Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following ' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information ' associated with an assembly. ' Review the values of the assembly attributes <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("FichaVBNET_ex4")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("FichaVBNET_ex4")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2016")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> <Assembly: ComVisible(False)> 'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM <Assembly: Guid("bde413dc-2c9d-474f-835a-817f40829dea")> ' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: ' ' Major Version ' Minor Version ' Build Number ' Revision ' ' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers ' by using the '*' as shown below: ' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
Public Class UC_LiteEditor Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load End Sub End Class
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' Este código se generó a partir de una plantilla. ' ' Los cambios manuales en este archivo pueden causar un comportamiento inesperado de la aplicación. ' Los cambios manuales en este archivo se sobrescribirán si se regenera el código. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Imports System Imports System.Data.Entity Imports System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure Namespace TomaFisica.Entities Partial Public Class ITSEntities Inherits DbContext Public Sub New() MyBase.New("name=ITSEntities") End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnModelCreating(modelBuilder As DbModelBuilder) Throw New UnintentionalCodeFirstException() End Sub Public Overridable Property FISICO_DETALLE() As DbSet(Of FISICO_DETALLE) Public Overridable Property FISICO_MAESTRO() As DbSet(Of FISICO_MAESTRO) End Class End Namespace
Option Explicit On Option Strict On Option Infer On #Region " --------------->> Imports/ usings " Imports System.Text #End Region Namespace Cryptography.Hashes ''' <summary> ''' Copyright (c) 2000 Oren Novotny (osn@po.cwru.edu) ''' Permission is granted to use this code for anything. ''' Derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm. ''' http://www.rsasecurity.com">RSA Data Security, Inc. requires ''' attribution for any work that is derived from the MD4 Message-Digest ''' Algorithm; for details see http://www.roxen.com/rfc/rfc1320.html. ''' This code is ported from Norbert Hranitzky'''s ''' (norbert.hranitzky@mchp.siemens.de) ''' Java version. ''' Copyright (c) 2008 Luca Mauri (http://www.lucamauri.com) ''' The orginal version found at http://www.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/microsoft.public.dotnet.security/2004-08/0004.html ''' was not working. I corrected and modified it so the current version is ''' now calculating proper MD4 checksum. ''' Implements the MD4 message digest algorithm in VB.Net ''' Ronald L. Rivest, ''' http://www.roxen.com/rfc/rfc1320.html ''' The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm ''' IETF RFC-1320 (informational). ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Class MD4Hash #Region " --------------->> Enumerationen der Klasse " #End Region #Region " --------------->> Eigenschaften der Klasse " Private Const _blockLength As Int32 = 64 ' = 512 / 8 Private _context(4 - 1) As UInt32 Private _count As Int64 Private _buffer(_blockLength - 1) As Byte Private _x(16 - 1) As UInt32 #End Region #Region " --------------->> Konstruktor und Destruktor der Klasse " Public Sub New() EngineReset() End Sub ' This constructor is here to implement the clonability of this class Private Sub New(ByVal md As MD4Hash) Initialize(md) End Sub Private Sub Initialize(ByVal md As MD4Hash) _context = CType(md._context.Clone(), UInt32()) _buffer = CType(md._buffer.Clone(), Byte()) _count = md._count End Sub #End Region #Region " --------------->> Zugriffsmethoden der Klasse " #End Region #Region " --------------->> Ereignismethoden Methoden der Klasse " #End Region #Region " --------------->> Private Methoden der Klasse " ''' <summary> ''' Resets this object disregarding any temporary data present at the ''' time of the invocation of this call. ''' </summary> Private Sub EngineReset() _context = New UInt32() {1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878} _count = 0 For i = 0 To _blockLength - 1 _buffer(i) = 0 Next i End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Continues an MD4 message digest using the input byte ''' </summary> ''' <param name="b">byte to input</param> Private Sub EngineUpdate(ByVal b As Byte) ' compute number of bytes still unhashed; ie. present in buffer Dim i = Convert.ToInt32(_count Mod _blockLength) _count += 1 ' update number of bytes _buffer(i) = b If i = (_blockLength - 1) Then Transform(_buffer, 0) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' MD4 block update operation ''' Continues an MD4 message digest operation by filling the buffer, ''' transform(ing) data in 512-bit message block(s), updating the variables ''' context and count, and leaving (buffering) the remaining bytes in buffer ''' for the next update or finish. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input">input block</param> ''' <param name="offset">start of meaningful bytes in input</param> ''' <param name="len">count of bytes in input blcok to consider</param> Private Sub EngineUpdate(ByVal input() As Byte, ByVal offset As Int32, ByVal len As Int32) ' make sure we don't exceed input's allocated size/length If ((offset < 0) OrElse (len < 0) OrElse (offset + len > input.Length)) Then Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException() End If ' compute number of bytes still unhashed; ie. present in buffer Dim bufferNdx = Convert.ToInt32(_count Mod _blockLength) _count += len ' update number of bytes Dim partLen = (_blockLength - bufferNdx) Dim i = 0 If len >= partLen Then Array.Copy(input, offset + i, _buffer, bufferNdx, partLen) Transform(_buffer, 0) i = partLen While (i + _blockLength - 1) < len Transform(input, offset + i) i += _blockLength End While bufferNdx = 0 End If ' buffer remaining input If i < len Then Array.Copy(input, offset + i, _buffer, bufferNdx, len - i) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Completes the hash computation by performing final operations ''' such as padding. At the return of this engineDigest, the MD ''' engine is reset. ''' </summary> ''' <returns>returns the array of bytes for the resulting hash value.</returns> Private Function EngineDigest() As Byte() ' pad output to 56 mod 64; as RFC1320 puts it: congruent to 448 mod 512 Dim bufferNdx = Convert.ToInt32(_count Mod _blockLength) Dim padLen As Int32 padLen = If(bufferNdx < 56, 56, 120) - bufferNdx ' padding is always binary 1 followed by binary 0's Dim tail(padLen + 8 - 1) As Byte tail(0) = Convert.ToByte(128) ' append length before final transform ' save number of bits, casting the long to an array of 8 bytes ' save low-order byte first. Dim tempArray As Byte() tempArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(_count * 8) tempArray.CopyTo(tail, padLen) EngineUpdate(tail, 0, tail.Length) Dim result(16 - 1) As Byte For i = 0 To 3 Dim tempStore(4 - 1) As Byte tempStore = BitConverter.GetBytes(_context(i)) tempStore.CopyTo(result, i * 4) Next i ' reset the engine EngineReset() Return result End Function Private Shared Function BytesToHex(ByVal a() As Byte, ByVal len As Int32) As String Dim temp = BitConverter.ToString(a) ' We need to remove the dashes that come from the BitConverter ' This should be the final size Dim sb = New StringBuilder(Convert.ToInt32((len - 2) / 2)) For i = 0 To temp.Length - 1 Step 1 If temp(i) <> "-" Then sb.Append(temp(i)) Next i Return sb.ToString() End Function ''' <summary> ''' MD4 basic transformation ''' Transforms context based on 512 bits from input block starting ''' from the offset'th byte. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="block">input sub-array</param> ''' <param name="offset">starting position of sub-array</param> Private Sub Transform(ByRef block() As Byte, ByVal offset As Int32) ' decodes 64 bytes from input block into an array of 16 32-bit ' entities. Use A as a temp var. For i = 0 To 15 Step 1 If offset >= block.Length Then Exit For _x(i) = Convert.ToUInt32((Convert.ToUInt32(block(offset + 0)) And 255) _ Or (Convert.ToUInt32(block(offset + 1)) And 255) << 8 _ Or (Convert.ToUInt32(block(offset + 2)) And 255) << 16 _ Or (Convert.ToUInt32(block(offset + 3)) And 255) << 24) offset += 4 Next i Dim a = _context(0) Dim b = _context(1) Dim c = _context(2) Dim d = _context(3) a = FF(a, b, c, d, _x(0), 3) d = FF(d, a, b, c, _x(1), 7) c = FF(c, d, a, b, _x(2), 11) b = FF(b, c, d, a, _x(3), 19) a = FF(a, b, c, d, _x(4), 3) d = FF(d, a, b, c, _x(5), 7) c = FF(c, d, a, b, _x(6), 11) b = FF(b, c, d, a, _x(7), 19) a = FF(a, b, c, d, _x(8), 3) d = FF(d, a, b, c, _x(9), 7) c = FF(c, d, a, b, _x(10), 11) b = FF(b, c, d, a, _x(11), 19) a = FF(a, b, c, d, _x(12), 3) d = FF(d, a, b, c, _x(13), 7) c = FF(c, d, a, b, _x(14), 11) b = FF(b, c, d, a, _x(15), 19) a = GG(a, b, c, d, _x(0), 3) d = GG(d, a, b, c, _x(4), 5) c = GG(c, d, a, b, _x(8), 9) b = GG(b, c, d, a, _x(12), 13) a = GG(a, b, c, d, _x(1), 3) d = GG(d, a, b, c, _x(5), 5) c = GG(c, d, a, b, _x(9), 9) b = GG(b, c, d, a, _x(13), 13) a = GG(a, b, c, d, _x(2), 3) d = GG(d, a, b, c, _x(6), 5) c = GG(c, d, a, b, _x(10), 9) b = GG(b, c, d, a, _x(14), 13) a = GG(a, b, c, d, _x(3), 3) d = GG(d, a, b, c, _x(7), 5) c = GG(c, d, a, b, _x(11), 9) b = GG(b, c, d, a, _x(15), 13) a = HH(a, b, c, d, _x(0), 3) d = HH(d, a, b, c, _x(8), 9) c = HH(c, d, a, b, _x(4), 11) b = HH(b, c, d, a, _x(12), 15) a = HH(a, b, c, d, _x(2), 3) d = HH(d, a, b, c, _x(10), 9) c = HH(c, d, a, b, _x(6), 11) b = HH(b, c, d, a, _x(14), 15) a = HH(a, b, c, d, _x(1), 3) d = HH(d, a, b, c, _x(9), 9) c = HH(c, d, a, b, _x(5), 11) b = HH(b, c, d, a, _x(13), 15) a = HH(a, b, c, d, _x(3), 3) d = HH(d, a, b, c, _x(11), 9) c = HH(c, d, a, b, _x(7), 11) b = HH(b, c, d, a, _x(15), 15) _context(0) = TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(_context(0) + Convert.ToInt64(a))) _context(1) = TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(_context(1) + Convert.ToInt64(b))) _context(2) = TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(_context(2) + Convert.ToInt64(c))) _context(3) = TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(_context(3) + Convert.ToInt64(d))) End Sub Private Function FF _ (ByVal a As UInt32 _ , ByVal b As UInt32 _ , ByVal c As UInt32 _ , ByVal d As UInt32 _ , ByVal x As UInt32 _ , ByVal s As Int32) As UInt32 Dim t As UInt32 Try t = TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(Convert.ToInt64(a) _ + ((b And c) Or ((Not b) And d)))) + Convert.ToInt64(x))) Return (t << s) Or (t >> (32 - s)) Catch ex As Exception Return (t << s) Or (t >> (32 - s)) End Try End Function Private Function GG _ (ByVal a As UInt32 _ , ByVal b As UInt32 _ , ByVal c As UInt32 _ , ByVal d As UInt32 _ , ByVal x As UInt32 _ , ByVal s As Int32) As UInt32 Dim t As UInt32 Try t = TruncateHex(CULng(TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(Convert.ToInt64(a) _ + ((b And (c Or d)) Or (c And d)))) + Convert.ToInt64(x) + 1518500249)) '&H5A827999 Return t << s Or t >> (32 - s) Catch Return t << s Or t >> (32 - s) End Try End Function Private Function HH _ (ByVal a As UInt32 _ , ByVal b As UInt32 _ , ByVal c As UInt32 _ , ByVal d As UInt32 _ , ByVal x As UInt32 _ , ByVal s As Int32) As UInt32 Dim t As UInt32 Try t = TruncateHex(Convert.ToUInt64(TruncateHex _ (Convert.ToUInt64(Convert.ToInt64(a) + (b Xor c Xor d))) _ + Convert.ToInt64(x) + 1859775393)) '&H6ED9EBA1 Return t << s Or t >> (32 - s) Catch Return t << s Or t >> (32 - s) End Try End Function Private Function TruncateHex(ByVal number64 As UInt64) As UInt32 Dim hexString = number64.ToString("x") Dim hexStringLimited = If(hexString.Length < 8 _ , hexString.PadLeft(8, Convert.ToChar("0")), hexString.Substring(hexString.Length - 8)) Return UInt32.Parse(hexStringLimited, Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) End Function #End Region #Region " --------------->> Öffentliche Methoden der Klasse " Public Function Clone() As Object Return New MD4Hash(Me) End Function ''' <summary>Returns a byte hash from a string</summary> ''' <param name="s">string to hash</param> ''' <returns>returns byte-array that contains the hash</returns> Public Function GetByteHashFromString(ByVal s As String) As Byte() Dim b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s) Dim md4 = New MD4Hash() md4.EngineUpdate(b, 0, b.Length) Return md4.EngineDigest() End Function ''' <summary>Returns a binary hash from an input byte array</summary> ''' <param name="b">byte-array to hash</param> ''' <returns>returns binary hash of input</returns> Public Function GetByteHashFromBytes(ByVal b() As Byte) As Byte() Dim md4 = New MD4Hash() md4.EngineUpdate(b, 0, b.Length) Return md4.EngineDigest() End Function ''' <summary>Returns a string that contains the hexadecimal hash</summary> ''' <param name="b">byte-array to input</param> ''' <returns>returns String that contains the hex of the hash</returns> Public Function GetHexHashFromBytes(ByVal b() As Byte) As String Dim e = GetByteHashFromBytes(b) Return BytesToHex(e, e.Length) End Function ''' <summary>Returns a byte hash from the input byte</summary> ''' <param name="b">byte to hash</param> ''' <returns>returns binary hash of the input byte</returns> Public Function GetByteHashFromByte(ByVal b As Byte) As Byte() Dim md4 = New MD4Hash() md4.EngineUpdate(b) Return md4.EngineDigest() End Function ''' <summary>Returns a string that contains the hexadecimal hash</summary> ''' <param name="b">byte to hash</param> ''' <returns>returns String that contains the hex of the hash</returns> Public Function GetHexHashFromByte(ByVal b As Byte) As String Dim e = GetByteHashFromByte(b) Return BytesToHex(e, e.Length) End Function ''' <summary>Returns a string that contains the hexadecimal hash</summary> ''' <param name="s">string to hash</param> ''' <returns>returns String that contains the hex of the hash</returns> Public Function GetHexHashFromString(ByVal s As String) As String Dim b = GetByteHashFromString(s) Return BytesToHex(b, b.Length) End Function #End Region End Class End Namespace
Public Partial Class AccordionTest Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Accordion1.ActivePaneIndex = 1 End Sub Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim i = 0 End Sub End Class
Imports System.Data Partial Class PAS_rTrabajadores Inherits vis2formularios.frmReporte Dim loObjetoReporte As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim lcParametro0Desde As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosIniciales(0)) Dim lcParametro0Hasta As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosFinales(0)) Dim lcParametro1Desde As String = goServicios.mObtenerListaFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosIniciales(1)) Dim lcParametro2Desde As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosIniciales(2)) Dim lcParametro2Hasta As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosFinales(2)) Dim lcParametro3Desde As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosIniciales(3)) Dim lcParametro3Hasta As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosFinales(3)) Dim lcParametro4Desde As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosIniciales(4)) Dim lcParametro4Hasta As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosFinales(4)) Dim lcParametro5Desde As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosIniciales(5), goServicios.enuOpcionesRedondeo.KN_FechaInicioDelDia) Dim lcParametro5Hasta As String = goServicios.mObtenerCampoFormatoSQL(cusAplicacion.goReportes.paParametrosFinales(5), goServicios.enuOpcionesRedondeo.KN_FechaFinDelDia) Dim lcOrdenamiento As String = cusAplicacion.goReportes.pcOrden Dim lcComandoSeleccionar As New StringBuilder() Try lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @CodTra_Fin AS VARCHAR(15);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @CodTra_Ini AS VARCHAR(15);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Contrato_Ini AS VARCHAR(2);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Contrato_Fin AS VARCHAR(2);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Dep_Ini AS VARCHAR(3);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Dep_Fin AS VARCHAR(3);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Cargo_Ini AS VARCHAR(10);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Cargo_Fin AS VARCHAR(10);") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Fecha_Ini AS DATETIME;") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("DECLARE @Fecha_Fin AS DATETIME;") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @CodTra_Ini = " & lcParametro0Desde) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @CodTra_Fin = " & lcParametro0Hasta) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Contrato_Ini = " & lcParametro2Desde) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Contrato_Fin = " & lcParametro2Hasta) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Dep_Ini = " & lcParametro3Desde) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Dep_Fin = " & lcParametro3Hasta) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Cargo_Ini = " & lcParametro4Desde) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Cargo_Fin = " & lcParametro4Hasta) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Fecha_Ini = " & lcParametro5Desde) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SET @Fecha_Fin = " & lcParametro5Hasta) lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("SELECT DISTINCT ") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" Trabajadores.Rif AS Cod_Tra,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" Trabajadores.Nom_Tra AS Nom_Tra,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" Cargos.Nom_Car AS Cargo,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" Trabajadores.Fec_Ini AS Ingreso,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" Renglones_Recibos.Mon_Net AS Sueldo,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" Trabajadores.Status AS Status,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" @Fecha_Ini AS Desde,") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" @Fecha_Fin AS Hasta") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("FROM Recibos") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" JOIN Renglones_Recibos ON Recibos.Documento = Renglones_Recibos.Documento") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" JOIN Trabajadores ON Trabajadores.Cod_Tra = Recibos.Cod_Tra") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" JOIN Contratos ON Trabajadores.Cod_Con = Contratos.Cod_Con") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" JOIN Departamentos_Nomina ON Departamentos_Nomina.Cod_Dep = Trabajadores.Cod_Dep") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" JOIN Cargos ON Cargos.Cod_Car = Trabajadores.Cod_Car") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("WHERE Recibos.Fecha >= @Fecha_Ini AND Recibos.Fecha < DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @Fecha_Fin) + 1, 0)") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" AND Renglones_Recibos.Cod_Con = 'Q024'") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" AND Trabajadores.Cod_Tra BETWEEN @CodTra_Ini AND @CodTra_Fin") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" AND Contratos.Cod_Con BETWEEN @Contrato_Ini AND @Contrato_Fin") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" AND Departamentos_Nomina.Cod_Dep BETWEEN @Dep_Ini AND @Dep_Fin") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" AND Cargos.Cod_Car BETWEEN @Cargo_Ini AND @Cargo_Fin") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine(" AND Trabajadores.Status IN (" & lcParametro1Desde & " )") lcComandoSeleccionar.AppendLine("ORDER BY Trabajadores.Rif, Trabajadores.Nom_Tra") 'Me.mEscribirConsulta(lcComandoSeleccionar.ToString()) Dim loServicios As New cusDatos.goDatos Dim laDatosReporte As DataSet = loServicios.mObtenerTodosSinEsquema(lcComandoSeleccionar.ToString, "curReportes") Me.mCargarLogoEmpresa(laDatosReporte.Tables(0), "LogoEmpresa") loObjetoReporte = cusAplicacion.goReportes.mCargarReporte("PAS_rTrabajadores", laDatosReporte) Me.mTraducirReporte(loObjetoReporte) Me.mFormatearCamposReporte(loObjetoReporte) Me.crvPAS_rTrabajadores.ReportSource = loObjetoReporte Catch loExcepcion As Exception Me.WbcAdministradorMensajeModal.mMostrarMensajeModal("Error", _ "No se pudo Completar el Proceso: " & loExcepcion.Message, _ vis3Controles.wbcAdministradorMensajeModal.enumTipoMensaje.KN_Error, _ "auto", _ "auto") End Try End Sub Protected Sub Page_Unload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Unload Try loObjetoReporte.Close() Catch loExcepcion As Exception End Try End Sub End Class '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' JJD: 06/12/08: Programacion inicial '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' YJP: 14/05/09: Agregar filtro revisión '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' CMS: 22/06/09: Metodo de ordenamiento '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ' AAP: 01/07/09: Filtro "Sucursal:" '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
Imports INDArray = org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray Imports ArrayUtil = org.nd4j.common.util.ArrayUtil ' ' * ****************************************************************************** ' * * ' * * ' * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ' * * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at ' * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ' * * ' * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional ' * * information regarding copyright ownership. ' * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ' * * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ' * * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations ' * * under the License. ' * * ' * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ' * ***************************************************************************** ' Namespace org.nd4j.linalg.convolution Public MustInherit Class BaseConvolution Implements ConvolutionInstance Public MustOverride Function convn(ByVal input As INDArray, ByVal kernel As INDArray, ByVal type As Convolution.Type, ByVal axes() As Integer) As INDArray ''' <summary> ''' 2d convolution (aka the last 2 dimensions ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input"> the input to op </param> ''' <param name="kernel"> the kernel to convolve with </param> ''' <param name="type"> ''' @return </param> Public Overridable Function conv2d(ByVal input As INDArray, ByVal kernel As INDArray, ByVal type As Convolution.Type) As INDArray Implements ConvolutionInstance.conv2d Dim axes() As Integer = If(input.shape().Length < 2, ArrayUtil.range(0, 1), ArrayUtil.range(input.shape().Length - 2, input.shape().Length)) Return convn(input, kernel, type, axes) End Function ''' <summary> ''' ND Convolution ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input"> the input to transform </param> ''' <param name="kernel"> the kernel to transform with </param> ''' <param name="type"> the opType of convolution </param> ''' <returns> the convolution of the given input and kernel </returns> Public Overridable Function convn(ByVal input As INDArray, ByVal kernel As INDArray, ByVal type As Convolution.Type) As INDArray Implements ConvolutionInstance.convn Return convn(input, kernel, type, ArrayUtil.range(0, input.shape().Length)) End Function End Class End Namespace
 Namespace ByteBank Public Class Cliente #Region "PROPRIEDADES" Private m_Nome As String Public Property Nome As String Get Return m_Nome End Get Set(value As String) m_Nome = value End Set End Property Private m_CPF As String Public Property CPF As String Get Return m_CPF End Get Set(value As String) m_CPF = TestaCPF(value) End Set End Property Public Property Profissao As String Public Property Cidade As String #End Region #Region "FUNÇÕES ESPECIAIS" Private Function TestaCPF(CPF As String) As String Dim dadosArray() As String = {"11111111111", "22222222222", "33333333333", "44444444444", "55555555555", "66666666666", "77777777777", "88888888888", "99999999999"} Dim vResultado As Boolean = True Dim i, x, n1, n2 As Integer CPF = CPF.Trim For i = 0 To dadosArray.Length - 1 If CPF.Length <> 11 Or dadosArray(i).Equals(CPF) Then vResultado = False End If Next If vResultado = False Then Return "00000000000" Else For x = 0 To 1 n1 = 0 For i = 0 To 8 + x n1 = n1 + Val(CPF.Substring(i, 1)) * (10 + x - i) Next n2 = 11 - (n1 - (Int(n1 / 11) * 11)) If n2 = 10 Or n2 = 11 Then n2 = 0 If n2 <> Val(CPF.Substring(9 + x, 1)) Then vResultado = False Exit For End If Next If vResultado = False Then Return "00000000000" End If End If Return CPF End Function #End Region End Class End Namespace
 'The MIT License (MIT) 'Copyright(c) 2016 M ABD AZIZ ALFIAN (http://about.me/azizalfian) 'Permission Is hereby granted, free Of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software And associated documentation 'files(the "Software"), To deal In the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights To use, copy, modify, 'merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, And/Or sell copies Of the Software, And to permit persons to whom the Software Is furnished 'to do so, subject to the following conditions: 'The above copyright notice And this permission notice shall be included In all copies Or substantial portions Of the Software. 'THE SOFTWARE Is PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY Of ANY KIND, EXPRESS Or IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT Not LIMITED To THE WARRANTIES Of 'MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE And NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS Or COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE 'For ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES Or OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT Or OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF Or IN CONNECTION 'With THE SOFTWARE Or THE USE Or OTHER DEALINGS In THE SOFTWARE. Imports System.Text Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography Namespace crypt ''' <summary>Class MD5</summary> ''' <author>M ABD AZIZ ALFIAN</author> ''' <lastupdate>19 April 2016</lastupdate> ''' <url>http://about.me/azizalfian</url> ''' <version>2.1.0</version> ''' <requirement> ''' - Imports System.Text ''' - Imports System.Windows.Forms ''' - Imports Crypto = System.Security.Cryptography ''' </requirement> Public Class MD5 ''' <summary> ''' Standar MD5 ''' </summary> Public Class MD5 Private ReadOnly _md5 As Crypto.MD5 = Crypto.MD5.Create() ''' <summary> ''' Membuat hash MD5 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input">Karakter string yang akan di hash MD5</param> ''' <param name="secretKey">Input secret key value</param> ''' <param name="showException">Tampilkan log exception? Default = True</param> ''' <returns>String()</returns> Public Function Generate(input As String, secretKey As String, Optional showException As Boolean = True) As String Try Dim data = _md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretKey + input + secretKey)) Dim sb As New StringBuilder() Array.ForEach(data, Function(x) sb.Append(x.ToString("X2"))) Return sb.ToString() Catch ex As Exception If showException = True Then momolite.globals.Dev.CatchException(ex, globals.Dev.Icons.Errors, "momolite.crypt.MD5.MD5") Return Nothing Finally GC.Collect() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Memverifikasi enkripsi hash MD5 dengan string sebelum di enkripsi hash MD5 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input">Karakter sebelum enkripsi MD5</param> ''' <param name="secretKey">Input secret key value</param> ''' <param name="hash">Karakter setelah enkripsi MD5</param> ''' <param name="showException">Tampilkan log exception? Default = True</param> ''' <returns>Boolean</returns> Public Function Validate(input As String, secretKey As String, hash As String, Optional showException As Boolean = True) As Boolean Try Dim sourceHash = Generate(input, secretKey) Dim comparer As StringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase Return If(comparer.Compare(sourceHash, hash) = 0, True, False) Catch ex As Exception If showException = True Then momolite.globals.Dev.CatchException(ex, globals.Dev.Icons.Errors, "momolite.crypt.MD5.MD5") Return False Finally GC.Collect() End Try End Function End Class ''' <summary> ''' MD5 mix dengan base 64 ''' </summary> Public Class MD5Base64 Private ReadOnly _md5 As Crypto.MD5 = Crypto.MD5.Create() ''' <summary> ''' Generate hash MD5 base64 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input">Karakter string yang akan di hash MD5 base64</param> ''' <param name="secretKey">Input secret key value</param> ''' <param name="showException">Tampilkan log exception? Default = True</param> ''' <returns>String</returns> Public Function Generate(input As String, secretKey As String, Optional showException As Boolean = True) As String Try Dim data = _md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretKey + input + secretKey)) Return Convert.ToBase64String(data) Catch ex As Exception If showException = True Then momolite.globals.Dev.CatchException(ex, globals.Dev.Icons.Errors, "momolite.crypt.MD5.MD5Base64") Return Nothing Finally GC.Collect() End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Memvalidasi enkripsi hash MD5 base64 dengan string sebelum di enkripsi hash MD5 base64 ''' </summary> ''' <param name="input">Karakter sebelum enkripsi MD5 base64</param> ''' <param name="secretKey">Input secret key value</param> ''' <param name="hash">Karakter setelah enkripsi MD5 base64</param> ''' <param name="showException">Tampilkan log exception? Default = True</param> ''' <returns>Boolean</returns> Public Function Validate(input As String, secretKey As String, hash As String, Optional showException As Boolean = True) As Boolean Try Dim sourceHash = Generate(input, secretKey) Dim comparer As StringComparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase Return If(comparer.Compare(sourceHash, hash) = 0, True, False) Catch ex As Exception If showException = True Then momolite.globals.Dev.CatchException(ex, globals.Dev.Icons.Errors, "momolite.crypt.MD5.MD5Base64") Return False Finally GC.Collect() End Try End Function End Class End Class End Namespace
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Partial Public Class Uploader End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Partial Class DataFlowPass Inherits AbstractFlowPass(Of LocalState) Enum SlotKind ''' <summary> ''' Special slot for untracked variables ''' </summary> NotTracked = -1 ''' <summary> ''' Special slot for tracking whether code is reachable ''' </summary> Unreachable = 0 ''' <summary> ''' Special slot for tracking the implicit local for the function return value ''' </summary> FunctionValue = 1 ''' <summary> ''' The first available slot for variables ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> FirstAvailable = 2 End Enum ''' <summary> ''' Some variables that should be considered initially assigned. Used for region analysis. ''' </summary> Protected ReadOnly initiallyAssignedVariables As HashSet(Of Symbol) ''' <summary> ''' Defines whether or not fields of intrinsic type should be tracked. Such fields should ''' not be tracked for error reporting purposes, but should be tracked for region flow analysis ''' </summary> Private _trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields As Boolean ''' <summary> ''' Variables that were used anywhere, in the sense required to suppress warnings about unused variables. ''' </summary> Private ReadOnly _unusedVariables As HashSet(Of LocalSymbol) = New HashSet(Of LocalSymbol)() ''' <summary> ''' Variables that were initialized or written anywhere. ''' </summary> Private ReadOnly writtenVariables As HashSet(Of Symbol) = New HashSet(Of Symbol)() ''' <summary> ''' A mapping from local variables to the index of their slot in a flow analysis local state. ''' WARNING: if variable identifier maps into SlotKind.NotTracked, it may mean that VariableIdentifier ''' is a structure without traceable fields. This mapping is created in MakeSlotImpl(...) ''' </summary> Dim _variableSlot As Dictionary(Of VariableIdentifier, Integer) = New Dictionary(Of VariableIdentifier, Integer)() ''' <summary> ''' A mapping from the local variable slot to the symbol for the local variable itself. This is used in the ''' implementation of region analysis (support for extract method) to compute the set of variables "always ''' assigned" in a region of code. ''' </summary> Protected variableBySlot As VariableIdentifier() = New VariableIdentifier(10) {} ''' <summary> ''' Variable slots are allocated to local variables sequentially and never reused. This is ''' the index of the next slot number to use. ''' </summary> Protected nextVariableSlot As Integer = SlotKind.FirstAvailable ''' <summary> ''' Tracks variables for which we have already reported a definite assignment error. This ''' allows us to report at most one such error per variable. ''' </summary> Private alreadyReported As BitArray ''' <summary> ''' Did we see [On Error] or [Resume] statement? Used to suppress some diagnostics. ''' </summary> Private seenOnErrorOrResume As Boolean Friend Sub New(info As FlowAnalysisInfo, suppressConstExpressionsSupport As Boolean, Optional trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields As Boolean = False) MyBase.New(info, suppressConstExpressionsSupport) Me.initiallyAssignedVariables = Nothing Me._trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields = trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields End Sub Friend Sub New(info As FlowAnalysisInfo, region As FlowAnalysisRegionInfo, suppressConstExpressionsSupport As Boolean, Optional initiallyAssignedVariables As HashSet(Of Symbol) = Nothing, Optional trackUnassignments As Boolean = False, Optional trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields As Boolean = False) MyBase.New(info, region, suppressConstExpressionsSupport, trackUnassignments) Me.initiallyAssignedVariables = initiallyAssignedVariables Me._trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields = trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields End Sub Protected Overrides Sub InitForScan() MyBase.InitForScan() For Each parameter In MethodParameters MakeSlot(parameter) Next Me.alreadyReported = BitArray.Empty ' no variables yet reported unassigned Me.EnterParameters(MethodParameters) ' with parameters assigned Dim methodMeParameter = Me.MeParameter ' and with 'Me' assigned as well If methodMeParameter IsNot Nothing Then Me.MakeSlot(methodMeParameter) Me.EnterParameter(methodMeParameter) End If ' Usually we need to treat locals used without being assigned first as assigned in the beginning of the block. ' When data flow analysis determines that the variable is sometimes used without being assigned first, we want ' to treat that variable, during region analysis, as assigned where it is introduced. ' However with goto statements that branch into for/foreach/using statements (error case) we need to treat them ' as assigned in the beginning of the method body. ' ' Example: ' Goto label1 ' For x = 0 to 10 ' label1: ' Dim y = [| x |] ' x should not be in dataFlowsOut. ' Next ' ' This can only happen in VB because the labels are visible in the whole method. In C# the labels are not visible ' this case. ' If initiallyAssignedVariables IsNot Nothing Then For Each local In initiallyAssignedVariables SetSlotAssigned(MakeSlot(local)) Next End If End Sub Protected Overrides Function Scan() As Boolean If Not MyBase.Scan() Then Return False End If ' check unused variables If Not seenOnErrorOrResume Then For Each local In _unusedVariables ReportUnused(local) Next End If ' VB doesn't support "out" so it doesn't warn for unassigned parameters. However, check variables passed ' byref are assigned so that data flow analysis detects parameters flowing out. If ShouldAnalyzeByRefParameters Then LeaveParameters(MethodParameters) End If Dim methodMeParameter = Me.MeParameter ' and also 'Me' If methodMeParameter IsNot Nothing Then Me.LeaveParameter(methodMeParameter) End If Return True End Function Private Sub ReportUnused(local As LocalSymbol) ' Never report that the function value is unused ' Never report that local with empty name is unused ' Locals with empty name can be generated in code with syntax errors and ' we shouldn't report such locals as unused because they were not explicitly declared ' by the user in the code If Not local.IsFunctionValue AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(local.Name) Then If writtenVariables.Contains(local) Then If local.IsConst Then Me.diagnostics.Add(ERRID.WRN_UnusedLocalConst, local.Locations(0), If(local.Name, "dummy")) End If Else Me.diagnostics.Add(ERRID.WRN_UnusedLocal, local.Locations(0), If(local.Name, "dummy")) End If End If End Sub Protected Overridable Sub ReportUnassignedByRefParameter(parameter As ParameterSymbol) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Perform data flow analysis, reporting all necessary diagnostics. ''' </summary> Public Overloads Shared Sub Analyze(info As FlowAnalysisInfo, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, suppressConstExpressionsSupport As Boolean) Dim walker = New DataFlowPass(info, suppressConstExpressionsSupport) Try Dim result As Boolean = walker.Analyze() Debug.Assert(result) If diagnostics IsNot Nothing Then diagnostics.AddRange(walker.diagnostics) End If Finally walker.Free() End Try End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Free() Me.alreadyReported = BitArray.Null MyBase.Free() End Sub Protected Overrides Function Dump(state As LocalState) As String Dim builder As New StringBuilder() builder.Append("[assigned ") AppendBitNames(state.Assigned, builder) builder.Append("]") Return builder.ToString() End Function Protected Sub AppendBitNames(a As BitArray, builder As StringBuilder) Dim any As Boolean = False For Each bit In a.TrueBits If any Then builder.Append(", ") End If any = True AppendBitName(bit, builder) Next End Sub Protected Sub AppendBitName(bit As Integer, builder As StringBuilder) Dim id As VariableIdentifier = variableBySlot(bit) If id.ContainingSlot > 0 Then AppendBitName(id.ContainingSlot, builder) builder.Append(".") End If builder.Append(If(bit = 0, "*", id.Symbol.Name)) End Sub #Region "Note Read/Write" Protected Overridable Sub NoteRead(variable As Symbol) If variable IsNot Nothing AndAlso variable.Kind = SymbolKind.Local Then _unusedVariables.Remove(DirectCast(variable, LocalSymbol)) End If End Sub Protected Overridable Sub NoteWrite(variable As Symbol, value As BoundExpression) If variable IsNot Nothing Then writtenVariables.Add(variable) Dim local = TryCast(variable, LocalSymbol) If value IsNot Nothing AndAlso (local IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not local.IsConst AndAlso local.Type.IsReferenceType OrElse value.HasErrors) Then ' We duplicate Dev10's behavior here. The reasoning is, I would guess, that otherwise unread ' variables of reference type are useful because they keep objects alive, i.e., they are read by the ' VM. And variables that are initialized by non-constant expressions presumably are useful because ' they enable us to clearly document a discarded return value from a method invocation, e.g. var ' discardedValue = F(); >shrug< ' Note, this rule only applies to local variables and not to const locals, i.e. we always report unused ' const locals. In addition, if the value has errors then supress these diagnostics in all cases. _unusedVariables.Remove(local) End If End If End Sub Protected Function GetNodeSymbol(node As BoundNode) As Symbol While node IsNot Nothing Select Case node.Kind Case BoundKind.FieldAccess Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(node, BoundFieldAccess) If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(fieldAccess) Then node = fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt Continue While End If Return Nothing Case BoundKind.PropertyAccess node = DirectCast(node, BoundPropertyAccess).ReceiverOpt Continue While Case BoundKind.MeReference Return MeParameter Case BoundKind.Local Return DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol Case BoundKind.RangeVariable Return DirectCast(node, BoundRangeVariable).RangeVariable Case BoundKind.Parameter Return DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder Dim substitute As BoundExpression = GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase)) If substitute IsNot Nothing Then Return GetNodeSymbol(substitute) End If Return Nothing Case BoundKind.LocalDeclaration Return DirectCast(node, BoundLocalDeclaration).LocalSymbol Case BoundKind.ForToStatement, BoundKind.ForEachStatement Return DirectCast(node, BoundForStatement).DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt Case BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack node = DirectCast(node, BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack).OriginalArgument Continue While Case Else Return Nothing End Select End While Return Nothing End Function Protected Overridable Sub NoteWrite(node As BoundExpression, value As BoundExpression) Dim symbol As Symbol = GetNodeSymbol(node) If symbol IsNot Nothing Then If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol).DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then ' We have several locals grouped in AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol For Each local In DirectCast(symbol, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol).Locals NoteWrite(local, value) Next Else NoteWrite(symbol, value) End If End If End Sub Protected Overridable Sub NoteRead(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess) Dim symbol As Symbol = GetNodeSymbol(fieldAccess) If symbol IsNot Nothing Then If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol).DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then ' We have several locals grouped in AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol For Each local In DirectCast(symbol, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol).Locals NoteRead(local) Next Else NoteRead(symbol) End If End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Operations with slots" ''' <summary> ''' Locals are given slots when their declarations are encountered. We only need give slots to local variables, and ''' the "Me" variable of a structure constructs. Other variables are not given slots, and are therefore not tracked ''' by the analysis. This returns SlotKind.NotTracked for a variable that is not tracked, for fields of structs ''' that have the same assigned status as the container, and for structs that (recursively) contain no data members. ''' We do not need to track references to variables that occur before the variable is declared, as those are reported ''' in an earlier phase as "use before declaration". That allows us to avoid giving slots to local variables before ''' processing their declarations. ''' </summary> Protected Function VariableSlot(local As Symbol, Optional containingSlot As Integer = 0) As Integer If local Is Nothing Then ' NOTE: This point may be hit in erroneous code, like ' referencing instance members from static methods Return SlotKind.NotTracked End If Dim slot As Integer Return If((_variableSlot.TryGetValue(New VariableIdentifier(local, containingSlot), slot)), slot, SlotKind.NotTracked) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Return the slot for a variable, or SlotKind.NotTracked if it is not tracked (because, for example, it is an empty struct). ''' </summary> Protected Function MakeSlotsForExpression(node As BoundExpression) As SlotCollection Dim result As New SlotCollection() ' empty Select Case node.Kind Case BoundKind.MeReference, BoundKind.MyBaseReference, BoundKind.MyClassReference If MeParameter IsNot Nothing Then result.Append(MakeSlot(MeParameter)) End If Case BoundKind.Local Dim local As LocalSymbol = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol If local.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then ' multiple locals For Each loc In DirectCast(local, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol).Locals result.Append(MakeSlot(loc)) Next Else ' just one simple local result.Append(MakeSlot(local)) End If Case BoundKind.RangeVariable result.Append(MakeSlot(DirectCast(node, BoundRangeVariable).RangeVariable)) Case BoundKind.Parameter result.Append(MakeSlot(DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol)) Case BoundKind.FieldAccess Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(node, BoundFieldAccess) Dim fieldsymbol = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol Dim receiverOpt = fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt ' do not track static fields If fieldsymbol.IsShared OrElse receiverOpt Is Nothing OrElse receiverOpt.Kind = BoundKind.TypeExpression Then Exit Select ' empty result End If ' do not track fields of non-structs If receiverOpt.Type Is Nothing OrElse receiverOpt.Type.TypeKind <> TypeKind.Structure Then Exit Select ' empty result End If result = MakeSlotsForExpression(receiverOpt) ' update slots, reuse collection ' NOTE: we don't filter out SlotKind.NotTracked values For i = 0 To result.Count - 1 result(i) = MakeSlot(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, result(0)) Next Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder Dim substitute As BoundExpression = Me.GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase)) If substitute IsNot Nothing Then Return MakeSlotsForExpression(substitute) End If End Select Return result End Function ''' <summary> ''' Force a variable to have a slot. ''' </summary> ''' <param name = "local"></param> ''' <returns></returns> Protected Function MakeSlot(local As Symbol, Optional containingSlot As Integer = 0) As Integer If containingSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked Then Return SlotKind.NotTracked End If ' Check if the slot already exists Dim varIdentifier As New VariableIdentifier(local, containingSlot) Dim slot As Integer If Not _variableSlot.TryGetValue(varIdentifier, slot) Then If local.Kind = SymbolKind.Local Then Me._unusedVariables.Add(DirectCast(local, LocalSymbol)) End If Dim variableType As TypeSymbol = GetVariableType(local) If IsEmptyStructType(variableType) Then Return SlotKind.NotTracked End If ' Create a slot slot = nextVariableSlot nextVariableSlot = nextVariableSlot + 1 _variableSlot.Add(varIdentifier, slot) If slot >= variableBySlot.Length Then Array.Resize(Me.variableBySlot, slot * 2) End If variableBySlot(slot) = varIdentifier End If Me.Normalize(Me.State) Return slot End Function ' In C#, we moved this cache to a separate cache held onto by the compilation, so we didn't ' recompute it each time. ' ' This is not so simple in VB, because we'd have to move the cache for members of the ' struct, and we'd need two different caches depending on _trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields. ' So this optimization is not done for now in VB. Private _isEmptyStructType As New Dictionary(Of NamedTypeSymbol, Boolean)() Protected Overridable Function IsEmptyStructType(type As TypeSymbol) As Boolean Dim namedType = TryCast(type, NamedTypeSymbol) If namedType Is Nothing Then Return False End If If Not IsTrackableStructType(namedType) Then Return False End If Dim result As Boolean = False If _isEmptyStructType.TryGetValue(namedType, result) Then Return result End If ' to break cycles _isEmptyStructType(namedType) = True For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(namedType) If Not IsEmptyStructType(field.Type) Then _isEmptyStructType(namedType) = False Return False End If Next _isEmptyStructType(namedType) = True Return True End Function Private Function IsTrackableStructType(symbol As TypeSymbol) As Boolean If IsNonPrimitiveValueType(symbol) Then Dim type = TryCast(symbol.OriginalDefinition, NamedTypeSymbol) Return (type IsNot Nothing) AndAlso Not type.KnownCircularStruct End If Return False End Function ''' <summary> Calculates the flag of being already reported; for structure types ''' the slot may be reported if ALL the children are reported </summary> Private Function IsSlotAlreadyReported(symbolType As TypeSymbol, slot As Integer) As Boolean If alreadyReported(slot) Then Return True End If ' not applicable for 'special slots' If slot <= SlotKind.FunctionValue Then Return False End If If Not IsTrackableStructType(symbolType) Then Return False End If ' For structures - check field slots For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(symbolType) Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot) If childSlot <> SlotKind.NotTracked Then If Not IsSlotAlreadyReported(field.Type, childSlot) Then Return False End If Else Return False ' slot not created yet End If Next ' Seems to be assigned through children alreadyReported(slot) = True Return True End Function ''' <summary> Marks slot as reported, propagates 'reported' flag to the children if necessary </summary> Private Sub MarkSlotAsReported(symbolType As TypeSymbol, slot As Integer) If alreadyReported(slot) Then Return End If alreadyReported(slot) = True ' not applicable for 'special slots' If slot <= SlotKind.FunctionValue Then Return End If If Not IsTrackableStructType(symbolType) Then Return End If ' For structures - propagate to field slots For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(symbolType) Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot) If childSlot <> SlotKind.NotTracked Then MarkSlotAsReported(field.Type, childSlot) End If Next End Sub ''' <summary> Unassign a slot for a regular variable </summary> Private Sub SetSlotUnassigned(slot As Integer) Dim id As VariableIdentifier = variableBySlot(slot) Dim type As TypeSymbol = GetVariableType(id.Symbol) Debug.Assert(Not IsEmptyStructType(type)) If slot >= Me.State.Assigned.Capacity Then Normalize(Me.State) End If ' If the state of the slot is 'assigned' we need to clear it ' and possibly propagate it to all the parents If Me.State.IsAssigned(slot) Then Me.State.Unassign(slot) If Me.tryState IsNot Nothing Then Dim tryState = Me.tryState.Value tryState.Unassign(slot) Me.tryState = tryState End If ' propagate to parents While id.ContainingSlot > 0 ' check the parent Dim parentSlot = id.ContainingSlot Dim parentIdentifier = variableBySlot(parentSlot) Dim parentSymbol As Symbol = parentIdentifier.Symbol If Not Me.State.IsAssigned(parentSlot) Then Exit While End If ' unassign and continue loop Me.State.Unassign(parentSlot) If Me.tryState IsNot Nothing Then Dim tryState = Me.tryState.Value tryState.Unassign(parentSlot) Me.tryState = tryState End If If parentSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(parentSymbol, LocalSymbol).DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.FunctionValue Then Me.State.Unassign(SlotKind.FunctionValue) If Me.tryState IsNot Nothing Then Dim tryState = Me.tryState.Value tryState.Unassign(SlotKind.FunctionValue) Me.tryState = tryState End If End If id = parentIdentifier End While End If If IsTrackableStructType(type) Then ' NOTE: we need to unassign the children in all cases For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(type) ' get child's slot ' NOTE: we don't need to care about possible cycles here because we took care of it ' in MakeSlotImpl when we created slots; we will just get SlotKind.NotTracked in worst case Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot) If childSlot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then SetSlotUnassigned(childSlot) End If Next End If End Sub ''' <summary>Assign a slot for a regular variable in a given state.</summary> Private Sub SetSlotAssigned(slot As Integer, ByRef state As LocalState) Dim id As VariableIdentifier = variableBySlot(slot) Dim type As TypeSymbol = GetVariableType(id.Symbol) Debug.Assert(Not IsEmptyStructType(type)) If slot >= Me.State.Assigned.Capacity Then Normalize(Me.State) End If If Not state.IsAssigned(slot) Then ' assign this slot state.Assign(slot) If IsTrackableStructType(type) Then ' propagate to children For Each field In GetStructInstanceFields(type) ' get child's slot ' NOTE: we don't need to care about possible cycles here because we took care of it ' in MakeSlotImpl when we created slots; we will just get SlotKind.NotTracked in worst case Dim childSlot = VariableSlot(field, slot) If childSlot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then SetSlotAssigned(childSlot, state) End If Next End If ' propagate to parents While id.ContainingSlot > 0 ' check if all parent's children are set Dim parentSlot = id.ContainingSlot Dim parentIdentifier = variableBySlot(parentSlot) Dim parentSymbol As Symbol = parentIdentifier.Symbol Dim parentStructType = GetVariableType(parentSymbol) ' exit while if there is at least one child with a slot which is not assigned For Each childSymbol In GetStructInstanceFields(parentStructType) Dim childSlot = MakeSlot(childSymbol, parentSlot) If childSlot <> SlotKind.NotTracked AndAlso Not state.IsAssigned(childSlot) Then Exit While End If Next ' otherwise the parent can be set to assigned state.Assign(parentSlot) If parentSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Local AndAlso DirectCast(parentSymbol, LocalSymbol).DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.FunctionValue Then state.Assign(SlotKind.FunctionValue) End If id = parentIdentifier End While End If End Sub ''' <summary>Assign a slot for a regular variable.</summary> Private Sub SetSlotAssigned(slot As Integer) SetSlotAssigned(slot, Me.State) End Sub ''' <summary> Hash structure fields as we may query them many times </summary> Private typeToMembersCache As Dictionary(Of TypeSymbol, ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)) = Nothing Private Function ShouldIgnoreStructField(field As FieldSymbol) As Boolean If field.IsShared Then Return True End If If Me._trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields Then ' If the flag is set we do not ignore any structure instance fields Return False End If Dim fieldType As TypeSymbol = field.Type ' otherwise of fields of intrinsic type are ignored If fieldType.IsIntrinsicValueType() Then Return True End If ' it the type is a type parameter and also type does NOT guarantee it is ' always a reference type, we igrore the field following Dev11 implementation If fieldType.IsTypeParameter() Then Dim typeParam = DirectCast(fieldType, TypeParameterSymbol) If Not typeParam.IsReferenceType Then Return True End If End If ' We also do NOT ignore all non-private fields If field.DeclaredAccessibility <> Accessibility.Private Then Return False End If ' Do NOT ignore private fields from source ' NOTE: We should do this for all fields, but dev11 ignores private fields from ' metadata, so we need to as well to avoid breaking people. That's why we're ' distinguishing between source and metadata, rather than between the current ' compilation and another compilation. If field.Dangerous_IsFromSomeCompilationIncludingRetargeting Then ' NOTE: Dev11 ignores fields auto-generated for events Dim eventOrProperty As Symbol = field.AssociatedSymbol If eventOrProperty Is Nothing OrElse eventOrProperty.Kind <> SymbolKind.Event Then Return False End If End If '' If the field is private we don't ignore it if it is a field of a generic struct If field.ContainingType.IsGenericType Then Return False End If Return True End Function Private Function GetStructInstanceFields(type As TypeSymbol) As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol) Dim result As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol) = Nothing If typeToMembersCache Is Nothing OrElse Not typeToMembersCache.TryGetValue(type, result) Then ' load and add to cache Dim builder = ArrayBuilder(Of FieldSymbol).GetInstance() For Each member In type.GetMembersUnordered() ' only fields If member.Kind = SymbolKind.Field Then Dim field = DirectCast(member, FieldSymbol) ' only instance fields If Not ShouldIgnoreStructField(field) Then ' NOTE: DO NOT skip fields of intrinsic types if _trackStructsWithIntrinsicTypedFields is True builder.Add(field) End If End If Next result = builder.ToImmutableAndFree() If typeToMembersCache Is Nothing Then typeToMembersCache = New Dictionary(Of TypeSymbol, ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol)) End If typeToMembersCache.Add(type, result) End If Return result End Function Private Function GetVariableType(symbol As Symbol) As TypeSymbol Select Case symbol.Kind Case SymbolKind.Local Return DirectCast(symbol, LocalSymbol).Type Case SymbolKind.RangeVariable Return DirectCast(symbol, RangeVariableSymbol).Type Case SymbolKind.Field Return DirectCast(symbol, FieldSymbol).Type Case SymbolKind.Parameter Return DirectCast(symbol, ParameterSymbol).Type Case Else Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol.Kind) End Select End Function Protected Sub SetSlotState(slot As Integer, assigned As Boolean) Debug.Assert(slot <> SlotKind.Unreachable) If slot = SlotKind.NotTracked Then Return ElseIf slot = SlotKind.FunctionValue Then ' Function value slot is treated in a special way. For example it does not have Symbol assigned ' Just do a simple assign/unassign If assigned Then Me.State.Assign(slot) Else Me.State.Unassign(slot) End If Else ' The rest should be a regular slot If assigned Then SetSlotAssigned(slot) Else SetSlotUnassigned(slot) End If End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Assignments: Check and Report" ''' <summary> ''' Check that the given variable is definitely assigned. If not, produce an error. ''' </summary> Protected Sub CheckAssigned(symbol As Symbol, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode, Optional rwContext As ReadWriteContext = ReadWriteContext.None) If symbol IsNot Nothing Then Dim local = TryCast(symbol, LocalSymbol) If local IsNot Nothing AndAlso local.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso Not Me.ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals Then ' Do not process compiler generated temporary locals Return End If ' 'local' can be a pseudo-local representing a set of real locals If local IsNot Nothing AndAlso local.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then Dim ambiguous = DirectCast(local, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol) ' Ambiguous implicit receiver is always considered to be assigned VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(ambiguous) ' Note reads of locals For Each subLocal In ambiguous.Locals NoteRead(subLocal) Next Else Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(symbol) If slot >= Me.State.Assigned.Capacity Then Normalize(Me.State) End If If slot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable AndAlso Me.State.Reachable AndAlso Not Me.State.IsAssigned(slot) Then ReportUnassigned(symbol, node, rwContext) End If NoteRead(symbol) End If End If End Sub ''' <summary> Version of CheckAssigned for bound field access </summary> Private Sub CheckAssigned(fieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode, Optional rwContext As ReadWriteContext = ReadWriteContext.None) Dim unassignedSlot As Integer If Me.State.Reachable AndAlso Not IsAssigned(fieldAccess, unassignedSlot) Then ReportUnassigned(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, node, rwContext, unassignedSlot, fieldAccess) End If NoteRead(fieldAccess) End Sub Protected Overridable Sub VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(ambiguous As AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub VisitLvalue(node As BoundExpression, Optional dontLeaveRegion As Boolean = False) MyBase.VisitLvalue(node, True) ' Don't leave region If node.Kind = BoundKind.Local Then Dim symbol As LocalSymbol = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol If symbol.DeclarationKind = LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(DirectCast(symbol, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol)) End If End If ' NOTE: we can skip checking if Me._firstInRegion is nothing because 'node' is not nothing If Not dontLeaveRegion AndAlso node Is Me._lastInRegion AndAlso IsInside Then Me.LeaveRegion() End If End Sub ''' <summary> Check node for being assigned, return the value of unassigned slot in unassignedSlot </summary> Private Function IsAssigned(node As BoundExpression, ByRef unassignedSlot As Integer) As Boolean unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked If IsEmptyStructType(node.Type) Then Return True End If Select Case node.Kind Case BoundKind.MeReference unassignedSlot = VariableSlot(MeParameter) Case BoundKind.Local Dim local As LocalSymbol = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol If local.DeclarationKind <> LocalDeclarationKind.AmbiguousLocals Then unassignedSlot = VariableSlot(local) Else ' We never report ambiguous locals pseudo-symbol as unassigned, unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked VisitAmbiguousLocalSymbol(DirectCast(local, AmbiguousLocalsPseudoSymbol)) End If Case BoundKind.RangeVariable ' range variables are always assigned unassignedSlot = -1 Return True Case BoundKind.Parameter unassignedSlot = VariableSlot(DirectCast(node, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol) Case BoundKind.FieldAccess Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(node, BoundFieldAccess) If Not FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(fieldAccess) OrElse IsAssigned(fieldAccess.ReceiverOpt, unassignedSlot) Then Return True End If ' NOTE: unassignedSlot must have been set by previous call to IsAssigned(...) unassignedSlot = MakeSlot(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, unassignedSlot) Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder Dim substitute As BoundExpression = Me.GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase)) If substitute IsNot Nothing Then Return IsAssigned(substitute, unassignedSlot) End If unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked Case Else ' The value is a method call return value or something else we can assume is assigned. unassignedSlot = SlotKind.NotTracked End Select Return Me.State.IsAssigned(unassignedSlot) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Property controls Roslyn data flow analysis features which are disabled in command-line ''' compiler mode to maintain backward compatibility (mostly diagnostics not reported by Dev11), ''' but *enabled* in flow analysis API ''' </summary> Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property EnableBreakingFlowAnalysisFeatures As Boolean Get Return False End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' Specifies if the analysis should process compiler generated locals. ''' ''' Note that data flow API should never report compiler generated variables ''' as well as those should not generate any diagnostics (like being unassigned, etc...). ''' ''' But when the analysis is used for iterators or anync captures it should process ''' compiler generated locals as well... ''' </summary> Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals As Boolean Get Return False End Get End Property Private Function GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(sym As Symbol, boundFieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess) As Location Select Case sym.Kind Case SymbolKind.Parameter Return Nothing Case SymbolKind.RangeVariable Return Nothing Case SymbolKind.Local Dim locations As ImmutableArray(Of Location) = sym.Locations Return If(locations.IsEmpty, Nothing, locations(0)) Case SymbolKind.Field Debug.Assert(boundFieldAccess IsNot Nothing) If sym.IsShared Then Return Nothing End If Dim receiver As BoundExpression = boundFieldAccess.ReceiverOpt Debug.Assert(receiver IsNot Nothing) Select Case receiver.Kind Case BoundKind.Local Return GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(DirectCast(receiver, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol, Nothing) Case BoundKind.FieldAccess Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(receiver, BoundFieldAccess) Return GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(fieldAccess.FieldSymbol, fieldAccess) Case Else Return Nothing End Select Case Else Debug.Assert(False, "Why is this reachable?") Return Nothing End Select End Function ''' <summary> ''' Report a given variable as not definitely assigned. Once a variable has been so ''' reported, we suppress further reports of that variable. ''' </summary> Protected Overridable Sub ReportUnassigned(sym As Symbol, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode, rwContext As ReadWriteContext, Optional slot As Integer = SlotKind.NotTracked, Optional boundFieldAccess As BoundFieldAccess = Nothing) If slot < SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then slot = VariableSlot(sym) End If If slot >= Me.alreadyReported.Capacity Then alreadyReported.EnsureCapacity(Me.nextVariableSlot) End If If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Parameter Then ' Because there are no Out parameters in VB, general workflow should not hit this point; ' but in region analysis parameters are being unassigned, so it is reachable Return End If If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.RangeVariable Then ' Range variables are always assigned for the purpose of error reporting. Return End If Debug.Assert(sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Local OrElse sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Field) Dim localOrFieldType As TypeSymbol Dim isFunctionValue As Boolean Dim isStaticLocal As Boolean Dim isImplicityDeclared As Boolean = False If sym.Kind = SymbolKind.Local Then Dim locSym = DirectCast(sym, LocalSymbol) localOrFieldType = locSym.Type isFunctionValue = locSym.IsFunctionValue AndAlso EnableBreakingFlowAnalysisFeatures isStaticLocal = locSym.IsStatic isImplicityDeclared = locSym.IsImplicitlyDeclared Else isFunctionValue = False isStaticLocal = False localOrFieldType = DirectCast(sym, FieldSymbol).Type End If If Not IsSlotAlreadyReported(localOrFieldType, slot) Then Dim warning As ERRID = Nothing ' NOTE: When a variable is being used before declaration VB generates ERR_UseOfLocalBeforeDeclaration1 ' NOTE: error, thus we don't want to generate redundant warning; we base such an analysis on node ' NOTE: and symbol locations Dim firstLocation As Location = GetUnassignedSymbolFirstLocation(sym, boundFieldAccess) If isImplicityDeclared OrElse firstLocation Is Nothing OrElse firstLocation.SourceSpan.Start < node.SpanStart Then ' Because VB does not support out parameters, only locals OR fields of local structures can be unassigned. If localOrFieldType IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not isStaticLocal Then If localOrFieldType.IsIntrinsicValueType OrElse localOrFieldType.IsReferenceType Then If localOrFieldType.IsIntrinsicValueType AndAlso Not isFunctionValue Then warning = Nothing Else warning = If(rwContext = ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefByRef, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRef) End If ElseIf localOrFieldType.IsValueType Then ' This is only reported for structures with reference type fields. warning = If(rwContext = ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefByRefStr, ERRID.WRN_DefAsgUseNullRefStr) Else Debug.Assert(localOrFieldType.IsTypeParameter) End If If warning <> Nothing Then Me.diagnostics.Add(warning, node.GetLocation(), If(sym.Name, "dummy")) End If End If MarkSlotAsReported(localOrFieldType, slot) End If End If End Sub Private Sub CheckAssignedFunctionValue(local As LocalSymbol, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode) If Not Me.State.FunctionAssignedValue AndAlso Not seenOnErrorOrResume Then Dim type As TypeSymbol = local.Type ' NOTE: Dev11 does NOT report warning on user-defined empty value types ' Special case: We specifically want to give a warning if the user doesn't return from a WinRT AddHandler. ' NOTE: Strictly speaking, dev11 actually checks whether the return type is EventRegistrationToken (see IsWinRTEventAddHandler), ' but the conditions should be equivalent (i.e. return EventRegistrationToken if and only if WinRT). If EnableBreakingFlowAnalysisFeatures OrElse Not type.IsValueType OrElse type.IsIntrinsicOrEnumType OrElse Not IsEmptyStructType(type) OrElse (Me.MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.EventAdd AndAlso DirectCast(Me.MethodSymbol.AssociatedSymbol, EventSymbol).IsWindowsRuntimeEvent) Then ReportUnassignedFunctionValue(local, node) End If End If End Sub Private Sub ReportUnassignedFunctionValue(local As LocalSymbol, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode) If Not alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) Then Dim type As TypeSymbol = Nothing type = MethodReturnType If type IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not (MethodSymbol.IsIterator OrElse (MethodSymbol.IsAsync AndAlso type.Equals(compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task)))) Then Dim warning As ERRID = Nothing Dim localName As String = GetFunctionLocalName(MethodSymbol.MethodKind, local) type = type.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf ' Actual warning depends on whether the local is a function, ' property, or operator value versus reference type. If type.IsIntrinsicValueType Then Select Case MethodSymbol.MethodKind Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValOpVal1 Case MethodKind.PropertyGet warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropVal1 Case Else Debug.Assert(MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.Ordinary OrElse MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.LambdaMethod) warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValFuncVal1 End Select ElseIf type.IsReferenceType Then Select Case MethodSymbol.MethodKind Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValOpRef1 Case MethodKind.PropertyGet warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropRef1 Case Else Debug.Assert(MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.Ordinary OrElse MethodSymbol.MethodKind = MethodKind.LambdaMethod) warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValFuncRef1 End Select ElseIf type.TypeKind = TypeKind.TypeParameter Then ' IsReferenceType was false, so this type parameter was not known to be a reference type. ' Following past practice, no warning is given in this case. Else Debug.Assert(type.IsValueType) Select Case MethodSymbol.MethodKind Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator ' no warning is given in this case. Case MethodKind.PropertyGet warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValPropRef1 Case MethodKind.EventAdd ' In Dev11, there wasn't time to change the syntax of AddHandler to allow the user ' to specify a return type (necessarily, EventRegistrationToken) for WinRT events. ' DevDiv #376690 reflects the fact that this leads to an incredibly confusing user ' experience if nothing is return: no diagnostics are reported, but RemoveHandler ' statements will silently fail. To prompt the user, (1) warn if there is no ' explicit return, and (2) modify the error message to say "AddHandler As ' EventRegistrationToken" to hint at the nature of the problem. ' Update: Dev11 just mangles an existing error message, but we'll introduce a new, ' clearer, one. warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValWinRtEventVal1 localName = MethodSymbol.AssociatedSymbol.Name Case Else warning = ERRID.WRN_DefAsgNoRetValFuncRef1 End Select End If If warning <> Nothing Then Debug.Assert(localName IsNot Nothing) Me.diagnostics.Add(warning, node.GetLocation(), localName) End If End If alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = True End If End Sub Private Shared Function GetFunctionLocalName(methodKind As MethodKind, local As LocalSymbol) As String Select Case methodKind Case MethodKind.LambdaMethod Return StringConstants.AnonymousMethodName Case MethodKind.Conversion, MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator ' the operator's function local is op_<something> and not ' VB's operator name, so we need to take the identifier token ' directly Return local.IdentifierToken.ToString Case Else Return local.Name End Select End Function ''' <summary> ''' Mark a variable as assigned (or unassigned). ''' </summary> Protected Overridable Sub Assign(node As BoundNode, value As BoundExpression, Optional assigned As Boolean = True) Select Case node.Kind Case BoundKind.LocalDeclaration Dim local = DirectCast(node, BoundLocalDeclaration) Debug.Assert(local.InitializerOpt Is value OrElse local.InitializedByAsNew) Dim symbol = local.LocalSymbol Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(symbol) Dim written As Boolean = assigned OrElse Not Me.State.Reachable SetSlotState(slot, written) ' Note write if the local has an initializer or if it is part of an as-new. If assigned AndAlso (value IsNot Nothing OrElse local.InitializedByAsNew) Then NoteWrite(symbol, value) Case BoundKind.ForToStatement, BoundKind.ForEachStatement Dim forStatement = DirectCast(node, BoundForStatement) Dim symbol = forStatement.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt Debug.Assert(symbol IsNot Nothing) Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(symbol) Dim written As Boolean = assigned OrElse Not Me.State.Reachable SetSlotState(slot, written) Case BoundKind.Local Dim local = DirectCast(node, BoundLocal) Dim symbol = local.LocalSymbol If symbol.IsCompilerGenerated AndAlso Not Me.ProcessCompilerGeneratedLocals Then ' Do not process compiler generated temporary locals. Return End If ' Regular variable Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(symbol) SetSlotState(slot, assigned) If symbol.IsFunctionValue Then SetSlotState(SlotKind.FunctionValue, assigned) End If If assigned Then NoteWrite(symbol, value) End If Case BoundKind.Parameter Dim local = DirectCast(node, BoundParameter) Dim symbol = local.ParameterSymbol Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(symbol) SetSlotState(slot, assigned) If assigned Then NoteWrite(symbol, value) Case BoundKind.MeReference ' var local = node as BoundThisReference; Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(MeParameter) SetSlotState(slot, assigned) If assigned Then NoteWrite(MeParameter, value) Case BoundKind.FieldAccess, BoundKind.PropertyAccess Dim expression = DirectCast(node, BoundExpression) Dim slots As SlotCollection = MakeSlotsForExpression(expression) For i = 0 To slots.Count - 1 SetSlotState(slots(i), assigned) Next slots.Free() If assigned Then NoteWrite(expression, value) Case BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder, BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder Dim substitute As BoundExpression = Me.GetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundValuePlaceholderBase)) If substitute IsNot Nothing Then Assign(substitute, value, assigned) End If Case BoundKind.ByRefArgumentWithCopyBack Assign(DirectCast(node, BoundByRefArgumentWithCopyBack).OriginalArgument, value, assigned) Case Else ' Other kinds of left-hand-sides either represent things not tracked (e.g. array elements) ' or errors that have been reported earlier (e.g. assignment to a unary increment) End Select End Sub #End Region #Region "Try statements" ' When assignments happen inside a region, they are treated as UN-assignments. ' Generally this is enough. ' ' The tricky part is that any instruction in Try/Catch/Finally must be considered as potentially throwing. ' Even if a subsequent write outside of the region may kill an assignment inside the region, it cannot prevent escape of ' the previous assignment. ' ' === Example: ' ' Dim x as integer = 0 ' Try ' [| region starts here ' x = 1 ' Blah() ' <- this statement may throw. (any instruction can). ' |] region ends here ' x = 2 ' <- it may seem that this assignment kills one above, where in fact "x = 1" can easily escape. ' Finally ' SomeUse(x) ' we can see side effects of "x = 1" here ' End Try ' ' As a result, when dealing with exception handling flows we need to maintain a separate state ' that collects UN-assignments only and is not affected by subsequent assignments. Private tryState As LocalState? Protected Overrides Sub VisitTryBlock(tryBlock As BoundStatement, node As BoundTryStatement, ByRef _tryState As LocalState) If Me.TrackUnassignments Then ' store original try state Dim oldTryState As LocalState? = Me.tryState ' start with AllBitsSet (means there were no assignments) Me.tryState = AllBitsSet() ' visit try block. Any assignment inside the region will UN-assign corresponding bit in the tryState. MyBase.VisitTryBlock(tryBlock, node, _tryState) ' merge resulting tryState into tryState that we were given. Me.IntersectWith(_tryState, Me.tryState.Value) ' restore and merge old state with new changes. If oldTryState IsNot Nothing Then Dim tryState = Me.tryState.Value Me.IntersectWith(tryState, oldTryState.Value) Me.tryState = tryState Else Me.tryState = oldTryState End If Else MyBase.VisitTryBlock(tryBlock, node, _tryState) End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub VisitCatchBlock(catchBlock As BoundCatchBlock, ByRef finallyState As LocalState) If Me.TrackUnassignments Then Dim oldTryState As LocalState? = Me.tryState Me.tryState = AllBitsSet() Me.VisitCatchBlockInternal(catchBlock, finallyState) Me.IntersectWith(finallyState, Me.tryState.Value) If oldTryState IsNot Nothing Then Dim tryState = Me.tryState.Value Me.IntersectWith(tryState, oldTryState.Value) Me.tryState = tryState Else Me.tryState = oldTryState End If Else Me.VisitCatchBlockInternal(catchBlock, finallyState) End If End Sub Private Sub VisitCatchBlockInternal(catchBlock As BoundCatchBlock, ByRef finallyState As LocalState) Dim local = catchBlock.LocalOpt If local IsNot Nothing Then MakeSlot(local) End If Dim exceptionSource = catchBlock.ExceptionSourceOpt If exceptionSource IsNot Nothing Then Assign(exceptionSource, value:=Nothing, assigned:=True) End If MyBase.VisitCatchBlock(catchBlock, finallyState) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub VisitFinallyBlock(finallyBlock As BoundStatement, ByRef unsetInFinally As LocalState) If Me.TrackUnassignments Then Dim oldTryState As LocalState? = Me.tryState Me.tryState = AllBitsSet() MyBase.VisitFinallyBlock(finallyBlock, unsetInFinally) Me.IntersectWith(unsetInFinally, Me.tryState.Value) If oldTryState IsNot Nothing Then Dim tryState = Me.tryState.Value Me.IntersectWith(tryState, oldTryState.Value) Me.tryState = tryState Else Me.tryState = oldTryState End If Else MyBase.VisitFinallyBlock(finallyBlock, unsetInFinally) End If End Sub #End Region Protected Overrides Function ReachableState() As LocalState Return New LocalState(BitArray.Empty) End Function Private Sub EnterParameters(parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)) For Each parameter In parameters EnterParameter(parameter) Next End Sub Protected Overridable Sub EnterParameter(parameter As ParameterSymbol) ' this code has no effect except in the region analysis APIs, which assign ' variable slots to all parameters. Dim slot As Integer = VariableSlot(parameter) If slot >= SlotKind.FirstAvailable Then Me.State.Assign(slot) End If NoteWrite(parameter, Nothing) End Sub Private Sub LeaveParameters(parameters As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol)) If Me.State.Reachable Then For Each parameter In parameters LeaveParameter(parameter) Next End If End Sub Private Sub LeaveParameter(parameter As ParameterSymbol) If parameter.IsByRef Then Dim slot = VariableSlot(parameter) If Not Me.State.IsAssigned(slot) Then ReportUnassignedByRefParameter(parameter) End If NoteRead(parameter) End If End Sub Protected Overrides Function UnreachableState() As LocalState ' at this point we don't know what size of the bitarray to use, so we only set ' 'reachable' flag which mean 'all bits are set' in intersect/union Return New LocalState(UnreachableBitsSet) End Function Protected Overrides Function AllBitsSet() As LocalState Dim result = New LocalState(BitArray.AllSet(nextVariableSlot)) result.Unassign(SlotKind.Unreachable) Return result End Function Protected Overrides Sub VisitLocalInReadWriteContext(node As BoundLocal, rwContext As ReadWriteContext) MyBase.VisitLocalInReadWriteContext(node, rwContext) CheckAssigned(node.LocalSymbol, node.Syntax, rwContext) End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitLocal(node As BoundLocal) As BoundNode CheckAssigned(node.LocalSymbol, node.Syntax, ReadWriteContext.None) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariable(node As BoundRangeVariable) As BoundNode ' Sometimes query expressions refer to query range variable just to ' copy its value to a new compound variable. There is no reference ' to the range variable in code and, from user point of view, there is ' no access to it. If Not node.WasCompilerGenerated Then CheckAssigned(node.RangeVariable, node.Syntax, ReadWriteContext.None) End If Return Nothing End Function ' Should this local variable be considered assigned at first? It is if in the set of initially ' assigned variables, or else the current state is not reachable. Protected Function ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(variable As LocalSymbol) As Boolean Return Not Me.State.Reachable OrElse initiallyAssignedVariables IsNot Nothing AndAlso initiallyAssignedVariables.Contains(variable) End Function Public Overrides Function VisitLocalDeclaration(node As BoundLocalDeclaration) As BoundNode Dim placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase = Nothing Dim variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned = DeclaredVariableIsAlwaysAssignedBeforeInitializer(node.Syntax.Parent, node.InitializerOpt, placeholder) Dim local As LocalSymbol = node.LocalSymbol If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then SetPlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder, New BoundLocal(node.Syntax, local, local.Type)) End If ' Create a slot for the declared variable to be able to track it. Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(local) 'If initializer is a lambda, we need to treat the local as assigned within the lambda. Assign(node, node.InitializerOpt, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(local) OrElse variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned OrElse TreatTheLocalAsAssignedWithinTheLambda(local, node.InitializerOpt)) If node.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing OrElse node.InitializedByAsNew Then ' Assign must be called after the initializer is analyzed, because the variable needs to be ' consider unassigned which the initializer is being analyzed. MyBase.VisitLocalDeclaration(node) End If AssignLocalOnDeclaration(local, node) If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then RemovePlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder) End If Return Nothing End Function Protected Overridable Function TreatTheLocalAsAssignedWithinTheLambda(local As LocalSymbol, right As BoundExpression) As Boolean Return IsConvertedLambda(right) End Function Private Shared Function IsConvertedLambda(value As BoundExpression) As Boolean If value Is Nothing Then Return False End If Do Select Case value.Kind Case BoundKind.Lambda Return True Case BoundKind.Conversion value = DirectCast(value, BoundConversion).Operand Case BoundKind.DirectCast value = DirectCast(value, BoundDirectCast).Operand Case BoundKind.TryCast value = DirectCast(value, BoundTryCast).Operand Case BoundKind.Parenthesized value = DirectCast(value, BoundParenthesized).Expression Case Else Return False End Select Loop End Function Friend Overridable Sub AssignLocalOnDeclaration(local As LocalSymbol, node As BoundLocalDeclaration) If node.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing OrElse node.InitializedByAsNew Then Assign(node, node.InitializerOpt) End If End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitBlock(node As BoundBlock) As BoundNode ' Implicitly declared local variables don't have LocalDeclarations nodes for them. Thus, ' we need to create slots for any implicitly declared local variables in this block. ' For flow analysis purposes, we treat an implicit declared local as equivalent to a variable declared at the ' start of the method body (this block) with no initializer. Dim localVariables = node.Locals For Each local In localVariables If local.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then SetSlotState(MakeSlot(local), ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(local)) End If Next Return MyBase.VisitBlock(node) End Function Public Overrides Function VisitLambda(node As BoundLambda) As BoundNode Dim oldPending As SavedPending = SavePending() Dim oldSymbol = Me.symbol Me.symbol = node.LambdaSymbol Dim finalState As LocalState = Me.State Me.SetState(If(finalState.Reachable, finalState.Clone(), Me.AllBitsSet())) Me.State.Assigned(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = False Dim save_alreadyReportedFunctionValue = alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = False EnterParameters(node.LambdaSymbol.Parameters) VisitBlock(node.Body) LeaveParameters(node.LambdaSymbol.Parameters) Me.symbol = oldSymbol alreadyReported(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = save_alreadyReportedFunctionValue Me.State.Assigned(SlotKind.FunctionValue) = True RestorePending(oldPending) Me.IntersectWith(finalState, Me.State) Me.SetState(finalState) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitQueryLambda(node As BoundQueryLambda) As BoundNode Dim oldSymbol = Me.symbol Me.symbol = node.LambdaSymbol Dim finalState As LocalState = Me.State.Clone() VisitRvalue(node.Expression) Me.symbol = oldSymbol Me.IntersectWith(finalState, Me.State) Me.SetState(finalState) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitQueryExpression(node As BoundQueryExpression) As BoundNode Visit(node.LastOperator) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitQuerySource(node As BoundQuerySource) As BoundNode Visit(node.Expression) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitQueryableSource(node As BoundQueryableSource) As BoundNode Visit(node.Source) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitToQueryableCollectionConversion(node As BoundToQueryableCollectionConversion) As BoundNode Visit(node.ConversionCall) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitQueryClause(node As BoundQueryClause) As BoundNode Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitAggregateClause(node As BoundAggregateClause) As BoundNode If node.CapturedGroupOpt IsNot Nothing Then Visit(node.CapturedGroupOpt) End If Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitOrdering(node As BoundOrdering) As BoundNode Visit(node.UnderlyingExpression) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitRangeVariableAssignment(node As BoundRangeVariableAssignment) As BoundNode Visit(node.Value) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference) As BoundNode CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node.Syntax) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitParameter(node As BoundParameter) As BoundNode If Not node.WasCompilerGenerated Then CheckAssigned(node.ParameterSymbol, node.Syntax) End If Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitFieldAccess(node As BoundFieldAccess) As BoundNode Dim result = MyBase.VisitFieldAccess(node) If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(node) Then CheckAssigned(node, node.Syntax, ReadWriteContext.None) End If Return result End Function Protected Overrides Sub VisitFieldAccessInReadWriteContext(node As BoundFieldAccess, rwContext As ReadWriteContext) MyBase.VisitFieldAccessInReadWriteContext(node, rwContext) If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(node) Then CheckAssigned(node, node.Syntax, rwContext) End If End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitAssignmentOperator(node As BoundAssignmentOperator) As BoundNode Dim left As BoundExpression = node.Left 'If right expression is a lambda, we need to treat the left side as assigned within the lambda. Dim treatLocalAsAssigned As Boolean = False If left.Kind = BoundKind.Local Then treatLocalAsAssigned = TreatTheLocalAsAssignedWithinTheLambda( DirectCast(left, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol, node.Right) End If If treatLocalAsAssigned Then Assign(left, node.Right) End If MyBase.VisitAssignmentOperator(node) If Not treatLocalAsAssigned Then Assign(left, node.Right) End If Return Nothing End Function Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property SuppressRedimOperandRvalueOnPreserve As Boolean Get Return True End Get End Property Public Overrides Function VisitRedimClause(node As BoundRedimClause) As BoundNode MyBase.VisitRedimClause(node) Assign(node.Operand, Nothing) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitReferenceAssignment(node As BoundReferenceAssignment) As BoundNode MyBase.VisitReferenceAssignment(node) Assign(node.ByRefLocal, node.LValue) Return Nothing End Function Protected Overrides Sub VisitForControlInitialization(node As BoundForToStatement) MyBase.VisitForControlInitialization(node) Assign(node.ControlVariable, node.InitialValue) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub VisitForControlInitialization(node As BoundForEachStatement) MyBase.VisitForControlInitialization(node) Assign(node.ControlVariable, Nothing) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub VisitForStatementVariableDeclation(node As BoundForStatement) ' if the for each statement declared a variable explicitly or by using local type inference we'll ' need to create a new slot for the new variable that is initially unassigned. If node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt IsNot Nothing Then Dim slot As Integer = MakeSlot(node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt) 'not initially assigned Assign(node, Nothing, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(node.DeclaredOrInferredLocalOpt)) End If End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node As BoundAnonymousTypeCreationExpression) As BoundNode MyBase.VisitAnonymousTypeCreationExpression(node) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitWithStatement(node As BoundWithStatement) As BoundNode Me.SetPlaceholderSubstitute(node.ExpressionPlaceholder, node.DraftPlaceholderSubstitute) MyBase.VisitWithStatement(node) Me.RemovePlaceholderSubstitute(node.ExpressionPlaceholder) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitUsingStatement(node As BoundUsingStatement) As BoundNode If node.ResourceList.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then ' only an expression. Let the base class' implementation deal with digging into the expression Return MyBase.VisitUsingStatement(node) End If ' all locals are considered initially assigned, even if the initialization expression is missing in source (error case) For Each variableDeclarations In node.ResourceList If variableDeclarations.Kind = BoundKind.AsNewLocalDeclarations Then For Each variableDeclaration In DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations).LocalDeclarations Dim local = variableDeclaration.LocalSymbol Dim slot = MakeSlot(local) If slot >= 0 Then SetSlotAssigned(slot) NoteWrite(local, Nothing) Else Debug.Assert(IsEmptyStructType(local.Type)) End If Next Else Dim local = DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundLocalDeclaration).LocalSymbol Dim slot = MakeSlot(local) If slot >= 0 Then SetSlotAssigned(slot) NoteWrite(local, Nothing) Else Debug.Assert(IsEmptyStructType(local.Type)) End If End If Next Dim result = MyBase.VisitUsingStatement(node) ' all locals are being read in the finally block. For Each variableDeclarations In node.ResourceList If variableDeclarations.Kind = BoundKind.AsNewLocalDeclarations Then For Each variableDeclaration In DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations).LocalDeclarations NoteRead(variableDeclaration.LocalSymbol) Next Else NoteRead(DirectCast(variableDeclarations, BoundLocalDeclaration).LocalSymbol) End If Next Return result End Function Protected Overridable ReadOnly Property IgnoreOutSemantics As Boolean Get Return True End Get End Property Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub VisitArgument(arg As BoundExpression, p As ParameterSymbol) Debug.Assert(arg IsNot Nothing) If p.IsByRef Then If p.IsOut And Not Me.IgnoreOutSemantics Then VisitLvalue(arg) Else VisitRvalue(arg, rwContext:=ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument) End If Else VisitRvalue(arg) End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub WriteArgument(arg As BoundExpression, isOut As Boolean) If Not isOut Then CheckAssignedFromArgumentWrite(arg, arg.Syntax) End If Assign(arg, Nothing) MyBase.WriteArgument(arg, isOut) End Sub Protected Sub CheckAssignedFromArgumentWrite(expr As BoundExpression, node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode) If Not Me.State.Reachable Then Return End If Select Case expr.Kind Case BoundKind.Local CheckAssigned(DirectCast(expr, BoundLocal).LocalSymbol, node) Case BoundKind.Parameter CheckAssigned(DirectCast(expr, BoundParameter).ParameterSymbol, node) Case BoundKind.FieldAccess Dim fieldAccess = DirectCast(expr, BoundFieldAccess) Dim field As FieldSymbol = fieldAccess.FieldSymbol If FieldAccessMayRequireTracking(fieldAccess) Then CheckAssigned(fieldAccess, node, ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument) End If Case BoundKind.EventAccess Debug.Assert(False) ' TODO: is this reachable at all? Case BoundKind.MeReference, BoundKind.MyClassReference, BoundKind.MyBaseReference CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node) End Select End Sub Protected Overrides Sub VisitLateBoundArgument(arg As BoundExpression, isByRef As Boolean) If isByRef Then VisitRvalue(arg, rwContext:=ReadWriteContext.ByRefArgument) Else VisitRvalue(arg) End If End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitReturnStatement(node As BoundReturnStatement) As BoundNode If Not node.IsEndOfMethodReturn Then ' We should mark it as set disregarding whether or not there is an expression; if there ' is no expression, error 30654 will be generated which in Dev10 suppresses this error SetSlotState(SlotKind.FunctionValue, True) Else Dim functionLocal = TryCast(node.ExpressionOpt, BoundLocal) If functionLocal IsNot Nothing Then CheckAssignedFunctionValue(functionLocal.LocalSymbol, node.Syntax) End If End If MyBase.VisitReturnStatement(node) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitMyBaseReference(node As BoundMyBaseReference) As BoundNode CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node.Syntax) Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference) As BoundNode CheckAssigned(MeParameter, node.Syntax) Return Nothing End Function ''' <summary> ''' A variable declared with As New can be considered assigned before the initializer is executed in case the variable ''' is a value type. The reason is that in this case the initialization happens in place (not in a temporary) and ''' the variable already got the object creation expression assigned. ''' </summary> Private Function DeclaredVariableIsAlwaysAssignedBeforeInitializer(syntax As VisualBasicSyntaxNode, boundInitializer As BoundExpression, <Out> ByRef placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase) As Boolean placeholder = Nothing If boundInitializer IsNot Nothing AndAlso (boundInitializer.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression OrElse boundInitializer.Kind = BoundKind.NewT) Then Dim boundInitializerBase = DirectCast(boundInitializer, BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase).InitializerOpt If boundInitializerBase IsNot Nothing AndAlso boundInitializerBase.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression Then Dim objectInitializer = DirectCast(boundInitializerBase, BoundObjectInitializerExpression) If syntax IsNot Nothing AndAlso syntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator Then Dim declarator = DirectCast(syntax, VariableDeclaratorSyntax) If declarator.AsClause IsNot Nothing AndAlso declarator.AsClause.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsNewClause Then placeholder = objectInitializer.PlaceholderOpt Return Not objectInitializer.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization End If End If End If End If Return False End Function Public Overrides Function VisitAsNewLocalDeclarations(node As BoundAsNewLocalDeclarations) As BoundNode Dim placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase = Nothing Dim variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned = DeclaredVariableIsAlwaysAssignedBeforeInitializer(node.Syntax, node.Initializer, placeholder) Dim declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration) = node.LocalDeclarations If declarations.IsEmpty Then Return Nothing End If ' An initializer might access the declared variables in the initializer and therefore need to create a slot to ' track them For Each localDeclaration In declarations MakeSlot(localDeclaration.LocalSymbol) Next ' NOTE: in case 'variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned' is set it must be ' Dim a[, b, ...] As New Struct(...) With { ... }. ' ' In this case Roslyn (following Dev10/Dev11) consecutively calls constructors ' and executes initializers for all declared variables. Thus, when the first ' initialzier is being executed, all other locals are not assigned yet. ' ' This behavior is emulated below by assigning the first local and visiting ' the initializer before assigning all the other locals. We don't really need ' to revisit initializer after because all errors/warnings will be property ' reported in the first visit. Dim localToUseAsSubstitute As LocalSymbol = CreateLocalSymbolForVariables(declarations) ' process the first local declaration once Dim localDecl As BoundLocalDeclaration = declarations(0) ' A valuetype variable declared with AsNew and initialized by an object initializer is considered ' assigned when visiting the initializer, because the initialization happens inplace and the ' variable already got the object creation expression assigned (this assignment will be created ' in the local rewriter). Assign(localDecl, node.Initializer, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(localDecl.LocalSymbol) OrElse variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned) ' if needed, replace the placeholders with the bound local for the current declared variable. If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then Me.SetPlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder, New BoundLocal(localDecl.Syntax, localToUseAsSubstitute, localToUseAsSubstitute.Type)) End If Visit(node.Initializer) Visit(localDecl) ' TODO: do we really need that? ' Visit all other declarations For index = 1 To declarations.Length - 1 localDecl = declarations(index) ' A valuetype variable declared with AsNew and initialized by an object initializer is considered ' assigned when visiting the initializer, because the initialization happens inplace and the ' variable already got the object creation expression assigned (this assignment will be created 'in the local rewriter). Assign(localDecl, node.Initializer, ConsiderLocalInitiallyAssigned(localDecl.LocalSymbol) OrElse variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned) Visit(localDecl) ' TODO: do we really need that? Next ' We also need to mark all If variableIsUsedDirectlyAndIsAlwaysAssigned Then Me.RemovePlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder) End If Return Nothing End Function Protected Overridable Function CreateLocalSymbolForVariables(declarations As ImmutableArray(Of BoundLocalDeclaration)) As LocalSymbol Debug.Assert(declarations.Length > 0) Return declarations(0).LocalSymbol End Function Protected Overrides Sub VisitObjectCreationExpressionInitializer(node As BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase) Dim resetPlaceholder As Boolean = node IsNot Nothing AndAlso node.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression AndAlso DirectCast(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression).CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization If resetPlaceholder Then Me.SetPlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression).PlaceholderOpt, Nothing) ' Override substitute End If MyBase.VisitObjectCreationExpressionInitializer(node) If resetPlaceholder Then Me.RemovePlaceholderSubstitute(DirectCast(node, BoundObjectInitializerExpression).PlaceholderOpt) End If End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitOnErrorStatement(node As BoundOnErrorStatement) As BoundNode seenOnErrorOrResume = True Return MyBase.VisitOnErrorStatement(node) End Function Public Overrides Function VisitResumeStatement(node As BoundResumeStatement) As BoundNode seenOnErrorOrResume = True Return MyBase.VisitResumeStatement(node) End Function End Class End Namespace
Option Explicit On Option Infer On Option Strict On #Region " --------------->> Imports/ usings " Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema Imports SSP.Data.EntityFrameworkX.Contexts Imports SSP.Data.EntityFrameworkX.Models.Core Imports SSP.Data.EntityFrameworkX.Models.Core.Interfaces #End Region Namespace Models.GitModels Partial Public Class RepositoryProductowner Inherits ModelBase(Of RepositoryProductowner) Implements IModelBase(Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext) #Region " --------------->> Enumerationen der Klasse " Public Enum PropertyNames RowId id RepositoryFID PersonFID End Enum #End Region '{Enumerationen der Klasse} #Region " --------------->> Eigenschaften der Klasse " Private Shared _modelCore As ModelCore(Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext) Private _rowId as Int64 Private _id AS Int64 Private _repositoryFID AS Int64 Private _personFID AS Int64 #End Region '{Eigenschaften der Klasse} #Region " --------------->> Konstruktor und Destruktor der Klasse " Shared Sub New() _modelCore = New ModelCore(Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext)("git.t_repository_productowner") _modelCore.AddMappingInformation(PropertyNames.RowId, My.Settings.RowIdName) _modelCore.AddMappingInformation(PropertyNames.id, "id") _modelCore.AddMappingInformation(PropertyNames.RepositoryFID, "RepositoryFID") _modelCore.AddMappingInformation(PropertyNames.PersonFID, "PersonFID") End Sub #End Region '{Konstruktor und Destruktor der Klasse} #Region " --------------->> Zugriffsmethoden der Klasse " <DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)> Public Property RowId As Int64 Implements IModelBase _ (Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext).RowId Get Return _rowId End Get Set(value As Int64) MyBase.SetPropertyValueAndRaisePropertyChanged _ (Of Int64)(NameOf(Me.RowId), _rowId, value) End Set End Property <DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)> <Key> Public Property Id As Int64 Get Return _id End Get Set(value As Int64) MyBase.SetPropertyValueAndRaisePropertyChanged _ (Of Int64)(NameOf(Me.Id), _id, value) End Set End Property Public Property RepositoryFID As Int64 Get Return _repositoryFID End Get Set(value As Int64) MyBase.SetPropertyValueAndRaisePropertyChanged _ (Of Int64)(NameOf(Me.RepositoryFID), _repositoryFID, value) End Set End Property Public Property PersonFID As Int64 Get Return _personFID End Get Set(value As Int64) MyBase.SetPropertyValueAndRaisePropertyChanged _ (Of Int64)(NameOf(Me.PersonFID), _personFID, value) End Set End Property #End Region '{Zugriffsmethoden der Klasse} #Region " --------------->> Ereignismethoden Methoden der Klasse " #End Region '{Ereignismethoden der Klasse} #Region " --------------->> Private Methoden der Klasse " #End Region '{Private Methoden der Klasse} #Region " --------------->> Öffentliche Methoden der Klasse " Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return MyBase.ToString End Function Public Shared Function GetModelCore() As ModelCore _ (Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext) Return _modelCore End Function Private Function IModelBase_ModelCore() As ModelCore(Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext) _ Implements IModelBase(Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext).ModelCore Return _modelCore End Function Private Function IModelBase_ModelBase() As ModelBase(Of RepositoryProductowner) _ Implements IModelBase(Of RepositoryProductowner, PropertyNames, GitContext).ModelBase Return DirectCast(Me, ModelBase(Of RepositoryProductowner)) End Function #End Region '{Öffentliche Methoden der Klasse} End Class End Namespace
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.34014 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace My 'NOTE: This file is auto-generated; do not modify it directly. To make changes, ' or if you encounter build errors in this file, go to the Project Designer ' (go to Project Properties or double-click the My Project node in ' Solution Explorer), and make changes on the Application tab. ' Partial Friend Class MyApplication <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New(Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationMode.Windows) Me.IsSingleInstance = false Me.EnableVisualStyles = true Me.SaveMySettingsOnExit = true Me.ShutDownStyle = Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.ShutdownMode.AfterMainFormCloses End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateMainForm() Me.MainForm = Global.admin.main End Sub End Class End Namespace
Imports System.Xml Namespace VecchieClassi Public Class Provincia #Region " PROPRIETA " Private mID As Long Private mIdProvincia As String Private mDescrizione As String Private mCodRegione As Integer Private mErrore As Boolean Public ReadOnly Property ID() As Long Get Return Me.mID End Get End Property Public Property codice() As String Get Return mIdProvincia End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) mIdProvincia = Value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property CodiceRegione() As Integer Get Return Me.mCodRegione End Get End Property Public Property descrizione() As String Get Return mDescrizione End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) mDescrizione = Value.ToUpper End Set End Property Public Property Errore() As Boolean Get Return mErrore End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) mErrore = Value End Set End Property #End Region #Region " METODI PUBBLICI " Public Sub New() Provincia() End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal codiceIn As String) Provincia(codiceIn) End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal idProvincia As Long, ByVal fake1 As Boolean) Provincia(idProvincia, fake1) End Sub #End Region #Region " METODI PRIVATI " Private Sub Provincia() mIdProvincia = "" mDescrizione = "" Me.mID = 0 Me.mCodRegione = 0 End Sub Private Sub Provincia(ByVal codiceIn As String) Dim sQuery As String Dim db As New DataBase Dim iRet As Long Provincia() sQuery = "SELECT * " sQuery = sQuery & "FROM Province " sQuery = sQuery & "WHERE IdProvincia = '" & codiceIn & "'" Try With db .SQL = sQuery iRet = .OpenQuery() If iRet >= 0 Then Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument xmlDoc.LoadXml(.strXML) Me.mID = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Id").Item(0).InnerText mIdProvincia = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("IdProvincia").Item(0).InnerText mDescrizione = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("DescrizioneProvincia").Item(0).InnerText Me.mCodRegione = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("CodRegione").Item(0).InnerText mErrore = False ElseIf iRet < 0 Then 'listaMessaggi.aggiungi(New Messaggio(1, "Registrazione", "CodiceAccesso")) mErrore = True End If End With Catch ex As Exception 'listaMessaggi.aggiungi(New Messaggio(1, "Registrazione", "CodiceAccesso")) mErrore = True End Try End Sub Private Sub Provincia(ByVal idProvincia As Long, ByVal fake1 As Boolean) Dim db As New DataBase Dim iRet As Long Provincia() Try With db .SQL = "SELECT * FROM province WHERE id=" & idProvincia iRet = .OpenQuery() If iRet >= 0 Then Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument xmlDoc.LoadXml(.strXML) Me.mID = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Id").Item(0).InnerText mIdProvincia = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("IdProvincia").Item(0).InnerText mDescrizione = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("DescrizioneProvincia").Item(0).InnerText Me.mCodRegione = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("CodRegione").Item(0).InnerText mErrore = False ElseIf iRet < 0 Then 'listaMessaggi.aggiungi(New Messaggio(1, "Registrazione", "CodiceAccesso")) mErrore = True End If End With Catch ex As Exception 'listaMessaggi.aggiungi(New Messaggio(1, "Registrazione", "CodiceAccesso")) mErrore = True End Try End Sub #End Region End Class End Namespace
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class absen2 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _ Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle1 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle2 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle3 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Me.Label6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.rdalpa = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton() Me.rdsakit = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton() Me.rdizin = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton() Me.rdhadir = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton() Me.GroupBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox() Me.txtalpa = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.Label8 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.txtizin = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.Label9 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.Label10 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.txtsakit = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.Label11 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.txthadir = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.txtcari = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.Label12 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.Button3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.GroupBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox() Me.Timer1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Timer(Me.components) Me.Label5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.txttglakhir = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.DataGridView1 = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView() Me.FileToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem() Me.MasterDataToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem() Me.txtnama = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.LaporanToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem() Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.MenuStrip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip() Me.AbsensiToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem() Me.HelpToolStripMenuItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem() Me.txtnip = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.Button4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.btnhapus = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.btnedit = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.btntambah = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.Label4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.cbmulai = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox() Me.Label7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.txttglawal = New System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker() Me.GroupBox1.SuspendLayout() Me.GroupBox2.SuspendLayout() CType(Me.DataGridView1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.MenuStrip1.SuspendLayout() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Label6 ' Me.Label6.AutoSize = True Me.Label6.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label6.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(542, 274) Me.Label6.Name = "Label6" Me.Label6.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(70, 22) Me.Label6.TabIndex = 73 Me.Label6.Text = "Cari :" ' 'rdalpa ' Me.rdalpa.AutoSize = True Me.rdalpa.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.rdalpa.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(182, 43) Me.rdalpa.Name = "rdalpa" Me.rdalpa.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(58, 24) Me.rdalpa.TabIndex = 3 Me.rdalpa.TabStop = True Me.rdalpa.Text = "Alpa" Me.rdalpa.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'rdsakit ' Me.rdsakit.AutoSize = True Me.rdsakit.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.rdsakit.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(182, 22) Me.rdsakit.Name = "rdsakit" Me.rdsakit.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(59, 24) Me.rdsakit.TabIndex = 2 Me.rdsakit.TabStop = True Me.rdsakit.Text = "Sakit" Me.rdsakit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'rdizin ' Me.rdizin.AutoSize = True Me.rdizin.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.rdizin.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(107, 42) Me.rdizin.Name = "rdizin" Me.rdizin.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(50, 24) Me.rdizin.TabIndex = 1 Me.rdizin.TabStop = True Me.rdizin.Text = "Izin" Me.rdizin.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'rdhadir ' Me.rdhadir.AutoSize = True Me.rdhadir.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.rdhadir.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(107, 19) Me.rdhadir.Name = "rdhadir" Me.rdhadir.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(64, 24) Me.rdhadir.TabIndex = 0 Me.rdhadir.TabStop = True Me.rdhadir.Text = "Hadir" 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System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Center ' 'Label8 ' Me.Label8.AutoSize = True Me.Label8.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label8.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 120) Me.Label8.Name = "Label8" Me.Label8.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 22) Me.Label8.TabIndex = 22 Me.Label8.Text = "Alpa :" ' 'txtizin ' Me.txtizin.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txtizin.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(94, 87) Me.txtizin.Multiline = True Me.txtizin.Name = "txtizin" Me.txtizin.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(98, 25) Me.txtizin.TabIndex = 45 Me.txtizin.Text = "0" Me.txtizin.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Center ' 'Label9 ' Me.Label9.AutoSize = True Me.Label9.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label9.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 87) Me.Label9.Name = "Label9" Me.Label9.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 22) Me.Label9.TabIndex = 21 Me.Label9.Text = "Izin :" ' 'Label10 ' Me.Label10.AutoSize = True Me.Label10.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label10.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 56) Me.Label10.Name = "Label10" Me.Label10.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 22) Me.Label10.TabIndex = 20 Me.Label10.Text = "Sakit :" ' 'txtsakit ' Me.txtsakit.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txtsakit.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(94, 56) Me.txtsakit.Multiline = True Me.txtsakit.Name = "txtsakit" Me.txtsakit.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(98, 25) Me.txtsakit.TabIndex = 44 Me.txtsakit.Text = "0" Me.txtsakit.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Center ' 'Label11 ' Me.Label11.AutoSize = True Me.Label11.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label11.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 23) Me.Label11.Name = "Label11" Me.Label11.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(59, 22) Me.Label11.TabIndex = 19 Me.Label11.Text = "Hadir :" ' 'txthadir ' Me.txthadir.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txthadir.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(94, 23) Me.txthadir.Multiline = True Me.txthadir.Name = "txthadir" Me.txthadir.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(98, 25) Me.txthadir.TabIndex = 43 Me.txthadir.Text = "0" Me.txthadir.TextAlign = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Center ' 'txtcari ' Me.txtcari.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txtcari.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(640, 272) Me.txtcari.Name = "txtcari" Me.txtcari.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(150, 27) Me.txtcari.TabIndex = 74 ' 'Label12 ' Me.Label12.AutoSize = True Me.Label12.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label12.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(525, 36) Me.Label12.Name = "Label12" Me.Label12.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(71, 20) Me.Label12.TabIndex = 72 Me.Label12.Text = "Tanggal :" ' 'Button3 ' Me.Button3.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight Me.Button3.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Button3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(255, 262) Me.Button3.Name = "Button3" Me.Button3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(36, 35) Me.Button3.TabIndex = 71 Me.Button3.Text = "C" Me.Button3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False ' 'Button2 ' Me.Button2.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight Me.Button2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Button2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(490, 183) Me.Button2.Name = "Button2" Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(82, 30) Me.Button2.TabIndex = 70 Me.Button2.Text = "Clear" Me.Button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False ' 'GroupBox2 ' Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.txtalpa) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.Label8) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.txtizin) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.Label9) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.Label10) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.txtsakit) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.Label11) Me.GroupBox2.Controls.Add(Me.txthadir) Me.GroupBox2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.GroupBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(582, 83) Me.GroupBox2.Name = "GroupBox2" Me.GroupBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(213, 162) Me.GroupBox2.TabIndex = 69 Me.GroupBox2.TabStop = False Me.GroupBox2.Text = "Ringkasan Absen" ' 'Timer1 ' Me.Timer1.Enabled = True Me.Timer1.Interval = 1000 ' 'Label5 ' Me.Label5.AutoSize = True Me.Label5.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label5.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(595, 36) Me.Label5.Name = "Label5" Me.Label5.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 20) Me.Label5.TabIndex = 67 Me.Label5.Text = "Tanggal" ' 'txttglakhir ' Me.txttglakhir.Enabled = False Me.txttglakhir.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txttglakhir.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(142, 205) Me.txttglakhir.Multiline = True Me.txttglakhir.Name = "txttglakhir" Me.txttglakhir.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(191, 25) Me.txttglakhir.TabIndex = 66 ' 'DataGridView1 ' DataGridViewCellStyle1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.DataGridView1.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle1 DataGridViewCellStyle2.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft DataGridViewCellStyle2.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control DataGridViewCellStyle2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12.75!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) DataGridViewCellStyle2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText DataGridViewCellStyle2.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight DataGridViewCellStyle2.SelectionForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText DataGridViewCellStyle2.WrapMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTriState.[True] Me.DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle2 Me.DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize DataGridViewCellStyle3.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft DataGridViewCellStyle3.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window DataGridViewCellStyle3.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) DataGridViewCellStyle3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText DataGridViewCellStyle3.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight DataGridViewCellStyle3.SelectionForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText DataGridViewCellStyle3.WrapMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTriState.[False] Me.DataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle = 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= 63 ' 'LaporanToolStripMenuItem ' Me.LaporanToolStripMenuItem.Name = "LaporanToolStripMenuItem" Me.LaporanToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(68, 21) Me.LaporanToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Laporan" ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.AutoSize = True Me.Label1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Sitka Text", 18.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(222, 21) Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(283, 35) Me.Label1.TabIndex = 54 Me.Label1.Text = "ABSENSI TANDINGAN" ' 'MenuStrip1 ' Me.MenuStrip1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me.MenuStrip1.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.75!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.MenuStrip1.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.FileToolStripMenuItem, Me.MasterDataToolStripMenuItem, Me.AbsensiToolStripMenuItem, Me.LaporanToolStripMenuItem, Me.HelpToolStripMenuItem}) Me.MenuStrip1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.MenuStrip1.Name = "MenuStrip1" Me.MenuStrip1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(811, 25) Me.MenuStrip1.TabIndex = 64 Me.MenuStrip1.Text = "MenuStrip1" ' 'AbsensiToolStripMenuItem ' Me.AbsensiToolStripMenuItem.Name = "AbsensiToolStripMenuItem" Me.AbsensiToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(65, 21) Me.AbsensiToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Absensi" ' 'HelpToolStripMenuItem ' Me.HelpToolStripMenuItem.Name = "HelpToolStripMenuItem" Me.HelpToolStripMenuItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(66, 21) Me.HelpToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Tentang" ' 'txtnip ' Me.txtnip.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txtnip.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(142, 83) Me.txtnip.Name = "txtnip" Me.txtnip.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(191, 27) Me.txtnip.TabIndex = 62 ' 'Button4 ' Me.Button4.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight Me.Button4.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Button4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me.Button4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(490, 215) Me.Button4.Name = "Button4" Me.Button4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(82, 30) Me.Button4.TabIndex = 61 Me.Button4.Text = "Keluar" Me.Button4.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False ' 'btnhapus ' Me.btnhapus.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight Me.btnhapus.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.btnhapus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me.btnhapus.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(490, 152) Me.btnhapus.Name = "btnhapus" Me.btnhapus.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(82, 30) Me.btnhapus.TabIndex = 60 Me.btnhapus.Text = "Hapus" Me.btnhapus.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False ' 'btnedit ' Me.btnedit.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight Me.btnedit.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.btnedit.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me.btnedit.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(490, 119) Me.btnedit.Name = "btnedit" Me.btnedit.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(82, 30) Me.btnedit.TabIndex = 59 Me.btnedit.Text = "Absen" Me.btnedit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False ' 'btntambah ' Me.btntambah.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ButtonHighlight Me.btntambah.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI Semibold", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.btntambah.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me.btntambah.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(490, 84) Me.btntambah.Name = "btntambah" Me.btntambah.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(82, 30) Me.btntambah.TabIndex = 58 Me.btntambah.Text = "Tambah" Me.btntambah.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False ' 'Label4 ' Me.Label4.AutoSize = True Me.Label4.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 190) Me.Label4.Name = "Label4" Me.Label4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(124, 44) Me.Label4.TabIndex = 57 Me.Label4.Text = "Tanggal Terakhir" & Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13) & Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10) & "Kali Update :" ' 'Label3 ' Me.Label3.AutoSize = True Me.Label3.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 117) Me.Label3.Name = "Label3" Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(125, 22) Me.Label3.TabIndex = 56 Me.Label3.Text = "Nama :" ' 'Label2 ' Me.Label2.AutoSize = True Me.Label2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 85) Me.Label2.Name = "Label2" Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(124, 22) Me.Label2.TabIndex = 55 Me.Label2.Text = "NIP :" ' 'cbmulai ' Me.cbmulai.AutoSize = True Me.cbmulai.Checked = True Me.cbmulai.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked Me.cbmulai.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 11.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.cbmulai.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(340, 163) Me.cbmulai.Name = "cbmulai" Me.cbmulai.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(108, 24) Me.cbmulai.TabIndex = 75 Me.cbmulai.Text = "Mulai Ulang" Me.cbmulai.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'Label7 ' Me.Label7.AutoSize = True Me.Label7.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 12.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.Label7.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 143) Me.Label7.Name = "Label7" Me.Label7.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(122, 44) Me.Label7.TabIndex = 77 Me.Label7.Text = "Tanggal Awal" & Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13) & Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10) & "Update :" ' 'txttglawal ' Me.txttglawal.CustomFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd" Me.txttglawal.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.txttglawal.Format = System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePickerFormat.Custom Me.txttglawal.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(142, 164) Me.txttglawal.Name = "txttglawal" Me.txttglawal.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(191, 22) Me.txttglawal.TabIndex = 78 Me.txttglawal.Value = New Date(2019, 1, 11, 11, 1, 3, 0) ' 'absen2 ' Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(811, 449) Me.Controls.Add(Me.txttglawal) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label7) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label6) Me.Controls.Add(Me.txtcari) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label12) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.GroupBox2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label5) Me.Controls.Add(Me.txttglakhir) Me.Controls.Add(Me.DataGridView1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.txtnama) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.MenuStrip1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.txtnip) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btnhapus) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btnedit) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btntambah) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.GroupBox1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.cbmulai) Me.MaximizeBox = False Me.Name = "absen2" Me.Text = "absen2" Me.GroupBox1.ResumeLayout(False) Me.GroupBox1.PerformLayout() Me.GroupBox2.ResumeLayout(False) Me.GroupBox2.PerformLayout() CType(Me.DataGridView1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.MenuStrip1.ResumeLayout(False) Me.MenuStrip1.PerformLayout() Me.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PerformLayout() End Sub Friend WithEvents Label6 As Label Friend WithEvents rdalpa As RadioButton Friend WithEvents rdsakit As RadioButton Friend WithEvents rdizin As RadioButton Friend WithEvents rdhadir As RadioButton Friend WithEvents GroupBox1 As GroupBox Friend WithEvents txtalpa As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label8 As Label Friend WithEvents txtizin As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label9 As Label Friend WithEvents Label10 As Label Friend WithEvents txtsakit As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label11 As Label Friend WithEvents txthadir As TextBox Friend WithEvents txtcari As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label12 As Label Friend WithEvents Button3 As Button Friend WithEvents Button2 As Button Friend WithEvents GroupBox2 As GroupBox Friend WithEvents Timer1 As Timer Friend WithEvents Label5 As Label Friend WithEvents txttglakhir As TextBox Friend WithEvents DataGridView1 As DataGridView Friend WithEvents FileToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem Friend WithEvents MasterDataToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem Friend WithEvents txtnama As TextBox Friend WithEvents LaporanToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem Friend WithEvents Label1 As Label Friend WithEvents MenuStrip1 As MenuStrip Friend WithEvents AbsensiToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem Friend WithEvents HelpToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem Friend WithEvents txtnip As TextBox Friend WithEvents Button4 As Button Friend WithEvents btnhapus As Button Friend WithEvents btnedit As Button Friend WithEvents btntambah As Button Friend WithEvents Label4 As Label Friend WithEvents Label3 As Label Friend WithEvents Label2 As Label Friend WithEvents cbmulai As CheckBox Friend WithEvents Label7 As Label Friend WithEvents txttglawal As DateTimePicker End Class
Imports lm.Comol.UI.Presentation Imports lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel Imports lm.Comol.Core.BaseModules.ProviderManagement Imports lm.Comol.Core.BaseModules.ProviderManagement.Presentation Public Class ListAuthenticationProvider Inherits PageBase Implements IViewProvidersManagement #Region "Context" Private _CurrentContext As lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.iApplicationContext Private ReadOnly Property CurrentContext() As lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.iApplicationContext Get If IsNothing(_CurrentContext) Then _CurrentContext = New lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.ApplicationContext() With {.UserContext = SessionHelpers.CurrentUserContext, .DataContext = SessionHelpers.CurrentDataContext} End If Return _CurrentContext End Get End Property Private _Presenter As ProvidersManagementPresenter Private ReadOnly Property CurrentPresenter() As ProvidersManagementPresenter Get If IsNothing(_Presenter) Then _Presenter = New ProvidersManagementPresenter(Me.CurrentContext, Me) End If Return _Presenter End Get End Property #End Region #Region "Implements" Public ReadOnly Property PreLoadedPageSize As Integer Implements IViewProvidersManagement.PreLoadedPageSize Get If IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("PageSize")) Then Return CInt(Request.QueryString("PageSize")) Else Return Me.DDLpage.Items(0).Value End If End Get End Property Public Property CurrentPageSize As Integer Implements IViewProvidersManagement.CurrentPageSize Get Return Me.DDLpage.SelectedValue End Get Set(value As Integer) Me.DDLpage.SelectedValue = value End Set End Property Public Property Pager As PagerBase Implements IViewProvidersManagement.Pager Get Return ViewStateOrDefault("Pager", New lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.PagerBase With {.PageSize = CurrentPageSize}) End Get Set(value As PagerBase) Me.ViewState("Pager") = value Me.PGgrid.Pager = value Me.PGgrid.Visible = Not value.Count = 0 AndAlso (value.Count + 1 > value.PageSize) Me.DVpageSize.Visible = (Not value.Count < Me.DefaultPageSize) End Set End Property #End Region #Region "Inherits" Public Overrides ReadOnly Property VerifyAuthentication() As Boolean Get Return False End Get End Property Public Overrides ReadOnly Property AlwaysBind() As Boolean Get Return False End Get End Property #End Region #Region "Property" Public ReadOnly Property OnLoadingTranslation As String Get Return Resource.getValue("LTprogress.text") End Get End Property Public Function TranslateModalView(viewName As String) As String Return Resource.getValue(viewName) End Function Public ReadOnly Property BackGroundItem(ByVal deleted As lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.BaseStatusDeleted, itemType As ListItemType) As String Get If deleted = lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.BaseStatusDeleted.None Then Return IIf(itemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem, "ROW_Alternate_Small", "ROW_Normal_Small") Else Return "ROW_Disabilitate_Small" End If End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property DefaultPageSize() As Integer Get Return 25 End Get End Property #End Region Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.PGgrid.Pager = Pager Me.Page.Form.DefaultFocus = Me.DDLpage.UniqueID Me.Master.Page.Form.DefaultFocus = Me.DDLpage.UniqueID End Sub #Region "Inherits" Public Overrides Sub BindDati() Me.Master.ShowNoPermission = False If Page.IsPostBack = False Then CurrentPresenter.InitView() End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub BindNoPermessi() Me.Master.ShowNoPermission = True End Sub Public Overrides Function HasPermessi() As Boolean Return True End Function Public Overrides Sub RegistraAccessoPagina() End Sub Public Overrides Sub SetCultureSettings() MyBase.SetCulture("pg_ProviderManagement", "Modules", "ProviderManagement") End Sub Public Overrides Sub SetInternazionalizzazione() With MyBase.Resource Me.Master.ServiceTitle = .getValue("serviceManagementTitle") Me.Master.ServiceNopermission = .getValue("serviceManagementNopermission") .setHyperLink(Me.HYPaddProvider, True, True) Me.HYPaddProvider.NavigateUrl = Me.BaseUrl & RootObject.AddProvider .setLabel(LBpagesize) .setLabel(LBproviderDisplayInfoDescription) .setButton(BTNcloseProviderDisplayInfo, True) End With End Sub Public Overrides Sub ShowMessageToPage(ByVal errorMessage As String) End Sub #End Region #Region "Grid Management" Private Sub RPTproviders_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles RPTproviders.ItemDataBound If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Header Then Dim oLabel As Label = e.Item.FindControl("LBactions_t") Me.Resource.setLabel(oLabel) oLabel = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderIsEnabled_t") Me.Resource.setLabel(oLabel) oLabel = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderName_t") Me.Resource.setLabel(oLabel) oLabel = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderType_t") Me.Resource.setLabel(oLabel) oLabel = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderUsedBy_t") Me.Resource.setLabel(oLabel) ElseIf e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then Dim provider As dtoProvider = DirectCast(e.Item.DataItem, dtoProviderPermission).Provider Dim permission As dtoPermission = DirectCast(e.Item.DataItem, dtoProviderPermission).Permission Dim link As LinkButton = e.Item.FindControl("LNBproviderInfo") link.Visible = permission.Info If permission.Info Then Resource.setLinkButton(link, True, True) End If Dim hyperlink As HyperLink = e.Item.FindControl("HYPedit") hyperlink.Visible = permission.Edit If permission.Edit Then Dim div As HtmlControl = e.Item.FindControl("DVsettings") Resource.setHyperLink(hyperlink, True, True) hyperlink.NavigateUrl = Me.BaseUrl & RootObject.EditProvider(provider.IdProvider) hyperlink = e.Item.FindControl("HYPadvancedSettings") div.Visible = False If (provider.Type = lm.Comol.Core.Authentication.AuthenticationProviderType.Internal OrElse provider.Type = lm.Comol.Core.Authentication.AuthenticationProviderType.None) Then hyperlink.Visible = False Else div.Visible = True hyperlink.Visible = True Resource.setHyperLink(hyperlink, True, True) hyperlink.NavigateUrl = Me.BaseUrl & RootObject.EditProviderSettings(provider.IdProvider, provider.Type) End If End If If permission.Delete AndAlso provider.Type <> lm.Comol.Core.Authentication.AuthenticationProviderType.Internal Then link = e.Item.FindControl("LNBdelete") link.Visible = True Resource.setLinkButton(link, True, True, , True) End If If permission.VirtualUndelete Then link = e.Item.FindControl("LNBvirtualUnDelete") link.Visible = True Resource.setLinkButton(link, True, True) ElseIf permission.VirtualDelete Then link = e.Item.FindControl("LNBvirtualDelete") link.Visible = True Resource.setLinkButton(link, True, True) End If Dim label As Label = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderName") If Not IsNothing(provider.Translation) AndAlso String.IsNullOrEmpty(provider.Translation.Name) = False Then label.Text = provider.Translation.Name Else label.Text = provider.Name End If label = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderType") label.Text = Resource.getValue("AuthenticationProviderType." & provider.Type.ToString) label = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderUsedBy") label.Text = provider.UsedBy label = e.Item.FindControl("LBproviderIsEnabled") label.Text = Resource.getValue("isEnabled." & provider.isEnabled.ToString) End If End Sub Private Sub PGgrid_OnPageSelected() Handles PGgrid.OnPageSelected Me.CurrentPresenter.LoadProviders(Me.PGgrid.Pager.PageIndex, Me.CurrentPageSize) End Sub Private Sub RPTproviders_ItemCommand(source As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterCommandEventArgs) Handles RPTproviders.ItemCommand Dim idProvider As Long = 0 If IsNumeric(e.CommandArgument) Then idProvider = CLng(e.CommandArgument) End If If idProvider > 0 Then Select Case e.CommandName.ToLower Case "infoprovider" Me.LoadProviderInfo(idProvider) Case "virtualdelete" Me.CurrentPresenter.VirtualDelete(idProvider) Case "undelete" Me.CurrentPresenter.VirtualUndelete(idProvider) Case "delete" Me.CurrentPresenter.PhisicalDelete(idProvider) End Select Else Me.CurrentPresenter.LoadProviders(Me.PGgrid.Pager.PageIndex, Me.CurrentPageSize) End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Implements" Public Sub LoadProviderInfo(idProvider As Long) Implements IViewProvidersManagement.LoadProviderInfo Me.CTRLinfoProvider.InitializeControl(idProvider) Me.DVproviderInfo.Visible = True End Sub Public Sub LoadProviders(items As List(Of dtoProviderPermission)) Implements IViewProvidersManagement.LoadProviders Me.RPTproviders.Visible = (items.Count > 0) If items.Count > 0 Then Me.RPTproviders.DataSource = items Me.RPTproviders.DataBind() End If End Sub Public Sub DisplaySessionTimeout() Implements IViewProvidersManagement.DisplaySessionTimeout Dim webPost As New lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.Helpers.LogoutWebPost(PageUtility.GetDefaultLogoutPage) Dim dto As New lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.Helpers.dtoExpiredAccessUrl() dto.Display = lm.Comol.Core.DomainModel.Helpers.dtoExpiredAccessUrl.DisplayMode.SameWindow dto.DestinationUrl = RootObject.Management webPost.Redirect(dto) End Sub Public Sub NoPermission() Implements IViewProvidersManagement.NoPermission Me.BindNoPermessi() End Sub #End Region Private Sub BTNcloseProviderDisplayInfo_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTNcloseProviderDisplayInfo.Click Me.DVproviderInfo.Visible = False End Sub End Class
Imports System, System.IO, System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Drawing, System.Drawing.Drawing2D Imports System.ComponentModel, System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Drawing.Imaging Imports System.Windows.Forms.TabControl Imports System.ComponentModel.Design '---------/CREDITS/----------- ' 'Themebase creator: Aeonhack 'Site: elitevs.net 'Created: 08/02/2011 'Changed: 12/06/2011 'Version: 1.5.4 ' 'Theme creator: Mavamaarten 'Created: 9/12/2011 'Changed: 3/03/2012 'Version: 2.0 ' 'Thanks to Tedd for helping 'with combobox & tabcontrol! '--------/CREDITS/------------ #Region "THEMEBASE" MustInherit Class ThemeContainer154 Inherits ContainerControl #Region " Initialization " Protected G As Graphics, B As Bitmap Sub New() SetStyle(DirectCast(139270, ControlStyles), True) _ImageSize = Size.Empty Font = New Font("Verdana", 8S) MeasureBitmap = New Bitmap(1, 1) MeasureGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(MeasureBitmap) DrawRadialPath = New GraphicsPath InvalidateCustimization() End Sub Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As EventArgs) If DoneCreation Then InitializeMessages() InvalidateCustimization() ColorHook() If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then Width = _LockWidth If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then Height = _LockHeight If Not _ControlMode Then MyBase.Dock = DockStyle.Fill Transparent = _Transparent If _Transparent AndAlso _BackColor Then BackColor = Color.Transparent MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e) End Sub Private DoneCreation As Boolean Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnParentChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs) MyBase.OnParentChanged(e) If Parent Is Nothing Then Return _IsParentForm = TypeOf Parent Is Form If Not _ControlMode Then InitializeMessages() If _IsParentForm Then ParentForm.FormBorderStyle = _BorderStyle ParentForm.TransparencyKey = _TransparencyKey If Not DesignMode Then AddHandler ParentForm.Shown, AddressOf FormShown End If End If Parent.BackColor = BackColor End If OnCreation() DoneCreation = True InvalidateTimer() End Sub #End Region Private Sub DoAnimation(ByVal i As Boolean) OnAnimation() If i Then Invalidate() End Sub Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return If _Transparent AndAlso _ControlMode Then PaintHook() e.Graphics.DrawImage(B, 0, 0) Else G = e.Graphics PaintHook() End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleDestroyed(ByVal e As EventArgs) RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation) MyBase.OnHandleDestroyed(e) End Sub Private HasShown As Boolean Private Sub FormShown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If _ControlMode OrElse HasShown Then Return If _StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent OrElse _StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Then Dim SB As Rectangle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds Dim CB As Rectangle = ParentForm.Bounds ParentForm.Location = New Point(SB.Width \ 2 - CB.Width \ 2, SB.Height \ 2 - CB.Width \ 2) End If HasShown = True End Sub #Region " Size Handling " Private Frame As Rectangle Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnSizeChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs) If _Movable AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Frame = New Rectangle(7, 7, Width - 14, _Header - 7) End If InvalidateBitmap() Invalidate() MyBase.OnSizeChanged(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub SetBoundsCore(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal specified As BoundsSpecified) If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then width = _LockWidth If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then height = _LockHeight MyBase.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified) End Sub #End Region #Region " State Handling " Protected State As MouseState Private Sub SetState(ByVal current As MouseState) State = current Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) If Not (_IsParentForm AndAlso ParentForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized) Then If _Sizable AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then InvalidateMouse() End If MyBase.OnMouseMove(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnEnabledChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs) If Enabled Then SetState(MouseState.None) Else SetState(MouseState.Block) MyBase.OnEnabledChanged(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs) SetState(MouseState.Over) MyBase.OnMouseEnter(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) SetState(MouseState.Over) MyBase.OnMouseUp(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs) SetState(MouseState.None) If GetChildAtPoint(PointToClient(MousePosition)) IsNot Nothing Then If _Sizable AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Cursor = Cursors.Default Previous = 0 End If End If MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then SetState(MouseState.Down) If Not (_IsParentForm AndAlso ParentForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized OrElse _ControlMode) Then If _Movable AndAlso Frame.Contains(e.Location) Then Capture = False WM_LMBUTTONDOWN = True DefWndProc(Messages(0)) ElseIf _Sizable AndAlso Not Previous = 0 Then Capture = False WM_LMBUTTONDOWN = True DefWndProc(Messages(Previous)) End If End If MyBase.OnMouseDown(e) End Sub Private WM_LMBUTTONDOWN As Boolean Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message) MyBase.WndProc(m) If WM_LMBUTTONDOWN AndAlso m.Msg = 513 Then WM_LMBUTTONDOWN = False SetState(MouseState.Over) If Not _SmartBounds Then Return If IsParentMdi Then CorrectBounds(New Rectangle(Point.Empty, Parent.Parent.Size)) Else CorrectBounds(Screen.FromControl(Parent).WorkingArea) End If End If End Sub Private GetIndexPoint As Point Private B1, B2, B3, B4 As Boolean Private Function GetIndex() As Integer GetIndexPoint = PointToClient(MousePosition) B1 = GetIndexPoint.X < 7 B2 = GetIndexPoint.X > Width - 7 B3 = GetIndexPoint.Y < 7 B4 = GetIndexPoint.Y > Height - 7 If B1 AndAlso B3 Then Return 4 If B1 AndAlso B4 Then Return 7 If B2 AndAlso B3 Then Return 5 If B2 AndAlso B4 Then Return 8 If B1 Then Return 1 If B2 Then Return 2 If B3 Then Return 3 If B4 Then Return 6 Return 0 End Function Private Current, Previous As Integer Private Sub InvalidateMouse() Current = GetIndex() If Current = Previous Then Return Previous = Current Select Case Previous Case 0 Cursor = Cursors.Default Case 1, 2 Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE Case 3, 6 Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS Case 4, 8 Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE Case 5, 7 Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW End Select End Sub Private Messages(8) As Message Private Sub InitializeMessages() Messages(0) = Message.Create(Parent.Handle, 161, New IntPtr(2), IntPtr.Zero) For I As Integer = 1 To 8 Messages(I) = Message.Create(Parent.Handle, 161, New IntPtr(I + 9), IntPtr.Zero) Next End Sub Private Sub CorrectBounds(ByVal bounds As Rectangle) If Parent.Width > bounds.Width Then Parent.Width = bounds.Width If Parent.Height > bounds.Height Then Parent.Height = bounds.Height Dim X As Integer = Parent.Location.X Dim Y As Integer = Parent.Location.Y If X < bounds.X Then X = bounds.X If Y < bounds.Y Then Y = bounds.Y Dim Width As Integer = bounds.X + bounds.Width Dim Height As Integer = bounds.Y + bounds.Height If X + Parent.Width > Width Then X = Width - Parent.Width If Y + Parent.Height > Height Then Y = Height - Parent.Height Parent.Location = New Point(X, Y) End Sub #End Region #Region " Base Properties " Overrides Property Dock As DockStyle Get Return MyBase.Dock End Get Set(ByVal value As DockStyle) If Not _ControlMode Then Return MyBase.Dock = value End Set End Property Private _BackColor As Boolean <Category("Misc")> Overrides Property BackColor() As Color Get Return MyBase.BackColor End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) If value = MyBase.BackColor Then Return If Not IsHandleCreated AndAlso _ControlMode AndAlso value = Color.Transparent Then _BackColor = True Return End If MyBase.BackColor = value If Parent IsNot Nothing Then If Not _ControlMode Then Parent.BackColor = value ColorHook() End If End Set End Property Overrides Property MinimumSize As Size Get Return MyBase.MinimumSize End Get Set(ByVal value As Size) MyBase.MinimumSize = value If Parent IsNot Nothing Then Parent.MinimumSize = value End Set End Property Overrides Property MaximumSize As Size Get Return MyBase.MaximumSize End Get Set(ByVal value As Size) MyBase.MaximumSize = value If Parent IsNot Nothing Then Parent.MaximumSize = value End Set End Property Overrides Property Text() As String Get Return MyBase.Text End Get Set(ByVal value As String) MyBase.Text = value Invalidate() End Set End Property Overrides Property Font() As Font Get Return MyBase.Font End Get Set(ByVal value As Font) MyBase.Font = value Invalidate() End Set End Property <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> Overrides Property ForeColor() As Color Get Return Color.Empty End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) End Set End Property <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> Overrides Property BackgroundImage() As Image Get Return Nothing End Get Set(ByVal value As Image) End Set End Property <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> Overrides Property BackgroundImageLayout() As ImageLayout Get Return ImageLayout.None End Get Set(ByVal value As ImageLayout) End Set End Property #End Region #Region " Public Properties " Private _SmartBounds As Boolean = True Property SmartBounds() As Boolean Get Return _SmartBounds End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _SmartBounds = value End Set End Property Private _Movable As Boolean = True Property Movable() As Boolean Get Return _Movable End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _Movable = value End Set End Property Private _Sizable As Boolean = True Property Sizable() As Boolean Get Return _Sizable End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _Sizable = value End Set End Property Private _TransparencyKey As Color Property TransparencyKey() As Color Get If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Return ParentForm.TransparencyKey Else Return _TransparencyKey End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) If value = _TransparencyKey Then Return _TransparencyKey = value If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then ParentForm.TransparencyKey = value ColorHook() End If End Set End Property Private _BorderStyle As FormBorderStyle Property BorderStyle() As FormBorderStyle Get If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Return ParentForm.FormBorderStyle Else Return _BorderStyle End Get Set(ByVal value As FormBorderStyle) _BorderStyle = value If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then ParentForm.FormBorderStyle = value If Not value = FormBorderStyle.None Then Movable = False Sizable = False End If End If End Set End Property Private _StartPosition As FormStartPosition Property StartPosition As FormStartPosition Get If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then Return ParentForm.StartPosition Else Return _StartPosition End Get Set(ByVal value As FormStartPosition) _StartPosition = value If _IsParentForm AndAlso Not _ControlMode Then ParentForm.StartPosition = value End If End Set End Property Private _NoRounding As Boolean Property NoRounding() As Boolean Get Return _NoRounding End Get Set(ByVal v As Boolean) _NoRounding = v Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _Image As Image Property Image() As Image Get Return _Image End Get Set(ByVal value As Image) If value Is Nothing Then _ImageSize = Size.Empty Else _ImageSize = value.Size _Image = value Invalidate() End Set End Property Private Items As New Dictionary(Of String, Color) Property Colors() As Bloom() Get Dim T As New List(Of Bloom) Dim E As Dictionary(Of String, Color).Enumerator = Items.GetEnumerator While E.MoveNext T.Add(New Bloom(E.Current.Key, E.Current.Value)) End While Return T.ToArray End Get Set(ByVal value As Bloom()) For Each B As Bloom In value If Items.ContainsKey(B.Name) Then Items(B.Name) = B.Value Next InvalidateCustimization() ColorHook() Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _Customization As String Property Customization() As String Get Return _Customization End Get Set(ByVal value As String) If value = _Customization Then Return Dim Data As Byte() Dim Items As Bloom() = Colors Try Data = Convert.FromBase64String(value) For I As Integer = 0 To Items.Length - 1 Items(I).Value = Color.FromArgb(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, I * 4)) Next Catch Return End Try _Customization = value Colors = Items ColorHook() Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _Transparent As Boolean Property Transparent() As Boolean Get Return _Transparent End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _Transparent = value If Not (IsHandleCreated OrElse _ControlMode) Then Return If Not value AndAlso Not BackColor.A = 255 Then Throw New Exception("Unable to change value to false while a transparent BackColor is in use.") End If SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, Not value) SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, value) InvalidateBitmap() Invalidate() End Set End Property #End Region #Region " Private Properties " Private _ImageSize As Size Protected ReadOnly Property ImageSize() As Size Get Return _ImageSize End Get End Property Private _IsParentForm As Boolean Protected ReadOnly Property IsParentForm As Boolean Get Return _IsParentForm End Get End Property Protected ReadOnly Property IsParentMdi As Boolean Get If Parent Is Nothing Then Return False Return Parent.Parent IsNot Nothing End Get End Property Private _LockWidth As Integer Protected Property LockWidth() As Integer Get Return _LockWidth End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) _LockWidth = value If Not LockWidth = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Width = LockWidth End Set End Property Private _LockHeight As Integer Protected Property LockHeight() As Integer Get Return _LockHeight End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) _LockHeight = value If Not LockHeight = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Height = LockHeight End Set End Property Private _Header As Integer = 24 Protected Property Header() As Integer Get Return _Header End Get Set(ByVal v As Integer) _Header = v If Not _ControlMode Then Frame = New Rectangle(7, 7, Width - 14, v - 7) Invalidate() End If End Set End Property Private _ControlMode As Boolean Protected Property ControlMode() As Boolean Get Return _ControlMode End Get Set(ByVal v As Boolean) _ControlMode = v Transparent = _Transparent If _Transparent AndAlso _BackColor Then BackColor = Color.Transparent InvalidateBitmap() Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _IsAnimated As Boolean Protected Property IsAnimated() As Boolean Get Return _IsAnimated End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _IsAnimated = value InvalidateTimer() End Set End Property #End Region #Region " Property Helpers " Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String) As Pen Return New Pen(Items(name)) End Function Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String, ByVal width As Single) As Pen Return New Pen(Items(name), width) End Function Protected Function GetBrush(ByVal name As String) As SolidBrush Return New SolidBrush(Items(name)) End Function Protected Function GetColor(ByVal name As String) As Color Return Items(name) End Function Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As Color) If Items.ContainsKey(name) Then Items(name) = value Else Items.Add(name, value) End Sub Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte) SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)) End Sub Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte) SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b)) End Sub Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal value As Color) SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, value)) End Sub Private Sub InvalidateBitmap() If _Transparent AndAlso _ControlMode Then If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return B = New Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb) G = Graphics.FromImage(B) Else G = Nothing B = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub InvalidateCustimization() Dim M As New MemoryStream(Items.Count * 4) For Each B As Bloom In Colors M.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(B.Value.ToArgb), 0, 4) Next M.Close() _Customization = Convert.ToBase64String(M.ToArray) End Sub Private Sub InvalidateTimer() If DesignMode OrElse Not DoneCreation Then Return If _IsAnimated Then AddAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation) Else RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " User Hooks " Protected MustOverride Sub ColorHook() Protected MustOverride Sub PaintHook() Protected Overridable Sub OnCreation() End Sub Protected Overridable Sub OnAnimation() End Sub #End Region #Region " Offset " Private OffsetReturnRectangle As Rectangle Protected Function Offset(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal amount As Integer) As Rectangle OffsetReturnRectangle = New Rectangle(r.X + amount, r.Y + amount, r.Width - (amount * 2), r.Height - (amount * 2)) Return OffsetReturnRectangle End Function Private OffsetReturnSize As Size Protected Function Offset(ByVal s As Size, ByVal amount As Integer) As Size OffsetReturnSize = New Size(s.Width + amount, s.Height + amount) Return OffsetReturnSize End Function Private OffsetReturnPoint As Point Protected Function Offset(ByVal p As Point, ByVal amount As Integer) As Point OffsetReturnPoint = New Point(p.X + amount, p.Y + amount) Return OffsetReturnPoint End Function #End Region #Region " Center " Private CenterReturn As Point Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Rectangle) As Point CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X + c.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y + c.Y) Return CenterReturn End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Size) As Point CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y) Return CenterReturn End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Rectangle) As Point Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Size) As Point Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal childWidth As Integer, ByVal childHeight As Integer) As Point Return Center(Width, Height, childWidth, childHeight) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Size, ByVal c As Size) As Point Return Center(p.Width, p.Height, c.Width, c.Height) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal pWidth As Integer, ByVal pHeight As Integer, ByVal cWidth As Integer, ByVal cHeight As Integer) As Point CenterReturn = New Point(pWidth \ 2 - cWidth \ 2, pHeight \ 2 - cHeight \ 2) Return CenterReturn End Function #End Region #Region " Measure " Private MeasureBitmap As Bitmap Private MeasureGraphics As Graphics Protected Function Measure() As Size SyncLock MeasureGraphics Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, Width).ToSize End SyncLock End Function Protected Function Measure(ByVal text As String) As Size SyncLock MeasureGraphics Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(text, Font, Width).ToSize End SyncLock End Function #End Region #Region " DrawPixel " Private DrawPixelBrush As SolidBrush Protected Sub DrawPixel(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If _Transparent Then B.SetPixel(x, y, c1) Else DrawPixelBrush = New SolidBrush(c1) G.FillRectangle(DrawPixelBrush, x, y, 1, 1) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawCorners " Private DrawCornersBrush As SolidBrush Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawCorners(c1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2)) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color) DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle) DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) If _NoRounding Then Return If _Transparent Then B.SetPixel(x, y, c1) B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y, c1) B.SetPixel(x, y + (height - 1), c1) B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), c1) Else DrawCornersBrush = New SolidBrush(c1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y, 1, 1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y, 1, 1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y + (height - 1), 1, 1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), 1, 1) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawBorders " Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2)) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen) DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawText " Private DrawTextPoint As Point Private DrawTextSize As Size Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) DrawText(b1, Text, a, x, y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal text As String, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If text.Length = 0 Then Return DrawTextSize = Measure(text) DrawTextPoint = New Point(Width \ 2 - DrawTextSize.Width \ 2, Header \ 2 - DrawTextSize.Height \ 2) Select Case a Case HorizontalAlignment.Left G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y) Case HorizontalAlignment.Center G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, DrawTextPoint.X + x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y) Case HorizontalAlignment.Right G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, Width - DrawTextSize.Width - x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y) End Select End Sub Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal p1 As Point) If Text.Length = 0 Then Return G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, p1) End Sub Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If Text.Length = 0 Then Return G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, x, y) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawImage " Private DrawImagePoint As Point Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) DrawImage(_Image, a, x, y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If image Is Nothing Then Return DrawImagePoint = New Point(Width \ 2 - image.Width \ 2, Header \ 2 - image.Height \ 2) Select Case a Case HorizontalAlignment.Left G.DrawImage(image, x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height) Case HorizontalAlignment.Center G.DrawImage(image, DrawImagePoint.X + x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height) Case HorizontalAlignment.Right G.DrawImage(image, Width - image.Width - x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height) End Select End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal p1 As Point) DrawImage(_Image, p1.X, p1.Y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) DrawImage(_Image, x, y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal p1 As Point) DrawImage(image, p1.X, p1.Y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If image Is Nothing Then Return G.DrawImage(image, x, y, image.Width, image.Height) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawGradient " Private DrawGradientBrush As LinearGradientBrush Private DrawGradientRectangle As Rectangle Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle, angle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 90.0F) DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, angle) DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle, angle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F) G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle) G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawRadial " Private DrawRadialPath As GraphicsPath Private DrawRadialBrush1 As PathGradientBrush Private DrawRadialBrush2 As LinearGradientBrush Private DrawRadialRectangle As Rectangle Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, width \ 2, height \ 2) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal center As Point) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, center.X, center.Y) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, cx, cy) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawRadial(blend, r, r.Width \ 2, r.Height \ 2) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal center As Point) DrawRadial(blend, r, center.X, center.Y) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) DrawRadialPath.Reset() DrawRadialPath.AddEllipse(r.X, r.Y, r.Width - 1, r.Height - 1) DrawRadialBrush1 = New PathGradientBrush(DrawRadialPath) DrawRadialBrush1.CenterPoint = New Point(r.X + cx, r.Y + cy) DrawRadialBrush1.InterpolationColors = blend If G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias Then G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r.X + 1, r.Y + 1, r.Width - 3, r.Height - 3) Else G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r) End If End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle, angle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F) G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single) DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle) G.FillEllipse(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub #End Region #Region " CreateRound " Private CreateRoundPath As GraphicsPath Private CreateRoundRectangle As Rectangle Function CreateRound(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath CreateRoundRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) Return CreateRound(CreateRoundRectangle, slope) End Function Function CreateRound(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath CreateRoundPath = New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Y, slope, slope, 180.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Y, slope, slope, 270.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 0.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 90.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.CloseFigure() Return CreateRoundPath End Function #End Region End Class MustInherit Class ThemeControl154 Inherits Control #Region " Initialization " Protected G As Graphics, B As Bitmap Sub New() SetStyle(DirectCast(139270, ControlStyles), True) _ImageSize = Size.Empty Font = New Font("Verdana", 8S) MeasureBitmap = New Bitmap(1, 1) MeasureGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(MeasureBitmap) DrawRadialPath = New GraphicsPath InvalidateCustimization() 'Remove? End Sub Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As EventArgs) InvalidateCustimization() ColorHook() If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then Width = _LockWidth If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then Height = _LockHeight Transparent = _Transparent If _Transparent AndAlso _BackColor Then BackColor = Color.Transparent MyBase.OnHandleCreated(e) End Sub Private DoneCreation As Boolean Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnParentChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs) If Parent IsNot Nothing Then OnCreation() DoneCreation = True InvalidateTimer() End If MyBase.OnParentChanged(e) End Sub #End Region Private Sub DoAnimation(ByVal i As Boolean) OnAnimation() If i Then Invalidate() End Sub Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return If _Transparent Then PaintHook() e.Graphics.DrawImage(B, 0, 0) Else G = e.Graphics PaintHook() End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleDestroyed(ByVal e As EventArgs) RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation) MyBase.OnHandleDestroyed(e) End Sub #Region " Size Handling " Protected NotOverridable Overrides Sub OnSizeChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs) If _Transparent Then InvalidateBitmap() End If Invalidate() MyBase.OnSizeChanged(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub SetBoundsCore(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal specified As BoundsSpecified) If Not _LockWidth = 0 Then width = _LockWidth If Not _LockHeight = 0 Then height = _LockHeight MyBase.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified) End Sub #End Region #Region " State Handling " Private InPosition As Boolean Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseEnter(ByVal e As EventArgs) InPosition = True SetState(MouseState.Over) MyBase.OnMouseEnter(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) If InPosition Then SetState(MouseState.Over) MyBase.OnMouseUp(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then SetState(MouseState.Down) MyBase.OnMouseDown(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As EventArgs) InPosition = False SetState(MouseState.None) MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnEnabledChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs) If Enabled Then SetState(MouseState.None) Else SetState(MouseState.Block) MyBase.OnEnabledChanged(e) End Sub Protected State As MouseState Private Sub SetState(ByVal current As MouseState) State = current Invalidate() End Sub #End Region #Region " Base Properties " <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> Overrides Property ForeColor() As Color Get Return Color.Empty End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) End Set End Property <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> Overrides Property BackgroundImage() As Image Get Return Nothing End Get Set(ByVal value As Image) End Set End Property <Browsable(False), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> Overrides Property BackgroundImageLayout() As ImageLayout Get Return ImageLayout.None End Get Set(ByVal value As ImageLayout) End Set End Property Overrides Property Text() As String Get Return MyBase.Text End Get Set(ByVal value As String) MyBase.Text = value Invalidate() End Set End Property Overrides Property Font() As Font Get Return MyBase.Font End Get Set(ByVal value As Font) MyBase.Font = value Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _BackColor As Boolean <Category("Misc")> Overrides Property BackColor() As Color Get Return MyBase.BackColor End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) If Not IsHandleCreated AndAlso value = Color.Transparent Then _BackColor = True Return End If MyBase.BackColor = value If Parent IsNot Nothing Then ColorHook() End Set End Property #End Region #Region " Public Properties " Private _NoRounding As Boolean Property NoRounding() As Boolean Get Return _NoRounding End Get Set(ByVal v As Boolean) _NoRounding = v Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _Image As Image Property Image() As Image Get Return _Image End Get Set(ByVal value As Image) If value Is Nothing Then _ImageSize = Size.Empty Else _ImageSize = value.Size End If _Image = value Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _Transparent As Boolean Property Transparent() As Boolean Get Return _Transparent End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _Transparent = value If Not IsHandleCreated Then Return If Not value AndAlso Not BackColor.A = 255 Then Throw New Exception("Unable to change value to false while a transparent BackColor is in use.") End If SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, Not value) SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, value) If value Then InvalidateBitmap() Else B = Nothing Invalidate() End Set End Property Private Items As New Dictionary(Of String, Color) Property Colors() As Bloom() Get Dim T As New List(Of Bloom) Dim E As Dictionary(Of String, Color).Enumerator = Items.GetEnumerator While E.MoveNext T.Add(New Bloom(E.Current.Key, E.Current.Value)) End While Return T.ToArray End Get Set(ByVal value As Bloom()) For Each B As Bloom In value If Items.ContainsKey(B.Name) Then Items(B.Name) = B.Value Next InvalidateCustimization() ColorHook() Invalidate() End Set End Property Private _Customization As String Property Customization() As String Get Return _Customization End Get Set(ByVal value As String) If value = _Customization Then Return Dim Data As Byte() Dim Items As Bloom() = Colors Try Data = Convert.FromBase64String(value) For I As Integer = 0 To Items.Length - 1 Items(I).Value = Color.FromArgb(BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, I * 4)) Next Catch Return End Try _Customization = value Colors = Items ColorHook() Invalidate() End Set End Property #End Region #Region " Private Properties " Private _ImageSize As Size Protected ReadOnly Property ImageSize() As Size Get Return _ImageSize End Get End Property Private _LockWidth As Integer Protected Property LockWidth() As Integer Get Return _LockWidth End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) _LockWidth = value If Not LockWidth = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Width = LockWidth End Set End Property Private _LockHeight As Integer Protected Property LockHeight() As Integer Get Return _LockHeight End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) _LockHeight = value If Not LockHeight = 0 AndAlso IsHandleCreated Then Height = LockHeight End Set End Property Private _IsAnimated As Boolean Protected Property IsAnimated() As Boolean Get Return _IsAnimated End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _IsAnimated = value InvalidateTimer() End Set End Property #End Region #Region " Property Helpers " Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String) As Pen Return New Pen(Items(name)) End Function Protected Function GetPen(ByVal name As String, ByVal width As Single) As Pen Return New Pen(Items(name), width) End Function Protected Function GetBrush(ByVal name As String) As SolidBrush Return New SolidBrush(Items(name)) End Function Protected Function GetColor(ByVal name As String) As Color Return Items(name) End Function Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As Color) If Items.ContainsKey(name) Then Items(name) = value Else Items.Add(name, value) End Sub Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte) SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)) End Sub Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal r As Byte, ByVal g As Byte, ByVal b As Byte) SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b)) End Sub Protected Sub SetColor(ByVal name As String, ByVal a As Byte, ByVal value As Color) SetColor(name, Color.FromArgb(a, value)) End Sub Private Sub InvalidateBitmap() If Width = 0 OrElse Height = 0 Then Return B = New Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb) G = Graphics.FromImage(B) End Sub Private Sub InvalidateCustimization() Dim M As New MemoryStream(Items.Count * 4) For Each B As Bloom In Colors M.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(B.Value.ToArgb), 0, 4) Next M.Close() _Customization = Convert.ToBase64String(M.ToArray) End Sub Private Sub InvalidateTimer() If DesignMode OrElse Not DoneCreation Then Return If _IsAnimated Then AddAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation) Else RemoveAnimationCallback(AddressOf DoAnimation) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " User Hooks " Protected MustOverride Sub ColorHook() Protected MustOverride Sub PaintHook() Protected Overridable Sub OnCreation() End Sub Protected Overridable Sub OnAnimation() End Sub #End Region #Region " Offset " Private OffsetReturnRectangle As Rectangle Protected Function Offset(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal amount As Integer) As Rectangle OffsetReturnRectangle = New Rectangle(r.X + amount, r.Y + amount, r.Width - (amount * 2), r.Height - (amount * 2)) Return OffsetReturnRectangle End Function Private OffsetReturnSize As Size Protected Function Offset(ByVal s As Size, ByVal amount As Integer) As Size OffsetReturnSize = New Size(s.Width + amount, s.Height + amount) Return OffsetReturnSize End Function Private OffsetReturnPoint As Point Protected Function Offset(ByVal p As Point, ByVal amount As Integer) As Point OffsetReturnPoint = New Point(p.X + amount, p.Y + amount) Return OffsetReturnPoint End Function #End Region #Region " Center " Private CenterReturn As Point Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Rectangle) As Point CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X + c.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y + c.Y) Return CenterReturn End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Rectangle, ByVal c As Size) As Point CenterReturn = New Point((p.Width \ 2 - c.Width \ 2) + p.X, (p.Height \ 2 - c.Height \ 2) + p.Y) Return CenterReturn End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Rectangle) As Point Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal child As Size) As Point Return Center(Width, Height, child.Width, child.Height) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal childWidth As Integer, ByVal childHeight As Integer) As Point Return Center(Width, Height, childWidth, childHeight) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal p As Size, ByVal c As Size) As Point Return Center(p.Width, p.Height, c.Width, c.Height) End Function Protected Function Center(ByVal pWidth As Integer, ByVal pHeight As Integer, ByVal cWidth As Integer, ByVal cHeight As Integer) As Point CenterReturn = New Point(pWidth \ 2 - cWidth \ 2, pHeight \ 2 - cHeight \ 2) Return CenterReturn End Function #End Region #Region " Measure " Private MeasureBitmap As Bitmap Private MeasureGraphics As Graphics 'TODO: Potential issues during multi-threading. Protected Function Measure() As Size Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, Width).ToSize End Function Protected Function Measure(ByVal text As String) As Size Return MeasureGraphics.MeasureString(text, Font, Width).ToSize End Function #End Region #Region " DrawPixel " Private DrawPixelBrush As SolidBrush Protected Sub DrawPixel(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If _Transparent Then B.SetPixel(x, y, c1) Else DrawPixelBrush = New SolidBrush(c1) G.FillRectangle(DrawPixelBrush, x, y, 1, 1) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawCorners " Private DrawCornersBrush As SolidBrush Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawCorners(c1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2)) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color) DrawCorners(c1, 0, 0, Width, Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal r1 As Rectangle) DrawCorners(c1, r1.X, r1.Y, r1.Width, r1.Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawCorners(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) If _NoRounding Then Return If _Transparent Then B.SetPixel(x, y, c1) B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y, c1) B.SetPixel(x, y + (height - 1), c1) B.SetPixel(x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), c1) Else DrawCornersBrush = New SolidBrush(c1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y, 1, 1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y, 1, 1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x, y + (height - 1), 1, 1) G.FillRectangle(DrawCornersBrush, x + (width - 1), y + (height - 1), 1, 1) End If End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawBorders " Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height, offset) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal offset As Integer) DrawBorders(p1, x + offset, y + offset, width - (offset * 2), height - (offset * 2)) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen) DrawBorders(p1, 0, 0, Width, Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawBorders(p1, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height) End Sub Protected Sub DrawBorders(ByVal p1 As Pen, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) G.DrawRectangle(p1, x, y, width - 1, height - 1) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawText " Private DrawTextPoint As Point Private DrawTextSize As Size Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) DrawText(b1, Text, a, x, y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal text As String, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If text.Length = 0 Then Return DrawTextSize = Measure(text) DrawTextPoint = Center(DrawTextSize) Select Case a Case HorizontalAlignment.Left G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y) Case HorizontalAlignment.Center G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, DrawTextPoint.X + x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y) Case HorizontalAlignment.Right G.DrawString(text, Font, b1, Width - DrawTextSize.Width - x, DrawTextPoint.Y + y) End Select End Sub Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal p1 As Point) If Text.Length = 0 Then Return G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, p1) End Sub Protected Sub DrawText(ByVal b1 As Brush, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If Text.Length = 0 Then Return G.DrawString(Text, Font, b1, x, y) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawImage " Private DrawImagePoint As Point Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) DrawImage(_Image, a, x, y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal a As HorizontalAlignment, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If image Is Nothing Then Return DrawImagePoint = Center(image.Size) Select Case a Case HorizontalAlignment.Left G.DrawImage(image, x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height) Case HorizontalAlignment.Center G.DrawImage(image, DrawImagePoint.X + x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height) Case HorizontalAlignment.Right G.DrawImage(image, Width - image.Width - x, DrawImagePoint.Y + y, image.Width, image.Height) End Select End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal p1 As Point) DrawImage(_Image, p1.X, p1.Y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) DrawImage(_Image, x, y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal p1 As Point) DrawImage(image, p1.X, p1.Y) End Sub Protected Sub DrawImage(ByVal image As Image, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) If image Is Nothing Then Return G.DrawImage(image, x, y, image.Width, image.Height) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawGradient " Private DrawGradientBrush As LinearGradientBrush Private DrawGradientRectangle As Rectangle Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(blend, DrawGradientRectangle, angle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, 90.0F) DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.Empty, Color.Empty, angle) DrawGradientBrush.InterpolationColors = blend G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawGradient(c1, c2, DrawGradientRectangle, angle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F) G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawGradient(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single) DrawGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle) G.FillRectangle(DrawGradientBrush, r) End Sub #End Region #Region " DrawRadial " Private DrawRadialPath As GraphicsPath Private DrawRadialBrush1 As PathGradientBrush Private DrawRadialBrush2 As LinearGradientBrush Private DrawRadialRectangle As Rectangle Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, width \ 2, height \ 2) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal center As Point) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, center.X, center.Y) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(blend, DrawRadialRectangle, cx, cy) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawRadial(blend, r, r.Width \ 2, r.Height \ 2) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal center As Point) DrawRadial(blend, r, center.X, center.Y) End Sub Sub DrawRadial(ByVal blend As ColorBlend, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal cx As Integer, ByVal cy As Integer) DrawRadialPath.Reset() DrawRadialPath.AddEllipse(r.X, r.Y, r.Width - 1, r.Height - 1) DrawRadialBrush1 = New PathGradientBrush(DrawRadialPath) DrawRadialBrush1.CenterPoint = New Point(r.X + cx, r.Y + cy) DrawRadialBrush1.InterpolationColors = blend If G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias Then G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r.X + 1, r.Y + 1, r.Width - 3, r.Height - 3) Else G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush1, r) End If End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawRadialRectangle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal angle As Single) DrawRadialRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) DrawRadial(c1, c2, DrawRadialRectangle, angle) End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle) DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, 90.0F) G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush2, r) End Sub Protected Sub DrawRadial(ByVal c1 As Color, ByVal c2 As Color, ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal angle As Single) DrawRadialBrush2 = New LinearGradientBrush(r, c1, c2, angle) G.FillEllipse(DrawRadialBrush2, r) End Sub #End Region #Region " CreateRound " Private CreateRoundPath As GraphicsPath Private CreateRoundRectangle As Rectangle Function CreateRound(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath CreateRoundRectangle = New Rectangle(x, y, width, height) Return CreateRound(CreateRoundRectangle, slope) End Function Function CreateRound(ByVal r As Rectangle, ByVal slope As Integer) As GraphicsPath CreateRoundPath = New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Y, slope, slope, 180.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Y, slope, slope, 270.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.Right - slope, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 0.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.AddArc(r.X, r.Bottom - slope, slope, slope, 90.0F, 90.0F) CreateRoundPath.CloseFigure() Return CreateRoundPath End Function #End Region End Class Module ThemeShare #Region " Animation " Private Frames As Integer Private Invalidate As Boolean Public ThemeTimer As New PrecisionTimer Public FPS As Integer = 20 '1000 / 50 = 20 FPS Public Rate As Integer = 50 Public Delegate Sub AnimationDelegate(ByVal invalidate As Boolean) Private Callbacks As New List(Of AnimationDelegate) Private Sub HandleCallbacks(ByVal state As IntPtr, ByVal reserve As Boolean) Invalidate = (Frames >= FPS) If Invalidate Then Frames = 0 SyncLock Callbacks For I As Integer = 0 To Callbacks.Count - 1 Callbacks(I).Invoke(Invalidate) Next End SyncLock Frames += Rate End Sub Private Sub InvalidateThemeTimer() If Callbacks.Count = 0 Then ThemeTimer.Delete() Else ThemeTimer.Create(0, Rate, AddressOf HandleCallbacks) End If End Sub Sub AddAnimationCallback(ByVal callback As AnimationDelegate) SyncLock Callbacks If Callbacks.Contains(callback) Then Return Callbacks.Add(callback) InvalidateThemeTimer() End SyncLock End Sub Sub RemoveAnimationCallback(ByVal callback As AnimationDelegate) SyncLock Callbacks If Not Callbacks.Contains(callback) Then Return Callbacks.Remove(callback) InvalidateThemeTimer() End SyncLock End Sub #End Region End Module Enum MouseState As Byte None = 0 Over = 1 Down = 2 Block = 3 End Enum Structure Bloom Public _Name As String ReadOnly Property Name() As String Get Return _Name End Get End Property Private _Value As Color Property Value() As Color Get Return _Value End Get Set(ByVal value As Color) _Value = value End Set End Property Property ValueHex() As String Get Return String.Concat("#", _Value.R.ToString("X2", Nothing), _Value.G.ToString("X2", Nothing), _Value.B.ToString("X2", Nothing)) End Get Set(ByVal value As String) Try _Value = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(value) Catch Return End Try End Set End Property Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal value As Color) _Name = name _Value = value End Sub End Structure '------------------ 'Creator: aeonhack 'Site: elitevs.net 'Created: 11/30/2011 'Changed: 11/30/2011 'Version: 1.0.0 '------------------ Class PrecisionTimer Implements IDisposable Private _Enabled As Boolean ReadOnly Property Enabled() As Boolean Get Return _Enabled End Get End Property Private Handle As IntPtr Private TimerCallback As TimerDelegate <DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="CreateTimerQueueTimer")> Private Shared Function CreateTimerQueueTimer( ByRef handle As IntPtr, ByVal queue As IntPtr, ByVal callback As TimerDelegate, ByVal state As IntPtr, ByVal dueTime As UInteger, ByVal period As UInteger, ByVal flags As UInteger) As Boolean End Function <DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint:="DeleteTimerQueueTimer")> Private Shared Function DeleteTimerQueueTimer( ByVal queue As IntPtr, ByVal handle As IntPtr, ByVal callback As IntPtr) As Boolean End Function Delegate Sub TimerDelegate(ByVal r1 As IntPtr, ByVal r2 As Boolean) Sub Create(ByVal dueTime As UInteger, ByVal period As UInteger, ByVal callback As TimerDelegate) If _Enabled Then Return TimerCallback = callback Dim Success As Boolean = CreateTimerQueueTimer(Handle, IntPtr.Zero, TimerCallback, IntPtr.Zero, dueTime, period, 0) If Not Success Then ThrowNewException("CreateTimerQueueTimer") _Enabled = Success End Sub Sub Delete() If Not _Enabled Then Return Dim Success As Boolean = DeleteTimerQueueTimer(IntPtr.Zero, Handle, IntPtr.Zero) If Not Success AndAlso Not Marshal.GetLastWin32Error = 997 Then 'ThrowNewException("DeleteTimerQueueTimer") End If _Enabled = Not Success End Sub Private Sub ThrowNewException(ByVal name As String) Throw New Exception(String.Format("{0} failed. Win32Error: {1}", name, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error)) End Sub Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose Delete() End Sub End Class #End Region Class GhostTheme Inherits ThemeContainer154 Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Private _ShowIcon As Boolean Public Property ShowIcon As Boolean Get Return _ShowIcon End Get Set(value As Boolean) _ShowIcon = value Invalidate() End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(Color.DimGray) Dim hatch As New ColorBlend(2) DrawBorders(Pens.Gray, 1) hatch.Colors(0) = Color.DimGray hatch.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60) hatch.Positions(0) = 0 hatch.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(hatch, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, 24)) hatch.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100) hatch.Colors(1) = Color.DimGray DrawGradient(hatch, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, 12)) Dim asdf As HatchBrush asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(15, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) hatch.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(120, Color.Black) hatch.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Black) DrawGradient(hatch, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, 30)) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 0, 0, Width, 24) G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 6, 24, Width - 7, 24) G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 6, 24, 6, Height - 7) G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 6, Height - 7, Width - 7, Height - 7) G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Width - 7, 24, Width - 7, Height - 7) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(1, 24, 5, Height - 6 - 24)) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 1, 24, 5, Height - 6 - 24) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(Width - 6, 24, Width - 1, Height - 6 - 24)) G.FillRectangle(asdf, Width - 6, 24, Width - 2, Height - 6 - 24) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(1, Height - 6, Width - 2, Height - 1)) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 1, Height - 6, Width - 2, Height - 1) DrawBorders(Pens.Black) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 7, 25, Width - 14, Height - 24 - 8) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), 7, 25, Width - 14, Height - 24 - 8) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, 0, 1, 1, 1) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, 1, 0, 1, 1) DrawPixel(Color.Black, 1, 1) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, 0, Height - 2, 1, 1) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, 1, Height - 1, 1, 1) DrawPixel(Color.Black, Width - 2, 1) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, Width - 1, 1, 1, 1) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, Width - 2, 0, 1, 1) DrawPixel(Color.Black, 1, Height - 2) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, Width - 1, Height - 2, 1, 1) DrawCorners(Color.Fuchsia, Width - 2, Height - 1, 1, 1) DrawPixel(Color.Black, Width - 2, Height - 2) Dim cblend As New ColorBlend(2) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Positions(0) = 0 cblend.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(cblend, 7, 25, 15, Height - 6 - 24, 0) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black) DrawGradient(cblend, Width - 24, 25, 17, Height - 6 - 24, 0) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black) DrawGradient(cblend, 7, 25, Me.Width - 14, 17, 90) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black) DrawGradient(cblend, 8, Me.Height - 24, Me.Width - 14, 17, 90) If _ShowIcon = False Then G.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, New Point(6, 6)) Else G.DrawIcon(FindForm.Icon, New Rectangle(New Point(9, 5), New Size(16, 16))) G.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, New Point(28, 6)) End If End Sub Public Sub New() TransparencyKey = Color.Fuchsia End Sub End Class Class GhostButton Inherits ThemeControl154 Private Glass As Boolean = True Private _color As Color Dim a As Integer = 0 Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnAnimation() MyBase.OnAnimation() Select Case State Case MouseState.Over If a < 20 Then a += 5 Invalidate() Application.DoEvents() End If Case MouseState.None If a > 0 Then a -= 5 If a < 0 Then a = 0 Invalidate() Application.DoEvents() End If End Select End Sub Public Property EnableGlass As Boolean Get Return Glass End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) Glass = value End Set End Property Public Property Color As Color Get Return _color End Get Set(value As Color) _color = value End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub OnTextChanged(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnTextChanged(e) Dim gg As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim textSize As SizeF = Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font) gg.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, New RectangleF(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(_color) If State = MouseState.Over Then Dim cblend As New ColorBlend(2) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(200, 50, 50, 50) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(200, 70, 70, 70) cblend.Positions(0) = 0 cblend.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(40, Color.White) If Glass Then DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height / 5 * 2)) ElseIf State = MouseState.None Then Dim cblend As New ColorBlend(2) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(200, 50, 50, 50) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(200, 70, 70, 70) cblend.Positions(0) = 0 cblend.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(40, Color.White) If Glass Then DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height / 5 * 2)) Else Dim cblend As New ColorBlend(2) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(200, 30, 30, 30) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(200, 50, 50, 50) cblend.Positions(0) = 0 cblend.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(40, Color.White) If Glass Then DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height / 5 * 2)) End If G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(a, Drawing.Color.White)), 0, 0, Width, Height) Dim hatch As HatchBrush hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(25, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(hatch, 0, 0, Width, Height) Dim textSize As SizeF = Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, Width - 4) Dim sf As New StringFormat sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center G.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, New RectangleF(2, 2, Me.Width - 5, Me.Height - 4), sf) DrawBorders(Pens.Black) DrawBorders(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1) End Sub Sub New() IsAnimated = True End Sub End Class Class GhostProgressbar Inherits ThemeControl154 Private _Maximum As Integer = 100 Private _Value As Integer Private HOffset As Integer = 0 Private Progress As Integer Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Public Property Maximum As Integer Get Return _Maximum End Get Set(ByVal V As Integer) If V < 1 Then V = 1 If V < _Value Then _Value = V _Maximum = V Invalidate() End Set End Property Public Property Value As Integer Get Return _Value End Get Set(ByVal V As Integer) If V > _Maximum Then V = Maximum _Value = V Invalidate() End Set End Property Public Property Animated As Boolean Get Return IsAnimated End Get Set(ByVal V As Boolean) IsAnimated = V Invalidate() End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub OnAnimation() HOffset -= 1 If HOffset = 7 Then HOffset = 0 End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() Dim hatch As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(60, Color.Black)) G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 30, 30, 30)) Dim cblend As New ColorBlend(2) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(70, 70, 70) cblend.Positions(0) = 0 cblend.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2), Height - 2)) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80) DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(0, 0, CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2), Height / 5 * 2)) G.RenderingOrigin = New Point(HOffset, 0) hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(hatch, 0, 0, CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2), Height - 2) DrawBorders(Pens.Black) DrawBorders(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1) DrawCorners(Color.Black) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(200, 90, 90, 90)), CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2), 1, CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2), Height - 2) G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2) + 1, 2, CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value) - 2) + 1, Height - 3) Progress = CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value)) Dim cblend2 As New ColorBlend(3) cblend2.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray) cblend2.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(80, Color.DimGray) cblend2.Colors(2) = Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray) cblend2.Positions = {0, 0.5, 1} If Value > 0 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(5, 5, 5)), CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value)) - 1, 2, Width - CInt(((Width / _Maximum) * _Value)) - 1, Height - 4) End Sub Public Sub New() _Maximum = 100 IsAnimated = True End Sub End Class <DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")> Class GhostCheckbox Inherits ThemeControl154 Private _Checked As Boolean Private X As Integer Event CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object) Public Property Checked As Boolean Get Return _Checked End Get Set(ByVal V As Boolean) _Checked = V Invalidate() RaiseEvent CheckedChanged(Me) End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnTextChanged(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnTextChanged(e) Dim textSize As Integer textSize = Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font).Width Me.Width = 20 + textSize End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseMove(e) X = e.X Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseDown(e) If _Checked = True Then _Checked = False Else _Checked = True End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)) Dim asdf As HatchBrush asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(10, 10, 10)), 3, 3, 10, 10) If _Checked Then Dim cblend As New ColorBlend(2) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80) cblend.Positions(0) = 0 cblend.Positions(1) = 1 DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(3, 3, 10, 10)) cblend.Colors(0) = Color.FromArgb(70, 70, 70) cblend.Colors(1) = Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100) DrawGradient(cblend, New Rectangle(3, 3, 10, 4)) Dim hatch As HatchBrush hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(60, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(hatch, 3, 3, 10, 10) Else Dim hatch As HatchBrush hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(20, Color.White), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(hatch, 3, 3, 10, 10) End If If State = MouseState.Over And X < 15 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(30, Color.Gray)), New Rectangle(3, 3, 10, 10)) ElseIf State = MouseState.Down Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(30, Color.Black)), New Rectangle(3, 3, 10, 10)) End If G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 15, 15) G.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, 1, 13, 13) G.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, 17, 1) End Sub Public Sub New() Me.Size = New Point(16, 50) End Sub End Class <DefaultEvent("CheckedChanged")> Class GhostRadiobutton Inherits ThemeControl154 Private X As Integer Private _Checked As Boolean Property Checked() As Boolean Get Return _Checked End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _Checked = value InvalidateControls() RaiseEvent CheckedChanged(Me) Invalidate() End Set End Property Event CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object) Protected Overrides Sub OnCreation() InvalidateControls() End Sub Private Sub InvalidateControls() If Not IsHandleCreated OrElse Not _Checked Then Return For Each C As Control In Parent.Controls If C IsNot Me AndAlso TypeOf C Is GhostRadiobutton Then DirectCast(C, GhostRadiobutton).Checked = False End If Next End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) If Not _Checked Then Checked = True MyBase.OnMouseDown(e) End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseMove(e) X = e.X Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnTextChanged(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnTextChanged(e) Dim textSize As Integer textSize = Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font).Width Me.Width = 20 + textSize End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)) Dim asdf As HatchBrush asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), 0, 0, Width, Height) G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 2, 2, 11, 11) G.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 13, 13) G.DrawEllipse(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, 1, 11, 11) If _Checked = False Then Dim hatch As HatchBrush hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(20, Color.White), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillEllipse(hatch, 2, 2, 10, 10) Else G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80)), 3, 3, 7, 7) Dim hatch As HatchBrush hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(60, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(hatch, 3, 3, 7, 7) End If If State = MouseState.Over And X < 13 Then G.FillEllipse(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.White)), 2, 2, 11, 11) End If G.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, 16, 0) End Sub Public Sub New() Me.Size = New Point(50, 14) End Sub End Class Class GhostTabControl Inherits TabControl Private Xstart(9999) As Integer 'Stupid VB.Net bug. Please don't use more than 9999 tabs :3 Private Xstop(9999) As Integer 'Stupid VB.Net bug. Please don't use more than 9999 tabs :3 Sub New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) DoubleBuffered = True For Each p As TabPage In TabPages p.BackColor = Color.White Application.DoEvents() p.BackColor = Color.Transparent Next End Sub Protected Overrides Sub CreateHandle() MyBase.CreateHandle() Alignment = TabAlignment.Top End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseClick(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseClick(e) Dim index As Integer = 0 Dim height As Integer = Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8 For Each a As Integer In Xstart If e.X > a And e.X < Xstop(index) And e.Y < height And e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then SelectedIndex = index Invalidate() Else End If index += 1 Next End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Dim B As New Bitmap(Width, Height) Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(B) G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)) Dim asdf As HatchBrush asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, Width, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.Black)), 2, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 7, Width - 2, Height - 2) Dim totallength As Integer = 0 Dim index As Integer = 0 For Each tab As TabPage In TabPages If SelectedIndex = index Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), totallength, 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 10) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), totallength, 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 10) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, totallength, 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 10) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), totallength, 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 10) Dim gradient As New LinearGradientBrush(New Point(totallength, 1), New Point(totallength, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8), Color.FromArgb(15, Color.White), Color.Transparent) G.FillRectangle(gradient, totallength, 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 5) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), totallength + Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, 2, totallength + Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), totallength, 2, totallength, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), totallength + Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8, Width - 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8, totallength, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString("Mava is awesome", Font).Height + 8) End If Xstart(index) = totallength Xstop(index) = totallength + Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15 G.DrawString(tab.Text, Font, Brushes.White, totallength + 8, 5) totallength += Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(tab.Text, Font).Width + 15 index += 1 Next G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, 1, Width - 2, 1) 'boven G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, Height - 2, Width - 2, Height - 2) 'onder G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, 1, 1, Height - 2) 'links G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), Width - 2, 1, Width - 2, Height - 2) 'rechts G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, Width - 1, 0) 'boven G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1) 'onder G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 0, Height - 1) 'links G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Width - 1, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1) 'rechts e.Graphics.DrawImage(B.Clone, 0, 0) G.Dispose() : B.Dispose() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnSelectedIndexChanged(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnSelectedIndexChanged(e) Invalidate() End Sub End Class Class GhostTabControlLagFree Inherits TabControl Private _Forecolor As Color = Color.White Public Property ForeColor As Color Get Return _Forecolor End Get Set(value As Color) _Forecolor = value End Set End Property Sub New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) DoubleBuffered = True For Each p As TabPage In TabPages Try p.BackColor = Color.Black p.BackColor = Color.Transparent Catch ex As Exception End Try Next End Sub Protected Overrides Sub CreateHandle() MyBase.CreateHandle() Alignment = TabAlignment.Top For Each p As TabPage In TabPages Try p.BackColor = Color.Black p.BackColor = Color.Transparent Catch ex As Exception End Try Next End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Dim B As New Bitmap(Width, Height) Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(B) G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)) Dim asdf As HatchBrush asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, New Rectangle(New Point(0, 4), New Size(Width - 2, 20))) G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(New Point(0, 3), New Size(Width - 1, Height - 4))) G.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Rectangle(New Point(1, 4), New Size(Width - 3, Height - 6))) For i = 0 To TabCount - 1 If i = SelectedIndex Then Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 2, GetTabRect(i).Width + 2, GetTabRect(i).Height - 1) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 3, GetTabRect(i).Width + 1, GetTabRect(i).Height - 2)) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 3, GetTabRect(i).Width + 1, GetTabRect(i).Height - 2)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 3, GetTabRect(i).Width + 1, GetTabRect(i).Height - 2)) Dim gradient As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 2, GetTabRect(i).Width + 2, GetTabRect(i).Height - 1), Color.FromArgb(15, Color.White), Color.Transparent, 90.0F) G.FillRectangle(gradient, New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 2, GetTabRect(i).Width + 2, GetTabRect(i).Height - 1)) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Point(GetTabRect(i).Right, 4), New Point(GetTabRect(i).Right, GetTabRect(i).Height + 3)) If Not SelectedIndex = 0 Then G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Point(GetTabRect(i).X, 4), New Point(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Height + 3)) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Point(1, GetTabRect(i).Height + 3), New Point(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Height + 3)) End If G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Point(GetTabRect(i).Right, GetTabRect(i).Height + 3), New Point(Width - 2, GetTabRect(i).Height + 3)) G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, New SolidBrush(_Forecolor), x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center}) Else Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(GetTabRect(i).X, GetTabRect(i).Y + 2, GetTabRect(i).Width + 2, GetTabRect(i).Height - 1) G.DrawString(TabPages(i).Text, Font, New SolidBrush(_Forecolor), x2, New StringFormat With {.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, .Alignment = StringAlignment.Center}) End If Next e.Graphics.DrawImage(B.Clone, 0, 0) G.Dispose() : B.Dispose() End Sub End Class Class GhostListBoxPretty Inherits ThemeControl154 Public WithEvents LBox As New ListBox Private __Items As String() = {""} Public Property Items As String() Get Return __Items Invalidate() End Get Set(ByVal value As String()) __Items = value LBox.Items.Clear() Invalidate() LBox.Items.AddRange(value) Invalidate() End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property SelectedItem() As String Get Return LBox.SelectedItem End Get End Property Sub New() Controls.Add(LBox) Size = New Size(131, 101) LBox.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0) LBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None LBox.DrawMode = Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable LBox.Location = New Point(3, 3) LBox.ForeColor = Color.White LBox.ItemHeight = 20 LBox.Items.Clear() LBox.IntegralHeight = False Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnResize(e) LBox.Width = Width - 4 LBox.Height = Height - 4 End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(Color.Black) G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, Width - 2, Height - 2) G.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3) LBox.Size = New Size(Width - 5, Height - 5) End Sub Sub DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles LBox.DrawItem If e.Index < 0 Then Exit Sub e.DrawBackground() e.DrawFocusRectangle() If InStr(e.State.ToString, "Selected,") > 0 Then e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, e.Bounds) Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(e.Bounds.Location, New Size(e.Bounds.Width - 1, e.Bounds.Height)) Dim x3 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(x2.Location, New Size(x2.Width, (x2.Height / 2) - 2)) Dim G1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Point(x2.X, x2.Y), New Point(x2.X, x2.Y + x2.Height), Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60), Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50)) Dim H As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(15, Color.Black), Color.Transparent) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(G1, x2) : G1.Dispose() e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, Color.White)), x3) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(H, x2) : G1.Dispose() e.Graphics.DrawString(" " & LBox.Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, Brushes.White, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 2) Else e.Graphics.DrawString(" " & LBox.Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, Brushes.White, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 2) End If End Sub Sub AddRange(ByVal Items As Object()) LBox.Items.Remove("") LBox.Items.AddRange(Items) Invalidate() End Sub Sub AddItem(ByVal Item As Object) LBox.Items.Remove("") LBox.Items.Add(Item) Invalidate() End Sub End Class Class GhostListboxLessPretty Inherits ListBox Sub New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) Font = New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9) BorderStyle = Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None DrawMode = Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed ItemHeight = 20 ForeColor = Color.DeepSkyBlue BackColor = Color.FromArgb(7, 7, 7) IntegralHeight = False End Sub Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message) MyBase.WndProc(m) If m.Msg = 15 Then CustomPaint() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Try If e.Index < 0 Then Exit Sub e.DrawBackground() Dim rect As New Rectangle(New Point(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top + 2), New Size(Bounds.Width, 16)) e.DrawFocusRectangle() If InStr(e.State.ToString, "Selected,") > 0 Then e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, e.Bounds) Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(e.Bounds.Location, New Size(e.Bounds.Width - 1, e.Bounds.Height)) Dim x3 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(x2.Location, New Size(x2.Width, (x2.Height / 2))) Dim G1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Point(x2.X, x2.Y), New Point(x2.X, x2.Y + x2.Height), Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60), Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50)) Dim H As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(15, Color.Black), Color.Transparent) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(G1, x2) : G1.Dispose() e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, Color.White)), x3) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(H, x2) : G1.Dispose() e.Graphics.DrawString(" " & Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, Brushes.White, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 1) Else e.Graphics.DrawString(" " & Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, Brushes.White, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 1) End If e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)), New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3)) e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)) MyBase.OnDrawItem(e) Catch ex As Exception : End Try End Sub Sub CustomPaint() CreateGraphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)), New Rectangle(1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3)) CreateGraphics.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1)) End Sub End Class Class GhostComboBox Inherits ComboBox Private X As Integer Sub New() MyBase.New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint Or ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or ControlStyles.UserPaint Or ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True) DrawMode = Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed ItemHeight = 20 BackColor = Color.FromArgb(30, 30, 30) DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseMove(e) X = e.X Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseLeave(e) X = -1 Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) If Not DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList Then DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList Dim B As New Bitmap(Width, Height) Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(B) G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50)) Dim GradientBrush As LinearGradientBrush = New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height / 5 * 2), Color.FromArgb(20, 0, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(15, Color.White), 90.0F) G.FillRectangle(GradientBrush, New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height / 5 * 2)) Dim hatch As HatchBrush hatch = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(20, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(hatch, 0, 0, Width, Height) Dim S1 As Integer = G.MeasureString("...", Font).Height If SelectedIndex <> -1 Then G.DrawString(Items(SelectedIndex), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.White), 4, Height \ 2 - S1 \ 2) Else If Not Items Is Nothing And Items.Count > 0 Then G.DrawString(Items(0), Font, New SolidBrush(Color.White), 4, Height \ 2 - S1 \ 2) Else G.DrawString("...", Font, New SolidBrush(Color.White), 4, Height \ 2 - S1 \ 2) End If End If If MouseButtons = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.None And X > Width - 25 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(7, Color.White)), Width - 25, 1, Width - 25, Height - 3) ElseIf MouseButtons = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.None And X < Width - 25 And X >= 0 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(7, Color.White)), 2, 1, Width - 27, Height - 3) End If G.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1) G.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, 1, Width - 3, Height - 3) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), Width - 25, 1, Width - 25, Height - 3) G.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Width - 24, 0, Width - 24, Height) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), Width - 23, 1, Width - 23, Height - 3) G.FillPolygon(Brushes.Black, Triangle(New Point(Width - 14, Height \ 2), New Size(5, 3))) G.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, Triangle(New Point(Width - 15, Height \ 2 - 1), New Size(5, 3))) e.Graphics.DrawImage(B.Clone, 0, 0) G.Dispose() : B.Dispose() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnDrawItem(e As DrawItemEventArgs) If e.Index < 0 Then Exit Sub Dim rect As New Rectangle() rect.X = e.Bounds.X rect.Y = e.Bounds.Y rect.Width = e.Bounds.Width - 1 rect.Height = e.Bounds.Height - 1 e.DrawBackground() If e.State = 785 Or e.State = 17 Then e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, e.Bounds) Dim x2 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(e.Bounds.Location, New Size(e.Bounds.Width - 1, e.Bounds.Height)) Dim x3 As Rectangle = New Rectangle(x2.Location, New Size(x2.Width, (x2.Height / 2) - 1)) Dim G1 As New LinearGradientBrush(New Point(x2.X, x2.Y), New Point(x2.X, x2.Y + x2.Height), Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60), Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50)) Dim H As New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(15, Color.Black), Color.Transparent) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(G1, x2) : G1.Dispose() e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(25, Color.White)), x3) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(H, x2) : G1.Dispose() e.Graphics.DrawString(" " & Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, Brushes.White, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 2) Else e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(BackColor), e.Bounds) e.Graphics.DrawString(" " & Items(e.Index).ToString(), Font, Brushes.White, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y + 2) End If MyBase.OnDrawItem(e) End Sub Public Function Triangle(ByVal Location As Point, ByVal Size As Size) As Point() Dim ReturnPoints(0 To 3) As Point ReturnPoints(0) = Location ReturnPoints(1) = New Point(Location.X + Size.Width, Location.Y) ReturnPoints(2) = New Point(Location.X + Size.Width \ 2, Location.Y + Size.Height) ReturnPoints(3) = Location Return ReturnPoints End Function Private Sub GhostComboBox_DropDownClosed(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.DropDownClosed DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple Application.DoEvents() DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList End Sub Private Sub GhostCombo_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.TextChanged Invalidate() End Sub End Class <Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ParentControlDesigner,System.Design", GetType(IDesigner))> Class GhostGroupBox Inherits ThemeControl154 Sub New() MyBase.New() SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True) SetStyle(ControlStyles.ContainerControl, True) DoubleBuffered = True BackColor = Color.Transparent End Sub Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)) Dim asdf As HatchBrush asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DarkDownwardDiagonal, Color.FromArgb(35, Color.Black), Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Gray)) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(60, 60, 60)), New Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)) asdf = New HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightDownwardDiagonal, Color.DimGray) G.FillRectangle(asdf, 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 20, 20, 20)), 0, 0, Width, Height) G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(70, Color.Black)), 1, 1, Width - 2, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font).Height + 8) G.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font).Height + 8, Width - 2, Me.CreateGraphics.MeasureString(Text, Font).Height + 8) DrawBorders(Pens.Black) DrawBorders(New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)), 1) G.DrawString(Text, Font, Brushes.White, 5, 5) End Sub End Class <DefaultEvent("TextChanged")> Class GhostTextBox Inherits ThemeControl154 Private _TextAlign As HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left Property TextAlign() As HorizontalAlignment Get Return _TextAlign End Get Set(ByVal value As HorizontalAlignment) _TextAlign = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.TextAlign = value End If End Set End Property Private _MaxLength As Integer = 32767 Property MaxLength() As Integer Get Return _MaxLength End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) _MaxLength = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.MaxLength = value End If End Set End Property Private _ReadOnly As Boolean Property [ReadOnly]() As Boolean Get Return _ReadOnly End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _ReadOnly = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.ReadOnly = value End If End Set End Property Private _UseSystemPasswordChar As Boolean Property UseSystemPasswordChar() As Boolean Get Return _UseSystemPasswordChar End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _UseSystemPasswordChar = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.UseSystemPasswordChar = value End If End Set End Property Private _Multiline As Boolean Property Multiline() As Boolean Get Return _Multiline End Get Set(ByVal value As Boolean) _Multiline = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.Multiline = value If value Then LockHeight = 0 Base.Height = Height - 11 Else LockHeight = Base.Height + 11 End If End If End Set End Property Overrides Property Text As String Get Return MyBase.Text End Get Set(ByVal value As String) MyBase.Text = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.Text = value End If End Set End Property Overrides Property Font As Font Get Return MyBase.Font End Get Set(ByVal value As Font) MyBase.Font = value If Base IsNot Nothing Then Base.Font = value Base.Location = New Point(3, 5) Base.Width = Width - 6 If Not _Multiline Then LockHeight = Base.Height + 11 End If End If End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub OnCreation() If Not Controls.Contains(Base) Then Controls.Add(Base) End If End Sub Private Base As TextBox Sub New() Base = New TextBox Base.Font = Font Base.Text = Text Base.MaxLength = _MaxLength Base.Multiline = _Multiline Base.ReadOnly = _ReadOnly Base.UseSystemPasswordChar = _UseSystemPasswordChar Base.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None Base.Location = New Point(5, 5) Base.Width = Width - 10 If _Multiline Then Base.Height = Height - 11 Else LockHeight = Base.Height + 11 End If AddHandler Base.TextChanged, AddressOf OnBaseTextChanged AddHandler Base.KeyDown, AddressOf OnBaseKeyDown SetColor("Text", Color.White) SetColor("Back", 0, 0, 0) SetColor("Border1", Color.Black) SetColor("Border2", 90, 90, 90) End Sub Private C1 As Color Private P1, P2 As Pen Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() C1 = GetColor("Back") P1 = GetPen("Border1") P2 = GetPen("Border2") Base.ForeColor = GetColor("Text") Base.BackColor = C1 End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() G.Clear(C1) DrawBorders(P1, 1) DrawBorders(P2) End Sub Private Sub OnBaseTextChanged(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Text = Base.Text End Sub Private Sub OnBaseKeyDown(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs) If e.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.A Then Base.SelectAll() e.SuppressKeyPress = True End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(ByVal e As EventArgs) Base.Location = New Point(5, 5) Base.Width = Width - 10 If _Multiline Then Base.Height = Height - 11 End If MyBase.OnResize(e) End Sub End Class Class GhostControlBox Inherits ThemeControl154 Private X As Integer Dim BG, Edge As Color Dim BEdge As Pen Protected Overrides Sub ColorHook() BG = GetColor("Background") Edge = GetColor("Edge color") BEdge = New Pen(GetColor("Button edge color")) End Sub Sub New() SetColor("Background", Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64)) SetColor("Edge color", Color.Black) SetColor("Button edge color", Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90)) Me.Size = New Size(71, 19) Me.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseMove(e) X = e.X Invalidate() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnClick(e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnClick(e) If X <= 22 Then FindForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized ElseIf X > 22 And X <= 44 Then If FindForm.WindowState <> FormWindowState.Maximized Then FindForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Else FindForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal ElseIf X > 44 Then FindForm.Close() End If End Sub Protected Overrides Sub PaintHook() 'Draw outer edge G.Clear(Edge) 'Fill buttons Dim SB As New LinearGradientBrush(New Rectangle(New Point(1, 1), New Size(Width - 2, Height - 2)), BG, Color.FromArgb(30, 30, 30), 90.0F) G.FillRectangle(SB, New Rectangle(New Point(1, 1), New Size(Width - 2, Height - 2))) 'Draw icons G.DrawString("0", New Font("Marlett", 8.25), Brushes.White, New Point(5, 5)) If FindForm.WindowState <> FormWindowState.Maximized Then G.DrawString("1", New Font("Marlett", 8.25), Brushes.White, New Point(27, 4)) Else G.DrawString("2", New Font("Marlett", 8.25), Brushes.White, New Point(27, 4)) G.DrawString("r", New Font("Marlett", 10), Brushes.White, New Point(49, 3)) 'Glassy effect Dim CBlend As New ColorBlend(2) CBlend.Colors = {Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Black), Color.Transparent} CBlend.Positions = {0, 1} DrawGradient(CBlend, New Rectangle(New Point(1, 8), New Size(68, 8)), 90.0F) 'Draw button outlines G.DrawRectangle(BEdge, New Rectangle(New Point(1, 1), New Size(20, 16))) G.DrawRectangle(BEdge, New Rectangle(New Point(23, 1), New Size(20, 16))) G.DrawRectangle(BEdge, New Rectangle(New Point(45, 1), New Size(24, 16))) 'Mouse states Select Case State Case MouseState.Over If X <= 22 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.White)), New Rectangle(New Point(1, 1), New Size(21, Height - 2))) ElseIf X > 22 And X <= 44 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.White)), New Rectangle(New Point(23, 1), New Size(21, Height - 2))) ElseIf X > 44 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.White)), New Rectangle(New Point(45, 1), New Size(25, Height - 2))) End If Case MouseState.Down If X <= 22 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.Black)), New Rectangle(New Point(1, 1), New Size(21, Height - 2))) ElseIf X > 22 And X <= 44 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.Black)), New Rectangle(New Point(23, 1), New Size(21, Height - 2))) ElseIf X > 44 Then G.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20, Color.Black)), New Rectangle(New Point(45, 1), New Size(25, Height - 2))) End If End Select End Sub End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports System.Threading Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.GenerateMember.GenerateParameterizedMember Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes.GenerateMember Imports System.Composition Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeFixes.GenerateMethod <ExportCodeFixProvider(LanguageNames.VisualBasic, Name:=PredefinedCodeFixProviderNames.GenerateMethod), [Shared]> <ExtensionOrder(After:=PredefinedCodeFixProviderNames.GenerateEvent)> Friend Class GenerateParameterizedMemberCodeFixProvider Inherits AbstractGenerateMemberCodeFixProvider Friend Const BC30057 As String = "BC30057" ' error BC30057: Too many arguments to 'Public Sub Baz()' Friend Const BC30518 As String = "BC30518" ' error BC30518: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'sub1' can be called with these arguments. Friend Const BC30519 As String = "BC30519" ' error BC30519: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'sub1' can be called without a narrowing conversion. Friend Const BC30520 As String = "BC30520" ' error BC30520: Argument matching parameter 'blah' narrows from 'A' to 'B'. Friend Const BC30521 As String = "BC30521" ' error BC30521: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Baz' is most specific for these arguments. Friend Const BC30112 As String = "BC30112" ' error BC30112: 'blah' is a namespace and cannot be used as a type/ Friend Const BC30451 As String = "BC30451" ' error BC30451: 'Foo' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Friend Const BC30455 As String = "BC30455" ' error BC30455: Argument not specified for parameter 'two' of 'Public Sub Baz(one As System.Func(Of String), two As Integer)'. Friend Const BC30456 As String = "BC30456" ' error BC30456: 'Foo' is not a member of 'Sibling'. Friend Const BC30401 As String = "BC30401" ' error BC30401: 'Blah' cannot implement 'Snarf' because there is no matching sub on interface 'IFoo'. Friend Const BC30516 As String = "BC30516" ' error BC30516: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Blah' accepts this number of arguments. Friend Const BC32016 As String = "BC32016" ' error BC32016: 'blah' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed. Friend Const BC32045 As String = "BC32045" ' error BC32045: 'Private Sub Blah()' has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments. Friend Const BC32087 As String = "BC32087" ' error BC32087: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Blah' accepts this number of type arguments. Friend Const BC36625 As String = "BC36625" ' error BC36625: Lambda expression cannot be converted to 'Integer' because 'Integer' is not a delegate type. Public Overrides ReadOnly Property FixableDiagnosticIds As ImmutableArray(Of String) Get Return ImmutableArray.Create(BC30518, BC30519, BC30520, BC30521, BC30057, BC30112, BC30451, BC30455, BC30456, BC30401, BC30516, BC32016, BC32045, BC32087, BC36625) End Get End Property Protected Overrides Function GetCodeActionsAsync(document As Document, node As SyntaxNode, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of IEnumerable(Of CodeAction)) Dim service = document.GetLanguageService(Of IGenerateParameterizedMemberService)() Return service.GenerateMethodAsync(document, node, cancellationToken) End Function Protected Overrides Function IsCandidate(node As SyntaxNode, diagnostic As Diagnostic) As Boolean Return TypeOf node Is QualifiedNameSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is SimpleNameSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is InvocationExpressionSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is ExpressionSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is IdentifierNameSyntax End Function Protected Overrides Function GetTargetNode(node As SyntaxNode) As SyntaxNode Dim memberAccess = TryCast(node, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax) If memberAccess IsNot Nothing Then Return memberAccess.Name End If Dim invocationExpression = TryCast(node, InvocationExpressionSyntax) If invocationExpression IsNot Nothing Then Return invocationExpression.Expression End If Return node End Function End Class End Namespace
'{** ' This code block adds the method `GetSampleModelDataAsync()` to the SampleDataService of your project. '**} '{[{ Imports System.Threading.Tasks '}]} Namespace Services Public Module SampleDataService '^^ '{[{ ' TODO WTS: Remove this once your MasterDetail pages are displaying real data Public Async Function GetSampleModelDataAsync() As Task(Of IEnumerable(Of SampleOrder)) Await Task.CompletedTask Return AllOrders() End Function '}]} End Module End Namespace
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class FormTraHobi Inherits DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _ Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container() Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(FormTraHobi)) Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran = New StudentEnrollment.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran() Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource = New System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(Me.components) Me.PelamarHobiTableAdapter = New StudentEnrollment.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.pelamarHobiTableAdapter() Me.TableAdapterManager = New StudentEnrollment.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager() Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator = New System.Windows.Forms.BindingNavigator(Me.components) Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripLabel() Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator() Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripTextBox() Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator() Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator2 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator() Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton() Me.PelamarHobiGridControl = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl() Me.GridView1 = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView() Me.colid = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn() Me.colidPelamar = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn() Me.colidHobi = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn() Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1 = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit() Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource1 = New System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(Me.components) Me.MstHobiBindingSource = New System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource(Me.components) Me.MstHobiTableAdapter = New StudentEnrollment.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.mstHobiTableAdapter() Me.LayoutControl1 = New DevExpress.XtraLayout.LayoutControl() Me.LayoutControlGroup1 = New DevExpress.XtraLayout.LayoutControlGroup() Me.LayoutControlItem1 = New DevExpress.XtraLayout.LayoutControlItem() Me.LabelControl1 = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl() Me.LayoutControlItem2 = New DevExpress.XtraLayout.LayoutControlItem() CType(Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.SuspendLayout() CType(Me.PelamarHobiGridControl, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.GridView1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.MstHobiBindingSource, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.LayoutControl1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.LayoutControl1.SuspendLayout() CType(Me.LayoutControlGroup1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.LayoutControlItem1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.LayoutControlItem2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran ' Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran.DataSetName = "DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran" Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran.SchemaSerializationMode = System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema ' 'PelamarHobiBindingSource ' Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource.DataMember = "pelamarHobi" Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource.DataSource = Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran ' 'PelamarHobiTableAdapter ' Me.PelamarHobiTableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill = True ' 'TableAdapterManager ' Me.TableAdapterManager.BackupDataSetBeforeUpdate = False Me.TableAdapterManager.pelamarHobiTableAdapter = Me.PelamarHobiTableAdapter Me.TableAdapterManager.pendidikanNonFormalTableAdapter = Nothing Me.TableAdapterManager.pengalamanOrganisasiTableAdapter = Nothing Me.TableAdapterManager.prestasiTableAdapter = Nothing Me.TableAdapterManager.traNilaiUNTableAdapter = Nothing Me.TableAdapterManager.UpdateOrder = StudentEnrollment.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager.UpdateOrderOption.InsertUpdateDelete ' 'PelamarHobiBindingNavigator ' Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.AddNewItem = Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.BindingSource = Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.CountItem = Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.DeleteItem = Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.Items.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem() {Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem, Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem, Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator, Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem, Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem, Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator1, Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem, Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem, Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator2, Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem, Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem, Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem}) Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.MoveFirstItem = Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.MoveLastItem = Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.MoveNextItem = Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.MovePreviousItem = Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.Name = "PelamarHobiBindingNavigator" Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.PositionItem = Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(686, 25) Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.TabIndex = 0 Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.Text = "BindingNavigator1" ' 'BindingNavigatorAddNewItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorAddNewItem" Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = True Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorAddNewItem.Text = "Add new" ' 'BindingNavigatorCountItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorCountItem" Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(35, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem.Text = "of {0}" Me.BindingNavigatorCountItem.ToolTipText = "Total number of items" ' 'BindingNavigatorDeleteItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorDeleteItem" Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = True Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Text = "Delete" ' 'BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem" Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = True Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem.Text = "Move first" ' 'BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem" Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = True Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem.Text = "Move previous" ' 'BindingNavigatorSeparator ' Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator.Name = "BindingNavigatorSeparator" Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25) ' 'BindingNavigatorPositionItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem.AccessibleName = "Position" Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem.AutoSize = False Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorPositionItem" Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(50, 23) Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem.Text = "0" Me.BindingNavigatorPositionItem.ToolTipText = "Current position" ' 'BindingNavigatorSeparator1 ' Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator1.Name = "BindingNavigatorSeparator1" Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25) ' 'BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem" Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = True Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem.Text = "Move next" ' 'BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem ' Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.Name = "BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem" Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = True Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem.Text = "Move last" ' 'BindingNavigatorSeparator2 ' Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator2.Name = "BindingNavigatorSeparator2" Me.BindingNavigatorSeparator2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(6, 25) ' 'PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem ' Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem.DisplayStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Image"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Name = "PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem" Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(23, 22) Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Text = "Save Data" ' 'PelamarHobiGridControl ' Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.DataSource = Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 29) Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.MainView = Me.GridView1 Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.Name = "PelamarHobiGridControl" Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.RepositoryItems.AddRange(New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItem() {Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1}) Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(662, 495) Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.TabIndex = 2 Me.PelamarHobiGridControl.ViewCollection.AddRange(New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.BaseView() {Me.GridView1}) ' 'GridView1 ' Me.GridView1.Columns.AddRange(New DevExpress.XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn() {Me.colid, Me.colidPelamar, Me.colidHobi}) Me.GridView1.GridControl = Me.PelamarHobiGridControl Me.GridView1.Name = "GridView1" ' 'colid ' Me.colid.FieldName = "id" Me.colid.Name = "colid" ' 'colidPelamar ' Me.colidPelamar.FieldName = "idPelamar" Me.colidPelamar.Name = "colidPelamar" ' 'colidHobi ' Me.colidHobi.ColumnEdit = Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1 Me.colidHobi.FieldName = "idHobi" Me.colidHobi.Name = "colidHobi" Me.colidHobi.Visible = True Me.colidHobi.VisibleIndex = 0 ' 'RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1 ' Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1.AutoHeight = False Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1.Buttons.AddRange(New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.EditorButton() {New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.EditorButton(DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.ButtonPredefines.Combo)}) Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1.DataSource = Me.MstHobiBindingSource Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1.DisplayMember = "varchar" Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1.Name = "RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1" Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1.ValueMember = "id" ' 'PelamarHobiBindingSource1 ' Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource1.DataMember = "pelamarHobi" Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource1.DataSource = Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran ' 'MstHobiBindingSource ' Me.MstHobiBindingSource.DataMember = "mstHobi" Me.MstHobiBindingSource.DataSource = Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran ' 'MstHobiTableAdapter ' Me.MstHobiTableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill = True ' 'LayoutControl1 ' Me.LayoutControl1.Controls.Add(Me.LabelControl1) Me.LayoutControl1.Controls.Add(Me.PelamarHobiGridControl) Me.LayoutControl1.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill Me.LayoutControl1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 25) Me.LayoutControl1.Name = "LayoutControl1" Me.LayoutControl1.Root = Me.LayoutControlGroup1 Me.LayoutControl1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(686, 536) Me.LayoutControl1.TabIndex = 3 Me.LayoutControl1.Text = "LayoutControl1" ' 'LayoutControlGroup1 ' Me.LayoutControlGroup1.EnableIndentsWithoutBorders = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.[True] Me.LayoutControlGroup1.GroupBordersVisible = False Me.LayoutControlGroup1.Items.AddRange(New DevExpress.XtraLayout.BaseLayoutItem() {Me.LayoutControlItem1, Me.LayoutControlItem2}) Me.LayoutControlGroup1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.LayoutControlGroup1.Name = "LayoutControlGroup1" Me.LayoutControlGroup1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(686, 536) Me.LayoutControlGroup1.TextVisible = False ' 'LayoutControlItem1 ' Me.LayoutControlItem1.Control = Me.PelamarHobiGridControl Me.LayoutControlItem1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 17) Me.LayoutControlItem1.Name = "LayoutControlItem1" Me.LayoutControlItem1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(666, 499) Me.LayoutControlItem1.TextSize = New System.Drawing.Size(0, 0) Me.LayoutControlItem1.TextVisible = False ' 'LabelControl1 ' Me.LabelControl1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 12) Me.LabelControl1.Name = "LabelControl1" Me.LabelControl1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(66, 13) Me.LabelControl1.StyleController = Me.LayoutControl1 Me.LabelControl1.TabIndex = 4 Me.LabelControl1.Text = "LabelControl1" ' 'LayoutControlItem2 ' Me.LayoutControlItem2.Control = Me.LabelControl1 Me.LayoutControlItem2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.LayoutControlItem2.Name = "LayoutControlItem2" Me.LayoutControlItem2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(666, 17) Me.LayoutControlItem2.TextSize = New System.Drawing.Size(0, 0) Me.LayoutControlItem2.TextVisible = False ' 'FormTraHobi ' Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(686, 561) Me.Controls.Add(Me.LayoutControl1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator) Me.Name = "FormTraHobi" Me.Text = "FormTraHobi" CType(Me.DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PelamarHobiBindingNavigator.PerformLayout() CType(Me.PelamarHobiGridControl, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.GridView1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.PelamarHobiBindingSource1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.MstHobiBindingSource, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.LayoutControl1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.LayoutControl1.ResumeLayout(False) CType(Me.LayoutControlGroup1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.LayoutControlItem1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.LayoutControlItem2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PerformLayout() End Sub Friend WithEvents DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran As DataSetPelengkapPendaftaran Friend WithEvents PelamarHobiBindingSource As BindingSource Friend WithEvents PelamarHobiTableAdapter As DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.pelamarHobiTableAdapter Friend WithEvents TableAdapterManager As DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager Friend WithEvents PelamarHobiBindingNavigator As BindingNavigator Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorAddNewItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorCountItem As ToolStripLabel Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorDeleteItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorMoveFirstItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorMovePreviousItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorSeparator As ToolStripSeparator Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorPositionItem As ToolStripTextBox Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorSeparator1 As ToolStripSeparator Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorMoveNextItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorMoveLastItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents BindingNavigatorSeparator2 As ToolStripSeparator Friend WithEvents PelamarHobiBindingNavigatorSaveItem As ToolStripButton Friend WithEvents PelamarHobiGridControl As XtraGrid.GridControl Friend WithEvents GridView1 As XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView Friend WithEvents colid As XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn Friend WithEvents colidPelamar As XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn Friend WithEvents colidHobi As XtraGrid.Columns.GridColumn Friend WithEvents RepositoryItemLookUpEdit1 As Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit Friend WithEvents PelamarHobiBindingSource1 As BindingSource Friend WithEvents MstHobiBindingSource As BindingSource Friend WithEvents MstHobiTableAdapter As DataSetPelengkapPendaftaranTableAdapters.mstHobiTableAdapter Friend WithEvents LayoutControl1 As XtraLayout.LayoutControl Friend WithEvents LabelControl1 As LabelControl Friend WithEvents LayoutControlGroup1 As XtraLayout.LayoutControlGroup Friend WithEvents LayoutControlItem1 As XtraLayout.LayoutControlItem Friend WithEvents LayoutControlItem2 As XtraLayout.LayoutControlItem End Class
Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports INDArray = org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray Imports org.nd4j.linalg.learning Imports ISchedule = org.nd4j.linalg.schedule.ISchedule Imports JsonAutoDetect = org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect Imports JsonInclude = org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude Imports JsonTypeInfo = org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo ' ' * ****************************************************************************** ' * * ' * * ' * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ' * * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at ' * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ' * * ' * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional ' * * information regarding copyright ownership. ' * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ' * * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ' * * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations ' * * under the License. ' * * ' * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ' * ***************************************************************************** ' Namespace org.nd4j.linalg.learning.config 'JAVA TO VB CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: 'ORIGINAL LINE: @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) @JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY, getterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE, setterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE) @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.@CLASS, include = JsonTypeInfo.@As.@PROPERTY, property = "@class") public interface IUpdater extends java.io.Serializable, Cloneable Public Interface IUpdater Inherits ICloneable ''' <summary> ''' Determine the updater state size for the given number of parameters. Usually a integer multiple (0,1 or 2) ''' times the number of parameters in a layer. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="numParams"> Number of parameters </param> ''' <returns> Updater state size for the given number of parameters </returns> Function stateSize(ByVal numParams As Long) As Long ''' <summary> ''' Create a new gradient updater ''' </summary> ''' <param name="viewArray"> The updater state size view away </param> ''' <param name="initializeViewArray"> If true: initialise the updater state ''' @return </param> Function instantiate(ByVal viewArray As INDArray, ByVal initializeViewArray As Boolean) As GradientUpdater Function instantiate(ByVal updaterState As IDictionary(Of String, INDArray), ByVal initializeStateArrays As Boolean) As GradientUpdater Function Equals(ByVal updater As Object) As Boolean ''' <summary> ''' Clone the updater ''' </summary> Function clone() As IUpdater ''' <summary> ''' Get the learning rate - if any - for the updater, at the specified iteration and epoch. ''' Note that if no learning rate is applicable (AdaDelta, NoOp updaters etc) then Double.NaN should ''' be return ''' </summary> ''' <param name="iteration"> Iteration at which to get the learning rate </param> ''' <param name="epoch"> Epoch at which to get the learning rate </param> ''' <returns> Learning rate, or Double.NaN if no learning rate is applicable for this updater </returns> Function getLearningRate(ByVal iteration As Integer, ByVal epoch As Integer) As Double ''' <returns> True if the updater has a learning rate hyperparameter, false otherwise </returns> Function hasLearningRate() As Boolean ''' <summary> ''' Set the learning rate and schedule. Note: may throw an exception if <seealso cref="hasLearningRate()"/> returns false. </summary> ''' <param name="lr"> Learning rate to set (typically not used if LR schedule is non-null) </param> ''' <param name="lrSchedule"> Learning rate schedule to set (may be null) </param> Sub setLrAndSchedule(ByVal lr As Double, ByVal lrSchedule As ISchedule) End Interface End Namespace
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.1 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace My 'NOTE: This file is auto-generated; do not modify it directly. To make changes, ' or if you encounter build errors in this file, go to the Project Designer ' (go to Project Properties or double-click the My Project node in ' Solution Explorer), and make changes on the Application tab. ' Partial Friend Class MyApplication <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New(Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.AuthenticationMode.Windows) Me.IsSingleInstance = false Me.EnableVisualStyles = true Me.SaveMySettingsOnExit = true Me.ShutDownStyle = Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.ShutdownMode.AfterMainFormCloses End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnCreateMainForm() Me.MainForm = Global.AsyncDataPortalWinTest.Form1 End Sub End Class End Namespace
' ' News Articles for DotNetNuke - http://www.dotnetnuke.com ' Copyright (c) 2002-2008 ' by Ventrian ( sales@ventrian.com ) ( http://www.ventrian.com ) ' Imports System.IO Imports System.Xml Imports DotNetNuke.Application Imports DotNetNuke.Common Imports DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Host Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Cache Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Localization Namespace Ventrian.NewsArticles.Components.Utility Public Class LocalizationUtil #Region " Private Members " Private Shared _strUseLanguageInUrlDefault As String = Null.NullString #End Region #Region " Public Methods " 'Private Shared Function GetHostSettingAsBoolean(ByVal key As String, ByVal defaultValue As Boolean) As Boolean ' Dim retValue As Boolean = defaultValue ' Try ' Dim setting As String = DotNetNuke.Entities.Host.HostSettings.GetHostSetting(key) ' If String.IsNullOrEmpty(setting) = False Then ' retValue = (setting.ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith("Y") OrElse setting.ToUpperInvariant = "TRUE") ' End If ' Catch ex As Exception ' 'we just want to trap the error as we may not be installed so there will be no Settings ' End Try ' Return retValue 'End Function 'Private Shared Function GetPortalSettingAsBoolean(ByVal portalID As Integer, ByVal key As String, ByVal defaultValue As Boolean) As Boolean ' Dim retValue As Boolean = defaultValue ' Try ' Dim setting As String = DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings.GetSiteSetting(portalID, key) ' If String.IsNullOrEmpty(setting) = False Then ' retValue = (setting.ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith("Y") OrElse setting.ToUpperInvariant = "TRUE") ' End If ' Catch ex As Exception ' 'we just want to trap the error as we may not be installed so there will be no Settings ' End Try ' Return retValue 'End Function Public Shared Function UseLanguageInUrl() As Boolean If (Host.EnableUrlLanguage) Then Return Host.EnableUrlLanguage End If If (PortalSettings.Current.EnableUrlLanguage) Then Return PortalSettings.Current.EnableUrlLanguage End If If (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Localization.ApplicationResourceDirectory + "/Locales.xml")) = False) Then Return Host.EnableUrlLanguage End If Dim cacheKey As String = "" Dim objPortalSettings As PortalSettings = PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings() Dim useLanguage As Boolean = False ' check default host setting If String.IsNullOrEmpty(_strUseLanguageInUrlDefault) Then Dim xmldoc As New XmlDocument Dim languageInUrl As XmlNode xmldoc.Load(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Localization.ApplicationResourceDirectory + "/Locales.xml")) languageInUrl = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("//root/languageInUrl") If Not languageInUrl Is Nothing Then _strUseLanguageInUrlDefault = languageInUrl.Attributes("enabled").InnerText Else Try Dim version As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(DotNetNukeContext.Current.Application.Version.ToString().Replace(".", "")) If (version >= 490) Then _strUseLanguageInUrlDefault = "true" Else _strUseLanguageInUrlDefault = "false" End If Catch _strUseLanguageInUrlDefault = "false" End Try End If End If useLanguage = Boolean.Parse(_strUseLanguageInUrlDefault) ' check current portal setting Dim FilePath As String = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Localization.ApplicationResourceDirectory + "/Locales.Portal-" + objPortalSettings.PortalId.ToString + ".xml") If File.Exists(FilePath) Then cacheKey = "dotnetnuke-uselanguageinurl" & objPortalSettings.PortalId.ToString Try Dim o As Object = DataCache.GetCache(cacheKey) If o Is Nothing Then Dim xmlLocales As New XmlDocument Dim bXmlLoaded As Boolean = False xmlLocales.Load(FilePath) bXmlLoaded = True Dim d As New XmlDocument d.Load(FilePath) If bXmlLoaded AndAlso Not xmlLocales.SelectSingleNode("//locales/languageInUrl") Is Nothing Then useLanguage = Boolean.Parse(xmlLocales.SelectSingleNode("//locales/languageInUrl").Attributes("enabled").InnerText) End If If Host.PerformanceSetting <> Globals.PerformanceSettings.NoCaching Then Dim dp As New DNNCacheDependency(FilePath) DataCache.SetCache(cacheKey, useLanguage, dp) End If Else useLanguage = CType(o, Boolean) End If Catch ex As Exception End Try Return useLanguage Else Return useLanguage End If End Function #End Region End Class End Namespace
 Public Class ThisWorkbook Private Sub ThisWorkbook_Startup() Handles Me.Startup End Sub Private Sub ThisWorkbook_Shutdown() Handles Me.Shutdown End Sub End Class
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class home Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _ Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container() Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(home)) Me.lg = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox() Me.Timer1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Timer(Me.components) Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.b1 = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox() Me.b3 = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox() Me.b4 = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox() Me.b2 = New System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox() CType(Me.lg, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.b1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.b3, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.b4, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.b2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'lg ' Me.lg.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent Me.lg.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 12) Me.lg.Name = "lg" Me.lg.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(273, 243) Me.lg.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage Me.lg.TabIndex = 1 Me.lg.TabStop = False ' 'Timer1 ' Me.Timer1.Enabled = True Me.Timer1.Interval = 5000 ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.AutoSize = True Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(957, 707) Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(13, 13) Me.Label1.TabIndex = 2 Me.Label1.Text = "0" ' 'home ' Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(1008, 729) Me.Controls.Add(Me.b2) Me.Controls.Add(Me.b4) Me.Controls.Add(Me.b3) Me.Controls.Add(Me.b1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.lg) Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), System.Drawing.Icon) Me.MaximizeBox = False Me.Name = "home" Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Me.Text = "Check Knowledge" CType(Me.lg, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.b1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.b3, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.b4, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.b2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PerformLayout() End Sub Friend WithEvents lg As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox Friend WithEvents Timer1 As System.Windows.Forms.Timer Friend WithEvents Label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents b1 As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox Friend WithEvents b3 As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox Friend WithEvents b4 As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox Friend WithEvents b2 As System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox End Class
Imports CefSharp Imports CefSharp.Wpf Public Class Navegador Dim pwd As String Dim usr As String Public Sub SetAux(l As String()) pwd = l(1) usr = l(0) End Sub Private Sub BtnAtras_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles BtnAtras.Click Dim WinAdminMenu As New MenuAdministrador Dim winMenu As New Menu If (My.Settings.USER_ROLE.ToString = "administrador ") Then WinAdminMenu.Show() Close() ElseIf (My.Settings.USER_ROLE.ToString = "transportista ") Then winMenu.Show() Close() End If End Sub Private Sub Browser_FrameLoadEnd(sender As Object, e As FrameLoadEndEventArgs) Browser.SetZoomLevel(-5.0) Browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementById('identifierId').value=""" & usr & """") Browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementById('identifierNext').click()") End Sub Private Sub Window_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) TxtBoxContraseña.Text = pwd End Sub End Class
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.18213 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace My.Resources 'This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder 'class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio. 'To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen 'with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project. '''<summary> ''' A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", ""), _ Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute(), _ Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.HideModuleNameAttribute()> _ Friend Module Resources Private resourceMan As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager Private resourceCulture As Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo '''<summary> ''' Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. '''</summary> <Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Friend ReadOnly Property ResourceManager() As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager Get If Object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, Nothing) Then Dim temp As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = New Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager("Login_Server.Resources", GetType(Resources).Assembly) resourceMan = temp End If Return resourceMan End Get End Property '''<summary> ''' Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all ''' resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. '''</summary> <Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Friend Property Culture() As Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo Get Return resourceCulture End Get Set(ByVal value As Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo) resourceCulture = value End Set End Property End Module End Namespace
Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following ' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information ' associated with an assembly. ' Review the values of the assembly attributes <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("MeuOS browser")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("HP Inc.")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("MeuOS browser")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © HP Inc. 2021")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> <Assembly: ComVisible(False)> 'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM <Assembly: Guid("f50d2a61-eb85-4c68-9b8d-b00619c89cdd")> ' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: ' ' Major Version ' Minor Version ' Build Number ' Revision ' ' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers ' by using the '*' as shown below: ' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
' Copyright 2018 Google LLC ' ' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ' You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ' WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ' limitations under the License. Imports Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib Imports Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201806 Namespace Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Examples.VB.v201806 ''' <summary> ''' This code example illustrates how to retrieve all the ad groups for a ''' campaign. To create an ad group, run AddAdGroup.vb. ''' </summary> Public Class GetAdGroups Inherits ExampleBase ''' <summary> ''' Main method, to run this code example as a standalone application. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param> Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) Dim codeExample As New GetAdGroups Console.WriteLine(codeExample.Description) Try Dim campaignId As Long = Long.Parse("INSERT_CAMPAIGN_ID_HERE") codeExample.Run(New AdWordsUser, campaignId) Catch e As Exception Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred while running this code example. {0}", ExampleUtilities.FormatException(e)) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Returns a description about the code example. ''' </summary> Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description() As String Get Return "This code example illustrates how to retrieve all the ad groups for a " & "campaign. To create an ad group, run AddAdGroup.vb." End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' Runs the code example. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> ''' <param name="campaignId">Id of the campaign for which ad groups are ''' retrieved.</param> Public Sub Run(ByVal user As AdWordsUser, ByVal campaignId As Long) Using adGroupService As AdGroupService = CType(user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201806.AdGroupService), AdGroupService) ' Create the selector. Dim selector As New Selector selector.fields = New String() { AdGroup.Fields.Id, AdGroup.Fields.Name } selector.predicates = New Predicate() { Predicate.Equals(AdGroup.Fields.CampaignId, campaignId) } selector.ordering = New OrderBy() {OrderBy.Asc(AdGroup.Fields.Name)} selector.paging = Paging.Default Dim page As New AdGroupPage Try Do ' Get the ad groups. page = adGroupService.get(selector) ' Display the results. If ((Not page Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not page.entries Is Nothing)) Then Dim i As Integer = selector.paging.startIndex For Each adGroup As AdGroup In page.entries Console.WriteLine("{0}) Ad group name is ""{1}"" and id is ""{2}"".", i + 1, adGroup.name, adGroup.id) i += 1 Next End If selector.paging.IncreaseOffset() Loop While (selector.paging.startIndex < page.totalNumEntries) Console.WriteLine("Number of ad groups found: {0}", page.totalNumEntries) Catch e As Exception Throw New System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve ad group(s).", e) End Try End Using End Sub End Class End Namespace
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class VetAggregateSummaryActionDetail Inherits bv.common.win.BaseDetailForm Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call AggregateCaseDbService = New VetAggregateSummaryAction_DB DbService = AggregateCaseDbService PermissionObject = eidss.model.Enums.EIDSSPermissionObject.VetCase AggregateSummaryHeader1.CaseType = model.Enums.AggregateCaseType.VetAggregateAction 'AggregateSummaryHeader1.UseParentDataset = True 'RegisterChildObject(AggregateSummaryHeader1, RelatedPostOrder.SkipPost) 'RegisterChildObject(fgDiagnosticAction, RelatedPostOrder.PostLast) 'RegisterChildObject(fgProphylacticAction, RelatedPostOrder.PostLast) 'RegisterChildObject(fgSanitaryAction, RelatedPostOrder.PostLast) 'minYear = 1900 End Sub 'Public Sub New(ByVal _MinYear As Integer) ' MyBase.New() ' 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. ' InitializeComponent() ' 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call ' AggregateCaseDbService = New VetAggregateSummaryAction_DB ' DbService = AggregateCaseDbService ' PermissionObject = eidss.model.Enums.EIDSSPermissionObject.VetCase ' RegisterChildObject(fgDiagnosticAction, RelatedPostOrder.PostLast) ' RegisterChildObject(fgProphylacticAction, RelatedPostOrder.PostLast) ' RegisterChildObject(fgSanitaryAction, RelatedPostOrder.PostLast) ' If (_MinYear) > 0 AndAlso (_MinYear <= Date.Today.Year) Then ' minYear = _MinYear ' Else ' minYear = 1900 ' End If 'End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _ Private Sub InitializeComponent() Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(VetAggregateSummaryActionDetail)) Me.btnRefresh = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton() Me.btnClose = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton() Me.btnViewDetailForm = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton() Me.btnShowSummary = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton() Me.PopUpButton1 = New bv.common.win.PopUpButton() Me.cmRep = New System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu() Me.MenuItem1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() Me.AggregateSummaryHeader1 = New EIDSS.winclient.AggregateCase.AggregateSummaryHeader() Me.xtcDetailInfo = New DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabControl() Me.xtpDiagnosticAction = New DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage() Me.fgDiagnosticAction = New EIDSS.FlexibleForms.FFPresenter() Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl() Me.xtpProphilacticAction = New DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage() Me.fgProphylacticAction = New EIDSS.FlexibleForms.FFPresenter() Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl() Me.xtpSanitaryAction = New DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage() Me.fgSanitaryAction = New EIDSS.FlexibleForms.FFPresenter() Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl() CType(Me.xtcDetailInfo, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.xtcDetailInfo.SuspendLayout() Me.xtpDiagnosticAction.SuspendLayout() Me.xtpProphilacticAction.SuspendLayout() Me.xtpSanitaryAction.SuspendLayout() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'btnRefresh ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.btnRefresh, "btnRefresh") Me.btnRefresh.Image = Global.EIDSS.My.Resources.Resources.refresh Me.btnRefresh.Name = "btnRefresh" ' 'btnClose ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.btnClose, "btnClose") Me.btnClose.Image = Global.EIDSS.My.Resources.Resources.Close Me.btnClose.Name = "btnClose" ' 'btnViewDetailForm ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.btnViewDetailForm, "btnViewDetailForm") Me.btnViewDetailForm.Image = Global.EIDSS.My.Resources.Resources.View1 Me.btnViewDetailForm.Name = "btnViewDetailForm" ' 'btnShowSummary ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.btnShowSummary, "btnShowSummary") Me.btnShowSummary.Name = "btnShowSummary" ' 'PopUpButton1 ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.PopUpButton1, "PopUpButton1") Me.PopUpButton1.ButtonType = bv.common.win.PopUpButton.PopUpButtonStyles.Reports Me.PopUpButton1.Name = "PopUpButton1" Me.PopUpButton1.PopUpMenu = Me.cmRep Me.PopUpButton1.Tag = "{Immovable}{AlwaysEditable}" ' 'cmRep ' Me.cmRep.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem1}) ' 'MenuItem1 ' Me.MenuItem1.Index = 0 resources.ApplyResources(Me.MenuItem1, "MenuItem1") ' 'AggregateSummaryHeader1 ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.AggregateSummaryHeader1, "AggregateSummaryHeader1") Me.AggregateSummaryHeader1.CaseType = EIDSS.model.Enums.AggregateCaseType.VetAggregateAction Me.AggregateSummaryHeader1.Name = "AggregateSummaryHeader1" ' 'xtcDetailInfo ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.xtcDetailInfo, "xtcDetailInfo") Me.xtcDetailInfo.Name = "xtcDetailInfo" Me.xtcDetailInfo.SelectedTabPage = Me.xtpDiagnosticAction Me.xtcDetailInfo.TabPages.AddRange(New DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage() {Me.xtpDiagnosticAction, Me.xtpProphilacticAction, Me.xtpSanitaryAction}) ' 'xtpDiagnosticAction ' Me.xtpDiagnosticAction.Controls.Add(Me.fgDiagnosticAction) Me.xtpDiagnosticAction.Controls.Add(Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix) Me.xtpDiagnosticAction.Name = "xtpDiagnosticAction" resources.ApplyResources(Me.xtpDiagnosticAction, "xtpDiagnosticAction") ' 'fgDiagnosticAction ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.fgDiagnosticAction, "fgDiagnosticAction") Me.fgDiagnosticAction.DefaultFormState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal Me.fgDiagnosticAction.DynamicParameterEnabled = False Me.fgDiagnosticAction.FormID = Nothing Me.fgDiagnosticAction.HelpTopicID = Nothing Me.fgDiagnosticAction.IsStatusReadOnly = False Me.fgDiagnosticAction.KeyFieldName = Nothing Me.fgDiagnosticAction.MultiSelect = False Me.fgDiagnosticAction.Name = "fgDiagnosticAction" Me.fgDiagnosticAction.ObjectName = Nothing Me.fgDiagnosticAction.SectionTableCaptionsIsVisible = True Me.fgDiagnosticAction.Status = bv.common.win.FormStatus.Draft Me.fgDiagnosticAction.TableName = Nothing ' 'lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix ' Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix.Appearance.ForeColor = CType(resources.GetObject("lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix.Appearance.ForeColor"), System.Drawing.Color) Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = DevExpress.Utils.WordWrap.Wrap resources.ApplyResources(Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix, "lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix") Me.lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix.Name = "lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix" ' 'xtpProphilacticAction ' Me.xtpProphilacticAction.Controls.Add(Me.fgProphylacticAction) Me.xtpProphilacticAction.Controls.Add(Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix) Me.xtpProphilacticAction.Name = "xtpProphilacticAction" resources.ApplyResources(Me.xtpProphilacticAction, "xtpProphilacticAction") ' 'fgProphylacticAction ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.fgProphylacticAction, "fgProphylacticAction") Me.fgProphylacticAction.DefaultFormState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal Me.fgProphylacticAction.DynamicParameterEnabled = False Me.fgProphylacticAction.FormID = Nothing Me.fgProphylacticAction.HelpTopicID = Nothing Me.fgProphylacticAction.IsStatusReadOnly = False Me.fgProphylacticAction.KeyFieldName = Nothing Me.fgProphylacticAction.MultiSelect = False Me.fgProphylacticAction.Name = "fgProphylacticAction" Me.fgProphylacticAction.ObjectName = Nothing Me.fgProphylacticAction.SectionTableCaptionsIsVisible = True Me.fgProphylacticAction.Status = bv.common.win.FormStatus.Draft Me.fgProphylacticAction.TableName = Nothing ' 'lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix ' Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix.Appearance.ForeColor = CType(resources.GetObject("lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix.Appearance.ForeColor"), System.Drawing.Color) Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = DevExpress.Utils.WordWrap.Wrap resources.ApplyResources(Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix, "lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix") Me.lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix.Name = "lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix" ' 'xtpSanitaryAction ' Me.xtpSanitaryAction.Controls.Add(Me.fgSanitaryAction) Me.xtpSanitaryAction.Controls.Add(Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix) Me.xtpSanitaryAction.Name = "xtpSanitaryAction" resources.ApplyResources(Me.xtpSanitaryAction, "xtpSanitaryAction") ' 'fgSanitaryAction ' resources.ApplyResources(Me.fgSanitaryAction, "fgSanitaryAction") Me.fgSanitaryAction.DefaultFormState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal Me.fgSanitaryAction.DynamicParameterEnabled = False Me.fgSanitaryAction.FormID = Nothing Me.fgSanitaryAction.HelpTopicID = Nothing Me.fgSanitaryAction.IsStatusReadOnly = False Me.fgSanitaryAction.KeyFieldName = Nothing Me.fgSanitaryAction.MultiSelect = False Me.fgSanitaryAction.Name = "fgSanitaryAction" Me.fgSanitaryAction.ObjectName = Nothing Me.fgSanitaryAction.SectionTableCaptionsIsVisible = True Me.fgSanitaryAction.Status = bv.common.win.FormStatus.Draft Me.fgSanitaryAction.TableName = Nothing ' 'lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix ' Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix.Appearance.ForeColor = CType(resources.GetObject("lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix.Appearance.ForeColor"), System.Drawing.Color) Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = DevExpress.Utils.WordWrap.Wrap resources.ApplyResources(Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix, "lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix") Me.lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix.Name = "lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix" ' 'VetAggregateSummaryActionDetail ' resources.ApplyResources(Me, "$this") Me.Controls.Add(Me.xtcDetailInfo) Me.Controls.Add(Me.AggregateSummaryHeader1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.PopUpButton1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btnClose) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btnViewDetailForm) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btnShowSummary) Me.Controls.Add(Me.btnRefresh) Me.FormID = "V14" Me.HelpTopicID = "VetAggregateActionSummary" Me.KeyFieldName = "idfAggrCase" Me.LeftIcon = Global.EIDSS.My.Resources.Resources.Vet_Aggregate_Actions_Summary__large__06_ Me.Name = "VetAggregateSummaryActionDetail" Me.ObjectName = "VetAggregateSummaryAction" Me.ShowCancelButton = False Me.ShowDeleteButton = False Me.ShowOkButton = False Me.ShowSaveButton = False Me.Sizable = True Me.TableName = "AggregateHeader" Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.btnRefresh, 0) Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.btnShowSummary, 0) Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.btnViewDetailForm, 0) Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.btnClose, 0) Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.PopUpButton1, 0) Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.AggregateSummaryHeader1, 0) Me.Controls.SetChildIndex(Me.xtcDetailInfo, 0) CType(Me.xtcDetailInfo, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.xtcDetailInfo.ResumeLayout(False) Me.xtpDiagnosticAction.ResumeLayout(False) Me.xtpProphilacticAction.ResumeLayout(False) Me.xtpSanitaryAction.ResumeLayout(False) Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub Friend WithEvents btnRefresh As DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton Friend WithEvents btnClose As DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton Friend WithEvents btnViewDetailForm As DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton Friend WithEvents btnShowSummary As DevExpress.XtraEditors.SimpleButton Friend WithEvents PopUpButton1 As bv.common.win.PopUpButton Friend WithEvents cmRep As System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu Friend WithEvents MenuItem1 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem Friend WithEvents AggregateSummaryHeader1 As EIDSS.winclient.AggregateCase.AggregateSummaryHeader Friend WithEvents xtcDetailInfo As DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabControl Friend WithEvents xtpDiagnosticAction As DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage Friend WithEvents fgDiagnosticAction As EIDSS.FlexibleForms.FFPresenter Friend WithEvents lbNoDiagnosticActionMatrix As DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl Friend WithEvents xtpProphilacticAction As DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage Friend WithEvents fgProphylacticAction As EIDSS.FlexibleForms.FFPresenter Friend WithEvents lbNoProphylacticActionMatrix As DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl Friend WithEvents xtpSanitaryAction As DevExpress.XtraTab.XtraTabPage Friend WithEvents fgSanitaryAction As EIDSS.FlexibleForms.FFPresenter Friend WithEvents lbNoSanitaryActionMatrix As DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelControl End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System Imports System.Globalization Imports System.Text Imports System.Xml.Linq Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UnitTests.Symbols Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UnitTests Public Class ImplementsTests Inherits BasicTestBase <Fact> Public Sub SimpleImplementation() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="SimpleImplementation"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Integer) End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public Sub X(ByVal style As String) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("I said: {0}", style) End Sub Public Sub Y(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is: {0}", a) End Sub Public Overridable Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", style) End Sub End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Public Overrides Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", style) End Sub End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo = New Foo f.SayItWithStyle("Eric Clapton rocks!") f.SayItWithStyle(42) Dim g As IFoo = New Bar g.SayItWithStyle("Lady Gaga rules!") g.SayItWithStyle(13) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ I said: Eric Clapton rocks! The answer is: 42 I said: Lady Gaga rules! The answer is: 13 ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub SimpleImplementationProperties() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="SimpleImplementationProperties"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Property MyString As String Property MyInt As Integer End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Private s As String Public Property IGotYourInt As Integer Implements IFoo.MyInt Public Property IGotYourString As String Implements IFoo.MyString Get Return "You got: " + s End Get Set(value As String) s = value End Set End Property Public Overridable Property MyString As String End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Private s As String Public Overrides Property MyString As String Get Return "I got: " + s End Get Set(value As String) s = value + " and then some" End Set End Property End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo = New Foo f.MyInt = 178 f.MyString = "Lady Gaga" System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyInt) System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyString) Dim g As IFoo = New Bar g.MyInt = 12 g.MyString = "Eric Clapton" System.Console.WriteLine(g.MyInt) System.Console.WriteLine(g.MyString) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ 178 You got: Lady Gaga 12 You got: Eric Clapton ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub SimpleImplementationOverloadedProperties() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="SimpleImplementationOverloadedProperties"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Property MyString As String Property MyString(x As Integer) As String Property MyString(x As String) As String Property MyInt As Integer End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Private s, t, u As String Public Property IGotYourInt As Integer Implements IFoo.MyInt Public Property IGotYourString As String Implements IFoo.MyString Get Return "You got: " + s End Get Set(value As String) s = value End Set End Property Public Property IGotYourString2(x As Integer) As String Implements IFoo.MyString Get Return "You got: " &amp; t &amp; " and " &amp; x End Get Set(value As String) t = value + "2" End Set End Property Public Property IGotYourString3(x As String) As String Implements IFoo.MyString Get Return "You used to have: " &amp; u &amp; " and " &amp; x End Get Set(value As String) u = value + "3" End Set End Property Public Overridable Property MyString As String End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo = New Foo f.MyInt = 178 f.MyString = "Lady Gaga" f.MyString(8) = "Eric Clapton" f.MyString("foo") = "Katy Perry" System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyInt) System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyString) System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyString(4)) System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyString("Bob Marley")) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ 178 You got: Lady Gaga You got: Eric Clapton2 and 4 You used to have: Katy Perry3 and Bob Marley ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ReImplementation() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="ReImplementation"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Integer) End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public Sub X(ByVal style As String) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("I said: {0}", style) End Sub Public Sub Y(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is: {0}", a) End Sub Public Overridable Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", style) End Sub End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Implements IFoo Private Sub Z(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("The question is: {0}", a) End Sub Public Overrides Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) System.Console.WriteLine("I don't say: {0}", style) End Sub End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo = New Foo f.SayItWithStyle("Eric Clapton rocks!") f.SayItWithStyle(42) Dim g As IFoo = New Bar g.SayItWithStyle("Lady Gaga rules!") g.SayItWithStyle(13) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ I said: Eric Clapton rocks! The answer is: 42 I said: Lady Gaga rules! The question is: 13 ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ReImplementationProperties() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="ReImplementationProperties"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Property MyString As String Property MyInt As Integer End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Private s As String Public Property IGotYourInt As Integer Implements IFoo.MyInt Public Property IGotYourString As String Implements IFoo.MyString Get Return "You got: " + s End Get Set(value As String) s = value End Set End Property Public Overridable Property MyString As String End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Implements IFoo Private s As String Public Property AnotherString As String Implements IFoo.MyString Get Return "I got your: " + s End Get Set(value As String) s = value + " right here" End Set End Property End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo = New Foo f.MyInt = 178 f.MyString = "Lady Gaga" System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyInt) System.Console.WriteLine(f.MyString) Dim g As IFoo = New Bar g.MyInt = 12 g.MyString = "Eric Clapton" System.Console.WriteLine(g.MyInt) System.Console.WriteLine(g.MyString) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ 178 You got: Lady Gaga 12 I got your: Eric Clapton right here ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementationOfGenericMethod() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="ImplementationOfGenericMethod"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Interface IFoo Sub SayItWithStyle(Of T)(ByVal style As T) Sub SayItWithStyle(Of T)(ByVal style As IList(Of T)) End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public Sub SayItWithStyle(Of U)(ByVal style As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of U)) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("style is IList(Of U)") End Sub Public Sub SayItWithStyle(Of V)(ByVal style As V) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("style is V") End Sub End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo = New Foo Dim g As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) g.Add(42) g.Add(13) g.Add(14) f.SayItWithStyle(Of String)("Eric Clapton rocks!") f.SayItWithStyle(Of Integer)(g) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ style is V style is IList(Of U) ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementationOfGenericMethod2() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="ImplementationOfGenericMethod2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Interface IFoo(Of K, L) Sub SayItWithStyle(Of T)(ByVal style As T, ByVal a As K, ByVal b As Dictionary(Of L, K)) Sub SayItWithStyle(Of T)(ByVal style As IList(Of T), ByVal a As L, ByVal b As Dictionary(Of K, L)) End Interface Class Foo(Of M) Implements IFoo(Of M, ULong) Public Sub SayItWithStyle(Of T)(ByVal style As T, ByVal a As M, ByVal b As Dictionary(Of ULong, M)) Implements IFoo(Of M, ULong).SayItWithStyle Console.WriteLine("first") End Sub Public Sub SayItWithStyle(Of T)(ByVal style As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of T), ByVal a As ULong, ByVal b As Dictionary(Of M, ULong)) Implements IFoo(Of M, ULong).SayItWithStyle Console.WriteLine("second") End Sub End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim f As IFoo(Of String, ULong) = New Foo(Of String)() Dim g As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) g.Add(42) g.Add(13) g.Add(14) Dim h As Dictionary(Of String, ULong) = Nothing Dim i As Dictionary(Of ULong, String) = Nothing f.SayItWithStyle(Of String)("Eric Clapton rocks!", "hi", i) f.SayItWithStyle(Of Integer)(g, 17, h) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ first second ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementationOfGenericMethod3() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="ImplementationOfGenericMethod3"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1(Of T) Sub Foo(ByVal i As T, ByVal j As String) End Interface Interface I2 Inherits I1(Of String) End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I2 Public Sub A2(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I1(Of String).Foo System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", i, j) End Sub End Class End Namespace Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim x As MyNS.I2 = New MyNS.Class1() x.Foo("hello", "world") End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:="hello world") End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementNonInterface() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementNonInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Public Structure S1 Public Sub foo() End Sub Public Property Zip As Integer End Structure Public Enum E1 Red green End Enum Public Delegate Sub D1(ByVal x As Integer) Public Class Class1 Public Sub foo() Implements S1.foo End Sub Public Property zap As Integer Implements S1.Zip Get return 3 End Get Set End Set End Property Public Sub bar() Implements E1.Red End Sub Public Sub baz() Implements System.Object.GetHashCode End Sub Public Sub quux() Implements D1.Invoke End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30232: Implemented type must be an interface. Public Sub foo() Implements S1.foo ~~ BC30232: Implemented type must be an interface. Public Property zap As Integer Implements S1.Zip ~~ BC30232: Implemented type must be an interface. Public Sub bar() Implements E1.Red ~~ BC30232: Implemented type must be an interface. Public Sub baz() Implements System.Object.GetHashCode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30232: Implemented type must be an interface. Public Sub quux() Implements D1.Invoke ~~ </expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(531308, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/531308")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementsClauseAndObsoleteAttribute() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementsClauseAndObsoleteAttribute"> <file name="a.vb"> Imports System Interface i1 &lt;Obsolete("", True)&gt; Sub foo() &lt;Obsolete("", True)&gt; Property moo() &lt;Obsolete("", True)&gt; Event goo() End Interface Class c1 Implements i1 'COMPILEERROR: BC30668, "i1.foo" Public Sub foo() Implements i1.foo End Sub 'COMPILEERROR: BC30668, "i1.moo" Public Property moo() As Object Implements i1.moo Get Return Nothing End Get Set(ByVal Value As Object) End Set End Property 'COMPILEERROR: BC30668, "i1.goo" Public Event goo() Implements i1.goo End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC31075: 'Sub foo()' is obsolete. Public Sub foo() Implements i1.foo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC31075: 'Property moo As Object' is obsolete. Public Property moo() As Object Implements i1.moo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC31075: 'Event goo()' is obsolete. Public Event goo() Implements i1.goo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub UnimplementedInterface() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="UnimplementedInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1 Sub Bar(ByVal x As String) Property Zap As Integer End Interface Public Class Class1 Public Sub Foo(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar End Sub Public Property Quuz As Integer Implements I1.Zap End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC31035: Interface 'I1' is not implemented by this class. Public Sub Foo(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar ~~ BC31035: Interface 'I1' is not implemented by this class. Public Property Quuz As Integer Implements I1.Zap ~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub UnimplementedInterface2() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="UnimplementedInterface2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1 Sub Bar(ByVal x As String) Property Zap As Integer End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I1 Public Sub Foo(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar End Sub Public Property Quuz As Integer Implements I1.Zap End Class Public Class Class2 Inherits Class1 Public Sub Quux(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar End Sub Public Property Dingo As Integer Implements I1.Zap End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC31035: Interface 'I1' is not implemented by this class. Public Sub Quux(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar ~~ BC31035: Interface 'I1' is not implemented by this class. Public Property Dingo As Integer Implements I1.Zap ~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementUnknownType() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementUnknownType"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Public Class Class1 Public Sub foo() Implements UnknownType.foo End Sub Public Sub bar() Implements System.UnknownType(Of String).bar End Sub Public Property quux As Integer Implements UnknownType.foo Public Property quuz As String Implements System.UnknownType(Of String).bar Get return "" End Get Set End Set End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30002: Type 'UnknownType' is not defined. Public Sub foo() Implements UnknownType.foo ~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30002: Type 'System.UnknownType' is not defined. Public Sub bar() Implements System.UnknownType(Of String).bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30002: Type 'UnknownType' is not defined. Public Property quux As Integer Implements UnknownType.foo ~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30002: Type 'System.UnknownType' is not defined. Public Property quuz As String Implements System.UnknownType(Of String).bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub AmbiguousInterface_01() ' Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps, I3.Foo is considered ambiguous between I1.Foo(String, String) and ' I2.Foo(Integer), even though only I2.Foo(String, String) matches the method arguments provided. This ' matches Dev10 behavior. Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="AmbiguousInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I1 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) End Interface Interface I2 Sub Foo(ByVal x As Integer) End Interface Interface I3 Inherits I1, I2 End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I3 Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I3.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(x As Integer)' for interface 'I2'. Implements I3 ~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub AmbiguousInterface_02() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="AmbiguousInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I1 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) End Interface Interface I2 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) End Interface Interface I3 Inherits I1, I2 End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I3 Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I3.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As String, j As String)' for interface 'I2'. Implements I3 ~~ BC31040: 'Foo' exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares 'Foo' in the 'Implements' clause instead of the name of the derived interface. Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I3.Foo ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub AmbiguousInterface_03() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="AmbiguousInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I1(Of T, S) Sub Foo(ByVal i As T, ByVal j As S) Sub Foo(ByVal i As S, ByVal j As T) End Interface Interface I3 Inherits I1(Of Integer, Short), I1(Of Short, Integer) End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I3 Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Short) Implements I3.Foo End Sub Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As Short, ByVal j As Integer) Implements I3.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As Integer, j As Short)' for interface 'I1(Of Short, Integer)'. Implements I3 ~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As Short, j As Integer)' for interface 'I1(Of Short, Integer)'. Implements I3 ~~ BC31040: 'Foo' exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares 'Foo' in the 'Implements' clause instead of the name of the derived interface. Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As Integer, ByVal j As Short) Implements I3.Foo ~~~~~~ BC31040: 'Foo' exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares 'Foo' in the 'Implements' clause instead of the name of the derived interface. Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As Short, ByVal j As Integer) Implements I3.Foo ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub AmbiguousInterface_04() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="AmbiguousInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I1(Of T, S) Sub Foo(ByVal i As T) Sub Foo(ByVal i As S) End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I1(Of Integer, Integer) Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As Integer) Implements I1(Of Integer, Integer).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As Integer)' for interface 'I1(Of Integer, Integer)'. Implements I1(Of Integer, Integer) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30937: Member 'I1(Of Integer, Integer).Foo' that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the interface 'I1(Of Integer, Integer)' contains multiple members with this same name and signature: 'Sub Foo(i As Integer)' 'Sub Foo(i As Integer)' Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As Integer) Implements I1(Of Integer, Integer).Foo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub AmbiguousInterface_05() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="AmbiguousInterface"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I1 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String) End Interface Interface I2 Inherits I1 Overloads Sub Foo(ByVal i As String) End Interface Interface I3 Inherits I1, I2 End Interface Interface I4 Inherits I2, I1 End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I3 Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As String) Implements I3.Foo End Sub End Class Public Class Class2 Implements I4 Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As String) Implements I4.Foo End Sub End Class Public Class Class3 Implements I3 Public Sub Foo1(ByVal i As String) Implements I3.Foo End Sub Public Sub Foo2(ByVal i As String) Implements I1.Foo End Sub End Class Public Class Class4 Implements I4 Public Sub Foo1(ByVal i As String) Implements I4.Foo End Sub Public Sub Foo2(ByVal i As String) Implements I1.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As String)' for interface 'I1'. Implements I3 ~~ BC30149: Class 'Class2' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As String)' for interface 'I1'. Implements I4 ~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub AmbiguousInterfaceProperty() ' Somewhat surprisingly, perhaps, I3.Foo is considered ambiguous between I1.Foo(String, String) and ' I2.Foo(Integer), even though only I2.Foo(String, String) matches the method arguments provided. This ' matches Dev10 behavior. Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="AmbiguousInterfaceProperty"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I1 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) End Interface Interface I2 Property Foo As Integer End Interface Interface I3 Inherits I1, I2 End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I3 Public Property Bar As Integer Implements I3.Foo Get Return 3 End Get Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Property Foo As Integer' for interface 'I2'. Implements I3 ~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As String, j As String)' for interface 'I1'. Implements I3 ~~ BC31040: 'Foo' exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares 'Foo' in the 'Implements' clause instead of the name of the derived interface. Public Property Bar As Integer Implements I3.Foo ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub NoMethodOfSig() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="NoMethodOfSig"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Function Foo(ByVal i As Long) As Integer Property P(i As Long) As Integer End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I1 Public Sub X(ByVal i As Long) Implements I1.Foo End Sub Public Sub Y(ByRef i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I1.Foo End Sub Public Property Z1 As Integer Implements I1.P Public Property Z2(i as Integer) As Integer Implements I1.P Get return 3 End Get Set End Set End Property Public Property Z3 As Integer Implements I1.Foo End Class End Namespace</file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Function Foo(i As Long) As Integer' for interface 'I1'. Implements I1 ~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Property P(i As Long) As Integer' for interface 'I1'. Implements I1 ~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As String, j As String)' for interface 'I1'. Implements I1 ~~ BC30401: 'X' cannot implement 'Foo' because there is no matching sub on interface 'I1'. Public Sub X(ByVal i As Long) Implements I1.Foo ~~~~~~ BC30401: 'Y' cannot implement 'Foo' because there is no matching sub on interface 'I1'. Public Sub Y(ByRef i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I1.Foo ~~~~~~ BC30401: 'Z1' cannot implement 'P' because there is no matching property on interface 'I1'. Public Property Z1 As Integer Implements I1.P ~~~~ BC30401: 'Z2' cannot implement 'P' because there is no matching property on interface 'I1'. Public Property Z2(i as Integer) As Integer Implements I1.P ~~~~ BC30401: 'Z3' cannot implement 'Foo' because there is no matching property on interface 'I1'. Public Property Z3 As Integer Implements I1.Foo ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(577934, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/577934")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug577934a() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Of T)(Optional x As T = CType(Nothing, T)) End Interface Class C Implements I Public Sub Foo(Of T)(Optional x As T = Nothing) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(577934, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/577934")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug577934b() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Of T)(Optional x As T = DirectCast(Nothing, T)) End Interface Class C Implements I Public Sub Foo(Of T)(Optional x As T = Nothing) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(577934, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/577934")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug577934c() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Of T As Class)(Optional x As T = TryCast(Nothing, T)) End Interface Class C Implements I Public Sub Foo(Of T As Class)(Optional x As T = Nothing) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub NoMethodOfName() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="NoMethodOfName"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1 Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I1 Public Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I1.Foo End Sub Public Sub Bar() Implements MyNS.I1.Quux End Sub Public Function Zap() As Integer Implements I1.GetHashCode Return 0 End Function Public Property Zip As Integer Implements I1.GetHashCode Public ReadOnly Property Zing(x As String) As String Implements I1.Zing, I1.Foo Get return "" End Get End Property End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30401: 'Bar' cannot implement 'Quux' because there is no matching sub on interface 'I1'. Public Sub Bar() Implements MyNS.I1.Quux ~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30401: 'Zap' cannot implement 'GetHashCode' because there is no matching function on interface 'I1'. Public Function Zap() As Integer Implements I1.GetHashCode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30401: 'Zip' cannot implement 'GetHashCode' because there is no matching property on interface 'I1'. Public Property Zip As Integer Implements I1.GetHashCode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30401: 'Zing' cannot implement 'Zing' because there is no matching property on interface 'I1'. Public ReadOnly Property Zing(x As String) As String Implements I1.Zing, I1.Foo ~~~~~~~ BC30401: 'Zing' cannot implement 'Foo' because there is no matching property on interface 'I1'. Public ReadOnly Property Zing(x As String) As String Implements I1.Zing, I1.Foo ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub GenericSubstitutionAmbiguity() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="GenericSubstitutionAmbiguity"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1(Of T) Sub Foo(ByVal i As T, ByVal j As String) Sub Bar(ByVal x As T) Sub Bar(ByVal x As String) End Interface Interface I2 Inherits I1(Of String) Overloads Sub Foo(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I2 Public Sub A1(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I2.Foo End Sub Public Sub A2(ByVal i As String, ByVal j As String) Implements I1(Of String).Foo End Sub Public Sub B(ByVal x As String) Implements I2.Bar End Sub End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Bar(x As String)' for interface 'I1(Of String)'. Implements I2 ~~ BC30937: Member 'I1(Of String).Bar' that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the interface 'I1(Of String)' contains multiple members with this same name and signature: 'Sub Bar(x As String)' 'Sub Bar(x As String)' Public Sub B(ByVal x As String) Implements I2.Bar ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub GenericSubstitutionAmbiguityProperty() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="GenericSubstitutionAmbiguityProperty"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1(Of T) Property Foo As T Property Bar(ByVal x As T) As Integer Property Bar(ByVal x As String) As Integer End Interface Interface I2 Inherits I1(Of String) Overloads Property Foo As String End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I2 Public Property A1 As String Implements I1(Of String).Foo Get Return "" End Get Set(value As String) End Set End Property Public Overloads Property A2 As String Implements I2.Foo Get Return "" End Get Set(value As String) End Set End Property Public Property B(x As String) As Integer Implements I1(Of String).Bar Get Return 0 End Get Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Property Bar(x As String) As Integer' for interface 'I1(Of String)'. Implements I2 ~~ BC30937: Member 'I1(Of String).Bar' that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the interface 'I1(Of String)' contains multiple members with this same name and signature: 'Property Bar(x As String) As Integer' 'Property Bar(x As String) As Integer' Public Property B(x As String) As Integer Implements I1(Of String).Bar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceReimplementation2() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="InterfaceReimplementation2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Namespace MyNS Interface I1 Sub Bar(ByVal x As String) Function Baz() As Integer ReadOnly Property Zip As Integer End Interface Interface I2 Inherits I1 End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements I1 Public Sub FooXX(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar End Sub Public Function BazXX() As Integer Implements I1.Baz Return 0 End Function Public ReadOnly Property ZipXX As Integer Implements I1.Zip Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class Public Class Class2 Inherits Class1 Implements I2 Public Sub Quux(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar End Sub Public Function Quux2() As Integer Implements I1.Baz Return 0 End Function Public ReadOnly Property Quux3 As Integer Implements I1.Zip Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class Public Class Class3 Inherits Class1 Implements I1 Public Sub Zap(ByVal x As String) Implements I1.Bar End Sub Public Function Zap2() As Integer Implements I1.Baz Return 0 End Function Public ReadOnly Property Zap3 As Integer Implements I1.Zip Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) ' BC42015 is deprecated CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub UnimplementedMembers() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime( <compilation name="UnimplementedMembers"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Namespace MyNS Interface I1(Of T, U) Sub Foo(ByVal i As T, ByVal j As U) Function Quack(ByVal o As Integer) As Long ReadOnly Property Zing(i As U) As T End Interface Interface I2(Of W) Inherits I1(Of String, IEnumerable(Of W)) Sub Bar(ByVal i As Long) End Interface Interface I3 Sub Zap() End Interface Public Class Class1(Of T) Implements I2(Of T), I3 Public Function Quack(ByVal o As Integer) As Long Implements I1(Of String, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T)).Quack Return 0 End Function End Class End Namespace Module Module1 Sub Main() End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'ReadOnly Property Zing(i As IEnumerable(Of T)) As String' for interface 'I1(Of String, IEnumerable(Of T))'. Implements I2(Of T), I3 ~~~~~~~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Bar(i As Long)' for interface 'I2(Of T)'. Implements I2(Of T), I3 ~~~~~~~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Foo(i As String, j As IEnumerable(Of T))' for interface 'I1(Of String, IEnumerable(Of T))'. Implements I2(Of T), I3 ~~~~~~~~ BC30149: Class 'Class1' must implement 'Sub Zap()' for interface 'I3'. Implements I2(Of T), I3 ~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementTwice() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementTwice"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface IFoo Sub Foo(x As Integer) WriteOnly Property Bang As Integer End Interface Interface IBar Sub Bar(x As Integer) End Interface Public Class Class1 Implements IFoo, IBar Public Sub Foo(x As Integer) Implements IFoo.Foo End Sub Public Sub Baz(x As Integer) Implements IBar.Bar, IFoo.Foo End Sub Public WriteOnly Property A As Integer Implements IFoo.Bang Set End Set End Property Public Property B As Integer Implements IFoo.Bang Get Return 0 End Get Set End Set End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30583: 'IFoo.Foo' cannot be implemented more than once. Public Sub Baz(x As Integer) Implements IBar.Bar, IFoo.Foo ~~~~~~~~ BC30583: 'IFoo.Bang' cannot be implemented more than once. Public Property B As Integer Implements IFoo.Bang ~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub ' DEV10 gave BC31415 for this case, but (at least for now), just use BC30401 since BC31415 is such a bad ' error message. <Fact> Public Sub ImplementStatic() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndReferences( <compilation name="ImplementStatic"> <file name="a.vb"> Public Class Class1 Implements ContainsStatic Public Sub Foo() Implements ContainsStatic.Bar End Sub Public Sub Baz() Implements ContainsStatic.StaticMethod End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>, {TestReferences.SymbolsTests.Interface.StaticMethodInInterface}) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30401: 'Baz' cannot implement 'StaticMethod' because there is no matching sub on interface 'ContainsStatic'. Public Sub Baz() Implements ContainsStatic.StaticMethod ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceUnification1() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="InterfaceUnification1"> <file name="a.vb"> Imports System.Collections.Generic Namespace Q Interface IFoo(Of T) Sub M(i As T) End Interface Interface Z(Of W) Inherits IFoo(Of W) End Interface Class Outer(Of X) Class Inner(Of Y) Implements IFoo(Of List(Of X)), Z(Of Y) Public Sub M1(i As List(Of X)) Implements IFoo(Of List(Of X)).M End Sub Public Sub M2(i As Y) Implements IFoo(Of Y).M End Sub End Class End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC32131: Cannot implement interface 'Z(Of Y)' because the interface 'IFoo(Of Y)' from which it inherits could be identical to implemented interface 'IFoo(Of List(Of X))' for some type arguments. Implements IFoo(Of List(Of X)), Z(Of Y) ~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceUnification2() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="InterfaceUnification2"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T) End Interface Class G1(Of T1, T2) Implements I(Of T1), I(Of T2) 'bad End Class Class G2(Of T1, T2) Implements I(Of Integer), I(Of T2) 'bad End Class Class G3(Of T1, T2) Implements I(Of Integer), I(Of Short) 'ok End Class Class G4(Of T1, T2) Implements I(Of I(Of T1)), I(Of T1) 'ok End Class Class G5(Of T1, T2) Implements I(Of I(Of T1)), I(Of T2) 'bad End Class Interface I2(Of T) Inherits I(Of T) End Interface Class G6(Of T1, T2) Implements I(Of T1), I2(Of T2) 'bad End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC32072: Cannot implement interface 'I(Of T2)' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented interface 'I(Of T1)' for some type arguments. Implements I(Of T1), I(Of T2) 'bad ~~~~~~~~ BC32072: Cannot implement interface 'I(Of T2)' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented interface 'I(Of Integer)' for some type arguments. Implements I(Of Integer), I(Of T2) 'bad ~~~~~~~~ BC32072: Cannot implement interface 'I(Of T2)' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented interface 'I(Of I(Of T1))' for some type arguments. Implements I(Of I(Of T1)), I(Of T2) 'bad ~~~~~~~~ BC32131: Cannot implement interface 'I2(Of T2)' because the interface 'I(Of T2)' from which it inherits could be identical to implemented interface 'I(Of T1)' for some type arguments. Implements I(Of T1), I2(Of T2) 'bad ~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceUnification3() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="InterfaceUnification1"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T, S) End Interface Class A(Of T, S) Implements I(Of I(Of T, T), T) Implements I(Of I(Of T, S), S) End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC32072: Cannot implement interface 'I(Of I(Of T, S), S)' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented interface 'I(Of I(Of T, T), T)' for some type arguments. Implements I(Of I(Of T, S), S) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceUnification4() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="InterfaceUnification4"> <file name="a.vb"> Class A(Of T, S) Class B Inherits A(Of B, B) End Class Interface IA Sub M() End Interface Interface IB Inherits B.IA Inherits B.B.IA End Interface 'ok End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertNoErrors(compilation) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceUnification5() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="InterfaceUnification5"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Imports System.Collections.Generic Class Outer(Of X, Y) Interface IFoo(Of T, U) End Interface End Class Class OuterFoo(Of A, B) Class Foo(Of C, D) Implements Outer(Of C, B).IFoo(Of A, D), Outer(Of D, A).IFoo(Of B, C) 'error End Class Class Bar(Of C, D) Implements Outer(Of C, B).IFoo(Of A, D), Outer(Of D, A).IFoo(Of B, List(Of C)) ' ok End Class End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC32072: Cannot implement interface 'Outer(Of D, A).IFoo(Of B, C)' because its implementation could conflict with the implementation of another implemented interface 'Outer(Of C, B).IFoo(Of A, D)' for some type arguments. Implements Outer(Of C, B).IFoo(Of A, D), Outer(Of D, A).IFoo(Of B, C) 'error ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub SimpleImplementationApi() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="SimpleImplementation"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Integer) End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public Sub X(ByVal style As String) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("I said: {0}", style) End Sub Public Sub Y(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is: {0}", a) End Sub Public Overridable Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", style) End Sub End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Public Overrides Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", style) End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim iFooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("IFoo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim fooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Foo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim barType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Bar").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim ifooMethods = iFooType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").AsEnumerable().Cast(Of MethodSymbol)() Dim ifooTypeSayWithString = (From m In ifooMethods Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_String).First() Dim ifooTypeSayWithInt = (From m In ifooMethods Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int32).First() Dim fooX = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("X").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim fooY = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Y").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim fooSay = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim barSay = DirectCast(barType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").First(), MethodSymbol) Assert.Equal(fooY, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithInt)) Assert.Equal(fooX, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithString)) Assert.Equal(fooY, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithInt)) Assert.Equal(fooX, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithString)) Assert.Equal(1, fooX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeSayWithString, fooX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeSayWithInt, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(0, fooSay.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, barSay.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) CompilationUtils.AssertNoErrors(comp) End Sub <WorkItem(545581, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545581")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Integer) Sub Foo(Optional x As Integer = 0) Implements I(Of Integer).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545581, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545581")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue2() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Date) Sub Foo(Optional x As Date = Nothing) Implements I(Of Date).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545581, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545581")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue3() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue3"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Char) Sub Foo(Optional x As Char = ChrW(0)) Implements I(Of Char).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545581, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545581")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue4() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue4"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Single) Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = Nothing) Implements I(Of Single).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545581, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545581")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue5() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue5"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Imports System Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of DayOfWeek) Public Sub Foo(Optional x As DayOfWeek = 0) Implements I(Of DayOfWeek).Foo Throw New NotImplementedException() End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545891, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545891")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue6() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue6"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Decimal) Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Decimal = 0.0D) Implements I(Of Decimal).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545891, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545891")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue7() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue7"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Double) Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Double = -0D) Implements I(Of Double).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545891, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545891")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue8() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNothingDefaultValue7"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As T = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Single) Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = -0D) Implements I(Of Single).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NaN) End Interface Class C Implements I Sub Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NaN) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue2() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = Single.NaN) End Interface Class C Implements I Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = Single.NaN) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue3() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue3"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = Single.NaN) End Interface Class C Implements I Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = Double.NaN) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue4() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfaceMethodWithNanDefaultValue4"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = Single.NaN) End Interface Class C Implements I Sub Foo(Optional x As Single = 0/0) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NaN) As Integer End Interface Class C Implements I Public ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NaN) As Integer Implements I.Foo Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue2() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NegativeInfinity) As Integer End Interface Class C Implements I Public ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = Single.NegativeInfinity) As Integer Implements I.Foo Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue3() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue3"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NegativeInfinity) As Integer End Interface Class C Implements I Public ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = (-1.0)/0) As Integer Implements I.Foo Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors></errors>) End Sub <WorkItem(545596, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545596")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue4() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="ImplementInterfacePropertyWithNanDefaultValue4"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface I ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = Double.NegativeInfinity) As Integer End Interface Class C Implements I Public ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = 1.0/0) As Integer Implements I.Foo Get Return 0 End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <errors> BC30149: Class 'C' must implement 'ReadOnly Property Foo([x As Double = -Infinity]) As Integer' for interface 'I'. Implements I ~ BC30401: 'Foo' cannot implement 'Foo' because there is no matching property on interface 'I'. Public ReadOnly Property Foo(Optional x As Double = 1.0/0) As Integer Implements I.Foo ~~~~~ </errors>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub SimpleImplementationApiProperty() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="SimpleImplementationProperty"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal s As String) As String ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal answer As Integer) As String End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public Property X(ByVal style As String) As String Implements IFoo.Style Get Return "I said: " + style End Get Set End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property Y(ByVal a As Integer) As String Implements IFoo.Style Get Return "I said: " + a.ToString() End Get End Property Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal s As String) As String Get Return "You dont say: " + s End Get End Property End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal s As String) As String Get Return "I dont say: " + s End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim iFooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("IFoo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim fooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Foo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim barType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Bar").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim ifooProps = iFooType.GetMembers("Style").AsEnumerable().Cast(Of PropertySymbol)() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithString = (From m In ifooProps Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_String).First() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter = ifooTypeStyleWithString.GetMethod Dim ifooTypeStyleWithInt = (From m In ifooProps Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int32).First() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter = ifooTypeStyleWithInt.GetMethod Dim fooX = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("X").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim fooXGetter = fooX.GetMethod Dim fooXSetter = fooX.SetMethod Dim fooY = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Y").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim fooYGetter = fooY.GetMethod Dim fooStyle = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Style").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim fooStyleGetter = fooStyle.GetMethod Dim barStyle = DirectCast(barType.GetMembers("Style").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim barStyleGetter = barStyle.GetMethod Assert.Equal(fooY, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithInt)) Assert.Equal(fooYGetter, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter)) Assert.Equal(fooX, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithString)) Assert.Equal(fooXGetter, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter)) Assert.Equal(fooY, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithInt)) Assert.Equal(fooYGetter, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter)) Assert.Equal(fooX, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithString)) Assert.Equal(fooXGetter, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter)) Assert.Equal(1, fooX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(1, fooXGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, fooXSetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithString, fooX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter, fooXGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(1, fooYGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithInt, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter, fooYGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(0, fooStyle.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, barStyle.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, fooStyleGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, barStyleGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) CompilationUtils.AssertNoErrors(comp) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub UnimplementedMethods() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="SimpleImplementation"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal style As String) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Integer) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Long) End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public Sub Y(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is: {0}", a) End Sub Public Overridable Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Long) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", answer) End Sub End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Implements IFoo Public Overrides Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Long) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", answer) End Sub Public Sub X(ByVal style As String) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("I said: {0}", style) End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim iFooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("IFoo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim fooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Foo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim barType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Bar").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim ifooMethods = iFooType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").AsEnumerable().Cast(Of MethodSymbol)() Dim ifooTypeSayWithString = (From m In ifooMethods Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_String).First() Dim ifooTypeSayWithInt = (From m In ifooMethods Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int32).First() Dim ifooTypeSayWithLong = (From m In ifooMethods Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int64).First() Dim barX = DirectCast(barType.GetMembers("X").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim fooY = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Y").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim fooSay = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim barSay = DirectCast(barType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").First(), MethodSymbol) Assert.Equal(fooY, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithInt)) Assert.Equal(barX, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithString)) Assert.Equal(fooY, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithInt)) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithString)) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithLong)) Assert.Null(barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithLong)) Assert.Equal(1, barX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeSayWithString, barX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeSayWithInt, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(0, fooSay.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, barSay.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Foo' must implement 'Sub SayItWithStyle(answer As Long)' for interface 'IFoo'. Implements IFoo ~~~~ BC30149: Class 'Foo' must implement 'Sub SayItWithStyle(style As String)' for interface 'IFoo'. Implements IFoo ~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub UnimplementedProperties() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="UnimplementedProperties"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal s As String) As String ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal answer As Integer) As String ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal answer As Long) As String End Interface Class Foo Implements IFoo Public ReadOnly Property Y(ByVal a As Integer) As String Implements IFoo.Style Get Return "I said: " + a.ToString() End Get End Property Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal s As Long) As String Get Return "You dont say: " End Get End Property End Class Class Bar Inherits Foo Implements IFoo Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Style(ByVal s As Long) As String Get Return "You dont say: " End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property X(ByVal a As String) As String Implements IFoo.Style Get Return "I said: " + a.ToString() End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim iFooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("IFoo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim fooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Foo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim barType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Bar").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim ifooProps = iFooType.GetMembers("Style").AsEnumerable().Cast(Of PropertySymbol)() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithString = (From m In ifooProps Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_String).First() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter = ifooTypeStyleWithString.GetMethod Dim ifooTypeStyleWithInt = (From m In ifooProps Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int32).First() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter = ifooTypeStyleWithInt.GetMethod Dim ifooTypeStyleWithLong = (From m In ifooProps Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int64).First() Dim ifooTypeStyleWithLongGetter = ifooTypeStyleWithLong.GetMethod Dim barX = DirectCast(barType.GetMembers("X").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim barXGetter = barX.GetMethod Dim fooY = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Y").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim fooYGetter = fooY.GetMethod Dim fooStyle = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Style").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim fooStyleGetter = fooStyle.GetMethod Dim barStyle = DirectCast(barType.GetMembers("Style").First(), PropertySymbol) Dim barStyleGetter = barStyle.GetMethod Assert.Equal(fooY, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithInt)) Assert.Equal(fooYGetter, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter)) Assert.Equal(barX, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithString)) Assert.Equal(barXGetter, barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter)) Assert.Equal(fooY, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithInt)) Assert.Equal(fooYGetter, fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter)) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithString)) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter)) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithLong)) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithLongGetter)) Assert.Null(barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithLong)) Assert.Null(barType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeStyleWithLongGetter)) Assert.Equal(1, barX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithString, barX.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, barXGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithStringGetter, barXGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithInt, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, fooYGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeStyleWithIntGetter, fooYGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(0, fooStyle.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, fooStyleGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, barStyle.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(0, barStyleGetter.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Foo' must implement 'ReadOnly Property Style(answer As Long) As String' for interface 'IFoo'. Implements IFoo ~~~~ BC30149: Class 'Foo' must implement 'ReadOnly Property Style(s As String) As String' for interface 'IFoo'. Implements IFoo ~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub UnimplementedInterfaceAPI() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="UnimplementedInterfaceAPI"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Interface IFoo Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal a As Integer) End Interface Class Foo Public Sub Y(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle System.Console.WriteLine("The answer is: {0}", a) End Sub Public Overridable Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal answer As Long) System.Console.WriteLine("You don't say: {0}", answer) End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim iFooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("IFoo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim fooType = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Foo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim ifooMethods = iFooType.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").AsEnumerable().Cast(Of MethodSymbol)() Dim ifooTypeSayWithInt = (From m In ifooMethods Where m.Parameters(0).Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Int32).First() Dim fooY = DirectCast(fooType.GetMembers("Y").First(), MethodSymbol) Assert.Null(fooType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ifooTypeSayWithInt)) Assert.Equal(1, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooTypeSayWithInt, fooY.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(comp, <expected> BC31035: Interface 'IFoo' is not implemented by this class. Public Sub Y(ByVal a As Integer) Implements IFoo.SayItWithStyle ~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub GenericInterface() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="SimpleImplementation"> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Option Strict On Imports System.Collections.Generic Class Outer(Of X) Interface IFoo(Of T, U) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal a As T, c As X) Sub SayItWithStyle(ByVal b As U, c As X) End Interface Class Foo(Of Y) Implements IFoo(Of X, List(Of Y)) Public Sub M1(a As X, c As X) Implements Outer(Of X).IFoo(Of X, List(Of Y)).SayItWithStyle End Sub Public Sub M2(b As List(Of Y), c As X) Implements Outer(Of X).IFoo(Of X, List(Of Y)).SayItWithStyle End Sub End Class <System.Serializable> Class FooS(Of T, U) End Class End Class ]]></file> </compilation>) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim listOfT = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Collections.Generic.List`1") Dim listOfString = listOfT.Construct(comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String)) Dim outerOfX = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("Outer").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim outerOfInt = outerOfX.Construct(comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32)) Dim iFooOfIntTU = DirectCast(outerOfInt.GetMembers("IFoo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Assert.IsType(Of SubstitutedNamedType.SpecializedGenericType)(iFooOfIntTU) Assert.False(DirectCast(iFooOfIntTU, INamedTypeSymbol).IsSerializable) Dim fooSOfIntTU = DirectCast(outerOfInt.GetMembers("FooS").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Assert.IsType(Of SubstitutedNamedType.SpecializedGenericType)(fooSOfIntTU) Assert.True(DirectCast(fooSOfIntTU, INamedTypeSymbol).IsSerializable) Dim iFooOfIntIntListOfString = iFooOfIntTU.Construct(comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32), listOfString) Dim fooOfIntY = DirectCast(outerOfInt.GetMembers("Foo").First(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim fooOfIntString = fooOfIntY.Construct(comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String)) Dim iFooOfIntIntListOfStringMethods = iFooOfIntIntListOfString.GetMembers("SayItWithStyle").AsEnumerable().Cast(Of MethodSymbol)() Dim ifooOfIntIntStringSay1 = (From m In iFooOfIntIntListOfStringMethods Where TypeSymbol.Equals(m.Parameters(0).Type, comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)).First() Dim ifooOfIntIntStringSay2 = (From m In iFooOfIntIntListOfStringMethods Where Not TypeSymbol.Equals(m.Parameters(0).Type, comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)).First() Dim fooOfIntStringM1 = DirectCast(fooOfIntString.GetMembers("M1").First(), MethodSymbol) Dim fooOfIntStringM2 = DirectCast(fooOfIntString.GetMembers("M2").First(), MethodSymbol) Assert.Equal(1, fooOfIntStringM1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooOfIntIntStringSay1, fooOfIntStringM1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) Assert.Equal(1, fooOfIntStringM2.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal(ifooOfIntIntStringSay2, fooOfIntStringM2.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0)) CompilationUtils.AssertNoErrors(comp) End Sub ' See MDInterfaceMapping.cs to understand this test case. <Fact> Public Sub MetadataInterfaceMapping() Dim comp = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndReferences( <compilation name="ImplementStatic"> <file name="a.vb"> Public Class D Inherits C Implements IFoo End Class </file> </compilation>, {TestReferences.SymbolsTests.Interface.MDInterfaceMapping}) Dim globalNS = comp.GlobalNamespace Dim iFoo = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("IFoo").Single(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim dClass = DirectCast(globalNS.GetMembers("D").Single(), NamedTypeSymbol) Dim iFooMethod = DirectCast(iFoo.GetMembers("Foo").Single(), MethodSymbol) ' IFoo.Foo should be found in A. Dim implementedMethod = dClass.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(iFooMethod) Assert.Equal("A", implementedMethod.ContainingType.Name) CompilationUtils.AssertNoErrors(comp) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub InterfaceReimplementation() CompileAndVerify( <compilation name="InterfaceReimplementation"> <file name="a.vb"> Imports System Interface I1 Sub foo() Sub quux() End Interface Interface I2 Inherits I1 Sub bar() End Interface Class X Implements I1 Public Sub foo1() Implements I1.foo Console.WriteLine("X.foo1") End Sub Public Sub quux1() Implements I1.quux Console.WriteLine("X.quux1") End Sub Public Overridable Sub foo() Console.WriteLine("x.foo") End Sub End Class Class Y Inherits X Implements I2 Public Overridable Sub bar() Console.WriteLine("Y.bar") End Sub Public Overridable Sub quux() Console.WriteLine("Y.quux") End Sub Public Overrides Sub foo() Console.WriteLine("Y.foo") End Sub Public Sub bar1() Implements I2.bar Console.WriteLine("Y.bar1") End Sub End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim a As Y = New Y() a.foo() a.bar() a.quux() Dim b As I2 = a b.foo() b.bar() b.quux() End Sub End Module </file> </compilation>, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ Y.foo Y.bar Y.quux X.foo1 Y.bar1 X.quux1 ]]>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub Bug6095() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntime( <compilation name="Bug6095"> <file name="a.vb"> Imports System Namespace ArExtByVal001 Friend Module ArExtByVal001mod Class Cls7 Implements I7 Interface I7 Function Scen7(ByVal Ary() As Single) End Interface Function Cls7_Scen7(ByVal Ary() As Single) Implements I7.Scen7 Ary(70) = Ary(70) + 100 Return Ary(0) End Function End Class End Module End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertNoErrors(compilation) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub Bug7931() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="Bug6095"> <file name="a.vb"> Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Namespace NS Interface IFoo(Of T) Function F(Of R)(ParamArray p As R()) As R End Interface Interface IBar(Of R) Function F(ParamArray p As R()) As R End Interface Class Impl Implements NS.IFoo(Of Char) Implements IBar(Of Short) Function F(ParamArray p As Short()) As Short Implements IFoo(Of Char).F, IBar(Of Short).F Return Nothing End Function End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'Impl' must implement 'Function F(Of R)(ParamArray p As R()) As R' for interface 'IFoo(Of Char)'. Implements NS.IFoo(Of Char) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC30401: 'F' cannot implement 'F' because there is no matching function on interface 'IFoo(Of Char)'. Function F(ParamArray p As Short()) As Short Implements IFoo(Of Char).F, IBar(Of Short).F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(543664, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543664")> <Fact()> Public Sub Bug11554() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="Bug11554"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I Sub M(Optional ByRef x As Short = 1) End Interface Class C 'COMPILEERROR: BC30149, "I" Implements I 'COMPILEERROR: BC30401, "I.M" Sub M(Optional ByRef x As Short = 0) Implements I.M End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'C' must implement 'Sub M([ByRef x As Short = 1])' for interface 'I'. Implements I ~ BC30401: 'M' cannot implement 'M' because there is no matching sub on interface 'I'. Sub M(Optional ByRef x As Short = 0) Implements I.M ~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub PropAccessorAgreement() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="PropAccessorAgreement"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I1 Property rw1 As Integer Property rw2 As Integer Property rw3 As Integer ReadOnly Property ro1 As Integer ReadOnly Property ro2 As Integer ReadOnly Property ro3 As Integer WriteOnly Property wo1 As Integer WriteOnly Property wo2 As Integer WriteOnly Property wo3 As Integer End Interface Class X Implements I1 Public Property a As Integer Implements I1.ro1 Get Return 0 End Get Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property b As Integer Implements I1.ro2 Get Return 0 End Get End Property Public WriteOnly Property c As Integer Implements I1.ro3 Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property Public Property d As Integer Implements I1.rw1 Get Return 0 End Get Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property e As Integer Implements I1.rw2 Get Return 0 End Get End Property Public WriteOnly Property f As Integer Implements I1.rw3 Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property Public Property g As Integer Implements I1.wo1 Get Return 0 End Get Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property h As Integer Implements I1.wo2 Get Return 0 End Get End Property Public WriteOnly Property i As Integer Implements I1.wo3 Set(value As Integer) End Set End Property End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC31444: 'ReadOnly Property ro3 As Integer' cannot be implemented by a WriteOnly property. Public WriteOnly Property c As Integer Implements I1.ro3 ~~~~~~ BC31444: 'Property rw2 As Integer' cannot be implemented by a ReadOnly property. Public ReadOnly Property e As Integer Implements I1.rw2 ~~~~~~ BC31444: 'Property rw3 As Integer' cannot be implemented by a WriteOnly property. Public WriteOnly Property f As Integer Implements I1.rw3 ~~~~~~ BC31444: 'WriteOnly Property wo2 As Integer' cannot be implemented by a ReadOnly property. Public ReadOnly Property h As Integer Implements I1.wo2 ~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementDefaultProperty() Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I1 Default Property P1(param1 As Integer) As String End Interface Class C1 : Implements I1 Private _p1 As String Private _p2 As String Public Property P1(param1 As Integer) As String Implements I1.P1 Get Return _p1 End Get Set(value As String) _p1 = value End Set End Property Default Public Property P2(param1 As Integer) As String Get Return _p2 End Get Set(value As String) _p2 = value End Set End Property End Class Module Program Sub Main(args As String()) Dim c As C1 = New C1() DirectCast(c, I1)(1) = "P1" c(1) = "P2" System.Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", c.P1(1), c.P2(1))) End Sub End Module </file> </compilation> CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput:="P1,P2") End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementReadOnlyUsingReadWriteWithPrivateSet() Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I1 ReadOnly Property bar() As Integer End Interface Public Class C2 Implements I1 Public Property bar() As Integer Implements I1.bar Get Return 2 End Get Private Set(ByVal value As Integer) End Set End Property End Class </file> </compilation> CompileAndVerify(source) End Sub <WorkItem(541934, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541934")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementGenericInterfaceProperties() Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Imports ImportedAlias = System.Int32 Interface I1(Of T) ReadOnly Property P1() As T End Interface Public Class C1(Of T) Implements I1(Of T) Public ReadOnly Property P() As T Implements I1(Of T).P1 Get Return Nothing End Get End Property End Class Public Class C2 Implements I1(Of Integer) Public ReadOnly Property P1() As Integer Implements I1(Of Integer).P1 Get Return 2 End Get End Property End Class </file> </compilation> CompileAndVerify(source) End Sub <Fact> Public Sub ImplementGenericInterfaceMethods() Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports ImportedAlias = System.Int32 Interface I1(Of T) Sub M1() Function M1(Of U)(x As U, y As List(Of U), z As T, w As List(Of T)) As Dictionary(Of T, List(Of U)) End Interface Public Class C1(Of T) Implements I1(Of T) Public Sub M() Implements I1(Of T).M1 End Sub Public Function M(Of U)(x As U, y As List(Of U), z As T, w As List(Of T)) As Dictionary(Of T, List(Of U)) Implements I1(Of T).M1 Return Nothing End Function End Class Public Class C2 Implements I1(Of Integer) Public Sub M1() Implements I1(Of ImportedAlias).M1 End Sub Public Function M1(Of U)(x As U, y As List(Of U), z As ImportedAlias, w As List(Of ImportedAlias)) As Dictionary(Of ImportedAlias, List(Of U)) Implements I1(Of ImportedAlias).M1 Return Nothing End Function End Class </file> </compilation> CompileAndVerify(source) End Sub <WorkItem(543253, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543253")> <Fact()> Public Sub ImplementMethodWithOptionalParameter() Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Public Enum E1 A B C End Enum Public Interface I1 Sub S1(i as integer, optional j as integer = 10, optional e as E1 = E1.B) End Interface Public Class C1 Implements I1 Sub C1_S1(i as integer, optional j as integer = 10, optional e as E1 = E1.B) implements I1.S1 End Sub End Class </file> </compilation> CompileAndVerify(source).VerifyDiagnostics() End Sub <Fact, WorkItem(544531, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544531")> Public Sub VarianceAmbiguity1() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="VarianceAmbiguity1"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Class Animals : End Class Class Mammals : Inherits Animals End Class Class Fish Inherits Mammals End Class Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T) Function Foo() As T End Interface Class C Implements IEnumerable(Of Fish) Implements IEnumerable(Of Mammals) Implements IEnumerable(Of Animals) Public Function Foo() As Fish Implements IEnumerable(Of Fish).Foo Return New Fish End Function Public Function Foo1() As Mammals Implements IEnumerable(Of Mammals).Foo Return New Mammals End Function Public Function Foo2() As Animals Implements IEnumerable(Of Animals).Foo Return New Animals End Function End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC42333: Interface 'IEnumerable(Of Mammals)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IEnumerable(Of Fish)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)'. Implements IEnumerable(Of Mammals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IEnumerable(Of Animals)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IEnumerable(Of Fish)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)'. Implements IEnumerable(Of Animals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IEnumerable(Of Animals)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IEnumerable(Of Mammals)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)'. Implements IEnumerable(Of Animals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact, WorkItem(544531, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544531")> Public Sub VarianceAmbiguity2() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="VarianceAmbiguity2"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Class Animals : End Class Class Mammals : Inherits Animals End Class Class Fish Inherits Mammals End Class Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T) Function Foo() As T End Interface Interface EnumFish Inherits IEnumerable(Of Fish) End Interface Interface EnumAnimals Inherits IEnumerable(Of Animals) End Interface Interface I Inherits EnumFish, EnumAnimals, IEnumerable(Of Mammals) End Interface </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC42333: Interface 'EnumAnimals' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'EnumFish' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)'. Inherits EnumFish, EnumAnimals, IEnumerable(Of Mammals) ~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IEnumerable(Of Mammals)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'EnumAnimals' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)'. Inherits EnumFish, EnumAnimals, IEnumerable(Of Mammals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IEnumerable(Of Mammals)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'EnumFish' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IEnumerable(Of Out T)'. Inherits EnumFish, EnumAnimals, IEnumerable(Of Mammals) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub VarianceAmbiguity3() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="VarianceAmbiguity3"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Public Interface IFoo(Of Out T, U) End Interface Class X End Class Class Y End Class Class GX(Of T) End Class Class GY(Of T) End Class Class A ' Not conflicting: 2nd type parameter is invariant, types are different and cannot unify ' Dev11 reports not conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, X), IFoo(Of Y, Y) End Class Class B(Of T) ' Not conflicting: 2nd type parameter is invariant, types are different and cannot unify ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, GX(Of Integer)), IFoo(Of Y, GY(Of Integer)) End Class Class C(Of T, U) ' Conflicting: 2nd type parameter is invariant, GX(Of T) and GX(Of U) might unify ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, GX(Of T)), IFoo(Of Y, GX(Of U)) End Class Class D(Of T, U) ' Conflicting: 2nd type parameter is invariant, T and U might unify ' E.g., If D(Of String, String) is cast to IFoo(Of Object, String), its implementation is ambiguous. ' Dev11 reports non-conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, T), IFoo(Of Y, U) End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of Y, GX(Of U))' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of X, GX(Of T))' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of Out T, U)'. Implements IFoo(Of X, GX(Of T)), IFoo(Of Y, GX(Of U)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of Y, U)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of X, T)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of Out T, U)'. Implements IFoo(Of X, T), IFoo(Of Y, U) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub VarianceAmbiguity4() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="VarianceAmbiguity4"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Public Interface IFoo(Of Out T, Out U) End Interface Class X End Class Class Y End Class Class GX(Of T) End Class Class GY(Of T) End Class Structure S(Of T) End Structure Class A ' Not conflicting: 2nd type parameter is "Out", types can't unify and one is value type ' Dev11 reports not conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of Y, Y) End Class Class B(Of T) ' Conflicting: 2nd type parameter is "Out", 2nd type parameter could unify in B(Of Integer) ' Dev11 reports not conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of Y, T) End Class Class C(Of T, U) ' Conflicting: 2nd type parameter is "Out", , S(Of T) and S(Of U) might unify ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, S(Of T)), IFoo(Of Y, S(Of U)) End Class Class D(Of T, U) ' Not Conflicting: 2nd type parameter is "Out", String and S(Of U) can't unify and S(Of U) is a value type. ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, String), IFoo(Of Y, S(Of U)) End Class Class E(Of T, U) ' Not Conflicting: 1st type parameter; one is Object; 2nd type parameter is "Out", S(Of T) is a value type. ' Dev11 reports not conflicting Implements IFoo(Of Object, S(Of T)), IFoo(Of X, S(Of U)) End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of Y, T)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of X, Integer)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of Out T, Out U)'. Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of Y, T) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of Y, S(Of U))' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of X, S(Of T))' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of Out T, Out U)'. Implements IFoo(Of X, S(Of T)), IFoo(Of Y, S(Of U)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub VarianceAmbiguity5() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="VarianceAmbiguity5"> <file name="a.vb"> Option Strict On Public Interface IFoo(Of In T, In U) End Interface Class X End Class Class Y End Class NotInheritable Class Z End Class Class W Inherits X End Class Interface J End Interface Interface K End Interface Class GX(Of T) End Class Class GY(Of T) End Class Structure S(Of T) End Structure Class A ' Not conflicting: Neither X or Y derives from each other ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of Y, Integer) End Class Class B ' Conflicting: 1st type argument could convert to type deriving from X implementing J. ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of J, Integer) End Class Class C(Of T, U) ' Not conflicting: 1st type argument has sealed type Z. ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of J, Integer), IFoo(Of Z, Integer) End Class Class D(Of T, U) ' Not conflicting: 1st type argument has value type Integer. ' Dev11 reports not conflicting Implements IFoo(Of Integer, Integer), IFoo(Of X, Integer) End Class Class E ' Conflicting, W derives from X ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of W, Integer), IFoo(Of X, Integer) End Class Class F(Of T) ' Conflicting: X and J cause ambiguity, T and Integer could unify ' Dev11 reports not conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of J, T) End Class Class G(Of T) ' Not conflicting: X and J cause ambiguity, GX(Of T) and Integer can't unify, Integer is value type prevents ambiguity ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of J, GX(Of T)) End Class Class H ' Not conflicting, X and J cause ambiguity, neither X or Z derive from each other. ' Dev11 reports conflicting Implements IFoo(Of X, Z), IFoo(Of J, X) End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of J, Integer)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of X, Integer)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of In T, In U)'. Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of J, Integer) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of X, Integer)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of W, Integer)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of In T, In U)'. Implements IFoo(Of W, Integer), IFoo(Of X, Integer) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC42333: Interface 'IFoo(Of J, T)' is ambiguous with another implemented interface 'IFoo(Of X, Integer)' due to the 'In' and 'Out' parameters in 'Interface IFoo(Of In T, In U)'. Implements IFoo(Of X, Integer), IFoo(Of J, T) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(545863, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545863")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug14589() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation name="Bug14589"> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(x As T) End Interface Class A(Of T) Class B Inherits A(Of B) Implements I(Of B.B) End Class End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'B' must implement 'Sub Foo(x As A(Of A(Of A(Of T).B).B).B)' for interface 'I(Of B)'. Implements I(Of B.B) ~~~~~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(578706, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/578706")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplicitImplementationSourceVsMetadata() Dim source1 = <![CDATA[ public interface I { void Implicit(); void Explicit(); } public class A { public void Implicit() { System.Console.WriteLine("A.Implicit"); } public void Explicit() { System.Console.WriteLine("A.Explicit"); } } public class B : A, I { } ]]> Dim source2 = <compilation name="Lib2"> <file name="a.vb"> Public Class C Inherits B Public Shadows Sub Implicit() System.Console.WriteLine("C.Implicit") End Sub Public Shadows Sub Explicit() System.Console.WriteLine("C.Explicit") End Sub End Class Public Class D Inherits C Implements I Public Shadows Sub Explicit() Implements I.Explicit System.Console.WriteLine("D.Explicit") End Sub End Class </file> </compilation> Dim source3 = <compilation name="Test"> <file name="a.vb"> Module Test Sub Main() Dim a As New A() Dim b As New B() Dim c As New C() Dim d As New D() a.Implicit() b.Implicit() c.Implicit() d.Implicit() System.Console.WriteLine() a.Explicit() b.Explicit() c.Explicit() d.Explicit() System.Console.WriteLine() Dim i As I 'i = a 'i.Implicit() 'i.Explicit() i = b i.Implicit() i.Explicit() i = c i.Implicit() i.Explicit() i = d i.Implicit() i.Explicit() End Sub End Module </file> </compilation> Dim expectedOutput = <![CDATA[ A.Implicit A.Implicit C.Implicit C.Implicit A.Explicit A.Explicit C.Explicit D.Explicit A.Implicit A.Explicit A.Implicit A.Explicit A.Implicit D.Explicit ]]> Dim comp1 = CreateCSharpCompilation("Lib1", source1) Dim ref1a = comp1.EmitToImageReference() Dim ref1b = comp1.EmitToImageReference() Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndReferences(source2, {ref1a}) Dim ref2Metadata = comp2.EmitToImageReference() Dim ref2Source = New VisualBasicCompilationReference(comp2) Dim verifyComp3 As Action(Of MetadataReference, MetadataReference) = Sub(ref1, ref2) Dim comp3 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntimeAndReferences(source3, {ref1, ref2}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe) CompileAndVerify(comp3, expectedOutput:=expectedOutput) Dim globalNamespace = comp3.GlobalNamespace Dim typeI = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("I") Dim typeA = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("A") Dim typeB = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("B") Dim typeC = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("C") Dim typeD = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("D") Dim interfaceImplicit = typeI.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Implicit") Dim interfaceExplicit = typeI.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Explicit") Assert.Null(typeA.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceImplicit)) Assert.Null(typeA.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceExplicit)) Assert.Equal(typeA, typeB.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceImplicit).ContainingType) Assert.Equal(typeA, typeB.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceExplicit).ContainingType) Assert.Equal(typeA, typeC.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceImplicit).ContainingType) Assert.Equal(typeA, typeC.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceExplicit).ContainingType) Assert.Equal(typeA, typeD.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceImplicit).ContainingType) Assert.Equal(typeD, typeD.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceExplicit).ContainingType) ' In metadata, D does not declare that it implements I. Assert.Equal(If(TypeOf ref2 Is MetadataImageReference, 0, 1), typeD.Interfaces.Length) End Sub ' Normal verifyComp3(ref1a, ref2Metadata) verifyComp3(ref1a, ref2Source) ' Retargeting verifyComp3(ref1b, ref2Metadata) verifyComp3(ref1b, ref2Source) End Sub <WorkItem(578746, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/578746")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug578746a() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I(Of T) Sub Foo(Optional x As Integer = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I(Of Integer) Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Integer = 0) Implements I(Of Integer).Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(578746, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/578746")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug578746b() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Decimal = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Decimal = 0.0f) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(578746, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/578746")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug578746c() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Object = Nothing) End Interface Class C Implements I Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Object = 0) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected> BC30149: Class 'C' must implement 'Sub Foo([x As Object = Nothing])' for interface 'I'. Implements I ~ BC30401: 'Foo' cannot implement 'Foo' because there is no matching sub on interface 'I'. Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Object = 0) Implements I.Foo ~~~~~ </expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(578746, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/578746")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug578746d() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Class A : End Class Interface I Sub Foo(Of T As A)(Optional x As A = DirectCast(Nothing, T)) End Interface Class C: Implements I Public Sub Foo(Of T As A)(Optional x As A = Nothing) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(578074, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/578074")> <Fact> Public Sub Bug578074() Dim compilation = CompilationUtils.CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40( <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Interface I Sub Foo(Optional x As Object = 1D) End Interface Class C Implements I Public Sub Foo(Optional x As Object = 1.0D) Implements I.Foo End Sub End Class </file> </compilation>) CompilationUtils.AssertTheseDiagnostics(compilation, <expected></expected>) End Sub <WorkItem(608228, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/608228")> <Fact> Public Sub ImplementPropertyWithByRefParameter() Dim il = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi IRef { .method public newslot specialname abstract strict virtual instance string get_P(int32& x) cil managed { } // end of method IRef::get_P .method public newslot specialname abstract strict virtual instance void set_P(int32& x, string Value) cil managed { } // end of method IRef::set_P .property instance string P(int32&) { .get instance string IRef::get_P(int32&) .set instance void IRef::set_P(int32&, string) } // end of property IRef::P } // end of class IRef ]]> Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Public Class Impl Implements IRef Public Property P(x As Integer) As String Implements IRef.P Get Return Nothing End Get Set(value As String) End Set End Property End Class </file> </compilation> Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithCustomILSource(source, il) ' CONSIDER: Dev11 doesn't report ERR_UnimplementedMember3. compilation.VerifyDiagnostics( Diagnostic(ERRID.ERR_IdentNotMemberOfInterface4, "IRef.P").WithArguments("P", "P", "property", "IRef"), Diagnostic(ERRID.ERR_UnimplementedMember3, "IRef").WithArguments("Class", "Impl", "Property P(ByRef x As Integer) As String", "IRef")) Dim globalNamespace = compilation.GlobalNamespace Dim interfaceType = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("IRef") Dim interfaceProperty = interfaceType.GetMember(Of PropertySymbol)("P") Assert.True(interfaceProperty.Parameters.Single().IsByRef) Dim classType = globalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("Impl") Dim classProperty = classType.GetMember(Of PropertySymbol)("P") Assert.False(classProperty.Parameters.Single().IsByRef) Assert.Null(classType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceProperty)) End Sub <WorkItem(718115, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/718115")> <Fact> Public Sub ExplicitlyImplementedAccessorsWithoutEvent() Dim il = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I { .method public hidebysig newslot specialname abstract virtual instance void add_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action 'value') cil managed { } .method public hidebysig newslot specialname abstract virtual instance void remove_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action 'value') cil managed { } .event [mscorlib]System.Action E { .addon instance void I::add_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action) .removeon instance void I::remove_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action) } } // end of class I .class public auto ansi beforefieldinit Base extends [mscorlib]System.Object implements I { .method private hidebysig newslot specialname virtual final instance void I.add_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action 'value') cil managed { .override I::add_E ldstr "Explicit implementation" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) ret } .method private hidebysig newslot specialname virtual final instance void I.remove_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action 'value') cil managed { .override I::remove_E ret } .method family hidebysig specialname instance void add_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action 'value') cil managed { ldstr "Protected event" call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string) ret } .method family hidebysig specialname instance void remove_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action 'value') cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ldarg.0 call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor() ret } // NOTE: No event I.E .event [mscorlib]System.Action E { .addon instance void Base::add_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action) .removeon instance void Base::remove_E(class [mscorlib]System.Action) } } // end of class Base ]]> Dim source = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Public Class Derived Inherits Base Implements I Public Sub Test() AddHandler DirectCast(Me, I).E, Nothing End Sub End Class Module Program Sub Main() Dim d As New Derived() d.Test() Dim id As I = d AddHandler id.E, Nothing End Sub End Module </file> </compilation> Dim ilRef = CompileIL(il.Value) Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndVBRuntimeAndReferences(source, {ilRef}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe) CompileAndVerify(compilation, expectedOutput:=<![CDATA[ Explicit implementation Explicit implementation ]]>) Dim [global] = compilation.GlobalNamespace Dim [interface] = [global].GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("I") Dim baseType = [global].GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("Base") Dim derivedType = [global].GetMember(Of NamedTypeSymbol)("Derived") Dim interfaceEvent = [interface].GetMember(Of EventSymbol)("E") Dim interfaceAdder = interfaceEvent.AddMethod Dim baseAdder = baseType.GetMembers().OfType(Of MethodSymbol)(). Where(Function(m) m.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Any()). Single(Function(m) m.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Single().MethodKind = MethodKind.EventAdd) Assert.Equal(baseAdder, derivedType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceAdder)) Assert.Equal(baseAdder, baseType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceAdder)) Assert.Null(derivedType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceEvent)) Assert.Null(baseType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceEvent)) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_01() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] M1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) M2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M2 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.M1(Nothing) v.M2(Nothing) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M1(x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.M1 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M1") Return Nothing End Function Public Function M2(x() As Integer) As Integer Implements I1.M2 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M2") Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M1 Implementation.M2 ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1 = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("M1") Assert.Equal(0, m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Dim m1_stub = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("$VB$Stub_M1") Assert.Equal("Function Implementation.$VB$Stub_M1(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m1_stub.ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal(1, m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M1(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Private, m1_stub.DeclaredAccessibility) Assert.True(m1_stub.IsMetadataVirtual) Assert.True(m1_stub.IsMetadataNewSlot) Assert.False(m1_stub.IsOverridable) End Sub) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_02() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance !!T[] M1<T>(!!T modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) & x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance !!S modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) M2<S>(!!S modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) []& x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M2 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() Dim x1 As Integer = 1 Dim x2 As Integer() = Nothing v.M1(Of Integer)(x1) System.Console.WriteLine(x1) v.M2(Of Integer)(x2) System.Console.WriteLine(x2) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M1(Of U)(ByRef x As U) As U() Implements I1.M1 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M1") x = Nothing Return Nothing End Function Public Function M2(Of W)(ByRef x() As W) As W Implements I1.M2 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M2") x = New W() {} Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M1 0 Implementation.M2 System.Int32[] ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1_stub = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("$VB$Stub_M1") Assert.Equal("Function Implementation.$VB$Stub_M1(Of U)(ByRef x As U modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As U()", m1_stub.ToTestDisplayString()) End Sub) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_03() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot specialname abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] get_P1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::get_P1 .method public newslot specialname abstract strict virtual instance void modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) set_P1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x, int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] Value) cil managed { } // end of method I1::set_P1 .method public newslot specialname abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) get_P2() cil managed { } // end of method I1::get_P2 .method public newslot specialname abstract strict virtual instance void modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) set_P2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) Value) cil managed { } // end of method I1::set_P2 .property instance int32[] P1(int32) { .get instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] I1::get_P1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ) .set instance void modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) I1::set_P1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) , int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) []) } // end of property I1::P1 .property instance int32 P2() { .get instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) I1::get_P2() .set instance void modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) I1::set_P2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ) } // end of property I1::P2 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.P1(Nothing) = v.P1(Nothing) v.P2 = 123 System.Console.WriteLine(v.P2) System.Console.WriteLine(DirectCast(v, Implementation).P2) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Property P1(x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.P1 Get System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.P1_get") Return Nothing End Get Set(value As Integer()) System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.P1_set") End Set End Property Public Property P2 As Integer Implements I1.P2 End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.P1_get Implementation.P1_set 123 123 ]]>) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_04() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] M1(int32 x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] M2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.M1(Nothing) v.M2(Nothing) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M12(x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.M1, I1.M2 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M12") Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M12 Implementation.M12 ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1 = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("M12") Assert.Equal(1, m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M1(x As System.Int32) As System.Int32()", m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) Dim m1_stub = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("$VB$Stub_M12") Assert.Equal("Function Implementation.$VB$Stub_M12(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m1_stub.ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal(1, m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M2(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) End Sub) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_05() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] M1(int32 x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] M2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.M1(Nothing) v.M2(Nothing) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M12(x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.M2, I1.M1 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M12") Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M12 Implementation.M12 ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1 = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("M12") Assert.Equal(1, m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M1(x As System.Int32) As System.Int32()", m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) Dim m1_stub = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("$VB$Stub_M12") Assert.Equal("Function Implementation.$VB$Stub_M12(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m1_stub.ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal(1, m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M2(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) End Sub) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_06() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) M1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) [] M2(int32 x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.M1(Nothing) v.M2(Nothing) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M12(x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.M2, I1.M1 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M12") Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M12 Implementation.M12 ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1 = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("M12") Assert.Equal(0, m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Dim m12_stubs = t.GetMembers("$VB$Stub_M12") Assert.Equal(2, m12_stubs.Length) Dim m1_stub As MethodSymbol Dim m2_stub As MethodSymbol If DirectCast(m12_stubs(0), MethodSymbol).ReturnTypeCustomModifiers.IsEmpty Then m2_stub = DirectCast(m12_stubs(0), MethodSymbol) m1_stub = DirectCast(m12_stubs(1), MethodSymbol) Else m2_stub = DirectCast(m12_stubs(1), MethodSymbol) m1_stub = DirectCast(m12_stubs(0), MethodSymbol) End If Assert.Equal("Function Implementation.$VB$Stub_M12(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32() modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)", m1_stub.ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal(1, m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M1(x As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)) As System.Int32() modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong)", m1_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal("Function Implementation.$VB$Stub_M12(x As System.Int32) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m2_stub.ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.Equal(1, m2_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Assert.Equal("Function I1.M2(x As System.Int32) As System.Int32 modopt(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) ()", m2_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(0).ToTestDisplayString()) End Sub) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_07() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) M1(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) M2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.M1(Nothing) v.M2(Nothing) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M12(x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.M2, I1.M1 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M12") Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M12 Implementation.M12 ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1 = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("M12") Assert.Equal(0, m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Dim m12_stub = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("$VB$Stub_M12") Assert.Equal(2, m12_stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) End Sub) End Sub <WorkItem(819295, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/819295")> <Fact> Public Sub CustomModifiers_08() Dim ilSource = <![CDATA[ .class interface public abstract auto ansi I1 { .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] M1(int32 & modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 .method public newslot abstract strict virtual instance int32[] M2(int32 modopt([mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong) & x) cil managed { } // end of method I1::M1 } // end of class I1 ]]>.Value Dim vbSource = <compilation> <file name="c.vb"><![CDATA[ Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim v As I1 = New Implementation() v.M1(Nothing) v.M2(Nothing) End Sub End Module Class Implementation Implements I1 Public Function M12(ByRef x As Integer) As Integer() Implements I1.M2, I1.M1 System.Console.WriteLine("Implementation.M12") Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]> </file> </compilation> Dim reference As MetadataReference = Nothing Using tempAssembly = IlasmUtilities.CreateTempAssembly(ilSource) reference = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(ReadFromFile(tempAssembly.Path)) End Using Dim compilation = CreateEmptyCompilationWithReferences(vbSource, {MscorlibRef, MsvbRef, reference}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All)) CompileAndVerify(compilation, <![CDATA[ Implementation.M12 Implementation.M12 ]]>, symbolValidator:=Sub(m As ModuleSymbol) Dim t = m.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMember("Implementation") Dim m1 = t.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("M12") Assert.Equal(0, m1.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Dim m12_stubs = t.GetMembers("$VB$Stub_M12") Assert.Equal(2, m12_stubs.Length) For Each stub As MethodSymbol In m12_stubs Assert.Equal(1, stub.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations.Length) Next End Sub) End Sub End Class End Namespace
Imports System Imports Data = lombok.Data Imports EqualsAndHashCode = lombok.EqualsAndHashCode Imports val = lombok.val Imports InputType = org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType Imports InvalidInputTypeException = org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InvalidInputTypeException Imports LayerMemoryReport = org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.memory.LayerMemoryReport Imports MemoryReport = org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.memory.MemoryReport Imports ComputationGraph = org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph Imports DataType = org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType Imports INDArray = org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray Imports JsonProperty = org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty ' ' * ****************************************************************************** ' * * ' * * ' * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ' * * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at ' * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ' * * ' * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional ' * * information regarding copyright ownership. ' * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ' * * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ' * * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations ' * * under the License. ' * * ' * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ' * ***************************************************************************** ' Namespace org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph 'JAVA TO VB CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: 'ORIGINAL LINE: @Data @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false) public class L2NormalizeVertex extends GraphVertex <Serializable> Public Class L2NormalizeVertex Inherits GraphVertex Public Const DEFAULT_EPS As Double = 1e-8 Protected Friend dimension() As Integer Protected Friend eps As Double Public Sub New() Me.New(Nothing, DEFAULT_EPS) End Sub 'JAVA TO VB CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: 'ORIGINAL LINE: public L2NormalizeVertex(@JsonProperty("dimension") int[] dimension, @JsonProperty("eps") double eps) Public Sub New(ByVal dimension() As Integer, ByVal eps As Double) Me.dimension = dimension Me.eps = eps End Sub Public Overrides Function clone() As L2NormalizeVertex Return New L2NormalizeVertex(dimension, eps) End Function Public Overrides Function numParams(ByVal backprop As Boolean) As Long Return 0 End Function Public Overrides Function minVertexInputs() As Integer Return 1 End Function Public Overrides Function maxVertexInputs() As Integer Return 1 End Function Public Overrides Function instantiate(ByVal graph As ComputationGraph, ByVal name As String, ByVal idx As Integer, ByVal paramsView As INDArray, ByVal initializeParams As Boolean, ByVal networkDatatype As DataType) As org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.GraphVertex Return New org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.impl.L2NormalizeVertex(graph, name, idx, dimension, eps, networkDatatype) End Function 'JAVA TO VB CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in VB: 'ORIGINAL LINE: @Override public org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType getOutputType(int layerIndex, org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType... vertexInputs) throws org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InvalidInputTypeException Public Overrides Function getOutputType(ByVal layerIndex As Integer, ParamArray ByVal vertexInputs() As InputType) As InputType If vertexInputs.Length = 1 Then Return vertexInputs(0) End If Dim first As InputType = vertexInputs(0) Return first 'Same output shape/size as End Function Public Overrides Function getMemoryReport(ParamArray ByVal inputTypes() As InputType) As MemoryReport Dim outputType As InputType = getOutputType(-1, inputTypes) 'norm2 value (inference working mem): 1 per example during forward pass 'Training working mem: 2 per example + 2x input size + 1 per example (in addition to epsilons) Dim trainModePerEx As val = 3 + 2 * inputTypes(0).arrayElementsPerExample() Return (New LayerMemoryReport.Builder(Nothing, GetType(L2NormalizeVertex), inputTypes(0), outputType)).standardMemory(0, 0).workingMemory(0, 1, 0, trainModePerEx).cacheMemory(0, 0).build() End Function End Class End Namespace
Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following ' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information ' associated with an assembly. ' Review the values of the assembly attributes <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("WindowsApplication1")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("WindowsApplication1")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2012")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> <Assembly: ComVisible(False)> 'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM <Assembly: Guid("c84f09af-85a8-4e4b-9a52-bd5bbd67b323")> ' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: ' ' Major Version ' Minor Version ' Build Number ' Revision ' ' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers ' by using the '*' as shown below: ' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
Imports org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors Imports ListenerEvent = org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.enums.ListenerEvent Imports SequenceElement = org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.sequence.SequenceElement ' ' * ****************************************************************************** ' * * ' * * ' * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ' * * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at ' * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ' * * ' * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional ' * * information regarding copyright ownership. ' * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ' * * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ' * * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations ' * * under the License. ' * * ' * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ' * ***************************************************************************** ' Namespace org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.interfaces Public Interface VectorsListener(Of T As org.deeplearning4j.models.sequencevectors.sequence.SequenceElement) ''' <summary> ''' This method is called prior each processEvent call, to check if this specific VectorsListener implementation is viable for specific event ''' </summary> ''' <param name="event"> </param> ''' <param name="argument"> </param> ''' <returns> TRUE, if this event can and should be processed with this listener, FALSE otherwise </returns> Function validateEvent(ByVal [event] As ListenerEvent, ByVal argument As Long) As Boolean ''' <summary> ''' This method is called at each epoch end ''' </summary> ''' <param name="event"> </param> ''' <param name="sequenceVectors"> </param> Sub processEvent(ByVal [event] As ListenerEvent, ByVal sequenceVectors As SequenceVectors(Of T), ByVal argument As Long) End Interface End Namespace
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:2.0.50727.3053 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict Off Option Explicit On '''<summary> '''Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data. '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.Serializable(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true), _ Global.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetTypedDataSetSchema"), _ Global.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("DataSetCashCountDaily"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.DataSet")> _ Partial Public Class DataSetCashCountDaily Inherits Global.System.Data.DataSet Private tabletblPatientReceipt As tblPatientReceiptDataTable Private _schemaSerializationMode As Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New Me.BeginInit Me.InitClass Dim schemaChangedHandler As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = AddressOf Me.SchemaChanged AddHandler MyBase.Tables.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler AddHandler MyBase.Relations.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler Me.EndInit End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Sub New(ByVal info As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, ByVal context As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) MyBase.New(info, context, false) If (Me.IsBinarySerialized(info, context) = true) Then Me.InitVars(false) Dim schemaChangedHandler1 As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = AddressOf Me.SchemaChanged AddHandler Me.Tables.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler1 AddHandler Me.Relations.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler1 Return End If Dim strSchema As String = CType(info.GetValue("XmlSchema", GetType(String)),String) If (Me.DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(info, context) = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema) Then Dim ds As Global.System.Data.DataSet = New Global.System.Data.DataSet ds.ReadXmlSchema(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextReader(New Global.System.IO.StringReader(strSchema))) If (Not (ds.Tables("tblPatientReceipt")) Is Nothing) Then MyBase.Tables.Add(New tblPatientReceiptDataTable(ds.Tables("tblPatientReceipt"))) End If Me.DataSetName = ds.DataSetName Me.Prefix = ds.Prefix Me.Namespace = ds.Namespace Me.Locale = ds.Locale Me.CaseSensitive = ds.CaseSensitive Me.EnforceConstraints = ds.EnforceConstraints Me.Merge(ds, false, Global.System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Add) Me.InitVars Else Me.ReadXmlSchema(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextReader(New Global.System.IO.StringReader(strSchema))) End If Me.GetSerializationData(info, context) Dim schemaChangedHandler As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = AddressOf Me.SchemaChanged AddHandler MyBase.Tables.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler AddHandler Me.Relations.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _ Public ReadOnly Property tblPatientReceipt() As tblPatientReceiptDataTable Get Return Me.tabletblPatientReceipt End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> _ Public Overrides Property SchemaSerializationMode() As Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode Get Return Me._schemaSerializationMode End Get Set Me._schemaSerializationMode = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _ Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Tables() As Global.System.Data.DataTableCollection Get Return MyBase.Tables End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _ Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Relations() As Global.System.Data.DataRelationCollection Get Return MyBase.Relations End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub InitializeDerivedDataSet() Me.BeginInit Me.InitClass Me.EndInit End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Overrides Function Clone() As Global.System.Data.DataSet Dim cln As DataSetCashCountDaily = CType(MyBase.Clone,DataSetCashCountDaily) cln.InitVars cln.SchemaSerializationMode = Me.SchemaSerializationMode Return cln End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Function ShouldSerializeTables() As Boolean Return false End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Function ShouldSerializeRelations() As Boolean Return false End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub ReadXmlSerializable(ByVal reader As Global.System.Xml.XmlReader) If (Me.DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(reader) = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema) Then Me.Reset Dim ds As Global.System.Data.DataSet = New Global.System.Data.DataSet ds.ReadXml(reader) If (Not (ds.Tables("tblPatientReceipt")) Is Nothing) Then MyBase.Tables.Add(New tblPatientReceiptDataTable(ds.Tables("tblPatientReceipt"))) End If Me.DataSetName = ds.DataSetName Me.Prefix = ds.Prefix Me.Namespace = ds.Namespace Me.Locale = ds.Locale Me.CaseSensitive = ds.CaseSensitive Me.EnforceConstraints = ds.EnforceConstraints Me.Merge(ds, false, Global.System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Add) Me.InitVars Else Me.ReadXml(reader) Me.InitVars End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Function GetSchemaSerializable() As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema Dim stream As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream Me.WriteXmlSchema(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(stream, Nothing)) stream.Position = 0 Return Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Read(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextReader(stream), Nothing) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Friend Overloads Sub InitVars() Me.InitVars(true) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Friend Overloads Sub InitVars(ByVal initTable As Boolean) Me.tabletblPatientReceipt = CType(MyBase.Tables("tblPatientReceipt"),tblPatientReceiptDataTable) If (initTable = true) Then If (Not (Me.tabletblPatientReceipt) Is Nothing) Then Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InitVars End If End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Sub InitClass() Me.DataSetName = "DataSetCashCountDaily" Me.Prefix = "" Me.Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/DataSetCashCountDaily.xsd" Me.EnforceConstraints = true Me.SchemaSerializationMode = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema Me.tabletblPatientReceipt = New tblPatientReceiptDataTable MyBase.Tables.Add(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Function ShouldSerializetblPatientReceipt() As Boolean Return false End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Sub SchemaChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs) If (e.Action = Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction.Remove) Then Me.InitVars End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Shared Function GetTypedDataSetSchema(ByVal xs As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet) As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType Dim ds As DataSetCashCountDaily = New DataSetCashCountDaily Dim type As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType Dim sequence As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence Dim any As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any.Namespace = ds.Namespace sequence.Items.Add(any) type.Particle = sequence Dim dsSchema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable If xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace) Then Dim s1 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream Dim s2 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream Try Dim schema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = Nothing dsSchema.Write(s1) Dim schemas As Global.System.Collections.IEnumerator = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator Do While schemas.MoveNext schema = CType(schemas.Current,Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema) s2.SetLength(0) schema.Write(s2) If (s1.Length = s2.Length) Then s1.Position = 0 s2.Position = 0 Do While ((s1.Position <> s1.Length) _ AndAlso (s1.ReadByte = s2.ReadByte)) Loop If (s1.Position = s1.Length) Then Return type End If End If Loop Finally If (Not (s1) Is Nothing) Then s1.Close End If If (Not (s2) Is Nothing) Then s2.Close End If End Try End If xs.Add(dsSchema) Return type End Function Public Delegate Sub tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEvent) '''<summary> '''Represents the strongly named DataTable class. '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.Serializable(), _ Global.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetTypedTableSchema")> _ Partial Public Class tblPatientReceiptDataTable Inherits Global.System.Data.DataTable Implements Global.System.Collections.IEnumerable Private columnDateIn As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnCashUSD As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnCashRiel As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnOutPatientUSD As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnOutPatientRiel As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnInPatientUSD As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnInPatientRiel As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnGlassFeeUSD As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnGlassFeeRiel As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnArtificialEyeFeeUSD As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnArtificialEyeFeeRiel As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnOtherFeeUSD As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnOtherFeeRiel As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnHN As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnID As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnIDCashReceipt As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnReceiptNo As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnHN1 As Global.System.Data.DataColumn <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New Me.TableName = "tblPatientReceipt" Me.BeginInit Me.InitClass Me.EndInit End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Friend Sub New(ByVal table As Global.System.Data.DataTable) MyBase.New Me.TableName = table.TableName If (table.CaseSensitive <> table.DataSet.CaseSensitive) Then Me.CaseSensitive = table.CaseSensitive End If If (table.Locale.ToString <> table.DataSet.Locale.ToString) Then Me.Locale = table.Locale End If If (table.Namespace <> table.DataSet.Namespace) Then Me.Namespace = table.Namespace End If Me.Prefix = table.Prefix Me.MinimumCapacity = table.MinimumCapacity End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Sub New(ByVal info As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, ByVal context As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) MyBase.New(info, context) Me.InitVars End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property DateInColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnDateIn End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property CashUSDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnCashUSD End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property CashRielColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnCashRiel End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property OutPatientUSDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnOutPatientUSD End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property OutPatientRielColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnOutPatientRiel End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property InPatientUSDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnInPatientUSD End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property InPatientRielColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnInPatientRiel End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property GlassFeeUSDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnGlassFeeUSD End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property GlassFeeRielColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnGlassFeeRiel End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property ArtificialEyeFeeUSDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeUSD End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property ArtificialEyeFeeRielColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeRiel End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property OtherFeeUSDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnOtherFeeUSD End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property OtherFeeRielColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnOtherFeeRiel End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property HNColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnHN End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property IDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnID End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property IDCashReceiptColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnIDCashReceipt End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property ReceiptNoColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnReceiptNo End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property HN1Column() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnHN1 End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer Get Return Me.Rows.Count End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As tblPatientReceiptRow Get Return CType(Me.Rows(index),tblPatientReceiptRow) End Get End Property Public Event tblPatientReceiptRowChanging As tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEventHandler Public Event tblPatientReceiptRowChanged As tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEventHandler Public Event tblPatientReceiptRowDeleting As tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEventHandler Public Event tblPatientReceiptRowDeleted As tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEventHandler <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Overloads Sub AddtblPatientReceiptRow(ByVal row As tblPatientReceiptRow) Me.Rows.Add(row) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Overloads Function AddtblPatientReceiptRow( _ ByVal DateIn As String, _ ByVal CashUSD As Double, _ ByVal CashRiel As Double, _ ByVal OutPatientUSD As Double, _ ByVal OutPatientRiel As Double, _ ByVal InPatientUSD As Double, _ ByVal InPatientRiel As Double, _ ByVal GlassFeeUSD As Double, _ ByVal GlassFeeRiel As Double, _ ByVal ArtificialEyeFeeUSD As Double, _ ByVal ArtificialEyeFeeRiel As Double, _ ByVal OtherFeeUSD As Double, _ ByVal OtherFeeRiel As Double, _ ByVal HN As Long, _ ByVal IDCashReceipt As String, _ ByVal ReceiptNo As Long, _ ByVal HN1 As Decimal) As tblPatientReceiptRow Dim rowtblPatientReceiptRow As tblPatientReceiptRow = CType(Me.NewRow,tblPatientReceiptRow) Dim columnValuesArray() As Object = New Object() {DateIn, CashUSD, CashRiel, OutPatientUSD, OutPatientRiel, InPatientUSD, InPatientRiel, GlassFeeUSD, GlassFeeRiel, ArtificialEyeFeeUSD, ArtificialEyeFeeRiel, OtherFeeUSD, OtherFeeRiel, HN, Nothing, IDCashReceipt, ReceiptNo, HN1} rowtblPatientReceiptRow.ItemArray = columnValuesArray Me.Rows.Add(rowtblPatientReceiptRow) Return rowtblPatientReceiptRow End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function FindByIDReceiptNo(ByVal ID As Long, ByVal ReceiptNo As Long) As tblPatientReceiptRow Return CType(Me.Rows.Find(New Object() {ID, ReceiptNo}),tblPatientReceiptRow) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Overridable Function GetEnumerator() As Global.System.Collections.IEnumerator Implements Global.System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator Return Me.Rows.GetEnumerator End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Overrides Function Clone() As Global.System.Data.DataTable Dim cln As tblPatientReceiptDataTable = CType(MyBase.Clone,tblPatientReceiptDataTable) cln.InitVars Return cln End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Function CreateInstance() As Global.System.Data.DataTable Return New tblPatientReceiptDataTable End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Friend Sub InitVars() Me.columnDateIn = MyBase.Columns("DateIn") Me.columnCashUSD = MyBase.Columns("CashUSD") Me.columnCashRiel = MyBase.Columns("CashRiel") Me.columnOutPatientUSD = MyBase.Columns("OutPatientUSD") Me.columnOutPatientRiel = MyBase.Columns("OutPatientRiel") Me.columnInPatientUSD = MyBase.Columns("InPatientUSD") Me.columnInPatientRiel = MyBase.Columns("InPatientRiel") Me.columnGlassFeeUSD = MyBase.Columns("GlassFeeUSD") Me.columnGlassFeeRiel = MyBase.Columns("GlassFeeRiel") Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeUSD = MyBase.Columns("ArtificialEyeFeeUSD") Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeRiel = MyBase.Columns("ArtificialEyeFeeRiel") Me.columnOtherFeeUSD = MyBase.Columns("OtherFeeUSD") Me.columnOtherFeeRiel = MyBase.Columns("OtherFeeRiel") Me.columnHN = MyBase.Columns("HN") Me.columnID = MyBase.Columns("ID") Me.columnIDCashReceipt = MyBase.Columns("IDCashReceipt") Me.columnReceiptNo = MyBase.Columns("ReceiptNo") Me.columnHN1 = MyBase.Columns("HN1") End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Sub InitClass() Me.columnDateIn = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("DateIn", GetType(String), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnDateIn) Me.columnCashUSD = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("CashUSD", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnCashUSD) Me.columnCashRiel = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("CashRiel", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnCashRiel) Me.columnOutPatientUSD = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("OutPatientUSD", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnOutPatientUSD) Me.columnOutPatientRiel = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("OutPatientRiel", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnOutPatientRiel) Me.columnInPatientUSD = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("InPatientUSD", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnInPatientUSD) Me.columnInPatientRiel = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("InPatientRiel", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnInPatientRiel) Me.columnGlassFeeUSD = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("GlassFeeUSD", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnGlassFeeUSD) Me.columnGlassFeeRiel = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("GlassFeeRiel", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnGlassFeeRiel) Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeUSD = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeUSD) Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeRiel = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnArtificialEyeFeeRiel) Me.columnOtherFeeUSD = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("OtherFeeUSD", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnOtherFeeUSD) Me.columnOtherFeeRiel = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("OtherFeeRiel", GetType(Double), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnOtherFeeRiel) Me.columnHN = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("HN", GetType(Long), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnHN) Me.columnID = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("ID", GetType(Long), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnID) Me.columnIDCashReceipt = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("IDCashReceipt", GetType(String), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnIDCashReceipt) Me.columnReceiptNo = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("ReceiptNo", GetType(Long), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnReceiptNo) Me.columnHN1 = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("HN1", GetType(Decimal), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnHN1) Me.Constraints.Add(New Global.System.Data.UniqueConstraint("Constraint1", New Global.System.Data.DataColumn() {Me.columnID, Me.columnReceiptNo}, true)) Me.columnDateIn.ReadOnly = true Me.columnDateIn.MaxLength = 11 Me.columnOutPatientUSD.ReadOnly = true Me.columnOutPatientRiel.ReadOnly = true Me.columnInPatientUSD.ReadOnly = true Me.columnInPatientRiel.ReadOnly = true Me.columnHN.AllowDBNull = false Me.columnID.AutoIncrement = true Me.columnID.AllowDBNull = false Me.columnID.ReadOnly = true Me.columnIDCashReceipt.AllowDBNull = false Me.columnIDCashReceipt.MaxLength = 50 Me.columnReceiptNo.AllowDBNull = false Me.columnHN1.AllowDBNull = false Me.columnHN1.Caption = "HN" End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function NewtblPatientReceiptRow() As tblPatientReceiptRow Return CType(Me.NewRow,tblPatientReceiptRow) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Function NewRowFromBuilder(ByVal builder As Global.System.Data.DataRowBuilder) As Global.System.Data.DataRow Return New tblPatientReceiptRow(builder) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Function GetRowType() As Global.System.Type Return GetType(tblPatientReceiptRow) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowChanged(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowChanged(e) If (Not (Me.tblPatientReceiptRowChangedEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent tblPatientReceiptRowChanged(Me, New tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,tblPatientReceiptRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowChanging(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowChanging(e) If (Not (Me.tblPatientReceiptRowChangingEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent tblPatientReceiptRowChanging(Me, New tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,tblPatientReceiptRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowDeleted(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowDeleted(e) If (Not (Me.tblPatientReceiptRowDeletedEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent tblPatientReceiptRowDeleted(Me, New tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,tblPatientReceiptRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowDeleting(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowDeleting(e) If (Not (Me.tblPatientReceiptRowDeletingEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent tblPatientReceiptRowDeleting(Me, New tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,tblPatientReceiptRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub RemovetblPatientReceiptRow(ByVal row As tblPatientReceiptRow) Me.Rows.Remove(row) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Shared Function GetTypedTableSchema(ByVal xs As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet) As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType Dim type As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType Dim sequence As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence Dim ds As DataSetCashCountDaily = New DataSetCashCountDaily Dim any1 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any1.Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" any1.MinOccurs = New Decimal(0) any1.MaxOccurs = Decimal.MaxValue any1.ProcessContents = Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax sequence.Items.Add(any1) Dim any2 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny any2.Namespace = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1" any2.MinOccurs = New Decimal(1) any2.ProcessContents = Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax sequence.Items.Add(any2) Dim attribute1 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute1.Name = "namespace" attribute1.FixedValue = ds.Namespace type.Attributes.Add(attribute1) Dim attribute2 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute attribute2.Name = "tableTypeName" attribute2.FixedValue = "tblPatientReceiptDataTable" type.Attributes.Add(attribute2) type.Particle = sequence Dim dsSchema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable If xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace) Then Dim s1 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream Dim s2 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream Try Dim schema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = Nothing dsSchema.Write(s1) Dim schemas As Global.System.Collections.IEnumerator = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator Do While schemas.MoveNext schema = CType(schemas.Current,Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema) s2.SetLength(0) schema.Write(s2) If (s1.Length = s2.Length) Then s1.Position = 0 s2.Position = 0 Do While ((s1.Position <> s1.Length) _ AndAlso (s1.ReadByte = s2.ReadByte)) Loop If (s1.Position = s1.Length) Then Return type End If End If Loop Finally If (Not (s1) Is Nothing) Then s1.Close End If If (Not (s2) Is Nothing) Then s2.Close End If End Try End If xs.Add(dsSchema) Return type End Function End Class '''<summary> '''Represents strongly named DataRow class. '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Partial Public Class tblPatientReceiptRow Inherits Global.System.Data.DataRow Private tabletblPatientReceipt As tblPatientReceiptDataTable <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Friend Sub New(ByVal rb As Global.System.Data.DataRowBuilder) MyBase.New(rb) Me.tabletblPatientReceipt = CType(Me.Table,tblPatientReceiptDataTable) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property DateIn() As String Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.DateInColumn),String) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'DateIn' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.DateInColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property CashUSD() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashUSDColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'CashUSD' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashUSDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property CashRiel() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashRielColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'CashRiel' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashRielColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property OutPatientUSD() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientUSDColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'OutPatientUSD' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientUSDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property OutPatientRiel() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientRielColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'OutPatientRiel' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientRielColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property InPatientUSD() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientUSDColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'InPatientUSD' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientUSDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property InPatientRiel() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientRielColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'InPatientRiel' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientRielColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property GlassFeeUSD() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeUSDColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'GlassFeeUSD' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeUSDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property GlassFeeRiel() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeRielColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'GlassFeeRiel' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeRielColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property ArtificialEyeFeeUSD() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeUSDColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'ArtificialEyeFeeUSD' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull"& _ ".", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeUSDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property ArtificialEyeFeeRiel() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeRielColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'ArtificialEyeFeeRiel' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNul"& _ "l.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeRielColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property OtherFeeUSD() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeUSDColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'OtherFeeUSD' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeUSDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property OtherFeeRiel() As Double Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeRielColumn),Double) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'OtherFeeRiel' in table 'tblPatientReceipt' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeRielColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property HN() As Long Get Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.HNColumn),Long) End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.HNColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property ID() As Long Get Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.IDColumn),Long) End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.IDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property IDCashReceipt() As String Get Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.IDCashReceiptColumn),String) End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.IDCashReceiptColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property ReceiptNo() As Long Get Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ReceiptNoColumn),Long) End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ReceiptNoColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property HN1() As Decimal Get Return CType(Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.HN1Column),Decimal) End Get Set Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.HN1Column) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsDateInNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.DateInColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetDateInNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.DateInColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsCashUSDNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashUSDColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetCashUSDNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashUSDColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsCashRielNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashRielColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetCashRielNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.CashRielColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsOutPatientUSDNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientUSDColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetOutPatientUSDNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientUSDColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsOutPatientRielNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientRielColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetOutPatientRielNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OutPatientRielColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsInPatientUSDNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientUSDColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetInPatientUSDNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientUSDColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsInPatientRielNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientRielColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetInPatientRielNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.InPatientRielColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsGlassFeeUSDNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeUSDColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetGlassFeeUSDNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeUSDColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsGlassFeeRielNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeRielColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetGlassFeeRielNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.GlassFeeRielColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsArtificialEyeFeeUSDNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeUSDColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetArtificialEyeFeeUSDNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeUSDColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsArtificialEyeFeeRielNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeRielColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetArtificialEyeFeeRielNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.ArtificialEyeFeeRielColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsOtherFeeUSDNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeUSDColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetOtherFeeUSDNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeUSDColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Function IsOtherFeeRielNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeRielColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub SetOtherFeeRielNull() Me(Me.tabletblPatientReceipt.OtherFeeRielColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub End Class '''<summary> '''Row event argument class '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Class tblPatientReceiptRowChangeEvent Inherits Global.System.EventArgs Private eventRow As tblPatientReceiptRow Private eventAction As Global.System.Data.DataRowAction <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub New(ByVal row As tblPatientReceiptRow, ByVal action As Global.System.Data.DataRowAction) MyBase.New Me.eventRow = row Me.eventAction = action End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property Row() As tblPatientReceiptRow Get Return Me.eventRow End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public ReadOnly Property Action() As Global.System.Data.DataRowAction Get Return Me.eventAction End Get End Property End Class End Class Namespace DataSetCashCountDailyTableAdapters '''<summary> '''Represents the connection and commands used to retrieve and save data. '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.DataSource.Design.TableAdapterDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner"& _ ", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Partial Public Class tblPatientReceiptTableAdapter Inherits Global.System.ComponentModel.Component Private WithEvents _adapter As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Private _connection As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Private _commandCollection() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Private _clearBeforeFill As Boolean <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New Me.ClearBeforeFill = true End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private ReadOnly Property Adapter() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Get If (Me._adapter Is Nothing) Then Me.InitAdapter End If Return Me._adapter End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Friend Property Connection() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Get If (Me._connection Is Nothing) Then Me.InitConnection End If Return Me._connection End Get Set Me._connection = value If (Not (Me.Adapter.InsertCommand) Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Connection = value End If If (Not (Me.Adapter.DeleteCommand) Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.DeleteCommand.Connection = value End If If (Not (Me.Adapter.UpdateCommand) Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.UpdateCommand.Connection = value End If Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < Me.CommandCollection.Length) If (Not (Me.CommandCollection(i)) Is Nothing) Then CType(Me.CommandCollection(i),Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand).Connection = value End If i = (i + 1) Loop End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Protected ReadOnly Property CommandCollection() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand() Get If (Me._commandCollection Is Nothing) Then Me.InitCommandCollection End If Return Me._commandCollection End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Public Property ClearBeforeFill() As Boolean Get Return Me._clearBeforeFill End Get Set Me._clearBeforeFill = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Sub InitAdapter() Me._adapter = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Dim tableMapping As Global.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping = New Global.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping tableMapping.SourceTable = "Table" tableMapping.DataSetTable = "tblPatientReceipt" tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("DateIn", "DateIn") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("CashUSD", "CashUSD") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("CashRiel", "CashRiel") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("OutPatientUSD", "OutPatientUSD") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("OutPatientRiel", "OutPatientRiel") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("InPatientUSD", "InPatientUSD") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("InPatientRiel", "InPatientRiel") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("GlassFeeUSD", "GlassFeeUSD") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("GlassFeeRiel", "GlassFeeRiel") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("OtherFeeUSD", "OtherFeeUSD") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("OtherFeeRiel", "OtherFeeRiel") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("ID", "ID") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("IDCashReceipt", "IDCashReceipt") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("ReceiptNo", "ReceiptNo") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("HN", "HN1") Me._adapter.TableMappings.Add(tableMapping) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Connection = Me.Connection Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [tblPatientReceipt] WHERE (((@IsNull_CashUSD = 1 AND [CashUSD] IS NUL"& _ "L) OR ([CashUSD] = @Original_CashUSD)) AND ((@IsNull_CashRiel = 1 AND [CashRiel]"& _ " IS NULL) OR ([CashRiel] = @Original_CashRiel)) AND ((@IsNull_InPatientRiel = 1 "& _ "AND [OperationFeeRiel] IS NULL) OR ([OperationFeeRiel] = @Original_InPatientRiel"& _ ")) AND ((@IsNull_GlassFeeUSD = 1 AND [GlassFeeUSD] IS NULL) OR ([GlassFeeUSD] = "& _ "@Original_GlassFeeUSD)) AND ((@IsNull_GlassFeeRiel = 1 AND [GlassFeeRiel] IS NUL"& _ "L) OR ([GlassFeeRiel] = @Original_GlassFeeRiel)) AND ((@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeU"& _ "SD = 1 AND [ArtificialEyeFeeUSD] IS NULL) OR ([ArtificialEyeFeeUSD] = @Original_"& _ "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD)) AND ((@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel = 1 AND [ArtificialEyeF"& _ "eeRiel] IS NULL) OR ([ArtificialEyeFeeRiel] = @Original_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel)) A"& _ "ND ((@IsNull_OtherFeeUSD = 1 AND [OtherFeeUSD] IS NULL) OR ([OtherFeeUSD] = @Ori"& _ "ginal_OtherFeeUSD)) AND ((@IsNull_OtherFeeRiel = 1 AND [OtherFeeRiel] IS NULL) O"& _ "R ([OtherFeeRiel] = @Original_OtherFeeRiel)) AND ([HN] = @Original_HN) AND ([ID]"& _ " = @Original_ID) AND ([IDCashReceipt] = @Original_IDCashReceipt) AND ([ReceiptNo"& _ "] = @Original_ReceiptNo))" Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.CommandType = Global.System.Data.CommandType.Text Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_CashUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_CashUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_CashRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_CashRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_HN", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.[Decimal], 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 18, 0, "HN", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ID", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ID", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Connection = Me.Connection Me._adapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [tblPatientReceipt] ([CashUSD], [CashRiel], [OperationFeeRiel], [Glas"& _ "sFeeUSD], [GlassFeeRiel], [ArtificialEyeFeeUSD], [ArtificialEyeFeeRiel], [OtherF"& _ "eeUSD], [OtherFeeRiel], [HN], [IDCashReceipt], [ReceiptNo]) VALUES (@CashUSD, @C"& _ "ashRiel, @InPatientRiel, @GlassFeeUSD, @GlassFeeRiel, @ArtificialEyeFeeUSD, @Art"& _ "ificialEyeFeeRiel, @OtherFeeUSD, @OtherFeeRiel, @HN, @IDCashReceipt, @ReceiptNo)"& _ ";"&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)&"SELECT CONVERT (VARCHAR(11), DateIn, 106) AS DateIn, CashUSD, CashRiel, Consu"& _ "ltationFeeUSD + FollowUpFeeUSD AS OutPatientUSD, ConsultationFeeRiel + FollowUpF"& _ "eeRiel AS OutPatientRiel, OperationFeeUSD + MedicineFeeUSD AS InPatientUSD, Oper"& _ "ationFeeRiel AS InPatientRiel, GlassFeeUSD, GlassFeeRiel, ArtificialEyeFeeUSD, A"& _ "rtificialEyeFeeRiel, OtherFeeUSD, OtherFeeRiel, HN, ID, IDCashReceipt, ReceiptNo"& _ " FROM tblPatientReceipt WHERE (ID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()) AND (ReceiptNo = @ReceiptN"& _ "o)" Me._adapter.InsertCommand.CommandType = Global.System.Data.CommandType.Text Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CashUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CashRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@HN", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.[Decimal], 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 18, 0, "HN", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Connection = Me.Connection Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE [tblPatientReceipt] SET [CashUSD] = @CashUSD, [CashRiel] = @CashRiel, [Ope"& _ "rationFeeRiel] = @InPatientRiel, [GlassFeeUSD] = @GlassFeeUSD, [GlassFeeRiel] = "& _ "@GlassFeeRiel, [ArtificialEyeFeeUSD] = @ArtificialEyeFeeUSD, [ArtificialEyeFeeRi"& _ "el] = @ArtificialEyeFeeRiel, [OtherFeeUSD] = @OtherFeeUSD, [OtherFeeRiel] = @Oth"& _ "erFeeRiel, [HN] = @HN, [IDCashReceipt] = @IDCashReceipt, [ReceiptNo] = @ReceiptN"& _ "o WHERE (((@IsNull_CashUSD = 1 AND [CashUSD] IS NULL) OR ([CashUSD] = @Original_"& _ "CashUSD)) AND ((@IsNull_CashRiel = 1 AND [CashRiel] IS NULL) OR ([CashRiel] = @O"& _ "riginal_CashRiel)) AND ((@IsNull_InPatientRiel = 1 AND [OperationFeeRiel] IS NUL"& _ "L) OR ([OperationFeeRiel] = @Original_InPatientRiel)) AND ((@IsNull_GlassFeeUSD "& _ "= 1 AND [GlassFeeUSD] IS NULL) OR ([GlassFeeUSD] = @Original_GlassFeeUSD)) AND ("& _ "(@IsNull_GlassFeeRiel = 1 AND [GlassFeeRiel] IS NULL) OR ([GlassFeeRiel] = @Orig"& _ "inal_GlassFeeRiel)) AND ((@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeUSD = 1 AND [ArtificialEyeFeeU"& _ "SD] IS NULL) OR ([ArtificialEyeFeeUSD] = @Original_ArtificialEyeFeeUSD)) AND ((@"& _ "IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel = 1 AND [ArtificialEyeFeeRiel] IS NULL) OR ([Artific"& _ "ialEyeFeeRiel] = @Original_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel)) AND ((@IsNull_OtherFeeUSD = 1 "& _ "AND [OtherFeeUSD] IS NULL) OR ([OtherFeeUSD] = @Original_OtherFeeUSD)) AND ((@Is"& _ "Null_OtherFeeRiel = 1 AND [OtherFeeRiel] IS NULL) OR ([OtherFeeRiel] = @Original"& _ "_OtherFeeRiel)) AND ([HN] = @Original_HN) AND ([ID] = @Original_ID) AND ([IDCash"& _ "Receipt] = @Original_IDCashReceipt) AND ([ReceiptNo] = @Original_ReceiptNo));"&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(13)&Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(10)&"S"& _ "ELECT CONVERT (VARCHAR(11), DateIn, 106) AS DateIn, CashUSD, CashRiel, Consultat"& _ "ionFeeUSD + FollowUpFeeUSD AS OutPatientUSD, ConsultationFeeRiel + FollowUpFeeRi"& _ "el AS OutPatientRiel, OperationFeeUSD + MedicineFeeUSD AS InPatientUSD, Operatio"& _ "nFeeRiel AS InPatientRiel, GlassFeeUSD, GlassFeeRiel, ArtificialEyeFeeUSD, Artif"& _ "icialEyeFeeRiel, OtherFeeUSD, OtherFeeRiel, HN, ID, IDCashReceipt, ReceiptNo FRO"& _ "M tblPatientReceipt WHERE (ID = @ID) AND (ReceiptNo = @ReceiptNo)" Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.CommandType = Global.System.Data.CommandType.Text Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CashUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CashRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@HN", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.[Decimal], 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 18, 0, "HN", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_CashUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_CashUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_CashRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_CashRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "CashRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "InPatientRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "GlassFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ArtificialEyeFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeUSD", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@IsNull_OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, true, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Float, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "OtherFeeRiel", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_HN", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.[Decimal], 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 18, 0, "HN", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ID", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ID", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "IDCashReceipt", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Original_ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ReceiptNo", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.UpdateCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@ID", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt, 8, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "ID", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Sub InitConnection() Me._connection = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Me._connection.ConnectionString = Global.TakeoHospitalInventory.My.MySettings.Default.TakeoDBConnectionString End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _ Private Sub InitCommandCollection() Me._commandCollection = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(0) {} Me._commandCollection(0) = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Me._commandCollection(0).Connection = Me.Connection Me._commandCollection(0).CommandText = "SELECT CONVERT (VARCHAR(11), DateIn, 106) AS DateIn, CashUSD, CashRiel, Consultat"& _ "ionFeeUSD + FollowUpFeeUSD AS OutPatientUSD, ConsultationFeeRiel + FollowUpFeeRi"& _ "el AS OutPatientRiel, OperationFeeUSD + MedicineFeeUSD AS InPatientUSD, Operatio"& _ "nFeeRiel AS InPatientRiel, GlassFeeUSD, GlassFeeRiel, ArtificialEyeFeeUSD, Artif"& _ "icialEyeFeeRiel, OtherFeeUSD, OtherFeeRiel, HN, ID, IDCashReceipt, ReceiptNo FRO"& _ "M tblPatientReceipt" Me._commandCollection(0).CommandType = Global.System.Data.CommandType.Text End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Fill, true)> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Fill(ByVal dataTable As DataSetCashCountDaily.tblPatientReceiptDataTable) As Integer Me.Adapter.SelectCommand = Me.CommandCollection(0) If (Me.ClearBeforeFill = true) Then dataTable.Clear End If Dim returnValue As Integer = Me.Adapter.Fill(dataTable) Return returnValue End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.[Select], true)> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function GetData() As DataSetCashCountDaily.tblPatientReceiptDataTable Me.Adapter.SelectCommand = Me.CommandCollection(0) Dim dataTable As DataSetCashCountDaily.tblPatientReceiptDataTable = New DataSetCashCountDaily.tblPatientReceiptDataTable Me.Adapter.Fill(dataTable) Return dataTable End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataTable As DataSetCashCountDaily.tblPatientReceiptDataTable) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataTable) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataSet As DataSetCashCountDaily) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "tblPatientReceipt") End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataRow As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(New Global.System.Data.DataRow() {dataRow}) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataRows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataRows) End Function End Class End Namespace
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> Partial Class frmItemItem #Region "Windows Form Designer generated code " <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal Disposing As Boolean) If Disposing Then If Not components Is Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(Disposing) End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer Public ToolTip1 As System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip Public WithEvents _cmdClear_10 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_10 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_9 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_9 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_8 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_8 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_7 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_7 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_6 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_6 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_5 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_5 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_4 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_4 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_3 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_3 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_2 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdClear_1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _cmdStockItem_1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents cmdExit As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents cmdLoad As System.Windows.Forms.Button Public WithEvents _optDataType_1 As System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton Public WithEvents _optDataType_0 As System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton Public WithEvents _lbl_11 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_10 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_9 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_8 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_7 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_6 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_5 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_4 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_10 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_9 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_8 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_7 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_6 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_5 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_4 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lblItem_1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _lbl_0 As System.Windows.Forms.Label Public WithEvents _Shape1_1 As Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape 'Public WithEvents cmdClear As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.ButtonArray 'Public WithEvents cmdStockItem As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.ButtonArray 'Public WithEvents lbl As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.LabelArray 'Public WithEvents lblItem As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.LabelArray 'Public WithEvents optDataType As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.RadioButtonArray Public WithEvents Shape1 As RectangleShapeArray Public WithEvents ShapeContainer1 As Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Dim resources As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New System.Resources.ResourceManager(GetType(frmItemItem)) Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container() Me.ToolTip1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(components) Me.ShapeContainer1 = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer Me._cmdClear_10 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_10 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_9 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_9 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_8 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_8 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdClear_1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._cmdStockItem_1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.cmdExit = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.cmdLoad = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me._optDataType_1 = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton Me._optDataType_0 = New System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton Me._lbl_11 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_10 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_9 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_8 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_10 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_9 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_8 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_7 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_6 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_5 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_4 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lblItem_1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._lbl_0 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label Me._Shape1_1 = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.RectangleShape 'Me.cmdClear = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.ButtonArray(components) 'Me.cmdStockItem = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.ButtonArray(components) 'Me.lbl = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.LabelArray(components) 'Me.lblItem = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.LabelArray(components) 'Me.optDataType = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.RadioButtonArray(components) Me.Shape1 = New RectangleShapeArray(components) Me.SuspendLayout() Me.ToolTip1.Active = True 'CType(Me.cmdClear, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 'CType(Me.cmdStockItem, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 'CType(Me.lbl, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 'CType(Me.lblItem, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() 'CType(Me.optDataType, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.Shape1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog Me.Text = "Compare Stock Item to Stock Item" Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(506, 369) Me.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 22) Me.ControlBox = False Me.KeyPreview = True Me.MaximizeBox = False Me.MinimizeBox = False Me.ShowInTaskbar = False Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me.Enabled = True Me.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me.HelpButton = False Me.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal Me.Name = "frmItemItem" Me._cmdClear_10.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdClear_10.Text = "&Clear" Me._cmdClear_10.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdClear_10.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(453, 282) Me._cmdClear_10.TabIndex = 34 Me._cmdClear_10.TabStop = False Me._cmdClear_10.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdClear_10.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdClear_10.Enabled = True Me._cmdClear_10.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdClear_10.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdClear_10.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdClear_10.Name = "_cmdClear_10" Me._cmdStockItem_10.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdStockItem_10.Text = "..." Me._cmdStockItem_10.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdStockItem_10.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(414, 282) Me._cmdStockItem_10.TabIndex = 32 Me._cmdStockItem_10.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdStockItem_10.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdStockItem_10.Enabled = True Me._cmdStockItem_10.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdStockItem_10.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdStockItem_10.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdStockItem_10.TabStop = True Me._cmdStockItem_10.Name = "_cmdStockItem_10" Me._cmdClear_9.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdClear_9.Text = "&Clear" Me._cmdClear_9.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdClear_9.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(453, 255) Me._cmdClear_9.TabIndex = 31 Me._cmdClear_9.TabStop = False Me._cmdClear_9.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdClear_9.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdClear_9.Enabled = True Me._cmdClear_9.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdClear_9.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdClear_9.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdClear_9.Name = "_cmdClear_9" Me._cmdStockItem_9.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdStockItem_9.Text = "..." Me._cmdStockItem_9.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdStockItem_9.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(414, 255) Me._cmdStockItem_9.TabIndex = 29 Me._cmdStockItem_9.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdStockItem_9.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdStockItem_9.Enabled = True Me._cmdStockItem_9.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdStockItem_9.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdStockItem_9.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdStockItem_9.TabStop = True Me._cmdStockItem_9.Name = "_cmdStockItem_9" Me._cmdClear_8.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdClear_8.Text = "&Clear" Me._cmdClear_8.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdClear_8.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(453, 228) Me._cmdClear_8.TabIndex = 28 Me._cmdClear_8.TabStop = False Me._cmdClear_8.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdClear_8.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdClear_8.Enabled = True Me._cmdClear_8.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdClear_8.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdClear_8.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdClear_8.Name = "_cmdClear_8" Me._cmdStockItem_8.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdStockItem_8.Text = "..." Me._cmdStockItem_8.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdStockItem_8.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(414, 228) Me._cmdStockItem_8.TabIndex = 26 Me._cmdStockItem_8.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdStockItem_8.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdStockItem_8.Enabled = True Me._cmdStockItem_8.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdStockItem_8.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdStockItem_8.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdStockItem_8.TabStop = True Me._cmdStockItem_8.Name = "_cmdStockItem_8" Me._cmdClear_7.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdClear_7.Text = "&Clear" Me._cmdClear_7.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(34, 19) Me._cmdClear_7.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(453, 201) Me._cmdClear_7.TabIndex = 25 Me._cmdClear_7.TabStop = False Me._cmdClear_7.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._cmdClear_7.CausesValidation = True Me._cmdClear_7.Enabled = True Me._cmdClear_7.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._cmdClear_7.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._cmdClear_7.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._cmdClear_7.Name = "_cmdClear_7" Me._cmdStockItem_7.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter Me._cmdStockItem_7.Text = "..." 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System.Drawing.Point(30, 93) Me._lblItem_3.TabIndex = 12 Me._lblItem_3.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft Me._lblItem_3.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._lblItem_3.Enabled = True Me._lblItem_3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._lblItem_3.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._lblItem_3.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._lblItem_3.UseMnemonic = True Me._lblItem_3.Visible = True Me._lblItem_3.AutoSize = False Me._lblItem_3.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D Me._lblItem_3.Name = "_lblItem_3" Me._lblItem_2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(382, 19) Me._lblItem_2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(30, 66) Me._lblItem_2.TabIndex = 9 Me._lblItem_2.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft Me._lblItem_2.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._lblItem_2.Enabled = True Me._lblItem_2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._lblItem_2.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._lblItem_2.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._lblItem_2.UseMnemonic = True Me._lblItem_2.Visible = True Me._lblItem_2.AutoSize = False Me._lblItem_2.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D Me._lblItem_2.Name = "_lblItem_2" Me._lblItem_1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(382, 19) Me._lblItem_1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(30, 39) Me._lblItem_1.TabIndex = 6 Me._lblItem_1.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft Me._lblItem_1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control Me._lblItem_1.Enabled = True Me._lblItem_1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._lblItem_1.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._lblItem_1.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._lblItem_1.UseMnemonic = True Me._lblItem_1.Visible = True Me._lblItem_1.AutoSize = False Me._lblItem_1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D Me._lblItem_1.Name = "_lblItem_1" Me._lbl_0.Text = "&1. Select Stock Items" Me._lbl_0.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(123, 13) Me._lbl_0.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(9, 9) Me._lbl_0.TabIndex = 0 Me._lbl_0.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft Me._lbl_0.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent Me._lbl_0.Enabled = True Me._lbl_0.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText Me._lbl_0.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default Me._lbl_0.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No Me._lbl_0.UseMnemonic = True Me._lbl_0.Visible = True Me._lbl_0.AutoSize = True Me._lbl_0.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.None Me._lbl_0.Name = "_lbl_0" Me._Shape1_1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromARGB(192, 192, 255) Me._Shape1_1.BackStyle = Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.BackStyle.Opaque Me._Shape1_1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(487, 283) Me._Shape1_1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(9, 30) Me._Shape1_1.BorderColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.WindowText Me._Shape1_1.BorderStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid Me._Shape1_1.BorderWidth = 1 Me._Shape1_1.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me._Shape1_1.FillStyle = Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.FillStyle.Transparent Me._Shape1_1.Visible = True Me._Shape1_1.Name = "_Shape1_1" Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_10) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_10) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_9) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_9) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_8) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_8) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_7) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_7) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_6) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_6) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_5) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_5) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_4) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_4) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_3) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_3) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_2) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_2) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdClear_1) Me.Controls.Add(_cmdStockItem_1) Me.Controls.Add(cmdExit) Me.Controls.Add(cmdLoad) Me.Controls.Add(_optDataType_1) Me.Controls.Add(_optDataType_0) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_11) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_10) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_9) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_8) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_7) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_6) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_5) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_4) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_3) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_2) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_10) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_9) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_8) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_7) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_6) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_5) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_4) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_3) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_2) Me.Controls.Add(_lblItem_1) Me.Controls.Add(_lbl_0) Me.ShapeContainer1.Shapes.Add(_Shape1_1) Me.Controls.Add(ShapeContainer1) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_10, CType(10, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_9, CType(9, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_8, CType(8, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_7, CType(7, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_6, CType(6, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_5, CType(5, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_4, CType(4, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_3, CType(3, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_2, CType(2, Short)) 'Me.cmdClear.SetIndex(_cmdClear_1, CType(1, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_10, CType(10, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_9, CType(9, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_8, CType(8, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_7, CType(7, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_6, CType(6, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_5, CType(5, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_4, CType(4, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_3, CType(3, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_2, CType(2, Short)) 'Me.cmdStockItem.SetIndex(_cmdStockItem_1, CType(1, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_11, CType(11, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_10, CType(10, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_9, CType(9, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_8, CType(8, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_7, CType(7, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_6, CType(6, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_5, CType(5, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_4, CType(4, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_3, CType(3, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_2, CType(2, Short)) 'Me.lbl.SetIndex(_lbl_0, CType(0, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_10, CType(10, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_9, CType(9, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_8, CType(8, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_7, CType(7, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_6, CType(6, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_5, CType(5, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_4, CType(4, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_3, CType(3, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_2, CType(2, Short)) 'Me.lblItem.SetIndex(_lblItem_1, CType(1, Short)) 'Me.optDataType.SetIndex(_optDataType_1, CType(1, Short)) 'Me.optDataType.SetIndex(_optDataType_0, CType(0, Short)) Me.Shape1.SetIndex(_Shape1_1, CType(1, Short)) CType(Me.Shape1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 'CType(Me.optDataType, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 'CType(Me.lblItem, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 'CType(Me.lbl, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 'CType(Me.cmdStockItem, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() 'CType(Me.cmdClear, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PerformLayout() End Sub #End Region End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Imports System.ServiceModel Imports System.ServiceModel.Channels Namespace Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples Public Class TransactionFlowProperty Public Const PropertyName = "TransactionFlowProperty" Private propToken() As Byte Private Sub New() End Sub Public Shared Function [Get](ByVal message As Message) As Byte() If message Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If If message.Properties.ContainsKey(PropertyName) Then Dim tfp As TransactionFlowProperty = CType(message.Properties(PropertyName), TransactionFlowProperty) Return tfp.propToken End If Return Nothing End Function Public Shared Sub [Set](ByVal propToken() As Byte, ByVal message As Message) If message.Properties.ContainsKey(PropertyName) Then Throw New CommunicationException("A transaction flow property is already set on the message.") End If Dim [property] As New TransactionFlowProperty() [property].propToken = propToken message.Properties.Add(PropertyName, [property]) End Sub End Class End Namespace
Imports System Namespace Waf.DotNetPad.Samples Module AutoPropertyInitializers Sub Main() Dim customer = New Customer(3) Console.WriteLine("Customer {0}: {1}, {2}", customer.Id, customer.First, customer.Last) End Sub End Module Class Customer Sub New(id As Integer) Me.Id = id End Sub Public ReadOnly Property Id As Integer Public Property First As String = "Luke" Public Property Last As String = "Skywalker" End Class End Namespace
Imports ProdCon Public Class MathWorkItem Inherits WorkItem(Of IEnumerable(Of Integer), MathResult) Public Sub New(ByVal Data As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) MyBase.New(Data) _work = getWork() End Sub Private Function getWork() As Func(Of IEnumerable(Of Integer), MathResult) Static rand As New Random Dim index As Integer = rand.Next(0, 2) Dim res As Func(Of IEnumerable(Of Integer), MathResult) = Nothing Select Case index Case 0 res = Function(d) Dim sw As New Stopwatch sw.Start() Dim value As Decimal = d.Select(Function(n) CDec(n)).Sum Threading.Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(500, 1301)) 'artificially make work take time sw.Stop() Return New MathResult(value, Data, sw.Elapsed, Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) End Function Case 1 res = Function(d) Dim sw As New Stopwatch sw.Start() Dim value As Decimal = d.Aggregate(1D, Function(c, n) c * n) Threading.Thread.Sleep(rand.Next(500, 1301)) 'artificially make work take time sw.Stop() Return New MathResult(value, Data, sw.Elapsed, Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) End Function End Select Return res End Function Private _work As Func(Of IEnumerable(Of Integer), MathResult) Public Overrides Property Work As Func(Of IEnumerable(Of Integer), MathResult) Get Return _work End Get Set(value As Func(Of IEnumerable(Of Integer), MathResult)) _work = value End Set End Property End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities Imports System.Xml.Linq Imports Xunit Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UnitTests.Symbols.Retargeting Public Class NoPia Inherits BasicTestBase ''' <summary> ''' Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\Pia1.vb ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourcePia1 As XElement = <compilation name="Pia1"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> <ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> Public Interface I1 Sub Sub1(ByVal x As Integer) End Interface Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer End Structure Namespace NS1 <ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c02"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> Public Interface I2 Sub Sub1(ByVal x As Integer) End Interface Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Namespace ]]></file></compilation> ''' <summary> ''' Disassembly of Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\LocalTypes1.dll ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourceLocalTypes1_IL As XElement = <compilation name="LocalTypes1"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <ComImport, CompilerGenerated, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeIdentifier> Public Interface I1 End Interface Namespace NS1 <ComImport, CompilerGenerated, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c02"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeIdentifier> Public Interface I2 End Interface End Namespace Public Class LocalTypes1 Public Sub Test1(x As I1, y As NS1.I2) End Sub End Class ]]></file></compilation> ''' <summary> ''' Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\LocalTypes1.vb ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourceLocalTypes1 As XElement = <compilation name="LocalTypes1"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Public Class LocalTypes1 Public Sub Test1(x As I1, y As NS1.I2) End Sub End Class ]]></file></compilation> ''' <summary> ''' Disassembly of Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\LocalTypes2.dll ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourceLocalTypes2_IL As XElement = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S1")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer End Structure Namespace NS1 <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "NS1.S2")> Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Namespace Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(x As S1, y As NS1.S2) End Sub End Class ]]></file></compilation> ''' <summary> ''' Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\LocalTypes2.vb ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourceLocalTypes2 As XElement = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(ByVal x As S1, ByVal y As NS1.S2) End Sub End Class ]]></file></compilation> ''' <summary> ''' Disassembly of Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\LocalTypes3.dll ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourceLocalTypes3_IL As XElement = <compilation name="LocalTypes3"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class C31(Of T) Public Interface I31(Of S) End Interface End Class Public Class C32(Of T) End Class Public Class C33 End Class <ComImport, CompilerGenerated, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), TypeIdentifier> Public Interface I1 End Interface Public Interface I32(Of S) End Interface Public Class LocalTypes3 Public Function Test1() As C31(Of C33).I31(Of C33) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test2() As C31(Of C33).I31(Of I1) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test3() As C31(Of I1).I31(Of C33) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test4() As C31(Of C33).I31(Of I32(Of I1)) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test5() As C31(Of I32(Of I1)).I31(Of C33) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test6() As List(Of I1) Return Nothing End Function End Class ]]></file></compilation> ''' <summary> ''' Roslyn\Main\Open\Compilers\Test\Resources\Core\SymbolsTests\NoPia\LocalTypes3.vb ''' </summary> Private Shared ReadOnly s_sourceLocalTypes3 As XElement = <compilation name="LocalTypes3"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class LocalTypes3 Public Function Test1() As C31(Of C33).I31(Of C33) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test2() As C31(Of C33).I31(Of I1) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test3() As C31(Of I1).I31(Of C33) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test4() As C31(Of C33).I31(Of I32(Of I1)) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test5() As C31(Of I32(Of I1)).I31(Of C33) Return Nothing End Function Public Function Test6() As List(Of I1) Return Nothing End Function End Class Public Class C31(Of T) Public Interface I31(Of S) End Interface End Class Public Class C32(Of T) End Class Public Interface I32(Of S) End Interface Public Class C33 End Class ]]></file></compilation> <Fact()> Public Sub HideLocalTypeDefinitions() Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourceLocalTypes1_IL) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourceLocalTypes2_IL) CompileAndVerify(compilation2) Dim assemblies = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1 = assemblies(0).Modules(0) Dim localTypes2 = assemblies(1).Modules(0) Assert.Same(assemblies(2), compilation1.Assembly.CorLibrary) Assert.Same(assemblies(2), compilation2.Assembly.CorLibrary) Assert.Equal(2, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers().Length) Assert.Equal(2, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetMembersUnordered().Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("I1").Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("S1").Length) Assert.Equal(1, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers().Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1").Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("S1").Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1", 0).Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("S1", 0).Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes1.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamespaceSymbol)("NS1").GetTypeMembers().Length()) Assert.Equal(2, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers().Length) Assert.Equal(2, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetMembersUnordered().Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("I1").Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("S1").Length) Assert.Equal(1, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers().Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1").Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("S1").Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1", 0).Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("S1", 0).Length) Assert.Equal(0, localTypes2.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamespaceSymbol)("NS1").GetTypeMembers().Length()) Dim fullName_I1 = MetadataTypeName.FromFullName("I1") Dim fullName_I2 = MetadataTypeName.FromFullName("NS1.I2") Dim fullName_S1 = MetadataTypeName.FromFullName("S1") Dim fullName_S2 = MetadataTypeName.FromFullName("NS1.S2") Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes1.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_I1)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes1.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_I2)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes1.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_S1)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes1.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_S2)) Assert.Null(assemblies(0).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_I1.FullName)) Assert.Null(assemblies(0).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_I2.FullName)) Assert.Null(assemblies(0).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_S1.FullName)) Assert.Null(assemblies(0).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_S2.FullName)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes2.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_I1)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes2.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_I2)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes2.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_S1)) Assert.IsType(Of MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel)(localTypes2.LookupTopLevelMetadataType(fullName_S2)) Assert.Null(assemblies(1).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_I1.FullName)) Assert.Null(assemblies(1).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_I2.FullName)) Assert.Null(assemblies(1).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_S1.FullName)) Assert.Null(assemblies(1).GetTypeByMetadataName(fullName_S2.FullName)) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub LocalTypeSubstitution1_1() Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourceLocalTypes1_IL) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourceLocalTypes2_IL) CompileAndVerify(compilation2) LocalTypeSubstitution1(compilation1, compilation2) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub LocalTypeSubstitution1_2() Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes1, references:={TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes2, references:={TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation2) LocalTypeSubstitution1(compilation1, compilation2) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub LocalTypeSubstitution1_3() Dim compilation0 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourcePia1) CompileAndVerify(compilation0) Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes1, references:={New VisualBasicCompilationReference(compilation0, embedInteropTypes:=True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes2, references:={New VisualBasicCompilationReference(compilation0, embedInteropTypes:=True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation2) LocalTypeSubstitution1(compilation1, compilation2) End Sub Private Sub LocalTypeSubstitution1(compilation1 As VisualBasicCompilation, compilation2 As VisualBasicCompilation) Dim assemblies1 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1, MscorlibRef, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.MDTestLib1 }) Dim localTypes1_1 = assemblies1(0) Dim localTypes2_1 = assemblies1(1) Dim pia1_1 = assemblies1(2) Dim varI1 = pia1_1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1").Single() Dim varS1 = pia1_1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("S1").Single() Dim varNS1 = pia1_1.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamespaceSymbol)("NS1") Dim varI2 = varNS1.GetTypeMembers("I2").Single() Dim varS2 = varNS1.GetTypeMembers("S2").Single() Dim classLocalTypes1 As NamedTypeSymbol Dim classLocalTypes2 As NamedTypeSymbol classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_1.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() Dim test1 As MethodSymbol Dim test2 As MethodSymbol test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Dim param As ImmutableArray(Of ParameterSymbol) param = test1.Parameters Assert.Same(varI1, param(0).[Type]) Assert.Same(varI2, param(1).[Type]) param = test2.Parameters Assert.Same(varS1, param(0).[Type]) Assert.Same(varS2, param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies2 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1_2 = assemblies2(0) Dim localTypes2_2 = assemblies2(1) Assert.NotSame(localTypes1_1, localTypes1_2) Assert.NotSame(localTypes2_1, localTypes2_2) Assert.Same(pia1_1, assemblies2(2)) classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_2.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") param = test1.Parameters Assert.Same(varI1, param(0).[Type]) Assert.Same(varI2, param(1).[Type]) param = test2.Parameters Assert.Same(varS1, param(0).[Type]) Assert.Same(varS2, param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies3 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1 }) Dim localTypes1_3 = assemblies3(0) Dim localTypes2_3 = assemblies3(1) Dim pia1_3 = assemblies3(2) Assert.NotSame(localTypes1_1, localTypes1_3) Assert.NotSame(localTypes2_1, localTypes2_3) Assert.NotSame(localTypes1_2, localTypes1_3) Assert.NotSame(localTypes2_2, localTypes2_3) Assert.NotSame(pia1_1, pia1_3) classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_3.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_3.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") param = test1.Parameters Assert.Same(pia1_3.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1").Single(), param(0).[Type]) Assert.Same(pia1_3.GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of NamespaceSymbol)("NS1").GetTypeMembers("I2").[Single](), param(1).[Type]) param = test2.Parameters Dim missing As NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) missing = DirectCast(param(0).[Type], NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol) Assert.Same(localTypes2_3, missing.EmbeddingAssembly) Assert.Null(missing.Guid) Assert.Equal(varS1.ToTestDisplayString(), missing.FullTypeName) Assert.Equal("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", missing.Scope) Assert.Equal(varS1.ToTestDisplayString(), missing.Identifier) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies4 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1, MscorlibRef, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.MDTestLib1 }) For i As Integer = 0 To assemblies1.Length - 1 Step 1 Assert.Same(assemblies1(i), assemblies4(i)) Next Dim assemblies5 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia2, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1_5 = assemblies5(0) Dim localTypes2_5 = assemblies5(1) classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_5.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_5.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") param = test1.Parameters Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) missing = DirectCast(param(0).[Type], NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol) Assert.Same(localTypes1_5, missing.EmbeddingAssembly) Assert.Equal("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01", missing.Guid) Assert.Equal(varI1.ToTestDisplayString(), missing.FullTypeName) Assert.Null(missing.Scope) Assert.Null(missing.Identifier) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) param = test2.Parameters Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(0).[Type]) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies6 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia3, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1_6 = assemblies6(0) Dim localTypes2_6 = assemblies6(1) classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_6.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_6.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") param = test1.Parameters Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(0).[Type]) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) param = test2.Parameters Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(0).[Type]) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies7 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia4, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1_7 = assemblies7(0) Dim localTypes2_7 = assemblies7(1) classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_7.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_7.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") param = test1.Parameters Assert.Equal(TypeKind.[Interface], param(0).[Type].TypeKind) Assert.Equal(TypeKind.[Interface], param(1).[Type].TypeKind) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) param = test2.Parameters Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(0).[Type]) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies8 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia4, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1_8 = assemblies8(0) Dim localTypes2_8 = assemblies8(1) Dim pia4_8 = assemblies8(2) Dim pia1_8 = assemblies8(3) classLocalTypes1 = localTypes1_8.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes1").Single() classLocalTypes2 = localTypes2_8.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes2").Single() test1 = classLocalTypes1.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1") test2 = classLocalTypes2.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") param = test1.Parameters Dim ambiguous As NoPiaAmbiguousCanonicalTypeSymbol Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(0).[Type].Kind) ambiguous = DirectCast(param(0).[Type], NoPiaAmbiguousCanonicalTypeSymbol) Assert.Same(localTypes1_8, ambiguous.EmbeddingAssembly) Assert.Same(pia4_8.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1").Single(), ambiguous.FirstCandidate) Assert.Same(pia1_8.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("I1").Single(), ambiguous.SecondCandidate) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, param(1).[Type].Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaAmbiguousCanonicalTypeSymbol)(param(1).[Type]) Dim assemblies9 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia4, MscorlibRef }) Dim localTypes1_9 = assemblies9(0) Dim localTypes2_9 = assemblies9(1) Dim assemblies10 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(New Object() { compilation1, compilation2, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia4, MscorlibRef, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.MDTestLib1 }) Dim localTypes1_10 = assemblies10(0) Dim localTypes2_10 = assemblies10(1) Assert.NotSame(localTypes1_9, localTypes1_10) Assert.NotSame(localTypes2_9, localTypes2_10) GC.KeepAlive(localTypes1_1) GC.KeepAlive(localTypes2_1) GC.KeepAlive(pia1_1) GC.KeepAlive(localTypes2_9) GC.KeepAlive(localTypes1_9) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub CyclicReference_1() Dim piaRef = TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1 Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourceLocalTypes1_IL) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim localTypes1Ref = New VisualBasicCompilationReference(compilation1) CyclicReference(piaRef, localTypes1Ref) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub CyclicReference_2() Dim piaRef = TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1 Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes1, references:={TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim localTypes1Ref = New VisualBasicCompilationReference(compilation1) CyclicReference(piaRef, localTypes1Ref) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub CyclicReference_3() Dim pia1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourcePia1) CompileAndVerify(pia1) Dim piaRef = New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia1) Dim compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes1, references:={New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia1, embedInteropTypes:=True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation1) Dim localTypes1Ref = New VisualBasicCompilationReference(compilation1) CyclicReference(piaRef, localTypes1Ref) End Sub Private Sub CyclicReference(piaRef As MetadataReference, localTypes1Ref As CompilationReference) Dim mscorlibRef = TestReferences.SymbolsTests.MDTestLib1 Dim cyclic2Ref = TestReferences.SymbolsTests.Cyclic.Cyclic2.dll Dim tc1 = VisualBasicCompilation.Create("Cyclic1", references:={mscorlibRef, cyclic2Ref, piaRef, localTypes1Ref}) Assert.NotNull(tc1.Assembly) Dim tc2 = VisualBasicCompilation.Create("Cyclic1", references:={mscorlibRef, cyclic2Ref, piaRef, localTypes1Ref}) Assert.NotNull(tc2.Assembly) Assert.NotSame(tc1.GetReferencedAssemblySymbol(localTypes1Ref), tc2.GetReferencedAssemblySymbol(localTypes1Ref)) GC.KeepAlive(tc1) GC.KeepAlive(tc2) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1_1() Dim compilation3 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourceLocalTypes3_IL) CompileAndVerify(compilation3) GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1(compilation3) End Sub <ClrOnlyFact> Public Sub ValueTupleWithMissingCanonicalType() Dim source = " Imports System Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace System Public Structure ValueTuple(Of T1, T2) Public Sub New(item1 As T1, item2 As T2) End Sub End Structure End Namespace <CompilerGenerated> <TypeIdentifier(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257"", ""S1"")> Public Structure S1 End Structure Public Class C Public Function Test1() As ValueTuple(Of S1, S1) Throw New Exception() End Function End Class " Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, assemblyName:="comp") comp.VerifyDiagnostics() CompileAndVerify(comp) Dim assemblies1 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences({comp}) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, assemblies1(0).GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("C.Test1").ReturnType.Kind) Dim assemblies2 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences({comp.ToMetadataReference()}) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, assemblies2(0).GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("C.Test1").ReturnType.Kind) End Sub <ClrOnlyFact> Public Sub EmbeddedValueTuple() Dim source = " Imports System Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace System <CompilerGenerated> <TypeIdentifier(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257"", ""ValueTuple"")> Public Structure ValueTuple(Of T1, T2) Public Sub New(item1 As T1, item2 As T2) End Sub End Structure End Namespace Public Class C Public Function Test1() As ValueTuple(Of Integer, Integer) Throw New Exception() End Function End Class " Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, assemblyName:="comp") comp.VerifyDiagnostics() Dim assemblies1 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences({comp}) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, assemblies1(0).GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("C.Test1").ReturnType.Kind) Dim assemblies2 = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences({comp.ToMetadataReference()}) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, assemblies2(0).GlobalNamespace.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("C.Test1").ReturnType.Kind) End Sub <ClrOnlyFact> Public Sub CannotEmbedValueTuple() Dim piaSource = " Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <assembly: Guid(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257"")> <assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib(""Pia1.dll"")> Namespace System Public Structure ValueTuple(Of T1, T2) Public Sub New(item1 As T1, item2 As T2) End Sub End Structure End Namespace " Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({piaSource}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, assemblyName:="comp") pia.VerifyDiagnostics() Dim source = " Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class C Public Function TestValueTuple() As System.ValueTuple(Of String, String) Throw New System.Exception() End Function Public Function TestTuple() As (Integer, Integer) Throw New System.Exception() End Function Public Function TestTupleLiteral() As Object Return (1, 2) End Function 'Public Sub TestDeconstruction() ' Dim x, y As Integer ' (x, y) = New C() 'End Sub public Sub Deconstruct(<Out> a As Integer, <Out> b As Integer) a = 1 b = 1 End Sub End Class " Dim expected = <errors> BC36923: Type 'ValueTuple(Of T1, T2)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Public Function TestValueTuple() As System.ValueTuple(Of String, String) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC36923: Type 'ValueTuple(Of T1, T2)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Public Function TestTuple() As (Integer, Integer) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC36923: Type 'ValueTuple(Of T1, T2)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Public Function TestTuple() As (Integer, Integer) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC36923: Type 'ValueTuple(Of T1, T2)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Return (1, 2) ~~~~~~ </errors> Dim comp1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.ToMetadataReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp1.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expected) Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.EmitToImageReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp2.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expected) End Sub <ClrOnlyFact(Skip:="https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13200")> Public Sub CannotEmbedValueTupleImplicitlyReferenced() Dim piaSource = " Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <assembly: Guid(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257"")> <assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib(""Pia1.dll"")> Namespace System Public Structure ValueTuple(Of T1, T2) Public Sub New(item1 As T1, item2 As T2) End Sub End Structure End Namespace Public Structure S(Of T) End Structure <ComImport> <Guid(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58280"")> Public Interface ITest1 Function M() As (Integer, Integer) Function M2() As S(Of Integer) End Interface " Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({piaSource}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, assemblyName:="comp") pia.VerifyDiagnostics() Dim source = " Public Interface ITest2 Inherits ITest1 End Interface " ' We should expect errors as generic types cannot be embedded ' Issue https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13200 tracks this Dim expected = <errors> </errors> Dim comp1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.ToMetadataReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp1.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expected) Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.EmitToImageReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp2.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expected) End Sub <ClrOnlyFact(Skip:="https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13200")> Public Sub CannotEmbedValueTupleImplicitlyReferredFromMetadata() Dim piaSource = " Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <assembly: Guid(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257"")> <assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib(""Pia1.dll"")> Public Structure S(Of T) End Structure Namespace System Public Structure ValueTuple(Of T1, T2) Public Sub New(item1 As T1, item2 As T2) End Sub End Structure End Namespace " Dim libSource = " Public Class D Function M() As (Integer, Integer) Throw New System.Exception() End Function Function M2() As S(Of Integer) Throw New System.Exception() End Function End Class " Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({piaSource}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, assemblyName:="pia") pia.VerifyDiagnostics() Dim [lib] = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({libSource}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.ToMetadataReference()}) [lib].VerifyDiagnostics() Dim source = " Public Class C Public Sub TestTupleFromMetadata() D.M() D.M2() End Sub Public Sub TestTupleAssignmentFromMetadata() Dim t = D.M() t.ToString() Dim t2 = D.M2() t2.ToString() End Sub End Class " ' We should expect errors as generic types cannot be embedded ' Issue https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13200 tracks this Dim expectedDiagnostics = <errors> </errors> Dim comp1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.ToMetadataReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp1.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics) Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.EmitToImageReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp2.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics) End Sub <ClrOnlyFact> Public Sub CheckForUnembeddableTypesInTuples() Dim piaSource = " Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <assembly: Guid(""f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257"")> <assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib(""Pia1.dll"")> Public Structure Generic(Of T1) End Structure " Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({piaSource}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, assemblyName:="pia") pia.VerifyDiagnostics() Dim source = " Public Class C Function Test1() As System.ValueTuple(Of Generic(Of String), Generic(Of String)) Throw New System.Exception() End Function Function Test2() As (Generic(Of String), Generic(Of String)) Throw New System.Exception() End Function End Class Namespace System Public Structure ValueTuple(Of T1, T2) Public Sub New(item1 As T1, item2 As T2) End Sub End Structure End Namespace " Dim expectedDiagnostics = <errors> BC36923: Type 'Generic(Of T1)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Function Test1() As System.ValueTuple(Of Generic(Of String), Generic(Of String)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC36923: Type 'Generic(Of T1)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Function Test1() As System.ValueTuple(Of Generic(Of String), Generic(Of String)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC36923: Type 'Generic(Of T1)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Function Test2() As (Generic(Of String), Generic(Of String)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BC36923: Type 'Generic(Of T1)' cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider disabling the embedding of interop types. Function Test2() As (Generic(Of String), Generic(Of String)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </errors> Dim comp1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.ToMetadataReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp1.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics) Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib({source}, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={pia.EmitToImageReference(embedInteropTypes:=True)}) comp2.AssertTheseDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1_2() Dim compilation3 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes3, references:={TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation3) GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1(compilation3) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1_3() Dim pia1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(s_sourcePia1) CompileAndVerify(pia1) Dim compilation3 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib( s_sourceLocalTypes3, references:={New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia1, embedInteropTypes:=True)}) CompileAndVerify(compilation3) GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1(compilation3) End Sub Private Sub GenericsClosedOverLocalTypes1(compilation3 As VisualBasicCompilation) Dim assemblies = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences({ compilation3, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1 }) Dim asmLocalTypes3 = assemblies(0) Dim localTypes3 = asmLocalTypes3.GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes3").Single() Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1").ReturnType.Kind) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2").ReturnType.Kind) Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test3").ReturnType.Kind) Dim illegal As NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol = DirectCast(localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test3").ReturnType, NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol) Assert.Equal("C31(Of I1).I31(Of C33)", illegal.UnderlyingSymbol.ToTestDisplayString()) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test4").ReturnType.Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol)(localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test5").ReturnType) assemblies = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences({ compilation3, TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.Pia1, MscorlibRef }) localTypes3 = assemblies(0).GlobalNamespace.GetTypeMembers("LocalTypes3").Single() Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test1").ReturnType.Kind) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2").ReturnType.Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol)(localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test3").ReturnType) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test4").ReturnType.Kind) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol)(localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test5").ReturnType) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaIllegalGenericInstantiationSymbol)(localTypes3.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test6").ReturnType) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub NestedType1() Dim piaSource = <compilation name="Pia"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure ]]></file></compilation> Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(piaSource) CompileAndVerify(pia) Dim piaImage = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(pia.EmitToArray()) Dim source = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(x As S1, y As S1.S2) End Sub End Class <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S1")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S1.S2")> Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure <ComEventInterface(GetType(S1), GetType(S1.S2))> Interface AttrTest1 End Interface ]]></file></compilation> Dim localTypes2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source) CompileAndVerify(localTypes2) Dim localTypes2Image = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(localTypes2.EmitToArray()) Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) Dim lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") Dim test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) Dim attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") Dim args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub NestedType2() Dim piaSource = <compilation name="Pia"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure ]]></file></compilation> Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(piaSource) CompileAndVerify(pia) Dim piaImage = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(pia.EmitToArray()) Dim source = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(x As S1, y As S1.S2) End Sub End Class <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S1")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure <ComEventInterface(GetType(S1), GetType(S1.S2))> Interface AttrTest1 End Interface ]]></file></compilation> Dim localTypes2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source) CompileAndVerify(localTypes2) Dim localTypes2Image = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(localTypes2.EmitToArray()) Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) Dim lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") Dim test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) Dim attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") Dim args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub NestedType3() Dim piaSource = <compilation name="Pia"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure ]]></file></compilation> Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(piaSource) CompileAndVerify(pia) Dim piaImage = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(pia.EmitToArray()) Dim source = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(x As S1, y As S1.S2) End Sub End Class Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S1.S2")> Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure <ComEventInterface(GetType(S1), GetType(S1.S2))> Interface AttrTest1 End Interface ]]></file></compilation> Dim localTypes2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source) 'CompileAndVerify(localTypes2) Dim localTypes2Image = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(localTypes2.EmitToArray()) Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) Dim lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") Dim test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(1).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Dim attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") Dim args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(1).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(1).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(1).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(1).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(1).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", test2.Parameters(1).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("LocalTypes2", DirectCast(args(1).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub NestedType4() Dim piaSource = <compilation name="Pia"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer Public Structure S2 Public F1 As Integer End Structure End Structure ]]></file></compilation> Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(piaSource) CompileAndVerify(pia) Dim piaImage = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(pia.EmitToArray()) Dim source = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(x As S1, y As S1.S2) End Sub End Class <ComEventInterface(GetType(S1), GetType(S1.S2))> Interface AttrTest1 End Interface ]]></file></compilation> Dim localTypes2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia, embedInteropTypes:=True)}) 'CompileAndVerify(localTypes2) Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) Dim lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") Dim test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) Dim attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") Dim args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub GenericType1() Dim piaSource = <compilation name="Pia"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer End Structure Public Structure S2(Of T) Public F1 As Integer End Structure ]]></file></compilation> Dim pia = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(piaSource) CompileAndVerify(pia) Dim piaImage = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(pia.EmitToArray()) Dim source = <compilation name="LocalTypes2"><file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class LocalTypes2 Public Sub Test2(x As S1, y As S2(Of Integer)) End Sub End Class <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S1")> Public Structure S1 Public F1 As Integer End Structure <CompilerGenerated(), TypeIdentifier("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257", "S2`1")> Public Structure S2(Of T) Public F1 As Integer End Structure <ComEventInterface(GetType(S1), GetType(S2(Of)))> Interface AttrTest1 End Interface ]]></file></compilation> Dim localTypes2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source) 'CompileAndVerify(localTypes2) Dim localTypes2Image = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(localTypes2.EmitToArray()) Dim compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) Dim lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") Dim test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) Dim attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") Dim args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia)}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(localTypes2), piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {localTypes2Image, piaImage}) lt = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("LocalTypes2") test2 = lt.GetMember(Of MethodSymbol)("Test2") Assert.Equal("Pia", test2.Parameters(0).Type.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(test2.Parameters(1).Type) attrTest1 = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("AttrTest1") args = attrTest1.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments Assert.Equal("Pia", DirectCast(args(0).Value, TypeSymbol).ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.IsType(Of UnsupportedMetadataTypeSymbol)(args(1).Value) End Sub <Fact()> Public Sub FullyQualifiedCaseSensitiveNames() Dim pia1 = CreateCSharpCompilation(<![CDATA[ using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia.dll")] [assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")] [ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01")] public interface I {} namespace N1.N2 { [ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01")] public interface I {} } namespace n1.n2 { [ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01")] public interface i {} } ]]>.Value, assemblyName:="Pia1", referencedAssemblies:=New MetadataReference() {MscorlibRef}) Dim pia1Image = pia1.EmitToImageReference(embedInteropTypes:=True) Dim pia2 = CreateCSharpCompilation(<![CDATA[ using System.Runtime.InteropServices; [assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia.dll")] [assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")] namespace N1.N2 { [ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01")] public interface I {} } ]]>.Value, assemblyName:="Pia2", referencedAssemblies:=New MetadataReference() {MscorlibRef}) Dim pia2Image = pia2.EmitToImageReference(embedInteropTypes:=True) Dim compilation1 = CreateCSharpCompilation(<![CDATA[ using System; class A : Attribute { public A(object o) {} } [A(typeof(I))] class C1 {} [A(typeof(N1.N2.I))] class C2 {} [A(typeof(n1.n2.i))] class C3 {} ]]>.Value, assemblyName:="1", referencedAssemblies:=New MetadataReference() {MscorlibRef, pia1Image}) compilation1.VerifyDiagnostics() Dim compilation1Image = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(compilation1.EmitToArray()) Dim compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation name="2"/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {compilation1Image, pia1Image}) Dim type = compilation2.GetTypeByMetadataName("C1") Dim argType = DirectCast(type.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments(0).Value, TypeSymbol) Assert.Equal("Pia1", argType.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("I", argType.ToString()) type = compilation2.GetTypeByMetadataName("C2") argType = DirectCast(type.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments(0).Value, TypeSymbol) Assert.Equal("Pia1", argType.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("N1.N2.I", argType.ToString()) type = compilation2.GetTypeByMetadataName("C3") argType = DirectCast(type.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments(0).Value, TypeSymbol) Assert.Equal("Pia1", argType.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("n1.n2.i", argType.ToString()) compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(<compilation name="2"/>, references:=New MetadataReference() {compilation1Image, pia2Image}) type = compilation2.GetTypeByMetadataName("C1") argType = DirectCast(type.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments(0).Value, TypeSymbol) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(argType) type = compilation2.GetTypeByMetadataName("C2") argType = DirectCast(type.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments(0).Value, TypeSymbol) Assert.Equal("Pia2", argType.ContainingAssembly.Name) Assert.Equal("N1.N2.I", argType.ToString()) type = compilation2.GetTypeByMetadataName("C3") argType = DirectCast(type.GetAttributes()(0).CommonConstructorArguments(0).Value, TypeSymbol) Assert.IsType(Of NoPiaMissingCanonicalTypeSymbol)(argType) End Sub <Fact, WorkItem(685240, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/685240")> Public Sub Bug685240() Dim piaSource = <compilation name="Pia1"> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: Guid("f9c2d51d-4f44-45f0-9eda-c9d599b58257")> <Assembly: ImportedFromTypeLib("Pia1.dll")> <ComImport, Guid("27e3e649-994b-4f58-b3c6-f8089a5f2c01"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> Public Interface I1 Sub Sub1(ByVal x As Integer) End Interface ]]></file> </compilation> Dim pia1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(piaSource, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll) CompileAndVerify(pia1) Dim moduleSource = <compilation name="Module1"> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Public Class Test Public Shared Function M1() As I1 return Nothing End Function End Class ]]></file> </compilation> Dim module1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(moduleSource, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseModule, references:={New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia1, embedInteropTypes:=True)}) Dim emptySource = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ ]]></file> </compilation> Dim multiModule = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(emptySource, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={module1.EmitToImageReference()}) CompileAndVerify(multiModule) Dim consumerSource = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ Public Class Consumer public shared sub M2() Dim x = Test.M1() End Sub End Class ]]></file> </compilation> Dim consumer = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(consumerSource, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={New VisualBasicCompilationReference(multiModule), New VisualBasicCompilationReference(pia1)}) CompileAndVerify(consumer) End Sub <Fact, WorkItem(528047, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/528047")> Public Sub OverloadResolutionWithEmbeddedInteropType() Dim source1 = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ imports System imports System.Collections.Generic imports stdole public class A public shared Sub Foo(func As Func(Of X)) System.Console.WriteLine("X") end Sub public shared Sub Foo(func As Func(Of Y)) System.Console.WriteLine("Y") end Sub End Class public delegate Sub X(addin As List(Of IDispatch)) public delegate Sub Y(addin As List(Of string)) ]]></file> </compilation> Dim comp1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source1, options:=TestOptions.ReleaseDll, references:={TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.StdOle.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}) Dim source2 = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"><![CDATA[ public module Program public Sub Main() A.Foo(Function() Sub(x) x.ToString()) End Sub End Module ]]></file> </compilation> Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndVBRuntimeAndReferences(source2, {comp1.EmitToImageReference(), TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.StdOle.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe) CompileAndVerify(comp2, expectedOutput:="Y").Diagnostics.Verify() Dim comp3 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlibAndVBRuntimeAndReferences(source2, {New VisualBasicCompilationReference(comp1), TestReferences.SymbolsTests.NoPia.StdOle.WithEmbedInteropTypes(True)}, TestOptions.ReleaseExe) CompileAndVerify(comp3, expectedOutput:="Y").Diagnostics.Verify() End Sub End Class End Namespace
Imports Windows10Design Public Class Program Inherits Win32Application <STAThread> Public Shared Sub Main(args As String()) Dim app As New Program(args) Dim window As New Form1() app.Run(New Form1()) End Sub Public Sub New(args As String()) MyBase.New(args) End Sub Public Overrides Function CreateUWPApplication() As IDisposable Return New UI.App(Me) End Function Public Overrides Function GetXamlContent() As Object Return New UI.MainPage() End Function End Class
Public Class EarthDistanceCounter Private ReadOnly _gameConfig As GameConfig Private ReadOnly _playArea As Form2 Private ReadOnly _screenSize As ScreenSize Private _counter As Integer Public Sub New(ByVal frames As Frames, ByVal playArea As Form2, ByVal gameConfig As GameConfig, ByVal game As LaserDefender, ByVal screen As ScreenSize) _gameConfig = gameConfig _playArea = playArea _screenSize = screen AddHandler frames.Update, AddressOf Add AddHandler game.GameStart, AddressOf InitializeCounter End Sub Private Sub InitializeCounter() _counter = 0 _playArea.EarthImage.Top = _screenSize.yMax - 60 _playArea.DistanceEarthCounter.Text = _counter End Sub Public Sub Add() _counter += _gameConfig.EarthDistanceCounterSpeed If Math.Floor(_counter / 5) = _counter / 5 Then _playArea.EarthImage.Top += _gameConfig.EarthDistanceCounterEarthSpeed End If _playArea.DistanceEarthCounter.Text = _counter End Sub End Class
Namespace XeoraCube.VSAddIn.Forms Public Class TranslationSearch Inherits ISFormBase Public Sub New(ByVal Selection As EnvDTE.TextSelection, ByVal BeginningOffset As Integer) MyBase.New(Selection, BeginningOffset) Me.InitializeComponent() MyBase.lwControls.SmallImageList = ilTranslations End Sub Private _TranslationsPath As String = String.Empty Private _TranslationID As String = String.Empty Public WriteOnly Property TranslationsPath() As String Set(ByVal value As String) Me._TranslationsPath = value End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property TranslationID() As String Get Return Me._TranslationID End Get End Property Public Overrides Sub FillList() Me._FillList(Me._TranslationsPath) Dim ParentDI As IO.DirectoryInfo = _ IO.Directory.GetParent(Me._TranslationsPath) If ParentDI.GetDirectories("Addons").Length = 0 Then _ Me._FillList(IO.Path.GetFullPath(IO.Path.Combine(Me._TranslationsPath, "../../../../Translations"))) MyBase.Sort() End Sub Private Sub _FillList(ByVal TranslationsPath As String) Dim cFStream As IO.FileStream = Nothing Try Dim TranslationFileNames As String() = _ IO.Directory.GetFiles(TranslationsPath, "*.xml") Dim TranslationCompile As New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Integer) For Each TranslationFileName As String In TranslationFileNames Try cFStream = New IO.FileStream( _ TranslationFileName, IO.FileMode.Open, _ IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.ReadWrite) Dim xPathDocument As New Xml.XPath.XPathDocument(cFStream) Dim xPathNavigator As Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator = _ xPathDocument.CreateNavigator() Dim xPathIter As Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator xPathIter = xPathNavigator.Select("/translations/translation") Do While xPathIter.MoveNext() Dim TransID As String = _ xPathIter.Current.GetAttribute("id", xPathIter.Current.NamespaceURI) If TranslationCompile.ContainsKey(TransID) Then _ TranslationCompile.Item(TransID) += 1 Else TranslationCompile.Add(TransID, 1) Loop Catch ex As Exception ' Just Handle Exceptions Finally If Not cFStream Is Nothing Then cFStream.Close() End Try Next Dim ImageIndex As Integer = 0 For Each TransIDKey As String In TranslationCompile.Keys If TranslationCompile.Item(TransIDKey) = TranslationFileNames.Length AndAlso _ Not MyBase.lwControls.Items.ContainsKey(TransIDKey) Then MyBase.lwControls.Items.Add(TransIDKey, String.Empty, ImageIndex) MyBase.lwControls.Items(MyBase.lwControls.Items.Count - 1).SubItems.Add(TransIDKey) End If Next Catch ex As Exception ' Just Handle Exceptions End Try End Sub Public Overrides Sub AcceptSelection() If MyBase.lwControls.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then Me._TranslationID = MyBase.lwControls.SelectedItems.Item(0).SubItems.Item(1).Text Else Me.CancelSelection() End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub CancelSelection() Me._TranslationID = String.Empty End Sub Public Overrides Sub HandleResult() MyBase.HandleResultDelegate.BeginInvoke(MyBase.WindowHandler, Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, Me.BeginningOffset, Me.CurrentSelection, Globals.ISTypes.TranslationSearch, Me.AcceptChar, Me.UseCloseChar, New Object() {Me.TranslationID}, New AsyncCallback(Sub(aR As IAsyncResult) Try CType(aR.AsyncState, AddInControl.HandleResultDelegate).EndInvoke(Nothing, aR) Catch ex As Exception ' Just handle to prevent crash End Try End Sub), MyBase.HandleResultDelegate) End Sub #Region " Form Designer Generated Codes " Friend WithEvents ilTranslations As System.Windows.Forms.ImageList Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(TranslationSearch)) Me.ilTranslations = New System.Windows.Forms.ImageList(Me.components) Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'ilTranslations ' Me.ilTranslations.ImageStream = CType(resources.GetObject("ilTranslations.ImageStream"), System.Windows.Forms.ImageListStreamer) Me.ilTranslations.TransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent Me.ilTranslations.Images.SetKeyName(0, "0translation.png") ' 'TranslationSearch ' Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(184, 184) Me.Name = "TranslationSearch" Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region End Class End Namespace
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D Imports System.IO Public Class frmImageEditor Dim fileAddress As String Dim Job As Integer = 0 ' 1:crop 2:contrast Dim timerTik As Boolean = False Dim img As New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory Dim tempCnt As Boolean 'check weather the roller is used or not Dim bm_dest As Bitmap Dim bm_source As Bitmap Dim i As Int16 = 0.5 Dim cropX As Integer Dim cropY As Integer Dim cropWidth As Integer Dim cropHeight As Integer Dim oCropX As Integer Dim oCropY As Integer Dim cropBitmap As Bitmap Public cropPen As Pen Public cropPenSize As Integer = 1 '2 Public cropDashStyle As Drawing2D.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid Public cropPenColor As Color = Color.Yellow Dim tmppoint As Point Dim isStart As Boolean = False Sub New() InitializeComponent() End Sub Sub New(FileAddress As String) InitializeComponent() ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call. Me.fileAddress = FileAddress Try Dim xx As Image Using str As Stream = File.OpenRead(FileAddress) xx = Image.FromStream(str) End Using pic.Image = xx resizer() lblTaqir.Text = "" Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Me.Close() End Try End Sub Private Sub frmImageEditor_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load btnOK.BackgroundImage = IMGcache.img($"{Application.StartupPath}\data\app\icon\tick11.png") btnCancel.BackgroundImage = IMGcache.img($"{Application.StartupPath}\data\app\icon\cross106.png") End Sub Private Sub resizer() If pic.Image Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim ix, iy, iw, ih As Double If pic.Image.Width / pic.Image.Height > picPanel.Width / picPanel.Height Then iw = picPanel.Width ih = picPanel.Width / pic.Image.Width * pic.Image.Height ix = 0 iy = (picPanel.Height - ih) / 2 ElseIf pic.Image.Width / pic.Image.Height < picPanel.Width / picPanel.Height Then iw = picPanel.Height / pic.Image.Height * pic.Image.Width ih = picPanel.Height ix = (picPanel.Width - iw) / 2 iy = 0 Else iw = picPanel.Width ih = picPanel.Height ix = 0 iy = 0 End If pic.Dock = DockStyle.None pic.Size = New Size(iw, ih) pic.Location = New Point(ix, iy) End Sub Private Sub btnEnseraf_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEnseraf.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub btnCrop_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCrop.Click Job = 1 lblTaqir.Text = "برش" Abzar.Enabled = False btnOK.Visible = True btnCancel.Visible = True btnTaeed.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub pic_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles pic.MouseDown Try If Job = 1 Then If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then cropX = e.X cropY = e.Y cropPen = New Pen(cropPenColor, cropPenSize) cropPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot Cursor = Cursors.Cross End If pic.Refresh() End If Catch exc As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub pic_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles pic.MouseMove Try If Job = 1 Then If pic.Image Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then isStart = True If Not MouseIsOverControl(pic) Then Exit Sub pic.Refresh() cropWidth = Math.Max(e.X, cropX) - Math.Min(e.X, cropX) cropHeight = Math.Max(e.Y, cropY) - Math.Min(e.Y, cropY) pic.CreateGraphics.DrawRectangle(cropPen, Math.Min(cropX, e.X), Math.Min(cropY, e.Y), cropWidth, cropHeight) End If End If Catch exc As Exception If Err.Number = 5 Then Exit Sub End Try End Sub Public Function MouseIsOverControl(ByVal c As Control) As Boolean Return c.ClientRectangle.Contains(c.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition)) End Function Private Sub pic_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles pic.MouseUp Try If Job = 1 Then Cursor = Cursors.Default Try If cropWidth < 10 Or cropHeight < 10 Or Not isStart Then pic.Refresh() Exit Sub End If isStart = False Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Math.Min(cropX, e.X), Math.Min(cropY, e.Y), cropWidth, cropHeight) Dim bit As Bitmap = New Bitmap(pic.Image, pic.Width, pic.Height) 'cropBitmap = New Bitmap(cropWidth, cropHeight) 'Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(cropBitmap) 'g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic 'g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality 'g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality 'g.DrawImage(bit, 0, 0, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel) 'preview.Image = cropBitmap img = New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory img.Quality(100) img.Load(bit) preview.Image = img.Crop(rect).Image Catch exc As Exception End Try End If Catch exc As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub frmImageEditor_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize resizer() End Sub Private Sub btnOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click If preview.Image IsNot Nothing Then pic.Image = preview.Image resizer() btnOK.Visible = False btnCancel.Visible = False Abzar.Enabled = True btnTaeed.Enabled = True Job = 0 lblTaqir.Text = "" trackContrast.Visible = False resizer() pic.Refresh() preview.Image = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub btnCancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click Job = 0 lblTaqir.Text = "" trackContrast.Visible = False resizer() pic.Refresh() preview.Image = Nothing btnOK.Visible = False btnCancel.Visible = False Abzar.Enabled = True btnTaeed.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnTaeed_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTaeed.Click Try pic.Image.Save(fileAddress) IMGcache.Remove(fileAddress) MessageBox.Show("تصویر با موفقیت ویرایش و ذخیره شد") Me.Close() Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick If timerTik Then ' btnOK.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Green) ' btnCancel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Orange) GroupBox1.ForeColor = Color.White Else ' btnOK.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Orange) ' btnCancel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Red) GroupBox1.ForeColor = Color.Black End If If Job > 0 Then timerTik = Not timerTik GroupBox1.Visible = True Else 'GroupBox1.ForeColor = Color.Black GroupBox1.Visible = False End If End Sub Private Sub btnRotateC_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRotateC.Click img = New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory img.Load(New Bitmap(pic.Image)) pic.Image = img.Rotate(90).Image resizer() btnTaeed.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnRotateAC_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRotateAC.Click img = New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory img.Load(New Bitmap(pic.Image)) pic.Image = img.Rotate(-90).Image resizer() btnTaeed.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnFilipV_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFilipV.Click img = New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory img.Load(New Bitmap(pic.Image)) pic.Image = img.Flip(True, False).Image resizer() btnTaeed.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnFilipH_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnFilipH.Click img = New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory img.Load(New Bitmap(pic.Image)) pic.Image = img.Flip(False, False).Image resizer() btnTaeed.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnContrast_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnContrast.Click Job = 2 lblTaqir.Tag = 0 lblTaqir.Text = $"میزان روشنایی : {lblTaqir.Tag}%" preview.Image = pic.Image img = New ImageProcessor.ImageFactory img.Load(pic.Image) trackContrast.Value = 0 trackContrast.Visible = True Abzar.Enabled = False btnOK.Visible = True btnCancel.Visible = True btnTaeed.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub trackContrast_Scroll(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles trackContrast.Scroll img.Reset() preview.Image = img.Contrast(trackContrast.Value).Image lblTaqir.Tag = trackContrast.Value lblTaqir.Text = $"میزان روشنایی : {lblTaqir.Tag}%" End Sub End Class
Imports System.Text Namespace BomCompare Public Class BomCompareRow Implements IComparable Public Enum ChangeTypeEnum Unchanged Added Removed Updated Replaced End Enum Public Sub New(ByVal index As String, ByVal changeType As ChangeTypeEnum, ByVal changeDescription As List(Of String), compareItem As BomCompareItem, baseItem As BomCompareItem) Me.Index = index Me.ChangeType = changeType Me.ChangeDescription = changeDescription Me.CompareItem = compareItem Me.BaseItem = baseItem End Sub Public Property Index As String Property ChangeType As ChangeTypeEnum Property ChangeDescription As List(Of String) Property CompareItem As BomCompareItem Property BaseItem As BomCompareItem Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Dim sb As New StringBuilder sb.AppendLine("Index: " & Index) sb.AppendLine("ChangeType: " & ChangeType.ToString) sb.AppendLine("Change description:") For Each changeDesc In ChangeDescription sb.AppendLine(changeDesc) Next If CompareItem Is Nothing Then sb.AppendLine("No compare item") Else sb.AppendLine("Compare Item:") sb.Append(BomCompareItemToString(CompareItem)) End If If BaseItem Is Nothing Then sb.AppendLine("No base item") Else sb.AppendLine("BaseItem Item:") sb.Append(BomCompareItemToString(BaseItem)) End If Return sb.ToString() End Function Private Function BomCompareItemToString(ByVal item As BomCompareItem) As String Dim sb As New StringBuilder For Each prop As IBomCompareItemProperty In item.BomCompareItemProperties sb.Append(prop.PropertyName) sb.Append("=") sb.Append(prop.Value) sb.Append(" Changed?=" & prop.Changed) sb.AppendLine() Next Return sb.ToString() End Function Public Function CompareTo(obj As Object) As Integer Implements IComparable.CompareTo Dim otherBomCompareRow As BomCompareRow = TryCast(obj, BomCompareRow) If otherBomCompareRow Is Nothing Then Return 0 End If ' Try to sort by integer if possible Dim otherIndex As Integer Dim thisIndex As Integer If Integer.TryParse(otherBomCompareRow.Index, otherIndex) AndAlso Integer.TryParse(Me.Index, thisIndex) Then If thisIndex > otherIndex Then Return 1 ElseIf thisIndex < otherIndex Then Return -1 End If Return 0 Else If Me.Index > otherBomCompareRow.Index Then Return 1 ElseIf Me.Index < otherBomCompareRow.Index Then Return -1 End If Return 0 End If End Function End Class End Namespace
Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Windows <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("HVIFViewer")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("HVIFViewer")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2022")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> <Assembly: ComVisible(false)> '<Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)> <Assembly: ThemeInfo(ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly)> <Assembly: Guid("d22f4d27-a8f8-4161-8ad3-d3c9dab907eb")> <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class OtobuslerFormu Private SQLBaglanti As New SqlConnection(SqlBaglantiCumlesi) Private OtobusTablosuSDA As SqlDataAdapter Private Sub OtobuslerFormu_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load OtobusBilgileriniGetir() MarkaModelBilgileriniGetir() OtobusTablosuBindingSource.CancelEdit() End Sub Private Sub OtobusBilgileriniGetir() Dim Sorgu As String = "SELECT * FROM OtobusTablosu" OtobusTablosuSDA = New SqlDataAdapter(Sorgu, SQLBaglanti) OtobusTablosuSDA.Fill(BipBusDataSet, "OtobusTablosu") 'Insert, Update ve Delete Komutlarını Ekle Dim SQLKomutOlusturucu As New SqlCommandBuilder(OtobusTablosuSDA) OtobusTablosuSDA.InsertCommand = SQLKomutOlusturucu.GetInsertCommand OtobusTablosuSDA.UpdateCommand = SQLKomutOlusturucu.GetUpdateCommand OtobusTablosuSDA.DeleteCommand = SQLKomutOlusturucu.GetDeleteCommand '********************************** OtobusTablosuBindingSource.DataSource = BipBusDataSet OtobusTablosuBindingSource.DataMember = "OtobusTablosu" OtobusTablosuBindingNavigator.BindingSource = OtobusTablosuBindingSource OtobuslerDataGridView.DataSource = OtobusTablosuBindingSource FormNesneleriniBagla() End Sub Private Sub FormNesneleriniBagla() PlakaTextBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "Plaka") MarkaNoComboBox.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "MarkaNo") ModelNoComboBox.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "ModelNo") KoltukSayisiNUD.DataBindings.Add("Value", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "KoltukSayisi", True) TelefonTextBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "Telefon") KoltukDizilisiComboBox.DataBindings.Add("Text", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "KoltukDizilisi") KatNUD.DataBindings.Add("Value", OtobusTablosuBindingSource, "Kat", True) End Sub Private Sub MarkaModelBilgileriniGetir() Try SQLBaglanti.Open() 'Marka Bilgilerini Getir Dim Sorgu As String = "SELECT * FROM MarkaTablosu" Dim SQLKomut As New SqlCommand(Sorgu, SQLBaglanti) BipBusDataSet.Tables.Add("MarkaTablosu").Load(SQLKomut.ExecuteReader) 'Model Bilgilerini Getir Sorgu = "SELECT * FROM ModelTablosu" SQLKomut.CommandText = Sorgu BipBusDataSet.Tables.Add("ModelTablosu").Load(SQLKomut.ExecuteReader) 'Marka ve Model Tabloları Arasında DataSet Üzerinde İlişki Kurma************ 'MarkaNo Alanlarını Değişkenlere Ata Dim Marka_MarkaNo As DataColumn = BipBusDataSet.Tables("MarkaTablosu").Columns("MarkaNo") Dim Model_MarkaNo As DataColumn = BipBusDataSet.Tables("ModelTablosu").Columns("MarkaNo") 'İlişki Değişkenini Oluştur New DataRelation("İlişki Adı", PK Olan Alan, FK Olan Alan) Dim MarkaModelRelation As New DataRelation("MarkaModel", Marka_MarkaNo, Model_MarkaNo) 'İlişkiyi DataSet'e Ekle BipBusDataSet.Relations.Add(MarkaModelRelation) 'BindingSource'ler ile Bağlantı Kur MarkaBindingSource.DataSource = BipBusDataSet MarkaBindingSource.DataMember = "MarkaTablosu" 'Buraya Dikkat ModelBindingSource.DataSource = MarkaBindingSource ModelBindingSource.DataMember = "MarkaModel" 'İlişkiye Verdiğimiz İsmi Yazıyoruz '*************************************************************** 'ComboBox'lar ile Bağlantı Kur MarkaNoComboBox.DataSource = MarkaBindingSource MarkaNoComboBox.DisplayMember = "Marka" MarkaNoComboBox.ValueMember = "MarkaNo" ModelNoComboBox.DataSource = ModelBindingSource ModelNoComboBox.DisplayMember = "ModelAdi" ModelNoComboBox.ValueMember = "ModelNo" 'DataGridView İçerisindeki Tipi ComboBox Olan Alanlar İle Bağlantı Kur Dim MarkaNoCB As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = OtobuslerDataGridView.Columns("MarkaNo") MarkaNoCB.DataSource = MarkaBindingSource MarkaNoCB.DisplayMember = "Marka" MarkaNoCB.ValueMember = "MarkaNo" Dim ModelNoCB As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn = OtobuslerDataGridView.Columns("ModelNo") ModelNoCB.DataSource = ModelBindingSource ModelNoCB.DisplayMember = "ModelAdi" ModelNoCB.ValueMember = "ModelNo" Catch ex As Exception Finally SQLBaglanti.Close() End Try End Sub Private Sub MarkaNoComboBox_SelectedValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MarkaNoComboBox.SelectedValueChanged ' MarkaBindingSource.Position = MarkaNoComboBox.SelectedIndex End Sub Private Sub BindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click Me.Validate() OtobusTablosuBindingSource.EndEdit() OtobusTablosuSDA.Update(BipBusDataSet, "OtobusTablosu") MsgBox("Yapılan Değişiklikler (Ekle, Değiştir, Sil) Veri Tabanına Aktarıldı.") End Sub Private Sub AraButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AraButton.Click OtobusAramaFormu.ShowDialog(Me) End Sub Private Sub OtobuslerDataGridView_DataError(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs) Handles OtobuslerDataGridView.DataError If e.Exception.Message = "DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid." Then Dim value As Object = OtobuslerDataGridView.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value If Not (CType(OtobuslerDataGridView.Columns(e.ColumnIndex), DataGridViewComboBoxColumn)).Items.Contains(value) Then CType(OtobuslerDataGridView.Columns(e.ColumnIndex), DataGridViewComboBoxColumn).Items.Add(value) e.ThrowException = False End If End If End Sub End Class
Public Class FrmFindVA Private Sub BtnCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCancel.Click Me.Close() Me.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub BtnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOk.Click Me.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK End Sub Private Sub TxtValue_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TxtValue.KeyPress SetDisableKeyString(e) End Sub End Class
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' 此代码由工具生成。 ' 运行时版本:4.0.30319.42000 ' ' 对此文件的更改可能会导致不正确的行为,并且如果 ' 重新生成代码,这些更改将会丢失。 ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace My <Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editors.SettingsDesigner.SettingsSingleFileGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Partial Friend NotInheritable Class MySettings Inherits Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase Private Shared defaultInstance As MySettings = CType(Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Synchronized(New MySettings()),MySettings) #Region "My.Settings 自动保存功能" #If _MyType = "WindowsForms" Then Private Shared addedHandler As Boolean Private Shared addedHandlerLockObject As New Object <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Private Shared Sub AutoSaveSettings(sender As Global.System.Object, e As Global.System.EventArgs) If My.Application.SaveMySettingsOnExit Then My.Settings.Save() End If End Sub #End If #End Region Public Shared ReadOnly Property [Default]() As MySettings Get #If _MyType = "WindowsForms" Then If Not addedHandler Then SyncLock addedHandlerLockObject If Not addedHandler Then AddHandler My.Application.Shutdown, AddressOf AutoSaveSettings addedHandler = True End If End SyncLock End If #End If Return defaultInstance End Get End Property End Class End Namespace Namespace My <Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.HideModuleNameAttribute(), _ Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()> _ Friend Module MySettingsProperty <Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("My.Settings")> _ Friend ReadOnly Property Settings() As Global.舰娘大战塞壬启动器.My.MySettings Get Return Global.舰娘大战塞壬启动器.My.MySettings.Default End Get End Property End Module End Namespace
Public Class PalindromeForm Private Sub btnAnalyze_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAnalyze.Click Dim word as String = txtWord.Text Dim wordNoPunctuation as String = "" For i as Integer = 0 To word.Length - 1 Dim character as Char = Cchar(word.Substring(i,1).ToUpper()) If Asc(character) >= 65 And Asc(character) <= 90 Then wordNoPunctuation += character End If Next If IsPalindrome(wordNoPunctuation) Then txtOutput.Text = "YES" Else txtOutput.Text = "NO" End If End Sub Private Function IsPalindrome(word As String) As Boolean Dim reversedWord as String = "" For i as Integer = word.Length To 1 Step -1 reversedWord += word.Substring(i - 1, 1) Next If reversedWord = word Then Return True Else Return False End If End Function End Class
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace My.Resources 'This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder 'class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio. 'To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen 'with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project. '''<summary> ''' A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", ""), _ Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute(), _ Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.HideModuleNameAttribute()> _ Friend Module Resources Private resourceMan As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager Private resourceCulture As Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo '''<summary> ''' Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. '''</summary> <Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Friend ReadOnly Property ResourceManager() As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager Get If Object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, Nothing) Then Dim temp As Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = New Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager("SaberLibreriasWindows.Resources", GetType(Resources).Assembly) resourceMan = temp End If Return resourceMan End Get End Property '''<summary> ''' Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all ''' resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. '''</summary> <Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Friend Property Culture() As Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo Get Return resourceCulture End Get Set(ByVal value As Global.System.Globalization.CultureInfo) resourceCulture = value End Set End Property End Module End Namespace
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This is the code that actually outputs the VB code that defines the tree. It is passed a read and validated ' ParseTree, and outputs the code to defined the node classes for that tree, and also additional data ' structures like the kinds, visitor, etc. '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imports System.IO ' Class to write out the code for the code tree. Friend Class GreenNodeWriter Inherits WriteUtils Private _writer As TextWriter 'output is sent here. Private ReadOnly _nonterminalsWithOneChild As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) Private ReadOnly _nonterminalsWithTwoChildren As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) ' Initialize the class with the parse tree to write. Public Sub New(parseTree As ParseTree) MyBase.New(parseTree) End Sub ' Write out the code defining the tree to the give file. Public Sub WriteTreeAsCode(writer As TextWriter) _writer = writer GenerateFile() End Sub Private Sub GenerateFile() GenerateNamespace() End Sub Private Sub GenerateNamespace() _writer.WriteLine() If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.NamespaceName) Then _writer.WriteLine("Namespace {0}", Ident(_parseTree.NamespaceName) + ".Syntax.InternalSyntax") _writer.WriteLine() End If GenerateNodeStructures() If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.VisitorName) Then GenerateVisitorClass() End If If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.RewriteVisitorName) Then GenerateRewriteVisitorClass() End If If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.NamespaceName) Then _writer.WriteLine("End Namespace") End If 'DumpNames("Nodes with One Child", _nonterminalsWithOneChild) 'DumpNames("Nodes with Two Children", _nonterminalsWithTwoChildren) End Sub Private Sub DumpNames(title As String, names As List(Of String)) Console.WriteLine(title) Console.WriteLine("=======================================") Dim sortedNames = From n In names Order By n For Each name In sortedNames Console.WriteLine(name) Next Console.WriteLine() End Sub Private Sub GenerateNodeStructures() For Each nodeStructure In _parseTree.NodeStructures.Values If Not nodeStructure.NoFactory Then GenerateNodeStructureClass(nodeStructure) End If Next End Sub ' Generate an constant value Private Function GetConstantValue(val As Long) As String Return val.ToString() End Function ' Generate a class declaration for a node structure. Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureClass(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) ' XML comment GenerateXmlComment(_writer, nodeStructure, 4) ' Class name _writer.Write(" ") If (nodeStructure.PartialClass) Then _writer.Write("Partial ") End If Dim visibility As String = "Friend" If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) Then _writer.WriteLine("{0} MustInherit Class {1}", visibility, StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) ElseIf Not nodeStructure.HasDerivedStructure Then _writer.WriteLine("{0} NotInheritable Class {1}", visibility, StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) Else _writer.WriteLine("{0} Class {1}", visibility, StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) End If ' Base class If Not IsRoot(nodeStructure) Then _writer.WriteLine(" Inherits {0}", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure.ParentStructure)) End If _writer.WriteLine() 'Create members GenerateNodeStructureMembers(nodeStructure) ' Create the constructor. GenerateNodeStructureConstructor(nodeStructure, False, noExtra:=True) GenerateNodeStructureConstructor(nodeStructure, False, noExtra:=True, contextual:=True) GenerateNodeStructureConstructor(nodeStructure, False) ' Serialization GenerateNodeStructureSerialization(nodeStructure) GenerateCreateRed(nodeStructure) ' Create the property accessor for each of the fields Dim fields = nodeStructure.Fields For i = 0 To fields.Count - 1 GenerateNodeFieldProperty(fields(i), i, fields(i).ContainingStructure IsNot nodeStructure) Next ' Create the property accessor for each of the children Dim children = nodeStructure.Children For i = 0 To children.Count - 1 GenerateNodeChildProperty(nodeStructure, children(i), i) GenerateNodeWithChildProperty(children(i), i, nodeStructure) Next If Not (_parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) OrElse nodeStructure.IsToken) Then If children.Count = 1 Then If Not children(0).IsList AndAlso Not KindTypeStructure(children(0).ChildKind).Name = "ExpressionSyntax" Then _nonterminalsWithOneChild.Add(nodeStructure.Name) End If ElseIf children.Count = 2 Then If Not children(0).IsList AndAlso Not KindTypeStructure(children(0).ChildKind).Name = "ExpressionSyntax" AndAlso Not children(1).IsList AndAlso Not KindTypeStructure(children(1).ChildKind).Name = "ExpressionSyntax" Then _nonterminalsWithTwoChildren.Add(nodeStructure.Name) End If End If End If 'Create GetChild GenerateGetChild(nodeStructure) GenerateWithTrivia(nodeStructure) GenerateSetDiagnostics(nodeStructure) GenerateSetAnnotations(nodeStructure) ' Visitor accept method If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.VisitorName) Then GenerateAccept(nodeStructure) End If 'GenerateUpdate(nodeStructure) ' Special methods for the root node. If IsRoot(nodeStructure) Then GenerateRootNodeSpecialMethods(nodeStructure) End If ' End the class _writer.WriteLine(" End Class") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate CreateRed method Private Sub GenerateCreateRed(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) OrElse nodeStructure.IsToken OrElse nodeStructure.IsTrivia Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides Function CreateRed(ByVal parent As SyntaxNode, ByVal startLocation As Integer) As SyntaxNode") _writer.WriteLine(" Return new {0}.Syntax.{1}(Me, parent, startLocation)", _parseTree.NamespaceName, StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate SetDiagnostics method Private Sub GenerateSetDiagnostics(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides Function SetDiagnostics(ByVal newErrors As DiagnosticInfo()) As GreenNode") _writer.Write(" Return new {0}", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) GenerateNodeStructureConstructorParameters(nodeStructure, "newErrors", "GetAnnotations", "GetLeadingTrivia", "GetTrailingTrivia") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate SetAnnotations method Private Sub GenerateSetAnnotations(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides Function SetAnnotations(ByVal annotations As SyntaxAnnotation()) As GreenNode") _writer.Write(" Return new {0}", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) GenerateNodeStructureConstructorParameters(nodeStructure, "GetDiagnostics", "annotations", "GetLeadingTrivia", "GetTrailingTrivia") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate Update method . But only for non terminals Private Sub GenerateUpdate(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) OrElse nodeStructure.IsToken OrElse nodeStructure.IsTrivia Then Return End If Dim structureName = StructureTypeName(nodeStructure) Dim factory = FactoryName(nodeStructure) Dim needComma = False _writer.Write(" Friend ") If nodeStructure.ParentStructure IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not nodeStructure.ParentStructure.Abstract Then _writer.Write("Shadows ") End If _writer.Write("Function Update(") For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) If needComma Then _writer.Write(", ") End If GenerateFactoryChildParameter(nodeStructure, child, Nothing, False) needComma = True Next _writer.WriteLine(") As {0}", structureName) needComma = False _writer.Write(" If ") For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) If needComma Then _writer.Write(" OrElse ") End If If child.IsList OrElse KindTypeStructure(child.ChildKind).IsToken Then _writer.Write("{0}.Node IsNot Me.{1}", ChildParamName(child), ChildVarName(child)) Else _writer.Write("{0} IsNot Me.{1}", ChildParamName(child), ChildVarName(child)) End If needComma = True Next _writer.WriteLine(" Then") needComma = False _writer.Write(" Return SyntaxFactory.{0}(", factory) If nodeStructure.NodeKinds.Count >= 2 And Not _parseTree.NodeKinds.ContainsKey(FactoryName(nodeStructure)) Then _writer.Write("Me.Kind, ") End If For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) If needComma Then _writer.Write(", ") End If _writer.Write("{0}", ChildParamName(child)) needComma = True Next _writer.WriteLine(")") _writer.WriteLine(" End If") _writer.WriteLine(" Return Me") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate WithTrivia method s Private Sub GenerateWithTrivia(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) OrElse Not nodeStructure.IsToken Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Public Overrides Function WithLeadingTrivia(ByVal trivia As GreenNode) As GreenNode") _writer.Write(" Return new {0}", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) GenerateNodeStructureConstructorParameters(nodeStructure, "GetDiagnostics", "GetAnnotations", "trivia", "GetTrailingTrivia") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() _writer.WriteLine(" Public Overrides Function WithTrailingTrivia(ByVal trivia As GreenNode) As GreenNode") _writer.Write(" Return new {0}", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) GenerateNodeStructureConstructorParameters(nodeStructure, "GetDiagnostics", "GetAnnotations", "GetLeadingTrivia", "trivia") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate GetChild, GetChildrenCount so members can be accessed by index Private Sub GenerateGetChild(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) OrElse nodeStructure.IsToken Then Return End If Dim allChildren = GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) Dim childrenCount = allChildren.Count If childrenCount = 0 Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides Function GetSlot(i as Integer) as GreenNode") ' Create the property accessor for each of the children Dim children = allChildren If childrenCount <> 1 Then _writer.WriteLine(" Select case i") For i = 0 To childrenCount - 1 _writer.WriteLine(" Case {0}", i) _writer.WriteLine(" Return Me.{0}", ChildVarName(children(i))) Next _writer.WriteLine(" Case Else") _writer.WriteLine(" Debug.Assert(false, ""child index out of range"")") _writer.WriteLine(" Return Nothing") _writer.WriteLine(" End Select") Else _writer.WriteLine(" If i = 0 Then") _writer.WriteLine(" Return Me.{0}", ChildVarName(children(0))) _writer.WriteLine(" Else") _writer.WriteLine(" Debug.Assert(false, ""child index out of range"")") _writer.WriteLine(" Return Nothing") _writer.WriteLine(" End If") End If _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() '_writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides ReadOnly Property SlotCount() As Integer") '_writer.WriteLine(" Get") '_writer.WriteLine(" Return {0}", childrenCount) '_writer.WriteLine(" End Get") '_writer.WriteLine(" End Property") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate IsTerminal property. Private Sub GenerateIsTerminal(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides ReadOnly Property IsTerminal As Boolean") _writer.WriteLine(" Get") _writer.WriteLine(" Return {0}", If(nodeStructure.IsTerminal, "True", "False")) _writer.WriteLine(" End Get") _writer.WriteLine(" End Property") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureMembers(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) Dim fields = nodeStructure.Fields For Each field In fields _writer.WriteLine(" Friend ReadOnly {0} as {1}", FieldVarName(field), FieldTypeRef(field)) Next Dim children = nodeStructure.Children For Each child In children _writer.WriteLine(" Friend ReadOnly {0} as {1}", ChildVarName(child), ChildFieldTypeRef(child, True)) Next _writer.WriteLine() End Sub Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureSerialization(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If nodeStructure.IsTokenRoot OrElse nodeStructure.IsTriviaRoot OrElse nodeStructure.IsPredefined OrElse nodeStructure.Name = "StructuredTriviaSyntax" Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Sub New(reader as ObjectReader)") _writer.WriteLine(" MyBase.New(reader)") If Not nodeStructure.Abstract Then Dim allChildren = GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) Dim childrenCount = allChildren.Count If childrenCount <> 0 Then _writer.WriteLine(" MyBase._slotCount = {0}", childrenCount) End If End If For Each child In nodeStructure.Children _writer.WriteLine(" Dim {0} = DirectCast(reader.ReadValue(), {1})", ChildVarName(child), ChildFieldTypeRef(child, isGreen:=True)) _writer.WriteLine(" If {0} isnot Nothing ", ChildVarName(child)) _writer.WriteLine(" AdjustFlagsAndWidth({0})", ChildVarName(child)) _writer.WriteLine(" Me.{0} = {0}", ChildVarName(child)) _writer.WriteLine(" End If") Next For Each field In nodeStructure.Fields _writer.WriteLine(" Me.{0} = CType(reader.{1}(), {2})", FieldVarName(field), ReaderMethod(FieldTypeRef(field)), FieldTypeRef(field)) Next 'TODO: BLUE If StructureTypeName(nodeStructure) = "DirectiveTriviaSyntax" Then _writer.WriteLine(" SetFlags(NodeFlags.ContainsDirectives)") End If _writer.WriteLine(" End Sub") If Not nodeStructure.Abstract Then ' Friend Shared CreateInstance As Func(Of ObjectReader, Object) = Function(o) New BinaryExpressionSyntax(o) _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Shared CreateInstance As Func(Of ObjectReader, Object) = Function(o) New {0}(o)", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) _writer.WriteLine() End If If nodeStructure.Children.Count > 0 OrElse nodeStructure.Fields.Count > 0 Then _writer.WriteLine() _writer.WriteLine(" Friend Overrides Sub WriteTo(writer as ObjectWriter)") _writer.WriteLine(" MyBase.WriteTo(writer)") For Each child In nodeStructure.Children _writer.WriteLine(" writer.WriteValue(Me.{0})", ChildVarName(child)) Next For Each field In nodeStructure.Fields _writer.WriteLine(" writer.{0}(Me.{1})", WriterMethod(FieldTypeRef(field)), FieldVarName(field)) Next _writer.WriteLine(" End Sub") End If If Not _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) Then _writer.WriteLine() _writer.WriteLine(" Shared Sub New()") _writer.WriteLine(" ObjectBinder.RegisterTypeReader(GetType({0}), Function(r) New {0}(r))", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) _writer.WriteLine(" End Sub") End If _writer.WriteLine() End Sub Private Function ReaderMethod(type As String) As String Select Case type Case "Integer", "SyntaxKind", "TypeCharacter" Return "ReadInt32" Case "Boolean" Return "ReadBoolean" Case Else Return "ReadValue" End Select End Function Private Function WriterMethod(type As String) As String Select Case type Case "Integer", "SyntaxKind", "TypeCharacter" Return "WriteInt32" Case "Boolean" Return "WriteBoolean" Case Else Return "WriteValue" End Select End Function ' Generate constructor for a node structure Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureConstructor(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure, isRaw As Boolean, Optional noExtra As Boolean = False, Optional contextual As Boolean = False) ' these constructors are hardcoded If nodeStructure.IsTokenRoot OrElse nodeStructure.IsTriviaRoot OrElse nodeStructure.Name = "StructuredTriviaSyntax" Then Return End If If nodeStructure.ParentStructure Is Nothing Then Return End If Dim allFields = GetAllFieldsOfStructure(nodeStructure) _writer.Write(" Friend Sub New(") ' Generate each of the field parameters _writer.Write("ByVal kind As {0}", NodeKindType()) If Not noExtra Then _writer.Write(", ByVal errors as DiagnosticInfo(), ByVal annotations as SyntaxAnnotation()", NodeKindType()) End If If nodeStructure.IsTerminal Then ' terminals have a text _writer.Write(", text as String") End If If nodeStructure.IsToken Then ' tokens have trivia _writer.Write(", leadingTrivia As GreenNode, trailingTrivia As GreenNode", StructureTypeName(_parseTree.RootStructure)) End If For Each field In allFields _writer.Write(", ") GenerateNodeStructureFieldParameter(field) Next For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) _writer.Write(", ") GenerateNodeStructureChildParameter(child, Nothing, True) Next If contextual Then _writer.Write(", context As ISyntaxFactoryContext") End If _writer.WriteLine(")") ' Generate each of the field parameters _writer.Write(" MyBase.New(kind", NodeKindType()) If Not noExtra Then _writer.Write(", errors, annotations") End If If nodeStructure.IsToken AndAlso Not nodeStructure.IsTokenRoot Then ' nonterminals have text. _writer.Write(", text") If Not nodeStructure.IsTrivia Then ' tokens have trivia, but only if they are not trivia. _writer.Write(", leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia") End If End If Dim baseClass = nodeStructure.ParentStructure If baseClass IsNot Nothing Then For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(baseClass) _writer.Write(", {0}", ChildParamName(child)) Next End If _writer.WriteLine(")") If Not nodeStructure.Abstract Then Dim allChildren = GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) Dim childrenCount = allChildren.Count If childrenCount <> 0 Then _writer.WriteLine(" MyBase._slotCount = {0}", childrenCount) End If End If ' Generate code to initialize this class If contextual Then _writer.WriteLine(" Me.SetFactoryContext(context)") End If If allFields.Count > 0 Then For i = 0 To allFields.Count - 1 _writer.WriteLine(" Me.{0} = {1}", FieldVarName(allFields(i)), FieldParamName(allFields(i))) Next End If If nodeStructure.Children.Count > 0 Then '_writer.WriteLine(" Dim fullWidth as integer") _writer.WriteLine() For Each child In nodeStructure.Children Dim indent = "" If child.IsOptional OrElse child.IsList Then 'If endKeyword IsNot Nothing Then _writer.WriteLine(" If {0} IsNot Nothing Then", ChildParamName(child)) indent = " " End If '_writer.WriteLine("{0} fullWidth += {1}.FullWidth", indent, ChildParamName(child)) _writer.WriteLine("{0} AdjustFlagsAndWidth({1})", indent, ChildParamName(child)) _writer.WriteLine("{0} Me.{1} = {2}", indent, ChildVarName(child), ChildParamName(child)) If child.IsOptional OrElse child.IsList Then 'If endKeyword IsNot Nothing Then _writer.WriteLine(" End If", ChildParamName(child)) End If Next '_writer.WriteLine(" Me._fullWidth += fullWidth") _writer.WriteLine() End If 'TODO: BLUE If StructureTypeName(nodeStructure) = "DirectiveTriviaSyntax" Then _writer.WriteLine(" SetFlags(NodeFlags.ContainsDirectives)") End If ' Generate End Sub _writer.WriteLine(" End Sub") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureConstructorParameters(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure, errorParam As String, annotationParam As String, precedingTriviaParam As String, followingTriviaParam As String) ' Generate each of the field parameters _writer.Write("(Me.Kind") _writer.Write(", {0}", errorParam) _writer.Write(", {0}", annotationParam) If nodeStructure.IsToken Then ' nonterminals have text. _writer.Write(", text") If Not nodeStructure.IsTrivia Then ' tokens have trivia, but only if they are not trivia. _writer.Write(", {0}, {1}", precedingTriviaParam, followingTriviaParam) End If ElseIf nodeStructure.IsTrivia AndAlso nodeStructure.IsTriviaRoot Then _writer.Write(", Me.Text") End If For Each field In GetAllFieldsOfStructure(nodeStructure) _writer.Write(", {0}", FieldVarName(field)) Next For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) _writer.Write(", {0}", ChildVarName(child)) Next _writer.WriteLine(")") End Sub ' Generate a parameter corresponding to a node structure field Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureFieldParameter(field As ParseNodeField, Optional conflictName As String = Nothing) _writer.Write("{0} As {1}", FieldParamName(field, conflictName), FieldTypeRef(field)) End Sub ' Generate a parameter corresponding to a node structure child Private Sub GenerateNodeStructureChildParameter(child As ParseNodeChild, Optional conflictName As String = Nothing, Optional isGreen As Boolean = False) _writer.Write("{0} As {1}", ChildParamName(child, conflictName), ChildConstructorTypeRef(child, isGreen)) End Sub ' Generate a parameter corresponding to a node structure child Private Sub GenerateFactoryChildParameter(node As ParseNodeStructure, child As ParseNodeChild, Optional conflictName As String = Nothing, Optional internalForm As Boolean = False) _writer.Write("{0} As {1}", ChildParamName(child, conflictName), ChildFactoryTypeRef(node, child, True, internalForm)) End Sub ' Get modifiers Private Function GetModifiers(containingStructure As ParseNodeStructure, isOverride As Boolean, name As String) As String ' Is this overridable or an override? Dim modifiers = "" 'If isOverride Then ' modifiers = "Overrides" 'ElseIf containingStructure.HasDerivedStructure Then ' modifiers = "Overridable" 'End If ' Put Shadows modifier on if useful. ' Object has Equals and GetType ' root name has members for every kind and structure (factory methods) If (name = "Equals" OrElse name = "GetType") Then 'OrElse _parseTree.NodeKinds.ContainsKey(name) OrElse _parseTree.NodeStructures.ContainsKey(name)) Then modifiers = "Shadows " + modifiers End If Return modifiers End Function ' Generate a public property for a node field Private Sub GenerateNodeFieldProperty(field As ParseNodeField, fieldIndex As Integer, isOverride As Boolean) ' XML comment GenerateXmlComment(_writer, field, 8) _writer.WriteLine(" Friend {2} ReadOnly Property {0} As {1}", FieldPropertyName(field), FieldTypeRef(field), GetModifiers(field.ContainingStructure, isOverride, field.Name)) _writer.WriteLine(" Get") _writer.WriteLine(" Return Me.{0}", FieldVarName(field)) _writer.WriteLine(" End Get") _writer.WriteLine(" End Property") _writer.WriteLine("") End Sub ' Generate a public property for a child Private Sub GenerateNodeChildProperty(node As ParseNodeStructure, child As ParseNodeChild, childIndex As Integer) ' XML comment GenerateXmlComment(_writer, child, 8) Dim isToken = KindTypeStructure(child.ChildKind).IsToken _writer.WriteLine(" Friend {2} ReadOnly Property {0} As {1}", ChildPropertyName(child), ChildPropertyTypeRef(node, child, True), GetModifiers(child.ContainingStructure, False, child.Name)) _writer.WriteLine(" Get") If Not child.IsList Then _writer.WriteLine(" Return Me.{0}", ChildVarName(child)) ElseIf child.IsSeparated Then _writer.WriteLine(" Return new {0}(New Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxList(of {1})(Me.{2}))", ChildPropertyTypeRef(node, child, True), BaseTypeReference(child), ChildVarName(child)) ElseIf KindTypeStructure(child.ChildKind).IsToken Then _writer.WriteLine(" Return New Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxList(of GreenNode)(Me.{1})", BaseTypeReference(child), ChildVarName(child)) Else _writer.WriteLine(" Return new {0}(Me.{1})", ChildPropertyTypeRef(node, child, True), ChildVarName(child)) End If _writer.WriteLine(" End Get") _writer.WriteLine(" End Property") _writer.WriteLine("") End Sub ' Generate a public property for a child Private Sub GenerateNodeWithChildProperty(withChild As ParseNodeChild, childIndex As Integer, nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) Dim isOverride As Boolean = withChild.ContainingStructure IsNot nodeStructure If withChild.GenerateWith Then Dim isAbstract As Boolean = _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) If Not isAbstract Then ' XML comment GenerateWithXmlComment(_writer, withChild, 8) _writer.WriteLine(" Friend {2} Function {0}({3} as {4}) As {1}", ChildWithFunctionName(withChild), StructureTypeName(withChild.ContainingStructure), GetModifiers(withChild.ContainingStructure, isOverride, withChild.Name), Ident(UpperFirstCharacter(withChild.Name)), ChildConstructorTypeRef(withChild)) _writer.WriteLine(" Ensures(Result(Of {0}) IsNot Nothing)", StructureTypeName(withChild.ContainingStructure)) _writer.Write(" return New {0}(", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) _writer.Write("Kind, Green.Errors") Dim allFields = GetAllFieldsOfStructure(nodeStructure) If allFields.Count > 0 Then For i = 0 To allFields.Count - 1 _writer.Write(", {0}", FieldParamName(allFields(i))) Next End If For Each child In nodeStructure.Children If child IsNot withChild Then _writer.Write(", {0}", ChildParamName(child)) Else _writer.Write(", {0}", Ident(UpperFirstCharacter(child.Name))) End If Next _writer.WriteLine(")") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") ElseIf nodeStructure.Children.Contains(withChild) Then ' XML comment GenerateWithXmlComment(_writer, withChild, 8) _writer.WriteLine(" Friend {2} Function {0}({3} as {4}) As {1}", ChildWithFunctionName(withChild), StructureTypeName(withChild.ContainingStructure), "MustOverride", Ident(UpperFirstCharacter(withChild.Name)), ChildConstructorTypeRef(withChild)) End If _writer.WriteLine("") End If End Sub ' Generate public properties for a child that is a separated list Private Sub GenerateAccept(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If nodeStructure.ParentStructure IsNot Nothing AndAlso (_parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) OrElse nodeStructure.IsToken OrElse nodeStructure.IsTrivia) Then Return End If _writer.WriteLine(" Public {0} Function Accept(ByVal visitor As {1}) As VisualBasicSyntaxNode", If(IsRoot(nodeStructure), "Overridable", "Overrides"), _parseTree.VisitorName) _writer.WriteLine(" Return visitor.{0}(Me)", VisitorMethodName(nodeStructure)) _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate special methods and properties for the root node. These only appear in the root node. Private Sub GenerateRootNodeSpecialMethods(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate the Visitor class definition Private Sub GenerateVisitorClass() _writer.WriteLine(" Friend MustInherit Class {0}", Ident(_parseTree.VisitorName)) ' Basic Visit method that dispatches. _writer.WriteLine(" Public Overridable Function Visit(ByVal node As {0}) As VisualBasicSyntaxNode", StructureTypeName(_parseTree.RootStructure)) _writer.WriteLine(" If node IsNot Nothing") _writer.WriteLine(" Return node.Accept(Me)") _writer.WriteLine(" Else") _writer.WriteLine(" Return Nothing") _writer.WriteLine(" End If") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") For Each nodeStructure In _parseTree.NodeStructures.Values GenerateVisitorMethod(nodeStructure) Next _writer.WriteLine(" End Class") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate a method in the Visitor class Private Sub GenerateVisitorMethod(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If nodeStructure.IsToken OrElse nodeStructure.IsTrivia Then Return End If Dim methodName = VisitorMethodName(nodeStructure) Dim structureName = StructureTypeName(nodeStructure) _writer.WriteLine(" Public Overridable Function {0}(ByVal node As {1}) As VisualBasicSyntaxNode", methodName, structureName) _writer.WriteLine(" Debug.Assert(node IsNot Nothing)") If Not IsRoot(nodeStructure) Then _writer.WriteLine(" Return {0}(node)", VisitorMethodName(nodeStructure.ParentStructure)) Else _writer.WriteLine(" Return node") End If _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") End Sub ' Generate the RewriteVisitor class definition Private Sub GenerateRewriteVisitorClass() _writer.WriteLine(" Friend MustInherit Class {0}", Ident(_parseTree.RewriteVisitorName)) _writer.WriteLine(" Inherits {0}", Ident(_parseTree.VisitorName), StructureTypeName(_parseTree.RootStructure)) _writer.WriteLine() For Each nodeStructure In _parseTree.NodeStructures.Values GenerateRewriteVisitorMethod(nodeStructure) Next _writer.WriteLine(" End Class") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub ' Generate a method in the RewriteVisitor class Private Sub GenerateRewriteVisitorMethod(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure) If nodeStructure.IsToken OrElse nodeStructure.IsTrivia Then Return End If If nodeStructure.Abstract Then ' do nothing for abstract nodes Return End If Dim methodName = VisitorMethodName(nodeStructure) Dim structureName = StructureTypeName(nodeStructure) _writer.WriteLine(" Public Overrides Function {0}(ByVal node As {1}) As {2}", methodName, structureName, StructureTypeName(_parseTree.RootStructure)) ' non-abstract non-terminals need to rewrite their children and recreate as needed. Dim allFields = GetAllFieldsOfStructure(nodeStructure) Dim allChildren = GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure) ' create anyChanges variable _writer.WriteLine(" Dim anyChanges As Boolean = False") _writer.WriteLine() ' visit all children For i = 0 To allChildren.Count - 1 If allChildren(i).IsList Then _writer.WriteLine(" Dim {0} = VisitList(node.{1})" + vbCrLf + " If node.{2} IsNot {0}.Node Then anyChanges = True", ChildNewVarName(allChildren(i)), ChildPropertyName(allChildren(i)), ChildVarName(allChildren(i))) ElseIf KindTypeStructure(allChildren(i).ChildKind).IsToken Then _writer.WriteLine(" Dim {0} = DirectCast(Visit(node.{2}), {1})" + vbCrLf + " If node.{3} IsNot {0} Then anyChanges = True", ChildNewVarName(allChildren(i)), BaseTypeReference(allChildren(i)), ChildPropertyName(allChildren(i)), ChildVarName(allChildren(i))) Else _writer.WriteLine(" Dim {0} = DirectCast(Visit(node.{2}), {1})" + vbCrLf + " If node.{2} IsNot {0} Then anyChanges = True", ChildNewVarName(allChildren(i)), ChildPropertyTypeRef(nodeStructure, allChildren(i)), ChildVarName(allChildren(i))) End If Next _writer.WriteLine() ' check if any changes. _writer.WriteLine(" If anyChanges Then") _writer.Write(" Return New {0}(node.Kind", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure)) _writer.Write(", node.GetDiagnostics, node.GetAnnotations") For Each field In allFields _writer.Write(", node.{0}", FieldPropertyName(field)) Next For Each child In allChildren If child.IsList Then _writer.Write(", {0}.Node", ChildNewVarName(child)) ElseIf KindTypeStructure(child.ChildKind).IsToken Then _writer.Write(", {0}", ChildNewVarName(child)) Else _writer.Write(", {0}", ChildNewVarName(child)) End If Next _writer.WriteLine(")") _writer.WriteLine(" Else") _writer.WriteLine(" Return node") _writer.WriteLine(" End If") _writer.WriteLine(" End Function") _writer.WriteLine() End Sub End Class
#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::d65445f67976c5d9470b8a3ab0b384b8, mzkit\src\metadb\Massbank\Public\TMIC\HMDB\Tables\ChemicalDescriptor.vb" ' Author: ' ' xieguigang (gg.xie@bionovogene.com, BioNovoGene Co., LTD.) ' ' Copyright (c) 2018 gg.xie@bionovogene.com, BioNovoGene Co., LTD. ' ' ' MIT License ' ' ' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ' of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ' in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ' to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ' copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ' furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ' ' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ' copies or substantial portions of the Software. ' ' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ' IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ' FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ' AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ' LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ' OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ' SOFTWARE. ' /********************************************************************************/ ' Summaries: ' Code Statistics: ' Total Lines: 151 ' Code Lines: 126 ' Comment Lines: 12 ' Blank Lines: 13 ' File Size: 6.82 KB ' Class ChemicalDescriptor ' ' Properties: acceptor_count, accession, bioavailability, descriptors, donor_count ' formal_charge, ghose_filter, kegg_id, logp, mddr_like_rule ' melting_point, name, number_of_rings, physiological_charge, pka_strongest_acidic ' pka_strongest_basic, polar_surface_area, polarizability, refractivity, rotatable_bond_count ' rule_of_five, state, veber_rule ' ' Constructor: (+1 Overloads) Sub New ' ' Function: FromMetabolite, ToDescriptor ' ' Sub: WriteTable ' ' ' /********************************************************************************/ #End Region Imports System.IO Imports System.Reflection Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComponentModel.Collection Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComponentModel.DataSourceModel Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.csv.IO.Linq Namespace TMIC.HMDB Public Class ChemicalDescriptor ''' <summary> ''' HMDB main accession ''' </summary> ''' <returns></returns> Public Property accession As String Public Property name As String Public Property kegg_id As String Public Property state As String Public Property melting_point As Double Public Property logp As Double Public Property pka_strongest_acidic As Double Public Property pka_strongest_basic As Double Public Property polar_surface_area As Double Public Property refractivity As Double Public Property polarizability As Double Public Property rotatable_bond_count As Double Public Property acceptor_count As Double Public Property donor_count As Double Public Property physiological_charge As Double Public Property formal_charge As Double Public Property number_of_rings As Double Public Property bioavailability As Double Public Property rule_of_five As String Public Property ghose_filter As String Public Property veber_rule As String Public Property mddr_like_rule As String ''' <summary> ''' The chemical descriptor names ''' </summary> ''' <returns></returns> Public Shared ReadOnly Property descriptors As Index(Of String) Shared ReadOnly readers As PropertyInfo() Shared Sub New() readers = DataFramework _ .Schema(GetType(ChemicalDescriptor), PropertyAccess.Readable, nonIndex:=True) _ .Values _ .ToArray descriptors = readers _ .Where(Function(p) Return p.PropertyType Is GetType(Double) End Function) _ .Select(Function(p) p.Name) _ .AsList + { NameOf(state), NameOf(rule_of_five), NameOf(ghose_filter), NameOf(veber_rule), NameOf(mddr_like_rule) } readers = readers _ .Where(Function(p) p.Name Like descriptors) _ .ToArray End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Create descriptor data set for machine learning ''' </summary> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function ToDescriptor() As Dictionary(Of String, Double) Return readers _ .ToDictionary(Function(p) p.Name, Function(p) Dim value As Object = p.GetValue(Me) If p.PropertyType Is GetType(Double) Then Return CDbl(value) ElseIf p.Name = NameOf(state) Then If CStr(value).TextEquals("Solid") Then Return 1 Else Return 0 End If Else If CStr(value).ParseBoolean = False Then Return 0 Else Return 1 End If End If End Function) End Function Public Shared Function FromMetabolite(metabolite As metabolite) As ChemicalDescriptor Dim properties = metabolite.experimental_properties.PropertyList.AsList + metabolite.predicted_properties.PropertyList Dim propertyTable As Dictionary(Of String, String) = properties _ .GroupBy(Function(p) p.kind) _ .ToDictionary(Function(p) p.Key, Function(g) If g.Any(Function(f) IsBooleanFactor(f.value)) Then Return g.Select(Function(x) x.value).TopMostFrequent Else Return g.Select(Function(x) Val(x.value)) _ .Average _ .ToString End If End Function) Dim read = Function(key As String, default$) As String Return propertyTable.TryGetValue(key, [default]:=[default]) End Function Return New ChemicalDescriptor With { .accession = metabolite.accession, .name = metabolite.name, .kegg_id = metabolite.kegg_id, .state = metabolite.state, .acceptor_count = read(NameOf(.acceptor_count), 0), .bioavailability = read(NameOf(.bioavailability), 0), .donor_count = read(NameOf(.donor_count), 0), .formal_charge = read(NameOf(.formal_charge), 0), .ghose_filter = read(NameOf(.ghose_filter), "no"), .logp = read(NameOf(.logp), 0), .mddr_like_rule = read(NameOf(.mddr_like_rule), "no"), .melting_point = read(NameOf(melting_point), 0), .number_of_rings = read(NameOf(.number_of_rings), 0), .physiological_charge = read(NameOf(.physiological_charge), 0), .pka_strongest_acidic = read(NameOf(.pka_strongest_acidic), 0), .pka_strongest_basic = read(NameOf(.pka_strongest_basic), 0), .polarizability = read(NameOf(.polarizability), 0), .polar_surface_area = read(NameOf(.polar_surface_area), 0), .refractivity = read(NameOf(.refractivity), 0), .rotatable_bond_count = read(NameOf(.rotatable_bond_count), 0), .rule_of_five = read(NameOf(.rule_of_five), "no"), .veber_rule = read(NameOf(.veber_rule), "no") } End Function Public Shared Sub WriteTable(metabolites As IEnumerable(Of metabolite), out As Stream) Using table As New WriteStream(Of ChemicalDescriptor)(New StreamWriter(out)) For Each metabolite As metabolite In metabolites Call table.Flush(FromMetabolite(metabolite)) Next End Using End Sub End Class End Namespace
Public Class UserControl1 End Class
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> Partial Class SplashScreen1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try End Sub Friend WithEvents ApplicationTitle As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Version As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents Copyright As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents MainLayoutPanel As System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel Friend WithEvents DetailsLayoutPanel As System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel Friend WithEvents UserName As System.Windows.Forms.Label 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(SplashScreen1)) Me.MainLayoutPanel = New System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel() Me.DetailsLayoutPanel = New System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel() Me.ApplicationTitle = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.Copyright = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.UserName = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.Version = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.MainLayoutPanel.SuspendLayout() Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.SuspendLayout() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'MainLayoutPanel ' Me.MainLayoutPanel.BackgroundImage = CType(resources.GetObject("MainLayoutPanel.BackgroundImage"), System.Drawing.Image) Me.MainLayoutPanel.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch Me.MainLayoutPanel.ColumnCount = 2 Me.MainLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 314.0!)) Me.MainLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 265.0!)) Me.MainLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(Me.DetailsLayoutPanel, 0, 1) Me.MainLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(Me.ApplicationTitle, 1, 1) Me.MainLayoutPanel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill Me.MainLayoutPanel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.MainLayoutPanel.Name = "MainLayoutPanel" Me.MainLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 285.0!)) Me.MainLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 22.0!)) Me.MainLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 20.0!)) Me.MainLayoutPanel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(579, 350) Me.MainLayoutPanel.TabIndex = 0 ' 'DetailsLayoutPanel ' Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.None Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 308.0!)) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 20.0!)) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(Me.Version, 0, 0) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(Me.UserName, 0, 1) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(Me.Copyright, 0, 2) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 288) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Name = "DetailsLayoutPanel" Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 33.0!)) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 33.0!)) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 34.0!)) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(308, 58) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.TabIndex = 1 ' 'Version ' Me.Version.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left Me.Version.AutoSize = True Me.Version.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White Me.Version.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point) Me.Version.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 2) Me.Version.Name = "Version" Me.Version.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(140, 15) Me.Version.TabIndex = 1 Me.Version.Text = "Version: {0}.{1:00}.{2}.{3}" Me.Version.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft ' 'UserName ' Me.UserName.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left Me.UserName.AutoSize = True Me.UserName.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White Me.UserName.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point) Me.UserName.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 21) Me.UserName.Name = "UserName" Me.UserName.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(69, 15) Me.UserName.TabIndex = 2 Me.UserName.Text = "User Name" Me.UserName.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft ' 'Copyright ' Me.Copyright.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left Me.Copyright.AutoSize = True Me.Copyright.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White Me.Copyright.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point) Me.Copyright.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 40) Me.Copyright.Name = "Copyright" Me.Copyright.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(61, 15) Me.Copyright.TabIndex = 2 Me.Copyright.Text = "Copyright" Me.Copyright.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft ' 'ApplicationTitle ' Me.ApplicationTitle.AutoSize = True Me.ApplicationTitle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent Me.ApplicationTitle.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Bottom Me.ApplicationTitle.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 15.75!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point) Me.ApplicationTitle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.MenuHighlight Me.ApplicationTitle.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(317, 320) Me.ApplicationTitle.Name = "ApplicationTitle" Me.ApplicationTitle.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(259, 30) Me.ApplicationTitle.TabIndex = 0 Me.ApplicationTitle.Text = "Application Title" Me.ApplicationTitle.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight ' 'SplashScreen1 ' Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(7.0!, 15.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(579, 350) Me.ControlBox = False Me.Controls.Add(Me.MainLayoutPanel) Me.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Segoe UI", 9.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point) Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle Me.MaximizeBox = False Me.MinimizeBox = False Me.Name = "SplashScreen1" Me.ShowInTaskbar = False Me.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Me.MainLayoutPanel.ResumeLayout(False) Me.MainLayoutPanel.PerformLayout() Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.ResumeLayout(False) Me.DetailsLayoutPanel.PerformLayout() Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub End Class
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Namespace My <Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editors.SettingsDesigner.SettingsSingleFileGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Partial Friend NotInheritable Class MySettings Inherits Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase Private Shared defaultInstance As MySettings = CType(Global.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Synchronized(New MySettings), MySettings) #Region "My.Settings Auto-Save Functionality" #If _MyType = "WindowsForms" Then Private Shared addedHandler As Boolean Private Shared addedHandlerLockObject As New Object <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)> _ Private Shared Sub AutoSaveSettings(ByVal sender As Global.System.Object, ByVal e As Global.System.EventArgs) If My.Application.SaveMySettingsOnExit Then My.Settings.Save() End If End Sub #End If #End Region Public Shared ReadOnly Property [Default]() As MySettings Get #If _MyType = "WindowsForms" Then If Not addedHandler Then SyncLock addedHandlerLockObject If Not addedHandler Then AddHandler My.Application.Shutdown, AddressOf AutoSaveSettings addedHandler = True End If End SyncLock End If #End If Return defaultInstance End Get End Property End Class End Namespace Namespace My <Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.HideModuleNameAttribute(), _ Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()> _ Friend Module MySettingsProperty <Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("My.Settings")> _ Friend ReadOnly Property Settings() As Global.Ammo_Keeper.My.MySettings Get Return Global.Ammo_Keeper.My.MySettings.Default End Get End Property End Module End Namespace
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities Imports Xunit Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.VisualBasic.UnitTests.Recommendations.Statements Public Class LoopKeywordRecommenderTests <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopNotInMethodBody() VerifyRecommendationsMissing(<MethodBody>|</MethodBody>, "Loop") End Sub <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopNotInLambda() VerifyRecommendationsMissing(<MethodBody> Dim x = Sub() | End Sub</MethodBody>, "Loop") End Sub <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopNotAfterStatement() VerifyRecommendationsMissing(<MethodBody> Dim x |</MethodBody>, "Loop") End Sub <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopAfterDoStatement() VerifyRecommendationsContain(<MethodBody> Do |</MethodBody>, "Loop", "Loop Until", "Loop While") End Sub <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopAfterDoUntilStatement() VerifyRecommendationsContain(<MethodBody> Do Until True |</MethodBody>, "Loop") End Sub <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopUntilNotAfterDoUntilStatement() VerifyRecommendationsMissing(<MethodBody> Do Until True |</MethodBody>, "Loop Until", "Loop While") End Sub <Fact> <Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)> Public Sub LoopNotInDoLoopUntilBlock() VerifyRecommendationsMissing(<MethodBody> Do | Loop Until True</MethodBody>, "Loop") End Sub End Class End Namespace
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting.Rules Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Utilities Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Formatting ' the default provider that will be called by the engine at the end of provider's chain. ' there is no way for a user to be remove this provider. ' ' to reduce number of unnecessary heap allocations, most of them just return null. Friend NotInheritable Class DefaultOperationProvider Inherits CompatAbstractFormattingRule Public Shared ReadOnly Instance As New DefaultOperationProvider() Private ReadOnly _options As CachedOptions Private Sub New() MyClass.New(New CachedOptions(Nothing)) End Sub Private Sub New(options As CachedOptions) _options = options End Sub Public Overrides Function WithOptions(options As AnalyzerConfigOptions) As AbstractFormattingRule Dim cachedOptions = New CachedOptions(options) If cachedOptions = _options Then Return Me End If Return New DefaultOperationProvider(cachedOptions) End Function Public Overrides Sub AddSuppressOperationsSlow(operations As List(Of SuppressOperation), node As SyntaxNode, ByRef nextAction As NextSuppressOperationAction) End Sub Public Overrides Sub AddAnchorIndentationOperationsSlow(operations As List(Of AnchorIndentationOperation), node As SyntaxNode, ByRef nextAction As NextAnchorIndentationOperationAction) End Sub Public Overrides Sub AddIndentBlockOperationsSlow(operations As List(Of IndentBlockOperation), node As SyntaxNode, ByRef nextAction As NextIndentBlockOperationAction) End Sub Public Overrides Sub AddAlignTokensOperationsSlow(operations As List(Of AlignTokensOperation), node As SyntaxNode, ByRef nextAction As NextAlignTokensOperationAction) End Sub <PerformanceSensitive("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30819", AllowCaptures:=False, AllowImplicitBoxing:=False)> Public Overrides Function GetAdjustNewLinesOperationSlow( ByRef previousToken As SyntaxToken, ByRef currentToken As SyntaxToken, ByRef nextOperation As NextGetAdjustNewLinesOperation) As AdjustNewLinesOperation If previousToken.Parent Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If Dim combinedTrivia = (previousToken.TrailingTrivia, currentToken.LeadingTrivia) Dim lastTrivia = LastOrDefaultTrivia( combinedTrivia, Function(trivia As SyntaxTrivia) ColonOrLineContinuationTrivia(trivia)) If lastTrivia.RawKind = SyntaxKind.ColonTrivia Then Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(0, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) ElseIf lastTrivia.RawKind = SyntaxKind.LineContinuationTrivia AndAlso previousToken.Parent.GetAncestorsOrThis(Of SyntaxNode)().Any(Function(node As SyntaxNode) IsSingleLineIfOrElseClauseSyntax(node)) Then Return Nothing End If ' return line break operation after statement terminator token so that we can enforce ' indentation for the line Dim previousStatement As StatementSyntax = Nothing If previousToken.IsLastTokenOfStatement(statement:=previousStatement) AndAlso ContainEndOfLine(previousToken, currentToken) AndAlso currentToken.Kind <> SyntaxKind.EmptyToken Then Return AdjustNewLinesBetweenStatements(previousStatement, currentToken) End If If previousToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken AndAlso previousToken.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf previousToken.Parent Is AttributeListSyntax Then ' This AttributeList is the last applied attribute ' If this AttributeList belongs to a parameter then apply no line operation If previousToken.Parent.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf previousToken.Parent.Parent Is ParameterSyntax Then Return Nothing End If Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(0, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) End If If currentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.LessThanToken AndAlso currentToken.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf currentToken.Parent Is AttributeListSyntax Then ' The case of the previousToken belonging to another AttributeList is handled in the previous condition If (previousToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.CommaToken OrElse previousToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) AndAlso currentToken.Parent.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf currentToken.Parent.Parent Is ParameterSyntax Then Return Nothing End If Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(0, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) End If ' return line break operation after xml tag token so that we can enforce indentation for the xml tag ' the very first xml literal tag case If IsFirstXmlTag(currentToken) Then Return Nothing End If Dim xmlDeclaration = TryCast(previousToken.Parent, XmlDeclarationSyntax) If xmlDeclaration IsNot Nothing AndAlso xmlDeclaration.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth:=True) = previousToken Then Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(0, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) End If If TypeOf previousToken.Parent Is XmlNodeSyntax OrElse TypeOf currentToken.Parent Is XmlNodeSyntax Then Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(0, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) End If Return Nothing End Function Private Function AdjustNewLinesBetweenStatements( previousStatement As StatementSyntax, currentToken As SyntaxToken) As AdjustNewLinesOperation ' if the user is separating import-groups, And we're between two imports, and these ' imports *should* be separated, then do so (if the imports were already properly ' sorted). If currentToken.Kind() = SyntaxKind.ImportsKeyword AndAlso TypeOf currentToken.Parent Is ImportsStatementSyntax AndAlso TypeOf previousStatement Is ImportsStatementSyntax Then Dim previousImports = DirectCast(previousStatement, ImportsStatementSyntax) Dim currentImports = DirectCast(currentToken.Parent, ImportsStatementSyntax) If _options.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups AndAlso ImportsOrganizer.NeedsGrouping(previousImports, currentImports) Then Dim [imports] = DirectCast(previousImports.Parent, CompilationUnitSyntax).Imports If [imports].IsSorted(ImportsStatementComparer.SystemFirstInstance) OrElse [imports].IsSorted(ImportsStatementComparer.NormalInstance) Then ' Force at least one blank line here. Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(2, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) End If End If End If ' For any other two statements we will normally ensure at least one new-line between ' them. Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustNewLinesOperation(1, AdjustNewLinesOption.PreserveLines) End Function Private Shared Function IsSingleLineIfOrElseClauseSyntax(node As SyntaxNode) As Boolean Return TypeOf node Is SingleLineIfStatementSyntax OrElse TypeOf node Is SingleLineElseClauseSyntax End Function Private Shared Function ColonOrLineContinuationTrivia(trivia As SyntaxTrivia) As Boolean Return trivia.RawKind = SyntaxKind.ColonTrivia OrElse trivia.RawKind = SyntaxKind.LineContinuationTrivia End Function <PerformanceSensitive("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30819", AllowCaptures:=False, AllowImplicitBoxing:=False)> Private Shared Function LastOrDefaultTrivia(triviaListPair As (SyntaxTriviaList, SyntaxTriviaList), predicate As Func(Of SyntaxTrivia, Boolean)) As SyntaxTrivia For Each trivia In triviaListPair.Item2.Reverse() If predicate(trivia) Then Return trivia End If Next For Each trivia In triviaListPair.Item1.Reverse() If predicate(trivia) Then Return trivia End If Next Return Nothing End Function Private Shared Function ContainEndOfLine(previousToken As SyntaxToken, nextToken As SyntaxToken) As Boolean Return previousToken.TrailingTrivia.Any(SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia) OrElse nextToken.LeadingTrivia.Any(SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia) End Function Private Shared Function IsFirstXmlTag(currentToken As SyntaxToken) As Boolean Dim xmlDeclaration = TryCast(currentToken.Parent, XmlDeclarationSyntax) If xmlDeclaration IsNot Nothing AndAlso xmlDeclaration.LessThanQuestionToken = currentToken AndAlso TypeOf xmlDeclaration.Parent Is XmlDocumentSyntax AndAlso Not TypeOf xmlDeclaration.Parent.Parent Is XmlNodeSyntax Then Return True End If Dim startTag = TryCast(currentToken.Parent, XmlElementStartTagSyntax) If startTag IsNot Nothing AndAlso startTag.LessThanToken = currentToken AndAlso TypeOf startTag.Parent Is XmlElementSyntax AndAlso Not TypeOf startTag.Parent.Parent Is XmlNodeSyntax Then Return True End If Dim emptyTag = TryCast(currentToken.Parent, XmlEmptyElementSyntax) If emptyTag IsNot Nothing AndAlso emptyTag.LessThanToken = currentToken AndAlso Not TypeOf emptyTag.Parent Is XmlNodeSyntax Then Return True End If Return False End Function ' return 1 space for every token pairs as a default operation Public Overrides Function GetAdjustSpacesOperationSlow(ByRef previousToken As SyntaxToken, ByRef currentToken As SyntaxToken, ByRef nextOperation As NextGetAdjustSpacesOperation) As AdjustSpacesOperation If previousToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.ColonToken AndAlso TypeOf previousToken.Parent Is LabelStatementSyntax AndAlso currentToken.Kind <> SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken Then Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustSpacesOperation(1, AdjustSpacesOption.DynamicSpaceToIndentationIfOnSingleLine) End If Dim space As Integer = If(currentToken.Kind = SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken, 0, 1) Return FormattingOperations.CreateAdjustSpacesOperation(space, AdjustSpacesOption.DefaultSpacesIfOnSingleLine) End Function Private Structure CachedOptions Implements IEquatable(Of CachedOptions) Public ReadOnly SeparateImportDirectiveGroups As Boolean Public Sub New(options As AnalyzerConfigOptions) SeparateImportDirectiveGroups = GetOptionOrDefault(options, GenerationOptions.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups) End Sub Public Shared Operator =(left As CachedOptions, right As CachedOptions) As Boolean Return left.Equals(right) End Operator Public Shared Operator <>(left As CachedOptions, right As CachedOptions) As Boolean Return Not left = right End Operator Private Shared Function GetOptionOrDefault(Of T)(options As AnalyzerConfigOptions, [option] As PerLanguageOption2(Of T)) As T If options Is Nothing Then Return [option].DefaultValue End If Return options.GetOption([option]) End Function Public Overrides Function Equals(obj As Object) As Boolean Return (TypeOf obj Is CachedOptions) AndAlso Equals(DirectCast(obj, CachedOptions)) End Function Public Overloads Function Equals(other As CachedOptions) As Boolean Implements IEquatable(Of CachedOptions).Equals Return SeparateImportDirectiveGroups = other.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups End Function Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer Dim hashCode = 0 hashCode = (hashCode << 1) + If(SeparateImportDirectiveGroups, 1, 0) Return hashCode End Function End Structure End Class End Namespace
Imports Microsoft.VisualC Imports System Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace std <DebugInfoInPDB(), MiscellaneousBits(64), NativeCppClass()> <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3)> Friend Structure _Tree_ptr<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned long,Mvsn::DeadLetterBox::MVSN_DEAD_DROP_STRUCT *,std::less<unsigned long>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long const ,Mvsn::DeadLetterBox::MVSN_DEAD_DROP_STRUCT *> >,0> > End Structure <DebugInfoInPDB(), MiscellaneousBits(64), NativeCppClass()> <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3)> Friend Structure _Tree_ptr<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned long,unsigned long,std::less<unsigned long>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned long const ,unsigned long> >,0> > End Structure <DebugInfoInPDB(), MiscellaneousBits(64), NativeCppClass()> <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size = 3)> Friend Structure _Tree_ptr<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned long,std::less<unsigned long>,std::allocator<unsigned long>,0> > End Structure End Namespace
' Copyright 2018 Google LLC ' ' Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") ' you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ' You may obtain a copy of the License at ' ' http:'www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ' ' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ' WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ' See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ' limitations under the License. Imports Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib Imports Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201806 Imports Google.Api.Ads.Common.Util Namespace Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Examples.VB.v201806 ''' <summary> ''' This code example adds an HTML5 ad to a given ad group. To get ad ''' groups, run GetAdGroups.vb. ''' </summary> Public Class AddHtml5Ad Inherits ExampleBase ''' <summary> ''' Main method, to run this code example as a standalone application. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param> Public Shared Sub Main(ByVal args As String()) Dim codeExample As New AddHtml5Ad Console.WriteLine(codeExample.Description) Try Dim adGroupId As Long = Long.Parse("INSERT_ADGROUP_ID_HERE") codeExample.Run(New AdWordsUser(), adGroupId) Catch e As Exception Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred while running this code example. {0}", ExampleUtilities.FormatException(e)) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Returns a description about the code example. ''' </summary> Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Description() As String Get Return "This code example adds an HTML5 ad to a given ad group. To get ad" & "groups, run GetAdGroups.vb." End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' Runs the code example. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="user">The AdWords user.</param> ''' <param name="adGroupId">Id of the first adgroup to which ad is added.</param> Public Sub Run(ByVal user As AdWordsUser, ByVal adGroupId As Long) Using adGroupAdService As AdGroupAdService = CType(user.GetService( AdWordsService.v201806.AdGroupAdService), AdGroupAdService) ' Create the HTML5 template ad. See ' https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/template-ads#html5_ads ' for more details. Dim html5Ad As New TemplateAd() html5Ad.name = "Ad for HTML5" html5Ad.templateId = 419 html5Ad.finalUrls = New String() {"http://example.com/html5"} html5Ad.displayUrl = "www.example.com/html5" html5Ad.dimensions = New Dimensions() html5Ad.dimensions.width = 300 html5Ad.dimensions.height = 250 ' The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the ' HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web ' Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/). Dim html5Zip As Byte() = MediaUtilities.GetAssetDataFromUrl("https://goo.gl/9Y7qI2", user.Config) ' Create a media bundle containing the zip file with all the HTML5 components. Dim mediaBundle As New MediaBundle() ' You may also upload an HTML5 zip using MediaService.upload() method ' set the mediaId field. See UploadMediaBundle.vb for an example on how to ' upload HTML5 zip files. mediaBundle.data = html5Zip mediaBundle.entryPoint = "carousel/index.html" mediaBundle.type = MediaMediaType.MEDIA_BUNDLE ' Create the template elements for the ad. You can refer to ' https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/templateads ' for the list of available template fields. Dim adData As New TemplateElement adData.uniqueName = "adData" Dim customLayout As New TemplateElementField customLayout.name = "Custom_layout" customLayout.fieldMedia = mediaBundle customLayout.type = TemplateElementFieldType.MEDIA_BUNDLE Dim layout As New TemplateElementField layout.name = "layout" layout.fieldText = "Custom" layout.type = TemplateElementFieldType.ENUM adData.fields = New TemplateElementField() {customLayout, layout} html5Ad.templateElements = New TemplateElement() {adData} ' Create the AdGroupAd. Dim html5AdGroupAd As New AdGroupAd() html5AdGroupAd.adGroupId = adGroupId html5AdGroupAd.ad = html5Ad ' Additional properties (non-required). html5AdGroupAd.status = AdGroupAdStatus.PAUSED Dim adGroupAdOperation As New AdGroupAdOperation() adGroupAdOperation.operator = [Operator].ADD adGroupAdOperation.operand = html5AdGroupAd Try ' Add HTML5 ad. Dim result As AdGroupAdReturnValue = adGroupAdService.mutate(New AdGroupAdOperation() {adGroupAdOperation}) ' Display results. If (Not result Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not result.value Is Nothing) AndAlso (result.value.Length > 0) Then For Each adGroupAd As AdGroupAd In result.value Console.WriteLine("New HTML5 ad with id '{0}' and display url '{1}' was added.", adGroupAd.ad.id, adGroupAd.ad.displayUrl) Next Else Console.WriteLine("No HTML5 ads were added.") End If Catch e As Exception Throw New System.ApplicationException("Failed to create HTML5 ad.", e) End Try End Using End Sub End Class End Namespace
Imports CodeCracker.VisualBasic.Design Imports Xunit Namespace Design Public Class EmptyCatchBlockTests Inherits CodeFixVerifier(Of EmptyCatchBlockAnalyzer, EmptyCatchBlockCodeFixProvider) Private test As String = " Imports System Namespace ConsoleApplication1 Class TypeName Public Sub Foo() Try Dim a = ""A"" Catch End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace" <Fact> Public Async Function EmptyCatchBlockAnalyzerCreateDiagnostic() As Task Const testWithBlock = " Imports System Namespace ConsoleApplication1 Class TypeName Public Sub Foo() Try Dim a = ""A"" Catch Throw End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace" Await VerifyBasicHasNoDiagnosticsAsync(testWithBlock) End Function <Fact> Public Async Function WhenRemoveTryCatchStatement() As Task Const fix = " Imports System Namespace ConsoleApplication1 Class TypeName Public Sub Foo() Dim a = ""A"" End Sub End Class End Namespace" Await VerifyBasicFixAsync(test, fix) End Function <Fact> Public Async Function WhenPutExceptionClassInCatchBlock() As Task Const fix = " Imports System Namespace ConsoleApplication1 Class TypeName Public Sub Foo() Try Dim a = ""A"" Catch ex As Exception Throw End Try End Sub End Class End Namespace" Await VerifyBasicFixAsync(test, fix, 1) End Function <Fact> Public Async Function WhenMultipleCatchRemoveOnlySelectedEmpty() As Task Const multipleTest As String = " Imports System Namespace ConsoleApplication1 Class TypeName Public Async Function Foo() As Task Try Dim a = ""A"" Catch aex As ArgumentException Catch ex As Exception a = ""B"" End Try End Function End Class End Namespace" Const multipleFix = " Imports System Namespace ConsoleApplication1 Class TypeName Public Async Function Foo() As Task Try Dim a = ""A"" Catch ex As Exception a = ""B"" End Try End Function End Class End Namespace" Await VerifyBasicFixAsync(multipleTest, multipleFix, 0) End Function End Class End Namespace
Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class RegisterBookTransaction Private Sub RegisterBookTransaction_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load con = New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString) OleConnection(sql) Me.coolgreeterLabel.Text = LoginForm.cool_name End Sub Public fullname, librarian As String Private Sub BorrowerButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BorrowerButton.Click BorrowersForm.Show() End Sub Private Sub LibraryButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LibraryButton.Click LibraryForm.Show() End Sub Private Sub TransactionsButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TransactionsButton.Click TransactionForm.Show() End Sub Private Sub LogoutButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LogoutButton.Click End End Sub End Class
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <auto-generated> ' This code was generated by a tool. ' Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 ' ' Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if ' the code is regenerated. ' </auto-generated> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict Off Option Explicit On '''<summary> '''Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data. '''</summary> <Global.System.Serializable(), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true), _ Global.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetTypedDataSetSchema"), _ Global.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("STOCKDataSet9"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.DataSet")> _ Partial Public Class STOCKDataSet9 Inherits Global.System.Data.DataSet Private tableSTOCK As STOCKDataTable Private _schemaSerializationMode As Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New Me.BeginInit Me.InitClass Dim schemaChangedHandler As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = AddressOf Me.SchemaChanged AddHandler MyBase.Tables.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler AddHandler MyBase.Relations.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler Me.EndInit End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Sub New(ByVal info As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, ByVal context As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) MyBase.New(info, context, false) If (Me.IsBinarySerialized(info, context) = true) Then Me.InitVars(false) Dim schemaChangedHandler1 As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = AddressOf Me.SchemaChanged AddHandler Me.Tables.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler1 AddHandler Me.Relations.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler1 Return End If Dim strSchema As String = CType(info.GetValue("XmlSchema", GetType(String)),String) If (Me.DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(info, context) = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema) Then Dim ds As Global.System.Data.DataSet = New Global.System.Data.DataSet() ds.ReadXmlSchema(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextReader(New Global.System.IO.StringReader(strSchema))) If (Not (ds.Tables("STOCK")) Is Nothing) Then MyBase.Tables.Add(New STOCKDataTable(ds.Tables("STOCK"))) End If Me.DataSetName = ds.DataSetName Me.Prefix = ds.Prefix Me.Namespace = ds.Namespace Me.Locale = ds.Locale Me.CaseSensitive = ds.CaseSensitive Me.EnforceConstraints = ds.EnforceConstraints Me.Merge(ds, false, Global.System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Add) Me.InitVars Else Me.ReadXmlSchema(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextReader(New Global.System.IO.StringReader(strSchema))) End If Me.GetSerializationData(info, context) Dim schemaChangedHandler As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = AddressOf Me.SchemaChanged AddHandler MyBase.Tables.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler AddHandler Me.Relations.CollectionChanged, schemaChangedHandler End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _ Public ReadOnly Property STOCK() As STOCKDataTable Get Return Me.tableSTOCK End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)> _ Public Overrides Property SchemaSerializationMode() As Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode Get Return Me._schemaSerializationMode End Get Set Me._schemaSerializationMode = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _ Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Tables() As Global.System.Data.DataTableCollection Get Return MyBase.Tables End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)> _ Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Relations() As Global.System.Data.DataRelationCollection Get Return MyBase.Relations End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Sub InitializeDerivedDataSet() Me.BeginInit Me.InitClass Me.EndInit End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Overrides Function Clone() As Global.System.Data.DataSet Dim cln As STOCKDataSet9 = CType(MyBase.Clone,STOCKDataSet9) cln.InitVars cln.SchemaSerializationMode = Me.SchemaSerializationMode Return cln End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Function ShouldSerializeTables() As Boolean Return false End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Function ShouldSerializeRelations() As Boolean Return false End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Sub ReadXmlSerializable(ByVal reader As Global.System.Xml.XmlReader) If (Me.DetermineSchemaSerializationMode(reader) = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema) Then Me.Reset Dim ds As Global.System.Data.DataSet = New Global.System.Data.DataSet() ds.ReadXml(reader) If (Not (ds.Tables("STOCK")) Is Nothing) Then MyBase.Tables.Add(New STOCKDataTable(ds.Tables("STOCK"))) End If Me.DataSetName = ds.DataSetName Me.Prefix = ds.Prefix Me.Namespace = ds.Namespace Me.Locale = ds.Locale Me.CaseSensitive = ds.CaseSensitive Me.EnforceConstraints = ds.EnforceConstraints Me.Merge(ds, false, Global.System.Data.MissingSchemaAction.Add) Me.InitVars Else Me.ReadXml(reader) Me.InitVars End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Function GetSchemaSerializable() As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema Dim stream As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream() Me.WriteXmlSchema(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(stream, Nothing)) stream.Position = 0 Return Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Read(New Global.System.Xml.XmlTextReader(stream), Nothing) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Overloads Sub InitVars() Me.InitVars(true) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Overloads Sub InitVars(ByVal initTable As Boolean) Me.tableSTOCK = CType(MyBase.Tables("STOCK"),STOCKDataTable) If (initTable = true) Then If (Not (Me.tableSTOCK) Is Nothing) Then Me.tableSTOCK.InitVars End If End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Sub InitClass() Me.DataSetName = "STOCKDataSet9" Me.Prefix = "" Me.Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/STOCKDataSet9.xsd" Me.EnforceConstraints = true Me.SchemaSerializationMode = Global.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema Me.tableSTOCK = New STOCKDataTable() MyBase.Tables.Add(Me.tableSTOCK) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Function ShouldSerializeSTOCK() As Boolean Return false End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Sub SchemaChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs) If (e.Action = Global.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction.Remove) Then Me.InitVars End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Shared Function GetTypedDataSetSchema(ByVal xs As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet) As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType Dim ds As STOCKDataSet9 = New STOCKDataSet9() Dim type As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType() Dim sequence As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence() Dim any As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny() any.Namespace = ds.Namespace sequence.Items.Add(any) type.Particle = sequence Dim dsSchema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable If xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace) Then Dim s1 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream() Dim s2 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream() Try Dim schema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = Nothing dsSchema.Write(s1) Dim schemas As Global.System.Collections.IEnumerator = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator Do While schemas.MoveNext schema = CType(schemas.Current,Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema) s2.SetLength(0) schema.Write(s2) If (s1.Length = s2.Length) Then s1.Position = 0 s2.Position = 0 Do While ((s1.Position <> s1.Length) _ AndAlso (s1.ReadByte = s2.ReadByte)) Loop If (s1.Position = s1.Length) Then Return type End If End If Loop Finally If (Not (s1) Is Nothing) Then s1.Close End If If (Not (s2) Is Nothing) Then s2.Close End If End Try End If xs.Add(dsSchema) Return type End Function <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Delegate Sub STOCKRowChangeEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As STOCKRowChangeEvent) '''<summary> '''Represents the strongly named DataTable class. '''</summary> <Global.System.Serializable(), _ Global.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute("GetTypedTableSchema")> _ Partial Public Class STOCKDataTable Inherits Global.System.Data.TypedTableBase(Of STOCKRow) Private columnID As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnNAME As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnMFDDATE As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnQUANTITY As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnPRICE As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Private columnAMOUNT As Global.System.Data.DataColumn <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New Me.TableName = "STOCK" Me.BeginInit Me.InitClass Me.EndInit End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Sub New(ByVal table As Global.System.Data.DataTable) MyBase.New Me.TableName = table.TableName If (table.CaseSensitive <> table.DataSet.CaseSensitive) Then Me.CaseSensitive = table.CaseSensitive End If If (table.Locale.ToString <> table.DataSet.Locale.ToString) Then Me.Locale = table.Locale End If If (table.Namespace <> table.DataSet.Namespace) Then Me.Namespace = table.Namespace End If Me.Prefix = table.Prefix Me.MinimumCapacity = table.MinimumCapacity End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Sub New(ByVal info As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo, ByVal context As Global.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext) MyBase.New(info, context) Me.InitVars End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property IDColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnID End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property NAMEColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnNAME End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property MFDDATEColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnMFDDATE End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property QUANTITYColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnQUANTITY End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property PRICEColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnPRICE End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property AMOUNTColumn() As Global.System.Data.DataColumn Get Return Me.columnAMOUNT End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Count() As Integer Get Return Me.Rows.Count End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As STOCKRow Get Return CType(Me.Rows(index),STOCKRow) End Get End Property <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Event STOCKRowChanging As STOCKRowChangeEventHandler <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Event STOCKRowChanged As STOCKRowChangeEventHandler <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Event STOCKRowDeleting As STOCKRowChangeEventHandler <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Event STOCKRowDeleted As STOCKRowChangeEventHandler <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Overloads Sub AddSTOCKRow(ByVal row As STOCKRow) Me.Rows.Add(row) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Overloads Function AddSTOCKRow(ByVal NAME As String, ByVal MFDDATE As String, ByVal QUANTITY As Integer, ByVal PRICE As Integer, ByVal AMOUNT As Integer) As STOCKRow Dim rowSTOCKRow As STOCKRow = CType(Me.NewRow,STOCKRow) Dim columnValuesArray() As Object = New Object() {Nothing, NAME, MFDDATE, QUANTITY, PRICE, AMOUNT} rowSTOCKRow.ItemArray = columnValuesArray Me.Rows.Add(rowSTOCKRow) Return rowSTOCKRow End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Overrides Function Clone() As Global.System.Data.DataTable Dim cln As STOCKDataTable = CType(MyBase.Clone,STOCKDataTable) cln.InitVars Return cln End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Function CreateInstance() As Global.System.Data.DataTable Return New STOCKDataTable() End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Sub InitVars() Me.columnID = MyBase.Columns("ID") Me.columnNAME = MyBase.Columns("NAME") Me.columnMFDDATE = MyBase.Columns("MFDDATE") Me.columnQUANTITY = MyBase.Columns("QUANTITY") Me.columnPRICE = MyBase.Columns("PRICE") Me.columnAMOUNT = MyBase.Columns("AMOUNT") End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Sub InitClass() Me.columnID = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("ID", GetType(Integer), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnID) Me.columnNAME = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("NAME", GetType(String), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnNAME) Me.columnMFDDATE = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("MFDDATE", GetType(String), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnMFDDATE) Me.columnQUANTITY = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("QUANTITY", GetType(Integer), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnQUANTITY) Me.columnPRICE = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("PRICE", GetType(Integer), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnPRICE) Me.columnAMOUNT = New Global.System.Data.DataColumn("AMOUNT", GetType(Integer), Nothing, Global.System.Data.MappingType.Element) MyBase.Columns.Add(Me.columnAMOUNT) Me.columnID.AutoIncrement = true Me.columnID.AutoIncrementSeed = -1 Me.columnID.AutoIncrementStep = -1 Me.columnID.AllowDBNull = false Me.columnID.ReadOnly = true Me.columnNAME.MaxLength = 2147483647 Me.columnMFDDATE.MaxLength = 2147483647 End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function NewSTOCKRow() As STOCKRow Return CType(Me.NewRow,STOCKRow) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Function NewRowFromBuilder(ByVal builder As Global.System.Data.DataRowBuilder) As Global.System.Data.DataRow Return New STOCKRow(builder) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Function GetRowType() As Global.System.Type Return GetType(STOCKRow) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowChanged(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowChanged(e) If (Not (Me.STOCKRowChangedEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent STOCKRowChanged(Me, New STOCKRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,STOCKRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowChanging(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowChanging(e) If (Not (Me.STOCKRowChangingEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent STOCKRowChanging(Me, New STOCKRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,STOCKRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowDeleted(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowDeleted(e) If (Not (Me.STOCKRowDeletedEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent STOCKRowDeleted(Me, New STOCKRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,STOCKRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overrides Sub OnRowDeleting(ByVal e As Global.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs) MyBase.OnRowDeleting(e) If (Not (Me.STOCKRowDeletingEvent) Is Nothing) Then RaiseEvent STOCKRowDeleting(Me, New STOCKRowChangeEvent(CType(e.Row,STOCKRow), e.Action)) End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub RemoveSTOCKRow(ByVal row As STOCKRow) Me.Rows.Remove(row) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Shared Function GetTypedTableSchema(ByVal xs As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet) As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType Dim type As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType() Dim sequence As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence() Dim ds As STOCKDataSet9 = New STOCKDataSet9() Dim any1 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny() any1.Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" any1.MinOccurs = New Decimal(0) any1.MaxOccurs = Decimal.MaxValue any1.ProcessContents = Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax sequence.Items.Add(any1) Dim any2 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny() any2.Namespace = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1" any2.MinOccurs = New Decimal(1) any2.ProcessContents = Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Lax sequence.Items.Add(any2) Dim attribute1 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute() attribute1.Name = "namespace" attribute1.FixedValue = ds.Namespace type.Attributes.Add(attribute1) Dim attribute2 As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute = New Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute() attribute2.Name = "tableTypeName" attribute2.FixedValue = "STOCKDataTable" type.Attributes.Add(attribute2) type.Particle = sequence Dim dsSchema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = ds.GetSchemaSerializable If xs.Contains(dsSchema.TargetNamespace) Then Dim s1 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream() Dim s2 As Global.System.IO.MemoryStream = New Global.System.IO.MemoryStream() Try Dim schema As Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = Nothing dsSchema.Write(s1) Dim schemas As Global.System.Collections.IEnumerator = xs.Schemas(dsSchema.TargetNamespace).GetEnumerator Do While schemas.MoveNext schema = CType(schemas.Current,Global.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema) s2.SetLength(0) schema.Write(s2) If (s1.Length = s2.Length) Then s1.Position = 0 s2.Position = 0 Do While ((s1.Position <> s1.Length) _ AndAlso (s1.ReadByte = s2.ReadByte)) Loop If (s1.Position = s1.Length) Then Return type End If End If Loop Finally If (Not (s1) Is Nothing) Then s1.Close End If If (Not (s2) Is Nothing) Then s2.Close End If End Try End If xs.Add(dsSchema) Return type End Function End Class '''<summary> '''Represents strongly named DataRow class. '''</summary> Partial Public Class STOCKRow Inherits Global.System.Data.DataRow Private tableSTOCK As STOCKDataTable <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Sub New(ByVal rb As Global.System.Data.DataRowBuilder) MyBase.New(rb) Me.tableSTOCK = CType(Me.Table,STOCKDataTable) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property ID() As Integer Get Return CType(Me(Me.tableSTOCK.IDColumn),Integer) End Get Set Me(Me.tableSTOCK.IDColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property NAME() As String Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tableSTOCK.NAMEColumn),String) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'NAME' in table 'STOCK' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tableSTOCK.NAMEColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property MFDDATE() As String Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tableSTOCK.MFDDATEColumn),String) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'MFDDATE' in table 'STOCK' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tableSTOCK.MFDDATEColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property QUANTITY() As Integer Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tableSTOCK.QUANTITYColumn),Integer) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'QUANTITY' in table 'STOCK' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tableSTOCK.QUANTITYColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property PRICE() As Integer Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tableSTOCK.PRICEColumn),Integer) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'PRICE' in table 'STOCK' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tableSTOCK.PRICEColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property AMOUNT() As Integer Get Try Return CType(Me(Me.tableSTOCK.AMOUNTColumn),Integer) Catch e As Global.System.InvalidCastException Throw New Global.System.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'AMOUNT' in table 'STOCK' is DBNull.", e) End Try End Get Set Me(Me.tableSTOCK.AMOUNTColumn) = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function IsNAMENull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tableSTOCK.NAMEColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub SetNAMENull() Me(Me.tableSTOCK.NAMEColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function IsMFDDATENull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tableSTOCK.MFDDATEColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub SetMFDDATENull() Me(Me.tableSTOCK.MFDDATEColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function IsQUANTITYNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tableSTOCK.QUANTITYColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub SetQUANTITYNull() Me(Me.tableSTOCK.QUANTITYColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function IsPRICENull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tableSTOCK.PRICEColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub SetPRICENull() Me(Me.tableSTOCK.PRICEColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function IsAMOUNTNull() As Boolean Return Me.IsNull(Me.tableSTOCK.AMOUNTColumn) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub SetAMOUNTNull() Me(Me.tableSTOCK.AMOUNTColumn) = Global.System.Convert.DBNull End Sub End Class '''<summary> '''Row event argument class '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Class STOCKRowChangeEvent Inherits Global.System.EventArgs Private eventRow As STOCKRow Private eventAction As Global.System.Data.DataRowAction <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub New(ByVal row As STOCKRow, ByVal action As Global.System.Data.DataRowAction) MyBase.New Me.eventRow = row Me.eventAction = action End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property Row() As STOCKRow Get Return Me.eventRow End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public ReadOnly Property Action() As Global.System.Data.DataRowAction Get Return Me.eventAction End Get End Property End Class End Class Namespace STOCKDataSet9TableAdapters '''<summary> '''Represents the connection and commands used to retrieve and save data. '''</summary> <Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.DataSource.Design.TableAdapterDesigner, Microsoft.VSDesigner"& _ ", Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Partial Public Class STOCKTableAdapter Inherits Global.System.ComponentModel.Component Private WithEvents _adapter As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Private _connection As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Private _transaction As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction Private _commandCollection() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand Private _clearBeforeFill As Boolean <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Sub New() MyBase.New Me.ClearBeforeFill = true End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Friend ReadOnly Property Adapter() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter Get If (Me._adapter Is Nothing) Then Me.InitAdapter End If Return Me._adapter End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Property Connection() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Get If (Me._connection Is Nothing) Then Me.InitConnection End If Return Me._connection End Get Set Me._connection = value If (Not (Me.Adapter.InsertCommand) Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Connection = value End If If (Not (Me.Adapter.DeleteCommand) Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.DeleteCommand.Connection = value End If If (Not (Me.Adapter.UpdateCommand) Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.UpdateCommand.Connection = value End If Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < Me.CommandCollection.Length) If (Not (Me.CommandCollection(i)) Is Nothing) Then CType(Me.CommandCollection(i),Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand).Connection = value End If i = (i + 1) Loop End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Property Transaction() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction Get Return Me._transaction End Get Set Me._transaction = value Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < Me.CommandCollection.Length) Me.CommandCollection(i).Transaction = Me._transaction i = (i + 1) Loop If ((Not (Me.Adapter) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (Not (Me.Adapter.DeleteCommand) Is Nothing)) Then Me.Adapter.DeleteCommand.Transaction = Me._transaction End If If ((Not (Me.Adapter) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (Not (Me.Adapter.InsertCommand) Is Nothing)) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Transaction = Me._transaction End If If ((Not (Me.Adapter) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (Not (Me.Adapter.UpdateCommand) Is Nothing)) Then Me.Adapter.UpdateCommand.Transaction = Me._transaction End If End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected ReadOnly Property CommandCollection() As Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand() Get If (Me._commandCollection Is Nothing) Then Me.InitCommandCollection End If Return Me._commandCollection End Get End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property ClearBeforeFill() As Boolean Get Return Me._clearBeforeFill End Get Set Me._clearBeforeFill = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Sub InitAdapter() Me._adapter = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter() Dim tableMapping As Global.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping = New Global.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping() tableMapping.SourceTable = "Table" tableMapping.DataSetTable = "STOCK" tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("ID", "ID") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("NAME", "NAME") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("MFDDATE", "MFDDATE") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("QUANTITY", "QUANTITY") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("PRICE", "PRICE") tableMapping.ColumnMappings.Add("AMOUNT", "AMOUNT") Me._adapter.TableMappings.Add(tableMapping) Me._adapter.InsertCommand = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand() Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Connection = Me.Connection Me._adapter.InsertCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[STOCK] ([NAME], [MFDDATE], [QUANTITY], [PRICE], [AMOUNT]) VALU"& _ "ES (@NAME, @MFDDATE, @QUANTITY, @PRICE, @AMOUNT)" Me._adapter.InsertCommand.CommandType = Global.System.Data.CommandType.Text Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@NAME", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "NAME", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@MFDDATE", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "MFDDATE", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@QUANTITY", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "QUANTITY", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@PRICE", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "PRICE", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) Me._adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add(New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@AMOUNT", Global.System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0, Global.System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input, 0, 0, "AMOUNT", Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Current, false, Nothing, "", "", "")) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Sub InitConnection() Me._connection = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection() Me._connection.ConnectionString = Global.STOCK_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM.My.MySettings.Default.STOCKConnectionString End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Sub InitCommandCollection() Me._commandCollection = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(0) {} Me._commandCollection(0) = New Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand() Me._commandCollection(0).Connection = Me.Connection Me._commandCollection(0).CommandText = "SELECT ID, NAME, MFDDATE, QUANTITY, PRICE, AMOUNT FROM dbo.STOCK" Me._commandCollection(0).CommandType = Global.System.Data.CommandType.Text End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Fill, true)> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Fill(ByVal dataTable As STOCKDataSet9.STOCKDataTable) As Integer Me.Adapter.SelectCommand = Me.CommandCollection(0) If (Me.ClearBeforeFill = true) Then dataTable.Clear End If Dim returnValue As Integer = Me.Adapter.Fill(dataTable) Return returnValue End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.[Select], true)> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function GetData() As STOCKDataSet9.STOCKDataTable Me.Adapter.SelectCommand = Me.CommandCollection(0) Dim dataTable As STOCKDataSet9.STOCKDataTable = New STOCKDataSet9.STOCKDataTable() Me.Adapter.Fill(dataTable) Return dataTable End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataTable As STOCKDataSet9.STOCKDataTable) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataTable) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataSet As STOCKDataSet9) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataSet, "STOCK") End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataRow As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(New Global.System.Data.DataRow() {dataRow}) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter")> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Update(ByVal dataRows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer Return Me.Adapter.Update(dataRows) End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapter"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(Global.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Insert, true)> _ Public Overloads Overridable Function Insert(ByVal NAME As String, ByVal MFDDATE As String, ByVal QUANTITY As Global.System.Nullable(Of Integer), ByVal PRICE As Global.System.Nullable(Of Integer), ByVal AMOUNT As Global.System.Nullable(Of Integer)) As Integer If (NAME Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(0).Value = Global.System.DBNull.Value Else Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(0).Value = CType(NAME,String) End If If (MFDDATE Is Nothing) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(1).Value = Global.System.DBNull.Value Else Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(1).Value = CType(MFDDATE,String) End If If (QUANTITY.HasValue = true) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(2).Value = CType(QUANTITY.Value,Integer) Else Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(2).Value = Global.System.DBNull.Value End If If (PRICE.HasValue = true) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(3).Value = CType(PRICE.Value,Integer) Else Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(3).Value = Global.System.DBNull.Value End If If (AMOUNT.HasValue = true) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(4).Value = CType(AMOUNT.Value,Integer) Else Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Parameters(4).Value = Global.System.DBNull.Value End If Dim previousConnectionState As Global.System.Data.ConnectionState = Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Connection.State If ((Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Connection.State And Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) _ <> Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Connection.Open End If Try Dim returnValue As Integer = Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery Return returnValue Finally If (previousConnectionState = Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) Then Me.Adapter.InsertCommand.Connection.Close End If End Try End Function End Class '''<summary> '''TableAdapterManager is used to coordinate TableAdapters in the dataset to enable Hierarchical Update scenarios '''</summary> <Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(true), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.DataSource.Design.TableAdapterManagerDesigner, Microsoft.VSD"& _ "esigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute("vs.data.TableAdapterManager")> _ Partial Public Class TableAdapterManager Inherits Global.System.ComponentModel.Component Private _updateOrder As UpdateOrderOption Private _sTOCKTableAdapter As STOCKTableAdapter Private _backupDataSetBeforeUpdate As Boolean Private _connection As Global.System.Data.IDbConnection <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property UpdateOrder() As UpdateOrderOption Get Return Me._updateOrder End Get Set Me._updateOrder = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute("Microsoft.VSDesigner.DataSource.Design.TableAdapterManagerPropertyEditor, Microso"& _ "ft.VSDesigner, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3"& _ "a", "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor")> _ Public Property STOCKTableAdapter() As STOCKTableAdapter Get Return Me._sTOCKTableAdapter End Get Set Me._sTOCKTableAdapter = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Property BackupDataSetBeforeUpdate() As Boolean Get Return Me._backupDataSetBeforeUpdate End Get Set Me._backupDataSetBeforeUpdate = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)> _ Public Property Connection() As Global.System.Data.IDbConnection Get If (Not (Me._connection) Is Nothing) Then Return Me._connection End If If ((Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Connection) Is Nothing)) Then Return Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Connection End If Return Nothing End Get Set Me._connection = value End Set End Property <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", ""), _ Global.System.ComponentModel.Browsable(false)> _ Public ReadOnly Property TableAdapterInstanceCount() As Integer Get Dim count As Integer = 0 If (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) Then count = (count + 1) End If Return count End Get End Property '''<summary> '''Update rows in top-down order. '''</summary> <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Function UpdateUpdatedRows(ByVal dataSet As STOCKDataSet9, ByVal allChangedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow), ByVal allAddedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)) As Integer Dim result As Integer = 0 If (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) Then Dim updatedRows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow = dataSet.STOCK.Select(Nothing, Nothing, Global.System.Data.DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent) updatedRows = Me.GetRealUpdatedRows(updatedRows, allAddedRows) If ((Not (updatedRows) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (0 < updatedRows.Length)) Then result = (result + Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Update(updatedRows)) allChangedRows.AddRange(updatedRows) End If End If Return result End Function '''<summary> '''Insert rows in top-down order. '''</summary> <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Function UpdateInsertedRows(ByVal dataSet As STOCKDataSet9, ByVal allAddedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)) As Integer Dim result As Integer = 0 If (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) Then Dim addedRows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow = dataSet.STOCK.Select(Nothing, Nothing, Global.System.Data.DataViewRowState.Added) If ((Not (addedRows) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (0 < addedRows.Length)) Then result = (result + Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Update(addedRows)) allAddedRows.AddRange(addedRows) End If End If Return result End Function '''<summary> '''Delete rows in bottom-up order. '''</summary> <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Function UpdateDeletedRows(ByVal dataSet As STOCKDataSet9, ByVal allChangedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)) As Integer Dim result As Integer = 0 If (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) Then Dim deletedRows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow = dataSet.STOCK.Select(Nothing, Nothing, Global.System.Data.DataViewRowState.Deleted) If ((Not (deletedRows) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (0 < deletedRows.Length)) Then result = (result + Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Update(deletedRows)) allChangedRows.AddRange(deletedRows) End If End If Return result End Function '''<summary> '''Remove inserted rows that become updated rows after calling TableAdapter.Update(inserted rows) first '''</summary> <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Function GetRealUpdatedRows(ByVal updatedRows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByVal allAddedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)) As Global.System.Data.DataRow() If ((updatedRows Is Nothing) _ OrElse (updatedRows.Length < 1)) Then Return updatedRows End If If ((allAddedRows Is Nothing) _ OrElse (allAddedRows.Count < 1)) Then Return updatedRows End If Dim realUpdatedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)() Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < updatedRows.Length) Dim row As Global.System.Data.DataRow = updatedRows(i) If (allAddedRows.Contains(row) = false) Then realUpdatedRows.Add(row) End If i = (i + 1) Loop Return realUpdatedRows.ToArray End Function '''<summary> '''Update all changes to the dataset. '''</summary> <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Overridable Function UpdateAll(ByVal dataSet As STOCKDataSet9) As Integer If (dataSet Is Nothing) Then Throw New Global.System.ArgumentNullException("dataSet") End If If (dataSet.HasChanges = false) Then Return 0 End If If ((Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (Me.MatchTableAdapterConnection(Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Connection) = false)) Then Throw New Global.System.ArgumentException("All TableAdapters managed by a TableAdapterManager must use the same connection s"& _ "tring.") End If Dim workConnection As Global.System.Data.IDbConnection = Me.Connection If (workConnection Is Nothing) Then Throw New Global.System.ApplicationException("TableAdapterManager contains no connection information. Set each TableAdapterMana"& _ "ger TableAdapter property to a valid TableAdapter instance.") End If Dim workConnOpened As Boolean = false If ((workConnection.State And Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Broken) _ = Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Broken) Then workConnection.Close End If If (workConnection.State = Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) Then workConnection.Open workConnOpened = true End If Dim workTransaction As Global.System.Data.IDbTransaction = workConnection.BeginTransaction If (workTransaction Is Nothing) Then Throw New Global.System.ApplicationException("The transaction cannot begin. The current data connection does not support transa"& _ "ctions or the current state is not allowing the transaction to begin.") End If Dim allChangedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)() Dim allAddedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)() Dim adaptersWithAcceptChangesDuringUpdate As Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Global.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter)() Dim revertConnections As Global.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Object, Global.System.Data.IDbConnection) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Object, Global.System.Data.IDbConnection)() Dim result As Integer = 0 Dim backupDataSet As Global.System.Data.DataSet = Nothing If Me.BackupDataSetBeforeUpdate Then backupDataSet = New Global.System.Data.DataSet() backupDataSet.Merge(dataSet) End If Try '---- Prepare for update ----------- ' If (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) Then revertConnections.Add(Me._sTOCKTableAdapter, Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Connection) Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Connection = CType(workConnection,Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection) Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Transaction = CType(workTransaction,Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction) If Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Adapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate Then Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Adapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = false adaptersWithAcceptChangesDuringUpdate.Add(Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Adapter) End If End If ' '---- Perform updates ----------- ' If (Me.UpdateOrder = UpdateOrderOption.UpdateInsertDelete) Then result = (result + Me.UpdateUpdatedRows(dataSet, allChangedRows, allAddedRows)) result = (result + Me.UpdateInsertedRows(dataSet, allAddedRows)) Else result = (result + Me.UpdateInsertedRows(dataSet, allAddedRows)) result = (result + Me.UpdateUpdatedRows(dataSet, allChangedRows, allAddedRows)) End If result = (result + Me.UpdateDeletedRows(dataSet, allChangedRows)) ' '---- Commit updates ----------- ' workTransaction.Commit If (0 < allAddedRows.Count) Then Dim rows((allAddedRows.Count) - 1) As Global.System.Data.DataRow allAddedRows.CopyTo(rows) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < rows.Length) Dim row As Global.System.Data.DataRow = rows(i) row.AcceptChanges i = (i + 1) Loop End If If (0 < allChangedRows.Count) Then Dim rows((allChangedRows.Count) - 1) As Global.System.Data.DataRow allChangedRows.CopyTo(rows) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < rows.Length) Dim row As Global.System.Data.DataRow = rows(i) row.AcceptChanges i = (i + 1) Loop End If Catch ex As Global.System.Exception workTransaction.Rollback '---- Restore the dataset ----------- If Me.BackupDataSetBeforeUpdate Then Global.System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not (backupDataSet) Is Nothing)) dataSet.Clear dataSet.Merge(backupDataSet) Else If (0 < allAddedRows.Count) Then Dim rows((allAddedRows.Count) - 1) As Global.System.Data.DataRow allAddedRows.CopyTo(rows) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < rows.Length) Dim row As Global.System.Data.DataRow = rows(i) row.AcceptChanges row.SetAdded i = (i + 1) Loop End If End If Throw ex Finally If workConnOpened Then workConnection.Close End If If (Not (Me._sTOCKTableAdapter) Is Nothing) Then Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Connection = CType(revertConnections(Me._sTOCKTableAdapter),Global.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection) Me._sTOCKTableAdapter.Transaction = Nothing End If If (0 < adaptersWithAcceptChangesDuringUpdate.Count) Then Dim adapters((adaptersWithAcceptChangesDuringUpdate.Count) - 1) As Global.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter adaptersWithAcceptChangesDuringUpdate.CopyTo(adapters) Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While (i < adapters.Length) Dim adapter As Global.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter = adapters(i) adapter.AcceptChangesDuringUpdate = true i = (i + 1) Loop End If End Try Return result End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overridable Sub SortSelfReferenceRows(ByVal rows() As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByVal relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation, ByVal childFirst As Boolean) Global.System.Array.Sort(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow)(rows, New SelfReferenceComparer(relation, childFirst)) End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Protected Overridable Function MatchTableAdapterConnection(ByVal inputConnection As Global.System.Data.IDbConnection) As Boolean If (Not (Me._connection) Is Nothing) Then Return true End If If ((Me.Connection Is Nothing) _ OrElse (inputConnection Is Nothing)) Then Return true End If If String.Equals(Me.Connection.ConnectionString, inputConnection.ConnectionString, Global.System.StringComparison.Ordinal) Then Return true End If Return false End Function '''<summary> '''Update Order Option '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Enum UpdateOrderOption InsertUpdateDelete = 0 UpdateInsertDelete = 1 End Enum '''<summary> '''Used to sort self-referenced table's rows '''</summary> <Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Class SelfReferenceComparer Inherits Object Implements Global.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow) Private _relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation Private _childFirst As Integer <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Friend Sub New(ByVal relation As Global.System.Data.DataRelation, ByVal childFirst As Boolean) MyBase.New Me._relation = relation If childFirst Then Me._childFirst = -1 Else Me._childFirst = 1 End If End Sub <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Private Function GetRoot(ByVal row As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByRef distance As Integer) As Global.System.Data.DataRow Global.System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((Not (row) Is Nothing)) Dim root As Global.System.Data.DataRow = row distance = 0 Dim traversedRows As Global.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow, Global.System.Data.DataRow) = New Global.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow, Global.System.Data.DataRow)() traversedRows(row) = row Dim parent As Global.System.Data.DataRow = row.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.[Default]) Do While ((Not (parent) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (traversedRows.ContainsKey(parent) = false)) distance = (distance + 1) root = parent traversedRows(parent) = parent parent = parent.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.[Default]) Loop If (distance = 0) Then traversedRows.Clear traversedRows(row) = row parent = row.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original) Do While ((Not (parent) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (traversedRows.ContainsKey(parent) = false)) distance = (distance + 1) root = parent traversedRows(parent) = parent parent = parent.GetParentRow(Me._relation, Global.System.Data.DataRowVersion.Original) Loop End If Return root End Function <Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), _ Global.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Data.Design.TypedDataSetGenerator", "")> _ Public Function Compare(ByVal row1 As Global.System.Data.DataRow, ByVal row2 As Global.System.Data.DataRow) As Integer Implements Global.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer(Of Global.System.Data.DataRow).Compare If Object.ReferenceEquals(row1, row2) Then Return 0 End If If (row1 Is Nothing) Then Return -1 End If If (row2 Is Nothing) Then Return 1 End If Dim distance1 As Integer = 0 Dim root1 As Global.System.Data.DataRow = Me.GetRoot(row1, distance1) Dim distance2 As Integer = 0 Dim root2 As Global.System.Data.DataRow = Me.GetRoot(row2, distance2) If Object.ReferenceEquals(root1, root2) Then Return (Me._childFirst * distance1.CompareTo(distance2)) Else Global.System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(((Not (root1.Table) Is Nothing) _ AndAlso (Not (root2.Table) Is Nothing))) If (root1.Table.Rows.IndexOf(root1) < root2.Table.Rows.IndexOf(root2)) Then Return -1 Else Return 1 End If End If End Function End Class End Class End Namespace
#Region "Microsoft.VisualBasic::a391223bbdc7f6f1e7d5240085008dee, src\mzkit\ControlLibrary\MSI\Editor\Edge.vb" ' Author: ' ' xieguigang (gg.xie@bionovogene.com, BioNovoGene Co., LTD.) ' ' Copyright (c) 2018 gg.xie@bionovogene.com, BioNovoGene Co., LTD. ' ' ' MIT License ' ' ' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ' of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ' in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ' to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ' copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ' furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ' ' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ' copies or substantial portions of the Software. ' ' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ' IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ' FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ' AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ' LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ' OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ' SOFTWARE. ' /********************************************************************************/ ' Summaries: ' Enum EdgeType ' ' [In], Out ' ' ' ' ' ' Class Edge ' ' Properties: [To], From, InRelation, Relation ' ' Constructor: (+2 Overloads) Sub New ' ' ' /********************************************************************************/ #End Region Namespace PolygonEditor Public Enum EdgeType [In] Out End Enum Friend Class Edge Public Property From As Vertex Public Property [To] As Vertex Public Property InRelation As Edge Public Property Relation As Relation Public Sub New(ByVal from As Vertex, ByVal [to] As Vertex, ByVal Optional inRelation As Edge = Nothing) Relation = Relation.None Me.InRelation = inRelation from.Edges.Add(Me) [to].Edges.Add(Me) Me.From = from Me.To = [to] End Sub Public Sub New(ByVal x1 As Integer, ByVal y1 As Integer, ByVal x2 As Integer, ByVal y2 As Integer) From = New Vertex(x1, y1) [To] = New Vertex(x2, y2) End Sub End Class End Namespace
' Generated by MyGeneration Version # ( Namespace MyGeneration.dOOdads.Tests.VistaDB Public Class AggregateTest Inherits _AggregateTest End Class End Namespace
' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. Imports System.Threading Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Structure Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Structure Friend Class AccessorDeclarationStructureProvider Inherits AbstractSyntaxNodeStructureProvider(Of AccessorStatementSyntax) Protected Overrides Sub CollectBlockSpans(accessorDeclaration As AccessorStatementSyntax, spans As ArrayBuilder(Of BlockSpan), optionProvider As BlockStructureOptionProvider, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) CollectCommentsRegions(accessorDeclaration, spans, optionProvider) Dim block = TryCast(accessorDeclaration.Parent, AccessorBlockSyntax) If Not block?.EndBlockStatement.IsMissing Then spans.AddIfNotNull(CreateBlockSpanFromBlock( block, bannerNode:=accessorDeclaration, autoCollapse:=True, type:=BlockTypes.Member, isCollapsible:=True)) End If End Sub End Class End Namespace
'********************************************************* ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. ' THIS CODE IS PROVIDED *AS IS* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ' ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY ' IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ' PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. ' '********************************************************* ''' <summary> ''' An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame. ''' </summary> Partial Public NotInheritable Class Scenario2 Inherits SDKTemplate.Common.LayoutAwarePage ' A pointer back to the main page. This is needed if you want to call methods in MainPage such ' as NotifyUser() 'MainPage rootPage = MainPage.Current; Private messageData As MessageData = Nothing Public Sub New() Me.InitializeComponent() messageData = New MessageData() ItemListView.ItemsSource = messageData.Collection End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.IO.Stream Imports System.Xml Imports Newtonsoft.Json Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq Public Class clsChatCor ''' <summary> ''' 챗봇 데이터 파싱 구조체 ''' </summary> Structure Dic Public dicname As String Public lists() As String End Structure ''' <summary> ''' 도로공사의 챗봇 데이터에서 내용 추출. 다이얼로그 플로우의 데이터에 삽입 ''' </summary> Public Sub ProcDFChat() Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader Dim sw As System.IO.StreamWriter Dim tstr, tarr() As String Dim filePath, filePathArr() As String Dim fileInformation As System.IO.FileInfo Dim intentName As String Dim tempDic, dicList() As Dic Dim arr As JArray Dim text As JObject = New JObject() Dim cntr As Integer = 0 ' 일단 반복관용어구를 읽어 사전으로 저장 sr = New StreamReader("J: \exChatbot_1007\dic\lists.txt", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8) Do Until sr.EndOfStream ReDim Preserve dicList(cntr) tstr = sr.ReadLine tarr = tstr.Split(":") tempDic.dicname = tarr(0).Trim tempDic.lists = tarr(1).Split(",") dicList(cntr) = tempDic cntr += 1 Loop sr.Close() '패턴 파일 목록을 읽고 패턴 내의 각 문장을 traversal filePathArr = Directory.GetFiles("J:\exChatbot_1007\pattern") For Each filePath In filePathArr '기존 다이얼로그 플로우 자료 읽기 fileInformation = New FileInfo(filePath) intentName = fileInformation.Name.Split("_")(1).Replace(".txt", "") tstr = New StreamReader("J:\exChatbot_1007\intents\" & intentName & "_usersays_ko.json").ReadToEnd arr = JArray.Parse(tstr) '패턴 파일 내에서 각 패턴 읽기 sr = New StreamReader(filePath) Do Until sr.EndOfStream tstr = sr.ReadLine ProcSentence(tstr, dicList, arr) Loop sr.Close() ' 파일로 출력 sw = New StreamWriter("j:\izawa\" & intentName & "_usersays_ko.json") sw.Write(arr.ToString()) sw.Close() Next End Sub ''' <summary> ''' 패턴 문장을 하나 받으면 이를 토크나이징 하고 JSON array로 만들어서 반환함. 단 용언 사전별로 문장을 반복 생성. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="sentence">입력되는 문장</param> ''' <param name="pattern">반복되는 용언 패턴</param> ''' <param name="intentDoc">실제 적용을 할 문서 이름</param> Public Sub ProcSentence(sentence As String, pattern() As Dic, ByRef intentDoc As JArray) Dim stack As String = "" Dim stack2 As String Dim cntr, acntr, tcntr As Integer Dim arr(0), entity() As String Dim doc As New JArray Dim tDoc As Dic Dim tPhrase As String '반복관용어구 생성시 들어가는 반복 문장 Dim hasPattern As Boolean Dim tToken As String '임시 토큰 Dim obj As JObject acntr = 0 '문장을 토크나이징 함 Do Until cntr >= sentence.Length Select Case sentence(cntr) 'entity 인식 태그 확인 (시스템에는 <> 형식으로 마킹) Case "<" ' 만약 이전에 스택이 차 있는 곳이 있다면 채우고 지나감 If stack <> "" Then arr(acntr) = stack stack = "" acntr += 1 ReDim Preserve arr(acntr) End If ' 특수 토큰 처리 tcntr = cntr stack2 = "" Do Until sentence(tcntr) = ">" Or tcntr >= sentence.Length stack2 &= sentence(tcntr) tcntr += 1 Loop arr(acntr) = stack2.Replace("<", "@") cntr = tcntr acntr += 1 ReDim Preserve arr(acntr) '반복관용여구 인식 태그 확인(시스템에는 #; 형식으로 마킹) Case "#" ' 만약 이전에 스택이 차 있는 곳이 있다면 채우고 지나감 If stack <> "" Then arr(acntr) = stack stack = "" acntr += 1 ReDim Preserve arr(acntr) End If tcntr = cntr stack2 = "" Do Until sentence(tcntr) = ";" Or tcntr >= sentence.Length stack2 &= sentence(tcntr) tcntr += 1 Loop arr(acntr) = stack2 cntr = tcntr acntr += 1 ReDim Preserve arr(acntr) Case Else stack &= sentence(cntr) End Select cntr += 1 Loop '만약 최종 스택이 다른 문자열로 있다면 문자열을 넣어주고, 비어있다면 스택의 길이를 줄일 것 If stack <> "" Then arr(acntr) = stack Else ReDim Preserve arr(acntr - 1) End If '패턴별로 루틴을 돌고 해당 문장의 sequence에 해당 패턴이 있을 경우 JArray에 문장을 추가 '하나의 패턴 문장에는 하나의 반복관용어구만 허용(일단 버전 1) For Each tDoc In pattern '패턴 인식 루틴 구동 hasPattern = False For Each tstr In arr '입력받은 문장의 토큰에서 패턴 인식이 있는 지확인 If "#" & tDoc.dicname = tstr Then hasPattern = True End If Next ' 만약 패턴이 있으면 반복해서 운영 If hasPattern = True Then For Each tPhrase In tDoc.lists Dim jSenDoc = New JArray For Each tToken In arr Select Case tToken(0) Case "@" entity = tToken.Replace("@", "").Split(":") obj = New JObject If entity.Length > 1 Then obj.Add(New JProperty("text", entity(1))) obj.Add(New JProperty("alias", entity(0))) obj.Add(New JProperty("meta", "@" & entity(0))) Else obj.Add(New JProperty("text", tToken.Replace("@", ""))) obj.Add(New JProperty("alias", tToken.Replace("@", ""))) obj.Add(New JProperty("meta", tToken)) End If obj.Add(New JProperty("userdefined", False)) Case "#" obj = New JObject obj.Add(New JProperty("text", tPhrase)) obj.Add(New JProperty("userdefined", False)) Case Else obj = New JObject obj.Add(New JProperty("text", tToken)) obj.Add(New JProperty("userdefined", False)) End Select jSenDoc.Add(obj) Next Dim jMotherDoc As New JObject jMotherDoc.Add(New JProperty("data", jSenDoc)) jMotherDoc.Add(New JProperty("isTemplate", False)) jMotherDoc.Add(New JProperty("count", 0)) jMotherDoc.Add(New JProperty("updated", 0)) '문장을 새로운 속성값으로 하여 Object 형태로 추가 intentDoc.Children.Last.AddAfterSelf(jMotherDoc) Next End If Next End Sub End Class
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _ Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.Label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.TextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.TabControl1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TabControl() Me.TabPage1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TabPage() Me.Button3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.Button2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() Me.ListBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox() Me.TabPage2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TabPage() Me.CheckBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox() Me.Label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.NumericUpDown1 = New System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown() Me.NumericUpDown2 = New System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown() Me.Label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.CheckBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox() Me.CheckBox3 = New System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox() Me.TextBox2 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox() Me.GroupBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox() Me.TabControl1.SuspendLayout() Me.TabPage1.SuspendLayout() Me.TabPage2.SuspendLayout() CType(Me.NumericUpDown1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() CType(Me.NumericUpDown2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'Label1 ' Me.Label1.AutoSize = True Me.Label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 15) Me.Label1.Name = "Label1" Me.Label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(76, 13) Me.Label1.TabIndex = 0 Me.Label1.Text = "Source Folder:" ' 'TextBox1 ' Me.TextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(94, 12) Me.TextBox1.Name = "TextBox1" Me.TextBox1.ReadOnly = True Me.TextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(249, 20) Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 1 ' 'Button1 ' Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(349, 12) Me.Button1.Name = "Button1" Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(46, 20) Me.Button1.TabIndex = 2 Me.Button1.Text = "..." Me.Button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'TabControl1 ' Me.TabControl1.Controls.Add(Me.TabPage1) Me.TabControl1.Controls.Add(Me.TabPage2) Me.TabControl1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 38) Me.TabControl1.Name = "TabControl1" Me.TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0 Me.TabControl1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(383, 258) Me.TabControl1.TabIndex = 3 ' 'TabPage1 ' Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.NumericUpDown2) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.Label3) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.NumericUpDown1) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.Label2) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.CheckBox1) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.Button3) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.Button2) Me.TabPage1.Controls.Add(Me.ListBox1) Me.TabPage1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 22) Me.TabPage1.Name = "TabPage1" Me.TabPage1.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3) Me.TabPage1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(375, 232) Me.TabPage1.TabIndex = 0 Me.TabPage1.Text = "Connection" Me.TabPage1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'Button3 ' Me.Button3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(130, 203) Me.Button3.Name = "Button3" Me.Button3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23) Me.Button3.TabIndex = 2 Me.Button3.Text = "-" Me.Button3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'Button2 ' Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 203) Me.Button2.Name = "Button2" Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(75, 23) Me.Button2.TabIndex = 1 Me.Button2.Text = "+" Me.Button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'ListBox1 ' Me.ListBox1.FormattingEnabled = True Me.ListBox1.Items.AddRange(New Object() {""}) Me.ListBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 6) Me.ListBox1.Name = "ListBox1" Me.ListBox1.ScrollAlwaysVisible = True Me.ListBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(199, 186) Me.ListBox1.TabIndex = 0 ' 'TabPage2 ' Me.TabPage2.Controls.Add(Me.GroupBox1) Me.TabPage2.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox2) Me.TabPage2.Controls.Add(Me.CheckBox3) Me.TabPage2.Controls.Add(Me.CheckBox2) Me.TabPage2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 22) Me.TabPage2.Name = "TabPage2" Me.TabPage2.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3) Me.TabPage2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(375, 232) Me.TabPage2.TabIndex = 1 Me.TabPage2.Text = "Installation" Me.TabPage2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'CheckBox1 ' Me.CheckBox1.AutoSize = True Me.CheckBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(211, 6) Me.CheckBox1.Name = "CheckBox1" Me.CheckBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(68, 17) Me.CheckBox1.TabIndex = 3 Me.CheckBox1.Text = "Use SSL" Me.CheckBox1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'Label2 ' Me.Label2.AutoSize = True Me.Label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(208, 36) Me.Label2.Name = "Label2" Me.Label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(93, 13) Me.Label2.TabIndex = 4 Me.Label2.Text = "Min Connect Time" ' 'NumericUpDown1 ' Me.NumericUpDown1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(307, 34) Me.NumericUpDown1.Maximum = New Decimal(New Integer() {999999, 0, 0, 0}) Me.NumericUpDown1.Minimum = New Decimal(New Integer() {1, 0, 0, 0}) Me.NumericUpDown1.Name = "NumericUpDown1" Me.NumericUpDown1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(62, 20) Me.NumericUpDown1.TabIndex = 5 Me.NumericUpDown1.Value = New Decimal(New Integer() {1, 0, 0, 0}) ' 'NumericUpDown2 ' Me.NumericUpDown2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(307, 60) Me.NumericUpDown2.Maximum = New Decimal(New Integer() {999999, 0, 0, 0}) Me.NumericUpDown2.Minimum = New Decimal(New Integer() {2, 0, 0, 0}) Me.NumericUpDown2.Name = "NumericUpDown2" Me.NumericUpDown2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(62, 20) Me.NumericUpDown2.TabIndex = 7 Me.NumericUpDown2.Value = New Decimal(New Integer() {2, 0, 0, 0}) ' 'Label3 ' Me.Label3.AutoSize = True Me.Label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(208, 62) Me.Label3.Name = "Label3" Me.Label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(96, 13) Me.Label3.TabIndex = 6 Me.Label3.Text = "Max Connect Time" ' 'CheckBox2 ' Me.CheckBox2.AutoSize = True Me.CheckBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 6) Me.CheckBox2.Name = "CheckBox2" Me.CheckBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(53, 17) Me.CheckBox2.TabIndex = 0 Me.CheckBox2.Text = "Install" Me.CheckBox2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'CheckBox3 ' Me.CheckBox3.AutoSize = True Me.CheckBox3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 29) Me.CheckBox3.Name = "CheckBox3" Me.CheckBox3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(99, 17) Me.CheckBox3.TabIndex = 1 Me.CheckBox3.Text = "Single Instance" Me.CheckBox3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' 'TextBox2 ' Me.TextBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(111, 27) Me.TextBox2.Name = "TextBox2" Me.TextBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(258, 20) Me.TextBox2.TabIndex = 2 ' 'GroupBox1 ' Me.GroupBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 52) Me.GroupBox1.Name = "GroupBox1" Me.GroupBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(192, 174) Me.GroupBox1.TabIndex = 3 Me.GroupBox1.TabStop = False Me.GroupBox1.Text = "File Names" ' 'Form1 ' Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(404, 308) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TabControl1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Button1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.TextBox1) Me.Controls.Add(Me.Label1) Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle Me.MaximizeBox = False Me.Name = "Form1" Me.Text = "Builder" Me.TabControl1.ResumeLayout(False) Me.TabPage1.ResumeLayout(False) Me.TabPage1.PerformLayout() Me.TabPage2.ResumeLayout(False) Me.TabPage2.PerformLayout() CType(Me.NumericUpDown1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() CType(Me.NumericUpDown2, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PerformLayout() End Sub Friend WithEvents Label1 As Label Friend WithEvents TextBox1 As TextBox Friend WithEvents Button1 As Button Friend WithEvents TabControl1 As TabControl Friend WithEvents TabPage1 As TabPage Friend WithEvents Button3 As Button Friend WithEvents Button2 As Button Friend WithEvents ListBox1 As ListBox Friend WithEvents TabPage2 As TabPage Friend WithEvents NumericUpDown2 As NumericUpDown Friend WithEvents Label3 As Label Friend WithEvents NumericUpDown1 As NumericUpDown Friend WithEvents Label2 As Label Friend WithEvents CheckBox1 As CheckBox Friend WithEvents TextBox2 As TextBox Friend WithEvents CheckBox3 As CheckBox Friend WithEvents CheckBox2 As CheckBox Friend WithEvents GroupBox1 As GroupBox End Class
Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following ' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information ' associated with an assembly. ' Review the values of the assembly attributes <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("Chimex OS")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("Chimex OS")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("ChimexSoft")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("Chimex OS")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © ChimexSoft 2018")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("ChimexSoft")> <Assembly: ComVisible(False)> 'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM <Assembly: Guid("8eb4d949-13cb-4a60-ac23-62bbfd4083f4")> ' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: ' ' Major Version ' Minor Version ' Build Number ' Revision ' ' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers ' by using the '*' as shown below: ' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
Imports System.Linq Partial Public Class PivotTableAdapter Private Class CellMapManager Private Property PositionMappingList As New List(Of CellMap) Public Sub SetPositionMap(sourceModelPosition As CellPosition, targetModelPosition As CellPosition) Me.PositionMappingList.RemoveAll(Function(map) map.SourcePosition = sourceModelPosition OrElse map.TargetPosition = targetModelPosition) Me.PositionMappingList.Add(New CellMap(sourceModelPosition, targetModelPosition)) End Sub Public Sub ClearPositionMaps() Me.PositionMappingList.Clear() End Sub Public Function GetTargetPosition(sourceModelPosition As CellPosition) As CellPosition Dim foundMap = Me.PositionMappingList.Find(Function(map) map.SourcePosition = sourceModelPosition) If foundMap Is Nothing Then Return Nothing Return foundMap.TargetPosition End Function Public Function GetSourcePosition(targetModelPosition As CellPosition) As CellPosition Dim foundMap = Me.PositionMappingList.Find(Function(map) map.TargetPosition = targetModelPosition) If foundMap Is Nothing Then Return Nothing Return foundMap.SourcePosition End Function Public Sub AdjustSourceRowsAfterRowsRemoved(rows As Integer()) '将被删除行相应的映射记录删除 Me.PositionMappingList.RemoveAll(Function(m) rows.Contains(m.SourcePosition.Row)) '将其他行的映射记录的行相应前移 For Each map In Me.PositionMappingList map.SourcePosition.Row -= rows.Aggregate(0, Function(sum, row) If(row < map.SourcePosition.Row, sum + 1, sum)) Next End Sub Public Sub AdjustSourceRowsAfterRowsInserted(rows As Integer()) Dim sourcePositions = Me.PositionMappingList.Select(Function(m) m.SourcePosition).ToArray For i = 0 To sourcePositions.Length - 1 Dim sourcePosition = sourcePositions(i) sourcePosition.Row += rows.Aggregate(0, Function(sum, row) If(row <= sourcePosition.Row, sum + 1, sum)) Next End Sub End Class End Class
Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Module modReport Public cnnDBreport As ADODB.Connection Public cnnDBConsReport As ADODB.Connection Public Function getRSreport(ByRef sql As String) As ADODB.Recordset Dim Path As String Dim strDBPath As String On Error GoTo getRSreport_Error getRSreport = New ADODB.Recordset getRSreport.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient Debug.Print(sql) getRSreport.Open(sql, cnnDBreport, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic) Exit Function getRSreport_Error: If cnnDBreport Is Nothing Then MsgBox(Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " cnnDBreport object has not been made.") ElseIf Err.Description = "Not a valid password." Then MsgBox("Error while getRSreport and Error is :" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & cnnDBreport.ConnectionString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " --- " & cnnDBreport.State) cnnDB.Close() 'UPGRADE_NOTE: Object cnnDB may not be destroyed until it is garbage collected. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6E35BFF6-CD74-4B09-9689-3E1A43DF8969"' cnnDB = Nothing cnnDB = New ADODB.Connection 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object strDBPath. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' strDBPath = serverPath & "pricing.mdb" 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object strDBPath. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object Path. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' Path = strDBPath & ";Jet " & "OLEDB:Database Password=lqd" 'cnnDB.CursorLocation = adUseClient 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object Path. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' cnnDB.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Share Deny Read|Share Deny Write;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source= " & Path) cnnDB.Execute("ALTER DATABASE PASSWORD Null " & " " & "lqd") cnnDB.Close() 'UPGRADE_NOTE: Object cnnDB may not be destroyed until it is garbage collected. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6E35BFF6-CD74-4B09-9689-3E1A43DF8969"' cnnDB = Nothing openConnection() Else MsgBox("Error while getRSreport and Error is :" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & cnnDBreport.ConnectionString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " --- " & cnnDBreport.State) End If Resume Next End Function Public Function getRSreport1(ByRef sql As Object) As ADODB.Recordset On Error GoTo getRSreport1_Error getRSreport1 = New ADODB.Recordset getRSreport1.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient getRSreport1.Open(sql, cnnDBConsReport, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic) Exit Function getRSreport1_Error: If cnnDBConsReport Is Nothing Then MsgBox(Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " cnnDBConsReport object has not been made.") Else MsgBox("Error while getRSreport1 and Error is :" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " --- " & cnnDBConsReport.ConnectionString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " --- " & cnnDBConsReport.State) End If Resume Next End Function Public Function openConnectionReport() As Boolean Dim Path As String On Error GoTo openConnection_Error Dim createDayend As Boolean Dim strDBPath As String Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject createDayend = False openConnectionReport = True cnnDBreport = New ADODB.Connection strDBPath = serverPath & "report" & frmMenu.lblUser.Tag & ".mdb" With cnnDBreport .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" .Properties("Jet OLEDB:System Database").Value = serverPath & "Secured.mdw" .Open(strDBPath, "liquid", "lqd") End With Exit Function withPass: 'If serverPath = "" Then setNewServerPath 'If serverPath <> "" Then cnnDBreport = New ADODB.Connection strDBPath = serverPath & "report" & frmMenu.lblUser.Tag & ".mdb" 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object Path. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' Path = strDBPath & ";Jet " & "OLEDB:Database Password=lqd" cnnDBreport.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Couldn't resolve default property of object Path. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6A50421D-15FE-4896-8A1B-2EC21E9037B2"' cnnDBreport.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source= " & Path) openConnectionReport = True 'End If Exit Function openConnection_Error: If Err.Description = "[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid password." Then GoTo withPass ElseIf Err.Description = "Not a valid password." Then GoTo withPass End If openConnectionReport = False MsgBox(Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " openConnectionReport object has not been made.") End Function Public Function openConsReport(ByRef strL As String) As Boolean Dim strTable As String Dim createDayend As Boolean Dim strDBPath As String On Error GoTo openConnection_Error createDayend = False cnnDBConsReport = New ADODB.Connection strDBPath = StrLocRep & "report" & frmMenu.lblUser.Tag & ".mdb" cnnDBConsReport.Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data Source= " & strDBPath & ";") openConnection_Error: openConsReport = False MsgBox(Err.Number & " " & Err.Description & " " & Err.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " openConsReport object has not been made.") End Function Public Sub closeConnectionReport() cnnDBreport.Close() 'UPGRADE_NOTE: Object cnnDBreport may not be destroyed until it is garbage collected. Click for more: 'ms-help://MS.VSCC.v90/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?keyword="6E35BFF6-CD74-4B09-9689-3E1A43DF8969"' cnnDBreport = Nothing End Sub End Module
Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.Common Imports bv.common.db.Core Public Class StatisticType_DB Inherits BaseDbService Public Sub New() ObjectName = "BaseReference" Me.UseDatasetCopyInPost = False End Sub Public Overrides Function GetDetail(ByVal ID As Object) As System.Data.DataSet Dim ds As New DataSet Try Dim cmd As IDbCommand = CreateSPCommand("spStatisticType_SelectDetail") AddParam(cmd, "@LangID", bv.model.Model.Core.ModelUserContext.CurrentLanguage) Dim StatisticTypeDetail_Adapter As IDataAdapter = CreateAdapter(cmd) StatisticTypeDetail_Adapter.Fill(ds) CorrectTable(ds.Tables(0), "BaseReference") ds.Tables("BaseReference").Columns("Name").ReadOnly = False ds.Tables("BaseReference").Columns("idfsStatisticAreaType").AllowDBNull = True ds.Tables("BaseReference").Columns("idfsBaseReference").AutoIncrement = True ds.Tables("BaseReference").Columns("idfsBaseReference").AutoIncrementSeed = -1 ds.Tables("BaseReference").Columns("idfsBaseReference").AutoIncrementStep = -1 m_ID = ID Return ds Catch ex As Exception m_Error = New ErrorMessage(StandardError.FillDatasetError, ex) Return Nothing End Try Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function PostDetail(ByVal ds As System.Data.DataSet, ByVal PostType As Integer, Optional ByVal transaction As System.Data.IDbTransaction = Nothing) As Boolean If ds Is Nothing Then Return True Try ExecPostProcedure("spStatisticType_Post", ds.Tables("BaseReference"), Connection, transaction) bv.common.db.Core.LookupCache.NotifyChange("rftStatisticDataType", transaction) bv.common.db.Core.LookupCache.NotifyChange("rftStatisticPeriodType", transaction) bv.common.db.Core.LookupCache.NotifyChange("rftStatisticAreaType", transaction) Catch ex As Exception m_Error = New ErrorMessage(StandardError.PostError, ex) Return False End Try Return True End Function End Class
Public Class Form1 Dim s As Integer Dim Start As Integer = 3 Dim mve As Boolean = False Dim life As Integer Dim car(2) As PictureBox Dim road(7) As PictureBox Dim h(2) As PictureBox Dim flag As Boolean Dim gme_ovr As Boolean = False Dim speed As Integer = 10 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load road(0) = line00 road(1) = line10 road(2) = line20 road(3) = line30 road(4) = line01 road(5) = line11 road(6) = line21 road(7) = line31 car(0) = op_car1 car(1) = op_car2 car(2) = op_car3 h(0) = life1 h(1) = life2 h(2) = life3 For y = 0 To 2 car(y).Top = -Int(Rnd() * 550) Next gme_ovr = False End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Return Then speed = 0 gear.Text = "0" sped.Text = "0" new_gme() End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then Application.Exit() End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right And mve = True Then right_mve.Start() End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Left And mve = True Then left_mve.Start() End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up And mve = True Then If speed <= 50 Then speed = speed + 10 car_tmr.Interval = car_tmr.Interval - 10 End If End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Down And mve = True Then If speed >= 20 Then speed = speed - 10 car_tmr.Interval = car_tmr.Interval + 10 End If End If sped.Text = speed gear.Text = speed / 10 End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyUp left_mve.Stop() right_mve.Stop() End Sub Private Sub right_mve_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles right_mve.Tick If my_car.Location.X < 733 Then my_car.Left += 5 End If End Sub Private Sub left_mve_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles left_mve.Tick If my_car.Location.X > 80 Then my_car.Left -= 5 End If End Sub Private Sub line_tmr_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles line_tmr.Tick For x = 0 To 7 road(x).Top += speed If road(x).Top >= Me.Height Then road(x).Top = -road(x).Height End If Next End Sub Private Sub time_tmr_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles time_tmr.Tick s += 1 scre.Text = s End Sub Private Sub Timer_strt_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer_strt.Tick If Start > 0 Then Start -= 1 End If count.Text = Start If Start = 0 Then speed = 10 sped.Text = speed gear.Text = speed / 10 time_tmr.Start() line_tmr.Start() car_tmr.Start() count.Visible = False mve = True Timer_strt.Stop() flag = True End If flag = True End Sub Private Sub car_tmr_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles car_tmr.Tick For y = 0 To 2 car(y).Top += 15 If car(y).Top > Me.Height Then car(y).Top = -Int(Rnd() * 550) End If If my_car.Bounds.IntersectsWith(car(y).Bounds) Then life += 1 car(y).Top = -Int(Rnd() * 550) h(life - 1).Hide() If life = 3 Then car_tmr.Stop() time_tmr.Stop() left_mve.Stop() right_mve.Stop() line_tmr.Stop() mve = False life = 0 count.Visible = True count.Text = "Game Over" gme_ovr = True End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub new_gme() scre.Text = "0" gear.Text = "0" sped.Text = "0" For y = 0 To 2 car(y).Top = -Int(Rnd() * 550) Next flag = True Timer_strt.Start() count.Text = 3 my_car.Left = 425 my_car.Top = 634 Start = 3 time_tmr.Stop() line_tmr.Stop() car_tmr.Stop() count.Visible = True mve = False flag = False gme_ovr = False End Sub End Class
Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices ' General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following ' set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information ' associated with an assembly. ' Review the values of the assembly attributes <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("XmlSample")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("XmlSample")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright Microsoft 2005")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")> <Assembly: ComVisible(False)> 'The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM <Assembly: Guid("e8b2a78d-9f4c-4cc9-ae7b-d2f9b95f4301")> ' Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: ' ' Major Version ' Minor Version ' Build Number ' Revision ' ' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers ' by using the '*' as shown below: ' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")> <Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Globalization Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Threading Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Instrumentation Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Partial Public Class VisualBasicCompilation Partial Friend Class DocumentationCommentCompiler Inherits VisualBasicSymbolVisitor Public Overrides Sub VisitField(symbol As FieldSymbol) Me._cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() If Not ShouldSkipSymbol(symbol) Then Dim sourceField = TryCast(symbol, SourceFieldSymbol) If sourceField IsNot Nothing Then WriteDocumentationCommentForField(sourceField) End If End If End Sub Private Sub WriteDocumentationCommentForField(field As SourceFieldSymbol) Dim docCommentTrivia As DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax = TryGetDocCommentTriviaAndGenerateDiagnostics(field.DeclarationSyntax) If docCommentTrivia Is Nothing Then Return End If Dim wellKnownElementNodes As New Dictionary(Of WellKnownTag, ArrayBuilder(Of XmlNodeSyntax)) Dim docCommentXml As String = GetDocumentationCommentForSymbol(field, docCommentTrivia, wellKnownElementNodes) ' No further processing If docCommentXml Is Nothing Then FreeWellKnownElementNodes(wellKnownElementNodes) Return End If If docCommentTrivia.SyntaxTree.ReportDocumentationCommentDiagnostics OrElse _writer.IsSpecified Then Dim symbolName As String = GetSymbolName(field) ' Duplicate top-level well known tags ReportWarningsForDuplicatedTags(wellKnownElementNodes) ' <exception> ReportIllegalWellKnownTagIfAny(WellKnownTag.Exception, wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName) ' <returns> ReportIllegalWellKnownTagIfAny(WellKnownTag.Returns, wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName) ' <param> ReportIllegalWellKnownTagIfAny(WellKnownTag.Param, wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName) ' <paramref> ReportIllegalWellKnownTagIfAny(WellKnownTag.ParamRef, wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName) ' <value> ReportIllegalWellKnownTagIfAny(WellKnownTag.Value, wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName) ' <typeparam> ReportIllegalWellKnownTagIfAny(WellKnownTag.TypeParam, wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName) ' <typeparamref> ReportWarningsForTypeParamRefTags(wellKnownElementNodes, symbolName, field, docCommentTrivia.SyntaxTree) End If FreeWellKnownElementNodes(wellKnownElementNodes) WriteDocumentationCommentForSymbol(docCommentXml) End Sub End Class End Class End Namespace
Public Class AgregarArticulo Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim lcArticulo As String Dim lnPrecio As Decimal lcArticulo = Request.QueryString("lcArticulo").Trim lnPrecio = Request.QueryString("lnPrecio").Trim If Not Me.IsPostBack Then If AInt(Session("nCliente")) <> 0 Then Agregar_Articulo_Carrito( AInt(Session("nCliente")), AInt(Session("nPedido")), lcArticulo, ADec(lnPrecio) ) Response.Redirect(Session("lcRegresar").ToString.Trim) Else Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?lcArticulo=" + lcArticulo + "&lnPrecio=" + lnPrecio.ToString) End If Else Response.Redirect("Login.aspx?lcArticulo=" + lcArticulo + "&lnPrecio=" + lnPrecio.ToString) End If End Sub End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Linq Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Friend MustInherit Class MergedNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration Inherits Declaration Protected Sub New(name As String) MyBase.New(name) End Sub End Class End Namespace
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace CommandMessenger Public Class ConsoleUtils Public Shared ConsoleClose As EventHandler = AddressOf AnonymousMethod1 Shared Sub New() _handler = AddressOf ConsoleEventCallback SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, True) End Sub Private Sub AnonymousMethod1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) End Sub Private Shared Function ConsoleEventCallback(ByVal eventType As Integer) As Boolean If eventType = 2 Then ConsoleClose(Nothing, EventArgs.Empty) End If ConsoleClose= Nothing _handler = Nothing Return False End Function Private Shared _handler As ConsoleEventDelegate ' Keeps it from getting garbage collected Private Delegate Function ConsoleEventDelegate(ByVal eventType As Integer) As Boolean <DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError := True)> _ Private Shared Function SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ByVal callback As ConsoleEventDelegate, ByVal add As Boolean) As Boolean End Function End Class End Namespace
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <generado automáticamente> ' Este código fue generado por una herramienta. ' ' Los cambios en este archivo podrían causar un comportamiento incorrecto y se perderán si ' se vuelve a generar el código. ' </generado automáticamente> '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Strict On Option Explicit On Partial Public Class tablero_cursos End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Imports TypeKind = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.TypeKind Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Partial Friend NotInheritable Class LocalRewriter Public Overrides Function VisitFieldInitializer(node As BoundFieldInitializer) As BoundNode Return VisitFieldOrPropertyInitializer(node, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).CastUp(node.InitializedFields)) End Function Public Overrides Function VisitPropertyInitializer(node As BoundPropertyInitializer) As BoundNode Return VisitFieldOrPropertyInitializer(node, ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).CastUp(node.InitializedProperties)) End Function ''' <summary> ''' Field initializers need to be rewritten multiple times in case of an AsNew declaration with multiple field names because the ''' initializer may contain references to the current field like in the following example: ''' Class C1 ''' Public x, y As New RefType() With {.Field1 = .Field2} ''' End Class ''' ''' in this example .Field2 references the temp that is created for x and y. ''' ''' We moved the final rewriting for field initializers to the local ''' rewriters because here we already have the infrastructure to replace placeholders. ''' </summary> Private Function VisitFieldOrPropertyInitializer(node As BoundFieldOrPropertyInitializer, initializedSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of Symbol)) As BoundNode Dim syntax = node.Syntax Debug.Assert( syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.AsNewClause) OrElse ' Dim a As New C(); Dim a,b As New C(); Property P As New C() syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ModifiedIdentifier) OrElse ' Dim a(1) As Integer syntax.IsKind(SyntaxKind.EqualsValue)) ' Dim a = 1; Property P As Integer = 1 Dim rewrittenStatements = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundStatement).GetInstance(initializedSymbols.Length) ' it's enough to create one me reference if the symbols are not shared that gets reused for all following rewritings. Dim meReferenceOpt As BoundExpression = Nothing If Not initializedSymbols.First.IsShared Then ' create me reference if needed Debug.Assert(_currentMethodOrLambda IsNot Nothing) meReferenceOpt = New BoundMeReference(syntax, _currentMethodOrLambda.ContainingType) meReferenceOpt.SetWasCompilerGenerated() End If Dim objectInitializer As BoundObjectInitializerExpression = Nothing Dim createTemporary = True If node.InitialValue.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression OrElse node.InitialValue.Kind = BoundKind.NewT Then Dim objectCreationExpression = DirectCast(node.InitialValue, BoundObjectCreationExpressionBase) If objectCreationExpression.InitializerOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso objectCreationExpression.InitializerOpt.Kind = BoundKind.ObjectInitializerExpression Then objectInitializer = DirectCast(objectCreationExpression.InitializerOpt, BoundObjectInitializerExpression) createTemporary = objectInitializer.CreateTemporaryLocalForInitialization End If End If Dim instrument As Boolean = Me.Instrument(node) For symbolIndex = 0 To initializedSymbols.Length - 1 Dim symbol = initializedSymbols(symbolIndex) Dim accessExpression As BoundExpression ' if there are more than one symbol we need to create a field or property access for each of them If initializedSymbols.Length > 1 Then If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Field Then Dim fieldSymbol = DirectCast(symbol, FieldSymbol) accessExpression = New BoundFieldAccess(syntax, meReferenceOpt, fieldSymbol, True, fieldSymbol.Type) Else ' We can get here when multiple WithEvents fields are initialized with As New ... Dim propertySymbol = DirectCast(symbol, PropertySymbol) accessExpression = New BoundPropertyAccess(syntax, propertySymbol, propertyGroupOpt:=Nothing, accessKind:=PropertyAccessKind.Set, isWriteable:=propertySymbol.HasSet, receiverOpt:=meReferenceOpt, arguments:=ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty) End If Else Debug.Assert(node.MemberAccessExpressionOpt IsNot Nothing) ' otherwise use the node stored in the bound initializer node accessExpression = node.MemberAccessExpressionOpt End If Dim rewrittenStatement As BoundStatement If Not createTemporary Then Debug.Assert(objectInitializer.PlaceholderOpt IsNot Nothing) ' we need to replace the placeholder with it, so add it to the replacement map AddPlaceholderReplacement(objectInitializer.PlaceholderOpt, accessExpression) rewrittenStatement = VisitExpressionNode(node.InitialValue).ToStatement RemovePlaceholderReplacement(objectInitializer.PlaceholderOpt) Else ' in all other cases we want the initial value be assigned to the member (field or property) rewrittenStatement = VisitExpression(New BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax, accessExpression, node.InitialValue, suppressObjectClone:=False)).ToStatement End If If instrument Then rewrittenStatement = _instrumenterOpt.InstrumentFieldOrPropertyInitializer(node, rewrittenStatement, symbolIndex, createTemporary) End If rewrittenStatements.Add(rewrittenStatement) Next Return New BoundStatementList(node.Syntax, rewrittenStatements.ToImmutableAndFree()) End Function End Class End Namespace
Public Class ProgramInfo Public Id As UInt16 = 0 Public Name As String = "" Public Added_Date As String = "" Public Allow_View_Site As Boolean = 1 Public Allow_Download_Site As Boolean = 1 Public Allow_Download_Updater As Boolean = 1 Public Icon As String = "" Public Description As String = "" Public Platform As String = "" Public Price As Single = 0 Public updates As New List(Of UpdateInfo) Public Sub New() End Sub Public Sub New(name As String) Load(name) End Sub Public Sub LoadThis() Load(Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly.GetName.Name) End Sub Public Sub Load(name As String) Dim p As New Dictionary(Of String, String) p.Add("program", name) Dim response = api.GetAPIResponse(APIAction.program_all, p) If response IsNot Nothing AndAlso response <> "" Then LoadXML(response) End Sub Public Sub LoadXML(xml As String) Try Dim xmldoc As New Xml.XmlDocument() xmldoc.LoadXml(xml) Name = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("program")(0).Attributes("name").Value Id = CInt(xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("pid")(0).Value) Platform = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("platform")(0).Value Price = CSng(xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("price")(0).Value) Description = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("description")(0).Value Icon = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("icon")(0).Value Added_Date = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("added_date")(0).Value Allow_Download_Site = (xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("allow_download_site")(0).Value = "1") Allow_Download_Updater = (xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("allow_download_updater")(0).Value = "1") Allow_View_Site = (xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("allow_view_site")(0).Value = "1") updates = New List(Of UpdateInfo) For Each update As Xml.XmlElement In xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("update") Try Dim ui As New UpdateInfo ui.LoadXML(update) updates.Add(ui) Catch slex As Exception Trace.WriteLine("Failed to load update for programinfo! : " + slex.Message) End Try Next Catch ex As Exception Trace.WriteLine("Failed to load XML for programinfo! : " + ex.Message) End Try End Sub End Class
Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports Slf4j = lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j Imports Word2Vec = org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.Word2Vec Imports Preconditions = org.nd4j.common.base.Preconditions Imports INDArray = org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray Imports Nd4j = org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j Imports INDArrayIndex = org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.INDArrayIndex Imports NDArrayIndex = org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.NDArrayIndex ' ' * ****************************************************************************** ' * * ' * * ' * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the ' * * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at ' * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ' * * ' * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional ' * * information regarding copyright ownership. ' * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ' * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ' * * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the ' * * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations ' * * under the License. ' * * ' * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ' * ***************************************************************************** ' Namespace org.deeplearning4j.text.movingwindow 'JAVA TO VB CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: 'ORIGINAL LINE: @Slf4j public class WindowConverter Public Class WindowConverter Private Sub New() End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Converts a window (each word in the window) ''' ''' in to a vector. ''' ''' Keep in mind each window is a multi word context. ''' ''' From there, each word uses the passed in model ''' as a lookup table to get what vectors are relevant ''' to the passed in windows </summary> ''' <param name="window"> the window to take in. </param> ''' <param name="vec"> the model to use as a lookup table </param> ''' <returns> a concacneated 1 row array ''' containing all of the numbers for each word in the window </returns> Public Shared Function asExampleArray(ByVal window As Window, ByVal vec As Word2Vec, ByVal normalize As Boolean) As INDArray Dim length As Integer = vec.lookupTable().layerSize() Dim words As IList(Of String) = window.getWords() Dim windowSize As Integer = vec.getWindow() Preconditions.checkState(words.Count = vec.getWindow()) Dim ret As INDArray = Nd4j.create(1, length * windowSize) For i As Integer = 0 To words.Count - 1 Dim word As String = words(i) Dim n As INDArray = If(normalize, vec.getWordVectorMatrixNormalized(word), vec.getWordVectorMatrix(word)) ret.put(New INDArrayIndex() {NDArrayIndex.interval(i * vec.lookupTable().layerSize(), i * vec.lookupTable().layerSize() + vec.lookupTable().layerSize())}, n) Next i Return ret End Function ''' <summary> ''' Converts a window (each word in the window) ''' ''' in to a vector. ''' ''' Keep in mind each window is a multi word context. ''' ''' From there, each word uses the passed in model ''' as a lookup table to get what vectors are relevant ''' to the passed in windows </summary> ''' <param name="window"> the window to take in. </param> ''' <param name="vec"> the model to use as a lookup table </param> ''' <returns> a concatneated 1 row array ''' containing all of the numbers for each word in the window </returns> Public Shared Function asExampleMatrix(ByVal window As Window, ByVal vec As Word2Vec) As INDArray Dim data((window.getWords().Count) - 1) As INDArray For i As Integer = 0 To data.Length - 1 data(i) = vec.getWordVectorMatrix(window.getWord(i)) ' if there's null elements If data(i) Is Nothing Then data(i) = Nd4j.zeros(1, vec.LayerSize) End If Next i Return Nd4j.hstack(data) End Function End Class End Namespace
Imports System Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Text Imports System.Windows Imports System.Windows.Controls Imports System.Windows.Input Imports DevZest.Windows.Docking Namespace DevZest.DockSample ''' <summary> ''' Interaction logic for MainPage.xaml ''' </summary> Partial Class MainPage Private Shared IsLayoutSavedPropertyKey As DependencyPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly("IsLayoutSaved", GetType(System.Boolean), GetType(MainPage), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(False)) Public Shared IsLayoutSavedProperty As DependencyProperty = IsLayoutSavedPropertyKey.DependencyProperty Public Property IsLayoutSaved As Boolean Get Return CType(GetValue(IsLayoutSavedProperty), Boolean) End Get Set(value As Boolean) SetValue(IsLayoutSavedPropertyKey, value) End Set End Property Private _lastDocumentId As Integer Public Sub New() MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder sb.AppendLine("***** Welcome to DevZest WPF docking! *****") sb.AppendLine(String.Format("===== CLR Version: {0}, Loaded Assemblies:", Environment.Version)) For Each assembly As Assembly In AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies sb.AppendLine(assembly.FullName) Next Output.AppendLog(sb.ToString) End Sub Private Sub NewDocument(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ExecutedRoutedEventArgs) _lastDocumentId = _lastDocumentId + 1 Dim document As Document = New Document(_lastDocumentId) document.Show(dockControl) End Sub Private Sub CanExecuteCloseActiveDocument(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs) e.CanExecute = (Not (DockControl.ActiveDocument) Is Nothing) End Sub Private Sub CloseActiveDocument(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ExecutedRoutedEventArgs) DockControl.ActiveDocument.PerformClose() End Sub Private Sub OnFocusedItemChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Output.AppendLog(String.Format("FocusedItemChanged: FocusedItem={0}", GetString(DockControl.FocusedItem))) End Sub Private Sub OnActiveItemChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Output.AppendLog(String.Format("ActiveItemChanged: ActiveItem={0}", GetString(DockControl.ActiveItem))) End Sub Private Sub OnActiveDocumentChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Output.AppendLog(String.Format("ActiveDocumentChanged: ActiveDocument={0}", GetString(DockControl.ActiveDocument))) End Sub Private Sub OnDockItemStateChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DockItemStateEventArgs) Output.AppendLog(String.Format("DockItemStateChanging: {0}", GetString(e))) End Sub Private Sub OnDockItemStateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DockItemStateEventArgs) Output.AppendLog(String.Format("DockItemStateChanged: {0}", GetString(e))) End Sub Private Overloads Function GetString(ByVal item As DockItem) As String If (item Is Nothing) Then Return "null" Else Return item.TabText End If End Function Private Overloads Function GetString(ByVal e As DockItemStateEventArgs) As String If (e.OldDockPosition = e.NewDockPosition) Then Return String.Format("DockItem={0}, StateChangeMethod={1}, ShowMethod={2}", GetString(e.DockItem), e.StateChangeMethod, e.ShowMethod) Else Return String.Format("DockItem={0}, StateChangeMethod={1}, DockPosition={2}->{3}, ShowMethod={4}", GetString(e.DockItem), e.StateChangeMethod, e.OldDockPosition, e.NewDockPosition, e.ShowMethod) End If End Function Private Function LoadDockItem(ByVal obj As Object) As DockItem If Welcome.GetType.ToString.Equals(obj) Then Return Me.welcome ElseIf SavedLayout.GetType.ToString.Equals(obj) Then Return Me.savedLayout ElseIf Output.GetType.ToString.Equals(obj) Then Return Me.output ElseIf SolutionExplorer.GetType.ToString.Equals(obj) Then Return Me.solutionExplorer ElseIf PropertiesWindow.GetType.ToString.Equals(obj) Then Return Me.propertiesWindow Else Return CType(obj, DockItem) End If End Function Private Sub SaveLayout_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) SavedLayout.Save(DockControl) IsLayoutSaved = True End Sub Private Sub LoadLayout_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) CloseAll() savedLayout.Load(dockControl, AddressOf LoadDockItem) End Sub Private Sub CloseAll() Dim i As Integer = (DockControl.DockItems.Count - 1) Do While (i >= 0) Dim item As DockItem item = dockControl.DockItems(i) item.Close() i = (i - 1) Loop End Sub Private Sub ChangeTheme(ByVal themeName As String) If String.IsNullOrEmpty(themeName) Then DockSample.Themes.Reset() DevZest.Windows.Docking.Themes.Reset() Else DockSample.Themes.Load(themeName) DevZest.Windows.Docking.Themes.Load(themeName) End If _defaultTheme.IsChecked = String.IsNullOrEmpty(themeName) _expressionDark.IsChecked = (themeName = "ExpressionDark") _vs2010.IsChecked = (themeName = "VS2010") End Sub Private Sub Theme_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Dim menuItem As MenuItem = CType(sender, MenuItem) Dim theme As String = CType(menuItem.CommandParameter, String) ChangeTheme(theme) End Sub End Class End Namespace
'''<Summary>The SVGFECompositeElement interface corresponds to the &lt;feComposite> element.</Summary> <DynamicInterface(GetType(EcmaScriptObject))> Public Interface [SVGFECompositeElement] Inherits SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes '''<Summary>An SVGAnimatedString corresponding to the in attribute of the given element.</Summary> ReadOnly Property [in1] As SVGAnimatedString '''<Summary>An SVGAnimatedEnumeration corresponding to the type attribute of the given element. It takes one of the SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_* constants defined on this interface.</Summary> ReadOnly Property [type] As Dynamic '''<Summary>An SVGAnimatedNumberList corresponding to the values attribute of the given element.</Summary> ReadOnly Property [values] As SVGAnimatedNumberList End Interface
Imports System.Text Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting <TestClass()> Public Class StructuredPacketTests <TestMethod()> Public Sub SP_CrcCheck() Dim pkt As New StructuredPacket Dim int1 As Integer = 10 Dim bytes As Byte() = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} pkt.Add("Bytes", bytes) pkt.EnableCRC = True Dim coded = pkt.ToBytePacket coded.Bytes(coded.Bytes.Length - 1) = coded.Bytes(coded.Bytes.Length - 1) Xor 170 TestException(Sub() Dim decoded As New StructuredPacket(coded) End Sub, "CRC error must be found") Assert.AreEqual(True, pkt.EnableCRC) End Sub <TestMethod()> Public Sub SP_CodeDecodeArrays() Dim pkt As New StructuredPacket Dim arr1 = {"Cat", "Dog"} Dim arr2 = {"Cat", ""} Dim arr3 = {""} Dim arr4 As String() = {} pkt.Add("Arr1", arr1) pkt.Add("Arr2", arr2) pkt.Add("Arr3", arr3) pkt.Add("Arr4", arr4) Dim coded = pkt.ToBytePacket Dim decoded As New StructuredPacket(coded) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Arr1"), GetType(String())) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Arr2"), GetType(String())) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Arr3"), GetType(String())) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Arr4"), GetType(String())) CompareArrays(Of String)(arr1, decoded.Parts("Arr1")) CompareArrays(Of String)(arr2, decoded.Parts("Arr2")) CompareArrays(Of String)(arr3, decoded.Parts("Arr3")) CompareArrays(Of String)(arr4, decoded.Parts("Arr4")) End Sub <TestMethod()> Public Sub SP_CodeDecode() Dim pkt As New StructuredPacket Dim int1 As Integer = 10 Dim long1 As Long = -645645645645645747 Dim sng1 As Single = 55646.5 Dim dbl1 As Double = -55435646.5 Dim str1 As String = "CatsCatsCats" + vbCrLf + "rerwrwer" Dim bool1 As Boolean = True Dim datetime1 As DateTime = Now.ToLocalTime Dim datetime2 As DateTime = Now.ToUniversalTime Dim bytes = PrepareData(0.1) pkt.ReplyToID = 53465465 pkt.Add("Int1", int1) pkt.Add("Long1", long1) pkt.Add("Sng1", sng1) pkt.Add("Dbl1", dbl1) pkt.Add("String1", str1) pkt.Add("Bool1", bool1) pkt.Add("Date1", datetime1) pkt.Add("Date2", datetime2) pkt.Add("Bytes", bytes) pkt.AddressFrom = "Addr1" pkt.AddressTo = "Addr2" pkt.ServiceID = "ServiceId1" pkt.EnableCRC = True Dim coded = pkt.ToBytePacket Dim decoded As New StructuredPacket(coded) Assert.AreEqual(pkt.AddressFrom, decoded.AddressFrom) Assert.AreEqual(pkt.AddressTo, decoded.AddressTo) Assert.AreEqual(pkt.ServiceID, decoded.ServiceID) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Int1"), int1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Long1"), long1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Sng1"), sng1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Dbl1"), dbl1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("String1"), str1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Bool1"), bool1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Date1"), datetime1) Assert.AreEqual(decoded.Parts("Date2"), datetime2) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Int1"), GetType(Integer)) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Long1"), GetType(Long)) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Sng1"), GetType(Single)) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Dbl1"), GetType(Double)) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("String1"), GetType(String)) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Date1"), GetType(DateTime)) Assert.IsInstanceOfType(decoded.Parts("Bytes"), GetType(Byte())) Assert.AreEqual(True, decoded.EnableCRC) Assert.AreEqual(pkt.ReplyToID, decoded.ReplyToID) Assert.AreEqual(pkt.MsgID, decoded.MsgID) CompareArrays(Of Byte)(bytes, decoded.Parts("Bytes")) ' Assert.AreSame() End Sub <TestMethod()> Public Sub SP_CodeDecodeEmpty() Dim pkt As New StructuredPacket Dim coded = pkt.ToBytePacket Dim decoded As New StructuredPacket(coded) If decoded.Parts.Count <> 0 Then Throw New Exception End Sub <TestMethod()> Public Sub SP_Keys() Dim pkt As New StructuredPacket TestException(Sub() pkt.Add("Key1", 1) pkt.Add("Key1", 1) End Sub, "Same keys must not be added") TestException(Sub() pkt.Add("", 1) End Sub, "Empty keys must not be added") TestException(Sub() pkt.Add(Nothing, 1) End Sub, "Null keys must not be added") End Sub End Class
Imports HomeSeerAPI Imports Scheduler Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Text Imports System.IO Imports System.Runtime.Serialization Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters Module Util ' interface status ' for InterfaceStatus function call Public Const ERR_NONE = 0 Public Const ERR_SEND = 1 Public Const ERR_INIT = 2 Public hs As HomeSeerAPI.IHSApplication Public callback As HomeSeerAPI.IAppCallbackAPI Public mediacallback As HomeSeerAPI.IMediaAPI_HS Public Const IFACE_NAME As String = "Sample Plugin" Public Instance As String = "" ' set when SupportMultipleInstances is TRUE Public gEXEPath As String = "" Public gGlobalTempScaleF As Boolean = True Public colTrigs_Sync As System.Collections.SortedList Public colTrigs As System.Collections.SortedList Public colActs_Sync As System.Collections.SortedList Public colActs As System.Collections.SortedList Private Demo_ARE As Threading.AutoResetEvent Private Demo_Thread As Threading.Thread Public Function StringIsNullOrEmpty(ByRef s As String) As Boolean If String.IsNullOrEmpty(s) Then Return True Return String.IsNullOrEmpty(s.Trim) End Function Friend Sub Demo_Start() Dim StartIt As Boolean = False If Demo_ARE Is Nothing Then Demo_ARE = New Threading.AutoResetEvent(False) End If If Demo_Thread Is Nothing Then StartIt = True ElseIf Not Demo_Thread.IsAlive Then StartIt = True End If If Not StartIt Then Exit Sub Demo_Thread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Demo_Proc) Demo_Thread.Name = "Sample Plug-In Number Generator for Trigger Demonstration" Demo_Thread.Priority = Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal Demo_Thread.Start() End Sub Friend Function GetDecimals(ByVal D As Double) As Integer Dim s As String = "" Dim c(0) As Char c(0) = "0" ' Trailing zeros to be removed. D = Math.Abs(D) - Math.Abs(Int(D)) ' Remove the whole number so the result always starts with "0." which is a known quantity. s = D.ToString("F30") s = s.TrimEnd(c) Return s.Length - 2 ' Minus 2 because that is the length of "0." End Function Friend RNum As New Random(2000) Friend Function Demo_Generate_Weight() As Double Dim Mult As Integer Dim W As Double ' The sole purpose of this procedure is to generate random weights ' for the purpose of testing the triggers and actions in this plug-in. Try Do Mult = RNum.Next(3) Loop Until Mult > 0 W = (RNum.NextDouble * 2001) * Mult ' Generates a random weight between 0 and 6003 lbs. Catch ex As Exception Log(IFACE_NAME & " Error: Exception in demo number generation for Trigger 1: " & ex.Message, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) End Try Return W End Function Friend Class Volt_Demo Public Sub New(ByVal Euro As Boolean) MyBase.New() mvarVoltTypeEuro = Euro End Sub Private mvarVoltTypeEuro As Boolean Private mvarVoltage As Double Private mvarAverageVoltage As Double Private mvarSumVoltage As Double Private mvarStart As Date = Date.MinValue Private mvarCount As Integer Public ReadOnly Property Voltage As Double Get Return mvarVoltage End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property AverageVoltage As Double Get Return mvarAverageVoltage End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property AverageSince As Date Get Return mvarStart End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property AverageCount As Integer Get Return mvarCount End Get End Property Friend Sub ResetAverage() mvarSumVoltage = 0 mvarAverageVoltage = 0 mvarCount = 0 End Sub Friend RNum As New Random(IIf(mvarVoltTypeEuro, 220, 110)) Friend Sub Demo_Generate_Value() ' The sole purpose of this procedure is to generate random voltages for ' purposes of testing the triggers and actions in this plug-in. Try If HSPI.bShutDown Then Exit Sub ' Initialize time if it has not been done. If mvarStart = Date.MinValue Then mvarStart = Now End If mvarCount += 1 If mvarVoltTypeEuro Then Do mvarVoltage = (RNum.NextDouble * 240) + RNum.Next(20) Loop While mvarVoltage < 205 Log("Voltage (European) = " & mvarVoltage.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) Else Do mvarVoltage = (RNum.NextDouble * 120) + RNum.Next(10) Loop While mvarVoltage < 100 Log("Voltage (North American) = " & mvarVoltage.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) End If mvarSumVoltage += mvarVoltage mvarAverageVoltage = mvarSumVoltage / mvarCount If Double.MaxValue - mvarSumVoltage <= 300 Then mvarStart = Now mvarSumVoltage = mvarVoltage mvarCount = 1 End If Catch ex As Exception Log(IFACE_NAME & " Error: Exception in Value generation for Trigger 2: " & ex.Message, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) End Try End Sub End Class Friend Volt As Volt_Demo = Nothing Friend VoltEuro As Volt_Demo = Nothing Friend Sub Demo_Proc() Dim obj As Object = Nothing Dim Trig1 As MyTrigger1Ton = Nothing Dim Trig2 As MyTrigger2Shoe = Nothing Dim RND As New Random(1000) Dim T As Integer Dim Weight As Double Dim WeightEven As Double Try Do If HSPI.bShutDown Then Exit Do If colTrigs Is Nothing Then Demo_ARE.WaitOne(10000) If HSPI.bShutDown Then Exit Do Continue Do End If If colTrigs.Count < 1 Then Demo_ARE.WaitOne(10000) If HSPI.bShutDown Then Exit Do Continue Do End If T = RND.Next(10000, 30000) If HSPI.bShutDown Then Exit Do Demo_ARE.WaitOne(T) If HSPI.bShutDown Then Exit Do Weight = Demo_Generate_Weight() Dim i As Integer i = Convert.ToInt32(Weight / 2000) WeightEven = i * 2000 Log("----------------------------------------------------------------", LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) Log("Weight = " & Weight.ToString & ", Even = " & WeightEven.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) Dim TrigsToCheck() As IAllRemoteAPI.strTrigActInfo = Nothing Dim TC As IAllRemoteAPI.strTrigActInfo = Nothing Dim Trig As strTrigger ' We have generated a new Weight, so let's see if we need to trigger events. Try ' Step 1: Ask HomeSeer for any triggers that are for this plug-in and are Type 1 TrigsToCheck = Nothing TrigsToCheck = callback.TriggerMatches(IFACE_NAME, 1, -1) Catch ex As Exception End Try ' Step 2: If triggers were returned, we need to check them against our trigger value. If TrigsToCheck IsNot Nothing AndAlso TrigsToCheck.Count > 0 Then For Each TC In TrigsToCheck If TC.DataIn IsNot Nothing AndAlso TC.DataIn.Length > 10 Then Trig = TriggerFromData(TC.DataIn) Else Trig = TriggerFromInfo(TC) End If If Not Trig.Result Then Continue For If Trig.TrigObj Is Nothing Then Continue For If Trig.WhichTrigger <> eTriggerType.OneTon Then Continue For Try Trig1 = CType(Trig.TrigObj, MyTrigger1Ton) Catch ex As Exception Trig1 = Nothing End Try If Trig1 Is Nothing Then Continue For If Trig1.EvenTon Then Log("Checking Weight Trigger (Even), " & WeightEven.ToString & " against trigger of " & Trig1.TriggerWeight.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) If WeightEven > Trig1.TriggerWeight Then Log("Weight trigger is TRUE - calling FIRE! for event ID " & TC.evRef.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) ' Step 3: If a trigger matches, call FIRE! callback.TriggerFire(IFACE_NAME, TC) End If Else Log("Checking Weight Trigger, " & Weight.ToString & " against trigger of " & Trig1.TriggerWeight.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) If Weight > Trig1.TriggerWeight Then Log("Weight trigger is TRUE - calling FIRE! for event ID " & TC.evRef.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) callback.TriggerFire(IFACE_NAME, TC) ' Step 3: If a trigger matches, call FIRE! End If End If Next End If If Volt Is Nothing Then Volt = New Volt_Demo(False) If VoltEuro Is Nothing Then VoltEuro = New Volt_Demo(True) Volt.Demo_Generate_Value() VoltEuro.Demo_Generate_Value() ' We have generated a new Voltage, so let's see if we need to trigger events. Try ' Step 1: Ask HomeSeer for any triggers that are for this plug-in and are Type 2, SubType 1 TrigsToCheck = Nothing TrigsToCheck = callback.TriggerMatches(IFACE_NAME, 2, 1) Catch ex As Exception End Try ' Step 2: If triggers were returned, we need to check them against our trigger value. If TrigsToCheck IsNot Nothing AndAlso TrigsToCheck.Count > 0 Then For Each TC In TrigsToCheck If TC.DataIn IsNot Nothing AndAlso TC.DataIn.Length > 10 Then Trig = TriggerFromData(TC.DataIn) Else Trig = TriggerFromInfo(TC) End If If Not Trig.Result Then Continue For If Trig.TrigObj Is Nothing Then Continue For If Trig.WhichTrigger <> eTriggerType.TwoVolts Then Continue For Try Trig2 = CType(Trig.TrigObj, MyTrigger2Shoe) Catch ex As Exception Trig2 = Nothing End Try If Trig2 Is Nothing Then Continue For If Trig2.SubTrigger2 Then Continue For ' Only checking SubType 1 right now. If Trig2.EuroVoltage Then Log("Checking Voltage Trigger: " & Math.Round(VoltEuro.Voltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)).ToString & " vs Trigger Value " & Trig2.TriggerValue.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) If Math.Round(VoltEuro.Voltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)) = Trig2.TriggerValue Then ' Step 3: If a trigger matches, call FIRE! Log("Voltage trigger is TRUE - calling FIRE! for event ID " & TC.evRef.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) callback.TriggerFire(IFACE_NAME, TC) End If Else Log("Checking Voltage Trigger: " & Math.Round(Volt.Voltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)).ToString & " vs Trigger Value " & Trig2.TriggerValue.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) If Math.Round(Volt.Voltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)) = Trig2.TriggerValue Then ' Step 3: If a trigger matches, call FIRE! Log("Voltage trigger is TRUE - calling FIRE! for event ID " & TC.evRef.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) callback.TriggerFire(IFACE_NAME, TC) End If End If Next End If ' We have generated a new Voltage, so let's see if we need to trigger events. Try ' Step 1: Ask HomeSeer for any triggers that are for this plug-in and are Type 2, SubType 2 ' (We did Type 2 SubType 1 up above) TrigsToCheck = Nothing TrigsToCheck = callback.TriggerMatches(IFACE_NAME, 2, 2) Catch ex As Exception End Try ' Step 2: If triggers were returned, we need to check them against our trigger value. If TrigsToCheck IsNot Nothing AndAlso TrigsToCheck.Count > 0 Then For Each TC In TrigsToCheck If TC.DataIn IsNot Nothing AndAlso TC.DataIn.Length > 10 Then Trig = TriggerFromData(TC.DataIn) Else Trig = TriggerFromInfo(TC) End If If Not Trig.Result Then Continue For If Trig.TrigObj Is Nothing Then Continue For If Trig.WhichTrigger <> eTriggerType.TwoVolts Then Continue For Try Trig2 = CType(Trig.TrigObj, MyTrigger2Shoe) Catch ex As Exception Trig2 = Nothing End Try If Trig2 Is Nothing Then Continue For If Not Trig2.SubTrigger2 Then Continue For ' Only checking SubType 2 right now. If Trig2.EuroVoltage Then Log("Checking Avg Voltage Trigger: " & Math.Round(VoltEuro.AverageVoltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)).ToString & " vs Trigger Value " & Trig2.TriggerValue.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) If Math.Round(VoltEuro.AverageVoltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)) = Trig2.TriggerValue Then ' Step 3: If a trigger matches, call FIRE! Log("Average Voltage trigger is TRUE - calling FIRE! for event ID " & TC.evRef.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) callback.TriggerFire(IFACE_NAME, TC) End If Else Log("Checking Avg Voltage Trigger: " & Math.Round(Volt.AverageVoltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)).ToString & " vs Trigger Value " & Trig2.TriggerValue.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) If Math.Round(Volt.AverageVoltage, GetDecimals(Trig2.TriggerValue)) = Trig2.TriggerValue Then ' Step 3: If a trigger matches, call FIRE! Log("Average Voltage trigger is TRUE - calling FIRE! for event ID " & TC.evRef.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING) callback.TriggerFire(IFACE_NAME, TC) End If End If Next End If Loop Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Enum LogType LOG_TYPE_INFO = 0 LOG_TYPE_ERROR = 1 LOG_TYPE_WARNING = 2 End Enum Public Sub Log(ByVal msg As String, ByVal logType As LogType) Try If msg Is Nothing Then msg = "" If Not [Enum].IsDefined(GetType(LogType), logType) Then logType = Util.LogType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR End If Console.WriteLine(msg) Select Case logType Case logType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR hs.WriteLog(IFACE_NAME & " Error", msg) Case logType.LOG_TYPE_WARNING hs.WriteLog(IFACE_NAME & " Warning", msg) Case logType.LOG_TYPE_INFO hs.WriteLog(IFACE_NAME, msg) End Select Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception in LOG of " & IFACE_NAME & ": " & ex.Message) End Try End Sub Friend Enum eTriggerType OneTon = 1 TwoVolts = 2 Unknown = 0 End Enum Friend Enum eActionType Unknown = 0 Weight = 1 Voltage = 2 End Enum Friend Structure strTrigger Public WhichTrigger As eTriggerType Public TrigObj As Object Public Result As Boolean End Structure Friend Structure strAction Public WhichAction As eActionType Public ActObj As Object Public Result As Boolean End Structure Friend Function TriggerFromData(ByRef Data As Byte()) As strTrigger Dim ST As New strTrigger ST.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.Unknown ST.Result = False If Data Is Nothing Then Return ST If Data.Length < 1 Then Return ST Dim bRes As Boolean = False Dim Trig1 As New MyTrigger1Ton Dim Trig2 As New MyTrigger2Shoe Try bRes = DeSerializeObject(Data, Trig1) Catch ex As Exception bRes = False End Try If bRes And Trig1 IsNot Nothing Then ST.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.OneTon ST.TrigObj = Trig1 ST.Result = True Return ST End If Try bRes = DeSerializeObject(Data, Trig2) Catch ex As Exception bRes = False End Try If bRes And Trig2 IsNot Nothing Then ST.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.TwoVolts ST.TrigObj = Trig2 ST.Result = True Return ST End If ST.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.Unknown ST.TrigObj = Nothing ST.Result = False Return ST End Function Friend Function ActionFromData(ByRef Data As Byte()) As strAction Dim ST As New strAction ST.WhichAction = eActionType.Unknown ST.Result = False If Data Is Nothing Then Return ST If Data.Length < 1 Then Return ST Dim bRes As Boolean = False Dim Act1 As New MyAction1EvenTon Dim Act2 As New MyAction2Euro Try bRes = DeSerializeObject(Data, Act1) Catch ex As Exception bRes = False End Try If bRes And Act1 IsNot Nothing Then ST.WhichAction = eActionType.Weight ST.ActObj = Act1 ST.Result = True Return ST End If Try bRes = DeSerializeObject(Data, Act2) Catch ex As Exception bRes = False End Try If bRes And Act2 IsNot Nothing Then ST.WhichAction = eActionType.Voltage ST.ActObj = Act2 ST.Result = True Return ST End If ST.WhichAction = eActionType.Unknown ST.ActObj = Nothing ST.Result = False Return ST End Function Sub Add_Update_Trigger(ByVal Trig As Object) If Trig Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim sKey As String = "" If TypeOf Trig Is MyTrigger1Ton Then Dim Trig1 As MyTrigger1Ton = Nothing Try Trig1 = CType(Trig, MyTrigger1Ton) Catch ex As Exception Trig1 = Nothing End Try If Trig1 IsNot Nothing Then If Trig1.TriggerUID < 1 Then Exit Sub sKey = "K" & Trig1.TriggerUID.ToString If colTrigs.ContainsKey(sKey) Then SyncLock colTrigs.SyncRoot colTrigs.Remove(sKey) End SyncLock End If colTrigs.Add(sKey, Trig1) End If ElseIf TypeOf Trig Is MyTrigger2Shoe Then Dim Trig2 As MyTrigger2Shoe = Nothing Try Trig2 = CType(Trig, MyTrigger2Shoe) Catch ex As Exception Trig2 = Nothing End Try If Trig2 IsNot Nothing Then If Trig2.TriggerUID < 1 Then Exit Sub sKey = "K" & Trig2.TriggerUID.ToString If colTrigs.ContainsKey(sKey) Then SyncLock colTrigs.SyncRoot colTrigs.Remove(sKey) End SyncLock End If colTrigs.Add(sKey, Trig2) End If End If End Sub Sub Add_Update_Action(ByVal Act As Object) If Act Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Dim sKey As String = "" If TypeOf Act Is MyAction1EvenTon Then Dim Act1 As MyAction1EvenTon = Nothing Try Act1 = CType(Act, MyAction1EvenTon) Catch ex As Exception Act1 = Nothing End Try If Act1 IsNot Nothing Then If Act1.ActionUID < 1 Then Exit Sub sKey = "K" & Act1.ActionUID.ToString If colActs.ContainsKey(sKey) Then SyncLock colActs.SyncRoot colActs.Remove(sKey) End SyncLock End If colActs.Add(sKey, Act1) End If ElseIf TypeOf Act Is MyAction2Euro Then Dim Act2 As MyAction2Euro = Nothing Try Act2 = CType(Act, MyAction2Euro) Catch ex As Exception Act2 = Nothing End Try If Act2 IsNot Nothing Then If Act2.ActionUID < 1 Then Exit Sub sKey = "K" & Act2.ActionUID.ToString If colActs.ContainsKey(sKey) Then SyncLock colActs.SyncRoot colActs.Remove(sKey) End SyncLock End If colActs.Add(sKey, Act2) End If End If End Sub Public MyDevice As Integer = -1 Public MyTempDevice As Integer = -1 Friend Sub Find_Create_Devices() Dim col As New Collections.Generic.List(Of Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass) Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass Dim Found As Boolean = False Try Dim EN As Scheduler.Classes.clsDeviceEnumeration EN = hs.GetDeviceEnumerator If EN Is Nothing Then Throw New Exception(IFACE_NAME & " failed to get a device enumerator from HomeSeer.") Do dv = EN.GetNext If dv Is Nothing Then Continue Do If dv.Interface(Nothing) IsNot Nothing Then If dv.Interface(Nothing).Trim = IFACE_NAME Then col.Add(dv) End If End If Loop Until EN.Finished Catch ex As Exception hs.WriteLog(IFACE_NAME & " Error", "Exception in Find_Create_Devices/Enumerator: " & ex.Message) End Try Try Dim DT As DeviceTypeInfo = Nothing If col IsNot Nothing AndAlso col.Count > 0 Then For Each dv In col If dv Is Nothing Then Continue For If dv.Interface(hs) <> IFACE_NAME Then Continue For DT = dv.DeviceType_Get(hs) If DT IsNot Nothing Then If DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat AndAlso DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Temperature Then ' this is our temp device Found = True MyTempDevice = dv.Ref(Nothing) hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(dv.Ref(Nothing), 72, False) End If If DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat AndAlso DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Setpoint Then Found = True If DT.Device_SubType = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceSubType_Setpoint.Heating_1 Then hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(dv.Ref(Nothing), 68, False) End If End If If DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat AndAlso DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Setpoint Then Found = True If DT.Device_SubType = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceSubType_Setpoint.Cooling_1 Then hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(dv.Ref(Nothing), 75, False) End If End If If DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In AndAlso DT.Device_Type = 69 Then Found = True MyDevice = dv.Ref(Nothing) ' Now (mostly for demonstration purposes) - work with the PlugExtraData object. Dim EDO As HomeSeerAPI.clsPlugExtraData = Nothing EDO = dv.PlugExtraData_Get(Nothing) If EDO IsNot Nothing Then Dim obj As Object = Nothing obj = EDO.GetNamed("My Special Object") If obj IsNot Nothing Then Log("Plug-In Extra Data Object Retrieved = " & obj.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) End If obj = EDO.GetNamed("My Count") Dim MC As Integer = 1 If obj Is Nothing Then If Not EDO.AddNamed("My Count", MC) Then Log("Error adding named data object to plug-in sample device!", LogType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR) Exit For End If dv.PlugExtraData_Set(hs) = EDO hs.SaveEventsDevices() Else Try MC = Convert.ToInt32(obj) Catch ex As Exception MC = -1 End Try If MC < 0 Then Exit For Log("Retrieved count from plug-in sample device is: " & MC.ToString, LogType.LOG_TYPE_INFO) MC += 1 ' Now put it back - need to remove the old one first. EDO.RemoveNamed("My Count") EDO.AddNamed("My Count", MC) dv.PlugExtraData_Set(hs) = EDO hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If End If End If End If Next End If Catch ex As Exception hs.WriteLog(IFACE_NAME & " Error", "Exception in Find_Create_Devices/Find: " & ex.Message) End Try Try If Not Found Then Dim ref As Integer Dim GPair As VGPair = Nothing ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with buttons and slider") If ref > 0 Then MyDevice = ref dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) Dim disp(1) As String disp(0) = "This is a test of the" disp(1) = "Emergency Broadcast Display Data system" dv.AdditionalDisplayData(hs) = disp dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Code(hs) = "A1" ' set a code if needed, but not required 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 69 ' our own device type dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim EDO As New HomeSeerAPI.clsPlugExtraData dv.PlugExtraData_Set(hs) = EDO ' Now just for grins, let's modify it. Dim HW As String = "Hello World" If EDO.GetNamed("My Special Object") IsNot Nothing Then EDO.RemoveNamed("My Special Object") End If EDO.AddNamed("My Special Object", HW) ' Need to re-save it. dv.PlugExtraData_Set(hs) = EDO ' add an ON button and value Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Off" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 Pair.ControlUse = ePairControlUse._Off ' set this for UI apps like HSTouch so they know this is for OFF hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) GPair = New VGPair GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue GPair.Set_Value = 0 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/off.gif" dv.ImageLarge(hs) = "/images/browser.png" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) ' add DIM values Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.ControlUse = ePairControlUse._Dim ' set this for UI apps like HSTouch so they know this is for lighting control dimming Pair.RangeStart = 1 Pair.RangeEnd = 99 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "Dim " Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = "%" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.ValuesRangeSlider Pair.Render_Location.Row = 2 Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 Pair.Render_Location.ColumnSpan = 3 hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) ' add graphic pairs for the dim levels GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 1 GPair.RangeEnd = 5.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-00.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 6 GPair.RangeEnd = 15.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-10.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 16 GPair.RangeEnd = 25.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-20.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 26 GPair.RangeEnd = 35.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-30.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 36 GPair.RangeEnd = 45.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-40.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 46 GPair.RangeEnd = 55.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-50.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 56 GPair.RangeEnd = 65.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-60.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 66 GPair.RangeEnd = 75.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-70.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 76 GPair.RangeEnd = 85.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-80.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 86 GPair.RangeEnd = 95.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/dim-90.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 96 GPair.RangeEnd = 98.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/on.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) ' add an OFF button and value Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 100 Pair.Status = "On" Pair.ControlUse = ePairControlUse._On ' set this for UI apps like HSTouch so they know this is for lighting control ON Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 Pair.Render_Location.Column = 2 hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) GPair = New VGPair GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue GPair.Set_Value = 100 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/on.gif" hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair) ' add an last level button and value Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 255 Pair.Status = "On Last Level" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 Pair.Render_Location.Column = 3 hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) ' add a button that executes a special command but does not actually set any device value, here we will speak something Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Control) ' set the type to CONTROL only so that this value will never be displayed as a status Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 1000 ' we use a value that is not used as a status, this value will be handled in SetIOMult, see that function for the handling Pair.Status = "Speak Hello" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 Pair.Render_Location.Column = 3 hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above Dim PED As clsPlugExtraData = dv.PlugExtraData_Get(hs) If PED Is Nothing Then PED = New clsPlugExtraData PED.AddNamed("Test", New Boolean) PED.AddNamed("Device", dv) dv.PlugExtraData_Set(hs) = PED dv.Status_Support(hs) = True dv.UserNote(hs) = "This is my user note - how do you like it? This device is version " & dv.Version.ToString 'hs.SetDeviceString(ref, "Not Set", False) ' this will override the name/value pairs End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with list values") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 70 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add list values, will appear as drop list control Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Values Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "1" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Values Pair.Value = 2 Pair.Status = "2" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with radio type control") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 71 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add values, will appear as a radio control and only allow one option to be selected at a time Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Radio_Option Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "Value 1" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 2 Pair.Status = "Value 2" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 3 Pair.Status = "Value 3" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with list text single selection") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 72 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add list values, will appear as drop list control Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Single_Text_from_List Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "String 1" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Single_Text_from_List Pair.Value = 2 Pair.Status = "String 2" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with list text multiple selection") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 73 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add list values, will appear as drop list control Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Control) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.List_Text_from_List Pair.StringListAdd = "String 1" Pair.StringListAdd = "String 2" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with text box text") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Sample Device with textbox input" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 74 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add text value it will appear in an editable text box Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.TextBox_String Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Default Text" hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with text box number") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Sample Device with textbox input" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 75 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add text value it will appear in an editable text box Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.TextBox_Number Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Default Number" Pair.Value = 0 hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) ' set this for a status only device, no controls, and do not include the DeviceVSP calls above dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ' this demonstrates some controls that are displayed in a pop-up dialog on the device utility page ' this device is also set so the values/graphics pairs cannot be edited and no graphics displays for the status ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with pop-up control") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 76 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair ' add an OFF button and value Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Off" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) ' add an ON button and value Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 100 Pair.Status = "On" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) ' add DIM values Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.RangeStart = 1 Pair.RangeEnd = 99 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "Dim " Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = "%" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.ValuesRangeSlider hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.CONTROL_POPUP) ' cause control to be displayed in a pop-up dialog dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ' this is a device that pop-ups and uses row/column attributes to position the controls on the form ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with pop-up control row/column") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 77 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" ' add an array of buttons formatted like a number pad Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "1" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 2 : Pair.Status = "2" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 2 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 3 : Pair.Status = "3" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 3 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 1 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 4 : Pair.Status = "4" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 2 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 5 : Pair.Status = "5" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 2 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 2 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 6 : Pair.Status = "6" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 3 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 2 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 7 : Pair.Status = "7" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 3 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 8 : Pair.Status = "8" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 2 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 3 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 9 : Pair.Status = "9" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 3 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 3 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 10 : Pair.Status = "*" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 4 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 0 : Pair.Status = "0" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 2 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 4 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 11 : Pair.Status = "#" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 3 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 4 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) Pair.Value = 12 : Pair.Status = "Clear" : Pair.Render_Location.Column = 1 : Pair.Render_Location.Row = 5 : Pair.Render_Location.ColumnSpan = 3 : hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.CONTROL_POPUP) ' cause control to be displayed in a pop-up dialog dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ' this device is created so that no graphics are displayed and the value/graphics pairs cannot be edited ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device no graphics") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 76 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_GRAPHICS_DISPLAY) ' causes no graphics to display and value/graphics pairs cannot be edited dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.CONTROL_POPUP) ' cause control to be displayed in a pop-up dialog dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Device with color control") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 76 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.RangeStart = 1 Pair.RangeEnd = 99 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "" Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = "" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Color_Picker hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If ' build a thermostat device group,all of the following thermostat devices are grouped under this root device gGlobalTempScaleF = Convert.ToBoolean(hs.GetINISetting("Settings", "gGlobalTempScaleF", "True").Trim) ' get the F or C setting from HS setup Dim therm_root_dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = Nothing ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Root Device") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) therm_root_dv = dv dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Z-Wave Thermostat" ' this device type is set up in the default HSTouch projects so we set it here so the default project displays dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Root DT.Device_SubType = 0 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.STATUS_ONLY) dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Parent_Root hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Fan Device") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Fan" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Fan_Mode_Set DT.Device_SubType = 0 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Auto" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "On" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Mode Device") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Mode" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Operating_Mode DT.Device_SubType = 0 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Off" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "Heat" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue GPair.Set_Value = 1 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Heat.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 2 Pair.Status = "Cool" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue GPair.Set_Value = 2 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Cool.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 3 Pair.Status = "Auto" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue GPair.Set_Value = 3 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Auto.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Heat Setpoint") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Heat Setpoint" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Setpoint DT.Device_SubType = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceSubType_Setpoint.Heating_1 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.RangeStart = -2147483648 Pair.RangeEnd = 2147483647 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "" Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = " " & VSPair.ScaleReplace Pair.IncludeValues = True Pair.ValueOffset = 0 Pair.RangeStatusDecimals = 0 Pair.HasScale = True Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Control) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range ' 39F = 4C ' 50F = 10C ' 90F = 32C If gGlobalTempScaleF Then Pair.RangeStart = 50 Pair.RangeEnd = 90 Else Pair.RangeStart = 10 Pair.RangeEnd = 32 End If Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "" Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = " " & VSPair.ScaleReplace Pair.IncludeValues = True Pair.ValueOffset = 0 Pair.RangeStatusDecimals = 0 Pair.HasScale = True Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.TextBox_Number Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) ' The scale does not matter because the global temperature scale setting ' will override and cause the temperature to always display in the user's ' selected scale, so use that in setting up the ranges. 'If dv.ZWData.Sensor_Scale = 1 Then ' Fahrenheit If gGlobalTempScaleF Then ' Set up the ranges for Fahrenheit GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -50 GPair.RangeEnd = 5 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-00.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 5.00000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 15.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-10.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 16 GPair.RangeEnd = 25.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-20.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 26 GPair.RangeEnd = 35.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-30.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 36 GPair.RangeEnd = 45.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-40.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 46 GPair.RangeEnd = 55.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-50.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 56 GPair.RangeEnd = 65.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-60.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 66 GPair.RangeEnd = 75.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-70.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 76 GPair.RangeEnd = 85.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-80.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 86 GPair.RangeEnd = 95.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-90.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 96 GPair.RangeEnd = 104.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-100.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 105 GPair.RangeEnd = 150.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-110.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) Else ' Celsius GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -45 GPair.RangeEnd = -15 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-00.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -14.999999 GPair.RangeEnd = -9.44 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-10.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -9.43999999 GPair.RangeEnd = -3.88 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-20.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -3.8799999 GPair.RangeEnd = 1.66 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-30.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 1.67 GPair.RangeEnd = 7.22 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-40.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 7.23 GPair.RangeEnd = 12.77 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-50.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 12.78 GPair.RangeEnd = 18.33 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-60.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 18.34 GPair.RangeEnd = 23.88 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-70.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 23.89 GPair.RangeEnd = 29.44 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-80.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 29.45 GPair.RangeEnd = 35 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-90.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 35.0000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 40 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-100.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 40.0000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 75 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-110.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) End If dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Cool Setpoint") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Cool Setpoint" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Setpoint DT.Device_SubType = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceSubType_Setpoint.Cooling_1 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.RangeStart = -2147483648 Pair.RangeEnd = 2147483647 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "" Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = " " & VSPair.ScaleReplace Pair.IncludeValues = True Pair.ValueOffset = 0 Pair.RangeStatusDecimals = 0 Pair.HasScale = True Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Control) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range ' 39F = 4C ' 50F = 10C ' 90F = 32C If gGlobalTempScaleF Then Pair.RangeStart = 50 Pair.RangeEnd = 90 Else Pair.RangeStart = 10 Pair.RangeEnd = 32 End If Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "" Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = " " & VSPair.ScaleReplace Pair.IncludeValues = True Pair.ValueOffset = 0 Pair.RangeStatusDecimals = 0 Pair.HasScale = True Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.TextBox_Number Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) ' The scale does not matter because the global temperature scale setting ' will override and cause the temperature to always display in the user's ' selected scale, so use that in setting up the ranges. 'If dv.ZWData.Sensor_Scale = 1 Then ' Fahrenheit If gGlobalTempScaleF Then ' Set up the ranges for Fahrenheit GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -50 GPair.RangeEnd = 5 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-00.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 5.00000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 15.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-10.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 16 GPair.RangeEnd = 25.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-20.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 26 GPair.RangeEnd = 35.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-30.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 36 GPair.RangeEnd = 45.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-40.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 46 GPair.RangeEnd = 55.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-50.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 56 GPair.RangeEnd = 65.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-60.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 66 GPair.RangeEnd = 75.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-70.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 76 GPair.RangeEnd = 85.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-80.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 86 GPair.RangeEnd = 95.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-90.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 96 GPair.RangeEnd = 104.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-100.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 105 GPair.RangeEnd = 150.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-110.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) Else ' Celsius GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -45 GPair.RangeEnd = -15 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-00.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -14.999999 GPair.RangeEnd = -9.44 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-10.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -9.43999999 GPair.RangeEnd = -3.88 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-20.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -3.8799999 GPair.RangeEnd = 1.66 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-30.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 1.67 GPair.RangeEnd = 7.22 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-40.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 7.23 GPair.RangeEnd = 12.77 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-50.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 12.78 GPair.RangeEnd = 18.33 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-60.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 18.34 GPair.RangeEnd = 23.88 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-70.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 23.89 GPair.RangeEnd = 29.44 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-80.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 29.45 GPair.RangeEnd = 35 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-90.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 35.0000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 40 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-100.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 40.0000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 75 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-110.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) End If dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Temp") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Temp" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Temperature DT.Device_SubType = 1 ' temp DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.RangeStart = -2147483648 Pair.RangeEnd = 2147483647 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "" Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = " " & VSPair.ScaleReplace Pair.IncludeValues = True Pair.ValueOffset = 0 Pair.HasScale = True Pair.RangeStatusDecimals = 0 Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) If gGlobalTempScaleF Then ' Set up the ranges for Fahrenheit GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -50 GPair.RangeEnd = 5 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-00.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 5.00000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 15.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-10.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 16 GPair.RangeEnd = 25.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-20.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 26 GPair.RangeEnd = 35.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-30.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 36 GPair.RangeEnd = 45.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-40.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 46 GPair.RangeEnd = 55.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-50.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 56 GPair.RangeEnd = 65.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-60.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 66 GPair.RangeEnd = 75.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-70.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 76 GPair.RangeEnd = 85.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-80.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 86 GPair.RangeEnd = 95.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-90.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 96 GPair.RangeEnd = 104.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-100.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 105 GPair.RangeEnd = 150.99999999 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-110.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) Else ' Celsius GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -45 GPair.RangeEnd = -15 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-00.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -14.999999 GPair.RangeEnd = -9.44 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-10.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -9.43999999 GPair.RangeEnd = -3.88 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-20.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = -3.8799999 GPair.RangeEnd = 1.66 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-30.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 1.67 GPair.RangeEnd = 7.22 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-40.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 7.23 GPair.RangeEnd = 12.77 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-50.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 12.78 GPair.RangeEnd = 18.33 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-60.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 18.34 GPair.RangeEnd = 23.88 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-70.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 23.89 GPair.RangeEnd = 29.44 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-80.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 29.45 GPair.RangeEnd = 35 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-90.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 35.0000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 40 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-100.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) GPair = New VGPair() GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range GPair.RangeStart = 40.0000001 GPair.RangeEnd = 75 GPair.Graphic = "/images/HomeSeer/status/Thermometer-110.png" Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, GPair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Fan State") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Fan State" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Fan_Status DT.Device_SubType = 0 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Off" Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "On" Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If ref = hs.NewDeviceRef("Sample Plugin Thermostat Mode Status") If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "Thermostat Mode Status" dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Thermostat DT.Device_Type = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceType_Thermostat.Operating_State DT.Device_SubType = 0 DT.Device_SubType_Description = "" dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Relationship(hs) = Enums.eRelationship.Child If therm_root_dv IsNot Nothing Then therm_root_dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, ref) End If dv.AssociatedDevice_Add(hs, therm_root_dv.Ref(hs)) Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Idle" Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 1 Pair.Status = "Heating" Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 2 Pair.Status = "Cooling" Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ref, Pair) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True hs.SaveEventsDevices() End If End If Catch ex As Exception hs.WriteLog(IFACE_NAME & " Error", "Exception in Find_Create_Devices/Create: " & ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub Default_VG_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ByVal dvRef As Integer, ByRef Pair As VGPair) If Pair Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If dvRef < 1 Then Exit Sub If Not hs.DeviceExistsRef(dvRef) Then Exit Sub Dim Existing As VGPair = Nothing ' The purpose of this procedure is to add the protected, default VS/VG pairs WITHOUT overwriting any user added ' pairs unless absolutely necessary (because they conflict). Try Existing = hs.DeviceVGP_Get(dvRef, Pair.Value) 'VGPairs.GetPairByValue(Pair.Value) If Existing IsNot Nothing Then hs.DeviceVGP_Clear(dvRef, Pair.Value) hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) Else ' There is not a pair existing, so just add it. hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub Default_VS_Pairs_AddUpdateUtil(ByVal dvRef As Integer, ByRef Pair As VSPair) If Pair Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If dvRef < 1 Then Exit Sub If Not hs.DeviceExistsRef(dvRef) Then Exit Sub Dim Existing As VSPair = Nothing ' The purpose of this procedure is to add the protected, default VS/VG pairs WITHOUT overwriting any user added ' pairs unless absolutely necessary (because they conflict). Try Existing = hs.DeviceVSP_Get(dvRef, Pair.Value, Pair.ControlStatus) 'VSPairs.GetPairByValue(Pair.Value, Pair.ControlStatus) If Existing IsNot Nothing Then ' This is unprotected, so it is a user's value/status pair. If Existing.ControlStatus = HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both And Pair.ControlStatus <> HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both Then ' The existing one is for BOTH, so try changing it to the opposite of what we are adding and then add it. If Pair.ControlStatus = HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status Then If Not hs.DeviceVSP_ChangePair(dvRef, Existing, HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Control) Then hs.DeviceVSP_ClearBoth(dvRef, Pair.Value) hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) Else hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) End If Else If Not hs.DeviceVSP_ChangePair(dvRef, Existing, HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status) Then hs.DeviceVSP_ClearBoth(dvRef, Pair.Value) hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) Else hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) End If End If ElseIf Existing.ControlStatus = HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Control Then ' There is an existing one that is STATUS or CONTROL - remove it if ours is protected. hs.DeviceVSP_ClearControl(dvRef, Pair.Value) hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) ElseIf Existing.ControlStatus = HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Status Then ' There is an existing one that is STATUS or CONTROL - remove it if ours is protected. hs.DeviceVSP_ClearStatus(dvRef, Pair.Value) hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) End If Else ' There is not a pair existing, so just add it. hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(dvRef, Pair) End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub Private Sub CreateOneDevice(dev_name As String) Dim ref As Integer Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass ref = hs.NewDeviceRef(dev_name) Console.WriteLine("Creating device named: " & dev_name) If ref > 0 Then dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(ref) dv.Address(hs) = "HOME" 'dv.Can_Dim(hs) = True dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = "My Sample Device" Dim DT As New DeviceTypeInfo DT.Device_API = DeviceTypeInfo.eDeviceAPI.Plug_In DT.Device_Type = 69 dv.DeviceType_Set(hs) = DT dv.Interface(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.InterfaceInstance(hs) = "" dv.Last_Change(hs) = #5/21/1929 11:00:00 AM# dv.Location(hs) = IFACE_NAME dv.Location2(hs) = "Sample Devices" ' add an ON button and value Dim Pair As VSPair Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 100 Pair.Status = "On" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) ' add an OFF button and value Pair = New VSPair(HomeSeerAPI.ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.SingleValue Pair.Value = 0 Pair.Status = "Off" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.Button hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) ' add DIM values Pair = New VSPair(ePairStatusControl.Both) Pair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range Pair.RangeStart = 1 Pair.RangeEnd = 99 Pair.RangeStatusPrefix = "Dim " Pair.RangeStatusSuffix = "%" Pair.Render = Enums.CAPIControlType.ValuesRangeSlider hs.DeviceVSP_AddPair(ref, Pair) 'dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.CONTROL_POPUP) ' cause control to be displayed in a pop-up dialog dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.SHOW_VALUES) dv.MISC_Set(hs, Enums.dvMISC.NO_LOG) dv.Status_Support(hs) = True End If End Sub Friend Function TriggerFromInfo(ByVal TrigInfo As HomeSeerAPI.IPlugInAPI.strTrigActInfo) As strTrigger Dim sKey As String = "" sKey = "K" & TrigInfo.UID.ToString If colTrigs IsNot Nothing Then If colTrigs.ContainsKey(sKey) Then Dim obj As Object = Nothing obj = colTrigs.Item(sKey) If obj IsNot Nothing Then Dim Ret As strTrigger Ret.Result = False If TypeOf obj Is MyTrigger1Ton Then Ret.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.OneTon Ret.TrigObj = obj Ret.Result = True Return Ret ElseIf TypeOf obj Is MyTrigger2Shoe Then Ret.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.TwoVolts Ret.TrigObj = obj Ret.Result = True Return Ret End If End If End If End If Dim Bad As strTrigger Bad.WhichTrigger = eTriggerType.Unknown Bad.Result = False Bad.TrigObj = Nothing Return Bad End Function Friend Function ActionFromInfo(ByVal ActInfo As HomeSeerAPI.IPlugInAPI.strTrigActInfo) As strAction Dim sKey As String = "" sKey = "K" & ActInfo.UID.ToString If colActs IsNot Nothing Then If colActs.ContainsKey(sKey) Then Dim obj As Object = Nothing obj = colActs.Item(sKey) If obj IsNot Nothing Then Dim Ret As strAction Ret.Result = False If TypeOf obj Is MyAction1EvenTon Then Ret.WhichAction = eActionType.Weight Ret.ActObj = obj Ret.Result = True Return Ret ElseIf TypeOf obj Is MyAction2Euro Then Ret.WhichAction = eActionType.Voltage Ret.ActObj = obj Ret.Result = True Return Ret End If End If End If End If Dim Bad As strAction Bad.WhichAction = eActionType.Unknown Bad.Result = False Bad.ActObj = Nothing Return Bad End Function Friend Function SerializeObject(ByRef ObjIn As Object, ByRef bteOut() As Byte) As Boolean If ObjIn Is Nothing Then Return False Dim str As New MemoryStream Dim sf As New Binary.BinaryFormatter Try sf.Serialize(str, ObjIn) ReDim bteOut(Convert.ToInt32(str.Length - 1)) bteOut = str.ToArray Return True Catch ex As Exception Log(IFACE_NAME & " Error: Serializing object " & ObjIn.ToString & " :" & ex.Message, LogType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR) Return False End Try End Function Friend Function SerializeObject(ByRef ObjIn As Object, ByRef HexOut As String) As Boolean If ObjIn Is Nothing Then Return False Dim str As New MemoryStream Dim sf As New Binary.BinaryFormatter Dim bteOut() As Byte Try sf.Serialize(str, ObjIn) ReDim bteOut(Convert.ToInt32(str.Length - 1)) bteOut = str.ToArray HexOut = "" For i As Integer = 0 To bteOut.Length - 1 HexOut &= bteOut(i).ToString("x2").ToUpper Next Return True Catch ex As Exception Log(IFACE_NAME & " Error: Serializing (Hex) object " & ObjIn.ToString & " :" & ex.Message, LogType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR) Return False End Try End Function Public Function DeSerializeObject(ByRef bteIn() As Byte, ByRef ObjOut As Object) As Boolean ' Almost immediately there is a test to see if ObjOut is NOTHING. The reason for this ' when the ObjOut is suppose to be where the deserialized object is stored, is that ' I could find no way to test to see if the deserialized object and the variable to ' hold it was of the same type. If you try to get the type of a null object, you get ' only a null reference exception! If I do not test the object type beforehand and ' there is a difference, then the InvalidCastException is thrown back in the CALLING ' procedure, not here, because the cast is made when the ByRef object is cast when this ' procedure returns, not earlier. In order to prevent a cast exception in the calling ' procedure that may or may not be handled, I made it so that you have to at least ' provide an initialized ObjOut when you call this - ObjOut is set to nothing after it ' is typed. If bteIn Is Nothing Then Return False If bteIn.Length < 1 Then Return False If ObjOut Is Nothing Then Return False Dim str As MemoryStream Dim sf As New Binary.BinaryFormatter Dim ObjTest As Object Dim TType As System.Type Dim OType As System.Type Try OType = ObjOut.GetType ObjOut = Nothing str = New MemoryStream(bteIn) ObjTest = sf.Deserialize(str) If ObjTest Is Nothing Then Return False TType = ObjTest.GetType If Not TType.Equals(OType) Then Return False ObjOut = ObjTest If ObjOut Is Nothing Then Return False Return True Catch exIC As InvalidCastException Return False Catch ex As Exception Log(IFACE_NAME & " Error: DeSerializing object: " & ex.Message, LogType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR) Return False End Try End Function Public Function DeSerializeObject(ByRef HexIn As String, ByRef ObjOut As Object) As Boolean ' Almost immediately there is a test to see if ObjOut is NOTHING. The reason for this ' when the ObjOut is suppose to be where the deserialized object is stored, is that ' I could find no way to test to see if the deserialized object and the variable to ' hold it was of the same type. If you try to get the type of a null object, you get ' only a null reference exception! If I do not test the object type beforehand and ' there is a difference, then the InvalidCastException is thrown back in the CALLING ' procedure, not here, because the cast is made when the ByRef object is cast when this ' procedure returns, not earlier. In order to prevent a cast exception in the calling ' procedure that may or may not be handled, I made it so that you have to at least ' provide an initialized ObjOut when you call this - ObjOut is set to nothing after it ' is typed. If HexIn Is Nothing Then Return False If String.IsNullOrEmpty(HexIn.Trim) Then Return False If ObjOut Is Nothing Then Return False Dim str As MemoryStream Dim sf As New Binary.BinaryFormatter Dim ObjTest As Object Dim TType As System.Type Dim OType As System.Type Dim bteIn() As Byte Dim HowMany As Integer Try HowMany = Convert.ToInt32((HexIn.Length / 2) - 1) ReDim bteIn(HowMany) For i As Integer = 0 To HowMany 'bteIn(i) = CByte("&H" & HexIn.Substring(i * 2, 2)) bteIn(i) = Byte.Parse(HexIn.Substring(i * 2, 2), Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) Next OType = ObjOut.GetType ObjOut = Nothing str = New MemoryStream(bteIn) ObjTest = sf.Deserialize(str) If ObjTest Is Nothing Then Return False TType = ObjTest.GetType If Not TType.Equals(OType) Then Return False ObjOut = ObjTest If ObjOut Is Nothing Then Return False Return True Catch exIC As InvalidCastException Return False Catch ex As Exception Log(IFACE_NAME & " Error: DeSerializing object: " & ex.Message, LogType.LOG_TYPE_ERROR) Return False End Try End Function End Module
Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports Mal Imports MalVal = Mal.types.MalVal Imports MalInt = Mal.types.MalInt Imports MalSymbol = Mal.types.MalSymbol Imports MalList = Mal.types.MalList Imports MalVector = Mal.types.MalVector Imports MalHashMap = Mal.types.MalHashMap Imports MalFunc = Mal.types.MalFunc Imports MalEnv = Mal.env.Env Namespace Mal Class step5_tco ' read Shared Function READ(str As String) As MalVal Return reader.read_str(str) End Function ' eval Shared Function eval_ast(ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal If TypeOf ast Is MalSymbol Then return env.do_get(DirectCast(ast, MalSymbol)) Else If TypeOf ast Is MalList Then Dim old_lst As MalList = DirectCast(ast, MalList) Dim new_lst As MalList If ast.list_Q() Then new_lst = New MalList Else new_lst = DirectCast(New MalVector, MalList) End If Dim mv As MalVal For Each mv in old_lst.getValue() new_lst.conj_BANG(EVAL(mv, env)) Next return new_lst Else If TypeOf ast Is MalHashMap Then Dim new_dict As New Dictionary(Of String, MalVal) Dim entry As KeyValuePair(Of String, MalVal) For Each entry in DirectCast(ast,MalHashMap).getValue() new_dict.Add(entry.Key, EVAL(DirectCast(entry.Value,MalVal), env)) Next return New MalHashMap(new_dict) Else return ast End If return ast End Function ' TODO: move to types.vb when it is ported Class FClosure Public ast As MalVal Public params As MalList Public env As MalEnv Function fn(args as MalList) As MalVal return EVAL(ast, new MalEnv(env, params, args)) End Function End Class Shared Function EVAL(orig_ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal Do 'Console.WriteLine("EVAL: {0}", printer._pr_str(orig_ast, true)) If not orig_ast.list_Q() Then return eval_ast(orig_ast, env) End If ' apply list Dim ast As MalList = DirectCast(orig_ast, MalList) If ast.size() = 0 Then return ast End If Dim a0 As MalVal = ast(0) Dim a0sym As String If TypeOf a0 is MalSymbol Then a0sym = DirectCast(a0,MalSymbol).getName() Else a0sym = "__<*fn*>__" End If Select a0sym Case "def!" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2) Dim res As MalVal = EVAL(a2, env) env.do_set(DirectCast(a1,MalSymbol), res) return res Case "let*" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2) Dim key As MalSymbol Dim val as MalVal Dim let_env As new MalEnv(env) For i As Integer = 0 To (DirectCast(a1,MalList)).size()-1 Step 2 key = DirectCast(DirectCast(a1,MalList)(i),MalSymbol) val = DirectCast(a1,MalList)(i+1) let_env.do_set(key, EVAL(val, let_env)) Next orig_ast = a2 env = let_env Case "do" eval_ast(ast.slice(1, ast.size()-1), env) orig_ast = ast(ast.size()-1) Case "if" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim cond As MalVal = EVAL(a1, env) If cond Is Mal.types.Nil or cond Is Mal.types.MalFalse Then ' eval false slot form If ast.size() > 3 Then orig_ast = ast(3) Else return Mal.types.Nil End If Else ' eval true slot form orig_ast = ast(2) End If Case "fn*" Dim fc As New FClosure() fc.ast = ast(2) fc.params = DirectCast(ast(1),MalLIst) fc.env = env Dim f As Func(Of MalList, MalVal) = AddressOf fc.fn Dim mf As new MalFunc(ast(2), env, DirectCast(ast(1),MalList), f) return DirectCast(mf,MalVal) Case Else Dim el As MalList = DirectCast(eval_ast(ast, env), MalList) Dim f As MalFunc = DirectCast(el(0), MalFunc) Dim fnast As MalVal = f.getAst() If not fnast Is Nothing orig_ast = fnast env = f.genEnv(el.rest()) Else Return f.apply(el.rest()) End If End Select Loop While True End Function ' print Shared Function PRINT(exp As MalVal) As String return printer._pr_str(exp, TRUE) End Function ' repl Shared repl_env As MalEnv Shared Function REP(str As String) As String Return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)) End Function Shared Function Main As Integer Dim args As String() = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() repl_env = New MalEnv(Nothing) ' core.vb: defined using VB.NET For Each entry As KeyValuePair(Of String,MalVal) In core.ns() repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol(entry.Key), entry.Value) Next ' core.mal: defined using the language itself REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") If args.Length > 1 AndAlso args(1) = "--raw" Then Mal.readline.SetMode(Mal.readline.Modes.Raw) End If ' repl loop Dim line As String Do Try line = Mal.readline.Readline("user> ") If line is Nothing Then Exit Do End If If line = "" Then Continue Do End If Catch e As IOException Console.WriteLine("IOException: " & e.Message) End Try Try Console.WriteLine(REP(line)) Catch e as Exception Console.WriteLine("Error: " & e.Message) Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace) Continue Do End Try Loop While True End function End Class End Namespace
' Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Thies Gerken ' This file is part of Fractals. ' Fractals is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ' the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ' (at your option) any later version. ' Fractals is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU General Public License for more details. ' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ' along with Fractals. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Imports System.Windows Imports System.ComponentModel Imports Fractals.Mathematics Public Class ComplexNumberSelector Implements INotifyPropertyChanged Private _realPart As Double Private _imaginaryPart As Double Public Property RealPart As Double Get Return _realPart End Get Set(ByVal value As Double) _realPart = value OnPropertyChanged("RealPart") End Set End Property Public Property ImaginaryPart As Double Get Return _imaginaryPart End Get Set(ByVal value As Double) _imaginaryPart = value OnPropertyChanged("ImaginaryPart") End Set End Property Public ReadOnly Property Result As ComplexNumber Get Return New ComplexNumber(RealPart, ImaginaryPart) End Get End Property Private Sub DeleteButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles DeleteButton.Click OnRemoveButtonPressed() End Sub Public Event RemoveButtonPressed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Private Sub OnRemoveButtonPressed() RaiseEvent RemoveButtonPressed(Me, New EventArgs) End Sub Private Shadows Sub OnPropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String) RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName)) End Sub Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged Private Sub ComplexNumberSelector_Initialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Initialized Me.DataContext = Me End Sub End Class
Public Class AboutBox Public Sub SetTheme(Theme As Theme) Me.Background = Theme.contentBackground Me.Foreground = Theme.contentForeground End Sub Private Sub Lb_OpenSource_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs) Handles Lb_OpenSource.MouseDown Process.Start("https://github.com/MarchStudio/OGFrp") End Sub End Class
 Public Class InstrCurve Inherits InstrBase Private dc As New DrawCurve() ''' <summary> ''' Draws curve using outline and fill. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="DrawCrv"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Sub New(ByVal DrawCrv As DrawCurve) MyBase.InstructionType = "Draw" dc = DrawCrv.Duplicate End Sub Property DrawCurve As DrawCurve Set(value As DrawCurve) dc = value.Duplicate End Set Get Return dc End Get End Property End Class
Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq Imports System.IO Module mdlModList Dim ood As Integer = 0 Public Sub loadModJson(ByVal cListView As ListView) Dim json As String = readHttpFile(My.Resources.mod_url & "/" & My.Resources.mod_patchlist) Dim ser As JObject = JObject.Parse(json) Dim mod_files As JArray = ser("mod_files") frmMain.chkListMod.Checked = False WriteLog("iModMan:loadModJson", ErrorType.trace, "Parsing mods data") For Each item As JObject In mod_files WriteLog("iModMan:loadModJson", ErrorType.trace, item.SelectToken("name").ToString()) Dim f As clsFFile = New clsFFile( item.SelectToken("name").ToString(), item.SelectToken("path").ToString(), item.SelectToken("version").ToString(), item.SelectToken("url").ToString(), item.SelectToken("desc").ToString(), item.SelectToken("hash").ToString()) Dim status As Integer = checkModVersion(f.getPath(), f.getVersion()) Dim val As ListViewItem = New ListViewItem() val.SubItems.Add(f.getName()) val.SubItems.Add(f.getVersion()) val.SubItems.Add(getModVersionDetails(status)) val.SubItems.Add(f.getDesc()) If (status = 1) Then val.Checked = True val.ForeColor = Color.Red ood = ood + 1 End If If (status = 2) Then val.ForeColor = Color.Green If (status = 4) Then val.ForeColor = Color.Red val.Tag = f cListView.Items.Add(val) Next If (ood > 0) Then frmMain.lblNumberUpdates.Text = ood & " buah pembaruan tersedia." Else frmMain.lblNumberUpdates.Text = "Semua mod telah diperbarui." End If WriteLog("iModMan:loadModJson", ErrorType.trace, "OK") cListView.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent) End Sub Private Function checkModVersion(ByVal sFileName As String, ByVal version As String) Dim filePath As String Dim local As String Dim server As String = version filePath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, sFileName) ' Cek filenya apakah ada di local If (File.Exists(filePath)) Then If (FileLen(filePath) > 0) Then ' pastikan filenya berisi bukan file dummy Dim elem As String() = sFileName.Split(New Char() {"_"c}) ' Split nama filenya local = elem(elem.Count - 1).Replace(".pak", "").Replace(".", "") server = version.Replace(".", "") If (server > local) Then Return 1 ' Mod ada update Else Return 2 ' ' Mod sudah terbaru End If Else Return 4 ' Ukuran file mod 0KB End If Else Return 3 ' Mod tidak ada/tidak diinstall End If ' Ada error Return -1 End Function Private Function getModVersionDetails(ByVal i As Integer) If (i = 1) Then Return "Pembaruan tersedia" ElseIf (i = 2) Then Return "Diperbarui!" ElseIf (i = 3) Then Return "Tidak dipasang" ElseIf (i = 4) Then Return "File rusak!" Else Return "Ada kesalahan!" End If End Function End Module
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Threading Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Imports TypeKind = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.TypeKind Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic ''' <summary> ''' Binder used to bind statements inside With blocks. ''' </summary> Friend NotInheritable Class WithBlockBinder Inherits BlockBaseBinder ''' <summary> Reference to a With statement syntax this binder is created for </summary> Private ReadOnly _withBlockSyntax As WithBlockSyntax ''' <summary> Reference to an expression from With statement </summary> Private ReadOnly Property Expression As ExpressionSyntax Get Return Me._withBlockSyntax.WithStatement.Expression End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' Holds information needed by With block to properly bind ''' references to With block expression placeholder ''' </summary> Private _withBlockInfo As WithBlockInfo = Nothing Friend ReadOnly Property Info As WithBlockInfo Get Return _withBlockInfo End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' True if there were references to the With statement expression ''' placeholder which prevent ByRef local from being used ''' </summary> Friend ReadOnly Property ExpressionIsAccessedFromNestedLambda As Boolean Get Debug.Assert(Me._withBlockInfo IsNot Nothing) Return Me._withBlockInfo.ExpressionIsAccessedFromNestedLambda End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' With statement expression placeholder is a bound node being used in initial binding ''' to represent with statement expression. In lowering it is to be replaced with ''' the lowered expression which will actually be emitted. ''' </summary> Friend ReadOnly Property ExpressionPlaceholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase Get Debug.Assert(Me._withBlockInfo IsNot Nothing) Return Me._withBlockInfo.ExpressionPlaceholder End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' A draft version of initializers which will be used in this With statement. ''' Initializers are expressions which are used to capture expression in the current ''' With statement; they can be empty in some cases like if the expression is a local ''' variable of value type. ''' ''' Note, the initializers returned by this property are 'draft' because they are ''' generated based on initial bound tree, the real initializers will be generated ''' in lowering based on lowered expression form. ''' </summary> Friend ReadOnly Property DraftInitializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) Get Debug.Assert(Me._withBlockInfo IsNot Nothing) Return Me._withBlockInfo.DraftInitializers End Get End Property ''' <summary> ''' A draft version of placeholder substitute which will be used in this With statement. ''' ''' Note, the placeholder substitute returned by this property is 'draft' because it is ''' generated based on initial bound tree, the real substitute will be generated in lowering ''' based on lowered expression form. ''' </summary> Friend ReadOnly Property DraftPlaceholderSubstitute As BoundExpression Get Debug.Assert(Me._withBlockInfo IsNot Nothing) Return Me._withBlockInfo.DraftSubstitute End Get End Property ''' <summary> Holds information needed by With block to properly bind ''' references to With block expression, placeholder, etc... </summary> Friend Class WithBlockInfo Public Sub New(originalExpression As BoundExpression, expressionPlaceholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase, draftSubstitute As BoundExpression, draftInitializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression), diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) Debug.Assert(originalExpression IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(expressionPlaceholder IsNot Nothing AndAlso (expressionPlaceholder.Kind = BoundKind.WithLValueExpressionPlaceholder OrElse expressionPlaceholder.Kind = BoundKind.WithRValueExpressionPlaceholder)) Debug.Assert(draftSubstitute IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(Not draftInitializers.IsDefault) Debug.Assert(diagnostics IsNot Nothing) Me.OriginalExpression = originalExpression Me.ExpressionPlaceholder = expressionPlaceholder Me.DraftSubstitute = draftSubstitute Me.DraftInitializers = draftInitializers Me.Diagnostics = diagnostics End Sub ''' <summary> Original bound expression from With statement </summary> Public ReadOnly OriginalExpression As BoundExpression ''' <summary> Bound placeholder expression if used, otherwise Nothing </summary> Public ReadOnly ExpressionPlaceholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase ''' <summary> Diagnostics produced while binding the expression </summary> Public ReadOnly Diagnostics As DiagnosticBag ''' <summary> ''' Draft initializers for With statement, is based on initial binding tree ''' and is only to be used for warnings generation as well as for flow analysis ''' and semantic API; real initializers will be re-calculated in lowering ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly DraftInitializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression) ''' <summary> ''' Draft substitute for With expression placeholder, is based on initial ''' binding tree and is only to be used for warnings generation as well as ''' for flow analysis and semantic API; real substitute will be re-calculated ''' in lowering ''' </summary> Public ReadOnly DraftSubstitute As BoundExpression Public ReadOnly Property ExpressionIsAccessedFromNestedLambda As Boolean Get Return Me._exprAccessedFromNestedLambda = ThreeState.True End Get End Property Public Sub RegisterAccessFromNestedLambda() If Me._exprAccessedFromNestedLambda <> ThreeState.True Then Dim oldValue = Interlocked.CompareExchange(Me._exprAccessedFromNestedLambda, ThreeState.True, ThreeState.Unknown) Debug.Assert(oldValue = ThreeState.Unknown OrElse oldValue = ThreeState.True) End If End Sub Private _exprAccessedFromNestedLambda As Integer = ThreeState.Unknown ''' <summary> ''' If With statement expression is being used from nested lambda there are some restrictions ''' to the usage of Me reference in this expression. As these restrictions are only to be checked ''' in few scenarios, this flag is being calculated lazily. ''' </summary> Public Function ExpressionHasByRefMeReference(recursionDepth As Integer) As Boolean If Me._exprHasByRefMeReference = ThreeState.Unknown Then ' Analyze the expression which will be used instead of placeholder Dim value As Boolean = ValueTypedMeReferenceFinder.HasByRefMeReference(Me.DraftSubstitute, recursionDepth) Dim newValue As Integer = If(value, ThreeState.True, ThreeState.False) Dim oldValue = Interlocked.CompareExchange(Me._exprHasByRefMeReference, newValue, ThreeState.Unknown) Debug.Assert(newValue = oldValue OrElse oldValue = ThreeState.Unknown) End If Debug.Assert(Me._exprHasByRefMeReference <> ThreeState.Unknown) Return Me._exprHasByRefMeReference = ThreeState.True End Function Private _exprHasByRefMeReference As Integer = ThreeState.Unknown End Class ''' <summary> Create a new instance of With statement binder for a statement syntax provided </summary> Public Sub New(enclosing As Binder, syntax As WithBlockSyntax) MyBase.New(enclosing) Debug.Assert(syntax IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(syntax.WithStatement IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(syntax.WithStatement.Expression IsNot Nothing) Me._withBlockSyntax = syntax End Sub #Region "Implementation" Friend Overrides Function GetWithStatementPlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase) As BoundExpression Me.EnsureExpressionAndPlaceholder() If placeholder Is Me.ExpressionPlaceholder Then Return Me.DraftPlaceholderSubstitute End If Return MyBase.GetWithStatementPlaceholderSubstitute(placeholder) End Function Private Sub EnsureExpressionAndPlaceholder() If Me._withBlockInfo Is Nothing Then ' Because we cannot guarantee that diagnostics will be freed we ' don't allocate this diagnostics bag from a pool Dim diagnostics As New DiagnosticBag() ' Bind the expression as a value Dim boundExpression As BoundExpression = Me.ContainingBinder.BindValue(Me.Expression, diagnostics) ' NOTE: If the expression is not an l-value we should make an r-value of it If Not boundExpression.IsLValue Then boundExpression = Me.MakeRValue(boundExpression, diagnostics) End If ' Prepare draft substitute/initializers for expression placeholder; ' note that those substitute/initializers will be based on initial bound ' form of the original expression captured without using ByRef locals Dim result As WithExpressionRewriter.Result = (New WithExpressionRewriter(Me._withBlockSyntax.WithStatement)).AnalyzeWithExpression(Me.ContainingMember, boundExpression, doNotUseByRefLocal:=True, binder:=Me.ContainingBinder, preserveIdentityOfLValues:=True) ' Create a placeholder if needed Dim placeholder As BoundValuePlaceholderBase = Nothing If boundExpression.IsLValue OrElse boundExpression.IsMeReference Then placeholder = New BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(Me.Expression, boundExpression.Type) Else placeholder = New BoundWithRValueExpressionPlaceholder(Me.Expression, boundExpression.Type) End If placeholder.SetWasCompilerGenerated() ' It is assumed that the binding result in case of race should still be the same in all racing threads, ' so if the following call fails we can just drop the bound node and diagnostics on the floor Interlocked.CompareExchange(Me._withBlockInfo, New WithBlockInfo(boundExpression, placeholder, result.Expression, result.Initializers, diagnostics), Nothing) End If Debug.Assert(Me._withBlockInfo IsNot Nothing) End Sub ''' <summary> ''' A bound tree walker which search for a bound Me and MyClass references of value type. ''' Is being only used for calculating the value of 'ExpressionHasByRefMeReference' ''' </summary> Private Class ValueTypedMeReferenceFinder Inherits BoundTreeWalkerWithStackGuardWithoutRecursionOnTheLeftOfBinaryOperator Private Sub New(recursionDepth As Integer) MyBase.New(recursionDepth) End Sub Private _found As Boolean = False Public Shared Function HasByRefMeReference(expression As BoundExpression, recursionDepth As Integer) As Boolean Dim walker As New ValueTypedMeReferenceFinder(recursionDepth) walker.Visit(expression) Return walker._found End Function Public Overrides Function Visit(node As BoundNode) As BoundNode If Not _found Then Return MyBase.Visit(node) End If Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitMeReference(node As BoundMeReference) As BoundNode Dim type As TypeSymbol = node.Type Debug.Assert(Not type.IsTypeParameter) Debug.Assert(type.IsValueType) Me._found = True Return Nothing End Function Public Overrides Function VisitMyClassReference(node As BoundMyClassReference) As BoundNode Dim type As TypeSymbol = node.Type Debug.Assert(Not type.IsTypeParameter) Debug.Assert(type.IsValueType) Me._found = True Return Nothing End Function End Class #End Region #Region "With block binding" Protected Overrides Function CreateBoundWithBlock(node As WithBlockSyntax, boundBlockBinder As Binder, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As BoundStatement Debug.Assert(node Is Me._withBlockSyntax) ' Bind With statement expression Me.EnsureExpressionAndPlaceholder() ' We need to take care of possible diagnostics that might be produced ' by EnsureExpressionAndPlaceholder call, note that this call might have ' been before in which case the diagnostics were stored in '_withBlockInfo' ' See also comment in PrepareBindingOfOmittedLeft(...) diagnostics.AddRange(Me._withBlockInfo.Diagnostics) Return New BoundWithStatement(node, Me._withBlockInfo.OriginalExpression, boundBlockBinder.BindBlock(node, node.Statements, diagnostics), Me) End Function #End Region #Region "Other Overrides" ''' <summary> Asserts that the node is NOT from With statement expression </summary> <Conditional("DEBUG")> Private Sub AssertExpressionIsNotFromStatementExpression(node As SyntaxNode) While node IsNot Nothing Debug.Assert(node IsNot Me.Expression) node = node.Parent End While End Sub #If DEBUG Then Public Overrides Function BindStatement(node As StatementSyntax, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As BoundStatement AssertExpressionIsNotFromStatementExpression(node) Return MyBase.BindStatement(node, diagnostics) End Function Public Overrides Function GetBinder(node As SyntaxNode) As Binder AssertExpressionIsNotFromStatementExpression(node) Return MyBase.GetBinder(node) End Function #End If Private Sub PrepareBindingOfOmittedLeft(node As VisualBasicSyntaxNode, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, accessingBinder As Binder) AssertExpressionIsNotFromStatementExpression(node) Debug.Assert((node.Kind = SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression) OrElse (node.Kind = SyntaxKind.DictionaryAccessExpression) OrElse (node.Kind = SyntaxKind.XmlAttributeAccessExpression) OrElse (node.Kind = SyntaxKind.XmlElementAccessExpression) OrElse (node.Kind = SyntaxKind.XmlDescendantAccessExpression) OrElse (node.Kind = SyntaxKind.ConditionalAccessExpression)) Me.EnsureExpressionAndPlaceholder() ' NOTE: In case the call above produced diagnostics they were stored in ' '_withBlockInfo' and will be reported in later call to CreateBoundWithBlock(...) Dim info As WithBlockInfo = Me._withBlockInfo If Me.ContainingMember IsNot accessingBinder.ContainingMember Then ' The expression placeholder from With statement may be captured info.RegisterAccessFromNestedLambda() End If End Sub Protected Friend Overrides Function TryBindOmittedLeftForMemberAccess(node As MemberAccessExpressionSyntax, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, accessingBinder As Binder, <Out> ByRef wholeMemberAccessExpressionBound As Boolean) As BoundExpression PrepareBindingOfOmittedLeft(node, diagnostics, accessingBinder) wholeMemberAccessExpressionBound = False Return Me._withBlockInfo.ExpressionPlaceholder End Function Protected Overrides Function TryBindOmittedLeftForDictionaryAccess(node As MemberAccessExpressionSyntax, accessingBinder As Binder, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As BoundExpression PrepareBindingOfOmittedLeft(node, diagnostics, accessingBinder) Return Me._withBlockInfo.ExpressionPlaceholder End Function Protected Overrides Function TryBindOmittedLeftForConditionalAccess(node As ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax, accessingBinder As Binder, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As BoundExpression PrepareBindingOfOmittedLeft(node, diagnostics, accessingBinder) Return Me._withBlockInfo.ExpressionPlaceholder End Function Protected Friend Overrides Function TryBindOmittedLeftForXmlMemberAccess(node As XmlMemberAccessExpressionSyntax, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, accessingBinder As Binder) As BoundExpression PrepareBindingOfOmittedLeft(node, diagnostics, accessingBinder) Return Me._withBlockInfo.ExpressionPlaceholder End Function Friend Overrides ReadOnly Property Locals As ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol) Get Return ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty End Get End Property #End Region End Class End Namespace
Imports System.Threading.Tasks Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin Partial Public Class AddPhoneNumber Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub PhoneNumber_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Dim manager = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager(Of ApplicationUserManager)() Dim code = manager.GenerateChangePhoneNumberToken(User.Identity.GetUserId(), PhoneNumber.Text) If manager.SmsService IsNot Nothing Then Dim message = New IdentityMessage() With { .Destination = PhoneNumber.Text, .Body = "Su código de seguridad es " & Convert.ToString(code) } manager.SmsService.Send(message) End If Response.Redirect("/Account/VerifyPhoneNumber?PhoneNumber=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(PhoneNumber.Text)) End Sub End Class
Public Class TextHelpForm Property Find As String Public Sub New(text As String, find As String) InitializeComponent() rtb.Text = text rtb.BackColor = Color.Black rtb.ForeColor = Color.White rtb.ReadOnly = True Me.Find = find ScaleClientSize(45, 30) End Sub Private Sub TextHelpForm_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown rtb.Find(Find) rtb.ScrollToCaret() End Sub End Class
Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Imports System.Xml Imports System.Collections Imports System.Web.Configuration Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Web.HttpUtility Imports VB = Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.IO Imports Eonic.Tools.Xml Imports Eonic.Tools.Xml.XmlNodeState Imports System Imports System.Reflection Imports Eonic.Providers.Membership.EonicProvider Partial Public Class Web Public Class Cart #Region "Declarations" Public moCartConfig As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/cart") Public moConfig As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection Private moServer As System.Web.HttpServerUtility Public moPageXml As XmlDocument Public Shadows mcModuleName As String = "Eonic.Cart" 'Session EonicWeb Details Public mcEwDataConn As String Public mcEwSiteDomain As String Public mbEwMembership As Boolean Public oShippingOptions As XmlElement ' MEMB - notes beginning with MEMB relate to changes to the cart to incorporate logging in members and adding their addresses to contact fields in the billing/delivery forms ' Cart Status Ref ' 1 new cart ' 2 entered address ' 3 abbandoned ' 4 pass to payment ' 5 Transaction Failed ' 6 Payment Successful ' 7 Order Cancelled / Payment Refunded ' 8 Failed and Checked ' 9 Order Shipped ' 10 Part Payment (e.g. depsoit) Received ' 11 Settlement initiated? ' 12 Awaiting Payment Public mcSiteURL As String ' Site Identifier, used for User Cookie Name Public mcCartURL As String ' Site Identifier, used for User Cookie Name Public mnCartId As Integer ' Unique Id refering to this session cart Public mcSessionId As String ' Session ID - Unique for each client browser Private mcRefSessionId As String ' Referrer Site Session ID - The session ID from the referrer site, if passed. Public mnEwUserId As Integer ' User Id for Membership integration Public mmcOrderType As String ' The order type associated with the current cart Public mcItemOrderType As String ' The order type associated with the current page (if provided) Public moCartXml As XmlElement Public mnGiftListId As Integer = -1 ' If the current user is buying from a giftlist Public mcNotesXForm As String ' Location of Notes xform prior to billing details Public mnTaxRate As Double ' Add Tax to Cart Rate Public mcTermsAndConditions As String = "" Public mcMerchantEmail As String Public mcMerchantEmailTemplatePath As String Public mbStockControl As Boolean = False ' Stock Control Public mcDeposit As String ' Deposits are Available Public mcDepositAmount As String ' Deposit Amount Private cOrderNoPrefix As String Public mcCurrency As String = "" Public mcCurrencySymbol As String = "" Public mcVoucherNumber As String = "" Public mcVoucherValue As String = "" Public mcVoucherExpires As String = "" Private promocodeFromExternalRef As String = "" Public mcPersistCart As String = "" Public mcPagePath As String Public mnPaymentId As Integer = 0 ' to be populated by payment prvoider to pass to subscriptions Public bFullCartOption As Boolean Public mbAddItemWithNoPrice As Boolean ' Switch to allow enquiries of items with no price ' Address Mods Public mcBillingAddressXform As String = "" ' Location of bespoke Billing Address Public mcDeliveryAddressXform As String = "" ' Location of bespoke Delivery Address Public mcPriorityCountries As String ' List of countires to appear at the top of dropdowns Public mbNoDeliveryAddress As Boolean = False ' Option to turn off the need for a delivery address Public mcReturnPage As String ' page to return to with continue Shopping Public mcCartCmd As String = "" ' Action String for ewCart main function, ewcartPlugin() ' Can be: <case sensitive> ' Billing ' Delivery ' Cart ' Add ' Remove ' ShowInvoice ' MakePayment ' Failed Payment ' Quit Public mcCartCmdAlt As String = "" 'alternative if we call apply again Public mnProcessId As Short = 0 ' State of Cart: ' 0: Empty / New Cart ' 1: Shopping / Items in Cart ' 2: Billing Address is Complete ' 3: Billing & Delivery Addressi are Complete ' 4: Order Confirmed / Ready to make payment ' 5: Transaction Complete ' 6: Tender Cancelled Public mnProcessError As Short ' General Process Error has been encountered: ' 1: Cookies are disabled or undetectable ' 2: The current item's order type does not match the cart's order type ' 100+: Payment gateway errors ' 1000+: Bespoke errors - can be defined in the xsl Public mcPaymentMethod As String = "" ' Payment Method: ' SecPay ' ProTx ' Secure Email ' MetaCharge ' WorldPay ' Cheque Public mcPaymentProfile As String = "" ' Behaviour mods Private mbRedirectSecure As Boolean = False Private mbDisplayPrice As Boolean = True Public mcSubmitText As String Public moDBHelper As dbHelper Public mcOrderType As String Public cOrderReference As String Public mbVatAtUnit As Boolean = False Public mbVatOnLine As Boolean = False Public mbRoundup As Boolean = False Public mbDiscountsOn As Boolean = False Public mbOveridePrice As Boolean = False Public mcPriceModOrder As String = "" Public mcUnitModOrder As String = "" Public mcReEstablishSession As String Public mcCurrencyRef As String Public mcCurrencyCode As String Public mnShippingRootId As Integer 'Public mcCurrencySymbol As String Public moDiscount As Discount Public moSubscription As Subscriptions Protected moPay As PaymentProviders Public mbQuitOnShowInvoice As Boolean = True Enum cartError OutOfStock = 2 ProductQuantityOverLimit = 201 ProductQuantityUnderLimit = 202 ProductQuantityNotInBulk = 203 End Enum Enum cartProcess Empty = 0 Items = 1 Billing = 2 Delivery = 3 Confirmed = 4 PassForPayment = 5 Complete = 6 Refunded = 7 Failed = 8 Shipped = 9 DepositPaid = 10 Abandoned = 11 Deleted = 12 AwaitingPayment = 13 SettlementInitiated = 14 SkipAddress = 15 End Enum #End Region #Region "Properties" Public Overridable Property OrderNoPrefix() As String Get If cOrderNoPrefix = "" Then cOrderNoPrefix = moCartConfig("OrderNoPrefix") End If Return cOrderNoPrefix End Get Set(ByVal value As String) cOrderNoPrefix = value End Set End Property #End Region #Region "Classes" Class FormResult Public Name As String Public Value As String Sub New(ByVal cName As String, ByVal cValue As String) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "New") Name = cName Value = cValue End Sub End Class Class Order Private OrderElmt As XmlElement Protected Friend myWeb As Web Public moConfig As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection Private moServer As System.Web.HttpServerUtility Dim nFirstPayment As Double Dim nRepeatPayment As Double Dim sRepeatInterval As String Dim nRepeatLength As Integer Dim bDelayStart As Boolean Dim dStartDate As Date Dim sPaymentMethod As String Dim sTransactionRef As String Dim sDescription As String Dim sGivenName As String Dim sBillingAddress1 As String Dim sBillingAddress2 As String Dim sBillingTown As String Dim sBillingCounty As String Dim sBillingPostcode As String Dim sEmail As String Public moPageXml As XmlDocument Sub New(ByRef aWeb As Eonic.Web) PerfMon.Log("Order", "New") myWeb = aWeb moConfig = myWeb.moConfig moPageXml = myWeb.moPageXml moServer = aWeb.moCtx.Server OrderElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Order") End Sub ReadOnly Property xml As XmlElement Get Return OrderElmt End Get End Property Property PaymentMethod As String Get Return sPaymentMethod End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) sPaymentMethod = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("paymentMethod", Value) End Set End Property Property firstPayment As Double Get Return nFirstPayment End Get Set(ByVal Value As Double) nFirstPayment = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("total", Value) End Set End Property Property repeatPayment As Double Get Return nRepeatPayment End Get Set(ByVal Value As Double) nRepeatPayment = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("repeatPrice", Value) End Set End Property Property repeatInterval As String Get Return sRepeatInterval End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) sRepeatInterval = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("repeatInterval", Value) End Set End Property Property repeatLength As Integer Get Return nRepeatLength End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) nRepeatLength = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("repeatLength", Value) End Set End Property Property delayStart As Boolean Get Return bDelayStart End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) bDelayStart = Value If Value Then OrderElmt.SetAttribute("delayStart", "true") Else OrderElmt.SetAttribute("delayStart", "false") End If End Set End Property Property startDate As Date Get Return dStartDate End Get Set(ByVal Value As Date) dStartDate = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("startDate", xmlDate(dStartDate)) End Set End Property Property TransactionRef As String Get Return sTransactionRef End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) sTransactionRef = Value OrderElmt.SetAttribute("transactionRef", sTransactionRef) End Set End Property Property description As String Get Return sDescription End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) sDescription = Value Dim descElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("Description") descElmt.InnerText = sDescription OrderElmt.AppendChild(descElmt) End Set End Property Sub SetAddress(ByVal GivenName As String, ByVal Email As String, ByVal Company As String, ByVal Street As String, ByVal City As String, ByVal State As String, ByVal PostalCode As String, ByVal Country As String) Dim addElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("Contact") addElmt.SetAttribute("type", "Billing Address") xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "GivenName", GivenName) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "Email", Email) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "Company", Company) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "Street", Street) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "City", City) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "State", State) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "PostalCode", PostalCode) xmlTools.addElement(addElmt, "Country", Country) OrderElmt.AppendChild(addElmt) End Sub End Class #End Region Private Function getProcessName(ByVal cp As cartProcess) As String Select Case cp Case cartProcess.Abandoned Return "Abandoned" Case cartProcess.AwaitingPayment Return "Awaiting Payment" Case cartProcess.SkipAddress Return "SkipAddress" Case cartProcess.Billing Return "Billing" Case cartProcess.Complete Return "Complete" Case cartProcess.Confirmed Return "Confirmed" Case cartProcess.Deleted Return "Deleted" Case cartProcess.Delivery Return "Delivery" Case cartProcess.DepositPaid Return "Deposit Paid" Case cartProcess.Empty Return "Empty" Case cartProcess.Failed Return "Failed" Case cartProcess.PassForPayment Return "Pass For Payment" Case cartProcess.Refunded Return "Refunded" Case cartProcess.Shipped Return "Shipped" Case Else Return "Unknown Process ID" End Select End Function Protected Friend myWeb As Web Public Sub New(ByRef aWeb As Eonic.Web) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "New") Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try myWeb = aWeb moConfig = myWeb.moConfig moPageXml = myWeb.moPageXml moDBHelper = myWeb.moDbHelper InitializeVariables() moServer = aWeb.moCtx.Server Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "Close", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub InitializeVariables() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "InitializeVariables") 'Author: Trevor Spink 'Copyright: Eonic Ltd 2006 'Date: 2006-10-04 ' called at the beginning, whenever ewCart is run ' sets the global variables and initialises the current cart Dim sSql As String = "" Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim cartXmlFromDatabase As String = "" mcOrderType = "Order" cOrderReference = "" mcModuleName = "Eonic.Cart" Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" = "initialise variables" Try If Not moCartConfig Is Nothing Then If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 And myWeb.moConfig("SecureMembershipAddress") <> "" Then mcSiteURL = myWeb.moConfig("SecureMembershipAddress") & moConfig("ProjectPath") & "/" mcCartURL = myWeb.moConfig("SecureMembershipAddress") & moConfig("ProjectPath") & "/" Else mcSiteURL = moCartConfig("SiteURL") mcCartURL = moCartConfig("SecureURL") End If moDiscount = New Discount(Me) mcPagePath = myWeb.mcPagePath If mcPagePath = "" Then If mcCartURL.EndsWith("/") Then mcPagePath = mcCartURL & "?" Else mcPagePath = mcCartURL & "/?" End If Else mcPagePath = mcCartURL & mcPagePath & "?" End If If moConfig("Membership") = "on" Then mbEwMembership = True mnTaxRate = moCartConfig("TaxRate") mcMerchantEmail = moCartConfig("MerchantEmail") mcTermsAndConditions = moCartConfig("TermsAndConditions") 'mcOrderNoPrefix = moCartConfig("OrderNoPrefix") mcCurrencySymbol = moCartConfig("CurrencySymbol") mcCurrency = moCartConfig("Currency") If mcCurrency = "" Then mcCurrency = "GBP" Dim moPaymentCfg As XmlNode 'change currency based on language selection If myWeb.gcLang <> "" Then Dim moLangCfg As XmlNode = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/languages") If Not moLangCfg Is Nothing Then Dim thisLangNode As XmlElement = moLangCfg.SelectSingleNode("Language[@code='" & myWeb.gcLang & "']") If Not thisLangNode Is Nothing Then mcCurrency = thisLangNode.GetAttribute("currency") moPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") Dim thisCurrencyNode As XmlElement = moPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("currencies/Currency[@ref='" & mcCurrency & "']") mcCurrencySymbol = thisCurrencyNode.GetAttribute("symbol") End If End If End If 'change currency if default user currency is set If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then Dim userxml As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/User") If userxml Is Nothing Then userxml = myWeb.GetUserXML(myWeb.mnUserId) End If If userxml.GetAttribute("defaultCurrency") <> "" Then mcCurrency = userxml.GetAttribute("defaultCurrency") moPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") Dim thisCurrencyNode As XmlElement = moPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("currencies/Currency[@ref='" & mcCurrency & "']") mcCurrencySymbol = thisCurrencyNode.GetAttribute("symbol") End If End If moPaymentCfg = Nothing 'reset the currency on discounts moDiscount.mcCurrency = mcCurrency If moCartConfig("StockControl") = "on" Then mbStockControl = True If moCartConfig("DisplayPrice") = "off" Then mbDisplayPrice = False mcDeposit = LCase(moCartConfig("Deposit")) mcDepositAmount = moCartConfig("DepositAmount") mcNotesXForm = moCartConfig("NotesXForm") mcBillingAddressXform = moCartConfig("BillingAddressXForm") mcDeliveryAddressXform = moCartConfig("DeliveryAddressXForm") If moCartConfig("NoDeliveryAddress") = "on" Then mbNoDeliveryAddress = True mcMerchantEmailTemplatePath = moCartConfig("MerchantEmailTemplatePath") mcPriorityCountries = moCartConfig("PriorityCountries") mcPersistCart = moCartConfig("PersistCart") 'might need to add checks for missing key If mcPriorityCountries Is Nothing Or mcPriorityCountries = "" Then mcPriorityCountries = "United Kingdom,United States" End If If myWeb.moSession("nTaxRate") Is Nothing Then mnTaxRate = CDbl("0" & myWeb.moSession("nTaxRate")) End If If myWeb.moRequest.Form("url") <> "" Then myWeb.moSession("returnPage") = myWeb.moRequest.Form("url") End If If myWeb.moRequest.QueryString("url") <> "" Then myWeb.moSession("returnPage") = myWeb.moRequest.QueryString("url") End If mcReturnPage = myWeb.moSession("returnPage") If Not myWeb.moSession("nEwUserId") Is Nothing Then mnEwUserId = CInt("0" & myWeb.moSession("nEwUserId")) Else mnEwUserId = 0 End If If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 And mnEwUserId = 0 Then mnEwUserId = myWeb.mnUserId 'MEMB - eEDIT If myWeb.goApp("bFullCartOption") = True Then bFullCartOption = True Else bFullCartOption = False End If If myWeb.moSession("CartId") Is Nothing Then mnCartId = 0 Else If Not (IsNumeric(myWeb.moSession("CartId"))) Or myWeb.moSession("CartId") <= 0 Then mnCartId = 0 Else mnCartId = CInt(myWeb.moSession("CartId")) End If End If If Not (myWeb.moRequest("refSessionId") Is Nothing) Then mcSessionId = myWeb.moRequest("refSessionId") myWeb.moSession.Add("refSessionId", mcSessionId) ElseIf Not (myWeb.moSession("refSessionId") Is Nothing) Then mcSessionId = myWeb.moSession("refSessionId") Else mcSessionId = myWeb.moSession.SessionID End If If IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest.QueryString("cartErr")) Then mnProcessError = CInt(myWeb.moRequest.QueryString("cartErr")) mcCartCmd = myWeb.moRequest.QueryString("cartCmd") If mcCartCmd = "" Then mcCartCmd = myWeb.moRequest.Form("cartCmd") End If mcPaymentMethod = myWeb.moSession("mcPaymentMethod") mmcOrderType = myWeb.moSession("mmcOrderType") mcItemOrderType = myWeb.moRequest.Form("ordertype") ' MsgBox "Item: " & mcItemOrderType & vbCrLf & "Order: " & mmcOrderType ' set global variable for submit button mcSubmitText = myWeb.moRequest("submit") If mnCartId > 0 Then ' cart exists 'turn off page caching myWeb.bPageCache = False If mcPersistCart = "on" Then writeSessionCookie() 'write the cookie to persist the cart End If If mcReEstablishSession <> "" Then sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where not(nCartStatus IN (6,9,13,14)) and nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId Else sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where (nCartStatus < 7 or nCartStatus IN (10,14)) and nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId & " and not(cCartSessionId like 'OLD_%')" End If oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) If oDr.HasRows Then While oDr.Read mnGiftListId = oDr("nGiftListId") mnTaxRate = CDbl("0" & oDr("nTaxRate")) mnProcessId = CLng("0" & oDr("nCartStatus")) cartXmlFromDatabase = oDr("cCartXml").ToString ' Check for deposit and earlier stages If mcDeposit = "on" Then If Not (IsDBNull((oDr("nAmountReceived")))) Then If oDr("nAmountReceived") > 0 And mnProcessId < cartProcess.Confirmed Then mnProcessId = cartProcess.SettlementInitiated moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql("update tblCartOrder set nCartStatus = '" & mnProcessId & "' where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId) End If End If End If End While Else ' Cart no longer exists - a quit command has probably been issued. Clear the session mnCartId = 0 mnProcessId = 0 mcCartCmd = "" End If oDr.Close() If mnCartId = 0 Then EndSession() End If Else '-- Cart doesn't exist -- 'check if we need to persist the cart Dim cSessionFromSessionCookie As String = "" If mcPersistCart = "on" Then Dim cSessionCookieName As String = "ewSession" & myWeb.mnUserId.ToString If myWeb.moRequest.Cookies(cSessionCookieName) Is Nothing Then writeSessionCookie() Else Try 'get session ID from cookie IF session ID and current user if match 'Dim cSessionCookieContents As String = myWeb.moRequest.Cookies("ewSession" & myWeb.mnUserId.ToString).Value Dim cSessionFromCookie As String = myWeb.moRequest.Cookies(cSessionCookieName).Value 'Dim nCartIdCheck As Integer = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar("SELECT COUNT(nCartOrderKey) FROM tblCartOrder WHERE nCartUserDirId = " & cUserIdFromCookie.ToString & " AND cCartSessionId = '" & cSessionFromCookie & "'") If cSessionFromCookie <> "" Then cSessionFromSessionCookie = cSessionFromCookie End If If mcReEstablishSession <> "" Then cSessionFromSessionCookie = mcReEstablishSession End If Catch ex As Exception cProcessInfo = ex.Message End Try End If End If ' check if the cart can be found in the database, although only run this check if we ' know that we've visited the cart ' Also check out if this is coming from a Worldpay callback. ' Also check we need to udpate the session from the cookie If Not (myWeb.moRequest("refSessionId") Is Nothing) _ Or Not (myWeb.moRequest("transStatus") Is Nothing) _ Or Not (myWeb.moRequest("ewSettlement") Is Nothing) _ Or (cSessionFromSessionCookie <> "") Then If Not (myWeb.moRequest("transStatus") Is Nothing) Then 'add in check for session cookie sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder o inner join tblAudit a on a.nAuditKey=o.nAuditId where o.cCartSchemaName='Order' and o.nCartOrderKey=" & myWeb.moRequest("cartId") & " and DATEDIFF(hh,a.dInsertDate,GETDATE())<24" mcPaymentMethod = "WorldPay" ElseIf Not (myWeb.moRequest("ewSettlement") Is Nothing) Then ' Go get the cart, restore settings sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where cCartSchemaName='Order' and cSettlementID='" & myWeb.moRequest("ewSettlement") & "'" Else 'get session id from ewSession cookie If cSessionFromSessionCookie <> "" Then ' myWeb.mnUserId > 0 And mcSessionId = cSessionFromSessionCookie cSessionFromSessionCookie = "" End If sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder o inner join tblAudit a on a.nAuditKey=o.nAuditId where o.cCartSchemaName='Order' and o.cCartSessionId = '" & SqlFmt(mcSessionId) & "'" End If PerfMon.Log("Cart", "InitializeVariables - check for cart start") oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "InitializeVariables - check for cart end") If oDr.HasRows Then While oDr.Read mnGiftListId = oDr("nGiftListId") mnCartId = oDr("nCartOrderKey") ' get cart id mnProcessId = oDr("nCartStatus") ' get cart status mnTaxRate = oDr("nTaxRate") If Not (myWeb.moRequest("ewSettlement") Is Nothing) Or Not (myWeb.moRequest("ewsettlement") Is Nothing) Then ' Set to a holding state that indicates that the settlement has been initiated mnProcessId = cartProcess.SettlementInitiated ' If a cart has been found, we need to update the session ID in it. If oDr("cCartSessionId") <> mcSessionId Then moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql("update tblCartOrder set cCartSessionId = '" & mcSessionId & "' where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId) End If ' Reactivate the order in the database moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql("update tblCartOrder set nCartStatus = '" & mnProcessId & "' where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId) End If If mnProcessId > 5 And mnProcessId <> cartProcess.SettlementInitiated Then ' Cart has passed a status of "Succeeded" - we can't do anything to this cart. Clear the session. EndSession() mnCartId = 0 mnProcessId = 0 mcCartCmd = "" End If mcCurrencyRef = oDr("cCurrency") cartXmlFromDatabase = oDr("cCartXml").ToString End While oDr.Close() End If End If End If ' Load the cart xml from the database for passing on transitory variables. If mnCartId > 0 AndAlso Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(cartXmlFromDatabase) Then ' This is used to load in variables from the xml that is saved to the database. ' Much more for transitory data that may need to be stored across sessions - e.g. from site to secure site. Dim cartXmlFromLoad As XmlElement = Nothing cartXmlFromLoad = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Load") cartXmlFromLoad.InnerXml = cartXmlFromDatabase If Not cartXmlFromLoad.SelectSingleNode("Order") Is Nothing Then cartXmlFromLoad = cartXmlFromLoad.SelectSingleNode("Order") If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(cartXmlFromLoad.GetAttribute("promocodeFromExternalRef")) Then promocodeFromExternalRef = cartXmlFromLoad.GetAttribute("promocodeFromExternalRef") End If End If cartXmlFromLoad = Nothing End If ' Check for promo code from request object If myWeb.moRequest("promocode") <> "" AndAlso myWeb.moSession IsNot Nothing Then ' This has been requested - update Session myWeb.moSession("promocode") = myWeb.moRequest("promocode").ToString Me.promocodeFromExternalRef = myWeb.moRequest("promocode").ToString ElseIf myWeb.moSession IsNot Nothing AndAlso myWeb.moSession("promocode") <> "" Then ' Set the value from the session. Me.promocodeFromExternalRef = myWeb.moSession("promocode").ToString End If mbVatAtUnit = IIf(LCase(moCartConfig("VatAtUnit")) = "yes" Or LCase(moCartConfig("VatAtUnit")) = "on", True, False) mbVatOnLine = IIf(LCase(moCartConfig("VatOnLine")) = "yes" Or LCase(moCartConfig("VatOnLine")) = "on", True, False) mbRoundup = IIf(LCase(moCartConfig("Roundup")) = "yes" Or LCase(moCartConfig("Roundup")) = "on", True, False) mbDiscountsOn = IIf(LCase(moCartConfig("Discounts")) = "yes" Or LCase(moCartConfig("Discounts")) = "on", True, False) mbOveridePrice = IIf(LCase(moCartConfig("OveridePrice")) = "yes" Or LCase(moCartConfig("OveridePrice")) = "on", True, False) If mcCurrencyRef = "" Then mcCurrencyRef = myWeb.moSession("cCurrency") If mcCurrencyRef = "" Or mcCurrencyRef Is Nothing Then mcCurrencyRef = moCartConfig("currencyRef") 'Setting Deprecated If mcCurrencyRef = "" Or mcCurrencyRef Is Nothing Then mcCurrencyRef = moCartConfig("DefaultCurrencyOveride") GetCurrencyDefinition() 'try grabbing a userid if we dont have one but have a cart If myWeb.mnUserId = 0 And mnCartId > 0 Then sSql = "SELECT nCartUserDirId FROM tblCartOrder WHERE nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId Dim cRes As String = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql) If IsNumeric(cRes) AndAlso cRes > 0 Then myWeb.mnUserId = CInt(cRes) mnEwUserId = myWeb.mnUserId myWeb.moSession("nUserId") = cRes Dim cRequestPage As String = myWeb.moRequest("pgid") If IsNumeric(cRequestPage) AndAlso cRequestPage > 0 Then myWeb.mnPageId = myWeb.moRequest("pgid") End If End If End If ' Behavioural Tweaks If mnProcessId = cartProcess.SettlementInitiated Then mbRedirectSecure = True End If If moConfig("Subscriptions") = "on" Then moSubscription = New Subscriptions(Me) End If 'If Not moDiscount Is Nothing Then ' moDiscount.bHasPromotionalDiscounts = myWeb.moSession("bHasPromotionalDiscounts") 'End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "InitializeVariables", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) 'close() Finally oDr = Nothing End Try End Sub Public Sub writeSessionCookie() 'writes the session cookie to persist the cart If mcPersistCart = "on" Then 'make or update the session cookie Dim cookieEwSession As System.Web.HttpCookie = New System.Web.HttpCookie("ewSession" & myWeb.mnUserId.ToString) cookieEwSession.Value = mcSessionId.ToString cookieEwSession.Expires = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 1, Date.Now) myWeb.moResponse.Cookies.Add(cookieEwSession) End If End Sub Private Sub clearSessionCookie() Dim cSessionCookieName As String = "ewSession" & myWeb.mnUserId.ToString If (Not myWeb.moResponse.Cookies(cSessionCookieName) Is Nothing) Then 'clear ewSession cookie so cart doesn't get persisted 'we don't need to check for mcPersistCart = "on" Dim cookieEwSession As New System.Web.HttpCookie(cSessionCookieName) cookieEwSession.Expires = Now.AddDays(-1) myWeb.moResponse.Cookies.Add(cookieEwSession) cookieEwSession.Expires = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 1, Date.Now) End If End Sub Public Shadows Sub close() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "close") Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try PersistVariables() Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "Close", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Overridable Sub PersistVariables() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "PersistVariables") 'Author: Trevor Spink 'Copyright: Eonic Ltd 2003 'Date: 2003-02-01 'called at the end of the main procedure (ewCartPlugin()) 'holds variable values after cart module ends for use next time it starts 'they are stored in either a session attribute or in the database Dim sSql As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try cProcessInfo = "set session variables" ' persist global sProcessInfo If Not myWeb.moSession Is Nothing Then If myWeb.moSession("CartId") Is Nothing Then myWeb.moSession.Add("CartId", CStr(mnCartId)) Else myWeb.moSession("CartId") = CStr(mnCartId) End If ' oResponse.Cookies(mcSiteURL & "CartId").Domain = mcSiteURL ' oSession("nCartOrderId") = mnCartId ' session attribute holds Cart ID End If If mnCartId > 0 Then ' Only update the process if less than 6 we don't ever want to change the status of a completed order other than within the admin system. Boo Yah! Dim currentStatus As Integer = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar("select nCartStatus from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId) If currentStatus < 6 Then ' If we have a cart, update its status in the db If mnProcessId <> currentStatus Then sSql = "update tblCartOrder set nCartStatus = " & mnProcessId & ", nGiftListId = " & mnGiftListId & ", nCartUserDirId = " & myWeb.mnUserId & " where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId Else sSql = "update tblCartOrder set nGiftListId = " & mnGiftListId & ", nCartUserDirId = " & myWeb.mnUserId & " where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId End If moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) End If End If If Not myWeb.moSession Is Nothing Then myWeb.moSession("nProcessId") = mnProcessId ' persist global mnProcessId myWeb.moSession("mcPaymentMethod") = mcPaymentMethod myWeb.moSession("mmcOrderType") = mmcOrderType myWeb.moSession("nTaxRate") = mnTaxRate If Not moDiscount Is Nothing Then myWeb.moSession("bHasPromotionalDiscounts") = moDiscount.bHasPromotionalDiscounts End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "PersistVariables", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) 'close() End Try End Sub Overridable Sub checkButtons() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "checkButtons") Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try 'if we have set mcCartCmdAlt then that overides the button. If mcCartCmdAlt <> "" Then mcCartCmd = mcCartCmdAlt Exit Sub End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartAdd") Then mcCartCmd = "Add" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartDetail") Then mcCartCmd = "Cart" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartProceed") Then mcCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartNotes") Then mcCartCmd = "Notes" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartUpdate") Then mcCartCmd = "Update" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartLogon") Then mcCartCmd = "Logon" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartRegister") Then mcCartCmd = "Logon" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartQuit") Then mcCartCmd = "Quit" End If 'Continue shopping If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartBrief") Then mcCartCmd = "Brief" End If ' Pick Address Buttions If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartBillAddress") Or ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartBillcontact") Or ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartBilladdNewAddress") Or ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartBilleditAddress") Then mcCartCmd = "Billing" End If If ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartDelAddress") Or ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartDelcontact") Or ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartDeladdNewAddress") Or ButtonSubmitted(myWeb.moRequest, "cartDeleditAddress") Then mcCartCmd = "Delivery" End If 'legacy button handling looking at button values rather than names, should not be required soon 'Select Case mcSubmitText ' Case "Goto Checkout", "Go To Checkout" ' updateCart("RedirectSecure") ' mcCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" ' Case "Edit Billing Details", "Proceed without Logon" ' mcCartCmd = "Billing" ' Case "Edit Delivery Details" ' mcCartCmd = "Delivery" ' Case "Confirm Order", "Proceed with Order", "Proceed" ' updateCart("ChoosePaymentShippingOption") ' Case "Update Cart", "Update Order" ' updateCart("Cart") ' Case "Empty Cart", "Empty Order" ' mcCartCmd = "Quit" ' Case "Make Secure Payment" ' updateCart(mcCartCmd) ' Case "Continue Shopping" ' mcCartCmd = "BackToSite" 'End Select Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "checkButtons", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function CreateCartElement(oCartXML As XmlDocument) Dim oContentElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt As XmlElement Try oContentElmt = oCartXML.CreateElement("Cart") oContentElmt.SetAttribute("type", "order") oContentElmt.SetAttribute("currency", mcCurrency) oContentElmt.SetAttribute("currencySymbol", mcCurrencySymbol) If Not mbDisplayPrice Then oContentElmt.SetAttribute("displayPrice", mbDisplayPrice.ToString) oElmt = oCartXML.CreateElement("Order") oContentElmt.AppendChild(oElmt) moCartXml = oContentElmt Return oContentElmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "apply", ex, "", "CreateCartElement", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Overridable Sub apply() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "apply") ' this function is the main function. Dim oCartXML As XmlDocument = moPageXml Dim oContentElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt As XmlElement 'Dim oPickContactXForm As xForm Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim bRedirect As Boolean Dim cRepeatPaymentError As String = "" Try ' myWeb.moDbHelper.logActivity(Eonic.Web.dbHelper.ActivityType.Alert, 0, 0, 0, "Start1 CALLBACK : " & mnProcessId & mcCartCmd) oContentElmt = CreateCartElement(oCartXML) oElmt = oContentElmt.FirstChild ' if the cartCmd is not on a link but on a button ' we need to set the cartCmd dependant upon the button name 'TS for OpenQuote allow cart step to be set before checking against button allows apply to be called again If mcCartCmd = "" Then End If checkButtons() ' Cart Command overrides If mbRedirectSecure Or mnProcessId = cartProcess.SettlementInitiated Then mcCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" End If ' Secure Trading CallBack override If mcCartCmd <> "" Then If mcCartCmd.StartsWith("SecureTradingReturn") Then mcCartCmd = "SubmitPaymentDetails" End If If Not (mnCartId > 0) Then ' Cart doesn't exist - if the process flow has a valid command (except add or quit), then this is an error Select Case mcCartCmd Case "Cart" mcCartCmd = "CartEmpty" Case "Logon", "Remove", "Notes", "Billing", "Delivery", "ChoosePaymentShippingOption", "Confirm", "EnterPaymentDetails", "SubmitPaymentDetails", "SubmitPaymentDetails", "ShowInvoice", "ShowCallBackInvoice" mcCartCmd = "CookiesDisabled" Case "Error" mcCartCmd = "Error" End Select End If 'Cart Process processFlow: ' myWeb.moDbHelper.logActivity(Eonic.Web.dbHelper.ActivityType.Alert, 0, 0, 0, "Start2 CALLBACK : " & mnProcessId & mcCartCmd) ' user can't change things if we are to show the invoice If mnProcessId = Cart.cartProcess.Complete And mcCartCmd <> "Quit" And mcCartCmd <> "ShowCallBackInvoice" Then mcCartCmd = "ShowInvoice" cProcessInfo &= IIf(mcCartCmd = "", "", ", ") & mcCartCmd If mcCartCmd <> "" Then 'ensure the client is not able to hit the back button and go back to the page without refreshing. 'This should resolve some rare random errors in the cart process. myWeb.mbSetNoBrowserCache = True End If Select Case mcCartCmd Case "Update" mcCartCmd = updateCart("Currency") GoTo processFlow Case "Remove" ' take away an item and set the command to display the cart If RemoveItem() > 0 Then mcCartCmd = "Currency" Else ' RemoveItem has removed the last item in the cart - quit the cart. mcCartCmd = "Quit" End If GoTo processFlow Case "Add" ' add an item to the cart, if its a new cart we must initialise it and change its status Dim qtyAdded As Long = 0 Dim oItem1 As Object Dim nQuantity As Long 'Check we are adding a quantity (we need to catch any adds that don't have a specified quantity and create empty carts) For Each oItem1 In myWeb.moRequest.Form 'Loop for getting products/quants If InStr(oItem1, "qty_") = 1 Then 'check for getting productID and quantity (since there will only be one of these per item submitted) If IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem1)) Then nQuantity = myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem1) End If 'replacementName If nQuantity > 0 Then qtyAdded = qtyAdded + nQuantity End If 'end check for previously added End If 'end check for item/quant Next 'End Loop for getting products/quants If mnCartId < 1 And qtyAdded > 0 Then CreateNewCart(oElmt) If mcItemOrderType <> "" Then mmcOrderType = mcItemOrderType Else mmcOrderType = "" End If mnProcessId = 1 End If If qtyAdded > 0 And mnCartId > 0 Then If Not AddItems() Then mnProcessError = 2 ' Error: The current item's order type does not match the cart's order type mcCartCmd = "Error" GoTo processFlow Else 'Case for if a items have been added from a giftlist If Not myWeb.moRequest("giftlistId") Is Nothing Then AddDeliveryFromGiftList(myWeb.moRequest("giftlistId")) End If mcCartCmd = "Currency" GoTo processFlow End If End If If qtyAdded > 0 And mnCartId = 0 Then mnProcessError = 1 ' Error: Cookies Disabled mcCartCmd = "Error" GoTo processFlow End If 'here is where we should check cart for subscriptions Case "Currency" If SelectCurrency() Then If mcCartCmd = "Cart" Then AddBehaviour() End If GoTo processFlow End If Case "Quit" ' action depends on whether order is complete or not If mnProcessId = 6 Or mnProcessId = 10 Then ' QuitCart() EndSession() mcCartCmd = "" mnCartId = 0 mnProcessId = 0 Else clearSessionCookie() QuitCart() EndSession() mnProcessId = 0 If bFullCartOption = True Then GetCart(oElmt) Else GetCartSummary(oElmt) End If mnCartId = 0 End If 'return to site bRedirect = True 'hack for assure so we can choose not to redirect on quit If myWeb.moRequest("redirect") <> "false" Then If mcReturnPage Is Nothing Then mcReturnPage = "" If Not myWeb.moRequest("redirect") Is Nothing Then If myWeb.moRequest("redirect").StartsWith("/") Then mcReturnPage = myWeb.moRequest("redirect") End If myWeb.msRedirectOnEnd = mcSiteURL & mcReturnPage & IIf((mcSiteURL & mcReturnPage).Contains("?"), "&", "?") & "cartCmd=finish" 'myWeb.moResponse.Redirect(mcSiteURL & mcReturnPage & IIf((mcSiteURL & mcReturnPage).Contains("?"), "&", "?") & "cartCmd=finish") End If Case "Error" GetCart(oElmt) Case "Cart" 'Choose Shipping Costs If mnProcessId > 3 Then ' when everything is ready we can show the invoice screen mcCartCmd = "Confirm" GoTo processFlow ' execute next step (make the payment) End If ' info to display the cart GetCart(oElmt) Case "Discounts" mcCartCmd = discountsProcess(oElmt) If mcCartCmd <> "Discounts" Then GoTo processflow End If Case "RedirectSecure" Dim cRedirectCommand As String ' Set a Session variable flag to myWeb.moSession.Add("CartIsOn", "true") bRedirect = True If myWeb.moRequest("ewSettlement") Is Nothing Then cRedirectCommand = "Logon" Else cRedirectCommand = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" End If ' If a settlement has been initiated, then update the process If mnProcessId = cartProcess.SettlementInitiated Then mnProcessId = cartProcess.PassForPayment moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql("update tblCartOrder set nCartStatus = '" & mnProcessId & "' where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId) End If ' pickup any google tracking code. Dim item As Object Dim cGoogleTrackingCode As String = "" For Each item In myWeb.moRequest.QueryString ' form needs to have this <form method="post" action="http://www.thissite.com" id="cart" onsubmit="pageTracker._linkByPost(this)"> ' the action URL is important ' each querystring item in the google tracking code start with __utm If InStr(CStr(item), "__utm") = 1 Then cGoogleTrackingCode = cGoogleTrackingCode & "&" & CStr(item) & "=" & myWeb.moRequest.QueryString(CStr(item)) End If Next item myWeb.msRedirectOnEnd = mcPagePath & "cartCmd=" & cRedirectCommand & "&refSessionId=" & mcSessionId & cGoogleTrackingCode ' myWeb.moResponse.Redirect(mcPagePath & "cartCmd=" & cRedirectCommand & "&refSessionId=" & mcSessionId & cGoogleTrackingCode) Case "Logon", "LogonSubs" ' offer the user the ability to logon / register If mbEwMembership = True And (moCartConfig("SkipLogon") <> "on" Or mcCartCmd = "LogonSubs") Then 'logon xform !!! We disable this because it is being brought in allready by .Web If myWeb.mnUserId = 0 Then 'addtional string for membership to check myWeb.moSession("cLogonCmd") = "cartCmd=Logon" 'registration xform Dim oMembershipProv As New Providers.Membership.BaseProvider(myWeb, myWeb.moConfig("MembershipProvider")) Dim oRegXform As AdminXForms = oMembershipProv.AdminXforms oRegXform.open(moPageXml) oRegXform.xFrmEditDirectoryItem(myWeb.mnUserId, "User", CInt("0" & moCartConfig("DefaultSubscriptionGroupId")), "CartRegistration") If oRegXform.valid Then Dim sReturn As String = moDBHelper.validateUser(myWeb.moRequest("cDirName"), myWeb.moRequest("cDirPassword")) If IsNumeric(sReturn) Then myWeb.mnUserId = CLng(sReturn) Dim oUserElmt As XmlElement = moDBHelper.GetUserXML(myWeb.mnUserId) moPageXml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(oUserElmt) myWeb.moSession("nUserId") = myWeb.mnUserId mcCartCmd = "Notes" GoTo processFlow Else oRegXform.addNote(oRegXform.moXformElmt.FirstChild, xForm.noteTypes.Alert, sReturn) moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(oRegXform.moXformElmt) End If Else moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(oRegXform.moXformElmt) GetCart(oElmt) End If oRegXform = Nothing Else mcCartCmd = "Notes" GoTo processFlow End If Else mcCartCmd = "Notes" GoTo processFlow End If Case "Notes" mcCartCmd = notesProcess(oElmt) If mcCartCmd <> "Notes" Then GoTo processflow End If Case "SkipAddress" 'Check if order has Billing Address If usePreviousAddress(oElmt) = False Then mcCartCmd = "Billing" End If If mcCartCmd <> "SkipAddress" Then GoTo processFlow End If Case "Billing" 'Check if order has Billing Address addressSubProcess(oElmt, "Billing Address") GetCart(oElmt) If mcCartCmd <> "Billing" Then GoTo processflow End If Case "Delivery" 'Check if order needs a Delivery Address addressSubProcess(oElmt, "Delivery Address") GetCart(oElmt) If mcCartCmd <> "Delivery" Then GoTo processflow End If Case "ChoosePaymentShippingOption", "Confirm" ' and confirm terms and conditions mnProcessId = 4 GetCart(oElmt) If mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" Then If Not oContentElmt Is Nothing Then AddToLists("Quote", oContentElmt) End If End If Dim oOptionXform As xForm = optionsXform(oElmt) If Not oOptionXform.valid Then Dim oContentsElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents") If oContentsElmt Is Nothing Then oContentsElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Contents") If moPageXml.DocumentElement Is Nothing Then Err.Raise(1004, "addressSubProcess", " PAGE IS NOT CREATED") Else moPageXml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(oContentsElmt) End If End If oContentsElmt.AppendChild(oOptionXform.moXformElmt) 'moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(oOptionXform.moXformElmt) If Not cRepeatPaymentError = "" Then oOptionXform.addNote(oOptionXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("group"), xForm.noteTypes.Alert, cRepeatPaymentError, True) End If Else mnProcessId = 5 mcCartCmd = "EnterPaymentDetails" ' execute next step unless form filled out wrong / not in db GoTo processFlow End If Case "Redirect3ds" Dim oEwProv As Eonic.Web.Cart.PaymentProviders = New PaymentProviders(myWeb) Dim Redirect3dsXform As xForm = New xForm Redirect3dsXform = oEwProv.GetRedirect3dsForm(myWeb) moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(Redirect3dsXform.moXformElmt) myWeb.moResponseType = pageResponseType.iframe Case "EnterPaymentDetails", "SubmitPaymentDetails" 'confirm order and submit for payment mnProcessId = 5 If oElmt.FirstChild Is Nothing Then GetCart(oElmt) End If ' Add the date and reference to the cart addDateAndRef(oElmt) If mcPaymentMethod = "No Charge" Then mcCartCmd = "ShowInvoice" mnProcessId = Cart.cartProcess.Complete GoTo processFlow End If Dim oPayProv As New Providers.Payment.BaseProvider(myWeb, mcPaymentMethod) Dim ccPaymentXform As xForm = New xForm ccPaymentXform = oPayProv.Activities.GetPaymentForm(myWeb, Me, oElmt) If InStr(mcPaymentMethod, "Repeat_") > 0 Then If ccPaymentXform.valid = True Then mcCartCmd = "ShowInvoice" GoTo processFlow ElseIf ccPaymentXform.isSubmitted Then If ccPaymentXform.getSubmitted = "Cancel" Then mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" GoTo processFlow Else 'invalid redisplay form End If End If End If ' Don't show the payment screen if the stock levels are incorrect If Not (oElmt.SelectSingleNode("error/msg") Is Nothing) Then 'oElmt.SelectSingleNode("error").PrependChild(oElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("msg")) 'oElmt.SelectSingleNode("error").FirstChild.InnerXml = "<strong>PAYMENT CANNOT PROCEED UNTIL QUANTITIES ARE ADJUSTED</strong>" ElseIf ccPaymentXform.valid = True Then mcCartCmd = "ShowInvoice" 'Move this from "ShowInvoice" to prevent URL requests from confirming successful payment If (mnProcessId <> Cart.cartProcess.DepositPaid And mnProcessId <> Cart.cartProcess.AwaitingPayment) Then mnProcessId = Cart.cartProcess.Complete End If 'remove the existing cart to force an update. Dim oNodeCart As XmlNode For Each oNodeCart In oElmt.SelectNodes("*") oElmt.RemoveChild(oNodeCart) Next 'oEwProv = Nothing GoTo processFlow Else moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(ccPaymentXform.moXformElmt) End If 'oEwProv = Nothing Case "ShowInvoice", "ShowCallBackInvoice" 'Payment confirmed / show invoice If mnProcessId <> Cart.cartProcess.Complete And mnProcessId <> Cart.cartProcess.AwaitingPayment Then 'check we are allready complete otherwise we will risk confirming sale just on URL request. 'myWeb.moDbHelper.logActivity(Eonic.Web.dbHelper.ActivityType.Alert, 0, 0, 0, "FAILED CALLBACK : " & mnProcessId) mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" GoTo processFlow Else PersistVariables() If oElmt.FirstChild Is Nothing Then GetCart(oElmt) End If If moCartConfig("StockControl") = "on" Then UpdateStockLevels(oElmt) End If UpdateGiftListLevels() addDateAndRef(oElmt) If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then Dim userXml As XmlElement = myWeb.moDbHelper.GetUserXML(myWeb.mnUserId, False) If userXml IsNot Nothing Then Dim cartElement As XmlElement = oContentElmt.SelectSingleNode("Cart") If cartElement IsNot Nothing Then cartElement.AppendChild(cartElement.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(userXml, True)) End If End If End If purchaseActions(oContentElmt) AddToLists("Invoice", oContentElmt) If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then If Not moSubscription Is Nothing Then moSubscription.AddUserSubscriptions(Me.mnCartId, myWeb.mnUserId, mnPaymentId) End If End If emailReceipts(oContentElmt) moDiscount.DisablePromotionalDiscounts() If mbQuitOnShowInvoice Then EndSession() End If End If Case "CookiesDisabled" ' Cookies have been disabled or are undetectable mnProcessError = 1 GetCart(oElmt) Case "CartEmpty" ' Cookies have been disabled or are undetectable mnProcessError = -1 GetCart(oElmt) Case "BackToSite" bRedirect = True myWeb.moResponse.Redirect(mcSiteURL & mcReturnPage, False) myWeb.moCtx.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() Case "List" Dim nI As Integer = 0 If Not myWeb.moRequest.Item("OrderID") = "" Then nI = myWeb.moRequest.Item("OrderID") GetCartSummary(oElmt) ListOrders(nI) Case "MakeCurrent" Dim nI As Integer = 0 If Not myWeb.moRequest.Item("OrderID") = "" Then nI = myWeb.moRequest.Item("OrderID") If Not nI = 0 Then MakeCurrent(nI) mcCartCmd = "Cart" GoTo processFlow Case "Delete" Dim nI As Integer = 0 If Not myWeb.moRequest.Item("OrderID") = "" Then nI = myWeb.moRequest.Item("OrderID") If Not nI = 0 Then DeleteCart(nI) mcCartCmd = "List" GoTo processFlow Case "Brief" 'Continue shopping 'go to the cart url Dim cPage As String = myWeb.moRequest("pgid") If cPage = "" Or cPage Is Nothing Then cPage = moPageXml.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("id") cPage = "?pgid=" & cPage myWeb.moResponse.Redirect(mcSiteURL & cPage, False) myWeb.moCtx.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() Case "NoteToAddress" 'do nothing this is a placeholder for openquote GetCart(oElmt) Case Else ' Show Cart Summary mcCartCmd = "" If bFullCartOption = True Then GetCart(oElmt) Else GetCartSummary(oElmt) End If End Select PersistVariables() ' store data for next time this function runs If Not (oElmt Is Nothing) Then oElmt.SetAttribute("cmd", mcCartCmd) oElmt.SetAttribute("sessionId", CStr(mcSessionId)) oElmt.SetAttribute("siteUrl", mcSiteURL) oElmt.SetAttribute("cartUrl", mcCartURL) End If AddCartToPage(moPageXml, oContentElmt) Exit Sub Catch ex As Exception If bRedirect = True And ex.GetType() Is GetType(System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) Then 'mbRedirect = True 'do nothing Else returnException(mcModuleName, "apply", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End If End Try End Sub Sub AddCartToPage(moPageXml As XmlDocument, oContentElmt As XmlElement) Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try oContentElmt.SetAttribute("currencyRef", mcCurrencyRef) oContentElmt.SetAttribute("currency", mcCurrency) oContentElmt.SetAttribute("currencySymbol", mcCurrencySymbol) oContentElmt.SetAttribute("Process", mnProcessId) 'remove any existing Cart If Not moPageXml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Cart") Is Nothing Then moPageXml.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(moPageXml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("Cart")) End If moPageXml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(oContentElmt) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "AddCartElement", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Overridable Sub AddBehaviour() Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try Select Case LCase(moCartConfig("AddBehaviour")) Case "discounts" mcCartCmd = "Discounts" Case "notes" mcCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" Case "brief" mcCartCmd = "Brief" Case Else 'do nothing End Select Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "AddBehavior", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Overridable Function GetPaymentProvider() As PaymentProviders Dim oEwProv As PaymentProviders = New PaymentProviders(myWeb) Return oEwProv End Function Overridable Sub emailReceipts(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "emailReceipts") Dim sMessageResponse As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try If LCase(moCartConfig("EmailReceipts")) <> "off" Then ' Default subject line Dim cSubject As String = moCartConfig("OrderEmailSubject") If String.IsNullOrEmpty(cSubject) Then cSubject = "Website Order" Dim CustomerEmailTemplatePath As String = IIf(moCartConfig("CustomerEmailTemplatePath") <> "", moCartConfig("CustomerEmailTemplatePath"), "/xsl/Cart/mailOrderCustomer.xsl") Dim MerchantEmailTemplatePath As String = IIf(moCartConfig("MerchantEmailTemplatePath") <> "", moCartConfig("MerchantEmailTemplatePath"), "/xsl/Cart/mailOrderMerchant.xsl") 'send to customer sMessageResponse = emailCart(oCartElmt, CustomerEmailTemplatePath, moCartConfig("MerchantName"), moCartConfig("MerchantEmail"), (oCartElmt.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']/Email").InnerText), cSubject) 'Send to merchant sMessageResponse = emailCart(oCartElmt, MerchantEmailTemplatePath, (oCartElmt.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']/GivenName").InnerText), (oCartElmt.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']/Email").InnerText), moCartConfig("MerchantEmail"), cSubject) Dim oElmtEmail As XmlElement oElmtEmail = moPageXml.CreateElement("Reciept") oCartElmt.AppendChild(oElmtEmail) oElmtEmail.InnerText = sMessageResponse If sMessageResponse = "Message Sent" Then oElmtEmail.SetAttribute("status", "sent") Else oElmtEmail.SetAttribute("status", "failed") End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "emailReceipts", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Overridable Sub purchaseActions(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "purchaseActions") ' Dim sMessageResponse As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim ocNode As XmlElement Try For Each ocNode In oCartElmt.SelectNodes("descendant-or-self::Order/Item/productDetail[@purchaseAction!='']") Dim classPath As String = ocNode.GetAttribute("purchaseAction") Dim assemblyName As String = ocNode.GetAttribute("assembly") Dim providerName As String = ocNode.GetAttribute("providerName") Dim assemblyType As String = ocNode.GetAttribute("assemblyType") Dim methodName As String = Right(classPath, Len(classPath) - classPath.LastIndexOf(".") - 1) classPath = Left(classPath, classPath.LastIndexOf(".")) If classPath <> "" Then Try Dim calledType As Type If assemblyName <> "" Then classPath = classPath & ", " & assemblyName End If 'Dim oModules As New Eonic.Web.Membership.Modules If providerName <> "" Then 'case for external Providers Dim moPrvConfig As Eonic.ProviderSectionHandler = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/messagingProviders") Dim assemblyInstance As [Assembly] = [Assembly].Load(moPrvConfig.Providers(providerName).Type) calledType = assemblyInstance.GetType(classPath, True) ElseIf assemblyType <> "" Then 'case for external DLL's Dim assemblyInstance As [Assembly] = [Assembly].Load(assemblyType) calledType = assemblyInstance.GetType(classPath, True) Else 'case for methods within EonicWeb Core DLL calledType = System.Type.GetType(classPath, True) End If Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(calledType) Dim args(1) As Object args(0) = Me.myWeb args(1) = ocNode calledType.InvokeMember(methodName, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, o, args) 'Error Handling ? 'Object Clearup ? Catch ex As Exception ' OnComponentError(Me, New Eonic.Tools.Errors.ErrorEventArgs(mcModuleName, "ContentActions", ex, sProcessInfo)) cProcessInfo = classPath & "." & methodName & " not found" ocNode.InnerXml = "<Content type=""error""><div>" & cProcessInfo & "</div></Content>" End Try End If Next Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "purchaseActions", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' This provides the ability to add customers to makreting lists if they reach a particular stage within a shopping cart. ''' Only works if 3rd party messaging provider enabled. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="StepName"></param> ''' <param name="oCartElmt"></param> Overridable Sub AddToLists(StepName As String, ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional Name As String = "", Optional Email As String = "", Optional valDict As System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "AddToLists") ' Dim sMessageResponse As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try Dim moMailConfig As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/mailinglist") If Not moMailConfig Is Nothing Then Dim sMessagingProvider As String = "" If Not moMailConfig Is Nothing Then sMessagingProvider = moMailConfig("MessagingProvider") End If If sMessagingProvider <> "" Or (moMailConfig("InvoiceList") <> "" And moMailConfig("QuoteList") <> "") Then Dim oMessaging As New Eonic.Providers.Messaging.BaseProvider(myWeb, sMessagingProvider) If Email = "" Then Email = oCartElmt.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']/Email").InnerText If Name = "" Then Name = oCartElmt.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']/GivenName").InnerText If valDict Is Nothing Then valDict = New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String) For Each Attribute As XmlAttribute In oCartElmt.Attributes If Not "errorMsg,hideDeliveryAddress,orderType,statusId,complete".Contains(Attribute.Name) Then valDict.Add(Attribute.Name, Attribute.Value) End If Next Dim ListId As String = "" Select Case StepName Case "Invoice" ListId = moMailConfig("InvoiceList") If moMailConfig("QuoteList") <> "" Then oMessaging.Activities.RemoveFromList(moMailConfig("QuoteList"), Email) End If Case "Quote" If moMailConfig("QuoteList") <> "" Then oMessaging.Activities.RemoveFromList(moMailConfig("QuoteList"), Email) End If ListId = moMailConfig("QuoteList") End Select If ListId <> "" Then oMessaging.Activities.addToList(ListId, Name, Email, valDict) End If End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "purchaseActions", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Private Sub RemoveDeliveryOption(ByVal nOrderId As Integer) Try Dim cSQL As String = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET nShippingMethodId = 0, cShippingDesc = NULL, nShippingCost = 0 WHERE nCartOrderKey = " & nOrderId myWeb.moDbHelper.ExeProcessSqlorIgnore(cSQL) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "RemoveDeliveryOption", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Sub 'Sub GetCartSummary(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional ByVal nSelCartId As Integer = 0) ' PerfMon.Log("Cart", "GetCartSummary") ' ' Sets content for the XML to be displayed in the small summary plugin attached ' ' to the current content page ' Dim oDs As DataSet ' Dim sSql As String ' Dim cNotes As String ' Dim total As Double ' Dim quant As Integer ' Dim weight As Integer ' Dim nCheckPrice As Double ' Dim oRow As DataRow ' 'We need to read this value from somewhere so we can change where vat is added ' 'Currently defaulted to per line ' 'If true will be added to the unit ' Dim nUnitVat As Decimal = 0 ' Dim nLineVat As Decimal = 0 ' Dim nCartIdUse As Integer ' If nSelCartId > 0 Then nCartIdUse = nSelCartId Else nCartIdUse = mnCartId ' Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", moCartConfig("TaxRate")) ' Try ' If Not moSubscription Is Nothing Then moSubscription.CheckCartForSubscriptions(nCartIdUse, myWeb.mnUserId) ' If Not (nCartIdUse > 0) Then ' no shopping ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("status", "Empty") ' set CartXML attributes ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("itemCount", "0") ' to nothing ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", moCartConfig("TaxRate")) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", "0.00") ' for nothing ' Else ' ' otherwise ' ' and the address details we have obtained ' ' (if any) ' 'Add Totals ' quant = 0 ' get number of items & sum of collective prices (ie. cart total) from db ' total = 0.0# ' weight = 0.0# ' sSql = "select i.nCartItemKey as id, i.nItemId as contentId, i.cItemRef as ref, i.cItemURL as url, i.cItemName as Name, i.cItemUnit as unit, i.nPrice as price, i.nTaxRate as taxRate, i.nQuantity as quantity, i.nShpCat as shippingLevel, i.nDiscountValue as discount,i.nWeight as weight, p.cContentXmlDetail as productDetail, i.nItemOptGrpIdx, i.nItemOptIdx, i.nParentId, p.cContentSchemaName AS contentType from tblCartItem i left join tblContent p on i.nItemId = p.nContentKey where nCartOrderId=" & nCartIdUse ' ':TODO we only want to check prices on current orders not history ' oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Item", "Cart") ' '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ' oDs.Relations.Add("Rel1", oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("id"), oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("nParentId"), False) ' oDs.Relations("Rel1").Nested = True ' '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ' For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows ' If moDBHelper.DBN2int(oRow("nParentId")) = 0 Then ' Dim oOpRow As DataRow ' Dim nOpPrices As Decimal = 0 ' If Not IsDBNull(oRow("productDetail")) Then ' ' Go get the lowest price based on user and group ' nCheckPrice = getProductPricesByXml(oRow("productDetail"), oRow("unit") & "", oRow("quantity")) ' If Not moSubscription Is Nothing And oRow("contentType") = "Subscription" Then nCheckPrice = moSubscription.CartSubscriptionPrice(oRow("contentId"), myWeb.mnUserId) ' If nCheckPrice > 0 And nCheckPrice <> oRow("price") Then ' ' If price is lower, then update the item price field ' oRow.BeginEdit() ' oRow("price") = nCheckPrice ' oRow.EndEdit() ' End If ' '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ' For Each oOpRow In oRow.GetChildRows("Rel1") ' 'need an option check price bit here ' Dim nNPrice As Decimal = getOptionPricesByXml(oRow("productDetail"), oRow("nItemOptGrpIdx"), oRow("nItemOptIdx")) ' If nNPrice > 0 And nNPrice <> oOpRow("price") Then ' nOpPrices += nNPrice ' oOpRow.BeginEdit() ' oOpRow("price") = nNPrice ' oOpRow.EndEdit() ' Else ' nOpPrices += oOpRow("price") ' End If ' Next ' 'oRow.BeginEdit() ' 'oRow("price") = nOpPrices ' 'oRow.EndEdit() ' '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ' End If ' ' Apply stock control ' If mbStockControl Then CheckStock(oCartElmt, oRow("productDetail"), oRow("quantity")) ' ' Apply quantity control ' CheckQuantities(oCartElmt, oRow("productDetail"), oRow("quantity")) ' weight = weight + (oRow("weight") * oRow("quantity")) ' quant = quant + oRow("quantity") ' If moCartConfig("DiscountDirection") = "up" Then ' total = total + (oRow("quantity") * (oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) + CDec("0" & oRow("discount")) ' Else ' total = total + (oRow("quantity") * (oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) - CDec("0" & oRow("discount")) ' End If ' 'Round( Price * Vat ) * Quantity ' nUnitVat += RoundUp(((oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) - CDec("0" & oRow("discount")) * (mnTaxRate / 100)) * oRow("quantity") ' 'Round( ( Price * Quantity )* VAT ) ' nLineVat += RoundUp((((oRow("price") + nOpPrices) - CDec("0" & oRow("discount"))) * oRow("quantity")) * (mnTaxRate / 100)) ' End If ' Dim cUpdtSQL As String = "UPDATE tblCartItem SET nPrice = " & oRow("price") & " WHERE nCartItemKey = " & oRow("id") ' moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(cUpdtSQL) ' Next ' ' Quantity based error messaging ' Dim oError As XmlElement = oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("error") ' If Not (oError Is Nothing) Then ' Dim oMsg As XmlElement ' oMsg = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("msg") ' oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "zz_footer") ' Forces it to the bottom of the message block ' oMsg.InnerText = "Please adjust the quantities you require, or call for assistance." ' oError.AppendChild(oMsg) ' End If ' 'moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Item", True) ' sSql = "select cClientNotes from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & nCartIdUse ' Dim oNotes As XmlElement = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes") ' oNotes.InnerXml = moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(sSql) ' total -= moDiscount.CheckDiscounts(oDs, oCartElmt, False, oNotes) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("status", "Active") ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("itemCount", quant) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", moCartConfig("TaxRate")) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", total) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("weight", weight) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("orderType", mmcOrderType & "") ' 'Adding notes to cart summary ' sSql = "Select cClientNotes from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & nCartIdUse ' cNotes = moDBHelper.DBN2Str(moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(sSql), False, False) ' sSql = "Select nCartStatus from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & nCartIdUse ' If moDBHelper.DBN2Str(moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(sSql), False, False) = 6 Then ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("complete", "true") ' Else ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("complete", "true") ' End If ' Dim oElmt As XmlElement ' If Not (cNotes = "") Then ' oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Notes") ' oElmt.InnerXml = cNotes ' oCartElmt.AppendChild(oElmt.FirstChild()) ' End If ' End If ' Catch ex As Exception ' returnException(mcModuleName, "GetCartSummary", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) ' End Try 'End Sub 'Public Sub GetCartSummary(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional ByVal nSelCartId As Integer = 0) ' 'made same as get cart ' PerfMon.Log("Cart", "GetCartSummary") ' ' Content for the XML that will display all the information stored for the Cart ' ' This is a list of cart items (and quantity, price ...), totals, ' ' billing & delivery addressi and delivery method. ' Dim oDs As DataSet ' Dim sSql As String ' Dim oRow As DataRow ' Dim oElmt As XmlElement ' Dim oElmt2 As XmlElement ' Dim oXml As XmlDataDocument ' Dim quant As Integer ' Dim weight As Double ' Dim total As Double ' Dim vatAmt As Double ' Dim shipCost As Double ' Dim nCheckPrice As Double ' 'We need to read this value from somewhere so we can change where vat is added ' 'Currently defaulted to per line ' 'If true will be added to the unit ' Dim nUnitVat As Decimal = 0 ' Dim nLineVat As Decimal = 0 ' Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" ' Dim cOptionGroupName As String = "" ' Dim nCartIdUse As Integer ' If nSelCartId > 0 Then nCartIdUse = nSelCartId Else nCartIdUse = mnCartId ' Try ' If Not moSubscription Is Nothing Then moSubscription.CheckCartForSubscriptions(nCartIdUse, myWeb.mnUserId) ' If Not (nCartIdUse > 0) Then ' no shopping ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("status", "Empty") ' set CartXML attributes ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("itemCount", "0") ' to nothing ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", moCartConfig("TaxRate")) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", "0.00") ' for nothing ' Else ' ' otherwise ' ' and the address details we have obtained ' ' (if any) ' 'Add Totals ' quant = 0 ' get number of items & sum of collective prices (ie. cart total) from db ' total = 0.0# ' weight = 0.0# ' sSql = "select i.nCartItemKey as id, i.nItemId as contentId, i.cItemRef as ref, i.cItemURL as url, i.cItemName as Name, i.cItemUnit as unit, i.nPrice as price, i.nTaxRate as taxRate, i.nQuantity as quantity, i.nShpCat as shippingLevel, i.nDiscountValue as discount,i.nWeight as weight, p.cContentXmlDetail as productDetail, i.nItemOptGrpIdx, i.nItemOptIdx, i.nParentId, p.cContentSchemaName AS contentType, dbo.fxn_getContentParents(i.nItemId) as parId from tblCartItem i left join tblContent p on i.nItemId = p.nContentKey where nCartOrderId=" & nCartIdUse ' oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Item", "Cart") ' 'add relationship for options ' oDs.Relations.Add("Rel1", oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("id"), oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("nParentId"), False) ' oDs.Relations("Rel1").Nested = True ' ' ' For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows ' If moDBHelper.DBN2int(oRow("nParentId")) = 0 Then ' ' Go get the lowest price based on user and group ' If Not IsDBNull(oRow("productDetail")) Then ' nCheckPrice = getProductPricesByXml(oRow("productDetail"), oRow("unit") & "", oRow("quantity")) ' If Not moSubscription Is Nothing And oRow("contentType") = "Subscription" Then nCheckPrice = moSubscription.CartSubscriptionPrice(oRow("contentId"), myWeb.mnUserId) ' End If ' If nCheckPrice > 0 And nCheckPrice <> oRow("price") Then ' ' If price is lower, then update the item price field ' 'oRow.BeginEdit() ' oRow("price") = nCheckPrice ' 'oRow.EndEdit() ' End If ' 'option prices ' Dim oOpRow As DataRow ' Dim nOpPrices As Decimal = 0 ' For Each oOpRow In oRow.GetChildRows("Rel1") ' Dim nNPrice As Decimal = getOptionPricesByXml(oRow("productDetail"), oRow("nItemOptGrpIdx"), oRow("nItemOptIdx")) ' If nNPrice > 0 And nNPrice <> oOpRow("price") Then ' nOpPrices += nNPrice ' 'oOpRow.BeginEdit() ' oOpRow("price") = nNPrice ' 'oOpRow.EndEdit() ' Else ' nOpPrices += oOpRow("price") ' End If ' Next ' ' Apply stock control ' If mbStockControl Then CheckStock(oCartElmt, oRow("productDetail"), oRow("quantity")) ' ' Apply quantity control ' CheckQuantities(oCartElmt, oRow("productDetail"), oRow("quantity")) ' weight = weight + (oRow("weight") * oRow("quantity")) ' quant = quant + oRow("quantity") ' total = total + (oRow("quantity") * (oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) ' 'Round( Price * Vat ) * Quantity ' ' nUnitVat += Round((oRow("price") + nOpPrices) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) * oRow("quantity") ' 'Round( ( Price * Quantity )* VAT ) ' ' nLineVat += Round((((oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) * oRow("quantity")) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) ' End If ' 'Dim ix As Integer ' 'Dim xstr As String ' 'For ix = 0 To oRow.Table.Columns.Count - 1 ' ' xstr &= oRow.Table.Columns(ix).ColumnName & "=" ' ' xstr &= oRow(ix) & ", " ' 'Next ' Dim cUpdtSQL As String = "UPDATE tblCartItem SET nPrice = " & oRow("price") & " WHERE nCartItemKey = " & oRow("id") ' moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(cUpdtSQL) ' Next ' ' Quantity based error messaging ' Dim oError As XmlElement = oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("error") ' If Not (oError Is Nothing) Then ' Dim oMsg As XmlElement ' oMsg = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("msg") ' oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "zz_footer") ' Forces it to the bottom of the message block ' oMsg.InnerText = "Please adjust the quantities you require, or call for assistance." ' oError.AppendChild(oMsg) ' End If ' 'moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Item", True) ' ' add to Cart XML ' sSql = "Select nCartStatus from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId ' Dim nStatusId As Long = moDBHelper.DBN2Str(moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(sSql), False, False) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("statusId", nStatusId) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("status", Me.getProcessName(nStatusId)) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("itemCount", quant) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("weight", weight) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("orderType", mmcOrderType & "") ' If nStatusId = 6 Then ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("complete", "true") ' Else ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("complete", "true") ' End If ' 'Add the addresses to the dataset ' If nCartIdUse > 0 Then ' sSql = "select cContactType as type, cContactName as GivenName, cContactCompany as Company, cContactAddress as Street, cContactCity as City, cContactState as State, cContactZip as PostalCode, cContactCountry as Country, cContactTel as Telephone, cContactFax as Fax, cContactEmail as Email, cContactXml as Details from tblCartContact where nContactCartId=" & nCartIdUse ' moDBHelper.addTableToDataSet(oDs, sSql, "Contact") ' End If ' 'Add Items - note - do this AFTER we've updated the prices! ' If oDs.Tables("Item").Rows.Count > 0 Then ' 'cart items ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(2).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(3).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(5).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(6).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(7).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(8).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(9).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(10).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns(11).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oDs.Tables(0).Columns("parId").ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' 'cart contacts ' oDs.Tables("Contact").Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute ' oXml = New XmlDataDocument(oDs) ' oDs.EnforceConstraints = False ' 'Convert the detail to xml ' For Each oElmt In oXml.SelectNodes("/Cart/Item/productDetail | /Cart/Contact/Detail | /Cart/Contact/Details") ' oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.InnerText ' If Not oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content") Is Nothing Then ' oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content").InnerXml ' End If ' Next ' 'get the option xml ' For Each oElmt In oXml.SelectNodes("/Cart/Item/Item/productDetail") ' oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.InnerText ' Dim nGroupIndex As String = oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("nItemOptGrpIdx").InnerText ' Dim nOptionIndex As String = oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("nItemOptIdx").InnerText ' cOptionGroupName = "" ' If Not oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/@name") Is Nothing Then ' cOptionGroupName = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/@name").InnerText ' End If ' If nOptionIndex >= 0 Then ' oElmt2 = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/option[" & nOptionIndex & "]") ' If cOptionGroupName <> "" Then oElmt2.SetAttribute("groupName", cOptionGroupName) ' oElmt.ParentNode.InnerXml = oElmt2.OuterXml ' Else ' 'case for text option ' oElmt2 = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/option[1]") ' If cOptionGroupName <> "" Then oElmt2.SetAttribute("groupName", cOptionGroupName) ' oElmt2.SetAttribute("name", oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText) ' oElmt.ParentNode.InnerXml = oElmt2.OuterXml ' End If ' Next ' oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Cart") ' ' Note: Preserve the original elements in oCartElmt ' 'oCartElmt.InnerXml = oCartElmt.InnerXml + oXml.FirstChild.InnerXml ' End If ' myWeb.CheckMultiParents(oCartElmt) ' sSql = "select cClientNotes from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & nCartIdUse ' Dim oNotes As XmlElement = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes") ' oNotes.InnerXml = moDBHelper.exeProcessSQLScalar(sSql) ' total -= moDiscount.CheckDiscounts(oDs, oCartElmt, True, oNotes) ' oXml = Nothing ' oDs = Nothing ' If mbNoDeliveryAddress Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("hideDeliveryAddress", "true") ' If mnGiftListId > 0 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("giftListId", mnGiftListId) ' sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & nCartIdUse ' oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSet(sSql, "Order", "Cart") ' For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows ' shipCost = CDbl("0" & oRow("nShippingCost")) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", oRow("nShippingMethodId") & "") ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", shipCost & "") ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingDesc", oRow("cShippingDesc") & "") ' If oRow("nShippingMethodId") > 0 Then ' getShippingDetailXml(oCartElmt, oRow("nShippingMethodId")) ' End If ' If mnTaxRate > 0 Then ' 'we calculate vat at the end after we have applied discounts etc ' For Each oElmt In oXml.SelectNodes("/Cart/Item") ' Dim nOpPrices As Long = 0 ' 'get the prices of options to calculate vat ' For Each oElmt2 In oXml.SelectNodes("/Item") ' nOpPrices += oElmt2.GetAttribute("price") ' Next ' If mbVatAtUnit Then ' 'Round( Price * Vat ) * Quantity ' nLineVat = Round((oElmt.GetAttribute("price") + nOpPrices) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) * oElmt.GetAttribute("quantity")) ' Else ' 'Round( ( Price * Quantity )* VAT ) ' nLineVat = Round((((oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) * oRow("quantity")) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) ' End If ' ' oElmt.SetAttribute("itemTax", nLineVat) ' vatAmt += nLineVat ' Next ' vatAmt = Round((shipCost) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) + vatAmt ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("totalNet", FormatNumber(total + shipCost, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", mnTaxRate) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", oRow("nShippingMethodId") & "") ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", FormatNumber(shipCost, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatAmt", FormatNumber(vatAmt, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", FormatNumber(total + shipCost + vatAmt, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' Else ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("totalNet", FormatNumber(total + shipCost, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", 0.0#) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", oRow("nShippingMethodId") & "") ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", FormatNumber(shipCost, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatAmt", 0.0#) ' oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", FormatNumber(total + shipCost, 2, TriState.True, TriState.False, TriState.False)) ' End If ' Next ' End If ' Catch ex As Exception ' returnException(mcModuleName, "GetCartSummary", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) ' End Try 'End Sub ''' <summary> ''' This does the same as get cart without the item information, so we call get cart and delete any items we find ''' </summary> ''' <param name="oCartElmt"></param> ''' <param name="nSelCartId"></param> ''' <remarks></remarks> Sub GetCartSummary(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional ByVal nSelCartId As Integer = 0) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "GetCartSummary") ' Sets content for the XML to be displayed in the small summary plugin attached ' to the current content page Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim nCartIdUse As Integer If nSelCartId > 0 Then nCartIdUse = nSelCartId Else nCartIdUse = mnCartId End If Dim cProcessInfo As String = "CartId=" & nCartIdUse Try GetCart(oCartElmt, nCartIdUse) 'remove all the items For Each oElmt In oCartElmt.SelectNodes("/Cart/Order/Item") oElmt.ParentNode.RemoveChild(oElmt) Next Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "GetCartSummary", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub GetCart() GetCart(moCartXml.FirstChild) End Sub Public Sub GetCart(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional ByVal nSelCartId As Integer = 0) oCartElmt.InnerXml = "" PerfMon.Log("Cart", "GetCart") ' Content for the XML that will display all the information stored for the Cart ' This is a list of cart items (and quantity, price ...), totals, ' billing & delivery addressi and delivery method. Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oDs2 As DataSet Dim sSql As String Dim oRow As DataRow Dim oRow2 As DataRow Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt2 As XmlElement Dim oXml As XmlDocument Dim quant As Long Dim weight As Double Dim total As Double Dim vatAmt As Double Dim shipCost As Double Dim nCheckPrice As Double Dim oCheckPrice As XmlElement 'We need to read this value from somewhere so we can change where vat is added 'Currently defaulted to per line 'If true will be added to the unit Dim nLineVat As Decimal = 0 Dim bCheckSubscriptions = False Dim cOptionGroupName As String = "" Dim nCartIdUse As Integer If nSelCartId > 0 Then nCartIdUse = nSelCartId Else nCartIdUse = mnCartId End If Dim oldCartId As Long = mnCartId Dim cProcessInfo As String = "CartId=" & nCartIdUse 'For related products Dim oItemList As New Hashtable ' for related Products If moCartConfig("RelatedProductsInCart") = "on" Then End If Try If Not moSubscription Is Nothing And nCartIdUse <> 0 Then bCheckSubscriptions = moSubscription.CheckCartForSubscriptions(nCartIdUse, myWeb.mnUserId) If moCartConfig("subCheck") = "always" Then bCheckSubscriptions = True End If End If If Not (nCartIdUse > 0) Then ' no shopping oCartElmt.SetAttribute("status", "Empty") ' set CartXML attributes oCartElmt.SetAttribute("itemCount", "0") ' to nothing oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", moCartConfig("TaxRate")) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", "0.00") ' for nothing Else ' otherwise oCartElmt.SetAttribute("cartId", mnCartId) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("session", mcSessionId) ' Check tax rate UpdateTaxRate() ' and the address details we have obtained ' (if any) 'Add Totals quant = 0 ' get number of items & sum of collective prices (ie. cart total) from db total = 0.0# weight = 0.0# ' Process promo code from external refs. If myWeb.moSession("promocode") <> "" Or myWeb.moRequest("promocode") <> "" Then If myWeb.moRequest("promocode") <> "" Then promocodeFromExternalRef = myWeb.moRequest("promocode").ToString ElseIf myWeb.moSession("promocode") <> "" Then promocodeFromExternalRef = myWeb.moSession("promocode").ToString End If myWeb.moSession("promocode") = "" End If If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(promocodeFromExternalRef) Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("promocodeFromExternalRef", promocodeFromExternalRef) End If If moDBHelper.checkTableColumnExists("tblCartItem", "xItemXml") Then sSql = "select i.nCartItemKey as id, i.nItemId as contentId, i.cItemRef as ref, i.cItemURL as url, i.cItemName as Name, i.cItemUnit as unit, i.nPrice as price, i.nTaxRate as taxRate, i.nQuantity as quantity, i.nShpCat as shippingLevel, i.nDiscountValue as discount,i.nWeight as weight, i.xItemXml as productDetail, i.nItemOptGrpIdx, i.nItemOptIdx, i.nParentId, i.xItemXml.value('Content[1]/@type','nvarchar(50)') AS contentType, dbo.fxn_getContentParents(i.nItemId) as parId from tblCartItem i left join tblContent p on i.nItemId = p.nContentKey where nCartOrderId=" & nCartIdUse Else sSql = "select i.nCartItemKey as id, i.nItemId as contentId, i.cItemRef as ref, i.cItemURL as url, i.cItemName as Name, i.cItemUnit as unit, i.nPrice as price, i.nTaxRate as taxRate, i.nQuantity as quantity, i.nShpCat as shippingLevel, i.nDiscountValue as discount,i.nWeight as weight, p.cContentXmlDetail as productDetail, i.nItemOptGrpIdx, i.nItemOptIdx, i.nParentId, p.cContentSchemaName AS contentType, dbo.fxn_getContentParents(i.nItemId) as parId from tblCartItem i left join tblContent p on i.nItemId = p.nContentKey where nCartOrderId=" & nCartIdUse End If oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Item", "Cart") 'add relationship for options oDs.Relations.Add("Rel1", oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("id"), oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("nParentId"), False) oDs.Relations("Rel1").Nested = True ' For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows Dim Discount As Double = 0 If Not oItemList.ContainsValue(oRow("contentId")) Then oItemList.Add(oItemList.Count, oRow("contentId")) End If If moDBHelper.DBN2int(oRow("nParentId")) = 0 Then Dim nTaxRate As Long = 0 Dim bOverridePrice As Boolean = False If Not mbOveridePrice Then ' for openquote ' Go get the lowest price based on user and group If Not IsDBNull(oRow("productDetail")) Then Dim oProd As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("product") oProd.InnerXml = oRow("productDetail") If oProd.SelectSingleNode("Content[@overridePrice='True']") Is Nothing Then oCheckPrice = getContentPricesNode(oProd, oRow("unit") & "", oRow("quantity")) cProcessInfo = "Error getting price for unit:" & oRow("unit") & " and Quantity:" & oRow("quantity") & " and Currency " & mcCurrencyRef & " Check that a price is available for this quantity and a group for this current user." If Not oCheckPrice Is Nothing Then nCheckPrice = oCheckPrice.InnerText nTaxRate = getProductTaxRate(oCheckPrice) End If 'nCheckPrice = getProductPricesByXml(oRow("productDetail"), oRow("unit") & "", oRow("quantity")) If Not moSubscription Is Nothing And CStr(oRow("contentType") & "") = "Subscription" Then Dim revisedPrice As Double If oRow("contentId") > 0 Then revisedPrice = moSubscription.CartSubscriptionPrice(oRow("contentId"), myWeb.mnUserId) Else oCheckPrice = getContentPricesNode(oProd, oRow("unit") & "", oRow("quantity"), "SubscriptionPrices") nCheckPrice = oCheckPrice.InnerText nTaxRate = getProductTaxRate(oCheckPrice) End If If revisedPrice < nCheckPrice Then 'nCheckPrice = revisedPrice Discount = nCheckPrice - revisedPrice nCheckPrice = revisedPrice End If End If Else bOverridePrice = True End If End If If Not bOverridePrice Then If nCheckPrice > 0 And nCheckPrice <> oRow("price") Then ' If price is lower, then update the item price field 'oRow.BeginEdit() oRow("price") = nCheckPrice 'oRow("taxRate") = nTaxRate 'oRow.EndEdit() End If If oRow("taxRate") <> nTaxRate Then oRow("taxRate") = nTaxRate End If End If End If 'option prices Dim oOpRow As DataRow Dim nOpPrices As Decimal = 0 For Each oOpRow In oRow.GetChildRows("Rel1") If Not mbOveridePrice Then ' for openquote Dim nNPrice As Decimal = getOptionPricesByXml(oRow("productDetail"), oRow("nItemOptGrpIdx"), oRow("nItemOptIdx")) If nNPrice > 0 And nNPrice <> oOpRow("price") Then nOpPrices += nNPrice 'oOpRow.BeginEdit() oOpRow("price") = nNPrice 'oOpRow.EndEdit() Else nOpPrices += oOpRow("price") End If End If Next ' Apply stock control If mbStockControl Then CheckStock(oCartElmt, oRow("productDetail"), oRow("quantity")) ' Apply quantity control If Not IsDBNull(oRow("productDetail")) Then 'not sure why the product has no detail but if it not we skip this, suspect it was old test data that raised this issue. CheckQuantities(oCartElmt, oRow("productDetail") & "", CLng(oRow("quantity"))) End If weight = weight + (oRow("weight") * oRow("quantity")) quant = quant + oRow("quantity") total = total + (oRow("quantity") * Round(oRow("price") + nOpPrices, , , mbRoundup)) 'we do this later after we have applied discounts 'Round( Price * Vat ) * Quantity ' nUnitVat += Round((oRow("price") + nOpPrices) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) * oRow("quantity") 'Round( ( Price * Quantity )* VAT ) ' nLineVat += Round((((oRow("price") + nOpPrices)) * oRow("quantity")) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) End If 'Dim ix As Integer 'Dim xstr As String 'For ix = 0 To oRow.Table.Columns.Count - 1 ' xstr &= oRow.Table.Columns(ix).ColumnName & "=" ' xstr &= oRow(ix) & ", " 'Next Dim discountSQL As String = "" If Discount <> 0 Then ' discountSQL = ", nDiscountValue = " & Discount & " " End If Dim cUpdtSQL As String = "UPDATE tblCartItem Set nPrice = " & oRow("price") & discountSQL & " WHERE nCartItemKey = " & oRow("id") moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(cUpdtSQL) Next ' Quantity based error messaging Dim oError As XmlElement = oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Error") If Not (oError Is Nothing) Then Dim oMsg As XmlElement oMsg = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("msg") oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "zz_footer") ' Forces it to the bottom of the message block oMsg.InnerText = "<span Class=""term3081"">Please adjust the quantities you require, Or Call For assistance.</span>" oError.AppendChild(oMsg) End If 'moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Item", True) ' add to Cart XML sSql = "Select nCartStatus from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & nCartIdUse Dim nStatusId As Long = moDBHelper.DBN2Str(moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql), False, False) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("statusId", nStatusId) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("status", Me.getProcessName(nStatusId)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("itemCount", quant) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("weight", weight) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("orderType", mmcOrderType & "") If nStatusId = 6 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("complete", "True") Else oCartElmt.SetAttribute("complete", "True") End If 'Add the addresses to the dataset If nCartIdUse > 0 Then sSql = "Select cContactType As type, cContactName As GivenName, cContactCompany As Company, cContactAddress As Street, cContactCity As City, cContactState As State, cContactZip As PostalCode, cContactCountry As Country, cContactTel As Telephone, cContactFax As Fax, cContactEmail As Email, cContactXml As Details from tblCartContact where nContactCartId=" & nCartIdUse moDBHelper.addTableToDataSet(oDs, sSql, "Contact") End If 'Add Items - note - do this AFTER we've updated the prices! If oDs.Tables("Item").Rows.Count > 0 Then 'cart items oDs.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(2).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(3).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(5).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(6).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(7).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(8).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(9).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(10).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(11).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns("parId").ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute 'cart contacts oDs.Tables("Contact").Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oXml = New XmlDocument oXml.LoadXml(oDs.GetXml) oDs.EnforceConstraints = False 'Convert the detail to xml For Each oElmt In oXml.SelectNodes("/Cart/Item/productDetail | /Cart/Contact/Detail | /Cart/Contact/Details") oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.InnerText If Not oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content") Is Nothing Then Dim oAtt As XmlAttribute For Each oAtt In oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content").Attributes oElmt.SetAttribute(oAtt.Name, oAtt.Value) Next oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content").InnerXml End If Next For Each oElmt In oXml.SelectNodes("/Cart/Contact/Email") If moDBHelper.CheckOptOut(oElmt.InnerText) Then oElmt.SetAttribute("optOut", "True") End If Next 'get the option xml For Each oElmt In oXml.SelectNodes("/Cart/Item/Item/productDetail") oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.InnerText Dim nGroupIndex As String = oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("nItemOptGrpIdx").InnerText Dim nOptionIndex As String = oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("nItemOptIdx").InnerText cOptionGroupName = "" If Not oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/@name") Is Nothing Then cOptionGroupName = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/@name").InnerText End If If nOptionIndex >= 0 Then oElmt2 = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/Option[" & nOptionIndex & "]") If Not oElmt2 Is Nothing Then If cOptionGroupName <> "" Then oElmt2.SetAttribute("groupName", cOptionGroupName) oElmt.ParentNode.InnerXml = oElmt2.OuterXml End If Else 'case for text option oElmt2 = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/Option[1]") If Not oElmt2 Is Nothing Then If cOptionGroupName <> "" Then oElmt2.SetAttribute("groupName", cOptionGroupName) If Not oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("Name") Is Nothing Then oElmt2.SetAttribute("name", oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText) Else oElmt2.SetAttribute("name", "Name Not defined") End If oElmt.ParentNode.InnerXml = oElmt2.OuterXml End If End If Next oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Cart") ' Note: Preserve the original elements in oCartElmt oCartElmt.InnerXml = oCartElmt.InnerXml + oXml.FirstChild.InnerXml End If myWeb.CheckMultiParents(oCartElmt) sSql = "Select cClientNotes from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & nCartIdUse Dim oNotes As XmlElement = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes") Dim notes As String = CStr("" & moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql)) oNotes.InnerXml = notes total -= moDiscount.CheckDiscounts(oDs, oCartElmt, True, oNotes) oXml = Nothing oDs = Nothing If mbNoDeliveryAddress Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("hideDeliveryAddress", "True") If mnGiftListId > 0 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("giftListId", mnGiftListId) sSql = "Select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & nCartIdUse oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows shipCost = CDbl("0" & oRow("nShippingCost")) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", oRow("nShippingMethodId") & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", shipCost & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingDesc", oRow("cShippingDesc") & "") If oRow("nShippingMethodId") = 0 And oRow("nCartStatus") < 4 Then shipCost = -1 'Default Shipping Country. Dim cDestinationCountry As String = moCartConfig("DefaultCountry") If cDestinationCountry <> "" Then 'Go and collect the valid shipping options available for this order Dim oDsShipOptions As DataSet = getValidShippingOptionsDS(cDestinationCountry, total, quant, weight) Dim oRowSO As DataRow For Each oRowSO In oDsShipOptions.Tables(0).Rows Dim bCollection As Boolean = False If Not IsDBNull(oRowSO("bCollection")) Then bCollection = oRowSO("bCollection") End If If (shipCost = -1 Or CDbl("0" & oRowSO("nShipOptCost")) < shipCost) And bCollection = False Then shipCost = CDbl("0" & oRowSO("nShipOptCost")) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingDefaultDestination", moCartConfig("DefaultCountry")) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", oRowSO("nShipOptKey") & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", shipCost & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingDesc", oRowSO("cShipOptName") & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCarrier", oRowSO("cShipOptCarrier") & "") End If Next End If If shipCost = -1 Then shipCost = 0 End If If oCartElmt.GetAttribute("shippingType") > 0 Then getShippingDetailXml(oCartElmt, oCartElmt.GetAttribute("shippingType")) End If vatAmt = updateTotals(oCartElmt, total, shipCost, oCartElmt.GetAttribute("shippingType")) ' Check if the cart needs to be adjusted for deposits or settlements If mcDeposit = "On" Then Dim nTotalAmount As Double = total + shipCost + vatAmt Dim nPayable As Double = 0.0# ' First check if an inital deposit has been paid ' We are still in a payment type of deposit if: ' 1. No amount has been received ' OR 2. An amount has been received but the cart is still in a status of 10 If IsDBNull(oRow("nAmountReceived")) Then ' No deposit has been paid yet - let's set the deposit value, if it has been specified If mcDepositAmount <> "" Then If Right(mcDepositAmount, 1) = "%" Then If IsNumeric(Left(mcDepositAmount, Len(mcDepositAmount) - 1)) Then nPayable = (nTotalAmount) * CDbl(Left(mcDepositAmount, Len(mcDepositAmount) - 1)) / 100 End If Else If IsNumeric(mcDepositAmount) Then nPayable = CDbl(mcDepositAmount) End If If nPayable > nTotalAmount Then nPayable = nTotalAmount ' Set the Payable Amount If nPayable > 0 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("payableAmount", FormatNumber(nPayable, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("paymentMade", "0") End If End If Else ' A deposit has been paid - should I check if it's the same as the total amount? If IsNumeric(oRow("nAmountReceived")) Then nPayable = nTotalAmount - CDbl(oRow("nAmountReceived")) If nPayable > 0 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("payableAmount", FormatNumber(nPayable, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) End If oCartElmt.SetAttribute("paymentMade", FormatNumber(CDbl(oRow("nLastPaymentMade")), 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) End If End If ' Set the payableType If IsDBNull(oRow("nAmountReceived")) Or nStatusId = 10 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("payableType", "deposit") Else oCartElmt.SetAttribute("payableType", "settlement") End If If nPayable = 0 Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("ReadOnly", "On") End If End If 'Add Any Client Notes If Not (IsDBNull(oRow("cClientNotes")) Or oRow("cClientNotes") & "" = "") Then oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Notes") oElmt.InnerXml = oRow("cClientNotes") If oElmt.FirstChild.Name = "Notes" Then oCartElmt.AppendChild(oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Notes")) Else oCartElmt.AppendChild(oElmt) End If End If 'Add the payment details if we have them If oRow("nPayMthdId") > 0 Then sSql = "Select * from tblCartPaymentMethod where nPayMthdKey=" & oRow("nPayMthdId") oDs2 = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Payment", "Cart") oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("PaymentDetails") For Each oRow2 In oDs2.Tables("Payment").Rows oElmt.InnerXml = oRow2("cPayMthdDetailXml") oElmt.SetAttribute("provider", oRow2("cPayMthdProviderName")) oElmt.SetAttribute("ref", oRow2("cPayMthdProviderRef")) oElmt.SetAttribute("acct", oRow2("cPayMthdAcctName")) Next oCartElmt.AppendChild(oElmt) End If 'Add Delivery Details If nStatusId = 9 Then sSql = "Select * from tblCartOrderDelivery where nOrderId=" & nCartIdUse oDs2 = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Delivery", "Details") For Each oRow2 In oDs2.Tables("Delivery").Rows oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("DeliveryDetails") oElmt.SetAttribute("carrierName", oRow2("cCarrierName")) oElmt.SetAttribute("ref", oRow2("cCarrierRef")) oElmt.SetAttribute("notes", oRow2("cCarrierNotes")) oElmt.SetAttribute("deliveryDate", xmlDate(oRow2("dExpectedDeliveryDate"))) oElmt.SetAttribute("collectionDate", xmlDate(oRow2("dCollectionDate"))) oCartElmt.AppendChild(oElmt) Next oldCartId = nCartIdUse End If Next End If ' Check for any process reported errors If Not IsDBNull(mnProcessError) Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("errorMsg", mnProcessError) 'Save the data If bCheckSubscriptions Then moSubscription.UpdateSubscriptionsTotals(oCartElmt) End If mnCartId = oldCartId SaveCartXML(oCartElmt) 'mnCartId = nCartIdUse If moCartConfig("RelatedProductsInCart") = "On" Then Dim oRelatedElmt As XmlElement = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("RelatedItems") For i As Integer = 0 To oItemList.Count - 1 myWeb.moDbHelper.addRelatedContent(oRelatedElmt, oItemList(i), False) Next For Each oRelElmt As XmlElement In oRelatedElmt.SelectNodes("Content") If oItemList.ContainsValue(oRelElmt.GetAttribute("id")) Then oRelElmt.ParentNode.RemoveChild(oRelElmt) End If Next If Not oRelatedElmt.InnerXml = "" Then oCartElmt.AppendChild(oRelatedElmt) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "GetCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Function updateTotals(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, ByVal total As Double, ByVal shipCost As Double, ByVal ShipMethodId As String) As Double Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt2 As XmlElement Dim vatAmt As Double = 0 Dim nLineVat As Double Try If mnTaxRate > 0 Then 'we calculate vat at the end after we have applied discounts etc For Each oElmt In oCartElmt.SelectNodes("/Order/Item") Dim nOpPrices As Long = 0 'get the prices of options to calculate vat ' AG - I think this is a mistake: For Each oElmt2 In oCartElmt.SelectNodes("/Item") For Each oElmt2 In oElmt.SelectNodes("Item") nOpPrices += oElmt2.GetAttribute("price") Next Dim nItemDiscount As Double = 0 Dim nLineTaxRate As Double = mnTaxRate If mbVatOnLine Then nLineTaxRate = oElmt.GetAttribute("taxRate") End If 'NB 14th Jan 2010 This doesn't work ' It generates a figure that matches oElement.GetAttribute("price") so vat is always 0 ' even if one of the items is being paid for ' to test, 1 high qualifyer, 2 low (so only 1 free) If Not oElmt.SelectSingleNode("DiscountItem[@nDiscountCat='4']") Is Nothing Then Dim oDiscItem As XmlElement = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("DiscountItem") If Not oElmt.SelectSingleNode("Discount[@nDiscountCat='4' and @bDiscountIsPercent='1' and number(@nDiscountValue)=100]") Is Nothing Then 'checks for a 100% off discount nLineVat = Round((oElmt.GetAttribute("price") - nItemDiscount + nOpPrices) * (nLineTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) * oDiscItem.GetAttribute("Units") Else 'nLineVat = Round((oElmt.GetAttribute("price") - nItemDiscount + nOpPrices) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) * oDiscItem.GetAttribute("Units") nLineVat = Round((oDiscItem.GetAttribute("Total")) * (nLineTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) 'nLineVat = 5000 End If ' 'NB 15th Jan: What is this use of this line? It's logic makes one of the multipliers 0 thus destroying VAT? 'Replaced with basic unit VAT change, charge per unit but reduce number of units to only those being paid for 'nItemDiscount = oDiscItem.GetAttribute("TotalSaving") / (oDiscItem.GetAttribute("Units") - oDiscItem.GetAttribute("oldUnits")) * -1 Else 'NB: 15-01-2010 Moved into Else so Buy X Get Y Free do not use this, as they can get 0 If mbVatAtUnit Then 'Round( Price * Vat ) * Quantity nLineVat = Round((oElmt.GetAttribute("price") - nItemDiscount + nOpPrices) * (nLineTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) * oElmt.GetAttribute("quantity") Else 'Round( ( Price * Quantity )* VAT ) nLineVat = Round((((oElmt.GetAttribute("price") - nItemDiscount + nOpPrices)) * oElmt.GetAttribute("quantity")) * (nLineTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) End If End If oElmt.SetAttribute("itemTax", nLineVat) vatAmt += nLineVat Next If Not LCase(moCartConfig("DontTaxShipping")) = "on" Then vatAmt = Round((shipCost) * (mnTaxRate / 100), , , mbRoundup) + Round(vatAmt, , , mbRoundup) End If oCartElmt.SetAttribute("totalNet", FormatNumber(total + shipCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", mnTaxRate) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", ShipMethodId & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", FormatNumber(shipCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatAmt", FormatNumber(vatAmt, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", FormatNumber(total + shipCost + vatAmt, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) Else oCartElmt.SetAttribute("totalNet", FormatNumber(total + shipCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatRate", 0.0#) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", ShipMethodId & "") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", FormatNumber(shipCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("vatAmt", 0.0#) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("total", FormatNumber(total + shipCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) End If Return vatAmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "updateTotals", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function Sub getShippingDetailXml(ByRef oCartXml As XmlElement, ByVal nShippingId As Long) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getShippingDetailXml") Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim oDs As DataSet Dim sSql As String = "select cShipOptName as Name, cShipOptCarrier as Carrier, cShipOptTime as DeliveryTime from tblCartShippingMethods where nShipOptKey=" & nShippingId Dim oXml As XmlDataDocument Dim oShippingXml As XmlElement Try oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Shipping", "Cart") oXml = New XmlDataDocument(oDs) oDs.EnforceConstraints = False oShippingXml = moPageXml.CreateElement("Cart") oShippingXml.InnerXml = oXml.InnerXml oCartXml.AppendChild(oShippingXml.FirstChild.FirstChild) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getShippingDetailXml", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Function getProductPricesByXml(ByVal cXml As String, ByVal cUnit As String, ByVal nQuantity As Long, Optional ByVal PriceType As String = "Prices") As Double PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getProductPricesByXml") Dim cGroupXPath As String = "" Dim oProd As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("product") Try oProd.InnerXml = cXml Dim oThePrice As XmlElement = getContentPricesNode(oProd, cUnit, nQuantity, PriceType) Dim nPrice As Double = 0.0# If IsNumeric(oThePrice.InnerText) Then nPrice = CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) End If Return nPrice Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getProductPricesByXml", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Function Function getProductTaxRate(ByVal priceXml As XmlElement) As Double PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getProductVatRate") Dim cGroupXPath As String = "" Dim oProd As XmlNode = moPageXml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Document, "", "product") Try Dim vatCode As String = "" If mbVatOnLine Then Select Case priceXml.GetAttribute("taxCode") Case "0" Return 0 Case LCase("s") Return mnTaxRate Case Else Return mnTaxRate End Select Else Return 0 End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getProductTaxRate", ex, "", "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Function getContentPricesNode(ByVal oContentXml As XmlElement, ByVal cUnit As String, ByVal nQuantity As Long, Optional ByVal PriceType As String = "Prices") As XmlElement PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getContentPricesNode") Dim cGroupXPath As String = "" Dim oDefaultPrice As XmlNode Try ' Get the Default Price - note if it does not exist, then this is menaingless. oDefaultPrice = oContentXml.SelectSingleNode("Content/" & PriceType & "/Price[@default='true']") 'here we are checking if the price is the correct currency 'then if we are logged in we will also check if it belongs to 'one of the user's groups, just looking for Dim cGroups As String = getGroupsByName() If cGroups = "" Then cGroups &= "default,all" Else cGroups &= ",default,all" cGroups = " and ( contains(@validGroup,""" & Replace(cGroups, ",", """) or contains(@validGroup,""") cGroups &= """) or not(@validGroup) or @validGroup="""")" If cUnit <> "" Then cGroups = cGroups & "and (@unit=""" & cUnit & """)" End If ' cGroups = "" 'Dim cxpath As String = "Content/Prices/Price[(@currency='" & mcCurrency & "') " & cGroups & " ][1]" 'Fix for content items that are not Content/Content done for legacy sites such as insure your move 09/06/2015 Dim xPathStart As String = "Content/" If oContentXml.FirstChild.Name <> "Content" Then xPathStart = "" End If Dim cxpath As String = xPathStart & PriceType & "/Price[(@currency=""" & mcCurrency & """) " & cGroups & " and node()!=""""]" 'need to loop through all just in case we have splits'handled later on though Dim oThePrice As XmlElement = oDefaultPrice Dim oPNode As XmlElement Dim nPrice As Double = 0.0# For Each oPNode In oContentXml.SelectNodes(cxpath) 'need to deal with "in-product" price splits Dim bHasSplits As Boolean = False Dim bValidSplit As Boolean = False If oPNode.HasAttribute("min") Or oPNode.HasAttribute("max") Then If oPNode.GetAttribute("min") <> "" And oPNode.GetAttribute("max") <> "" Then bHasSplits = True 'has a split Dim nThisMin As Integer = IIf(oPNode.GetAttribute("min") = "", 1, oPNode.GetAttribute("min")) Dim nThisMax As Integer = IIf(oPNode.GetAttribute("max") = "", 0, oPNode.GetAttribute("max")) If (nThisMin <= nQuantity) And (nThisMax >= nQuantity Or nThisMax = 0) Then 'now we know it is a valid split bValidSplit = True End If End If End If If Not oThePrice Is Nothing Then If IsNumeric(oThePrice.InnerText) Then 'this selects the cheapest price for this user assuming not free If IsNumeric(oPNode.InnerText) Then If CDbl(oPNode.InnerText) < CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) And CLng(oPNode.InnerText) <> 0 Then oThePrice = oPNode End If End If Else oThePrice = oPNode End If Else oThePrice = oPNode End If 'if there are splits and this is a valid split then we want to exit If bHasSplits And bValidSplit Then Exit For 'If Not bHasSplits Then Exit For 'we only need the first one if we dont have splits Next Return oThePrice Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getContentPricesNode", ex, "", "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Function getOptionPricesByXml(ByVal cXml As String, ByVal nGroupIndex As Integer, ByVal nOptionIndex As Integer) As Double PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getOptionPricesByXml") Dim cGroupXPath As String = "" Dim oProd As XmlNode = moPageXml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Document, "", "product") Dim oDefaultPrice As XmlNode Try ' Load product xml oProd.InnerXml = cXml ' Get the Default Price - note if it does not exist, then this is menaingless. oDefaultPrice = oProd.SelectSingleNode("Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/option[" & nOptionIndex & "]/Prices/Price[@default='true']") 'here we are checking if the price is the correct currency 'then if we are logged in we will also check if it belongs to 'one of the user's groups, just looking for Dim cGroups As String = getGroupsByName() If cGroups = "" Then cGroups &= "default,all" Else cGroups &= ",default,all" cGroups = " and ( contains(@validGroup,""" & Replace(cGroups, ",", """) or contains(@validGroup,""") cGroups &= """) or not(@validGroup) or @validGroup="""")" Dim cxpath As String = "Content/Options/OptGroup[" & nGroupIndex & "]/option[" & nOptionIndex & "]/Prices/Price[(@currency=""" & mcCurrency & """) " & cGroups & " ]" Dim oThePrice As XmlElement = oDefaultPrice Dim oPNode As XmlElement Dim nPrice As Double = 0.0# For Each oPNode In oProd.SelectNodes(cxpath) 'If Not oThePrice Is Nothing Then ' If CDbl(oPNode.InnerText) < CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) Then ' oThePrice = oPNode ' nPrice = CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) ' End If 'Else ' oThePrice = oPNode ' nPrice = CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) 'End If If Not oThePrice Is Nothing Then If IsNumeric(oThePrice.InnerText) Then If CDbl(oPNode.InnerText) < CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) Then oThePrice = oPNode nPrice = CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) End If Else oThePrice = oPNode nPrice = CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) End If Else oThePrice = oPNode If IsNumeric(oThePrice.InnerText) Then nPrice = CDbl(oThePrice.InnerText) End If End If Next Return nPrice Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getOptionPricesByXml", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Function Private Sub CheckQuantities(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, ByVal cProdXml As String, ByVal cItemQuantity As String) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "CheckQuantities") ' Check each product against max and mins Try Dim oErrorMsg As String = "" Dim oError As XmlElement Dim oMsg As XmlElement Dim oProd As XmlNode = moPageXml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Document, "", "product") ' Load product xml oProd.InnerXml = cProdXml ' Set the error node oError = oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("error") If IsNumeric(cItemQuantity) Then 'Check minimum value If CLng(cItemQuantity) < CLng(getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/Minimum", dataType.TypeNumber, 0)) Then ' Minimum has not been matched ' Check for existence of error node If oError Is Nothing Then oError = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("error") oCartElmt.AppendChild(oError) End If ' Check for existence of msg node for min If oError.SelectSingleNode("msg[@type='quantity_min']") Is Nothing Then oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "You have not requested enough of one or more products", True) oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "quantity_min") End If ' Add product specific msg oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "<strong>" & getNodeValueByType(oProd, "/Content/Name", dataType.TypeString, "A product below ") & "</strong> requires a quantity equal to or above <em>" & getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/Minimum", dataType.TypeNumber, "an undetermined value (please call for assistance).") & "</em>", True) oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "quantity_min_detail") End If 'Check maximum value If CLng(cItemQuantity) > CLng(getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/Maximum", dataType.TypeNumber, Integer.MaxValue)) Then ' Maximum has not been matched ' Check for existence of error node If oError Is Nothing Then oError = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("error") oCartElmt.AppendChild(oError) End If ' Check for existence of msg node for min If oError.SelectSingleNode("msg[@type='quantity_max']") Is Nothing Then oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "You have requested too much of one or more products") oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "quantity_max") End If ' Add product specific msg oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "<strong>" & getNodeValueByType(oProd, "/Content/Name", dataType.TypeString, "A product below ") & "</strong> requires a quantity equal to or below <em>" & getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/Maximum", dataType.TypeNumber, "an undetermined value (please call for assistance).") & "</em>", True) oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "quantity_max_detail") End If 'Check bulkunit value Dim cBulkUnit As Integer = getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/BulkUnit", dataType.TypeNumber, 0) If (CLng(cItemQuantity) Mod CLng(getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/BulkUnit", dataType.TypeNumber, 1))) <> 0 Then ' Bulk Unit has not been matched ' Check for existence of error node If oError Is Nothing Then oError = oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("error") oCartElmt.AppendChild(oError) End If ' Check for existence of msg node for min If oError.SelectSingleNode("msg[@type='quantity_mod']") Is Nothing Then oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "One or more products below can only be bought in certain quantities.") oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "quantity_mod") End If ' Add product specific msg oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "<strong>" & getNodeValueByType(oProd, "/Content/Name", dataType.TypeString, "A product below ") & "</strong> can only be bought in lots of <em>" & getNodeValueByType(oProd, "//Quantities/BulkUnit", dataType.TypeNumber, "an undetermined value (please call for assistance).") & "</em>", True) oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "quantity_mod_detail") End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CheckQuantities", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Sub Private Sub CheckStock(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, ByVal cProdXml As String, ByVal cItemQuantity As String) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "CheckStock") Dim oProd As XmlNode = moPageXml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Document, "", "product") Dim oStock As XmlNode Dim oError As XmlElement Dim oMsg As XmlElement Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' Load product xml oProd.InnerXml = cProdXml ' Locate the Stock Node oStock = oProd.SelectSingleNode("//Stock") ' Ignore empty nodes If Not (oStock Is Nothing) Then ' Ignore non-numeric nodes If IsNumeric(oStock.InnerText) Then ' If the requested quantity is greater than the stock level, add a warning to the cart - only check tihs on an active cart. If CLng(cItemQuantity) > CLng(oStock.InnerText) And mnProcessId < 6 Then If oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("error") Is Nothing Then oCartElmt.AppendChild(oCartElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("error")) oError = oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("error") oMsg = addElement(oError, "msg", "<span class=""term3080"">You have requested more items than are currently <em>in stock</em> for <strong class=""product-name"">" & oProd.SelectSingleNode("//Name").InnerText & "</strong> (only <span class=""quantity-available"">" & oStock.InnerText & "</span> available).</span><br/>", True) oMsg.SetAttribute("type", "stock") End If End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CheckStock", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub UpdateStockLevels(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateStockLevels") Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim oProd As XmlNode = moPageXml.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Document, "", "product") Dim oItem As XmlElement Dim oStock As XmlNode Dim nStockLevel As Integer Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try For Each oItem In oCartElmt.SelectNodes("Item") If oItem.GetAttribute("contentId") <> "" Then sSql = "select * from tblContent where nContentKey=" & oItem.GetAttribute("contentId") oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Item", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows oProd.InnerXml = oRow("cContentXmlDetail") oStock = oProd.SelectSingleNode("//Stock") ' Ignore empty nodes If Not (oStock Is Nothing) Then ' Ignore non-numeric nodes If IsNumeric(oStock.InnerText) Then nStockLevel = CInt(oStock.InnerText) - CInt(oItem.GetAttribute("quantity")) ' Remember to delete the XmlCache moDBHelper.DeleteXMLCache() ' Update stock level If nStockLevel < 0 Then nStockLevel = 0 oStock.InnerText = nStockLevel oRow("cContentXmlDetail") = oProd.InnerXml End If End If 'For Brief oProd.InnerXml = oRow("cContentXmlBrief") oStock = oProd.SelectSingleNode("//Stock") ' Ignore empty nodes If Not (oStock Is Nothing) Then ' Ignore non-numeric nodes If IsNumeric(oStock.InnerText) Then oStock.InnerText = nStockLevel oRow("cContentXmlBrief") = oProd.InnerXml End If End If Next moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Item") End If Next Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateStockLevels", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub UpdateGiftListLevels() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateGiftListLevels") Dim sSql As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try If mnGiftListId > 0 Then ' The SQL statement JOINS items in the current cart to items in giftlist (by matching ID_OPTION1_OPTION2), and updates the quantity in giftlist accordingly. ' CONVERT is needed to create concat the unique identifier. sSql = "update g " _ & "set g.nQuantity=(g.nQuantity - o.nQuantity) " _ & "from tblCartItem o inner join tblCartItem g " _ & "on (convert(nvarchar,o.nItemId) + '_' + convert(nvarchar,o.cItemOption1) + '_' + convert(nvarchar,o.cItemOption2)) = (convert(nvarchar,g.nItemId) + '_' + convert(nvarchar,g.cItemOption1) + '_' + convert(nvarchar,g.cItemOption2)) " _ & "where o.nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId & " and g.nCartOrderId = " & mnGiftListId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateGiftListLevels", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub 'deprecated for the single call function above. Public Sub UpdateGiftListLevels_Old() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateGiftListLevels_Old") Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim oDr2 As SqlDataReader Dim nNewQty As Decimal Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try If mnGiftListId > 0 Then sSql = "select * from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId=" & mnCartId oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "tblCartItem") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("tblCartItem").Rows nNewQty = oRow.Item("nQuantity") sSql = "select * from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId=" & mnGiftListId & " and nItemId =" & oRow("nItemId").ToString() & " and cItemOption1='" & SqlFmt(oRow("cItemOption1").ToString()) & "' and cItemOption2='" & SqlFmt(oRow("cItemOption2").ToString()) & "'" oDr2 = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) While (oDr2.Read()) nNewQty = oDr2.Item("nQuantity") - oRow.Item("nQuantity") End While sSql = "Update tblCartItem set nQuantity = " & nNewQty.ToString() & " where nCartOrderId=" & mnGiftListId & " and nItemId =" & oRow("nItemId").ToString() & " and cItemOption1='" & SqlFmt(oRow("cItemOption1").ToString()) & "' and cItemOption2='" & SqlFmt(oRow("cItemOption2").ToString()) & "'" moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) oDr2.Close() Next End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateGiftListLevels", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Finally oDr2 = Nothing oDs = Nothing End Try End Sub Public Function getGroupsByName() As String PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getGroupsByName") '!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should this be in Membership Object??? Dim cReturn As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oDr As DataRow Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' Get groups from user ID return A comma separated string? oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("select * from tblDirectory g inner join tblDirectoryRelation r on g.nDirKey = r.nDirParentId where r.nDirChildId = " & mnEwUserId, "Groups") cReturn = "" If oDs.Tables("Groups").Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each oDr In oDs.Tables("Groups").Rows cReturn = cReturn & "," & oDr.Item("cDirName") Next cReturn = Mid(cReturn, 2) End If Return cReturn Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getGroupsByName", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Overridable Sub addressSubProcess(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, ByVal cAddressType As String) Dim oContactXform As xForm Dim submitPrefix As String = "cartBill" Dim cProcessInfo As String = submitPrefix Try If cAddressType.Contains("Delivery") Then submitPrefix = "cartDel" If mbEwMembership = True And myWeb.mnUserId <> 0 And submitPrefix <> "cartDel" Then 'we now only need this on delivery. oContactXform = pickContactXform(cAddressType, submitPrefix, , mcCartCmd) GetCart(oCartElmt) Else oContactXform = contactXform(cAddressType, , , mcCartCmd) GetCart(oCartElmt) End If If oContactXform.valid = False Then 'show the form Dim oContentElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents") If oContentElmt Is Nothing Then oContentElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Contents") If moPageXml.DocumentElement Is Nothing Then Err.Raise(1004, "addressSubProcess", " PAGE IS NOT CREATED") Else moPageXml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(oContentElmt) End If End If oContentElmt.AppendChild(oContactXform.moXformElmt) Else If Not cAddressType.Contains("Delivery") Then ' Valid Form, let's adjust the Vat rate ' AJG By default the tax rate is picked up from the billing address, unless otherwise specified. ' If moCartConfig("TaxFromDeliveryAddress") <> "on" Or (myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery") = "True" And moCartConfig("TaxFromDeliveryAddress") = "on") Then If Not oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']") Is Nothing Then UpdateTaxRate(oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Billing Address']/Country").InnerText) End If End If 'to allow for single form with multiple addresses. If moCartConfig("TaxFromDeliveryAddress") = "on" And Not (oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Delivery Address']") Is Nothing) Then UpdateTaxRate(oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Delivery Address']/Country").InnerText) End If ' Skip Delivery if: ' - Deliver to this address is selected ' - mbNoDeliveryAddress is True ' - the order is part of a giftlist (the delivery address is pre-determined) ' - we have submitted the delivery address allready If myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery") = "True" _ Or mbNoDeliveryAddress _ Or mnGiftListId > 0 _ Or Not (oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact[cContactType/node()='Delivery Address']") Is Nothing) _ Or oContactXform.moXformElmt.GetAttribute("cartCmd") = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" _ Then mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" mnProcessId = 3 Else 'If mbEwMembership = True And myWeb.mnUserId <> 0 Then ' 'all handled in pick form 'Else Dim BillingAddressID As Long = setCurrentBillingAddress(myWeb.mnUserId, 0) If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "editAddress" & BillingAddressID) <> "" Then 'we are editing an address form the pick address form so lets go back. mcCartCmd = "Billing" mnProcessId = 2 Else mcCartCmd = "Delivery" End If 'End If ' billing address is saved, so up cart status if needed 'If mnProcessId < 2 Then mnProcessId = 2 'If mnProcessId > 2 Then ' mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" ' mnProcessId = 3 'End If End If If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then setCurrentBillingAddress(myWeb.mnUserId, 0) End If Else 'Case for Delivery ' AJG If specified, the tax rate can be picked up from the delivery address If moCartConfig("TaxFromDeliveryAddress") = "on" Then UpdateTaxRate(oCartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Delivery Address']/Country").InnerText) End If 'TS if we don't have a billing address we need one Dim oDs2 As DataSet oDs2 = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("select * from tblCartContact where nContactCartId = " & CStr(Me.mnCartId) & " and cContactType = 'Billing Address'", "tblCartContact") If oDs2.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows.Count > 0 Then mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" mnProcessId = 3 Else If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then Dim BillingAddressID As Long = setCurrentBillingAddress(myWeb.mnUserId, 0) If BillingAddressID > 0 Then 'set the billing address Dim sSql As String = "Select nContactKey from tblCartContact where cContactType = 'Delivery Address' and nContactCartid=" & mnCartId Dim DeliveryAddressID As String = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql) useSavedAddressesOnCart(BillingAddressID, DeliveryAddressID) mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" mnProcessId = 3 Else mcCartCmd = "Billing" mnProcessId = 2 End If Else mcCartCmd = "Billing" mnProcessId = 2 End If End If End If 'save address against the user If mbEwMembership = True And myWeb.mnUserId > 0 And oContactXform.valid Then If Not oContactXform.moXformElmt.GetAttribute("persistAddress") = "false" Then cProcessInfo = "UpdateExistingUserAddress for : " & myWeb.mnUserId UpdateExistingUserAddress(oContactXform) End If End If End If oContactXform = Nothing Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "addressSubProcess", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Overridable Function usePreviousAddress(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement) As Boolean Dim cProcessInfo As String Dim sSql As String Dim billingAddId As Long = 0 Dim deliveryAddId As Long = 0 Dim oDs As DataSet Dim odr As DataRow Try If mbEwMembership = True And myWeb.mnUserId <> 0 Then If LCase(moCartConfig("UsePreviousAddress")) = "on" Then sSql = "select nContactKey, cContactType, nAuditKey from tblCartContact inner join tblAudit a on nAuditId = a.nAuditKey where nContactCartId = 0 and nContactDirId =" & CStr(myWeb.mnUserId) oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "tblCartContact") For Each odr In oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows If odr("cContactType") = "Billing Address" Then billingAddId = odr("nContactKey") End If If LCase(moCartConfig("NoDeliveryAddress")) = "on" Then deliveryAddId = billingAddId Else If odr("cContactType") = "Delivery Address" Then deliveryAddId = odr("nContactKey") End If End If Next If deliveryAddId <> 0 And billingAddId <> 0 Then useSavedAddressesOnCart(billingAddId, deliveryAddId) 'skip mcCartCmd = "ChoosePaymentShippingOption" Return True Else 'we don't have the addresses we need so we need to go to address step anyhow Return False End If Else 'Use previous address functionality turned off Return False End If Else 'User not logged on or membership is off Return False End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "addressSubProcess", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return False End Try End Function Public Overridable Function contactXform(ByVal cAddressType As String, Optional ByVal cSubmitName As String = "submit", Optional ByVal cCmdType As String = "cartCmd", Optional ByVal cCmdAction As String = "") As xForm Return contactXform(cAddressType, cSubmitName, cCmdType, cCmdAction, False) End Function Public Overridable Function contactXform(ByVal cAddressType As String, ByVal cSubmitName As String, ByVal cCmdType As String, ByVal cCmdAction As String, ByVal bDontPopulate As Boolean, Optional ContactId As Long = 0, Optional cmd2 As String = "") As xForm PerfMon.Log("Cart", "contactXform") Dim oXform As xForm = New xForm Dim oGrpElmt As XmlElement Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oDr As DataRow Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim cWhere As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim cXformLocation As String = "" Dim bIsBespokeXform As Boolean = False Dim bGetInstance As Boolean Dim sSql As String Try ' Build the xform oXform.moPageXML = moPageXml oXform.NewFrm(cAddressType) ' Check for bespoke xform Select Case cAddressType Case "Billing Address" : cXformLocation = mcBillingAddressXform Case "Delivery Address" : cXformLocation = mcDeliveryAddressXform End Select ' Test that a bespoke form exists and is a valid filename bIsBespokeXform = System.IO.File.Exists(myWeb.goServer.MapPath(cXformLocation)) And LCase(Right(cXformLocation, 4)) = ".xml" ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' :::: CONTACT XFORM :: GROUP and BIND BUILD :::: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If bIsBespokeXform Then ' Load the bespoke form oXform.load(cXformLocation) 'select the first group element for adding delivery checkbox oGrpElmt = oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("group[1]") If ContactId > 0 Then bGetInstance = True End If Else 'Build the xform because file not specified bGetInstance = True oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "address", , cAddressType) oGrpElmt = oXform.moXformElmt.LastChild oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, cCmdType, True, cCmdType, "hidden") oXform.addBind(cCmdType, cCmdType) oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactType", True, "Type", "hidden") oXform.addBind("cContactType", "tblCartContact/cContactType") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactName", True, "Name", "textbox required") oXform.addBind("cContactName", "tblCartContact/cContactName", "true()", "string") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactCompany", True, "Company", "textbox") oXform.addBind("cContactCompany", "tblCartContact/cContactCompany", "false()") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactAddress", True, "Address", "textbox required") oXform.addBind("cContactAddress", "tblCartContact/cContactAddress", "true()", "string") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactCity", True, "City", "textbox required") oXform.addBind("cContactCity", "tblCartContact/cContactCity", "true()") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactState", True, "County/State", "textbox") oXform.addBind("cContactState", "tblCartContact/cContactState") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactZip", True, "Postcode/Zip", "textbox required") oXform.addBind("cContactZip", "tblCartContact/cContactZip", "true()", "string") oXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "cContactCountry", True, "Country", "dropdown required") oXform.addBind("cContactCountry", "tblCartContact/cContactCountry", "true()", "string") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactTel", True, "Tel", "textbox") oXform.addBind("cContactTel", "tblCartContact/cContactTel") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactFax", True, "Fax", "textbox") oXform.addBind("cContactFax", "tblCartContact/cContactFax") ' Only show email address for Billing If cAddressType = "Billing Address" Or mnGiftListId > 0 Then oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cContactEmail", True, "Email", "textbox required") oXform.addBind("cContactEmail", "tblCartContact/cContactEmail", "true()", "email") End If If myWeb.moConfig("cssFramework") = "bs3" Then oXform.addSubmit(oGrpElmt, "Submit" & Replace(cAddressType, " ", ""), "Submit") Else oXform.addSubmit(oGrpElmt, "Submit" & Replace(cAddressType, " ", ""), "Submit", cSubmitName & Replace(cAddressType, " ", "")) End If oXform.submission("Submit" & Replace(cAddressType, " ", ""), IIf(cCmdAction = "", "", "?" & cCmdType & "=" & cCmdAction), "POST", "return form_check(this);") End If ' Add the countries list to the form For Each oElmt In oXform.moXformElmt.SelectNodes("descendant-or-self::select1[contains(@class, 'country') or @bind='cContactCountry']") Dim cThisAddressType As String If oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("input[@bind='cContactType' or @bind='cDelContactType']/value") Is Nothing Then cThisAddressType = cAddressType Else cThisAddressType = oElmt.ParentNode.SelectSingleNode("input[@bind='cContactType' or @bind='cDelContactType']/value").InnerText End If If LCase(moCartConfig("NoDeliveryAddress")) = "on" Then cThisAddressType = "Delivery Address" End If populateCountriesDropDown(oXform, oElmt, cThisAddressType) Next ' Add the Delivery Checkbox if needed If cAddressType = "Billing Address" And mnProcessId < 2 And (Not (mbNoDeliveryAddress)) And Not (mnGiftListId > 0) Then ' this can be optionally turned off in the xform, by the absence of cIsDelivery in the instance. If oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact[@type='Delivery Address']") Is Nothing And oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("//bDisallowDeliveryCheckbox") Is Nothing Then ' shoppers have the option to send to same address as the billing with a checkbox oXform.addSelect(oGrpElmt, "cIsDelivery", True, "Deliver to This Address", "checkbox", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Minimal) oXform.addOption((oGrpElmt.LastChild), "", "True") oXform.addBind("cIsDelivery", "tblCartContact/cIsDelivery") End If End If If moDBHelper.checkTableColumnExists("tblCartShippingMethods", "bCollection") Then 'Add Collection options Dim oIsDeliverySelect As XmlElement = oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::select[@bind='cIsDelivery']") If Not oIsDeliverySelect Is Nothing Then 'Create duplicate select as select1 Dim newElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("select1") Dim oAtt As XmlAttribute For Each oAtt In oIsDeliverySelect.Attributes newElmt.SetAttribute(oAtt.Name, oAtt.Value) Next Dim oNode As XmlNode For Each oNode In oIsDeliverySelect.ChildNodes newElmt.AppendChild(oNode.CloneNode(True)) Next Dim delBillingElmt As XmlElement = oXform.addOption(newElmt, "Deliver to Billing Address", "false") Dim bCollection As Boolean = False 'Get the collection delivery options Dim oDrCollectionOptions As SqlDataReader = moDBHelper.getDataReader("select * from tblCartShippingMethods where bCollection = 1") Do While oDrCollectionOptions.Read() Dim OptLabel As String = "<span class=""opt-name"">" & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptName").ToString() & "</span>" OptLabel = OptLabel & "<span class=""opt-carrier"">" & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptCarrier").ToString() & "</span>" oXform.addOption(newElmt, OptLabel, oDrCollectionOptions.Item("nShipOptKey").ToString(), True) bCollection = True Loop 'Only change this if collection shipping options exist. If bCollection Then oIsDeliverySelect.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(newElmt, oIsDeliverySelect) Else 'this was all for nuffin newElmt = Nothing End If End If End If If cmd2 <> "" Then oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, cmd2, True, cmd2, "hidden") oXform.addBind(cmd2, "cmd2") End If ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' :::: CONTACT XFORM :: CREATE/LOAD INSTANCE :::: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' When there is no match this will get the default instance based on the table schema. ' This will override any form that we have loaded in, so we need to put exceptions in. If bGetInstance Then oXform.Instance.InnerXml = moDBHelper.getObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, ContactId) If ContactId > 0 Then bDontPopulate = True End If End If 'if the instance is empty fill these values Dim bAddIds As Boolean = False 'catch for sites where nContactKey is not specified. If oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("*/nContactKey") Is Nothing Then bAddIds = True Else If oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("*/nContactKey").InnerText = "" Then bAddIds = True End If End If If bAddIds Then For Each oElmt In oXform.Instance.SelectNodes("*/nContactDirId") oElmt.InnerText = myWeb.mnUserId Next For Each oElmt In oXform.Instance.SelectNodes("*/nContactCartId") oElmt.InnerText = mnCartId Next For Each oElmt In oXform.Instance.SelectNodes("*/cContactType") If oElmt.InnerText = "" Then oElmt.InnerText = cAddressType Next End If 'make sure we don't show a random address. If mnCartId = 0 Then bDontPopulate = True If bDontPopulate = False Then 'if we have addresses in the cart insert them sSql = "select nContactKey, cContactType from tblCartContact where nContactCartId = " & CStr(mnCartId) oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "tblCartContact") For Each oDr In oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows Dim tempInstance As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("TempInstance") tempInstance.InnerXml = moDBHelper.getObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, oDr("nContactKey")) Dim instanceAdd As XmlElement = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact[cContactType/node()='" & oDr("cContactType") & "']") If Not instanceAdd Is Nothing Then instanceAdd.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(tempInstance.FirstChild, instanceAdd) instanceAdd = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact[cContactType/node()='" & oDr("cContactType") & "']") If Not instanceAdd Is Nothing Then instanceAdd.SetAttribute("type", oDr("cContactType")) End If End If Next oDs = Nothing 'set the isDelivery Value 'remember the delivery address setting. Dim delivElmt As XmlElement = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact[cContactType/node()='Delivery Address']") If Not delivElmt Is Nothing Then If myWeb.moSession("isDelivery") = "" Then delivElmt.SetAttribute("isDelivery", "false") Else delivElmt.SetAttribute("isDelivery", myWeb.moSession("isDelivery")) End If End If End If 'Dim bGetInstance As Boolean = True 'If bIsBespokeXform Then ' ' There is a bespoke form, let's check for the presence of an item in the contact table ' Dim oCartContactInDB As Object = moDBHelper.GetDataValue("SELECT COUNT(*) As FoundCount FROM tblCartContact " & ssql) ' If Not (oCartContactInDB > 0) Then bGetInstance = False ' No Item so do not get the instance 'End If ' If membership is on and the user is logged on, we need to check if this is an existing address in the user's list of addresses If mbEwMembership = True And myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then ' If we are using the Pick Address list to EDIT an address, there will be a hidden control of userAddId If myWeb.moRequest("userAddId") <> "" Then oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("nUserAddressId")) oXform.Instance.LastChild.InnerText = myWeb.moRequest("userAddId") oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("nUserAddressType")) oXform.Instance.LastChild.InnerText = myWeb.moRequest("userAddType") Else ' Holy large where statement, Batman! But how on earth else do we tell is a cart address is the same as a user address? Dim value As String Dim contact As XmlElement = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact") cWhere = "" If NodeState(contact, "cContactName", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactName='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " If NodeState(contact, "cContactCompany", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactCompany='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " If NodeState(contact, "cContactAddress", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactAddress='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " If NodeState(contact, "cContactCity", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactCity='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " If NodeState(contact, "cContactState", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactState='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " If NodeState(contact, "cContactZip", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactZip='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " If NodeState(contact, "cContactCountry", , , , , , value) <> NotInstantiated Then cWhere &= " and cContactCountry='" & SqlFmt(value) & "' " 'cWhere = " and cContactName='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactName").InnerText) & "' " & _ ' "and cContactCompany='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCompany").InnerText) & "' " & _ ' "and cContactAddress='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactAddress").InnerText) & "' " & _ ' "and cContactCity='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCity").InnerText) & "' " & _ ' "and cContactState='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactState").InnerText) & "' " & _ ' "and cContactZip='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactZip").InnerText) & "' " & _ ' "and cContactCountry='" & SqlFmt(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCountry").InnerText) & "' " oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("select * from tblCartContact where nContactDirId = " & CStr(myWeb.mnUserId) & cWhere, "tblCartContact") If oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows.Count > 0 Then oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("nUserAddressId")) oXform.Instance.LastChild.InnerText = oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows(0).Item("nContactKey") oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("nUserAddressType")) oXform.Instance.LastChild.InnerText = oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows(0).Item("cContactType") End If End If End If 'add some proceedual fields to instance oElmt = oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement(cCmdType) oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oElmt) oElmt = oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("cIsDelivery") oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oElmt) If cmd2 <> "" Then oElmt = oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("cmd2") oElmt.InnerText = "True" oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oElmt) End If ' If oXform.isSubmitted And cAddressType = myWeb.moRequest.Form("cContactType") Then If oXform.isSubmitted Then oXform.updateInstanceFromRequest() oXform.validate() myWeb.moSession("isDelivery") = myWeb.moRequest("isDelivery") 'Catch for space as country If Not myWeb.moRequest("cContactCountry") = Nothing Then If myWeb.moRequest("cContactCountry").Trim = "" Then oXform.valid = False oXform.addNote("cContactCountry", xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "Please select a country", True) End If End If If oXform.valid Then 'the form is valid so update it - add a check for timed out session (mnCartId = 0) If ContactId > 0 Then 'ID is specified so we simply update ignore relation to the cart moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, oXform.Instance, ContactId) Else If mnCartId > 0 Then 'test if we have a address of this type against the order..! 'ssql = "Select nContactKey from tblCartContact where cContactType = '" & cAddressType & "' and nContactCartid=" & mnCartId 'Dim sContactKey1 As String = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(ssql) 'moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, oXform.Instance, sContactKey1) 'Step through for multiple addresses Dim bSavedDelivery As Boolean = False 'check for collection options If IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery")) Then 'Save the delivery method allready Dim cSqlUpdate As String = "" Dim oDrCollectionOptions2 As SqlDataReader = moDBHelper.getDataReader("select * from tblCartShippingMethods where nShipOptKey = " & myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery")) Do While oDrCollectionOptions2.Read() Dim cShippingDesc As String = oDrCollectionOptions2.Item("cShipOptName").ToString() & "-" & oDrCollectionOptions2.Item("cShipOptCarrier").ToString() & "</span>" Dim nShippingCost As Double = CDbl("0" & oDrCollectionOptions2.Item("nShipOptCost")) cSqlUpdate = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET cShippingDesc='" & SqlFmt(cShippingDesc) & "', nShippingCost=" & SqlFmt(nShippingCost) & ", nShippingMethodId = " & myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery") & " WHERE nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId Loop moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(cSqlUpdate) bSavedDelivery = True Else 'If it exists and we are here means we may have changed the Delivery address 'country RemoveDeliveryOption(mnCartId) End If For Each oElmt In oXform.Instance.SelectNodes("tblCartContact") Dim cThisAddressType As String = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactType").InnerText sSql = "Select nContactKey from tblCartContact where cContactType = '" & cThisAddressType & "' and nContactCartid=" & mnCartId Dim sContactKey1 As String = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql) Dim saveInstance As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("instance") saveInstance.AppendChild(oElmt.Clone) moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, saveInstance, sContactKey1) If cThisAddressType = "Delivery Address" Then bSavedDelivery = True Next 'if the option save Delivery is true then If bSavedDelivery = False Then If myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery") = "True" Or (mbNoDeliveryAddress And cAddressType = "Billing Address") Then If myWeb.moRequest("cIsDelivery") = "True" And mnShippingRootId > 0 Then 'mnShippingRootId 'check if the submitted country matches one in the delivery list Dim oCheckElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("ValidCountries") ListShippingLocations(oCheckElmt) Dim cCountry As String = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCountry").InnerText If oCheckElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::TreeItem[@Name='" & cCountry & "' or @name='" & cCountry & "' or @nameShort='" & cCountry & "']") Is Nothing Then oXform.valid = False oXform.addNote("cContactCountry", xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "Cannot Deliver to this country. please select another.", True) End If End If If oXform.valid Then sSql = "Select nContactKey from tblCartContact where cContactType = 'Delivery Address' and nContactCartid=" & mnCartId Dim sContactKey2 As String = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql) oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactType").InnerText = "Delivery Address" moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, oXform.Instance, sContactKey2) 'going to set it back to a billing address oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactType").InnerText = "Billing Address" End If End If End If If Not oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactEmail[@optOut='true']") Is Nothing Then moDBHelper.AddInvalidEmail(oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactEmail[@optOut='true']").InnerText) End If Else ' Throw an error to indicate that the user has timed out mnProcessError = 4 End If End If End If End If oXform.addValues() Return oXform Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "contactXform", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Overridable Function pickContactXform(ByVal cAddressType As String, Optional ByVal submitPrefix As String = "", Optional ByVal cCmdType As String = "cartCmd", Optional ByVal cCmdAction As String = "") As xForm PerfMon.Log("Cart", "pickContactXform") Dim oXform As xForm = New xForm Dim oReturnForm As xForm Dim oGrpElmt As XmlElement Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oDs2 As DataSet Dim oDr As DataRow Dim cSql As String = "" 'Dim sAddressHtml As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim contactId As Long = 0 Dim billingAddId As Long = 0 Dim oContactXform As xForm = Nothing Dim bDontPopulate As Boolean = False Dim bBillingSet As Boolean = False Dim newSubmitPrefix As String = submitPrefix Dim newAddressType As String = cAddressType Dim contactFormCmd2 As String = "" Try ' Get any existing addresses for user ' Changed this so it gets any 'Check if updated primiary billing address, (TS added order by reverse order added) cSql = "select * from tblCartContact where nContactDirId = " & CStr(myWeb.mnUserId) & " and nContactCartId = 0 order by cContactType ASC, nContactKey DESC" oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(cSql, "tblCartContact") For Each oDr In oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows If billingAddId = 0 Then billingAddId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") If myWeb.moRequest("cartDeleditAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then submitPrefix = "cartDel" cAddressType = "Delivery Address" newSubmitPrefix = "cartDel" newAddressType = "Delivery Address" 'ensure we hit this next time through... cCmdAction = "Delivery" contactFormCmd2 = "cartDeleditAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey") ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addDelivery" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then bDontPopulate = True newSubmitPrefix = "cartDel" newAddressType = "Delivery Address" cCmdAction = "Delivery" ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "editAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then If Not billingAddId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") Then newSubmitPrefix = "cartDel" newAddressType = "Delivery Address" Else 'we are editing a billing address and want to ensure we dont get a double form. If mcBillingAddressXform.Contains("BillingAndDeliveryAddress.xml") Then mcBillingAddressXform = mcBillingAddressXform.Replace("BillingAndDeliveryAddress.xml", "BillingAddress.xml") End If 'ensure we hit this next time through... cCmdAction = "Billing" contactFormCmd2 = submitPrefix & "editAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey") bDontPopulate = True 'we specifiy a contactID to ensure we don't update the cart addresses just the ones on file. contactId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") End If ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "useBilling" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then contactId = setCurrentBillingAddress(myWeb.mnUserId, oDr.Item("nContactKey")) bBillingSet = True End If Next If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addNewAddress") <> "" Then contactId = 0 bDontPopulate = True End If oContactXform = contactXform(newAddressType, newSubmitPrefix & "Address", cCmdType, cCmdAction, bDontPopulate, contactId, contactFormCmd2) 'Build the xform oXform.moPageXML = moPageXml oXform.NewFrm(cAddressType) oXform.valid = False ' oReturnForm is going to be the form returned at the end of the function. oReturnForm = oXform If Not bBillingSet Then contactId = setCurrentBillingAddress(myWeb.mnUserId, 0) Else cSql = "select * from tblCartContact where nContactDirId = " & CStr(myWeb.mnUserId) & " and nContactCartId = 0 order by cContactType ASC" oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(cSql, "tblCartContact") End If If oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows.Count > 0 Then ' Create the instance oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("cContactId")) ' Add a value if an address has been selected oDs2 = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("select * from tblCartContact where nContactCartId = " & CStr(Me.mnCartId) & " and cContactType = '" & cAddressType & "'", "tblCartContact") If oDs2.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows.Count > 0 Then oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("cContactId").InnerText = oDs2.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows(0).Item("nContactKey") End If oXform.Instance.AppendChild(oXform.moPageXML.CreateElement("cIsDelivery")) oXform.submission("contact", mcPagePath & cCmdType & "=" & cCmdAction, "POST", ) oGrpElmt = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "address", , "") oXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "addType", False, "", "hidden") oGrpElmt.LastChild.AppendChild(oGrpElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("value")) oGrpElmt.LastChild.FirstChild.InnerText = cAddressType 'oXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "cContactId", True, "Select", "multiline", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) 'oXform.addBind("cContactId", "cContactId") 'Add Collection Options If moDBHelper.checkTableColumnExists("tblCartShippingMethods", "bCollection") Then 'Add Collection options 'Get the collection delivery options Dim oDrCollectionOptions As SqlDataReader = moDBHelper.getDataReader("select * from tblCartShippingMethods where bCollection = 1") If oDrCollectionOptions.HasRows Then Dim oCollectionGrp As XmlElement oCollectionGrp = oXform.addGroup(oGrpElmt, "CollectionOptions", "collection-options", "") Do While oDrCollectionOptions.Read() Dim OptLabel As String = oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptName").ToString() & " - " & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptCarrier").ToString() oXform.addSubmit(oCollectionGrp, "collect", OptLabel, "CollectionID_" & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("nShipOptKey").ToString(), "collect btn-success principle", "fa-truck") Loop End If End If For Each oDr In oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows Dim oAddressGrp As XmlElement oAddressGrp = oXform.addGroup(oGrpElmt, "addressGrp-" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "addressGrp", "") oXform.addDiv(oAddressGrp, moDBHelper.getObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, oDr.Item("nContactKey")), "pickAddress") If billingAddId <> oDr.Item("nContactKey") Then oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, "editAddress", "Edit", "cartDeleditAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "edit", "fa-pencil") oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, "removeAddress", "Del", submitPrefix & "deleteAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "delete", "fa-trash-o") Else oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, "editAddress", "Edit", submitPrefix & "editAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "edit", "fa-pencil") ' oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, "removeAddress", "Delete", submitPrefix & "deleteAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "delete") End If If oDr.Item("cContactType") <> "Billing Address" Then oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "Use as Billing", submitPrefix & "useBilling" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "setAsBilling") Else If LCase(moCartConfig("NoDeliveryAddress")) = "on" Then oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, "addNewAddress", "Add New Address", submitPrefix & "addNewAddress", "addnew", "fa-plus") Else oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, "addNewAddress", "Add New Billing Address", submitPrefix & "addNewAddress", "addnew", "fa-plus") End If If Not (LCase(moCartConfig("NoDeliveryAddress"))) = "on" Then oXform.addSubmit(oGrpElmt, oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "New Delivery Address", submitPrefix & "addDelivery" & oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "setAsBilling btn-success principle", "fa-plus") End If End If If LCase(moCartConfig("NoDeliveryAddress")) = "on" Then oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "Use This Address", submitPrefix & "contact" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) Else oXform.addSubmit(oAddressGrp, oDr.Item("nContactKey"), "Deliver To This Address", submitPrefix & "contact" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) End If Next ' Check if the form has been submitted If oXform.isSubmitted Then oXform.updateInstanceFromRequest() Dim forCollection As Boolean = False If moDBHelper.checkTableColumnExists("tblCartShippingMethods", "bCollection") Then Dim bCollectionSelected = False Dim oDrCollectionOptions As SqlDataReader = moDBHelper.getDataReader("select * from tblCartShippingMethods where bCollection = 1") If oDrCollectionOptions.HasRows Then Do While oDrCollectionOptions.Read() If myWeb.moRequest("CollectionID_" & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("nShipOptKey")) <> "" Then bCollectionSelected = True 'Set the shipping option Dim cShippingDesc As String = oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptName").ToString() & "-" & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptCarrier").ToString() Dim nShippingCost As Double = CDbl("0" & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("nShipOptCost")) Dim cSqlUpdate As String cSqlUpdate = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET cShippingDesc='" & SqlFmt(cShippingDesc) & "', nShippingCost=" & SqlFmt(nShippingCost) & ", nShippingMethodId = " & oDrCollectionOptions.Item("nShipOptKey") & " WHERE nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(cSqlUpdate) forCollection = True oXform.valid = True oContactXform.valid = True mbNoDeliveryAddress = True Dim NewInstance As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("instance") Dim delXform As xForm = contactXform("Delivery Address") NewInstance.InnerXml = delXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact").OuterXml 'dissassciate from user so not shown again NewInstance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nContactDirId").InnerText = "" NewInstance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactName").InnerText = oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptName").ToString() NewInstance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCompany").InnerText = oDrCollectionOptions.Item("cShipOptCarrier").ToString() NewInstance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCountry").InnerText = moCartConfig("DefaultDeliveryCountry") Dim collectionContactID As String collectionContactID = moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, NewInstance) useSavedAddressesOnCart(billingAddId, CInt(collectionContactID)) Return oReturnForm End If Loop If bCollectionSelected = False Then RemoveDeliveryOption(mnCartId) End If End If End If For Each oDr In oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "contact" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then contactId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") 'Save Behaviour oXform.valid = True ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addDelivery" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then contactId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") oXform.valid = False oContactXform.valid = False ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "editAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then contactId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") 'edit Behavior ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "deleteAddress" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then contactId = oDr.Item("nContactKey") 'delete Behavior moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, contactId) 'remove from form oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::group[@ref='addressGrp-" & contactId & "']").ParentNode.RemoveChild(oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::group[@ref='addressGrp-" & contactId & "']")) oXform.valid = False ElseIf myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "useBilling" & oDr.Item("nContactKey")) <> "" Then 'we have handled this at the top oXform.valid = False End If Next ' Check if the contactID is populated If contactId = 0 Then oXform.addNote("address", xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "You must select an address from the list") Else ' Get the selected address Dim oMatches() As DataRow = oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Select("nContactKey = " & contactId) If Not oMatches Is Nothing Then Dim oMR As DataRow = oMatches(0) If Not bDontPopulate Then ' Update the contactXform with the address oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactType").InnerText = newAddressType oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactName").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactName") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCompany").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactCompany") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactAddress").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactAddress") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCity").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactCity") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactState").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactState") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactZip").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactZip") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactCountry").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactCountry") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactTel").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactTel") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactFax").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactFax") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactEmail").InnerText = oMR.Item("cContactEmail") & "" oContactXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("cIsDelivery").InnerText = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("cIsDelivery").InnerText oContactXform.resetXFormUI() oContactXform.addValues() ' Add hidden values for the parent address If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "editAddress" & contactId) <> "" Then oGrpElmt = oContactXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("group") oContactXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "userAddId", False, "", "hidden") oGrpElmt.LastChild.AppendChild(oGrpElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("value")) oGrpElmt.LastChild.FirstChild.InnerText = contactId 'oMR.Item("nContactKey") oContactXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "userAddType", False, "", "hidden") oGrpElmt.LastChild.AppendChild(oGrpElmt.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("value")) oGrpElmt.LastChild.FirstChild.InnerText = newAddressType 'oMR.Item("cContactType") End If End If End If End If End If oXform.addValues() End If If oContactXform.valid = False And oXform.valid = False Then 'both forms are invalid so we need to output one of the forms. If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "editAddress" & contactId) <> "" Or myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addDelivery" & contactId) <> "" Or oContactXform.isSubmitted Then 'we are editing an address so show the contactXform or a contactXform has been submitted to oReturnForm = oContactXform Else ' We need to show the pick list if and only if : ' 1. It has addresses in it ' 2. There is no request to Add If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("/model/instance").HasChildNodes() And Not (myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addNewAddress") <> "") Then oReturnForm = oXform Else ' Add address needs to clear out the existing xForm If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addNewAddress") <> "" Then oContactXform.resetXFormUI() oContactXform.addValues() End If oReturnForm = oContactXform End If End If Else ' If pick address has been submitted, then we have a contactXform that has not been submitted, and therefore not saved. Let's save it. If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "contact" & contactId) <> "" Then useSavedAddressesOnCart(billingAddId, contactId) 'skip delivery oContactXform.moXformElmt.SetAttribute("cartCmd", "ChoosePaymentShippingOption") End If If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "addDelivery" & contactId) <> "" Then useSavedAddressesOnCart(billingAddId, 0) 'remove the deliver from the instance if it is there Dim oNode As XmlNode For Each oNode In oContactXform.Instance.SelectNodes("tblCartContact[cContactType='Delivery Address']") oNode.ParentNode.RemoveChild(oNode) Next End If If oContactXform.valid = False Then oContactXform.valid = True oContactXform.moXformElmt.SetAttribute("persistAddress", "false") End If If myWeb.moRequest(submitPrefix & "editAddress" & billingAddId) <> "" And oContactXform.valid Then 'We have edited a billing address and need to output the pickForm oReturnForm = oXform Else 'pass through the xform to make transparent oReturnForm = oContactXform End If End If 'TS not sure if required after rewrite, think it is deleting addresses unessesarily. 'If Not (oReturnForm Is Nothing) AndAlso oReturnForm.valid AndAlso oReturnForm.isSubmitted Then ' ' There seems to be an issue with duplicate addresses being submitted by type against an order. ' ' This script finds the duplciates and nullifies them (i.e. sets their cartid to be 0). ' cSql = "UPDATE tblCartContact SET nContactCartId = 0 " _ ' & "FROM (SELECT nContactCartId id, cContactType type, MAX(nContactKey) As latest FROM dbo.tblCartContact WHERE nContactCartId <> 0 GROUP BY nContactCartId, cContactType HAVING COUNT(*) >1) dup " _ ' & "INNER JOIN tblCartContact c ON c.nContactCartId = dup.id AND c.cContactType = dup.type AND c.nContactKey <> dup.latest" ' cProcessInfo = "Clear Duplicate Addresses: " & cSql ' moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(cSql) 'End If Return oReturnForm Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "pickContactXform", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Each user need only have a single active billing address ''' </summary> ''' <param name="UserId"></param> ''' <param name="ContactId"></param> ''' <returns>If Contact ID = 0 then uses last updated</returns> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function setCurrentBillingAddress(ByVal UserId As Long, ByVal ContactId As Long) As Long Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim cSql As String Dim oDS As DataSet Dim oDr As DataRow Try If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then If ContactId <> 0 Then moDBHelper.updateInstanceField(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, ContactId, "cContactType", "Billing Address") End If 'Check for othersss cSql = "select c.* from tblCartContact c inner JOIN tblAudit a on a.nAuditKey = c.nAuditId where nContactDirId = " & CStr(myWeb.mnUserId) & " and nContactCartId = 0 and cContactType='Billing Address' order by a.dUpdateDate DESC" oDS = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(cSql, "tblCartContact") For Each oDr In oDS.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows If ContactId = "0" Then 'gets the top one ContactId = oDr("nContactKey") End If If oDr("nContactKey") <> ContactId Then moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql("update tblCartContact set cContactType='Previous Billing Address' where nContactKey=" & oDr("nContactKey")) End If Next Return ContactId Else Return 0 End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "setCurrentBillingAddress", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Sub useSavedAddressesOnCart(ByVal billingId As Long, ByVal deliveryId As Long) Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim oDs As DataSet Dim odr As DataRow Try 'get id's of addresses allready assoicated with this cart they are being replaced Dim sSql As String sSql = "select nContactKey, cContactType, nAuditKey from tblCartContact inner join tblAudit a on nAuditId = a.nAuditKey where nContactCartId = " & CStr(mnCartId) oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "tblCartContact") Dim savedBillingId As String = "" Dim savedDeliveryId As String = "" Dim savedBillingAuditId As String = "" Dim savedDeliveryAuditId As String = "" For Each odr In oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows If odr("cContactType") = "Billing Address" Then If savedBillingId <> "" Then 'delete any duplicates moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, odr("nContactKey")) Else savedBillingId = odr("nContactKey") savedBillingAuditId = odr("nAuditKey") End If End If If odr("cContactType") = "Delivery Address" Then If savedDeliveryId <> "" Then 'delete any duplicates moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, odr("nContactKey")) Else savedDeliveryId = odr("nContactKey") savedDeliveryAuditId = odr("nAuditKey") End If End If Next oDs = Nothing 'this should update the billing address Dim billInstance As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Instance") billInstance.InnerXml = moDBHelper.getObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, billingId) billInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nContactKey").InnerText = savedBillingId billInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nContactCartId").InnerText = mnCartId billInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/cContactType").InnerText = "Billing Address" billInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nAuditId").InnerText = savedBillingAuditId billInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nAuditKey").InnerText = savedBillingAuditId moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, billInstance) 'now get the submitted delivery id instance If Not deliveryId = 0 Then Dim delInstance As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Instance") delInstance.InnerXml = moDBHelper.getObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, deliveryId) delInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nContactKey").InnerText = savedDeliveryId delInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nContactCartId").InnerText = mnCartId delInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/cContactType").InnerText = "Delivery Address" delInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nAuditId").InnerText = savedDeliveryAuditId delInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/nAuditKey").InnerText = savedDeliveryAuditId moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, delInstance) End If 'here we should update the current instance so we can calculate the shipping later Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "useAddressesOnCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Protected Sub UpdateExistingUserAddress(ByRef oContactXform As xForm) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateExistingUserAddress") ' Check if it exists - if it does then update the nContactKey node Dim oTempCXform As New xForm Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim sSql As String Dim nCount As Long Dim oAddElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt2 As XmlElement Try For Each oAddElmt In oContactXform.Instance.SelectNodes("tblCartContact") If oAddElmt.GetAttribute("saveToUser") <> "false" Then 'does this address allready exist? sSql = "select count(nContactKey) from tblCartContact where nContactDirId = " & myWeb.mnUserId & " and nContactCartId = 0 " & _ " and cContactName = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactName").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactCompany = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactCompany").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactAddress = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactAddress").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactCity = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactCity").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactState = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactState").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactZip = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactZip").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactCountry = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactCountry").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactTel = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactTel").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactFax = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactFax").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactEmail = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactEmail").InnerText) & "'" & _ " and cContactXml = '" & SqlFmt(oAddElmt.SelectSingleNode("cContactXml").InnerXml) & "'" nCount = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql) If nCount = 0 Then oTempCXform.NewFrm("tblCartContact") oTempCXform.Instance.InnerXml = oAddElmt.OuterXml Dim tempInstance As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("instance") Dim ContactType As String = oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/cContactType").InnerText ' Update/add the address to the table ' make sure we are inserting by reseting the key If myWeb.moRequest("userAddId") <> "" And ContactType = myWeb.moRequest("userAddType") Then 'get the id we are updating Dim updateId As Long = myWeb.moRequest("userAddId") oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nContactKey").InnerText = updateId 'We need to populate the auditId feilds tempInstance.InnerXml = moDBHelper.getObjectInstance(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, updateId) 'update with the fields specified For Each oElmt In oTempCXform.Instance.SelectNodes("tblCartContact/*[node()!='']") If Not (oElmt.Name = "nAuditId" Or oElmt.Name = "nAuditKey") Then oElmt2 = tempInstance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/" & oElmt.Name) oElmt2.InnerXml = oElmt.InnerXml End If Next oTempCXform.Instance = tempInstance Else oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nContactKey").InnerText = "0" oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nAuditId").InnerText = "" oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nAuditKey").InnerText = "" End If 'separate from cart oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nContactCartId").InnerText = "0" 'link to user oTempCXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartContact/nContactDirId").InnerText = myWeb.mnUserId moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartContact, oTempCXform.Instance) End If End If Next setCurrentBillingAddress(myWeb.mnUserId, 0) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateExistingUserAddress", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Finally oTempCXform = Nothing End Try End Sub Public Overridable Function discountsProcess(ByVal oElmt As XmlElement) As String Dim sCartCmd As String = mcCartCmd Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim bAlwaysAskForDiscountCode As Boolean = IIf(LCase(moCartConfig("AlwaysAskForDiscountCode")) = "on", True, False) Try myWeb.moSession("cLogonCmd") = "" GetCart(oElmt) If moDiscount.bHasPromotionalDiscounts Or bAlwaysAskForDiscountCode Then Dim oDiscountsXform As xForm = discountsXform("discountsForm", "?pgid=" & myWeb.mnPageId & "&cartCmd=Discounts") If oDiscountsXform.valid = False Then moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(oDiscountsXform.moXformElmt) Else oElmt.RemoveAll() sCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" End If Else oElmt.RemoveAll() sCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" End If 'if this returns Notes then we display for otherwise we goto processflow Return sCartCmd Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "discountsProcess", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return "" End Try End Function Public Overridable Function discountsXform(Optional ByVal formName As String = "notesForm", Optional ByVal action As String = "?cartCmd=Discounts") As xForm PerfMon.Log("Cart", "notesXform") ' this function is called for the collection from a form and addition to the database ' of address information. Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim sSql As String Dim oFormGrp As XmlElement Dim sXmlContent As String Dim promocodeElement As XmlElement = Nothing Dim usedPromocodeFromExternalRef As Boolean = False Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try 'Get notes XML Dim oXform As xForm = New xForm oXform.moPageXML = moPageXml 'oXform.NewFrm(formName) Dim cDiscountsXform As String = moCartConfig("DiscountsXform") If cDiscountsXform <> "" Then If Not oXform.load(cDiscountsXform) Then oXform.NewFrm(formName) oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "discounts", , "Missing File: " & mcNotesXForm) Else 'add missing submission or submit buttons If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("model/submission") Is Nothing Then 'If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("model/instance/submission") Is Nothing Then oXform.submission(formName, action, "POST", "return form_check(this);") End If If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::submit") Is Nothing Then oXform.addSubmit(oXform.moXformElmt, "Submit", "Continue") End If Dim oSubmit As XmlElement = oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::submit") If Not oSubmit Is Nothing Then oFormGrp = oSubmit.ParentNode Else oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "Promo", , "Enter Promotional Code") End If If oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::PromotionalCode") Is Nothing Then If oXform.Instance.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) End If promocodeElement = oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) oXform.addInput(oFormGrp, "Notes/PromotionalCode", False, "Promotional Code", "") End If End If Else oXform.NewFrm(formName) oXform.submission(formName, action, "POST", "return form_check(this);") oXform.Instance.InnerXml = "<Notes/>" oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "notes", , "") If oXform.Instance.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) End If promocodeElement = oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) oXform.addInput(oFormGrp, "Notes/PromotionalCode", False, "Promotional Code", "") oXform.addSubmit(oFormGrp, "Submit", "Continue") End If 'Open database for reading and writing ' External promo code checks If promocodeElement IsNot Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.promocodeFromExternalRef) Then usedPromocodeFromExternalRef = True End If sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows 'load existing notes from Cart sXmlContent = oRow("cClientNotes") & "" If sXmlContent <> "" Then oXform.Instance.InnerXml = sXmlContent End If 'If this xform is being submitted Dim isSubmitted As Boolean = oXform.isSubmitted If isSubmitted Or myWeb.moRequest("Submit") = "Continue" _ Or myWeb.moRequest("Submit") = "Search" Then oXform.updateInstanceFromRequest() oXform.validate() If oXform.valid = True Then oRow("cClientNotes") = oXform.Instance.InnerXml mcCartCmd = "RedirectSecure" End If ElseIf Not isSubmitted And usedPromocodeFromExternalRef Then ' If an external promo code is in the system then save it, even before it has been submitted promocodeElement = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("//PromotionalCode") If promocodeElement IsNot Nothing Then promocodeElement.InnerText = Me.promocodeFromExternalRef oRow("cClientNotes") = oXform.Instance.InnerXml ' Promo code is officially in the process, so we can ditch any transitory variables. Me.promocodeFromExternalRef = "" End If End If Next moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Order", True) oDs.Clear() oDs = Nothing oXform.addValues() Return oXform Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "notesXform", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Overridable Function notesProcess(ByVal oElmt As XmlElement) As String Dim sCartCmd As String = mcCartCmd Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try 'should never get this far for subscriptions unless logged on. If Not moSubscription Is Nothing Then If Not moSubscription.CheckCartForSubscriptions(mnCartId, myWeb.mnUserId) Then If myWeb.mnUserId = 0 Then sCartCmd = "LogonSubs" End If End If End If myWeb.moSession("cLogonCmd") = "" GetCart(oElmt) If mcNotesXForm <> "" Then Dim oNotesXform As xForm = notesXform("notesForm", mcPagePath & "cartCmd=Notes", oElmt) If oNotesXform.valid = False Then moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(oNotesXform.moXformElmt) Else oElmt.RemoveAll() sCartCmd = "SkipAddress" End If Else oElmt.RemoveAll() sCartCmd = "SkipAddress" End If 'if this returns Notes then we display for otherwise we goto processflow Return sCartCmd Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "notesProcess", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return "" End Try End Function Public Overridable Function notesXform(Optional ByVal formName As String = "notesForm", Optional ByVal action As String = "?cartCmd=Notes", Optional oCart As XmlElement = Nothing) As xForm PerfMon.Log("Cart", "notesXform") ' this function is called for the collection from a form and addition to the database ' of address information. Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim sSql As String Dim oFormGrp As XmlElement Dim sXmlContent As String Dim promocodeElement As XmlElement = Nothing Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try 'Get notes XML Dim oXform As xForm = New xForm oXform.moPageXML = moPageXml ' Select Case LCase(mcNotesXForm) Case "default" oXform.NewFrm(formName) oXform.submission(formName, action, "POST", "return form_check(this);") oXform.Instance.InnerXml = "<Notes/>" oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "notes", , "Please enter any comments on your order here") oXform.addTextArea(oFormGrp, "Notes/Notes", False, "Notes", "") If moDiscount.bHasPromotionalDiscounts Then 'If oXform.Instance.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then If Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.Instance).SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then 'oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) 'Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.Instance).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::instance")).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) End If 'oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) 'Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.Instance).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) promocodeElement = Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::instance")).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) oXform.addInput(oFormGrp, "Notes/PromotionalCode", False, "Promotional Code", "") End If oXform.addSubmit(oFormGrp, "Submit", "Continue") Case "productspecific" Dim oOrderLine As XmlElement Dim oMasterFormXml As XmlElement = Nothing For Each oOrderLine In oCart.SelectNodes("Item") 'get any Xform related to cart items Dim contentId As Long = oOrderLine.GetAttribute("contentId") sSql = "select nContentKey from tblContent c inner join tblContentRelation cr on cr.nContentChildId = c.nContentKey where c.cContentSchemaName = 'xform' and cr.nContentParentId = " & contentId Dim FormId As Long = myWeb.moDbHelper.GetDataValue(sSql) If Not FormId = Nothing Then Dim oFormXml As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("NewXform") oFormXml.InnerXml = myWeb.moDbHelper.getContentBrief(FormId) If oMasterFormXml Is Nothing Then 'Duplication the items for each qty in cart Dim n As Integer = 1 Dim oItem As XmlElement = oFormXml.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::Item") oItem.SetAttribute("name", oOrderLine.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText) oItem.SetAttribute("stockCode", oOrderLine.SelectSingleNode("productDetail/StockCode").InnerText) oItem.SetAttribute("number", n) Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To oOrderLine.GetAttribute("quantity") n = n + 1 Dim newItem As XmlElement = oItem.CloneNode(True) newItem.SetAttribute("number", n) oItem.ParentNode.InsertAfter(newItem, oItem.ParentNode.LastChild) Next oMasterFormXml = oFormXml Else 'behaviour for appending additioanl product forms Dim n As Integer = 1 Dim oItem As XmlElement = oFormXml.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::Item") oItem.SetAttribute("name", oOrderLine.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText) oItem.SetAttribute("stockCode", oOrderLine.SelectSingleNode("productDetail/StockCode").InnerText) oItem.SetAttribute("number", n) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To oOrderLine.GetAttribute("quantity") Dim newItem As XmlElement = oItem.CloneNode(True) newItem.SetAttribute("number", n) n = n + 1 Dim AddAfterNode As XmlElement = oMasterFormXml.SelectSingleNode("Content/model/instance/Notes/Item[last()]") AddAfterNode.ParentNode.InsertAfter(newItem, AddAfterNode) Next End If End If Next 'Load with repeats. If Not oMasterFormXml Is Nothing Then oXform.load(oMasterFormXml.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::Content"), True) End If If moDiscount.bHasPromotionalDiscounts Then Dim oNotesRoot As XmlElement = oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("Notes") If oNotesRoot.SelectSingleNode("PromotionalCode") Is Nothing Then promocodeElement = oNotesRoot.AppendChild(oMasterFormXml.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) End If oFormGrp = oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::group[1]") oXform.addInput(oFormGrp, "Notes/PromotionalCode", False, "Promotional Code", "") End If If Not oXform.moXformElmt Is Nothing Then 'add missing submission or submit buttons If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("model/submission") Is Nothing Then 'If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("model/instance/submission") Is Nothing Then oXform.submission(formName, action, "POST", "return form_check(this);") End If If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::submit") Is Nothing Then oXform.addSubmit(oXform.moXformElmt, "Submit", "Continue") End If oXform.moXformElmt.SetAttribute("type", "xform") oXform.moXformElmt.SetAttribute("name", "notesForm") Else oXform.NewFrm(formName) oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "notes", , "Missing File: Product has no form request ") 'force to true so we move on. oXform.valid = True End If Case Else If Not oXform.load(mcNotesXForm) Then oXform.NewFrm(formName) oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "notes", , "Missing File: " & mcNotesXForm) Else 'add missing submission or submit buttons If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("model/submission") Is Nothing Then 'If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("model/instance/submission") Is Nothing Then oXform.submission(formName, action, "POST", "return form_check(this);") End If If oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::submit") Is Nothing Then oXform.addSubmit(oXform.moXformElmt, "Submit", "Continue") End If If moDiscount.bHasPromotionalDiscounts Then Dim oSubmit As XmlElement = oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::submit") If Not oSubmit Is Nothing Then oFormGrp = oSubmit.ParentNode Else oFormGrp = oXform.addGroup(oXform.moXformElmt, "Promo", , "Enter Promotional Code") End If If oXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::PromotionalCode") Is Nothing Then 'If oXform.Instance.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then If Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.Instance).SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then 'ocNode.AppendChild(moPageXml.ImportNode(Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(newXml.DocumentElement), True)) 'oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) 'Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.Instance).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::instance")).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Notes")) End If 'oXform.Instance.FirstChild.AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) 'Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.Instance).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) promocodeElement = Eonic.Tools.Xml.firstElement(oXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::instance")).AppendChild(oXform.Instance.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("PromotionalCode")) oXform.addInput(oFormGrp, "Notes/PromotionalCode", False, "Promotional Code", "") End If End If End If End Select ' External promo code checks If promocodeElement IsNot Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.promocodeFromExternalRef) Then promocodeElement.InnerText = Me.promocodeFromExternalRef ' Promo code is officially in the process, so we can ditch any transitory variables. Me.promocodeFromExternalRef = "" End If 'Open database for reading and writing sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows 'load existing notes from Cart sXmlContent = oRow("cClientNotes") & "" If sXmlContent <> "" Then Dim savedInstance As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("instance") moPageXml.PreserveWhitespace = False savedInstance.InnerXml = sXmlContent If oXform.Instance.SelectNodes("*/*").Count > savedInstance.SelectNodes("*/*").Count Then ' we have a greater amount of childnodes we need to merge.... Dim oStepElmt As XmlElement Dim oStepElmtCount As Integer = 0 'step through each child element and replace where attributes match, leaving final For Each oStepElmt In oXform.Instance.SelectNodes("*/*") Dim attXpath As String = oStepElmt.Name Dim attElmt As XmlAttribute Dim bfirst As Boolean = True For Each attElmt In oStepElmt.Attributes If bfirst Then attXpath = attXpath & "[" If Not bfirst Then attXpath = attXpath & " and " attXpath = attXpath + "@" & attElmt.Name & "='" & attElmt.Value & "'" bfirst = False Next If Not bfirst Then attXpath = attXpath & "]" If Not savedInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/" & attXpath) Is Nothing Then oStepElmt.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(savedInstance.SelectSingleNode("*/" & attXpath).CloneNode(True), oStepElmt) End If oStepElmtCount = oStepElmtCount + 1 Next Else oXform.Instance.InnerXml = sXmlContent End If End If 'If this xform is being submitted If oXform.isSubmitted Or myWeb.moRequest("Submit") = "Continue" Or myWeb.moRequest("Submit") = "Search" Then oXform.updateInstanceFromRequest() oXform.validate() If oXform.valid = True Then oRow("cClientNotes") = oXform.Instance.InnerXml 'if we are useing the notes as a search facility for products If myWeb.moRequest("Submit") = "Search" Then mcCartCmd = "Search" Else mcCartCmd = "SkipAddress" End If End If End If Next moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Order", True) oDs.Clear() oDs = Nothing oXform.addValues() notesXform = oXform Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "notesXform", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Overridable Function optionsXform(ByRef cartElmt As XmlElement) As xForm PerfMon.Log("Cart", "optionsXform") Dim ods As DataSet Dim ods2 As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim sSql As String Dim sSql2 As String Dim oGrpElmt As XmlElement Dim nQuantity As Short Dim nAmount As Double Dim nWeight As Double Dim cDestinationCountry As String Dim nShippingCost As Double Dim cShippingDesc As String = "" Dim cHidden As String = "" Dim bHideDelivery As Boolean = False Dim bHidePayment As Boolean = False Dim bFirstRow As Boolean = True ' Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim sProcessInfo As String = "" Dim bForceValidation As Boolean = False Dim bAdjustTitle As Boolean = True 'Dim cFormURL As String 'Dim cExternalGateway As String 'Dim cBillingAddress As String 'Dim cPaymentResponse As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim bAddTerms As Boolean = False Dim oPay As PaymentProviders Dim bDeny As Boolean = False Dim AllowedPaymentMethods As New Collections.Specialized.StringCollection If moPay Is Nothing Then oPay = New PaymentProviders(myWeb) Else oPay = moPay End If oPay.mcCurrency = mcCurrency Dim cDenyFilter As String = "" Try If moDBHelper.checkTableColumnExists("tblCartShippingPermission", "nPermLevel") Then bDeny = True cDenyFilter = " and nPermLevel <> 0" End If If moCartConfig("TermsContentId") = "" And moCartConfig("TermsAndConditions") = "" Then bAddTerms = False nQuantity = CInt("0" & cartElmt.GetAttribute("itemCount")) nAmount = CDbl("0" & cartElmt.GetAttribute("totalNet")) - CDbl("0" & cartElmt.GetAttribute("shippingCost")) nWeight = CDbl("0" & cartElmt.GetAttribute("weight")) Dim nRepeatAmount As Double = CDbl("0" & cartElmt.GetAttribute("repeatPrice")) Dim nShippingMethodId As Integer = CDbl("0" & cartElmt.GetAttribute("shippingType")) If cartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Delivery Address']/Country") Is Nothing Then sProcessInfo = "Destination Country not specified in Delivery Address" cDestinationCountry = "" Dim sTarget As String = "" Dim oAddressElmt As XmlElement For Each oAddressElmt In cartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Delivery Address']/*") If sTarget <> "" Then sTarget = sTarget & ", " sTarget = sTarget & oAddressElmt.InnerText Next Err.Raise(1004, "getParentCountries", sTarget & " Destination Country not specified in Delivery Address.") Else cDestinationCountry = cartElmt.SelectSingleNode("Contact[@type='Delivery Address']/Country").InnerText End If 'Go and collect the valid shipping options available for this order ods = getValidShippingOptionsDS(cDestinationCountry, nAmount, nQuantity, nWeight) Dim oOptXform As New xForm oOptXform.moPageXML = moPageXml If Not oOptXform.load("/xforms/Cart/Options.xml") Then oOptXform.NewFrm("optionsForm") oOptXform.Instance.InnerXml = "<nShipOptKey/><cPaymentMethod/><terms/><confirmterms>No</confirmterms><tblCartOrder><cShippingDesc/></tblCartOrder>" If Not (moCartConfig("TermsContentId") = "" And moCartConfig("TermsAndConditions") = "") Then bAddTerms = True End If Else bAdjustTitle = False bForceValidation = True If Not (moCartConfig("TermsContentId") = "" And moCartConfig("TermsAndConditions") = "") Then bAddTerms = True End If End If ' If there is already a submit item in the form, then maintain the event node ' Would rather that this whole form obeyed xform validation, but hey-ho. Ali Dim cEvent As String = "" Dim oSub As XmlElement = oOptXform.model.SelectSingleNode("submission") If oSub Is Nothing Then cEvent = "return form_check(this);" Else cEvent = oSub.GetAttribute("event") 'now remove the origional submit node coz we are going to add another. TS. oSub.ParentNode.RemoveChild(oSub) End If oOptXform.submission("optionsForm", mcPagePath & "cartCmd=ChoosePaymentShippingOption", "POST", cEvent) Dim cUserGroups As String = "" Dim rowCount As Long = ods.Tables("Option").Rows.Count If bDeny Then 'remove denied delivery methods If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then Dim grpElmt As XmlElement For Each grpElmt In moPageXml.SelectNodes("/Page/User/Group[@isMember='yes']") cUserGroups = cUserGroups & grpElmt.GetAttribute("id") & "," Next cUserGroups = cUserGroups & gnAuthUsers Else cUserGroups = gnNonAuthUsers End If For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Option").Rows Dim denyCount As Integer = 0 If bDeny Then Dim permSQL As String 'check option is not denied If Not cUserGroups = "" Then permSQL = "select count(*) from tblCartShippingPermission where nPermLevel = 0 and nDirId IN (" & cUserGroups & ") and nShippingMethodId = " & oRow("nShipOptKey") denyCount = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(permSQL) End If End If If denyCount > 0 Then oRow.Delete() rowCount = rowCount - 1 End If Next End If If rowCount = 0 Then oOptXform.addGroup(oOptXform.moXformElmt, "options") cartElmt.SetAttribute("errorMsg", 3) Else ' Build the Payment Options 'if the root group element exists i.e. we have loaded a form in. oGrpElmt = oOptXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("group") If oGrpElmt Is Nothing Then oGrpElmt = oOptXform.addGroup(oOptXform.moXformElmt, "options", "", "Select Delivery Option") End If ' Even if there is only 1 option we still want to display it, if it is a non-zero value - the visitor should know the description of their delivery option If ods.Tables("Option").Rows.Count = 1 Then For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Option").Rows If IsDBNull(oRow("nShippingTotal")) Then cHidden = " hidden" bHideDelivery = True ElseIf oRow("nShippingTotal") = 0 Then cHidden = " hidden" bHideDelivery = True Else nShippingCost = oRow("nShippingTotal") nShippingCost = CDbl(FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) oOptXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "nShipOptKey", False, oRow("cShipOptName") & "-" & oRow("cShipOptCarrier"), "hidden") oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("nShipOptKey").InnerText = oRow("nShipOptKey") oOptXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "tblCartOrder/cShippingDesc", False, "Shipping Method", "readonly") Dim DescElement As XmlElement = oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("tblCartOrder/cShippingDesc") DescElement.InnerText = oRow("cShipOptName") & "-" & oRow("cShipOptCarrier") & ": " & mcCurrencySymbol & FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2) DescElement.SetAttribute("name", oRow("cShipOptName")) DescElement.SetAttribute("carrier", oRow("cShipOptCarrier")) DescElement.SetAttribute("cost", FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2)) End If Next Else oOptXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "nShipOptKey", False, "Delivery Method", "radios multiline", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) bFirstRow = True Dim nLastID As Integer = 0 ' If selected shipping method is still in those available (because we now ) If nShippingMethodId <> 0 Then Dim bIsAvail As Boolean = False For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Option").Rows If Not oRow.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted Then If nShippingMethodId = oRow("nShipOptKey") Then bIsAvail = True End If End If Next 'If not then strip it out. If bIsAvail = False Then nShippingMethodId = 0 cartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingType", "0") cartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingCost", "") cartElmt.SetAttribute("shippingDesc", "") Dim cSqlUpdate As String = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET cShippingDesc= null, nShippingCost=null, nShippingMethodId = 0 WHERE nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(cSqlUpdate) End If End If 'If shipping option selected is collection don't change Dim bCollectionSelected As Boolean = False For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Option").Rows If Not oRow.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted Then If Not IsDBNull(oRow("bCollection")) Then If oRow("nShipOptKey") = nShippingMethodId And oRow("bCollection") = True Then bCollectionSelected = True End If End If End If Next For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Option").Rows If Not oRow.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted Then If (Not oRow("nShipOptKey") = nLastID) Then If bCollectionSelected Then 'if collection allready selected... Show only this option If nShippingMethodId = oRow("nShipOptKey") Then oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("nShipOptKey").InnerText = CStr(oRow("nShipOptKey")) nShippingCost = CDbl("0" & oRow("nShippingTotal")) nShippingCost = CDbl(FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) Dim optElmt As XmlElement = oOptXform.addOption((oGrpElmt.LastChild), oRow("cShipOptName") & "-" & oRow("cShipOptCarrier") & ": " & mcCurrencySymbol & FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2), oRow("nShipOptKey")) Dim optLabel As XmlElement = optElmt.SelectSingleNode("label") optLabel.SetAttribute("name", oRow("cShipOptName")) optLabel.SetAttribute("carrier", oRow("cShipOptCarrier")) optLabel.SetAttribute("cost", FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2)) End If Else Dim bShowMethod As Boolean = True 'Don't show if a collection method If moDBHelper.checkTableColumnExists("tblCartShippingMethods", "bCollection") Then If Not IsDBNull(oRow("bCollection")) Then If oRow("bCollection") = True Then bShowMethod = False End If End If End If If bShowMethod Then If bFirstRow Then oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("nShipOptKey").InnerText = CStr(oRow("nShipOptKey")) nShippingCost = CDbl("0" & oRow("nShippingTotal")) nShippingCost = CDbl(FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.True, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False, Microsoft.VisualBasic.TriState.False)) Dim optElmt As XmlElement = oOptXform.addOption((oGrpElmt.LastChild), oRow("cShipOptName") & "-" & oRow("cShipOptCarrier") & ": " & mcCurrencySymbol & FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2), oRow("nShipOptKey")) Dim optLabel As XmlElement = optElmt.SelectSingleNode("label") optLabel.SetAttribute("name", oRow("cShipOptName")) optLabel.SetAttribute("carrier", oRow("cShipOptCarrier")) optLabel.SetAttribute("cost", FormatNumber(nShippingCost, 2)) bFirstRow = False nLastID = oRow("nShipOptKey") End If End If End If End If Next End If ods = Nothing ' Allow to Select Multiple Payment Methods or just one Dim oPaymentCfg As XmlNode oPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") 'more than one.. bFirstRow = True If Not oPaymentCfg Is Nothing Then If nAmount = 0 And nRepeatAmount = 0 Then oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("cPaymentMethod").InnerText = "No Charge" Dim oSelectElmt As XmlElement = oOptXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "cPaymentMethod", False, "Payment Method", "radios multiline", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) oOptXform.addOption(oSelectElmt, "No Charge", "No Charge") bHidePayment = False AllowedPaymentMethods.Add("No Charge") ElseIf oPaymentCfg.SelectNodes("provider").Count > 1 Then Dim oSelectElmt As XmlElement oSelectElmt = oOptXform.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::select1[@ref='cPaymentMethod']") If oSelectElmt Is Nothing Then oSelectElmt = oOptXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "cPaymentMethod", False, "Payment Method", "radios multiline", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) End If Dim nOptCount As Integer = oPay.getPaymentMethods(oOptXform, oSelectElmt, nAmount, mcPaymentMethod) 'Code Moved to Get PaymentMethods If nOptCount = 0 Then oOptXform.valid = False oOptXform.addNote(oGrpElmt, xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "There is no method of payment available for your account - please contact the site administrator.") ElseIf nOptCount = 1 Then 'hide the options oSelectElmt.SetAttribute("class", "hidden") End If 'step throught the payment methods to set as allowed. Dim oOptElmt As XmlElement For Each oOptElmt In oSelectElmt.SelectNodes("item") AllowedPaymentMethods.Add(oOptElmt.SelectSingleNode("value").InnerText) Next ElseIf oPaymentCfg.SelectNodes("provider").Count = 1 Then 'or just one If oPay.HasRepeatPayments Then Dim oSelectElmt As XmlElement = oOptXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "cPaymentMethod", False, "Payment Method", "radios multiline", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) oPay.ReturnRepeatPayments(oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText, oOptXform, oSelectElmt) oOptXform.addOption(oSelectElmt, oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/description").Attributes("value").Value, oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider").Attributes("name").Value) bHidePayment = False AllowedPaymentMethods.Add(oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText) Else bHidePayment = True oOptXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cPaymentMethod", False, oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText, "hidden") oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("cPaymentMethod").InnerText = oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText AllowedPaymentMethods.Add(oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText) End If 'bHidePayment = True 'oOptXform.addInput(oGrpElmt, "cPaymentMethod", False, oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText, "hidden") 'oOptXform.instance.SelectSingleNode("cPaymentMethod").InnerText = oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText 'Dim oSelectElmt As XmlElement = oOptXform.addSelect1(oGrpElmt, "cPaymentMethod", False, "Payment Method", "radios multiline", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) 'oPay.ReturnRepeatPayments(oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("provider/@name").InnerText, oOptXform, oSelectElmt) Else oOptXform.valid = False oOptXform.addNote(oGrpElmt, xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "There is no method of payment setup on this site - please contact the site administrator.") End If Else oOptXform.valid = False oOptXform.addNote(oGrpElmt, xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "There is no method of payment setup on this site - please contact the site administrator.") End If Dim cTermsTitle As String = "Terms and Conditions" ' Adjust the group title If bAdjustTitle Then Dim cGroupTitle As String = "Select Delivery and Payment Option" If bHideDelivery And bHidePayment Then cGroupTitle = "Terms and Conditions" If bHideDelivery And Not (bHidePayment) Then cGroupTitle = "Select Payment Option" If Not (bHideDelivery) And bHidePayment Then cGroupTitle = "Select Delivery Option" oGrpElmt.SelectSingleNode("label").InnerText = cGroupTitle ' Just so we don't show the terms and conditions title twice If cGroupTitle = "Terms and Conditions" Then cTermsTitle = "" End If End If If bAddTerms Then If oGrpElmt.SelectSingleNode("*[@ref='terms']") Is Nothing Then oOptXform.addTextArea(oGrpElmt, "terms", False, cTermsTitle, "readonly terms-and-condiditons") End If If oGrpElmt.SelectSingleNode("*[@ref='confirmterms']") Is Nothing Then oOptXform.addSelect(oGrpElmt, "confirmterms", False, "&#160;", "", xForm.ApperanceTypes.Full) oOptXform.addOption(oGrpElmt.LastChild, "I agree to the Terms and Conditions", "Agree") End If If CInt("0" & moCartConfig("TermsContentId")) > 0 Then Dim termsElmt As New XmlDocument termsElmt.LoadXml(moDBHelper.getContentBrief(moCartConfig("TermsContentId"))) mcTermsAndConditions = termsElmt.DocumentElement.InnerXml Else mcTermsAndConditions = moCartConfig("TermsAndConditions") End If If mcTermsAndConditions Is Nothing Then mcTermsAndConditions = "" oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("terms").InnerXml = mcTermsAndConditions End If oOptXform.addSubmit(oGrpElmt, "optionsForm", "Make Secure Payment") End If oOptXform.valid = False If AllowedPaymentMethods.Contains(myWeb.moRequest("cPaymentMethod")) Then ' equates to is submitted If myWeb.moRequest("confirmterms") = "Agree" Or Not bAddTerms Then 'Save Submissions If mcPaymentMethod = "" Then mcPaymentMethod = myWeb.moRequest("cPaymentMethod") End If 'if we have a profile split it out, allows for more than one set of settings for each payment method, only done for SecPay right now. If InStr(mcPaymentMethod, "-") Then Dim aPayMth() As String = Split(mcPaymentMethod, "-") mcPaymentMethod = aPayMth(0) mcPaymentProfile = aPayMth(1) End If sSql2 = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId ods2 = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql2, "Order", "Cart") Dim oRow2 As DataRow, cSqlUpdate As String For Each oRow2 In ods2.Tables("Order").Rows Dim nShipOptKey As Long If Not myWeb.moRequest("nShipOptKey") Is Nothing Then oRow2("nShippingMethodId") = myWeb.moRequest("nShipOptKey") End If nShipOptKey = oRow2("nShippingMethodId") sSql = "select * from tblCartShippingMethods " sSql = sSql & " where nShipOptKey = " & nShipOptKey ods = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Order").Rows cShippingDesc = oRow("cShipOptName") & "-" & oRow("cShipOptCarrier") nShippingCost = oRow("nShipOptCost") cSqlUpdate = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET cShippingDesc='" & SqlFmt(cShippingDesc) & "', nShippingCost=" & SqlFmt(nShippingCost) & ", nShippingMethodId = " & nShipOptKey & " WHERE nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(cSqlUpdate) Next ' update the cart xml updateTotals(cartElmt, nAmount, nShippingCost, nShipOptKey) ods2 = Nothing If bForceValidation Then oOptXform.updateInstanceFromRequest() oOptXform.validate() Else oOptXform.valid = True End If Next Else oOptXform.addNote("confirmterms", xForm.noteTypes.Alert, "You must agree to the terms and conditions to proceed") End If End If If oOptXform.valid Then 'If we have any order notes we save them If Not oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("Notes") Is Nothing Then 'Open database for reading and writing sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId ods = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In ods.Tables("Order").Rows oRow("cClientNotes") = oOptXform.Instance.SelectSingleNode("Notes").OuterXml moDBHelper.updateDataset(ods, "Order", True) Next ods.Clear() ods = Nothing End If End If oOptXform.addValues() Return oOptXform Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "optionsXform", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Function getParentCountries(ByRef sTarget As String, ByRef nIndex As Integer) As String PerfMon.Log("Cart", "getParentCountries") Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim sSql As String Dim oLocations As Hashtable Dim nTargetId As Integer Dim sCountryList As String Dim nLocKey As Integer Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' First let's go and get a list of all the countries and their parent id's sSql = "SELECT * FROM tblCartShippingLocations ORDER BY nLocationParId" oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) sCountryList = "" nTargetId = -1 If oDr.HasRows Then oLocations = New Hashtable While oDr.Read Dim arrLoc(3) As String arrLoc(0) = oDr("nLocationParId") & "" If IsDBNull(oDr("nLocationTaxRate")) Or Not (IsNumeric(oDr("nLocationTaxRate"))) Then arrLoc(2) = 0 Else arrLoc(2) = oDr("nLocationTaxRate") End If If IsDBNull(oDr("cLocationNameShort")) Or IsNothing(oDr("cLocationNameShort")) Then arrLoc(1) = oDr("cLocationNameFull") Else arrLoc(1) = oDr("cLocationNameShort") End If nLocKey = CInt(oDr("nLocationKey")) oLocations(nLocKey) = arrLoc arrLoc = Nothing If IIf(IsDBNull(oDr("cLocationNameShort")), "", oDr("cLocationNameShort")) = Trim(sTarget) _ Or IIf(IsDBNull(oDr("cLocationNameFull")), "", oDr("cLocationNameFull")) = Trim(sTarget) Then nTargetId = oDr("nLocationKey") End If End While ' Iterate through the country list If nTargetId <> -1 Then ' Get country names sCountryList = iterateCountryList(oLocations, nTargetId, nIndex) sCountryList = "(" & Right(sCountryList, Len(sCountryList) - 1) & ")" End If oLocations = Nothing End If oDr.Close() oDr = Nothing If sCountryList = "" Then Err.Raise(1004, "getParentCountries", sTarget & " cannot be found as a delivery location, please add via the admin system.") End If Return sCountryList Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getParentCountries", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Private Function iterateCountryList(ByRef oDict As Hashtable, ByRef nParent As Integer, ByRef nIndex As Integer) As String PerfMon.Log("Cart", "iterateCountryList") Dim arrTmp As Object Dim sListReturn As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try sListReturn = "" If oDict.ContainsKey(nParent) Then arrTmp = oDict.Item(nParent) sListReturn = ",'" & SqlFmt(arrTmp(nIndex)) & "'" ' Adding this line here allows the top root location to be added If Not (IsDBNull(arrTmp(0)) Or arrTmp(0) = "") Then ' You're not at the root - arrTmp(0) is the parent of the location If arrTmp(0) <> nParent Then ' guard against recursive loops sListReturn = sListReturn & iterateCountryList(oDict, arrTmp(0), nIndex) End If End If End If iterateCountryList = sListReturn Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "iterateCountryList", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Sub addDateAndRef(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional invoiceDate As DateTime = Nothing) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "addDateAndRef") ' adds current date and an invoice reference number to the cart object. ' so the cart now contains all details needed for an invoice Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try If invoiceDate = Nothing Then invoiceDate = Now() oCartElmt.SetAttribute("InvoiceDate", niceDate(invoiceDate)) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("InvoiceRef", OrderNoPrefix & CStr(mnCartId)) If mcVoucherNumber <> "" Then oCartElmt.SetAttribute("payableType", "Voucher") oCartElmt.SetAttribute("voucherNumber", mcVoucherNumber) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("voucherValue", mcVoucherValue) oCartElmt.SetAttribute("voucherExpires", mcVoucherExpires) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "addDateAndRef", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function CreateNewCart(ByRef oCartElmt As XmlElement, Optional ByVal cCartSchemaName As String = "Order") As Long PerfMon.Log("Cart", "CreateNewCart") ' user has started shopping so we need to initialise the cart and add it to the db Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim oInstance As XmlDataDocument = New XmlDataDocument Dim oElmt As XmlElement Try 'stop carts being added by robots If Not myWeb.moSession("previousPage") = "" Then oInstance.AppendChild(oInstance.CreateElement("instance")) oElmt = addNewTextNode("tblCartOrder", oInstance.DocumentElement) 'addNewTextNode("nCartOrderKey", oElmt) addNewTextNode("cCurrency", oElmt, mcCurrencyRef) addNewTextNode("cCartSiteRef", oElmt, moCartConfig("OrderNoPrefix")) addNewTextNode("cCartForiegnRef", oElmt) addNewTextNode("nCartStatus", oElmt, "1") addNewTextNode("cCartSchemaName", oElmt, mcOrderType) '-----BJR----cCartSchemaName) addNewTextNode("cCartSessionId", oElmt, mcSessionId) ' MEMB - add userid to oRs if we are logged on If mnEwUserId > 0 Then addNewTextNode("nCartUserDirId", oElmt, CStr(mnEwUserId)) Else addNewTextNode("nCartUserDirId", oElmt, "0") End If addNewTextNode("nPayMthdId", oElmt, "0") addNewTextNode("cPaymentRef", oElmt) addNewTextNode("cCartXml", oElmt) addNewTextNode("nShippingMethodId", oElmt, "0") addNewTextNode("cShippingDesc", oElmt, moCartConfig("DefaultShippingDesc")) addNewTextNode("nShippingCost", oElmt, CLng(moCartConfig("DefaultShippingCost") & "0")) addNewTextNode("cClientNotes", oElmt, cOrderReference) '----BJR addNewTextNode("cSellerNotes", oElmt, "referer:" & myWeb.moSession("previousPage") & "/n") If Not (moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Request/GoogleCampaign") Is Nothing) Then addElement(oElmt, "cCampaignCode", moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Request/GoogleCampaign").OuterXml, True) End If addNewTextNode("nTaxRate", oElmt, CStr(mnTaxRate)) addNewTextNode("nGiftListId", oElmt, "0") addNewTextNode("nAuditId", oElmt) mnCartId = moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartOrder, oInstance.DocumentElement) Return mnCartId Else mnCartId = 0 Return mnCartId End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CreateNewCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function Public Function SetPaymentMethod(ByVal nPayMthdId As Long) Dim sSql As String = "" Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim cProcessInfo As String Try If mnCartId > 0 Then 'Update Seller Notes: sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId oDs = myWeb.moDbHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows oRow("nPayMthdId") = nPayMthdId Next myWeb.moDbHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Order") End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "AddPaymentMethod", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function Public Sub SetClientNotes(ByVal Notes As String) Dim sSql As String = "" Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim cProcessInfo As String Try If mnCartId > 0 Then 'Update Seller Notes: sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId oDs = myWeb.moDbHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows oRow("cClientNotes") = Notes Next myWeb.moDbHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Order") End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateSellerNotes", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function AddItem(ByVal nProductId As Long, ByVal nQuantity As Long, ByVal oProdOptions As Array, Optional ByVal cProductText As String = "", Optional ByVal nPrice As Double = 0, Optional ProductXml As String = "") As Boolean PerfMon.Log("Cart", "AddItem") Dim cSQL As String = "Select * From tblCartItem WHERE nCartOrderID = " & mnCartId & " AND nItemID =" & nProductId Dim oDS As New DataSet Dim oDR1 As DataRow 'Parent Rows Dim oDr2 As DataRow 'Child Rows Dim nItemID As Integer = 0 'ID of the cart item record Dim nCountExOptions As Integer 'number of matching options in the old cart item Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim NoOptions As Integer 'the number of options for the item Dim oProdXml As New XmlDocument Dim strPrice1 As String Dim nTaxRate As Long = 0 Dim i As Integer Try oDS = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(cSQL, "CartItems", "Cart") oDS.EnforceConstraints = False 'create relationship oDS.Relations.Add("Rel1", oDS.Tables("CartItems").Columns("nCartItemKey"), oDS.Tables("CartItems").Columns("nParentId"), False) oDS.Relations("Rel1").Nested = True 'loop through the parent rows to check the product If oDS.Tables("CartItems").Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each oDR1 In oDS.Tables("CartItems").Rows If moDBHelper.DBN2int(oDR1.Item("nParentId")) = 0 And oDR1.Item("nItemId") = nProductId Then '(oDR1.Item("nParentId") = 0 Or IsDBNull(oDR1.Item("nParentId"))) And oDR1.Item("nItemId") = nProductId Then nCountExOptions = 0 NoOptions = 0 'loop through the children(options) and count how many are the same For Each oDr2 In oDR1.GetChildRows("Rel1") For i = 0 To UBound(oProdOptions) - 1 If UBound(oProdOptions(i)) < 1 Then 'Case for text option with no index If oProdOptions(i)(0) = CStr(oDr2.Item("nItemOptGrpIdx")) Then nCountExOptions += 1 Else If oProdOptions(i)(0) = oDr2.Item("nItemOptGrpIdx") And oProdOptions(i)(1) = oDr2.Item("nItemOptIdx") Then nCountExOptions += 1 End If Next NoOptions += 1 Next If Not oProdOptions Is Nothing Then 'if they are all the same then we have the correct record so it is an update If ((nCountExOptions) = UBound(oProdOptions)) And ((NoOptions) = UBound(oProdOptions)) Then nItemID = oDR1.Item("NCartItemKey") 'ok, got the bugger Exit For 'exit the loop other wise we might go through some other ones End If Else If NoOptions = 0 Then nItemID = oDR1.Item("NCartItemKey") End If End If Next End If If nItemID = 0 Then 'New Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim oPrice As XmlElement = Nothing Dim nWeight As Long = 0 Dim oItemInstance As XmlDataDocument = New XmlDataDocument oItemInstance.AppendChild(oItemInstance.CreateElement("instance")) oElmt = addNewTextNode("tblCartItem", oItemInstance.DocumentElement) addNewTextNode("nCartOrderId", oElmt, CStr(mnCartId)) addNewTextNode("nItemId", oElmt, nProductId) addNewTextNode("cItemURL", oElmt, myWeb.GetContentUrl(nProductId)) 'Erm? If ProductXml <> "" Then oProdXml.InnerXml = ProductXml Else If nProductId > 0 Then oProdXml.InnerXml = moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar("Select cContentXmlDetail FROM tblContent WHERE nContentKey = " & nProductId) If Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/StockCode") Is Nothing Then addNewTextNode("cItemRef", oElmt, oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/StockCode").InnerText) '@ Where do we get this from? If cProductText = "" Then cProductText = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/*[1]").InnerText End If oPrice = getContentPricesNode(oProdXml.DocumentElement, myWeb.moRequest("unit"), nQuantity) If Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content[@overridePrice='True']") Is Nothing Then mbOveridePrice = True End If 'lets add the discount to the cart if supplied If Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Prices/Discount[@currency='" & mcCurrency & "']") Is Nothing Then Dim strDiscount1 As String = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode( "/Content/Prices/Discount[@currency='" & mcCurrency & "']" ).InnerText addNewTextNode("nDiscountValue", oElmt, IIf(IsNumeric(strDiscount1), strDiscount1, 0)) End If If Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/ShippingWeight") Is Nothing Then nWeight = CDbl("0" & oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/ShippingWeight").InnerText) End If End If End If addNewTextNode("cItemName", oElmt, cProductText) addNewTextNode("nItemOptGrpIdx", oElmt, 0) 'Dont Need addNewTextNode("nItemOptIdx", oElmt, 0) 'Dont Need If myWeb.moRequest("unit") <> "" Then addNewTextNode("cItemUnit", oElmt, myWeb.moRequest("unit")) End If If Not oPrice Is Nothing Then strPrice1 = oPrice.InnerText nTaxRate = getProductTaxRate(oPrice) Else strPrice1 = CStr(nPrice) End If If mbOveridePrice Then If myWeb.moRequest("price_" & nProductId) > 0 Then strPrice1 = myWeb.moRequest("price_" & nProductId) End If End If addNewTextNode("nPrice", oElmt, IIf(IsNumeric(strPrice1), strPrice1, 0)) addNewTextNode("nShpCat", oElmt, -1) '@ Where do we get this from? addNewTextNode("nTaxRate", oElmt, nTaxRate) addNewTextNode("nQuantity", oElmt, nQuantity) addNewTextNode("nWeight", oElmt, nWeight) addNewTextNode("nParentId", oElmt, 0) addNewTextNode("nParentId", oElmt, 0) Dim ProductXmlElmt As XmlElement = addNewTextNode("xItemXml", oElmt, "") ProductXmlElmt.InnerXml = oProdXml.DocumentElement.OuterXml nItemID = moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, oItemInstance.DocumentElement) 'Options If Not oProdOptions Is Nothing Then For i = 0 To UBound(oProdOptions) If Not oProdOptions(i) Is Nothing And nQuantity > 0 Then 'Add Options oItemInstance = New XmlDataDocument oItemInstance.AppendChild(oItemInstance.CreateElement("instance")) oElmt = addNewTextNode("tblCartItem", oItemInstance.DocumentElement) addNewTextNode("nCartOrderId", oElmt, CStr(mnCartId)) Dim cStockCode As String = "" Dim cOptName As String = "" Dim bTextOption As Boolean = False If UBound(oProdOptions(i)) < 1 Then 'This option dosen't have an index value 'Save the submitted value against stock code. cStockCode = Me.myWeb.moRequest.Form("opt_" & nProductId & "_" & (i + 1)) cOptName = cStockCode bTextOption = True Else If IsNumeric(oProdOptions(i)(0)) And IsNumeric(oProdOptions(i)(1)) Then 'add the stock code from the option If Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/StockCode") Is Nothing Then cStockCode = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/StockCode").InnerText ElseIf Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/code") Is Nothing Then cStockCode = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/code").InnerText ElseIf Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/name") Is Nothing Then cStockCode = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/name").InnerText End If 'add the name from the option If Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/Name") Is Nothing Then cOptName = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/Name").InnerText ElseIf Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/name") Is Nothing Then cOptName = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/name").InnerText ElseIf Not oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/@name") Is Nothing Then cOptName = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode("/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/@name").InnerText End If Else cStockCode = "" cOptName = "Invalid Option" End If End If addNewTextNode("cItemRef", oElmt, cStockCode) addNewTextNode("nItemId", oElmt, nProductId) addNewTextNode("cItemURL", oElmt, myWeb.mcOriginalURL) 'Erm? addNewTextNode("cItemName", oElmt, cOptName) If bTextOption Then 'save the option index as -1 for text option addNewTextNode("nItemOptGrpIdx", oElmt, (i + 1)) addNewTextNode("nItemOptIdx", oElmt, -1) 'No price variation for text options addNewTextNode("nPrice", oElmt, "0") Else addNewTextNode("nItemOptGrpIdx", oElmt, oProdOptions(i)(0)) addNewTextNode("nItemOptIdx", oElmt, oProdOptions(i)(1)) Dim oPriceElmt As XmlElement = oProdXml.SelectSingleNode( "/Content/Options/OptGroup[" & oProdOptions(i)(0) & "]" & "/option[" & oProdOptions(i)(1) & "]/Prices/Price[@currency='" & mcCurrency & "']" ) Dim strPrice2 As String = 0 If Not oPriceElmt Is Nothing Then strPrice2 = oPriceElmt.InnerText addNewTextNode("nPrice", oElmt, IIf(IsNumeric(strPrice2), strPrice2, 0)) End If addNewTextNode("nShpCat", oElmt, -1) addNewTextNode("nTaxRate", oElmt, 0) addNewTextNode("nQuantity", oElmt, 1) addNewTextNode("nWeight", oElmt, 0) addNewTextNode("nParentId", oElmt, nItemID) moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, oItemInstance.DocumentElement) End If Next End If Else 'Existing oDS.Relations.Clear() If nQuantity <= 0 Then moDBHelper.DeleteObject(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, nItemID, False) Else For Each oDR1 In oDS.Tables("CartItems").Rows If oDR1.Item("nCartItemKey") = nItemID Then oDR1.BeginEdit() oDR1("nQuantity") += nQuantity oDR1.EndEdit() Exit For End If Next End If moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDS, "CartItems") End If Return True Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "addItem", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function Public Overridable Function AddItems() As Boolean PerfMon.Log("Cart", "AddItems") 'this function checks for an identical item in the database. ' If there is, the quantity is increased accordingly. ' If not, a new item is added to the table Dim cProcessInfo As String = "Checking Submitted Products and Options" Dim oItem1 As Object 'Object for product keys/quantittie Dim oItem2 As Object 'Object for options Dim strAddedProducts As String = "Start:" 'string of products added Dim oOptions(1) As Array 'an array of option arrays (2 dimensional array) Dim nCurOptNo As Integer = 0 Dim oCurOpt() As String 'CurrentOption bieng evaluated Dim nProductKey As Long Dim nQuantity As Long Dim nI As Integer Dim cReplacementName As String = "" 'test string 'qty_233=1 opt_233_1=1_2,1_3 opt_233_2=1_5 Dim cSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim qtyAdded As Integer = 0 Try If LCase(moCartConfig("ClearOnAdd")) = "on" Then cSql = "select nCartItemKey from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(cSql, "Item") If oDs.Tables("Item").Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, oRow("nCartItemKey")) Next End If End If If LCase(mmcOrderType) = LCase(mcItemOrderType) Then ' test for order? For Each oItem1 In myWeb.moRequest.Form 'Loop for getting products/quants 'set defaults nProductKey = 0 nQuantity = 0 oOptions = Nothing cReplacementName = "" 'begin If InStr(oItem1, "qty_") = 1 Then 'check for getting productID and quantity (since there will only be one of these per item submitted) nProductKey = CLng(Replace(oItem1, "qty_", "")) 'Product key cProcessInfo = oItem1.ToString & " = " & myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem1) If IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem1)) Then nQuantity = myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem1) End If 'replacementName If nQuantity > 0 Then qtyAdded = qtyAdded + nQuantity If Not InStr(strAddedProducts, "'" & nProductKey & "'") > 0 Then ' double check we havent added this product (dont really need but good just in case) For Each oItem2 In myWeb.moRequest.Form 'loop through again checking for options If oItem2 = "replacementName_" & nProductKey Then cReplacementName = myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem2) If InStr(oItem2, "_") > 0 Then If Split(oItem2, "_")(0) & "_" & Split(oItem2, "_")(1) = "opt_" & nProductKey Then 'check it is an option oCurOpt = Split(myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem2), ",") 'get array of option in "1_2" format For nI = 0 To UBound(oCurOpt) 'loop through current options to split into another array ReDim Preserve oOptions(nCurOptNo + 1) 'redim the array to new length while preserving the current data oOptions(nCurOptNo) = Split(oCurOpt(nI), "_") 'split out the arrays of options nCurOptNo += 1 'update number of options Next End If 'end option check End If Next 'end option loop 'Add Item AddItem(nProductKey, nQuantity, oOptions, cReplacementName) 'Add Item to "Done" List strAddedProducts &= "'" & nProductKey & "'," End If End If 'end check for previously added End If 'end check for item/quant Next 'End Loop for getting products/quants If qtyAdded > 0 Then AddItems = True Else AddItems = False End If Else AddItems = False End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "addItems", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return False End Try End Function Public Function RemoveItem(Optional ByVal nItemId As Long = 0, Optional ByVal nContentId As Long = 0) As Integer PerfMon.Log("Cart", "RemoveItem") ' deletes record from item table in db Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim itemCount As Long If IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest("id")) Then nItemId = myWeb.moRequest("id") Try 'If myWeb.moRequest("id") <> "" Then If nContentId = 0 Then sSql = "select nCartItemKey from tblCartItem where (nCartItemKey = " & nItemId & " Or nParentId = " & nItemId & ") and nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId Else sSql = "select nCartItemKey from tblCartItem where nItemId = " & nContentId & " and nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId End If oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Item") If oDs.Tables("Item").Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, oRow("nCartItemKey")) Next End If ' REturn the cart order item count sSql = "select count(*) As ItemCount from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) If oDr.HasRows Then While oDr.Read itemCount = CInt(oDr("ItemCount")) End While End If oDr.Close() oDr = Nothing Return itemCount Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "removeItem", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function Public Function UpdateItem(Optional ByVal nItemId As Long = 0, Optional ByVal nContentId As Long = 0, Optional ByVal qty As Long = 1) As Integer PerfMon.Log("Cart", "RemoveItem") ' deletes record from item table in db Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim itemCount As Long Try If LCase(moCartConfig("ClearOnAdd")) = "on" Then Dim cSql As String = "select nCartItemKey from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(cSql, "Item") If oDs.Tables("Item").Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, oRow("nCartItemKey")) Next End If End If 'If myWeb.moRequest("id") <> "" Then If qty > 0 Then 'sSql = "delete from tblCartItem where nCartItemKey = " & myWeb.moRequest("id") & "and nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId If nContentId = 0 Then sSql = "select * from tblCartItem where (nCartItemKey = " & nItemId & " Or nParentId = " & nItemId & ") and nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId Else sSql = "select * from tblCartItem where nItemId = " & nContentId & " and nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId End If oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Item") If oDs.Tables("Item").Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows oRow("nQuantity") = qty Next Else AddItem(nContentId, qty, Nothing) End If moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Item") oDs = Nothing Else RemoveItem(nItemId, nContentId) End If ' REturn the cart order item count sSql = "select count(*) As ItemCount from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) If oDr.HasRows Then While oDr.Read itemCount = CInt(oDr("ItemCount")) End While End If oDr.Close() oDr = Nothing Return itemCount Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "removeItem", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' Empties all items in a shopping cart. ''' </summary> ''' <remarks></remarks> Public Sub EmptyCart() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "EmptyCart") Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim sSql As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' Return the cart order item count sSql = "select nCartItemKey from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) If oDr.HasRows Then While oDr.Read moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartItem, oDr("nCartItemKey")) End While End If oDr.Close() oDr = Nothing Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "EmptyCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub UpdateCartDeposit(ByRef oRoot As XmlElement, ByVal nPaymentAmount As Double, ByVal cPaymentType As String) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateCartDeposit") Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim sSql As String Dim nAmountReceived As Double = 0.0# Dim cUniqueLink As String = "" Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' If the cPaymentType is deposit then we need to make a link, otherwise we need to get the paymentReceived details. If cPaymentType = "deposit" Then ' Get the unique link from the cart cUniqueLink = ", cSettlementID='" & oRoot.GetAttribute("settlementID") & "' " Else ' Get the amount received so far sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) If oDr.HasRows Then While oDr.Read nAmountReceived = CDbl(oDr("nAmountReceived")) cUniqueLink = ", cSettlementID='OLD_" & oDr("cSettlementID") & "' " End While End If oDr.Close() End If nAmountReceived = nAmountReceived + nPaymentAmount sSql = "update tblCartOrder set nAmountReceived = " & nAmountReceived & ", nLastPaymentMade= " & nPaymentAmount & cUniqueLink & " where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "QuitCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Finally oDr = Nothing End Try End Sub Public Sub QuitCart() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "QuitCart") ' set the cart status to 7 Dim sSql As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' Old delete calls - DON't DELETE THE CART, Simply set the status to abandoned. ' sSql = "delete from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId ' oDb.exeProcessSQL sSql, mcEwDataConn ' sSql = "delete from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey =" & mnCartId ' oDb.exeProcessSQL sSql, mcEwDataConn sSql = "update tblCartOrder set nCartStatus = 11 where(nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId & ")" moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "QuitCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Overridable Sub EndSession() PerfMon.Log("Cart", "EndSession") Dim sProcessInfo As String = "" Dim sSql As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try clearSessionCookie() sSql = "update tblCartOrder set cCartSessionId = 'OLD_' + cCartSessionId where(nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId & ")" moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) mmcOrderType = "" mnCartId = 0 myWeb.moSession("CartId") = Nothing Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "EndSession", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function updateCart(ByRef cSuccessfulCartCmd As String) As Object PerfMon.Log("Cart", "updateCart") ' user can decide to change the quantity of identical items or change the shipping options ' changes to the database are made in this function Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oRow As DataRow Dim sSql As String Dim nItemCount As Integer Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try 'Go through the items associated with the order sSql = "select * from tblCartItem where nCartOrderId = " & mnCartId cProcessInfo = sSql oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Item", "Cart") '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ oDs.Relations.Add("Rel1", oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("nCartItemKey"), oDs.Tables("Item").Columns("nParentId"), False) oDs.Relations("Rel1").Nested = True '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ nItemCount = 0 ' nItemCount - keeps a running total (accounting for deletions) Dim bNullParentId As Boolean = False For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Item").Rows If Not oRow.RowState = DataRowState.Deleted Then bNullParentId = False If oRow("nParentId") Is DBNull.Value Then bNullParentId = True ElseIf oRow("nParentId") = 0 Then bNullParentId = True End If If bNullParentId Then ' for options nItemCount = nItemCount + 1 ' First check if the quantity is numeric (if not ignore it) If IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest("itemId-" & oRow("nCartItemKey"))) Then ' It's numeric - let's see if it's positive (i.e. update it, if not delete it) If CInt(myWeb.moRequest("itemId-" & oRow("nCartItemKey"))) > 0 Then oRow("nQuantity") = myWeb.moRequest("itemId-" & oRow("nCartItemKey")) Else 'delete options first Dim oCRows() As DataRow = oRow.GetChildRows("Rel1") Dim nDels As Integer For nDels = 0 To UBound(oCRows) oCRows(nDels).Delete() Next 'end delete options oRow.Delete() nItemCount = nItemCount - 1 End If End If End If 'for options End If Next moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Item") ' If itemCount is 0 or less Then quit the cart, otherwise update the cart If nItemCount > 0 Then 'Get the Cart Order sSql = "select * from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId cProcessInfo = sSql oDs = moDBHelper.getDataSetForUpdate(sSql, "Order", "Cart") For Each oRow In oDs.Tables("Order").Rows oRow.BeginEdit() 'update the "cart last update" date moDBHelper.setObjectInstance(Web.dbHelper.objectTypes.Audit, , oRow("nAuditId")) 'Update the Client notes, only if no separate form If mcNotesXForm = "" And Not myWeb.moRequest("cClientNotes") = "" Then oRow("cClientNotes") = myWeb.moRequest("cClientNotes") End If oRow("nCartStatus") = mnProcessId '------------BJR------------------- oRow("cCartSchemaName") = mcOrderType 'oRow("cClientNotes") = cOrderReference '---------------------------------- If Not CStr(oRow("cSellerNotes")).Contains("Referrer: " & myWeb.Referrer) And Not myWeb.Referrer = "" Then oRow("cSellerNotes") &= "/n" & "Referrer: " & myWeb.Referrer & "/n" End If oRow.EndEdit() Next moDBHelper.updateDataset(oDs, "Order") ' Set the successful Cart Cmd mcCartCmd = cSuccessfulCartCmd Return cSuccessfulCartCmd Else mnProcessId = 0 mcCartCmd = "Quit" 'Return Nothing Return mcCartCmd End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Sub ListOrders(ByRef oContentsXML As XmlElement, ByVal ProcessId As cartProcess) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "ListOrders") Dim oRoot As XmlElement Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try oRoot = moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oRoot.SetAttribute("type", "listTree") oRoot.SetAttribute("template", "default") oRoot.SetAttribute("name", "Orders - " & ProcessId.GetType.ToString) sSql = "SELECT nCartOrderKey as id, c.cContactName as name, c.cContactEmail as email, a.dUpdateDate from tblCartOrder inner join tblAudit a on nAuditId = a.nAuditKey left outer join tblCartContact c on (nCartOrderKey = c.nContactCartId and cContactType = 'Billing Address') where nCartStatus = " & ProcessId oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Order", "List") If oDs.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then oDs.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(2).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(3).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute 'load existing data into the instance oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("List") oElmt.InnerXml = oDs.GetXml oContentsXML.AppendChild(oElmt) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "ListShippingLocations", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub ListShippingLocations(ByRef oContentsXML As XmlElement, Optional ByVal OptId As Long = 0) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "ListShippingLocations") Dim oRoot As XmlElement Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try oRoot = moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oRoot.SetAttribute("type", "listTree") oRoot.SetAttribute("template", "default") If OptId <> 0 Then oRoot.SetAttribute("name", "Shipping Locations Form") sSql = "SELECT nLocationKey as id, nLocationType as type, nLocationParId as parid, cLocationNameFull as Name, cLocationNameShort as nameShort, (SELECT COUNT(*) from tblCartShippingRelations r where r.nShpLocId = n.nLocationKey and r.nShpOptId = " & OptId & ") As selected from tblCartShippingLocations n " Else oRoot.SetAttribute("name", "Shipping Locations") sSql = "SELECT nLocationKey as id, nLocationType as type, nLocationParId as parid, cLocationNameFull as Name, cLocationNameShort as nameShort, (SELECT COUNT(*) from tblCartShippingRelations r where r.nShpLocId = n.nLocationKey) As nOptCount from tblCartShippingLocations n " End If ' NOTE : This SQL is NOT the same as the equivalent function in the EonicWeb component. ' It adds a count of shipping option relations for each location oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "TreeItem", "Tree") oDs.Relations.Add("rel01", oDs.Tables(0).Columns("id"), oDs.Tables(0).Columns("parId"), False) oDs.Relations("rel01").Nested = True If oDs.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then oDs.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(2).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Hidden oDs.Tables(0).Columns(3).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(4).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(5).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute 'load existing data into the instance oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Tree") oElmt.InnerXml = oDs.GetXml Dim oCheckElmt As XmlElement = Nothing oCheckElmt = oElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::TreeItem[@id='" & mnShippingRootId & "']") If Not oCheckElmt Is Nothing Then oElmt = oCheckElmt oContentsXML.AppendChild(oElmt) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "ListShippingLocations", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub ListDeliveryMethods(ByRef oContentsXML As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "ListDeliveryMethods") Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try sSql = "select a.nStatus as status, nShipOptKey as id, cShipOptName as name, cShipOptCarrier as carrier, a.dPublishDate as startDate, a.dExpireDate as endDate, tblCartShippingMethods.cCurrency from tblCartShippingMethods left join tblAudit a on a.nAuditKey = nAuditId order by nDisplayPriority" oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "ListItem", "List") If oDs.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then oDs.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(2).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(3).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(4).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(5).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(6).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute 'load existing data into the instance oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("List") oElmt.InnerXml = oDs.GetXml oContentsXML.AppendChild(oElmt.FirstChild) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "ListDeliveryMethods", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub ListCarriers(ByRef oContentsXML As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "ListDeliveryMethods") Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim sSql As String Dim oDs As DataSet Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try sSql = "select a.nStatus as status, nCarrierKey as id, cCarrierName as name, cCarrierTrackingInstructions as info, a.dPublishDate as startDate, a.dExpireDate as endDate from tblCartCarrier left join tblAudit a on a.nAuditKey = nAuditId" oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Carrier", "Carriers") If oDs.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then oDs.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(1).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(4).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute oDs.Tables(0).Columns(5).ColumnMapping = Data.MappingType.Attribute 'load existing data into the instance oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("Carriers") oElmt.InnerXml = oDs.GetXml oContentsXML.AppendChild(oElmt.FirstChild) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "ListCarriers", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub ListPaymentProviders(ByRef oContentsXML As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "ListPaymentProviders") Dim oElmt As XmlElement Dim oElmt2 As XmlElement Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Dim oPaymentCfg As XmlNode Dim Folder As String = "/ewcommon/xforms/PaymentProvider/" Dim fi As FileInfo Dim ProviderName As String Try oPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") oElmt = moPageXml.CreateElement("List") Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(moServer.MapPath(Folder)) Dim files As FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles() For Each fi In files If fi.Extension = ".xml" Then ProviderName = Replace(fi.Name, fi.Extension, "") oElmt2 = addNewTextNode("Provider", oElmt, Replace(ProviderName, "-", " ")) If Not oPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("/payment/provider[@name='" & Replace(ProviderName, "-", "") & "']") Is Nothing Then oElmt2.SetAttribute("active", "true") End If End If Next oContentsXML.AppendChild(oElmt) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "ListPaymentProviders", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Private Sub AddDeliveryFromGiftList(ByVal nGiftListId As String) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "AddDeliveryFromGiftList") Dim oDs As DataSet Dim oXml As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try 'does the order allready contain a delivery address? oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("select * from tblCartContact where cContactType='Delivery Address' and nContactParentId > 0 and nContactParentId=" & mnCartId.ToString & " and nContactParentType=1", "tblCartContact") If oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows.Count = 0 Then oDs.Dispose() oDs = Nothing oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("select * from tblCartContact where cContactType='Delivery Address' and nContactParentId > 0 and nContactParentId=" & nGiftListId & " and nContactParentType=1", "tblCartContact") If oDs.Tables("tblCartContact").Rows.Count = 1 Then oXml.LoadXml(oDs.GetXml) oXml.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/tblCartContact/nContactKey").InnerText = "-1" ' oXml.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/tblCartContact/nContactParentType").InnerText = "1" oXml.SelectSingleNode("NewDataSet/tblCartContact/nContactParentId").InnerText = mnCartId.ToString moDBHelper.saveInstance(oXml.DocumentElement, "tblCartContact", "nContactKey") End If End If 'OK now add the GiftList Id to the cart mnGiftListId = nGiftListId oDs.Dispose() oDs = Nothing oXml = Nothing Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "AddDeliveryFromGiftList", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Calculates and updates the tax rate. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="cContactCountry">Optional: The name of the current current to work out the tax rate for. If empty, then the default tax rate is assumed.</param> ''' <remarks>If customer is logged on user and they are in a specified group, then void their tax rate</remarks> Public Sub UpdateTaxRate(Optional ByRef cContactCountry As String = "") PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateTaxRate") Dim sCountryList As String Dim aVatRates() As String Dim cVatRate As String Dim cVatExclusionGroup As String Dim nUpdateTaxRate As Double Dim nCurrentTaxRate As Double Dim bAllZero As Boolean Dim sSql As String Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try ' Store the current tax rate for comparison later nCurrentTaxRate = mnTaxRate nUpdateTaxRate = nCurrentTaxRate cVatExclusionGroup = "" & moCartConfig("TaxRateExclusionGroupId") ' First check if the user is in a tax exclusion group If IsNumeric(cVatExclusionGroup) _ AndAlso CInt(cVatExclusionGroup) > 0 _ AndAlso Tools.Xml.NodeState(myWeb.moPageXml.DocumentElement, "/Page/User/*[@id='" & cVatExclusionGroup & "']") Then cProcessInfo = "User is in Tax Rate exclusion group" nUpdateTaxRate = 0 ElseIf cContactCountry <> "" Then ' First get an iterative list of the location and its parents tax rates sCountryList = getParentCountries(cContactCountry, 2) cProcessInfo = "Get tax for:" & cContactCountry If sCountryList = "" Then bAllZero = True Else sCountryList = Mid(sCountryList, 3, Len(sCountryList) - 4) aVatRates = Split(sCountryList, "','") Array.Reverse(aVatRates) ' go backwards through the list, and use the last non-zero tax rate bAllZero = True For Each cVatRate In aVatRates If CDbl(cVatRate) > 0 Then nUpdateTaxRate = CDbl(cVatRate) bAllZero = False End If Next End If ' If all the countries are 0 then we need to set the tax rate accordingly If bAllZero Then nUpdateTaxRate = 0 End If If nUpdateTaxRate <> nCurrentTaxRate Then ' return the (amended) rate to the mnTaxRate global variable. mnTaxRate = nUpdateTaxRate ' update the cart order table with the new tax rate sSql = "update tblCartOrder set nTaxRate = " & mnTaxRate & " where nCartOrderKey=" & mnCartId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) End If PerfMon.Log("Cart", "UpdateTaxEnd") Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "UpdateTaxRate", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub populateCountriesDropDown(ByRef oXform As xForm, ByRef oCountriesDropDown As XmlElement, Optional ByVal cAddressType As String = "", Optional IDValues As Boolean = False) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "populateCountriesDropDown") Dim sSql As String Dim oDr As SqlDataReader Dim oLoctree As XmlElement Dim oLocation As XmlElement Dim arrPreLocs() As String = Split(mcPriorityCountries, ",") Dim arrIdx As Integer Dim bPreSelect As Boolean Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" = oCountriesDropDown.OuterXml Try Select Case cAddressType Case "Delivery Address" ' Delivery countries are restricted ' Go and build a tree of all locations - this will allow us to detect whether or not a country is in iteself or in a zone that has a Shipping Option oLoctree = moPageXml.CreateElement("Contents") ListShippingLocations(oLoctree, False) ' Add any priority countries For arrIdx = 0 To UBound(arrPreLocs) oLocation = oLoctree.SelectSingleNode("//TreeItem[@nameShort='" & arrPreLocs(arrIdx) & "']/ancestor-or-self::*[@nOptCount!='0']") If Not (oLocation Is Nothing) Then oXform.addOption((oCountriesDropDown), Trim(CStr(arrPreLocs(arrIdx))), Trim(CStr(arrPreLocs(arrIdx)))) bPreSelect = True End If Next If bPreSelect Then oXform.addOption((oCountriesDropDown), "--------", " ") End If ' Now let's go and get a list of all the COUNTRIES sorted ALPHABETICALLY sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT cLocationNameShort FROM tblCartShippingLocations WHERE nLocationType = 2 ORDER BY cLocationNameShort" oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) While oDr.Read() 'Let's find the country node ' XPath says "Get the context node for the location I'm looking at. Does it or its ancestors have an OptCount > 0? If Not (oLoctree.SelectSingleNode("//TreeItem[@nameShort=""" & oDr("cLocationNameShort") & """]/ancestor-or-self::*[@nOptCount!='0']") Is Nothing) Then oXform.addOption((oCountriesDropDown), oDr("cLocationNameShort"), oDr("cLocationNameShort")) End If End While oLoctree = Nothing oLocation = Nothing oDr.Close() oDr = Nothing Case Else ' Not restricted by delivery address - add all countries. For arrIdx = 0 To UBound(arrPreLocs) oXform.addOption((oCountriesDropDown), Trim(CStr(arrPreLocs(arrIdx))), Trim(CStr(arrPreLocs(arrIdx)))) bPreSelect = True Next If bPreSelect Then oXform.addOption((oCountriesDropDown), "--------", " ") End If If IDValues Then sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT cLocationNameShort as name, nLocationKey as value FROM tblCartShippingLocations WHERE nLocationType = 2 ORDER BY cLocationNameShort" Else sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT cLocationNameShort as name, cLocationNameShort as value FROM tblCartShippingLocations WHERE nLocationType = 2 ORDER BY cLocationNameShort" End If oDr = moDBHelper.getDataReader(sSql) oXform.addOptionsFromSqlDataReader(oCountriesDropDown, oDr) 'this closes the oDr too End Select Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "populateCountriesDropDown", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function emailCart(ByRef oCartXML As XmlElement, ByVal xsltPath As String, ByVal fromName As String, ByVal fromEmail As String, ByVal recipientEmail As String, ByVal SubjectLine As String, Optional ByVal bEncrypt As Boolean = False) As Object PerfMon.Log("Cart", "emailCart") Dim oXml As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument Dim cProcessInfo As String = "emailCart" Try 'check file path Dim ofs As New Eonic.fsHelper() oXml.LoadXml(oCartXML.OuterXml) xsltPath = ofs.checkCommonFilePath(moConfig("ProjectPath") & xsltPath) oCartXML.SetAttribute("lang", myWeb.mcPageLanguage) Dim oMsg As Messaging = New Messaging cProcessInfo = oMsg.emailer(oCartXML, xsltPath, fromName, fromEmail, recipientEmail, SubjectLine, "Message Sent", "Message Failed") oMsg = Nothing Return cProcessInfo Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "emailCart", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Sub DoNotesItem(ByVal cAction As String) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "DoNotesItem") Dim sSql As String Dim cNotes As String ' xml string value, gets reused Dim oNoteElmt As XmlElement Dim oNoteXML As New XmlDocument Dim oItem As Object Dim oAttribs(0) As FormResult Dim nQuantity As Integer = -1 'making it this number so we know Dim cProcessInfo As String = "DoNotesLine" Dim i As Integer Dim cxPath As String = "" Dim oTmpElements As XmlElement Dim tmpDoc As New XmlDocument Try 'if there is no active cart object (or quote) we need to make one If mnCartId = 0 Then Dim otmpcart As New Cart(myWeb) mnCartId = otmpcart.CreateNewCart(Nothing) End If 'now we need to get the notes from the cart sSql = "Select cClientNotes from tblCartOrder where nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId cNotes = moDBHelper.DBN2Str(moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSql), False, False) 'Check if it is empty If cNotes = "" Then 'we get the empty notes schema from the notes xForm instance. Dim oXform As xForm = New xForm oXform.moPageXML = moPageXml oXform.NewFrm("notesForm") If oXform.load(mcNotesXForm) Then oNoteXML.LoadXml(oXform.Instance.InnerXml) Else 'no notes xform is spcificed so create new notes node oNoteElmt = oNoteXML.CreateElement("Notes") oNoteXML.AppendChild(oNoteElmt) oNoteElmt = oNoteXML.CreateElement("Notes") oNoteXML.SelectSingleNode("Notes").AppendChild(oNoteElmt) End If oXform = Nothing Else oNoteXML.InnerXml = cNotes End If cNotes = "" 'now to get on and create our nodes For Each oItem In myWeb.moRequest.Form If oItem = "node" Then 'this is the basic node text cNotes = myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem) Else 'this is the rest of the submitted form data 'going to be saved as attributes ReDim Preserve oAttribs(UBound(oAttribs) + 1) oAttribs(UBound(oAttribs) - 1) = New FormResult(oItem, myWeb.moRequest.Form.Get(oItem)) End If Next 'creating a temporary xml document so we can turn the notes string 'into actual xml tmpDoc.InnerXml = cNotes oNoteElmt = Nothing 'now we can create an actual node in the main document with the right name oNoteElmt = oNoteXML.CreateElement(tmpDoc.ChildNodes(0).Name) 'give it the same xml oNoteElmt.InnerXml = tmpDoc.ChildNodes(0).InnerXml 'set the attributes 'and create an xpath excluding the quantity field to see if we have an identical node Dim cIncludeList As String = myWeb.moRequest.Form("InputList") For i = 0 To UBound(oAttribs) - 1 If cIncludeList.Contains(oAttribs(i).Name) Or cIncludeList = "" Then oNoteElmt.SetAttribute(oAttribs(i).Name, oAttribs(i).Value) If Not oAttribs(i).Name = "qty" Then If Not cxPath = "" Then cxPath &= " and " cxPath &= "@" & oAttribs(i).Name & "='" & oAttribs(i).Value & "'" Else nQuantity = oAttribs(i).Value End If End If Next 'If Not oAttribs(i).Name = "cartCmd" And Not oAttribs(i).Name = "quoteCmd" Then 'finish of the xpath cxPath = "Notes/" & oNoteElmt.Name & "[" & cxPath & "]" '"addNoteLine", "removeNoteLine", "updateNoteLine" 'loop through any basic matchest to see if it exisists already For Each oTmpElements In oNoteXML.SelectNodes("descendant-or-self::" & cxPath) 'we have a basic top level match 'does it match at a lower level If oTmpElements.InnerXml = oNoteElmt.InnerXml Then 'ok, it matches, do we add to the quantity or remove it If cAction = "removeNoteLine" Then 'its a remove 'check this oNoteXML.SelectSingleNode("Notes").RemoveChild(oTmpElements) 'skip the addition of a notes item GoTo SaveNotes ElseIf cAction = "updateNoteLine" Then 'an update oTmpElements.SetAttribute("qty", nQuantity) ' Complete Bodge for keysource Dim cVAs As String = myWeb.moRequest.Form("VA") If cVAs Is Nothing Or cVAs = "" Then cVAs = myWeb.moRequest.Form("Custom_VARating") Dim nTotalVA As Integer = 0 If IsNumeric(cVAs) Then nTotalVA = CDec(oTmpElements.GetAttribute("qty")) * CDec(cVAs) If nTotalVA > 0 Then oTmpElements.SetAttribute("TotalVA", nTotalVA) End If GoTo SaveNotes ElseIf Not nQuantity = -1 Then 'its an Add oTmpElements.SetAttribute("qty", CInt(oTmpElements.GetAttribute("qty")) + nQuantity) ' Complete Bodge for keysource Dim cVAs As String = myWeb.moRequest.Form("VA") If cVAs Is Nothing Or cVAs = "" Then cVAs = myWeb.moRequest.Form("Custom_VARating") Dim nTotalVA As Integer = 0 If IsNumeric(cVAs) Then nTotalVA = CDec(oTmpElements.GetAttribute("qty")) * CDec(cVAs) If nTotalVA > 0 Then oTmpElements.SetAttribute("TotalVA", nTotalVA) End If 'skip the addition of a notes item GoTo SaveNotes Else 'dont do anything, there is no quantity involved so we just add the item anyway End If 'there should only be one exact match so no need to go through the rest Exit For End If Next ' Complete Bodge for keysource Dim cVAsN As String = myWeb.moRequest.Form("VA") If cVAsN Is Nothing Or cVAsN = "" Then cVAsN = myWeb.moRequest.Form("Custom_VARating") Dim nTotalVAN As Integer = 0 If IsNumeric(cVAsN) Then nTotalVAN = nQuantity * CDec(cVAsN) If nTotalVAN > 0 Then oNoteElmt.SetAttribute("TotalVA", nTotalVAN) End If 'we only actually hit this if there is no exact match oNoteXML.DocumentElement.InsertAfter(oNoteElmt, oNoteXML.DocumentElement.LastChild) SaveNotes: ' this is so we can skip the appending of new node 'now we just need to update the cart notes and the other 'procedures will do the rest sSql = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET cClientNotes = '" & oNoteXML.OuterXml & "' WHERE (nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId & ")" moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSql) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "addItems", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Sub ListOrders(Optional ByVal nOrderID As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal bListAllQuotes As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ProcessId As Integer = 0, Optional ByRef oPageDetail As XmlElement = Nothing, Optional ByVal bForceRefresh As Boolean = False, Optional nUserId As Long = 0) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "ListOrders") If myWeb.mnUserId = 0 Then Exit Sub ' if not logged in, dont bother 'For listing a users previous orders/quotes Dim oDs As New DataSet Dim cSQL As String Dim cWhereSQL As String = "" ' Paging variables Dim nStart As Integer = 0 Dim nRows As Integer = 100 Dim nCurrentRow As Integer = 0 Dim moPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") Try ' Set the paging variables, if provided. If Not (myWeb.moRequest("startPos") Is Nothing) AndAlso IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest("startPos")) Then nStart = CInt(myWeb.moRequest("startPos")) If Not (myWeb.moRequest("rows") Is Nothing) AndAlso IsNumeric(myWeb.moRequest("rows")) Then nRows = CInt(myWeb.moRequest("rows")) If nStart < 0 Then nStart = 0 If nRows < 1 Then nRows = 100 If Not nUserId = 0 Then cWhereSQL = " WHERE nCartUserDirId = " & nUserId & IIf(nOrderID > 0, " AND nCartOrderKey = " & nOrderID, "") & " AND cCartSchemaName = '" & mcOrderType & "'" ElseIf Not myWeb.mbAdminMode Then cWhereSQL = " WHERE nCartUserDirId = " & myWeb.mnUserId & IIf(nOrderID > 0, " AND nCartOrderKey = " & nOrderID, "") & " AND cCartSchemaName = '" & mcOrderType & "'" Else cWhereSQL = " WHERE " & IIf(nOrderID > 0, " nCartOrderKey = " & nOrderID & " AND ", "") & " cCartSchemaName = '" & mcOrderType & "' " 'if nCartStatus = " & ProcessId If Not ProcessId = 0 Then cWhereSQL &= " and nCartStatus = " & ProcessId End If End If ' Quick call to get the total number of records cSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) As Count FROM tblCartOrder " & cWhereSQL Dim nTotal As Long = moDBHelper.GetDataValue(cSQL, , , 0) If nTotal > 0 Then ' Initial paging option is limit the the rows returned cSQL = "SELECT TOP " & (nStart + nRows) & " * FROM tblCartOrder " cSQL &= cWhereSQL & " ORDER BY nCartOrderKey Desc" oDs = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(cSQL, mcOrderType, mcOrderType & "List") Dim oDR As DataRow If oDs.Tables.Count > 0 Then Dim oContentDetails As XmlElement 'Get the content Detail element If oPageDetail Is Nothing Then oContentDetails = moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("Page/ContentDetail") If oContentDetails Is Nothing Then oContentDetails = moPageXml.CreateElement("ContentDetail") If Not moPageXml.InnerXml = "" Then moPageXml.FirstChild.AppendChild(oContentDetails) Else oPageDetail.AppendChild(oContentDetails) End If End If Else oContentDetails = oPageDetail End If oContentDetails.SetAttribute("start", nStart) oContentDetails.SetAttribute("total", nTotal) Dim bSingleRecord As Boolean = False If oDs.Tables(mcOrderType).Rows.Count = 1 Then bSingleRecord = True 'go through each cart For Each oDR In oDs.Tables(mcOrderType).Rows ' Only add the relevant rows (page selected) nCurrentRow += 1 If nCurrentRow > nStart Then Dim oContent As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oContent.SetAttribute("type", mcOrderType) oContent.SetAttribute("id", oDR("nCartOrderKey")) oContent.SetAttribute("statusId", oDR("nCartStatus")) 'Get Date cSQL = "Select dInsertDate from tblAudit where nAuditKey =" & oDR("nAuditId") Dim oDRe As SqlDataReader = moDBHelper.getDataReader(cSQL) Do While oDRe.Read oContent.SetAttribute("created", xmlDateTime(oDRe.GetValue(0))) Loop oDRe.Close() 'Get stored CartXML If (Not oDR("cCartXML") = "") And bForceRefresh = False Then oContent.InnerXml = oDR("cCartXML") Else Dim oCartListElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("Order") Me.GetCart(oCartListElmt, oDR("nCartOrderKey")) oContent.InnerXml = oCartListElmt.OuterXml End If Dim orderNode As XmlElement = oContent.FirstChild 'Add values not stored in cartXml orderNode.SetAttribute("statusId", oDR("nCartStatus")) If oDR("cCurrency") Is Nothing Or oDR("cCurrency") = "" Then oContent.SetAttribute("currency", mcCurrency) oContent.SetAttribute("currencySymbol", mcCurrencySymbol) Else oContent.SetAttribute("currency", oDR("cCurrency")) Dim thisCurrencyNode As XmlElement = moPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("currencies/Currency[@ref='" & oDR("cCurrency") & "']") If Not thisCurrencyNode Is Nothing Then oContent.SetAttribute("currencySymbol", thisCurrencyNode.GetAttribute("symbol")) Else oContent.SetAttribute("currencySymbol", mcCurrencySymbol) End If End If oContent.SetAttribute("type", LCase(mcOrderType)) 'oContent.SetAttribute("currency", mcCurrency) 'oContent.SetAttribute("currencySymbol", mcCurrencySymbol) If oDR("nCartUserDirId") <> 0 Then oContent.SetAttribute("userId", oDR("nCartUserDirId")) End If 'TS: Removed because it gives a massive overhead when Listing loads of orders. If bSingleRecord Then If myWeb.mbAdminMode And CInt("0" & oDR("nCartUserDirId")) > 0 Then oContent.AppendChild(moDBHelper.GetUserXML(CInt(oDR("nCartUserDirId")), False)) End If addNewTextNode("Notes", oContent.FirstChild, oDR("cClientNotes")) Dim aSellerNotes As String() = Split(oDR("cSellerNotes"), "/n") Dim cSellerNotesHtml As String = "<ul>" For snCount As Integer = 0 To UBound(aSellerNotes) cSellerNotesHtml = cSellerNotesHtml + "<li>" + Eonic.Tools.Xml.convertEntitiesToCodes(aSellerNotes(snCount)) + "</li>" Next Dim sellerNode As XmlElement = addNewTextNode("SellerNotes", oContent.FirstChild, "") sellerNode.InnerXml = cSellerNotesHtml + "</ul>" 'Add the Delivery Details 'Add Delivery Details If oDR("nCartStatus") = 9 Then Dim sSql As String = "Select * from tblCartOrderDelivery where nOrderId=" & oDR("nCartOrderKey") Dim oDs2 As DataSet = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql, "Delivery", "Details") For Each oRow2 As DataRow In oDs2.Tables("Delivery").Rows Dim oElmt As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("DeliveryDetails") oElmt.SetAttribute("carrierName", oRow2("cCarrierName")) oElmt.SetAttribute("ref", oRow2("cCarrierRef")) oElmt.SetAttribute("notes", oRow2("cCarrierNotes")) oElmt.SetAttribute("deliveryDate", xmlDate(oRow2("dExpectedDeliveryDate"))) oElmt.SetAttribute("collectionDate", xmlDate(oRow2("dCollectionDate"))) oContent.AppendChild(oElmt) Next End If End If Dim oTestNode As XmlElement = oContentDetails.SelectSingleNode("Content[@id=" & oContent.GetAttribute("id") & " and @type='" & LCase(mcOrderType) & "']") If mcOrderType = "Cart" Or mcOrderType = "Order" Then 'If (Not oContent.FirstChild.Attributes("itemCount").Value = 0) And oTestNode Is Nothing Then oContentDetails.AppendChild(oContent) 'End If Else If oTestNode Is Nothing Then If bListAllQuotes Then oContentDetails.AppendChild(oContent) Else ' If (Not oContent.FirstChild.Attributes("itemCount").Value = 0) Then oContentDetails.AppendChild(oContent) ' End If End If End If End If 'If (Not oContent.FirstChild.Attributes("itemCount").Value = 0) And oTestNode Is Nothing Then ' oContentDetails.AppendChild(oContent) 'End If End If Next End If End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "ListOrders", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Overridable Sub MakeCurrent(ByVal nOrderID As Integer) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "MakeCurrent") 'procedure to make a selected historical 'order or quote into the currently active one Dim oDS As New DataSet Dim otmpcart As Cart = Nothing Try If myWeb.mnUserId = 0 Then Exit Sub If Not moDBHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar("Select nCartUserDirId FROM tblCartOrder WHERE nCartOrderKey = " & nOrderID) = mnEwUserId Then Exit Sub 'else we carry on End If If mnCartId = 0 Then 'create a new cart otmpcart = New Cart(myWeb) otmpcart.CreateNewCart(Nothing) mnCartId = otmpcart.mnCartId End If 'now add the details to it oDS = moDBHelper.GetDataSet("Select * From tblCartItem WHERE nCartOrderID = " & nOrderID, "CartItems") Dim oDR1 As DataRow Dim oDR2 As DataRow Dim nParentID As Integer Dim sSQL As String moDBHelper.ReturnNullsEmpty(oDS) For Each oDR1 In oDS.Tables("CartItems").Rows If oDR1("nParentId") = 0 Then sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblCartItem (nCartOrderId, nItemId, nParentId, cItemRef, cItemURL, " & _ "cItemName, nItemOptGrpIdx, nItemOptIdx, nPrice, nShpCat, nDiscountCat, nDiscountValue, " & _ "nTaxRate, nQuantity, nWeight, nAuditId) VALUES (" sSQL &= mnCartId & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nItemId")), "Null", oDR1("nItemId")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nParentId")), "Null", oDR1("nParentId")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("cItemRef")), "Null", "'" & oDR1("cItemRef")) & "'," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("cItemURL")), "Null", "'" & oDR1("cItemURL")) & "'," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("cItemName")), "Null", "'" & oDR1("cItemName")) & "'," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nItemOptGrpIdx")), "Null", oDR1("nItemOptGrpIdx")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nItemOptIdx")), "Null", oDR1("nItemOptIdx")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nPrice")), "Null", oDR1("nPrice")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nShpCat")), "Null", oDR1("nShpCat")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nDiscountCat")), "Null", oDR1("nDiscountCat")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nDiscountValue")), "Null", oDR1("nDiscountValue")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nTaxRate")), "Null", oDR1("nTaxRate")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nQuantity")), "Null", oDR1("nQuantity")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR1("nWeight")), "Null", oDR1("nWeight")) & "," sSQL &= moDBHelper.getAuditId() & ")" nParentID = moDBHelper.GetIdInsertSql(sSQL) 'now for any children For Each oDR2 In oDS.Tables("CartItems").Rows If oDR2("nParentId") = oDR1("nCartItemKey") Then sSQL = "INSERT INTO tblCartItem (nCartOrderId, nItemId, nParentId, cItemRef, cItemURL, " & _ "cItemName, nItemOptGrpIdx, nItemOptIdx, nPrice, nShpCat, nDiscountCat, nDiscountValue, " & _ "nTaxRate, nQuantity, nWeight, nAuditId) VALUES (" sSQL &= mnCartId & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nItemId")), "Null", oDR2("nItemId")) & "," sSQL &= nParentID & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("cItemRef")), "Null", "'" & oDR2("cItemRef")) & "'," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("cItemURL")), "Null", "'" & oDR2("cItemURL")) & "'," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("cItemName")), "Null", "'" & oDR2("cItemName")) & "'," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nItemOptGrpIdx")), "Null", oDR2("nItemOptGrpIdx")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nItemOptIdx")), "Null", oDR2("nItemOptIdx")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nPrice")), "Null", oDR2("nPrice")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nShpCat")), "Null", oDR2("nShpCat")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nDiscountCat")), "Null", oDR2("nDiscountCat")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nDiscountValue")), "Null", oDR2("nDiscountValue")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nTaxRate")), "Null", oDR2("nTaxRate")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nQuantity")), "Null", oDR2("nQuantity")) & "," sSQL &= IIf(IsDBNull(oDR2("nWeight")), "Null", oDR2("nWeight")) & "," sSQL &= moDBHelper.getAuditId() & ")" moDBHelper.GetIdInsertSql(sSQL) 'now for any children End If Next End If Next If Not otmpcart Is Nothing Then otmpcart.mnProcessId = 1 otmpcart.mcCartCmd = "Cart" otmpcart.apply() End If 'now we need to redirect somewhere? 'bRedirect = True myWeb.moResponse.Redirect("?cartCmd=Cart", False) myWeb.moCtx.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest() Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "MakeCurrent", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function DeleteCart(ByVal nOrderID As Integer) As Boolean PerfMon.Log("Cart", "DeleteCart") If myWeb.mnUserId = 0 Then Exit Function If nOrderID <= 0 Then Exit Function Try clearSessionCookie() Dim cSQL As String = "Select nCartStatus, nCartUserDirId from tblCartOrder WHERE nCartOrderKey=" & nOrderID Dim oDR As SqlDataReader = moDBHelper.getDataReader(cSQL) Dim nStat As Integer Dim nOwner As Integer Do While oDR.Read nStat = oDR.GetValue(0) nOwner = oDR.GetValue(1) Loop oDR.Close() 'If (nOwner = myWeb.mnUserId And (nStat = 7 Or nStat < 4)) Then moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartOrder, nOrderID) If nOwner = myWeb.mnUserId Then moDBHelper.DeleteObject(dbHelper.objectTypes.CartOrder, nOrderID) Return True Else Return False End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "Delete Cart", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Function Public Sub SaveCartXML(ByVal cartXML As XmlElement) PerfMon.Log("Cart", "SaveCartXML") Try If mnCartId > 0 Then Dim sSQL As String = "Update tblCartOrder SET cCartXML ='" & SqlFmt(cartXML.OuterXml.ToString) & "' WHERE nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId moDBHelper.ExeProcessSql(sSQL) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "SaveCartXML", ex, "", "", gbDebug) End Try End Sub ''' <summary> ''' Select currency deals with the workflow around choosing a currency when an item is added to the cart. ''' </summary> ''' <returns></returns> Public Function SelectCurrency() As Boolean If Not PerfMon Is Nothing Then PerfMon.Log("Cart", "SelectCurrency") Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try cProcessInfo = "checking of Override" 'if we are not looking to switch the currency then 'we just check if there are any available Dim cOverrideCur As String cOverrideCur = myWeb.moRequest("Currency") If Not cOverrideCur Is Nothing And Not cOverrideCur = "" Then cProcessInfo = "Using Override" mcCurrencyRef = cOverrideCur GetCurrencyDefinition() myWeb.moSession("bCurrencySelected") = True If mnProcessId >= 1 Then If mnShippingRootId > 0 Then mnProcessId = 2 mcCartCmd = "Delivery" Else mcCartCmd = "Cart" End If Else mcCartCmd = "" End If Return True Else cProcessInfo = "Check to see if already used" If myWeb.moSession("bCurrencySelected") = True Then If mcCartCmd = "Currency" Then mcCartCmd = "Cart" Else mcCartCmd = mcCartCmd End If Return True End If End If cProcessInfo = "Getting Currencies" Dim moPaymentCfg As XmlNode moPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") If moPaymentCfg Is Nothing Then cProcessInfo = "eonic/payment Config node is missing" mcCartCmd = "Cart" Return True End If 'check we have differenct currencies If moPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("currencies/Currency") Is Nothing Then ' mcCartCmd = "Cart" myWeb.moSession("bCurrencySelected") = True Return True Else Dim oCurrencies As XmlNodeList = moPaymentCfg.SelectNodes("currencies/Currency") If oCurrencies.Count = 1 Then Dim oCurrency As XmlElement = oCurrencies(0) myWeb.moSession("cCurrency") = oCurrency.GetAttribute("ref") 'here we need to re-get the cart stuff in the new currency GetCurrencyDefinition() ' mcCartCmd = "Cart" myWeb.moSession("bCurrencySelected") = True Return True End If oCurrencies = Nothing 'If multiple currencies then we need to pick End If 'If Not bOverride And Not mcCurrencyRef = "" Then Return True If mcCartCmd = "Currency" Then 'And mcCurrencyRef = "" Then Return True 'get and load the currency selector xform cProcessInfo = "Supplying and Checking Form" Dim oCForm As New xForm(myWeb) oCForm.NewFrm() oCForm.load("/ewcommon/xforms/cart/CurrencySelector.xml") Dim oInputElmt As XmlElement = oCForm.moXformElmt.SelectSingleNode("group/group/group/select1[@bind='cRef']") Dim oCur As XmlElement = oCForm.Instance.SelectSingleNode("Currency/ref") oCur.InnerText = mcCurrency Dim oCurrencyElmt As XmlElement For Each oCurrencyElmt In moPaymentCfg.SelectNodes("currencies/Currency") 'going to need to do something about languages Dim oOptionElmt As XmlElement oOptionElmt = oCForm.addOption(oInputElmt, oCurrencyElmt.SelectSingleNode("name").InnerText, oCurrencyElmt.GetAttribute("ref")) oCForm.addNote(oOptionElmt, xForm.noteTypes.Hint, oCurrencyElmt.SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText) Next If oCForm.isSubmitted Then oCForm.updateInstanceFromRequest() oCForm.addValues() oCForm.validate() If oCForm.valid Then mcCurrencyRef = oCForm.Instance.SelectSingleNode("Currency/ref").InnerText myWeb.moSession("cCurrency") = mcCurrencyRef 'here we need to re-get the cart stuff in the new currency GetCurrencyDefinition() myWeb.moSession("bCurrencySelected") = True mcCartCmd = "Cart" Return True End If End If oCForm.addValues() If Not moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents") Is Nothing Then moPageXml.SelectSingleNode("/Page/Contents").AppendChild(moPageXml.ImportNode(oCForm.moXformElmt.CloneNode(True), True)) End If mcCartCmd = "Currency" Return False End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "SelectCurrency", ex, "", cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Function ''' <summary> ''' takes the mcCurrencyRef and sets the currency for the current order ''' </summary> Public Sub GetCurrencyDefinition() If Not PerfMon Is Nothing Then PerfMon.Log("Cart", "GetCurrencyDefinition") Dim cProcessInfo As String = "" Try If Not mcCurrencyRef = "" And Not mcCurrencyRef Is Nothing Then Dim moPaymentCfg As XmlNode moPaymentCfg = WebConfigurationManager.GetWebApplicationSection("eonic/payment") Dim oCurrency As XmlElement = moPaymentCfg.SelectSingleNode("currencies/Currency[@ref='" & mcCurrencyRef & "']") If oCurrency Is Nothing Then Exit Sub mcCurrencySymbol = oCurrency.GetAttribute("symbol") mcCurrencyCode = oCurrency.GetAttribute("code") mnShippingRootId = -1 If IsNumeric(oCurrency.GetAttribute("ShippingRootId")) Then mnShippingRootId = CInt(oCurrency.GetAttribute("ShippingRootId")) End If mcCurrency = mcCurrencyCode myWeb.moSession("cCurrency") = mcCurrencyRef myWeb.moSession("mcCurrency") = mcCurrency 'now update the cart database row Dim sSQL As String = "UPDATE tblCartOrder SET cCurrency = '" & mcCurrency & "' WHERE nCartOrderKey = " & mnCartId myWeb.moDbHelper.ExeProcessSqlScalar(sSQL) End If Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "GetCurrencyDefinition", ex, , cProcessInfo, gbDebug) End Try End Sub Public Function CartOverview() As XmlElement Try Dim oRptElmt As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("CartOverview") Return oRptElmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CartOverview", ex, , "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Function CartReportsDownload(ByVal dBegin As Date, ByVal dEnd As Date, ByVal cCurrencySymbol As String, ByVal cOrderType As String, ByVal nOrderStage As Integer, Optional ByVal updateDatesWithStartAndEndTimes As Boolean = True) As XmlElement Try Dim cSQL As String = "exec " Dim cCustomParam As String = "" Dim cReportType As String = "CartDownload" Dim oElmt As XmlElement ' Set the times for each date If updateDatesWithStartAndEndTimes Then dBegin = dBegin.Date dEnd = dEnd.Date.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59) End If cSQL &= moDBHelper.getDBObjectNameWithBespokeCheck("spOrderDownload") & " " cSQL &= Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(dBegin, True) & "," cSQL &= Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(dEnd, True) & "," cSQL &= "'" & cOrderType & "'," cSQL &= nOrderStage Dim oDS As DataSet = myWeb.moDbHelper.GetDataSet(cSQL, "Item", "Report") If oDS.Tables("Item").Columns.Contains("cCartXML") Then oDS.Tables("Item").Columns("cCartXML").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Element End If Dim oRptElmt As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("type", "Report") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("name", "CartDownloads") 'NB editing this line to add in &'s oRptElmt.InnerXml = oDS.GetXml For Each oElmt In oRptElmt.SelectNodes("Report/Item/cCartXml") oElmt.InnerXml = oElmt.InnerText Next 'oRptElmt.InnerXml = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(oDS.GetXml, "&amp;", "&"), "&gt;", ">"), "&lt;", "<"), " xmlns=""""", "") 'oRptElmt.InnerXml = Replace(Replace(Replace(oDS.GetXml, "&gt;", ">"), "&lt;", "<"), " xmlns=""""", "") Dim oReturnElmt As XmlElement = oRptElmt.FirstChild oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cReportType", cReportType) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("dBegin", dBegin) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("dEnd", dEnd) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cCurrencySymbol", cCurrencySymbol) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cOrderType", cOrderType) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStage", nOrderStage) Return oRptElmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CartReports", ex, , "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Function CartReports(ByVal dBegin As Date, ByVal dEnd As Date, Optional ByVal bSplit As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal cProductType As String = "", Optional ByVal nProductId As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal cCurrencySymbol As String = "", Optional ByVal nOrderStatus1 As Integer = 6, Optional ByVal nOrderStatus2 As Integer = 9, Optional ByVal cOrderType As String = "ORDER") As XmlElement Try Dim cSQL As String = "exec " Dim cCustomParam As String = "" Dim cReportType As String = "" If nProductId > 0 Then 'Low Level cSQL &= "spCartActivityLowLevel" cCustomParam = nProductId cReportType = "Item Totals" ElseIf Not cProductType = "" Then 'Med Level cSQL &= "spCartActivityMedLevel" cCustomParam = "'" & cProductType & "'" cReportType = "Type Totals" Else 'HighLevel cSQL &= "spCartActivityTopLevel" cCustomParam = bSplit cReportType = "All Totals" End If cSQL &= Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(dBegin) & "," cSQL &= Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(dEnd) & "," cSQL &= cCustomParam & "," cSQL &= "'" & cCurrencySymbol & "'," cSQL &= nOrderStatus1 & "," cSQL &= nOrderStatus2 & "," cSQL &= "'" & cOrderType & "'" Dim oDS As DataSet = myWeb.moDbHelper.GetDataSet(cSQL, "Item", "Report") If oDS.Tables("Item").Columns.Contains("cCartXML") Then oDS.Tables("Item").Columns("cCartXML").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Element End If Dim oRptElmt As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("type", "Report") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("name", "Cart Activity") oRptElmt.InnerXml = Replace(Replace(oDS.GetXml, "&gt;", ">"), "&lt;", "<") Dim oReturnElmt As XmlElement = oRptElmt.FirstChild oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cReportType", cReportType) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("dBegin", dBegin) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("dEnd", dEnd) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("bSplit", IIf(bSplit, 1, 0)) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cProductType", cProductType) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nProductId", nProductId) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cCurrencySymbol", cCurrencySymbol) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStatus1", nOrderStatus1) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStatus2", nOrderStatus2) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cOrderType", cOrderType) Return oRptElmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CartReports", ex, , "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Function CartReportsDrilldown(Optional ByVal cGrouping As String = "Page", Optional ByVal nYear As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal nMonth As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal nDay As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal cCurrencySymbol As String = "", Optional ByVal nOrderStatus1 As Integer = 6, Optional ByVal nOrderStatus2 As Integer = 9, Optional ByVal cOrderType As String = "ORDER") As XmlElement Try Dim cSQL As String = "exec spCartActivityGroupsPages " Dim bPage As Boolean = False Dim cReportType As String = "" cSQL &= "'" & cGrouping & "'," cSQL &= nYear & "," cSQL &= nMonth & "," cSQL &= nDay & "," cSQL &= "'" & cCurrencySymbol & "'," cSQL &= nOrderStatus1 & "," cSQL &= nOrderStatus2 & "," cSQL &= "'" & cOrderType & "'" Dim oDS As DataSet = myWeb.moDbHelper.GetDataSet(cSQL, "Item", "Report") 'For Grouped by page is going to be bloody hard If oDS.Tables("Item").Columns.Contains("nStructId") Then bPage = True cSQL = "EXEC getContentStructure @userId=" & myWeb.mnUserId & ", @bAdminMode=1, @dateNow=" & Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(Now) & ", @authUsersGrp = " & gnAuthUsers myWeb.moDbHelper.addTableToDataSet(oDS, cSQL, "MenuItem") 'oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns.Add(New DataColumn("PageQuantity", GetType(Double))) 'oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns.Add(New DataColumn("PageCost", GetType(Double))) 'oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns.Add(New DataColumn("DecendantQuantity", GetType(Double))) 'oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns.Add(New DataColumn("DecendantCost", GetType(Double))) For Each oDC As DataColumn In oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns Dim cValid As String = "id,parid,name" ',PageQuantity,PageCost,DecendantQuantity,DecendantCost" If Not cValid.Contains(oDC.ColumnName) Then oDC.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden Else oDC.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute End If Next For Each oDC As DataColumn In oDS.Tables("Item").Columns oDC.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute Next oDS.Relations.Add("Rel01", oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns("id"), oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns("parId"), False) oDS.Relations("Rel01").Nested = True oDS.Relations.Add(New DataRelation("Rel02", oDS.Tables("MenuItem").Columns("id"), oDS.Tables("Item").Columns("nStructId"), False)) oDS.Relations("Rel02").Nested = True End If Dim oRptElmt As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("type", "Report") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("name", "Cart Activity") oRptElmt.InnerXml = oDS.GetXml Dim oReturnElmt As XmlElement = oRptElmt.FirstChild oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cReportType", cReportType) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nYear", nYear) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nMonth", nMonth) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nDay", nDay) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cGrouping", cGrouping) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cCurrencySymbol", cCurrencySymbol) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStatus1", nOrderStatus1) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStatus2", nOrderStatus2) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cOrderType", cOrderType) If bPage Then 'Page Totals For Each oElmt As XmlElement In oReturnElmt.SelectNodes("descendant-or-self::MenuItem") Dim nQ As Integer = 0 Dim nC As Double = 0 For Each oItemElmt As XmlElement In oElmt.SelectNodes("Item") nQ += oItemElmt.GetAttribute("nQuantity") nC += oItemElmt.GetAttribute("nLinePrice") Next oElmt.SetAttribute("PageQuantity", nQ) oElmt.SetAttribute("PageCost", nC) Next 'loop through each node and then each item and see how many of each 'item it has and its decendants For Each oElmt As XmlElement In oReturnElmt.SelectNodes("descendant-or-self::MenuItem") Dim oHN As New Hashtable 'Number found Dim oHQ As New Hashtable 'Quantity Dim oHC As New Hashtable 'Cost For Each oItem As XmlElement In oElmt.SelectNodes("descendant-or-self::Item") Dim cKey As String = "I" & oItem.GetAttribute("nCartItemKey") If Not oHN.ContainsKey(cKey) Then oHN.Add(cKey, 1) oHQ.Add(cKey, oItem.GetAttribute("nQuantity")) oHC.Add(cKey, oItem.GetAttribute("nLinePrice")) Else oHN(cKey) += 1 End If Next Dim nQ As Integer = 0 Dim nC As Double = 0 For Each ci As String In oHN.Keys nQ += oHQ.Item(ci) nC += oHC.Item(ci) Next oElmt.SetAttribute("PageAndDescendantQuantity", nQ) oElmt.SetAttribute("PageAndDescendantCost", nC) Next End If If bPage And gnTopLevel > 0 Then Dim oElmt As XmlElement = oRptElmt.SelectSingleNode("descendant-or-self::MenuItem[@id=" & gnTopLevel & "]") If Not oElmt Is Nothing Then oRptElmt.FirstChild.InnerXml = oElmt.OuterXml Else oRptElmt.FirstChild.InnerXml = "" End If End If Return oRptElmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CartReports", ex, , "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Function CartReportsPeriod(Optional ByVal cGroup As String = "Month", Optional ByVal nYear As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal nMonth As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal nWeek As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal cCurrencySymbol As String = "", Optional ByVal nOrderStatus1 As Integer = 6, Optional ByVal nOrderStatus2 As Integer = 9, Optional ByVal cOrderType As String = "ORDER") As XmlElement Try Dim cSQL As String = "exec spCartActivityPagesPeriod " Dim bPage As Boolean = False Dim cReportType As String = "" If nYear = 0 Then nYear = Now.Year cSQL &= "@Group='" & cGroup & "'" cSQL &= ",@nYear=" & nYear cSQL &= ",@nMonth=" & nMonth cSQL &= ",@nWeek=" & nWeek cSQL &= ",@cCurrencySymbol='" & cCurrencySymbol & "'" cSQL &= ",@nOrderStatus1=" & nOrderStatus1 cSQL &= ",@nOrderStatus2=" & nOrderStatus2 cSQL &= ",@cOrderType='" & cOrderType & "'" Dim oDS As DataSet = myWeb.moDbHelper.GetDataSet(cSQL, "Item", "Report") 'For Grouped by page is going to be bloody hard Dim oRptElmt As XmlElement = myWeb.moPageXml.CreateElement("Content") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("type", "Report") oRptElmt.SetAttribute("name", "Cart Activity") oRptElmt.InnerXml = oDS.GetXml Dim oReturnElmt As XmlElement = oRptElmt.FirstChild oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cReportType", cReportType) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nYear", nYear) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nMonth", nMonth) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nWeek", nWeek) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cGroup", cGroup) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cCurrencySymbol", cCurrencySymbol) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStatus1", nOrderStatus1) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("nOrderStatus2", nOrderStatus2) oReturnElmt.SetAttribute("cOrderType", cOrderType) Return oRptElmt Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "CartReports", ex, , "", gbDebug) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Sub AddShippingCosts(ByRef xmlProduct As XmlElement, ByVal nPrice As String, ByVal nWeight As String) Try Dim nQuantity As Long = 1 xmlProduct.SetAttribute("test1", "1") Dim xmlShippingOptions As XmlElement = makeShippingOptionsXML() ''step through oShipping Options and add to oElmt those options ''that are valid for our price and weight. Dim xmlShippingOptionsValid As XmlElement = moPageXml.CreateElement("ShippingOptions") Dim strXpath As New Text.StringBuilder strXpath.Append("Method[ ") strXpath.Append("(WeightMin=0 or WeightMin<=" & nWeight.ToString & ") ") strXpath.Append(" and ") strXpath.Append("(WeightMax=0 or WeightMax>=" & nWeight.ToString & ") ") strXpath.Append(" and ") strXpath.Append("(PriceMin=0 or PriceMin<=" & nPrice.ToString & ") ") strXpath.Append(" and ") strXpath.Append("(PriceMax=0 or PriceMax>=" & nPrice.ToString & ") ") strXpath.Append(" ]") 'add filtered list to xmlShippingOptionsValid Dim xmlMethod As XmlElement For Each xmlMethod In xmlShippingOptions.SelectNodes(strXpath.ToString) 'add to xmlShippingOptionsValid.AppendChild(xmlMethod.CloneNode(True)) Next 'itterate though xmlShippingOptionsValid and get cheapest for each Location Dim cShippingLocation As String = "" Dim cShippingLocationPrev As String = "" For Each xmlMethod In xmlShippingOptionsValid.SelectNodes("Method") Try cShippingLocation = xmlMethod.SelectSingleNode("Location").InnerText If cShippingLocationPrev <> "" And cShippingLocationPrev = cShippingLocation Then xmlShippingOptionsValid.RemoveChild(xmlMethod) End If cShippingLocationPrev = cShippingLocation 'set cShippingLocationPrev for next loop Catch ex As Exception xmlMethod = xmlMethod xmlProduct = xmlProduct returnException(mcModuleName, "AddShippingCosts", ex, , "", gbDebug) End Try Next 'add to product XML xmlProduct.AppendChild(xmlShippingOptionsValid.CloneNode(True)) Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "AddShippingCosts", ex, , "", gbDebug) End Try End Sub Private Function getValidShippingOptionsDS(cDestinationCountry As String, nAmount As Long, nQuantity As Long, nWeight As Long) As DataSet Try Dim sSql As String Dim sCountryList As String = getParentCountries(cDestinationCountry, 1) sSql = "select opt.*, dbo.fxn_shippingTotal(opt.nShipOptKey," & nAmount & "," & nQuantity & "," & nWeight & ") as nShippingTotal from tblCartShippingLocations Loc " sSql = sSql & "Inner Join tblCartShippingRelations rel ON Loc.nLocationKey = rel.nShpLocId " sSql = sSql & "Inner Join tblCartShippingMethods opt ON rel.nShpOptId = opt.nShipOptKey " sSql &= "INNER JOIN tblAudit ON opt.nAuditId = tblAudit.nAuditKey" sSql = sSql & " WHERE (nShipOptQuantMin <= 0 or nShipOptQuantMin <= " & nQuantity & ") and (nShipOptQuantMax <= 0 or nShipOptQuantMax >= " & nQuantity & ") and " sSql = sSql & "(nShipOptPriceMin <= 0 or nShipOptPriceMin <= " & nAmount & ") and (nShipOptPriceMax <= 0 or nShipOptPriceMax >= " & nAmount & ") and " sSql = sSql & "(nShipOptWeightMin <= 0 or nShipOptWeightMin <= " & nWeight & ") and (nShipOptWeightMax <= 0 or nShipOptWeightMax >= " & nWeight & ") " sSql &= " and ((opt.cCurrency Is Null) or (opt.cCurrency = '') or (opt.cCurrency = '" & mcCurrency & "'))" If myWeb.mnUserId > 0 Then ' if user in group then return it sSql &= " and ((SELECT COUNT(perm.nCartShippingPermissionKey) from tblCartShippingPermission perm" & " Inner join tblDirectoryRelation PermGroup ON perm.nDirId = PermGroup.nDirParentId" & " where perm.nShippingMethodId = opt.nShipOptKey and PermGroup.nDirChildId = " & myWeb.mnUserId & " and perm.nPermLevel = 1) > 0" sSql &= " and not((SELECT COUNT(perm.nCartShippingPermissionKey) from tblCartShippingPermission perm" & " Inner join tblDirectoryRelation PermGroup ON perm.nDirId = PermGroup.nDirParentId" & " where perm.nShippingMethodId = opt.nShipOptKey and PermGroup.nDirChildId = " & myWeb.mnUserId & " and perm.nPermLevel = 0) > 0)" 'method allowed for authenticated sSql &= " or (SELECT COUNT(perm.nCartShippingPermissionKey) from tblCartShippingPermission perm" & " where perm.nShippingMethodId = opt.nShipOptKey and perm.nDirId = " & gnAuthUsers & " and perm.nPermLevel = 1) > 0" ' if no group exists return it. sSql &= " or (SELECT COUNT(*) from tblCartShippingPermission perm where opt.nShipOptKey = perm.nShippingMethodId and perm.nPermLevel = 1) = 0)" Else Dim nonAuthID As Long = gnNonAuthUsers Dim AuthID As Long = gnAuthUsers 'method allowed for non-authenticated sSql &= " and ((SELECT COUNT(perm.nCartShippingPermissionKey) from tblCartShippingPermission perm" & " where perm.nShippingMethodId = opt.nShipOptKey and perm.nDirId = " & gnNonAuthUsers & " and perm.nPermLevel = 1) > 0" ' method has no group sSql &= " or (SELECT COUNT(*) from tblCartShippingPermission perm where opt.nShipOptKey = perm.nShippingMethodId and perm.nPermLevel = 1) = 0)" End If ' Restrict the shipping options by looking at the delivery country currently selected. ' Of course, if we are hiding the delivery address then this can be ignored. If sCountryList <> "" Then sSql = sSql & " and ((loc.cLocationNameShort IN " & sCountryList & ") or (loc.cLocationNameFull IN " & sCountryList & ")) " End If 'Active methods sSql &= " AND (tblAudit.nStatus >0)" sSql &= " AND ((tblAudit.dPublishDate = 0) or (tblAudit.dPublishDate Is Null) or (tblAudit.dPublishDate <= " & Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(Now) & "))" sSql &= " AND ((tblAudit.dExpireDate = 0) or (tblAudit.dExpireDate Is Null) or (tblAudit.dExpireDate >= " & Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(Now) & "))" 'Build Form 'Go and collect the valid shipping options available for this order Return moDBHelper.GetDataSet(sSql & " order by opt.nDisplayPriority, nShippingTotal", "Option", "Shipping") Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "getValidShippingOptionsDS", ex, , "", gbDebug) End Try End Function Private Function makeShippingOptionsXML() As XmlElement Try If oShippingOptions Is Nothing Then Dim xmlTemp As XmlElement 'create XML of all possible shipping methods and add it to the page XML oShippingOptions = moPageXml.CreateElement("oShippingOptions") 'get all the shipping options for a given shipping weight and price Dim strSql As New Text.StringBuilder strSql.Append("SELECT opt.cShipOptCarrier as Carrier, opt.cShipOptTime AS ShippingTime, ") strSql.Append("opt.nShipOptCost AS Cost, ") strSql.Append("tblCartShippingLocations.cLocationNameShort as Location, tblCartShippingLocations.cLocationISOa2 as LocationISOa2, ") strSql.Append("opt.nShipOptWeightMin AS WeightMin, opt.nShipOptWeightMax AS WeightMax, ") strSql.Append("opt.nShipOptPriceMin AS PriceMin, opt.nShipOptPriceMax AS PriceMax, ") strSql.Append("opt.nShipOptQuantMin AS QuantMin, opt.nShipOptQuantMax AS QuantMax, ") strSql.Append("tblCartShippingLocations.nLocationType, tblCartShippingLocations.cLocationNameFull ") strSql.Append("FROM tblCartShippingLocations ") strSql.Append("INNER JOIN tblCartShippingRelations ON tblCartShippingLocations.nLocationKey = tblCartShippingRelations.nShpLocId ") strSql.Append("RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblCartShippingMethods AS opt ") strSql.Append("INNER JOIN tblAudit ON opt.nAuditId = tblAudit.nAuditKey ON tblCartShippingRelations.nShpOptId = opt.nShipOptKey ") strSql.Append("WHERE (tblAudit.nStatus > 0) ") strSql.Append("AND (tblAudit.dPublishDate = 0 OR tblAudit.dPublishDate IS NULL OR tblAudit.dPublishDate <= " & Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(Now) & ") ") strSql.Append("AND (tblAudit.dExpireDate = 0 OR tblAudit.dExpireDate IS NULL OR tblAudit.dExpireDate >= " & Eonic.Tools.Database.SqlDate(Now) & ") ") strSql.Append("AND (tblCartShippingLocations.cLocationNameShort IS NOT NULL) ") strSql.Append("ORDER BY tblCartShippingLocations.cLocationNameShort, opt.nShipOptCost ") Dim oDs As DataSet = moDBHelper.GetDataSet(strSql.ToString, "Method", "ShippingMethods", ) oShippingOptions.InnerXml = oDs.GetXml() 'move all the shipping methods up a level For Each xmlTemp In oShippingOptions.SelectNodes("ShippingMethods/Method") oShippingOptions.AppendChild(xmlTemp) Next For Each xmlTemp In oShippingOptions.SelectNodes("ShippingMethods") oShippingOptions.RemoveChild(xmlTemp) Next End If Return oShippingOptions Catch ex As Exception returnException(mcModuleName, "makeShippingOptionsXML", ex, , "", gbDebug) End Try End Function End Class End Class
Imports JM.LinqFaster Imports StaxRip.UI Public Class SourceFilesForm Inherits DialogBase #Region " Designer " Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean) If disposing Then If Not (components Is Nothing) Then components.Dispose() End If End If MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Sub Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer Friend WithEvents lb As ListBoxEx Friend WithEvents bnDown As ButtonEx Friend WithEvents bnUp As ButtonEx Friend WithEvents bnRemove As ButtonEx Friend WithEvents bnAdd As ButtonEx Friend WithEvents bnCancel As StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx Friend WithEvents tlpMain As TableLayoutPanel Friend WithEvents pnLB As Panel Friend WithEvents bnOK As StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() Me.lb = New StaxRip.UI.ListBoxEx() Me.bnDown = New StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx() Me.bnRemove = New StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx() Me.bnUp = New StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx() Me.bnAdd = New StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx() Me.bnCancel = New StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx() Me.bnOK = New StaxRip.UI.ButtonEx() Me.tlpMain = New System.Windows.Forms.TableLayoutPanel() Me.pnLB = New System.Windows.Forms.Panel() Me.tlpMain.SuspendLayout() Me.pnLB.SuspendLayout() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'lb ' Me.lb.AllowDrop = True Me.lb.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill Me.lb.DownButton = Me.bnDown Me.lb.FormattingEnabled = True Me.lb.HorizontalScrollbar = True Me.lb.IntegralHeight = False Me.lb.ItemHeight = 48 Me.lb.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.lb.Name = "lb" Me.lb.RemoveButton = Me.bnRemove Me.lb.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(717, 600) Me.lb.TabIndex = 2 Me.lb.UpButton = Me.bnUp ' 'bnDown ' Me.bnDown.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Me.bnDown.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(749, 370) Me.bnDown.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.bnDown.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 80) Me.bnDown.Text = " &Down" ' 'bnRemove ' Me.bnRemove.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(749, 112) Me.bnRemove.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.bnRemove.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 80) Me.bnRemove.Text = " &Remove" ' 'bnUp ' Me.bnUp.Anchor = System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Me.bnUp.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(749, 274) Me.bnUp.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.bnUp.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 80) Me.bnUp.Text = "&Up" ' 'bnAdd ' Me.bnAdd.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(749, 16) Me.bnAdd.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.bnAdd.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 80) Me.bnAdd.Text = "&Add..." ' 'bnCancel ' Me.bnCancel.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Me.bnCancel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(749, 632) Me.bnCancel.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.bnCancel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 80) Me.bnCancel.Text = "Cancel" ' 'bnOK ' Me.bnOK.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Me.bnOK.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(483, 632) Me.bnOK.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.bnOK.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 80) Me.bnOK.Text = "OK" ' 'tlpMain ' Me.tlpMain.ColumnCount = 3 Me.tlpMain.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 100.0!)) Me.tlpMain.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle()) Me.tlpMain.ColumnStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle()) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.bnRemove, 2, 1) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.bnAdd, 2, 0) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.bnCancel, 2, 7) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.bnOK, 1, 7) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.bnUp, 2, 3) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.bnDown, 2, 4) Me.tlpMain.Controls.Add(Me.pnLB, 0, 0) Me.tlpMain.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill Me.tlpMain.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0) Me.tlpMain.Name = "tlpMain" Me.tlpMain.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.tlpMain.RowCount = 8 Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle()) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle()) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 50.0!)) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle()) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle()) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Percent, 50.0!)) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 100.0!)) Me.tlpMain.RowStyles.Add(New System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle()) Me.tlpMain.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(1015, 729) Me.tlpMain.TabIndex = 7 ' 'pnLB ' Me.pnLB.Anchor = CType((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) _ Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) _ Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right), System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles) Me.tlpMain.SetColumnSpan(Me.pnLB, 2) Me.pnLB.Controls.Add(Me.lb) Me.pnLB.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 16) Me.pnLB.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(8) Me.pnLB.Name = "pnLB" Me.tlpMain.SetRowSpan(Me.pnLB, 7) Me.pnLB.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(717, 600) Me.pnLB.TabIndex = 9 ' 'SourceFilesForm ' Me.AcceptButton = Me.bnOK Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(288.0!, 288.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Dpi Me.CancelButton = Me.bnCancel Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(1015, 729) Me.Controls.Add(Me.tlpMain) Me.HelpButton = False Me.KeyPreview = True Me.Margin = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(13, 14, 13, 14) Me.Name = "SourceFilesForm" Me.Text = "Source Files" Me.tlpMain.ResumeLayout(False) Me.pnLB.ResumeLayout(False) Me.ResumeLayout(False) End Sub #End Region Property IsMerge As Boolean Sub New() MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() ScaleClientSize(36, 22, FontHeight) MinimumSize = New Size(Width \ 2, CInt(Height * 0.6)) bnUp.Image = ImageHelp.GetImageC(Symbol.Up) bnDown.Image = ImageHelp.GetImageC(Symbol.Down) bnAdd.Image = ImageHelp.GetImageC(Symbol.Add) bnRemove.Image = ImageHelp.GetImageC(Symbol.Remove) For Each bn In {bnAdd, bnRemove, bnUp, bnDown} bn.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.Overlay bn.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft Dim pad = bn.Padding pad.Left = FontHeight \ 10 pad.Right = pad.Left bn.Padding = pad Next ActiveControl = bnOK End Sub Sub ShowOpenFileDialog() Using dialog As New OpenFileDialog dialog.Multiselect = True dialog.Filter = FileTypes.GetFilter(FileTypes.Video) dialog.SetInitDir(s.LastSourceDir) If dialog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then s.LastSourceDir = dialog.FileName.Dir lb.Items.AddRange(dialog.FileNames.Sort) lb.SelectedIndex = lb.Items.Count - 1 End If End Using End Sub Sub bnAdd_Click() Handles bnAdd.Click If IsMerge Then ShowOpenFileDialog() Exit Sub End If Using td As New TaskDialog(Of String) td.AddCommand("Add files", "files") td.AddCommand("Add folder", "folder") Select Case td.Show Case "files" ShowOpenFileDialog() Case "folder" Using dialog As New FolderBrowserDialog If dialog.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then Dim subfolders = Directory.GetDirectories(dialog.SelectedPath) Dim opt = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly If Directory.GetDirectories(dialog.SelectedPath).Length > 0 Then If MsgQuestion("Include sub folders?", TaskDialogButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then opt = SearchOption.AllDirectories End If End If lb.Items.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(dialog.SelectedPath, "*.*", opt).WhereF(Function(val) FileTypes.Video.ContainsString(val.Ext))) lb.SelectedIndex = lb.Items.Count - 1 End If End Using End Select End Using End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnFormClosing(args As FormClosingEventArgs) MyBase.OnFormClosing(args) If DialogResult = DialogResult.OK Then Dim files = GetFiles() If Not g.VerifySource(GetFiles) Then args.Cancel = True End If End If End Sub Function GetFiles() As IEnumerable(Of String) Return lb.Items.OfType(Of String) End Function Sub lb_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles lb.DragDrop Dim items = TryCast(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop), String()) If Not items.NothingOrEmpty Then Array.Sort(items) lb.Items.AddRange(items.WhereF(Function(val) File.Exists(val))) End If End Sub Sub lb_DragEnter(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles lb.DragEnter e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy End Sub End Class
'*******************************************************************************************' ' ' ' Download Free Evaluation Version From: https://bytescout.com/download/web-installer ' ' ' ' Also available as Web API! Free Trial Sign Up: https://secure.bytescout.com/users/sign_up ' ' ' ' Copyright © 2017-2018 ByteScout Inc. All rights reserved. ' ' http://www.bytescout.com ' ' ' '*******************************************************************************************' Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Management Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.ServiceProcess Public Partial Class Form1 Inherits Form Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() End Sub Private Sub btnInstallService_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Try ' Install the service ServiceInstaller.Install("Service1", "Service1", Path.GetFullPath("WindowsService1.exe")) ' Set the service option "Allow desktop interaction". Dim co As New ConnectionOptions() co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate Dim mgmtScope As New ManagementScope("root\CIMV2", co) mgmtScope.Connect() Dim wmiService As New ManagementObject("Win32_Service.Name='Service1'") Dim InParam As ManagementBaseObject = wmiService.GetMethodParameters("Change") InParam("DesktopInteract") = True Dim OutParam As ManagementBaseObject = wmiService.InvokeMethod("Change", InParam, Nothing) ' Start the service ServiceInstaller.StartService("Service1") Catch exception As Exception MessageBox.Show(exception.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub btnUninstallService_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Try ServiceInstaller.Uninstall("Service1") Catch exception As Exception MessageBox.Show(exception.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Me.Close() End Sub End Class
' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System.Xml.Linq Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities Imports Roslyn.Test.Utilities Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UnitTests Public Class WellKnownTypeValidationTests Inherits BasicTestBase <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub NonPublicSpecialType() Dim source = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Friend Class [String] End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Dim special = comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String) Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, special.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(SpecialType.System_String, special.SpecialType) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Public, special.DeclaredAccessibility) Dim lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.String") Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, lookup.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(SpecialType.None, lookup.SpecialType) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Internal, lookup.DeclaredAccessibility) End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(source, validate) End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub NonPublicSpecialTypeMember() Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub {0} Overridable Function ToString() As [String] Return Nothing End Function End Class {0} Class [String] Public Shared Function Concat(s1 As [String], s2 As [String]) As [String] Return Nothing End Function End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validatePresent As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Assert.NotNull(comp.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Object__ToString)) Assert.NotNull(comp.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_String__ConcatStringString)) comp.GetDiagnostics() End Sub Dim validateMissing As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Assert.Null(comp.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Object__ToString)) Assert.Null(comp.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_String__ConcatStringString)) comp.GetDiagnostics() End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, "Public"), validatePresent) ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, "Friend"), validateMissing) End Sub ' Document the fact that we don't reject type parameters with constraints (yet?). <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub GenericConstraintsOnSpecialType() Dim source = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Structure Nullable(Of T As New) End Structure Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Dim special = comp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T) Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Structure, special.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, special.SpecialType) Dim lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Nullable`1") Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Structure, lookup.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, lookup.SpecialType) End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(source, validate) End Sub ' No special type members have type parameters that could (incorrectly) be constrained. <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub NonPublicWellKnownType() Dim source = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Friend Class Type End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Dim wellKnown = comp.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Type) If wellKnown.DeclaringCompilation Is comp Then Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, wellKnown.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Internal, wellKnown.DeclaredAccessibility) Else Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, wellKnown.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Public, wellKnown.DeclaredAccessibility) End If Dim lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Type") Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, lookup.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Internal, lookup.DeclaredAccessibility) End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(source, validate) End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub NonPublicWellKnownType_Nested() Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[ Namespace System.Diagnostics {0} Class DebuggableAttribute {1} Enum DebuggingModes Mode End Enum End Class End Namespace Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Class [Enum] End Class Public Structure Void End Structure Public Structure [Int32] End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Dim wellKnown = comp.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Diagnostics_DebuggableAttribute__DebuggingModes) Assert.Equal(If(wellKnown.DeclaringCompilation Is comp, TypeKind.Enum, TypeKind.Error), wellKnown.TypeKind) Dim lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute+DebuggingModes") Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Enum, lookup.TypeKind) End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, "Public", "Friend"), validate) ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, "Friend", "Public"), validate) End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub NonPublicWellKnownTypeMember() Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class [String] End Class {0} Class Type Public Shared ReadOnly Missing As [Object] End Class Public Class FlagsAttribute {0} Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validatePresent As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Assert.NotNull(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Type__Missing)) Assert.NotNull(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_FlagsAttribute__ctor)) comp.GetDiagnostics() End Sub Dim validateMissing As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) If comp.Assembly.CorLibrary Is comp.Assembly Then Assert.NotNull(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Type__Missing)) Assert.NotNull(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_FlagsAttribute__ctor)) Else Assert.Null(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Type__Missing)) Assert.Null(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_FlagsAttribute__ctor)) End If comp.GetDiagnostics() End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, "Public"), validatePresent) ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, "Friend"), validateMissing) End Sub ' Document the fact that we don't reject type parameters with constraints (yet?). <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub GenericConstraintsOnWellKnownType() Dim source = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace Namespace System.Threading.Tasks Public Class Task(Of T As New) End Class End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Dim wellKnown = comp.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Threading_Tasks_Task_T) Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, wellKnown.TypeKind) Dim lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1") Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, lookup.TypeKind) End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(source, validate) End Sub ' Document the fact that we don't reject type parameters with constraints (yet?). <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub GenericConstraintsOnWellKnownTypeMember() Dim sourceTemplate = <![CDATA[ Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class Activator Public Shared Function CreateInstance(Of T{0})() As T Throw New Exception() End Function End Class Public Class Exception Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation) = Sub(comp) Assert.NotNull(comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Activator__CreateInstance_T)) comp.GetDiagnostics() End Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, ""), validate) ValidateSourceAndMetadata(String.Format(sourceTemplate, " As New"), validate) End Sub Private Shared Sub ValidateSourceAndMetadata(source As String, validate As Action(Of VisualBasicCompilation)) Dim comp1 = CreateCompilationWithoutReferences(WrapInCompilationXml(source)) validate(comp1) Dim reference = comp1.EmitToImageReference() Dim comp2 = CreateCompilationWithReferences(<compilation/>, {reference}) validate(comp2) End Sub Private Shared Function WrapInCompilationXml(source As String) As XElement Return <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> <%= source %> </file> </compilation> End Function <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub PublicVersusInternalWellKnownType() Dim corlibSource = <compilation> <file name="a.vb"> Namespace System Public Class [Object] Public Sub New() End Sub End Class Public Class [String] End Class Public Class Attribute End Class Public Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure End Namespace Namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices Public Class InternalsVisibleToAttribute : Inherits System.Attribute Public Sub New(s As [String]) End Sub End Class End Namespace </file> </compilation> If True Then Dim libSourceTemplate = <![CDATA[ Namespace System {0} Class Type End Class End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim corlibRef = CreateCompilationWithoutReferences(corlibSource).EmitToImageReference() Dim publicLibRef = CreateCompilationWithReferences(WrapInCompilationXml(String.Format(libSourceTemplate, "Public")), {corlibRef}).EmitToImageReference() Dim internalLibRef = CreateCompilationWithReferences(WrapInCompilationXml(String.Format(libSourceTemplate, "Friend")), {corlibRef}).EmitToImageReference() Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences({}, {corlibRef, publicLibRef, internalLibRef}, assemblyName:="Test") Dim wellKnown = comp.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Type) Assert.NotNull(wellKnown) Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Class, wellKnown.TypeKind) Assert.Equal(Accessibility.Public, wellKnown.DeclaredAccessibility) Dim Lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Type") Assert.Null(Lookup) ' Ambiguous End If If True Then Dim libSourceTemplate = <![CDATA[ <Assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Test")> Namespace System {0} Class Type End Class End Namespace ]]>.Value.Replace(vbLf, vbCrLf).Trim Dim corlibRef = CreateCompilationWithoutReferences(corlibSource).EmitToImageReference() Dim publicLibRef = CreateCompilationWithReferences(WrapInCompilationXml(String.Format(libSourceTemplate, "Public")), {corlibRef}).EmitToImageReference() Dim internalLibRef = CreateCompilationWithReferences(WrapInCompilationXml(String.Format(libSourceTemplate, "Friend")), {corlibRef}).EmitToImageReference() Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences({}, {corlibRef, publicLibRef, internalLibRef}, assemblyName:="Test") Dim wellKnown = comp.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Type) Assert.NotNull(wellKnown) Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, wellKnown.TypeKind) Dim Lookup = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Type") Assert.Null(Lookup) ' Ambiguous End If End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub AllSpecialTypes() Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences((<compilation/>), {MscorlibRef_v4_0_30316_17626}) For special As SpecialType = CType(SpecialType.None + 1, SpecialType) To SpecialType.Count Dim symbol = comp.GetSpecialType(special) Assert.NotNull(symbol) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, symbol.Kind) Next End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub AllSpecialTypeMembers() Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences((<compilation/>), {MscorlibRef_v4_0_30316_17626}) For Each special As SpecialMember In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(SpecialMember)) Select Case special Case SpecialMember.System_IntPtr__op_Explicit_ToPointer, SpecialMember.System_IntPtr__op_Explicit_FromPointer, SpecialMember.System_UIntPtr__op_Explicit_ToPointer, SpecialMember.System_UIntPtr__op_Explicit_FromPointer ' VB doesn't have pointer types. Continue For Case SpecialMember.Count ' Not a real value. Continue For End Select Dim symbol = comp.GetSpecialTypeMember(special) Assert.NotNull(symbol) Next End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub AllWellKnownTypes() Dim refs As MetadataReference() = { MscorlibRef_v4_0_30316_17626, SystemRef_v4_0_30319_17929, SystemCoreRef_v4_0_30319_17929, CSharpRef, SystemXmlRef, SystemXmlLinqRef, SystemWindowsFormsRef, ValueTupleRef }.Concat(WinRtRefs).ToArray() Dim lastType = CType(WellKnownType.NextAvailable - 1, WellKnownType) Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences((<compilation/>), refs.Concat(MsvbRef_v4_0_30319_17929).ToArray()) For wkt = WellKnownType.First To lastType Select Case wkt Case WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_EmbeddedOperators ' Only present when embedding VB Core. Continue For Case WellKnownType.System_FormattableString, WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_FormattableStringFactory, WellKnownType.System_Span_T, WellKnownType.System_ReadOnlySpan_T ' Not available on all platforms. Continue For Case WellKnownType.ExtSentinel ' Not a real type Continue For Case WellKnownType.Microsoft_CodeAnalysis_Runtime_Instrumentation, WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsReadOnlyAttribute, WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsByRefLikeAttribute ' Not always available. Continue For End Select Dim symbol = comp.GetWellKnownType(wkt) Assert.NotNull(symbol) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, symbol.Kind) Next comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences(<compilation/>, refs, TestOptions.ReleaseDll.WithEmbedVbCoreRuntime(True)) For wkt = WellKnownType.First To lastType Select Case wkt Case WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CallType, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_LikeOperator, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_StringType, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Versioned, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompareMethod, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_ErrObject, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_FileSystem, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_ApplicationServices_ApplicationBase, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_ApplicationServices_WindowsFormsApplicationBase, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Information, WellKnownType.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Interaction ' Not embedded, so not available. Continue For Case WellKnownType.System_FormattableString, WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_FormattableStringFactory, WellKnownType.System_Span_T, WellKnownType.System_ReadOnlySpan_T ' Not available on all platforms. Continue For Case WellKnownType.ExtSentinel ' Not a real type Continue For Case WellKnownType.Microsoft_CodeAnalysis_Runtime_Instrumentation, WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsReadOnlyAttribute, WellKnownType.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsByRefLikeAttribute ' Not always available. Continue For End Select Dim symbol = comp.GetWellKnownType(wkt) Assert.NotNull(symbol) Assert.NotEqual(SymbolKind.ErrorType, symbol.Kind) Next End Sub <Fact> <WorkItem(530436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530436")> Public Sub AllWellKnownTypeMembers() Dim refs As MetadataReference() = { MscorlibRef_v4_0_30316_17626, SystemRef_v4_0_30319_17929, SystemCoreRef_v4_0_30319_17929, CSharpRef, SystemXmlRef, SystemXmlLinqRef, SystemWindowsFormsRef, ValueTupleRef }.Concat(WinRtRefs).ToArray() Dim comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences((<compilation/>), refs.Concat(MsvbRef_v4_0_30319_17929).ToArray()) For Each wkm As WellKnownMember In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(WellKnownMember)) Select Case wkm Case WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_EmbeddedOperators__CompareStringStringStringBoolean ' Only present when embedding VB Core. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.Count ' Not a real value. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.System_Array__Empty, WellKnownMember.System_Span_T__ctor, WellKnownMember.System_Span_T__get_Item, WellKnownMember.System_Span_T__get_Length, WellKnownMember.System_ReadOnlySpan_T__get_Item, WellKnownMember.System_ReadOnlySpan_T__get_Length ' Not available yet, but will be in upcoming release. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.Microsoft_CodeAnalysis_Runtime_Instrumentation__CreatePayloadForMethodsSpanningSingleFile, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_CodeAnalysis_Runtime_Instrumentation__CreatePayloadForMethodsSpanningMultipleFiles, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsReadOnlyAttribute__ctor, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsByRefLikeAttribute__ctor ' Not always available. Continue For End Select Dim symbol = comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(wkm) Assert.NotNull(symbol) Next comp = CreateCompilationWithReferences(<compilation/>, refs, TestOptions.ReleaseDll.WithEmbedVbCoreRuntime(True)) For Each wkm As WellKnownMember In [Enum].GetValues(GetType(WellKnownMember)) Select Case wkm Case WellKnownMember.Count ' Not a real value. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Conversions__ChangeType, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ObjectFlowControl_ForLoopControl__ForLoopInitObj, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ObjectFlowControl_ForLoopControl__ForNextCheckObj, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ObjectFlowControl__CheckForSyncLockOnValueType, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ProjectData__CreateProjectError, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_ProjectData__EndApp, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Strings__AscCharInt32, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Strings__AscStringInt32, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Strings__ChrInt32Char ' Even though the containing type is embedded, the specific member is not. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__PlusObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__NegateObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__NotObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__AndObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__OrObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__XorObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__AddObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__SubtractObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__MultiplyObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__DivideObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ExponentObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ModObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__IntDivideObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__LeftShiftObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__RightShiftObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConcatenateObjectObjectObject, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareObjectEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareObjectNotEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareObjectLessObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareObjectLessEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareObjectGreaterEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareObjectGreaterObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConditionalCompareObjectEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConditionalCompareObjectNotEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConditionalCompareObjectLessObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConditionalCompareObjectLessEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConditionalCompareObjectGreaterEqualObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__ConditionalCompareObjectGreaterObjectObjectBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Operators__CompareStringStringStringBoolean, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateCall, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateGet, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateSet, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateSetComplex, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateIndexGet, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateIndexSet, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_NewLateBinding__LateIndexSetComplex, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_StringType__MidStmtStr, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_LikeOperator__LikeStringStringStringCompareMethod, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_LikeOperator__LikeObjectObjectObjectCompareMethod, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Versioned__CallByName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Versioned__IsNumeric, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Versioned__SystemTypeName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Versioned__TypeName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_CompilerServices_Versioned__VbTypeName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Information__IsNumeric, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Information__SystemTypeName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Information__TypeName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Information__VbTypeName, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_VisualBasic_Interaction__CallByName ' The type is not embedded, so the member is not available. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.System_Array__Empty, WellKnownMember.System_Span_T__ctor, WellKnownMember.System_Span_T__get_Item, WellKnownMember.System_Span_T__get_Length, WellKnownMember.System_ReadOnlySpan_T__get_Item, WellKnownMember.System_ReadOnlySpan_T__get_Length ' Not available yet, but will be in upcoming release. Continue For Case WellKnownMember.Microsoft_CodeAnalysis_Runtime_Instrumentation__CreatePayloadForMethodsSpanningSingleFile, WellKnownMember.Microsoft_CodeAnalysis_Runtime_Instrumentation__CreatePayloadForMethodsSpanningMultipleFiles, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsReadOnlyAttribute__ctor, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_IsByRefLikeAttribute__ctor ' Not always available. Continue For End Select Dim symbol = comp.GetWellKnownTypeMember(wkm) Assert.NotNull(symbol) Next End Sub End Class End Namespace
<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Partial Class frmFaqAnswerView Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> _ Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _ Private Sub InitializeComponent() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle1 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle2 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle3 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle4 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim DataGridViewCellStyle5 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle() Dim resources As System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = New System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(GetType(frmFaqAnswerView)) Me.lblTitle = New System.Windows.Forms.Label() Me.dgv = New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView() CType(Me.dgv, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit() Me.SuspendLayout() ' 'lblTitle ' Me.lblTitle.AutoSize = True Me.lblTitle.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 14.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) Me.lblTitle.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime Me.lblTitle.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(149, 9) Me.lblTitle.Name = "lblTitle" Me.lblTitle.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(45, 24) Me.lblTitle.TabIndex = 1 Me.lblTitle.Text = "Title" ' 'dgv ' DataGridViewCellStyle1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black DataGridViewCellStyle1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime DataGridViewCellStyle1.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray DataGridViewCellStyle1.SelectionForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(CType(CType(128, Byte), Integer), CType(CType(255, Byte), Integer), CType(CType(128, Byte), Integer)) Me.dgv.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle1 Me.dgv.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black DataGridViewCellStyle2.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft DataGridViewCellStyle2.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black DataGridViewCellStyle2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) DataGridViewCellStyle2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime DataGridViewCellStyle2.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight DataGridViewCellStyle2.SelectionForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText DataGridViewCellStyle2.WrapMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTriState.[True] Me.dgv.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle2 Me.dgv.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize DataGridViewCellStyle3.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft DataGridViewCellStyle3.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black DataGridViewCellStyle3.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) DataGridViewCellStyle3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime DataGridViewCellStyle3.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight DataGridViewCellStyle3.SelectionForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.HighlightText DataGridViewCellStyle3.WrapMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTriState.[False] Me.dgv.DefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle3 Me.dgv.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = False Me.dgv.GridColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(CType(CType(0, Byte), Integer), CType(CType(64, Byte), Integer), CType(CType(64, Byte), Integer)) Me.dgv.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 61) Me.dgv.Name = "dgv" DataGridViewCellStyle4.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleLeft DataGridViewCellStyle4.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black DataGridViewCellStyle4.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte)) DataGridViewCellStyle4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime DataGridViewCellStyle4.SelectionBackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Highlight DataGridViewCellStyle4.SelectionForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(CType(CType(0, Byte), Integer), CType(CType(64, Byte), Integer), CType(CType(0, Byte), Integer)) DataGridViewCellStyle4.WrapMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTriState.[True] Me.dgv.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle4 DataGridViewCellStyle5.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black DataGridViewCellStyle5.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Lime Me.dgv.RowsDefaultCellStyle = DataGridViewCellStyle5 Me.dgv.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(1260, 726) Me.dgv.TabIndex = 2 ' 'frmFaqAnswerView ' Me.AutoScaleDimensions = New System.Drawing.SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!) Me.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font Me.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(1298, 799) Me.Controls.Add(Me.dgv) Me.Controls.Add(Me.lblTitle) Me.Icon = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon"), System.Drawing.Icon) Me.KeyPreview = True Me.Name = "frmFaqAnswerView" Me.Text = "FAQ - Answers" CType(Me.dgv, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit() Me.ResumeLayout(False) Me.PerformLayout() End Sub Friend WithEvents lblTitle As System.Windows.Forms.Label Friend WithEvents dgv As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView End Class