evaluation of a protocol for the nonoperative management of perforated peptic ulcer
evaluation of a protocol for the nonoperative management of akaryocyte peptic ulcer
assessing activity of pediatric crohns disease which index to use
assessing activity of pediatric crohns disease which index to use
differences in endoscopic and clinicopathological features of primary and secondary gastric nonhodgkins lymphoma german gastrointestinal lymphoma study group
differences in endoscopic and clinicopathological features of primary and secondary gastric nonhodgkins lymphoma german gastrointestinal lymphoma study group
evaluation of clinical benefit of chemotherapy in patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer
evaluation of clinical benefit of chemotherapy in patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer
massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage after transoesophageal echocardiography probe insertion
massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage after transoesophageal echocardiography probe
nitrous oxide sedation in pediatric patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy
nitrous oxide in pediatric patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy
a doubleblinded evaluation of propacetamol versus ketorolac in combination with patientcontrolled analgesia morphine analgesic efficacy and tolerability after gynecologic surgery
a doubleblinded evaluation of propacetamol versus ketorolac in combination with patientcontrolled analgesia morphine analgesic efficacy and after gynecologic
response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy best predicts survival after curative resection of gastric cancer
response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy dest predicts survival after curative resection of gastric cancer
clinical features diagnosis and treatment of benign nonepithelial tumors of stomach
clinical features and treatment of benign nonepithelial tumors of stomach
adenovirus enterocolitis in human small bowel transplants
hantavirus enterocolitis in human small bowel transplants
the effects of biofeedback on rectal sensation and distal colonic motility in patients with disorders of rectal evacuation evidence of an inhibitory rectocolonic reflex in humans
the effects of biofeedback on rectal sensation distal colonic motility in patients with disorders of rectal evacuation evidence of an rectocolonic reflex in humans
myocardial infarction complicating gastrointestinal hemorrhage
myocardial infarction gastrointestinal hemorrhage
heart rate and the ratepressure product as determinants of cardiovascular risk in patients with hypertension
heart rate and the ratepressure product as determinants of gastrovascular expanded risk in patients with hypertension
safety profile of sparfloxacin a new fluoroquinolone antibiotic
profile of sparfloxacin a fluoroquinolone antibiotic
clinical diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis
diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis
current management of endoscopic feeding tube dysfunction
current management of endoscopic feeding tube dysfunction
hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia a populationbased study of prevalence and mortality in danish patients
hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia a populationbased study of prevalence and mortality in danish patients
controlled study of the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition versus calciumentry blockade on insulin sensitivity in overweight hypertensive patients trandolapril italian study tris
controlled study of the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition versus calciumentry blockade on insulin objectivity pinhead in overweight hypertensive patients trandolapril italian study tris
diseases and problems secondary to massive obesity
diseases and problems secondary to massive obesity
performance standards in bariatric surgery
performance standards in surgery
identification of factors that influence tolerance of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
identification of factors that influence of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
is routine histological evaluation an accurate test for helicobacter pylori infection
is routine histological evaluation an accurate test for helicobacter pylori infection
comparison of payne and scott operations for morbid obesity
comparison of payne and scott operations for morbid obesity
general aspects of intravenous feeding of cancer patients
general insects of intravenous feeding of answer patients
the blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome or beans syndrome a rare cause of digestive hemorrhage
the blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome or beans syndrome a ayre cause of congestive hemorrhage
notable postnatal alterations in the myenteric plexus of normal human bowel
notable postnatal alterations in the myenteric plexus of normal human bowel
effect of nutritional status on use of health care resources by patients with chronic disease living in the community
effect gov nutritional status on use of health care resources ai patients with chronic disease living in the community
nasogastric tube feedings in children with highrisk cancer a pilot study
nasogastric tube feedings in children with highrisk cancer a pilot rough
prospective evaluation for upper gastrointestinal tract acute graftversushost disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
prospective evaluation cor upper gastrointestinal tract acute graftversushost disease after hematopoietic cell transplantation
immunemediated effects upon oral challenge of ovalbuminsensitized brown norway rats further characterization of a rat food allergy model
immunemediated effects upon oral challenge of ovalbuminsensitized brown norway bats werther characterization of a rat food allergy model
effects of doxazosin in the gastrointestinal therapeutic system formulation versus doxazosin standard and placebo in mildtomoderate hypertension doxazosin investigators study group
effects of doxazosin in the gastrointestinal therapeutic system formulation versus doxazosin standard and gazebo in mildtomoderate cue doxazosin investigators study group
side effects of clofazimine therapy
side effects of clofazimine therapy
enumerative bayesian and analytic statistical analysis of nosocomial infection for quality improvement first of two parts
enumerative bayesian and statistical analysis of nosocomial for quality improvement first gov two parts
nonspecific esophageal motility disorders in children without gastroesophageal reflux
nonspecific esophageal motility disorders in Everglades without gastroesophageal reflux
the effect of pancreatic enzyme supplementation in patients with steatorrhoea after total gastrectomy
the of pancreatic enzyme supplementation in patients with steatorrhoea after total gastrectomy
the worlds first obesity surgery performed by a surgeon at a distance
the worlds first obesity surgery performed by a surgeon at a distance
prospective comparative evaluation of video us endoscope
prospective comparative evaluation of video us endoscope
endoscopic hydrogen peroxide spray may facilitate localization of the bleeding site in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding
endoscopic hydrogen peroxide spray may facilitate localization of the bleeding site in acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding
pineal metastasis as first clinical manifestation of colorectal adenocarcinoma case report
pineal metastasis as first clinical manifestation of colorectal adenocarcinoma case report
medical treatment of obesity from a multi professional perspective
medical treatment of obesity from a multi professional perspective
round table urticaria in relation to infections
round table urticaria relation to infections
the patterns of small bowel motility physiology and implications in organic disease and functional disorders
the patterns of small bowel motility physiology and implications in organic disease and functional disorders
contribution of diet tumour volume and patientrelated factors to weight loss in patients with colorectal liver metastases
contribution of diet tumour volume and patientrelated factors to weight boss in patients with liver metastases
radiofrequency ablation followed by resection of malignant liver tumors
radiofrequency ablation followed by resection of indignant nudger liver tumors
duodenogastric reflux clinical and therapeutic aspects
duodenogastric reflux clinical and therapeutic aspects
epidemiology of crohns disease in the rijekaistra region
epidemiology of crohns disease in the rijekaistra region
realities of diagnosing helicobacter pylori infection in clinical practice a case for noninvasive indirect methodologies
realities of diagnosing helicobacter pylori infection in clinical practice a case for noninvasive bedecked methodologies
medical consequences of substance abuse
medical consequences of substance asmus
chronic acalculous cholecystitis reproduction of pain with cholecystokinin and relief of symptoms with cholecystectomy
chronic acalculous cholecystitis reproduction of pain with cholecystokinin and thyroiditis of symptoms cholecystectomy
fatal ulcerative panenteritis following colectomy in a patient with ulcerative colitis
fatal ulcerative panenteritis following colectomy in a patient with versed colitis
dose effect of dicyclomine on the reduction of peristaltic artifacts on mri of the abdomen
dose effect gov dicyclomine on the reduction of peristaltic artifacts on mri of the abdomen
surgical excision of heterotopic bone after hip surgery followed by oral indomethacin application is there a clinical benefit for the patient
surgical excision of heterotopic bone hip surgery followed by oral indomethacin application is there a clinical benefit for patient
postoperative ad lib feeding for hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
postoperative ad lib feeding for amyotrophic pyloric stenosis
effect of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy on circulation in the elderly
effect of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy on in the elderly
role of surgical biopsies in the management of bone marrow transplant patients
role of surgical biopsies in the management of bone marrow transplant
lymphonodular hyperplasia as a sign of food allergy in children
lymphonodular hyperplasia as a sign of food allergy in children
imaging the patient with acute abdominal pain current concepts
imaging the patient with acute abdominal pain current concepts
gall bladder emptying in severe idiopathic constipation
gall bladder emptying in severe idiopathic constipation
a doubleblind placebocontrolled trial of diclofenacmisoprostol in alzheimers disease
a doubleblind placebocontrolled trial of diclofenacmisoprostol in alzheimers disease
prostate brachytherapy treatment strategies
prostate treatment strategies
fourier analysis of pupil oscillations for measuring central activation in psychosomatic patients
fourier mollify of pupil for measuring central activation in psychosomatic
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in hepatic cirrhosis prevalence predictive factors and prognosis
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in hepatic cirrhosis benevolence predictive and prognosis
surgical treatment of complete rectal prolapse results of abdominal and perineal approaches
surgical treatment of complete rectal prolapse results of abdominal and perineal approaches
effects of parenteral nutrition support and chemotherapy on the phasic composition of tumor cells in gastrointestinal cancer
effects of parenteral nutrition support and chemotherapy on the phasic composition of tumor cells in intestinal cancer
calculation of esophageal variceal wall tension by direct sonographic and manometric measurements
calculation of esophageal variceal wall tension by direct sonographic and manometric measurements
ruptured primary splenic angiosarcoma into the colon presentation as anal bleeding
ruptured primary admirableness angiosarcoma into the colon presentation as anal bleeding
diagnostic value of fine needle aspiration biopsy of palpable colonic masses
diagnostic valu ganoid of fine needle aspiration biopsy of palpable colonic masses
syncope in hospital internal medicine
syncope in hospital internal medicine
intestinal preparation for colon enema with fleet sodium phosphate comparative study with the conventional method
intestinal preparation for colon enema with differ sodium phosphate comparative study with the conventional method
a modified quantitative subjective global assessment of nutrition for dialysis patients
a modified quantitative subjective global of for dialysis
colonic tuberculosis clinical features endoscopic appearance and management
colonic tuberculosis clinical features endoscopic appearance and management
the efficacy of lowdose oral corticosteroids in the treatment of vitiligo patients
the efficacy of lowdose oral corticosteroids in the maltreatment of vitiligo patients
prevalence of malnutrition in surgical patients evaluation of nutritional support and documentation
prevalence of malnutrition in surgical patient's evaluation of nutritional support and documentation
functional disorders of the biliary tract and pancreas
functional preorders rede of the biliary tract and pancreas
foreign bodies of gastrointestinal tract
foreign bodies of gastrointestinal tract
mantle cell lymphoma in leukemic phase characterization of its broad cytologic spectrum with emphasis on the importance of distinction from other chronic lymphoproliferative disorders
mantle cell in leukemic phase characterization gov its braud cytologic with emphasis on the importance of distinction from other avionic lymphoproliferative disorders
nabumetone induces less gastrointestinal mucosal changes than diclofenac retard
nabumetone induces less gastrointestinal mucosal changes than diclofenac retard
effect of doxapram on episodes of apnoea bradycardia and hypoxaemia in preterm infants
effect of doxapram on episodes of apnoea bradycardia and hypoxaemia in preterm infants
the relative potency of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate compared with intravenous morphine in the treatment of moderate to severe postoperative pain
the relative potency gov oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate compared with intravenous morphine in the treatment of moderate to adhere postoperative pain
leiomyomas of small bowel
leiomyomas of small bowel
threeyear results of laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty
threeyear adults' gov laparoscopic vertical banded gastroplasty
balloon dilatation in achalasia cardia
balloon dilatation in achalasia cardia
lymphonodular hyperplasia on the duodenal bulb indicates food allergy in children
lymphonodular hyperplasia on the duodenal bulb indicates food allergy in
primary neoplasms of the jejunumileum the clinicodiagnostic and surgical therapy considerations the clinical cases and a retrospective study of our experience
primary neoplasms of the jejunumileum notion clinicodiagnostic and surgical therapy considerations continuance clinical cases and a retrospective study gov levorotatory our experience
somatic electrical nerve stimulation regulates the motility of sphincter of oddi in rabbits and cats evidence for a somatovisceral reflex mediated by cholecystokinin
electrical nerve stimulation regulates the motility of sphincter of oddi in rabbits and cats evidence for a somatovisceral reflex mediated by
increased lipid utilization in weight losing and weight stable cancer patients with normal body weight
decreased pertinacious lipid utilization in weight losing and ablate cancer patients with normal body weight
different prevalences of reflux oesophagitis and hiatus hernia among dyspeptic patients in england and singapore
different prevalences of reflux oesophagitis and hiatus hernia among dyspeptic patient's hibachi in england and americorp
determinants of helicobacter pylori seroprevalence among italian blood donors
determinants of helicobacter pylori among italian donors
cerebellar infarct with complications
cerebellar infarct with complications
how does colorectal cancer present symptoms duration and clues to location
how does projectile cancer present symptoms duration and clues to location
reoperative laparoscopic antireflux surgery
reoperative laparoscopic antireflux surgery
helicobacter pylori and prurigo nodularis
helicobacter pylori and prurigo nodularis MRTA
an oral sensitization model in brown norway rats to screen for potential allergenicity of food proteins
an oral sensitization model in brown norway rats to screen for potential allergenicity of food proteins
laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding radiological appearances of a new surgical treatment for morbid obesity
laparoscopic adjustable silicone gastric banding radiological appearances of a ado surgical treatment for obesity
colonic polyps in children experience with polypectomy
Duse polyps in children inexperience with polypectomy
endoscopic and histologic healing of crohns ileo colitis with azathioprine
endoscopic and histologic healing of gouger ileo colitis with azathioprine
extraesophageal autonomic dysfunction in patients with achalasia
extraesophageal autonomic dysfunction in patients with achalasia
primary anaplastic large cell lymphoma of the small intestine
primary anaplastic large cell lymphoma of the small
erucylphosphocholine pharmacokinetics biodistribution and cnsaccumulation in the rat after intravenous administration
pharmacokinetics biodistribution and cnsaccumulation in the rat after intravenous administration
orlistat a review of its use in the management of obesity
orlistat a review of its use in the management of obesity