages. """ # This may be unrecognized because it's an exclusion list. If the # setting name has the _excluded suffix, then check the root name. unrecognized = True m = re.match(_EXCLUDED_SUFFIX_RE, setting) if m: root_setting = unrecognized = root_setting not in settings if unrecognized: # We don't know this setting. Give a warning. print >> stderr, error_msg def FixVCMacroSlashes(s): """Replace macros which have excessive following slashes. These macros are known to have a built-in trailing slash. Furthermore, many scripts hiccup on processing paths with extra slashes in the middle. This list is probably not exhaustive. Add as needed. """ if '$' in s: s = fix_vc_macro_slashes_regex.sub(r'\1', s) return s def ConvertVCMacrosToMSBuild(s): """Convert the the MSVS macros found in the string to the MSBuild equivalent. This list is probably not exhaustive. Add as needed. """ if '$' in s: replace_map = { '$(ConfigurationName)': '$(Configuration)', '$(InputDir)': '%(RelativeDir)', '$(InputExt)': '%(Extension)', '$(InputFileName)': '%(Filename)%(Extension)', '$(InputName)': '%(Filename)', '$(InputPath)': '%(Identity)', '$(ParentName)': '$(ProjectFileName)', '$(PlatformName)': '$(Platform)', '$(SafeInputName)': '%(Filename)', } for old, new in replace_map.iteritems(): s = s.replace(old, new) s = FixVCMacroSlashes(s) return s def ConvertToMSBuildSettings(msvs_settings, stderr=sys.stderr): """Converts MSVS settings (VS2008 and earlier) to MSBuild settings (VS2010+). Args: msvs_settings: A dictionary. The key is the tool name. The values are themselves dictionaries of settings and their values. stderr: The stream receiving the error messages. Returns: A dictionary of MSBuild settings. The key is either the MSBuild tool name or the empty string (for the global settings). The values are themselves dictionaries of settings and their values. """ msbuild_settings = {} for msvs_tool_name, msvs_tool_settings in msvs_settings.iteritems(): if msvs_tool_name in _msvs_to_msbuild_converters: msvs_tool = _msvs_to_msbuild_converters[msvs_tool_name] for msvs_setting, msvs_value in msvs_tool_settings.iteritems(): if msvs_setting in msvs_tool: # Invoke the translation function. try: msvs_tool[msvs_setting](msvs_value, msbuild_settings) except ValueError, e: print >> stderr, ('Warning: while converting %s/%s to MSBuild, ' '%s' % (msvs_tool_name, msvs_setting, e)) else: _ValidateExclusionSetting(msvs_setting, msvs_tool, ('Warning: unrecognized setting %s/%s ' 'while converting to MSBuild.' % (msvs_tool_name, msvs_setting)), stderr) else: print >> stderr, ('Warning: unrecognized tool %s while converting to ' 'MSBuild.' % msvs_tool_name) return msbuild_settings def ValidateMSVSSettings(settings, stderr=sys.stderr): """Validates that the names of the settings are valid for MSVS. Args: settings: A dictionary. The key is the tool name. The values are themselves dictionaries of settings and their values. stderr: The stream receiving the error messages. """ _ValidateSettings(_msvs_validators, settings, stderr) def ValidateMSBuildSettings(settings, stderr=sys.stderr): """Validates that the names of the settings are valid for MSBuild. Args: settings: A dictionary. The key is the tool name. The values are themselves dictionaries of settings and their values. stderr: The stream receiving the error messages. """ _ValidateSettings(_msbuild_validators, settings, stderr) def _ValidateSettings(validators, settings, stderr): """Validates that the settings are valid for MSBuild or MSVS. We currently only validate the names of the settings, not their values. Args: validators: A dictionary of tools and their validators. settings: A dictionary. The key is the tool name. The values are themselves dictionaries of settings and their values. stderr: The stream receiving the error messages. """ for tool_name in settings: if tool_name in validators: tool_validators = validators[tool_name] for setting, value in settings[tool_name].iteritems(): if setting in tool_validators: try: tool_validators[setting](value) except ValueError, e: print >> stderr, ('Warning: for %s/%s, %s' % (tool_name, setting, e)) else: _ValidateExclusionSetting(setting, tool_validators, ('Warning: unrecognized setting %s/%s' % (tool_name, setting)), stderr) else: print >> stderr, ('Warning: unrecognized tool %s' % tool_name) # MSVS and MBuild names of the tools. _compile = _Tool('VCCLCompilerTool', 'ClCompile') _link = _Tool('VCLinkerTool', 'Link') _midl = _Tool('VCMIDLTool', 'Midl') _rc = _Tool('VCResourceCompilerTool', 'ResourceCompile') _lib = _Tool('VCLibrarianTool', 'Lib') _manifest = _Tool('VCManifestTool', 'Manifest') _masm = _Tool('MASM', 'MASM') _AddTool(_compile) _AddTool(_link) _AddTool(_midl) _AddTool(_rc) _AddTool(_lib) _AddTool(_manifest) _AddTool(_masm) # Add sections only found in the MSBuild settings. _msbuild_validators[''] = {} _msbuild_validators['ProjectReference'] = {} _msbuild_validators['ManifestResourceCompile'] = {} # Descriptions of the compiler options, i.e. VCCLCompilerTool in MSVS and # ClCompile in MSBuild. # See "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\1033\cl.xml" for # the schema of the MSBuild ClCompile settings. # Options that have the same name in MSVS and MSBuild _Same(_compile, 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories', _folder_list) # /I _Same(_compile, 'AdditionalOptions', _string_list) _Same(_compile, 'AdditionalUsingDirectories', _folder_list) # /AI _Same(_compile, 'AssemblerListingLocation', _file_name) # /Fa _Same(_compile, 'BrowseInformationFile', _file_name) _Same(_compile, 'BufferSecurityCheck', _boolean) # /GS _Same(_compile, 'DisableLanguageExtensions', _boolean) # /Za _Same(_compile, 'DisableSpecificWarnings', _string_list) # /wd _Same(_compile, 'EnableFiberSafeOptimizations', _boolean) # /GT _Same(_compile, 'EnablePREfast', _boolean) # /analyze Visible='false' _Same(_compile, 'ExpandAttributedSource', _boolean) # /Fx _Same(_compile, 'FloatingPointExceptions', _boolean) # /fp:except _Same(_compile, 'ForceConformanceInForLoopScope', _boolean) # /Zc:forScope _Same(_compile, 'ForcedIncludeFiles', _file_list) # /FI _Same(_compile, 'ForcedUsingFiles', _file_list) # /FU _Same(_compile, 'GenerateXMLDocumentationFiles', _boolean) # /doc _Same(_compile, 'IgnoreStandardIncludePath', _boolean) # /X _Same(_compile, 'MinimalRebuild', _boolean) # /Gm _Same(_compile, 'OmitDefaultLibName', _boolean) # /Zl _Same(_compile, 'OmitFramePointers', _boolean) # /Oy _Same(_compile, 'PreprocessorDefinitions', _string_list) # /D _Same(_compile, 'ProgramDataBaseFileName', _file_name) # /Fd _Same(_compile, 'RuntimeTypeInfo', _boolean) # /GR _Same(_compile, 'ShowIncludes', _boolean) # /showIncludes _Same(_compile, 'SmallerTypeCheck', _boolean) # /RTCc _Same(_compile, 'StringPooling', _boolean) # /GF _Same(_compile, 'SuppressStartupBanner', _boolean) # /nologo _Same(_compile, 'TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType', _boolean) # /Zc:wchar_t _Same(_compile, 'UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions', _boolean) # /u _Same(_compile, 'UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions', _string_list) # /U _Same(_compile, 'UseFullPaths', _boolean) # /FC _Same(_compile, 'WholeProgramOptimization', _boolean) # /GL _Same(_compile, 'XMLDocumentationFileName', _file_name) _Same(_compile, 'AssemblerOutput', _Enumeration(['NoListing', 'AssemblyCode', # /FA 'All', # /FAcs 'AssemblyAndMachineCode', # /FAc 'AssemblyAndSourceCode'])) # /FAs _Same(_compile, 'BasicRuntimeChecks', _Enumeration(['Default', 'StackFrameRuntimeCheck', # /RTCs 'UninitializedLocalUsageCheck', # /RTCu 'EnableFastChecks'])) # /RTC1 _Same(_compile, 'BrowseInformation', _Enumeration(['false', 'true', # /FR 'true'])) # /Fr _Same(_compile, 'CallingConvention', _Enumeration(['Cdecl', # /Gd 'FastCall', # /Gr 'StdCall', # /Gz 'VectorCall'])) # /Gv _Same(_compile, 'CompileAs', _Enumeration(['Default', 'CompileAsC', # /TC 'CompileAsCpp'])) # /TP _Same(_compile, 'DebugInformationFormat', _Enumeration(['', # Disabled 'OldStyle', # /Z7 None, 'ProgramDatabase', # /Zi 'EditAndContinue'])) # /ZI _Same(_compile, 'EnableEnhancedInstructionSet', _Enumeration(['NotSet', 'StreamingSIMDExtensions', # /arch:SSE 'StreamingSIMDExtensions2', # /arch:SSE2 'AdvancedVectorExtensions', # /arch:AVX (vs2012+) 'NoExtensions', # /arch:IA32 (vs2012+) # This one only exists in the new msbuild format. 'AdvancedVectorExtensions2', # /arch:AVX2 (vs2013r2+) ])) _Same(_compile, 'ErrorReporting', _Enumeration(['None', # /errorReport:none 'Prompt', # /errorReport:prompt 'Queue'], # /errorReport:queue new=['Send'])) # /errorReport:send" _Same(_compile, 'ExceptionHandling', _Enumeration(['false', 'Sync', # /EHsc 'Async'], # /EHa new=['SyncCThrow'])) # /EHs _Same(_compile, 'FavorSizeOrSpeed', _Enumeration(['Neither', 'Speed', # /Ot 'Size'])) # /Os _Same(_compile, 'FloatingPointModel', _Enumeration(['Precise', # /fp:precise 'Strict', # /fp:strict 'Fast'])) # /fp:fast _Same(_compile, 'InlineFunctionExpansion', _Enumeration(['Default', 'OnlyExplicitInline', # /Ob1 'AnySuitable'], # /Ob2 new=['Disabled'])) # /Ob0 _Same(_compile, 'Optimization', _Enumeration(['Disabled', # /Od 'MinSpace', # /O1 'MaxSpeed', # /O2 'Full'])) # /Ox _Same(_compile, 'RuntimeLibrary', _Enumeration(['MultiThreaded', # /MT 'MultiThreadedDebug', # /MTd 'MultiThreadedDLL', # /MD 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL'])) # /MDd _Same(_compile, 'StructMemberAlignment', _Enumeration(['Default', '1Byte', # /Zp1 '2Bytes', # /Zp2 '4Bytes', # /Zp4 '8Bytes', # /Zp8 '16Bytes'])) # /Zp16 _Same(_compile, 'WarningLevel', _Enumeration(['TurnOffAllWarnings', # /W0 'Level1', # /W1 'Level2', # /W2 'Level3', # /W3 'Level4'], # /W4 new=['EnableAllWarnings'])) # /Wall # Options found in MSVS that have been renamed in MSBuild. _Renamed(_compile, 'EnableFunctionLevelLinking', 'FunctionLevelLinking', _boolean) # /Gy _Renamed(_compile, 'EnableIntrinsicFunctions', 'IntrinsicFunctions', _boolean) # /Oi _Renamed(_compile, 'KeepComments', 'PreprocessKeepComments', _boolean) # /C _Renamed(_compile, 'ObjectFile', 'ObjectFileName', _file_name) # /Fo _Renamed(_compile, 'OpenMP', 'OpenMPSupport', _boolean) # /openmp _Renamed(_compile, 'PrecompiledHeaderThrough', 'PrecompiledHeaderFile', _file_name) # Used with /Yc and /Yu _Renamed(_compile, 'PrecompiledHeaderFile', 'PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile', _file_name) # /Fp _Renamed(_compile, 'UsePrecompiledHeader', 'PrecompiledHeader', _Enumeration(['NotUsing', # VS recognized '' for this value too. 'Create', # /Yc 'Use'])) # /Yu _Renamed(_compile, 'WarnAsError', 'TreatWarningAsError', _boolean) # /WX _ConvertedToAdditionalOption(_compile, 'DefaultCharIsUnsigned', '/J') # MSVS options not found in MSBuild. _MSVSOnly(_compile, 'Detect64BitPortabilityProblems', _boolean) _MSVSOnly(_compile, 'UseUnicodeResponseFiles', _boolean) # MSBuild options not found in MSVS. _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'BuildingInIDE', _boolean) _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'CompileAsManaged', _Enumeration([], new=['false', 'true'])) # /clr _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'CreateHotpatchableImage', _boolean) # /hotpatch _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'MultiProcessorCompilation', _boolean) # /MP _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'PreprocessOutputPath', _string) # /Fi _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'ProcessorNumber', _integer) # the number of processors _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'TrackerLogDirectory', _folder_name) _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'TreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors', _string_list) # /we _MSBuildOnly(_compile, 'UseUnicodeForAssemblerListing', _boolean) # /FAu # Defines a setting that needs very customized processing _CustomGeneratePreprocessedFile(_compile, 'GeneratePreprocessedFile') # Directives for converting MSVS VCLinkerTool to MSBuild Link. # See "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\1033\link.xml" for # the schema of the MSBuild Link settings. # Options that have the same name in MSVS and MSBuild _Same(_link, 'AdditionalDependencies', _file_list) _Same(_link, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories', _folder_list) # /LIBPATH # /MANIFESTDEPENDENCY: _Same(_link, 'AdditionalManifestDependencies', _file_list) _Same(_link, 'AdditionalOptions', _string_list) _Same(_link, 'AddModuleNamesToAssembly', _file_list) # /ASSEMBLYMODULE _Same(_link, 'AllowIsolation', _boolean) # /ALLOWISOLATION _Same(_link, 'AssemblyLinkResource', _file_list) # /ASSEMBLYLINKRESOURCE _Same(_link, 'BaseAddress', _string) # /BASE _Same(_link, 'CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck', _boolean) # /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECK _Same(_link, 'DelayLoadDLLs', _file_list) # /DELAYLOAD _Same(_link, 'DelaySign', _boolean) # /DELAYSIGN _Same(_link, 'EmbedManagedResourceFile', _file_list) # /ASSEMBLYRESOURCE _Same(_link, 'EnableUAC', _boolean) # /MANIFESTUAC _Same(_link, 'EntryPointSymbol', _string) # /ENTRY _Same(_link, 'ForceSymbolReferences', _file_list) # /INCLUDE _Same(_link, 'FunctionOrder', _file_name) # /ORDER _Same(_link, 'GenerateDebugInformation', _boolean) # /DEBUG _Same(_link, 'GenerateMapFile', _boolean) # /MAP _Same(_link, 'HeapCommitSize', _string) _Same(_link, 'HeapReserveSize', _string) # /HEAP _Same(_link, 'IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries', _boolean) # /NODEFAULTLIB _Same(_link, 'IgnoreEmbeddedIDL', _boolean) # /IGNOREIDL _Same(_link, 'ImportLibrary', _file_name) # /IMPLIB _Same(_link, 'KeyContainer', _file_name) # /KEYCONTAINER _Same(_link, 'KeyFile', _file_name) # /KEYFILE _Same(_link, 'ManifestFile', _file_name) # /ManifestFile _Same(_link, 'MapExports', _boolean) # /MAPINFO:EXPORTS _Same(_link, 'MapFileName', _file_name) _Same(_link, 'MergedIDLBaseFileName', _file_name) # /IDLOUT _Same(_link, 'MergeSections', _string) # /MERGE _Same(_link, 'MidlCommandFile', _file_name) # /MIDL _Same(_link, 'ModuleDefinitionFile', _file_name) # /DEF _Same(_link, 'OutputFile', _file_name) # /OUT _Same(_link, 'PerUserRedirection', _boolean) _Same(_link, 'Profile', _boolean) # /PROFILE _Same(_link, 'ProfileGuidedDatabase', _file_name) # /PGD _Same(_link, 'ProgramDatabaseFile', _file_name) # /PDB _Same(_link, 'RegisterOutput', _boolean) _Same(_link, 'SetChecksum', _boolean) # /RELEASE _Same(_link, 'StackCommitSize', _string) _Same(_link, 'StackReserveSize', _string) # /STACK _Same(_link, 'StripPrivateSymbols', _file_name) # /PDBSTRIPPED _Same(_link, 'SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL', _boolean) # /DELAY:UNLOAD _Same(_link, 'SuppressStartupBanner', _boolean) # /NOLOGO _Same(_link, 'SwapRunFromCD', _boolean) # /SWAPRUN:CD _Same(_link, 'TurnOffAssemblyGeneration', _boolean) # /NOASSEMBLY _Same(_link, 'TypeLibraryFile', _file_name) # /TLBOUT _Same(_link, 'TypeLibraryResourceID', _integer) # /TLBID _Same(_link, 'UACUIAccess', _boolean) # /uiAccess='true' _Same(_link, 'Version', _string) # /VERSION _Same(_link, 'EnableCOMDATFolding', _newly_boolean) # /OPT:ICF _Same(_link, 'FixedBaseAddress', _newly_boolean) # /FIXED _Same(_link, 'LargeAddressAware', _newly_boolean) # /LARGEADDRESSAWARE _Same(_link, 'OptimizeReferences', _newly_boolean) # /OPT:REF _Same(_link, 'RandomizedBaseAddress', _newly_boolean) # /DYNAMICBASE _Same(_link, 'TerminalServerAware', _newly_boolean) # /TSAWARE _subsystem_enumeration = _Enumeration( ['NotSet', 'Console', # /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE 'Windows', # /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS 'Native', # /SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE 'EFI Application', # /SUBSYSTEM:EFI_APPLICATION 'EFI Boot Service Driver', # /SUBSYSTEM:EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER 'EFI ROM', # /SUBSYSTEM:EFI_ROM 'EFI Runtime', # /SUBSYSTEM:EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER 'WindowsCE'], # /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWSCE new=['POSIX']) # /SUBSYSTEM:POSIX _target_machine_enumeration = _Enumeration( ['NotSet', 'MachineX86', # /MACHINE:X86 None, 'MachineARM', # /MACHINE:ARM 'MachineEBC', # /MACHINE:EBC 'MachineIA64', # /MACHINE:IA64 None, 'MachineMIPS', # /MACHINE:MIPS 'MachineMIPS16', # /MACHINE:MIPS16 'MachineMIPSFPU', # /MACHINE:MIPSFPU 'MachineMIPSFPU16', # /MACHINE:MIPSFPU16 None, None, None, 'MachineSH4', # /MACHINE:SH4 None, 'MachineTHUMB', # /MACHINE:THUMB 'MachineX64']) # /MACHINE:X64 _Same(_link, 'AssemblyDebug', _Enumeration(['', 'true', # /ASSEMBLYDEBUG 'false'])) # /ASSEMBLYDEBUG:DISABLE _Same(_link, 'CLRImageType', _Enumeration(['Default', 'ForceIJWImage', # /CLRIMAGETYPE:IJW 'ForcePureILImage', # /Switch="CLRIMAGETYPE:PURE 'ForceSafeILImage'])) # /Switch="CLRIMAGETYPE:SAFE _Same(_link, 'CLRThreadAttribute', _Enumeration(['DefaultThreadingAttribute', # /CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:NONE 'MTAThreadingAttribute', # /CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:MTA 'STAThreadingAttribute'])) # /CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:STA _Same(_link, 'DataExecutionPrevention', _Enumeration(['', 'false', # /NXCOMPAT:NO 'true'])) # /NXCOMPAT _Same(_link, 'Driver', _Enumeration(['NotSet', 'Driver', # /Driver 'UpOnly', # /DRIVER:UPONLY 'WDM'])) # /DRIVER:WDM _Same(_link, 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration', _Enumeration(['Default', 'UseLinkTimeCodeGeneration', # /LTCG 'PGInstrument', # /LTCG:PGInstrument 'PGOptimization', # /LTCG:PGOptimize 'PGUpdate'])) # /LTCG:PGUpdate _Same(_link, 'ShowProgress', _Enumeration(['NotSet', 'LinkVerbose', # /VERBOSE 'LinkVerboseLib'], # /VERBOSE:Lib new=['LinkVerboseICF', # /VERBOSE:ICF 'LinkVerboseREF', # /VERBOSE:REF 'LinkVerboseSAFESEH', # /VERBOSE:SAFESEH 'LinkVerboseCLR'])) # /VERBOSE:CLR _Same(_link, 'SubSystem', _subsystem_enumeration) _Same(_link, 'TargetMachine', _target_machine_enumeration) _Same(_link, 'UACExecutionLevel', _Enumeration(['AsInvoker', # /level='asInvoker' 'HighestAvailable', # /level='highestAvailable' 'RequireAdministrator'])) # /level='requireAdministrator' _Same(_link, 'MinimumRequiredVersion', _string) _Same(_link, 'TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors', _boolean) # /WX # Options found in MSVS that have been renamed in MSBuild. _Renamed(_link, 'ErrorReporting', 'LinkErrorReporting', _Enumeration(['NoErrorReport', # /ERRORREPORT:NONE 'PromptImmediately', # /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT 'QueueForNextLogin'], # /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE new=['SendErrorReport'])) # /ERRORREPORT:SEND _Renamed(_link, 'IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames', 'IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries', _file_list) # /NODEFAULTLIB _Renamed(_link, 'ResourceOnlyDLL', 'NoEntryPoint', _boolean) # /NOENTRY _Renamed(_link, 'SwapRunFromNet', 'SwapRunFromNET', _boolean) # /SWAPRUN:NET _Moved(_link, 'GenerateManifest', '', _boolean) _Moved(_link, 'IgnoreImportLibrary', '', _boolean) _Moved(_link, 'LinkIncremental', '', _newly_boolean) _Moved(_link, 'LinkLibraryDependencies', 'ProjectReference', _boolean) _Moved(_link, 'UseLibraryDependencyInputs', 'ProjectReference', _boolean) # MSVS options not found in MSBuild. _MSVSOnly(_link, 'OptimizeForWindows98', _newly_boolean) _MSVSOnly(_link, 'UseUnicodeResponseFiles', _boolean) # MSBuild options not found in MSVS. _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'BuildingInIDE', _boolean) _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers', _boolean) # /SAFESEH _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'LinkDLL', _boolean) # /DLL Visible='false' _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'LinkStatus', _boolean) # /LTCG:STATUS _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'PreventDllBinding', _boolean) # /ALLOWBIND _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'SupportNobindOfDelayLoadedDLL', _boolean) # /DELAY:NOBIND _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'TrackerLogDirectory', _folder_name) _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'MSDOSStubFileName', _file_name) # /STUB Visible='false' _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'SectionAlignment', _integer) # /ALIGN _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'SpecifySectionAttributes', _string) # /SECTION _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'ForceFileOutput', _Enumeration([], new=['Enabled', # /FORCE # /FORCE:MULTIPLE 'MultiplyDefinedSymbolOnly', 'UndefinedSymbolOnly'])) # /FORCE:UNRESOLVED _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'CreateHotPatchableImage', _Enumeration([], new=['Enabled', # /FUNCTIONPADMIN 'X86Image', # /FUNCTIONPADMIN:5 'X64Image', # /FUNCTIONPADMIN:6 'ItaniumImage'])) # /FUNCTIONPADMIN:16 _MSBuildOnly(_link, 'CLRSupportLastError', _Enumeration([], new=['Enabled', # /CLRSupportLastError 'Disabled', # /CLRSupportLastError:NO # /CLRSupportLastError:SYSTEMDLL 'SystemDlls'])) # Directives for converting VCResourceCompilerTool to ResourceCompile. # See "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\1033\rc.xml" for # the schema of the MSBuild ResourceCompile settings. _Same(_rc, 'AdditionalOptions', _string_list) _Same(_rc, 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories', _folder_list) # /I _Same(_rc, 'Culture', _Integer(msbuild_base=16)) _Same(_rc, 'IgnoreStandardIncludePath', _boolean) # /X _Same(_rc, 'PreprocessorDefinitions', _string_list) # /D _Same(_rc, 'ResourceOutputFileName', _string) # /fo _Same(_rc, 'ShowProgress', _boolean) # /v # There is no UI in VisualStudio 2008 to set the following properties. # However they are found in CL and other tools. Include them here for # completeness, as they are very likely to have the same usage pattern. _Same(_rc, 'SuppressStartupBanner', _boolean) # /nologo _Same(_rc, 'UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions', _string_list) # /u # MSBuild options not found in MSVS. _MSBuildOnly(_rc, 'NullTerminateStrings', _boolean) # /n _MSBuildOnly(_rc, 'TrackerLogDirectory', _folder_name) # Directives for converting VCMIDLTool to Midl. # See "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\1033\midl.xml" for # the schema of the MSBuild Midl settings. _Same(_midl, 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories', _folder_list) # /I _Same(_midl, 'AdditionalOptions', _string_list) _Same(_midl, 'CPreprocessOptions', _string) # /cpp_opt _Same(_midl, 'ErrorCheckAllocations', _boolean) # /error allocation _Same(_midl, 'ErrorCheckBounds', _boolean) # /error bounds_check _Same(_midl, 'ErrorCheckEnumRange', _boolean) # /error enum _Same(_midl, 'ErrorCheckRefPointers', _boolean) # /error ref _Same(_midl, 'ErrorCheckStubData', _boolean) # /error stub_data _Same(_midl, 'GenerateStublessProxies', _boolean) # /Oicf _Same(_midl, 'GenerateTypeLibrary', _boolean) _Same(_midl, 'HeaderFileName', _file_name) # /h _Same(_midl, 'IgnoreStandardIncludePath', _boolean) # /no_def_idir _Same(_midl, 'InterfaceIdentifierFileName', _file_name) # /iid _Same(_midl, 'MkTypLibCompatible', _boolean) # /mktyplib203 _Same(_midl, 'OutputDirectory', _string) # /out _Same(_midl, 'PreprocessorDefinitions', _string_list) # /D _Same(_midl, 'ProxyFileName', _file_name) # /proxy _Same(_midl, 'RedirectOutputAndErrors', _file_name) # /o _Same(_midl, 'SuppressStartupBanner', _boolean) # /nologo _Same(_midl, 'TypeLibraryName', _file_name) # /tlb _Same(_midl, 'UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions', _string_list) # /U _Same(_midl, 'WarnAsError', _boolean) # /WX _Same(_midl, 'DefaultCharType', _Enumeration(['Unsigned', # /char unsigned 'Signed', # /char signed 'Ascii'])) # /char ascii7 _Same(_midl, 'TargetEnvironment', _Enumeration(['NotSet', 'Win32', # /env win32 'Itanium', # /env ia64 'X64'])) # /env x64 _Same(_midl, 'EnableErrorChecks', _Enumeration(['EnableCustom', 'None', # /error none 'All'])) # /error all _Same(_midl, 'StructMemberAlignment', _Enumeration(['NotSet', '1', # Zp1 '2', # Zp2 '4', # Zp4 '8'])) # Zp8 _Same(_midl, 'WarningLevel', _Enumeration(['0', # /W0 '1', # /W1 '2', # /W2 '3', # /W3 '4'])) # /W4 _Renamed(_midl, 'DLLDataFileName', 'DllDataFileName', _file_name) # /dlldata _Renamed(_midl, 'ValidateParameters', 'ValidateAllParameters', _boolean) # /robust # MSBuild options not found in MSVS. _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'ApplicationConfigurationMode', _boolean) # /app_config _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'ClientStubFile', _file_name) # /cstub _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'GenerateClientFiles', _Enumeration([], new=['Stub', # /client stub 'None'])) # /client none _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'GenerateServerFiles', _Enumeration([], new=['Stub', # /client stub 'None'])) # /client none _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'LocaleID', _integer) # /lcid DECIMAL _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'ServerStubFile', _file_name) # /sstub _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'SuppressCompilerWarnings', _boolean) # /no_warn _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'TrackerLogDirectory', _folder_name) _MSBuildOnly(_midl, 'TypeLibFormat', _Enumeration([], new=['NewFormat', # /newtlb 'OldFormat'])) # /oldtlb # Directives for converting VCLibrarianTool to Lib. # See "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\1033\lib.xml" for # the schema of the MSBuild Lib settings. _Same(_lib, 'AdditionalDependencies', _file_list) _Same(_lib, 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories', _folder_list) # /LIBPATH _Same(_lib, 'AdditionalOptions', _string_list) _Same(_lib, 'ExportNamedFunctions', _string_list) # /EXPORT _Same(_lib, 'ForceSymbolReferences', _string) # /INCLUDE _Same(_lib, 'IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries', _boolean) # /NODEFAULTLIB _Same(_lib, 'IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries', _file_list) # /NODEFAULTLIB _Same(_lib, 'ModuleDefinitionFile', _file_name) # /DEF _Same(_lib, 'OutputFile', _file_name) # /OUT _Same(_lib, 'SuppressStartupBanner', _boolean) # /NOLOGO _Same(_lib, 'UseUnicodeResponseFiles', _boolean) _Same(_lib, 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration', _boolean) # /LTCG _Same(_lib, 'TargetMachine', _target_machine_enumeration) # TODO(jeanluc) _link defines the same value that gets moved to # ProjectReference. We may want to validate that they are consistent. _Moved(_lib, 'LinkLibraryDependencies', 'ProjectReference', _boolean) _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'DisplayLibrary', _string) # /LIST Visible='false' _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'ErrorReporting', _Enumeration([], new=['PromptImmediately', # /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT 'QueueForNextLogin', # /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE 'SendErrorReport', # /ERRORREPORT:SEND 'NoErrorReport'])) # /ERRORREPORT:NONE _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'MinimumRequiredVersion', _string) _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'Name', _file_name) # /NAME _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'RemoveObjects', _file_list) # /REMOVE _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'SubSystem', _subsystem_enumeration) _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'TrackerLogDirectory', _folder_name) _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'TreatLibWarningAsErrors', _boolean) # /WX _MSBuildOnly(_lib, 'Verbose', _boolean) # Directives for converting VCManifestTool to Mt. # See "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\1033\mt.xml" for # the schema of the MSBuild Lib settings. # Options that have the same name in MSVS and MSBuild _Same(_manifest, 'AdditionalManifestFiles', _file_list) # /manifest _Same(_manifest, 'AdditionalOptions', _string_list) _Same(_manifest, 'AssemblyIdentity', _string) # /identity: _Same(_manifest, 'ComponentFileName', _file_name) # /dll _Same(_manifest, 'GenerateCatalogFiles', _boolean) # /makecdfs _Same(_manifest, 'InputResourceManifests', _string) # /inputresource _Same(_manifest, 'OutputManifestFile', _file_name) # /out _Same(_manifest, 'RegistrarScriptFile', _file_name) # /rgs _Same(_manifest, 'ReplacementsFile', _file_name) # /replacements _Same(_manifest, 'SuppressStartupBanner', _boolean) # /nologo _Same(_manifest, 'TypeLibraryFile', _file_name) # /tlb: _Same(_manifest, 'UpdateFileHashes', _boolean) # /hashupdate _Same(_manifest, 'UpdateFileHashesSearchPath', _file_name) _Same(_manifest, 'VerboseOutput', _boolean) # /verbose # Options that have moved location. _MovedAndRenamed(_manifest, 'ManifestResourceFile', 'ManifestResourceCompile', 'ResourceOutputFileName', _file_name) _Moved(_manifest, 'EmbedManifest', '', _boolean) # MSVS options not found in MSBuild. _MSVSOnly(_manifest, 'DependencyInformationFile', _file_name) _MSVSOnly(_manifest, 'UseFAT32Workaround', _boolean) _MSVSOnly(_manifest, 'UseUnicodeResponseFiles', _boolean) # MSBuild options not found in MSVS. _MSBuildOnly(_manifest, 'EnableDPIAwareness', _boolean) _MSBuildOnly(_manifest, 'GenerateCategoryTags', _boolean) # /category _MSBuildOnly(_manifest, 'ManifestFromManagedAssembly', _file_name) # /managedassemblyname _MSBuildOnly(_manifest, 'OutputResourceManifests', _string) # /outputresource _MSBuildOnly(_manifest, 'SuppressDependencyElement', _boolean) # /nodependency _MSBuildOnly(_manifest, 'TrackerLogDirectory', _folder_name) # Directives for MASM. # See "$(VCTargetsPath)\BuildCustomizations\masm.xml" for the schema of the # MSBuild MASM settings. # Options that have the same name in MSVS and MSBuild. _Same(_masm, 'UseSafeExceptionHandlers', _boolean) # /safeseh
import simplejson from lxml import etree from ..exceptions import except_orm from ..models import ( MetaModel, BaseModel, Model, TransientModel, AbstractModel, MAGIC_COLUMNS, LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS, ) # extra definitions for backward compatibility browse_record_list = BaseModel class browse_record(object): """ Pseudo-class for testing record instances """ class __metaclass__(type): def __instancecheck__(self, inst): return isinstance(inst, BaseModel) and len(inst) <= 1 class browse_null(object): """ Pseudo-class for testing null instances """ class __metaclass__(type): def __instancecheck__(self, inst): return isinstance(inst, BaseModel) and not inst def transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers): default_values = {} state_exceptions = {} for attr in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'): state_exceptions[attr] = [] default_values[attr] = bool(field.get(attr)) for state, modifs in (field.get("states",{})).items(): for modif in modifs: if default_values[modif[0]] != modif[1]: state_exceptions[modif[0]].append(state) for attr, default_value in default_values.items(): if state_exceptions[attr]: modifiers[attr] = [("state", "not in" if default_value else "in", state_exceptions[attr])] else: modifiers[attr] = default_value # Don't deal with groups, it is done by check_group(). # Need the context to evaluate the invisible attribute on tree views. # For non-tree views, the context shouldn't be given. def transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers, context=None, in_tree_view=False): if node.get('attrs'): modifiers.update(eval(node.get('attrs'))) if node.get('states'): if 'invisible' in modifiers and isinstance(modifiers['invisible'], list): # TODO combine with AND or OR, use implicit AND for now. modifiers['invisible'].append(('state', 'not in', node.get('states').split(','))) else: modifiers['invisible'] = [('state', 'not in', node.get('states').split(','))] for a in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'): if node.get(a): v = bool(eval(node.get(a), {'context': context or {}})) if in_tree_view and a == 'invisible': # Invisible in a tree view has a specific meaning, make it a # new key in the modifiers attribute. modifiers['tree_invisible'] = v elif v or (a not in modifiers or not isinstance(modifiers[a], list)): # Don't set the attribute to False if a dynamic value was # provided (i.e. a domain from attrs or states). modifiers[a] = v def simplify_modifiers(modifiers): for a in ('invisible', 'readonly', 'required'): if a in modifiers and not modifiers[a]: del modifiers[a] def transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node): if modifiers: simplify_modifiers(modifiers) node.set('modifiers', simplejson.dumps(modifiers)) def setup_modifiers(node, field=None, context=None, in_tree_view=False): """ Processes node attributes and field descriptors to generate the ``modifiers`` node attribute and set it on the provided node. Alters its first argument in-place. :param node: ``field`` node from an OpenERP view :type node: lxml.etree._Element :param dict field: field descriptor corresponding to the provided node :param dict context: execution context used to evaluate node attributes :param bool in_tree_view: triggers the ``tree_invisible`` code path (separate from ``invisible``): in tree view there are two levels of invisibility, cell content (a column is present but the cell itself is not displayed) with ``invisible`` and column invisibility (the whole column is hidden) with ``tree_invisible``. :returns: nothing """ modifiers = {} if field is not None: transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers) transfer_node_to_modifiers( node, modifiers, context=context, in_tree_view=in_tree_view) transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node) def test_modifiers(what, expected): modifiers = {} if isinstance(what, basestring): node = etree.fromstring(what) transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers) simplify_modifiers(modifiers) json = simplejson.dumps(modifiers) assert json == expected, "%s != %s" % (json, expected) elif isinstance(what, dict): transfer_field_to_modifiers(what, modifiers) simplify_modifiers(modifiers) json = simplejson.dumps(modifiers) assert json == expected, "%s != %s" % (json, expected) # To use this test: # import openerp # openerp.osv.orm.modifiers_tests() def modifiers_tests(): test_modifiers('<field name="a"/>', '{}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="1"/>', '{"invisible": true}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" readonly="1"/>', '{"readonly": true}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" required="1"/>', '{"required": true}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="0"/>', '{}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" readonly="0"/>', '{}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" required="0"/>', '{}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="1" required="1"/>', '{"invisible": true, "required": true}') # TODO order is not guaranteed test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="1" required="0"/>', '{"invisible": true}') test_modifiers('<field name="a" invisible="0" required="1"/>', '{"required": true}') test_modifiers("""<field name="a" attrs="{'invisible': [('b', '=', 'c')]}"/>""", '{"invisible": [["b", "=", "c"]]}') # The dictionary is supposed to be the result of fields_get(). test_modifiers({}, '{}') test_modifiers({"invisible": True}, '{"invisible": true}') test_modifiers({"invisible": False}, '{}')
#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2018, Nikhil Jain <> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: tower_settings author: "Nikhil Jain (@jainnikhil30)" version_added: "2.7" short_description: Modify Ansible Tower settings. description: - Modify Ansible Tower settings. See U( for an overview. options: name: description: - Name of setting to modify required: True value: description: - Value to be modified for given setting. required: True extends_documentation_fragment: tower ''' RETURN = ''' # ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Set the value of AWX_PROOT_BASE_PATH tower_settings: name: AWX_PROOT_BASE_PATH value: "/tmp" register: testing_settings - name: Set the value of AWX_PROOT_SHOW_PATHS tower_settings: name: "AWX_PROOT_SHOW_PATHS" value: "'/var/lib/awx/projects/', '/tmp'" register: testing_settings - name: Set the LDAP Auth Bind Password tower_settings: name: "AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD" value: "Password" no_log: true ''' from ansible.module_utils.ansible_tower import TowerModule, tower_auth_config, tower_check_mode try: import tower_cli import tower_cli.exceptions as exc from tower_cli.conf import settings except ImportError: pass def main(): argument_spec = dict( name=dict(required=True), value=dict(required=True), ) module = TowerModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False ) json_output = {} name = module.params.get('name') value = module.params.get('value') tower_auth = tower_auth_config(module) with settings.runtime_values(**tower_auth): tower_check_mode(module) try: setting = tower_cli.get_resource('setting') result = setting.modify(setting=name, value=value) json_output['id'] = result['id'] json_output['value'] = result['value'] except (exc.ConnectionError, exc.BadRequest, exc.AuthError) as excinfo: module.fail_json(msg='Failed to modify the setting: {0}'.format(excinfo), changed=False) json_output['changed'] = result['changed'] module.exit_json(**json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2012, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Tests for handshake._base module.""" import unittest import set_sys_path # Update sys.path to locate mod_pywebsocket module. from mod_pywebsocket.common import ExtensionParameter from mod_pywebsocket.common import ExtensionParsingException from mod_pywebsocket.common import format_extensions from mod_pywebsocket.common import parse_extensions from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import HandshakeException from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import validate_subprotocol class ValidateSubprotocolTest(unittest.TestCase): """A unittest for validate_subprotocol method.""" def test_validate_subprotocol(self): # Should succeed. validate_subprotocol('sample') validate_subprotocol('Sample') validate_subprotocol('sample\x7eprotocol') # Should fail. self.assertRaises(HandshakeException, validate_subprotocol, '') self.assertRaises(HandshakeException, validate_subprotocol, 'sample\x09protocol') self.assertRaises(HandshakeException, validate_subprotocol, 'sample\x19protocol') self.assertRaises(HandshakeException, validate_subprotocol, 'sample\x20protocol') self.assertRaises(HandshakeException, validate_subprotocol, 'sample\x7fprotocol') self.assertRaises(HandshakeException, validate_subprotocol, # "Japan" in Japanese u'\u65e5\u672c') _TEST_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA = [ ('foo', [('foo', [])]), ('foo; bar', [('foo', [('bar', None)])]), ('foo; bar=baz', [('foo', [('bar', 'baz')])]), ('foo; bar=baz; car=cdr', [('foo', [('bar', 'baz'), ('car', 'cdr')])]), ('foo; bar=baz, car; cdr', [('foo', [('bar', 'baz')]), ('car', [('cdr', None)])]), ('a, b, c, d', [('a', []), ('b', []), ('c', []), ('d', [])]), ] _TEST_QUOTED_EXTENSION_DATA = [ ('foo; bar=""', [('foo', [('bar', '')])]), ('foo; bar=" baz "', [('foo', [('bar', ' baz ')])]), ('foo; bar=",baz;"', [('foo', [('bar', ',baz;')])]), ('foo; bar="\\\r\\\nbaz"', [('foo', [('bar', '\r\nbaz')])]), ('foo; bar="\\"baz"', [('foo', [('bar', '"baz')])]), ('foo; bar="\xbbbaz"', [('foo', [('bar', '\xbbbaz')])]), ] _TEST_REDUNDANT_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA = [ ('foo \t ', [('foo', [])]), ('foo; \r\n bar', [('foo', [('bar', None)])]), ('foo; bar=\r\n \r\n baz', [('foo', [('bar', 'baz')])]), ('foo ;bar = baz ', [('foo', [('bar', 'baz')])]), ('foo,bar,,baz', [('foo', []), ('bar', []), ('baz', [])]), ] _TEST_REDUNDANT_QUOTED_EXTENSION_DATA = [ ('foo; bar="\r\n \r\n baz"', [('foo', [('bar', ' baz')])]), ] class ExtensionsParserTest(unittest.TestCase): def _verify_extension_list(self, expected_list, actual_list): """Verifies that ExtensionParameter objects in actual_list have the same members as extension definitions in expected_list. Extension definition used in this test is a pair of an extension name and a parameter dictionary. """ self.assertEqual(len(expected_list), len(actual_list)) for expected, actual in zip(expected_list, actual_list): (name, parameters) = expected self.assertEqual(name, actual._name) self.assertEqual(parameters, actual._parameters) def test_parse(self): for formatted_string, definition in _TEST_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA: self._verify_extension_list( definition, parse_extensions(formatted_string, allow_quoted_string=False)) for formatted_string, unused_definition in _TEST_QUOTED_EXTENSION_DATA: self.assertRaises( ExtensionParsingException, parse_extensions, formatted_string, False) def test_parse_with_allow_quoted_string(self): for formatted_string, definition in _TEST_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA: self._verify_extension_list( definition, parse_extensions(formatted_string, allow_quoted_string=True)) for formatted_string, definition in _TEST_QUOTED_EXTENSION_DATA: self._verify_extension_list( definition, parse_extensions(formatted_string, allow_quoted_string=True)) def test_parse_redundant_data(self): for (formatted_string, definition) in _TEST_REDUNDANT_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA: self._verify_extension_list( definition, parse_extensions(formatted_string, allow_quoted_string=False)) for (formatted_string, definition) in _TEST_REDUNDANT_QUOTED_EXTENSION_DATA: self.assertRaises( ExtensionParsingException, parse_extensions, formatted_string, False) def test_parse_redundant_data_with_allow_quoted_string(self): for (formatted_string, definition) in _TEST_REDUNDANT_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA: self._verify_extension_list( definition, parse_extensions(formatted_string, allow_quoted_string=True)) for (formatted_string, definition) in _TEST_REDUNDANT_QUOTED_EXTENSION_DATA: self._verify_extension_list( definition, parse_extensions(formatted_string, allow_quoted_string=True)) def test_parse_bad_data(self): _TEST_BAD_EXTENSION_DATA = [ ('foo; ; '), ('foo; a a'), ('foo foo'), (',,,'), ('foo; bar='), ('foo; bar="hoge'), ('foo; bar="a\r"'), ('foo; bar="\\\xff"'), ('foo; bar=\ra'), ] for formatted_string in _TEST_BAD_EXTENSION_DATA: self.assertRaises( ExtensionParsingException, parse_extensions, formatted_string) class FormatExtensionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_format_extensions(self): for formatted_string, definitions in _TEST_TOKEN_EXTENSION_DATA: extensions = [] for definition in definitions: (name, parameters) = definition extension = ExtensionParameter(name) extension._parameters = parameters extensions.append(extension) self.assertEqual( formatted_string, format_extensions(extensions)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # vi:sts=4 sw=4 et
import unittest import sys import os import subprocess import shutil from copy import copy from import (run_unittest, TESTFN, unlink, check_warnings, captured_stdout, skip_unless_symlink) import sysconfig from sysconfig import (get_paths, get_platform, get_config_vars, get_path, get_path_names, _INSTALL_SCHEMES, _get_default_scheme, _expand_vars, get_scheme_names, get_config_var, _main) import _osx_support class TestSysConfig(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestSysConfig, self).setUp() self.sys_path = sys.path[:] # patching os.uname if hasattr(os, 'uname'): self.uname = os.uname self._uname = os.uname() else: self.uname = None self._set_uname(('',)*5) os.uname = self._get_uname # saving the environment = self.platform = sys.platform self.version = sys.version self.sep = os.sep self.join = os.path.join self.isabs = os.path.isabs self.splitdrive = os.path.splitdrive self._config_vars = sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS, copy(sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS) self._added_envvars = [] self._changed_envvars = [] for var in ('MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET', 'PATH'): if var in os.environ: self._changed_envvars.append((var, os.environ[var])) else: self._added_envvars.append(var) def tearDown(self): sys.path[:] = self.sys_path self._cleanup_testfn() if self.uname is not None: os.uname = self.uname else: del os.uname = sys.platform = self.platform sys.version = self.version os.sep = self.sep os.path.join = self.join os.path.isabs = self.isabs os.path.splitdrive = self.splitdrive sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS = self._config_vars[0] sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS.clear() sysconfig._CONFIG_VARS.update(self._config_vars[1]) for var, value in self._changed_envvars: os.environ[var] = value for var in self._added_envvars: os.environ.pop(var, None) super(TestSysConfig, self).tearDown() def _set_uname(self, uname): self._uname = os.uname_result(uname) def _get_uname(self): return self._uname def _cleanup_testfn(self): path = TESTFN if os.path.isfile(path): os.remove(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) def test_get_path_names(self): self.assertEqual(get_path_names(), sysconfig._SCHEME_KEYS) def test_get_paths(self): scheme = get_paths() default_scheme = _get_default_scheme() wanted = _expand_vars(default_scheme, None) wanted = sorted(wanted.items()) scheme = sorted(scheme.items()) self.assertEqual(scheme, wanted) def test_get_path(self): # XXX make real tests here for scheme in _INSTALL_SCHEMES: for name in _INSTALL_SCHEMES[scheme]: res = get_path(name, scheme) def test_get_config_vars(self): cvars = get_config_vars() self.assertIsInstance(cvars, dict) self.assertTrue(cvars) def test_get_platform(self): # windows XP, 32bits = 'nt' sys.version = ('2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) ' '[MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]') sys.platform = 'win32' self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'win32') # windows XP, amd64 = 'nt' sys.version = ('2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) ' '[MSC v.1310 32 bit (Amd64)]') sys.platform = 'win32' self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'win-amd64') # windows XP, itanium = 'nt' sys.version = ('2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) ' '[MSC v.1310 32 bit (Itanium)]') sys.platform = 'win32' self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'win-ia64') # macbook = 'posix' sys.version = ('2.5 (r25:51918, Sep 19 2006, 08:49:13) ' '\n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)]') sys.platform = 'darwin' self._set_uname(('Darwin', 'macziade', '8.11.1', ('Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: ' 'Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; ' 'root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386'), 'PowerPC')) _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.3' get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g ' '-fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes') maxint = sys.maxsize try: sys.maxsize = 2147483647 self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.3-ppc') sys.maxsize = 9223372036854775807 self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.3-ppc64') finally: sys.maxsize = maxint self._set_uname(('Darwin', 'macziade', '8.11.1', ('Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.1: ' 'Wed Oct 10 18:23:28 PDT 2007; ' 'root:xnu-792.25.20~1/RELEASE_I386'), 'i386')) _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.3' get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g ' '-fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes') maxint = sys.maxsize try: sys.maxsize = 2147483647 self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.3-i386') sys.maxsize = 9223372036854775807 self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.3-x86_64') finally: sys.maxsize = maxint # macbook with fat binaries (fat, universal or fat64) _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.4' get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot ' '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ' '-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common ' '-dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3') self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.4-fat') _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-arch x86_64 -arch i386 -isysroot ' '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ' '-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common ' '-dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3') self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.4-intel') _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot ' '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ' '-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common ' '-dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3') self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.4-fat3') _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-arch ppc64 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch i386 -isysroot ' '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ' '-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common ' '-dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3') self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.4-universal') _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-arch x86_64 -arch ppc64 -isysroot ' '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ' '-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common ' '-dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3') self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.4-fat64') for arch in ('ppc', 'i386', 'x86_64', 'ppc64'): _osx_support._remove_original_values(get_config_vars()) get_config_vars()['CFLAGS'] = ('-arch %s -isysroot ' '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk ' '-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common ' '-dynamic -DNDEBUG -g -O3' % arch) self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'macosx-10.4-%s' % arch) # linux debian sarge = 'posix' sys.version = ('2.3.5 (#1, Jul 4 2007, 17:28:59) ' '\n[GCC 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)]') sys.platform = 'linux2' self._set_uname(('Linux', 'aglae', '', '#1 Mon Apr 30 17:25:38 CEST 2007', 'i686')) self.assertEqual(get_platform(), 'linux-i686') # XXX more platforms to tests here def test_get_config_h_filename(self): config_h = sysconfig.get_config_h_filename() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(config_h), config_h) def test_get_scheme_names(self): wanted = ('nt', 'nt_user', 'osx_framework_user', 'posix_home', 'posix_prefix', 'posix_user') self.assertEqual(get_scheme_names(), wanted) @skip_unless_symlink def test_symlink(self): # On Windows, the EXE needs to know where pythonXY.dll is at so we have # to add the directory to the path. if sys.platform == "win32": os.environ["PATH"] = "{};{}".format( os.path.dirname(sys.executable), os.environ["PATH"]) # Issue 7880 def get(python): cmd = [python, '-c', 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_platform())'] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ) return p.communicate() real = os.path.realpath(sys.executable) link = os.path.abspath(TESTFN) os.symlink(real, link) try: self.assertEqual(get(real), get(link)) finally: unlink(link) def test_user_similar(self): # Issue #8759: make sure the posix scheme for the users # is similar to the global posix_prefix one base = get_config_var('base') user = get_config_var('userbase') # the global scheme mirrors the distinction between prefix and # exec-prefix but not the user scheme, so we have to adapt the paths # before comparing (issue #9100) adapt = sys.base_prefix != sys.base_exec_prefix for name in ('stdlib', 'platstdlib', 'purelib', 'platlib'): global_path = get_path(name, 'posix_prefix') if adapt: global_path = global_path.replace(sys.exec_prefix, sys.base_prefix) base = base.replace(sys.exec_prefix, sys.base_prefix) elif sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix: # virtual environment? Likewise, we have to adapt the paths # before comparing global_path = global_path.replace(sys.base_prefix, sys.prefix) base = base.replace(sys.base_prefix, sys.prefix) user_path = get_path(name, 'posix_user') self.assertEqual(user_path, global_path.replace(base, user, 1)) def test_main(self): # just making sure _main() runs and returns things in the stdout with captured_stdout() as output: _main() self.assertTrue(len(output.getvalue().split('\n')) > 0) @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "win32", "Does not apply to Windows") def test_ldshared_value(self): ldflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDFLAGS') ldshared = sysconfig.get_config_var('LDSHARED') self.assertIn(ldflags, ldshared) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform == "darwin", "test only relevant on MacOSX") def test_platform_in_subprocess(self): my_platform = sysconfig.get_platform() # Test without MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in the environment env = os.environ.copy() if 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' in env: del env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] p = subprocess.Popen([ sys.executable, '-c', 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_platform())', ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=env) test_platform = p.communicate()[0].strip() test_platform = test_platform.decode('utf-8') status = p.wait() self.assertEqual(status, 0) self.assertEqual(my_platform, test_platform) # Test with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in the environment, and # using a value that is unlikely to be the default one. env = os.environ.copy() env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.1' p = subprocess.Popen([ sys.executable, '-c', 'import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_platform())', ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=env) test_platform = p.communicate()[0].strip() test_platform = test_platform.decode('utf-8') status = p.wait() self.assertEqual(status, 0) self.assertEqual(my_platform, test_platform) def test_srcdir(self): # See Issues #15322, #15364. srcdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('srcdir') self.assertTrue(os.path.isabs(srcdir), srcdir) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(srcdir), srcdir) if sysconfig._PYTHON_BUILD: # The python executable has not been installed so srcdir # should be a full source checkout. Python_h = os.path.join(srcdir, 'Include', 'Python.h') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(Python_h), Python_h) self.assertTrue(sysconfig._is_python_source_dir(srcdir)) elif == 'posix': makefile_dir = os.path.dirname(sysconfig.get_makefile_filename()) # Issue #19340: srcdir has been realpath'ed already makefile_dir = os.path.realpath(makefile_dir) self.assertEqual(makefile_dir, srcdir) def test_srcdir_independent_of_cwd(self): # srcdir should be independent of the current working directory # See Issues #15322, #15364. srcdir = sysconfig.get_config_var('srcdir') cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir('..') srcdir2 = sysconfig.get_config_var('srcdir') finally: os.chdir(cwd) self.assertEqual(srcdir, srcdir2) @unittest.skipIf(sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') is None, 'EXT_SUFFIX required for this test') def test_SO_deprecation(self): self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning, sysconfig.get_config_var, 'SO') @unittest.skipIf(sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') is None, 'EXT_SUFFIX required for this test') def test_SO_value(self): with check_warnings(('', DeprecationWarning)): self.assertEqual(sysconfig.get_config_var('SO'), sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX')) @unittest.skipIf(sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') is None, 'EXT_SUFFIX required for this test') def test_SO_in_vars(self): vars = sysconfig.get_config_vars() self.assertIsNotNone(vars['SO']) self.assertEqual(vars['SO'], vars['EXT_SUFFIX']) class MakefileTests(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith('win'), 'Test is not Windows compatible') def test_get_makefile_filename(self): makefile = sysconfig.get_makefile_filename() self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(makefile), makefile) def test_parse_makefile(self): self.addCleanup(unlink, TESTFN) with open(TESTFN, "w") as makefile: print("var1=a$(VAR2)", file=makefile) print("VAR2=b$(var3)", file=makefile) print("var3=42", file=makefile) print("var4=$/invalid", file=makefile) print("var5=dollar$$5", file=makefile) vars = sysconfig._parse_makefile(TESTFN) self.assertEqual(vars, { 'var1': 'ab42', 'VAR2': 'b42', 'var3': 42, 'var4': '$/invalid', 'var5': 'dollar$5', }) def test_main(): run_unittest(TestSysConfig, MakefileTests) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()
# Copyright (c) 2010 Citrix Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Parts of this file are based upon, the XML-RPC client # interface included in the Python distribution. # # Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Secret Labs AB # Copyright (c) 1999-2002 by Fredrik Lundh # # By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its # associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood, # and will comply with the following terms and conditions: # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and # its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is # hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in # all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission # notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of # Secret Labs AB or the author not be used in advertising or publicity # pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written # prior permission. # # SECRET LABS AB AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD # TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- # ABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL SECRET LABS AB OR THE AUTHOR # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS # ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE # OF THIS SOFTWARE. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- """ A fake XenAPI SDK. """ import base64 import pickle import random import uuid from xml.sax import saxutils import zlib from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import timeutils from oslo_utils import units from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova.virt.xenapi.client import session as xenapi_session _CLASSES = ['host', 'network', 'session', 'pool', 'SR', 'VBD', 'PBD', 'VDI', 'VIF', 'PIF', 'VM', 'VLAN', 'task'] _db_content = {} LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def reset(): for c in _CLASSES: _db_content[c] = {} host = create_host('fake') create_vm('fake dom 0', 'Running', is_a_template=False, is_control_domain=True, resident_on=host) def reset_table(table): if table not in _CLASSES: return _db_content[table] = {} def _create_pool(name_label): return _create_object('pool', {'name_label': name_label}) def create_host(name_label, hostname='fake_name', address='fake_addr'): host_ref = _create_object('host', {'name_label': name_label, 'hostname': hostname, 'address': address}) host_default_sr_ref = _create_local_srs(host_ref) _create_local_pif(host_ref) # Create a pool if we don't have one already if len(_db_content['pool']) == 0: pool_ref = _create_pool('') _db_content['pool'][pool_ref]['master'] = host_ref _db_content['pool'][pool_ref]['default-SR'] = host_default_sr_ref _db_content['pool'][pool_ref]['suspend-image-SR'] = host_default_sr_ref def create_network(name_label, bridge): return _create_object('network', {'name_label': name_label, 'bridge': bridge}) def create_vm(name_label, status, **kwargs): if status == 'Running': domid = random.randrange(1, 1 << 16) resident_on = _db_content['host'].keys()[0] else: domid = -1 resident_on = '' vm_rec = kwargs.copy() vm_rec.update({'name_label': name_label, 'domid': domid, 'power_state': status, 'blocked_operations': {}, 'resident_on': resident_on}) vm_ref = _create_object('VM', vm_rec) after_VM_create(vm_ref, vm_rec) return vm_ref def destroy_vm(vm_ref): vm_rec = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] vbd_refs = vm_rec['VBDs'] # NOTE(johannes): Shallow copy since destroy_vbd will remove itself # from the list for vbd_ref in vbd_refs[:]: destroy_vbd(vbd_ref) del _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] def destroy_vbd(vbd_ref): vbd_rec = _db_content['VBD'][vbd_ref] vm_ref = vbd_rec['VM'] vm_rec = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] vm_rec['VBDs'].remove(vbd_ref) vdi_ref = vbd_rec['VDI'] vdi_rec = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref] vdi_rec['VBDs'].remove(vbd_ref) del _db_content['VBD'][vbd_ref] def destroy_vdi(vdi_ref): vdi_rec = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref] vbd_refs = vdi_rec['VBDs'] # NOTE(johannes): Shallow copy since destroy_vbd will remove itself # from the list for vbd_ref in vbd_refs[:]: destroy_vbd(vbd_ref) del _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref] def create_vdi(name_label, sr_ref, **kwargs): vdi_rec = { 'SR': sr_ref, 'read_only': False, 'type': '', 'name_label': name_label, 'name_description': '', 'sharable': False, 'other_config': {}, 'location': '', 'xenstore_data': {}, 'sm_config': {'vhd-parent': None}, 'physical_utilisation': '123', 'managed': True, } vdi_rec.update(kwargs) vdi_ref = _create_object('VDI', vdi_rec) after_VDI_create(vdi_ref, vdi_rec) return vdi_ref def after_VDI_create(vdi_ref, vdi_rec): vdi_rec.setdefault('VBDs', []) def create_vbd(vm_ref, vdi_ref, userdevice=0, other_config=None): if other_config is None: other_config = {} vbd_rec = {'VM': vm_ref, 'VDI': vdi_ref, 'userdevice': str(userdevice), 'currently_attached': False, 'other_config': other_config} vbd_ref = _create_object('VBD', vbd_rec) after_VBD_create(vbd_ref, vbd_rec) return vbd_ref def after_VBD_create(vbd_ref, vbd_rec): """Create read-only fields and backref from VM and VDI to VBD when VBD is created. """ vbd_rec['currently_attached'] = False vbd_rec['device'] = '' vbd_rec.setdefault('other_config', {}) vm_ref = vbd_rec['VM'] vm_rec = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] vm_rec['VBDs'].append(vbd_ref) vm_name_label = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref]['name_label'] vbd_rec['vm_name_label'] = vm_name_label vdi_ref = vbd_rec['VDI'] if vdi_ref and vdi_ref != "OpaqueRef:NULL": vdi_rec = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref] vdi_rec['VBDs'].append(vbd_ref) def after_VIF_create(vif_ref, vif_rec): """Create backref from VM to VIF when VIF is created. """ vm_ref = vif_rec['VM'] vm_rec = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] vm_rec['VIFs'].append(vif_ref) def after_VM_create(vm_ref, vm_rec): """Create read-only fields in the VM record.""" vm_rec.setdefault('domid', -1) vm_rec.setdefault('is_control_domain', False) vm_rec.setdefault('is_a_template', False) vm_rec.setdefault('memory_static_max', str(8 * units.Gi)) vm_rec.setdefault('memory_dynamic_max', str(8 * units.Gi)) vm_rec.setdefault('VCPUs_max', str(4)) vm_rec.setdefault('VBDs', []) vm_rec.setdefault('VIFs', []) vm_rec.setdefault('resident_on', '') def create_pbd(host_ref, sr_ref, attached): config = {'path': '/var/run/sr-mount/%s' % sr_ref} return _create_object('PBD', {'device_config': config, 'host': host_ref, 'SR': sr_ref, 'currently_attached': attached}) def create_task(name_label): return _create_object('task', {'name_label': name_label, 'status': 'pending'}) def _create_local_srs(host_ref): """Create an SR that looks like the one created on the local disk by default by the XenServer installer. Also, fake the installation of an ISO SR. """ create_sr(name_label='Local storage ISO', type='iso', other_config={'i18n-original-value-name_label': 'Local storage ISO', 'i18n-key': 'local-storage-iso'}, physical_size=80000, physical_utilisation=40000, virtual_allocation=80000, host_ref=host_ref) return create_sr(name_label='Local storage', type='ext', other_config={'i18n-original-value-name_label': 'Local storage', 'i18n-key': 'local-storage'}, physical_size=40000, physical_utilisation=20000, virtual_allocation=10000, host_ref=host_ref) def create_sr(**kwargs): sr_ref = _create_object( 'SR', {'name_label': kwargs.get('name_label'), 'type': kwargs.get('type'), 'content_type': kwargs.get('type', 'user'), 'shared': kwargs.get('shared', False), 'physical_size': kwargs.get('physical_size', str(1 << 30)), 'physical_utilisation': str( kwargs.get('physical_utilisation', 0)), 'virtual_allocation': str(kwargs.get('virtual_allocation', 0)), 'other_config': kwargs.get('other_config', {}), 'VDIs': kwargs.get('VDIs', [])}) pbd_ref = create_pbd(kwargs.get('host_ref'), sr_ref, True) _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['PBDs'] = [pbd_ref] return sr_ref def _create_local_pif(host_ref): pif_ref = _create_object('PIF', {'name-label': 'Fake PIF', 'MAC': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'physical': True, 'VLAN': -1, 'device': 'fake0', 'host_uuid': host_ref, 'network': '', 'IP': '', 'IPv6': '', 'uuid': '', 'management': 'true'}) _db_content['PIF'][pif_ref]['uuid'] = pif_ref return pif_ref def _create_object(table, obj): ref = str(uuid.uuid4()) obj['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) _db_content[table][ref] = obj return ref def _create_sr(table, obj): sr_type = obj[6] # Forces fake to support iscsi only if sr_type != 'iscsi' and sr_type != 'nfs': raise Failure(['SR_UNKNOWN_DRIVER', sr_type]) host_ref = _db_content['host'].keys()[0] sr_ref = _create_object(table, obj[2]) if sr_type == 'iscsi': vdi_ref = create_vdi('', sr_ref) pbd_ref = create_pbd(host_ref, sr_ref, True) _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['VDIs'] = [vdi_ref] _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['PBDs'] = [pbd_ref] _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref]['SR'] = sr_ref _db_content['PBD'][pbd_ref]['SR'] = sr_ref return sr_ref def _create_vlan(pif_ref, vlan_num, network_ref): pif_rec = get_record('PIF', pif_ref) vlan_pif_ref = _create_object('PIF', {'name-label': 'Fake VLAN PIF', 'MAC': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'physical': True, 'VLAN': vlan_num, 'device': pif_rec['device'], 'host_uuid': pif_rec['host_uuid']}) return _create_object('VLAN', {'tagged-pif': pif_ref, 'untagged-pif': vlan_pif_ref, 'tag': vlan_num}) def get_all(table): return _db_content[table].keys() def get_all_records(table): return _db_content[table] def _query_matches(record, query): # Simple support for the XenServer query language: # 'field "host"="<uuid>" and field "SR"="<sr uuid>"' # Tested through existing tests (e.g. calls to find_network_with_bridge) and_clauses = query.split(" and ") if len(and_clauses) > 1: matches = True for clause in and_clauses: matches = matches and _query_matches(record, clause) return matches or_clauses = query.split(" or ") if len(or_clauses) > 1: matches = False for clause in or_clauses: matches = matches or _query_matches(record, clause) return matches if query[:4] == 'not ': return not _query_matches(record, query[4:]) # Now it must be a single field - bad queries never match if query[:5] != 'field': return False (field, value) = query[6:].split('=', 1) # Some fields (e.g. name_label, memory_overhead) have double # underscores in the DB, but only single underscores when querying field = field.replace("__", "_").strip(" \"'") value = value.strip(" \"'") # Strings should be directly compared if isinstance(record[field], str): return record[field] == value # But for all other value-checks, convert to a string first # (Notably used for booleans - which can be lower or camel # case and are interpreted/sanitised by XAPI) return str(record[field]).lower() == value.lower() def get_all_records_where(table_name, query): matching_records = {} table = _db_content[table_name] for record in table: if _query_matches(table[record], query): matching_records[record] = table[record] return matching_records def get_record(table, ref): if ref in _db_content[table]: return _db_content[table].get(ref) else: raise Failure(['HANDLE_INVALID', table, ref]) def check_for_session_leaks(): if len(_db_content['session']) > 0: raise exception.NovaException('Sessions have leaked: %s' % _db_content['session']) def as_value(s): """Helper function for simulating XenAPI plugin responses. It escapes and wraps the given argument. """ return '<value>%s</value>' % saxutils.escape(s) def as_json(*args, **kwargs): """Helper function for simulating XenAPI plugin responses for those that are returning JSON. If this function is given plain arguments, then these are rendered as a JSON list. If it's given keyword arguments then these are rendered as a JSON dict. """ arg = args or kwargs return jsonutils.dumps(arg) class Failure(Exception): def __init__(self, details): self.details = details def __str__(self): try: return str(self.details) except Exception: return "XenAPI Fake Failure: %s" % str(self.details) def _details_map(self): return {str(i): self.details[i] for i in range(len(self.details))} class SessionBase(object): """Base class for Fake Sessions.""" def __init__(self, uri): self._session = None xenapi_session.apply_session_helpers(self) def pool_get_default_SR(self, _1, pool_ref): return _db_content['pool'].values()[0]['default-SR'] def VBD_insert(self, _1, vbd_ref, vdi_ref): vbd_rec = get_record('VBD', vbd_ref) get_record('VDI', vdi_ref) vbd_rec['empty'] = False vbd_rec['VDI'] = vdi_ref def VBD_plug(self, _1, ref): rec = get_record('VBD', ref) if rec['currently_attached']: raise Failure(['DEVICE_ALREADY_ATTACHED', ref]) rec['currently_attached'] = True rec['device'] = rec['userdevice'] def VBD_unplug(self, _1, ref): rec = get_record('VBD', ref) if not rec['currently_attached']: raise Failure(['DEVICE_ALREADY_DETACHED', ref]) rec['currently_attached'] = False rec['device'] = '' def VBD_add_to_other_config(self, _1, vbd_ref, key, value): db_ref = _db_content['VBD'][vbd_ref] if 'other_config' not in db_ref: db_ref['other_config'] = {} if key in db_ref['other_config']: raise Failure(['MAP_DUPLICATE_KEY', 'VBD', 'other_config', vbd_ref, key]) db_ref['other_config'][key] = value def VBD_get_other_config(self, _1, vbd_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VBD'][vbd_ref] if 'other_config' not in db_ref: return {} return db_ref['other_config'] def PBD_create(self, _1, pbd_rec): pbd_ref = _create_object('PBD', pbd_rec) _db_content['PBD'][pbd_ref]['currently_attached'] = False return pbd_ref def PBD_plug(self, _1, pbd_ref): rec = get_record('PBD', pbd_ref) if rec['currently_attached']: raise Failure(['DEVICE_ALREADY_ATTACHED', rec]) rec['currently_attached'] = True sr_ref = rec['SR'] _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['PBDs'] = [pbd_ref] def PBD_unplug(self, _1, pbd_ref): rec = get_record('PBD', pbd_ref) if not rec['currently_attached']: raise Failure(['DEVICE_ALREADY_DETACHED', rec]) rec['currently_attached'] = False sr_ref = rec['SR'] _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['PBDs'].remove(pbd_ref) def SR_introduce(self, _1, sr_uuid, label, desc, type, content_type, shared, sm_config): ref = None rec = None for ref, rec in _db_content['SR'].iteritems(): if rec.get('uuid') == sr_uuid: # make forgotten = 0 and return ref _db_content['SR'][ref]['forgotten'] = 0 return ref # SR not found in db, so we create one params = {'sr_uuid': sr_uuid, 'label': label, 'desc': desc, 'type': type, 'content_type': content_type, 'shared': shared, 'sm_config': sm_config} sr_ref = _create_object('SR', params) _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['uuid'] = sr_uuid _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['forgotten'] = 0 vdi_per_lun = False if type == 'iscsi': # Just to be clear vdi_per_lun = True if vdi_per_lun: # we need to create a vdi because this introduce # is likely meant for a single vdi vdi_ref = create_vdi('', sr_ref) _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['VDIs'] = [vdi_ref] _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref]['SR'] = sr_ref return sr_ref def SR_forget(self, _1, sr_ref): _db_content['SR'][sr_ref]['forgotten'] = 1 def SR_scan(self, _1, sr_ref): return def VM_get_xenstore_data(self, _1, vm_ref): return _db_content['VM'][vm_ref].get('xenstore_data', {}) def VM_remove_from_xenstore_data(self, _1, vm_ref, key): db_ref = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] if 'xenstore_data' not in db_ref: return if key in db_ref['xenstore_data']: del db_ref['xenstore_data'][key] def VM_add_to_xenstore_data(self, _1, vm_ref, key, value): db_ref = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] if 'xenstore_data' not in db_ref: db_ref['xenstore_data'] = {} db_ref['xenstore_data'][key] = value def VM_pool_migrate(self, _1, vm_ref, host_ref, options): pass def VDI_remove_from_other_config(self, _1, vdi_ref, key): db_ref = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref] if 'other_config' not in db_ref: return if key in db_ref['other_config']: del db_ref['other_config'][key] def VDI_add_to_other_config(self, _1, vdi_ref, key, value): db_ref = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_ref] if 'other_config' not in db_ref: db_ref['other_config'] = {} if key in db_ref['other_config']: raise Failure(['MAP_DUPLICATE_KEY', 'VDI', 'other_config', vdi_ref, key]) db_ref['other_config'][key] = value def VDI_copy(self, _1, vdi_to_copy_ref, sr_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_to_copy_ref] name_label = db_ref['name_label'] read_only = db_ref['read_only'] sharable = db_ref['sharable'] other_config = db_ref['other_config'].copy() return create_vdi(name_label, sr_ref, sharable=sharable, read_only=read_only, other_config=other_config) def VDI_clone(self, _1, vdi_to_clone_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VDI'][vdi_to_clone_ref] sr_ref = db_ref['SR'] return self.VDI_copy(_1, vdi_to_clone_ref, sr_ref) def host_compute_free_memory(self, _1, ref): # Always return 12GB available return 12 * units.Gi def _plugin_agent_version(self, method, args): return as_json(returncode='0', message='1.0\\r\\n') def _plugin_agent_key_init(self, method, args): return as_json(returncode='D0', message='1') def _plugin_agent_password(self, method, args): return as_json(returncode='0', message='success') def _plugin_agent_inject_file(self, method, args): return as_json(returncode='0', message='success') def _plugin_agent_resetnetwork(self, method, args): return as_json(returncode='0', message='success') def _plugin_agent_agentupdate(self, method, args): url = args["url"] md5 = args["md5sum"] message = "success with %(url)s and hash:%(md5)s" % dict(url=url, md5=md5) return as_json(returncode='0', message=message) def _plugin_noop(self, method, args): return '' def _plugin_pickle_noop(self, method, args): return pickle.dumps(None) def _plugin_migration_transfer_vhd(self, method, args): kwargs = pickle.loads(args['params'])['kwargs'] vdi_ref = self.xenapi_request('VDI.get_by_uuid', (kwargs['vdi_uuid'], )) assert vdi_ref return pickle.dumps(None) _plugin_glance_upload_vhd = _plugin_pickle_noop _plugin_kernel_copy_vdi = _plugin_noop _plugin_kernel_create_kernel_ramdisk = _plugin_noop _plugin_kernel_remove_kernel_ramdisk = _plugin_noop _plugin_migration_move_vhds_into_sr = _plugin_noop def _plugin_xenhost_host_data(self, method, args): return jsonutils.dumps({ 'host_memory': {'total': 10, 'overhead': 20, 'free': 30, 'free-computed': 40}, 'host_uuid': 'fb97583b-baa1-452d-850e-819d95285def', 'host_name-label': 'fake-xenhost', 'host_name-description': 'Default install of XenServer', 'host_hostname': 'fake-xenhost', 'host_ip_address': '', 'enabled': 'true', 'host_capabilities': ['xen-3.0-x86_64', 'xen-3.0-x86_32p', 'hvm-3.0-x86_32', 'hvm-3.0-x86_32p', 'hvm-3.0-x86_64'], 'host_other-config': { 'agent_start_time': '1412774967.', 'iscsi_iqn': '', 'boot_time': '1412774885.', }, 'host_cpu_info': { 'physical_features': '0098e3fd-bfebfbff-00000001-28100800', 'modelname': 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz', 'vendor': 'GenuineIntel', 'features': '0098e3fd-bfebfbff-00000001-28100800', 'family': 6, 'maskable': 'full', 'cpu_count': 4, 'socket_count': '1', 'flags': 'fpu de tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr mca ' 'cmov pat clflush acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht ' 'nx constant_tsc nonstop_tsc aperfmperf pni vmx ' 'est ssse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt hypervisor ida ' 'tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid', 'stepping': 5, 'model': 30, 'features_after_reboot': '0098e3fd-bfebfbff-00000001-28100800', 'speed': '2394.086' }, }) def _plugin_poweraction(self, method, args): return jsonutils.dumps({"power_action": method[5:]}) _plugin_xenhost_host_reboot = _plugin_poweraction _plugin_xenhost_host_startup = _plugin_poweraction _plugin_xenhost_host_shutdown = _plugin_poweraction def _plugin_xenhost_set_host_enabled(self, method, args): enabled = 'enabled' if args.get('enabled') == 'true' else 'disabled' return jsonutils.dumps({"status": enabled}) def _plugin_xenhost_host_uptime(self, method, args): return jsonutils.dumps({"uptime": "fake uptime"}) def _plugin_xenhost_get_pci_device_details(self, method, args): """Simulate the ouput of three pci devices. Both of those devices are available for pci passtrough but only one will match with the pci whitelist used in the method test_pci_passthrough_devices_*(). Return a single list. """ # Driver is not pciback dev_bad1 = ["Slot:\t0000:86:10.0", "Class:\t0604", "Vendor:\t10b5", "Device:\t8747", "Rev:\tba", "Driver:\tpcieport", "\n"] # Driver is pciback but vendor and device are bad dev_bad2 = ["Slot:\t0000:88:00.0", "Class:\t0300", "Vendor:\t0bad", "Device:\tcafe", "SVendor:\t10de", "SDevice:\t100d", "Rev:\ta1", "Driver:\tpciback", "\n"] # Driver is pciback and vendor, device are used for matching dev_good = ["Slot:\t0000:87:00.0", "Class:\t0300", "Vendor:\t10de", "Device:\t11bf", "SVendor:\t10de", "SDevice:\t100d", "Rev:\ta1", "Driver:\tpciback", "\n"] lspci_output = "\n".join(dev_bad1 + dev_bad2 + dev_good) return pickle.dumps(lspci_output) def _plugin_xenhost_get_pci_type(self, method, args): return pickle.dumps("type-PCI") def _plugin_console_get_console_log(self, method, args): dom_id = args["dom_id"] if dom_id == 0: raise Failure('Guest does not have a console') return base64.b64encode(zlib.compress("dom_id: %s" % dom_id)) def _plugin_nova_plugin_version_get_version(self, method, args): return pickle.dumps("1.2") def _plugin_xenhost_query_gc(self, method, args): return pickle.dumps("False") def host_call_plugin(self, _1, _2, plugin, method, args): func = getattr(self, '_plugin_%s_%s' % (plugin, method), None) if not func: raise Exception('No simulation in host_call_plugin for %s,%s' % (plugin, method)) return func(method, args) def VDI_get_virtual_size(self, *args): return 1 * units.Gi def VDI_resize_online(self, *args): return 'derp' VDI_resize = VDI_resize_online def _VM_reboot(self, session, vm_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] if db_ref['power_state'] != 'Running': raise Failure(['VM_BAD_POWER_STATE', 'fake-opaque-ref', db_ref['power_state'].lower(), 'halted']) db_ref['power_state'] = 'Running' db_ref['domid'] = random.randrange(1, 1 << 16) def VM_clean_reboot(self, session, vm_ref): return self._VM_reboot(session, vm_ref) def VM_hard_reboot(self, session, vm_ref): return self._VM_reboot(session, vm_ref) def VM_hard_shutdown(self, session, vm_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] db_ref['power_state'] = 'Halted' db_ref['domid'] = -1 VM_clean_shutdown = VM_hard_shutdown def VM_suspend(self, session, vm_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] db_ref['power_state'] = 'Suspended' def VM_pause(self, session, vm_ref): db_ref = _db_content['VM'][vm_ref] db_ref['power_state'] = 'Paused' def pool_eject(self, session, host_ref): pass def pool_join(self, session, hostname, username, password): pass def pool_set_name_label(self, session, pool_ref, name): pass def host_migrate_receive(self, session, destref, nwref, options): return "fake_migrate_data" def VM_assert_can_migrate(self, session, vmref, migrate_data, live, vdi_map, vif_map, options): pass def VM_migrate_send(self, session, mref, migrate_data, live, vdi_map, vif_map, options): pass def VM_remove_from_blocked_operations(self, session, vm_ref, key): # operation is idempotent, XenServer doesn't care if the key exists _db_content['VM'][vm_ref]['blocked_operations'].pop(key, None) def xenapi_request(self, methodname, params): if methodname.startswith('login'): self._login(methodname, params) return None elif methodname == 'logout' or methodname == 'session.logout': self._logout() return None else: full_params = (self._session,) + params meth = getattr(self, methodname, None) if meth is None: LOG.debug('Raising NotImplemented') raise NotImplementedError( _('xenapi.fake does not have an implementation for %s') % methodname) return meth(*full_params) def _login(self, method, params): self._session = str(uuid.uuid4()) _session_info = {'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'this_host': _db_content['host'].keys()[0]} _db_content['session'][self._session] = _session_info def _logout(self): s = self._session self._session = None if s not in _db_content['session']: raise exception.NovaException( "Logging out a session that is invalid or already logged " "out: %s" % s) del _db_content['session'][s] def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'handle': return self._session elif name == 'xenapi': return _Dispatcher(self.xenapi_request, None) elif name.startswith('login') or name.startswith('slave_local'): return lambda *params: self._login(name, params) elif name.startswith('Async'): return lambda *params: self._async(name, params) elif '.' in name: impl = getattr(self, name.replace('.', '_')) if impl is not None: def callit(*params): LOG.debug('Calling %(name)s %(impl)s', {'name': name, 'impl': impl}) self._check_session(params) return impl(*params) return callit if self._is_gettersetter(name, True): LOG.debug('Calling getter %s', name) return lambda *params: self._getter(name, params) elif self._is_gettersetter(name, False): LOG.debug('Calling setter %s', name) return lambda *params: self._setter(name, params) elif self._is_create(name): return lambda *params: self._create(name, params) elif self._is_destroy(name): return lambda *params: self._destroy(name, params) elif name == 'XenAPI': return FakeXenAPI() else: return None def _is_gettersetter(self, name, getter): bits = name.split('.') return (len(bits) == 2 and bits[0] in _CLASSES and bits[1].startswith(getter and 'get_' or 'set_')) def _is_create(self, name): return self._is_method(name, 'create') def _is_destroy(self, name): return self._is_method(name, 'destroy') def _is_method(self, name, meth): bits = name.split('.') return (len(bits) == 2 and bits[0] in _CLASSES and bits[1] == meth) def _getter(self, name, params): self._check_session(params) (cls, func) = name.split('.') if func == 'get_all': self._check_arg_count(params, 1) return get_all(cls) if func == 'get_all_records': self._check_arg_count(params, 1) return get_all_records(cls) if func == 'get_all_records_where': self._check_arg_count(params, 2) return get_all_records_where(cls, params[1]) if func == 'get_record': self._check_arg_count(params, 2) return get_record(cls, params[1]) if func in ('get_by_name_label', 'get_by_uuid'): self._check_arg_count(params, 2) return_singleton = (func == 'get_by_uuid') return self._get_by_field( _db_content[cls], func[len('get_by_'):], params[1], return_singleton=return_singleton) if len(params) == 2: field = func[len('get_'):] ref = params[1] if (ref in _db_content[cls]): if (field in _db_content[cls][ref]): return _db_content[cls][ref][field] else: raise Failure(['HANDLE_INVALID', cls, ref]) LOG.debug('Raising NotImplemented') raise NotImplementedError( _('xenapi.fake does not have an implementation for %s or it has ' 'been called with the wrong number of arguments') % name) def _setter(self, name, params): self._check_session(params) (cls, func) = name.split('.') if len(params) == 3: field = func[len('set_'):] ref = params[1] val = params[2] if (ref in _db_content[cls] and field in _db_content[cls][ref]): _db_content[cls][ref][field] = val return LOG.debug('Raising NotImplemented') raise NotImplementedError( 'xenapi.fake does not have an implementation for %s or it has ' 'been called with the wrong number of arguments or the database ' 'is missing that field' % name) def _create(self, name, params): self._check_session(params) is_sr_create = name == 'SR.create' is_vlan_create = name == 'VLAN.create' # Storage Repositories have a different API expected = is_sr_create and 10 or is_vlan_create and 4 or 2 self._check_arg_count(params, expected) (cls, _) = name.split('.') ref = (is_sr_create and _create_sr(cls, params) or is_vlan_create and _create_vlan(params[1], params[2], params[3]) or _create_object(cls, params[1])) # Call hook to provide any fixups needed (ex. creating backrefs) after_hook = 'after_%s_create' % cls if after_hook in globals(): globals()[after_hook](ref, params[1]) obj = get_record(cls, ref) # Add RO fields if cls == 'VM': obj['power_state'] = 'Halted' return ref def _destroy(self, name, params): self._check_session(params) self._check_arg_count(params, 2) table = name.split('.')[0] ref = params[1] if ref not in _db_content[table]: raise Failure(['HANDLE_INVALID', table, ref]) # Call destroy function (if exists) destroy_func = globals().get('destroy_%s' % table.lower()) if destroy_func: destroy_func(ref) else: del _db_content[table][ref] def _async(self, name, params): task_ref = create_task(name) task = _db_content['task'][task_ref] func = name[len('Async.'):] try: result = self.xenapi_request(func, params[1:]) if result: result = as_value(result) task['result'] = result task['status'] = 'success' except Failure as exc: task['error_info'] = exc.details task['status'] = 'failed' task['finished'] = timeutils.utcnow() return task_ref def _check_session(self, params): if (self._session is None or self._session not in _db_content['session']): raise Failure(['HANDLE_INVALID', 'session', self._session]) if len(params) == 0 or params[0] != self._session: LOG.debug('Raising NotImplemented') raise NotImplementedError('Call to XenAPI without using .xenapi') def _check_arg_count(self, params, expected): actual = len(params) if actual != expected: raise Failure(['MESSAGE_PARAMETER_COUNT_MISMATCH', expected, actual]) def _get_by_field(self, recs, k, v, return_singleton): result = [] for ref, rec in recs.iteritems(): if rec.get(k) == v: result.append(ref) if return_singleton: try: return result[0] except IndexError: raise Failure(['UUID_INVALID', v, result, recs, k]) return result class FakeXenAPI(object): def __init__(self): self.Failure = Failure # Based upon _Method from xmlrpclib. class _Dispatcher(object): def __init__(self, send, name): self.__send = send self.__name = name def __repr__(self): if self.__name: return '<xenapi.fake._Dispatcher for %s>' % self.__name else: return '<xenapi.fake._Dispatcher>' def __getattr__(self, name): if self.__name is None: return _Dispatcher(self.__send, name) else: return _Dispatcher(self.__send, "%s.%s" % (self.__name, name)) def __call__(self, *args): return self.__send(self.__name, args)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf8 import math from integration import f_student_t_distribution, simpson_rule_integrate def mean(values): "Calculate the average of the numbers given" return sum(values) / float(len(values)) def calc_correlation(x_values, y_values): "Calculate strength of a relationship between two sets of data" # calculate aux variables n = len(x_values) sum_xy = sum([(x_values[i] * y_values[i]) for i in range(n)]) sum_x = sum([(x_values[i]) for i in range(n)]) sum_y = sum([(y_values[i]) for i in range(n)]) sum_x2 = sum([(x_values[i] ** 2) for i in range(n)]) sum_y2 = sum([(y_values[i] ** 2) for i in range(n)]) # calculate corelation r = (n * sum_xy - (sum_x * sum_y)) / math.sqrt((n * sum_x2 - sum_x ** 2) * (n * sum_y2 - sum_y ** 2)) return r def calc_significance(x_values, y_values): "Calculate the significance (likelihood of two set of data correlation)" n = len (x_values) r = calc_correlation(x_values, y_values) r2 = r**2 t = abs(r)*math.sqrt(n - 2)/math.sqrt(1 - r**2) return t, r2, n def calc_linear_regression(x_values, y_values): "Calculate the linear regression parameters for a set of n values" # calculate aux variables x_avg = mean(x_values) y_avg = mean(y_values) n = len(x_values) sum_xy = sum([(x_values[i] * y_values[i]) for i in range(n)]) sum_x2 = sum([(x_values[i] ** 2) for i in range(n)]) # calculate regression coefficients b1 = (sum_xy - (n * x_avg * y_avg)) / (sum_x2 - n * (x_avg ** 2)) b0 = y_avg - b1 * x_avg return (b0, b1) def calc_standard_deviation(values): "Calculate the standard deviation of a list of number values" x_avg = mean(values) n = len(values) sd = math.sqrt(sum([(x_i - x_avg)**2 for x_i in values]) / float(n)) return sd, x_avg def calc_student_t_probability(x, n): "Integrate t distribution from -infinity to x with n degrees of freedom" inf = float("infinity") p = simpson_rule_integrate(f_student_t_distribution(n), -inf, x) return p def calc_double_sided_student_t_probability(t, n): "Calculate the p-value using a double sided student t distribution" # integrate a finite area from the origin to t p_aux = simpson_rule_integrate(f_student_t_distribution(n), 0, t) # return the area of the two tails of the distribution (symmetrical) return (0.5 - p_aux) * 2 def calc_double_sided_student_t_value(p, n): "Calculate the t-value using a double sided student t distribution" # replaces table lookup, thanks to v = dv = 0.5 t = 0 while dv > 0.000001: t = 1 / v - 1 dv = dv / 2 if calc_double_sided_student_t_probability(t, n) > p: v = v - dv else: v = v + dv return t def calc_variance(x_values, y_values, b0, b1): "Calculate the mean square deviation of the linear regeression line" # take the variance from the regression line instead of the data average sum_aux = sum([(y - b0 - b1 * x) ** 2 for x, y in zip(x_values, y_values)]) n = float(len(x_values)) return (1 / (n - 2.0)) * sum_aux def calc_prediction_interval(x_values, y_values, x_k, y_k, alpha): """Calculate the linear regression parameters for a set of n values then calculate the upper and lower prediction interval """ # calculate aux variables x_avg = mean(x_values) y_avg = mean(y_values) n = len(x_values) sum_xy = sum([(x_values[i] * y_values[i]) for i in range(n)]) sum_x2 = sum([(x_values[i] ** 2) for i in range(n)]) # calculate regression coefficients b1 = (sum_xy - (n * x_avg * y_avg)) / (sum_x2 - n * (x_avg ** 2)) b0 = y_avg - b1 * x_avg # calculate the t-value for the given alpha p-value t = calc_double_sided_student_t_value(1 - alpha, n - 2) # calculate the standard deviation sigma = math.sqrt(calc_variance(x_values, y_values, b0, b1)) # calculate the range sum_xi_xavg = sum([(x - x_avg) ** 2 for x in x_values], 0.0) aux = 1 + (1 / float(n)) + ((x_k - x_avg) ** 2) / sum_xi_xavg p_range = t * sigma * math.sqrt(aux) # combine the range with the x_k projection: return b0, b1, p_range, y_k + p_range, y_k - p_range, t
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © Copyright 2009 Andre Engelbrecht. All Rights Reserved. # This script is licensed under the BSD Open Source Licence # Please see the text file LICENCE for more information # If this script is distributed, it must be accompanied by the Licence import re from django import template from django.db.models import Count from tagging.models import Tag, TaggedItem from tehblog.models import Entry, Category register = template.Library() @register.inclusion_tag('tehblog/tags/category_list.html') def category_list(count=None): """ Renders a list of categories. Only categories that contains published blog entries will be returned to the tag and rendered. The number of categories returned can be restricted with the ``count`` argument """ return { 'category_list': Category.objects.all().filter( entry___statemachine__state='published').distinct()[:count] } @register.inclusion_tag('tehblog/tags/tag_list.html') def tag_list(slice_count=None): """ Requires django-tagging. Renders a list of Tags used for all published blog entries. ``slice_count`` is the number of items that the list in the template should be sliced to """ slice_count = str(slice_count) try: tag_list = Tag.objects.usage_for_model(Entry, counts=True, filters={ '_statemachine__state': 'published' }) except: pass return locals() @register.inclusion_tag('tehblog/tags/date_hierarchy.html') def date_hierarchy(): """ This tag will show a dynamic date hierarchy, which can be used to search for entries in specific years, months or days. Note that this tag is dependant on the generic views specified in urls. If you decide to customize the urls and views in any way, then this template tag may not function as intended. usage: {% load tehblog_tags %} {% date_hierarchy %} """ return { 'hierarchy': Entry.objects.public().order_by('publish_date')\ .values('publish_date') } @register.inclusion_tag('tehblog/tags/date_list.html') def date_list(count=None): """ This is a simpler version of the date_hierarchy tag, and will show recent dates as a list showing the month and year. Output would typically be: "November 2009" You can also pass the ``count`` attribute to limit the results. To return a full list of dates, use ``None`` Usage: {% load tehblog_tags %} {% date_list %} or: {% date_list 30 %} """ date_list = Entry.objects.public().dates('publish_date', 'month', order="DESC")[:count] return locals() @register.inclusion_tag('tehblog/tags/related_entries.html') def related_entries(entry, count=5): """ Renders a list of related blog entries based on the Entry Tags. This tag will only work if django-tagging is installed. usage: {% related_entries entry %} """ try: related_blog_entries = TaggedItem.objects.get_related( entry, Entry, num=count) except: return {} return { 'related_entries': related_blog_entries, } ## Filters @register.filter(name='entries_for_month') def entries_for_month(date_value): """ Returns the number of entries that was published on a specific date. """ count = Entry.objects.public().filter( publish_date__year=date_value.year, publish_date__month=date_value.month, ).count() return count
# Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood # Copyright (c) 2009 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from slicc.ast.DeclAST import DeclAST from slicc.symbols import StateMachine, Type class MachineAST(DeclAST): def __init__(self, slicc, mtype, pairs_ast, config_parameters, decls): super(MachineAST, self).__init__(slicc, pairs_ast) self.ident = mtype.value self.pairs_ast = pairs_ast self.config_parameters = config_parameters self.decls = decls def __repr__(self): return "[Machine: %r]" % self.ident def files(self, parent=None): s = set(('' % self.ident, '%s_Controller.hh' % self.ident, '' % self.ident, '' % self.ident, '' % self.ident)) s |= self.decls.files(self.ident) return s def generate(self): # Make a new frame self.symtab.pushFrame() # Create a new machine machine = StateMachine(self.symtab, self.ident, self.location, self.pairs, self.config_parameters) self.symtab.newCurrentMachine(machine) # Generate code for all the internal decls self.decls.generate() # Build the transition table machine.buildTable() # Pop the frame self.symtab.popFrame() def findMachines(self): mtype = self.ident machine_type = self.symtab.find("MachineType", Type) if not machine_type.checkEnum(mtype): self.error("Duplicate machine name: %s:%s" % (machine_type, mtype))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.forms import CharField, Form, Media, MultiWidget, TextInput from django.template import Context, Template from django.test import SimpleTestCase, override_settings from django.utils.encoding import force_text @override_settings( STATIC_URL='', ) class FormsMediaTestCase(SimpleTestCase): """Tests for the media handling on widgets and forms""" def test_construction(self): # Check construction of media objects m = Media( css={'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2')}, js=('/path/to/js1', '', ''), ) self.assertEqual( str(m), """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>""" ) class Foo: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') m3 = Media(Foo) self.assertEqual( str(m3), """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>""" ) # A widget can exist without a media definition class MyWidget(TextInput): pass w = MyWidget() self.assertEqual(str(, '') def test_media_dsl(self): ############################################################### # DSL Class-based media definitions ############################################################### # A widget can define media if it needs to. # Any absolute path will be preserved; relative paths are combined # with the value of settings.MEDIA_URL class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') w1 = MyWidget1() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>""" ) # Media objects can be interrogated by media type self.assertEqual( str(['css']), """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />""" ) self.assertEqual( str(['js']), """<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>""" ) def test_combine_media(self): # Media objects can be combined. Any given media resource will appear only # once. Duplicated media definitions are ignored. class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget2(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') class MyWidget3(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') w1 = MyWidget1() w2 = MyWidget2() w3 = MyWidget3() self.assertEqual( str( + +, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) # Check that media addition hasn't affected the original objects self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>""" ) # Regression check for #12879: specifying the same CSS or JS file # multiple times in a single Media instance should result in that file # only being included once. class MyWidget4(TextInput): class Media: css = {'all': ('/path/to/css1', '/path/to/css1')} js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js1') w4 = MyWidget4() self.assertEqual(str(, """<link href="/path/to/css1" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script>""") def test_media_property(self): ############################################################### # Property-based media definitions ############################################################### # Widget media can be defined as a property class MyWidget4(TextInput): def _media(self): return Media(css={'all': ('/some/path',)}, js=('/some/js',)) media = property(_media) w4 = MyWidget4() self.assertEqual(str(, """<link href="/some/path" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/some/js"></script>""") # Media properties can reference the media of their parents class MyWidget5(MyWidget4): def _media(self): return super(MyWidget5, self).media + Media(css={'all': ('/other/path',)}, js=('/other/js',)) media = property(_media) w5 = MyWidget5() self.assertEqual(str(, """<link href="/some/path" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/other/path" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/some/js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/other/js"></script>""") def test_media_property_parent_references(self): # Media properties can reference the media of their parents, # even if the parent media was defined using a class class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget6(MyWidget1): def _media(self): return super(MyWidget6, self).media + Media(css={'all': ('/other/path',)}, js=('/other/js',)) media = property(_media) w6 = MyWidget6() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/other/path" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/other/js"></script>""" ) def test_media_inheritance(self): ############################################################### # Inheritance of media ############################################################### # If a widget extends another but provides no media definition, it inherits the parent widget's media class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget7(MyWidget1): pass w7 = MyWidget7() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>""" ) # If a widget extends another but defines media, it extends the parent widget's media by default class MyWidget8(MyWidget1): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') w8 = MyWidget8() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) def test_media_inheritance_from_property(self): # If a widget extends another but defines media, it extends the parents widget's media, # even if the parent defined media using a property. class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget4(TextInput): def _media(self): return Media(css={'all': ('/some/path',)}, js=('/some/js',)) media = property(_media) class MyWidget9(MyWidget4): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/other/path',) } js = ('/other/js',) w9 = MyWidget9() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="/some/path" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/other/path" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/some/js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/other/js"></script>""" ) # A widget can disable media inheritance by specifying 'extend=False' class MyWidget10(MyWidget1): class Media: extend = False css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') w10 = MyWidget10() self.assertEqual(str(, """<link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""") def test_media_inheritance_extends(self): # A widget can explicitly enable full media inheritance by specifying 'extend=True' class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget11(MyWidget1): class Media: extend = True css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') w11 = MyWidget11() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) def test_media_inheritance_single_type(self): # A widget can enable inheritance of one media type by specifying extend as a tuple class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget12(MyWidget1): class Media: extend = ('css',) css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') w12 = MyWidget12() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) def test_multi_media(self): ############################################################### # Multi-media handling for CSS ############################################################### # A widget can define CSS media for multiple output media types class MultimediaWidget(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'screen, print': ('/file1', '/file2'), 'screen': ('/file3',), 'print': ('/file4',) } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') multimedia = MultimediaWidget() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="/file4" type="text/css" media="print" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/file3" type="text/css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/file1" type="text/css" media="screen, print" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/file2" type="text/css" media="screen, print" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) def test_multi_widget(self): ############################################################### # Multiwidget media handling ############################################################### class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget2(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') class MyWidget3(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') # MultiWidgets have a default media definition that gets all the # media from the component widgets class MyMultiWidget(MultiWidget): def __init__(self, attrs=None): widgets = [MyWidget1, MyWidget2, MyWidget3] super(MyMultiWidget, self).__init__(widgets, attrs) mymulti = MyMultiWidget() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) def test_form_media(self): ############################################################### # Media processing for forms ############################################################### class MyWidget1(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('path/to/css1', '/path/to/css2') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '', '') class MyWidget2(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css2', '/path/to/css3') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') class MyWidget3(TextInput): class Media: css = { 'all': ('/path/to/css3', 'path/to/css1') } js = ('/path/to/js1', '/path/to/js4') # You can ask a form for the media required by its widgets. class MyForm(Form): field1 = CharField(max_length=20, widget=MyWidget1()) field2 = CharField(max_length=20, widget=MyWidget2()) f1 = MyForm() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) # Form media can be combined to produce a single media definition. class AnotherForm(Form): field3 = CharField(max_length=20, widget=MyWidget3()) f2 = AnotherForm() self.assertEqual( str( +, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script>""" ) # Forms can also define media, following the same rules as widgets. class FormWithMedia(Form): field1 = CharField(max_length=20, widget=MyWidget1()) field2 = CharField(max_length=20, widget=MyWidget2()) class Media: js = ('/some/form/javascript',) css = { 'all': ('/some/form/css',) } f3 = FormWithMedia() self.assertEqual( str(, """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/some/form/css" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/some/form/javascript"></script>""" ) # Media works in templates self.assertEqual( Template("{{ }}{{ }}").render(Context({'form': f3})), """<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js1"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/js4"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/some/form/javascript"></script>""" """<link href="" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css2" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/path/to/css3" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="/some/form/css" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />""" ) def test_html_safe(self): media = Media(css={'all': ['/path/to/css']}, js=['/path/to/js']) self.assertTrue(hasattr(Media, '__html__')) self.assertEqual(force_text(media), media.__html__())
from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.models import User from reversion.admin import VersionAdmin from pages.models import ( Template, Page, ) from pages.forms import ( TemplateAdminForm, PageAdminForm ) @admin.register(Template) class TemplateAdmin(VersionAdmin): list_display = ('handle', 'site', 'template_path') list_filter = ('site__name',) readonly_fields = ('template_path', 'fs_full_path') form = TemplateAdminForm @admin.register(Page) class PageAdmin(VersionAdmin): list_display = ('title', 'site', 'handle', 'role', 'description') list_filter = ('site__name',) ordering = ('site', 'role', 'title') form = PageAdminForm def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request=None, **kwargs): if == 'page_author': kwargs["initial"] = request.user if not request.user.is_superuser: kwargs["queryset"] = User.objects.filter( return super(PageAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)
from .keyboard import Keyboard from json import loads, dumps class Message: # Message클래스를 생성할 때 기본적인 틀만 구현하고 # 값들은 던져주면 알아서 메시지를 리턴한다 baseKeyboard = { "type": "buttons", "buttons": Keyboard.buttons, } baseMessage = { "message": { "text": "", }, "keyboard": baseKeyboard } # Uesage : baseMessage["message"].update(baseWeekend) baseWeekend = { "message_button": { "label": "이번주 메뉴 보기", "url": "" } } def __init__(self): self.returnedMessage = None def getMessage(self): return self.returnedMessage class BaseMessage(Message): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.returnedMessage = loads(dumps(Message.baseMessage)) def updateMessage(self, message): self.returnedMessage["message"]["text"] = message def updateKeyboard(self, argKeyboard): keyboard = Message.baseKeyboard keyboard["buttons"] = argKeyboard self.returnedMessage["keyboard"] = keyboard def add_photo(self, url, width, height): photo_message = { "photo": { "url": "", "width": 198, "height": 45, }, } photo_message["photo"]["url"] = url photo_message["photo"]["width"] = width photo_message["photo"]["height"] = height self.returnedMessage["message"].update(photo_message) class EvaluateMessage(BaseMessage): def __init__(self, message, step): ''' step 1 : 식단 평가하기 -> 장소 step 2 : 장소 -> 시간대 step 3 : 시간대 -> 점수 step 4 : 점수 -> 끝 ''' super().__init__() self.updateMessage(message) if step == 1: self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.placeButtons) elif step == 2: self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.timeButtons) elif step == 3: self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.scoreButtons) elif step == 4: self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.homeButtons) else: raise class SummaryMenuMessage(BaseMessage): def __init__(self, message, isToday): super().__init__() self.updateMessage(message) if isToday: self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.todayButtons) else: self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.tomorrowButtons) class HomeMessage(Message): def __init__(self): self.returnedMessage = Message.baseKeyboard homeKeyboard = HomeMessage.returnHomeKeyboard() self.returnedMessage["buttons"] = homeKeyboard @staticmethod def returnHomeKeyboard():\ return Keyboard.homeButtons class FailMessage(BaseMessage): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.updateMessage("오류가 발생하였습니다.") self.updateKeyboard(Keyboard.homeButtons) class SuccessMessage(Message): def __init__(self): self.returnedMessage = "SUCCESS"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Sitemap ------- The sitemap plugin generates plain-text or XML sitemaps. ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import collections import os.path from datetime import datetime from logging import warning, info from codecs import open from pytz import timezone from pelican import signals, contents from pelican.utils import get_date TXT_HEADER = """{0}/index.html {0}/archives.html {0}/tags.html {0}/categories.html """ XML_HEADER = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <urlset xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""> """ XML_URL = """ <url> <loc>{0}/{1}</loc> <lastmod>{2}</lastmod> <changefreq>{3}</changefreq> <priority>{4}</priority> </url> """ XML_FOOTER = """ </urlset> """ def format_date(date): if date.tzinfo: tz = date.strftime('%z') tz = tz[:-2] + ':' + tz[-2:] else: tz = "-00:00" return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + tz class SitemapGenerator(object): def __init__(self, context, settings, path, theme, output_path, *null): self.output_path = output_path self.context = context = self.siteurl = settings.get('SITEURL') self.default_timezone = settings.get('TIMEZONE', 'UTC') self.timezone = getattr(self, 'timezone', self.default_timezone) self.timezone = timezone(self.timezone) self.format = 'xml' self.changefreqs = { 'articles': 'monthly', 'indexes': 'daily', 'pages': 'monthly' } self.priorities = { 'articles': 0.5, 'indexes': 0.5, 'pages': 0.5 } self.sitemapExclude = [] config = settings.get('SITEMAP', {}) if not isinstance(config, dict): warning("sitemap plugin: the SITEMAP setting must be a dict") else: fmt = config.get('format') pris = config.get('priorities') chfreqs = config.get('changefreqs') self.sitemapExclude = config.get('exclude', []) if fmt not in ('xml', 'txt'): warning("sitemap plugin: SITEMAP['format'] must be `txt' or `xml'") warning("sitemap plugin: Setting SITEMAP['format'] on `xml'") elif fmt == 'txt': self.format = fmt return valid_keys = ('articles', 'indexes', 'pages') valid_chfreqs = ('always', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly', 'never') if isinstance(pris, dict): # We use items for Py3k compat. .iteritems() otherwise for k, v in pris.items(): if k in valid_keys and not isinstance(v, (int, float)): default = self.priorities[k] warning("sitemap plugin: priorities must be numbers") warning("sitemap plugin: setting SITEMAP['priorities']" "['{0}'] on {1}".format(k, default)) pris[k] = default self.priorities.update(pris) elif pris is not None: warning("sitemap plugin: SITEMAP['priorities'] must be a dict") warning("sitemap plugin: using the default values") if isinstance(chfreqs, dict): # .items() for py3k compat. for k, v in chfreqs.items(): if k in valid_keys and v not in valid_chfreqs: default = self.changefreqs[k] warning("sitemap plugin: invalid changefreq `{0}'".format(v)) warning("sitemap plugin: setting SITEMAP['changefreqs']" "['{0}'] on '{1}'".format(k, default)) chfreqs[k] = default self.changefreqs.update(chfreqs) elif chfreqs is not None: warning("sitemap plugin: SITEMAP['changefreqs'] must be a dict") warning("sitemap plugin: using the default values") def write_url(self, page, fd): if getattr(page, 'status', 'published') != 'published': return # We can disable categories/authors/etc by using False instead of '' if not page.save_as: return page_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, page.save_as) if not os.path.exists(page_path): return lastdate = getattr(page, 'date', try: lastdate = self.get_date_modified(page, lastdate) except ValueError: warning("sitemap plugin: " + page.save_as + " has invalid modification date,") warning("sitemap plugin: using date value as lastmod.") lastmod = format_date(lastdate) if isinstance(page, contents.Article): pri = self.priorities['articles'] chfreq = self.changefreqs['articles'] elif isinstance(page, contents.Page): pri = self.priorities['pages'] chfreq = self.changefreqs['pages'] else: pri = self.priorities['indexes'] chfreq = self.changefreqs['indexes'] pageurl = '' if page.url == 'index.html' else page.url #Exclude URLs from the sitemap: if self.format == 'xml': flag = False for regstr in self.sitemapExclude: if re.match(regstr, pageurl): flag = True break if not flag: fd.write(XML_URL.format(self.siteurl, pageurl, lastmod, chfreq, pri)) else: fd.write(self.siteurl + '/' + pageurl + '\n') def get_date_modified(self, page, default): if hasattr(page, 'modified'): if isinstance(page.modified, datetime): return page.modified return get_date(page.modified) else: return default def set_url_wrappers_modification_date(self, wrappers): for (wrapper, articles) in wrappers: lastmod = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) for article in articles: lastmod = max(lastmod, try: modified = self.get_date_modified(article, datetime.min).replace(tzinfo=self.timezone) lastmod = max(lastmod, modified) except ValueError: # Supressed: user will be notified. pass setattr(wrapper, 'modified', str(lastmod)) def generate_output(self, writer): path = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'sitemap.{0}'.format(self.format)) pages = self.context['pages'] + self.context['articles'] \ + [ c for (c, a) in self.context['categories']] \ + [ t for (t, a) in self.context['tags']] \ + [ a for (a, b) in self.context['authors']] self.set_url_wrappers_modification_date(self.context['categories']) self.set_url_wrappers_modification_date(self.context['tags']) self.set_url_wrappers_modification_date(self.context['authors']) for article in self.context['articles']: pages += article.translations info('writing {0}'.format(path)) with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd: if self.format == 'xml': fd.write(XML_HEADER) else: fd.write(TXT_HEADER.format(self.siteurl)) FakePage = collections.namedtuple('FakePage', ['status', 'date', 'url', 'save_as']) for standard_page_url in ['index.html', 'archives.html', 'tags.html', 'categories.html']: fake = FakePage(status='published',, url=standard_page_url, save_as=standard_page_url) self.write_url(fake, fd) for page in pages: self.write_url(page, fd) if self.format == 'xml': fd.write(XML_FOOTER) def get_generators(generators): return SitemapGenerator def register(): signals.get_generators.connect(get_generators)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # enzyme - Video metadata parser # Copyright 2011-2012 Antoine Bertin <> # Copyright 2003-2006 Thomas Schueppel <> # Copyright 2003-2006 Dirk Meyer <> # # This file is part of enzyme. # # enzyme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # enzyme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with enzyme. If not, see <>. __all__ = ['Parser'] import struct import logging from exceptions import ParseError import core # # # get logging object log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RealVideo(core.AVContainer): def __init__(self, file): core.AVContainer.__init__(self) self.mime = 'video/real' self.type = 'Real Video' h = try: (object_id, object_size, object_version) = struct.unpack('>4sIH', h) except struct.error: # EOF. raise ParseError() if not object_id == '.RMF': raise ParseError() file_version, num_headers = struct.unpack('>II', log.debug(u'size: %d, ver: %d, headers: %d' % \ (object_size, file_version, num_headers)) for _ in range(0, num_headers): try: oi = struct.unpack('>4sIH', except (struct.error, IOError): # Header data we expected wasn't there. File may be # only partially complete. break if object_id == 'DATA' and oi[0] != 'INDX': log.debug(u'INDX chunk expected after DATA but not found -- file corrupt') break (object_id, object_size, object_version) = oi if object_id == 'DATA': # Seek over the data chunk rather than reading it in. - 10, 1) else: self._read_header(object_id, - 10)) log.debug(u'%r [%d]' % (object_id, object_size - 10)) # Read all the following headers def _read_header(self, object_id, s): if object_id == 'PROP': prop = struct.unpack('>9IHH', s) log.debug(u'PROP: %r' % prop) if object_id == 'MDPR': mdpr = struct.unpack('>H7I', s[:30]) log.debug(u'MDPR: %r' % mdpr) self.length = mdpr[7] / 1000.0 (stream_name_size,) = struct.unpack('>B', s[30:31]) stream_name = s[31:31 + stream_name_size] pos = 31 + stream_name_size (mime_type_size,) = struct.unpack('>B', s[pos:pos + 1]) mime = s[pos + 1:pos + 1 + mime_type_size] pos += mime_type_size + 1 (type_specific_len,) = struct.unpack('>I', s[pos:pos + 4]) type_specific = s[pos + 4:pos + 4 + type_specific_len] pos += 4 + type_specific_len if mime[:5] == 'audio': ai = core.AudioStream() = mdpr[0] ai.bitrate = mdpr[2] elif mime[:5] == 'video': vi = core.VideoStream() = mdpr[0] vi.bitrate = mdpr[2] else: log.debug(u'Unknown: %r' % mime) if object_id == 'CONT': pos = 0 (title_len,) = struct.unpack('>H', s[pos:pos + 2]) self.title = s[2:title_len + 2] pos += title_len + 2 (author_len,) = struct.unpack('>H', s[pos:pos + 2]) self.artist = s[pos + 2:pos + author_len + 2] pos += author_len + 2 (copyright_len,) = struct.unpack('>H', s[pos:pos + 2]) self.copyright = s[pos + 2:pos + copyright_len + 2] pos += copyright_len + 2 (comment_len,) = struct.unpack('>H', s[pos:pos + 2]) self.comment = s[pos + 2:pos + comment_len + 2] Parser = RealVideo
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals from six import text_type import gettext _ = gettext.gettext try: from functools import reduce except ImportError: pass from ..constants import voidElements, booleanAttributes, spaceCharacters from ..constants import rcdataElements, entities, xmlEntities from .. import utils from xml.sax.saxutils import escape spaceCharacters = "".join(spaceCharacters) try: from codecs import register_error, xmlcharrefreplace_errors except ImportError: unicode_encode_errors = "strict" else: unicode_encode_errors = "htmlentityreplace" encode_entity_map = {} is_ucs4 = len("\U0010FFFF") == 1 for k, v in list(entities.items()): # skip multi-character entities if ((is_ucs4 and len(v) > 1) or (not is_ucs4 and len(v) > 2)): continue if v != "&": if len(v) == 2: v = utils.surrogatePairToCodepoint(v) else: v = ord(v) if not v in encode_entity_map or k.islower(): # prefer &lt; over &LT; and similarly for &amp;, &gt;, etc. encode_entity_map[v] = k def htmlentityreplace_errors(exc): if isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)): res = [] codepoints = [] skip = False for i, c in enumerate(exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]): if skip: skip = False continue index = i + exc.start if utils.isSurrogatePair(exc.object[index:min([exc.end, index + 2])]): codepoint = utils.surrogatePairToCodepoint(exc.object[index:index + 2]) skip = True else: codepoint = ord(c) codepoints.append(codepoint) for cp in codepoints: e = encode_entity_map.get(cp) if e: res.append("&") res.append(e) if not e.endswith(";"): res.append(";") else: res.append("&#x%s;" % (hex(cp)[2:])) return ("".join(res), exc.end) else: return xmlcharrefreplace_errors(exc) register_error(unicode_encode_errors, htmlentityreplace_errors) del register_error class HTMLSerializer(object): # attribute quoting options quote_attr_values = False quote_char = '"' use_best_quote_char = True # tag syntax options omit_optional_tags = True minimize_boolean_attributes = True use_trailing_solidus = False space_before_trailing_solidus = True # escaping options escape_lt_in_attrs = False escape_rcdata = False resolve_entities = True # miscellaneous options alphabetical_attributes = False inject_meta_charset = True strip_whitespace = False sanitize = False options = ("quote_attr_values", "quote_char", "use_best_quote_char", "omit_optional_tags", "minimize_boolean_attributes", "use_trailing_solidus", "space_before_trailing_solidus", "escape_lt_in_attrs", "escape_rcdata", "resolve_entities", "alphabetical_attributes", "inject_meta_charset", "strip_whitespace", "sanitize") def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize HTMLSerializer. Keyword options (default given first unless specified) include: inject_meta_charset=True|False Whether it insert a meta element to define the character set of the document. quote_attr_values=True|False Whether to quote attribute values that don't require quoting per HTML5 parsing rules. quote_char=u'"'|u"'" Use given quote character for attribute quoting. Default is to use double quote unless attribute value contains a double quote, in which case single quotes are used instead. escape_lt_in_attrs=False|True Whether to escape < in attribute values. escape_rcdata=False|True Whether to escape characters that need to be escaped within normal elements within rcdata elements such as style. resolve_entities=True|False Whether to resolve named character entities that appear in the source tree. The XML predefined entities &lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &apos; are unaffected by this setting. strip_whitespace=False|True Whether to remove semantically meaningless whitespace. (This compresses all whitespace to a single space except within pre.) minimize_boolean_attributes=True|False Shortens boolean attributes to give just the attribute value, for example <input disabled="disabled"> becomes <input disabled>. use_trailing_solidus=False|True Includes a close-tag slash at the end of the start tag of void elements (empty elements whose end tag is forbidden). E.g. <hr/>. space_before_trailing_solidus=True|False Places a space immediately before the closing slash in a tag using a trailing solidus. E.g. <hr />. Requires use_trailing_solidus. sanitize=False|True Strip all unsafe or unknown constructs from output. See `html5lib user documentation`_ omit_optional_tags=True|False Omit start/end tags that are optional. alphabetical_attributes=False|True Reorder attributes to be in alphabetical order. .. _html5lib user documentation: """ if 'quote_char' in kwargs: self.use_best_quote_char = False for attr in self.options: setattr(self, attr, kwargs.get(attr, getattr(self, attr))) self.errors = [] self.strict = False def encode(self, string): assert(isinstance(string, text_type)) if self.encoding: return string.encode(self.encoding, unicode_encode_errors) else: return string def encodeStrict(self, string): assert(isinstance(string, text_type)) if self.encoding: return string.encode(self.encoding, "strict") else: return string def serialize(self, treewalker, encoding=None): self.encoding = encoding in_cdata = False self.errors = [] if encoding and self.inject_meta_charset: from ..filters.inject_meta_charset import Filter treewalker = Filter(treewalker, encoding) # WhitespaceFilter should be used before OptionalTagFilter # for maximum efficiently of this latter filter if self.strip_whitespace: from ..filters.whitespace import Filter treewalker = Filter(treewalker) if self.sanitize: from ..filters.sanitizer import Filter treewalker = Filter(treewalker) if self.omit_optional_tags: from ..filters.optionaltags import Filter treewalker = Filter(treewalker) # Alphabetical attributes must be last, as other filters # could add attributes and alter the order if self.alphabetical_attributes: from ..filters.alphabeticalattributes import Filter treewalker = Filter(treewalker) for token in treewalker: type = token["type"] if type == "Doctype": doctype = "<!DOCTYPE %s" % token["name"] if token["publicId"]: doctype += ' PUBLIC "%s"' % token["publicId"] elif token["systemId"]: doctype += " SYSTEM" if token["systemId"]: if token["systemId"].find('"') >= 0: if token["systemId"].find("'") >= 0: self.serializeError(_("System identifer contains both single and double quote characters")) quote_char = "'" else: quote_char = '"' doctype += " %s%s%s" % (quote_char, token["systemId"], quote_char) doctype += ">" yield self.encodeStrict(doctype) elif type in ("Characters", "SpaceCharacters"): if type == "SpaceCharacters" or in_cdata: if in_cdata and token["data"].find("</") >= 0: self.serializeError(_("Unexpected </ in CDATA")) yield self.encode(token["data"]) else: yield self.encode(escape(token["data"])) elif type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"): name = token["name"] yield self.encodeStrict("<%s" % name) if name in rcdataElements and not self.escape_rcdata: in_cdata = True elif in_cdata: self.serializeError(_("Unexpected child element of a CDATA element")) for (attr_namespace, attr_name), attr_value in token["data"].items(): # TODO: Add namespace support here k = attr_name v = attr_value yield self.encodeStrict(' ') yield self.encodeStrict(k) if not self.minimize_boolean_attributes or \ (k not in booleanAttributes.get(name, tuple()) and k not in booleanAttributes.get("", tuple())): yield self.encodeStrict("=") if self.quote_attr_values or not v: quote_attr = True else: quote_attr = reduce(lambda x, y: x or (y in v), spaceCharacters + ">\"'=", False) v = v.replace("&", "&amp;") if self.escape_lt_in_attrs: v = v.replace("<", "&lt;") if quote_attr: quote_char = self.quote_char if self.use_best_quote_char: if "'" in v and '"' not in v: quote_char = '"' elif '"' in v and "'" not in v: quote_char = "'" if quote_char == "'": v = v.replace("'", "&#39;") else: v = v.replace('"', "&quot;") yield self.encodeStrict(quote_char) yield self.encode(v) yield self.encodeStrict(quote_char) else: yield self.encode(v) if name in voidElements and self.use_trailing_solidus: if self.space_before_trailing_solidus: yield self.encodeStrict(" /") else: yield self.encodeStrict("/") yield self.encode(">") elif type == "EndTag": name = token["name"] if name in rcdataElements: in_cdata = False elif in_cdata: self.serializeError(_("Unexpected child element of a CDATA element")) yield self.encodeStrict("</%s>" % name) elif type == "Comment": data = token["data"] if data.find("--") >= 0: self.serializeError(_("Comment contains --")) yield self.encodeStrict("<!--%s-->" % token["data"]) elif type == "Entity": name = token["name"] key = name + ";" if not key in entities: self.serializeError(_("Entity %s not recognized" % name)) if self.resolve_entities and key not in xmlEntities: data = entities[key] else: data = "&%s;" % name yield self.encodeStrict(data) else: self.serializeError(token["data"]) def render(self, treewalker, encoding=None): if encoding: return b"".join(list(self.serialize(treewalker, encoding))) else: return "".join(list(self.serialize(treewalker))) def serializeError(self, data="XXX ERROR MESSAGE NEEDED"): # XXX The idea is to make data mandatory. self.errors.append(data) if self.strict: raise SerializeError def SerializeError(Exception): """Error in serialized tree""" pass
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe.utils import add_days, getdate, cint from frappe import throw, _ from erpnext.utilities.transaction_base import TransactionBase, delete_events from erpnext.stock.utils import get_valid_serial_nos class MaintenanceSchedule(TransactionBase): def get_item_details(self, item_code): item = frappe.db.sql("""select item_name, description from `tabItem` where name=%s""", (item_code), as_dict=1) ret = { 'item_name': item and item[0]['item_name'] or '', 'description' : item and item[0]['description'] or '' } return ret def generate_schedule(self): self.set('maintenance_schedule_detail', []) frappe.db.sql("""delete from `tabMaintenance Schedule Detail` where parent=%s""", ( count = 1 for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): self.validate_maintenance_detail() s_list = [] s_list = self.create_schedule_list(d.start_date, d.end_date, d.no_of_visits, d.sales_person) for i in range(d.no_of_visits): child = self.append('maintenance_schedule_detail') child.item_code = d.item_code child.item_name = d.item_name child.scheduled_date = s_list[i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if d.serial_no: child.serial_no = d.serial_no child.idx = count count = count + 1 child.sales_person = d.sales_person def on_submit(self): if not self.get('maintenance_schedule_detail'): throw(_("Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to get schedule")) self.check_serial_no_added() self.validate_schedule() email_map = {} for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): if d.serial_no: serial_nos = get_valid_serial_nos(d.serial_no) self.validate_serial_no(serial_nos, d.start_date) self.update_amc_date(serial_nos, d.end_date) if d.sales_person not in email_map: sp = frappe.get_doc("Sales Person", d.sales_person) email_map[d.sales_person] = sp.get_email_id() scheduled_date = frappe.db.sql("""select scheduled_date from `tabMaintenance Schedule Detail` where sales_person=%s and item_code=%s and parent=%s""", (d.sales_person, d.item_code,, as_dict=1) for key in scheduled_date: if email_map[d.sales_person]: description = "Reference: %s, Item Code: %s and Customer: %s" % \ (, d.item_code, self.customer) frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Event", "owner": email_map[d.sales_person] or self.owner, "subject": description, "description": description, "starts_on": key["scheduled_date"] + " 10:00:00", "event_type": "Private", "ref_type": self.doctype, "ref_name": }).insert(ignore_permissions=1) frappe.db.set(self, 'status', 'Submitted') def create_schedule_list(self, start_date, end_date, no_of_visit, sales_person): schedule_list = [] start_date_copy = start_date date_diff = (getdate(end_date) - getdate(start_date)).days add_by = date_diff / no_of_visit for visit in range(cint(no_of_visit)): if (getdate(start_date_copy) < getdate(end_date)): start_date_copy = add_days(start_date_copy, add_by) if len(schedule_list) < no_of_visit: schedule_date = self.validate_schedule_date_for_holiday_list(getdate(start_date_copy), sales_person) if schedule_date > getdate(end_date): schedule_date = getdate(end_date) schedule_list.append(schedule_date) return schedule_list def validate_schedule_date_for_holiday_list(self, schedule_date, sales_person): from erpnext.accounts.utils import get_fiscal_year validated = False fy_details = "" try: fy_details = get_fiscal_year(date=schedule_date, verbose=0) except Exception: pass if fy_details and fy_details[0]: # check holiday list in employee master holiday_list = frappe.db.sql_list("""select h.holiday_date from `tabEmployee` emp, `tabSales Person` sp, `tabHoliday` h, `tabHoliday List` hl where and and and and hl.fiscal_year=%s""", (sales_person, fy_details[0])) if not holiday_list: # check global holiday list holiday_list = frappe.db.sql("""select h.holiday_date from `tabHoliday` h, `tabHoliday List` hl where and ifnull(hl.is_default, 0) = 1 and hl.fiscal_year=%s""", fy_details[0]) if not validated and holiday_list: if schedule_date in holiday_list: schedule_date = add_days(schedule_date, -1) else: validated = True return schedule_date def validate_dates_with_periodicity(self): for d in self.get("item_maintenance_detail"): if d.start_date and d.end_date and d.periodicity and d.periodicity!="Random": date_diff = (getdate(d.end_date) - getdate(d.start_date)).days + 1 days_in_period = { "Weekly": 7, "Monthly": 30, "Quarterly": 90, "Half Yearly": 180, "Yearly": 365 } if date_diff < days_in_period[d.periodicity]: throw(_("Row {0}: To set {1} periodicity, difference between from and to date \ must be greater than or equal to {2}") .format(d.idx, d.periodicity, days_in_period[d.periodicity])) def validate_maintenance_detail(self): if not self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): throw(_("Please enter Maintaince Details first")) for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): if not d.item_code: throw(_("Please select item code")) elif not d.start_date or not d.end_date: throw(_("Please select Start Date and End Date for Item {0}".format(d.item_code))) elif not d.no_of_visits: throw(_("Please mention no of visits required")) elif not d.sales_person: throw(_("Please select Incharge Person's name")) if getdate(d.start_date) >= getdate(d.end_date): throw(_("Start date should be less than end date for Item {0}").format(d.item_code)) def validate_sales_order(self): for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): if d.prevdoc_docname: chk = frappe.db.sql("""select from `tabMaintenance Schedule` ms, `tabMaintenance Schedule Item` msi where and msi.prevdoc_docname=%s and ms.docstatus=1""", d.prevdoc_docname) if chk: throw(_("Maintenance Schedule {0} exists against {0}").format(chk[0][0], d.prevdoc_docname)) def validate(self): self.validate_maintenance_detail() self.validate_dates_with_periodicity() self.validate_sales_order() def on_update(self): frappe.db.set(self, 'status', 'Draft') def update_amc_date(self, serial_nos, amc_expiry_date=None): for serial_no in serial_nos: serial_no_doc = frappe.get_doc("Serial No", serial_no) serial_no_doc.amc_expiry_date = amc_expiry_date def validate_serial_no(self, serial_nos, amc_start_date): for serial_no in serial_nos: sr_details = frappe.db.get_value("Serial No", serial_no, ["warranty_expiry_date", "amc_expiry_date", "status", "delivery_date"], as_dict=1) if not sr_details: frappe.throw(_("Serial No {0} not found").format(serial_no)) if sr_details.warranty_expiry_date and sr_details.warranty_expiry_date>=amc_start_date: throw(_("Serial No {0} is under warranty upto {1}").format(serial_no, sr_details.warranty_expiry_date)) if sr_details.amc_expiry_date and sr_details.amc_expiry_date >= amc_start_date: throw(_("Serial No {0} is under maintenance contract upto {1}").format(serial_no, sr_details.amc_start_date)) if sr_details.status=="Delivered" and sr_details.delivery_date and \ sr_details.delivery_date >= amc_start_date: throw(_("Maintenance start date can not be before delivery date for Serial No {0}").format(serial_no)) def validate_schedule(self): item_lst1 =[] item_lst2 =[] for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): if d.item_code not in item_lst1: item_lst1.append(d.item_code) for m in self.get('maintenance_schedule_detail'): if m.item_code not in item_lst2: item_lst2.append(m.item_code) if len(item_lst1) != len(item_lst2): throw(_("Maintenance Schedule is not generated for all the items. Please click on 'Generate Schedule'")) else: for x in item_lst1: if x not in item_lst2: throw(_("Please click on 'Generate Schedule'")) def check_serial_no_added(self): serial_present =[] for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): if d.serial_no: serial_present.append(d.item_code) for m in self.get('maintenance_schedule_detail'): if serial_present: if m.item_code in serial_present and not m.serial_no: throw(_("Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to fetch Serial No added for Item {0}").format(m.item_code)) def on_cancel(self): for d in self.get('item_maintenance_detail'): if d.serial_no: serial_nos = get_valid_serial_nos(d.serial_no) self.update_amc_date(serial_nos) frappe.db.set(self, 'status', 'Cancelled') delete_events(self.doctype, def on_trash(self): delete_events(self.doctype, @frappe.whitelist() def make_maintenance_visit(source_name, target_doc=None): from frappe.model.mapper import get_mapped_doc def update_status(source, target, parent): target.maintenance_type = "Scheduled" doclist = get_mapped_doc("Maintenance Schedule", source_name, { "Maintenance Schedule": { "doctype": "Maintenance Visit", "field_map": { "name": "maintenance_schedule" }, "validation": { "docstatus": ["=", 1] }, "postprocess": update_status }, "Maintenance Schedule Item": { "doctype": "Maintenance Visit Purpose", "field_map": { "parent": "prevdoc_docname", "parenttype": "prevdoc_doctype", "sales_person": "service_person" } } }, target_doc) return doclist
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import sys, os from bottle import Bottle from bottle import request from bottle import response from bottle import redirect from bottle import MakoTemplate from bottle import static_file from bottle import abort from beaker.cache import cache_managers from toughradius.console.libs.paginator import Paginator from toughradius.console.libs import utils from toughradius.console.websock import websock from toughradius.console import models from toughradius.console.base import * from toughradius.console.admin import node_forms from hashlib import md5 from twisted.python import log import bottle import datetime import json import functools __prefix__ = "/node" app = Bottle() app.config['__prefix__'] = __prefix__ ############################################################################### # node manage ############################################################################### @app.get('/', apply=auth_opr) def node(db, render): return render("sys_node_list", page_data=get_page_data(db.query(models.SlcNode))) permit.add_route("/node", u"区域信息管理", u"系统管理", is_menu=True, order=1) @app.get('/add', apply=auth_opr) def node_add(db, render): return render("base_form", form=node_forms.node_add_form())'/add', apply=auth_opr) def node_add_post(db, render): form = node_forms.node_add_form() if not form.validates(source=request.forms): return render("base_form", form=form) node = models.SlcNode() node.node_name = form.d.node_name node.node_desc = form.d.node_desc db.add(node) ops_log = models.SlcRadOperateLog() ops_log.operator_name = get_cookie("username") ops_log.operate_ip = get_cookie("login_ip") ops_log.operate_time = utils.get_currtime() ops_log.operate_desc = u'操作员(%s)新增区域信息:%s' % (get_cookie("username"), node.node_name) db.add(ops_log) db.commit() redirect("/node") permit.add_route("/node/add", u"新增区域", u"系统管理", order=1.01, is_open=False) @app.get('/update', apply=auth_opr) def node_update(db, render): node_id = request.params.get("node_id") form = node_forms.node_update_form() form.fill(db.query(models.SlcNode).get(node_id)) return render("base_form", form=form)'/update', apply=auth_opr) def node_add_update(db, render): form = node_forms.node_update_form() if not form.validates(source=request.forms): return render("base_form", form=form) node = db.query(models.SlcNode).get( node.node_name = form.d.node_name node.node_desc = form.d.node_desc ops_log = models.SlcRadOperateLog() ops_log.operator_name = get_cookie("username") ops_log.operate_ip = get_cookie("login_ip") ops_log.operate_time = utils.get_currtime() ops_log.operate_desc = u'操作员(%s)修改区域信息:%s' % (get_cookie("username"), node.node_name) db.add(ops_log) db.commit() redirect("/node") permit.add_route("/node/update", u"修改区域", u"系统管理", order=1.02, is_open=False) @app.get('/delete', apply=auth_opr) def node_delete(db, render): node_id = request.params.get("node_id") if db.query(models.SlcMember.member_id).filter_by(node_id=node_id).count() > 0: return render("error", msg=u"该节点下有用户,不允许删除") db.query(models.SlcNode).filter_by(id=node_id).delete() ops_log = models.SlcRadOperateLog() ops_log.operator_name = get_cookie("username") ops_log.operate_ip = get_cookie("login_ip") ops_log.operate_time = utils.get_currtime() ops_log.operate_desc = u'操作员(%s)删除区域信息:%s' % (get_cookie("username"), node_id) db.add(ops_log) db.commit() redirect("/node") permit.add_route("/node/delete", u"删除区域", u"系统管理", order=1.03, is_open=False)
import unittest from import ValueDescriptor from import OutputDescriptor from import datatype class TestOutputDescriptor(unittest.TestCase): def test_constructor(self): value_descriptor = ValueDescriptor( 'x', datatype.registry['smallint'] ) output_descriptor = OutputDescriptor( value_descriptor ) assert output_descriptor is not None def test_serialize_smallint(self): output_descriptor = OutputDescriptor( ValueDescriptor('x', datatype.registry['smallint']) ) assert output_descriptor.serialize(43) == '43' def test_load_from_config(self): config = { 'name': 'x', 'data_type': 'smallint', 'serializer_config': { } } output_descriptor = OutputDescriptor.load(config) self.assertIs( output_descriptor.value_descriptor.data_type, datatype.registry['smallint'] ) self.assertEqual(, 'x') self.assertEqual(config, output_descriptor.to_dict())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ markupsafe._constants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Highlevel implementation of the Markup string. :copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ HTML_ENTITIES = { 'AElig': 198, 'Aacute': 193, 'Acirc': 194, 'Agrave': 192, 'Alpha': 913, 'Aring': 197, 'Atilde': 195, 'Auml': 196, 'Beta': 914, 'Ccedil': 199, 'Chi': 935, 'Dagger': 8225, 'Delta': 916, 'ETH': 208, 'Eacute': 201, 'Ecirc': 202, 'Egrave': 200, 'Epsilon': 917, 'Eta': 919, 'Euml': 203, 'Gamma': 915, 'Iacute': 205, 'Icirc': 206, 'Igrave': 204, 'Iota': 921, 'Iuml': 207, 'Kappa': 922, 'Lambda': 923, 'Mu': 924, 'Ntilde': 209, 'Nu': 925, 'OElig': 338, 'Oacute': 211, 'Ocirc': 212, 'Ograve': 210, 'Omega': 937, 'Omicron': 927, 'Oslash': 216, 'Otilde': 213, 'Ouml': 214, 'Phi': 934, 'Pi': 928, 'Prime': 8243, 'Psi': 936, 'Rho': 929, 'Scaron': 352, 'Sigma': 931, 'THORN': 222, 'Tau': 932, 'Theta': 920, 'Uacute': 218, 'Ucirc': 219, 'Ugrave': 217, 'Upsilon': 933, 'Uuml': 220, 'Xi': 926, 'Yacute': 221, 'Yuml': 376, 'Zeta': 918, 'aacute': 225, 'acirc': 226, 'acute': 180, 'aelig': 230, 'agrave': 224, 'alefsym': 8501, 'alpha': 945, 'amp': 38, 'and': 8743, 'ang': 8736, 'apos': 39, 'aring': 229, 'asymp': 8776, 'atilde': 227, 'auml': 228, 'bdquo': 8222, 'beta': 946, 'brvbar': 166, 'bull': 8226, 'cap': 8745, 'ccedil': 231, 'cedil': 184, 'cent': 162, 'chi': 967, 'circ': 710, 'clubs': 9827, 'cong': 8773, 'copy': 169, 'crarr': 8629, 'cup': 8746, 'curren': 164, 'dArr': 8659, 'dagger': 8224, 'darr': 8595, 'deg': 176, 'delta': 948, 'diams': 9830, 'divide': 247, 'eacute': 233, 'ecirc': 234, 'egrave': 232, 'empty': 8709, 'emsp': 8195, 'ensp': 8194, 'epsilon': 949, 'equiv': 8801, 'eta': 951, 'eth': 240, 'euml': 235, 'euro': 8364, 'exist': 8707, 'fnof': 402, 'forall': 8704, 'frac12': 189, 'frac14': 188, 'frac34': 190, 'frasl': 8260, 'gamma': 947, 'ge': 8805, 'gt': 62, 'hArr': 8660, 'harr': 8596, 'hearts': 9829, 'hellip': 8230, 'iacute': 237, 'icirc': 238, 'iexcl': 161, 'igrave': 236, 'image': 8465, 'infin': 8734, 'int': 8747, 'iota': 953, 'iquest': 191, 'isin': 8712, 'iuml': 239, 'kappa': 954, 'lArr': 8656, 'lambda': 955, 'lang': 9001, 'laquo': 171, 'larr': 8592, 'lceil': 8968, 'ldquo': 8220, 'le': 8804, 'lfloor': 8970, 'lowast': 8727, 'loz': 9674, 'lrm': 8206, 'lsaquo': 8249, 'lsquo': 8216, 'lt': 60, 'macr': 175, 'mdash': 8212, 'micro': 181, 'middot': 183, 'minus': 8722, 'mu': 956, 'nabla': 8711, 'nbsp': 160, 'ndash': 8211, 'ne': 8800, 'ni': 8715, 'not': 172, 'notin': 8713, 'nsub': 8836, 'ntilde': 241, 'nu': 957, 'oacute': 243, 'ocirc': 244, 'oelig': 339, 'ograve': 242, 'oline': 8254, 'omega': 969, 'omicron': 959, 'oplus': 8853, 'or': 8744, 'ordf': 170, 'ordm': 186, 'oslash': 248, 'otilde': 245, 'otimes': 8855, 'ouml': 246, 'para': 182, 'part': 8706, 'permil': 8240, 'perp': 8869, 'phi': 966, 'pi': 960, 'piv': 982, 'plusmn': 177, 'pound': 163, 'prime': 8242, 'prod': 8719, 'prop': 8733, 'psi': 968, 'quot': 34, 'rArr': 8658, 'radic': 8730, 'rang': 9002, 'raquo': 187, 'rarr': 8594, 'rceil': 8969, 'rdquo': 8221, 'real': 8476, 'reg': 174, 'rfloor': 8971, 'rho': 961, 'rlm': 8207, 'rsaquo': 8250, 'rsquo': 8217, 'sbquo': 8218, 'scaron': 353, 'sdot': 8901, 'sect': 167, 'shy': 173, 'sigma': 963, 'sigmaf': 962, 'sim': 8764, 'spades': 9824, 'sub': 8834, 'sube': 8838, 'sum': 8721, 'sup': 8835, 'sup1': 185, 'sup2': 178, 'sup3': 179, 'supe': 8839, 'szlig': 223, 'tau': 964, 'there4': 8756, 'theta': 952, 'thetasym': 977, 'thinsp': 8201, 'thorn': 254, 'tilde': 732, 'times': 215, 'trade': 8482, 'uArr': 8657, 'uacute': 250, 'uarr': 8593, 'ucirc': 251, 'ugrave': 249, 'uml': 168, 'upsih': 978, 'upsilon': 965, 'uuml': 252, 'weierp': 8472, 'xi': 958, 'yacute': 253, 'yen': 165, 'yuml': 255, 'zeta': 950, 'zwj': 8205, 'zwnj': 8204 }
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # ############################################################################## from openerp import models, fields, api, _ import sys class MrpWorkcenter(models.Model): _inherit = 'mrp.workcenter' capacity_per_cycle = fields.Float( string='Capacity per Cycle Max.', help='Capacity per cycle maximum.') capacity_per_cycle_min = fields.Float( string='Capacity per Cycle Min.', help='Capacity per cycle minimum.') class MrpRoutingWorkcenter(models.Model): _inherit = 'mrp.routing.workcenter' limited_production_capacity = fields.Boolean() class MrpProduction(models.Model): _inherit = 'mrp.production' @api.multi def product_qty_change_production_capacity(self, product_qty=0, routing_id=False): result = {} routing_obj = self.env['mrp.routing'] if product_qty and routing_id: routing = routing_obj.browse(routing_id) for line in routing.workcenter_lines: if line.limited_production_capacity: capacity_min = ( line.workcenter_id.capacity_per_cycle_min or sys.float_info.min) capacity_max = (line.workcenter_id.capacity_per_cycle or sys.float_info.max) if capacity_min and capacity_max: if (product_qty < capacity_min or product_qty > capacity_max): warning = { 'title': _('Warning!'), 'message': _('Product QTY < Capacity per cycle' ' minimun, or > Capacity per' ' cycle maximun') } result['warning'] = warning return result @api.onchange('routing_id') def onchange_routing(self): if self.routing_id: for line in self.routing_id.workcenter_lines: if (line.limited_production_capacity and line.workcenter_id.capacity_per_cycle): self.product_qty = line.workcenter_id.capacity_per_cycle class MrpProductionWorkcenterLine(models.Model): _inherit = 'mrp.production.workcenter.line' @api.multi def workcenter_change_production_capacity(self, product_qty=0, workcenter_id=False): result = {} result['value'] = {} workcenter_obj = self.env['mrp.workcenter'] if product_qty and workcenter_id: workcenter = workcenter_obj.browse(workcenter_id) capacity_min = (workcenter.capacity_per_cycle_min or sys.float_info.min) capacity_max = (workcenter.capacity_per_cycle or sys.float_info.max) if capacity_min and capacity_max: if (product_qty < capacity_min or product_qty > capacity_max): warning = { 'title': _('Warning!'), 'message': _('Product QTY < Capacity per cycle' ' minimun, or > Capacity per' ' cycle maximun') } result['warning'] = warning return result