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12.1k Moving Target (1988): Jason Bateman, John Glover, Jack Wagner, Chynna Phillips: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Jack Wagner Rocks
Jack Wagner is excellent as he plays against type as the evil hitman in this NBC telefilm from 1988. Worth seeking out for Wagner's performance alone.
0Amazon Instant Video
3 Moving Target (1988): Jason Bateman, John Glover, Jack Wagner, Chynna Phillips: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Moving Target
I found this to be an intrieging suspense thriller with a minimum of violence and a happy ending. This is a rare combination in recent releases. I found it well excepted and enjoyed by teen age audiences.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Moving Target (1988): Jason Bateman, John Glover, Jack Wagner, Chynna Phillips: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
cheesy, very dated, and well... the beginning of a great career
I don't know exactly when Jason Bateman started his career, but after watching Arrested Development the last several years (reruns of course) I wanted to tune into Moving Target to find out what he looked like as a teenager. WOW, haha. He looks pretty much the same as he does now, except he's much smaller, and I THINK I remember Jason Bateman being somewhat of a chick magnet for all the teenage girls out there back in the late 80's.Anyway, while I didn't expect Arrested Development-type quality while watching Moving Target (or a comedy for that matter) I can't say this movie does a whole lot of things differently from all the other similar "run from bad guys- shoot bad guys" movies that are out there.The only difference in this film compared to the many similar ones from the same time period is that Bateman plays a teenage boy in this movie as the main character, and he has to run from the bad guy that supposedly has connections to the mob and forces Bateman's parents to change their names and where they live. Why didn't the parents tell Bateman about any of this and instead waited for him to return home from summer camp to find out his parents no longer lived there, so Bateman's character has to be worried sick and constantly confused? I have no idea. Maybe a case of bad parenting. Actually I think it's because Bateman chose to skip summer camp and he ran away early to return home. Maybe the parents WERE planning to tell him when he arrived home.Anyway, it's somewhat cheesy as far as the acting is concerned, but because it's an older film there's something somewhat appealing about the occasional sloppy writing and acting skills. I liked it. Bateman went on to much much MUCH better things (such as Arrested Development) but this movie ain't bad for what it is.
0Amazon Instant Video
3 Moving Target (1988): Jason Bateman, John Glover, Jack Wagner, Chynna Phillips: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
Slow dull "classical" 1980's style movie
2 stars of 5 for this slow dull "classical" 1980's style movie. This movie has a young Jason Bateman in the lead. Very very very slow and dull with a few moments of bad 1980's style music. To our relief the background music (which is very annoying) is kept to a minimum. Though it attempts to be an action/suspense movie, it achieves neither. I'd suggest skipping this movie.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Moving Target (1988): Jason Bateman, John Glover, Jack Wagner, Chynna Phillips: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Thank you for Releasing it!!!!!
I loved this movie as a kid and I am so happy the powers that be have decided to release it finally! If you want to see a great 80's movie, this is it!
0Amazon Instant Video
10 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Mask Maker
I saw this at a store and the cover is probably the best i've seen in a long time. However, you cannot judge a horror movie but it's cover. 9 out of 10 times the movie will suck. Mask Maker is about a couple who buy a home in the middle of nowhere. A long time ago the woman who lived there was accused of being a witch and was killed by the towns people and so was her baby. Her husband whoses face was horribly burned saw the entire event, I might have missed something. Anyways, the man unearths a stick in the graveyard behind there house and the man is resurrected. If you're a person who needs to see someone killed every ten minutes, then this movie is not for you. It's slow placed but the kills are well done. The killer looks like the new Leatherface without muscles. The ending was a typical slasher ending and I guess there will be another part made. I'd welcome a sequel since this did have potential.Overall, a good horror movie that was a little slow paced.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
It was "ok" but I won't watch it again
I watched this last night. And I don't remember enough of it to give it a indepth review. But it wasn't as bad as people are letting on nor was it as great as people are letting on. If you don't like your killer to be supernatural then don't bother with this. Its about a guy that comes back from the dead. His whole storyline is kinda silly and there are plot holes all over the place. The acting wasn't bad at all, and neither were the deaths. In fact it was kinda gory. But that doesn't make a great movie. The flashbacks were a little confusing as well. I wouldn't watch it again. But its far from the worst movie I've seen.
0Amazon Instant Video
10 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
Combination of a suspense and slasher movie that drags on too long. A low rate, not that scary "Poltergeist". I say C
What if your dream turned out to be a nightmare? After Jennifer's (Deloach) boyfriend Evan (Colletti) surprises her with a new house for her birthday strange things begin to happen. This is a hard movie to review. It is not that bad, but it drags, a lot. It's another haunted house because of something buried in the land movie that is not that bad, but it would have been a good "Fangoria Series" movie at an hour long, trying to stretch it out for an hour and a half really hurt the movie. If you are looking for a decent horror movie that is a cross between suspense and a slasher, this is a good choice. If you are looking for a very scary movie then I would go for something else. Not terrible, not great. I did like the ending though. I give it a C.Would I watch again? - I doubt it.
0Amazon Instant Video
7 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Loved it! (P.S. Stephen Colletti is so hot!)
I initially bought the movie just because Stephen Colletti (who I'm in love with) was one of the leads...and I really didn't expect much from what looks to be a low-budget indie horror flick. But, I really did like it! The lead girl who plays Jennifer (Nikki DeLoach) is really good. I can't believe I've never seen her in anything before? Maybe I have, but I didn't know!?! It was cool to see the guy from Weekend at Bernie's (Terry Kiser)...he is a really good actor. Too bad he was dead the whole time in both movies I saw him in, lol. Anyways, this was a cool movie and I'm glad I got it!
0Amazon Instant Video
12 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Fun movie - worth the watch
This movie was fun to watch although it drags on a bit at times. I have to say that I was more impressed with the acting in this low budget horror flick than the majority of the cookie-cutter characters I'm used to seeing in horror movies. If you are looking for a movie full of blood and guts, this may not be your cup of tea. But, if you want to watch a fun movie with good acting and some decent scares, this is your kind of movie. Definitely worth the watch.
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
Needed a Face Lift
This film seemed to have a bit of potential at first. It was obvious it was going to be a rehash of a lot of the old Leatherface clichés, but Nikki DeLoach's good humor was infectious and the couple launching off on their new life in the isolated old house was likeable. So I was ready to overlook the townsfolk with secret knowledge of the house's dangerous past - the gathering of frolicsome young people at the house, ready to be picked off by the killer while they were in the act - and all the other formulaic plot elements that the "Scream" series does such a good job satirizing.But then things got really dreary. Leatherface, Michael Myers, and all the other killers in that tradition might have seemed almost superhuman in their ability to rebound. But the key word with them was "almost." They might be inexorable, but it was still possible, however remotely, that they could be representing real people. A viewer could justify the time spent watching these films with the "based on a true story" rationale. After all, Ed Gein was a real person who really did drape himself in human skin.But the killer in this film seems to rise from the dead. He emerges from a mishmash of supernatural shenanigans. So there's no way I could feel I might learn anything about the heart of true evil by watching this film. And so it lost me."Mask Maker" is well-photographed and has a few scary moments. But over all, it's a false-face.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
Entertaining Slasher with elements of Other Well known films
Mask Maker starts off with a flash back of something traumatic that happened years before in a barn next to the main house but we don't really learn about the real story until Jennifer and Evan move in to the house years later and Jennifer finds and reads a journal and as she reads it we go to more flash backs..Jennifer and Evan get the house,barn and 40 acres for 10.000 dollars and feel so fortunate that they got such an amazing deal and better yet the house is filled with pricey antiques ,they are about to find out nothing good comes cheap.There were so many similarities between this and Friday The 13th part 2 and the house looks just like the one from the remake of the Texas Chainsaw massacre.There is even a scene very reminiscent of the scene where Jason falls face first onto a machete in F-13th part 4.I liked it because the story was pretty cool and the killer lurks around very Jason Voorhees/Michael Myers style and is very creepy.His face at first is bandaged because of some kind of skin Condition he had as a child.The new owners invite two other couples for the weekend and one by one they go missing "of course" gotta love the slasher formula.As each is killed the killer takes the skin from their faces and puts it over his, very Leather Face -esque..The kills and effects were good and not over done,it's the kind of semi gore you would see in a Friday the 13th film nothing over the top,that's why it had an old school feel to me.I give it 3 and 1/2 stars and would watch it again.
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
mask maker
A guy buys a house for his girl and there friends come to celebrate. Then they die by some masked guy who reminds you of leather face from Texas C. The deaths were alright and the storyline was good enough. His masks were basically the faces of whoever he killed which is easy to get in general. Plus they do show the backdrop to who this killer is and why everything is happening, so it was fun to watch this C horror film but don't rush out to buy it.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
mask maker
It was good horrifying never a dull moment u can watch and not be bored ir wondering when is a good part coming
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
mask maker
I liked the film it has what every horror likes in this type of movie the suspense,mystery,good and bad times,plus a shocking ending that makes you think that there is more to story, and plot was very good Robert.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
NOT the worst American B-Movie
This movie was a horror film thhat displayed an effort to steer clear of typical horror movie dialogue and pacing. There are no blonde girls and the girls that are here don`t trip over the tree roots in the yard. Now a white girl did fall and twist her knee in the movie but guess what? It was not on a tree root!!!
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Kiosk Rating <1
Positives:None that I can think of. Really, I'm trying.Negatives:(1.) Cheap, e.g. starting with no subtitles or special features. Acting experience/filmography for the most part consists of shorts, TV videos which is typical of cheap and quick almost made for TV productions. Cheap costume store style face masks and usual cheap knife/hatchet effects stabbings.(2.) Not creative (you've seen this storyline so many times), time worn college students in a remote farm. The usual Native burial (never explained why) and the usual some sort of illicit child grows up to cause some bodily harm to some really dumb acting students. The usual towns folk have a secret about the previous occupant of the farm house which was, thinking she was a witch, they killed her with a Native spear (never explained why). One person survives, as usual, and we think the bad grown up child person is dead - but not really. Time for a cheap money making sequel.(3.) The face mask has been done before and is anatomically/physically impossible for a variety of reasons so it loses some credibility points there. Besides they were't even scary. Unlike the superior SAW they didn't even bother to show much other than one time pulling a rubber mask off of a person to make it look like it was real.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
MASK MAKER takes us down a cinematic path often traveled and does it in a typically predictable fashion. A story of revenge with an unstoppable killer who murders his victims and uses their skinned faces to achieve some kind of beauty. Flashbacks reveal his motivation in an attempt to elicit some level of sympathy.MASK MAKER isn't the worst entry in this familiar territory but it doesn't tread new waters either. The cast performs on various levels of competence. WEEKEND AT BERNIE's Terry Kiser is an effective guilt-ridden buffoon. Treat Williams is ill-used in a cameo role. Horror vet Michael Berryman is unusually restrained in a small role. Nikki Deloach is no Jamie Lee Curtis in her leading role, giving a weak performance in a typical survivor role as the resilient resourceful female. Doomed fiance Stephen Colletti (sic) is equally flaccid.An open-ended finale paves the way for MASK MAKER II---something we definitely don't need.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
Sadly, there is absolutely nothing original in this movie. The filmmakers shamelessly borrowed from practically everyone, turning out a stale formula piece that is purely by the numbers. I couldn't find a thing that elevated this movie above a 100 other like films. The plot is standard: a group of kids spend the weekend at an old house with a bad history. A standard, run of the mill maniac kills them in unimaginative ways and of course no one notices until it's too late. Everything happens exactly on cue, in order, with no surprises, and no frights. This movie is safe and boring, it really couldn't have been any better if it tried. Not even the brief appearance of horror icon Michael Berryman (playing a nice guy for a change) can help the dullness of the script.Even the title is a misnomer! Although the original title, Maskerade, isn't any better.And I had such high hopes as this is one of my favorite genres.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Mask Maker: Jonathan Breck, Nikki Deloach, Stephen Colletti, Treat Williams: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Mask Maker
Mask Maker is Part-Chainsaw Massacare(Minus The Chainsaw and Better in My Opinion),Part Zombie(sorta),Part Jeepers Creepers but with a Slasher,Part SuperNatural,and a Little Voodoo/Black Magic(ugh) thrown in,But What I like is the story,it is not extremely gory, but it does have some gore which I'd prefer not but then it wouldn't be a great horror movie.I like that it is a House(40 acres and no Mule,Take That Jesse and Sharpton!)albeit a haunted one and the story is unique so that it does not ripoff any particular movie.I don't care for the hickexplotation making fun of country folk and such,It could have made fun of snotty Easterners or Leftcoasters just as well as they always seem more deranged than any backcountryhillbilly ever could.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Salmonberries: Percy Adlon, Eleonore Adlon: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Grew on a second viewing
A sort of mix of Percy Adlon's earlier `Bagdad Café' andRoberty Altman's `Three Women' set in Alaska.k.d. lang plays an androgynous miner who falls in love with a straight, private, local German librarian.They both have muddy, tragic pasts that slowly emerge. There are some deeply moving moments,and some wonderful slightly magical realist touches. The cinematography is very good. But while langdoes a surprisingly decent job, I can't help thinking a stronger, more experienced actress could havebrought out even more in this amazing role.That said, I did enjoy this much more on a second viewing. While it bothered me that it felt at times likeAdlon was simply trying to re-create the magic of `Bagdad Café' (odd, surreal setting, quirky out of placecharacters, cinematography that uses color in exaggerated ways for effect, etc.) overall I foundmyself more able to just let go and accept this tale on its own merits. And doing that, it made me smile.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Boy Toy: Dawn Olivieri, Mircea Monroe, John White, Morgan Fairchild: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Boy Toy Much Better Than Expected
Just watched this with my girlfriend out of curiosity because of the name. Expected a raunchy flick and instead it was really good and funny film with a real happy ending. Definitely a date film or one to just want when you want a laugh.
0Amazon Instant Video
9 Boy Toy: Dawn Olivieri, Mircea Monroe, John White, Morgan Fairchild: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Boy Toy Much Better Than Expected
Just watched this with my girlfriend out of curiosity because of the name. Expected a raunchy flick and instead it was really good and funny film with a real happy ending. Definitely a date film or one to just want when you want a laugh.
0Amazon Instant Video
7 Vampireland: Michael Bugard, Eric Maurer, Eric Jaan, Misty Mills: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Sick of mushy romance vampires? Check this flick out!
VAMPIRELAND is a fun indie horror about vampires taking over the earth in a single night. The most striking aspect of the flick is how old school tough the vampires are - not a hint of romance or feelings whatsoever. They're just mean and tough monsters; not sexy in the slightest. The vampires are basically terminators!As tough as they are, they still seem governed by the legendary rules - they can't cross running water, are afraid of crosses, and must be invited in, etc. All in all, a nice change of pace from TWILIGHT, which I am sick of at this point.VAMPIRELAND moves from scene to scene quickly and doesn't bog down too much. The acting in general is OK, with Michael Bugard standing out as the lead vampire - boy does he have a potty mouth! Very funny at times, while still being scary.The special effects and make up are much better then you'd think they'd be for an indie film - there's a sequence where the lead vampire battles a tank that's awesome. Good gore. Good music too.Is it the best movie ever? Nope - but it's certainly not the worst either. It's lots of fun and as long as you aren't expecting CITIZEN KANE, you'll enjoy it. This is the kind of vampire film they don't make anymore, which might be this film's greatest strength.Well worth $1.99 rental (especially if it's a stormy night). BTW, the stream looked great, even at one bar signal.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Vampireland: Michael Bugard, Eric Maurer, Eric Jaan, Misty Mills: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
An amazing example of independent filmmaking.
Evil Genius Productions have been in business for a long time. I should know, I've been friends with them from the start. You may think that this would bias my review in their favor, but as a true friend I can be honest to a fault. Brutally honest in some cases.Vampireland is EGE's third film. This fact alone is impressive in a field where most companies fold after the first or second try. One thing I like about their movies, is the fact that each film is better than the last. It's rare to see people improve in this field. So many go through their careers with blinders on, believing that they know everything. These guys are always learning and improving.Vampireland is the story of the last day of humanity. An apocalyptic beginning of the end. We are introduced to everyday people, just like you and I. We get a brief glimpse into their lives, then all hell breaks loose. A comet on a collision course with the moon rains destruction down upon the earth while vampires, their 'Renfields' and worse, wage death and destruction upon humanity. These people try to survive against all odds as the world crumbles around them.Will they survive? You'll have to watch to find out!One of the most impressive things about this film are the visual effects. The quality are far and beyond anything I would have expected from a low budget horror film. There are a few faults with the film, but given the extreme circumstances that someone making an independent film has to deal with, Vampireland definitely comes out ahead.If you like vampires, post-apocalyptic survival tales and low budget horror, this is for you!
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Vampireland: Michael Bugard, Eric Maurer, Eric Jaan, Misty Mills: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
This movie was horrible. It did not play right when I was watching it online. I liked how it went by old vampire styles. Such as crosses worked and you had to invite them in and such. But the ending was really bad. Do not waste your money on this one. Also the storyline did not really make much sense.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Vampireland: Michael Bugard, Eric Maurer, Eric Jaan, Misty Mills: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Negative Stars! Avoid like flesh eating bacteria!
"Lets jiggel the camera to show that the ground is shakeing!"Special effects; haloween leftovers.Acting; Well, the cast managed to repeat memorized lines.Casting apears to have been done in a trailer park.Script; I know nine year olds who write better stories.Cinimatography; Someones home cam.Conclusion: Anoyingly boreing and essentially unwatchable waist of time and money.
0Amazon Instant Video
6 Vampireland: Michael Bugard, Eric Maurer, Eric Jaan, Misty Mills: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Worst movie EVER!!!!
Do not waste your time! I love hokie, I love cheese when it comes to horror. This just plain old sucked.
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Vampireland: Michael Bugard, Eric Maurer, Eric Jaan, Misty Mills: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
There was very bad effects & evil characters that look like they stepped out of the 10 dollar costume halloween shop. If you are in to paying 1.99 for really cheesy stuff this is for you. The bad guy does have a good demonic voice & some interestingly complex and incredibly vulgar sayings.
0Amazon Instant Video
7 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Spun Out
The best things about this heavily formula vehicle are (1) Elvis' opening production numbers (including a nicely staged "Adam And Evil"); (2) Deborah Walley's "girl drummer" role; (3) the Deusenberg; and (4) Elvis' closing production number, the medium walking blues "I'll Be Back". Everything else is redundant.
0Amazon Instant Video
9 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Elvis Excelsis
Hooray, SPINOUT on DVD at last! One of Elvis' 60s movies, about which all you can say is, if you like them, you love them. Somewhere along the way, Elvis stopped really caring about everything except Gladys, and the scripts suffered. They were all the same with plenty of innuendo, but not much real sex. Except of course that sex is omnipresent in the air, it's built into each frame of film like a poltergeist nimbus in a haunted house. SPINOUT features Elvis opposite the perplexing pixie Deborah Walley, who often played a kind of tomboyish girl yearning to be a woman, the parts Debbie Reynolds owned a decade earlier. And yet Walley is extremely sexy, just not in this film. The other guys Elvis has to compete with aren't in his league, but they're not bad looking, at least Will Sugarfoot Hutchins and Carl Betz from the Donna Reed Show are passable and here even Warren Berlinger from BILLIE looks pretty sharp.However in every department the women outclass them, from Deborah Walley in torn sweatshirts and pink Capris, to ultra-chic Diane McBain an "author" like Helen Gurley Brown of sex manuals for bachelorettes, to Shelley Fabares, the millionaire daughter of Carl Betz--a casting move that will leave you scratching your head if you remember her playing the same part in The Donna Reed Show. As many have noted, the final number is the best--I'LL BE BACK, sung by Elvis and band in a bohemian basement nightclub with weird proto-Dufy paintings on the walls and candles stuck in Chianti bottles, and the band drives the crowd to their feet eventually, everyone doing the Frug and the Monkey in wild 60s abandon.
0Amazon Instant Video
8 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
This movie was not and will not be remembered as great cinema... but one of the 50 worst films of all time? Terrible? You have got to be kidding.Simply put, if you don't like Elvis, you won't like this movie. If you are a fan of modern movies containing gratuitous violence, nudity, foul language and etc, you should avoid this movie because I guarantee you will not like it. BUT, if you want a innocuous, family film with fun music and a star who could charm the birds right out of the trees, you will enjoy this movie.Was Elvis out of touch in the mid and late 60's? YES. And I for one am glad he was and appreciate the fact that he made music and movies that were entertaining, light-hearted and able to be played in the same room with children. In the 60's, Elvis' movies helped to create an escapism from a world that seemed to be falling apart and represented a gentler, more innocent time.CORNY?...YES!, COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER?...DEFINITELY!, but a bad movie...NO! Compared to other star vehicles of the day (Frankie and Annette, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin's Matt Helm films, Don Knotts, and etc) it is a very good movie.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Better than average Elvis 60's flick.
"Spinout" is neither the best nor the worst Elvis movie of the 60's. But it is represenative of most of his films and thus a good movie for Elvis newbies to gauge whether they want to see any more from da' King.The Plot? Well, here goes;Elvis and his bandmates (who are also his pit crew) run across a millionaire's daughter & a attractive journalist who want Elvis as their trophy husband. The band's drummer (whose also a gourmet cook) is also smitten with the King. The millionaire wants Elvis as well, but only to drive his new race car. In the end, everyone is racin', dancin', & finally gettin' married. But which one (of any of them) does Elvis chose?The songs are above average for a typical Elvis flick, lead off by the snappy rock number "Stop, Look, Listen". Other highlights include "Adam & Evil", "All That I Am", and the swaggering "I'll Be Back"."Spinout" is perfect drive-in fare where the details of the plot should really be ignored if you're going to enjoy the film. Although I'll admit that some of it is so bad it's funny. Take for example the late night dinner scene that happens early in the film. Elvis manages to light a campfire simply by dropping a lit match on a small pile of dry wood (try that the next time your camping). Or how Elvis 'n bandmates manage to organize a pool party overnight to wake the millionaire up at dawn. Not to mention the band itself seems only vaguely familiar with how their instraments work. The fetching Deborah Wally seems completely lost while trying to maintain a beat.The rest of the cast is fine, if not really outstanding. Shelly Fabares is appropriately spoiled, yet radient as the millionaire's daughter. Diane McBain is the quinessential cool blond jounalist who pops out of nowhere from time to time. And Warren Berlinger is in perfect sit-com form as the hapless assitant to the millionaire whose desparately in love with Fabares.The film does have stretches where nothing really happens and the most groan inducing moment is when Elvis identifies a wondering mutt as a "Hound Dog". Elvis himself seems rather bored all through the film and his eyes are noticably hazy, as if...well, I'll leave any explaination for why up to y'all.For those who love Elvis and enjoy his films, this one is for you. For those who are curious, "Spinout" is a good introduction and is just entertaining enough to pass a lazy afternoon.Some extra trivia:* - Cecil Kelloway & Una Merkel make their final movie appearence as the old couple that Elvis tricks into taking their second honeymoon. There characters are not the sharpest knives in the drawer considering that they leave their mansion in the hands of a total stranger whose a rock musician.* - Note the first wide shot of the club that Elvis performs "Stop, Look, Listen". You'll see everyone movin' & dancin' to the song, including the guy on the phone.* - One member of the band "plays" a double-necked guitar, which was just coming into prominence at the time.* - The ad line for "Spinout" was "Elvis marries three women at once." It turns out to be literally true, but not in the way you might think.
0Amazon Instant Video
3 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
The Road To Love Is Full Of Danger Signs...
Three lovely young ladies all want Elvis' gearstick in this craptastic musical comedy that's so bad it ROCKS! I just love the title song sequence where Les and the guys 'provide' Elvis with "...lots and lots of girls." And who was that chick, the blonde with the short cropped hair who literally shoves all the other chikadees aside to get up and spinout with the King? She looks like she's out to prove she can really score, and I never saw parts move like that before! Elvis looks embarrassed. Anyway, after you've crossed those double lines and Spinout you will want to do so again and again and again. Simply awful, but I mean that in a great way.
0Amazon Instant Video
9 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
great cheesy Elvis movie
if you like Elvis movies (even the bad ones, like me) you will like this one - cheesy, artificially staged, race cars, Shelley Fabares - what's not to like?
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Excellent Musical Comedy
This is an excellent musical comedy from the swinging 60s. Elvis Presley is at his very musical best and the color is nice, the songs are excellent and the whole movie is just fun, fun and great fun. I love this DVD. Highly recomanded!
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Who else would have three beautiful women after him?
"Spinout" has Elvis playing a singing race car driver with three beautiful women who want to race him down the aisle to marriage. They are Shelley Fabares, Diane McBain, and Deborah Walley. Looks like Elvis has a tough decision. I can't decide myself. In "Spinout" you'll find two veteran stars in the height of their stardom: Cecil Kellaway and Una Merkel in one of her last roles. Also, the man who plays Shelley Fabares' father is Carl Betz who also starred with her as her father on "The Donna Reed Show". So, try to not to knock this movie. It's got great songs and the title tune was a top 40 hit by just that much. So, treat yourself to a swinging film that you just can't understand why Elvis wants to stay single.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
Shallow and fun
Spinout is possibly just above average in Elvis' body of work. He does have a nice supporting cast in Shelley Fabares, Diane McBain, Deborah Walley, Will Hutchins, Warren Berlinger, and Carl Betz. All are personable and believable in their roles.In Spinout, Elvis is once again a musically inclined race car driver. This time he runs a four member band, and through the course of the movie has to fend off the attentions of three beautiful ladies. My favorite scene is Elvis charming a rich elderly couple out of the use of their house as he convinces them to go on a second honeymoon. You get a bit of a different ending for an Elvis movie, as most of the time you are used to him falling in love with the female lead to live (supposedly) happily ever after.Like many Elvis movies, there is no high art here. But you do get to know a likable group of people. Also like a lot of Elvis movies, there are no bad guys, just ego conflicts between various people you come to like (much like Clambake and Viva Las Vegas). Its an enjoyable bit of escapism, and another chance to see one of the best singers and most dynamic entertainers of rock and roll deliver some numbers onscreen. Let's face it, Elvis was entertaining even when delivering average acting performances, and we're 40+ years out from his last film. We have to take what was made, and luckily that's most often good enough.Recommended as relaxing and light entertainment.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
a fast driving Elvis is marriage material times three...
Spinout (1966) is a light fun romp featuring Elvis Presley rocking as the member of a travelling band, pursued by a trio of beautiful girls. Director Norman Taurog finished his distinguished career, primarily working on films featuring Elvis Presley. This time, the story is slightly more grounded in reality than usual, as being in a band provides ample opportunities to feature musical numbers, and the action is spiced up with scenes featuring cars racing.Elvis is Mike McCoy, the leader of a rock band out on tour, who also races cars in his spare time. McCoy and the band travel between gigs in a Model J Duisenberg, with a trailer carrying his Cobra 427 racer and the band's gear in tow. The band's female drummer, and resident gourmet chef Les (Deborah Walley), has a secretly crush on Mike, but she doesn't have much of a chance, as everyone regards her as just one of the boys. Diana St. Clair (Diane McBain) an author who writes books about men, also has her sights on Mike as the subject of her next book, and perhaps even matrimony.Things get more complicated, when millionaire businessman Howard Foxhugh (Carl Betz) uses his influence to force Mike and the band to come to Santa Barbara to perform at his mansion for his daughter Cynthia's birthday. Mike has already had a run in with Cynthia (Shelley Fabares), an angel-faced but spoiled little daddy's girl, who soon also falls for Mike, after he sings the touching "Am I Ready" for her. Foxhugh offers Mike a job driving his new race car the Fox Five, and then tries to force the band to leave town when he declines. But Mike manages to take up residence in Ranley Manor, the mansion adjoining the Foxhugh residence. For the upcoming Santa Fe road race Foxhugh has offered a $50,000 prize to the winner, setting up the movie's exciting and fun finish. The racing angle takes a while to get going, but it adds some color and excitement at the finish, as Cynthia's boyfriend Philip Short (Warren Berlinger) becomes an unauthorized participant in the race.The musical numbers are a highlight and they seem to fit smoothly into the flow of the action. "Stop Look and Listen" is an all out rocker that kickstarts the movie. "Never Say Yes", and "Adam And Evil" are fun tunes performed live. "Beach Shack" is a fun poolside number, and the title song "Spinout" is performed at a rocking party among an ocean of girls.The film features very good performances from Carl Betz, Shelley Fabares, and Warren Berlinger. Fabares looks cool and dreamy in so many of her scenes. Deborah Walley's looks are played down to look like a boy, but she rocks it very convincingly on the drums. The Diana St. Clair character seems a bit out of place, and forced into some of the situations, but she does fit nicely into a role at the end. Spinout is more of the light fluff that should please most Presley fans. Elvis is quite charming, the music is very good, and the musical performances are energetic and entertaining, helping to bolster what is mostly an average story. Spinout is also available in a double feature with Double Trouble (1967) on a flipper discSpinout/Double Trouble.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Elvis is chased by girls in Spinout!
"I'm not going to marry you, I'm not going to marry her, I'm staying single, single, single, single, single." That is what Mike McCoy (Elvis Presley) is tring to do. Mike has 3 girls wanting to marry him. (The 3rd person will start later on in the film).An author named Diana St. Clair (Diane McBain) wants to marry Mike McCoy. She writes books, like Ten Ways to Trap a Bachler and the mating habits of the single male. While that a millionairess name Cynthia Foxhugh (Shelly Fabares) wants to marry him too.Her father (Carl Betz) wants her to marry his worker named Philip (Warren Berlinger). Like Girl Happy, Elvis sings with a combo. This time the combo is made up of Les, Curly and Larry, (Deborah Walley, Jack Mullaney, Larry Hawkins, Girl Happy).Cynthia claims she gets everything she wants. She even gets her old man to pretend to kick Mike and his combo out of town. A police officer (Will Hutchins) shows up.Mike asks if they can leave in the morning, and the police officer replies, "Sure, who does he think he is kicking people out of town in the middle of the night."He is Cynthia's old man.But soon thier is trouble when Les makes a move on Mike. But does he stay single or marry one of the 3 girls? Watch to find out.
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
Another Cool Elvis movie,with a cool car. this time a Cobra 427(I prefer Vettes'). I like Clambake better.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
This cover is EXCELLENT! Glad someone smart at WARNER BROTHERS decided to use the original poster art! ENTERTAINING film with a GREAT Soundtrack! ELVIS looked GREAT and the supporting cast did too!
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
Not the worst, but far from good
This film has the dubious honor to be included in the book "The 50 worst films of all time". It is definently not one of those, but one can hardly call it a proper film, either. It is rather a loose framework in which 12 new songs could be presented in a more or less natural manner. A great-great-grandfather of music videos, and better than some of those!
0Amazon Instant Video
3 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Presley's Worst Film
"Spinout" (1966) represents the nadir of Elvis Cinema - a bad sitcom without the laugh track. The only redeeming features are a few memorable songs, such as "I'll Be Back" and "Stop, Look and Listen." Buy the soundtrack and skip the movie.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
The music's better than the movie
SPINOUT is another hard movie to sit through, thanks to the weak dialogue and even weaker storyline.Elvis plays a singing race car driver (for the second time), who is being chased by three women. These include a spoiled brat (Shelley Fabares), an erotic author (Diane McBain), and his own drummer (Deborah Walley).The music is actually listenable in this picture. Highlights include "Stop, Look, and Listen" and "I'll Be Back".Elvis appears to be sleepwalking through this one. His appearance is also disturbing: slightly overweight and his hair looks like a big black ball on his head.Again, not QUITE the worst, but far from the best. Buy something more worthwhile first.
0Amazon Instant Video
7 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
This is not Presley's best vehicle but by this outing he was not being allowed to act anyway so he appears to be just going though the motions. The movie songs are not a real treat either, he seems to be singing to everyone including his enemies. (Where does the music come from when he sings anyway). When asked to do this movie Presley should have "JUST SAID NO"!!!
0Amazon Instant Video
6 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
How can you go wrong with a good Elvis classic? Good movie, if you like Elvis. I bought for a friend and he really enjoyed it.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Great fun from the King
Underrated good comedy from Elvis and good supporting cast. A lot of fans and critics say that with formal training and better scripts The King could have been a very good actor. I agree but I think his forte was comedy. I you watch these film like this and Viva Las Vegas, etc, you can see he had natural comic flair and timing. Enjoy !!!!
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
eye catching ,fast moving action,nice songs, good words,sound trac seems perfic, seens great. arived on time it was smokeing. like the old days
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
My husband and I love auto racing of all kinds. My husband loved this movie. I'm writing this review for him, as I'm not much of an Elvis Presley fan.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Back in '66 when I was 16 I saw this film numerous times. Loved it!! Still enjoy it today. Funny. Great supporting cast. Pretty girls. Enjoyable soundtrack. Hilarious racing finale. What's not to like?To the reviewer(s) who consider this Elvis' worst film, I ask: Have you seen Harum Scarum? Now that one IS bad!!
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Spinout: Elvis Presley, Diane Mc Bain, Shelley Fabares, Norman Taurog: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
Elvis formula fun is a good thing!
Some will have you believe that Spinout was one of Elvis' worst movies (out of 33). Then again, some thing "Stay Away Joe" wasn't absolutely miserable. They're all wrong.Elvis movies are made up of music, girls, fairly interesting characters, and lots of Elvis. This movie covers every area.Look at the music. "Adam & Evil", "Stop, Look, and Listen", "I'll Be Back", "Am I Ready", and even the title song, "Spinout" are all good songs. The first three songs I mentioned, I absolutely love.The movie takes place in Santa Barbara, but you wouldn't know it by watching the movie. That's a shame. Santa Barbara has mountains on one side and ocean on the other. State Street and the Beach are really, really cool. But they're never seen, and that's because the Foxhugh's and a racetrack are keeping Elvis from shopping and rollerblading down the sidewalk. He doesn't even have time to get an ice cream cone at the end of the pier! That's harsh.Three characters in this movie come from the Donna Reed show, which was my favorite sitcom of all time: Carl Betz, Shelly Fabares, and Jimmy Hawkins, who started out on Donna Reed playing Mary's (Fabares) love interest, but by the end of the show's run, ended up being pals with Jeff (Mary's younger brother). Fast forward to Spinout. Fabares is a hot little brunette, Betz is her hip Daddy-O, just like in Donna Reed, and you even have Deborah Walley from Beach Blanket Bingo and Ski Party.The movie will fascinate you as you won't be able to figure out how someone as cute as Deborah Walley (who was a hottie in Ski Party and Beach Blanket Bingo) can be so unappealing in this movie. But she is, which is unfortunate considering she's in competition with Fabares (who had excellent chemistry with Elvis in Girl Happy) and Diane McBain, a nationally known author and sexy older woman, who finds gypsy livin' Elvis to be the perfect American male...and wants to marry him because of it. Considering where Elvis has his gigs, I'm surprised this well known authoress has even heard of Mike (Elvis). But explanations are an afterthought in Elvisland. And rightly so.Three women want to marry Elvis. Each one makes out with Elvis. Two women make him dinner. One woman runs him off the road into a creek. That pretty much levels the playing field as Walley isn't even cute in this movie, and McBain is too old.Somehow, someway, through music, racing, kissing, and conivery, everything works out. And by the time Elvis is singing "I'll Be Back" with Jo from "Easy Come, Easy Go", the King of Rock n Roll and Racing (four racing movies, four movies where he's top dog on the track (or water) has everything figured out.This movie makes you take a look at your values. And if that's not all, the auto racing scenes in the movie are better than Clambake's boat race and Speedway's ovals.This movie rates among the best of Elvis' movies in music. It pairs Elvis with Fabares for the second of three movies. The ending is better than that of Viva Las Vegas, and Elvis still gets to be gritty.All the formula ingredients for a fun movie. No reason to dislike it. Those who do have inner issues to deal with.
0Amazon Instant Video
8 Mark of Love: Bryan Price, Brian Sheridan, Caitlin M. Shultz, Amber Bonasso: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Hooray! A Clean Romantic Comedy !
I really enjoyed this movie! Heartwarming, quirky, and fun. I knew it would end up happy, but couldn't have guessed how it was going to happen. I'm so tired of romantic comedies where the main characters immediately fall into bed with each other. This was a refreshing change! The acting isn't going to win any Academy Awards, but was fine enough not to distract from the story line. For this type of movie, that's all I need!
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Mark of Love: Bryan Price, Brian Sheridan, Caitlin M. Shultz, Amber Bonasso: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Mark of Love
I would have to say that I love this movie for several reasons. First, it is a very cute story with some adorable characters. Second, my niece starred in it and produced it, and last but not least, my son has two songs in it!!!
0Amazon Instant Video
7 Mark of Love: Bryan Price, Brian Sheridan, Caitlin M. Shultz, Amber Bonasso: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Excellent movie for most all (13+ yrs). Funny and light-hearted. Leading actor (Bryan Price) is awesome. Looking for more of his movies.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 The Legend Of Big Foot (1976): Ivan Marx, Don Reese: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Received my order promptly, as promised. No defects to the dvd, other than the content is very old, from the 70'si will enjoy this for years and my grandchildren will see this and make.their own decisions! I am glad to find a rare addition to my Bigfoot collection
0Amazon Instant Video
3 The Legend Of Big Foot (1976): Ivan Marx, Don Reese: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Not bad but there are better pseudo documentaries out there
Ivan Marx does a decent job tracking the creature. The places that he goes and photography are most interesting. The footage of the creature isn't so hot though.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 The Legend Of Big Foot (1976): Ivan Marx, Don Reese: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Very interesting movie
If you're a bigfoot fan, you'll definitely love this movie. Although the majority of the movie is more or less, a 'nature show,' it has some really interesting footage (pardon the pun) of the Big Guys that will make you think. Parts of the film are very spooky, like showing the Foots creeping along in the dark forest, and mysterious lights above the Alaskan Tundra. Apparently, many scientists don't take this movie seriously, but I believe it to be authentic.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 The Legend Of Big Foot (1976): Ivan Marx, Don Reese: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
This film tried to capitalized on the previously successful Legend of Boggy Creek, and failed horribly. It's nothing but a boring home movie. Other than a shot of someone prancing around a forest in a gorilla suit, the film has no perks whatsoever. Strongly not recommended.
0Amazon Instant Video
8 Grandma Builds An Earthship: CreateSpace: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
It's ok.
Nothing special. It dragged on and on. Out of respect I watched the whole thing. I was more about the willpower of an older lesbian.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Grandma Builds An Earthship: CreateSpace: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
What a great story and inspiration to follow your dreams at any age. Would love to meet this lady in person.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Subway Baby: Kai Connor, Sheryl Matthys, Dr. Jeff Gardere, Victoria Goldman: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Truly heartwarming!!
Ms. Matthys shows you a side of NYC that you'd never understand, until you see this "momentary". It's heartwarming, heartbreaking and very educational without trying to be so. And the "3 C" concept is a good one. I will watch this video many times. Kudos to Ms. Matthys!!!! Job VERY well done!Jan HannaNew York
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Subway Baby: Kai Connor, Sheryl Matthys, Dr. Jeff Gardere, Victoria Goldman: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
A must see for every parent! Raising a kid in NYC? funny & frightening!
An amazing documentary that keeps you entertained and amazed. Any parent who never saw NYC or ever thought of life what life was like raising a child in the Big Apple, should see this!Sheryl Matthys nearly 9 months pregnant talks to other city mothers and negotiates the streets and subways of New York.The movie is funny, insightful and uplifting.A true eye opener to regular mom's across this great land who have never had to consider putting up $25,000 for pre-K!!!!The documentary flows naturally and is reality at it's best. No staged events.I thoroughly enjoyed viewing NYC and it's challenges through the eyes of a midwestern farm girl -huh should I say farm Mom"? (Is that politically correct for NYC?)"Jacques DitteLong Island, NY
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Subway Baby: Kai Connor, Sheryl Matthys, Dr. Jeff Gardere, Victoria Goldman: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
What an inspirational story with a great message!
What a great story! This documentary has such a compelling message and is a fun watch! Very entertaining and inspirational. I highly recommend you watch this video and share this page with your friends. The 3 C's that are lessons within the documentary are lessons that are unfortunately lacking in this day and age... the sorta of lessons that every child should learn. It's too bad that most adults I meet don't possess these 3 C's :)
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Subway Baby: Kai Connor, Sheryl Matthys, Dr. Jeff Gardere, Victoria Goldman: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Subway Baby
What an adorable little boy and enchanting story. You really get a reality check about bringing up children in the city.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Subway Baby: Kai Connor, Sheryl Matthys, Dr. Jeff Gardere, Victoria Goldman: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Would you help a mom and preschool dilemmas!
If you have a preschooler or remember how stressful it was to get them into a nursery school - you'll enjoy this documentary. Also, this movie tackles how helpful people are - would they help a pregnant mom with a stroller down some stairs or offer a seat? Much of the movie is shot with an undercover camera to get a real glimpse at humanity.Midwest values go underground (literally) in NYC.The story behind the documentary. The idea for "Subway Baby" emerged as Sheryl and her husband were living in New York City with their 2 year old while she was 9 months pregnant with their 2nd child. Sheryl says, "So many people would say, `So when are you moving out of the city?' as they wondered how I'd handle the tangled transportation, pushy crowds of millions all while braving the competition to get my son enrolled in preschool."One day after navigating the subway stairs with her baby in a stroller, Sheryl stood on the train vying for a seat. Then a disheveled man who was standing as well blurted out, "Don't any of you see this pregnant woman standing?" Sheryl says, "I thanked him for his concern." But she adds, "No one did get up." His reaction had such an impact on me - how he cared for someone he didn't even know - that I pondered what has happened to so many of the rest of us?"Sheryl says, "I was immediately thrown back in time seated at my family's dinner table hearing my Dad say as he did nearly every night, 'Have some common sense' while being instilled with the 3Cs of Life: Courtesy, Courage, and Common Sense."While the backdrop of NYC and being 9 months pregnant provided a heightened setting, it's a universal issue. Are we oblivious to others - so frenzied in the pursuit of success? If so, can even small actions really change the track of humanity and the legacy for our children? With an undercover camera throughout much of the movie, Sheryl would find out.The documentary includes interviews with notable psychologist Dr. Jeff Gardere who's a popular expert guest on network talk shows; and Author & Educational Consultant Victoria Goldman - former contributor for The New York Times.[...]
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Subway Baby: Kai Connor, Sheryl Matthys, Dr. Jeff Gardere, Victoria Goldman: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Home Video
A woman (with a child in a state of perpetual tantrum) straps a camera to a stroller to see who will help her carry it. This is a video about how one person's poor planning can become everyone's problem! I looked for the story in it, but couldn't find one, so I shut it off.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Wolverine Anime Series [HD]: Season 1, Episode 1 "Mariko [HD]": Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
Great if you're a 10 year old boy...
I'm writing this review just for the first episode: Mariko. That's mainly because having watched it, I wasn't exactly inspired to see any more. I did dip in and out a little bit as the series progressed, but nothing ever really happened to change my opinion of the show.Long story short, in this rendering Wolverine is your basic tough-guy. He's given some simple story hooks that motivate him to go smack some bad guys around and generally propel things forward. It's a lot like theIron Man Animein that it has good quality animation and stylish artwork, but so far as character, story, or anything deeper is concerned, forget about it.To paraphrase what I said over in my review of the Iron Man Anime, if you're an 8 to 12 year old boy I think you'll have a real blast watching this show. In a way, we could easily consider it the contemporary equivalent of some of the better action-adventure cartoons from the 1980s. It is a little bit more sophisticated than, say,the original Thundercats cartoon, but only a little bit. Nevertheless, it's because I think the show does work at least tolerably well on that level and for that audience that I feel I can rate it as highly as three stars. But that's it: three stars is as high as I go.Because if you do happen to be a grown up animation fan like me, you are fundamentally going to be disappointed. This show just doesn't have the smarts to cut it on any kind of deeper level. In American animation, Bruce Timm's DCAU has taken the superhero cartoon to the point where at its best, it really has been _at_least_ as intelligent as anything being made for "grown up" TV at around the same time. I'm not saying that everything Timm produced was on that level, but boy he had his moments. So given that Japanese animation has traditionally been far more sophisticated and adult than its western competition, I was very much hoping to see the bar raised even higher here.But... it wasn't.At the end of the day all this show really delivers is a tough-guy beating up some baddies.Theo.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Wolverine Anime Series [HD]: Season 1, Episode 1 "Mariko [HD]": Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Diffirent but something
I enjoy a good reading, of Wolverine comics. I also got kick out movie with Hulk and old boy! Meaning, different people view wolverine in there own way and want to bring him out best that can in there own idea. This is one of them. Anime version of our old boy! Pretty good story line, Wolverine girl taken, and old boy going through a lot of people trying to get her back. Where few new looks to our Hero, so have to keep in mind, that different artiest brings different things. If you follow DC movies of comics. Then you know what I mean. Still its nice to see old boy going about kicking butt! And of course getting his butt back handed to him! Feeling pretty good in giving this a rating of 4/5 stars.I not an easy person to please, nor am I a credit of point out the flaws: Not very bloody, so the violence is not that high. Still I give this a PG-11 just for the violence. Just basic, girl taken away, and hero out to get her back. Thats just putting out straight forward. As for villains. One I was happy to see is Omega Red. There few others, that artiest put, with few changes, that I though was cool. But seeing Red, I thought they really did a great number on him! Mind you he is not the main villain. And I not going to spoil things! Just sit back, grab some pop corn, who cares about story lines, and ect. Just enjoy the ride.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Wolverine Anime Series [HD]: Season 1, Episode 1 "Mariko [HD]": Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Wolverine Anime
Fans of American Wolverine must remember this is an anime not a Marvel Comics release. I will admit the voice of Wolverine is a little unexpected being not nearly as gruff and deep as what we have came to know. Also, yes He looks like a skinny little punk, but this is how most male anime characters look! Besides these minor complaints I think this was a nice departure from the "kiddie" style American cartoons seem to hold on to. So give this a try and wait till 5 or so episodes in to form an opinion.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Wolverine Anime Series [HD]: Season 1, Episode 1 "Mariko [HD]": Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
It's worse than the Iron Man series
I saw this anime and I thought it's better than the X-Men series, but worse than Iron Man series. This series would only be good if you're a little boy or girl, but nothing more than Wolverine on his useless quest to save the woman he loves. Pretty much you can apply this story for any character and use it. It doesn't really need to be Wolverine. For example, you can put Iron Man in this series and use him instead and there's no difference. But hey, they used Wolverine so I guess this is the guy, they want to use, so let's move on.The whole series is about Wolverine meeting a girl and she gets taken away from a mystery foe. He goes off trying to find her. He then learns who did it, Shingen, the main foe, and also the father of Wolverine love. Wolverine meets people on his quest to save his love. These people either want to help him or fight him. Wolverine also gets a partner, Yuiko, who they have a common gold to take down Shingen.What I like about the show is the animation. All the Japanese animation is great for every Marvel series there's no question about that. I liked the music as well, not over the top but fits in the story. What the series lacks is the story. I really didn't care for it. Just Wolverine in every show made out to be a dumb tough guy with no brains and all brawn. In every show he has to show he is one toughest dude there, but also the dumbest too. He never backs down on anything and always be so arrogant and pig headed. This bit gets so old so fast!I also didn't like this Wolverine look for this show. I prefer the X-Men Wolverine look. In this show he looks like a slim out Japanese guy and is wearing stylish clothes. That's Wolverine? I hardly recognized the guy. Well....when Wolverine goes to Japan - he went all out! To me, it just doesn't fit his nature. On how this shows, he just looks way too different and a total opposite of what he should be.-------Spoilers Alert---------For some strange reason, in all the Japanese Marvel series they have someone dying in their series. Well, this series is no different. Guess who? All the main characters are dead at the end of the series. Literally there no one left but Wolverine. This series is such a waste of time getting to know everyone to find out that they are all dead at the end; good guys or bad guys, it just doesn't matter in Japanese Marvel! They will all die!So, Wolverine worked so hard to find and save his love that she gets killed at the end. Everyone that helped him are dead. The villains are dead too. Now, Wolverine can go back home to America and never look back because there's no one to look back at him. No need for a second series and if they have one, I won't need to watch it.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Wolverine Anime Series [HD]: Season 1, Episode 1 "Mariko [HD]": Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
not what i expected
being a wolverine fan ; this is nothing like i expected. really don't like the drawing or storyline. looks fake.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Wolverine Anime Series [HD]: Season 1, Episode 1 "Mariko [HD]": Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Very poor vision of Wolverine
I have seen an episode of this show and all I could say is WOW, what a travesty. This show is completely not Wolverine. First Logan is Canadian not Japanese, short not tall, older looks middle aged even though much older not like a teenager. Voice acting is poor. This show is the William Shatner of Wolverine, extreme over acting and over dramatized action sequences. This is supposed to be Marvel Comics Wolverine not a Wolverine DragonBall Z. If they want to make a good Wolverine Cartoon keep it on par with the comics both in the character models and story, and use voice actors that have worked in the past, and if you really want to do Wolverine Justice make it a Mature rated cartoon and show Blood in the battles.
0Amazon Instant Video
8 Simon, El Gran Varon (Simon): Vanguard: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
OMG! this Movie is too wierd to be watched sober.
I think it deserves the one star. maybe even 2 if I was drunk.... but I was'nt! Oh God, how I wish I had been. I can't tell you why I kept watching after the first half hour. I guess I expected it to become something .. ummm good..! quite an unusual film. if you watch it please tell me what you thought of it and what you think I missed. I don't watch Mexican movies ever..! & now I think I know why.... they make my brain all mushy and then it pours out of my ears and I fall over dead and brainless! OMG.. and the last 15 minutes... I could have slit my wrists, it was that bad! Sorry, Have I said too much.?
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Extreme Chickfights: Barely Legal: Egami Media: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
ho hum
If you're looking for porn or something to see, this is NOT it. These are not real fights, but amateur boxing (most of the girls have never boxed before) with 3 rounds each. After the 1st 30 minutes it's a bore.
0Amazon Instant Video
10 Extreme Chickfights: Barely Legal: Egami Media: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Waste of time.
I bought this video while thinking to myself, "hot chicks beating the crap out of each other, sweet". Well, none of these things turned out to be the case. The chicks aren't hot, in fact one either used to be a man, or still is a man. The violence is limp to say the least. Imagine an episode of cops where neighbors at the trailer park are in a domestic disturbance. The problem is that the girls aren't athletes, nor do they seem to care much if they win. Stay away, this is just some dude with a camcorder attempting to get you to part with your money.
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
Well, it's alright, and it plays off some pretty stupid principles....
Spoiler Alert!!!! Why did Ashley die? To give us scenes in which the male characters, highly testosterone driven all, could actually show emotion. Aah, women are so useful in this context...there is no other reasonable, feasible reason for her death. A WAAAY too obvious dramatic vehicle. While this video has a reasonable premise, ALWAYS, stupidity reigns. If all ten characters can exit the safety of the vehicle, instead of one or two, well by all means, let's have all ten do it. If caution and normal intelligence would predict one course of action...well, by all means,let us take whatever other course of action is available. So despite some of the characters purported survival for three months or more, what we have is a group of characters behaving badly....acting like 15 or 16 year olds, despite their obvious interesting story line, interesting characters, fairly well acted, yet the stupid script drives it ALL way downtown...and that is unfortunate. And come on! Some of the in "Have to Bite the Lesbian"...never mind the aggessive black woman who loves her white woman must DIE...this is just stupid! A woman that aware could NEVER be sneaked upon by a zombie...please! IF you must portray both homophobia and racism, PLEASE!!! Kill the eternally stupid white boys first.
0Amazon Instant Video
3 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Probably the Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
I have a relatively high tolerance level for bad flicks, but this one is beyond tolerable. If you check the credits after the movie it appears as if the producer hired his family and friends as the actors. Summary (no pun intended): Horrific acting (I could have acted those scenes better than the so called actors; Frightful script (who talks like that anyway "The zombies are breaching our stronghold, I would advise that we seek an alternative egress route in order to address the impending conflict"; Brain Blending effects: Nothing like a karate kick to the face that missed by about 6 inches yet knocks the zombie through the window. My review is more interesting than this movie. Give me a camcorder and an Amazon makeup kit (shameless plug) and I could have done this movie. There is nothing redeeming about this... NOTHING!
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
12 stars
Come on is this Real??
You figure zombie movies have been out for at least 20 years and to this date we still can't produce a low budget zombie movie with better actors. The dialogue was good the presentation sucked. it was like they were reading the dialogue instead of experiencing it. The plot was good as well. This movie had all the elements of a well made zombie flick but no one was chomped only the token Lesbian Black chick. Good try but I wanted more.
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
I can not be certain but I don't think the other reviewers and I saw the same movie. Acting was terrible video was terrible plot was terrible. Good try I guess.
0Amazon Instant Video
5 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
A jolly fun scare ride - perfect for Halloween!
"Z" is the follow-up feature to "Nightfall" by Tempest. It's a jolly fun scare ride throughout, as you never know where the undead creatures (I hope that's not a spoiler) may be lurking. It reminds me of a Saturday afternoon matinee horror flick - full of thrills and action, but also with dashes of humor. "Z" is a film just perfect for Halloween - a relentless chase and pursuit as the characters try to survive, not knowing which way to turn. Also, interestingly, the creatures are very old-school - you'll hear and smell what I mean!!
0Amazon Instant Video
7 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
23 stars
good effort.
For a movie that looks like it cost 250$ to make, It was ok. typical zombie film. But a good film for people who anything zombie.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Great fun, exciting, and a little funny too. Great for Holloween!!
Tempest has managed to create a zombie movie with excitement, heart, and humor. This fast paced adventure has a good story, solid writing, and vibrant acting. I strongly recommend this film to my friends and suggest it will be extra wonderful for Halloween. I also want to see Tempest grow and succeed to keep more work like this coming.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
ahhhhhhh! real zombies!
A true zombie classic filled w a range of emotion. Tempest and cast should be proud of their work. Looking forward to more!
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
More Z's Please!
This was a cool fast paced indie zombie movie. Would defiantly recommend friends and family to see this film. Would like to see what this company could come up with if given the opportunity to do a second or third zombie film. Oh and the disclaimer at the end of the film about no zombies being hurt during the filming of the movie was pretty neat too.
0Amazon Instant Video
4 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
not very good
i don't remember this movie, so i know it was bad. i probably did not watch the whole thing. bad production, bad acting
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
This was a waste of time.
Let's keep this simple: promising plot ruined by -Bad acting.Poor and often ignorant dialogue (scripting).Inconsistent plot elements (slow walking zombies, then fast ones, then back to slow).An inhabited island overrun by zombies, yet not a SINGLE boat was available anywhere.Piss poor directing.What else is there left to say?
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
The Worst!
I'm not sure what zombie movies the other reviewers have watched but I find it hard to believe they actually liked this one. I feel like I was tricked into paying for this based on the reviews. The acting sucks. The set design sucks. The effects suck. What I'm trying to say is that this movie sucks.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
Can I get a refund for my time spent watching this?
It's a low budget indie film-what did you expect? If you are a collector of zombie movies or low budget indie films you may or may not want to waste your money on this one. Keep in mind that the music is a bit funky(reminded me of 70's porn) as well as the acting, editing and directing. The concept is typical "zombie-like" with nothing new,the writing (if that's what you want to call it) is basic storyline with no real character development and the zombies are laughable with less than spectacular death scenes.Storyline is as follows: people mysteriously turn into zombies on an island, there are a handful of survivors (you know, 1 old guy, 1 smart guy, 1 hot guy, 1 bimbo,1 ugly woman, 2 lesbians, 1 token black guy and 2 orphaned kids), they run from place to place, some get eaten, some do not, they are tricked by some "bad guys" promising safe harbor and then hijacked for their food only to be killed by their own zombies, they get away but no one cares because there is no character development and at this point you want them ALL to be eaten anyway just to end the movie, but of course,most escape only to drive from place to place once again and blah, blah, blah...Maybe there will be a sequal? Oh boy!
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Z: Meghan Allen, Ryan Cheek, Jesse DiLonardo, Lauren Edinger: Amazon Instant Video
01 star
dont waste your time or money.
lower then low budget with horrible dialogue and acting. Two six year olds could have done better with a couple of kindergarten actors
0Amazon Instant Video
2 Taos: Rib Hillis, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Frederick Aragon, Brandon Schmid: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
This Movie Makes me Want to Visit Taos
This movie is deep. Have Kleenex handy. Its touching and magical in its gentle journey through one man's self-realization. Cleverly directed, charmingly performed, it is a work of art. Taos is refreshingly un-hollywood in its pacing and truly original in its execution, yet its a story that is deeply relevant to all of us.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Taos: Rib Hillis, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Frederick Aragon, Brandon Schmid: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Brings me home
This film has beautiful photography and poignant meaning. The acting is b-level but the storyline and landscape make this an enjoyable view. I appreciate this film for its history of Taos and the juxtaposition created between city and simple life. I give this film a thumbs-up for anyone who has an interest in Taos or is looking to question there everyday working lives and the "rat race" that is so commonly found in larger cities.
0Amazon Instant Video
0 Taos: Rib Hillis, Lora Martinez-Cunningham, Frederick Aragon, Brandon Schmid: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
A Lucid Commentary on our Times
Not knowing what to expect, TAOS surprised me in many ways, most of all in its earnest storyline of a young man facing difficult questions of morality when presented with a golden opportunity. I was also surprised with the quality of the filmmaking from an apparently first-time director. If you're looking for a great independent feature that deals with current issues and presents a clear dichotomy of our 'official' capital Washington DC in transposition of Taos and the surrounding community, the film will be an enjoyable surprise.
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV: Ron Jeremy, Director, Troma: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
innocence of tromeo and juliet and evil of terror firmer rolled into one.
thats exactly what i would describe the real toxic avenger sequel as. troma junkies should already have seen/own this dvd. i think this is one of troma's best of all time.yes, under the retard massacre, the rednecks' recist act, and violence to the elderly lies a innocent heart in this movie. something that terror firmer lacked and something tromeo and juliet was abundant in. dont watch this or terror firmer if you are a troma virgin. start out with sgt kabukiman nypd, cannibal! the musical, and toxic avenger 1. after those move on to tromeo and juliet. you may be prepared for this after you see those ones first. good job troma!
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV: Ron Jeremy, Director, Troma: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
I thought troma was dead. i did'nt really like tromeo and juilet and i never saw terror firmer. well, as soon as i thought troma was dead the toxic avenger 4 proved me wrong ( and i am very happy about that!). Any way this movie is awsome it is sooooooo gory and has a lot of funny parts, like the retarted rebel, the "duck" scene, and the scene where the original melvin makes an appearence!!!!!! It is also very gory and has a head running over scene that gives the one from the first movie a run for it's money. also the scene where toxie kills all of these nazi cops....i also give loyd kaufman cridet for sticking his neck out and making fun of abortion, raceism and others.TROMA LIVES!!!!
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV: Ron Jeremy, Director, Troma: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
Disgusting... But Cute!!!
TROMA fans unite!! Toxie 4 has arrived.Just when you thought Kauffman and TROMA couldn't possibly top themselves with offensive, yet hysterical, material... they prove you wrong. This is probably the MOST offensive TROMA film yet... but it's also the most "laugh-out-loud" offering from this risk-taking independent studio. It's all here... killing "special" children, lynching black men, homosexual and lesbian sex, Nazis, extreme gore, and even God (played by Hank The Angry Dwarf from The Howard Stern Show). But that's only a minor sampling of the outrageous content Toxie gets himself involved with in this (mis)adventure. Throw in other great characters from previous TROMA hits (such as Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD) and you have a perfect indie studio signature piece.This 2-disc set is also LOADED with extras (out-takes, deleted scenes, interviews, auditions, and more)! The "making of" documentary is worth the price of the disc, itself!If you love TROMA or if you're not afraid to laugh at extremely politically incorrect humor, this is a "must have" for your collection!
0Amazon Instant Video
1 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV: Ron Jeremy, Director, Troma: Amazon Instant Video
45 stars
The sequel us Troma fans have all been waiting for.
Okay when I saw the bootleg edition of Citizen Toxie the Toxic Avenger part 4 I was blown away, this movie was really hilarious, the actor who played the Toxic Avenger was well built for this movie, the perfect size and everything, he also knew how to handle a mop expertly. Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf did a hell of a job in this film even though he was sober I would have loved to see him drunk in this movie. Heidi was a complete babe she did a great job playing not only Sarah the blind blonde bimbo also Toxie's love of his life but she another role since this film was about Toxie going into a evil dimension and facing the evil version of himself. You have to see this movie it is hilarious you will enjoy it. Lloyd Kaufman did a real cool job directing this movie.
0Amazon Instant Video
6 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV: Ron Jeremy, Director, Troma: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Better then the other sequels.
I guess you probably have to be a fan of the original to aprreciate this movie, but also, as it may seem you need a lower IQ to enjoy it, you actualy need a high one to understand a lot of Troma films and this one certainly is sure to be a cult classic thats only put down by the ones who just don't get it.Toxie is back once agian for the fourth installment of Toxic Avenger. It kicks off with a gang holding a bunch of "special people" hostage and demanding ransom or they die. Toxie and his new side-kick thats never been seen before this movie, Lard A** played by familuer Troma actor Joe Fleishaker. Together they run in to the rescue, but Lard demiseses and an explosion sends Toxie into an alternate world, while sending the evil Toxie of that world, Noxie, into his world. With the evil Noxie in Tromaville killing everyone and helping with evil, and Toxie in Amortville mistaken as Noxie but doing good, they find there way through the place for ansers. Will Toxie get bak to Tromaville to face off against Noxie? ....Duhhhh.Also through the movie is the Tard's Sweetie Honey & Tito. Toxie's wife is inpregnated, Ron Jeremy, Corey Feldman, Lemmy from Moterhead & old familuer faces of the Troma team make speicel appearences aswell as Mr Kabukiman, who has been added to the movie gracefully!The comedy is hilarious, the voilence will satasfy the blood and gore fans and this one actualy has a great plot!It's hard to choose between part 1 and this one as to wich one is the best, but it's sure to become a favouite of the non-critical mind who instead look for flaws and nitpicks instead of just shut up and enjoy the film.There is bonus features galore, deleted scenes, out-takes, interveiws, commanteries, over 2 hours of making the film, trailers of all 4 Toxie films, and heaps more including plenty of hidden Eggs.
0Amazon Instant Video
3 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV: Ron Jeremy, Director, Troma: Amazon Instant Video
34 stars
Blows Toxic Avenger I away
For those of you who liked TA 1, you've got to get this one. If you thought the first one was funny, then this one is gonna have you rolling on the floor. Imagine the King of Porn, Ron Jeremy, playing a priest--well, he does in this one. That irony is funny enough, but there are are TONS of other funny sh*t in this flick. This movie is non-stop from the get-go. If you like all the Troma goodies--gore, outrageousness, gratuitous nudity, a little bit of lesbo action, and over-the-top comedy--then this movie is a MUST for your collection. You don't just have to be a Troma fan to like this movie. Like I said, if you like all of the things listed above, then you should get this flick. Trust me, you won't be sorry. Just don't watch it with your grandmother or little ones.
0Amazon Instant Video