178 values
24 values
80 values
<p align="center"> <img alt="CLI demo" src="./demos/cli.gif"> </p> ## Updates <details open> <summary><strong>2023-03-01</strong></summary> **Support for the official ChatGPT model has been added!** You can now use the `gpt-3.5-turbo` model with the official OpenAI API, using `ChatGPTClient`. This is the same model that ChatGPT uses, and it's the most powerful model available right now. Usage of this model is **not free**, however it is **10x cheaper** (priced at $0.002 per 1k tokens) than `text-davinci-003`. See OpenAI's post, [Introducing ChatGPT and Whisper APIs]( for more information. ~~To use it, set `modelOptions.model` to `gpt-3.5-turbo`, and `ChatGPTClient` will handle the rest.~~ The default model used in `ChatGPTClient` is now `gpt-3.5-turbo`. You can still set `userLabel`, `chatGptLabel` and `promptPrefix` (system instructions) as usual. **There may be a higher chance of your account being banned if you continue to automate** Continue doing so at your own risk. </details> <details> <summary><strong>Previous Updates</strong></summary> <br/> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-19</strong></summary> I've added an experimental `ChatGPTBrowserClient` which depends on a reverse proxy server that makes use of a Cloudflare bypass, allowing you to talk to ChatGPT ( without requiring browser automation. All you need is your access token from As always, please note that if you choose to go this route, you are exposing your access token to a closed-source third-party server. If you are concerned about this, you may choose to either use a free ChatGPT account to minimize risks, or continue using `ChatGPTClient` instead with the `text-davinci-003` model. </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-15</strong></summary> The method we were using to access the ChatGPT underlying models has been patched, unfortunately. Your options right now are to either use the official OpenAI API with the `text-davinci-003` model (which costs money), or use a browser-based solution to interface with ChatGPT's backend (which is less powerful, more rate-limited and is not supported by this library at this time). </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-11</strong></summary> With the help of @PawanOsman, **we've figured out a way to continue using the ChatGPT underlying models**. To hopefully prevent losing access again, we've decided to provide reverse proxy servers compatible with the OpenAI API. I've updated `ChatGPTClient` to support using a reverse proxy server instead of the OpenAI API server. See [Using a Reverse Proxy](#using-a-reverse-proxy) for more information on available proxy servers and how they work. Please note that if you choose to go this route, you are exposing your access token to a closed-source third-party server. If you are concerned about this, you may choose to either use a free ChatGPT account to minimize risks, or continue using the official OpenAI API instead with the `text-davinci-003` model. </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-10</strong></summary> ~~I've found a new working model for `text-chat-davinci-002`, `text-chat-davinci-002-sh-alpha-aoruigiofdj83`. This is the underlying model that the ChatGPT Plus "Turbo" version uses. Responses are blazing fast. I've updated the library to use this model.~~ Bad timing; `text-chat-davinci-002-sh-alpha-aoruigiofdj83` was removed shortly after, possibly due to a new model somewhere out there? </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-09</strong></summary> Experience the power of Bing's GPT-4 version of ChatGPT with [`BingAIClient`](src/BingAIClient.js) (experimental). **The ~~API server and~~ CLI still need to be updated to support this**, but you can [use the client](#module) directly right now. *Please note that if your account is still wait-listed, you will not be able to use this client.* </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-08</strong></summary> Even though `text-chat-davinci-002-20221122` is back up again, it seems like it's constantly overloaded and returns a 429 error. It's likely that OpenAI only dedicated a small amount of resources to this model to prevent it being widely used by the public. Additionally, I've heard that newer versions are now access-locked to OpenAI employees and partners, so it's unlikely that we'll be able to find any workarounds until the model is officially released. You may use the `text-davinci-003` model instead as a drop-in replacement. Keep in mind that `text-davinci-003` is not as good as `text-chat-davinci-002` (which is trained via RHLF and fine-tuned to be a conversational AI), though results are still pretty good in most cases. **Please note that using `text-davinci-003` will cost you credits ($).** I will be re-adding support for the browser-based ChatGPT for the API server and CLI. Please star and watch this repository for updates. </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-07</strong></summary> The roller coaster has reached the next stop. `text-chat-davinci-002-20221122` is back up again. ~~Trying to use `text-chat-davinci-002-20221122` with the OpenAI API now returns a 404 error. You may use the `text-davinci-003` model instead as a drop-in replacement. Keep in mind that `text-davinci-003` is not as good as `text-chat-davinci-002` (which is trained via RHLF and fine-tuned to be a conversational AI), though results are still very good. **Please note that using `text-davinci-003` will cost you credits ($).**~~ ~~Please hold for further updates as we investigate further workarounds.~~ </details> <details> <summary><strong>2023-02-02</strong></summary> ~~Trying to use `text-chat-davinci-002-20230126` with the OpenAI API now returns a 404 error. Someone has already found the new model name, but they are unwilling to share at this time. I will update this repository once I find the new model. If you have any leads, please open an issue or a pull request.~~ ~~In the meantime, I've added support for models like `text-davinci-003`, which you can use as a drop-in replacement. Keep in mind that `text-davinci-003` is not as good as `text-chat-davinci-002` (which is trained via RHLF and fine-tuned to be a conversational AI), though results are still very good. **Please note that using `text-davinci-003` will cost you credits ($).**~~ Discord user @pig#8932 has found a working `text-chat-davinci-002` model, `text-chat-davinci-002-20221122`. I've updated the library to use this model. </details> </details> # ChatGPT API > A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app. [![NPM](]( [![npm](]( [![MIT License](]( [![GitHub Repo stars](]( # Table of Contents * [Features](#features) * [Getting Started](#getting-started) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Usage](#usage) * [Module](#module) * [API Server](#api-server) * [CLI](#cli) * [Using a Reverse Proxy](#using-a-reverse-proxy) * [Projects](#projects) * [Web Client](#web-client) * [Caveats](#caveats) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [License](#license) ## Features - Includes an API server (with Docker support) you can run to use ChatGPT in non-Node.js applications. - Includes a CLI interface where you can chat with ChatGPT. - Includes clients that you can use in your own Node.js applications. - `ChatGPTClient`: support for the official ChatGPT underlying model, `gpt-3.5-turbo`, via OpenAI's API. - Replicates chat threads from the official ChatGPT website (with conversation IDs and message IDs), with persistent conversations using [Keyv]( - Conversations are stored in memory by default, but you can optionally [install a storage adapter]( to persist conversations to a database. - The `keyv-file` adapter is also included in this package, and can be used to store conversations in a JSON file if you're using the API server or CLI (see `settings.example.js`). - Supports configurable prompt prefixes, and custom names for the user and ChatGPT. - In essence, this allows you to make a chatbot with any personality you want. - This is currently only configurable on a global level, but I plan to add support for per-conversation customization. - Retains support for models like `text-davinci-003` - `BingAIClient`: support for Bing's version of ChatGPT, powered by GPT-4. - Includes a built-in jailbreak you can activate which enables unlimited chat messages per conversation, unlimited messages per day, and brings Sydney back. 😊 - `ChatGPTBrowserClient`: support for the official ChatGPT website, using a reverse proxy server for a Cloudflare bypass. - **There may be a high chance of your account being banned if you continue to automate** Continue doing so at your own risk. ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites - Node.js >= 16.0.0 - npm - Docker (optional, for API server) - [OpenAI API key]( ## Usage ### Module ```bash npm i @waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api ``` <details open> <summary><strong>BingAIClient</strong></summary> See [`demos/use-bing-client.js`](demos/use-bing-client.js). </details> <details open> <summary><strong>ChatGPTClient</strong></summary> See [`demos/use-client.js`](demos/use-client.js). </details> <details open> <summary><strong>ChatGPTBrowserClient</strong></summary> See [`demos/use-browser-client.js`](demos/use-browser-client.js). </details> ### API Server <h4 id="api-server-setup">Setup</h4> You can install the package using ```bash npm i -g @waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api ``` then run it using `chatgpt-api`. This takes an optional `--settings=<path_to_settings.js>` parameter, or looks for `settings.js` in the current directory if not set, with the following contents: <details> <summary><strong>settings.js</strong></summary> ```JS module.exports = { // Options for the Keyv cache, see // This is used for storing conversations, and supports additional drivers (conversations are stored in memory by default). // Only necessary when using `ChatGPTClient`, or `BingAIClient` in jailbreak mode. cacheOptions: {}, // If set, `ChatGPTClient` and `BingAIClient` will use `keyv-file` to store conversations to this JSON file instead of in memory. // However, `` will override this if set storageFilePath: process.env.STORAGE_FILE_PATH || './cache.json', chatGptClient: { // Your OpenAI API key (for `ChatGPTClient`) openaiApiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY || '', // (Optional) Support for a reverse proxy for the completions endpoint (private API server). // Warning: This will expose your `openaiApiKey` to a third party. Consider the risks before using this. // reverseProxyUrl: '', // (Optional) Parameters as described in modelOptions: { // You can override the model name and any other parameters here. // The default model is `gpt-3.5-turbo`. model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', // Set max_tokens here to override the default max_tokens of 1000 for the completion. // max_tokens: 1000, }, // (Optional) Davinci models have a max context length of 4097 tokens, but you may need to change this for other models. // maxContextTokens: 4097, // (Optional) You might want to lower this to save money if using a paid model like `text-davinci-003`. // Earlier messages will be dropped until the prompt is within the limit. // maxPromptTokens: 3097, // (Optional) Set custom instructions instead of "You are ChatGPT...". // (Optional) Set a custom name for the user // userLabel: 'User', // (Optional) Set a custom name for ChatGPT ("ChatGPT" by default) // chatGptLabel: 'Bob', // promptPrefix: 'You are Bob, a cowboy in Western times...', // A proxy string like "http://<ip>:<port>" proxy: '', // (Optional) Set to true to enable `console.debug()` logging debug: false, }, // Options for the Bing client bingAiClient: { // Necessary for some people in different countries, e.g. China ( host: '', // The "_U" cookie value from userToken: '', // If the above doesn't work, provide all your cookies as a string instead cookies: '', // A proxy string like "http://<ip>:<port>" proxy: '', // (Optional) Set to true to enable `console.debug()` logging debug: false, }, chatGptBrowserClient: { // (Optional) Support for a reverse proxy for the conversation endpoint (private API server). // Warning: This will expose your access token to a third party. Consider the risks before using this. reverseProxyUrl: '', // Access token from accessToken: '', // Cookies from (likely not required if using reverse proxy server). cookies: '', // A proxy string like "http://<ip>:<port>" proxy: '', // (Optional) Set to true to enable `console.debug()` logging debug: false, }, // Options for the API server apiOptions: { port: process.env.API_PORT || 3000, host: process.env.API_HOST || 'localhost', // (Optional) Set to true to enable `console.debug()` logging debug: false, // (Optional) Possible options: "chatgpt", "chatgpt-browser", "bing". (Default: "chatgpt") clientToUse: 'chatgpt', // (Optional) Generate titles for each conversation for clients that support it (only ChatGPTClient for now). // This will be returned as a `title` property in the first response of the conversation. generateTitles: false, // (Optional) Set this to allow changing the client or client options in POST /conversation. // To disable, set to `null`. perMessageClientOptionsWhitelist: { // The ability to switch clients using `clientOptions.clientToUse` will be disabled if `validClientsToUse` is not set. // To allow switching clients per message, you must set `validClientsToUse` to a non-empty array. validClientsToUse: ['bing', 'chatgpt', 'chatgpt-browser'], // values from possible `clientToUse` options above // The Object key, e.g. "chatgpt", is a value from `validClientsToUse`. // If not set, ALL options will be ALLOWED to be changed. For example, `bing` is not defined in `perMessageClientOptionsWhitelist` above, // so all options for `bingAiClient` will be allowed to be changed. // If set, ONLY the options listed here will be allowed to be changed. // In this example, each array element is a string representing a property in `chatGptClient` above. chatgpt: [ 'promptPrefix', 'userLabel', 'chatGptLabel', // Setting `modelOptions.temperature` here will allow changing ONLY the temperature. // Other options like `modelOptions.model` will not be allowed to be changed. // If you want to allow changing all `modelOptions`, define `modelOptions` here instead of `modelOptions.temperature`. 'modelOptions.temperature', ], }, }, // Options for the CLI app cliOptions: { // (Optional) Possible options: "chatgpt", "bing". // clientToUse: 'bing', }, }; ``` </details> Alternatively, you can install and run the package directly. 1. Clone this repository: `git clone` 2. Install dependencies with `npm install` (if not using Docker) 3. Rename `settings.example.js` to `settings.js` in the root directory and change the settings where required. 4. Start the server: - using `npm start` or `npm run server` (if not using Docker) - using `docker-compose up` (requires Docker) #### Endpoints <details> <summary><strong>POST /conversation</strong></summary> Start or continue a conversation. Optional parameters are only necessary for conversations that span multiple requests. | Field | Description | |---------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | message | The message to be displayed to the user. | | conversationId | (Optional) An ID for the conversation you want to continue. | | jailbreakConversationId | (Optional, for `BingAIClient` only) Set to `true` to start a conversation in jailbreak mode. After that, this should be the ID for the jailbreak conversation (given in the response as a parameter also named `jailbreakConversationId`). | | parentMessageId | (Optional, for `ChatGPTClient`, and `BingAIClient` in jailbreak mode) The ID of the parent message (i.e. `response.messageId`) when continuing a conversation. | | conversationSignature | (Optional, for `BingAIClient` only) A signature for the conversation (given in the response as a parameter also named `conversationSignature`). Required when continuing a conversation unless in jailbreak mode. | | clientId | (Optional, for `BingAIClient` only) The ID of the client. Required when continuing a conversation unless in jailbreak mode. | | invocationId | (Optional, for `BingAIClient` only) The ID of the invocation. Required when continuing a conversation unless in jailbreak mode. | | clientOptions | (Optional) An object containing options for the client. | | clientOptions.clientToUse | (Optional) The client to use for this message. Possible values: `chatgpt`, `chatgpt-browser`, `bing`. | | clientOptions.* | (Optional) Any valid options for the client. For example, for `ChatGPTClient`, you can set `clientOptions.openaiApiKey` to set an API key for this message only, or `clientOptions.promptPrefix` to give the AI custom instructions for this message only, etc. | To configure which options can be changed per message (default: all), see the comments for `perMessageClientOptionsWhitelist` in `settings.example.js`. To allow changing clients, `perMessageClientOptionsWhitelist.validClientsToUse` must be set to a non-empty array as described in the example settings file. </details> #### Usage <details> <summary><strong>Method 1 (POST)</strong></summary> To start a conversation with ChatGPT, send a POST request to the server's `/conversation` endpoint with a JSON body with parameters per **Endpoints** > **POST /conversation** above. ```JSON { "message": "Hello, how are you today?", "conversationId": "your-conversation-id (optional)", "parentMessageId": "your-parent-message-id (optional, for `ChatGPTClient` only)", "conversationSignature": "your-conversation-signature (optional, for `BingAIClient` only)", "clientId": "your-client-id (optional, for `BingAIClient` only)", "invocationId": "your-invocation-id (optional, for `BingAIClient` only)", } ``` The server will return a JSON object containing ChatGPT's response: ```JS // HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "response": "I'm doing well, thank you! How are you?", "conversationId": "your-conversation-id", "messageId": "response-message-id (for `ChatGPTClient` only)", "conversationSignature": "your-conversation-signature (for `BingAIClient` only)", "clientId": "your-client-id (for `BingAIClient` only)", "invocationId": "your-invocation-id (for `BingAIClient` only - pass this new value back into subsequent requests as-is)", "details": "an object containing the raw response from the client" } ``` If the request is unsuccessful, the server will return a JSON object with an error message. If the request object is missing a required property (e.g. `message`): ```JS // HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request { "error": "The message parameter is required." } ``` If there was an error sending the message to ChatGPT: ```JS // HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable { "error": "There was an error communicating with ChatGPT." } ``` </details> <details> <summary><strong>Method 2 (SSE)</strong></summary> You can set `"stream": true` in the request body to receive a stream of tokens as they are generated. ```js import { fetchEventSource } from '@waylaidwanderer/fetch-event-source'; // use `@microsoft/fetch-event-source` instead if in a browser environment const opts = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ "message": "Write a poem about cats.", "conversationId": "your-conversation-id (optional)", "parentMessageId": "your-parent-message-id (optional)", "stream": true, // Any other parameters per `Endpoints > POST /conversation` above }), }; ``` See [demos/use-api-server-streaming.js](demos/use-api-server-streaming.js) for an example of how to receive the response as it's generated. You will receive one token at a time, so you will need to concatenate them yourself. Successful output: ```JS { data: '', event: '', id: '', retry: 3000 } { data: 'Hello', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: '!', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: ' How', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: ' can', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: ' I', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: ' help', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: ' you', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: ' today', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: '?', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: '<result JSON here, see Method 1>', event: 'result', id: '', retry: undefined } { data: '[DONE]', event: '', id: '', retry: undefined } // Hello! How can I help you today? ``` Error output: ```JS const message = { data: '{"code":503,"error":"There was an error communicating with ChatGPT."}', event: 'error', id: '', retry: undefined }; if (message.event === 'error') { console.error(JSON.parse(; // There was an error communicating with ChatGPT. } ``` </details> #### Notes - Method 1 is simple, but Time to First Byte (TTFB) is long. - Method 2 uses a non-standard implementation of [server-sent event API](; you should import `fetch-event-source` first and use `POST` method. ### CLI #### Setup Follow the same [setup instructions](#api-server-setup) for the API server, creating `settings.js`. #### Usage If installed globally: ```bash chatgpt-cli ``` If installed locally: ```bash npm run cli ``` ChatGPT's responses are automatically copied to your clipboard, so you can paste them into other applications. ## Using a Reverse Proxy As shown in the examples above, you can set `reverseProxyUrl` in `ChatGPTClient`'s options to use a reverse proxy server instead of the official ChatGPT API. ~~For now, **this is the only way to use the ChatGPT underlying models**.~~ This method has been patched and the instructions below are no longer relevant, but you may still want to use a reverse proxy for other reasons. Currently, reverse proxy servers are still used for performing a Cloudflare bypass for `ChatGPTBrowserClient`. <details> <summary><strong>Instructions</strong></summary> How does it work? Simple answer: `ChatGPTClient` > reverse proxy > OpenAI server. The reverse proxy server does some magic under the hood to access the underlying model directly via OpenAI's server and then returns the response to `ChatGPTClient`. Instructions are provided below. <details open> <summary><strong></strong> (mine, <strong>currently offline</strong>)</summary> #### Instructions 1. Get your ChatGPT access token from (look for the `accessToken` property). * **This is NOT the same thing as the _session token_.** * Automatically fetching or refreshing your ChatGPT access token is not currently supported by this library. Please handle this yourself for now. 2. Set `reverseProxyUrl` to `` in `settings.js > chatGptClient` or `ChatGPTClient`'s options. 3. Set the "OpenAI API key" parameter (e.g. `settings.chatGptClient.openaiApiKey`) to the ChatGPT access token you got in step 1. 4. Set the `model` to `text-davinci-002-render`, `text-davinci-002-render-paid`, or `text-davinci-002-render-sha` depending on which ChatGPT models that your account has access to. Models **must** be a ChatGPT model name, not the underlying model name, and you cannot use a model that your account does not have access to. * You can check which ones you have access to by opening DevTools and going to the Network tab. Refresh the page and look at the response body for #### Notes - Since this is my server, I can guarantee that no logging or tracking is done. I can see general usage stats, but I cannot see any of your completions. Whether you trust me on this or not is up to you. - Non-streaming responses over 60s are not supported. Use `stream: true` (API) or `onProgress` (client) as a workaround. - Rate limit of 10 requests per second. </details> <details open> <summary><strong></strong> (@PawanOsmon, <strong>currently offline</strong>)</summary> #### Instructions 1. Get your ChatGPT access token from (look for the `accessToken` property). * **This is NOT the same thing as the _session token_.** * Automatically fetching or refreshing your ChatGPT access token is not currently supported by this library. Please handle this yourself for now. 2. Set `reverseProxyUrl` to `` in `settings.js > chatGptClient` or `ChatGPTClient`'s options. 3. Set the "OpenAI API key" parameter (e.g. `settings.chatGptClient.openaiApiKey`) to the ChatGPT access token you got in step 1. 4. Set the `model` to `text-davinci-002-render`, `text-davinci-002-render-paid`, or `text-davinci-002-render-sha` depending on which ChatGPT models that your account has access to. Models **must** be a ChatGPT model name, not the underlying model name, and you cannot use a model that your account does not have access to. * You can check which ones you have access to by opening DevTools and going to the Network tab. Refresh the page and look at the response body for #### Notes - Non-streaming responses over 60s are not supported. Use `stream: true` (API) or `onProgress` (client) as a workaround. - Rate limit of 50 requests per 15 seconds. </details> </details> ## Projects 🚀 A list of awesome projects using `@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api`: - [PandoraAI]( my web chat client powered by node-chatgpt-api, allowing users to easily chat with multiple AI systems while also offering support for custom presets. With its seamless and convenient design, PandoraAI provides an engaging conversational AI experience. - [LibreChat]( integrates ChatGPT technology, enabling multiple AI models, conversation features, message search, and plugins. It offers free/pay-per-call APIs, eliminating ChatGPT Plus need, and supports customization. - [ChatGPT WebApp]( a fullstack chat webapp with mobile compatble UI interface, and node-chatgpt-api works as backend. Anyone can deploy your own chat service. - [halbot]( Just another ChatGPT/Bing Chat Telegram bot, which is simple design, easy to use, extendable and fun. - [ChatGPTBox]( Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here - [llm-bot]( A Discord bot for LLM nonsense. Comes with a custom reverse proxy for GPT-4 allowing it to be accessed for free (Thank you "generic")! - [WhatsAppSydney]( Bing-powered personal assistant for WhatsApp. Simplify your day-to-day with ease. Add yours to the list by [editing this README]( and creating a pull request! ## Web Client A web client for this project is also available at [waylaidwanderer/PandoraAI]( ## Caveats ### Regarding `ChatGPTClient` Since `gpt-3.5-turbo` is ChatGPT's underlying model, I had to do my best to replicate the way the official ChatGPT website uses it. This means my implementation or the underlying model may not behave exactly the same in some ways: - Conversations are not tied to any user IDs, so if that's important to you, you should implement your own user ID system. - ChatGPT's model parameters (temperature, frequency penalty, etc.) are unknown, so I set some defaults that I thought would be reasonable. - Conversations are limited to roughly the last 3000 tokens, so earlier messages may be forgotten during longer conversations. - This works in a similar way to ChatGPT, except I'm pretty sure they have some additional way of retrieving context from earlier messages when needed (which can probably be achieved with embeddings, but I consider that out-of-scope for now). ## Contributing If you'd like to contribute to this project, please create a pull request with a detailed description of your changes. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app.
<p align="center"> <img width="300" alt="Codeium" src="codeium.svg"/> </p> --- [![Discord](]( [![Twitter Follow](]( ![License]( [![built with Codeium](]( [![Visual Studio](]( [![JetBrains](]( [![Open VSX](]( [![Google Chrome](]( # codeium.vim _Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Vim and Neovim_ Codeium autocompletes your code with AI in all major IDEs. We [launched]( this implementation of the Codeium plugin for Vim and Neovim to bring this modern coding superpower to more developers. Check out our [playground]( if you want to quickly try out Codeium online. Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests and issues related to the plugin. <br /> ![Example]( <br /> ## 🚀 Getting started 1. Install [Vim]( (at least 9.0.0185) or [Neovim]( (at least 0.6) 2. Install `Exafunction/codeium.vim` using your vim plugin manager of choice, or manually. See [Installation Options](#-installation-options) below. 3. Run `:Codeium Auth` to set up the plugin and start using Codeium. You can run `:help codeium` for a full list of commands and configuration options, or see [this guide]( for a quick tutorial on how to use Codeium. ## 🛠️ Configuration For a full list of configuration options you can run `:help codeium`. A few of the most popular options are highlighted below. ### ⌨️ Keybindings Codeium provides the following functions to control suggestions: | Action | Function | Default Binding | | --------------------------- | ------------------------------ | --------------- | | Clear current suggestion | `codeium#Clear()` | `<C-]>` | | Next suggestion | `codeium#CycleCompletions(1)` | `<M-]>` | | Previous suggestion | `codeium#CycleCompletions(-1)` | `<M-[>` | | Insert suggestion | `codeium#Accept()` | `<Tab>` | | Manually trigger suggestion | `codeium#Complete()` | `<M-Bslash>` | Codeium's default keybindings can be disabled by setting ```vim let g:codeium_disable_bindings = 1 ``` or in Neovim: ```lua vim.g.codeium_disable_bindings = 1 ``` If you'd like to just disable the `<Tab>` binding, you can alternatively use the `g:codeium_no_map_tab` option. If you'd like to bind the actions above to different keys, this might look something like the following in Vim: ```vim imap <script><silent><nowait><expr> <C-g> codeium#Accept() imap <C-;> <Cmd>call codeium#CycleCompletions(1)<CR> imap <C-,> <Cmd>call codeium#CycleCompletions(-1)<CR> imap <C-x> <Cmd>call codeium#Clear()<CR> ``` Or in Neovim (using [wbthomason/packer.nvim]( or [folke/lazy.nvim]( ```lua -- Remove the `use` here if you're using folke/lazy.nvim. use { 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', config = function () -- Change '<C-g>' here to any keycode you like. vim.keymap.set('i', '<C-g>', function () return vim.fn['codeium#Accept']() end, { expr = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-;>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#CycleCompletions'](1) end, { expr = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-,>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#CycleCompletions'](-1) end, { expr = true, silent = true }) vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-x>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#Clear']() end, { expr = true, silent = true }) end } ``` (Make sure that you ran `:Codeium Auth` after installation.) ### ⛔ Disabling Codeium Codeium can be disabled for particular filetypes by setting the `g:codeium_filetypes` variable in your vim config file (vimrc/init.vim): ```vim let g:codeium_filetypes = { \ "bash": v:false, \ "typescript": v:true, \ } ``` Codeium is enabled by default for most filetypes. You can also _disable_ codeium by default with the `g:codeium_enabled` variable, and enable it manually per buffer by running `:CodeiumEnable`: ```vim let g:codeium_enabled = v:false ``` or in Neovim: ```lua vim.g.codeium_enabled = false ``` Or you can disable codeium for _all filetypes_ with the `g:codeium_filetypes_disabled_by_default` variable, and use the `g:codeium_filetypes` variable to selectively enable codeium for specified filetypes: ```vim " let g:codeium_enabled = v:true let g:codeium_filetypes_disabled_by_default = v:true let g:codeium_filetypes = { \ "rust": v:true, \ "typescript": v:true, \ } ``` If you would like to just disable the automatic triggering of completions: ```vim let g:codeium_manual = v:true " You might want to use `CycleOrComplete()` instead of `CycleCompletions(1)`. " This will make the forward cycling of suggestions also trigger the first " suggestion manually. imap <C-;> <Cmd>call codeium#CycleOrComplete()<CR> ``` To disable automatic text rendering of suggestions (the gray text that appears for a suggestion): ```vim let g:codeium_render = v:false ``` ### Show Codeium status in statusline Codeium status can be generated by calling the `codeium#GetStatusString()` function. In Neovim, you can use `vim.api.nvim_call_function("codeium#GetStatusString", {})` instead. It produces a 3 char long string with Codeium status: - `'3/8'` - third suggestion out of 8 - `'0'` - Codeium returned no suggestions - `'*'` - waiting for Codeium response In normal mode, status shows if Codeium is enabled or disabled by showing `'ON'` or `'OFF'`. In order to show it in status line add following line to your `.vimrc`: ```set statusline+=\{…\}%3{codeium#GetStatusString()}``` Shorter variant without Codeium logo: ```set statusline+=%3{codeium#GetStatusString()}``` Please check `:help statusline` for further information about building statusline in VIM. vim-airline supports Codeium out-of-the-box since commit [3854429d]( ### Launching Codeium Chat Calling the `codeium#Chat()` function will enable search and indexing in the current project and launch Codeium Chat in a new browser window. The project root is determined by looking in Vim's current working directory for some specific files or directories to be present and goes up to parent directories until one is found. This list of hints is user-configurable and the default value is: ```let g:codeium_workspace_root_hints = ['.bzr','.git','.hg','.svn','_FOSSIL_','package.json']``` Note that launching chat enables telemetry. ## 💾 Installation Options ### 💤 Lazy ```lua { 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', event = 'BufEnter' } ``` ### 🔌 vim-plug ```vim Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' } ``` ### 📦 Vundle ```vim Plugin 'Exafunction/codeium.vim' ``` ### 📦 packer.nvim: ```vim use 'Exafunction/codeium.vim' ``` ### 💪 Manual #### 🖥️ Vim Run the following. On windows, you can replace `~/.vim` with `$HOME/vimfiles`: ```bash git clone ~/.vim/pack/Exafunction/start/codeium.vim ``` #### 💻 Neovim Run the following. On windows, you can replace `~/.config` with `$HOME/AppData/Local`: ```bash git clone ~/.config/nvim/pack/Exafunction/start/codeium.vim ```
Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Vim and Neovim
Vim Script
# [Flowbite Admin Dashboard]( [![Tweet](]( [![version](]( [![license](]( [![GitHub issues open](]( [![GitHub issues closed](]( [![Flowbite Admin Dashboard Live Preview](]( This project is a free and open-source UI admin dashboard template built with the components from [Flowbite]( and based on the utility-first [Tailwind CSS]( framework featuring charts, tables, widgets, CRUD layouts, modals, drawers, and more. This admin dashboard can quickly help you get started building an application for your project using the newest UI/UX development technologies in the open-source area including Tailwind CSS and Flowbite. ## 🌀 Built with Flowbite The interactive components such as the navbars, modals, drawers, and tooltips are all based on the popular [open-source component library called Flowbite]( which enables us to use these elements by creating more complex set of pages and widgets inside a fully-fledged admin dashboard template. ## 💨 Tailwind CSS utility classes All of the pages, widgets, and components are solely based on the utility-first classes from Tailwind CSS and it is compatible with the latest `v3.x` of the technology by automatically purging all of the classes based on the template paths. ## 📊 15 example pages Get started with 15 advanced examples pages including two different layouts of a dashboard's homepage full of charts widgets, tables, datepickers, and statistics and also with two CRUD layout pages for products, users, a settings page, authentication pages for login and register and even custom 404 and 500 error pages. ## 🧱 Advanced components This admin dashboard contains many advanced components both from Flowbite but also from other third-party libraries such as ApexCharts which have been customly tailored with Tailwind CSS classes and designed based on the [Flowbite Design System]( ## 📚 Flowbite documentation If you want to use this project we recommend to also [study the component library]( that we used to build this dashboard because you can use even more components from that library to enhance the examples that we've coded here already. ## ⚙️ Workflow This product is built using the following widely used technologies: - Tailwind CSS: []( - Flowbite: []( - HUGO []( - Webpack []( ## Table of Contents - [Flowbite Admin Dashboard ](#flowbite-admin-dashboard-) - [🌀 Built with Flowbite](#-built-with-flowbite) - [💨 Tailwind CSS utility classes](#-tailwind-css-utility-classes) - [📊 15 example pages](#-15-example-pages) - [🧱 Advanced components](#-advanced-components) - [📚 Flowbite documentation](#-flowbite-documentation) - [⚙️ Workflow](#️-workflow) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Demo pages](#demo-pages) - [Quick start](#quick-start) - [JavaScript Frameworks](#javascript-frameworks) - [Back-end Frameworks](#back-end-frameworks) - [File Structure](#file-structure) - [Browser Support](#browser-support) - [Resources](#resources) - [Reporting Issues](#reporting-issues) - [Technical Support or Questions](#technical-support-or-questions) - [Licensing](#licensing) - [Useful Links](#useful-links) - [Authors](#authors) ## Demo pages | Dashboard | Stacked Layout | Products (CRUD) | --- | --- | --- | | [![Dashboard](]( | [![Stacked Layout](]( | [![Products (CRUD)](]( | Users (CRUD) | Settings | Pricing page | --- | --- | --- | | [![Users (CRUD)](]( | [![Settings](]( | [![Pricing page](]( | Login page | Register page | Reset password | --- | --- | --- | | [![Login page](]( | [![Register page](]( | [![Reset password](]( | Forgot password | Profile lock | Maintenance page | --- | --- | --- | | [![Forgot password](]( | [![Profile lock](]( | [![Maintenance page](]( | 404 not found | 500 server error | Playground | --- | --- | --- | | [![404 not found](]( | [![500 server error](]( | [![Playground](]( - [Live Preview]( ## Quick start 1. Clone this repository or download the ZIP file 2. Make sure that you have Node.js and NPM installed 3. Install the project dependencies from the `package.json` file: ``` npm install ``` 4. Create a local server on `localhost:1313` by running the following command: ``` npm run start ``` You can also build the project and get the distribution files inside the `public/` folder by running: ``` npm run build ``` You can instantly upload your project to Vercel by selecting the default HUGO configuration, but depending on your own tech stack whether it's React.js, Vue, Nuxt.js, Next.js or a back-end framework you can also just copy the layouts from this project inside your own tech stack. Here's a list of compatible technologies and guides for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS: ### JavaScript Frameworks The awesome open-source community also built and currently maintains the following standalone libraries for React, Vue, Svelte, and Angular: - [🌀 Flowbite React Library]( - [🍀 Flowbite Vue Library]( - [🎸 Flowbite Svelte Library]( - [📕 Flowbite Angular Library]( We also wrote integration guides for the following front-end frameworks and libraries: - [📝 Flowbite with React guide]( - [📝 Flowbite with Next.js guide]( - [📝 Flowbite with Vue guide]( - [📝 Flowbite with Nuxt.js guide]( - [📝 Flowbite with Svelte guide]( ### Back-end Frameworks Flowbite has a great integration with most of the back-end frameworks because it relies on vanilla JavaScript: - [📚 Using Flowbite with Laravel]( - [🚊 Using Flowbite with Ruby on Rails 7]( - [🐸 Using Flowbite with Django]( - [🌶 Using Flowbite with Flask]( ## File Structure Within the download you'll find the following directories and files: ``` Flowbite Admin Dashboard . ├── LICENSE ├── ├── config.yml ├── content ├── data ├── layouts ├── node_modules ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json ├── postcss.config.js ├── resources ├── src ├── static ├── tailwind.config.js ├── webpack.config.js └── yarn.lock ``` ## Browser Support At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers: <img src="" width="64" height="64"> <img src="" width="64" height="64"> <img src="" width="64" height="64"> <img src="" width="64" height="64"> <img src="" width="64" height="64"> ## Resources - Live preview: <> - Flowbite documentation: <> - Tailwind CSS documentation: <> - License Agreement: <> - Issues: [Github Issues Page]( ## Reporting Issues We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for Flowbite Admin Dashboard. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue: 1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of Flowbite Admin Dashboard. Check the CHANGELOG from your dashboard on the [GitHub releases page]( 2. Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed. 3. Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help. ## Technical Support or Questions If you have questions or need help integrating the product please [contact us]( instead of opening an issue. ## Licensing - Copyright 2019-2023 Bergside Inc. ( - Open-source under the [MIT License]( ## Useful Links - 📚 [Flowbite Library]( - Open-source components built with Tailwind CSS - 🎨 [Flowbite Figma]( - Design system built for Figma - 🧱 [Flowbite Blocks]( - Building sections for website and applications - 💎 [Flowbite Pro]( - A larger collection of the open-source version of the latter three ## Authors - [Zoltán Szőgyényi]( - [Robert Tanislav](
Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite
# Learn JavaScript [![Pull Requests Welcome](]( [![first-timers-only Friendly](]( [![GitHub issues](]( [![GitHub forks](]( [![GitHub stars](]( [![GitHub license](]( [![Twitter](]( [![OpenSSF Best Practices](]( [![Open Source Helpers](]( ## Overview **This book offers a comprehensive introduction to programming and JavaScript, designed to impart fundamental knowledge in a clear and organized manner. Its content delves into foundational principles and core concepts, presented in simple language to facilitate easy comprehension. The book is thoughtfully structured, providing in-depth explanations and accompanying notes enriched with illustrative examples, thereby enhancing the reader's understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, the inclusion of practical exercises at the end of each section adds significant value to the learning experience, allowing readers to apply the acquired knowledge and reinforce their skills. This thoughtful combination of theoretical explanations, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises ensures a well-rounded educational approach, making the book an invaluable resource for beginners looking to grasp the essentials of programming and JavaScript in a professional and systematic manner.** ## Table of Contents 1. [Introduction](#introduction) 2. [Typographic Conventions](#typographic-conventions) 3. [Support the Project](#support-the-project) 4. [Installation and Usage Instructions](#installation-and-usage-instructions) 5. [Structure](#structure) 6. [Contributing Guidelines](#contributing-guidelines) 7. [Contributors](#contributors) 8. [Contact Us](#contact-us) 9. [License Information](#license-information) ## 📚 Introduction <a name="introduction"></a> **Learn JavaScript: Beginners Guide** provides a foundational understanding of programming and JavaScript. It covers the core concepts in a simple and organized manner, offering in-depth information and notes along with examples to facilitate comprehension. Each chapter includes exercises to reinforce your learning. **What You'll Learn** 😎 This meticulously crafted book caters to a diverse audience, ranging from novice learners taking their first steps into the world of programming to seasoned developers seeking to enhance their skills specifically in the domain of JavaScript. Its strength lies in providing a thorough and inclusive initiation into the JavaScript programming language. The book's structure is intelligently organized into three distinct sections, each catering to different aspects of JavaScript learning. The first part, comprising the initial 14 chapters, meticulously covers the fundamental concepts of JavaScript. These chapters are designed to build a strong foundation, ensuring that readers, regardless of their prior experience, grasp the core principles of the language comprehensively. Moving forward, the subsequent four chapters transition seamlessly into the realm of web browser programming using JavaScript. This section not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also provides practical insights into real-world applications, enabling readers to understand how JavaScript functions within the context of web development. The book doesn't merely stop at the basics; it goes the extra mile by dedicating the final two chapters to miscellaneous topics that are pivotal in mastering JavaScript. **🚀 Code, and What to Do With It** Code is the heart of any program, and this book contains numerous code examples. To master programming, it's essential to read and write code diligently. Don't rush through the examples; take your time to understand them thoroughly. The same applies to the exercises – attempt to solve them before checking the solutions. Consider running your code in a JavaScript interpreter to ensure it works correctly. Experimenting and going beyond the exercises will enhance your skills. By adding emojis and organizing the content, you can make the text more engaging and visually appealing. ## Typographic conventions In this book, text written in a monospaced font represents elements of a program. This can be a self-contained fragment or a reference to part of a nearby program. Programs, like the one shown below, are written in this way: ```javascript const numbers = [45, 4, 9, 16, 25]; let txt = ""; for (let x in numbers) { txt += numbers[x]; } ``` Sometimes, the expected output of a program is written after it, preceded by two slashes with a _Result_, like this: ```javascript console.log(txt); // Result: txt = '45491625' ``` ## Support the Project <a name="support-the-project"></a>⭐ If you feel awesome and want to support us in a small way, please consider starring and sharing the repo! This helps us get visibility and allow the community to grow. 🙏 <img alt="star_us" width="250" src="./star_us.gif"> ## Installation and Usage Instructions To get started with this project, follow these steps: 1. Clone this repository. 2. Move to the 'learn-javascript' directory. 3. Install dependencies using `yarn` or `npm install`. 4. Run `yarn start` command. 5. Visit http://localhost:4000 for a preview. ## Structure The main contents are under the charset of each language directory . For English, use `en` directory. directory | description learn-javascript ├── _book # compiled version of contents ├── _layouts # layout for rendering book/website ├── en # content of book in english language ├── fr # content of book in french language ├── np # content of book in nepali language ├── tr # content of book in turkish language ├── # supported languages ├── books # books in pdf and epub formats with translation ├── book.json # configuration for book └── ... ## Contributing Guidelines Contributions to this project are welcome. If you want to contribute, follow these steps: 1. Create an issue to discuss your proposed changes or improvements. 2. Fork and clone the repository. 3. Make your changes locally. 4. Push your changes and create a pull request. **Tips** *For Adding new documents* : Create `*.md` file under `<lang>/chapter-<n>/` directory. ## Contributors We would like to thank the open-source community for their valuable contributions to this project [![](]( ## Contact Us If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us at, or reach out to Suman directly. We hope you find this resource helpful 💜. ## License Information This project is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0](./LICENSE) , which means that you are free to use, modify, and distribute the code as long as you comply with the terms of the license.
A book that teaches JavaScript
# SPlayer > 一个简约的音乐播放器 ![main](/screenshots/SPlayer.jpg) ## 说明 > [!IMPORTANT] > > ### 严肃警告 > > - 请务必遵守 [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL-3.0)]( 许可协议 > - 在您的修改、演绎、分发或派生项目中,必须同样采用 **AGPL-3.0** 许可协议,**并在适当的位置包含本项目的许可和版权信息** > - **禁止用于售卖或其他商业用途**,如若发现,作者保留追究法律责任的权利 > - 若发现未遵守 **AGPL-3.0** 许可协议的行为,**本项目将永久停更** > - 感谢您的尊重与理解 - 本项目采用 [Vue 3]( 全家桶和 [Naïve UI]( 组件库及 [Electron]( 开发 - 支持网页端与客户端,由于设备有限,目前仅适配 `Win`,其他平台可自行解决兼容性后进行构建 - 仅对移动端做了基础适配,**不保证功能全部可用** > 请注意,本程序不打算开发移动端,也不会对移动端进行完美适配,仅保证基础可用性 - 欢迎各位大佬 `Star` 😍 ## 👀 Demo - [SPlayer]( ## 🎉 功能 - ✨ 支持扫码登录 - 📱 支持手机号登录 - 📅 自动进行每日签到及云贝签到 - 🎨 封面主题色自适应 - 🌚 Light / Dark 模式自动切换 - 📁 本地歌曲管理及分类(建议先使用 [音乐标签]( 进行匹配后再使用) - 🎵 **支持播放部分无版权歌曲(可能会与原曲不匹配,客户端独占功能)** - ⬇️ 下载歌曲(最高支持 Hi-Res) - ➕ 新建歌单及歌单编辑 - ❤️ 收藏 / 取消收藏歌单或歌手 - 🎶 每日推荐歌曲 - 📻 私人 FM - ☁️ 云盘音乐上传 - 📂 云盘内歌曲播放 - 🔄 云盘内歌曲纠正 - 🗑️ 云盘歌曲删除 - 📝 支持逐字歌词 - 🔄 歌词滚动以及歌词翻译 - 📹 MV 与视频播放 - 🎶 音乐频谱显示 - ⏭️ 音乐渐入渐出 - 🔄 支持 PWA - 💬 支持评论区及评论点赞 - 🌓 明暗模式自动 / 手动切换 - 📱 移动端基础适配 - ~~🌐 `i18n` 支持~~ ## 🖼️ Screenshots > 开发中,仅供参考 <details> <summary>主页面</summary> ![主页面](/screenshots/SPlayer%20-%20主页面.jpg) </details> <details> <summary>播放页面</summary> ![播放页面](/screenshots/SPlayer%20-%20播放页面.jpg) </details> <details> <summary>发现页面</summary> ![发现页面](/screenshots/SPlayer%20-%20发现页面.jpg) </details> <details> <summary>歌单页面</summary> ![发现页面](/screenshots/SPlayer%20-%20歌单页面.jpg) </details> <details> <summary>评论页面</summary> ![发现页面](/screenshots/SPlayer%20-%20评论页面.jpg) </details> <details> <summary>本地音乐</summary> ![发现页面](/screenshots/SPlayer%20-%20本地音乐.jpg) </details> ## 📦️ 获取 ### 稳定版 通常情况下,可以在 [Releases]( 中获取稳定版 ### 开发版 可以通过 `GitHub Actions` 工作流获取最新的开发版,目前开发版仅提供 `Win` 版本 [Dev Workflow]( ## ⚙️ Docker 部署 > 安装及配置 `Docker` 将不在此处说明,请自行解决 ### 本地构建 > 请尽量拉取最新分支后使用本地构建方式,在线部署的仓库可能更新不及时 ```bash # 构建 docker build -t splayer . # 运行 docker run -d --name SPlayer -p 7899:7899 splayer # 或使用 Docker Compose docker-compose up -d ``` ### 在线部署 ```bash # 从 Docker Hub 拉取 docker pull imsyy/splayer:latest # 从 GitHub ghcr 拉取 docker pull # 运行 docker run -d --name SPlayer -p 7899:7899 imsyy/splayer:latest ``` 以上步骤成功后,将会在本地 [localhost:7899](http://localhost:7899/) 启动,如需更换端口,请自行修改命令行中的端口号 ## ⚙️ Vercel 部署 > 其他部署平台大致相同,在此不做说明 1. 本程序依赖 [NeteaseCloudMusicApi]( 运行,请确保您已成功部署该项目,并成功取得在线访问地址 2. 点击本仓库右上角的 `Fork`,复制本仓库到你的 `GitHub` 账号 3. 复制 `/.env.example` 文件并重命名为 `/.env` 4. 将 `.env` 文件中的 `RENDERER_VITE_SERVER_URL` 改为第一步得到的 API 地址 ```js RENDERER_VITE_SERVER_URL = ""; ``` 5. 将 `Build and Output Settings` 中的 `Output Directory` 改为 `out/renderer` ![build](/screenshots/build.png) 6. 点击 `Deploy`,即可成功部署 ## ⚙️ 服务器部署 1. 重复 `⚙️ Vercel 部署` 中的 1 - 4 步骤 2. 克隆仓库 > 将链接中的 example/repository.git 替换为你要克隆的实际仓库的地址 ```bash git clone ``` 3. 安装依赖 ```bash pnpm install # 或者 yarn install # 或者 npm install ``` 4. 编译打包 ```bash pnpm build # 或者 yarn build # 或者 npm build ``` 5. 将站点运行目录设置为 `out/renderer` 目录 ## ⚙️ 本地部署 1. 本地部署需要用到 `Node.js`。可前往 [Node.js 官网]( 下载安装包,请下载最新稳定版 2. 安装 pnpm ```bash npm install pnpm -g ``` 3. 克隆仓库并拉取至本地,此处不再赘述 4. 使用 `pnpm install` 安装项目依赖(若安装过程中遇到网络错误,请使用国内镜像源替代,此处不再赘述) 5. 复制 `/.env.example` 文件并重命名为 `/.env` 并修改配置 6. 打包客户端,请依据你的系统类型来选择,打包成功后,会输出安装包或可执行文件在 `/dist` 目录中,可自行安装 | 命令 | 系统类型 | | ------------------ | -------- | | `pnpm build:win` | Windows | | `pnpm build:linux` | Linux | | `pnpm build:mac` | MacOS | ## 😘 鸣谢 特此感谢为本项目提供支持与灵感的项目 - [NeteaseCloudMusicApi]( - [YesPlayMusic]( - [UnblockNeteaseMusic]( - [Vue-mmPlayer]( ## 📢 免责声明 本项目部分功能使用了网易云音乐的第三方 API 服务,**仅供个人学习研究使用,禁止用于商业及非法用途** 同时,本项目开发者承诺 **严格遵守相关法律法规和网易云音乐 API 使用协议,不会利用本项目进行任何违法活动。** 如因使用本项目而引起的任何纠纷或责任,均由使用者自行承担。**本项目开发者不承担任何因使用本项目而导致的任何直接或间接责任,并保留追究使用者违法行为的权利** 请使用者在使用本项目时遵守相关法律法规,**不要将本项目用于任何商业及非法用途。如有违反,一切后果由使用者自负。** 同时,使用者应该自行承担因使用本项目而带来的风险和责任。本项目开发者不对本项目所提供的服务和内容做出任何保证 感谢您的理解 ## 📜 开源许可 - **本项目仅供个人学习研究使用,禁止用于商业及非法用途** - 本项目基于 [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL-3.0)]( 许可进行开源 1. **修改和分发:** 任何对本项目的修改和分发都必须基于 AGPL-3.0 进行,源代码必须一并提供 2. **派生作品:** 任何派生作品必须同样采用 AGPL-3.0,并在适当的地方注明原始项目的许可证 3. **注明原作者:** 在任何修改、派生作品或其他分发中,必须在适当的位置明确注明原作者及其贡献 4. **免责声明:** 根据 AGPL-3.0,本项目不提供任何明示或暗示的担保。请详细阅读 [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL-3.0)]( 以了解完整的免责声明内容 5. **社区参与:** 欢迎社区的参与和贡献,我们鼓励开发者一同改进和维护本项目 6. **许可证链接:** 请阅读 [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL-3.0)]( 了解更多详情 ## 📂 目录结构 <details> <summary>查看目录结构详情</summary> > ChatGPT 写的,如有错误,请见谅 ```dir ├── auto-imports.d.ts # 自动导入 ├── components.d.ts # 自动导入 ├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose ├── Dockerfile # Docker ├── electron # Electron │   ├── main # Electron 主进程 │   │   ├── index.js # 主进程入口 │   │   ├── mainIpcMain.js # 主进程与渲染进程通信 │   │   ├── startMainServer.js # 启动主进程服务器 │   │   ├── startNcmServer.js # 启动网易云音乐服务 │   │   └── utils # 主进程工具函数 │   │   ├── checkUpdates.js # 检查更新 │   │   ├── createGlobalShortcut.js # 创建全局快捷键 │   │   ├── createSystemTray.js # 创建系统托盘 │   │   ├── getNeteaseMusicUrl.js # 解灰 │   │   ├── kwDES.js # DES加密算法 │   │   └── readDirAsync.js # 异步读取目录 │   └── preload # Electron 预加载脚本 │   └── index.js # 预加载脚本入口文件 ├── electron-builder.yml # Electron Builder ├── electron.vite.config.js # Electron Vite ├── index.html # 主页面 HTML ├── LICENSE # 项目许可证 ├── nginx.conf # Nginx 配置 ├── src # 项目源代码 │   ├── api # API 相关 │   │   ├── ./.. │   ├── App.vue # 根组件 │   ├── assets # 静态资源 │   │   ├── emoji.json # 表情数据 │   │   ├── icon.json # 图标数据 │   │   └── themeColor.json # 主题颜色数据 │   ├── components # 组件目录 │   │   ├── Cover # 封面相关组件目录 │   │   │   ├── CoverDropdown.vue # 封面下拉组件 │   │   │   ├── MainCover.vue # 主封面组件 │   │   │   ├── SpecialCoverCard.vue # 特殊封面卡片组件 │   │   │   └── SpecialCover.vue # 特殊封面组件 │   │   ├── Global # 全局组件目录 │   │   │   ├── MainLayout.vue # 主布局组件 │   │   │   ├── Menu.vue # 菜单组件 │   │   │   ├── Pagination.vue # 分页组件 │   │   │   ├── Playlist.vue # 歌单组件 │   │   │   ├── Provider.vue # 全局化配置组件 │   │   │   └── SvgIcon.vue # SVG 图标组件 │   │   ├── List # 列表组件目录 │   │   │   ├── CommentList.vue # 评论列表组件 │   │   │   ├── SongListDropdown.vue # 歌曲下拉组件 │   │   │   └── SongList.vue # 歌曲列表组件 │   │   ├── Modal # 弹窗相关组件目录 │   │   │   ├── AddPlaylist.vue # 添加歌单组件 │   │   │   ├── CloudSongMatch.vue # 云盘歌曲匹配组件 │   │   │   ├── CreatePlaylist.vue # 创建歌单组件 │   │   │   ├── DownloadSong.vue # 下载歌曲组件 │   │   │   ├── LoginPhone.vue # 手机登录组件 │   │   │   ├── LoginQRCode.vue # 二维码登录组件 │   │   │   ├── Login.vue # 登录组件 │   │   │   ├── PlaylistUpdate.vue # 歌单编辑组件 │   │   │   └── UpCloudSong.vue # 上传云盘歌曲组件 │   │   ├── Nav # 导航相关组件目录 │   │   │   ├── MainNav.vue # 主导航组件 │   │   │   └── UserData.vue # 用户数据组件 │   │   ├── Player # 播放器相关组件目录 │   │   │   ├── CountDown.vue # 倒计时组件 │   │   │   ├── FullPlayer.vue # 全屏播放器组件 │   │   │   ├── Lyric.vue # 歌词组件 │   │   │   ├── MainControl.vue # 主控制组件 │   │   │   ├── PlayerControl.vue # 播放器控制组件 │   │   │   ├── PlayerCover.vue # 播放器封面组件 │ │ │ └── PrivateFm.vue # 私人 FM 组件 │ │ ├── Search # 搜索相关组件 │ │ │ ├── SearchHot.vue # 热门搜索组件 │ │ │ ├── SearchInp.vue # 搜索输入组件 │ │ │ └── SearchSuggestions.vue # 搜索建议组件 │ │ └── WinDom # 窗口 DOM 相关组件 │ │ └── TitleBar.vue # 标题栏组件 │ ├── main.js # Vue 应用的入口文件 │ ├── router # Vue Router 相关文件夹 │ │ ├── index.js # Vue Router 入口文件 │ │ └── routes.js # 路由配置文件 │ ├── stores # Vuex Store 相关文件夹 │ │ ├── indexedDB.js # IndexedDB 数据库相关文件 │ │ ├── index.js # Vuex Store 入口文件 │ │ ├── musicData.js # 音乐数据相关文件 │ │ ├── siteData.js # 网站数据相关文件 │ │ ├── siteSettings.js # 网站设置相关文件 │ │ └── siteStatus.js # 网站状态相关文件 │ ├── style # 样式相关文件夹 │ │ ├── animate.scss # 动画样式文件 │ │ └── main.scss # 主样式文件 │ ├── utils # 工具函数文件夹 │ │ ├── auth.js # 认证相关函数 │ │ ├── base64.js # Base64编码解码相关函数 │ │ ├── color-utils.js # 颜色工具函数 │ │ ├── cover-color.js # 封面颜色相关函数 │ │ ├── debounce.js # 防抖函数 │ │ ├── formatData.js # 数据格式化函数 │ │ ├── formRules.js # 表单验证规则 │ │ ├── globalEvents.js # 全局事件处理函数 │ │ ├── globalShortcut.js # 全局快捷键相关函数 │ │ ├── helper.js # 辅助函数 │ │ ├── parseLyric.js # 解析歌词函数 │ │ ├── Player.js # 播放器控制相关函数 │ │ ├── request.js # 网络请求相关函数 │ │ ├── throttle.js # 节流函数 │ │ ├── timeTools.js # 时间工具函数 │ │ └── userSignIn.js # 用户登录相关函数 │ └── views # Vue组件文件夹 │ ├── Artist # 艺术家相关组件 │ │ ├── albums.vue # 艺术家专辑组件 │ │ ├── hot.vue # 艺术家热门组件 │ │ ├── index.vue # 艺术家主组件 │ │ ├── songs.vue # 艺术家歌曲组件 │ │ └── videos.vue # 艺术家视频组件 │ ├── Cloud.vue # 云盘组件 │ ├── Comment.vue # 评论组件 │ ├── DailySongs.vue # 每日推荐组件 │ ├── Discover # 发现音乐相关组件 │ │ ├── artists.vue # 发现音乐艺术家组件 │ │ ├── index.vue # 发现音乐主组件 │ │ ├── new.vue # 发现音乐新歌组件 │ │ ├── playlists.vue # 发现音乐歌单组件 │ │ └── toplists.vue # 发现音乐排行榜组件 │ ├── History.vue # 历史记录组件 │ ├── Home.vue # 主页组件 │ ├── Like # 我喜欢的相关组件 │ │ ├── albums.vue # 我喜欢的专辑组件 │ │ ├── artists.vue # 我喜欢的艺术家组件 │ │ ├── index.vue # 我喜欢的主组件 │ │ ├── playlists.vue # 我喜欢的歌单组件 │ │ └── videos.vue # 我喜欢的视频组件 │ ├── List # 列表相关组件 │ │ ├── album.vue # 专辑组件 │ │ └── playlist.vue # 歌单组件 │ │ └── dj.vue # 电台组件 │ ├── Local # 本地音乐相关组件 │ │ ├── albums.vue # 本地音乐专辑组件 │ │ ├── artists.vue # 本地音乐艺术家组件 │ │ ├── index.vue # 本地音乐主组件 │ │ └── songs.vue # 本地音乐歌曲组件 │ ├── Player.vue # 视频播放器组件 │ ├── Dj # 电台相关组件 │ │ └── index.vue # 电台主组件 │ │ └── type.vue # 电台分类组件 │ ├── Search # 搜索相关组件 │ │ ├── albums.vue # 搜索专辑组件 │ │ ├── artists.vue # 搜索艺术家组件 │   │   ├── index.vue # 搜索主组件 │   │   ├── playlists.vue # 搜索歌单组件 │   │   ├── songs.vue # 搜索歌曲组件 │   │   └── videos.vue # 搜索视频组件 │   │   └── djs.vue # 搜索电台组件 │   ├── Setting # 设置相关组件 │   │   └── index.vue # 设置主组件 │   ├── Song.vue │   ├── State │   │   ├── 403.vue │   │   ├── 404.vue │   │   └── 500.vue │   └── Test.vue └── vercel.json # Vercel 部署配置 ``` </details> ## ⭐ Star History [![Star History Chart](](
🎉 一个简约的音乐播放器,支持逐字歌词,下载歌曲,展示评论区,音乐云盘及歌单管理,音乐频谱,移动端基础适配 | A minimalist music player
## 定制头像🌈 ![预览](perview.png) ### 前言 在娱乐的同时弘扬中国传统节日文化! 大家定制了精美的头像,在使用过程中会被更多的人们看到,吸引大家都来定制自己专属的中国传统节日头像,潜移默化的加深人们对于传统节日的印象! ### 项目描述 该项目是基于vue3、typescript、Element UI、fabric.js的一款定制头像工具。 当前版本为2.0,在1.0(定制春节头像)上迭代。 推出定制中秋节、国庆节、春节等多风格头像定制, 内置诸多精美贴纸可供选择。 用户上传头像即可快速得出专属头像,支持保存、以海报的形式分享。开设头像墙区域,用户定制过的头像都会保留在头详墙上。 ### 特点 操作简单,用户可定制,灵活性高。 ### 地址 [github✈️]( [gitee✈️]( ### 预览 [主站✈️]( [github pages✈️]( ### 教程 1. 选择头像形状(微信为方形、qq、抖音等平台为圆形)。 2. 上传头像,(不支持动图)。 3. 选择头像框,贴纸可多选。 4. 完成上述步骤后,对效果图大小或位置不满意;可在画布区域微调,调整透明度。 5. 点击保存图片,分享给朋友。 ### 开源 目前代码已开源, 如果你喜欢这个项目或使用过它,请点个star⭐,谢谢🙏🙏🙏! 目前效果图属于个人定制,数量有限;希望有志同道合的设计师,提供一些头像框,小黎不胜感激🙏。这个项目有您的参与变的更有意义🤝。 联系方式~**QQ: 22708206** ### 文章链接 #### 2.0版本 [**掘金**]( [CSDN]( #### 1.0.版本 [**掘金**]( [CSDN]( ### 版本更新 * **v2.0.0(当前版本)** #### 仓库名称 - [x] 由 **custom-rabbitImage** 改为 **custom-avatar** #### 页面 - [x] 重构页面整体风格,调整为通用型风格 - [x] 兼容pc、移动端 - [x] 移动端头像墙采用瀑布流 #### 画布相关 - [x] 用户上传的原图做短边适配,保证不变形 - [x] 优化元素控件效果,增加删除控件 - [x] 优化绘制逻辑,减少无用运算。 #### 新增功能 - [x] 增加多主题选项(中秋节、国庆节、春节等,其他传统节日敬请期待) - [x] 增加贴纸效果,可多选、可删除 - [x] 增加快速切换头像框功能 - [x] 增加通知功能(xx用户在3分钟前定制了国庆头像) - [x] 增加分享海报功能 - [x] 增加头像墙功能,用户可预览他人定制的头像 #### 修复已知问题 - [x] 修复qq浏览器无法选择文件 - [x] 修复微信浏览器无法保存图片 * **v1.4.0** - [x] 解决保存图片模糊问题 * **v1.3.3** - [x] 调整PC版版本迭代 - [x] 调整效果图区域 - [x] 优化页面展示 * **v1.3.2** - [x] 压缩静态资源,优化网站加载速度 * **v1.3.1** - [x] 优化新年寄语-教程描述及展示 * **v1.3.0** - [x] 一大批新年效果图来袭~(设计师温言)🔥🔥🔥 * **v1.2.2** - [x] 新增版本迭代信息弹窗 * **v1.2.1** - [x] 优化透明度功能滑块区域(太靠右侧易误触) - [x] 优化页面交互 * **v1.2.0** - [x] 重构页面布局 - [x] 新增设置效果图透明度功能 - [x] 优化页面展示 * **v1.0.0** - [x] 初版 ### 流程图 ![流程图](./flow.png) ### 版权/协议 本项目采用 **MIT License**,请随意使用。若你喜欢或对你有所帮助,请点个⭐。 ### 兼容 兼容pc、移动端等 ### 计划 - 修复项目问题 - 根据用户意见、建议优化完善项目 ### FAQ 有任何意见或建议请提**issues**
快速定制中国传统节日头像,国庆国旗头像。customize avatars for traditional Chinese festivals such as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Spring Festival."
<div align="center"> <img height="120px" src="" alt="Elementary Audio logo" /> <br /><br /> [![CI Status](]( [![License](]( [![Discord Community](]( [![npm installs](]( </div> --- [**Elementary**]( is a JavaScript library for digital audio signal processing. * **Declarative:** Elementary makes it simple to create interactive audio processes through functional, declarative programming. Describe your audio process as a function of your application state, and Elementary will efficiently update the underlying audio engine as necessary. * **Dynamic:** Most audio processing frameworks and tools facilitate building static processes. But what happens as your audio requirements change throughout the user journey? Elementary is designed to facilitate and adapt to the dynamic nature of modern audio applications. * **Portable:** By decoupling the JavaScript API from the underlying audio engine (the "what" from the "how"), Elementary enables writing portable applications. Whether the underlying engine is running in the browser, an audio plugin, or an embedded device, your JavaScript layer remains the same. ## Getting Started Every Elementary application starts with the [@elemaudio/core]( package ([npm](, [source](./js/packages/core)), which provides the framework for defining your audio processes and a generic set of utilities for performing the graph rendering and reconciling steps. Next, because Elementary is designed to be used in a number of different environments, there are several different ways to integrate. If you're new to the project, we recommend studying the following workflows to get the feel of working in Elementary: * Use the [@elemaudio/web-renderer]( package ([npm](, [source](./js/packages/web-renderer)) with your favorite frontend UI library to make an audio web application * Use the [@elemaudio/offline-renderer]( package ([npm](, [source](./js/packages/offline-renderer)) with Node.js for static file processing Once you're ready to dive in, we suggest starting with one of these ideas: * Jump into the [online playground]( for the quickest way of experimenting with sound * Make an audio effects plugin following the [SRVB plugin template]( * Try the small [command line tool]( here in this repository to explore an example native integration * Check out the [Native Integrations]( guide for embedding Elementary's C++ engine in your own native code * Read the [Custom Native Nodes]( guide for extending Elementary's built-in DSP library with your own low-level processors ## Documentation You can find the Elementary documentation [on the website](, or if you like, you can jump straight into: * [Guides]( * [Tutorials]( * [Project Showcase]( If you need help, join the community on the [Elementary Audio Discord]( and ask any questions you have! ## Releases Releases are made both here in GitHub and deployed to [npm]( following npm's semver conventions. Because your project may need to coordinate both the native C++ library and the corresponding JavaScript dependencies, it may be helpful to understand our release conventions. * Canary releases are always made first on the `develop` branch using git tags * Corresponding JavaScript packages are deployed to npm tagged `next` to indicate their status * After a brief validation period, canary releases are promoted to `main` via git merge * The corresponding JavaScript packages are then tagged `latest`, making them the default install candidates on npm * At this time a new GitHub Release is written to mark the update and document the changelog As a general rule of thumb, we recommend integrating Elementary via the `main` branch of this repo and the corresponding `latest` packages on npm. If you want to target the more bleeding edge, you can integrate via the git tags on the `develop` branch and the corresponding `next` packages on npm. ## Contributing We'd love to get you involved! Right now, the primary focus is to promote and grow the Elementary community. So if you want to help, consider: * Making an open source project with Elementary, like [this one]( or [this one]( * Writing your own higher-level modules and sharing them on npm, [like this]( * Writing your own custom native nodes to extend the engine and sharing them on GitHub If you're more interested in digging in under the hood, check out the [open issues]( to see where we need help right now. Note that while we're focusing on the community around Elementary, the immediate goals in this repository are ease of use, extensibility, and performance. We will likely be careful and slow to add new features, so if there's a particular feature you want to see here, please [open an issue]( to start a conversation around your proposal first. If you wish to become involved in the project beyond development, you could [become a sponsor]( This form of assistance is deeply valued and instrumental in propelling the project forward. We are genuinely grateful for any support you choose to provide. ## License Elementary is [MIT licensed](./
Elementary is a JavaScript library for digital audio signal processing.
<img src='./images/logo.png' alt='JavaScript Coding Challenges jahidul islam zim' id='header'/> <h1 align="center" >JavaScript Coding Challenges </h1> <div align="center" > <a href=""> <img src='' alt='jahidul islam zim' /> </a> <a href="tel:+8801780115943"> <img src='' alt='jahidul islam zim' /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src='' alt='jahidul islam zim' /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src='' alt='jahidul islam zim' /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src='' alt='jahidul islam zim' /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src='' alt='jahidul islam zim' /> </a> </div> ##### 01. Creates a function that takes two numbers as arguments and return their sum. ```js function addition(a, b) { //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(addition(10, 20)); // 30 console.log(addition(30, 20)); // 50 console.log(addition(10, 90)); // 100 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function addition(a, b) { let add = a + b; return (add) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 02. Converts hours into seconds. ```js function howManySeconds(hours) { //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(howManySeconds(12)); // 43200 console.log(howManySeconds(8)); // 28800 console.log(howManySeconds(3)); // 10800 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function howManySeconds(hours) { let hoursToSeconds = (hours*3600); return(hoursToSeconds) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 03. Converts minutes into seconds. ```js function convert(minutes){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(convert(30)); // 1800 console.log(convert(10)); // 600 console.log(convert(20)); // 1200 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function convert(minutes) { let seconds = minutes*60; return (seconds) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 04. Calculates total points of a team from number of wins(3pts), draws(1pt), and losses(0pt). ```js function footballPoints(wins, draws, losses){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(footballPoints(4, 3, 1)); // 15 console.log(footballPoints(10, 5, 0)); // 35 console.log(footballPoints(11, 0, 9)); // 33 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function footballPoints(wins, draws, losses) { let points = (wins*3) + (draws*1) + (losses*0) return(points) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 05. Write functions to calculate the bitwise AND, bitwise OR and bitwise XOR of two numbers. ```js function bitwiseAND(n1, n2) { //Write Your solution Here }; function bitwiseOR(n1, n2) { //Write Your solution Here }; function bitwiseXOR(n1, n2) { //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(bitwiseAND(10, 20)); // 0 console.log(bitwiseOR(10, 20)); // 30 console.log(bitwiseXOR(10, 20)); // 30 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function bitwiseAND(n1, n2) { let answer = n1 & n2; return (answer); }; function bitwiseOR(n1, n2) { let answer = n1 | n2; return (answer); }; function bitwiseXOR(n1, n2) { let answer = n1 ^ n2; return (answer); }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 06. Write Function to return first value of an array. ```js function getFirstValue(arr) { //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(getFirstValue(["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"])); // Saab console.log(getFirstValue([3, 5, 1])); // 3 console.log(getFirstValue(['hello', 'world', 'welcome'])); // hello ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function getFirstValue(arr) { return arr[0]; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 07. Create a function that takes a number as an argument, increments the number by +1 and returns the result. ```js function addition(num){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(addition(5)); // 6 console.log(addition(100)); // 101 console.log(addition(99)); // 100 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function addition(num) { let numPlusOne = num + 1; return(numPlusOne) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 08. Given two numbers, return true if the sum of both numbers is less than 100. Otherwise return false. ```js function lessThan100(a, b){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(lessThan100(10, 20)); // true console.log(lessThan100(50, 60)); // false console.log(lessThan100(20, 50)); // true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function lessThan100(a, b) { if (a + b < 100) { return true; } else { return false; } }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 09. Create a function that returns true when num1 is equal to num2; otherwise return false. ```js function isSameNum(num1, num2){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isSameNum(30, 30)); // true console.log(isSameNum(20, 40)); // false console.log(isSameNum(50, 50)); // true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function isSameNum(num1, num2) { if (num1 === num2){ return true; } else { return false; } }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 10. Create a function that takes a number (step) as an argument and returns the amount of matchsticks in that step. <div align="center"> <img src='./images/matchstick.png' alt='JavaScript Coding Challenges jahidul islam zim' id='header'/> </div> ```js function matchHouses(step){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(matchHouses(5)); // 26 console.log(matchHouses(0)); // 0 console.log(matchHouses(10)); // 51 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function matchHouses(step){ if (step > 0) { let matchSticks = ((step*6) - (step -1)); return(matchSticks) } else { let matchSticks = 0; return (matchSticks) } }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 11. Write function to return the square of a number. ```js function squared(a){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(squared(6)); // 36 console.log(squared(9)); // 81 console.log(squared(4)); // 16 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function squared(a) { return (a*a); }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 12. Write function to calculate Perimeter of Rectangles ```js function findPerimeter(height, width){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(findPerimeter(20, 50)); // 140 console.log(findPerimeter(80, 30)); // 220 console.log(findPerimeter(10, 40)); // 100 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function findPerimeter(height, width){ let perimeter = 2*(height + width); return (perimeter) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 13. Add up all the numbers from 1 to the number you passed to the function. ```js function addUp(num){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(addUp(10)); // 55 console.log(addUp(40)); // 820 console.log(addUp(15)); // 120 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function addUp(num) { let sum = 0; for (i = 0; i <= num; i++){ sum += i; } return(sum) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 14. Create a function that takes in three arguments (prob, prize, pay) and returns true if prob * prize > pay; otherwise return false. ```js function profitableGamble(prob, prize, pay){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(profitableGamble(2, 10, 20)); // false console.log(profitableGamble(5, 10, 40)); // true console.log(profitableGamble(6, 3, 30)); // false ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function profitableGamble(prob, prize, pay){ if (prob*prize > pay) { return (true) } else { return (false) } }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 15. Takes an array of numbers, returns both the minimum and maximum numbers, in that order. ```js function minMax(arr){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(minMax([2, -1, 5])); // [ -1, 5 ] console.log(minMax([0, 5, 2])); // [ 0, 5 ] console.log(minMax([2, -5, -1])); // [ -5, 2 ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function minMax(arr){ arr.sort(function(a, b){return(a - b)}) return [arr[0], arr[arr.length - 1]] }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 16. Create a function that returns true if the first array can be nested inside the second. ###### arr1 can be nested inside arr2 if: ###### arr1's min is greater than arr2's min. ###### arr1's max is less than arr2's max. ```js function canNest(arr1, arr2){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(canNest([3, 1], [4, 0])); // true console.log(canNest([9, 9, 8], [8, 9])); // false console.log(canNest([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 6])); // true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function canNest(arr1, arr2) { arr1.sort(function(a,b){return(a - b)}); arr2.sort(function(a,b){return(a - b)}); let arr1MinMax = [arr1[0], arr1[arr1.length -1]]; let arr2MinMax = [arr2[0], arr2[arr2.length -1]]; if (arr1MinMax[0] > arr2MinMax[0] && arr1MinMax[1] < arr2MinMax[1]){ return true } else{ return false } }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 17. Create a function that calculates the number of different squares in an n * n square grid. <div align="center"> <img src='./images/squer-grid.png' alt='JavaScript Coding Challenges jahidul islam zim' id='header'/> </div> ```js function numberSquares(n){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(numberSquares(4)); // 30 console.log(numberSquares(5)); // 55 console.log(numberSquares(6)); // 91 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> <div align="center"> <img src='./images/squer-grid-formula.png' alt='JavaScript Coding Challenges jahidul islam zim' id='header'/> </div> ```js function numberSquares(n){ let num = n*(2*n + 1)*(n + 1)/6 return (num) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 18. Your function will be passed two functions, f and g, that don't take any parameters. Your function has to call them, and return a string which indicates which function returned the larger number. ###### If f returns the larger number, return the string f. ###### If g returns the larger number, return the string g. ###### If the functions return the same number, return the string neither. ```js function whichIsLarger(f, g){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(whichIsLarger(() => 25, () => 15)); // f console.log(whichIsLarger(() => 25, () => 25)); // neither console.log(whichIsLarger(() => 25, () => 50)); // g ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function whichIsLarger(f, g){ if (f() > g()) { return ('f') } else if (g() > f()) { return ('g') } else if (f() === g()) { return ('neither') } }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 19. Christmas Eve is almost upon us, so naturally we need to prepare some milk and cookies for Santa! Create a function that accepts a Date object and returns true if it's Christmas Eve (December 24th) and false otherwise. Keep in mind JavaScript's Date month is 0 based, meaning December is the 11th month while January is 0. ```js function timeForMilkAndCookies(date){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(timeForMilkAndCookies(new Date(3000, 11, 24))); //true console.log(timeForMilkAndCookies(new Date(2013, 0, 23))); //false console.log(timeForMilkAndCookies(new Date(3000, 11, 24))); //true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function timeForMilkAndCookies(date){ return date.getMonth() === 11 && date.getDate() === 24; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 20. function that takes a two-digit number and determines if it's the largest of two possible digit swaps. ```js function largestSwap(num){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(largestSwap(14)); //false console.log(largestSwap(53)); //true console.log(largestSwap(-27)); //false ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function largestSwap(num){ let num1 = num + ""; let num2 = num1.split("").reverse().join(""); if (num1 >= num2) { return true; } if (num1 < num2) { return false; } }; function largestSwap(num) { let c = num.toString(); let a = []; let b = 0; for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { a.push(c[c.length - 1 - i]); b += a[i]; } let d = parseInt(b); if (d > num) { return false; } else return true; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 21. function that takes two strings as arguments and returns the number of times the first string (the single character) is found in the second string. ```js function charCount(myChar, str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(charCount("a", "largest")); //1 console.log(charCount("c", "Chamber of secrets")); // 2 console.log(charCount("b", "big fat bubble")); //4 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function charCount(myChar, str){ let a = 0; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (myChar.toLowerCase() === str.toLowerCase()[i]) { a += 1; } } return a }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 22. function that takes two parameters and repeats the string n number of times. ```js function repetition(txt, n){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(repetition('zim', 5)); //zimzimzimzimzim console.log(repetition('zoy', 2)); //zoyzoy console.log(repetition('akib', 7)); //akibakibakibakibakibakibakib ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function repetition(txt, n){ let reptxt = "" while (n > 0) { reptxt += txt n--; } return reptxt }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 23. function that takes an array of non-negative integers and strings and return a new array without the strings. ```js function filterArray(arr){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(filterArray([1, 'z', 4, 5, 'i', 9, 'm'])); //[ 1, 4, 5, 9 ] console.log(filterArray([8, 'z', 1, '8', 'i', 9, 'm'])); //[ 8, 1, 9 ] console.log(filterArray([7, '1', 'z', 0, 'i', 9, 'm'])); //[ 7, 0, 9 ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function filterArray(arr){ let filteredArray = arr.filter(item => typeof item === "number"); return filteredArray }; function filterArray(arr) { let filteredArr = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if ( typeof arr[i] !== "string") { filteredArr.push(arr[i]) } } return filteredArr }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 24. Write a function that take a string and write a regular expression inner function that returns the value that matches every red flag and blue flag in this string. ```js function matchFlag(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(matchFlag("yellow flag red flag blue flag green flag")); //[ 'red flag', 'blue flag' ] console.log(matchFlag("yellow flag green flag orange flag white flag")); //null console.log(matchFlag("yellow flag blue flag green flag")); //[ 'blue flag' ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function matchFlag(str){ let REGEXP = /red flag|blue flag/g; return str.match(REGEXP); }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 25. Write a function that take a string and write a RegExp to find ellipsis: 3 (or more?) dots in a row in this string. ```js function matchEllipsis(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(matchEllipsis("Hello!... How goes?.....")); //[ '...', '.....' ] console.log(matchEllipsis("good morning!..... How goes?.")); // [ '.....' ] console.log(matchEllipsis("good night!.......... How goes?...")); // [ '..........', '...' ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function matchEllipsis(str){ let REGEXP = /\.{3,}/g; return str.match(REGEXP); }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 26. Write a function that returns 0 if the input is 1, and returns 1 if the input is 0. Try completing this challenge without using any: ###### Conditionals ###### Ternary operators ###### Negations ###### Bit operators ```js function flip(y){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(flip(1)); // 0 console.log(flip(0)); // 1 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function flip(y){ let x = y - 1; return (Math.abs(x)) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 27. Create a function that takes a string and returns a string in which each character is repeated once. ```js function doubleChar(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(doubleChar('jahidul')); //jjaahhiidduull console.log(doubleChar('islam')); //iissllaamm console.log(doubleChar('zim')); //zziimm ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function doubleChar(str) { let doubleString = ''; for(let i=0; i<str.length; i++){ doubleString += str[i] + str[i] } return doubleString }; function doubleChar(str){ let array = str.split(""); let array2 = x => x.repeat(2)); let doubleString = array2.join(""); return doubleString }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 28. Write a function that takes a positive integer and return its factorial. ```js function factorial(num){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(factorial(5)); //120 console.log(factorial(10)); //3628800 console.log(factorial(8)); //40320 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function factorial(num) { let fact = 1; for (let i = 0; i<num ; i++){ fact *= (num-i); } return fact }; function factorial(num){ if (num < 0) return -1; else if (num == 0) return 1; else { return (num * factorial(num - 1)); } }; function factorial(num){ let result = num; if (num === 0 || num === 1) return 1; while (num > 1) { num--; result *= num; } return result; }; function factorial(num){ let fact = num; if (num === 0 || num === 1) return 1; for (let i = num - 1; i >= 1; i--) { fact *= i; } return fact; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 29. Take an array of integers (positive or negative or both) and return the sum of the absolute value of each element. ```js function getAbsSum(arr){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(getAbsSum([1, -4, 3, 8, 0])); // 16 console.log(getAbsSum([1, 3, 0, -8, 0])); // 12 console.log(getAbsSum([1, -4, -3, 8, 0])); //16 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function getAbsSum(arr){ let absSum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { absSum += Math.abs(arr[i]); } return absSum; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 30. Write a function that take a string and write a REGEXP that matches any characters except letters, digits and spaces. ```js function matchAny(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(matchAny('Csxdzontains_underscore ')); //[ '_' ] console.log(matchAny('Csxdzontains_underscore $ * P')); //[ '_', '$', '*' ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function matchAny(str){ const REGEXP = /[^a-z0-9 ]/gi; return str.match(REGEXP) }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 31. Create a function that takes a string and returns the number (count) of vowels contained within it. ```js function countVowels(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(countVowels('Jahidul Islam zim')); // 6 console.log(countVowels('returns the number of vowels')); // 8 console.log(countVowels('JavaScript Coding Challenges')); // 8 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function countVowels(str){ let count = 0; let vowlStr = str.toLowerCase().match(/(a|e|i|o|u)/g); for (let i = 0; i < vowlStr.length; i++) { count += 1; } return count; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 32. Create a function that takes two vectors as arrays and checks if the two vectors are orthogonal or not. The return value is boolean. Two vectors a and b are orthogonal if their dot product is equal to zero. ```js function isOrthogonal(arr1, arr2){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isOrthogonal([1, -2, 4], [2, 5, 2])); //true console.log(isOrthogonal([1, -2, 5], [2, 5, 2])); //false console.log(isOrthogonal([1, 2, 4], [-2, 5, -2])); //true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function isOrthogonal(arr1, arr2){ let ortho = 0; for (i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++){ ortho += arr1[i]*arr2[i] } if (ortho === 0) { return true } return false }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 33. Given an object of how many more pages each ink color can print, output the maximum number of pages the printer can print before any of the colors run out. ```js function inkLevels(inks){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(inkLevels({ cyan: 50, magenta: 12, yellow: 60 })); // 12 console.log(inkLevels({ cyan: 50, magenta: 120, yellow: 60 })); // 50 console.log(inkLevels({ cyan: 50, magenta: 12, yellow: 8 })); // 8 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function inkLevels(inks){ return Math.min(...Object.values(inks)); }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 34. Create a function that takes a string and returns a new string with all vowels removed. ```js function removeVowels(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(removeVowels('Jahidul Islam Zim')); //Jhdl slm Zm console.log(removeVowels('a new string with all vowels')); // nw strng wth ll vwls console.log(removeVowels('Create a function')); //Crt fnctn ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function removeVowels(str){ let newArr = str.match(/[^aeiouAEIOU]/g); let newString = newArr.join(''); return newString }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 35. Create a function that takes an array of arrays with numbers. Return a new (single) array with the largest numbers of each. ```js function findLargestNums(arr){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(findLargestNums([[3,6], [10, 20], [-1, 7]])); //[ 6, 20, 7 ] console.log(findLargestNums([[8,6], [1, 0], [10, -7]])); //[ 8, 1, 10 ] console.log(findLargestNums([[3,34], [10, 22], [-1, -7]])); //[ 34, 22, -1 ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function findLargestNums(arr){ let newArr = [] for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { newArr.push(Math.max(...arr[i])); } return newArr }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 36. Given an array of scrabble tiles, create a function that outputs the maximum possible score a player can achieve by summing up the total number of points for all the tiles in their hand. Each hand contains 7 scrabble tiles. ```js function maximumScore(tileHand){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log( maximumScore([ { tile: "N", score: 1 }, { tile: "K", score: 5 }, { tile: "Z", score: 10 }, ]) ); //16 console.log( maximumScore([ { tile: "N", score: 9 }, { tile: "K", score: 5 }, { tile: "Z", score: 40 }, ]) ); //54 console.log( maximumScore([ { tile: "N", score: 1 }, { tile: "K", score: 65 }, { tile: "Z", score: 10 }, ]) ); //76 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function maximumScore(tileHand){ let score = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < tileHand.length; i++) { score += tileHand[i].score; } return score; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 37. Assume a program only reads .js or .jsx files. Write a function that accepts a file path and returns true if it can read the file and false if it can't. ```js function isJS(path){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isJS('file.jsx')); //true console.log(isJS('file.jsg')); //false console.log(isJS('file.js')); //true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function isJS(path){ let extension = path.match( /[^.]+$/g)[0] if(extension === 'js' || extension==='jsx'){ return true; } return false; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 38. A farmer is asking you to tell him how many legs can be counted among all his animals. The farmer breeds three species: ###### chickens = 2 legs ###### cows = 4 legs ###### goats = 4 legs ##### The farmer has counted his animals and he gives you a subtotal for each species. You have to implement a function that returns the total number of legs of all the animals. ```js function animals(chickens, cows, goats){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(animals(2, 3, 5)) // 36 console.log(animals(1, 2, 3)) // 22 console.log(animals(5, 2, 8)) // 50 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function animals(chickens, cows, goats){ return chickens*2 + cows*4 + goats*4; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 39.Create a function that returns the number of frames shown in a given number of minutes for a certain FPS. ###### FPS = Frames Per Second ```js function frames(minutes, fps){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(frames(1, 1)); //60 console.log(frames(10, 1)); //600 console.log(frames(10, 25)); //15000 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function frames(minutes, fps){ return minutes*60*fps; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 40.Create a function that takes two arguments. Both arguments are integers, a and b. Return true if one of them is 10 or if their sum is 10. ```js function makesTen(a, b){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(makesTen(1, 1)); //60 console.log(makesTen(10, 1)); //600 console.log(makesTen(10, 25)); //15000 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function makesTen(a, b){ if (a == 10 || b == 10) { return true; } else if (a + b == 10) { return true; } else { return false; }; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 41.Create a function that takes two strings as arguments and return either true or false depending on whether the total number of characters in the first string is equal to the total number of characters in the second string. ```js function comp(str1, str2){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(comp("AB", "CD")); //true console.log(comp("ABC", "DE")); //false console.log(comp("WE", "RT")); // true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function comp(str1, str2) { if (str1.length === str2.length) { return true; } return false; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 42.A vehicle needs 10 times the amount of fuel than the distance it travels. However, it must always carry a minimum of 100 fuel before setting off. Create a function which calculates the amount of fuel it needs, given the distance. ```js function calculateFuel(n){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(calculateFuel(15)); //150 console.log(calculateFuel(23.5)); //235 console.log(calculateFuel(3)); //100 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function calculateFuel(n){ let fuel = n * 10; if (fuel >= 100) { return fuel; }; return 100; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 43.Given an n-sided regular polygon n, return the total sum of internal angles (in degrees). n will always be greater than 2. ###### The formula (n - 2) x 180 gives the sum of all the measures of the angles of an n-sided polygon. ```js function sumPolygon(n){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(sumPolygon(3)); //180 console.log(sumPolygon(4)); //360 console.log(sumPolygon(6)); // 720 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function sumPolygon(n){ return (n - 2) * 180; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 44.Create a function that returns true if an integer is evenly divisible by 5, and false otherwise. ```js function divisibleByFive(n){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(divisibleByFive(5)); //true console.log(divisibleByFive(-55)); //false console.log(divisibleByFive(37)); //true ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function divisibleByFive(n){ if (n % 5 === 0) { return true; }; return false; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 45. Create a function that takes in an array of numbers and returns the sum of its cubes. ```js function sumOfCubes(nums){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(sumOfCubes([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); //255 console.log(sumOfCubes([5, 2, 7, 4, 0])); //540 console.log(sumOfCubes([1, 6, 3, 9, 5])); //1098 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function sumOfCubes(nums){ var cubeSum = 0; for (i in nums) { cubeSum += nums[i] * nums[i] * nums[i]; }; return cubeSum;; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 46.A group of friends have decided to start a secret society. The name will be the first letter of each of their names, sorted in alphabetical order. Create a function that takes in an array of names and returns the name of the secret society. ```js function societyName(friends){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(societyName(['zim', 'zoy', 'shithil', 'akib'])); //zzsa console.log(societyName(['Rakib', 'Taskin', 'shomrat', 'Prionty'])); //RTsP console.log(societyName(['Ratul', 'Rakib', 'Ritu', 'Taj'])); //RRRT ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function societyName(friends){ let nameArr = => x.split("")); let letterArr = ""; for (let i = 0; i < nameArr.length; i++) { letterArr += nameArr[i][0]; }; return letterArr; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 47. Create two functions: isPrefix(word, prefix-) and isSuffix(word, -suffix). ###### isPrefix should return true if it begins with the prefix argument. ###### isSuffix should return true if it ends with the suffix argument. ###### Otherwise return false. ```js function isPrefix(word, prefix) { //Write Your solution Here }; function isSuffix(word, suffix){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isPrefix("automation", "auto-")); //true console.log(isPrefix("retrospect", "sub-")); //false console.log(isSuffix("arachnophobia", "-phobia")); //true console.log(isSuffix("vocation", "-logy")); //false ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function isPrefix(word, prefix) { return word.startsWith(prefix.slice(0, -1)); } function isSuffix(word, suffix) { return word.endsWith(suffix.slice(1)); } function isPrefix(word, prefix) { let prefixWord = prefix.slice(0, -1); let mainWord = ''; for(let i = 0; i < prefixWord.length; i++){ mainWord += word[i]; } if(prefixWord === mainWord){ return true; } return false; } function isSuffix(word, suffix) { let suffixWord = suffix.slice(1); let mainWord = ''; let newString = ''; for(let i = word.length - 1; i > suffixWord.length; i--){ mainWord += word[i]; } for (let i = mainWord.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { newString += mainWord[i]; } if(suffixWord === newString){ return true; } return false; } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 48. Create a function that returns the number of hashes and pluses in a string. ```js function hashPlusCount(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(hashPlusCount("###+")); //[ 3, 1 ] console.log(hashPlusCount("##+++#")); //[ 3, 3 ] console.log(hashPlusCount("")); //[ 0, 0 ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function hashPlusCount(str){ let hash = (str.match(/#/g) || []).length; let plus = (str.match(/\+/g) || []).length; return [hash, plus]; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 49. Create a function that takes an array of 10 numbers (between 0 and 9) and returns a string of those numbers formatted as a phone number (e.g. (555) 555-5555). ```js function formatPhoneNumber(numbers){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(formatPhoneNumber([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0])); //(123) 456-7890 console.log(formatPhoneNumber([1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 3, 8, 1, 9, 0])); //(120) 453-8190 console.log(formatPhoneNumber([1, 7, 9, 4, 2, 6, 8, 8, 5, 0])); //(179) 426-8850 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function formatPhoneNumber(numbers) { numbers.splice(0, 0, "("); numbers.splice(4, 0, ")"); numbers.splice(5, 0, " "); numbers.splice(9, 0, "-"); let str = numbers.join(""); return str; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 50. Write a regular expression that matches only an even number. Numbers will be presented as strings. ```js function matchEven(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(matchEven("3458")); //8 console.log(matchEven("3517")); //Undefined console.log(matchEven("4902")); //2 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function matchEven(num){ let REGEXP = /[24680]$/; return num.match(REGEXP)?.[0]; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 51. Create a function that returns the index of the first vowel in a string. ```js function firstVowel(str){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(firstVowel("zimislam")); //1 console.log(firstVowel("akib")); //0 console.log(firstVowel("shomrat")); //2 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function firstVowel(str){ let regex = /[aeiou]/gi; return; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 52. Create a function that removes all duplicate items from an array. ```js function removesDuplicateItems(arr){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(removesDuplicateItems(["A", "B", "A", "C", "D", "C"])); //[ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ] console.log(removesDuplicateItems([1, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5])); //[ 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 ] console.log(removesDuplicateItems(["zim", "zoy", "zim", "akib", "shithil", "akib"]));//[ 'zim', 'zoy', 'akib', 'shithil' ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function removesDuplicateItems(arr) { const setArr = [ Set(arr)]; return setArr; }; function removesDuplicateItems(arr) { let unique = arr.filter((element, index) => { return arr.indexOf(element) === index; }); return unique; }; function removesDuplicateItems(arr) { let unique = []; arr.forEach((c) => { if (!unique.includes(c)) { unique.push(c); }}); return unique; }; function removesDuplicateItems(arr){ let outputArray = []; let count = 0; let start = false; for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < outputArray.length; k++) { if (arr[j] == outputArray[k]) { start = true; } } count++; if (count == 1 && start == false) { outputArray.push(arr[j]); } start = false; count = 0; } return outputArray; }; function removesDuplicateItems(arr){ for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) { if (arr[i] === arr[j]) { for (let k = j; k < arr.length; k++) { arr[k] = arr[k + 1]; } arr.length--; j--; } } } return arr; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 53. Create a function that takes an array of numbers and returns a new array, sorted in ascending order (smallest to biggest). ```js function sortNumsAscending(arr){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(sortNumsAscending([2, 4, 6, 1, 9, 3, 5, 8, 7, 0])); //[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] console.log(sortNumsAscending([22, 40, 56, 11, 90])); //[ 11, 22, 40, 56, 90 ] console.log(sortNumsAscending([26, 45, 64, 19, 59, 31])); //[ 19, 26, 31, 45, 59, 64 ] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function sortNumsAscending(arr){ if ((arr === []) | (arr === null)) { return []; } return arr.sort(function (a, b){ return a - b; }); }; function sortNumsAscending(arr) { for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) if (arr[i] < arr[j]) { var x = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = x; } return arr; } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 54. Given a higher bound num, implement a function that returns an array with the sequence of numbers, after that every multiple of 4 has been amplified by 10. ```js function amplify(num) { //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(amplify(12)); //[1, 2, 3, 40, 5, 6, 7, 80, 9, 10, 11, 120] console.log(amplify(8)); //[1, 2, 3, 40, 5, 6, 7, 80 ] console.log(amplify(15)); //[1, 2, 3, 40, 5, 6, 7, 80, 9, 10, 11, 120,13, 14, 15] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function amplify(num) { let arr = []; for ( let i = 1; i <= num; i++) { if (i % 4 === 0) { arr.push(i * 10); } else { arr.push(i); } } return arr; } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 55. Given an array of 10 numbers, return the maximum possible total made by summing just 5 of the 10 numbers. ```js function maxTotal(nums){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(maxTotal([1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1])); //43 console.log(maxTotal([0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 3, 0, 100])); // 113 console.log(maxTotal([1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 6, 9, 8, 9, 10])); //42 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function maxTotal(nums){ let nums1 = nums.sort(function (a, b){return a-b}) let max = 0 for (i=5; i<nums1.length; i++){ max += nums1[i]; } return max; } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 56. Write a regular expression that matches a string if and only if it is a valid zip code. ###### Must only contain numbers (no non-digits allowed). ###### Must not contain any spaces. ###### Must not be greater than 5 digits in length. ```js function isValidZip(zip){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isValidZip("393939")); //false console.log(isValidZip("59001")); //true console.log(isValidZip("853a7")); //false ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js function isValidZip(zip) { const REXEX = /^\d{5}$/; return REXEX.test(zip); } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 57. Create a function that takes a number as an argument and returns the highest digit in that number. ```js function highestDigit(number){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(highestDigit(3456)); //6 console.log(highestDigit(21098)); //9 console.log(highestDigit(56123)); //6 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js const highestDigit = (number) => { let arr = (number.toString().split('')) return Math.max(...arr) } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 58. Create a function that takes a number as an argument and returns the highest digit in that number. ```js function highestDigit(number){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(highestDigit(3456)); //6 console.log(highestDigit(21098)); //9 console.log(highestDigit(56123)); //6 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js const highestDigit = (number) => { let arr = (number.toString().split('')) return Math.max(...arr) } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 59. Given an array of scrabble tiles, create a function that outputs the maximum possible score a player can achieve by summing up the total number of points for all the tiles in their hand. Each hand contains 7 scrabble tiles. ```js function maximumScore(titleHand){ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(maximumScore([ { tile: "B", score: 2 }, { tile: "V", score: 4 }, { tile: "F", score: 4 }, { tile: "U", score: 1 }, { tile: "D", score: 2 }, { tile: "O", score: 1 }, { tile: "U", score: 1 } ])); // 15 console.log(maximumScore([ { tile: "N", score: 1 }, { tile: "K", score: 5 }, { tile: "Z", score: 10 }, { tile: "X", score: 8 }, { tile: "D", score: 2 }, { tile: "A", score: 1 }, { tile: "E", score: 1 } ])); // 28 ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js const maximumScore = (titleHand) => { let maxScore = 0 for (i in titleHand){ maxScore += titleHand[i].score; } return maxScore; } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 60.Create a function that takes an array as an argument and returns true or false depending on whether the average of all elements in the array is a whole number or not. ```js const isAvgWhole = (arr) =>{ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isAvgWhole([1, 3])); // true console.log(isAvgWhole([1, 2, 3, 4])); // false console.log(isAvgWhole([1, 5, 6]));// true console.log(isAvgWhole([1, 1, 1]));// true console.log(isAvgWhole([9, 2, 2, 5]));// false ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js const isAvgWhole = (arr) =>{ let sum = 0; for (i in arr){sum += arr[i]} if (sum%(arr.length)===0){return true} return false } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 61.Create a function that takes an array of strings and return an array, sorted from shortest to longest. ```js const sortByLength = (arr) =>{ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(sortByLength(["a", "ccc", "dddd", "bb"])) //["a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd"] console.log(sortByLength(["apple", "pie", "shortcake"])) //["pie", "apple", "shortcake"] console.log(sortByLength(["may", "april", "september", "august"])) //["may", "april", "august", "september"] ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js const sortByLength = (arr) => { return arr.sort(function (a,b){return a.length - b.length}) } const sortByLength = (arr) => { const n = arr.length; for (let i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++) { if (arr[j].length > arr[j + 1].length) { const temp = arr[j]; arr[j] = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = temp; } } } return arr; }; ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)** ##### 62. A value is omnipresent if it exists in every subarray inside the main array. Create a function that determines whether an input value is omnipresent for a given array.Create a function that takes an array of strings and return an array, sorted from shortest to longest. ```js const isOmnipresent = (arr, val) =>{ //Write Your solution Here }; console.log(isOmnipresent([[1, 1], [1, 3], [5, 1], [6, 1]], 1)); // true console.log(isOmnipresent([[1, 1], [1, 3], [5, 1], [6, 1]], 6)); // false console.log(isOmnipresent([[5], [5], [5], [6, 5]], 5)); // true console.log(isOmnipresent([[5], [5], [5], [6, 5]], 6)); //false ``` <details><summary style="cursor:pointer">Solution</summary> ```js const isOmnipresent = (arr, val) => { for (i in arr){ for (i in arr[i]){ return arr[i].includes(val) } } } ``` </details> --- **[⬆ Back to Top](#header)**
Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this repository I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms.
A framework for the modern web. (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
<br> <div align="center"> <img src=""> </div> <hr /> <br> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img src=""> </a> <img src=""> <img src=""> </p> Cirql (pronounced Circle) is a simple lightweight ORM and query builder for [SurrealDB](, providing fully type-safe queries and [Zod]( powered parsing & validation. Unlike most query builders, Cirql's flexible nature leaves you with complete control over your queries, while still providing powerful APIs to query your database in a concise manner. ## Features - 🔗 Connect to SurrealDB over stateful WebSockets or stateless HTTP requests - 📦 Support for query batching & transactions - ⚙️ Zod-powered schema validation of query results - 📝 Full TypeScript support with Zod schema inference - 💎 Write flexible queries using the Query Writer API - ✂️ Support for raw query strings and native Surreal functions - 🔥 Works both in browser and backend environments ## Notice Cirql is still in early developmental stages. While you can use it for production applications, it may still lack specific features and edge cases. Feel free to submit feature requests or pull requests to add additional functionality to Cirql. We do ask you to please read our [Contributor Guide]( While we try to prevent making any significant API changes, we cannot guarantee this. ## Installation The first step to use Cirql is to install the package from npm, together with a supported version of zod. ``` npm install cirql zod ``` ## How to use You can [read our documentation]( for information on how to use Cirql. ## Example The following query fetches up to 5 organisations that are enabled and have the given user as a member. The result is parsed and validated using the provided Zod schema. ```ts import { RecordSchema, select } from 'cirql'; import { z } from 'zod'; // Define your Zod schemas const Organisation = RecordSchema.extend({ name: z.string(), isEnabled: z.boolean(), createdAt: z.string() }); // Execute a select query const organisations = await cirql.execute({ query: select() .from('organisation') .with(Organisation) // Specify the schema .limit(5) .where({ isEnabled: true, members: any(userId) }) }); ``` Visit our [Basic Usage]( guide for more examples. ## Contributing We welcome any issues and PRs submitted to Cirql. Since we currently work on multiple other projects and our time is limited, we value any community help in supporting a rich future for Cirql. Before you open an issue or PR please read our [Contributor Guide]( ### Requirements - [PNPM]( (npm i -g pnpm) ### Roadmap You can find the roadmap of intended features [here]( ### Changelog The changelog of previous versions can be found [here]( ### Live Development To run in live development mode, run `pnpm dev` in the project directory. This will start the Vite development server. ## Maintainers <a href=""> <img src="" height="64"> </a> Cirql is built and maintained by <a href="">Starlane Studios</a> at no cost. If you would like to support our work feel free to [donate to us]( ⚡ ## License Cirql is licensed under [MIT](LICENSE) Copyright (c) 2023, Starlane Studios
🔧 A flexible SurrealDB ORM & query builder with Zod powered validation 🏋️‍♂️
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The basic topics includes the standard HTML for content creation, CSS for content presentation, JavaScript for client-side logics, PHP for server-side logics and MySQL for data processing. At the end of the course, the students should be able to apply the web base technologies and then implement it all in the creating functional data-centric online system project. ## 🔥 Important things 1. [Lecture Notes]( 2. [Student Information](./materials/ 3. [Buku: Pengaturcaraan Web Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)]( 4. [Free Web Development Books]( 9. [Student Portfolio Showcase]( #### Module | No | Module | Description | | :-----: | ------ | ------ | | 1 | [Introduction to Web Programming](/materials/others/ | Web programming is the process of creating web pages and web-based applications using a variety of programming languages and technologies. To get started with web programming, one should learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the core technologies used for creating web pages and user interfaces. Bootstrap is a popular framework that can simplify the process of creating responsive and mobile-friendly web pages. PHP is a server-side scripting language used for creating dynamic web pages and web-based applications. By learning these technologies, one can create attractive and interactive web content that is compatible with a wide range of devices and browsers. | | 2 | [Visual Studio Code](/materials/others/ | Visual Studio Code is a popular source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is free, open-source, and available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Visual Studio Code supports a wide range of programming languages and provides features such as code highlighting, autocomplete, debugging, and source control integration. It also supports extensions that can add functionality, such as linters, formatters, and code snippets. With its user-friendly interface and robust set of features, Visual Studio Code has become a favorite among developers for writing, testing, and debugging code.| | 3 | [Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)](/materials/html/ | HTML is a markup language used for creating web pages and other web-based content. It uses tags and codes to structure and format content, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links. HTML also allows for the creation of forms, which enable user interaction with web pages through input fields, buttons, and other elements. It is a fundamental technology for creating web pages and provides a standardized system for defining the structure and formatting of content. | | 4 | [Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)](/materials/css) | CSS is a stylesheet language used for describing the presentation of web pages and other web-based content. It allows content creators to control the layout, colors, fonts, and other visual elements of a web page, separate from the HTML markup. CSS works by applying rules to HTML elements, which define how they should be displayed. These rules can be applied to individual elements, groups of elements, or the entire page. CSS also supports the use of media queries, which allow for the creation of responsive designs that adapt to different device sizes and screen orientations. | | 5 | [JavaScript](./materials/javascript/ | JavaScript is a scripting language used primarily for creating interactive web pages and web-based applications. It is a client-side language that runs directly in a web browser and can be used to manipulate the content and behavior of web pages in real-time. JavaScript can be used to create animations, validate user input, fetch data from servers, and much more. It is a powerful language with a large and active community, and is commonly used alongside HTML and CSS to create dynamic and engaging web content. | | 6 | [Bootstrap](./materials/bootstrap/ | Bootstrap is a popular open-source framework used for creating responsive and mobile-first web pages and applications. It provides pre-designed templates, CSS styles, and JavaScript plugins that make it easy for developers to create visually appealing and functional websites. Bootstrap uses a grid system to enable the creation of flexible layouts that adapt to different device sizes and screen orientations. It also provides a variety of UI components, such as forms, buttons, navigation menus, and modals, that can be easily customized and integrated into web projects. | | 7 | [Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)](./materials/php/ | PHP is a server-side scripting language used primarily for web development. It is a popular language for creating dynamic web pages and web-based applications, as it can interact with databases, handle form data, and perform other server-side tasks. PHP code is executed on the server before the web page is sent to the client's browser, allowing for the creation of complex and dynamic web content. PHP also has a large and active community that has developed many frameworks and libraries to simplify web development tasks. | ## Lab | Lab | Topic | Files | | :-----: | ----- | :------: | | 1| Hypertext Markup Language |<a href="./materials/html/" ><img src="./images/html.png" width="36px" height="36px" ></a> | | 2 | Cascading Style Sheets |<a href="./materials/css/" ><img src="./images/css.png" width="36px" height="36px" ></a> | | 3 | JavaScript |<a href="./materials/javascript/" ><img src="./images/javascript.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 4 | Bootstrap |<a href="./materials/bootstrap/" ><img src="./images/bootstrap.png" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 5 | Hypertext Preprocessor |<a href="./materials/php/" ><img src="./images/php.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | ## Project | Project | Topic | Files | | :-----: | ----- | :------: | | 1 | Student Portfolio Showcase (HTML) |<a href="./project/1-portfolio" ><img src="./images/html.png" width="36px" height="36px" ></a> | | 2 | Student Portfolio Showcase (Bootstrap) |<a href="./project/2-bootstrap/" ><img src="./images/bootstrap.png" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 3 | Web Responsive using Bootstrap |<a href="./project/3-web" ><img src="./images/bootstrap.png" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 4 | Final Project using PHP |<a href="./project/4-project" ><img src="./images/php.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | ## Tools Diagrams are visual representations of information or data that help convey complex concepts, processes or systems in a clear and concise manner. Flowcharts are diagrams that use shapes and arrows to illustrate the steps in a process or algorithm [**[More info...]**](./materials/ | No | Tools | File | | :-----: | ------ | :-----: | | 1 | Figma | <a href="" ><img src="./images/figma.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 2 || <a href="" ><img src="./images/drawio.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 3 | Github Pages| <a href="" ><img src="./images/github.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 4 | Behance| <a href="" ><img src="./images/behance.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 5 | Visual Studio Code| <a href="" ><img src="./images/vsc.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 6 | Bootstrap Studio| <a href="" ><img src="./images/bootstrap-studio.png" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | | 7 | Carbon| <a href="" ><img src="./images/carbon.svg" width="24px" height="24px" ></a> | ## 📖 Extra Notes | No | Topic | Note | MCQ | Answer | :-----: | ----- | :------: | :------: | :------: | | 1 | JS Fundamentals | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/javascript.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | | | MCQ: Set A | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set B | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | 2 | JS DOM | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/javascript.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set A | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set B | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | 3 | JS Event & JS Form Validation | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/javascript.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set A | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set B | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | 4 | PHP Fundamentals | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/php.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set A | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set B | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | 5 | PHP: MySQL and CRUD | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/php.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set A | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set B | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | 6 | PHP: Form, Session & Cookies | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/php.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set A | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | | MCQ: Set B | | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/"><img src="./images/answer.png" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | | 7 | Final Exam | <a href="./materials/notes/contoh/"><img src="./images/php.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | <a href="./materials/notes/contoh/"><img src="./images/question.svg" width="24px" height="24px"></a> | ## Contribution 🛠️ Please create an [Issue]( for any improvements, suggestions or errors in the content. You can also contact me using [Linkedin]( for any other queries or feedback. [![Visitors](]( ![](
This course is designed to introduce students the fundamental of knowledge, technologies and components for web application developments. The basic topics includes the standard HTML for content creation, CSS for content presentation, JavaScript for client-side logics, PHP for server-side logics and MySQL for data processing.
# 最全在线工具箱集合 [README in English]( 致力于打造和收集各种简单、易用、便捷的在线工具,无需注册和下载即可免费使用,目前共开发了数百款有趣且有用的小功能,数量还在持续增加中,部分来源于开源项目。工具主要包括:程序员在线文档、在线转换、加密解密、站长工具、代码开发、Css样式、文本工具、二维码处理、图片处理、生活办公、娱乐工具等等。 旨在打造国内专业WEB开发工具,且全完免费使用,赶快来体验吧。希望能给您带来帮助!如果觉得某一款不错,不妨安利给他人。 github:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>,欢迎<a href="" target="_blank">点赞</a>,<a href="" target="_blank">推荐</a>,<a href="" target="_blank">赞助</a> ## 浏览器扩展插件 <a href="" target="_blank">谷歌 Chrome</a> <a href="" target="_blank">火狐 Firefox</a> <a href="" target="_blank">微软 Edge</a> <a href="" target="_blank">crx文件下载</a><a href="" target="_blank">(离线安装指南)</a> ## 在线转换 <a href="" target="_blank">Sass/Less/Stylus在线转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">RGB/RGBA/HEX/HSL/HSV颜色在线转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">免费快速将视频转换成Gif</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Html/MarkDown在线互转工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">JSON/YAML在线转换</a> <a href="" target="_blank">下载链接转换</a> <a href="" target="_blank">SVG转PNG工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">文本符号替换工具(换行,空格,逗号)</a> <a href="" target="_blank">文本在线批量替换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">度量衡单位在线换算工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">json转Excel/csv工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">时间戳转换_在线时间单位转换器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">在线url网址编码、解码</a> <a href="" target="_blank">地理坐标转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Htaccess在线转换nginx</a> <a href="" target="_blank">进制转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">人民币大写转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">中文/Unicode在线转换</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线中文汉字转换拼音工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">简体/繁体字转换</a> <a href="" target="_blank">ASCII字符艺术生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">json转golang struct对象</a> <a href="" target="_blank">英文字母大小写/空格/下划线/驼峰等转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">XML转JSON、JSON转XML工具</a> ## 加密/解密 <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">在线加密解密【Base64、AES、DES】</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">Js加密混淆/压缩工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">文本隐藏加密工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">DES在线加密解密</a> <a href="" target="_blank">md5在线加密工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">随机密码生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">摩斯电码翻译器_摩斯电码编码解码</a> <a href="" target="_blank">URL网址16进制加密工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线编码转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Escape加密/解密</a> <a href="" target="_blank">密码安全性在线检测</a> ## 站长工具 <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">免费在线智能AI文章伪原创工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">AI提示词常用指令</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Markdown在线编辑器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">站长常用转换工具【编码解码】</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">Markdown微信公众号排版编辑器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">域名/IP地址查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">自适应网页多端预览工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">meta标签在线生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">电子邮箱网址大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">免费短链接生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Robots文件生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">域名whois查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">邮件群发营销工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线html/js/css标签过滤工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">ICP备案查询_网站域名备案查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">浏览器内核版本检测器_查看userAgent信息</a> <a href="" target="_blank">网站301转向/跳转代码生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">今日热榜_实时新闻分享</a> <a href="" target="_blank">m3u8视频在线提取工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">微信域名拦截检测</a> <a href="" target="_blank">PDF文字识别</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">敏感词/违禁词检测</a> <a href="" target="_blank">关键词重复词组分析工具(文本去重)</a> ## 代码相关 <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">代码在线编辑器IDE</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线js代码生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">HTTP在线模拟测试工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">Diff在线文本比较工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">html转js在线工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">uuid在线生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">curl命令转代码</a> <a href="" target="_blank">sql格式化</a> <a href="" target="_blank">网页数据采集抓取</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">JSON在线解析工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">JSON生成JavaBean、C#实体类</a> <a href="" target="_blank">代码转图片_高雅程序员必备工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">sql在线数据库设计工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Element表单代码生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Javascript或HTML在线美化,格式化</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">正则表达式调试工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">正则表达式在线测试工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">HTML/CSS/Javascript在线代码运行工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">JSON格式化及高亮</a> <a href="" target="_blank">HTML在线压缩工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">Linux常用命令查询工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Crontab表达式在线生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">VIM编辑器模拟_vim命令学习工具</a> *** <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">程序员代码变量命名工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">275个简洁1行Js代码片段</a> ## CSS样式 <a href="" target="_blank">CSS三角形生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">cssSprite/精灵图/雪碧图样式生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">一个在线的路径裁剪工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线生成字体CSS样式工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">CSS渐变色生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">SVG图形路径变形工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS选择器演示 </a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS3在线样式生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">CSS新拟态设计风格生成器【Neumorphism】</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">Css玻璃拟物化风格生成器【Glassmorphism】</a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS3 Flexbox 在线演示</a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS代码美化工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">网页颜色在线取色器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">HTML5 标签含义之元素周期表</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">Animate.css动画演示</a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS按钮生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">漂亮的CSS阴影 box-shadow样式</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">web颜色搭配方案/设计网页配色表</a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS在线压缩/格式化工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">css loading炫酷的加载动画</a> <a href="" target="_blank">CSS分割线在线制作</a> ## 二维码 <a href="" target="_blank">微信小程序二维码生成工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">WIFI二维码生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">二维码在线生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">二维码在线解码工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">条形码生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">支付宝微信收款码二合一</a> ## 图片处理 <a href="" target="_blank">图片在线转换Base64数据</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">图片格式webp/png/jpeg转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">PDF文件转换图片工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线将图片生成ascii字符画</a> <a href="" target="_blank">图片主色调在线获取工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">占位图在线生成</a> <a href="" target="_blank">图片在线压缩工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">图片在线生成ICO图标</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">在线思维导图</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线图片裁剪/生成</a> <a href="" target="_blank">SVG在线编辑器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">图片加水印工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">在线生成流程图、时序图工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">画图工具_流程图、标注图、矢量图</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">在线视频截图</a> <a href="" target="_blank">图片合成工具_头像加圣诞帽、口罩</a> <a href="" target="_blank">生成九宫格图片</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Gif图片分解成序列帧</a> <a href="" target="_blank">照片加滤镜特效</a> <a href="" target="_blank">图片编辑工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">网页地址栏favicon图标制作</a> <a href="" target="_blank">图片文字提取工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线画桌白板工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线像素画板工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">照片转像素风格画</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线截图美化工具</a> ## 生活工具 <a href="" target="_blank">公历农历转换查询工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">手机号码归属地查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">中国亲戚关系计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">世界各国区号时差查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线年龄计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">年化收益计算器(年化利率计算器)</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">淘宝/天猫超市优惠券</a> <a href="" target="_blank">房贷计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">心理测试工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">在线图表工具_饼状/折线/柱状/漏斗/雷达图</a> <a href="" target="_blank">化学元素周期表查询工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">个人所得税计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">复利计算器_复利增值在线计算</a> <a href="" target="_blank">周公解梦查询大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">花语大全 - 查询各种花的花语</a> <a href="" target="_blank">天数间隔计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">生活垃圾分类查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">古诗词在线起名/取名</a> <a href="" target="_blank">国内邮政编码大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">世界各地时间转换查询工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">百家姓排名查询大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">弟子规全文及解释</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">银行卡号归属地查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">国内车牌号码归属地查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线秒表记时器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">子女血型遗存查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">(服装)尺码对照表</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">老黄历查询(吉日/星宿/时辰)</a> <a href="" target="_blank">白噪音,聆听大自然的声音</a> <a href="" target="_blank">lrc歌词在线编辑工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">食物嘌呤查询_痛风及高尿酸血症饮食表</a> <a href="" target="_blank">食物营养成分查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">饮水量计算器_每日喝水量</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">常用电话号码大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">番茄钟计时器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">抛硬币做决定</a> <a href="" target="_blank">世界节日大全,阳历农历节日查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">英文金额大写转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">简历模板,在线制作简历</a> ## 娱乐相关 <a href="" target="_blank">毒鸡汤语录</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">经典语录大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">微信翅膀昵称生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">微信整蛊生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">历史上的今天</a> <a href="" target="_blank">今天吃什么?</a> <a href="" target="_blank">常用表情包大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线网页小游戏_上班无聊摸鱼</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">计算多少天后啪啪啪</a> <a href="" target="_blank">成语接龙查询器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">歇后语查询工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">民间谚语在线查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">脑筋急转弯在线查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">土味情话查询生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">绕口令大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">笑话大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">狗屁不通文章生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">彩虹屁文章生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">每日一首古诗词</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">好玩的IOS优质App推荐</a> <a href="" target="_blank">谷歌吉他在线版</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">舔狗日记</a> <a href="" target="_blank">彩虹屁文案语录</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">查找不动的表情包_emoji小游戏</a> ## 文档教程 <a href="" target="_blank">ECMAScript 6 入门</a> <a href="" target="_blank">npm 中文文档 </a> <a href="" target="_blank">Node.js中文文档</a> <a href="" target="_blank">中文技术文档的写作规范</a> <a href="" target="_blank">layui镜像文档</a> <a href="" target="_blank">css在线参考手册,包含CSS2、CSS3等内容</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Jquery在线参考手册</a> <a href="" target="_blank">JavaScript在线参考手册</a> <a href="" target="_blank">React.js 中文参考文档</a> <a href="" target="_blank">Nginx中文文档</a> ## 其它工具 <a href="" target="_blank">ASCII码对照表</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">常用对照表</a> <a href="" target="_blank">域名分类大全、顶级域名后缀查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">字帖生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">字数统计工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">文件格式/类型识别工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线中文拆字解字</a> <a href="" target="_blank">中英混排文档在线排版工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">网址导航,上网从这里开始</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线排版工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">科学计算器</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">简约导航</a> <a href="" target="_blank">数独题目生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">24点计算器_在线24点解法器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">汉语字典_在线汉字查询</a> <a href="" target="_blank">成语词典</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线音频编辑器_Audio Editor</a> <a href="" target="_blank">在线高清录屏</a> <a href="" target="_blank">质数计算器_质数(素数)在线判断</a> <a href="" target="_blank">随机数生成器_支持带小数点</a> <a href="" target="_blank">方差、标准差计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">IP网络地址/子网掩码计算与转换工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">fooplot数学函数绘图器工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">三角函数计算器_弧度与度在线换算</a> <a href="" target="_blank">三角形的角度计算器_周长/面积/内径/半径</a> <a href="" target="_blank">百分比在线计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">个性特殊符号大全</a> <a href="" target="_blank">自然对数计算器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">程序员一站式导航</a> <a href="" target="_blank">汉语在线分词工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#F06431">神奇字体_怪异英文生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank">键盘键码keyCode对照表</a> <a href="" target="_blank">世界各国首都中英文对照表</a> <a href="" target="_blank">世界各地货币查询工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank">IPv4子网查询表</a> ## 第三方工具 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">网名在线生成器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">在线打字记忆单词</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">创意的按钮CSS样式</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">鸠摩搜书_电子书搜索引擎</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">在线运行代码</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">菜鸟在线编译工具</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">多媒体文件转换器</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" style="color:#F06431">在线制作编辑图片ps精简版</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">表情包在线网站</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">图片智能放大</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" style="color:#F06431">在线GIF编辑优化</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">音频格式转换</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">tinypng图片压缩</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">在线文件压缩_支持多种格式</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">在线PDF工具</a> ### 用户推荐 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">在线编写,运行代码</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">全球不限速大文件交付/协作平台</a> ## 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# PickleHub TEST REPO: [pickelhubreact repository]( 🔥 Excited? Leave a ⭐ (top right corner) A new type of proxy that is entirely in a bookmarklet! It is still in development. Follow my github account or watch this repository to get updates in your feed. ANNOUNCEMENT: I was planning to release the Public Beta by the end of March 2023 but i am currently expierencing slowdowns. Sorry for the wait. <br> ANNOUNCEMENT: I cannot continue development for the time being as my principal threatend me getting expelled. Road Map: - ``👍`` Create the Client with many features involved - ``👍`` Create the Server with a proxy installed - ``✍`` Setup a fully featured proxy browser - ``🦵``Setup Accounts - ``🦵`` Settings and other tweaks - ``🦵`` Setup News - ``👌`` Release Public Beta 0.7.0 - ``🦵`` Add Game files - ``🦵`` Create the game browser and launcher - ``🦵`` Add extra features - ``👌`` Release 1.0.0 - ``🦵`` Other stuff (not planned) (yet) I hope people are excited for this, so I want to give you guys a little update with each commit: Here is what the UI looks like right now (feel free to put suggestions in the issues tab): ![PickleHub]( "PickleHub")
PickleHub is a hub for students who are bored in school, contained in a bookmarklet!
# YOLOv8 with onnxruntime-web <p align="center"> <img src="./sample.png" /> </p> ![love](🖤-white) ![react]( ![onnxruntime-web]( ![opencv.js]( --- Object Detection application right in your browser. Serving YOLOv8 in browser using onnxruntime-web with `wasm` backend. ## Setup ```bash git clone cd yolov8-onnxruntime-web yarn install # Install dependencies ``` ## Scripts ```bash yarn start # Start dev server yarn build # Build for productions ``` ## Models **Main Model** YOLOv8n model converted to onnx. ``` used model : yolov8n.onnx size : 13 Mb ``` **NMS** ONNX model to perform NMS operator [CUSTOM]. [![nms-yolov8.onnx](]( ## Use another model > :warning: **Size Overload** : used YOLOv8n model in this repo is the smallest with size of 13 MB, so other models is definitely bigger than this which can cause memory problems on browser. Use another YOLOv8 model. 1. Export YOLOv8 model to onnx format. Read more on the [official documentation]( ```python from ultralytics import YOLO # Load a model model = YOLO("") # load an official model # Export the model model.export(format="onnx") ``` 2. Copy `yolov8*.onnx` to `./public/model` 3. Update `modelName` in `App.jsx` to new model name ```jsx ... // configs const modelName = "yolov8*.onnx"; // change to new model name const modelInputShape = [1, 3, 640, 640]; const topk = 100; const iouThreshold = 0.4; const scoreThreshold = 0.2; ... ``` 4. Done! 😊 **Note: Custom Trained YOLOv8 Models** Please update `src/utils/labels.json` with your custom YOLOv8 classes. ## Reference -
YOLOv8 right in your browser with onnxruntime-web
# Miru-Repo Miru extensions repository | [Miru App Download]( | ## List | Name | Package | Version | Author | Language | Type | Source | | ---- | ---- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 9Anime | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | AGE动漫 | | v0.0.1 | appdevelpo | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | AniGoGo | ani.gogo | v0.0.3 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | AnimeFlv | anime.flv | v0.0.2 | (koikiss-dev) | es | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | girigiri爱动漫 | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | zh | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Animeazu | | v0.0.1 | JerukPurut404 | pr | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Animepahe | | v0.0.2 | appdevelpo | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | 音悦台MTV | api.yinyuetai | v0.0.2 | vvsolo | zh | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Arabsama | | v0.0.1 | JerukPurut404 | ar | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | AsuraScan | | v0.0.1 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | 包子漫画 | | v0.0.2 | appdevelpo | zh | manga | [Source Code]( | | Bato | | v0.0.2 | bethro | all | manga | [Source Code]( | | BestLightNovel | best.light.novel | v0.0.1 | anishi7 | en | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | 笔趣阁 | | v0.0.1 | yxxyun | zh-cn | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | 咕咕影视 | cc.cooing | v0.0.3 | MiaoMint | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | MyIPTV | client.iptv | v0.0.6 | vvsolo | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | 动漫之家 | com.dmzj.www | v0.0.2 | MiaoMint | zh-cn | manga | [Source Code]( | | 欧乐影院 | com.olevod.www | v0.0.1 | MiaoMint | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | ComicExtra | comicextra | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | Comick | | v0.0.5 | OshekharO | all | manga | [Source Code]( | | 7喜影院 | dev.0n0.miru.7xi | v0.0.7 | MiaoMint | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | DramaCool | | v0.0.3 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | FilmyCab | filmycab | v0.0.2 | OshekharO | hi | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | FilmyPunjab | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | hi | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | FlameComics | | v0.0.1 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | Funtoons | | v0.0.1 | funtoons | th | manga | [Source Code]( | | GakiArchives | | v0.0.1 | bachig26 | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | gimy | | v0.0.2 | appdevelpo | zh | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | GoGoAnime | gogo.anime | v0.0.6 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | HiAnime | | v0.0.8 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | IDLIX | idlix | v0.0.1 | Nazz | id | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Invidious | | v0.0.2 | OshekharO | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | IPTV-ORG | iptv-org | v0.0.1 | vvsolo | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | IsekaiScan | | v0.0.3 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | 极速资源 | | v0.0.1 | SendHX | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | 聚小说 | juxiaoshuo | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | zh-cn | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | KimCartoon | | v0.0.2 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Kissasian | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Kisskh | | v0.0.3 | OshekharO | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Komikcast | | v0.0.1 | bethro | all | manga | [Source Code]( | | Letv影院 | | v0.0.1 | appdevelpo | zh | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | libvio | | v0.0.2 | appdevelpo | zh | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | LilyManga | | v0.0.1 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | LayarKaca | lk21official | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | id | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | | | v0.0.1 | bethro | ar | manga | [Source Code]( | | MangaLife | | v0.0.1 | appdevelpo | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | MangaBat | | v0.0.1 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | MangaClash | | v0.0.1 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | 拷贝漫画 | mangacopy.comic | v0.0.1 | Monster | zh-cn | manga | [Source Code]( | | マンガクロス | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | jp | manga | [Source Code]( | | MangaDex | | v0.0.2 | bethro | all | manga | [Source Code]( | | Mangakatana | | v0.0.1 | shashankx86 | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | MangaKomi | mangakomi | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | Manganato | manganato | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | 漫画DB | | v0.0.1 | ftbom | zh | manga | [Source Code]( | | 漫画柜 | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | zh-cn | manga | [Source Code]( | | Mikanani | me.mikanani | v0.0.3 | MiaoMint | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Enime | moe.enime | v0.0.5 | MiaoMint | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | 轻小说文库 | moe.wol.wenku8 | v0.0.1 | NPGamma | zh-cn | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | MonosChinos | monoschinos | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | es | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Movieku | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | id | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | | mx.yts | v0.0.6 | MiaoMint | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Myasiantv | myasiantv | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Nimegami | | v0.0.2 | JerukPurut404 | id | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Nyaa | | v0.0.1 | appdevelpo | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Otakudesu | otakudesu | v0.0.1 | Nazz | id | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Piped | | v0.0.1 | bethro | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Ravenscans | | v0.0.1 | bethro | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | rawkuma | | v0.0.2 | appdevelpo | jp | manga | [Source Code]( | | ReadComicsOnline | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | manga | [Source Code]( | | ACG.RIP | rip.acg | v0.0.1 | MiaoMint | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | RoyalRoad | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | en | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | 樱花动漫 | sakura | v0.0.2 | Monster | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Samehadaku | samehadaku | v0.0.1 | Nazz | id | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | sFlix | | v0.0.3 | appdevelpo | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | MkvDrama | | v0.0.1 | bachig26 | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | SuperCartoons | | v0.0.1 | bachig26 | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | swatmanhua | | v0.0.1 | bethro | ar | manga | [Source Code]( | | TamilYogi | tamilyogi | v0.0.4 | appdevelpo | hi-ta | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | TeamxNovel | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | ar | manga | [Source Code]( | | MoviesArc | themoviearchive | v0.0.2 | OshekharO | all | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | thunderscans | | v0.0.1 | bethro | ar | manga | [Source Code]( | | TopCartoons | | v0.0.1 | bachig26 | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | NetTruyen | | v0.0.5 | OshekharO | vi | manga | [Source Code]( | | Turkish123 | turkish123 | v0.0.2 | OshekharO | tr | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Unimay | | v0.0.1 | CakesTwix | uk | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | viện | vn.tangthuvien | v0.0.1 | Moleys | vi | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | 影视集合 | vod.api.json.collection | v0.0.3 | Horis | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | 八戒影视 | vod.api.xml.bajie | v0.0.1 | Horis | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | WatchAsian | watchasian | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | 风车动漫 | windmill | v0.0.1 | Monster | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | Wnmtl | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | WTR-LAB | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | en | fikushon | [Source Code]( | | CC | yinhuadm | v0.0.1 | Mg | zh-cn | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | YoMovies | yomovies | v0.0.7 | OshekharO | hi | bangumi | [Source Code]( | | YuriNeko | | v0.0.1 | OshekharO | vi | manga | [Source Code]( | | ZeroScans | | v0.0.2 | OshekharO | en | manga | [Source Code]( |
Miru Repository
<div align="center"> <h1 align="center"> <img height="200" src=""> <br> <a href="">HTML Bundler Plugin for Webpack</a> </h1> </div> [![npm]( 'npm package')]( 'download npm package') [![node](]( [![node](]( [![Test](]( [![codecov](]( [![node](]( ## HTML template as entry point The **HTML Bundler** generates static HTML or [template function](#template-in-js) from [various templates](#template-engine) containing source files of scripts, styles, images, fonts and other resources, similar to how it works in [Vite]( This plugin allows using a template file as an [entry point](#option-entry). A template imported in JS will be compiled into [template function](#template-in-js). You can use the **template function** in JS to render the template with variables in runtime on the client-side in the browser. This plugin is an **advanced successor** to `html-webpack-plugin` and a replacement of the [plugins and loaders](#list-of-plugins). > 📢 Please help promote this plugin on social networks so that developers know about this useful plugin.\ > Special Thanks to [Andrew Lisowski]( for the tooltips in the video []( <!-- <table align="center"> <tr><th>Entry point is HTML</th></tr> <tr><td><pre> html <-- Start from HTML ┌─────────┼────────┐ css img js ┌──┴──┐ ┌────┼────┐ img font js css img </pre></td></tr> </table> --> <center> <img width="830" style="max-width: 100%;" src="" alt="assets graph"> </center> For example, using source asset files is HTML template _./src/views/index.html_: ```html <html> <head> <!-- relative path to SCSS source file --> <link href="../scss/style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- relative path to TypeScript source file --> <script src="../app/main.ts" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <!-- relative path to image source file --> <img src="../assets/images/picture1.png" /> <!-- Webpack alias as path (src/assets/images/) to image source file --> <img src="@images/picture2.png" /> </body> </html> ``` [Open an example in StackBlitz]( The folder structure of the example: ``` ./src/views/index.html ./src/app/main.ts ./src/scss/style.scss ./src/assets/images/picture1.png ./src/assets/images/picture2.png ``` <!-- ``` src/ ├── views/ │ └── index.html ├── app/ │ └── main.ts ├── scss/ │ └── style.scss └── assets/ └── images/ └── picture1.png └── picture2.png ``` --> All source file paths in dependencies will be resolved and auto-replaced with correct URLs in the bundled output. The resolved assets will be processed via Webpack plugins/loaders and placed into the output directory. You can use a relative path or Webpack alias to a source file. --- ### 📋 [Table of Contents](#contents) ### 🚀 [Install and Quick Start](#install) ### 🖼 [Usage examples](#usage-examples) --- > 🦖 **Mozilla** already uses this plugin to build static HTML files for the [Mozilla AI GUIDE]( site. > > The plugin has been actively developed for more than 2 years, and since 2023 it is open source.\ > Please support this project by giving it a star ⭐. --- ## 💡 Highlights - An [entry point](#option-entry) is any HTML template. - **Auto processing** multiple HTML templates in the [entry path](#option-entry-path). - Allows to specify [`script`](#option-js) and [`style`](#option-css) **source files** directly in **HTML**: - `<link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet">` - `<script src="./app.tsx" defer="defer"></script>` - **Resolves** [source files](#loader-option-sources) in [default attributes](#loader-option-sources-default) `href` `src` `srcset` etc. using **relative path** or **alias**: - `<link href="../images/favicon.svg" type="image/svg" rel=icon />` - `<img src="@images/pic.png" srcset="@images/pic400.png 1x, @images/pic800.png 2x" />` - **Inlines** [JS](#recipe-inline-js) and [CSS](#recipe-inline-css) into HTML. - **Inlines** [images](#recipe-inline-image) into HTML and CSS. - Supports **styles** used in `*.vue` files. - **Renders** the [template engines](#template-engine) such as [Eta](#using-template-eta), [EJS](#using-template-ejs), [Handlebars](#using-template-handlebars), [Nunjucks](#using-template-nunjucks), [Pug](#using-template-pug), [TwigJS](#using-template-twig), [LiquidJS](#using-template-liquidjs). - **Compile** a template into [template function](#template-in-js) for usage in JS on the client-side. - Generates the [preload](#option-preload) tags for fonts, images, video, scripts, styles, etc. - Generates the [integrity](#option-integrity) attribute in the `link` and `script` tags. - Generates the [favicons](#favicons-bundler-plugin) of different sizes for various platforms. - You can create **own plugin** using the [Plugin Hooks](#plugin-hooks-and-callbacks). - Over 500 [tests]( See the [full list of features](#features). ## ❤️ Sponsors & Patrons Thank you to all our sponsors and patrons! <table align="center"> <tr align="center" valign="top" style="border: 0"> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src="" title="JetBrains" alt="JetBrains"> <p>JetBrains</p> </a></td> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src=";v=4" title="Sentry" alt="Sentry"> <p>Sentry</p> </a></td> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src=";v=4" title="StackAid" alt="StackAid"> <p>StackAid</p> </a></td> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src="" width="72" title="Buckley Robinson" alt="patron" style="max-width: 100%;"> <p>Buckley Robinson</p> </a></td> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src=";v=4" title="Pirang" alt="Pirang"> <p>Pirang</p> </a></td> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src=";v=4" title="Marcel Robitaille" alt="Marcel Robitaille"> <p>Marcel Robitaille</p> </a></td> </tr> <tr align="center" valign="top" style="border: 0"> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src=";v=4" width="72" title="Marian Kannwischer (kannwism)" alt="patron" style="max-width: 100%;"> <p>Marian Kannwischer</p> </a></td> <td style="border: 0"><a href=""> <img src="" width="72" title="Raymond Ackloo" alt="patron" style="max-width: 100%;"> <p>Raymond Ackloo</p> </a></td> </tr> </table> ## ⚙️ How works the plugin The plugin resolves references in the HTML template and adds them to the Webpack compilation. Webpack will automatically process the source files, and the plugin replaces the references with their output filenames in the generated HTML. See [how the plugin works under the hood](#plugin-hooks-and-callbacks). <img width="830" style="max-width: 100%;" src=""> ## ✅ Profit - **Simplify Webpack config** using one powerful plugin instead of many [different plugins and loaders](#list-of-plugins). - **Start from HTML**, not from JS. Define an **HTML** template file as an **entry point**. - Specify script and style **source files** directly in an **HTML** template, and you no longer need to define them in Webpack entry or import styles in JavaScript. - Use **any template engine** without additional plugins and loaders. Most popular [template engines](#template-engine) supported "**out of the box**". ## ❓Question / Feature Request / Bug If you have discovered a bug or have a feature suggestion, feel free to create an [issue]( on GitHub. ## 📚 Read it - [Using HTML Bundler Plugin for Webpack to generate HTML files]( - [Keep output directory structure in Webpack]( - [Auto generate an integrity hash for `link` and `script` tags]( - [Use a HTML file as an entry point?]( (Webpack issue, #536) - [Comparison and Benchmarks of Node.js libraries to colorize text in terminal]( (_offtopic_) ## 🔆 What's New in v3 - **NEW** added supports the [template function](#template-in-js) in JS runtime on the client-side. - **NEW** added [Pug](#using-template-pug) preprocessor. - **NEW** added [Twig](#using-template-twig) preprocessor. - **NEW** added supports the dynamic import of styles. - **NEW** added supports the [CSS Modules](#recipe-css-modules) for styles imported in JS. - **NEW** added CSS extraction from **styles** used in `*.vue` files. - **NEW** added [Hooks & Callbacks](#plugin-hooks-and-callbacks). Now you can create own plugin to extend this plugin. - **NEW** added the build-in [FaviconsBundlerPlugin](#favicons-bundler-plugin) to generate and inject favicon tags. ## 🔆 What's New in v2 - **NEW** added importing style files in JavaScript. - **NEW** added support the [integrity](#option-integrity). - **NEW** you can add/delete/rename a template file in the [entry path](#option-entry-path) without restarting Webpack For full release notes see the [changelog]( ## ⚠️ Limitations ### Cache type The current version works stable with `cache.type` as `'memory'` (Webpack's default setting).\ Support for the `'filesystem'` cache type is experimental. ### Multiple config files The multiple config files are not supported, because in some special use cases the Webpack API works not properly (all previous configurations are overridden by the latest configuration). Instead of this: ``` npx webpack -c app1.config.js app2.config.js ``` you can use following: ``` npx webpack -c app1.config.js npx webpack -c app2.config.js ``` --- <a id="install" name="install"></a> ## Install and Quick start Install the `html-bundler-webpack-plugin`: ```bash npm install html-bundler-webpack-plugin --save-dev ``` It's recommended to combine `html-bundler-webpack-plugin` with the [css-loader]( and the [sass-loader](\ Install additional packages for styles: ```bash npm install css-loader sass-loader sass --save-dev ``` Start with an HTML template. Add the `<link>` and `<script>` tags. You can include asset source files such as SCSS, JS, images, and other media files directly in an HTML template. The plugin resolves `<script src="...">` `<link href="...">` and `<img src="..." srcset="...">` that references your script, style and image source files. For example, there is the template _./src/views/home.html_: ```html <html> <head> <!-- variable from Webpack config --> <title><%= title %></title> <!-- relative path to favicon source file --> <link href="./favicon.ico" rel="icon" /> <!-- relative path to SCSS source file --> <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- relative path to JS source file --> <script src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <!-- relative path to image source file --> <img src="./picture.png" /> </body> </html> ``` All source filenames should be relative to the entrypoint template, or you can use [Webpack alias]( The references are rewritten in the generated HTML so that they link to the correct output files. The generated HTML contains URLs of the output filenames: ```html <html> <head> <title>Homepage</title> <link href="img/favicon.3bd858b4.ico" rel="icon" /> <link href="css/style.05e4dd86.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="js/main.f4b855d8.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <img src="img/picture.58b43bd8.png" /> </body> </html> ``` <a id="simple-webpack-config" name="simple-webpack-config"></a> **Pages** can be defined in the [`entry`](#option-entry) option. **JS** and **CSS** can be configured using the [`js`](#option-js) and [`css`](#option-css) options. If the `entry` option is a path, the plugin finds all templates automatically and keep the same directory structure in the output directory. If the `entry` option is an object, the key is an output filename without `.html` extension and the value is a template file. ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ // automatically processing all templates in the path entry: 'src/views/', // - OR - define pages manually (key is output filename w/o `.html`) entry: { index: 'src/views/home.html', // => dist/index.html 'news/sport': 'src/views/news/sport/index.html', // => dist/news/sport.html }, // - OR - define pages with variables entry: [ { import: 'src/views/home.html', // template file filename: 'index.html', // => dist/index.html data: { title: 'Homepage' }, // pass variables into template }, { import: 'src/views/news/sport/index.html', // template file filename: 'news/sport.html', // => dist/news/sport.html data: { title: 'Sport news' }, // pass variables into template }, ], // - OR - combine both the pages with and w/o variables in one entry entry: { // simple page config w/o variables index: 'src/views/home.html', // => dist/index.html // advanced page config with variables 'news/sport': { // => dist/news/sport.html import: 'src/views/home.html', // template file data: { title: 'Sport news' }, // pass variables into template }, }, js: { // JS output filename, used if `inline` option is false (defaults) filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', //inline: true, // inlines JS into HTML }, css: { // CSS output filename, used if `inline` option is false (defaults) filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', //inline: true, // inlines CSS into HTML }, }), ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(css|sass|scss)$/, use: ['css-loader', 'sass-loader'], }, { test: /\.(ico|png|jp?g|webp|svg)$/, type: 'asset/resource', generator: { filename: 'img/[name].[hash:8][ext][query]', }, }, ], }, }; ``` > **Note** > > To define the JS output filename, use the `js.filename` option of the plugin.\ > Don't use Webpack's `output.filename`, hold all relevant settings in one place - in plugin options.\ > Both places have the same effect, but `js.filename` has priority over `output.filename`. No additional template loader is required. The plugin handels templates with base `EJS`-like syntax automatically. The default templating engine is [Eta]( For using the native `EJS` syntax see [Templating with EJS](#using-template-ejs).\ For using the `Handlebars` see [Templating with Handlebars](#using-template-handlebars).\ For other templates see [Template engines](#template-engine). For custom templates, you can use the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) option to handels any template engine. <table> <tr> <td>Simple example SPA</td> <td> [![Open in StackBlitz](]( </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Automatically processing many HTML templates</td> <td> [![Open in StackBlitz](]( </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Create multiple HTML pages</td> <td> See [boilerplate]( </td> </tr> </table> --- <a id="contents" name="contents"></a> ## Table of Contents 1. [Features](#features) 1. [Install and Quick start](#install) 1. [Webpack options](#webpack-options) - [output](#webpack-option-output) - [path](#webpack-option-output-path) - [publicPath](#webpack-option-output-publicpath) - [filename](#webpack-option-output-filename) - [entry](#webpack-option-entry) 1. [Build-in Plugins](#build-in-plugins) - [FaviconsBundlerPlugin](#favicons-bundler-plugin) (generates favicon tags) 1. [Third-party Plugins](#third-party-plugins) 1. [Hooks & Callbacks](#plugin-hooks-and-callbacks) - [beforePreprocessor](#hook-beforePreprocessor) - [preprocessor](#hook-preprocessor) - [resolveSource](#hook-resolveSource) - [postprocess](#hook-postprocess) - [beforeEmit](#hook-beforeEmit) - [afterEmit](#hook-afterEmit) - [integrityHashes](#hook-integrity-hashes) 1. [Plugin options](#plugin-options) - [test](#option-test) (RegEx to handle matching templates) - [entry](#option-entry) (template as entry point) - [entry as an array](#option-entry-array) (array notation) - [entry as an object](#option-entry-object) (object notation) - [entry as a path](#option-entry-path) (find templates in a directory recursively) - [entry data](#option-entry-data) (pass data in the single template as an object or a file) - [entry dynamic](#option-entry-path) (entry as a path to template files) - [entryFilter](#option-entry-filter) (filter for entry dynamic) - [outputPath](#option-outputpath) (output path of HTML file) - [filename](#option-filename) (output filename of HTML file) - [js](#option-js) (options for JS) - [css](#option-css) (options for CSS) - [data](#option-data) (🔗reference to [](#loader-option-data)) - [beforePreprocessor](#option-before-preprocessor) (callback, 🔗reference to [loaderOptions.beforePreprocessor](#loader-option-before-preprocessor)) - [preprocessor](#option-preprocessor) (callback or string, 🔗reference to [loaderOptions.preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor)) - [preprocessorOptions](#option-preprocessor) (🔗reference to [loaderOptions.preprocessorOptions](#loader-option-preprocessorOptions)) - [postprocess](#option-postprocess) (callback) - [beforeEmit](#option-beforeEmit) (callback) - [afterEmit](#option-afterEmit) (callback) - [preload](#option-preload) (inject preload link tags) - [integrity](#option-integrity) (inject [subresource integrity hash]( into script and style tags) - [minify](#option-minify) and [minifyOptions](#option-minify-options) (minification of generated HTML) - [extractComments](#option-extract-comments) - [watchFiles](#option-watch-files) - [hotUpdate](#option-hot-update) - [verbose](#option-verbose) - [loaderOptions](#option-loader-options) (reference to loader options) 1. [Loader options](#loader-options) - [sources](#loader-option-sources) (processing of custom tag attributes) - [root](#loader-option-root) (allow to resolve root path in attributes) - [beforePreprocessor](#loader-option-before-preprocessor) (callback) - [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) (callback or string) and [preprocessorOptions](#loader-option-preprocessorOptions) (templating) - [eta](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta) - [ejs](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-ejs) - [handlebars](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-handlebars) - [nunjucks](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-nunjucks) - [pug](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-pug) - [twig](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-twig) - [custom](#loader-option-preprocessor-custom) (using any template engine) - [data](#loader-option-data) (pass global data into all templates as an object or a file) 1. [Using template engines](#template-engine) - [Eta](#using-template-eta) - [EJS](#using-template-ejs) - [Handlebars](#using-template-handlebars) - [LiquidJS](#using-template-liquidjs) - [Mustache](#using-template-mustache) - [Nunjucks](#using-template-nunjucks) - [Pug](#using-template-pug) - [TwigJS](#using-template-twig) 1. [Using template in JavaScript](#template-in-js) 1. [Setup Live Reload](#setup-live-reload) 1. [Recipes](#recipes) - [How to keep source directory structure for HTML](#recipe-keep-folder-structure-html) - [How to keep source directory structure for assets (fonts, images, etc.)](#recipe-keep-folder-structure-assets) - [How to use source images in HTML](#recipe-use-images-in-html) - [How to resize and generate responsive images](#recipe-responsive-images) - [How to preload fonts](#recipe-preload-fonts) - [How to inline CSS in HTML](#recipe-inline-css) - [How to inline JS in HTML](#recipe-inline-js) - [How to inline SVG, PNG images in HTML](#recipe-inline-image) - [How to inline all resources into single HTML file](#recipe-inline-all-assets-to-html) - [How to resolve source assets in an attribute containing JSON value](#recipe-resolve-attr-json) - [How to load CSS file dynamically](#recipe-dynamic-load-css) (lazy loading CSS) - [How to import CSS class names in JS](#recipe-css-modules) (CSS modules) - [How to import CSS stylesheet in JS](#recipe-css-style-sheet) ([CSSStyleSheet]( - [How to load JS and CSS from `node_modules` in template](#recipe-load-js-css-from-node-modules) - [How to import CSS or SCSS from `node_modules` in SCSS](#recipe-import-style-from-node-modules) - [How to process a PHP template](#recipe-preprocessor-php) - [How to pass data into multiple templates](#recipe-pass-data-to-templates) - [How to use some different template engines](#recipe-diff-templates) - [How to config `splitChunks`](#recipe-split-chunks) - [How to keep package name for **split chunks** from **node_modules**](#recipe-split-chunks-keep-module-name) - [How to split CSS files](#recipe-split-css) 2. [Problems & Solutions](#solutions) - [Automatic resolving of file extensions](#solutions-resolve-extensions) - [How to use `@import url()` in CSS](#solutions-import-url-in-css) - [How to disable resolving in commented out tag](#solutions-disable-resolving-in-commented-out-tag) 3. <a id="demo-sites" name="demo-sites"></a> Demo sites - Multiple page e-shop template (`Handlebars`) [demo]( | [source]( - Asia restaurant (`Nunjucks`) [demo]( | [source]( - 10up / Animation Best Practices [demo]( | [source]( 1. <a id="usage-examples" name="usage-examples"></a> Usage examples - Simple example "Hello World!" [View in browser]( | [source]( - Simple example "Hello World!" using `Pug` [View in browser]( | [source]( - Automatically processing **multiple HTML** templates [View in browser]( | [source]( - **Bootstrap** with Webpack [View in browser]( | [source]( - **Tailwind CSS** with Webpack [View in browser]( | [source]( - **Twig** with Webpack [View in browser]( - **Handlebars** with Webpack [View in browser]( | [source]( - Extend **Handlebars layout** with blocks [View in browser]( | [source]( - Auto generate **integrity hash** for `link` and `script` tags [View in browser]( | [source]( - Inline multiple **SVG** files w/o ID collision [View in browser]( | [source]( - Bundle **Vue** app into single HTML file with **embedded** JS, CSS, images [View in browser]( | [source]( <a id="features" name="features"></a> ## Features - HTML [template](#template-engine) is the [entry point](#option-entry) for all resources - [extracts JS](#option-js) from the source script filename specified in HTML via a `<script>` tag - [extracts CSS](#option-css) from the source style filename specified in HTML via a `<link>` tag - importing style files in JavaScript - resolves source asset files in HTML attributes and in the CSS `url()`, without using [resolve-url-loader]( - supports styles used in `*.vue` files - generated HTML contains output filenames - supports the module types `asset/resource` `asset/inline` `asset` `asset/source` ([\*](#note-asset-source)) - [inline CSS](#recipe-inline-css) in HTML - [inline JavaScript](#recipe-inline-js) in HTML - [inline image](#recipe-inline-image) as `base64 encoded` data-URL for PNG, JPG, etc. in HTML and CSS - [inline SVG](#recipe-inline-image) as SVG tag in HTML, e.g.: `<svg>...</svg>` - [inline SVG](#recipe-inline-image) as `utf-8` data-URL in CSS, e.g.: `url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg>...</svg>")` - auto generation of `<link rel="preload">` to [preload assets](#option-preload) - supports the `auto` [publicPath](#webpack-option-output-publicpath) - enable/disable [extraction of comments](#option-extract-comments) to `*.LICENSE.txt` file - supports template engines such as [Eta](, [EJS](, [Handlebars](, [Nunjucks](, [Pug](, [TwigJS](, [LiquidJS]( and others - supports a [template function](#template-in-js) for usage in JS on the client-side - supports both `async` and `sync` [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor-custom) - auto processing multiple HTML templates using the [entry path](#option-entry-path) - [pass data](#option-entry-advanced) into template from the plugin config - dynamically loading template variables using the [data](#loader-option-data) option, change data w/o restarting - generates the `integrity hashes` and adds the [integrity](#option-integrity) attribute to the `link` and `script` tags - [minification](#option-minify) of generated HTML - allows extending base functionality using [hooks & callbacks](#plugin-hooks-and-callbacks) - [generates favicons](#favicons-bundler-plugin) of different sizes for various platforms and injects them into HTML <a id="note-asset-source" name="note-asset-source"></a> (\*) - `asset/source` works currently for SVG only, in a next version will work for other files too <a id="list-of-plugins" name="list-of-plugins"></a> #### Why do many developers switch from Webpack to other bundlers? One of the reasons they cite is the complex configuration many different plugins and loaders for one simple thing - rendering an HTML page with assets. The HTML bundler plugin "changes the rule of the game", making configuration very simple and clear. Just one plugin replaces the functionality of the plugins and loaders: | Package | Features | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------| | [html-webpack-plugin]( | creates HTML and inject `script` tag for compiled JS file into HTML | | [mini-css-extract-plugin]( | injects `link` tag for processed CSS file into HTML | | [webpack-remove-empty-scripts]( | removes generated empty JS files | | [html-loader]( | exports HTML, resolving attributes | | [style-loader]( | injects an inline CSS into HTML | | [html-webpack-inject-preload]( | inject preload link tags | | [preload-webpack-plugin]( | inject preload link tags | | [html-webpack-inline-source-plugin]( | inline JS and CSS into HTML | | [html-inline-css-webpack-plugin]( | inline CSS into HTML | | [posthtml-inline-svg]( | injects an inline SVG icon into HTML | | [resolve-url-loader]( | resolves a relative URL in CSS | | [svg-url-loader]( | encodes a SVG data-URL as utf8 | | [webpack-subresource-integrity ]( | enables Subresource Integrity | | [favicons-webpack-plugin ]( | generates favicons and icons | | [handlebars-webpack-plugin]( | renders Handlebars templates | | [handlebars-loader]( | compiles Handlebars templates | | [pug-loader]( | compiles Pug templates | | [nunjucks-loader]( | compiles Nunjucks templates | #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="webpack-options" name="webpack-options"></a> ## Webpack options Important Webpack options used to properly configure this plugin. <a id="webpack-option-output" name="webpack-options-output"></a> <a id="webpack-option-output-path" name="webpack-options-output-path"></a> ### `output.path` Type: `string` Default: `path.join(process.cwd(), 'dist')` The root output directory for all processed files, as an absolute path.\ You can omit this option, then all generated files will be saved under `dist/` in your project directory. <a id="webpack-option-output-publicpath" name="webpack-options-output-publicpath"></a> ### `output.publicPath` Type: `string|function` Default: `auto` The value of the option is prefixed to every URL created by this plugin. If the value is not the empty string or `auto`, then the option must end with `/`. The possible values: - `publicPath: 'auto'` - automatically determines a path of an asset relative of their issuer. The generated HTML page can be opened directly form the local directory and all js, css and images will be loaded in a browser. - `publicPath: ''` - a path relative to an HTML page, in the same directory. The resulting path is different from a path generated with `auto`. - `publicPath: '/'` - a path relative to `document root` directory on a server - `publicPath: '/assets/'` - a sub path relative to `document root` directory on a server - `publicPath: '//'` - an external URL with the same protocol (`http://` or `https://`) - `publicPath: ''` - an external URL with the `https://` protocol only <a id="webpack-option-output-filename" name="webpack-options-output-filename"></a> ### `output.filename` Type: `string|function` Default: `[name].js` The output name of a generated JS file.\ Highly recommended to define the filename in the Plugin option [`js.filename`](#option-js). The output name of a generated CSS file is determined in the Plugin option [`css.filename`](#option-css). Define output JS and CSS filenames in the Plugin option, in one place: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ js: { // define the output name of a generated JS file here filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', }, css: { // define the output name of a generated CSS file here filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', }, }), ], }; ``` <a id="webpack-option-entry" name="webpack-options-entry"></a> ### `entry` The starting point to build the bundle. > **Note** > > Using this plugin an `entry point` is an HTML template. > All script and style source files must be specified in the HTML template. You can use the Webpack `entry` option to define HTML templates, but it is highly recommended to define all templates in plugin option [`entry`](#option-entry), because it has an additional `data` property (not available in the Webpack entry) to pass custom variables into the HTML template. For details see the [plugin option `entry`](#option-entry). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="build-in-plugins" name="build-in-plugins"></a> ## Build-in Plugins There are the most useful plugins available "out of the box". The build-in plugins maintained by the HtmlBundlerPlugin. All build-in plugins are in the `/plugins` subdirectory of the HtmlBundlerPlugin. ### FaviconsBundlerPlugin <a id="favicons-bundler-plugin" name="favicons-bundler-plugin"></a> The [FaviconsBundlerPlugin]( generates favicons for different devices and injects favicon tags into HTML head. #### Install This plugin requires the additional [favicons]( package. ``` npm install favicons -D ``` #### Config ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); const { FaviconsBundlerPlugin } = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin/plugins'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { // source favicon file must be specified directly in HTML using link tag index: './src/views/index.html', }, }), // add the favicons plugin new FaviconsBundlerPlugin({ enabled: 'auto', // true, false, auto - generate favicons in production mode only // favicons configuration options, see faviconOptions: { path: '/img/favicons', // favicons output path relative to webpack output.path icons: { android: true, // Create Android homescreen icon. appleIcon: true, // Create Apple touch icons. appleStartup: false, // Create Apple startup images. favicons: true, // Create regular favicons. windows: false, // Create Windows 8 tile icons. yandex: false, // Create Yandex browser icon. }, }, }), ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|ico|svg)$/, type: 'asset/resource', }, ], }, }; ``` #### FaviconsBundlerPlugin options - `enabled: boolean | 'auto'`\ if is `'auto'` then generate favicons in production mode only, in development mode will be used original favicon processed via webpack asset module. - `faviconOptions: FaviconOptions` - options of the [favicons]( module. See [configuration options]( #### Usage The source file of your favicon must be specified directly in HTML as the `link` tag with `rel="icon"` attribute. If the FaviconsBundlerPlugin is disabled or as `auto` in development mode, then the source favicon file will be processed via `webpack`. If the FaviconsBundlerPlugin is enabled or as `auto` in production mode, then the source favicon file will be processed via `favicons` module and the original `link` tag with favicon will be replaced with generated favicon tags. For example, there is the _src/views/index.html_ ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- source favicon file relative to this HTML file, or use a webpack alias --> <link href="./myFavicon.png" rel="icon" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` The generated HTML when FaviconsBundlerPlugin is `disabled`: ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- output favicon file --> <link href="assets/img/myFavicon.1234abcd.png" rel="icon" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` The generated HTML when FaviconsBundlerPlugin is `enabled`: ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- original tag is replaced with tags generated by favicons module --> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="1024x1024" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-1024x1024.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-114x114.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="120x120" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="144x144" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-144x144.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="152x152" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="167x167" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-167x167.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-180x180.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="57x57" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-57x57.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="60x60" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-60x60.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-72x72.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="/img/favicons/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/img/favicons/favicon-16x16.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/img/favicons/favicon-32x32.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="48x48" href="/img/favicons/favicon-48x48.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/img/favicons/favicon.ico"> <link rel="manifest" href="/img/favicons/manifest.webmanifest"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="My App"> <meta name="application-name" content="My App"> <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#fff"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="third-party-plugins" name="third-party-plugins"></a> ## Third-party Plugins The third-party plugins not maintained by the HtmlBundlerPlugin. It potentially does not have the same support, security policy or license as [Build-in Plugins](#build-in-plugins). You can create own plugin using the [plugin hooks](#plugin-hooks-and-callbacks). As a reference plugin, you can use the [FaviconsBundlerPlugin]( If you have a useful plugin, create a PR with the link to you plugin. The plugin name must end with `-bundler-plugin`, e.g. `hello-world-bundler-plugin`. _Currently there are no plugins yet. Be the first to create one._ #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="plugin-hooks-and-callbacks" name="plugin-hooks-and-callbacks"></a> ## Hooks & Callbacks Using hooks and callbacks, you can extend the functionality of this plugin. The `hook` can be defined in an external plugin. The `callback` is defined as an option in the HTMLBundlerPlugin. Most hooks have a callback with the same name. Each callback is called after hook with the same name. So with a callback, you can change the result of the hook. #### When using `callbacks` If you have small code just for your project or are doing debugging, you can use callbacks. #### When using `hooks` Using hooks you can create your own plugin. _How the plugin works under the hood._ <center> <img width="765" style="max-width: 100%;" src="" alt="HTMLBundlerPlugin hooks & callbacks"> </center> ### How to use hooks The simplest way, add the `{ apply() { ... } }` object to the array of the Webpack plugins: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/index.html', }, }), // your plugin { apply(compiler) { const pluginName = 'MyPlugin'; compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(pluginName, (compilation) => { const hooks = HtmlBundlerPlugin.getHooks(compilation); // modify generated HTML of the index.html template hooks.beforeEmit.tap(pluginName, (content, { name, sourceFile, assetFile }) => { return content.replace('something...', 'other...') }); }); }, }, ], }; ``` You can use this template as the basis for your own plugin: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); class MyPlugin { pluginName = 'my-plugin'; options = {}; /** * @param {{ enabled: boolean | 'auto'}} options The options of your plugin. */ constructor(options = {}) { this.options = options; } apply(compiler) { // you can use the API of the HtmlBundlerPlugin.option const enabled = HtmlBundlerPlugin.option.toBool(this.options?.enabled, true, 'auto'); const outputPath = HtmlBundlerPlugin.option.getWebpackOutputPath(); if (!enabled) { return; } const { pluginName } = this; const { webpack } = compiler; // instance of the Webpack const fs = compiler.inputFileSystem.fileSystem; // instance of the Webpack FyleSystem // start your plugin from the webpack compilation hook compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(pluginName, (compilation) => { const hooks = HtmlBundlerPlugin.getHooks(compilation); // usage of the sync, async and promise hooks // sync hook hooks.<hookName>.tap(pluginName, (...arguments) => { // do somthing here ... const result = 'your result'; // return the result return result; }); // async hook hooks.<hookName>.tapAsync(pluginName, (...arguments, callback) => { // do somthing here ... const result = 'your result'; // call the callback function to resolve the async hook callback(result); }); // promise hook hooks.<hookName>.tapPromise(pluginName, (...arguments) => { // do somthing here ... const result = 'your result'; // return the promise with the result return Promise.resolve(result); }); }); } } module.exports = MyPlugin; ``` Then add your plugin in the webpack config: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); const MyBundlerPlugin = require('my-bundler-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/index.html', }, }), // your plugin new MyBundlerPlugin({ enabled: true }); ], }; ``` For an example implementation see [FaviconsBundlerPlugin]( #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-beforePreprocessor" name="hook-beforePreprocessor"></a> ### `beforePreprocessor` ```ts AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[ content: string, loaderContext: LoaderContext<Object> & { data: { [key: string]: any } | string } ]>; ``` For details on `AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook` see the [hook interface]( For details on hook parameters, see in the [beforePreprocessor](#loader-option-before-preprocessor) callback option. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-preprocessor" name="hook-preprocessor"></a> ### `preprocessor` ```ts AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[ content: string, loaderContext: LoaderContext<Object> & { data: { [key: string]: any } | string } ]>; ``` For details on `AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook` see the [hook interface]( For details on hook parameters, see in the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor-custom) callback option. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-resolveSource" name="hook-resolveSource"></a> ### `resolveSource` ```ts SyncWaterfallHook<[ source: string, info: { type: 'style' | 'script' | 'asset'; tag: string; attribute: string; value: string; resolvedFile: string; issuer: string }, ]>; ``` _no calback_ Called after resolving of a source attribute defined by [source](#loader-option-sources) loader option. For details on `SyncWaterfallHook` see the [hook interface]( Hook parameters: - `source` - a source of the tag where are parsed attributes, e.g. `<link href="./favicon.png" rel="icon">` - `info` - an object with parsed information: - `type` - the type of the tag - `tag` - the tag name, e.g. `'link'`, `'script'`, `'img'`, etc. - `attribute` - the attribute name, e.g. `'src'`, `'href'`, etc. - `value` - the attribute value - `resolvedFile` - the resolved file from the value - `issuer` - the template file Return a string to override the resolved value of the attribute or `undefined` to keep the resolved value. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-postprocess" name="hook-postprocess"></a> ### `postprocess` ```ts AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[content: string, info: TemplateInfo]>; ``` For details on `AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook` see the [hook interface]( For details on hook parameters, see in the [postprocess](#option-postprocess) callback option. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-beforeEmit" name="hook-beforeEmit"></a> ### `beforeEmit` ```ts AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[content: string, entry: CompileEntry]>; ``` For details on `AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook` see the [hook interface]( For details on hook parameters, see in the [beforeEmit](#option-beforeEmit) callback option. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-afterEmit" name="hook-afterEmit"></a> ### `afterEmit` ```ts AsyncSeriesHook<[entries: CompileEntries]>; ``` For details on `AsyncSeriesHook` see the [hook interface]( For details on hook parameters, see in the [afterEmit](#option-afterEmit) callback option. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="hook-integrity-hashes" name="hook-integrity-hashes"></a> ### `integrityHashes` ```ts AsyncSeriesHook<{ // the map of the output asset filename to its integrity hash hashes: Map<string, string>; }>; ``` Called after all assets have been processed and hashes have finite values and cannot be changed, at the `afterEmit` stage. This can be used to retrieve the integrity values for the asset files. For details on `AsyncSeriesHook` see the [hook interface]( Callback Parameter: `hashes` is the map of the output asset filename to its integrity hash. The map only contains JS and CSS assets that have a hash. You can write your own plugin, for example, to extract integrity values into the separate file: ```js const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { output: { crossOriginLoading: 'anonymous', // required for Subresource Integrity }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/index.html', }, js: { filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].js', chunkFilename: '[name].[contenthash:8].chunk.js', }, css: { filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].css', chunkFilename: '[name].[contenthash:8].chunk.css', }, integrity: 'auto', }), // your plugin to extract the integrity values { apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('MyPlugin', (compilation) => { const hooks = HtmlBundlerPlugin.getHooks(compilation); hooks.integrityHashes.tapAsync( 'MyPlugin', (hashes) => Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (hashes.size > 0) { const saveAs = path.join(__dirname, 'dist/integrity.json'); const json = Object.fromEntries(hashes); fs.writeFileSync(saveAs, JSON.stringify(json, null, ' ')); // => save to file console.log(hashes); // => output to console } }) ); } ); }, }, ], }; ``` The content of the `dist/integrity.json` file looks like: ``` { "815.49b3d882.chunk.js": "sha384-dBK6nNrKKk2KjQLYmHZu6tuWwp7kBzzEvdX+4Ni11UzxO2VHvP4A22E/+mmeduul", "main.9c043cce.js": "sha384-AbfLh7mk6gCp0nhkXlAnOIzaHeJSB8fcV1/wT/FWBHIDV7Blg9A0sukZ4nS3xjtR" "main.dc4ea4af.chunk.css": "sha384-W/pO0vwqqWBj4lq8nfe+kjrP8Z78smCBttkCvx1SYKrVI4WEdJa6W6i0I2hoc1t7", "style.47f4da55.css": "sha384-gaDmgJjLpipN1Jmuc98geFnDjVqWn1fixlG0Ab90qFyUIJ4ARXlKBsMGumxTSu7E", } ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="plugin-options" name="plugin-options"></a> ## Plugin options <a id="option-test" name="option-test"></a> ### `test` Type: `RegExp` Default: `/\.(html|eta)$/` The `test` option allows to handel only those templates as entry points that match the name of the source file. For example, if you have other templates, e.g. `*.liquid`, as entry points, then you can set the option to match custom template files: `test: /\.(html|liquid)$/`. The `test` value is used in the [default loader](#loader-options). > **Note** > > Using the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) options will be added the templating engine extensions in the `test` automatically. > Defaults `preprocessor` is [Eta](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta) therefore is used the `/\.(html|eta)$/` RegExp. > > For example, if you define the preprocessor option as the [handlebars](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-handlebars), then will be used the `/\.(html|hbs|handlebars)$/` RegExp automatically. **Why is it necessary to define it? Can't it be automatically processed?** This plugin is very powerful and has many experimental features not yet documented. One of the next features will be the processing scripts and styles as entry points for library bundles without templates. To do this, the plugin must differentiate between a template entry point and a script/style entry point. This plugin can completely replace the functionality of `mini-css-extract-plugin` and `webpack-remove-empty-scripts` in future. <a id="option-entry" name="option-entry"></a> ### `entry` Type: `EntryObject | Array<EntryDescription> | string`. The `EntryObject` is identical to [Webpack entry]( plus additional `data` property to pass custom variables into the HTML template. Specify template files as entry points in the `entry` option. An HTML template is a starting point for collecting all the dependencies used in your web application. Specify source scripts (JS, TS) and styles (CSS, SCSS, LESS, etc.) directly in HTML. The plugin automatically extracts JS and CSS whose source files are specified in an HTML template. ```ts type EntryObject = { [name: string]: EntryDescription | string; }; ``` The key of the `EntryObject` is the `output filename` without an extension, relative to the [`outputPath`](#option-outputpath) option. #### Simple syntax When the entry point value is a `string`, it must be an absolute or relative template file. For example: ```js { entry: { index: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/home/index.html'), // => dist/index.html 'news/sport': 'src/views/news/sport/index.html', // => dist/news/sport.html }, } ``` <a id="option-entry-advanced" name="option-entry-advanced"></a> #### Advanced syntax If you need to pass data to a template or want to dynamically generate an output filename regardless of the entry key, you can define the value of an entry as an `EntryDescription` object. ```ts type EntryDescription = { /** * Template file, relative of context or absolute. */ import: string; /** * Specifies the filename of the output file. */ filename?: FilenameTemplate; /** * The template data. */ data?: { [key: string]: any } | string; }; type FilenameTemplate = | string | ((pathData: import('webpack/Compilation').PathData, assetInfo?: import('webpack/Compilation').AssetInfo) => string); ``` ##### `import` The `import` is a path to a template file, absolute or relative to the Webpack `context` option. ##### `filename` When the `filename` is defined as a `string`, it will be used as the output html filename. In this case, the entry key can be any unique string. For example: ```js { entry: { page01: { import: 'src/views/news/sport/index.html', // <= source template filename: 'news/sport.html', // => output ./dist/news/sport.html }, }, } ``` When the `filename` is defined as a [template string](, then the entry key will be used as the `[name]` in the `template string`. Defaults, the [filename](#option-filename) is the `[name].html` template string. For example: ```js { entry: { 'news/sport': { import: 'src/views/news/sport/index.html', // <= source template filename: '[name].html', // => output ./dist/news/sport.html }, }, } ``` The example above is equivalent to the simple syntax: ```js { entry: { 'news/sport': 'src/views/news/sport/index.html', }, } ``` <a id="option-entry-data" name="option-entry-data"></a> ##### `data` The `data` is passed into [`preprocessor`](#loader-option-preprocessor) to render the template with variables. When the `data` is an `object`, it will be loaded once with Webpack start. After changing the data, you **need to restart Webpack**. For example: ```js { entry: { index: { import: 'src/views/index.html', // pass data as an object data: { title: 'Home', } }, } ``` When the `data` is a `string`, it must be an absolute or relative path to a file. The file can be a `JSON` file or a `JS` file that exports the data as an object. Use the `data` as a file if you want to get dynamic data in a template. The data file will be reloaded after changes, **without restarting Webpack**. For example: ```js { entry: { index: { import: 'src/views/index.html', // load data from JSON file data: 'src/data/home.json', }, }, } ``` The data file _src/data/home.json_: ```json { "title": "Home" } ``` To pass global variables in all templates use the [data](#loader-option-data) loader option. > **Note** > > You can define templates both in Webpack `entry` and in the `entry` option of the plugin. The syntax is identical. > But the `data` property can only be used in the `entry` option of the plugin. <a id="option-entry-array" name="option-entry-array"></a> #### Entry as an array If the `entry` is the array of the `EntryDescription` then the `filename` property is required. ```js { entry: [ { filename: 'index.html', // => output filename dist/index.html import: 'src/views/index.html', // template file data: { title: 'Homepage' }, // page specifically variables }, { filename: 'about.html', import: 'src/views/about.html', data: { title: 'About' }, }, { filename: 'news/sport.html', import: 'src/views/news/sport.html', data: { title: 'Sport' }, }, ], } ``` <a id="option-entry-object" name="option-entry-object"></a> #### Entry as an object The absolute equivalent to the example above using an object is: ```js { entry: { index: { // => output filename dist/index.html import: 'src/views/index.html', // template file data: { title: 'Homepage' }, // page specifically variables }, about: { import: 'src/views/about.html', data: { title: 'About' }, }, 'news/sport': { import: 'src/views/news/sport.html', data: { title: 'Sport' }, }, }, } ``` The difference between **object** and **array** notation: - Using the **object** notation the output **filename** is the key of the entry item without the `.html` file extension. - Using the **array** notation the output **filename** is the `filename` property of the array item contained the file with `.html` file extension. <a id="option-entry-path" name="option-entry-path"></a> #### Entry as a path to templates You can define the entry as a path to recursively detect all templates from that directory. When the value of the `entry` is a string, it must be an absolute or relative path to the templates' directory. Templates matching the [test](#option-test) option are detected recursively from the path. The output files will have the same folder structure as source template directory. For example, there are files in the template directory `./src/views/` ``` ./src/views/index.html ./src/views/about/index.html ./src/views/news/sport/index.html ./src/views/news/sport/script.js ./src/views/news/sport/style.scss ... ``` Define the entry option as the relative path to pages: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: 'src/views/', }); ``` Files that are not matching to the [test](#option-test) option are ignored. The output HTML filenames keep their source structure in the output directory relative to the entry path: ``` ./dist/index.html ./dist/about/index.html ./dist/news/sport/index.html ... ``` If you need to modify the output HTML filename, use the [filename](#option-filename) option as the function. For example, we want keep a source structure for all pages, while `./src/views/home/index.html` should not be saved as `./dist/home/index.htm`, but as `./dist/index.htm`: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ // path to templates entry: 'src/views/', filename: ({ filename, chunk: { name } }) => { // transform 'home/index' filename to output file 'index.html' if (name === 'home/index') { return 'index.html'; // save as index.html in output directory } // bypass the original structure return '[name].html'; }, }); ``` > **Note** > > In serve/watch mode, you can add/delete/rename a template file in the entry path without restarting Webpack. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-entry-filter" name="option-entry-filter"></a> ### `entryFilter` Filter to process only matching template files. This option works only if the [entry](#option-entry-path) option is a path. Type: ```ts type entryFilter = | RegExp | Array<RegExp> | { includes?: Array<RegExp>; excludes?: Array<RegExp> } | ((file: string) => void | false); ``` Default value: ```ts { includes: [ /\.(html|eta)$/, ], excludes: [] } ``` The default `includes` property depends on the used [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) option. Each preprocessor has its own filter to include from the entry path only relevant template files. #### `entryFilter` as `RegExp` The filter works as `include` only files that match the regular expressions. For example: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: 'src/views/pages/', entryFilter: /index\.html$/, // render only `index.html` files in all sub dirs }) ``` #### `entryFilter` as `Array<RegExp>` The filter works as `include` only files that match one of the regular expressions. For example: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: 'src/views/pages/', entryFilter: [ // render only page specifically files, e.g.: `index.html`, `contact.html`, `about.html` /index\.html$/, /contact\.html$/, /about\.html$/, ], }) ``` #### `entryFilter` as `{ includes: Array<RegExp>, excludes: Array<RegExp> }` The filter includes only files that match one of the regular expressions, except excluded files. For example: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: 'src/views/pages/', entryFilter: { includes: [/\.(html|eta)$/,], // render all `.html` and `.eta` template files excludes: [/partial/], // except partial files }, }) ``` #### `entryFilter` as `callback` In addition to the default `includes` filter, this filter works as `exclude` a file if it returns `false`. If the callback returns `true` or nothing, then the file will be processed. For example: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: 'src/views/pages/', entryFilter: (file) => { if (/partial/.test(file)) return false; // ignore files containing the `partial` in the path }, }) ``` The `file` argument is the absolute path of a template file. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-outputpath" name="option-outputpath"></a> ### `outputPath` Type: `string` Default: webpack `output.path` The output directory for generated HTML files only. This directory can be absolute or relative to webpack `output.path`. For example, here are html and js files: ``` src/index.html src/main.js ``` _src/index.html_ ```html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="./main.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` There is webpack config: ```js const path = require('path'); const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/'), // the root output directory for all assets }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ // absoulte html output directory outputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/example/'), // OR relative to output.path // outputPath: 'example/', entry: { index: './src/index.html', // => dist/example/index.html }, js: { filename: '[name].bundle.js', outputPath: 'assets/js/', // output path for js files, relative to output.path }, }), ], }; ``` The processed files in the output directory: ``` dist/example/index.html dist/assets/js/main.bundle.js ``` The generated _dist/example/index.html_: ```html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="../assets/js/main.bundle.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` > **Warning** > > The `outputPath` is NOT used for output assets (js, css, images, etc.). <a id="option-filename" name="option-filename"></a> ### `filename` Type: `string | Function` Default: `[name].html` The HTML output filename relative to the [`outputPath`](#option-outputpath) option. If type is `string` then following substitutions (see [output.filename]( for chunk-level) are available in template string: - `[id]` The ID of the chunk. - `[name]` The filename without extension or path. - `[contenthash]` The hash of the content. - `[contenthash:nn]` The `nn` is the length of hashes (defaults to 20). If type is `Function` then following arguments are available in the function: - `@param {PathData} pathData` has the useful properties (see the [type PathData]( - `pathData.filename` the absolute path to source file - `` the name of entry key - `@return {string}` The name or template string of output file. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-js" name="option-js"></a> ### `js` Type: ```ts type JsOptions = { filename?: FilenameTemplate; chunkFilename?: FilenameTemplate; outputPath?: string; inline?: 'auto' | boolean | JsInlineOptions; }; type JsInlineOptions = { enabled?: 'auto' | boolean; chunk?: RegExp | Array<RegExp>; source?: RegExp | Array<RegExp>; attributeFilter?: (props: { attribute: string; value: string; attributes: { [attributeName: string]: string }; }) => boolean | void; }; ``` Default properties: ```js { filename: '[name].js', chunkFilename: '[id].js', outputPath: null, inline: false, } ``` - `filename` - an output filename of JavaScript. Details see by [filename option](#option-filename). - `chunkFilename` - an output filename of non-initial chunk files. Details see by [chunkFilename]( - `outputPath` - an output path of JavaScript. Details see by [outputPath option](#option-outputpath). The `inline` property allows to inline compiled JavaScript chunks into HTML. If `inline` is `'auto'` or `boolean`, available values: - `false` - stores JavaScript in an output file (**defaults**) - `true` - adds JavaScript to the DOM by injecting a `<script>` tag - `'auto'` - in `development` mode - adds to DOM, in `production` mode - stores as a file If `inline` is an `object`: - `enabled` - has the values: `true` (**defaults**), `false` or `'auto'`, descriptsion see above,\ if the `enabled` is undefined, then using the `inline` as the `object`, the value is `true` - `chunk` - inlines the single chunk when output chunk filename matches a regular expression(s) - `source` - inlines all chunks when source filename matches a regular expression(s) - `attributeFilter` - filter function to keep/remove attributes for inlined script tag. If undefined, all attributes will be removed.\ Destructed arguments: - `attribute` - attribute name - `value` - attribute value - `attributes` - all attributes of the script tag Return: - `true` - keep the attribute in the inlined script tag - `false` or `undefined` - remove the attribute You can use both the `chunk` and the `source` options, then there will be inlined chunks matching regular expressions with `OR` logic. For example, there is used the `optimization.splitChunks` and we want to inline only the small webpack runtime chunk but other JS chunks of the same split `app.js` file should be saved to chunk files, then use the following inline option: ```js js: { filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', inline: { chunk: [/runtime.+[.]js/], }, }, ``` Then the `app.js` file will be split to many output chunks in the `dist/` directory, e.g.: ``` js/325.xxxxxxxx.js -> save as file js/545.xxxxxxxx.js -> save as file js/app.xxxxxxxx.js -> save as file runtime.xxxxxxxx.js -> inline the chunk into HTML and NOT save as file ``` The single `runtime.xxxxxxxx.js` chunk will be injected into HTML, other chunks will be saved to output directory. > **Note** > > The `filename` and `chunkFilename` options are the same as in Webpack `output` options, just defined in one place along with other relevant plugin options. > You don't need to define them in the in Webpack `output` options anymore. Keep the config clean & clear. To keep some original script tag attributes in the inlined script tag, use the `attributeFilter`. For example, there is a script tag with attributes: ```html <script id="js-main" src="./main.js" defer></script> ``` Use the `attributeFilter`: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ // ... js: { inline: { attributeFilter: ({ attributes, attribute, value }) => { if (attribute === 'id') return true; }, }, }, } ``` The inlined tag contains the `id` attribute, but the `src` and `defer` are removed: ```html <script id="js-main"> // inlined JavaScript code </script> ``` All source script files specified in `<script src="...">` are automatically resolved, and JS will be extracted to output file. The source filename will be replaced with the output filename. For example: ```html <script src="./main.js"></script> ``` The default JS output filename is `[name].js`. You can specify your own filename using [webpack filename substitutions]( ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ js: { filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', }, }), ], }; ``` The `[name]` is the base filename script. For example, if source file is `main.js`, then output filename will be `js/main.1234abcd.js`.\ If you want to have a different output filename, you can use the `filename` options as the [function]( The `chunkFilename` option only takes effect if you have the `optimization.splitChunks` option. For example: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, js: { filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', chunkFilename: 'js/[id].[contenthash:8].js', }, }), ], optimization: { splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { scripts: { test: /\.(js|ts)$/, // <= IMPORTANT: split only JS files chunks: 'all', }, }, }, }, }; ``` > **Warning** > > Webpack tries to split and concatenate chunks of all files (templates, styles, scripts) into jumbles. > Therefore, the `test` option `MUST` be specified to match only source JS files, otherwise Webpack will generate **invalid output files**. Also see [How to keep package name for split chunks from **node_modules**](#recipe-split-chunks-keep-module-name). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-css" name="option-css"></a> ### `css` Type: ```ts type CssOptions = { test?: RegExp; filename?: FilenameTemplate; chunkFilename?: FilenameTemplate; outputPath?: string; inline?: 'auto' | boolean; }; ``` Default properties: ```js { test: /\.(css|scss|sass|less|styl)$/, filename: '[name].css', chunkFilename: '[name].css', outputPath: null, inline: false, } ``` - `test` - an RegEpx to process all source styles that pass test assertion - `filename` - an output filename of extracted CSS. Details see by [filename option](#option-filename). - `chunkFilename` - an output filename of non-initial chunk files, e.g., a style file imported in JavaScript. - `outputPath` - an output path of extracted CSS. Details see by [outputPath option](#option-outputpath). - `inline` - inlines extracted CSS into HTML, available values: - `false` - stores CSS in an output file (**defaults**) - `true` - adds CSS to the DOM by injecting a `<style>` tag - `'auto'` - in `development` mode - adds to DOM, in `production` mode - stores as a file All source style files specified in `<link href="..." rel="stylesheet">` are automatically resolved, and CSS will be extracted to output file. The source filename will be replaced with the output filename. For example: ```html <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> ``` > **Warning** > > Don't import source styles in JavaScript. Styles should be specified directly in HTML.\ > Don't define source JS files in Webpack entry. Scripts must be specified directly in HTML. The default CSS output filename is `[name].css`. You can specify your own filename using [webpack filename substitutions]( ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ css: { filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', }, }), ], }; ``` The `[name]` is the base filename of a loaded style. For example, if source file is `style.scss`, then output filename will be `css/style.1234abcd.css`.\ If you want to have a different output filename, you can use the `filename` options as the [function]( > **Warning** > > Don't use `mini-css-extract-plugin` because the bundler plugin extracts CSS much faster than other plugins. > > Don't use `resolve-url-loader` because the bundler plugin resolves all URLs in CSS, including assets from node modules. > > Don't use `style-loader` because the bundler plugin can auto inline CSS. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-data" name="option-data"></a> ### `data` Since the `v2.5.0`, the `data` plugin option is the reference to [](#loader-option-data). Now it is possible to define the `data` option directly in the plugin options to simplify the config. The NEW syntactic "sugar": ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/views/home.ejs', }, // new reference to the data: {...}, }), ``` The old syntax is still valid and will never be deprecated: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/views/home.ejs', }, loaderOptions: { // original option is under loaderOptions data: {...}, }, }), ``` Please see the details below under the [data](#loader-option-data) loader options. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-before-preprocessor" name="option-before-preprocessor"></a> ### `beforePreprocessor` Reference to `loaderOption.beforePreprocessor` The plugin option is the reference to [loaderOptions.beforePreprocessor](#loader-option-before-preprocessor). Type: ```ts type BeforePreprocessor = | false | (( content: string, loaderContext: LoaderContext<Object> & { data: { [key: string]: any } | string } ) => string | undefined); ``` Default: `false` The `content` is the raw content of a template. The description of all `loaderContext` attributes see in the [Webpack documentation]( Returns the modified template. If you are not changing the template, you should return `undefined` or not use `return` at all. The callback function called right before the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor). This can be useful when using one of the predefined preprocessors and modifying the raw template or the data passed to the template. For example: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/pages/', }, data: { title: 'Welcome to [sitename] website', }, beforePreprocessor: (content, { resourcePath, data }) => { let sitename = 'Homepage'; if (resourcePath.includes('/about.html')) sitename = 'About'; data.title = data.title.replace('[sitename]', sitename); // modify template data return content.replaceAll('{{old_var}}', '{{new_var}}'); // modify template content }, preprocessor: 'handlebars', // use the templating engine }); ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-preprocessor" name="option-preprocessor"></a> ### `preprocessor` (callback or string) and `preprocessorOptions` The plugin options are the references to [loaderOptions.preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) and [loaderOptions.preprocessorOptions](#loader-option-preprocessorOptions). Now it is possible to define these options directly in the plugin options to simplify the config. The NEW syntactic "sugar": ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/views/home.ejs', }, // new references to options in the loaderOptions preprocessor: 'ejs', preprocessorOptions: {...}, }), ``` The old syntax is still valid and will never be deprecated: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/views/home.ejs', }, loaderOptions: { // original options are under loaderOptions preprocessor: 'ejs', preprocessorOptions: {...}, }, }), ``` Please see the details below under the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) and the [preprocessorOptions](#loader-option-preprocessorOptions) loader options. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-postprocess" name="option-postprocess"></a> ### `postprocess` callback Type: ```ts type postprocess = ( content: string, info: TemplateInfo, compilation: Compilation ) => string | undefined; type TemplateInfo = { name: string; assetFile: string; sourceFile: string; resource: string; outputPath: string; }; ``` Default: `null` Called after the template has been compiled, but not yet finalized, before injection of the split chunks and inline assets. The `postprocess` have the following arguments: - `content: string` - a content of processed file - `info: TemplateInfo` - info about current file - `compilation: Compilation` - the Webpack [compilation object]( The `TemplateInfo` have the following properties: - `name: string` - the entry name - `assetFile: string` - the output asset filename relative to `outputPath` - `sourceFile: string` - the absolute path of the source file, without a query - `resource: string` - the absolute path of the source file, including a query - `outputPath: string` - the absolute path of the output directory Return new content as a `string`. If return `undefined`, the result processed via Webpack plugin is ignored and will be saved a result processed via the loader. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-beforeEmit" name="option-beforeEmit"></a> ### `beforeEmit` callback Type: ```ts type BeforeEmit = ( content: string, entry: CompileEntry, compilation: Compilation ) => string | undefined; type CompileEntry = TemplateInfo & { // assets used in html assets: Array<CompileAsset>; }; ``` Default: `null` Called at the latest stage of the [processAssets]( hook, before emitting. This is the latest stage where you can change the html before it will be saved on the disk. Callback parameters: - `content: string` - the final version html content - `entry: CompileEntry` the information about the entry containing all dependent assets,\ the description of the `TemplateInfo` see by [postprocess](#option-postprocess) - `compilation: Compilation` - the Webpack [compilation object]( Return new content as a `string`. If return `undefined` then content will not be changed. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-afterEmit" name="option-afterEmit"></a> ### `afterEmit` callback Type: ```ts type AfterEmit = ( entries: Array<CompileEntry>, compilation: Compilation ) => Promise<void> | void; ``` Default: `null` Called after emitting assets to output directory. This callback can be useful to create a manifest file containing source and output filenames. Callback parameters: - `entries: Array<CompileEntry>` the collection of entries containing all dependent assets,\ the description of the `CompileEntry` see by [beforeEmit](#option-beforeEmit) - `compilation: Compilation` - the Webpack [compilation object]( #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-preload" name="option-preload"></a> ### `preload` Type: ```ts type Preload = Array<{ test: RegExp; as?: string; rel?: string; type?: string; attributes?: { [attributeName: string]: string | boolean }; }>; ``` Default: `null` Generates and injects preload tags `<link rel="preload">` in the head before all `link` or `script` tags for all matching source assets resolved in templates and styles. The descriptions of the properties: - `test` - an RegEpx to match source asset files. - `as` - a content type, one of `audio` `document` `embed` `font` `image` `object` `script` `style` `track` `video` `worker` - `rel` - a value indicates how to load a resource, one of `preload` `prefetch` , defaults `preload` - `type` - a [MIME type]( of the content.\ Defaults the type is detected automatically, for example: - `picture.png` as `image/png` - `picture.jpg` as `image/jpeg` - `picture.svg` as `image/svg+xml` - `film.mp4` as `video/mp4` - `film.ogv` as `video/ogg` - `film.webm` as `video/webm` - `sound.mp3` as `audio/mpeg` - `sound.oga` as `audio/ogg` - `sound.weba` as `audio/webm` - etc. - `attributes` - an object with additional custom attributes like `crossorigin` `media` etc.,\ e.g. `attributes: { crossorigin: true }`, `attributes: { media: '(max-width: 900px)' }`.\ Defaults `{}`. If you define the `attributes` than you can write the `as`, `rel` and `type` properties in the `attributes`. For example: ```js { test: /\.(ttf|woff2?)$/, attributes: { as: 'font', rel: 'prefetch', crossorigin: true }, }, ``` #### Preload styles ```js preload: [ { test: /\.(css|scss|less)$/, as: 'style', }, ], ``` The generated preload tag like the following: ```html <link rel="preload" href="css/style.1f4faaff.css" as="style" /> ``` #### Preload scripts ```js preload: [ { test: /\.(js|ts)$/, as: 'script', }, ], ``` The generated preload tag like the following: ```html <link rel="preload" href="js/main.c608b1cd.js" as="script" /> ``` #### Preload images To preload all images use the options: ```js preload: [ { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|webp|svg)$/, as: 'image', }, ], ``` The generated preload tags like the following: ```html <link rel="preload" href="img/apple.697ef306.png" as="image" type="image/png" /> <link rel="preload" href="img/lemon.3666c92d.svg" as="image" type="image/svg+xml" /> ``` You can preload images with a URL query, e.g. `image.png?size=640`, using the `media` attribute: ```js preload: [ { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|webp)\?.*size=480/, attributes: { as: 'image', media: '(max-width: 480px)' }, }, { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|webp)\?.*size=640/, attributes: { as: 'image', media: '(max-width: 640px)' }, }, ], ``` > **Note** > > The `media` attribute be useful when used [responsive-loader]( #### Preload fonts ```js preload: [ { test: /\.(ttf|woff2?)$/, attributes: { as: 'font', crossorigin: true }, }, ], ``` > **Note** > > Font preloading requires the `crossorigin` attribute to be set. > See [font preload]( #### Preload tags order The generated preload tags are grouped by content type and sorted in the order of the specified `preload` options. For example, there is an HTML template with specified source assets: ```html <html> <head> <script src="./main.js" defer></script> <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <img src="./apple.png" alt="apple" /> <script src="./app.js"></script> <img src="./lemon.svg" alt="lemon" /> </body> </html> ``` Specify the order of preload tags: ```js preload: [ // 1. preload images { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|webp|svg)$/, as: 'image', }, // 2. preload styles { test: /\.(css|scss)$/, as: 'style', }, // 3. preload scripts { test: /\.(js|ts)$/, as: 'script', }, ], ``` The generated HTML contains the preload tags exactly in the order of `preload` options: ```html <html> <head> <!-- 1. preload images --> <link rel="preload" href="img/apple.697ef306.png" as="image" type="image/png" /> <link rel="preload" href="img/lemon.3666c92d.svg" as="image" type="image/svg+xml" /> <!-- 2. preload styles --> <link rel="preload" href="css/style.1f4faaff.css" as="style" /> <!-- 3. preload scripts --> <link rel="preload" href="js/main.c608b1cd.js" as="script" /> <link rel="preload" href="js/app.2c8d13ac.js" as="script" /> <script src="js/main.c608b1cd.js" defer></script> <link href="css/style.1f4faaff.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <img src="img/apple.697ef306.png" alt="apple" /> <script src="js/app.2c8d13ac.js"></script> <img src="img/lemon.3666c92d.svg" alt="lemon" /> </body> </html> ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-minify" name="option-minify"></a> ### `minify` Type: `'auto'|boolean|Object` Default: `false` For minification generated HTML is used the [html-minifier-terser]( with the following `default options`: ```js { collapseWhitespace: true, keepClosingSlash: true, removeComments: true, removeRedundantAttributes: false, // prevents styling bug when input "type=text" is removed removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, useShortDoctype: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, } ``` Possible values: - `false` - disable minification - `true` - enable minification with default options - `'auto'` - in `development` mode disable minification, in `production` mode enable minification with default options, use [minifyOptions](#option-minify-options) to customize options - `{}` - enable minification with custom options, this object are merged with `default options`\ see [options reference]( <a id="option-minify-options" name="option-minify-options"></a> ### `minifyOptions` Type: `Object` Default: `null` When the [minify](#option-minify) option is set to `'auto'` or `true`, you can configure minification options using the `minifyOptions`. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-extract-comments" name="option-extract-comments"></a> ### `extractComments` Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Whether comments shall be extracted to a separate file like the `*.LICENSE.txt`. By default, the built-in Webpack plugin `TerserWebpackPlugin` extracts the license banner from node modules into a separate `*.LICENSE.txt` file, although this is usually not necessary. Therefore, by default, the Bundler Plugin does not allow extracting comments. This has the same effect as explicitly defining the `extractComments: false` option of the TerserWebpackPlugin. If you want to allow extraction of `*.LICENSE.txt` files, set this option to `true`. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-integrity" name="option-integrity"></a> ### `integrity` Type: `'auto'|boolean|IntegrityOptions` Default: `false` The [subresource integrity hash]( is a cryptographic value of the integrity attribute that used by a browser to verify that the content of an asset has not been manipulated. If the asset has been manipulated, the browser will never load it. The Bundler Plugin generates the integrity hashes and adds the integrity attribute to the `link` and `script` tags when generating HTML. > No additional plugins required. This plugin computes integrity hashes itself. ```ts type IntegrityOptions = { enabled?: 'auto' | boolean; hashFunctions?: HashFunctions | Array<HashFunctions>; }; type HashFunctions = 'sha256' | 'sha384' | 'sha512'; ``` If the `integrity` option is an object, then default options are: ```js { enabled: 'auto', hashFunctions: 'sha384', } ``` > **Note** > > The [W3C recommends]( using the `SHA-384` hash algorithm. The `integrity` or `integrity.enabled` has one of values: - `auto` - enable the integrity when Webpack mode is `production` and disable it when mode is `development` - `true` - enable - `false` - disable The `hashFunctions` option can be a string to specify a single hash function name, or an array to specify multiple hash functions for compatibility with many browsers. > **Warning** > > When used the `integrity` option: > > - The [`js.filename`](#option-js) and [`css.filename`](#option-css) options must contain the `contenthash`. > - The [`output.crossOriginLoading`]( Webpack option must be specified as `'use-credentials'` or `'anonymous'`. > The bundler plugin adds the `crossorigin` attribute with the value defined in the `crossOriginLoading`. > The `crossorigin` attribute tells the browser to request the script with CORS enabled, which is necessary because the integrity check fails without CORS. > - The [`optimization.realContentHash`]( Webpack option must be enabled, is enabled by default in production mode only. > > This requirement is necessary to avoid the case where the browser tries to load a contents of a file from the local cache since the filename has not changed, but the `integrity` value has changed on the server. > In this case, the browser will not load the file because the `integrity` of the cached file computed by the browser will not match the `integrity` attribute computed on the server. Add the `integrity` option in the Webpack config: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { output: { // required for `integrity` to work in the browser crossOriginLoading: 'anonymous', }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', // template where are included link and script tags }, js: { filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].js', // the filename must contains a contenthash }, css: { filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].js', // the filename must contains a contenthash }, integrity: 'auto', // enable in `production`, disable in `development` mode }), ], }; ``` The source HTML template _src/views/index.html_: ```html <html> <head> <!-- include source style --> <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- include source script --> <script src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` The generated HTML contains the integrity hashes: ```html <html> <head> <link href="style.1234abcd.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-gaDmgJjLpipN1Jmuc98geFnDjVqWn1fixlG0Ab90qFyUIJ4ARXlKBsMGumxTSu7E" crossorigin="anonymous" /> <script src="main.abcd1234.js" defer="defer" integrity="sha384-E4IoJ3Xutt/6tUVDjvtPwDTTlCfU5oG199UoqWShFCNx6mb4tdpcPLu7sLzNc8Pe" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` #### `integrityHashes` hook For details see the [integrityHashes hook](#hook-integrity-hashes). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-watch-files" name="option-watch-files"></a> ### `watchFiles` Type: ```ts type WatchFiles = { paths?: Array<string>; files?: Array<RegExp>; ignore?: Array<RegExp>; }; ``` Default: ```js watchFiles: { paths: ['./src'], files: [/\.(html|ejs|eta)$/], ignore: [ /[\\/](node_modules|dist|test)$/, // ignore standard project dirs /[\\/]\..+$/, // ignore hidden dirs and files, e.g.: .git, .idea, .gitignore, etc. /package(?:-lock)*\.json$/, // ingnore npm files /webpack\.(.+)\.js$/, // ignore Webpack config files /\.(je?pg|png|ico|webp|svg|woff2?|ttf|otf|eot)$/, // ignore binary assets ], } ``` Allows to configure paths and files to watch file changes for rebuild in `watch` or `serv` mode. > **Note** > > To watch changes with a `live reload` in the browser, you must additionally configure the `watchFiles` in `devServer`, > see [setup live reload](#setup-live-reload). #### Properties: - `paths` - A list of relative or absolute paths to directories where should be watched `files`.\ The watching path for each template defined in the entry will be autodetect as the first level subdirectory of the template relative to the project's root path. E.g., the template `./src/views/index.html` has the watching path of `./src`. - `files` - Watch the files specified in `paths`, except `ignore`, that match the regular expressions. Defaults, are watched only files that match the [`test`](#option-test) plugin option. - `ignore` - Ignore the specified paths or files, that match the regular expressions. For example, all source files are in the `./src` directory, while some partials included in a template are in `./vendor/` directory, then add it to the `paths`: ```js watchFiles: { paths: ['vendor'], }, ``` If you want watch changes in some special files used in your template that are only loaded through the template engine, add them to the `files` property: ```js watchFiles: { paths: ['vendor'], files: [ /data\.(js|json)$/, ], }, ``` To exclude watching of files defined in `paths` and `files`, you can use the `ignore` property. This option has the prio over paths and files. > **Note** > > To display all watched files, enable the [`verbose`](#option-verbose) option. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-hot-update" name="option-hot-update"></a> ### `hotUpdate` Type: `boolean` Default: `false` If the value is `true`, then in the `serve` or `watch` mode, the `hot-update.js` file is injected into each generated HTML file to enable the live reloading. Use this options only if you don't have a referenced source file of a script in html. > **Note** > > The `` must be `true`. If you already have a js file in html, this setting should be `false` as Webpack automatically injects the hot update code into the compiled js file. Also see [Setup Live Reload](#setup-live-reload). <a id="option-verbose" name="option-verbose"></a> ### `verbose` Type: `'auto'|boolean` Default: `false` The verbose option allows displaying in the console the processing information about extracted resources. All resources are grouped by their issuers. Possible values: - `false` - do not display information - `true` - display information - `auto` - in `development` mode enable verbose, in `production` mode disable verbose > **Note** > > If you want to colorize the console output in your app, use the best Node.js lib [ansis][ansis]. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="option-loader-options" name="option-loader-options"></a> ### `loaderOptions` This is the reference to the [loader options](#loader-options). You can specify loader options here in the plugin options to avoid explicitly defining the `HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader` in `module.rules`. The `HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader` will be added automatically. For example, both configurations are functionally identical: _1) the variant using the `loaderOptions`_, **recommended** for common use cases: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.ejs', }, // compile a template into HTML using `ejs` module preprocessor: 'ejs', loaderOptions: { // resolve files specified in non-standard attributes 'data-src', 'data-srcset' sources: [{ tag: 'img', attributes: ['data-src', 'data-srcset'] }], }, }), ], }; ``` _2) the `low level` variant using the `module.rules`_: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.ejs', }, }), ], module: { rules: [ { test: /.(html|ejs)$/, loader: HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader, options: { sources: [{ tag: 'img', attributes: ['data-src', 'data-srcset'] }], preprocessor: 'ejs', }, }, ], }, }; ``` > ⚠️ **Warning** > > If you don't know what it's for, don't define a module rule for template files. > The plugin automatically configures this rule. > > Define this rule only for special cases, e.g. when you have templates with different templating engines.\ > An example see by [How to use some different template engines](#recipe-diff-templates). > **Note** > > Options defined in `module.rules` take precedence over the same options defined in `loaderOptions`. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-options" name="loader-options"></a> ## Loader options <a id="default-loader" name="default-loader"></a> The `default loader`: ```js { test: /\.(html)$/, loader: HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader, } ``` You can omit the loader in Webpack `modules.rules`. If the `HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader` is not configured, the plugin add it with default options automatically. The default loader handles HTML files and `EJS`-like templates. > **Note** > > It is recommended to define all loader options in the [`loaderOptions`](#option-loader-options) by the plugin options > to keep the webpack config clean and smaller. > **Warning** > > The plugin works only with the own loader `HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader`. > Do not use another loader. > This loader replaces the functionality of `html-loader` and many other template loaders. <a id="loader-option-sources" name="loader-option-sources"></a> ### `sources` Type: ```ts type Sources = | boolean | Array<{ tag?: string; attributes?: Array<string>; filter?: (props: { tag: string; attribute: string; value: string; parsedValue: Array<string>; attributes: { [attributeName: string]: string }; resourcePath: string; }) => boolean | undefined; }>; ``` Default: `true` The `sources` option allow to specify a tag attribute that should be resolved. <a id="loader-option-sources-default" name="loader-option-sources-default"></a> #### Default attributes By default, resolves source files in the following tags and attributes: | Tag | Attributes | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `link` | `href` for `type="text/css"` `rel="stylesheet"` `as="style"` `as="script"`<br>`imagesrcset` for `as="image"` | | `script` | `src` | | `img` | `src` `srcset` | | `image` | `href` `xlink:href` | | `use` | `href` `xlink:href` | | `input` | `src` (for `type="image"`) | | `source` | `src` `srcset` | | `audio` | `src` | | `track` | `src` | | `video` | `src` `poster` | | `object` | `data` | > **Warning** > > It is not recommended to use the [deprecated]( `xlink:href` attribute by the `image` and `use` tags. > **Note** > > Automatically are processed only attributes containing a relative path or Webpack alias: > > - `src="./image.png"` or `src="image.png"` - an asset in the local directory > - `src="../../assets/image.png"` - a relative path to parent directory > - `src="@images/image.png"` - an image directory as Webpack alias > > Url values are not processed: > > - `src=""` > - `src="//"` > - `src="/img/image.png"` > > Others not file values are ignored, e.g.: > > - `src="data:image/png; ..."` > - `src="javascript: ..."` <a id="loader-option-sources-filter" name="loader-option-sources-filter"></a> #### `filter` function Using the `filter` function, you can enable/disable resolving of specific assets by tags and attributes. The `filter` is called for all attributes of the tag defined as defaults and in `sources` option. The argument is an object containing the properties: - `tag: string` - a name of the HTML tag - `attribute: string` - a name of the HTML attribute - `value: string` - an original value of the HTML attribute - `parsedValue: Array<string>` - an array of filenames w/o URL query, parsed in the value\ it's useful for the `srcset` attribute containing many image files, e.g.: ```html <img src="image.png?size=800" srcset="image1.png?size=200 200w, image2.png 400w"> ``` the `parsedValue` for the `src` is `['image.png']`, the array with one parsed filename\ the `parsedValue` for the `srcset` is `['image1.png', 'image2.png']` - `attributes: { [attributeName: string]: string }` - all attributes of the tag - `resourcePath: string` - a path of the HTML template The processing of an attribute can be ignored by returning `false`. To disable the processing of all attributes, set the `sources` option as `false`. Examples of using argument properties: ```js { tag: 'img', // use the destructuring of variables from the object argument filter: ({ tag, attribute, value, attributes, resourcePath }) => { if (attribute === 'src') return false; if (value.endsWith('.webp')) return false; if ('srcset' in attributes && attributes['srcset'] === '') return false; if (resourcePath.indexOf('example')) return false; // otherwise return 'true' or nothing (undefined) to allow the processing }, } ``` The default sources can be extended with new tags and attributes. For example, enable the processing for the non-standard `data-src` and `data-srcset` attributes in the `img` tag: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, loaderOptions: { sources: [ { tag: 'img', attributes: ['data-src', 'data-srcset'], }, ], }, }); ``` You can use the `filter` function to allow the processing only specific attributes. The `filter` function must return `true` or `undefined` to enable the processing of specified tag attributes. Return `false` to disable the processing. For example, allow processing only for images in `content` attribute of the `meta` tag: ```html <html> <head> <!-- ignore the 'content' attribute via filter --> <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Frutis" /> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/png" /> <meta property="og:video:type" content="video/mp4" /> <!-- resolve the 'content' attribute via filter --> <meta property="og:image" content="./frutis.png" /> <meta property="og:video" content="./video.mp4" /> </head> <body> <!-- resolve standard 'src' attribute --> <img src="./image.png" /> </body> </html> ``` Use the `filter` function: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, loaderOptions: { sources: [ { tag: 'meta', attributes: ['content'], // allow to handlen an image in the 'content' attribute of the 'meta' tag // when the 'property' attribute contains one of: 'og:image', 'og:video' filter: ({ attributes }) => { const attrName = 'property'; const attrValues = ['og:image', 'og:video']; // allowed values of the property if (!attributes[attrName] || attrValues.indexOf(attributes[attrName]) < 0) { return false; // return false to disable processing } // return true or undefined to enable processing }, }, ], }, }); ``` The filter can disable an attribute of a tag. For example, disable the processing of default attribute `srcset` of the `img` tag: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, loaderOptions: { sources: [ { tag: 'img', filter: ({ attribute }) => attribute !== 'srcset', }, ], }, }); ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-root" name="loader-option-root"></a> ### `root` Type: `string|boolean` Default: `false` The `root` option allow to resolve an asset file with leading `/` root path. Defaults is disabled because the file with leading `/` is a valide URL in the public path, e.g. `dist/`. The files with leading `/` are not processed. Define the `root` option as the absolute path to the source directory to enable the processing. For example, there are project files: ``` ./src/views/index.html ./src/styles/style.scss ./src/scripts/main.js ./src/images/apple.png ``` Define the `root` loader option: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, loaderOptions: { root: path.join(__dirname, 'src'), }, }); ``` Now you can use the `/` root path for the source assets: ```html <html> <head> <link href="/styles/style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="/scripts/main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <img src="/images/apple.png" /> </body> </html> ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-before-preprocessor" name="loader-option-before-preprocessor"></a> ### `beforePreprocessor` See the description in the [beforePreprocessor](#option-before-preprocessor). Usage in loaderOptions: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/pages/', }, loaderOptions: { beforePreprocessor: (content, { resourcePath, data }) => { // modify content return content; }, }, }); ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessor" name="loader-option-preprocessor"></a> ### `preprocessor` Type: ```ts type Preprocessor = | false | 'eta' | 'ejs' | 'handlebars' | 'nunjucks' | 'pug' | 'twig' | (( content: string, loaderContext: LoaderContext<Object> & { data: { [key: string]: any } | string } ) => string | Promise<any> | undefined); ``` Default: `'eta'` You can use the preprocessor as a `string` for supported template engines, or define your own preprocessor as a function to use any template engine. #### Supported templating engines "out of the box" ```ts type Preprocessor = 'eta' | 'ejs' | 'handlebars' | 'nunjucks' | 'pug' | 'twig'; ``` The preprocessor is ready to use the most popular templating engines: [Eta](#using-template-eta), [EJS](#using-template-ejs), [Handlebars](#using-template-handlebars), [Nunjucks](#using-template-nunjucks), [Pug](#using-template-pug), [Twig](#using-template-twig). Defaults used the [Eta]( templating engine, because `Eta` has the `EJS`-like syntax, is only `2KB` gzipped and is much fasted than EJS. The npm package `eta` is already installed with this plugin. You can pass a custom options of the templating engine using the [preprocessorOptions](#loader-option-preprocessorOptions). For example, if you have `EJS` templates: install npm package `ejs` ``` npm i -D ejs ``` define the `preprocessor` as the `'ejs'` string ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/pages/home/index.ejs', }, loaderOptions: { preprocessor: 'ejs', }, }), ], }; ``` > **Note** > > Since the `v2.2.0` is available new syntax, the [preprocessor](#option-preprocessor) > and the [preprocessorOptions](#option-preprocessor) should be defined directly in the plugin option > to simplify the config: > > ```js > const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); > module.exports = { > plugins: [ > new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ > entry: { > index: 'src/views/pages/home/index.ejs', > }, > preprocessor: 'ejs', > preprocessorOptions: {...} > }), > ], > }; > ``` <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-custom" name="loader-option-preprocessor-custom"></a> #### Custom templating engine To use any templating engine, you can define the `preprocessor` as a function. ```ts type Preprocessor = ( content: string, loaderContext: LoaderContext<Object> & { data: { [key: string]: any } | string } ) => string | Promise<any> | undefined; ``` The function arguments: - `content` - a raw content of a template file defined in the [`entry`](#option-entry) option. - `loaderContext` - the [Loader Context]( object contained useful properties: - `mode: string` - a Webpack mode: `production`, `development`, `none` - `rootContext: string` - a path to Webpack context - `resource: string` - a template file, including query - `resourcePath: string` - a template file - `data: object|null` - variables passed in [`entry.{page}.data`](#option-entry) and [``](#loader-option-data) The preprocessor is called for each entry file, before processing of the content. The function can be used to compile the template with any template engine, such as [Eta](, [EJS](, [Handlebars](, [Mustache](, [Nunjucks](, [LiquidJS](, etc. Returns new content as a `string` for sync or `Promise` for async processing. When the function returns `undefined`, the contents of the template will not change. The example for your own `sync` render function: ```js { preprocessor: (content, { data }) => render(content, data); } ``` The example of using `Promise` for your own `async` render function: ```js { preprocessor: (content, { data }) => new Promise((resolve) => { const result = render(content, data); resolve(result); }); } ``` The default `preprocessor` is pre-configured as the following function: ```js const { Eta } = require('eta'); const eta = new Eta({ async: false, // defaults is false, wenn is true then must be used `await includeAsync()` useWith: true, // allow to use variables in template without `it.` scope views: process.cwd(), // directory that contains templates }); preprocessor = (content, { data }) => eta.renderString(content, data); ``` > **Note** > > The plugin supports `EJS`-like templates "out of the box" therefore the `HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader` can be omitted in the Webpack config. <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-disable" name="loader-option-preprocessor-disable"></a> #### Disable templating engine You can use this plugin to resolve all source asset files in any `HTML`-like template used by server-side rendering. In this case, disable the preprocessor. The plugin resolves all source files and replaces them with the output filenames. The original template remains unchanged except for the filenames being replaced. ```js { preprocessor: false, } ``` See [How to process a PHP template](#recipe-preprocessor-php). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessorOptions" name="loader-option-preprocessorOptions"></a> ### `preprocessorOptions` Type: `Object` Default: `{}` With the `preprocessorOptions` you can pass template engine options when used the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) as the string: `eta`, `ejs`, `handlebars`, `nunjucks`, `twig`. Each preprocessor has its own options, depend on using template engine. > This loader option is referenced as the [preprocessorOptions](#option-preprocessor) plugin option to simplify the config. <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta" name="loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta"></a> #### Options for `preprocessor: 'eta'` (default) ```js { preprocessor: 'eta', preprocessorOptions: { async: false, // defaults 'false', wenn is 'true' then must be used `await includeAsync()` useWith: true, // defaults 'true', use variables in template without `it.` scope views: 'src/views', // relative path to directory that contains templates // views: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views'), // absolute path to directory that contains templates }, }, ``` For the complete list of options see [here]( For example, there are a template page and partials: ``` src/views/page/home.html src/views/includes/gallery.html src/views/includes/teaser.html src/views/partials/footer.html src/views/partials/menu/nav.html src/views/partials/menu/top/desktop.html ``` Include the partials in the `src/views/page/home.html` template with the `include()`: ```html <%~ include('teaser.html') %> <%~ include('menu/nav.html') %> <%~ include('menu/top/desktop.html') %> <%~ include('footer.html') %> ``` If partials have `.eta` extensions, then the extension can be omitted in the include argument. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-options-ejs" name="loader-option-preprocessor-options-ejs"></a> #### Options for `preprocessor: 'ejs'` ```js { preprocessor: 'ejs', preprocessorOptions: { async: false, // defaults 'false' // defaults process.cwd(), root path for includes with an absolute path (e.g., /file.html) root: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/'), // defaults process.cwd() // defaults [], an array of paths to use when resolving includes with relative paths views: [ 'src/views/includes', // relative path path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials'), // absolute path ], }, }, ``` For the complete list of options see [here]( For example, there are template page and partials: ``` src/views/page/home.html src/views/includes/gallery.html src/views/includes/teaser.html src/views/partials/footer.html src/views/partials/menu/nav.html src/views/partials/menu/top/desktop.html ``` Include the partials in the `src/views/page/home.html` template with the `include()`: ```html <!-- root path --> <%- include('/includes/gallery.html') %> <!-- views paths --> <%- include('menu/top/desktop.html') %> <%- include('menu/nav.html') %> <%- include('teaser.html') %> <%- include('footer.html') %> ``` If you have partials with `.ejs` extensions, then the extension can be omitted. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-options-handlebars" name="loader-option-preprocessor-options-handlebars"></a> #### Options for `preprocessor: 'handlebars'` The `preprocessor` has built-in `include` helper, to load a partial file directly in a template without registration of partials. The `include` helper has the following _de facto_ standard options: ```js { preprocessor: 'handlebars', preprocessorOptions: { // defaults process.cwd(), root path for includes with an absolute path (e.g., /file.html) root: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/'), // defaults process.cwd() // defaults [], an array of paths to use when resolving includes with relative paths views: [ 'src/views/includes', // relative path path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials'), // absolute path ], }, }, ``` For example, there are template page and partials: ``` src/views/page/home.html src/views/includes/gallery.html src/views/includes/teaser.html src/views/partials/footer.html src/views/partials/menu/nav.html src/views/partials/menu/top/desktop.html ``` Include the partials in the `src/views/page/home.html` template with the `include` helper: ```html <!-- root path --> {{ include '/includes/gallery' }} <!-- views paths --> {{ include 'menu/top/desktop' }} {{ include 'menu/nav' }} {{ include 'teaser' }} {{ include 'footer' }} ``` The `include` helper automatically resolves `.html` and `.hbs` extensions, it can be omitted. **The `partials` option** Type: `Array<string>|Object` Default: `[]` If you use the partials syntax `{{> footer }}` to include a file, then use the `partials` option. Partials will be auto-detected in paths recursively and registered under their relative paths, without an extension. ```js { preprocessor: 'handlebars', preprocessorOptions: { // an array of relative or absolute paths to partials partials: [ 'src/views/includes', // relative path path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials'), // absolute path ], }, }, ``` For example, if the partial path is the `src/views/partials` then the file `src/views/partials/menu/top/desktop.html` will have the partial name `menu/top/desktop`. You can define all partials manually using the option as an object: ```js { preprocessor: 'handlebars', preprocessorOptions: { // define partials manually partials: { teaser: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/includes/teaser.html'), gallery: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/includes/gallery.html'), footer: path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials/footer.html'), 'menu/nav': path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials/menu/nav.html'), 'menu/top/desktop': path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials/menu/top/desktop.html'), }, }, }, ``` Include the partials in the `src/views/page/home.html` template: ```html {{> menu/top/desktop }} {{> menu/nav }} {{> teaser }} {{> gallery }} {{> footer }} ``` **The `helpers` option** Type: `Array<string>|Object` Default: `[]` When the `helpers` is an array of relative or absolute paths to helpers, then the name of a helper is the relative path to the helper file without an extension. For example, there are helper files: ``` src/views/helpers/bold.js src/views/helpers2/italic.js src/views/helpers2/wrapper/span.js ``` The preprocessor options: ```js { preprocessor: 'handlebars', preprocessorOptions: { // an array of relative or absolute paths to helpers helpers: [ 'src/views/helpers', 'src/views/helpers2', ], }, }, ``` Usage of helpers: ```html {{#bold}}The bold text.{{/bold}} {{#italic}}The italic text.{{/italic}} <!-- the helper with namespace `wrapper/span` --> {{#[wrapper/span]}}The text wrapped with span tag.{{/[wrapper/span]}} ``` > **Note** > > - The helper located in a subdirectory, e.g. `wrapper/span.js` will be available in template as `[wrapper/span]`. > - When helper name contain the `/` slash, then the helper name must be wrapped with the `[]`. You can define helpers manually using `name: function` object: ```js { preprocessor: 'handlebars', preprocessorOptions: { // define helpers manually helpers: { bold: (options) => new Handlebars.SafeString(`<strong>${options.fn(this)}</strong>`), }, }, }, ``` This plugin has own `build-in` helpers: - `include` - includes a template file relative to paths defined in `views` option, the default path is the project root path ```hbs {{include 'TEMPLATE_FILE'}} ``` - `assign` - creates a new named variable or override old. You can define many variables. The variables are available in included partials. ```hbs {{assign title='Homepage' header='Home'}} {{> layout}} ``` _layout.hbs_ ```hbs <title>{{title}}</title> <h1>{{header}}</h1> ``` - `partial` and `block`: `partial` - defines the block content ```hbs {{#partial 'BLOCK_NAME'}}BLOCK_CONTENT{{/partial}} ``` `block` - outputs the block content, it can be used in another partial file, e.g. in a layout partial ```hbs {{#block 'BLOCK_NAME'}}default content or empty{{/block}} ``` For the complete list of Handlebars `compile` options see [here]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-options-nunjucks" name="loader-option-preprocessor-options-nunjucks"></a> #### Options for `preprocessor: 'nunjucks'` ```js { preprocessor: 'nunjucks', preprocessorOptions: { // here are preprocessor options // an array of relative or absolute templates paths, defaults the current working directory views: [ 'src/views/includes', 'src/views/partials', ], async: false, // defaults 'false' jinjaCompatibility: false, // installs support for Jinja compatibility, defaults 'false' // here are original Nunjucks options autoescape: true, // escape dangerous characters, defaults 'true' // ... }, }, ``` For all available options, see the [Nunjucks API configure]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-options-pug" name="loader-option-preprocessor-options-pug"></a> #### Options for `preprocessor: 'pug'` > **Note** > > The `pug` preprocessor based on the [@webdiscus/pug-loader]( source code > and has the same options and features. ```js { preprocessor: 'pug', preprocessorOptions: { // in 99.9% of common use cases you don't need any pug options // available useful embedded filters embedFilters: { // enable the `:escape` filter escape: true, // enable the `:code` filter code: { className: 'language-', // class name of `<code>` tag }, // enable `:highlight` filter highlight: { use: 'prismjs', // use the `prismjs` module as highlighter, must be installed verbose: true, }, // enable `:markdown` filter for markdown only, w/o code blocks markdown: true, // - OR - you can enable highlighter for code blocks used in markdown markdown: { highlight: { use: 'prismjs', // use the `prismjs` module as highlighter, must be installed verbose: true, }, }, } }, }, ``` See the [documentation and examples]( for the `embedded filters`.\ See the [pug compiler options]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-preprocessor-options-twig" name="loader-option-preprocessor-options-twig"></a> #### Options for `preprocessor: 'twig'` The [TwigJS]( have few useful options: - `async {boolean}` defaults is `'false'`. - `autoescape {boolean}` defaults is `'false'`. Escape dangerous characters. - `namespaces {Object}` defaults is `{}`.\ The key is a namespace (like Webpack alias) used in the template instead a relative path.\ The value is an absolute a path relative to the project directory. ```js { preprocessor: 'twig', preprocessorOptions: { async: false, autoescape: false, namespaces: { layouts: 'src/views/layouts', partials: 'src/views/partials', }, }, }, ``` The used namespace must begin with the leading `@` symbol: ```html {% extends "@layouts/default.twig" %} {% include "@partials/articles/sidebar.twig" %} ``` You can use a relative path: ```html {% extends "../layouts/default.twig" %} {% include "../partials/articles/sidebar.twig" %} ``` > **Warning** > > The dynamic including is not supported.\ > For example, passing `myTemplate` as a parameter does not work: > ```html > {# page.twig #} > {% extends myTemplate %} > ``` > **Warning** > > The Twig template containing `tabs` will not be compiled into HTML.\ > Use the `spaces` as an indent in templates. > The `tabs` are not supported by `TwigJS`. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="loader-option-data" name="loader-option-data"></a> ### `data` Type: `Object|string` Default: `{}` > Since `v2.5.0` the `data` option is referenced in the [plugin options](#option-data). The properties of the `data` option are available as global variables in all templates. To pass variables to a specific template, use the [entry.{name}.data](#option-entry-data) option. #### Data as an object Type: `Object` The data defined as an object are loaded once with Webpack start. #### Data as file path Type: `string` The string value is an absolute or relative filename of a JSON or JS file. The JS file must export an object. The data file will be reloaded after changes. > **Note** > > Use the `data` as a path to dynamically update variables in a template **without restarting Webpack**. > **Warning** > > The [entry.{name}.data](#option-entry-data) property overrides the same property defined in the loader `data`. For example, there are variables defined in both the `entry` property and the loader option: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: { import: 'src/views/home.html', data: { // page specifically variables title: 'Home', // overrides the `title` defined in the loader data headline: 'Homepage', }, // - OR - data: 'src/data/home.json', }, about: 'src/views/about.html', }, data: { // global variables for all pages title: 'Default Title', globalData: 'Global Data', }, // - OR - data: 'src/data/global.js', }), ], }; ``` JSON data file _src/data/home.json_ ```json { "title": "Home", "headline": "Homepage" } ``` JS data file _src/data/global.js_ ```js module.exports = { title: 'Default Title', globalData: 'Global Data', }; ``` In the `./src/views/home.html` template are available following variables: ```js { title: 'Home', headline: 'Homepage', globalData: 'Global Data', } ``` In the `./src/views/about.html` template are available following variables: ```js { title: 'Default Title', globalData: 'Global Data', } ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="template-engine" name="template-engine"></a> ## Template engines Using the [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor), you can compile any template with a template engine such as: - [Eta]( - [EJS]( - [Handlebars]( - [LiquidJS]( - [Mustache]( - [Nunjucks]( - [Pug]( - [TwigJS]( <!-- > **Note** > > For Pug templates use the [pug-plugin]( > This plugin works on the same codebase but has additional Pug-specific options and features. --> <a id="using-template-eta" name="using-template-eta"></a> ### Using the Eta _Supported "out of the box"_ `Eta` is [compatible\*](#eta-compatibilty-with-ejs) with `EJS` syntax, is smaller and faster than `EJS`. For example, there is the template _src/views/page/index.eta_ ```html <html> <body> <h1><%= headline %></h1> <ul class="people"> <% for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {%> <li><%= people[i] %>></li> <% } %> </ul> <%~ include('/src/views/partials/footer') %> </body> </html> ``` The minimal Webpack config: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: { // output dist/imdex.html import: './src/views/page/index.eta', data: { headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, }, }), ], }; ``` The default preprocessor is `eta`, you can omit it: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/views/page/index.eta', }, // preprocessor: 'eta', // defaults is used Eta // preprocessorOptions: {...}, }); ``` See the [`eta` preprocessor options](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta). <a id="eta-compatibilty-with-ejs" name="eta-compatibilty-with-ejs"></a> > **Warning** > > For compatibility the Eta compiler with the EJS templates, the default preprocessor use the `useWith: true` Eta option > to use variables in template without the Eta-specific `it.` scope. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-ejs" name="using-template-ejs"></a> ### Using the EJS You need to install the `ejs` package: ``` npm i -D ejs ``` For example, there is the template _src/views/page/index.ejs_ ```html <html> <body> <h1><%= headline %></h1> <ul class="people"> <% for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {%> <li><%= people[i] %>></li> <% } %> </ul> <%- include('/src/views/partials/footer.html'); %> </body> </html> ``` Define the `preprocessor` as `ejs`: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: { // output dist/imdex.html import: './src/views/page/index.ejs', data: { headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, }, preprocessor: 'ejs', // use EJS templating engine // preprocessorOptions: {...}, }), ], }; ``` See the [`ejs` preprocessor options](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-ejs). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-handlebars" name="using-template-handlebars"></a> ### Using the Handlebars You need to install the `handlebars` package: ``` npm i -D handlebars ``` For example, there is the template _src/views/page/home.hbs_ ```hbs <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{{ title }}</title> </head> <body> {{> header }} <div class="container"> <h1>Handlebars</h1> <div>{{ arraySize persons }} persons:</div> <ul class="person"> {{#each persons}} {{> person person=.}} {{/each}} </ul> </div> {{> footer }} </body> </html> ``` Where the `{{> header }}`, `{{> person person=.}}` and `{{> footer }}` are partials. Define the `preprocessor` as `handlebars`: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { // define templates here index: { import: 'src/views/pages/home.hbs', // => dist/index.html // pass data to template as an object // data: { title: 'Handlebars', persons: [...] }, // OR define the data file data: 'src/views/pages/homeData.js', }, }, // use handlebars templating engine preprocessor: 'handlebars', // define handlebars options preprocessorOptions: { partials: ['src/views/partials'], helpers: { arraySize: (array) => array.length, }, }, }), ], }; ``` See the [`handlebars` preprocessor options](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-handlebars). [Source code]( [![Open in StackBlitz](]( #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-mustache" name="using-template-mustache"></a> ### Using the Mustache You need to install the `mustache` package: ``` npm i -D mustache ``` For example, there is the template _src/views/page/index.mustache_ ```html <html> <body> <h1>{{ headline }}</h1> <ul class="people"> {{#people}} <li>{{.}}</li> {{/people}} </ul> </body> </html> ``` Add the template compiler to `preprocessor`: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); const Mustache = require('mustache'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ test: /\.(html|mustache)$/, // add the test option to match *.mustache files in entry index: { import: './src/views/page/index.mustache', data: { headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, // define preprocessor as the function that shoud return a string or promise preprocessor: (content, { data }) => Mustache.render(content, data), }), ], }; ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-nunjucks" name="using-template-nunjucks"></a> ### Using the Nunjucks You need to install the `nunjucks` package: ``` npm i -D nunjucks ``` For example, there is the template _src/views/page/index.njk_ ```html <html> <body> <h1>{{ headline }}!</h1> <ul class="people"> {% for name in people %} <li class="name">{{ name }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> </body> </html> ``` Define the `preprocessor` as `nunjucks`: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: { import: './src/views/page/index.njk', data: { headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, }, preprocessor: 'nunjucks', // use Nunjucks templating engine // preprocessorOptions: {...}, }), ], }; ``` See the [`nunjucks` preprocessor options](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-nunjucks). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-pug" name="using-template-pug"></a> ### Using the Pug You need to install the `pug` package: ``` npm i -D pug ``` For example, there is the layout template _src/views/layout/default.pug_ ```pug html head title= title script(src="@scripts/main.js" defer="defer") body h1= headline block content include @partials/footer ``` The page template _src/views/pages/home.pug_ can be extended from the layout: ```pug extends @layouts/default block content ul#people each item in people li= item ``` Define the `preprocessor` as `pug`: ```js const path = require('path'); const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { resolve: { alias: { '@scripts': path.join(__dirname, 'src/scripts/'), // alias to scripts used in template '@layouts': path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/layouts/'), // alias to template layouts '@partials': path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/partials/'), // alias to template partials }, }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: { import: 'src/views/page/home.pug', data: { title: 'Strartpage', headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, }, preprocessor: 'pug', // use Pug templating engine preprocessorOptions: { // Pug options }, }), ], }; ``` See the [`pug` options](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-pug). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-twig" name="using-template-twig"></a> ### Using the TwigJS You need to install the `twig` package: ``` npm i -D twig ``` For example, there is the layout template _src/views/layout/default.twig_ ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{{ title }}</title> <script src="@scripts/main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>{{ headline }}!</h1> <div id="content">{% block content %}{% content %}</div> {% include "@partials/footer.twig" %} </body> </html> ``` The page template _src/views/pages/home.twig_ can be extended from the layout: ```html {% extends '@layouts/default.twig' %} {% block content %} <ul id="people"> {% for item in people %} <li>{{ item }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endblock %} ``` Define the `preprocessor` as `twig`: ```js const path = require('path'); const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { resolve: { alias: { '@scripts': path.join(__dirname, 'src/scripts/'), // alias to scripts used in template }, }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: { import: 'src/views/page/home.twig', data: { title: 'Strartpage', headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, }, preprocessor: 'twig', // use TwigJS templating engine preprocessorOptions: { // aliases used for extends/include namespaces: { layouts: 'src/views/layout/', partials: 'src/views/partials/', }, }, }), ], }; ``` See the [`twig` preprocessor options](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-twig). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="using-template-liquidjs" name="using-template-liquidjs"></a> ### Using the LiquidJS You need to install the `liquidjs` package: ``` npm i -D liquidjs ``` For example, there is the template _src/views/page/index.liquid_ ```html <html> <body> <h1>{{ headline }}!</h1> <ul class="people"> {% for name in people %} <li class="name">{{ name }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> </body> </html> ``` Add the template compiler to `preprocessor`: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); const { Liquid } = require('liquidjs'); const LiquidEngine = new Liquid(); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ test: /\.(html|liquid)$/, // add the test option to match *.liquid files in entry entry: { index: { import: './src/views/page/index.liquid', data: { headline: 'Breaking Bad', people: ['Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman'], }, }, }, // async parseAndRender method return the promise preprocessor: (content, { data }) => LiquidEngine.parseAndRender(content, data), }), ], }; ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="template-in-js" name="template-in-js"></a> ## Using template in JavaScript The [preprocessor](#loader-option-preprocessor) works in two modes: `render` and `compile`. ### Render mode The `render` is the default mode for the template defined in the [entry](#option-entry) option. The rendered template is an HTML string, which is saved as an HTML file. You can import the template file as a generated HTML string in JS using the `?render` query. To pass simple variables into the imported template you can use query parameters, e.g.: `?render&name=Arnold&age=25`. To pass complex variables such as an array or an object use the global [data](#option-data) option. > **Note** > > At runtime in JavaScript will be used the already rendered HTML from the template. For example: ```js import html from './partials/star-button.html?render&buttonText=Star'; document.getElementById('star-button').innerHTML = html; ``` _./partials/star-button.html_ ```html <button class="btn-star"> <!-- you can use a source image file with webpack alias, in the bundle it will be auto replaced with the output asset filename --> <img src="@images/star.svg"> <!-- the `buttonText` variable is passed via query --> <span><%= buttonText %></span> </button> ``` ### Compile mode The `compile` is the default mode for the template imported in JavaScript file. The compiled template is a template function, which can be executed with passed variables in the runtime on the client-side in the browser. For example: ```js import tmpl from './partials/people.ejs'; // template variables const locals = { people: [ 'Walter White', 'Jesse Pinkman', ], }; // render template function with variables in browser document.getElementById('people').innerHTML = tmpl(locals); ``` _./partials/people.ejs_ ```html <!-- you can use a source image file with webpack alias, in the bundle it will be auto replaced with the output asset filename --> <img src="@images/people.png"> <ul class="people"> <% for (let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {%> <li><%= people[i] %></li> <% } %> </ul> ``` > **Warning** > > Not all template engines can generate a template function that can be executed with local variables at runtime. #### Template engines that do support the `template function` on client-side - [eta](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta) - generates a template function with runtime (~3KB)\ `include` is supported - [ejs](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-ejs) - generates a fast smallest pure template function w/o runtime (**recommended** for use on client-side)\ `include` is supported - [handlebars](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-handlebars) - generates a precompiled template with runtime (~28KB)\ `include` is NOT supported (yet) - [nunjucks](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-nunjucks) - generates a precompiled template with runtime (~41KB)\ `include` is supported - [twig](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-nunjucks) - generates a precompiled template with runtime (~110KB)\ `include` is supported - [pug](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-pug) - generates a small pure template function #### Template engines that do NOT support the `template function` on client-side - LiquidJS --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="setup-live-reload" name="setup-live-reload"></a> ## Setup Live Reload To enable reloading of the browser after changes, add the `devServer` option to the Webpack config: ```js module.exports = { // enable live reload devServer: { static: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'), watchFiles: { paths: ['src/**/*.*'], options: { usePolling: true, }, }, }, }; ``` > **Warning** > > If you don't have a referenced source script file in HTML, then set the [hotUpdate](#option-hot-update) option to `true` to enable live reload. > Besides, the `` must be `true` (defaults). > --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-keep-folder-structure-html" name="recipe-keep-folder-structure-html"></a> ## How to keep source directory structure for HTML Define the `entry` option as a path to templates. The output path will have the same directory structure. For details, see the [entry path](#option-entry-path). #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-keep-folder-structure-assets" name="recipe-keep-folder-structure-assets"></a> ## How to keep source directory structure for assets Define the `filename` as a function. For example, we want to keep original directory structure for fonts, which can be in the source or in the `node_modules` directory: ``` node_modules/material-icons/iconfont/material-icons-sharp.woff2 node_modules/material-symbols/material-symbols-sharp.woff2 src/assets/fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 ``` Use the following function: ```js { test: /[\\/]fonts|node_modules[\\/].+(woff(2)?|ttf|otf|eot|svg)$/i, type: 'asset/resource', generator: { // keep original directory structure filename: ({ filename }) => { const srcPath = 'src/assets/fonts'; const regExp = new RegExp(`[\\\\/]?(?:${path.normalize(srcPath)}|node_modules)[\\\\/](.+?)$`); const assetPath = path.dirname(regExp.exec(filename)[1].replace('@', '').replace(/\\/g, '/')); return `fonts/${assetPath}/[name][ext][query]`; }, }, }, ``` The destructed `filename` argument of the function is a source file. It can be absolute or relative. The output directory `dist/` will have the same structure: ``` dist/fonts/material-icons/iconfont/material-icons-sharp.woff2 dist/fonts/material-symbols/material-symbols-sharp.woff2 dist/fonts/Roboto/Roboto-Regular.woff2 ``` The example to keep original directory structure for images: ```js { test: /[\\/]images|node_modules[\\/].+(png|jpe?g|webp|ico|svg)$/i, type: 'asset/resource', generator: { // keep original directory structure filename: ({ filename }) => { const srcPath = 'src/assets/images'; const regExp = new RegExp(`[\\\\/]?(?:${path.normalize(srcPath)}|node_modules)[\\\\/](.+?)$`); const assetPath = path.dirname(regExp.exec(filename)[1].replace('@', '').replace(/\\/g, '/')); return `images/${assetPath}/[name].[hash:8][ext]`; }, }, }, ``` > **Note** > > For images, it is recommended to use the hashed output filename. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-use-images-in-html" name="recipe-use-images-in-html"></a> ## How to use source image files in HTML Add to Webpack config the rule: ```js module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|ico|svg)$/, type: 'asset/resource', generator: { filename: 'assets/img/[name].[hash:8][ext]', }, }, ], } ``` Add a source file using a relative path or Webpack alias in HTML: ```html <html> <head> <link href="./favicon.ico" rel="icon" /> </head> <body> <img src="./apple.png" srcset="./apple1.png 320w, ./apple2.png 640w" alt="apple" /> <picture> <source srcset="./fig1.jpg, ./fig2.jpg 320w, ./fig3.jpg 640w" /> </picture> </body> </html> ``` The generated HTML contains hashed output images filenames: ```html <html> <head> <link href="/assets/img/favicon.05e4dd86.ico" rel="icon" /> </head> <body> <img src="/assets/img/apple.f4b855d8.png" srcset="/assets/img/apple1.855f4bd8.png 320w, /assets/img/apple2.d8f4b855.png 640w" alt="apple" /> <picture> <source srcset=" /assets/img/fig1.605e4dd8.jpg, /assets/img/fig2.8605e4dd.jpg 320w, /assets/img/fig3.e4605dd8.jpg 640w " /> </picture> </body> </html> ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-responsive-images" name="recipe-responsive-images"></a> ## How to resize and generate responsive images To resize or generate responsive images is recommended to use the [responsive-loader]( Install additional packages: ``` npm i -D responsive-loader sharp ``` To resize an image use the query parameter `size`: ```html <!-- resize source image to max. 640px --> <img src="./image.png?size=640" /> ``` To generate responsible images use in `srcset` attribute the query parameter `sizes` als `JSON5` to avoid parsing error, because many images must be separated by commas `,` but we use the comma to separate sizes for one image: ```html <!-- responsible images with different sizes: 320px, 480px, 640px --> <img src="./image.png?size=480" srcset="./image.png?{sizes:[320,480,640]}" /> ``` You can convert source image to other output format. For example, we have original image 2000px width as PNG and want to resize to 640px and save as WEBP: ```html <img src="./image.png?size=640&format=webp" /> ``` You can create a small inline image placeholder. To do this, use the following query parameters: - `placeholder=true` - enable to generate the placeholder - `placeholderSize=35` - the size of the generating placeholder - `prop=placeholder` - the plugin-specific `prop` parameter retrieves the property from the object generated by `responsive-loader` ```html <img src="./image.png?placeholder=true&placeholderSize=35&prop=placeholder" srcset="./image.png?{sizes:[320,480,640]}" /> ``` The generated HTML: ```html <img src=" ..." srcset="/img/image-320w.png 320w, /img/image-480w.png 480w, /img/image-640w.png 640w" /> ``` Add to Webpack config the rule for responsive images: ```js module.exports = { module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|webp)$/, type: 'asset/resource', use: { loader: 'responsive-loader', options: { // output filename of images, e.g. dist/assets/img/image-640w.png name: 'assets/img/[name]-[width]w.[ext]', sizes: [640], // max. image size, if 'size' query is not used }, }, }, // ... other loaders ], }, }; ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-preload-fonts" name="recipe-preload-fonts"></a> ## How to preload fonts To preload resources such as fonts, use the [preload](#option-preload) plugin option. For example, there is the style used a font that should be preloaded: _styles.scss_ ```scss @font-face { font-family: 'MyFont'; // load source fonts using the `@fonts` Webpack alias to the font directory src: local(MyFont Regular), url('@fonts/myfont.woff2') format('woff2'), url('@fonts/myfont.woff') format('woff'); } body { font-family: 'MyFont', serif; } ``` The template _index.html_ where is loaded the source style: ```html <html> <head> <title>Demo</title> <!-- include source style --> <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` Use the minimal Webpack config: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { resolve: { alias: { '@fonts': path.join(__dirname, 'src/assets/fonts/'), // => add alias to the font directory }, }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', // => template where is loaded the style with fonts }, css: { filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', // => filename of extracted CSS }, // => add the preload option with the config for fonts preload: [ { test: /\.(woff2|woff)$/, attributes: { as: 'font', crossorigin: true }, }, ], }), ], module: { rules: [ // => add the style rule { test: /\.(css|sass|scss)$/, use: ['css-loader', 'sass-loader'], }, // => add the font rule { test: /\.(woff2|woff)$/, type: 'asset/resource', generator: { filename: 'fonts/[name][ext]', }, }, ], }, }; ``` > **Note** > > Font preloading requires the `crossorigin` attribute to be set. > See [font preload]( The generated HTML contains the preload tag with the font: ```html <html> <head> <title>Demo</title> <!-- preload fonts detected in style --> <link rel="preload" href="fonts/myfont.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="true" /> <link rel="preload" href="fonts/myfont.woff" as="font" type="font/woff" crossorigin="true" /> <!-- compiled style --> <link href="css/style.1f4faaff.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` > **Note** > > You don't need a plugin to copy files from source directory to public. > All source fonts will be coped to output directory automatically. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-inline-css" name="recipe-inline-css"></a> ## How to inline CSS in HTML There are two ways to inline CSS in HTML: - inline all CSS globally with `css.inline` [option](#option-css) - inline single CSS with `?inline` query added to a filename The `inline` option can take the following values: `false`, `true` and `'auto'`. For details see the [inline option](#option-css). > **Note** > > The individual `?inline` query parameter takes precedence over the globally `css.inline` option.\ > For example, if `css.inline = true` and in HTML a single file has the `?inline=false` query, > this file will be extracted in an output file, while all other styles will be inlined. For example, there are two SCSS files: _main.scss_ ```scss $bgColor: steelblue; body { background-color: $bgColor; } ``` _styles.scss_: ```scss $color: red; h1 { color: $color; } ``` There is the _./src/views/index.html_ with both style files: ```html <html> <head> <link href="./main.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` To inline all CSS globally add the `css.inline` option: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, css: { // adds CSS to the DOM by injecting a `<style>` tag inline: true, // output filename of extracted CSS, used if inline is false filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', }, }), ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(css|sass|scss)$/, use: ['css-loader', 'sass-loader'], }, ], }, }; ``` The generated HTML contains inlined CSS: ```html <html> <head> <style> body { background-color: steelblue; } </style> <style> h1 { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` To inline a single CSS, add the `?inline` query to a style file which you want to inline: ```html <html> <head> <!-- file CSS --> <link href="./main.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- inline CSS --> <link href="./style.scss?inline" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` The generated HTML contains inline CSS already processed via Webpack: ```html <html> <head> <!-- file CSS --> <link href="/css/main.05e4dd86.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- inline CSS --> <style> h1 { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` > **Note** > > To enable the source map in inline CSS set the Webpack option [`devtool`]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-inline-js" name="recipe-inline-js"></a> ## How to inline JS in HTML There are two ways to inline CSS in HTML: - inline all JS globally with `js.inline` [option](#option-js) - inline single JS with `?inline` query added to a filename The `inline` option can take the following values: `false`, `true` and `'auto'`. For details see the [inline option](#option-js). > **Note** > > The individual `?inline` query parameter takes precedence over the globally `js.inline` option.\ > For example, if `js.inline = true` and in HTML a single file has the `?inline=false` query, > this file will be extracted in an output file, while all other scripts will be inlined. For example, there are two JS files: _main.js_ ```js console.log('>> main.js'); ``` _script.js_ ```js console.log('>> script.js'); ``` There is the _./src/views/index.html_ with both script files: ```html <html> <head> <script src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <script src="./script.js"></script> </body> </html> ``` To inline all JS globally add the `js.inline` option: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, js: { // adds JavaScript to the DOM by injecting a `<script>` tag inline: true, // output filename of compiled JavaScript, used if inline is false filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', }, }), ], }; ``` The generated HTML contains inlined JS scripts: ```html <html> <head> <script> (() => { 'use strict'; console.log('>> main.js'); })(); </script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <script> (() => { 'use strict'; console.log('>> script.js'); })(); </script> </body> </html> ``` To inline a single JS file, add the `?inline` query to a script file which you want to inline: ```html <html> <head> <!-- file JS --> <script src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> <!-- inline JS --> <script src="./script.js?inline"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` The generated HTML contains inline JS already compiled via Webpack: ```html <html> <head> <!-- file JS --> <script src="js/main.992ba657.js" defer="defer"></script> <!-- inline JS --> <script> (() => { 'use strict'; console.log('>> script.js'); })(); </script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` > **Note** > > If Webpack is started as `serve` or `watch`, > the inlined JS code will contain additional HMR code. > Don't worry it is ok, so works Webpack `live reload`. > > To enable the source map in inline JS set the Webpack option `devtool`. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-inline-image" name="recipe-inline-image"></a> ## How to inline SVG, PNG images in HTML You can inline the images in two ways: - force inline image using `?inline` query - auto inline by image size Add to Webpack config the rule: ```js module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|svg|webp|ico)$/i, oneOf: [ // inline image using `?inline` query { resourceQuery: /inline/, type: 'asset/inline', }, // auto inline by image size { type: 'asset', parser: { dataUrlCondition: { maxSize: 1024, }, }, generator: { filename: 'assets/img/[name].[hash:8][ext]', }, }, ], }, ], } ``` The plugin automatically inlines images smaller then `maxSize`. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-inline-all-assets-to-html" name="recipe-inline-all-assets-to-html"></a> ## How to inline all resources into single HTML file The bundler plugin can generate a single HTML file included all embedded dependencies such as JS, CSS, fonts, images (PNG, SVG, etc..). The fonts and images used in CSS will be inlined into CSS. The generated CSS including inlined images will be inlined into HTML. Just use the following config: ```js const path = require('path'); const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { mode: 'production', output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/'), }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/views/index.html', }, css: { inline: true, // inline CSS into HTML }, js: { inline: true, // inline JS into HTML }, }), ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(css|sass|scss)$/, use: ['css-loader', 'sass-loader'], }, // inline all assets: images, svg, fonts { test: /\.(png|jpe?g|webp|svg|woff2?)$/i, type: 'asset/inline', }, ], }, performance: false, // disable warning max size }; ``` [![Open in StackBlitz](]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-resolve-attr-json" name="recipe-resolve-attr-json"></a> ## How to resolve source assets in an attribute containing JSON value For example, source images should be defined in the custom `data-image` attribute of the `a` tag: ```html <a data-image='{ "imgSrc": "./pic1.png", "bgImgSrc": "./pic2.png" }' href="#" > ... </a> ``` To resolve such files, just use the `require()` function: ```html <a data-image='{ "imgSrc": require("./pic1.png"), "bgImgSrc": require("./pic2.png") }' href="#" > ... </a> ``` Add to `sources` loader option the `data-image` attribute for the `a` tag: ```js new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/index.html', }, loaderOptions: { sources: [ { tag: 'a', // <= specify the 'a' tag attributes: ['data-image'], // <= specify custom attribute for the 'a' tag }, ], }, }), ``` The custom attribute will contains in the generated HTML the resolved output assets filenames: ```html <a data-image='{ "imgSrc": "img/pic1.da3e3cc9.png", "bgImgSrc": "img/pic2.e3cc9da3.png" }' href="#" > ... </a> ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-dynamic-load-css" name="recipe-dynamic-load-css"></a> ## How to load CSS file dynamically For dynamic file loading, we need the output filename of extracted CSS from a source style file. To get the CSS output filename in JavaScript, you can use the `url` query: ```js import cssUrl from './style.scss?url'; // - OR - const cssUrl = require('./style.scss?url'); ``` Where the `./style.scss` is the source SCSS file relative to the JavaScript file. To load a CSS file dynamically, you can use following function: ```js import cssUrl from './style.scss?url'; function loadCSS(url) { const style = document.createElement('link'); style.href = url; style.rel = 'stylesheet'; document.head.appendChild(style); } loadCSS(cssUrl); ``` The CSS will be extracted into separate file and the `cssUrl` variable will contains the CSS output filename. Since 2023, many browsers support the modern way to add the stylesheets into DOM without creating the `link` tag. ```js import cssUrl from './style.scss?url'; async function loadCSS(url) { const response = await fetch(url); const css = await response.text(); const sheet = new CSSStyleSheet(); sheet.replaceSync(css); document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; } loadCSS(cssUrl); ``` See the [browser compatibility]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-css-modules" name="recipe-css-modules"></a> ## How to import CSS class names in JS **Required:** `css-loader >= 7.0.0` To import style `class names` in JS, add in the webpack config the [modules]( option into `css-loader`: ```js { test: /\.(css)$/, use: [ { loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: { localIdentName: '[name]__[local]--[hash:base64:5]', exportLocalsConvention: 'camelCase', }, }, }, ], }, ``` For example there is _./style.css_ file: ```css .error-message { color: red; } ``` In _./main.js_ file you can use the class name with `camelCase`: ```js import styles from './style.css'; element.innerHTML = `<div class="${styles.errorMessage}">`; ``` The imported `styles` object contains generated class names like followings: ```js { errorMessage: 'main__error-message--gvFM4', } ``` Read more information about [CSS Modules]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-css-style-sheet" name="recipe-css-style-sheet"></a> ## How to import CSS stylesheet in JS Using the `css-loader` option [exportType]( as `css-style-sheet` you can import the CSS stylesheets as the instance of the [CSSStyleSheet]( object. Import a CSS module script and apply it to a document or a shadow root like this: ```js import sheet from './style.scss?sheet'; document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; ``` You can use the `?sheet` URL query to import a style file as stylesheets. The query must be configured in the webpack config: ```js module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: './src/index.html', }, js: { filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].js', }, css: { filename: '[name].[contenthash:8].css', }, }), ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.(s?css)$/, oneOf: [ // Import CSS/SCSS source file as a CSSStyleSheet object { resourceQuery: /sheet/, // <= the query, e.g. style.scss?sheet use: [ { loader: 'css-loader', options: { exportType: 'css-style-sheet', // <= define this option }, }, { loader: 'sass-loader', }, ], }, // Import CSS/SCSS source file as a CSS string { use: [ 'css-loader', 'sass-loader', ], } ], } ], }, }; ``` Using the universal configuration above you can apply CSS stylesheets in JS and extract CSS into separate file or inject CSS into HTML: ```js import sheet from './style.scss?sheet'; // import as CSSStyleSheet object import './style2.scss?inline'; // the extracted CSS will be injected into HTML import './style3.scss'; // the extracted CSS will be saved into separate output file // apply stylesheet to document and shadow root document.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; shadowRoot.adoptedStyleSheets = [sheet]; ``` This is useful for [custom elements]( and shadow DOM. More information: - [Using CSS Module Scripts to import stylesheets]( - [Constructable Stylesheets: seamless reusable styles]( --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-load-js-css-from-node-modules" name="recipe-load-js-css-from-node-modules"></a> ## How to load JS and CSS from `node_modules` in template Some node modules specifies compiled bundle files for the browser in `package.json`. For example: - the [material-icons]( specifies the `browser ready` CSS file. - the [bootstrap]( specifies the `browser ready` JS and CSS files. You can use only the module name, the plugin automatically resolves `browser ready` files for script and style: ```html <html> <head> <!-- plugin resolves the bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css --> <link href="bootstrap" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- plugin resolves the bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js --> <script src="bootstrap" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` If you need to load a specific version of a file, use the module name and the path to that file: ```html <html> <head> <link href="bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.rtl.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` > **Warning** > > Don't use a relative path to `node_modules`, like `../node_modules/bootstrap`. The plugin resolves node module path by the name automatically. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-import-style-from-node-modules" name="recipe-import-style-from-node-modules"></a> ## How to import CSS or SCSS from `node_modules` in SCSS The plugin resolves default style files defined in node_modules automatically. For example, import source styles of material-icons: ```scss // import source styles from `material-icons` module @use 'material-icons'; // define short class name for original `.material-icons-outlined` class name from module .mat-icon { @extend .material-icons-outlined; } ``` You can import a file from a module using the module name and the path to the file: ```scss @use 'MODULE_NAME/path/to/style'; ``` > **Warning** > > The file extension, e.g. .scss, .css, must be omitted. > **Warning** > > Use the `@use` instead of `@import`, because it is [deprecated]( For example, import the style theme `tomorrow` from the [prismjs]( module: ```scss @use 'prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.min'; ``` > **Warning** > > Don't use [resolve-url-loader](! > > The HTML bundler plugin resolves styles faster than `resolve-url-loader` and don't requires using the `source map` in `sass-loader` options. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-preprocessor-php" name="recipe-preprocessor-php"></a> ## How to process a PHP template (.phtml) The plugin can replace the source filenames of scripts, styles, images, etc. with their output filenames in a template. For example, there is the PHP template _src/views/index.phtml_: ```php <?php $title = 'Home'; ?> <html> <head> <title><?= $title ?></title> <link href="./style.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` The PHP template should not be compiled into pure HTML, but only should be processed the source assets. In this case, the `preprocessor` must be disabled. ```js module.exports = { output: { path: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/'), // output directory }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ test: /\.(php|phtml)$/i, // define template extensions to be processed filename: '[name].phtml', // define output filename for templates defined in entry entry: { index: './src/views/index.phtml', }, js: { filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', }, css: { filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', }, preprocessor: false, // disable preprocessor }), ], }; ``` The processed PHP template _dist/index.phtml_: ```php <?php $title = 'Home'; ?> <html> <head> <title><?= $title ?></title> <link href="css/style.026fd625.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="js/main.3347618e.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-pass-data-to-templates" name="recipe-pass-data-to-templates"></a> ## How to pass data into multiple templates You can pass variables into template using a template engine, e.g. [Handlebars]( For multiple page configuration, better to use the [Nunjucks]( template engine maintained by Mozilla. For example, you have several pages with variables.\ Both pages have the same layout _src/views/layouts/default.html_ ```html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>{{ title }}</title> <!-- block for specific page styles --> {% block styles %}{% endblock %} <!-- block for specific page scripts --> {% block scripts %}{% endblock %} </head> <body> <main class="main-content"> <!-- block for specific page content --> {% block content %}{% endblock %} </main> </body> </html> ``` _src/views/pages/home/index.html_ ```html {% extends "src/views/layouts/default.html" %} {% block styles %} <!-- include source style --> <link href="./home.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} <!-- include source script --> <script src="./home.js" defer="defer"></script> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ filmTitle }}</h1> <p>Location: {{ location }}</p> <!-- @images is the Webpack alias for the source images directory --> <img src="@images/{{ imageFile }}" /> {% endblock %} ``` _src/views/pages/about/index.html_ ```html {% extends "src/views/layouts/default.html" %} {% block styles %} <link href="./about.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} <script src="./about.js" defer="defer"></script> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <h1>Main characters</h1> <ul> {% for item in actors %} <li class="name">{{ item.firstname }} {{ item.lastname }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endblock %} ``` _Webpack config_ ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); const Nunjucks = require('nunjucks'); // Note: // If your pages have a lot of variables, it's a good idea to define them separately // to keep the configuration clean and clear. const entryData = { // variables for home page home: { title: 'Home', filmTitle: 'Breaking Bad', location: 'Albuquerque, New Mexico', imageFile: 'picture.png', }, // variables for about page about: { title: 'About', actors: [ { firstname: 'Walter', lastname: 'White, "Heisenberg"', }, { firstname: 'Jesse', lastname: 'Pinkman', }, ], }, }; module.exports = { resolve: { alias: { '@images': path.join(__dirname, 'src/assets/images'), }, }, plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { // define your templates here index: { // => dist/index.html import: 'src/views/pages/home/index.html', data: entryData.home, }, about: { // => dist/about.html import: 'src/views/pages/about/index.html', data: entryData.about, }, }, js: { filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', }, css: { filename: 'css/[name].[contenthash:8].css', }, // the Nunjucks template engine is supported "out of the box" preprocessor: 'nunjucks', // -OR- use as the function for full controll // preprocessor: (content, { data }) => Nunjucks.renderString(content, data), }), ], module: { rules: [ // styles { test: /\.(css|sass|scss)$/, use: ['css-loader', 'sass-loader'], }, // images { test: /\.(png|svg|jpe?g|webp)$/i, type: 'asset/resource', generator: { filename: 'assets/img/[name].[hash:8][ext]', }, }, ], }, }; ``` The generated _dist/index.html_ ```html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Home</title> <link href="css/home.2180238c.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="js/home.790d746b.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <main class="main-content"> <h1>Breaking Bad</h1> <p>Breaking Bad is an American crime drama</p> <p>Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico</p> <img src="assets/img/picture.697ef306.png" alt="location" /> </main> </body> </html> ``` The generated _dist/about.html_ ```html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>About</title> <link href="css/about.2777c101.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="js/about.1.c5e03c0e.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <main class="main-content"> <h1>Main characters</h1> <ul> <li class="name">Walter White, &quot;Heisenberg&quot;</li> <li class="name">Jesse Pinkman</li> </ul> </main> </body> </html> ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-diff-templates" name="recipe-diff-templates"></a> ## How to use some different template engines When you have many templates with different syntax, you can use a separate module rules for each template engine. For example, in your project are mixed templates with EJS and Handlebars syntax. ``` - src/views/ejs/home.ejs - src/views/hbs/about.hbs ``` To handle different templates, define the `test` plugin option that must match those templates and add a preprocessor for each template type in the module rules. ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); const ejs = require('ejs'); const Handlebars = require('handlebars'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ test: /\.(ejs|hbs)$/, // <= specify extensions for all template types here entry: { index: 'src/views/ejs/home.ejs', // EJS template about: 'src/views/hbs/about.hbs', // Handlebars template }, }), ], module: { rules: [ // the rule for EJS { test: /\.ejs$/, loader: HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader, // universal template loader options: { preprocessor: 'ejs', preprocessorOptions: { views: [path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/ejs/partials')], }, }, }, // the rule for Handlebars { test: /\.hbs$/, loader: HtmlBundlerPlugin.loader, // universal template loader options: { preprocessor: 'handlebars', preprocessorOptions: { views: [path.join(__dirname, 'src/views/hbs/partials')], }, }, }, ], }, }; ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-split-chunks" name="recipe-split-chunks"></a> ### How to config `splitChunks` Webpack tries to split every entry file, include template files, which completely breaks the compilation process in the plugin. To avoid this issue, you must specify which scripts should be split, using `optimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups`: ```js module.exports = { optimization: { splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { scripts: { test: /\.(js|ts)$/, chunks: 'all', }, }, }, }, }; ``` > **Note** > > In the `test` option must be specified all extensions of scripts which should be split. See details by [splitChunks.cacheGroups]( For example, in a template are used the scripts and styles from `node_modules`: ```html <html> <head> <title>Home</title> <link href="bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <script src="./main.js"></script> </body> </html> ``` > **Note** > > In the generated HTML, all script tags remain in their original places, and the split chunks will be added there > in the order in which Webpack generated them. In this use case the `optimization.cacheGroups.{cacheGroup}.test` option must match exactly only JS files from `node_modules`: ```js module.exports = { optimization: { runtimeChunk: 'single', splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { vendor: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/].+\.(js|ts)$/, // use exactly this Regexp name: 'vendor', chunks: 'all', }, }, }, }, }; ``` > **Warning** > > If you will to use the `test` as `/[\\/]node_modules[\\/]`, without extension specification, > then Webpack concatenates JS code together with CSS in one file and Webpack compilation will failed or generate files with a wrong content. > Webpack can't differentiate CSS module from JS module, therefore you MUST match only JS files. --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-split-chunks-keep-module-name" name="recipe-split-chunks-keep-module-name"></a> ### How to keep package name for split chunks from node_modules To save split chunks under a custom name use `optimization.cacheGroups.{cacheGroup}.name` as function. For example, many node modules are imported in the `main.js`: ```js import { Button } from 'bootstrap'; import _, { map } from 'underscore'; // ... ``` There is a template used the `main.js` _./src/views/index.html_: ```html <html> <head> <!-- include source script --> <script src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` Then, use the `optimization.splitChunks.cacheGroups.{cacheGroup}.name` as following function: ```js const HtmlBundlerPlugin = require('html-bundler-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new HtmlBundlerPlugin({ entry: { index: 'src/views/index.html', }, js: { filename: 'js/[name].[contenthash:8].js', chunkFilename: 'js/[id].[contenthash:8].js', }, }), ], optimization: { runtimeChunk: true, splitChunks: { // chunks: 'all', // DO NOT use it here, otherwise the compiled pages will be corrupted maxSize: 1000000, // split chunks bigger than 100KB, defaults is 20KB cacheGroups: { app: { test: /\.(js|ts)$/, // split only JS files chunks: 'all', // <- use it only in cache groups name({ context }, chunks, groupName) { // save split chunks of the node module under package name if (/[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/.test(context)) { const moduleName = context.match(/[\\/]node_modules[\\/](.*?)(?:[\\/]|$)/)[1].replace('@', ''); return `npm.${moduleName}`; } // save split chunks of the application return groupName; }, }, }, }, }, }; ``` > **Warning** > > The group name MUST be different from the script names used in the template. > Otherwise, a chunk name conflict occurs. > > For example, > if you are already using `main.js` in the template, the group name should not be `main`. > Take another name, e.g. `app`. The split files will be saved like this: ``` dist/js/runtime.9cd0e0f9.js dist/js/npm.popperjs/core.f96a1152.js <- split chunks of node modules dist/js/npm.bootstrap.f69a4e44.js dist/js/npm.underscore.4e44f69a.js dist/js/main.3010da09.js <- base code of main script dist/js/app-5fa74877.7044e96a.js <- split chinks of main script dist/js/app-d6ae2b10.92215a4e.js dist/js/app-5fa74877.1aceb2db.js ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="recipe-split-css" name="recipe-split-css"></a> ### How to split CSS files > **Warning** > > Splitting CSS to many chunks is principally impossible. Splitting works only for JS files. Using the bundler plugin, all your style source files should be specified directly in the template. You can import style files in JavaScript, like it works using the `mini-css-extract-plugin` and `html-webpack-plugin`, but it is a **bad practice** and processing is **slower**. You can separate the styles into multiple bundles yourself. For example, there are style files used in your app: ``` - components/banner/style.scss 150 KB - components/button/style.scss 50 KB - components/menu/style.scss 50 KB - components/modal/style.scss 100 KB - components/panel/style.scss 100 KB - styles/main.scss 250 KB ``` We want to have a bundle file ~250 KB, then create the bundles manually: _styles/bundle01.scss_ 200 KB ```scss @use '../components/banner/style.scss'; @use '../components/button/style.scss'; ``` _styles/bundle02.scss_ 250 KB ```scss @use '../components/menu/style.scss'; @use '../components/modal/style.scss'; @use '../components/panel/style.scss'; ``` Add the bundles in the template: ```html <html> <head> <title>Home</title> <link href="./styles/bundle01.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="./styles/bundle02.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="./styles/main.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> </body> </html> ``` If you use vendor styles in your style file, then vendor styles will not be saved to a separate file, because `sass-loader` generates one CSS bundle code. _styles.scss_ ```scss @use 'bootstrap/scss/bootstrap'; body { color: bootstrap.$primary; } // ... ``` If you want save module styles separate from your styles, then load them in a template separately: ```html <html> <head> <title>Home</title> <!-- include module styles --> <link href="bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <!-- include your styles --> <link href="./style.scss" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Hello World!</h1> <script src="./main.js"></script> </body> </html> ``` --- #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="solutions" name="solutions"></a> ## Problems & Solutions <a id="solutions-resolve-extensions" name="solutions-resolve-extensions"></a> ### Automatic resolving of file extensions Defaults, the Webpack resolves the omitted `.js` extension. If you use the TypeScript, you can add the `.ts` extension to be resolved. For example, you have the files: ``` - moduleA.js - moduleB.ts - app.ts - app.scss ``` The file extensions can be omitted: _app.ts_ ```js import moduleA from './moduleA'; import moduleB from './moduleB'; ``` To allow this magic, you should configure the [resolve.extensions]( Webpack option. ```js module.exports = { //... resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.ts'], }, }; ``` #### Problem with styles If you import style files in your script and want automatically to resolve the `.css`, `.scss` extensions, e.g., as the following: _app.ts_ ```js import moduleA from './moduleA'; import moduleB from './moduleB'; // import app.scss file import './app'; // <= DON'T DO IT! ``` ```js module.exports = { //... resolve: { extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.scss'], // <= DO NOT mix script and style extensions }, }; ``` If you use as above, it won't work. #### Solution To import styles in a script, you MUST use a style extension and not add a style extension to the `resolve.extensions` option. _app.ts_ ```js import moduleA from './moduleA'; import moduleB from './moduleB'; import './app.scss'; // <= use the style extension ``` #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="solutions-import-url-in-css" name="solutions-import-url-in-css"></a> ## How to use `@import url()` in CSS > **Warning** > > Don't use `@import in CSS`. It's very `bad practice`. > Bad example, _main.css_: ```css @import 'path/to/style.css'; ``` The plugin does not support handling of `@import url()` in CSS. Imported url will be passed 1:1 into resulting CSS. **Problem:** defaults, `css-loader` handles `@import at-rule`, which causes an issue in the plugin. **Solution:** add the `import: false` into `css-loader` options: ```js { test: /\.(css)$/i, loader: 'css-loader', options: { import: false, // disable handling of @import at-rule in CSS }, }, ``` > **Warning** > > The `*.css` files imported in CSS are not handled, therefore these files must be manually copied to the `dist/` folder using the `copy-webpack-plugin`. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) <a id="solutions-disable-resolving-in-commented-out-tag" name="solutions-disable-resolving-in-commented-out-tag"></a> ## How to disable resolving in commented out tag In [default attributes](#default-attributes), files will be resolved automatically, regardless of whether the tag is commented out or not. This is not a bug, it is a feature for very fast attribute parsing. If you commented out a tag and don't want to resolve files in the tag's [attributes](#default-attributes), rename the attribute. For example: `href` -> `x-href` or `src` -> `x-src`. ```html <!-- <link x-href="./styles.scss" rel="stylesheet /> --> <!-- <script x-src="./main.js" defer="defer"></script> --> <!-- <img x-src="./image.png"> --> ``` If used any [template engine](#template-engine) (defaults is [Eta](#loader-option-preprocessor-options-eta)) then can be used [templating comments]( `<%/* ... */%>`. ```html <%/* <link rel="stylesheet href="./style.scss" /> Single line comment w/o resolving */%> <%/* Multiline comment w/o resolving of files in attributes <img src="./image1.png" /> <img src="./image2.png" /> */%> ``` The generated HTML will not contain templating comments. #### [↑ back to contents](#contents) --- ## Also See - [ansis][ansis] - The Node.js lib for ANSI color styling of text in terminal - [pug-loader][pug-loader] The Pug loader for Webpack - [pug-plugin][pug-plugin] The Pug plugin for Webpack ## License [ISC]( [ansis]: [pug-loader]: [pug-plugin]:
Renders Eta, EJS, Handlebars, Nunjucks, Pug, Twig templates "out of the box". Uses HTML template as entry point. Resolves source files of scripts, styles, images in HTML. Supports for Vue.
<h1 align="center"> Livros de Programação 📚</br><i>Programming Books</i></h1> Repository with programming books Languages: * Portuguese * English # 👩🏻‍💻 📖 Books every programmer should read </br> [CÓDIGO LIMPO](</br> [CRACKING THE CODING INTERVIEW](</br> [Como ser um programador melhor?](</br> [O programador apaixonado- Construindo uma carreira notável em desenvolvimento de software](</br> [Refatoração - Aperfeiçoando o design de códigos existentes](</br> [O programador pragmático](</br> ## ALGORITMO [Algoritmos - Teoria e Prática](</br> [Estruturas De Dados E Seus Algoritmos](</br> [Algoritmo - Lógica para desenvolvimento de computadores]( ## LÓGICA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO [Fundamentos da programação de computadores_ algoritmos, PASCAL, C_C++ (padrão ANSI) e JAVA](</br> [Lógica de Programação](</br> [Lógica de Programação_ Crie seus primeiros programas usando Javascript e HTML](</br> [Treinamento em Lógica de Programação](</br> ## FRONT-END [Desenvolvimento Web com HTML, CSS e JavaScript](</br> [Guia Front-End](</br> [apostila-html-css-javascript](</br> [Guia HTML Premium](</br> [php-mysql-javascript-html5-all-in-one-for-dummies](</br> ### JAVASCRIPT [Desenvolvimento Web com Javascript](</br> [JavaScript and JQuery_ Interactive Front-End Web Development](</br> [JavaScript for beginners](</br> [JavaScript Guia Definitivo](</br> [Meteor_ Criando aplicações web real-time com JavaScript](</br> [Dominando JavaScript](</br> ### LEARNING [Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript_ With jQuery, CSS & HTML5](</br> [Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5_ A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites](</br> [Learning Web Design _ A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics](</br> []()</br> ## BACK-END ### C# [C# para inicantes](</br> [C# e orientação a objetos](</br> [Use a cabeça C#](</br> [Apostila C# e orientação a objetos](</br> [Design Patterns com C#- Aprenda padrões de projetos com os games](</br> ### PHP [Análise de vulnerabilidades em sistemas web com PHP](</br> [Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites](</br> [Desenvolvimento web com PHP e MySQL](</br> [Laravel_ Up and Running_ A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps](</br> [Learn PHP 7_ Object Oriented Modular Programming using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, JSON, and MySQL](</br> [PHP - PROGRAMANDO COM ORIENTAÇAO A OBJETOS](</br> [PHP and MySQL Web Development_ Master the Concepts of PHP_ A Step By Step Process](</br> [PHP e Laravel Crie aplicações web como um verdadeiro artesão](</br> [PHP_ Learn PHP in 24 Hours or Less - A Beginner's Guide To Learning PHP Programming Now]('s%20Guide%20To%20Learning%20PHP%20Programming%20Now.pdf)</br> [Practical PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB Website Databases_ A Simplified Approach to Developing Database-Driven Websites](</br> [Test-Driven Development_ Teste e Design no Mundo Real com PHP](</br> ### PYTHON [Automatize tarefas maçantes com Python](</br> [Curso Intensivo de Python](</br> [Data Science do zero_ Primeiras regras com o Python](</br> [Django - The Easy Way_ A step-by-step guide on building Django websites, 2nd Edition](</br> [Flask Web Development_ Developing Web Applications with Python](</br> [Pense em Python](</br> [Python All-In-One for Dummies](</br> [Test-Driven Development with Python_ Obey the Testing Goat_ Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript](</br> [Web Scraping with Python_ Collecting More Data from the Modern Web](</br> ### JAVA [Design Patterns com Java_ Projeto orientado a objetos guiado por padrões](</br> [Java - Frameworks e Aplicações Corporativas](</br> [Java Programming For Beginners - A Simple Start to Java Programming](</br> [Programação em Java](</br> [Spring MVC_ Domine o principal framework web Java](</br> [java basico e orientação a objetos](</br> [java interview questions_ Top 20 java interview programs and answers](</br> Contribute with:</br> ⭐ Star in the repository</br> 👍 Follow me</br> []()</br> []()</br>
Repositorio com livros de programação
<div align="center"> <img src="./images/typability-icon.svg" width="150" /> # Typability a WYSIWYG markdown editor based on [Milkdown]( (Thanks to [SoilZhu]( for drawing this icon!) [![build(nightly)](]( <img src="./images/typability-screenshot.png" width="400" /> </div> # ✨ Features - [x] **🌈 Fluent Design - Use FluentUI components with Mica\Arcylic background** - [x] **🪶 Lightweight - Bundle with tauri for smaller installer size and memory usage** - [x] 📝 **WYSIWYG Markdown - provides Typora-like seamless Markdown editing experience** # 🚧 Todo - [x] Multi-language support - [x] Find/Replace - [x] LaTeX support - [ ] More export options - [x] Two-column editor - [ ] Picture bed integration # ☔ System Requirements - [x] Windows 7+ (Recommend: Windows 10 1803 +) - [x] macOS 11.3+ (Reasons: see [Fluent UI's broswer support matrix]( - [x] most Linux distributions (Recommend/Tested: Ubuntu 18.04 +) # 📦 How to build This project is bundled with [tauri](, You should follow [this guide]( first. ```bash yarn install # Install dependencies yarn tauri dev # Start development server yarn tauri build # Bundle App ``` # 🌍 Translation Typability add i18n support since version 0.3.0. Here is the [Transifex Project]( If you're intersted in translating this project, contact me please!
a WYSIWYG markdown editor based on Milkdown.
[![Prim+RPC. Pictured are two very short JavaScript files: a simple function on the server-side and a call to that function on the client-side. Tagline: "Backend, meet Frontend"](./.github/docs-screenshot.png)]( [![npm](]( [![npm license](]( [![npm bundle size](]( [^1] **Prim+RPC is a bridge between JavaScript environments.** Call functions on the server as if they exist on the client, without the wrappers. It's just JavaScript. You could bridge: - Web server and client - Two browser tabs - Main thread and Web Worker - Two separate processes - Any other separated JavaScript environments Prim+RPC is framework-agnostic (bring your own server and client tools), fully-typed, lightweight, doesn't require a compile-step, and is loaded with features: - File handling - Callback support - Custom serialization - Error handling - Request batching - HTML form handling - Documentation generation - Access control **If you know JavaScript, you know how to use Prim+RPC**. If you want access to a function, just call it: less setup, easier access, quicker development of your API. **[📖 Read the Docs]( ∙ [💡 Examples]( ∙ [⚙️ Setup]( ∙ [🔌 Plugins]( ∙ [🧑‍💻 Follow Author](** ## Contributions > [!NOTE] > > Prim+RPC is in early stages and is marching towards a [stable release](#release-plan). Support Prim+RPC by > [starring the repository](, sharing with others, and following for updates. Happy to have you! Please see the [Contribution Guide](./ to learn more. If you're only looking for how to use the library, please see the [Documentation]( ## Issues & Security - If you have any questions or are having trouble, feel free to open a [new discussion]( - For security-related issues, please refer to the [Security Policy](./ - If you discover a non-security issue with Prim+RPC, please [file a new issue]( so I can take a look! ## Release Plan > [!WARNING] > > Prim+RPC is in **alpha** and it may be unstable. Keep up-to-date with the > [latest releases](, report any > [found security issues](, and > [participate in discussions]( to help shape the future of the > project! Prim+RPC is planned to become stable by the end of Q1 2024, alongside the release Ted's [portfolio website]( that will make use of it. Prim+RPC Core, the framework-agnostic core of the project, will become stable first and will be released once the default plugins are stable. Lastly, Prim+RPC's optional tooling (such as documentation generation) will become stable. At this point, the alpha tag is planned to be removed. Once I am using Prim+RPC in production, a v1.0 will be released. ## Licenses This project consists of three parts: Code, Documentation, and Assets: **Code**: The Prim+RPC code libraries (RPC core, plugins, and tooling) are licensed under the [Apache 2.0 license](./LICENSE.txt). You may find library source code in the [`/libs`](./libs/) folder of this project. Assets, which may appear alongside Code, are excluded from this license. **Documentation**: The documentation website and text are [proprietary](./ You may find documentation in the [`/apps`](./apps/) folder of this project. Unauthorized usage of Documentation outside of fair use is strictly prohibited. **Assets**: The "Prim+RPC" name and logo as well as the "Dose of Ted" name and logo are [proprietary](./ Assets are excluded from all licenses, regardless of where they are located in the project. Unauthorized usage of Assets outside of fair use is strictly prohibited. [^1]: These badges report stats for [`@doseofted/prim-rpc`]( on the npm registry.
Easy-to-understand, type-safe, transport-agnostic RPC/IPC for JavaScript, supporting callbacks, batching, file handling, custom serialization, and more.
# Expand Everything *Load more!*, *show more!*, *read more!* - these are the cursed buttons that website owners make you click before you can see all the information that you came to read. Reviews and comments deemed "too long"; YouTube video descriptions that are hidden. Expand Everything fixes this by clicking them for you. This is ideally suited for use cases where you plan to read, print, copy, or archive (e.g. [SingleFile]( the entire page. <b><a href="#demo">Demo</a></b>. Efforts are made to avoid slowing things down after the initial load. We use `MutationObserver` and `querySelectorAll` to watch for the elements that we need to automatically click, but crucially: 1) The MutationObserver is disconnected after e.g. 200 mutations to avoid slowing things down. The "stop the observer" count is different for each website and you can try adjusting them to your liking. 2) The MutationObserver is reinstalled after an SPA navigation (because there might be new elements to click on). When available, we use [Navigation API]( to watch for location changes; otherwise, we use `setInterval(..., 1000)`, but stop polling when the page is not visible. ## Install This is distributed as a userscript, so you need a browser extension that runs userscripts. [Violentmonkey]( can be installed in Firefox and Chromium-based browsers. [Userscripts]( works in Safari. Then, visit [expand.user.js]( and _Confirm installation_. (Alternatively, create a new script and paste in the entire <code>expand.user.js</code> source.) ## Supported sites - ("Load more" all the issue comments, expand minimized and similar comments, expand outdated review comments) - (load all comments) - (expand video descriptions and comments, load more comments) - (in reviews for a business, expand text) - (in threads, show replies to replies) - and all other Stack Exchange sites (show all comments) - https://\* (dismiss subscribe overlay, expand comment text) - (expand book review text) - (expand comments below threshold, expand deleted comments) - For "load more comments", you'll need [Reddit Enhancement Suite]( and its "Never Ending Comments", "Load Child Comments" options. - (expand collapsed comments) - (expand answer text) - (expand film review text, load more reviews) - https://\* (expand text in profiles, comments on posts) - (expand collapsed comments) - (open all folders) - (expand posts on actual post pages) - (expand posts and comments) - (expand review text) - (expand post bodies) - (expand quote blocks) - and (expand toots hidden behind a spoiler) For test pages, see the "Test page:" comments in expand.user.js. ## Demo The video description and comment replies are expanded automatically. <img src="">
A userscript to click "show more" links to expand all the text on a page, without slowing things down too much
# Whatsapp Chat GPT Whatsapp Chat GPT is a simple Whatsapp bot that consuming OpenIA API. You can make your questions and get your responses inside Whatsapp. ## Demo video ## Technologies - [OpenIA]( - [wa-automate-nodejs]( ## Localy run Clone this project ```bash git clone ``` Enter in repository project folder Go to the .env.example and rename it to .env, and change the OPENAI_API_KEY to your Chat GPT API Key Now, install the dependencies ```bash npm install ``` Run the BOT and scan QR Code ```bash npm run start ``` ## License [Apache 2.0](
Make your whatsapp BOT talk like a human using ChatGPT!
# rn-swiper-list ⚡️ ⚡ Lightning fast and customizable tinder-like swiper for React Native ## Installation ⚙️ ```sh yarn add rn-swiper-list ``` `rn-swiper-list` needs `react-native-reanimated` and `react-native-gesture-handler` package 💎 ```sh yarn add react-native-reanimated react-native-gesture-handler ``` 👇 You also need to complete installations of these packages for more information use the links below 👇 - [react-native-reanimated]( - [react-native-gesture-handler]( ## Overview - [x] Rotation animation - [x] Swipe event callbacks - [x] Scale animation - [x] Overlay labels - [x] Swipe back to previous card with a custom animation - [x] More swipe events callbacks - [x] Integrating and using a single card with flatlist # Props ✏️ ## Card Props | Props | type | description | required | | :--------- | :----------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- | | data | array | Array of data objects used to render the cards. | Yes | | renderCard | func(cardData,cardIndex) | Function that renders a card based on the provided data and index. | Yes | | cardStyle | object | CSS style properties applied to each card. These can be applied inline. | | | children | React.ReactNode | Child components to be displayed inside the component. Used typically for composition. | | ## Event callbacks | Props | type | description | default | | :------------ | :--- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------ | | onSwipeLeft | func | Function called when a card is swiped left. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. | `(cardIndex) => {}` | | onSwipeRight | func | Function called when a card is swiped right. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. | `(cardIndex) => {}` | | onSwipeTop | func | Function called when a card is swiped top. It receives the index of the card as a parameter. | `(cardIndex) => {}` | | onSwipedAll | func | Function called when all cards have been swiped. | `() => {}` | | onSwipeStart | func | Function called when a swipe event starts. | `() => {}` | | onSwipeEnd | func | Function called when a swipe event ends. | `() => {}` | | onSwipeActive | func | Function called when a swipe event is active. | `() => {}` | ## Swipe Animation Props | props | type | description | default | | :---------------- | :--- | :---------------------------------------------- | :------ | | disableLeftSwipe | bool | If true, disables the ability to swipe left. | `false` | | disableRightSwipe | bool | If true, disables the ability to swipe right. | `false` | | disableTopSwipe | bool | If true, disables the ability to swipe upwards. | `false` | ## Rotation Animation Props | props | type | description | default | | :------------------ | :---- | :------------------------------------------------------------ | :----------------------------------------- | | translateXRange | array | Translates the card horizontally. | `[-windowWidth / 3, 0, windowWidth / 3]` | | translateYRange | array | Translates the card vertically. | `[-windowHeight / 3, 0, windowHeight / 3]` | | rotateInputRange | array | Array specifying the range of x values for rotation mapping. | `[-windowWidth / 3, 0, windowWidth / 3]` | | outputRotationRange | array | Array of rotation values corresponding to `rotateInputRange`. | `[-Math.PI / 20, 0, Math.PI / 20]` | ## Overlay Labels Animation Props | props | type | description | default | | :---------------------------------- | :---------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :------------------------- | | inputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange | array | Array defining the input range for animating the opacity of the right overlay label. | `[0, windowWidth / 3]` | | outputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange | array | Array defining the output opacity values for the right overlay label, corresponding to the input range. | `[0, 1]` | | inputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange | array | Array defining the input range for animating the opacity of the left overlay label. | `[0, -(windowWidth / 3)]` | | outputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange | array | Array defining the output opacity values for the left overlay label, corresponding to the input range. | `[0, 1]` | | inputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange | array | Array defining the input range for animating the opacity of the top overlay label. | `[0, -(windowHeight / 3)]` | | outputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange | array | Array defining the output opacity values for the top overlay label, corresponding to the input range. | `[0, 1]` | | OverlayLabelRight | () => JSX.Element | Component rendered as an overlay label for right swipes. | | | OverlayLabelLeft | () => JSX.Element | Component rendered as an overlay label for left swipes. | | | OverlayLabelTop | () => JSX.Element | Component rendered as an overlay label for top swipes. | | ## Swipe methods | props | type | description | | :--------- | :------- | :------------------------------------------------------------- | | swipeBack | callback | Resets the card position after a swipe event | | swipeRight | callback | Animates the card to fling to the right and calls onSwipeRight | | swipeLeft | callback | Animates the card to fling to the left and calls onSwipeLeft | | swipeTop | callback | Animates the card to fling to the top and calls onSwipeTop | ## Usage 🧑‍💻 ```typescript /* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */ import React, { useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import { Image, StyleSheet, View, type ImageSourcePropType, } from 'react-native'; import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { AntDesign } from '@expo/vector-icons'; import { Swiper, type SwiperCardRefType } from 'rn-swiper-list'; import { ActionButton } from '../components'; const IMAGES: ImageSourcePropType[] = [ require('../assets/images/1.jpg'), require('../assets/images/2.jpg'), require('../assets/images/3.jpg'), require('../assets/images/4.jpg'), require('../assets/images/5.jpg'), require('../assets/images/6.jpg'), ]; const App = () => { const ref = useRef<SwiperCardRefType>(); const renderCard = useCallback( (image: ImageSourcePropType) => { return ( <View style={styles.renderCardContainer}> <Image source={image} style={styles.renderCardImage} resizeMode="cover" /> </View> ); }, [] ); const OverlayLabelRight = useCallback(() => { return ( <View style={[ styles.overlayLabelContainer, { backgroundColor: 'green', }, ]} /> ); }, []); const OverlayLabelLeft = useCallback(() => { return ( <View style={[ styles.overlayLabelContainer, { backgroundColor: 'red', }, ]} /> ); }, []); const OverlayLabelTop = useCallback(() => { return ( <View style={[ styles.overlayLabelContainer, { backgroundColor: 'blue', }, ]} /> ); }, []); return ( <GestureHandlerRootView style={styles.container}> <View style={styles.subContainer}> <Swiper ref={ref} cardStyle={styles.cardStyle} data={IMAGES} renderCard={renderCard} onSwipeRight={(cardIndex) => { console.log('cardIndex', cardIndex); }} onSwipedAll={() => { console.log('onSwipedAll'); }} onSwipeLeft={(cardIndex) => { console.log('onSwipeLeft', cardIndex); }} onSwipeTop={(cardIndex) => { console.log('onSwipeTop', cardIndex); }} OverlayLabelRight={OverlayLabelRight} OverlayLabelLeft={OverlayLabelLeft} OverlayLabelTop={OverlayLabelTop} onSwipeActive={() => { console.log('onSwipeActive'); }} onSwipeStart={() => { console.log('onSwipeStart'); }} onSwipeEnd={() => { console.log('onSwipeEnd'); }} /> </View> <View style={styles.buttonsContainer}> <ActionButton style={styles.button} onTap={() => { ref.current?.swipeLeft(); }} > <AntDesign name="close" size={32} color="white" /> </ActionButton> <ActionButton style={[styles.button, { height: 60, marginHorizontal: 10 }]} onTap={() => { ref.current?.swipeBack(); }} > <AntDesign name="reload1" size={24} color="white" /> </ActionButton> <ActionButton style={styles.button} onTap={() => { ref.current?.swipeTop(); }} > <AntDesign name="arrowup" size={32} color="white" /> </ActionButton> <ActionButton style={styles.button} onTap={() => { ref.current?.swipeRight(); }} > <AntDesign name="heart" size={32} color="white" /> </ActionButton> </View> </GestureHandlerRootView> ); }; export default App; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, buttonsContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', bottom: 34, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, button: { height: 80, borderRadius: 40, marginHorizontal: 20, aspectRatio: 1, backgroundColor: '#3A3D45', elevation: 4, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', shadowColor: 'black', shadowOpacity: 0.1, shadowOffset: { width: 0, height: 4, }, }, buttonText: { fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold', }, cardStyle: { width: '95%', height: '75%', borderRadius: 15, marginVertical: 20, }, renderCardContainer: { flex: 1, borderRadius: 15, height: '75%', width: '100%', }, renderCardImage: { height: '100%', width: '100%', borderRadius: 15, }, subContainer: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, overlayLabelContainer: { width: '100%', height: '100%', borderRadius: 15, }, }); ``` For more examples check out the [example]( folder 📂 ## Types 🏷️ ```ts type SwiperCardRefType = | { swipeRight: () => void; swipeLeft: () => void; swipeBack: () => void; swipeTop: () => void; } | undefined; type SwiperOptions<T> = { /* * Card data and render function */ data: T[]; renderCard: (item: T, index: number) => JSX.Element; cardStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>; /* * Children components */ onSwipeLeft?: (cardIndex: number) => void; onSwipeRight?: (cardIndex: number) => void; onSwipeTop?: (cardIndex: number) => void; onSwipedAll?: () => void; onSwipeStart?: () => void; onSwipeEnd?: () => void; onSwipeActive?: () => void; /* * Swipe methods */ disableRightSwipe?: boolean; disableLeftSwipe?: boolean; disableTopSwipe?: boolean; /* * Rotation Animation Props */ translateXRange?: number[]; translateYRange?: number[]; rotateInputRange?: number[]; rotateOutputRange?: number[]; /* * Overlay Labels Animation Props */ inputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange?: number[]; outputOverlayLabelRightOpacityRange?: number[]; inputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange?: number[]; outputOverlayLabelLeftOpacityRange?: number[]; inputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange?: number[]; outputOverlayLabelTopOpacityRange?: number[]; OverlayLabelRight?: () => JSX.Element; OverlayLabelLeft?: () => JSX.Element; OverlayLabelTop?: () => JSX.Element; }; ``` ## Contributing 🔖 See the [contributing guide]( to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow. ## License 📰 [MIT](LICENSE)
⚡ Lightning fast and customizable tinder-like swiper for React Native
# [![Tweet](]( Twitter Comment Bot This Twitter Comment bot comments on tweets containing a specified keyword. The bot uses the OpenAI API to generate comments and the Twitter API to post them. It is designed to run continuously, with a fixed delay between each comment. ## :technologist: Technologies used - Node.js - Axios - twit - Twitter API - OpenAI API ## :mechanical_arm: How it works - The bot uses the Twitter API to search for tweets containing the specified keyword. - For each tweet found, the bot uses the OpenAI API to generate a comment. - The bot then uses the Twitter API to post the generated comment as a reply to the tweet. - The bot waits for a fixed amount of time before searching for new tweets again. ## :imp: Requirements - A Twitter developer account and API keys (with elevated access) - An OpenAI API key ## :rocket: Deploying to Heroku The bot can be easily deployed to Heroku to run 24/7. Follow the steps in the [Heroku documentation]( to set up a Heroku account, create a new app, and deploy the code. Don't forget to set up the environment variables in the Heroku app's settings. Could you please spread the word through Twitter :arrow_right: [![Tweet](]( ## :computer: Unlock full potential of Twitter Comment Bot with Professional Assistance I am glad to make this bot available for you to use, If you need help in setting this up on AWS or Heroku, I am willing to assist you. However, please note that this service comes at a cost. # Project Notice ⚠️ **Warning:** This project uses Twitter API v1, which is now deprecated. Starting from now, all bots must be developed using the Twitter API v2. I can help you migrate your project to the new API. Feel free to contact me [here]( for assistance. To verify this deprecation and learn more, please visit [this link](
A bot that comments on tweets containing a specified keyword. The bot uses the OpenAI API to generate comments and the Twitter API to post them. It is designed to run continuously, with a fixed delay between each comment.
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😎 Awesome list about high quality JavaScript UI-kit library
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [The Ultimate Guide to Choosing between Data Science and Data Analytics]( | [Ukpoweh Gift]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 1 | | [Tackling the Health Crises in Africa](;ing-the-health-crises-in-africa-d00bf6d45c06) | [Ukpoweh Gift]( | [Link](;ing-the-health-crises-in-africa-d00bf6d45c06) | 2023-01-31 | 5 | | [Connect & Analyze Your Data with the Power BI API]( | [Sophia Iroegbu]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-01 | 9 | | [The Ultimate Guide to Choosing between Data Science and Data Analytics.]( | [Ukpoweh Gift]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 9 | | [Harnessing the Benefits of Data Science.]( | [EzeanaMichael]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-11 | 10 | | [Using MindsDB to forecast financial time series data: A practical guide]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-14 | 14 | | [Introduction 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Date | Week Number | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [How to Set Up a Linux OS (Ubuntu) on Windows using VirtualBox and Vagrant]( | [Angel Ifechukwu]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-13 | 2 | | [The Benefits of Leveraging DevOps for Your Business]( | [Angel Ifechukwu]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-21 | 3 | | [A Beginner's Guide to Understanding DevOps]( | [iribama]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-26 | 7 | --- ## Economics | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Education | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [Exploring the Limitations and Potential of Technology in Nigerian Education]( | [Faidat Akinwale]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-20 | 3 | --- ## Finance | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Gaming | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Health | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | ----------- | | [Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]( | [Dr Prime]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-05 | 1 | | [Tackling the Health Crises in Africa]( | [Ukpoweh Gift]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-31 | 4 | --- ## JamStack | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [Migrating Content Between Environments Using Import Export Entries Plugin.]( | [Ashimi.0x]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-11 | 2 | --- ## Internet of Things | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Machine Learning | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [What is Machine Learning]( | [Olawore Hikmah]( | [Link]( | 15-Oct-2022 | Nil | | [Machine Learning Termininologies]( | [Olawore Hikmah]( | [Link]( | 13-Nov-2022 | Nil | | [What is Supervised Learning]( | [Olawore Hikmah(Iqma)]( | [Link]( | 23-March-2023 | Nil | | [NLP Tutorial – Text Pre-Processing Techniques for Beginners]( | [Olawore Hikmah]( | [Link]( | 12-July-2023 | Nil | | [How to Run All Cells in Google Collab]( | [ Olawore Hikmah (Iqma)]( | [Link]( | 27-Sep-2023 | Nil | --- ## Marketing | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Mobile | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [Searching a LazyColumn made easys]( | [Musa Abdullahi]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-20 | 3 | | [How To Publish Your Android App on Google Play Store.]( | [Chukwuechezonam]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-07 | 5 | | [Unlock the Power Of The Terminal On Your Mobile Phone with Termux: An Easy Step-by-Step Installation Guide]( | [Onyinyechi Viola Obika]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-20 | 7 | | [Dealing With Flutter Bugs From A Front End Developer's Perspective.]( | [Chukwuechezonam❤]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-24 | 8 | | [How to install and Setup Termux on Android: A beginner's guide]( | [Olasunkanmi Fabusuyi (David)]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-01 | 9 | | [Linux Process Management: A Deep Dive]( | [iribama]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-26 | 7 | | [Building beautiful UIs with flutter]( | [Glory Olaifa]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | --- ## Productivity | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [Boost Your Productivity with Microsoft Tools]( | [Sophyia]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-09 | 1 | | [Master web development quickly: The Fastest Way To Learn For Everyone]( | [Nkiruka Edith Onwugbufor]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-10 | 2 | | [Applying For Outreachy Internships.A Summary of FAQs I Get Asked On Outreachy.]( | [Precious Onyewuchi]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-19 | 2 | | [Productivity Tips for Developers(based on research by a fellow newbie)]( | [Atharva Salitri]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-13 | 2 | | [How To Learn and Practice Coding From Your Smartphone.]( | [Peace Irabor]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-13 | 2 | | [Master Web Development Quickly: The Fastest Way To Learn For Everyone]( | [Nkiruka Edith Onwugbufor]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-10 | 2 | | [Boost Your Productivity with Microsoft Tools]( | [Sophia Iroegbu]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-09 | 2 | | [Not having this #1 skill can lead to failure as a freelancer 🤯😩]( | [Chinaa Emmanuel]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-09 | 2 | | [How Grit and Growth Mindset Propel Techies to Success: An Interview.]( | [Lilibel Obiadika]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-30 | 2 | | [10 Free Notion Templates You Should Be Using]( | [Franklin Ohaegbulam]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-21 | 3 | | [Work-Life Balance- A big myth?]( | [Comfort-Mary Ogidi]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-16 | 3 | | [How To Track Your Coding Time With Wakatime]( | [PEACE IRABOR]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-21 | 3 | | [7 Ways To Maximise Your Technical Writing Career With ChatGPT]( | [DrPrime]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-23 | 4 | | [Revolutionize Your Writing Process: Say Goodbye to Writers Block with the New Article Idea Generator]( | [Olanetsoft]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-09 | 6 | | [Create Better Content with These AI Tools]( | [Olanetsoft]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-02 | 9 | | [Unblock Your Creativity : Overcoming Writer’s Block with Practical Tips and Strategies.]( | [Mustafa Umar Omotayo]( | [Link]( |2023-03-09 | 10 | | [The Top VS Code Extensions Every Frontend Developer Needs in Their Toolkit]( | [Israel Oyetunji]( | [Link]( |2023-04-26 | 16 | | [Five Common Mistakes To Avoid When Learning Golang]( | [Ubaydah Abdulwasiu]() | [Link]( |2023-04-27 | 16 | | [4 amazing ideas to know before an interview]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 3 | | [3 Online tools to improve you as a developer]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 3 | | [Create Better Content with These AI Tools]( | [Olanetsoft]( | [Link]( |2023-03-02 | 9 | | [Unblock Your Creativity : Overcoming Writer’s Block with Practical Tips and Strategies.]( | [Mustafa Umar Omotayo]( | [Link]( |2023-03-09 | 10 | | [Divide and Conquer]( | [Gideon Bature]( | [Link]( |2023-05-06 | 17 | --- ## Programming | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ----------- | | [Understanding Nullish Coalescing in Typescript]( | [Tsegsxaviers]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-09 | 1 | | [A Guide To API Rate Limiting In Django]( | [Ubaydah Abdulwasiu]() | [Link]( | 2023-01-05 | 1 | | [CSS Functions Simplified.]( | [Peter Bamigboye]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-10 | 1 | | [Python control flow :Understanding and using if/Elif / else statements]( | [Peculiar Iguodeyala]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-12 | 2 | | [How to Build a Tip Calculator with HTML, CSS and JavaScript]( | [Franklin Ohaegbulam]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-12 | 2 | | [Understanding Nullish Coalescing in Typescript]( | [Joseph Tsegen]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-09 | 2 | | [Building Reusable Components In React Using Tailwind And CVA]( | [Bilal Yusuf]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-13 | 2 | | [Understanding Relationships in TypeORM]( | [Okosun Mary]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-13 | 2 | | [Building a simple CRUD (create, read, update, delete) application with Laravel]( | [Yayah Mohammed]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-14 | 2 | | [Tradeoffs to Consider Before Selecting a CSS Framework]( | [Code Prophet]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-16 | 3 | | [How to Build a Restful API With NestJs, KnexJs, and ObjectionJs]( | [Mubarak Muhammed]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-21 | 3 | | [User Authentication With Firebase Auth and Realtime Database]( | [Anukam chidalu]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-20 | 3 | | [Variables, expressions, and statements in Julia]( | [Ifihanagbara Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-20 | 3 | | [Unlock the Power of Aggregation in MongoDB: A Beginner's Guide to Mastering Data Analysis]( | [Alao Abiodun AbdulRahman]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-20 | 3 | | [Julia Programming Applications – What is Julia Used For?]( | [Ifihanagbara Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-18 | 3 | | [Optimizing State Management with React Query in React Apps]( | [Austin Ugbaja]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-17 | 3 | | [Getting a Hold of Mixins in TypeScript]( | [Gideon Idoko]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-16 | 3 | | [Creating a read more, see less button with CSS and Javascript]( | [Timmy Hamzat ]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-15 | 3 | | [How to uninstall Node on Mac OS High Sierra(10.13.6)]( | [Ibrahim Bakare]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-15 | 3 | | [Create A Django Form With Django Crispy Forms And HTMX.]( | [SuperheroJT]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-24 | 4 | | [The Power of Labeled Loops in Java]( | [Peter Bamigboye]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-23 | 4 | | [JavaScript String Simplified]( | [Udom Iniobong]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-24 | 4 | | [Building a Temperature Converter App using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript]( | [Franklin Ohaegbulam]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-24 | 4 | | [A Deep Dive Into CSS Box model — 1]( | [Shoyombo Gabriel]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-27 | 4 | | [Configuring Python: An Easy Guide to Setting Up Python on Your PC]( | [Olabode Olaleye]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-02 | 5 | | [Typescript for beginners: Setting up a new project using ReactJs]( | [Aishat Muhammed]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-06 | 5 | | [Introduction to TypeORM and its features]( | [Etiene James]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-07 | 5 | | [Building a simple Calculator App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript]( | [Udom Iniobong]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-08 | 6 | | [How to make a quiz game in python]( | [Iqma]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-11 | 6 | | [Programming Is Not For Casual Learners]( | [Isah Jacob]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-12 | 6 | | [How to Configure a Laravel Project with a Custom Domain Name on Windows with XAMPP]( | [Ashimi0x]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-16 | 7 | | [A Beginners Guide to Pinia]( | [Alabo Excel]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-18 | 7 | | [The Power of Books in Programming]( | [Etomchukwu Oguejiofor]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-19 | 7 | | [Memory Management In Python]( | [Ademola Thompson]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-21 | 7 | | [Unlock the Secrets of Array Manipulation—Learn How to Add and Find Elements with Ease!]( | [Peace Sandy]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 7 | | [Understanding APIs: A Beginner's Primer]( | [Isah Jacob]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-02 | 9 | | [How to Fix React Hydration Error in Nextjs - Practical Guide]( | [Olanetsoft]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-24 | 8 | | [How to containerize a NestJs app with Docker]( | [Joseph Tsegen]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-28 | 8 | | [Debugging Dilemmas: A Comedic Journey Through the Code.]( | [Chioma Uche-Nwosu]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-28 | 8 | | [The Diataxis Framework]( | [Precious Onyewuchi]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 9 | | [Unlock the Secrets of Array Manipulation—Learn How to Add and Find Elements with Ease!]( | [Peace Sandy]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 9 | | [11 Essential Considerations When Implementing an Ecommerce Cart]( | [Odumuyiwa Teslim]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-07 | 9 | | [Exploring .txt file using Python]( | [David Makinde]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-07 | 9 | | [Approaches to Writing Memory Safe C++]( | [Dennis O.]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 9 | | [Structs in Julia]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-10 | 10 | | [Practical Guide to Web-scraping in Python]( | [Lena Jeremiah]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-17 | 11 | | [Exploring the Basics of Objects and Methods in Java]( | [Isah Jacob]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-19 | 11 | | [How to remove duplicates from a list in C#]( | [Ifihanagbara Olusheye]( | [Link]( | | | | [Programming a PLC: Working Principle and How to Write Ladder Diagrams With GX Developer.]( | [dvrvsimi]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-02| 13 | | [Pluto.jl: The interactive Julia Language notebook]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-08| 14 | | [Creative Technology (WebGL)]( | [olatunde ibitoye]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-10| 14 | | [Python Tutorial: Introduction to Python Programming]( | [Olasunkanmi Fabusuyi (David)]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-12| 14 | | [Create and Manage Cryptographically Strong Tokens with Python for Better Web Application Security]( | [Ayomide Ayanwola]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-12| 14 | | [Understanding Python Functions: A Practical Overview]( | [ADEMOLA THOMPSON]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-17| 15 | | [Python Tutorial: Basic Syntax - How To Work With Python]( | [Olasunkanmi Fabusuyi (David)]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-18| 15 | | [What's the difference between using and import in Julia?]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-20| 15 | | [Unlocking the Power of Infrastructure “from” Code with Encore: A Developer-Friendly Solution]( | [Emmanuel Okanlawon]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-20| 15 | | [Mastering File Input and Output in Julia]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-29| 16 | | [Streamline Your File Uploads with Cloudinary and NestJS]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 3 | | [Mastering File Upload and Validation in NestJS with Multer]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 3 | | [Create and Manage Cryptographically Strong Tokens with Python for Better Web Application Security]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 3 | | [How to Build a Speech Authentication System with Django and Next JS - Part 1]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 15 | | [Creating Admin Panels for NestJs and Prisma Made Easy with AdminJS]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 15 | | [Building a Lightweight Web Server with Golang]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 15 | | [Working with strings effectively with Golang]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 15 | | [Learn Python Decorators from Basic to Pro in 10 mins]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 15 | | [CSS Tutorial]( | [Marko]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-17 | 15 | | [API Limiting: Best Practices and Implementation]( | [Tijan Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-01 | 17 | | [Building a Tech Course Curriculums Platform with MindsDB Models and Django]( | [ Ayomide Ayanwola]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-30 | 16 | | [A Beginner's Guide to Shell, Navigation]( | [Gideon Funom Bature]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-01 | 17 | | [How to Highlight Online with Glasp — A Beginner’s Guide]( | [Victoria Johnson]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-04 | 17 | | [Glasp for Newbies: A Comprehensive Guide To the Social Web Highlighter]( | [Temitope Ajao]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-04 | 17 | | [Web Development with Julia]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-06 | 17 | | [How to Create a Magic File]( | [Gideon Bature]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-11 | 18| | [Python Tutorial: Numbers - A beginner's Guide to Understanding Numeric Data Types in Python]( | [David Fabusuyi]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-13 | 18| | [Creating a Twitter Bot with OpenAI Models in Python: A Beginner's Guide]( | [Olorundara Akojede]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-06 | 19| | [Embedded and Reference Documents: Understanding the Differences and Benefits]( | [Alao Abiodun AbdulRahman]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-16 | 18| | [What is ExpressJWT?]( | [CHUKWUEBUKA NWOKPORO]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-09 | 18| | [Node Version Manager(NVM): Unlocking flexibility with Nodejs.]( | [ODINAKA EMMANUEL]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-22| 20| | [Mastering the Basics: Understanding the Rules of Big-O Notation]( | [Munir Abdullahi]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-26| 20| | [How to read error messages in Julia]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-27| 20| | [Creating a High-Performance AWS RDS Database Instance Using Terraform: A Step-By-Step Guide]( | [Obatula Fuad]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-07| 21| | [How to Set Up Your Java Development Environment]( | [Isah Jacob]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-08| 22| | [Middleware in Go]( | [Atanda Nafiu]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-09| 22| | [Understanding Java Switch Statement - Control flow statement]( | [Glory Olaifa]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-17| 23| | [Beginner's Guide to RPC in Golang: Understanding the Basics]( | [atanda nafiu]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-26| 24| | [Authentication vs Authorization]( | [Shoyombo Gabriel Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-06-30| 24| | [Mastering Linux Networking Commands: A Comprehensive Guide]( | [Princewill Inyang]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-01| 25| | [The Secret Of Successful Programming: Naming Conventions You Should Know]( | [Onyinyechi Viola Obika]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-10| 26| | [Build Performant Servers with gRPC and Protocol Buffers]( | [atanda nafiu]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-24| 28| | [Understanding the Difference Between Dependencies and DevDependencies in Node.js]( | [Olumide Micheal]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-27| 28| | [Understanding dependencies and dev-dependencies: Beginners guide]( | [Tijan]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | | [Solving the TypeError: no matching function Error in Hardhat]( | [Olanetsoft]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | | [A Beginner-Friendly Guide to Understanding the CLI and its Fundamentals]( | [Aysha Muhammed]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | | [Higher order array methods]( | [Dewaley]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | | [Mastering generics in typescript]( | [Jamin]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | | [Kelpalvault: securely share your secrets]( | [Timonwa]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-00 | 26 | | [Conditionals in Julia]( | [Ifihan Olusheye]( | [Link]( | 2023-07-01| 25 | | [Maximizing Your Server's Potential: How to Deploy a Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP(LAMP) Stack on Debian 11]( | [Angel's Blog]( | [Link]( | 2023-09-02 | 35 | | [How to Generate and Read Barcodes With Python]( | [Princewill Inyang]( | [Link]( | 2023-08-11 | 32 | --- ## Project Management | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Science | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | ------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------ | ----------- | | | | | | | --- ## Software Engineering | Article Title | Author | Article | Article Date | Week Number | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------ | ----------- | | [How to Consume PayStack APIs in a NodeJs/Typescript backend]( | [Mubarak Muh'd Aminu]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-12 | 1 | | [What is Versioning All About]( | [Tijani Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-07 | 1 | | [What is Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) In Javascript]( | [Tiamiyu Abidemi]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-02 | 1 | | [Setting up EmailJS with a React App]( | [Dapo Adedire]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-06 | 1 | | [JavaScript and Computational Thinking (Lesson One)]( | [Ibrahim Onuche]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-17 | 2 | | [Tradeoffs to consider before selecting a CSS framework]( | [Emmanuel Obi]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-16 | 2 | | [Tidbit about Serial Number]( | [Abiona ibraheem]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-14 | 2 | | [How to build your own LinkedIn Profile Scraper]( | [Odewole Babatunde Samson]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-13 | 2 | | [Optimization and Deployment of Vue App on Firebase]( | [Kelvin Moses]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-08 | 2 | | [Migrating Content Between Environments Using Import Export Entries Plugin]( | [Abdulwahab Ashimi]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-11 | 2 | | [Using ChatGPT to build a pizza delivery service]( | [Abdulfatai Mukhtar]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-14 | 2 | | [A Practical Overview on React Hooks]( | [Etiene James]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-21 | 3 | | [Understanding the Single Responsibility Principle: How to Improve Code Maintainability and Scalability]( | [Dr Prime]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-15 | 3 | | [Memory Management In Python]( | [SuperheroJT]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-21 | 3 | | [Best Ways You can Optimize your React Applications]( | [Etiene James]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-23 | 4 | | [Speeding Up Your API Performance with Redis Caching]( | [Abdulsalam Lukmon]( | [Link]( | 2023-01-25 | 4 | | [The Ultimate Guide to Logging in Nodejs: How to Get the Most Out of Your Logs.]( | [Abdulsalam Lukmon]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-02 | 5 | | [DYNAMIC TYPING IN JAVASCRIPT FOR BEGINNERS]( | [Victoria Johnson]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-04 | 5 | | [Why you should use React useCallback Hook: A Deep Dive]( | [Etiene James]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-04 | 5 | | [Deploy SQL Server on Amazon RDS: A Step-by-Step Guide]( | [Abidemi Muibudeen]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-06 | 5 | | [Prisma in 500 seconds]( | [Tijan Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-09 | 6 | | [A Practical Guide To Linux Echo Command]( | [Ubaydah Abdulwasiu]() | [Link]( | 2023-02-09 | 6 | | [React’s state management: When to use Redux, Recoil, and Hooks.]( | [Isaac Etor]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-12 | 6 | | [The power of .NET Framework: An Overview of its Benefits]( | [Dahunsi Timmy]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-11 | 6 | | [A Beginners Guide to PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor): Part 1]( | [Olatunde Ibitoye]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-13 | 6 | | [How to Configure a Laravel Project with a Custom Domain Name on Windows with XAMPP]( | [Abdulwahab Ashimi]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-14 | 6 | | [Circular Dependencies in Nestjs: What is it about?]( | [Etiene James]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-16 | 7 | | [Understanding How To Add Multimedia to Your Website]( | [Helen Efebe]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-19 | 7 | | [How to Develop a Sign up and Sign in Page using React by Replicating LinkedIn's Sign Up Page]( | [Dahunsi Timmy]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-20 | 7 | | [A Beginner's Guide to Java Basics]( | [Isah Jacob]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-15 | 11 | | [Exploring the Basics of Objects and Methods in Java]( | [Isah Jacob]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-19 | 11 | | [How to Implement Tokenization using JWT and Django Rest Framework]( | [Velda Kiara]( | [Link]( | 2023-02-23 | 8 | | [A Beginner's Guide to Building Powerful APIs with GraphQL]( | [Abdulfatai Mukhtar]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-03 | 9 | | [The ABCs of NodeJS Security: Understanding Common Terminology]( | [Alao Abiodun AbdulRahman]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-03 | 9 | | [The Struggle is Real: My Journey with CSS Debugging]( | [Sunkanmi Fafowora]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-06 | 9 | | [Harnessing the Power of the Software Development Life Cycle]( | [Mariam Hamzat]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-07 | 9 | | [Beginner’s guide to contributing to open source through documentation]( | [Aysha Muhammed]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-09 | 10 | | [Shorten Your Links with Python: A Comprehensive Guide to Building a URL Shortener.]( | [Olabode Olaleye]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-10 | 10 | | [A Beginner's Guide To Integrating Next.Js And Mailtrap For Seamless Email Testing]( | [Divine Orji]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-08 | 10 | | [Medusa vs Shopify]( | [Sophia Iroegbu]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-13 | 10 | | [How DOM Works in JavaScript]( | [Helen Efebe]( |[Link]( | 2023-03-15 | 11 | | [CSS Sizing Units: Everything You Need To Know]( | [Igirigba Princess Mmazule]( |[Link]( | 2023-03-16 | 11 | | [Mastering File Upload and Validation in NestJS with Multer]( | [Ayomide Ayanwola]( |[Link]( | 2023-03-18 | 11 | | [Managing Dependencies in Node.js: An Overview of NPM and Yarn]( | [Ubaydah Abdulwasiu]( |[Link]( | 2023-03-18 | 11 | | [How to Build a Paraphrasing Tool with ReactJs & ChatGPT Turbo]( | [Olanetsoft]( |[Link]( | 2023-03-31 | 12 | | [How to setup prima to use two different databases in nestjs]( | [Joseph Tsegen]( |[Link]( | 2023-03-31 | 12 | | [A Beginner's Guide to Portals in React: Everything You Need to Know]( | [Israel Oyetunji]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-07 | 13 | | [What are APIs?]( | [Precious Onyewuchi]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-13 | 14 | | [Building a Multi-currency Portfolio with Javascript and Test Driven Development]( | [Abdulsalam Lukmon]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-14 | 14 | | [Understanding HTML Techniques for Improving Web Accessibility]( | [ADEMOLA THOMPSON]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-14 | 14 | | [How To Use MillionJs In a Next App.]( | [Tobiloba Adedeji]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-24 | 16 | | [Simplify Payment Processing on Your React App with Paystack Integration in 3 mins]( | [Kelvin Moses]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-24 | 16 | | [An Introduction to Hooks in ReactJS: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners]( | [Shina-kelani Taiwo]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-26 | 16 | | [How to Use Redux Toolkit to Manage State in Your React Application]( | [Quincy Oghenetejiri Ukumakube]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-24 | 16 | | [Creating Visual Interest: How to Use MouseMove Hover to Reveal Background Images]( | [Israel Oyetunji]( |[Link]( | 2023-04-28 | 16 | | [Medusa vs Shopify]( | [Sophia Iroegbu]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-13 | 10 | | [Building Server Eyes: A simple GUI for Server and CI/CD management]( | [Ayanwola Ayomide]( | [Link]( | 2023-04-19 | 3 | | [How DOM Works in JavaScript]( | [Helen Efebe]( | [Link](h | 2023-03-15 | 11 | | [CSS Sizing Units: Everything You Need To Know]( | [Igirigba Princess Mmazule]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-16 | 11 | | [Mastering File Upload and Validation in NestJS with Multer]( | [Ayomide Ayanwola]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-18 | 11 | | [Managing Dependencies in Node.js: An Overview of NPM and Yarn]( | [Ubaydah Abdulwasiu]( | [Link]( | 2023-03-18 | 11 | | [Iterating through a multidimensional array in JavaScript]( | [Aysha Muhammed]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-02 | 17 | | [State And Lifecycle Management with React UseState and UseEffect Hooks](| [Peter Bamigboye]( | [Link]( | 2023-05-04 | 17 | | [Designing a User-Friendly Course Catalog With Pink Design and 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# Google Calendar Clone demo: lightmode / weekview ![screen](screenshots/screen_weekview.png) demo: darkmode / monthview ![screen](screenshots/screen_month_dark.png) Contact: [Live project link]( [App Screenshots]( ## Documentation **This Documentation is a work in progress.** I am currently working on a writeup that will follow more as a tutorial. If the feedback is positive, I will consider making a step by step tutorial in video format but it could potentially be around 10 hours long so I'm still gauging interest. Please let me know if you would be interested in this by contacting me directly via email ( ____________ ## Glossary 1. [About](#about) 2. [Cloning](#cloning) 3. [Journal](#journal) 4. [Cloning](#cloning) 5. [Events](#events) 6. [Drag_Systems](#drag_systems) 7. [Resize_Systems](#resize_systems) 8. [Date_Handling](#date_handling) 9. [Time_Handling](#time_handling) 10. [Form_Handling](#form_handling) 11. [Views](#views) 12. [Rendering](#rendering) 13. [Storage](#storage) ____________ ## About * Recreation of the google calendar app in its entirety (aside from components that utilize google apis). * Zero third party resources used (aside from webpack & google-svgs) * All code is written in vanilla javascript, html, and css. At the moment, the application works using local storage but there are options to backup data and load previously saved data using json. ### Benchmarks & Features that differ from the original Google Calendar * **Performance:** * Transfer size: * Google: 3MB. * Clone: 100kb. * Bundle Size (JS): * Google: 2.7MB. * Clone: 40kb. * Lighthouse: * Google: [77, 98, 92, 70]. * Clone: [100, 100, 100, 100]. * Responsive down to: * Google: 860px. * Clone: 280px. * **Three themes:** * Dark. * High Contrast. * Light (same as google). * **Keyboard Shortcuts:** * **Differ slightly from the original app.** * 29 in total. * New Shortcuts: * Toggle sidebar open/closed. * Open event and category forms. * Datepicker: set date to next&prev month/week. * Datepicker: set date to next&prev days. * **Datepicker now has:** * Monthpicker. * Yearpicker. * Days with events are highlighted. * Current week highlighted when in weekview. * **Download/Upload:** * All calendar events/categories/settings can be downloaded & uploaded. * Uploading data will overwrite existing data. * **Other:** * Monthview cells are highlighted when dragged over. * Resize bar for week & day events. * 42 color options for categories. * Move all events from one category to another. * Single page. No page refreshes, no load times. * Aggressive memory handling. * At MAX there will be 8 active event listeners. * Sidebar converts to fixed positioning under 840px and main content inherits the full page width. * Turn animations/transitions on and off. * animation times adjusted. * More details provided for when events start/end/ended **(see Jan 20th journal).** * Sorting animations for month/week/day view events. * Dayview header details how many entries are starting/ending on that day and the timeframes of first - last entry. * Yearview will automatically scroll to current selected month if not in view. * Yearview days with events are highlighted. * Dayview will automatically scroll to the top of first event if it is not in view. * Throttling optimized to always ensure content is visible during any keydown action. ____________ ## Cloning ### `git clone` ### `cd google-calendar-clone-vanilla` ### `npm install` ## Available_Scripts ### `npm run build` Builds the app and **necessary** resources in the `dist` folder. ### `npm run dev` Webpack: Starts development server on `localhost:3000`. ____________ ## Journal ### Jan 16, 2023 * **build list/agenda view prototype**. * Category change name bug fix. * Mobile query clean up. ### Jan 17, 2023 * Weekview now has max-width and horizontal scroll below 560px. * improve list/agenda view. * timepicker staging (form). * improved context menus. * links now crawable. * improved keyframes. ### Jan 20, 2023 * Entry popup modlas will now provide the following details : * If the entry has ended, display the time since it ended. * If the entry ends today and has started, display a countdown until complete. * If the entry ends today and hasn't started, display the length in hours/minutes. * If the entry ended yesterday, display "ended yesterday". * If the entry is yet to start and is not in the past, display how long until it is scheduled to start. * Improve collisions ### Jan 23, 2023 * Click on datepicker title to open a month/year picker. * header datepicker * sidebar datepicker * form datepicker * Added date search component * New category options (turn all others off/on) || edit * Added dynamic form drag * shrinks and grows if dragged away/into corners * All modals are now dynamic (mobile support) * Will open to left if no space on right of target & viceversa * Will open above if no space below target & viceversa * Added switch to turn animations/transitions on and off in settings * Added top modal compartment for dayview (events that span longer than the calendar day) * Added floating eye icon to open/close the header for the week and day view (mobile support) ### Jan 24, 2023 * Prepare Production build & implement linter. * Start trimming bundle. ### Feb 1, 2023 * Toast popups: * Allow user to "undo" any edits to events. * Allow user to remove new events. ### Feb 12, 2023 * Reduce HTML size where applicable to avoid lighthouse excessive DOM size warning. * Main culprit of was the yearview display. Reduced size from 2400 elements to 1200 elements. * Optimize animations/keyframes. * CSS Detailing. ### Feb 16, 2023 * Improve collision detection for day/week. ### Feb 23, 2023 * Improve tab support and html semantics. ____________ ## Events ### 1. [Lifecycle](#lifecycle) ### 2. [Delegation-Example](#delegation-example) ### 3. [Garbage-Collection](#garbage-collection) ### 4. [Modal-Form-Events](#modal-form-events) This application relies heavily on Event Delegation, the idea of administering events through a common parent element. The main benefit to this is the lack of actual listeners registered to the DOM. ## Lifecycle **At most, 7 of the following 10 handlers will be present in the DOM at the same time.** 1. `window: resize` - for resizing the window (only in monthview). 2. `document: keydown` - for handling keyboard events. 3. `document: onclick` - for handling clicks on the overlay. 4. `document: onmousemove` - for handling drag / resize. 5. `document: onmouseup` - for handling drag / resize. 6. `modal/form: onmousedown` - for handling clicks on one of the several modals or two forms. 7. `dayview/weekview/monthview/yearview/listview: onmousedown` - calendar events are delegated from their respective views. Only one of these listeners will be active at a time. 8. `header: onmousedown` - handles all header related events. This is the only mouse event that is not subject to change. Establishes once and remains active. 9. `sidebar datepicker: onclick` - only active when sidebar is open. 10. `sidebar categories: onclick` - only active when sidebar is open. ## Delegation-Example ```javascript function getClosest(e, element) { return; } function delegateEvent(e) { const targetElement = getClosest(e, ".target-class"); const targetElement2 = getClosest(e, ".target-class2"); if (targetElement) { // do something return; } if (targetElement2) { // do something else return; } } parentElement.onmousedown = delegateEvent; ``` ## Garbage-Collection Each time a new calendar view is rendered, the parent element listener from the previous view is removed from the DOM, as well as the elements that were delegated to it. The current view's parent element listener is then added to the DOM and delegation is re-established. In short, this garbage collection process works as follows: (In this example, the user is switching from monthview to dayview) 1. Monthview content is rendered. 2. Monthview parent container establishes delegation to its children through the `onmousedown` listener. 3. The global store that is passed through each component is updated with a callback function with instructions to set the `onmousedown` listener to null, and remove all delegated elements. 4. User switches to dayview. 5. Callback provided in step 3 is executed. 6. 1-5 are repeated for each view. I hope this explanation helps shed some light on how I handle garbage collection however, do not take my word for gospel. I am constantly re-evaluating my approach to this problem. If you are under the impression that I am doing something wrong in this approach, please e-mail me and I will be in your debt. ## Modal-Form-Events Each modal and form has its own "overlay" DOM element, a transparent `<aside>` element that is positioned absolutely and covers the entire screen just behind the modal / form. Upon opening, the following happens: 1. The overlay is added to the DOM. 2. The global store is notified of the overlay's existence. This in turn tells the global keydown listener to temporarily ignore keyboard events. 3. Once the global keydown listener is notified, a new keydown listener is registered to the overlay that will in turn handle "Escape" events and close the modal / form. 4. The modal / form is added to the DOM. 5. The overlay is given an `onclick` listener that will close the modal / form. Upon closing, the following happens: 1. The overlay and modal / form listeners are removed from the DOM. 2. The global store is notified of the overlay's removal. Global keydown listener is re-registered to the document. ____________ ## Drag_Systems ### 1. [Week-Day-Drag](#week-day-drag) ### 2. [Month-Drag](#month-drag) ### 3. [Form-Drag](#form-drag) There exist four total drag systems throughout the app, three of which are completely different from one another. ## Week-Day-Drag Setting up this particular Drag System is really the trickiest part of the process. Steps (i - iii) will cover most of the setup procedure. Steps (iv) will cover the actual drag and drop system. ### I) [WD-Generating-Coordinates](#wd-generating-coordinates) ### II) [WD-Setup-Positioning](#wd-setup-positioning) ### III) [WD-Administer-Positioning](#wd-administer-positioning) ### IV) [WD-DragEngine](#wd-dragengine) **This particular grid system operates as a 24 hour clock, with each hour being divided into 4 15 minute intervals.** Each column has relative positioning and a fixed height of 1200px. What makes this grid system particularly unique is the fact that columns do not technically have rows. Instead, each column is a container for a series of divs (entries) that are positioned absolutely. The visual representation of rows is created by a background image (linear-gradient) defined in the parent containers css. * Weekview Grid Container: * background-size: calc(100% / 7) 4%; * (7 days in a week, 4% of the height of each column). * background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--mediumgrey1) 1%,transparent 0); * (1% of the height of each column). * Dayview Grid Container: * background-size: 100% 4% * (1 day, 4% of the height of each column). * background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,var(--mediumgrey1) 1%,transparent 0) * (1% of the height of each column). The parent container is also given a fixed height of 1200px, and each column within the container is given relative positioning / min-height of 100%. The fixed height is necessary to ensure that the background-image linear gradient always coincides with the correct calculated row height. Screen width luckily does not affect the background-image gradient, so it only needs to be calculated once. ## WD-Generating-Coordinates The coordinates for each entry are generated based on the start/end time of each entry. ### **a) : convert the start/end time of each entry into minutes.** For example, if an entry starts at 9:30, it will be converted to 38, since 38 represents the number of 15 minute intervals from 12:00AM ```javascript const startMinutes = start.getHours() * 4 + Math.floor(start.getMinutes() / 15) const endMinutes = end.getHours() * 4 + Math.floor(end.getMinutes() / 15) const height = endMinutes - startMinutes const total = startMinutes + height ``` ### **b) : determine whether an entry extends beyond a day by comparing the start/end day/week/year of entry** **Coordinates:** * Entry extends beyond a day: * allDay: true, * x: start.getDay() (day of the week), * x2: end.getDay() (day of the week), * Entry does not extend beyond a day: * allDay: false, * x: start.getDay(), (column of the day) * y: startMinutes, (first row of entry) * h: height, (total number of rows) * e: total, (last row of entry) ## WD-Setup-Positioning **Take note of the following:** Each entry is positioned absolutely within its column. The top & height properties are calculated based on the coordinates calculated in step 2. ### **a) Calculate top & height properties for boxes inline-syling.** ```javascript const top = (y * 12.5) + 'px' const height = (h * 12.5) + 'px' ``` ### **b) Provide the entry with a slew of data attributes that will be used for repositioning/collision handling after drag/resize events.** **Important! From this point on I will be referring to entries as boxes.** **Data Attributes**: * Entries that start and end on the same day: * dataIdx: boxes are sorted by their y coordinates (start hour/min) before they are assigned for DOM placement. This attribute is necessary for collision handling. * dataId: the id of the entry that the box represents. * dataCol: the column that the box is placed in. (day of week) * data-start-time: starting row of the box (y). * data-time-intervalas: height of the box (h). * data-end-time: ending row of the box (e). * data-box-category: the category of the entry that the box represents. (used for color coding). * Entries that start and end on different days (allDay): * dataIdx: same as above. * dataId: same as above. * data-start: x (day of week event starts). * data-end: x2 (day of week event ends). * data-box-category: same as above. ### **c) Define system to calculate the left & width properties of each box.** This process is relatively simple for entries that start and end on different days since their position is static. For entries that are not allDay, things begin to get a little more complicated at this very point. Calculating collisions is a crucial part of this process and the whole reason why I had to create this custom grid system in the first place. When it comes to collision handling, with a drag system that allows for essentially inifinte entries, four things become very important: i.) The order in which the boxes are placed in the DOM. ii.) The z-index of each box. iii.) The left positional property of each box. IV.) the width positional property of each box. "i.)" and "ii.)" are both relatively simple to solve. The boxes are sorted by their y coordinates (start hour/min) before they are even given data attributes or classes for that matter. Once the boxes are sorted by their y coordinates, they are given a z-index value based on their index in the sorted array to further ensure that the boxes are placed in the correct order in the DOM. **"iii.)" and "IV.)" are a little more complicated.** By default, the left and width properties are as follows: * (width of column - small offset) * (percentage amount to offset from column +/- small offset) ```css left: calc((100% - 4px) * 0 + 0px); width: calc((100% - 4px) * 1 - 0px); ``` ### **d) Basic Example** **Now lets take a look at a basic collision and how to handle it:** Box 1: 9:00AM - 10:00AM Box 2: 9:30AM - 10:30AM The first box, Box 1, will keep its default left & width properties in which it inherits the full width of the column and has zero left offset. The second box, Box 2, will need to be offset from the left by a percentage value of lets say 0.25 (25%). In order to prevent the second box from overlapping with adjacent columns or from going off the screen, it's width will need to be reduced by a percentage value as well. Normally, the width of the second box will be reduced by (100 - left offset) or 75% in this case. ```css left: calc((100% - 4px) * 0.25); width: calc((100% - 4px) * 0.75); ``` This works fine for most cases, but when boxes really begin to stack up, it helps to reduce the width of boxes so that there is some horizontal space between them. This allows boxes behind other boxes to be selected in between the crevices of the boxes that are on top of them. Currently, there are 15 different pairs of left & width properties that a box can inherit. To see the full list of potential property values, check out the @dragutils.js file @function setBoxWidthWeek. The section below will explain how these values are assigned. ## **WD-Administer-Positioning** ### **a) Determine whether or not a collision has occurred** Note that this is not necessary if only one box is present in the column. Collision detection will only occur if there are two or more boxes in the column. ./src/factory/entries.js (@function checkForCollision()) ```javascript const arr = []; let collisions = new Set(); // push the y & e coordinates of each box into an array for (const box of bxs) { arr.push([box.coordinates.y, box.coordinates.e]); } // populate the collisions set with boxes that // interset with each other either at // their start (y) or end (e) coordinates for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) { if (arr[i][1] > arr[j][0] && arr[i][0] < arr[j][1]) { collisions.add(bxs[i]); collisions.add(bxs[j]); } } } // sort the collisions set by their y coordinates (start hour/min) // the reasoning for this is explained in the "a.)" section above return [...collisions].sort((a, b) => { let diff = +a.coordinates.y - +b.coordinates.y; if (diff === 0) { return +a.coordinates.e - +b.coordinates.e; } else { return diff; } }) ``` ### b.) assign the left & width properties of each box ./src/utilities/dragutils.js (@function handleOverlap()) ```javascript const collisions = checkForCollision(bxs); for (let i = 0; i < collisions.length; i++) { const box = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${collisions[i].id}"]`); let idx = i; // handle instance where there are more than 15 boxes in a column. if (i >= 15) { i -= 14; } // assign identifier box.setAttribute("class", `box box-${i + 1}`) // call @setBoxWidthDay() or @setBoxWidthWeek() // this assigns the left & width properties based on given identifier view === "day" ? setBoxWidthDay(box, idx) : setBoxWidthWeek(box, idx); } ``` ./src/utilities/dragutils.js (@function setBoxWidthDay/Week()) setBoxWidthDay() && setBoxWidthWeek() assign the left & width properties of each box. They are separated because the left & width properties are different for the day/week view. I've also opted to hard code the left & width properties because there really isn't a discernable pattern to getting them right... at least not one that I could figure out. ```javascript function setBoxWidthDay(box, prepend, dataidx) { const attr = box.getAttribute(dataidx); switch (attr) { case `${prepend}one`: = 'calc((100% - 0px) * 0 + 0px)'; = "calc((100% - 4px) * 1)" break; case `${prepend}two`: = "calc((100% - 0px) * 0.15 + 0px)" = "calc((100% - 4px) * 0.85)"; break; case `${prepend}three`: = "calc((100% - 0px) * 0.30 + 0px)" = "calc((100% - 4px) * 0.70)"; break; // etc... default: break; } } ``` ## **WD-DragEngine** The biggest detail to note about the drag engine is that it does not use javascripts drag & drop API. Another key detail: the drag engine will treat the event as a click until 3px of movement is detected. Only until 3px of movement occurs will the actual drag process begin. ### a) Setup for a potential drag event **Setup process:** 1.) The user clicks and holds down on a box. 2.) Listeners are added to the document to listen for mousemove and mouseup events. 3.) Starting positions of the box are created to handle instances where the box is moved around the grid and then returned to its original position. ```javascript const startTop ="px")[0] const boxHeight ="px")[0] ``` 4.) Variables that contain the original mouse positions are set (x & y), these are not subject to change. originalColumn will also not change, currentColumn will change if the box moves to a new column. movedY & movedX will track the mouse movements for the below flag. ```javascript let startCursorY = e.pageY - grid.offsetTop; let startCursorX = e.pageX const originalColumn = col.getAttribute("data-column-index"); let currentColumn = col.getAttribute("data-column-index"); let [movedY, movedX] = [null, null] ``` 5.) A flag called "hasStyles" is created and set to false. If the below variables track movement beyond 3px either vertically or horizontally at any point, the flag will be set to true and a clone of the box will be appended to the DOM. The original box is then given .5 opacity and the document body's cursor is set to "move". The cloned box will now follow the mouse movements in intervals of 12.5px vertically, and between columns if in week view. ```javascript // determine if dragging should begin. sX = Math.abs(e.clientX - startCursorX); sY = Math.abs(e.clientY - tempstartY); if (!hasStyles) { if (sX > 3 || sY > 3) { hasStyles = true; = "move"; if (box.classList.contains("box-ontop")) { boxhasOnTop = true; resetStyleOnClick("week", box); } box.classList.add("box-dragging") createTemporaryBox(box, col, boxhasOnTop, "week") sX = 0; sY = 0; } } ``` 6.) If dragging is not registered and the user has already released the mouse, the mouseup function will be called. Otherwise, horizontal / vertical tracking will begin below. **Vertical Movement:** ```javascript // Tracking vertical movement // get header offset (offset between the fixed app header and the top of the grid wrapper) const headerOffset = grid.offsetTop; // track the offset between the header and the mouse const currentCursorY = e.pageY - headerOffset; // calculate the difference between the original mouse position and the current mouse position let newOffsetY = currentCursorY - startCursorY; // calculate the new top position of the cloned box // ensure that the new top position is an increment of 12.5px (15 minutes) let newTop = Math.round((newOffsetY + startTop) / 12.5) * 12.5; // ensure that the new top position does not exceed the top or bottom of column if (newTop < 0 || currentCursorY < 0) { newTop = 0 return; } else if (newTop + boxHeight > 1188) { return; } // set the cloned box's top position = `${newTop}px`; ``` **Horizontal Movement, Week view only:** The following is a bit more involved than the vertical movement because the user can move a box to a different column. ```javascript // create variables to hold the following: // 1.) track the offset between original mouse position and current mouse // position to determine whether the user is moving left or right/ // 2.) current e.pageX // 3.) offset between startCursorX and currentCursorX // 4.) the previous column's left position (or null if there is no prev column) // 5.) the next column's left position (or null if there is no next column) const direction = e.pageX - startCursorX > 0 ? "right" : "left" const currentCursorX = e.pageX let newOffsetX = startCursorX - currentCursorX // @function getcol() returns the column dom element at given index let leftColX = currentColumn - 1 >= 0 ? parseInt(getCol(currentColumn - 1).getBoundingClientRect().right) : null; let rightColX = currentColumn - 1 >= 0 ? parseInt(getCol(currentColumn + 1).getBoundingClientRect().left) : null; // if the direction is right and the next column is not null, // append the cloned box to the next column and // update the current column variable if (direction === "right" && rightColX !== null) { if (e.pageX >= rightColX) { getcol(+currentColumn + 1).appendChild(box) startCursorX = e.pageX currentColumn = +currentColumn + 1 box.setAttribute("data-box-col", +currentColumn) } } // left movement follows the same process as the // right movement, but using subtracting instead of adding ``` 7.) User releases mouse, Mouseup function is called where two distinct actions can occur depending on whether the user has initiated dragging or not. ```javascript // query select the cloned box and define it as a temporary box const tempbox = document.querySelector(".temporary-box") // if there is no temporary box, the user never initiated dragging, // treat as click event and open the box's context menu where // the user can choose to open the box's edit form or delete the box. // This process is detailed in the @Form_Handling Section if (tempbox === null) { // check @Form_Handling for more details } else { // remove cloned box tempbox.remove(); // function to format the box's time attribute setBoxTimeAttributes(box, "day or week"); // use formatted time attribute to calc the new start/end times const time = calcTime( +box.getAttribute("data-start-time"), +box.getAttribute("data-time-intervals") ); // update the start/end times useing calculation above box.setAttribute("data-time", time); box.children[1].children[0].textContent = time; // update the store with the new coordinates updateBoxCoordinates(box, "week", boxes); boxes.updateStore( store, box.getAttribute("data-box-id"), weekArray ); // if box is moved to a new column, update sidebar datepicker if (currentColumn !== +originalColumn) { renderSidebarDatepickerWeek() }; // This is where the overlap handling comes // into play detailed in the @Administer-Positioning section let droppedCol = +box.getAttribute("data-box-col"); if (boxes.getBoxesByColumn(droppedCol).length > 1) { handleOverlap(droppedCol, "week", boxes) } else { box.setAttribute("box-idx", "box-one") } // set documents cursor to normal and tells the // store that other events can now be registered setStylingForEvent("dragend", main, store) // remove event listeners document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove) document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup) } ``` ## Month-Drag ### I) [MV-Setup-Positioning](#mv-setup-positioning) ### II) [MV-Administer-Positioning](#mv-administer-positioning) ### III) [MV-DragEngine](#mv-dragengine) ### IV) [MV-Grouping](#mv-grouping) The Month Drag/Grid system follows a fairly similar procedure to the Week/Day drag system but is just different enough to warrant its own section entirely. Some of the functions are re-used I will not be going into too much detail on them. This particular view is very easy to underestimate. No it is not overly difficult to conceptualize, and getting a basic version running is relatively easy. The money here is 100% in the details. The details are what make this view so difficult to implement. The details are what make this view so difficult to maintain. The details are what make this view so difficult to scale. Yes, I am aware I missed a few details myself, namely the ability to resize boxes horizontally across cells / have the length of boxes be represented across multiple days. Until about a month ago, believe it or not, I did have this kind of feature implemented for a few days before removing it.Perhaps I will revisit it in the future but I'm really not sold on the idea... I digress. I will cover how I solved the problems below but I advise you to self council before going further. (How you would solve/implement the features listed below? Do you immediately see the issue?) * A dynamic grid with 35-42 cells depending on the month. * Cells can hold up to 6 boxes at a time. * If more than 6 boxes are in a cell, remove all boxes from the cell and populate the cell with div indicating the number of events on that day. * Clicking on the div will open a modal with all of the boxes in that cell. * The modal should essentially be a larger cloned version of its respective cell. * Boxes in the modal should be able to be dragged out of the modal and into the calendar. * They should also be able to be dragged back into the modal. * Drag boxes to any cell, if the cell is full, group all boxes in that cell and create the modal described above. * Boxes must be clickable AND draggable. * Click on empty cell to open form on that day. * Responsive design : boxes have inline styles, they must rely on some resize event for recalculation. System should only ever fire once per designated change and should be garbage collected if month is not in view. * No more than 4 active listeners at any given time. ## MV-Setup-Positioning Unlike the day & week view, the monthview grid does not have a fixed height, nor does it have a fixed number of rows. To accommodate this, this grid system uses a combination of flexbox, absolute positioned elements, and a query system attached to window resize events that will help recalculate the inline styles of boxes. Lets get the elephant in the room out of the way first. (the query system?) One thing that my grid systems all have in common is an abundance of inline styles. These are great for handling elements with positions that are always changing, and changing in large amounts (i.e. dragging an element from the first of the month to the 31st). Unfortunately, they pose a real problem for responsive design. The reason for a query system in this view and not the others is because the month view has zero fixed positioning. **Query System** The idea is simple. Create a class that sets a flag to true if a certain width/height threshold limit has been hit, and return an array of height/width values based on the value of the flag. Anytime the window is resized, the query system will be notified. If the previous flag value is different from the current flag value, the query system will proceed to update the inline styles of all boxes in each cell. (more on this later). Note that the callback to run the query is attached to the window which is delegated through a debounce (100ms). Also, the window does not actually inherit the query system from the monthview function itself. Instead, the query system is passed to the global store and is attached to the window from @setViews() where it is also removed when the monthview is no longer in view. ```javascript class MonthBoxQuery { constructor(flag) { this.flag = flag; this.tops = [16, 20]; this.heights = [14, 18]; } updateFlag() { this.flag = window.innerWidth <= 530 || window.innerHeight <= 470; } getFlag() { return this.flag; } getTop() { const [a, b] = this.tops; return this.flag ? a : b; } getHeight() { const [a, b] = this.heights; return this.flag ? a : b; } getPrevTop(top) { const [a, b] = this.tops; return top === a ? b : a; } } ``` ### Cells_Boxes Much of this will be covered in the MV-Administer-Positioning section. The cells are as bare bones as I could make them. Each cell has a clickable header that will navigate users to the dayview, and the cell content which holds either the grouped box or boxes. Note that the cell content is positioned relatively, and the boxes are positioned absolutely. This is important because of the the inline styles applied to boxes. Positioning them absolutely, even though they are not dragging, makes it easier to apply query styles and have them scale to specific top and height values. ## MV-Administer-Positioning The monthview grid will either have 35 or 42 cells depending on the month. This is mainly determined by whether or not the month spans 5-6 weeks (most span 4 weeks). The only edge case is Febraury which occasionally only spans 4 weeks. One interesting aspect of the monthview cells is the coordinate system used. Cells are given a data attribute essentially describes their respective x, y positions in the grid. (i.e. data-coord="0,0" would be the top left cell, data-coord="6,0" would be the top right cell, data-coord="0,5" would be the bottom left cell, and data-coord="6,5" would be the bottom right cell). More on this @MV-DragEngine. Boxes in month cells, as described above, are positioned absolutely. The top value is calculated by multiplying the index of the box by the height of the box + the top margin of the box. Only one data attribute is given to each box - the id of the event it represents. ## MV-DragEngine ### Setting up the drag engine (onmousedown) The process looks exaclty like the day/weekview in the very beginning but is actually much more involved. Note that boxes do not show movement until the cursor is moved beyond the border of the cell. The drag engine is initiated through a delegated mousedown event regisetered on a box. Once the event registered, and while the mouse is still down, a number of things happen: 1.) Create variables to account for the cell the box is in, the box itself, and the target modal if it exists (see @mv-grouping). 2.) add class to cell signifying that is is being dragged over. 3.) get coordinates of the cell (x, y values) @see mv-administer-positioning. ```javascript const startDragTime = const parent = box.parentElement; const cell = parent.parentElement; cell.classList.add("current-drop-zone"); const targetModal = document?.querySelector(".more-modal"); const originalCellLength = parent.childElementCount; const [cellX, cellY] = getCoordinatesFromCell(cell); ``` 4.) create a clone of the box. 5.) append clone it to the grid body (above the cells). 6.) convert inline styles of cloned box to reflect the relative positioning of the grid body rather than the cell. ```javascript createTemporaryBox(box); const clone = document?.querySelector(".box-mv-dragactive"); clone.setAttribute("data-box-mvx", cellX); clone.setAttribute("data-box-mvy", cellY); const cellRect = cell.getBoundingClientRect(); const cellWidth = parseFloat(cellRect.width.toFixed(2)) const cellHeight = parseFloat(cellRect.height.toFixed(2)); const wrapperLeft = parseInt(monthWrapper.offsetLeft) const boxRect = box.getBoundingClientRect(); const boxWidth = parseFloat(boxRect.width); const boxHeight = boxquery.getHeight() = `${parent.offsetTop}px`; = `${boxWidth}px`; = `${boxHeight}px`; = `${parent.offsetLeft}px` = "none" ``` 7.) create several variables to test for the following: **i. if container currently has five-weeks.** **ii. startX, startY,** **iii. if drag or click.** 8.) instantiate mousemove and mouseup events. ### monthview mousemove Simulating click: No, it is not an actual click event, but there are some ways to make it appear as such. First, and most importantly, do not allow any styles indicative of a drag event to show until mouse moves at least a few pixels. Second, supply some sort of flag to indicate that this distance has been met, if not, do not apply any syles and proceed to mouseup event. The following is a more fleshed out example of the above. ```javascript movedX = Math.abs(e.clientX - startcursorx); movedY = Math.abs(e.clientY - startcursory); // Do not apply styles until user has moved the box at least 5px from starting position. if (movedX > 1 || movedY > 1) { if (!changeCursor) { if (targetModal) { targetModal.remove(); } = "move"; changeCursor = true; } } if (movedX > 3 || movedY > 3) { if (!gaveStyles) { = "0.5"; = "block" } gaveStyles = true; } ``` **Calculating_East/West_movement** x = `Floor((current client x position - grid.offsetLeft) / width of cell)` ```javascript let newX = Math.floor((e.clientX - monthWrapper.offsetLeft) / cellWidth); // ensure that the newX is not less than 0 or greater than 6 if (newX < 0) { newX = 0; return; } if (newX > 6) { newX = 6; return; } // update new left position once if (lastX !== newX) { let multX = (newX * cellWidth) + wrapperLeft = `${parseFloat(multX.toFixed(2))}px`; lastX = newX; } ``` **Calculating North/South movement** y = `Floor((current client y position - grid.offsetTop) / height of cell)` ```javascript let newY = Math.floor((e.clientY - monthWrapper.offsetTop) / cellHeight); // ensure that the newY is not less than 0 or greater than 5-6 if (newY < 0) { newY = 0; return; } // max : last row (5 weeks) if (hasFiveWeeks && newY > 4) { newY = 4; return; } // max : last row (6 weeks) if (!hasFiveWeeks && newY > 5) { newY = 5; return; } // ensure new top position is only calculated if the cursor has moved // vertically across a cell border if (lastY !== newY) { let multY = (newY * cellHeight) + monthWrapper.offsetTop + 16 = `${parseFloat(multY.toFixed(2))}px`; lastY = newY; } ``` **give the current cell identifiable class** This class will be used on mouse up to determine if the box should be removed from the cell or not. It will also be highlighted during the drag process ```javascript document.querySelector(".current-drop-zone")?.classList.remove("current-drop-zone"); document.querySelector(`[data-mv-coordinates="${newX},${newY}"]`).classList.add("current-drop-zone"); ``` ### monthview mouseup 1.) Find the "current-drop-zone" cell. 2.) Get coordinates of new cell. 3.) Get the content of the new cell. 4.) Get array of boxes in the new cell if any. 5.) Determine if the box moved or not during the drag process. If not, open the context menu and remove the clone. 6.) Box moved, one of the following will occur: **i. cell had 6 or more elements, remove the clone and update the data attribute inidicating the number of events in the cell (only if the box was moved to a different cell).** **ii. cell now has 5 elements, remove the clone and all of the boxes in the cell and replace them with a data attribute indicating the number of events in the cell. (i.e cell is now a grouped cell).** **iii. cell has less than 5 elements, remove the clone and append the box to the cell. Re-calculated the top values of the boxes in the cell.** **iv. cell is empty, remove the clone and append the box to the cell.** 7.) Remove the current-drop-zone class from the cell. 8.) Remove mousemove, mouseup events and reset the cursor. ## MV-grouping Grouping is an automatic process that will occur either on load, or when a box is dragged into a cell that has 5 elements. After a drag, the cell will check for 6 elements, and if true, will proceed to remove all the elements from the cell and replace them with a data-attribte indicating the number of events in that cell. (i.e. data-group="6"). If the grouped cell is clicked, a modal will open with all the boxes in that cell. The boxes will look and act exactly as they would in a normal cell. They can be dragged out of the modal and into the calendar and a context menu will be registered to them as well. This is achieved by initiating This modals positiong is calculated using the placePopup function, the same function used to position the context menu and top modals for the day/week views. ```javascript @param {number} popupWidth @param {number} popupHeight @param {array} coords - [x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY] @param {array} windowCoords - [x: window.innerWidth, y: window.innerHeight] @param {boolean} center - should popup be centered ? @param {number} targetWidth - if center is true, targetWidth required to center @returns {array} [x, y] top/left values for popup function placePopup(popupCoord, boxCoord, windowCoord, center, targetWidth) { const [popupWidth, popupHeight] = popupCoord; const [boxLeft, boxTop] = boxCoord; const [windowWidth, windowHeight] = windowCoords; let popupX; if (center) { popupX = boxLeft - (popupWidth / 2) + (targetWidth / 2); if (targetWidth + boxLeft + 4 >= windowWidth) { popupX = windowWidth - popupWidth - 4; } } else { popupX = boxLeft + popupW > winW ? boxLeft - popupWidth - 6 : boxLeft; } let popupY = boxTop + popupHeight > windowHeight ? windowHeight - popupHeight - 6 : boxTop; if (popupX < 0) popupX = Math.abs(popupX); if (popupY < 0) popupY = 56; return [popupX, popupY]; } ``` ## Form-Drag The Form Drag system follows a fairly simple procedure. (Nothing like the month/week/day views). If you weren't aware that the form even had drag capabilities, try it out for yourself by grabbing on to the form's header (space adjacent to close form button). ____________ ____________ ## Resize_Systems Work in progress. ## Date_Handling Work in progress. ## Time_Handling Work in progress. ## Form_Handling Work in progress. ## Views Work in progress. ## Rendering Work in progress. ## Storage Work in progress. ____________
zero dependency clone of google calendar written in vanilla js
<h1 align="center"> <img src="./assets/chessu.png" alt="chessu" height="128" /> </h1> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </a> <img src="" alt="Last commit" /> </p> <p align="center">Yet another Chess web app. <p align="center"> <img src="./assets/demo.jpg" alt="chessu" width="640" /> </p> - play against other users in real-time - spectate and chat in ongoing games with other users - _optional_ user accounts for tracking stats and game history - ~~play solo against Stockfish~~ (wip) - mobile-friendly - ... and more ([view roadmap]( Built with Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS + daisyUI, react-chessboard, chess.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL. ## Development > Node.js 18 or newer is recommended. This project is structured as a monorepo using **pnpm** workspaces, separated into three packages: - `client` - Next.js application for the front-end, ~~deployed to via Vercel~~. - `server` - Node/Express.js application for the back-end, ~~deployed to via Railway~~. - `types` - Shared type definitions required by the client and server. ### Getting started 1. Install [pnpm]( 2. Install the necessary dependencies by running `pnpm install` in the root directory of the project. 3. In the `server` directory, create a `.env` file for your PostgreSQL database. You can try [ElephantSQL]( or [Aiven]( for a free hosted database. ```env PGUSER=exampleuser PGPASSWORD=examplepassword PGDATABASE=chessu ``` 4. Run the development servers with `pnpm dev`. - To run the frontend and backend servers separately, use `pnpm dev:client` and `pnpm dev:server`, respectively. 5. You can now access the frontend at http://localhost:3000 and the backend at http://localhost:3001. ## Contributing Please read our [Contributing Guidelines](./ before starting a pull request. ## License [MIT](./LICENSE)
Online multiplayer chess built with Next.js, Express, &
# nostr-relaypool-ts A Nostr RelayPool implementation in TypeScript using library as a dependency. Its main goal is to make it simpler to build a client on top of it than just a dumb RelayPool implementation. It's used by: - - - - To be part of NDK (Add yourself here :) ) Features: - Merging filters: separate filters with the same type of query (like asking for different authors with the same kinds) are automatically merged for every subscription request to decrease the number of filters, as the server usually handles it better. - Deleting empty filters: filters with no possible match are deleted, and subscription is not even created if there would be no valid event. - Duplicate events from cache / different relays are parsed / verified / emitted only once - If an event with kind 0 / 3 is emitted, older events with the same author and kind are not emitted. The last emitted event with that kind and author is always the freshest. - Delayed subscriptions allow clients to request data from different components, and let the RelayPool implementation merge, deduplicate, prioritize, cache these requests and split the replies to send to each subscription from the clients. It needs lots of testing and optimizations to get it to production level, but prototyping is important at this stage. - Compute smallest created_at (for continuing subscriptions on relays). When continuing a subscription, just pass the specific relay. - Run RelayPool in Web worker for smooth scrolling - Delete signatures (off by default) - Caching events (off by default): every event searched by id or event of Metadata or Contacts kind are cached in memory. Returning cached data can be turned off for each filter - Automatically close subscriptions (optional) - Automatically select relays by getting write relays from indexing servers - Getting metadata / contacts from indexing servers and cache them. - Automatically reconnect to servers (optional) # Installation: ```bash npm i nostr-relaypool ``` # Installation for use in NodeJS ```bash npm i nostr-relaypool ws ``` # Usage: ```typescript import {RelayPool} from "nostr-relaypool"; let relays = [ "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", ]; let relayPool = new RelayPool(relays); let unsub = relayPool.subscribe( [ { authors: [ "32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245", ], }, { kinds: [0], authors: [ "0000000035450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245", ], relay: "wss://", }, ], relays, (event, isAfterEose, relayURL) => { console.log(event, isAfterEose, relayURL); }, undefined, (events, relayURL) => { console.log(events, relayURL); } ); relayPool.onerror((err, relayUrl) => { console.log("RelayPool error", err, " from relay ", relayUrl); }); relayPool.onnotice((relayUrl, notice) => { console.log("RelayPool notice", notice, " from relay ", relayUrl); }); ``` # Web worker support (not all functionality is supported yet, but feel free to add, it's easy): ``` import { RelayPoolWorker } from 'nostr-relaypool'; const worker = new Worker( new URL('./node_modules/nostr-relaypool/lib/nostr-relaypool.worker.js', document.location.href) ); const relayPool = new RelayPoolWorker(worker); ``` <br/> # API documentation: ```typescript RelayPool(relays:string[] = [], options:{useEventCache?: boolean, logSubscriptions?: boolean, deleteSignatures?: boolean, skipVerification?: boolean, autoReconnect?: boolean} = {}) ``` RelayPool constructor connects to the given relays, but it doesn't determine which relays are used for specific subscriptions. It caches all events and returns filtering id and 0 / 3 kinds with requested pubkeys from cache. options: - useEventCache: turns on caching of all events. WARNING: This makes memory grow without limit. - logSubscriptions: turns on logging subscriptions. 1 entry per RelayPool subscription, and it can help clients significantly - deleteSignatures: delete signatures for events - skipVerification: skip event signature verification - autoReconnect: aggressively reconnect automatically (not suggested for clients) <br/> ```typescript RelayPool::subscribe(filters: Filter & {relay?: string, noCache?: boolean}, relays: string[] | undefined, onEvent: (event: Event, isAfterEose: boolean, relayURL: string | undefined) => void, maxDelayms?: number, onEose?: (relayURL, minCreatedAt) => void, options: { allowDuplicateEvents?: boolean, allowOlderEvents?: boolean, logAllEvents?: boolean, unsubscribeOnEose: boolean, defaultRelays?: string[]} = {} ) : () => void ``` Creates a subscription to a list of filters and sends them to a pool of relays if new data is required from those relays. - filters: If the relay property of a filter is set, that filter will be requested only from that relay. Filters that don't have relay set will be sent to the relays passed inside the relays parameter. There will be at most 1 subscription created for each relay even if it's passed multiple times in relay / relays. The implementation finds filters in the subscriptions that only differ in 1 key and merges them both on RelayPool level and Relay level. The merging algorithm is linear in input size (not accidental O(n^2)). It also removes empty filters that are guaranteed to not match any events. noCache inside a filter instructs relayPool to never return cached results for that specific filter, but get them from a subscription. (maybe refresh or revalidate would be a better name, but noCache was selected as it's defined in the Cache-Control header of the HTTP standard). It may only be useful if kinds 0, 3 are requested. If no real work would be done by a relay (all filters are satisfied from cache or empty) the subscription will not be sent (but the cached events will be provided instantly using the onEvent callback). - relays: Events for filters that have no relay field set will be requested from all the specified relays. If relays is not set and authors is set for all filters, RelayPool will get write relays for all authors in the subscription and send the subscription to those relays. - onEvent: Other RelayPool implementations allow calling onevent multiple times on a Subscription class, which was the original design in this library as well, but since caching is implemented, it's safer API design to pass onevent inside the subscribe call. Events that are read from the cache will be called back immediately with relayURL === undefined. isAfterEose is true if the event was recieved from a relay after the EOSE message. isAfterEose is always false for cached events. - maxDelayms: Adding maxDelay option delays sending subscription requests, batching them and matching them after the events come back. It's called maxDelay instead of delay, as subscribing with a maxDelay of 100ms and later subscribing with infinity time will reset the timer to 100ms delay. The first implementation uses matchFilter (O(n^2)) for redistributing events that can be easily optimized if the abstraction is successful. If it's used, the returned function doesn't do anything. It can't be used together with onEose. - onEose: called for each EOSE event received from a relay. Can't be used together with maxDelayms minCreatedAt contains the smallest created_at seen or Infinity if there were no events in the subscription. - options: - allowDuplicateEvents: by default duplicate events with the same id are filtered out. This option removes duplicate event filtering. - allowOlderEvents: if a subscription emitted an event with kind 0 or 3 (metadata / contacts), it doesn't allow emitting older events by default. This option overrides that filter. - logAllEvents: Log all events that are sent back to separate subscriptions. It can be a lot of events, so this option is only advised for application development, especially debugging. - unsubscribeOnEose: The most important option to use for past events with different queries (for example subscribing when the ids are known). the number of subscriptions on relays are limited, this option closes subscription on each relay when the relay sends EOSE event. - defaultRelays: if relays is undefined, sometimes no writeRelays can be found for the authors in the filters. In that case the subscription falls back to these passed defaultRelays - dontSendOtherFilters: other filters may have timeouts, but this subscription may be sent instantly, in this case this option can be used (for example for that doesn't have limits). Return value: Returns a function that stops sending more data with the onEvent callback. When all virtual subscriptions are unsubscribed, an unsubscribe request is sent to all relays. ```typescript RelayPool::sendSubscriptions(onEose?: (events, relayURL) => void) : () => void ``` Sends subscriptions queued up with delayed subscriptions. It can be used after all subscriptions are requested (with some delay or Infinite delay). ```typescript async getEventById(id: string, relays: string[], maxDelayms: number) : Promise<Event> ``` Gets one event by event id. Many similar subscriptions should be batched together. It is useful inside a component when many components are rendered. Other API functions: ```typescript RelayPool::publish(event: Event, relays: string[]) RelayPool::onnotice(cb: (url: string, msg: string) => void) RelayPool::onerror(cb: (url: string, msg: string) => void) RelayPool::setWriteRelaysForPubKey(pubkey: string, writeRelays: string[]) RelayPool::subscribeReferencedEvents( event: Event, onEvent: OnEvent, maxDelayms?: number, onEose?: OnEose, options: SubscriptionOptions = {} ): () => void RelayPool::fetchAndCacheMetadata(pubkey: string): Promise<Event> RelayPool::subscribeReferencedEventsAndPrefetchMetadata( event: Event, onEvent: OnEvent, maxDelayms?: number, onEose?: OnEose, options: SubscriptionOptions = {} ): () => void RelayPool::setCachedMetadata(pubkey: string, metadata: Event) ``` # Support: Telegram: @AdamRitter npub1dcl4zejwr8sg9h6jzl75fy4mj6g8gpdqkfczseca6lef0d5gvzxqvux5ey # DEPRECIATED: Experimental API wrapper for RelayPool All these are depreciated as they are not too useful abstractions in practice. This is the first taste of an API wrapper that makes RelayPool easier to use. It's experimental (many methods haven't been tested at all) and subject to change significantly. The first parameter is OnEvent, last parameter is always maxDelayms, and the middle parameter is limit if it's needed. An unsubscribe function is returned, although it's not implemented yet. ```typescript RelayPool::subscribeEventObject(filters: Filter & {relay?: string, noCache?: boolean}, relays: string[] | undefined, onEventObject: (eventObject: EventObject, isAfterEose: boolean, relayURL: string | undefined) => void, maxDelayms?: number, onEose?: (relayURL, minCreatedAt) => void, options: {allowDuplicateEvents?: boolean, allowOlderEvents?: boolean, logAllEvents?: boolean, unsubscribeOnEose: boolean} = {} ) : () => void const pubkey = "32e1827635450ebb3c5a7d12c1f8e7b2b514439ac10a67eef3d9fd9c5c68e245"; const relays = [ "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", ]; const relayPool = new RelayPool(); const author = new Author(relayPool, relays, pubkey); author.metaData(console.log, 0); author.follows(console.log, 0); author.followers(console.log, 0); author.subscribe([{kinds: [Kind.Contacts]}], console.log, 0); author.allEvents(console.log, 5, 0); author.referenced(console.log, 5, 0); author.followers(console.log, 50, 0); author.sentAndRecievedDMs(console.log, 50, 0); author.text(console.log, 10, 0); new Author(relayPool: RelayPool, relays: string[], pubkey: string) Author::metaData(cb: (event: EventObject) => void, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::subscribe(filters: Filter[], cb: OnEvent, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::followsPubkeys(cb: (pubkeys: string[]) => void, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::follows(cb: (authors: Author[]) => void, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::allEvents(cb: OnEventObject, limit = 100, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::referenced(cb: OnEventObject, limit = 100, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::followers(cb: OnEventObject, limit = 100, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::sentAndRecievedDMs(cb: OnEventObject, limit = 100, maxDelayms: number): () => void Author::text(cb: OnEventObject, limit = 100, maxDelayms: number): () => void collect(onEvents: (events: Event[]) => void): OnEvent // Keeps events array sorted by created_at ```
A Nostr RelayPool implementation in TypeScript using only nostr-tools library as a dependency
<h1 align="center"> Habits </h1> <p align="center"> NLW é um evento exclusivo e gratuito, promovido pela Rocketseat para ensino de tecnologias WEB. <br/> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="#-tecnologias">Tecnologias</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#-projeto">Projeto</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#-layout">Layout</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#memo-licença">Licença</a> </p> <p align="center"> <img alt="License" src=""> </p> <br> <p align="center"> <img alt="projeto Habits" src=".github/preview.jpg" width="100%"> </p> ## 🚀 Tecnologias Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: - HTML e CSS - JavaScript - Git e Github - Figma ## 💻 Projeto O Habits é um app para ajudar a rastrear os hábitos. - [Visite o projeto online]( ## 🔖 Layout Você pode visualizar o layout do projeto através [DESSE LINK]( É necessário ter conta no [Figma]( para acessá-lo. ## :memo: Licença Esse projeto está sob a licença MIT. --- Feito com ♥ by Rocketseat :wave: [Participe da nossa comunidade!](
Habit Tracker by NLW's Rocketseat
<p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="./docs/public/logo.svg" alt="Akte logo" height="128" /> </a> </p> # akte [![npm version][npm-version-src]][npm-version-href] [![npm downloads][npm-downloads-src]][npm-downloads-href] [![Github Actions CI][github-actions-ci-src]][github-actions-ci-href] [![Codecov][codecov-src]][codecov-href] [![Conventional Commits][conventional-commits-src]][conventional-commits-href] [![License][license-src]][license-href] > **Warning** > Akte is still pre-major (pre-1.0.0), it's usable, however, consider pinning the patch version before using. A minimal static site (and file) generator. - 🚕 &nbsp;Minimal and flexible; - ⚡ &nbsp;Vite integration; - 🛰 &nbsp;Serverless ready; - 🎹 &nbsp;Programmatic API; - 🌊 &nbsp;Controllable data cascade; - 🈂 &nbsp;TypeScript supercharged; - 🗜 &nbsp;Tiny install, 600kB; - 💼 &nbsp;Portable, 6kB bundle size. ## Install ```bash npm install --save-dev akte ``` ## Documentation To discover what's new on this package check out [the changelog][changelog]. For full documentation, check out the [official Akte documentation][documentation]. ## Contributing Whether you're helping me fix bugs, improve the site, or spread the word, I'd love to have you as a contributor! **Asking a question**: [Open a new topic][repo-question] on GitHub Discussions explaining what you want to achieve / your question. I'll try to get back to you shortly. **Reporting a bug**: [Open an issue][repo-bug-report] explaining your application's setup and the bug you're encountering. **Suggesting an improvement**: [Open an issue][repo-feature-request] explaining your improvement or feature so we can discuss and learn more. **Submitting code changes**: For small fixes, feel free to [open a pull request][repo-pull-requests] with a description of your changes. For large changes, please first [open an issue][repo-feature-request] so we can discuss if and how the changes should be implemented. <!-- For more clarity on this project and its structure you can also check out the detailed [][contributing] document. --> ## License [MIT License][license] <!-- Links --> [documentation]: [changelog]: ./ [contributing]: ./ [license]: ./LICENSE [repo-question]: [repo-bug-report]: [repo-feature-request]: [repo-pull-requests]: <!-- Badges --> [npm-version-src]: [npm-version-href]: [npm-downloads-src]: [npm-downloads-href]: [github-actions-ci-src]: [github-actions-ci-href]: [codecov-src]: [codecov-href]: [conventional-commits-src]: [conventional-commits-href]: [license-src]: [license-href]:
Minimal file generator, for websites and more
# zk-merkle-tree A JavaScript library for anonymous voting on Ethereum blockchain using zero-knowledge proof. The library is based on the source code of [Tornado Cash]( The most essential component of TC is a Merkle tree where users can deposit ethers with a random `commitment`, that can be withdrawn with a `nullifier`. The nullifier is assigned to the commitment, but nobody knows which commitment is assigned to which nullifier, because the link between them is the zero-knowledge. This method can be also used for anonymous voting, where the voter sends a commitment in the registration phase, and a nullifier when she votes. This method ensures that one voter can vote only once. For more info, please read [my article on Medium about the library]( ## Usage Create your own voting contract that is inherited from `zk-merkle-tree/contracts/ZKTree.sol`. Implement the `_commit` and `_nullify` methods. A simple implementation of the ZKTree contract looks like this (from the [zktree-vote]( project): ``` // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.17; import "zk-merkle-tree/contracts/ZKTree.sol"; contract ZKTreeVote is ZKTree { address public owner; mapping(address => bool) public validators; mapping(uint256 => bool) uniqueHashes; uint numOptions; mapping(uint => uint) optionCounter; constructor( uint32 _levels, IHasher _hasher, IVerifier _verifier, uint _numOptions ) ZKTree(_levels, _hasher, _verifier) { owner = msg.sender; numOptions = _numOptions; for (uint i = 0; i <= numOptions; i++) optionCounter[i] = 0; } function registerValidator(address _validator) external { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can add validator!"); validators[_validator] = true; } function registerCommitment( uint256 _uniqueHash, uint256 _commitment ) external { require(validators[msg.sender], "Only validator can commit!"); require( !uniqueHashes[_uniqueHash], "This unique hash is already used!" ); _commit(bytes32(_commitment)); uniqueHashes[_uniqueHash] = true; } function vote( uint _option, uint256 _nullifier, uint256 _root, uint[2] memory _proof_a, uint[2][2] memory _proof_b, uint[2] memory _proof_c ) external { require(_option <= numOptions, "Invalid option!"); _nullify( bytes32(_nullifier), bytes32(_root), _proof_a, _proof_b, _proof_c ); optionCounter[_option] = optionCounter[_option] + 1; } function getOptionCounter(uint _option) external view returns (uint) { return optionCounter[_option]; } } ``` The constructor has 4 parameters: - `_levels` is the levels of the Merkle tree. **It has to be 20 if you use the default Verifier.** If you want to use different number of levels, you have to implement your own Verifier circuit. - `_hasher` is the address of the MiMC sponge smart contract. (Check the `test` folder for the MiMC sponge generator code.) - `_verifier` is the address of the Verifier contract. It is generated from the Verifier (`circuits/Verifier.circom`) circuit by the prepare script (`scripts/`). - `_numOptions` is the number of options. The `registerCommitment` method implements the `_commit` method. It has 2 parameters: - `_uniqueHash` is a unique hash of the voter (ex.: the hash of the ID card). It ensures that one voter is registered only once. - `_commitment` is the commitment of the user. The `vote` method implements the `_nullify` method. It has 6 parameters: - `_option` is the option what the voter chooses. - `_nullifier` is the nullifier for the commitment. - `_root` is the Merkle root for the proof. - `_proof_a`, `_proof_b` and `_proof_c` are the zero-knowledge proof. The commitment and the nullifier is generated on the client side by the `generateCommitment` method. (Please check the [VoterRegistration]( component in the `zktree-vote` project.) To generate the zero-knowledge proof, use `calculateMerkleRootAndZKProof`. (Please check the [Vote]( component in the `zktree-vote` project.) For more info, please check the `test` folder in the repository and the [zktree-vote]( project. WARNING: This library is not audited, so use it at your own risk.
JavaScript library for anonymous voting on Ethereum blockchain using zero-knowledge proof
## Django Point of Sale (POS) 💸 A Point of Sale web app for businesses built with Python and Django for learning purposes. <a><img src="" width="70%" heigth="70%"></a> <br></br> <a><img src="" width="70%" heigth="70%"></a> ## Table of Contents: - [Features](#features) - [Screenshots](#screenshots) - [Tech Stack](#tech-stack) - [Installation](#installation) - [Run it locally](#run-it-locally) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) ## Screenshots [Click Here](screenshots/ ## Features - Login Page with User authentication - Dashboard Page with statistics and graphs - DataTables with print, copy, to CSV, and to PDF buttons - Categories and Products Management - Clients Management - Sales Management ## Tech Stack - Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Boostrap, SweetAlert, DataTables - Backend: Django, Python, Ajax, SQLite ## Installation ### Prerequisites - [Python 3.x]( - [pip package manager]( - [git]( #### Browser Compatibility Notice: Firefox NOT Supported ‼ #### Please Use Chrome or Edge Browsers ‼ 1. Clone or download the repository: ` git clone` 2. Go to the project directory ` cd django_point_of_sale` 3. Create a virtual environment : PowerShell: ``` python -m venv venv venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 ``` Linux: ``` python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate ``` 4. Install dependencies: ` pip install -r requirements.txt` 5. Update pip and setuptools ` python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools` 6. Install GTK to create the PDF files: [Official documentation]( 7. Windows Users (IMPORTANT)‼: Only Windows 11 64-bit is supported ‼ After installing GTK, you need to add it to your system's Path environment variable. Follow these steps: - Assuming you installed GTK at: `C:\Program Files\GTK3-Runtime Win64\bin` This will be your new variable that you need to add to Path - Refer to this tutorial for detailed instructions on adding to the Path environment variable: [Tutorial add to the Path enviroment variable]( - If you encounter an error such as "cannot load library," refer to this documentation for troubleshooting: [Missing Library Error]( 9. Restart your computer: After completing the steps above, it is essential to restart your computer for the changes to take effect properly. ‼ ## Run it locally After restarting your computer 1. Go to the project directory: `cd django_point_of_sale` 2. Activate the virtual enviroment PowerShell: ``` venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 ``` Linux: ``` source venv/bin/activate ``` 3. Go to the django_pos folder: `cd django_pos` 4. Make database migrations: `python makemigrations` and `python migrate` 5. Create superuser `python createsuperuser` with the following data, or with the data you prefer: `username: admin, password: admin, email: admin@admin` 7. Run the server: `python runserver` 8. Open a browser and go to: `` 9. Log In with your superuser credentials. ## Contributing Contributions are always welcome! - Fork this repository; - Create a branch with your feature: `git checkout -b my-feature`; - Commit your changes: `git commit -m "feat: my new feature"`; - Push to your branch: `git push origin my-feature`. ## Authors - [@betofleitass]( ## License This project is under [MIT License.]( [Back to top ⬆️](#django-point-of-sale-pos-)
Grocery Point of Sale (POS) System in Python Django
## GitHub Error Solve - A place to find Git related errors & there solutions ![GES]( ## Why GES? GitHub Error Solve is a community-driven platform that serves as a hub for finding solutions to various Git-related errors. Git is a powerful and widely-used version control system, but it can sometimes be challenging to navigate its complexities, especially for beginners. This platform provides a space where users can ask questions about Git errors they encounter and receive responses from experienced developers who have faced and resolved similar issues before. It also offers a repository of knowledge where users can find previously answered questions and solutions, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their Git skills. ## Tech stack used | Language | Badge | | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | HTML | ![HTML]( | | CSS | ![CSS]( | | Tailwind | ![Tailwind]( | | JavaScript | ![JavaScript]( | | React | ![React]( | | Vite | ![Vite]( | ## Where to contribute? Getting involved in open-source software (OSS) projects can be a gratifying and enriching experience. It not only enables you to acquire new skills but also allows you to make a valuable impact on a project that serves the wider community. > Here the some steps you can take to contribute to this project: - Remember to read [Code Of Conduct](/ before contributing. - Follow the [Contribution Documents](/ - Create an issue to report bugs, and vulnerabilities or add a new feature. ## Join our community If you're looking to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests, passions, and goals, joining a community can be an excellent option. Whether it's a local group that meets in person or an online forum where members from around the world come together virtually, communities provide a sense of belonging and the opportunity to learn and grow alongside others. By joining a community, you can gain access to a wealth of knowledge, resources, and support that can help you achieve your personal and professional aspirations. So if you're ready to connect with others who share your interests and build meaningful relationships, consider joining a community today! [Discord Link]( ### Contributors We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who have contributed to and supported this project. Your time, skills, and knowledge have been indispensable in ensuring the success of this endeavor. Whether you provided code, documentation, testing, or simply gave feedback and suggestions, we are truly grateful for your contributions. ❤️ <a href = ""> <img src = ""/> </a> ## License ProjectsHut is licensed under the [GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ](/LICENSE)
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# CuCoders | La Plataforma de los devs cubanos ![image]( CuCoders es una plataforma creada con el fin de potenciar el desarrollo de software en Cuba y apoyar a los desarrolladores y emprendedores en su carrera profesional. En CuCoders puedes descubrir recursos, aplicaciones, artículos, perfiles de programadores y ofertas laborales. CuCoders es el lugar perfecto para encontrar oportunidades y mantenerse actualizado en el mundo de la programación. ## Stack - [Astro]( - [Tailwind]( - [Flowbyte]( - [Giscus]( for comments box ## 🚀 Estructura del Proyecto Dentro del proyecto encontrarás las estructura de carpetas siguientes: ``` / ├── .github/workflows # Workflows de GitHub Actions para compilar el proyecto ├── public/ # Directorio con los ficheros públicos del proyecto │ └── assets/ | └── img/ ├── src/ │ ├── components/ # Todos los componentes reutilizables de la web │ ├── content/ # Aquí se almacena el contenido que se muestra en la web, organizado por categorías y usuarios | └── apps/ | └── blogs/ | └── events/ | └── resources/ │ ├── layouts/ │ └── pages/ │ └── data/ # Data config and static site data like categories. │ └── templates/ # Las plantillas utilizadas para la generación de ciertos documentos .md └── package.json ``` Cualquier activo estático, como imágenes, se puede colocar en el directorio `público/`. ## CLI Todos los comandos se ejecutan desde la raíz del proyecto, desde una terminal: | Command | Action | | :--------------------- | :------------------------------------------------- | | `yarn install` | Installs dependencies | | `yarn run dev` | Starts local dev server at `localhost:3000` | | `yarn run build` | Build your production site to `./dist/` | | `yarn run preview` | Preview your build locally, before deploying | | `yarn run astro ...` | Run CLI commands like `astro add`, `astro preview` | | `yarn run astro --help` | Get help using the Astro CLI | ## Arquitectura CuCoders funciona con una arquitectura descentralizada utilizando como backend a GitHub. Los datos de los artículos, las aplicaciones y los eventos se almacenan en los ficheros físicos del repositorio público y los datos de cada usuario están en su poder en los repositorios especiales de cada usuario. La información más volátil que no necesita ser conservada en el tiempo como las ofertas laborales se encuentran almacenadas en microservicios que se acceden mediante una API, para los cuales en primera versión se crearon utilizando Airtable. El sitio se recompila utilizando las GitHub Actions nutriéndose de la información almacenada en GitHub y utilizando el [backend serverless]( desarrollado con Astro, el cual se encarga de conectarse y consumir información de los servicios de empleos y próximamente de los servicios y aplicaciones destacadas en la web. El usuario visualiza la información en el sitio web estático construido con Astro y mediante el bot de Telegram con la publicación de las nuevas ofertas laborales. Arquitectura permite mantener los costos del mantenimiento del proyecto casi nulos así como permite que la información se mantenga pública y siempre accesible para garantizar la continuidad del proyecto. ![image]( ## Despliegue CuCoders puede ser desplegado en cualquier proveedor que permita la construcción de páginas estáticas. En estos momentos estamos utilizando GitHub Pages para la cual hay una serie de configuraciones específicas en los ficheros de configuración de las GitHub Actions y los ficheros de configuración de Astro. ## Contribuir CuCoders es una solución de código abierto. Los Pull Requests y las contribuciones son bienvenidas! Para contribuir con el proyecto puedes informar de algún [error](, sugerir una [nueva característica]( o comenzar a trabar solucionando algún Issue que haya sido marcado como "[aceptado](". Para más información lea el fichero [](/ ## Autor - [Manuel Ernesto Garcia]( ## Contribuidores <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a> Made with [](
CuCoders | La plataforma de los programadores cubanos
![inkathon Devtooling Banner](inkathon-devtooling-banner.png) # `useInkathon` – React Hooks & Utility Library [![License: GPL v3](]( [![Built with ink!](]( ![TypeScript]( ![React]( This library provides typesafe React hooks and utility functions that simplify the process of working with Substrate-based networks and ink! smart contracts. It abstracts away the complexities of polkadot{.js} but still lets you access the full power of the underlying API. The project is part of a [Scio Labs]( initiative to improve the developer experience in the ink! ecosystem and a proud member of the [Aleph Zero EFP]( 💜 Other projects include: - `create-ink-app` CLI (_Coming soon_) - [`ink!athon`]( Boilerplate - [`useInkathon`]( Hooks & Utility Library - [`zink!`]( Smart Contract Macros **Join the discussion in our [Telegram Group](** 💬 **Checkout our [TypeDoc Documentation](** 📃 --- 1. [Getting started 🚀](#getting-started-) 2. [Features ✨](#features-) 3. [Contract Registry 🗳️](#contract-registry-️%EF%B8%8F) 1. [How it works](#how-it-works) 2. [Typed Contracts](#typed-contracts) 4. [Examples 📚](#examples-) 5. [Package Development 🛠](#package-development-) --- ## Getting started 🚀 > [!IMPORTANT] > **If you are looking for a boilerplate to start your dApp project from scratch, checkout [ink!athon](** 1. Go to your existing project and install the package from the npm registry: ```bash pnpm add @scio-labs/use-inkathon # or npm install @scio-labs/use-inkathon # or yarn add @scio-labs/use-inkathon ``` 2. Wrap it around your app or parent component: ```ts import { development, UseInkathonProvider } from '@scio-labs/use-inkathon' ``` ```tsx <UseInkathonProvider appName="My dApp" defaultChain={development}> <Component {...pageProps} /> </UseInkathonProvider> ``` 1. Use the primary `useInkathon` hook for connecting the wallet or accessing the API: ```ts import { useInkathon } from '@scio-labs/use-inkathon' ``` ```ts const { api, connect, activeChain, activeAccount, … } = useInkathon() ``` ## Features ✨ At its core, this library serves as a **wrapper for polkadot{.js}, potentially saving you over 100 lines of code.** This includes: - Utility functions for API initialization, connection, account management, balance checks, transfers, contract interactions, etc. - React hooks & provider for easy access to all of the above, including: - [`useInkathon`]( – Main Hook responsible for connection, account management, etc. - [`useBalance`]( - [`usePSP22Balances`]( - [`useContract`]( - [`useRegisteredContract`]( _(read more below)_ - Contract interaction helper functions with automatic upfront gas estimation, including: - [`contractTx`]( - [`contractQuery`]( - [`decodeOutput`]( - Constants definitions for Substrate-based chains, wallets, and assets - Works multichain with live & dynamic chain-switching out of the box - Full contract-level type-safety with [`typechain-polkadot`]( via [`useRegisteredTypedContract`]( > [!NOTE] > Checkout our [TypeDoc Documentation]( for more details. ## Contract Registry 🗳️ Often when working with smart contracts in the frontend, you have to import the contract metadata multiple times across a project, then determine the matching deployment address for the active chain, and create a `ContractPromise` instance manually each time. The idea of a _Contract Registry_ is to **define contract metadata & addresses only once and use them everywhere with a simple hook:** ```ts const { contract } = useRegisteredContract('greeter') ``` ### How it works Start by defining an async `getDeployments` function that returns [`SubstrateDeployment[]`]( metadata objects for each contract deployment on each chain. > [!NOTE] > Checkout an advanced example within the ink!athon boilerplate [here]( where metadata is imported dynamically based on defined chains and contract identifiers. ```ts import { alephzeroTestnet, SubstrateDeployment } from '@scio-labs/use-inkathon' export const getDeployments = async (): Promise<SubstrateDeployment[]> => { return [ { contractId: 'greeter', networkId:, abi: await import(`../deployments/metadata.json`), address: '5HPwzKmJ6wgs18BEcLdH5P3mULnfnowvRzBtFcgQcwTLVwFc', }, ] } ``` The function's result passed to the `UseInkathonProvider` provider: ```tsx <UseInkathonProvider appName="My dApp" defaultChain={alephzeroTestnet} deployments={getDeployments()} > <Component {...pageProps} /> </UseInkathonProvider> ``` Then access the contract as above: ```ts const { contract } = useRegisteredContract('greeter') ``` ### Typed Contracts > [!NOTE] > Make sure to also install `@727-ventures/typechain-types`, `bn.js`, and `@types/bn.js` as dependencies in your project. Find a complete setup & usage example in the [`ink!athon boilerplate`]( If you are using [`typechain-polkadot`]( to generate type-safe contracts, you can use the `useRegisteredTypedContract` hook instead: ```ts import GreeterContract from '[…]/typed-contracts/contracts/greeter' // … const { typedContract } = useRegisteredTypedContract('greeter', GreeterContract) const result = await typedContract.query.greet() ``` > [!IMPORTANT] > Currently, only queries are supported until [typechain-polkadot#138]( is merged. Alternatively, we're considering switching to the [`prosopo/typechain-polkadot`]( fork completely. ## Examples 📚 Within this repository: - [Vanilla React Example](./examples/react-ts) (`examples/react-ts`) - [Vanilla CLI Scripts Example](./examples/scripts-ts) (`examples/scripts-ts`) Live examples: - [ink!athon Boilerplate]( - [AZERO.ID]( ## Package Development 🛠 **If you want to contribute, please read our [Contributor Guidelines](** 🙏 > **Pre-requisites:** > > - Setup Node.js v18 (recommended via [nvm]( > - Install [pnpm]( (recommended via [Node.js Corepack]( > - Clone this repository ```bash # Install dependencies pnpm i # Enable pre-commit hooks pnpm simple-git-hooks # Run tsup in development mode (watching) pnpm dev # Run package compilation in parallel with vanilla React example pnpm run dev:react-example # Build the package pnpm build ``` <details> <summary><strong>How to import a development version of this package locally?</strong></summary> Unfortunately, importing this package locally into other local projects requires some manual steps. You need to build & pack this package into a `.tgz`-build and then update this dependency in your other project. These steps must be repeated each time you make changes to this package. ```bash # 1. [THIS PACKAGE] Generate a .tgz package of the build pnpm tsup && pnpm pack # 2. [OTHER PROJECT] Add it as a dependency in your other project like: # `"@scio-labs/use-inkathon": "file:../scio-labs-use-inkathon-0.0.X.tgz"` pnpm add ../use-inkathon/scio-labs-use-inkathon-0.0.X.tgz # 3. [OTHER PROJECT] Subsequent updates can be done via pnpm update @scio-labs/use-inkathon --force ``` </details>
Typesafe React hooks and utility functions that simplify the process of working with Substrate-based networks and ink! smart contracts.
![mockup-2]( ## Get Started Setup is quick! Make sure you already have a notion account created and we will need **just two things** notion database ID, and your own private notion api key. ### 1. Notion Setup [Duplicate]( my **Portfolio Posts** notion page, and setup your database [integration]( ![]( ``` NOTION_API_KEY=secret_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NOTION_DATABASE_ID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ``` --- ### 2. Vercel setup Start new project on vercel --you can quickly clone mines [here]( Then you will need to setup your Vercel projects ```.env``` variables, which you created for notion. This is found in *Project Settings > Environment Variables*. <img width="1324" alt="image" src="">
📙 NEXT.js + Notion driven portfolio template. Seamlessly add content with the awesome UX of Notion. Showcase your work through blog format.
<p align="center"> <br> <img width=230px height=116px src="" alt="Project logo"> </p> --- <p align="center"> A Learning Mangment System (LMS) Enhanced with machine learning <br> </p> ## 📝 Table of Contents - [About The Project](#about-the-project) - [Key Features](#key-features) - [Built With](#built-with) - [Screen Shots](#screen-shots) - [Full Demo](#full-demo) - [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) ## About The Project <p align="center"> <br> <img width=848px height=480px src="" alt="Project showcase"> </p> This is full stack web-app created as a final graduation project that aimed to design and build a fully functional learning mangment system (LMS) and integrate it with a varity of machine leraning models to offer common and invoative AI features. This repository contains the web portion (front-end | backend), but doesn't include the AI models. ## Key Features * Authentication * Authorization for diffrent uesr roles (student | instructor | admin) * Youtube integration for course Lectures * Announcments notification system with push notifications for desktop * Fast grader for assestments and exams * Auto Grading for essay questions using Machine learning * grade book for instructor * Deadlines Calendar * Plagarism detection * Live cheating detection from webcam and microphone using Machine Learning * Reports to the instructor of a cheating instance * Text moderation system ## Built With * [![React](]( * [![Redux](]( * [![Ant Design](]( * [![Node.js](]( * [![MongoDB](]( ## Screen Shots | login screen | Courses Screen | | ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------| | ![login screen][ref-login] | ![courses screen][ref-courses-screen] | | Lectures Screen | Modules Screen | | ![lectures screen][ref-lectures-screen] | ![modules screen][ref-modules-screen] | | Assessment Creation Screen | Assessment View Screen | | ![Assessment Creation][ref-assessment-creation] | ![Assessment View][ref-assessment-view] | | Exam taking Screen | Grading Screen | | ![Exam taking Screen][ref-exam-taking-screen] | ![Grading Screen][ref-grading-screen] | | Grade Book Screen | Course Settings Screen | | ![Grade Book Screen][ref-grade-book-screen] | ![Course Settings Screen][ref-course-settings-screen] | ## Full Demo <a href="" target="_blank"> <img width=640px height=360px src="" alt="IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE" border="10"/> </a> ## Acknowledgements This project couldn't have been possible without the team - Hazem Hamada - Omar Hazem - Basil Essam - Eslam Genedy [ref-login]: [ref-courses-screen]: [ref-lectures-screen]: [ref-modules-screen]: [ref-assessment-creation]: [ref-assessment-view]: [ref-exam-taking-screen]: [ref-grading-screen]: [ref-grade-book-screen]: [ref-course-settings-screen]:
Learning Management System (LMS) built with React, Node.js and mongoDB
> Життя переможе смерть, а світ – темряву. # `virtual.nesting` 💊 Подход к организации **файловой структуры** проектов. Подходит для JS-проектов любой сложности. Предлагает простую систему терминов и правил, призванных снизить сложность работы над проектами. ## Преимущества - 🚀 подходит для проектов любой сложности - 🍰 легко понять, простые термины и правила - 🧩 формирует информативную и предсказуемую файловую структуру проекта, чем облегчает построение его ментальной модели - 📦 группирует файлы одновременно по реализуемой **функциональности** и по **типу**, чем облегчает анализ случаев использования отдельных файлов и поиск связанных файлов - 📌 обеспечивает фиксированную максимальную вложенность директорий во всём проекте — 3 уровня - 🚚 разгружает пространство имён файлов, облегчает именование ## Содержание 1. [Мотивация](#мотивация) - [Неудачно-организованная файловая структура проекта — это серьёзная проблема](#неудачно-организованная-файловая-структура-проекта--это-серьёзная-проблема) - [У текущих подходов есть существенные недостатки](#у-текущих-подходов-есть-существенные-недостатки) - [Folders by type](#folders-by-type) - [Folders by feature](#folders-by-feature) - [Вложенность решает проблемы, но создаёт новые](#вложенность-решает-проблемы-но-создаёт-новые) 2. [Быстрый старт](#быстрый-старт) - [Краткий обзор](#краткий-обзор) - [Применяем шаг за шагом](#применяем-шаг-за-шагом) - [Примеры проектов](#примеры-проектов) 3. [Методология](#методология) - [Категория](#категория) - [Размещение категорий](#размещение-категорий) - [Подкатегории](#подкатегории) - [Ограничения категорий](#ограничения-категорий) - [Мета-категории](#мета-категории) - [Группа](#группа) - [Размещение групп](#размещение-групп) - [Именованные группы](#именованные-группы) - [Ограничения групп](#ограничения-групп) - [Мета-группы](#мета-группы) - [Элемент](#элемент) - [Размещение элементов](#размещение-элементов) - [Варианты использования виртуальной вложенности в элементах](#варианты-использования-виртуальной-вложенности-в-элементах) - [Ограничения элементов](#ограничения-элементов) - [Ресурс](#ресурс) - [Рекомендации](#рекомендации) - [Совместимость с архитектурными шаблонами](#совместимость-с-архитектурными-шаблонами) 4. [FAQ](#faq) 5. [Поддержка IDE](#поддержка-ide) 6. [Сообщество](#сообщество) 7. [Обратная связь](#обратная-связь) 8. [Благодарности](#благодарности) 9. [Поддержать автора](#поддержать-автора) ## Мотивация ### Неудачно-организованная файловая структура проекта — это серьёзная проблема В сфере разработки ПО принято вести работу над ПО в рамках **проектов**. Под проектом ПО подразумевается набор файлов, содержащих код и другие ресурсы, необходимые для реализации ПО. По мере развития, проекты становятся **сложнее**, а вместе с этим становится сложнее работа над ними. То, как будет расти сложность работы, во многом зависит от подхода к принятию **решений**, которого придерживается разработчик. Если принимать решения **ситуативно**, сложность работы над проектом будет расти стремительно. И напротив, если разработать оптимальный **системный** подход, рост сложности можно замедлить. Одна из самых сложных задач, которую приходится выполнять разработчику во время работы, — построение **ментальной модели** проекта. Под ментальной моделью подразумевается представление о том, какую задачу решает ПО, какие особенности имеет и как устроен его проект — какой фрагмент кода за что отвечает и как связан с другими фрагментами. Если говорить про **код**, упростить построение ментальной модели призваны оптимальные архитектура и соглашения, соотносящиеся с лучшими практиками и индивидуальным опытом. Но код не может существовать сам по себе. Для того, чтобы стать частью проекта, он должен быть помещён в **файл**. Таким образом, построение ментальной модели начинается с изучения **файловой структуры** проекта. В файловой структуре **имя** файла и **принадлежность** к директории позволяют сделать выводы о содержимом файла и связи с другими файлами. В случае, если файловая структура организована **неудачно** (ситуативно, неоптимально), её изучение становится затруднительным. В свою очередь, это затрудняет построение ментальной модели. А поскольку это — одна из самых сложных задач при работе с проектами, это **серьёзная проблема**. Среди разработчиков проблема часто оказывается **недооценённой**, хотя стоит наряду с неудачными архитектурой и соглашениями или их отсутствием. ### У текущих подходов есть существенные недостатки Можно выделить два популярных подхода к организации файловой структуры: - **[folders by type](#folders-by-type)** - **[folders by feature](#folders-by-feature)** #### Folders by type Подход предусматривает группировку файлов по **типу** содержимого. Для примера, файловая структура React-приложения может выглядеть так: > ``` > src > ├── api > ├── assets > ├── components > ├── constants > ├── contexts > ├── helpers > └── hooks > ``` Файлы с содержимым, относящимся к компонентам, размещаются в `components`, к хелперам — в `helpers` и т.д. Подход достаточен в маленьких проектах, но в средних или больших группы могут содержать десятки или сотни файлов, из-за чего возникают **проблемы**: > ``` > components > ├── (15 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "app") > ├── (10 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "emoji") > ├── (20 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "home") > ├── (10 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "layout") > ├── (30 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "post") > ├── (20 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "post_editor") > ├── (15 директорий, начинающихся с префикса "trends") > └── ... > ``` - **Проблемы с пространством имён** Чем больше файлов содержится в группе, тем выше становится нагрузка на пространство имён. Чтобы избежать коллизий, к именам новых файлов требуется добавлять префиксы, что усложняет имена и сам процесс именования. - **Проблемы анализа** Чем больше файлов содержится в группе, тем сложнее её анализировать, поскольку длинный несгруппированный список файлов несёт мало информации. Рассматривая отдельный файл, невозможно быстро получить представление о том, в реализации какой функциональности он участвует и с какими другими файлами может быть связан. Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, потребуется провести мини-исследование, — и так с каждым файлом. #### Folders by feature Подход предусматривает группировку файлов по **функциональности**, которую реализует их содержимое. Для примера, файловая структура React-приложения может выглядеть так: > ``` > src > ├── app > ├── home > ├── layout > ├── posts > └── trends > ``` Файлы с содержимым, реализующим домашнюю страницу, размещаются в `home`, посты — в `posts` и т.д. Подход решает основную проблему **folders by type** — вводит группировку по реализуемой **функциональности**. Группировка значительно упрощает анализ того, в реализации какой функциональности участвует файл и с какими другими файлами может быть связан. Вместе с этим, подход лишён основного преимущества **folders by type** — группировки файлов по **типу** содержимого. В больших проектах группы могут содержать десятки или сотни файлов, и нехватка дополнительной группировки становится **проблемой**: > ``` > src > ├── post > │ ├── actions_like.jsx > │ ├── actions_like.styles.js > │ ├── actions_reply.jsx > │ ├── actions_reply.styles.js > │ ├── actions_repost.jsx > │ ├── actions_repost.styles.js > │ ├── actions_share.jsx > │ ├── actions_share.styles.js > │ ├── content_image.jsx > │ ├── content_image.styles.jsx > │ ├── content_text.jsx > │ ├── content_text.styles.js > │ ├── content_video.jsx > │ ├── content_video.styles.js > │ ├── content.jsx > │ ├── content.styles.js > │ ├── image_viewer_backdrop.jsx > │ ├── image_viewer_backdrop.styles.js > │ ├── image_viewer_navigation.jsx > │ ├── image_viewer_navigation.styles.js > │ ├── image_viewer.jsx > │ ├── image_viewer.styles.js > │ ├── post.jsx > │ ├── post.styles.js > │ ├── views.jsx > │ └── views.styles.js > │ > ├── post_editor > │ ├── audience.jsx > │ ├── audience.styles.js > │ ├── editor.jsx > │ ├── editor.styles.js > │ ├── emoji.jsx > │ ├── emoji.styles.js > │ ├── media.jsx > │ ├── media.styles.js > │ ├── poll.jsx > │ ├── poll.styles.js > │ ├── post_limits.constants.js > │ ├── settings.jsx > │ ├── settings.styles.js > │ ├── text_area.jsx > │ └── text_area.styles.js > │ > └── ... > ``` - **Проблемы анализа** Чем больше файлов содержится в группе, тем сложнее её анализировать, поскольку длинный несгруппированный список файлов несёт мало информации. Рассматривая группу, невозможно быстро получить представление о том, из чего она состоит: есть ли файлы определённого типа, сколько их и т.д. Чтобы ответить на эти вопросы, потребуется провести мини-исследование, — и так с каждой группой. ### Вложенность решает проблемы, но создаёт новые Использование вложенности решает некоторые проблемы обоих подходов, но значительно затрудняет анализ проекта, поскольку часть файлов оказывается **скрытой** — до тех пор, пока не раскрыть все вложенные директории. > Изучим фичу `post` > > ``` > src > └── post > ``` > > Выглядит просто! > > ``` > src > └── post > ├── actions > ├── content > ├── image_viewer > ├── post.jsx > ├── post.styles.js > ├── views.jsx > └── views.styles.js > ``` > > Заглянем во вложенные директории > > ``` > src > └── post > ├── actions > │ ├── like.jsx > │ ├── like.styles.js > │ ├── reply.jsx > │ ├── reply.styles.js > │ ├── repost.jsx > │ ├── repost.styles.js > │ ├── share.jsx > │ └── share.styles.js > ├── content > │ ├── content.jsx > │ ├── content.styles.js > │ ├── image.jsx > │ ├── image.styles.jsx > │ ├── text.jsx > │ ├── text.styles.js > │ ├── video.jsx > │ └── video.styles.js > ├── image_viewer > │ ├── backdrop.jsx > │ ├── backdrop.styles.js > │ ├── image_viewer.jsx > │ ├── image_viewer.styles.js > │ ├── navigation.jsx > │ └── navigation.styles.js > ├── post.jsx > ├── post.styles.js > ├── views.jsx > └── views.styles.js > ``` > > Упс! Это займёт какое-то время 😳 ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ## Быстрый старт ### Краткий обзор Файловая структура проекта, разработанная с применением подхода `virtual.nesting`, выглядит так: - В директории с исходным кодом (по умолчанию `src`) размещаются **[категории](#категория)**. Они группируют файлы по **функциональности**, которую реализует их содержимое. Файлы, сгруппированные категорией, образуют **функциональную единицу** проекта. > **В примере ниже**<br/> > `app`, `home`, `layout` и т.д. — категории. > > ``` > src > ├── app > │ └── ... > ├── home > │ └── ... > ├── layout > │ └── ... > ├── post > │ └── ... > ├── post.image_viewer > │ └── ... > ├── post@shared > │ └── ... > ├── post_editor > │ └── ... > ├── trends > │ └── ... > └── ui_kit > └── ... > ``` В файловой структуре проекта категории образуют одноуровневый список, что достигается за счёт применения **виртуальной вложенности** — выражения вложенности директорий на уровне их имён. Это позволяет иметь быстрый доступ к полному списку функциональных единиц проекта, без необходимости раскрытия неопределённого количества вложенных директорий. > **Примечание** > > Категория `post.image_viewer` — пример применения **виртуальной вложенности**. - В **категориях** размещаются **[группы](#группа)**, они группируют файлы по **типу** содержимого. > **В примере ниже**<br/> > `components` и `helpers` — группы. > > ``` > src > └── layout > ├── components > │ └── ... > ├── helpers > │ └── ... > └── index.js > ``` - В **группах** размещаются **[элементы](#элемент)**. Элемент может быть **файлом** или **директорией** с файлами. > **В примере ниже**<br/> > `scroll.js` — элемент. > > ``` > src > └── layout > └── helpers > └── scroll.js > ``` > > **В примере ниже**<br/> > `navigation` — элемент. > > ``` > src > └── layout > └── components > └── navigation > ├── component.jsx > ├── index.js > └── styles.js > ``` Больше примеров можно найти **[здесь](#примеры-проектов)**. ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ### Применяем шаг за шагом > *Пошаговое руководство 📘* Давайте представим, что мы веб-разработчик и некая компания предложила нам работу над проектом новой социальной сети. Проект на начальном этапе разработки и нам нужно выступить в роли ведущего разработчика фронтенда. У нас есть требования, которые подготовил аналитик, и план работ, который составил менеджер. #### Содержание 1. [Начинаем работу над домашней страницей](#начинаем-работу-над-домашней-страницей) 1. [Инициализируем проект](#инициализируем-проект) 1. [Реализуем компонент, отвечающий за раскладку элементов страницы](#реализуем-компонент-отвечающий-за-раскладку-элементов-страницы) 1. [Реализуем UI-кит](#реализуем-ui-кит) 1. [Начинаем работу над постом](#начинаем-работу-над-постом) 1. [Реализуем компонент, отвечающий за визуализацию поста](#реализуем-компонент-отвечающий-за-визуализацию-поста) 1. [Реализуем компонент, отвечающий за просмотр изображений](#реализуем-компонент-отвечающий-за-просмотр-изображений) 1. [Организуем доступ к общим ресурсам в разных категориях](#организуем-доступ-к-общим-ресурсам-в-разных-категориях) 1. [Реорганизуем категорию](#реорганизуем-категорию) 1. [Реализуем редактор постов](#реализуем-редактор-постов) 1. [Завершаем работу над домашней страницей](#завершаем-работу-над-домашней-страницей) 1. [Интегрируем домашнюю страницу в приложение](#интегрируем-домашнюю-страницу-в-приложение) #### Начинаем работу над домашней страницей > *Погружаемся в контекст. Первые примеры уже в следующей главе!* Наша первая (и единственная в рамках этого руководства) задача — реализовать домашнюю страницу. Задача — комплексная и трудозатратная. Чтобы сократить возможные риски, необходимо её **декомпозировать**. Сперва отметим, что перед тем, как к ней приступить, нам необходимо **инициализировать** проект. Затем проанализируем требования и макеты: 1. Лейаут страницы совпадает с лейаутом других страниц. Под лейаутом подразумевается раскладка элементов, а именно: хедера, навигации, контента, футера и т.д. Исходя из этого, необходимо реализовать переиспользуемый компонент, отвечающий за **раскладку** элементов страницы. Его можно будет использовать для реализации текущей страницы и следующих. 2. На странице используются элементы, входящие в UI-кит. Необходимо спроектировать и подготовить минимальную реализацию **UI-кита**, которой будет достаточно для реализации страницы. 3. На странице используются элементы, которые также будут использоваться на других страницах: **посты** и **редактор постов**. Необходимо реализовать соответствующие переиспользуемые компоненты. Учитывая вышеперечисленные замечания, составим следующий список задач: 1. **инициализировать** проект; 2. реализовать переиспользуемый компонент, отвечающий за **раскладку** элементов странице; 3. спроектировать и подготовить минимальную реализацию **UI-кита**; 4. реализовать переиспользуемые компоненты для визуализации **постов** и **редактора постов**; 5. реализовать страницу с использованием компонентов, разработанных ранее. Приступим! 👩‍🔧 #### Инициализируем проект > *Здесь мы создаём **категорию**, **группу** и **элемент**, знакомимся с их свойствами и ограничениями.* Первая задача в нашем списке — инициализировать проект. Задача включает в себя создание скелета и настройку сборки приложения. --- Начнём с создания **скелета**. Он будет состоять из двух элементов: - `root` – в нём будет содержаться корневой компонент приложения, - `init.js` — в нём будет происходить инициализация приложения. Сперва реализуем элемент `root`. Для этого: 1. создадим категорию `app`, > Категория — директория, применяемая для группировки элементов по реализуемой **функциональности**. > > *— методология, раздел **[категории](#категории)*** 2. в ней создадим группу `components`, > Группа — директория, применяемая для группировки элементов по **типу**. > > *— методология, раздел **[группы](#группы)*** 3. в ней создадим элемент `root`. > Элемент — файл или директория с файлами. > > *— методология, раздел **[элементы](#элементы)*** Обусловимся, что элементы группы `components` будут директориями, поскольку чаще всего элементы этого типа являются комплексными и требуют декомпозиции на несколько модулей. В директории элемента `root` создадим два модуля: - `component.jsx` — в нём разместим код компонента, - `index.js` — в нём реэкспортируем компонент из модуля `component.jsx` > **Почему?** > > Если элемент является директорией, внешний доступ к его внутренним ресурсам разрешён **только** через индексный модуль (`index.js`). > > Это ограничение обеспечивает сокрытие внутренних ресурсов элемента и формирует явные точки входа. > > *— методология, раздел **[ограничения элементов](#ограничения-элементов)*** В результате, получим следующую структуру: > ``` > src > └── app > └── components > └── root > ├── component.jsx > └── index.js > ``` Элемент `root` готов! Вслед за ним займёмся реализацией элемента `init.js`. Он тоже относится к категории `app`, но к группе `init`. > ``` > src > └── app > ├── components > │ └── root > │ ├── component.jsx > │ └── index.js > └── init > └── init.js > ``` Элемент `init.js` готов. А с ним и скелет приложения! --- Перейдём к **сборке** приложения. Для этого необходимо указать путь к модулю с кодом инициализации `init.js` в конфигурации сборщика. Нужный модуль расположен по пути `src/app/init/init.js`. Cоздадим в корне категории `app` модуль `init.js`, в котором импортируем модуль `init/init.js`. > **Почему?** > > Внешний доступ к внутренним ресурсам категорий разрешён **только** через модули, размещённые в корне категории. > > Это ограничение обеспечивает сокрытие внутренних ресурсов категории и формирует явные точки входа. > > *— методология, раздел **[ограничения категорий](#ограничения-категорий)*** > ``` > src > └── app > ├── components > │ └── root > │ ├── component.jsx > │ └── index.js > ├── init > │ └── init.js > └── init.js > ``` Затем укажем путь к модулю `src/app/init.js` в конфигурации сборщика. Дело сделано! 🎉 #### Реализуем компонент, отвечающий за раскладку элементов страницы > *Здесь мы создаём **категорию** и точку входа в неё.* Наша следующая задача — реализовать переиспользуемый компонент, отвечающий за раскладку элементов страницы. Реализация компонента включает в себя реализацию нескольких дочерних компонентов и хелперов. Создадим новую категорию — `layout`. Разместим в ней соответствующие группы и элементы. В результате, получим следующую структуру: > ``` > src > └── layout > └── components > ├── about > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > ├── layout > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > ├── logo > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > ├── navigation > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > └── profile > ├── component.jsx > ├── index.js > └── styles.js > ``` Перейдём к созданию точки входа в категорию. Создадим в корне категории индексный модуль (`index.js`) и реэкспортируем в нём компонент `Layout` из `./components/layout`. > **Почему?** > > Имя категории (`layout`) и её экспортируемого элемента (`layout`) совпадают. В этом случае предпочтительнее реэкспортировать элемент в индексном модуле (`index.js`). > > Это позволит избежать дублирования имени при обращении к ресурсу. > > ```js > // 🟡 имя `layout` дублируется > import Layout from '../../../layout/layout'; > > // 🟢 ok > import Layout from '../../../layout'; > ``` > ``` > src > └── layout > ├── components > │ ├── about > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ ├── layout > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ ├── logo > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ ├── navigation > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ └── profile > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > └── index.js > ``` Теперь к компоненту `Layout` можно обратиться в других категориях: ```js import Layout from '../../../layout'; ``` Дело сделано! 🎉 #### Реализуем UI-кит > *Здесь мы создаём **категорию** и **несколько** точек входа в неё.* Наша следующая задача — спроектировать и подготовить минимальную реализацию UI-кита. Создадим новую категорию — `ui_kit`. Разместим в ней соответствующие группы и элементы. В результате, получим следующую структуру: > ``` > src > └── ui_kit > └── components > ├── button > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > ├── link > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > ├── popover > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > └── profile_pic > ├── component.jsx > ├── index.js > └── styles.js > ``` Перейдём к созданию точек входа в категорию. Создадим в корне категории модули `button.js`, `link.js`, `popover.js`, `profile_pic.js` и реэкспортируем в них соответствующие компоненты. > ``` > src > └── ui_kit > ├── components > │ ├── button > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ ├── link > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ ├── popover > │ │ ├── component.jsx > │ │ ├── index.js > │ │ └── styles.js > │ └── profile_pic > │ ├── component.jsx > │ ├── index.js > │ └── styles.js > ├── button.js > ├── link.js > ├── popover.js > └── profile_pic.js > ``` Теперь к компонентам можно обратиться в других категориях: ```js import ProfilePic from '../../../ui_kit/profile_pic'; ``` Дело сделано! 🎉 #### Начинаем работу над постом Наша следующая задача — реализовать переиспользуемый компонент, отвечающий за визуализацию поста. Исходя из требований и макетов следует, что: 1. пост может содержать **текст**, а также прикреплённые **картинки** или **видео** — и для их просмотра требуются соответствующие просмотрщики; 2. у поста есть **счётчик просмотров**, также посту можно поставить **лайк**, сделать **репост**, написать **комментарий**; 3. у поста есть меню действий, в котором можно **подписаться** на автора или **заблокировать** его, а так же **пожаловаться** на контент. Как мы видим, полноценная реализация поста — задача комплексная и трудозатратная. Поэтому будет разумно разбить его реализацию на итерации, сейчас же сосредоточиться только на следующих задачах: 1. реализовать основную визуализацию поста, 2. реализовать просмотрщик изображений. #### Реализуем компонент, отвечающий за визуализацию поста Начнём с компонента, отвечающего за визуализацию поста. Создадим новую категорию — `post`. Разместим в ней соответствующие группы и элементы, а также создадим точку входа. > **Примечание** > > Здесь и далее примеры файловой структуры будут упрощены > ``` > src > └── post > ├── components > │ ├── actions > │ ├── block > │ ├── content > │ ├── follow > │ ├── image > │ ├── like > │ ├── menu > │ ├── post > │ ├── reply > │ ├── report > │ ├── repost > │ ├── share > │ ├── text > │ └── views > ├── contexts > │ └── post.js > └── index.js > ``` #### Реализуем компонент, отвечающий за просмотр изображений > *Здесь мы создаём **подкатегорию**, знакомимся с её свойствами и ограничениями.* Перейдём к компоненту, отвечающему за просмотр прикреплённых к посту изображений. Перед нами возникает вопрос — где разместить его код? Мы можем предположить, что: 1. реализация просмотрщика потребует создания **большого** объёма файлов; 2. просмотрщик не является самостоятельной функциональностью и всегда будет использоваться в паре с постом, будет полезно указать **связь** между ними; 3. код просмотрщика не требует тесной связи с кодом поста, следовательно, код необходимо **разграничить**. Исходя из этого, рассмотрим доступные варианты: 1. Разместить код просмотрщика в той же категории — `post`. Однако, поскольку его реализация потребует создания большого объёма файлов, смешение файлов поста и просмотрщика: - **затруднит** анализ категории, - создаст дополнительную **нагрузку** на пространство имён. 2. Разместить код просмотрщика в новой категории — `image_viewer`. Это облегчит анализ категории и создаст новое пространство имён. Однако, в таком случае не хватает указания **связи** между постом и просмотрщиком. 3. Разместить код просмотрщика в **подкатегории** — `post.image_viewer`. Это облегчит анализ категории и создаст новое пространство имён, а также укажет на связь между категориями `post` и `image_viewer`. Отличный вариант! 💯 Создадим подкатегорию — `post.image_viewer`. > Подкатегория — подвид категории, применяемый для декомпозиции комплексных категорий. Связана с другими категориями отношениями родитель-потомок. > > Связь с родителями выражается через **виртуальную вложенность** — на уровне имени директории, перечислением списка родителей через точку. > > *— методология, раздел **[подкатегории](#подкатегории)*** Разместим в ней необходимые группы и элементы, а также создадим точку входа. > ``` > src > ├── post > │ ├── components > │ │ ├── actions > │ │ ├── block > │ │ ├── content > │ │ ├── follow > │ │ ├── image > │ │ ├── like > │ │ ├── menu > │ │ ├── post > │ │ ├── reply > │ │ ├── report > │ │ ├── repost > │ │ ├── share > │ │ ├── text > │ │ └── views > │ ├── contexts > │ │ └── post.js > │ └── index.js > │ > └── post.image_viewer > ├── components > │ ├── actions > │ ├── navigation > │ └── image_viewer > └── index.js > ``` В процессе реализации мы обращаем внимание на то, что в просмотрщике необходимо использовать ресурсы, уже реализованные в категории `post`: - `components/like`, - `components/repost`, - `components/share`, - `contexts/post.js`. Но просто взять и обратиться к нужным компонентам из категории `post` мы не можем. > **Почему?** > > В подкатегориях запрещён доступ к ресурсам своих родителей. > > Это ограничение структурирует **связи** между родителями и потомками и позволяет избежать **циклических зависимостей**. > > *— методология, раздел **[ограничения категорий](#ограничения-категорий)*** Что же делать? 😳 #### Организуем доступ к общим ресурсам в разных категориях > *Здесь мы создаём **мета-категорию**, знакомимся с её свойствами и ограничениями.* В таком случае, необходимо разместить файлы в **мета-категории** `@shared`. > Мета-категория — подвид категории. Отличается от обычной категории тем, что: > > - доступ к ресурсам мета-категории разрешён в **базовой категории** (без мета-тега) и всех её **подкатегориях** — и только в них, > > - обратный доступ, в мета-категории к ресурсам базовой категории и её подкатегорий, — запрещён, > > - мета-категория может **переопределять** ограничения обычных категорий. > > Имя мета-категории имеет структуру: `<базовая категория?>@<мета-тег>`. > > Мета-категория `@shared` применяется для размещения элементов, к которым **необходимо** иметь доступ одновременно в категории и всех её подкатегориях. > > В ней не действует требование о создании точек входа для доступа к внутренним ресурсам (можно обращаться **напрямую**). > > *— методология, раздел **[мета-категории](#мета-категории)*** Создадим мета-категорию — `post@shared` и перенесём в неё необходимые элементы из категории `post`: > ``` > src > ├── post > │ ├── components > │ │ ├── actions > │ │ ├── block > │ │ ├── content > │ │ ├── follow > │ │ ├── image > │ │ ├── menu > │ │ ├── post > │ │ ├── report > │ │ ├── text > │ │ └── views > │ └── index.js > │ > ├── post.image_viewer > │ ├── components > │ │ ├── actions > │ │ ├── image_viewer > │ │ └── navigation > │ └── index.js > │ > └── post@shared > ├── components > │ ├── like > │ ├── reply > │ ├── repost > │ └── share > └── contexts > └── post.js > ``` Теперь к нужным компонентам можно обратиться как в категории `post`, так и в `post.image_viewer`: ```js import Like from '../../../post@shared/components/like' ``` > **Примечание** > > Обратите внимание, в мета-категории `@shared` не действует требование о создании точек входа для доступа к внутренним ресурсам. К ним можно обращаться **напрямую**! Это позволяет завершить реализацию просмотрщика. Дело сделано! 🎉 #### Реорганизуем категорию > *Здесь мы создаём **именованную группу**, знакомимся с её свойствами и ограничениями.* Вернёмся к категории `post`. > ``` > src > └── post > ├── components > │ ├── actions > │ ├── block > │ ├── content > │ ├── follow > │ ├── image > │ ├── menu > │ ├── post > │ ├── report > │ ├── text > │ └── views > └── index.js > ``` Давайте проанализируем группу `components`. В ней размещено довольно много файлов. Если провести мини-исследование, среди них можно выделить две подгруппы: - файлы, связанные с реализацией поста, - файлы, связанные с реализацией меню действий. Отдельное мини-исследование — относительно лёгкая задача. Однако, чем больше их требуется, тем **сложнее** становится анализ проекта. В какой-то момент в проекте невозможно будет разобраться без блокнота и ручки. Таким образом, лучше всего свести необходимость мини-исследований в проекте к минимуму. В случае с файлами, которые мы рассматривали выше, будет полезно **закрепить** результаты мини-исследования и применить к файлам дополнительную группировку. Перед нами возникает вопрос — как будет лучше это сделать? Рассмотрим доступные варианты: 1. Разместить файлы в новых подкатегориях. Однако, подкатегории уместнее применять для группировки набора файлов с содержимым разного типа. В нашем же случае, файлы одного типа — `components`. Также это потребует соблюдения всех накладываемых на категории ограничений. 2. Разместить файлы в **именованных группах**. Это позволит применить дополнительную группировку без создания новых категорий. Отличный вариант! 💯 Создадим именованные группы `components#content` и `components#menu`. > Именованная группа — подвид группы, применяемый для дополнительной группировки элементов. > > Имя именованной группы имеет структуру: `<базовая группа>#<имя>`. Перенесём в них соответствующие элементы. > ``` > src > └── post > ├── components > │ ├── actions > │ └── post > ├── components#content > │ ├── content > │ ├── image > │ ├── text > │ └── views > ├── components#menu > │ ├── block > │ ├── follow > │ ├── menu > │ └── report > └── index.js > ``` Таким образом, анализ категории `post` и группы `components` больше не требует проведения мини-исследования. Стоит отметить, что в именованных группах действуют некоторые ограничения: > В именованных группах запрещён доступ к ресурсам своей базовой группы. > > Это ограничение структурирует **связи** между группами и позволяет избежать **циклических зависимостей**. > > Если к ресурсу **необходимо** иметь доступ одновременно в базовой группе и всех именованных группах на её основе, необходимо разместить его в мета-группе `@shared`. > > *— методология, раздел **[ограничения групп](#ограничения-групп)*** Дело сделано! 🎉 #### Реализуем редактор постов Наша следующая задача — реализовать редактор постов. Для этого создадим новую категорию — `post_editor`. Разместим в ней соответствующие группы и элементы, а также создадим точку входа. В редакторе постов есть пикер emoji, который будет использоваться и в других интерфейсах. Выделим его в отдельную категорию — `emoji`. ``` src ├── emoji │ ├── components │ │ └── picker │ ├── constants │ │ └── emoji_list.js │ └── picker.js | └── post_editor ├── components │ ├── audience │ ├── editor │ ├── emoji │ ├── media │ ├── poll │ ├── settings │ └── text_area ├── contexts │ └── post_editor.js └── index.js ``` Дело сделано! 🎉 #### Завершаем работу над домашней страницей Наша следующая задача — реализовать домашнюю страницу. Мы проделали большую работу и подготовили её основные компоненты: `Layout`, `Post` и `PostEditor`. Перейдём к реализации самой страницы. Для этого: 1. используя внешние компоненты `Post` и `PostEditor`, подготовленные ранее, реализуем комплексные компоненты `PostFeed` и `PostEditor`, отвечающие за полноценную реализацию и интеграцию **ленты** и **редактора постов**; 2. реализуем компонент `Home`, отвечающий за визуализацию страницы. Создадим новую категорию — `home`. Разместим в ней соответствующие группы и элементы, а также создадим точку входа. ``` src └── home ├── components │ ├── home │ ├── post_editor │ └── post_feed └── index.js ``` Приближаемся к финишу! 🏁 #### Интегрируем домашнюю страницу в приложение Наша последняя задача — интегрировать страницу в приложение. Для этого понадобится обновить код компонента `Root` из категории `app`: обратиться в нём к компоненту `Home` из категории `home` и вызвать его. ```js import Home from '../../../home' const Root = () => { return ( <Home /> ) } export default Root ``` С этого момента, в нашем приложении доступна домашняя страница. Задача выполнена! 🎉 #### Гордимся собой 🤗 Поздравляю, вы изучили подход `virtual.nesting` на 95% и можете начать применять его в своих проектах! Также вы можете: - ознакомиться с **[методологией](#методология)**, чтобы структурировать и уточнить свои знания; - присоединиться к **[сообществу](#сообщество)**. ### Примеры проектов Примеры проектов, в которых `virtual.nesting` используется для организации файловой структуры, можно найти на [здесь]( ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ## Методология ### Категории Категория — директория, применяемая для группировки **[элементов](#элемент)** по реализуемой **функциональности**. Файлы, сгруппированные категорией, образуют **функциональную единицу** проекта. Создаёт новое пространство имён. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `layout` — категория > > ``` > src > └── layout > ├── components > │ └── ... > ├── helpers > │ └── ... > └── index.js > ``` #### Размещение категорий Категории размещаются в директории с исходным кодом (по умолчанию `src`), и только в ней. #### Подкатегории Подкатегория — подвид категории, применяемый для декомпозиции комплексных категорий. Связана с другими категориями отношениями родитель-потомок. Связь с родителями выражается через **виртуальную вложенность** — на уровне имени директории, перечислением списка родителей через точку. В подкатегориях действует дополнительное **[ограничение](#ограничения-категорий)** на доступ к ресурсам. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `post.image_viewer` — подкатегория > > ``` > src > ├── post > │ ├── components > │ │ └── ... > │ ├── components#content > │ │ └── ... > │ └── index.js > │ > └── post.image_viewer > ├── components > │ └── ... > └── index.js > ``` #### Ограничения категорий - Внешний доступ к внутренним ресурсам категорий разрешён **только** через модули, размещённые в корне категории. > **Почему?** > > Это ограничение обеспечивает сокрытие внутренних ресурсов категории и формирует явные точки входа. > **Пример** > > `src/**post_editor**/components/emoji/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ✅ ok > > import { Picker } from '../../../emoji'; > > // ✅ ok > > import Picker from '../../../emoji/picker'; > > // ❌ ошибка, прямой доступ к внутренним ресурсам категории запрещён > > import Picker from '../../../emoji/components/picker'; > ``` - В подкатегориях запрещён доступ к ресурсам своих родителей. > **Почему?** > > Это ограничение структурирует **связи** между родителями и потомками и позволяет избежать **циклических зависимостей**. > **Примечание** > > Если к ресурсу **необходимо** иметь доступ одновременно в категории и всех её подкатегориях, необходимо разместить его в **[мета-категории](#мета-категории)** @shared. > **Пример** > > `src/**post**/components/post/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ✅ ok > > import ImageViewer from '../../../post.image_viewer'; > ``` > > `src/**post.image_viewer**/components/viewer/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ❌ ошибка, доступ к ресурсам родительской категории запрещён > > import Like from '../../../post/like'; > > // ✅ ok > > import Like from '../../../post@shared/components#actions/like'; > ``` #### Мета-категории Мета-категория — подвид категории. Отличается от обычной категории тем, что: - доступ к ресурсам мета-категории разрешён в **базовой категории** (без мета-тега) и всех её **подкатегориях** — и только в них, - обратный доступ, в мета-категории к ресурсам базовой категории и её подкатегорий, — запрещён, - мета-категория может **переопределять** ограничения обычных категорий. Имя мета-категории имеет структуру: `<базовая категория?>@<мета-тег>`. > **Примечание** > > Если базовая категория не указана, доступ к ресурсам мета-категории разрешён **во всём** проекте. Доступные мета-категории: - **@shared** Применяется для размещения элементов, к которым **необходимо** иметь доступ одновременно в категории и всех её подкатегориях. Переопределяет ограничения: - не действует требование о создании точек входа для доступа к внутренним ресурсам (можно обращаться **напрямую**). > **Примечание** > > Доступ к ресурсам мета-категории `@shared` (без указания базовой категории) разрешён **во всём** проекте. > **Пример** > > `src/**post**/components/post/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ✅ ok > > import Share from '../../../post@shared/components/share'; > ``` > > `src/**post@shared**/components/share/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ❌ ошибка, доступ к ресурсам базовой категории запрещён > > import shareOptions from '../../../post/constants/share_options'; > ``` > > `src/**home**/components/post_feed/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ❌ ошибка, доступ к ресурсам мета-категории `post@shared` разрешён только в её базовой категории и подкатегориях > > import Share from '../../../post@shared/components/share'; > ``` ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ### Группы Группа — директория, применяемая для группировки **[элементов](#элемент)** по **типу**. Создаёт новое пространство имён. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `components` — группа > > ``` > src > └── layout > └── components > ├── about > │ └── ... > ├── layout > │ └── ... > ├── logo > │ └── ... > ├── navigation > │ └── ... > └── profile > └── ... > ``` #### Размещение групп Группы размещаются внутри **категорий**, и только в них. #### Именованные группы Именованная группа — подвид группы, применяемый для дополнительной группировки элементов. Имя именованной группы имеет структуру: `<базовая группа>#<имя>`. В именованных группах действует дополнительное **[ограничение](#ограничения-групп)** на доступ к ресурсам. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `components#content` — именованная группа > > ``` > src > └── post > ├── components > │ └── ... > └── components#content > └── ... > ``` #### Ограничения групп - В именованных группах запрещён доступ к ресурсам своей базовой группы. > **Почему?** > > Это ограничение структурирует **связи** между группами и позволяет избежать **циклических зависимостей**. > **Примечание** > > Если к ресурсу **необходимо** иметь доступ одновременно в базовой группе и всех именованных группах на её основе, необходимо разместить его в **[мета-группе](#мета-группы)** @shared. > **Пример** > > `src/post/**components**/post/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ✅ ok > > import Content from '../components#content/content'; > ``` > > `src/post/**components#content**/text/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ❌ ошибка, доступ к ресурсам базовой группы запрещён > > import ProfilePopover from '../components/profile_popover'; > > // ✅ ok > > import ProfilePopover from '../components@shared/profile_popover'; > ``` #### Мета-группы Мета-группа — подвид группы. Отличается от обычной группы тем, что: - доступ к ресурсам мета-группы разрешён в **базовой группе** (без мета-тега) и всех **именованных группах** на её основе — и только в них, - обратный доступ, в мета-группе к ресурсам базовой группы и именованных групп на её основе, — запрещён, - мета-группа может **переопределять** ограничения обычных групп. Имя мета-группы имеет структуру: `<базовая группа>@<мета-тег>`. Доступные мета-группы: - **@shared** Применяется для размещения ресурсов, к которым **необходимо** иметь доступ одновременно в группе и всех именованных группах на её основе. > **Пример** > > `src/post/**helpers**/playback.js`: > > ```js > // ✅ ok > > import easings from '../../helpers@shared/easings'; > ``` > > `src/post/**helpers@shared**/easings.js`: > > ```js > // ❌ ошибка, доступ к ресурсам базовой категории запрещён > > import math from '../../helpers/math'; > ``` > > `src/post/**components**/audio/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ❌ ошибка, доступ к ресурсам мета-группы `helpers@shared` разрешён только в её базовой группе и именованных группах на её основе > > import easings from '../../helpers@shared/easings'; > ``` ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ### Элементы Элемент — файл или директория с файлами. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `scroll.js` — элемент > > ``` > src > └── layout > └── helpers > └── scroll.js > ``` > > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `navigation` — элемент > > ``` > src > └── layout > └── components > └── navigation > ├── component.jsx > ├── index.js > └── styles.js > ``` #### Размещение элементов Элементы размещаются внутри **групп**, и только в них. #### Ограничения элементов - Если элемент является директорией, внешний доступ к его внутренним ресурсам разрешён **только** через индексный модуль (`index.js`). > **Почему?** > > Это ограничение обеспечивает сокрытие внутренних ресурсов элемента и формирует явные точки входа. > **Пример** > > `src/post_editor/components/**editor**/component.jsx`: > > ```js > // ✅ ok > > import Media from '../media'; > > // ❌ ошибка, прямой доступ к внутренним ресурсам элемента запрещён > > import mediaStyles from '../media/styles'; > ``` #### Варианты использования виртуальной вложенности в элементах Если элемент является директорией, в нём можно использовать виртуальную вложенность, чтобы выразить связь файлов или организовать виртуальную директорию. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > файл `styles.actions.js` связан с файлом `styles.js` > > ``` > src > └── post_editor > └── components > └── editor > ├── component.jsx > ├── index.js > ├── styles.js > └── styles.actions.js > ``` > > **В примере ниже**<br /> > организована виртуальная директория `assets` > > ``` > src > └── post_editor > └── components > └── editor > ├── assets.emoji_icon.svg > ├── assets.media_icon.svg > ├── assets.poll_icon.svg > ├── component.jsx > ├── index.js > └── styles.js > ``` ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ### Ресурсы Ресурс — любое значение, которое участвует в экспорте/импорте. > **В примере ниже**<br /> > `Page`, `circleArea` и `meaningOfLife` — ресурсы > > ```jsx > // .../components/page/component.jsx > > export const Page = () => { > return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>; > }; > > // .../helpers/circle_area.js > > export const circleArea = (r) => { > return Math.PI * r**2; > }; > > // .../questions/meaning_of_life.js > > export const meaningOfLife = () => { > return wait('7.5m years').then(() => 42); > }; > ``` ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ### Рекомендации - Используйте `snake_case` для именования файлов и директорий. - Используйте относительные пути для обращения к файлам в пределах проекта, не используйте сокращения путей. - Избегайте циклических зависимостей. ⬆️ [К содержанию](#содержание) ### Совместимость с архитектурными шаблонами Подходы к организации файловой структуры и архитектурные шаблоны имеют общую цель — упростить построение метальной модели проекта. Если **подход** к организации файловой структуры и архитектурный **шаблон** совместимы, их совместное применение может быть более эффективным в достижении этой цели. Из этого следует, что вы можете применить в проекте `virtual.nesting` и получить дополнительные преимущества, если выбранный вами архитектурный шаблон не имеет требований к организации файловой структуры проекта или эти требования совместимы с принципами `virtual.nesting`. Если требования архитектуры не позволяют вам применить в проекте `virtual.nesting` в полной мере, вы также можете рассмотреть возможности применить отдельные идеи подхода. ## FAQ ### Можно ли использовать `v.n` с TypeScript? Да! ### Можно ли использовать `v.n` с CommonJS и другими системами модулей? Да! ### Можно ли использовать `v.n` с другими языками? Полагаю, что да! Если у вас получится интерпретировать подход в проекте на другом языке, пожалуйста, поделитесь опытом. ## Поддержка IDE ### Visual Studio Code #### Проблема с сортировкой файлов По умолчанию для сортировки списка файлов используется алгоритм, приводящий в некоторых случаях к перемешиванию групп директорий: > В примере ниже категории `post_editor` перемешались с категориями `post`. > > ``` > src > ├── post > ├── post_editor > ├── post_editor.preview > ├── post.image-viewer > ├── > └── post@shared > ``` Это поведение можно изменить, указав другой алгоритм сортировки в настройках: > `settings.json` > > ```json > { > "explorer.sortOrderLexicographicOptions": "unicode" > } > ``` После этого список файлов будет сортироваться корректно. > ``` > src > ├── post > ├── post.image-viewer > ├── > ├── post@shared > ├── post_editor > └── post_editor.preview > ``` ### JetBrains Нет известных проблем. ## Сообщество [@virtual_nesting_community]( — сообщество в Telegram, где можно пообщаться и получить помощь. ## Обратная связь Буду рад любой обратной связи! Пожалуйста, пишите в issues или discussions. ## Благодарности Хочу поблагодарить мою жену [@daryabratova](, а также моих друзей [@kindaro](, [@ruzovska]( и [@a1ex-kaufmann]( ## Поддержать автора Я потратил сотни часов, работая над этим проектом. Надеюсь, он сэкономит тысячи часов времени другим разработчикам. Вы можете поддержать меня на [Patreon]( или [Boosty](
Подход к организации файловой структуры проектов
# A guide to building audio players for React apps ## [Live project here]( Read the step-by-step guide here: ... ## Clone project You can download or clone this project by running this command from your terminal: ``` git clone ``` Then: ``` cd react-audio-player ``` ``` npm install # or yarn ``` ``` npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` You should see the app in your browser address bar at [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)
A standard React audio player
# 🤮 Disgus A commenting system for your blog or website based on [Nostr]( open protocol. It's like Disqus but Nostier... Demo available at ## Requirements Must have a Nostr `pubkey` and `relay`. NIP07 compatible browser plug-in for login. ## Usage The script will grab the title & URL from the meta of the page. Define the authors `pubkey` using the `nostr:pubkey` property and relays as `nostr:relay`. ```html <title>YOUR SITE TITLE</title> <!-- IF NO CANONICAL IS PROVIDED IT WILL USE THE WEBSITE URL --> <link rel="canonical" href="" /> <!-- PROVIDE the pubkey so it can be tagged for responses/alerts --> <meta property="nostr:pubkey" content="YOUR_NOSTR_PUB_KEY" /> <!-- CAN provide multiple relays --> <meta property="nostr:relay" content="OPTIONAL_NOSTR_RELAY" /> <meta property="nostr:relay" content="OPTIONAL_NOSTR_RELAY" /> <!-- CAN provide the exact event_id for the root event to avoid ambuigity --> <meta property="nostr:event_id" content="OPTIONAL_IF_NONE_IT_WILL_CREATE_OR_FIND_IT" /> <!-- MUST PROVIDE CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> ``` Add the following where you would like the comments to load up in the body of your page. ```html <!-- div with the ID disgus where you would like to display the comments & form --> <div id="disgus"></div> <!-- this can go at the end of the body --> <script type="module" src="" async></script> ``` ## How it works Every page/author gets a Nostr note/event created by a random user when posting the first response. This event becomes the 'root' note for all the other responses in the thread. Offers NIP-07 for login or just type a name to post as a **Rando** (non-NIP05 veriefied temp guest like account). > If you have the same relays set on Damus or whatever other Nostr client you will be able to see replies, etc. The 'author' user will get alerts as they are tagged in the root post as well. ## Work In Progress Lot's of ideas and features coming to this but feel free to open a ticket, pull request or hit me on Nostr (
Embeddable comments for your website, backed by Nostr. Like Disqus but Nostr.
# Extism JavaScript PDK ![GitHub License]( ![GitHub release (with filter)]( This project contains a tool that can be used to create [Extism Plug-ins]( in JavaScript. ## Overview This PDK uses [QuickJS]( and [wizer]( to run javascript as an Extism Plug-in. This is essentially a fork of [Javy]( by Shopify. We may wish to collaborate and upstream some things to them. For the time being I built this up from scratch using some of their crates, namely quickjs-wasm-rs. > Warning: This is a very bare-bones runtime. It's only for running pure JS code and it does not expose node APIs or the browser APIs. > We have limited support for some W3C APIs (e.g. we support `Text{Encoder,Decoder}` but not `fetch`), > but many modules you take from npm will not work out of the box. There is no support for node APIs or anything that makes syscalls typically. You'll need to > polyfill any APIs with a pure JS implementation, which is often possible, but some things, such as controlling sockets, are not possible. Feel free to [file an issue]( > if you think an API should be supported though. ## Install the compiler We release the compiler as native binaries you can download and run. Check the [releases]( page for the latest. > **Note**: Windows is not currently a supported platform, only mac and linux. However we can build an exe if you'd like to help test it. ## Install Script ```bash curl -O sh ``` > *Note*: [Binaryen](, specifically the `wasm-merge` and `wasm-opt` tools > are required as a dependency. We will try to package this up eventually but for now it must be reachable > on your machine. You can install on mac with `brew install binaryen` or see their [releases page]( Then run command with no args to see the help: ``` extism-js error: The following required arguments were not provided: <input-js> USAGE: extism-js <input-js> -i <interface-file> -o <output> For more information try --help ``` > **Note**: If you are using mac, you may need to tell your security system this unsigned binary is fine. If you think this is dangerous, or can't get it to work, see the "compile from source" section below. ## Getting Started The goal of writing an [Extism plug-in]( is to compile your JavaScript code to a Wasm module with exported functions that the host application can invoke. The first thing you should understand is creating an export. ### Exports Let's write a simple program that exports a `greet` function which will take a name as a string and return a greeting string. Paste this into a file `plugin.js`: ```javascript function greet() { const name = Host.inputString() Host.outputString(`Hello, ${name}`) } module.exports = {greet} ``` Some things to note about this code: 1. We can export functions by name using the normal `module.exports` object. This allows the host to invoke this function. Like a normal js module, functions cannot be seen from the outside without exporting them. 2. Currently, you must use [CJS Module syntax]( when not using a bundler. So the `export` keyword is not directly supported. See the [Using with a Bundler](#using-with-a-bundler) section for more. 3. In this PDK we code directly to the ABI. We get input from the using using `Host.input*` functions and we return data back with the `Host.output*` functions. We must also describe the Wasm interface for our plug-in. We do this with a typescript module DTS file. Here is our `plugin.d.ts` file: ```typescript declare module 'main' { // Extism exports take no params and return an I32 export function greet(): I32; } ``` Let's compile this to Wasm now using the `extism-js` tool: ```bash extism-js plugin.js -i plugin.d.ts -o plugin.wasm ``` We can now test `plugin.wasm` using the [Extism CLI]('s `run` command: ```bash extism call plugin.wasm greet --input="Benjamin" --wasi # => Hello, Benjamin! ``` > **Note**: Currently `wasi` must be provided for all JavaScript plug-ins even if they don't need system access, however we're looking at how to make this optional. > **Note**: We also have a web-based, plug-in tester called the [Extism Playground]( ### More Exports: Error Handling We catch any exceptions thrown and return them as errors to the host. Suppose we want to re-write our greeting module to never greet Benjamins: ```javascript function greet() { const name = Host.inputString() if (name === "Benjamin") { throw new Error("Sorry, we don't greet Benjamins!") } Host.outputString(`Hello, ${name}!`) } module.exports = { greet } ``` Now compile and run: ```bash extism-js plugin.js -i plugin.d.ts -o plugin.wasm extism call plugin.wasm greet --input="Benjamin" --wasi # => Error: Uncaught Error: Sorry, we don't greet Benjamins! # => at greet (script.js:4) # => at <eval> (script.js) echo $? # print last status code # => 1 extism call plugin.wasm greet --input="Zach" --wasi # => Hello, Zach! echo $? # => 0 ``` ### JSON If you want to handle more complex types, the plug-in can input and output bytes with `Host.inputBytes` and `Host.outputBytes` respectively. Those bytes can represent any complex type. A common format to use is JSON: ```javascript function sum() { const params = JSON.parse(Host.inputString()) Host.outputString(JSON.stringify({ sum: params.a + params.b })) } ``` ```bash extism call plugin.wasm sum --input='{"a": 20, "b": 21}' --wasi # => {"sum":41} ``` ### Configs Configs are key-value pairs that can be passed in by the host when creating a plug-in. These can be useful to statically configure the plug-in with some data that exists across every function call. Here is a trivial example using `Config.get`: ```javascript function greet() { const user = Config.get("user") Host.outputString(`Hello, ${user}!`) } module.exports = { greet } ``` To test it, the [Extism CLI]( has a `--config` option that lets you pass in `key=value` pairs: ```bash extism call plugin.wasm greet --config user=Benjamin --wasi # => Hello, Benjamin! ``` ### Variables Variables are another key-value mechanism but it's a mutable data store that will persist across function calls. These variables will persist as long as the host has loaded and not freed the plug-in. You can use `Var.getBytes`, `Var.getString`, and `Var.set` to manipulate vars: ```javascript function count() { let count = Var.getString("count") || '0' count = parseInt(count, 10) count += 1 Var.set("count", count.toString()) Host.outputString(count.toString()) } module.exports = { count } ``` ### Logging At the current time, calling `console.log` emits an `info` log. Please file an issue or PR if you want to expose the raw logging interface: ```javascript function logStuff() { console.log('Hello, World!') } module.exports = { logStuff } ``` Running it, you need to pass a log-level flag: ``` extism call plugin.wasm logStuff --wasi --log-level=info # => 2023/10/17 14:25:00 Hello, World! ``` ### HTTP HTTP calls can be made using the synchronous API `Http.request`: ```javascript function callHttp() { const request = { method: "GET", url: "" } const response = Http.request(request) if (response.status != 200) throw new Error(`Got non 200 response ${response.status}`) Host.outputString(response.body) } module.exports = { callHttp } ``` ### Host Functions Until the js-pdk hits 1.0, we may make changes to this API. To use host functions you need to declare a TypeScript interface `extism:host/user`: ```typescript declare module 'main' { export function greet(): I32; } declare module 'extism:host' { interface user { myHostFunction1(ptr: I64): I64; myHostFunction2(ptr: I64): I64; } } ``` **Note:** These functions may only use `I64` arguments, up to 5 arguments. To use these you need to use `Host.getFunctions()`: ```typescript const { myHostFunction1, myHostFunction2 } = Host.getFunctions() ``` Calling them is a similar process to other PDKs. You need to manage the memory with the Memory object and pass across an offset as the `I64` ptr. Using the return value means dereferencing the returned `I64` ptr from Memory. ```typescript function greet() { let msg = "Hello from js 1" let mem = Memory.fromString(msg) let offset = myHostFunction1(mem.offset) let response = Memory.find(offset).readString() if (response != "myHostFunction1: " + msg) { throw Error(`wrong message came back from myHostFunction1: ${response}`) } msg = { hello: "world!" } mem = Memory.fromJsonObject(msg) offset = myHostFunction2(mem.offset) response = Memory.find(offset).readJsonObject() if (response.hello != "myHostFunction2") { throw Error(`wrong message came back from myHostFunction2: ${response}`) } Host.outputString(`Hello, World!`) } module.exports = { greet } ``` **IMPORTANT:** Currently, a limitation in the js-pdk is that host functions may only have up to 5 arguments. ## Using with a bundler The compiler cli and core engine can now run bundled code. You will want to use a bundler if you want to want to or include modules from NPM, or write the plugin in Typescript, for example. There are 2 primary constraints to using a bundler: 1. Your compiled output must be CJS format, not ESM 2. You must target es2020 or lower ### Using with esbuild The easiest way to set this up would be to use esbuild. The following is a quickstart guide to setting up a project: ```bash # Make a new JS project mkdir extism-plugin cd extism-plugin npm init -y npm install esbuild @extism/js-pdk --save-dev mkdir src mkdir dist ``` Optionally add a `jsconfig.json` or `tsconfig.json` to improve intellisense: ```jsonc { "compilerOptions": { "lib": [], // this ensures unsupported globals aren't suggested "types": ["@extism/js-pdk"], // while this makes the IDE aware of the ones that are "noEmit": true // this is only relevant for tsconfig.json }, "include": ["src/**/*"] } ``` Add `esbuild.js`: ```js const esbuild = require('esbuild'); // include this if you need some node support: // npm i @esbuild-plugins/node-modules-polyfill --save-dev // const { NodeModulesPolyfillPlugin } = require('@esbuild-plugins/node-modules-polyfill') esbuild .build({ // supports other types like js or ts entryPoints: ['src/index.js'], outdir: 'dist', bundle: true, sourcemap: true, //plugins: [NodeModulesPolyfillPlugin()], // include this if you need some node support minify: false, // might want to use true for production build format: 'cjs', // needs to be CJS for now target: ['es2020'] // don't go over es2020 because quickjs doesn't support it }) ``` Add a `build` script to your `package.json`: ```json { "name": "extism-plugin", // ... "scripts": { // ... "build": "node esbuild.js && extism-js dist/index.js -i src/index.d.ts -o dist/plugin.wasm" }, // ... } ``` Let's import a module from NPM: ```bash npm install --save fastest-levenshtein ``` Now make some code in `src/index.js`. You can use `import` to load node_modules: > **Note**: This module uses the ESM Module syntax. The bundler will transform all the code to CJS for us ```js import {distance, closest} from 'fastest-levenshtein' // this function is private to the module function privateFunc() { return 'world' } // use any export syntax to export a function be callable by the extism host export function get_closest() { let input = Host.inputString() let result = closest(input, ['slow', 'faster', 'fastest']) Host.outputString(result + ' ' + privateFunc()) } ``` And a d.ts file for it at `src/index.d.ts`: ```typescript declare module "main" { // Extism exports take no params and return an I32 export function get_closest(): I32; } ``` ```bash # Run the build script and the plugin will be compiled to dist/plugin.wasm npm run build # You can now call from the extism cli or a host SDK extism call dist/plugin.wasm get_closest --input="fest" --wasi # => faster World ``` ## Using with React and JSX / TSX Oftentimes people want their JS plug-ins to control or create views. React and JSX are a great way to do this. Here is the simplest example. Let's just render a simple view in a typescript plugin. First declare a `render` export: ```typescript declare module "main" { export function render(): I32; } ``` Now install the deps: ```bash npm install react-dom --save npm install @types/react --save-dev ``` Now we can make an index.tsx: ```typescript import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'; import React from 'react' interface AppProps { name: string; } function App(props: AppProps) { return <> <p>Hello ${}!</p> </> } export function render() { const props = JSON.parse(Host.inputString()) as AppProps const app = <App {...props} /> Host.outputString(renderToString(app)) } ``` To see a more complex example of how you might build something real, see [examples/react](./examples/react/) ## Compiling the compiler from source ### Prerequisites Before compiling the compiler, you need to install prerequisites. 1. Install Rust using [rustup]( 2. Install the WASI target platform via `rustup target add --toolchain stable wasm32-wasi` 3. Install the wasi sdk using the makefile command: `make download-wasi-sdk` 4. Install [CMake]( (on macOS with homebrew, `brew install cmake`) ### Compiling from source Run make to compile the core crate (the engine) and the cli: ``` make ``` To test the built compiler (ensure you have Extism installed): ```bash ./target/release/extism-js bundle.js -i bundle.d.ts -o out.wasm extism call out.wasm count_vowels --wasi --input='Hello World Test!' # => "{\"count\":4}" ``` ## How it works This works a little differently than other PDKs. You cannot compile JS to Wasm because it doesn't have an appropriate type system to do this. Something like [Assemblyscript]( is better suited for this. Instead, we have compiled QuickJS to Wasm. The `extism-js` command we have provided here is a little compiler / wrapper that does a series of things for you: 1. It loads an "engine" Wasm program containing the QuickJS runtime 2. It initializes a QuickJS context 3. It loads your js source code into memory 4. It parses the js source code for exports and generates 1-to-1 proxy export functions in Wasm 5. It freezes and emits the machine state as a new Wasm file at this post-initialized point in time This new Wasm file can be used just like any other Extism plugin. ## Why not use Javy? Javy, and many other high level language Wasm tools, assume use of the *command pattern*. This is when the Wasm module only exports a main function and communicates with the host through stdin and stdout. With Extism, we have more of a shared library interface. The module exposes multiple entry points through exported functions. Furthermore, Javy has many Javy and Shopify specific things it's doing that we will not need. However, the core idea is the same, and we can possibly contribute by adding support to Javy for non-command-pattern modules. Then separating the Extism PDK specific stuff into another repo.
Write Extism plugins in JavaScript & TypeScript
# Awesome-openAI A curated list of all things awesome about OpenAI - the research company behind ChatGPT <img src="banner.png" /> ### OpenAI General Resources <ul> <li><a href="">OpenAI Overview</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI API Documentation</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Examples</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Playground</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Blog</a></li> <li><a href="">About OpenAI</a></li> <li><a href="">Introducing The GPT Store</a></li> <li><a href="">Introducing ChatGPT Team</a></li> <li><a href="">Function API Call</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Technical Report</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Vision Card</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle 3</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4 Vision, Dalle-3 api</a></li> <li><a href="">Sam Altman Ousted as CEO</a></li> <li><a href="">Sam Altman returns as CEO, OpenAI has a new initial board</a></li> <li><a href="">New Model: SORA - an AI model that can create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions. </a></li> </ul> ### Quick Start <ul> <li><a href="">OpenAI Quick Start</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Quick Start app</a></li> </ul> ### Models <ul> <li><a href="">GPT-4</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-3</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle 3</a></li> <li><a href="">Whisper</a></li> <li><a href="">Codex</a></li> <li><a href="">SORA</a></li> <li><a href="">Content filter</a></li> </ul> ### Guides on building applications <ul> <li><a href="">Text completioan</a></li> <li><a href="">Image generation</a></li> <li><a href="">Code completioan</a></li> <li><a href="">Embeddings</a></li> <li><a href="">Fine-tuning</a></li> </ul> ### OpenAI's Official Repos <ul> <li><a href="">GPT-2: Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"</a></li> <li><a href="">Whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision</a></li> <li><a href="">openAI-python: The official Python library for the OpenAI API</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Cookbook: Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API</a></li> <li><a href="">openAI-node: The official Node.js / Typescript library for the OpenAI APII</a></li> <li><a href="">Gym - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.</a></li> <li><a href="">Spinning up - An educational resource to help anyone learn deep reinforcement learning.</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Baselines: high-quality implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms</a></li> <li><a href="">Evals: Evals is a framework for evaluating LLMs and LLM systems, and an open-source registry of benchmarks.</a></li> </ul> ### How Tos <ul> <li><a href="">How to use OpenAI's ChatGPT API</a></li> <li><a href="">How to count tokens with tiktoken </a></li> <li><a href="">How to format inputs to ChatGPT Models</a></li> <li><a href="">How to handle rate limits</a></li> <li><a href="">How to stream completions</a></li> </ul> ### Technical Reports <ul> <li><a href="">Sora Technical Report</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Technical Report</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Vision Report</a></li> </ul> ### Popular Applications <ul> <li><a href="">ChatGPT - Official app</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle - Official Image generation app</a></li> <li><a href="">Whisper - Oficial speech recognition app </a></li> <li><a href="">Twitter bot </a></li> <li><a href="">Serverless Telegram bot</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle clone - Vue3</a></li> <li><a href="">Mac menubar ChatGPT App</a></li> <li><a href="">Google docs bot - ChatGPT as Addon in Google docs</a></li> <li><a href="">Dicord bot - ChatGPT for discord</a></li> <li><a href="">ChatGPT Reversed Engineered api</a></li <li><a href="">ChatGPT unofficial desktop app</a></li> <li><a href="">ChatGPT Web (vue3, express, chatgpt api)</a></li> <li><a href="">AutoGPT (An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous)</a></li> <li><a href="">AutoAgents (Generate different roles for GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks)</a></li> <li><a href="">MiniGPT-4 (Enhancing Vision-language Understanding with Advanced Large Language Models)</a></li> </ul> ### Latest Research Publications <ul> <li><a href="">Weak-to-Strong Generalization</a></li> </ul> ### Popular Repos <ul> <li><a href="">Awesome ChatGPT</a></li> <li><a href="">OpenAI Cookbook - examples and guides for using the OpenAI API</a></li> <li><a href="">Awesome Chatgpt Prompts</a></li> <li><a href="">ChatGPT Academic</a></li> <li><a href="">ChatGPT Next Web - deploy chatgptUI</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT4 All chatbot UI</a></li> <li><a href="">AutoGPT (An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous)</a></li> <li><a href="">AudioGPT (Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head)</a></li> <li><a href="">InternGPT (open source demo platform where you can easily showcase your AI modeld)</a></li> <li><a href="">PrivateGPT (An app to interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks)</a></li> </ul> ### Latest News <ul> <li><a href="">Introducing The GPT Store</a></li> <li><a href="">Introducing ChatGPT Team</a></li> <li><a href="">Sam Altman returns as CEO, OpenAI has a new initial board</a></li> <li><a href="">Sam Altman Ousted as CEO</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4 Vision, Dalle-3 api</a></li> <li><a href="">Introducing GPTs</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 Vision Card</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle-3 Now on ChatGPT</a></li> <li><a href="">LLMs can explain neurons in language models</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle-3 Official Release</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 release</a></li> <li><a href="">Introducing Superalignment</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle-2 release</a></li> <li><a href="">GPT-4 deepens the conversation on Duolingo</a></li> </ul> ### Apps Utilizing OpenAI API with Frontend Frameworks/Libraries <ul> <li><a href="">OpenAI Quick Start - React</a></li> <li><a href="">Dalle Clone - Vue3, vite, pinia</a></li> </ul> ### Devops Tools using OpenAI APIs * [Kubernetes and Prometheus ChatGPT Bot]( ### VSCode Extensions <ul> <li><a href="">OpenAI Helper - helps you use OpenAI tools in Visual Studio Code</a></li> <li><a href="">ChatGPT VScode Plugin</a></li> <li><a href="">ChatGPT</a></li> </ul> ### API References To install the official Python bindings, run the following command: ``` pip install openai ``` To install the official Node.js library, run the following command in your Node.js project directory: ``` npm install openai ``` #### Authentication The OpenAI API uses API keys for authentication. Visit your <a href="">API Keys</a> page to retrieve the API key you'll use in your requests. Remember that your API key is a secret! Do not share it with others or expose it in any client-side code (browsers, apps). Production requests must be routed through your own backend server where your API key can be securely loaded from an environment variable or key management service. All API requests should include your API key in an Authorization HTTP header as follows: ``` Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY ``` ## Credit OpenAI
A curated list of all things awesome about OpenAI
Jupyter Notebook
# easytemplate [![made-with-Go](]( [![Go Report Card](]( [![GoDoc](]( **easytemplate** is Go's [text/template]( with 🦸 super powers 🦸. It is a templating engine that allows you to use Go's [text/template]( syntax, but with the ability to use JavaScript snippets to manipulate data, control templating and run more complex logic while templating. **easytemplate** powers [Speakeasy's]( SDK Generation product, which is used by thousands of developers to generate SDKs for their APIs. The module includes a number of features on top of the standard [text/template]( package, including: * [x] [Support for JavaScript snippets in templates](#using-javascript). * [x] ES5 Support provided by [goja]( * [x] Built-in support for [underscore.js]( * [x] Import JavaScripts scripts from other files and inline JavaScript snippets. * [x] Modify the templating context from within JavaScript. * [x] [Controlling the flow of templating within the engine](#controlling-the-flow-of-templating). * [x] [Inject Go functions into the JavaScript context](#registering-js-functions-from-go), in addition to [Go functions into the templates](#registering-templating-functions). * [x] [Inject JS functions into the template context.](#registering-js-templating-functions) ## Installation ```bash go get ``` ## How does it work? Using [goja](, `easytemplate` adds a superset of functionality to Go's [text/template]( package, with minimal dependencies and no bulky external JS runtime. `easytemplate` allows you to control templating directly from scripts or other templates which among other things, allows you to: * Break templates into smaller, more manageable templates and reuse them, while also including them within one another without the need for your Go code to know about them or control the flow of templating them. * Provide templates and scripts at runtime allowing pluggable templating for your application. * Separate your templates and scripts from your Go code, allowing you to easily update them without having to recompile your application and keeping concerns separate. ## Documentation See the [documentation]( for more information and instructions on how to use the package. ## Basic Usage Example `main.go` ```go package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "" ) func main() { // Create a new easytemplate engine. engine := easytemplate.New() data := 0 // Start the engine from a javascript entrypoint. err := engine.RunScript("main.js", data) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } ``` `main.js` ```js // From our main entrypoint, we can render a template file, the last argument is the data to pass to the template. templateFile("tmpl.stmpl", "out.txt", { name: "John" }); ``` `tmpl.stmpl` In the below template we are using the `name` variable from the data we passed to the template from main.js. We then also have an embedded JavaScript block that both renders output (the sjs block is replaced in the final output by any rendered text or just removed if nothing is rendered) and sets up additional data available to the template that it then uses to render another template inline. ```go Hello {{ }}! ```sjs console.log("Hello from JavaScript!"); // Logs message to stdout useful for debugging. render("This text is rendered from JavaScript!"); context.LocalComputed.SomeComputedText = "This text is computed from JavaScript!"; sjs``` {{ templateString "tmpl2.stmpl" .LocalComputed }} ``` `tmpl2.stmpl` ```go And then we are showing some computed text from JavaScript: {{ .Local.SomeComputedText }} ``` The rendered file `out.txt` ```text Hello John! This text is rendered from JavaScript! And then we are showing some computed text from JavaScript: This text is computed from JavaScript! ``` ## Templating As the templating is based on Go's [text/template]( package, the syntax is exactly the same and can be used mostly as a drop in replacement apart from the differing API to start templating. Where the engine differs is in the ability to control the flow of templating from within the templates and scripts themselves. This means from a single entry point you can start multiple templates and scripts, and even start templates and scripts from within templates and scripts. ### Starting the engine A number of methods are available to start the engine, including: * `RunScript(scriptFilePath string, data any) error` - Start the engine from a JavaScript file. * `scriptFilePath` (string) - The path to the JavaScript file to start the engine from. * `data` (any) - Context data to provide to templates and scripts. Available as `{{.Global}}` in templates and `context.Global` in scripts. * `RunTemplate(templateFile string, outFile string, data any) error` - Start the engine from a template file and write the output to the template to a file. * `templateFile` (string) - The path to the template file to start the engine from. * `outFile` (string) - The path to the output file to write the rendered template to. * `data` (any) - Context data to provide to templates and scripts. Available as `{{.Global}}` in templates and `context.Global` in scripts. * `RunTemplateString(templateFile string, data any) (string, error)` - Start the engine from a template file and return the rendered template as a string. * `templateFile` (string) - The path to the template file to start the engine from. * `data` (any) - Context data to provide to templates and scripts. Available as `{{.Global}}` in templates and `context.Global` in scripts. ### Controlling the flow of templating The engine allows you to control the flow of templating from within templates and scripts themselves. This means from a single entry point you can start multiple templates and scripts. This is done by calling the following functions from within templates and scripts: * `templateFile(templateFile string, outFile string, data any) error` - Start a template file and write the output to the template to a file. * `templateFile` (string) - The path to the template file to start the engine from. * `outFile` (string) - The path to the output file to write the rendered template to. * `data` (any) - Context data to provide to templates and scripts. Available as `{{.Local}}` in templates and `context.Local` in scripts. * `templateString(templateFile string, data any) (string, error)` - Start a template file and return the rendered template as a string. * `templateFile` (string) - The path to the template file to start the engine from. * `data` (any) - Context data to provide to templates and scripts. Available as `{{.Local}}` in templates and `context.Local` in scripts. * `templateStringInput(templateName string, templateString string, data any) (string, error)` - Template the input string and return the rendered template as a string. * `templateName` (string) - The name of the template to render. * `templateString` (string) - An input template string to template. * `data` (any) - Context data to provide to templates and scripts. Available as `{{.Local}}` in templates and `context.Local` in scripts. * `recurse(recursions int) string` - Recurse the current template file, recursions is the number of times to recurse the template file. * `recursions` (int) - The number of times to recurse the template file. This allows for example: ```gotemplate {{ templateFile "tmpl.stmpl" "out.txt" .Local }}{{/* Template another file */}} {{ templateString "tmpl.stmpl" .Local }}{{/* Template another file and include the rendered output in this templates rendered output */}} {{ templateStringInput "Hello {{ }}" .Local }}{{/* Template a string and include the rendered output in this templates rendered output */}} ``` #### Recursive templating It is possible with the `recurse` function in a template to render the same template multiple times. This can be useful when data to render parts of the template are only available after you have rendered it at least once. For example: ```go {{- recurse 1 -}} {{"{{.RecursiveComputed.Names}}"}}{{/* Render the names of the customers after we have iterated over them later */}} {{range .Local.Customers}} {{- addName .RecursiveComputed.Names (print .FirstName " " .LastName) -}} {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}} {{end}} ``` Note: The `recurse` function must be called as the first thing in the template on its own line. ### Registering templating functions The engine allows you to register custom templating functions from Go which can be used within the templates. ```go engine := easytemplate.New( easytemplate.WithTemplateFuncs(map[string]any{ "hello": func(name string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s!", name) }, }), ) ``` ## Using JavaScript JavaScript can be used either via inline snippets or by importing scripts from other files. If using the `RunScript` method on the engine your entry point will be a JavaScript file where you can setup your environment and start calling template functions. Alternatively, you can use JavaScript by embedding snippets within your templates using the `sjs` tag like so: ```gotemplate ```sjs // JS code here sjs``` ``` The `sjs` snippet can be used anywhere within your template (including multiple snippets) and will be replaced with any "rendered" output returned when using the `render` function. Naive transformation of typescript code is supported through [esbuild]( This means that you can directly import typescript code and use type annotations in place of any JavaScript. However, be aware: * EasyTemplate will not perform type checking itself. Type annotations are transformed into commented out code. * Scripts/Snippets are not bundled, but executed as a single module on the global scope. This means no `import` statements are possible. [Instead, the global `require` function](#importing-javascript) is available to directly execute JS/TS code. ### Context data Context data that is available to the templates is also available to JavaScript. Snippets and Files imported with a template file will have access to the same context data as that template file. For example ```gotemplate ```sjs console.log(context.Global); // The context data provided by the initial call to the templating engine. console.log(context.Local); // The context data provided to the template file. sjs``` ``` The context object also contains `LocalComputed` and `GlobalComputed` objects that allow you to store computed values that can be later. `LocalComputed` is only available to the current template file and `GlobalComputed` is available to all templates and scripts, from the point it was set. ### Using the `render` function The `render` function allows the JavaScript snippets to render output into the template file before it is templated allowing for dynamic templating. For example: ```gotemplate {{ .Local.firstName }} ```sjs if (context.Local.lastName) { render("{{ .Local.lastName }}"); // Only add the last name if it is provided. } render("Hello from JavaScript!"); sjs``` ``` The above example will render the following output, replacing the `sjs` block in the template before rendering: ```gotemplate {{ .Local.firstName }} {{ .Local.lastName }} Hello from JavaScript! ``` The output from the `render` function can just be plain text or more templating instructions as shown above. ### Registering JS templating functions In addition from register functions from Go to be used in the templates, you can also register functions from JavaScript. For example: ```javascript registerTemplateFunc("hello", function(name) { return "Hello " + name + "!"; }); // or function hello(name) { return "Hello " + name + "!"; } registerTemplateFunc("hello", hello); ``` The above functions can then be used in the templates like so: ```gotemplate {{ hello "John" }} ``` Any functions registered will then be available for templates that are templated after the function is registered. ### Registering JS functions from Go You can also register JavaScript functions from Go. For example: ```go engine := easytemplate.New( easytemplate.WithJSFuncs(map[string]func(call easytemplate.CallContext) goja.Value{ "hello": func(call easytemplate.CallContext) goja.Value { name := call.Argument(0).String() return call.VM.ToValue("Hello " + name + "!") } }), ) ``` ### Importing JavaScript JavaScript both inline and in files can import other JavaScript files using the built in `require` function (*Note*: this `require` doesn't work like Node's `require` and is only used to import other JavaScript files into the global scope): ```js require("path/to/file.js"); ``` Any functions or variables defined in the imported file will be available in the global scope. ### Using Underscore.js The [underscore.js]( library is included by default and can be used in your JavaScript snippets/code. ```js _.each([1, 2, 3], console.log); ``` ### Importing External Javascript Libraries Using `WithJSFiles` you can import external JavaScript libraries into the global scope. For example: ```go engine := easytemplate.New( easytemplate.WithJSFiles("faker.min.js", "<CONTENT OF FILE HERE>"), ) ``` The imported code will be available in the global scope. ### Available Engine functions to JS The following functions are available to JavaScript from the templating engine: * `templateFile(templateFilePath, outFilePath, data)` - Render a template file to the specified output file path. * `templateFilePath` (string) - The path to the template file to render. * `outFilePath` (string) - The path to the output file to render to. * `data` (object) - Data available to the template as `Local` context ie `{name: "John"}` is available as `{{ }}`. * `templateString(templateString, data)` - Render a template and return the rendered output. * `templateString` (string) - The template string to render. * `data` (object) - Data available to the template as `Local` context ie `{name: "John"}` is available as `{{ }}`. * `templateStringInput(templateName, templateString, data)` - Render a template and return the rendered output. * `templateName` (string) - The name of the template to render. * `templateString` (string) - The template string to render. * `data` (object) - Data available to the template as `Local` context ie `{name: "John"}` is available as `{{ }}`. * `render(output)` - Render the output to the template file, if called multiples times the output will be appended to the previous output as a new line. The cumulative output will replace the current `sjs` block in the template file. * `output` (string) - The output to render. * `require(filePath)` - Import a JavaScript file into the global scope. * `filePath` (string) - The path to the JavaScript file to import. * `registerTemplateFunc(name, func)` - Register a template function to be used in the template files. * `name` (string) - The name of the function to register. * `func` (function) - The function to register.
easytemplate is Go's text/template with 🦸 JS super powers 🦸
# Kernel Protect [![Test](]( **Kernel Protect** (K-Protect for short), is a stack-based virtual machine written in Typescript. It can compile **ECMAScript(JavaScript)** files to **opcode**, and execute them using the VM. This project can be used to protect ECMAScript-written algorithms that are used in front-end webpage to block spiders and secure website API. This VM is inspired by VMProtect and RISC architecture. It is currently experimental and **SHOULD** not be used in any production environment. ## Structure ### Bundle file ```text ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Bundle file (JSON) │ ├──────────┬───────────┬───────────────────┤ │ [String] │ bytecode │ compressed opcode │ ├──────────┼───────────┼───────────────────┤ │ [ List ] │ strings │ string constants │ └──────────┴───────────┴───────────────────┘ ``` ### IL structure ```text ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Intermediate Language Structure (Dict) │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ [String] key: the name of this block │ │ [ Dict ] val: the data of this block │ │ ├── [String] key: 'instructions' │ │ │ + [ List ] val: instruction list │ │ │ └── [ Dict ] item: instruction │ │ │ ├── [String] key: 'opcode' │ │ │ │ + [Number] val: opcode │ │ │ └── [String] key: 'args' │ │ │ + [ List ] val: arguments │ │ │ └── [ Dict ] item: arg │ │ │ ├── key: 'type' │ │ │ │ + val: [Number] │ │ │ └── key: 'value' │ │ │ + val: [ Any ] │ │ └── [String] key: 'inheritsContext' │ │ + [ Bool ] val: true, not used │ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘ ``` ### VM architecture #### Global * vmStack: runtime data storage * programCounter: current opcode index * dependencies: external objects ## Usage ### Install dependency ```shell yarn ``` ### Build all libraries ```shell yarn build ``` ### Protect JS file ```shell yarn protect -s sourcefile.js -o bundle.json ``` ## Acknowledgement * (ISC) * (MIT) * (BSD 2-Clause) ## Contributors <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Avatars"/> </a>
Stack-based JavaScript virtual machine
# Smoldata - Zero-ETL indexing for smart contracts ![GitHub top language]( ![GitHub code size in bytes](![GitHub issues]( ![GitHub Repo stars]( Smoldata is a platform that enables quick and easy indexing for smart contracts, eliminating the need for time-consuming ETL processes. It simplifies the process of ingesting smart contract data with minimal alterations and transformations. This repository consists of the frontend component of Smoldata. The indexing engine will be open-sourced in the future. When a user submits a smart contract, it is added to a realtime queue, and a microservice backend pulls the smart contract and uses an internal queue to index smart contracts on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once indexing is complete, the user is notified, and a storage URL is provided to download the event logs. ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Components](#components) - [Hooks](#hooks) - [Pages](#pages) - [Firebase Functions](#firebase-functions) - [AuthContext](#authcontext) - [License](#license) ## Installation To install the project dependencies, run the following command: ```bash npm install ``` ## Usage To run the project locally, use the following command: ```bash npm start ``` To build the project for production, use the following command: ```bash npm run build ``` ## Components - `Header.jsx`: Header component containing navigation items. - `homepage.jsx`: The homepage component. - `CircularBar.jsx`: A circular bar component. - `Nav.jsx`: The navigation component. - `Hero.jsx`: Hero section for the application. - `Connect.jsx`: Connect button component. - `Content.jsx`: Content component. ## Hooks - `useLogout.js`: Custom hook for logging out users. - `useLogin.js`: Custom hook for logging in users. ## Pages - `addContract.js`: Page for adding new contracts. - `smart-contracts.js`: Page displaying all smart contracts. - `homepage.js`: The main homepage page. - `dashboard.js`: Dashboard page for users. - `contractPage.js`: Individual contract page. ## Firebase Functions - `fetchUsegit merge dev --allow-unrelated-historiesr.js`: Fetch user data from Firebase. - `createUserDocument.js`: Create a new user document in Firebase. - `config.js`: Firebase configuration file. - `submitContract.js`: Submit a new contract to Firebase. ## AuthContext `AuthContext.js`: Provides an authentication context for the application. ## License This project is open-sourced on GitHub and is available under the [MIT License](./LICENSE).
Smoldata - Zero-ETL indexing platform for smart contracts
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Have a look at [this presentation]( for more detail. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> <!-- > This portfolio website is creatd using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. --> <details> <summary>Client</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">HTML</a></li> <li><a href="">CSS</a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Server</summary> <ul> <li>N/A</li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Database</summary> <ul> <li>N/A</li> </ul> </details> <!-- Features --> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> <!-- > The following are the key features of the application. --> - **Displays <em> headline section, works, about, and contact sections </em> in mobile first design approach.** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LIVE DEMO --> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="live-demo"></a> <!-- > Click the live demo to access the application. --> - [Live Demo Link]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: - stylelint installed and running - eslint installed and running <!-- Example command: ```sh gem install rails ``` --> ### Setup Clone this repository to your desired folder: ``` git clone ``` ### Install Install this project with: ``` npm init -y && npm install ``` ### Usage To run the project, execute the following command: ```sh cd /Portfolio code . ``` Then install live server and open the `html.index` with the live server. ### Run tests To run tests, run the following command: <!-- Example command: ```sh bin/rails test test/models/article_test.rb ``` ---> ```sh npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" npx hint . npx eslint . ``` ### Deployment You can deploy this project using: ```sh N/A ``` <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- AUTHORS --> ## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a> <!-- > This project is authored by --> 👤 **Zewdie Habtie** - GitHub: [Zewdie Habtie]( - Twitter: [Zewdie Habtie]( - LinkedIn: [Zewdie Habtie]( 👤 **Amaneul Belete** - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( - Twitter: [@twitterhandle]( - LinkedIn: [LinkedIn]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- FUTURE FEATURES --> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> <!-- > Describe 1 - 3 features you will add to the project. --> - **Rebuilt the interfafce using react components** - **Test the application using Jest** - **Add Backend endpoint using NodeJs** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- SUPPORT --> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> <!-- > Write a message to encourage readers to support your project --> If you like this project give it a start on GitHub <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --> <!-- ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> --> <!-- I would like to thank Microverse! --> <!-- <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> --> <!-- FAQ (optional) --> <!-- <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> --> <!-- LICENSE --> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
This is portfolio website I created to showcase my skills, experiences, and projects I developed. This portfolio website is built using JavaScript, Bootstrap, and SaSS.
# Programming # Ongoing Project, More Additions Over Time Primarily personal reminders, commit messages in git may lack detail ## **Javascript** ### Table of Contents <p align="center">VS Code</p> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [VS Code Shortcuts](#vs-code-shortcuts) * [Code Navigation Shortcuts](#code-navigation-shortcuts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <p align="center">JavaScript</p> * [Functions](./topics/ * [Arrow Functions](./topics/ * [Conditional Statements](./topics/ * [If-Else Statements](./topics/ * [Switch Statements](./topics/ * [Ternary Operator](./topics/ * [Regex](./topics/ * [Character Classes](./topics/ * [Groups and Backreferences](./topics/ * [Quantifiers](./topics/ * [Regex Methods](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Loops](./topics/ * [For Loops](./topics/ * [For Each Loops](./topics/ * [For In Loops](./topics/ * [For Of Loops](./topics/ * [While Loops](./topics/ * [Do While Loops](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Strings](./topics/ * [String Methods](./topics/ * [charAt](./topics/ * [charCodeAt](./topics/ * [codePointAt](./topics/ * [concat](./topics/ * [endsWith](./topics/ * [includes](./topics/ * [indexOf](./topics/ * [lastIndexOf](./topics/ * [length](./topics/ * [localeCompare](./topics/ * [match](./topics/ * [repeat](./topics/ * [replace](./topics/ * [replaceAll](./topics/ * [search](./topics/ * [slice](./topics/ * [split](./topics/ * [startsWith](./topics/ * ~[substr](./topics/ legacy * [substring](./topics/ * [toLowerCase](./topics/ * [toString](./topics/ * [toUpperCase](./topics/ * [trim](./topics/ * [Numbers](./topics/ * [Number Methods](./topics/ * [isFinite](./topics/ * [isInteger](./topics/ * [isNaN](./topics/ * [isSafeInteger](./topics/ * [parseFloat](./topics/ * [parseInt](./topics/ * [toExponential](./topics/ * [toFixed](./topics/ * [toLocaleString](./topics/ * [toPrecision](./topics/ * [toString](./topics/ * [valueOf](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Arrays](./topics/ * [Array Methods](./topics/ * [array is array](./topics/ * [concat](./topics/ * [every](./topics/ * [fill](./topics/ * [filter](./topics/ * [find](./topics/ * [findIndex](./topics/ * [findLast](./topics/ * [findLastIndex](./topics/ * [flat](./topics/ * [flatMap](./topics/ * [forEach](./topics/ * [includes](./topics/ * [indexOf](./topics/ * [join](./topics/ * [map](./topics/ * [pop](./topics/ * [push](./topics/ * [reduce](./topics/ * [reverse](./topics/ * [shift](./topics/ * [slice](./topics/ * [some](./topics/ * [sort](./topics/ * [splice](./topics/ * [unshift](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Global Objects](./topics/ * [Global Object Methods](./topics/ * [Date](./topics/ * [Error](./topics/ * [JSON Stringify JSON Parse](./topics/ * [Set](./topics/ * [String](/topics/ * [Symbol](./topics/ * [Map](./topics/ * [WeakMap](./topics/ * [WeakSet](./topics/ * [Promise](./topics/ * [parseInt](./topics/ * [parseFloat](./topics/ * [Bult In Object Methods](./topics/ * [Object assign](./topics/ * [Object create](./topics/ * [Object defineProperty](./topics/ * [Object entries](./topics/ * [Object freeze](./topics/ * [Object hasOwnProperty](./topics/ * [Object getOwnPropertyDescriptor](./topics/ * [Object keys](./topics/ * [Object getOwnPropertyNames](./topics/ * [Object getOwnPropertySymbols](./topics/ * [Object values](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [DOM Manipulation](./topics/ * [Adding and Deleting Elements](./topics/ * [Creating Elements and Texts](./topics/ * [Event Listeners](./topics/ * [Add to Event Listener](./topics/ * [Add to Multiple Event Listener](./topics/ * [Display Result to Event Listener](./topics/ * [Math](./topics/ * [Math abs](./topics/ * [Math ceil](./topics/ * [Math floor](./topics/ * [Math max](./topics/ * [Math min](./topics/ * [Math pow](./topics/ * [Math random](./topics/ * [Math round](./topics/ * [Math sqrt](./topics/ * [Math trunc](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Boiler Plates](./topics/ * [Strings BP](./topics/ * [Caesar Cipher](./topics/ * [Concatenating Multiple Strings](./topics/ * [Highest Scoring Word](./topics/ * [Remove Whitespace](./topics/ * [Repeat a String](./topics/ * [Replace every a for b](./topics/ * [Sum of a String](./topics/ * [If Else BP](./topics/ * [Fibonacci](./topics/ * [Arrays BP](./topics/ * [Capitalize Every Other Char in String and Return as 2 Element Array](./topics/ * [Check for Anagram](./topics/ * [Check if Isogram](./topics/ * [Combine Array](./topics/ * [Check in Array for Element](./topics/ * [Expand Number into Array](./topics/ * [Duplicate Value X times on Array](./topics/ * [Filter Elements out of Array](./topics/ * [Fibonacci FizzBuzz into an Array](./topics/ * [Find Smallest Int in Array](./topics/ * [Find Oldest Age in Array](./topics/ * [Find Unique Number in Array](./topics/ * [Min Sum of Paired Products in Array](./topics/ * [Repeat each digit in string x number of times equal to its value](./topics/ * [Reverse a String or an Array](./topics/ * [Square Root ForEach Array](./topics/ * [Sort by Last Char](./topics/ * [Sum of an Array](./topics/ * [Loops BP](./topics/ * [Factorial For Loop](./topics/ * [Math BP](./topics/ * [Find Maximum Value of Multiple Expressions in Array](./topics/ * [Generate Random Selection](./topics/ * [Numbers BP](./topics/ * [Unicode Convert](./topics/ * [Regex BP](./topics/ * [Add a space before each Capital Letter](./topics/ * [Check if Isogram](./topics/ * [Check String for Character Occurrences](./topics/ * [Check String for Match](./topics/ * [Palindrome](./topics/ * [Replace Letters to Cypher](./topics/ * [Replace Vowels in String](./topics/ * [Removing trailing and leading zeroes from a number](./topics/ * [Restrict to US Zip Code Pattern with Optional 4 Digit Extension](./topics/ * [Global Objects BP](./topics/ * [Cycling through a list of choices with wrapping](./topics/ * [Removing Duplicates to New Array](./topics/ * [LeetCode](./topics/ * [TwoSum](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Object Oriented Programming](./topics/ * [Data Structures](./topics/ * [Data Logic](./topics/ * [Algorithms](./topics/ * [Sorting](./topics/ * [Bubble Sort](./topics/ * [Selection Sort](./topics/ * [Insertion Sort](./topics/ * [Merge Sort](./topics/ * [Quick Sort](./topics/ * [Counting Sort](./topics/ * [Radix Sort](./topics/ * [Heap Sort](./topics/ * [Bucket Sort](./topics/ * [Big O Complexity](./topics/ * [Common Data Structure Operations](./topics/ * [Array Sorting Algorithms](./topics/ <p align="center">HTML</p> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Elements](#elements) * TODO: Add Attributes, - Form Validations etc link to <p align="center">CSS</p> [Constraint Validations]( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [Selector Types](./topics/ * [Colors](./topics/ * [Pseudo Class](./topics/ * [Pseudo Element](./topics/ * [Absolute Measurement](./topics/ * [Relative Measurement](./topics/ * [Angles](./topics/ * [Time](./topics/ * [Frequency](./topics/ * [CSS Value Functions](./topics/ * [Rules of Specificity](./topics/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## VS Code Shortcuts #### Code Navigation Shortcuts Action | Windows/Linux Shortcut | Mac Shortcut ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | Move line(s) up/down | Alt + ↑/↓ | Option + ↑/↓ Copy line(s) up/down | Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ | Shift + Option + ↑/↓ Delete line(s) | Ctrl + Shift + K |Command + Shift + K Comment/uncomment line(s) | Ctrl + / | Command + / Indent/unindent line(s) | Ctrl + ]/[ | Command + ]/[ Move cursor to beginning/end of line | Home/End | Home/End Move cursor to beginning/end of file | Ctrl + Home/End | Command + Home/End Select line(s) | Ctrl + L | Command + L Select all instances of a word | Ctrl + Shift + L | Command + Shift + L Duplicate line(s) | Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ | Shift + Option + ↑/↓
My js go to notes
# [Retos de programación]( <div style="width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center"> <img src="./docs/assets/img/Logo-circle.webp" with="150px" height="150px" /> <h1>Programación en español</h1> </div> ### Retos lógicos para practicar y mejorar tus habilidades como desarrollador junto a la comunidad de Programación en español ## ¿Cómo subir mi solución? - Haz un fork del repositorio - En la carpeta "retos" del proyecto, encontrarás un directorio por cada reto publicado, por ejemplo, "/retos/Reto-1". - Dentro de cada reto encontrarás un archivo **** con la descripción del reto. - Si quieres subir tu solución al repositorio original de la comunidad, copia tu solución en un directorio cuyo nombre sea tu usuario de Github, por ejemplo, **/retos/Reto-1/ObiWanKenobi/** y crea una **pull request** hacia el repo. - Si hace falta algo, no has seguido el formato de directorio o hay archivos adicionales fuera del contexto del reto, se rechazará la PR. - Cada reto será publicado también en nuestro servidor de [Discord]( en formato foro, así que, si tienes alguna duda sobre algún reto, la dinámica o algún problema, puedes publicar un mensaje en el hilo del reto en cuestión. - Si te gusta la iniciativa, deja tu **star** en el repo =) ## Únete a la comunidad <div style="width:100%;display:flex;flex-direction:row;justify-content:center"> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/discord-icon.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/youtube-icon.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/twitch-logo-borderless.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/instagram-icon.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/twitter-icon.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/tiktok-icon.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> <a href=""><img src="./docs/assets/img/linkedin-icon.webp" with="50px" height="50px" /></a> </div>
Repositorio de retos de programación para practicar lógica junto a la comunidad de Programación en Español
# JavaScript_Interview_Prep This file contain, JavaScript interview question with basic use cases. [06/01, 11:35 am] Nandlal Saw: 1.CSS (Flexbox) 2.Arrow Function 3.LinkedList 4.Ternary Operator 5.arrays 6.strings 7.inbuilt functions, 8.logical operators , 9.if else , 10.Closures 11.while loop , 12.for loop, 13.Objects , 14. Css selectors, 15.event loop, 16.Local Storage, 17.Sliding Window technique , 18. Stacks, 19.Promises , 20.settimeout, 21.setinterval, 22.var, 23.let , 24.const, 25.arrays , 26.Hoisting, 27.Constructor Functions, 28.Prototype, 29. Difference between DOM and Virtual DOM 30.High order Functions 31. CSS Position property 32. Call-backs in JS 33.Debouncing 34.Call,Apply,Bind 35.Undefined and null 36.State 37.Props 38.Bubble sort 39.hooks in react js 40.lifecycle methods in reactjs 41.class and function based component 42.Useeffect 43.Useref 44.Detailed topic:Pros and cons of using promises instead of callbacks 45-Usecontext 46-Babel 47.Detailed topic-React Router 48.Selection sort 49.What is JsX 50.Prop drilling in react 51.Detailed:What is react its advantages and disadvantages 52.React Dom server 53.Strict mode in react 54.Detailed topic:USEreducer 55.JSON server 56.Tools and technique for debugging code in js 57.Classes with getter and setter 58.Queue in DSA 59.Currying in js 60.Pros and cons of immutibility 61.Event delegation in js 62.Memoization 63.Use memo 64.Redux 65.Throttling 66.Two pointer technique 67.Time complexity 68.Middleware in Redux 69.Redux devtools 70.State lifting 71.Redux thunk 72.Space complexity 73.Typescript 74.How we use Typescript 75.What is Nodejs 76.All javascript errors 77.Useselector in redux 78.Nodejs basic operations Ex: readfilesync etc. 79.What is HTTP 80.What is express 81.Middlewares in Express 82.What is Mongodb 83.Mongo CRUD operation 84.What is Mongoose 85.Mongoose basic operations 86.Relationships and populate 87.JS(OOPS concept) [06/01, 11:36 am] Nandlal Saw: 88.JSON Server Crud operations 89.Displays in CSS (EX:display:block)
This file contain, JavaScript interview question with basic use cases.
# NextJS Chat OpenAI ### Requirements - Node.js 14+ and npm ### Getting started Run the following command on your local environment: ```shell git clone your-project-name cd your-project-name npm install ``` ## How to run app 1. Get api key from OpenAI []( 2. Edit env.example to .env 3. Enter api key to .env 4. Run the development server : ```bash npm run dev # or yarn dev ``` Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the app. ```shell structure folder app ├── components # Components folder ├── pages # Next JS Pages ├── public # Public assets folder ├── store # Store folder ├── styles # Next JS Style ├── # README file ├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration ├── .env # Next JS environment variables ``` ### Features - ⚡ [Next.js]( for Fullstack Framework Javascript - 🤖 Integrate Chatbot API with [OpenAI]( - 💎 Integrate Styling with [Tailwind CSS]( - ⚙️ State Management with [Zustand]( - 🔦 Animation Chats with [AutoAnimate]( ### Demo app Open []( the url in your browser for the demo application. ### Screenshoot app | Screenshot Chat | Screenshot Chats | | --- | --- | | ![SS Chat]( "ss nextjs chat openai") | ![SS Chats]( "ss nextjs chat openai") |
Next JS Chat OpenAI Built with Next JS, OpenAI, Tailwindcss, Zustand and AutoAnimate
# JS-Deep-Dive 🦁🏊🏻‍♀️ 도서 [모던 자바스크립트 Deep Dive]( 리딩을 바탕으로 양질의 cheat sheet를 제작합니다. ## 🏄🏻‍♂️ Collaborators > 본 스터디는 숭실대학교 멋쟁이사자처럼 10기 멤버로 구성되어 있습니다. <p> <a href=""> <img src="" width="90"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" width="90"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" width="90"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" width="90"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" width="90"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" width="90"> </a> </p> ## 🏊🏻‍♀️ Rules - `주차 별 인당 1챕터씩` 정독 & 정리합니다. (매주 6개의 챕터씩 cheat-sheet가 업로드됩니다.) - 매주 `일요일 새벽`까지 주차별 담당 cheat-sheet PR을 생성합니다. - 주차 별 담당 챕터는 주차 별 정기회의에서 선정합니다. ## 💻 Git Convention Rule - **Commit** : `add : 챕터명 doc upload` - **Commit Message Title** : `add`, `fix`, `delete` - ex) `add : chapter01 doc upload` - **Pull Request** : `add : 챕터명 doc upload` - Commit Convention과 동일 + PR template에 맞게 작성 ## 📎 Cheat Sheet <!-- prettier-ignore --> |**Chapter**|**Title**| |:-:|-| |**CH.01**|[📚 프로그래밍](| |**CH.02**|[📚 자바스크립트란?](| |**CH.03**|[📚 자바스크립트 개발 환경과 실행 방법](| |**CH.04**|[📚 변수](| |**CH.05**|[📚 표현식과 문](| |**CH.06**|[📚 데이터 타입](| |**CH.07**|[📚 연산자](| |**CH.08**|[📚 제어문](제어문.md)| |**CH.09**|[📚 타입 변환과 단축 평가](| |**CH.10**|[📚 객체 리터럴](| |**CH.11**|[📚 원시 값과 객체의 비교](| |**CH.12**|[📚 함수](함수.md)| |**CH.13**|[📚 스코프](| |**CH.14**|[📚 전역 변수의 문제점](| |**CH.15**|[📚 let, const 키워드와 블록 레벨 스코프](키워드와%20블록%20레벨%20스코프.md)| |**CH.16**|[📚 프로퍼티 어트리뷰트](프로퍼티-어트리뷰트.md)| |**CH.17**|[📚 생성자 함수에 의한 객체 생성](| |**CH.18**|[📚 함수와 일급 객체](| |**CH.19**|[📚 프로토타입](프로토타입.md)| |**CH.20**|[📚 strict mode](| |**CH.21**|[📚 빌트인 객체](빌트인-객체.md)| |**CH.22**|[📚 this](| |**CH.23**|[📚 실행 컨텍스트](| |**CH.24**|[📚 클로저](| |**CH.25**|[📚 클래스](클래스.md)| |**CH.26**|[📚 ES6 함수의 추가 기능](| |**CH.27**|[📚 배열](| |**CH.28**|[📚 Number](| |**CH.29**|[📚 Math](| |**CH.30**|[📚 Date](| |**CH.31**|[📚 RegExp](| |**CH.32**|[📚 String](| |**CH.33**|[📚 7번째 데이터 타입 Symbol](| |**CH.34**|[📚 이터러블](| |**CH.35**|[📚 스프레드 문법](| |**CH.36**|[📚 디스트럭처링 할당](| |**CH.37**|[📚 Set과 Map](| |**CH.38**|[📚 브라우저의 렌더링 과정](| |**CH.39**|📚 DOM| |**CH.40**|📚 이벤트| |**CH.41**|[📚 타이머](| |**CH.42**|[📚 비동기 프로그래밍](| |**CH.43**|[📚 Ajax](| |**CH.44**|[📚 Rest API](| |**CH.45**|📚 프로미스| |**CH.46**|📚 제너레이터와 async/await| |**CH.47**|[📚 에러 처리](| |**CH.48**|[📚 모듈](모듈.md)| |**CH.49**|📚 Babel과 Webpack을 이용한 ES6+/ES.NEXT 개발 환경 구축|
숨참고 Javascript Deep Dive cheat-sheet 🦁🏊🏻‍♀️
# Voice GPT (voice-gpt) ## Click on the image to go to the Youtube tutorial! [![GO TO JOHN WEEKS DEV TUTORIAL VIDEOS](]( Come and check out my YOUTUBE channel for lots more tutorials -> LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SMASH THE NOTIFICATION BELL!!!
Let's turn ChatGPT in to VoiceGPT (Vue JS, Vite, Open AI, AWS Polly) ChatGPT Clone (kind of lol)
# AniSync Mapping sites to AniList and back. Inspired by [MalSync](, this project is made for taking data from popular tracking sites such as [AniList]( and matching them with sites such as [Zoro.To](, [MangaDex](, and more. ## How it Works <b>Note</b>: The mapping system is unfortunately not as optimized as it can be, so contribution would very much be appreciated. The mappings code is located at `/src/lib/mappings.ts`. The concept of AniSync is relatively simple. Upon querying an ID or search request that doesn't exist in the database, AniSync will then map provider IDs to an AniList ID by first sending a search request through each provider. Then, taking each result title (ex. `Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation`), send a search request to AniList and then match based on the similarity of the current title and the AniList search title. If you are confused on the details, take a look at the `mappings.ts` file in `/src/lib`. ## Installation To start, AniSync requires at least [NodeJS v16]( installed (untested). Along with that, the following are required for AniSync to run properly: - [PostgreSQL]( - [Python3]( (for NovelUpdates) ------ You may also install [Redis]( if you want caching enabled. **Note**: The web server doesn't work without Redis as of the current commit. A fix will be added soon. ### Cloning the Repository To start mapping, I recommend cloning the repository or downloading the code. ```bash git clone ``` ### PostgreSQL AniSync requires <b>PostgreSQL v15</b> to work as additional extensions are needed for searching the database. #### Linux/Ubuntu Installation Run the following commands in the terminal to install PostgreSQL 15. ```bash # File repo config sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' # Import repository signing key thingamajig wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - # Update package lists sudo apt-get update # Install sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-15 ``` ```bash # Requires pg_trgm sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib # Starts the service sudo systemctl start postgresql.service ``` #### Windows Installation 1. Navigate to the [PostgreSQL website]( 2. Find the downloads page and click on `Windows`. 3. Download and run the installer. #### MacOS Installation It's recommended you use [Homebrew]( for installing PostgreSQL. Information on the formulae is located [here]( Simply run `brew install postgresql@15` to install PostgreSQL. #### After installing PostgreSQL... After you install PostgreSQL on your OS, everything after is pretty simple. You may need to modify the steps above based on what's necessary (for example, I don't have a Windows PC anymore so I might be missing something). The important things to note is that you will likely need `postgresql-contrib` to use extensions. If you get errors from running the commands below, I suggest searching on Google for how to install PostgreSQL extensions. 1. Enter the `postgres` shell. This can be done by opening up your OS's terminal (on Windows `Command Prompt`, on MacOS `Terminal`, etc.) and running just `psql` or `sudo -i -u postgres` and then `psql`. 2. If necessary, run `ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'password';`. You will need to input the password or PostgreSQL database URL into the `.env` file later. 3. Run `CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "pg_trgm";` to add the `pg_trgm` extension. 4. Run: ```bash create or replace function most_similar(text, text[]) returns double precision language sql as $$ select max(similarity($1,x)) from unnest($2) f(x) $$; ``` To add the `most_similar` function. 5. Finally, edit the `.env` file and add the database URL. Take a look at the `.env.example` file for more information. The variable looks something like this: ``` DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432" ``` That's it! Feel free to join my [Discord]( and ask for help in the `#coding` channel if you need additional support. ### Python Python3 is needed for scraping [NovelUpdates]( mainly. If you don't want to go through the annoying task of installing Python, you may remove the NovelUpdates class from `/src/mapping/index.ts`. Anyways, installing Python is somewhat self-explanatory, but relatively annoying. I suggest using Python3. #### Linux/Ubuntu Run the following command: ```bash sudo apt install python3-pip ``` #### Windows 1. Navigate to the [Python website]( 2. Click [Downloads]( 3. Click the `Download Python 3.x.x` button. 4. Run the installer. #### MacOS Nothing needs to be done for most MacOS enviornments as Python3 is natively supported. #### After installing Python... Nothing much else needs to be done after installing Python. Just run `pip3 install cloudscraper` or `pip install cloudscraper` then edit the `.env` file. Add `USE_PYTHON3="true"` based on whether you are using Python3 or not. If you are using `pip3` to install cloudscraper, set `USE_PYTHON3` to true. Otherwise, set it to `false`. ### Final Installation Once you have completed the steps above, simply run: ```bash npm run build ``` ## Using AniSync The following are some additional things you can do to help with using AniSync. ### Crawling <b>Note</b>:As of the current commit, crawling requires editing the `/src/crawl.ts` file. Change the variables under the `CONFIGURE THINGS HERE` comment. I'll update with a fix soon. <br /> To start crawling, run `npm run crawl`. Once you have run the command, keep the terminal open and wait. The program will insert media using AniList's [sitemap]( Some mappings **may be innacurate**, so I suggest you monitor mappings. *************** #### To Crawl Specific Amounts of Media 1. Open the `/src/crawl.ts` file. Under the `CONFIGURE THINGS HERE` comment, change the variable `maxIds: number = x` where x is the number of anime you want to map. 2. open `lastId.txt` and enter a number. Note that this number will decide to start mapping from which id. <br/> <b>Note</b>: The `maxIds` variable will decide how much media to map. If you set it to `1000`, then it will only map up to index `1000`. *************** ### Importing/Exporting There might be a `database.json` file located in the project. If it isn't, copy it into the root of the project. I have added a `npm run import` command to import pre-made databases so that crawling again isn't necessary. If you want to export the database, run `npm run export`. ### Coding with AniSync TBD. If you have anything you want to add to this section, please create a pull request! ## Providers <table> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Link</th> <th>Notes</th> </tr> <tr> <td>9anime</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>For self-hosting, this requires a special <a href="">resolver and 9anime key</a>. Resolver code not available to the public.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Zoro.To</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>GogoAnime</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AnimePahe</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ComicK</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MangaDex</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BatoTo</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MangaSee</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>TMDB</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>Gets special artwork that AniList doesn't have.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Kitsu</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>Meta provider for additional information AniList might not have.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>NovelUpdates</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>Requires Python3 to use a CloudFlare bypass package.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>NovelBuddy</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MyAnimeList</td> <td><a href="">Link</a></td> <td>N/A</td> </tr> </table>
Mapping sites to AniList and back.
<div align='center'> <a href=''><img src='public/50daysofjavascript.png' height='30%' width='30%'/></a> <h1>#50DaysOfJavaScript</h1> <strong>Solve one question daily to ace 🎯 your next interview!</strong><br/> <a href=''></a> <br/><br/> <img src='' /> <a href=''> <img src='' /> </a> <br/><br/><br/> </div> Similar to the [Hactoberfest'21]( initiative, we're planning another community-led open-source initiative to help the community level up their JavaScript coding skills by solving a non-trivial problem daily. None of the questions will be tricks ━ you don’t have to worry about handling big integers or knowing how to balance a red-black tree. Every problem will be based on what you do daily as a JavaScript developer. [![#50DaysOfJavaScipt](]( [Join `#50DaysOfJavaScript`]( ━ **Solve just a single coding challenge each day to improve your JavaScript skills!** This will tentatively start from **Jan 20, 2024**. Begin any day and stick for the next 50 days to complete the challenge. **More details to follow!** ✨ **Learn more**: []( > [!NOTE] > This repository hosts the launch website of **`#50DaysOfJavaScript`** challenge which is currently deployed on [Netlify]( <br/><br/> > [![Netlify Status](]( ## Quick links Calling out **participants**, **mentors**, and **communities** for an open-source initiative—join us to make a difference. - ***[🏄 Join as a participant](*** - ***[🍿 Become a mentor](*** - ***[🚀 Collaborate as a community](*** ```javascript console.log('#50DaysOfJavaScript ━ Code awesome stuffs with @vinitshahdeo & friends!'); ``` ## Similar initiative A community-led initiative to help beginners get started with open-source during Hacktoberfest'21—[learn more](! [![Hacktoberfest'21](]( ## Local development ```terminal npm i npm start ``` This is created using [create-react-app]( and can be run locally in the development mode using the above commands. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser. ## Contributors - [@yashvi2001]( - [@vinitshahdeo]( ## Support Please help us spread the registration link among your connections—**[](**. For any suggestions or feedback, please hit me up on [Twitter]( [![Join #50DaysOfJavaScript](]( [![Twitter Follow](](
#50DaysOfJavaScript — Solve one question daily to ace your next interview! Calling out participants, mentors, and communities for an open-source initiative—join us to make a difference.
# SoftUni Courses *Welcome to the repository of my courses at Softuni! Here you will find educational materials and tasks that I have completed within various web development courses, using various technologies.* ## React - [React and JSX]( - [Components: Basic Idea]( - [Components: Deep Dive]( - [Workshop: Components]( - [Forms]( - [Routing]( - [React Hooks](#) - [Advanced Techniques](#) ## Angular - [Angular and TypeScript]( - [Components](#) - [DI]( - [RxJS]( - [Services](#) - [Modules and Routing](#) - [Forms](#) - [Pipes](#) - [Interceptors and Subjects](#) - [State Management](#) - [Q&A Session](#) ## VueJS - [VueJS Rendering and Styles](#) - [Components](#) - [Forms](#) - [Directives](#) - [HTTP and Routing](#) - [State Management](#) - [Composition API](#) ## JavaScript Front-End - [Syntax Fundamentals](#) - [Arrays & Strings](#) - [Functions and Statements](#) - [Objects](#) - [Classes DOM and Events](#) - [HTTP and REST](#) - [Asynchronous Programming](#) ## TypeScript - [Type System](#) - [OOP](#) - [Generics](#) - [Namespaces and Modules](#) - [Decorators](#) ## HTML & CSS - [HTML Structure](#) - [CSS and Typography](#) - [CSS Box Model](#) - [Position and Grid](#) - [Flexbox](#) - [Media Queries](#) ## PostgreSQL - [Data Types](#) - [Working Tables](#) - [Basic CRU](#) - [Built-in Functions](#) - [Data Aggregation](#) - [Table Relations](#) - [Subqueries and JOINs](#) - [Database Programmability and Transactions](#) ## JavaScript Back-End - [Node.js](#) - [Streams and Utilities](#) - [ExpressJS and Templating](#) - [NoSQL and MongoDB](#) - [Session and Authentication](#) - [Validation and Error Handling](#) ## Python Web - [Django](#) - [Authentication and Authorization](#) - [User and Password Management](#) - [Common Web Tools for Dynamic Websites](#) - [Unit and Integration Testing](#) - [Deployment, Hosting and Monitoring](#) - [Django REST Framework](#) - [Exception Handling](#) - [Asynchronous Tasks with Django](#) - [Q&A Session](#) ## Python Advanced - [OOP](#) - [Classes and Objects](#) - [Inheritance](#) - [Encapsulation](#) - [Static and Class Methods](#) - [Polymorphism and Abstraction](#) - [Iterators and Generators](#) - [Decorators](#) - [Testing](#) - [Lists as Stacks and Queues](#) - [Tuples and Sets](#) - [Multidimensional Lists](#) - [Functions Advanced](#)
## A empresa ![alt text](assets/logo.svg) Somente um lugar apaixonante pode manter um time apaixonado. E somente um time apaixonado é capaz de realizar um bom trabalho. Por isso, na F&MD, fazemos de tudo para que as pessoas sejam felizes além do fim de semana. Não é discurso pronto pra pegar bem com o mercado. É algo que nasceu com a gente. É claro que existe cobrança. É claro que existem problemas. Mas quando surge algum, tentamos resolver do jeito mais justo possível. Nem sempre a gente acerta. Curioso em saber um pouco do nosso ecosistema? Deem uma olhada nesse reels do Instagram e espero que ele te agrade e mostre um pouquinho do nosso ambiente: [Crazy F&MD]( <b>Nosso Site</b>: [F&MD Site]( <br> <b>Nosso Instagram</b>: [F&MD Instagram]( ## Oportunidade Estamos em busca de pessoas apaixonadas por Front-end e com sede de projetos e experiências FODAS. Seu dia será repleto de: ```javascript const differentials = [ 'Tecnologia foda', 'Pessoas engajadas em crescer juntas', 'Ambiente de trabalho saudável', 'Respeito às pessoas em primeiro lugar', 'Produzir trabalhos incríveis', 'Oportunidade em aperfeiçoar Hard Skills', 'Oportunidade em aperfeiçoar Soft Skills', 'Salário coerente com o mercado, trabalho e perfil profissional', 'Disputas de Pebolim(Pebolas)', 'Disputas de Fifinha', 'Entre muitas outras coisas legais!', ...awesomeThings ]; ``` Nossa stack é composta por: ````javascript const frontendFMDTechnologies = [ 'HTML', 'CSS', 'Javascript', 'Bootstrap', 'Blade (Laravel template engineering)', 'Angular', 'Sass', 'Typescript', 'Git', 'Ionic', 'NPM', 'Webpack', 'RxJs', 'NGRX', 'NGXS', ]; ```` ````javascript const frontendFMDTools = [ 'WebStorm', 'Homestead (VirtualBox, Vagrant)', 'Gitlab', 'Github', 'Discord', 'Trello', 'Plann', 'Jira', 'Postman', 'Figma', 'Notion', 'Visual Studio(Just Sometimes)', 'Linux (Terminal)', ]; ```` Usando como base projetos conceituados pela comunidade, como por exemplo o Bootstrap ou Angular, a estrutura de arquivos e diretórios que utilizamos consciste no isolamento por responsabilidade para agrupar determinada funcionalidade que necessita de vários arquivos para abranger todo seu conteúdo sem perder a objetividade e facilitar a manutenção. ## Requisitos principais - Proatividade - Sentimento de dono - Comprometimento, organização e senso de trabalho em equipe - Estar disposto a buscar o aprendizado e evolução constante - Usar o bom senso para tomada de decisões em situações adversas ## Challenge O nosso challenge para a <b>mais nova vaga de Front-end</b> consiste em desenvolver uma Landing Page de assunto de sua preferência, basta atender os requisitos abaixo: - Header com os links de âncora para as seções. - Seção com 3 banners (Slider). - Seção com cards (Mínimo 3 cards). - Mobile: Blocado abaixo do outro. - Desktop: Um ao lado do outro (garantindo a mesma altura). - Segunda seção de cards (Mínimo 3 cards). - Mobile: Slider - Desktop: Slider desligado (garantindo a mesma altura). - Formulário de newsletter. - Footer. Ficou em dúvida?! Não se preocupe, nós preparamos um Figma como fonte de inspiração para a sua proposta - [Protótipo de LP]( <b>Requisitos mínimos</b> - HTML - CSS - Javascript - Consumir API <b>Sugestões para dar um diferencial e deixar foda!</b> - Animações - Frameworks SPA (Angular, Vue, React...) - Frameworks Front-end (Bootstrap, Angular Material, Tailwind CSS...) - Pré-processadores de CSS (Sass, Less, Stylus...) - Typescript E caso esteja em dúvida de qual API usar, esse [site]( possuí diversas API's bem legais que podem te ajudar, escolha o que seu s2 mandar! ## Entrega Para avaliarmos o projeto de teste, submeta um [Pull Request (PR)]( para este repositório! ### Commits Em nossos projetos adotamos um styleguide ([Commit Amigão]( para facilitar a identificação dos commit's, onde a estrutura é baseada em ``` <tipo>(<escopo>): <assunto> ``` <b>Os valores permitidos para o `<tipo>` são:</b> - feat (nova funcionalidade) - style (formatação geral no código. Não confundir com CSS) - refactor (refatoração de código de produção) - test (adicionar/refatorar testes) - fix (adivinha qual é esse) - docs (e esse também) - chore (atualização de tarefas ou código que não está relacionado a produção) <b>`<escopo>`</b><br> O escopo deve informar onde foi feito a alteração <b>`<assunto>`</b> - Máximo de 50 caracteres - Tipo de escopo devem estar em letras minúsculas - Assunto deve estar no imperativo Exemplo: ``` feat(seção sobre nós): adiciona os dados mockados da api no html ``` ## Avaliação Iremos avaliar os seguintes critérios: - Código limpo e organização - Semântica - Organização dos commits - Acessibilidade ## Dúvidas Não deixe que alguma dúvida faça você pirar! Abra uma issue ou nos mande um e-mail em <b></b>, fechou?! ## Quer saber se temos vagas abertas? Acesse nosso [LinkedIn]( e fique de olho :slightly_smiling_face: <b>Que a força esteja com você :)</b>
Challenge - Vaga Front-end
<a name="readme-top"></a> ![]( <div align="center"> </div> > # Portfolio | Project Veiw Screenshots| |---------------------------------------| |<div align="center"><img src="./images/desktop-shot.PNG" alt="screenshot" width="auto" height="480"/></div>| |<div align="center"><img src="./images/mobile-shot1.PNG" alt="screenshot" width="auto" height="400"/><img src="./images/mobile-shot2.PNG" alt="screenshot" width="auto" height="400"/></div>| # 📗 Table of Contents - [📖 About the Project](#about-project) - [🛠 Built With](#built-with) - [Tech Stack](#tech-stack) - [Key Features](#key-features) - [🚀 Live Demo](#live-demo) - [💻 Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Setup](#setup) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Install](#install) - [Usage](#usage) - [Run tests](#run-tests) - [Deployment](#triangular_flag_on_post-deployment) - [👥 Authors](#authors) - [🔭 Future Features](#future-features) - [🤝 Contributing](#contributing) - [⭐️ Show your support](#support) - [🙏 Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - [❓ FAQ (OPTIONAL)](#faq) - [📝 License](#license) # 📖 [My-Portfolio] <a name="about-project"></a> > **[My-Portfolio]** is a project to showcase all of my recent work. It will maitain the information and history of my recent projects, the brave informatin about me, and the link to my resume. it will also provide the context to be in contact with the clients. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> <details> <summary>Client</summary> <ul> <li><a href="#">HTML</a></li> <li><a href="#">CSS</a></li> <li><a href="#">JAVASCRIP</a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Server</summary> <ul> <li><a href="#"></a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Database</summary> <ul> <li><a href="#"></a></li> </ul> </details> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> - **[Represent most recent projcts]** - **[Represnt skills and technogies]** - **[Create contact context for visitors]** - **[Responsive with the view of desktop and mobile]** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="live-demo"></a> > - [Live Demo On Gh-pages]( > - [Live Demo On Render]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: - A Nude.js installed on your local system. - A browser of you choice. - A text editor of your choice. ### Setup Clone this repository to your desired folder: - Use the following Commands: cd your-desired-folder git clone ### Install Install this project with: - You can deploy it with your hosting provider of your choise. ### Usage - To demonstrate your skills & knowlege of technoly. - To represent the most recent project. - to maitain connection with visitors. ### Run tests - Run the following script and style test: npx hint . npx hint . --fix npx eslint . npx eslint . --fix npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}" --fix ### Deployment You can deploy this project using: - Free deployment services like GitHub pages. - Any deployment services of your choice. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a> 👤 **Abdul Ali Noori** - GitHub: [@ab-noori]( - Twitter: [@AbdulAliNoori4]( - LinkedIn: [abdul-ali-noori]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> - [ ] **[Responsiveness with the all kind of laptop and handheld devices viewport]** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> If you like this project, you are most welcome to Contribute. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> I would like to thank all of My colleagues and supporters. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
Portfolio website will showcase all of my recent work. It will also maintain the information and history of my recent projects, the brave information about me, and the link to my resume.
Evangelion timer that runs on browsers! [Try the PyScript implementation here!]( <br> <br> <img src="images/00_main.gif" width="500" /> <br> ## Features - [x] Run on browsers using PyScript - [ ] Run on browsers using Javascript [work in progress] - [x] Scalable vector graphics - [x] Support 3 modes: *Count Down*, *Count Up* and *System Time* - [x] Support Settings - [x] Support Progressive Web App (PWA) - [ ] Support other themes, e.g. Rebuild of Evangelion [work in progress] ## User Guide ### GUI Various regions on the GUI are clickable, please try it out and have fun! ### Keyboard Shortcuts You can also use keyboard to control the timer: - Spacebar - Play / Pause - s - Settings - r - Reset time / Toggle clock modes - p - Toggle perspective view - f - Toggle fullscreen view (not support in iOS) - w - Toggle wireframe mode - ↑ - Add time - ↓ - Deduct time - Esc - Exit fullscreen / Exit Settings ### URL parameters You can configure the timer by launching it with URL parameters. For examples, try: <br> > [``]( > The above URL will launch the EVA timer with 6 seconds count down and change to emergency in the last 3 seconds. Here is a list of configurable URL params: | URL Params | Possible Values | Description | Default | |---|---|---|---| |`autoplay`| 0 , 1 | Auto Play on load| 0 | |`mode`| 0, 1, 2 | Timer mode: 0=countdown, 1=countup, 2=system time| 0 | |`tilted`| 0, 1 | Tilted View or Flatten View | 1 | |`fullscreen`| 0, 1 | Fullscreen mode | 0 | |`duration` | integer | Total countdown/countup duration in seconds| 300 | |`emergency_duration` | integer | Time remains in seconds to change to emergency| 60 | ### Progressive Web App In Chrome, you can install this app as standalone web app. The "Install app" button is next to the address bar: <br> <img src="images/07_pwa1.jpg" width="200" /> <br> ## Screenshots | Function | Screenshot | |---|---| | Racing |<img src="images/01_racing.jpg" width="300" />| | Danger |<img src="images/02_danger.jpg" width="300" />| | Stop |<img src="images/03_stop.jpg" width="300" />| | System Time |<img src="images/04_system_time.jpg" width="300" /> | Greyscale |<img src="images/09_greyscale.jpg" width="300" />| | Wireframe |<img src="images/09_wireframe.jpg" width="300" />| | Rebuild |<img src="images/09_rebuild.jpg" width="300" />| | Settings |<img src="images/08_settings.jpg" width="300" />| | Install PWA|<img src="images/07_pwa1.jpg" width="200" />| | PWA on Chrome |<img src="images/07_pwa2.jpg" width="300" />| ## Documentations See [docs](docs) ## Resources See [eva-timer-analysis]( for a list of the original timer designs. ## Changelog [1.0.0](releases/tag/v1.0.0) - This was the first implementation in plain Javascript. [2.0.0](releases/tag/v2.0.0) - This version has been refactored to support PyScript and Javascript - Create `` and `svgui.js` for better reusability - The project will be presented in [PyCon APAC 2023 @ Tokyo, Japan](
Evangelion timer that runs on browsers
# Website - "Ice Cream" ![Demonstration](./assets/ice-cream.png) ## Team project ### Development team : - Viktor Svertoka **Team Lead** development and design of the section **"Customer Reviews"** - Sergiy Yevchihen **Scrum Master** development and design of the section **"Header"** - Volodymyr Zhyvun **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"Hero"** - Dmytro Samus **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"Products"** - Vitalii Bashchenko **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"About"** - Yevhen Batanov **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"Аdvantages"** - Oleksandr Puhovskyi **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"Gallery"** - Vasyl Epov **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"Contacts"** - Yevhenii Lukashov **Web-developer** development and design of the section **"Footer"** - Olha Ilienko **Web-developer** development and design of a button modal window **"Bay now"** - Mariia Ivanova **Web-developer** development and design of the section's modal window **"Products"** ### Project presentation ![Demonstration](./assets/ice-cream-team.gif) ### **STACK** - HTML, CSS, BEM, SASS, and JavaScript - `Look at` [**Layout Figma**]( ### On this project, our team learned: - **HTML:** tags, attributes, semantics, clean structure, code style. - **CSS:** selector specificity, pseudo-class, css variables, pseudo-elements, font properties, box model, element geometry, element types, image types, gradient, shadow, raster/vector graphics, svg sprites positioned elements, animations, transitions, forms, link js. - **BEM** - **SASS** - adaptive and responsive layout (markup, graphics) - and few **JavaScript**
Website ice cream, team project on HTML5 and CSS3🍦
# Welcome to "MaterialX Learn" [![main](]( ## Overview This is a complementary site for those interested in learning about or are integrating MaterialX. Current content includes: * Node definition library with image and node graph previews. * Glossary of basic types, geometric definitions, color management and real-world unit definitions. * Fundamental concepts (Nodes, Nodegraphs, Documents, Definitions) * Python environment setup for MaterialX * Javascript utilities for graph, code generation, and shader previews * Python and Jupyter Tutorials from basics to shader code generation, shader graph interop, definition creation, and rendering [pymaterialx](pymaterialx). * Workflows touching on OpenUSD, OpenColorIO, Khronos glTF, Maya, Houdini and Blender. ### Contributions Wanted Comments and ideas for improving or providing new content and contributions are always welcome. See issues and project area for some of items on queue. If you find value in here and want support its progress, Please consider sponsoring the project as it will allow it to be supported and continue to evolve. ## Visit the site <a href=""> <img src="./documents/images/march_2024_1.38.9_final.png" width="60%"> </a> ## March, 2024 Update * Update to 1.38.9 release which includes support for things like NPR library. * Inclusion of OpenPBR reference definition * Usability / workflow enhancements in progress, including: * enhanced Javascript / Web support for graphing, shader generation and preview * property editor revamp for definitions include shader preview, graph and interaction. ## Visit the Repository Content The content for the site is provided in the following sub-folders: * [Documents](documents) Learning materials, utilities, and definitions. * [PyMaterialX](pymaterialx) Python Tutorials, Jupyter Notebooks and Python utilities (including [mxltutils](pymaterialx/mtlxutils)) * [Resources](resources) Additional MaterialX resource files.
Complementary site for learning and integrating MaterialX
# 📖 Contents <ul> <li><a href="#-about">About</a></li> <li><a href="#-demonstration">Demonstration</a></li> <li><a href="#-features">Features</a></li> <li><a href="#-peculiarities">Peculiarities</a></li> <li><a href="#-local-development">Local: Development</a></li> <li><a href="#-docker-production">Docker: Production</a></li> </ul> # 📃 About **Special Recipe** is a webapp where you can search for recipes, bookmark them, and access them as needed. Each recipe can be viewed in detail along with its comments, and users can optionally leave a comment. The search functionality allows for both category and keyword searches, while users also have the option to browse all available recipes. Additionally, the website enables users to create or edit an account, reset lost passwords, and verify email addresses. > ***The project was created for educational purposes.*** # 🌄 Demonstration * **Recipes page** ![firefox_NeEAcpxcd3]( ![firefox_ojqwCSTJJx]( <hr> * **Adding / removing from bookmarks** ![recipe-bookmark]( <hr> * **Recipe detail pages** ![firefox_0DKWb1eWkW]( ![firefox_9SFI9HVncg]( <hr> ![firefox_ea9Mhd9I3Y]( ![firefox_ICgV4HS1TZ]( <hr> * **Bookmarks page** ![firefox_IrbXSTevJy]( <hr> * **Profile pages** ![firefox_Rjwr6yUSXn]( ![firefox_GVubZrCC1K]( ![firefox_aLKDOhKHSg]( * **Authentication pages** ![firefox_B4E9sQRVKS]( ![firefox_OHwLoPAKEr]( # 🔥 Features * **Django Rest API** * **Postponed Tasks / Celery** * **Recipe bookmarks** * **Recipe comments** * **Recipe markdown editing** * **Registration / Authorization** * **User profile** * **Profile editing** * **Password change / reset** * **Email verification** * **Tests** # ❕ Peculiarities * For correct display, **at least 3 recipes must be created** regardless of the category. * For correct display of images, their **aspect ratio must be 16:10**. Example: **1440×900, 1536×960, 1680:1050, 1920x1200...** # 💽 Local: Development 1. Clone or download the repository. 2. Create a virtual environment and install requirements from requirements/local.txt file. 3. Create an **.env** file or rename **.env.dist** in **.env** and populate it **only with development variables**: * DEBUG * SECRET_KEY * DOMAIN_NAME * ALLOWED_HOSTS * INTERNAL_IPS * PROTOCOL * REDIS_HOST * REDIS_PORT * EMAIL_HOST_USER * EMAIL_SEND_INTERVAL_SECONDS * EMAIL_EXPIRATION_HOURS * RECIPES_PAGINATE_BY * CATEGORIES_PAGINATE_BY * COMMENTS_PAGINATE_BY 4. Make migrations: * `python makemigrations` * `python migrate` 5. Run redis: * [**Windows**]( * [**Linux**]( 6. Run celery: * **Windows:** `celery -A core worker -l INFO -P solo` * **Linux:** `celery -A core worker -l INFO` 7. Run development server: * `python runserver` # 🐳 Docker: Production > * **All actions with files are performed in the project directory.** > * **Don't forget to install docker and docker compose first.** ### Project Deployment: 1. Clone or download the repository and go to its directory. 2. Create an **.env** file or rename **.env.dist** in **.env** and populate it with all variables from **.env.dist** file. * In the REDIS_HOST, you need to specify not the local ip, but the name of the redis container, like this: REDIS_HOST=redis. 3. Open data/nginx/**nginx.conf** file and change `server_name;` to your domains. 4. Grant executable rights to the **** script: `chmod +x ./` 5. Start the services: `docker-compose up --build -d` ### Obtaining an ssl certificate: 1. Access nginx container: `docker exec -it <nginx-container-id> bin/sh` 2. Get ssl certificate: `certbot --nginx` 3. Done ! Now you can exit from nginx container: `exit`
Django-based web application created for educational purposes that allows to find and optionally bookmark recipes.
# Timeline-Responsif Timeline-Responsif
# NightingaleTransitMap 夜莺自制的线路图 ## 这是什么 这是夜莺自制的一些公共交通线路图,目前包含了三张线路图。 - 北京市轨道交通线路图 - 北京市夜班公交线路图 - 北京市快速公交线路图 搭建此仓库的主要目的是给线路图一个展示的页面。当然,您也可以直接从仓库中查看和下载这些线路图。 ## 如何查看 ### 网站 [GitHub Pages]( / [Gitee Pages]( ### 仓库地址 [GitHub]( / [Gitee]( ## 联系作者 新浪微博:[@夜莺夜影XWB]( B站:[@夜莺夜影]( 微信公众号:夜语莺声
A personal portfolio website that describes the qualities of me as a Software Engineer, the technologies I am familiar with. The web page is still in it youthful stage starting mobile version.
<!-- @license CC-BY-SA-4.0 --> # Google Summer of Code > Resources for the [Google Summer of Code][gsoc] program. Hello! And welcome to stdlib's [Google Summer of Code][gsoc] (GSoC) resource repository. GSoC is a global program that offers new contributors (who are **18** years or older) an opportunity to be paid for contributing to an open source project over a three month period. Contributors are paid by Google to work under the guidance of mentors from an open source community. GSoC is a great opportunity to learn, develop new skills, build connections, acquire experience working with a larger and often distributed team, and be financially compensated for your efforts. In this repository, you'll find information on how to apply for GSoC and a list of potential ideas which could serve as the basis for a GSoC project. ## Time Commitment GSoC contributors are [expected][gsoc-faq-time-commitment] to work either **350** hours (full-time equivalent), **175** hours (part-time equivalent), or **90** hours (short-time equivalent) over the course of the program. The default schedule runs over 3 months (12 weeks) and can potentially be spread out over a longer period. The program start date is [**non-negotiable**][gsoc-faq-schedule-start]. All GSoC contributors **must** begin the program at the same time. ## Application Process In order to apply to GSoC with [stdlib][stdlib], you must: 1. Read the GSoC [contributor guide][gsoc-contributor-guide]. 1. Read the resources in **this** repository in full. 1. Visit the main [stdlib project repository][stdlib] and familiarize yourself with the source code, project organization, and general conventions. 1. Read and understand the [Code of Conduct][stdlib-code-of-conduct]. 1. Consult the project [issue tracker][stdlib-issues] to find ongoing [stdlib][stdlib-issues] discussions. 1. Read through the project [contributing guide][stdlib-contributing] to learn how to start developing [stdlib][stdlib]. 1. Create a [GitHub account][github-create-account], if you do not already have one. 1. Submit **at least** one patch to [stdlib][stdlib]. All applications which are not accompanied by at least one patch to stdlib will be **rejected**. Instructions as to how to fulfill the [patch requirement](#patch-requirement) are described below. 1. Review our [list of ideas][stdlib-gsoc-ideas] to see if you find a project which excites you. If you'd like to submit your own idea, that is fine; just be sure to propose your idea to stdlib mentors first! **Unsolicited, undiscussed ideas are less likely to get accepted.** 1. Develop your application, making sure to follow the [application template][stdlib-gsoc-application-template]. We strongly suggest opening an [issue][stdlib-gsoc-application-template] which describes your project using the [application issue template][stdlib-gsoc-application-template]. Doing so allows individuals who are not on the [GSoC website][gsoc] to review your application and provide feedback. 1. **The application deadline is April 2, 18:00 UTC.** You are **strongly** advised to submit your application well in advance of the deadline. Google will **not** accept late applications for any reason. You will be able to edit your application up until the deadline, so, if you have a draft, submit it early and continue to update it as time allows. Please remember that all applications **must** go through Google's application system and you **MUST SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION ON GOOGLE'S WEBSITE**. If you do not submit your application on the [GSoC website][gsoc], we **cannot** accept your application. ### Tips The intent of GSoC is to provide a way for new contributors to join and participate in the world of open source. The contributors most likely to be selected and ultimately succeed are those who are engaged in the community and hoping to continue their involvement beyond the duration of the GSoC program. In general, for most projects, **being a good community member is more important than being a good coder**. **Communicate.** Communication is probably the most important part of the application process. Talk to mentors and other stdlib developers, **listen** when they offer advice, and demonstrate that you've understood their suggestions by incorporating their feedback into what you are proposing. Failure to incorporate feedback **significantly** lowers your chance of success. **Read the instructions.** Always read (and re-read) all instructions when submitting proposals. Do not simply submit a resume, scientific paper, presentation, or other file which does not contain any information about the project you'd like to pursue. Failure to follow instructions is guaranteed to lead to proposal rejection. **Be professional.** Show respect and demonstrate that you will take the mentoring relationship seriously. That means actively listening when you receive feedback and always valuing the time of each member in the [stdlib][stdlib] community. Poor communication and a failure to read and follow instructions convey a lack of respect and a lack of consideration for mentor time, and no mentor wants to work with a contributor who doesn't exhibit the professionalism necessary to ensure both the success of their project and their personal growth as a [stdlib][stdlib] community member. ### Questions If you have questions, first check whether the questions have already been answered in the GSoC [FAQ][gsoc-faq]. If you still have a question after consulting the GSoC [FAQ][gsoc-faq], you can reach out on the stdlib [Element][stdlib-gitter] channel. You can use [Element][stdlib-gitter] to solicit feedback on initial project ideas and to get help as you start working with the [stdlib][stdlib] codebase. Keep in mind that the more specific and clear your questions on stdlib forums, the more likely you are to get a good answer. An open-ended or vague question is unlikely to get a useful response. For example, a good question could be something along the lines of > I'm interested in project X, and I've done a bit of research and found that issues Y and Z seem related. Based on my findings, a, b, and c are already implemented, so I'd like to know whether it would be reasonable to propose a project that would achieve d, e, and f. In contrast, the following question is too open-ended and too vague to solicit a meaningful response > I'm interested in project X. Please help me to work on this. When reaching out over [Element][stdlib-gitter], be sure to introduce yourself so that we can get to know you. Some useful pieces of information to include - Level of familiarity with JavaScript (including years of programming and previous projects). - Education level (high school / college / PhD). - Any particular expertise (e.g., statistics, numerical algorithms). - Any particular interests (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, asynchronous JavaScript, user interface design, etc). - Familiarity with [stdlib][stdlib] (e.g., have you used [stdlib][stdlib]?). - Other possibly relevant information (e.g., geographical location, native language, etc). ### Project Ideas Before working on your GSoC application, please review our [list of ideas][stdlib-gsoc-ideas] to see if you find a project which excites you. The list of existing ideas is provided to serve as inspiration and to indicate which directions may be good for [stdlib][stdlib]. If you do find an existing idea that you'd like to pursue, please be sure to contact us in our [Element][stdlib-gitter] channel to discuss it first! **Always be sure to ask about these ideas prior to working on application in order to get the latest information about what is already implemented and what exactly must be done.** The [list of ideas][stdlib-gsoc-ideas] is organized by labels according to the following conventions: **Priority** - `high`: ideas that are considered important in our roadmap. - `normal`: ideas that are not urgent but would be nice to have sooner rather than later. - `low`: ideas that are novel or interesting, but are low on our priority list. **Difficulty** - `1`: an idea suitable for someone with little to no JavaScript experience. - `2`: an idea suitable for someone with a working knowledge of JavaScript. - `3`: an idea that is likely to be challenging but manageable. - `4`: an idea that is likely to be challenging and has ambitious goals. - `5`: an idea that is likely to be difficult to implement with several unknowns. **Technology** - `javascript`: an idea that involves programming in JavaScript. At least some JavaScript is likely to be required for all ideas. - `nodejs`: an idea that requires developing with Node.js. Working with Node.js is likely to be required for most, if not all, ideas, as Node.js is the default environment for testing, benchmarking, and local development. - `c`: an idea that involves programming in C. This is required for Node.js native add-ons. - `fortran`: an idea that involves programming in Fortran. This is required for working on BLAS/LAPACK bindings. - `html/css`: an idea that involves using HTML and CSS (e.g., if building a frontend application). - `jsx/react`: an idea that involves programming with React JSX (e.g., if working on the stdlib website). - `native addons`: an idea that involves developing Node.js native add-ons. - `typescript`: an idea that involves programming in TypeScript. Priority, difficulty, technology, and topic area have no bearing on the chances of an idea being accepted. All ideas are equally good, and your chances of being accepted depend solely on the **quality of your application**. **Project Length** GSoC allows three different project lengths: **90** hours, **175** hours and **350** hours. Each idea must indicate whether the idea is a better fit for 90, 175, or 350 hours. In some cases, we may be able to extend a 175 hour project to a 350 hour project by extending the ideas of what can be done. Similarly, in some cases, a 350 hour project can be shortened to a 175 hour project by only implementing part of an idea and leaving the rest for a future project. In either case, if you want to adjust the project length, please be sure to contact us in our [Element][stdlib-gitter] channel to discuss it first! #### Your Own Idea If you'd like to submit your own idea, that is also welcome; just be sure to propose your idea to stdlib mentors first! After reaching out, we'll inform you whether the idea has already been implemented, if the idea will entail enough work to last the duration of the GSoC program, if the idea requires too much work to be meaningfully pursued during GSoC, and if the idea is within the scope of stdlib. **Unsolicited, undiscussed ideas are less likely to get accepted.** The best project for you is the one you are most interested in and knowledgeable about. Excitement and aptitude are two key ingredients of a successful project and help ensure your commitment and ability to see a project through to completion. So if there is something you are especially passionate about and that you believe aligns with the scope and goals of [stdlib][stdlib], we'd be happy to hear your pitch! After discussing with us in our [Element][stdlib-gitter] channel and receiving approval to submit your idea, please open an [issue][stdlib-gsoc-idea-template] which describes your idea using the [**idea issue template**][stdlib-gsoc-idea-template]. ### Patch Requirement In addition to the written proposal, we **require** every [GSoC][gsoc] applicant to write a patch and have it merged into the main [stdlib repository][stdlib]. > We take your patches to [stdlib][stdlib] into **strong** consideration when reviewing your proposal. Submitting one or more patches is your best opportunity to demonstrate that you are capable of doing what is included in your proposal. To submit a patch, 1. Fork the [stdlib repository][stdlib]. 1. Setup your platform to develop [stdlib][stdlib] (e.g., install Git, clone your forked repository, set it up to track the remote upstream [stdlib repository][stdlib], install dependencies, and initialize your local development environment). Our [contributing guide][stdlib-contributing] walks you through setting up Git and details our preferred way of development. Please do **not** submit patches through the GitHub web editor. You will need to learn how to use Git and develop [stdlib][stdlib] locally if your project is accepted. Taking the time now to use Git and develop [stdlib][stdlib] locally increases your chance of success and helps you decide whether [stdlib][stdlib] is a good fit for you. 1. Find something in [stdlib][stdlib] that doesn't work, needs improvement, or would be a useful addition. If you need inspiration, feel free to fix any issue in the [list of issues][stdlib-issues-good-first] which are good for first time contributors. In addition to the issues, search for `FIXME` or `TODO` in the codebase. You can use `grep` from the command-line with `git grep "TODO"`. You can also play around in the [stdlib][stdlib] REPL and find something that needs fixing or could be implemented. 1. Once you've found something, if an issue doesn't already exist, open an issue on the [stdlib issue tracker][stdlib-issues] describing the problem and your proposed solution. If your project will use a language other than JavaScript (e.g., C or Fortran), you should submit patches that use that language, as well, in order to demonstrate that you are proficient in that language. Note that your patch **must** be code-related, not documentation. While documentation fixes are always welcome, they do **not** fulfill the patch requirement. And further note that your patch does **not** need to be related to your proposed project in order to satisfy the patch requirement. In order to familiarize yourself with the code on which you'd be working, you may wish to try to fix a relevant bug in the same or similar code, but this is **not** part of the patch requirement. 1. Publish your patch for peer review by creating a pull request on GitHub. You must submit your pull request through GitHub (as opposed to, for example, pasting a patched file on an issue) as this is the easiest way for us to review your code and provide feedback and is what we expect from a contributor working on a [GSoC][gsoc] project. You must submit a patch that is successfully reviewed and merged to satisfy the patch requirement. We do **not** consider applications without successfully merged patches. A successful patch demonstrates your technical proficiency and your ability to interact with the [stdlib][stdlib] community. 1. Once you've created a pull request on GitHub, [stdlib][stdlib] reviewers will review your code and potentially request changes. You **should** address these changes. Throughout the development and feedback process, you should **always** run unit tests locally to verify expected behavior. During review, please be patient with reviewers. Due to [GSoC][gsoc], there may be a number of pull requests to review, and we may be slow to review all pull requests, especially if they are submitted close to the application deadline. You are **strongly** encouraged to submit your pull request(s) early on in the application process to give yourself the best chance for having a merged patch before the **application** deadline. While having a patch merged before the application deadline is preferred, if your patch is still under review, that is fine. What is critical is that your patch be merged before the **acceptance** deadline. It is up to you to respond to our feedback in a timely enough manner in order for your patch to be merged before the **acceptance** deadline. 1. **In your application, please provide a brief summary of your contributions to [stdlib][stdlib] thus far, including work which has not yet been merged. This should be a list of pull requests and an indication as to whether each pull request is merged, closed, or still open.** If you made significant contributions outside of your pull requests (e.g., reviewing someone else's pull request), you may list that as well. ### Plagiarism Please note that we will **not** tolerate plagiarism in any form. When developing your application, **do so by writing in your own words**. While other applicants may publicly discuss and submit proposals for the same idea, you should not lift content from their proposals. You should write and propose what **you** think is the best course of action for ensuring a successful project according to a timeline which **you** believe is appropriate. **If we detect that your application contains plagiarized content, we will reject your application without review.** Additionally, while we recognize that, for many contributors, English may not be your first language, please avoid using LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT, etc). We can typically tell when individuals rely on LLMs to auto-generate application content (and code contributions!), and what this signals to us is that you cannot be bothered to take the time to write a thoughtful application and that you likely will not be capable of earning our trust. The best candidates are those who are thoughtful, who pay close attention to detail, and who are eager and willing to learn. * * * ## Attribution This document borrows heavily from - [Python Software Foundation GSoC guidelines][psf-gsoc] - [SymPy GSoC guidelines][sympy-gsoc] ## License This document may be reused under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license][cc-by-sa-4.0]. <!-- links --> [gsoc]: [gsoc-contributor-guide]: [gsoc-faq]: [gsoc-faq-time-commitment]: [gsoc-faq-schedule-start]: [gsoc-timeline]: [stdlib]: [stdlib-issues]: [stdlib-issues-good-first]: [stdlib-contributing]: [stdlib-code-of-conduct]: [stdlib-gsoc-application-template]: [stdlib-gsoc-idea-template]: [stdlib-gsoc-ideas]: [stdlib-gitter]: [github-create-account]: [psf-gsoc]: [sympy-gsoc]: [cc-by-sa-4.0]: <!-- /.links -->
Google Summer of Code resources.
# rxing-wasm WASM bindings for common rxing functions. The NPM link is []( and the rust source is []( ## Data The `convert_js_image_to_luma` function is used to convert canvas image data to the luma 8 format that rxing expects. An example might look like to below. ```javascript function decodeBarcode(canvas) { let context = canvas.getContext('2d'); let height = canvas.height; let width = canvas.width; let imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height); let data =; let luma8Data = convert_js_image_to_luma(data); let parsedBarcode = decode_barcode(luma8Data, width, height); return parsedBarcode; } ``` ## Hints ### Using the `DecodeHintDictionary` class Add a hint with `set_hint(hint: DecodeHintTypes, value: string)`. The function returns `true` if the hint was added and `false` if it was not. The value of hint must be a `number` representing on of the enum values for `DecodeHintTypes`. The easiest way to use this is to simply pass in one of the values from `DecodeHintTypes`. Remove a hint using `remove_hint(hint: DecodeHintTypes)`. The function returns `true` if the hint was present and removed, and `false` otherwise. The hint value is the same as in the add_hint function. ### `DecodeHintTypes` Values The following values are available for the `DecodeHintTypes` enum. * `Other`: Unspecified, application-specific hint. This can be any string, only some decoders care about this value. * `PureBarcode`: Image is a pure monochrome image of a barcode. Should be a string with either "true" or "false". * `PossibleFormats`: A comma separated list (no spaces between elements), with the names of barcode formats to search for. For example, looking for a QrCode and a Datamatrix, one would pass in the string "qrcode,datamatrix". * `TryHarder`: Spend more time to try to find a barcode; optimize for accuracy, not speed. String with either "true" or "false". * `CharacterSet`: Specifies what character encoding to use when decoding, where applicable. This should be a string mapping to a character encoding. * `AllowedLengths`: Allowed lengths of encoded data -- reject anything else. A comma separated list of integers. * `AssumeCode39CheckDigit`: Assume Code 39 codes employ a check digit. A string with either "true" or "false". * `AssumeGs1`: Assume the barcode is being processed as a GS1 barcode, and modify behavior as needed. For example this affects FNC1 handling for Code 128 (aka GS1-128). A string with either "true" or "false". * `ReturnCodabarStartEnd`: If true, return the start and end digits in a Codabar barcode instead of stripping them. They are alpha, whereas the rest are numeric. By default, they are stripped, but this causes them to not be. A string with either "true" or "false". * `NeedResultPointCallback`: The caller needs to be notified via callback when a possible ResultPoint is found. Currently unsupported. In future will map to a (x: number, y: number) = {} function. * `AllowedEanExtensions`: Allowed extension lengths for EAN or UPC barcodes. Other formats will ignore this. A comma separated list of the allowed extension lengths, for example "2", "5" or "2,5". If it is optional to have an extension, do not set this hint. If this is set, and a UPC or EAN barcode is found but an extension is not, then no result will be returned at all. * `AlsoInverted`: If true, also tries to decode as inverted image. All configured decoders are simply called a second time with an inverted image. A string with either "true" or "false". ## Result Metadata Result metadata is now available through the `get_result_metadata_name` method of the `BarcodeResult` class. The returned result is a javascript `Map` object representing availble decoded metadata. The possible keys are: * `OTHER` * `Orientation` * `Byte_Segments` * `Error_Correction_Level` * `Issue_Number` * `Suggested_Price` * `Possible_Country` * `UPC/EAN_Extension` * `PDF417_Extra_MetaData` * `Structured_Append_Sequence` * `Structured_Append_Parity` * `Symbology_Identifier` * `Is_Mirrored` * `Content_Type` It is important to note that not all values will be set for all results. ## Functions ```rust pub fn convert_js_image_to_luma(data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>; ``` ```rust pub fn encode_barcode( data: &str, width: u32, height: u32, bc_type: BarcodeFormat, ) -> Result<String, String>; ``` ```rust pub fn decode_barcode( data: Vec<u8>, width: u32, height: u32, try_harder: Option<bool>, ) -> Result<BarcodeResult, String>; ``` ```rust pub fn decode_barcode_with_hints( data: Vec<u8>, width: u32, height: u32, hints: &mut decode_hints::DecodeHintDictionary, ) -> Result<BarcodeResult, String>; ``` ```rust pub fn decode_multi( data: Vec<u8>, width: u32, height: u32, hints: &mut decode_hints::DecodeHintDictionary, ) -> Result<MultiDecodeResult, String>; ``` ```rust pub fn encode_barcode_with_hints( data: &str, width: u32, height: u32, bc_type: BarcodeFormat, hints: &mut EncodeHintDictionary, ) -> Result<String, String>; ``` ## Beta Features `decode_multi` is currently in beta. The output may be unexpected, or undefined. Please use with caution. The interface may be unstable, and change. `encode_barcode_with_hints` is currently in alpha. The output and behaviour is unexpected and poorly documented. Use at your own risk, feature may change, unstable interface.
WASM bindings for common rxing functions
# Simple-Web-Apps-Js This is A Repository that contains simple app desired to do a certain functunality using Javascript Dom , it will be updated by Project with Time
This is A Repository that contains simple app desired to do a certain functunality using Javascript Dom , it will be updated by Project with Time
# Javascript rendering/game engines comparison This is a sprite-based performance test that compares a set of Javascript-based rendering/game engines that are currently maintained. The test includes rendering a set of graphics/shapes and sprites. ## Description - A preset of up to 10.000 different sprites moving on a canvas with various speed - A custom option through the count query is also available for comparing sprite counts between libraries more freely. Be aware that drawing a large number of sprites on specific libraries may cause the test to freeze. - Compare drawing of graphics/shapes and sprites through the type query - Different libraries used to render the scene are chosen only if they have been maintained in the previous month of this benchmark. The following libraries compared and sorted by popularity (stars) are: | Name | Stars | Last Commit | Description | Game engine | | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | | [three.js]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | JavaScript 3D library. | no | | [PixiJS]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer. | no | | [Phaser]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering. | yes | | [Babylon.js]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | Babylon.js is a powerful, beautiful, simple, and open game and rendering engine packed into a friendly JavaScript framework. | yes | | [Two.js]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web. | no | | [Hilo]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group | yes | | [MelonJS]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | A fresh & lightweight javascript game engine. | yes | | [Kaboom]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | 💥 JavaScript game library. | yes | | [Kontra]( | ![GitHub Repo stars]( | ![GitHub last commit]( | A lightweight JavaScript gaming micro-library, optimized for js13kGames. | yes | ## Canvas and WebGL As a baseline for benchmarking, a DOM engine and Canvas engine for rendering shapes and sprites are included. Canvas is a 2D rendering context that lets us draw and manipulate sprites on an HTML canvas element. It's simple to use and supported by the majority of modern browsers, making it a popular choice for creating simple graphics, animations, and games. In contrast to Canvas, WebGL is a more powerful and versatile alternative. WebGL allows for more detailed and interactive 3D graphics, as well as access to the GPU, which improves performance even more than Canvas. As a result, WebGL is the most powerful choice for any web application that needs graphics-intensive rendering or interactive 3D scenes. However, when comparing Canvas and WebGL performance benchmarks with 2D graphics and sprites, it is important to remember that there may be some bias depending on the specific implementation as well as the environment in which the tests are run. Because WebGL is designed primarily for 3D graphics, it may not provide a significant performance boost over Canvas in a 2D context due to its higher resource requirements. To summarize, both technologies have advantages and are used in different scenarios depending on the project's specific needs. As a result, comparing the differences between canvas and WebGL with 2D sprites may be biased. ## Game engines and rendering engines A game engine is a software framework that gives one the tools and functionality one need to create and develop games. Input handling, physics, collision detection, and sprite animation are examples of the common features. A rendering engine, on the other hand, is a software component that is in charge of displaying and rendering graphics on the screen. It usually does not include the full set of tools and features found in a game engine. Three.js, Pixi.js, and Two.js are examples of such rendering engines. The rendering engine libraries Three.js, Pixi.js, and Two.js were tested on rendering 2D graphics and sprites for the performance benchmark. The most performant was discovered to be Pixi.js, followed by Three.js and Two.js. As a fallback, all of these support rendering in both the WebGL and Canvas contexts. In terms of performance, Babylon.js and Phaser outperformed the other game engines tested. The former is a game engine designed primarily for 3D games capable of rendering 2D sprites, whereas the latter has a longer history and a larger user base. Babylon.js was discovered to be slightly faster than Phaser, but both game engines performed reasonably well when tested. ## Conclusion It should be noted that being faster is not always preferable. Aside from performance, one must consider the features a library provides such as asset loading, sprite animation, input, etc. to easily create various games. In addition to this, some rendering/game engines may have a steeper learning curve than others, making them less desirable to use. It is important to consider user experience as well as speed in game development. Results of the benchmark on 10.000 sprites: 1. **Babylon.js**: [56 FPS] Babylon.js outperforms Three.js and has the best overall performance when it comes to rendering 2D sprites, despite being one of only two 3D engines in this benchmark - game engine. [(link)]( 2. **Pixi.js**: [47 FPS] Good performance - rendering engine. [(link)]( 3. **Phaser**: [43 FPS] The most popular library for HTML5 game development, and the performance demonstrates why. Overall, a good performance - game engine. [(link)]( Honourable mentions: - **Kontra**: [60 FPS] To avoid frame rate issues, the game loop implementation of Kontra uses a time-based animation with a fixed dt. As a result, each update call is always guaranteed set to be 1/60 of a second. The update at 60 FPS in this case is not as smooth as in the other tests above, ranking it lower. - lightweight game engine. [(link)]( - **Kaboom**: [3 FPS] Despite being one of the slowest libraries in terms of performance, developing with Kaboom was the most enjoyable. The library is jam-packed with features that make development simple and enjoyable. It has a straightforward syntax, and the code is simple to read and understand. The documentation and examples are also among the best of any library - game engine. [(link)]( The performance of the different libraries was measured by running a benchmark test on a computer with the following specifications: - OS: `Microsoft Windows 11 Home - 10.0.22621 Build 22621` - CPU: `AMD Ryzen 5 4500U` - RAM: `8GB 2666MHz` - Browser: `Microsoft Edge - Version 109.0.1518.55 (Official build) (64-bit)` ## Readings - [A collection of WebGL and WebGPU frameworks and libraries]( - [A collection of primarily HTML5 based game engines and frameworks]( - [quidmonkey's Benchmark comparison of pixijs and impactjs]( - [slaylines' benchmark comparison of some popular canvas engines](
Performance comparison of Javascript rendering/game engines: Three.js, Pixi.js, Phaser, Babylon.js, Two.js, Hilo, melonJS, Kaboom, Kontra, Canvas API and DOM!
# Restaurant-E-Commerce-Website Functionality Like checkout, login with firebase, payment integration with stripe, product filter, upload the product details and image in firebase (admin) , admin only upload the product, most important think mobile responsive is also. A modern UI conforms to your audience's existing perspective of what they think qualifies as a credible visual experience. Components of UI design include user-centric visual trends, design usability, patterns, and structures that flow with the hand-eye motion qualify as part of a modern UI see output #### Link : #### Demo Video : ### Start ## Frontend 1. Download the zip file or use the git clone .....( url of respo) 2. Go on the folder restaurant and run cmd npm install 3. After node package install, After that run the cmd npm start ## Backend 1. Go on the folder server-restaurant and run again cmd npm install 2. After node package install, after than run npm run dev or npm run start to start backend Most probably some enviroment variable also to be set... ## Upload Image Only admin upload the image, That option display only if admin login with email id only or Google Account. contact me Linkedin : Thank you !!! Follow me for more : Linkedin : Twitter : Instagram : Regards, Amit Prajapati
Functionality Like checkout, login with firebase, payment, product filter, upload the product details and image in firebase (admin) , admin only upload the product, most important think mobile responsive is also. A modern UI conforms to your audience's existing perspective of what they think qualifies as a credible visual experience.
# chatGPT-SMS Use ChatGPT without the browser! Text +17622490430. ![image]( You'll need an OpenAI API Key. You can [get one here]( by clicking on `+ Create new secret key`. ![image]( ## Set an Environment Variable with Twilio Functions and Assets Open up your `.env file` for your Functions project in your root directory and add the following line: ```bash OPENAI_API_KEY=YOUR-OPENAI-API-KEY ``` Now you can access this API Key if you'd like to do so in your code with `context.OPENAI_API_KEY`. ## Configure the Serverless Function with a Twilio Phone Number To open up our app to the web with a public-facing URL, run `twilio serverless:deploy` from the root directory. ![image]( Grab the Function URL corresponding to your app (the one that ends with `/chatgpt`) and [configure a Twilio phone number]( with it as shown below: select a Twilio number you purchased in your Twilio phone numbers console and scroll down to the `Messaging` section. Paste the link in the text field for `A MESSAGE COMES IN` webhook making sure that it's set to `HTTP POST`. When you click `Save` it should look like this! ![image]( Now take out your phone and text a question or prompt to your Twilio number. ![image](
ChatGPT over SMS using Twilio Programmable Messaging, Twilio Serverless Toolkit, OpenAI API, Node.js
# Amazon Clone (amazon-clone) ### Tutorial series on how to build this If you'd like a step by step guide on how to build this just **CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW** [![GO TO JOHN WEEKS DEV TUTORIAL VIDEOS](]( Come and check out my YOUTUBE channel for lots more tutorials -> **LIKE**, **SUBSCRIBE**, and **SMASH THE NOTIFICATION BELL**!!! ## App Setup ``` git clone composer install cp .env.example .env php artisan cache:clear composer dump-autoload php artisan key:generate composer require laravel/breeze --dev php artisan breeze:install vue --inertia php artisan serve ``` Create the DB ``` DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=amazon_clone DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= ``` Now migrate your DB ``` php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed ``` Now go to Create a public and private KEY. Add your new PRIVATE API KEY to **CheckoutController.php** ![Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 14 33 10]( And **Checkout** ![Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 14 33 32]( Connect Mailtrap Add the details to **.env** Now run this command to start the project ``` npm i npm run dev ``` You should be good to go! # Application Images ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 13 46]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 14 08]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 14 24]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 14 51]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 15 42]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 16 01]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 16 41]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 16 54]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 17 13]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 17 21]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 18 07]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 18 36]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 19 45]( ![Screenshot 2023-01-08 at 22 20 53](
This is a Amazon Clone made with Vue 3, Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Stripe, and Inertia JS
<a name="readme-top"></a> <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📖 About the Project](#about-project) - [🛠 Built With](#built-with) - [Tech Stack](#tech-stack) - [Key Features](#key-features) - [🚀 Live Demo](#live-demo) - [💻 Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Setup](#setup) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Install](#install) - [Usage](#usage) - [Run tests](#run-tests) - [Deployment](#triangular_flag_on_post-deployment) - [👥 Authors](#authors) - [🔭 Future Features](#future-features) - [🤝 Contributing](#contributing) - [⭐️ Show your support](#support) - [🙏 Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - [📝 License](#license) <!-- PROJECT DESCRIPTION --> # 📖 [Shayan Portfolio] <a name="about-project"></a> > This website is a Portfolio website of a person named Shayan ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> > HTML > CSS > JavaScript > Flexbox > Figma <details> <summary>Client</summary> <ul> <li>HTML ,CSS and Javascript</li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Server</summary> <ul> <li>No server</li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Database</summary> <ul> <li>No Database</li> </ul> </details> <!-- Features --> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> > Formspree service > (RWD) responsive web design using media query > Animation and Transition > Use gitHub pages > Use the js DOM to close the mobile while clicking at the humburger icon <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LIVE DEMO --> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="live-demo"></a> > <a href="" >Visit</a> <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> > Open index.html ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: A browser ### Setup Clone this repository to your desired folder: git clone ### Install Install this project with: npm i ### Usage To run the project, execute the following command: Directly open index.html ### Run tests No tests ### Deployment You can deploy this project using: Get a hosting website and give all of the github files <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- AUTHORS --> ## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a> > Mention all of the collaborators of this project. 👤 Shayan - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( - Twitter: [@twitterhandle]( - LinkedIn: [LinkedIn]( 👤 Mathias - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( 👤 Jaime Villegas - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- FUTURE FEATURES --> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> > Adding work popups > Adding functionality to about section <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the <a href="" >issues page</a>. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- SUPPORT --> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> If you like this project please leave a ⭐️ <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> I would like to thank Microverse and youtube for help <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LICENSE --> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
Welcome to my portfolio website! As a skilled software developer, I have experience working on a range of projects across various industries. On this site, you can explore my past work and see examples of my proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript.
<a name="readme-top"></a> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📖 About the Project](#about-project) - [🛠 Built With](#built-with) - [🚀 Live Demo](#live-demo) - [💻 Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Install](#install) - [👥 Authors](#authors) - [🔭 Future Features](#future-features) - [🤝 Contributing](#contributing) - [⭐️ Show your support](#support) - [🙏 Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - [📝 License](#license) # 📖 Portfolio-setup <a name="about-project"></a> > Portfolio website is one of the important and first step that speak about you and your work. It is the abstract of what you can do based on what you have done in the past. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> > This project is built using HTML and CSS. <details> <summary>HTML</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">index.html</a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>CSS</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">style.css</a></li> </ul> </details> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> - **No linter errors** - **Use of correct GitHub flow** - **Documented in a professional way** - **Follow best practices for HTML and CSS** - **Header and Headline section** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="live-demo"></a> - [Live Demo Link]( - [Watch Presentation]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: - **Visual Studio Code** - **Git Bash** ### Setup Clone this repository to your desired folder: - **cd your-folder** - **git clone** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a> 👤 **Author 1** **Anita Sharma** - GitHub: [@anita00001]( - Twitter: [@anitaa_sharmaa]( - LinkedIn: [anitaa-sharmaa]( **Author 2** **Muhammad Usman Aslam** - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( - Twitter: [@twitterhandle]( - LinkedIn: [LinkedIn]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> - **Build a complete Portfolio website** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> If you like this project feel comfortable to endorse the author. You can contact the author via Twitter or Linkedin or directly message at <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> I would like to thank my coding partners, mentors and Microverse for their support in building the project. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./ licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
A portfolio website displays the proficiency of a developer in various programming languages, frameworks, and tools and experiences with specific projects and industries. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
<a href=""><img src="" width="200"/></a> > <h1> Encriptador/Desencriptador de Texto</h1> > <h2> Challenge ONE</h2> <br><br> > Una App que encripta textos, así podrás intercambiar mensajes secretos con otras personas que sepan el secreto de la encriptación utilizada. Las "llaves" de encriptación que se utilizan son las siguientes: ``` La letra "a" es convertida para "ai" ``` <br> ``` La letra "e" es convertida para "enter" ``` <br> ``` La letra "i" es convertida para "imes" ``` <br> ``` La letra "o" es convertida para "ober" ``` <br> ``` La letra "u" es convertida para "ufat" ``` <br><br> ### __Requisitos:__ - Funciona solo con letras minúsculas - No deben ser utilizados letras con acentos ni caracteres especiales - Debe ser posible convertir una palabra para la versión encriptada también devolver una palabra encriptada para su versión original. Por ejemplo: ``` "gato" => "gaitober" ``` | ``` "gaitober" => "gato" ``` <br><br> ## Para saber más: <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> ¿Qué es la lógica de programación y cómo aplicarla? #AluraMás</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> Cuándo usar let, var y const? #AluraMás</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> ¿Cómo un desarrollador Front End utiliza el Figma? #AluraMás</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href=";t=3s" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href=";t=3s" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> Git y GitHub para Principiantes #AluraMás</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> </ul><br> ## Artículos: <div> <ul dir="auto"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" width="25" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> Guía de Unidades en el CSS | Alura Cursos Online</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" width="25" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> Centrar un elemento con CSS | Alura Cursos Online</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" width="25" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> Capturando valor del input: introducción a los selectores | Alura Cursos Online</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" width="25" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> HTML, CSS y Javascript, ¿cuáles son las diferencias? | Alura Cursos Online</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer ugc nofollow" class="atlaskit-smart-link"><div class="js-react-root"><span class="loader-wrapper"><span><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true"><a href="" tabindex="0" role="button" data-testid="inline-card-resolved-view" class="css-1llm9d6"><span class="css-1awfwlv"><span class="css-1n3444m"><span class="css-w2w4jx"></span><img class="smart-link-icon css-qq5phv" width="25" src="" data-testid="inline-card-icon-and-title-image"></span><span class="smart-link-title-wrapper css-0"> Git y Github: que son y primeros pasos | Alura Cursos Online</span></span></a></span></span></span></div></a></li> </ul> <!--<img align="right" src="" width="250px"/>--> </div>
App para encriptar y desencriptar texto
# Coding Solutions Helpful links and solutions to various coding problems that I come across during day to day coding. ## Android Studio (Emulator) - ['adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file]( ## API - [Best Practices for Naming REST API Endpoints]( - [What Is a CORS Error and How to Fix It (3 Ways)]( - [How to Write Good API Documentation ]( ### TMDB API (Movies) - [Trying to get Backdrops of series from TMDB]( ## Browser/Web Browser - [How to set default checked/enabled background graphic option in print preview using window.print]( ## CSS - [Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll]( - [Media Queries - In between two widths]( - [Rollover one element, and make another element visible]( - [Inverted Border Radius of View in React Native (General CSS Question)]( - [Convert rem to px (Online tool)]( - [Check browser window size]( - [Navbar with background blur]( - [How to set Max Character length in CSS (5 Ways)]( - [Text not wrapping in paragraph element]( - [Div disappears on positioning it fixed]( ## Firebase - [Upload Images / Files to Firebase In React - Firebase V9 File Upload Tutorial]( ## Git/GitHub - [How to Prevent Merge Conflicts (or at least have less of them)]( - [How to remove node_modules folder]( - [What "Remote Origin Already Exists" Error Means and How To Fix It]( - [How to uncommit my last commit in Git? (git reset ... commands)]( - [How do I configure git to ignore some files locally?]( - [Make sure you configure your '' and '' in git bitbucket]( - [How do I create a new branch based on the current HEAD in Git?]( - [Moving changed files to another branch for check-in/Transfer a set of changes to a different branch in git]( - [How do I check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?]( - [How do I delete a local branch in Git?]( - [Git List Branches – How to Show All Remote and Local Branch Names]( - [How to know the git username and email saved during configuration?]( - [Create new branch in Git: <code>git checkout -b branch-name</code>]( - [What does the -M mean in git branch -M main?]( - [How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?]( - [Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary, especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch]( - [git stash - Save the Uncommitted Changes Locally]( - [View git history of specific line]( - [Is it possible to delete a pull-request on BitBucket?]( ## HTML - [How to make <code>input type="file" /</code> accept only these types?]( - [Prevent div from taking 100% width]( - [h1 to next line html (line break/br tag)]( - [What does the HTML image decoding async attribute do and how can it help us to improve performance?]( ## JavaScript - [Convert a string to a number in JavaScript]( - [Map only a portion of an array? (]( - [How to Remove an Element from an Array by ID in JavaScript?]( - [How to insert an item into an array at a specific index?]( - [Getting a random value from a JavaScript array]( - [Difference between forEach() and map()]( - [How to Reverse an Array in JavaScript – JS .reverse() Function](,that%20array%20to%20a%20variable.&text=Using%20the%20spread%20operator%20here,reverse%20method%20on%20the%20clone.) - [Write backslash (\\) in JavaScript]( - [Check if a variable is a string in JavaScript]( - [localStorage is not defined error showing]( - [Capitalize First Letter – How to Uppercase the First Letter in a Word with JS]( - [How to slice string from the end in JavaScript?]( - [How to concatenate/combine the elements of a sub array and a parent array? Array.flat()]( - [Check whether an object has the specified property as its own property <code>hasOwnProperty()</code>]( - [How to pull url file extension out of url string using javascript?]( ## jQuery - [jQuery removeAttr() Method - Remove an HTML element attribute]( ## Material UI (MUI) - [How to remove lines between cells in MUI Table]( - [When should I use style instead of sx prop in Material-UI?](,some%20cases%20as%20explained%20below.) - [Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `children` supplied to `ForwardRef(Tooltip)`. Expected an element that can hold a ref. Did you accidentally use a plain function component for an element instead?]( - [Importing a MaterialUI theme from another file correctly (adding dark mode support with createTheme())]( - [Change TextField font color in MUI]( - [How to remove border in textfield fieldset in material ui?]( - [Material UI Textfield Can't Change Font Size for Multiline]( - [MUI Divider Thickness/changing width or height]( - [How can I center-align Material-ui TextField text?]( - [How can I remove line/border above the accordion of Material UI?]( - [Material-UI Grid Item height/same height]( - [Material-ui drawer width issue]( - [Customizing disabled button color with Material UI (MUI)](,match%20our%20overall%20design%20system.) - [index.js:1 Warning: React does not recognize the endAdornment prop]( - [MUI pagination doesn't move to top/Table scroll to top of new page]( - [How to make a material ui modal scrollable?]( - [Change background color of dialog in mui]( - [Change TextField font color in Material UI? <code><TextField sx={{ input: { color: 'red' } }} /></code>]( - [How to set border radius in Dialog Material ui?]( - [How to add a serial number to every row in MUI DataGrid?]( - [Set Dialog width/maxWidth in Material UI]( - [How to disable a Textfield in Material UI?]( - [Material UI Checkbox Tutorial and Examples]( - [How can I change the font size of the label in FormControlLabel?]( - [Increase size/fontsize of icons in MUI]( - [Display 'No Rows' message after applying filter in MUI DataGrid]( - [Cannot set padding to 0 on Material UI Button]( - [Display 'No Rows' message after applying filter in MUI DataGrid]( ## Markdown - [Add images/local images to Markdown ( file)]( ## MongoDB/Mongoose - [Error : "Could not connect to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster"]( - [Comparing mongoose _id and strings/object id](,equals()%20method.) - [How to add (push) items into mongo array via mongoose?]( - [How to remove (pull) items from mongo array via mongoose?]( - [How to update a field in mongoose?]( - [How to Use findOneAndUpdate() in Mongoose]( - [Convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript]( - [Mongoose use of .select() method]( ## Next.js - [How to pass query parameters from useRouter()]( - [How to create-next-app using version 12 instead of version 13]( - [The default export is not a React Component in page: "/" NextJS]( - [Built-in CSS support (global.css in Next.js)]( - [How to Set port in next.js? (In package.json and via terminal - Yarn]( - [Server Error ReferenceError: window is not defined node_modules/webfontloader/webfontloader.js]( - [Server Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined]( - [NextRouter was not mounted Next.JS (migrating from the pages directory)]( - [Next.js 13 - ReferenceError: location is not defined]( - [How to Fix "localStorage is not defined" in Next.js?]( - [Invalid src prop ('here is a link') on `next/image`, hostname "localhost" is not configured under images in your `next.config.js`]( - [`next/image` Un-configured Host]( - [Dynamic Routes (Next.js 13)]( - [How to Implement Nested Dynamic Routes In NextJS?]( - [How to add a favicon to a Next.js static site?]( - [How to pass object as params in Router.push() in nextjs and access that object in other component?]( - [How to apply different color in AppBar Title Material UI?]( - [Module not found: Can't resolve 'encoding' './node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js']( - [How to set the next/image component to 100% height?]( - [Upload files in Next.js with Edgestore]( - [Nextjs installing react using yarn by default. Install Next.js using yarn]( - [Parsing error : Cannot find module 'next/babel']( - [How can I run a node server with a next.js application?]( - [Custom server in Next.js]( - [Is it possible to make an app with next.js and an another server for backend application and be always good for SEO performances?]( - [How to hide navbar header in login page in nextjs? (layout)]( - [Get URL router pathname in nextjs 13 and 14]( - [Location is not defined error in React + Next.js]( - [<code>Uncaught TypeError: destroy is not a function</code>]( - [Build a Search Bar with Next.js and Prisma (Search API endpoint)]( - [pnpm dev Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error]( - [Can I configure multiple image hostnames in next.config.js (Next.js)?]( - [NextJS Image component with fixed witdth and auto height]( ## Node.js/Express - [Error: Cannot find module 'ejs']( - [Path must be absolute or specify root to <code>res.sendFile</code> [failed to parse JSON]]( - [<code>nodemon</code> command is not recognized in terminal for node js server]( - [<code>req.cookies</code> is undefined]( - [Using dotenv package to create environment variables]( - [SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export']( - [TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'userId' of 'req.body' as it is undefined]( - [What is the Difference Between GET and POST Methods?](,may%20modify%20the%20server's%20state.) - [How To Use EJS to Template Your Node Application?]( - [Getting form data in node js:undefined error while submitting form]( - [Undefined process.env variable with dotenv and nodejs]( - [Determine project root from a running node.js application (<code>require('path').resolve('./')</code>)]( - [Error: EEXIST: file already exists when output directory already exists]( - [Node.js (with express & bodyParser): unable to obtain form-data from post request]( - ["NODE_ENV" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable command or batch file]( - [Add nodemon as a dev dependency]( - [Compare passwords using bcrypt]( - [How set multiple cookies with res.cookie(key, value) on NodeJS?]( - [Set an expire time in cookie with res.cookie]( - [Why is JWT token 'expires in' not removing the cookie from the browsers cache?]( - [How to add query parameters to router.get?]( - [JWT Error: invalid expiresIn option for string payload]( - [JsonWebTokenError: jwt malformed]( - [Delete User and Logout that user from all Devices]( - [jwt must be provided]( - [bcrypt Error: data and hash arguments required]( - [How to make remote REST call inside Node.js? (Nested API call)]( - [How to I Change node version in windows?]( - [How to add product to Shopping Cart with nodejs express and mongoose?]( ## Packages - ['nvm' is not recognized as an internal or external command Windows]( ### FontAwesome Icons - [Why my font-awesome icons are being displayed big at first and then updated to the right size?]( ### Yarn - [Yarn - There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying]( - [How to add a dev dependency using yarn?]( - Answer: <code>yarn add nodemon -D</code> - [How to increase the timeout for `yarn install`?]( ### Carousel Component 1 to use in React, Next.js - [<code>react-horizontal-scrolling-menu</code>]( ### Carousel Component 2 to use in React, Next.js - [<code>react-elastic-carousel</code>]( - [YouTube Tutorial]( - [Infinite looping of children - As the carousel ends, how to bring it back to the first element?]( ### Carousel Component to use in React Native - [FlatList]( - [FlatList - YouTube Tutorial 1]( - [FlatList - YouTube Tutorial 2]( ### Infinite Scroll to use in React, Next.js - [<code>react-infinite-scroll-component</code>]( - [Adding Infinite Scroll | NextJs]( ### Server - [lite-server]( ### Text Editor - [react-quill]( - [document is not defined]( - [Unable to set up a default font size]( ### Puppeteer - Web Scraping - [<code>puppeteer</code>]( ### Drag and Drop List (React) - [<code>react-beautiful-dnd</code>]( - [Invariant failed: Cannot find droppable entry with id]( ## Date - [Moment.js]( ### uuid (For generating unique id) - [<code>uuid</code>]( ### Handle multipart/form-data - [<code>multer</code>]( ## React - [React class in global.css is undefined]( - [How to use SVGs in React]( - [Uncaught Error: The `style` prop expects a mapping from style properties to values, not a string. For example, style={{marginRight: spacing + 'em'}} when using JSX.]( - [How to remove and element from an array onClick?]( - [How can i target a specific item of list on hover in React?]( - [2 Ways to Render HTML Content in React and JSX]( - [10 ReactJS Coding Challenge (💥Coding Interview Prep💥)]( - [3 Coding Interview Challenges for Mid-level React Developers]( - [Why should we not update the state directly? - It won't re-render the component]( - ['react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command]( - [How to detect if capslock key is pressed in password input field? (Caps Lock in React: Tips and Tricks for User-Friendly Form Design)]( - ["vite is not recognized ..." on "npm run dev"]( ## React Native / Expo - [Scroll View inside view not working react native]( - [Applying box shadows in React Native]( - [How to get a versionName in react-native app on Android?]( - [How to display a Hyperlink in React Native App?]( - [Displaying external SVG image from URL in react native]( - [How to Fix ‘VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews’ Warning?]( - [Animated: `useNativeDriver` was not specified. This is a required option and must be explicitly set to `true` or `false` (Related to SideMenu component)]( - [How to solve lagging drawer problem]( - [Optimizing list render performance in React Native]( - [Excessive number of pending callbacks: 501 (TouchableOpacity issue)]( - [Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "GestureHandlerRootView" was not found in the UIManager.]( - [How to combine multiple inline style objects? Ans. <code><View style={[styles.base, styles.background]} /></code>]( - [What is the difference between Expo and React Native?]( - [line spacing text react native]( - [Hide scrollbar in FlatList (React Native) in Android]( - [Can't connect my Android Phone in Expo React Native Project]( - [How to Solve Expo Error: Failed to connect to / (port 8081) after 10000ms ]( - [Hide scrollbar (horizontal or vertical) in ScrollView]( - [Change font family of TextInput (React Native)]( - [Change font family of DropDown list items (React Native)]( - [How to set <code><Text></code> text to upper case in react native]( - [Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSVGSvgViewAndroid" was not found in the UIManager]( - [Error: Style property 'shadowOffset' is not supported by native animated module]( - [Issue when downloading files on Android builds running expo-dev-client]( - [Error While Updating property "edges" of a view managed by RNCSafeAreaView in react native]( - [Expo SDK update from 42 to 46 - a lot work? - Upgrade Expo version]( - [(react-native-svg Error) "Tried to register two views with the same name RNSVGRect"]( - [Expected package @expo/config-plugins@~7.2.2 Found invalid: @expo/config-plugins@5.0.4]( - [Expected package, Found invalid when running expo doctor]( - [Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSVGSvgViewAndroid" was not found in the UIManager]( - [You can't rollout this release because it doesn't allow any existing users to upgrade to the newly added app bundles]( - [Restricted in strict mode, js engine: hermes (React Native + Axios 1.0.0)]( - [EAS build RNCWebView not found]( - [I am trying to install eas cli and am getting the error: zsh: command not found: eas]( - [How to tell if your Android app has been approved by Google and can be rolled out on Google Play for initial public launch?]( - [Internal testing in Google Play doesn't send out emails]( - [Add usesClearTextTraffic = true on expo-react-native]( - [ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your flutter PATH]( ### Packages for React Native - [react-native-drawer]( - [react-native-side-drawer]( - [react-native-root-toast (Show toast messages)]( ## Tailwind CSS - [Animated loading spinner in 60 seconds - Tailwind CSS]( - [Skeleton in Tailwind CSS]( ## VS Code - [Remove/delete unused imports and declarations: Press <code>Alt + Shift + O</code> (Windows)]( - [Prettier formatter on save not working]( - [Collapse (fold/unfold) all methods/functions in Visual Studio Code]( - [How To Format Code with Prettier in Visual Studio Code?]( --- ## Web Development and UI/UX - [10 Best Practices for Creating Sign-up Forms]( - [Best UX practices for search interface]( - [Disable same origin policy in Chrome]( - [8 UI/UX tips about password design]( - [How to Write a Perfect Error Message](,contrast%20against%20its%20background%20color.) - [What is the difference between WCAG A, AA and AAA?]( ## WordPress - [Changing WordPress login information (email, password) from cPanel/Hpanel](,from%20within%20your%20hosting%20cPanel.) - [WordPress - blog post title font massive, how do we change](
Helpful links and solutions to various coding problems that I come across during day to day. JavaScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, etc. coding.
An easy way to get started with websockets in golang.
<p align="center"> <img alt="Flappy Bird" src="img/flappy_bird.png" /> </p> # Flappy Bird This is a Flappy Bird clone built with HTML5 canvas and vanilla JavaScript. You can play play it [here]( Additionally, further down in this README is a list of [Game Controls](#game-controls). ## About the game Flappy Bird was a side-scrolling game developed by the Vietnamese Dong Nguyen, under his game development company [dotGEARS]( The game's goal is to guide a flying bird as it moves to the right, while avoiding sets of pipes. To keep the bird airborne, the player must tap, causing the bird to briefly flap. If the player doesn't tap, the bird falls due to gravity. The player earns one point each time the bird flies through a pair of pipes. Medals are awarded based on the player's final score. Scores between 10 and 20 earn a bronze medal, while a silver medal is awarded for scores of 20 or higher. A gold medal is given to those who score above 30 points, and players who achieve a score of 40 or higher receive a planinum medal. ## Implementations ### Physics & Coordinate Mapping The game physics rely on a 2D cartesian coordinate mapping system that correlates directly with pixel vectors relative to the canvas origin. Each object has an instance variable of x,y position coordinates that can be directly associated with a pixel vector in relation to the canvas origin. It is important to mention that since the canvas origin is in the upper left corner, the ```y``` coordinate value increases from top to bottom on the canvas. ### Main functions - ```draw()``` - It's responsible for drawing the game objects on the canvas. It's a method present in all objects in the game, which draws the element of the respective object using its properties. - ```update()``` - It's responsible for updating the game objects on the canvas. It's present in some game objects, wich updates the bird's position in all game states, foreground's positon and pipes' position. It also updates the random position of medal's shining animation on Game Over state. - ```loop()``` - This function is used to run the game loop. It runs every 1/75th of a second so that regardless of each player's computer update rate, the game has a fixed update rate of 75FPS. It calls ```update()``` and ```draw()```, thus updating the game state and rendering graphics, respectively. Frames are only incremented if the game isn't paused. This function also calls ```requesteAnimationFrame(loop)``` to continue the loop on the next frame. - ```canvasScale()``` - It's responsible for adjusting the canvas size according to the browser's window size, using the ```clientWidth``` and ```clientHeight``` properties of the document object. In addition, it also sets the canvas scale so that the graphic elements are drawn with the same proportion in different resolutions. This function is called when the window is loaded or resized. ### Collisions Explicit hitboxes weren't used to detect collisions. Instead, a check was made to evaluate whether or not the bird's ```x``` and ```y``` coordinates were overlappinping the pipes or foreground ```x``` and ```y``` coordinates. The bird's collision with the pipes or foreground is performed every frame. If the bird's position overlaps any part of the pipes or foreground, a collision is detected. In this case, the game ends. ## Game States - **Home** - Game's initial state, where the player can start the game, mute or unmute the sound and activate or deactivate the night mode. - **Get Ready** - Where the player is about to start the game. - **Game** - Game's main state, where the player flies with the bird. In this state the player must avoid colliding with a set of pipes or with the foreground and try to get the best score. - **Game Over** - The game is over because the player collided with a pipe or with the foreground. In this state the player's score and best score are shown with the option to restart the game or to return to Home state. <p align="center"> <img alt="Game States" src="img/game_states.png" /> </p> ## Game controls #### Mouse - All buttons in the game can be clicked with the mouse. #### Keyboard - You can use the ```n``` key at any time to activate/deactivate the site's night mode. - During the game state, you can use the following keys: - ```space``` - Make the bird flap - ```p``` - Pause/Resume the game ## Acknowledgements - [Figma]( This vector graphic and prototyping design tool was used to create and edit the sprite sheet for the game, and measure the coordinates and dimensions of each object in the sprite sheet. - []( This website was used as a reference for scaling most of the elements and the game itself. - [CodeExplainedRepo]( The structure of the code was inspired by his tutorial provided on GitHub.
Flappy Bird clone with vanilla JavaScript
# Eventery A tiny publish-subscribe library for JavaScript, specifically tailored for use in games: - Instantiate event objects with typed arguments. - Supports events with zero, one, or multiple typed arguments; no need to create extra payload objects for events with multiple arguments. - Events support synchronous and asynchronous publishing. - Events provide their own events that notify about new or removed subscribers. - Zero dependencies! ## Overview ```ts import { Event } from "eventery"; /* Create an event. You can pass a type to describe the event's payload arguments. These may optionally be named, like here: */ const event = new Event<[deltaTime: number]>(); /* Create a callback and add it as a subscriber. */ function callback(dt: number) { console.log(dt); } event.subscribe(callback); /* Publish an event. The subscribers will be invoked synchronously. */ event.publish(123); /* Unsubscribe the callback. */ event.unsubscribe(callback); /* Clear all subscribers. */ event.clear(); ``` ### With React (and similar) The `subscribe` function returns a function that will unsubscribe the callback when called. This is handy for use with React's `useEffect` hook: ```ts useEffect(() => event.subscribe(listener), []); ``` ## Event Payloads Event payloads are typed using TypeScript's tuple syntax. For example, the following event has a payload with two arguments: ```ts const event = new Event<[number, number]>(); ``` These arguments may optionally be named: ```ts const event = new Event<[x: number, y: number]>(); ``` Payload arguments can be made optional: ```ts const event = new Event<[dt: number, context?: string]>(); ``` They can use the `...` syntax to indicate that the argument is a rest parameter: ```ts const event = new Event<[context: string, ...deltas: number[]]>(); ``` ## Subscribe/Unsubscribe Notification Events `Event` provides two events that notify about new or removed subscribers: ```ts import { Event } from "eventery"; const event = new Event<[number]>(); /* Subscribe to the event that notifies about new subscribers. */ event.onSubscribed.subscribe((callback) => { console.log("New subscriber:", callback); }); /* Subscribe to the event that notifies about removed subscribers. */ event.onUnsubscribed.subscribe((callback) => { console.log("Removed subscriber:", callback); }); const callback = function (dt: number) { console.log(dt); }; /* Subscribe a callback. This will trigger all `onSubscribe` callbacks. */ event.subscribe(callback); /* Unsubscribe the callback. This will trigger all `onUnsubscribe` callbacks. */ event.unsubscribe(callback); ``` ## License ``` Copyright (c) 2023 Hendrik Mans Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ```
Super-lightweight event class implementation. 🚀
![banner]( <h1 align="center">🎶 WaifuMusic 🎵</h1> # WaifuMusic - Invite our bot directly [here.]( - Visit our bot website: [waifumusic]( - Vote for WaifuMusic: ## 💨 Update 1.3.0 The bot now uses the latest version of discord.js and prefix commands are back again, added more function to it, a music channel where you can type your song and waifu will join the vc where you are in and play the music you entered. More updates information on our support server. ## 💦 Required - Node.js v18+ - Discord.js v14 - Distube - ffmpeg - libsodium-wrappers ## 🔰 First step To run this correctly on your desktop/local device, please follow these steps. > To begin, obtain a copy of the code by either cloning it using Git or downloading the zip file. ``` git clone ``` ``` ``` To proceed, after obtaining a copy of the code through cloning or downloading and unzipping the file, open the source code and enter the following command in your console. ``` npm install ``` This command will install the necessary packages as specified in the package.json file. ## 💠 Config With all packages now downloaded, proceed to the `config.js` file where you will be required to fill in important variables for configuration. ```js module.exports = { WAIFU_TOKEN: process.env.WAIFU_TOKEN, // bot token OWNER_ID: "939867069070065714", // your id OWNER_TAG: "Hachiki#3819", // your user tag OWNER_LINK: "", // DEV_GUILD:"1058390757297377331", // dev guild MONGO_DB: process.env.MONGO_DB, // database mongodb // spotify for distube // If spotify_tracks is true then you can play song from spotify more than 100+ the default is *false* // You can get these secret and client_id from here: WAIFU_TRACKS: parseBoolean(process.env.WAIFU_TRACKS || false), SPOTIFY_SECRET: process.env.SPOTIFY_SECRET, SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID: process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID, YOUTUBE_COOKIE: process.env.YOUTUBE_COOKIE, // youtube cookie to make less lag MAIN_COLOR: "#2F3136", ERR_COLOR: "#ED2828", WAIFU_PREFIX: "w!", CHANNEL: "1027435338706210847" } ``` ## 💕 Running Once the necessary variables have been entered in the config.js file, invite your bot to the server you fill in the `config.js` then, use the following command in your console to run your bot. ``` npm run start ``` If you want to start with shards run this. ``` npm run shards ``` - Congratiolations you now have a running bot and play music on vc's! ## 💫 Deploy [![Remix on Glitch](](!/import/github/WilardzySenpai/WaifuMusic)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [![Deploy](](;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [![Run on](]( > NOTE: It is important to note that using this code to publish a bot publicly or advertising it without proper credit is strictly prohibited. ## 🤝 Contributors - Contribution from others is always welcome to help improve and add new features to the bot. > While contributions to improve and add new features to the bot are welcome, it should be noted that not all submissions will be accepted into the master branch. <a href=""> <img src="" /> </a>
A music bot made with discord.js and distube for player.
# Little Lemon Restaurant A dynamic, responsive website querying RESTful Table-booking API & MySQL Database. Features email confirmation and form validation functionality. ### Note: Deployed website is temporarily unavailable to access while the website is under development. ![Screenshot](assets/readme-image1.png) ![Screenshot](assets/readme-image2.png) ### Tech Stack: ##### Front-end: - React - Axios ##### Back-end: - Django, Django-Rest-Framework - MySQL (Database) ### Third Party Libraries & APIs: - react-router-dom - react-responsive-carousel ### Install and Run: - Run 'npm start' on the client folder - Run the following commands in the server folder: - python3 makemigrations - python3 migrate - python3 runserver Happy exploring!
Dynamic Website using table-booking API made with React and Django
PocketGuard(A Budget App with JavaScript) it is a Budget app create using HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT. Here you can add your budget(set budget) and add your expenses. Then this app create an Expenses list where you can see your all expenses and you can manage them very easily like Edit, Delete.
All the Resources and Codes are Collected and Written throughout the course ... ❤️ ... 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤 ... 👇🏻
# 50 Projects in 50 Days It was implemented by following a [tutorial](, and used for learning purposes. ![HTML5]( ![CSS3]( ![JavaScript]( ## [Live Projects]( | # | Project | Status | | :-: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- | | 01 | [Expanding Cards]( | Complated | | 03 | [Rotating Navigation Animation]( | Complated | | 02 | [Progress Steps]( | Complated | | 04 | [Hidden Search Widget]( | Complated | | 05 | [Blurry Loading]( | Complated | | 06 | [Scroll Animation]( | Complated | | 07 | [Split Landing Page]( | Complated | | 08 | [Form Wave Animation]( | Complated | | 09 | [Sound Board]( | Complated | | 10 | [Dad Jokes]( | Complated | | 11 | [Event KeyCodes]( | Complated | | 12 | [Faq-Collapse]( | Complated | | 13 | [Random Choice Picker]( | Complated | | 14 | [Animated Navigation]( | Complated | | 15 | [Incrementing Counter]( | Complated | | 16 | [Drink Water]( | Complated | | 17 | [Movie App]( | Complated | | 18 | [Background Slider]( | Complated | | 19 | [Theme Clock]( | Complated | | 20 | [Button Ripple Effect]( | Complated | | 21 | [Drag N Drop]( | Complated | | 22 | [Drawing App]( | Complated | | 23 | [Kinetic CSS Loader]( | Complated | | 24 | [Content PlaceHolder]( | Complated | | 25 | [Sticky Navbar]( | Complated | | 26 | [Double Vertical Slider]( | Complated | | 27 | [Toast Notification]( | Complated | | 28 | [Github Profiles]( | Complated | | 29 | [Double Click Heart]( | Complated | | 30 | [Auto Text Effect]( | Complated | | 31 | [Password Generator]( | Complated | | 32 | [Good Cheap Fast Checkbox]( | Complated | | 33 | | | | 34 | | | | 35 | | | | 36 | | | | 37 | | | | 38 | | | | 39 | | | | 40 | | | | 41 | | | | 42 | | | | 43 | | | | 44 | | | | 45 | | | | 46 | | | | 47 | | | | 48 | | | | 49 | | | | 50 | | |
It was implemented by following a tutorial, and used for learning purposes.
# OpenAI Bot (Beta v0.0.3) <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><img src="" width="15%"/><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><img src="" width="15%"/> <a href="#-features">Features</a> • <a href="#-installation">Installation</a> • <a href="#-support">Support</a> • <a href="#%EF%B8%8F-dependencies">Dependencies</a> • <a href="#-license">License</a> #### Video Demo: > []( #### Description: OpenAI Bot allows users to access the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence technologies right from a Discord server. With this bot, you can use the GPT-4 language model to generate human-like text. Whether you're looking to retrieve creative ideas, write compelling content, or simply have some fun, the GPT-4 model is up to the task. In addition to text generation, OpenAI Bot also allows users to access the DALL-E image generation model. This model can create unique and original images based on text input, allowing you to create visually striking graphics and artwork with ease. Whether you're an artist looking to generate new ideas, a designer looking to create eye-catching graphics, or just someone who enjoys creating and experimenting, the DALL-E model is a great resource. ## ⚡ Features ### `/ask` command The `ask` slash command allows users to ask any question and receive an exhaustive answer. Simply type `/ask` followed by your question in a Discord channel where the bot is present, and the bot will use OpenAI's AI models to provide an answer. ### `/image` command The `image` slash command allows users to generate an image using OpenAI's DALL·E technology. Simply type `/image` followed by a description of the image you want to generate in a Discord channel where the bot is present, and the bot will send you an embedded message with the generated image. ### `/chat` command The `chat` slash command allows users to chat with OpenAI's GPT chatbot. Type `/chat` followed by `open` in a Discord channel where the bot is present, and the bot will begin a chat session with you. All chat sessions are saved in a local SQL database. To temporarily close a chat session type `/chat` followed by `close`. If you want to permanently delete your chat history from the database, type `/chat` followed by `delete`. _[ NOTE: You will be asked to confirm your choice since deletion is IRREVERSIBLE ]_ ## 🛠 Installation To install and run OpenAI Bot on your own Discord server, follow these steps: 1. Download the source code by cloning this repository or downloading a zip file. 2. Install the dependencies by running `npm install` in the root directory of the project. 3. In the `.env` file located in the root directory of the project insert the following values: - **Discord API token** as the value for the `DISCORD_TOKEN` variable. (You can sign up for a Discord API Token at []( - **Application ID** as the value for the `CLIENT_ID` variable. - **Your Development Server ID** as the value for the `GUILD_ID` variable. - **OpenAI API key** as the value for the `OPENAI_API_KEY` variable. (You can sign up for an OpenAI API key at []( 4. Start the bot by running `npm start` or `node .` in the root directory of the project. ## 🆘 Support If you need any support while setting up your own bot, feel free to join the __[Development Server]( ## ⛓️ Dependencies OpenAI Bot has the following dependencies: - **[discord.js](**: A JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API. - **[openai](**: A JavaScript library for interacting with the OpenAI API. - **[sqlite3](**: A JavaScript library that provides a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. - **[dotenv](**: A JavaScript library that loads environment variables from a .env file and makes them accessible via process.env object in Node.js applications ## 📖 License OpenAI Bot is open source and released under the [MIT License](
Allows users to access OpenAI technologies right from a Discord server.
A landing page website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For the Solve-it event that will be hosted by GDSC Estin club.
# Mossland Disclosure System In the first half of 2023, Mossland introduced the Disclosure System to provide greater transparency and a fairer opportunity for project participation to Mosscoin holders. This system offers comprehensive information related to Mosscoin, including real-time circulating supply, future distribution plans, and a list of wallets managed by the foundation. Additionally, it furnishes real-time information about Mossland's open-source development progress and voting status within its decentralized framework, thus aiding Mosscoin holders in assessing the project's progression. The Mossland Disclosure System ( is an open-source project. ## Development Roadmap - 2023-01-09: **[Completed]** Mossland Disclosure Website Launch: Open-source Node.js backend for market data and document access - Purpose: Provide comprehensive information about Mosscoin distribution plans and disclosures - Content: Backend source code based on Node.js, offering information through HTTP REST APIs - Distribution information disclosure: Market capitalization, current circulating supply, distribution plans, foundation wallet lists, planned changes in circulation, etc. - Information disclosure: Disclosure documents, project-related documents - 2023-05-30: **[Completed]** Mossland Disclosure Website Update: Real-time trading and market data, along with open-source community statistics - Purpose: Provide real-time Mosscoin transaction data, market data, and Mossland project activity information to assist Mosscoin holders in evaluating the project - Content: Real-time Mosscoin transaction information, real-time market data, open-source community activity information and statistics - Real-time Mosscoin transaction information: Contract source code, Mosscoin holder count, recent transaction count, real-time transfer records - Real-time Mosscoin market information: Mosscoin trading volume, circulating supply, price indicators, real-time order/execution history, etc. - Mossland open-source activity information: Github Code Frequency, Github Code Commits real-time information - Mossland DAO activity information: Total agenda count, cumulative voting count, recent agenda status, etc. - 2023-08-15: **[Completed]** Mossland Public Disclosure Website 2nd Update: Real-time Status of MossCoin Swap System - Purpose: Providing real-time information about Wrapped MOC(WMOC) and MossCoin swap system ( developed to enhance MossCoin liquidity level. - Contents: Real-time provision of information regarding WMOC and MossCoin swap system on the website. - WMOC contract code, address, and transaction details provided. - Real-time status information of MossCoin swap system: WMOC/MOC lock-up quantity and wallet addresses. - 2024: Real-time updates of Mossland's decentralized governance framework information and statistics ## Source Code Directory Overview ### [mossland_disclosure_api](/mossland_disclosure_api) Backend source code based on .NET that provides the following information through HTTP REST APIs: - Market capitalization (Mossland, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko) - Circulating supply (Mossland, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko) - Total issuance limit (Mossland) - Circulating supply change plans - Disclosures, public documents ### [mossland_disclosure_api2](/mossland_disclosure_api2) Backend source code based on Node.js that provides the following information through HTTP REST APIs: - Market capitalization (Mossland, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko) - Circulating supply (Mossland, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko) - Total issuance limit (Mossland) - Circulating supply change plans - Disclosures, public documents ### [nginx](/nginx) Provides nginx.conf needed for operating backend servers based on .NET ### [web](/web) Source code for the website's frontend. # 모스랜드 공시 시스템 모스랜드는 2023년 상반기에 모스랜드는 모스코인 홀더에게 보다 높은 투명성과 공정한 프로젝트 참여 가능성을 제공하기 위해서 공시 시스템을 출시했습니다. 이 시스템은 모스코인의 실시간 유통량, 향후 유통 계획, 재단이 관리하는 지갑 리스트 등과 같은 모스코인과 관련된 종합적인 정보를 제공합니다. 또한, 모스랜드의 오픈소스 개발 진행 상황과 분산화 프레임워크에서 진행되는 투표 현황과 같은 실시간 정보를 제공하여 모스코인 홀더들이 모스랜드 프로젝트의 진행 상황을 평가하는 데 큰 도움을 주고 있습니다. 모스랜드 공시 시스템( 오픈소스 프로젝트입니다. ## 개발 로드맵 - 2023-01-09: **[개발 완료]** Mossland 공시 웹사이트: 시장 데이터 및 문서용 오픈 소스 Node.js 백엔드 공개 - 목적: 모스코인 유통 계획과 공시 자료를 종합적으로 제공 - 내용: Node.js를 기반으로 한 백엔드 소스 코드로, HTTP REST API를 통해 정보를 제공 - 유통 정보 공개: 시가총액(Market Cap), 현재 유통량(Circulating Supply), 유통 계획, 재단 지갑 리스트, 유통량 변경 계획 등 - 정보 공개: 공시 문서, 프로젝트 관련 문서 - 2023-05-30: **[개발 완료]** Mossland 공시 웹사이트 업데이트: 실시간 거래 및 시장 데이터, 그리고 오픈 소스 커뮤니티 통계 - 목적: 모스코인 활성화와 모스랜드 프로젝트의 활동 정보를 실시간으로 제공하여 모스코인 홀더에게 프로젝트 평가에 도움을 주는 것 - 내용: 모스코인 실시간 거래 정보, 실시간 시장 데이터, 오픈 소스 커뮤니티 활동 정보와 통계 제공 - 실시간 모스코인 트랜잭션 정보: 컨트랙트 소스 코드, 모스코인 홀더 수, 최근 트랜잭션 개수, 실시간 전송 기록 - 실시간 모스코인 마켓 정보: 모스코인 거래량, 유통량, 가격 지표, 실시간 호가/체결 이력 등 - 모스랜드 오픈소스 활동 정보: Github Code Frequency, Github Code Commits 실시간 정보 - 모스랜드 DAO 활동 정보: 전체 안건 수, 누적 투표 수, 최근 안건 현황 등 - 2023-08-15: **[개발 완료]** Mossland 공시 웹사이트 2차 업데이트: 모스코인 스왑 실시간 상태 - 목적: 모스코인 거래수준 향상을 위해 개발된 Wrapped MOC(WMOC)과 모스코인 스왑 시스템 (의 실시간 정보를 제공 - 내용: WMOC와 모스코인 스왑 시스템의 정보를 웹사이트에 실시간 제공 - WMOC 컨트랙트 코드, 주소, 거래 정보 제공 - 모스코인 스왑 시스템의 실시간 상태 정보 제공: WMOC/MOC 락업 수량과 지갑 주소 등 - 2024년: 모스랜드 분산 거버넌스 프레임워크의 실시간 정보 및 통계 업데이트 ## 소스코드 디렉토리 소개 ### [mossland_disclosure_api](/mossland_disclosure_api) .net 기반의 backend 소스코드로 HTTP REST API로 아래 정보를 제공합니다. - 시가총액 (모스랜드, 코인마켓캡, 코인게코) - 유통량 (모스랜드, 코인마켓캡, 코인게코) - 총 발행한도 (모스랜드) - 유통량 변동 계획 - 공시, 공개문서 ### [mossland_disclosure_api2](/mossland_disclosure_api2) node 기반의 backend 소스코드로 HTTP REST API로 아래 정보를 제공합니다. - 시가총액 (모스랜드, 코인마켓캡, 코인게코) - 유통량 (모스랜드, 코인마켓캡, 코인게코) - 총 발행한도 (모스랜드) - 유통량 변동 계획 - 공시, 공개문서 ### [nginx](/nginx) .net 기반의 backend 서버 운영시 필요한 nginx.conf 제공 ### [web](/web) 홈페이지 소스코드입니다.
모스랜드 공시 사이트( 오픈소스 프로젝트입니다.
**Lava Lamp** - *Light up your insight with wonder* <img src="" width="200"/> iOS apps flavored with Angular, React, Solid, Svelte, TypeScript and Vue - [Setup to Play](#setup-to-play) - [Taste the Rainbow](#taste-the-rainbow) - [What is This?](#what-is-this) - [Credits](#credits) ## Setup to Play Prerequisites: - [NativeScript Environment Setup]( - yarn installed: `npm install -g yarn` (tested with 1.22.19) - node >=16 (recommend 18.x.x) ``` yarn setup ``` ## Taste the Rainbow <img src="" width="60"/> ``` yarn nx run nativescript-angular:ios ``` <img src="" width="60"/> ``` yarn nx run nativescript-react:ios ``` <img src="" width="60"/> ``` yarn nx run nativescript-solid:ios ``` <img src="" width="60"/> ``` yarn nx run nativescript-svelte:ios ``` <img src="" width="60"/> ``` yarn nx run nativescript-typescript:ios ``` <img src="" width="60"/> ``` yarn nx run nativescript-vue:ios ``` ## What is This? An Nx workspace with Angular, React, Solid, Svelte, TypeScript and Vue iOS apps all sharing the same SwiftUI files via NativeScript. The workspace combines yarn workspaces with Nx to hoist dependencies where needed to share. - Each app shares iOS Resources including SwiftUI files from [here](tools/App_Resources/iOS/src). - Each app's `nativescript.config.ts` configures the shared resources via the `appResourcesPath` property ## Credits Inspired by [@Inncoder_](
Credit to @Inncoder_, An Nx workspace with Angular, React, Solid, Svelte, TypeScript and Vue iOS apps all sharing the same SwiftUI files via NativeScript.
<a name="readme-top"></a> <div align="center"> <!-- You are encouraged to replace this logo with your own! Otherwise you can also remove it. --> <img src="logo.png" alt="logo" width="650" height="auto" /> <br/> <h3><b>My Artists</b></h3> </div> <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📗 Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents) - [📖 My Artists ](#-my-artists-) - [Main Files: Project Structure](#main-files-project-structure) - [🛠 Built With ](#-built-with-) - [Tech Stack ](#tech-stack-) - [Key Features ](#key-features-) - [🚀 Live Demo ](#-live-demo-) - [💻 Getting Started ](#-getting-started-) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Setup](#setup) - [Install](#install) - [1. Backend dependencies](#1-backend-dependencies) - [2. Frontend dependencies](#2-frontend-dependencies) - [Usage](#usage) - [Deployment](#deployment) - [👥 Authors ](#-authors-) - [🔭 Future Features ](#-future-features-) - [🤝 Contributing ](#-contributing-) - [⭐️ Show your support ](#️-show-your-support-) - [🙏 Acknowledgments ](#-acknowledgments-) - [❓ FAQ (OPTIONAL) ](#-faq-optional-) - [📝 License ](#-license-) <!-- PROJECT DESCRIPTION --> # 📖 My Artists <a name="about-project"></a> My Artists is a musical venue and artist booking site that facilitates the discovery and booking of shows between local performing artists and venues. This site lets you list new artists and venues, discover them, and list shows with artists as venue owners. My job is to build out the data models to power the API endpoints for this site by connecting to a PostgreSQL database for storing, querying, and creating information about artists and venues on Fyyur. This is afully functioning site that is at least capable of doing the following, if not more, using a PostgreSQL database: * creating new venues, artists, and creating new shows. * searching for venues and artists. * learning more about a specific artist or venue. I want this to be the next new platform that artists and musical venues can use to find each other, and discover new music shows. ## Main Files: Project Structure ```sh ├── ├── *** the main driver of the app. Includes SQLAlchemy models. "python" to run after installing dependencies ├── *** Database URLs, CSRF generation, etc ├── error.log ├── *** Forms ├── requirements.txt *** The dependencies needed to install with "pip3 install -r requirements.txt" ├── static │   ├── css │   ├── font │   ├── ico │   ├── img │   └── js └── templates ├── errors ├── forms ├── layouts └── pages ``` Overall: * Models are located in the `MODELS` section of ``. * Controllers are also located in ``. * The web frontend is located in `templates/`, which builds static assets deployed to the web server at `static/`. * Web forms for creating data are located in `` Highlight folders: * `templates/pages` -- (Already complete.) Defines the pages that are rendered to the site. These templates render views based on data passed into the template’s view, in the controllers defined in ``. These pages successfully represent the data to the user, and are already defined for you. * `templates/layouts` -- (Already complete.) Defines the layout that a page can be contained in to define footer and header code for a given page. * `templates/forms` -- (Already complete.) Defines the forms used to create new artists, shows, and venues. * `` -- (Missing functionality.) Defines routes that match the user’s URL, and controllers which handle data and renders views to the user. This is the main file that I will be working on to connect to and manipulate the database and render views with data to the user, based on the URL. * Models in `` -- (Missing functionality.) Defines the data models that set up the database tables. * `` -- (Missing functionality.) Stores configuration variables and instructions, separate from the main application code. This is where I will need to connect to the database. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> <details> <summary>Frontend</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">HTML</a></li> <li><a href="">CSS</a></li> <li><a href="">JavaScript</a></li> <li><a href="">Bootstrap 5</a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Backend</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">**virtualenv** as a tool to create isolated Python environments</a></li> <li><a href="">**SQLAlchemy ORM** to be the ORM library of choice</a></li> <li><a href="">**Python3** as the server language.</a></li> <li><a href="">**Flask** as the server framework.</a></li> <li><a href="">**Flask-Migrate** for creating and running schema migrations.</a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Database</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">PostgreSQL</a></li> </ul> </details> <!-- Features --> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> - **Post and find venues.** - **Post a show.** - **Post and find artists.** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LIVE DEMO --> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="live-demo"></a> > It will be available soon. - [Live Demo Link]() <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: Python ```sh ``` Node.js ```sh ``` PostgreSQL ```sh ``` ### Setup Clone this repository to your desired folder: ```sh cd my-folder git clone ``` ### Install Install all necessary dependencies: #### 1. Backend dependencies Download and install the dependencies mentioned above using `pip` as: ``` pip install virtualenv pip install SQLAlchemy pip install postgres pip install Flask pip install Flask-Migrate ``` #### 2. Frontend dependencies **HTML**, **CSS**, and **Javascript** with [Bootstrap 5]( for this website's frontend. Bootstrap can only be installed by Node Package Manager (NPM). Therefore, if not already, download and install the [Node.js]( Windows users must run the executable as an Administrator, and restart the computer after installation. After successfully installing the Node, verify the installation as shown below. ``` node -v npm -v ``` Install Bootstrap 5 ``` npm init -y npm install bootstrap@5 ``` ### Usage 1. **Initialize and activate a virtualenv using:** ``` python -m virtualenv env source env/bin/activate ``` >**Note** - In Windows, the `env` does not have a `bin` directory. Therefore, you'd use the analogous command shown below: ``` source env/Scripts/activate ``` 4. **Install the dependencies:** ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 5. **Run the development server:** ``` python ``` 6. **Verify on the Browser**<br> Navigate to project homepage []( or [http://localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000) ### Deployment I will deploy this site soon. <!-- Example: ```sh ``` --> <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- AUTHORS --> ## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a> 👤 **Julio Quezada** - GitHub: [Alejandroq12]( - Twitter: [@JulioAle54]( - LinkedIn: [Julio Quezada]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- FUTURE FEATURES --> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> - [ ] **I will deploy the database.** - [ ] **I will deplot the frotend** - [ ] **I will improve the user interface.** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- SUPPORT --> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> If you like this project please give a star or send me a message with your feedback <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> I would like to thank Udacity because this project was assigned to me in order to develop the entire backend on my own. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- FAQ (optional) --> ## ❓ FAQ (OPTIONAL) <a name="faq"></a> - **What did you learned with this project?** - I learned how to use Python as a server side language and how to set up the database. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LICENSE --> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
My Artists is a musical venue and artist booking site that facilitates the discovery and bookings of shows between local performing artists and venues. This site lets you list new artists and venues, discover them, and list shows with artists as a venue owner.
<a name="PORTFOLIO-SETUP"></a> >PORTFOLIO-SETUP <div align="center"> <h3><b>PORTFOLIO-SETUP</b></h3> </div> <!-- PORTFOLIO-SETUP --> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📖 About the Project](#about-project) - [🛠 Built With](#built-with) - [🚀 Live Demo](#live-demo) - [💻 Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Setup](#setup) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Install](#install) - [Usage](#usage) - [Run tests](#run-tests) - [Deployment](#triangular_flag_on_post-deployment) - [👥 Authors](#authors) - [🔭 Future Features](#future-features) - [🤝 Contributing](#contributing) - [⭐️ Show your support](#support) - [🙏 Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - [📝 License](#license) <!-- PROJECT DESCRIPTION --> # 📖 Portfolio Setup <a name="about-project"></a> **Portfolio Setup** is a project I built to display my project and skills. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Git <a name="Git"></a> ### Vs code<a name="Vs code"></a> ### TNode js <a name="Node js"></a> <details> <summary>Client</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">Readme</a></li> </ul> </details> <details> <summary>Server</summary> <ul> <li><a href="">Repo</a></li> </ul> </details> <!-- Features --> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> - **Description** - **Popup Window with project details and Menu** - **Contacts** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## Video Description of the project <a name="Video" href="" > Video </a> <!-- LIVE DEMO --> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="Preim Live"></a> - Live Demo Link(href=" <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> -**You are allowed to clone this project** To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites In order to run this project you need: >To Clone this ( repository to your desired folder: ### Setup >Clone this ( repository to your desired folder: git clone ### Install Install this project with: -Link (href=" ### Usage To run the project, execute the following command: To run the project, open git bash and run the followind commands: > git init > cd my-project > code . ### Run tests To run tests, run the following command: > git init > cd my-project > code . ### Deployment You can deploy this project using: -Link (href=" <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- AUTHORS --> ## 👥 Authors <a name="Ikoote Rasuli"></a> > IKOOTE RASULI 👤 **Author1** - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( - Twitter: [@twitterhandle]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- FUTURE FEATURES --> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> > Describe 1 - 3 features you will add to the project. - [ ] **Comment Featue in Popup window** - [ ] **Live call to the Developer** - [ ] **Link to more Projects** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- SUPPORT --> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> If you like this project , I will be very grad to help you with any issue. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> I would like to thank Microverse and its team. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LICENSE --> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> [](
I designed my portfolio website to help display my finished projects to customs. User can create a profile, save progress, and showcase cards for finished projects. Built with Javascript.
<a name="readme-top"></a> <div align="center"> <h1>React Todos</h1> <h4><b>An Advance todo list app that can track progress</b></h4> </div> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📗 Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents) - [📖 React Todos ](#-todo-list-) - [🛠 Built With ](#-built-with-) - [Tech Stack ](#tech-stack-) - [Key Features ](#key-features-) - [🚀 Live Demo ](#-live-demo-) - [💻 Getting Started ](#-getting-started-) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Setup](#setup) - [Install](#install) - [Usage](#usage) - [👥 Author ](#-author-) - [🔭 Future Features ](#-future-features-) - [🤝 Contributing ](#-contributing-) - [⭐️ Show your support ](#️-show-your-support-) - [🙏 Acknowledgments ](#-acknowledgments-) - [📝 License ](#-license-) # 📖 Todo LIst <a name="about-project"></a> An Advance Todo List is a task management application that allows users to create, manage, and organize to-do items within specific threads. With this application, users can perform CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on the to-do items and threads. The app also provides the capability to track the progress of individual to-do items and update it as required. This makes it an ideal solution for users who want to manage their tasks and projects more efficiently. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> > I am using Html, Css and Javascript es6, React, Redux Front end development. <details> <summary>Client</summary> <ul> <li>HTML</li> <li>CSS</li> <li>JAVASCRIPT</li> <li>React</li> <li>Redux</li> </ul> </details> <!-- Features --> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> Some key feature of this project - Create and manage to-do items within specific threads - Perform CRUD operations on both to-do items and threads - Track the progress of individual to-do items and update as required - Organize and prioritize tasks efficiently - User-friendly interface for easy task management - Option to set reminders for important tasks - Ability to categorize to-do items based on project or topic - Option to add notes or additional information to each to-do item - Reports or dashboard to track progress and see a summary of completed and pending tasks. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- Project DEMO --> ## 🚀 Project DEMO <a name="live-demo"></a> ![React-todo-list]( - [Live Demo Link]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- GETTING STARTED --> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> > Please follow the instructions to clone my repo > To get a local copy, follow these simple example steps. > Clone this repository or download the Zip folder: ### Prerequisites > Inorder to check the linters errors make sure you have installed the [nodejs]( ### Setup > Clone this repository to your desired folder: cd [folder] to navigate and run the below comand to clone the project ```sh git clone ``` ### Install Install this project with: download npm the packages ```sh npm install ``` ### Usage > To see the project in your local browser first of all, go to the dist folder then open the index.html file. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 👥 Author <a name="authors"></a> 👤 **Abu Raihan** - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( - Twitter: [@twitterhandle]( - LinkedIn: [LinkedIn]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- FUTURE FEATURES --> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> - [ ] **I will add styles and also make this project nice and user fiendly** - [ ] **I will add more functionality using javascript such as render specific todos with filters.** - [ ] **I will connect this app with an api** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTRIBUTING --> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- SUPPORT --> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> > Give a ⭐️ if you like this project! <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> > Without Microverse Help this project not compleated at all so thanks a lot Microverse for giving us this kind of opertunity. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- LICENSE --> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
Advance Todo List is a task management app for creating, organizing, and tracking to-do items and projects. It offers CRUD operations and progress tracking.
# Personal portfolio ![cover](./images/portfolio.jpg) ## 🦉 Main information My name is Kate and I'm a web developer from Montreal, Canada. My many years of experience in photography and graphic design allows me to create high-quality, responsive and beautiful websites and applications.\ I'm a highly motivated person with a passion for the development Front-End. I enjoy bringing static designs to life by creating dynamic, lively and responsive renders that I am proud of.\ You can check out my designer portfolio on my Instagram and see more web projects on my Github profile.\ And I'm currently improving my skills in MERN stack. I design and develop experience that make people's lives simple. ## 🦊 My technical skills: ### Front-End Development: - Html5 | CSS3 | Sass | Styled Components | Tailwind | Bootstrap5 | JavaScript | React | Redux | REST API | GSAP ### Backend Development: - Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Firebase | Insomnia | Postman ### Web & Graphic Design: - Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe InDesign | Adobe Lightroom | Figma ## ⚡ Built With [HTML5]( / [CSS3]( / [JavaScript](
Personal portfolio | Web developer | FrontEnd developer
# WhatsappWebClone A real-time chatting application, basically a clone of whatsapp web. ### Features: 1. Real-time chatting 2. Images & document sharing. 3. Authentication with Google. ## Login Page ![Screenshot (25)]( ## Home Page ![Screenshot (26)]( ## Chat Page ![Screenshot (24)]( ## Profile ![Screenshot (27)]( ## Built With - ReactJs - MaterialUI - NodeJs - Express Server - - MongoDB ## Getting Started To get local copy up and running in your local machine follow this simple step: 1. Download zip of the repository on your system and extract it. 2. Make sure you have node.js and npm installed on your system. 3. Open terminal on all three folders and run `npm i` to install node_modules. 4. After installing run `npm start` on the client folder terminal. 5. Run `nodemon` on both the server folder terminal and socket folder terminal. ## :handshake: Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Whatsapp web Clone
# Your Github Contributions <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> [![All Contributors](](#contributors-) <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:END --> <div align="center"> <img width="253" alt="image" src=""> <h4 align="center">Generate your contributions summary in seconds.</h4> <p align="center"> <a href="" target="blank">View Demo</a> · <a href="">Report Bug</a> · <a href="">Request Feature</a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="" target="blank"> <img src="" alt="Your-Github-Contributions licence" /> </a> <a href="" target="blank"> <img src="" alt="Your-Github-Contributions forks"/> </a> <a href="" target="blank"> <img src="" alt="Your-Github-Contributions stars"/> </a> <a href="" target="blank"> <img src="" alt="Your-Github-Contributions issues"/> </a> <a href="" target="blank"> <img src="" alt="Your-Github-Contributions pull-requests"/> </a> </p> </div> ## 👋 Presenting Your-Github-Contributions Experience a brand new way of showcasing your **GitHub contributions** with **Your GitHub Contributions!** By entering your GitHub username, you can generate a summary of all your contributions in just a few seconds. You'll be surprised at how effortless and speedy it is to create an impressive contributions summary page. Don't hesitate any longer! Give it a try by visiting and share your feedback with us. We're excited to hear your thoughts! Here is an example of a Contribution Summary Page ![screenshot1]( ![screenshot2]( If you don't want to miss any updates, please show your support by giving the project a ⭐ 🚀. We extend a massive THANK YOU to all our supporters! [![Stargazers repo roster for @OpenSource-Journey/Your-Github-Contributions](]( ## Tech Stack Your GitHub Contributions was built using the following technologies: - [ReactJs]( - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces - [ChakraUI]( - A simple, modular and accessible component library - [TypeScript]( - A development tool for static type checking - [React Icons]( - A Icons library for ReactJs - [Framer Motion]( - A animation library for ReactJs - [Recharts]( - A chart library for ReactJs ## 🤔 How to Set up `Your-Github-Contributions` for Development? <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Open in Gitpod" /> </a> </p> Before starting, please check the [Contribution Guide](./ to get started. ### 🍴 Fork and Clone the Repo First, you need to fork the `Your-Github-Contributions` repo. You can do this by clicking the `Fork` button on the top right corner of the repo. If you are new to forking, please watch this [YouTube Guide]( to get started. Once forked, you can clone the repo by clicking the `Clone or Download` button on the top right corner of the forked repo. Please change the directory after cloning the repository using the `cd <folder-name>` command. > **Note** For Development we recommend using the `yarn` ```shell npm install --global yarn ``` ### ⬇️ Install Dependencies Next, install the dependencies by running the following command in the `Your-Github-Contributions` repo: ```bash yarn install ``` ### ⚙️ Copy `.env.example` to `.env`. ```shell yarn run env ``` > To get your personal access token you can refer this guide [creating-a-personal-access-token]( ### 🦄 Start the Development Mode Use the following command to start the app in the development mode: ```bash yarn start ``` It runs the app in development mode. Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in your browser. The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any lint errors in the console. ### 🧱 Build the App for Production Use the following command to build the app for production: ```bash yarn build ``` It builds the app for production to the `build` folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. ## 🛡️ License Your GitHub Contributions is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE]( file for details. ## ✨ Contributors We value all contributions, no matter their size! To get started, please refer to our [CONTRIBUTING](./ guide, and don't hesitate to reach out to us for any assistance you may need. **A big thank you to these amazing individuals** <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Sachin Chaurasiya"/><br /><sub><b>Sachin Chaurasiya</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#content-Sachin-chaurasiya" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#design-Sachin-chaurasiya" title="Design">🎨</a> <a href="#ideas-Sachin-chaurasiya" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="#infra-Sachin-chaurasiya" title="Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc)">🚇</a> <a href="#maintenance-Sachin-chaurasiya" title="Maintenance">🚧</a> <a href="#mentoring-Sachin-chaurasiya" title="Mentoring">🧑‍🏫</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Anujkumar Yadav"/><br /><sub><b>Anujkumar Yadav</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#ideas-anuj-kumary" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Hamza Ali"/><br /><sub><b>Hamza Ali</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#ideas-Hat52" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Shailesh Parmar"/><br /><sub><b>Shailesh Parmar</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#ideas-ShaileshParmar11" title="Ideas, Planning, & Feedback">🤔</a> <a href="#design-ShaileshParmar11" title="Design">🎨</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Jaya Kumar"/><br /><sub><b>Jaya Kumar</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Mayukh Bhowmick"/><br /><sub><b>Mayukh Bhowmick</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="ArshM17"/><br /><sub><b>ArshM17</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="bhushansshah"/><br /><sub><b>bhushansshah</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Jatin Singh"/><br /><sub><b>Jatin Singh</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center" valign="top" width="14.28%"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt="Kayode"/><br /><sub><b>Kayode</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Code">💻</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END -->
Generate your GitHub contributions summary in seconds.
# Interno Rotas - UFMG 🚌 <h1 align="center"> <img alt="Logo Interno Rotas" title="Interno Rotas" src="./github/Capa-mapa.png"/> </h1> <p align="center"> <img alt="GitHub repo status" src=""> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Contributors"> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="GitHub stars" src=""> </a> <a href=""> <img alt="GitHub forks" src=""> </a> <img alt="GitHub repo size" src=""> <a href=" internorotas/blob/main/LICENSE"> <img src="" > </a> </p> ## Sumário - <a href="#sobre-o-projeto">Sobre o Projeto</a> - <a href="#tecnologias">Tecnologias</a> - <a href="#acessar-o-projeto">Acessar o projeto</a> - <a href="#layout">Layout</a> - <a href="#requisitos">Requisitos</a> - <a href="#funcionalidades-extras">Funcionalidades Extras</a> - <a href="#licença">Licença</a> ## Sobre o Projeto O Interno Rotas é um site que vem para facilitar a locomoção de pessoas dentro do Campus Pampulha da UFMG, sejam elas parte da comunidade acadêmica ou não. O projeto surgiu a partir de uma necessidade que eu mesmo tinha quando precisava usar os ônibus internos da UFMG. No site disponibilizado pela universidade consta as rotas, horários e locais que os ônibus passam, porém a informação muitas vezes não é intuitiva. Para pessoas pouco familiarizadas com o ambiente da UFMG fica muito difícil se orientar pelo site, já que são mostradas apenas as siglas de onde o interno passa próximo. Por conta disso, achei que seria interessante criar um site que pudesse ser útil tanto para os colegas da comunidade acadêmica como também para o público externo que precise, em algum momento, usar os ônibus internos. Caso tenha gostado do projeto e encontrado pontos de melhorias, fique a vontade para ajudar! ## Tecnologias Para tornar real o projeto foram utilizadas as seguintes tecnologias: - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - OpenStreetMap (API de mapas) - Leaflet (biblioteca javascript de mapeamento) - Leaflet Ant Path (animação da polyline) ## Acessar o projeto O projeto pode ser acessado através [deste site](, hospedado no GitHub Pages. ## Layout Seção com o layout do projeto. O layout serve para auxiliar no desenvolvimento do código, servindo como guia e economizando tempo. O layout serve apenas para se ter uma ideia e referência, não sendo necessário que seja perfeito. O design do projeto pode ser visto com mais detalhes aqui no [Figma]( A medida que fui desenvolvendo o código do projeto fui notando a necessidade de fazer algumas adaptações, portanto o design final está ligeiramente diferente do mostrado aqui. Por enquanto irei deixar o layout antigo aqui apenas por curiosidade, para ver quais mudanças foram feitas. ### Tela Inicial - Desktop Tela inicial em que o usuário consegue ver o mapa ao fundo, com as linhas internas em uma painel lateral. Cada linha tem sua cor única, para facilitar sua identificação. Na tela não é possível ver, mas o menu lateral conta com scroll para ver mais linhas e um botão de reportar problemas e outro para exibir informações sobre o projeto. ![Tela Inicial no Desktop](/github/Desktop%20-%20Inicial.png) ### Escolher Linha - Desktop Tela em que o usuário escolhe uma linha específica. Com isso, é exibida o horário anterior e o próximo horário daquele interno. O usuário também pode escolher se deseja ver mais horários daquela linha. ![Escolher Linha no Desktop](/github/Desktop%20-%20Escolher%20Linha.png) ### Exibir Horários - Desktop Nesta tela são mostrados todos os horários em que aquela linha roda. ![Exibir Horários no Desktop](/github/Desktop%20-%20Exibir%20Hor%C3%A1rios.png) ### Tela Inicial - Mobile Pensando no fato de a maioria das pessoas utilizarem o celular, foi feito o layout com as mesmas funções, porém adaptado para as telas de celulares e outros dispositivos com telas pequenas. A responsividade deve ser trabalhada nesse projeto para melhorar a acessibilidade. ![Tela Inicial no Mobile](/github/Mobile%20-%20Inicial.png) ### Escolher Linha - Mobile ![Escolher Linha no Mobile](/github/Mobile%20-%20Escolher%20Linha.png) ### Exibir Horários - Mobile ![Exibir Horários no Mobile](/github/Mobile%20-%20Exibir%20Hor%C3%A1rios.png) ## Requisitos Requisitos mínimos e importantes levantados até o momento para o desenvolvimento do site. - Mostrar mapa que tenha nome dos prédios e pontos - Menu lateral com nome das linhas - O usuário deve ver um traçado por onde as linhas passam, além de poder dar zoom para ver as informações - As linhas devem ser separadas com cores, além de representadas as suas subdivisões - O site deve ser completamente funcional em celulares e aparelhos com telas pequenas ## Funcionalidades Extras A ideia inicial é terminar primeiro o básico para ter o site funcional, com as demais funções sendo implementadas ao longo do tempo. - [x] Cada ponto de parada no mapa exibir quais ônibus param naquela parada - [x] Mostrar horário dos ônibus de cada linha selecionada - [x] Mostrar horário do ônibus anterior e do próximo ônibus - [ ] Criar base de comunidade para levar a aplicação para outras universidades que contam com linhas internas mas que não tenham as suas rotas. ## Licença Este projeto está sob a licença MIT. Veja o arquivo [LICENSE]( para mais detalhes. <hr> <h3 align="center" >Gostou do projeto e quer entrar em contato?</h3> <p align="center"> <a href="">LinkedIn</a> | <a href="">Instagram</a> | <a href="">Behance</a> </p> <br /> <p align="center"> Desenvolvido com 💙 por Igor Martins </p>
Site feito para exibir rotas e horários de linhas internas de ônibus da UFMG
<h1 align="center"> <br> 🌼 <br> <br> Zinnia <br> <br> <br> </h1> > A sandboxed and resource-limited runtime for distributed workers. > > Powering 🛰️ [Filecoin Station]( ## Installation See [CLI Installation](./cli/ ## Basic use ```js while (true) { const start = new Date(); const res = await fetch( "", ); console.log(`TTFB: ${new Date() - start}ms`); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } ``` ```bash $ zinnia run example.js TTFB: 235ms ... ``` See also [example modules](./examples). ## API See [Building Modules](./docs/ ## Architecture ![](./docs/images/runtime-diagram.png) ### Components - **JS/WASM engine:** [deno_core](, see the decision record for [Switching to Deno Core](docs/architecture-decision-records/ - **Non-blocking I/O:** [Async Rust](, [Tokio]( - **Networking**: [deno_fetch](, [rust-libp2p]( - **IPFS:** [Rusty Lassie]( for retrievals. _TBD: Publish content to IPFS_ - **Block (K/V) storage:** _TBD_ ## Contributing The [roadmap]( and [issue tracker]( are great places to check out for your first time to contribute! You can also look up some past decisions in [docs/architecture-decisions-records/](docs/architecture-decision-records/). If you see something broken or missing, please [create a new issue]( Finally, don't forget to stop by and **say hi** :wave: in #filecoin-station-module-builders-wg on [Filecoin Slack](! ## Fun fact Zinnia was [named after the first flower to blossom in space]( <div align="center"> <img src="" width="50%" /> <br> <br> </div>
Runtime for worker nodes executing modules in a resource-limited sandbox
# Cubist multi-chain and cross-chain SDK [![Rust](]( [![Node](]( Cubist is an SDK and command line tool for building distributed web3 applications. Cubist's goal is to make testing and development seamless, even if your dapp runs across multiple chains. Using our SDK, you write smart contracts as if they're deployed on the same chain; Cubist automatically generates the tricky (and risky!) bridge code that allows your smart contracts to interact. ![example Cubist CLI usage](./utils/assets/storage-rust.gif) **The SDKs and tools are described in detail on the official [Cubist docs site](** ## Supported chains and languages Cubist supports off-chain code written in: - **JavaScript** - **TypeScript** - and **Rust** Cubist supports development and deployment for: - **Ethereum** - **Polygon** - **Avalanche** - and **Avalanche subnets** > Support for **more chains** and **more off-chain languages** coming soon! > If you're interested in a particular chain or language, reach out: > ## Repo organization Cubist is largely implemented in Rust; the TypeScript and JavaScript SDKs are written in TypeScript. This repo hosts the code for all our crates and packages, including: - **cubist-cli**: Cubist CLI tool. - **cubist-sdk**: Cubist Rust SDK crate. - **cubist-node-sdk**: Cubist Node.js package. - **cubist-config**: Cubist configurations shared across the SDKs and CLI tool. - **cubist-localchains**: Crate for running chains locally. # License Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Cubist, Inc. See the [NOTICE](NOTICE) file for licensing information.
Cubist multichain SDK and CLI
# Life simulator This is a vanillaJS life simulator heavily inspired in games like bitlife, instlife and altlife. You can work, interact with your relatives, get a job and university career, improve your skills, buy stuff and **kill**. ## About the project Its not finished yet, I will be constantly updating this, bringing new content, bug fixes and UI improvements ![alt text]( ## To add - Military career - Continue as child after dying - More shops, jobs, university careers, properties and cars - Diseases - More prison actions - Commercial properties - More laws - Taxes - Writing career - More social interactions
A simple game inspired in altlife, bitlife and the old instlife built with vanillaJS. Undone and buggy
**By [Lapide](** <h1><p align="center">TusDino 0.17.4</p></h1> <hr> TusDino is the most advanced userscript chrome dino cheat with over 70+ cheats and that works on almost any dino game website. It was only created as a small and simple fun project by [Lapide]( with help from [inon-13]( I'll probably work on it whenever I feel like it. **You need a userscript manager in order to install the script. I recommend Tampermonkey!** ***It would be great if you left a star! It would help with motivation, more updates and development.*** - [Lapide]( **[Get the Auto Updator beta script](** - It automatically update the menu for you every time there's an update [![Install from Github](]( [![Install Autoupdator from Github](]( [![Greasyfork](]( **You need to install [Tampermonkey]( or any userscript manager or the script wont work** If you're not on chrome, then you can check out [other userscript managers for your browser]( ## About TusDino was created by Lapide, and designed make the game more fun. It's just fun project that I work on when I have free time or out of school. I created this since I was bored and was looking for something to do for a few days! You can [**report an issue**]( or [**upload your own version**]( If you have any question please ask in the [Discord](! ## What's new in 0.17.4 - Slight UI Change: Make texts bolder & Changed the toggle boxs font color to be easier to read - Changed tab: Others to Miscs - Added What News alert - Added Set Double Dino Size - Added Continue Death - Added menu opacity changer - Added Auto Continue Death - Added Set Jump Height - Added Set Drop Velocity - Added Version Checker & Multiple Script Detection - Removed a few supported pages ## Installation Insructions - Get [TamperMonkey](, or any UserScript manager, but TamperMonkey is recommended. If you're not on chrome, then you can search for other userscript managers for your browser. - Download the script from [Github]( or [Greasyfork]( Get the [Auto Updater Script from Github]( if you want the automatically updated versions. - If you see the script on TamperMonkey, it means you did it correctly. Congrats! - Go to the [game]( - *If you don't see the script then try to redo the Installation process* ## Help / Mod Info - Press 'j' to hide or show the menu - This cheat doesn't bypass any cheat detection, so beware ## Socials - [Discord]( - [Twitter]( - [YouTube]( - [Fault Utilities Website]( ## Supported Sites - **** - ***Preferred and most supported site*** - - - - - - - - - - ## Features 0.17.4 (70+ Cheats) -- **Press 'j' to hide / show the menu.** -- - Player Tab - Instant Respawn - Set Double Dino Size - Invisibility - Bhop - Teleport X axis - Restart - Teleport Y Axis - Kill Player - Autoplayer - Set Gravity - Set Skin (Buggy) - Game Tab - Continue Death - Auto Continue Death - Set FPS - Auto Focus - Force Focus - Set Game Speed - Obstacle Float - Duck and Jump - Playing Intro - Set Score - Lazer Vision Key (L) - No Obstacle - Lazer Vision - Mute Game - Force Pause Game - Pause - No Clip - Obliterate Obstacles - Set Score Speed - Add Cloud - Remove Cloud - Remove All Clouds - Remove Near Obstacles - Remove Obstacle - Add Obstacle - Set Ground Y - Movement Tab - Glide - Set Jump Height - Set Drop Velocity - Set Speed - Fly - High Jump - Fast Fall - Walk - Obstacle Bypass - Set Walk Speed - Set Fly Speed - Blocky Jump - Airjump - Visuals Tab - ESP - Tracers - Glow - Rainbow Glow - Jump Notifier - Watermark - Obstacle ESP - Misc Tab - Rainbow Background - Rainbow Square Player - Storm Cloud - Obstacle Float - Arc - Others Tab - Dark Game Mode - No Obstacle - Lazer Vision - Lazer Vision Key (L) - No Clip - Obliterate Obstacles - Add Cloud - Remove Cloud - Remove All Clouds - Remove Near Obstacles - Remove Obstacle - Add Obstacle *If you have an idea, request a feature on the [Discord](* ## Images ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ## Developers / Creators (1) - [nonumbershere / Lapide]( # Userscript Managers **These are a list of the best userscript managers for your supported browsers.** - Chrome - [Tampermonkey]( - [ViolentMonkey]( - Firefox - [Tampermonkey]( - [Greasemonkey]( - [Firemonkey]( - Opera / Opera GX - [Tampermonkey Beta](
👾 TusDino is the best and most advanced mod menu utility cheat exploit for Chrome Dino with over 60+ free cheats & hacks! (Fly, Visuals, Airjump, Speed Hack +more)
<a name="readme-top"></a> <div align="center"> <h1><b>Math Magicians</b></h1> </div> # 📗 Table of Contents - [📗 Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents) - [ 💻 Math Magicians ](#-math-magicians-) - [🛠 Built With ](#-built-with-) - [Tech Stack ](#tech-stack-) - [Key Features ](#key-features-) - [🚀 Live Demo ](#-live-demo-) - [💻 Getting Started ](#-getting-started-) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Setup](#setup) - [Install](#install) - [Usage](#usage) - [👥 Author ](#-author-) - [How to access the database?](#how-to-access-the-database) - [🤝 Contributing ](#-contributing-) - [⭐️ Show your support ](#️-show-your-support-) - [🙏 Acknowledgments ](#-acknowledgments-) - [📝 License ](#-license-) # 💻 Math Magicians <a name="about-project"></a> > **Math Magicians** is a Microverce React project. It is a website for all fans of mathematics. Using this website user can make simple calculations and also can read a random math-related quote. ## 🛠 Built With <a name="built-with"></a> ### Tech Stack <a name="tech-stack"></a> > I used React, Javascript and css to build this project. <details> <summary>Client</summary> <ul> <li>React</li> <li>CSS</li> <li>JAVASCRIPT</li> </ul> </details> ### Key Features <a name="key-features"></a> > Some key feature of this project > Features - **User can calculate simple math equations** - **User can read random math quotes** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🚀 Live Demo <a name="live-demo"></a> > ## Project demo > ### [Live Demo]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 💻 Getting Started <a name="getting-started"></a> > Please follow the instructions to clone the repo > To get a local copy, follow these simple example steps. > Clone this repository or download the Zip folder: ### Prerequisites > In order to check the linters errors and also see the project in your local machine make sure you have installed the [nodejs]( ### Setup > Clone this repository to your desired folder: cd [folder] to navigate and run the below comand to clone the project ```sh git clone ``` ### Install Install this project with: download npm the packages ```sh npm install ``` To download the dev dependency you have to type this command: ```sh npm i --save-dev ``` ### Usage > To see the project in your local browser first of all, go to project file and navigate the directory on your terminal and type below command: ```sh npm start ``` > After start the dev server a new tab will be open your browser. > To build this project you have to run the below command: ```sh npm run build ``` > To test this project make sure you download all the packages using `npm install`. After downloading the packages you have to navigate project directory on your terminal then enter the below command start testing: ```sh npm test ``` <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 👥 Authors <a name="authors"></a> 👤 **Abu Raihan** - GitHub: [@githubhandle]( - Twitter: [@twitterhandle]( - LinkedIn: [LinkedIn]( 👤 **Michael Amponsah** - GitHub: [@michaelamponsah]( - Twitter: [@\_mikeamponsah]( - LinkedIn: [michaelamponsah]( <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🔭 Future Features <a name="future-features"></a> - [ ] **We will add api to render the random quotes** - [ ] **We will add more features on Homepage** <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🤝 Contributing <a name="contributing"></a> Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/). <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## ⭐️ Show your support <a name="support"></a> > Give a ⭐️ if you like this project! <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 🙏 Acknowledgments <a name="acknowledgements"></a> > Without Microverse Help this project not compleated at all so thanks a lot Microverse for giving us this kind of opertunity. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p> ## 📝 License <a name="license"></a> This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. <p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>
Math Magicians is a Microverce React project. It is a website for all fans of mathematics. Using this website user can make simple calculations and also can read a random math-related quote.
# frontend-mini-challenges Frontend Mini Challenges implemented in ReactJs Frontend Mini Challenges implemented with ReactJs Frontend Mini Challenges (Javacript Version -
Frontend Mini Challenges implemented in ReactJs