4 values
10 values
Fine quality and looks good . Only problem , after washing and drying the pants shrunk . Now they are not as tall as I would like . Recommend not to put in dryer .
[('quality', 'Fine', 'NEU'), ('looks', 'good', 'POS'), ('pants', 'shrunk', 'NEG'), (-1, 'not as tall as I would like', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Recommend not to put in dryer', 'NEU')]
The menu looked great , and the waiter was very nice , but when the food came , it was average .
[('menu', 'great', 'POS'), ('waiter', 'nice', 'POS'), ('food', 'average', 'NEU')]
Needs to come with a hose clamp ,to keep hose from popping off when under pressure . The price is about right . Fast and friendly service .
[('price', 'right', 'NEU'), ('service', 'Fast', 'POS'), ('service', 'friendly', 'POS')]
Using with a Samsung SGH -c417 , - Fairly comfortable , but I really need to try the alternate (smaller ) ear bud as the larger one starts to hurt after eight or so hours . - Scratchy reception (yeah , the phone is on the same side as the headset ) both incoming and outgoing . -Phone and headset loose contact a couple of times a day . . . requires reboot of Bluetooth on the phone (Samsung issue ? ) -When it works , it really works well . In sum , great concept , not ready for primetime .
[(-1, 'Fairly comfortable', 'POS'), ('ear bud', 'larger one starts to hurt after eight or so hours', 'NEG'), ('reception', 'Scratchy', 'NEG'), ('headset', 'loose contact a couple of times a day', 'NEG'), (-1, 'really works well', 'POS'), ('concept', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'not ready for primetime', 'NEG')]
Excellent flavor , for making iced coffee . A little hard to dissolve in hot water , but I make it in a Pyrex cup in the microwave .
[('flavor', 'Excellent', 'POS'), ('to dissolve in hot water', 'little hard', 'NEG')]
I have used this product since 2003 . My dogs love it mixed into their food with some water added to make "gravy . " To humans , it smells terrible , but the dogs love it ! The price wasn 't really less than I normally pay , but I appreciate the easy ordering from Amazon .
[('product', 'have used', 'POS'), ('smells', 'terrible , but the dogs love', 'POS'), ('price', "wasn 't really less than I normally pay", 'NEG'), (-1, 'love', 'POS'), ('ordering', 'appreciate', 'POS'), ('ordering', 'easy', 'POS')]
It works for what it was designed to do . My job had a off size non standard piston so was not able to use the nicer fixed ring compressors . The way this is packaged it is like all Lisle products . this causes the compressor to be more oval so when your attempting to put around the piston and the rings you need to make it much larger or have a 2nd set of hands . If you open the compressor more then its more difficult to tighten back down and make sure every thing is aligned . I have the compressor stored tightened down on an old piston in hopes that next use it will be more circular .
[(-1, 'works', 'POS'), ('packaged', 'like all Lisle products', 'NEG'), (-1, 'causes the compressor to be more oval', 'NEG')]
I read other reviews about the problems with the suction cup , so decided to purchase the I . Trek strong suction cup with extension option . To insert , used a small amount lubricating jelly . It helped to slightly open the gaps (on either side of the ball joint with a flat head screwdriver ) then push down I .Trek suction arm with ball into the mirror ball joint . It 's not a 100 % perfect fix (as ball is slightly larger than CIPA ball ) but should work . Now to get out & water test !
[(-1, 'not a 100 % perfect fix', 'NEG'), (-1, 'should work', 'POS')]
to start off , the colors aren 't exactly the same as they would look in the picture because of the lighting they were taken in and your computers color settings but they are pretty close . at least that was the case with the royal blue pair that i 'd ordered . and while they do say that it 's 3 / 4 " wide that may not be the case . the pair i got is probably 5 /16 " and i only ordered a 3 /4 " because i couldn 't get the right price and color for a less wider one . overall , i 'm satisfied with the pair they shipped .
[('colors', "aren 't exactly the same", 'NEG'), ('colors', 'pretty close', 'POS'), ('3 / 4 " wide', 'may not be the case', 'NEG'), ('pair', 'satisfied with', 'POS')]
Meguiars Scratch X does what it 's supposed to . It is gentler than a rubbing compound and more aggressive than a cleaner wax . My wife purchased a car from a national rental company and it had a few medium deep scratches . The cleaner wax I used did nothing to the scratches . A few minutes with ScratchX light rubbing with a foam application pad made them disappear . Pretty cool . I used an old bottle of Scratch X on my older car that had been subjected to a brutal convenient store car wash . by the previous owner . It had thousands of scratches from medium to light . Voila ! gone . It should be noted that in my opinion a scratch remover has the potential to remove paint or clear coat unintentionally and /or damage a finish if used improperly . Nuff said .
[('Meguiars Scratch X', "does what it 's supposed to", 'POS'), (-1, 'gentler', 'POS'), (-1, 'more aggressive', 'NEU'), (-1, 'Pretty cool', 'POS')]
Great book , pretty good layout . Problems are sometimes annoying since you have to go back to reference other problems just to solve a problem that 's 3 pages later .
[('book', 'Great', 'POS'), ('layout', 'pretty good', 'POS'), ('Problems', 'sometimes annoying', 'NEG')]
I 'm using this product in a 29 gallon aquarium with a fluorescent hood and I can 't tell the difference between using the product and not . However I 'm not going to knock this product that much because those with faster growing plants and better lighting might have a better experience . I 've ended up not using it because of the lack of visual results . I 'll try it again later when I upgrade the lighting .
[(-1, "I 've ended up not using", 'NEG'), (-1, 'lack of visual results', 'NEU')]
While the casing itself is a nice and sturdy metal box , the wall plug separates easily from the casing , causing a shock hazard . Today I saw the unit dangling off the outlet again and thought the same thing had happened , but this time the plug had outright broken off (see picture ) .
[('metal box', 'nice', 'POS'), ('metal box', 'sturdy', 'POS'), ('wall plug', 'separates easily from the casing , causing a shock hazard', 'NEG'), ('plug', 'outright broken off', 'NEG')]
While certain staples are excellent ( the burger , some of the pastas ) , the food is not really the point .
[('burger', 'excellent', 'POS'), ('pastas', 'excellent', 'POS'), ('food', 'not really the point', 'NEU'), ('staples', 'excellent', 'POS')]
Shoes are cute but the item said fits true to size and it does not . Too large . Need to return and get smaller size . Returned the first order and got a smaller size . My grandson wears a size 10 in all other shoes and I had to get a size 9 in the converse . Shoe is super cute .
[('Shoes', 'cute', 'POS'), ('fits', 'does not', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Too large', 'NEG'), (-1, 'super cute', 'POS')]
For a restaurant with such a good reputation and that is usually so packed , there was no reason for such a lack of intelligent customer service .
[('restaurant', 'good reputation', 'POS'), ('customer service', 'intelligent', 'NEG')]
The best filter on the market that I can tell . Consumer Reports rates this very high , but it is a bit slow in delivery .
[('filter', 'best', 'POS'), ('rates', 'very high', 'POS'), ('delivery', 'a bit slow', 'NEG')]
For some reason , all the seafood on the menu was unavailable except for the Salmon .
[('seafood', 'unavailable', 'NEG'), ('menu', 'unavailable', 'NEG'), ('Salmon', 'except', 'NEU')]
A sweet treat but with health benefits of fiber and very tasty and easy to carry with you from home . A bit crumbly , but worth the tiny mess it makes .
[('sweet treat', 'with health benefits of fiber', 'POS'), ('sweet treat', 'very tasty', 'POS'), ('sweet treat', 'easy to carry with you', 'POS'), (-1, 'A bit crumbly', 'NEU'), (-1, 'worth the tiny mess', 'POS')]
It 's a drum key , it fits drums , it was cheap and doesn 't look like it will fall apart any time soon . What more to say . . .
[('drum key', 'fits drums', 'POS'), ('drum key', 'cheap', 'NEU')]
my phone won 't fit i think it made for a 5 , well it does fit but its so hard to get it out i don 't use it .
[(-1, 'so hard to get it out', 'NEG'), (-1, "i don 't use it", 'NEG'), (-1, 'it does fit', 'POS')]
Bought this to create my own patch cables of non -standard lengths and with the exception of one small issue I had with my first cable , the cables are going strong and at gigabit speeds (everything I own in my house is business class ) . Not the easiest to work with at first because of the separator in Cat6 cables , but I got over that quick . Overall I like it , and would recommend this product .
[('cables', 'going strong', 'POS'), ('cables', 'gigabit speeds', 'POS'), ('separator in Cat6 cables', 'Not the easiest to work with at first', 'NEG'), (-1, 'I got over', 'POS'), (-1, 'I like', 'POS'), ('product', 'would recommend', 'POS')]
I love musk cologne and it is not easy to find so I bought these . I like all the scents but the original musk is my favorite .
[('musk cologne', 'love', 'POS'), ('musk cologne', 'not easy to find', 'NEG'), ('scents', 'like', 'POS'), ('original musk', 'favorite', 'POS')]
The bag attaches to the vacuum by means of a plastic fitting that comes with the original unit . Taking the fitting from the old bad and installing it on the new one is easy . The zipper is the weak link . Sooner or later , it will fail , and there is no way to replace it or fix it . Eventually , too , the bag will fray around the fitting . In my experience , the zipper will fail before the fraying becomes a problem . The bag has good capacity and works well with the Toro 51601 , which is the unit I have .
[('Taking the fitting', 'easy', 'POS'), ('installing', 'easy', 'POS'), ('zipper', 'weak link', 'NEG'), (-1, 'will fail', 'NEG'), (-1, 'no way to replace', 'NEG'), ('bag', 'will fray around the fitting', 'NEG'), ('zipper', 'will fail before the fraying becomes a problem', 'NEG'), ('bag', 'has good capacity', 'POS'), ('bag', 'works well with the Toro 51601', 'POS')]
For small router purposes this tool works great ! Once mounted , it makes light jobs easier . I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 because its challenging to get the dremel tool to stay locked in place and I would have liked more flexibility with the angling of shape . It only does straight routing jobs even though the guide can be repositioned . I would have like the ability to do angles . But overall , it saved me time and effort by not having to have a major router set up for the small job I was doing .
[('tool', 'works great', 'POS'), (-1, 'makes light jobs easier', 'POS'), ('dremel tool', 'challenging', 'NEG'), ('angling of shape', 'would have liked more flexibility', 'NEG'), (-1, 'saved me time', 'POS')]
Excellent Tea , I have enjoyed it for years . Shipping costs I thought were too much . its very heavy on orange and cinnimon . But it reminds me of the days when I visited the Pikes Place Market often . You can sip it while shopping for other items .
[('Tea', 'Excellent', 'POS'), ('Shipping costs', 'too much', 'NEG'), ('orange and cinnimon', 'very heavy', 'NEG')]
Awful . Zero anti dandruff properties . Comes out of bottle like water , so very easy to waste . Very poor lathering , requires large quantity to lather up hair . Vague smell , not bad but also not pleasant .
[(-1, 'Awful', 'NEG'), ('anti dandruff properties', 'Zero', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Comes out of bottle like water', 'NEG'), (-1, 'very easy to waste', 'NEG'), ('lathering', 'Very poor', 'NEG'), ('lather up hair', 'large quantity to', 'NEG'), ('smell', 'Vague', 'NEU'), ('smell', 'not bad', 'NEU'), ('smell', 'not pleasant', 'NEU')]
Works like it should . A bit flimsy but still works and the price was right too . I 'd recommend to anyone .
[(-1, 'Works like it should', 'POS'), (-1, 'bit flimsy', 'NEG'), (-1, 'still works', 'POS'), ('price', 'right', 'POS'), (-1, 'recommend to anyone', 'POS')]
My old RainBird 4 station controller of 30 years was acting crazy so I changed it out to this model . It was an easy install , has many different watering options for each zone and is a user friendly design . I noticed the backup battery was hidden so I called Rainbird support . My old timer had a 9 volt battery that could be changed . The battery in this SST 1200o cannot be changed , so when it goes bad the unit will have to be reprogrammed after every power outage . . . not good . Support said it 's a rechargeable lithium battery . The outdated manual that comes with it is for an 8 zone model , and is the same on their website . The connectors for the station wire are push in connection type , so rigid wire is needed . The unit measures 9 x 9 . 5 x 4 .5 inches .
[('install', 'easy', 'POS'), ('watering options', 'many', 'POS'), ('watering options', 'different', 'POS'), ('watering options', 'for each zone', 'POS'), ('design', 'user friendly', 'POS'), ('backup battery', 'hidden', 'NEG'), ('battery', 'cannot be changed', 'NEG'), ('unit', 'will have to be reprogrammed after every power outage', 'NEG'), (-1, 'not good', 'NEG'), ('manual', 'outdated', 'NEG')]
This product turned out to be much better than I expected . The photo does not convey that this is a dense , heavy product that is also super flexible . While I agree with other reviewers that the included adhesive paste is inferior in quantity and packaging (guys - just omit the adhesive ) , the product itself is amazing . I was able to lay it precisely , trim it easily , drop the door and kick it (from the inside ) snugly right up to the door . Like another reviewer , I 'm leaving it unglued for now , but it has created a weather -tight fit where before it was an uneven , craggy concrete surface . I could not have wanted a better product .
[('product', 'turned out to be much better than I expected', 'POS'), ('product', 'super flexible', 'POS'), ('adhesive paste', 'inferior in quantity and packaging', 'NEG'), ('product', 'amazing', 'POS'), ('fit', 'weather -tight', 'POS'), ('product', 'could not have wanted a better', 'POS'), ('product', 'dense', 'POS'), ('product', 'heavy', 'POS')]
The first three books were great . The fourth one was lacking and I had hoped that this fifth one would redeem the fourth book by being as good as the first three - it did not . Describing things , places , men that have been described by the author before a hundred times - gets old . The descriptions take me nowhere that I haven 't already been or want to go . Entire chapters about people that I don 't care about , or that I didn 't come to like as well as the characters who 've been conveniently killed so things will become a little more simple , these chapters pretty much are worth skipping or browsing - looking for quotation marks and key words that may have something to do with someone who is interesting . Anyway , if there are going to be seven of these books , I guess that I can wait five years for the next one and I 'll probably buy it and read it . I read that Robert Jordan series and that was trying . There 's always Moby Dick , I haven 't read that in a while .
[('first three books', 'great', 'POS'), ('fourth one', 'lacking', 'NEG'), ('descriptions', 'take me nowhere', 'NEG'), ('chapters', "about people that I don 't care about", 'NEG'), ('chapters', 'worth skipping or browsing', 'NEG')]
I 'm a wrestling fan , but more importantly , I 'm a Mick Foley fan . Mr . Foley 's exploits and adventures over the course of his eventful career made a sixteen hour flight to Asia fly by . Having said that , I 'm also a fan of well -written books , and this is , unfortunately , not one of them . It 's clear that the book may have benefitted from the work of a ghost -writer , but at the same time , an autobiography from a man an straightforward as Mr . Foley would have seemed disingenuous with one . In short , this book is an open and honest look at the business of wrestling (although Mr . Foley skirts the issue of genuine heat between Owen Hart and Steve Austin ) , that is at times rambling , but nonetheless extremely enjoyable .
[('book', 'may have benefitted from the work of a ghost -writer', 'NEG'), ('book', 'open', 'NEU'), ('book', 'honest', 'NEU'), (-1, 'at times rambling', 'NEG'), (-1, 'nonetheless extremely enjoyable', 'POS')]
My father loves the unfrosted pop -tarts , and it used to be that we could find a box or two in our local grocery stores , but no days that are darn near impossible to find . Then I found these on here . I instantly bought them . This is a TON of poptarts . To be exact , 96 poptarts . They came in perfect condition and are quite delicious . It is a nice treat that is super hard to find in stores .
[(-1, 'instantly bought', 'POS'), ('poptarts', 'a TON', 'POS'), ('condition', 'perfect', 'POS'), (-1, 'quite delicious', 'POS'), ('treat', 'nice', 'POS'), (-1, 'super hard to find in stores', 'NEG')]
I have three of these working around the clock at different spots around the house . Last year I couldn 't go outside for more than 5 minutes without getting eaten alive . This year I haven 't gotten bit yet and I was even out while it was getting dark cutting my lawn . I would say these work . My other two units have bigger lights but not sure that its necessary .
[(-1, 'work', 'POS'), ('bigger lights', 'not sure that its necessary', 'NEU'), (-1, "This year I haven 't gotten bit yet", 'POS')]
The springs included with these were a little too long for my dremel so I ended up reusing the old springs . Other than that small issue , they work
[(-1, 'work', 'POS'), ('springs', 'little too long for my dremel', 'NEG')]
The small is a BIG small . Watch out . Fits like a medium . Other than that , it 's hard to mess up the classic 50 / 50 sweatshop sweatshirt . Keeps me warm on an ice cold night run .
[('small', 'BIG small', 'NEU'), (-1, 'Watch out', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Fits like a medium', 'NEU'), ('sweatshirt', 'classic', 'NEU'), ('sweatshirt', 'sweatshop', 'NEU'), (-1, 'Keeps me warm', 'POS')]
The sound quality of these headphones is great . However , the cord is so heavy that it frequently pulls the jack out of the device . This happens to me 3 - 4 times a day , and it 's a big issue .
[('sound quality', 'great', 'POS'), ('cord', 'so heavy', 'NEG'), ('cord', 'frequently pulls the jack out of the device', 'NEG')]
Good size , like that it is see -through . It does the job and I love the fact that I don 't have to use paper plates and towels anymore to cover food , My only gripes are : 1 ) found same thing at Walmart for cheaper ( I 'm ok with that though because who has time to shop and my 'find ' there was purely accidental ) . Did not like the fact that it has no handle and believe a better design would be a decent size handle with a vent placed to the side . I say this because the lid can be quite hot when first take it out - if heating something that produces a lot of steam . Counter -point would be let it rest a minute or so before taking off lid . Only problem is I usually only use microwave when in desperate hurry . : - ( I know , I need to stop that !
[('size', 'Good', 'POS'), (-1, 'see -through', 'NEU'), (-1, 'like', 'POS'), (-1, 'does the job', 'POS'), (-1, 'love', 'POS'), ('Walmart', 'cheaper', 'NEU'), (-1, 'has no handle', 'NEU'), (-1, 'Did not like', 'NEG')]
soldering irons rarely get hot enough /fast enough for me . This one does ! the little lights on it are standard bulbs and not that bright , but hardly a deal breaker
[('little lights', 'standard bulbs', 'NEG'), ('little lights', 'not that bright', 'NEG'), ('little lights', 'hardly a deal breaker', 'POS')]
No odor control . I have three cats , all of whom use the litter box without problem , but for some reason one of them refuses to use this . So she has been going on the litter mat right next to the box . The urine clumps are very hard and dense making it difficult to scoop . I switched to this brand for price and size of box . However , I find that I am changing the litter more often , so I don 't feel that I really saved any money .
[('odor', 'No', 'NEG'), ('litter box', 'without problem', 'POS'), ('litter box', 'one of them refuses to use', 'NEG'), (-1, "don 't feel that I really saved any money", 'NEG')]
I have a nice aluminum ballmount and didn 't want to buy a steel ballmount just so I could weld a sway control tab on it . When I came across this bracket I thought it was a great idea and I 'd be able to keep my lightweight aluminum ballmount . But it 's worthless and I wasted my money . The bracket will swivel on the ballmount because its cutout is wider than a ballmount itself . Kind of defeats the purpose . The bracket looks beefy enough , but it isn 't as it bent up after the first use . I ended up going with a steel mount with a tab welded on it and haven 't had a problem since .
[(-1, 'worthless', 'NEG'), (-1, 'wasted my money', 'NEG'), ('cutout', 'wider', 'NEG'), ('looks', 'beefy enough', 'POS'), ('bracket', 'bent up after the first use', 'NEG'), ('bracket', 'swivel', 'NEG')]
Very good taste to this coffee , I love it , it has a rich aromatic flavor I don 't think you would be disappointed if you like Senseo coffees . give it a try . Only thing don 't buy for the price they show on this review , go to the Senseo web site , it 's a lot cheaper there . Up Date DEC 16 2014 If you use Subscribe and Save it 's only $ 18 .70 . . . for 4 bags
[('coffee', 'Very good taste', 'POS'), ('coffee', 'love', 'POS'), ('coffee', 'has a rich aromatic flavor', 'POS'), ('price', "don 't buy for", 'NEG'), ('Senseo web site', 'a lot cheaper there', 'POS')]
My Chelsea 's impressive and creative menu includes modern , Westernized Japanese dishes such as Foie Gras Unagi Napolean , Jap style hamburger steak , spicy cod roe spaghetti , black cod with miso base , and rack of lamb in black truffle sauce , to name a few .
[('menu', 'impressive', 'POS'), ('menu', 'creative', 'POS'), ('Japanese dishes', 'modern', 'NEU'), ('Japanese dishes', 'Westernized', 'NEU'), ('Foie Gras Unagi Napolean', 'modern', 'NEU'), ('Foie Gras Unagi Napolean', 'Westernized', 'NEU'), ('Jap style hamburger steak', 'modern', 'NEU'), ('Jap style hamburger steak', 'Westernized', 'NEU'), ('spicy cod roe spaghetti', 'modern', 'NEU'), ('spicy cod roe spaghetti', 'Westernized', 'NEU'), ('black cod with miso base', 'modern', 'NEU'), ('black cod with miso base', 'Westernized', 'NEU'), ('rack of lamb in black truffle sauce', 'modern', 'NEU'), ('rack of lamb in black truffle sauce', 'Westernized', 'NEU')]
This is cute . I just feel that the handle to the broom part come off to easy . There not a good enough grip and sometimes the broom falls off the handle
[(-1, 'cute', 'POS'), ('handle to the broom', 'come off to easy', 'NEG'), ('grip', 'not a good enough', 'NEG'), ('broom', 'falls off the handle', 'NEG')]
The small flat buttons that switch between the clock and count -up and count -down timers are poorly -constructed . Mine was stuck in the pushed -in setting and I had to disassemble the whole thing (with several tiny screws inside ) to fix it . And then it got stuck in again right after I fixed it . The other buttons seemed fine but those flat silicone buttons locked the unit in the clock mode so I couldn 't use it reliably . Bad product which needs to be redesigned .
[('buttons', 'poorly -constructed', 'NEG'), (-1, 'had to disassemble the whole thing', 'NEG'), (-1, 'got stuck in again right after I fixed', 'NEG'), ('other buttons', 'fine', 'POS'), ('flat silicone buttons', "couldn 't use", 'NEG'), ('product', 'Bad', 'NEG'), ('product', 'needs to be redesigned', 'NEG')]
Excellent . Works with dimmable LED bulbs too . I purchased two switches . But . . . The only thing I noticed is these only dim bulbs down to about 10 % level . I knew this from previous reviewers . . . would have like to see them with a lower range , maybe down to 1 % . They might have designed them this way to be compatible with dimmable LEDs and dimmable fluorescents . I use these with Volt brand LED bulbs . Amazon prime got me them in less than 48 hours . Got to love that ! These were priced 3 bucks less per switch than the big box stores .
[(-1, 'Excellent', 'POS'), (-1, 'only dim bulbs down to about 10 % level', 'NEU'), ('Amazon prime', 'less than 48 hours', 'POS'), (-1, 'Got to love', 'POS'), ('priced', '3 bucks less per switch', 'POS')]
Despite the confusing mirrors this will likely be my go-to for modern Japanese food for the foreseeable future .
[('modern Japanese food', 'go-to for', 'POS'), ('mirrors', 'confusing', 'NEG')]
love the foot molds . It takes all the guess work out of making a bench . Just make sure the wood you purchase is in decent shape . Make sure you 're ok with the knots and other imperfections found on all lumber . Use a rubber mallet if things get tight . a few screws zipped in and you 're good to go . It can get heavy so an extra pair hands to help is always nice .
[('foot molds', 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'can get heavy', 'NEG')]
Not only is it an adventure getting to this somewhat hidden spot , once you enter the unmarked wooden doors , the zen and intimate décor will make you feel like you ’ re no longer in the city .
[('spot', 'hidden', 'NEU'), ('décor', 'intimate', 'POS')]
Well , to be honest "I " don 't really love this . . in fact , I couldn 't care less for measuring tapes , however my son -in -law uses this regularly and he does love it ! His quote "Stanley 's the best Ma , This will hold up forever , and I 'll be able to hand it down to my own son one day if we have one ! " He seems very happy to use this as often as he can !
[(-1, 'seems very happy to use', 'POS'), (-1, 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'will hold up forever', 'POS'), (-1, '"I " don \'t really love', 'NEG')]
Logitech TrackMan Wheel Mouse This product does a great job . Everything I was looking for with this wheel mouse . The reason I did not give this product a 5 was because the " Right Click " side of the mouse is too sensitive .
[('product', 'does a great job', 'POS'), ('wheel mouse', 'Everything I was looking for', 'POS'), ('Right Click', 'too sensitive', 'NEG')]
Very well made and makes a good and lasting contact . Directions weren 't very clear . It 's too bad they are now discontinued .
[(-1, 'Very well made', 'POS'), (-1, 'makes a good and lasting contact', 'POS'), ('Directions', "weren 't very clear", 'NEG'), (-1, 'too bad they are now discontinued', 'NEU')]
It has a 10 hour battery life when you 're doing web browsing and word editing , making it perfect for the classroom or office , and in terms of gaming and movie playing it 'll have a battery life of just over 5 hours .
[('battery life', 'perfect', 'POS'), ('web browsing', 'perfect', 'NEU'), ('word editing', 'perfect', 'NEU')]
Product performed as it should , professionally . First blender full of Mudslides was lost in the sink due to the base of the blender having become loosened in shipping . Just be sure the bottom is on tight before that first run . Good product . Takes up very little space and looks nice on counter .
[('Product', 'performed as it should', 'POS'), ('performed', 'professionally', 'POS'), ('product', 'Good', 'POS'), (-1, 'Takes up very little space', 'POS'), ('looks', 'nice', 'POS'), ('base of the blender', 'become loosened', 'NEG')]
It does bind to the poop as expected . The odor is pretty well controlled and clumps appropriately , that being said it is not more impressive than any other clumping kitty litter I have used . However , if you have prime , the free shipping was great considering how heavy this kitty litter is !
[(-1, 'does bind to the poop as expected', 'POS'), ('odor', 'pretty well controlled', 'POS'), ('clumps', 'appropriately', 'POS'), ('shipping', 'free', 'POS'), ('shipping', 'great', 'POS'), (-1, 'not more impressive than any other', 'NEG')]
This mouse puppet is well -made , looks enough like a real mouse to have some educational value , and can be a fun part of children 's puppet shows . However as a puppet it 's limited . You can basically only use it as a finger puppet , i .e . move it about . But with a bit of imagination on the part of puppeteer and audience , that can be overcome .
[('mouse puppet', 'well -made', 'POS'), ('looks', 'like a real mouse to have some educational value', 'POS'), (-1, "can be a fun part of children 's puppet shows", 'POS'), ('puppet', 'limited', 'NEU')]
I like this nozzle and suspect it may be a super performer - however it takes a lot of water and I don 't have the pressure /flow to know how it can perform . It is very well made . If you have the water this should be a heck of a nozzle .
[('nozzle', 'like', 'POS'), ('nozzle', 'may be a super performer', 'POS'), (-1, 'takes a lot of water', 'NEG'), (-1, 'very well made', 'POS')]
I purchased this bracket for my iPhone4 and am very pleased overall with it performance and high quality . The bracket , suction cup and extension arm is high quality and I doubt there will be any issues with it failing anytime soon . My one disappointment is that it does shake a bit while driving ( 2008 F150 ) and when using something like a GPS app it can e difficult to read the shaking screen . After using this for about a month though , I strongly doubt that any flexible arm extension would not shake some and I believe that this is the best solution one would find before moving to some firm fixed bracket device . Just a note . . .I ended up putting a little rubber bumper between the halfway point of the arm and the phone holder . The way I have mine mounted it passes an inch or so over the edge of my dash and this adds a bit more stability to the phone .
[('performance', 'very pleased', 'POS'), ('quality', 'high', 'POS'), ('quality', 'very pleased', 'POS'), ('bracket', 'high quality', 'POS'), ('suction cup', 'high quality', 'POS'), ('extension arm', 'high quality', 'POS'), (-1, 'shake a bit while driving ( 2008 F150', 'NEG')]
Been running these on a 4 cyl jeep for a couple months now . At first these had a nice mellow growl but after a run in the dunes I guess the packing is wasted . Now they have a very ricy sound that is not so nice , any time you accelerate they have a very sharp "BLATT " tone above 2K rpm thru 3K . Now if you like that then this is the muffler for you . Im currently looking for something in the same size package but mellower sound levels .
[('growl', 'nice', 'POS'), ('growl', 'mellow', 'POS'), ('sound', 'very ricy', 'NEG'), ('sound', 'not so nice', 'NEG'), ('tone', 'very sharp', 'NEG')]
Awesome ~ ! ! ! . My 2004 Hyundai horns were almost dead for many years by living next to ocean . A small kid 's bicycle hunks were louder than mine . So , I decided to replace and made many researches and made purchase of this product , even with some skeptical thoughts . Well , I was dead wrong ~ ! ! ! This is blowing heck out of sound , even my son got his eyes wide open . Thats just replacing the horns . No other parts were needed at all . No 20 ~ 30 amp relays or wire replacements . Just nothing . If you have any issues with your factory horns , here you have it . No need to look for other horns with thoughts . It has crisp clean sounds , that will blow your pants off . . . . that 's if you are wearing one . . . . >u <
[(-1, 'Awesome', 'POS'), ('sound', 'blowing heck out', 'NEU'), ('sounds', 'crisp', 'POS'), ('sounds', 'clean', 'POS'), ('sounds', 'will blow your pants off', 'NEU')]
You will be hard pressed to find a colored TRS to TRS cable anywhere for a price this low . That said , one of my cables was f aulty out of the package . It was missing the clear plastic insulating tube that the other cables have on each end . My advice to you , check and make sure the plastic insulator is on each end of each cable before using , and if it is missing , cover the soldered connections with electrical tape . I would give these cables 5 stars if they used a hear shrink stain relief insulator , but for this price I 'm probably asking too much .
[('price', 'low', 'POS'), ('one', 'aulty out of the package', 'NEG')]
Very heavy socks . I can only wear them with my hiking boots . Not for everyday wear . They are holding up great and are very comfortable . They are too thick to wear with my everyday shoes though .
[('socks', 'Very heavy', 'POS'), (-1, 'holding up great', 'POS'), (-1, 'very comfortable', 'POS'), (-1, 'too thick to wear with my everyday shoes', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Not for everyday wear', 'NEG')]
The ground chickpea soup we sampled as a starter tasted somewhat thin .
[('ground chickpea soup', 'thin', 'NEG'), ('starter', 'thin', 'NEU')]
Had it for a week . So far so good , came with some charge in it so kids were able to use it right away . I have had problems with these batteries going bad quickly and not holding a charge any longer . I 've worried that Ive been getting old batteries when ordered online . This one came in fisherprice packaging ( I can 't remember if the others did ) so I 'm hopeful this one will last more than a year .
[(-1, 'So far so good', 'POS'), ('batteries', 'have had problems with', 'NEG')]
I did like the reincarnation aspect but it is mostly an adventure story of 2 people who keep meeting over & over
[('reincarnation aspect', 'did like', 'POS'), ('adventure story', 'of 2 people who keep meeting over & over', 'NEG')]
Staffs are not that friendly , but the taste covers all .
[('Staffs', 'not that friendly', 'NEG'), ('taste', 'covers all', 'POS')]
I bought one of these about a year and half ago and it is still going strong . I use it daily with my two boys who are in the YMCA basketball program . I have my basketball hoop in the driveway so having this ball returner makes it safer to play outside instead of chasing the balls all over the place including the street . One of the clips in the back came off about 8 months of use . I went ahead and put tight wraps on all sides . I never bring this inside .
[(-1, 'still going strong', 'POS'), ('ball returner', 'safer to play outside', 'POS'), ('clips', 'came off about 8 months of use', 'NEU')]
Love Shellac nail polish and as always best quality product thus far . The only thing keep in mind - your screen does nor reflect the true color . It is more sparkly -pinkish color , still 5 stars ! ! !
[('Shellac nail polish', 'Love', 'POS'), ('quality', 'always best', 'POS'), (-1, 'your screen does nor reflect the true color', 'NEG'), (-1, 'still 5 stars', 'POS')]
Traditional wallets are hard to find . I love Buxton and was delighted to find some of their wallets available on Amazon .com . I am very pleased with the wallet but wish it were all leather instead of the vinyl inside .
[('Buxton', 'love', 'POS'), ('wallets', 'delighted to find', 'POS'), ('wallet', 'very pleased with', 'POS'), ('inside', 'all leather instead of the vinyl', 'NEG')]
So far , I like the performance of this mic mounted on my alto sax except it does pick up on the noise the keys make . Better sound damping material on the clip might resolve that issue . The zippered padded pouch this came with was a nice extra touch .
[('performance', 'like', 'POS'), (-1, 'pick up on the noise the keys make', 'NEG'), ('zippered padded pouch', 'nice extra touch', 'POS')]
These bowls (now made in Portugal ) are very fragile , and thus not like the original Mason Cash bowls made in England 10 or so years ago . I ordered 6 of these bowls (different sizes ) , and had to return 3 of them due to damage during shipping (and not due to unreasonably poor packaging ) . There are very few high quality ceramic mixing bowls currently available - plastic and steel seem to be the current standard (yuck ! ) . If you want a ceramic mixing bowl , these may do , but be sure to take care when handling them to avoid breakage .
[('bowls', 'very fragile', 'POS'), ('bowls', 'had to return 3', 'NEG'), ('shipping', 'damage during', 'NEG'), ('packaging', 'unreasonably poor', 'NEG'), ('ceramic mixing bowl', 'may do', 'NEU')]
Ordered this bed after our rescue dog has shredded two blankets pawing at them . I didn 't want to put a foam bed in the kennel knowing it would get shredded as well due to her crate anxiety . This seemed flexible enough to get moved out of the way while she was scratching to get out and I was willing to give it a shot based on other reviews . So far this bed has held up , I will update review if she manages to destroy it . All in all it is a quality bed . I put it on the floor first and she laid down on in within a minute . She seems to like it in the kennel . It is a softer material on one side and more of a sleeping bag material on the other . She does not seem to have a preference at all . It is not a thick bed but definitely does the trick . Seems well made and is a good buy for the price . She is 50lbs and it is a good size for her to stretch out on . My dogs do not chew things up so I cannot comment on it 's durability from that end but so far this bed has held up to her pawing it around a zillion times before laying down .
[(-1, 'seemed flexible enough to get moved out of the way', 'POS'), ('bed', 'has held up', 'POS'), ('bed', 'quality', 'POS'), ('bed', 'not a thick', 'NEG'), ('bed', 'does the trick', 'POS'), (-1, 'Seems well made', 'POS'), ('price', 'good buy', 'POS'), ('size', 'good', 'POS')]
It 's a tent . Not much to say in that regard . It 's roomy for what it is and packs up nicely . The only complaint I have is that the window flap is on the outside of the tent , meaning you can 't open or close your window flap from within the tent .
[('packs up', 'nicely', 'POS'), ('window flap', 'on the outside', 'NEG'), ('window flap', "you can 't open or close", 'NEG')]
I use this with my mobile DJ equipment and it is fantastic . Very sturdy and light enough to easily carry . Holes for screw mounts are perfectly placed and allow easy component installation . Plastic covers on the feet came off right away though , but not really a big deal to me .
[(-1, 'fantastic', 'POS'), (-1, 'Very sturdy', 'POS'), (-1, 'light enough', 'POS'), ('Holes for screw mounts', 'perfectly placed', 'POS'), ('Holes for screw mounts', 'allow easy component installation', 'POS'), ('Plastic covers on the feet', 'came off right away', 'NEG'), ('Plastic covers on the feet came off', 'not really a big deal', 'POS')]
I have had this heart rate monitor for nearly a year . I use it while biking , running and work outs . The tranmsmitter needs some getting used to . It almost feels like I am wearing a bra ! It is a little uncomfortable and I can see that it often misses a heart beat when I am doing certain work outs . After wearing it about 20 times , both ends of the strap broke . I have the strap tied to the sensor now . Otherwise , it works fine .
[('tranmsmitter', 'needs some getting used to', 'NEG'), (-1, 'feels like I am wearing a bra', 'NEG'), (-1, 'little uncomfortable', 'NEG'), ('strap', 'broke', 'NEG'), ('works', 'fine', 'POS')]
Weird fit on these pants - - crotch is very low relative to the legs . Price was good , but wouldn 't buy another pair .
[('fit', 'Weird', 'NEG'), ('crotch', 'very low relative to the legs', 'NEG'), ('Price', 'good', 'POS'), ('pair', "wouldn 't buy another", 'NEG')]
This shoe is JUST OK . Its not as comfortable as I was expecting , compared to my last pair of NIKE shoes . I hope they hold up .
[('shoe', 'JUST OK', 'NEU'), (-1, 'not as comfortable', 'NEG')]
Some absolutely brilliant pieces of writing . A section where a mother goes to visit her injured son in a military hospital and instead finds herself mourning beside his grave sticks in my mind as being an outstanding section . It gives a western reader some insight about the miserable (crowded & impoverished ) conditions that people lived in these times in the USSR . Similarly the power of the state to influence peoples ' lives . You couldn 't even make some off -hand remark about the state without fear of being denounced and subsequently ending up in some Siberian gulag . On the downside there are a lot of characters in this book , who are referred to be their full name or short name depending on the context . I found it quite hard to keep track of who was who
[('pieces of writing', 'absolutely brilliant', 'POS'), ('section', 'outstanding', 'POS'), ('keep track of who was who', 'quite hard', 'NEG')]
Son wears and likes them . But has found out he cant stand in them for hours at his job . His feet start to hurt . Not enough 'cush ' for the foot .
[(-1, 'likes', 'POS'), (-1, 'His feet start to hurt', 'NEG'), (-1, "Not enough 'cush ' for the foot", 'NEG')]
It 's cute but with one complaint - - namely , the hat is made out of foam , and it was bent up when it arrived . We weren 't able to flatten it out . It is okay , but it 's not nearly as cute and perky like in the picture . Just something to consider . . .
[(-1, 'cute', 'POS'), ('hat', 'made out of foam', 'NEG'), ('arrived', 'bent up', 'NEG'), (-1, "weren 't able to flatten", 'NEG'), (-1, 'okay', 'NEU'), (-1, 'not nearly as cute and perky', 'NEG')]
My Family absolutely ADORES pirate booty . We go through bags in minutes flat as a family of four and lately all I have been able to find are those teeny tiny bags at the grocery store . Its more expensive because of all the extra packaging and my kids look at me like I 'm crazy when give them half an ounce of snack . So I looked on amazon for bigger bags and found these , hallelujah ! The 4oz bag (by weight ) is just about the perfect size for four people to snack on . We love our pirate booty and I will continue to order especially with Subscribe and Save .
[('pirate booty', 'ADORES', 'POS'), (-1, 'We go through bags in minutes', 'POS'), (-1, 'more expensive because of all the extra packaging', 'NEG'), ('size', 'perfect', 'POS'), ('pirate booty', 'love', 'POS'), (-1, 'will continue to order', 'POS')]
This system is awesome for many things . Due to having three bands on it , you can use this one set for most exercises . I just use anywhere from one to all three depending on the exercise . I used this a lot with P90X . I go between LifeLine USA and Bodylastics when it comes to bands for exercising .
[('system', 'awesome', 'POS'), (-1, 'used this a lot with P90X', 'NEU')]
I have oily sensitive and acne prone skin . I am learning that scrubbing it is not a good idea for me . My skin will try to produce more oil and protect itself when scrubbed . This is gentile but I had to stop using it just to figure out how to handle my particular skin . Otherwise , I do love Pevonia products
[(-1, 'gentile', 'POS'), ('Pevonia', 'do love', 'POS'), (-1, 'had to stop using', 'NEG')]
Plus size corsets are hard to find that fit properly . This one was way too small and my daughter had been measured several times ! So very disappointed ! But is was a pretty one !
[(-1, 'way too small', 'NEG'), (-1, 'very disappointed', 'NEG'), (-1, 'a pretty', 'POS')]
I am a big time snacker . So , instead of consuming all those calories when I snack , I often opt for chewing gum just to keep my mouth moving . I have purchased this product at the local health food store but was turned off buying it because of the high price . But I love it , it tastes good and is a guilt -free chewing gum without all the garbage in regular gum . I especially like that it helps prevent tooth decay in between meals . Sure , the taste doesn 't last as long as regular gum , hence the need for buying it in bulk . I am so glad I could purchase it online for a good price . So worth it .
[('price', 'high', 'NEG'), (-1, 'love', 'POS'), ('tastes', 'good', 'POS'), (-1, 'like', 'POS'), (-1, 'helps prevent tooth decay', 'POS'), ('taste', "doesn 't last", 'NEG'), ('good', 'good', 'POS'), (-1, 'So worth it', 'POS')]
The food itself was just ok - nothing spectacular - but the service was awful .
[('food', 'ok', 'NEU'), ('service', 'awful', 'NEG')]
I ordered this for my mother . She was thrilled to receive them . Can 't find these bags in any store . Fits her canister vacuum perfectly .
[(-1, 'thrilled', 'POS'), ('bags', "Can 't find", 'NEG'), ('Fits', 'perfectly', 'POS')]
I use this in all of the bio -bags for the HOB filters , and I also have added it to one of my canister filters . It seems to help lower the nitrates , but it does take some time to become active for some reason . I typically put this in nylon mesh bags and rinse them , before I place these inside of the target filtration devices . . . just to keep it all more manageable for cleaning .
[(-1, 'seems to help lower the nitrates', 'POS'), (-1, 'take some time to become active for some reason', 'NEG')]
It works just fine . It 's kinda awkward to get the iPhone in and out , especially because you have to unplug the headphones , and you can 't really touch the screen , so you have to get the iPhone out , which as I said before is awkward . But if you just want it stuck on your arm , it works !
[(-1, 'works just fine', 'POS'), (-1, 'awkward to get the iPhone in and out', 'NEU'), (-1, 'works', 'POS')]
Great shoe ! Outside arch is kind of high , but I 'm still breaking them in . So I 'm sure that will work it 's way out . I originally ordered a 9 , my regular size , and it was a tad too big . Returned and ordered an 8 . 5 and it fits perfect !
[('shoe', 'Great', 'POS'), ('Outside arch', 'kind of high', 'NEG'), (-1, 'tad too big', 'NEG'), ('fits', 'perfect', 'POS')]
I got this to go with a pink cover for my daughter 's kindle . It will work fine and do just what I need it to go , but the color was a little disappointing . It looks more like a candy pink in the picture , but it 's really more of a mauve and looks okay with the case but wasn 't a perfect match like I had hoped
[(-1, 'will work fine', 'POS'), ('color', 'a little disappointing', 'NEG'), (-1, 'really more of a mauve', 'NEG'), (-1, 'looks okay', 'NEU'), (-1, "wasn 't a perfect match", 'NEG')]
The ambience was nice , but service was n't so great .
[('ambience', 'nice', 'POS'), ('service', "was n't so great", 'NEG')]
I exchanged these for the 502 tuners . Both models have the same great Grover quality and features , but the 406 knobs are more suitable for 6 inline or small 3x3 headstocks .
[('Grover quality', 'great', 'POS'), ('features', 'great', 'POS'), ('knobs', 'more suitable for 6 inline or small 3x3 headstocks', 'NEU')]
Feel kinda plastic -y as opposed to a soft cotton feel . Bought them to replace the shoelaces on my Nike AF1s . Not the same but will do .
[('Feel', 'kinda plastic', 'NEG'), (-1, 'will do', 'NEU')]
Creamy appetizers -- taramasalata , eggplant salad , and Greek yogurt ( with cuccumber , dill , and garlic ) taste excellent when on warm pitas .
[('Creamy appetizers', 'Creamy', 'POS'), ('Creamy appetizers', 'excellent', 'POS'), ('warm pitas', 'warm', 'NEU'), ('taramasalata', 'Creamy', 'POS'), ('eggplant salad', 'excellent', 'POS'), ('Greek yogurt ( with cuccumber , dill , and garlic )', 'excellent', 'POS')]
I 'm about 5 ' 10 " or 5 '11 "ish and I 'd say the quality of this resistance bands are pretty ok (since this is my first resistance bands set ) . It 's just kinda short , but it 's still good . Dec 5 , 2014 : Been using this for at least twice a month (have gym membership , so just using this for ghetto workout ) . So far , it still works well . Nothing has snapped .
[('quality', 'pretty ok', 'NEU'), (-1, 'kinda short', 'NEG'), (-1, 'still good', 'POS'), (-1, 'works well', 'POS'), (-1, 'Nothing has snapped', 'POS')]
Gets one star for its DECENT SIZE . But THATS IT ! CHEAP . . .with RETARDED directions . - You basically have to guess how to put it together . So ANNOYING . Cheap Malaysian crap .
[('SIZE', 'DECENT', 'POS'), (-1, 'So ANNOYING', 'NEG'), (-1, 'Cheap Malaysian crap', 'NEG'), (-1, 'CHEAP . . .with RETARDED directions', 'NEG')]
I ordered these to use with my new Easy Acc power bank . The cables are great . The only downfall is that u can use them for data transfer .
[(-1, 'can use them for data transfer', 'NEG'), ('cables', 'great', 'POS')]
I guess it is ok for a toddler . If you have no particular music expectations , this will work . The sound is definitely the sound of a piano toys .
[(-1, 'ok', 'NEU'), (-1, 'will work', 'POS')]
I bought these for lifting at the gym , but since then I use them for that and also work and pretty much everything else . Unlike most of the other reviews I don 't believe that these are knockoffs , if they are they 're a damn good one . I do however belive that they may be a defect batch or an "outlet mall " batch bc of the fact most of the people - myself included - have either a small scuff or stain ; I mean mines just on the laces and I was going to relace them with black ones anyway so it 's not too big of a deal , and even if I wasn 't they 're going to get dirty anyway . The fit is pretty good , I purchased the size 8 forgetting about how wide they make them in hindsight I probably should 've got a 7 . 5 but they 're not too big to stress over - a thick sock will do the trick . Overall , they 're very nice and comfortable and I 'd probably buy them again . (also , peep my sick spongebob bandaid )
[(-1, 'work and pretty much everything else', 'POS'), (-1, 'damn good', 'POS'), (-1, 'small scuff or stain', 'NEG'), ('fit', 'pretty good', 'POS'), (-1, 'very nice and comfortable', 'POS')]