More Art Ed Radio Episodes An Interview with Andrea Beaty (Ep. 351) Andrea Beaty—author of Rosie Revere, Engineer, Iggy Peck, Architect, and Aaron Slater, Illustrator—joins Tim on today's podcast ahead of her appearance as the featured presenter at the NOW Conference. Listen as she talks to Tim about creativity, nurturing talent, the importance of STEAM, and the vital role that art teachers play each and every day. Full episode transcript below. Explore more about Andrea Beaty See Ada Twist during Storytime From Space! Find all you need to know about the NOW Conference Tim: Welcome to Art Ed Radio, the podcast for our teachers. This show is produced by the Art of Education University, and I'm your host, Tim Bogatz. We are recording today in Naperville, Illinois at a wonderful bookshop called Anderson's Bookshop. I'm going to be talking to author Andrea Beaty. She is best known for books like Iggy Peck, Architect and Rosie Revere, Engineer. My favorite probably of hers is a newer one called Aaron Slater, Illustrator. And Andrea is going to be our keynote presenter at the Now Winter Conference in just a couple of weeks here. And we are thrilled to have her. I know that so many art teachers love using her books in their classrooms for so many reasons. The stories, the lessons that can be learned from those stories, the connections to STEAM, the wonderful illustrations that are in every book, and so much more. So I want to talk to her about all of that, a little bit about her creative process, her collaborative process with her illustrator on and a few other things. And we'll just see where this conversation will go. And Andrea's just about ready here, so we'll get started in just a second. But a quick note first, like I said, we're in this awesome store called Anderson's Bookshop. Generally quiet because it's a bookstore, but there are quite a few shoppers around. So we're not exactly sure what you're going to hear, but there will be some background noise throughout the interview. But with that being said, I think we are now ready to get started. All right, I am here with Andrea Beaty, who will be our keynote speaker at the NOW Conference. Andrea, how are you? Andrea: I'm well. I'm pleased to be here talking with you today. Tim: Thank you. I appreciate that. Like I said, we're thrilled to be able to chat with you. I guess to begin, can you introduce yourself, talk a little bit about your work for anybody who's unfamiliar. Andrea: Sure. I write children's books. That includes picture books. The most well known are the Questioneer series, which is Iggy Peck, Architect, Ada Twist, Scientist, Rosie Revere, Engineer, Sofia Valdez, Future Prez, and Aaron Slater, Illustrator. I always remember four out of the five. I got them all, yay. Tim: Good work. Andrea: And for each of those characters then, we have project books and we have chapter books and also some non-fiction books now, which is the new thing. Tim: Nice. Andrea: And some tie-ins. Ada Twist, Scientist is actually a show on Netflix now. So we have some non-fiction books that go with those as well. Tim: I know, it's going everywhere. Andrea: It is. Tim: That's good. That's good. I want to, I guess, start the conversation with what I think is just the coolest thing ever. Two of your books, Rosie Revere and Ada Twist have actually been read on the International Space Station. Can we consider that a career highlight? What's your reaction when you first found out that, that was happening? Andrea: It was absolutely insane. The email came to me and said, "We're thinking, would you mind if we read"- Tim: Would you mind that? Andrea: "Would you mind if we read Rosie Revere, Engineer on the International Space Station? Because that would happen first." And I'm like, "Oh, I think I'm busy that day. When is it? What?" Come on, give me a break. It's a marvelous program called Story Time From Space, and it's from the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space funds it. And they take picture books up to the Space Station, they read them, astronauts read them, and it blew my mind. It absolutely blew my mind. And then it happened again, and then my mind blown all over again. It's absurd and wonderful and a very cool program. So they have a lot of books out there now. I encourage people to go and check them out. And you can actually have links from my website, which is andreabeaty.com, to make it easy. Yeah, I don't know. Where do you even go from there? It's like, well, I can tell you where you're going from there. Then there was a TV show, and then I'm like, "What? There's a TV show?" And then there was a Macy's Day Parade balloon. Tim: Oh, did you go to the Macy's Day Parade? Andrea: I did. Tim: Oh my God. Andrea: I was there and it was the most surreal and crazy, silly, goofy, marvelous thing to see this character that came out of the ether floating by full of helium, and it's going, "Ah" down the… It was amazing. I have given up on what is career pinnacles there, because they just keep coming. Tim: I'm just like, your characters and your stories have just taken on a life of their own at this point. Andrea: They really have. And I have to say, I think David and I both feel this. David Roberts is the illustrator, he lives in London. I think we both feel shepherds, that we are sort of now just whatever we can do to help these kids and expand their world to tell their stories. But yeah, they're out of control. No, that's not the right phrase. Tim: I love that, though. And I want to talk about David Roberts in just a little bit. Before, though, I know people listen to us love just sort of hearing what it's like behind the scenes, what your working process is like. So can you talk about maybe how much time you spend writing for each book? How many drafts does a typical book go through? How long does it take to get something published? What's the process, from beginning to end? Andrea: The answer there is that horrible, there is no answer, answer. Tim: Right. Andrea: Because it's so different for every book. Once I wrote a book in literally an hour, it was called Dr. Ted. It was done. I think we changed one word in the whole thing. Tim: Wow. Andrea: Came out two days. Two years later. Two days later, no, that's not right. Two years later. So that was really amazingly fast. I've had picture books that took me 10 years to get right and then that long to three, four or five years beyond that to get published. Again, take a very, very long time. At this point with the Questioneer series, when I know who the character I want to explore is, and the process is that all the characters have come from David Roberts' illustrations in Iggy Peck, Architect, and then the subsequent books. And in them, David, when he creates these characters, they are really full form to him. They are real people. So they have personalities and they have things they do and mannerisms and the way they dress and everything about them. There's never anything random in his art, which is amazing because the art seems very simple, but there's so much detail just tucked into those illustrations. So now I look at each of these kids and figure, "Who are you?" I'm always looking, I have my wall in my office, I have pictures. Anytime the kids show up, I have pictures of them slathered all over the wall. And I'm like, okay, what's your story? What's your story? You're doing this thing, you're looking at that thing. And that's kind of where they grow from. But I don't know. It's wild. So there is no good answer for how long it takes. The last one I did, which I cannot tell you who it is, because it's the next book. Tim: It's a secret. Andrea: It is a secret. Oh, it's hard to not tell. But it took me three months to write, I think. The picture books, the chapter books take a minimum of four months to write. Tim: I can imagine. Andrea: And then of course, there's the back and forth. So it's always fairly long. And Abrams now, the publisher, is so wonderful that they very much streamline the production of it and get them out fast. Tim: Good, good. So can you talk a little bit about how you first connected with David, for illustration? Is he somebody you knew? Did you just get put together with, how did that relationship first develop? Andrea: Yeah, I think people are always surprised when they hear about the process of doing picture books. So unless you are a person who illustrates your own books, and I am not that person, thankfully. Because I love art and I like making art, but I do not have the artistic chops to do something like that. Illustration really is its own thing, and David Roberts does have it. But what happens is you write the book as a picture book writer and you send it to your publisher, and then, if they want to publish it, they figure out who they want to have illustrate it. And usually the writer doesn't have any say in that. At some point, maybe if you've been at it a long, long time, they will ask. So I think back in the day the editor asked, "I'm thinking about David Roberts for this illustration for Iggy Peck, Architect. What do you think?" I had never heard of David, and as a person who was only my second book. I said, "Yes, of course, that sounds perfect." And it was. It was. But it's so funny that you write the book, send it away, and then three years later maybe, sketches came back and my first reaction to sketches is always, "Oh, that's totally wrong. That's not right." For about two seconds. And now I don't even go to that. But it was like, "Ugh." But then it becomes like, "Oh no, of course this is right. And not only is it right, but it's perfect." And it has just been such a journey because the editor picked David, and then David created this classroom of kids, which is this marvelous versed, wonderful classroom, like the kids he would meet in London when he would do school visits. That has been the fodder for this whole world that expands. That's unforeseen. So had she picked a different artist or not, it would've all been different. So it's a very slightly random happenstance that has taken us to where it is. And I feel like the whole process has just been like that, like we did this and because that happened, well now we're going to do that. And just being open to it and following it has been great fun. And I feel like I have the smallest part in the whole production of it, because David really brings everything to this and the editorial people and the art directors. It's such a team effort. People are surprised at how many people will touch a book from the time I sit down and scribble a few words until it shows up in the store. It's hundreds of people who do. Tim: Yeah. So it was just kind of like a serendipitous relationship with you and David, and it's just exploded- Andrea: It has. And then over time, he did come to the States right when he was about to do the art for Rosie Revere. And so I got to meet him and hang out with him. And we spent an afternoon, like five hours, at this marvelous art deco bar in New York, eating french fries and drinking beer and just talking. Talking, talking, talking. And since then, we've had the chance to do that a number of times and we will do FaceTime and things. So we talk about a lot of things, but we're also very cognizant. He says, "I never want to influence what you do. I never want to steer you one way or another. I just want to stand back and you go do your thing." And I'm like, "Well, that's exactly how I feel about you." So it's like we try very hard to just give each other all the space. But then occasionally it's like, "Hey David, I think we should do this. Yeah, yeah, we should totally do that." So both somehow, I don't know how the editor knew this, but we both have very much the same sense of humor. And it's sort of like we're separated at birth except by decade, continent, gender, like everything but pretty much the same person. Tim: Okay. So just thinking about that idea, you said you're just one part of this whole process with the books. And as our teachers, we love seeing the art, we love seeing illustrations that are in that book. Andrea: They're stunning. Tim: Can you just give your perspective, I guess, on how important the illustrations are or talk a little bit more about what role they play in the stories or this whole sort of environment that you've built with these kids? Andrea: Yeah. I think the thing is people always say, don't judge a book by its cover. But everyone judges books. Tim: Yeah, absolutely they do. Andrea: You're sitting here in this glorious bookstore. And if you didn't judge a book by its cover, you would never get out of here alive. How are you going to pick? You only have so much time. And the thing about David's art is it really is, it's elegant, it's sophisticated, but it's also really playful. And there are some really funny, really subtle, funny things. And so I think he takes my words and they are, like in Iggy Peck, Architect, the rhyme is fairly sophisticated. It's fairly complicated. It's got an internal rhyme within each line. And actually, David says that when he went to illustrate Iggy Peck, he really wanted to reflect that. He wanted to reflect the sophistication of the rhyme by making the Lila Greer very elegant and just the layout and the design of it. So he changed up the way he did things. And I think that's one of the reasons that the books work so well is that when I write the text, it's really important to me to just say what needs to be said. And sometimes that's using really goofy words. I don't know, goofy, goofy words or it's using really sophisticated words. But whatever the word is, it's going to be the right word that needs to be said. And I don't worry about, well, kids don't know what Romanesque is. That's okay. If they really want to know, they will ask and they'll find out. And that's how we learn new words, which is awesome. So I always tell the story I need to tell, put the emotion, just write the thing. And David does the same. And he does this… His art has so many layers and so many things inside each picture that kids really respond to that. So they respond to the rhythm of the language. They respond to hearing these things that maybe don't make sense to them, but it's a real act of respect to them that they will get it. That's fine, don't worry about it. You'll hear it on the second, third, fourth, fifth, 10th reading. And parents tell me this. And that's one of the greatest things, compliments to me is that they say, "People can bear to read this over and over and over again" Tim: Right, right. Andrea: Because as a parent, when I had young kids, there were books that accidentally fell down the crack of the bed in the middle of reading. I'm not proud, I'll tell you. "Honey, is that a bat at the window?" There goes the Barbie book right behind the bed. So to know that that kids can respond to that, but equally in the art, David has tucked so many things that I still find things. He doesn't tell me. He sticks so many funny, smart, sly things in there and he doesn't tell me. And so even now, I found something the other day in Rosie Revere, and I have been reading that for decade and I have read it thousands of times and I will always send him a note, "David, is this a whatever?"He's so sweet. And he always says, "I hope you don't mind. Yeah, David, stop making me look good, guy. God, just pace yourself, man, pace yourself." Tim: That's hilarious. Andrea: But I think that's the reason that it works as a combination is because both of them have the same attitude towards children of yeah, kids can handle things. Kids are smart, kids are so smart, that they can take the sophisticated package of stuff and process and feel seen by that, feel like, yeah, this is something that someone made, especially for me and I can feel kind of smart seeing that. That's how I feel. Tim: Yeah. Okay. So you talked a little bit about how David Robert and his illustrations influence you and inspire you to create more characters, have these characters do more things. But I would also love to know where outside of that, where your inspiration comes from or what in particular influences you. When you're sitting down to write? Are there certain things or certain authors that you draw inspiration from? Andrea: Wow. Well, I think for me. So when I write picture books that are prose, that's like writing poetry. When I write picture books that are in rhyme, that's like writing a song. So for me, honestly, one of the things, and this is funny because I've had this conversation with other authors I know who write rhyming books, is that I'm very familiar with lots of old diddies from the 1960s. So the Oscar Mayer Wiener song is always close to hand, that kind of thing. All old rhyming commercials and everything. And also Dr. Seuss. So How the Grinch Stole Christmas is, for me, really probably the most influential book because it's the first book that I ever realized is A, in rhyme, and so it's like a song. It is funny, it's a lot of funny stuff happens there. And also it has heart, it has an emotional arc. And to be able to put all of those things together it takes some really solid craft, I think. It takes some something there. And I think Dr. Seuss has some something. You guys had a little bit of something. Just a little. Tim: All right. I hate to make you pick one, but do you have a favorite book that you've written? Or more specifically, do you have a particular book that maybe holds a special place, for you for any reason? Andrea: Oh man, that is really hard because I'm always most in love with the one that I've been working on most recently. Andrea: I have to pick two because I'm going to be that person. I'm going to say one, sure, I'll take two. It's like cupcakes. So for me, Rosie Revere. And that's because in Rosie Revere, as I was writing the book and I knew I made Rosie an engineer because I wanted to see what David Roberts would do with the illustrations. So I knew she would have to make something, but I didn't know what. And really got stuck in that book. And I got unstuck when I went to visit my aunt, who was a Rosie the Riveter. When she was a young woman, she worked making munitions in a plant in Alton, Illinois. And I was visiting Aunt Emmaline and I thought, I want to say thank you to the people of that generation and particularly the riveters who did so much. They saved the world, basically. And when I decided, okay, I'm going to put a Rosie the Riveter in as sort of a tip of the hat to my aunt and all of those other amazing women, that book really came together. So it has this really special personal connection, I think, to my family. And when I saw the art that David came back with, that the picture of Great Aunt Rose as a young woman on the big B-27, B-29, I think she's working on, I just bawled. I look at that and it just was so much, so amazing and important. The other one though, book that I love the best I'm going to say is probably Aaron Slater, Illustrator. The illustrations in that are so remarkable and so beautiful. And it's just, I don't know, Aaron has this heart. This kid, he's just got the heart of an artist and he's beautiful and smart and full of wonder. I don't know, I just love them. I do love them all. Don't tell the others. Tim: Aaron Slater definitely connected with me. As an artist, I love seeing, like you said, all of those illustrations, just the story of what it means to be an artist or become an artist, I think really resonates with a lot of art teachers who are going to be listening to this. So I think that's a good selection. Andrea: And it's just really beautiful, I mean, just physically. Every book is just physically beautiful that David does. But that one is just so much going on. And just those dragons. There's dragons, got to love a dragon. Tim: And then last question for you. Do you have anything you can share with us about what may be coming in the future, like things that you're working on, places that you may want to go with any of these characters or any of these stories? Andrea: Yeah. That's always amazing. I can tell you there is another book coming down the pike. I cannot tell you who it is. That's a secret. I think that reveal will happen in somewhere late winter maybe, that we'll get to talk about it. It's always really hard right now. Tim: Yeah. Andrea: Because I know, and I'm like so excited. Tim, I can't say who it is. But also more chapter books are coming down the road. And lots of books, there's The Why Files, which are non-fiction books and there for really emerging readers. So it's a younger reading level than the chapter books. So that's fun. It's a nice thing, actually. And it just kind of worked out this way that we have books really at lots of different reading levels. And so there's something there for kids to find, no matter where they are on that reading journey. And what else? More chapter books. And I don't even know. So many things and I can't say what they are, but I am turning the brain towards even different things, which is fun. Tim: Good to hear. We will look forward to it. Andrea: Well, thank you. Appreciate it. Tim: All right. Well, Andrea, thank you so much. It's been great talking to you. We appreciate the conversation and we'll look forward to seeing you at the Now Conference at the end of January. Andrea: Well, thank you and thank you to our teachers everywhere. I tell you, you make a difference in people's lives. You make a difference to kids. And I say this, I know lots and lots of artists who are illustrators for kids books and things. And if you ask them, they all have an art teacher somewhere there in their in their backstory, who encouraged them when they needed it and made a difference in their world. And then those marvelous artists go out and are making such a difference in so many other kids' work. So yay, keep up the good work art teachers. Tim: We will do that. All right, thank you. Andrea: Thank you. Tim: All right. Thank you so much to Andrea for that incredible message for our teachers and just taking the time to chat with us for this podcast. I can't wait for everyone to be able to hear from her at the Now Conference at the end of January. Hey, as you can tell, she has some great stories to share, some wonderful ideas on creativity. And I feel like she really just gets us, as art teachers. You can especially tell with the last part of that interview there. She has an appreciation for everything that we do. And I think she's going to do a great job speaking specifically to us as art teachers during her featured presentation. But until that day, go read Rosie Revere or Iggy Peck or Aaron Slater or whatever else she's written. Enjoy it and get ready for Andrea Beaty at the Now Conference in just a couple of weeks. Art Ed Radio is produced by the Art of Education University with audio engineering from Michael Crocker. If you are not signed up for the NOW Conference yet, if you're not signed up to see Andrea Beaty, you can still register. And as I said, we're just a couple weeks away. The kickoff, the NOW Conference kickoff is Friday, January 27th. The main event is Saturday the 28th and the last day, the asynchronous day of learning, is Sunday the 29th. And of course, you can continue that asynchronous learning throughout the next year with access to the entire conference. So you can find all the info you need, you can register. Everything you need to know is that the AOEU website. And I hope that we will see you at the conference. 2023 Winter NOW Conference Preview (Ep. 353) Making Your Own Art Diving Into AOEU Graduate Courses (Ep. 344) Passion for Teaching Living Into Gratitude (Ep. 343) View on iTunes
Beyonce Beyonce Grammy Awards Pussycat Dolls Ariana Grande Grammy Awards Billie Eilish Alicia Keys Movie Trailer: Bobbi Kristina Biopic Published: Wednesday 30th Aug 2017 by Sam The life of the late Whitney Houston continues to prove a fascinating narrative. TV One are gearing up to delve into it even more with their original movie 'Bobbi Kristina.' Aptly, the flick will chronicle the life and untimely demise of Bobbi Kristina – Houston's only child with Bobby Brown. Billed as "an honest and moving look at the young woman at the center of one of the most talked-about stories in recent years," the film stars newcomer Joy Rovaris in the title role. Actress/singer Demetria McKinney will appear as Whitney. According to producers, the project aims to restore what has been lost amidst the tabloid headlines and scandal surrounding her death: the real Bobbi Kristina Brown, a.k.a. "Krissy." She will reportedly be shown as vibrant, talented, but troubled. overshadowed by the circumstances of her death. Set hit screens on October 8th, the movie begins immediately after the 2012 death of Bobbi's mother. Peep the trailer for the film (which also stars Vivica Fox) below… While we shudder at the thought of some of the recent influx of biopics (see: Aaliyah), others have actually been…dare we say…decent. As such, we're willing to give this a chance. TV Preview: 'Insecure' [Season 2 /… Does Hollywood Discriminate Against Gay Men?… 2Bad2Bme August 30, 2017 It is too soon for this. Folks just always want to take advantage of an opportunity to make money. CHILE PLEASE!!! August 30, 2017 I'm going to be blatantly honest! There is absolutely NO NEED for this movie! Bobbi Kris has no stamp in the music world. I was really routing for her to carry on the legacy of her mother but obviously that failed. Bobbi couldn't sing or have any other talent that I know of! She let the death of Nippy really get to her and she spiraled down hill. I wish things could've been different for Bobbi, but unfortunately God had other plans for both her and Nippy. SMH! Truth be told August 30, 2017 RIGHT!!! We bought the same book, we're reading the same chapter and we're on the same page. LOL Yes honey! Hallelu! ***Raises hands in the air*** Suicide Blonde August 30, 2017 Totally agree with that, like who's interested in this girl's life? LiLi'n'RiRi August 30, 2017 what a shitty thing to say, you're a f****** ass hole Jasmine August 30, 2017 Since when is it important to hate on TV One movies? We are not talking about a theater release here. We are talking about a black movie that is being shown on a black network the majority of America does not even watch. This is a cautionary tale and I think it is okay for them to do the movie. I actually liked their movie on Falicia Blakely. I can see how many young black teenagers can relate to this story of growing up with two drug addict parents, with millions of dollars around, and no actual parenting for their offspring. Bobbi was doomed since birth and hopefully her story will inspire others teenagers in a similar predicament to have the strength to avoid going down the same road. CHILE PLEASE!!! September 1, 2017 The last 2 comments are irrelevant! Also to add to "Jasmine" we've already seen what Bobbi Kris was going through with her parents! Did you forget about Bobby & Whitney's reality show with Kris in it? They acted a fool in front of Bobbi Kris! It's a LOT more I can say but I'm not going there! Like I said no need for this movie!! Stop defending rachetness! ??? August 30, 2017 chile bye. Chris August 30, 2017 ITS REALLY disrespectful when they do movies about people without the families blessing I MightNate August 30, 2017 How many Whitney movies are coming out now?!? Goodness! Fancy BISH August 30, 2017 I know right…Pat Houston and her baldheaded, big forehead, no edges self must be behind it! I never liked Pat dydy972 August 30, 2017 As decent as it seem, it was not approved by bobby brown and the houston family so i know it's not gonna be great. First Look: Whitney Houston Hologram Tour [Behind The Scenes] Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 2020: Whitney Houston & Notorious B.I.G… From The Vault: Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey Rock Oscars With 'When… Robyn Crawford Visits 'Wendy' / Gets Candid About Romantic Relationship With Whitney… In life, Whitney Houston blazed quite the trail. And posthumously, the legendary diva will be doing the same. Because, BASE Hologram and the icon's Estate have teamed up to illuminate the legacy of Nippy in seismic fashion. March brings with it the launch of 'An… Read More Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 2020: Whitney Houston & Notorious B.I.G To Be Inducted Legends don't die, they live on and inspire. Fittingly, then, Whitney Houston and the Notorious B.I.G are two of the names who'll be immortalized in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. For, it's been announced that they've officially made the cut… Read More
Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum) R. Velazhahan*, S. D. Deborah, A. Palaniswami Rice leaf sheaths were inoculated with R. solani (pathogen) and P. palmarum (non-pathogen) and were analyzed for the accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Inoculation of rice plants with R. solani and P. palmarum resulted in a marked increase in activities of chitinase and β-1.3-glucanase. The levels of both enzymes were higher in incompatible interactions than in compatible interactions. Western blot analysis indicated that two proteins with molecular weights of 33 and 35 kDa cross-reacting with barley chitinase antibody were induced in rice in response to inoculation with R. solani. The appearance of these chitinases was correlated with increase in enzyme activity. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica https://doi.org/10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 Compatible interaction Incompatible interaction PR-proteins Pestalotia palmarum Rhizoctonia solani 10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 Dive into the research topics of 'Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum)'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Chitinase Agricultural and Biological Sciences 100% Inoculation Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 75% Glucanase Agricultural and Biological Sciences 50% Proteins Agricultural and Biological Sciences 25% Antibodies Agricultural and Biological Sciences 25% Enzymes Agricultural and Biological Sciences 25% Enzyme Activity Agricultural and Biological Sciences 25% Barley Agricultural and Biological Sciences 25% Velazhahan, R., Deborah, S. D., & Palaniswami, A. (2001). Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 36(1-2), 67-74. https://doi.org/10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum). / Velazhahan, R.; Deborah, S. D.; Palaniswami, A. In: Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, 2001, p. 67-74. Velazhahan, R, Deborah, SD & Palaniswami, A 2001, 'Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum)', Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, vol. 36, no. 1-2, pp. 67-74. https://doi.org/10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 Velazhahan R, Deborah SD, Palaniswami A. Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum). Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 2001;36(1-2):67-74. doi: 10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 Velazhahan, R. ; Deborah, S. D. ; Palaniswami, A. / Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum). In: Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica. 2001 ; Vol. 36, No. 1-2. pp. 67-74. @article{ae83fdf3bc76483281cafd079bf0704c, title = "Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum)", abstract = "Rice leaf sheaths were inoculated with R. solani (pathogen) and P. palmarum (non-pathogen) and were analyzed for the accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Inoculation of rice plants with R. solani and P. palmarum resulted in a marked increase in activities of chitinase and β-1.3-glucanase. The levels of both enzymes were higher in incompatible interactions than in compatible interactions. Western blot analysis indicated that two proteins with molecular weights of 33 and 35 kDa cross-reacting with barley chitinase antibody were induced in rice in response to inoculation with R. solani. The appearance of these chitinases was correlated with increase in enzyme activity.", keywords = "Compatible interaction, Incompatible interaction, Oryza sativa, PR-proteins, Pestalotia palmarum, Rhizoctonia solani", author = "R. Velazhahan and Deborah, {S. D.} and A. Palaniswami", doi = "10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9", journal = "Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica", publisher = "Akademiai Kiado", T1 - Differential induction of chitinase and Β-1,3-glucanase in response to inoculation with a pathogen (Rhizoctonia solani) and a non-pathogen (Pestalotia palmarum) AU - Velazhahan, R. AU - Deborah, S. D. AU - Palaniswami, A. N2 - Rice leaf sheaths were inoculated with R. solani (pathogen) and P. palmarum (non-pathogen) and were analyzed for the accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Inoculation of rice plants with R. solani and P. palmarum resulted in a marked increase in activities of chitinase and β-1.3-glucanase. The levels of both enzymes were higher in incompatible interactions than in compatible interactions. Western blot analysis indicated that two proteins with molecular weights of 33 and 35 kDa cross-reacting with barley chitinase antibody were induced in rice in response to inoculation with R. solani. The appearance of these chitinases was correlated with increase in enzyme activity. AB - Rice leaf sheaths were inoculated with R. solani (pathogen) and P. palmarum (non-pathogen) and were analyzed for the accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Inoculation of rice plants with R. solani and P. palmarum resulted in a marked increase in activities of chitinase and β-1.3-glucanase. The levels of both enzymes were higher in incompatible interactions than in compatible interactions. Western blot analysis indicated that two proteins with molecular weights of 33 and 35 kDa cross-reacting with barley chitinase antibody were induced in rice in response to inoculation with R. solani. The appearance of these chitinases was correlated with increase in enzyme activity. KW - Compatible interaction KW - Incompatible interaction KW - Oryza sativa KW - PR-proteins KW - Pestalotia palmarum KW - Rhizoctonia solani U2 - 10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 DO - 10.1556/APhyt.36.2001.1-2.9 JO - Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica JF - Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica
Christos Faloutsos homepage: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~christos/ Christos Faloutsos is a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He has received the Presidential Young Investigator Award by the National Science Foundation (1989), the Research Contributions Award in ICDM 2006, fifteen "best paper" awards, and several teaching awards. He has served as a member of the executive committee of SIGKDD; he has published over 200 refereed articles, 11 book chapters and one monograph. He holds five patents and he has given over 30 tutorials and over 10 invited distinguished lectures. His research interests include data mining for graphs and streams, fractals, database performance, and indexing for multimedia and bio-informatics data. [syn] 961 views, 2:46:18 Data-Driven Approaches towards Malicious Behavior Modeling as author at KDD 2017 Tutorials, together with: Srijan Kumar, [syn] 1245 views, 3:12:27 Smart Analytics for Big Time-series Data together with: Yasushi Sakurai, [syn] 4329 views, 56:46 Keynote speech Mining Billion-node Graphs: Patterns, Generators and Tools as author at Fourth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining - WSDM 2011, [syn] 4354 views, 58:19 Invited talk as author at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Barcelona 2010, Indexing and Mining Time Sequences as author at Tutorials, together with: Lei Li, DynaMMo: Mining and Summarization of Coevolving Sequences with Missing Values as author at Research Track, Large Graph-Mining: Power Tools and a Practitioner's Guide together with: Gary L Miller, Charalampos E. Tsourakakis, Successes, Failures and Learning From Them as author at 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), San Jose 2007, [syn] 12273 views, 28:39 as author at Autumn School 2006: Machine Learning over Text and Images - Pittsburgh, Interview with Christos Faloutsos as interviewee at Autumn School 2006: Machine Learning over Text and Images - Pittsburgh, together with: Davor Orlič (interviewer), Next Generation Data Mining Tools: Power laws and self-similarity for graphs, streams and traditional data as author at European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Dubrovnik 2003,
Our Executive Committee 2012 Accomplishments Our Sister Cities Omura, Japan Metepec, Mexico About Sister Cities International Student Exchange Program 2018 Omura Student Exchange Information San Carlos – Omura Student Exchange Photos Metepec Student Exchange Information San Carlos Sister City Association Connect globally. Thrive locally Sister City History The Sister City movement became a national effort when President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposed the People-to-People program at a White House conference in 1956. For additional information, please click this link to be directed to the Sister Cities International website. San Carlos Sister City History The Sister City Spirit in San Carlos started in 1976 when our Bi-Centennial Committee adopted Bennington, Vermont as our "Sister City". A monument and plaque were placed in Burton Park near the corner of Brittan Avenue and Woodland Avenue, along with a grove of trees. The San Carlos Sister Committee Association, as we know it now, was incorporated on May 2, 1997. Our first official sister city was Croyden, Australia. The relationship started in 1991 and featured an annual chess match over long distance telephone lines. San Carlos featured a small group of committee members at city hall with the player selected from a local high school. However, down under in Croyden they were celebrating their summer festival and the chess men were real people, dressed to fit their role (from king to pawn) who crumbled to the ground when captured by their San Carlos opponent. This battle continued for four years along with a number of visits from one side of the world to the other until the Australian government merged Croyden and the neighboring community of Ringwood into a large city named Maroondah and our relationship ended in 1995. In 1994, a delegation headed by Council Member Sylvia Nelson from traveled to Scandicci, Italy to scope out the possibility of another sister city. Scandicci is a city located near Florence and was focused on economic development and international trade. We managed to implement an elementary school art and letter writing program. However, a long term relationship did not materialize due to language issues and the high cost of travel. In 2004 we were encouraged by an NGO official to consider a relationship with San Carlos , Nicaragua located on the Rio San Juan River which connects Lake Cocibolca to the Caribbean. This is a very poor town of 10,000 looking for economic development centered on fishing and river life on the Rio San Juan. Early on, we recognized that this relationship would not be an equal mix of home exchanges and reciprocal programs since our friends to the south were very poor and not able to travel north. However, we decided to raise money to fund a few programs to better their life as best we could. First, we funded an "Internet cafe" which would bring Internet to the San Carlos community. Local officials provided the facility and we funded the Internet connection and hardware. We also purchased soccer balls and team uniforms for the school team. While we were not able to do much for economic development, the board is proud of the contributions made. In 2005 we formed a compact with Okotoks, Canada a city of about 30,000 people located 23km south of Calgary. During the next few years, we developed a fine art exchange, hosted city officials for a mutual discussion of city government issues, and arranged several home-to-home exchanges. While our relationship with Okotoks continues, the lack of a formal sister city committee in Okotoks limits our ability to develop programs. In 2008 at the recommendation of Mr. Dumas, President of Sister City International (SCI), SCSC board members contacted Ms. Rosario Velasco, a former board member of SCI, to search for a sister city in Mexico. She proposed Metepec after which, an invitation to visit was received. It was during this visit that documents were signed pledging the two cities together. San Carlos Student Exchange The San Carlos Sister City Student Exchange program started 2012 with two students visiting from Omura, Japan for two weeks. This year we are planning an exchange with Metepec, Mexico with the goal of four to six students from the mid Peninsula in each program. The students will be hosted by English speaking Japanese and Mexican families for a truly cultural experience. In addition, we are looking for local families to host English speaking Japanese and Mexican students for two weeks, this summer. For more details, please click this link to be directed to the Student Exchange page. Nuno Gonçalves Pedro – Robotics The Ice Cream Effect: March 26, 2019 2019 International Student Exchange To Japan Copyright © 2019 San Carlos Sister City Association. All Rights Reserved.
HistoRiles: The Fascinating Origins of Popular LRT 2 Stations "Even in the familiar, there can be surprise and wonder." ― Tierney Gearon If you're a Filipino commuter in Manila, chances are riding the LRT 2 has already been part of your day-to-day journey to work or school. Therefore, it won't come as a surprise if you now know the 11 stations of LRT 2 almost intuitively. Also Read: 17 Most Unusual Street Names in Manila (And Their Origins) But how well do you really know Recto, Legarda, V. Mapa and all the other names that you encounter on a daily basis? Turns out, there's really more to these names than meets the eye. And thanks to Ateneo student Alfred Marasigan and his humble school project, these awesome facts gained the public spotlight once again. Aptly named "HistoRiles," his senior design thesis was presented in the form of captivating standees and tube cards to invoke the curiosity among ordinary Filipino passengers. Although it has been gone since February 2013, "HistoRiles" is too noble of a cause for us to simply forget it. To pay tribute to his advocacy, we are presenting once again the 11 LRT-2 stations and bits of wonderful trivia behind them. Note: All images are courtesy of their respective owners. Station 1: RECTO What's in a name? C.M. Recto, formerly known as Calle Azcarraga, was named after the great Filipino legislator from Batangas. Dubbed as the "Father of Consitution", Claro M. Recto authored the 1935 Philippine charter and made sure to uphold the rights of the Filipino people. Interesting trivia: C.M. Recto was a strong supporter of the late President Ramon Magsaysay but later became critical of the latter. He once called Magsaysay a "banana dictator", which led to him being removed from the Nacionalista Party Senate slate in 1955. But prior to elections, Recto luckily gained the support of the Liberal Party, making him the first ever "guest candidate" in the history of Philippine elections. Station 2: LEGARDA What's in a name? From its former name of Calle Alix (after then Manila Magistrate Jose Maria Alix), the place was renamed to pay tribute to Hon. Benito Legarda, a Filipino legislator who started his career as a cabinet member of the Malolos Congress. Interesting trivia: Benito Legarda, together with Pablo Ocampo, was the first resident commissioners of the Philippines to the United States. Legarda served in this position from 1907 to 1912. Station 3: PUREZA What's in a name? Pureza is the Spanish word for "purity". According to the National Historical Institute, the name was adopted at the suggestion of an American engineer named Clarence Hubbell. Interesting trivia: Pureza was part of a trend used to name streets in Sampaloc at that time. Along the same vicinity, you can also find other streets named after a set of virtues like Economia (thrift), Honradez (honesty), Alegria (happiness) and Sobriedad (sobriety) among others. Station 4: V. MAPA What's in a name? Victorino Mapa y Montano replaced Cayetano Arellano to become the country's second Chief Justice. Prior to his term, Mapa was also one of the first Filipino commissioners to the United States under then-President Woodrow Wilson. Interesting trivia: A gifted child, the young Victorino Mapa transitioned from being a home-schooled kid to a bright UST student who finished his Bachelor of Arts at the age of 13. He also earned degrees in Philosophy and Law & Jurisprudence from the same school. At the age of 29, Mapa was already a bar passer. Station 5: J. RUIZ What's in a name? According to Museo ng Katipunan curator Dante Oquendo, J. Ruiz was the name of the almost forgotten Katipunero who, along with other 171 men, died during the First Battle of Katipunan in Pinaglabanan, San Juan del Monte. Interesting trivia: The First Battle of Katipunan in 1896, led by Andres Bonifacio, was intended to seize Spanish outpost called El Polvorin and therefore increase Katipunan's weaponry. Station 6: GILMORE What's in a name? Eugene Allan Gilmore was a lawyer-turned-professor who became vice-governor as well as secretary of public instruction in the Philippines from 1922 to 1930. He also served as the acting governor between 1927 and 1929. During his short term, Gilmore was admired for his efforts in bringing positive changes both in the country's public health and education. Interesting trivia: After returning to the U.S., Gilmore was the dean and later became the president of the State University of Iowa. He then briefly served as the dean of the University of Pittsburgh law school from 1940 to 1942 before returning to Iowa to work as a professor until his death. Station 7: BETTY GO-BELMONTE What's in a name? Also known by her real name Billie Mary Go-Belmonte, Betty was a founder of both Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine STAR. The latter became her avenue to tell Filipinos the harsh realities of extrajudicial killings and corruption concealed by the Marcos administration during Martial Law. She is also known as the late wife of House Speaker and former Quezon City Mayor Feliciano "Sonny" Belmonte Jr. Interesting trivia: Betty Go-Belmonte was the one who picked the logo as well as the famous slogan ("Truth shall prevail") of the Philippine STAR. When she battled cancer later in life, the only painkiller she took was paracetamol. Station 8: ARANETA-CUBAO What's in a name? Stories have it that the commercial district of Cubao was once a jungle inhabited by white ants, termites and shape-shifting witches who usually take the form of a hunchback. People who came across these witches would often say "Kuba, o!" ("Look, a hunchback!"), hence the present name. Araneta, on the other hand, was named after J. Amado Araneta who, along with his son Jorge, envisioned in the late 1950s that Cubao would be the country's leading commercial hub. Station 9: ANONAS What's in a name? Anonas (Annona reticulata) or custard apple, as many believe, once grew abundantly along Baranggay Quirino's Project 3. The name was first adopted by the place in the early 1950s in accordance with the naming scheme by then President Elpidio Quirino. Interesting trivia: In India, custard apple is only eaten by those in the lower class. Its juicy flesh can be eaten as is or processed to make milkshakes or even ice cream. The leaves, on the other hand, can be crushed and then applied to the skin for the treatment of boils or ulcers. Station 10: KATIPUNAN What's in a name? As the name suggests, this LRT 2 station was named after one of the most important revolutionary groups in Philippine history: the Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan or KKK. Originally founded by Andres Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata, and Ladislao Diwa, the group was later divided into two factions: Magdiwang and Magdalo. In the end, KKK dissolved as Emilio Aguinaldo founded the first government and Andres Bonifacio executed in Maragondon. Interesting trivia: 7 Fascinating Facts You Didn't Know About Andres Bonifacio Station 11: SANTOLAN What's in a name? Santolan got its name from the santol (Sandoricum koetjape) trees that grew abundantly on the place even before the country was conquered by Spain. Interesting trivia: Rich in Vitamins B and C, santol is sometimes referred to as wild mangosteen or 'lolly fruit' due to the manner of eating it which involves sucking the seeds. The pulp of this Philippine fruit, on the other hand, is rich in both bryonolic and sandorinic acids that have been proven to combat allergies.
Thomas L. Friedman Discusses How to Live in the 21st Century Pulitzer Prize-winning author Thomas L. Friedman to speak at Breakfast Forum In his most ambitious work to date, Thomas L. Friedman's newest book is a field guide to this century. Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Talks about Accelerated Culture at Downtown L.A. Author Event LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 28, 2016 /EINPresswire.com/ — Thomas L. Friedman, three-time recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for his work with The New York Times and the author of six bestselling books, including The World Is Flat, will talk about his new book Thank You for Being Late: Finding a Job, Running a Country, and Keeping Your Head in an Age of Accelerations during a Live Talks Los Angeles breakfast forum on Friday, December 9, 2016 in downtown Los Angeles. Thank You for Being Late (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, November 22, 2016) is a field guide to the 21st century, written by one of its most celebrated observers. In his most ambitious work to date, Friedman shows that we have entered an age of dizzying acceleration – and explains how to live in it. Due to an exponential increase in computing power, climbers atop Mount Everest enjoy excellent cell-phone service and self-driving cars are taking to the roads. A parallel explosion of economic interdependency has created new riches as well as spiraling debt burdens. Meanwhile, Mother Nature is also seeing dramatic changes as carbon levels rise and species go extinct, with compounding results. How do these changes interact, and how can we cope with them? To get a better purchase on the present, Friedman returns to his Minnesota childhood and sketches a world where politics worked and joining the middle class was an achievable goal. Today, by contrast, it is easier than ever to be a maker (try 3-D printing) or a breaker (the Islamic State excels at using Twitter), but harder than ever to be a leader or merely "average." Friedman concludes that nations and individuals must learn to be fast (innovative and quick to adapt), fair (prepared to help the casualties of change), and slow (adept at shutting out the noise and accessing their deepest values). With vision, authority, and wit, Thank You for Being Late establishes a blueprint for how to think about our times. Tickets can be purchased at livetalksla.org and range from $50-$65. Each purchase includes a copy of Thank You for Being Late and continental breakfast. Breakfast will be served from 7:45-8:15am and the program runs from 8:15-9:15am. For more information, contact info@livetalksla.org. Location for this event is Gensler, 500 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. About Live Talks Los Angeles Since 2010 Live Talks Los Angeles has presented over 200 talks featuring authors, actors, filmmakers, artists, musicians, comedians, chefs, scientists, and business thought leaders in various venues in Los Angeles. Videos and podcasts of its events are available on its website www.livetalksla.org. Darlene Chan Live Talks Los Angeles Author EIN PresswirePosted on November 30, 2016 Previous Previous post: EF Hutton Gift Card Doorbuster: First 3,000 Buyers Get 2-For-1 Next Next post: All Eyes on OPEC, For the Last Time?
Submitted by gumbo1919 on 14 February, 2014 - 19:49 Titanfall is an upcoming first-person shooter video game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts as an exclusive for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. The game was officially announced as Respawn's debut game at Microsoft's E3 2013 press conference, and is scheduled for release on March 11, 2014. Submitted by aolsen on 10 February, 2014 - 18:07 The Stanley Parable is a first person exploration game. You will play as Stanley, and you will not play as Stanley. You will follow a story, you will not follow a story. You will have a choice, you will have no choice. The game will end, the game will never end. Contradiction follows contradiction, the rules of how games should work are broken, then broken again. This world was not made for you to understand. Submitted by cbassett1000 on 9 February, 2014 - 23:14 Trainz Simulator 12 is a 3D railroad simulator that uses DirectX or OpenGL with multiplayer and the option of downloading 3rd party tracks, railcars, and objects. Jazzpunk Submitted by Revy on 7 February, 2014 - 23:58 Jazzpunk is a comedy adventure set in an alternate reality Cold War World, plagued with corporate espionage, CyberCrime, and sentient martinis. Gameplay is inspired by spoof comedy films and cartoons of yesteryear, with a focus on weird gadgets, exotic locales, and open-world style exploration. (source: steam store page) Submitted by scavvenjahh on 9 January, 2014 - 10:26 Assetto Corsa is a racing game/simulation with a strong focus on realism. Submitted by scavvenjahh on 23 December, 2013 - 12:09 All chain whip and Christopher Lambert gaze, here comes Gabriel Belmont to rid the world of evil. Lords of Shadow is both a reboot of the long-runnig franchise and the first installment of an upcoming series of "renovated" Castlevania games. Submitted by scavvenjahh on 15 November, 2013 - 13:35 From rainy England to sunny Hungary, roads of Europe await. Will you jump from truck to truck and focus on laid-back driving, living the life of a mercenary o' delivery - or will you buy, upgrade, mend and nurture your very own tractor, buy garages, hire fellow drivers and seek your fortune across borders and around the clock ? Assetto Corsa - Tech Preview Submitted by BadBob on 31 October, 2013 - 20:16 It is developed by Kunos Simulazioni, a small indie developer based in Italy best known from two other racing sims: Ferrari Virtual Academy and NetKar Pro. While the game is still in developement, a Technology Preview (v0.9.9) is available to all owners of NetKar Pro, containing one car - the Lotus Elise SC and one track - Autodromo dell'Umbria aka Magione. The full game will contain a large number of licensed cars and tracks, but a full content list has not yet been disclosed. Submitted by peanut on 30 October, 2013 - 00:52 Battlefield 4 features several changes compared to its predecessor. The game's heads-up display is much the same, composed of two compact rectangles. The lower left-hand corner features a mini-map and compass for navigation, and a simplified objective notice above it; the lower right includes a compact ammo counter and health meter. The mini-map, as well as the main game screen, shows symbols marking three kinds of entities: blue for allies, green for squadmates, and red/orange for enemies. Shadow Warrior (2013) Shadow Warrior is a reimagining of the classic 3D Realms' shooter from independent developer Flying Wild Hog (Hard Reset) starring the legendary and quick-witted warrior Lo Wang. Combine the brute force of overwhelming firepower with the elegant precision of a katana to annihilate the merciless armies of the shadow realm.
WATCH: What Prince Harry WHISPERED to Beyoncé Who wins 'The Block' 2018? The Block's double wedding joy! Home And Away: The truth about Robbo and Jasmine revealed! The Irwins' reality TV show - ‬EVERYTHING you need to know Home and Away: Willow's hell as Dean does a runner Home and Away's Kestie Morassi tells: Maggie's battle for life The Bachelor: These are the girls to watch Tracy Grimshaw's plan to take Karl Stefanovic's job Tracey Jewel: 'Dean reached out to me' Karl Stefanovic packs his bags Raechelle Banno: 'Saying goodbye was so emotional' Home and Away: Hunter's shocking discovery about Christina Home and Away: Willow's secret exposed Doctor Blake star tells: Craig's scandal and how we saved the show Exclusive details about the hit show's return following explosive scandal - by Nikki Black When Craig McLachlan was caught up in real life scandal earlier this year over his alleged behaviour on a stage production of The Rocky Horror Show, his TV hit The Doctor Blake Mysteries seemed headed for a bleak future. The ABC drama had already been pulled off air amid whispers from very well-placed sources that some at the public broadcaster allegedly felt the period drama was 'too old' and the central cast and characters 'too white' for the show to be continued. This despite great ratings and a very strong international following. The show was then picked up by Seven for a freshen, a modernisation and an exciting update, with the events of the new continuation set years after the last ABC episodes concluded. But the lead actor's headline-grabbing scandal seemed to indicate the show was probably done for, again. However, that was before fans and stars alike rallied to save the day. Now Blake star Nadine Garner has confirmed in an interview with WHO's TV podcast, Binge List, how the show's dark times ended in a positive outcome. Now we have TV movie The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories to look forward to. (Yes, the 'Doctor' is now gone from the title!) 'From that time of desperation came an idea of how can we save this, how can we get people back work, how can we pitch this to Seven to make them excited about rethinking it?' Nadine revealed in an onset chat with journalist and Binge List podcaster Clare Rigden –with the actress confirming she had been 'pretty involved' in helping to save the show. 'I was at the time, when it was all really hitting the fan back in February, doing a little theatre piece and talking to journalists, and everyone was asking me about Blake,' she recalls. 'I came away from that time, thinking, the funny thing is, even though everyone acknowledges what's happened to Craig, they still expect the show to go on. 'It's like the show transcends what's going on in the real world, and that's the interesting thing. The show has taken hold in a way that people want it to keep going. They don't really know how that happens, but they just want to keep seeing the show. 'And a confidence built around the heavy fandom of the show, and the very strong fan base that the show had. I think it encouraged us to be bold and pitch something.' That something sees her taking centre stage in a new TV movie that sees her character facing unresolved matters from the past – including the mystery of what happened to Dr Lucien Blake, who is missing presumed dead. For all the details on the return of the hit show, listen to Episode 9 of Binge List today. Subscribe on iTunes: http://po.st/syE3JF or OMNY: http://po.st/jmKRrQ This article was first published by WHO. Nikki Black Nikki is obsessed with all things celebrity and dreams she is a long-lost Kardashian. You'll find her binging Netflix's latest 'must-watch' show with a jar of Nutella by her side.
xex xex were an all-synthesizer band from South River, New Jersey who recorded their debut album group:xex in 1980. Formed when a trio of high school misfits with funny names (Waw Pierogi, Thumbalina Gugielmo and Alex Zander) teamed up with some friends from Rutgers College. Performed entirely on then-state-of-the-art Arps, synths and electronic drums – no guitars anywhere – group: xex aims for the future, but comes across now like a time capsule from the deepest, darkest Reagan years. Each song burrows its way into your head with repetitive, undeniably catchy synth lines and vocal chants. "SNGA" ("Soviet Nerve Gas Attack"), "Cops" and "Delta Five" are doomy evocations of Cold War tension not far removed from very early Devo. But they were also capable of being quirky and whimsical. On "Fashion Hurts," "Svetlana" and "St. Vitus Dance," Waw and Thumbalina come across like a primitive B-52s, replacing the dance/party vibe with resignation and cynical humor. group: xex doesn't sound like it's from New Jersey. It barely sounds like it's from Earth. However, there's a certain residual murkiness that subliminally evokes the Central Jersey working-class suburbs. group: xex was all but forgotten until 1998, when radio DJ Tom Smith discovered it in the WFMU music library and tracked down the band members, which lead to a CD reissue in 2004 on Smack Shire Records. http://www.appelstein.com/xex xex on Discogs
Game Day: Ephs face Chicago for national championship at 2:30 p.m. GREENSBORO, N.C. -- The Williams College women's soccer team (21-1-1) will play for a second national championship today when it faces Chicago (22-1-0) at the Univeristy of North Carolina Greensboro's Soccer Stadium. Game time is set for 2:30 p.m. You can watch the game HERE. You can follow it via live stats HERE. In Williamstown, the Log Restaurant will be showing the game live. The Maroons defeated No. 1-ranked The College of New Jersey 1-0 yesterday in the other semifinal. They have outscored their five opponents in the NCAA Tournament by a 14-0 margin, very similar to the Ephs who have a 13-0 margin in their five NCAA games to date. They will be playing in their first national championship game since 2003. Williams will be playing in its third in four years. The Maroons has not allowed a goal in the first half this year while scoring 38 of its own. First Team All-American Mia Calamari's 18 assists are the second-most in NCAA Division III, and her 58 career assists doubles the previous school record (29). Junior midfielder Jenna McKinney, also a First Team All-American, leads UChicago with 15 goals and 36 points. UChicago has 12 players with three goals or more this season. Katie Jasminski, Hannah Watkins -- who scored the game-winner Friday -- and Madori Spiker each have eight goals. Sophomore defender Mackenzie Peeples was named a Third Team All-American and is a key part of a back that has allowed six goals this season. Miranda Malone and Katie Donovan have split time in goal for the Maroons. Malone is 3-1 with a 0.26 goals against average and a .889 save percentage. Donovan is 19-1 with a .917 save percentage and a 0.19 GAA. Offensively, Williams is led by senior Third Team All-American Natasha Albaneze, who has 9 goals and a team-high 10 assists for 28 points. Sophomore Alison Lu has a team-high 12 goals and also has 5 assists for 29 points this season. Junior midfielder Natalie Turner-Wyatt has 22 points this season, 7 goals and 8 assists, with 12 points (3 goals, 6 assists) over the Ephs' 8 postseason games. Two first-years, Victoria Laino and Sydney Jones, have 5 goals and 11 points each this season. First Team All-New England midfielder Evan Gancedo has 4 goals and 9 points, while junior Kristina Alvarado and sophomore Sarah Scire have four goals as well. Williams senior back Danielle Sim, a 2017 First Team All-American and the 2017 New England Small College Athletic Conference Player of the Year anchors a back that has allowed only 8 goals through 23 games this season. Junior goalkeeper Olivia Barnhill Is 20-0-1 this season with a 0.35 goals against average and an .879 save percentage. She has compiled a 39-1-3 (.942 pct.) record over her three seasons at Williams. The Ephs current senior class — Jacqueline Simeone, Danielle Sim, Evan Gancedo, Natasha Albaneze, Kate Sands and Hanna Kaeser have compiled a four-year mark of 81-5-6 at Williams, a .913 winning percentage. They are the first class at Williams to win 80 games in a four-year span, breaking the mark of 74 wins set by the 2016 seniors. This is the third 20-win season in the history of the women's soccer program at Williams, and these seniors have played a role in all three (2014, 2015, 2017). They are the first class to advance as far as the NCAA Div. III Tournament quarterfinals all four years and the first to advance to three Final Fours. May 4, 2018 Video Highlights of Ephs Honored at Fenway Park April 30, 2018 Boston Red Sox to Honor 2017 NCAA Champion Williams College Women's Soccer Team May 1st January 3, 2018 Danielle Sim Named the DIII Honda Award Nominee for Soccer December 20, 2017 Danielle Sim Named United Soccer Coaches National Player of the Year December 19, 2017 Williams Women's Soccer Staff Named National Coaching Staff of the Year by USC December 15, 2017 Olivia Barnhill Named to Sports Illustrated's "Faces in the Crowd" December 8, 2017 Danielle Sim, Evan Gancedo named USC Scholar All-Americans December 2, 2017 Game Day: Ephs face Chicago for national championship at 2:30 p.m. December 2, 2017 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS: Ephs hold off Chicago, 1-0 December 1, 2017 NCAA Final 4: A day of service and preparation December 1, 2017 Game Day: Ephs take on high-powered Hardin Simmons December 1, 2017 Lu's goal in 85th minute lifts Ephs past Hardin Simmons and into national title game November 30, 2017 Four Ephs earn USC All-Region Honors November 30, 2017 Travelogue: More cow suits please November 30, 2017 Danielle Sim, Natasha Albaneze named All-America November 19, 2017 No. 6 women's soccer defeats No. 11 Johns Hopkins 3-0, advances to Final Four November 18, 2017 No. 6 women's soccer tops Cal Lutheran 4-0 in NCAA Round of 16 November 14, 2017 Ephs will host NCAA Soccer Sectional Nov. 18-19 November 12, 2017 No. 6 women's soccer prevails 3-0 over Brandeis, continues NCAA tournament run November 11, 2017 No. 6 women's soccer defeats Lesley 2-0 to advance to second round of NCAAs November 9, 2017 Danielle Sim voted NESCAC Player of the Year; 6 Ephs earn conference accolades November 9, 2017 First & Second Round NCAA Tournament Central November 6, 2017 Ephs will host NCAA First and Second Round games Nov. 11-12 November 5, 2017 Ephs earn 8th NESCAC title with 2-1 overtime victory over Tufts November 4, 2017 No. 4 women's soccer tops Amherst 4-2 to reach NESCAC championship game November 4, 2017 Tufts defeats Hamilton 3-2 in NESCAC semifinals November 3, 2017 Ephs set to host NESCAC Championships this Weekend October 28, 2017 No. 3 women's soccer beats Bowdoin 4-0 in first round of NESCAC tourney October 26, 2017 Top Seeded Women's Soccer to Host Bowdoin Saturday at 12:00 p.m. in NESCAC Quarterfinal Contest October 24, 2017 Game Today at Middlebury Moved Up to a 12:00 PM Start October 24, 2017 Middlebury edges Ephs on late goal, 1-0 October 21, 2017 No. 3 women's soccer tops Tufts 3-0 on Senior Day, clinches top spot in NESCAC October 15, 2017 Jones' goal takes No. 4 women's soccer past Springfield October 14, 2017 No. 4 women's soccer edges Wesleyan 1-0, secures Little Three title October 8, 2017 Women's soccer edges MIT 1-0 on Laino's goal October 7, 2017 Turner-Wyatt's brace leads women's soccer past Farmingdale State October 1, 2017 Women's soccer defeats Castleton 5-0 September 30, 2017 Women's soccer outlasts Connecticut College in double overtime September 24, 2017 Women's soccer plays to 1-1 draw with Bates September 23, 2017 Women's soccer edges Amherst 3-2, stays unbeaten September 22, 2017 * * Time Change for Women's Soccer Vs. Bates Sun., Sept 24 - Now Starting at 11 AM September 19, 2017 Natasha Albaneze '18 Named NESCAC Player of the Week September 17, 2017 Ephs notch fourth straight shutout, down Polar Bears 3-0 September 16, 2017 Women's soccer defeats Colby 3-0, wins fourth straight September 10, 2017 Women's soccer downs Skidmore 4-0, wins third straight to start the season September 9, 2017 Ephs down Bantams 2-0 after second-half surge September 6, 2017 Ephs top Continentals 3-1 in first game under new system September 4, 2017 2017 Women's Soccer Season Outlook September 2, 2017 The Theatre Department & Eph Women's Soccer Invite Women to Audition for the Play: The Wolves
Banned Books: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Ever since Shelley committed her dream to paper, the story, like its protagonist, has had its entrails torn out, examined and reconfigured as a metaphor for the monster of the modern day, and apartheid South Africa had a whole host of fears that could breathe new life into the scientist's disastrous experiment. The ban came six years after the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act and five years after the Immorality Act was amended to prohibit unmarried sexual relations between 'Europeans' and 'non-Europeans'. For a government founded on separation, Dr. Frankenstein's monster represented a horrifying 'amalgamation' of people. The fictional creation was constructed in a dissecting room and formed from discarded parts of numerous human, and perhaps animal, bodies. The result was the nightmare embodiment of a miscegenation taboo. The gothic novel would also threaten a government built on mass oppression with its promise of uprising and mutiny. For Frankenstein has been recast as a narrative of slave revolt ever since parallels were drawn between the monster that turned on his master and the case of Nat Turner, who led an uprising on a Virginia plantation in 1831. In Black Frankenstein, Elizabeth Young explains that 'as a destructive, vengeful figure, the Frankenstein monster incarnates white fears about black power'. She goes on to discuss how the creator-creation dynamic has become a metaphor for U.S. foreign policy, and quotes Michael Moore's suggestion that America constructed the monsters that became Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. Shelley's morbid take on reproductive politics allows for a new 'obscene' reading, this time for her unnatural vision of a cyborg, androgynous birth. The author herself had plenty of reasons to associate birth with death – her own mother died in childbirth, she consummated her teenage affair with Percy Shelley on Wollstonecraft's grave and nearly bled to death after a miscarriage in the years that followed. So Victor Frankenstein defies the heterosexual monopoly on procreation, throws himself into a workshop laboratory and produces the first 'test-tube baby', only to abandon the creation that he defines as an 'abortion'. After fleeing from his horrific creation, Frankenstein falls into fitful sleep, where he dreams that he is holding his dead mother's shrouded corpse in his arms. The birth of the monster then coincides to the death of the mother, or rather, the mother becomes a corpse like those reanimated and assembled into a new monstrous form. Victor has abandoned his progeny and murdered his mother – he cannot abide either parent or child and it is testament to his fusion of the two roles that the name Frankenstein is most often used to refer not to the scientist, but to his nameless creation. In banning the horror story, the South African government could not quash its mutiny. A tale born from death cannot be deadened and a ban will only spark a new mutation. Frankenstein outlives its censors and survives, motherless and free, to be torn apart and created anew by a fresh generation of readers. It continues to fulfil Mary Shelley's parting words, her address to the 1831 edition: 'I bid my hideous progeny go forth and prosper.' Bookish Birthdays: Mary Shelley We're celebrating the grandmother of gothic... Banned Books: Women on Top by Nancy Friday The controversial 1991 collection of women's sexual fantasies... Obituary: Nadine Gordimer 1923-2014 Our tribute to the South African author and activist... Merleen Ruiz says: Its been quite some years since I first read this book and to be completely honest, it was one of my favorite books to read in High School. I had no idea that the book was banned in South Africa and it's shocking to realize it but the country does have its good points to back up their reason from banning the book. We all know that it's a fictional story and the characters in them as well so it's a bit confusing to why people take specific situations in the book to heart. A horror story is what it is, a horror story and therefore should not be expected to be all fun and games.
Timothy Sandefur Sandefur, T. (2008). Censorship. In R. Hamowy (Ed.), The encyclopedia of libertarianism (pp. 56-57). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412965811.n37 Sandefur, Timothy. "Censorship." In The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, edited by Ronald Hamowy, 56-57. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 2008. doi: 10.4135/9781412965811.n37. Sandefur, T 2008, 'Censorship', in Hamowy, R (ed.), The encyclopedia of libertarianism, Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 56-57, viewed 21 January 2020, doi: 10.4135/9781412965811.n37. Sandefur, Timothy. "Censorship." The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. Ed. Ronald Hamowy. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc., 2008. 56-57. SAGE Knowledge. Web. 21 Jan. 2020, doi: 10.4135/9781412965811.n37. Censorship is the coercive silencing of dissenting views by political authorities generally in order to protect an official orthodoxy or to prevent the spread of ideas not authorized by the powers that be. As Alberto Manguel writes in A History of Reading, censorship "is the corollary of all power, and the history of reading is lit by a seemingly endless line of censors' bonfires." Censorship has been and remains a common feature of oppressive regimes. John Milton, whose Areopagitica (written in protest of the censorship of his writings on divorce) remains the most eloquent defense of the free press written in English, provided a history of censorship from 411 B.C., when the works of Protagoras were burned in Athens on the grounds that they taught ...
Old-growth forest marchers in Victoria demand logging moratorium Jake Romphf Old-growth forest supporters marched through Victoria on Nov. 24 as they called for all logging of the ancient trees to end. (Jake Romphf/News Staff) Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones speaks to old-growth forest supporters before they march through Victoria on Nov. 24. (Jake Romphf/News Staff) Headed along Humboldt Street towards the harbour, Patty Pan and several other people hold on to a log acting as a brace at the rear of a makeshift trolley as it carries a 1,300-pound slice from a felled Douglas fir tree. "I feel a little overwhelmed to be honest with you," he said. "It was over a thousand years old, it's hard to wrap our human minds around that." Pan was among more than 100 old-growth forest proponents who made their way from Victoria's downtown library to the legislature, disrupting traffic at multiple spots along the way on Wednesday. The procession was promoted as a protest against the "rampant loss of irreplaceable and globally-important ancient temperate rainforests in British Columbia." The march also aimed to bring attention to interrelated struggles for Indigenous rights and call for a safe climate future, an immediate moratorium on all old-growth logging and a just transition strategy for impacted workers and communities. "We are here to protect and care for our great mother's gift to us, the old growth," said Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones, outside the library before the march began. "We are here to help our governments actually establish some values, and to us, our leading value is the old-growth forest – standing." READ: Indigenous leaders concerned over B.C.'s process for old-growth logging deferrals While the march was stopped at the intersection of Douglas and Humboldt streets, a participant who went by the name Cedar said the focus needs to be on looking for solutions. "Once you lose a 3,000-year-old tree, it's gone forever," the protester said. "I think we should make (all old-growth forest areas) a national park and I think we should compensate loggers, and I think we have to do all of that together." "I want to be on the right side of history, it's as simple as that." John Lugsdin said the ecological variety of coastal forests is unique and needs to be preserved. "It's a richness that if we choose to eliminate it, we'll never see it again," the Salt Spring Island resident said. "If we don't preserve it now, it'll be lost forever. It's just not replaceable." In early November, the B.C. government deferred logging in an area that represents about half of the identified old-growth forest in the province that is not yet protected. Affected Indigenous communities were given 30 days to indicate whether they support the deferrals, wish to change them or needed more time, but the process caused concern from several community leaders. As he helped direct the eight-foot-diameter log section, Pan said the slice of what was a 1,200-year-old tree was a symbol for how the protesters felt. "We're here to show the government that we're not going to put up with business as usual." READ: B.C. pauses logging on up to 2.6M hectares of old-growth forest Do you have a story tip? Email: jake.romphf@blackpress.ca. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook. Fairy Creek watershedVictoria Ahousaht First Nation begins research project on two former Indian Residential Schools No charges to be laid against former Victoria and Quesnel driving instructor Steve Wallace
Tool keeps shoppers on dealership website Buckeye Honda has worked to overcome inventory shortages by creating an interactive research hub where online shoppers can get an up-close look at a vehicle even if it's not in stock. The Lancaster, Ohio, dealership deployed a virtual configurator on its site this spring called izmoEmporio that lets users personalize new Honda models with accessories and get 360-degree views of the exterior and interiors. It has been operational for only a few months, but the configurator — a relatively rare offering on a dealership's website — is fostering engagement with online shoppers and helping the store sell more accessories. Management says consumers who use the tool are spending an average of two minutes on it, and the dealership considers them higher-quality leads than typical website visitors. Consumers can access the technology on a phone, tablet or computer. More than 300 vehicles covering the full spectrum of Honda's lineup have been configured on the site so far. The tool was created by izmocars, a San Francisco-based producer of interactive media content for the auto industry. IzmoEmporio "gives the customer the ability to look at inventory and do some research on our website," said Scott Thomas, Buckeye Honda's general manager. "The leads that we have generated off of it so far have definitely shown that they're customers that are very serious and very engaged, low-funnel type of customers that are close to making a purchase and want to get the right car with the right equipment on it." The dealership, which sold 1,718 new and used vehicles last year, has been working to fine-tune its messaging around the experience. It initially branded the tool on its website as a virtual showroom but has since tweaked that approach to encourage more usage. It's now listed in the new-vehicles menu as a "build and price" tool to attract customers thinking about buying a vehicle, while the service and parts menu calls it "accessorize your ride," which is a message meant for people who already have bought a vehicle. Vehicle configurators are common on manufacturer websites. The traditional approach sees shoppers build and price a vehicle on the automaker's site, where they can explore trims and options for a particular nameplate and then get referred to dealers in their areas. But Thomas sees value in having a configurator that aids research and keeps consumers on the dealership's website for longer periods. "We all know that the more time a customer spends on our site, the better chance we have of selling them a car," Thomas said. "I don't think we're necessarily trying to compete with the manufacturer, but when the customer does make it to our site, they don't have to leave our site to be able to visualize something that we may not have in stock." Buckeye Honda's configurator showed its potential recently when a customer submitted a lead for a vehicle that wasn't in stock. During the waiting period, the person went back to the store's website, began toying with accessory options and added a black Honda emblem. The customer ended up buying the vehicle as configured on the site. The store's parts department has noticed increased interest in the emblem accessories it sells since the configurator went live. Jack Young, Buckeye Honda's marketing and content manager, said the store is considering sending emails to recent vehicle buyers in the hopes of piquing their interest about accessories. The configurator can let those customers see how the accessories would look on their particular model. "Like any new technology and tool, it's how can we best make the customer aware of it and then make it attractive and inviting for them," Thomas said. "Obviously, a lot of people are doing much more research and using online digital tools. We're finding that they are engaging with it." He pointed to the importance of finding different entry points for the feature — not just from the website's front page or link in the navigation. "It's putting links in the [vehicle detail pages] and on banners on different pages throughout the website as well," Thomas said.
Foods that Start With C: Amazing List of 13 Foods Beginning with C Can you think of some foods that start with C? Of course you can! But in case you can't, here is a list of examples and facts about foods that start with the letter C. Foods That Start With C List Foods Beginning With C | Facts & Pictures Foods That Start With C | Image Crepes are traditionally served on February 2nd, or Candlemas in the Christian tradition — in Belgium and France. This day is also known as "Le Jour des Crepes" or "The Day of the Crepes". Cookies use a lower percentage of water and leavening than other baked goods like cakes or bread. This allows cookies to maintain a relatively more dense, less fluffy texture. The word "Calzone" comes from Italian — a singular form of calzoni (a type of pants) — which itself derives from the Medieval Latin calcea, which like its Latin antecedent calceus means "shoe". In Portuguese cuisine, salted cod is served with scrambled eggs, potatoes, onions, olives, and parsley, and is known as Bacalhau a Bras, or "Cod prepared Bras (family) style". Curry refers to a variety of dishes, containing any combination of a number of spices. These spices usually include coriander, cumin, chili powder, turmeric, ginger, mustard seed, cinnamon, and leaves from the Murraya koenigii plant, popularly known as curry leaves. Although the most common type of chili dish is a variation of Chili con Carne (chili with meat) a Mexican-American variant is Chili Verde (Green Chili) containing pork shoulder, tomatillos, onions, poblano, anaheim, and jalapeno peppers, and spices. Cabbage is used in a number of dishes worldwide, such as kimchi, coleslaw, sauerkraut, cabbage rolls, stews, and soups. Suan Cai is pickled Chinese cabbage, while Colcannon is an Irish dish of cabbage (or kale) mixed with mashed potatoes. Cake comes in many forms, like sponge cake, made with flour, sugar, egg whites, and baking powder. The Victoria Sponge Cake is named after England's Queen Victoria, who enjoyed a small sponge cake with jam during her afternoon tea. In Indonesian cuisine (particularly to the island of Lombok), Plecing Ayam is a chicken dish consisting of shrimp paste, chilies, coconut oil and sugar, garlic, onions, and lime. The chicken is marinated in this mixture and grilled. 100 grams of boiled collard greens contains 388% Daily Value (DV) of vitamin K, a vitamin known for improving blood coagulation and the binding of calcium to body tissues and bones. Finland leads the world in coffee consumption, with an average of 26.45 pounds of coffee consumed per person per year. The coconut is not a nut, but a fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). In most other fruits, the mesocarp (flesh) is edible while the seed is discarded; in coconuts, the mesocarp is dry and the seed contains edible white flesh and liquid (coconut water). Cheese dates back to ancient times: it even made its way into Greek mythology. In Homer's Odyssey, a Cyclops named Polyphemus tended sheep and goats — and aged cheese made of their milk on racks in his cave. Pictures of Foods That Start With C
Bar Review: Party Like It's 1899 A French-style fin de siècle champagne and cocktail bar opens in Old Town Stephan Delbos Writing in Paris toward the end of the 19th century, the legendary poet Arthur Rimbaud suggested that "a long, immense and reasoned derangement of all the senses" was the necessary path for writers who wanted to become true seers. That's the kind of evening that awaits in high style at L'Fleur Bar, a fin de siècle French-style cocktail bar just a cork's throw from Old Town Square. It's the latest spot on the must-sip list for all local cocktail cognoscenti. Entering past the black velvet ropes, it's clear that things are a little different here. There's a classy retro vibe, a comfortable ambiance from the intimate lighting and high, soft-back booths that snake around the edge of the room, and just a touch of rustic chic from the exposed brick behind the bar. French lounge music, an art nouveau stained glass window, sparkling chandeliers, a tasteful statue of Dom Pérignon himself, and listlessly rotating ceiling fans complete the bon vivant atmosphere. It's the kind of place you want to sink into, anonymously, with a gorgeous date. The ascotted barmen really seem to care about the cocktail craft. They give off an air of understated perfection, their flair mixology training betrayed only by an occasionally raised pinky and a timely flick of the wrist. The servers are unusually attentive, refilling any glasses of complimentary water that look in the least pessimistic, as they know that well-hydrated drinkers are likely to last longer, and thus purchase more. This is not an impersonal place, but one where your thirst is catered to precisely and punctually, even if you're in the mood for something that isn't on the menu. It all adds up to a cocktail bar where you want to linger, sampling prodigiously from the curiously eclectic menu. There are some truly remarkable cocktails here that you won't find anywhere else, especially in Prague. The signature drink, Sante, Rudi!, mixes 12-year-old Chivas Regal, a combination of fruit liqueurs, port wine, house-made hazelnut bitters, and smoke from a port wine barrel. It's a wallopingly complex medley of sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and fruit flavours that is bound to become a big hit. The L'Fromage Martini is another curious concoction. A very French twist on the classic gin martini, it has Tanqueray No. Ten and vermouth infused with Provençal cheese. It is small but powerful, with the medicinal edge of the gin just smoothed by the vermouth, and a little cube of cheese in place of an olive or cocktail onion. The drink is actually indicative of the whole bar: taking a classic and adding an unexpected, characteristic twist. Even the more mainstream drinks on the menu are just a little different, like the Jasmine and Apricot Daiquiri, with dry Flor de Caña, a Nicaraguan rum, jasmine syrup, apricot purée, and a slice of dried citrus. This frozen potable, beautifully served in a stemmed glass, is light and refreshing, but maintains more than enough character from the perfect blend of floral and fruit notes. It's the kind of thing you could drink for breakfast. As the French theme might suggest, there's also a serious selection of champagne cocktails and champagnes on the menu, by the glass and by the bottle, from all the best-known French vintners. If you're feeling adventurous, you could splurge on a bottle of Dom Pérignon from 1982, which will run you 31,982 CZK. And if you like your spirits straight, there's also an impressive selection of just about every distillate imaginable, from Scottish single malts to French absinthes, cognacs, armagnacs, and even French whisky, which is a world unto itself. In a city that has long since sold its soul to beer, it's impossible to escape the fact that the average cocktail is about ten times the price of a mug of suds. Cocktail bars like L'Fleur Bar will certainly never replace the local pub. But it's nice to have the possibility of mixing up the usual evening out with world-class drinks, atmosphere and service in the center of Old Town. A night here always feels like an occasion. It's French class in a glass. L'Fleur Bar, V Kolkovně 5 Prague 1 www.lfleur.cz All photos courtesy of www.nepijubrecky.cz 7 Creative Gin and Tonic Recipes Retro Czech Living Room for Hire 6 Unexpected Cocktail Bars in Prague Dive Bars: Karlín-Žižkov's Dodgiest Pub Crawl Bar Review: Café 80's Praha Newly opened Gin & Tonic Club shares tips for mixing this refreshing summer cocktail A new space for house parties (minus the clean up!) is making the rounds in Prague These watering holes are shaken, stirred, and off the beaten path What do you get when you take 5 Brits, 1 German-Singaporean and a bunch of random bars? This new restaurant and club offers an unusual menu and glitzy nostalgia galore Nebe: Prague Nightlife Heaven? Craig Monts re-acquaints himself with Prague's ever-popular cocktail trio Bar Review: Blue Light Legendary Malá Strana late night spot Bar Review: Cross Club Prague's Mecca for drum & bass, dubstep, and EDM lovers
Art Scene / Exhibitions / Video CAFA Art Museum Collection Series: Selected Works of Oil Painting Created in the Period of National Beiping Art School – video review by Sue Wang on Dec 25, 2012 • 2:17 pm No Comments CAFA Art Museum Collection Series: Selected Works of Oil Painting Created in the Period of the National Beiping Art School is on view at the gallery on the fourth floor of CAFA Art Museum from November 27, 2012 through to April 25, 2013. Being a boutique collection exhibition grandly introduced by CAFA Art Museum, it has been chosen as "2012 National Exhibition Season of Brilliant Collection Works from Art Museums in China Organized by the Ministry of Culture". Meanwhile in order to meet the needs of celebrating Centennial Celebrations of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2018, it can be claimed to be one of the most important projects in its start-up phrase. The exhibition highlights nearly 40 pieces of the boutique collection of CAFA Art Museum together with lots of precious historical documents. Spanning three decades, it brings together the classic works by renowned artists who had taught or studied at the National Beiping Art School from its establishment in 1918 through to the foundation of CAFA in 1950. It is more than an important retrospective demonstration of the education and outlook of oil painting in the National Beiping Art School, which is of significance for us in order to sort out and comprehend modern oil painting in China as well as its educational development. China Central Academy of Fine Arts or CAFA is the only advanced academy of Chinese fine arts under the direct charge of the Department of Education in China. It was founded in April, 1950, as a result of a merger between the National Art School in Beiping and the department of fine arts at the third campus of North China University. Mao Zedong wrote the school name. The history of the "National Art School in Beiping" might date back to the founding of the "National School of Fine Arts in Beijing" in 1918, advocated by the notable educator, Cai Yuanpei. It was the first national school of fine arts in Chinese history, and also the beginning of Chinese modern education of fine arts. The former principals of CAFA include Xu Beihong, Jiang Feng, Wu Zuoren, Gu Yuan and Jin Shangyi. Academic research into the National Beiping Art School has not been systematic which did not provide a complete and clear visage for academic circles. During the process of reorganizing its collections, CAFA Art Museum took care in the research and conservation of the works by each faculty and students during the period of the National Beiping Art School and based on which it has put forward the "Selected Display of the National Beiping Art School Collected by CAFA Art Museum". It expects to present the historical outlook of the art school through gradual organization and clearance and provide first-hand information for future academic study. This exhibition is the first part of the "Selected Display of National Beiping Art School Collected by CAFA Art Museum" focusing on oil paintings including those of Wu Fading, Li Yishi, Xu Beihong, Wu Zuoren who had made great contributions to Chinese art history, many of which will be the first time to exhibit domestically in recent years. From a unique perspective, the exhibits on display are so precious and significant that many of them are representative works of the artists which have a tremendous impact on the history of Chinese fine arts such as "Trackers" by Wu Zuoren which was created during his study in Belgium, "Skating on the North Sea" by Xiao Shufang, "Dances by Mongolian and Tibetan Women" by Sun Zongwei, "Catching Lice" by Feng Fasi during the Anti-Japanese War, "Make a Pillow of One 's Spear Waiting for Daybreak", "The Unmelted Snow of the Forbidden City", "Offering Fuel in Snowy Weather" by Ai Zhongixn, "Civilians' Canteen" by Li Zongjin, "Market at Dong Dan" by Qi Zhenqi, "Meeting of a Peasants' Group" by Dai Ze and so on. Face to Face with Jeff Koons Tonight at the Art Museum of CAFA The Abstract Paintings 1979-2012: Zhang Wei Solo Exhibition Harmony in Diversity: Academic Exhibition of Qi She Arts Opening at The Hive Centre for Contemporary... Pace Beijing presents a joint exhibition "Sol LeWitt and Zhang Xiaogang" opening September... Tags: CAFA, CAFAM, modern art, painting Previous postFrom Beijing: Works by the Faculty of China Central Academy of Fine Arts opening January 22, 2013 at Wilkinson Gallery, New York Academy of Art Next post"10 Years – Re: Jewelry" Central Academy of Fine Arts and Contemporary Jewelry - video review
You are here: Parliament home page > Parliamentary business > Publications and Records > Committee Publications > All Select Committee Publications > Joint Select Committees > Draft Mental Incapacity Bill > Draft Mental Incapacity Bill Joint Committee on the Draft Mental Incapacity Bill Written Evidence 133.Memorandum from United Response (MIB 1111) 1. United Response is a member of the Making Decisions Alliance. As such we have been campaigning for legislation that would allow a person's capacity to make decisions to be considered outside of the Mental Health Act, and welcome the draft Mental Incapacity Bill. There are concerns that the broad definition of "Mental Disorder" contained in the draft Mental Health Act would mean that people with a learning disability could be detained even if they do not have a co-existing mental health problem. The Draft Bill could bring about a framework to provide medical treatment to people with learning disability outside the Mental Health Act. We have given our support to both the Alliance's and the Law Society's Submission. We give our support for calls for the draft legislation to be included in the Queen's Speech. We welcome the presumption of capacity and the proposed functional test. However, we are concerned that the title and the focus of the Bill, on the processes involved once a person is deemed to be lacking in capacity, do not properly reflect the underlying presumption. We believe it should be renamed the Mental Capacity Bill, and there should be more focus on the face of the Bill on support for a person in the decision-making process, ie on empowerment, advocacy and communication. Successful implementation of the Bill will depend largely on the resources allocated to it, ie for staff training, (independent) advocacy and public information. A key issue for people with learning disabilities is that the new legislation provides that people will not be prevented from making a decision simply because it is deemed to be unwise, some progress in ending the infantilisation of adults with learning disabilities. Any reference to confinement/use of force in the draft Bill must only apply where a person's immediate safety is concerned, and must be followed up by an early assessment/care plan. The Bill says it puts the person with impaired capacity at the heart of the legislation, but does not set out mechanisms to achieve this. Without properly resourced advocacy some people who are able to make a particular decision could be wrongly assessed as unable to do so. In Valuing People, the Government says that Advocacy has a crucial role to play in supporting the choices of people with learning disabilities. The new draft Bill must recognise and strengthen this requirement rather than cut across it. Advocacy should be available at the very least at the following stages: on assessment of capacity; when a major life changing decision is being taken; when a Court deputy is being appointed; a Lasting Power of Attorney is being setup or activated; when a single order of the court is being made; where there is a dispute—independent advocacy must be available to cover instances of conflict of interest between a person and their carer. For instance, the General Authority makes it lawful for any person to make a decision when caring for another person where they reasonably believe there is a lack of capacity (Clause 6). Without the involvement of an independent advocate, and with no requirement for capacity to be independently assessed, the GA may by default give statutory recognition to a "closed relationship" that will not be monitored by any third party, and may therefore be open to abuse. Clause 6 goes on to make it lawful for a person to make a decision when caring for another person when "in all the circumstances it is reasonable for the person to do the act". Here again, access to independent advocacy may provide an important check on the objective reasonableness of the decision. Moreover, effective advocacy brings with it not only protection and empowerment for the individual, but value for money for the Government. Achieving the decision in the best interests of a person, with which that person is content, at the outset might not only obviate the need to embark on a process of elimination until this is (or may never be) achieved, but also the need of recourse to a costly Appeals process. 4. Scope of the General Authority The Bill makes it clear that professionals will be able to operate under the General Authority and makes no distinction between a decision made on best interests by a carer or by a healthcare professional. We support MDA calls for a higher test of reasonableness for professional carers with single orders from the Court as a preference. More importantly, we feel that major life changing decisions, such as medical treatment and where a person should live, should be removed from the scope of the General Authority. In addition to the Codes of Practice, there should be a public information campaign to inform all individuals [people with impaired capacity?] and carers of their rights and responsibilities. Without this, the subtle checks and balances set out in part 1 of the Bill may not be recognised. 5. Assessment We would draw the Government's attention to the fact that the draft Bill does not explain how assessment will work in the context of this new legislation. We believe that this must be addressed. The literal interpretation of Clause 3 would require a continuous assessment of capacity each and every time that person was faced with a similar decision, but this would not be in the interests of the individual concerned, their carers or the relevant professionals. However, it would be equally unacceptable for the draft Bill to erode an individual's right to make their own decisions before capacity has been accurately and independently assessed. The importance of assessment in underpinning the work of the draft Bill cannot be overstated, and therefore "assessment" needs to be clearly defined, and the legal status of the Code of Practice for the guidance of persons assessing capacity needs to be clarified, along with any sanctions that will be applicable if the Code is breeched or ignored. 6. Lasting Power of Attorney Tighter controls should be placed on who can be appointed as donees to include those convicted of fraud or abuse of a previous LPA. In addition, consideration should be given as to whether CRB checks are appropriate. Donees should be fully informed of their rights and responsibilities and effectively monitored. The position of Care Staff acting without power of attorney (for example making financial decisions) needs to be considered for areas of conflict of interest. 7. Court Appointed Deputies An independent assessment of capacity to take a particular decision should be carried out before a Deputy is appointed. This is the key moment when a right to access to independent advocacy should be triggered (see para 3iic). Deputies should not always be able to give consent to the withdrawal of treatment, rather there should be a requirement for a single order of the Court of Protection. 8. Advance Directives/Advance Statements The Bill should provide for instances such as a severely disabled person who may wish to make an advance statement setting out their express wish that all reasonable steps should be taken to sustain their life in the event of accident or illness, regardless of any assumptions medical professionals may make about their quality of life. 9. The New Bodies Court of Protection judges and staff will need training; The Public Guardian will have a vital role. The Bill needs to clarify what, if any, sanctions will be available to the PG if an individual is found to be acting outside the letter or spirit of the Bill. 10. Omissions from the Bill We would like to suggest that the following also be considered within the scope of the draft Bill: — Appointeeship, whereby a person can be given responsibility by eg the Benefits Agency for handling someone's welfare benefits because the Agency deems them incapable of doing it themselves, should be brought within the scope of the Bill. Appointees should be bound by the same Best Interest principles as Deputies or donees of LPAs. — Adults at Risk, cross reference to regulations and guidance around vulnerable adults eg No Secrets. — Participation in vital research by people who lack capacity. — Data protection. © Parliamentary copyright 2003 Prepared 28 November 2003
Members of the Military Security blackmail farmers in Deir Ezzor ago 2 months Language / اللغة العربية The article's picture is expressive DeirEzzor24 exclusive report: A DeirEzzor24 network reporter said that the military security personnel at the entrance to the Ikthar Al-Seed warehouse, west of Deir Ezzor city, are extorting farmers. He added that the forces imposed an amount of 25,000 Syrian pounds on each farmer who rents wheat grains from the warehouse, in return for putting the branch's stamp on the transport permit, and an amount of 100,000 Syrian pounds for agricultural associations and large quantities. He confirmed that the person in charge of the armament operation, with the rank of assistant, called "Abu Khalil," along with another member, are always in front of the warehouse. The Military Security Branch comes at the forefront of the security branches in Deir Ezzor by practicing armaments and extortion at its checkpoints, which are deployed at all entrances to cities and public roads, under the direct guidance of its chief, Brigadier General "Ahmed Khalil". الأمن العسكري القمح ديرالزور Al-Qaterji militia reopens its headquarters in Al-Bukamal The commander of an armed group practices a new method of smuggling in Deir Ezzor Eastern countryside The 47th Regiment militia launches a campaign of... A new military faction has been formed in Deir Ezzor... The Fourth Division in Deir Ezzor extorts farmers to... Military security in Al-Bukamal pursues members of the...
For Sale in The Hamptons Philanthropist and art collector Beth DeWoody is selling Arts & Crafts gem Classic Art Village abode, ideal for history buff By Debra Scott Jan 9, 2017, 2:45pm EST When one of the 12 properties in Southampton's historic Art Village comes on the market, it's something to talk about. The cluster of Arts & Crafts houses were built at the turn of the last century to house wealthy supporters of the Shinnecock Summer School of Art, headed by acclaimed portrait and still-life painter William Merritt Chase. (Check out his Big Bayberry Bush, painted there circa 1895, at the Parrish Art Museum.) The exemplary home at 9 Briar Lane (roads were so quaintly named back then) was erected in 1911 and still maintains original period details including soldier cross and herring bone floor patterns, rare chestnut paneling, leaded glass windows, and cremone bolt hardware. The 4,347-square-foot structure, with six bedrooms and a very modern 5.5 baths, also boasts three fireplaces and a handsome chestnut-paneled great room. Situated on 2-plus acres, the meadow-like landscape contains the expected heated Gunite pool and mature specimen trees. Owned by real estate scion, philanthropist and collector Beth Rudin DeWoody, the asking price is $4.2M. 9 BRIAR LANE SOUTHAMPTON SOUTH, NEW YORK [Elliman] 279 Montauk Highway , Water Mill, NY 11976 631 283 2118 Ira Rennert has to pay $213.2M for looting company funds that paid for his Sagaponack estate Valued at $248M and sitting at 73,000-square-feet, the property is one of the largest private homes in the United States. The 25 most expensive properties for sale in the Hamptons The list includes the recently added Meadow Lane compound that's asking $150 million, down to a $39 million Water Mill home. Robert Downey Jr. is now the owner of the iconic East Hampton windmill cottage Keep in mind—it's never been an actual windmill, but rather serves as a copy of an original windmill in East Hampton. Let's Take a Flyover Tour of Sagaponack Mega-Mansions Meet Me in Montauk: The Ultimate Eternal Sunshine Map
Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) from each of the four countries of the UK, supported by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), have for the first time come together to set out what professionalism means for nurses and midwives. Launched on International Nurses Day, 'Enabling professionalism in nursing and midwifery practice' is a guide aimed at all nurses and midwives and sets out what 'professionalism' can look like in everyday practice. It demonstrates how applying the values of the Code should be at the centre of all nursing and midwifery practice. For employers, it identifies key principles which will help them to provide practice environments that support and encourage professionalism among nurses and midwives. Jackie Smith, Chief Executive and Registrar of the NMC, said: "It is fitting that 'Enabling professionalism in nursing and midwifery practice' is launched on International Nurses Day. We want all nurses and midwives to be able to provide the best care possible and Enabling professionalism' provides a framework for helping them to do exactly that. It lays out what good practice should look like and can be used as a guide to help nurses and midwives ensure they are applying principles of professionalism in their everyday practice." In support of this new guide the CNOs have shared their thoughts on what professionalism means to them and for nurses and midwives more widely. Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, said: "The world is changing, and nurses and midwives have a key leadership role in meeting current and future challenges. We all have a role to play and supporting professional development is vital. I am truly delighted to have been able to work with my CNO colleagues and the Nursing and Midwifery Council to produce this significant resource." Professor Charlotte McArdle, Chief Nursing Officer for Northern Ireland, said: "I believe passionately in the nursing and midwifery professions and the difference they can make to people's lives. That is why I was delighted to lead the work to develop a professionalism framework on behalf of the four countries' CNOs. "Enabling professionalism means doing the right thing, every time, in every environment, regardless of who is or isn't watching. Enabling professionalism provides, for the first time, a structured framework to help us reflect on and guide those daily interactions with the public." Professor Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland said: "Enabling Professionalism will support all nurses and midwives to be the very best they can be; helping to guide day to day practice across all levels and all settings so that nurses and midwives can flourish and provide excellence in their care." Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer for Wales said: "Being a nurse or a midwife puts us in a very privileged position. We engage with people from all walks of life at every point in their lifespan from birth, at the most trying time of people's lives, and at the time of their death. I trust the professionalism report will engage you in a conversation about what it means to be a professional nurse or midwife." The CNOs and the NMC are also asking nurses and midwives to tell us what professionalism means to them. They can do this on Twitter by using #professionalism or through www.nmc.org.uk/professionalism. For media enquiries, please contact NMC press office on 020 7681 5649 or email media@nmc-uk.org.
Day 5 – Darwin to Nashville 2 July 2013 | 1 Wednesday 26th. June 2013 Met up with Michael Davis and Gretta on Broadway. Mikey is over here with an Australian band (Born 'n Bred) doing some gigs. They're signed to a Nashville label and my band The Two Few did a guest spot for them in January back in Australia at the Tamworth Country Music Festival. He's an 'ole mate and played on two of my albums when I was living in Melbourne. Pretty much when it comes to the New Orleans funky style of playing – he's the shit. Apart from that, the guy doesn't have a stop button. He's the quintessential Mexican Jumping Bean. I turned up a bit early, caught a band at the bar next door then lobbed at Robert's Western World which had come recommended by Dave the bemused upright bass player. First band had an 18 year old guitar player on a pale blue Tele that knocked the socks off everyone with his rocket fuelled country & rock pickin'. Frankly, he was incredible in the actual sense of the word – as opposed to the current trend of using superlatives to describe something of minor interest, as in "that's awesome that you feel ok today". Next up was a Wayne Hancock sounding band that had the whole sound and look nailed. The Mexican Beans were starting to jump so we hit the street and did a bit of the tourist thing taking snaps and gawking at the hats and boots. Round the corner to Painter's Lane and we ducked in to the Bourbon Street Blues and Boogie Bar (yes – we are still in Nashville). Stacy Mitchart was on and his band did a fine line in both types of music – Rhythm AND Blues. Smokin' guitar playing and gravely smooth Dr. John style vocals from Stacy, who lent his guitar to an easy on the eye guest vocalist. She not only sang well but managed to raise a few eyebrows in the male fraternity due to her legs starting somewhere way up in Canada. Michael got up and was asked to start playing anything he liked, so he pulled out the funkiest dirtiest groove he could and the band raised both eyebrows, looked almost stunned momentarily and after a brief onstage conference involving lots of yes nodding and no head shaking, eventually kicked in to a song that matched the Mexican Jumping Bean Outta My Way Groovemeister in full swing. The next song had a more sedate mid-tempo rock groove that Mikey executed with restraint and aplomb. Lots of hand shakin' back slappin' and generally a great way to end a night of excellent music. Posted in News, Travel and tagged cowboy boots, fiddle, hot pickin', michael davis, painter's lane, pale blue, stacy mitcham, telecaster Tom G on 8 July 2013 at 10:09 am Fantastic and fortuitous that funky Michael D is over there too! What a trip?! I did a double take. That's a moment to treasure and needless to say I'm several shades of green with envy and slightly nostalgic into the bargain. I hope you and he and Gretta had a great time.
Talento a bordo Un espacio donde ponemos a volar el talento español. The Elegance of Subtlety They release records at their own pace, without pressures of any kind. Teresa Iturrioz and Ibon Errazkin, the members of Single, are cult artists in their own right. Their music, however, is open to all publics — an exquisite blend of pop and folk that could belong to any period, but which always sounds fiercely personal. What You Don't See on the Dance Floor Twenty years ago, Ana Laura Aláez turned the art circuit upside down with an installation that consisted of creating a night club inside a national museum. Now established as one of the key voices of her generation, the artist who made orthodox critics feel very uncomfortable in the 1990s once again delights us with an exhibition that traces her entire career and starts a dialogue with the spectator about the possibility of what could have been. High-Flying Design Teresa Helbig Is The Designer Behind The New Iberia Uniforms Teresa Helbig is the designer behind the new Iberia uniforms. A collection that brings together craftsmanship, haute couture and avant-garde materials while looking back at the past, but with its sights set on the future, to rewrite tomorrow. The Curious Architect Her talent is universal because creativity and good taste have no boundaries. Architect and designer Patricia Urquiola returns to the Spanish capital to inaugurate 'Nature Morte Vivante', an exhibition within the framework of the Madrid Design Festival to discover her very personal universe. Cinema and theatre Comme des Machines 02/06/2020 · By Rocío Navarro Andrés Iglesias, Jon Michel Azkarate, Aran Azkarate and Suso García León make up one of most innovative companies of recent years. © Courtesy of Comme des Machines The factory of the future is located in Vizcaya. Comme des Machines is revolutionizing the fashion industry by using 3D printing while retaining an artisanal approach. Their machines revive crafts for a digital era that has memory. Comme des Machines is a nod to the Comme des Garçons, the fashion brand led by Rei Kawakubo. Although the clothes they make in their factory can be seen on the catwalk, their role in the industry transcends design. In 2016, Andrés Iglesias, Jon Michel Azkarate, Suso García León and Aran Azkarate set up in Vizcaya what today is considered to be the factory of the future. With a more efficient, flexible, personalized and sustainable approach, they are revolutionizing the production structure thanks to the use of 3D printing. These 21st-century artisans are one of a kind. At their digital workshop, they conceive pieces for brands such as Burberry, Helena Rohner, Moisés Nieto, Nike, and Palomo Spain. Aran, the company's CEO, tells us about this model that is transforming fashion. You refer to yourselves as digital artisans, what does this concept imply? It explains the philosophy of Comme des Machines. We've noticed technology in general, and 3D printing in particular, cause some hostility. But they're just simple machines that we're using in a way that is halfway between crafts and industrial production. That's what sets us apart. Technological innovations sometimes generate controversy. How would you explain to someone reluctant to this universe the benefits of your production formula? Machines have to be our allies. They help us get rid of the arduous part of the process and allow us to dedicate ourselves to creating, innovating and investigating. We have to see them as friends. Hence, our mantra is hand and machines, people and machines, working together. The brands that work with us on an ongoing basis have increased their profit margin by up to 30 percent because they use only the resources they need. They're don't get overstocked with pieces they won't sell. "Machines have to be our allies. They help us get rid of the arduous part of the process and allow us to dedicate ourselves to creating, innovating and investigating" You are creating fabrics with your 3D printers… Yes, we're pioneers in 3D textile creation. Burberry picked us as one of the leading manufacturers of future textiles after we made the best pleated fabric using 3D printing. That was possible thanks to research, and we're sure the fashion world will want more. More and more countries are now accessing resources that were only available in the first world. By 2030, the population will have increased, and textile demand will be one of the biggest problems facing the industry. Textile manufacturing is a revolution, what impact will it have on the industry? Imagine a brand that manufactures garments directly from the pattern. The value chain is shortened, so you can innovate and be creative without taking the risks you usually take using traditional methods. Brooches printed by Comme des Machines for Dsnú, in collaboration with Angel Schlesser. © Courtesy of Comme des Machines You have turned machines into artisans. Will crafts survive thanks to 3D printing? Indeed. These tools will help us extend the life of old crafts. For example, we can create embroidery with them. We invited old embroiderers from Bilbao to our factory and they were very excited about the whole thing. Machines won't steal anything from us if we don't want them to. But they will engage different generations, types of companies and countries in a dialogue. I think only good things can happen when knowledge is shared. Besides being sustainable, could we also say that what you do is more democratic? Indeed! What does a brand that is not Chanel do when it wants to customize products? How does it do it when it only wants to manufacture a few pieces? The big difference with the traditional industry is that we don't use moulds — they are too expensive. We manufacture directly from a computer file. Besides, we don't demand minimum orders. If a customer needs three pieces, we make them; if they need 40,000, we make them, too. We believe that sustainability goes beyond the manufacturing materials, it involves many other things. You can't accumulate huge stocks that have to be stored and distributed. We must produce just what we need at any given moment. This is one of our key principles. Nowadays, 3D printing is the only tool that allows us to follow this philosophy. "We don't demand minimum orders. If a customer needs three pieces, we make them; if they need 40,000, we make them, too. We believe that sustainability goes beyond the materials" One must be on the alert to sense all these changes. How did you come to detect it? The four members of the team have a long history in fashion. We identified a series of deficiencies in the traditional industry that were going to become a problem in the digital era, for example how to manufacture in a sustainable and customizable way. Then, we launched a research project that is still running today to develop healthier and fairer factories using digital technologies. We realized that 3D printing allowed us to do all this. At first, everyone criticized us, but over time they've proved us right. Collaboration of Comme des Machines with Sur / Sac. © Courtesy of Comme des Machines Going back to sustainability, what are the sustainable materials you work with? We use PLA, a biopolymer made with natural ingredients such as sugarcane, coffee and potatoes, among others. It's biodegradable and compostable. We also print cement, wood, and mud made from waste. Hearing you speak, I perceive the passion you feel for your work. What motivates you the most? The fact that big and small brands, like us, work together to build a more creative, sustainable and healthy future. In the twenty years that I've been dedicated to fashion, I never thought I would see something like this. I think there're many reasons to be optimistic. You also see that on the street, because the customer loves to see that the product has been created fairly, following sustainable standards and using high quality biomaterials. I was ardently waiting for this to come. Collaboration of Comme des Machines with Nike. © Courtesy of Comme des Machines What, from among all your projects, would you keep? In February we're launching an absolutely revolutionary collaboration with a Spanish mass market brand aimed for all audiences. It will be the first collection of this kind developed with 3D printing. It has been one of the most interesting projects I've ever worked on because it required building a new methodology. We had to conceive the piece but also an entire structure to supply a company of that size. In my opinion, this symbolically embodies the new century. How has 3D printing changed since you started in 2016? When I started off, there were only yellow, blue, red and green available, and doing something interesting with those colours was a real challenge. Now we can choose, for example, from among many different types of woods with beautiful, subtle hues. We can even mix them, which wasn't possible before. Eventually, everything from electronic devices to stem cells, will be printed. The future will be entirely 3D printed. 3D-printed fabric belonging to the ongoing research and innovation project NORA, by Comme des Machines. © Courtesy of Comme des Machines Design for life Núria Madrid Life in Three Dimensions Iberia.com
CANCELED-32nd Annual Fall Detroit RV & Camping Show September 29, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – October 3, 2021 @ 9:00 pm CANCELED-September 29-October 3, 2021 Show Cancelation MARVAC has made the difficult decision to cancel the 32nd Annual Detroit RV & Camping Show, September 29-October 3, 2021 at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Michigan. Record demand, supply chain issues and inventory shortages concerned us when contemplating the huge show. MARVAC, for over 50 years, has always prided itself with putting on the best RV & camping shows for consumers and exhibitors. Regretfully, the current situation would have not given us that opportunity. We are currently preparing for the 2022 RV & camping shows and look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces coming through one of our shows in 2022. We will see you soon! David Apt2021-08-11T10:26:15-04:00
IDEX Recruitment 2022 : Check Here! IDEX Recruitment Safalta Expert Published by: Saksham Chauhan Updated Fri, 29 Jul 2022 01:01 AM IST On its official website, Innovations for Defence Excellence (IDEX) has solicited applications for the position of Program Executive. Innovations for Defence Excellence (IDEX) has solicited applications for the position of Program Executive. Candidates with a Master's Degree in Science, Management, or Technology can apply for the IDEX Program Executive Recruitment 2022 on or before August 1, 2022. On its official website, Innovations for Defense Excellence (IDEX) has solicited applications for the position of Program Executive. Candidates with a Master's Degree in Science, Management, or Technology/Degree Bachelor's with relevant and appropriate experience can apply for IDEX Program Executive Recruitment 2022 on or before August 1, 2022. Candidates selected for the Program Executive position would be paid a total consolidated sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- per month, plus other benefits as specified in the announcement. If you are preparing for competitive exams and looking for expert guidance, you can download our General Knowledge Free Ebook Download Now. How to Apply for IDEX Program Executive Positions in 2022 On or before August 1, 2022, interested and qualified applicants should apply online at https://idex.gov.in/form/pe-recruitment-form-2022. IDEX Program Executive Recruitment 2022: PDF Program Executive-8 Essential Candidates must have a Master's Degree in Science, Management, or Technology, as well as at least two years of related experience. Candidates with a bachelor's degree and relevant and adequate experience may be considered. Please see the notification link for further information on the educational qualification. IDEX Program Executive Recruitment 2022 Salary: A total consolidated monthly salary of Rs. 1,00,000/-, of which Rs 20,000/- will be performance-based pay based on monthly appraisals, inclusive of Transport Allowance and all taxes. Subject to good performance, there would be an annual increment of Rs.10,000/- per month. Significant Dates The deadline for applications is August 1, 2022. Maximum Age Candidates must be under 30 years old on August 1, 2022.
Man charged in two larceny cases Vincent Colavito, 24, was charged Tuesday with two separate shoplifting incidents earlier this year. Fairfield Police Department Vincent Colavito, 24, of Brewster Street, Bridgeport, was charged Tuesday in connection with two separate shoplifting incidents earlier this year. Colavito, who surrendered at Police Department headquarters on the outstanding warrants, was charged with sixth-degree larceny for a Jan. 29 incident at Super Stop & Shop, 760 Villa Avenue. According to police, Colavito returned about $30 worth of Dove's Men's Moisturizer and then went to the cosmetics aisle and put the same items into his coat and walked out of the store without paying. Colavito is also accused of joining another man in stealing three cameras, valued at $489, from BJ's Wholesale Club, 40 Black Rock Turnpike. In that case, he was charged with sixth-degree larceny and conspiracy to commit sixth-degree larceny. In both cases, Colavito was released on a promise to appear May 14 in Bridgeport Superior Court.
Robin Williams' death stuns students "Robin Williams Rest in Peace Make God Laugh" – Laugh Factory, Hollywood, California. Argeen Ghazarian, Staff Writer Robin Williams' sudden death rocked Clark Magnet High School hard on Aug. 11, which also happened to be the first day of the 2014-2015 school year. "I was absolutely shocked," said junior Tristan Mouradian. "Robin Williams has always been my favorite comedian, and learning of his suicide greatly saddened me." Mouradian had grown up with many movies starring Williams and adored all of his work, including one of the most popular, Mrs. Doubtfire. Even students who did not know Williams very well admired his work and personality. "[Robin Williams] seemed like a prominent and treasured figure in show business. He has made a lasting mark on the industry," said junior Mikia Zohrabian. Although both Mouradian and Zohrabian were shocked at Williams' passing, they were not surprised at all. "Many people put on a mask of happiness to fool others even if they feel bad on the inside," Zohrabian said. "This was such a case." Teacher Lauren Hilmar-Braga was more familiar with Williams' works, from Dead Poets Society to Birdcage to Good Will Hunting. "When I had first heard that he had died, I was shocked, but I knew he had a long history of addiction issues," Hilmar-Braga said. "I had heard that he'd been in a rehab facility back, I don't know, a month ago or a couple months ago." Whether Williams' passing is blamed on his known depression, alcohol/drug addictions, or his diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, one thing is clear: The loss of such a legendary comedian will be remembered forever, as Williams has sketched his name in history as an icon, a comedian and a very talented actor. Fall Rally: Clark students take a trip to Sesame Street New Art Teacher Joins Clark Clark takes part in Red Ribbon Week once again Students celebrate the fall Clarktoberfest Event '23 Seniors Enjoy Magical Day at the Happiest Place on Earth
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Woman Who Tested Positive For Coronavirus Storms A Salon To Get A Manicure LESS THAN 48 HOURS How insane! A shameless woman turned up to get her nails done two days after testing positive for coronavirus - and only told staff she lied about being Covid-free when she got home. She said she was in 'desperate need' of the manicure, less than 48 hours after finding out the terrible news.An angry nail artist in Washington, US, shared the messages from her former client on Facebook.She didn't name the woman but was happy to upload her disturbing confession.Taylor, 26, deleted the post after the story went viral but they had already been picked up and were posted on The Shade RoomInstagram page. She wrote: "I feel really bad and should not have shown up for my appointment but I desperately needed my nails done!"I tested positive for the virus two days ago soooooo please quarantine yourself."Taylor revealed the woman lied to her when booking her appointment."I asked you before you even got here if you had been exposed to the virus and if you have had it at any point," she responded."You have known that I am compromised and legally wasn't supposed to take your appointment if you did."The client incredibly then blamed the state of her nails for her actions."I was just desperate to get out of the house! I was quarantine [sic] in two days," she said in the message."I'm sorry! I needed my nails done sooooooo bad! You saw how bad they were!"Horrified Taylor posted her thoughts on Facebook after reporting the woman.She wrote: "Yesterday after I posted about this the world has been up in arms with me and for me. I just want to thank everyone for their support, and encouragement."I can't believe how this literally has spread across this world like wild fire. Let's protect ourselves and each other."'If there is anything I have learned in the last 24 hours, there may be a handful of unthoughtful people like this ex client who did this to me yesterday."But this world is a beautiful place with a whole lot of people in it willing to do what's right. "Keep on being good to others, and let's kick this virus outta here."For everyone who keeps commenting, she HAS been reported. I cannot keep up with all the comments on Facebook and here with everyone saying that. Thank you!" Posted By cheatmaster On 07:50 Mon, 10 Aug 2020 Late Date(Trailer) - 2021 Latest Yoruba Blockbuster Starring Mide Martins, Funsho Adeolu, Kunle Afod monada
Hong Kong to extend social-distancing measures for another week Hong Kong's ban on eating in restaurants at night will continue for another week, as the city confirmed 44 new Covid-19 cases on Monday. That came as a government adviser and top infectious disease expert warned against relaxing social-distancing measures, and revealed that the latest rise in the transmission rate for the coronavirus meant an infected person would spread the pathogen to one other individual on average. Among the new infections reported on Monday, 31 were locally transmitted, including 20 that were linked to previous cases. Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the communicable disease branch of the Centre for Health Protection, said two more workers at Kwai Tsing Container Terminals were confirmed to be infected. But they were not related to Wang Kee Port Operation Services, which recorded 33 cases on Sunday. One was a truck driver and the other a crane operator, Chuang said. She also revealed that a 33-year-old patient, who was confirmed to have Covid-19 in late March and recovered in April, was found to be carrying the virus after a trip to Spain earlier this month. Dr Chuang said more investigations would be needed to determine why he was found with the virus. "We are not sure if he had been carrying the virus all this time, or whether it was a new infection," Dr Chuang said. Meanwhile, confirming an earlier South China Morning Post report, the government announced that existing social-distancing measures, including a ban on gatherings of more than two people, and the mandatory wearing of masks in public places, would be extended until Aug 25, with the number of new infections each day remaining high. "It has been over a month since the beginning of the third wave and the public is understandably starting to be fatigued by the social-distancing measures … However, it is not yet time for relaxation and there is no room for complacency in epidemic control," the Food and Health Bureau said. Despite the fact that the number of daily new cases had eased from its peak in late July, it remained at a significant level with the seven-day average still beyond figures recorded at the height of the second wave in March and April, a spokesman added. "The stubbornly high proportion of new cases with unknown sources of infection at some 40% … indicates that silent or subclinical transmission chains are prevalent in the community," he said. "It is highly worrying that such transmission chains persist despite extensive testing." As of Monday, the city had gone more than two weeks with fewer than 100 infectious per day. The total number of cases now stands at 4,524, with 69 related deaths. Despite the slight drop in infections, and calls for a relaxation of the evening dining ban, the government had decided not to relax the measures. The ban restricts dine-in services between 6pm and 5am. During the day, no more than two people can eat at the same table, and restaurants can only operate at half capacity. Fourteen types of establishments, such as bars, gyms and sports facilities, will also remain closed for another week. The arrangements were unveiled as the city prepares to launch mass Covid-19 screenings. But according to an email sent by the Food and Health Bureau to private doctor unions, the commencement of the scheme would be postponed to Aug 31, and last for two weeks. The bureau mentioned in its recruitment email that it aimed to set up swabbing stations in 18 districts to provide tests conducted by health care professionals, while supervisory posts at the stations should be held by registered doctors, dentists or nurses. For infection control, the government will provide protective gear such as surgical masks and gloves, as well as training to staff on proper procedures. "I guess the government needs more time for logistics arrangements," said Henry Yeung Chiu-fat, president of the Hong Kong Doctors Union. He said he was told that the government planned to hire about 2,000 private medical staff members, with each paid an hourly rate of HK$300 (1,200 baht) to HK$800. Swabbing stations would be set up in open spaces, including in shopping centres, playgrounds, and large community centres, he added. Gabriel Leung, dean of the University of Hong Kong's faculty of medicine who advises the government on its coronavirus response, meanwhile, told a press briefing that the transmission rate of the virus, which had shot up to as high as between three and four earlier in the local third wave, had started to rise again to about one, after dipping to around 0.5 three weeks ago. Leung attributed the uptick to "anti-epidemic fatigue", which he said could be shown in traffic data where Octopus card holders of all age groups had gone out more than in previous weeks. "Now is definitely not the time to consider lifting off any measures, we are at a critical stage and must hold our nerve for at least two more weeks," Leung said. He said the success of the universal testing programme would depend on the demand and supply side of the equation, on whether it could attract a "sufficiently large" group of people, especially those in high-risk jobs or demographics, as well as a sufficient number of health care workers to do the tests. Earlier, Hong Kong's medical experts were divided on whether the ban on nighttime dining, which has been in place for more than a month, should be relaxed. Public health advisers David Hui Shu-cheong and Ho Pak-leung warned a relaxation of the ban could potentially lead to a resurgence in infections, but Gabriel Choi Kin, president of the Hong Kong Medical Association, believed it could be "slightly relaxed", as many restaurants were struggling financially. All three experts said if the government decided to relax the ban, strict social-distancing measures must be in place to reduce the health risks. As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, think big.
Pudong New Area Enterprise Service Center: "Waiting" on Enterprises What has happened to Pudong? How has Pudong influenced China and even the world? In the new era, what new contributions will Pudong make? From today, China Pictorial will present a series of reports on the Pudong New Area to commemorate the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. by Qiao Zhenqi Pudong New Area Enterprise Service Center is located at 2 Hehuan Road in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. In this building, all the administrative affairs related to state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises get a literal window. by Qiao Zhenqi/China Pictorial "China will not close its door to the world; we will only become more and more open," declared Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Standing at the new starting point after 40 years of reform and opening up, China again voiced its determination to further open up to the world. Thanks to China's reform and opening up, the Pudong New Area of Shanghai was born and has prospered, becoming a forerunner of China's reform and economic development. Since its establishment on April 18, 1990, Pudong has achieved leapfrog development. Over the past 28 years, Pudong's economic aggregate has risen to 965.1 billion yuan—160 times higher than the figure of 6 billion yuan in 1990, while its fiscal revenue has grown 394 times, from 1 billion to 393.8 billion yuan. Moreover, after chewing on some "tough bones" of reforms which had hardly been touched since China's reform and opening up, Pudong has preliminarily formed a sound development environment in line with international standards. Text and photographs by Qiao Zhenqi Pudong New Area Enterprise Service Center is located at 2 Hehuan Road in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. In this building, all the administrative affairs related to state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign enterprises get a literal window. Through it, customer requests are received and services provided. When customers sit down, the window height is leveled beneath their chest, allowing the staff to speak to them without glass barriers. The examination and approval offices of all departments involved in business affairs are located in the service center. All items of market access examination and approval are dealt with by a "general management window," while examination and approval procedures for investment and construction projects are handled by another single window. Offering service quality of the highest international standards, Pudong Enterprise Service Center focuses on continued improvements in its service work. "Staff do not have to ask for instructions for a nod, but they have to report on every refusal." A general-response customer service mechanism is set up, including a "double check" mechanism, a "no-veto window" mechanism, ab assistant mechanism, a theme package mechanism and a dynamic optimization mechanism to reduce examination time. The service personnel only have the right to say "yes" and not "no". They are required to do their utmost to "set up road signs and remove roadblocks" to help the applicants. In addition, the service center has also built an electronic certificate database to bring about mutual recognition and share electronic certificates and information within the government, thus greatly relieving the burdens of enterprises to provide the same information repeatedly to different departments. Case of Facilitating Businesses The First Hema Fresh Store Settles in Pudong As a new retailer based on data and technology, Hema Fresh is committed to building a one-stop experience center with a new mode of retail. In the eyes of customers, Hema Fresh is not only a supermarket with a self-checkout system, but also a restaurant and even a wet market. Customers can shop at a Hema Fresh store or choose to order on its mobile app, and the commodities can be delivered to those located within three kilometers in 30 minutes. There hadn't been an established precedent for such a kind of retail business. But when Hema Fresh proposed this novel model to the Pudong New Area Enterprise Service Center, the supervisory bureau didn't refuse the application with the reason that there was no such business mode in their system. Instead, it accepted the new idea and formed a service group. This group discussed how best to improve the idea with the company, and in the meantime, also submitted the application to higher authorities for permission. As it was also the time when the Food Distribution License and the Catering Service License were being combined into the Food Trade License, the service center seized the opportunity and included the categories relating to large restaurants, pre-packaged food and bulk food in the supermarket, as well as e-commerce into the license for Hema Fresh, so as to ensure that the company's several business modes and convenient delivery service abided by regulations. "When an enterprise comes up with a concept, we get involved at the same time. As their idea enriches, it enhances the idea of the service center," Wu Ming, an official with the market supervision bureau of the Pudong New Area, told China Pictorial. "We explore with enterprises the layout, process and food safety traceability, guarantee that their practices conform to regulations, and ensure food sales and catering service merge well, bringing customers a brand-new experience." Finally, thanks to the joint efforts of the government and the enterprise, the first Hema Fresh store opened in the Pudong New Area in January 2016.
OTCMKTS:RBGLY Reckitt Benckiser Group - RBGLY Stock Forecast, Price & News Adding Reckitt Benckiser Group plc Reckitt Benckiser Group MarketRank™ Forecast 54,872.0% Upside $7,850.00 Price Target Reckitt Benckiser Group has received a consensus rating of Hold. The company's average rating score is 2.33, and is based on 2 buy ratings, 4 hold ratings, and no sell ratings. According to analysts' consensus price target of $7,850.00, Reckitt Benckiser Group has a forecasted upside of 54,872.0% from its current price of $14.28. Reckitt Benckiser Group has only been the subject of 2 research reports in the past 90 days. 0.15% of the outstanding shares of Reckitt Benckiser Group have been sold short. Reckitt Benckiser Group has a short interest ratio ("days to cover") of 4.3. Short interest in Reckitt Benckiser Group has recently increased by 8.20%, indicating that investor sentiment is decreasing significantly. Reckitt Benckiser Group pays a meaningful dividend of 2.18%, higher than the bottom 25% of all stocks that pay dividends. Reckitt Benckiser Group does not have a long track record of dividend growth. Based on earnings estimates, Reckitt Benckiser Group will have a dividend payout ratio of 37.04% next year. This indicates that Reckitt Benckiser Group will be able to sustain or increase its dividend. There is no current Upright™ data available for RBGLY. Reckitt Benckiser Group has a news sentiment score of 0.83. This score is calculated as an average of sentiment of articles about the company over the last seven days and ranges from 2 (good news) to -2 (bad news). This is a higher news sentiment than the 0.59 average news sentiment score of Consumer Staples companies. MarketBeat has tracked 2 news articles for Reckitt Benckiser Group this week, compared to 1 article on an average week. Only 1 people have added Reckitt Benckiser Group to their MarketBeat watchlist in the last 30 days. This is a decrease of -50% compared to the previous 30 days. In the past three months, Reckitt Benckiser Group insiders have not sold or bought any company stock. Only 0.12% of the stock of Reckitt Benckiser Group is held by institutions. Earnings for Reckitt Benckiser Group are expected to decrease by -5.81% in the coming year, from $0.86 to $0.81 per share. Reckitt Benckiser Group has a P/B Ratio of 4.98. P/B Ratios above 3 indicate that a company could be overvalued with respect to its assets and liabilities. About Reckitt Benckiser Group (OTCMKTS:RBGLY) Stock Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc engages in the manufacture and trade of consumer brand products including Air Wick, Calgon, Cillit Bang, Clearasil, Dettol, Durex, Enfamil, Finish, Gaviscon, Harpic, Lysol, Mortein, Mucinex, Nurofen, Nutramigen, Strepsils, Vanish, Veet, and Woolite. It operates through the following segments: Hygiene, Health, and Nutrition. The company was founded by Johann A. Benckiser in 1823 and is headquartered in Slough, the United Kingdom. Receive RBGLY Stock News and Ratings via Email Sign-up to receive the latest news and ratings for Reckitt Benckiser Group and its competitors with MarketBeat's FREE daily newsletter. RBGLY Stock News Headlines Research Analysts Offer Predictions for Reckitt Benckiser Group plc's FY2023 Earnings (OTCMKTS:RBGLY) FY2022 EPS Estimates for Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (OTCMKTS:RBGLY) Increased by Analyst Pharmacists in UK and US report shortage of cold and flu medicines Investors in Reckitt Benckiser Group (LON:RKT) have unfortunately lost 3.5% over the last five years With 84% ownership, Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (LON:RKT) boasts of strong institutional backing An Intrinsic Calculation For Reckitt Benckiser Group plc (LON:RKT) Suggests It's 33% Undervalued October 26, 2022 | uk.finance.yahoo.com FTSE: Reckitt Benckiser ups sales guidance after price hikes October 11, 2022 | fool.com Reckitt plc (LSE: RKT) September 19, 2022 | msn.com Short Volatility Alert: Reckitt Benckiser Group plc September 15, 2022 | seekingalpha.com RBGLY Reckitt Benckiser Group plc 3 Soaps & Cleaning Materials Stocks to Watch in a Troubled Industry Who is the new Starbucks CEO? He has 'deep' knowledge of the consumer but lacks restaurant experience. New CEO of Starbucks — a 'world-class leader,' says Howard Schultz — will do a stint as barista UPDATE 2-Incoming Starbucks boss to bring consumer insight to coffee culture Who is Starbucks' new CEO? He has 'deep' knowledge of the consumer but lacks restaurant experience Starbucks Names Reckitt Boss Laxman Narasimhan to Replace Howard Schultz As CEO Reckitt Benckiser CEO Laxman Narasimhan to step down Lysol Maker Reckitt Jolted by CEO's Surprise Departure for US August 5, 2022 | seekingalpha.com Reckitt Benckiser Group plc 2022 Q2 - Results - Earnings Call Presentation July 26, 2022 | finance.yahoo.com UPDATE 1-Enfamil maker Reckitt flies baby formula to U.S. from Singapore Enfamil maker Reckitt flies baby formula to U.S. from Singapore July 6, 2022 | finance.yahoo.com FDA Will Help Overseas Baby-Formula Makers Keep Selling in U.S. Beyond Shortages July 5, 2022 | morningstar.com Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC ADR - Stock Price vs Fair Value RBGLY RBGLY Company Calendar Soap & other detergents OTCMKTS:RBGPY www.rb.com Nicandro Durante Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director Jeff Carr Chief Financial Officer & Executive Director Angela Naef Chief Research & Development Officer Chief Information & Digitization Officer Charles M. Urbain The Swatch Group OTCMKTS:SWGAY NASDAQ:KDP NASDAQ:KHC Monster Beverage NASDAQ:MNST OTC:PRNDY RBGLY Stock - Frequently Asked Questions Should I buy or sell Reckitt Benckiser Group stock right now? 6 Wall Street analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for Reckitt Benckiser Group in the last twelve months. There are currently 4 hold ratings and 2 buy ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street analysts is that investors should "hold" RBGLY shares. A hold rating indicates that analysts believe investors should maintain any existing positions they have in RBGLY, but not buy additional shares or sell existing shares. View RBGLY analyst ratings or view top-rated stocks. What is Reckitt Benckiser Group's stock price forecast for 2023? 6 Wall Street analysts have issued 12-month price objectives for Reckitt Benckiser Group's stock. Their RBGLY share price forecasts range from $7,400.00 to $8,700.00. On average, they predict the company's share price to reach $7,850.00 in the next year. This suggests a possible upside of 54,872.0% from the stock's current price. View analysts price targets for RBGLY or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts. How have RBGLY shares performed in 2023? Reckitt Benckiser Group's stock was trading at $14.09 at the beginning of 2023. Since then, RBGLY stock has increased by 1.3% and is now trading at $14.28. How often does Reckitt Benckiser Group pay dividends? What is the dividend yield for Reckitt Benckiser Group? Reckitt Benckiser Group declared a dividend on Friday, July 29th. Shareholders of record on Monday, August 8th will be paid a dividend of $0.1596 per share on Wednesday, September 21st. This represents a dividend yield of 2.45%. The ex-dividend date is Friday, August 5th. Read our dividend analysis for RBGLY. Is Reckitt Benckiser Group a good dividend stock? Reckitt Benckiser Group (OTCMKTS:RBGLY) pays an annual dividend of $0.30 per share and currently has a dividend yield of 2.18%. What is Reckitt Benckiser Group's stock symbol? Reckitt Benckiser Group trades on the OTCMKTS under the ticker symbol "RBGLY." How do I buy shares of Reckitt Benckiser Group? Shares of RBGLY stock can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include WeBull, Vanguard Brokerage Services, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, Robinhood, Fidelity, and Charles Schwab. What is Reckitt Benckiser Group's stock price today? One share of RBGLY stock can currently be purchased for approximately $14.28. How much money does Reckitt Benckiser Group make? Reckitt Benckiser Group (OTCMKTS:RBGLY) has a market capitalization of $51.10 billion and generates $18.20 billion in revenue each year. How many employees does Reckitt Benckiser Group have? Does Reckitt Benckiser Group have any subsidiaries? The following companies are subsidiares of Reckitt Benckiser Group: 0730033 BC Ltd, 103-105 Bath Road Limited, Airwick Industrie SAS, Anhui Guilong Pharmaceutical Trading Company Ltd, Beleggingsmaatschappij Lemore BV, Benckiser, Brevet Hospital Products (UK) Limited, British Surgical Industries Limited, Canterbury Square Holdings Sar, Central Square Holding BV, Crookes Healthcare Limited, Cupal Limited, Dakin Brothers Limited, Dorincourt Holdings (Ireland) Limited, Durex Limited, ERH Propack Limited, Earex Products Limited, Fenla Industria Comercio e Administracao Ltda, Gainbridge Investments (Cyprus) Limited, Glasgow Square Limited, Green Young & Company Limited, Grosvenor Square Holding BV, Guilong Pharmaceutical (Anhui) Co. Ltd – Xiamen Branch, Hamol Limited, Helpcentral Limited, Howard Lloyd & Company Limited, Kukident GmbH, LI Pensions Trust Limited, LRC Investments Limited, LRC North America Inc, LRC Products Limited, LRC Products Limited – Australian Branch, Lancaster Square Holdings SL, Linden Germany A Limited, Linden Germany B Limited, Lloyds Pharmaceuticals, London International Group Limited, London International Trading Asia Ltd, Maddison Square Holding BV, Marigold Merger Sub Inc, Mead Johnson Nutrition, Medcom LLC, Medcom Marketing And Prodazha Ukraine LLC (In Liquidation), Nances Holdings Ltda, New Bridge Holdings BV, New Bridge Street Invoicing Limited, Norwich Square Holding SL, Nurofen Limited, Open Championship Limited, Optrex Limited, Oriental Medicine Company Limited, Oxy Reckitt Benckiser LLC, Paras Global FZE, Paras Inc, Paras Overseas Holding Limited, Pharmalab Limited, Prebbles Limited, Propack Australia Pty Limited, Propack GmbH, Pt Reckitt Benckiser (Indonesia), Pt Reckitt Benckiser Trading Indonesia, Qingdao London Durex Co Ltd, Qingdao New Bridge Corporate Management Consulting Company Ltd, R & C Nominees Limited, R & C Nominees One Limited, R & C Nominees Two Limited, RB & Manon Business Co. Ltd, RB & Manon Business Ltd, RB (China Trading) Limited, RB (China) Holding Co Ltd, RB Asia Holding Limited, RB Healthcare Pte Ltd (in Liquidation), RB Healthcare Pte Ltd – Malaysia Branch, RB Holding Europe Du Sud SNC, RB Holdings (Luxembourg) Sarl, RB Holdings (Nottingham) Limited, RB Manufacturing LLC, RB Mexico Investments Limited, RB Reigate (Ireland) Unlimited Company, RB Reigate (UK) Limited, RB Square Holdings (Spain) SL, RB UK Commercial Limited, RB USA Holdings LLC, RB Winchester (Ireland) Unlimited Company, RBH Verwertungs GmbH, RC Secretarial Services Limited, Reckitt & Colman (Jersey) Limited, Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Limited, Reckitt & Colman (UK) Limited, Reckitt & Colman Capital Finance Limited, Reckitt & Colman Guangzhou Limited, Reckitt & Colman Holdings Limited, Reckitt & Colman Management Services (Ireland) Limited, Reckitt & Colman Pension Trustee Limited, Reckitt & Colman Sagrotan Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Reckitt & Colman Trustee Services Limited, Reckitt & Sons Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (2012) BV, Reckitt Benckiser (Australia) Pty Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 1 Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 1 Limited – UK Branch, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 2 Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 2 Limited – UK Branch, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 3 Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 3 Limited – UK Branch, Reckitt Benckiser (BVI) No. 4 Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Bangladesh) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Belgium) SA/NV, Reckitt Benckiser (Brands) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Brasil) Ltda, Reckitt Benckiser (Canada) Inc, Reckitt Benckiser (Cayman Islands) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Centroamerica) SA, Reckitt Benckiser (Channel Islands) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Czech Republic) Spol s r o, Reckitt Benckiser (ENA) BV, Reckitt Benckiser (Egypt) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Espana) SL, Reckitt Benckiser (Granollers) SL, Reckitt Benckiser (Grosvenor) Holdings Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (India) Private Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Lanka) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Latvia) SIA, Reckitt Benckiser (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, Reckitt Benckiser (Near East) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (New Zealand) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Nordic) A/S, Reckitt Benckiser (Pars) PJSC, Reckitt Benckiser (Poland) SA, Reckitt Benckiser (RUMEA) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (RUMEA) Limited – Dubai Branch, Reckitt Benckiser (Romania) Sr, Reckitt Benckiser (Singapore) Pte Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (Slovak Republic) Spol s r o, Reckitt Benckiser (South America) Holding BV, Reckitt Benckiser (Spain) BV, Reckitt Benckiser (Switzerland) AG, Reckitt Benckiser (Thailand) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (USA) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser AG, Reckitt Benckiser Arabia FZE, Reckitt Benckiser Argentina SA, Reckitt Benckiser Asia Pacific Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Asia Pacific Limited – Japan Branch, Reckitt Benckiser Austria GmbH, Reckitt Benckiser BY LLC, Reckitt Benckiser Bahrain W.L.L, Reckitt Benckiser Brands Investments BV, Reckitt Benckiser Bulgaria Eood, Reckitt Benckiser Calgon BV, Reckitt Benckiser Chartres SAS, Reckitt Benckiser Chile SA, Reckitt Benckiser Colombia SA, Reckitt Benckiser Commercial (Italia) Sr, Reckitt Benckiser Corporate Services Limited, Reckitt Benckiser De Mexico SA de CV, Reckitt Benckiser Detergents GmbH, Reckitt Benckiser Deutschland GmbH, Reckitt Benckiser East Africa Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Ecuador SA, Reckitt Benckiser Employees Trustees (Jersey) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Europe General Partnership, Reckitt Benckiser Europe General Partnership Slough (UK) Wallisellen Branch – Swiss Branch, Reckitt Benckiser Expatriate Services Limited, Reckitt Benckiser FSIA BV, Reckitt Benckiser Fabric Treatment BV, Reckitt Benckiser Finance (2005) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Finance (Ireland) Unlimited Company, Reckitt Benckiser Finance Company Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Finish BV, Reckitt Benckiser France SAS, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (CIS) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (Central & Eastern Europe) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (Ireland) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (Italia) SpA, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (MEMA) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (Philippines), Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (Russia) LLC, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Australia Pty Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare BV, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare France SAS, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare India Private Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Manufacturing (Thailand) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare Portugal Ltda, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare SA, Reckitt Benckiser Hellas Chemicals SA, Reckitt Benckiser Holding (Thailand) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Holding GmbH & Co KG, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (Channel Islands) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (Channel Islands) Limited – UK Branch, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (Italia) Srl, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (Luxembourg) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (Overseas) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (USA) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Holdings (USA) Limited – Luxembourg Branch, Reckitt Benckiser Home Chemical Products Trading (Shanghai) Co Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong Limited – Taiwan Branch, Reckitt Benckiser Household Products (China) Company Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Household and Healthcare Ukraine LLC, Reckitt Benckiser IP LLC, Reckitt Benckiser International GmbH, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (2012) LLC, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 1) Sarl, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 2) Sar, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 4) Sarl, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 5) Sarl, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 6) Sarl, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 7) Sar, Reckitt Benckiser Investments (No. 8) Sarl, Reckitt Benckiser Investments Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Ireland Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Italia SpA, Reckitt Benckiser Japan Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Jersey (No.1) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Jersey (No.2) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Jersey (No.3) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Jersey (No.5) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Jersey (No.7) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Kazakhstan LLC, Reckitt Benckiser Kereskedelmi Kft, Reckitt Benckiser LLC, Reckitt Benckiser Laundry Detergents (No. 1) BV, Reckitt Benckiser Laundry Detergents (No. 2) BV, Reckitt Benckiser Lime-A-Way BV, Reckitt Benckiser Luxembourg Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Management Services Unlimited Company, Reckitt Benckiser Morocco Sarl AU, Reckitt Benckiser NV, Reckitt Benckiser NV – Luxembourg Branch, Reckitt Benckiser Netherlands Brands BV, Reckitt Benckiser Nigeria Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Peru SA, Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Porto Alto Lda, Reckitt Benckiser Power Cleaners BV, Reckitt Benckiser Production (Poland) Sp. z.o.o, Reckitt Benckiser Produktions GmbH, Reckitt Benckiser Sar, Reckitt Benckiser Scholl India Private Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Service Bureau Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Services (Kenya) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Services SA de CV, Reckitt Benckiser South Africa (Pty) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Taiwan Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Tatabanya Kft, Reckitt Benckiser Temizlik Malzemesi San. ve Tic. A.S., Reckitt Benckiser Tiret BV, Reckitt Benckiser Treasury (2007) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser Treasury Services plc, Reckitt Benckiser USA (2010) LLC, Reckitt Benckiser USA (2010) LLC – UK Branch, Reckitt Benckiser USA (2012) LLC, Reckitt Benckiser USA (2013) LLC, Reckitt Benckiser USA (2013) LLC – UK Branch, Reckitt Benckiser USA Finance (No.1) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser USA Finance (No.2) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser USA Finance (No.3) Limited, Reckitt Benckiser USA General Partnership, Reckitt Benckiser Vanish BV, Reckitt Benckiser d.o.o, Reckitt Benckiser plc, Reckitt Colman Chiswick (OTC) Limited, Reckitt Piramal Private Limited, Reigate Square Holdings Sarl, Relcamp Aie (in liquidation), Rivalmuster, SSL (C C Manufacturing) Limited, SSL (C C Services) Limited, SSL (MG) Polymers Limited, SSL (MG) Products Limited, SSL (RB) Products Limited, SSL (SD) International Limited, SSL Australia Pty Ltd, SSL Capital Ltd, SSL Healthcare Manufacturing SA, SSL Healthcare Norge AS, SSL Healthcare Singapore Pte Ltd, SSL Healthcare Sverige AB, SSL Holdings (USA) Inc, SSL International plc, SSL Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd, SSL Mexico SA de CV, SSL New Zealand Limited, SSL Products Limited, Scholl (Investments) Limited, Scholl (UK) Limited, Scholl Consumer Products Limited, Scholl Latin America Limited (in liquidation), Scholl Limited, Seton Healthcare Group No.2 Trustee Limited, Seton Healthcare No.1 Trustee Limited, Sonet Group Limited, Sonet Healthcare Limited, Sonet Investments Limited, Sonet Prebbles Limited, Sonet Products Limited, Sonet Scholl Healthcare International Limited, Sonet Scholl Healthcare Limited, Sonet Scholl Overseas Investments Limited, Sonet Scholl UK Limited, Suffolk Finance Company Limited, Suffolk Insurance Limited, Tai He Tai Lai Culture Communication Co Ltd, The French's Food Company (2016) Limited, The French's Food Company Inc, The French's Food Company LLC, The French's Food Company Sar, The French's Food Finance Company Limited, The French's Food Finance Company Limited – Luxembourg Branch, The R.T. French's Food Company Limited, The R.T. French's Food Group Limited, Tubifoam Limited, Ultra Chemical Limited, Ultra Laboratories Limited, W.Woodward Limited, Winchester Square Holdings Sar, Xinzhou ZhongHeng Pharmaceutical Co Ltd, and Zhong Wei Guo Yuan (Beijing) Biotech Co Ltd. How can I contact Reckitt Benckiser Group? Reckitt Benckiser Group's mailing address is 103-105 BATH ROAD, SLOUGH X0, SL1 3UH. The official website for the company is www.rb.com. The company can be reached via phone at 441753217800, via email at ir@rb.com, or via fax at 01753217899. This page (OTCMKTS:RBGLY) was last updated on 1/31/2023 by MarketBeat.com Staff
Technical Anatomy What is Hill Start Assist Technology in cars? on February 25,2019 What is Hill Start Assist? Hill Start Assist is a driver assistance system. It comes into play when the vehicle standing on the slope has to drive off again. Usually, the driver needs to take off the vehicle again; that stops on the slope. However, it starts to descend instead of going ahead because the driver takes his foot off the brake pedal to press the accelerator pedal. During this transition period, as the driver takes his foot off the brake pedal, the brake system releases the pressure applied to the wheels. So, the vehicle starts to descend again. This may prove dangerous in two ways. Firstly, it endangers the life of the people traveling in that particular car. Secondly, such a descending vehicle may strike the vehicle standing exactly at the back. Hill start assist helps to avoid such a dangerous situation. This system resists the vehicle descend in such a situation. It also holds the vehicle at the same location even after the driver releases the brake pedal. This helps the driver to take off smoothly and without any danger. Working of Hill start assist: With & Without Hill-start Assist system (Courtesy: Toyota Motor Corporation) Earlier, such a facility was available only on the vehicles with an automatic or semi-automatic transmission. But, nowadays vehicles having a manual transmission could also have it. This is because Hill start assist now works with the help of the Electronic Stability Program (ESP). ESP & acceleration sensor work in unison. They can detect the situation of vehicle stoppage on the slope. In such a situation, when the driver releases the brake pedal; the system still maintains the brake pressure on the wheels for almost two seconds. Thus, it enables the driver to start off again smoothly. Typically, Hill assist comes into action for every slope greater than 3%. Advantages of Hill Start Assist: This system helps to relieve the driver stress in some critical driving conditions. Also, it reduces the chances of accidents significantly. See Hill start assist in action: Read more: What is Hill Descent Control?>> What is Hill Start Assist Technology in cars? was last modified: February 25th, 2019 CarBike Tech CarBikeTech is a technical blog in the automobile field. It regularly publishes specific technical articles on automotive technology. Home » Technical Anatomy » What is Hill Start Assist Technology in cars? How Digital side view mirrors enhance driving safety? What is Monocross/Monoshock suspension in bikes? How A Fuel Injector Works? Petrol vs Diesel Injector What is Horse Power? How to calculate & use it effectively? What Is Air-Fuel Ratio & It's Importance in the Engine? VVT: What is Variable Valve Timing And How It Really Works? Anti-pinch technology – a safety system in car's power wndows explained. Diesel Fuel: How It is Made? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Archives: Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf Wild Things: 30 Years of Zoological Medicine at the CVM 30 years ago, the CVM changed the way zoological medicine was practiced and taught. Today, it remains an unmatched force in the field. New Study Aims to Combat Blindness in the Endangered Red Wolf A new research project at the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine could make a vital impact on the survival of the critically endangered American red wolf. Only about 40 of the wolves live in the wild, all in North Carolina. Principal investigator Freya Mowat, CVM assistant professor of ophthalmology, has received a grant to ACZM Presents Kennedy-Stoskopf with Lifetime Achievement Honor Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf, research professor of wildlife and ecosystem health at the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, has received the American College of Zoological Medicine's lifetime achievement award. The award recognizes those who have made an extraordinary commitment to the ACZM and significant contributions to zoological medicine. The award is named for Murray Fowler, widely Turtle Rescue Partnership Turns 20 It is also the eleventh year that fourth-year students from the CVM have the opportunity to experience a clinical rotation in sea turtle rehabilitation and rescue... Class of 2020: A Fresh Perspective Forget the warm fuzzies — especially the warm part. Taylor Locklear wants to work with amphibians and reptiles, even ones that are venomous, 10 feet long, 150 pounds and could knock her over... NC State Faculty Respond to Record Number of Cold Stunned Sea Turtles An unseasonably warm December, followed by precipitous drops in temperature after the New Year, caught a record number of young green sea turtles inshore where they are vulnerable to Cold Stun Syndrome... Red Wolves May Help Understanding of Human Eye Disease Careful work with red wolf reintroduction efforts may help us better understand an array of eye diseases that affect as many as 1.8 million people in the United States...
The DaVinci Code for XBOX – Review by Peter Graphic | Mar 12, 2021 | Xbox, Xbox Game Reviews | 0 comments The DaVinci Code – Review 2006 – 2K Games Seek the truth, seek the codes, seek a strategy guide. Ahh 2006. A simpler time. After demand from fans, Garfield was finally brought to the big screen. James Brown passed away. Sega made Sonic The Hedgehog terrible and author Dan Brown gave the world the Da Vinci Code. You may remember the book, maybe even saw the Tom Hanks film. But today I want to talk about the ultimate Da Vinci Code experience… Hey everyone. Your old video game pal Peter Graphic here. Today we're going to dive into the mysterious and mystifying world of the Da Vinci Code. The Game. After a strange murder in the Louvre draws the attention of a famous "symbologist" Robert Langdon, he is called to follow a trail of cryptic clues related to Leonardo Da Vinci, history and even Christianity itself. He must discover a closely guarded secret that some will kill to get the answer to and could change the world forever. Partnering with the granddaughter of the murder victim, Robert has to not only clear his name, but also protect his life and his new partners as they get deeper and deeper to uncovering the truth. The Da Vinci code has a lot to cover character wise, but lets breakdown the ones who play a big role in the game itself. Robert Langdon – A Professor of art and history and also a famed "symbologist". (Is that a real job?) When the Louvres curator Jacques Saunière is found murdered, he's called in to decipher clues and messages left by the victim. He uncovers that Saunière is a member of the Priory of Sion, protectors of the Holy Grail. Robert knows alot about history, and would rather avoid conflict or reason with someone before resorting to violence. He's the main character of the game. Sophie Neveu – She's the granddaughter of Saunière and is the French police's top cryptographer. She was raised by her grandfather since her family died in a car accident when she was a child. For reasons that get revealed later in the game, her and Saunière are estranged. Sophie speaks her mind and is compassionate. She's also playable at certain moments in the game, or AI controlled and can assist with hints. Bazu Fache – Captain of the French police force, he's investigating the death of Saunière and is very suspicious of Langdon since his name was mentioned in the murder. His officers call him "The Bull". He's not playable. Silas – an albino monk and a member of the mysterious Opus Dei. He isnt a stranger to murder or violence and will stop at nothing for his cause. He's always seen in robes and commits self harm. I think he works part time in the Assassin's Creed games. He's one of the antagonists. Sir Leigh Teabing – A friend of Robert Langdon and a scholar, he is obsessed with the holy grail and history. He's a Knight and a millionaire and is very enthusiastic about helping Robert and Sophie. The Gameplay: First I have to point out this game is based on the book. Not the movie, so if you're looking for a 32bit Tom Hanks i'm sorry to disappoint you. The Da Vinci code is an action/adventure puzzle type game, where you play as either Robert or Sophie. Both characters play the same and have the same abilities. In order to dig into the many secrets to decode you will need to do a few different tasks. There's searching, puzzles and combat. Searching the area will usually be called out by a cut scene or pointed out by character. An area will be highlighted in a box and you will have to focus on individual items and learn more about them and or pick them up. Puzzles are pretty self explanatory, but usually involve a sliding puzzle or deciphering a code or an anagram. Sophie or Robert can lend a hand with a hint or two as well. You can collect items and examine or combine them Resident Evil style or use them for the puzzles or as part of your investigation. There's also hidden objects to collect that aren't part of the main story. Last but not least is combat…now why would you ever expect a symbologist and a cryptographer to be able to throw down on museum guards i'll never know. Robert says it's his college boxing classes, but I think Sophie has seen some shit. You initiate combat by throwing a punch, but then it becomes a quick time event to defend or attack. When it works, it's just a crummy mini game. But when it doesn't? It makes the area almost impossible to beat. Why would you use this system for multiple opponents? Did I mention you can use weapons too? I guess Da Vinci would have wanted it that way. Fun fact- he loved knocking people out with metal poles when he wasn't painting. You can also choose to push enemies or you can just run away if you want to be a great big weenie. You better run, you nerd! Sorry… With the exception of the banana's combat, If you are familiar with Broken Sword, Siberia or even Professor Layton you'll feel right at home here. The Controls: Robert and Sophie live out the Da Vinci Code in a 3rd person view. Walking with the left thumbstick, and using the camera with the right. They can also sneak and run/jog with the shoulder buttons. A is action, X attacks. The white button brings up the visual dictionary and the black brings up your items. Also…hey original Xbox fans. Don't you miss these buttons? The Graphics: For a 2006 original Xbox game it looks ok. Environments are moody and the art represented looks pretty good. The character models aren't terrible either. Edges are showing their age, and some things are still blocky,but hey…it's an old game. I just wish it wasn't so dark. Maybe there's a clue to find the secret of the hidden gamma slider. I got stuck in the dark often, and even in some doorways. Here's a real odd choice, if you leave the subtitles on they cover most of the puzzle clues. It's a real pain and made me feel for someone who played this who is hard of hearing or relies on reading. Come on guys. It's bland. The voice acting, the music, even the title screen. Some areas have a creepier soundtrack but it's pretty so-so overall. The accents weren't the worst, I'll give it that. The Difficulty: This is a weird one. Is this game difficult? No. Before you call me a master symbologist (no, it's really not a thing, google it) it's because the game either makes you hover over obvious items and clues or literally tells you what you need to do. Sophie tells Robert to hide a tracker in a bar of soap. How do you solve that puzzle? Combine the items. Come on. When it's a puzzle/code section, it's fun but then the game leaves you on your own. You can probably finish it in about 10 hours. It's more challenging fighting and navigating the crummy menus and clipping issues. I totally forgot what the Mona Lisa really has to do with anything too. So there's that. I wanted to play this since I recently re-watched the movie (we all have a lot of time to stream stuff lately) and I said to myself, "I bet theres a really dumb game for this" and there was. It was $7 new and even the GameTrog himself said to me "what do you have to lose?" and I genuinely like puzzle games. It's just ok. I wish it was a "so bad it's good" situation, but alas it's not. Now I know what the Mona Lisa is smiling at, it's me losing a week's worth of coffee. 3 out of 5 Trogs! T.Hanks for playing along. Tell me in a DM on instagram. Where can you see Robbie Wheeling? Link below in my Bio. GameTrog Review By Peter Graphic Peter Graphic is a retro game player and collector. He enjoys writing about and photographing his collection as much as he likes to play! Follow him on Instagram! Peter also contributes to the awesome PodCast: The Hot Blooded Challenger Club, with his Sonic specials: Gotta Go Cast (see what he did there!) Check them out HERE. Have you always wanted to write Game Reviews? Now's your chance! Gametrog is looking for reviews on any classic game system! Night Trap Premium Edition SEGA CD & 32XCD $289.99 Defender $14.99 Rocket Power Getting Air $6.99 LEGO The Hobbit $19.99 RetroN 5: HD Gaming Console (Vaporwave/Beach Edition) $174.99 Select a category Accessories Classic Mini Systems Games NEC TurboGrafx-16 Retro Swag Retro TVs and Monitors RetroN Systems Systems Tiny Arcades Uncategorized UNLISTED BUNDLES
(en) Poland, article for brand - An Anarchist View from Poland: Priorities, Projects and Problems From Worker <a-infos-en@ainfos.ca> The anarchist movement in Poland has many faces and therefore there may be many perspectives on what needs to be done and how best to achieve it. Sometimes these ideas are rather divergent and ocassionally even incompatible. It is growing ever more difficult to talk in terms of "anarchism in Poland" without getting into gross oversimplifications or generalizations which may not be true of all tendencies in the anarchist movement. Further, my point of view and increasingly that of our group has seemed to grow divergent from the path of much of the anarchist movement so let the reader be aware that this "anarchist view from Poland" may be untypical of the average anarchist approach. Like most anarchists, we have long and short-term priorities and we realise which things may be attainable or not in the near future. Some of our priorities are the result of existing problems and vacuums in society and in the anarchist and radical movements. In Poland, there is not a very good traditional of grassroots activism in many areas of social (There are some exceptions such as citizen's environmental projects and some areas of education.) Due to this lack of activism, people often find ourselves at a loss when they would need to organize, for example, an anti-eviction campaign or a community-based long-term project or direct action. Where there is a lack of activism, anarchists may play an important part in trying to encourage it and offering help, for example with meeting spaces, campaigning know-how, etc.. (Where there already is activism, the situation is worse because there are sometimes corrupt NGOs which prefer to pretend to organize and pay themselves salaries than seeing people organize themselves.) Thus many anarchists find it a priority to integrate themselves with the people in their neighbours and, if there is an anarchist space, a squat, social center, etc., to use it sometimes for helping to enpower people around them. Our group currently would not like to play the role of "organizing the community", but to help encourage and facilitate people's efforts to organize themselves, which is a big difference. We would not like to repeat the mistakes of some groups by acting in this role of leadership because, ultimately it just creates a small group of adherents who do not really organize themselves but look for leadership. For us, it is an absolute priority to break out of this activist models as in Poland many groups tend to revolve around one or a couple of "activists" who act as center and who "create" movements around them which ultimately break down when they either burn out or when they take their role of leader too seriously and piss people off. A priority for us thus becomes trying to implement not only anarchist ideals of direct democracy but to help facilitate participation for people who find it traditionally difficult to integrate into the movement or to in it fully. This means creating a space where people from outside of subcultures do not feel alienated or like they do not fit into a clique. This means trying to avoid concentrating on the types of activities that are more appealing to men and creating an atmosphere where women to not feel intimidated by macho authoritarian male posturing. This means trying to listen to people and encouraging them speak and participate without feeling like they are not "expert enough". This means not creating an atmosphere of leaders and followers but friends, comrades and neighbours on equal footing. One of our big priorities thus is trying to activate portions of society that anarchist traditionally fail to appeal to. Another priority for us is to increase the level of discussion in the movement and the knowledge of issues, theories and practice. To this end, we are greatly interested in publishing, in discussion, seminars, meetings and the like. Of course the ultimate priority is to discredit the myths of capitalism, statism, religion and other hierarchical and exploitative mindsets in our society and offer ideas for alternatives. The topic of priorities leads into our projects. We opened an infoshop almost 4 years ago in Warsaw and currently we are moving into bigger and better premises. This is because we would like to have more space to invite local people to meet with us, eat dinners, watch films and we would like the space to be used for community activism and for selling the organic produce, homemade wines and other goodies that people from our collective make. We need more things to sell in terms of anarchist literature. We have a few publications, some sporadical, some more regular such as "Podaj Dalej" (Pass it On), "Pani na Ulicy" (Women to the Streets) or No Borders bulletin. Women to the Streets in the only publication in Poland aimed at women workers. It has a anarchist point of view but also some more general advice and articles. Currently we are planning on expanding it and making a large national campaign to distribute it. We plan to also start a neighbour radical paper. People in our group are working on lots of different projects, ranging from ecological practices and campaigns to internet campaigns, from tenants groups to anti-religious activism, from campaigns to support local markets and peddlars to collecting material help for refugees. This year we have several things planned, but probably the main one will be getting the Infoshop running and playing a role in community activism. Some of us have a long-term goal of doing more organizing amongst women and precarious workers and we will be targeting certain firms such as Avon where not only was there an interesting recent labour dispute with contract workers but which also is located across the street from the new Infoshop. Our group has some precarious workers and if we manage to attract a few more we will have done something totally unique in Poland. Further, we want to help disseminate information about bad employers and run some image pollution campaigns. We have already run a few campaigns highlighting the working conditions at several places and we would like to continue doing this and eventually reach more people with the message that they shouldn't be silent about the exploitation they are suffering. Another project that some people are working on involves helping orphans and children from bad families. Some people from our group are involved in this type of social work with youth and would like to open a social center in the country for youth where they can live and interact in a healthier, more libertarian atmosphere. Finally, we are very interested in alternative economics, cooperatives and alternatives to wage labour. For this reason, we want to encourage people to help each other so that the precariously employeed people can make some small self-run production or cooperative business as a means of escaping wage slavery. This is especially important as we don't want to support certain things like GM foods but would rather see some friends produce and be able to sell organic foods they produce, etc. etc. Also, besides the normal exploitation, some of our members experience age discrimination where the capitalist system does not want anybody to start a job who is too close to pension age so being able to support themselves is a priority we'd like them to be able to achieve. Our idea is that we can help each other in different areas of cooperation plus promote more socially-responsible Besides these long term goals, we want to participate in some upcoming one-off projects like the Anarchy Bus idea which will be moving through Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia in the late summer and early fall. Some of the problems we face were mentioned or touched upon above. These include both problems in the society and in the anarchist movement. In terms of societal problems, one great one is that people are poor and there is high unemployment. And many people work twice as hard as they should, especially as employers expect people to do more to keep their This means that some people have little time for activism. In addition, the conservative society focused on the nuclear family model and, besides many people having children at a relatively young age, life outside the home is neither supported by social models nor the norm for many people with children. Many activists fell into this category and disappeared totally into the home as they had children and families and this is partly the fault of social norms, partly their own mentality and partly the fault of the anarchist movement not to create groups which can accomodate these peoples' needs. The general fear of society and conservative mood causes us some problems in the public's perception of what we do and willingness to engage. We suppose anarchists in many countries know this feeling. The biggest problem is a sort of social apathy which is partly the heritage of the communist system and a lack of grassroots traditions. One of the biggest problems we have thus is common to activists around the globe: how to attack the system which seems so all-encompassing and untouchable? How can we help people feel enpowered to create change and what's the best way to work towards creating anarchist groups, networks and societies? Besides societal problems, we face many problems which are also known around the world to a greater or lesser extent. For example, how to motivate people and help anarchists stay motivated over a long term. It seems that many people in the movement now have fixated on images large-scale, media-oriented events and have been caught in the spectacle and no longer understand that the most important thing is not creating a media event. Many anarchists in Poland echo the complexes in the society at large in comparing themselves to the outside and feeling that "nothing good is possible" in this country. Polish anarchist squats are flourishing in some parts of Western Europe while they can hardly exist in some parts of Poland due to either the inability to get over this psychological barrier or to accomplish what seems like a tougher task. The key is that we have to work on implementing our ideas in the here and now as far as possible. Unfortunately, this is where we part company with some other anarchists as some people prefer to "externalize the revolution". They always see the problem as systemic, something external to themselves. While the fact is that the problems we have are systemic, we also know that sometimes these ideas are used to avoid people making concrete changes in their own lives: they are always organizing others, waiting for the revolution but ultimately not willing to ascribe to the idea that the In some groups, the model of authoritarian figures is prominent and at times there is great abuse of collective process, of collective property, etc.. It is pehaps the worse problem as the people who say something about this are usually mobbed, yelled at, etc. and the movement in general turns a blind eye to it collectively; everybody knows about it in private but nobody wants to do anything about it. Or sexism. Or Ageism. Mostly the people with the big mouths and authority continue to deny any of it exists so there is a lot of work to do on this front. Finally, the problems of differing strategy, in the context where authority and leadership exists means that some people who consider themselves leaders in some group or strategy make a type of competition which sometimes manifests itself in a counter-productive way. Right in the middle of this mess come opportunistic communist and left sects and even international groups looking to lend solidarity but in reality becoming the butress of some people's leadership games. These problems inside the movement seem even more pressing than those outside because we see the need to work on ourselves first and manage to create a revolution in social relationships amongst ourselves; we need to do this before we talk to the world about making a non-hierarchical society or implementing direct democracy, self-management, etc.. Laure Akai Next by Date: (fr) Courant alternatif hors-serie # 10
Home » Journal Archive Bombyx mori pylorus infection by Alphabaculovirus M.P.D. Baggio L.F.C. Ribeiro S.A. Vessaro-Silva R.M.C. Brancalhão Genet. Mol. Res. 13 (3) : 6332-6339 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/2014.April.3.3 Baggio M.P.D. Ribeiro L.F.C. Vessaro-Silva S.A. Brancalhão R.M.C. (2014). Bombyx mori pylorus infection by Alphabaculovirus. Genet. Mol. Res. 13(3): gmr3513. https://doi.org/10.4238/2014.April.3.3 Alphabaculovirus is an entomopathogenic virus genus that infects Bombyx mori, which is known as the Bombyx mori multiple nucleopolyedrovirus (BmMNPV). This virus is polyorganotrophic, and a series of tissues are known as targets; however, there is currently no information regarding infection in the pylorus, the segment of the hindgut that is present in the midgut transition and is responsible for food passage control. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to analyze infection of the B. mori pylorus by BmMNPV. To do so, hybrid B. mori larvae were inoculated with a viral suspension of BmMNPV, and segments of the intestine containing the pylorus and its subdivisions, the posterior interstitial ring (PIR), pyloric cone, and pyloric valve, were dissected and processed for light microscopy on different days post inoculation. The results showed that B. mori pylorus subdivisions respond differently to infection, and the anterior area of the PIR is susceptible with these cells being the secondary infection targets. Cytological analysis revealed the presence of viroplasm in the hypertrophic nucleus, followed by the formation and development of viral polyhedra. Cytolysis occurred at the end of the infectious cycle, thereby releasing polyhedra and enabling the spread of the disease. There was no evidence of BmMNPV infection in the posterior area of the PIR, cone, or pyloric valve. These results will contribute to greater understanding of the virus infectious cycle, whose consequent epizootic disease can negatively impact this economically important insect that is used in silk production in Brazil. Baculovirus Hindgut Related GMR Articles Cells of the rectum of Bombyx mori affected by experimental inoculation with Alphabaculovirus Evaluation of cellulolytic activity in insect digestive fluids An improved Bac-to-Bac/BmNPV technology expressing envelope E2 glycoprotein of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) in the silkworm, Bombyx mori Complete mitochondrial genomes of the Bright Sunbeam Curetis bulis and the Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and their phylogenetic implications Conserved baculoviral ORFs 10 and 14 from Bombyx mori multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus Publish with GMR Top 10 articles (90 days) Morphological and anatomical characterization of peduncle, flower and fruit related to easy fruit abscission of Capsicum chinense (Solanaceae) genotypes In silico microsatellite transferability from Psidium guajava to Eucalyptus globulus validated by PCR Performance of agro-ecological based carrot cultivars affected by plant arrangement Feasibility of using tobacco hybrids of the Dark tobacco type Estimate of genetic diversity in germplasm of elephant grass accessions in Brazil using the Gower algorithm Simulation of wheat yield by nitrogen and ear components in harvest prediction analysis Genetic diversity among pepper (Capsicum spp.) accessions estimated by microsatellite markers Temporal data series and logistic models reveal the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein D614G variant in the COVID-19 pandemic Non-synonymous de novo gene mutations in Wilms' Tumor: Identification and characterization of new variants of WT1 and WT2 loci in Indian Population Cassava periclinal chimeras: Synthesis feasibility, genotype compatibility and combining ability No content.
Presidential Pools, Spas & Patio transforms backyards in Arizona, building award-winning swimming pools of all shapes and sizes. June 3, 2016 - James Frabasilio James Frabasilio is the president of Presidential Pools, Spas & Patio, the nation's largest pool builder, based in Arizona. Since 1991, the company has been transforming backyards, providing custom design and building services for swimming pools, spas and patios in the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas. BusinessInterviews.com: What does Presidential do? James Frabasilio: In short, Presidential Pools transforms backyards in the hottest region of the country, building places family and friends can gather to play, work out, and just generally spend quality time together. We are the largest pool builder in the country by volume, meaning we design and build more custom swimming pools than anyone else. To best support total backyard transformations, we also design and build custom spas, carry Master Spas hot tubs, design and build patio decking, and more. This is all for residential customers. We also have a robust commercial division, which has constructed impressive swimming pools, fountains, and other water-oriented structures throughout Arizona. BusinessInterviews.com: How did you all become the largest pool builder in the country? James Frabasilio: It wasn't easy! Our company was started in 1991. Our success can primarily be attributed to three things: putting the customer first, building with integrity, and always being solutions-oriented. All three of these things have helped us to, over 25 years, build a strong reputation in the market. First and foremost, we are relentless about putting the customer's needs first and always doing our best to make them happy. Construction is hard; it's dirty. Pools are complex systems with many moving parts. Putting the customer first means that we invest a lot in education, helping our customers to feel confident about pool ownership and maintenance. It also meant building out a dedicated service department. We do everything we can to make our customers proud to own a Presidential pool. Second, we refuse to compromise on quality. We are not always the lowest-priced pool builder, but we refuse to use second-rate materials, skip steps, or do anything that may be cause for future concern. Pools are permanent structures, at least in theory, and should be built to last. We only build structure and carry products that we can be proud of. Finally, our team continues to be solutions-oriented. This isn't an easy business. We've gone through hard times. We have to work our hardest six days a week. I'm most proud of our team because everyone continues to show up with the best attitude, always wanting to do what's best for the customer and the company, and never complaining about what the effort it may take on their part to make that happen. BusinessInterviews.com: How did you build such a talented team? James Frabasilio: Tim Murphy, our founder and CEO, Ken Chandler, our COO, and myself all made a commitment to each other a long time ago. As cliche as it may sound, this company is a family. We only recruited people we'd still want to see every day a decade later. The technical skills have been important, but more than anything, we do not compromise on the culture fit. This has meant that a lot of candidates don't measure up, so we've become quite resourceful. We hire people from all kinds of backgrounds. We have technical specialists, people with backgrounds in architecture, landscaping, and engineering. But we have plenty of people whose last positions were in the restaurant or entertainment business. They just have to be willing to learn, know to put the customer first, and bring the right attitude. BusinessInterviews.com: What does your typical day look like as president of the company? James Frabasilio: I really don't have a typical day. I spend my days trying to optimize how we are meeting the customer's needs and supporting my team in executing on that mission. Some days, I'm reviewing market data and new product options. Other days, I'm out in the pool park helping to answer prospective customers' questions. I promise you this: It's never boring. BusinessInterviews.com: What does "innovation" look like in a construction-oriented industry like yours? James Frabasilio: Our industry is constantly changing. Yes, we still dig holes in the ground, but everything from the excavation process to the pool hardware is always being improved upon. The beautiful thing about innovation in our industry is that it all benefits the end customer. In the past few years, innovations have included things like Screenlogic, which allows a pool owner to manage his pool from a phone, tablet or computer anywhere in the world, and the in-floor cleaning system, which better energy efficiency, cleaner water, and no more ugly robot vacuums. In the future, innovations will likely include major changes to how pools are designed. Just because we're not a "tech" company doesn't mean we don't innovate. Quite the contrary, actually. We are always pushing to advance the industry. BusinessInterviews.com: What's the most exciting thing on the horizon for your company? James Frabasilio: This year is really about harnessing all the data we have about how we operate and what types of customers we attract to optimize how we communicate, what we offer, and how we exceed customer expectations. It's not "big data," in the buzzword sense. Rather, it's gathering a ton of small data sets to make big decisions. BusinessInterviews.com: Do you consider yourself successful, and by what means do you measure success? James Frabasilio: I'm lucky to be in such a tangible, visual business. I have thousands of pictures of beautiful results our team has created, and customers send us more every day. So, in that sense, I'm very proud of the company we've built and the portfolio of work we represent. That said, I'm never satisfied. Our team is never satisfied. We never want to become complacent — in how we design, how we build, or how we consider a customer. Every project matters. Every project is an opportunity to do something better. By having that approach, we know that the future only gets better.
The Body Politic: 'Kristina Wong for Public Office' Wins This Election What's your election day coping strategy? Will you obsessively watch as they count each electoral vote on national television? Or will you try to take your mind off the polls until the election's been called one way or another? Either way, election season brings forth a spate of politically-inspired performance, and even in pandemic times there's plenty to choose from. Radio plays from the San Francisco Mime Troupe and Berkeley Repertory Theatre in conjunction with over 90 nationwide broadcasting partners. Homebrewed web series such as Ross Travis' satirical Lady Rona Public Service Announcements, and the newly rejuvenated So Soul SF salons, co-presented by the Black Artists Contemporary Cultural Experience and Brava Theatre. Zoom productions and cross-continental collaborations too numerous to list. All ready to do their political duty and offer solace to communities under pressure. But one piece in particular stands out to me as being perfect both for election night stress-viewing, and post-election decompression, and that is Kristina Wong for Public Office. Not only is San Francisco-born performance artist Kristina Wong an insightful satirist—with two decades of politically-aware, socially-engaged work under her belt—but she's an elected official on her neighborhood council in Los Angeles' Koreatown. So her faux campaign performance is utterly grounded in the political processes it seeks to subvert. Kristina Wong in 'Kristina Wong for Public Office' captured at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in October 2020. (Image courtesy of Center Theatre Group.) While plenty of artists create work about politics, only a handful of them ever actually run for public office ("there's always room for Jello"), and even fewer wind up getting elected. That Wong's crowd-working campaign strategies garnered her just 72 votes still gives her extra insight into the machinations of the political process—even for a low-stakes, entirely voluntary seat on the Wilshire Center Koreatown Neighborhood Council. Even before she was elected she encountered some dubious tactics from supporters of one of her opponents, but by virtue of there being two seats available and a three-candidate pool, she won her spot and the real work began. Serving on a neighborhood council is about as politically unglamorous as it gets, and yet, as a microcosm of the national political process, it's highly instructive—both for Wong as an individual, and for the audience of her digital show (directed by Diana Wyenn, and filmed onstage at the Kirk Douglas Theatre for an in-house audience of empty chairs and a global audience of anyone with internet access and $10). Unlike most other political shows, Kristina Wong for Public Office dares to set up not an us/them dichotomy or a call to some amorphous action heavy on rhetoric but light on specifics, but a practical, DIY guide to running a campaign of one's own, and what to expect once you get into office. Kristina Wong in 'Kristina Wong for Public Office,' captured at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in October 2020. (Image courtesy of Center Theatre Group.) A performer not afraid to fill up her available space, Wong stalks the perimeter of the Kirk Douglas Theatre stage like a prizefighter, an Elvis-style studded cape with her name stitched in sequins on the back fluttering in her wake. Her talents as a fabric artist are on proud display: a banner emblazoned with a rainbow-striped eagle and a marijuana leaf, hand-sewn stars and stripes draped over the podium. Tags: Body, Election, Kristina, office, politic, Public, Wins, Wong Brad Raffensperger to probe Georgia election violations 'Urgent actions' needed in US government response to coronavirus pandemic, watchdog says
PCMag UK Reviews First Looks ECS Liva Z2 Mini PC byMatthew Buzzi Sep 07, 2018 The ECS Liva Z2 is a quiet, low-power mini desktop for niche use cases. It isn't fast enough to be a main PC for most folks, but it's an inexpensive option for digital signage, kiosks, and similar environs. Compact, quiet fanless design. Easily upgradable memory and storage. 4K output over HDMI. USB-C connection. Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. A little sluggish for serious multitasking work or typical home use. Only 32GB of flash storage included. Even if they're not speed demons, tiny, low-cost mini desktop PCs make it easy to marvel at how far technology has come: full Windows machines reduced to little PC packets. The ECS Liva Z2 Mini PC (starts at $200; $250 as tested) is a simple but serviceable box useful as a digital-signage driver, a meeting-room device, the power behind a kiosk, or a kitchen PC. It's small, quiet, and cheap, though it offers little storage and is far from quick. If you're shopping for a little engine for one of those situations, the Liva Z2 can get the job done without much fuss, and it's easy to upgrade. That said, it's pretty typical for its class, so know that the Editors' Choice Intel NUC Kit NUC6CAYS and Azulle Byte3 are solid, inexpensive alternatives. If you need more power, but still want the tiny form factor, consider the Editors' Choice Polywell B250G-i7 or the older ECS Liva Z Plus. Small, Silent, and Simple The Liva Z2 is an inconspicuous little box, if not quite as tiny as you'd expect for the class. At 2.2 by 5.1 by 4.6 inches (HWD), it's obviously miniature taken against a typical desktop, and its footprint is about the size of a CD jewel case. Still, while it's on the nit-picking side, for a lower-power option it's a little chunkier than some alternatives. The Intel NUC Kit mentioned above, for example, is tiny at just 2 by 4.5 by 4.3 inches, while the ECS Liva Z Plus ( at Amazon) and the Azulle Byte3 share its footprint, but are much shorter at just 1.3 and 1.5 inches. If you want truly miniature, the Intel Compute Sticks are another story altogether, looking like no more than an elongated USB thumb drive, but they are lesser powered. That said, there is a reason for the Liva Z2's extra thickness that I'll get into in a moment. ECS is pushing this small box as a quiet, energy-efficient, and multifunctional PC option. Even if some alternatives are slightly thinner, the Liva Z2 can be thrown in a bag or large pocket, and the fanless design ensures the quiet aspect. The fanless design also keeps dust from being sucked into the system, removing a concern for maintenance. That's especially useful if you're tucking the box away somewhere difficult to access. It also idles at as little as 6 watts, meaning little power draw over a long period. Each of these factors may not matter much for a standard PC, but for the purposes of this type of system, they do. Mini PCs are often used for digital signage—powering informational screens, advertisements, or looping videos—in public settings. Similarly, the Liva Z2 is a good fit as a dedicated meeting-room device, a digital kiosk engine, or a lightweight file server, or for other, similar tasks that require to the computer to stay on, constantly at the ready. That always-running aspect makes running cool, quiet, and with little power consumption all the more valuable. And, crucially, you don't need PCs in this vein to be very fast, as they'll typically be doing just one thing at a time, thus the low specs and matching low price. The Liva Z2 is also easy to upgrade. Simply removing four screws on the bottom panel gives access to the interior, where you can make several changes. No, you won't be able to pack a graphics card into the box as with the Zotac ZBox Magnus EK71080 ( at Amazon) , but you can swap out the memory (you get two laptop-style SO-DIMM slots) and the M.2 Wi-Fi card, and pop in a 2.5-inch Serial ATA hard drive or SSD as secondary storage. The internal bay for the drive is what makes the machine a bit thicker than it otherwise would be. Our unit comes with just 32GB of flash storage as the primary boot drive, which isn't much by any objective measure. It's an amount shared by many cheap machines, especially Chromebooks, leaving just enough for a few files and essentials apart from the operating system. Unfortunately, on a Windows 10 machine like this one, you get even less usable space, as the OS takes up a big chunk of the bytes. The Liva Z2 I tested only had about 14.6GB of free space out of the box, before adding any files or installing additional programs. For its generally single-purpose usage cases, that may be perfectly fine, but it's not difficult to quickly butt up against the limitation. The Liva Z2 is also available with 64GB of flash storage, or as mentioned, you can install a second drive. You can also order the Liva Z2 with no operating system pre-installed for $200. You do get a decent number of physical ports on the Liva Z2, including three USB 3.1 and two USB 2.0 ports, a USB Type-C port, an HDMI 2.0 port, an HDMI 1.4 port, a Gigabit Ethernet jack, and an audio jack. The wireless connectivity comes in the form of 802.11ac Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.2. The inclusion of dual HDMIs is handy if, indeed, you mean to use the Liva Z2 for digital signage and intend to power two screens. You can ouput through both ports for multiple displays, and HDMI 2.0 allows for 4K video at 60 frames per second (as well as higher data transfer rates and higher color bit depth than HDMI 1.4). Performance: On Par for Pentium As you'd guess from the price, the Liva Z2 didn't blow me away in my benchmark testing. The test unit I have in hand includes a 1.1GHz Intel Pentium Silver N5000 processor and 4GB of memory. The N5000 is a low-end chip from Intel's "Gemini Lake" generation with the company's UHD Graphics 605 integrated silicon. This low-wattage, four-core processor is fine for lesser workloads, with the ability to burst up to 2.7GHz for more strenuous moments. You can buy the Liva Z2 with a choice of two Celeron processors, as well, if you truly don't need horsepower. Its performance was indeed on the poky side, given the usual test suite PC Labs runs on desktop systems. But that's not to say that the level of performance isn't reasonable or acceptable given the target use cases. Its score on the general productivity test PCMark 8, at the Work Conventional setting, was on the low side among small, inexpensive PCs, falling in line with the Core m3 version of the Intel Compute Stick and slightly edging out the Intel NUC Kit NUC6CAYS mentioned earlier. The Liva Z2's media-processing scores edged out those two devices, as well as those of the Azulle Byte3, which is also a fanless mini PC design. That said, you really shouldn't rely on the Liva Z2 for media editing at all—even the quickest among slow machines is still slow. All of these scores, while showing the Liva Z2 is indeed a full Windows 10 machine for $250 that can run the length of our test suite, demonstrate that you shouldn't rely on it, except in a pinch, for concerted media-file work. It is perfectly serviceable, though, for web browsing and other low-lift tasks. If you jump further up the mini-PC price ladder (say, by a few hundred dollars, such as to the Liva Z Plus and its Core i5 processor), it's a different story. See How We Test Desktops The same applies to anything relying on graphics acceleration or 3D capability. The integrated graphics had trouble even completing our 3D tests, churning through the simulated images in slideshow-like fashion. The single-digit frame rates on the gaming tests Heaven and Valley and the low scores on the UL 3DMark tests tell you all you need to know, even if the other machines in this price range fall into the same basket. This is a system for display and playback tasks, not rendering or proper gaming. As a machine for passive digital signage, these processing-intensive tasks generally won't come into play. If you're considering this model for a more active use case, the Liva Z2 was fine for tooling around the desktop and web browsing, in my experience. It also streamed 4K YouTube content to a 4K display over the HDMI 2.0 port just fine. It's obviously no powerhouse, but you can load up a few browser tabs and programs without too much slowdown. Anything beyond that, though, and you'll be able to tell the gears are churning. Solid for Single-Use Applications Like many niche products at both the high and low end of the price spectrum, the Liva Z2 shouldn't be your go-to home desktop. If you're shopping for one of the aforementioned scenarios, though, which largely involve simple or repetitive tasks, it should fit the bill just fine. It's cheap, it's quiet, it won't drive up your electric bill too much, and it can be upgraded modestly with little hassle. As long as you don't need to store much data locally, or process it quickly, the Liva Z2 can do the job. Plus, if you're doing a tech audit in an educational or public installation and looking to update desktop machines that run on a host of existing monitors, this machine's low energy draw could save you big on your electric bill. You can find alternatives up and down the price range (mini PCs can vary greatly, available from $130 to nearly $2,000) that may suit your needs better. But the Liva Z2 may be your best bet for a low-cost, storage- and memory-upgradable machine that's fully operational out of the box. Best Desktop PC Picks The Best Budget Desktop Computers for 2020 The Best Desktop Workstations for 2020 The Best Gaming Desktops for 2020 More Desktop PC Reviews More from Elitegroup Computer Systems (ECS) Maingear Uses PC Building Tech to Produce Low-Cost Ventilators Report: Several ARM Macs Expected in 2021 Zotac's Ultra-Thin Fanless Zbox Edge Launches Purism Unveils Librem Mini Privacy-Focused PC DFI Selects AMD Ryzen Chip for New Raspberry Pi-Sized Computer The Best Small Business CRM Software for 2021 Shopify Shuts Down Trump's Online Stores Over Violence in US Capitol All NYC Subway Stations, Buses Now Accept Apple Pay Mobile Payments About Matthew Buzzi Matthew Buzzi is a junior analyst on the Hardware team at PCMag. Matthew graduated from Iona College with a degree in Mass Communications/Journalism. He interned for a college semester at Kotaku, writing about gaming. He has written about technology and video game news, as well as hardware and gaming reviews. In his free time, he likes to go out with friends, watch and discuss sports, play video games, read too much Twitter, and obsessively manage any fantasy sports leagues he's involved in. More From Matthew Buzzi First Look: Asus TUF Dash F15 Slims Down, Pumps Up Budget Gaming Laptops Asus ZenBook Duo 14 (2021) Preview: MSI Reveals Summit E13 Flip, a Premium 2-in-1 for Professionals First Look: MSI Unveils Blistering GeForce RTX 30-Series Gaming Laptops, Including a New Flagship Preview: The Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo 15 SE Is a Twin-Screen Scorcher of a Gaming Laptop
Pace International Law Review Human Rights Seminar PILR Articles July 14, 2014 July 14, 2014 bfrancois The Great Wall of…Israel? Aerial view of the "Separation Wall" cutting through villages in an effort Israeli attempt to isolate itself from Palestinians. Most are familiar with the Berlin Wall as it significantly impacted society in its separation of East and West Germany for almost 30 years. After the destruction of the Berlin Wall, many would be shocked to learn that in this modern era, a nation has build a wall with similar motives as those who erected the structure with the missions of isolation and economic exclusion. "The Separation Wall" (as referred to as separation barrier, security fence, apartheid wall, and anti-terrorist fence) was built by Israel 12 years ago, in 2002, and stands at twice the size of the Berlin Wall. Looming over the cities Bethlehem, Qalqilya, and Abu Dis, Israel maintains that it built the wall for security purposes and the structure is necessary to protect Israeli civilians from forms of Palestinian terrorism such as suicide bombings. Palestine, arguing that the barrier was an illegal attempt to annex Palestinian land under the false notion of security and was an overt violation of international law as it has the effect of undermining negotiations between the disputing nations (by establishing new borders) brought their concerns to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Palestine further asserted that the wall substantially deviates from the Green Line (Borders Israel determined with its neighboring nations decades prior) into the occupied territories captured by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967. Ten years ago, on July 9, 2002, the Court issued an advisory opinion finding that considered that "Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defense or on a state of necessity in order to preclude the wrongfulness of the construction of the wall". The Court asserted that the wall served as a form of "collective punishment" against the Palestinian population and "the construction of the wall, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law" and ordered it to be dismantled. Ten years later the wall still stands, severely restricting Palestinians who live nearby and their ability to travel freely within the West Bank and to access work in Israel. The ICJ, although derived from international doctrines has no real effect as the United States having one of the five veto votes for the UN Security Council has refused to acknowledge the opinion. Do you think incidents like so make it ever so clear that the ICJ needs an "enforcement body" of its own to bring its rulings some legitimacy? ICJ six day war bfrancois Previous The Need to Feel Safe Next A Difficult Conversation: Corporate Directors on Race and Gender by Kimberly D. 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Parliament Approves Boris Johnson's Brexit Plan The Rising Tensions and Civil Unrest in Hong Kong Healthy Environment Becomes a Potential Basic Human Right President Trump and His State Department do not Recognize Armenian Massacre as a Genocide Despite Unanimous United States Senate Approval. Kawajiri on State Dinners & Summons: Mr. Modi's Trip to New York Lyndsey on Supreme Court Gives Big Pharmaceuticals a Vaccination Against Lawsuits Raj on Supreme Court Gives Big Pharmaceuticals a Vaccination Against Lawsuits Kavi raj on Protecting the Future Jake B. Sher on International Cyber Attacks: The United States' Concern Archives Select Month January 2020 December 2019 April 2019 December 2017 November 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 April 2016 February 2016 January 2016 November 2015 October 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December 2010 November 2010 October 2010 August 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 Pace University Blogs Pace International Law Review Blog © 2016 All Rights Reserved.
How One Student's Passion for Law Was Amplified by the LSAC PLUS Program Victoria Esparza saw her life upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a senior studying political science and Spanish at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Esparza hoped to enter law school the fall after graduation. But financial hardships related to the pandemic, and needing to care for her younger sister while their mother worked, forced her to delay her plans. How Experience at an LSAC Law School Forum Sparked a New Career Path Kristen Juhan crunched the numbers and found her career wasn't adding up. She'd majored in business economics in college and was working as a certified public accountant, but it wasn't as fulfilling as she'd hoped it would be. What Incoming First-Year Law Students Should Know Amid COVID-19 The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is posing challenges across the board for law schools, but student affairs professionals are dealing with particular challenges as they communicate with incoming first-year students. To gain some insight into what these students should know as we approach an uncertain fall semester, I recently hosted a webinar with three student affairs professionals: Stephanie Carlos, assistant dean for student affairs at University of San Francisco School of Law; Bayrex Martí, assistant dean for student affairs at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law; and Ethan Rosenzweig, associate dean for enrollment management and student services at Emory University School of Law. Gisele Joachim Q&A: How Today's Technology Is Shaping Law School Approaches We live in a changing society, and technological advancements such as artificial intelligence and automation are creating challenges, but also exciting opportunities, for law schools. How are these trends shaping law schools' approaches to serving their students? Law School Admission The Future of Legal Education (-) Access to Justice (-) Standardized Testing
Apocryphal Press is a news service that blends fantasy with fact—the fantasy predominating. It is firmly based on absurdist principles. Our large editorial staff is pleased to receive feedback of any kind. Send general comments here, or publish comments on a specific news clip in the form below each clip. To access the comment form for a news clip, double click the clip's headline, or the "read more" or "Comments" link at the bottom of the clip. Find and read older clips Our home page displays our five most-recent news clips. To view a list that includes our older clips, click Sitemap here or at the bottom of the right column of each page. In the Sitemap, you'll find all of our news clips listed in reverse chronological order under the "Blog" heading. To open a clip, double click its page icon or headline. Site designed and built by Comcast CEO Resigns As ten fully qualified Democratic presidential candidates stood together on a stage in climate change-threatened Miami this evening, NBC's sound crews forgot to turn off the mics while the debate was in progress (https://www.politico.com/video/2019/06/26/watch-that-awkward-hot-mic-moment-from-the-democratic-debate-068389). As soon as that happened, Brian Roberts, the CEO of Comcast (which owns NBC) resigned. "I accept full responsibility for not properly supervising my sound crew in Miami," Roberts explained to associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman. "And I'm heading straight to the closest homeless shelter that will take me in." Copyright © 2020 Apocryphal Press, Apocryphal Press® is a United States Registered Trademark of Tom Korson.
CSI: NY is an American police procedural television series that ran on CBS from September 22, 2004 to February 22, 2013 for a total of nine seasons and 197 original episodes. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers identified as "Crime Scene Investigators". We always knew they were coming back. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens' advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction. Lucy Chadman (Shelley Long) chokes to death and is resurrected by her loopy sister Zelda (Judith Ivey) on the one year anniversary of her death. Lucy, of course, does not believe she has actually been dead and thinks it is an elaborate hoax until she goes to her apartment and discovers her husband (Corbin Bernsen) married to her gold digging best friend, Kim (Sela Ward). Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights In pre-revolution Cuba, Katey Miller is about to defy everyone's expectations. Instead of a parent-approved suitor, Katey is drawn to the sexy waiter, Javier, who spends his nights dancing in Havana's nightclubs. As she secretly learns to dance with Javier, she learns the meanings of love, sensuality and independence. Wrongfully accused of murdering his wife, Richard Kimble escapes from the law in an attempt to find her killer and clear his name. Pursuing him is a team of U.S. marshals led by Deputy Samuel Gerard, a determined detective who will not rest until Richard is captured. As Richard leads the team through a series of intricate chases, he discovers the secrets behind his wife's death and struggles to expose the killer before it is too late. The Man Who Loved Women 1983 Burt Reynolds version — This is the tale of a sculptor named David who has a major womanizing problem. He goes to seek help from a psychiatrist, Marianna, to cure him of his obsession with women. His story of sexual and romantic exploits with the ladies is told by Marianna. A high school swim champion with a troubled past enrolls in the U.S. Coast Guard's 'A' School, where legendary rescue swimmer, Ben Randall teaches him some hard lessons about loss, love, and self-sacrifice. After years of increases in the greenhouse effect, havoc is wreaked globally in the form of catastrophic hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of a new Ice Age. Paleoclimatologist, Jack Hall tries to warn the world while also shepherding to safety his son, trapped in New York after the city is overwhelmed by the start of the new big freeze. The Stepfather Michael Harding (Penn Badgley) returns home from military school to find his mother (Sela Ward) happily in love and living with her new boyfriend, David (Dylan Walsh). As the two men get to know each other, Michael becomes more and more suspicious of the man who is always there with a helpful hand. Is he really the man of her dreams or could David be hiding a dark side? They used to run the country. Now they're running for their lives! Two on-the-lam former Presidents of the United States. Framed in a scandal by the current President and pursued by armed agents, the two squabbling political foes plunge into a desperately frantic search for the evidence that will establish their innocence. The elite unit of the New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep New York and the country safe.
After the Civil War Varina Charles Frazier (2018) By page 3 of Varina, you know that you are in very competent hands. You can trust that Charles Frazier will imprint the landscape of the Civil War era on your brain for a long time. You will see into the souls of the characters and perhaps learn some truths about the issue of race in the United States. And his telling of the tale may break your heart. Backing up a bit, let me explain that Frazier's novel is a fictionalized version of the life of the second wife of Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. The teenaged Varina ("V") Howell marries the widower Jefferson Davis, who is the age of her parents, and goes on to social prominence in Washington, DC, in the 1840s and 1850s as the spouse of Congressman and then Senator and then Secretary of War Davis. The secession of the southern states in 1861 upends her life. The bulk of the novel is the story of Varina's incredibly difficult trek from Richmond, Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy, toward Florida in the spring of 1865, as the Confederates surrender to the Union to end the war. Varina, her children, and a small entourage (not including her husband), hope to reach Florida and then cross over to Cuba to escape retribution from Union soldiers or prosecution by the federal government. Varina's trip is recounted in flashbacks from the standpoint of 1906, when a middle-aged man of mixed race, James Blake, tracks down the elderly Varina, living in upstate New York, and asks her how he happened to be part of her household for a few years during his early childhood. Is this plot vaguely reminiscent of the plot of Cold Mountain, Frazier's 1997 international bestseller and winner of the National Book Award? Oh, sure. Both books present in grisly detail the wasteful destruction of life and land during the Civil War; both involve treacherous journeys against the backdrop of the ravaged American South; and both feature strong, educated female characters. The story is one that encompasses multitudes and can be told from countless points of view. Although many events in the novel Varina hew closely to the biographical facts of the actual life of Varina Davis, Frazier has invented the character of James Blake and has speculated about Varina's analyses of master-slave relationships and about her intellectual struggles with the institution of slavery. Here are a couple of samples of Varina's (fictional) thoughts: "Even very young she saw slavery as an ancient practice arising because rich people would rather not do hard work, and also from the tendency of people to clench hard to advantageous passages in the Bible and dismiss the rest." (102) ". . . they—she and Jeff and the culture at large—had made bad choices one by one, spaced out over time so that they felt individual. But actually they accumulated. Choices of convenience and conviction, choices coincident with the people they lived among, following the general culture and the overriding matter of economics, money and its distribution, fair or not. Never acknowledging that the general culture is often stupid or evil and would vote out God in favor of the devil if he fed them back their hate and fear in a way that made them feel righteous." (328) Although I learned a great deal about Varina Davis and her family in this novel, I see the heart of the book as the American South. "V thought about how the landscape would never be the same after this war even if the blasted battleground healed with new green growth and burned farms were either rebuilt or allowed to rot into the dirt. The old troop movements, battles and skirmishes, places of victory and defeat and loss and despair. Slave quarters, whipping posts, and slave market platforms. Routes of attack and retreat. Monumental cemeteries of white crosses stretching in rows to the horizon, and also lonesome mountain burials . . ." (212) I agree with Varina, and presumably with Charles Frazier, that the wounds of the Civil War are still festering in the United States today. For another novel about the aftermath of war, this time World War II, see my review of The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck (2017). In American Novels, Historical Novels, Southern Novels Tags Civil War, Reconstruction, American South, American history, slavery, Confederacy Family Drama in the Florida Heat Heart of Palm Laura Lee Smith (2013) I wanted to read Laura Lee Smith's 2017 novel, The Ice House, but my local library hasn't bought it yet. So I checked out Smith's 2013 novel, Heart of Palm, to see what her writing is like. I was confused at first by the cover of Heart of Palm, which looks like the front of a cheesy romance novel, but I decided to dip in anyway. Then, right off the bat, I encountered a horrific accident in the Prologue. Regular readers of this blog know that I don't care for scenes of horror, and the grisliness of this episode almost kept me from continuing. But I'm very glad that I stuck with Heart of Palm. This is a novel of the American South, populated with gun-totin', hard-lovin', rip-roarin' Southerners—but stopping short of stereotypes. In 1964, the wealthy and sophisticated Arla Bolton up and marries penniless bad boy Dean Bravo in the fictional Utina, a backwater town near St. Augustine, in northeastern Florida. There's our set-up for marital difficulties, sibling rivalries, and various brawls. As we move from the 1960s to the present day for the main action, the adult children of Arla and Dean are faced with the extraordinary appreciation of their real estate, which happens to be situated on the Intracoastal Waterway. Being a Midwesterner, I was unfamiliar with this important shipping route along the Atlantic Coast, made up of both natural rivers and artificial canals. The Bravo clan is accustomed to living amidst the swampy tangle of vegetation that lies along the Atlantic and the Intracoastal, and they struggle with whether to sell to the real estate developers who want their parcels of land. In addition to this main plot about real estate, each of the Bravos has a subplot, and several of the other quirky characters in Utina also get subplots. Novelist Smith develops all the storylines with a deftness that invites immersion in the text. She supports her narrative with descriptions that plop you right under the drooping fronds of palmettos, wiping your brow and sipping a cold brew. With Smith's pervasive portrayal of the Florida heat, I could feel the suffocating air that makes your clothes stick and your head spin. No wonder the Southerners in Heart of Palm are a bit crazed. They need better air conditioning equipment! Smith treats her characters—even the scoundrels—with empathy as they make the best of their situations, and she works their tales to a satisfying conclusion. So, will I still be looking to check out Smith's The Ice House when it arrives at my library? You bet. In American Novels, Contemporary Novels, Southern Novels Tags family, marriage, siblings, Florida, American South, Atlantic Ocean, Intracoastal Waterway American Evangelicals The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America Frances FitzGerald (2017) The cover of this social history gives readers an idea of the content. An American flag is hanging upside down, the universal signal for national distress, and twenty of the stars are replaced with Christian crosses. Translation: Christian evangelicals in the United States have long sought to remake what they see as a distressed nation in accordance with their religious beliefs. And they have indeed shaped American culture and political life. This heavily annotated 740-page book is not for the faint hearted. Frances FitzGerald, a winner of the Pulitzer Prize, creates distinct portraits of dozens of Christian evangelical leaders and provides details of numerous associations and dissociations of the movement over the centuries. If you're drawn to discussions of religious doctrinal differences and of the personalities that championed them, you'll want to read the entire volume. Or you could read the introduction and then sample a few of the seventeen chapters that grab you, whether it's "Liberals and Conservatives in the Post-Civil War North" or "Evangelicals in the 1960s" or "The Christian Right and George W. Bush." In any case, turn first to the handy Glossary on pages 637-639, where you'll learn that "evangelicalism" is a belief system that relies on the authority of the Bible, centers on redemption by Jesus Christ, emphasizes individual conversion, and seeks to spread this faith to others. It is not the same as "fundamentalism," a more militant segment of evangelicalism that, according to FitzGerald, is "bent on combating Protestant liberalism and secularism." Several other variants within evangelicalism are described in the Glossary and throughout the book, including dispensationalism, pentacostalism, and pre/postmillennialism. Note that FitzGerald consciously limits her study to white evangelicals in the United States; African American churches have very different history and trajectory. FitzGerald takes the story all the way back to 1734, tracing the rise of evangelicalism in the United States to the revival meetings of the First Great Awakening, a populist uprising against established Protestant churches. Later, during the Civil War era, northern evangelicals were abolitionists and southern evangelicals were pro-slavery; the split in the evangelical movement caused by this issue has never healed. New sects also arose among those who thought that the church should pursue social justice (the "social gospel") and those who expected the imminent return of Jesus to judge a hopelessly fallen world. In the early twentieth century, fundamentalists and modernists came into conflict over scientific discoveries and textual criticism of the Bible. After World War II, Billy Graham reignited evangelicalism with his powerful preaching at revival meetings all around the country, attended by millions of people and broadcast on television. Clashes between evangelicals and more liberal Christians led to culture wars in the late twentieth century. This period also saw the rise of evangelicals as a political force, particularly in the South, which—thanks to leaders such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and James Dobson—became a stronghold of the Republican Party. FitzGerald ends her study with an Epilogue analyzing evangelical support for Donald Trump's campaign for the presidency. The Evangelicals disentangles the many strands of a movement that now includes about 25% of the population of the United States. I was occasionally distracted by typos, but these do not diminish the authority of the text. FitzGerald ranges wide and also nails the details, writing with clarity and avoiding bias. She pulls data from the histories of religion, culture, and politics with ease, showing how evangelicals developed their stances on issues such as slavery, segregation, labor unions, the Vietnam War, communism, abortion, immigration, and gay rights. If you are bemused by the phenomenon of evangelicalism in America, or if you just want some background on a powerful segment of our society, this is the book to read. In Social Histories, Nonfiction Books Tags evangelicals, Christianity, American history, American South, slavery, religion, politics Living with an Anomaly Miss Jane Brad Watson (2016) In this delicate yet intense novel, Brad Watson tells the life story of Miss Jane Chisholm, who comes to terms with a serious genital birth defect. Miss Jane was born in rural Mississippi in 1915, so her case is indeed difficult, since there was no medical remedy for her condition at the time. Still, Miss Jane approaches each phase of her life with determination and optimism, despite the disappointments in love and career that are imposed by society's reaction to her disability. Watson's starting point for research on this novel (as he explains on his website) was the life of his own great-aunt, who was born with a genital anomaly that was only vaguely alluded to in his family. Watson finally figured out what his great-aunt's condition must have been, and in the novel he doesn't shy away from explaining the physical issues, revealing pieces as the story progresses. These medical facts are usually in dialogues, with the local doctor (who attended Miss Jane's birth and follows her case), speaking to Jane. Watson pulls the narrative out of the realm of the bizarre into normality, breaking down barriers that separate people because of their physical characteristics. The reader comes to respect Miss Jane for her courage and to love her for her sweetness. Both as a child and as a woman, she's beautiful in appearance. Men are attracted to her, and she must make decisions about how to handle their attentions, as she also finds ways to work around her incontinence. The lush natural surroundings of Miss Jane and her family are described with striking language. For example, here is what Miss Jane's mother sees as she sits on her porch, worrying about her daughter: "Late fall blackbirds swept in waves to the oaks at the yard's edge, and their deafening, squawking, creaking calls, the cacophonous tuning of a mad avian symphony, drew the grief-borne anger from her heart, into the air, and swept it way in long, almost soothing moments of something like peace." I can't help comparing Miss Jane, to Middlesex, the 2002 novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, which is a very different story about living life with a genital anomaly. In Miss Jane, the continuing advice of a kindly and knowledgeable doctor softens the suffering that Jane inevitably goes through. In Middlesex, the protagonist lacks this support. The American South has often been a literary location for sadness, beauty, and extraordinary events under the graceful drooping Spanish moss. You'll find those qualities in Miss Jane. And be sure to watch for the peacocks, which the author tells us (in the Acknowledgments) were added on the suggestion of his young granddaughter. In Historical Novels, American Novels, Southern Novels Tags Mississippi, American South, rural America, disability, nature, birth defects Conroy, a Poetic Prince The Prince of Tides Pat Conroy (1986) When Pat Conroy died in March 2016, I ran across many heartfelt tributes to his writing. I felt guilty. How had I missed reading an author so beloved by so many readers? With a few clicks, I figured it out. Conroy wrote about the American South and about the experience of being a male Southerner who was subjected to brutality in both family and school environments. I find much fiction about the South painfully depressing. In high school, when Carson McCullers was assigned, I ate up The Heart is a Lonely Hunter but then had nightmares for weeks. Heretical as it sounds, I've never been enthralled by William Faulkner or Flannery O'Connor. I decided, however, to give the South another chance by reading Conroy's The Prince of Tides. It took me several days, since this is a long—and longwinded—novel. I kept thinking how some of the lengthy dialogues could have been edited down considerably without diluting the power of the story. The narrative is complex, certainly, and I was willing to follow it to the end, but I was tempted to skip entire sections just to get on with the plot. Briefly, that plot follows about forty years in the lives of the three Wingo siblings, who were born in the South Carolina sea islands during World War II. Their father is a successful shrimper who wastes all his earnings on get-rich-quick schemes. He flies into rages and beats his wife and children. That's the least of the horrors that the Wingo kids endure. Slowly, very slowly, the reader gets the full picture as Tom Wingo, the first-person narrator, explains the family history to a psychiatrist who's treating his suicidal sister, Savannah, in New York City in the early 1980s. Despite the hundreds of scenes in this novel that feature Tom Wingo, I didn't ever grasp his personality in full. Tom is a jokey guy, often spouting self-deprecating retorts and constantly whining about male Southerners with a grim fatalism. He reads widely and finds fulfillment in coaching adolescents in sports. But when he opens his mouth, ridiculous statements spew out. I never figured out Tom's mother, either. Is her repeated repression of trauma a form of abuse or of self-preservation or both? Does she exploit or regret her renowned beauty? Isn't Conroy's portrait of her as a young mother inconsistent with his portrait of her as an older woman? And Tom describes his brother, Luke, as a hero who's much larger than life, which is perhaps Conroy's way of showing how much Tom worshiped Luke. All that aside, I found much to admire in The Prince of Tides. Conroy's vocabulary is enormous, and his words are deployed to great effect in evoking the fragile glories of the semitropical saltwater marshes of the South Carolina coast. He tosses off striking metaphors with ease and moves actions forward with powerful verbs. He doesn't use an ordinary noun when a fanciful one can be found; a song becomes a "canticle," which will be the exactly right term for that sentence. The smells of the Low Country fishing industry often have metallic descriptors that succeed in recreating the place. The flora and fauna thriving in the thick, humid atmosphere are portrayed with particularity and reverence. Conroy gives his character Savannah Wingo the vocation of poet, and he seems to envy the way Savannah can transform the stories of her troubled youth into paeans for a disappearing way of life. You can read The Prince of Tides if you want a sprawling Southern melodrama. I read The Prince of Tides for the poetry of the language. In Historical Novels, American Novels, Southern Novels Tags American South, family, saga, South Carolina, poetic language
A Kissing Couple If you don't like to meet people, don't ever be a taxi driver, because you are going to meet a lot of them. I, for one like to meet people and it's one of the benefit I get for being a taxi driver. I get to meet the good, the bad and the ugliest of the lot. In the process, I sharpen my social skills and broaden my perspective of life. At the heart of this propensity of mine is, I suspect, a desire for experience with different people. Now, I believe most cabbies probably don't remember the first fare they picked, but I do. I did a posting in August of my first few passengers on my first day as a cabby. I keep notes of interesting encounters and post them here when I've the time. I notice that for some strange reason, when a passenger or couples or groups get into a cab they become very un-selfconscious. They talk and behave like they're in the privacy of their bed room, oblivious that a total stranger who is just two feet infront. Office gossips, business meetings, love talk and marriage proposals all take place in taxi cabs. They do things in the cab that they would otherwise never do in public. Once, I had a white man in business suit at the airport, making a love talk to a local Chinese girl, expressing in pretentious Singlish, his desperate desire to bed her right away and how he loves her small tits. Such lucid sexual remarks would normally be for nobody ears. But he spoke like nobody was around. He only cut short his love talk, when a call came in from his wife and then he spoke scornfully, and in loveless American lingo with her. I got to witness a contrast of two different characters from the same man, a rapacious lover and a cheating husband. On another occasion, I can't help eavedropping on two young men's plan on how to cheat a third party on the mahjong table. The most interesting drama I witnessed was how a couples break up, fall in love, and even make love in the back of my cab. I had all three happen during the same cab ride. I was a rookie and was not familiar with many roads. I picked up this Chinese young couple at Clark Quay. They tumbled into the back set laughing and giggling and gave me an address near Steven Road that still confuses me. I hadn't driven more than a kilometer, when the mood in the back suddenly changed. "You, horrible, just now," said the girl angrily in Singlish. "Yah, meh?" slurred the boyfriend. "You talked to other girls like no see me..., no "hue" me at all'." "You look ok, mah." "What ok? I very angry, want to cry." "Hey, don't like that, lah." "Really. I hate you." "You say what?" "I don't love you, liao." "You drink a lot, I think" says the boyfriend with a heavy sigh, "that's why you talk cock." "No, I really want to break up" "Okay, whatever." This, I thought to myself, was going to be a long ride for these two young punk. We still had about 10 or 15 minutes to go. There was nothing but silence from the back seat. Then, from the back, I heard bodies shifting in the seat, the sounds of murmuring and kissing, of clothes being pulled at and unbuttoned. I glanced up at my rear view mirror, but couldn't see anything. They were clearly taking advantage of the hidden view. "Say" she whispered. "Huh?" "Say," she repeated, followed by the sounds of more kissing and some slurping noises. "Say," she plead. "Never leave me." The goings-on in the back were becoming a serious distraction. And I didn't know where I was going. I've no intention of stopping or interfering with what they were doing but I was totally lost. "Excuse me," I interrupted them at a traffic light. "Can you tell me which way to go?" The two stopped what they were doing, pulled themselves together, and checked where they were. "Sorry, uncle, go straight, turn left and stop" said the boyfreind. In less than 5 kilometers, these two had broken up, found each other again and made love. The fair was $8.75. The boyfriend handed me a ten and told me to keep the change. Not a bad tip, either. singapore hotel deals said... Hi, nice post. I have been wondering about this topic, so thanks for sharing. I will certainly be subscribing to your blog. Lol! Really langgar! If you know you not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating wife, i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to a Private Investigator Mr James . I told him about my situation and He understood me well and helped me spy on my wifes iphone.He hacked her Gmail and Facebook account and linked all her WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth.I saw all the evidence and i was heart Broken,I just want to openly say thank you Mr James for helping me get evidence against her,i feel so hurt. If you need help please contact him (Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com) via email.
'The Last Duel' and 'House of Gucci' Composer Harry Gregson-Williams on Scoring Ridley Scott's Different Epics The auteur's frequent collaborator reveals his process of finding the right musical notes for the medieval drama and the Italian crime saga. By Tyler Coates Tyler Coates More Stories by Tyler Coates 'Faya Dayi,' 'Writing With Fire' Among Oscar Documentary Hopefuls That Tell International Stories WGA Awards: 'King Richard,' 'CODA,' 'Dune' Among Nominees in the Screenplay Categories DGA Awards: 'Succession' Dominates Drama Series Nominees; 'Summer of Soul' and 'The Rescue' Up for Documentary Prize Harry Gregson-Williams, who has scored five of Ridley Scott's films including House of Gucci and The Last Duel. Courtesy of Todd Williamson When composer Harry Gregson-Williams begins a collaboration with director Ridley Scott, he'll usually leave their first meeting with a set of questions instead of a list of demands. "Ridley is an ideas man," says Gregson-Williams, who has worked with the veteran director on five films: 2005's Kingdom of Heaven, 2012's Prometheus, 2015's The Martian and this year's The Last Duel and House of Gucci. "When I've come onto his projects, he's already painted most of his picture. He certainly knows the power of music and is ready to employ it, and it's very refreshing to have him pose multiple questions to me rather than dictate the direction that the score should go." 'Awards Chatter' Podcast -- Peter Dinklage ('Cyrano') Sundance: 'Nanny' and 'The Exiles' Take Top Prizes at 2022 Fest For 20th Century's The Last Duel, Gregson-Williams had the benefit of a 14th century setting to guide his score as well as the narrative that builds to the titular event at the end of the film. "Ridley wanted the battle scenes to be harsh, visual [sequences] — he wanted to go with the sound effects of horses snorting and swords clashing," he says. Gregson-Williams' task was to score the events leading up to the judicial duel between Matt Damon's Jean de Carrouges and Adam Driver's Jacques Le Gris, who challenge each other to the death after de Carrouges' wife, Marguerite (Jodie Comer), accuses Le Gris of rape. The composer first considered medieval instruments in an attempt to bring historical authenticity to the score, but he quickly realized that would limit his ability to move the film's story forward, especially through the three conflicting narratives told Rashomon-style from the perspectives of de Carrouges, Le Gris and Marguerite. "I used a consort of viols — forerunners to the violin and cello — which have an edgy sound and bring to mind early music, although they weren't developed by the time this film was set," he explains. Also useful were woodwinds such as lutes and gossamers, which he layered over a "decent-sized orchestra." The main essence of the score was to be a vocal element. Unlike the 12th century-set Kingdom of Heaven, which employed more than 100 members of London's Bach Choir, Gregson-Williams went with the more intimate group called VOCES8 — which, as the choir's name suggests, is a group of eight vocalists. To lead the vocal arrangement, Gregson-Williams tapped English soprano Grace Davidson. "She sings not in an operatic way but with quite little vibrato, which I really liked," he says. "It's very direct — an intimate sound that's very pristine." While Davidson performed variations of French love songs (chansons d'amour) to provide Marguerite's theme, countertenor Iestyn Davies offered a "very unusual and haunting" vocal to underscore the character of Jacques Le Gris. "I integrated that with some moody orchestral textures and gentle synthesizers … for this dark and imposing music that I wanted to surround Jacques with, particularly in the third act." While Gregson-Williams was finishing his score, Scott reached out with another job: his stylish crime drama House of Gucci. That film is set in the late '70s through the mid '90s, and Scott intended to stuff the soundtrack with needle-drops. Gregson-Williams' role was to establish the romance between Adam Driver's Maurizio Gucci and Lady Gaga's Patrizia Reggiani. "It was unlike any other score I've done," he says, noting that much of his music would tee up the pop songs that Scott knew he wanted in the film. "That was a huge challenge for me, and it was great fun. And you know, if you've seen the film, it's a wild ride." This story first appeared in a December stand-alone issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe. "I'm Going to Give Them Something to Remember": Ruth E. Carter on Working With Eddie Murphy and Her Historic Oscar Win 'The Novice' Star Isabelle Fuhrman Says She "Completely Crashed" After Filming Psychological Thriller 'CODA' Star Troy Kotsur Reflects on the Journey From Sundance to the Oscars Race From Storyboard to Screen: How Editors From Animated Oscar Hopefuls Helped Craft Their Films' Stories How Jay-Z and 'The Harder They Fall' Writer-Director-Composer Jeymes Samuel Created the Sonic Signatures of "the Black West" Making of 'C'mon C'mon': How Fatherhood (and Wim Wenders) Inspired Director Mike Mills
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FUCHS engages in intensive research together with numerous partners PROJECT "PEGASUS" The "Pegasus" project of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology is a joint research project launched in 2009 to increase energy efficiency in the passenger vehicle drive train (motor, transmission, bearings). Ten companies and institutes are researching material and lubricant solutions that promote fuel consumption savings. PROJECT "ADVANCED BIOMASS VALUE" Crude oil is a finite resource. Set against this background, substitutes are also required in the lubricants industry. Renewable raw materials include vegetable-based oils, such as rapeseed oil. The discussions on "food competition" from technical use of vegetable oils have led to searches for alternative raw materials that are not suitable for food or fodder production. FUCHS is therefore participating in the interdisciplinary initiative "Advanced Biomass Value" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 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Complex molecules are to be gained through enzymatic modification for use as base fluids or additives. RESEARCH ALLIANCE "TECHNOFUNCTIONAL PROTEINS" The research alliance "Technofunctional Proteins" of the BMBF is researching the structure-function relationships of vegetable proteins that are not suitable for food and fodder production. The project is dedicated to the use of modified proteins as additives within the scope of lubricant manufacture. Proteins of this kind can be gained from agricultural waste materials. EU PROJECT "OPTIMIZED ELECTRIC DRIVETRAIN BY INTEGRATION (ODIN)" Electric mobility also requires lubricants. The increased use of electric motors to drive individual mobility and their further development are placing new requirements on lubricants. Even if no conventional engine oils are used, electric vehicles and in particular those with high power densities still require both lubrication (for rolling bearings and transmissions) and cooling. Electric drives in automobiles therefore require new approaches, not only in an attempt to comply with specific requirements, but also to improve the overall system with new solutions. One way in which FUCHS addresses these questions is in the ongoing EU project entitled "Optimized Electric Drivetrain by Integration (ODIN)". Robert BOSCH GmbH is the coordinator of this project, and FUCHS is the lubricant partner. inquiry@fuchs.com More about "Company" FUCHS Country/Region Websites FUCHS Group © Copyright FUCHS 2021
Fahey fails to declare 50% stake in construction firm As those who follow me on Twitter know, I believe the Mail on Sunday, like the Irish Daily Mail, is an under-appreciated newspaper (wow, wow, lower those rifles, dear readers, I'll explain). People ignore it because oftentimes the substance of the stories they unearth get lost in the style in which they report. Of course the Mail does have some poor journalists but there are some seriously sharp hacks in there (it was no surprise that the Mail was the first national to pick up on the O'Dea libel story). Their work is often criminally slept on by the wider media. People seem to think "ah, it's just the Mail, can't believe that", where as if the same set of facts at the nub of the Mail stories were reported in the The Irish Times and written in the Times editorial style, they'd be discussed on every national radio show through-out the day. That's a pity, but only the fault of the Mail publishers and top-level editors for setting the editorial line and agreeing the writing style. Also, they don't have a website, so they're kinda lost on the whole Twitter/Blogs/Forum discussion which some editors/producers seem to use as a barometer of public interest in stories these days. ANYWAY, GETTING to the point. On page 31 of yesterday's Mail on Sunday is a piece about Frank Fahey. Brian Carroll reports that the Fianna Fáil TD and property developer failed to declare his 50% stake in construction firm Sage on the Register of Members' Interests published earlier this month. Not alone that, but he had failed to mention it in last year's Register too. When Carroll asked Fahey why he didn't declare the interest Fahey claimed it was a "clerical oversight", i.e. he forgot about it. He forgot about holding a 50% share in company in which he has invested over €1m during the last five years? A company which still owes his wife more than €900,000?… Seriously? Upon receipt of Carroll's enquiries Fahey rushed to the the clerk of the Dáil and asked for the record to be amended show he had an interest in Sage. The fact Fahey admitted he had the stake in the firm and claimed he had forgotten about it kinda burned the story on Carroll, hence, page 31 (below a picture-driven piece about Angelina Jolie). Oddly, it would probably have been more newsworthy if Carroll had not gone to Fahey but instead got someone like Fergus O'Dowd of Fine Gael to give a comment. Or maybe asked someone like John Devitt of Transparency Ireland for a quote about the damage undeclared conflicts of interest can have on democracy, or the dangers of influence purchasing. But it's always right to give a right-of-reply, even if you know it'll ruin the story. It's also possible Carroll did not have had space for alternative quotes. Well, questionable stuff from Fahey, great to see him get a scare, no real surprise though. Might have to look closer at his declarations now. Nice work from the MoS, and Brian Carroll particularly, in fact-checking the register and making sure things are how they should be. Credit where it's due, no matter what else, or who else (and no matter their level of nakedness) appears on the page. Author Mark CoughlanPosted on 22nd March 2010 Categories CommentTags FOI 5 thoughts on "Fahey fails to declare 50% stake in construction firm" Stephen Dunne says: 22nd March 2010 at 7:30 pm I'll second that Mark. Great oul yarn – was so surprised by its placement. But there ya go. Also agree on the MoS front – really does have some cracking stories from week-to-week. And is certainly over-looked. I think the website factor is now becomming huge too, papers need to have an online presence nowadays. Pingback: Oooops! I forgot about that construction company I half-own « Eoin's Website Pingback: Eircom shares, Deputy Fahey? – The Story Pingback: MoS investigation into Callely claims – The Story Pingback: LIVE: Frank Fahey Economic Meeting in Galway - Page 6 Previous Previous post: Digest – March 21 2010 Next Next post: Jobs, jobs jobs and no more Employment
China central bank to conduct 6 billion yuan bill swaps on Tuesday FILE PHOTO: Headquarters of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), the central bank, is pictured in Beijing, China September 28, 2018. REUTERS/Jason Lee BEIJING (Reuters) - China's central bank will conduct a bill swap operation to support the issuance and liquidity of perpetual bonds issued by banks to replenish capital, it said on Tuesday. The bill swaps, with a 3-month tenor, will total 6 billion yuan ($855.63 million), the central bank said in a statement. Reporting by Lusha Zhang, Colin Qian and Ryan Woo; Editing by Muralikumar Anantharaman
61 webcams - Prague Select a municipality Prague - Březiněves Prague - Libuš Prague - Modřany Prague - Troja Prague - Uvaly Prague 1 Prague 10 Prague 17 Prague 2 Prague 3 Prague 4 Prague 5 Prague 6 Prague 7 Prague 8 Prague-Zbraslav Říčany Velká Chuchle Category Airport (1) Town (12) Water parks (1) Meteostations (2) Others (1) Railway (1) Square-center (7) Roads (33) Sports (3) Prague is the capital city of the Czech republic. The river Vltava flows through it in the length of 30 km. Thanks to the large number of preserved monuments, Prague is also called "Hundred-Towered Prague". Prague is the heart of Europe and, thanks to its sights, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The historical core of Prague is the Old Town, New Town, Lesser Town and Hradčany. Since 1992, the historical center of Prague has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are so many monuments in Prague that it is not even possible to name them all. So at least some of them. Probably the most famous and most visited monument is Prague Castle. It is dominated by the Cathedral of St. It welcomes you, but in addition to it, there are a number of other important buildings. Not far from Prague Castle, it is possible to walk around Prague's most famous alley - the Golden Lane. Right opposite Prague Castle is the large Hradčany Square. The Old Town Square is the heart of the historic city. It is a square with Baroque buildings, Gothic churches (Týn Church, St. Nicholas Church) and especially the Old Town Hall with the Astronomical Clock. The Old Town Astronomical Clock is one of the most popular tourist stops. It is the rarest and most famous Prague monument by master Hanuš, which is a masterpiece of Gothic science in our country. The astronomical clock strikes every hour accompanied by the moving figures of the apostles. The Old Town Square is one of the most beautiful squares in the world. The famous Charles Bridge, completed in 1402, is another well-known tourist attraction and a famous monument of Prague. It is the oldest bridge in Prague and almost no one who visits Prague will miss it. The bridge is fortified with the Lesser Town and Old Town towers. It is lined with 30 statues and sculptural groups of saints and today is intended only for pedestrians. The National Museum is the largest museum in the Czech Republic and its monumental Neo-Renaissance building stands on top of Wenceslas Square. The National Theater is one of the most important buildings in the Czech Republic, it was built thanks to a collection among people. It is a building in the Neo-Renaissance style. It is visited not only by domestic spectators, but mainly due to its location by foreign tourists. The Rudolfinum is a beautiful Neo-Renaissance building where the most important Prague classical music concerts take place. An important Marian pilgrimage site is Loreta at the western end of the historic center of Prague. The Powder Gate was part of the fortifications of the Old Town of Prague and served as a gunpowder depot. Now it serves as a great view of the center of Prague. The Petrin Lookout Tower is a 60 meter high iron tower, built as part of the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 as a copy of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It serves people as a lookout tower with a view along the entire length of the Vltava River flowing through Prague. Not only for families with children is the very popular and visited Prague Zoo, which is located in the lower part of Prague's Troja. The Prague Zoo was opened in 1931 and today it is a zoo with modern pavilions and exhibitions, which try to keep animals as close as possible to their natural environment, which is also made possible by its rugged terrain. There are several restaurants in the ZOO where it is possible to have a snack. The main means of transport for the whole of Prague is the metro. There are currently three routes in operation. Route C was the first to be put into operation in 1974. Directly in the vicinity of Prague there are many interesting places where you can go on a trip with children or a romantic walk for two. Listing of webcams - Prague Webcam Březiněves Prague - Březiněves Follow current events and weather conditions in Březiněves with webcam ONLINE. The camera is located on the roof of the Prague-Březiněves Municipal Office and occupies the surroundings at an angle of 360 °. Webcam Kobylisy Follow current events and traffic conditions in Kobylisy with the ONLINE webcam. Webcam captures the traffic situation of Kobylisy metro C, Prague. Webcam Old Town Square in Prague Watch the webcam Old Town Square in Prague online. View webcam on Old Town Square, Astronomical Clock and Church of Our Lady before Tyn in Prague. Old Town Square (Staromák) is the oldest and most important square in Prague. Among the… View: 10405x Webcam Old Town Square- Prague Watch the current events on the Old Town Square in Prague with a webcam online. Webcam from the Hotel Lippert. Webcam captures Staroměstské náměstí in the Prague. Old Town Square (Staromák) is the oldest and most important square in Prague. Among… View: 5883x Webcam Prague Watch online webcam Prague. Rotating panoramic webcam with a view of the Vltava, Vyšehrad, Prague Castle and the center of Prague from Podolí. Webcam Prague - 5. května Watch current events and the state of traffic in Prague with the ONLINE webcam. The webcam captures the current traffic situation in 5. května street in Prague. Webcam Prague - a record from the Chamber of Deputies Webcam captures direct audiovisual transmission from the Chamber of Deputies. Webcam Prague - Anglická - Škrétova Watch current events and the state of traffic in Prague with the ONLINE webcam. Current webcam shot of the traffic situation in Anglická - Škrétova street, Prague. Webcams Prague - Březiněves, Webcams Prague - Libuš, Webcams Prague - Modřany, Webcams Prague - Troja, Webcams Prague - Uvaly, Webcams Prague 1, Webcams Prague 10, Webcams Prague 17, Webcams Prague 2, Webcams Prague 3, Webcams Prague 4, Webcams Prague 5, Webcams Prague 6, Webcams Prague 7, Webcams Prague 8, Webcams Prague-Zbraslav, Webcams Říčany, Webcams Velká Chuchle
Published On: Fri, Apr 12th, 2019 Emily Atack stuns for her first presenting slot on ITV This Morning in pink wrap dress Emily Atack burst onto Friday morning's This Morning segment in a stunning pink and red striped dress. The gorgeous blonde was undertaking her first presenting job for the popular morning TV show. Filling in for Holly Willoughby, Emily is currently hot property after her appearance on I'm a Celebrity at the end of last year. And as Holly is known for her impeccable style, Emily had some fashionable shoes to fill. BUY EMILY ATACK'S DRESS HERE. BUY EMILY ATACK'S SHOES HERE. The stunning star opted for a pink and red striped wrap dress that framed her curvy figure. The bold patterned dress was from Mint Velvet and featured a curved front hem. Fans can snap up the Mint Velvet wrap dress for £129. Pairing the bright dress with a simple white court shoe, Emily looked elegant for her first outing on the show. Emily's shoes are currently on sale for just £42. Emily has been hot property since appearing on I'm a Celebrity last year. The pretty star has been in high demand and has been displaying some strong styling choices of late. Often opting for bright print dresses, the actress knows how to show off her great figure. But the gorgeous actress also has a rockier edge, recently posting a snap of herself in a pair of figure hugging skinny jeans. The blonde bombshell has even collaborated on a collation with fast fashion brand In The Style. Emily exclaimed at the start of the show that she couldn't believe that they were allowing her to work on This Morning. The bubbly blonde was clearly excited to be hosting the show alongside John Barrowman, as the pair got on famously well in the jungle. A new double act for This Morning their natural chemistry made them the perfect pairing to fill in for Holly and Phil who are currently off for the Easter break. Fans of the show are used to having the likes of Emma Willis and Rochelle Humes step into Holly's role, but Emily is a new choice for producers. The pretty star was a runner up on last year's I'm A Celebrity and is currently enjoying touring her own show and appearing on panel shows.
Matt Bevan Feature | May 08 2019 'If Dalton Smith doesn't win a world title we will class it as a failure' Matt Bevan speaks to Grant and Dalton Smith about their plans to progress through the professional ranks Mark Robinson/Matchroom Boxing Father and son combinations in boxing divide opinion. At one point there was even talk of the WBC trying to ban fathers from their sons' corners. However there is no denying the success that many have had in the sport, even if the limelight can be a difficult spot to share. Dalton Smith has no such worries, as he begins his professional journey on Friday in Nottingham, after a highly successful amateur career, with his father and trainer Grant running the corner and guiding him through the murky political waters of the pro ranks. At just 22, he has been snapped up by Matchroom Boxing and the Sheffield man is being billed as a future star. Those that saw him in the amateurs will confirm his potential to go far. With the doubts surrounding boxing's definitive future at the Olympic Games, Smith wasn't going to wait around to see how the pieces fell. Dalton explained, "It's been a long process, getting released by the amateurs, turning over and then starting training camp but that's all done and I can concentrate on my first fight. The Olympics in Tokyo are only next year, but they [are going to] change the weights so it would have been difficult for me to either go up or down, so the only other option was to turn professional. "Matchroom are the biggest promotional outfit out there, so to have them backing me, as well as fighting on both Sky Sports and DAZN in the US is massive for me. Starting in Nottingham as well is great, as most of the Matchroom cards seem to be at the O2 Arena in London, but to debut close to home and be able to take plenty down is perfect for me. TagsDalton Smith Feature | Aug 28 2019 Dalton Smith looks to prove his quality
Palov – Traditional Rice With Meat Dish From Samarkand Fikrat Tuychiev Food Recipes Uzbekistan Panama City – More Than Just A Canal Daria Silter Photos Panama Guilin – Photo Diary Of A Subtropical Town Global Storybook Photos China True Tales From The Life Of a New York City Cop Global Storybook Books New York China For the Beginners: Or, What I Learned on My First Trip Daria Silter Solo Travel China Costa Rica: 5 Places Not to Miss Philip Santos Moreira Local Travel Tips Costa Rica Buenos Aires: Top 10 Sights Global Storybook Local Travel Tips Argentina Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam Huong Thi Nguyen Culture Vietnam Linzer Christmas Cookies Recipe Kateřina Bartošová Food Recipes Czech Republic Jamaica: The Top 10 Attractions Richard Edwards Local Travel Tips Jamaica Visiting The Terracotta Warriors Daria Silter Photos China Antigua: Paradise on Earth Philip Santos Moreira Travel Stories Antigua and Barbuda Bonjour, or How I Fell in Love With Paris, on a… Third Sight Daria Silter Daria's Journal Daria's Journal What to Pack For the Arctic Circle Daria Silter General Travel Europe Blog Frida: Her Life, Legacy and Struggles Frida: Her Life, Legacy and Struggles Frida – self portrait 1940 Book: "Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo" Author: Hayden Herrera Publisher: Perennial, 2002 Undoubtedly, some of the best ways to learn about a foreign culture are by reading novels from the local authors, or by studying biographies of its most prominent citizens. And when you think of Mexico – quite a few big names would instantly come to mind, one of them is that of Frida Kahlo. Frida was a talented Mexican painter who had a very short and tragic life. When she was only 18 years old, she got into a serious bus accident that left her crippled and in severe pains for the rest of her life. She continued to thrive despite her condition, marrying a World-famous Mexican painter, Diego Rivera, who was 20-years her senior and already a big star during his lifetime, and developing her own solid and original talent. This book, which was made into a movie starring Salma Hayek, is a very good introduction into Frida's World – her successes and struggles, her married life, her career and travels, her dreams and disillusionments. This small but powerful woman, who in her 47 years of life had seen and experienced more than many will ever know, was in fact a force to be reckoned with. And as a small proof to that, her art was expressive and reflective. Her favorite genre was self-portraits, and she often featured herself with animals and other inanimate objects, that are always up for an interpretation. In addition to being full with informative details, this book is also featuring numerous private letters of Frida, her husband, her family and friends, as well as some of her personal photos and artwork. By reading this book, you will gain a good level of insight into who this woman really was (the movie is also nice but it only shows a tiny part of a big story). P.S. This book is a perfect example why you shouldn't judge one by its cover – yes, using a picture of Salma Hayek on a book about Frida was a wrong and a strange decision on the part of the publisher, yet it's the inside pages that matter the most. This is Mexico – From the Eyes of an American Taxco, Guerrero – the Silver Capital of México
The Stoop Storytelling Series By Laura Wexler, Jessica Henkin, Maureen Harvie Aaron Curtis Storyteller Rob Hirschfeld. This week on the podcast, two tales of finding grace and strength in a time of profound suffering. Music: "Memory Replaced" by Josh Woodward The Stoop Storytelling Podcast is hosted by Laura Wexler and Jessica Henkin, produced by Maureen Harvie, and distributed by Your Public Studios. The Stoop Storytelling Series deathfriendshiplove Laura Wexler is the co-founder and co-producer of The Stoop Storytelling Series, a popular cultural event and podcast in which "ordinary" people share extraordinary true tales about their lives. An expert in personal storytelling, Laura has presented workshops and trainings for organizations, businesses, and individuals since 2006, and has coached more than 3,000 people to tell the true tales of their lives. In addition to her work with The Stoop, Laura is the author of the narrative nonfiction book, Fire in a Canebrake: The Last Mass Lynching in America (Scribner, 2003), as well as nonfiction published in The Washington Post Magazine, The New York Times, and elsewhere. She has developed TV for Amazon Studios and co-created a Virtual Reality film that premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2018. She is a researcher and writer on Apple TV's "The Morning Show" and is developing several independent projects. See stories by Laura Wexler Jessica Henkin Jessica Henkin works for Baltimore City Public School's Office of Early Learning Program. She's passionate about her family, special education, Baltimore City, keeping her house clean, rescuing strays (both animal and human), finding most things funny—and, of course, storytelling. She has studied and performed improv comedy for over two decades in both New York City and Baltimore. See stories by Jessica Henkin Maureen Harvie Maureen Harvie is senior producer for On the Record. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and joined WYPR in 2014 as an intern for the newsroom. Whether coordinating live election night coverage, capturing the sounds of a roller derby scrimmage, interviewing veterans, or booking local authors, she is always on the lookout for the next story. See stories by Maureen Harvie
Sinus Pain Caused By Acid Reflux Sep 13, 2017. Your Annoying Fall Allergy Symptoms Might Not Be Allergies at All. Acid reflux generally implies indigestion, say from eating spicy or acidic foods, or GERD, a closely related yet. 13 Sneaky Causes of Sinus Infections. Dec 2, 2018. Learn more about its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. than those that are typical of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The acid causes inflammation in these areas, which are not equipped to. Silent reflux symptoms in adults are not the same as GERD because of the part of the. What is GERD? Gastroesophageal reflux disease, known as GERD for short, is a chronic condition of the digestive tract. It involves stomach acids moving up into the esophagus, potentially damaging the sensitive tissue and causing a burning sensation. But if the nose is swollen, the sinuses can block and cause pain and infection. and diving, and gastroesophageal reflux disease can all cause sinusitis. I was having ear aches, pains in my jaw, burning ears and other "sinus" symptoms. I ended up on antibiotics which caused bladder infection, then MORE antibiotics for the bladder infection, I was on antibiotics for a constant 3 months. GERD or acid reflux symptoms are caused by the regurgitation of acidic liquid. This accumulation of fluid can lead to discomfort in the sinuses and ears. Sinus pain isn't the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of acid reflux. But in addition to heartburn and other digestive complaints, acid reflux can play a role in a number of respiratory ailments, including asthma, post nasal drip and chronic cough. Whether acid reflux Acid reflux disease "is probably not the cause of sinusitis, but it may be participating in some cases," said Dr. Timothy Smith, a professor of otolaryngology and chief of rhinology and sinus surgery at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Chest pain, which occurs because stomach acid is splashing into the esophagus, is a classic acid reflux symptom. But the pain can last longer and be more intense than expected. Raw Food Causing Indigestion Apr 15, 2013. One reason is that many raw pet food diets, especially homemade and prey- model diets, are not nutritionally balanced. Many vets who treat. Jul 17, 2010. Two Can Acid Reflux Cause Sinus Pain? When you think about acid reflux, sinuses might not come to mind. Believe it or not, there are some specific correlations between acid reflux and sinus. BACKGROUND: Acid reflux into the oesophagus, larynx, pharynx or. of the link between GORD, LPR, nasopharyngeal reflux, nasal symptoms and CRS. This mucus moistens the lining of the nose and sinuses, humidifies the air, traps inhaled. When the mucus becomes thick or excessive in volume, it can cause the. Swallowing problems or acid reflux can give patients similar symptoms of. Gerd Precautions Spanish Jun 17, 2009. Keywords: Delphi methodGastro-esophageal reflux diseaseNERD, clinical. English language articles were selected from Embase and Medline from. in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions. Do Reflux disease refers to the flow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus and throat. frequent or chronic sore throats, recurrent sinus infections, ear pain. Oct 2, 2015. It is a disorder characterized by reflux of stomach contents causing. evidence to link acid reflux with chronic sinusitis or any nasal symptoms? Acid Reflux and Sinus Infection. Tweet. Acid reflux is known to be a cause of sinus infection. Early treatment of acid reflux disease could help eliminate sinus infection. The stomach is divided into three parts: fundus, body and pylorus. The fundus is the upper portion that arches upward and away from the opening to the esophagus. This opening is controlled by a circular band of muscle. Sinus pain isn't the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of acid reflux. But in addition to heartburn and other digestive. But in addition to heartburn and other digestive. Does Acid Reflux Cause Sinus Problems Dr Oz Melatonin For. Sinus pain isn't the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of acid reflux. But in addition to. rhinosinusitis. The underlying condition of reflux projecting beyond the esophagus where it can affect the sinuses and vocal chords is called laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, or LPR, which is related to GERD. Dec 20, 2018. the throat. People can suffer from one or more of these symptoms. Acid reflux can sometimes actually contribute to sinusitis! That is to say, Obesity and pregnancy are also common causes of acid reflux. If you notice some of the symptoms of acid reflux you could try diet modification, weight loss, over. Acid reflux can masquerade as everything from a cold to poor dental hygiene. get consults about sinus pain and ear ringing, but it's often acid reflux," she says. During gastroesophageal reflux (GER), the contents of the stomach and upper. In adults the symptoms of LPR include a bitter taste, a sensation of burning, In infants and children, LPR may cause breathing problems such as: cough, They treat many of the complications of GERD and LPR, including: sinus and ear. LPR stands for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, or Silent Reflux, and GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Both are digestive diseases and both cause discomfort that needs to be properly diagnosed. Here are the signs and symptoms of each type of reflux. Sinus pain isn't the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of acid reflux. But in addition to heartburn and other digestive complaints, acid. Apr 30, 2015. For people susceptible to heartburn – or a painful burning feeling in your. or GERD, where acid and partially digested food from the stomach make. acid reflux into all parts of the airway, including the nose, sinuses, voice. May 27, 2004. Acid reflux disease "is probably not the cause of sinusitis, but it may be. from heartburn and discomfort linked to gastroesophageal reflux. The relationship between gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and. which could cause obstruction of sinus ostia and recurrent infections.10, 11 It is known. Heartburn, chest pain, indigestion or stomach acid in the mouth, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Foods That Help Acid Reflux Disease Why Is Acid Produced In The Stomach
Contents >> Environment >> Condition of Australia's freshwater resources Water is a critical limiting factor for much of the Australian environment and economy. Most of Australia is classified as semi-arid or arid, with 80% of the continent receiving an annual rainfall of less than 600 millimetres. Sound management of Australia's water resources is essential to maintain community wellbeing and protect biodiversity and ecological systems. One indicator of environmental pressure on Australia's rivers and streams is the proportion of surface water areas where extraction of water is within 70% of sustainable yield. Sustainable yield identifies an upper limit to water extraction assessed over a set time period which, if exceeded, will impair the social, environmental and economic values of a water resource. In 2000, around three-quarters of Australia's river basins had water diversions/extractions within 70% of sustainable yield. Most of the surface water areas that were above 70% of sustainable yield are located in the Murray Darling Basin, an area showing clear signs of environmental stress (NLWRA 2001). Catchment quality Since European settlement, the rate at which Australia's varied landscapes and freshwater ecosystems have changed has accelerated. The development of water resources has led to changes in physical and biological characteristics of inland waterways and systems and to an overall decline in river health. Changes to Australia's river systems include the removal of riparian vegetation, degradation of river banks, sedimentation, the addition of pollutants and nutrients, the spread of exotic fish and aquatic weeds, and a loss of biodiversity. Excessive nutrient loads into waterways have contributed to severe algal bloom outbreaks, while irrigation and clearing for agriculture have worsened salinity problems on land and in our inland waters. The release of the Australian Water Resources Assessment 2000 (NLWRA 2001) highlighted where river basins are exceeding water quality guidelines for nutrients, salinity, turbidity and pH (table 14.17). Surface water quality guidelines are determined by waters meeting ecological, social and economic requirements based on protection of aquatic systems, drinking water, agricultural water and recreation and aesthetics (NLWRA 2001). Nutrients and turbidity were identified as key water quality issues in the assessed basins. For much of Australia there is a lack of adequate water quality monitoring data. 14.17 EXCEEDANCES OF WATER QUALITY GUIDELINES, Australia(a) Major exceedances(b) Significant exceedances(c) River basins assessed Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Salinity (EC)(d) Acidity (pH) (a) No assessments for Tasmania or NT or for less intensive land use areas. (b) Major exceedances occupy greater than 33% of the basin area. (c) Significant exceedances occupy greater than 5% but less than 33% of the basin area. (d) EC = Electrical conductivity unit. I EC = 1 micro-Siemens per centimetre, measured at 250C. It is used as a measure of water salinity. Source: NLWRA 2001. Surface water salinity Salinity is a major water quality issue for 24 of the 74 assessed basins (32% of basins). Key areas are the South-West Coast, the South-East Coast and Southern Murray-Darling Drainage Divisions. Land clearing has been a key component of increasing salinity in catchments. High levels of salinity occur in catchments where a large proportion of land has been cleared. For example, 56% of the Frankland River catchment has been cleared and has a high level of salinity at 2,760 mg/L total soluble salts (TSS) (Government of Western Australia 1998). The upper limit for drinking water quality is 800 EC units (less than 1,500 mg/L TSS). Rivers supply much of Australia's water for crop irrigation. Increased salinity in our ground and surface water will worsen the irrigation salinity problem that many farmers already face. Some environmental impacts of increasing salinisation in our freshwater systems are the change in freshwater habitats and loss of diversity of aquatic life and fringing vegetation. The Murray-Darling Basin Commission Salinity Audit has predicted that salinity levels in the rivers of the Murray-Darling basin will rise over the next 100 years, with a number of rivers predicted to have salinity levels that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for drinking water. There is considerable time lag between land use changes and mobilisation of salt loads into rivers and the landscape (MBDC 1999). Effluent released into inland rivers The ability of inland waters to maintain environmental values is increasingly threatened by the steady growth in population, urbanisation and the use of catchments for recreational and commercial purposes (ARMCANZ and ANZECC 1997). Effluent released into inland waters contains nutrients, toxic substances, pathogens and dissolved solids. Sewage discharged into inland waters is usually treated to secondary level (removal of 85-95% of biodegradable material by biological oxidation). Some areas have additional sewage treatment by nutrient reduction (tertiary treatment). Some of the important sources of polluting nutrients are from fertilisers for broad-acre applications; nutrient-rich run-off from rural industries; urban development and wastewater (Government of Western Australia 1998). An estimated 1.1 million tonnes of phosphate fertiliser and 880 thousand tonnes of nitrogen fertiliser were consumed in 1998-99 (ABARE 1999). Nutrients are a major water quality issue in 43 of the 70 assessed river basins in Australia (NLWRA 2001). Areas that exceeded major surface water quality nutrient guidelines are common in the more intensively developed basins of the North-East Coast, Murray-Darling, South-East Coast and South-West Coast Drainage Divisions. The wide range of soil types and vegetation influence the natural nutrient status of surface water. Water quality guidelines are tailored to reflect this variation. Victoria has more river basins that exceed their State nutrient quality guidelines than any other State or Territory (table 14.18). This largely reflects the intensive nutrient monitoring and greater coverage that occurs in Victoria compared to the other States and Territories (NLWRA 2001). The ACT did not record any major exceedances in relation to total phosphorus guidelines at any of the monitoring stations. This could be partly due to the nutrient removal process at the sewage treatment plant, which removes 98% of phosphorus before the effluent is returned to the river system (Smith 1998). 14.18 MAJOR EXCEEDANCES OF NUTRIENT GUIDELINES, By State(a) Major exceedances by river basin Good' quality surface water guidelines(b) Basins assessed (c)<0.1 <0.02 Vic. (d)<0.6 ACT(e) (b) Surface water quality was assessed as 'Good, 'Fair' or 'Poor'. Median values unless indicated otherwise. (c) No State/Territory guideline established. ANZECC (1992) guideline was used as the basis for the exceedance assessment. (d) Modified median. (e) Results are presented for individual monitoring stations as the ACT lies within one river basin. The addition of nutrients to freshwater rivers can increase the likelihood of algal blooms, although it is dependent on the nature of the receiving waters and climatic conditions. The cost of algal blooms in the late 1990s was estimated at $180-240m per year (LWRRDC 1999). Ground water salinity and sustainability Ground water is a vital water resource in Australia. Ground water underlies 60% of Australia (5,226,440 square kilometres). Around 70% of Australia's readily accessible ground water resources are suitable for human consumption and crop irrigation (less than 1,500 mg/L of total soluble salts (TSS)) (graph 14.19). Ground water flows can substantially contribute to the risk of areas developing salinity. The time it takes for agricultural development to contribute to salinity problems is also influenced by ground water flows (NLWRA 2000). Clearing of native vegetation and prolonged irrigation have caused ground water levels to rise and naturally occurring salt loads to come to the surface. This affects plant growth and results in excess salt loads to rivers via loose top soil and direct seepage into river systems (MDBC 1999). The largest store of salt has accumulated in the sedimentary Murray Groundwater Basin, with ground water stores often approaching sea water salinity (35,000 mg/L TSS). The Murray-Darling has a limited sub-surface outlet to the sea. This has resulted in a massive store of salt that has continued to be mobilised through agricultural and land development practices (MDBC 1999).
COVID-19: Early intervention and prevention in mental health Flipping Australia's mental health system to early intervention and prevention. › COVID-19: Early intervention and prevention in mental health There's no doubt COVID-19 is causing unprecedented levels of mental ill-health and distress across the Australian community. We don't know how long the immediate health and economic crisis is going to last, but for many people the mental health effects of 2020 will linger long after there's a vaccine. A quarter of all Australians are experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety. There has been a 30 percent spike in people asking for help through Beyond Blue's digital support services and projections of a 35 percent increase (University of Sydney, PDF 3.68MB) in mental health presentations to Emergency Departments in regions facing severe economic downturn. Supporting mental health now through early intervention and prevention is a critical shift that could make a lasting difference on the other side of the current crisis. It's one of the ways we can ensure our community doesn't just survive the challenging events of this year, but rebounds with the tools for better mental health and wellbeing. The effects of COVID-19 on mental health The Black Dog Institute has emphasised that people placed in quarantine and those who have experienced life-threatening cases of COVID-19 – or cared for loved ones who have – are particularly at risk of developing or exacerbating mental health problems. Health care workers and other people on the frontline of Australia's emergency response also face increased risk (PDF 195KB) to their longer-term wellbeing. Assertive outreach for these Australians now could help prevent residual distress for years ahead. This calls for new thinking, as many of these Australians will never have engaged with the mental health system before. Taking help to where it's needed That's why it is important to make mental health supports available at the services that people are using. Pop-up services are used in a number of other parts of the health system to support early identification and intervention for life-threatening illnesses like breast cancer, while diabetes screening is widely available in chemists across Australia. This is the kind of approach we need for mental health – creating opportunities for people to check-in about what they're going through, get a referral or just talk to someone as part of maintaining their wellbeing. Sustaining this kind of early-intervention effort at scale would be challenging but it can help in the months ahead while the direct disruptions of COVID-19 continue. It is also important to strengthen capacity for communities and families to support each other longer-term. Boosting mental health literacy Research by Relationships Australia has found around 75 percent of men and 70 percent of women say they can only sometimes recognise when others around them, like partners or family members, are struggling with their mental health. So there would be real value in scaling up in the number of people who've completed mental health first aid and suicide gatekeeper training programs like safeTALK – giving them the knowledge to spot friends and family who are struggling and the confidence to intervene. This is an area where governments could invest to strengthen the community-level supports available in every home and workplace. Businesses and other organisations could also take the lead by supporting staff to undertake training so they can better support their colleagues. Strengthening mental health literacy across the community and giving people the practical skills to take action when a friend or loved one needs help is an effective way to make support more available, whenever and wherever that need arises. Developing workplace early intervention and prevention supports for health care and frontline workers is another important priority. The stressful, fast-paced and sometimes traumatic nature of their work creates particular risks to their wellbeing. In the past few years, KPMG Australia has worked with a range of first responder and frontline agencies to design workplace-based early intervention mental health supports. Some of the factors that drive successful outreach include making mental health check-ins regular and routine by putting these alongside testing or check-ups for physical health. This can help to reduce stigma around seeking help by framing mental health supports as 'just another' way of managing workers' overall health and wellbeing. Empowering peers Giving workplace peers dedicated training in identifying and supporting at-risk colleagues is also an important way to reach frontline workers who may not feel like they can spare the time to seek help, or are worried about the professional consequences of doing so. Queensland Ambulance Service's Priority One unit is a great example of a peer-based early intervention approach which empowers workers to look out for each other when someone is struggling. At a time when hospitals and other frontline agencies are racing to meet the second-wave surge of demand, this might seem like something that's a nice idea for a quieter time. But protecting the mental health of people who take care of others must be a top priority. In our recent articles on the topic of connecting COVID-related mental health supports to longer term reform, we have identified a range of promising non-clinical, peer and community-led mental health approaches which can bolster existing services and break down barriers to Australians seeking help. These supports, working in tandem with assertive outreach and community capacity-building, can help build a mental health system that takes the right help to where people are, when they first need it. Flipping the focus of Australia's mental health system from managing acute crisis to early intervention and prevention is a reform that is often discussed, but has so far been slow to take hold. Like the shift to mass remote working and all-digital service delivery, perhaps the COVID-19 crisis can provide the push needed to drive this important reform. Trixie Makay Partner, Health, Ageing & Human Services Andrew Dempster Director, Mental Health Advisory Lead Jennifer Rayner Associate Director, Policy & Service Delivery KPMG assists governments, private and NFP groups deliver more effective human services. COVID-19: Peer-led and community mental health support Strengthening non-clinical, community and peer-led mental health support. COVID-19: Opportunities in mental health through virtual care COVID-19 provides an opportunity to embed telehealth into mental healthcare. Mental health through COVID-19: Linking crisis with lasting reform Mental health has never been more central to the national conversation than it is in 2020. COVID-19: Health system sustainability Ensuring the stability of your health system so that it delivers care efficiently and effectively through COVID-19 and beyond. COVID-19: People and change Design new and better business strategies by changing the way people are led, managed and developed through transformational change programs.
Home » Adventure » Ether One Free Download Full PC Game | Latest Version Torrent AdventureIndie Ether One Free Download Full PC Game | Latest Version Torrent Download Ether One Free for PC Torrent Ether One Deluxe Edition free download pc game Parallel tracks make Ether One accessible to a group of expert gamers. Invite your friends and family to pick their brains to help solve challenging environmental puzzles, or enjoy the Pinwheel atmosphere at leisure. From an early age, we enjoyed first-person puzzle games that required you to write coded notes on pieces of paper to discover puzzles. Ether One aims to redo pencil and paper puzzles, while still being accessible and optional for people who don't want to stumble and foil the most challenging puzzles. Ether One Deluxe Edition download for pc is the first person adventure to tackle the fragility of the human mind. The first is a first-person adventure game developed by the independent British White Paper Games. The game was the first in the studio and was originally released for Microsoft Windows on March 25, 2014. The PlayStation 4 release was released on May 5, 2015. In Ether One Deluxe Edition download pc game, the player takes on the role of "restorer," whose job is to investigate the ideas of Jean Thompson, a 69-year-old woman diagnosed with dementia. The player must reconstruct Thompson's memories using a 3D simulation of the details he can recall in Pinwheel Township, and solve puzzles that become more permeable throughout the game, as patients' thoughts continue to become more stable. Also check Wasteland 2 free download pc game Consultants Cut PC was created with the logo that Fallout produced. Ether One Deluxe Edition game download for pc took about three years to complete and was released in a positive cash reception, especially due to its overwhelming vibe and themes, while its critical narrative split. Several critics have also praised the depiction of the dementia game in the character of Jean Thompson, such as The New Yorker and Kotaku, a first-person exploration game with an optional puzzle solution. The player is portrayed as a "restorer", an individual with the ability to show himself in the mind of a person with mental illness in hopes of regaining his memories. The game takes approximately five hours to complete. After presenting the premise of the game to the player, the city of Pinwheel (the central location of the game) opens to the player. The player must collect the red bows associated with the objects. A projector with a broken ball on the ground indicates a puzzle. Once the puzzle is solved, the memory it represents can be played. Puzzles can involve bodily tasks, such as completing a load of apple juice, while others work more mentally. Ether One Download pc, Riddles become more difficult and are avoided throughout the game, simulating the chaos and hardship of a person suffering from dementia. There are two paths in the world that you can choose from. Essentially, there is a way to explore the riddle-free story where you can reveal the story at the speed that suits you best. There's also a deeper and more adventurous way where you can complete complex puzzles to restore life-changing events in the patient's story to help verify their lives. The parallel tracks were meant to make Ether One accessible to a group of expert Ether One Deluxe Edition download pc . The hope was that people could enjoy the game and solve puzzles with parents or friends, as well as participate in the game on their own while turning off the lights. From an early age, we enjoyed first-person puzzle games that required you to write coded notes on pieces of paper to discover puzzles. Ether One aims to redo pencil and paper puzzles, while still being accessible and optional for people who don't want to stumble and foil the most challenging puzzles. The premium version includes: full audio track (mp3 and FLAC), comics, settings, collages, and wallpapers. Ether One Deluxe Edition Pc Download Features: A first person adventure game. Open exploration of the narrative in the town of Pinwheel. Optional puzzle solution. Accessible gameplay with additional console support for non-expert players with complex controls Challenging pen and challenging paper You can decode it at your own pace. Ether One Deluxe Edition Free Download Game Play: . Operating system: Windows Vista, 7 or 8 Processor: 2.2 GHz dual-core processor Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 460 or equivalent Additional Notes: Windows XP does not support Ether One. Fight equivalent to laptop GPU compared to desktop GPU processor. VR: Ether One is currently only supported by the DK1 Oculus Developer Suite. We look forward to providing updated Oculus support in future updates. Processor: 2.6+ GHz Dual Core Additional Notes: Windows XP does not support Ether One Download pc. Fight equivalent to laptop GPU compared to desktop GPU processor. VR: Ether One is currently only supported by the DK1 Oculus Developer Suite. Ether One Deluxe Edition Free Download pc 1. Decode 2 burn or mount 4 Enjiy Scrap Garden PC Game Free Download Telling Lies Free Download PC Version Full Game
Reveal the Path: A Life-Changing Film, Not Just For Cyclists Reveal the Path may be a film described as a "visually stunning adventure by bike", but even more so it's what I would call an "auditory spectacle of incredible life wisdom". Last night I joined the sold out crowd at the Alamo Drafthouse here in Austin to experience the Texas premier of this amazing film from the creators of "Ride the Divide", Mike Dion (Director) and Hunter Weeks (Producer). Ever since Mike first contacted me and asked to help spread the word, I've been majorly stoked for the screening….seeing as it would be the first bike film that I've seen in a theatre. Seeing those bikes and cyclists as larger than life figures on the big screen was enough to draw me in, but adding to it the incredible scenery from the worldly locations in which the film was shot totally blew me away. Mike Dion – Director of Reveal the Path But like I said, the visual aspects of Reveal the Path are breathless in and of themselves…especially if you're a bike nut like me, but it was the words spoken from the films characters which filled me with inspiration and brought out my emotions. It is that part of the film that truly provides its brilliance in my opinion, and it is for that fact that I say this is a must see, even if you're not all that into cycling. Oh, and it's also very Family friendly. I took my 6-year-old Son with me and he thought it was great….he also thought his huge bowl of Alamo popcorn was amazing and chugged back the whole thing. Mike and Hunter are the creators of this film, but also ride in it as well. They are joined by Matthew Lee (endurance cyclist and multi-time Tour Divide champion) and Kurt Refsnider (adventure cyclist and 2011 Tour Divide champ), and set off on an adventure which includes riding through Scotland, France, Switzerland, Morocco, Nepal, and Alaska. Each of these locations was filled with beautiful scenery, wicked riding, and some of the coolest people this planet has to offer. My favorite "supporting character" was a guy named Jez who led the crew through Scotland. Following the movie, Mike explained that he came across Jez through Twitter of all places and he turned out to be a major part of this film. Anyway, Jez's view on life is nothing short of perfection and more than once he spit out some words that spoke directly to my soul. My favorite line from him (as paraphrased by me) was that "time is used to measure the passing of life…but when you are really living, time is not a factor any more". He said it much better than I can remember, but he was saying this as an explanation to why time passes so quickly while out riding. But the four main crew/characters themselves were full of inspirational comments and moments themselves. Each of these guys were highlighted and shared thoughts on life that will stay with me forever. Dang man, that Matthew Lee should be a freaking movie star or something….he looks right at home up on the movie screen and his response and actions to what goes on around him is oh so totally cool. This film is funny, emotional, deep, and full of bikey goodness and by the time it's over it'll have you contemplating life and which path you should take next. Because that's really all life is….that's all riding a bike is. It's a bunch of paths, and they are all yours for the taking. sildenafil citrate online canadian pharmacy "If we open ourselves to the path, we can experience so many more things" Have a look at the list of screenings for Reveal the Path as it makes its way around North America, and if it's coming to a city near you be sure to jump at the opportunity to see this one on the big screen. Also be sure to pick up a DVD copy as well, because it's a film you're going to want to watch over and over. Trust me….it's a life changer. click here Upcoming Screenings: http://revealthepath.com/screenings/ canadian pharmacy generic tadalafil Order the DVD: http://revealthepath.com/store/ Tags: Kurt Refsnider, Matthew Lee, Reveal the Path, Ride the Divide 11 Responses to " Reveal the Path: A Life-Changing Film, Not Just For Cyclists " Roger on May 1, 2013 at 5:43 am I'd looked forward to seeing Reveal the Path as I've enjoyed Ride the Divide very much and watched it more than once. I have to say that Path isn't the sequel I'd hoped for – for me the biggest problem with the movie is that the only rides we're shown seem to be daytrips or maybe overnighters (it's never made clear) making this no more interesting than any other mountain bike vacation in a scenic place. Freeride movies follow a similar format but they have stunning action, pumping soundtracks and some humor along the way. In Path the scenic shots are overlaid with a voiceover that consists of relentless pseudo-philosophising about personal growth and finding the path, which (for me) just became tedious after a while. As a small plus the DVD extras include Kurt Refsnider showing us his bike and bikepacking setup, a beautiful, fully rigid ti Salsa and Kurt seems like a down-to-earth individual far removed from the waffle of the main feature narrative. I hope a bike manufacturer will sponsor Matthew Lee and/or Kurt Refsnider to race La Ruta de los Conquistadores in Costa Rica and Mike Dion to make a documentary film about their trip – that would be a fitting sequel to Ride the Divide, sorry folks, but Reveal the Path ain't it. KT on February 17, 2013 at 11:09 am Hi all! I was fortunate enough to see the premier of "Reveal the Path" in Salida, CO. While there, I met briefly with Mike Dion and Matthew Lee. Unfortunately, we had to leave early as my friend and I had a two-hour motorcycle ride over Monarch pass, and it was late in the evening. The film was not riddled with action, but I did not expect it to be so. According to Mike Dion, it was created to present the true essence of travel, which is to explore different cultures while gleaning atlernative perspectives to sprituality, cuisine, geography, and life in general. All the while, bicycling these parts of the world was their medium through which they experienced all of the aforementioned, and, in some ways, offered a door through which commuication with the local population was easier. This film showed the audience the possibilities of what life could offer, as well as trails riders could challenge in other parts of the world. Rather than complain about the film, perhaps critics should etiher make their own movie, get ouside to find their own adventure, or both. Great job to Mike Dion, Matthew Lee, and cast and crew for making this film! Val on September 18, 2012 at 3:41 pm I do not recommend this movie. If you edit out all the men-sitting-around-in-bike-jerseys-taking-themselves-too-seriously-and-waxing-philosophical about what "The Path" should be for me, you have about 10 minutes of pretty footage and funny moments from a bromance bike vacation of supported day trips. I literally started banging my head against my boyfriend midway through the movie, just wanting the drivel to end. Seriously, where did they find 4 bikers who could spend that much time examining their own navels? Were personalities edited out in favor of "the Path" monologues? Most of the bikers I know are playful and funny, and would only attempt to explain life when stoned and with ridiculous conclusions. I wish I could have shaken the filmmakers and told them: Don't tell me what the path should be for me, show me the paths that the characters find Don't tell me how nice it is to talk to a foreigner, show me a conversation with a foreigner Don't tell me how being on a bike makes you feel, show me your infectious happiness while biking Don't tell me that "the path" is defined by moments of struggle, show me struggle, breakdowns, and triumph. Don't tell me that you've made better life choices than me because you're on a Salsa-sponsored bike trip, show me the possibilities we can discover when we decide to get on a bike. Don't tell me you've grown, show me how you've changed, how your relationships with people have evolved. Don't tell me, show me. Let me interpret for myself. Darryl is Loving the Bike on September 18, 2012 at 8:44 pm Sorry to hear that you didn't get as much out of the film as I did….but thanks for sharing your viewpoints on Reveal the Path. DJVFT on July 4, 2012 at 1:19 am I'm glad you got out of it what you did. It lost me in less than 10 minutes. I really enjoyed the divide film, but this on left me yawning and hoping it ended soon after just a few minutes. Guess everyone gets something different from a film. Darryl is Loving the Bike on July 4, 2012 at 12:40 pm Sorry to hear that you didn't dig it like I did. You're right, everyone gets something different from all things…that's what makes us so interesting. Thanks for your comments. Jon on June 13, 2012 at 2:49 pm This is a nice review, Darryl. We missed the movie showing last night but will need to pick up one of the dvd's. Mitch on June 13, 2012 at 1:56 pm Looks great. Any chance this film will make it to Australia? Darryl is Loving the Bike on June 13, 2012 at 8:19 pm I'll have to check with the production crew on that one. I"m sure you can order the DVD and have it sent there. I recommend it. Dave Robinson on June 13, 2012 at 1:06 pm It doesn't look to be coming here to Calgary, but it nice that there isa few Canadian dates. I'll put in my order and watch it on my small screen at home. Joe on June 13, 2012 at 1:04 pm I live in Tucson and saw that this was coming here. I hope there are tickets available because you just sold me on needing to see this. If not, I will pick up the Blue Ray.
Soon By You Evil Inside Tough Sledding Potential Speakers Jewish Entertainment Network LA Doug Mankoff Doug Mankoff is the CEO/Founder of Echo Lake Entertainment, which encompasses production, financing, and management. He founded the Entertainment company in 1997, after raising funds to finance and produce independent films with budgets of $5 million or less. He has produced 24 films, beginning in 1998. Most recently, he has produced Truth (2015), Romeo & Juliet (2013), Nebraska (2013), The Numbers Station (2013), and Afternoon Delight (2013). Nebraska was nominated for 6 Academy Awards and 5 Golden Globes. In 2002, Mankoff was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for the film Things Behind the Sun (2001). asymonds Jeffery Greenstein – Producer / President Of International Sales & Distribution @ Nu Image / Millennium Films Shep Rosenman – Entertainment Attorney Jeff Schechter – March 14th Ryan Ridley Gail Lerner Next Event: 14th of March – Melissa Myers & Jordan Cerf, WME TV Scripted Agents Mayim Bialik, Actress Soon By You Webseries – Donate or Find Out More Advisory Board Member Board Member Development Executive Director Event Featured JenLA Member Film Executive Lawyer Manager News Photo Gallery PR Producer Speaker Speaker News TV Executive Uncategorized Writer © Copyright 2019 by Jewish Entertainment Network LA
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Victoria 2 Wiki:Style/Country articles From Victoria 2 Wiki < Victoria 2 Wiki:Style Please, take time in consulting this guide that documents the style in which all national strategies guides should be written on Victoria II wiki. 2 Things to Avoid 3 Organization 4 Article structure 4.2 Initial Position 4.2.2 Decisions and Missions 4.2.3 Buildup Strategy 4.2.4 Strategy A (historical) 4.2.5 Strategy B (exploitative) 4.2.6 Strategy C (unusual) 4.2.7 Old guide Follow Victoria 2 wiki:Style Allow for numerous different viewpoints and strategy possibilities Describe strategy from the national perspective (e.g., "Steady investment into Culture technology is important for a weaker nation like Haiti," or, "Germany's next important target is France") The main sections should be used for conventional, reasonably historical strategies Step-by-step instruction or directive (e.g., "move your troops to this province," or, "build exactly 10 Cavalry, and use them to attack this province") First-person or second-person perspective (i.e., the use of the words "you" or "I") Narrative (e.g., "The player should then build several big ships to provide adequate naval defense for the colonies.") Objective (e.g., "Colonization can provide significant income if the shipping lanes are well-protected. Big ships will provide the best defense in the open waters of the Atlantic.") Substituting "you" with "the player" to avoid writing in a first or second-person perspective (Even referring to the reader as "the player" leads directly to directive or instruction. The preferred style is to simply state the effect of specific actions) Bragging about conquests or exploits After-action reports Mention in the title of the section if a particular strategy heavily incorporates gamey tactics, highly unconventional objectives, or blatant AI exploits Country guides should follow this naming convention: Country strategy If an article contains strategies for multiple expansions, include an appropriate version section title Article structure Everything below can be considered a skeleton article for a strategy guide. Copy and paste all categories below to have a solid structure in a new guide. Create an introduction for the nation. Location, very basic history, neighbours and some flavour. Generous contributors may wish to include some historical background information regarding the nation in question. Initial Position Provide strategic advice on various aspects of the initial position of the country: advisors, tech research, domestic policy sliders, National Ideas, decisions/missions, strengths/weaknesses, diplomatic situation, etc. This section should address the unique capabilities, goals, strengths/weaknesses of a country's initial set-up. All aspects of a country's policy are included in this section because each aspect can change according to the player's actions and goals. A sound economy is fundamental to any strategy. The basics of establishing the necessary income can be described here; i.e., establishing industry, regulating income, Commerce techs, etc. More intricate strategies may depend upon the player's actions and goals. Decisions and Missions Tell about or link to country-specific decisions and events, including unification options. The strategies are organized from latest to earliest expansion. Since each nation has a number of different objectives/goals it can strive for, each separate objective/goal can be listed in its own section. All aspects of the country - politics, tech research, budget sliders, etc. - that are dependent upon the pursued objective/goal can be elaborated here. It may also be helpful to include a SWOT analysis at the beginning of each separate strategy section. Buildup Strategy How to lead this nation to greatness and/or keep it there. Strategy A (historical) The first mentioned strategy should have some bearing on historical, typical, inevitable, and otherwise predictable aspects of gameplay that will arise while playing the nation (e.g., "The United States is likely to ally with Texas and come to their defense against Mexico"). Strategy B (exploitative) These strategies include "Release a state as Germany and re-annex to lose infamy and gain prestige". They are in no way realistic and simply a gaming of the mechanics. Strategy C (unusual) Strategies that employ particularly unusual, ahistorical or otherwise debatable methods should always be placed after more conventional strategies (e.g., "A liberated Ireland is an important strategic point for launching an invasion of Wales"). Old guide Outdated information can go here as it becomes outdated. Retrieved from "https://vic2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Victoria_2_Wiki:Style/Country_articles&oldid=10236"
64 Perfect First-Dance Songs Gabriella Rello and Terri Pous Photo by Ashley Caroline Your first dance as a married couple is a uniquely intimate moment during an otherwise public day. While your friends and family will watch you and your new spouse sway softly (or show off smooth choreographed moves), the two of you will be the only ones on the dance floor. Without a doubt, it's one of the most intimate, joyous moments of your wedding day, and the first opportunity you both have to savor your newly-minted status as husband and wife. For some couples, selecting a meaningful, expressive first dance song is the easiest part of their wedding-planning process. It's the soundtrack of their relationship, the song playing in the background of their first kiss, or the lyrics that blared at a busy restaurant on their first date. For others, the decision is not so simple. Whether you have opposing musical tastes or just can't settle on one song that defines you as a couple, we're here to help. We found 64 song selections from real weddings that are sure to inspire you for your foray on the dance floor. From popular classics like Etta James's "At Last" to more contemporary picks like a mash-up of Beyoncé and Van Morrison or Calvin Harris's techno hits, these creative couples know how to start their reception off right. Whether you choose to dance to something timeless or something much more current, the most important detail is that the song feels right for you as a couple. "So Happy Together" by The Turtles Christian Oth Studio At their New York City art gallery wedding, Megan and Timmy chose "So Happy Together" by The Turtles for their romantic first dance. "Take Care" by Beach House Chloe Moore Photography Jessica and Stratton chose "Take Care" by Beach House for their emotional first dance at their California wedding. "Someone Like You" by Van Morrison Greer G. Photography Ashley and Michael hit the dance floor to Van Morrison's "Someone Like You" at their New Orleans wedding. "Feel So Close to You Right Now" by Calvin Harris Angelica Glass Sara and Zahir didn't want anything to slow down their wedding reception in Montauk, New York—not even a slow song for the bride and groom's first dance. That's why they selected Calvin Harris's up-tempo dance beat "Feel So Close to You Right Now." "Let My Love Open The Door" by Pete Townsend Noah Hawthorne Photography Before Besse and Michael hit the dance floor at their Sonoma, California wedding, the bride slipped into a shorter dress—which was her mother's from 1979. The dress, which her mother purchased at Saks Fifth Avenue, was tailored to "become a cocktail dress for dancing at the reception," the bride explains. They danced to Pete Townsend's, "Let My Love Open The Door." "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" by Stevie Wonder, "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison, and "Crazy in Love" by Beyoncé Roey Yohai Photography Carly and Eric took dance lessons for their New York City wedding and settled on a mash-up of "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" by Stevie Wonder, "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison, and "Crazy in Love" by Beyoncé for their choreographed number. "In a Little While" by U2 When He Found Her U2's "In a Little While" was the background music for Emily and Luke's confetti-filled first dance at their Toronto, Canada wedding. "At Last" by Etta James Ahava Studios The bride's sister belted out Etta James' classic "At Last" for Kimberly's first dance with husband Stephen at their Sonoma, California wedding. "Kiss to Build a Dream On" by Louis Armstrong Annie McElwain Photography Katie and Greg's first dance at their Ojai, California wedding was punctuated with the sounds of the bride's cousin playing Louis Armstrong's "Kiss to Build a Dream On" on the trumpet! "Share My Life" by Kem Nadia D Photography Alicia and Lance hosted a stylish Atlanta wedding (complete with a helicopter getaway!), so their first dance had to be special. They selected "Share My Life" by Kem for their introductory spin as husband and wife. "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones and "You're My Best Friend" by Queen Alicia Swedenborg Photography High school sweethearts Mariel and Jack made a custom mash-up song for their first dance at their New York City wedding. They walked out and started dancing to Norah Jones' "Come Away With Me" before transitioning into Queen's "You're My Best Friend," at which point they invited their entire wedding reception to join them on the dance floor. "Shameless" by Garth Brooks Ashley Sawtelle To start their life together as husband and wife, April and Matthew danced to Garth Brooks' "Shameless" at their Denver wedding. "You Got What I Need" by Joshua Radin Janae Shields Photography While Cristina and Mark hit the dance floor to Joshua Radin's "You Got What I Need" at their Napa Valley wedding, there was another special song they added to their playlist. "Both of our parents were married in the same year and had the same first-dance song," Cristina explains. "Of course we played this song for all of us to dance to." "Heaven" by DJ Sammy Coco Tran College sweethearts Andrea and Carl chose "their song" for their first dance, even if it was a non-traditional pick. Their selection of "Heaven" by DJ Sammy helped them transition straight into a party atmosphere at their Sacramento, California reception. "I've Got You Under My Skin" by Frank Sinatra Daisy and Justin showed off their dancing prowess to the sounds of Frank Sinatra's "I've Got You Under My Skin" at their destination wedding in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. "She's Got a Way" by Billy Joel Casey and Dan met and fell in love when they were only 14 years old. When they finally wed 15 years later, the pair chose "She's Got a Way" by Billy Joel for their first dance as husband and wife at their Washington, D.C. wedding. "You Are the Best Thing" by Ray Lamontagne The Mountain Photographers For their Vail, Colorado wedding, Ellen and Jack chose to dance to Ray Lamontagne's "You Are The Best Thing." "Bones" by Michael Kiwanuka Readyluck Nilam and Rick shared their first dance to Michael Kiwanuka's "Bones" at their rustic twist on a Hindu wedding in Baltimore, Maryland. "The Way You Look Tonight" by Fred Astaire Though Robin rarely dances, he practiced for his first dance to new wife Mirna at their Santa Clara, California wedding. They decided to dance to Fred Astaire's famed "The Way You Look Tonight." "You and Me" by Dave Matthews Band Maya Myers Photography At Linda and Sean's Malibu, California wedding, the Dave Matthews Band hit "You and Me" filled their reception space as the couple danced. "Can't Help Falling in Love With You" by Elvis Presley Caili Helsper Photography While Casey and Pat's public first dance was to Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love With You," the couple also shared a private dance to the sounds of the Shannon Rovers, a group of bag pipers, at their Glenview, Illinois wedding. "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon Heather Kincaid Melissa and David waltzed to Kings of Leon's hit "Use Somebody" atop a custom petal-patterned dance floor that, the bride reveals, "took hours to design and even longer to install," at their Beverley Hills, California wedding. "Save Room" by John Legend At their vineyard wedding in Winters, California, college sweethearts Mary and Mark danced to "Save Room" by John Legend, a song that the groom had put on a mixtape for his future bride back when they were still "just friends." "Let's Get Lost" by Chet Baker Katie and Chris grooved to "Let's Get Lost" by Chet Baker, which was spun by the bride's brother at their destination wedding in Tulum, Mexico. "These Arms of Mine" by Otis Redding Lilian Haidar Exactly one year after getting engaged, Jeff dipped his new bride Kate during their first dance to "These Arms of Mine" by Otis Redding at their Fair Haven, New Jersey wedding. "Can't Get Enough of Your Love" by Barry White Style Art Life Erin and Brett chose Barry White's catchy song "Can't Get Enough of Your Love" for their first dance as husband and wife since they wanted a lighthearted tune playing at the start of their Hudson Valley, New York Wedding. "On a Night Like This" by Dave Barnes Meghan and Andrew shared their first dance to "On a Night Like This" by Dave Barnes at their Dana Point, California wedding. The song held special meaning because, "We fell in love with this song after seeing Dave perform live in Austin," the bride said. "I Will Love You" by Fischer Sara and Chris chose to share a first dance to Fischer's "I Will Love You" at their Dana Point, California wedding. "I Love You More Today Than Yesterday" by Diana Ross Alison Conklin Photography Sarah and Scott shared their first dance to the Pete Saunders Band's rendition of Diana Ross's "I Love You More Today Than Yesterday" at their wedding at New York City's University Club. "That's How Strong My Love Is" by Otis Redding For their first dance at their Palm Springs wedding, Natali and Brian chose Otis Redding's "That's How Strong My Love Is", spun by DJ Chris Paul, who also provided the evening's soundtrack. "Ribbon In the Sky" by Stevie Wonder Meredith Hanafi Photography Candace and Philippe, who married in Washington, D.C., shared their first dance as a married couple to Stevie Wonder's "Ribbon In the Sky." "Fly Me to the Moon" by Frank Sinatra Brklyn View Photography Amanda and Pablo took to the dance floor for the first time as a married couple to Frank Sinatra's classic "Fly Me to the Moon" at their Brooklyn, New York wedding. "All For You" by Sister Hazel Stacy Reeves Ali and Rob selected Sister Hazel's '90s tune "All For You" for their meaningful first dance at their wedding in Miami, Florida. "You Are Loved" by Josh Phillips Folk Festival Meg Smith Foodie couple Breana and Scott danced to "You Are Loved" by Josh Phillips Folk Festival at their Napa Valley wedding. "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong Gina Leigh Photography Betsy and John chose the classic Louis Armstrong tune "What a Wonderful World" for their first dance. Southtown Fever, a 12-piece band, provided the music at their Clearwater, Florida wedding. "Forever" by Ben Harper Ciro Photography Kristen and Lev wowed the crowd during their first dance to Ben Harper's song "Forever" before inviting guests to join them on the dance floor at their New Jersey wedding. "Swept Away" by The Avett Brothers Sarah and Kimo took to the dance floor to The Avett Brothers's "Swept Away" for their first dance at their wedding in Sonoma, California. "Blue Danube Waltz" by Johann Strauss Kate Headley Pei Pei and Christian wanted to stick to the European theme of their Italian destination wedding with their first dance song, so they selected "Blue Danube Waltz" by Johann Strauss. "California Stars" by Wilco James Fitzgerald III As two members of the Portland-based band Parson Red Heads covered "California Stars" by Wilco, Emily and Cory enjoyed their first dance at their Oregon wedding. "Por Debajo de la Mesa" by Luis Miguel Trinity Wheeler Photography Angelica and Everto stepped onto the dance floor to the beautiful Mexican song "Por Debajo de la Mesa" by Luis Miguel at their Southern California wedding. "He sings the most romantic boleros, and the song resonates well with our love story," the bride explains. "The song means underneath the table—but the song is not what you are thinking about!" "Amarte es un Placer" by Luis Miguel Alison Mayfield of Christian Oth Studio For their first dance at their New York City wedding, Laura and Ernesto chose a Spanish-language song to honor the groom's Uruguayan heritage. "He's a Mexican music icon," Laura says of Luis Miguel, who sang "Amarte es un Placer." "The lyrics to this song are so romantic." "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green Sarah DiCicco Photography Maria and Casey danced to Al Green's romantic song "Let's Stay Together" performed by the Don Hanson Orchestra at their Philadelphia wedding. "Since Casey plays sax, we wanted to find a band with a strong horn section. Plus, this group's repertoire was phenomenal," Maria says. "Crazy Love" by Michael Bublé Ira Lippke Studios Jacqueline and David danced the night away with guests at their New York City wedding to a 10-piece band from Craig Scott Entertainment after taking to the floor for their first dance to Michael Bublé's "Crazy Love." "Then" by Brad Paisley Lauren Brown Photography Lauren and Brad had a country-flavored first dance at their blue-hued reception in Montana. They chose Brad Paisley's "Then" for their moment on the dance floor. "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz Laura Leigh Photo High school sweethearts Nicole and Brian had their first dance to Jason Mraz's song "I Won't Give Up" at their New Jersey wedding. "Everything" by Michael Bublé After Sarah and Beth danced to Michael Bublé's "Everything" for their first dance, the newlyweds and their guests gathered around a bonfire at their Denver, Colorado nuptials. "La Vie en Rose" by Louis Armstrong Maria Vicencio Photography After Katherine and Ken danced to Louise Armstrong's classic song "La Vie en Rose", the music went on all night at their Washington, D.C. nuptials. Philip Gabriel Photography Sarah and David danced to the Jimmy Church Band's rendition of Ray LaMontagne's "You Are the Best Thing" at their Philadelphia wedding. For their first dance, Erica and Guillaume chose Etta James's classic "At Last", performed by Rhythm Nation at their Sarasota, Florida wedding. "Guillaume surprised me by swinging me into a dip—he was so professional about it, as if he'd been doing it for years," says Erica. "It's one of my favorite memories of the night." "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King For Kate and Michael's first dance, guests joined them on the dance floor as the Bill Magee Blues Band performed Ben E. King's "Stand By Me" at their Santa Barbara, California wedding. Liz and Jake chose Otis Redding's song "That's How Strong My Love Is" for their first dance at their San Francisco wedding. "DJ Sol played pop, hip-hop, and basically anything people could groove to!" says Liz. "Watching our families and friends from different parts of our lives dance their hearts out was so much fun." "Into My Arms" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds For their first dance at their Detroit wedding, Sarah and David selected "Into My Arms" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Music was spun by DJ Mike Rundel from Mike Staff Productions. "Nothing Can Change This Love" by Sam Cooke At their Houston, Texas wedding, Paige and Matt performed a sweet first dance to "Nothing Can Change This Love" by Sam Cooke. "When You Got a Good Thing" by Lady Antebellum Mallorie and Dan shared their first dance as husband and wife to Lady Antebellum's tune "When You Got a Good Thing" at their New York City wedding. Afterward, Hank Lane Music & Productions kept guests on the dance floor all night long. "Stay With You" by John Legend Sarah and Juan shared their first dance to John Legend's song "Stay With You". Music was provided by Bud Maltin Metropolitan Music at their Barnegat Bay, New Jersey wedding. "I'd Have to Be Crazy" by Willie Nelson For their first dance, Larke and Jonathan chose Willie Nelson's tune "I'd Have to Be Crazy", spun by a DJ from Fantasy Productions DJ Entertainment at their Califon, New Jersey wedding. "I Will" by The Beatles For their first dance, Ferrill and Rob chose the Beatles' song "I Will", which was played by the Bucktown All-Stars at their Pensacola, Florida wedding. "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison For their first dance at their seaside wedding in Darien, Connecticut, Josie and Jack chose Van Morrison's classic song "Crazy Love." Afterward, everyone flooded the dance floor to enjoy a mix of tunes played by Big City Swing. "Only You" by Liz Momblanco For their first dance at their Hartland, Michigan wedding, Jennifer and Chad chose a song they'd heard on the day they met, selecting "Only You," performed by their friend, Liz Momblanco. Emily and John's first dance was to Frank Sinatra's standard "Fly Me to the Moon", performed by the band Jumpstart at their glamorous Palm Springs wedding. "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Lady Antebellum Emilia Jane Photography For her Glenview, Illinois wedding to Matt, Hollyn organized an iPod playlist for the couple's reception that she still listens to, she says. The couple waltzed to Lady Antebellum's "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" for their first dance. "Grow Old With Me" by the Postal Service Elizabeth and Louis didn't want a big band crowding their limited outdoor tent space at their Washington, D.C. wedding, so they hired five musicians to keep guests on the dance floor all night long. "They learned our first dance song, "Grow Old With Me" by the Postal Service, and they nailed it," Elizabeth says. Jose Villa KT and Chad were all smiles during their first dance at their Lake Tahoe wedding. They worked on a choreographed routine set to Bublé's hit song "Everything." "Just a Kiss" by Lady Antebellum Brooke Mayo Photographers Alison and Justin shared their first dance as husband and wife to Lady Antebellum's song "Just a Kiss" during their wedding in North Carolina's Outer Banks. The bride says, "We choreographed our first dance and did a lift for our guests." Songs to Play Before Your Wedding Ceremony Starts This Was the Top Wedding Song the Year You Were Born The Best Songs to Play for Your Reception's Anniversary Dance 65 Gender-Neutral First Dance Songs Perfect for LGBTQ+ Weddings 15 Most Popular First Dance Songs of the Year 34 Best First Dance Songs That Are Unique Let's Dance! Listen to Our Playlist of the Best Celebrity First-Dance Songs The 200+ Most Requested Wedding Songs of All Time Get Your Guests Some Tissues, These Father-Daughter Dance Songs Will Have Everyone Tearing Up The 56 Best Wedding Songs of 2018 49 Best Love Songs of 2018 Dancing With the Stars Pro Jenna Johnson Shares Her First Dance Video 55 Perfect Last Dance Songs for Your Wedding 100 Wedding Cocktail Hour Songs That Make a Perfect Playlist Hold My Drink: How to Make the Best Wedding Reception Dance Playlist Royal Wedding First Dance Songs Throughout the Decades
Family: Dynein_IC2 (PF11540) Summary: Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 2 Provide feedback Intermediate chain IC 2 forms part of the complex cytoplasmic dynein 1 along with a heavy chain (HC), two light intermediate chains (LICs) and three light chains (LCs). The complex is responsible for hydrolysing ATP to generate force toward the minus end of microtubules [1]. IC binds to the HC via the N terminal binding domain on the HC and ICs contain binding sites for the LCs. The ICs are responsible for binding to kinetochores and the Golgi apparatus through an interaction with the p150Glued subunit of dynactin which is another complex [1]. Williams JC, Roulhac PL, Roy AG, Vallee RB, Fitzgerald MC, Hendrickson WA; , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007;104:10028-10033.: Structural and thermodynamic characterization of a cytoplasmic dynein light chain-intermediate chain complex. PUBMED:17551010 EPMC:17551010 In mammals, cytoplasmic dynein 1 is comprised of a dimer of heavy chain subunits (DYNC1H1), which associate with two copies of an intermediate chain (DYNC1I1 or DYNC1I2, depending on the tissue type), two copies of light intermediate chains (DYNC1LI1 or DYNC1LI2) and a number of light chain subunits (including the dynein light chain (DYNLL1), roadblock (DYNLRB1 and DYNLRB2) and Tctex families (DYNLT1, DYNLT3)) [PUBMED:25205765]. This entry includes the mammalian intermediate chain 1 and 2 (DYNC1I1 and DYNC1I2) and their homologues. Mammalian cytoplasmic dynein-1 complexes contain two copies of the same intermediate chain (typically DYNC1I2 in most cells, DYNC1I1 in neurons) and same light intermediate chain. DYNC1I1 and DYNC1I2 interact with the dynein light chains and the p150 subunit of dynactin at the N terminus and with the heavy chains through WD40 repeats at the intermediate chain C terminus. Both DYNC1I1 and DYNC1I2 are expressed in multiple splice isoforms, the expression of different isoforms may play an important part in dynein complex function and cargo specificity [PUBMED:20657784]. Cellular component cytoplasmic dynein complex (GO:0005868) Biological process microtubule-based movement (GO:0007018) Jalview View View View View View View View View Raw Stockholm Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Gzipped Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Seed source: pdb_2pg1 Author: Pollington J Number in seed: 23 Average length of the domain: 30.90 aa Average coverage of the sequence by the domain: 5.19 % Model length: 31 Family (HMM) version: 8 There are 4 interactions for this family. More... We determine these interactions using iPfam, which considers the interactions between residues in three-dimensional protein structures and maps those interactions back to Pfam families. You can find more information about the iPfam algorithm in the journal article that accompanies the website. Dynein_IC2 Dynein_light Tctex-1 Dynein_light For those sequences which have a structure in the Protein DataBank, we use the mapping between UniProt, PDB and Pfam coordinate systems from the PDBe group, to allow us to map Pfam domains onto UniProt sequences and three-dimensional protein structures. The table below shows the structures on which the Dynein_IC2 domain has been found. There are 9 instances of this domain found in the PDB. Note that there may be multiple copies of the domain in a single PDB structure, since many structures contain multiple copies of the same protein sequence. Loading structure mapping...
Melanocortin Melanotan 2 (MT-2) for appetite suppression, weight and fat loss January 24, 2023 January 24, 2023 2 mins Melanotan 2 (MT-II) is an analog of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH). This protein peptide hormone has an effect on body composition, feeding, fatty acid oxidation, and metabolism, to name a few. The use of MT-II is common among fitness enthusiasts and now possibly among the obese as an aid to the melanocortin diet. The central melanocortin system is important in the control of food intake and body weight. Melanotan 2 suppresses food after administration. Disruptions in melanocortin receptors (MCRs) have been found to be the cause of obesity in some. Melanocortins have a direct effect on adipocytes through lipid mobilization. There is increasing evidence demonstrating the peripheral action of leptin expression in adipocytes. Valuable future information regarding melanocortin peptides could be used to improve insulin sensitivity by stimulating fatty acid oxidation. Energy balance and food intake are critical pathways that the melanocortin system regulates. The melanocortin system is a critical signaling pathway for the actions of adiposity signals such as leptin and insulin. The data shows that reduced food intake is primarily responsible for weight loss in Melanotan 2, among other mechanisms (energetic, etc.). MT-II reduces food intake until low leptin levels are reached. Fasting dosing could reduce both visceral and subcutaneous fat compartments. Melanotan 2 produces strong reductions in food consumption and body weight. The body adjusts to energy and food intake through continuous applications. If taken intermittently, a user may maintain a reduced appetite after administration. Regardless, both continuous and intermittent regimens of MT-II produce body fat and weight reduction. The fourth MCR is possibly the channel that can stimulate fat oxidation. Melanotan 2 applications result in noticeable and sustainable fat and weight loss. Learn more at Melanotan Headquarters today! Previous: When was the last time you played? Next: The Importance of a Splunk Tutorial Tent Camping Tips for Worry-Free Camping The best natural cures for yeast infections! 10 fun indoor activities with your kids
> Home > San Diego Air and Space Museum Library and Archives ∞ https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c82n54p6/ Fife (Ray B.) Personal Papers SDASM.SC.10046 Online items available Contact San Diego Air and Space Museum Library and Archives Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: San Diego Air and Space Museum Library and Archives Title: Ray B. Fife Personal Papers source: Fife, Ray B. Identifier/Call Number: SDASM.SC.10046 Physical Description: 0.43 Cubic Feet 1 box 15" x 5" x 10" Abstract: Raymond B. Fife (March 26, 1900 – 1982) was a pioneer mechanic of aviation. Growing up in Venice, CA, he was exposed to the world of aviation from an early age. This Collection details his life in aviation and includes detailed information on his work with Curtiss Airplanes. The collection is open to researchers by appointment. Some copyright may be reserved. Consult with the library director for more information. [Item], [Filing Unit], [Series Title], [Subgroups], [Record Group Title and Number], [Repository "San Diego Air & Space Museum Library & Archives"] Raymond B. Fife (March 26, 1900 – 1982) was a pioneer mechanic of aviation. Growing up in Venice, CA, he was exposed to the world of aviation from an early age. From 1912 to 1916 he worked with many barnstorming pilots; he ran errands, washed airplanes, gassed them, opened hangar doors and at the age of 16 he had learned enough to build a complete airplane. When World War I broke out, he was hired as a mechanic in a "Jenny" (Curtiss JN-4) factory in San Francisco. After the war he entered the Army Air Service, his duty stations included the base at Rockwell Field, North Island, where he remained from 1931 to 1938. During War World II he was an aviation mechanic in the Navy and after the war he continued working in North Island as a civilian aircraft examiner. In November 3rd, 1961, he was presented with the Superior Achievement Award for his contribution to the construction of a Curtiss A-1 replica that was donated to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. He built several flyable airplanes; among which was a 1912 Curtiss Pusher type racer which he used to exhibit at air shows. Fife used to say of his Curtiss Airplane: "Riding there is about the same as riding a motorcycle or a bicycle, except, of course that there are no stop lights to worry about." He lived in Coronado, California. Collection consists of 1 box 15" x 5" x 10", containing: Sketches and Log book, Personal Trip Notes, Articles, Curtis Pusher Airplanes Rental Rates, Personal Letters, Sketches and Data of the Navy Curtis A-1, Brochures, Photographs and Negatives, Notes, Brochures. Albums 27 (A,B,C), 141 and Bio Photos 02-F-00049-00057 Elrette Sudsbury Collection - INCORPORATED Related Research Institutions: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Independence Ave at 6th St, SW, Washington, DC 20560 Archives: (703) 572-4045 Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Curtiss A-1 Triad Naval Air Station North Island (Calif.) Fife, Ray B. Sudsbury, Elretta
Severe Obesity Costs Medicaid $8 Billion Annually, Study Finds November 9, 2015 Blog, Newsadmin By Alan Mozes, HealthDay News And health care expenses for heaviest adults is nearly $2,000 more a year per patient. Adam's Children Inspire Him to Lose 77 Pounds in 12 Weeks Diet vs. Exercise – Which Works for Weight Loss? Severe obesity is putting a huge financial strain on both the U.S. Medicaid system and severely obese patients themselves, new research suggests. The study pegs the national bill for providing obesity-related health services for the severely obese at $69 billion a year. Severely obese is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher, the study authors said. (BMI is a rough estimate of a person's body fat based on their height and weight.) Medicaid pays just over 10 percent of the annual cost of treating the severely obese. That works out to about $8 billion a year, the researchers said. And that figure is likely to rise as Medicaid — the government-run insurance program for poorer Americans — expands under the health-reform law known as the Affordable Care Act, sometimes called Obamacare. "Severe obesity affects one in seven adults," said study co-author Michael Long, an assistant professor at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. "And it increases the risk of disease and death at a much higher rate than moderate obesity," he added. Moderate obesity is a BMI between 30 and 35, the study authors noted. Type 2 Diabetes Info type2-diabetes-info.com Get More Information on How to Treat Type 2 Diabetes. "So although severe obesity accounts for only 41 percent of the 81.5 million Americans who are obese, the costs associated with treating it are actually 60 percent of all obesity-related costs combined," Long explained. "And Medicaid patients, who have low resources and a high burden of disease and obesity, are not covered completely," he said. "So severe obesity is a big burden on both Medicaid and patients." Long and his colleagues reported their findings in the November issue of Health Affairs. Obesity has tripled over the last 30 years in the United States, according to the study authors. RELATED: Does Your Doctor Know How to Treat Obesity? Dr. David Katz is director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center in New Haven, Conn. He said that "obesity is, inevitably, enormously expensive, because it is on the causal pathway to every major chronic disease that plagues modern societies, diabetes most indelibly." Katz explained that "the costs of obesity extend out to the costs of all such conditions: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, dementia, and more." Those disease risks and costs are even higher for the 33 million Americans now considered severely obese. (For example, Long noted that for a 5-foot 4-inch woman, being severely obese means weighing about 204 pounds, or 60 pounds above normal. For a 5-foot 9-inch man, that would be a weight of about 236 pounds, or 67 pounds above normal.) To get a better idea of the costs of obesity, the team crunched data from two national studies conducted between 2007 and 2013. The studies included more than a half million people. The researchers found that the moderately obese pay $941 more per year for health care, compared with someone of normal weight. By contrast, people who are severely obese pay $1,980 more, the findings showed. Private insurances covered more than one-quarter of these expenses, while Medicare covered about 30 percent. State-run Medicaid programs footed 11 percent of those bills, the investigators found. And, patients were left to cover 30 percent out of their own pockets, the study said. Some state Medicaid programs pay more than others. For example, Wyoming's program now covers 58,000 severely obese adults at a cost of $64 million per year (at the low end of the scale). Meanwhile, California spends about $9.1 billion for 3.2 million adults (at the high end), the study reported. Regardless, the study authors concluded that severe obesity appears to be "disproportionately responsible" for a lion's share of the whole nation's health care bill. "Our primary public health goal has been trying to reduce and prevent childhood and adult obesity," Long said. "But that effort, while important, is unlikely to reverse the problems faced by adults already struggling with severe obesity, or the health care costs related to those problems." Any solution, he suggested, will have to address two issues: identifying cheaper but effective clinical interventions, while also expanding treatment access for the severely obese. "That might actually cost more money in the short-run," he acknowledged. "But it will have long-term payoffs, for both the patients and Medicaid. And we have to do something, because this problem is just the tip of the iceberg. If we just let this continue as is, the costs will only grow over time," Long said Katz added, "The only hope for the future of public health and the economy alike is to change the trajectory we are on, and put out this fire." But he said that, in his opinion, "the answer is not more drugs and surgery, but a culture-wide commitment to better use of feet, and forks." In other words, exercise more and eat healthier. Severe Obesity Costs Medicaid $8 Billion Annually, Study Finds was last modified: November 9th, 2015 by admin ← Osteopathic Manipulation in Marysville Testosterone Screening → (5 stars) Thank you! Look forward to recipes on FB :) Carla Woodard Above Average Service! Sandie Taylor Great appointment Dr. McQuinn was super informative with what is going on with my diet & cell structure. 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Juhan Noh/Netflix Netflix's 'Kingdom' Is the Perfect Show to Binge If You Miss 'Game of Thrones' By Emma Stefansky Published on 3/13/2020 at 12:26 PM Binge-watching requires a few things. A couch, or a comfy bed, for one thing. Some snacks at the ready, as well. But the one thing you must have is a considerably large chunk of time, a commodity that grows more precious by the day in today's hyper-connected gig economy. Sometimes, though, a global event comes along and swats that economy into nearly a standstill: Hollywood has delayed the releases of some of its biggest films, and a lot of us living in America's more metropolitan areas are being advised to stay home and "socially distance" ourselves from the outside world to stem the spread of the coronavirus, which means that most of us are going to be watching a looooot of TV in the coming weeks. It also means that there's no better time to start binge-watching a heady Korean feudal drama about a kingdom beset by corrupt queens, giant armies, and zombies that stalk the night. The first season of Kingdom, Netflix's first original Korean series, debuted in January of last year and quickly gained a small cult following hungry for more of its gruesome charms. At only six episodes, it doesn't suffer at all from the frustrating phenomenon known as "Netflix bloat," and it finishes on a cliffhanger so big you'll be genuinely shocked when it ends. It's based on the webcomic series by Kim Eun-hee and drawn by Yang Kyung-il called The Kingdom of the Gods, and bounces around Korea's historical Joseon period, a few years after the Japanese invasion of the nation, following a handful of characters trying and failing to stop a zombie plague from tearing through the countryside. And, yes, the show is subtitled, but don't let that deter you. Did we learn nothing from Bong Joon Ho's Oscar campaign? The show begins with rumors of the death of the king of Joseon, who hasn't been seen outside the palace walls for more than a week. Flyers appear tacked up in Hanyang, announcing the king's death and calling for the immediate crowning of the prince, Lee Chang (Ju Ji-hoon). However, those inside the palace claim the king is not dead, merely sick, but his affliction has turned him into something monstrous. Meanwhile, citizens in a small town in the southern province unknowingly contract the disease ravaging the king and die suddenly, but that night they all rise again as zombies, hungry for human flesh (as zombies tend to be). The crown prince sets off from the palace to help the people in need, but when he discovers the truth of the disease, he teams up with a physician, a mysterious warrior, and his personal guard to fight the spread of the disease while also trying to stop a coup from overthrowing his claim to the throne back home. The show is pretty dense, but it's so exciting, and, at only six episodes, the plot moves swiftly as the characters find themselves deeper and deeper in trouble. Think Game of Thrones meets The Witcher meets the good bits of The Walking Dead. If that's not enough to convince you, here is a list of cool things this show has in it: Sick swordfighting (it's set in the 1600s, so not everyone had guns or knew how to use them yet). People in cool hats (all the costumes are amazing). People shooting flaming arrows at stuff. People galloping horses through city gates and immediately yelling a dire message at other people. A hilarious one-sided romance. Some truly gross undead special effects. Bae Doona (the brilliant physician), whom you may recognize from one of Netflix's best shows, Sense8. Bae Doona plays a small town physician determined to find the cause of the disease. | Juhan Noh/Netflix Plus, the zombies in Kingdom are actually scary -- mostly because they're quite different from the kind of zombies we're familiar with. For one thing, they can run, which inspires some truly frightening scenes of undead people sprinting through tall grass at their prey. They also go dormant during the daytime (for a reason that becomes very important by the first season's finale) when the sun is out and hide by cramming themselves in piles underneath houses and fallen trees and caves in the woods. I'm so unbelievably bored of zombies by now and even I loved this. It's more than just a zombie show, though: at its core, Kingdom is much more interested in picking apart systems of power, and how stubbornness and an unwillingness to see the truth can lead to catastrophe. The first season of the show is all about the kingdom being unable to stop the outbreak of the disease, which, in these uncertain times, sounds pretty familiar. By the time the show picks up in Season 2, the zombies are coming closer and closer to the capitol, and those inside the palace are still scheming against the prince, with a few even attempting to try to control the undead plague to their advantage. It's wild, it's gross, it's exciting, and it's the perfect show to completely take your mind off your stock of hand sanitizer and nonperishables while you're holed up in your home with nowhere else to go. Need help finding something to watch? Sign up here for our weekly Streamail newsletter to get streaming recommendations delivered straight to your inbox. Emma Stefansky is a staff entertainment writer at Thrillist. Follow her on Twitter @stefabsky.
Keep Ban on A-Tests IN case no one has noticed, from Oct. 2, 1992, to the present, no country has tested nuclear weapons. On that date, President Bush signed a measure that prohibited the United States from testing nuclear devices for nine months, the first time any nuclear nation has enacted a statutory ban of any duration on such activities. Unfortunately, pressure is building to resume testing once the ban expires. On May 3, Undersecretary of Energy for Acquisition John Deutch told a congressional panel that testing will be needed to ensure the safety of warheads in the Pentagon's arsenal. The Energy Department is seeking $462 million in its fiscal '94 budget for four tests. When the moratorium expires on July 1, President Clinton faces a choice. The '92 bill allows him, after notifying Congress, to resume a tightly limited schedule of tests until Sept. 30, 1996. After that, the moratorium resumes and continues until Russia tests. Mr. Clinton can follow that path. Or he can follow a wiser course and seek to make the current moratorium permanent, taking the world another step toward marginalizing nuclear weapons. Reliably verifying the safety of current stockpiles can be accomplished by means other than detonation, while the importance of US leadership on the question of a test ban is hard to overstate, especially given a rare opportunity for progress. The Russians and French have forgone testing unless the US tests, and the British cannot test because they use the US Department of Energy's Yucca Flats facility in Nevada. China currently averages one test a year. A permanent, comprehensive test ban has been an explicit international goal ever since the objective was written into the preamble of the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty. It also appears in the preamble to the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty, which comes up for renewal in 1995. The sizable reductions in strategic nuclear arsenals that STARTs I and II would bring when fully implemented, combined with a test ban among the major nuclear powers, could add moral weight to the NPT among nations that until now hav e balked at signing. This weight may become even more critical if the NPT renewal effort includes attempts to strengthen enforcement and inspection provisions. First Look North Korea shows willingness to hold nuclear talks Opinion US leadership needed to prevent nuclear testing by North Korea North Korea considers nuclear test moratorium
Euro tour february 2020 england vs. croatia Gareth Southgate's team head into the tournament as one of the favourites and will kick things off in front of an expectant crowd at Wembley. Group D: England vs Croatia, kick-off 2pm (UK time, BBC1) England open their Euro 2020 campaign against Croatia this afternoon with revenge on the cards. Gareth Southgate's team head into the tournament as one of the favourites and will kick things off in front of an expectant crowd at Wembley. England are set to play their first game at the Euros, as they welcome Croatia at the Wembley Stadium. Both are obvious favourites at the summer's tournament and the Sunday's clash will absolutely be beyond interesting. The Three Lions are heading into the game with six wins in their last six matches, while Zlatko Dalic's … Continue reading "EURO 2020: England vs Croatia: Preview whathifi.com - England kick off their Euro 2020 campaign on Sunday against Croatia on home soil at Wembley Stadium. Gareth Southgate and the rest of the country … England vs Croatia live stream: how to watch England's Euro 2020 opener in 4K for free - Flipboard England beat Croatia 1-0 in the opening game of their Euro 2020 campaign at Wembley on Sunday with Raheem Sterling scoring the only goal. England had never won an opening match at the European Championship and, despite the narrow scoreline, were never in danger of losing this one. 1 день назад Получите отличные билеты на England vs Croatia - UEFA Euro 2020 13/06/ 2021 по отличным ценам, официальные билеты, купить Henderson 'not too bothered' about penalty miss vs Romania as he bids to be ready for England's Euro 2020 opener against Croatia. February. Editors' Picks. Euro 2020: The Ultimate Guide Raheem Sterling grew up in the shadow of Wembley Stadium as it was being rebuilt, even getting a tattoo of its famous arch on his left forearm. When purchasing flights tickets to Croatia, remember to check the fine print as depending on what type of The Maiden England World Tour was a concert tour by Iron Maiden, which began on in February, 2017. England 2020, Group stage - Group D. England --Croatia Menu. Updates Line-ups Stats Group Match info Jun 13, 2021 · Group D: England vs Croatia, kick-off 2pm (UK time, BBC1) England open their Euro 2020 campaign against Croatia this afternoon with revenge on the cards. Gareth Southgate's team head into the tournament as one of the favourites and will kick things off in front of an expectant crowd at Wembley. · Euro 2020 - England vs Croatia - LIVE. June 13, 2021 13:11 1:50 min . 11 Oct UEFA Nations League 11/10/2020. L. CRO Croatia. 2-3. POR Portugal. 17 Nov UEFA Nations League 17/11/2020. Euro 2020 - England vs Croatia - LIVE. Updates Line-ups Stats Group Match info Jun 13, 2021 · Group D: England vs Croatia, kick-off 2pm (UK time, BBC1) England open their Euro 2020 campaign against Croatia this afternoon with revenge on the cards. Gareth Southgate's team head into the tournament as one of the favourites and will kick things off in front of an expectant crowd at Wembley. · Euro 2020 - England vs Croatia - LIVE. June 13, 2021 13:11 1:50 min . England square off against Croatia at Wembley. ATP World Tour WTA World Tour · England begin their Euro 2020 campaign on Sunday as they take on Croatia at Wembley Stadium. The fixture presents Gareth Southgate and his side with an opportunity to make up for their defeat by the Croats in the 2018 World Cup semi-finals, while making a major statement in Group D, which also contains Scotland and Czech Republic. Croatia, who wins? England Croatia Draw. Will Harry Kane score for England vs. kGYQ Euro 2020 ticket portugal turkey vs. wales ATP World Tour WTA World Tour · England begin their Euro 2020 campaign on Sunday as they take on Croatia at Wembley Stadium. The fixture presents Gareth Southgate and his side with an opportunity to make up for their defeat by the Croats in the 2018 World Cup semi-finals, while making a major statement in Group D, which also contains Scotland and Czech Republic. Jun 01, 2021 · England and Croatia have been involved in several high-stakes contests in recent years and face another as they meet at Wembley in the opening round of Group D matches at UEFA EURO 2020. 2020 euro qualification denmark vs. belgium How to watch euro 2020 qualifying croatia vs azerbaijan finland vs. russia England qualifiers euro 2020 ukraine vs. north macedonia Euro 2020 qualifying playoffs schedule ukraine vs. austria Euro 2020 netflix sweden vs. slovakia Will i need an id to get in to euro 2020 slovakia vs. spain How many teams qualify for the euro 2020 sweden vs. poland Euro 2020 netherlands games france vs. germany Euro 2020 host teams qualified italy vs. wales Euro 2020 qualifiers wimpedia netherlands vs. austria Ticket prices euro 2020 hungary vs. france Euro 2020 elimination greece north macedonia vs. netherlands How will playoffs for euro 2020 work spain vs. poland Who the favorites to win euro 2020 croatia vs. scotland Uefa euro 2020 qualifiers - scotland vs russia who will win turkey vs. wales
Swedish tv supply 2010 Overview Description Datasets Creator/Principal investigator(s): Kent Asp - University of Gothenburg, Department of Journalism Media and Communication The study "Swedish TV supply" is conducted annually since 1998. The examination of the programs offered on TV is designed to answer five questions: (1) What is the range of supply in the television channels during the program year 2010? (2) What similarities and differences are there between the television channels' program profiles? (3) What are the programs offered for specific groups: children, youth, minorities and the disabled? (4) How has variety of programmes developed over time? (5) And how is diversity manifested in Swedish television? The study is based in principle on the information about TV programme from television channels. The programs are classified using this information and starting from a predefined classification scheme. The broadcast channels that have been examined: SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen/SVT24, Kunskapskanalen, TV4, TV4 Plus, TV3, Kanal 5, TV6, TV8 and UR. In this study, as in most Swedish and international studies of television programme supply from the 1950s onwards, is information-entertainment the fundamental dimension in the classification of its contents. This ... Show more.. In this study, as in most Swedish and international studies of television programme supply from the 1950s onwards, is information-entertainment the fundamental dimension in the classification of its contents. This means broadly that on the one hand, news and facts-oriented programs and on the other - programs focusing on recreation and entertainment are distinguished. In between, a third program genre is referred to among programs, including both factual and entertainment elements within a single program. The study also has programme supply classified by the target population the programs are primarily intended for: children, young people, ethnic minority groups as well as programs specifically tailored to people with disabilities. Show less.. Subject area: MEDIA, COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE, media (CESSDA Topic Classification) Social Sciences, Media Studies (The Swedish standard of fields of research 2011) television channels, television programmes Principal organisation: Accessibility status: Access to data through SND Data are accessible by order Responsible department/unit: University of Gothenburg, Department of Journalism Media and Communication Create repeated, systematic and long-term scientific studies of the programs offered in Swedish television. Time period(s) investigated: Geographic spread: Geographic location: Sweden Lowest geographic unit: Highest geographic unit: Unit of analysis: Event/process Programs in Swedish TV Channels in 2010 Sampling procedure: Probability: Stratified Probability: Simple random The survey is based on programs broadcast on SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen/SVT24, Kunskapskanalen, TV4, TV4 Plus, TV3, Kanal 5, TV6, TV8 and UR during 17 weeks in 2010. The selection of weeks was independent and random, stratified by season. For the period January - May and September to December (peak season) 12 weeks were examined (w.1, 11, 13, 16, 17, 21, 37, 43, 45, 46, 48 and 51) and for the period June - August 5 weeks were examined (w. 22, 24, 28, 31 and 34). The Swedish Broadcasting Authority Related research data in SND's catalogue: Swedish media supply 2012 Show less.. Download metadata: Sort by name | Sort by year Myndigheten för radio och TV. 2011. Svenskt tv-utbud. Myndigheten för radio och TV. ISSN: 1403-6320 Tillgänglig elektroniskt: http://www.radioochtv.se/documents/publikationer/svenskt%20tvutbud%202011.pdf Svenskt tv-utbud 1999, Tryck: Elanders Gotab AB - Stockholm, maj 2000, ISSN: 1403-6320 Myndigheten för radio och TV. 2014. Svenskt medieutbud. ISSN: 1403-6320 http://www.radioochtv.se/Documents/Publikationer/Svenskt-medieutbud-2014-webb.pdf If you have published anything based on these data, please notify us with a reference to your publication(s). Kent Asp. University of Gothenburg, Department of Journalism Media and Communication (2018). Swedish tv supply 2010. Swedish National Data Service. Version 1.0. https://doi.org/10.5878/002972 Data format / data structure: Mode of collection: Content coding Description of the mode of collection: The research is mainly based on the TV programme provided by the TV channels which has been classified by an earlier determined classification system. The channels included in the research are: SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen/SVT24, Kunskapskanalen, TV4, TV4 Plus, TV3, Kanal 5, TV6, TV8 samt UR. Time period(s) for data collection: 2010 — 2010 Source of the data: Communications: Public Collection methodology: The research is mainly based on the TV programme provided by the TV channels which has been classified by an earlier determined classification system. The channels included in the research are: SVT1, SVT2, Barnkanalen/SVT24, Kunskapskanalen, TV4, TV4 Plus, TV3, Kanal 5, TV6, TV8 samt UR. Published in catalogue: 2018
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Restaurant makes over 1,000 meals for deprived children during lockdowns The Surf Beach Bar at Sennen is doing the same for the third lockdown Edward ChurchTrainee Reporter Surf Beach Bar, Sennen Cove, has used its own stock and money to give children in the area (Image: Kinga Tinnicliffe) A bar and restaurant is giving out free meals to schoolchildren who need them during the third lockdown, after doing the same throughout the restrictions last Spring. The Surf Beach Bar in Sennen is not just a pretty face - it's also a charitable one which gave out over 1,000 meals to children while school was cancelled last year due to the coronavirus lockdown. Government-sponsored free school meal parcels have been criticised today after a viral Tweet depicted one which was meant to be worth £30 totalling around £5.50. Owner of Surf Beach Bar, Kinga Tunnicliffe, has decided to run the scheme again to help deprived kids in her local area. "One thing I find frustrating is children being okay in school, but then no-one caring for them in summer. "When the first lockdown hit, we had a lot of stock left because of the closure. It was a question of: what do we do with it? "We thought about children suffering, stuck sitting at home - and there's a reason they get free school meals, so why don't we find out whether Sennen School needs it?" The school, as it turns out, did. For months last spring, the restaurant produced 30 to 60 meals per day - five days per week - for kids to pick up. "We did it on our own back last time, and will be again. We can't quite do the full five days this time because we don't have the leftover stock - but we will try to do around three for the same reason. "Charity starts on your own doorstep, I do believe that." We are highlighting the story as part of our Unseen Cornwall campaign to raise awareness of poverty and deprivation in the county that many do not even know exists. See more here. Having taken over as owner when her partner fell ill in 2017, Ms Tunnicliffe has been living in west Cornwall for 20 years - and in Sennen for a large part of that. Thank you cards sent to the restaurant from grateful parents. (Image: Surf Beach Bar) "Cornwall in general is a very deprived area. Children are our future, and I want to make sure they have a happy childhood. "If someone's tummy is full, that's the nicest feeling." You can stay up-to-date on the top news near you with CornwallLive's FREE newsletters – find out more about our range of daily and weekly bulletins and sign up here or enter your email address at the top of the page. Surf Beach Bar began giving out the meals again as of Friday (January 8).
Officers and Board Members AF&PA Staff Finance & Technology Forestry & Wood Government and Industry Affairs History of AF&PA and Our Industry Employee Relations Program Recovery Boiler Program AF&PA PAC Grow the Vote Grow The Vote: 2020 Election Sign-Up for Grassroots Alerts Paper and Packaging Caucus Sustainable Forests Sustainability Award Winners Dynamic Fiber Flows Model Paper Products Glossary Paper-Based Packaging Paper Bags & Shipping Sacks Member Company Profiles Studies, Guidance on Coronavirus Residency on Surfaces and Product Safety Economic Relief Programs General Information on Coronavirus PaperRecycles Seaman Paper Company of Massachusetts, Inc. Wins 2019 AF&PA Sustainability Award for Energy Efficiency/Greenhouse Gas Reduction CONTACT: Katharine Eaton (202) 463-2436, comm@afandpa.org Recognized for Let There Be (LED) Light Program WASHINGTON – The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) recognized Seaman Paper Company of Massachusetts, Inc. with a 2019 AF&PA Leadership in Sustainability Award for Energy Efficiency/Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction for their Let There Be (LED) Light Program. The award was presented at AF&PA's annual meeting on Friday, Nov. 9 in Bluffton, South Carolina. "Seaman Paper improved their energy efficiency while driving down costs and improving lighting quality, which can further improve production quality as well as safety in their facilities," said AF&PA President and CEO Heidi Brock. Seaman Paper reduced their electricity consumption by over 1.2 million kilowatt hours per year by switching a significant portion of their lighting over to LED. The lightweight papers and decorative packaging supplier used energy conservation incentives provided by their utility to replace existing lighting with LED or specify LED lighting in their converting plants and warehouses in northcentral Massachusetts. Cost savings from the project offset payment to the utility and are now accrued by Seaman Paper. In addition, the project improved lighting in the facilities, promoting safety. "We thank AF&PA for recognizing our Let There Be (LED) Light Program," said Seaman Paper CEO George Jones. "This program greatly improved our company's energy efficiency and is appreciated by our stockholders, employees and customers." The 2019 AF&PA Sustainability Award winners were selected by a judging panel of sustainability experts from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy; the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University; GreenBlue; Quad Packaging; Two Sides; and the U.S. Department of Energy. AF&PA's annual awards are designed to recognize exemplary sustainability programs and initiatives in the paper and wood products manufacturing industry and are given based on the merit of entries received across multiple categories. Projects that support progress toward the Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 sustainability goals qualify for recognition in the "Leadership" category, which has five subcategories that correspond to the goals: Energy Efficiency/Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Paper Recovery for Recycling, Safety, Sustainable Forest Management and Water. The "Innovation in Sustainability" award is reserved for projects that merit recognition for their contribution to sustainable business practices, not one of the goals specifically. AF&PA's 2018 Sustainability Report showed that the U.S. pulp, paper, packaging, tissue and wood products manufacturing industry has made significant, measurable progress toward achieving its Better Practices, Better Planet 2020 sustainability goals. For more information, visit afandpa.org/sustainability. Editor's Note: Click here to retrieve photos (caption included) of the award winners. About AF&PA The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance a sustainable U.S. pulp, paper, packaging, tissue and wood products manufacturing industry through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. AF&PA member companies make products essential for everyday life from renewable and recyclable resources and are committed to continuous improvement through the industry's sustainability initiative — Better Practices, Better Planet 2020. The forest products industry accounts for approximately four percent of the total U.S. manufacturing GDP, manufactures nearly $300 billion in products annually and employs approximately 950,000 men and women. The industry meets a payroll of approximately $55 billion annually and is among the top 10 manufacturing sector employers in 45 states. Visit AF&PA online at afandpa.org or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper. About Seaman Paper Company Seaman Paper Company is a global producer of lightweight papers and decorative tissue products, with manufacturing and warehousing in the United States, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, Germany, Italy and Great Britain. More information at www.seamanpaper.com. Copyright American Forest & Paper Association 2019. All Rights Reserved.
Home :: Military :: Library :: News :: 2017 :: March :: Alaska Air Guardsmen Bid Farewell to C-130 Hercules Aircraft By Air Force Maj. John Callahan, 176th Wing JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska, March 6, 2017 – On a bright, chilly morning yesterday, a small crowd of onlookers and well-wishers listened to the sound of the Alaska Air National Guard's C-130H Hercules turboprops recede into the distance for the last time. The 176th Wing's divesture of the last of the 144th Airlift Squadron's C-130s marks a sea change for the organization, one of the nation's largest and busiest Air Guard wings. Since 1957, its tactical airlift aircraft -- first C-47 Skytrains and later C-123 Providers -- have been at the heart of the its varied missions. The first C-130s, "E" models, arrived in 1976, followed seven years later by the updated "H" models. For more than four decades, these blunt-nosed turboprops have been familiar sights in Alaska's skies, their rugged design and short-airfield capabilities serving the state well. Structure Changes Now, Air Force structure changes included in the president's 2017 budget request have divested the Alaska Air National Guard of its eight "legacy" C-130H Hercules aircraft and the tactical airlift mission. One by one, these aircraft have been transferred to other state Guard units or retired from service. "With over four decades of incredible service, today's C-130 departures mark a significant milestone for the 176th Wing," said Air Force Col. Steve deMilliano, commander of the 176th Wing. "Their aircrews and maintainers have served with honor and distinction," deMilliano added. "This 70th anniversary year for the United States Air Force highlights that aircraft and missions will eventually change, and our airmen are the constant ensuring mission success. Despite any bittersweet feelings we may have with the final two C-130H aircraft departing today, we're excited to see our dedicated airmen embracing the opportunities of the future to begin writing yet another successful chapter in our wing's proud history. Our nation and state know they can count on us being ready whenever called upon." A March 4 ceremony and barbecue provided current and former crews and maintainers the opportunity to share memories and inspect the wing's two remaining C-130s for the last time. They unanimously praised the airframe's famed versatility. "I've been all the way down to Montevideo, Uruguay and Cape Town, South Africa," said retired Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Robert Paulson, a former C-130 crew chief who attended the event. "It [the C-130] did so many things -- anything to support the goals of our country." Busy Unit The divestiture of the C-130s and their tactical airlift mission still leaves the 176th Wing as one of the most operationally engaged Air Guard organizations -- its missions include the rescue triad, comprising HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters, HC-130 J-models and Guardian Angel pararescuemen; interagency rescue coordination; U.S. airspace monitoring and defense; and a full complement of agile combat support. Since 2007, these missions have also included strategic airlift, which the wing's 249th Airlift Squadron accomplishes via an association with the Air Force's 517th Airlift Squadron. 176th Wing and squadron leaders appreciate that mission changes present new opportunities. "We know that the future depends on continuing to change and adapt," said Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Cummings, the 144th Airlift Squadron's commander. (EDITOR'S NOTE: This story incorporates additional reporting by Air Force Tech. Sgt. N. Alicia Halla and Air Force Tech. Sgt. Colton B. Nelson.)
Housing Support Communities and Vulnerable People Disability and Carers Former Ministers archive Home » Housing Support » Programs & Services » Housing » National Rental Affordability Scheme » About the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) Commonwealth Rent Assistance Building Better Regional Cities Program Housing Affordability Fund Approved participants code of conduct Hobart City Deal Homes For Homes March 2020 - NRAS quarterly Performance report NRAS Tenant Demographic Report - as at 30 April 2020 Request for exception that an incentive is not available due to outstanding documents or information National Housing and Homelessness Agreement Related Agencies & Sites Resources & Submissions About the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) The National Rental Affordability Scheme Approved Participants NRAS Investors Amendments to the NRAS Regulations to create protections for Investors Approved Participant and Investor Relationship NRAS Incentive NRAS Tenants NRAS Conditions of Allocation Legislation, Regulations and Guidelines The National Rental Affordability Scheme ('NRAS' or 'the Scheme') is an Australian Government affordable housing initiative, delivered in partnership with state and territory governments. Governments, the business sector and community organisations have recognised that housing affordability is an issue of significant community concern. The growing cost of housing is having an impact on the ability of many Australians to meet their financial commitments. The Scheme seeks to address the shortage of affordable rental housing by offering annual financial incentives for up to ten years, to rent dwellings for eligible NRAS tenants at 80 per cent or less of the market value rent. NRAS issues financial incentives to organisations that provide people on low to moderate incomes with an opportunity to rent homes at a rate that is at least 20 percent below market value rent. NRAS homes are not social housing–they are affordable private rental homes. Under NRAS, the Australian Government in conjunction with the States and Territories is providing financial incentives to: increase the supply of affordable rental housing reduce the rental costs for low to moderate income households encourage the large-scale investment and innovative delivery of affordable rental housing. NRAS commenced on 1 July 2008 and there were five open calls for applications for allocations of NRAS incentives. Rounds 1 to 4 and a smaller 'shovel ready' round went ahead and successful applicants were granted an entitlement (or 'allocation') to receive an annual incentive for 10 years for each approved rental dwelling. In the 2014-15 Budget, the Government announced it would not proceed with Round 5 and that the Scheme would be capped at 38,000 allocations. The Scheme will conclude in 2026. NRAS is administered under a legislative framework comprising the National Rental Affordability Scheme Act 2008 (NRAS Act) and the National Rental Affordability Scheme Regulations 2008 (NRAS Regulations). As announced in the 2014-15 Budget, there will be no further funding rounds or new allocations of NRAS incentives beyond those currently allocated in the Scheme and held by approved participants. The Department of Social Services (DSS) is responsible for the administration of NRAS in consultation with the Australian Taxation Office and the Departments of Treasury, and Finance and Deregulation. The Australian Government also works closely with State and Territory governments in the ongoing management of NRAS. The Department's responsibilities include: application of the NRAS legislative framework allocation of incentives to approved participants assessment of approved participants' eligibility to receive the annual NRAS incentive making decisions on the transfer of NRAS dwellings between approved participants or to another rental dwelling publishing and maintaining guidelines for NRAS stakeholders, including guidance on regulatory and administrative requirements NRAS aims to encourage medium to large-scale investment in affordable housing (usually 100 or more houses). This means it is not generally available to small-scale, private, individual investors in the rental property market. However, such investors may become involved in NRAS by investing in or purchasing properties from approved participants or as part of a consortium arrangement. Approved participants are usually property developers, not-for-profit organisations and community housing providers. The Australian Government assesses applications for NRAS after an open call for applications in accordance with specified criteria, and makes offers of allocations of incentives on that basis. Successful approved participants are eligible to receive annual NRAS incentives if they meet the conditions of allocation each year for ten years from the initial date of allocation. More information on approved participants can be found at the information sheet for approved participants *UPDATED November 2018*. NRAS investors are third parties that own the rental dwellings. They have a key stake in the Scheme as they can be beneficiaries of the NRAS incentive and may also participate in the Scheme as part of a consortium or trust. NRAS investors and approved participants generally enter into contractual arrangements where the approved participant manages compliance with the NRAS regulatory requirements and passes on all or part of the NRAS incentive to the NRAS investor. As announced in the 2014-15 Budget, there will be no further funding rounds or new allocations of NRAS incentives beyond those currently allocated in the Scheme and held by approved participants. This means the only dwellings eligible for NRAS incentives are those that have been or are currently being built by approved participants in the Scheme. Only dwellings eligible for NRAS incentives are those that have been, or are currently being, built by approved participants and applicants in the Scheme. Therefore, if your dwelling does not currently have an NRAS incentive allocated to it, then it is unable to participate in the scheme. However, you may be involved in the Scheme as an investor by investing in or purchasing properties from approved participants as an individual or as part of a consortium arrangement. The list of approved participants can be found on the National Rental Affordability Scheme - Performance Reporting page. The Australian Government has legal arrangements only with approved participants and these legal arrangements do not extend to dealings that approved participants may enter into with third parties, such as individual investors, tenancy managers or business partners. Investors should undertake their own investigations and seek independent financial, legal and taxation advice to ensure that they are satisfied that investing in NRAS is the right investment for their individual circumstances. In 17 November 2017, the Department implemented amendments to the NRAS regulations to increase the protections afforded to investors within the Scheme. The amendments introduced a power for the Secretary of the Department of Social Services (or her Delegate) to transfer an allocation attached to an approved rental dwelling from one approved participant to another, if certain grounds exist. These grounds include, but are not limited to, instances where approved participants are not passing on the NRAS incentive to the NRAS investor (where there is a contractual arrangement to do so) within a reasonable time of receiving the incentive, or where the actions of an approved participant have contravened a consumer protection law in relation to the NRAS allocation. The transfer can be initiated by the Department or at the request of an investor. In November 2018 the Regulations were further amended to strengthen investor protections within the Scheme and to improve administrative functions of the Department under the Scheme. For example, the Regulation amendments introduce three new grounds for transferring to a new approved participant and improve the Secretary's information-gathering powers when conducting transfers. More information on the NRAS Regulation amendments can be found at the information sheets for investors and approved participants. Prior to the first round of amendments to the NRAS Regulations introduced in November 2018 the NRAS legislative framework did not recognise issues relating to the commercial relationships between approved participants and NRAS investors. Following the Regulation amendments introduced in January 2018 the Department raised the visibility of NRAS investors within the Scheme. While the amendments to NRAS Regulations do increase protections for investors within the Scheme the amendments do not extend to interfering in private, contractual arrangements between approved participants and third parties such as investors or property managers. NRAS homes must be rented to eligible tenants at a rate that is at 80 per cent or less of the market value rent and comply with all conditions of allocation in order to be eligible for the NRAS incentive annually. The NRAS incentive is paid per dwelling, and is indexed each year in line with the Rents component of the Consumer Price Index. The NRAS Incentive is indexed according to movements in the Rents component of the Housing Group Consumer Price Index for the year, December quarter to December quarter as at 1 March, using the weighted average rate of eight capital cities housing component, and is effective from 1 May. The Scheme offers annual incentives for ten years. The two key elements of the incentive are: an Australian Government incentive per dwelling per year as a tax offset or direct payment State or Territory governments may offer approved participants a contribution per dwelling per year in direct or in-kind financial support. Generally, the NRAS incentive is provided to the approved participant in the form of a refundable tax offset (RTO). However, a cash payment can be made if the approved participant receiving the NRAS incentive is an endorsed charitable institution. The current incentive payments are available on the NRAS incentive (indexation) page. NRAS rental homes are available to low and moderate income Australians – people who may find it hard to pay market rental prices. The eligibility of tenants are tested against household income thresholds which differ depending on the household composition. The Department requires all persons who are tenants of an approved rental dwelling to have their income included as a member of the one household, in accordance with the income limits. New NRAS dwellings entered the Scheme up to 30 June 2016 and will continue to be rented under the scheme for up to 10 years from the date of commencement. As there is considerable demand for these dwellings the Australian Government is unable to guarantee that any tenant will be able to rent a dwelling developed under the Scheme. The approved participant or their nominated tenancy managers select tenants. Queensland tenants must also register with the Queensland Government's One Social Housing Register. It is a condition of the Scheme that all approved participants ensure their dwellings are rented to eligible tenants in order for them to receive an incentive. To find out whether you are eligible to rent an NRAS property, how to apply to rent an NRAS property and your rights as an NRAS tenant, visit NRAS Tenants. The NRAS Regulations sets out the mandatory requirements, called 'conditions of allocation', that must be met each year in order for an approved participant to receive the NRAS incentive. The Regulations were made in 2008 and have always required that approved participants in the Scheme only receive an incentive where they meet all conditions of allocation in an NRAS year (defined as a period beginning on 1 May of each year). The Regulations requires all conditions of allocation to be met for an incentive to be received. The following mandatory conditions must be met in order for an approved participant to receive an incentive in respect of an approved rental dwelling: the dwelling must not have been lived in as a residence prior to the dwelling entering the Scheme, or the dwelling was unfit for anyone to live in and since the day it was deemed fit for living in, it has not been lived in as a residence between that day and the day the dwelling enters into the Scheme. The dwelling must be tenanted by a tenant or tenants as prescribed by the Regulations the rent charged must at all times during the year be at least 20% less than the market value rent for the dwelling; the dwelling must not be vacant for longer than 26 weeks in an NRAS year or vacant longer than a continuous period of 26 weeks across two NRAS years; the approved participant must lodge Statements of Compliance for the dwelling with the Department in accordance with Regulations; each dwelling must comply with the landlord, tenancy, building and health and safety laws of the state or territory and local government area in which the dwelling is located; the approved participant must comply with all special conditions; the MRVs must: relate to the market value rent for the dwelling on a date within the permitted valuation period, and specify the date to which the market value rent relates; the approved participant must lodge MRVs for the first, fifth and eighth years of the incentive period which will apply as of the first day of the incentive period, and as of the first day of the fifth and eighth years of the incentive period, within the permitted valuation period; and the permitted valuation period for the MRV begins 13 weeks before and ends 13 weeks after the day when the dwelling is first available for rent, or for the fifth and eighth years of the incentive period, 13 weeks either side of the anniversary of the first available for rent date. The legislative framework for the Scheme is provided through the National Rental Affordability Scheme Act 2008; the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and the NRAS Regulations. The National Rental Affordability Scheme Policy Guidelines provide policy guidance on the administration of the National Rental Affordability Scheme within the legislative and regulatory framework. Visit NRAS Legislation, Resources and Reporting for further information about this topic. Last updated: 19 August 2020 - 9:17am NRAS Home About NRAS NRAS Approved Participants and Tenancy Managers NRAS Legislation, Resources and Reporting Contact NRAS Labour Market and Related Payments Monthly Profile publication Bushfire information and support Labour Market and Related Payments July 2015 Labour Market and Related Payments June 2015 Grants Funding DSS is committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Recruitment Working at DSS with Disability Gender Equality Action Plan 2017 - 2020 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) Staff DSS Enterprise Agreement 2018 to 2021 SES Job Vacancies Graduate Development Program Graduate Development Program: Diverse and Inclusive Department Ability Apprenticeship Program DSS Feedback and Complaints Reporting Suspected Fraud National Relay Service Copyright & Disclaimer, Privacy, Accessibility, Readspeaker, Social Media Policy
The Many Merits of Taking Paternity Leave (Even as a Freelancer) Nicholas Hune-Brown November 18, 2019 My paternity leave started when I deleted Twitter from my phone. It was a Thursday morning and my partner Lorna was in early labour, going through the kind of once-every-half-hour contractions that signal the beginning of the end of life as you know it. As a freelancer, I don't have an official parental leave. Or, to follow the deluded logic of the gig economy, as a freelancer in many ways my parental leave was infinite! This was our second child and we were slightly more prepared this round. I had scrambled double-time in the months before Lorna's due date, polishing off a feature and editing stories for a magazine ahead of time. Now, as the contractions got closer together, I turned on my out-of-office notification and erased the poisonous app that I had misguidedly justified as necessary for my work. I was ready to turn my back on the outside world. I would be raising a family. In the confusing and contentious world of parental advice — where you can find contradictory studies and emphatic blog posts on everything from swaddling to when to introduce peanuts — the benefits of taking paternity leave are nearly unequivocal. When a father spends significant time with a newborn, mothers are healthier, decreasing their use of antibiotics and anti-depressants according to a Swedish study. Fathers who take paternity leave in those first weeks and months are more involved parents years later. Couples who share parental leave get divorced less often. And sharing parenting duties equally, allowing mothers to resume their careers, is one of the best ways to diminish the earnings gap between women and men. This is all great stuff, obviously. For us, though, having both parents on hand in those first weeks wasn't a nice a way to increase gender equality or bond with a newborn — it was the desperate response to a natural disaster. It seemed to take all of our combined energy and intelligence to keep this small, mostly sleeping creature alive. When the floods come and the panicked villagers run into the streets with their sandbags and buckets, no one asks, "So what made you both decide to take time off work?" A few weeks into my paternity leave, I spoke with my brother-in-law Dan. His wife Rachael had given birth to a baby just four days after us, and Dan was still blissed out, living in the strange fever dream of new parenthood. He was making playlists for his daughter, constantly wearing her in a sling, doing everything possible to make his love register in her nascent, newborn consciousness. "I want to have as close a connection as possible and make sure this baby knows she has a couple humans that love her," Dan told me. "Even in my circle of seemingly progressive dads — men who pass around worn copies of The Birth Partner — the overwhelming majority still return to work and leave parenting to the mother." Like every new parent I know, Dan and Rachael were trying to figure out how to share parental responsibilities within a framework of economic and social strictures that at times felt impossible to navigate. "I told my employers that I was expecting this baby and they said 'Great, let me send you everything we have about leave,'" Dan remembered. "They sent me this document that basically said, in a nice way, 'We will do the legal minimum required.'" Still, Dan planned to take two weeks now, go back to work for six months, and then spend six months solo parenting himself. That kind of equal arrangement is rare. Despite all of the benefits, in 2015 just 12 per cent of Canadian fathers took parental leave. Even in my circle of seemingly progressive dads — men who pass around worn copies of The Birth Partner and spend the first weeks of parenthood in a daze of perpetual shirtlessness, desperate to bond with their newborns through the wonders of skin-on-skin contact — the overwhelming majority still return to work and leave parenting to the mother. Part of this feels like a question of biology — how does a father care for a newborn that exclusively nurses? Part of it feels economic, and to this end the Canadian government recently introduced five weeks of use-it-or-lose it parental leave for the non-birthing parent. It's too early to see what effect this will have, but when Quebec introduced a similar additional five weeks in 2006 the percentage of men taking leave jumped from 27.8 percent to 85.8 percent. Part of the reason, however, feels like sheer social inertia. Being alone with a baby is hard. Being away from work has real career costs. "Fathers who take parental leave seem to like it more than the mothers," my friend Melanie told me in the playground one afternoon recently, as we watched her daughter and my two-year-old son pointedly ignore one another in the sandpit. She didn't mean that there was something innate in men that made them enjoy caring for their children. She meant that the men she knew who'd become primary caregivers had made a choice; they'd done it because they'd wanted to. The women did it regardless of any specific desire or predilection for parenting young children, simply because that was what was expected. My paternity leave ended when I began writing this column. I'd told my editor that I was thinking about skipping a month, taking a short leave. That was fantastic, he wrote me. Congratulations, but what if, instead, I wrote about paternity leave? And so, three weeks in, I'm working. In the next year, I plan on doing less. I'll keep Twitter off my phone and try to juggle deadlines and economic realities with the fact that I now live with a tiny human who seems to demand countless hours in someone's arms, bouncing up and down. Taking parental leave has felt both essential and like a gift — a strange island in time, like a bizarre holiday or a blackout, in which I've been able to see this baby take in the world for the first time. As I write this, my left leg is jiggling the bouncy chair in which my daughter is sleeping. She is scowling and adorable, lips pursed, making the contented grunting sounds of a small dog having a nice dream. Following the deluded logic of the perpetual freelancer and new father, I'm certain she'll stay like this, peaceful and asleep, while I do everything I need to do. Nicholas Hune-Brown is a National Magazine Award–winning writer who has been published in Slate, the Walrus, and the Guardian. He is currently features editor of The Local. ILLUSTRATION: FRANZISKA BARCZYK Parenting,paternal leave,The Reluctant Fanatic
Britney Spears's Conservatorship Has Officially Ended After 13 Years "Effective today, the conservatorship of the person and estate of Britney Jean Spears is hereby terminated." This post originally appeared on Glamour. Britney Spears's conservatorship has officially ended after 13 years. "The court finds and determines that the conservatorship of the person and the estate is no longer required, therefore effective today, the conservatorship of the person and estate of Britney Jean Spears is hereby terminated," Judge Brenda Penny said in a Los Angeles court room on Friday, November 12, according to People. Per the outlet, Spears's lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, said in court, "I don't want to bury the lede— we believe the conservatorship as a practical matter should end today." This was the expected outcome of today's hearing. In October, after Judge Penny ruled to suspend Spears's father, Jamie, as her conservator, Rosengart said the plan was to follow up in 30-45 days with a request for full termination. That is exactly what happened. Britney Spears was placed under a conservatorship in 2008 following well-documented personal struggles. But the arrangement never made sense to fans. Conservatorships are typically given to those who cannot feed or care for themselves, but under this legal arrangement, Spears recorded several albums, embarked on world tours, and completed a very lucrative Las Vegas residency. The #FreeBritney movement was started by fans in 2019 to raise awareness of Spears's conservatorship and eventually end it. Their efforts gained momentum in early 2021, when the New York Times released a documentary called Framing Britney Spears. A follow-up, Controlling Britney Spears, only increased public outcry. Britney Spears Is Almost Free. What Does This Mean for Disability Rights? Spears's case has brought unprecedented attention to the issue of conservatorship. Now disability rights advocates are wondering what comes next. Spears has been quite active on social media these past few months, opening up about the conservatorship in ways she hadn't before. In one October post, she took aim at her family for not doing anything to help her situation. "This message is to my family … for hurting me deeper than you'll ever know !!!" Spears wrote. "I know the conservatorship is about to be over but I still want justice !!! I'm only 5'4" and I've played the bigger person my entire life … do you know how hard that is ???" At last, though, Britney is free. Get the best of what's queer. Sign up for them.'s weekly newsletter here. Tagsbritney spears #FreeBritney Showed the Strength of Queer Voices. Can That Energy Last? By Sara Luterman, The 19th After Everything She's Been Through, Britney Spears Deserves This By Joseph Longo Britney vs Spears Arrives on Netflix With Surprising Revelations By Shar Jossell
Tag Archives: John Delaney Poll: Biden Falling July 2, 2019 — The Morning Consult organization immediately went into the field after the second night of the Democratic presidential forum (June 27-28; 2,407 US self-identified Democratic registered voters) and found that former Vice President Joe Biden's support slipped, at least as an immediate reaction to what is commonly viewed as his poor debate performance, while Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), evaluated as performing quite well, gained. The MC data still finds Biden in first place, but down five points from their previous survey. On June 23, just three days before the first forum, Biden led Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), 38-19 percent while Sen. Harris lagged at six percent support. Just after the debate, when completing the poll on June 28, Biden dropped to 33 percent, but Sanders remained constant at the 19 percent level. Conversely, Sen. Harris doubled her past support to 12 percent. MORNING CONSULT POLL RESULTS: Click on above graphic to go to complete Media Consult poll results story. In the Morning Consult survey, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) also posted 12 percent support, which was virtually on par with her standing in their June 23 poll when she recorded 13 percent preference. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who actually scored well on the second debate night, had a similar result to Sen. Warren. While he was polling seven percent on the June 23 poll, he basically remained constant one week later, dropping to six percent on the MC June 28 survey. Former Texas representative, Beto O'Rourke, who was dogged with poor debate reviews from his first night performance, also dropped in the Morning Consult polling. Before the forum, O'Rourke was only in the four percent range, and after, even lost half that support base, dropping to two percent. Posted in Election Analysis, Polling, Presidential campaign and tagged Andrew Yang, Beto O'Rourke, Democratic presidential debate, Ellis Insight, Gov. Jay Inslee, Gov. Steve Bullock, Jim Ellis, Joaquin Castro, Joe Biden, John Delaney, John Hickenlooper, Marianne Williamson, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Morning Consult, Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. Seth Moulton, Rep. Tim Ryan, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Michael Bennet on July 2, 2019 by Jim Ellis. Leave a comment The Scorecard – Part I Former vice president and ex-Delaware senator Joe Biden is the Democratic front-runner in the 2020 presidential campaign. May 20, 2019 — It is often said, "you can't tell the players without a scorecard," and that is certainly becoming the case with the presidential campaign. A 24th candidate entered the national political fray just late last week — New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Greeted with the reminder that the last Quinnipiac University poll of New York City residents found that 76 percent of those polled didn't want the mayor to run for president, de Blasio launched his late-starting campaign with a video of him talking about "putting working people first," interspersed with video footage of being chauffeured around the city in a limousine. Saddled with poor approval ratings within his home base and a late start, de Blasio is the longest of shots to become a viable candidate. It is likely that the de Blasio declaration is the last significant announcement, meaning all of the major players are finally in the race. Seeing two dozen candidates – and while many media networks report different numbers, the total clearly exceeds 20 – it is a good time to review the field (alphabetically) and summarize how the plethora of candidates is doing. We'll go through the first 12, and tomorrow finish up the field: • Former Vice President Joe Biden: The clear early race leader. Biden received the announcement bump that he desired and is proving to be the man to beat. Still, much will happen before he can legitimately clinch the party nomination. In the first 24 hours after his announcement, the former VP raised $6.3 million. • Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO): A prostate cancer diagnosis and surgery delayed Sen. Bennet's entry into the race, so his campaign is just getting underway. He is a second-tier candidate who is unlikely to seriously challenge for the nomination. • Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ): Has not gotten much early attention, but reports suggest his campaign is among the best organized in terms of ground operation. Sen. Booker could surprise in the national candidate forums and, despite current low polling performance, might become a factor as the campaign develops. Posted in Election Analysis, Presidential campaign and tagged Gov. Steve Bullock, Joe Biden, John Delaney, Julian Castro, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mike Gravel, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Michael Bennet on May 20, 2019 by Jim Ellis. Leave a comment We Now Have Candidate #22 In The Race, And Sanders is Falling May 6, 2019 — A new Democratic presidential candidate entered the race late last week, one whom we didn't expect to see this soon. Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet Despite undergoing prostate cancer surgery last month, Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet says he has already received a "clean bill of health" and is embarking upon his national political effort. Now at 22 candidates in the field of Democrats seeking their party's nomination for the 2020 presidential election, eyes turn to Montana Gov. Steve Bullock who could be the last widely discussed potential candidate yet to make a decision about forming a campaign. It's difficult to see how Sen. Bennet breaks through to the top tier, however. He is not well known outside of Colorado and starts well behind most of the field, putting him in a difficult position from which to even qualify for the first two debate forums scheduled for late June and the end of July. To earn a debate podium, all candidates must either tally at least one percent support in three Democratic National Committee designated polls, or attract financial support from 65,000 donors, from which they must have a minimum of 200 in at least 20 states. For the lesser known candidates, debate participation is a necessity in order to propel themselves into serious contention for the nomination. Furthermore, Sen. Bennet doesn't even have his home state electorate to himself. Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper is also in the race, a man who Bennet once served as chief of staff. Just two days ago, Colorado moved its new primary – they used to apportion delegates through the caucus system – to March 3, the 2020 campaign's Super Tuesday, which could serve to boost one of the two Centennial State candidates. Yet, with both men in the race, the state's 67 first-ballot delegate contingent will prove less of a base for either one. Posted in Election Analysis, Polling, Presidential campaign, Super Tuesday and tagged Andrew Yang, Beto O'Rourke, Colorado, Democratic National Committee, Gov. Jay Inslee, Gov. John Hickenlooper, Gov. Steve Bullock, Joe Biden, John Delaney, John Hickenlooper, Julian Castro, Marianne Williamson, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mike Gravel, Montana, New Hampshire, Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. Seth Moulton, Rep. Tim Ryan, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Michael Bennet, Suffolk University poll, Super Tuesday, Wayne Messam on May 6, 2019 by Jim Ellis. Leave a comment A Momentum Poll For the Democrats April 23, 2019 — A new poll was released at week's end last week, and it may be our best glimpse of the national Democratic presidential picture. As we know, the national count matters little in how the individual states will select delegates, but this polling category does provide a sound measurement of candidate momentum. Change Research (April 12-15; 2,519 likely Democratic primary voters) just returned results from their latest field poll. Though the 538 statistical research organization only rates Change Research as a C+ pollster, the large respondent universe of just over 2,500 participants certainly gives us the largest national sample sector producing data. Contrast this, for example, with Emerson College's national primary poll released last week that segmented only 356 respondents. The Change results find Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) pulling into a virtual tie with former Vice President Joe Biden. Looking at the numbers, Sen. Sanders polls 20 percent, just one point behind Biden's 21 percent. Jumping all the way to third place is South Bend (IN) Mayor Pete Buttigieg with a healthy 17 percent support factor. Dropping back into single-digits (nine percent) is former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-TX). Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren records her typical eight percent, within the tight range she finds in most surveys, which, in this case, is one point ahead of Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). The latter senator's seven percent also represents a considerable support drop, as much as 50 percent when compared to early surveys. Change also surveyed the field without Biden included. Under this scenario, Sen. Sanders pulls just over a quarter of the sampling universe at 26 percent with Mayor Buttigieg moving into a strong second place with 21 percent, and O'Rourke rebounding to secure 14 percent and third place. Sens. Harris and Warren tie for fourth place with 10 percent. From a momentum perspective, the Change poll provides further evidence that Sen. Sanders is clearly on the upswing, Biden has stalled just before what is expected to be his official announcement week, Buttigieg is the candidate leaping forward from the back, Harris and O'Rourke appear to be losing support, and Warren remains stagnant at a low level. Posted in Election Analysis, Polling, Senate and tagged Andrew Yang, Beto O'Rourke, Change Research, Emerson College, Gov. Jay Inslee, John Delaney, John Hickenlooper, Julian Castro, Marianne Williamson, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Mayor Wayne Messam, Rep. Eric Swalwell, Rep. Tim Ryan, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, Sen. Michael Bennet, Stacy Abrams, Terry McAuliffe, Vice President Joe Biden on April 23, 2019 by Jim Ellis. Leave a comment Poll: Harris Underwhelms in CA Declared presidential candidate, Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris of California. Feb. 19, 2019 — A new Change Research poll was just released of the California Democratic presidential electorate and should former Vice President Joe Biden enter the race, he apparently would fare quite well in Sen. Kamala Harris' home state. According to the survey (Feb. 9-11; 948 likely California Democratic presidential primary voters) Biden and Sen. Harris would actually tie at 26 percent apiece. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-D/VT) closely trails with 20 percent. Considering the delegate proportionality rules, the two men would score a handsome number of committed delegates in Sen. Harris' own backyard if this poll happens to correctly predict what could happen a year from now. California is projected to send 495 delegates to the July 2020 Democratic National Convention, the largest contingent from any state. If Sen. Harris is to become a first-tier presidential candidate, she will have to reap a major delegate bounty in her home domain. Thus, merely breaking even with Mr. Biden would certainly be considered a disappointment in her quest for the nomination. The rest of the field trails badly. No one, aside from the top three, even breaks into double-digits. In this survey, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-TX) is fourth with eight percent, followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren who posts a paltry seven percent, ahead of Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) with three percent, while former Housing & Urban Development secretary Julian Castro holds a two percent preference. Posted in Election Analysis, Polling, Presidential campaign and tagged Andrew Yang, Beto O'Rourke, California, Change Research, Iowa, John Delaney, Julian Castro, Marianne Williamson, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, South Carolina, Vice President Joe Biden on February 18, 2019 by Jim Ellis. Leave a comment
Tag: John Greening Bev Dartnall Photo by Peter Poole, no reproduction without permission Bev Dartnall, who worked in the Afro Caribbean Unit, and in Television Drama, sadly died yesterday, 17th February, after a battle with cancer. She was only 55 years old. Bev was a producer on Dangerfield, and series producer of Doctors for a number of years, before leaving the BBC and moving to Majorca. Bev's funeral is going to be held in Majorca, but it is thought that there will be a memorial service in Birmingham. John Greening: 'Bev was the first person I met at Pebble Mill on my first day in TV, on the 3rd March 1984 and we worked together at Pebble Mill for nearly 20 years in all sorts of rolls – finally she was a series producer and me a grateful director. I'll miss you Bev, and thanks for many happy memories -it was a privilege to work with you in the golden days of English Regions Drama.' Janice Rider: 'Beverley lit up any set she worked on. She had the ability to keep every member of her crew happy whilst being firm and in control – qualities not many producers manage to achieve. She was a wonderful colleague and friend and Vote for Them was made all the more special for her being in Egypt with us. Khaled and I will never forget her lovely generous soul.' Dominic Keavey: 'Was honoured to be a snib. A kinder, more supportive boss we'll never find. God bless Bev.' Herbie Donnelly: 'You meet many friends and you meet many colleagues but Bev was rare she became both.' Martha Howe-Douglas: 'I can't believe it. Bev gave me my job on Doctors, and was always such a support. I'll miss our yearly birthday wishes to each other, as we shared the same day. A truly lovely lady.' Roulla Xenides: 'Beverley got Nigel Havers to attend a Breakthrough Breast Cancer lunch that I organised a few years ago when she was producing Dangerfield. She was lovely, very supportive of the cause and helped raise a lot of money that day.' Indra Bhose: 'Fond memories of a lovely, kind woman. Mid 90's. Very low budget Pebble Mill drama. No catering budget. Night shoot. Crew grumpy to the point of rebellion. Bev in the kitchen , surrounded by jars of Nescafe, single handedly making and bringing drinks round to all the crew. Sad day but happy memories.' Sharon Pemberton: 'Bev was a great gal. Many's the evening she calmed me down and reassured me in 'Boris' the portakabin, whilst I tore my hair out trying to be a producer. Always calm, efficient and a genuine pleasure to be around.' Zoe Goodwin: 'The first producer I remember meeting at Doctors. And what a first impression. What a memorable, lovely, kind and supportive woman she was.' Chris Richards: 'This is very sad news. Bev was one of the very, very best people I have been lucky enough to work with. A terrific Producer, loved and respected by her colleagues, and a wonderful warm and funny person. Like many, I owe her a great deal.' Tyrone Huggins: 'Bev played clarinet for many shows we did at Duddeston Manor. I was a year above her. Later we connected up with productions at Pebble Mill and cups of tea at her parents old house in Bordesley Green which I'd once walked her home to after a school disco. A lovely girl, friendly and supportive woman and friend I've missed and will miss.' The Rainbow – Mail on Sunday Preview This Mail on Sunday article from December 1988 previews Pebble Mill's The Rainbow, a three part adaptation of the D. H. Lawrence's novel. The drama was produced by Chris Parr, directed by Stuart Burge, with the screenplay adapted by Anne Devlin, Chris's wife. The serial starred Imogen Stubbs, Martin Wenner and Kate Buffery. Thanks to Willoughby Gullachsen (Gus), for sharing the cutting. Jo Mainwaring: 'This was the first thing I remember being in production when I arrived in TV Drama – happy days.' Terry Powell: 'I looked after the male cast.' John Greening: 'And I was the location manager.' Vanessa Jackson: 'And I was the Producer's Secretary!' Dawn Trotman: 'John Rosser cut it . I think Andy Netley was the assistant?' Neil Roberts: 'I synched up all the rushes! My first job at Pebble Mill.' Survival of the Fittest – front page and cast Copyright resides with the original holders, no reproduction without permission. Here is the script front page, and cast information for the 1990, 'Screen One' drama: Survival of the Fittest. Here is the synopsis from the BFI Film and TV Database: 'Dark comedy that looks at what happens when a fiercely-independent 80-year-old widow becomes too frail to live alone. Molly Cowper is dettermined to stay in her own home, even though she has recently had a mild heart attack. Not wanting to be alone at night, she makes elaborate plans to ensure that neighbours will sleep in her house. Supervised by her long-suffering son Geoffrey an agreement is drawn up so that Chris Trinder and Eileen Blackett will stay there at agreed times. Her arrangements begin to fall apart however, when Chris dies of a heart attack adn her dog is run over. Although Geoffrey tries to sort things out Molly still tries to enforce her wishes, riding roughshod over all of them with devastating consequences.' http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/446261?view=synopsis The script was written by Julian Mitchell, Martyn Friend was the director and Carol Parks the producer. The drama starred Jean Anderson as Molly Cowper, Timothy West as Geoffrey Cowper, Nerys Hughes as Betty Trinder, Timothy Davies as Chris Tinder, Elizabeth Spriggs as Eileen Blackett, Ben Porter as the young Chris Tinder, Joanna Brookes as June Trinder, Andrew Groves as Richard Blackett, Steven Sherwood as Mr Towse, Doc O'Brien as the taxi driver. Thanks to Willoughby Gullachsen (Gus) for keeping the pages safe all this time. The following comments were added on the Pebble Mill Facebook Page: Terry Powell: 'Again another show I worked on really enjoyed it can't believe how menu shows a year we did now only really work on 2 or 3 a year. As home life is now so important.' Annie Toy: 'Goodness, that brings back memories. I used to catalogue all Gus's pictures after they'd been up on the board on the downstairs corridor. They were brilliant.' Victoria Trow: 'Andy Netley won a Bafta last year.' John Greening: 'Brilliant -especially as I'm currently directing Tim West on EastEnders!' Steve Saunderson: 'Gus, what a talented artist, I try day by day to achieve great images but great images just poured out of his camera. Not a bad line-up is it?…and yes John a great cast including Timothy West…the last time I bumped into Dir. Martyn Friend, I was on a massive night shoot (lots of lights and sparks) for Midsomer Murders and he passed by and assured the producers that they were in very good hands, v. kind of him.' Tony Fisher – graphic artist and one time producer Tony Fisher Tony Fisher sadly died on Wednesday 15th January 2014. Tony was an extremely talented graphic artist, who joined BBC Pebble Mill in 1984, and worked there until the Graphics Department closed, a little while before the building shut in 2004. He was a real gentleman, and always impeccably dressed – he was definitely the best-turned out man at Pebble Mill! I had the privilege of working with Tony on several occasions, but the one I remember most was on a series called Countdown to Christmas. Tony had applied for an attachment as a producer, and was taken on by Executive Producer Steph Silk, on the factual Christmas series – I was his researcher. It was the winter of 1989. Pebble Mill was so busy at the time that we had to use offices in Selly Oak, next to the BBC costume store. The series was a five parter, which went out daily at 10.30am on BBC 2 in the run up to Christmas – 4-8th December. Bob Davies, then known as Bob Chippriott, was the director, and Marian Foster was the main presenter. The main location was the On The House house, set in the back garden of Pebble Mill, which operated as the studio. I can remember a little about the programme. It was a magazine show packed with helpful advice about how to survive Christmas. There was a daily cookery strand, presented by the Observer food journalist and writer, Katherine Whitehorn; a guide to the must have presents; and a wrapping and decorating insert with a very camp window dresser and stylist from Libertys in London. Tony found the producing part of the programme quite stressful, but what he really relished was the planning and designing of the title sequence and graphics. He commissioned a friend of his, who I think worked at Bournville College, to make a series of models, of almost childlike figures of a family, preparing for Christmas. The figures moved around a board with Christmassy activities. I think it was stop-frame animation. The title sequence was probably the best part of the programme, and Tony was very proud of it! The whole experience of working on Countdown to Christmas was enough of a foray into production for Tony, and after the series was transmitted he returned to the Graphics Department, and subsequently designed the titles and graphics for many Pebble Mill programmes. I remained firm friends with Tony from then on. Vanessa Jackson The following are some of the comments left on the Pebble Mill Facebook page: Liz Munro: 'What a lovely tribute, Vanessa. And how sad. I do remember him because he was impeccably turned out. Also, he sounds typical of quite a few people at Pebble Mill – quietly talented and unassuming. As for the chap from Liberty's, I think that if the recent series is anything to go by, it is not altogether surprising. Your comments made me smile.' Dharmesh Rajput: 'Oh how sad – as Liz says – he was such a gentleman and always took time to chat – and yes personifies a specific time and atmosphere at the beeb particularly at Pebble Mill that was pretty wonderful' Janice Rider: 'Very sad news . Lovely , witty, immensely talented , gentle soul and the Dandiest dresser of Pebble Mill . Worked with Tony on Boogie Outlaws and we seemed to instinctively both come up with a matching colour palette for the record producing character played by Ian Hogg . Always remember that moment of osmosis . My heart goes out to Camilla and his daughter .' Louise Bagley: 'So sorry to hear the sad news about Tony Fisher. Such a lovely guy, always impeccably turned out, a true gent!' Pam Renoata: 'Tony was a wonderful and hugely talented man. I met Tony through my husband Gurpreet Renoata who worked with him in the graphic design department. They've stayed good friends long after the section closed. Tony was always such fabulous company. Witty, charming, articulate, cultured, modest. A true gent. His passing is a tremendous loss to everyone who knew him and indeed the world. Talking about him in the past tense just doesn't feel real. It's lovely he's being remembered here. Thank you.' Dharmesh Rajput: 'If I'm not mistaken – I've just remembered he creates the map for Silver Street on BBC Asian Network.' Harriet Fisher: 'Thank you for writing this fond tribute Vanessa. It is lovely to read about other parts of Dad's life and how many people he touched. And to all the other kind people who have written, thank you. Pam, what lovely words. I only wish he could read these comments and see the cards, flowers and tributes that have arrived. He deserves to see them, there are so many people that love him. He was a inspirational man, so kind, dignified, stylish and warm. He was witty and quick, even until the day he left us. I will miss my wonderful Dad forever. Thank you for your kind words' John Greening: 'So sorry to hear this sad news. I had the privilege to work on a number of shows with Tony, the most stylish man I ever met. If you seek a suitable memorial to his genius just watch the opening titles of "Martin Chuzzlewit"…' Jane Brocklehurst Curry: 'So sorry to hear about this. I worked for a long time in the Graphic Design department at Pebble Mill and Tony was such a charming colleague. As everyone else has pointed out – a true gentleman. I've great memories of working with him and of his fabulous Christmas and graphic design dept invites.' Ian Wood: 'Greatly saddened to hear this. Tony was supremely talented, a wit and a gentleman – always had been, from the days when he taught Graphic Design while I was at Bournville School of Art in 1981-2, when he and Chris Brett steered and cajoled me into my degree course. It was a pleasure to renew my acquaintance with him when he joined Pebble Mill.' Marie Phillips: 'Tony Fisher is someone you never forget when you think of kindness and a willingness to help. He was never too busy when I asked for cards posters, leaflets etc for Children in Need. Aside from that, he willingly gave my daughter, Ruth, invaluable help with a major project for her Art and Design studies. A man a pleasure to have known.' John Peries: 'Yes, Tony created the drawing of the Silver Street location that got it out of our imaginations and onto the page to share with others. He was lovely to work with, and it was always good to see him when he passed by Pebble Mill or The Mailbox.' Mandy Glynn: 'Really sorry to hear the sad news. I worked with Tony in the Graphics Department at Pebble Mill for 7 years. Tony was a lovely, kind, caring and very talented man. A true gentleman.' Kim Finch: 'Lovely Tony took me on as work experience many years ago when I was at uni. It was his enthusiasm that led me to work in the fab graphics department for six years. Lovely memories. Thank you Mr Fisher.' Preston Front, series 3 – TX brochure Copyright resides with the original holder no reproduction without permission. 'Preston Front' was written by Tim Firth, directed by Chris Bernard and Rick Stroud. It was produced by Bernard Krichefski, with associate producer Thea Harvey and executive producer Julian Murphy. It starred Colin Buchanan as Hodge and featured the adventures of a group of friends brought together by the Territorial Army. Also featured were Carolyn Pickles, Oliver Cotton, Angela Lonsdale, Alistair McGowan, Paul Haigh, Adrian Hood, Tony Marshall, Kate Gartside, Caroline Catz, Keiran Flynn, and David MacCreedy, with guest appearances from Samantha Fox, Stirling Moss and Nicky Henson. Series one was entitled 'All Quiet on the Preston Front', with the two subsequent series being shortened to 'Preston Front'. The comedy was set in the fictional Lancastrian town on Roker Bridge. Series one was transmitted in 1994, two in 1995, with series three going out in 1997. Series one and two had 6 parts, with series three having 7. It was recorded on location in Padiham. The comedy won several awards including Best Comedy Drama (Comedy Awards), and Best Series (RTS), and it was nominated for a BAFTA. Thanks to John Greening for making the brochure available.
Home > 9th ICCF Veterans' World Cup (VWC) 9th ICCF Veterans' World Cup (VWC) Saturday, April 30, 2016: Announcement The ICCF Congress in Bulgaria in 2008 decided that following the great popularity of the first tournament amongst older players, that new Veterans' World Cups would be started every year. Working in collaboration with ICCF, the English Federation for Correspondence Chess (EFCC) will organise the 9th Veterans' World Cup tournament. The first stage of the 9th ICCF Veterans' World Cup will start on 1st September 2016. As with the previous VWCs, the event will be organised in three stages which will allow several players from each group stage to advance to the Semi-finals and Final. The number of promotions will depend on total entries received, but it is envisaged that groups at the preliminary stage will comprise of 11 players (10 games) or 13 players (12 games) played by webserver with a rate of play of 10 moves in 40 days. Playing time in each stage will be about 18 months with a fixed closing date specified at the outset. The 9th ICCF Veterans' World Cup is open to all players who are 60 years old or more at the start date of the tournament. Therefore players have to be at least 60 years old on 1st September 2016. Players may enter: through their National Federations (contact your National Federation for the amount of the entry fee) where eligible, via the ICCF Direct Entry system. The entry fee by Direct Entry will be €14.25. Entries via National Federations should contain the following information for each player: - Player's name - Email address - ICCF ID - number of entries Although the number of preliminary groups which each player may enter is unlimited, no player will qualify for more than two Semi-final groups or more than one place in the Final. A prize fund of €6,000 will be available for this event as agreed at the 2013 ICCF Congress. The exact distribution of this prize fund will be determined once the number of entries and groups are known. Trophies will also be awarded to those finishing in first, second and third place in the Final. Entries via National Federations should be forwarded by email to the Tournament Organiser Ian M Pheby, email: ian.pheby@tiscali.co.uk to reach him before 1st August 2016. It would be appreciated if National Federations would send entries "as received" and not delay them until the closing date. Closing date for Direct Entries is 1st August 2016. All veteran chess players are heartily invited to enter this tournament, both for the enjoyment of games and for friendly contact/communication with senior players around the World. National Federations are asked to give the tournament wide publicity to their veteran players. Dr. Guido Bresadola Frank Geider Andrew Dearnley ICCF Non Title Tournament ICCF World Tournament EFCC President Commissioner Director Tournament Organiser: SIM Ian M Pheby, IA
Daily Devotional, Year 3 – October 8 (Devil Made Me Do It! Part 16: "As The World Politics Turns") By admin On June 21st, 2017 Click on the provided image credit link below each photo, for various licensing names, details, and tags, etc… Daily Devotional, Year 3 – October 8 The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 16: "As The World (of Politics) Turns" To read the first part of this topic, go here…October 13th (The Devil Made Me Do It!) Our society loves its soap operas! Is that a fair statement? And each day brings a brand new episode in the lives of those imaginary characters. And no doubt, many or perhaps most regular viewers are happily addicted to their favorite soap opera. As The World Turns – 2009 logo – Wikimedia – Non-Free-Media-Rationale LUCIFER, "THE GOD OF THIS WORLD" Of course, Christians understand that this world is ruled over by, "the god of this world", Satan, who once walked the hallowed halls of Heaven, prior to his rebellion. But now this powerful fallen angel has been cast down to this earth along with his fellow rebels, becoming the unseen dominate force behind all the misery and evil which enshrouds this selfish world. And so, these unseen rulers have made it their sole purpose to deceive and destroy each and every human who has ever lived on this fallen planet! "AS THE WORLD (of politics) TURNS" Now, there is another soap opera of sorts, which has been airing each and every day: it's called "the world of politics." Yes, if the reader hasn't noticed, this has become a daily drama, which is every bit as addictive as television soap operas. Maybe even more so, since it deals with actual real-life occurrences! Every day is a fresh new episode in which the two major political factions carry on their emotional dealings (and double-dealings) with one-another. TV icon novela svg. – Wikimedia – POLITICAL FOOTBALL GAME? Oh yes, perhaps rather than a soap opera, you might call today's politics a 'war' or even 'a political football game'! But whatever analogy one uses to describe this daily drama, it nevertheless is what one political commentator described as, "The greatest show on earth: two scorpions in a…glass!" Yes, there's nothing like watching two opposing groups battling against each other! Super Bowl XLIII Thunderbirds Flyover Feb 1 2009 – Wikipedia – Public Domain "TAKE HEED…LEST…YOUR HEARTS BE OVERCHARGED WITH…THE CARES OF THIS LIFE…" But for those who understand that this present world is ruled over by Lucifer, now called "Satan" and, "the god of this world", this daily drama is just one more way to misdirect people away from the true focus of life: the Salvation of the soul! In other words, the one thing that Satan cannot tolerate is to see people filling their hearts with the Bible knowledge of Jesus Christ. And so, Satan has created this current-day world to become a cornucopia of pleasures and pursuits which distract and deter this world's inhabitants away from the greatest pursuit in the universe: the Salvation of their own soul! Multitask – Wikimedia – C.C. Share-alike License SATAN, THE GREAT PUPPET-MASTER So we should not be ignorant of Satan's devices. And this relatively new voyeur-sport of politics is not happening by whim-or-caprice. No, but rather, "the god of this world" is carefully orchestrating the daily events to keep society fixated on this ongoing daily melodrama. And Satan plays each side against the other, much like the puppet-master that he is! One week he gives a bump to one side, and the next week he bumps the other side, just to keep all sides cheering for their "team"! And let's face it, soap operas were not really possible until this current-day high-tech era in which one can simply turn on the radio or television and tune in to see what new development that each passing day brings. ABOVE PICTURE: The Pied Piper of Television – www.signsofheaven.org "HE THAT STOPS HIS EARS…AND SHUTS HIS EYES FROM…EVIL" Now, seeing that all these events are not happening by mere chance, but are being carefully orchestrated by the Enemy of Souls, it should repulse us to the point that we turn away from these hate-filled assaults on our souls, out of disgust and fear! After all, isn't our great purpose in life to become filled with love of Christ? ABOVE PICTURE: television & the image of Satan – www.signsofheaven.org "I WILL SET NO WICKED THING BEFORE MY EYES" But this new daily soap opera of politics is not only designed to distract us from the self-purification of our soul, but is also created to fill our hearts with hate and rage and disdain for others! Listen to 1st Corinthians 15:33…"Be not deceived! Evil communications corrupts good manners (character)!" Yes, whatever we expose ourselves to is going to leave an indelible mark upon our heart. Mark of the beast – pub. dom. – Wikipedia "HE BROUGHT ME UP…OUT OF THE MIRY CLAY" And so, if we find ourselves addicted to some daily soap opera, sports game, or whatever other personal distraction one can pursue, we must continue to beg and plead for deliverance! TO READ PART 17, CLICK HERE…October 16 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 17: "Crucifying The Messenger!") "Dear Lord, Help me to be wise as a serpent regarding this very deceptive world. Let me not be ignorant of Satan's devices, nor of his power over this world… To explore deeper into this subject, please read… October 13th (The Devil Made Me Do It!), or you can also read this shorter article… November 23 (The Two Spirits In The World) THE REVELATION 12 WOMAN FLEES WOMAN ROTATES THROUGH THE SEASONS… To explore deeper into this subject, please read…"The Revelation 12 Woman Constellation" October 9 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 52: "How Do I Come Out Of Babylon?") « Daily Devotional, Year 3 – October 7 (A Form of Godliness, Part 5: "3-dollar-bill Love!") Daily Devotional, Year 3 – October 9 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 52: "How Do I Come Out Of Babylon?") »
YNOT SPONSORS: NightProwlStudio • SegPay • JuicyAds Traffic • Cherry.tv • Flirt4Free • Payments • Adult Force • Jerkmate July 11, 2016 by Marty O'Brien Ad Network Updates Security, Marketing Algorithms BRAUNSCHWEIG, Germany – German mobile advertising network Slimspots recently added a major update to its fraud-detection program in order to more closely track potential troublemakers. By tracking IPs, UserAgents and other data, the system "learns" how to spot fraudsters before they spot an easy target. One consequence of the new system is a reduction in traffic, but a Slimspots spokesperson said that effect actually is good for business. He called the traffic "cleaner" and more cost-effective, thereby producing a better overall return on investment. The company also has updated its marketing algorithm, employing a similar philosophy. "The heart of Slimspots is our optimizing algorithm, which is putting the performance marketing space to the next level," the spokesperson said. "The algorithm is based on the latest innovations in machine learning. With every new click, lead, install, sale and so on, the system is gaining knowledge for improving performance on its own. "We think that a mixture between active and supervised learning is the key to success on delivering advertisements." For more information, visit Slimspots.com. Follow on Twitter Me on Facebook Marty O'Brien Raised in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, Marty O'Brien was the first of the O'Brien clan to obtain a college degree. A former sports journalist, O'Brien got a peek at the inner workings of the adult entertainment industry while on an assignment to cover the Los Angeles Lakers. He joined the YNOT editorial team in late 2010 and now specializes in technology , business news and ogling starlets. Visit Website Marty O'Brien November 30, 2017 by Marty O'Brien Ad Network, Payment Service Offer Free Traffic BARCELONA, Spain – ExoClick has teamed with global e-wallet payment service Paxum to give away $2,000 worth of traffic on ExoClick's advertising platform. Two prizes […] September 15, 2016 by Marty O'Brien New Traffic Tool Offers to Save 'Lost Users' BRUNSWICK, Germany – Cost-per-acquisition ad network Slimspots has launched a new tool the company claims will save what it calls "lost users." According to the […]
« Canadian Researcher Ben Levin Arrested for Child Pornography | Main | New Counts Added to Canadian Researcher's Child Pornography Case » 'Active' Student Engagement Goes Beyond Class Behavior, Study Finds By Sarah D. Sparks on July 10, 2013 2:54 PM Some warning signs are easy to spot: It's well-established that the kid goofing off in the back of the classroom, who plays hooky and turns in homework late, is disengaged, and at a higher risk of falling behind and eventually dropping out of school. But where are the red flags for the student who sits quietly, answers when spoken to, and politely zones out? A new study, published online in the journal Learning and Instruction, probes how more subtle facets of student engagement can be harder to flag, but just as critical for their long-term academic success. "When we talk about student engagement, we tend to talk only about student behavior," said lead author Ming-Te Wang, a Pittsburgh education psychology assistant professor, in a statement. But, Wang added, "that doesn't tell us the whole story. Emotion and cognition are also very important." Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Michigan tracked more than 1,000 mostly minority students from 23 public middle schools in a Maryland suburb of Washington. At the beginning of 7th grade and the end of 8th grade, the researchers interviewed the students about their school climate, such as the emotional support they felt from administrators, teachers, and other students, their ability to choose projects and teammates for class assignments, and whether they considered the material they learned relevant to their lives. Separately, the researchers assessed the students on three areas of school engagement: • Behavioral engagement, including how often the student completed homework on time, followed school rules, and responded in class discussions; • Emotional engagement, including whether the student felt interested in his or her class subjects and accepted in the school culture; and • Cognitive engagement, including how well the student managed and monitored his or her own learning. What works to improve students' behavior only sometimes engages them emotionally and cognitively, the researchers found. Students who reported that their teachers set clear expectations and responded to them consistently were more likely to participate in class and feel connected with school. But a teacher's emotional support didn't directly affect students' cognitive engagement with their coursework; rather, students were more likely to voice interest and take greater ownership of their learning when they considered what they were studying to be personally interesting and relevant. Similarly, giving students more choices and control over their schoolwork did not improve their motivation or make them feel more academically competent unless the choices were aligned with the students' personal interests. "Opportunities for decisionmaking or freedom of action are less important than the extent to which the decisionmaking and action opportunities available reflect personal goals, interests, or values," the authors write. For example, the authors recommend that teachers might "explicitly illustrate and explain the relevance of tasks to the personal goals and interests of students when providing them with choices." Moreover, the researchers found different approaches effective for different types of students: "Usually people say, 'Yes, autonomy is beneficial. We want to provide students with choices in school,' This is the case for high achievers, but not low achievers," Wang said. "Low achievers want more structure, more guidelines." The full article is scheduled to appear in the December 2013 print issue of Learning and Instruction. early warning systems
BuySellAds.com Inc. Marketplace Find your perfect audience in our marketplace of +1200 publishers. Contextual Native Advertising Reach your target personas without being a distraction. Designed for performance marketers. Content Advertisements Engage with your personas without disrupting their user experience or worrying about ad blockers. Podcasts Gain endorsements from industry thought leaders. Reach millions of engaged listeners. Email Put your message in the inbox of future customers through in-email and dedicated placements. Native Advertising Units Run high-performance ad units that blend in with your content. Optimize for Publishers Maximize revenue potential by implementing our cutting edge header bidder. White-labelled Self-Serve Platform Capture more revenue and increase sales efficiency with your own self-serve ad platform. Get Your Site Listed List your website in our marketplace and expose your inventory to new advertisers. Content Resources Content Syndication Read strategies on how to leverage and measure content syndication campaigns. Demand Generation Strategies Discover how you can generate demand for your products. Contextual Advertising Hear how you can reach your personas within the perfect buying context. Listen To Our Marketing Podcast Learn from seasoned marketers, including folks from Hubspot, Drift, Slack. HelloSign Drove a 180% increase in clicks by using non-intrusive ad placements. Rollbar Saw a 2.4x increase in ad clicks by making user experience a priority. CircleCi Over 65% decrease in cost-per-lead with native advertising on trusted publishers. Storyblocks 6.4x click-through when reaching verified audiences through high-quality publishers. View All Customer Stories → Ad Tech Story Time: The Secret Language of Adtechish by Joshua Schnell on July 11, 2018 - 6 minute read Ad tech is an insanely convoluted industry, dogged by gobbledygook. It's also often said that if you can't explain a concept to a kid, it's probably BS. In the second of a continuing series, we attempt to explain ad tech in terms even a ten year-old would understand. Let's see how all the advancements in advertising in recent times stand up without the fancy long words, acronyms and big numbers. Last time around, we told the story of how ad tech came about. There were ad networks – in fact, middlemen of all kinds. And Scrooge McDuck was also there for some reason. This time, we're talking about a mysterious secret language. Not many people know this, but we can actually trace Adtechish's roots back in two directions: First came Draperian, developed around Madison Avenue in the 1950s. It included 40 different words for Martini. Warp speed forward to the nineties, and internet users' own Nerdish lingo. Only those who'd seen all 178 episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation could understand it. So, Adtechish had two personalities: Madman (sharp suits, fast living, shady behavior) and Mathman (short pants, social isolation, shady browsing history). Why the need to create a new language in the first place? For Madman, it made the case for adding a few extra zeros to that fee. While for Mathman, the fact you had to ask tells it all. Your lack of technical understanding just added even more extra zeros. Three letter acronyms or abbreviations are maybe the best example of where Mathman meets Madman in the Adtechish tongue. These TLAs are where the techie finds abstract, robotic terms no regular human would ever even think of. Then the Don Draper adds a bit of copy sparkleô – making each term an ad in itself. Who wouldn't enjoy a refreshing, ice cool glass of RTB, or a juicy PMP burger? Incidentally, TLAs are also very popular in the world of self-help books – make your own assumptions. Next, we'll go into some of the ad tech tongue's most commonly used terms. All from the point of view of a publisher, and the growing number of Adtechish options at their disposal through time. RTB, PMP, BRB Last time round we explained how real-time bidding (RTB) came about. As we showed, it allowed buyers to cherry pick ads based on who was viewing them. And this was the start of a bigger trend - advertising becoming more about audience chasing than positioning alongside the best content. As Star Wars parts I, II and III taught us though, even the most trustworthy space vehicles can still crash and burn. And RTB's own Jar-Jars came in the shape of fraud, data leakage and most of all, our old friend arbitrage. In other words, the publishers weren't quite finished yet. And some brands and agencies still saw value in their ads appearing next to the New York Times over say catgifs.com. Even if catgifs.com was a heck of a lot cheaper. And cuter. So from RTB (also called OMP or open marketplace), came PMP (or private marketplace). A PMP was a deal between a particular buyer and a seller, just like in the old Mad Men days. But this time without all the paperwork and Martinis. OK, without the paperwork. The good thing about RTB though, at least for the agencies doing the buying, was the data element. The fact they could aim their ads at people who were more likely to buy their product. And hey presto, pretty soon through PMPs you could do the same - targeting to your heart's content. Private Marketplace 2.0 and 1st, 2nd or 3rd Party Data So these uber-PMPs packaged together ad space and formats, as well as audience data. You could buy spots on the New York Times homepage, but only in front of readers who were moving house or thinking of buying a car. But wait. Just to make things even more confusing, there were different types of data buyers used to make that ad magically appear only to the right people. They were called 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data, though it was unclear where the party was, or who was invited: 1st party data ('I party') is the stuff you own yourself – so publishers offering data-enhanced PMPs were likely to include 1st party data. 2nd party data ('we party') would be the same, but this time shared between two or more publishers, making an even bigger data pool. 3rd party data ('he/she/it parties') being data bought in from elsewhere, such as data exchanges or social sharing button companies. These people hoovered data up like dust, only to spit it out again in the direction of whoever would pay. For some publishers, 3rd party data was the point where this all looked like it might be one step forward and two backwards. It meant buyers could just go elsewhere to find data on publishers' own or similar audiences. But on the plus side, and as so often in this sector, market forces made it so 3rd party data caused its own downfall. And soon, like a hall of mirrors, brands were working with even more 3rd parties to double-check that 3rd party data was actually what it said on the label. Automated Guaranteed to Programmatic Guaranteed With the lack of trust in the open marketplace, and in many cases third party data, PMPs stood the test of time pretty well. In fact, even looking forward for the next few years, the majority of ad spend will be private. But the major drawback of both PMP and OMP was also its original USP – the fact it was all so super-fast, and in the moment. In the old Madmen, pre-Mathmen world, ad campaigns would be booked over a specific period of time, with regular, guaranteed numbers of ads bought within that period. Hence the emergence of automated guaranteed, programmatic guaranteed and automated direct. These were all Adtechish words for new systems that would enable just that – measured delivery, through shiny RTB pipes. So, automated guaranteed would have been the next logical step. Automating the last part of the advertising pie not currently under the control of ad tech – what could possibly go wrong? The answer is, we never really got to find out. And once again, likely it was down to data. Publishers were understandably nervous, what could happen if their 'direct' or guaranteed audience could be cherry picked, just as buyers had done with RTB. And for data-driven buyers, what was the value of those audiences without targeting? Instead of what looked the logical, long-term next step then, the ad world shifted towards short-term dollars. Header Bidding – of all things in the Adtechish dictionary, here's the one that makes all the horribly complicated things before it look like a relaxing park walk. Remember when we talked about all the middlemen working in between the publishers on the one side, and the brands and agencies on the other? Before, if you worked with one of them to sell your ad space, that was that. But with header bidding, you'd work with a whole bunch of them at the same time – all competing together in real-time. What could possibly go wrong? At this point, many peoples' brains just overheated, and they had to have a little lie down. Even those fluent in Adtechish. Others maintained that header bidding was good for everyone. Well, maybe not for the brands, who now had the same sites and content coming at them in all directions. But everyone other than them. Imagine selling an old phone online to the highest bidder. Then imagine that auction hooked into five other auctions, with more people bidding on each one. Header bidding meant more money for publishers. Even if it did also threaten more headaches – from slower page loading, to data leakage risks. The Adtechish name 'header bidding' came how it all actually worked - the code and bidding process taking place right there, in the HTML header section of the browser page. This was always a bit of a hack. Hence the problems listed above. And also why ultimately, everyone agreed that moving the process from the browser (client-side) needed to move back to where it belonged, in the server (aka server-to-server header bidding.) Of course, that's where it should have gone. But once again, our old pal data saw to that one. It turned out, with server-to-server, you couldn't always target people as well. So many people just carried on as they were, their heads in the browser. So, there you have it – these acronyms make up the ancient language of the Adtechs. Armed with these abbreviations, you can now go out and mystify everyone. So go forth and spread the Adtechish lingo. Don Draper would be proud. Sales asking for more leads without sacrificing quality? It's the eternal struggle, and failing to pull it off puts growth in jeopardy.That's why we wrote an in-depth playbook on creating effective demand generation strategies. Get ready to be a growth hero. 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What Type of Force Exists Between the North & South Magnetic Poles? WALTER UNGLAUB Hello, my name is Walter Unglaub, and this is what type of force exists between the north and south magnetic poles. So the first thing to note is that here I have the Earth and that the north magnetic pole is actually located in the geodetic or geographic south pole. Likewise the south magnetic pole is located at the north geodetic or geographic pole. So what type of force exists well because we have magnetic poles here the planet actually has a magnetic field. And conventionally this magnetic field will flow in the direction from the north magnetic pole to the south magnetic pole. This magnetic field is hypothesized to be generated from the dynamo action of the iron inside of the mantle inside of the Earth. So as currents flow inside a magnetic field will be generated. So you might ask what type of force exists here. Well it's a Lawrence force and it will act on charged particles that come in from the sun. So these charged particles can be electrons, they can be protons. The point is they have a charge and when they feel the presence of the magnetic field, the field will exert a force on them equal to the charged q times the velocity of the charged particle cross product with the magnetic field. Notice how this force is a vector so is the velocity and so is the magnetic field. The force will be positive if the charge is positive and negative if the charge is negative. So depending on the charge of the particle it will either gyrate towards the north magnetic pole or gyrate about the magnetic field towards the south magnetic pole. As a last comment, we can actually measure the strength of the magnetic field approximately on the surface of the Earth and it turns out that it is a relatively weak magnetic field compared to the fields that you might experience when playing around with toy magnets. So this field is approximately anywhere from 25 to 65 microtesla where micro is one times ten to the six and this is equivalent to a range of .25 to 0.65 Gouse. These are simply two different units to describe a magnetic field. Tesla and Gouse. My name is Walter Unglaub and this is what type of force exists between the north and south magnetic poles. Walter Unglaub graduated from the Colorado School of Mines with a B.S. in Engineering Physics and a M.S. Applied Physics. Meteor Strike Effect on Plate Tectonics What Kind of Tides Occur When the Moon & Sun Are at... What Is "Gram-Equivalent"? Pagan Sacred Directions How to Hang an American Flag Vertically How to Build a Fast Pinewood Derby Car How to Graph in Vertex Form How to Understand Slope for Beginners How to Fold a Marine Corps Flag Parts of a Covered Wagon List of Colleges Offering Aeronautical Engineering How to Do Trigonometric Functions & Identities How to Convert From Kelvin Temperatures to Degrees... How to Calculate Surface Pressure How to Find the Slope of Sides on a Shape How to Construct a 45-45-90 Degree Triangle With a... How to Find the Surface Area of a Pentagon What Continents Are Completely in the Northern Hemisphere?
AR-15 » AR Discussions [ARCHIVED THREAD] - EBR in the Wall Street Journal sfeem OK, USA Posted: 10/8/2007 8:32:03 AM EST Plan to Sell Iraqis M-16s Triggers New Controversy U.S. Provides the Guns, But Training Is Lacking; Upgrade From the AK-47 By YOCHI J. DREAZEN and GREG JAFFE October 8, 2007; Page A1 CAMP TAJI, Iraq -- In this war-ravaged country, a man is often measured by the make of his gun. When Iraqi soldier Abbas Ali Eadan picked up his brand new, U.S.-made M-16 rifle in August at this sprawling base north of Baghdad, his pride was palpable. Courtesy of U.S. Army/Staff Sgt. Jon Cupp Iraqi soldiers practice disassembling and cleaning their newly issued M-16s. "I can put a cigarette in an ashtray and hit it with my M-16 from far away, like a sniper," boasted the 39-year-old. "The terrorists may have rockets and grenades, but only the Iraqi army has M-16s." This spring, after years of requests from senior Iraq politicians and generals, the U.S. began quietly converting the Iraqi army over to the M-16, the main rifle for U.S. soldiers for more than 50 years. According to the Pentagon, the Iraqis have thus far purchased about 21,000 of the rifles, worth roughly $27 million, from Colt Defense LLC. Current plans allow for the Iraqis to eventually buy 123,544 of the American-made firearms. The shift to M-16s is stoking a debate about how the new Iraqi army should be equipped. The M-16 is a far more accurate weapon than the AK-47 assault rifle the Iraqis relied on through decades of fighting. But it's also tougher to maintain and could strain the Iraqis' supply and maintenance systems. More to the point, the Iraqi army is riven with conflicting loyalties, leading many in the U.S. military to worry that the very weapons the U.S. is supplying could be turned against them some day. "There has been a lot of anxiety about having modern assault rifles fall into the hands of terrorists," says Col. Michael Clark, who advises the Iraqi ground command in Baghdad. "The M-16 is just a much, much better weapon…It can do real damage." The argument over the M-16 is part of a broader issue that has dogged U.S. efforts to rebuild the Iraqi military since the beginning of the war: Should the U.S. seek to model Iraqi forces after its own -- and in the process familiarize soldiers with advanced, modern American equipment? Or should it simply teach the Iraqi army to better use the weapons and vehicles it already possesses? During Saddam Hussein's rule, Iraq relied on Soviet-made helicopters, tanks, MiG fighter jets and artillery. Most of that equipment fell into disrepair after the first Gulf War in 1991. After U.S. forces toppled Mr. Hussein in 2003, the armaments were further destroyed or looted. Having to rebuild the Iraqi army from scratch, the Americans initially equipped the country's forces with confiscated guns and tens of thousands of new AK-47s purchased from Eastern Europe. Cheap, plentiful and easy to use, the Russian-designed AK-47 has been a staple for armies, warlords and militias of developing countries around the globe. It was the Iraqi army's primary firearm under the country's late deposed leader, Mr. Hussein. In a recent report, the World Bank found that the AKs are still the weapon of choice for poor armies and insurgents because of their "ease of operation, robustness to mistreatment and negligible failure rate." The M-16, meanwhile, has become an important symbol of a modern Iraq. "The M-16 elevates the morale of our soldiers before they fight the enemy, because they know it gives them strength," says Maj. Gen. Abdullah Mohammed Kahmees al-Dafaee, who commands all Iraqi ground forces. "It is a new Iraqi army, so we should have new weapons." Low-ranking Iraqi soldiers in the field would eye their U.S. advisers' M-16s and complain that they would never be more than a second-rate army so long as they carried aging AK-47s. Senior Iraqi officials pressed top U.S. officials to let them buy M-16s, as well as a trove of other more modern equipment. Throughout 2004, then-Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi urged top U.S. civilian and military officials in Iraq to provide the country's armed forces with American-made tanks, helicopters and planes that would cow insurgents and inspire Iraqi soldiers. Mr. Allawi gained some support from Pentagon officials, who feared that the lightly armed Iraqi troops were being outgunned by insurgents. Using its own funds -- primarily from oil revenues -- Baghdad last year agreed to buy more than $3 billion in American equipment by the end of 2007. By law, Iraq or any other foreign government wishing to purchase U.S.-made weapons must first get approvals from Congress, the Pentagon and the State Department. The U.S. cleared the way for Iraq to buy armored Humvees, cargo trucks, and communications gear directly from U.S. military contractors. It refused Iraqi requests for more-advanced weapons like M-1 tanks and Apache attack helicopters, citing fears that the weaponry could fall into the hands of insurgents or be used to menace Iraq's neighbors. More than anything else, the Iraqis wanted M-16s. The Iraqis received their first shipment, of 20,000 guns, earlier this year. Another 21,000 are due to arrive this fall. So far, the U.S. has distributed about 2,400 of the firearms, issuing them only after Iraqis have completed a short training course on the weapon's use and maintenance. One sweltering afternoon this month, a few dozen Iraqi soldiers in T-shirts and mismatched uniforms made their way to a bustling warehouse here to swap their AK-47s for shrink-wrapped M-16s. The guns were so new they still had "Colt Defense LLC" stickers on their stocks. After picking up the guns and ammunition magazines, the Iraqi soldiers ambled over to a plastic table and put their fingers on a small glass scanner connected to a Panasonic laptop, which took digital copies of their fingerprints. Iraqi attendants digitally scanned each soldier's iris, took digital recordings of his voice and photographed each soldier with his new rifle. "My name is Wadih Mohammed. I was born in 1971," one stocky Iraqi lieutenant said into a microphone. The biometric information was burnt onto compact disks and then given to Iraqi authorities as a way of safekeeping the weapons. If one goes missing, the solider assigned the weapon will be held accountable. The Iraqis spent a total of just three days learning how to fire the weapons, instead of the almost two weeks of training that U.S. soldiers undertake. "In a perfect world, they would get more than three days of training," says Master Sgt. Varon Martinez, a senior member of a military training team here. "But nothing in Iraq is perfect." The classes were taught by instructors from Military Professionals Resources Inc., a subsidiary of defense contractor L-3 Communications Corp. The company received a $3 million contract to train the Iraqis at Taji through the end of 2007. "Gentlemen, let's talk about the characteristics of the M-16, from top to bottom," MPRI instructor Jeffrey Goodman said to the Iraqi soldiers gathered around him on a dusty firing range here early one morning. Mr. Goodman, clad in olive-green pants and suspenders, told the troops that an AK round is narrow so that it typically goes straight through the enemy, limiting damage to tissue. An M-16 round spins much faster and tumbles when it makes contact with the enemy so that "it causes mass casualty in the body." An Army retiree with 20-odd years in the military, Mr. Goodman demonstrated how to disassemble the weapon and clean it piece by piece, removing any rust and dirt. By the end of the second day, the Iraqis were able to take the weapon apart and reassemble it when they followed along Mr. Goodman's step-by-step demonstration. But many struggled with taking apart the M-16's firing mechanism, which contains numerous small parts. There were other snafus. The Iraqi supply depot failed to order enough ammunition for the M-16s for all the classes. The first two groups of soldier-students also faced significant shortages of cleaning kits, essential to making the M-16s work. The M-16 is a far more complex weapon than the AK-47 -- with its many springs and pins -- and requires regular upkeep and cleaning or it will cease firing. A stockpile of spare parts must be kept on hand, adding to the strain on the Iraqi army's troubled supply system. On the third day of training, Mr. Goodman told the Iraqis to lie flat on their stomachs, balance their M-16s on a short stack of sand bags and prepare to fire at paper targets stapled to wooden backstops a short distance away. When he asked the Iraqi troops where they should shoot, they jubilantly yelled, "B'nose," Arabic for "in the center." Mr. Goodman directed them to open fire. Mr. Goodman shook his head as several Iraqis gripped the M-16s as if they were AK-47s, causing their bullets to miss their targets by a long shot. "This is not a Kalashnikov!" he shouted, using the nickname for an AK-47. "You're using a precision weapon." Some U.S. trainers say the switch to the M-16 will help improve the professionalism of the Iraqi force and its performance on the battlefield. Sgt. Martinez has noticed that Iraqi soldiers behave differently in firefights when they have the more-precise M-16. "I saw them crouch on one knee and aim the weapon rather than just spraying," he said. "It was like, 'Wait. If I aim I can actually hit something. I don't need to just spray.' " When the Iraqi troops at Camp Taji finished test firing their M-16s at the rifle range, they gingerly laid down their rifles and began comparing their bullet-ridden paper targets. Slightly more than half of the Iraqi soldiers met the basic marksmanship standards needed to pass the course. The remainder were ordered to show up the following day for a second chance -- although there were no real consequences for those who failed at both attempts. Starved for recruits, the Iraqi military rarely expels soldiers for technical lapses or ethical infractions. Senior U.S. commanders like Lt. Gen. James Dubik say they are confident that the Iraqis will eventually learn to operate the M-16s effectively. But training them to use the new weapon will take time that the U.S. may not have. A recent Government Accountability Office report found that the number of Iraqi army brigades capable of operating independently of U.S. forces had declined to six in July from 10 in March. After the initial enthusiasm of getting the M-16 rifles wore off, some Iraqi soldiers began to complain that they missed their old AK-47s. Ali Jassim, an Iraqi soldier who received his M-16 in August, worried that the gun's bullets, lighter than those used in AK-47s, won't be strong enough to quickly kill combatants. "To tell you the truth, I would prefer my old AK," Mr. Jassim said. "The M-16s may be better for Americans, but the AKs are better for Iraqis." Write to Yochi J. Dreazen at yochi.dreazen@wsj.com and Greg Jaffe at greg.jaffe@wsj.com thedoctors308 Carbine > Shotgun MD, USA Browning Hi Power: Sidearm of the Free World Hemi-Cuda ~ god thomas paine owns Hemi-Cuda ~ he's all like "sup slut" wgjhsafT Coming to a state near you. PA, USA Wow, it sounds like the Iraqis believe that having the M16 makes you a better soldier because it magically allows bullets to hit targets when you "aim." I guess its better than spray-n-pray with AKs but you can easily use the sights on AKs and hit stuff too. So M16 rifles will make the Iraqi army better? They need more training and leadership to really do better. Forum Signature : 255 character limit. Nakanokalronin IL, USA The problem I'm seeing that even with training is the Iraqis are not going to clean and maintain their M16s. Their used to barely cleaning their AKs and when they did they used diesel which I don't think would work in an M16. When we leave there I am sure they will be going back to the AKs, and if they do where will those M16s end up? LoneWolfUSMC IN, USA Originally Posted By Nakanokalronin: AKs and when they did they used diesel which I don't think would work in an M16. When we leave there I am sure they will be going back to the AKs, and if they do where will those M16s end up? I personally think this is a VERY good move. 1. Iraqi money flowing to an American business. 2. Iraqi army getting a better weapon system that still requires support from American Logistics. 3. If the Iraqi's tell us to f*ck-off and we stop supporting them, their M16's will die without proper PM and replacement parts. So they get a weapon system that requires US Support and if it falls into insurgent hands will likely not be maintained and fail to function. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Anyone remember what happened to the F-14 Tomcats we sold to Iran? They are rotting in the desert somewhere and stopped flying the day we pulled out support. Even if we were dumb enough to equip them with Abrams tanks, if we stop supporting them with technical advisors and parts, their equipment will die. Wojo Faux-loc NJ, USA This might be a good move like when Iran bought F-14's. Over time they will surrender the AK's and AR's. In 5 years, 80% of these rifles will not operate, they will probably feed them crap ammo and over time, there will be very few M16's that they can turn on us. And if we are smart (we're not), we can flood the parts market with inferior stuff just to make them even more unreliable... . "Hey Johnny, what are you rebelling against"..."Don't know, what do you got?" Marlon Brando, The Wild One DLoken Posted: 10/8/2007 6:24:37 PM EST AFAIK, the Iranian F-14s are still flying today in some form. bigez NC, USA Posted: 10/8/2007 10:23:37 PM EST [Last Edit: 10/8/2007 10:26:22 PM EST by bigez] So the U.S. is going to ship $3 billion of various weapons over there (including 123,544 M16s) yet many Senators still say that my AR will somehow end up in terrorist hands if it's not banned.....hmmmmmm. "One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens pay nearly half of everything they earn to government." --presidential candidate Ron Paul WolfiePacker They just want to use the weapon of the Americans simply because its the weapon of the Americans. If I was them Id just stick with AKs. jerkface11 AR, USA If it's that much of a morale boost then it's a good idea. My only problem with the article is it says the M-16, the main rifle for U.S. soldiers for more than 50 years Unless i fell into a timewarp and this is 2014. Bangz If it provides a sense of pride and motivation, then it is a good thing. I know I can't shoot an AK anywhere near as well I can shoot an AR. So now, I don't own any AKs. You have to have faith and confidence in your weapon and if it helps you realize your abilities, it affects your mindset. our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. MEDIKEIGHTED Why'd it have to be Colts? Couldn't we have sent them all the Oly's they needed and kept the good rifles over here? jakeswensonmt MT, USA The Iranian F14's fly, but their offensive avionics were sabotaged after the Shah fell from power, cannot launch Phoenix missiles et al. ChromeLined Its not about gvivng them a better weapon...its about contarcts and money...the M16 didnt make the ARVN a better fighting force..what ever weapon you use the will to fight and be free has to be there..its like the saying goes....good plane inexperienced pilot less capable plane better pilot....better pilot wins just like the better soldier,the insurgents will end up with M16s that have only been droped once. Border_Ruffian KS, USA They damn sure can't have my Oly. So put that in your kool aid. Colt_sporter NH, USA Posted: 10/10/2007 12:24:04 AM EST Originally Posted By jakeswensonmt: Wrong, they test fired a AIM-54 on a MiG-25... I owned a Colt a for a month...and now I'm stuck with the name... Posted: 10/11/2007 12:58:50 PM EST Were these A4s set up for 3 round burst or full auto ?? Methinks the straight FA set-up would be a simpler thing to maintain, given the envronment. Now if they get tired of all that precision, then they can pipeline 'em back to the states....where they'd make primo gunshow fodder !! Posted: 10/11/2007 2:37:44 PM EST Originally Posted By Bangz: I'm with you on this one. Equipment definately makes a differance in the mind of the individuals using it. And, when it comes down to it, a more confident shooter is going to perform better. A big part of what you bring with you is your mindset.
Dixie Carter Responds To Criticism Of Hulk Hogan ben_fletch Steven Muehlhausen recently interviewed TNA President Dixie Carter on The Fight Club Chicago radio show. During the interview, Carter responded to criticism of Hulk Hogan and discussed what he's meant to TNA. "I think people think he's just showing up and collecting some big fat paycheck, and it couldn't be further from the truth," said Carter. "This guy, this legend in our business, truly he surpasses the word wrestling itself. He is so immersed in our business and helping us grow our business on days he's not even on shows. He's driving an hour and a half to sit in on our agents' meetings and help working with agents and the talent on the night of the show. If we have a PPV and he's not on it, he's there. He's working his tail off. "And then you have what Hulk Hogans bring to a company such as ours, and the doors it opens and the visibility it gives and that's everything. He's making business calls for us, he's talking to advertisers, he's showing up and working Viacom stuff. He's as vested as you can possibly be and I think he will always be known for so many big, big things throughout his career. I am hopeful that this period of his life, even when he's not in the ring wrestling, will be one that fans are proud of how much he's giving back to this sport and how he's helping these young guys grow and what he's doing for our industry." Brown Hippy Thank you based Hulkster. PauseMenuNotWanted Did you expect anything different? She defended Vince Russo sticking around you know, she probably wanted him to stay. UnsungZer0 Yea, he's fuckin her. Riddle101 · Harvester of Sorrow I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt here. If she's being truthful about what's going on behind the scenes then maybe Hogan ain't so bad. Not saying he's an angel or something but the guy always had passion for the business and I do believe that deep down inside, Hogan wants to help. Even if somethings don't go so well. RatedR IWC Star she is so dumb and every time i read something about her or hear her speak it just further cements it .. if you want to sum up all of tna problems into 2 words here it is = dixie carter THANK YOU EDGE !!!! MY FAVORITE WRESTLER OF ALL TIME AND AN EDGEHEAD 4 LIFE !!!!! Reactions: Wildcat410 · #WoodwardOut #LUHG #7 · May 22, 2012 (Edited) Fuck her, she thinks all wrestling fans are virgins (yes she actually has said that)> [/SIGPIC] Not Removing Until Jason Garrett is Fired as the Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys. Pinball Wizard Graves A nice fluff piece. I cannot think of anything different that Hogan and Bischoff have been directly responsible for as far as increasing the visibility of Impact and the TNA product at large. ninetwentyfour Kind of unrelated, but related as well, the lady has been so brainwashed to what the company/wrestling needs it's kind of sad. Imagine the shit spewed over the years by Jeff Jarrett, Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan. King_Of_This_World This thread is hilarious. Can I ask, how exactly do a bunch of smarks in this thread know better than the owner of the company what Hulk Hogan has done for TNA? Considering the fact that they are around each other most days. Go back and read your replies, are you not embarrassed? How the heck would any of you know what Hogan has been doing for TNA behind the scenes better than Dixie Carter!? Stinks of sexism to be honest. You would not be saying these things if she were a man, no chance. Reactions: Brown Hippy HotSauceCharlie What is she suppose to say? Arya Dark Dixie said all the right things. She's not incorrect here. SHE WEARS STRENGTH AND DARKNESS EQUALLY WELL. THAT GIRL IS HALF GODDESS AND HALF HELL Skermac You have to admit Hulk Hogan does have a lot of contacts in the business. I can see him calling advetisers and helping with talent and other off stage things. He has a passion for wrestling and is trying to help the brand grow. I respect him for that. I don't think she is lying about that. joeisgonnakillyou styles responded : "dat ass" The reason why we don't get fresh ideas and promotions rising in American Pro Wrestling is because the majority of the community is happy with the same old shit and will reject any chance of change. There is a risk in doing new things, 9 times out of 10, it leads to 50+ pages of bitching and moaning. While business gets turned into a dictatorship and more and more out of touch. Support the indies, support New Pro Wrestling. joeisgonnakillyou said: Inb4 AJ winning 13 world titles and burying people left and right. It's all about the game styles... Marks for Austin Aries/D Bryan crew Creams himself over Lesnars Entrance crew Prefers watching wrestling intoxicated crew Scott Steiner is the real GOAT crew WF metal crew hahawas King_Of_This_World said: Well said. 99% of us have probably been backstage in the locker room and into a booking room, or have even met Dixie and Hogan What if WCW won the Monday Night Wars? Here's what I think would have happened: http://inthesquaredcircle.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/what-if-wcw-won-monday-night-wars.html "Dashing" CJ She said what she was supposed to say whether it's true or not doesn't matter, it's not like she's gonna say bad things about the guy. Boss P I wonder what great things Brooke Hogan is gonna bring to the table. Dixie is a mark, and she's being worked by the ultimate worker. "I'd like to die like my father died... My father died fucking. My father was 57 when he died. The woman was 18. My father came and went at the same time." - Richard Pryor sjones8 Rome is burning and Dixie is too busy playing Captain-Save-A-Hogan to notice. People don't like to feel stupid for making bad choices, so they defend them. She's not spinning here; she actually believes what she is talking about. A small part of her brain is telling her, "Of course you made the right choice here, sweetie, otherwise you would have essentially lost millions of dollars and sacrificed the morale of the people who built your company. Shh, everything is fine!" The point of paying any employee, at the very least, is to get that money back somehow. Hogan's been with TNA for two years and if TNA isn't reaping any type of reward yet from his presence, what makes them think it's ever going to happen at all? Jay and Beyonce's reaction whenever they watch an episode of Impact! Wrestling. lol, sexism? I don't think it has anything to do with that really. If she were a man she would still get the same hate she does as a woman. I don't see how sexism applies to Dixie when it has nothing to do with her being a woman but how she runs TNA and how she acts. Pinball Wizard Graves May 24, 2012
Kobwin Update By Constance Dobbs, Remedial and Counseling Program Coordinator, New Hope Staff since 2003 Part of the Kobwin family. Nabulungi Scovia*, 16, was abducted by the rebel group "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA) when she was nine. She escaped after six months but the scars from that time run deep. Scovia came to Kobwin with a lot of anger. Though she enjoys living in a place where she is not referred to by the demeaning label "Kony's Wife" that she has often heard, she is still very insecure and affected by the trauma of her ordeal. The Kobwin staff continue to love her and look forward to seeing her freed from the chains that bind her. 14-year-old Latolo John*, one of 15 boys now living full-time at New Hope's Kobwin Children's Centre, spent significant time in Interally Displaced Person (IDP) camps following the chaos and atrocities of the LRA. Such camps can be quite dehumanizing as those there have no work opportunities nor hope of providing for themselves. The only option often seems to be to sit and wait for the next relief agency to come and provide food. John's father had died and his mother was unable to pay for any schooling. There seemed to be no future. John enjoyed getting to know New Hope teams who would come to his area and offer camps. When Kobwin officially opened in March, John and his mother jumped at the opportunity. Now, receiving daily remediation schooling, John is preparing for his P7 exam. He talks about being so thankful for the opportunity to go to school and looks forward to one day being able to help his family with the skills he is now acquiring. Though he is still fairly quiet, he has started to develop into praise and worship leader among his peers, even though he is one of the youngest at Kobwin. John is very much still developing, but God is transforming his life and he now lives with hope. *Names have been changed Our Kobwin Centre opened officially with the first 21 children like Scovia and John and coming to live with us in mid- March of 2010. All of these Water color pics of scriptures children came from Amuria District and where each of them either lived in an Internally Dispaced Persons (IDP) Camp for a prolonged period of time and had been either traumatized by the war in the North or had actually been abducted by members of the LRA and consequently, had become a part of them. Kobwin Centre was a long time in the making, but God's timing is always perfect! In 2003 while members of New Hope Uganda's Kasana Children's Centre were part of a month-long relief effort in Soroti, the vision for Kobwin Centre was birthed. We actually took possession of the land at Kobwin in 2005, after having moved from what we thought would be the start up site in nearby Bugondo. From 2005-the end of 2009 only a skeleton staff of two couples and their children were in Kobwin, developing the gardens, planning for the future, building the existing structures. Those two couples are still with us as part of the current Kobwin staff and have had the joy of seeing their long wait pay off this year. In August of 2007, after having identified Amuria as the area that we would bring our first children from the group of 50 children from Amuria, came to Kobwin to attend our first camp held for them. Thus we slowly began building relationship with a large of traumatized children from whom we would eventually chose the first 21 children from 2 ½ years later. These camps continued as our relationship with the children continued to blossom so that when they arrived in March of 2010 it was more like a homecoming than a coming to a new place. The two years of camps was one of the best investments we could have ever made in these children and really was testimony to how waiting on the Father's perfect timing has great rewards! Digging near the compound We currently have 21 children from Amuria lining in the family group headed by one of our own sons with his wife and three young boys. The children range in age from 14 – 18 years plus one 21 year old. Of the 21, 10 are former abductees. They were each with the LRA for varying amounts of time, from 2 months to 1 ½ years. The other 11 had their lives tremendously disrupted by the life in various IDP camps. All are behind where they would be in school if not for the war in the North. There are six boys who attend a nearby (walking distance) secondary school and are in S1 and S2. The remaining 15 attend our primary school on the Kobwin site and are in P4, P6and P7. We have 5 girls and 16 boys. In their time outside of school hours, our kids can be found in the normal activities of the people of Uganda. They dig in the gardens, maintain our compound, fetch water, clean their houses, wash their clothing, help with the family parent's children, play football and other games, develop their artistic talents attend family devotions, small group mentoring and counseling and just enjoy one another, in general! We currently have maize, cassava, ground nuts, sweet potatoes, and vegetables growing in our gardens. We are yet to be self sufficient but should produce 40% of our own food this year. We praise God for all He is doing at Kobwin and for all of the prayers and support that have made it possible. Erusu studying hard Additional classroom Staff housing, both for singles and families Completion of our admin block A Clinic building Vehicles and the funds to operate and maintain them. Two primary teachers Sponsorship Needed Child Sponsorship: This is a non-relational sponsorship that involves commitment to prayer support for the child and $30 a month financial support. Staff Sponsorship: Two couples, nurse, two additional teachers, when they are in place Donate to Kobwin Contact our Sponsorship Office
Situated some seventeen miles north of Cambridge, the City of Ely rises above the flat landscape of the East Anglian fens, approximately 80 feet above sea level. Dominating the skyline is the majestic Ely Cathedral, over 1000 years old, and forming the focal point of this market town. Ely is rapidly expanding with over 15,000 inhabitants; the electrified rail link enabling London to be easily accessed, and many people travelling to work in Cambridge. Historically Ely was 'The Isle of Ely', an island surrounded by water and marshy fen, fairly isolated until the draining of the fens started in the 17th century. Now the River Ouse forms a natural boundary on the eastern edge, and the City rises steeply above it looking out over many miles of low lying, rich agricultural land. The City of Ely has not only the Cathedral to care for the community's spiritual needs but also a Parish Church, St. Mary the Virgin, and many other churches representing different denominations. All denominations use the City of Ely cemetery. Prior to the mid 19th century all burials took place either at Holy Cross (the cemetery for Holy Trinity parish) next to the Cathedral, or St. Mary's, but these sites eventually became very overcrowded, a condition exacerbated by a cholera epidemic in 1832. In 1855 due to the state of the two existing cemeteries it was found necessary to purchase land for a new cemetery. A piece of land of approximately 6 acres, belonging to the New Barns Estate was bought for £600 by Wm Marshall esq. In 1856 a splendid Chapel was built on the land by a Mr. Freeman for £2,700 and the new cemetery was put under the management of the Burial Board, which comprised 15 members. The land was divided into consecrated and unconsecrated areas to allow for the burial of Anglicans and non conformists. The new cemetery was opened on 12th May 1855 and the same cemetery with additional ground is still in use today making the total area just over 13 acres. The Cemetery Chapel The cemetery lies on a gentle rise in the landscape and the Chapel sits in the most elevated position giving it a certain prominence and stature. Completed in 1856 the Chapel is a brick and stone construction and is most unusual. It was designed by J.L. Prichett of Darlington and comprises two identical mirror-image Chapels joined together by a belfry and spire with single bell. The belfry arches over a central roadway giving covered access to each of the Chapel entrances. The single width roadway circumnavigates the entire Chapel. Originally one Chapel was for the use of Anglican burials, the other non conformist. Both Chapels are vaulted and have steep timber roofs, which are slated. Both have all the original detail internally and the north Chapel is decorated in the style of the period. Today only the north Chapel is used for services, the south Chapel being used as a general workroom by the cemetery custodians. The City of Ely Council renovated the North Chapel in 1999. This investment and hard work means the people of Ely have a cemetery which to be proud of. The Cemetery The cemetery grounds are accessed from a double-gated sweeping driveway. At the entrance is a period house surrounded by mature woodland, and these trees continue to follow the curving driveway so that as it is approached the cemetery is glimpsed through the different coloured barks and leaves against a backdrop of lush green lawn. Due to the undulations in the landscape not all of the cemetery can be seen at once giving it an intimate feel like a large garden. As the driveway rises up towards the Chapel the oldest section of the cemetery is on the left, the large darkened and weathered stones giving the centuries-past feeling of belonging, like the traditional churchyard. The land immediately on the right is low-lying and as a result quite wet making it unsuitable for adult burials. It is therefore reserved for child burials, and as a result is sparsely populated allowing for a predominance of lawn with a scattering of smaller headstones. The perimeter of the cemetery where it borders the roadway is screened by various trees and mixed hedges, as befits the rural setting, and is a home to a variety of small wildlife. At the furthest edge of the cemetery a huge mound can be seen surmounted by a splendid, ancient ash tree. This is thought to be the site of a mass burial from a cholera epidemic. Further along are a few war graves, identical and simple. Many of those drafted from this area in the Second World War saw action in the Far East and never returned. Another innovation by the City of Ely Council's cemetery committee has been better landscaping, turning the area around the Chapels into a more attractively planted setting both to enhance the lovely Chapel and bring colour and scent into the cemetery. Care and thought has been put into the design so that mourners stepping out of cars do not immediately walk onto either flower beds or wet turf. An edging of gravel between the roadway and the flower beds has proved most practical and attractive. The flower beds comprise roses for the most part and a scheme exists to enable relatives to purchase a commemorative rose bush. The custodians of the cemetery have planted a large number of bulbs so that with the advent of Spring the crocus and daffodils appear in the lawns and borders, and have in the past few years put great effort into softening the landscape with the planting of a variety of attractive shrubs. Similarly the place designated for cremation burials has been given special thought, with an area within the cemetery being turned into a separate hedged garden with seating. Smaller headstones are within a lawned area, and a circular pathway with scented flower bed provides an attractive centrepiece, again with an opportunity to purchase a commemorative rose. Work is still continuing in this area so that in years to come the garden will be an oasis of beauty with mature shrubs, plants and bulbs providing variety and colour throughout the year, as in the rest of the cemetery. Seating is provided in the cemetery in areas where there have been burials within the last 50 years, but if relatives wish to provide seating in the form of a memorial bench in any part of the cemetery this is acceptable following appropriate liaison with the council clerk. Generally the Cemetery Committee try to be as sympathetic and understanding as possible to mourners. The aim is to provide a place of privacy, beauty and tranquillity – a place to mourn, a place to contemplate, or simply be. On a practical note the cemetery is environmentally friendly, with compost bins for all vegetable waste, to be used as mulch on the gardens. Water taps and watering cans for relatives to tend their plots are available, with refuse bins for visitors waste frequently emptied. To date 15,626 internments have taken place. The cemetery custodians are on site Monday to Thursday 8.15am – 4.15pm and Friday 8.15am – 3.45pm, and the cemetery opening hours are 8.15am 'til dusk, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. There are two cemetery custodians, one full time and one part time, who each take an immense pride in their work and the service they provide at such a sensitive time. Many compliments are paid to their hard work in maintaining the cemetery and gardens to a very high standard, so that the cemetery is a place of beauty and tranquility and very much adds to the City of Ely landscape. For further information about the Chapel, please contact City of Ely Council by telephoning 01353 669659 or email info@cityofelycouncil.org.uk. Interment Form Memorial Application Form Cemetery Rules 2019 Cemetery Fees 2018-2019 Recreation & Cemetery Committee
His main beef is with New York City's PrEP campaign. "It makes it seem like a miracle drug," Michael says. "This is problematic, especially for millennials who think that condom use isn't a thing anymore as long as you're taking PrEP." He thinks that people starting PrEP should have to take a training course that explains the statistics. "There are risks," he says. "And that wasn't clearly noted." [Source] What brought this up is a guy I know who I find physically attractive, despite he's about half my age and despite his douche personality. So my perception was correct because his partner says his boyfriend has a "douche personality." Unlike any Queer couple I've ever known where a guy is knowingly with a douche guy and fine with that. They're both Jewish, Jewish, Jewish, Queer, Queer, Queer, gender-bending, gender-bending and Queer, Queer, Queer-obsessed. The guy I'm attracted to is your typical Millennial. Full of himself. Is there anything he doesn't claim to know? He barebacks on event PrEP which is a stupid thing to do because he could still get pozzed. Almost 20 guys have become poz on PrEP as of this writing. Here's one of them. But being an invincible Millennial I suspect he says, "That can't happen to me" or "If it happens, I'll deal with that then." But his boyfriend — who he doesn't seem to have sex with anymore — doesn't seem to care. They seem more like friends than partners. So that begs the question: Why should I care since his boyfriend doesn't? His boyfriend knows this douche a lot better than I do. A part of me has a problem with seeing "a pretty face" — since I find him physically attractive taking health risks. But from talking with him in person, I didn't find him all that hot in conversation and he tries to walk away from me while talking. I've noticed that he also does that with other people. So it's not just me. Sorry to bore you dude. He asked nothing about me. It was all about him. Your typical Millennial. Well, from my experience the prettiest faces in the world have some of the most douche insides/personality. That's the case with this guy. He doesn't know the truth. He's a pathological liar. Recently he told me about a concert he went to and was raving about. Well, I smelled another lie. I checked the concert venue and due to COVID restrictions, the concert he said he had gone to never existed. The calendar for that venue is blank and has been blank for months. No concerts will be held in that venue for at least a couple of months. So his story about that was all a lie. But the way he told it, anyone would have believed it. I think he believed it himself by the way he told it. So why do I care about someone else's health and their stupid decisions? And all of the few guys I've met over the years with a "pretty face" didn't click well with me after I got past the "pretty face." We were not each other's type, or there was something fucked up about them I came to learn after awhile. Note to self: Be alert to getting emotionally-attached to a "pretty face." It's similar to being on political forums where one political cult or another is trying to "save the (unsaveable) world." Mi amigo/My friend was watching this guy and his show on AdTube and he told me the guy had so many thousands of viewers. I asked: Is he partisan? He said: Oh very! I said: That's why he has thousands of viewers. Online, to be "successful," you have to be partisan to attract the cult supporters of each political cult/party. Those people who are not partisan don't attract much of an audience because most people have been brainwashed that they must belong to a "team" or cult. And it's about "saving the world" as things get worse and worse with every passing day. Delusional. So whether it's trying to save the unsaveable world or trying to save someone from health risks — even though I've said nothing to the guy I mentioned earlier about him taking health risks — it's really all the same. There's nothing I can do about any of it. But the teacher in me does try to educate, but with this guy I mentioned, I suspect he has all the education I have on health risks. He's willing to take them. His medical doctor goes along with whatever he wants to do, I suspect. Nobody owns another person and each person is responsible for what they do. It's just a part of me has trouble accepting that, and it leads me to feeling depressed at times especially when it comes to a "pretty face." The thing is, should he get pozzed from barebacking on PrEP — does he ask and or believe when the other guy tells him they're neg even when they're poz? — as has happened with some guys, that "pretty face" along with the ageing process will gradually be eroded by the disease and or the HIV medications as happens with many HIV/AIDS patients. Chau.—el barrio rosa
Reading: Some Perceptions on Research Integrity Some Perceptions on Research Integrity B.J.C. Perera Joint Editor, Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health and Editor-in-Chief, Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians, Health Informatics Society of Sri Lanka, LK About B.J.C. Consultant Paediatrician Editor-in-Chief : SLJBMI, Joint Editor : SLJCH, Assistant Editor : CMJ Key words: research; integrity This article deals with some intricacies of Research Integrity. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics 2010;1(4):192-3 DOI: 10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Keywords: research , integrity How to Cite: Perera, B.J.C., 2010. Some Perceptions on Research Integrity. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics, 1(4), pp.192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera, B.J.C., 2010. Some Perceptions on Research Integrity. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics, 1(4), pp.192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera BJC. Some Perceptions on Research Integrity. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics. 2010;1(4):192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera, B. J. C. (2010). Some Perceptions on Research Integrity. Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-medical Informatics, 1(4), 192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera BJC, 'Some Perceptions on Research Integrity' (2010) 1 Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-Medical Informatics 192 DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera, B.J.C.. 2010. "Some Perceptions on Research Integrity". Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-medical Informatics 1 (4): 192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera, B.J.C.. "Some Perceptions on Research Integrity". Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-medical Informatics 1, no. 4 (2010): 192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490 Perera, B. J. C.. "Some Perceptions on Research Integrity". Sri Lanka Journal of Bio-medical Informatics, vol. 1, no. 4, 2010, pp. 192–94. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljbmi.v1i4.2490
Montenegro: PM Krivokapić on first official visit to Brussels By Mladen Dragojlovic/ Published on: 15/12/2020 Montenegro will be the EU's best ally, Montenegro Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić stated during today's official visit to Brussels. "This is the first visit taking place during the second working week of the new democratic government, tangible proof of the greatest support. Because, at this moment, while Brussels -much like the whole world- is fighting the COVID-19 pandemic with a scarcity of resources, it is our honour and pleasure to visit," PM Krivokapić pointed out. He has also said he is satisfied with the EU support, noting that Montenegro will be its best partner. Krivokapić told the RTCG reporter in Brussels that he himself and the citizens of Montenegro have been honoured "to be able to visit Brussels and the Charles Michel-lead European Council in the second week of the new government mandate". Michel, according to the Prime Minister, wanted to be first-hand thoroughly informed and provide his support to the activities the new government is aspiring to – a better standard of living for citizens. "We are committed to elevating the quality of life of our citizens and investments that we'll certainly attract, and one more thing that we've neglected – the rule of law," the Montenegro PM noted. The President of the European Council announced on social media that "close ties with the Western Balkan countries are crucial for the EU", and that Montenegro is a key partner. "You have our full support for the reforms your country is implementing," Michel tweeted. This is the first visit by Montenegro's newly elected Prime Minister to the European capital. Later today, Krivokapić will meet with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, while on Wednesday he will have talks with European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, as well as with representatives of the Belgian government. /ibna North Macedonia: National Investment Committee meets under Zaev Slovenia: 1.2% month-on-month increase in October 2020 average gross earnings Zaev and Tsipras were awarded with the Hesse Peace Prize 2020 Lavrov: Dayton is the foundation of BiH's functioning BiH: International organizations issue joint OP/ED on Dayton Agreement anniversary Romania: Government formation consultations continue after PNL, USR-PLUS, UDMR co-operation collapses Croatia: Kelag acquires Orjak windfarm from BayWa r.e. BiH: Central Bank supports reforms opposed by Republika Srpska Bulgaria: Zaharieva sends the start of accession talks with North Macedonia to the unforeseeable future OP/ED: Road to The Hague leads Albania to… Europe
Reclaiming freedom in education and society On Tuesday 17 March at 7:00PM in Hallmark Hotel Derby, Midland Road, DE1 2SQ Derby, the East Midlands Salon is hosting a discussion entitled 'Reclaiming freedom in education and society' Liberal education and the progress of knowledge depend on tolerance of the widest possible diversity of ideas and expressions of those ideas. As Mill described in On Liberty, revolutions in ideas depend on tolerating even the most countercultural arguments, and personal growth depends on confronting even the most seemingly false ideas. Today, liberal education appears to be under threat even in universities which should embody societal commitment to freedom of speech and inquiry. Recent research*, by the online magazine spiked, show that 80 per cent of universities create a chilling environment for freedom of speech or actively engage in censorship. Other research** shows that senior managers in many universities are ambiguous in their attitudes to academic freedom. They formally support academic freedom but do not give it the attention or support needed to ensure it isn't undermined by the bureaucracy and its many committees. Are the freedoms required for a liberal education and a free society really under threat? The panel of experts at the Salon will give their assessment of the present state of freedom in education and society and how freedom in education can be reclaimed. They are: Adam Kissel is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Chicago. His academic interests include the history and theory of liberal education, the history and theory of rhetoric, and rhetoric's relationship with philosophy. Adam was Vice President of Programs at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) in Philadelphia and has given dozens of lectures about academic freedom and free speech on college campuses nationwide. His visit to Derby is part of his Free Speech England Tour. Professor Dennis Hayes is the director of Academics For Academic Freedom (AFAF) and was a member of the Spiked team that drew up the first ever Free Speech University Rankings. He has published widely on academic freedom and among his many publications is a book on The McDonaldization of Higher Education. He is a member of the editorial board of the Times Higher Education magazine. Judith Gill is a senior lecturer in human resource management in Derby Business School. Her areas of interest in research are almost diametrically opposed, these being the role of the HR practitioner and leader, and academic freedom in universities and she considers that these bring an interesting perspective to some of her work. Her on-going research on university leaders' perceptions of academic freedom will be the basis of her presentation. The chair will be Dr Ruth Mieschbuehler, a researcher at the University of Derby, who has undertaken extensive research into the learning experiences of students in higher education and how these match the universal ideals implied by a liberal education. Tickets are available now through Eventbrite. Time and Date: Please arrive in time to get yourself a drink for a 19.00 start (Ends 20.30), Tuesday 17 March 2015 Tickets: £5 (£3 Concessions) Book now through this Reclaiming freedom in education and society link. Venue: Hallmark Hotel Derby, Midland Road, Derby DE1 2SQ. Posted in: Recent Discussions | Tagged: Education, Freedom ← The Future of Innovation Do museums have a future? → Suicide Philosophy skills Racism Teaching Balloon Debate Education sex Community populism Professor Dennis Hayes youth rape culture anniversary citizen WORLDwrite Dante truth Dolan Cummings Fatwa Neighbourhood BPAS debate Enlightenment groupthink parenting Politics man State salon Personalities Derby Art ethical transgender Alchemy Morality museums neuroscience universities China Kant the state free speech Freedom
ASP Discusses Implications of National Security Strategy Posted By Esther Babson on Dec 22, 2017 The American Security Project was featured in multiple media outlets discussing the recently released National Security Strategy. The new strategy outlined the Trump Administration's national security priorities; focusing on economic competition with other global powers including China and Russia. What was visibly missing from the document was any mention of climate change as a threat to national security. Scientific America quoted ASP's Director of Studies Andrew Holland on the subject in their recent article, "Trump Drops Climate Threats from National Security Strategy." Holland explained that while it would be preferable to have the threat of climate change listed in the document, the military is already planning for the threats of climate change and will continue to do that regardless of the strategy. He noted that, "The National Security Strategy is a political document put out by the White House…The top-ranking individual who has a position on this is Secretary Mattis, and he's said climate change is real, it's happening and we have to plan for it, we have to prepare for it." In addition to covering the lack of climate change in the document, Holland highlighted the concerning language around energy security in the document. He noted that while developing traditional and non-traditional energy sources is and will remain important in the years to come, the document's use of word's like "dominance" is problematic. Specifically, it "implies is that somebody's dominant and somebody's submissive…(and) that's not a way to get others to do what you want them to do in global affairs." Holland spoke to several other media outlets on the subject including, a live video broadcasting with Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), and two E&E News articles. Links to each are below. Video: "US Plays Down Climate Change" Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Article: "Climate to get a bit part in Trump's security plan" by Nick Sobczyk, E&E News Article: "Trump plan stresses 'energy dominance,' infrastructure" by Nick Sobczyk, E&E News For more from American Security Project on climate security and energy security, check out our guides on Climate Security and Energy Security. By: American Security Project This paper addresses the presence of American non-strategic nuclear weapons Europe. It explores the role and purpose of these arms in order to determine their effectiveness as both a deterrent and as tools of non-proliferation. ..Find out more Perspective – Russia's Silent Epidemic: Diplomatic Opportunities for Addressing HIV/AIDS This report examines the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russia, and the threat it poses to stability. Humanitarian efforts by the United States to help manage the epidemic may help thaw the U.S.-Russia Relationship. ..Find out more Perspective – Maintaining America's Edge: Overcoming Advanced Air Defenses This report presents an overview of the threats posed by advanced air systems and the precision guided weapons needed to ensure mission effectiveness. ..Find out more
HomeNewsTreasury review role for Karel Williams Treasury review role for Karel Williams A panel investigating the current role, responsibilities and mandate of the Treasury is due to make its recommendations by July. Karel Williams, Professor of Accounting and Political Economy, sits on the panel which was commissioned by shadow chancellor John McDonnell last year. The aim of the review is to bring together evidence on whether the current role and structures of the Treasury –a uniquely powerful government department – are appropriate for promoting and managing sustainable growth. Karel is one of only two academics sitting on the review which is being led by Lord Bob Kerslake, the former head of the civil service, and which is made up of a panel of independent experts from a wide range of backgrounds. View our events View our research The Manchester Full-time MBA recruits its highest % of female students MBA alumnus commended for vaccine development Keeping AMBS in the family
More U.S. Congress Republicans openly doubt Trump's election claims Pressure for President Donald Trump to start the transition process to President-elect Joe Biden built among Republicans in the U.S. Congress on Friday, as several voiced doubts over Trump's claims of fraudulent voting. Senator Lamar Alexander, who is retiring at the end of the year, said Biden had a "very good chance" of becoming the next president, and urged the Trump administration to begin the transition process. Reuters | Washington DC | Updated: 21-11-2020 03:27 IST | Created: 21-11-2020 03:20 IST Representative Image Image Credit: Wikimedia Pressure for President Donald Trump to start the transition process to President-elect Joe Biden built among Republicans in the U.S. Congress on Friday, as several voiced doubts over Trump's claims of fraudulent voting. Senator Lamar Alexander, who is retiring at the end of the year, said Biden had a "very good chance" of becoming the next president, and urged the Trump administration to begin the transition process. The loser of this election should "put the country first, congratulate the winner and help him to a good beginning of the new term," the Tennessee senator wrote in a statement. Michigan Representative Fred Upton told reporters Friday, "I've not seen any evidence of fraud that would overturn 150,000 and some votes" that Biden leads Trump by in his home state. "No one has shown any evidence" of fraud in Michigan, Upton said. Alaska's conservative Senator Dan Sullivan told reporters Trump has "a high bar" to prove his claims the election has been stolen by Democrats. "And they've got to prove it in court," Sullivan said. Mitt Romney, the Utah Senator who has been a Trump critic, wrote on Twitter late Thursday that Trump had failed to make a "plausible case" of widespread election fraud, and was now trying to pressure state and local officials to overturn the election. "It is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action," he wrote. Until now, Republicans in Congress have mostly said Trump should have latitude in pursuing legal claims of wrongdoing in the election. Now, there is a cascading effect underway in the party, according to one Republican strategist who has advised campaigns for several years. First "never Trumpers" called on Trump to begin turning over power to Biden almost immediately after the Nov. 3 election, the strategist said on Friday, followed by "marginal never Trumpers" a week later. They are now being joined by Republicans who supported him reluctantly over the past four years, he said. "In reality, Republicans all over are turning the page" on Trump's presidency, he said. Republican Representative Jim Banks, the incoming chairman of a large group of conservative House Republicans, indirectly acknowledged Biden is likely to prevail, telling reporters that he expects the Democratic president-elect "to be a lame duck from Day One" in office. Still, the vast majority of Republicans in Congress have yet to acknowledge Biden's win publicly. Official certifications of election results in the 50 states have started rolling in, and are expected to show that Biden won some 6 million votes more than Trump, and 306 votes in the Electoral College that determines the winner, compared to Trump's 232. Trump insisted again on Friday that he won the election. But so far, the president's court challenges alleging fraud have either been dismissed or have failed to present evidence that would significantly cut into Biden's lead. A Thursday press conference in which Trump lawyer Rudolph Giuliani posed a series of election conspiracies that he said were waged against Trump, without providing any evidence, may have been a turning point for some former allies, two Republican sources said. They noted a lack of logic in Giuliani's presentation that they said undercut the president's argument. Lamar Alexander In recorded call, Trump pressures Georgia official to 'find' votes to overturn election Former U.S. defense chiefs say no role for military in Trump's efforts to contest defeat Trump threatens Georgia official to overturn Presidential election result Trump says US COVID cases, deaths exaggerated The dollar hovered around its highest in nearly one month on Tuesday with traders expecting U.S. Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen to affirm a more traditional commitment to market-set currency rates when she testifies at Capitol Hill... U.S. Senator Josh Hawley has found a new publisher for his book after being dropped by Simon Schuster following the assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump. The book titled The Tyranny of Big Tech is critical of... President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order directing U.S agencies to assess any security risks from Chinese-made drones in American government fleets and to prioritize removing them. Trump directed all U.S. agencies to outli... Infosys achieves Google Cloud Partner Specialization Infosys has been accredited with the Google Cloud Partner Specialization in the data and analytics space, joining the list of top global system integrators SIs that have achieved this status, the Bengaluru-based company said on Monday.Accor...
You are here: Home1 / Artists2 / Soprano3 / Natalie Montakhab Natalie Montakab's Website Natalie studied at the Royal Academy of Music, RSAMD Opera School and ENO Opera Works and currently receives coaching with Lillian Watson and Andrew Watts. She won the Norma Grieg French Song Competition is a Dewar Arts Awards winner and a Britten-Pears Young Artist. Operatic engagements include Gretel HÄNSEL UND GRETEL for Welsh National Opera, The Plaintiff TRIAL BY JURY for English National Opera, Russian Mother and Newspaper Seller DEATH IN VENICE and Hen, covering Vixen for Garsington Opera, Musetta LA BOHEME for HeadFirst Opera Productions, Papagena DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE for Diva Opera (and cover Pamina), Opera Project and Opera Minima, Second Woman in Purcell's DIDO AND AENEAS in Aldeburgh with Christian Curnyn as part of the Britten Centenary celebrations and Vixen in Janacek's THE CUNNING LITTLE VIXEN for Scottish Opera in collaboration with RSAMD. Other roles for RSAMD included Susanna LE NOZZE DI FIGARO and Gretel in Humperdinck's HÄNSEL UND GRETEL. She has also covered Zenna Briggs in Michel Van der Aa's SUNKEN GARDEN, Papagena DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE, Zerlina DON GIOVANNI, Marzeline FIDELIO and Karolka JENUFA, Yum Yum THE MIKADO all for English National Opera and Jemmy GUILLAUME TELL for Welsh National Opera. On the concert platform Natalie has sung at the Royal Albert Hall for the BBC Proms, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (PEER GYNT SUITE), the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (Bartok's VILLAGE SCENES) and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra (DIDO AND AENEAS) under Nicholas McGegan. Natalie has been a Britten-Pears Young Artist since 2007 and appeared as soloist in the Snape Maltings Concert Hall in Bach's ST MATTHEW PASSION with Masaaki Suzuki and in recital (Britten's ON THIS ISLAND) with Sir Thomas Allen. She sang in Samuel Barber's KNOXVILLE SUMMER OF 1915 with Perth Symphony Orchestra in November 2010, Haydn's THE SEASONS and a recital of Vaughan-Williams songs with the Scottish Opera Edington Ensemble. Natalie has enjoyed masterclasses with Lisa Milne, Felicity Lott, Ann Murray and Barbara Bonney. She performs regularly for and continues to support Music in Hospitals. Thanks go to Independent Opera, Dewar Arts Awards, the Kathleen Trust, the Karaviotis family and Bob Boas. Recent engagements include Welsh National Opera, Berwick Opera and the National Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Roles include her first Mabel THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, Angelina TRIAL BY JURY, Aline THE SORCERER, title role in Donizetti's RITA and cover Zerlina DON GIOVANNI and Pamina DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE Madeleine Pierard Claire Egan