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cen7jbl | ok | 9 | cen535i | scramlington | notinteresting | 4 | ok | 2014-01-11 14:30:00 | op pls respond |
celnq6u | Both | 10 | celjh31 | JewBoyFresh420 | AskReddit | 5 | both | 2014-01-09 14:58:53 | In a situation like that, can all they do is fire you, or can they call the police too? |
cex0srn | No. | 8 | cex0a6w | CareerRejection | buildapc | 3 | no | 2014-01-23 10:55:27 | Is it worth to upgrade 970 chipset to 990? |
celoewz | ಠ◡ಠ | 17 | celoefz | CreepySmileBot | SquaredCircle | 8 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-09 15:25:01 | > Renee "Look at **his Butt**" Young ಠ_ಠ |
cepu492 | Yes. | 196 | cepi1ss | PRothfuss | Fantasy | 119 | yes | 2014-01-14 18:54:15 | I love you? |
celsxx4 | ...yes. | 10 | celsoqa | Red_Zeppelin | nba | 2 | yes | 2014-01-09 18:22:17 | You know multiple people that are high school refs? |
celv95u | yes | 11 | celt4ur | Irishinfernohead | AskReddit | 5 | yes | 2014-01-09 19:51:17 | I'm white and laughed at the 2nd line, does that make me a racist or a typical redditor |
cem0kr8 | ...yes? | 14 | celzvrn | akurei77 | nfl | 5 | yes | 2014-01-10 00:27:47 | Cisco is a seahawks fan!? |
cem1h17 | Yes | 49 | cem1gqb | [deleted] | gaming | 25 | yes | 2014-01-10 01:54:16 | I guess extroverts are all slaves then? |
cem2o7b | All of them | 11 | cem2n9d | Topforms | gifs | 2 | allofthem | 2014-01-10 04:06:41 | How many are porn or porn related? |
cem2uhg | Yes! | 13 | cem1g7c | derpwell | reactiongifs | 1 | yes | 2014-01-10 04:23:30 | No. |
ceqa10r | ಠ_ಠ | 9 | ceq5pn2 | [deleted] | AskReddit | 2 | ಠ_ಠ | 2014-01-15 09:56:54 | Blue waffle. |
cem5n8v | Nope | 52 | cem4o12 | GenesisProTech | Minecraft | 31 | nope | 2014-01-10 07:19:21 | Did i mention about it being hardcore mode? |
cem6of9 | Yes. | 11 | cem592b | Chartlecake | AskReddit | 5 | yes | 2014-01-10 08:03:26 | Guns or McDonalds? |
cem7vum | Yes | 41 | cem6wyu | lansingbassist | technology | 2 | yes | 2014-01-10 08:49:21 | Are other companies that do the same equally full of shit? |
cem9pol | Thatsthejoke.jpg | 156 | cem9fn8 | SassySk8rboi | funny | 88 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-01-10 09:55:26 | Oh God did I misread THAT! |
cema3cl | yes | 62 | cem9xq1 | annoying_yes_bot | mildlyinteresting | 39 | yes | 2014-01-10 10:08:50 | Way to answer the question correctly. I assume you look for any x or y, followed by a question mark? |
ceqkuog | ok | 217 | ceqk2c7 | lowbread | movies | 71 | ok | 2014-01-15 15:56:14 | Ok, I laughed :) |
cembfjo | You're welcome. | 10 | cembfh8 | PresidentObama___ | WTF | 1 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-10 10:55:42 | Thanks, Obama! |
cemcptn | Thanks. | 15 | cemccu0 | TuckRaker | AdviceAnimals | 9 | thanks | 2014-01-10 11:39:43 | They're all terrible. This is the first one that is actually good, and not some shitty pun. |
cemfdau | YES | 8 | cemeoes | firelight7 | buildapcsales | 3 | yes | 2014-01-10 13:10:48 | so would this be worth buying to upgrade from a compaq 18 inch monitor? resolution is 1366 x 768 is my highest resolution |
cemg6h8 | Woosh. | 29 | cemg165 | [deleted] | AskReddit | 2 | woosh | 2014-01-10 13:39:16 | the dreadlocks are a different topic. Antlionsoup is a girl, and was giving a warning about her period. |
cemgnqp | Yes | 14 | cemduog | [deleted] | cars | 5 | yes | 2014-01-10 13:56:07 | No lol |
ceqvxx0 | yes | 8 | cenmq1b | skd89 | wheredidthesodago | 3 | yes | 2014-01-15 23:26:04 | Was he wasted or was the soda wasted? |
ceqx1sf | Yes | 9 | ceqvfp7 | francostine | Autos | 1 | yes | 2014-01-16 00:53:40 | Is that exhaust or heat from the engine? |
ceuugfw | Darude - Sandstorm | 63 | ceupcbh | StroodleNoodle | montageparodies | 13 | darude-sandstorm | 2014-01-20 21:09:21 | Name of snoop song remix? |
cemk3yv | ಠ◡ಠ | 8 | cemk3nh | CreepySmileBot | loseit | 4 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-10 16:07:42 | ಠ_ಠ We'll never forget |
cemm3sl | No. | 14 | cemltc2 | BlackGhostPanda | skyrim | 3 | no | 2014-01-10 17:34:05 | Is one side better than the other? |
cemmyyq | Yes. | 14 | cemmovt | oon27 | europe | 8 | yes | 2014-01-10 18:13:42 | So does that mean with an Irish passport I can work in any country that is part of the union? Because I've been told I can work on the continent. |
cer4b7x | No | 25 | cer407l | telefreak | chelseafc | 9 | no | 2014-01-16 08:56:21 | Is he fit? |
cemnvos | Yes. | 8 | cemnj4p | LongDanglingDongKok | todayilearned | 1 | yes | 2014-01-10 18:56:11 | Is chemical castration a valid punishment for people like this? |
cemo75c | You're welcome. | 10 | cemo6r4 | PresidentObama___ | nfl | 3 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-10 19:11:34 | thanks obama |
cemom0u | Thanks. | 29 | cemol7z | [deleted] | gifs | 7 | thanks | 2014-01-10 19:30:57 | You're one polite motherfucker |
cemong4 | No. | 8 | cemom10 | roionsteroids | Drugs | 4 | no | 2014-01-10 19:32:49 | Cool. Would you think it would kick in faster? |
cemor21 | AND MY AXE | 111 | cemo6d8 | Moddex | jailbreak | 56 | andmyaxe | 2014-01-10 19:37:28 | AND OUR IPADS |
cempw92 | Yes. | 11 | cemp284 | Noatak_Kenway | TheLastAirbender | 3 | yes | 2014-01-10 20:30:59 | no. |
cemqnqh | Nope. | 8 | cemoczq | canadian_stig | flying | 1 | nope | 2014-01-10 21:08:30 | Wait, is that actually the reason? |
cer9egm | wat | 9 | cer9bcc | ahjumTaeng | SNSD | 5 | wat | 2014-01-16 11:54:09 | In a couple of years, that hand won't stop at a bellybutton edit: in a performance, didn't mean to be that dirty >> |
cer9s4f | Yeah | 21 | cer99p6 | Teddy_Raptor | WTF | 4 | yeah | 2014-01-16 12:07:02 | is that real? |
cemsumb | You're welcome. | 46 | cemsu62 | PresidentObama___ | DotA2 | 22 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-10 23:14:14 | Thanks Obama. |
cemtcz2 | You're welcome. | 8 | cemtcy1 | PresidentObama___ | leagueoflegends | 3 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-10 23:50:01 | Thanks Obama. |
cerdvzp | No | 16 | cerdc07 | Semen-Thrower | cringepics | 1 | no | 2014-01-16 14:21:45 | Give |
cerf8xu | why | 11 | cerdskl | Dipiis | AdviceAnimals | 5 | why | 2014-01-16 15:08:26 | Because question everything. |
cevrmpw | No... | 9 | cevq4r1 | NeatAnecdoteBrother | rickandmorty | 2 | no | 2014-01-21 22:07:07 | It has a striking resemblance to Doctor Who. |
cerhjr1 | Yes. | 20 | cergqg0 | Palypso | technology | 13 | yes | 2014-01-16 16:32:03 | Are you for or against? |
cemxm2g | Woosh | 9 | cemwat5 | Fuboy | Atlanta | 1 | woosh | 2014-01-11 07:04:58 | 96 Rock lasted from '74 to '06. It is now Power 96.1. |
cerqlgs | lol | 17 | cerpucv | Herbl | classic4chan | 9 | lol | 2014-01-16 22:46:26 | lol |
cen4ndc | Yes. | 15 | cen4jwk | SgtFinnish | gifs | 8 | yes | 2014-01-11 12:28:38 | I feel bad for the guy, hope he didn't get hurt .. he probably did didn't he? :( |
cen66xa | Yes | 20 | cen5wl4 | RonnyEinstein | thatHappened | 7 | yes | 2014-01-11 13:35:40 | Should I say this as, "One-hundred percent dollars," or "One-hundred dollars percent"? |
cen7lax | yes | 12 | cen6mmj | countskustoms | youdontsurf | 7 | yes | 2014-01-11 14:32:18 | wait, do you have an 800x600 monitor? or do you like to purposefully pixelate your desktop? |
cen8fak | ....what? | 14 | cen73da | OinkOink88 | aww | 8 | what | 2014-01-11 15:07:23 | Did they put a chain and bike lock on the baskets to ensure the kittens are not stolen? If so, I have news for them. |
cen8r25 | Yes. | 109 | cen8asc | A_Soft_Narwhal | AdviceAnimals | 41 | yes | 2014-01-11 15:21:32 | So thieving is the best course of action? |
cen9hrn | Ok. | 13 | cen9gu2 | Aschebescher | europe | 6 | ok | 2014-01-11 15:53:03 | No - democracy will prevent Britain joining. The British people will not vote to join a federal Europe. |
ces0rct | WHAT?! | 21 | cerzfl9 | ofphil | nfl | 6 | what | 2014-01-17 09:32:36 | Not even scared, just so god damn excited to see this game. Would love for the Pats to win but seriously, as long as its a great game I won't lose any sleep. |
cen9qs9 | Yes | 8 | cen9e13 | YvesLavigne | MMA | 4 | yes | 2014-01-11 16:03:41 | Do you train in any martial art? |
cenb7v5 | Yeah | 8 | cenahdh | SuperBlackJesus | gaming | 4 | yeah | 2014-01-11 17:00:51 | Is he actually blind? |
ces3lu2 | no | 16 | ces3j1k | Intolerable | DotA2 | 10 | no | 2014-01-17 11:14:26 | btw can I get my Skeleton King avatar back? |
ces4di8 | no | 9 | ces46zg | Intolerable | DotA2 | 1 | no | 2014-01-17 11:41:44 | Explanation? |
ces5qmr | Yup. | 11 | ces42n7 | JJAB91 | halo | 6 | yup | 2014-01-17 12:29:52 | I had never noticed that the Promethean knight had smaller hand-like arms on it's torso before. Do they have them in game? |
cendugk | yeah | 8 | cendt5z | wafflecopters | GlobalOffensive | 5 | yeah | 2014-01-11 18:47:34 | Maybe, with Godshot or something right? |
cendxu2 | yup | 128 | cendudo | SchoolboyQ_ | IAmA | 37 | yup | 2014-01-11 18:51:27 | Can you speak German? |
cene4p1 | You're welcome. | 11 | cene417 | PresidentObama___ | funny | 3 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-11 18:59:28 | I prefer the gif version where it says "Thanks Obama". |
cenk5b8 | What? | 15 | cenj9e0 | fuckyoumissdaisy | nfl | 9 | what | 2014-01-11 23:59:02 | Wait, Ed Hochuli's biceps aren't the only ref on that team? Why not? |
cenl0wn | Mom's spaghetti | 11 | cendcct | TTrui | leagueoflegends | 4 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-12 01:12:50 | but i know |
cennroz | :( | 19 | cennpg3 | santalos5 | worldnews | 9 | :( | 2014-01-12 06:21:31 | It's growing due to immigrants :) |
cenof95 | Thatsthejoke.jpg | 14 | cenm9g6 | bluEyedillusion | AskReddit | 8 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-01-12 07:11:52 | More like Adult Friend Zone Finder |
cesot39 | Yes. | 113 | ceso6ob | dannydorito | AskReddit | 65 | yes | 2014-01-18 06:57:46 | Do you wipe first? Or blow your nose first? |
cenrggr | ...exactly | 9 | cenq8re | maraudersmap | science | 1 | exactly | 2014-01-12 09:48:29 | yes, the Sun is also an UV light source |
centz3y | Nope. | 12 | centf0x | GroovyRetrovirus | WTF | 7 | nope | 2014-01-12 11:23:40 | Does he have any sutures in his eyes? |
cenueek | yes | 38 | cenua62 | annoying_yes_bot | firstworldanarchists | 18 | yes | 2014-01-12 11:38:44 | Did you ate them in one or two servings? |
cenva61 | ಠ◡ಠ | 22 | cenv9ni | CreepySmileBot | CoDCompetitive | 13 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-12 12:10:40 | So there was a team called eGirl Abusers in the tourney ಠ_ಠ |
cenvo8l | wat | 17 | cenu37t | NeoDestiny | Destiny | 11 | wat | 2014-01-12 12:25:03 | What? No they are dating and are meeting up at the root house. The real reason for his tournament with catz. Same reason his real reason for skiing with catz was for mia rose and doing the LAN event a month or so back with catz. They are wingmen for life. |
cenw4h8 | thatsthejoke.jpg | 21 | cenvmzr | citizen511 | pics | 3 | thatsthejokejpg | 2014-01-12 12:41:25 | what other Versailles do you know? |
cesz7qp | Yes | 50 | cesz764 | yes_it_is_weird | sex | 29 | yes | 2014-01-18 15:03:30 | Is it weird to get a little turned on by proper integration? |
cenyh1n | yes? | 49 | cenx92o | TerryJustTerry | WTF | 26 | yes | 2014-01-12 14:07:10 | Yes please, Terry. |
cenyz6p | Yes. | 16 | cenyvsk | funwok | photography | 10 | yes | 2014-01-12 14:25:35 | Lol the looks are the only reason? Are you trying to do photography or make a fashion statement? |
ceo3d92 | Mom's spaghetti | 675 | ceo2dys | reallyguise | AskReddit | 288 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-12 17:14:03 | start good smelling weeds smoked, I'd skunking once |
ceo451g | No. | 19 | ceo3hpq | Five_Against_1 | Patriots | 4 | no | 2014-01-12 17:45:15 | Are we calling him LGBT now? |
ceo4800 | ಠ◡ಠ | 83 | ceo47k8 | CreepySmileBot | xbox360 | 19 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-12 17:48:34 | Don't have a hard drive ಠ_ಠ |
ceo4zb7 | yes | 82 | ceo4w7m | [deleted] | magicTCG | 20 | yes | 2014-01-12 18:19:28 | Is this broken? |
ceo6c6d | nope. | 19 | ceo5w69 | jesperbj | pcmasterrace | 3 | nope | 2014-01-12 19:14:50 | Isnt that just a picture? |
ceo76mt | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 31 | ceo75kj | _Gambino | hiphopheads | 10 | (͡°͜ʖ͡°) | 2014-01-12 19:50:10 | Who da fuck gambino? |
ceo8bik | Yes. | 8 | ceo7dai | BanditsOnTheRun | community | 4 | yes | 2014-01-12 20:38:54 | Does hologram technology exist in the present? |
ceo8ych | You're welcome. | 28 | ceo8yab | PresidentObama___ | forwardsfromgrandma | 18 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-12 21:07:10 | *THANKS OBAMA!* |
ceoah7t | No. | 38 | ceo9tek | UncleTrapspringer | funny | 18 | no | 2014-01-12 22:21:53 | Colby?... |
ceoaw4x | You're welcome. | 34 | ceoavzk | PresidentObama___ | AskReddit | 18 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-12 22:45:11 | Thanks Obama. |
cetjhyy | :( | 22 | cetj8iq | acidlol | FIFA | 14 | :( | 2014-01-19 10:52:22 | Damn, next you're gonna tell me he's good at headers too. |
ceocjld | yes | 36 | ceob1wp | marinahsamc | DotA2 | 19 | yes | 2014-01-13 00:47:20 | Why is there always a fake girlfriend involved in scams? Are all gamers virgins? |
cetlznz | Yes. | 49 | cetkj73 | stares_at_screens | nba | 32 | yes | 2014-01-19 12:28:40 | Not sure if all the upvotes are from people agreeing with you or from people taking it as a joke. |
ceoeghg | ಠ◡ಠ | 18 | ceoegc9 | CreepySmileBot | soccer | 5 | ಠ◡ಠ | 2014-01-13 04:24:29 | ಠ_ಠ |
ceoezaq | You're welcome. | 44 | ceoez7y | PresidentObama___ | technology | 28 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-13 05:13:56 | Thanks Obama. |
cetqpg1 | :( | 8 | cetqomp | Beerfueled | nfl | 5 | :( | 2014-01-19 15:23:31 | Only a jerk would share that. |
ceojaiq | Yes | 13 | ceoggl8 | bbdagreat | hearthstone | 7 | yes | 2014-01-13 09:04:54 | So... "No inner rage" or "inner rage x2" I'm confused |
ceoh0up | :( | 26 | ceoglgj | russscott | nfl | 17 | :( | 2014-01-13 07:23:05 | Here's hoping. It would be even better if the Broncos ended up winning it all, with a couple of questionable calls going against Seattle in key moments. |
ceohq0f | ...that's what she said? | 221 | ceoe6vi | jammyjammz | reactiongifs | 98 | that'swhatshesaid | 2014-01-13 07:56:36 | Pardon the file size. This was my first attempt using gimp. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. |
cetxpsp | Mom's spaghetti. | 141 | cetxjwn | broodwich87 | cringe | 78 | mom'sspaghetti | 2014-01-19 20:04:10 | Noble Gas. |
ceok7rv | No. | 8 | ceok44y | Dinnerbone | Minecraft | 2 | no | 2014-01-13 09:43:18 | Is this going to allow servers to have custom capes? |
ceokdmc | You're welcome. | 9 | ceokdcq | PresidentObama___ | politics | 1 | you'rewelcome | 2014-01-13 09:49:45 | Thanks, Obamacare. |
ceol32t | Yep | 78 | ceokuer | zackhankins74 | AskReddit | 50 | yep | 2014-01-13 10:17:00 | Electric piano? |
ceoni7v | Yes. | 66 | ceon6ie | champcantwin | AdviceAnimals | 16 | yes | 2014-01-13 11:45:01 | Do women really like to have their asses slapped? |
Subsets and Splits