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Does A Single Person With No Dependents Need Life Insurance?
A single person has debt and financial obligations and someone has to pay when they die. You will not leave a load of debt on loved once to pay. It better to die in dignity. Get life insurance. How will you expect your remain to be disposed of if you have no life insurance.
Where To Get Cheap Renters Insurance?
Is Northwestern Mutual whole Life a good investment? Well it depends on your needs. Your needs are what make any choice a good or bad investment. First Northwestern Mutual is a very highly rated fiscally strong company, as many others are. Using Whole life as an investment does work as part of an overall investment strategy as it provides a safe place to accumulate money as well as protecting your other plans. What you will find is whole life insurance is the most boring investment product out there. It's not exciting, it's not racy, it's not an up and down product. It is a slow safe and secure place to put money out there. It's boring because it does what it says it will do. I have owned whole life for almost 30 years and it has never let me down. Can't say the same about my real estate or stock market investments during that same window of time. Oh, last thing to keep it short. Whole life cash values don't go backwards. You can't lose it once it's there.
Can You Cash In A Universal Life Insurance Policy?
Yes, you can cash in a universal life policy. Discuss the ramifications of your decision with your agent, first. If you do cash it in, you can roll the cash value over into a new permanent policy without paying taxes on the cash. To cash it in, you call the company through which it was issued.
How Much Is Insurance When Buying A Home?
Lenders normally require a mortgage holder to provide hazard insurance to cover the lenders interest in the property. This is normally interpreted to mean, a homeowners policy. The amount of coverage requested by the lender does not necessarily match the replacement cost for the residence. In California the mortgage holder cannot be forced to carry insurance in excess of the replacement cost of the residence. Your insurance agent can compute the cost of the policy that you require.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover HVAC?
In California the auto policy is issued to a family. If they reside at the same address and are in fact members of your household they can purchase insurance on their car, especially if you appear on the title of the car. However, their problem will become your problem in most cases
How Much Does Basic Renters Insurance Cost?
It will depend on how the divorce is structured. As an Insurance Agent and not an attorney I won't attempt to tell you what the laws says regarding divorce. What I will offer is some suggestions as to what could happen; 1) Nothing - present insurance in force prior to a divorce does not change because of the divorce 2) Judge assigns insurance policy - a judge could order that the beneficiary for the policy be changed to support a divorcing spouse or children. He could also issue instructions as to how the cash value of a policy is to be distributed. I would consult an attorney for a more detailed answer.
Is Life Insurance Taxable To The Beneficiary In Illinois?
Life insurance proceeds are not taxed. The proceeds are directed to the named beneficiary. This is also a great option for estate planning. Tangible assets depending on how it's structured, may be taxed. It's best to meet with a licensed professional to design a program that can eliminate taxes to be paid. Life insurance can offset any taxes to be paid.
Can I Qualify For Long Term Care Insurance?
Sure you can. But there may be coverage issues for you and/or your parents. If you live with your folks and the insurance company does not know you are a household driver, they could deny coverage to you and/or your parents for that omission if there is a claim. If you do not live with them, most insurance companies will cover you as a permissive driver. But the operative word there is "most." This is a good question we often get from out clients BEFORE the situation occurs to avoid any potential problem. I suggest your call yours or your folks' insurance professional for clarification.