I had some beautiful cutlets that were cut just right that I was going to fry up as an appetizer.
So, I was home for about an hour.
My plan was to start the dinner early so Karen and I could unload the guns Jimmy didn't want then get the package for Lois to take to Atlanta for her trip later that night.
I kept looking out the window, and I saw that the helicopter was gone.
Michael, keep an eye on the sauce.
Stay here with your uncle Michael.
So I asked my brother to watch the sauce.
and Karen and I started out.
Oh, God.
I see it.
- I see it.
Look, it's right there.
- Damn!
- That's it.
- There it is.
We got to get to your mother's.
See, I told you.
It's funny.
- It's not the end of the world.
- We're going to your mother's.
Go inside, tell your mother not to touch anything outside the house.
We couldn't go to your mother's house?
You had to come here.
Let's go shopping.
I'm not nuts, it's been following me all morning.
I'm telling you.
He thinks I'm paranoid!
I should bring him the helicopter, then we'll see how paranoid I am.
Come on, let's go inside.
- Yeah, it's gone.
- I don't hear anything.
Let's go back to your mother's.
- They all right?
- Beautiful.
They're great.
Didn't I tell you, you were paranoid?
Didn't I tell him?
I need a hit.
Want to see helicopters?
Come on, I'll show you helicopters.
I've seen enough helicopters for one day, thank you.
My plan was I had to get home and get the package ready for Lois to take on her trip.
Also, I had to get to Sandy's house to give the package a whack with quinine.
Plus, I knew Sandy would get on my ass.
Then I had the cooking to finish, and I had to get Lois ready for her trip.
- It's Sandy.
What is this?
- She's a pain in the ass.
- When are you coming over?
- In an hour.
- You staying tonight, right?
- I can't.
I got my brother tonight.
Come on, stop.
We'll talk about it later, okay?
- Hello?
- It's me.
You ready?
Listen, tell Michael not to let the sauce stick.
Keep stirring it.
- Henry says don't let the sauce stick.
- I'm stirring it.
- Listen, you know what to do?
- Yeah, yeah.
Don't "yeah, yeah" me, Lois.
This is important.
Make sure you leave the house when you make the call.
You understand me?
You hear me?
Call from an outside line.
I mean it.
Jesus, you must think I'm dumb.
Why are you bugging me?
I know what to do.
You little hick, just make sure you do it.
You can be such a pain.
- Hey!
Just do it!
- Okay.
All of them.
Every fucking girl in my life.
- What did he say?
- Nothing.
What does she do after she hangs up with me?
After everything I told her?
After all her "yeah, yeah" bullshit?
She picks up the phone and calls from the house.
If anybody was listening, they'd know everything.
They'd know a package was leaving my house and they'd even have the time and flight number, thanks to her.
As soon as I got home, I started cooking.
I had a few hours until Lois' flight.
I told my brother to keep eye on the stove.
All day long the guy's been watching helicopters and tomato sauce.
You see, I had to drive over to Sandy's, mix the stuff, then get back to the gravy.