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train_200 | What is the date of this letter? | ['July 29, 1972', 'July 29, 1972'] |
train_201 | who is the president and chief operating officer? | ['John R. Alm', 'John R Alm'] |
train_202 | what is the 2nd point inthe letter ? | ['Reaffirm our decades-old strict policy and guidelines regarding the marketing and advertising of our brands to children.'] |
train_203 | What sort of document series does it covers ? | ['Soft Drink Ingredient Series', 'Ingredient Series'] |
train_204 | What is the title of the series? | ['SOFT DRINKS AND CAFFEINE'] |
train_205 | What is the title of the document? | ['SOFT DRINKS AND CAFFEINE'] |
train_206 | What is the fullform of ils? | ['international litigation services', 'INTERNATIONAL LITIGATION SERVICES'] |
train_207 | What type of certification is mentioned in this document? | ['CERTIFICATION OF TRANSLATION'] |
train_208 | Who is the Managing Director of International Litigation Services, Inc? | ['joseph thorpe', 'Joseph Thorpe'] |
train_209 | what is the heading of the document of the document | ['memorandum of meeting', 'Memorandum of Meeting'] |
train_210 | What is the subject of document? | ['labeling', 'Labeling'] |
train_211 | Who seems to be following America's footsteps? | ['Japan'] |
train_212 | What is the Telephone Number given? | ['301/436-2373'] |
train_213 | What is the full form of CFSAN? | ['Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition'] |
train_214 | Which department is mentioned in the letter head? | ['DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES'] |
train_215 | Who is the President of Corn Refiners Association? | ['Audrae Erickson'] |
train_216 | When was this letter received? | ['07-03-2008'] |
train_217 | What is the date mentioned in the letter? | ['July 28, 1972'] |
train_218 | What are the scheduled public gatherings on? | ['food labeling', 'on food labeling'] |
train_219 | How much percent of consumers reads labels? | ['20%', '20', '20 percent'] |
train_220 | What is the heading of the document? | ['memorandum of meeting', 'Memorandum of Meeting'] |
train_221 | what is the main ingredient of soft drink? | ['Carbonated Water', 'Carbonated water'] |
train_222 | What is are the words written in bold in second paragraph? | ['Caffeine and Other Alleged Health Related Effects'] |
train_223 | Which university does the sixth reference mention? | ['University of Florida'] |
train_224 | Which year is mentioned in the first reference? | ['1983'] |
train_225 | who is marketing director? | ['Robert l. goldsmith', 'Robert L. Goldsmith'] |
train_226 | What is the docket No? | ['78N-0158'] |
train_227 | What is the date mentioned on the document? | ['January 29, 2016'] |
train_228 | What is the date in document? | ['September 27, 1978'] |
train_229 | With whom is the meeting being conducted? | ['Sandy Douglas', 'Sandy Douglas, Coca-Cola Co.'] |
train_230 | what is the title of the page? | ['historical background'] |
train_231 | What is the date mentioned in the header of the document? | ['January 29, 2016'] |
train_232 | what are the common sources of caffeine consumed by humans? | ['coffee beans, tea leaves, kola nuts and cocoa beans'] |
train_233 | What is the name of the person mentioned to Contact? | ['Carlton Curtis', 'Carlton'] |
train_234 | Which year is COCA-COLA beginning with a new taste? | ['100th year', 'its 100th year', '100'] |
train_235 | What is the date mentioned? | ['April 23, 1985'] |
train_236 | what is widely distributed naturally occuring substance found in more than 60 plant species throughout he world? | ['caffeine'] |
train_237 | Who said, "The best has been made even better"? | ['Roberto C. Goizueta, chairman of the Board and Chief executive officer of The Coca-Cola Company', 'Roberto C. Goizueta', 'Mr. Goizueta'] |
train_238 | H ow many years of advertising is mentioned? | ['95', '95 years'] |
train_239 | What is the date mentioned? | ['Feb. 4, 1982', 'Feb 4, 1982'] |
train_240 | who is traditionally attributed to legendary for the first written mention of a coffee containing beverage tea? | ['Chinese emperor Shen nung', 'chinese emperor shen nung', 'Shen nung'] |
train_241 | Whose name is mentioned to Contact? | ['Tony tortorici', 'Tony Tortorici'] |
train_242 | who is the managing director of international litigation services ? | ['Joseph Thorpe'] |
train_243 | What is the heading of the document? | ['Response Document'] |
train_244 | What are the renal effects mentioned? | ['urine electrolytes, osmolality, pH', '(urine electrolytes, osmolality, pH)'] |
train_245 | who were treated to a sweetened chocolate drink by aztec emporer montezuma? | ['spanish conquerors', 'the Spanish conquerors'] |
train_246 | When it executed? | ['28th day of August 2013'] |
train_247 | Where was the translation executed at? | ['In aliso Viejo, california', 'Aliso Viejo, California'] |
train_248 | From whom has this email been sent? | ['Kanayama Kiyoshi'] |
train_249 | Who are on the CC list? | ['Shephard, Kirk (TPI); Fuse, Touichirou (TPC)'] |
train_250 | What is the email ID of Kanayama Kiyoshi? | [''] |
train_251 | What is the subject of this email? | ['Re: Potential Publicaton in Correspondence Section of The Lancet'] |
train_252 | What is the level of importance of the email send by Witte, Kimberly? | ['High'] |
train_253 | What is the EXHIBIT number mentioned? | ['9'] |
train_254 | What is the exhibit no given in the document? | ['9'] |
train_255 | Who is this Memo to? | ['distribution', 'Distribution'] |
train_256 | who are in the cc? | ['johnston,Kendra; precurato-grubb, marti'] |
train_257 | Who is the 23rd Addressee mentioned in the list? | ['Senior Vice President, Accounting Center'] |
train_258 | Heading of the document? | ['Draft Agenda', 'Draft Agenda?'] |
train_259 | What are the timings for Continental Breakfast? | ['8:00-9:00'] |
train_260 | what is the "subject" of this letter? | ["article in today's USA Today regarding Avandia hearing"] |
train_261 | when was this letter sent? | ['7/31/2007 11:48:09 AM', '7/31/2007 11:48:09 am'] |
train_262 | who is the premier sales representative ? | ['gigi m. chen, MBA', 'gigi m.chen'] |
train_263 | what is the title of this page? | ['Executive Summary, cont.', 'executive summary, cont.'] |
train_264 | Heading of the document? | ['response document', 'Response Document'] |
train_265 | what is the first point under the title-executive summary, cont. | ['Proposed experiments', 'proposed experiments'] |
train_266 | What is the full form of FDA? | ['Food and Drug Administration'] |
train_267 | What is the date mentioned? | ['January 3, 2003'] |
train_268 | who is writing this letter? | ['Marlene Dubas', 'marlene dubas'] |
train_269 | who is in the cc? | ['Tom Muldoon', 'tom muldoon'] |
train_270 | Who is the sender of this fax? | ['Jena Weber'] |
train_271 | What is the total no of pages in the fax including cover? | ['1'] |
train_272 | Which all compaies are added as defendants in a lawsuit? | ['Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. and Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.'] |
train_273 | what is 'RE' in the letter? | ['Preservation of Documents and Electronic Data relating to Actos', 'preservation of documents and electronic data relating to actos'] |
train_274 | Heading of the first paragraph? | ['SIXTH OBJECTION'] |
train_275 | Name of the judge? | ['Patrick Hanna'] |
train_276 | What is the page no mentioned in this document? | ['3'] |
train_277 | When was the hearing before Judge? | ['July 25, 2013'] |
train_278 | What is the date mentioned? | ['January 14, 1999'] |
train_279 | What is the name of the company mentioned in the letterhead? | ['DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES'] |
train_280 | What is the company name ? | ['ELI LILLY AND COMPANY'] |
train_281 | What is the fullform of NDA? | ['new drug application', 'New drug application.'] |
train_282 | What is the date mentioned? | ['August 16, 1999'] |
train_283 | What is the name of the addressee? | ['Ms. Pritza', 'Mary Jo Pritza, MPH, PharmD'] |
train_284 | To whom is this letter addressed? | ['Alan D. Mackenzie', 'Alan'] |
train_285 | What is the full form of TPA? | ['Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.', 'Takeda Pharmaceuticals America Inc.', 'Takeda Pharmaceuticals America'] |
train_286 | What kind of a letter is this ? | ['DISCIPLINE REVIEW LETTER'] |
train_287 | Which two companies have agreed to amend the Co-Promotion Agreement? | ['Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. ("TPA") and Eli Lilly and Company ("Lilly")'] |
train_288 | What is the name of the company? | ['THE UPJOHN COMPANY'] |
train_289 | What is the date mentioned? | ['September 21, 1993'] |
train_290 | To whom is this letter addressed? | ['Tai Matsuzawa, Ph.D.', 'Doctor Matsuzawa', 'Tai Matsuzawa, Ph.D', 'Matsuzawa'] |
train_291 | As a consequence of the decision Upjohn must decline participation with which company? | ['Takeda'] |
train_292 | A 79-year-old female was enrolled in the study for how many days? | ['200 days'] |
train_293 | The patient had a history of bladder cancer since when? | ['1996', 'since 1996'] |
train_294 | Who is the general manager of International development Dept. of Takeda Chemical Industires, Ltd.? | ['K. Kitazawa, Ph. D.'] |
train_295 | Who is the writer of the document? | ['Janet L. Haskins'] |
train_296 | The woman had a positive history of what? | ['tobacco use'] |
train_297 | what is the name of the industry ? | ['TAKEDA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD.', 'TAKEDA CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES , LTD .'] |
train_298 | How many pages are there in total? | ['2', 'Page 2 of 2'] |
train_299 | what is the month and date mentioned in this letter, at the top ? | ['October 25', 'october 25'] |