1 value
Movie title: Intermedio Context: In a small southern California town, Malik (Edward Furlong) along with his former girlfriend Gen (Cerina Vincent) her friend Barbie (Amber Benson), and another friend named Wes (Callard Harris) decide to take a weekend getaway to an old ghost town where Malik and Gen played when they were younger.The arrive at a long abandoned prospecting settlement which is said to contain miles of underground tunnels, some of which lead to the Mexican border less than a mile away. The four friends climb down into the tunnels, and are observed by a mysterious old man (Steve Railsback) from a short distance away. He tugs on a mysterious amulet hanging from a chain around his neck and pours what appears to be blood on the ground.In the tunnels, Malik, Gen, Barbie, and Wes stumble into two Mexican drug dealers, Jorge and Al, along with sickeningly pale teenager Zee (Paul Cram), who are hauling some packets of contraband across the border. The drug dealers force the four teenagers to tag along with them. Suddenly, mysterious ghost-like creatures appear and begin to attack them, forcing the teenagers and drug runners to join forces and run to the nearest hatch to try to escape. The mysterious old man is seen stroking his necklace, summoning the mysterious creatures, and Al is killed when he gets impaled to a cavern wall when a hook and chain is thrown at him by one of the creatures.Barbie is then sliced in half at the waist when she attempts to stand on Jorge's shoulders to open another hatch. Most of Jorge's fingers are severed as well. Zee seems to have disappeared and the remaining survivors manage to climb a ladder into a boarded up shack. Wes is then killed when one of the creatures bursts through a boarded up door and stabs him in the neck, supposedly leaving only the wounded Jorge, Gen, and Malik as survivors. They struggle to get out of the shack and back into the tunnels to find another way out, but Jorge is also killed by the creatures.Malik and Gen soon discover a room filled with dozens of bodies that have been killed...
Question: What item of the old man's does Gen destroy during the attack? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What item of the old man's does Gen destroy during the attack? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Intermedio Context: In a small southern California town, Malik (Edward Furlong) along with his former girlfriend Gen (Cerina Vincent) her friend Barbie (Amber Benson), and another friend named Wes (Callard Harris) decide to take a weekend getaway to an old ghost town where Malik and Gen played when they were younger.The arrive at a long abandoned prospecting settlement which is said to contain miles of underground tunnels, some of which lead to the Mexican border less than a mile away. The four friends climb down into the tunnels, and are observed by a mysterious old man (Steve Railsback) from a short distance away. He tugs on a mysterious amulet hanging from a chain around his neck and pours what appears to be blood on the ground.In the tunnels, Malik, Gen, Barbie, and Wes stumble into two Mexican drug dealers, Jorge and Al, along with sickeningly pale teenager Zee (Paul Cram), who are hauling some packets of contraband across the border. The drug dealers force the four teenagers to tag along with them. Suddenly, mysterious ghost-like creatures appear and begin to attack them, forcing the teenagers and drug runners to join forces and run to the nearest hatch to try to escape. The mysterious old man is seen stroking his necklace, summoning the mysterious creatures, and Al is killed when he gets impaled to a cavern wall when a hook and chain is thrown at him by one of the creatures.Barbie is then sliced in half at the waist when she attempts to stand on Jorge's shoulders to open another hatch. Most of Jorge's fingers are severed as well. Zee seems to have disappeared and the remaining survivors manage to climb a ladder into a boarded up shack. Wes is then killed when one of the creatures bursts through a boarded up door and stabs him in the neck, supposedly leaving only the wounded Jorge, Gen, and Malik as survivors. They struggle to get out of the shack and back into the tunnels to find another way out, but Jorge is also killed by the creatures.Malik and Gen soon discover a room filled with dozens of bodies that have been killed...
Movie title: Body Double Context: The film begins and ends with the protagonist, Jake Scully (Craig Wasson), playing the part of a vampire on the set of a low-budget horror film. After he ruins a take by being unable to rise from a coffin due to claustrophobia, a fire breaks out on the set and he is sent home by the director Rubin (Dennis Franz).Scully arrives home early and catches his girlfriend having sex with another man. Since it is the girl's apartment, he must leave, so without a place to stay he heads to an acting workshop, where he makes a new friend, Sam.Sam offers him a house-sitting arrangement at an opulent Modernist bachelor residence high atop the Hollywood Hills. He also points out a sexy female neighbor, Gloria Revelle (Deborah Shelton), whose seemingly exhibitionistic antics can be viewed by telescope; she is a wealthy and beautiful woman who evidently performs a remarkable erotic dance at her window, nightly according to Sam, "just like clockwork."Scully's nightly observations of this woman quickly lead him into a murder mystery. He follows Gloria one day and attempts to warn her that she's being stalked by an Indian with a disfigured face who could be a thief or worse. The mysterious Indian snatches Gloria's purse at the beach, is chased by Scully into a tunnel, and steals what is later discovered to be a card key to Gloria's house. In an ironic twist, Gloria "rescues" Scully by leading him from the tunnel in which he had frozen in a claustrophobic seizure during the pursuit. They briefly embrace, make out, and grope each other as the camera revolves in a continuous 360-degree arc, until Scully kisses her neck and Gloria comes to her senses, apologizes and pushes him away, adjusts her bra and blouse, and departs hastily.Back at the home he's using, Scully then becomes an eyewitness through the telescope as the young woman is brutally attacked and killed by the Indian, who pins her down and runs an electric drill the size of a jackhammer through her body - the auguring bit repeatedly emerges from the ceiling of the room...
Question: Who did Sam hire to impersonate Gloria? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who did Sam hire to impersonate Gloria? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Body Double Context: The film begins and ends with the protagonist, Jake Scully (Craig Wasson), playing the part of a vampire on the set of a low-budget horror film. After he ruins a take by being unable to rise from a coffin due to claustrophobia, a fire breaks out on the set and he is sent home by the director Rubin (Dennis Franz).Scully arrives home early and catches his girlfriend having sex with another man. Since it is the girl's apartment, he must leave, so without a place to stay he heads to an acting workshop, where he makes a new friend, Sam.Sam offers him a house-sitting arrangement at an opulent Modernist bachelor residence high atop the Hollywood Hills. He also points out a sexy female neighbor, Gloria Revelle (Deborah Shelton), whose seemingly exhibitionistic antics can be viewed by telescope; she is a wealthy and beautiful woman who evidently performs a remarkable erotic dance at her window, nightly according to Sam, "just like clockwork."Scully's nightly observations of this woman quickly lead him into a murder mystery. He follows Gloria one day and attempts to warn her that she's being stalked by an Indian with a disfigured face who could be a thief or worse. The mysterious Indian snatches Gloria's purse at the beach, is chased by Scully into a tunnel, and steals what is later discovered to be a card key to Gloria's house. In an ironic twist, Gloria "rescues" Scully by leading him from the tunnel in which he had frozen in a claustrophobic seizure during the pursuit. They briefly embrace, make out, and grope each other as the camera revolves in a continuous 360-degree arc, until Scully kisses her neck and Gloria comes to her senses, apologizes and pushes him away, adjusts her bra and blouse, and departs hastily.Back at the home he's using, Scully then becomes an eyewitness through the telescope as the young woman is brutally attacked and killed by the Indian, who pins her down and runs an electric drill the size of a jackhammer through her body - the auguring bit repeatedly emerges from the ceiling of the room...
No one
Movie title: Magic Context: Charles "Corky" Withers has just failed in his first attempt at professional magic. His mentor "Merlin" (E.J.André) says that he needs to have a better show business gimmick. A year later, Corky comes back as a combination magician and ventriloquist with a foul-mouthed dummy named Fats and is a huge success. His powerful agent Ben Greene is on the verge of signing Corky for his own television show, but Corky bails out for the Catskills, where he grew up, claiming to be "afraid of success." In truth, he does not want to take the TV network's required medical examination because doctors might find out that he suffers from severe issues, and that even off-stage he cannot control Fats (a manifestation of Corky's id). In the Catskills, he reunites with his high-school crush, Peggy Ann Snow, who is stuck in a passionless marriage with Corky's friend from high school, Duke. A magic trick with a deck of cards charms Peg into thinking they are soulmates. She and Corky make love, which sparks the jealousy not only of Peggy's tough-guy husband but also the dummy Fats. Greene arrives unexpectedly, having tracked Corky down. After a tense confrontation, in which Greene discovers the truth about Corky's mental state, the agent demands that Corky get help. Fats, however, convinces Corky to kill Greene. Corky does this by using Fats' hard, wooden head. He then removes all of Greene's identification and drags the corpse to the lake. When Corky tries to dispose of the body, however, Greene suddenly lunges at him, still alive. Corky, after an intense fight, manages to drown him. The next morning, Fats becomes even more possessive and jealous when Corky says that he plans to leave Fats behind so that he and Peggy can honeymoon by themselves. Duke returns from his trip earlier than expected. He suspects his wife cheated on him and wants to have a talk with Corky on the lake. Rather than confront him, Duke awkwardly confides to Corky that he loves Peggy and is worried about losing her. Duke suddenly spots a dead body on the edge...
Question: What is the name of Corky's dummy? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is the name of Corky's dummy? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Magic Context: Charles "Corky" Withers has just failed in his first attempt at professional magic. His mentor "Merlin" (E.J.André) says that he needs to have a better show business gimmick. A year later, Corky comes back as a combination magician and ventriloquist with a foul-mouthed dummy named Fats and is a huge success. His powerful agent Ben Greene is on the verge of signing Corky for his own television show, but Corky bails out for the Catskills, where he grew up, claiming to be "afraid of success." In truth, he does not want to take the TV network's required medical examination because doctors might find out that he suffers from severe issues, and that even off-stage he cannot control Fats (a manifestation of Corky's id). In the Catskills, he reunites with his high-school crush, Peggy Ann Snow, who is stuck in a passionless marriage with Corky's friend from high school, Duke. A magic trick with a deck of cards charms Peg into thinking they are soulmates. She and Corky make love, which sparks the jealousy not only of Peggy's tough-guy husband but also the dummy Fats. Greene arrives unexpectedly, having tracked Corky down. After a tense confrontation, in which Greene discovers the truth about Corky's mental state, the agent demands that Corky get help. Fats, however, convinces Corky to kill Greene. Corky does this by using Fats' hard, wooden head. He then removes all of Greene's identification and drags the corpse to the lake. When Corky tries to dispose of the body, however, Greene suddenly lunges at him, still alive. Corky, after an intense fight, manages to drown him. The next morning, Fats becomes even more possessive and jealous when Corky says that he plans to leave Fats behind so that he and Peggy can honeymoon by themselves. Duke returns from his trip earlier than expected. He suspects his wife cheated on him and wants to have a talk with Corky on the lake. Rather than confront him, Duke awkwardly confides to Corky that he loves Peggy and is worried about losing her. Duke suddenly spots a dead body on the edge...
Movie title: The Thing Context: Antartica, 1982. Three Norwegian scientists are in a snow cat are following a signal. They stop suddenly, and after a few moments, a crack in the snow/ice causes the snow cat to fall into a fissure in the ice and gets wedged. The lights from the snow cat are pointed down into the fissure and reveal a spaceship.Sander, a Norwegian scientist, visits an American Paleontologist, named Kate, and tells her that they have discovered a structure and an organism and convinces her to come to Antartica.Kate and her colleague, Adam, fly in a helicopter to the Norwegian camp in Antarctica piloted by Americans Carter and Jameson. They get to camp and meet the other Norwegians including Edvard who is in charge of the camp and Lars, a mechanic who is the only one that doesn't speak any English and has an Alaskan Malamute.Upon arrival, Kate and Adam and the Norwegians get into a snow cat and go to the site where we see a full view of the top of the ship in the ice. Some distance from the ship, they show Kate the strange-looking organism encased in ice. Back at camp they discuss the removal of the organism.The organism is removed and is in a wooden room back at the camp still encased in the ice block. Sander tells the team that he wants to take a tissue sample first, which Kate objects to as they need to do sterilization and take other precautionary measures. He tells her not to question him again in front of the others. They drill a hole into the ice and remove a frozen flesh sample from the organism and place it in a petri dish.Later, in the camp's rec room, the entire team is partying and realize the discovery they have made: aliens. Meanwhile, the ice block is beginning to melt. While everyone is partying, a shot cuts to the Alaskan malamute in its cage and it's barking and trying to get out. Jameson comes out of the bathroom and goes into the room with the ice block. Lars scares him by yelling 'boo' from behind and then Lars leaves. All of a sudden, the unseen Thing breaks out of the ice and jumps through the ceiling....
Question: Who sabotaged a heating fuel line. If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who sabotaged a heating fuel line. If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Thing Context: Antartica, 1982. Three Norwegian scientists are in a snow cat are following a signal. They stop suddenly, and after a few moments, a crack in the snow/ice causes the snow cat to fall into a fissure in the ice and gets wedged. The lights from the snow cat are pointed down into the fissure and reveal a spaceship.Sander, a Norwegian scientist, visits an American Paleontologist, named Kate, and tells her that they have discovered a structure and an organism and convinces her to come to Antartica.Kate and her colleague, Adam, fly in a helicopter to the Norwegian camp in Antarctica piloted by Americans Carter and Jameson. They get to camp and meet the other Norwegians including Edvard who is in charge of the camp and Lars, a mechanic who is the only one that doesn't speak any English and has an Alaskan Malamute.Upon arrival, Kate and Adam and the Norwegians get into a snow cat and go to the site where we see a full view of the top of the ship in the ice. Some distance from the ship, they show Kate the strange-looking organism encased in ice. Back at camp they discuss the removal of the organism.The organism is removed and is in a wooden room back at the camp still encased in the ice block. Sander tells the team that he wants to take a tissue sample first, which Kate objects to as they need to do sterilization and take other precautionary measures. He tells her not to question him again in front of the others. They drill a hole into the ice and remove a frozen flesh sample from the organism and place it in a petri dish.Later, in the camp's rec room, the entire team is partying and realize the discovery they have made: aliens. Meanwhile, the ice block is beginning to melt. While everyone is partying, a shot cuts to the Alaskan malamute in its cage and it's barking and trying to get out. Jameson comes out of the bathroom and goes into the room with the ice block. Lars scares him by yelling 'boo' from behind and then Lars leaves. All of a sudden, the unseen Thing breaks out of the ice and jumps through the ceiling....
Movie title: Red Context: Avery Ludlow (Brian Cox) is a 60-something widower who owns a small-town general store and lives with a 14-year-old mongrel dog named Red. (The dog was a gift from Ludlow's wife, who was murdered shortly afterward by their emotionally troubled son.)While taking a day off from work to go fishing, Ludlow and Red are met on the lakeshore by a deer-hunting trio of teenagers: Danny, his brother Harold, and their friend Pete (Noel Fisher, Kyle Gallner, and Shiloh Fernandez). Their conversation is at first friendly, but turns increasingly menacing as Danny - a swaggering bully - points his shotgun at Ludlow and demands money. Ludlow offers Danny the keys to his pickup truck, and says there's 20 or 30 dollars in his wallet in the glove box. Danny is disgusted at the small pickings, and on an impulse turns his shotgun toward Red, shooting him in the head. The boys walk away from the man and his dying dog, Danny and Pete laughing about it while Harold seems shaken and embarrassed.Ludlow takes his dog home and buries him. He learns Danny McCormack's identity by tracking down where he bought the shotgun. He goes to Danny's home and confronts the boy's father (Tom Sizemore), a wealthy businessman with political connections. Ludlow demands that McCormack discipline his son for what he did. McCormack summons his two sons, but they deny the incident happened. McCormack says Ludlow has the wrong culprits, and sends him away. Ludlow goes to his lawyer, who says even if the boys were tried and convicted of the crime, it is at best a 200-dollar fine and a few days in jail. The lawyer introduces Ludlow to Carrie (Kim Dickens), a TV reporter, who persuades him to let her do a feature story on the killing.What follows is an escalating cycle of hostilities between Ludlow and the McCormacks. After the TV story is aired, a rock is thrown through Ludlow's window, with a note saying he won't be on TV again. The next day Carrie's boss pulls her from the story. Ludlow and his lawyer then proceed to sue the McCormacks, but Mr. McCormack...
Question: Who is Frank's C.I.A. Mentor? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Frank's C.I.A. Mentor? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Red Context: Avery Ludlow (Brian Cox) is a 60-something widower who owns a small-town general store and lives with a 14-year-old mongrel dog named Red. (The dog was a gift from Ludlow's wife, who was murdered shortly afterward by their emotionally troubled son.)While taking a day off from work to go fishing, Ludlow and Red are met on the lakeshore by a deer-hunting trio of teenagers: Danny, his brother Harold, and their friend Pete (Noel Fisher, Kyle Gallner, and Shiloh Fernandez). Their conversation is at first friendly, but turns increasingly menacing as Danny - a swaggering bully - points his shotgun at Ludlow and demands money. Ludlow offers Danny the keys to his pickup truck, and says there's 20 or 30 dollars in his wallet in the glove box. Danny is disgusted at the small pickings, and on an impulse turns his shotgun toward Red, shooting him in the head. The boys walk away from the man and his dying dog, Danny and Pete laughing about it while Harold seems shaken and embarrassed.Ludlow takes his dog home and buries him. He learns Danny McCormack's identity by tracking down where he bought the shotgun. He goes to Danny's home and confronts the boy's father (Tom Sizemore), a wealthy businessman with political connections. Ludlow demands that McCormack discipline his son for what he did. McCormack summons his two sons, but they deny the incident happened. McCormack says Ludlow has the wrong culprits, and sends him away. Ludlow goes to his lawyer, who says even if the boys were tried and convicted of the crime, it is at best a 200-dollar fine and a few days in jail. The lawyer introduces Ludlow to Carrie (Kim Dickens), a TV reporter, who persuades him to let her do a feature story on the killing.What follows is an escalating cycle of hostilities between Ludlow and the McCormacks. After the TV story is aired, a rock is thrown through Ludlow's window, with a note saying he won't be on TV again. The next day Carrie's boss pulls her from the story. Ludlow and his lawyer then proceed to sue the McCormacks, but Mr. McCormack...
Cynthia Wilkes
Movie title: Village of the Damned Context: The quiet coastal town of Midwich, California is invaded by an unseen force which leaves ten women mysteriously pregnant. Nine months later, the babies are born simultaneously on one night, except for one which is stillborn. At first, they all appear to be normal, but it does not take the parents long to realize that their children are anything but normal. As they grow older, the children are shown to have pale skin, platinum-white hair, fierce intellect and steely, cobalt eyes. The emotionless children display eerie psychic abilities and remarkable powers, which they use with deadly consequences, unleashing a reign of terror. When they actively use their mind-controlled powers, their irises or their entire eyes glow in different colours, mostly reddish-orange, but also green, yellow, violet, blue or pure white.There are some story differences from the earlier adaptation. In this version, the children "paired off", but one of the children, David (Thomas Dekker), loses his partner after she dies at birth. As a result, he shows human compassion while still resembling the other children and retaining some degree of psychic powers. This leads to him not fitting in well with the children. Their ruthless leader, Mara (Lindsey Haun) ("daughter" of a local doctor, Dr. Alan Chaffee (Christopher Reeve); her mother, Barbara (Karen Kahn), commits suicide by walking off an ocean cliff), considers him less important due to his expression of emotions. Because of his childhood loss, he understands what the other children do not: pain. He and his mother (Linda Kozlowski) (the local school principal) share a brief conversation about the meaning of the word "empathy", with David beginning to understand that if he feels pain, he can understand others' pain as well. When the other children experience pain, they simply use their powers to inflict the same pain on the adult responsible for the pain, for example forcing one of the mothers to put one of her arms in a pot full of boiling water, or forcing the local optometrist making...
Question: What are the characteristics of the children born after the blackout? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What are the characteristics of the children born after the blackout? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Village of the Damned Context: The quiet coastal town of Midwich, California is invaded by an unseen force which leaves ten women mysteriously pregnant. Nine months later, the babies are born simultaneously on one night, except for one which is stillborn. At first, they all appear to be normal, but it does not take the parents long to realize that their children are anything but normal. As they grow older, the children are shown to have pale skin, platinum-white hair, fierce intellect and steely, cobalt eyes. The emotionless children display eerie psychic abilities and remarkable powers, which they use with deadly consequences, unleashing a reign of terror. When they actively use their mind-controlled powers, their irises or their entire eyes glow in different colours, mostly reddish-orange, but also green, yellow, violet, blue or pure white.There are some story differences from the earlier adaptation. In this version, the children "paired off", but one of the children, David (Thomas Dekker), loses his partner after she dies at birth. As a result, he shows human compassion while still resembling the other children and retaining some degree of psychic powers. This leads to him not fitting in well with the children. Their ruthless leader, Mara (Lindsey Haun) ("daughter" of a local doctor, Dr. Alan Chaffee (Christopher Reeve); her mother, Barbara (Karen Kahn), commits suicide by walking off an ocean cliff), considers him less important due to his expression of emotions. Because of his childhood loss, he understands what the other children do not: pain. He and his mother (Linda Kozlowski) (the local school principal) share a brief conversation about the meaning of the word "empathy", with David beginning to understand that if he feels pain, he can understand others' pain as well. When the other children experience pain, they simply use their powers to inflict the same pain on the adult responsible for the pain, for example forcing one of the mothers to put one of her arms in a pot full of boiling water, or forcing the local optometrist making...
The have pale skin, platinum-white hair, fierce intellect, and steely, cobalt eyes.
Movie title: Shoot 'em Up Context: A man, Smith (Clive Owen) sits on a bench ready to eat a carrot. A woman in a yellow coat runs past chased by a man driving an old black Camaro. The carrot eater follows and stops the man from killing the woman inside an abandoned factory building by driving the carrot through the man's head. Suddenly several other gun shooting attackers arrive and Smith fires back killing several. The hero and the woman get to another room where she gives birth. More men continue to attack, led by a balding, bespectacled man, Hertz (Paul Giamatti) . As Smith, the woman and her baby try to escape the woman is killed and Smith flees with the baby.Stopping in a washroom, Smith has a fight with a well dressed hitman, leaves him alive. On a bus he uses his sock to make a cap for the newborn baby. Smith then leaves the baby in a park on a rotating ride. As a bystander arrives to pick up the infant she is shot by Hertz from long range using a sniper rifle. Smith manages to rescue the baby and takes off again.He goes to a church which is actually a brothel. There he finds DQ (Monica Bellucci), a lactating wet nurse hooker and offers her $5000 to look after the baby. She refuses. Hertz fondles the dead mother's breast and realizes the baby will need milk, he to decides to find a lactating hooker and soon arrives at DQ's. He tortures her for info on Smith, who then returns. Smith shoots Hertz and some henchmen, and escapes stealing a BMW. He then gets upset at a Mercedes driver who doesn't signal lane changes and rams the other car.Hertz is still alive and calls someone for 50 more men.In a downtown area, Smith tries to buy bullets with some change and a blood donor cheque. DQ earns some cash by giving a man a BJ in an alley. Smith takes DQ and the baby to his place - a loft in a nondescript industrial building. The door lock is activated by a rat.Driving with two assistants, Hertz arrives at the same building. Apparently Hertz was an FBI Forensic Behaviour Consultant and knows what people will do.In the loft apt, Smith fashions a...
Question: With whom did Smith attempt to leave the baby? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: With whom did Smith attempt to leave the baby? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Shoot 'em Up Context: A man, Smith (Clive Owen) sits on a bench ready to eat a carrot. A woman in a yellow coat runs past chased by a man driving an old black Camaro. The carrot eater follows and stops the man from killing the woman inside an abandoned factory building by driving the carrot through the man's head. Suddenly several other gun shooting attackers arrive and Smith fires back killing several. The hero and the woman get to another room where she gives birth. More men continue to attack, led by a balding, bespectacled man, Hertz (Paul Giamatti) . As Smith, the woman and her baby try to escape the woman is killed and Smith flees with the baby.Stopping in a washroom, Smith has a fight with a well dressed hitman, leaves him alive. On a bus he uses his sock to make a cap for the newborn baby. Smith then leaves the baby in a park on a rotating ride. As a bystander arrives to pick up the infant she is shot by Hertz from long range using a sniper rifle. Smith manages to rescue the baby and takes off again.He goes to a church which is actually a brothel. There he finds DQ (Monica Bellucci), a lactating wet nurse hooker and offers her $5000 to look after the baby. She refuses. Hertz fondles the dead mother's breast and realizes the baby will need milk, he to decides to find a lactating hooker and soon arrives at DQ's. He tortures her for info on Smith, who then returns. Smith shoots Hertz and some henchmen, and escapes stealing a BMW. He then gets upset at a Mercedes driver who doesn't signal lane changes and rams the other car.Hertz is still alive and calls someone for 50 more men.In a downtown area, Smith tries to buy bullets with some change and a blood donor cheque. DQ earns some cash by giving a man a BJ in an alley. Smith takes DQ and the baby to his place - a loft in a nondescript industrial building. The door lock is activated by a rat.Driving with two assistants, Hertz arrives at the same building. Apparently Hertz was an FBI Forensic Behaviour Consultant and knows what people will do.In the loft apt, Smith fashions a...
No one. He left it in a park on a rotating ride.
Movie title: Fire Context: Fire is a story about Momi (Zeeshan) lives with his younger brother and mother. He works in an office and he has a very thick friendship with Noman Masood (Bilal) who works with him in the office. Momi's younger brother who is engaged to Noman's sister, studies in a college. One day he has a bet with his fianceé and he kisses the hand of Meera who also studies there. Meera feels insulted and she goes to her brother Saud who is the "badmash" of the film. Saud takes his men and goes to Momi's house and kills his brother and sets his house on fire. And then he kills Noman's sister as well. Since Meera thinks that she was responsible for making Momi's brother kiss her hand, Momi and Noman tries to file case against Saud but Saud hires a police officer who that police officer files a fake case of terrorism against Momi and his mother. In the jail Momi meets lady police officer, Reema, who gets harsh with his mother and slaps his mother on her face. Momi gets mad and he by chance takes out revolver from Reema's belt and takes her to a deserted place. On the other side Saud also gets Noman and tortures him and kills his sister in front of him. In return, Noman kidnaps Meera (Saud's sister). Momi and Noman decide on a meeting place and they take along Reema and Meera with them. Both of the protagonists run from there and take Reema and Meera with them. They reach a hilly area that is owned by a tribe. The son takes all four to the master of the tribe and there Momi and Noman tell their stories. Reema and Meera believe them and fall in love with them.
Question: Who is Jatin's older brother? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Jatin's older brother? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Fire Context: Fire is a story about Momi (Zeeshan) lives with his younger brother and mother. He works in an office and he has a very thick friendship with Noman Masood (Bilal) who works with him in the office. Momi's younger brother who is engaged to Noman's sister, studies in a college. One day he has a bet with his fianceé and he kisses the hand of Meera who also studies there. Meera feels insulted and she goes to her brother Saud who is the "badmash" of the film. Saud takes his men and goes to Momi's house and kills his brother and sets his house on fire. And then he kills Noman's sister as well. Since Meera thinks that she was responsible for making Momi's brother kiss her hand, Momi and Noman tries to file case against Saud but Saud hires a police officer who that police officer files a fake case of terrorism against Momi and his mother. In the jail Momi meets lady police officer, Reema, who gets harsh with his mother and slaps his mother on her face. Momi gets mad and he by chance takes out revolver from Reema's belt and takes her to a deserted place. On the other side Saud also gets Noman and tortures him and kills his sister in front of him. In return, Noman kidnaps Meera (Saud's sister). Momi and Noman decide on a meeting place and they take along Reema and Meera with them. Both of the protagonists run from there and take Reema and Meera with them. They reach a hilly area that is owned by a tribe. The son takes all four to the master of the tribe and there Momi and Noman tell their stories. Reema and Meera believe them and fall in love with them.
Movie title: Daniel's Daughter Context: It seems that Cate Madighan (Laura Leighton) has it all: a top job as the editor for the Perfect magazine, she is about to marry a New York millionaire (Martin Doyle), and is a big shot in Manhattan. Talisha (Dorly Jean-Louis) a magazine reporter, interviews the couple, and they agree on everything: leading a careful life, not having children or pets, and keeping their works as their number one priority.Unexpectedly, she receives the ashes of her father, who abandoned her right after her mother's dead. As he was not able to take care of Cate as a child, he sent her to America with some distant relatives. He wants her to spread his ashes in the same place as his late wife. Cate hesitates, and asks for the psychologist's opinion. Finally, she'll return to New Kerry -That's the reason for the Spanish title Retorno a New Kerry, which has nothing to do with the original title.Anyway, Cate travels with one of her magazine staff, Jeffrey Lerner (Brandon Firla) and doesn't explain to anybody but him what the matter is. They will sleep at Fiona's (actress not listed in cast), her best friend when she was a child. She's married, with three children, and a stranded dog. Everybody asks her why her husband-to-be is not there with her.Cate has to convince his father's friends to sing at the funeral ceremony, but they are so angry with one another, that they won't even be on speaking terms anymore. She has to follow them from pub to pub, and from there to the New Kerry Fair, where one of them has a stall. With the help of Conner Baily (Sebastian Spence), a lawyer who used to travel all over the world, she convinces them to give out one last performance in his memory.Meanwhile, Cate eats the traditional food, rides on the basket of Conner's bike, sees a bookshop she memories of, helps Fiona's husband to express his feelings of love towards her, and reads all the letters her father had sent his two friends. There, he expressed his feelings of remorse at having abandoned Cate, inequality at the task of being a lone parent, his...
Question: Where does Cate's father want his ashes scattered? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where does Cate's father want his ashes scattered? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Daniel's Daughter Context: It seems that Cate Madighan (Laura Leighton) has it all: a top job as the editor for the Perfect magazine, she is about to marry a New York millionaire (Martin Doyle), and is a big shot in Manhattan. Talisha (Dorly Jean-Louis) a magazine reporter, interviews the couple, and they agree on everything: leading a careful life, not having children or pets, and keeping their works as their number one priority.Unexpectedly, she receives the ashes of her father, who abandoned her right after her mother's dead. As he was not able to take care of Cate as a child, he sent her to America with some distant relatives. He wants her to spread his ashes in the same place as his late wife. Cate hesitates, and asks for the psychologist's opinion. Finally, she'll return to New Kerry -That's the reason for the Spanish title Retorno a New Kerry, which has nothing to do with the original title.Anyway, Cate travels with one of her magazine staff, Jeffrey Lerner (Brandon Firla) and doesn't explain to anybody but him what the matter is. They will sleep at Fiona's (actress not listed in cast), her best friend when she was a child. She's married, with three children, and a stranded dog. Everybody asks her why her husband-to-be is not there with her.Cate has to convince his father's friends to sing at the funeral ceremony, but they are so angry with one another, that they won't even be on speaking terms anymore. She has to follow them from pub to pub, and from there to the New Kerry Fair, where one of them has a stall. With the help of Conner Baily (Sebastian Spence), a lawyer who used to travel all over the world, she convinces them to give out one last performance in his memory.Meanwhile, Cate eats the traditional food, rides on the basket of Conner's bike, sees a bookshop she memories of, helps Fiona's husband to express his feelings of love towards her, and reads all the letters her father had sent his two friends. There, he expressed his feelings of remorse at having abandoned Cate, inequality at the task of being a lone parent, his...
Late wife's place
Movie title: Rise of the Planet of the Apes Context: The film opens at Gen Sys, a genetic therapy pharmaceutical company. A female ape (Terry Notary), designated No. 9 and known as "Bright Eyes" by the staff, has been given the drug ALZ 112, and has shown considerable progress. She is more sociable and calmer than normal apes, and has succeeded in completing the Towers of Hanoi puzzle in 20 moves, which is close to a perfect score of 15. Will Rodman (James Franco) talks to his boss, Steve Jacobs (David Oyelowo), and convinces him that he has data to enable them to proceed with human trials for the drug.The next day, Rodman and Jacobs appear before the board of directors in the Gen Sys conference room. Will explains that the new drug causes neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells (something that doesn't typically happen after birth) and may heal any number of degenerative brain disorders, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. The only side effect is that the subjects exposed to the drug have a green sparkle to their eyes.Back in the lab, the senior ape caretaker, Robert Franklin (Tyler Labine), is having trouble coaxing Bright Eyes out of her cage. She acts aggressively towards Robert and the other helpers. They attempt to lure her out of the cage with orange soda, but when they try to wrangle her with a lasso pole, she goes "ape" and runs rampant through the building. The chase ends when she crashes through the glass window of the conference room and the building's security guards kill her.Fearing that what they witnessed with Bright Eyes is a violent side effect of the drug, Jacobs pronounces the drug project 'dead.' Will attempts to change his mind, but Jacobs refuses, claiming he wants the remainder of the test apes 'put down.'After returning to the lab, Robert shows Will a baby ape hidden in Bright Eyes's cell. This explains that their assumption was in error: Bright Eyes was not acting violently because of the drug, but to protect her child. Robert does not have the heart to put down the baby, and gives the task to Will. Unwilling to do so, he decides to...
Question: who learns how to unlock his cage? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who learns how to unlock his cage? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Rise of the Planet of the Apes Context: The film opens at Gen Sys, a genetic therapy pharmaceutical company. A female ape (Terry Notary), designated No. 9 and known as "Bright Eyes" by the staff, has been given the drug ALZ 112, and has shown considerable progress. She is more sociable and calmer than normal apes, and has succeeded in completing the Towers of Hanoi puzzle in 20 moves, which is close to a perfect score of 15. Will Rodman (James Franco) talks to his boss, Steve Jacobs (David Oyelowo), and convinces him that he has data to enable them to proceed with human trials for the drug.The next day, Rodman and Jacobs appear before the board of directors in the Gen Sys conference room. Will explains that the new drug causes neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells (something that doesn't typically happen after birth) and may heal any number of degenerative brain disorders, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's. The only side effect is that the subjects exposed to the drug have a green sparkle to their eyes.Back in the lab, the senior ape caretaker, Robert Franklin (Tyler Labine), is having trouble coaxing Bright Eyes out of her cage. She acts aggressively towards Robert and the other helpers. They attempt to lure her out of the cage with orange soda, but when they try to wrangle her with a lasso pole, she goes "ape" and runs rampant through the building. The chase ends when she crashes through the glass window of the conference room and the building's security guards kill her.Fearing that what they witnessed with Bright Eyes is a violent side effect of the drug, Jacobs pronounces the drug project 'dead.' Will attempts to change his mind, but Jacobs refuses, claiming he wants the remainder of the test apes 'put down.'After returning to the lab, Robert shows Will a baby ape hidden in Bright Eyes's cell. This explains that their assumption was in error: Bright Eyes was not acting violently because of the drug, but to protect her child. Robert does not have the heart to put down the baby, and gives the task to Will. Unwilling to do so, he decides to...
Movie title: Deception Context: Timid accountant Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) is an auditor with little to no social life. One night while working late in a boardroom he is interrupted by a lawyer, Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman), who befriends him and offers him marijuana. After a long conversation, Jonathan takes the subway home where he has a brief encounter with a blond woman (Michelle Williams) with whom he falls in love at first sight while waiting for the train. Upon returning home he notices a pipe in his bedroom is leaking and leaving a stain.Jonathan contacts Wyatt the next day and they play tennis after work. Afterward they stop by Wyatt's lavish apartment where Jonathan borrows an expensive suit, and they go out to a club. They meet again for lunch the next day where Wyatt mentions he is leaving on a business trip to London for a few weeks. Upon leaving, Wyatt unintentionally takes Jonathan's mobile phone instead of his own.When Jonathan realizes the phones have been switched, he attempts to contact Wyatt but does not reach him. He is soon contacted by a woman (Natasha Henstridge) who asks if he is free that night. He informs her that he is and agrees to meet her. When she arrives they proceed directly to a hotel room to have sex and Jonathan realizes that Wyatt must be on some type of exclusive list.When Wyatt calls the next day, he doesn't mind Jonathan using the list and even encourages him to continue. Jonathan initiates his first call and has an encounter with an attractive older woman (Charlotte Rampling) who explains how the list works. The list consists of business men and women, too busy to have any real social life and looking to have casual sex once in a while. She also explains the list's rules: the initiator pays for the room, no names are exchanged, no business talk, very little conversation and no rough play. Jonathan later spots the older woman on the cover of Forbes and smiles. Over the next few weeks he engages in sexual encounters with several other members.One night after initiating another encounter, Jonathan...
Question: Where did Jonathan go at the end? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where did Jonathan go at the end? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Deception Context: Timid accountant Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) is an auditor with little to no social life. One night while working late in a boardroom he is interrupted by a lawyer, Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman), who befriends him and offers him marijuana. After a long conversation, Jonathan takes the subway home where he has a brief encounter with a blond woman (Michelle Williams) with whom he falls in love at first sight while waiting for the train. Upon returning home he notices a pipe in his bedroom is leaking and leaving a stain.Jonathan contacts Wyatt the next day and they play tennis after work. Afterward they stop by Wyatt's lavish apartment where Jonathan borrows an expensive suit, and they go out to a club. They meet again for lunch the next day where Wyatt mentions he is leaving on a business trip to London for a few weeks. Upon leaving, Wyatt unintentionally takes Jonathan's mobile phone instead of his own.When Jonathan realizes the phones have been switched, he attempts to contact Wyatt but does not reach him. He is soon contacted by a woman (Natasha Henstridge) who asks if he is free that night. He informs her that he is and agrees to meet her. When she arrives they proceed directly to a hotel room to have sex and Jonathan realizes that Wyatt must be on some type of exclusive list.When Wyatt calls the next day, he doesn't mind Jonathan using the list and even encourages him to continue. Jonathan initiates his first call and has an encounter with an attractive older woman (Charlotte Rampling) who explains how the list works. The list consists of business men and women, too busy to have any real social life and looking to have casual sex once in a while. She also explains the list's rules: the initiator pays for the room, no names are exchanged, no business talk, very little conversation and no rough play. Jonathan later spots the older woman on the cover of Forbes and smiles. Over the next few weeks he engages in sexual encounters with several other members.One night after initiating another encounter, Jonathan...
Movie title: Nine Context: Nine tells the story of Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis), a world famous film director as he confronts an epic mid-life crisis with both creative and personal problems. He must balance the many women of his life, including his wife (Marion Cotillard), his mistress (Penélope Cruz), his film star muse (Nicole Kidman), his confidant and costume designer (Judi Dench), an American fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), the whore from his youth (Fergie) and his mother (Sophia Loren).Guido Contini is a gifted Italian filmmaker who, at the age of fifty, has developed writer's block and urges all the women in his life, alive and dead, to help him with it - his mind wanders to his unfinished set, where dozens of dancers and the films leading ladies appear first Claudia Jenssen, his leading lady; then his wife Luisa; his mistress Carla; his costume designer and confidant Lilli; his beloved Mamma; Stephanie, an American fashion journalist from Vogue; and finally Saraghina, a prostitute from his childhood; ("Overture Delle Donne"). It is 1965, and at the famous Cinecittà movie studios, in Rome, 'everyone has questions for Signor Contini.' At a press conference at the Hotel Excelsior on the Via Veneto, hes charming and colorful, avoiding any clear answer on his new movie - his ninth with producer, Dante, - tentatively entitled "Italia". Here he meets Stephanie, a Vogue fashion journalist, with whom he begins a flirtation. Escaping the biting probes of the reporters, he creates an elaborate fantasy, which becomes ("Guidos Song") where he explains that he wishes he was young and energetic once again, since his talent was better then. He escapes the press conference, the reporters and his producer and arrives at the Bellavista Spa Hotel. While being examined by the doctor, he receives a call from Carla, his mistress ("A Call from the Vatican"). She describes her desire for him, as he excitedly listens on the other end. She arrives at the spa, expecting to share his suite, but is upset to find that shes staying in a shabby pensione...
Question: What is Guido Contini's occupation? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Guido Contini's occupation? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Nine Context: Nine tells the story of Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis), a world famous film director as he confronts an epic mid-life crisis with both creative and personal problems. He must balance the many women of his life, including his wife (Marion Cotillard), his mistress (Penélope Cruz), his film star muse (Nicole Kidman), his confidant and costume designer (Judi Dench), an American fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), the whore from his youth (Fergie) and his mother (Sophia Loren).Guido Contini is a gifted Italian filmmaker who, at the age of fifty, has developed writer's block and urges all the women in his life, alive and dead, to help him with it - his mind wanders to his unfinished set, where dozens of dancers and the films leading ladies appear first Claudia Jenssen, his leading lady; then his wife Luisa; his mistress Carla; his costume designer and confidant Lilli; his beloved Mamma; Stephanie, an American fashion journalist from Vogue; and finally Saraghina, a prostitute from his childhood; ("Overture Delle Donne"). It is 1965, and at the famous Cinecittà movie studios, in Rome, 'everyone has questions for Signor Contini.' At a press conference at the Hotel Excelsior on the Via Veneto, hes charming and colorful, avoiding any clear answer on his new movie - his ninth with producer, Dante, - tentatively entitled "Italia". Here he meets Stephanie, a Vogue fashion journalist, with whom he begins a flirtation. Escaping the biting probes of the reporters, he creates an elaborate fantasy, which becomes ("Guidos Song") where he explains that he wishes he was young and energetic once again, since his talent was better then. He escapes the press conference, the reporters and his producer and arrives at the Bellavista Spa Hotel. While being examined by the doctor, he receives a call from Carla, his mistress ("A Call from the Vatican"). She describes her desire for him, as he excitedly listens on the other end. She arrives at the spa, expecting to share his suite, but is upset to find that shes staying in a shabby pensione...
Film director
Movie title: Tum Mile Context: The movie is narrated in clips of Past and Present. Akshay (Emraan Hashmi) who is an artist and a character designer in present departures on a flight. He is boarding from London. Suddenly he sees Sanjana who is sitting just opposite Akshay, and next to business man number 23 (Simon Burns). They both see each other. Akshay and Sanjana remember a series of flashbacks. Akshay was a struggling artist who was in Cape Town. He sees Sanjana first time at that point. Then while Sanjana tries to take out her car she accidentally bumps Akshay's car and leaves a note on it. Akshay and his friend Vicky go to her house and while coming back they have a lot of fun. The next day Akshay and Sanjana go to a party and kiss. They discover their love. Sanjana breaks up with her fiancé and tells her feelings to Akshay. Akshay and Sanjana settle down. As Akshay is an artist and not employed his business is not improving. He also has an ego fight with a distributor. As Akshay doesn't have any money he gets frustrated and takes it out on Sanjana. Sanjana has been working for quite a while. After some time Akshay gets a job in London. As Sanjana can not leave her job and Akshay is interested in the offer they have a fight and break up. Back in the present when they remember these memories the situation is worst in Mumbai. The heavy rains have flooded the city (Indicating the Maharashtra floods of 2005). Many are trying to survive. While their adventure for survival continues Vicky is electrocuted as he falls in water with a cable carrying an electric current. After spending time together they realise that their break-up 6 years back was just a break for them as their destiny is to be united.
Question: Why won't Sanjaya go to Australia with Ashay? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Why won't Sanjaya go to Australia with Ashay? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Tum Mile Context: The movie is narrated in clips of Past and Present. Akshay (Emraan Hashmi) who is an artist and a character designer in present departures on a flight. He is boarding from London. Suddenly he sees Sanjana who is sitting just opposite Akshay, and next to business man number 23 (Simon Burns). They both see each other. Akshay and Sanjana remember a series of flashbacks. Akshay was a struggling artist who was in Cape Town. He sees Sanjana first time at that point. Then while Sanjana tries to take out her car she accidentally bumps Akshay's car and leaves a note on it. Akshay and his friend Vicky go to her house and while coming back they have a lot of fun. The next day Akshay and Sanjana go to a party and kiss. They discover their love. Sanjana breaks up with her fiancé and tells her feelings to Akshay. Akshay and Sanjana settle down. As Akshay is an artist and not employed his business is not improving. He also has an ego fight with a distributor. As Akshay doesn't have any money he gets frustrated and takes it out on Sanjana. Sanjana has been working for quite a while. After some time Akshay gets a job in London. As Sanjana can not leave her job and Akshay is interested in the offer they have a fight and break up. Back in the present when they remember these memories the situation is worst in Mumbai. The heavy rains have flooded the city (Indicating the Maharashtra floods of 2005). Many are trying to survive. While their adventure for survival continues Vicky is electrocuted as he falls in water with a cable carrying an electric current. After spending time together they realise that their break-up 6 years back was just a break for them as their destiny is to be united.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: American Pie 2 Context: After their first year at different colleges, the guys reunite once again and plan their summer. Looking for a good idea, Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) turns to his brother (Casey Afleck) for advices. His brother suggest spending summer in a beach house and throw a bunch of parties with the last one being the biggest. All 4 friends agree but soon realise that they're gonna need an extra man to invest too. Stifler (Sean William Scott), the oversexed college clown gets invited along by Kevin.After arriving in Grand Harbor they manage to find work painting a house (based on the Tuition Painters franchise) in the area together. Because the owners of the house are two hot women, Stifler assumes they're lesbians. When the women leave the house, Stifler goes in to try and find proofs. Unfortunately, the women return quickly and find the guys hidden in the house. Instead of calling the cops, they decide to make fun of the guys. Jim (Jason Biggs), Stifler and Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) end up performing "like for like" sexual acts on each other in return for being able to watch the girls doing the same thing. Meanwhile, Oz (Chris Klein) and Kevin take turns watching up a ladder and listening on the walkie-talkie also in the room. The conversation is accidentally picked up and heard by many other people in the neighborhood. The whole thing ends when the girls offer to have sex in front of them if the guys will go down on each other. Stifler accepts but Jim and Finch just run away.After this, many concurrent stories run at the same time, some interacting with each other, other staying mainly separate.Jim learns that Nadia (Shannon Elizabeth), his high school crush from the first American Pie film, is coming to visit him in August. Nervous and insecure about his sex skills, and wanting to impress Nadia and make sure she forgets about his poor performance in the first movie, Jim seeks out Michelle (Alyson Hannigan), the band geek, to ask for a review on his performance with her. He finds her at band camp and makes a fool out...
Question: Who is the actor that plays Oz? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is the actor that plays Oz? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: American Pie 2 Context: After their first year at different colleges, the guys reunite once again and plan their summer. Looking for a good idea, Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) turns to his brother (Casey Afleck) for advices. His brother suggest spending summer in a beach house and throw a bunch of parties with the last one being the biggest. All 4 friends agree but soon realise that they're gonna need an extra man to invest too. Stifler (Sean William Scott), the oversexed college clown gets invited along by Kevin.After arriving in Grand Harbor they manage to find work painting a house (based on the Tuition Painters franchise) in the area together. Because the owners of the house are two hot women, Stifler assumes they're lesbians. When the women leave the house, Stifler goes in to try and find proofs. Unfortunately, the women return quickly and find the guys hidden in the house. Instead of calling the cops, they decide to make fun of the guys. Jim (Jason Biggs), Stifler and Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) end up performing "like for like" sexual acts on each other in return for being able to watch the girls doing the same thing. Meanwhile, Oz (Chris Klein) and Kevin take turns watching up a ladder and listening on the walkie-talkie also in the room. The conversation is accidentally picked up and heard by many other people in the neighborhood. The whole thing ends when the girls offer to have sex in front of them if the guys will go down on each other. Stifler accepts but Jim and Finch just run away.After this, many concurrent stories run at the same time, some interacting with each other, other staying mainly separate.Jim learns that Nadia (Shannon Elizabeth), his high school crush from the first American Pie film, is coming to visit him in August. Nervous and insecure about his sex skills, and wanting to impress Nadia and make sure she forgets about his poor performance in the first movie, Jim seeks out Michelle (Alyson Hannigan), the band geek, to ask for a review on his performance with her. He finds her at band camp and makes a fool out...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Blade Runner Context: In 2019, humans have genetically engineered Replicants, which are essentially humans who are designed for labor and entertainment purposes. They are illegal on earth, and if they make it to our planet they are hunted down and killed.Rick Deckard is a blade runner, a hunter of replicants. A group of replicants makes it to Los Angeles seeking a way to extend their life span. Replicants have a built-in 4 year life span, and this group is near the end.==========================================A crawl after the opening credits informs us that, in the near future, technology that has created synthetic humans has entered a new phase: replicants, sophisticated androids that are virtually identical to humans, are now equal in strength and emotion to their creators. Replicants are designed and built by the Tyrell Corporation, a giant multi-conglomerate headquartered in two pyramid-like towers. The latest version of replicant technology is the Nexus 6 model. Replicants are mostly used as manual laborers in the "off world" colonies out in space. Because of their advanced nature and tendency towards violence, replicants have been outlawed on Earth. Specialized police units, "blade runners," are charged with the difficult task of detecting replicants who come to Earth. If found, replicants are executed or "retired." An opening title tells us that the setting for the story is Los Angeles, and the date is November, 2019. Los Angeles and the surrounding area have become heavily industrialized, crowded with people and rain falls constantly.At the Tyrell Corporation, a blade runner, Holden (Morgan Paull) is interviewing a new employee using a special device called a Voight-Kampff (VK) analyzer. The machine is designed to detect any physical changes in the test subject in response to questions that are deliberately meant to affect the subject emotionally. After a few questions, the man being tested, Leon, becomes obviously agitated and eventually hostile, shooting Holden. (We learn later that Holden survived: "He can breathe...
Question: who is administering the Voight-kampff test ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who is administering the Voight-kampff test ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Blade Runner Context: In 2019, humans have genetically engineered Replicants, which are essentially humans who are designed for labor and entertainment purposes. They are illegal on earth, and if they make it to our planet they are hunted down and killed.Rick Deckard is a blade runner, a hunter of replicants. A group of replicants makes it to Los Angeles seeking a way to extend their life span. Replicants have a built-in 4 year life span, and this group is near the end.==========================================A crawl after the opening credits informs us that, in the near future, technology that has created synthetic humans has entered a new phase: replicants, sophisticated androids that are virtually identical to humans, are now equal in strength and emotion to their creators. Replicants are designed and built by the Tyrell Corporation, a giant multi-conglomerate headquartered in two pyramid-like towers. The latest version of replicant technology is the Nexus 6 model. Replicants are mostly used as manual laborers in the "off world" colonies out in space. Because of their advanced nature and tendency towards violence, replicants have been outlawed on Earth. Specialized police units, "blade runners," are charged with the difficult task of detecting replicants who come to Earth. If found, replicants are executed or "retired." An opening title tells us that the setting for the story is Los Angeles, and the date is November, 2019. Los Angeles and the surrounding area have become heavily industrialized, crowded with people and rain falls constantly.At the Tyrell Corporation, a blade runner, Holden (Morgan Paull) is interviewing a new employee using a special device called a Voight-Kampff (VK) analyzer. The machine is designed to detect any physical changes in the test subject in response to questions that are deliberately meant to affect the subject emotionally. After a few questions, the man being tested, Leon, becomes obviously agitated and eventually hostile, shooting Holden. (We learn later that Holden survived: "He can breathe...
Movie title: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Context: Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore) is a kind and loving boy living in poverty with his parents (Noah Taylor and Helena Bonham Carter) and four bedridden grandparents. They all rely on his father for income, employed at a toothpaste factory, responsible for putting the caps on the tubes. Down the street is Willy Wonka's (Johnny Depp) chocolate factory, which reopened after industrial espionage forced him into seclusion and sacking his employees. Charlie's Grandpa Joe (David Kelly) worked for Wonka before the termination. Wonka announces a contest whereby children that find five Golden Tickets hidden in Wonka bars will be given a tour of the factory and one a chance to be presented with an unknown grand prize. Four tickets are quickly found: the greedy and gluttonous Augustus Gloop (Philip Wiegratz) from Düsseldorf; the spoiled and rotten Veruca Salt (Julia Winter) from Buckinghamshire; the competitive and boastful Violet Beauregarde (AnnaSophia Robb) from Atlanta; and the arrogant and aggressive Mike Teavee (Jordan Fry) from Denver. Charlie hopes to find a ticket but his chances are small as money is tight, and the best has to be made of his annual birthday present of one Wonka bar and a bar bought by Grandpa Joe's money, both of which yield no tickets. All hope is crushed when the last ticket is apparently claimed in Russia. Charlie, on finding some money in the street, just intends to enjoy one chocolate bar when news breaks that the Russian ticket was fake. Charlie finds the bar he just bought has the last Golden Ticket. Bystanders attempt to separate him from it, only for the shopkeeper (Oscar James) to see that he keeps the ticket and gets back home with it. Grandpa Joe offers to accompany Charlie on the tour, but Charlie explains how he was offered money for the ticket and intends to sell it. Grandpa George (David Morris) reminds Charlie that money is far more common than the tickets, and convinces Charlie to keep it. The visitors find Wonka to be peculiar, lonely and acting odd at the mention of...
Question: Who was the first to find a ticket? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who was the first to find a ticket? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Context: Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore) is a kind and loving boy living in poverty with his parents (Noah Taylor and Helena Bonham Carter) and four bedridden grandparents. They all rely on his father for income, employed at a toothpaste factory, responsible for putting the caps on the tubes. Down the street is Willy Wonka's (Johnny Depp) chocolate factory, which reopened after industrial espionage forced him into seclusion and sacking his employees. Charlie's Grandpa Joe (David Kelly) worked for Wonka before the termination. Wonka announces a contest whereby children that find five Golden Tickets hidden in Wonka bars will be given a tour of the factory and one a chance to be presented with an unknown grand prize. Four tickets are quickly found: the greedy and gluttonous Augustus Gloop (Philip Wiegratz) from Düsseldorf; the spoiled and rotten Veruca Salt (Julia Winter) from Buckinghamshire; the competitive and boastful Violet Beauregarde (AnnaSophia Robb) from Atlanta; and the arrogant and aggressive Mike Teavee (Jordan Fry) from Denver. Charlie hopes to find a ticket but his chances are small as money is tight, and the best has to be made of his annual birthday present of one Wonka bar and a bar bought by Grandpa Joe's money, both of which yield no tickets. All hope is crushed when the last ticket is apparently claimed in Russia. Charlie, on finding some money in the street, just intends to enjoy one chocolate bar when news breaks that the Russian ticket was fake. Charlie finds the bar he just bought has the last Golden Ticket. Bystanders attempt to separate him from it, only for the shopkeeper (Oscar James) to see that he keeps the ticket and gets back home with it. Grandpa Joe offers to accompany Charlie on the tour, but Charlie explains how he was offered money for the ticket and intends to sell it. Grandpa George (David Morris) reminds Charlie that money is far more common than the tickets, and convinces Charlie to keep it. The visitors find Wonka to be peculiar, lonely and acting odd at the mention of...
Augustus Gloop
Movie title: Hounddog Context: Nine-year-old Lewellen (played by a 12 year old Dakota Fanning) is growing up in rural Alabama in the 1950s. It is a depressing life as Lewellen is poor and motherless. She lives with her Grammie (Piper Laurie) and has a strained relationship with her daddy (David Morse) who works a nearby farm. Lewellen's only pleasure is playing with neighbor boy Buddy (Cody Hanford) and listening to Elvis Presley. Lewellen's favorite song is Presley's "Hound Dog" which she will perform for anybody at the drop of a hat. The only adult that seems to be truly concerned about her is Charles (Afemo Omilami), a black horse trainer at a nearby farm who gives her sage advice on music, snakes and life.The situation changes when her father gets a new girl friend (Robin Wright), who is later revealed to the audience to be Lewellen's dead mother's sister who has been disowned by Grammie for sleeping with Lewellen's father. Lewellen finds a connection with her aunt and asks to go with her when the woman decides to leave after being physically abused by Lewellen's daddy. At first her aunt agrees, but changes her mind and leaves Lewellen behind.Lewellen's world is brightened when she finds that Elvis is coming to town to do a concert. However, her father gets accidentally struck by lightning while out working on a tractor during a thunderstorm, and--although he survives--he is turned into a half-wit who can no longer work. Without his income there is little chance of Lewellen getting a ticket to see Elvis in concert. Then Buddy tells her that the local teenage milkman (Christoph Sanders) will give her a ticket if she meets them at the shed down by the river. When she arrives there, however, she is told the price of the ticket is her performance of "Hound Dog" while nude. She agrees, but the milkman takes things further and brutally rapes her without giving Lewellen her ticket. (This scene, involving beloved child-actress Fanning, made the movie very controversial before it was released. The scene as eventually presented to the public,...
Question: Whose father suffers a terrible accident? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Whose father suffers a terrible accident? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Hounddog Context: Nine-year-old Lewellen (played by a 12 year old Dakota Fanning) is growing up in rural Alabama in the 1950s. It is a depressing life as Lewellen is poor and motherless. She lives with her Grammie (Piper Laurie) and has a strained relationship with her daddy (David Morse) who works a nearby farm. Lewellen's only pleasure is playing with neighbor boy Buddy (Cody Hanford) and listening to Elvis Presley. Lewellen's favorite song is Presley's "Hound Dog" which she will perform for anybody at the drop of a hat. The only adult that seems to be truly concerned about her is Charles (Afemo Omilami), a black horse trainer at a nearby farm who gives her sage advice on music, snakes and life.The situation changes when her father gets a new girl friend (Robin Wright), who is later revealed to the audience to be Lewellen's dead mother's sister who has been disowned by Grammie for sleeping with Lewellen's father. Lewellen finds a connection with her aunt and asks to go with her when the woman decides to leave after being physically abused by Lewellen's daddy. At first her aunt agrees, but changes her mind and leaves Lewellen behind.Lewellen's world is brightened when she finds that Elvis is coming to town to do a concert. However, her father gets accidentally struck by lightning while out working on a tractor during a thunderstorm, and--although he survives--he is turned into a half-wit who can no longer work. Without his income there is little chance of Lewellen getting a ticket to see Elvis in concert. Then Buddy tells her that the local teenage milkman (Christoph Sanders) will give her a ticket if she meets them at the shed down by the river. When she arrives there, however, she is told the price of the ticket is her performance of "Hound Dog" while nude. She agrees, but the milkman takes things further and brutally rapes her without giving Lewellen her ticket. (This scene, involving beloved child-actress Fanning, made the movie very controversial before it was released. The scene as eventually presented to the public,...
Lewellen's father
Movie title: One Missed Call Context: Yumi Nakamura (Kou Shivasaki) is a pretty teenager whose university life has to do more with her friends than with studying psychology. One of the few lessons she attends to is children's psychology, but she's distracted anyway. It's as though she's getting a bad feeling about something to happen in the near future.At a dinner with her friends, everybody exchanges phone numbers. When Yumi and her friend Yoko Okazaki (Anna Nagata) go to the look, Yoko receives a strange missed call. It's from her own mobile phone. When she hears voicemail, she can hear her own voice saying "It's beginning to rain", and then screaming in pain. More mysteriously even, the message's date is the date after tomorrow. They disregard it, but Yoko dies at that exact moment of the call. She was speaking with Yumi on the phone, and the last things that Yimi can hear are " "It's beginning to rain" and then the scream.The following day, Yumi overhears a group of students talking about an urban legend about people receive phone calls with date and time of their death in the near future. Yumi seeks out Kioto's boyfriend Kenji Kawai (Atsushi Ida), who also received a call, and witnesses his death. He had believed her on the last moment, but an invisible energy pulls him into the lift shaft.When her roommate Natsumi Konishi (Kazue Fukiishi) receives a call, Yoko befriends Hiroshi Yamashita (Shin'ichi Tsutsumi), who tells her that his sister Ritsuko Yamashita (Azusa) was the first victim of the phone call. While in the hospital, Yumi hears an asthma pump and recalls that she heard the same noise when Kenji died. They decide to investigate victims of asthma in the hospital and find the name of Marie Mizunuma (Mariko Tsutsui) and her children Mimiko and Nanako. Both are thought to have been brutalised by her mother, who suffered from Muchhäusen Syndrome, an illness which makes parents injure their children in order to save them right away. Parents who suffer this syndrome seek prise and attention from other adults and they want to be considered...
Question: What drags Shelley and her cat into the pond? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What drags Shelley and her cat into the pond? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: One Missed Call Context: Yumi Nakamura (Kou Shivasaki) is a pretty teenager whose university life has to do more with her friends than with studying psychology. One of the few lessons she attends to is children's psychology, but she's distracted anyway. It's as though she's getting a bad feeling about something to happen in the near future.At a dinner with her friends, everybody exchanges phone numbers. When Yumi and her friend Yoko Okazaki (Anna Nagata) go to the look, Yoko receives a strange missed call. It's from her own mobile phone. When she hears voicemail, she can hear her own voice saying "It's beginning to rain", and then screaming in pain. More mysteriously even, the message's date is the date after tomorrow. They disregard it, but Yoko dies at that exact moment of the call. She was speaking with Yumi on the phone, and the last things that Yimi can hear are " "It's beginning to rain" and then the scream.The following day, Yumi overhears a group of students talking about an urban legend about people receive phone calls with date and time of their death in the near future. Yumi seeks out Kioto's boyfriend Kenji Kawai (Atsushi Ida), who also received a call, and witnesses his death. He had believed her on the last moment, but an invisible energy pulls him into the lift shaft.When her roommate Natsumi Konishi (Kazue Fukiishi) receives a call, Yoko befriends Hiroshi Yamashita (Shin'ichi Tsutsumi), who tells her that his sister Ritsuko Yamashita (Azusa) was the first victim of the phone call. While in the hospital, Yumi hears an asthma pump and recalls that she heard the same noise when Kenji died. They decide to investigate victims of asthma in the hospital and find the name of Marie Mizunuma (Mariko Tsutsui) and her children Mimiko and Nanako. Both are thought to have been brutalised by her mother, who suffered from Muchhäusen Syndrome, an illness which makes parents injure their children in order to save them right away. Parents who suffer this syndrome seek prise and attention from other adults and they want to be considered...
Movie title: Pacific Rim Context: The film begins in 2013. Deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, a fissure opens up, that leads to another dimension. Through the fissure, a giant monster appears, and destroys portions of San Francisco. After many days and countless lives, the creature is defeated by human military forces.However, what seemed to be an isolated attack builds, as more creatures begin to come through the fissure, attacking coastal cities around the Pacific. The World unites to stop the invaders, and build The Jaeger Program: a series of giant mechanical 'monsters,' intended to stop the creatures.Original tests to have one pilot per Jaeger prove unsuccessful, as the test subjects were not able to handle the stress and strain of controlling such a huge robot by themselves. It was then decided that each Jaeger would be piloted by two pilots, their memories linked together in The Drift, synchronizing their movements to maneuver the massive machines.As the Jaegers go to work, they begin to turn the tides, and take down the creatures (known as Kaiju). Pretty soon, the world is enthralled by the Jaegers and their pilots. They become celebrities, and even have merchandise made. As well, the dead Kaiju are soon seen as a black-market commodity, their parts sold off for various collections and medicinal purposes.But just as the war seems to be turning in humanity's favor, the Kaiju's attacks become more frequent and more brutal.In 2020, seven years after the fissure opened, one of the more famous Jaeger duos, Raleigh Beckett (Charlie Hunnam), and his older brother, Yancy (Diego Klattenhoff) have become heroes with an impeccable record of defeating Kaijus. Pilots of the Jaeger named "Gipsy Danger," they are sent off to stop a category 3 Kaiju heading towards Anchorage. The beast is larger and more powerful than previous category 3s and will be a challenge for the team. Though the information on their monitors shows a fishing boat in the path of the attack, the Becketts are told their priority is to protect Anchorage.Even so, they disobey orders,...
Question: What does Pentecost instruct Newton to obtain from Chau? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Pentecost instruct Newton to obtain from Chau? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Pacific Rim Context: The film begins in 2013. Deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, a fissure opens up, that leads to another dimension. Through the fissure, a giant monster appears, and destroys portions of San Francisco. After many days and countless lives, the creature is defeated by human military forces.However, what seemed to be an isolated attack builds, as more creatures begin to come through the fissure, attacking coastal cities around the Pacific. The World unites to stop the invaders, and build The Jaeger Program: a series of giant mechanical 'monsters,' intended to stop the creatures.Original tests to have one pilot per Jaeger prove unsuccessful, as the test subjects were not able to handle the stress and strain of controlling such a huge robot by themselves. It was then decided that each Jaeger would be piloted by two pilots, their memories linked together in The Drift, synchronizing their movements to maneuver the massive machines.As the Jaegers go to work, they begin to turn the tides, and take down the creatures (known as Kaiju). Pretty soon, the world is enthralled by the Jaegers and their pilots. They become celebrities, and even have merchandise made. As well, the dead Kaiju are soon seen as a black-market commodity, their parts sold off for various collections and medicinal purposes.But just as the war seems to be turning in humanity's favor, the Kaiju's attacks become more frequent and more brutal.In 2020, seven years after the fissure opened, one of the more famous Jaeger duos, Raleigh Beckett (Charlie Hunnam), and his older brother, Yancy (Diego Klattenhoff) have become heroes with an impeccable record of defeating Kaijus. Pilots of the Jaeger named "Gipsy Danger," they are sent off to stop a category 3 Kaiju heading towards Anchorage. The beast is larger and more powerful than previous category 3s and will be a challenge for the team. Though the information on their monitors shows a fishing boat in the path of the attack, the Becketts are told their priority is to protect Anchorage.Even so, they disobey orders,...
A kaiju brain
Movie title: Tom Sawyer Context: Tom Sawyer (Johnny Whitaker) and Huckleberry Finn (Jeff East) play hooky from school and have a plan to revive a dead cat with the spirit of a man who is on his death bed. Sawyer and Finn talk with Muff Potter (Warren Oates), the town drunk, but are interrupted when Injun Joe (Henry O'Brien) says that Doc Robinson (Richard Eastham) wants to see them. Potter and Joe meet Robinson and he informs them that they have a job to dig the grave of Williams. Joe is angry that Robinson didn't fix his leg correctly.Meanwhile, Sawyer continues to skip school and comes up with fantastic stories about why he's not home for dinner, where he tricks the children of the town to do his punishment chores for him.After Williams dies, the two go to the graveyard and find out that Potter and Joe are digging up a grave on the advice of Doc Robinson. Joe continues to be angry at Robinson and demands more money for the job. When Robinson refuses, Joe picks up a shovel, accidentally knocking Potter out, hits Robinson into the grave with the shovel, then grabs Potter's knife and jumps in after Robinson. Sawyer and Finn witness all this and then run off, making a pact not to tell anyone what they saw. Joe frames Potter for the murder and Potter goes to jail.Meanwhile, the beautiful Becky Thatcher (Jodie Foster) moves to town which sends Sawyer into a romantic daze. At the trial for Potter, Sawyer is unable to contain himself as Joe is called to the stand and lies about the incident, continuing to frame Potter for the murder. As Sawyer is called to the stand, he relates what happened, not mentioning that Finn was with him. Suddenly, Joe throws a knife at Sawyer, narrowly missing Sawyer's head and jumps out the window of the courthouse, fleeing.After the trial, Sawyer and Thatcher get "engaged" but that quickly ends when Sawyer mentions he's also engaged to Amy Lawrence. After sulking, Sawyer is attacked by Finn for "breaking the pact" and they both decide to run away. While paddling down the Mississippi, their raft is capsized by a passing...
Question: Who does the knife belong to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who does the knife belong to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Tom Sawyer Context: Tom Sawyer (Johnny Whitaker) and Huckleberry Finn (Jeff East) play hooky from school and have a plan to revive a dead cat with the spirit of a man who is on his death bed. Sawyer and Finn talk with Muff Potter (Warren Oates), the town drunk, but are interrupted when Injun Joe (Henry O'Brien) says that Doc Robinson (Richard Eastham) wants to see them. Potter and Joe meet Robinson and he informs them that they have a job to dig the grave of Williams. Joe is angry that Robinson didn't fix his leg correctly.Meanwhile, Sawyer continues to skip school and comes up with fantastic stories about why he's not home for dinner, where he tricks the children of the town to do his punishment chores for him.After Williams dies, the two go to the graveyard and find out that Potter and Joe are digging up a grave on the advice of Doc Robinson. Joe continues to be angry at Robinson and demands more money for the job. When Robinson refuses, Joe picks up a shovel, accidentally knocking Potter out, hits Robinson into the grave with the shovel, then grabs Potter's knife and jumps in after Robinson. Sawyer and Finn witness all this and then run off, making a pact not to tell anyone what they saw. Joe frames Potter for the murder and Potter goes to jail.Meanwhile, the beautiful Becky Thatcher (Jodie Foster) moves to town which sends Sawyer into a romantic daze. At the trial for Potter, Sawyer is unable to contain himself as Joe is called to the stand and lies about the incident, continuing to frame Potter for the murder. As Sawyer is called to the stand, he relates what happened, not mentioning that Finn was with him. Suddenly, Joe throws a knife at Sawyer, narrowly missing Sawyer's head and jumps out the window of the courthouse, fleeing.After the trial, Sawyer and Thatcher get "engaged" but that quickly ends when Sawyer mentions he's also engaged to Amy Lawrence. After sulking, Sawyer is attacked by Finn for "breaking the pact" and they both decide to run away. While paddling down the Mississippi, their raft is capsized by a passing...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: The Lorax Context: One night, a little boy wanders down 'the street of the lifted Lorax.' Along the dark street, he comes to the residence of a creature named The Once-ler, a being who is never seen, except for his long green arms. He takes up an audience with the boy, and begins to explain the tale regarding the Lorax.The land once thrived with truffula trees when the Once-ler first came to the area in a horse-drawn cart. Living among the foliage are the brown Bar-ba-Loots, who eat truffula fruit from the local trees. In the nearby pond live the Humming Fish, and overhead fly the Swomee Swans. The trees amaze the Once-ler with their texture and scent, and he soon builds a small shop in the area. After cutting down a truffula tree, the Lorax pops out of it's stump. The Lorax claims to speak for the trees, and demands to know what the Once-ler is doing. The Once-ler explains that he is using the truffula tree's tufts to make something called a Thneed...a fine thing that all people need.The multi-purpose item soon attracts the attention of many customers, and the Once-ler continues to cut down more truffula trees. When it seems that the business is growing too big for just one Once-ler, he calls his relatives to help him with his thriving business.The business keeps growing and growing, until finally the Lorax demands an audience with the Once-ler, explaining that with the number of trees having been cleared, the Bar-ba-Loots have run out of truffula fruits, and have left to find new sources of food.The Once-ler ignores this, but is then met by the Lorax again, who explains that the smog from the factories has overwhelmed the Swomee Swans. Unable to sing because of the smog, the Lorax sends them off. The Once-ler claims he will 'think about it,' but this answer does not sit well with the Lorax. The Lorax then reveals that the factory's pollution is gumming up the Humming Fish's pond. With their home now so polluted that they can't hum, the fish are sent away as well.The Once-ler it seems is about to listen to reason, until his...
Question: What do the Lorax and Once-ler both witness? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What do the Lorax and Once-ler both witness? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Lorax Context: One night, a little boy wanders down 'the street of the lifted Lorax.' Along the dark street, he comes to the residence of a creature named The Once-ler, a being who is never seen, except for his long green arms. He takes up an audience with the boy, and begins to explain the tale regarding the Lorax.The land once thrived with truffula trees when the Once-ler first came to the area in a horse-drawn cart. Living among the foliage are the brown Bar-ba-Loots, who eat truffula fruit from the local trees. In the nearby pond live the Humming Fish, and overhead fly the Swomee Swans. The trees amaze the Once-ler with their texture and scent, and he soon builds a small shop in the area. After cutting down a truffula tree, the Lorax pops out of it's stump. The Lorax claims to speak for the trees, and demands to know what the Once-ler is doing. The Once-ler explains that he is using the truffula tree's tufts to make something called a Thneed...a fine thing that all people need.The multi-purpose item soon attracts the attention of many customers, and the Once-ler continues to cut down more truffula trees. When it seems that the business is growing too big for just one Once-ler, he calls his relatives to help him with his thriving business.The business keeps growing and growing, until finally the Lorax demands an audience with the Once-ler, explaining that with the number of trees having been cleared, the Bar-ba-Loots have run out of truffula fruits, and have left to find new sources of food.The Once-ler ignores this, but is then met by the Lorax again, who explains that the smog from the factories has overwhelmed the Swomee Swans. Unable to sing because of the smog, the Lorax sends them off. The Once-ler claims he will 'think about it,' but this answer does not sit well with the Lorax. The Lorax then reveals that the factory's pollution is gumming up the Humming Fish's pond. With their home now so polluted that they can't hum, the fish are sent away as well.The Once-ler it seems is about to listen to reason, until his...
the two are witness to the leveling of the last truffula tree.
Movie title: Contraband Context: It is November 1939: the Phoney War-stage of the World War II. Denmark is still neutral, but (Danish) Captain Andersen (Conrad Veidt) and his freighter Helvig are stopped in the English Channel by Lt. Commanders Ashton (Joss Ambler) and Ellis (Harold Warrender) for a cargo inspection in a British Contraband Control Port. He receives two shore passes for himself and his First Officer Axel Skold (Hay Petrie) to dine with Ashton and Ellis, but the passes (and Helvig's motorboat) are stolen by passengers Mrs. Sorensen (Valerie Hobson) and talent scout Mr. Pidgeon (Esmond Knight). From a cut-out newspaper train schedule, Andersen is able to figure out they are taking a train to London and catches up with them; but, when the train arrives in the blacked-out metropolis, he is only able to hold on to Sorensen. He invites her to dine at the restaurant of Skold's brother Erik (also Hay Petrie). Then she takes him to the home of her aunt, where they are captured by a Nazi spy ring led by Van Dyne (Raymond Lovell), a man Sorensen has already had unpleasant dealings with in Düsseldorf, Germany. Van Dyne knows Sorensen and Pidgeon are British agents. Van Dyne finds a message hidden on one of Sorensen's cigarette papers, identifying her as "M47" and listing the names of neutral ships which two German vessels are traveling. He decides to replace one of the names with that of an American ship to cause trouble, the United States being neutral at this time. Sorensen and Andersen are tied up, but the captain manages to escape. He brings back reinforcements in the form of Erik Skold's staff and is able to free Sorensen and knock out Van Dyne. With everything cleared up, Andersen and Sorensen resume their sea voyage.
Question: Why does Luca torture the informant? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Why does Luca torture the informant? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Contraband Context: It is November 1939: the Phoney War-stage of the World War II. Denmark is still neutral, but (Danish) Captain Andersen (Conrad Veidt) and his freighter Helvig are stopped in the English Channel by Lt. Commanders Ashton (Joss Ambler) and Ellis (Harold Warrender) for a cargo inspection in a British Contraband Control Port. He receives two shore passes for himself and his First Officer Axel Skold (Hay Petrie) to dine with Ashton and Ellis, but the passes (and Helvig's motorboat) are stolen by passengers Mrs. Sorensen (Valerie Hobson) and talent scout Mr. Pidgeon (Esmond Knight). From a cut-out newspaper train schedule, Andersen is able to figure out they are taking a train to London and catches up with them; but, when the train arrives in the blacked-out metropolis, he is only able to hold on to Sorensen. He invites her to dine at the restaurant of Skold's brother Erik (also Hay Petrie). Then she takes him to the home of her aunt, where they are captured by a Nazi spy ring led by Van Dyne (Raymond Lovell), a man Sorensen has already had unpleasant dealings with in Düsseldorf, Germany. Van Dyne knows Sorensen and Pidgeon are British agents. Van Dyne finds a message hidden on one of Sorensen's cigarette papers, identifying her as "M47" and listing the names of neutral ships which two German vessels are traveling. He decides to replace one of the names with that of an American ship to cause trouble, the United States being neutral at this time. Sorensen and Andersen are tied up, but the captain manages to escape. He brings back reinforcements in the form of Erik Skold's staff and is able to free Sorensen and knock out Van Dyne. With everything cleared up, Andersen and Sorensen resume their sea voyage.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: U Turn Context: Bobby (Sean Penn) is a young drifter driving cross-country in a Ford convertable. He has his left hand bandaged and he is transporting a gym bag full of cash to Los Angeles which he owes. After the opening credits, his car breaks down when the radiator hose bursts. He drives to the outskirts of the nearist town which is Superior, Arizona. He leaves his car with the local simpleton and grease monkey mechanic Darrell (Billy Bob Thornton). Darrell tells Bobby about the broken radiator line and tells him that it will take about three or four hours to fix. Bobby takes the gym bag with the money in it, but leaves a pistol in the car trunk.While wandering around the small town, Bobby meets Grace (Jennifer Lopez) a young, attractive Latina woman coming out of a local hardware store after purchasing drapes. Bobby immediately hits on her and offers to help her carry her drapes to her parked car. They introduce themselves to each other and he tells her about waiting for his car to be fixed. When Grace asks about his bandaged hand, he tells her that he recently had an accident. She offers to take him back to her house where he can have a shower to clean up.While in the shower, it is revealed that the "accident" that happened to his hand was in fact a punishment for the overdue debt - two of his fingers were cut off. After his shower he attempts to seduce Grace, who is cold to his advances. He goes to leave, saying he isn't interested in playing games. The two then kiss, where they are caught by Grace's older husband Jake McKenna (Nick Nolte). Bobby, saying he didn't know she was married, tries to leave but Jake punches him in the face.As Bobby is walking back to town, Jake pulls up beside him and offers him a lift. After a casual conversation about Grace, Jake asks Bobby if he would kill her for a price claiming that he is sick of her games. Bobby laughs this off and asks Jake if he's just trying to "rattle" him.A little later, while Bobby is in a convenience store, the store is held up by two teenage thugs. The robbers...
Question: What can't Bobby access ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What can't Bobby access ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: U Turn Context: Bobby (Sean Penn) is a young drifter driving cross-country in a Ford convertable. He has his left hand bandaged and he is transporting a gym bag full of cash to Los Angeles which he owes. After the opening credits, his car breaks down when the radiator hose bursts. He drives to the outskirts of the nearist town which is Superior, Arizona. He leaves his car with the local simpleton and grease monkey mechanic Darrell (Billy Bob Thornton). Darrell tells Bobby about the broken radiator line and tells him that it will take about three or four hours to fix. Bobby takes the gym bag with the money in it, but leaves a pistol in the car trunk.While wandering around the small town, Bobby meets Grace (Jennifer Lopez) a young, attractive Latina woman coming out of a local hardware store after purchasing drapes. Bobby immediately hits on her and offers to help her carry her drapes to her parked car. They introduce themselves to each other and he tells her about waiting for his car to be fixed. When Grace asks about his bandaged hand, he tells her that he recently had an accident. She offers to take him back to her house where he can have a shower to clean up.While in the shower, it is revealed that the "accident" that happened to his hand was in fact a punishment for the overdue debt - two of his fingers were cut off. After his shower he attempts to seduce Grace, who is cold to his advances. He goes to leave, saying he isn't interested in playing games. The two then kiss, where they are caught by Grace's older husband Jake McKenna (Nick Nolte). Bobby, saying he didn't know she was married, tries to leave but Jake punches him in the face.As Bobby is walking back to town, Jake pulls up beside him and offers him a lift. After a casual conversation about Grace, Jake asks Bobby if he would kill her for a price claiming that he is sick of her games. Bobby laughs this off and asks Jake if he's just trying to "rattle" him.A little later, while Bobby is in a convenience store, the store is held up by two teenage thugs. The robbers...
Movie title: Rinne Context: 35 years ago, a college professor named Norihasa Omori (Atsushi Haruta) visits a local hotel and films himself killing 11 of the hotel guests, employees, his own children and himself committing suicide as a part of his wish to understand reincarnation. Since then, the footage of the murders disappears.In the present day, horror movie director, Ikuo Matsumura (Kippei Shiina), decides to make a film about the massacre. As the date of the shoot draws near, Nagisa Sugiura (Yka), the actress who is set to star as Professor Omori's daughter Chisato (Mao Sasaki), is haunted by the ghosts of the victims. She begins to hallucinate as she is plagued by nightmares of the killings.Yayoi Kinoshita (Karina Nose) wakes up in the middle of a psychology class, in which the professor publicly opposes the ideas of reincarnation and "cryptomnesia". She decides to write an essay supporting cryptomnesia and meets Yuka Morita (Marika Matsumoto), who was shown auditioning at the beginning of the movie. Yuka says she remembers things in a "past life" of hers and reveals a mark that would appear to be evidence of strangling on her neck, which reveals that she has the same vision as Nagisa, but that "had been there since [she] was born."[2] Yayoi and Yuka check out the college library, but mysterious forces drag Yuka away.Meanwhile, Nagisa begins to believe that she is the reincarnation of Chisato Omori. However, during another hallucination, she discovers Yayoi Kinoshita in the cubby where the little girl was slain. Realizing that she is not the real reincarnation of Chisato, Nagisa witnesses the actors (who are appearing as their reincarnations, which they were to portray) being drawn back to the places where they died. With all the victims walking towards her, Nagisa then becomes aware of the truth: that she is the reincarnation of the homicidal professor. Pursued by the ghosts, Nagisa is forced to reenact the professor's suicide, but survives.Sometime later, in a mental ward, Nagisa - bound in a full-body wrap - is still haunted by...
Question: Is Nagisa in a mental ward? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Is Nagisa in a mental ward? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Rinne Context: 35 years ago, a college professor named Norihasa Omori (Atsushi Haruta) visits a local hotel and films himself killing 11 of the hotel guests, employees, his own children and himself committing suicide as a part of his wish to understand reincarnation. Since then, the footage of the murders disappears.In the present day, horror movie director, Ikuo Matsumura (Kippei Shiina), decides to make a film about the massacre. As the date of the shoot draws near, Nagisa Sugiura (Yka), the actress who is set to star as Professor Omori's daughter Chisato (Mao Sasaki), is haunted by the ghosts of the victims. She begins to hallucinate as she is plagued by nightmares of the killings.Yayoi Kinoshita (Karina Nose) wakes up in the middle of a psychology class, in which the professor publicly opposes the ideas of reincarnation and "cryptomnesia". She decides to write an essay supporting cryptomnesia and meets Yuka Morita (Marika Matsumoto), who was shown auditioning at the beginning of the movie. Yuka says she remembers things in a "past life" of hers and reveals a mark that would appear to be evidence of strangling on her neck, which reveals that she has the same vision as Nagisa, but that "had been there since [she] was born."[2] Yayoi and Yuka check out the college library, but mysterious forces drag Yuka away.Meanwhile, Nagisa begins to believe that she is the reincarnation of Chisato Omori. However, during another hallucination, she discovers Yayoi Kinoshita in the cubby where the little girl was slain. Realizing that she is not the real reincarnation of Chisato, Nagisa witnesses the actors (who are appearing as their reincarnations, which they were to portray) being drawn back to the places where they died. With all the victims walking towards her, Nagisa then becomes aware of the truth: that she is the reincarnation of the homicidal professor. Pursued by the ghosts, Nagisa is forced to reenact the professor's suicide, but survives.Sometime later, in a mental ward, Nagisa - bound in a full-body wrap - is still haunted by...
Movie title: Shadow of a Doubt Context: Couples in costumes in a room with 1900 décor are dancing to the music of The Merry Widow waltz by Franz Lehar.A man dressed in a suit is lying on a bed, deep in thought. Money bills are on his dresser and tumbled on the floor.The landlady, Mrs Martin (Constance Purdy) knocks, opens the door and tells "Mr. Spencer" (Joseph Cotten) that two men were asking for him but she had followed his instructions, told them he was out. They are waiting outside at the corner. Spencer, whose real name is Oakley, gets off the bed, picks up the money, goes out past the men, who do not react, but begin to follow him at a distance. He walks quickly, turns corners, loses them as he goes up a building and watches them from the rooftop, making sure he has lost them.Oakley is at a pay phone booth, sending a telegram to Santa Rosa, California, telling his sister that he is coming for a visit and will arrive in a couple of days. He signs the telegram Uncle Charlie.In Santa Rosa, a teen living in a two story house is lying in bed. Charlotte "Charlie" Newton (Teresa Wright), is frustrated by boredom, complaining to her father, Joseph "Joe" Newton (Henry Travers) because nothing interesting ever happens in her life or that of her family.Charlotte decides to improve things by inviting her favorite Uncle Charlie to come for a visit. She not only shares a nickname with her mother's youngest brother, but a special bond. At times she feels the charming man is the only one who understands her need to be extraordinary, that there is more to her than her small town allows.At the telegraph office she learns that he has just announced by telegram that he is on his way. She hums a tune, over and over again.Her mother Emma "Emmy" Oakley-Norton (Patricia Collinge) is radiant with pleasure at the prospect of seeing her youngest brother. She picks up the humming of the tune. Neither she nor Charlotte are able to identify it.Oakley, on the train towards Santa Rosa, has kept out of sight behind Pullman curtains. As he gets off the train he walks looking...
Question: Who is coming to visit? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is coming to visit? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Shadow of a Doubt Context: Couples in costumes in a room with 1900 décor are dancing to the music of The Merry Widow waltz by Franz Lehar.A man dressed in a suit is lying on a bed, deep in thought. Money bills are on his dresser and tumbled on the floor.The landlady, Mrs Martin (Constance Purdy) knocks, opens the door and tells "Mr. Spencer" (Joseph Cotten) that two men were asking for him but she had followed his instructions, told them he was out. They are waiting outside at the corner. Spencer, whose real name is Oakley, gets off the bed, picks up the money, goes out past the men, who do not react, but begin to follow him at a distance. He walks quickly, turns corners, loses them as he goes up a building and watches them from the rooftop, making sure he has lost them.Oakley is at a pay phone booth, sending a telegram to Santa Rosa, California, telling his sister that he is coming for a visit and will arrive in a couple of days. He signs the telegram Uncle Charlie.In Santa Rosa, a teen living in a two story house is lying in bed. Charlotte "Charlie" Newton (Teresa Wright), is frustrated by boredom, complaining to her father, Joseph "Joe" Newton (Henry Travers) because nothing interesting ever happens in her life or that of her family.Charlotte decides to improve things by inviting her favorite Uncle Charlie to come for a visit. She not only shares a nickname with her mother's youngest brother, but a special bond. At times she feels the charming man is the only one who understands her need to be extraordinary, that there is more to her than her small town allows.At the telegraph office she learns that he has just announced by telegram that he is on his way. She hums a tune, over and over again.Her mother Emma "Emmy" Oakley-Norton (Patricia Collinge) is radiant with pleasure at the prospect of seeing her youngest brother. She picks up the humming of the tune. Neither she nor Charlotte are able to identify it.Oakley, on the train towards Santa Rosa, has kept out of sight behind Pullman curtains. As he gets off the train he walks looking...
Jack Graham
Movie title: The Bravados Context: Jim Douglas (Gregory Peck) is a rancher who has been pursuing the four outlaws who he believes murdered his wife six months earlier. He rides into the town of Rio Arriba, where four men, Alfonso Parral (Lee Van Cleef), Bill Zachary (Stephen Boyd), Ed Taylor (Albert Salmi) and Lujan (Henry Silva), fitting the description of the men he seeks, are in jail awaiting execution. The town has issued instructions to only allow the hangman Simms (Joe DeRita) to enter the jail, so Douglas is taken to Sheriff Eloy Sanchez's (Herbert Rudley) office to state his business. The town has never had an execution before, so they have brought in a man from another town for do the job. The sheriff allows Douglas into the jail to see the men. They claim they had never seen him before, but he isn't persuaded.In town Douglas sees Josefa Velarde (Joan Collins), who he had met five years previously while in New Orleans. When Douglas originally met her, Josefa had been husband hunting. Since then, she has been looking after her father's ranch after his death. Douglas reveals to her that he has a daughter (Maria Garcia Fletcher). Other inhabitants of the town include businessman Gus Steimmetz, his daughter Emma (Kathleen Gallant) and her fiancé Tom (Barry Coe).Simms, the executioner, arrives the same day. He drinks with Douglas but is generally unfriendly. The sheriff invites Simms to see the men he is to hang, but Simms chooses to wait until the town's residents are at church for a pre-execution mass.While pretending to evaluate the men he is to hang, Simms stabs the sheriff in the back. The sheriff shoots and kills Simms in the struggle, but the inmates strangle the sheriff until he is unconscious.The four take his keys and escape, taking Emma as a hostage. The wounded sheriff interrupts the church service and tells the townspeople that the prisoners have escaped. The townspeople form a posse to ride out immediately and enlist Douglas to help them track down the outlaws, but Douglas is in no hurry and waits until morning. The posse...
Question: What job does Simms have? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What job does Simms have? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Bravados Context: Jim Douglas (Gregory Peck) is a rancher who has been pursuing the four outlaws who he believes murdered his wife six months earlier. He rides into the town of Rio Arriba, where four men, Alfonso Parral (Lee Van Cleef), Bill Zachary (Stephen Boyd), Ed Taylor (Albert Salmi) and Lujan (Henry Silva), fitting the description of the men he seeks, are in jail awaiting execution. The town has issued instructions to only allow the hangman Simms (Joe DeRita) to enter the jail, so Douglas is taken to Sheriff Eloy Sanchez's (Herbert Rudley) office to state his business. The town has never had an execution before, so they have brought in a man from another town for do the job. The sheriff allows Douglas into the jail to see the men. They claim they had never seen him before, but he isn't persuaded.In town Douglas sees Josefa Velarde (Joan Collins), who he had met five years previously while in New Orleans. When Douglas originally met her, Josefa had been husband hunting. Since then, she has been looking after her father's ranch after his death. Douglas reveals to her that he has a daughter (Maria Garcia Fletcher). Other inhabitants of the town include businessman Gus Steimmetz, his daughter Emma (Kathleen Gallant) and her fiancé Tom (Barry Coe).Simms, the executioner, arrives the same day. He drinks with Douglas but is generally unfriendly. The sheriff invites Simms to see the men he is to hang, but Simms chooses to wait until the town's residents are at church for a pre-execution mass.While pretending to evaluate the men he is to hang, Simms stabs the sheriff in the back. The sheriff shoots and kills Simms in the struggle, but the inmates strangle the sheriff until he is unconscious.The four take his keys and escape, taking Emma as a hostage. The wounded sheriff interrupts the church service and tells the townspeople that the prisoners have escaped. The townspeople form a posse to ride out immediately and enlist Douglas to help them track down the outlaws, but Douglas is in no hurry and waits until morning. The posse...
Movie title: The Nightmare Before Christmas Context: Pumpkin king Jack Skellington (speaking voice Chris Sarandon, singing Danny Elfman), an elegantly attenuated skeleton, has delivered another scary Halloween. But he receives the adulation of Halloweentown with no enthusiasm -- something is missing from Jack's life and he's tired of doing the same old Halloween thing year after year. The missing something might well be Sally (Catherine O'Hara), an animated rag doll who yearns for Jack, but he doesn't notice. (Sally was created by Halloweentown's evil scientist (William Hickey), who keeps her locked up except when she knocks him out by slipping deadly nightshade in his soup.)After pondering his ennui in a cemetery (disturbing Sally, who's replenishing her supply of deadly nightshade), Jack takes his ghostly dog Zero for a walk in the woods. They come upon a strange circle of trees, each with a door representing a holiday. Jack opens the Christmas door and they're sucked in, landing in Christmastown. Jack is curious about everything he sees there, but finds it all delightful and wants to be part of it.Back in Halloweentown Jack calls a town meeting, where he describes what he saw in Christmastown. His people don't seem very impressed, so to draw them in, he makes some elements of Christmas -- including "Sandy Claws" (Edward Ivory) -- sound scary. Then he announces that they're taking over Christmas and starts assigning jobs. The evil scientist must whip up some reindeer, Halloweentown's top trick-or-treaters are to kidnap Sandy Claws, and Sally's task is to make Jack a red Santa suit. She tries to tell him that co-opting Christmas is a terrible idea, but he's too wrapped up in his enthusiasm to listen.The three trick-or-treaters return triumphantly with the Easter Bunny; Jack sends them back and eventually they bring him Sandy Claws (who surprises Jack by having hands rather than claws). Jack directs the trick-or-treaters to take Sandy Claws away and make him comfortable, but they give him to Oogie Boogie (Ken Page) instead.Meanwhile, Sally has produced a red...
Question: What does Sally have vision of burning? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Sally have vision of burning? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Nightmare Before Christmas Context: Pumpkin king Jack Skellington (speaking voice Chris Sarandon, singing Danny Elfman), an elegantly attenuated skeleton, has delivered another scary Halloween. But he receives the adulation of Halloweentown with no enthusiasm -- something is missing from Jack's life and he's tired of doing the same old Halloween thing year after year. The missing something might well be Sally (Catherine O'Hara), an animated rag doll who yearns for Jack, but he doesn't notice. (Sally was created by Halloweentown's evil scientist (William Hickey), who keeps her locked up except when she knocks him out by slipping deadly nightshade in his soup.)After pondering his ennui in a cemetery (disturbing Sally, who's replenishing her supply of deadly nightshade), Jack takes his ghostly dog Zero for a walk in the woods. They come upon a strange circle of trees, each with a door representing a holiday. Jack opens the Christmas door and they're sucked in, landing in Christmastown. Jack is curious about everything he sees there, but finds it all delightful and wants to be part of it.Back in Halloweentown Jack calls a town meeting, where he describes what he saw in Christmastown. His people don't seem very impressed, so to draw them in, he makes some elements of Christmas -- including "Sandy Claws" (Edward Ivory) -- sound scary. Then he announces that they're taking over Christmas and starts assigning jobs. The evil scientist must whip up some reindeer, Halloweentown's top trick-or-treaters are to kidnap Sandy Claws, and Sally's task is to make Jack a red Santa suit. She tries to tell him that co-opting Christmas is a terrible idea, but he's too wrapped up in his enthusiasm to listen.The three trick-or-treaters return triumphantly with the Easter Bunny; Jack sends them back and eventually they bring him Sandy Claws (who surprises Jack by having hands rather than claws). Jack directs the trick-or-treaters to take Sandy Claws away and make him comfortable, but they give him to Oogie Boogie (Ken Page) instead.Meanwhile, Sally has produced a red...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: The Stranger Context: Play media The Stranger In 1946, Mr. Wilson (Edward G. Robinson) of the United Nations War Crimes Commission is hunting for Nazi fugitive Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a war criminal who has erased all evidence which might identify him, with no clue left to his identity except "a hobby that almost amounts to a mania—clocks." Wilson releases Kindler's former associate Meinike (Konstantin Shayne), hoping the man will lead him to Kindler. Wilson follows Meinike to the United States, to the town of Harper, Connecticut, but loses him before he meets with Kindler. Kindler has assumed a new identity and is known locally as "Charles Rankin," and has become a prep school teacher. He has married Mary Longstreet (Loretta Young), daughter of Supreme Court Justice Adam Longstreet (Philip Merivale), and is involved in repairing the town's 300-year-old Habrecht-style clock mechanism with religious automata that crowns the belfry of a church in the town square. When Kindler/Rankin and Meinike do meet, Meinike, who is repentant, begs Kindler to confess his crimes. Instead, Kindler strangles Meinike, who might expose him. Eventually, Wilson deduces that Rankin is Kindler, but not having witnessed the meeting with Meinike, he has no proof. Only Mary knows that Meinike came to meet her husband. To get her to admit this, Wilson must convince her that her husband is a criminal—before Rankin decides to eliminate the threat to him by killing her. Rankin's pose begins to unravel when Red, the family dog, discovers Meinike's body. To further protect his secret, Rankin poisons Red. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rankin begins to suspect her husband, but she is too blinded by love to accept the facts. She is torn between her desire to learn the truth concerning her husband as a possible murderous monster and the idea of helping him create his new life. Mr. Wilson shows her graphic footage of Nazi concentration camps and explains how Rankin, as Kindler, developed the idea of genocide. Not until Mary discovers Rankin's plot to kill her does she...
Question: Who strangles his old associate? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who strangles his old associate? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Stranger Context: Play media The Stranger In 1946, Mr. Wilson (Edward G. Robinson) of the United Nations War Crimes Commission is hunting for Nazi fugitive Franz Kindler (Orson Welles), a war criminal who has erased all evidence which might identify him, with no clue left to his identity except "a hobby that almost amounts to a mania—clocks." Wilson releases Kindler's former associate Meinike (Konstantin Shayne), hoping the man will lead him to Kindler. Wilson follows Meinike to the United States, to the town of Harper, Connecticut, but loses him before he meets with Kindler. Kindler has assumed a new identity and is known locally as "Charles Rankin," and has become a prep school teacher. He has married Mary Longstreet (Loretta Young), daughter of Supreme Court Justice Adam Longstreet (Philip Merivale), and is involved in repairing the town's 300-year-old Habrecht-style clock mechanism with religious automata that crowns the belfry of a church in the town square. When Kindler/Rankin and Meinike do meet, Meinike, who is repentant, begs Kindler to confess his crimes. Instead, Kindler strangles Meinike, who might expose him. Eventually, Wilson deduces that Rankin is Kindler, but not having witnessed the meeting with Meinike, he has no proof. Only Mary knows that Meinike came to meet her husband. To get her to admit this, Wilson must convince her that her husband is a criminal—before Rankin decides to eliminate the threat to him by killing her. Rankin's pose begins to unravel when Red, the family dog, discovers Meinike's body. To further protect his secret, Rankin poisons Red. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rankin begins to suspect her husband, but she is too blinded by love to accept the facts. She is torn between her desire to learn the truth concerning her husband as a possible murderous monster and the idea of helping him create his new life. Mr. Wilson shows her graphic footage of Nazi concentration camps and explains how Rankin, as Kindler, developed the idea of genocide. Not until Mary discovers Rankin's plot to kill her does she...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: The Wildest Dream Context: In 1999, renowned American mountaineer Conrad Anker made a discovery that reverberated around the globe. High in Mount Everests death zone, he found the body of George Mallory75 years after the British explorer mysteriously vanished during his attempt to become the first man to summit the worlds tallest peak.Mallory had risked everything as he set out, dressed in gabardine and hobnailed boots, in pursuit of his dream of reaching the top of Everest, which in 1924 was the last great adventure left to man. He was last spotted alive just 800 feet below the summit. Then the clouds rolled in and Mallory vanished into legend.After discovering his body, Conrad Ankers life became intertwined with Mallorys story. Remarkably, Mallorys body was found with all his belongings intact. The only thing missing was a photograph of Ruth, which Mallory had promised to place on the summit. Haunted by Mallory's story, Conrad longed to return to Everest to lay Mallorys ghost to rest.Directed by Emmy® Award-winning filmmaker Anthony Geffen, narrated by Academy Award® nominee Liam Neeson and featuring the voices of Oscar® nominee Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, Hugh Dancy and Alan Rickman, The Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest is a breathtaking mountaineering adventure that seeks to answer the enduring mysteries surrounding George Mallorys death on Mount Everest. Foremost among them: Could Mallory have succeeded in reaching the summit before he and fellow climber Andrew Sandy Irvine disappeared in 1924? In the quest for answers, Anker finally returns to Everest in 2007 with British climbing prodigy Leo Houlding, replicating as closely as possible Mallorys ill-fated expedition. The men retrace the North East Ridge Route, even removing the ladder from the infamous Second Step to free climb this dangerous 90-foot sheer rock wall just as Mallory and Irvine would have had to do 83 years earlier.Far more than a film about mountain climbing, The Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest tells the remarkable story of George Mallory, whose famous...
Question: Who is dressed in gabardine and wears hobnailed boots? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is dressed in gabardine and wears hobnailed boots? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Wildest Dream Context: In 1999, renowned American mountaineer Conrad Anker made a discovery that reverberated around the globe. High in Mount Everests death zone, he found the body of George Mallory75 years after the British explorer mysteriously vanished during his attempt to become the first man to summit the worlds tallest peak.Mallory had risked everything as he set out, dressed in gabardine and hobnailed boots, in pursuit of his dream of reaching the top of Everest, which in 1924 was the last great adventure left to man. He was last spotted alive just 800 feet below the summit. Then the clouds rolled in and Mallory vanished into legend.After discovering his body, Conrad Ankers life became intertwined with Mallorys story. Remarkably, Mallorys body was found with all his belongings intact. The only thing missing was a photograph of Ruth, which Mallory had promised to place on the summit. Haunted by Mallory's story, Conrad longed to return to Everest to lay Mallorys ghost to rest.Directed by Emmy® Award-winning filmmaker Anthony Geffen, narrated by Academy Award® nominee Liam Neeson and featuring the voices of Oscar® nominee Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, Hugh Dancy and Alan Rickman, The Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest is a breathtaking mountaineering adventure that seeks to answer the enduring mysteries surrounding George Mallorys death on Mount Everest. Foremost among them: Could Mallory have succeeded in reaching the summit before he and fellow climber Andrew Sandy Irvine disappeared in 1924? In the quest for answers, Anker finally returns to Everest in 2007 with British climbing prodigy Leo Houlding, replicating as closely as possible Mallorys ill-fated expedition. The men retrace the North East Ridge Route, even removing the ladder from the infamous Second Step to free climb this dangerous 90-foot sheer rock wall just as Mallory and Irvine would have had to do 83 years earlier.Far more than a film about mountain climbing, The Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest tells the remarkable story of George Mallory, whose famous...
George Mallory
Movie title: Laberinto de pasiones Context: Un hombre y una mujer caminan por una abarrotada calle, y se dedican a calibrar y admirar los paquetes de los hombres. Después, en una cafetería, toman algo, y él lee dos noticias: el científico español De la Peña que logró reproducir seis periquitos asexualmente y que el emperador de Tirana ha escapado a Estados Unidos y se refugia en una isla en Contadora (Panamá). La pareja de la mesa de al lado, vestidos como iban vestidos durante la Movida, se quejan de que no tienen dinero, y esnifan a la vista de todo el mundo. Otra noticia: Patty Diphusa, una estrella de porno, es entrevistada en una revista. Los tíos entablan conversación, ya que el que está leyendo paga toda las consumiciones de la pareja antes de que el camarero (Javier Ulacia) monte un escándolo con la pareja joven por no pagar. El joven le ofrece irse a su pisito de 60 metros. Ellos se van, pero la cámara se queda con Sexilia (Cecilia Roth), que está hablando con unos tíos para montar una fiesta en su piso con drogas y sexo.En un piso, dos tías están hablando. Una de ellas, Susana Díaz (Ofelia Angélica), come un montón, es una maruja regordeta que está planchando. La joven, Sexilia, le cuenta que ayer conoció a 8 ó 9 tíos y se los llevó a su casa a follar con ella sóla. Sexi dice que nunca invita a chicas a sus fiestas, porque ella sola puede con todas, y admite, satisfecha, que es una ninfómana, "desde niña". Susana le dice que la culpa es de su padre, que no se preocupa de ella y por eso Sexi lo odia, intentando vengarse de él follándose a todos los tíos. Susana le dice que ella también quiere tirarse al padre (Fernando Vivanco) de Sexi, el bioginecólogo doctor de la Peña, y lo llama a su consultorio. Él aduce que está muy ocupado y la rechaza: se supone que Susana es la psicóloga de Sexilia, como le dice el padre a una mujer, Toraya (Helga Liné), antigua emperatriz de Tirana.Susana y De la Peña se conocieron en una fiesta, pero Ana (Mercedes Juste) le dice que él está obsesionado con su trabajo. Sexilia no sale de su habitación durante el día...
Question: What quality does Sadec have ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What quality does Sadec have ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Laberinto de pasiones Context: Un hombre y una mujer caminan por una abarrotada calle, y se dedican a calibrar y admirar los paquetes de los hombres. Después, en una cafetería, toman algo, y él lee dos noticias: el científico español De la Peña que logró reproducir seis periquitos asexualmente y que el emperador de Tirana ha escapado a Estados Unidos y se refugia en una isla en Contadora (Panamá). La pareja de la mesa de al lado, vestidos como iban vestidos durante la Movida, se quejan de que no tienen dinero, y esnifan a la vista de todo el mundo. Otra noticia: Patty Diphusa, una estrella de porno, es entrevistada en una revista. Los tíos entablan conversación, ya que el que está leyendo paga toda las consumiciones de la pareja antes de que el camarero (Javier Ulacia) monte un escándolo con la pareja joven por no pagar. El joven le ofrece irse a su pisito de 60 metros. Ellos se van, pero la cámara se queda con Sexilia (Cecilia Roth), que está hablando con unos tíos para montar una fiesta en su piso con drogas y sexo.En un piso, dos tías están hablando. Una de ellas, Susana Díaz (Ofelia Angélica), come un montón, es una maruja regordeta que está planchando. La joven, Sexilia, le cuenta que ayer conoció a 8 ó 9 tíos y se los llevó a su casa a follar con ella sóla. Sexi dice que nunca invita a chicas a sus fiestas, porque ella sola puede con todas, y admite, satisfecha, que es una ninfómana, "desde niña". Susana le dice que la culpa es de su padre, que no se preocupa de ella y por eso Sexi lo odia, intentando vengarse de él follándose a todos los tíos. Susana le dice que ella también quiere tirarse al padre (Fernando Vivanco) de Sexi, el bioginecólogo doctor de la Peña, y lo llama a su consultorio. Él aduce que está muy ocupado y la rechaza: se supone que Susana es la psicóloga de Sexilia, como le dice el padre a una mujer, Toraya (Helga Liné), antigua emperatriz de Tirana.Susana y De la Peña se conocieron en una fiesta, pero Ana (Mercedes Juste) le dice que él está obsesionado con su trabajo. Sexilia no sale de su habitación durante el día...
is also from Tiran
Movie title: The Exorcist III Context: The film begins with the point of view of someone wandering through the streets of Georgetown, a voice informing us "I have dreams... of a rose... and of falling down a long flight of stairs". The point of view shows a warning of evil about to arrive later that night at a church. Demonic growls are heard, leaves and other street trash suddenly come flying into the church as a crucifix comes to life. It then cuts to Lieutenant William F. Kinderman (George C. Scott) at a crime scene, where a 12-year-old boy named Thomas Kintry has been murdered.Kinderman takes his friend, a priest named Father Dyer (Ed Flanders), out to see their mutually favorite film It's a Wonderful Life. Kinderman later relates the gruesome details of the murder of the young boy he was investigating that morning, including his crucifixion. Another murder soon takes place; a priest found decapitated in a church. Dyer is shortly hospitalized and found murdered the next day, with the words "IT'S A WONDERFULL LIFE" written on a wall in Dyer's blood.At each murder scene, the fingerprints at the crime scenes do not match up, indicating a different person was responsible for each. Kinderman tells hospital staff the reason for his unease: fifteen years ago the vicious serial killer, "The Gemini" (Brad Dourif), was executed; with every victim he cut off the right index finger and carved the Zodiac sign of Gemini into the palm of their left hand. Kinderman noticed the hands of the three new victims and verified that the Gemini's sign has been there. The Gemini Killer also always used an extra "L" in his notes sent to the media, such as "usefull" or "carefull". Furthermore, to filter out false confessions, the original Gemini Killer's true mutilations were kept a secret by the Richmond police's homicide department; the newspapers were made to wrongfully report that the left middle finger was severed and that the Gemini sign was carved on the back of the victim.Kinderman visits the head of the psychiatric ward, Dr. Temple (Scott Wilson), who relates...
Question: How old was Thomas Kintry when he was murdered? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How old was Thomas Kintry when he was murdered? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Exorcist III Context: The film begins with the point of view of someone wandering through the streets of Georgetown, a voice informing us "I have dreams... of a rose... and of falling down a long flight of stairs". The point of view shows a warning of evil about to arrive later that night at a church. Demonic growls are heard, leaves and other street trash suddenly come flying into the church as a crucifix comes to life. It then cuts to Lieutenant William F. Kinderman (George C. Scott) at a crime scene, where a 12-year-old boy named Thomas Kintry has been murdered.Kinderman takes his friend, a priest named Father Dyer (Ed Flanders), out to see their mutually favorite film It's a Wonderful Life. Kinderman later relates the gruesome details of the murder of the young boy he was investigating that morning, including his crucifixion. Another murder soon takes place; a priest found decapitated in a church. Dyer is shortly hospitalized and found murdered the next day, with the words "IT'S A WONDERFULL LIFE" written on a wall in Dyer's blood.At each murder scene, the fingerprints at the crime scenes do not match up, indicating a different person was responsible for each. Kinderman tells hospital staff the reason for his unease: fifteen years ago the vicious serial killer, "The Gemini" (Brad Dourif), was executed; with every victim he cut off the right index finger and carved the Zodiac sign of Gemini into the palm of their left hand. Kinderman noticed the hands of the three new victims and verified that the Gemini's sign has been there. The Gemini Killer also always used an extra "L" in his notes sent to the media, such as "usefull" or "carefull". Furthermore, to filter out false confessions, the original Gemini Killer's true mutilations were kept a secret by the Richmond police's homicide department; the newspapers were made to wrongfully report that the left middle finger was severed and that the Gemini sign was carved on the back of the victim.Kinderman visits the head of the psychiatric ward, Dr. Temple (Scott Wilson), who relates...
Movie title: Now You See Me Context: We open with J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg) demonstrating a card trick to us, as he explains, "Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it will be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You're looking but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job: to take that most precious of gifts you give me - your attention - and use it against you."Chicago, Monday: Daniel is a street performer in Chicago. He is shown doing a card trick to an attractive young girl. The seemingly typical card tricks climax in the side of the John Hancock Center somehow reflecting his card. The performance is being watched by a mysterious hooded man whose face is never seen.Afterwards, the attractive girl, who turns out to be a big fan of Daniel, charms him into taking her to his apartment for sex. Before they can begin, though, he is distracted by the discovery of a "Lovers" tarot card. On one side of the card is the text "March 29th; 4:44 PM, 45 East Evan Street, NY, NY."New Orleans, Tuesday:At a restaurant, we meet Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson), a street mentalist and hypnotist. He demonstrates his act on a married couple. First, he hypnotizes the wife so she can't speak or move, while he gets under the brain of husband, and through his mind reading exposes the man as an adulterer who is sleeping with his wife's sister. Merritt then fleeces the man out of $250 before hypnotizing them into "forgetting" the matter. While he's packing up his posters, he finds a "Hermit" tarot card.New York, Wednesday:On a New York City ferry boat, we meet Jack Wilder (Dave Franco), a street con artist and magician who lures in customers by betting them money if they can figure out how he bends a spoon with his mind. One correctly guesses it, and Wilder successfully pays him, only to pickpocket the guesser's wallet. He then flees, bumping into the mystery hooded man, who slips a "Death" tarot card into Wilder's coat pocket.Los Angeles, Thursday:At a theatre downtown, Henley Reeves...
Question: Who's romantically involved with Dylan? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who's romantically involved with Dylan? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Now You See Me Context: We open with J. Daniel Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg) demonstrating a card trick to us, as he explains, "Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it will be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You're looking but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting, searching for meaning. My job: to take that most precious of gifts you give me - your attention - and use it against you."Chicago, Monday: Daniel is a street performer in Chicago. He is shown doing a card trick to an attractive young girl. The seemingly typical card tricks climax in the side of the John Hancock Center somehow reflecting his card. The performance is being watched by a mysterious hooded man whose face is never seen.Afterwards, the attractive girl, who turns out to be a big fan of Daniel, charms him into taking her to his apartment for sex. Before they can begin, though, he is distracted by the discovery of a "Lovers" tarot card. On one side of the card is the text "March 29th; 4:44 PM, 45 East Evan Street, NY, NY."New Orleans, Tuesday:At a restaurant, we meet Merritt McKinney (Woody Harrelson), a street mentalist and hypnotist. He demonstrates his act on a married couple. First, he hypnotizes the wife so she can't speak or move, while he gets under the brain of husband, and through his mind reading exposes the man as an adulterer who is sleeping with his wife's sister. Merritt then fleeces the man out of $250 before hypnotizing them into "forgetting" the matter. While he's packing up his posters, he finds a "Hermit" tarot card.New York, Wednesday:On a New York City ferry boat, we meet Jack Wilder (Dave Franco), a street con artist and magician who lures in customers by betting them money if they can figure out how he bends a spoon with his mind. One correctly guesses it, and Wilder successfully pays him, only to pickpocket the guesser's wallet. He then flees, bumping into the mystery hooded man, who slips a "Death" tarot card into Wilder's coat pocket.Los Angeles, Thursday:At a theatre downtown, Henley Reeves...
Movie title: Mistress Context: A down-and-out Hollywood screenwriter and director named Marvin Landisman (Robert Wuhl) is working on cheaply made instructional videos when his years-old script is read by Jack Roth (Martin Landau), a desperate has-been producer who offers to help Marvin find investors for his movie. Men willing to put up the money are found, including the ruthless businessman Evan (Robert De Niro), the disturbed war veteran Carmine (Danny Aiello) and the eccentric millionaire George (Eli Wallach). But each has a mistress he insists be cast in the film in exchange for his financial backing. The women are the highly talented Beverly (Sheryl Lee Ralph), the alcoholic flight attendant Patricia (Jean Smart) and the perky blonde Peggy (Tuesday Knight). Marvin repeatedly is asked to compromise his standards and change his script to accommodate these backers until the script becomes almost unrecognizable from its original form. The project also puts a strain on the marriage of Marvin and his long-patient wife Rachel (Laurie Metcalf). Marvin's screenplay is a bleak one about a painter who commits suicide, and was inspired by the case of an actor named Warren (Christopher Walken) who abruptly committed suicide by jumping off a building in the midst of the making of a film Marvin was directing years ago. Roth brings in young Stuart Stratland (Jace Alexander) to adapt the script for the investors' mistresses, but not only does Stuart constantly enrage Marvin with his suggested changes, he falls in love with Peggy and they have an affair. When Marvin's wife demands he grow up and move with her to New York, where she is opening a restaurant, he breaks up with her instead, giving his loyalty to a film that, as she puts it, nobody wants to see. On the verge of signing contracts, everything falls apart, when Beverly discovers that the role she expected to play has been drastically reduced in Peggy's favor. Marvin is left alone, a broken man, done with Hollywood for good. Or at least until the next time Jack Roth gets in touch.
Question: What does Marvin realize he needs to do to make his movie? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Marvin realize he needs to do to make his movie? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Mistress Context: A down-and-out Hollywood screenwriter and director named Marvin Landisman (Robert Wuhl) is working on cheaply made instructional videos when his years-old script is read by Jack Roth (Martin Landau), a desperate has-been producer who offers to help Marvin find investors for his movie. Men willing to put up the money are found, including the ruthless businessman Evan (Robert De Niro), the disturbed war veteran Carmine (Danny Aiello) and the eccentric millionaire George (Eli Wallach). But each has a mistress he insists be cast in the film in exchange for his financial backing. The women are the highly talented Beverly (Sheryl Lee Ralph), the alcoholic flight attendant Patricia (Jean Smart) and the perky blonde Peggy (Tuesday Knight). Marvin repeatedly is asked to compromise his standards and change his script to accommodate these backers until the script becomes almost unrecognizable from its original form. The project also puts a strain on the marriage of Marvin and his long-patient wife Rachel (Laurie Metcalf). Marvin's screenplay is a bleak one about a painter who commits suicide, and was inspired by the case of an actor named Warren (Christopher Walken) who abruptly committed suicide by jumping off a building in the midst of the making of a film Marvin was directing years ago. Roth brings in young Stuart Stratland (Jace Alexander) to adapt the script for the investors' mistresses, but not only does Stuart constantly enrage Marvin with his suggested changes, he falls in love with Peggy and they have an affair. When Marvin's wife demands he grow up and move with her to New York, where she is opening a restaurant, he breaks up with her instead, giving his loyalty to a film that, as she puts it, nobody wants to see. On the verge of signing contracts, everything falls apart, when Beverly discovers that the role she expected to play has been drastically reduced in Peggy's favor. Marvin is left alone, a broken man, done with Hollywood for good. Or at least until the next time Jack Roth gets in touch.
Compromise his standards and change his script.
Movie title: Dead Poets Society Context: New England, the late 1950s. Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke), a lonely and painfully shy teenager, who is under pressure by his stern parents because he must live up to his older brother's reputation to attend Yale and become a lawyer, arrives for the new semester at the Welton Academy for boys -- Todd's brother also attended Welton and was a popular and well-regarded student there. This semester begins during an orientation gathering with a speech given by the stern Headmaster Nolan (Norman Lloyd), who states the academy's four pillars: Tradition, Honor, Discipline, and Excellence. Todd meets Neil Perry (Robert Sean Leonard) an ambitious student whom becomes his dorm roommate.Later in his dorm, Neil is ordered by his grumpy and domineering father (Kurtwood Smith) to drop his involvement with the school annual in order to maintain good grades so the boy may become a doctor much as he has done. Neil is under pressure from his stern father's will. Also, Mr. Perry tells Neil that Mrs. Perry also wants him to become a doctor, which further worries the boy. A little later, Todd tells Neil that he is in a similar situation with his parents involving his older brother who also attended Welton a few years ago, graduated, and attended Yale Law School and became a lawyer and his parents want the exact same thing for him. But Todd does not have the courage to tell his parents that he instead wants to be a writer, not a lawyer.During the first day of classes Todd and Neil experience the various teaching methods which include speeches by the trig teacher, as well as the Latin teacher, and the math teacher who states that "all 20 questions at the end of the first chapter are due tomorrow". In stark contrast to these orthodox teaching methods, the guys see a different side of the school when they attend English class taught by the newly arrived (and liberal-minded) Mr. Keating (Robin Williams), whom they met briefly during the orientation -- Keating tells his class he was also a student at Welton ("Helton" as the students...
Question: What was Keating a member of? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What was Keating a member of? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Dead Poets Society Context: New England, the late 1950s. Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke), a lonely and painfully shy teenager, who is under pressure by his stern parents because he must live up to his older brother's reputation to attend Yale and become a lawyer, arrives for the new semester at the Welton Academy for boys -- Todd's brother also attended Welton and was a popular and well-regarded student there. This semester begins during an orientation gathering with a speech given by the stern Headmaster Nolan (Norman Lloyd), who states the academy's four pillars: Tradition, Honor, Discipline, and Excellence. Todd meets Neil Perry (Robert Sean Leonard) an ambitious student whom becomes his dorm roommate.Later in his dorm, Neil is ordered by his grumpy and domineering father (Kurtwood Smith) to drop his involvement with the school annual in order to maintain good grades so the boy may become a doctor much as he has done. Neil is under pressure from his stern father's will. Also, Mr. Perry tells Neil that Mrs. Perry also wants him to become a doctor, which further worries the boy. A little later, Todd tells Neil that he is in a similar situation with his parents involving his older brother who also attended Welton a few years ago, graduated, and attended Yale Law School and became a lawyer and his parents want the exact same thing for him. But Todd does not have the courage to tell his parents that he instead wants to be a writer, not a lawyer.During the first day of classes Todd and Neil experience the various teaching methods which include speeches by the trig teacher, as well as the Latin teacher, and the math teacher who states that "all 20 questions at the end of the first chapter are due tomorrow". In stark contrast to these orthodox teaching methods, the guys see a different side of the school when they attend English class taught by the newly arrived (and liberal-minded) Mr. Keating (Robin Williams), whom they met briefly during the orientation -- Keating tells his class he was also a student at Welton ("Helton" as the students...
unsanctioned Dead Poets Society
Movie title: The Inheritance Context: Two brothers meet at their father's (Tom Hardy) funeral. David (Tim Barrow) has come up from London, Fraser (Fraser Sivewright) lives in the village where he grew up. In their father's workshop they discover a note instructing them to find his inheritance located somewhere on the Isle of Skye. They set off in his VW van finding conflict, comedy and memories — confronting their past and each other. Picking up a hitchhiker, Tara (Imogen Toner), brings them to breaking point as they reach Skye. She leaves, and David heads off on foot through the island searching for a place named Cille Chriosd. On a remote beach, as the sun sets, David and Fraser face their final confrontation.
Question: who depends on christoffer If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who depends on christoffer If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Inheritance Context: Two brothers meet at their father's (Tom Hardy) funeral. David (Tim Barrow) has come up from London, Fraser (Fraser Sivewright) lives in the village where he grew up. In their father's workshop they discover a note instructing them to find his inheritance located somewhere on the Isle of Skye. They set off in his VW van finding conflict, comedy and memories — confronting their past and each other. Picking up a hitchhiker, Tara (Imogen Toner), brings them to breaking point as they reach Skye. She leaves, and David heads off on foot through the island searching for a place named Cille Chriosd. On a remote beach, as the sun sets, David and Fraser face their final confrontation.
His wife,Maria
Movie title: We Were Soldiers Context: A French Army unit is on patrol in pre-Vietnam IndoChina in July 1954 during the First Indochina War. The captain of the patrol curses the land when they see nothing. Then, the unit is suddenly ambushed by hundreds of Vietminh soldiers who kill the officers and, although the unit kills many Vietminh, it is eventually overrun. One Vietminh officer, Nguyen Huu An (Duong Don), hypothesizing that if they take no prisoners the French will eventually stop sending troops, orders the execution of all surviving French soldiers.Eleven years later, Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore (Mel Gibson), a dedicated U.S. soldier, is deeply committed to training his troops, who are preparing to be sent to Vietnam. The night before their departure, the unit's officers hold a party to celebrate. Moore learns from a superior officer that his unit will be known as the 1st Battalion / 7th cavalry regiment. He is disquieted because the 7th Cavalry regiment was the unit commanded by General George Custer in the 19th Century when he and his men were slaughtered at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876. Moore is also dismayed because President Lyndon B. Johnson has decreed that the war would be fought "on the cheap," without declaring it a national emergency. As a result, Moore believes he will be deprived of his oldest, best-trained soldiers (a formal declaration of war would have meant mobilization and extension of the terms of enlistment for volunteer soldiers) - about 25% of his battalion - just prior to shipping out for Vietnam. Before leaving for Vietnam, Moore delivers a touching speech to his unit:"Look around you, in the 7th Cavalry,we got a Captain from the Ukraine, another from Puerto Rico, we got Japanese, Chinese, Blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indian, Jews and Gentiles, all American. Now here in the States some men in this unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed, but for you and me now, all that is gone. We're moving into the valley of the shadow of death, where you will watch the back of the man next to you,...
Question: What is the name of the Vietnamese commander? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is the name of the Vietnamese commander? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: We Were Soldiers Context: A French Army unit is on patrol in pre-Vietnam IndoChina in July 1954 during the First Indochina War. The captain of the patrol curses the land when they see nothing. Then, the unit is suddenly ambushed by hundreds of Vietminh soldiers who kill the officers and, although the unit kills many Vietminh, it is eventually overrun. One Vietminh officer, Nguyen Huu An (Duong Don), hypothesizing that if they take no prisoners the French will eventually stop sending troops, orders the execution of all surviving French soldiers.Eleven years later, Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore (Mel Gibson), a dedicated U.S. soldier, is deeply committed to training his troops, who are preparing to be sent to Vietnam. The night before their departure, the unit's officers hold a party to celebrate. Moore learns from a superior officer that his unit will be known as the 1st Battalion / 7th cavalry regiment. He is disquieted because the 7th Cavalry regiment was the unit commanded by General George Custer in the 19th Century when he and his men were slaughtered at the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876. Moore is also dismayed because President Lyndon B. Johnson has decreed that the war would be fought "on the cheap," without declaring it a national emergency. As a result, Moore believes he will be deprived of his oldest, best-trained soldiers (a formal declaration of war would have meant mobilization and extension of the terms of enlistment for volunteer soldiers) - about 25% of his battalion - just prior to shipping out for Vietnam. Before leaving for Vietnam, Moore delivers a touching speech to his unit:"Look around you, in the 7th Cavalry,we got a Captain from the Ukraine, another from Puerto Rico, we got Japanese, Chinese, Blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indian, Jews and Gentiles, all American. Now here in the States some men in this unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed, but for you and me now, all that is gone. We're moving into the valley of the shadow of death, where you will watch the back of the man next to you,...
Nguyen Huu An
Movie title: Superman Context: Prologue[edit] The short's prologue sums up the origins of Superman, and are as follows: "In the endless reaches of the universe, there once existed a planet known as Krypton; a planet that burned like a green star in the distant heavens. There, civilization was far advanced, and it brought forth a race of supermen, whose mental and physical powers were developed to the absolute peak of human perfection. But there came a day when giant quakes threatened to destroy Krypton forever. One of the planet's leading scientists, sensing the approach of doom, placed his infant son in a small rocket ship and sent it hurtling in the direction of the Earth, just as Krypton exploded. The rocket sped through star-studded space, landing safely on Earth with its precious burden: Krypton's sole survivor. A passing motorist found the uninjured child and took it to an orphanage. As the years went by and the child grew to maturity, he found himself possessed of amazing physical powers. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, the infant of Krypton is now the Man of Steel: SUPERMAN! To best be in a position to use his amazing powers in a never-ending battle for truth and justice, Superman has assumed the disguise of Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper." Main story[edit] Play media The animated short. The story cuts to the Daily Planet building, where editor Perry White reveals to his two best field reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane, that an anonymous figure has mailed another threatening note to the Planet. White assigns Kent to help Lois follow up her lead, but Lois instead insists that she'd "like the chance to crack the story on [her] own." Lois takes off in a private plane to an undisclosed location on the top of a mountain, where the villain's secluded lair/laboratory is located. He is preparing to fire his futuristic weapon (perhaps a particle beam or death ray), until his pet bird spots Lois' aircraft and alerts...
Question: How did Jonathan die? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How did Jonathan die? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Superman Context: Prologue[edit] The short's prologue sums up the origins of Superman, and are as follows: "In the endless reaches of the universe, there once existed a planet known as Krypton; a planet that burned like a green star in the distant heavens. There, civilization was far advanced, and it brought forth a race of supermen, whose mental and physical powers were developed to the absolute peak of human perfection. But there came a day when giant quakes threatened to destroy Krypton forever. One of the planet's leading scientists, sensing the approach of doom, placed his infant son in a small rocket ship and sent it hurtling in the direction of the Earth, just as Krypton exploded. The rocket sped through star-studded space, landing safely on Earth with its precious burden: Krypton's sole survivor. A passing motorist found the uninjured child and took it to an orphanage. As the years went by and the child grew to maturity, he found himself possessed of amazing physical powers. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, the infant of Krypton is now the Man of Steel: SUPERMAN! To best be in a position to use his amazing powers in a never-ending battle for truth and justice, Superman has assumed the disguise of Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper." Main story[edit] Play media The animated short. The story cuts to the Daily Planet building, where editor Perry White reveals to his two best field reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane, that an anonymous figure has mailed another threatening note to the Planet. White assigns Kent to help Lois follow up her lead, but Lois instead insists that she'd "like the chance to crack the story on [her] own." Lois takes off in a private plane to an undisclosed location on the top of a mountain, where the villain's secluded lair/laboratory is located. He is preparing to fire his futuristic weapon (perhaps a particle beam or death ray), until his pet bird spots Lois' aircraft and alerts...
Movie title: Stage Fright Context: Author Fawn Ochletree (Clara Guiol) stages a charity performance of her latest play, a Romanesque epic. The gang and other neighborhood kids are forced into starring in the play, much to the chagrin of the gang. They are completely unable to remember their lines, and struggle with maintaining their composure during the more serious moments of the melodrama. Finally, Jackie sets off a slew of firecrackers as the finale, scaring all involved.
Question: Who demands more blackmail money from Eve? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who demands more blackmail money from Eve? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Stage Fright Context: Author Fawn Ochletree (Clara Guiol) stages a charity performance of her latest play, a Romanesque epic. The gang and other neighborhood kids are forced into starring in the play, much to the chagrin of the gang. They are completely unable to remember their lines, and struggle with maintaining their composure during the more serious moments of the melodrama. Finally, Jackie sets off a slew of firecrackers as the finale, scaring all involved.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Assault on Precinct 13 Context: The story takes place on a Saturday in Anderson, a crime-infested ghetto in South Central Los Angeles. Members of a local gang known as 'Street Thunder' have recently stolen a large number of assault rifles and pistols. The film begins at 3 a.m. that morning, as a team of heavily-armed LAPD officers ambush and kill six members of the gang. Later, the gang's four warlords swear a blood oath of revenge, known as a "Cholo", against the police and the citizens of Los Angeles. During the day, three sequences of events occur parallel to one another: First, Lieutenant Ethan Bishop (Austin Stoker), a newly promoted CHP officer, is assigned to take charge of the decommissioned Anderson police precinct during the last few hours before it is permanently closed. The station is manned by a skeleton staff composed of Sergeant Chaney (Henry Brandon) and the station's two secretaries, Leigh (Laurie Zimmer) and Julie (Nancy Loomis). Across town, two of the Street Thunder warlords, along with two other gang members, drive around the neighborhood looking for people to kill. One of the warlords shoots and kills a little girl (Kim Richards) and the driver of an ice-cream truck. The girl's father, Lawson (Martin West), pursues and kills the warlord, upon which the other gang members chase him into the Anderson precinct. In shock, Lawson is unable to communicate to Bishop or Chaney what has happened to him. Just before this, a prison bus commanded by Starker (Charles Cyphers) stops at the station to find medical help for one of three prisoners being transported to the state prison. The prisoners are Napoleon Wilson (Darwin Joston), a convicted killer on his way to Death Row, Wells (Tony Burton), and Caudell, who is sick. As the prisoners are put into cells, the telephone lines go dead, and when Starker prepares to put the prisoners back on the bus, the gang opens fire on the precinct, using weapons fitted with silencers. In seconds, they kill Chaney, the bus driver, Caudell, Starker, and the two officers along with Starker. Bishop...
Question: Who is in custody because of killing a police officer? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is in custody because of killing a police officer? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Assault on Precinct 13 Context: The story takes place on a Saturday in Anderson, a crime-infested ghetto in South Central Los Angeles. Members of a local gang known as 'Street Thunder' have recently stolen a large number of assault rifles and pistols. The film begins at 3 a.m. that morning, as a team of heavily-armed LAPD officers ambush and kill six members of the gang. Later, the gang's four warlords swear a blood oath of revenge, known as a "Cholo", against the police and the citizens of Los Angeles. During the day, three sequences of events occur parallel to one another: First, Lieutenant Ethan Bishop (Austin Stoker), a newly promoted CHP officer, is assigned to take charge of the decommissioned Anderson police precinct during the last few hours before it is permanently closed. The station is manned by a skeleton staff composed of Sergeant Chaney (Henry Brandon) and the station's two secretaries, Leigh (Laurie Zimmer) and Julie (Nancy Loomis). Across town, two of the Street Thunder warlords, along with two other gang members, drive around the neighborhood looking for people to kill. One of the warlords shoots and kills a little girl (Kim Richards) and the driver of an ice-cream truck. The girl's father, Lawson (Martin West), pursues and kills the warlord, upon which the other gang members chase him into the Anderson precinct. In shock, Lawson is unable to communicate to Bishop or Chaney what has happened to him. Just before this, a prison bus commanded by Starker (Charles Cyphers) stops at the station to find medical help for one of three prisoners being transported to the state prison. The prisoners are Napoleon Wilson (Darwin Joston), a convicted killer on his way to Death Row, Wells (Tony Burton), and Caudell, who is sick. As the prisoners are put into cells, the telephone lines go dead, and when Starker prepares to put the prisoners back on the bus, the gang opens fire on the precinct, using weapons fitted with silencers. In seconds, they kill Chaney, the bus driver, Caudell, Starker, and the two officers along with Starker. Bishop...
lord Marion Bishop
Movie title: Saw II Context: The film opens with Michael (Noam Jenkins), a police informant, finding himself ensnared in a deadly trap created by the Jigsaw Killer (Tobin Bell). A videotaped message informs him that a Venus flytrap-like helmet full of spikes has been locked around his neck and will close on his head unless he finds the key in time. Michael realizes, through hints left by Jigsaw, that the key has been implanted behind his right eye. He finds a scalpel nearby, but cannot bring himself to cut out his own eye. When the timer runs out, the device slams shut, killing him instantly.After arguing with his rebellious teenage son Daniel (Erik Knudsen), Detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) is called to the scene of yet another death perpetrated by Jigsaw on account of his name being written on the wall. Noticing that a padlock on the iron maiden-like device around the victim's neck bares a Wilson Steel logo, he gathers a SWAT team and arrives at the company's abandoned factory, which has now become another lair of Jigsaw's. A set of computer monitors shows several people trapped in a mysterious house, with Daniel among them; a timer is also present, with less than two hours left. Considerably weakened by his rapidly-advancing brain cancer, Jigsaw informs detective Mathews that he will see his son in a "safe, secure state" if he can sit in the room and converse with him long enough.In the house, the kidnapped people are trying to figure out how they got there. One person is passed out on the floor and later turns out to be Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith), a familiar face from the first Saw film wherein she was the only character to escape her trap. There are six people in addition to Daniel and Amanda, and none of them knows who the others are. Amanda finds a cassette player and a note falls to the floor. She plays the cassette and they all learn that the door to the house will open in three hours but a toxic nerve gas is leaking into the house which will kill them in two hours unless they can find antidotes. One of these is in a...
Question: What is playing previously recorded images? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is playing previously recorded images? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Saw II Context: The film opens with Michael (Noam Jenkins), a police informant, finding himself ensnared in a deadly trap created by the Jigsaw Killer (Tobin Bell). A videotaped message informs him that a Venus flytrap-like helmet full of spikes has been locked around his neck and will close on his head unless he finds the key in time. Michael realizes, through hints left by Jigsaw, that the key has been implanted behind his right eye. He finds a scalpel nearby, but cannot bring himself to cut out his own eye. When the timer runs out, the device slams shut, killing him instantly.After arguing with his rebellious teenage son Daniel (Erik Knudsen), Detective Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) is called to the scene of yet another death perpetrated by Jigsaw on account of his name being written on the wall. Noticing that a padlock on the iron maiden-like device around the victim's neck bares a Wilson Steel logo, he gathers a SWAT team and arrives at the company's abandoned factory, which has now become another lair of Jigsaw's. A set of computer monitors shows several people trapped in a mysterious house, with Daniel among them; a timer is also present, with less than two hours left. Considerably weakened by his rapidly-advancing brain cancer, Jigsaw informs detective Mathews that he will see his son in a "safe, secure state" if he can sit in the room and converse with him long enough.In the house, the kidnapped people are trying to figure out how they got there. One person is passed out on the floor and later turns out to be Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith), a familiar face from the first Saw film wherein she was the only character to escape her trap. There are six people in addition to Daniel and Amanda, and none of them knows who the others are. Amanda finds a cassette player and a note falls to the floor. She plays the cassette and they all learn that the door to the house will open in three hours but a toxic nerve gas is leaking into the house which will kill them in two hours unless they can find antidotes. One of these is in a...
Movie title: La Luna Context: A young boy (Bambino) is in a boat named La Luna (the moon) with his father and grand father. All 3 have caps on and since the two elders wear them differently, they both place Bambino's (Bam) hat on his head to match their own. Then as a full moon rises, grandpa gives Bam an anchor and his dad pulls out a long ladder. Bam is sent up to the top with the anchor and throws it to the moon. The anchor takes him all the way to the moon's surface. Bam soon discovers that the moon's light comes from millions of small stars. As a new one lands on the moon's surface, his dad and grandpa pull themselves up to the moon. As they star to sweep the stars into a pile, a gigantic star lands, and pieces the surface. The two elders try to lift the huge star to now avail. Then, Bambino gets a small hammer and climbs to the top of the star and taps it. Suddenly the big star breaks up into little stars Bambino lands safely. All three get to work and finish sweeping the stars into a pile and the return to the boat. Before they row away, Bambino is praised by both for his innovation. As the boat rows back to their home, a bright crescent moon is shown in the sky above.
Question: What did the two men disagree on? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What did the two men disagree on? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: La Luna Context: A young boy (Bambino) is in a boat named La Luna (the moon) with his father and grand father. All 3 have caps on and since the two elders wear them differently, they both place Bambino's (Bam) hat on his head to match their own. Then as a full moon rises, grandpa gives Bam an anchor and his dad pulls out a long ladder. Bam is sent up to the top with the anchor and throws it to the moon. The anchor takes him all the way to the moon's surface. Bam soon discovers that the moon's light comes from millions of small stars. As a new one lands on the moon's surface, his dad and grandpa pull themselves up to the moon. As they star to sweep the stars into a pile, a gigantic star lands, and pieces the surface. The two elders try to lift the huge star to now avail. Then, Bambino gets a small hammer and climbs to the top of the star and taps it. Suddenly the big star breaks up into little stars Bambino lands safely. All three get to work and finish sweeping the stars into a pile and the return to the boat. Before they row away, Bambino is praised by both for his innovation. As the boat rows back to their home, a bright crescent moon is shown in the sky above.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Confidence Context: A group of grifters rip off their latest mark and celebrate, while the de facto leader of the group, Jake Vig (Edward Burns) narrates about the art of the con. When one of the four grifters is found shot to death, the other three learn that the latest money they stole actually belonged to a local L.A. crime lord called The King (Dustin Hoffman). Jake meets The King, who proposes that the grifters now go to work for him and steal money from Morgan Price, a rival who now owns a bank. The sociopathic King leaves them little choice in the matter.Having no options, Jake gets to work on developing a new con; he enlists the aid of his two remaining partners, Gordo and Miles, and also convinces an independent con artist named Lilly (Rachel Weisz) to round out their foursome. Unfortunately, The King, a wiry, manic man who suffers from ADHD, demands that one of his men, Lupus, also work on the con. The con involves bribing a vice president at the bank into wiring money offshore. The plan hits a major snag when Special Agent Gunther Butan (Andy Garcia) shows up in L.A., looking to finally bust Jake, whom he has followed for years. Agent Butan quickly forces two corrupt LAPD detectives into switching their allegiance from Jake to him.After hearing about Butan's arrival in town, a nervous Jake pulls the plug on the whole con, and screams at Lilly - making her walk out on the group. Lupus gets Jake to reconsider nixing the con, hinting that The King will torture and kill the grifters if the plan falls short. The con is back on, though now without Lilly's help. The plan starts smoothly enough, and the bribed bank VP wires the money to Gordo in Belize. Gordo brings the money to Ontario Airport, but he is met at the airport by both Agent Butan as well as The King and his men, as both sides are after the $5 million in a duffle bag. Butan arrests The King and confiscates the money. Gordo, who had the money taken from him, is nowhere to be found. Lupus, thinking the King now has the money, reveals he was the one who killed...
Question: Who killed Jake's friend? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who killed Jake's friend? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Confidence Context: A group of grifters rip off their latest mark and celebrate, while the de facto leader of the group, Jake Vig (Edward Burns) narrates about the art of the con. When one of the four grifters is found shot to death, the other three learn that the latest money they stole actually belonged to a local L.A. crime lord called The King (Dustin Hoffman). Jake meets The King, who proposes that the grifters now go to work for him and steal money from Morgan Price, a rival who now owns a bank. The sociopathic King leaves them little choice in the matter.Having no options, Jake gets to work on developing a new con; he enlists the aid of his two remaining partners, Gordo and Miles, and also convinces an independent con artist named Lilly (Rachel Weisz) to round out their foursome. Unfortunately, The King, a wiry, manic man who suffers from ADHD, demands that one of his men, Lupus, also work on the con. The con involves bribing a vice president at the bank into wiring money offshore. The plan hits a major snag when Special Agent Gunther Butan (Andy Garcia) shows up in L.A., looking to finally bust Jake, whom he has followed for years. Agent Butan quickly forces two corrupt LAPD detectives into switching their allegiance from Jake to him.After hearing about Butan's arrival in town, a nervous Jake pulls the plug on the whole con, and screams at Lilly - making her walk out on the group. Lupus gets Jake to reconsider nixing the con, hinting that The King will torture and kill the grifters if the plan falls short. The con is back on, though now without Lilly's help. The plan starts smoothly enough, and the bribed bank VP wires the money to Gordo in Belize. Gordo brings the money to Ontario Airport, but he is met at the airport by both Agent Butan as well as The King and his men, as both sides are after the $5 million in a duffle bag. Butan arrests The King and confiscates the money. Gordo, who had the money taken from him, is nowhere to be found. Lupus, thinking the King now has the money, reveals he was the one who killed...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Fortress Context: The film starts with an explanation of the B-17s, the MTO campaign and a plan to strike Rome on July 19, 1943. It then follows the story of the B-17F "Lucky Lass" and her Irish-American crew, Philly (Bombardier), Archie (Navigator), Pops (Pilot), Wally (Co-pilot), Burt (Top Turret gunner/Engineer), Charlie (Radio Operator), Al (Ball turret gunner), Jake and Joe (waist gunners) and Eddie (Tail gunner). During a raid on Gerbini, Italy, Pops, Jake and Joe are killed and the plane is heavily damaged. 5 days later, the rest of the crew meet the replacements, Michael, Tom and Oliver, co-pilot and waist gunners, respectively. They then pressure the crew chief, Caparelli, to clear their plane to fly (which he does) and they throw a party to celebrate, during which they find out Michael doesn't drink, upsetting everybody but Wally, now pilot, who gives him advice on running the crew. During the next mission, Wally gets ptomaine from native food and asks Mike to fly. However, he doesn't fly by the instruments, getting lost and they have to, fight off Me-109s, surviving with the help of friendly P-40 fighters. The Lass is forced to abort and land at the base. There is a sandstorm that night, which leads Burt to leave the alcohol still he put together from bomber parts, to make moonshine from the ethanol laced aviation fuel, open, leaking alcohol. They are forced to abort yet another 'milk run' (an easy mission) because of engine failure and the crew blame Mike, who starts drinking. Caparelli, after making a check, says there's nothing mechanically wrong with the plane and Burt's still explodes. Meanwhile, the aircraft that continued on mission begin to arrive back, with signs of heavy damage, indicating that it had not been easy as was thought. Wally convinces Mike that by aborting the mission, he had partly saved them. The crews are mixed for the next mission, while Charlie, Eddie and Michael are not assigned. The latter tries to get Caparelli to check their airplane's engines by suggesting that Caparelli, some...
Question: Who triggers the devices and blow the duct open? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who triggers the devices and blow the duct open? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Fortress Context: The film starts with an explanation of the B-17s, the MTO campaign and a plan to strike Rome on July 19, 1943. It then follows the story of the B-17F "Lucky Lass" and her Irish-American crew, Philly (Bombardier), Archie (Navigator), Pops (Pilot), Wally (Co-pilot), Burt (Top Turret gunner/Engineer), Charlie (Radio Operator), Al (Ball turret gunner), Jake and Joe (waist gunners) and Eddie (Tail gunner). During a raid on Gerbini, Italy, Pops, Jake and Joe are killed and the plane is heavily damaged. 5 days later, the rest of the crew meet the replacements, Michael, Tom and Oliver, co-pilot and waist gunners, respectively. They then pressure the crew chief, Caparelli, to clear their plane to fly (which he does) and they throw a party to celebrate, during which they find out Michael doesn't drink, upsetting everybody but Wally, now pilot, who gives him advice on running the crew. During the next mission, Wally gets ptomaine from native food and asks Mike to fly. However, he doesn't fly by the instruments, getting lost and they have to, fight off Me-109s, surviving with the help of friendly P-40 fighters. The Lass is forced to abort and land at the base. There is a sandstorm that night, which leads Burt to leave the alcohol still he put together from bomber parts, to make moonshine from the ethanol laced aviation fuel, open, leaking alcohol. They are forced to abort yet another 'milk run' (an easy mission) because of engine failure and the crew blame Mike, who starts drinking. Caparelli, after making a check, says there's nothing mechanically wrong with the plane and Burt's still explodes. Meanwhile, the aircraft that continued on mission begin to arrive back, with signs of heavy damage, indicating that it had not been easy as was thought. Wally convinces Mike that by aborting the mission, he had partly saved them. The crews are mixed for the next mission, while Charlie, Eddie and Michael are not assigned. The latter tries to get Caparelli to check their airplane's engines by suggesting that Caparelli, some...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Maximum Overdrive Context: On June 19, 1987 at 9:47 am Eastern Standard Time, planet Earth passes through the tail of a rogue comet, Rhea-M, for just over a week. In Wilmington, North Carolina, machines suddenly come to life and attack humans. A marquee sign about a bank displays an insult and an ATM calls a bank customer an "asshole." (The bank client is writer-director Stephen King, in a cameo.) The town's drawbridge suddenly lifts itself, spilling cars and trucks off of it, killing several people much to the shock of the elderly bridgekeeper and his dim-witted assistant..At the Dixie Boy truck stop outside town, Bill Robinson (Emilio Estevez), a recently paroled prisoner from the state pen, working as the short order cook, meets with his new boss, Hendershot (Pat Hingle), the owner of the truck stop. The nasty redneck Hendershot has a system worked out to make life unbearable for parolees who come to work for him, mostly forcing them to work overtime for no pay (as part of his twisted way to exploit them). Hendershot threatens to send Bill back to prison if he doesn't agree to work for extra hours "off the clock".A few of the Dixie Boy's regulars drive up in their semi-haulers. One of them is a man, named Handy, who works for Happy Toyz and has a huge green goblin's face mounted on the front of his truck. Some time after he pulls up, his truck starts itself up and moves about 100 feet on it's own. Handy can't believe it since he has the keys.While filling a vehicle with diesel fuel, mechanic Duncan Keller notices that the flow of diesel from the nozzle has stopped. He looks down the nozzle and it suddenly squirts him in the eyes, temporarily blinding him. Fellow employees, Steve and Joe, tend to him.In the video game room, a would-be thief is stealing change from the machines and gets electricuted by a huge surge of electricity from one of the video games.While tending the stove, the truck stop waitress Wanda June gets seriously injured when an electric carving knife turns itself on and cuts a deep cash on her left forearm. Bill...
Question: Who are the appliances attacking? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who are the appliances attacking? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Maximum Overdrive Context: On June 19, 1987 at 9:47 am Eastern Standard Time, planet Earth passes through the tail of a rogue comet, Rhea-M, for just over a week. In Wilmington, North Carolina, machines suddenly come to life and attack humans. A marquee sign about a bank displays an insult and an ATM calls a bank customer an "asshole." (The bank client is writer-director Stephen King, in a cameo.) The town's drawbridge suddenly lifts itself, spilling cars and trucks off of it, killing several people much to the shock of the elderly bridgekeeper and his dim-witted assistant..At the Dixie Boy truck stop outside town, Bill Robinson (Emilio Estevez), a recently paroled prisoner from the state pen, working as the short order cook, meets with his new boss, Hendershot (Pat Hingle), the owner of the truck stop. The nasty redneck Hendershot has a system worked out to make life unbearable for parolees who come to work for him, mostly forcing them to work overtime for no pay (as part of his twisted way to exploit them). Hendershot threatens to send Bill back to prison if he doesn't agree to work for extra hours "off the clock".A few of the Dixie Boy's regulars drive up in their semi-haulers. One of them is a man, named Handy, who works for Happy Toyz and has a huge green goblin's face mounted on the front of his truck. Some time after he pulls up, his truck starts itself up and moves about 100 feet on it's own. Handy can't believe it since he has the keys.While filling a vehicle with diesel fuel, mechanic Duncan Keller notices that the flow of diesel from the nozzle has stopped. He looks down the nozzle and it suddenly squirts him in the eyes, temporarily blinding him. Fellow employees, Steve and Joe, tend to him.In the video game room, a would-be thief is stealing change from the machines and gets electricuted by a huge surge of electricity from one of the video games.While tending the stove, the truck stop waitress Wanda June gets seriously injured when an electric carving knife turns itself on and cuts a deep cash on her left forearm. Bill...
Movie title: Pacific Heights Context: Carter Hayes (Michael Keaton) makes love to a woman (Beverly D'Angelo) in a nice house as 2 men enter and attack him with a bat. He talks about leaving.Drake (Matthew Modine) and girlfriend Patty (Melanie Griffith) are house hunting in San Francisco. They purchase a house with rooms that can be rented, and set about remodelling. Several people look at the units, and Toshio (Mako) and Mira (Nobu McCarthy) Watanabe rent one. Another potential renter, Lou Baker (Carl Lumbly), wants to rent the other, but his application is lost during move-in. Carter arrives and pays for 2 month's rent, but refuses to fill out a credit application. Drake calls Carter's references and speaks to Carter's lover Ann, who asks for the house address.Carter seems shifty, but covers smoothly when questioned. His down payment never arrives, but he's already moved in. Construction work seems to be going on in his unit, and Carter has changed the locks. He also seems to be fixated with phone books. Drake tries to sue for eviction; Drake and Patty are short on money, and tempers flare. Drake witnesses a fight between Carter and his roommate, and realizes Carter has been breeding cockroaches to drive off the other tenants. The courts rule against Drake, and Carter continues to annoy him. Patty has a miscarriage.Carter comes by the next morning, and Drake attacks him. The police, tipped off by Carter prior, arrest Drake. Carter files for a restraining order and begins stalking Patty. Drake tries to see Patty and Carter shoots him and places a tire iron in his hand, faming him for assault. The courts finally evict Carter, but he has stripped the place bare. Patty files a police report with, of all people, Detective Baker, the original rent applicant.Patty discovers Carter's name is James Danforth, and that he is legally severed from his family trust. Patty begins tracking Carter's previous scams, questioning Ann and learning where Carter is. She tails him, watching him scam other people. She sneaks into his hotel room and charges up a huge...
Question: What neighborhood did Drake and Patty purchase their house? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What neighborhood did Drake and Patty purchase their house? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Pacific Heights Context: Carter Hayes (Michael Keaton) makes love to a woman (Beverly D'Angelo) in a nice house as 2 men enter and attack him with a bat. He talks about leaving.Drake (Matthew Modine) and girlfriend Patty (Melanie Griffith) are house hunting in San Francisco. They purchase a house with rooms that can be rented, and set about remodelling. Several people look at the units, and Toshio (Mako) and Mira (Nobu McCarthy) Watanabe rent one. Another potential renter, Lou Baker (Carl Lumbly), wants to rent the other, but his application is lost during move-in. Carter arrives and pays for 2 month's rent, but refuses to fill out a credit application. Drake calls Carter's references and speaks to Carter's lover Ann, who asks for the house address.Carter seems shifty, but covers smoothly when questioned. His down payment never arrives, but he's already moved in. Construction work seems to be going on in his unit, and Carter has changed the locks. He also seems to be fixated with phone books. Drake tries to sue for eviction; Drake and Patty are short on money, and tempers flare. Drake witnesses a fight between Carter and his roommate, and realizes Carter has been breeding cockroaches to drive off the other tenants. The courts rule against Drake, and Carter continues to annoy him. Patty has a miscarriage.Carter comes by the next morning, and Drake attacks him. The police, tipped off by Carter prior, arrest Drake. Carter files for a restraining order and begins stalking Patty. Drake tries to see Patty and Carter shoots him and places a tire iron in his hand, faming him for assault. The courts finally evict Carter, but he has stripped the place bare. Patty files a police report with, of all people, Detective Baker, the original rent applicant.Patty discovers Carter's name is James Danforth, and that he is legally severed from his family trust. Patty begins tracking Carter's previous scams, questioning Ann and learning where Carter is. She tails him, watching him scam other people. She sneaks into his hotel room and charges up a huge...
Pacific Heights
Movie title: The Brood Context: At the Somafree Institute, Dr. Hal Raglan humiliates his patient Mike by saying: "you're just a weak person. You must have got that from your mother. It probably would have been better for you if you had been born a girl!" On the dimly lit stage, Raglan demands a demonstration of anger, and Mike reveals angry red blotches covering his torso. The audience gasps. Raglan announces that this is psychoplasmcis; the physical manifestation of mental rage by the appearance of the welts on one's body.Meanwhile, Frank Carveth collects his nine-year-old daughter Candy from a 'Private Guest Room'. Candy wears a red coat with fur trim and hood. Bathing her, Frank finds bruises and scratches on her back. He drives to the Somafree Institute to confront Raglan and demands to see his wife Nola, whom has been committed there. Raglan refuses. Frank accuses Nola of abusing their daughter and says he will stop Candy's next visit. Raglan threatens legal action if Frank withholds a vital part of Nola's treatment. Frank then goes to his lawyer, Al Resnikoff, who tells him that Nola has a stronger legal position despite the fact that she is committed to a mental hospital. Frank says that he will do what he has to. He takes Candy to her maternal grandmother, Juliana, who seems highly strung out.Back at the institute, Raglan goes into Nola's room (play-acting as Candy) and he asks her why she hurt her daughter Candice. Raglan/Candice says: "Mummies don't hurt their own children". Nola sobs that they do. She tells Raglan that her own mother was "fucked up and bad". Raglan encourages her anger by telling her: "Go all the way through it, right to the end."That evening at Juliana's house, she investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As Candy watches from behind a door, small claw-like hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. The next morning at his workplace, Frank is informed of...
Question: Barton demands they go where? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Barton demands they go where? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Brood Context: At the Somafree Institute, Dr. Hal Raglan humiliates his patient Mike by saying: "you're just a weak person. You must have got that from your mother. It probably would have been better for you if you had been born a girl!" On the dimly lit stage, Raglan demands a demonstration of anger, and Mike reveals angry red blotches covering his torso. The audience gasps. Raglan announces that this is psychoplasmcis; the physical manifestation of mental rage by the appearance of the welts on one's body.Meanwhile, Frank Carveth collects his nine-year-old daughter Candy from a 'Private Guest Room'. Candy wears a red coat with fur trim and hood. Bathing her, Frank finds bruises and scratches on her back. He drives to the Somafree Institute to confront Raglan and demands to see his wife Nola, whom has been committed there. Raglan refuses. Frank accuses Nola of abusing their daughter and says he will stop Candy's next visit. Raglan threatens legal action if Frank withholds a vital part of Nola's treatment. Frank then goes to his lawyer, Al Resnikoff, who tells him that Nola has a stronger legal position despite the fact that she is committed to a mental hospital. Frank says that he will do what he has to. He takes Candy to her maternal grandmother, Juliana, who seems highly strung out.Back at the institute, Raglan goes into Nola's room (play-acting as Candy) and he asks her why she hurt her daughter Candice. Raglan/Candice says: "Mummies don't hurt their own children". Nola sobs that they do. She tells Raglan that her own mother was "fucked up and bad". Raglan encourages her anger by telling her: "Go all the way through it, right to the end."That evening at Juliana's house, she investigates a noise in the kitchen. Food, juice, glasses and dishes are thrown all over the floor. She is bludgeoned by what appears to be a small child wearing a red hooded raincoat with fur trim. As Candy watches from behind a door, small claw-like hands leaves bloodstains on the banisters. The next morning at his workplace, Frank is informed of...
Somafree Institute
Movie title: Special Forces Context: Kabul-based French journalist Elsa Casanova (Diane Kruger) writes an article about warlord Zaief (Raz Degan) and names him "the butcher of Kabul". Her informer Maina (Morjana Alaoui) warns her that Zaief is out for vengeance. Before she returns to Zaief, she bids farewell because she reckons to die by an honour killing. Elsa tries to hold her back but fails. Her friend Amen (Mehdi Nebbou) urges Elsa to leave the country, yet, agrees to help her try save Maina. Zaief ambushes and captures Elsa and Amen. Amen asks Elsa to show no fear in front of Zaief. Still, she breaks down when their friend Salemani (Greg Fromentin) gets cruelly murdered in her presence. Zaief publishes film material of Salemani's gruesome death, which eventually reaches the French government. A team of French Naval Commandos gets entrusted with Elsa's rescue. They find Zaief's hideout in Pakistan and witness execution of Maina. When they leave the place with Elsa and Amen, a bullet hits their wireless set. Without means to contact their base, they cannot manage to be found and picked up. In lack of any other solution, they are heading for the Khyber Pass in order to reach their base in Afghanistan on foot. In the mountains, they have another shoot-out with Zaief's gunmen. When the fugitives come across a village, Elsa asks for hospitality. While they enjoy themselves with the locals, Marius (Alain Alivon) is suddenly killed by a sniper, who is killed by the team's own marksman Elias (Raphaël Personnaz). Later on, Zaief's gunmen arrive, and Zaief himself kills Amen. When Victor is hit, they retreat into the mountains. Elias is the second of the team to be killed while luring Zaief's soldiers away. Victor, Kovax, Lucas, and Elsa soon run into a snowstorm, but Victor subsequently goes into shock and dies. Once again Zaief attacks, and Lucas is killed, Tic-Tac is injured and Kovax kills Zaief after he takes Elsa hostage. They still have a long way ahead of themselves when they are surprised by a debris avalanche. Kovax can save Elsa and...
Question: Where is the location that Elsa Casanova is taken hostage? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where is the location that Elsa Casanova is taken hostage? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Special Forces Context: Kabul-based French journalist Elsa Casanova (Diane Kruger) writes an article about warlord Zaief (Raz Degan) and names him "the butcher of Kabul". Her informer Maina (Morjana Alaoui) warns her that Zaief is out for vengeance. Before she returns to Zaief, she bids farewell because she reckons to die by an honour killing. Elsa tries to hold her back but fails. Her friend Amen (Mehdi Nebbou) urges Elsa to leave the country, yet, agrees to help her try save Maina. Zaief ambushes and captures Elsa and Amen. Amen asks Elsa to show no fear in front of Zaief. Still, she breaks down when their friend Salemani (Greg Fromentin) gets cruelly murdered in her presence. Zaief publishes film material of Salemani's gruesome death, which eventually reaches the French government. A team of French Naval Commandos gets entrusted with Elsa's rescue. They find Zaief's hideout in Pakistan and witness execution of Maina. When they leave the place with Elsa and Amen, a bullet hits their wireless set. Without means to contact their base, they cannot manage to be found and picked up. In lack of any other solution, they are heading for the Khyber Pass in order to reach their base in Afghanistan on foot. In the mountains, they have another shoot-out with Zaief's gunmen. When the fugitives come across a village, Elsa asks for hospitality. While they enjoy themselves with the locals, Marius (Alain Alivon) is suddenly killed by a sniper, who is killed by the team's own marksman Elias (Raphaël Personnaz). Later on, Zaief's gunmen arrive, and Zaief himself kills Amen. When Victor is hit, they retreat into the mountains. Elias is the second of the team to be killed while luring Zaief's soldiers away. Victor, Kovax, Lucas, and Elsa soon run into a snowstorm, but Victor subsequently goes into shock and dies. Once again Zaief attacks, and Lucas is killed, Tic-Tac is injured and Kovax kills Zaief after he takes Elsa hostage. They still have a long way ahead of themselves when they are surprised by a debris avalanche. Kovax can save Elsa and...
No Answser
Movie title: The King Context: A man enlisted in the U.S. Navy, Elvis Valderez (Gael García Bernal), is discharged and purchases a used car to travel to his “home” in Corpus Christi, Texas. Elvis arrives at the church of Pastor David Sandow (William Hurt). He watches his sermon from the back of the church and then follows him and his family, including his wife Twyla (Laura Harring), son Paul (Paul Dano) and daughter Malerie (Pell James), to their home. Pastor Sandow confronts Elvis, who shows him a snapshot of his mother Yolanda, with whom he had relations many years ago before becoming a Christian. Pastor Sandow becomes agitated and tells Elvis that he has a family now and is a popular member of the community. He tells Elvis to call him so they can talk, though later tells his family that the young man simply wanted to become a member of the church and to not associate with him. Elvis moves in to a local motel and gets a job as a pizza delivery man. Having met Pastor Sandow's teenage daughter Malerie earlier at the church, he soon begins to pick her up from school where they go on drives and take walks at a local park. They start a passionate affair and have sexual relations on a regular basis. Meanwhile, Pastor Sandow's son Paul leads a high school movement where he attempts to change the school's science curriculum from evolution to intelligent design, though his plans are rejected by the school board. Disappointed by this setback, Paul, who leads a Christian rock band at his father's church, performs an intimate song before the congregation about his frustrations, the song being a cover of Sparklehorse's "Sad and Beautiful World". Pastor Sandow severely chastises his son for such indulgence. One evening, Elvis sneaks into the Sandow's home to spend the night with Malerie. After they have sex, he leaves the house in the middle of night and is spotted by Paul. He follows Elvis back to his motel and interrogates him about his affair with his sister. Paul threatens to tell his father and Elvis abruptly stabs Paul in the stomach,...
Question: Who is the leader behind the massacre of Madhu? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is the leader behind the massacre of Madhu? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The King Context: A man enlisted in the U.S. Navy, Elvis Valderez (Gael García Bernal), is discharged and purchases a used car to travel to his “home” in Corpus Christi, Texas. Elvis arrives at the church of Pastor David Sandow (William Hurt). He watches his sermon from the back of the church and then follows him and his family, including his wife Twyla (Laura Harring), son Paul (Paul Dano) and daughter Malerie (Pell James), to their home. Pastor Sandow confronts Elvis, who shows him a snapshot of his mother Yolanda, with whom he had relations many years ago before becoming a Christian. Pastor Sandow becomes agitated and tells Elvis that he has a family now and is a popular member of the community. He tells Elvis to call him so they can talk, though later tells his family that the young man simply wanted to become a member of the church and to not associate with him. Elvis moves in to a local motel and gets a job as a pizza delivery man. Having met Pastor Sandow's teenage daughter Malerie earlier at the church, he soon begins to pick her up from school where they go on drives and take walks at a local park. They start a passionate affair and have sexual relations on a regular basis. Meanwhile, Pastor Sandow's son Paul leads a high school movement where he attempts to change the school's science curriculum from evolution to intelligent design, though his plans are rejected by the school board. Disappointed by this setback, Paul, who leads a Christian rock band at his father's church, performs an intimate song before the congregation about his frustrations, the song being a cover of Sparklehorse's "Sad and Beautiful World". Pastor Sandow severely chastises his son for such indulgence. One evening, Elvis sneaks into the Sandow's home to spend the night with Malerie. After they have sex, he leaves the house in the middle of night and is spotted by Paul. He follows Elvis back to his motel and interrogates him about his affair with his sister. Paul threatens to tell his father and Elvis abruptly stabs Paul in the stomach,...
Has nothing to do with the story
Movie title: The Hunting Party Context: The film begins with a disclaimer: Only the most ridiculous parts of this story are true. After years of covering one armed conflict after another, American journalist Simon Hunt (Richard Gere) is in Bosnia and Herzegovina in early 1994 reporting on the Bosnian War. In parallel, he has managed to romance a local Muslim girl who is pregnant with his child. However, in the late stages of her pregnancy, she is killed by the Bosnian Serb forces when they overrun her village. Upon seeing the carnage, Simon vows revenge on the Bosnian Serb political leader Dragoslav Bogdanović —known as "The Fox". Reporting on the gruesome event later that day in a live remote link-up, Simon loses his composure at the network anchor Franklin Harris' (James Brolin) suggestion that the Serb attack may have been a reaction to Muslim provocation attacks from inside the village. As a result of his on-air meltdown, Simon's journalistic career takes a tumble. While his professional prospects spiral downhill, those of his long-time camera man Duck (Terrence Howard) go in the opposite direction. Duck gets a cushy job at the network, while Hunt is left following war after war, as a freelancer, in an attempt to get back on US network television map. In fall 2000, Duck, now a professional, travels to Sarajevo to shoot a "puff piece" of the network anchor Franklin Harris covering the fifth anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, along with fresh-out-of-Harvard young journalist, and son of the network vice-president, Benjamin (Jesse Eisenberg). Duck runs into old buddy Simon. Once a US network star reporter, Simon is by this point, a desperate half-drunk cynic reduced to filing freelance reports for underfunded news outlets in places like Jamaica and Poland. All the while, he's looking for a story big enough to propel him back to the realm of credibility. He tells Duck that, through a source, he has located Bogdanović, who is now wanted for war crimes with a US$5 million bounty on his head, and that he'd be interested in trying to score an...
Question: Who was Duck? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who was Duck? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Hunting Party Context: The film begins with a disclaimer: Only the most ridiculous parts of this story are true. After years of covering one armed conflict after another, American journalist Simon Hunt (Richard Gere) is in Bosnia and Herzegovina in early 1994 reporting on the Bosnian War. In parallel, he has managed to romance a local Muslim girl who is pregnant with his child. However, in the late stages of her pregnancy, she is killed by the Bosnian Serb forces when they overrun her village. Upon seeing the carnage, Simon vows revenge on the Bosnian Serb political leader Dragoslav Bogdanović —known as "The Fox". Reporting on the gruesome event later that day in a live remote link-up, Simon loses his composure at the network anchor Franklin Harris' (James Brolin) suggestion that the Serb attack may have been a reaction to Muslim provocation attacks from inside the village. As a result of his on-air meltdown, Simon's journalistic career takes a tumble. While his professional prospects spiral downhill, those of his long-time camera man Duck (Terrence Howard) go in the opposite direction. Duck gets a cushy job at the network, while Hunt is left following war after war, as a freelancer, in an attempt to get back on US network television map. In fall 2000, Duck, now a professional, travels to Sarajevo to shoot a "puff piece" of the network anchor Franklin Harris covering the fifth anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, along with fresh-out-of-Harvard young journalist, and son of the network vice-president, Benjamin (Jesse Eisenberg). Duck runs into old buddy Simon. Once a US network star reporter, Simon is by this point, a desperate half-drunk cynic reduced to filing freelance reports for underfunded news outlets in places like Jamaica and Poland. All the while, he's looking for a story big enough to propel him back to the realm of credibility. He tells Duck that, through a source, he has located Bogdanović, who is now wanted for war crimes with a US$5 million bounty on his head, and that he'd be interested in trying to score an...
a camera man
Movie title: Circle of Iron Context: This movie, chiefly written by Bruce Lee, is about obtaining Enlightenment, so this synopsis also contains some Buddhist interpretation of "Circle of Iron." Many things happen in a very subtle manner, so I explain their significance, even though the movie does not.This movie is about finding the Buddha, within your own mind (and heart, and soul). And so, after Enlightenment, you become the manifestation of Buddha. Then, you can truly say, I AM the Buddha. (Of course, some lucky Christians also achieve Enlightenment. Then they can say, I AM the Christ, although a manifestation of Jesus as a human being, not as being God Himself.)Teachings (and Rules) are important for the Way toward spirituality, but they cease to teach you when you are Enlightened (or, on that last path to receive Enlightenment). At this point, every person decides what they will do to live their own spiritual life, and what they believe about the Supreme Being.Cord sets off to find "The Book." It is guarded by Zetan: "the Keeper of The Book." The Book contains the secrets of the Universe (and it really does), and gives you the information needed to become Enlightened.Along the way, there is a flute playing a haunting song (and his Spiritual Guide who plays that flute). Whenever Cord hears the music play, he is about to face a step on his journey (or, one of his 3 Trials).Cord tried to become the Seeker to Zetan by entering the Contest, offered at a local monastery. Many martial arts masters are there to vie in ritual combat to be awarded the Medallion. This is the prize. This Medallion proclaims its wearer as that monastery's Seeker (to face and defeat Zetan, so he is allowed to read The Book). Everyone sent in the past has failed to defeat Zetan.The movie opens toward the end of the Contest. We watch Cord quickly win 2 rounds of the Contest. The final round arrives; it is Cord versus Morthon. During their combat, Cord hit Morthon while he was down on the ground. So, Cord is disqualified, and Morthon wins the Contest. The medallion necklace...
Question: How does the movie begin? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How does the movie begin? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Circle of Iron Context: This movie, chiefly written by Bruce Lee, is about obtaining Enlightenment, so this synopsis also contains some Buddhist interpretation of "Circle of Iron." Many things happen in a very subtle manner, so I explain their significance, even though the movie does not.This movie is about finding the Buddha, within your own mind (and heart, and soul). And so, after Enlightenment, you become the manifestation of Buddha. Then, you can truly say, I AM the Buddha. (Of course, some lucky Christians also achieve Enlightenment. Then they can say, I AM the Christ, although a manifestation of Jesus as a human being, not as being God Himself.)Teachings (and Rules) are important for the Way toward spirituality, but they cease to teach you when you are Enlightened (or, on that last path to receive Enlightenment). At this point, every person decides what they will do to live their own spiritual life, and what they believe about the Supreme Being.Cord sets off to find "The Book." It is guarded by Zetan: "the Keeper of The Book." The Book contains the secrets of the Universe (and it really does), and gives you the information needed to become Enlightened.Along the way, there is a flute playing a haunting song (and his Spiritual Guide who plays that flute). Whenever Cord hears the music play, he is about to face a step on his journey (or, one of his 3 Trials).Cord tried to become the Seeker to Zetan by entering the Contest, offered at a local monastery. Many martial arts masters are there to vie in ritual combat to be awarded the Medallion. This is the prize. This Medallion proclaims its wearer as that monastery's Seeker (to face and defeat Zetan, so he is allowed to read The Book). Everyone sent in the past has failed to defeat Zetan.The movie opens toward the end of the Contest. We watch Cord quickly win 2 rounds of the Contest. The final round arrives; it is Cord versus Morthon. During their combat, Cord hit Morthon while he was down on the ground. So, Cord is disqualified, and Morthon wins the Contest. The medallion necklace...
with a martial arts tournament
Movie title: Machete Kills Context: The film is preceded by a fake trailer for "Machete Kills Again... In Space!", which features the titular hero on an intergalactic mission, starring Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Alexa Vega, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber as a robot named Bleep (which Machete destroys), and Leonardo DiCaprio as "The Man in the Silver Mask" (with the sub-note that the actor playing the role is subject to change).The actual film starts off with a team of military men arriving at the Arizona-Mexico border, where they start unloading crates filled with high-tech weaponry. They're cornered by Machete Cortez (Danny Trejo) and Sartana Rivera (Jessica Alba), both of whom are aware that these men are planning on selling weapons to the cartel. Sure enough, the cartel arrive right on cue. They whip out their guns and kill all the military men. Machete and Sartana fight back, with Machete slaughtering them with his machete. The cartel leader prepares to kill Machete, stating that "if a man kills a legend, he becomes a legend himself." That's when three helicopters show up with masked men hopping out and shooting the cartel. Sartana pleads with Machete to help her fight these other men, and she goes around to the back of the military truck to find a large missile in the back. A man in a luchador mask walks up to her and shoots Sartana in the head, killing her. Machete finds her body and falls on his knees in despair, just as he is apprehended by the masked men.Machete is set to be hanged in the office of the racist redneck Sheriff Doakes (William Sadler) after being accused of murdering Sartana. Doakes tells his deputy Clebourne (Samuel Davis) to kick the stool from beneath Machete's feet, which he does, but Machete doesn't die. Instead, he stares viciously at the two men. The phone rings, and Clebourne answers, then passes it to Doakes, saying it's the President. Doakes answers and then grabs his gun to shoot the noose to free Machete. He takes the phone and growls, "This is Machete."Machete is escorted to Washington DC and to the White...
Question: What does Machete use to to depart to Voz's Station in Earth's orbit? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does Machete use to to depart to Voz's Station in Earth's orbit? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Machete Kills Context: The film is preceded by a fake trailer for "Machete Kills Again... In Space!", which features the titular hero on an intergalactic mission, starring Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, Alexa Vega, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber as a robot named Bleep (which Machete destroys), and Leonardo DiCaprio as "The Man in the Silver Mask" (with the sub-note that the actor playing the role is subject to change).The actual film starts off with a team of military men arriving at the Arizona-Mexico border, where they start unloading crates filled with high-tech weaponry. They're cornered by Machete Cortez (Danny Trejo) and Sartana Rivera (Jessica Alba), both of whom are aware that these men are planning on selling weapons to the cartel. Sure enough, the cartel arrive right on cue. They whip out their guns and kill all the military men. Machete and Sartana fight back, with Machete slaughtering them with his machete. The cartel leader prepares to kill Machete, stating that "if a man kills a legend, he becomes a legend himself." That's when three helicopters show up with masked men hopping out and shooting the cartel. Sartana pleads with Machete to help her fight these other men, and she goes around to the back of the military truck to find a large missile in the back. A man in a luchador mask walks up to her and shoots Sartana in the head, killing her. Machete finds her body and falls on his knees in despair, just as he is apprehended by the masked men.Machete is set to be hanged in the office of the racist redneck Sheriff Doakes (William Sadler) after being accused of murdering Sartana. Doakes tells his deputy Clebourne (Samuel Davis) to kick the stool from beneath Machete's feet, which he does, but Machete doesn't die. Instead, he stares viciously at the two men. The phone rings, and Clebourne answers, then passes it to Doakes, saying it's the President. Doakes answers and then grabs his gun to shoot the noose to free Machete. He takes the phone and growls, "This is Machete."Machete is escorted to Washington DC and to the White...
Movie title: The Counterfeiters Context: The film opens with Salomon (Sali) gambling heavily and winning in a Monte Carlo casino just after the war. It then fades back to the late 30s in Germany where Sali is more fully introduced as he parties and does shady deals and is generally talked of as a successful forger. At the party he meets a woman who persuades Sali to forge an Argentinian passport for her, as she clearly intends to escape Nazi Germany. He takes her back to his house where he skillfully produces the fake passport and ends up in bed with her.They are woken next morning by the police crashing him and arresting him. The senior policeman, Friedrich Herzog, exults in arresting "The King of Forgers".The film now moves on 5 years, during which time Sali has moved from prison to a concentration camp. He, and a number of other inmates, have been selected and are being transported from Mauthausen to Sachsenhausen. When they arrive they are introduced to Sturmbannfuhrer Herzog - the police inspector who arrested Sali 5 years before. He explains that they have been selected because of their skills in various aspects of forgery and they are to join "Project Bernhard," the aims of which include destabilizing the economies of Britain and the USA by producing and circulating vast quantities of forged banknotes.The newcomers are given new clothing, which is in reality clothing taken from other inmates and one of the group, Adolf Burger, refuses to wear them. They are then shown their quarters which include sprung beds and clean linen a clear contrast to conditions in the rest of the camp, glimpses of which have been seen as the group walked through the camp.They are then introduced to the large team already working on the project including the kapo (a prisoner who acts as guard) and a Jewish German banker. Herzog makes Sali leader of the team and orders them to concentrate on quickly producing perfect forgeries of pound notes in various denominations. The film follows the development of the "perfect forgeries" with Herzog frequently switching from...
Question: Who is revealed as a successful forger of currency and passport? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is revealed as a successful forger of currency and passport? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Counterfeiters Context: The film opens with Salomon (Sali) gambling heavily and winning in a Monte Carlo casino just after the war. It then fades back to the late 30s in Germany where Sali is more fully introduced as he parties and does shady deals and is generally talked of as a successful forger. At the party he meets a woman who persuades Sali to forge an Argentinian passport for her, as she clearly intends to escape Nazi Germany. He takes her back to his house where he skillfully produces the fake passport and ends up in bed with her.They are woken next morning by the police crashing him and arresting him. The senior policeman, Friedrich Herzog, exults in arresting "The King of Forgers".The film now moves on 5 years, during which time Sali has moved from prison to a concentration camp. He, and a number of other inmates, have been selected and are being transported from Mauthausen to Sachsenhausen. When they arrive they are introduced to Sturmbannfuhrer Herzog - the police inspector who arrested Sali 5 years before. He explains that they have been selected because of their skills in various aspects of forgery and they are to join "Project Bernhard," the aims of which include destabilizing the economies of Britain and the USA by producing and circulating vast quantities of forged banknotes.The newcomers are given new clothing, which is in reality clothing taken from other inmates and one of the group, Adolf Burger, refuses to wear them. They are then shown their quarters which include sprung beds and clean linen a clear contrast to conditions in the rest of the camp, glimpses of which have been seen as the group walked through the camp.They are then introduced to the large team already working on the project including the kapo (a prisoner who acts as guard) and a Jewish German banker. Herzog makes Sali leader of the team and orders them to concentrate on quickly producing perfect forgeries of pound notes in various denominations. The film follows the development of the "perfect forgeries" with Herzog frequently switching from...
Salomon (Sali)
Movie title: The Women Context: Based on the 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, The Women follows the lives of a handful of wealthy Manhattan women, focusing in particular on Mary Haines (Norma Shearer), the cheerful, contented wife of Stephen and mother of Little Mary. After a bit of gossip flies around the salon these wealthy women visit, Mary's friend and cousin Sylvia Fowler (Rosalind Russell) learns from a manicurist, Olga (Dennie Moore), that Mary's husband has been having an affair with a predatory perfume counter girl named Crystal Allen (Joan Crawford). A notorious gossip, Sylvia delights in sharing the news with Mary's other friends, and sets up Mary with an appointment with Olga so that she hears the same rumor about Stephen's infidelity. While Mary's mother, Mrs. Morehead (Lucile Watson), urges her to ignore the gossip concerning the affair and continue on as if nothing has happened, Mary begins to have her own suspicions about her husband's increasingly frequent claims that he needs to work late, and decides to travel to Bermuda with her mother to think about the situation and hope that the affair and the rumors surrounding it will fade. Upon her return from Bermuda a few weeks later, feeling well-rested and more sure of herself, Mary heads out to a fashion show at a high-end clothing store and learns that Crystal is in attendance, trying on clothes from the show in a dressing room across the hall. Sylvia joins Mary and baits her into storming into Crystal's dressing room and confronting her about the affair. Crystal is completely unapologetic about her ongoing affair with Stephen and is satisfied with her "meal ticket," but does reveal that Stephen's strong feelings of sentiment prevents him from seeking a divorce from Mary in order to marry her. Heartbroken and humiliated by the revelation of the affair, Mary leaves quickly. The meeting will not fade from gossip circles, however, and the situation is only exacerbated by Sylvia, who manages to turn the whole affair into a tabloid scandal by recounting, with physical...
Question: What is Mary Haines job? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Mary Haines job? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Women Context: Based on the 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, The Women follows the lives of a handful of wealthy Manhattan women, focusing in particular on Mary Haines (Norma Shearer), the cheerful, contented wife of Stephen and mother of Little Mary. After a bit of gossip flies around the salon these wealthy women visit, Mary's friend and cousin Sylvia Fowler (Rosalind Russell) learns from a manicurist, Olga (Dennie Moore), that Mary's husband has been having an affair with a predatory perfume counter girl named Crystal Allen (Joan Crawford). A notorious gossip, Sylvia delights in sharing the news with Mary's other friends, and sets up Mary with an appointment with Olga so that she hears the same rumor about Stephen's infidelity. While Mary's mother, Mrs. Morehead (Lucile Watson), urges her to ignore the gossip concerning the affair and continue on as if nothing has happened, Mary begins to have her own suspicions about her husband's increasingly frequent claims that he needs to work late, and decides to travel to Bermuda with her mother to think about the situation and hope that the affair and the rumors surrounding it will fade. Upon her return from Bermuda a few weeks later, feeling well-rested and more sure of herself, Mary heads out to a fashion show at a high-end clothing store and learns that Crystal is in attendance, trying on clothes from the show in a dressing room across the hall. Sylvia joins Mary and baits her into storming into Crystal's dressing room and confronting her about the affair. Crystal is completely unapologetic about her ongoing affair with Stephen and is satisfied with her "meal ticket," but does reveal that Stephen's strong feelings of sentiment prevents him from seeking a divorce from Mary in order to marry her. Heartbroken and humiliated by the revelation of the affair, Mary leaves quickly. The meeting will not fade from gossip circles, however, and the situation is only exacerbated by Sylvia, who manages to turn the whole affair into a tabloid scandal by recounting, with physical...
Clothing designer
Movie title: Alien Nation Context: The story takes place in Los Angeles in 1991. Three years prior an alien craft crash-landed on Earth. The saucer housed 300,000 "Newcomers", an extraterrestrial race of hard labor workers. With no way to return to their home planet, the Newcomers were first quarantined and then finally released to live among humans in the LA area.An LA police detective, Matthew Sykes, and his partner, Detective Tuggle, are patrolling an LA Newcomer neighborhood when they spot two of the aliens dressed in long black coats entering a small convenience store. The aliens pull out shotguns and rob the store's owner. Sykes and Tuggle intervene when the robbers emerge from the store and a gunfight ensues. One of the newcomers changes the magazine on his shotgun and begins to fire several powerful rounds that pass through the entire width of the car Tuggle is hiding behind. Tuggle is hit in the chest by one of the shots and dies immediately. Sykes, enraged at his longtime partner's death, takes off after Tuggle's killers.Rushing into a dark tunnel near the store, the Newcomer Sykes chases pulls out a small vial of blue fluid and deposits a small amount on his tongue. The substance is clearly a drug and the newcomer, invigorated by it's effects, furiously charges Sykes. Sykes fires several shots into the alien's chest, who seems unaffected at first but eventually drops. When Sykes is found by the backup that arrives, one of the officers tries to help him to his feet. When Sykes sees that the officer is a Newcomer, he violently pushes him away and hits him.The next day at his headquarters, Sykes joins his company for the morning debriefing. Everyone is saddened by Tuggles' death and their captain announces that they'll be taking in a new officer, someone who happens to be a Newcomer, the 1st one to be promoted to detective. Sykes volunteers to take the Newcomer, Detective Francisco, as his new partner, despite his obvious prejudice about their species. Francisco, having taken a new name because his own alien name is unpronounceable,...
Question: How are Ramu and Birju related? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How are Ramu and Birju related? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Alien Nation Context: The story takes place in Los Angeles in 1991. Three years prior an alien craft crash-landed on Earth. The saucer housed 300,000 "Newcomers", an extraterrestrial race of hard labor workers. With no way to return to their home planet, the Newcomers were first quarantined and then finally released to live among humans in the LA area.An LA police detective, Matthew Sykes, and his partner, Detective Tuggle, are patrolling an LA Newcomer neighborhood when they spot two of the aliens dressed in long black coats entering a small convenience store. The aliens pull out shotguns and rob the store's owner. Sykes and Tuggle intervene when the robbers emerge from the store and a gunfight ensues. One of the newcomers changes the magazine on his shotgun and begins to fire several powerful rounds that pass through the entire width of the car Tuggle is hiding behind. Tuggle is hit in the chest by one of the shots and dies immediately. Sykes, enraged at his longtime partner's death, takes off after Tuggle's killers.Rushing into a dark tunnel near the store, the Newcomer Sykes chases pulls out a small vial of blue fluid and deposits a small amount on his tongue. The substance is clearly a drug and the newcomer, invigorated by it's effects, furiously charges Sykes. Sykes fires several shots into the alien's chest, who seems unaffected at first but eventually drops. When Sykes is found by the backup that arrives, one of the officers tries to help him to his feet. When Sykes sees that the officer is a Newcomer, he violently pushes him away and hits him.The next day at his headquarters, Sykes joins his company for the morning debriefing. Everyone is saddened by Tuggles' death and their captain announces that they'll be taking in a new officer, someone who happens to be a Newcomer, the 1st one to be promoted to detective. Sykes volunteers to take the Newcomer, Detective Francisco, as his new partner, despite his obvious prejudice about their species. Francisco, having taken a new name because his own alien name is unpronounceable,...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Goodbye, Mr. Chips Context: In 1920s Britain, Arthur Chipping is an established member of the teaching staff at the Brookfield School. He is a stodgy teacher of Latin, disliked by his pupils, who call him Mr. Chips. Chips meets Katherine Bridges, a music hall soubrette, in the dining room of the Savoy Hotel in London on the eve of his summer holiday. Dissatisfied with her career and depressed by her romantic entanglements, she sets sail on a Mediterranean cruise and is reunited with Chips by chance in Pompeii. Seeing in him a lonely soul similar to herself, she arranges an evening at the theatre after they return to Britain, and the two find themselves drawn to each other. When Chips arrives at Brookfield for the autumn term, it is with his new wife on his arm, much to the shock of the staff and delight of the pupils, who find Mrs Chips' charm to be irresistible. Although her close friend and confidante Ursula Mossbank helps Katherine thwart Lord Sutterwick's plan to deprive the school of a generous financial endowment because of the woman's background, her past eventually deprives Chips of his longheld dream of being named headmaster in 1939. Still, the couple's devotion to each other overcomes all obstacles threatening their marriage, extending through 20 years together, when Katherine is killed in 1944 by a German V-1 flying bomb while entertaining the troops at a local Royal Air Force base. Too late for his wife to share in his happiness, Chips was picked as headmaster of Brookfield that same day, and lives out his years at the school, loved by his pupils and comforted by his happy memories.
Question: In what year did Charles Edward Chipping arrive as a new Latin teacher? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: In what year did Charles Edward Chipping arrive as a new Latin teacher? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Goodbye, Mr. Chips Context: In 1920s Britain, Arthur Chipping is an established member of the teaching staff at the Brookfield School. He is a stodgy teacher of Latin, disliked by his pupils, who call him Mr. Chips. Chips meets Katherine Bridges, a music hall soubrette, in the dining room of the Savoy Hotel in London on the eve of his summer holiday. Dissatisfied with her career and depressed by her romantic entanglements, she sets sail on a Mediterranean cruise and is reunited with Chips by chance in Pompeii. Seeing in him a lonely soul similar to herself, she arranges an evening at the theatre after they return to Britain, and the two find themselves drawn to each other. When Chips arrives at Brookfield for the autumn term, it is with his new wife on his arm, much to the shock of the staff and delight of the pupils, who find Mrs Chips' charm to be irresistible. Although her close friend and confidante Ursula Mossbank helps Katherine thwart Lord Sutterwick's plan to deprive the school of a generous financial endowment because of the woman's background, her past eventually deprives Chips of his longheld dream of being named headmaster in 1939. Still, the couple's devotion to each other overcomes all obstacles threatening their marriage, extending through 20 years together, when Katherine is killed in 1944 by a German V-1 flying bomb while entertaining the troops at a local Royal Air Force base. Too late for his wife to share in his happiness, Chips was picked as headmaster of Brookfield that same day, and lives out his years at the school, loved by his pupils and comforted by his happy memories.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Force 10 from Navarone Context: In 1943, after their successful mission in Navarone, MI6 agents Mallory (Robert Shaw) and Miller (Edward Fox) are sent to find and kill "Nicolai". Originally thought to be a traitor who informed the Germans about Miller and Mallory during the Navarone mission, Nicolai is now known to be a dedicated German spy, and is believed to be disguised among the Yugoslav Partisans as a Captain Lescovar (Franco Nero). Mallory and Miller's new mission is to get to Yogoslavia, find Nicolai, and kill him.To get to Yugoslavia the two men pair with "Force 10", an American sabotage unit led by Lt. Col. Barnsby (Harrison Ford) and having with its own mission in German-occupied Yugoslavia. To maximize security, Force 10 steals a plane from Termoli Airfield in Italy rather than requisitioning one, but are spotted by US M.Ps before takeoff. Weaver (Carl Weathers), a US Army sergeant under arrest by the MP's, joins with Force 10 and forces his way onto the plane. Barnsby and crew successfully "escape" Termoli only to be shot down by German night fighters over Yugoslavia. Only Barnsby, Mallory, Miller, Weaver and Reynolds (Angus MacInnes) manage to escape the crippled plane.On the ground, the five survivors run across a group they believe to be Communist Yugoslav Partisans, their allies. Led by a hulking Yugoslav named Captain Drazak (Richard Kiel), Force 10's rescuers are soon revealed to be collaborationist Chetniks (nationalist Serb guerrillas) under German control. The Germans take the team into custody, but do not know what their mission is. Mallory and Barnsby tell the German commander, Major Schroeder (Michael Byrne), that they are deserters and criminals fleeing Allied authorities. To keep Schroeder from opening Miller's suitcase, which contains his special explosives, Mallory tells him that it contains a "new" drug called penicillin.The next morning, the prisoners are told that Schroeder has opened the case, finding it full of firewood. Mallory and Barnsby improvise, "admitting" they buried the samples. Schroeder sends...
Question: Who is Miller? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Miller? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Force 10 from Navarone Context: In 1943, after their successful mission in Navarone, MI6 agents Mallory (Robert Shaw) and Miller (Edward Fox) are sent to find and kill "Nicolai". Originally thought to be a traitor who informed the Germans about Miller and Mallory during the Navarone mission, Nicolai is now known to be a dedicated German spy, and is believed to be disguised among the Yugoslav Partisans as a Captain Lescovar (Franco Nero). Mallory and Miller's new mission is to get to Yogoslavia, find Nicolai, and kill him.To get to Yugoslavia the two men pair with "Force 10", an American sabotage unit led by Lt. Col. Barnsby (Harrison Ford) and having with its own mission in German-occupied Yugoslavia. To maximize security, Force 10 steals a plane from Termoli Airfield in Italy rather than requisitioning one, but are spotted by US M.Ps before takeoff. Weaver (Carl Weathers), a US Army sergeant under arrest by the MP's, joins with Force 10 and forces his way onto the plane. Barnsby and crew successfully "escape" Termoli only to be shot down by German night fighters over Yugoslavia. Only Barnsby, Mallory, Miller, Weaver and Reynolds (Angus MacInnes) manage to escape the crippled plane.On the ground, the five survivors run across a group they believe to be Communist Yugoslav Partisans, their allies. Led by a hulking Yugoslav named Captain Drazak (Richard Kiel), Force 10's rescuers are soon revealed to be collaborationist Chetniks (nationalist Serb guerrillas) under German control. The Germans take the team into custody, but do not know what their mission is. Mallory and Barnsby tell the German commander, Major Schroeder (Michael Byrne), that they are deserters and criminals fleeing Allied authorities. To keep Schroeder from opening Miller's suitcase, which contains his special explosives, Mallory tells him that it contains a "new" drug called penicillin.The next morning, the prisoners are told that Schroeder has opened the case, finding it full of firewood. Mallory and Barnsby improvise, "admitting" they buried the samples. Schroeder sends...
MI6 agent
Movie title: Inside Out Context: For the last thirteen years AJ (Triple H) has been behind bars, convicted of manslaughter for killing a man who intended to kill his best friend, Jack (Michael Rapaport). Now released, AJ wants nothing more than to start a small business and live a crime-free life. Unfortunately, within hours of leaving prison, his oldest and best friend, Jack (Michael Rapaport) involves AJ in an accidental shooting in which a man is killed, forcing Jack to skip town.Jack, a high-strung, low-level mobster, has taken good care of AJs family while he was in prison. When Jacks father and local mob boss Dr. Vic (Bruce Dern) comes looking for retribution, AJ is compelled to protect Jacks family. Jacks family consists of his wife, Claire (Parker Posey), who has never stopped loving her former beau AJ and her teenage daughter Pepper (Juliette Goglia).Martha, (Julie White) an agent for the Louisiana Tax Board, has been investigating Dr. Vic for smuggling counterfeit cigarettes into Louisiana and tax evasion. She is determined to bring Dr. Vic and Jack down with or without AJs help. In the end, AJ will stop at nothing to protect the woman hes always loved and the daughter he never knew he had.
Question: What state does this take place? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What state does this take place? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Inside Out Context: For the last thirteen years AJ (Triple H) has been behind bars, convicted of manslaughter for killing a man who intended to kill his best friend, Jack (Michael Rapaport). Now released, AJ wants nothing more than to start a small business and live a crime-free life. Unfortunately, within hours of leaving prison, his oldest and best friend, Jack (Michael Rapaport) involves AJ in an accidental shooting in which a man is killed, forcing Jack to skip town.Jack, a high-strung, low-level mobster, has taken good care of AJs family while he was in prison. When Jacks father and local mob boss Dr. Vic (Bruce Dern) comes looking for retribution, AJ is compelled to protect Jacks family. Jacks family consists of his wife, Claire (Parker Posey), who has never stopped loving her former beau AJ and her teenage daughter Pepper (Juliette Goglia).Martha, (Julie White) an agent for the Louisiana Tax Board, has been investigating Dr. Vic for smuggling counterfeit cigarettes into Louisiana and tax evasion. She is determined to bring Dr. Vic and Jack down with or without AJs help. In the end, AJ will stop at nothing to protect the woman hes always loved and the daughter he never knew he had.
Movie title: Hart's War Context: Belgium, December 16, 1944: First Lieutenant Thomas Hart (Farrell) is captured by German commandos during the opening of the Battle of the Bulge.Taken to a local prison, his boots are confiscated and he is left naked in a cell. Threatened with frostbite and pneumonia, he is coerced into divulging intelligence to his German interrogator.He and many other Americans are later transferred by train to a prisoner of war camp. While en route, a flight of P-51 Mustangs attack the station. Since the painted letters POW on the top of the train are covered by thick snow, the Mustangs fire on the train, causing some of the POWs to be killed by friendly fire. To save themselves, the POWs leave the train, spell POW with their bodies, and prevent further strafing.After arriving at the camp, Hart is debriefed by the ranking American officer, Colonel William McNamara (Willis). When McNamara asks if he cooperated with the Germans after he was captured, Hart denies it. McNamara knows this to be a lie, since he knows Hart was held for three days after seeing only a Level 1 interrogator. He does not reveal this to Hart and sends him to bunk in a barracks for enlisted men, rather than allow him to bunk with the other officers.Two Tuskegee Airmen are brought to the camp, Second Lieutenants, Lincoln A. Scott (Howard) and Lamar T. Archer (Vicellous Reon Shannon). They are the only blacks in the platoon, and their situation is compounded by their status as officers. Staff Sergeant Vic W. Bedford (Cole Hauser), a vicious racist, is their primary antagonist.Later, a spike from the fence, which could be used as a weapon, is found in Archer's bunk. The Germans drag him out, and, as he stands proud and defiant, shoot him, claiming that he was trying to escape. Directly after that, a radio used by the Americans to receive coded messages via the BBC is found and destroyed.Bedford is himself later found dead. Scott is seen standing over the body and is accused of killing him in revenge for Bedford framing Archer. A law student at Yale before...
Question: what prisoner of war camp was hart being transferred to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: what prisoner of war camp was hart being transferred to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Hart's War Context: Belgium, December 16, 1944: First Lieutenant Thomas Hart (Farrell) is captured by German commandos during the opening of the Battle of the Bulge.Taken to a local prison, his boots are confiscated and he is left naked in a cell. Threatened with frostbite and pneumonia, he is coerced into divulging intelligence to his German interrogator.He and many other Americans are later transferred by train to a prisoner of war camp. While en route, a flight of P-51 Mustangs attack the station. Since the painted letters POW on the top of the train are covered by thick snow, the Mustangs fire on the train, causing some of the POWs to be killed by friendly fire. To save themselves, the POWs leave the train, spell POW with their bodies, and prevent further strafing.After arriving at the camp, Hart is debriefed by the ranking American officer, Colonel William McNamara (Willis). When McNamara asks if he cooperated with the Germans after he was captured, Hart denies it. McNamara knows this to be a lie, since he knows Hart was held for three days after seeing only a Level 1 interrogator. He does not reveal this to Hart and sends him to bunk in a barracks for enlisted men, rather than allow him to bunk with the other officers.Two Tuskegee Airmen are brought to the camp, Second Lieutenants, Lincoln A. Scott (Howard) and Lamar T. Archer (Vicellous Reon Shannon). They are the only blacks in the platoon, and their situation is compounded by their status as officers. Staff Sergeant Vic W. Bedford (Cole Hauser), a vicious racist, is their primary antagonist.Later, a spike from the fence, which could be used as a weapon, is found in Archer's bunk. The Germans drag him out, and, as he stands proud and defiant, shoot him, claiming that he was trying to escape. Directly after that, a radio used by the Americans to receive coded messages via the BBC is found and destroyed.Bedford is himself later found dead. Scott is seen standing over the body and is accused of killing him in revenge for Bedford framing Archer. A law student at Yale before...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Jolson Sings Again Context: In this follow-up to The Jolson Story, we pick up the singer's career just as he has returned to the stage after a premature retirement. But his wife has left him and the appeal of the spotlight is not what it used to be. This time Jolson (Larry Parks) trades in the stage for life in the fast lane: women, horses, travel. His father (Ludwig Donath) becomes increasingly concerned about his frivolous lifestyle. With the death of his mother (Tamara Shayne) and the beginning of World War II, Jolson comes back to earth—and returns to the stage. Once again teamed with manager Steve Martin (William Demarest), Jolson travels the world entertaining troops everywhere from Alaska to Africa. When he finally collapses from exhaustion it takes young, pretty nurse Ellen Clark (Barbara Hale) to show him there's more to life than "just rushing around".
Question: What is Steve Martin's relationship to Jolson? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is Steve Martin's relationship to Jolson? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Jolson Sings Again Context: In this follow-up to The Jolson Story, we pick up the singer's career just as he has returned to the stage after a premature retirement. But his wife has left him and the appeal of the spotlight is not what it used to be. This time Jolson (Larry Parks) trades in the stage for life in the fast lane: women, horses, travel. His father (Ludwig Donath) becomes increasingly concerned about his frivolous lifestyle. With the death of his mother (Tamara Shayne) and the beginning of World War II, Jolson comes back to earth—and returns to the stage. Once again teamed with manager Steve Martin (William Demarest), Jolson travels the world entertaining troops everywhere from Alaska to Africa. When he finally collapses from exhaustion it takes young, pretty nurse Ellen Clark (Barbara Hale) to show him there's more to life than "just rushing around".
His Manager
Movie title: Faces of Children Context: Jean and Pierrette, the two children of Pierre Amsler, mayor of a mountain village in the Haut-Valais (Switzerland), are about 12 and 4 years old when her mother dies. While Pierrette fails to understand the situation and believes her nanny telling her that her mother is on a voyage, Jean is deeply shaken, nearly losing himself in long and bitter mourning. His father, at first hardly less desperate than Jean, quickly realizes that he is unable to continue his former life while at the same time mourning for his wife: He feels overburdened by his duties as the mayor, his new domestic duties, the lonely raising of his children and the depressive mood filling his home since the death of his wife. When half a year has passed, he decides to marry a widow having lost her husband nearly at the same time - this seems to be both a marriage of convenience and of love.Seeing that his son is still inconsolably mourning his late mother, Pierre fails to muster the courage to talk to the boy about his plan. Instead, he sends the boy away with his friend, the village's priest, when the priest is visiting the neighbouring valley for a few weeks, and puts the burden to break the news to the child on the priest.When the boy comes back home, he is intensely looking forward to see his sister and his father again and at the same time very curious what may have changed at home. Unfortunately, Arlette, the daughter of his new mother, of about the same age as Jean, is alone at home when the boy comes back. Apparently, she fails to recognize the him, she refuses to open the door to him and is slow, even reluctant to understand her error. When she finally opens the door, he is enraged and arrogant and she is quite intimidated. Thus, they start mistrusting and disliking each other from the first.Jean soon finds out that, during his absence, he has been treated with astonishing lack of respect. Arlette is now using his room, and his parents have assigned another room to him, Arlette is using part of his toys, and there are several other...
Question: How many children does Pierre Amsler have? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How many children does Pierre Amsler have? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Faces of Children Context: Jean and Pierrette, the two children of Pierre Amsler, mayor of a mountain village in the Haut-Valais (Switzerland), are about 12 and 4 years old when her mother dies. While Pierrette fails to understand the situation and believes her nanny telling her that her mother is on a voyage, Jean is deeply shaken, nearly losing himself in long and bitter mourning. His father, at first hardly less desperate than Jean, quickly realizes that he is unable to continue his former life while at the same time mourning for his wife: He feels overburdened by his duties as the mayor, his new domestic duties, the lonely raising of his children and the depressive mood filling his home since the death of his wife. When half a year has passed, he decides to marry a widow having lost her husband nearly at the same time - this seems to be both a marriage of convenience and of love.Seeing that his son is still inconsolably mourning his late mother, Pierre fails to muster the courage to talk to the boy about his plan. Instead, he sends the boy away with his friend, the village's priest, when the priest is visiting the neighbouring valley for a few weeks, and puts the burden to break the news to the child on the priest.When the boy comes back home, he is intensely looking forward to see his sister and his father again and at the same time very curious what may have changed at home. Unfortunately, Arlette, the daughter of his new mother, of about the same age as Jean, is alone at home when the boy comes back. Apparently, she fails to recognize the him, she refuses to open the door to him and is slow, even reluctant to understand her error. When she finally opens the door, he is enraged and arrogant and she is quite intimidated. Thus, they start mistrusting and disliking each other from the first.Jean soon finds out that, during his absence, he has been treated with astonishing lack of respect. Arlette is now using his room, and his parents have assigned another room to him, Arlette is using part of his toys, and there are several other...
Movie title: The Tiger's Tail Context: Director John Boorman's ('Deliverance,' 'The General') 'The Tiger's Tail' is the story of Liam O'Leary (Brendan Gleeson), an Irish property developer of humble origins who has become rich and powerful on the back of the "Celtic Tiger" the name given to Ireland's illustrious economic boom. His hubris has led him into a scheme to build a national stadium, but a rival developer has connived to thwart his plans. Wildly over-extended, Liam finds himself struggling in a receding market. Stressed and over-stretched, he seems on the verge of a mental breakdown when, to his horror, he sees his Double.Who is this man? Is he for real or some kind of harbinger of death? As Liam searches for answers, his neglected wife, Jane (Kim Cattrall), and ignored son Connor (Briain Gleeson), distressed by his erratic behavior, treat his claim to have seen his Double as a hallucination. Only Liam's sister Oona (Sinead Cusack) and childhood friend Andy (Ciaran Hinds), a priest, believe him.Confronting his Double, Liam discovers a shocking truth about his past, a truth that makes him ask himself and others.. "who am I?"
Question: How does the doppleganger pay for the suits? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How does the doppleganger pay for the suits? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Tiger's Tail Context: Director John Boorman's ('Deliverance,' 'The General') 'The Tiger's Tail' is the story of Liam O'Leary (Brendan Gleeson), an Irish property developer of humble origins who has become rich and powerful on the back of the "Celtic Tiger" the name given to Ireland's illustrious economic boom. His hubris has led him into a scheme to build a national stadium, but a rival developer has connived to thwart his plans. Wildly over-extended, Liam finds himself struggling in a receding market. Stressed and over-stretched, he seems on the verge of a mental breakdown when, to his horror, he sees his Double.Who is this man? Is he for real or some kind of harbinger of death? As Liam searches for answers, his neglected wife, Jane (Kim Cattrall), and ignored son Connor (Briain Gleeson), distressed by his erratic behavior, treat his claim to have seen his Double as a hallucination. Only Liam's sister Oona (Sinead Cusack) and childhood friend Andy (Ciaran Hinds), a priest, believe him.Confronting his Double, Liam discovers a shocking truth about his past, a truth that makes him ask himself and others.. "who am I?"
Movie title: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Context: The opening crawl reveals that the Galactic Republic is in crisis. A separatist movement, led by former Jedi Master Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), has threatened the peace. Senator Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman), former Queen of Naboo, returns to the Galactic Senate to vote against the creation of an Army of the Republic. Upon her arrival at Coruscant, she narrowly escapes an assassination attempt, a bomb placed on her ship. As a result, Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) requests that she be put under the protection of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen).That night, Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter, makes another attempt on Padmé's life, but Wesell is herself killed (to silence her) just after Obi-Wan and Anakin capture her. The Jedi Council sends Obi-Wan to investigate the murder, while Anakin is to protect Padmé by escorting her to Naboo. Anakin welcomes the opportunity; he often becomes angry at and frustrated with Obi-Wan's criticism, and is glad to have an opportunity to be alone with Padmé. Representative Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best) assumes the Senator's duties in her absence.The investigation leads Obi-Wan to the planet of Kamino, where he discovers that a secret clone army is being developed for the Republic. The Kaminoan Prime Minister tells him that this army was ordered some ten years ago by a Jedi Master named Sifo-Dyas, whom the Jedi Council believes to have been killed around the same time. A bounty hunter named Jango Fett (Temuera Morrison) had been hired to be the template for the clones. Obi-Wan meets Jango on Kamino, and believes that he is the killer he has been tracking. After unsuccessfully trying to capture Jango Fett, Obi-Wan places a tracking device on his ship and follows him to the planet of Geonosis.Meanwhile, Anakin and Padmé spend time together on Naboo, and Anakin reveals his love for her. Padmé resists, explaining that it would be impossible for the two of them to be together; she is a respected Senator, and the Jedi...
Question: Who is Anakin's stepbrother? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Anakin's stepbrother? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Context: The opening crawl reveals that the Galactic Republic is in crisis. A separatist movement, led by former Jedi Master Count Dooku (Christopher Lee), has threatened the peace. Senator Padmé Amidala (Natalie Portman), former Queen of Naboo, returns to the Galactic Senate to vote against the creation of an Army of the Republic. Upon her arrival at Coruscant, she narrowly escapes an assassination attempt, a bomb placed on her ship. As a result, Chancellor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) requests that she be put under the protection of Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen).That night, Zam Wesell, a bounty hunter, makes another attempt on Padmé's life, but Wesell is herself killed (to silence her) just after Obi-Wan and Anakin capture her. The Jedi Council sends Obi-Wan to investigate the murder, while Anakin is to protect Padmé by escorting her to Naboo. Anakin welcomes the opportunity; he often becomes angry at and frustrated with Obi-Wan's criticism, and is glad to have an opportunity to be alone with Padmé. Representative Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best) assumes the Senator's duties in her absence.The investigation leads Obi-Wan to the planet of Kamino, where he discovers that a secret clone army is being developed for the Republic. The Kaminoan Prime Minister tells him that this army was ordered some ten years ago by a Jedi Master named Sifo-Dyas, whom the Jedi Council believes to have been killed around the same time. A bounty hunter named Jango Fett (Temuera Morrison) had been hired to be the template for the clones. Obi-Wan meets Jango on Kamino, and believes that he is the killer he has been tracking. After unsuccessfully trying to capture Jango Fett, Obi-Wan places a tracking device on his ship and follows him to the planet of Geonosis.Meanwhile, Anakin and Padmé spend time together on Naboo, and Anakin reveals his love for her. Padmé resists, explaining that it would be impossible for the two of them to be together; she is a respected Senator, and the Jedi...
Movie title: Zinda Context: The film is about a rich, successful business man named Balajeet "Bala" Roy (Sanjay Dutt), who lives a blissful life with his beautiful wife, Nisha Roy (Celina Jaitley). Nisha is expecting their first child together. Bala is suddenly captured for an unknown reason and kept alive in a cell without knowing who his captives are and the reason behind it. While in captivity, he practices martial arts which he learns from watching T.V., with the intention of using it against the people who captured him. When he is released, 14 years later, he sets out for revenge. As the film moves on, he is helped by a taxi driver Jenny (Lara Dutta) to track his kidnapper. Bala tracks down the restaurant that had served his food, during his entire captivity and follows a delivery moped to his captors. Discovering he was held in a private prison where people can pay to have others incarcerated, Bala tortures the owner Wong Foo (Rajendranath Zutshi) for answers by plucking out his teeth with a clawhammer; he then finds out he was imprisoned for "talking too much", and fights his way out of the building. Injured Bala is helped out by a hooded man who takes him to a taxi. The hooded man turns out to be Rohit Chopra (John Abraham). Soon Wong Foo kidnaps Jenny and tortures her. He threatens Bala to remove his teeth with his clawhammer by himself, but is interrupted by Rohit. Bala grows intimate with Jenny and has sex with her. Bala is informed that her daughter is alive. During tracking, he encounters his kidnapper which is none other than Rohit. In his flashback, Rohit reveals his reason of kidnapping Bala that during their childhood, Bala's lustful eyes falls on Rohit's elder sister Reema Chopra. After she slaps Bala for gifting a panty, Bala spreads a false rumour that his sister is a whore. And he fools little Rohit by sticking a message on his back. She becomes a laughing stock for all school. She commits suicide by burning herself. This left Rohit broken and deciding to seek revenge. Back to the present it is also revealed that...
Question: Who killed Rohit's goons and Wong Foo If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who killed Rohit's goons and Wong Foo If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Zinda Context: The film is about a rich, successful business man named Balajeet "Bala" Roy (Sanjay Dutt), who lives a blissful life with his beautiful wife, Nisha Roy (Celina Jaitley). Nisha is expecting their first child together. Bala is suddenly captured for an unknown reason and kept alive in a cell without knowing who his captives are and the reason behind it. While in captivity, he practices martial arts which he learns from watching T.V., with the intention of using it against the people who captured him. When he is released, 14 years later, he sets out for revenge. As the film moves on, he is helped by a taxi driver Jenny (Lara Dutta) to track his kidnapper. Bala tracks down the restaurant that had served his food, during his entire captivity and follows a delivery moped to his captors. Discovering he was held in a private prison where people can pay to have others incarcerated, Bala tortures the owner Wong Foo (Rajendranath Zutshi) for answers by plucking out his teeth with a clawhammer; he then finds out he was imprisoned for "talking too much", and fights his way out of the building. Injured Bala is helped out by a hooded man who takes him to a taxi. The hooded man turns out to be Rohit Chopra (John Abraham). Soon Wong Foo kidnaps Jenny and tortures her. He threatens Bala to remove his teeth with his clawhammer by himself, but is interrupted by Rohit. Bala grows intimate with Jenny and has sex with her. Bala is informed that her daughter is alive. During tracking, he encounters his kidnapper which is none other than Rohit. In his flashback, Rohit reveals his reason of kidnapping Bala that during their childhood, Bala's lustful eyes falls on Rohit's elder sister Reema Chopra. After she slaps Bala for gifting a panty, Bala spreads a false rumour that his sister is a whore. And he fools little Rohit by sticking a message on his back. She becomes a laughing stock for all school. She commits suicide by burning herself. This left Rohit broken and deciding to seek revenge. Back to the present it is also revealed that...
Movie title: Redline Context: Wade, Marina and Merrick smuggle goods in from America to a decadent high tech Russia in the near future. On his last job, Wade and his girlfriend are murdered by Merrick. Realizing he might have some worth, Wade's body is brought back to life by a secret Russian military organisation. He later escapes from a hospital and, helped by Katya who is a double of Marina, goes after Merrick. However Merrick used the money he stole to buy himself powerful new friends. It also turns out that Merrick is just a pawn in a bigger game with a group that plans on taking Russia over.
Question: Michael has been engaging in what crime? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Michael has been engaging in what crime? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Redline Context: Wade, Marina and Merrick smuggle goods in from America to a decadent high tech Russia in the near future. On his last job, Wade and his girlfriend are murdered by Merrick. Realizing he might have some worth, Wade's body is brought back to life by a secret Russian military organisation. He later escapes from a hospital and, helped by Katya who is a double of Marina, goes after Merrick. However Merrick used the money he stole to buy himself powerful new friends. It also turns out that Merrick is just a pawn in a bigger game with a group that plans on taking Russia over.
Movie title: Airport Context: The story takes place during one long night during a sudden blizzard at Lincoln International, a fictional Chicago airport based very loosely on O'Hare International Airport.The action mainly centers on Mel Bakersfeld (Burt Lancaster), the airport general manager. His devotion to his job is tearing apart his family and his marriage to his constantly angry and domineering wife Cindy (Dana Wynter), who resents his use of his job at the airport as a device to avoid going to various after-hours events she wants him to participate in, as she attempts to climb into the social circles of Chicago's elite. His problems in his marriage are further exacerbated by his romantically-charged friendship with a lovely divorcee, Trans America Airlines (TGA) passenger relations manager Tanya Livingston (Jean Sebrig).The movie centers on Bakersfeld's struggles to keep the airport open during the snowstorm. His chief problem is the unexpected closure of primary Runway two zero, caused when a landing airliner turns off past the wrong side of a runway marker light, burying the plane's landing gear in the snow, and blocking the runway. Bakersfield is forced to call upon Joe Patroni (George Kennedy), the tough and practical head of maintenance operations for Trans World Airlines, at Lincoln. Patroni is told to move the disabled aircraft blocking the runway two zero. Patroni spends the rest of the movie with his men to dig the plane out of the snow and fights with the pilots to do so under the aircraft's own power without damaging it.Meanwhile, Bakersfield deals with his brother-in-law Vern Demerest (Dean Martin), a pompous and self-confident senior pilot for Trans America Airlines who opposes Bakersfield on a number of issues involving business and personal issues. Both Mel Bakersfield and his sister Sarah (Barbara Hale) are unaware that Vern is having an extramarial affair with Gwen Meighen (Jacqueline Bisset), a chief stewardess on his routine flights whom is planning her latest trip to Rome, Italy and is frustrated about her...
Question: Where is the Lincoln International Airport? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where is the Lincoln International Airport? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Airport Context: The story takes place during one long night during a sudden blizzard at Lincoln International, a fictional Chicago airport based very loosely on O'Hare International Airport.The action mainly centers on Mel Bakersfeld (Burt Lancaster), the airport general manager. His devotion to his job is tearing apart his family and his marriage to his constantly angry and domineering wife Cindy (Dana Wynter), who resents his use of his job at the airport as a device to avoid going to various after-hours events she wants him to participate in, as she attempts to climb into the social circles of Chicago's elite. His problems in his marriage are further exacerbated by his romantically-charged friendship with a lovely divorcee, Trans America Airlines (TGA) passenger relations manager Tanya Livingston (Jean Sebrig).The movie centers on Bakersfeld's struggles to keep the airport open during the snowstorm. His chief problem is the unexpected closure of primary Runway two zero, caused when a landing airliner turns off past the wrong side of a runway marker light, burying the plane's landing gear in the snow, and blocking the runway. Bakersfield is forced to call upon Joe Patroni (George Kennedy), the tough and practical head of maintenance operations for Trans World Airlines, at Lincoln. Patroni is told to move the disabled aircraft blocking the runway two zero. Patroni spends the rest of the movie with his men to dig the plane out of the snow and fights with the pilots to do so under the aircraft's own power without damaging it.Meanwhile, Bakersfield deals with his brother-in-law Vern Demerest (Dean Martin), a pompous and self-confident senior pilot for Trans America Airlines who opposes Bakersfield on a number of issues involving business and personal issues. Both Mel Bakersfield and his sister Sarah (Barbara Hale) are unaware that Vern is having an extramarial affair with Gwen Meighen (Jacqueline Bisset), a chief stewardess on his routine flights whom is planning her latest trip to Rome, Italy and is frustrated about her...
Movie title: Jerry-Go-Round Context: Tom chases Jerry through the street as the title cards are shown (throughout the title cards, classic circus music is heard). Jerry gives him the slip and Tom turns around the other way in anger. He stops shortly when he sees a lion's mouth, only to find that it's only an ad for a local, yet special and great, circus. Jerry jumps through the lion's mouth as Tom rips the ad to reveal a hole.Tom follows Jerry into the circus. He hides behind a post as Tom dashes by him. Jerry laughs and walks away when he is splashed with a tear from a female elephant, who is crying because her foot has a tack underneath it. Jerry jumps up the post and pulls out the tack. However, the elephant hangs back, afraid of Jerry (because he's a mouse and some elephants are afraid of mice). When Tom approaches her and the elephant picks him up with her trunk and hits him on the stand. Jerry watches him leave dizzy and re-emerges from his hiding place. He doesn't give up as he shows her the tack he pulled out of her foot. The elephant stops panicing, looks at her foot, and smiles. She hugs him in gratitude and gets over her fear of mice.An irate, Tom pulls up a ladder and swipes the mouse from her trunk. However, he meets the elephant's anger, who snatches Jerry fom his hand and places him on top of her head. She punches him and the ladder into the ground with her trunk. Then she returns to hugging the mouse. Tom emerges from the ground, dazed, and then falls unconscious.Act 1: When it's time for the first act, Tom is sitting behind the stool, annoyed until he spots Jerry who is dressed up as a clown, running behind the other clowns. He was watching the elephant and him participating and doing a great show in the circus. Jerry and the elephant dance in the spotlight for a little while and after that, a ball comes by and the elephant gets it on her trunk. She passes the ball to Jerry. They pass the ball to each other back and forth as Tom watches annoyed. The cat decides to do something about the ball and aims a slingshot with a rock at...
Question: Why did the elephant cry in pain? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Why did the elephant cry in pain? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Jerry-Go-Round Context: Tom chases Jerry through the street as the title cards are shown (throughout the title cards, classic circus music is heard). Jerry gives him the slip and Tom turns around the other way in anger. He stops shortly when he sees a lion's mouth, only to find that it's only an ad for a local, yet special and great, circus. Jerry jumps through the lion's mouth as Tom rips the ad to reveal a hole.Tom follows Jerry into the circus. He hides behind a post as Tom dashes by him. Jerry laughs and walks away when he is splashed with a tear from a female elephant, who is crying because her foot has a tack underneath it. Jerry jumps up the post and pulls out the tack. However, the elephant hangs back, afraid of Jerry (because he's a mouse and some elephants are afraid of mice). When Tom approaches her and the elephant picks him up with her trunk and hits him on the stand. Jerry watches him leave dizzy and re-emerges from his hiding place. He doesn't give up as he shows her the tack he pulled out of her foot. The elephant stops panicing, looks at her foot, and smiles. She hugs him in gratitude and gets over her fear of mice.An irate, Tom pulls up a ladder and swipes the mouse from her trunk. However, he meets the elephant's anger, who snatches Jerry fom his hand and places him on top of her head. She punches him and the ladder into the ground with her trunk. Then she returns to hugging the mouse. Tom emerges from the ground, dazed, and then falls unconscious.Act 1: When it's time for the first act, Tom is sitting behind the stool, annoyed until he spots Jerry who is dressed up as a clown, running behind the other clowns. He was watching the elephant and him participating and doing a great show in the circus. Jerry and the elephant dance in the spotlight for a little while and after that, a ball comes by and the elephant gets it on her trunk. She passes the ball to Jerry. They pass the ball to each other back and forth as Tom watches annoyed. The cat decides to do something about the ball and aims a slingshot with a rock at...
her foot has a tack underneath it
Movie title: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three Context: Edward James Olmos plays Detective Anthony Piscotti, a New York City police officer. He is trying to crack the taking of a subway train where the antagonists are holding the passengers for ransom.
Question: WHAT IS BLUE'S SECOND DEMAND? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: WHAT IS BLUE'S SECOND DEMAND? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three Context: Edward James Olmos plays Detective Anthony Piscotti, a New York City police officer. He is trying to crack the taking of a subway train where the antagonists are holding the passengers for ransom.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: The Third Generation Context: P.J. Lurz, an industrialist with an office in a Berlin high-rise, informs his American headquarters that the company has difficulty selling its security-related computer systems to the West German government in Bonn. Nevertheless Lurz has hatched a secret plan to boost sales. Meanwhile Susanne, Lurz’s secretary, receives a phone call with the message: The world as will and idea. This is a code phrase among a secret group of thirty-something middle-class leftists and would-be terrorists to which she belongs. The phrase has been taken from the central work of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation. With these words, Susanne sets an ambiguous covert plot into motion, alerting the members of the terrorist cell of an upcoming meeting. They are: August Brem, the ringleader; Susanne's composer husband Edgar; feminist history professor Hilde Krieger; Petra Vielhabor, a housewife who is constantly arguing with her banker husband Hans; and Rudolf Mann, a clerk in a record store. P.J. Lurz is informed by Gerhard Gast, the inspector-general of the police, that he is being watched and is under police protection. Gast has also arrived to pick up Susanne, his daughter-in-law. En route to their home, Susanne and Gerhard stop at a hotel room and have sex. They have been carrying on an affair with sado-masochistic undertones. The Gast family has dinner together: Gerhardt, Susanne, her husband Edgar, the caustic grandfather, the delusional pianist grandmother and the young couple’s small son. During dinner Grandpa Gast tells Edgar that every generation needs a war. The terrorists gather at Rudolf’s large apartment, but August is annoyed by the presence of Rudolf’s roommate Ilse Hoffman, a drug addict. August sees her as a threat to their secret activities. Bored and with not much to do, the group spend their time playing Monopoly. They eagerly await the arrival of a new contact. His name is Paul; he arrives from training camps in Africa where he has gained experience. Paul is...
Question: Where is Paul gunned down? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where is Paul gunned down? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Third Generation Context: P.J. Lurz, an industrialist with an office in a Berlin high-rise, informs his American headquarters that the company has difficulty selling its security-related computer systems to the West German government in Bonn. Nevertheless Lurz has hatched a secret plan to boost sales. Meanwhile Susanne, Lurz’s secretary, receives a phone call with the message: The world as will and idea. This is a code phrase among a secret group of thirty-something middle-class leftists and would-be terrorists to which she belongs. The phrase has been taken from the central work of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation. With these words, Susanne sets an ambiguous covert plot into motion, alerting the members of the terrorist cell of an upcoming meeting. They are: August Brem, the ringleader; Susanne's composer husband Edgar; feminist history professor Hilde Krieger; Petra Vielhabor, a housewife who is constantly arguing with her banker husband Hans; and Rudolf Mann, a clerk in a record store. P.J. Lurz is informed by Gerhard Gast, the inspector-general of the police, that he is being watched and is under police protection. Gast has also arrived to pick up Susanne, his daughter-in-law. En route to their home, Susanne and Gerhard stop at a hotel room and have sex. They have been carrying on an affair with sado-masochistic undertones. The Gast family has dinner together: Gerhardt, Susanne, her husband Edgar, the caustic grandfather, the delusional pianist grandmother and the young couple’s small son. During dinner Grandpa Gast tells Edgar that every generation needs a war. The terrorists gather at Rudolf’s large apartment, but August is annoyed by the presence of Rudolf’s roommate Ilse Hoffman, a drug addict. August sees her as a threat to their secret activities. Bored and with not much to do, the group spend their time playing Monopoly. They eagerly await the arrival of a new contact. His name is Paul; he arrives from training camps in Africa where he has gained experience. Paul is...
Japanese restaurant
Movie title: The House of Yes Context: On Thanksgiving Day, 1983, student Marty Pascal (Josh Hamilton) brings his fiancée, Lesly (Tori Spelling), home to his family's McLean, Virginia estate to meet them for the first time. Marty is obviously nervous and hesitant about the impending introduction of his future wife to his family; he has informed them that he is bringing a guest but without any further details. Marty's family prepares both for his arrival and for an impending hurricane. Marty's twin sister Jacqueline (Parker Posey), recently released from a psychiatric hospital, is ecstatic about his arrival, until she is informed that a "friend" is accompanying Marty. She becomes distressed and, over the course of the night, shows many signs that suggest she suffers from borderline personality disorder, including sudden mood swings and an inability to cope with change. Referred to as "Jackie-O" by her family, Jackie has had a long obsession with the former first lady and the Kennedy assassination. As an adult, Jackie-O still emulates the former first lady in her style of dress and her hairstyle. Jackie-O lives with her mother and her younger brother Anthony (Freddie Prinze, Jr.). He and the matriarch of the family, Mrs. Pascal (Geneviève Bujold) are very protective of Jackie. Mrs. Pascal is immediately suspicious and guarded against her future daughter-in-law Lesly. Meanwhile, Lesly is initially oblivious to the tumultuous nature of the family. It is clear that Marty is in love with Lesly's "normalcy" and their engagement is a way for him to break from his family mold. As the hurricane outside intensifies, Marty and Lesly become stranded in the house until the storm lets up. After meeting Lesly, Jackie-O comes close to a melt-down at her bathroom sink, yet suddenly gains her composure and surprises Lesly. Jackie playfully interrogates Lesly about her love life with Marty, going so far as to ask for graphic details about their sexual escapades. Jackie-O informs Lesly of a nearby former girlfriend of Marty's, with whom he shared an intense affair...
Question: where does jackie-o find the gun? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: where does jackie-o find the gun? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The House of Yes Context: On Thanksgiving Day, 1983, student Marty Pascal (Josh Hamilton) brings his fiancée, Lesly (Tori Spelling), home to his family's McLean, Virginia estate to meet them for the first time. Marty is obviously nervous and hesitant about the impending introduction of his future wife to his family; he has informed them that he is bringing a guest but without any further details. Marty's family prepares both for his arrival and for an impending hurricane. Marty's twin sister Jacqueline (Parker Posey), recently released from a psychiatric hospital, is ecstatic about his arrival, until she is informed that a "friend" is accompanying Marty. She becomes distressed and, over the course of the night, shows many signs that suggest she suffers from borderline personality disorder, including sudden mood swings and an inability to cope with change. Referred to as "Jackie-O" by her family, Jackie has had a long obsession with the former first lady and the Kennedy assassination. As an adult, Jackie-O still emulates the former first lady in her style of dress and her hairstyle. Jackie-O lives with her mother and her younger brother Anthony (Freddie Prinze, Jr.). He and the matriarch of the family, Mrs. Pascal (Geneviève Bujold) are very protective of Jackie. Mrs. Pascal is immediately suspicious and guarded against her future daughter-in-law Lesly. Meanwhile, Lesly is initially oblivious to the tumultuous nature of the family. It is clear that Marty is in love with Lesly's "normalcy" and their engagement is a way for him to break from his family mold. As the hurricane outside intensifies, Marty and Lesly become stranded in the house until the storm lets up. After meeting Lesly, Jackie-O comes close to a melt-down at her bathroom sink, yet suddenly gains her composure and surprises Lesly. Jackie playfully interrogates Lesly about her love life with Marty, going so far as to ask for graphic details about their sexual escapades. Jackie-O informs Lesly of a nearby former girlfriend of Marty's, with whom he shared an intense affair...
Movie title: Angel Heart Context: Angel Heart (1987)An ominous street; midnight, a dark figure walks down an alley, past the sounds of anguish and moaning. A lone cat looks down from the fire escape, a street dog wanders the alley scrounging for food. The dog spots the cat and barks, giving chase only to stop briefly to lap up fresh blood pouring from the split chest of a homeless man.TitlesNew York, 1955, a man in a trench coach walks a street in Brooklyn, he smokes and greets various neighbours to the constant sound of a phone ringing.Harold Angel (Mickey Rourke), enters his office and answers the phone, he is a private investigator, and writes down details of the caller. An attorney, Mr. Winesap, introduces himself and sets up a meeting, with Luis Cyphre in Harlem.Angel arrives, and walks through an African-American neighbourhood, passing a group of mourners, and enters a building where an evangelist ceremony is being held in progress, the preacher motivates the congregation to donate generously, with the intention to upgrade his car. Harold watches cynically from the gallery above, and is joined by Herman Winesap, who introduces himself and leads him to meet the client. Angel follows him past a room where a maid is scrubbing a massive blood stain from the wall. "A suicide from one of their flock." Winesap introduces Angel to the client, Mr Luis Cyphre (Robert De Niro).Cyphre asks for identification. Fans spin. Cyphre takes his time checking the ID, but is satisfied. Angel inquires how they found him, Cyphre interrupts with a question "Do you know Johnny Favourite?" A singer.Angel explains he is a small timer on the job, Cyphre pays no attention, and continues to say Favourite's real name was Johnny Liebling. Winestead explains that Cyphre had a contract with him and that he had an accident and got amnesia. Cyphre cuts in and asks if Angel was in the war. Angel tells his story, yes he was, but came back prematurely a bit fucked up.Apparently Cyphre just wants to know if his client is alive or dead, and believes that they where deceived,...
Question: Who is the New York City private investigator? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is the New York City private investigator? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Angel Heart Context: Angel Heart (1987)An ominous street; midnight, a dark figure walks down an alley, past the sounds of anguish and moaning. A lone cat looks down from the fire escape, a street dog wanders the alley scrounging for food. The dog spots the cat and barks, giving chase only to stop briefly to lap up fresh blood pouring from the split chest of a homeless man.TitlesNew York, 1955, a man in a trench coach walks a street in Brooklyn, he smokes and greets various neighbours to the constant sound of a phone ringing.Harold Angel (Mickey Rourke), enters his office and answers the phone, he is a private investigator, and writes down details of the caller. An attorney, Mr. Winesap, introduces himself and sets up a meeting, with Luis Cyphre in Harlem.Angel arrives, and walks through an African-American neighbourhood, passing a group of mourners, and enters a building where an evangelist ceremony is being held in progress, the preacher motivates the congregation to donate generously, with the intention to upgrade his car. Harold watches cynically from the gallery above, and is joined by Herman Winesap, who introduces himself and leads him to meet the client. Angel follows him past a room where a maid is scrubbing a massive blood stain from the wall. "A suicide from one of their flock." Winesap introduces Angel to the client, Mr Luis Cyphre (Robert De Niro).Cyphre asks for identification. Fans spin. Cyphre takes his time checking the ID, but is satisfied. Angel inquires how they found him, Cyphre interrupts with a question "Do you know Johnny Favourite?" A singer.Angel explains he is a small timer on the job, Cyphre pays no attention, and continues to say Favourite's real name was Johnny Liebling. Winestead explains that Cyphre had a contract with him and that he had an accident and got amnesia. Cyphre cuts in and asks if Angel was in the war. Angel tells his story, yes he was, but came back prematurely a bit fucked up.Apparently Cyphre just wants to know if his client is alive or dead, and believes that they where deceived,...
Harold Angel
Movie title: Kilometer 31 Context: After the tragic death of their mother when they were children, twin sisters Agata and Catalina Hameran developed a special skill, a way of communicating without speaking, a link between them. After a mysterious accident on Kilometer 31, Agata falls into a coma. Catalina, thanks to their link, feels the pain and tragedy that her sister is going through at the time of the accident. Following a series of supernatural events, Catalina realizes that their link is stronger than ever and that her sister Agata is screaming for help from her unconscious state.Catalina is now determined to find out what really happened to her sister in order to help her wake up. Nuño, Catalina's long time friend, and Omar, Agata's boyfriend, agree to help her. But they soon find out that not only is Agata in a coma, but she is also trapped between reality and an ancient legend, the legend of La Llorona.
Question: Who goes into a coma? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who goes into a coma? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Kilometer 31 Context: After the tragic death of their mother when they were children, twin sisters Agata and Catalina Hameran developed a special skill, a way of communicating without speaking, a link between them. After a mysterious accident on Kilometer 31, Agata falls into a coma. Catalina, thanks to their link, feels the pain and tragedy that her sister is going through at the time of the accident. Following a series of supernatural events, Catalina realizes that their link is stronger than ever and that her sister Agata is screaming for help from her unconscious state.Catalina is now determined to find out what really happened to her sister in order to help her wake up. Nuño, Catalina's long time friend, and Omar, Agata's boyfriend, agree to help her. But they soon find out that not only is Agata in a coma, but she is also trapped between reality and an ancient legend, the legend of La Llorona.
Movie title: The Brotherhood Context: Chris Chandler is a new student at Drake University where he gets a new roommate, Dan, and becomes friends with him. About the same time, the fraternities are pledging and a student said to have been interested in Doma Tau Omega is found dead on the campus.Chris, who has no high opinion of fraternities, gets to know a student of psychology, Megan, who invites him and Dan to a party of Doma Tau Omega, saying that she does not want to go there alone.However, when they arrive at the party, Chris seems to be interested only in the leader of DTO, Devon Eisley, and approaches him. After waiting for Chris a long time, Megan and Dan leave the party. Chris, meanwhile, is made drunk by Devon, who then makes him a member of DTO by drinking a bit of his blood while, in turn, Chris has to drink a bit of Devon's.Shortly after that, Chris is introduced to parties in the DTO house, where he and Devon drink blood from a girl called Sandy in a way reminiscent of sexual intercourse.Dan, meanwhile, who is scared by the change of character Chris has made through since he had joined the fraternity, breaks into the DTO house and takes a look into the book of DTO. He is shocked as he sees the same guy, Devon, on several photos of different ages. He persuades Megan to go with him to Chris' room, which they find totally ravaged. They decide to look for Chris at the fraternity house.There, Devon tells Chris that he lives eternally as long as he transforms his soul into a new body every century, and that this time, Chris would be the one whose body is used. The guy who was found on the campus was made committing suicide, as he was afraid to participate in that ceremony and threatened them to go to public. Chris tries to flee but is knocked out by two other DTO members, Barry and Jordan.When Dan and Megan want to enter the fraternity house, the way is blocked by the rush member of DTO, Mikhail. He threatens them with an axe, but Dan kills him by thrusting the needle the fraternity members usually use to get blood from their victims, and...
Question: How often does Chris transform his soul into a new body? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How often does Chris transform his soul into a new body? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Brotherhood Context: Chris Chandler is a new student at Drake University where he gets a new roommate, Dan, and becomes friends with him. About the same time, the fraternities are pledging and a student said to have been interested in Doma Tau Omega is found dead on the campus.Chris, who has no high opinion of fraternities, gets to know a student of psychology, Megan, who invites him and Dan to a party of Doma Tau Omega, saying that she does not want to go there alone.However, when they arrive at the party, Chris seems to be interested only in the leader of DTO, Devon Eisley, and approaches him. After waiting for Chris a long time, Megan and Dan leave the party. Chris, meanwhile, is made drunk by Devon, who then makes him a member of DTO by drinking a bit of his blood while, in turn, Chris has to drink a bit of Devon's.Shortly after that, Chris is introduced to parties in the DTO house, where he and Devon drink blood from a girl called Sandy in a way reminiscent of sexual intercourse.Dan, meanwhile, who is scared by the change of character Chris has made through since he had joined the fraternity, breaks into the DTO house and takes a look into the book of DTO. He is shocked as he sees the same guy, Devon, on several photos of different ages. He persuades Megan to go with him to Chris' room, which they find totally ravaged. They decide to look for Chris at the fraternity house.There, Devon tells Chris that he lives eternally as long as he transforms his soul into a new body every century, and that this time, Chris would be the one whose body is used. The guy who was found on the campus was made committing suicide, as he was afraid to participate in that ceremony and threatened them to go to public. Chris tries to flee but is knocked out by two other DTO members, Barry and Jordan.When Dan and Megan want to enter the fraternity house, the way is blocked by the rush member of DTO, Mikhail. He threatens them with an axe, but Dan kills him by thrusting the needle the fraternity members usually use to get blood from their victims, and...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Mutiny on the Bounty Context: In the year 1787, the Bounty sets sail from England for Tahiti under the command of captain William Bligh (Trevor Howard). Her mission is to transport breadfruit to Jamaica, where hopefully it will thrive and provide a cheap source of food for the slaves. The difficult voyage gets off to a difficult start with the discovery that some cheese is missing. Bligh, the true pilferer, is accused of the theft by seaman John Mills (Richard Harris), and Bligh has Mills brutally flogged for showing contempt to his superior officer, to the disgust of his patrician second-in-command, 1st Lieutenant Fletcher Christian (Marlon Brando). The tone for the months to come is summarized by Bligh's ominous pronouncement that "cruelty with a purpose is not cruelty, it is efficiency." Aristocrat Christian is deeply offended by his ambitious captain. Bligh attempts to reach Tahiti sooner by attempting the shorter westbound route around Cape Horn, a navigational nightmare. The strategy fails and the Bounty backtracks east, costing the mission much time. Singleminded Bligh attempts to make up the lost time by pushing the crew harder and cutting their rations. When the Bounty reaches her destination, the crew revels in the easygoing life of the tropical paradise — and in the free-love philosophies of the Tahitian women. Christian himself is smitten with Maimiti (Tarita Teriipaia), daughter of the Tahitian king. Bligh's agitation is further fueled by a dormancy period of the breadfruit: more months of delay until the plants can be transplanted. As departure day nears, three men, including seaman Mills, attempt to desert but are caught by Christian and clapped in irons by Bligh. On the return voyage, Bligh attempts to bring back twice the number of breadfruit plants to atone for his tardiness, and must reduce the water rations of the crew to water the extra plants. One member of the crew falls from the rigging to his death while attempting to retrieve the drinking ladle. Another assaults Bligh over conditions on the ship and is fatally...
Question: Where is the ship burned at? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where is the ship burned at? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Mutiny on the Bounty Context: In the year 1787, the Bounty sets sail from England for Tahiti under the command of captain William Bligh (Trevor Howard). Her mission is to transport breadfruit to Jamaica, where hopefully it will thrive and provide a cheap source of food for the slaves. The difficult voyage gets off to a difficult start with the discovery that some cheese is missing. Bligh, the true pilferer, is accused of the theft by seaman John Mills (Richard Harris), and Bligh has Mills brutally flogged for showing contempt to his superior officer, to the disgust of his patrician second-in-command, 1st Lieutenant Fletcher Christian (Marlon Brando). The tone for the months to come is summarized by Bligh's ominous pronouncement that "cruelty with a purpose is not cruelty, it is efficiency." Aristocrat Christian is deeply offended by his ambitious captain. Bligh attempts to reach Tahiti sooner by attempting the shorter westbound route around Cape Horn, a navigational nightmare. The strategy fails and the Bounty backtracks east, costing the mission much time. Singleminded Bligh attempts to make up the lost time by pushing the crew harder and cutting their rations. When the Bounty reaches her destination, the crew revels in the easygoing life of the tropical paradise — and in the free-love philosophies of the Tahitian women. Christian himself is smitten with Maimiti (Tarita Teriipaia), daughter of the Tahitian king. Bligh's agitation is further fueled by a dormancy period of the breadfruit: more months of delay until the plants can be transplanted. As departure day nears, three men, including seaman Mills, attempt to desert but are caught by Christian and clapped in irons by Bligh. On the return voyage, Bligh attempts to bring back twice the number of breadfruit plants to atone for his tardiness, and must reduce the water rations of the crew to water the extra plants. One member of the crew falls from the rigging to his death while attempting to retrieve the drinking ladle. Another assaults Bligh over conditions on the ship and is fatally...
the rocks by Pitcairn
Movie title: Single White Female Context: In the opening shot, two young twin girls, about 8-years old, are playing with their mother's make-up.Years later, an old apartment building in New-York on a quiet summer night. In her apartment, Allison "Allie" Jones (Bridget Fonda) is making love with her fiancé, Sam Rawson (Steven Weber), who has divorced his first wife. They are making plans for their wedding. Later in the night, the phone rings. It's Sam's former wife, Lisa. Because of a problem with the answering machine, Allison can hear everything Lisa is saying to Sam. And she learns that Sam visited Lisa in the afternoon and had sex with her. Sam hangs up the phone and starts a very heated argument with Allison.In the apartment above Allison's, Graham Knox (Peter Friedman), who is gay, and who is also Allison's best and only friend in the building, can hear the conversation between Allison and Sam through the old ventilation system of the building. A few minutes later, Allison rings Graham's doorbell. She has just kicked Sam out of her apartment and out of her life, and she is crying. She asks Graham to let her sleep in his spare bedroom.In the morning, Graham wakes Allison around 10 a.m., which means she is late for her appointment. This appointment is with Mitchell Myerson (Stephen Tobolowsky) in a restaurant. Allison expects to sell Mitchell her new computer program for designing woman's dresses. But Mitchell wants to buy it cheaper than what Allison expected.Back home, Allison has a long conversation with Graham in the building's laundry room. She informs him of her decision to find a room-mate.Allison puts an ad in a newspaper to find a room mate. The ad starts with: "Single White Female seeks female to share apartment", which explains the title of the film. Because the apartment is a rent-stabilized one, the room-mate would never be able to come on the lease. Several applicants answer the newspaper ad. A very butch girl, who wants to starts redecorating the place. A lesbian, who tries to seduce Allison. A neurotic girl who doesn't stop...
Question: What is the name of the puppy purchased for Allie? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What is the name of the puppy purchased for Allie? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Single White Female Context: In the opening shot, two young twin girls, about 8-years old, are playing with their mother's make-up.Years later, an old apartment building in New-York on a quiet summer night. In her apartment, Allison "Allie" Jones (Bridget Fonda) is making love with her fiancé, Sam Rawson (Steven Weber), who has divorced his first wife. They are making plans for their wedding. Later in the night, the phone rings. It's Sam's former wife, Lisa. Because of a problem with the answering machine, Allison can hear everything Lisa is saying to Sam. And she learns that Sam visited Lisa in the afternoon and had sex with her. Sam hangs up the phone and starts a very heated argument with Allison.In the apartment above Allison's, Graham Knox (Peter Friedman), who is gay, and who is also Allison's best and only friend in the building, can hear the conversation between Allison and Sam through the old ventilation system of the building. A few minutes later, Allison rings Graham's doorbell. She has just kicked Sam out of her apartment and out of her life, and she is crying. She asks Graham to let her sleep in his spare bedroom.In the morning, Graham wakes Allison around 10 a.m., which means she is late for her appointment. This appointment is with Mitchell Myerson (Stephen Tobolowsky) in a restaurant. Allison expects to sell Mitchell her new computer program for designing woman's dresses. But Mitchell wants to buy it cheaper than what Allison expected.Back home, Allison has a long conversation with Graham in the building's laundry room. She informs him of her decision to find a room-mate.Allison puts an ad in a newspaper to find a room mate. The ad starts with: "Single White Female seeks female to share apartment", which explains the title of the film. Because the apartment is a rent-stabilized one, the room-mate would never be able to come on the lease. Several applicants answer the newspaper ad. A very butch girl, who wants to starts redecorating the place. A lesbian, who tries to seduce Allison. A neurotic girl who doesn't stop...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Case Closed: Strategy Above the Depths Context: The 9th annual Detective Conan movie sets sail on a 100 million yen luxurious cruise. Fifteen years ago, a cruise named Yashiromaru, built by the Yashiro group, sank while sailing. In the present, a new cruise, the Saint Aphrodite, was built by the Yashiro group and Conan and the rest were invited through Sonoko. Earlier, the husband of the CEO of the Yashiro family group, an established ship architect, had a heart-attack and drove his car down a cliff. On the second day of the cruise, the CEO herself was found murdered in her room. Later, her father, the President of the Yashiro group was also found missing. He had been thrown off the cruise into the ocean, seemingly by the same person. At the welcoming party, Kogorou shows off his deduction skills, and concluded that the sub-designer of the cruise, Akiyoshi, was the murderer. However, Conan has different ideas. Kusaka, a scriptwriter who worked in co-operation with Akiyoshi on a script, was the culprit. Kusaka reveals that the accident from 15 years ago was a scheme to sink the ship deliberately to get insurance. His father was murdered when he discovered the captain of the ship was drugged and left to die. Kusaka immediately set off bombs and escaped by sea and the Detective Boys gave chase. After they successfully took down the criminal, more bombs were ignited. All passengers were evacuated, but Ran returned to her hiding place during the hide-and-seek game to find a "gold medal" made by sea-shells the Detective Boys made for her. However, as the ship swayed, she fainted in the enclosed area.It turns out Akiyoshi was the main murderer after all, and she was the one who did all three killings and made Kusaka think that he did them himself. She also revealed that her father was the captain who died while the cruise ship sank. Kogorou, however, deduced correctly this time and managed to arrest Akiyoshi. He was originally trying to find evidence to prove her innocence because of her strong resemblance to his wife, but the more investigation he does, the more...
Question: Who was the real killer? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who was the real killer? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Case Closed: Strategy Above the Depths Context: The 9th annual Detective Conan movie sets sail on a 100 million yen luxurious cruise. Fifteen years ago, a cruise named Yashiromaru, built by the Yashiro group, sank while sailing. In the present, a new cruise, the Saint Aphrodite, was built by the Yashiro group and Conan and the rest were invited through Sonoko. Earlier, the husband of the CEO of the Yashiro family group, an established ship architect, had a heart-attack and drove his car down a cliff. On the second day of the cruise, the CEO herself was found murdered in her room. Later, her father, the President of the Yashiro group was also found missing. He had been thrown off the cruise into the ocean, seemingly by the same person. At the welcoming party, Kogorou shows off his deduction skills, and concluded that the sub-designer of the cruise, Akiyoshi, was the murderer. However, Conan has different ideas. Kusaka, a scriptwriter who worked in co-operation with Akiyoshi on a script, was the culprit. Kusaka reveals that the accident from 15 years ago was a scheme to sink the ship deliberately to get insurance. His father was murdered when he discovered the captain of the ship was drugged and left to die. Kusaka immediately set off bombs and escaped by sea and the Detective Boys gave chase. After they successfully took down the criminal, more bombs were ignited. All passengers were evacuated, but Ran returned to her hiding place during the hide-and-seek game to find a "gold medal" made by sea-shells the Detective Boys made for her. However, as the ship swayed, she fainted in the enclosed area.It turns out Akiyoshi was the main murderer after all, and she was the one who did all three killings and made Kusaka think that he did them himself. She also revealed that her father was the captain who died while the cruise ship sank. Kogorou, however, deduced correctly this time and managed to arrest Akiyoshi. He was originally trying to find evidence to prove her innocence because of her strong resemblance to his wife, but the more investigation he does, the more...
Movie title: 28 Days Later Context: Late one night, British animal rights activists break into a science laboratory to free chimpanzees being used for medical research. Disregarding the warnings of the local scientist, the activists ultimately free the Rage virus subjects, which attack and infect the activists and scientist.Twenty-eight days later, a bicycle courier named Jim (Cillian Murphy) awakens from a coma in a deserted hospital. As he leaves the hospital, he discovers London is completely deserted and rife with signs of catastrophe. Jim is soon discovered and chased through the streets by infected people before being rescued by two survivors, Selena (Naomie Harris) and Mark (Noah Huntley), who rush him to their hideout in the London Underground. They reveal that while Jim was comatose, the virus spread uncontrollably among the populace, turning most people into vicious monsters ("the Infected") and resulting in societal collapse, possibly on a global scale.Selena and Mark accompany Jim to his parents' house, where he discovers that his parents committed suicide. That night, several Infected attack the survivors, and when the fight ends Mark is bleeding. Selena immediately hacks him to death with a machete, explaining to Jim that infection is spread through the blood and overwhelms its victims in seconds, rendering them deadly to others. She warns that should he become infected, she will kill him "in a heartbeat." As the two journey through the derelict city the next day, Selena rules out intimacy between her and Jim, declaring that only the fight for survival remains. They discover two more survivors, Frank (Brendan Gleeson) and his teenage daughter Hannah (Megan Burns), holed up in an abandoned apartment tower. Invited to spend the night, Selena and Jim privately debate whether they should remain with Frank and Hannah. Jim says they seem like good people, while Selena fears they will slow her down, warning Jim that putting others ahead of one's own personal survival is a sure way to get killed.The next morning, Frank informs Jim and...
Question: Who killed Mark? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who killed Mark? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: 28 Days Later Context: Late one night, British animal rights activists break into a science laboratory to free chimpanzees being used for medical research. Disregarding the warnings of the local scientist, the activists ultimately free the Rage virus subjects, which attack and infect the activists and scientist.Twenty-eight days later, a bicycle courier named Jim (Cillian Murphy) awakens from a coma in a deserted hospital. As he leaves the hospital, he discovers London is completely deserted and rife with signs of catastrophe. Jim is soon discovered and chased through the streets by infected people before being rescued by two survivors, Selena (Naomie Harris) and Mark (Noah Huntley), who rush him to their hideout in the London Underground. They reveal that while Jim was comatose, the virus spread uncontrollably among the populace, turning most people into vicious monsters ("the Infected") and resulting in societal collapse, possibly on a global scale.Selena and Mark accompany Jim to his parents' house, where he discovers that his parents committed suicide. That night, several Infected attack the survivors, and when the fight ends Mark is bleeding. Selena immediately hacks him to death with a machete, explaining to Jim that infection is spread through the blood and overwhelms its victims in seconds, rendering them deadly to others. She warns that should he become infected, she will kill him "in a heartbeat." As the two journey through the derelict city the next day, Selena rules out intimacy between her and Jim, declaring that only the fight for survival remains. They discover two more survivors, Frank (Brendan Gleeson) and his teenage daughter Hannah (Megan Burns), holed up in an abandoned apartment tower. Invited to spend the night, Selena and Jim privately debate whether they should remain with Frank and Hannah. Jim says they seem like good people, while Selena fears they will slow her down, warning Jim that putting others ahead of one's own personal survival is a sure way to get killed.The next morning, Frank informs Jim and...
Movie title: Serenity Context: The pre-title teaser provides backstory for those unfamiliar with the Firefly TV series. The events in the teaser occur prior to the first episode of the TV series: The Universal logo changes to show ships leaving 25th Century Earth as a teacher's voice-over describes the exodus from "Earth that was" and the terraforming and colonization of planets in the new 'verse.'An introduction to the system government known as the Alliance follows, mentioning the war for system-wide control -- the War of Independence, as it's known to the losing opposition, the Browncoats. This classroom scenario is seen to be the memory or dream of River Tam (Summer Glau), who is in a drugged sleep under confinement at the Alliance Academy facility, being groomed as some form of programmed assassin. River's brother, Dr. Simon Tam (Sean Maher), infiltrates the lab and frees her, but the breakout was a security recording viewed after the event by the Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor). He has orders to deal with the security lapse and the project director's failure as well as to find River and bring her back.The credit sequence, set eight months after the events of the teaser, introduces us to the "Firefly" class freighter Serenity, owned and captained by former Independent soldier Malcolm (Mal) Reynolds (Nathan Fillion). Serenity is about to break atmo on the planet Lilac on one of the crews' not-always-legal jobs -- this time a bank heist. The crew members (all familiar to Firefly fans) are the pilot, Hoban "Wash" Washburn (Alan Tudyk); his wife Zoe (Gina Torres), second in command, a veteran and war comrade of Mal's; hired gun Jayne Cobb (Adam Baldwin); and the engineer, Kaywinnet Lee "KayLee" Frye (Jewel Staite).Two faces familiar from the series are no longer aboard, but we meet them later: the "companion," Inara Serra (Morena Baccarin), and a shepherd (preacher), Derria Book (Ron Glass). (For information on why Inara and Book left the ship, see IMDB discussion boards.)After River's escape, the Tams found sanctuary with this crew, but Mal...
Question: Who is mal's co-pilot? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is mal's co-pilot? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Serenity Context: The pre-title teaser provides backstory for those unfamiliar with the Firefly TV series. The events in the teaser occur prior to the first episode of the TV series: The Universal logo changes to show ships leaving 25th Century Earth as a teacher's voice-over describes the exodus from "Earth that was" and the terraforming and colonization of planets in the new 'verse.'An introduction to the system government known as the Alliance follows, mentioning the war for system-wide control -- the War of Independence, as it's known to the losing opposition, the Browncoats. This classroom scenario is seen to be the memory or dream of River Tam (Summer Glau), who is in a drugged sleep under confinement at the Alliance Academy facility, being groomed as some form of programmed assassin. River's brother, Dr. Simon Tam (Sean Maher), infiltrates the lab and frees her, but the breakout was a security recording viewed after the event by the Operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor). He has orders to deal with the security lapse and the project director's failure as well as to find River and bring her back.The credit sequence, set eight months after the events of the teaser, introduces us to the "Firefly" class freighter Serenity, owned and captained by former Independent soldier Malcolm (Mal) Reynolds (Nathan Fillion). Serenity is about to break atmo on the planet Lilac on one of the crews' not-always-legal jobs -- this time a bank heist. The crew members (all familiar to Firefly fans) are the pilot, Hoban "Wash" Washburn (Alan Tudyk); his wife Zoe (Gina Torres), second in command, a veteran and war comrade of Mal's; hired gun Jayne Cobb (Adam Baldwin); and the engineer, Kaywinnet Lee "KayLee" Frye (Jewel Staite).Two faces familiar from the series are no longer aboard, but we meet them later: the "companion," Inara Serra (Morena Baccarin), and a shepherd (preacher), Derria Book (Ron Glass). (For information on why Inara and Book left the ship, see IMDB discussion boards.)After River's escape, the Tams found sanctuary with this crew, but Mal...
Movie title: Run Lola Run Context: The movie opens with a series of questions about humanity and what we know to be true. After the credits, the camera zooms into a house and stops at a ringing telephone. Lola picks up and begins talking to Manni. Manni is in a telephone booth and questions her about where she has been since she was supposed to be waiting for him at the spot they had planned on. She tells him some guy stole the moped she was on while she was in the store and that it happened so fast she couldn't catch up to him. Manni begins to cry. He tells Lola that he made a big mistake and claims they're going to kill him. Lola asks him what happened and he begins to recollect the events. He says everything was going as planned; the car transactions went well, he got the diamonds he needed and crossed the border successfully, his encounter with a dealer went well, and he got the money he needed: 100,000 marks. All that was missing was her waiting for him at the spot. He walked to the train station and got on, but a bum bumped into him and fell. He helped the bum up, but two security guards got on the train. On instinct, he got off leaving the bag of money on the seat. He did not realize it until a minute or two later. He tried to go back to get the money but was stopped by the two security guards. The train left with the bag of money and the bum opened it, immediately grabbing it for himself. Manni tells Lola he would not be in this situation if she had been there on time. He blames her for being so sensitive and for believing love can solve anything. He tells her to come up with 100,000 marks in twenty minutes because that is all the time he has left before he has to meet Ronnie, his boss, and turn in the money or else he will kill him. He begins to tell her that over and over again until Lola screams "Stop" so loud, a few glasses on her TV set break. She finally tells him that she will come up with something in twenty minutes. She tells him to stay where he is and she will get him the money. He gets desperate and spots a store across...
Question: The rest of the film was divided into three what? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: The rest of the film was divided into three what? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Run Lola Run Context: The movie opens with a series of questions about humanity and what we know to be true. After the credits, the camera zooms into a house and stops at a ringing telephone. Lola picks up and begins talking to Manni. Manni is in a telephone booth and questions her about where she has been since she was supposed to be waiting for him at the spot they had planned on. She tells him some guy stole the moped she was on while she was in the store and that it happened so fast she couldn't catch up to him. Manni begins to cry. He tells Lola that he made a big mistake and claims they're going to kill him. Lola asks him what happened and he begins to recollect the events. He says everything was going as planned; the car transactions went well, he got the diamonds he needed and crossed the border successfully, his encounter with a dealer went well, and he got the money he needed: 100,000 marks. All that was missing was her waiting for him at the spot. He walked to the train station and got on, but a bum bumped into him and fell. He helped the bum up, but two security guards got on the train. On instinct, he got off leaving the bag of money on the seat. He did not realize it until a minute or two later. He tried to go back to get the money but was stopped by the two security guards. The train left with the bag of money and the bum opened it, immediately grabbing it for himself. Manni tells Lola he would not be in this situation if she had been there on time. He blames her for being so sensitive and for believing love can solve anything. He tells her to come up with 100,000 marks in twenty minutes because that is all the time he has left before he has to meet Ronnie, his boss, and turn in the money or else he will kill him. He begins to tell her that over and over again until Lola screams "Stop" so loud, a few glasses on her TV set break. She finally tells him that she will come up with something in twenty minutes. She tells him to stay where he is and she will get him the money. He gets desperate and spots a store across...
Movie title: The Towering Inferno Context: Doug Roberts is chief architect for Duncan Enterprises, an architectural firm specializing in skyscrapers. Their greatest project, the Glass Tower, is 1,800 feet high and set for dedication in San Francisco, and a lavish ceremony is scheduled to include Mayor Robert Ramsey and Senator Gary Parker. Jim Duncan, the company's president, is wooing Senator Parker because his support for an urban renewal effort will allow the company to build more such skyscrapers. When Roberts flies back to San Francisco for the party, he finds in his office his fiancée, magazine editor Susan Franklin, and when the two renew romantic acquaintances, she reveals that she has received a long-sought promotion - which throws a wrench into their plans to move to the countryside to have a family.Doug, however, is interrupted when he gets a call from the Tower utility room in the building's massive basement. In routine checking of the building's generators, a power surge blows out a circuit breaker - and unknown to everyone the surge blows out another circuit breaker, this one on the 81st floor in a large storage closet that sends a wire flopping onto shop rags that catch fire.Roberts consults his pal, Will Giddings, and the two confront Jim Duncan about the wiring; Duncan's chief electrical engineer is his son-in-law, Roger Simmons, and to all three men's chagrin Simmons cannot be reached by phone. While Will Giddings works with the building's chief security officer, Harry Jernigan, on the electrical systems, Doug Roberts tracks down Roger Simmons and his wife Patty, and confronts Simmons about the wiring. Simmons, a thoroughly oily man, insists the wiring is up to city safety codes, but those codes are not sufficient for an 1,800-foot skyscraper. Simmons nonetheless blows off Doug, which agitates Patty as she doesn't want her father's business to suffer because of him.The dedication ceremony goes off as scheduled and the entire building is lit up for the party in the Promenade Room some 135 floors up. Doug and Will miss the party as...
Question: Why does the helicopter crash? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Why does the helicopter crash? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Towering Inferno Context: Doug Roberts is chief architect for Duncan Enterprises, an architectural firm specializing in skyscrapers. Their greatest project, the Glass Tower, is 1,800 feet high and set for dedication in San Francisco, and a lavish ceremony is scheduled to include Mayor Robert Ramsey and Senator Gary Parker. Jim Duncan, the company's president, is wooing Senator Parker because his support for an urban renewal effort will allow the company to build more such skyscrapers. When Roberts flies back to San Francisco for the party, he finds in his office his fiancée, magazine editor Susan Franklin, and when the two renew romantic acquaintances, she reveals that she has received a long-sought promotion - which throws a wrench into their plans to move to the countryside to have a family.Doug, however, is interrupted when he gets a call from the Tower utility room in the building's massive basement. In routine checking of the building's generators, a power surge blows out a circuit breaker - and unknown to everyone the surge blows out another circuit breaker, this one on the 81st floor in a large storage closet that sends a wire flopping onto shop rags that catch fire.Roberts consults his pal, Will Giddings, and the two confront Jim Duncan about the wiring; Duncan's chief electrical engineer is his son-in-law, Roger Simmons, and to all three men's chagrin Simmons cannot be reached by phone. While Will Giddings works with the building's chief security officer, Harry Jernigan, on the electrical systems, Doug Roberts tracks down Roger Simmons and his wife Patty, and confronts Simmons about the wiring. Simmons, a thoroughly oily man, insists the wiring is up to city safety codes, but those codes are not sufficient for an 1,800-foot skyscraper. Simmons nonetheless blows off Doug, which agitates Patty as she doesn't want her father's business to suffer because of him.The dedication ceremony goes off as scheduled and the entire building is lit up for the party in the Promenade Room some 135 floors up. Doug and Will miss the party as...
rooftop helipad - which disintegrates
Movie title: Night on Earth Context: Los Angeles: As evening falls, sassy tomboy cabby Corky (Winona Ryder) picks up hot-shot Hollywood executive Victoria Snelling (Gena Rowlands) from the airport, and as Corky drives, Victoria tries to conduct business over the phone. Despite their extreme differences socially, the two develop a certain connection. Sometime during the ride Victoria, who is evidently a talent scout or casting director, discovers that Corky would be ideal for a part in a movie she is casting, but Corky rejects the offer, as she has plans to become a mechanic.New York: Helmut Grokenberger (Armin Mueller-Stahl), a mild East German immigrant who was once a clown in his home country, now works in New York as a taxi driver. He picks up a passenger named YoYo (Giancarlo Esposito), a brash, streetwise young man and attempts to drive him to Brooklyn. Helmut doesn't really know how to drive with an automatic transmission so he allows YoYo to drive. On their way, they pick up YoYo's argumentative sister-in-law Angela (Rosie Perez). The story revolves around Helmut's attempts to understand and become a part of the culture of New York.Paris: A blind woman (Béatrice Dalle) goes for a ride at night with a driver (Isaach De Bankolé) who hails from the Ivory Coast. They both take some verbal jabs at each other during the ride. The driver asks his passenger what it's like to be blind and she attempts to explain to him, but their cultural differences and differences of life experience make things difficult. An ironic twist at the end of the segment turns upon a French pun near the beginning of it: When the driver states his nationality as "Ivoirien," some other Africans mock him with the punning phrase "Y voit rien" (he sees nothing there). After he drops off his blind passenger, he feels fascinated by her and gazes in her direction. This inattention to driving causes him to crash into another car, whose driver angrily accuses him of being blind.Rome: In the wee morning hours, a very eccentric cabbie (Roberto Benigni) picks up a priest (Paolo...
Question: What begins to rise whey they arrive home? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What begins to rise whey they arrive home? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Night on Earth Context: Los Angeles: As evening falls, sassy tomboy cabby Corky (Winona Ryder) picks up hot-shot Hollywood executive Victoria Snelling (Gena Rowlands) from the airport, and as Corky drives, Victoria tries to conduct business over the phone. Despite their extreme differences socially, the two develop a certain connection. Sometime during the ride Victoria, who is evidently a talent scout or casting director, discovers that Corky would be ideal for a part in a movie she is casting, but Corky rejects the offer, as she has plans to become a mechanic.New York: Helmut Grokenberger (Armin Mueller-Stahl), a mild East German immigrant who was once a clown in his home country, now works in New York as a taxi driver. He picks up a passenger named YoYo (Giancarlo Esposito), a brash, streetwise young man and attempts to drive him to Brooklyn. Helmut doesn't really know how to drive with an automatic transmission so he allows YoYo to drive. On their way, they pick up YoYo's argumentative sister-in-law Angela (Rosie Perez). The story revolves around Helmut's attempts to understand and become a part of the culture of New York.Paris: A blind woman (Béatrice Dalle) goes for a ride at night with a driver (Isaach De Bankolé) who hails from the Ivory Coast. They both take some verbal jabs at each other during the ride. The driver asks his passenger what it's like to be blind and she attempts to explain to him, but their cultural differences and differences of life experience make things difficult. An ironic twist at the end of the segment turns upon a French pun near the beginning of it: When the driver states his nationality as "Ivoirien," some other Africans mock him with the punning phrase "Y voit rien" (he sees nothing there). After he drops off his blind passenger, he feels fascinated by her and gazes in her direction. This inattention to driving causes him to crash into another car, whose driver angrily accuses him of being blind.Rome: In the wee morning hours, a very eccentric cabbie (Roberto Benigni) picks up a priest (Paolo...
the sun
Movie title: The Vow Context: The movie begins with Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) coming out of a movie theater. On their way home, when they stop at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their Saab 900 from behind and Paige crashes out through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact.. help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwound with the present.When Paige regains her consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, implying her loss of memory. Paige verifies what her remaining memories are when she starts a conversation with Leo. She learns she has not lost all, except for the past few years of her life given she still remembers that she wanted to be an artist in high school. Paige is unable to figure out why she left law school.Later her parents learn about the accident and come to visit her and it is for the first time that Leo meets them. They learn that the doctor recommends she return to her normal routine but her parents and Leo disagree about what her normal routine is at the present time. Leo tells Paige that she stopped talking to her parents before the accident mostly because her father insisted she attend law school while she attend art school. Paige is unable to understand why she broke off the engagement with Jeremy. Leo tries to persuade her to return home with him but she asks for proof such as a diary. He confirms that he does not know of such a diary existing before the accident.Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo hoping it will help her regain her lost memory.On the drive to their home, Paige learns...
Question: Where was Paige studying? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Where was Paige studying? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Vow Context: The movie begins with Paige Collins (Rachel McAdams) and her husband Leo (Channing Tatum) coming out of a movie theater. On their way home, when they stop at a stop sign, Paige unbuckles her seatbelt to lean over and kiss Leo. At that very moment, a truck rams their Saab 900 from behind and Paige crashes out through the windshield. Both of them are rushed to the emergency room, and as Leo, in a voice-over talks about how "moments of impact.. help in finding who we are" the movie cuts to how Paige and Leo first met. The scenes of how they courted, proposed and married are interwound with the present.When Paige regains her consciousness, she thinks Leo is her doctor, implying her loss of memory. Paige verifies what her remaining memories are when she starts a conversation with Leo. She learns she has not lost all, except for the past few years of her life given she still remembers that she wanted to be an artist in high school. Paige is unable to figure out why she left law school.Later her parents learn about the accident and come to visit her and it is for the first time that Leo meets them. They learn that the doctor recommends she return to her normal routine but her parents and Leo disagree about what her normal routine is at the present time. Leo tells Paige that she stopped talking to her parents before the accident mostly because her father insisted she attend law school while she attend art school. Paige is unable to understand why she broke off the engagement with Jeremy. Leo tries to persuade her to return home with him but she asks for proof such as a diary. He confirms that he does not know of such a diary existing before the accident.Her parents insist on taking her home with them and Paige agrees assuming she might have married Leo for some mutual benefit. Just as she's about to leave, Leo comes running to play her a voice message in which she sounds very happy and romantic. Paige decides to go back with Leo hoping it will help her regain her lost memory.On the drive to their home, Paige learns...
law school
Movie title: Birds Anonymous Context: Sylvester is in another chase with Tweety, and is just about to eat him when he is interrupted by his friend Sam, who tells Sylvester to return Tweety to his cage. Sylvester does this, and listens to Sam explain how he can become addicted to birds and "suddenly, without realizing it, you're a victim." Sam gives Sylvester a card linking to an organization called Birds Anonymous, and advises Sylvester to join if he wants to curb his addiction to birds.Sylvester attends a meeting of "B.A." and listens to several cats recount how becoming a member of the organization helped them greatly (one cat even petting a bird on the head). Sylvester proudly tells the club members, "From now on, my motto is 'Birds is strictly for the birds!'", leading to rapturous applause.Sylvester returns home, greeting an astonished Tweety on the way in, convinced that nothing is going to tempt him to chase and eat Tweety now. He turns on the television, to discover a show on cooking birds is playing. The program immediately fills him with temptation. He tries to go after Tweety, but slaps himself repeatedly to stop himself. He turns on the radio to try and get his mind off birds, but the radio happens to be playing songs that mention birds in the title ("Bye, Bye, Blackbird" and "When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along", to be specific). Sylvester then handcuffs himself to a radiator so he is unable to get at Tweety. This prompts the yellow bird to ask Sylvester, "Don't you like me anymore?" This drives Sylvester into an insane rage, and he snaps away from the radiator and captures Tweety. Before Sylvester can eat him, Sam intervenes and fires a plunger into Sylvester's mouth. He apologizes, but admits it was necessary because Sylvester seemed to be weakening.That night, Sylvester is completely unable to sleep because of his obsession with birds. He snatches Tweety again, convincing himself that just one more bird would be okay before he quits. Sam stops him by pouring alum into his mouth, causing his mouth to pucker up....
Question: Who lives in the same house as Tweety? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who lives in the same house as Tweety? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Birds Anonymous Context: Sylvester is in another chase with Tweety, and is just about to eat him when he is interrupted by his friend Sam, who tells Sylvester to return Tweety to his cage. Sylvester does this, and listens to Sam explain how he can become addicted to birds and "suddenly, without realizing it, you're a victim." Sam gives Sylvester a card linking to an organization called Birds Anonymous, and advises Sylvester to join if he wants to curb his addiction to birds.Sylvester attends a meeting of "B.A." and listens to several cats recount how becoming a member of the organization helped them greatly (one cat even petting a bird on the head). Sylvester proudly tells the club members, "From now on, my motto is 'Birds is strictly for the birds!'", leading to rapturous applause.Sylvester returns home, greeting an astonished Tweety on the way in, convinced that nothing is going to tempt him to chase and eat Tweety now. He turns on the television, to discover a show on cooking birds is playing. The program immediately fills him with temptation. He tries to go after Tweety, but slaps himself repeatedly to stop himself. He turns on the radio to try and get his mind off birds, but the radio happens to be playing songs that mention birds in the title ("Bye, Bye, Blackbird" and "When the Red, Red Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along", to be specific). Sylvester then handcuffs himself to a radiator so he is unable to get at Tweety. This prompts the yellow bird to ask Sylvester, "Don't you like me anymore?" This drives Sylvester into an insane rage, and he snaps away from the radiator and captures Tweety. Before Sylvester can eat him, Sam intervenes and fires a plunger into Sylvester's mouth. He apologizes, but admits it was necessary because Sylvester seemed to be weakening.That night, Sylvester is completely unable to sleep because of his obsession with birds. He snatches Tweety again, convincing himself that just one more bird would be okay before he quits. Sam stops him by pouring alum into his mouth, causing his mouth to pucker up....
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Gandhi Context: The story begins with the assassination of Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi in India in 1948. The following funeral procession is a long one and his body is conveyed on a jeep covered in flowers.The story flashes back to Gandhi's early days as an attorney in the late 1800s in South Africa. He is thrown off a train for sitting in the first-class compartment despite possessing a ticket to be there. He later stages a non-violent protest in the center of town where, with several police officers and officials present, he burns work permits that all non-Afrikaners are required to carry and present to police when demanded. Gandhi's reasoning is that the permits are an unfair and oppressive symbol of Afrikaner rule over minorities. As he burns them, he is struck by a police officer on the hand. Though quite plainly in pain, Gandhi continues to burn the permits, his will overcoming the blows from the officer. He is finally knocked down, unable to continue his protest and is arrested.When he's freed from jail, he meets a young American reporter, Walker, with whom he converses about the oppression of the masses by a handful of bureaucrats. While they walk, Gandhi is confronted by an angry youth (Daniel Day-Lewis in a bit part) and his friends. They demand that he pay them to walk down their street. Gandhi refuses in the face of obvious bigotry. When the young man's mother calls him inside, Gandhi and Walker continue down the street.Gandhi travels to his home country of India. When he arrives there he is met by members of the press who know of his exploits in South Africa. They ask if he'll take up any political causes, especially those in opposition to the British rule of India. Gandhi politely refuses the requests, saying he's only going to his home city of Porbandar. His wife accompanies him. Gandhi's real plan is to organize a non-violent protest against Britain, knowing that millions of Indians will follow him. Very soon Gandhi realizes that the British rule of India is harsh and oppressive, having grown more so since...
Question: The eastern part of India is currently what country? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: The eastern part of India is currently what country? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Gandhi Context: The story begins with the assassination of Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi in India in 1948. The following funeral procession is a long one and his body is conveyed on a jeep covered in flowers.The story flashes back to Gandhi's early days as an attorney in the late 1800s in South Africa. He is thrown off a train for sitting in the first-class compartment despite possessing a ticket to be there. He later stages a non-violent protest in the center of town where, with several police officers and officials present, he burns work permits that all non-Afrikaners are required to carry and present to police when demanded. Gandhi's reasoning is that the permits are an unfair and oppressive symbol of Afrikaner rule over minorities. As he burns them, he is struck by a police officer on the hand. Though quite plainly in pain, Gandhi continues to burn the permits, his will overcoming the blows from the officer. He is finally knocked down, unable to continue his protest and is arrested.When he's freed from jail, he meets a young American reporter, Walker, with whom he converses about the oppression of the masses by a handful of bureaucrats. While they walk, Gandhi is confronted by an angry youth (Daniel Day-Lewis in a bit part) and his friends. They demand that he pay them to walk down their street. Gandhi refuses in the face of obvious bigotry. When the young man's mother calls him inside, Gandhi and Walker continue down the street.Gandhi travels to his home country of India. When he arrives there he is met by members of the press who know of his exploits in South Africa. They ask if he'll take up any political causes, especially those in opposition to the British rule of India. Gandhi politely refuses the requests, saying he's only going to his home city of Porbandar. His wife accompanies him. Gandhi's real plan is to organize a non-violent protest against Britain, knowing that millions of Indians will follow him. Very soon Gandhi realizes that the British rule of India is harsh and oppressive, having grown more so since...
Movie title: The Egyptian Context: The Egyptian tells the story of Sinuhe (Edmund Purdom), a struggling physician in 18th dynasty Egypt (14th Century BC.) who is thrown by chance into contact with the pharaoh Akhnaton (Michael Wilding). He rises to and falls from great prosperity, wanders the world, and becomes increasingly drawn towards a new religion spreading throughout Egypt. His companions throughout are his lover, a shy tavern maid named Merit (Jean Simmons), and his corrupt but likable servant, Kaptah (Peter Ustinov). While out lion hunting with his sturdy friend Horemheb (Victor Mature), Sinuhe discovers Egypt's newly ascendant pharaoh Akhnaton, who has sought the solitude of the desert in the midst of a religious epiphany. While praying, the ruler is stricken with an epileptic seizure, with which Sinuhe is able to help him. The grateful Akhnaton makes his savior court physician and gives Horemheb a post in the Royal Guard, a career previously denied to him by low birth. His new eminence gives Sinuhe an inside look at Akhnaton's reign, which is made extraordinary by the ruler's devotion to a new religion that he feels has been divinely revealed to him. This faith rejects Egypt's traditional gods in favor of monotheistic worship of the sun, referred to as Aten. Akhnaton intends to promote Atenism throughout Egypt, which earns him the hatred of the country's corrupt and politically active traditional priesthood. Life in court does not prove to be good for Sinuhe; it drags him away from his previous ambition of helping the poor while falling obsessively in love with a Babylonian courtesan named Nefer (Bella Darvi). He squanders all of his and his parents' property in order to buy her gifts, only to have her reject him nonetheless. Returning dejectedly home, Sinuhe learns that his parents have committed suicide over his shameful behavior. He has their bodies embalmed so that they can pass on to the afterlife, and, having no way to pay for the service, works off his debts in the embalming house. Lacking a tomb in which to put his parents'...
Question: Who flees Egypt? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who flees Egypt? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Egyptian Context: The Egyptian tells the story of Sinuhe (Edmund Purdom), a struggling physician in 18th dynasty Egypt (14th Century BC.) who is thrown by chance into contact with the pharaoh Akhnaton (Michael Wilding). He rises to and falls from great prosperity, wanders the world, and becomes increasingly drawn towards a new religion spreading throughout Egypt. His companions throughout are his lover, a shy tavern maid named Merit (Jean Simmons), and his corrupt but likable servant, Kaptah (Peter Ustinov). While out lion hunting with his sturdy friend Horemheb (Victor Mature), Sinuhe discovers Egypt's newly ascendant pharaoh Akhnaton, who has sought the solitude of the desert in the midst of a religious epiphany. While praying, the ruler is stricken with an epileptic seizure, with which Sinuhe is able to help him. The grateful Akhnaton makes his savior court physician and gives Horemheb a post in the Royal Guard, a career previously denied to him by low birth. His new eminence gives Sinuhe an inside look at Akhnaton's reign, which is made extraordinary by the ruler's devotion to a new religion that he feels has been divinely revealed to him. This faith rejects Egypt's traditional gods in favor of monotheistic worship of the sun, referred to as Aten. Akhnaton intends to promote Atenism throughout Egypt, which earns him the hatred of the country's corrupt and politically active traditional priesthood. Life in court does not prove to be good for Sinuhe; it drags him away from his previous ambition of helping the poor while falling obsessively in love with a Babylonian courtesan named Nefer (Bella Darvi). He squanders all of his and his parents' property in order to buy her gifts, only to have her reject him nonetheless. Returning dejectedly home, Sinuhe learns that his parents have committed suicide over his shameful behavior. He has their bodies embalmed so that they can pass on to the afterlife, and, having no way to pay for the service, works off his debts in the embalming house. Lacking a tomb in which to put his parents'...
Movie title: 12 Angry Men Context: In a New York City courthouse, an eighteen-year-old boy from a slum is on trial for allegedly stabbing his father to death. Final closing arguments having been presented, a visibly bored judge instructs the jury to decide whether the boy is guilty of murder. If there is any reasonable doubt of his guilt they are to return a verdict of not guilty. The judge further informs them that a guilty verdict will be accompanied by a mandatory death sentence.The jury retires to a private room, where the jurors spend a short while getting acquainted before they begin deliberating. It is immediately apparent that the jurors have already decided that the boy is guilty, and that they plan to return their verdict without taking time for discussion with the sole exception of Juror 8 (Henry Fonda), who is the only "not guilty" vote in a preliminary tally. He explains that there is too much at stake for him to go along with the verdict without at least talking about it first. His vote annoys the other jurors, especially Juror 7 (Jack Warden), who has tickets to a baseball game that evening; and Juror 10 (Ed Begley Sr.), who believes that people from slum backgrounds are liars, wild, and dangerous.The rest of the film's focus is the jury's difficulty in reaching a unanimous verdict. While several of the jurors harbor personal prejudices, Juror 8 maintains that the evidence presented in the case is circumstantial, and that the boy deserves a fair deliberation. He calls into question the accuracy and reliability of the only two witnesses to the murder, the "rarity" of the murder weapon (a common switchblade, of which he has an identical copy), and the overall questionable circumstances. He further argues that he cannot in good conscience vote "guilty" when he feels there is reasonable doubt of the boy's guilt.Having argued several points and gotten no favorable response from the others, Juror 8 reluctantly agrees that he has only succeeded in hanging the jury. Instead, he requests another vote, this time by secret ballot. He...
Question: Which number juror tells Juror 10 not to speak again after his outburst? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Which number juror tells Juror 10 not to speak again after his outburst? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: 12 Angry Men Context: In a New York City courthouse, an eighteen-year-old boy from a slum is on trial for allegedly stabbing his father to death. Final closing arguments having been presented, a visibly bored judge instructs the jury to decide whether the boy is guilty of murder. If there is any reasonable doubt of his guilt they are to return a verdict of not guilty. The judge further informs them that a guilty verdict will be accompanied by a mandatory death sentence.The jury retires to a private room, where the jurors spend a short while getting acquainted before they begin deliberating. It is immediately apparent that the jurors have already decided that the boy is guilty, and that they plan to return their verdict without taking time for discussion with the sole exception of Juror 8 (Henry Fonda), who is the only "not guilty" vote in a preliminary tally. He explains that there is too much at stake for him to go along with the verdict without at least talking about it first. His vote annoys the other jurors, especially Juror 7 (Jack Warden), who has tickets to a baseball game that evening; and Juror 10 (Ed Begley Sr.), who believes that people from slum backgrounds are liars, wild, and dangerous.The rest of the film's focus is the jury's difficulty in reaching a unanimous verdict. While several of the jurors harbor personal prejudices, Juror 8 maintains that the evidence presented in the case is circumstantial, and that the boy deserves a fair deliberation. He calls into question the accuracy and reliability of the only two witnesses to the murder, the "rarity" of the murder weapon (a common switchblade, of which he has an identical copy), and the overall questionable circumstances. He further argues that he cannot in good conscience vote "guilty" when he feels there is reasonable doubt of the boy's guilt.Having argued several points and gotten no favorable response from the others, Juror 8 reluctantly agrees that he has only succeeded in hanging the jury. Instead, he requests another vote, this time by secret ballot. He...
juror 4
Movie title: The Blue Lagoon Context: It is the Victorian era in the South Pacific. Two young children, cousins Richard and Emmeline Lestrange (Glenn Kohan and Elva Josephson) are sailing with Richard's father, Arthur (William Daniels), to San Francisco. When the ship suddenly catches fire, the ship's cook, Paddy Button (Leo McKern), gathers the children in a lifeboat and rows away from the wreck. However, due to dense smoke, heavy fog, and general chaos, they are separated from the children's father, who has escaped on a separate dinghy, and drift out to sea. After a day or two afloat, they arrive on the shores of a lush, tropical island. Paddy assumes responsibility for the children and, over an indeterminable amount of time, teaches them how to find food and build shelter, though he can't deter them from taking their shirts off and running about half naked.One day he discovers a stone altar covered in blood and the remains of what appear to be a human sacrifice. He warns the children to stay away from that place, telling them it's 'the law' and that the boogeyman lives there. He also tells them to never eat a certain scarlet berry that Emmeline finds, presumably to keep them from eating anything uncertain. He calls them 'never-wake-up berries'. The memory of having the berries temporarily in her mouth haunts Emmeline for the rest of the film. Because Paddy talks of being 'dead n' buried' if they eat the berries, Emmeline associates the words with them and renames them 'dead n' berries'.One day, Paddy discovers a barrel of rum or whiskey washed ashore from the sunken ship. He and the children have a little fun that night, dancing around a fire, though Paddy is obviously inebriated. When the children fall asleep, he takes the barrel and swims to a smaller, nearby island. The children wake up in the morning and take the rowboat out to where they see Paddy lying in the sand. Thinking he's merely asleep, they flip him over to see that he's died in a drunken binge. A crab crawls out of his mouth and Emmeline faints. Richard brings her back to the...
Question: What almost kills Emmeline? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What almost kills Emmeline? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: The Blue Lagoon Context: It is the Victorian era in the South Pacific. Two young children, cousins Richard and Emmeline Lestrange (Glenn Kohan and Elva Josephson) are sailing with Richard's father, Arthur (William Daniels), to San Francisco. When the ship suddenly catches fire, the ship's cook, Paddy Button (Leo McKern), gathers the children in a lifeboat and rows away from the wreck. However, due to dense smoke, heavy fog, and general chaos, they are separated from the children's father, who has escaped on a separate dinghy, and drift out to sea. After a day or two afloat, they arrive on the shores of a lush, tropical island. Paddy assumes responsibility for the children and, over an indeterminable amount of time, teaches them how to find food and build shelter, though he can't deter them from taking their shirts off and running about half naked.One day he discovers a stone altar covered in blood and the remains of what appear to be a human sacrifice. He warns the children to stay away from that place, telling them it's 'the law' and that the boogeyman lives there. He also tells them to never eat a certain scarlet berry that Emmeline finds, presumably to keep them from eating anything uncertain. He calls them 'never-wake-up berries'. The memory of having the berries temporarily in her mouth haunts Emmeline for the rest of the film. Because Paddy talks of being 'dead n' buried' if they eat the berries, Emmeline associates the words with them and renames them 'dead n' berries'.One day, Paddy discovers a barrel of rum or whiskey washed ashore from the sunken ship. He and the children have a little fun that night, dancing around a fire, though Paddy is obviously inebriated. When the children fall asleep, he takes the barrel and swims to a smaller, nearby island. The children wake up in the morning and take the rowboat out to where they see Paddy lying in the sand. Thinking he's merely asleep, they flip him over to see that he's died in a drunken binge. A crab crawls out of his mouth and Emmeline faints. Richard brings her back to the...
When she falls overboard the boat into the ocean.
Movie title: Arunachalam Context: Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of one the reputed people from respectable family in their rural village. He is very famous for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli, a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. Initially she misunderstands Arunachalam's friend Arivazhagan to be Arunachalam and is shocked to know that how a man who is not more than a joker is respected by whole village. Arunchalam once slips and falls on her due to spilt oil and he accidentally kisses her triggering a romance between them not knowing how they are related to each other. Vedhavalli finally understands about who is the real Arunachalam and his soft, innocent yet daring nature. Both of them express their feelings towards each other and their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli. She never likes him and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's family which makes them to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him.Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Vedhavalli. She tells everyone that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr. Vedhavalli and leaves the house.Arunachalam comes to Chennai city and befriends Beeda Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller...
Question: What do Vedhavalli and Arunachalam want to do? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What do Vedhavalli and Arunachalam want to do? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Arunachalam Context: Arunachalam (Rajinikanth) is a simple man who is the son of one the reputed people from respectable family in their rural village. He is very famous for his simplicity, honesty and helping tendency. Vedhavalli, a city girl and also cousin of Arunachalam comes to the her cousin's (Arunachalam's sister's) wedding. Initially she misunderstands Arunachalam's friend Arivazhagan to be Arunachalam and is shocked to know that how a man who is not more than a joker is respected by whole village. Arunchalam once slips and falls on her due to spilt oil and he accidentally kisses her triggering a romance between them not knowing how they are related to each other. Vedhavalli finally understands about who is the real Arunachalam and his soft, innocent yet daring nature. Both of them express their feelings towards each other and their wedding proposal is happily accepted by the elders in their family except the senior most person of the family, Arunchalam-Vedhavalli's grand mother, Senior Vedhavalli. She never likes him and always shows hatred. She says something to Vedhavalli's family which makes them to reconsider the marriage of Vedhavalli with Arunachalam. The family leaves without informing Arunachalam which shocks him.Arunachalam finds that his younger brother is trying to ditch his lover and he comes to her rescue. His brother refuses to marry her stating that she does not match his status and money. Arunachalam owes to bequeath his inheritance to her so that she will become equal to him which angers senior Vedhavalli. She tells everyone that he has no right over anything he possess except the rudraksha which he is wearing in his neck as he is an orphan who was found in Arunachaleshwar temple and taken from his mother during her last breath who also named him Arunachalam. She also insults him and indirectly insists him to leave their house. Arunachalam is broken and hurt by the insult of Sr. Vedhavalli and leaves the house.Arunachalam comes to Chennai city and befriends Beeda Kathavarayan (Janagaraj), a beeda seller...
get married
Movie title: Everybody's Fine Context: An older man decides to spend time with his children, however his children each have different plans in mind. He soon realizes his children aren't as successful as they claim to be. He also discovers they are hiding other secrets too. This is a super good movie and a tear jerker so get your your pop corn, get your easy chair, and don't forget tissues.====================================================================================New synopsis - kc1736Frank Goode (Robert de Niro) has been widowed for 8 months and recently retired from a career, ironically as it turns out, in the communications industry, and in particular with the PVC cladding of telegraph wires. As a result, however, he has developed fibrosis of the lungs for which he is receiving medication.He is tidying up his house and garden and buying in steaks and expensive wine to entertain the coming weekend his 4 children Amy, Robert, Rosie and David. While setting up a new barbecue later that night, he answers a call from Robert who apologises for not being able to make the reunion as he is on tour with his orchestra. On an impulse Frank replays his ansaphone messages and hears the rest of his family have also cried off.Deflated at first, Frank decides to pay them all a surprise visit, much against the advice of his doctor who says he needs to rest.His first trip is a train ride to New York City to see David, during which he explains to a bemused passenger that he has been responsible for the PVC coating of the telephone cables they can see from the train, carrying good and bad news over the world. From his conversations, he has pushed his four children to succeed in their chosen field, with particular concern for his son David. He arrives late at night at David's flat but there is no reply. To pass the time, he takes a walk and passes a gallery where he sees a painting in the window painted by David. He eventually leaves a note and photograph under the door of David's flat.Next is a coach ride to Chicago to see daughter Amy (Kate Beckinsale)....
Question: How are Frank and David related? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How are Frank and David related? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Everybody's Fine Context: An older man decides to spend time with his children, however his children each have different plans in mind. He soon realizes his children aren't as successful as they claim to be. He also discovers they are hiding other secrets too. This is a super good movie and a tear jerker so get your your pop corn, get your easy chair, and don't forget tissues.====================================================================================New synopsis - kc1736Frank Goode (Robert de Niro) has been widowed for 8 months and recently retired from a career, ironically as it turns out, in the communications industry, and in particular with the PVC cladding of telegraph wires. As a result, however, he has developed fibrosis of the lungs for which he is receiving medication.He is tidying up his house and garden and buying in steaks and expensive wine to entertain the coming weekend his 4 children Amy, Robert, Rosie and David. While setting up a new barbecue later that night, he answers a call from Robert who apologises for not being able to make the reunion as he is on tour with his orchestra. On an impulse Frank replays his ansaphone messages and hears the rest of his family have also cried off.Deflated at first, Frank decides to pay them all a surprise visit, much against the advice of his doctor who says he needs to rest.His first trip is a train ride to New York City to see David, during which he explains to a bemused passenger that he has been responsible for the PVC coating of the telephone cables they can see from the train, carrying good and bad news over the world. From his conversations, he has pushed his four children to succeed in their chosen field, with particular concern for his son David. He arrives late at night at David's flat but there is no reply. To pass the time, he takes a walk and passes a gallery where he sees a painting in the window painted by David. He eventually leaves a note and photograph under the door of David's flat.Next is a coach ride to Chicago to see daughter Amy (Kate Beckinsale)....
David is Frank's son
Movie title: Glen or Glenda? Context: Glen or Glenda tells two stories. One is about Glen (Edward D. Wood Jr.), who secretly dresses as a woman but is afraid to tell his fiancée. The other is about Alan ('Tommy' Haynes), a pseudohermaphrodite who undergoes a painful operation to become a woman.Both stories are told by Dr. Alton (Timothy Farrell). There's a second narrator, called the Scientist (Bela Lugosi), whose commentary on the action contains more philosophical pronouncements than facts. The movie will also have flashbacks-within-flashbacks and a strange dream sequence.The introductory title card reads: "In the making of this film, which deals with a strange and curious subject, no punches have been pulled--no easy way out has been taken. Many of the smaller parts are portrayed by persons who actually are, in real life, the character [sic] they portray on the screen. This is a picture of stark realism---taking no sides---but giving you the facts---All the facts---as they are today....You are society---JUDGE YE NOT....."When the first scene opens, we see the Scientist sitting in a large chair with some kind of netting over it. He is shot from the shoulders up as he looks down. The shadow of the camera falls on the right side (his right) of the chair. Behind him, and above his head, we see three shelves. The top shelf has two skulls on either end and a lion's head in the middle. The second has a shrunken head on the left side (his left). Sticking out from the back of the chair is a long, cylindrical object with a round head.The camera pulls back. The shadow of the camera disappears from the chair and from the wall behind the Scientist. We see more of the room. On the Scientist's left is a skeleton hanging from the ceiling. On his right is a figure, also hanging from the ceiling, that looks like a native African in a loin cloth. We hear the sound of a violent wind.The Scientist is reading a large book. He closes it and looks up at us. He speaks: "Man's constant probing of things unknown, drawing from the endless reaches of time, brings to light...
Question: What does the narrative concern? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What does the narrative concern? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Glen or Glenda? Context: Glen or Glenda tells two stories. One is about Glen (Edward D. Wood Jr.), who secretly dresses as a woman but is afraid to tell his fiancée. The other is about Alan ('Tommy' Haynes), a pseudohermaphrodite who undergoes a painful operation to become a woman.Both stories are told by Dr. Alton (Timothy Farrell). There's a second narrator, called the Scientist (Bela Lugosi), whose commentary on the action contains more philosophical pronouncements than facts. The movie will also have flashbacks-within-flashbacks and a strange dream sequence.The introductory title card reads: "In the making of this film, which deals with a strange and curious subject, no punches have been pulled--no easy way out has been taken. Many of the smaller parts are portrayed by persons who actually are, in real life, the character [sic] they portray on the screen. This is a picture of stark realism---taking no sides---but giving you the facts---All the facts---as they are today....You are society---JUDGE YE NOT....."When the first scene opens, we see the Scientist sitting in a large chair with some kind of netting over it. He is shot from the shoulders up as he looks down. The shadow of the camera falls on the right side (his right) of the chair. Behind him, and above his head, we see three shelves. The top shelf has two skulls on either end and a lion's head in the middle. The second has a shrunken head on the left side (his left). Sticking out from the back of the chair is a long, cylindrical object with a round head.The camera pulls back. The shadow of the camera disappears from the chair and from the wall behind the Scientist. We see more of the room. On the Scientist's left is a skeleton hanging from the ceiling. On his right is a figure, also hanging from the ceiling, that looks like a native African in a loin cloth. We hear the sound of a violent wind.The Scientist is reading a large book. He closes it and looks up at us. He speaks: "Man's constant probing of things unknown, drawing from the endless reaches of time, brings to light...
pornography and transgender confusion
Movie title: Querelle Context: The plot centers on the handsome Belgian sailor Georges Querelle, who is also a thief and murderer. When his ship, Le Vengeur, arrives in Brest, he visits the Feria, a bar and brothel for sailors run by the madame Lysiane, whose lover, Robert, is Querelle's brother. Querelle has a love/hate relationship with his brother; when they meet at La Feria, they embrace, but also punch one another slowly and repeatedly in the belly. Lysiane's husband Nono tends bar and manages La Feria's underhanded affairs with the assistance of his friend, the corrupt police captain Mario. Querelle makes a deal to sell opium to Nono, and murders his accomplice Vic. After delivering the drugs, Querelle announces that he wants to sleep with Lysiane. He knows that this means he will have to throw dice with Nono, who, as Lysiane's husband, has the privilege of playing a game of chance with all of her prospective lovers. If Nono loses, the suitor is allowed to proceed with his affair. If the suitor loses, however, he must submit to anal sex with Nono first. "That way, I can say my wife only sleeps with assholes, " Nono says. Querelle deliberately loses the game, allowing himself to be sodomized by Nono. When Nono gloats about Querelle's "loss" to Robert, who won his dice game, the brothers end up in a violent fight. Later, Querelle becomes Lysiane's lover, and also has sex with Mario. Luckily for Querelle, a construction worker called Gil murders his coworker Theo, who had been harassing and sexually assaulting him. Gil is also considered to be the murderer of Vic. Gil hides from the police in an abandoned prison, and Roger, who is in love with Gil, establishes contact between Querelle and Gil in the hopes that Querelle can help Gil flee. Querelle falls in love with Gil, who closely resembles his brother. Gil returns his affections, but Querelle betrays Gil by tipping off the police. Querelle had cleverly arranged it so that his murder of Vic is also blamed on Gil. In parallel there is a plot line concerning Querelle's superior,...
Question: Who set the music for "Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves?" If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who set the music for "Each Man Kills the Thing He Loves?" If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Querelle Context: The plot centers on the handsome Belgian sailor Georges Querelle, who is also a thief and murderer. When his ship, Le Vengeur, arrives in Brest, he visits the Feria, a bar and brothel for sailors run by the madame Lysiane, whose lover, Robert, is Querelle's brother. Querelle has a love/hate relationship with his brother; when they meet at La Feria, they embrace, but also punch one another slowly and repeatedly in the belly. Lysiane's husband Nono tends bar and manages La Feria's underhanded affairs with the assistance of his friend, the corrupt police captain Mario. Querelle makes a deal to sell opium to Nono, and murders his accomplice Vic. After delivering the drugs, Querelle announces that he wants to sleep with Lysiane. He knows that this means he will have to throw dice with Nono, who, as Lysiane's husband, has the privilege of playing a game of chance with all of her prospective lovers. If Nono loses, the suitor is allowed to proceed with his affair. If the suitor loses, however, he must submit to anal sex with Nono first. "That way, I can say my wife only sleeps with assholes, " Nono says. Querelle deliberately loses the game, allowing himself to be sodomized by Nono. When Nono gloats about Querelle's "loss" to Robert, who won his dice game, the brothers end up in a violent fight. Later, Querelle becomes Lysiane's lover, and also has sex with Mario. Luckily for Querelle, a construction worker called Gil murders his coworker Theo, who had been harassing and sexually assaulting him. Gil is also considered to be the murderer of Vic. Gil hides from the police in an abandoned prison, and Roger, who is in love with Gil, establishes contact between Querelle and Gil in the hopes that Querelle can help Gil flee. Querelle falls in love with Gil, who closely resembles his brother. Gil returns his affections, but Querelle betrays Gil by tipping off the police. Querelle had cleverly arranged it so that his murder of Vic is also blamed on Gil. In parallel there is a plot line concerning Querelle's superior,...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Soegija Context: Though raising the universal aspect of humanity rather than emphasize the religious aspects, this film is about Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) first indigenous bishop: Monsignor Albertus Soegijapranata SJ, from his inauguration until the end of Indonesia's independence war (1940–1949). This turbulent decade marked by the end of 350 years of Dutch occupation, entry and commencement of Japanese occupation of Indonesia, the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, and the return of the Netherlands who tried to get Indonesia back as part of their Dutch Empire, which led to the Indonesian National Revolution. Soegija wrote all these events in his diary reflections, and also its participation in relieving the suffering of people in the midst of the chaos of war. He tried to play a role at all levels, local politics, national and international. (For his participation, President Sukarno awarded him with the title of National Hero of Indonesia.) The film also shows the background and story of the Indonesian nurse Mariyem, Dutch soldier Robert, Dutch war photographer Hendrick and Japanese colonel Nobuzuki, in their own struggle during one of the heaviest periods of Indonesian history.
Question: who is the first east indies indigenous bishop? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: who is the first east indies indigenous bishop? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Soegija Context: Though raising the universal aspect of humanity rather than emphasize the religious aspects, this film is about Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) first indigenous bishop: Monsignor Albertus Soegijapranata SJ, from his inauguration until the end of Indonesia's independence war (1940–1949). This turbulent decade marked by the end of 350 years of Dutch occupation, entry and commencement of Japanese occupation of Indonesia, the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, and the return of the Netherlands who tried to get Indonesia back as part of their Dutch Empire, which led to the Indonesian National Revolution. Soegija wrote all these events in his diary reflections, and also its participation in relieving the suffering of people in the midst of the chaos of war. He tried to play a role at all levels, local politics, national and international. (For his participation, President Sukarno awarded him with the title of National Hero of Indonesia.) The film also shows the background and story of the Indonesian nurse Mariyem, Dutch soldier Robert, Dutch war photographer Hendrick and Japanese colonel Nobuzuki, in their own struggle during one of the heaviest periods of Indonesian history.
Monsignor Albertus Soegijapranata SJ
Movie title: Inferno Context: During a trip to the Mojave Desert, millionaire Donald Carson III, having broken his leg falling off his horse, has been abandoned and left to die by Geraldine, his adulterous femme fatale wife, and mining engineer Joe Duncan, a man she's known for just a few days. Gerry and Joe leave the injured man a blanket, a canteen and a gun before driving off, supposedly to seek medical aid. As the hours go by and Carson realizes the truth of his predicament, he vows to live long enough to exact revenge against his wife and her accomplice. Carson is reported missing to police lieutenant Mike Platt and to Dave Emory, who is Carson's lawyer and business manager. Gerry doesn't mention the broken leg and claims her husband wandered off. Emory isn't yet too concerned because Carson is a temperamental alcoholic who has acted irresponsibly more than once. The lovers fly to Carson's mansion in Los Angeles knowing that Carson is a good 60 miles from where they told the police to look. They expect him to succumb to the desert heat or to shoot himself with the gun. Far more resourceful than they anticipated, Carson manages to make a splint, then crawl his way to an abandoned mine, where he uses timber for a makeshift crutch. He finds sustenance from the meat of a cactus and attempts in vain to shoot a rabbit with the gun. When it rains, after Carson has been gone a week, Gerry and Joe are relieved because it has permanently covered any tracks they left. Carson is presumed dead by the law. Joe flies a plane over the region, just in case, and spots a fire Carson has made. Knowing now he's alive, Joe finds it necessary to drive back into the desert and finish off Carson once and for all. Gerry waits in the car while Joe stalks his prey. Just as he aims his gun, Joe is startled by the sight of Carson being found by an old prospector driving a jalopy. Returning to his own car, Joe discovers that Gerry has run it into a rock. He realizes that she'd intended to drive off and leave him there. Joe angrily walks away, leaving Gerry to fend...
Question: How are Carlo and Sara killed? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: How are Carlo and Sara killed? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Inferno Context: During a trip to the Mojave Desert, millionaire Donald Carson III, having broken his leg falling off his horse, has been abandoned and left to die by Geraldine, his adulterous femme fatale wife, and mining engineer Joe Duncan, a man she's known for just a few days. Gerry and Joe leave the injured man a blanket, a canteen and a gun before driving off, supposedly to seek medical aid. As the hours go by and Carson realizes the truth of his predicament, he vows to live long enough to exact revenge against his wife and her accomplice. Carson is reported missing to police lieutenant Mike Platt and to Dave Emory, who is Carson's lawyer and business manager. Gerry doesn't mention the broken leg and claims her husband wandered off. Emory isn't yet too concerned because Carson is a temperamental alcoholic who has acted irresponsibly more than once. The lovers fly to Carson's mansion in Los Angeles knowing that Carson is a good 60 miles from where they told the police to look. They expect him to succumb to the desert heat or to shoot himself with the gun. Far more resourceful than they anticipated, Carson manages to make a splint, then crawl his way to an abandoned mine, where he uses timber for a makeshift crutch. He finds sustenance from the meat of a cactus and attempts in vain to shoot a rabbit with the gun. When it rains, after Carson has been gone a week, Gerry and Joe are relieved because it has permanently covered any tracks they left. Carson is presumed dead by the law. Joe flies a plane over the region, just in case, and spots a fire Carson has made. Knowing now he's alive, Joe finds it necessary to drive back into the desert and finish off Carson once and for all. Gerry waits in the car while Joe stalks his prey. Just as he aims his gun, Joe is startled by the sight of Carson being found by an old prospector driving a jalopy. Returning to his own car, Joe discovers that Gerry has run it into a rock. He realizes that she'd intended to drive off and leave him there. Joe angrily walks away, leaving Gerry to fend...
Movie title: Diamonds Are Forever Context: After the murder of his wife, James Bond (Sean Connery) is relentlessly pursuing Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Charles Gray). After interrogating several of Blofeld's associates worldwide, Bond traces him to a facility where he is surgically creating look-alikes of himself. Bond kills a test subject who is lying in a mud bath. Bond manages to drown the man, but is captured by Blofeld. After a fight, Bond kills Blofeld by throwing him into a pool of superheated mud.In a South African desert, two men, Mr. Wint (Bruce Glover) and Mr. Kidd (Putter Smith), are observing a scorpion and talking about how deadly they are. Wint dons gloves and picks up the scorpion. A man arrives on a scooter; he is a dentist who smuggles diamonds from South African mines, retrieving them from his patients who hide them in their mouths. He has come to give Wint and Kidd a small load of them. When Kidd begins moaning in pain, he claims he has a toothache. The doctor begins to examine him when Wint drops the live scorpion into his shirt, killing him. A helicopter arrives, the pilot demanding to know where the doctor is. Kidd and Wint tell the man that the doctor is sick and couldn't make it. They give the man a case, presumably containing the diamonds. As the chopper flies off, it explodes. Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd then walk off, hand-in-hand, with the diamonds.Suspecting that South African diamonds are being stockpiled to depress prices by dumping, and convinced that Blofeld is dead, M (Bernard Lee) orders Bond to go undercover as smuggler Peter Franks and unveil the smuggling ring. Meanwhile, Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd arrive in Amsterdam and systematically kill more diamond smugglers involved in the ring. Posing as Franks, Bond travels to Amsterdam to meet his contact, a shrewd American woman named Tiffany Case (Jill St. John), at her apartment where he is to pick up the diamonds. However, the real Franks shows up later that evening and tries to contact Case. Bond intercepts and kills him and sabotages the attack to make it seem like Franks is...
Question: What do Wint and Kidd pose as while on the ship? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What do Wint and Kidd pose as while on the ship? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Diamonds Are Forever Context: After the murder of his wife, James Bond (Sean Connery) is relentlessly pursuing Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Charles Gray). After interrogating several of Blofeld's associates worldwide, Bond traces him to a facility where he is surgically creating look-alikes of himself. Bond kills a test subject who is lying in a mud bath. Bond manages to drown the man, but is captured by Blofeld. After a fight, Bond kills Blofeld by throwing him into a pool of superheated mud.In a South African desert, two men, Mr. Wint (Bruce Glover) and Mr. Kidd (Putter Smith), are observing a scorpion and talking about how deadly they are. Wint dons gloves and picks up the scorpion. A man arrives on a scooter; he is a dentist who smuggles diamonds from South African mines, retrieving them from his patients who hide them in their mouths. He has come to give Wint and Kidd a small load of them. When Kidd begins moaning in pain, he claims he has a toothache. The doctor begins to examine him when Wint drops the live scorpion into his shirt, killing him. A helicopter arrives, the pilot demanding to know where the doctor is. Kidd and Wint tell the man that the doctor is sick and couldn't make it. They give the man a case, presumably containing the diamonds. As the chopper flies off, it explodes. Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd then walk off, hand-in-hand, with the diamonds.Suspecting that South African diamonds are being stockpiled to depress prices by dumping, and convinced that Blofeld is dead, M (Bernard Lee) orders Bond to go undercover as smuggler Peter Franks and unveil the smuggling ring. Meanwhile, Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd arrive in Amsterdam and systematically kill more diamond smugglers involved in the ring. Posing as Franks, Bond travels to Amsterdam to meet his contact, a shrewd American woman named Tiffany Case (Jill St. John), at her apartment where he is to pick up the diamonds. However, the real Franks shows up later that evening and tries to contact Case. Bond intercepts and kills him and sabotages the attack to make it seem like Franks is...
Movie title: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Mystery Context: In June 1934, Kit Kittredge (Abigail Breslin) is determined to become a reporter, and she writes articles on the typewriter in her tree house while drama unfolds beneath her. The mortgage on her house is about to be foreclosed because her father (Chris O'Donnell) lost his car dealership and couldn't keep up with the payments. He has gone to Chicago, Illinois to search for work, and to make some income her mother (Julia Ormond) takes in an odd assortment of boarders, including magician Mr. Berk (Stanley Tucci), dance instructor Miss Dooley (Jane Krakowski), and mobile library driver Miss Bond (Joan Cusack). Locally there have been reports of muggings and robberies supposedly committed by hobos. Kit investigates and meets young Will (Max Thieriot) and Countee (Willow Smith), who live in a hobo jungle near the Ohio River and Erie Lackawanna Railway. Kit writes a story about the camp and tries to sell it to Mr. Gibson (Wallace Shawn), the mean editor of the Cincinnati newspaper, but he has no interest in the subject. She adopts a dog, her mother buys chickens, and Kit sells their eggs. Then a locked box containing her mother's treasures is stolen, and a footprint with a star matching the one on Will's boot is discovered, making him the prime suspect. The sheriff goes to find Will and Countee. However, Will and Countee have left the hobo jungle. It's up to Kit and her friends Stirling (Zach Mills) and Ruthie (Madison Davenport) to gather enough evidence to prove that Will is innocent and Mr. Berk is the guilty party. Kit becomes a local hero. They found out that Countee has been pretending to be a boy. On Thanksgiving the hobos bring food to Kit's mother and Kit's father returns home. Mr. Gibson arrives to show Kit she is in print in Cincinnati's major daily newspaper.
Question: Who initialy became the prime suspect? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who initialy became the prime suspect? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Mystery Context: In June 1934, Kit Kittredge (Abigail Breslin) is determined to become a reporter, and she writes articles on the typewriter in her tree house while drama unfolds beneath her. The mortgage on her house is about to be foreclosed because her father (Chris O'Donnell) lost his car dealership and couldn't keep up with the payments. He has gone to Chicago, Illinois to search for work, and to make some income her mother (Julia Ormond) takes in an odd assortment of boarders, including magician Mr. Berk (Stanley Tucci), dance instructor Miss Dooley (Jane Krakowski), and mobile library driver Miss Bond (Joan Cusack). Locally there have been reports of muggings and robberies supposedly committed by hobos. Kit investigates and meets young Will (Max Thieriot) and Countee (Willow Smith), who live in a hobo jungle near the Ohio River and Erie Lackawanna Railway. Kit writes a story about the camp and tries to sell it to Mr. Gibson (Wallace Shawn), the mean editor of the Cincinnati newspaper, but he has no interest in the subject. She adopts a dog, her mother buys chickens, and Kit sells their eggs. Then a locked box containing her mother's treasures is stolen, and a footprint with a star matching the one on Will's boot is discovered, making him the prime suspect. The sheriff goes to find Will and Countee. However, Will and Countee have left the hobo jungle. It's up to Kit and her friends Stirling (Zach Mills) and Ruthie (Madison Davenport) to gather enough evidence to prove that Will is innocent and Mr. Berk is the guilty party. Kit becomes a local hero. They found out that Countee has been pretending to be a boy. On Thanksgiving the hobos bring food to Kit's mother and Kit's father returns home. Mr. Gibson arrives to show Kit she is in print in Cincinnati's major daily newspaper.
Movie title: Stroszek Context: Just released from a jail term of 2 1/2 years in Berlin, Bruno Stroszek goes through all of the formalities of being released and is given back all of his personal belongings: one sweater, one shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of socks, an accordion, five packs of cigarettes, a bugle horn, a keychain and his passport. Back in his cell, he bids farewell to his cellmates and they exchange gifts. One makes for him the smallest paper ship in the world and the other sets his flatulence ablaze. He then meets with the warden, who asks him if he has a place to live now that he is free, to which Bruno replies that his apartment had been taken care of by his neighbour, Herr Scheitz. He is then asked whether or not he'll go back to consuming alcohol since all of his past offences had been alcohol-related and that if he were to be caught again for similar crimes, that he'd be locked away for a longer period of time. Bruno seems uninterested and is then recommended that he clean himself up and once again, to stay away from bars and alcohol. He finally promises and is subsequently released.During his walk home, he stops at a bar called 'Bier Himmel' (Beer Heaven) and orders a beer. As he walks to sit at a booth, he sees his friend Eva, a prostitute. He attempts greeting her but is told to leave her alone by her pimps who were there trying to extort money from a former client of Eva's. She then starts crying on one of the pimps, telling him she doesn't want to be with any other pimp. He stands up and slaps her across the face, to which Eva starts crying and walks away towards where Bruno is sitting. He tells her to sit with him and tries to reassure her that everything will be OK. Eva asks him where he had been, to which Bruno responded: 'vacation'. She is still distraught and asks herself 'what she's going to do' and 'where she's going to go', to which Bruno responds by telling her she can stay at his apartment and that they can both start new lives together.As she sets up her belongings, Bruno is playing his pianos to see if...
Question: Who does Bruno tell his story to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who does Bruno tell his story to? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Stroszek Context: Just released from a jail term of 2 1/2 years in Berlin, Bruno Stroszek goes through all of the formalities of being released and is given back all of his personal belongings: one sweater, one shirt, a pair of pants, a pair of socks, an accordion, five packs of cigarettes, a bugle horn, a keychain and his passport. Back in his cell, he bids farewell to his cellmates and they exchange gifts. One makes for him the smallest paper ship in the world and the other sets his flatulence ablaze. He then meets with the warden, who asks him if he has a place to live now that he is free, to which Bruno replies that his apartment had been taken care of by his neighbour, Herr Scheitz. He is then asked whether or not he'll go back to consuming alcohol since all of his past offences had been alcohol-related and that if he were to be caught again for similar crimes, that he'd be locked away for a longer period of time. Bruno seems uninterested and is then recommended that he clean himself up and once again, to stay away from bars and alcohol. He finally promises and is subsequently released.During his walk home, he stops at a bar called 'Bier Himmel' (Beer Heaven) and orders a beer. As he walks to sit at a booth, he sees his friend Eva, a prostitute. He attempts greeting her but is told to leave her alone by her pimps who were there trying to extort money from a former client of Eva's. She then starts crying on one of the pimps, telling him she doesn't want to be with any other pimp. He stands up and slaps her across the face, to which Eva starts crying and walks away towards where Bruno is sitting. He tells her to sit with him and tries to reassure her that everything will be OK. Eva asks him where he had been, to which Bruno responded: 'vacation'. She is still distraught and asks herself 'what she's going to do' and 'where she's going to go', to which Bruno responds by telling her she can stay at his apartment and that they can both start new lives together.As she sets up her belongings, Bruno is playing his pianos to see if...
No one
Movie title: Sands of Iwo Jima Context: Note: the story is told from the viewpoint of Cpl. Robert Dunne (Arthur Franz). Tough-as-nails career Marine Sergeant John Stryker (John Wayne) is greatly disliked by the men of his squad, particularly the combat replacements, for the rigorous training he puts them through. He is especially despised by PFC. Peter "Pete" Conway (John Agar), the arrogant, college-educated son of an officer, Colonel Sam Conway under whom Stryker served and admired, and PFC. Al Thomas (Forrest Tucker), who blames him for his demotion. When Stryker leads his squad in the invasion of Tarawa, the men begin to appreciate his methods, except Conway, who considers him brutal and unfeeling when he apparently abandons a wounded comrade to the enemy. Within the first couple of minutes of the battle, the platoon leader, Lt. Baker (Gil Herman, is killed only seconds after he lands on the beach, PFC. "Farmer" Soames (James Holden) is wounded in the leg, and PFC. Choynski (Hal Baylor) receives a head wound. The marines are aggressively pinned down by a pillbox. As a result of three unsuccessful attempts to reach the pillbox, two demolition marines and a flamethrower operator are killed and PFC. Shipley (Richard Webb) is left mortally wounded in the line of fire. Sgt. Stryker takes action and demolishes the pillbox. Shipley would eventually die of his wounds in front of his best friend Regazzi (Wally Cassell). Later on, Thomas becomes distracted from his mission, and "goofs off" when he goes to get ammunition for two comrades, stopping to savor a cup of coffee. As a result, though he brings back coffee for his squadmates, he returns too late — the two Marines, now out of ammunition, in the interim are shown being overrun; Hellenopolis (Peter Coe) is killed, Bass (James Brown) badly wounded. When Stryker discovers the truth, he forces Thomas into a fistfight. This is seen by a passing officer (Don Haggerty in an uncredited appearance) but Thomas, to Stryker's surprise, deflects the officer's intention of pressing charges against Stryker for...
Question: When is the assault on the Japanese base? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: When is the assault on the Japanese base? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Sands of Iwo Jima Context: Note: the story is told from the viewpoint of Cpl. Robert Dunne (Arthur Franz). Tough-as-nails career Marine Sergeant John Stryker (John Wayne) is greatly disliked by the men of his squad, particularly the combat replacements, for the rigorous training he puts them through. He is especially despised by PFC. Peter "Pete" Conway (John Agar), the arrogant, college-educated son of an officer, Colonel Sam Conway under whom Stryker served and admired, and PFC. Al Thomas (Forrest Tucker), who blames him for his demotion. When Stryker leads his squad in the invasion of Tarawa, the men begin to appreciate his methods, except Conway, who considers him brutal and unfeeling when he apparently abandons a wounded comrade to the enemy. Within the first couple of minutes of the battle, the platoon leader, Lt. Baker (Gil Herman, is killed only seconds after he lands on the beach, PFC. "Farmer" Soames (James Holden) is wounded in the leg, and PFC. Choynski (Hal Baylor) receives a head wound. The marines are aggressively pinned down by a pillbox. As a result of three unsuccessful attempts to reach the pillbox, two demolition marines and a flamethrower operator are killed and PFC. Shipley (Richard Webb) is left mortally wounded in the line of fire. Sgt. Stryker takes action and demolishes the pillbox. Shipley would eventually die of his wounds in front of his best friend Regazzi (Wally Cassell). Later on, Thomas becomes distracted from his mission, and "goofs off" when he goes to get ammunition for two comrades, stopping to savor a cup of coffee. As a result, though he brings back coffee for his squadmates, he returns too late — the two Marines, now out of ammunition, in the interim are shown being overrun; Hellenopolis (Peter Coe) is killed, Bass (James Brown) badly wounded. When Stryker discovers the truth, he forces Thomas into a fistfight. This is seen by a passing officer (Don Haggerty in an uncredited appearance) but Thomas, to Stryker's surprise, deflects the officer's intention of pressing charges against Stryker for...
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Adventures of Tarzan Context: Rubi Shetty (Kimi Katkar) stays with her dad Shetty (Om Shivpuri) who is a wealthy businessman and loves hunting and exploring the jungles. One day Ruby accompanies her father deep in the jungle to explore the world of jungle. During her trip her father introduces him to a man named D K (Dalip Tahil). Shetty is fond of DK and desires his daughter Ruby to marry him. DK has an instant liking for the beautiful Ruby. DK is involved in trapping wild animals and sending them to the circus.One day Ruby is lost in the jungle and faces lots of hardships and misadventures in the jungle. She is attacked by wild animals and Tarzan (Hemant Birje) comes to her rescue. He saves her from the attacks of the wild animals. Ruby becomes unconscious due to fear of the wild animals and Tarzan takes her with him. After regaining her consciousness she spends time with Tarzan and becomes friends with him.Tarzan has a great bonding with the animals in the jungle. He easily controls the wild animals in the jungle and they consider Tarzan as their friend. They is a great bonding of love between Tarzan and the animals in the jungle and the animals cant bear if Tarzan is in trouble. They help each other in the time of distress. She is quite impressed after observing the unconditional love between Tarzan and the animals of the jungle. She also finds that Tarzan doesnt know how to talk and decides to teach him. She teaches Tarzan normal human activities and also falls in love with him.In the meantime DK finds Ruby and Tarzan and captures Tarzan. He sends Tarzan to the circus and forces him to show his antics. Children love when Tarzan performs in the circus and instantly they bond with Tarzan. Even Tarzan shares a great rapport and bonding with children.The film will be loved by children and they will love the character of Tarzan and the bonding of animals and Tarzan.
Question: What language is Adventures of Tarzan told in ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: What language is Adventures of Tarzan told in ? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Adventures of Tarzan Context: Rubi Shetty (Kimi Katkar) stays with her dad Shetty (Om Shivpuri) who is a wealthy businessman and loves hunting and exploring the jungles. One day Ruby accompanies her father deep in the jungle to explore the world of jungle. During her trip her father introduces him to a man named D K (Dalip Tahil). Shetty is fond of DK and desires his daughter Ruby to marry him. DK has an instant liking for the beautiful Ruby. DK is involved in trapping wild animals and sending them to the circus.One day Ruby is lost in the jungle and faces lots of hardships and misadventures in the jungle. She is attacked by wild animals and Tarzan (Hemant Birje) comes to her rescue. He saves her from the attacks of the wild animals. Ruby becomes unconscious due to fear of the wild animals and Tarzan takes her with him. After regaining her consciousness she spends time with Tarzan and becomes friends with him.Tarzan has a great bonding with the animals in the jungle. He easily controls the wild animals in the jungle and they consider Tarzan as their friend. They is a great bonding of love between Tarzan and the animals in the jungle and the animals cant bear if Tarzan is in trouble. They help each other in the time of distress. She is quite impressed after observing the unconditional love between Tarzan and the animals of the jungle. She also finds that Tarzan doesnt know how to talk and decides to teach him. She teaches Tarzan normal human activities and also falls in love with him.In the meantime DK finds Ruby and Tarzan and captures Tarzan. He sends Tarzan to the circus and forces him to show his antics. Children love when Tarzan performs in the circus and instantly they bond with Tarzan. Even Tarzan shares a great rapport and bonding with children.The film will be loved by children and they will love the character of Tarzan and the bonding of animals and Tarzan.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Turistas Context: This section's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (October 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Three young American tourists, Alex (Josh Duhamel), his sister Bea (Olivia Wilde), and a friend Amy (Beau Garrett), are backpacking in Brazil. They decide to go by bus and visit parts of the country instead of flying directly to the Northeastern beaches they wish to visit. After a bus crash leaves all the passengers stranded, they are joined by two English men, Finn (Desmond Askew) and Liam (Max Brown), and an Australian woman, Pru (Melissa George), who is fluent in Portuguese. The group find a cabana bar where several other tourists and locals are partying. After spending the day on the beach, they are served drugged drinks and pass out. The next morning, they awaken on the deserted beach, robbed of their luggage, money, and documents. Looking for help in the nearby village, they encounter conflict with locals as they see some of their belongings worn or lying around. Offering help, Kiko (Agles Steib), a local who speaks some English, volunteers to take them to an isolated cabin in the forest, where they can wait for help. In a long walk through the wilderness, Kiko shows them a “secret" cave beneath a waterfall, but, taking a bad dive into the river, Kiko hits the rocky bottom, and is rendered unconscious and begins bleeding profusely from a cut in his head. Proceeding to the cabin in the jungle, they find food, clothes, and a number of prescription drugs, as well as a drawer filled with other people’s passports. They manage to heal Kiko's wound and reluctantly decide to spend the night at the cabin. They are awakened in the middle of the night by a helicopter bringing Zamora (Miguel Lunardi), a physician, and a few associates and doctors, surrounded by armed henchmen. A woman who arrives advises them to flee, but they are confused and try to fight them, only to be beaten into...
Question: Who is Alex sister? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who is Alex sister? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Turistas Context: This section's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed. Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (October 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Three young American tourists, Alex (Josh Duhamel), his sister Bea (Olivia Wilde), and a friend Amy (Beau Garrett), are backpacking in Brazil. They decide to go by bus and visit parts of the country instead of flying directly to the Northeastern beaches they wish to visit. After a bus crash leaves all the passengers stranded, they are joined by two English men, Finn (Desmond Askew) and Liam (Max Brown), and an Australian woman, Pru (Melissa George), who is fluent in Portuguese. The group find a cabana bar where several other tourists and locals are partying. After spending the day on the beach, they are served drugged drinks and pass out. The next morning, they awaken on the deserted beach, robbed of their luggage, money, and documents. Looking for help in the nearby village, they encounter conflict with locals as they see some of their belongings worn or lying around. Offering help, Kiko (Agles Steib), a local who speaks some English, volunteers to take them to an isolated cabin in the forest, where they can wait for help. In a long walk through the wilderness, Kiko shows them a “secret" cave beneath a waterfall, but, taking a bad dive into the river, Kiko hits the rocky bottom, and is rendered unconscious and begins bleeding profusely from a cut in his head. Proceeding to the cabin in the jungle, they find food, clothes, and a number of prescription drugs, as well as a drawer filled with other people’s passports. They manage to heal Kiko's wound and reluctantly decide to spend the night at the cabin. They are awakened in the middle of the night by a helicopter bringing Zamora (Miguel Lunardi), a physician, and a few associates and doctors, surrounded by armed henchmen. A woman who arrives advises them to flee, but they are confused and try to fight them, only to be beaten into...
Movie title: Seed Context: John Boles, Lois Wilson and Genevieve Tobin in Seed Bart Carter has sacrificed a writing career so he can support his wife Peggy and their five children by working as a clerk in a New York City publishing house. When his former girlfriend Mildred Bronson, a literary agent who has been working in the Paris office, returns to the States, she arranges for Bart to draw his regular salary while working on a novel. Because his home life is so chaotic, Bart writes at Mildred's apartment during the day and frequently stays for dinner, and the two soon discover their old feelings for each other have been revived. Bart's novel is published, and when Seed becomes a critical and commercial success, he abandons his family and moves to France with Mildred. Peggy opens a dress shop and lives with the children in an apartment above the store. A decade later, the now-married Bart and Mildred return to New York. His grown children are delighted to see their father, who wishes to make amends for having left them. He suggests enrolling his daughter Margaret in finishing school, sending the twin boys to Harvard University, finding employment for his oldest son, and having the youngest boy live with him and Mildred. At her children's urging Peggy reluctantly agrees, although she feels she is losing them. Mildred assures her they will return to her one day, whereas she believes their renewed relationship with their father will place her own future with Bart in jeopardy.
Question: In what year did Max Seed begin torturing and murdering people? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: In what year did Max Seed begin torturing and murdering people? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Seed Context: John Boles, Lois Wilson and Genevieve Tobin in Seed Bart Carter has sacrificed a writing career so he can support his wife Peggy and their five children by working as a clerk in a New York City publishing house. When his former girlfriend Mildred Bronson, a literary agent who has been working in the Paris office, returns to the States, she arranges for Bart to draw his regular salary while working on a novel. Because his home life is so chaotic, Bart writes at Mildred's apartment during the day and frequently stays for dinner, and the two soon discover their old feelings for each other have been revived. Bart's novel is published, and when Seed becomes a critical and commercial success, he abandons his family and moves to France with Mildred. Peggy opens a dress shop and lives with the children in an apartment above the store. A decade later, the now-married Bart and Mildred return to New York. His grown children are delighted to see their father, who wishes to make amends for having left them. He suggests enrolling his daughter Margaret in finishing school, sending the twin boys to Harvard University, finding employment for his oldest son, and having the youngest boy live with him and Mildred. At her children's urging Peggy reluctantly agrees, although she feels she is losing them. Mildred assures her they will return to her one day, whereas she believes their renewed relationship with their father will place her own future with Bart in jeopardy.
Insufficient information to provide an answer.
Movie title: Bitch Slap Context: Three very different young women; a down-and-out stripper named Trixie (Julia Voth), a violent, drug-running killer and ex-convict named Camero (America Olivo), and a corporate powerbroker nicknamed Hel (Erin Cummings), arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort massive booty, worth over $200 million in diamonds, from a ruthless underworld kingpin. None of the three women are who they appear to be, and they all have an ulterior motive in looking for the stolen loot. All of them are lesbians, although it is strongly implied that Trixie is bisexual.18 hours earlier, it is revealed that they have kidnapped a gangster called Gage (Michael Hurst) whom they hold in the trunk of their car and they try to force him to reveal where the treasure is buried. He refuses, believing they will kill him anyway, but Hel promises he will not be harmed. But after he grabs Trixie and tries to use her as a hostage to escape, Camero shoots Gage dead, against the wishes of Hel. Camero tells Hel that she made no such promise to Gage personally. His cell phone rings and they believe Gage is connected to the notorious Pinky. An almost legendary figure Pinky is a sword wielding killer.Things become more complicated when a police officer arrives. Hel, Camero and Trixie hide the body in the car trunk and are able to convince Deputy Fuchs (Ron Melendez) to leave. Unknown to them, five nights ago, he was in the audience when Trixie performed as a stripper to seduce Gage.While digging for the treasure on the grounds, Camero asks the girls about the best sex they ever had, believing it tells her something important about their character. Trixie tells about having a bisexual three-way at a local carnival, or having sex with a guy in an Amish buggy. Hel refuses to talk, but hints that it may have been with some woman (which implies to be Camero). Camero admits her best sex ever was with a female circus contortionist three months ago, and she did not even know her name. During a water fight, Trixie falls onto something in the sand, they dig...
Question: Who shot Camero in the back? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.".
Question: Who shot Camero in the back? If there is no answer, please output "Insufficient information to provide an answer.". Movie title: Bitch Slap Context: Three very different young women; a down-and-out stripper named Trixie (Julia Voth), a violent, drug-running killer and ex-convict named Camero (America Olivo), and a corporate powerbroker nicknamed Hel (Erin Cummings), arrive at a remote desert hideaway to extort massive booty, worth over $200 million in diamonds, from a ruthless underworld kingpin. None of the three women are who they appear to be, and they all have an ulterior motive in looking for the stolen loot. All of them are lesbians, although it is strongly implied that Trixie is bisexual.18 hours earlier, it is revealed that they have kidnapped a gangster called Gage (Michael Hurst) whom they hold in the trunk of their car and they try to force him to reveal where the treasure is buried. He refuses, believing they will kill him anyway, but Hel promises he will not be harmed. But after he grabs Trixie and tries to use her as a hostage to escape, Camero shoots Gage dead, against the wishes of Hel. Camero tells Hel that she made no such promise to Gage personally. His cell phone rings and they believe Gage is connected to the notorious Pinky. An almost legendary figure Pinky is a sword wielding killer.Things become more complicated when a police officer arrives. Hel, Camero and Trixie hide the body in the car trunk and are able to convince Deputy Fuchs (Ron Melendez) to leave. Unknown to them, five nights ago, he was in the audience when Trixie performed as a stripper to seduce Gage.While digging for the treasure on the grounds, Camero asks the girls about the best sex they ever had, believing it tells her something important about their character. Trixie tells about having a bisexual three-way at a local carnival, or having sex with a guy in an Amish buggy. Hel refuses to talk, but hints that it may have been with some woman (which implies to be Camero). Camero admits her best sex ever was with a female circus contortionist three months ago, and she did not even know her name. During a water fight, Trixie falls onto something in the sand, they dig...
Deputy Fuchs