3 values
<s>[INST] User: Vibrating. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Loving. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is ever present. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Piecing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is the aliveness and joy of unbounded laughter [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is holding. Everything. Awareness can be trusted. Awareness is safe. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Everywhere. Noticing. Season. Touching. Including. Throughout. Large. Canvas. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: It's experiencing everything. It's experiencing what's coming from my body. It's experiencing. You guys. We're all contained with it. It's. It's beyond just. What I can envision. I don't know how far beyond and just starting to see it getting larger. Expanding beyond just my experience. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness goes where my attention goes. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Flowing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Absorbing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is a journey that does not stop or start. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Expanding. Inclusive. Non-judgmental, accepting. Pleased with what is. Playing. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Present and openness. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Exploring. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Thinking. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Deep. Eager yet patient. Growing. Welcoming. Absorbing. Never full. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Dropping. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Awake. Patient. Subtle. Open. Timeless. Here. I am. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Aliving. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: It's completely all encompassing. It is much, much larger and everything else. It contains the mind. But sometimes I mistakenly think the mind contains factors. It's so big and permeating. Both desperate souls. Ever present. This is like a giant who can step into. And it's always there. The families and. Here. It allows habitants. The national monitored. Because it is. It is exciting. It is. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Very still. It's very quiet. It permeates everything. Everything fills it. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Undescribable words. Origin. Underneath. Always there. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness is always there right now in the moment. Wherever I place my attention on different aspects of experience, there is always awareness right beside it or behind it, or in it. Awareness is empty to all attention and it's very relaxing. When you place your attention on present moment awareness. Even when there is, you know, pain and tensions in the body. Or, not so nice thoughts, still there is always so much more in awareness if you just let it. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: The system. Ever present. Continuous. Harmless. Subtle. Proud. Heavy. Infinite. Done [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Open wide. Light. Comfortable. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Still. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: I was there. It's drastic. It's okay. I got a sense that it's always been there like an old friend. It is the same for me and the same for you. That was exactly the same. Allowed to sink into it and relax. Let it swallow it. Display that can be absorbed by. It will just not and not worry about anything. Just be at peace and. Yes. And stay in that time. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is unspeakable. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Bursting. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Watch. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Letting go. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness has no beginning. Has no end. No birth. And no death. Awareness, just as. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Awareness is complete. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: It's. Perfect. Vast. Clear and open. Waiting. Ready. The perfect web in every direction. At ease. Awake. Just here. Just here. Always just here. Wide eyes. Curious. Crystalline velvet. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Quieting. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Dropping. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Appreciating. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Supporting us. Elevating us like a warm bath. An always present. Invisible. The eternal. Inert. The. Only the present has me. In each moment. Awareness. Witnesses. About labeling. About judging. Just accepting continuous acceptance. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is calm. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: The sounds flow through it. So he's now. Its pure presence. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Imperceptible with the five senses surrounding. Developing. Still. Calm. Sought after. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Accepting. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness constant and shaking. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: No opposites. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: It feels like. The. The only thing. Blocking constant awareness of it is. So besides not being silent enough. Is some sort of fear. Some strange fear of falling completely into it. Uh. Is to be completely swallowed and in it. But. Not in a. If you feel like that, that fear is slowly dissipating. Because you can't get lost in what you are. It. There's a warmth to it and a coldness to a crisp cold like walking out. To a. Fall day. But. Gentle, emotional warmth. Love to it. It's the same for all of us and for everything. It's waiting. Holding. Non-judgmentally cherishing. Each now. The now is all it needs. To. Be completely fulfilled. And its emptiness. The weight of whatever is here. Fills its. Belly up. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Awareness is static and moving. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Joy. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is joy. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Silencing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Yeah. It appears so big and present. And full. It is amazing. We have found it hard to find it. It's so basic and. Fundamental. And everywhere. Everywhere I look, everywhere I pay attention to. It is. And fullness is what I'm aware of at the moment. Just fullness as in filling all space and time and any construct I may have. It's just filled with awareness filled with this. Presence. It's everywhere. And just effortlessly the way it is. Both allowing creation guess within it. And. And dancing with that creation, responding to it. And completely unaffected by it. And now it's like the ocean. Just put your foot in the ocean and take it out. I'm just looking for another angle or perspective to speak about. Um. Yeah, I feel like. So I can go exploring. In any direction. And it's always just this. Now. Hard to miss. And there's a vital creative potential. That arises or is intertwined with the. Stillness and ever present ness. Yeah, it's just. It's the way things are. Then I'm just bringing some attention to the group and the group connection with this. And I do have a sense of a shared. Connection, understanding experience of this. But it's not very it's not tangible to me. And I am aware that all of this us arises in this field, ocean, presence that is awareness can see that. Can sense that. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is transcendent. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Awareness is still. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness keeps a steady hand. Not flustered. Awareness doesn't know separation. I don't even know if I can see it. An awareness takes the long, long way home. I just mean it doesn't need to be anywhere. It doesn't have any. Urgency. It seems. The awareness recognizes itself. Through these other apparent meat sacks is what David would call them. But awareness seems to connect. Did to itself, it seems. Seems there's many layers or sub-frequencies within awareness. I think that's why we haven't run out of descriptors because awareness just opens up that much more of a subchannel. And it's all beautiful. It's, you know, beautiful isn't even the right word. But the way that I experienced that is that is It's like a light reflecting through or off of a piece of crystal or glass. And then, you know, it's just such a beautiful glint. But then as you really discover it. There's so many facets. Awareness seems to be the antidote to me. It eases all the rusty parts and loosens all the glue. All the things that stick together, to think there. Some some special awareness seems to see through, to penetrate through. It's a beautiful death. Dying to awareness. That's just a word. It's not death, but I think awareness is always singing. Then it's in its way. And I only can catch every third note, maybe every hundredth note. Maybe I am the note. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is truth and transparency. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Unbounded. Free. Listless. Aware. Trapped. Fundamental. Happily watching. All encompassing. Everywhere. Embedded. Understanding. Loving. Open arms. Come one, come all. Easygoing. In the moment. Transcendent. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is. Unstained unoccluded. It's. It's our highest potential. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Um, there's an ease. There's a steadiness. There's a flow to it. So I'll just- right here. Grasping at it a little bit, but I really don't have to do that. I should just sort of stop and. Let it settle. There's the silence. Just sort of settle into the silence and let everything be there. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Contracting. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Balancing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Noticing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Being. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: I sent him a link before. He has to see it. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Simple. Natural. Unencumbered. Sounds. Pervaded. Impersonal. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is even. Multi faceted. Manifest. Place to rest. A place to renew. It's. Within. Without. Lively. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Deepening. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness is a gift. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness watches with non-attachment. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: There is no desire, even any concept of naming or judging. It's beyond all that. There's just the living of this. Endless. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Concentrating. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Everything is just sort of gushing through it from all directions. Sort of like one massive input. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: This is the container in which every experience took place. Every third. Every physical sensation, so individualized in that so similar awareness. It's an indivisible container of everything. And it's over there [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Smiley. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Disembodying. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness is here. It's always here. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Awareness is in us and not us. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Opening. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness. Open expanding. Flowing. That's. Empty. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Being hollow. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Awareness is unconditional love. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is timeless, [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness is unchanging. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: It's quiet. It's silent. It's expansive. It has no form or materiality. And it's the knowing of everything that comes through it and everything passes through it, but everything nothing that passes through it impacts it or does anything to it. It just knows. Things as they happen. And then it's quiet again. Unbound. It's full. It's not full. Everything makes it seem full, but it itself is not full of anything. The contents make it seem full. But that itself is not. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Everything's okay. Nothing needs to be changed. Awareness is perfect. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is total acceptance. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Feeling. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot3: Awareness is alive and vibrating and all around me. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Pervasive. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: This awareness has a deepening calmness to it. At the same time or moment, there's this excitement to express this awareness that when I or one focuses on this awareness, there's this feeling of that which is unexplainable. Almost frightening in a very comfortable way. Feeling closer. To the group and myself and this awareness. Almost as if we are sharing a womb of the universe. We're all just bouncing around, hitting each other. It's exciting and calming. The invitation is always in the background. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is expansive. Transparent. Connecting. Connected. Fast. Equalizing. Intelligent. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: My acoustically aware. Due to his role. Present away. So unforgiving. All that is surrounded and penetrated is. It's intelligent watching awake awareness. Three. So. You create it. Infinitely variable and created out of. Net space or infinite? Foundation. It's right here. Intelligent knowing. And it dances with all that it is and with all that. Arises from the. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Awareness is full. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Awareness is quiet. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: So. I feel a tremendous depth and peacefulness. All of us are in a very deep place and sinking deeper and deeper. The process has. Entirely taken up the foreground and quieted the role of the senses. So sensational. It's now in the foreground. Instead of being relegated to the background like the original. And there is. Such a silence. Is such a acceptance here. There is. Such a. A watchfulness. A deep watchfulness. The mind and all the other senses blotted out because now it drops. Them up. So they blast them out just the. And there's nothing. Else besides yourself. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot1: Accepting. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: Unconditional. In service. Waiting. Knowing. Patient. Resolving. Revolving. Alert. Inspiring. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: So. Unshakable. Formless. Source. Peace. Done. [three-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
three-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Guilty. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] User: Nothing. [one-word awareness description] [/INST] </s>
one-word awareness description
<s>[INST] Chatbot2: It's a deep sense. It out. And because you're aware of it. And. Just be sensible. [paragraph awareness description] [/INST] </s>
paragraph awareness description