[ "Germany!\n\nJust the person I want to speak with. I have a somewhat crazy idea that I’ve always wanted to try with I/G, but I’ve never actually convinced the other guy to try it. And, what’s worse, it might make you suspicious of me. \n\ I suggest it?\n\nI’m thinking that this is a low stakes game, not a tournament or anything, and an interesting and unusual move set might make it more fun? That’s my hope anyway.\n\nWhat is your appetite like for unusual and crazy?", "You've whet my appetite, Italy. What's the suggestion?", "👍", "It seems like there are a lot of ways that could go wrong...I don't see why France would see you approaching/taking Munich--while I do nothing about it--and not immediately feel skittish", "Yeah, I can’t say I’ve tried it and it works, cause I’ve never tried it or seen it. But how I think it would work is (a) my Spring move looks like an attack on Austria, so it would not be surprising if you did not cover Munich. Then (b) you build two armies, which looks like we’re really at war and you’re going to eject me. Then we launch the attack in Spring. So there is really no part of this that would raise alarm bells with France.\n\nAll that said, I’ve literally never done it before, and it does involve risk for you, so I’m not offended or concerned if it’s just not for you. I’m happy to play more conventionally too. Up to you.", "I am just sensing that you don’t like this idea, so shall we talk about something else? That was just a crazy idea I’ve always wanted to try. I’m happy to play more conservatively.", "Any thoughts?", "Sorry Italy I've been away doing, um, German things. Brewing Lagers?", "I don't think I'm ready to go for that idea, however I'd be down for some good ol'-fashioned Austria-kicking?", "I am pretty conflicted about whether to guess that you were telling the truth or lying about the “brewing lagers” thing. I am going to take it literally and say 👎 even though I don’t think you meant it deceptively. 😉", "But I think I can get over “Lagergate” and we can still be friends. \n\nAs of right now, I think Austria may be my most reliable ally. I’m thinking I’d like to play as a Central Trio if you have any interest in that. Thoughts?", "We haven't even passed a season yet and you have a 'most reliable ally'?\n\nI'll consider this proposal but, basically, I'm not going to expose myself to risk from either of you until I've seen a bit of your behavior", "Well, at least I have an idea of who to trust. Obviously, my ideas are subject to change. \n\nI understand your desire to watch behavior before committing to anything. I, personally, am a partner player. I look carefully early in the game for a small group to work with, and then I value loyalty and collaboration. I like to work closely with a tight-knit alliance. \n\nIf you prefer to hop and back and forth, or play more of an individual game, then we might not be a good match. \n\nI’m looking for a loyal ally or two that I can coordinate with and make awesome moves with. Makes the game easier and a lot more fun.", "Just an FYI: I’ve now had both England and France suggest to me that I should move to Tyrolia and France will support me to Munich in the Fall. One saying that to me is not a big deal, but with both mentioning it, my alarm bells are going off. I am concerned about an E/F. \n\nI’m certainly not moving to Tyrolia. But I just want you to be cautious here. I feel like England and France are working together.", "I appreciate the tip, but I'm wondering why you're so against ousting me from Munich if I haven't explicitly agreed to be your ally?", "Because it is terrible, terrible play for Italy to attack Germany, in my view. If I were to attack you in Munich, I could never hold Munich. So, all I would be doing is weakening you, and helping France, England, or both to get really big. \n\nI don’t have any long-term path going north. Helping France to take you down is a sucker’s play, whether you are working with me or not.", "Did France tell you he was moving to Burgundy, or was that a stab?", "I was not informed of it, no. And England is leading me to believe it's part of a play for Belgium, so if they're working together this might be a trick...\n\nItaly, you seem like a straight shooter, and Austria has confirmed with me about your two's alliance. So I'll confide in you--this is my first ever game of diplomacy, and I think that teaming up with the two of you could help me learn more and have more fun. So, if you're still interested in a central powers alliance, I'm in.", "Okay full disclosure: I'm not very smart, and I accidentally let slip to England that you told me France was plotting to take Munich. I'm sorry for the error but I figured it was better to admit it so you know that England/France may not trust you.", "Okay, thanks for telling me.", "So, um, no alliance then?", "I do want to be allies. Sorry, busy weekend here running around with bambinos. More to come.", "What would you think of helping me take Marseilles in two turns?", "Hi Germany, I’ll certainly consider that. Though, I’ll note: traditionally, Germany would help Italy to Marseilles if the two of them work together there. The reason is that: if I help you to Marseilles, I’m basically cut off from going west and getting anything myself. So, usually, Germany would help Italy into Marseilles to encourage Italy to come west and Germany would plan to take Paris, Belgium and Brest.", "Fair enough--I'll help you take it, then, but I'll need to deal with Belgium first.", "How are things going with England? I think that getting him to work with you is the main key here.", "I'm trying--I just offered to assist with taking Sweden in exchange for some assistance into Belgium...not sure if they'll go for it...", "I’ll check with England and try to see where his head is at.", "I've actually been thinking about this game all day 😅 and have come up with a plan I like a bit better... but England still hasn't responded to my initial offer.", "That’s the worst!\n\nAnd I’m glad to see you’re so focused on this in your first game. It’s a really great game if you put in the time and effort!", "You're definitely telling the truth on that one. So can I count on you to move to piedmont this season?", "I don’t think I can afford to move to Piedmont this season. I don’t really trust Austria to avoid walking through that door if I leave it wide open. \n\nI think you need to get England on board to attack France.", "That's valid. And actually I was conferring with England and we concluded that it's not really gonna be possible for me to help you take Marseilles this year anyway. \n\n...what are you and Austria planning for this year, then? I'm willing to tell you my plans in exchange as a gesture of trust. \n\nHave you communicated at all with England or France?", "Hi, are you there?\n\nJust woke up. \n\nEngland did return my message, but he did not tell me anything substantive so I really don’t know what he’s doing. I’m planning to move towards Turkey.", "Well, you’re in trouble. That England move is trouble. \n\nI’m going to try to convince him to change course. I suggest you be very kind to him, and don’t burn that bridge. I think your game hinges on turning England around.", "Hi Germany,\n\nI’m working hard on turning England. And I’m also trying to get Russia to come to your aid. Doing the best I can! I’ll keep you posted.", "England just told me that Russia is helping them to take Denmark so that may be a lost cause. Granted, the source for that intel is a serpentine jackal-spawn", "Okay, I’m reasonably sure that England wants to take the Channel and attack France now. \n\nI believe that you should basically do whatever England asks to help make this happen. As long as E attacks F, you will be in a much better position, and you’ll gain back centers quickly. \n\nWhat are you hearing?", "What are your plans for this turn? I can't help but notice that Munich is surrounded by foreign armies on three sides...\n\nI wish I could be more helpful but I'm pretty much just treading water right now trying not to lose anything else", "Hey — sorry, just getting back into this now.", "I have good news! (1) I am finally attacking France this turn. (2) I will be supporting Munich to hold from Tyrolia. \n\nLet’s turn this game around, yes?", "I am pretty sure that England is not attacking you this turn. And I am committed to supporting Munich holding. Make sure you don’t move Munich so that it can take my support.", "Okay, can do. Thanks!", "I suggest that you order:\nKiel Support Berlin holding\nBerlin Support Munich holding\nHelg to Holland\nMunich Support Berlin holding", "I agree completely--although I didn't know that a country could hold *and* support at the same time! Thanks!", "Thanks Italy. Hope you're enjoying the weather on the Anatolian 😉", "I will be supporting Munich to hold again. And I’ll be trying to get Russia to back off your flank and protect himself against an Austrian stab that is coming.", "Two bits of advice: #1 I suggest you tell Russia that Austria is coming for him. You really want Russia to move Sil back to Gal. You might also suggest to Russia that is he supports you to Denmark, you will then support Russia back to Sweden. I don’t know yet if it actually makes sense to do that, but you want Russia thinking that you are eager to work with him. He’ll be hoping for a reason to break off his attack on you at this point.", "#2 Here is the move set I would suggest right now:\nKiel Support Holland holding\nHolland Support Wales to Belgium (tell England you are going to order this support and he can take it or leave it)\nMunich Support Berlin holding\nBerlin Support Munich holding\n\nI think that both France and Russia are about to back off you, as they are both under fire at home. Just hold still, and soon you should be able to break out of this holding pattern.", "God, I hope so! I'm attempting to make that deal with russia now...and I'm talking with England re: Belgium", "It’s none of my business, but if you do plan to take Denmark, I strongly recommend you wait until Fall. I think the most important thing for you right now is getting England fully committed against France. If that happens, taking Denmark later will be easy.", "I think me and England are really on the same page at this point regarding France. I'm actually sort of running counter-intelligence for England (and my friends to the south, of course!) with Russia right now. \n\nEngland and I talked about Denmark too...and it seems like one or the other of Denmark or Belgium should work out for me this year and I'm fine with that", "Great to hear. Thank you.", "Do you need me to disrupt Bur this year? I'll need to seriously trust Russia if I'm going to risk not holding my eastern front, I think...", "I do think a move to Burgundy makes sense for you this turn, and I can’t imagine Russia attacking you here. He has a serious Austria problem. \n\nI suggest this:\nMun - Bur\nRuh - Bel\nHol Support Ruh - Bel \nBer - Kie\n\nTell Russia that the last thing in the world you want to see is Austria run him over, and you’re willing to help keep Russia viable if necessary (you’re angling for Russia to disband his northern holdings this turn).", "And ask England nicely to support Ruh - Hol, with the explanation that you don’t plan to ask for Denmark back, but you think it would help you both to diminish France. (You’ll get Den back eventually, but you want England to think you don’t care about it).", "Thanks, I'll work on these. \n...Why didn't you scooch into the Aegean behind Austria? You could have defended or even held Bulgaria this turn?", "England and I were talking about your moves for this season--what do you think of convoying Pie into Spa, supporting this with Wes, and then moving Tyr into Pie?", "This leaves Marseilles open for Bur to fall into if France goes that route, which gives me an opening into Bur", "That’s not bad.", "I was kind of thinking I should pick one or the other of Marseilles or Spain to attack and not tell a soul which one I’m going after.", "Do you really think it’s important to coordinate?", "I do think you’re best off moving to Burgundy. And there is some chance that we fail this turn. But I think we just take a guess and hope for the best. We’ll get him next turn if not this one.", "Okay—sorry for being nosy! I will try for bur on the off chance it shakes out that way", "Nah, you’re not being nosy at all. I mean, come on, we both know that I have no problem sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong.", "Marked as true", "I like to coordinate, but on these sort of 50/50 guesses, I kind of like to keep it secret so that if it doesn’t go well, I have nobody to blame but myself.", "Ha!", "Well, are you willing to humor my question about the Aegean, anyway?", "Sure. I was thinking of moving that fleet to Ionian. You think a move to Aegean is better? I’m not really sure, but let’s talk it through.", "No sorry I meant in hindsight--like this past turn you should have moved to Aeg so that this current turn, when Austria takes Rumania (from Bulgaria), you'd be there to cover Bulgaria so it couldn't get scooped by the Black sea, and potentially you'd just get to take it.", "Not a bad point. I agree.", "Hmmmm, kind of a pointless lie if you ask me, but I won’t hold it against you. You’re in a tough spot.", "um what lie? I did exactly the moves you suggested!", "Ha! So sorry!! I meant that for France!", "You are my favorite.", "Marked as lie because clearly austria is your favorite.\nSpeaking of, I assume that your seizing Trieste was mutually agreed upon?", "Yes — agreed upon.", "That's not what Austria said to England...", "Hmmmm, okay. Well, let’s just keep that between you and me then. 🤦‍♂️", "You know italy, I think we *do* need to coordinate your move this time--England and I have a shot at either Bur or Mao if one of Marseilles or Spain can be left open for France to fall into. This will improve all of our chances of crushing France quickly.", "Okay, I can dig it. What do you want me to do?", "Let me confer with England and get back to you. Glad to hear that though!", "So...any thoughts on how to approach this?", "It looks like England's not willing to try for MAO if it means possibly losing the channel. However, they'll bring the NWG fleet around to try for MAO next year. \nSo if you could keep Marseilles open, it will help me to try and take Burgundy this turn.", "If I leave Marseilles open, would you kindly use Burgundy in the Fall to help me take Marseilles? (Likely that means ordering Burgundy to Gascony to cut support)", "Will do.", "Okay, so I still have a teensy little bone to pick with you: on the off-chance that Austria wasn't lying and you *did* take Trieste unexpectedly, I sort of worry that I might be next. Are you willing to tell me what your plans are for the Tri unit, or at least to warn me before any move into Tyrolia?", "Sure. But, you’ll see from my moves this turn that Austria is lying to you.", "I currently have Tri - Tyrolia. I like the unit there because it sets up an attack on Austria if I ever want to go that route (build A Ven and go east). Do you want me to keep Tyrolia clear?", "I’ll add — I would never attack Germany as Italy. Setting myself as a giant column like that is just not defensible. It would be a terrible move.", "Not when that column is not-so-giant and in a turf war with France.", "oh you mean setting *yourself*", "But you could easily pick off, say, Munich and not be a \"giant column\"", "I mean this sincerely: any Germany who does that is a terrible player. \n\nWhy would I do that? I would need 2-3 units to hold one center. That is a net negative. And all of your units are doing things that are good for me in containing your neighbors. \n\nI’ve been working hard in this game for you to succeed and knock back France and England. I can say with 100% certainty: I’m not going to attack you. I’m going to keep helping you as much as I can.", "That said, if you want me NOT to move to Tyrolia, I won’t move there.", "Nah, I just needed some reassurance :)\nYour logic is undenyable— enjoy your stay in tyr!", "*undeniable? That looks better", "I mean it sincerely. I think that England will want to coax me to attack you with him after France falls, but I’d much rather work with you against England. \n\nBut first thing’s first — let’s get rid of France.", "Agreed", "(On the france part)", "Sorry I won't be able to cut off Gascony this turn...I probably should have just told you my moves; you could have advised me that supporting Mun-Bur was more important than Kie-Ruh", "No worries. We’ll crack this but eventually. \n\nHere is my suggestion for this turn:\nKie - Den\nHol S Bel holding\nBel S Ruh - Bur\nMun S Ruh - Bur\nRuh - Bur", "I think you should suggest to England that he gets Sweden and St Petersburg, while you get Denmark back. That’s only fair, as you have been a loyal ally in the fight against France and you plan to continue to do that.", "The moves I had already planned differ in one respect: I thought it would be worth the risk to try moving Hol-Bel and therefore move Bel-Bur. Even if me and France are high-fiving in Bel for a few seasons it's still mine, and it's not like Holland has anything better to do while I'm still allies with England.\n\n...The only reason I'm reluctant to make that agreement with England is that---while I think *you* and I have a good relationship---I really have not talked with Austria much at all, and I'm the next logical target for them when Russia's gone. And anything that's bad for Russia right now is good for Austria.", "Hmmmm, I’m just not sure you should trust England enough right now to leave Holland open and Belgium essentially unguarded. \n\nFrance is a really good player, and he is no doubt working hard to get England to turn on you. My personal take is that you are better off being a bit more conservative until you have Denmark back and England has moved another fleet towards France. But I can see it either way.", "With regard to Russia, talk it through with England. What you don’t want is England taking out Russia and giving you nothing. So, if England agrees to let Russia be for a while, then your plan sounds good. But if England is going to take Sweden, you really should get Denmark back. (I’m my view)", "Okay you've convinced me: it's worth figuring out what E's plans are for Russia at least.\n\nAnd you're almost certainly right, from a rational perspective, about leaving Holland/Belgium vulnerable to England. But I think England really is counting on my assistance in taking France, and because of that and other non-quantifiable reasons I trust them.", "Excellent. Obviously you have a much better feel for your relationship with England than I do. Just know that France is persuasive, and I’m sure that’s what he’s working on. He stopped talking to me, so I bet he’s trying to turn England. Just keep reassuring England that you want to work with him long-term so he doesn’t succumb to the Dark Side.", "Hi Germany — well, I think we’re getting to a critical point in the game here. France held out a long time, but he’s much less of a threat now. I think the critical issue, for you, is England. \n\nI have some thoughts on the matter, and some information, but I’d like to feel confident that you and I will keep anything we say between us. I think of you as the one person who has been honest with me on every turn. You even tell me the truth when it’s bad news, or when you don’t completely trust me, and I like that.", "Okay, Italy. I won't share any of this conversation. But in the interest of continued full disclosure, here's what I think: England is a greater threat to *me* on the map, but *you* have a greater chance of soloing this game quickly, or pair-winning with Austria even sooner. And if I continue to collaborate with England, we at least have a chance of slowing that down. So I'm in sort of a conflicted spot", "This is why I like you. The full disclosure part. You tell me the truth even when the news isn’t great.", "My thoughts on the “Germany/England forever so that at least we can stop the solo” strategy: (1) It’s quite early to be talking about solos. I am at 8, and Austria could take 3 from me any time, quite easily. (2) I don’t think England is thinking that way. I think he’s thinking that a dominant power will emerge in the north, and one will emerge in the south. And he’s like to be that dominant power.", "England’s pieces are not positioned well if he’s trying to attack France or contain Italy. He keeps Denmark guarded, and North Sea filled. He is not playing like he intends to stick with you, even though I’m sure he’s telling you that.", "You’re right that you don’t want to start a war with England right now. But, you must stick up for yourself, because nobody else will do that if you don’t.", "If I were you, this is what I would do: (1) keep warning England about the dangers of Italy getting too big and insist that England moves his fleets towards MAO (Channel to Irish, Norwegian to NAO, North - Channel), (2) insist on taking Denmark back.", "I would say something like this:\n\nEngland, I’m with you my friend, but we’re passed the stage of you needing to keep me under lock and key. I need to take Denmark back. I’m happy to support you to Brest to keep you growing, or you can grab Sweden. You have plenty of options other than keeping your ally’s center, but if you really want to be my ally long-term, you’ve got to show me that.", "I am hearing from England signs that he may be thinking of attacking you soon. And I think you actually avoid that better by being strong and sticking up for yourself rather than being accommodating and letting him do whatever he wants to do.", "Well, both you and France have now pointed out that England is strategically not in a good place to be my ally right now, and you are correct. I'll be more cautious with my northern border, but I made a pretty strong argument for denmark this past turn and it fell on deaf ears", "...which probably also should have been a sign for me", "Well, if you want, you could just take Denmark this next year and I don’t think England is in a position to retaliate.", "Probably not...has France been talking with you at all about their sunsetting strategy? They've indicated a willingness to work with you and me and a desire to see England get as few dots as possible", "He did say that to me too. Though, France has a long history of lying to me, so I really don’t trust him.", "Well France has actually been pretty honest with me, and I at least am certain that they wouldn't betray me to England. So, I'm considering working with F to sabotage (or potentially full-on backstab) England this turn, which would have the side-effect of maybe taking some attention away from the south for you anyway.", "(and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this if you're in the mood to give out free advice)", "Hi Germany — sorry for the delay. Well...I think it’s really important that you get a build this turn either way. I don’t think England will get a build this turn, so if I were you I’d probably take Paris, build a fleet, and move on England after that.", "But it likely depends on how communication is going with England. If he’ll give you back Denmark, that might change the equation.", "I am waiting on England to make a decision about that--they claim to be thinking about it.", "England told me you said I was plotting with France. It makes sense you’d want to pit us against each other.", "Hey — tried to send you a message earlier but not was down. England was telling me that you’re saying that I told you that England is plotting against you. The problem with telling England that is that he will stop giving me useful info.", "Truly, I don’t want you and England to fight. I am not trying to break you up. I suggested that you take Paris! I want you guys to work together with me against France.", "You don't want us to fight, yet you betrayed both of our confidence with you in a way that makes us distrust each other?", "I really don’t think that’s a fair description. You guys both wanted to attack each other. I encouraged you both to keep working together.", "Just as long as it suits you. Are you going to give England Mao?", "Hmmm, should I be reading that as angry sarcastic with dagger eyes? (I’m not sure if I’m getting your tone right)", "We’re friends, right? I believe that every single message I’ve sent you all game has been truth, and I’ve gone out of my way to give you candid advice. Are we still friends?", "Regarding MAO — I don’t know. What do you want me to do? I don’t have any set plan.", "Yep, there's some sarcasm there. Looking back at your messages, I still don't read them as encouraging collaboration. And if you wanted us to be friends, you could have done that without betraying me to England by simply saying in your candid way \"I don't think you should do that for such and such reason\". But you chose to increase E's distrust of me. So I think you might be full of gnocchi and crap. \n\nMy trust in you is a bit shaken but I still think we can have a working partnership with a bit more caution on my end. It would be my preference that you hold Mao, on the assumption that if it came down to a choice between partnering with me or England, you'd choose me. If that's not the case, then as the filling of an England-Italy sandwich I'm in no position to retaliate anyway.", "Well, again, I like that you’re honest with me, even when the news is bad.", "I have to say that I’m surprised that you feel that I’ve betrayed your trust. I have been feeling like maybe I’ve been TOO helpful to you, and been a bit over the top in offering advice, etc., but it seems like I’ve misread the situation.", "No, it's completely true that you've been too helpful, and I'm really really grateful for it because I've been able to learn so much from this game. But it's also true that you didn't have to tell England what you did, and all you stood to gain from it was that it shook my and E's trust in each other.", "But I understand what you’re saying, and I much prefer to have a heart to heart like this, a frank airing of grievances, rather than being surprised by unkind moves on the board.", "Was not expecting seinfeld today and it was a pleasant surprise", "🤗", "Here’s the deal: I like you better than England.", "I’m not sure how the next couple of turns are going to shake out. But I like that you tell me when you’re angry with me. I know that may seem like a small thing, but it’s just rare in Diplomacy. You get so many fake smiles.", "So, if it comes down to you or him, I’m choosing you. And I’ll work to do a better job of keeping your confidence. I certainly understand how important that is, as I hate it when people o that same thing to me.", "So no more playing mediator for me.", "Okay. Is it true that you want the channel?", "And are you planning to keep Vienna?", "I am not planning to keep Vienna. And yeah I’ve asked France for support to the Channel. Do you think he’s on board?", "I'm not sure. Is *England* on board? Is this something England can know about?", "No, do you think France will Support me to the Channel?", "France has asked my opinion on it, and I haven't given it yet. To my estimation things look a lot better for me if you don't end up there: I don't want to see England in Mao, and I don't want to see you snagging pieces of the north.", "Okay, well, here is my thinking. Tell France whatever you want to make him happy. Then tell me how you really feel. And if you don’t want me to go there, I won’t go there.", "If I hadn't asked you about it, would that have just been another surprise, too?", "Absolutely. \n\nYou and I have discussed our moves and been honest with each other every turn. But we have not been sharing all our moves or pre-clearing all of our moves. So that would have Ben a surprise in the same way that your moves are a surprise to me. (I never tell you what to do or insist on knowing).", "I kind of thought that you would have wanted me in the Channel because it commits me further against England, but I can understand what you’re saying now about wanting me to hang back.", "But I don’t think there is anything wrong with me contemplating moves without telling you all of them. You asked me about it, and I told you the truth.", "I do think that this move is a breach of general expectation, which is the kind of thing I'd like to know about. And it's also the kind of thing I've shared with you: case in point, my desire to stab England.", "Okay. Understood.", "Is there anything I could gain from seeing you in the channel? Would you support me taking Nth, and potentially seizing the island?", "Here's what I'm thinking: I would be on board with you taking the channel (and I'd give France the green light to go ahead with it) if you would agree to bump Nao out of Mao using Wes, and if you'd be open to supporting some anti-English aggression while holding the channel so that I can get on equal footing with you, dot-wise.\n\nIf you don't want to agree to those terms, that's okay, but I would strongly prefer not to see you in the channel in that case.", "I’m going to be out of pocket this weekend, so let’s talk this through more on Monday. Generally, I agree that I’ll either stay out of the Channel or agree to your terms for entering there.", "If you decide to stay out of the channel, I have a deal that I like with England in the works. For that deal to go through, you'd have to agree to move Mao into Portugal to let England take Mao. Would you be amenable to that?", "(If this second offer is more to think about than a no-brainer, you can just mull it over and let me know monday)", "So, here is my concern with the England offer: If I’m taking Portugal, why do we want England in MAO? And why would he want to go to MAO? I’m not sure I understand that one. Can you explain?", "Well, when I initially proposed the deal I had forgotten that Portugal was promised to England. Then England agreed to it on the condition that you would confirm that move, so I figured E thought you would just move out of there next year? But now that I think about it, it’s probably worth asking England why they’d agree to that.", "I’d prefer that you not tell England I am considering moving to the Channel. I don’t think he would like that.", "I don’t really want to discuss this stuff with England at all.", "Well, England changed their mind about the plan I offered anyway. So, are you taking the channel?", "No, I’m not taking the Channel.", "Okay was that a recent decision? Because like an hour ago France said they were supporting you into the channel", "Well, when I tell you what I plan to do, do you turn around and tell France? This makes me uncomfortable speaking with you.", "I haven't spoken to France since then. I didn't realize you were giving the two of us different information on this particular subject. But I don't think I've revealed anything to them about what you plan to do. Mostly because you haven't told me.", "Well, I have been honest with both you and France. You told me that I need to promise you a set of things in order to take the Channel. I felt like it was more than I could be sure of doing, so I am not entering the Channel. I won’t go there without your permission.", "I appreciate that. And I'll keep the remainder of this conversation between us unless I hear otherwise. Have you just recently made an agreement with England?", "I heard as much but I want to verify the contents of that agreement with you", "Btw, France just said that they submitted the orders to support you into the channel.", "I don’t have an agreement with England, but he is asking me about my moves and trying to get my help.", "Okay--then England is lying to me, saying that you're helping support Eng-Brest.", "Ha! Yeah, fat chance.", "...but did you lie to England about that? Or can I say to England that I don't think you'll actually provide that support?", "What is Paris up to?", "I suggest you just not tell England anything about my moves.", "Do you want me to support England to Brest?", "I guess I’m not sure what your goals are here.", "I just kind of feel like you’re grilling me with a lot of questions, but not telling me what you’re doing or what you want from me.", "*If* you support Eng-Brest, England has agreed to vacate denmark for me. If you don't, I won't get in the way of your channel thing. Any other questions?", "I have no sense of what you want or what your plan is, but I thought I'd been pretty clear: I want Denmark. I am reluctant to see you in the Channel if England remains powerful, but happy to see you there if they are weakened.", "Can’t you just force Denmark?", "Not without risking a swipe of Belgium", "And why force when you don't have to", "Okay, I’ll support England to Brest. You take Denmark.", "And you and I should be in position to take out England next year.", "Splendid!", "Glad everything worked out 😃", "👍", "Congratulations on retaking Denmark and getting two builds. You are playing really well right now. Respect.", "Congrats on having double-digit dots! I have some thoughts about taking out England, if you want to go full-stab this season...", "I think I do! 🤫", "What are you thinking?", "One option is to take the channel, another is to take Brest. Between you, me, and Picardy we can manage either, but it's a question of which takes priority. If we chose Brest, I could also take a stab at seizing Nth this season, then we could try for the channel in fall. Or we could do channel first, Brest second.", "Yeah, that is all along the lines of what I’m thinking. How demanding does France sound right now? Does he want to be the one who takes Brest?", "Haven't asked. But in general not demanding.", "Good!\n\nStill, I think we should show him some good faith by supporting him to Brest in Spring. We can decide in Fall whether it makes more sense for you to take it, but I think we want to keep France hungry.", "I would suggest something like this to ensure the English fleet is disbanded:\nPic - Bre\nMAO - Channel\nPar S Pic - Bre", "And Spa - Gas to cut off that retreat.", "You can take the North Sea on the same move and set up a convoy to the English mainland. \n\nCheckmate.", "Okay, I like the plan! I've asked France if they're willing to move to Brest supported by me.", "Aren't you concerned about England taking Mao? I'd sooner just have you pile on support into Bre so that Wes can support Mao holding", "That’s a good point, but the problem with that approach is that Brest is not guaranteed. If England cute MAO and supports with the Channel, the attack fails. I think we are better off ensuring that the Brest fleet is disbanded. If we disband that fleet and take North Sea, an English fleet in MAO really just spreads him out and allows you to take the island faster. It’s not like he can get Portugal or Spain.", "Okay, but that means I'd prefer to take Brest myself this Spring, if France is okay with it.", "I think that we should offer France Brest in Spring. That ensures that he is with us. Then, if conditions are right in the Fall, I can support you into Brest. But...England can offer France Belgium, and I think he is sure to take that if we’re not even offering him a center, right?", "Better to keep France feeling like we’re going to keep him in the game. If you need the build in Fall, it’s easy for me to support you there.", "I guess I’m just wondering from France’s perspective why they’d *want* to stay in the game. Isn’t it possible they’d rather move on with their life? That’s not rhetorical, I’m wondering what your perspective is as a veteran player", "Here is my take: If France just wanted to go down in a blaze of glory and say “eff you” to England, he would have kept Irish Sea. He kept Pic, which is next to his home center, and gives him a chance to negotiate with both you and England.", "I think that means he is motivated to keep trying. And if he believes he can get Brest, he could legitimately get back to his feet. I know that’s what I’d be trying to do in his position.", "As the poker saying goes: “a chip and a chair.” So long as you have one chip left, and you’re still in the tournament, you can always come back to win.", "Thoughts?", "I think that makes sense. Are you talking with England at all?", "I’m pretty wary of England right now. He asked me what I want to do, but I feel like he’s trying to get me to leave MAO open. That’s not terrible news, as it suggests that he won’t expect your move to North Sea.", "As long as he doesn’t move NAO to Norwegian, you’ve got a guaranteed supply center.", "Well E'd have to be a right dolt not to retreat to NWG. And right now they're talking to me about supporting a move from Bre to Gas (the better for the two of us to stab you).", "What i mean is, there's a good chance that Mao is safe if I \"agree\" to that deal", "Oh nevermind--they're not going to convoy into Brest. So actually this pretty much guarantees that Eng and Nao will try for Mao.", "Ahhhh, sneaky Devil! Thank you for letting me know.", "I still like our plan.", "I need to run for a bit. I’ll be around in a few hours.", "I think that knowing this, you should do as I suggest and not poke Eng. Just hold and let Wes support. I am 94% sure I can trust England to do as they say on this one.", "Okay. Should I support Pic to Bre?", "yes please. It'll do us good with France too if we both support.", "👍", "Actually, you should use Mao to support Spa-Gas, since we know that Brest is moving there. It will be beneficial to have you there if we decide to oust France from Bre in fall", "Consider it done.", "Hmmmm, heading anything from England?", "I’d love to talk if you’re there. I’m getting the impression that England may actually be moving on you, and I think I have a good counter, but I also still think we should support the attack on Brest and take North Sea.", "I definitely think you should keep your moves the same.", "Nice! Get’em! He WAS moving on you. But we should be able to take about 3 off of him now. Very nice turn.", "Sorry; I was asleep by 9 last night 😂 \n\nwhy the move to Nao? Wouldn't IRI be the more anti-England choice?\n\nWith the move to Picardy and assuming a retreat to SKA, it looks like England has me pretty powerless this turn.", "So do you, it seems, if you have some kind of deal with Russia about Munich.", "Good morning. \n\nJust responding to your messages above. I think NAO and Irish are equally anti-English. They both give me a clear lane to attack Liverpool. I wasn’t sure if either one would be left open, but I took a gamble and it paid off.", "Re your move this turn, I don’t think you’re powerless. You should get a build I think and if not, you should be in position to smash England.", "I don’t have a deal regarding Munich, Germany. Frankly, I thought you would be a bit more joyful towards me. By attacking England, I have committed completely to working as your partner.", "I suppose you're right. Initially I was thinking IRI also gives you channel access, but NWG access may be just as useful. \n\nWell when you control half a continent (and even more when you consider your influence over me, austria, and who knows who else!), there's no such thing as complete commitment. I'm not so naive as to think your allegiance with me is going to last beyond its usefulness, and with two fleets on the British isle that time is fast approaching. To be clear, I'm still giving you the truth and I still want to work with you. But you should really stop acting surprised when I'm slightly paranoid that a soon-to-be-dozen-dot-holder is gearing up to stab me", "Well, I dunno, it sounds like I should stab you. Is that what you’re trying to tell me?\n\nI like you. I like how hard you’ve worked in this game to rebound from a difficult start. I like that you e told me the truth, even when the news was bad. I like that you tell me when you don’t trust me. I have literally never told you a lie in this game, and I don’t intend to start now. Last turn I burned my bridge with England beyond repair. If you don’t want to work with me now, that’s really disappointing.", "like I said, I *do* want to work with you. However, remember that thing I said about general expectations and being warned when they're broken? Tyrolia is one of them and I think you knew that. And England *also* told me they've never told me a lie; I'm starting to think that's Diplomacy-speak for \"when convenient, I've used careful wording and half-truths to deceive you even when everything I said was technically true\". \n\nIt would help me to know that you see me being a benefit to you beyond taking out England. A natural next move for us would be to take out russia, and in that arena I have a positional advantage over you. Especially if I get two builds this turn, I'll be able to sneak behind the troops in bohemia/galicia and help you break through.", "Yes — here is how I expect and hope the game will play out: the two of us finish off England and France, while drifting towards the east a bit. With the builds we get this year, we essentially blitzkrieg the East. I have more units than you, but you have no opposition at all in the north, and can take Scandinavia, War and Mos without any trouble.", "I think that, in about two years, you and I will both be on about 14 centers, with the remnants of Russia and Austria between us, and we can decide how we want to resolve it. I’d be happy to agree to a small draw, or to shoot for a 17-17 two-way draw position, whichever you prefer.", "Well, I like the sound of all of that. In fact, it sounds ideal: there's something poetic about the complete beginner and the expert (you've probably heard by now that you got doxxed) sharing a victory. \n\nI ask for a concession: As a show of good will, would you be willing to take only one of Liverpool or Portugal this year? (I know the Portugal request seems weird, but I like keeping France around and unless I'm mistaken they like me better than you 😃 )", "Yes. I wasn’t planning to take Portugal anyway.", "I think it makes sense here for you to land an army in the English island while you can. Now that his army is off the island, he’s toast as soon as you do that.", "England's just vindictive enough to try and stab Belgium with England and Picardy, though. I was planning on keeping holland around as support.", "*by England I of course mean Eng", "I suggest the following:\n\nGas - Liv (via convoy)\nSpa S MAO holding\nMar hold\nTyr - Tri\n\nHol - Yor (via convoy)\nBur S Bel\nBel S North\nHEL S North\nMun - Boh\nPar - Pic (to cut any potential support)", "England cannot take Belgium with those moves.", "Or I could move my fleet into Liverpool and use Gas to support Bre. I’m happy either way.", "I tried a double convoy in the sandbox once and it didn't work! What is this witchcraft?!?", "At any rate, I prefer the fleet move to liverpool and Gascony's support into Brest. And could Mao support Bre into the Channel? No sense forcing France to disband. Bel will support it, too.", "Here are the orders needed to do a convoy!\nHolland move to Yorkshire\nNorth Sea convoy Holland to Yorkshire\n\nIt is not a “double convoy” as you only need one fleet to make it happen. \n\nBut if your fleet in North Sea is dislodged, the convoy will not go through. That is why I would suggest that HELG supports North Sea holding and Belgium supports North Sea holding.", "No--I mean the one *you* were planning: Gascony to Liverpool", "It's a double convoy because you're convoying through Mao *and* Nao", "Ah, the orders there would be:\nGascony - Liv\nMAO Convoy Gas - Liv\nNAO Convoy Gas - Liv", "So, I’ll move the fleet to Liverpool. And you want MAO to support Paris to Brest?", "Or wait, MAO supports Brest to Channel, and Gas supports Paris - Brest, right?", "yeah. I tried that once in the sandbox (or the equivalent: back when you had fleets in Lyo and Wes I tried a convoy from Pie to Naf). But I think I messed up the commands to the fleets. \n\n And yes the most recent message is correct. Those two things and Nao-Lvp", "Okay, confirmed. \n\nSo I’ve got in:\nNAO - Liv\nMAO S Bre - Channel\nGas S Par - Bre\nSpa - WES\nMar S Gas holding \nTyrolia - Trieste\n\nSound right?", "It does. But If Tyr was bound for trieste anyway, why did you detour through Tyr at all? Why not just move to trieste last turn??", "Austria would not have liked it.", "And he doesn’t know that it’s headed back there now (please don’t tell)", "Understood. Me and Austria don't talk anyway. Also, do you have any sense of what England is planning to do?", "Ha! No I don’t. I’d imagine he is coming for me. But I don’t know that.", "If I were him, I’d defend Edi and London.", "So you haven't been talking to England at all? I was sort of hoping you would know more, maybe help us take better advantage of their plans.", "Anyway, my moves are:\n\nPar-Bre\nBel s Bre-Eng\nHol s Bel holding\n\nAnd the rest within expected parameters. Correct?", "England has not said anything of substance to me. He was gracious about my move, but he won’t trust me again, and I would not trust anything he might say at this point. I haven’t asked him about his moves and he hasn’t told me.", "I thought you would Convoy Holland to Yorkshire and support Belgium from Burgundy. Also, can you please order Mun to Boh to cut support and allow me to hold Vienna while moving Tyrolia to Trieste?", "I *told* you I'm not risking that convoy *and* that instead Bel is supporting France into the Channel (which will heretofore be called the French Channel). And could I persuade you to move to IRI instead of taking Liverpool in exchange for the requested cut?", "Sorry, what is the requested cut? I understand that you don’t want me to take Liverpool or Portugal. What are you offering to me? (I don’t mean to be difficult, I just want to be sure I understand).", "Ah, you must mean Munich to Boh.", "Asking me to avoid taking Por and Liv is asking a lot. I want France to survive here, but I also want England taking units off the board, and I feel like you should too, right?", "I do. But I also want those dots for myself, of course. And there's still the nonzero chance that you've arranged with Boh to take Munich for yourself, so I'm taking a serious risk", "I will avoid taking Portugal, vacate Tyrolia, and support you to Brest. I feel like I’m offering quite a lot in exchange for one cut support. \n\nAnd cutting that support does not put you in greater peril. If I had a deal with Russia for Munich (I don’t) I could cut Burgundy from Marseilles and support Russia to Munich. Moving Mun to Boh to cut support is costless.", "You're right. I just thought I'd put my best argument forward. I'll do the cut. But I ask for something costless in exchange, and I really, really want it to stay just between us, ok?", "Understood and agreed.", "And I have no problem with you asking for more than you’re willing to settle for. That’s smart, and I do the same thing sometimes. If you don’t stick up for yourself, nobody else will.", "I *know* there's more to your relationship with England than you're telling me. The last message England sent to me hinted that if *I* wasn't willing to work with them--and I haven't said anything to them since--that maybe *you* would. And if England were to reach out to you, you're too smart to just snub them. There's advantage to be gained--either for both of us or just for yourself--from talking to them. The only reason I stopped was because I knew my word would be mud to them anyway.\n\nEarlier I was hoping you'd give me the truth about what you knew, and about what they might know. But you didn't and that both disappoints and scares me. So I'm asking that you give me just a modicum of honesty here: what do you know? what does England know?", "I give you my word: I don’t know what England is going to do and I haven’t asked.", "He is still jovial with me and respectful. He has asked me to critique his play and to give him advice. But I do not know his moves, and I really don’t think he would tell me them if I asked. It certainly would not be info I could trust free I just lied to him about mine.", "But England's desperate. Better to talk with *someone* than just go in blind. And I doubt they'd turn to Russia or France because neither is really close enough/powerful enough to give real help. And there's precedent for you negotiating with someone even as you stab them: France.\n\n...and here's the real accusation: for all your pretty words about a shared victory between you and me, you've been sneaky and you've always pitted me and England against each other to your benefit. My real fear here is that knowing my moves, and with a desperate, jovial England seeking your advice, it would be so *easy* to just feed England enough info to keep me weak while you chow down on the Island. \n\nI know this from experience: back when you were doing 50/50 shots in the south of France, I did everything I could to find out what you were planning and feed it to France. This was merely a time-buying measure, since France was outmatched and I would eventually run out of pretenses to extract your move. But I wanted to gain more dots before you took over. And I assume others are like me, hence I suspect you now. \n\nI'm offering this confession in hopes that you'll do the same. So just come clean and let's approach this thing as equals?", "I am in my car, off to pick-up my kids from school. This deserves a proper response, so please give me some time.", "Abandon the children this is important 😜", "So, I’m going to speak frankly here. I am rarely offended in a Diplomacy game, and I rarely say so when I am, but this message offends me. I’m trying to think about why I’m having such a strong reaction to it. I think it’s because you’re painting a picture of the game (both your actions and mine) which are totally different than my own perspective. (Continuing)", "From my perspective, you were on the ropes early. France and England were teaming up on you. You lost Denmark and France had Holland and Munich surrounded. You were in serious peril. \n\nI seriously went to extreme effort to keep you in the game. I spent hours talking with England and encouraging him to turn around and go the other way. I completely ended my eastern campaign and spent two seasons just making the voyage over to France so that he didn’t have the bandwidth to continue his attack. I have vouched for you with Austria and Russia many times. I have supported Munich. And I have NEVER attacked you, even when people have asked me to do so and pledged to support me.", "I have been honest with you, I have worked hard for your success, and I’ve made a lot of proposals to you in which you gain centers; not me. \n\nMaybe I am just a bad ally, but I’m not sure I remember an alliance in which I have done more to help my ally. Truly.", "And to hear that (1) You think I’ve been selfish and (2) You’ve been sabotaging me all along, that just doesn’t sit well with me.", "I have rarely asked for your help, and I’ve offered my help freely. I’ve provided my sincere best efforts to help you with tactics, and I have never sabotaged you. Not once.", "And if I’m totally honest with you, I could solo this game if I felt like lying to everyone and grabbing dots. I think I’ve got you all beat tactically. I just have more experience. But that’s not been my intent.", "I’ve spent hours today talking with England about how best to play Diplomacy. I’ve tried to give him some honest advice because he asked for it. But I don’t know his moves, I haven’t asked for them, and I’m not going to take advantage of that relationship to try to stab you. It legitimately did not cross my mind until you accused me of doing it.", "So, I’m frustrated by this accusation.", "And I appreciate all you’ve done for me, really I do. But “completely ending your eastern campaign” is *not* something you did for me; your alliance with Austria dictated that. \nI felt bad for betraying you while I was doing it, but even then I knew it was the only way to keep the game going in the face of your and Austria’s might. And it *wasn’t* “all along”, it was a few turns at best so that the rest of us would have a shot at you and Austria not pair-winning right out of the gate. And the only thing that keeps me from thinking you’re not gonna do just that on the next move anyway is my belief that you really do want the victory all to yourself, which is still consistent with everything you’ve done for me. Propping up a weak player at the expense of stronger ones is a classic tactic. (Continuing)", "And so, by the way, is trying to shame someone for raising extremely legitimate concerns. Whenever I bring up suspicion of you, you’re quick to remind me how much you’ve done for me to put me on the defensive and make me feel indebted. Well frankly that reeks of dishonesty. I never asked you to do those things.", "If you no longer trust me, so be it. I knew that was a risk when I made my confession. But i’d rather have a partnership based on mutual honesty. That’s another reason I confessed—you ought to know that my game philosophy (new as it is) is to trust the map and to trust history first and foremost. The parts of your history that I’ve seen indicate that you’re no saint, no matter what you may have done for me. And when the map shows that one player is clearly dominating and that player is you, you are being deeply naive if you think everyone else is just going to roll over and let you get away with it", "No, all thumbs up from me. If I were lying to you, I’d smile and say “that sounds great.” I’m honest with you because I sincerely thought of us as partners.", "Oh but you’re *not*! You agreed to warn me of unexpected moves, then didn’t. When I brought this up you ignored it and misdirected me in hopes I’d forget. You’ve revealed things to England without my permission, and then made up a story about it after the fact!\n\nAnd you can’t be a real partner with someone who is depending on your good graces to survive. That’s not a partnership. We could never be real partners unless we had some notion of equality, and I’m outmatched in both skill and numbers.\n\nYou and Austria, however, were until recently a perfect example of a true partnership. Dot-parity, coordinated attacks, really beautiful work. So don’t act as if you don’t know this to be true. We were never a partnership of that kind.", "Well, this is very disappointing to me, and I obviously disagree with the way you are characterizing me and this game. \n\nI have a reputation in this hobby for being sincere. Not for being duplicitous. It has always served me well. \n\nIf you feel that way, then me continuing to explain myself isn’t going to change your mind. If you don’t want to work with me, then I can understand that. Let’s consider our deals and commitments to be void, and let’s play our games separately. \n\nIf you have any deal you’d like to propose, I’ll consider them, but I won’t continue to try to help your game if you think I’m not sincerely trying to be helpful.", "Well, this game just got less fun.", "for you, maybe.", "Sent to Germany, England, Austria, Russia: So, England, Germany, Russia, y’all played a great turn last turn. You got me to stab my long-time ally and you ended our pretty excellent 7-year run as an alliance. Russia told me he was with me if I stab Austria. England told me he wanted me to solo so long as I would “teach him” and help his along to second place. Then y’all pulled the rug out from under me. It was clever and effective. (End Part 1)", "(Part 2)\nAt this stage, my excitement about the game has diminished quite a bit. And of course I’m happy to play on and take my lumps for falling for “Hey, I really want you to solo, just help me place second,” but if you guys just want to call it a five-way draw among us and grab a beer together, while reviewing the statistics, that’s really my preference. \n\nI am outnumbered and I obviously can’t solo. And I’m sure some of you in the north are eager to send everyone else flying my way, but I expect Russia and England to be careful, and so I’m not sure there is much room to move forward without simply tipping the board to Germany’s favor. \n\nI propose that we draw and hug it out.🤗", "I'm down for a five-way draw. \n\n...and by the way, England was copy-pasting to me the most incriminating messages you sent them. So I knew you were giving England my moves. I do have a certain begrudging respect for you ability to deny, though 😉", "Well, England is telling me he is happy to see me solo and wants second, should I say “no”? I guess I should have. I was happy the way the game was going before all that.", "Don't try and pin *your* greed and deceit on England! At least *own* it when you're ruthless", "You have been given an apple laced with poison. England’s only move there was to make you hate me, and he did his job well. \n\nYou should not let your view of me be defined by someone who has an incentive to make you never speak to me again. We can talk about it more after the game, but I had every intention of continuing to work with you, and I would have done that until England made his play.", "I have no doubt you would have continued to work with me, but I take issue with someone who can be asked point-blank if they're sharing moves with another player and lie to my face. If you'd come clean, and explained how what you were doing actually *helped* me, somehow, we could have worked together. But you would rather have had me in the dark and that's not sustainable in a partnership.", "I was trying to play both sides, and England was lying to me, and forwarding my press to try to incriminate me. So, yes, I lied, and so did England. I apologize.", "Will you please either vote to draw, or let us know that you’d like to play this one out? I am finding it difficult to motivate myself to speak with anyone if the game is just going to draw shortly. Thoughts?", "I did vote to 5-way draw! And I did so again for this season. So it’s not me who’s keeping this game alive", "Well, as we approach the end of the academic study portion of the game, let me say once, with the truth detector activated, that I really enjoyed playing with you and thought you played really well.", "Was it really your first game? You definitely played like a seasoned vet.", "I really enjoyed playing with you, too! And yes, it really was my first game. Thanks for all your help and advice" ]
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[ "Hello there! What's your general plan for this game? My inclination when I play Austria is to piss off as few people as possible, so I don't plan on making any overtly aggressive moves this turn.", "Hi Austria. Nice to meet you, and looking forward to playing as your neighbor. \n\nHmmmm, I hate playing as Italy. I rarely succeed. Frankly, I’ve recently tried early attacks on Austria, as Italy, AND IT KEEPS TURNING OUT POORLY. I’d really like to play this one as a tight-knit Central Trio if you have any appetite for that. Not sure if I should set up a Lepanto or go west, but I’d be happy to hear your thoughts on it.", "That sounds good to me. I think probably what would work best is if you and Germany go west while Turkey and I contain and/or eat Russia, then once I've picked up some Russian dots and gotten some good position, you split your fleets to help me take Turkey and help Germany take England.", "I like that. Let me talk it over with Germany.", "I’m not sure whether Germany is keen on attacking France. Perhaps you and I should focus on Turkey?", "Yeah, honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think it'll just be easier to wipe turkey off the map really quickly. I've done it in tourneys a few times before and it just makes everything simpler.", "👌 So I’ll open as a standard Lepanto. Sounds good.", "Nice start!\n\nReally glad to see Turkey open north, and glad to see that you were true to your word with me. I feel like we’re in a really strong position to control the East!\n\nWhat are you thinking?", "Yep! Good start, now we've just gotta follow through properly.", "So, do I just convoy my army to Tunis?\n\nAlso, do you want me to bounce you in Trieste?", "Sure, Trieste bounce is a good idea. And yeah, standard Lepanto with the convoy.", " shall we go about this? I’m kind of thinking that you and I should eat some Turkey.", "That's exactly what I'm thinking. I'm going to send Greece into the Aegean, you send Ionian into Eastern Med.", "Okay. Cool! Do you mind if I take Greece this year while you take Bulgaria? That will keep us even, and should be guaranteed. I can just convoy an army to Greece in Spring while you move to Aegean, and I can support you to Bulgaria in the Fall. This also means you don’t have to rotate your armies all the way to Greece, which will allow you to mobilize against Russia faster when the time comes. \n\nThoughts?", "Any thoughts on this idea?", "I am going to send my fleet over to Eastern Med and we can work this out next turn.", "Sorry about that, today got a little nuts. Figuring it out next turn is probably the best call, once we see what's worked and what hasn't.", "Okay, thank you for being true to your word. \n\nI think we’re in great shape. My major concern on the board right now is E/F, which is likely going to take down Germany quickly and become a major force. \n\nIt is really important to me to get a build here so that I can try to keep France in check a bit. Will you agree that You get Bulgaria, I get Greece, and we can move forward with both of us at 5?\n\nI really think that the two of us can dominate this game if we keep working together.", "Yep, I'm just fine with that.", "Great!\n\nI will convoy Tunis to Greece. If you can support that move, that would be great. And it looks like you’ll have no problem supporting Greece to Bulgaria.", "I'll have a more direct response once the retreats are all resolved and I'm not extrapolating what the board state will probably be, but that seems eminently doable.", "How’s it looking over there?", "Looking solid! I don't think we actually need to coordinate all that much, we're in a really good position.", "Just to be clear, should I expect Greece will be open?", "Yep, it will be. I'll want it back eventually, but for now it's yours.", "You, sir, are a terrific ally. This was more than you needed to do, but makes me feel like this is really a long term thing! Thank you.", "We can do great things together, long term. I figured a down-payment now against that great future would be worth it.", "Plus, you ever try digging out a talented Italy as Austria? It's a pain in the fuckin neck! :P", "🤗", "Yeah, let’s just work together. Should be a good one for both of us.", "What should I build? I’m pretty undecided and would be willing to let you choose.", "I think probably a fleet will serve you best, in terms of flexibility. We've got Turkey, he's doomed by numbers, so you want to start thinking France.", "👌", "Okay, how would you like to approach this turn? I’m at your disposal.", "I think what we do is, AEG convoys GRE-SMY with support from EAS while BUL taps CON", "That's just an initial thought, though - if you have a better idea I'm all ears", "My concern there is that Arm doesn’t have much to do other than support Smyrna, and I don’t know if we want to rely on Russia helping. I think he has a serious incentive to prevent us from succeeding too quickly against Turkey.", "Very good point. Perhaps you tap SMY with EAS and I use AEG to support BUL-CON, with the intention of then doing the convoy in the fall?", "What do you think of Aegean support Bul to Con while I cut support in Smy? That is guaranteed so long as Russia does not support Con back to Bul (unlikely), and we don’t have to tell Russia the complete plan.", "Yes, we xposted, but we are thinking the same way.", "Well it appears our messages passed each other in the internet's series of tubes, but, great minds, etc etc", "Good. Consider it done.", "I’m thinking about sending an army over to Piedmont to keep France honest. Do you think that is a good idea or a terrible idea? I just want to avoid a stampede over Germany, and I feel like forcing him to use an army in Marseilles to bounce with me is worth dedicating one army from me. But I don’t want to antagonize I’ve him either. I keep going back and forth about it. What do you think?", "I think probably we give France one season to see what they do. England build F LON and France built F BRE, which is something we should keep an eye on before moving.", "Okay. If he does say anything to you about moving towards me, would you please let me know? I feel like he’s in an awfully strong position, and it makes me nervous.", "You'll be the first to know. Man, isn't this game simpler when you're being honest?", "👍", "France says they're getting radio silence from England, which is probably good news for us.", "Russia says you're trying to get him to attack me, heh", "That sounds like the kind of thing Russia would say. \n\nI have generally told Russia that I am not close with you and I’d be willing to attack you, but I’ve never “tried to get him to attack you. That is a complete 👎. \n\nOur alliance seems to be the one trusting alliance in the game. Everyone is going to try to break us up. We need to prevent it.", "That's about what I figured. Wanted to let you know it was being tried.", "Also, England is extremely unhappy with France.", "Yeah, sounds like England is attacking France. That’s good for us. We seem to be the only alliance that has its act together.", "Which can mean only profit for us, as long as we stick together.", "Word. \n\nListen, I’m an alliance player. That’s how I’ve always been. I think it’s the only way to play. I don’t like to shift around. I like a close working relationship with a partner. That’s what we have, and that’s what I plan to stick with as long as you’ll have me.", "'til death or end of beta do us part, then 😛", "That said, I don’t want anyone else to know that. So if people ask, I’ll tell them that I’d be happy to attack you.", "Oh naturally, I'll bullshit the hell outta everyone else.", "Sooooooooo. Tyrolia?", "Test", "You don’t like it? I figured it was the same as Venice. If I wanted to attack you, I could have just moved to Trieste any time. \n\nMy purpose in Tyrolia is to keep Munich black. I’m just going to support Munich holding. I don’t want Germany to get trampled.", "I'd have preferred a heads-up, is all.", "So, we going with the same plan? I convoy Greece over to Smyrna?", "Sorry — I’ve been slammed all day. Just looking at this again now.", "Okay, I’m so sorry. I got distracted again. Yes! I will order GRE to SMY, EAS S GRE to SMY, TYR S MUN holding. \n\nWill you allow me a build this turn or do you plan on retaking Greece now?", "Sounds good to me.", "Any word on Greece?\n\nBasically, if I get a build this turn I can turn around and smash France. If I don’t, that will be a more tepid attack.", "I've got no need to immediately take it, since I'm picking up Con.", "Okay. Thank you. 😊", "Hey, by the way, I am going to be candid here: I have thought about attacking you. I really have. But I have recently arrived at the conclusion that this would be a poor path forward. I’m not going to do it. \n\nI’ll move on France now. That will give you the peace of mind to know that my units will be occupied and far from you.", "Glad to hear, yep!", "Let’s just keep right on working together, and press our advantage b", "I suggest you move Alb to Ser and prepare to attack Russia in Spring.", "You can have Ank, but I really do think it makes sense that I keep Greece. Ending up with 2 centers from Turkey/Balkans seems fair, with you getting everything else, yes?", "Yeah, I think I can live with that.", "Sorry it took me a moment to respond, it's the MLB home run derby tonight", "Well that, I can understand.", "Look, like I said, I was wavering a bit, especially during the long weekend. But, I’ve taken a close look, and I just think that this alliance has unique staying power. I really do. We both have room to grow. Now that England attacked France, there isn’t really anyone who can stop us. This can work long term, and work well.", "I wholeheartedly agree. Neither of us benefits from attacking the other.", "So, This one seems easy. I’ll support you to Ankara, and you are guaranteed either Ankara or Rumania:\n\nCon - Ank\nSmy S Con - Ank\nAge - Con\nEAS S Smy holding\nVen - Pie\nTyr S Mun holding\nTYS - LYO\nTun - WES\nSer - Rum\nBul S Ser - Rum\nBud S Ser - Rum\nVie - Gal\n\nSound right?", "I had already entered every single one of those orders, except for AEG-CON, which is in now. It's nice being on the same page, isn't it?", "👍", "I kind of figured. It’s a pretty straight-forward move for both of us, and likely gains for both of us. This alliance is in a really healthy place.", "So, I assume you're going to support Ank to hold?", "Also, fyi, I'm in transit to SkyCon out in Montana, so I might not be the most communicative gent this weekend.", "Hi Austria. I apologize for the delay. Quite a busy day for me yesterday. \n\nI have no problem supporting Ank to hold.", "I also want to say — looks like that support ensures you get two builds. My own attack on France is not quite so successful. Do you mind if I borrow Trieste this turn to stay even with you and keep my momentum going west. I’ll place another fleet with it, which further locks me in moving away from you. I think that’s actually quite good for you, but I know some players get prickly about home centers.", "A dot is a dot is a dot. It's better for the long term health of the alliance, and I'm still building one. More importantly, your best/easiest route to growth still lies in France, not with me, so I don't see you having a ton of incentive to go after me. Go for it.", "OMG. 😮 You are my favorite ally of all time. This just happened. You just past the threshold. It used to be this guy who was playing France to my England. Funny dude. Great stories. But he never sacrificed a home center in the interest of parity. \n\nYou are a rare gem.", "Do you think 17-17 is an okay result for a beta test?", "I feel like I can’t stab you now. So I’d like to simply crush the board with you.", "I've never said no to 17/17, lol", "What's your planned build?", "F Nap. Sound good?", "Yeah, Naples makes it look like we might actually be fighting, go for it.", "Well, I hope you had a nice weekend. Do you think we have much to discuss here? Is there anything you’d like me to do with my three eastern units? Do you want me to pretend to fight you, or shall I just move away or hold still? I don’t really have any idea what I should be doing.", "My weekend was great! I placed 8th at SkyCon, which was a disproportionately talented tourney, so I'm feeling quite good about myself. I'd like your army in Smyrna to support my move from Ankara to Armenia, but other than that, I see no point in pretending to fight each other, so I figure you might as well move stuff west to take care of your new main front.", "Okay, that works for me.", "Do you want me to move Eastern Med to Aegean? If your move to Armenia works (likely), you may want to use my fleet to bounce with you at Con to keep The Russian fleet out. But totally up to you. I don’t care either way.", "Right now I've just got my fleet in Con tapping Black, so it'll probably stay full. Get the fleet where it can help with France.", "Thoughts on where we go from here?", "My units are at your disposal.", "I think the best way to take Rum would look like this:\nBul - Rum\nSer and Bud S Bul - Rum\nCon - Bul (EC)\nArm and Smy bounce in Ank\nTyr and Gal bounce in Vienna\n (Anticipating that Black Sea will likely move to Bul to cut support)", "Everything still okay?", "I like it, yeah, let's do that.", "Folks are trying to pry us apart, but their arguments aren't making a ton of sense.", "Yeah, I’m getting the same treatment. \n\nIf we stay together, we win together.", "Argh! I KNEW Black Sea would try for Bulgaria!!! Shoot!", "My wife says I am bossy and uniquely inflexible. I don’t want you to feel that way too! How shall we approach this next turn? I think we need to put in a good set of orders here to turn the tide against Russia.", "Here's what I've got right now: \nA Arm - Sev\nF BLA - Con\nA Bud S Gal - Rum\nA Gal - Rum\nA Rum - Bul\nA Ser S Rum - Bul", "I figure if you bounce me in Con, that piffs the Russian fleet.", "Yeah, not bad. The danger is in Rumania. Are you thinking Gal - Ukr, Bud - Rum? Shall I order Tyr - Vie?\n\nI think that is likely best as it keeps Russia out of your centers for sure, and it should easy to support me out in the Fall once Russia has one less unit.", "Yep, that seems like the best course of action.", "So look, I’m at your disposal in the east. I think the best bet may be for you to support me from Vienna to Galicia, but I’m willing to do something else if you like something else better.", "Frankly, if I were you, I’d be worried about a stab from Italy here. 🤭 But I’m not going to do that. You e been extremely good to me. And it would be a very bad time for me to begin a war in the east while all my units are west. So you’re stuck with me as an ally.", "Yep, that all checks out, and I was thinking Vie-Gal was the best call, so let's make that happen.", "Well that is damn annoying. I’m surprised he tried for Vienna — would have thought he would go for Rumania.", "I do think that we can guarantee you Sev this year, which should finally crack this nut.", "Yeah. I'd also like to address the center imbalance a bit more directly - as you pick up dots in the west, I'd like to start picking Greece, Vienna, and Ankara back up.", "Er, Smyrna, not Ankara.", "Totally agree.", "Yes, we need to take that in swiftly. Let’s see what the builds look like and make a plan.", "Hi Austria — So, this is a big turn for us. I am absolutely committed to getting you a build. I wish we could get you more than one, but unfortunately the fact that you lost Vienna last turn makes that impossible. \n\nSo, it seems to me that the most important way to get you a build is to take Galicia in Spring. I don’t care if I move there, or you move there, but we need to make some room around Budapest so that you can build there.", "Yeah, I'd appreciate your support from Bud-Gal.", "Maybe something like this:\nBud - Gal\nVie S Bud - Gal\nRum - Sev\nBLS S Rum - Sev\nArm S Rum - Sev\nBul - Rum\nSer - Bud\n\nIf the move to Gal does not work, and you don’t get Sev, then in Fall you can order Bud - Tri while Vie and Ser bounce in Bud to ensure you get a build.", "Oh yeah that looks better than what I had in mind. Let's roll with that.", "👍", "One tweak: I am worried that Russia could take Rumania with the move set I proposed. You can prevent that by having Serbia support Bul - Rum. I think that’s better than Ser - Bud, and it makes sense because you want Bud open after the Fall anyway. That should mean that you won’t lose any ground this turn, and you’ll likely take Sev.", "Oh yeah, good tweak, makes sense. So ordered.", "Hey — man, Russia keeps guessing correctly. I am sincerely sorry that that move did not work. \n\nThoughts on what to do this turn? I wish England or Germany would pick off a Russia. Center in the north, but they seem content to let Russia put up his road block.", "Use Tyrolia to tap Bohemia, Vienna supports Budapest to Galicia, and Rumania taps Ukraine. Unless Bohemia goes to Vienna, that guarantees a move to Galicia.", "Also, for my comfort, do you mind if I pick Trieste back up?", "I like that. I was thinking that you would move Bud back to Tri, but this is much better. It keeps forward momentum. And yes, you should take back Tri now. That will make builds easier as we move forward.", "Also, actually, I don't have anything for Bulgaria to do, and you're guaranteed two dots this turn. Can I take Greece back too? I can bank a build for the future regardless of what happens, and you stay even. You don't really need a build right now.", "Hmmm. I’m cool with you taking Trieste. I’m not sure that taking Greece now is the right move. \n\nIn the West, I will take Liverpool, but not Portugal. I need to use my Spanish fleet to support MAO so that I can convoy an army to Liverpool. And I’m just in no hurry to take out France. So if you take Greece, you would be taking an Italian unit off the board and not building one yourself.", "Also, seems like there is plenty of risk that Russia could try for Rumania. Why not use Bulg to support Rum, while having Rum and BLS Support Arm to Sev?", "All that said, if you feel like you need to take two from me this turn in order to keep working with me, I can live with that.", "The alliance is much more important to me than the dot.", "I'll take another look at it and get back to you.", "Oh man. I’m getting a lot of hate mail out west. Not fun. I think Germany has a pretty low opinion of me, and it sounds like she and Russia are developing a bit of a romance. \n\nI am totally cool with you taking back Trieste this turn, and I am thankful that you loaned it to me in the first place. But I’d prefer if you wait to take Greece until you can actually use the build. It would make things quite a bit tougher for me if I have to take a unit off the board especially if we don’t get an extra unit in the east to compensate.", "Yeah, if you're not picking up Portugal, then I'll let Greece be.", "Argh. I blew it!\n\nI’m sorry. You were a terrific ally. I misread the board and thought that I had a clear solo run. England basically told me that he was going to help me solo, so I felt like I ought to just go for it. He bamboozled me, and for me to stab you. It was a mistake. My sincerest apologies.", "I mean, I'm gonna have to fight you for at least a little bit. We'll see what happens.", "Yeah, I get that. It makes me sick because it’s likely that you’ll just get squeezed between me and Russia. Fighting me is not really a path toward viability for you, and that’s my fault. \n\nI’m sorry this happened. I really am. I misjudged the situation and I fear I’ve ruined both our games. If you can stick around and insist on getting some of the fruits of smashing me and not letting Russia get them all, that would be justice.", "Oh, I'm definitely sticking around, and if you want to make it easier for me to pick up some dots, that'd go a long way to making me more viable and more inclined to resume the alliance.", "Good.", "I’m game for a draw if you guys want to wrap it up here.", "I'd take a draw.", "Sounds like Germany is the holdout.", "I’m so mad at myself for taking the bait last turn. I had both Russia and England urging me to go for a solo, and it was just stupid of me to believe them. \n\nI’m going to try to leave both Tri and Bud open to you this turn. All yours.", "Sent to Germany, England, Austria, Russia: So, England, Germany, Russia, y’all played a great turn last turn. You got me to stab my long-time ally and you ended our pretty excellent 7-year run as an alliance. Russia told me he was with me if I stab Austria. England told me he wanted me to solo so long as I would “teach him” and help his along to second place. Then y’all pulled the rug out from under me. It was clever and effective. (End Part 1)", "(Part 2)\nAt this stage, my excitement about the game has diminished quite a bit. And of course I’m happy to play on and take my lumps for falling for “Hey, I really want you to solo, just help me place second,” but if you guys just want to call it a five-way draw among us and grab a beer together, while reviewing the statistics, that’s really my preference. \n\nI am outnumbered and I obviously can’t solo. And I’m sure some of you in the north are eager to send everyone else flying my way, but I expect Russia and England to be careful, and so I’m not sure there is much room to move forward without simply tipping the board to Germany’s favor. \n\nI propose that we draw and hug it out.🤗", "I believe everyone is in for the draw. I've got it set, and I'm set for early adjudication.", "Do you think this game is going to draw?", "So, did you veto the draw?" ]
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[ "Buongiorno! \nBe kinda nice to know if you're looking to move in a direction I might be interested in participating in. I fully understand if it's too early to know, just know that channels and minds are both open .", "Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen Wintergreen. \n\nI’m not writing to anyone else until I get things squared away with you. I LOVE the Wintergreen alliance. It works in the short-term (we only need to get A/T to fight) and it works in the long-term (resolves East before West, and we can’t really stab each other). Can we do this?\n\nI don’t care if we target T first or A first. I’ll let you decide. But I want to work as your partner. I am just hoping that you’re brilliant and fun too!\n\nI literally will not message anyone else until you and I have a plan. I want it to be clear to you that you’re the ally I want.", "Well, Italy and France are, in my opinion, some of the best possible partners for Russia, so how could I possibly turn down such enthusiastic overtures from one of them?", "Lovely. Would you rather we target Turkey first or Austria? I’m okay either way.", "To be perfectly honest, that's hard to say right now, since the decision doesn't really affect my opening moves any (the standard southern opening spring moves are equally useful against either one), and I'd likely need to adjust based on what else happens on the Spring turn. Easiest just to say I'm opening South, flexibly considering the follow-through against either one of them.", "Okay. Fair enough. One reason it might matter is because I could open with an aggressive attack on Austria if you want to blitz him quickly (e.g., DMZ Gal and then break it). Or you could organize a bounce in Gal and then not move there. On the other hand, if you’d prefer to take out Turkey first, I could go the standard Lepanto route. I’m happy to go either way, but I’d really like to coordinate with you if you’re game.\n\nMaybe we both need a fuller picture of what is happening first. I’ll begin to reach out to others now.", "Sounds great - and here's where it's useful to know Austria has already indicated a bounce in Galicia, so opportunity to blitz him through there is severely limited.", "Okay, that’s good to know. Thank you. I sent Austria a general first message offering friendship. I’ll let you know how things play out.", "Hearing anything interesting? Both Austria and Turkey are acting cagey and conservative with me so far.", "Hey, so, Austria seems to want to Lepanto now. \n\nYou’re still the ally I want. And I’d like either to cut down Austria quickly or cut down Turkey quickly. \n\nIf we decide to take out Austria first, I’d like you to let Austria in to Gal (just tell him this was a mistake). This will make it very hard for him to defend against me.\n\nIf we decide to take out Turkey first, bounce Austria, and I’ll open as a traditional Lepanto.\n\nThoughts?", "Let's do Turkey first. I'll bounce Galicia", "👌", "Hi Russia, how’s it going? I hope this turn finds you well. \n\nI think my move is going to be fairly boring, but I’m still game for some adventure if you have any ideas. \n\nAlso, would you mind asking Austria for a bounce again in Galicia? I’d just like to have a decent sense of what his units are doing. \n\nAny other thoughts?", "Can do.", "He doesn't seem that interested in a Galicia bounce, fwiw", "Okay, thank you for letting me know. That helps!", "I believe that Turkey is in for a world of hurt soon. I think you just need to expel that yellow army from Sev, and you should be in for a swift turnaround. \n\nLet’s kill Turkey, and then we kill Austria. Long live Wintergreen.", "That's the plan, mate", "That went reasonably well. Looks like Austria is going to pick up Greece, so get wherever you can get and I'll get you into doors where I can", "Obviously Bulgaria, not Greece", "Awesome. Thank you Russia. Any chance you can tap Black Sea this turn? I’m planning to take Greece, but I need Austria’s move to Bulgaria to succeed.", "His move is guaranteed", "What am I missing? It looks like it’s only guaranteed if you tap BLS. Otherwise, 3 - 3.", "It's 4-3. Rum, Ser, Gre, Aeg", "Ah, cool. I did not realize that Rum was supporting Gre to Bul. That works too! Thank you.", "Hi friend: can you please NOT support England into Denmark? I think that the last thing we want to see here is E/F trample over Germany. I feel like this is really important. Thoughts?", "Ah, I did not see this in time. And one of the upshots was learning that England talks too damn much, so I probably won't be helping him much going forward 😃", "I feel like, perhaps it’s time to go all out against both T and A here? Something like this:\nVen - Tri\nWar - Gal\nRum - BLS\nSev S Ukr - Rum\n\nI may lose Greece this year, but I feel like it’s worth it to gain some momentum. \n\nThoughts?", "Hi Russia,\n\nMy moves very much depend on you here so I’m looking forward to hearing from you. I think this is the right time for us both to hit Austria, but I’m not going to do it if you’re not on board. \n\nThoughts?", "Hey, sorry -focused on guests for the holiday. I'm currently ordered to move units around so I can move on Austria, without moving on him this turn. Basically getting the fleet out of the way.", "Okay. Let’s shoot for next turn. Thank you!", "Russia, argh....\n\nI sincerely want to work with you man. Truly. But if you sell me out and try to use what I tell you against me, it makes it really hard. \n\nAustria went right back to me and told me that you sold me out.", "I want to move beyond this. But I need to know that what I tell you stays between us, or else I just can’t trust you and I can’t speak with you. \n\nI’d like to hear your side of this story. And I’d like to know that you’re not just going to tell Austria again. Let’s use this bump in the road as a lesson to work better together.", "Eh? Are you really claiming I've been telling him anything useful, given that I said nothing about Greece?\nI mean, that looked kinda arranged to me, but nonetheless I gave him no heads up about your plan to move in, which should make it pretty clear I have no intention of passing on potentially useful info to him. 😀", "So, where do we stand now?", "You're in the driver's seat for path forward. I'm going to take Ankara, I assume you've negotiated the taking of Smyrna. Austria either needs to be given a path forward or dealt with, and England most likely needs dealt with. So... You have lots of options on path forward, and I'm mostly inclined to Ride along as most of my attention is likely to be in the North.", "Well, here is my honest assessment: if you want to work with me, you have to commit to attack Austria with me. If you’re not interested in that, I’m not going to attack Austria, and it will basically be his choice whether he wants to attack me next or attack you next.", "Frankly, I am still a little wary after the last time we discussed this, you ratted me out to Austria. But I can get over that if you actually want to be my partner.", "I'm still not really sure how you think I \"rated you out\" to Austria given that I've really told him nothing useful at all. Greece was the test of that -even though I'm retrospect it's obvious it was an arrangement, it's also obvious I didn't say anything to him when I thought you were stabbing him", "But whatever, water under the bridge. I'm willing to move on Austria as soon as you give the word. I thought that's what I pretty much just said -I'll follow your lead in the South. You want to roll? Let's roll.", "Orders are in, moves on Austria, up to you to join in.", "What moves on Austria would you like to see, and what have you ordered? I’ll make the move now if it makes sense. If not now, then next turn.", "Yeah, you missed me after I'd gone to bed, but as you can see I did make the move on him, and we are apparently spoiling for a fight. Of course, with you reoriented the way you are, seems unlikely you're on board for continuing that line of discussion.", "Well, I’m not completely opposed. I build an army in Venice, after all. What are you thinking?", "I mean, the only decision point is Ank/Smy/Con, right? That's just a matter of choosing the mover - everything else is straightforward one-power tactics", "Well, we should really talk to each other more.", "Ya think?", "FWIW, I'm still on board with cooperating to take down Austria, if that wasn't obvious", "I’m not sure I can save the Bulgarian fleet this turn, but I think you would help yourself by taking Galicia.", "I'm not sure you have a vested interest in saving my fleet in any event -you'd much rather be the undisputed fleet power. And that's just fine.", "Well, either way, I can’t help. But I do think you can take Gal without problem.", "That was already the plan, and then he walked out anyway. \nAnyway, my course is both set and obvious, so it's really just a question of if you're going to take all the free dots. 😀", "Will you be around near the deadline this turn?", "Monday at noon ET? Yeah, I should be available around that time.", "😎", "Hi Russia, still there?", "Russia!? Come back!", "Yes, I'm here", "Cool. Any chance you’d like to team up with me and England?", "I mean, sure. My goal right now is just to hammer Austria, and that coalition helps further that goal, so...", "Cool. I expect Vienna will be empty this turn. Boh - Vie should be a winner.", "Ahh...BOH - Vienna. Why’d you try to take it from Gal?", "Didn't log in fast enough to change it. And not really upset about it, either - this way my line is still mostly intact, which is a bit of a priority until you make an overtly anti-Austrian move.", "Fair enough. At least you can see that I was sincere.", "Aye. As was I. 😀", "So, how are things going over there Comrade?", "I’m feeling like it’s just about time for you and me to make things official and go steady.", "I believe that England would like me to support you to Munich in the Fall. And that’s possible. But perhaps getting you to Budapest might work out better for you? I don’t know — how do you the board right now?", "Things are pretty well. Yes, this looks to be the year you can just quietly slip the knife in and take pretty much everything.", "And I'm easy either way -no need to make that call right now, as this is the boring turn for me", "Well...if I “take everything,” then we end up with a boring, large draw. I’m not in solo position. So, believe it or not, I’d rather you get the spoils out East. If I get much bigger, I’ll be fighting the whole board, and I’ll lose that fight.", "Well, damn, guess I can't bamboozle you into that position then. :)", "Eh — I think it’s a better position for you to get a bunch of centers and work as a team anyway. Beats a five-way draw.", "Shall we get you Budapest or Munich this year?", "I think Austria is likely to try to retake some of his centers this year, so you may have some openings regardless.", "Presumably Budapest is the better option, but again I'm not really moving much in the spring, so it's easy to remain noncommittal on that right this moment. Unless you're making a hard move right now, which I doubt - you also benefit from the likely ability to just walk in on the fall.", "Alright, now it's specific planning time. And Munich clearly doesn't seem to make much sense now.", "Okay, Let’s get you into Rumania and Budapest this turn. I think I can do that, as Austria wants to take Trieste and Greece, which will open up room to maneuver. As far as I know, Ser is moving to Tri and Bul is moving to Gre. I think that you can take out Bud/Rum with Gal - Bud (supported by Vie) and Sev - Rum (supported by Ukr). The trick will be keeping Sev safe, but I think we can do that too, as I can recommend that Austria self-bounce there to keep me honest.", "I am picking up some gains out west, so I risk a severe backlash if I gain anything in the east. I’d love to see you pick up two here and take a bit of the pressure off me.", "I can work with that. Grrr. Out tonight, so less stability to chat, but I'm with you here.", "👌", "Is this thing back on?", "Ah, good. Nice run in the West you have going there", "I'd probably be trying to push a stop the leader narrative right now, except Mitch hasn't talked to me since I pointed out that rolling on me was only going to net him two dots before he hit a wall, and that was two or three years ago. So... Eff him. 😀", "Sent to Germany, England, Austria, Russia: So, England, Germany, Russia, y’all played a great turn last turn. You got me to stab my long-time ally and you ended our pretty excellent 7-year run as an alliance. Russia told me he was with me if I stab Austria. England told me he wanted me to solo so long as I would “teach him” and help his along to second place. Then y’all pulled the rug out from under me. It was clever and effective. (End Part 1)", "(Part 2)\nAt this stage, my excitement about the game has diminished quite a bit. And of course I’m happy to play on and take my lumps for falling for “Hey, I really want you to solo, just help me place second,” but if you guys just want to call it a five-way draw among us and grab a beer together, while reviewing the statistics, that’s really my preference. \n\nI am outnumbered and I obviously can’t solo. And I’m sure some of you in the north are eager to send everyone else flying my way, but I expect Russia and England to be careful, and so I’m not sure there is much room to move forward without simply tipping the board to Germany’s favor. \n\nI propose that we draw and hug it out.🤗", "I think most of us have the draw set already" ]
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[ "Hey italy! good luck this game. I'm guessing you and Austria will be pals, you and France will be rivals?", "Well good luck to you too! No idea yet who is a friend. Have you heard anything interesting?", "I have some agreements with France. If those are upheld, I'd bet France goes for Por and Spain in 1901. You might want to ask about whether a fleet gets built in Mar during the 1901 build, if you haven't already, as this would be an indicator of aggression towards you.", "Germany seems like a bit of a wild card. Haven't talked in depth with Austria.", "Do you have any sort of aggression in your opening, or are you just planning to be neutral and secure Tun?", "You know, I really haven’t decided. I’m trying to get clear answers from my neighbors, and they are all pretty slow to answer. So I really haven’t decided. Is there something you want me to do?", "Well definitely make sure you get your fleet to Tun by the fall. I'd like to see you do well, as Italy is kind of the underdog on the map. Have you agreed to France about Piedmont at all?", "No, we have not yet talked about Piedmont.", "Well, if you're looking to make France a little nervous, that would be your move. Ven - Pie, Rom - Ven, Nap to TYS.", "Then you secure Tun with your fleet in the fall. For the unit in Pie, you can decide to bait France into a bounce in Mar, but then just hold instead. France would move from Spain to Mar and miss securing the fifth supply center. This is certainly aggressive, but it also keeps you and France on a more level playing field.", "Well, I’d be inclined to do that if I knew you were moving to the Channel and Wales. If you want for both of us to go all in at the same time, then let’s go.", "Yeah, that makes sense. Unfortunately we've declared a DMZ in the channel through 1902, so I can't commit to the stab right now. I still don't think it's an awful play for you. If France gets a fleet in Mar and has one parked in Spain s.c. at the start of 1902, that's going to be a little threatening for you.", "(1) If you’ve declared a DMZ, then you ARE in position to do this if you want to do it. (2) I’m not going to attack France on my own.", "Yeah, everything you're saying makes sense. When I make specific agreements like the DMZ, I generally try to hold them, especially early game. Honestly, I'd rather the three of us pick apart germany to start. Maybe we could convince France to help you into Munich in the Fall?", "Hi England — just sort of checking in to hear how things are going. How does the board look to you right now?", "Great time to check in. France and Germany are in conflict, and don't seem poised to collaborate on invading me, which I'm happy about. Russia's looking a little troubled with losing Sev. You look poised to lepanto to turkey, and it looks like you'll pull it off without the Austrian convoy, unless that new fleet is headed west. Also, I feel like you and/or Austria may have your eyes on Munich.", "Any thoughts here?", "Just about the state of the board? Or did you send a message after mine that didn’t come through?", "Ah, I sent a really long message about Germany. You didn’t get it?", "Nah. Maybe it was a bot-killer message", "Probably best to split it up", "Rats.", "Here is an image of the message I sent.", "I’ve been on pins and needles for two days awaiting a response!!!", "Haha sorry about that. No image received. The bot may not send them through", "Ahhhhhhh!", "Now I have to retype it👎👎👎", "I have kind of an odd favor to ask. And I happen to know it’s in your best interest, but it will require a big picture, long-term sort of view of the game. \n\nThis is Germany’s very first game of Diplomacy. And he’s clearly in over his head. You’re positioned to smash him. There’s no doubt about that. But the real winner if you do that is France. (End part 1)", "France has FOUR armies, and now he has a wide open runway to roll right over Germany. If you help him, you’re going to regret it. Look two game years ahead, France is going to be in a crazy good position. \n\nOn the other hand, if you change course now and go get France instead, France is NEVER going to be able to build a second fleet. He will be so much easier to destroy. And Germany is so green...he’ll be much easier to take down second. \n\nI just...I can see where this is headed. I know it’s attractive just to take that easy build. But that is the apple of knowledge and France is the devilish serpent (end part 2)", "I really REALLY believe that it’s better for you and me for you to switch course and take out France now. I’d be happy to help and give you most of the spoils. And I think this would be a great springboard for a dominant England/Italian alliance that can win this game. If only I could get this message to go through....\n(End)", "All of this is fair. I’m aware that germany’s a first-timer, and I ran through similar reasoning to yours when trying to choose who to side with.", "If I had known where you stood in this, it might have swayed my opinion. I was worried about you and austria making a play for Munich and then Russia applying more pressure in the north.", "One additional piece of my reasoning is that France is a stronger player than me and others probably know this. After Germany is gone, France is the bigger threat. If Germany and I had taken France together, I would have ended up the bigger threat (i.e. the next target).", "I’m going to get Russia in on the German takedown. You really think the three of us can’t handle france together once germany is gone?", "Can you tell germany to self-bounce in ruhr? Unless i’m missing something, that line holds until i support into holland (which I haven’t been asked to do yet). The French upside to taking on germany can be contained. If you get Munich out of this, do you still think it’s a bad plan?", "I vehemently do not want Munich.", "Also i’m wayy wrong it’s a fleet in holland haha", "I do think it is a much better plan for both of us to side with Germany against France. I just think that France could pull in Austria or Turkey against me and he could pull in Russia against you. \n\nGermany won’t do that sort of counter.", "The more I look at this board, the more I want to focus on an E/I Alliance. And I think the only thing standing in our way is France. I don’t see Germany as any kind of obstacle at all.", "Especially given that France is locked into armies right now, not fleets, I think we would be wasting a real opportunity if we let France grow a bit more.", "I’m sorry I did not come to you with this earlier. That’s just my bad. I’ve been kind of lazy, and I wasn’t really sure I wanted to weigh in about the west at all. But, I’ve changed my mind?\n\nI think E/I can dominate here. But we’ve got to keep France from ever building a second fleet. I think that’s the way that both you and me get really big.", "I see your points, but a couple of things: 1) France has another build guaranteed this year, and that will likely be a fleet, 2) We may be able to keep France away from all of the German supply centers", "Kie and Mun bounce in Ruh, Hol cuts support from Bel. This holds Ruh unless France chooses to send Bel in and let Germany into Holland.", "This holds the line unless I give support.", "What if Austria gets Munich?", "I stabbed Germany, and so I’m hesitant to try collaboration now.", "Ok, ok. I’m open to going against france. I messaged germany. We’ll see how she responds. I’m taking denmark this year regardless. The stab on france would involve me taking the channel unexpectedly next spring and helping germany into belgium maybe", "These are all good responses. And I get that you don’t want to turn around and stab France now. \n\nI do think that I can help you diplomatically with Germany. I think that, if you really want to work with me and Germany, I can get G on board.", "Alright, well we can chat next year after builds then. I’m certainly open to it. I told germany to not bother saving denmark (it’s guaranteed for me with Russian support) amd instead do the self bounce in Ruh with Kei and Mun to keep France out, cutting support in Bel with Hol. I think that move is important this fall to keep France out.", "France just tried to tell me the Brest build was anti-Italian haha", "Funny enough, he tells me it’s anti-English.", "Haha. So are we still both anti-French?", "I’d like to get germany on board with helping me take the channel (or at least not stopping me). I’m sure germany would be excited to hit me back though :/. I’ll play dumb with France for now", "Okay, I’ll try to get Germany on board.", "Germany seems on board. Maybe i’m setting myself up to get stabbed. Hope i’m backing the right horse on this one. I’ll shoot for the channel in the spring and then we get germany into belgium. Are you planning to move west?", "Was hoping to see something a little more anti-french in your moves. My homeland is toast if you don’t put any pressure on France in the south.", "Hi England — I’m sorry for the delay!", "I can move to attack France in the Spring if you like. For now, I think that mobilizing Germany to attack France is your best bet (and shouldn’t be too hard).", "You know what? This isn’t really fair of me. If you will commit to the France attack, I’ll move on him now. Are you ready to go all out against him? This could actually work out really well for both of us.", "I’m ready, but i may want your advice on some of the tactics. My plan is to completely cold shoulder France in negotiations and start an attack. We’ll want to get germany on board, but I think Germany is playing a bit neutral for survival purposes right now.", "I agree with regard to Germany’s strategy, but I believe he hates France most and he will be with you if both you and I move on France now. \n\nFrance is getting no builds. Let’s just put the clamps on now! I will move to TYS and Tun if you will move either to take Belgium, or to position your fleets at Irish/Channel. \n\nIf we both take the plunge, there is nothing he can do.", "France can support himself into England though, and I think he plans to because he was asking for Germany to cut support in Nth (which she plans not to). The only way to hold the channel is to support from Nth.", "into England => into English channel", "I'm planning army yorkshire to wales, which allows for the convoy through the channel next year, and allows me to bounce in Lvp if France moves to IRI", "Okay, I buy that. If you commit to moving the army to Wales and you don’t attack Germany, I’ll move on France.", "I'm committed. Are you planning to cut support in Munich for a Russian invasion of Berlin?", "No way. I am supporting Munich. We don’t want Russia or France rolling over Germany. Germany will give us her centers in time. Let’s keep them German until that time comes.", "Can you use Den to cut support in Baltic if I make sure Germany does not retake Den?", "Germany has to do something else with Munich? To protect Ruhr I guess?", "go team!", "Cool. Let’s do this.", "Are you LYO and WES this Spring with the fleets? And will Venice go to Pie? Also, what is your communication with France like? I'm in favor of all three of us going totally dark on France until the job is done. And at some point we should talk about a fair split of the French supply centers just so there's no surprises.", "Yes, those are my moves.", "And I don’t have any dialogue with France right now. I suppose that’s lazy. You want me to stay quiet or try to feel him out? There is no way he will believe anything I say after my last move.", "I kind of want to starve him of info. I’m currently giving him radio silence. Germany is getting some inside info, pretending to be friendly, etc. but that will end shortly (assuming I don’t see a surprise german stab of cutting the nth channel support, but i think it’s unlikely).", "France apparently plans to move out of Ruh, probably to defend the south. France will lose 1 supply center certainly, maybe 2 this year", "What are your thoughts on a divvy up of you in Mar and Spa, me in Bre and Por, and germany in Bel and Par? Just thinking long term about who gets what.", "Thanks for that info about France. \n\nAlso, Germany has confirmed to me that they trust you. I think you’re right that there will be no German stab coming this turn.", "As far as that divide, that generally sounds fair. Though, I find that those kinds of agreed splits rarely come to pass exactly as proposed. I may have to turn around and go east if Austria stabs me, etc.", "So I’d prefer to kind of focus on general principles: (1) I’d like for the dominant alliance on the board to be E/I. So while I agree we want Germany to help us crack this but, longer term I think we should plan to divide Germany’s share too. The safest divide in that case might leave me with all of Iberia, while you get most of Germany (I.e., you’re going to need armies).", "(2) We should focus on parity. In other words, if I’m way ahead on centers when France folds, you get more of France. If it’s the opposite, I get more. We just keep checking in and try to balance both centers and growth opportunities, and let that guide us.", "All of that makes sense. We’ll reevaluate as we go. I’d like the promise of Belgium and Paris to Germany to be a consistent one that comes from both of us, for the purpose of maintaining German confidence in our alliance. In case germany asks you.", "Looks like you’ve got a bit of a guessing game on your hands.", "Yep. Was hoping for a guarantee. 🤨", "Germany and I were thinking to go with Spain. France is annoyed enough with me that he honestly may go for the channel. I’ll be risking the channel by supporting ruh to bel with nth. So you can support to spain and then let france into mar from bur instead of bouncing. Germany will try to sneak into bur from Mun, then you two could bounce in Mun to keep russia out. A little complicated, but germany in bur next year would be great for us.", "Even if things don’t go our way this fall, france will go eventually. Though the longer france has to stay alive, the longer he’ll have to sweet-talk germany into turning on us", "Trieste? What's up with that?", "I guess it shows commitment to an English-Italian alliance, but I'm a little surprised to see a stab like that this soon.", "Not a stab. Austria offered it to me for the sake of parity.", "Hmmm, maybe I was supposed to keep that a secret? I think you need to give Austria some “thumbs down”", "Can you please not go to Austria and tell him that I said the move to Trieste was arranged? He’s obviously trying to manipulate you in some way. Can we just compare notes and try to figure out what he’s up to without revealing that you and I talk much?", "I'm not going to right now, but I also am a little curious why it would matter to you if I told Austria that. Are you telling Austria things like \"I really want the Austria-Italy alliance to be the dominant one on the board\"? What is your long-term plan with Austria?", "No — I just want to know what he’s up to. It’s not a big deal to me, but I didn’t know he was going to try to pass that off as him getting stabbed, so I’m curious what he’ll tell you next. If you blow him up for lying to you, we won’t get that info, and he’ll know that you and I talk a lot.", "In terms of what I am telling Austria, I am definitely close with him, and I want him to feel like I’m not going to stab him, but we’re almost to the mid game, and cross board alliances work a lot better than neighbor alliances once we get to the mid-game, so I think you can be confident that you’re the long-term ally I want.", "That said, I’m definitely saying nice things to Austria too. I won’t deny that. Not the same nice things, but I can’t have Austria thinking I will attack him. That doesn’t help me and I don’t think it helps you.", "All of that makes sense. I won't call out Austria. How do you plan to continue your attack on France this year?", "I don’t know. Is there something you’d like me to do? I’m rather flexible. I’d just really like to bust through for a build this year.", "Thoughts?", "Would you like to support me to MAO?", "Won't France just cut in Bre?", "I'd actually like MAO next year.", "I'd like to hear something about your plans before midnight", "What do you need to know? I won’t move to MAO, I’ll try for Spain or Marseilles. Do you want to know more than that?", "Have you been talking to France at all?", "Nope. Not a word this phase.", "Huh. I guess France is lying to me then?", "Yes. I haven’t said a word to him. What’s he saying?", "France is a snake.", "Umm that you're the highest ranked online player in the world. And that you consistently encouraged him to attack me.", "Well that’s fun. Um, where to begin? \n\nI think I’m a good online player. I’ve been playing online for about two years. I have a site ranking on one website in the Top 100, and I have a site ranking on another website in the top 250. So, maybe if you combine those rankings and squint, I’d be in the top 200 or so?", "Also, I don’t know who France is. So, he either has me confused with someone, or else he’s just trying to scare you. Let’s see...why would he be trying to scare you?", "And, I have definitely encouraged him to attack you, as I recall, but it’s been several game years since then. I feel like you’ve probably encouraged France to attack me before (a fairly natural thing for England to do).", "Bottom line: France has every reason in the world to try to get us to distrust each other, and he’s obviously willing to say whatever to make that happen.", "I think I’ve been really honest with you, and I think we’ve been helpful to each other, and I think we are both going to succeed in this game if we can stick together and not give in to his tricks.", "Cause snakes are gunna snake.", "🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍 🐍", "All of this pretty much lines up with what I expected, though it’s nice to hear from you. He says that you’re “[redacted]” on . So I guess the user name lining up is just a coincidence. Not that I really care that much btw, but it would be interesting if you were secretly a star player.", "I’ve never played on playdiplomacy. I play mostly on an app called Conspiracy. \n\nBut don’t get me wrong! I’m experienced, and I’ve had some success. I’m not to be trifled with!", "Also, you should be able to see from my moves, and Austria’s, that I’ve been telling you the truth.", "Yeah, that's fair. France is funny. I've gotten maybe 15 messages from France since I ghosted him. Is it rock, paper, or scissors against him this season?", "From France: \"I can stop Italy this turn by the way. It's pretty easy since Italy let me into Marseilles, I can support the hold in Marseilles and Marseilles can support MAO to Spain SC. It's impossible to breach, I've checked it, and I can keep making those orders for years and years. You stabbed me in Spring 03. It is Fall 05. I think that you, Italy, and Germany are highly underestimating my ability to survive against your onslaught. You sure this is the game you want? Slowly whittling away at me until I die? Instead, I propose that we let you into the Mid Atlantic Ocean and that you help me defend Italy. I can send you past the MAO into West Med, where you can start taking dots like Tunis or Naples. We wait until AI crumbles, and you have an excellent game where you top the board.\"", "So I have my interpretation of the message, but I'm curious to hear yours", "Hmmm, thanks for sending that. I mean, obviously the orders he proposes can be defeated by tapping Marseilles and supporting into Spain. He knows we know that. He’s just playing games and trying to throw us off.", "Yeah. Maybe it's not even worth thinking about. It's like the Sicilian in princess bride", "Exactly", "I’m just going to flip a coin.", "So I guess you won't go for MAO then?", "Correct.", "(also, there's a couple other points I'd like to cover while I have you here)", "Ok that sounds good. I'm eyeing that for next spring.", "Sure.", "Well, I'm surprised you haven't been opinionated at all about my actions in Russia.", "Hmmm, well, I do have opinions. I just don’t want to be overbearing.", "What are you thinking over there?", "The builds are tempting, but I don't want to be the one that hands austria the game", "What are your opinions?", "I'm going to bed. But other things I want to talk about are 1) the anti-English moves from Germany, 2) what you're doing with the Tyr unit.", "Responding now.", "You are thinking about the right considerations re Russia/Austria. Every build is enticing, but you have to consider the cost. Right now, Russia is basically using all of his units to help you. So, I think you might be better off foregoing that build and keeping Russia on your side for now.", "But...I certainly have no horse in that fight.", "If you want to attack Russia, no need to hold back on my account.", "I do want you to grow so that you and I are the same size. And those Russian centers will be key to that. But they also aren’t going anywhere. I don’t think there is any rush, personally.", "The Russian units are doing things you want them to do right now.", "Re Germany, I hadn’t really noticed the anti-English moves. She keeps telling me that y’all are very close.", "I feel pretty confident that she’s with you, and that she really wants to see France out of the game.", "Re Tyrolia, what would you like me to do? I do have a plan with that unit. And if you wanted to deal a blow to Austria, I can think of at least one devious plan to make his turn go poorly.", "All that makes sense and I believe it. I feel like your \"horse\" in the russian front is Austria's future strength, which could pose a threat to you. Your advice to me is consistent with that.", "Yeah, that’s true. I just don’t want to be too nosy or high maintenance, really.", "I could see you feeling like you need to get some builds promptly, and so you pick off a Russian unit or two. Even though that may make my situation tougher, I feel like your cooperation against France and later Germany means too much to me for me to try to dictate what you do with Russia.", "I hope that makes sense.", "But my advice about what you should do really is my opinion about the best way to approach it from your perspective. I don’t think you need to be in a hurry there. I think that just about every place on the board is moving in a positive direction for you right now, and so, if I were you, I would not want to shake that up.", "But if you do want to do that, it’s very much okay with me.", "Yeah I'm not going for Russia right now. Supposing he can hold the stalemate, he's literally just saving those territories for me to take at a later date. I will get a little annoyed if the admin cuts us off at 1910 though, as I think my endgame is a little past that.", "The anti-english moves aren't strictly anti-english. But a fleet build in Berlin and then moving to Kie is a little aggressive. Germany hoped I would just give up denmark this fall, and that was her explanation of the kie move. Eventually that Kie fleet will be going against me. A stab right now from germany doesn't seem to make much sense though.", "It would have to be coordinated with france to even have a chance, and with the pressure you're putting in the south I don't know how France could afford that. Unless he's really pissed at me and goes for a kamikaze just to annoy me.", "And what devious thing could you do with Tyr that wouldn't immediately begin aggressions with austria?", "Ok now I'm really going to bed. But I can think of a Tyr move that would really stir up some trouble. I wonder if we're thinking of the same one.", "Any chance you are around this morning?", "What’s up?", "I don’t want to tell Russia a way to deal Austria a blow because Russia will turn around and tell Austria. But I trust you, so I think I could pass on some info to you and you might not use it against me.", "Gotcha. What are the moves you’re thinking?", "You might say something like this to Russia:\n\nI was chatting with Italy about Tyrolia, and he told me that he promised to use Tyrolia to help Austria. My best guess is that Tyrolia and Galicia will bounce in Vienna. If you just use Bohemia to support Tyrolia in, then Austria doesn’t get a build and you likely break up Italy and Austria.", "Too devious? 🤭🤫", "I'd considered this move as something that russia could do to free up Gal, but I think I thought Ser was a home center or something, so I didn't realize the build consequence.", "I'd bet russia is already planning to do this, but I can make the suggestion", "I did have a different move for Tyr in mind.", "Oh yeah?", "This is not a good idea, i should clarify. But it would be very dramatic if you successfully supported Boh to Mun", "(also I have a feeling russia won't be online before noon unfortunately)", "well, russia had the right idea, but didn't choose the right one to support. Bounce in Ank planned? And congrats on Mar", "Yes, both bounces planned. Russia made a nice gamble taking Bulgaria.", "Even with Austria in BLA now? I'll be a little annoyed if I see a build in St. P", "Yeah, for sure. Austria loses that build and keeps Vienna vacant. Russia GETS a build. Yeah, I think that worked well for Russia.", "We should start talking about the France endgame and what things look like post-war. Maybe after we see the French choice for a disband. I think France hates me the most (despite me having taken none of his territories) and as a result will probably hold onto Brest until the end, or maybe even go for LVP or something.", "Sure — I’m happy to talk it through. That move by France to bounce NAO was annoying.", "Yeah, I kinda saw that coming. So things are kinda escalating with germany. She’s making lots of asks that I don’t think are reasonable. Like “why not just give me denmark” and “why not just leave Nth open”. She’s also admitted to being friendly with France.", "Yeah, I’m hearing rumblings of the same thing from Germany. Just sort of feeling me out on whether I’d be okay with her working with France. Not good.", "How would you like to address it with moves this turn? Do you want me to support you to MAO? Or should I move there?", "How has she suggested to you that she’ll be helping France? Because if she’s telling you that, it must mean working with france against me, maybe with something specific in mind. She also wants me to give up Brest haha. Maybe i’ll ask if she wants London", "I don’t know anything specific. She’s just asking for my thoughts. I have not responded.", "Though, I’m not surprised. France is not going to quit. He hasn’t been talking to me anymore and he hasn’t been trying to turn you. That means he’s been working on Germany. I think we just have to keep telling her that France is a Dark Wizard who does not have her best interest in mind.", "Yeah, I mean good on France for being persistent. I'm sure France is telling her that we're allies. And that would actually be the truth. And just geographically it would be hard for me and germany to be allies longer-term, so it's somewhat understandable that Germany could be swayed by that logic.", "What are your thoughts on the timing of war with Germany (if you're keen on a war in the near future at all)? I have an idea of how to handle the situation that's slightly dependent on that", "Well, I don’t really want to attack Germany this year. In a perfect world, you and I each get a build this year, and we are in position to attack Germany next year.", "Germany seems to like my advice, so I may be able to get her to take Paris this year and refrain from attacking you. If we can cripple France in the next two turns, without Germany attacking, then next year’s attack on Germany would be easy.", "That is my general thinking in it.", "I mean I don't see how I get a build this year outside of moving in on Russia, but I'd rather stay out for now. Honestly the worst that Germany can do this year is knock me out of the channel.", "So I don't want support into MAO this turn. I might reach out to France with a proposition for survival that I won't follow through with. But maybe I can make it convincing enough that he gives it a shot. Otherwise I'm rather nervous that France gives Germany a big hand with attacking my island in his final years", "Also, will an attack on Germany really be easy next year?", "Also, did you tell germany i was plotting against her? She says you did.", "Whoa — no, I want you and Germany to work together.", "I would not and have not said you are plotting against her. She floated the “work with France thing,” and I suggested that she should really take Paris now while she can.", "If we can get Germany to take Paris, next year will be much easier. I think we should both direct her there.", "You really said nothing to that effect? What would prompt france to say that to me? It’s ok if you did say something, but i want you to be honest about it.", "Some exciting moves. Will be curious to see where you stand.", "Hey — sorry I’ve been offline since the bot went down. That looks like a pretty aggressive move from Germany. I wonder if France has pocketed her. I do like the move to Paris, but the rest is not good.", "Yeahh. It’s a shame. I mean i’m aware at this point that the two of you could choose to mow over me. I hope the expanse in northern russia makes you wary of helping germany though.", "Time for survival mode. Will appreciate some advice on tactics if you’re on my side of this.", "Yeah, I’m on your side. I’ll help on tactics, but I think the real key here is getting Germany to flip back. I don’t see why that move has to be permanent. I think you should tell her something like this: “Look, I see that you are attacking you, but I think it’s my fault not yours. I should have given you back Denmark. I see that now. And I’m sorry. I will move out peaceably, and I hope we can work out a new working relationship.”", "Just say you’re sorry. She can take it back anyway, might as well offer it back right?", "(And I’m not saying you have anything to be sorry for, I’m just trying to brainstorm about what will help you turn her back to your side.)", "I already responded non-angrily, though not specifically what you said. I think a return of denmark could go a long way. Though that border will make things tense, and i don’t think peace with her could last forever", "One thing I'm curious about: Why would you want Germany and I to be friends? Aren't you better off with both of us fighting? And I can keep Denmark this fall if I give up the channel (which may fall anyways)", "Well, I want to be rid of France. I’ve really been depending on the two of you to help in that project. If England decides to move out of Paris for France, that’s bad for me. \n\nAlso, I don’t want to see Germany get two builds this turn. But you’re right, if it’s inevitable anyway, it’s not the end of the world. \n\n#teamengland", "I sure hope you’ve not been clicking that thumbs down haha. It would be a brutal stab. I suppose i’ve got to place my trust somewhere though. Why choose me instead of germany?", "You know, if you're able to lend a hand from MAO, I'm actually not in THAT bad of shape. Can I depend on that?", "1) You’ve been straight with me all game. 2) You have a much better ability to read the board than she does. 3) You’re on the other side, so you can’t really stab me, but I could totally see her moving to Tyrolia some time soon. 4) You’re not in France’s pocket.", "All good reasons. Also, I think Germany is gonna ghost me, soooo, friends? I need MAO to attack Bre. Can you do that?", "I will ensure that Brest can’t hurt you. Not sure yet if I’ll cut that support or get France to do something weird with it, but you can consider that unit non functional this turn. I’ll also see what intel I can gain.", "Cool. You really think you can get france to take your advice on Brest?", "And do you have opinions about russia walking into Mun?", "Re Brest: if I’m not confident, I’ll just cut that support. I know that one is important to you, and I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.", "Re Munich: that one never really crossed my mind. But if you can get Russia to do that, it would be awesome. I don’t want to see Germany get builds here.", "Cool. Any advice on the rest of tactics for my defense? I have my own ideas, but would be curious to hear your opinion", "I’d probably just use the army to protect Liverpool. I’d send NAO to Norwegian if the battle is going to be against Germany. And I’d flip a coin between supporting Channel to Belgium or supporting Denmark holding.", "And I wouldn’t tell anyone the result of that coin flip. There is just no reason to share that info.", "Huh. That's way different than what I had in mind.", "Well, you’re closer to it than I am. I’m sure you’ve taken a much harder look. What am I missing?", "You're not missing anything, but I had a more defensive strategy in mind I guess. I've got some time to think it over. Please do let me know what intel you receive", "Hi, I have a different ask of the MAO unit actually, if you're around this morning.", "Hey — what’s up?", "I want to see whether supporting channel to Bre is an option for MAO you'd consider. And I'd also want to know if Gas support will be cut.", "Well, have to just be honest here — I’ve been working on a larger plan considering your earlier request that I neutralize Brest, and I’m not sure that change works in the larger scheme.", "More broadly, is there any chance you’d like to form a trio and work with me and Russia long term?", "Why wouldn't you let me in on your larger plan?", "And does your larger plan include neutralizing Brest, or did it just consider that I asked that? Can you confirm you're neutralizing Brest by attacking it from MAO?", "Yes, hitting Brest. \n\nI prefer not to share my moves if they don’t matter to someone else. There is just less chance that something goes wrong, and less chance I end up blaming someone else if something goes wrong.", "What do you think about E/I/R as a trio?", "I think you need to justify to me why supporting into Brest isn't an option. I don't see how this could be relevant to some larger plan. Unless the plan is \"don't give England that build, don't show others that I'm supporting England\"", "Wow. Well, you asked me to do something else earlier, and I have spent days trying to fit your earlier request into my move set.", "But, you know what, it’s more important to me to have you as an ally. So I’ll support you to Brest.", "I obviously would like that. But to be honest I care less about the support and more about the secret.", "So, confirmed, MAO supporting Channel to Brest.", "Test.", "It’s not a secret. It’s just that I like to keep my moves secret unless they matter to someone.", "Can you confirm whether support from Gas is cut as well?", "I am not currently cutting support in Gascony.", "Ok. And I'm down to chat about russian relations after the move. Sorry for the last-minute change here. But germany's been putting pressure on me", "Have to say — I expect Germany to use Paris to support Brest. Those two seem to be in lockstep now.", "Are you sure that I should just take Portugal to drop England down to 1 unit?", "I mean drop France down to 1 unit.", "France is just going to bounce you out, right? What else does it make sense for the Spa unit to do?", "He thinks I am supporting an attack on Spain and moving to Burgundy, so I think his moves look like this:\n\nSpain hold\nGas S Spa holding\nParis S Brest\nBrest S MAO - Channel (he asked me to take it)\nIrish - Liv", "Hmm, yeah I would have thought he would assume the Gas support would be cut. Does France really hate you the least?", "Yeah, I think France trusts that I’m actually going to Channel and Burgundy here.", "I will admit I've communicated with Germany about your plan to use MAO to help me. That may have made its way back to France", "I feel like you, Germany, and France: if I tell anyone anything, it circulates to all three.", "Yeahh. I maybe should keep my mouth shut more often.", "Germany says that the Brest thing relates to Denmark. \n\nAnyway, what should we do?", "It does. I'm giving up denmark for support to Brest.", "Okay, I’ll support you to Brest.", "Sounds great", "Thanks", "Glad to see that go through.", "Told you about the move to Por btw", "You were right. Thank you.", "Well I'm glad to see the takedown work out. I suppose France has one more unit, but Por will fall next year. And now things get even more interesting. Signing off for now.", "Hmmm, interesting French disband. He wants me to support him to Brest. Have to believe he’s going to have Germany on his side given the German fleet build. \n\nThoughts on how to approach this? We should be able to defeat them if we stick together.", "I think we should focus on getting your army to Pic this turn, and I can support you to Paris in the Fall.", "DO NOT DISCUSS PLANS WITH GERMANY THIS TURN. Seems very clear that she’s coming for you based on the build and the French disband. I don’t think we help ourselves by speaking with her. Let’s just get you into Paris, secure North Sea, and get moving.", "I don’t need any builds in the North. If I get bigger, I’ll have a target on my back. So I’m just going to help you get up to my level.", "Also, I need to decide to work with Russia or Austria in the East. What’s your preference?", "I'll be in communication with Germany, but I'll agree to not share any specific plans discussed between the two of us this turn. Is that fair?", "Yes of course. I don’t mean that you shouldn’t talk to her at all.", "At first glance, I prefer an alliance with Russia, though I understand this means you breaking a relationship with Austria. Mostly this is because Russia can threaten me if he ever goes north. What's your preference?", "Well, that’s fine with me. I like Russia. But here is the downside for you: if Russia grows, the north won’t be undefended any more, and you will have less room to grow. So, think long term, and think about where your dots are going to come from. I mean it sincerely when I say that I’ll join up with either one provided you feel good about it, but I actually think it might be better for you if I give back Austria a couple of centers and position you to grab Swe and STP once Germany is on her heels.", "Those are good points. I suppose you'd like to commit to this before moves this evening?", "*commit one way or the other", "Yeah, I think we should make a plan.", "I’d like to have your final thoughts on A/R as quickly as possible so that I have time to execute a plan. But I understand if you want time to think about it.", "How is Germany treating you right now? Did she tell you about that fleet build before it happened? Seems like a bad sign, and North Sea is awfully exposed.", "Oh she told me that she plans to line the whole northwest coast with fleets because \"they're more versatile there\". But all they can do from the northwest coast is invade me.", "She also said she wants Brest eventually.", "Not sure if I can keep Nth this year. We'll see if I can keep it friendly. That involves lots of talk about moving against you. She wants to see me in MAO.", "Yeah, look, I don’t mind if you tell her that you’re moving against me. I am telling her that I’m moving against you. \n\nLet’s please make the following deal: You and I both plot with Germany as if we’re attacking each other. And we both share the plan with Germany against the other guy with each other, and we pledge to tell Germany (and France if he asks) that you and I are not talking much, we don’t trust each other, and we don’t have any plan in place.", "This turn will work best if we share all info that we learn from G/F, and we pledge to keep our own talks secret.", "I think that we can pull off a great turn, but it won’t work if G/F get catch wind of our alliance.", "All that makes sense. I'm on board. You know, if Germany just stopped surprising me with aggressive moves, she may have won my favor. [sigh]", "And I think Austria is the ally we choose. If we hold off Germany, she can only expand into Russia, which would be her only friend. And the trusting relationship you have makes it more likely that things will go through.", "👌", "So, here is the plan that Germany is telling me:\n\nShe wants to ensure she gets North Sea. So she is asking for this:\n\nDen S Bel - North\nBel - North\nHol - Bel\nPic - Channel\nSpa - Gas\nPar S Sap - Gas\nMAO - Irish", "She wanted me to support her direct from Paris to Brest, but I convinced her that you would likely fear a forced disband, so you were likely to try to keep me out of Gascony (thus Par S Spa - Gas).", "I don’t think we can save North Sea this turn, but if we can land your army in Pic, we can force France to retreat to Belgium, which would be absolutely awesome. And I think his survival instinct would kick in at that point, and he would stay there until you take it.", "I may be able to save Nth with some diplomacy. Is it worth me trying to make Germany a hard case to be on my side? Does that just make her moves less predictable?", "So I would suggest this:\nBre S Wal - Pic\nWal - Pic\nChannel Convoy Wal - Pic\n\nThat means Germany will lose Paris and Belgium this year. And I think you can defend your territory even with G in North Sea.", "I really think that we are best off not suggesting that you and I are talking. If Germany gets any idea that I shared her plans with you, we’ll have no idea what they are going to do.", "Uhh, Germany will just hop into one of my home centers from Nth in the fall...", "I trust you at this point, but I don’t think that confronting her is the best move here.", "No, you can defend.", "Oh move to Cly?", "Oh wait Nth just retreats. whoops", "You can move NAO to Norwegian in Spring, and retreat North to Norway. Then in Fall you cover London with Channel while I support you to Paris.", "Right.", "So you have coverage for every center, and you get the build, while G loses two.", "Thoughts on a retreat to Hel?", "That’s the best I can come up with if G is being honest with me.", "I would not be opposed to a retreat to Hel, but it depends a lot on what the board looks like. I’m not crazy about Germany taking Norway. We want her taking units off the board.", "Well I'll at least communicate with Germany to the point that she thinks I'm genuinely against you. But I won't ask for any favors.", "If I do I'll let you know, and we should expect that you hear about them.", "Agreed. Yes, I’m totally fine with that. We want G thinking that we’re working against each other.", "And, frankly, she’s going to be pissed at me after this move, so I wouldn’t mind if you lied to her too at the same time to spread that out a bit.", "So plot away against me, but tell me what plan you guys work out, so we can talk about what she’s most likely to do.", "France wants me to go for MAO. I'm going to say I'm on board with that. I'll say NAO is going there.", "I mean germany", "Yep. That makes sense. She wants Edi and Norway clear.", "Also, does it matter so much if Germany is mad at both of us? Isn't it basically war in the Fall?", "If I were you, I’d order NAO to Norwegian. From Norwegian, you have a play to defend Norway AND Edi. Which means you could retreat to Helg if you like and you have a 50/50 to defend Norway or Edi.", "Yeah that's what I'll order", "Re G being mad: it’s not the end of the world. I mean, we’ll definitely be at war with her. I just don’t want her trying to throw the game in spite or anything like that. Cause I am lying to her like crazy this turn. 🤭🤫", "yeahh... it happens. i've been fortunate to not really have to lie so far.", "What are your thoughts on Mun?", "Also, just out of curiosity, did you advise Germany to build the Kiel fleet?", "I absolutely did not advise G to build the F Kie.", "We did not talk at all about that build.", "Thoughts on Mun? What do you mean?", "If G would have asked, I would have said that two armies would make me a bit uncomfortable, but I would not have insisted on a fleet, as two armies would have been more anti-Russian than anything. But she did not ask me.", "I believe you. I just was curious. And I didn't look closely enough at Mun. Ber can just support. But I thought it might be interesting to work with Russia there, even if Russia isn't the long-term ally.", "Also, who does germany think the third ally is?", "I ask because we may be interested to know whether Germany will try to sneak into Swe or not.", "Well, I’m not next to Munich now, so there isn’t much I can do about that. Maybe in the Fall.", "Germany and I have not discussed a third ally. She doesn’t give the impression that she cares much about the east.", "I guess the question in spring is whether you move to Tyr. And would we want her moving into Russia? If she goes east and annoys her future only friend on the board, this might complicate their future relations.", "Well, that’s a great idea. I am all for her moving on Russia if you can accomplish that. I’m certainly willing to go to Tyrolia.", "Alright. I'll plant the seed about anti-russia stuff. If she thinks you're a friend, though, she may listen to you more than me.", "FYI, she just asked me if I am talking with you. I told her: “I am wary of England right now. He just asked me what I want to do this turn. I feel like he’s trying to get me to leave MAO open.”", "Cool. consistent with my messaging. I'm talking about a plan to leave Bre open and get her support to Gas so I can support into Spa. I'm asking for her to promise Bre to France and then bounce in Bre instead.", "Then I'd dislodge in MAO and you'd retreat to IRI. We'll see what she thinks. I imagine she's just playing along, But I need to make specific plans to be believable", "💯", "Looks like germany is staying friendly with russia. Can we go over moves one more time so i can be sure we’re on the same page?", "Here is what I have down right now:\nMAO S Brest\nWES S MAO\nLYO - TYR S\nSpa - Gas\nPie - Mar\nVen - Tyr\nNap - ION", "Cool. All expected. Right now I'm:\nNAO to NWG\nNTH hold\nWal to Pic\nChannel convoy wal to pic\nBre support Wal to Pic", "I like it. \n\nAs I think about it more, you may be better off moving North to Holland, expecting a bounce there. I think you’re slightly better off keeping the German fleet in Kiel, as it’s one less German unit in North Sea, but it’s not a huge difference either way.", "That's good advice. I'll take it", "I’m kind of excited about this turn.", "A stab is always exciting", "I’m sorry mate. You’ve been a terrific ally. First class all the way. But on this turn, Germany made the kind of offer I could not refuse, and so I went for it.", "I know that doesn’t make it any easier, but I really mean it when I say that you’ve played a strong game, and been an excellent ally.", "No worries, nicely played on your end. I think I can top Germany’s offer if you’re interested. Let me know!", "Hmmmm...I’m intrigued. Aren’t you supposed to be screaming obscenities at me right now?This response is downright classy and sportsmanlike.", "Haha yeah I suppose. But this game for me is about learning. I’m relatively new to the game, and I volunteered for the study 1) to help out my friend, and 2) to prep for an in-person game I have on August 11. So if I get the right experience from this game and do well in the in-person game (i.e. win bragging rights among my friends), I’ve won MY game. Here is my offer: You bring me along to second place, I vow to help you solo as Italy, and you teach me how you pulled it off. What do you say?", "Well that is a better offer than Germany’s. One of the best offers I’ve ever received. And I really mean it when I say that you’re a joy to play with and a strong ally. I’d be happy to teach you as much as I can.", "I suggest you retreat to Skagerrak to put maximum pressure on Germany.", "Well i’m happy to learn if you’re willing to teach. Do we have a deal then? This is obviously something you’ll have to trust me with. But I haven’t lied tp you yet and don’t intend to. And i imagine you can tactically keep me in a position where i’m not a threat. Also, on the teaching side of things I may have some questions about earlier in the game to learn how you set things up (and I would expect genuine answers!)", "And yeah, that retreat makes sense. You think norway and the home island are too defensive?", "I’ll answer anything you ask honestly.", "You have more options from Skag, and she can’t cover them all. You have a much higher upside from there, and it might be worth it for you to take Sweden to avoid having to disband.", "Regarding your offer: it may be hard to put you in second place, frankly. If your units are doing things that help me, then I’ll try to keep your units on the board, and I definitely won’t allow you to be eliminated, but it’s really hard for me to ensure that you place second.", "I can settle for survival. Deal.", "Your reasoning on Skag makes sense. Going to bed now. First question on strategy is: how frequently dp you tell lies, and what are the typical circumstances?", "Hmmm, well, you know, we’ll have statistics to help answer that question at the end of the game. I’d say that I am mostly honest, and I place a lot of value on my credibility. I’m not going to lie about my moves to someone unless I am going to get a huge advantage out of it. But I spend most of the game trying to make everyone else on the board feel that I’m their closest ally, so a lot of what I say is a shade on the truth.", "So, I found it hard to decide whether to use a thumbs up or thumbs down quite a lot. Most of the time, there is some truth in what I’m saying, but I am trying to persuade the other player to do something for reasons I am not telling them.", "So, in general, I’m not afraid to lie, but I am very afraid of getting caught lying. I try to preserve my credibility as best I can, but if I am setting up a stab, I will tell some serious whoppers.", "Also, that thing France said about my past successes: that was true. I do have a lot of experience and I have had a fair amount of success playing online diplomacy. I just did not want you thinking of me that way.", "I’ll also note, just cause I have nobody else to talk with about this: I worked REALLY hard on this last move. Germany wanted to take Brest, but if that happened, it would have cut support and prevented your army from leaving your island. So I had to convince Germany to support France to Brest, without telling her the real reason why. And I needed you to go to NAO so that you could not guard Liverpool. There were so many lies!🤞😱", "And that doesn’t even include the East!", "To be completely honest, I directed just about everyone else’s moves on that turn! Russia is the one exception, but I basically knew what he was going to do. The best advice I have for someone who wants to get better at Diplomacy: just work hard. You can win by putting in more time and effort than everyone else. I have success by writing a lot to everyone all the time.", "Yeah that’s one thing about online diplomacy I have mixed feelings about. It seems like there’s definitely a benefit from putting a lot of time in. I feel like I’ve been putting a lot of time in as it is, but there’s been the temptation to put in more. For in-person everybody gets the same amount of time to chat, which can be an equalizer in some ways.", "I had considered what a stab from you might look like before it happened, and I was like “is he really going to all that trouble” but I suppose you were. Care to share why you chose Germany and how early you made that choice? What was the “offer”?", "And that’s cool that i’m playing with a champ!", "Hi England — so I see that you retreated to Norway. Not what I expected, but it can work. Would you still like to work with me?", "Yeah i know we didn’t chat about this. It was a little last minute, and you hadn’t responded in the morning so I didn’t think you were around (also I thought Ska was more a suggestion). I should have given you a heads up. My thinking was 1) it’s going to Sweden anyways, 2) i thought it might help warm relations with germany. Was this a bad call?", "I would still like to work with you", "Not a big deal at all.", "I suggest that you take Sweden, and I’m working on getting Belgium this turn too. It’ll be tricky to keep Germany from defending it, but I’m going to try.", "Pic to Bel?", "And you were a bit shy about the earlier learning question. I guess it may be something sensitive to give an honest answer to at this time. One other question I have is whether there's a mistake you've seen in my play that you think I could have done differently. Like choosing to cold-shoulder France or choosing not to sneak into Sweden earlier.", "Also, France is asking about our relations after the stab. What would you like me to say?", "Something about how awful I am and how much you want revenge?🤭", "Haha alright. I’ll keep you “aBrest” of how France will move that fleet (should he choose to share)", "Okay, I think we have a good move brewing!", "If you’re sincerely on board, this will be fun!", "France is ordering Brest to Channel. \nGermany is ordering Burg S Bel and convoying Holland to Yorkshire....!", "So here is the move:\nNorway - Swe\nPic S Channel - Belgium\nMar - Bur to cut support\nGas to Bre to block the Paris move. \n\nI think you’re going to get a build this turn even if I take Liverpool. \n\nDoes that make sense?", "Yeah I'm on board, though I will remind you that you're forgetting an important part of the bargain. So I guess NWG to Edi (which is probably safe in case she goes for the build instead) and then plan to build in London?", "What part of the bargain am I forgetting? It’s unintentional. I’m trying to be helpful!", "You overlooked a couple of my questions.", "I'm sure you've been busy setting up that move, so it's no big deal, just wanted to remind you", "Sorry.", "You asked a question about what Germany offered me. Do you mind if I answer that after this move? I’d just like to see for sure that you’re sincere in working with me after I so rudely stabbed you.", "Yeah that one's fair to skip for now I think.", "Germany is now fishing for info from me about our relationship. Does she know that we are still talking? I’d like to tell her that you’re mad at me and you will tell me nothing, but we must keep our stories straight.", "No, but I'd bet she'd assume it. We didn't have much to say to each other this morning. I tried to be friendly but she was kinda straight up about saying that an alliance wasn't going to work out. And I sent a message back but haven't heard anything. So I'd imagine she'd think I'm not just sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Up to you how to spin it though.", "Thank you. 👌", "I'm going to be hit or miss with connectivity this evening, so I'm putting moves in now. Will look just before the adjudication though. But I'm trying to get some work done. So right now I'm: Eng to Bel, Pic support Eng to Bel, Nwy to Swe, and NWG to Edi.", "👍", "I’ll let you know if anything changes on my end.", "Cool, sounds good", "Hmmm, Germany is backing off the bait. I think we will have to change our plan.", "What's up?", "Not sure yet, but she is not going to leave Belgium unguarded so that won’t work.", "Alright, keep me posted.", "She is pressing hard now for info from me on your moves. I am telling her that you are jovial with me, but that we have not discussed any substance.", "👍", "France is offering to move in a way that would help against you. Does it matter what I say?", "I don’t think it matters. I believe he is lying to you.", "Okay. Cause you had said he’d be going to the channel before. Is that still true? And any update on belgium?", "Working on it. I’ll have an update in an hour.", "Ok. I’ll be asleep probably, but i’ll see in the morning.", "So, it sounds to me like Germany thinks you are coming for her and she will not leave Belgium unguarded. \n\nI think your best bet will be the following:\nPicardy - Brest (expect a bounce)\nChannel - London (expect that The French fleet will move to the Channel, which will mean you don’t lose Brest, \nNorwegian to Edi (just in case)\nNorway to Sweden\n\nI was hoping for a better move involving taking Belgium, but I just don’t think I can swing it. \n\nThoughts? What are you hearing now from France and Germany?", "Long one from Germany. Talking up your evils, talking collaboration with France. Suggested moves are NWG to Cly, holland to york, eng goes to iri or wales, belgium supports brest to channel. Pic to bre, par to pic, bur to par, mun to bur.", "Haven’t responded yet. Will have a somewhat busy morning, so i’ll appreciate your guidance if you think this changes anything", "Thank you. Just woke up. Thinking about this. Any ideas?", "Seems like she’s going to try to take Brest for herself.", "I think you tell her “yes,” but then order Pic to Bre and Channel to London. That way France moves out of Brest, and you bounce Germany in Brest and keep it.", "And I’d stick with NWG to Edi and Norway to Sweden.", "And by the way: Thank you very much for filling me in. Makes me feel really confident that you’re with me.", "Yeah, happy to help. Just got online now. Let me take a moment to process all of this.", "Ok,first question: You're saying she's going for Bre on her own, but she's suggesting Pic to Bre. Maybe she's hoping for you to support Paris in?", "Hmmm, no, she does not expect my support. But I’m surprised she’s screwing over France.", "Well, do you think she's being honest with me?", "It’s really hard for me to say. I know she is eager for her own builds, so my best guess is that she’s being partially honest with you and that she is going to grab London or Edi if she feels confident you are not going to cover.", "Yeah, the suggestion of going to Cly is consistent with that. And that the channel moves away from london", "I think your suggestion makes sense. Covering Edi and London is safe, and Germany seems a bit unpredictable. And I keep fingers crossed that France indeed will vacate Brest", "And, since you haven't been specific on your plan for Lvp, I can only assume that you'll be moving there.", "I am planning to move to Liverpool. I’m sorry that costs you a unit. But the way this is going, it may very well be the last center I take from you, and I think it’s much more likely now that you take second place.", "Ok gotcha. Hmm I just realized that I really have to hope for a bounce in Edi or London. Because If I get Bre and Swe, I would get a build even with you in Lvp, but then I wouldn't have an open home supply center to build at", "Well, you’re right about that. Perhaps ask Germany to bounce with you in Edi?", "Though, I don’t think you’ll be getting a build now because you’re unlikely to get Belgium. But...if you think Germany is really convoying to Yorkshire, I’m willing to order Marseilles to Burgundy to cut support while you support Channel to Belgium.", "If I get Bre and Swe, but you get Lvp, I'm still net up by one (it will be rebuilding the disbanded fleet that was in Bre).", "Brest is already English.", "Yeah. But I get the unit back is all I mean. I'm down to 4 now.", "I have 5 centers and 4 units now. Add Swe, hold Bre, take away Lvp, and I've got another unit to put on the board", "But only if I have a free home supply center", "Ah, you’re totally right. My mistake.", "This is getting tricky.", "Haha yeah. Given your comms with France, would it make sense that she's being genuine with me?", "It’s possible. But I just don’t know.", "I’d be really surprised if she wanted to cut out France at this point.", "Yeah, I think I have to play defensive then. I actually think aggression from her is more likely. I would be surprised if neither london or edi bounce. I'll say I agree to her proposal though.", "Okay, I think that’s the right move. This is the first turn in a while that is fairly unpredictable from my point of view. It would be really great if you wind up with a build.", "Well played.", "So do I get ghosted now after you duped me?", "If your strategy is not to talk to me again, I’d appreciate if you would at least let me know that, as a courtesy. Just trying to play a board game here.", "Hey, no not going to be a dick. I have agreed to not talk to you.", "Okay. I think that is a bad choice in any game of Diplomacy (and likely in any game in general), and it only helps other people. But I’ll respect your choice if that is how you want to play. \n\nIf you do ever decide you want to talk, my door will always be open, no matter what. And I am willing to keep all communications secret, if that’s the issue.", "Love is a game. And it’s wise to stay away from your ex if the relationship was toxic", "I encouraged me to go for the solo, and then pulled the rug out from under me. I see why you did what you did. But...I’m not going to solo now. Eventually the incentives will change. I never close a door because things change turn to turn. Closing our door is only good for Germany. makes sense that she made you promise to close it.", "Ok there’s something I want to share on the consition that this and future communications are just between the two of us. Think you can do that?", "Absolutely. The moment I try to share something with Germany, she would say it to you, so you can be sure I’ll keep anything confidential.", "Welll there’s a bit of an out of game thing affecting my play on some matters. And I kind of want to leave this vague since this will be in a dataset and whatever. But after the stab i thought the least i could do was make you aware.", "What is the out of game thing?", "I have a neighbor who I'd really rather not brutally backstab, and it's not you (clearly). Does that make sense?", "Sure.", "So what will you do if you won't solo?", "Well, the solo is clearly off the table. Without your help I never would have made that play in the east. I am outnumbered there and I will slowly melt away.", "So, I will lose some centers and try to find someone who wants to work with me.", "Well, it sounds like you mean the solo right now. You don’t think an eventual solo is off the table for you, right?", "Eh, anything can happen, but I’m not really motivated to do that at this point. I’d accept a draw right now if everyone was on board.", "You know, I might be in the same boat there. This game has invaded my life enough as it is. I think I prefer in-person. It's a long day, but when it's done it's done. Although you don't really get the fresh start you do with online (things like \"i remember what you did to me last time\" come up when playing with friends)", "My five-way draw vote is up. If you can rally the troops, we can get to the interesting stats!", "I mean isn’t this getting called off in 1910 anyways? That’s when the study ends. And how does the draw vote work? Do people see what you voted if it doesn’t go through?", "Do your other moves not go through if you propose a draw?", "I’m not sure how the draw vote works on Backstabbr. I don’t know if it’s visible. But I believe you just have to go down to the scroll bar at the bottom that says “Solo Victory” and scroll down to “five-way draw.”", "Well, I’ll see what I can do then. The alternative is that we just duke it out for another couple of years until admin calls it.", "Austria sounds game for a draw.", "Haha no surprise there. Just reached out to russia. Germany is sworn to fight against you till the end (though a stab against me is inevitable too). But maybe we can convince if all others are on board", "Russia on board. Germany is the last holdout. Doesn't believe we'll draw, or maybe doesn't want to. I'd really also like to get people to mark \"Adjudicate once all powers have issued orders\" as well, just to get it over with.", "I don’t really know what Germany’s problem is. I helped her a ton in this game. It’s weird to me that she has such a vendetta.", "I guess it makes sense for her from a strategic standpoint to make me out to be a boogie man to get everyone headed this way.", "Well I did expose some of your double-dealing to her, which might have helped. But yeah, agreed that it's in her interest to get everyone against you, and then stab me when convenient.", "Sent to Germany, England, Austria, Russia: So, England, Germany, Russia, y’all played a great turn last turn. You got me to stab my long-time ally and you ended our pretty excellent 7-year run as an alliance. Russia told me he was with me if I stab Austria. England told me he wanted me to solo so long as I would “teach him” and help his along to second place. Then y’all pulled the rug out from under me. It was clever and effective. (End Part 1)", "(Part 2)\nAt this stage, my excitement about the game has diminished quite a bit. And of course I’m happy to play on and take my lumps for falling for “Hey, I really want you to solo, just help me place second,” but if you guys just want to call it a five-way draw among us and grab a beer together, while reviewing the statistics, that’s really my preference. \n\nI am outnumbered and I obviously can’t solo. And I’m sure some of you in the north are eager to send everyone else flying my way, but I expect Russia and England to be careful, and so I’m not sure there is much room to move forward without simply tipping the board to Germany’s favor. \n\nI propose that we draw and hug it out.🤗", "Reply all to Italy's message: First, if you didn't get a message from Italy claiming to have been sent to the whole board, please let me know. I'm down for the draw that he has proposed. I'd also like to add that I'll be checking the \"Adjudicate once all powers have issued orders\" box. If everyone does this maybe we don't have to wait until Sunday night to have this resolved! I'm not so confident as to issue a hold for all of my units, but will be submitting for the 5-way draw. Really enjoyed playing with you all, but I'm exhausted and ready to finish and see the stats.", "Zzzzzzzzzzz", "Any idea who didn’t want to draw?", "I have a guess, but no idea. I have heard from nobody.", "Huh. I was thinking it’s possible the game was set up in some way to not respect the draw order? I don’t know that much about the site and how the admin chose to configure the game", "Oh, that could be. Maybe it has to run to 1910?", "It’s not you, is it?", "I feel like it's gotta be you holding out on the draw. Well, good luck getting to 18 by the end of next year.", "Hey. Good game. I think folks are pretty much done. I know i’m ready to move on. The draw proposal combined with the impending end of the game was effective in making us slack on our moves a bit (e.g., russia skipped a build this year). I don’t know that i can say whether you have a clear path to a solo if we were to continue. I know germany and I could at least get MAO next year, which would put pressure on Por and Spa. I think we’d all appreciate a draw though. Otherwise it will be “italy kind of won but kind of didn’t because the game got cut short”. Up to you though." ]
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[ "Hello Italy what’s up what are your thoughts on austria and France?", "Hi Turkey! I’m sorry that I’ve been so slow to get in touch. Kind of a rough day for me to begin a game as I e been pretty swamped. Things are clearing up now, and I appreciate you reaching out to me. \n\nSo far I have notes from Austria and Russia being pretty cagey and non-committal. Perhaps that is just the life of Italy? Nobody really has me in their plans?\n\nI don’t really know what I’m going to do yet, so if you have ideas, or you have a use for me, please let me know. I’d basically be delighted to work with anyone who really wants to work with me. (No sign yet that this includes anyone at all)", "Hey Turkey — any interest in working together? I’m trying to think of ideas, but I’d just like to know first if you have interest, and then we can work out a plan if you do.", "Any thoughts, Turkey?", "Sure we can work together austria would be the most likely candidate for us to maul", "Well, here is a thought: any chance you would support my army to Greece?\n\nIf you’d like to work together against Austria, I think a great move would be to ask Austria to support you to Rum, and then support my army to Greece instead. \n\nIf you are game to do that, I’d be happy to take down Austria with you and work with you moving forward. \n\nThoughts?", "I will support you to Greece 🇬🇷", "I see what you are saying about rum I’m just not sure about lying in a game about lying or not", "Let me think on it but yes to get that to work he has to not support to Greece 🇬🇷", "I think we can lull him into a sense of calm. I really do. And I think that he will tell one of us the truth, so if you propose it, he will mention it to me and we will know whether he is being honest.", "He said yes very quickly ...", "Hi Turkey — just FYI, I think I’m better off just grabbing the easy build in Tunis this turn, so no need to support me to Greece just yet. Perhaps we can move on Austria next year?", "I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Just so you know, I’m secretly hoping you build A Smyrna, F Constantinople. 🤞 🤞", "I certainly like that build. Thoughts on how we can work together here?", "Hmm I think austria is moving to Tyrol and coming after you", "Not sure but he’s got a lot of units and he does lie", "Hi Turkey,\n\nI am facing a critical decision point here. I’d really like to make a deal with you. \n\nI’ve just learned that Austria/Russia have a deal in place to attack you. Austria has promised Russia Bulgaria in exchange for Russia’s help against you. It’s pretty clear to me that I am Austria’s second choice for an ally, and I don’t want to help A/R take you down just to be their next snack.", "The current A/R plan is for Austria to double support Russia to Bulgaria. Moscow is headed up to STP with Sev supporting UKR to BUL. I am supposed to make a surprise move towards France. \n\nA/R expects you to cover Smyrna and does not expect you to attack Sev given all the units surrounding you.", "We have a terrific counter, if you’d like to work with me. \n\nI can tap Greece and Aegean, which should allow you to save Bulgaria (Const S Bulgaria holding). At the same time, Black Sea Support Armenia to Sevastopol WILL WORK! I’m planning to move over to Trieste, so the end result of all this would be Turkey regaining Sev and remaining at 5 while I take Trieste and get to 5. From there, I think we should be able to work together to finish off Austria.", "I know that’s a lot to take in. I’m sorry to kind of dump all of this on you, but I just learned basically that Austria is prioritizing Russia’s growth over mine, and I can see the writing on the wall. I’d very much like to turn the tables on him. Can we do this?", "Come talk with me!!!", "I’m still hoping to work this out with you. Please drop me a line when you have a free moment.", "Hey man, I’m hoping that you’re still there and that you got my messages. I’d really like to speak with you.", "I’m getting the impression that you just want to fight with me, and you don’t care what I have to say. If that’s the case, fine. But I do believe there is room for us to work together, so if you’d like to discuss that, drop me a line.", "So turns out if you don’t say truth or lie it doesn’t send mail ...", "Ha! Yeah, I’ve had that problem too!", "So, is it worth us having a discussion this turn? I sincerely wanted to work something out with you last turn, but I took silence to be an ominous sign.", "I wasn’t silent", "I just didn’t realize no emails went through", "Tough break friend.", "No worries it’s diplomacy" ]
[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 ]
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[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Hello! Thoughts on how you like to play as Italy?", "Hi France!\n\nWell, I generally don’t like to play as Italy at all, frankly. But when I do, I go east. Not sure whether I’ll head towards Turkey or Austria, but I think the one big advantage that you and I both have is that we have a mutual border that is easy to keep clear. \n\nI’m not moving west. It takes forever to get there, and there are rarely centers there for me when I arrive. I hope you feel the same way about moving towards me. \n\nI’d like to keep our border clear and I’d like to act as “trio wires” for each other. Basically, if either Germany or England want to attack you, I expect they’ll mention something to me, and if you’ll look out for me diplomatically, I’ll give you a head’s up if ever you need to worry. \n\nHow do you like to play France?", "I'm happy to hear that! I have the same opinion when it comes down to our relationship. I prefer to play France decisevely in the West when an opportunity presents itself. Since that opportunity might not present itself for a long time, I often times end up playing a bit more reactively.\n\nI'd love to be trio wires. I've heard from everyone in the east, but not much substance, which probably means a bunch of passive openings. If there's little fighting between the Eastern powers it might make it tougher for us, so hopefully things will shake up a bit in that department. If you are also finding that there isn't a whole lot of commitment going on there, and you have some interest in an unorthodox play, then maybe there is some potential for us to work together directly.", "Yeah, everyone is cagey and conservative, at least in words. If you have thoughts on something unorthodox, I love that kind of plan, so I’d love to hear it.", "Ha — I meant “trip wire” above. That should make more sense.", "But I appreciate that you also agreed to be “trio wires.” 🤣", "That is funny, I was thinking that trio referred to the 3 Western/Eastern countries 😂 . In terms of unorthodox plans, I was thinking that if you moved to Tyrolia and Venice it would appear to be an attack on Austria, but that we could then perform a joint attack on Munich instead. I'm not sure if you actually want Munich or to get embroiled in Germany, but I thought I'd throw it out there.", "Heads up: England is sniffing around. Wants to know if I’d be in to move to Piedmont if he takes the Channel.", "Thanks for the heads up!", "Nothing from Germany suggesting he’s in on it. I think that guy is going to be conservative.", "That is really good to know- I wish I had more information on the East to share, but unfortunately I haven't gotten anything back yet.", "Hoping we can help each other out this way all game.", "I hope so too!", "Just from the way the pieces moved, it's looking pretty good for you! What's your read on things?", "Oh...I don’t know. Looks like I may be destined to become one of those forever-stuck-on-four Italys that flounders about for a while and then dies. 😔\n\nGermany seems very passive. You seem aggressive, and pointed away from me, which warms my heart. \n\nWhat are your thoughts on the board?", "True. Us staying out of each-others way is what allowed me to be a bit more aggressive, so thank you for that 🙂. It looks like Russia and Turkey are squabbling, which is probably great for Austria who started off very strong. I agree that Germany is a bit passive, and now does not have the option to prevent Russia from taking sweden. It's tough to read England. You may have some opportunities if everyone is on board with the Lepanto, and could possibly convince Austria to give you a center", "I am only using my downward thumb for Germany so far. He keeps telling me transparent lies about you. Lol. \n\nLet’s please never fight. The bad guys are going to try to make us fight. Let’s just not.", "Thanks for the heads up. I agree completely. As a side note, do you have a read on England by any chance? I want to work with him at this point, but he seems to be on the fence about it.", "I haven’t really heard much from him. I think I disappointed him when I said “no thanks” on Piedmont. Let me reach out to him now and see if I can get a read.", "I have been presuming that I don’t need to say “A fleet in Marseilles would make my skin crawl,” but maybe I should say it?", "In this case, my hand was forced and I had to build armies. I don't anticipate building a fleet in Marseilles (in fact, that turn right there may have been my last build phase ever) but if that changes then I will certainly give you heads up!", "Have you and Austria thought about ways to slow down England/Germany in case they decide to alliance and pick up Scandinavia and French dots? I would be fully supportive of an attack on Munich.", "I think we have a lot to do in the east before we make that kind of move. Any chance you can get England on your side?", "True. The east is looking very nice for you and Austria :). I'm working on it but it is tough, and I am of course worried about the fleet London build and Germany building 2 armies. If England is no longer asking you to attack me then that would be a good sign.", "Well, I’m just a four-center Italy. Let’s not get too excited yet. \n\nI haven’t heard a thing from England in quite a while. No idea what he’s thinking.", "Hey- just thought I'd contact you and offer you some centers 😂 😂", "I wanted to tell you sooner, but the bot was down.", "You just got two thumbs down!", "Good luck this turn.", "Should we talk builds? I’d like to avoid F Mar.", "Sure. I won't build a fleet in Mar.", "I'm sure you have plans in the near term already set. Have you put any thought into how you would like the mid game to look like?", "Oh...I’m planning on killing both Austria and Turkey if I can. Though, not sure yet how I’m going to pull it off. Any ideas?", "Hmm. I imagine Turkey falls first. It was smart of you to take Greece so that Austria is the one at the front of the attack. Once Austria has committed deep into Turkey you should have plenty of opportunities. I think it would be a matter of just waiting for the right time. Russia may be interested in working with you since his interests and Austria's interests are probably not as aligned in the long term.", "The bot is back up 😃", "Sorry for the delay. Just looking at the game again now.", "Hi friend, are you still there?", "Basically, I am getting a bit of an ultimatum from my friends in the east, and I would like to arrange for a feint in your direction this turn, to set up an attack on Austria, but I want to share it with you first.", "I believe I am getting a build this turn (crossing my fingers), and I plan to build A Ven to set up an invasion of Austria.", "But that only works if he doesn’t see it coming. So my plan is to use Tyrolia to support hold Munich this turn (it’s the only way to keep that army in Tyr) and to move my fleets to TYS and TUN. Then I build A Ven, and I attack Trieste while Austria heads towards Russia and I circle my fleets back around Austria.", "The one fly in the ointment is that it requires some trust from my light blue friend in the west. I can only hope that we’ve built up enough rapport that you understand where I’m coming from here, and you let me engage in this bit of sleight of hand.", "Just saw the moves, and then read your messages. OK- I trust you, but don't fuck me on this. I do have a back up plan, but I'd like to not go there 😁.", "I like this response.", "You’re going to like my next move set, and you’re not going to need your backup plan.", "I think the key here is to get Germany back on your side. England is not wavering. He sent me a case of Champaign for my last move.", "Thanks- yes, England has ceased all communications with me by now", "Such a charmer.", "Nothing to say after that last turn?", "Hey. Sorry. I try to be more communicative. Just a very long day for me yesterday. \n\nYou seem to have sniffed out my attack quite well, and now I’m facing Austria getting 2 builds, while I likely get none. So...bad turn for me, and it may cost me the game. \n\nI stabbed you. There’s no getting around that. Perhaps it is some solace to you that I may have completely yanked my own game in doing so?", "It is what it is, a stab on Austria has sailed past for the time being, but with any of these grand alliances there will be another opportunity later (provided that Austria doesn't stab you first). I'm going to do what I believe will maximize my chances of survival, and if that means working with you then I won't hold that grudge. It depends how creative you are willing to get. Given English communications with me, I can't imagine that they are easy to work with.", "I'd like to float the option of your fleets sailing past mine and into the Mid Atlantic. This obviously runs great risks for myself, but I believe I have a higher chance of survival in the long run this way. I also believe it may be in your best interests as well. You want to get past the stalemate lines, and this is the best way to do it.", "Builds are a problem for you. But they will be anyway as you have to make a coin flip guess on Spain/Marseilles. On the other hand, Austria has two guaranteed builds and more coming. Given the nature of that alliance, I'm sure Austria may be willing to share those builds with you.", "I'm in a tough spot, but I also believe in the long run. That's why I want to be clear that I'm not desperate- I won't be selling myself to whoever will support me on any given turn. From my perspective, I just need one unit to be in a draw. So, if there's a slim chance for me to be a one unit survivor in a monster Italy/Austria draw, I'll help you and Austria as much as I can.", "Any thoughts for me? How would you go about making a French-Italy alliance work?", "Hey, so I really appreciate this string of messages.", "Just really strong diplomacy. Flexible, fun, mutual advantage seeking. My kind of player.", "I will respond to honesty with honesty: I really need a build this turn. I am concerned about two Austrian builds setting me up to get stabbed. For that reason, I am very much inclined to take my 50/50 shot at a French center this turn.", "On the other hand, I quite like the idea of sending my fleets passed you.", "So...I really like your message, and I’m trying to think how it could all work.", "But, I don’t know if I can give up my 50/50 shot at a build. I NEED a build or I likely get stabbed, I’m afraid.", "Also, England is very much set up to get stabbed by a surprise I/F here. I mean, that would be super fun.", "I will tell you this: England and Germany are both very interested in your demise, and that makes you a more attractive ally for me, as I don’t want to see E/F grow strong and grow affectionate after breaking bread in Paris.", "So I guess what I’m saying is: allow me a build this turn, and I’d be quite happy to push to be in Irish Sea next year.", "You might find yourself in a bit of a janissary position, but you won’t have to fear that I’ll just stab you for all your centers because I would be far to early to make a solo run, and I’d just invite backlash from the rest of the board. I’m not a dimwit who strikes out on poorly considered solo runs too early.", "(I do it at exactly the right time 🤭)", "Thoughts?", "Also, it would do you some good to prevent Germany from taking Burgundy this year. My head is spinning a bit from a really fun 1905 in which I support you into Munich and move to North Atlantic on the same turn.", "I'm really glad that you are entertaining a plan like this. You call it strong diplomacy, but it only works because you are constantly looking for the best opportunities and going after them. I can get you a build. I thought about ways to do it subtly, but I wonder if it might just be better to go in for it. I can send a fleet from MAO to NAO unopposed. If you get a fleet into MAO, this will set up an unstoppable convoy directly into Clyde. The best way to do this would probably be to have you convoy Piedmont to Spain using the Gulf of Lyons, and use West Med to take MAO, thus allowing a future Spain to Clyde convoy.", "I am going to support an attack into Mar or Spa (I will not move to both), but if you move to NAO and keep Germany out of Burgundy, I will absolutely come out guns blazing against England next year, and maybe Germany too.", "Done. This gets a bit weird since the move is only really effective if you follow me into MAO, and if you tell me that then in theory I know how to defend. So instead of you telling me your moves, I'll just tell you mine. I believe that I can move to NAO, prevent Germany from taking Burundy, and hit Marseilles with a force of two all at once. This move set will leave Spain and MAO unguarded and you will be able to walk in to both. If you choose to do that, I believe we can guarantee Liverpool next year.", "My best guess is that Germany will try to take Belgium this turn, and if she does ideally that build will be a fleet. My gut feeling is that while Germany may not like me very much, she seems to trust you. If you work your diplomatic magic I think she would be happy to build a fleet and attack England with her fleets.", "Hmmmm, I need to stop giving you thumbs ups. You’re ruining my truth detector score.", "Kind of a pointless lie if you ask me, but I won’t hold it against you. You’re in a tough spot.", "Well maybe not, since it was a truth when I sent it out. But it seemed like you were not interested in going to the mid Atlantic ocean based on your messages, and I felt like it would be pointless to go to NAO if you were not headed to MAO. The other part of the equation was the fact that I offered you Spain for free- and you passed that up in favor of a guess. Maybe you didn't trust me, but it got me thinking about why you would pass on a deal like that.", "Also, given the moves you attacked both Spain and Marseilles, moved out of Tyrolia, and Germany did not attack Burgundy. So there's also that 😆", "I get that there was a better way to handle this. And I should have let you know that the move to NAO was off. I really am sorry about that. But you have to know that I was 100% serious about attacking England with you. I make crazy unnexpected plays like that all the time in high stakes Diplomacy games, so for a game that's more of a beta test than game, it's natural. And we can still do it too. I'd love to hear your suggestions on how to make it stick, and it's something Germany is certainly interested in as well.", "I’m giving you a bunch of these 👎 for those comments.", "You made a deal with me, and did something else instead. That doesn’t mean I won’t consider another deal, but I don’t want you to think that is lost on me.", "Hey look- I know your upset. I hope you can see things from my point of view though. I was in the heat of the moment and I really really really wanted this to work. It would be so fun, and I could finally get back at England for being a total piece of crap. And then I sobered up and read between the lines, and realized how terrible your deal would be for me as it turns out you weren't actually offering me anything. I wanted to work with you so badly I had convinced myself to make awful moves. So if you want to downvote all my messages, you can kiss your truth telling ratio good bye. Keep it up and it will be lower than mine 😘.", "Well, let me know if you want to talk about anything else.", "And by the way, I think the deal I offered was pretty good for you — much better than doing nothing. It did not give you anything in the short-term, but that was because I had a short-term need and no reason to make a sacrifice to you to get a deal done. I proposed a deal that was good for me because I intended to follow through.", "You may get better proposals from others, but not better proposals that they intend to actually follow through on.", "Seems like you’ve decided to write me off as someone who can be useful to you, and so you’re going to spread lies to others about me instead.", "That stuff gets back to me.", "You don’t owe me anything. And I attacked you, so I won’t begrudge you your vengeance. But that said, I was pretty darn sincere when I said I thought there was a way forward for us.", "All I wanted from you was for us to kill England first. Get you past the stalemate lines and then you can circle back for French dots. I even offered you Spain for free. If you really were interested in something like this, you would not only have your build, but be in Clyde.\n\nThat's the thing though- you don't want to be there. You want ME to be there so that you can keep pretending to be on England's side. And you want your units to be in France.\n\nI don't doubt you were sincere. But launching an ineffective attack on England while Italy eats me from behind in the hopes that eventually Italy soloes even though he's going to get stopped at the stalemate lines because Italy just has to be friends with England? Not a fan. If there's a way forward it's with you sending a fleet to MAO and putting your fleets past the lines. Or it's with you withdrawing and finally stabbing Austria like you said you would a few years ago.\n\nAll you've done so far is build an EG alliance and waste both of our time in the med. With all your grand talk, I just thought you had a better plan than this.", "At the very least you should be trying to get England and Germany to fight. At this rate they will continue to get French dots while you still are stuck at 0. You have so many units on the Western front that it honestly makes no sense for you to share spoils with EG.", "I appreciate the advice. If I feel like you sincerely want to work with me, I’ll be much more inclined to encourage England and Germany to fight. Honestly, I’m quite sure that you and I, working together, could accomplish that very quickly. But lately I’m learning that you’re mostly trying to get people to distrust me.", "So, I think we’re going to have some trouble bridging this gap.", "If you’d like to give your centers to England and Germany a kind of payback to me, that’s certainly within your power. It’s not how I’d like this game to go, but there may be satisfaction in that for you,", "Ok, I get that you are concerned by me \"spreading rumors,\" but you and I haven't exactly been working together, so I feel like trying to get England to stop attacking me is a fair message to send. Maybe you don't know this, but I've sent England a message every season for the past 9 or 10 seasons and they have ignored each message. In fact, I'm so glad you told me about this since it proves that England is reading my messages and just not responding to them.", "You seem to have interpreted this as some kind of vengeance against you. That's not the case. I'm literally just trying to survive here.", "And while I can't confirm it, I heavily suspect you have your own little group with England and Germany where you all slander me plenty 😉 .", "Well, you have choices about who to work with. Let me know if you ever get serious about working with me.", "Anyway, I’m just going to keep flipping a coin over Marseilles or Spain. One day I’ll guess it right.", "I think the best way to work together at this point is an Italian withdrawal. The good thing is that this is pretty easy. If you move to Ionian you can convoy Piedmont to Greece/Albania.", "The reason why is that England has already brought their fleets around and even if we could get you into the MAO they've already set up a line that we would struggle immensely to cross.", "At some point English Channel will plug up Irish Sea and NWG will go to NAO. What I'm saying is that it's too late, the opportunity is gone.", "Maybe if Germany turns on England. But is that even possible at this point? Just looking at the board and the moves, I think they are along for the full ride.", "Obviously you can potentially gain if you keep attacking me. But I think that's Gambler's fallacy. Actually, you won't \"one day guess it right\". Theoretically, it's possible for me to ALWAYS be right.", "That’s not the gambler’s fallacy. And it’s not unreasonable to think that if I keep flipping a coin, one of these days it will turn up heads.", "If you’d like to work with me, all you need to do is leave either Spain or Marseilles open, and tell me which one. I’ll take one build, and the two of us will round the corner.", "And you won't take any of my other centers until we wipe out England?At the moment I'm defending both.", "It's not unreasonable at all. Just France happens to be tough to kill, and compounded onto that I'm a very lucky person 😉.", "If you are using your units to move towards England, and I feel I can trust you, I’m not going to take your other centers. That would be foolish of me to do.", "Hmm. Any way we can do this without having me go down a unit? If you move to MAO I'm pretty sure you'll get in.", "That just isn’t a good deal for me. Everything on the board says I should work with England against you (and so I plan to give him MAO). If I think I have a loyal France who wants to do something fun, I’m willing to shake things up. But without that, I’m not just going to call off my attack.", "Nice moves. You made the right call.", "Well thank you. You won 3 coin flips in a row, so the congratulations is for you. I was bound to get lucky eventually.", "I do appreciate some of the misdirection stuff that you’ve done. I’ll mention it after the game, but good stuff.", "I think your play had to be to try to get Austria to stab me on one of the last few turns, but it didn’t quite work out.", "Thanks. You saw right through it, so it didn't actually end up helping 😂. Yeah, I was hoping to stall this out for longer, but at this point I've got to choose a side and throw to them. Me moving to NAO was an olive branch short of giving you a free dot.", "Yeah, if I were you, I would have approached it the same way. You did hold out longer than most would, getting triple teamed, but you needed someone elsewhere on the board to see that it was bad for them for you to fall.", "If I get a say in how my dots are distributed, I'd like them to go to you and Germany. I'm not sure how good your relationship with Germany is, but put in a good word for you with them. Whatever the case, you've set this game up brilliantly to the point where I would not be surprised to see you solo.", "You are cordially welcomed to distribute dots to me at any time and for any reason.", "And I like Germany too.", "If you are interested in retreating to Irish, I would take support to the Channel in Fall if you’ll offer it. Could be interesting.", "Sure actually. Changed my retreat to the Irish.", "Cool!", "If you are interested, we can move Marseilles up into Burgundy as well.", "Well, that would be amazing for me. So, this is exactly the sort of creative arrangement I was talking about earlier. \n\nMAO - Channel\nWES - MAO\nMar - Bur\nPie - Mar\nLYO S Pie - Mar", "Is Germany going to keep Paris?", "Yeah I think Germany probably will given the situation. Very awesome orders, I am all for it.", "I kind of love these orders.", "They are not what anyone will expect. And I can play them off as both pro-German and pro-English.", "Are we still okay with the Channel plan? Germany has been asking me about it, and it seems like she doesn’t like the plan. I’m also nervous about her tipping off England. Do we really need to run everything by her?", "I am. I won't share any other info with Germany- I figured she'd want to know about the plan before it happened but I think it just made her more worried.", "Cool. Thank you.", "Here are my orders this turn. If you’d like to grant me Spain, I’ll raise Hell with that build, but I’m okay with you hanging onto it right now if you support me to Channel. \n\nMAO - Channel\nLYO - Spa\nWES S LYO - Spa\nMar - Bur\nPie - Mar", "Sounds good. I'm not much use to you without supply centers, so for now I plan to support Spain to hold. Moving West Med to MAO may be a good idea since then you could get more fleets in action.", "Hmmm, both England and Germany are sniffing around trying to get my moves. What should I tell them?", "Eh, sorry. I got a good offer from the bad guys.", "My plan has changed.", "Haha, it was too late to change my orders, but it hardly would have mattered. It is not yet clear what you get out of that deal, but I guess it will be apparent to me next year. Surprised if you were going to stab me that you didn't go for Portugal with MAO.", "Yeah, I just figured that you might keep your last unit alive as a janissary if I kept Portugal blue.", "You played well this game, and frankly, one of the reasons I attacked you was that you seemed like you’d outplay me eventually if you were given room to breath.", "I respect and appreciate if you want to hold out in Portugal or Gascony. But if you’d like to keep playing, one option would be to keep Irish on the board, and then support me to NAO in Spring. Then we take a shot at Liverpool. I desperately need fleets on that side of MAO, so if you keep helping me, I have every reason in the world to keep Portugal blue.", "I was thinking about keeping Irish for sure. I don't have home centers so I have all the incentive in the world to help you and Germany as much as I can. That makes things completely safe for you and Germany as I have no benefit from gaining another dot. Another option is to keep Picardy with the goal of popping Brest and taking the Channel. Thanks for the kind words, though I think you shouldn't have worried about me too much. Somewhere along the line I kind of majorly pissed off England, and I think Germany probably works with them against me due to having only 1 fleet at the time. So I would have been fighting a 2V1 anyway if you had done your own thing in the East.", "The ultimate fun would a convoy of Spain to Liverpool in the Spring!", "So, thoughts on where to go from here?", "Perhaps you’d like support to Brest?", "I’m going to go ahead and plug in that support. Though, possible that England might cut it.", "Already ordered! Not sure if you and Germany are coordinating, but when I spoke with her she said she wanted me to move to Brest to pop the England fleet as well.", "Yes. We talked it through. 😊", "Hello brother — How are things going in Brest?", "Not bad. Haven't had anyone tell me what I'm supposed to do there so I guess I'm just holding", "Well that’s an interesting thing to say. I’ve heard lots of people telling me what you’re supposed to do, but they have more to gain by lying I suppose.", "What am I supposed to do? Haha", "You are instructed to move to Channel, as far as I understand.", "Good game France. 🇫🇷", "Thanks! GG!" ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 1, 19, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2, 4, 22, 4, 22, 4, 4, 4, 22, 4, 22, 4, 4, 22, 4, 4, 4, 22, 4, 4, 22, 4, 4, 4, 27, 9, 9, 9, 27, 9, 9, 9, 9, 27, 9, 9, 27, 9, 27, 9, 13, 31 ]
[ 0, 6 ]
[ "Hello there! What's your general plan for this game? My inclination when I play Austria is to piss off as few people as possible, so I don't plan on making any overtly aggressive moves this turn.", "I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes just yet, either. Specifically, I'm happy to keep Bohemia and Tyrolia de-militarized for at least a couple seasons to our mutual benefit?", "Sounds good to me.", "I appreciate you sticking to your word. Italy tells me you two are close allies and might be willing to consider me a third central power. I wanted to hear your thoughts on this?", "Absolutely true, I think the three of us could do great things together.", "I'm starting to agree", "If you don't mind my asking, why the bounce in Tri? And why the deception of Turkey? I'm no expert but to me these moves indicate you don't really trust Italy at all?", "I want to keep Turkey guessing and off-kilter.", "So the bounce was just to conceal your true relationship with Italy?", "Essentially, yes.", "What's your plan in the Balkans this season? I was wondering about putting some pressure on Russia by having me move into Silesia while you move into Galicia?", "I don't want to pressure Russia too much until the Turk is taken care of, I don't think it makes sense for me to antagonize them both.", "I thought your answer might be that. Makes sense, carry on.", "Not sure if this is obvious, but Russia indicated to me that they are prioritizing defending Rumania over Ankara, in case that changes your and Italy's plans for that region. Congrats by the way on crushing Turkey", "Thanks for the notice. I figure one or the other has gotta work first, and then the second will work once the first has.", "It seems Italy is finally showing their true colors. Care to join the dark side?", "I'm sure you're already on top of this, but if we can all recognize Italy as the enemy, then your best bet right now is to try and team up with Russia. Maybe offer to disband Arm, Bla, and Gal in exchange for support from Vie into Bud? I am wholly committed to cutting any attempted disrupts from Tyr", "*support from Vie for Rum into Bud", "Actually, might be better to dissolve Rum instead of Bla and let Gal into Bud", "At any rate, here's a direct quote to me from russia: \"And, yes, I'll happily support him [meaning you, Austria] to Budapest if he ever fecking starts talking to me again.\"", "What's your train of thought on the draw?", "I've already submitted my \"moves\", marked myself down for the 5-way draw, and checked \"adjudicate once all players have submitted\". I'm ready to be done.", "I've had a lot of fun, though!", "So, did you veto the draw?", "Nope. It might actually just not be allowed by the game settings, because it makes no sense that someone would lie about this with the game so close to ending anyway" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5 ]
[ 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4 ]
[ 3, 47, 69, 169, 184, 186, 258, 259, 260, 261, 355, 356, 357, 843, 844, 2388, 2395, 2396, 2404, 2415, 2525, 2526, 2527, 2554, 2555 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 3, 7, 7, 3, 7 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 22, 4, 4, 22, 4 ]
[ 5, 4 ]
[ "G'day! Just wanted to check in, assure you I'm not the sort to pull a Crazy Ivan off the bat and try to shove all my units through Sil/Pru from the start. Aside from that, I'd of course love to be able to pick up Sweden, and if there's anything particular we can discuss to stay at least positively-neutral toward each other, let me know!", "Privyet--I won't trouble you in Sweden or Sil/Pru if you don't trouble me in Denmark. Meanwhile, I was wondering if you agree with me that this game has just a little too much Austria in it?", "That sounds fair enough - and I'll pretty much always agree that there should generally only be one Germany, unified.", "Are you nervous at all about defending Sweden from England?", "Of course I am -it's just not my top concern. 😀", "well no kidding: you and Turkey have quite a little spat going. Was just curious if you and England had any kind of agreement in place or if you might be wanting my help in a couple seasons", "Meh. Most likely outcome is I get sev back in exchange for black, and Austria decides the date of rum. That area's still fluid. And sure I might want help looking North in a season or two. Lemme just straighten that southern mess first.", "England told me you're assisting them to take Denmark this year. Is this true? Would you consider not doing that?", "Sorry, did not see your message until this morning", "I have, as you may have noticed, ceased all support of England in harassing you", "Noted and appreciated. Can’t help but notice you’re in marvelous position to try and swipe Berlin though?", "Hahaa, no. I already regret the damage I've done to you, and have no desire to exacerbate it.", "Well the feeling is mutual. I wanted to let you know that Austria asked for my help putting pressure on Warsaw. I don't intend to do that, but I recommend you use Silesia to support your Rumanian unit into Galicia. I promise not to interfere with this maneuver if you promise to keep your baltic fleet focused on defending Sweden from England?", "(Assuming, as I have, that you consider Rumania a lost cause at this point. No offense meant if you don't I'm still pretty new at this game)", "Eventually, if he presses it hard enough. Ankara is the more immediate loss. Now it's just a matter of seeing how patient he is pressing in on me, while Italy becomes a softer target of he keeps pressing West.", "sorry, who do you mean by 'he'?", "Austria, the only one who can press Rumania. 😀", "Ah right okay. Well, do let me know if there's anything I can do to help? Esp. if you're willing to support me into Denmark this year, and then I could support you into Sweden in the fall?", "Hate to be a bother but I'm not going to have much time to strategerize tomorrow...", "You and me both - I literally just got home and logged in. One sec...", "Damn, that's a hard one to weigh. It's objectively the right move, just not sure how much I want to *cement* being in a fight with him, vs the slim chance he's actually going to do the holding pattern he claims.", "Yeah, I think on balance I have to give him the option to follow through, and have a reason to deescalate with me so he can join the dogpile on France. Odds are high I'm going to regret the decision and end up offering you that support in the Fall when you can't reciprocate, but I gotta take the chance with Austria obviously spoiling for a fight.", "That makes sense. I do think England will follow through, anyway.", "To be clear, you mean the same 'holding pattern' you two had last year, right? I just want to confirm so I can feel secure that neither England nor you will try to swipe Kiel from me this season", "lol - yes, basically repeating by arrangement the same moves we did last turn *without agreement* - fecker tried to dot me 😃", "Are you and England planning to high-five in Sweden and Norway again this turn? \nI still think supporting Rumania into Gal from Sil is a good move for you. It's getting to the point where (if I'm able to rebuild a unit this winter) I think it'd be worth teaming up to knock Austria down a peg", "Stop reading my orders!", "And, yeah, I shoulda gone with my gut last turn to support Ank - Con, but in the long run didn't really matter - they'd eventually guess right on those two dots 😃", "Yeah there's nothing you can really do when two powers team up so seamlessly like that. You're still doing much better than me, though!", "England has been talking with me about a Russia-Germany-England alliance, and I agree with them that it's the only thing that makes sense in the face of the Austria-Italy powerhouse. I assume England's been speaking with you as well, and just wanted to confirm the three of us are on the same page. \n\nOn that note, the moves I have planned for this year are all geared towards attacking the west, but I am happy to change my plans if you want some support or coordination to the east.", "Yes, I'm all about fecking with Austria-Italy right now. 😀", "Well, let me know if there's anything I can do to help!", "Italy told me they're not planning on staying in Vienna. Are they going to give it to you? (I admit that my main interest here is finding out if Munich is safe this season)", "I'm not touching Munich, but he hasn't said anything to me about Vienna", "Well you'd be silly not to take it, unless you have assurance from Austria or Italy that they're not supporting each other to hold vienna", "Would you be interested in visiting Tyrolia? It's lovely this time of year...", "To be clear, I'm offering to support that move if you agree with me that Italy needs to be stopped.", "Quite likely. 😀", "Well, I'll let you mull that over, and add another suggestion: \nWould you be willing to support one of Gal or Rum into Bud from Vie?\n\nAlso, me and England are on the same page about one thing: despite the seizure of Sweden, we're not trying to invade your territory any further until Italy is dealt with. But we needed England to have a build in case Italy made landfall on the British Isle.", "Yeah, I already preemptively cursed at him but noted I understood he needed the build. \n And, yes, I'll happily support him to Budapest if he ever fecking starts talking to me again. He hasn't responded to me in more than two years", "Losing three dots changes a person; they'll come around.", "War changes you.", "Operation Flat Tyr is a go.", "Awesome. Any news from Austria? They’ve not responded to me", "Yeah, he's gotten quite chatty with me this turn. I think we're good, and if you guys can contain Italy, you're probably in a good position to profit from the chaos.", "Just letting you know that I'm on board with the 5-way draw, I've already submitted my orders and clicked \"adjudicate when all orders are submitted\". This has been a great game and introduction to Diplomacy for me. Thanks for playing!", "First game, really? Good job. And, yes, I have had the draw set since the start of this turn - just remember that in addition to the \"adjudicate when all orders are in\" you do need to select \"five-way draw\" from the dropdown at the bottom of orders - it won't go through until it's unanimous.", "Got it--thanks!" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5 ]
[ 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 2, 5, 2 ]
[ 8, 35, 37, 342, 358, 361, 364, 548, 561, 802, 808, 810, 824, 825, 830, 831, 839, 848, 883, 884, 885, 886, 888, 890, 892, 957, 979, 980, 981, 1130, 1229, 1235, 1610, 1619, 1620, 2393, 2394, 2402, 2409, 2411, 2413, 2429, 2462, 2465, 2466, 2528, 2531, 2532 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 7, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 7, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7 ]
[ 1, 19, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 21, 3, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 21, 3, 3, 3, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 0, 0, 0, 19, 1, 19, 2, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2 ]
[ 5, 2 ]
[ "Guten Tag! Wanted to touch base about your plans for this year.", "your destruction, mostly. but plans can change", "Nobody makes it far without friends in this game. I suppose you're hoping to be friends with France then?", "I don't consider it wise to put stock in any friendship until it's proven. However, I tend to trust people more if they are willing to give me some information before asking it from me", "Well, that makes two of us then. You're welcome to ask a specific question if you have one though.", "Alright then. What are your plans for the North Sea these days?", "I'll be moving there this spring. Just doing a pretty standard northern opening. You taking the fleet to Holland or Denmark (or somewhere else)?", "My fleet is Holland-bound. Pleasure doing business 😃", "Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'd also like to talk about me going to Belgium. I imagine this is something a bit less amenable to you, but maybe something we could bargain over?", "Well, now the Belgium discussion changes a bit. France has this secured unless we collaborate in opposition. Also, I can prevent your move to Denmark.", "I'd be amenable to that. To be clear, Would you want me to move my fleet to Belgium while your North Sea fleet supports?", "So I could do this, but to secure the move you would also have to cut the support from Bur that France will likely give to move Pic to Bel. You can just attack Bur from Mun to do this. Also, providing this support is a bit of a favor and might put me at odds with France. Would you be willing to offer Denmark to sweeten the deal for me?", "how can you take Denmark while also supporting me from the north sea?", "Oh I'm talking about next year. Should have clarified. But this would require you keeping out this year.", "I'm sorry, but why? Why couldn't I hold it for this Winter and then dip in the Spring to let you in?", "I'd sooner keep Denmark and let you be the one to occupy Belgium, if that's preferable (i.e. support your North sea fleet moving there)", "The reason is because I'd need your support into denmark to be sure russia couldn't bump me out. And it's putting a lot of trust in you to expect you'll just clear the way for me.", "Well so what do you think of my counter offer, then?", "I certainly appreciate it. The only issue is that it still doesn't guarantee Belgium for me. France may support Bur from Pic instead, and then it would be a bounce.", "I have it on, admittedly, Italian authority that France is trying to make a play for Munich from Burgundy. But even if that weren't the case, vacating burgundy would leave Marseilles vulnerable to me. So I think the only option for France that wouldn't be Pyrrhic is to move from Pic", "That's fair. At the least I'd like to keep France out of Belgium, even if I don't end up with it.", "Also I had to look up Pyrrhic haha", "haha -- so, do we have a deal, then? I'll attack Burgundy while supporting your move to belgium, and you'll let me take Denmark this turn?", "Yes, we have a deal.", "Your holland fleet supports Nth to Bel and I stay out of Denmark this turn.", "you have a healthy sense of distrust and I respect that. But I appreciate you not trying to keep me out of Denmark nonetheless.", "Also, do you have thoughts on how we might collaborate next year? What are your goals, and what are your concerns?", "You’re giving me too much credit. I forgot to click submit on my order for the north sea or something. Was surprised myself to see a hold there. So why did you back out of the deal then?", "Preferred to see France there.", "I can understand why you might have made that move, but I think it’s actually bad for both of us. Even if you and France team up to knock me out, france will get the better part of that deal and will then work with Russia to take you down.", "If I work with France, we’ll bring Russia in on it (who needs some help after what happened with Turkey). This looks good for all three of us, and very bad for you.", "The last option is for us to work together against France. On the one hand, this is a good move because France is a strong player in a strong position. On the other hand, how am I supposed to trust you at all to cooperate?", "Real talk: I was given bad information that you and France were working together last round, which does not seem to be the case, but that's why I didn't follow through on our deal. I am well positioned now to take Belgium, and I can see now that, as you say, it would be much easier on me to ally with you rather than try to take you down even with France's help. But I can understand if you don't want to trust me.", "I was working with France, and I still have a positive relationship with france. We agreed to stay out of the english channel, and france had agreed to support me into belgium. But this was about hedging my bets, not working against you. And you see how that played out haha.", "France would love for me to be an ally in taking you out of the game over the next couple of years. They’ve been talking about convincing russia to help with the takedown.", "A joint stab against france would require a high level of collaboration on our end. Something like an agreement to essentially act as one country up until a certain year. Sharing all planned moves, following up on them etc. So this would be my condition for working together.", "I would be willing to do that, but as I see it, you have no reason to choose France as an ally over me at this point. So, why me?", "*choose me as an ally over france", "So my reasoning is that I think France is a stronger player than either of us, or at least a more engaged one. I'm getting all this tactical analysis and commentary about the state of the whole board and all that. If I help France, France probably beats me. If we defeat France together, I think we each end up with an even fighting chance.", "So basically France is too smart to be left alive and the world ought to belong to us idiots 😂", "What about Russia?", "Haha yeah that was kind of my thinking. Russia is a little tied up in the south, and so I don't expect aggression in the north. However, france would respond to a stab by begging for Russian (and potentially austrian and italian) assistance. So the choice next year is between containing russia or being aggressive (which would mean going for sweden or St. P). I think the builds we see this winter will make it more clear what's possible.", "Speaking of, what are your planned builds? I'm building a fleet in London.", "Armies in Kiel and Munich", "What are your plans for your north sea and London fleets?\n\nI'm trying to decide now how best to handle Belgium and that is going to depend on whether France is concerned with defending Brest or if instead they expect help from you in disrupting anything I try to do from Holland. \n\n...I can offer you support in moving into Sweden in exchange for supporting my Burgundy troops into Belgium? Is that worth more than whatever France might be offering you right now?", "Any thoughts on my offer?\nI have another proposal if you’re interested", "England. You're killin me here.", "Hey sorry. Busy evening for me. Let me think a second and respond to all this..", "Ok so for one thing France isn't exactly offering me anything, so there's no real comparison of your offer vs theirs.", "My once concern about the full-on france stab would be that the job couldn't be done quickly enough. We could force Bel this year, but we unfortunately wouldn't be able to put France down a unit because Spa is a guarantee for France. This may even allow for a rebuild in Bre if the Belgian army gets dislodged.", "That's where my new plan comes in!", "Ok what's the sitch", "You move fleets to Eng, Ska, and Nth this turn. Italy moves to Pie. I move Hol-Bel, Kie-Ruh, Bur-Gas, Mun-Bur. Now, France might foresee me attempting to take Gas, but more likely they want to dislodge me from Bur. This puts them in a position where they will have to lose one of Paris, Belgium, Marseilles, or Brest, and will not be able to vacate the others for building season.", "France could stop by bumping Par and Mar in Gas right? And you're suggesting my moves a setup of going against russia?", "Also, have you talked to Italy about this?", "Damn--I didn't think of the bumping. (sorry, this is just my first game and I'm still learning). And yeah I thought you'd want to grab Sweden because why not? \n\nI haven't discussed the full plan, but they seemed amenable to moving to pie", "Okay how about this:", "Keep your fleets in NWG and NTH, but move to ENG. Have NTH support HOL-BEL. \nI'll attack BUR-PIC, move KIE-RUH, MUN-BUR. If France does a Gascon Bounce, They'll have to lose either Brest or Paris or Marseilles. If they try to dislodge me instead, I'll retreat to Gascony. \nYou still get my support to march on Sweden in Fall if desired.", "Keep in mind that Munich is vulnerable. Italy and Austria may have a deal in the works for that. But this is the sort of plan that I had thought through originally.", "This would be a break of my DMZ with France in the channel. Which is why the success of a stab like this is especially important.", "well ya could have saved me some brain cells by sharing it in the first place! 😛 \nAnd Italy and Austria, unless they're lying, think of me as an ally. That said, my plan doesn't actually involve vacating Munich", "Oh fair, because you're not actually moving into Pic, you're just cutting the support. I had you moving from Bur to Bel. Dislodging the French army from Bel could result in a disband. And if we don't get an additional supply center could mean a rebuild in Brest, which would be bad for me (adding Spain is probably a given). Have you considered the potential support of Mar from Spa s.c. ?", "Yeah if my calculations are correct the French home supply centers hold. First move is to bounce in Gas to keep you out, then move spain to s.c. and lose bel. Next move is to support hold in mar from spain s.c. and then bounce paris to brest to keep me out. Bre, Par, and Mar all hold in the fall.", "OK, Marseilles might be a no-go this round then. \n\nIf you don't want a rebuild in Brest, we'll simply attack Picardy and force a retreat to Brest by an army. Not so bad for your fleet, right? I'll move into Paris from BUR", "wait I mean A retreat to burgundy by that army. Then the Parisian Army will be in brest, so no rebuild will occur", "Well, it kind of becomes rock paper scissors there. If I try to go into Brest it's a bounce and it remains open. If I don't, and France takes the risk of not going (probably won't happen) then it would stay open too.", "Sounds like you'd like the belgian army to disband though. I understand, as it could help somebody out to take munich from Ruh.", "whoa dude I just want a supply center don't go talking about people invading the fatherland\n\nSo are you saying no deal, then?", "No, I'm just echoing your probable reasoning for wanting the disband of the belgian army rather than its retreat to Ruh.", "I don't see what that has to do with you, though? Like what difference does it make to you whether that army disbands or retreats to Ruh?", "The disband allows for a rebuild, if there's an open home supply center and France still has 5 total. So this could mean building a fleet in Brest.", "ohhh I see. So what you're saying is you'd accept the deal if I didn't arrange for the disband and allowed a retreat to Ruh?", "Let me sleep on it. I may be fine regardless. I'll confirm moves in the morning. But for this plan, Spring looks like your support into Sweden and my support into Belgium. I'll be very curious to see moves from Russia-Italy-Austria. If they all converge in on you, this could be trouble. I doubt that level of collaboration is going to happen though.", "hang on would you be willing to postpone your sweden march until Fall? I'm not so keen on forcing Russia into the baltic", "You'd still hold sweden by winter", "Yeah that would be fair. Just need to run it by russia that norway is a hold in the spring so that doesn’t raise any eyebrows", "Well, or you could march into Finland just to spice things up", "Well England you've taught me an important lesson", "This isn’t a full stab. I’m sorry for the deception though. I hadn’t heard whether Italy was anti-French. Now I have. I’m taking Denmark this year with Russian support. I’m sorry for that too. Kiel can’t save it. I’d suggest you bounce kiel and munich in Ruh and then attack holland from belgium to cut support . This will hold the line (unless france decides to let you into belgium, which would be unlikely).", "I know you don’t want to take advice from me, but you’re kind of in survival mode now. We can talk about belgium for you next year to get you back on your feet.", "England, I have 0.0 reason to trust your advice regarding France. You're so clearly working with them!", "I think the tactical suggestion stands on its own though. You can work through the rules to verify it makes sense (and should, in case i’m making a mistake). Also I don’t know france’s moves this season. And you should ping italy to talk about me.", "Nice! I guess you knew what you were doing.", "well not really--I just assumed that attacking a convoying fleet would disrupt the convoy and that was apparently wrong", "Yeah you have to dislodge. But you held ruhr! And my way wouldn’t have worked actually. That’s a stalemate line if you do the same moves except the fleet goes to belgium (i think). Can only be broken if i support it. Of course france could choose to let you in to ruhr as well", "Hi, not sure what you heard from italy. Looking forward to the three of us working against france though. Let me know where you’re at with this. I’d help you into belgium this year.", "Okay, I’m down to cooperate.", "Ok. All i need from you in the spring is to not attack Nth. Then i’ll support myself into the channel. Then i support you into belgium in the fall. And i don’t touch holland, kiel, or berlin. And russia doesn’t either. Maybe we get italy to move to Pie?", "Hi. I’m guessing the move to HEL was to cut support. Should have let you know I was moving out. Are you still interested in collaboration for survival? We’re both a bit threatened right now.", "Hi—yeah, because of bot troubles I never got reassured last turn that you wouldn’t support, say, France into belgium or something. So now here we are! France asked me to bump Nth to cut your channel support, just fyi", "To be clear I don’t intend to do that since I basically need everyone to fall back to keep my holdings this turn.\nDo you have any clue what russia’s plans are?", "Not sure what russia will do, but I’d be a little concerned about berlin being surrounded. I won’t be attacking Kiel so your support will go through from there.", "Does France think you’ll be cutting support? Also, Italy has been sending some anti-french things my way. A three-on-one alliance could be good for all of us. Containing Russia may distract both of us if he gets aggressive.", "I told France (truthfully) that I couldn't cut your support this turn", "Cool. Do you need me to cut support in BAL or do you have that covered with Munich support?", "Also, Italy is on board with a stab against France.", "Italy told me that, too. And actually, if I could count on you to cut BAL support, it would free up Kiel to try and defend Ruhr from france for a turn. However, if you're using that denmark fleet for something else just let me know", "So I have kind of a crazy idea. I'm curious what you'd think of this.", "What if I let you into Denmark and I go for Sweden?", "Well, if France goes for Holland I'd be in a slightly strategically worse position.", "I was thinking you'd go from Kiel and bounce Holland with the HEL fleet. Then you get your build in Kiel", "that wouldn't work because I need kiel to support berlin, i think?", "Is Munich occupied doing something else? Italy told me he has no plans of cutting support there.", "Oh I guess Bur can do that though...", "that was my fear...", "Hmm... Yeah it may be safe to not do that then. Maybe next year. I may go for Sweden regardless. But if russia sees it coming and goes in, that could be a bit annoying", "But without action, Russia probably takes Ank this fall and builds in Stp.", "Is it worth losing the channel this turn? because you could take sweden for sure if you were willing to use nth to convoy", "Nth can't convoy to Sweden. SKA is in the way.", "doesn't need to. just convoy to norway and move your fleet from norway to sweden. then attack the baltic fleet from denmark. that way you don't lose norway", "BAL could move to sweden to bounce. only way to guarantee would be to support from Denmark", "ah crap you're right. sorry, wish I could help but all I have are land troops", "No worries. I'll give it a shot regardless. And if I do get the extra build, I can provide some serious support to your moves west", "Things are getting a little rowdy haha. The good news is that we both outlasted Turkey!", "RIP.", "go team!", "you held the channel! but no sweden yet...", "Yeah. I think the bounce there will be a start of negotiations with Russia. Clearly we were both on the same page.", "And you got holland back!", "ach but now there's French in ruhr that'll be a pain", "A bit. France starts to crumble when I don't have to support my fleet anymore, which is when Italy forces France to go south with its MAO fleet. Then I can start supporting your moves and we can get you into belgium, etc.", "Are you gonna try for sweden again this season? France told me that they're not moving their Mid-Atlantic fleet and instead would prefer to oust you from the channel. \n\nItaly gave me the idea of supporting your Welsh troops to convoy into Belgium. But if I did would you mind giving it to me in the Fall? I could be way more useful to you if I could build another unit this winter", "(I told france I'd interrupt your support from Nth in exchange for France letting me take belgium next round, but at this point I almost don't think of Belgium as being theirs to give, hence I'd rather work with you)", "Russia and I plan to repeat the Sweden bounce. If that's to be trusted, this frees up Kiel and Munich.", "I'm happy to give you belgium. My idea of the split is you get Bel and Par, I get Bre and Por, and Italy gets Mar and Spa. Obviously this won't all happen this year. But you in Bel makes sense long-term", "The convoy makes me a bit nervous because if France goes to IRI, they'll get a home supply center in the fall.", "Okay, no convoy then. \n\nHow do you feel about reneging with Russia? If you moved into the baltic instead of bouncing and I moved into Denmark (this is also insurance in case I can't end up with Belgium this year), I could support you into sweden in the fall?", "I'd prefer to keep neutral with russia, as fighting a war on two fronts would be a lot for me. Belgium isn't guaranteed for you this year, but I think it's likely. France will have to respect the pressure in the south from Italy. This frees me up to cut support in Pic and support you in from Nth. Then you just have to cut support in Ruh and Bur (if there's still something there in the fall).", "If France is honest with me, Ruhr will be free and Bur will be occupied. \n\nLet's be real here, though: Russia has at most two units to spare to threaten you, and likely not even that given the imminent pressure from Austria. I'm trying to work it out in the sandbox now but I really don't think they'd be an issue for you...", "Russia can support into Norway once he's in Sweden, and NTH won't be free to stop that.", "Okay that checks out. Thanks for your patience!\n\n...I was thinking of asking russia to support me into denmark this turn and offer to support them into sweden next season. I'm doing this a) to confirm for you that they're on board with the bump as you say, and b) to show that I'd like to work to build trust with them. However, if Russia already knows you and I are working together this will establish the opposite of trust. So I guess I'm asking if you think this is a good/useful idea, and also asking what russia knows about our plans?", "Russia can only suspect that we're working together at this point. I haven't given any indication of collaboration. I'd say ask away.", "Are you definitely committed to not cutting support in Nth?", "I really, really am. Maybe I'm just not creative enough, but because of my alliance with Italy, who is in turn strongly allied with Austria, I just don't see myself ever getting anywhere in this game unless I can expand westward into France. Hence, even though you're honestly scarier right now I'm inclined to be on your side for the foreseeable future. \nNow, you could just go copy-paste this message to France and I'd be royally screwed, so I hope that helps you believe you can trust me.", "Haha ok, glad to get the confirmation. On my end i’ll confirm I am totally anti-french until France is out of the game. I’ve actually ceased communications with France (maybe something we can all do once the stab is clear). I’d like all three of us to get our two builds each together. Then we can look east.", "Russia's loyal to you even in the face of my temptation, btw.", "We’re in a great spot. Belgium for you is a guarantee. Planning to take from holland or ruhr?", "Why do you ask? I assumed you were going to disrupt support from Picardy with a convoyed army while I disrupted Burgundy? That way you can still use Nth to support the channel in case France decides not to bother defending in the south", "I’m a little worried that a clever france may let me into Pic, knowing that belgium is gone, and then move into IRI for invasion. I’d almost rather cut Pic with the channel and risk losing the channel. And my favorite option is to support ruh to bel from nth, also risking the channel. The logic is that if I lose the channel, it won’t be for very long, but if I lose a home supply center, that will be very annoying. France seems pretty upset with me, so a kamikaze move to screw me over isn’t out of the question.", "Yeah, I'm getting that vibe from France too. Let's go with moving me from Ruhr", "Sounds good. Consistent with that theory, we’d advise italy to support into Spain instead of Mar. It’s a tough call though", "I mean, not really. The way Italy's positioned it seems like Spain is the only right call and that Marseilles will fall like a domino on a fault line next spring?\n\n...unless we could confirm that France really doesn't intend to defend. Then Italy could potentially swipe both in one swoop. But even if France is saying such things to me (and they are) it's still a risk", "Marseilles isn't guaranteed to fall next spring. Suppose Italy supports into Spa. France can block that supporting MAO from Gas. Suppose in the spring, Italy changes course and goes for Mar. France can then support Bur to Mar from Gas. Unless I'm missing something, it's a guessing game until you're in Bur.", "God dammit. Just when I think I get this game, I’m still not clear on how the ‘coast’ thing works with fleets", "Do you think I could trust Russia not to try to swipe Munich if I tried to take Bur this turn?", "Yeah the territory can only be occupied by one unit regardless of coast. But a fleet must go to either the north or south coast. MAO can go to both. The coast matters if say you want to go from Spain to Mar. You can go there from the south coast, but not the north coast. And if you wanted to do this, you could coordinate a bounce with the Ber and Tyr armies so Russia can't sneak in. You're planning to sneak into Mun unsupported?", "sneak into Bur*", "well, at least to try for it. i hadnt thought of bumping with italy because i assumed tyr would move into pie", "Well your move only works if we let Bur into Mar, which means Italy doesn't try for Mar, which means pie would hold.", "oh i thought italy was trying for spa? or rather, wherever italy decides to go there's a chance it might work, and then they'd want someone in pie", "We'll have to see which move Italy wants to make. If Italy goes for Spa, the choice is between a hold or an attack from Pie. I would say a hold makes most sense for Italy if you've decided you're going for Bur. This is because the alternative may be a bounce with Bur and Pie armies in Mar that would foil your plan to get to Bur and wouldn't give Italy anything.", "Okay that makes sense then.", "As long as Italy doesn't want to try to convoy into Spain from Pie. Then Marseilles could be left open *and* tyrolia could potentially move into piedmont", "Yeah that could be an idea. Well, let me know when you hear from Italy. The good news is France will definitely be down one this year and maybe down two. And our progress will continue next year. At some point we should talk about post-war things.", "Does post-war things mean how we're going to deal with a seriously overpowered Austria/Italy?", "Yeah. Though the move into Trieste by Italy is interesting. I'm actually starting to worry about collaboration with France. Would Italy really be so greedy as to start a war on two fronts? Also, had you asked for a hold in Pie? (not that it would have changed the outcome)", "I asked but Italy told me that they couldn’t guarantee they would or wouldn’t, and I can understand wanting to keep that info need-to-know. But what makes you think Italy and France would collaborate?? Also, I’m not so sure you should read that seizing of trieste as an act of war; Italy *did* help Austria take two supply centers this turn. Austria might have given it willingly", "*would or wouldn’t hold Pie", "Austria expressed frustration to me about it. Also, Austria can't build. All of its home supply centers are occupied. And Italy only helped with one supply center, right? And yeah the France theory may be a little paranoid, but why would Italy make an enemy out of Austria now while occupied with France?", "What are your thoughts on the France campaign for this year?", "Also, italy and austria’s stories about trieste don’t line up. Italy says it was an offering", "Right that's what Italy told me, too. So I'm not sure. Can I confront Italy with what Austria told you?\n\nI will be moving Kie-Ruh for sure.\nWe can half-heartedly attack Pic this spring if you want (I'll move Bel-Pic, you support), though I doubt we'll get anywhere with it\nMunich will support Kie-Ruh\nAnd Fall I'll do a three-sided assault on Bur. \nNone of this is very exciting though. If Italy can't make headway we'll probably be stuck in a holding pattern until you can shift some resources from the baltic.", "Actually, I got Italy on board to coordinate with us to leave one of Marseilles or Spain open for France to fall into. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could try for Mao, or if not I’ll try for Bur. Let me know which you prefer and we’ll talk plans", "Italy is now saying that he told a secret that Austria didn't want him to tell, and that I shouldn't tell Austria that I know that Trieste was arranged... Sigh.", "I'll get back to you on MAO. Likely I won't, but maybe with very friendly Russian disbands. Trying for Bur makes sense.", "Well you couldn't ask for friendlier disbands than that! What do you think about making a play for MAO? What if I could get Italy onboard to support you in from WES?", "Also, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on taking Russia's northern holdings. \nOn the one hand, it's more power for you, but on the other weakening Russia is pretty much the same as feeding Austria.", "I'm nervous about MAO because I'd really like to keep holding the channel. Yeah I need to decide what to do with Russia. It's really tempting to scoop up some supply centers, but that would be the end of Russia.", "In other news, France (who continues to message in spite of my ghosting) just pointed out that Italy has a number 1 ranking on The username checks out, but that's about as far as I can verify.", "Right France told me too. So it may be worth reconsidering our deal with the devil", "I think France may still have to go though. We can't be both allied with France. Geographically it doesn't really make sense. However, me you and Russia vs Austria and Italy might work well for us.", "I think so too. But, realistically, as things stand now you, me, and Russia V. italy/austria just looks like me and russia getting sh*tkicked while you hang out in the back. So the question ought to be, can we afford to take down france before I/A get too powerful? Or is it worth it to put aside eating France to nip this in the bud?", "Russia's actually in a really good position if I choose not to invade. I'd have to go over the tactics, but I'm pretty sure that line will hold in the south.", "And then you can support Mun from Kiel.", "When the time comes", "I can bring my fleets around this year to support the attack on France, and that would put us in good position to face italy. But we'd have to play it off as just going for France until France is gone.", "but i thought you said you weren't gonna go for MAO?", "I won't try from the channel. But I can bring the Nwy fleet around this year.", "Why the fleet in berlin btw?", "Well I figured that I'd need at least one more eventually, and that since my whole northern border is coastal a fleet might be better for defending that. But it'll be all armies after this I think.", "That makes sense, though it does seem like it will be stuck there for a while unless you start coming for me and russia", "Well at some point we'll all turn on each other, I assume. But I don't see that happening for a while. Not til France Italy and Austria are dealt with", "We can always play to a three way draw! So does this mean you would be committed to a Russia-Germany-England alliance until the others are dealt with?", "And to a point you made a few messages ago about me hanging in the back: Dealing with Italy is going to take a lot from me. He's got the fleets that only I can deal with.", "Yes, that's what this means. However, Italy and France are both pretty talkative with me these days which could be useful for us. So don't go spreading it around that my true allegiance right now is to you and Russia.\n \nAnd speaking of fleet things: if you're not doing anything with Nth this turn anyway, could you help me out by supporting Hol-Bel? I think it makes sense for me to have a fleet with channel access in case you ever need support or a bounce there to keep France out. Maybe some sunny day you'd even trust me to hold it for you, though I understand if not.", "What sorts of things are you hearing from Italy and France? Also, are you talking to Russia? I'm planning to support the channel with Nth", "I just messaged Russia. I told them about your suggestion of a three-way alliance, and that I was mainly focussed on attacking the west this year but if needed I could readjust to spare somebody to support in the east.\n\nI haven't heard back from France yet, but I am sort of playing double-agent with Italy to ensure that France can continue countering Italy's Spa/Mar plays and it just looks like luck. This keeps Italy in check until you and I make progress in the north and are better positioned to push Italy back.\n\nI should have mentioned, but a third reason for the fleet build last turn was to keep France's trust. I figured it made sense anyway for the other two reasons I mentioned, but I did want to make sure France is willing to listen to me about Italy.", "Interesting that Italy was willing to give up his guess to you. I had considered the idea of feeding France info like this, but he wouldn't have believed anything I told him. And yeah it makes sense that something else was going on with the fleet situation.", "What moves do you have planned westward?", "Italy was willing to give up their guess because I requested that Marseilles be left open so I could take Bur, (which I plan to attempt w/ Munich this turn), and Italy agreed.", "Did italy explain why he didn't keep his end of the deal? Cause he moved to Mar", "no I mean this turn", "Ah ok. Cause we had talked about it last turn as well.", "Last turn they didn't give me anything useful", "Gotcha. Italy had asked me for support into MAO, which would not be consistent with that though.", "I did say no. Or rather haven't said yes. I'm curious about the timing though.", "Today at 5:11 PM, italy said to me: \"If I leave Marseilles open, would you kindly use Burgundy in the Fall to help me take Marseilles? (Likely that means ordering Burgundy to Gascony to cut support)\". So, it could be that both are true and Italy plans to do *neither*--rather than try to take Spa, Italy's gonna try rearranging?", "*5:11 central time", "Ok at 6:08 PM EST, italy asked about MAO. So that's around the same time. I'm not going to support MAO and told Italy as much.", "France would probably just cut in Bre anyways.", "Was that the reasoning you gave for not supporting?", "Just that it wouldn't be fruitful because France would cut support. I also said that I was eyeing it for next year (which will be obvious from my upcoming move of the Nwy fleet)", "Alright well sounds like we resolved that little mystery. Statecraft is exhausting.", "Haha yeah. I don't know if I would do online diplomacy again (I've only done it in person). I've spent wayy too much time thinking about this game. But it's alson been fun", "I'm prepping for an august in-person game I have scheduled with some friends", "I have also been spending way too much time thinking about this! Yeah the days between adjudications are just too much.", "I agree. In person is exhausting for other reasons though. You have to take a whole day out and it’s much more stressful when you have 15 minute negotiations and everyone is in the same house.", "oh I didn't even think of the logistics of in person negotiating! So if you and Russia disappear for five minutes everybody knows somethings up?", "Yeah, and also you see little cliques start to form. Like three countries will get together and then go quiet when someone else walks in the room. And you can just shout stuff to the room if you want. Also tactical and order errors are more common. And intentional order errors are a thing.", "That sounds like a perfect storm of social- and tactical-anxiety inducing stimuli. I think the ideal thing from my perspective would be online play with three adjudications per day. So it's about the same level of commitment as a really active group chat.", "Yeah people get pretty emotional. And I do it with a group of friends too. We decided we could only handle it once every 6 months or so.", "three times a day would be too much for me I think. I feel like I wouldn't get any work done.", "I could see that. But sacrifices have to be made.", "Haha I'm NOT a multitasker, so I'd bet the sacrifice is bigger for me than it is for you. Also, I feel like it would be easier almost if I wasn't on the computer all day for work as it was. But having work and recreation competing for the same screen is really distracting for me.", "you just described me. and my situation. But I take summers as pseudo-vacation so there's not as much consequence", "Yeah that's not a bad way to do it. I'm a grad student in the same school/department as admin actually. So I've also got a pseudo-vacation not taking classes or anything, but I'm still trying to be productive.", "I'm in admin's department too! I should have realized: only grad students feel as guilty about spending time doing things they enjoy as you seem to 😛 \nBut back to business: any chance of letting me borrow Denmark? I figure that with Northern Russia out of the picture your fleet's just sort of...parked there. But if you let me have it I will either build an army in Ber to help out Russia or an army in Kiel to fight France with. I totally understand if you don't want to, though.", "Anyway, regardless of how you feel about the Denmark issue, I just hatched a plan to potentially help France keep resisting Italy, if you're game:\n\nTell Italy you've had a change of heart and want to support them into MAO this turn, on the condition that they free it up for you by moving to Portugal next spring. \nIf italy agrees, let me know. I'll tell France to put all power into defending Marseilles and Mao. \n\nThe hope is that since last turn *I* was the one who knew Italy's move and this time--as far as Italy knows--only *you'll* know it, Italy won't smell a rat when France is lucky in defending again", "No way! I wonder if we've been walking past each other in Iribe and without any idea that we're both in the study. And let's bring up Denmark again when I have another build secured. Who knows how long it will take to get into Brest.", "That's a reasonable plan for Italy. Let me get a sense of where Italy's head is at first. He may not even want MAO anymore.", "Can you explain the fleet move btw?", "Honestly because I thought you’d say yes to giving me Denmark.\nI doubt we’ve run into each other because I’m in St Louis for the summer", "Yeah, we should have talked about that before probably. On its own, the move has a somewhat anti-me connotation. And yeah I definitely have not been to St Louis this summer haha", "You're going for Bur this season?", "Sorry to spook you! And not to beat a dead horse, but: you claim you want to secure another build, but with your denmark fleet basically stuck where it is, it’s not like keeping it is going to help you with that goal. That supply center’s doing nothing for you except maintaining the unit bound to it. *I* on the other hand, could help you get what you want by getting another build.\n\nIf you have plans to use the denmark fleet, I’ll respect them, because right now our goals are the same. But I see no point in keeping the fleet just for its own sake.\n\nYep, going for Bur", "Yeah I mean it's a bargaining chip. Russia has to be in my good graces while I have it. And it's something I could offer you in exchange for something nice. It's not clear to me why you need it right now. Paris has your name on it. You'll win the eventual for Mar with no trouble.", "Alright, that’s a valid reason.\nI was feeling more urgent about it because I think it’s paramount that Russia get some aid against Austria.", "Yeah that's fair. I think Russia is clever enough to re-instate the stalemate, though. Maybe I'll drop him a line to see what he's thinking.", "BTW italy plans to literally randomize his move choice.", "Thanks for letting me know!", "Nice job on Bur. Let's see if we can get you paris next year!", "What's your plan for taking MAO? If you want to move Eng-IRI I will support Nth into the Channel?", "Yeah i was thinking the same actually. Only risk is a bump in IRI i think results in dislodge of the current channel unit. I’m willing to risk it though. France at this point is likely trying to choose who to annoy the most as he goes down. I have a feeling it will be me, even though i’m not the one taking his territories so far. I’ll probably go another year without a build unfortunately", "Patience, my tea-sipping friend 😛 \nBut if you dislodge trying to get IRI that means you at least got Nao, and putting the unit in Pic would help you take Brest anyway", "Oh i’m planning nwg to nth so that i’m still in nth. Do you think the brest fleet may move to Pic?", "ya know, if you'd just let me have Denmark back you could keep Nth *and* get at least one of Nao/Iri/Brest this year.\nI can keep talking to France to see where their head's at, but I think a move to Pic is probably not in the cards. If you were to predict it France'd lose Brest!", "Are you still on good terms with France? Was the move into Bur expected?", "It was, actually. France has seen the end coming for a while, but since I was willing to work with them against Italy while you two ghosted, they're more amenable to my invasion that yours or Italy's.", "Makes sense. Well, let me think about whether Denmark is a possibility (though I’m still very hesitant) and get back to you. And I let me know what France is up to with Brest.", "Alternatively, why not just leave Nth empty for a turn? \nI'm working on figuring out France as we speak...", "Cool. And I suppose I could, though it does leave me a little vulnerable. Maybe we could talk a bit about what our collaboration looks like over the next couple of years", "Well, I can say definitively at this point that France prefers to mess with Italy over you. Basically they don't want to see Italy totally dominate this game. I encouraged this by saying that Italy's going to try for MAO this turn and they should focus on defending that. \n\nWrt the next couple years, my idea is this: it's crucial that you take Mao, and that I take Paris. From here, you and I can work on beating Italy out of the Iberian, such that you end up with Portugal, Marseilles, and Spain and I end up with Brest and Paris (though you can have Brest at first). From here we're well positioned to start hitting Italy on their home turf, esp. if Russia can keep hammering away at Austria", "...any thoughts on this?", "That all makes sense. Thought I'm a bit surprised that you'd rather have Brest than Mar. What's the reasoning for that preference? And how long would you let me hold onto Brest?", "I figured this split would give you land and sea options for attacking italy and not for attacking me. But I was just spitballing, and it may make more sense to divide it your way...And you could hold Brest until we were the only two in all of France and Spain, I suppose", "have you made a decision yet about what to do about Nth?", "I prefer to do the same moves as last time. So Nth would be a hold. I don't think MAO is going to IRI or NAO. But you would have the inside scoop.", "What would you do with Bel if it was freed up?", "Wait when you say Nth is a hold, do you mean you *don't* want to try for IRI like we talked about, and you're just holding the channel?", "That’s what i’m thinking now, yes", "*just holding the channel and convoying to Brest?\n\nAnd if by \"it\" in \"what would you do with Bel if it was freed up?\", you mean Nth, then probably move it to Pic in case France tries to bounce me out of Paris. But it might make more sense for you to just convoy to Pic, in which case Bel could support you into Pic", "oh nevermind you mean \"what would you do with Bel if Bel wasn't supporting Nth\"? Well, my answer still applies", "...Would you like me to support your army into Pic?", "That army isn’t leaving the island until france’s fate is sealed. Otherwise I open up my home centers to France.", "but you did convoy to brest last time? Was that just because you were sure the army would bounce? \n\nSo then basically everyone's holding still except you're poking Nao?", "Yeah that’s my plan. The convoy was because if it worked, I could just build on the island and be fine. But i’m taking on a risk if i can’t guarantee the build.", "ohh gotcha. I'm moving Bur-Par, Ruh-Bur. Everyone else is just staying put", "I really am curious about your relationship with France btw. Italy mentioned that you asked him recently whether collaboration with France was ok. But what could that mean unless it was against me?", "🙄 Italy said that you were plotting against me, too! They're just trying to make us suspicious of each other!", "So you’re saying italy lied to me? I’m gonna make you click that thumbs down if you’re trying to fool me here.", "Well, no. It's true that I asked Italy about collaborating with France, but only because France wanted us all to be able to talk about its last will and testament together. I didn't bother asking you because you had been pretty clear on ghosting France, but I wasn't sure whether Italy was or not til I asked", "But it's very possible that Italy took this fact and warped it to make you suspicious of me", "So, while we're at it, is there anything you might have said to Italy to indicate you were planning to turn on me?", "Well i’m glad i asked the follow up question. Did italy agree to being part of this discussion? And how did the discussion turn out. Is France going to take out his anger on me with a final stab? Are you going to help him? And yeah i’ve absolutely been talking up anti-german things to italy. I want him to be confident in where i stand so he doesn’t expect a stab.", "Oh italy said \"I don't trust France\" and that was the end of it. So no, there didn't end up being a discussion except me telling France that you're gunning for Brest (which was obvious anyway), and that Italy's shooting for Mao this turn (which may or may not be true--but by this time you and I were strategizing and I wanted to keep France out of our way). \nIf france *is* planning to stab you, they're intentionally throwing me off the scent. Which would be surprising but not unheard of. So no, I'm not planning to help in a stab I know nothing about.", "Well, to be clear, another consequence of my and France's conversation was that France is just letting me walk into Paris this turn (unless they're gonna stab me but I doubt it)", "Yeah i believe that. So i guess it’s just giving italy a hard time then, or maybe some unexpected movement north. Has italy talked to you about attacking me?", "Post-france?", "Well yeah. In the same convo where they said you were plotting to stab me they gave some reasons why it's better for me to side with them than with you. So no specifics but Italy clearly wants us against each other. But I don't think either of us stand a chance if we fall for that.", "*no specific attacks were suggested, I mean", "Gotcha. Well i think we have to acknowledge that our alliance would be sort of geographically awkward. I think that makes the alliance stronger actually, but we should be honest with each other about an exit that gives each of us a fair shot in the endgame.", "okay...well, as the person who has ever seen an endgame before, what do *you* suggest?", "I think we agree to coordinated actions until italy is dealt with. I think you in brest is actually more fair, although less ideal for me. I think we need to pick a victor of the russian-austrian war. Austria is an easier pick because i can take russian dots and austria can help with italy.", "Alright. But it will be harder to flip Austria against Italy, I think.", "Nah, i’ve been working on it a bit, and it’s only natural once his current conflict is mitigated somewhat", "I think between us we should find a split of dots we feel comfortable with. Not that it can’t change in future negotiations. But i think it’s easier to stay friends when the end seems fair from the get-go", "We don’t have to do this tonight, but soon.", "Okay, soon. Glad we had this talk 😃", "Fwiw i’m a relative first-timer too. I’ve played two or three times in person, and the first time we didn’t finish. I think everyone else plays a lot more. Would be nice to make this an underdog story.", "Regardless of which way it falls in the end.", "I think so, too. And Italy is like the over-est of dogs.", "You lost me haha. The over-est of dogs?", "like, the opposite of underdog would be overdog. And Italy is the most over-est overdog there is.", "*the overwolf, perhaps", "Haha gotcha. Do we think he’s actually the number 1 guy like france said? He denied it to me. But the username lines up.", "I think it's more probable than not. Although, I also think it's really unfair to have that information leaked when other players get the benefit of a clean slate. That said, just looking at the way Italy moves and talks it's clear that they know what they're doing", "Yeah he’s definitely a good player. All the better when we take him down.", "ugh I really wish everyone'd stop using *he* all the time. France and Italy know each other from outside this game, but it irks me that \"he\" seems to be the default. Out of curiosity, do you/others use \"she\" when referring to me?", "I had been using “they”, but then i stopped once i saw other people using gendered pronouns. My rationalization was that the other players must have been confident in their correctness to start using them, but obviously that’s not true. We use “she” for you. France said it to me first i think. Happy to commit to being gender neutral in future negotiations (with all players)", "I didn’t mean to be directive—it doesn’t matter that much to me, but it makes me feel better if I know people aren’t just doing it mindlessly, and are actually matching it to players they know. I never specified to France that I use “she” but my username is feminine so it was a fair assumption.", "Yeah that’s totally fair. I will admit I had floated the idea of trying to play feminine and flirt with one of the probably straight male players to gain favor. The username’s a giveaway though. And that might be taking things too far haha.", "That can’t possibly actually work, can it? The flirting, I mean. This is a serious game for serious-minded individuals 😛", "...”, she writes, before adding a playful emoji at the end.", "All’s fair in love, war, and diplomacy 😉", "Ouch! Still open to collaboration, but we’ve got some trust building to do", "I wasn't sensing any trust from you, either: you were unwilling to return Denmark or to leave Nth empty, and you're right about our alliance being geographically awkward. \n\nI want to be a good ally with you, but the difference between you and me is that you get a cozy corner of the map and I'm right in the middle. I need to be able to grow my army to defend all my various borders. So I'm asking for Denmark a little less politely.", "Well now you've seen me make exactly the moves that I said I would, so hopefully you have some trust in me. I see what you mean about the cozy corner, but coziness has its disadvantages as well. Once somebody gets on the island, it's a really bad time. And I need fleets or convoys of armies to get anywhere off the island. Makes expansion difficult.", "As far as denmark, the aggression there is fair. But you understand why I'm hesitant to drop down to 4 dots at this point in the game. Fortunately, there's an opportunity to do business here now that you're adjacent to Brest.", "I'm definitely a bit upset about the support into the channel you gave and all of the lying. You didn't need to lie about your moves to amp up the aggression on denmark: I never asked for a full list of moves.", "That's true, I was overcompensating because it really seemed like your trust in me was low.", "Well, it's a vicious cycle. Mistrust breeds mistrust. So how can I trust now that you're not just going to continue working with France on an invasion?", "Because France is literally about to not exist, for one. And for another, because Italy is planning something that will be bad for both of us.", "Planning something specific that you know about?", "Yes. But I was told specifically not to tell you so I need you to not mention it to any other players. I know that's a hard sell coming from me, but I need you to promise.", "Alright. It’s a promise. Who’s the info from?", "Doubly confirmed by France and Italy. They've reached an agreement to give Italy the channel. When I confronted Italy about it, Italy said they wouldn't do it if I didn't want them to, but also admitted that they wouldn't have told me about it if I hadn't asked.", "But France also told me they would reneg on Italy if I asked. So, on the one hand, I could tell italy to call it off and things could proceed some unknown way. On the other, I could get France to reneg, and the three of us could turn this to our advantage. What do you think?", "It’s certainly possible this is true. Though italy had told me he was actively deceiving France into getting the brest unit to do something unusual", "So if Italy is truly going for the channel, he went so far as to cover his tracks by warning me he may have suggested something like this to France", "To what extent has italy communicated plans of an alliance with you?", "I mean that doesn't seem out of the question for Italy. Italy has told me point blank that if it's a choice between you or me, they'd choose me. I'm sure they've said the same to you.", "Did he give any reasoning for that choice?", "Some bull about how I'm an honest communicator. That raised a red flag for me because Italy's too smart to need honesty from me. You're the better strategic choice. \n\nSo, it's entirely possible that Italy fed me this plot through France as some kind of ploy. And even that the two of you are already working closely together to ruin me, although I do hope that's not the case.", "I agree with all that. I’m just trying to tease out who he’s lying to, as that may provide some advantage. Honestly he’s been more pro-English than anti-German in his communications with me. I think he maybe just doesn’t want me to go tattle to you though.", "So what moves would you want to see from me this fall?", "I'll tell Italy the deal is off, then you move Den-Nth, Nth-Eng (supported by Bel), Eng-Bre (supported by Paris). Mao will take Portugal and you'll take Mao? I know you'll have to trust my support in two places, but it's worth it to me to get two builds this turn without a fuss and keep Italy localized to the south.", "Did italy tell you MAO would take Portugal?", "No. I haven't given them my opinion on the channel deal yet. But that would be what I'd suggest they do instead", "Alright. Would you be able to confirm that this is where MAO would go before I agree to a deal?", "I just sent Italy a message about it, so I'll see what they say.", "What has Italy been saying to you lately, by the way?", "He suggested some defensive tactics to me.", "Defensives against me? in Denmark? Or France in Iri? Or both?", "Both. He’s under the impression that we are not friendly after those last moves. I don’t plan to take his suggestion though", "I'm wondering if these defenses involve you not supporting Eng, which would kind of half-confirm the plot.", "They do involve me not supporting Eng.", "Italy said they are busy this weekend (hard for me to imagine people having a life, but it must be so) and won't get back to me til monday.", "Gotcha. I’m playin dnd this weekend, but i’m not sure that quite counts as having a life). I’ll probably be mostly offline through sunday evening just cause i really need a break from this game", "Umm the plan doesn't work btw. Gas is just going to cut the Par support that you promised me (this is the only useful thing it can do). So, no deal, unfortunately. I'll see if I can get last minute support in from Italy and let you know.", "I really don't think an attack from Gascony would be an issue, but I understand that your trust in France is much lower than mine. We could still work together somehow, though?", "In a tactical sense, anything else from Gascony would be a misfire. So not cutting the Paris support is just giving up Brest. I really don't think France is just going to hand Brest to me. I'm still waiting to see if I can get Italian support, in which case we're back in business. The alternative would be a more defensive move on my part (i really don't want to go down to 4 dots at this phase in the game).", "Ok. Hope you'll see this before noon. Italy has agreed to support into Bre. I also require Par support for this to go through. Do you agree to provide Par supports channel to Bre and Bel supports Nth to Channel? I will vacate Denmark if so", "Ok, well if I don't hear from you in the next couple of minutes, I won't assume the support and will play defensive.", "Sorry I'm trying to get verification from Italy but they're not responding. That's a good default plan", "I don't think you're going to get verification from Italy. Italy is online and talking to me though.", "Ok do I have your supports?", "Yes", "Deal on!", "Yep, Denmark going to Nth.", "got Italy confirmation...hope this goes through", "drum roll......", "Yay!", "wow an 11th-hour three-power deal (with a decieved france as a fourth) that actually went through as planned!", "Yeah. And although we had our hiccups, this was really about as good as we could have hoped the takedown to be from the beginning.", "do you think there's a chance Italy would give you Mao willingly this turn?", "There's a chance. I'm surprised by the fleet build btw.", "My plan is to eventually have only fleets along my northwest coast (they're more versatile in that context) and move the armies inland. \n\nSee what you can negotiate with Italy, but no matter what they say, I'd be prepared to use your full strength to get Nao into Mao, if that's what you want to do. (And in case it's not obvious, it's what *I* think you should do)", "To that end, I can support Eng and Bre holding.", "I appreciate the supports. Any idea what trouble France will be trying to cause?", "I imagine you'll get a request about Bre.", "France and Italy are probably not working together after last year's stab. But France has asked me if there's anything I want Pic to help with. So depending on your plans I *may* be able to push some help your way. I feel like Italy's 10 units kind of speak for themselves, so even though you and F have had your differences there's a good chance F will want to help you/us as the underdogs", "Yeah I mean this turn I don't know what Pic does to help me. Anti-Italian moves are MAO as you've described. What are your thoughts on supporting Bre to Gas from Par? This would require a lot of trust from you, but would make supporting into Spa possible in the fall.", "Does that mean you'd convoy into Bre? Because I can ask France to support that!", "But it would also mean you don't take a shot at Mao this turn, which is something I'd want to see.", "In this plan, I leave Bre open. I suppose that's too great a risk with France there?", "Well, especially if I'm asking for France's help, yeah. But even without revealing the plan, I still think it's a risk.", "Could you ask france for support into the channel maybe?", "Or say that you'll support France in?", "hmmm that could work! Then we only have to trust that Italy won't try and take Brest. Which isn't too far fetched since they *just* helped you take it", "Hmm, no there's an issue with the retreat if I dislodge MAO.", "Here's an idea. Tell France you're supporting Pic to Bre. Then just bounce Par in Bre.", "Elegant. I like it.", "Italy goes to IRI, but I can defend with the wales army", "Any thoughts on Russia btw? I imagine Swe is tempting", "It *is* tempting, but I'm not trying to fight Italy and Russia at the same time. And Russia's been pretty honest with me. So I'll leave it for now.", "That's fair. Any intel on italy btw? Where do your relations stand?", "Italy doesn't tell me anything unless they have something to gain from me. I asked if they were going to try and take the channel again and they denied it, but that could be fake news?", "Take it with French support? Otherwise it wouldn't make sense", "Well, I suppose I'm comfortable that Italy sees me as a friend on the board.", "You're right that *if* italy were to try that again, it would take a lot of negotiating to get France's favor. So probably you're right to not be concerned.", "Alright. I’ll be somewhat not available this evening, so can you confirm moves to make sure we’re on the same page?", "Paris supports Bre-Gas, Bel supports Eng holding, Ber-Mun, Mun-Bur", "WAIT NO (sorry I was making pie and lost track of this game): I'm waiting on confirmation from France about Pic-Bre, which I will bounce with Par-Bre", "making piedmont?", "And no worries", "haha I wish", "peach piedmont", "Sounds delicious", "France confirmed the move to Bre so the plan is a-go", "Ouch again! Care to have a chat?", "well you weren't exactly truthful either!", "I think we may need to face the fact that we're just not a good match", "I suppose you’re not interested in what I have to say then?", "No I am. Alls i’m saying is that we should both be taking grains of salt with each others’ words", "Yeah that’s fair. With what i’m about to disclose, regardless of whether you believe it or use the knowledge against me, I would ask that it be confidential from anyone else on the board (including the fact that I’m asking for this confidentiality). I know you’ve sent plenty of lies my way, but if you agree i’d really like it to be the truth this time.", "I promise not to mention it to anyone else; let’s hear it", "Ok just to be really specific about it: Can we agree on the story that we ceased communications. You said we’re not a good match and I said “suit yourself” and that was it? And can we also promise to not make the communication obvious without saying it exactly (e.g. “someone told me xyz” when only I could have known). And to be clear i’m agreeing to the confidentiality as well.", "Okay, sure. But there’s something I want to know (and I’ll keep my agreement now no matter what the answer):\nDid you in any way indicate to Italy that you knew/suspected the channel plot last year?", "No, he revealed the channel plot to me without me asking", "This was after you told me about it", "Well that makes no sense, because after I revealed it to you, Italy reiterated to me that they really did not want you to know about it.", "I think Italy wanted to be the one to tell me so he would keep my trust. I’d have to look to see whether this was revealed before or after Brest went through, but I know at least that before Brest I was confident he wasn’t going for the channel.", "Well anyway, what did you want to tell me? It stays between us, guaranteed, but I would reserve the right to move according to this information if I think it necessary", "Yeah that's totally fine. So last night I made a deal with the devil. One that he couldn't refuse. It's a lie that I will uphold it, but I think it's a convincing one.", "Okay, go on", "I told italy I would do everything in my power to get him the game. In exchange I asked to 1) be kept alive until the end and 2) get tips from him on how to play the game before my upcoming in-person game. I told him that MY win is about getting the best experience from this game so that I'm prepared for the in-person game (this is kind of true).", "Since then he's told me some pretty interesting things. I'll send you some quotes.", "\"that thing France said about my past successes: that was true. I do have a lot of experience and I have had a fair amount of success playing online diplomacy. I just did not want you thinking of me that way.\"", "\"I’ll also note, just cause I have nobody else to talk with about this: I worked REALLY hard on this last move. Germany wanted to take Brest, but if that happened, it would have cut support and prevented your army from leaving your island. So I had to convince Germany to support France to Brest, without telling her the real reason why. And I needed you to go to NAO so that you could not guard Liverpool. There were so many lies!\"", "\"To be completely honest, I directed just about everyone else’s moves on that turn! Russia is the one exception, but I basically knew what he was going to do. The best advice I have for someone who wants to get better at Diplomacy: just work hard. You can win by putting in more time and effort than everyone else. I have success by writing a lot to everyone all the time.\"", "\"I’m not going to lie about my moves to someone unless I am going to get a huge advantage out of it. But I spend most of the game trying to make everyone else on the board feel that I’m their closest ally, so a lot of what I say is a shade on the truth.\"", "That's what I got.", "And if italy continues to talk this way, I might have more to share, and would be happy to share it.", "Damn that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing!\nDid he say why he was so keen to have your army on the mainland?", "It's so it's not on the homeland.", "I’m surprised you were willing to do that. Why?", "Italy promised me Paris. You were going to go to Nth from Bel, and then France was going to retreat to Bel.", "Oh so italy screwed you! \nHe’ll do the same to me when the time comes. \n...would you be willing to give me some warning of when that is, if you’re involved in it? Ya know, just for the fun of sticking it to a master manipulator?", "I'd obviously prefer something a bit more collaborative than that. Italy will be at 12 SUPPLY CENTERS this fall. I'm not giving up on a mutually beneficial relationship here. Especially given that I may have some inside scoop from Italy for a while.", "13 if I help him into Brest.", "Well look, England, given that Italy or you could be talking crap at any moment, I see taking your supply centers as a more certain path to my survival than having your/his information. If you are actively going to help him take supply centers, then at best you’re surviving at the expense of making an enemy of everyone, because you’d be italy’s dog, not his ally. It’s your choice, though.", "I've not lied to you once this game. You can check the record with admin after if you're curious. Have I deceived you? Certainly. But I've not made explicit agreement to moves that I didn't follow through with. That includes Denmark (we had discussed strategy, and I said I'd confirm moves in the morning, and then I just never did, which I know was shitty). So I just want to be clear on that.", "Don’t quibble semantics with me! Deception’s deception and we’re *both* guilty of it. If anything, it makes me trust you less if you think mere technicality gives you the moral high ground here", "I'm not asking for moral high ground. I'm giving you my knowledge that my deception to you has historically taken the form of truth. If we work on being more explicit with our agreements, I think we can build trust there.", "And regardless of whether I'm italy's dog, I wouldn't be so sure of getting my supply centers. I can defend everything this year, and I may be able to hold you off next year as well. At that point, Italy's fleets may be in position to push you off the island.", "What I can't defend is Italy taking Liverpool.", "You can if you retreat to Edi?", "At least for this year", "No I can retreat to Skag if I want. I can bounce Edi from NWG and bounce london from the channel.", "So you're not saying you *cant* defend liverpool, just that you'd prefer not to. *Now* who's using imprecise language 😛", "No I can't. Italy is in MAO. My army is not on the island. He can get there in one move and I can't.", "NAO*", "you *can* if you retreat to Edi!", "or york even", "Oh wow you're right. That was dumb. Yes I can.", "York doesn't work because the move is illegal. Can't go around the coast like that.", "Oh and actually I was right. Edi applies in the same way", "Cly is in the way. Fleets have to move along the coast.", "wait, I'm confused. What? The unit displaced from Nth. You haven't given retreat orders yet. Go to Edi?", "Ohhhhhhh of course", "A fleet in Edi can't go to Lvp. An army could, but a fleet can't", "Yeah, you got it.", "That confused me for a second too.", "So if you're willing to collaborate, I've got some ideas, and would want to hear yours as well. I genuinely think working with me against Italy will be a better long-term strategy for you than working against Italy or alone. Italy is just too strong already. And, as I've said before, I'd like to see an underdog story.", "right now my retreat is to Skag, which will not raise any alarms on Italy's end. Is this alright with you or would you like to see something different?", "working with italy or alone*** for two messages ago", "updated to Nwy. More friendly to you.", "Well, that means a lot. \n...I take back what I said about wanting all your dots. I'm waiting for Italy to get back to me about strategy for this turn, and when he does I'll get back to you with what counter plan I can offer. I think this is going to be a turning point where I either commit fully against you or commit fully with you, and it hinges on what Italy is planning. Just know that I'm not going to offer a plan to you unless it's a real one. No contract-law trickery, no outright deceit. And if you don't hear from me, well, it's because we've *both* chosen the devil and our own glorious undoing at his hands", "Haha, this is fair. Best of luck in negotiations. Regardless of what you choose, I commit to offering you any counter-Italy intel I can gather.", "Would you be willing to also hear a plan offer from me?", "I am. And it stays between us, of course.", "So, broadly speaking, the alliance would involve Austria. And that means moving against Russia. We have a huge advantage going into Russia, which takes pressure off of Austria and allows austria to put pressure on Italy.", "Alright--haha I was just in a sandbox ordering you to move to sweden anyway 😃", "Hmm, you might lose Munich this year though.", "This has been noted.", "No specific intel there, just saying tactically it's a possibility. I don't know if italy would go for that. I mean we had discussed someone going to munich before his stab, but I don't know if that can be trusted", "Well before you and I started chatting Italy denied that he had any plans for munich this season, but his word isn't exactly his bond", "Yeah, not sure what he'll do there. It may be in his interest to remain neutral. Certainly if he catches any wind of what's going on, Munich is vulnerable. Maybe something to consider in setting up next year", "We get to choose what happens in Brest, which is great. And then the tricky bit is figuring out how to kick Italy off the island", "mhm. I was sort of depending on getting a build this turn, such that I'd have someone around to defend Mun. So I would be sacrificing that by working with you. I can convoy Holland to York?", "Let's get you in Brest then.", "You'd still have to dissolve somebody, then", "Go down to 4, sure. But if I go to sweden I stay at 4.", "I would like your help getting liverpool back if you convoy there, as opposed to having you take it. However, your army will be a little precarious on the island and will need a way off.", "convoy to yor*", "the threat of MAO to IRI will be a pain, but I think we can manage.", "Right--I wouldn't expect to get to take it (liverpool) if you're handing me Brest. \nAnd if Italy and I \"agree\" to a plan where he does some supporting from Mao, and he says nothing to you to contradict that plan, would you take that as enough proof that IRI is safe?", "Yeah, that makes sense. I'll let you know anything I hear from him. He's been quiet this morning. Ok I need to sign off for like a while to get work done. My fall moves under this plan will be Nwy to Swe, NWG to either Edi or Cly, Pic and Eng support Par to Bre,", "I think the plan I have in the works might be better than yours, so I'll get back to you later!", "Haha alright. Better for you or better for both of us?", "Worse for italy, equally good for me, potentially better for you.", "Alright, I'll be happy to hear it.", "New confidential italy quote: \"I suggest that you take Sweden, and I’m working on getting Belgium this turn too. It’ll be tricky to keep Germany from defending it, but I’m going to try.\"", "Did he have anything to say about you retreating to norway instead of skag?", "He was surprised, but not upset. I said my justification was that it was going to Sweden anyways and that I wanted to warm things up with Germany. Did you hear anything?", "Italy only just responded to me, so nothing yet.", "Still nothing from Italy, but if we *were* to have a plan, I think it should be this:\n\nEng s Bre-Mao, Bre-Mao, Pic-Bre, Par-Gas, Bur s Par-Gas, Nwy-Swe, Nwg-Cly, Nth c Hol-Edi", "Your promptness in reporting Italy's words to me plays to your advantage: if the next message from italy to me suggests I do something that leaves Belgium vulnerable, I'll pretty much be so revolted that I'll have no choice but to stab him", "Will continue to send things your way, though I’m not sure how much more i’ll hear. How come you prefer Edi to Bre? Your proposition seems to leave me more vulnerable.", "Also, thoughts on messaging to France? I’m thinking I’ll ask Italy what he wants me to say, and I’ll say that. I’ll also tell you what I say", "Ugh I *knew* you'd say that. (The vulnerability thing). Note the plan also leaves Paris wide open. We need to *trust* each other. But it makes more sense for Paris to move to Gascony to put some pressure on or--dare I dream it--take marseilles and the southern holdings. Since France might go poof next near it is better for *me* to be there.", "And in order to help your ouster from liverpool I needed somebody on the island anyway. You're pretty much equally vulnerable whether they're in york or edi", "As for French messaging, I'm not really sure. I only just messaged them for the first time this season (they asked me first what I'd like them to do), telling them basically what I've told you (that I stand at the crossroads of either playing Italy's game or fighting back with your help). I'm waiting to hear which they think I should do. If you want to urge them to help our plot, that's your prerogative.", "France was expressing anti-Italian sentiments to me. Italy told me to respond anti-Italian, so that’s what i’ll do. My thought about Edi is that if you were to go to york and the rest of the plan stays the same, we get another unit to fight with. I could build an army in Edi, for example. Do you feel like you need Edi as collateral? I’m with you all the way on this plan, so i’m willing to be flexible, but I do like to understand what you’re thinking.", "Same as I was thinking before: I need a build so someone's around to defend Munich. you were willing to part with Brest and let me into york, so I don't see why parting with Edi (temporarily!!) is really all that different", "Alright. Can we agree on when I get it back? And how confident are you in holding Mun this year?", "This just in from Italy: \"France is ordering Brest to Channel. Germany is ordering Burg S Bel and convoying Holland to Yorkshire....!\"", "And the follow-up: \"So here is the move: Norway - Swe, Pic S Channel - Belgium, Mar - Bur to cut support, Gas to Bre to block the Paris move. \"", "Italy's playing us both, you can believe that. He fed me the moves you specified, then turned around and fed them to you. He only gains by playing off both of us. Well, fuck 'em.", "sorry for swearing.", "No swearing is fine if it's against Italy. Have you made your decision then?", "And I'm a little confused about what you mean by sending us both the same moves.", "I mean he said \"here's what I suggest: [the moves you sent me just now]\" and I said \"okay sure!\" because deception is important in this game, i'm told. Then he told you the moves, then you told them to me! \nBut because he suggested leaving Bel undefended and you *warned* me about it, I had made up my mind in that moment.", "Gotcha. So we're both sworn to take down Italy? I certainly am.", "I also have a bad feeling you'll be losing Mun this turn. Have you talked to Russia about it?", "I'm going tell Italy I agree to the proposition. Sound good?", "He's as slimy as spaghetti al'olio and he needs to be knocked down a peg. Plan on!\n\nThere's nothing whatsoever I can offer russia right now. So no, I didn't bother talking to them about it. Either it happens or it doesn't, far as I'm concerned", "And yes please tell Italy you agree to those moves. I love a good surprise.", "*okay to be clear plan is not on til I hear back from France. But *I'm* on board.", "Plan is not on, but working together against Italy definitely on?", "On like beans on an English breakfast plate", "Ok, I'm going to take your word for it that English breakfast has beans", "What do you think about Par support Bre to Gas?", "If I get into Bre, this will leave Gas vacant. The planned Bur support of Par won't go through based on Italy's moves", "From italy: \"Germany is now fishing for info from me about our relationship. Does she know that we are still talking? I’d like to tell her that you’re mad at me and you will tell me nothing, but we must keep our stories straight.\"", "All I said was \"Do you know anything about what England's planning?\" so he has no idea we talk", "I just wanted to see if he'd be honest with me. Of course he's covering his ass by asking you first.", "Yeah I believe it. I'm going to respond and say that we shored up discussions this morning (which is what we originally planned the story to be)", "wait I thought 'shored up' meant 'repaired or fortified'? do you mean like 'shuttered discussions'?", "Oh you're probably right. I should work on my idioms", "I mean that you basically said \"I don't think we can be good allies\", and I was like \"But, but.... \" and you didn't get back to me", "lol so I'll make sure not to use the same idiom as you if Italy asks *me* if you and I talk!", "yep that's the story", "My reply: \"No, but I'd bet she'd assume it. We didn't have much to say to each other this morning. I tried to be friendly but she was kinda straight up about saying that an alliance wasn't going to work out. And I sent a message back but haven't heard anything. So I'd imagine she'd think I'm not just sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Up to you how to spin it though.\"", "Oh, and I'm sure he'll spin me something pretty, all right.", "Yeah, we'll see. And the Bre to Gas move I brought up? (repeating so it doesn't get buried)", "If we can trust Italy's reported moves, it's the right call. I'd say it's our best option.\n\n...and something that *did* get buried: I'm willing to move out of Edi during the upcoming fall. I'll dissolve my Nth fleet since its only real purpose was stabbing you anyway", "Perfect. And who gets Lvp next fall?", "And do you think France will do the move? I'd rather you suggest it so I keep a low profile.", "I still haven't heard from France. And we already agreed that you take liverpool.", "Ok great. I didn't remember if we'd explicitly brought it up. I think all of this will work out well if we get France on board. I'm attacking MAO from Channel in preparation for a supported move to Bre (Italy didn't mention the MAO moves, and I'd rather not ask at this point).", "OMG I thought adjudication was midnight tonight. We've got so much time. I'll be offline for a while (or I should be, cause I need to stop blowing off work). I've ordered:\nF ENG - MAO\nF NWG - Cly\nF Nwy - Swe\nA Pic - Bre\n\nBut we'll obviously discuss as adjudication approaches/we learn more.", "New Italy message: \"Hmmm, Germany is backing off the bait. I think we will have to change our plan.\"", "Well that's not true! But i *did* just disagree to something he wanted me to do in Munich...", "Hang on this is good: we're gonna see what his real priorities are! He wanted me to cut support from Boh, and I refused.", "\"Not sure yet, but she is not going to leave Belgium unguarded so that won’t work.\"", "Okay so he's trying to get you to change your moves regarding Pic and the channel...", "Yeah. Will be interested to see what he says.", "Ok signing off for a few hours now.", "Okay so I'm trying a little experiment: I told Italy that the last message you sent me hinted that if *I* didn't work with you, maybe Italy would. I said that knowing this, I *know* there's more than what he claims going on with the two of you. There's a chance he'll tell *me* some \"expected\" moves of yours, and between what he tells me and what he tells you, we'll know exactly what he's planning. Or at least get a better sense of it.", "Nice. Ok italy’s response is consistent with what you said.", "[sigh] please tell me you didn’t tell him everything.", "Here's what I said, verbatim (it's long...hope it doesn't break the bot):\n\nBut England's desperate. Better to talk with someone than just go in blind. And I doubt they'd turn to Russia or France because neither is really close enough/powerful enough to give real help. And there's precedent for you negotiating with someone even as you stab them: France.\n\n...and here's the real accusation: for all your pretty words about a shared victory between you and me, you've been sneaky and you've always pitted me and England against each other to your benefit. My real fear here is that knowing my moves, and with a desperate, jovial England seeking your advice, it would be so easy to just feed England enough info to keep me weak while you chow down on the Island. \n\nI know this from experience: back when you were doing 50/50 shots in the south of France, I did everything I could to find out what you were planning and feed it to France. This was merely a time-buying measure, since France was outmatched and I would eventually run out of pretenses to extract your move. But I wanted to gain more dots before you took over. And I assume others are like me, hence I suspect you now. \n\nI'm offering this confession in hopes that you'll do the same. So just come clean and let's approach this thing as equals?", "I may have gone a little overboard but all my reasoning and everything I say is factual. So he has no reason to suspect you as long as you insist we don't talk", "Alright that adds up. Something about getting a message from italy about it right after you sending me that made me a little nervous. I’ve explained that we don’t talk", "I've confronted him before about deliberately pitting us against each other, so he knows I've always been suspicious of your relationship", "Gotcha. Ok he said that you were pressing hard for moves, and that he would respond that we’re friendly but haven’t discussed particular moves", "yeah that's been his line so far. The lying bastard.", "In fairness he doesn’t know my actual moves haha. Still nothing from France? Nothing from my end", "Yeah radio silence. France might have a life/better work ethic than any of us. Or maybe just doesn't care about this game anymore.", "Haha yeah. Well if we hear nothing that may be cause for concern. If i’m not in brest this fall, i’ll have a disband", "But speaking of work ethic, i am gone until tomorrow (for real this time). Let’s reconvene in the morning", "Ok sounds good", "So...Italy really did not take kindly to my confession. I retaliated with “if you don’t trust me, so be it! But i’m not going to just roll over and let you dominate this game”\n\nYou can cement italy’s trust of you in the morning by reporting that I’ve approached you with a plan. We can talk about what form that plan should take, or you can just feed Italy anything but the truth. \n\nFrance is on board with the stab just fyi. Happy to leave Brest if they’re to be believed, and I think they are.", "Ok. Where did France say he would go from Bre?", "Gas. That’s still the plan right?", "Updates on my end: France asked for my preference on where to go. I told italy this. I asked italy what i should say back. Italy said it shouldn’t matter because he believes france is lying.", "Yes, Gas is the plan.", "Well if you tell France anything other than gas I look like a liar", "I will tell france Gas as well. And it seems like italy is indifferent about what I say, so it shouldn’t raise any eyebrows there.", "Now what plan would hypothetical you approach me with??", "I *don’t* think you should tell italy France’s real move. Is it too late?", "Gimme a bit to fabricate a good hypothetical plan...", "Not too late. But then i worry about what to tell France. I suppose if France is a spy we’re doomed anyways. But it would be bad to be found out before the stab.", "What if i just don’t respond to france?", "Also, i’m going to ask italy for any update on the state of belgium as if I haven’t received a plan from you yet. And then when we’re ready with the plan i’ll say you messaged me.", "If france is a spy we’re royally fucked. I’m 95% sure that’s not the case.", "Please lie to italy", "I will. Should i reply to france though?", "Also i think when you have a fake plan, you should type the message up to me like you’re asking for real. That way i have it on hand to send to italy.", "Okay. Please reply to france. I’m going to sleep", "I told france. If italy asks what i told france, i will say something different. But I don’t think he’ll ask.", "Hi England,\nI know that the last thing I said to you was that a partnership between us wouldn't work out, but I've had a genuine change of heart. The reason for that is that I think Italy is far more duplicitous than any of us ever realized; right now they may be promising you that you'll take centers of mine, and maybe even that you two will share a victory together. This is my guess because these are the promises they made to me not so long ago. But we both need to face facts: Italy has never hesitated to profit from discord between us, and will always aid the weaker of us at the expense of the stronger. \nIf you're tired of being manipulated in a game Italy feels they own, I have a proposal that might get us both destroyed, but at least we'll have stuck up for ourselves and perhaps minorly inconvenienced Italy on their path to victory. This proposal involves France, who is more than willing to use their last few turns to fight back against Italy. Trusting them may be a hard sell, but so is trusting me. If I were really trying to trick you, I wouldn't ask something so unreasonable as that you trust us both. But frankly I consider knocking Italy down a peg to be the sole most urgent thing we can do to keep this game viable for any of us. \nMy proposal is: NWG-Cly, Nth convoy Hol-Yor, Eng-IRI or Wal, Bel s Bre-Eng, Pic-Bre, Par-Pic, Bur-Par, Mun-Bur (I figure I'm about to lose Mun anyway, and if that happens I'll disband my Hel fleet)\nNext year we'll be well-positioned to boot Italy off the island and the iberian. What do you think?", "(this part is not for copy-pasting to Italy) I designed this plan to make it look safe for Italy to convoy Gas-Lvp. I know this is what they'd really like to do. I think we need to do everything we can to try and disrupt this. I know it's a riskier move trying to assist Bre into Mao but I think it's the right one. I also think that for *extra* insurance NWG should poke NAO, because worst-case scenario Italy doesn't try the convoy and moves Nao-Lvp and also moves Mao-Nao to bounce. This guarantees Bre makes it into Mao which strengthens our ability to take the southern holdings, and at worst only sets you back a turn in terms of kicking Italy out of Liverpool. In exchange for doing this riskier move, I agree to convoy to york instead of Edi and give up my build. That part of the fake plan is actually true", "Italy is telling me to expect a bounce in Bre. So that’s not consistent with the convoy idea. Maybe he’s lying?", "But i haven’t sent the plan yet", "So all he says is \"expect a bounce\"? He could think *I'm* going to try and take it from you. And this could be further misdirection about the convoy.", "Italy can't make a bounce if we attack Mao and Gas at the same time, which the real plan has us doing", "That’s fair, it could be a bounce we expect from you. Keep in mind that the French fleet disbands in the fall, assuming it leaves Bre. So if it gets into MAO, it will then vacate by spring", "Better to vacate Mao than Gas, I think.", "Hmm, i mean if we really think it’s a convoy, disrupting the convoy is a great option. You’re saying i support Bre from channel? And let me see how Italy responds to the message", "Yes, you'd support Bre from the channel. and Bel will support the channel.", "I also don’t think hitting NAO makes sense. Then we won’t be able to take Lvp next spring", "sometimes it's like you don't even read my messages. I acknowledge that. We'd have to wait til fall. I'm making a sacrifice too by convoying to york instead of Edi, and I'm willing to do that because I think it's the right move. Even if there's not a convoy, there's still a chance you fall into Nao which is advantageous.", "The way I see it we don't stand a chance unless we can take mao and start beating Italy back into the mediterranean", "You didn’t make it clear that Yor was a real move.", "I said: \"In exchange for doing this riskier move, I agree to convoy to york instead of Edi and give up my build\", how can I get clearer than that?", "Whoops haha. I’m still in bed looking on my phone and it’s a lot of text.", "I know. Sorry, I get wordy when I'm on the war path", "It’s quite alright. Do you think it’s worth saying anything to germany? If you’re confident that the convoy is the move, what additional edge do we get by sharing fake info?", "You mean to Italy? I do think it's worth it, because Italy will realize that I'll turn to you if I'm no longer allied with him. By reporting the plan, you cement Italy's trust in *you*. If you didn't report the plan, Italy'd suspect you. It also gives Italy a false sense of confidence in what I'll do.\n\nTentative request: after the stab goes through, do I have your permission to send Italy the quotes from Italy that you've sent me? Italy went to *such lengths* to defend himself and make *me* feel guilty for questioning him, and the sheer hypocrisy of it is so revolting. I want to throw his own betrayal back in his face. I figure he's not going to trust you after the stab anyway.", "furthermore, Italy may respond to my plan by offering *you* moves to counter it, and you can bet that the moves offered will turn to Italy's benefit. We can see if these moves keep you away from Mao and Nao, which will further confirm Italy's got his eyes on the convoy", "Ok i have to get to campus. Let me send the quote to italy and then i’ll process all this and respond later.", "Oh and one more thing: as long as we think the convoy is the real move, we also know that Spain is gonna support Mao, unless Italy is really really cocky. So I'll need to support you into Bre with Paris to make sure you get there. This means Burgundy will have to try for Gas unsupported, but again, if we're confident the convoy is the play i'm willing to risk it", "I've told France the new move is to Mao and France confirmed. So, the moves the plan needs from you are:\n\nEng s Bre-Mao (Bel will support Eng holding)\nPic-Bre (Paris will support)\nNwy-Swe\nNwg-Nao\n\nLet me know if you take issue with any of these, or if you ever hear back from Italy. \nWe have a shot that at least one of these moves will get us somewhere. But I recognize this plan is nowhere near as sure a thing as if you just cooperated with Italy. I want to give you one last chance to back out.", "Alright I'm online now. Give me a moment to process everything.", "Ok, all of this looks good to me.", "Great! Note that you actually gain a build with this plan. So even if the move to Nao doesn't pan out, you can just build an army in Edi and use that to take back lvp", "Yeah that's what I'm thinking. If we dislodge the convoy, I get two! You really think Italy won't try to snag Por?", "Entered moves:\nF ENG S Bre - MAO\nF NWG - NAO\nF Nwy - Swe\nA Pic - Bre", "If they're convoying, I would bet not. If they're not convoying, then perhaps, but I think an open Mao is still better than an Italian mao. \n\nThose moves look good! No word from Italy?", "From Italy: \"Okay, I think that’s the right move. This is the first turn in a while that is fairly unpredictable from my point of view. It would be really great if you wind up with a build.\"", "wait, he thinks *what* is the right move?", "I said I'd agree to your proposal but instead move to London and Edi, expecting one of them to bounce.", "Brilliant. Let's hope he buys it", "He definitely trusts me, which is why I think no support from Spa is a possibility. Like if he really trusts me going to london, why wouldn't he go for it?", "Also, I'm really hoping you won't lose Mun. That would cause some problems.", "Can you copy in your set of moves just so I can see the summary? If there's any you want to strike from the record out of paranoia, I totally understand.", "Full record:\nF Bel S ENG\n\nA Bur - Gas\n\nF HEL - Kie\n\nA Hol - Yor\n\nA Mun - Tyr\n\nF NTH C Hol - Yor\n\nA Par S Pic - Bre", "Cool. I guess the support in Bel is only relevant if MAO surprises with supporting Bre in or something like that", "right and I have a weird bias for having my units *do* something other than hold.", "I also wanted to talk post-war relations since you brought that up. My ideal would be total silence to Italy from both of us. As tempting as it is to gloat, Italy will use any gloating we do to convince others on the board that we're schemers, unreliable, sharing intel at an absurd level etc.", "We also should start courting Austria once the moves go through", "post-stab relations*", "we can try to court Austria, but should do so with extreme trepidation lest anything get shared with Italy", "Yeah no sharing of specific moves with Austria, at least not at the beginning. But the alliance is natural since I'm moving against Russia and we're both moving against italy. And we really want it to be a solid 3 on 2.", "Nicely done. Thoughts on the silence to italy idea?", "Also, austria just took a beating", "Accurate. We should sent condolences their way.", "And I won't speak to Italy", "Ok. I won't either. He's going to be sending some nasty-grams our way I'm sure.", "yeah if you get a juicy one send it to me!", "ugh I'm kicking myself I wish i'd supported Bur-Gas. But hindsight's 20/20", "So maybe try to cool it with Russia...I'm thinking we're gonna need to go 4 on one if we want a shot at stopping him", "Yeah i’ll try to be amicable with russia. I feel like you’ll have more sway since you didn’t just take his territory", "Italy just said “well played”", "Well he's correct about that", "And I'm trying to make overtures to Russia and Austria right now", "Haha yeah. I agree that taking down Italy will be tough even if he’s operating mostly alone.", "Italy to me: \"Well, this game just got less fun\"", "Haha. Still figuring out what builds will be. Trying to piece together a plan to get you a build from Italy this year, but it looks like that may be a challenge. We'll have to make a couple of good guesses.", "I think your builds are pretty obvious, right? Fleet in Lvp, army in Edi? \nIn spring, I'll support Edi into Lvp. Meanwhile Lvp moves IRI with support from the channel and Nwg pokes Nao.", "With your permission, I'll move Nth-Edi and then Edi-Cly in the fall. This way we can shove Italy out of Nao come next spring.", "I agree with the builds, and I'll review the tactics. We really need an italian disband this year to break the line. With what you've presented we won't get Spa or Mar, and by next spring we may have Italy in Lyo and Wes. Not sure if we have a better option on our end, but I'll keep thinking.", "Right I don't think there's much we can do about the south besides get one of us in gascony and put a fleet in Brest and hope for the best.", "Nevermind: it's better I think to risk Italy in Nwg, since that's actually not a huge threat. Nwg should go to Edi and Nth should go to Lon. Dammit, we'd be in such a better position if I hadn't been so paranoid that Russia would move to Munich! Then I'd have kept my fleet in Hel", "Was just running through some tactics. I think I found an issue, but I want to check with you. Suppose Italy ends up with Fleet in Portugal, army in spain, fleet in lyo, fleet in wes, army mar. I think this is a stalemate line. And I don't think we can do anything to stop Italy from forming it.", "I mean you could mess with North Africa from MAO I guess. But at that point we're looking at Tunis as the next build on our front. And that only works if neither NAO nor IRI gets behind the line.", "Fingers crossed you can find a flaw in my thinking.", "I guess the point is that no amount of cleverness is going to get us those dots until we see disbands (if my thinking is correct, of course)", "I think you’re right—if dots is what you’re after, you’re better off stabbing me and Russia than collaborating. But I think you’ll that just getting italy under control takes priority. Russia and Austria might see some dots, but if we do it’ll take a lot longer", "I agree i could stab russia with moves on st p or something. I’m not in great tactical position to stab you right now if i wanted to. No question that italy’s the target. But we’ll be dancing with those fleets until they’re off the board from a loss of supply centers. That changes my thinking about our moves a bit.", "I know for a fact we can disband at least one of the fleets. I ran quite a few sandboxes in lieu of working today and I'll share moves in the morning.", "Yeah if you found one, that’s great. Let me know", "woah, all armies from italy. I guess I was seeing things through the lens of the worst he could do to us.", "Given that the beta test ends in 1909, what are your goals? Just duke it out until then?", "was not aware of that! But yeah, I'll just go down fighting Italy like hopefully everyone else.", "That's pretty disappointing this game was just getting good", "Yeah admin said this in the general thread a while back. I agree it’s a bit of a shame to see it cut short. But i suppose we’re just the beta testers. I will be glad to be finished though. It was fun, but like WAY too much distraction and stress haha.", "Would you play online again after all this?", "I’m not sure I would.", "I think I would! you're right that it's way too much distraction but, hey, it keeps me off the streets", "Hmm something tells me that you wouldn’t otherwise be out committing violent crimes haha. But then again how well do i really know you from playing a lying game. I will say I’d be down to do an in-person one with CS students at some point.", "Btw all other powers (me included) will be setting for a 5-way draw this move.", "I had been thinking the same thing! Do you know anyone besides me and admin at UMD who plays?\n\nUh huh...sureee they will", "AFAIK there's no drawback to submitting the draw order (if you're ok with the outcome). If there's not consensus, play just continues as normal. Well I think admin' adviser has played. I know [redacted] had expressed interest in playing. Not sure about students though.", "And I'm sure I could recruit a couple of non-UMD friends to play.", "I'm on board with the five-way draw, by the way. \n\nAnd I think there's a couple board game enthusiasts in my lab who may not have played this particular game before but would probably like it...if you don't mind playing with new people", "Yeah always down to play with new folks. And I’m down for the draw as well", "Reply all to Italy's message: First, if you didn't get a message from Italy claiming to have been sent to the whole board, please let me know. I'm down for the draw that he has proposed. I'd also like to add that I'll be checking the \"Adjudicate once all powers have issued orders\" box. If everyone does this maybe we don't have to wait until Sunday night to have this resolved! I'm not so confident as to issue a hold for all of my units, but will be submitting for the 5-way draw. Really enjoyed playing with you all, but I'm exhausted and ready to finish and see the stats.", ":’( we were supposed to hug it out!! Any idea who wasn’t on board?", "Sorry for not coordinating moves. I really thought the game was gonna be over", "So did I! And I have no clue who wasn't on board", "I guess we try the draw again?? I suppose it’s possible a game could be set up to not support the regular draw settings. I dunno.", "Not sure your interest level in the game at this point, but we should at least make sure italy doesn’t win right?", "can italy take five centers this turn??", "Nah, but maybe admin will be like “oh btw let’s go until 1914 now!”.", "Any guesses on who is holding out on the draw?", "who keeps screwing with the draw though! Do you think Italy suggested it just to mess with all of us?", "oh haha we just asked the same thing", "That’s my best guess. He’s kind of the only one with the incentive to keep it going. And with his winning track record, probably the only one who cares enough to be this sneaky", "well I'm honestly not invested enough to care if that happens anyway", "I’m not very invested either, but i’d rather not see italy win, especially if this is how he did it", "well let me know if there's anything you want me to do, then", "Ok, will do. We’ve got a day before the next move", "I think", "Ok would you be up for: Paris support Brest Hold, and then get one of your fleets into the channel? And then don't go to Nth as I'll be moving Nth to NWG and Denmark to Nth to make sure he can't break through in the north? Yor holds?", "Pic support Brest hold as well would guarantee that he can't take it from the channel.", "Pic needs to support paris but other than that Ok", "Pic can't, since it's a fleet.", "I'm supporting paris from brest", "oh right---ok thanks", "And actually can Yor support Wales?", "Yep!", "Great! Glad we're doing this since I think otherwise italy has a serious shot at 18 by the end of 1910.", "Wait I'm actually doing our moves wrong if we want to hold paris. I need to attack Gas from Bre. Otherwise, Eng cuts Bre support, Gas supports Bur to Par. So I'm going to do that instead.", "I'm doing my moves wrong*", "Par to Gas is a good move paired with that. Cuts support for either the Bre or Par attack from Italy, and the armies will bounce right back to where they came from. Up to you though.", "Looks like it all worked. A little surprised about the supported move into brest. Do you want it?", "Looking at the board a bit more, we'll have to be clever to keep Italy from any more centers on our side of the board. I think the following will do it: Bre and Par to Gas, Ruh to Bur, channel to MAO, NTH to NWG. We can ask russia to attack Tyr to cut support (Tri is going to fall anyways). I can hold the island as long as Yor doesn't attack me.", "The Brest support was just in case Italy moves Gas into Brest supported by Eng. I should have realized that with Lon moving to Eng that move would not have gone through anyway, but I'm not paying as much attention to this game anymore.", "And okay your plan seems to make sense but I'll check...", "Cool, sounds good.", "okay submitted those moves", "I'm doing same moves as last time, except for supporting Wales to IRI" ]
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[ "Hey there. What are your thoughts on an anti-English opening, like a sea lion, as Germany? If you enjoy something like that then we might make good allies.", "Bonjour--not sure what a 'sea lion' is!", "It's when a lion is stranded at sea, like in the life of pi.", "That was a tiger. Let me know what you'd like me to do--I imagine it involves letting you take Belgium?", "Good point. Sea tiger sounds more menacing anyway. \n\nIt all depends on how you like to play Germany and your relationship with Russia. I can be flexible, and if it makes sense for me to have Belgium to set up for a future play then that is good with me.", "Admittedly, I've never played this game before! Don't go spreading that around", "You sound experienced for someone who is playing the game for the first time- I'm sure few people would be able to tell.", "I appreciate that, mon ami!", "Nice moves. What are your thoughts on the map?", "Well I'm wondering what you're up to in Burgundy, for starters", "Haha. I was looking to secure a position on Belgium and it seemed like the best way to do it. Depending on your plans, I could take Belgium with Burgundy, which could set us up nicely to work together", "Sorry for the late reply, the bot was down.", "I think taking Belgium with Burgundy would be wise", "That sounds ominous. What are your thoughts on England", "Any plans for Holland? Would you want to support Burgundy to Belgium? It's hard to read you and I'm not sure what you are planning", "So much for being wise 😂 😂", "Can we have a conversation at some point? I'd love to figure things out with you", "Sorry--I was out last night and couldn't answer your questions!\n\nI was cagey because I still have no sense of who to trust and who not to. But I'd like to trust you if you think you can trust me too. I understand if not because of my unannounced visit to Burgundy...I was just attempting to have some insurance in case there was funny business", "Thanks for getting back to me- and no worries. Hopefully when the deadline is moved away from midnight it will be a bit easier lol. To be totally fair to you, you never actually said you wouldn't move to Burgundy. For me it isn't a trust issue but a communication issue, which I think can be easily fixed.", "Have you been talking to England at all?", "I did: England tried to make a deal with me to take Belgium (I was supposed to support E's move from the north sea while attacking Burgundy), but we both reneged.", "I see. I ask since I have a feeling England might be playing us against eachother. He also asked for support to Belgium Lol. For now I'm building armies, but maybe we can get to a point where we can re-establish a border between us.", "I'd rather settle the matter of Burgundy diplomatically rather than with force. Any chance you will consider withdrawing from Burgundy?", "The one thing I think neither of us can afford is a war of armies. We would be giving away the entire ocean to England's units, and there's an Italian/Austrian coalition growing that will be a concern in the long run", "I gotta say France, right now it seems like the best move for me is to work against you so I’m not so hemmed in.", "That said, I’m no strategist. What are your thoughts?", "Let's say you built armies in Munich and Kiel and started marching in my direction. These armies can't go on water, they can't move past Gascony/Paris/Marseilles as my units will soon be there, and so the only places to go for your armies are Ruhr... and that's about it. Isn't this a huge traffic jam? Wouldn't you be hemming yourself in even more by building armies? That's what I mean by it will be devastating to both of us to get into an army war and let England control the entire ocean. We're bidding over such a small area of land.", "One option for we could consider is that I could dislodge your army and you could choose to remove it from the board. That way, you could build it in a place where you might need it more if you are feeling hemmed-in.", "No thanks, I don't think that's in my best interest right now", "Ok. Sounds like you've already made up your mind about things. Let me know when that changes.", "Not sure what your plan is. I'm covering Marseilles, Paris, and Belgium so you have no chance to take a supply center this turn.", "The bot was down but I meant to contact you earlier", "You put up quite a strong defense against me, which I'm sure was your goal", "I was suprised you retreated to Munich over Marseilles that one turn but it worked out for you", "I want to help you protect your supply centers if that is alright with you.", "Why do you want to help me?", "I'm worried about England, and you are frankly one of the only things stopping him from attacking me. I'm just looking at it rationally: what is England going to do with all those fleets? I wish we were able to work something out so that both of us would have some fleets at least. But rihgt now England has 4 fleets and you have 1 and I have 2. And he's going to blow up your fleet in Holland this turn, it's basically a guarantee.", "Let's say he gets 2 builds and builds 2 fleets. Am I going to be able to stop him, even if Russia and I team up? He'll dominate the entire ocean.", "At that point, it really won't matter how many supply centers I take from you because I won't be able to prevent an English fleet invasion.", "I mean, what are your thoughts on the whole situation?", "We should talk more. I'm not lying about wanting to help you, but it's hard because you aren't talking to me, and everything you have done so far this game seems to have been against me.", "well fat lot of good it's done me. I think you're right about the danger of letting England control the sea. But I'm not sure what I in my current state can do about it", "Can Helgoland Blight move to the North Sea? This would cut support, allowing me to take the English Channel.", "It could, but that would leave holland undefended", "Hmm. That's a good point. And Kiel is probably busy defending Berlin/Munich since Russia is in the Baltic and Silesia and could double team you with Italy. It's funny, there are so many units at your doorstep, but you might end up keeping all your dots this turn.", "I assumed you were working with England somewhat after last turn, since it seemed like he could have guaranteed Holland and chose not to.", "If supporting Munich is what is preventing Kiel from blocking Holland, I can support Munich", "That wouldn't be enough: I need to defend munich *and* berlin somehow and there's no way to do both without Kiel", "Yeah, you are right, I can't think of a way to do it either. No worries, we can try something next turn depending on how the moves turn out.", "Well. You did well for yourself that turn 🙂. Really impressive diplomacy", "I want to apologize for entering Ruhr- I wasn't sure what else to do honestly. I should have given you a heads up and that's my fault. I'm sorry.", "And it's ended up being doubly bad as now I'm a turn behind in terms of defending myself with Italy coming after Iberia and all. sigh.", "I think we are at the point where we should talk about working together. If you want a decent result, I think your best bet is to work with me.", "I honestly do, since I think your growth potential is going to be limited by the fact that we both have way too many armies and not enough fleets. So this means that your growth is limited to Paris/Belgium, and that's if you make it past 4 armies.", "What I'm trying to say is that the big winners are Italy and England.", "We're the big losers. There's almost nothing we can do. Unless Russia, you, and I plug the holes in our defenses by working together.", "Have you talked to russia at all about this?", "What would you want me to do this year?", "Hi France--wanted to confirm our plan for this season and next: I disrupt Nth support from Holland, and in exchange you'll kindly scooch out of Belgium in the fall (into Ruhr, I imagine)? At which point I'll build a fleet in Holland?", "Actually, I'd have to build the fleet in Kiel, I think", "1. I have. We're both trying our best to defend ourselves from England- we're too far from eachother for tactical manuevering but so far we've managed to avoid any losses", "2. Despite Italian incoming invasion, I am still completely focused on taking the Channel, as that will give me much needed breathing room. If Holland can move to the North Sea, it will cut support and I will take EC", "3. I am withdrawing from Ruhr. I know this leaves me open to you taking it back and working with England to capture Belgium in the fall. I can't think of another way to get you a center, so my promise is that if the board doesn't shake up somehow I'll give you Belgium either this turn or next turn on the condition that you build a fleet", "That's correct, you can build a fleet from Kiel or from Berlin but not from Holland. You need to make sure one of those is vacated during the Winter phase. Vacating Kiel can be dangerous as England is in Denmark and could in theory take Kiel from you.", "I will vacate Belgium in the fall for you. Not yet sure what the best way to do it would be to make sure we don't lose it or Holland to an English fleet.", "I know England has their eye on sweden so we'll see how that baltic region shapes up next turn and that will determine where I build my fleet.", "it's risky, but I think I'll be safe leaving Berlin vulnerable to Russia in the fall...let me know if you hear/think otherwise when that time comes", "Will do. I definitely agree, I spoke with Russia briefly and I believe he intends to leave you alone from now on.", "Good guy russia. sorry if you've been watching me type, I've been starting to ask you questions and then confirming their answers for myself in a sandbox! 😂", "No worries. Feel free to ask anyhing- though the sandbox is really helpful too 🙂", "Okay--real question: assuming you take the channel with Brest an then England retreats to London, aren't you going to just lose the channel anyway?", "oh wait nevermind I can prevent that if I keep my fleet in Holland and prevent Nth support twice. But this means I need to move Kiel into Ruhr during the spring to take my sweet, promised belgium in the fall. Picardy will have to support my movement of Ruhr into Belgium and you'll have to disband the unit. That's all fine, right?", "BUUUT England could foresee this and support with the london fleet and move with which case, at least they lose Nth, I guess.", "Great point. I will have to disband a unit anyway in the fall after losing Belgium, so it won't matter if I need to pull it.", "Losing the channel might be rough, that's true. Hmm, I actually hadn't thought too much about it. I think if he does that at the very least I can retreat into Wales and threaten Liverpool (assuming that Wales goes to cover London)", "Give me a reason to defend myself against Italy. As it stands, I'm just going to let him solo.", "What do you think Italy is going to do once he kills me?", "Don't you agree that Austria will need somewhere to go with all his armies?", "I swear. I'm trying my hardest to work with you.", "Look. I will defend myself against Italy. But I need to know that I will be in the draw. If you and England are just going to fuck me from behind, then there is no incentive for me to defend myself against Italy.", "Hey, I really am sorry about the stab. You probably won't believe me but let me explain myself:\n\nI knew I was making a deal with the devil when I agreed to help England, but England, Italy, Austria, and Russia were/are basically all allied and I figured it was either you or me they turned on. The turning point was when I realized that after I stab England you might not even hold the channel anyway. I couldn't afford to risk fury from all sides. \n\nBut now I'm in a potentially very good position for you: England and Italy *trust* me. I am in the process of finding out--under no suspicion, mind you, because of our alliance and shared plans--their moves for this season. Once I learn those, I can relay them to you.", "Doing so would clearly be in my interest. The longer you're in the running, the longer I escape getting devoured myself on three or more fronts.", "If you manage to look just lucky or smart by making the right moves to counter their attacks this season, I can continue to double-agent and help keep you defended and possibly even expanded into England.\n\nI just spoke with England and I can confirm that you will be able to take the channel if you want to--they're supporting me into Belgium from Nth. \n\nI can't be as direct asking this of Italy, but I'm trying to figure out whether they're going to use the lion's share of their force against Marseilles or Spain. If I can figure this out you may have a better chance of holding.\n\nI'm going to send the info your way whether you believe me or not.", "Ok. I get that- I'm sorry for not explaining it well. Losing the channel doesn't matter to me. It gives me excellent retreat options and allows me to defend myself against Italy without worrying about what England is up to.", "There's no way Russia is allied with Italy and Austria. Just look at how aggressive Austria is in attacking Russia...", "Nothing can be done at this point though. Thanks for the offer of intel- this is basically all I wanted to hear. As long as I have a chance to be in the draw I won't give up and maybe something will shake up and give me a chance to recover", "You should work on England- he's not even communicating with me. I must have done something to piss him off. But if he keeps this up it's going to end badly for him too.", "For the future, let me know in advance when you are planning something like this. If I knew you were not cutting the North Sea I would have played this way differently by bouncing Italy out of the West Med, and we'd be in a much stronger position.", "It’s not that Russia is allied with austria, but Russia is cooperating strongly with England to the point that they don’t even talk to me.\nFor what it’s worth, I can confirm that Italy’s going to shoot for Spain.", "(They meaning Russia. I get kind of annoyed with everyone using “he” to refer to these players)", "I am sure Russia is just uncommunicative. Since the start of the game he's only sparingly talked with me", "*They've, sorry", "Just given that they seem to be fighting in Scandinavia. But you probably have more information than I do.", "By the way, what's the plan that Italy and England proposed to you in terms of your units? Are you attacking Burgundy with ruhr and Munich?", "Oh that's not a fight that's planned high-fives. At least according to England.\nNope--attacking Belgium with Ruhr and Amsterdam. We're in the process of discussing whether Munich should bother poking Belgium.", "Burgundy*", "I take back what I said about Italy shooting for spain. I thought it was decided but Italy wants to keep that decision to themself", "Thanks. I'm probably going to flip a coin for Spain/Marseilles. Has England expressed any concern over the Italian/Austrian growth? I worry that England has been charmed by Italy. Or maybe they just dislike me that much.", "YES! That worked very well. You're getting a build! Please please please build a fleet 🙂🙂🙂", "I intend to build a fleet. Are you gonna disband Pic?", "woops miscounted", "disband nothing", "Yep, it got popped since Belgium had nowhere to retreat to.", "Neat, bot is back up now. Hmm, maybe it was just the one message that was bugged somehow. Whoops. I'll copy paste it back", "What do you want to do here? I am really hoping that we can coordinate something together. I think AI is starting to have some pressure put on their relationship with a greedy Italy. I understand England is in a tough position where their best move is probably to stay put and do nothing, which is always a tough sell (I just wish they would actually read my messages instead of sabotaging my ability to help them fight Italy)", "I checked out Italy's history. He's [redacted] from he's ranked the number one player on the entire site, and that's probably the most popular Diplomacy site of them all", "If we don't stop this here he's going to solo. No question.", "Sorry for the gendered pronouns- I keep forgetting to neutralize them sometimes since I've played with some of these players before in FTF", "Yeah lol. I'm totally fine with England in my territory honestly", "They have been fun to work with while it lasted, they seem transparent and honest. I'd trust", "Anonymity is tough to keep up with the discord names and the fact that the usernames are in the Backstabbr too. That being said, I didn't mean to upset you if you're uncomfortable discussing that- if it makes it better I have ignored it completely until I recently found out about the published names. It doesn't have to be a discussion point, it's pretty clear by now that Italy knows what they are doing.", "Haha. Fair enough, that is true, it is unfair. I'm totally guilty of accidentally assuming masculine pronouns in online games, and I'm working on changing that since it is a big issue. It's good to do as a default and I appreciate that you brought it up. I think Austria, Italy, Turkey, Russia, and I know eachother, albeit with varying degrees of familiarity.", "I know you were joking a bit when you said anonymity did you no good in this game, but seriously, I think you are playing great. I would have never guessed you are a first time player. Are you really sweat_smile? You are playing extremely well", "Any news from England? I hope that they will consider working to stop Italy", "I messaged them but haven't heard yet", "Ok here's what I know:\nEngland is going to keep away from Russia's northern holdings for a while in order to avoid feeding Austria. However, The Norway fleet is headed for MAO for the start of next year, and England is very much still intent on seeing you consumed. Italy has told me definitively which of your centers is getting full force this turn (under some pretense about needing to coordinate so me and England could be more effective) and it's Spain. I'm going to hold and support Belgium and move Kie-Ruh with support.", "I'm also going to poke Bur", "Thanks so much for the info. Will do. Any chance you go to Tyrolia instead of poking Burgundy? It won't matter for me that much but for you it could save a lot of headache and potentially exacerbate AI tensions", "Alternatively a written commitment from Italy not to go to Tyrolia would be smart", "I'm not ready for Italy not to trust me anymore. I'll try to see about that commitment though...", "That turn went well for you. With Russia out of Silesia you certainly have more breathing room. Only downside may be Italy in Tyrolia, but hopefully they committed to not moving there or at least are aware that you aren't ok with it hanging out there. Thanks to you, Italy has ground to a halt in southern France. I'm hoping we can repeat it again this turn.\n\nYou should ask England for Denmark. If they say no, no big deal. But it should be yours- they are the ones that took it from you. And it's significantly hampering your manueveravility and ability to build units where you want to as it borders the extremely important Kiel.", "Italy offered not to move into Tyr, but gave a good justification for why they weren't interested in attacking Munich, so I let them.\n\nI just asked England about Denmark. \n\nAs for Italy, I'll have to come up with the right pretense to extract their plans again this turn...maybe you could help me with that? England and me are pretty much in the routine of sharing moves though so you're at least guaranteed those.", "Sweet. Assuming England/Italy want you to move into Burgundy, you could pretend to be worried that I might bounce you out of Burgundy and ask if Italy has some moves that can help occupy my units in Marseilles and Gascony.", "Any updates by any chance?", "I’m waiting to hear from Italy", "Any info you think might help me in defending against England and Italy? My plan is literally giving you all my centers while Italy and England get nothing, since I can't defend all three and you are the only one who has been helping me.", "I'm assuming England is going all in and moving to NAO, maybe even to Irish and Channel?", "Right, England is moving to NAO but otherwise holding everything this turn. No deal on Denmark, unfortunately. Next year will be a play for MAO.\n\nAnd Italy is deadset on randomizing their move, so I'm sorry I don't have intel for you this time--I did try, though: England (at my suggestion) offered to assist Italy into MAO, but Italy refused.", "Thanks", "And as for me, I'll be taking Bur.", "Darn, that went poorly.", "It was a coin toss; nothing you could have done. I didn't foresee (or know about) the move to Naf but in hindsight it makes perfect sense.", "It's kind of a privilege getting to watch Italy play, esp. knowing who he is", "Yeah for sure. Hey but thanks for all your help. I'd have died a lot sooner if not for you.", "It's been a pleasure! Thanks for playing with a newb 😃", "If you're having fun, I'd encourage you to check out face to face games in your local area. Online is great, but FTF is really something else 🙂.", "Anyway, I'd like to be a part of the discussion for how to distribute my dots. I'd ideally like this to go in a way where it sets up you and Italy nicely to take out England and Austria", "I see this game lasting longer if Italy receives as few dots as possible...what's your reasoning for favoring I over E?", "I am pretty sure England will stab you once they are done killing me. Italy has Austria to deal with. But England has nowhere to go. MAO is a huge stalemate line. Italy can litterally have a unit in Spain, Portugal, and MAO, not to mention Wmed and NaF, and there is nothing England or you can do to get past that line.", "If you and England were going to be a long term alliance, England needed to be in the MAO helping me keep the lines years ago. At this point even if I give England all my dots, Italy has enough units to the point where it's locked up. So that's the logical reason, but there's also the fact that England hasn't replied to my messages in over ten seasons and I have evidence of then working closely with Italy. I think that's a pretty big indication that they will hand Italy dots and have no intention or interest in working with me.", "In the end I probably am eliminated either way, so if you want to give England a shot then I can swing that way. But I'd highly recommend against it even though I'm sure you trust England very much.", "Okay, I see your point about MAO and England having nowhere to go.", "Thanks for disbanding Pic--that helps me out a lot!\nAre you speaking with Italy at all about your plans?", "Nope, Italy hasn't replied.", "Italy just told me as much too. Says they don't trust you...but your track record with me has been pretty good so I want to continue to work with you. \n...and actually, I've been seriously mulling over a backstab of England this turn and I was wondering if you would want to help. Specifically, if you think that MAO is destined for italy anyway, I'll support you into the channel. Meanwhile, I'll move a fleet into Hel and an army to Kiel to prepare to swipe denmark. \nI haven't entirely thought this through, but what do you think?", "That sounds great! If we knew English orders, we could potentially come up with an even deadlier plan. I'll have to think more about it, but if England convoys into Brest again, I could move Brest to Picardy to let it in, and bounce NAO. With Italy dislodging MAO, I could then retreat to the Irish Sea and take Liverpool while Paris, Picardy, and Gascony could reclaim Brest. This would have the advantage of not making moves that would give away the stab in the spring.", "So I'm Paris in that scenario right? \nAnd I'm talking with England about their orders right now. They want to take IRI this turn, actually, and want me to support Nth into the channel. If I agree, they actually prefer to move Nwg into Nth than try for Nao. *That's* how unwilling they are to just give me denmark back!", "Oh wow, I see. Hmm, well looking at the map I think this would still work. We'd need to find a way to make sure England can't take Holland in the fall (or we could just risk it). I think it makes sense to move Brest to the English Channel instead of MAO so that I have the option to retreat somewhere valuable (like into NAO).", "These moves guarantee Denmark but England could retreat to Sweden, which is something to be aware about.", "I agree about Brest-Eng. But me and England are still hammering stuff out so it's not final yet...", "Breaking news: England has decided (or at least has told me) that they don't want to try for IRI anymore. Instead, they're planning to convoy into Brest or Pic (I'm waiting on their reply to confirm which), poke Nao from Nwg, and otherwise hold/support as appropriate", "ugh. sorry but the plan changed again: England is going to poke Nao, but otherwise just hold everything. No convoy. \n\nI can still move Brest into the Channel if you want, and if you *really* want to irk England you can move to IRI. If I also set myself up for Denmark like I said, I'd have to move Ruhr into Holland to defend there, leaving my southeast pretty exposed, but I think that's a reasonable risk right now. What do you think?", "There's also a nonzero chance that England is lying to me...they seemed pretty suspicious of me this time around compared to previous conversations. However, I'm pretty certain they're not lying about not trying to convoy; they're really insecure about you getting close to the island and not having anyone there to defend it.", "You're retreating to Portugal, right? If you can poke Mao from Brest, you may be able to defend spain. And if Italy does something crafty so that you end up falling into Mao, I can fall into/bump England from Brest?", "huh. So you *really* don't like England, I guess?", "Darn, I missed this message actually, I should have told you what I was planning. I think Italy had Spain guaranteed with MAO-Portugal and Marseilles-Spain with 2 supports. Italy actually then offered me on retreating to the Irish Sea, and in exchange we would collaborate on dislodging the English Channel. I figured it would benefit you as well since this would prevent England from getting off of the island (if they were to convoy to Belgium or something).", "Oh good--glad to hear Italy's talking with you! \n...but England could retreat to Pic?", "We're not talking much, it was kind of a spontaneous thing. You are right to be concerned about the retreat to Picardy. I'll have to see if that can be avoided somehow. If not, it's not the end of the world. If absolutely needed I can just not support the supposed Italian move to the Channel, which may or may not happen anyway.", "Anyway, you also have a guess- kind of. Not sure about what you've told England about the last moves, but perhaps they will use the North Sea to support Denmark to hold, in which case the support can be cut from Belgium.", "That was one of a few scenarios I was thinking about. But I gotta say, I don't like the idea of Italy in the channel. I thought *you* were going to be there. Did Italy give a reason why they want it?", "Is it okay if I ask Italy about it?", "That's fair. It might be best to not ask Italy directly, but that is up to you (just because it seemed that if Italy is actually serious about this proposal, they would want the element of surprise). Italy wants to do this probably because they want to take the gamble and hope that it will shake up the West a little bit. They didn't actually say that, but it is what I infer.", "I did end up asking...couldn't handle the suspense! And ever since I heard about it I've been wondering if there's some plotting I could do to turn this to my and your advantage at the expense of both Italy and England. Italy said they wouldn't do it if I didn't want them to...I'm thinking I could demand that they use WES to bounce with England in MAO, which then means that the battle for Spain becomes 2 v 2 and you keep it.", "That's really clever! We'd have to hope that Italy wouldn't move MAO to Portugal, but otherwise that works well.", "Meanwhile, I could support you into the channel from IRI?", "Sure", "Does that mean you are not going after Denmark?", "Well I'm trying to gauge E's trust of me right now, so I'll see and get back to you", "Any news?", "Are you going to assist Italy into the channel?", "England doesn’t trust me, unfortunately, so I don’t think I can swing anything clever", "I probably will. Do you think Italy actually intends to follow through?", "I think so from talking to them, but I've been wrong before. I've come around to the idea, actually (a weekend away from this game has cleared my head!). So, should I support Brest holding from Paris? Btw, are you going to let me keep Paris?", "Yep you can stay in Paris. If you can support Brest hold that would be amazing!", "I'll submit the orders to support Italy into the channel then and just see what happens", "I'm sorry, France, I made an 11th-hour deal (literally in the past two minutes) with England and Italy. I really really did not mean to deceive you", "No worries, it's the game, and I think you made the right choice. As long as you aren't afraid to lie to England/Italy :). I'm rooting for you to do well this game. Congrats on 2 builds!", "Thanks. I've learned a lot from you this game, so thanks for talking with me 😃", "Happy to. I still have one dot left, and it looks like fleet Picardy will be the most useful to you, but I can keep Gascony or something else as well. Now that all the French centers are gone, you will have to decide between Italy and England.", "I feel like Italy's 10 well-defended units made that decision for me. But even if I change my mind on that, I think Pic would be the most helpful to keep", "Me and Italy are strategizing now about ousting England from Brest/the channel. Are you more willing to support one of those two moves?", "Actually, we could support you into Brest, then have you support one of us into the channel in Fall?", "Sure", "Moving to Brest right now", "Excellent! Do you and Italy have any kind of agreement about Portugal?", "Well Italy said that they would consider letting me keep it as long as I am useful :)", "Well this move definitely is. So I hope they keep their word", "Nice turn for you! I wonder what England will do at this point. Based on their retreat, it looks like they could be defending London and Edinburgh so a convoy to Yorkshire or possibly even a move to Norway seem like the strongest plays", "Can't believe Italy is going to get into Liverpool.", "Anyway, I'm holding in Brest for now, but let me know if I can do something else with that unit.", "yeah that's an unpleasant surprise. Has Italy promised you anything? Based on some things I've pieced together, I'm starting to realize the full extent of their manipulation of this entire game. It's honestly kind of unsettling.\n\n...I hope this can stay between us, France, but I've got two sandboxes up right now: one where I put aside my beef with England just to try and get Italy under control, and one where I keep dancing with the devil, which I will follow through with only on the condition they agree *not* to take one of Liverpool or Portugal this year. Neither of these plans has you staying in Brest. If you're willing to do either of those things (help with an Italy stab or more English destruction) at the expense of Brest, let me know and let me know which you'd prefer. If not, well, that may tip the scales to me staying with Italy, because I don't think we can swing the stab without your help.", "Happy to order whatever you want.", "I know there's no chance for me to live in this game unless someone else wants it. I think I may have some insight that's worth keeping me around. But if it makes more sense for me to go out now, I'll do it.", "You're good people, France! And I have Italy's word that they're not taking Portugal anytime soon. Though Italy's word is literally not worth the electric current encoding it. \n\nWhat insight are you referring to, may I ask?", "Thanks. I definitely don't want to see Italy run away with this game. Hmm, well I guess I may be able to offer insight in terms of helping with orders. I'm sure an EGR alliance can stop the AI. Mathematically we will hold 17 centers at the end of this year, which is usually the magic number to prevent a solo since you need 18 to win. Unfortunately, it doesn't leave any leeway to lose ground anywhere and more eyes on the map can be useful.", "I'm assuming Austria can't be turned against Italy. I've tried for the past couple years, even organizing a 3 way convo between Russia, Austria, and I. I don't think Austria is willing to stab Italy.", "I know I said earlier that it would make sense for you to work with Italy, though I've admittedly changed my mind. Especially after the last orders, Italy is nigh unstoppable if you and England fight since Italy will soon reach a critical number of units where they can defeat any opponent. Also, there are no easy stalemate lines in the West to stop them anymore really.", "It's ultimately up to you though. I could see a scenario where you work with Italy to take out England, and a well timed Austria stab of Italy leaves you to establish a strong defense and get a good draw result", "So, that's exactly what Italy has promised me. However, I know for a fact that he's (Italy has lost the courtesy of nonspecific 'they' in my book) been working with England and feeding England my proposed moves for this turn. (Keep that quiet, please!) \nWithout revealing that England has been communicating with me, I think I *might* be about to get Italy to confess what he's been doing. He's asked for a half hour to pick his kids up from school (despite my urging that he abandon them and respond to me now), and then he's going to respond. If he confesses, I'm going to side with Italy. In which case I'd like you to move into the channel (where both Bel and Mao [maybe] will support your move). \nIf he doesn't, Paris will support you into Gascony. Meanwhile Eng moves IRI and Bel moves Eng. In the north, I convoy to Edi (England's willing to allow me the build this winter) while Eng moves Nwg.", "Sounds good.", "I'm only talking to you at this point. No info will be leaked.", "Convoying to Edi sounds like a good idea. I don't have context on Italy's plan at all, but if I were him I'd probably convoy Gascony into Liverpool", "Italy is vile and even if we all die doing it I want to see him minorly inconvenienced. I’d like to move forward with the anti-italian plan and support you into Gas", "Done", "Since we (me and England) think that Italy's going to try the convoy from Gas to Lvp, we actually think it's better to try and have you disrupt Mao. Eng will support you into Mao. Sorry for the late-breaking change.", "Ok", "Good game, France! Thanks for everything!", "GG! Good luck!" ]
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[ 5, 6 ]
[ "Hello there! What's your general plan for this game? My inclination when I play Austria is to piss off as few people as possible, so I don't plan on making any overtly aggressive moves this turn.", "Hey hey! \nDon't really have much of a plan yet - like you, I generally try not to piss off too many people at the start until I get a feel for the lay of the board, so my general decision at start is really just Mos -> Ukr|StP . Right now my default inclination is to go Ukr and try to get Rum, that may change as I talk to other players. Happy to talk about trying to take that with fleet or army depending on how spring goes, and certainly not looking to commit to any particular long-term growth direction right now. That being said, A/R is one of my favorite duos (R/F is up there too, but I don't think I've ever even seriously tried to pull that off in an online game - that's a FtF option where I know the players 😃 ). \nI'm assuming standard Galicia bounce right now. happy to discuss other options.", "Yeah, I was figuring standard Galicia bounce too. Keeps both of us honest.", "So, here's my pitch: I have been on both sides of the deal when Austria, Italy, and Russia decide that everything would be simpler if there wasn't a Turkey. Every time, things have indeed been simpler for A/I/R. So, whaddya think? Wanna simplify our game?", "I literally just told Italy to go after Turkey first. 😀", "Oh, fwiw, I'd just as well neither of us tried for Galicia this turn, if you don't mind.", "Works fine for me.", "They free people of rumania depend on your good will. I assume he's going to force Black, so... That would actually leave him pretty exposed to you and Italy should you so desire.", "I certainly won't be helping him take Rum, so I think you can survive this.", "Well it looks like that worked great! I'm in a position to force Bulgaria, you're getting Sev back, and you'll be set to keep Rum. I'd appreciate it if you could support Greece to Bulgaria.", "Oh, I didn't reply yet, did I? Yes, I can give that support.", "And if feel bad, except Turkey didn't even reach out to me even once last season to try and pitch something like blowing up my fleet to try and work together later on - just completely went radio silent after the setup", "Yeah, Turkey has not been handling this fantastically.", "I assume the Greece swap wasn't negotiated?", "No. No it was not. There are some heated discussions happening.", "What are you planning to do?", "Well, I was planning on finishing off 🦃. Tell me what you need.", "More specifically, I'm planning to take black. Other than that mostly looking to reposition North", "That works just fine for me.", "Italy's really angling to get me to attack you. I've put him off from expecting anything this season. FYI.", "Good to know.", "Welcome back to the land of open channels. Anyway, you know you and Italy don't have to fake fight on my account, right?", "The Tyrolia move is to slow down the west, I think.", "Sure, I more meant the Greece swap with attendant noise and the immediately swapping info on outside communications. 😀", "Heh. So, you taking Ankara?", "Planning on it. Then it's mostly a matter of seeing where England/France take their relationship.", "Yeah, they seems to have a bit of a clusterfuck going on. Should be fun to watch, at least 😛", "Indeed. How do you feel about a good old fashioned bounce over Galicia?", "Sure, works for me.", "No need to confirm or deny, but I assume your deal with Italy is to convoy Greece to Smyrna.", "It's been discussed, not 100% sure if it's happening", "For my two cents, it's either that or you just take the second Turkish dot for yourself. I wouldn't want him growing with armies all up along the border.", "Italy is starting to be squirrely with me. Can we avoid the bounce in Galicia? I want to get that unit moving to Vienna.", "I didn't hear from you in time, so I left the bounce order in place. And I covered Serbia in case you got cute. What do you want to do now?", "Yeah, sorry - good call on your part, as I was already asleep by the time you sent that. \nI want to go deal with England now, to be honest. The question is what do you want -you're the one who needs an obvious path to move in.", "If you need a sales pitch, I'm not squirrelly at, nor do I tend to negotiate via wild mood swings. 😀", "I wholeheartedly support you going after England. I think my most long term success comes from going after Italy, so I'm going to build an army in Trieste and let Italy go get engaged with France while I come after him.", "I'm building army Sebastopol for the obvious defense - assuming you do build in Trieste, will take steps to demilitarize that border (no move to Galicia or otherwise in your direction, cooperate on Smyrna, moving units away as soon as possible)", "Ball's in your court - I never really understood the strategy of lying on the builds, as there's little payoff to it generally, but we are where we are. You're well-positioned to make a move either direction, I can only repeat that I'm really only set up to defend against you, and actually more interested in moving North", "That was less a lie, and more my having changed my plans to be in line with what I messaged you, but not being able to update my orders in time.", "Fair enough. Either way, math remains the same. If you want to move on me...well, y'all will win two dots eventually. If you want to go the other way, you'll get two right away and I'll happily feck off to the North. To be honest, neither's really a *bad* option for you, given how aggressively Austria has shifted West, so ball's truly in your court.", "That was for the terrible pun. 😀", "I will note that I'm not even remotely pressing you, and I'm not the one you need to worry about.", "You gonna talk to me again at some point?", "Yeah sorry about that", "Clearly some turnaround needs to be done here. What do you want to see me pull?", "I want you to keep whatever you need to start recovering dots.", "Now that I'm home, in all honesty, any three units you keep have their own possibilities and risks. I'd assume you'd keep the ones around Budapest, but I can work with whatever you keep.", "I think I gotta keep Rum, Bul, and Ser, because they give the best chance of stopping Italy, and they're the ones in positions that you can't quickly get into.", "If you could support Rum-Bud, that'd be greatly appreciated.", "Absolutely.", "Can I cover Rum to keep that army on the front-line?", "Sure.", "Thanks. Alright, Bud isn't guaranteed but it's as close as we can come - you have support, Tyr will be cut, and I'll cover the eastern flank", "Actually, I suppose I should say, it is guaranteed if you use Ser to support, but in the spring covering Tri may be just as useful. Not my call!", "You know what? Ignore the question about Rum - I have to cover Galicia anyway.", "What's your train of thought on the draw?", "I have it set - I set it right at the start of this turn, actually, and England and I both talked about it then.", "Seems to me like everyone is in, then. I've got it set, and set for early adjudication.", "So, did you veto the draw?", "Hell no. I want this torture to end.", "And I'm approaching from the point of view of assuming there's no artificial end date. As it turns out, doing this one extra turn is good for me, but in the long run my position isn't going to improve any.", "Oh - he can't take Serbia without losing Trieste, btw. If serbia wanted to support Tyr -> probably won't matter, but could in an edge case", "Good idea, so oedered.", "Er, ordered.", "GDI\nAll supports for bud to Serbia unless you have a better idea.", "I do not.", "Sorry you died, dude - I did legit try to keep you alive 😃", "The effort was appreciated." ]
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[ 4, 2 ]
[ "Hi England! I don't think we really have anything to talk about yet, but, best of luck!", "Hi Austria! Agreed there's not a ton to talk about in the short term,. I'd would like to ask, though, how relations with russia and germany are looking for you.", "And best of luck to you as well!", "Haven't heard from either of them yet, but when I do, I'll let you know.", "Sounds good!", "So you built F LON and France built F BRE, eh? Trouble in paradise?", "Haha yeahhh. France is the worst. He tried to tell me it was to protect against italy.", "Working with italy and germany to stave off france is the goal. But germany is annoyed at me taking denmark. Maybe france and germany are collaborating now. France needs to go though", "Hi. Congrats on toppling Turkey! We should have a chat about Russia before our Spring moves.", "Whatcha thinking?", "Well, we obviously can't help one another directly, but we're both bordering the most powerful country on the board by supply center count.", "Indeed, and we're both in position to aim at whittling that count down. Which I'm gonna do.", "It's somewhat on us to contain russia. I'd rather us both put pressure on Russia than you put pressure on Italy or I put pressure on Germany.", "Italy and I are pretty solid, so, Russia is next.", "Great. I'll be fighting against france as well, so I may only be able to hold Russia off in the north.", "Whatever you can do, it'll be appreciated.", "Are you and Italy still good after the surprise in Trieste?", "I'm... Not happy with him. Us being good, well, that depends on what he builds.", "Yeah that will be interesting to see. That move actually makes me nervous about collaboration with France. There was a guessing game about where to provide support if he wanted a supply center. Maybe the bump in Spain was arranged.", "Yeah, who knows.", "Looks like you're sitting pretty with regards to Russia. Will be curious to see where the disbands come from.", "Hi. There's some stuff we should talk about.", "Whatcha got in mind?", "I'm slightly concerned about this being kept confidential.", "Can you agree to keep what I say confidential regardless of what I say? (obviously only talking in-game stuff, not about to confess to a murder or something)", "Absolutely. What's up?", "1) Italy is telling us both that we’re his true long-term ally. 2) Italy is the highest-rated player on . I don’t think either of those things are necessarily relevant this year, but I wanted you to be aware.", "Ahaaaa, good to know.", "Also, if I'm going to weaken the Russian line to let you in, we'll need to come to some agreements first.", "Whatcha got in mind?", "Nothing this Spring, so don't worry about anything last second. I'll message back after we see the moves.", "Sounds good.", "I haven't done all the math yet. Does he have a guarantee to hold Rum? That was messier than I expected.", "I don't believe he does. I've got quite a few on it, and the ability to cut a lot of supports.", "You'll need to coordinate with Italy to do the bounce in Ser to prevent the retreat there, but yeah I think you're right.", "Scratch that, Italy's not in Tri anymore.", "Yeah, and I'm retreating to Ser. Thing I gotta worry about is that Boh army walking into Vienna.", "Oh yeah, I should be paying more attention. Actually I should probably be sleeping. Yeah that's a risk.", "Sleep is a good idea, I'm heading that way myself. This weekend was great but very tiring.", "(Btw italy claims he is not, in fact, the highest rated player on, and that this is just a rumor made up by France. But his username does happen to be the same. Not that any of this is that important, but it’s interesting)", "Looks like we might have a common enemy in italy. Sorry about the stab there.", "Reply all to Italy's message: First, if you didn't get a message from Italy claiming to have been sent to the whole board, please let me know. I'm down for the draw that he has proposed. I'd also like to add that I'll be checking the \"Adjudicate once all powers have issued orders\" box. If everyone does this maybe we don't have to wait until Sunday night to have this resolved! I'm not so confident as to issue a hold for all of my units, but will be submitting for the 5-way draw. Really enjoyed playing with you all, but I'm exhausted and ready to finish and see the stats.", "I got it, I'm in for the draw.", "So, did you veto the draw?", "No. If you’re asking everybody this, can you let me know what you hear back? I texted the admin to see if 1) draw settings are somehow disabled and 2) if 1909 is still going to be the last year. Part of me thinks maybe italy is turning down the draw. Make people think the game is over and then still try to scoop up centers", "I have, in fact, asked everyone. Thus far, Russia and Germany say they didn't veto.", "Yeah. I honestly don’t think it’s out of the question that draws are disabled (though i don’t know the site well enough to know whether this would be obvious to us i.e. draw settings disabled). But like if you’re running a study and want to get data, maybe you make it so people can’t end the game early and get their $25 right away.", "I *think* it would be obvious? Also, actually, the option to disable draws is very new. Let me look and see if they tweeted about when it was introduced, as compared to when the game started.", "Looks like the game was created just after the option was instituted, so maybe it's in place? I think it would probably be more obvious it was enabled, however.", "Yeah. Well, I’ll let you know when I hear back from the admin. I feel like italy is the only one with the incentive to not draw. If everyone gets lazy on their moves, he can try to keep scooping up centers.", "Well, best of luck holding on through 1910. Seems like you'll make it as long as russia is a friend." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 5, 16, 17, 18, 19, 595, 615, 616, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, 784, 785, 1019, 1020, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1163, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1191, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1197, 1200, 1201, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1233, 2405, 2522, 2523, 2551, 2557, 2558, 2559, 2561, 2562, 2563, 2592 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 20, 2, 20, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 3, 3, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 21, 3, 3 ]
[ 4, 3 ]
[ "Hello there! What's your general plan for this game? My inclination when I play Austria is to piss off as few people as possible, so I don't plan on making any overtly aggressive moves this turn.", "I suggest containment of Russia at the very least and perhaps his destruction", "That certainly sounds just fine to me. I think Turkey and Austria can make for a very good alliance - you build a bunch of fleets, I build a bunch of armies, and we crush a bunch of dots.", "Ok lets roll I’ll go north for the opening", "If you want to contain Russia I am willing to support you into rum if you want to wait that’s ok too", "I'd love the support, thanks.", "Done", "Ok", "However nothing bad came if it and I still think we can work together your thoughts?" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 4, 1, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 44, 70, 81, 198, 199, 200, 201, 339 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 4, 1 ]
[ "Hi France! I don't think we have a ton to talk about yet, but if you're planning to go in against Italy that's certainly something I'd like to know.", "Thanks for reaching out. How do you generally feel about working with Italy?", "If Italy wants it, it can be a powerful alliance, but in my experience Italy rarely wants it badly enough.", "That's true, and my experience as well. It's tricky since if he's not going after me or yoy, then what are his plans? If Italy isn't planning to Lepanto then it is worrying for one of us", "Well I haven't heard *too* much from Italy yet, but once I find out more about his current intentions I will certainly let you know.", "Nice, things are looking up for you with the Russia/Turkey conflict and a seemingly friendly Italy.", "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good right now.", "Has Russia been talking to you? I imagine he may have reached out given the builds we're seeing here.", "On and off, yeah. We're coordinating some.", "Nice. Given England and Germany seem to be working together now, it may be wise to prop up Russia so that they don't take all of Scandinavia and split me up. If you or Italy can spare some armies north that would be great as well!", "I'll see what I can do.", "thanks!", "F Bre, eh? I'm curious what you're gonna do with that.", "I figure you can't be too happy with F LON, either.", "It's made stranger by how I can't seem to contact England at the moment. I hope to work things out with them diplomatically if I can.", "I reached out to England as well, I'll let you know what I hear.", "Quoth England, \"France is the worst.\"", "(I don't think that, but France said it)", "Thank you for the warnings about England. I'm in a much better defensive position now.", "What are your thoughts on your relationship with Italy?", "Well he didn't tell me about the Tyrolia move, which I'm not, y'know, entirely pleased about.", "Italy didn't tell me either.", "Good to know.", "Damn. The no build hurts", "Are you going to do something about Italy at some point? There's no way Italy has your best interests at heart. Italy and England are big buddies and my guess is that Italy has been getting England and Russia together. The amount of trust there when England could have taken St Petersburg and Sweden is ridiculous. That's also why Italy swiped Trieste from you: making builds extremely difficult for you.", "I can't hold off Italy for much longer. Italy is going to start exploding in terms of builds very soon and you are going to be taking steps backwards as long as England props up Russia. Shouldn't Italy share some of those spoils with you? I think you should ask Italy for Trieste back or Greece back. You need those builds way more than Italy does.", "If it were me, I don't think it is fair that Italy has 10 supply centers and you have 6. When I was trying to work with Italy, Italy demanded I gave him one supply center each year. Looks like they are doing the same with you. I dunno, seems kind of draconian if you ask me.", "Maybe you can ask for Trieste back?", "There are discussions ongoing regarding balancing things out with me picking up some of the eastern dots.", "Are you aware of Italy manufacturing the agreement for England leaving Russia alone in Sweden and St. Petersburg?", "That's what I've been told by England, but I'm not sure how much to believe it.", "I know you trust Italy a ton and it's clear you have a great relationship. So this must be really hard to hear. But you have to stab Italy this turn or he soloes. Germany and England are fighting and I'm Italy's janissary. No stalemate lines in sight. You won't get another chance after this.", "My gift to you is willingly suiciding so that England and Germany have a chance to stop Italy in the West. Please don't waste it, though I won't be there to see it 🙂 ." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 ]
[ 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6 ]
[ 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4 ]
[ 4, 13, 14, 29, 72, 166, 183, 346, 347, 349, 350, 351, 594, 596, 606, 607, 637, 638, 657, 658, 663, 675, 676, 1056, 1221, 1222, 1741, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1949, 2412 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 0 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 19, 1, 19, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 20, 20, 20, 23, 23, 5, 23, 5, 23, 21 ]
[ 4, 6 ]
[ "Good morning! Best of luck to you, and let me know how we can best avoid any unnecessary and unproductive entanglements. 😃", "Best of luck to you as well! I'm likely opening north and I have my eye on Norway for the fall. However, this may be dependent on some discussion with France. Can I ask where you're planning to send your Moscow army this Spring?", "My initial inclination is to focus on the South. I do have to weigh that over concerns of you opening full north, but hopefully we can stay on the same page. I am of course much happier if you indicate you're going to put a fleet in Nwy.", "That's fair enough. I'm talking to France now about Belgium, as my army is pretty useless just hanging around the island. I can't commit to leaving my army off of Nwy just yet. Let me get back to you when I hear from France about Belgium.", "Sounds great. Good luck in your French negotiations!", "Belgium definitely on the table but still not confirmed. Germany is acting like a big hot-head btw. Threatening war from the outset. If they don't calm down, maybe we can talk about helping you into Denmark next year.", "HI, I may be sending an army to Norway this fall, as it looks like France is trying to go to Belgium. However, I have no intention of going to St. Petersburg. I'd actually be more interested in Denmark, if you'd be willing to support that. This would be on the condition that I would help you into Berlin by cutting support in Kiel.", "No worries, mate - we're looking fine, so you do what you need to do 😃", "Alright, well we can chat about Denmark next year then.", "Hi, sorry to see the trouble with Turkey. Let's have a chat about St. Petersburg and Denmark.", "Shouldn't be too much worry 😊\nI'm certainly not looking to start any issues with you. What are you thinking about Denmark?", "I don't know your thoughts on aggression against Germany at this juncture, but either of us could support the other into Denmark. This would likely cause a disband since I suspect Kiel will be occupied.", "I'm not necessarily opposed, as long as my other border gets priority attention 😃", "Ok, all things being equal, I'm not opposed to popping Denmark, especially if you use the move to back off one of those northern units.", "So, like vacate Norway? Or would you be on board with convoy army to denmark and then move NWG to Nwy?", "My preferred move would be Nth to Den, and Lon to Nth, but I understand if that seems a bit aggressive.", "I was thinking either nwy to den with nwg going to Norway, or the fleets in, filling North from Norwegian, but either way. I'll be driving for a couple hours, so you have a little time to think and let me know who the mover is.", "Back online - final decision on mover?", "I'm going for it in fall. Will you still be in Sweden?", "I will. Will you still be in Norway? If so, I'm inclined to order Swe -> Nwy just to build trust with Germany.", "Go for it. I'll support hold from NWG just in case.", "Actually the support hold is unnecessary. Some reason I was thinking Denmark could theoretically support you in. I may do it anyways for kicks.", "I wasn't going to point out there was no possible support on Norway. 😀", "Hi! Looks like it was a productive Spring for you. Are you still on board to support me into Denmark? I imagine that Germany will be looking for a friend in you.", "Yep. Just tell me the mover. I'd somewhat prefer it to be Norway, for obvious reasons", "Plan is to convoy norway army to denmark and move NWG to Norway.", "Sound good to you?", "Sounds great to me. Happy hunting!\nNext year I should be able to drop to Baltic if you want to keep pushing", "Great. I've entered my moves in. NWG to Nwy, Nwy to Den, NTH convoy Nwy to Den, HEL to Kie. So I'll be expecting Swe support Nwy to Den from you.", "(checking)\nYep, order's in the box!", "Hi, thanks for the help into Denmark! What’s your plan in the north for this year?", "Was debating whether to drop into the Baltic", "Any thoughts? You looking to keep pushing on Germany?", "It’s a little complicated. I’m starting to worry about a stab from france after the build in brest. If i can focus on it, we’re probably talking getting me into kiel and you into berlin.", "Ok, I'll play it loose", "I’ll keep you posted if my plans solidify", "Great minds think alike! Shall we have a chat before our Spring moves?", "Indeed.", "So... Moving forward. How do you want to handle this?", "Well, what are your intentions on the German front this year?", "To be perfectly Frank, looks like my attention is needed to the South. The couple units up north can be flexible in their use.", "I'd be happy to repeat the same bounce we just did twice this year. Does that tie up units you'd like to send elsewhere?", "Nope, that's fine for this season. We can reevaluate when we see what the rest of the board does", "Great, I’ll plan on the repeat bounce this spring, and it sounds like we’ll chat about it again for fall moves", "bounce again?", "???", "Happy to bounce", "Sorry, forgot to send earlier", "sounds great.", "no worries", "I would prefer not to repeat the bounce this turn.", "Haha. Yeahh, you've left it pretty wide open in the north. What do I get out of showing restraint? Just a less powerful Austria?", "I have them stopped dead as long as you show restraint. 😀", "Well, you need to make sure Germany doesn't cut support in Sil, right?", "Also germany needs to not take that fleet to sweden", "True.", "I'm also thinking a bit long term for you. That next build probably comes from Germany. But you also need my help to get it. And I'm pretty friendly with germany right now.", "To be perfectly frank, I'm kinda happy being a stone wall for the moment. And make no mistake -there's potential for some fun fuckery on my part down south", "What's a scenario in which you get a build in the south?", "Rum?", "If they screw up, yes. More likely the count stays static but they have to keep scrambling and keep their units tied up there", "Should be fun!", "Looked like fun. I guess you won't be getting that build this year though.", "Oh, probably not -they'd have to really screw the pooch to let me build. But it is fun to keep them tied up.", "You can prevent a build though. Are you already planning this?", "Hey, just wanted to check in and see how things were going. I’ve been enjoying our friendly north so far.", "Boring at the moment, but steady. Either Austria will realize his ass is hanging in the wind or Italy will get greedy, and either way the front opens up.", "Oh, gdi. Yes, I realize you need the build", "Yeah sorry to open the floor to discussion with a stab. I did need the build, and getting two was far from a guarantee for me (even though it turned out that way). I think we have a lot to discuss. How are you feeling about the state of the board?", "I'm kinda happy there's finally some movement, to be honest. And Austria's finally responding to messages after a two year silence. I think we're on a stop the leader phase which does have some opportunities for us, specifically", "I agree. Running through some tactics, I see that Italy can hold his western dots until he's forced to disband. I think we'll need to see two disbands, maybe three, before we can break through.", "Hi. Given that the beta test ends in 1909, wanted to check in about your goals (i.e. thoughts on a draw?)", "To be honest, I totally forgot about the end date. I dunno - the only person who can even theoretically be removed by then is Austria, so we'll just see how that shakes out", "Yeah I think he said 1910 if we really wanted. But we are just the beta test. Italy austria and I have agreed on a 5-way draw. Germany wants to play out, but might be swayed if everyone else is on board.", "Ah, good point - I have the draw set now.", "Me too. Do you know how the draws get resolved? Germany is the last hold-out, and I think she's skeptical that she'll get duped somehow if she sets it as such. I thought it's just that play proceeds as normal unless everybody agrees to the same thing.", "That's correct - it will only pass if it's unanimous, or at least until everyone's draw setting is compatible. For example, if four set it as four way draw, and one set as surrender, that's compatible with a four way draw excluding the surrendering power", "Reply all to Italy's message: First, if you didn't get a message from Italy claiming to have been sent to the whole board, please let me know. I'm down for the draw that he has proposed. I'd also like to add that I'll be checking the \"Adjudicate once all powers have issued orders\" box. If everyone does this maybe we don't have to wait until Sunday night to have this resolved! I'm not so confident as to issue a hold for all of my units, but will be submitting for the 5-way draw. Really enjoyed playing with you all, but I'm exhausted and ready to finish and see the stats.", "So I'm guessing it's italy holding out on the draw. I figure he proposed it to make the board lazy about collaboration, and he's secretly still trying to hit 18. Germany and I are collaborating to hold him off until the end.", "I concur", "And I'm trying like hell NOT to kill Austria in the process", "Good luck. Have you heard from Italy at all? He hasn’t responded back to me", "Also, are you able to cut Tyr support to prevent Italy from getting to Mun?", "(not necessary, but would free up Ruh)", "Nope. Haven't heard a thing from him", "... Yes, that doesn't materially change the odds I lose Trieste.", "Ok, great. I think things should work out with me and germany holding down the fort. He really is close to getting 18, but I don’t think he can quite get there in time." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3 ]
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[ 9, 20, 34, 39, 51, 64, 159, 160, 161, 275, 311, 334, 335, 365, 388, 389, 428, 430, 431, 432, 436, 439, 440, 467, 470, 471, 472, 479, 486, 487, 575, 587, 613, 614, 617, 618, 770, 800, 813, 816, 821, 823, 827, 833, 982, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1082, 1091, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1108, 1114, 1122, 1123, 1189, 1190, 1255, 1314, 1332, 1912, 1936, 2406, 2426, 2428, 2437, 2488, 2491, 2492, 2493, 2498, 2510, 2521, 2588, 2597, 2598, 2599, 2600, 2601, 2608, 2609, 2610 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6 ]
[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1 ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Hey there! Just your friendly neighborhood Russian Bear here, checking in and letting you know communication channels are open. \nI assume we're looking at a standard Black Sea bounce, see how the rest of the Spring board looks, and going from there?", "Hi yes happy to bounce Black Sea 🌊 what are your thoughts on austria?", "Betrayed? Bewildered? Wrong answer?\nSeriously, no real opinion formed yet. He was first to reach out, standard fairly neutral greeting and fishing for info, noncommittal on plans beyond bouncing Galicia and trying not to anger any of his neighbors. I could go either way on that one. Life is a little easier for us if we clear that early.\nSo far the only player that strikes me as a bit of a wildcard is Italy. I suspect that one's going to move aggressively and erratically once he picks a direction - and that could be good or bad, depending.", "Ok bounce in the black and let us assess in the fall", "*sigh*. This doesn't seem like the most productive way forward for either of us.", "I have been playing a lot of gunboat lately", "Take Romania I will not hinder it in any way" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 10, 46, 56, 82, 152, 156, 157 ]
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[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19 ]
[ 2, 1 ]
[ "Salut!\nJust checking in, letting you know the embassy is open, and if you decide to move in a direction I might be able to get involved in, we can probably come to a reasonable arrangement on cooperation.\nBonne journée!", "Hey! I'm pretty flexible. Do you like to open north or against Germany?", "Not especially - depends on how squirrelly the English player comes off in initial negotiations. So far he's scanning as moderately squirrelly 😃", "Haha 😂. Moderately squirrelly is pretty accurate.", "Checking back in before the deadline- it's a bit uncertain in the West, and it would be interesting to hear about your read.", "Looks like Italy's gonna head away from you pretty aggressively. England still strikes me as squirrelly - he says he's super-concerned about Germany, but I'm not sure I'm buying that.", "Thanks- that's great to hear and is confirming what I have been gathering. England is especially hard to read and I'm not sure I buy that either, but at least he's also telling me that he is worried about Germany.", "Looking good for you since you will be able to pick up Sweden. The lack of northern German prescence might mean a greater opportunity in Scandinavia for you. What were your thoughts about turkey's move to Armenia?", "Хрен знает?\nI'm not thrilled with it, to be sure.", "I am worried that England and Germany are working together, which would be bad for both of us. I wonder if we can convince England to take Denmark? Perhaps by pointing out the threats in the south, and the need to prop you up.", "Just wanted to say that your moves this turn were really something. Well played!", "You as well. Looks like you have your territory well defended now.", "Yeah, for sure. Last season I was in panic mode, but it looks like the tables have turned with England choosing to fight Germany instead of team up with him.", "You're welcome on that one. 😀", "Haha- thank you! Didn't realize you were pulling strings behind the scenes, but I really appreciate you doing so.", "Hey, I needed him focused elsewhere than St Pete, and that was a direction I could help in", "👍", "I'm not sure what is happening in the West anymore. Some of it is due to the bot being down, but England's moves were pretty shocking to see. Any thoughts?", "Not strong ones. I feel like I need to cover my ass, but aside from that?", "Yeah, I feel that too. With England withdrawing I'm assuming you are no longer hitting Germany with your units, unless you have Italian help. If that is the case I might also stop aggravating Germany", "I am not pressing Germany this turn.", "Yeah, that turn went about as I expected.", "Should we throw to AI?", "Maybe? I mean, I'm not opposed", "I am starting to get frustrated with England, who has not replied to my messages for over a year while clowning around instead of helping stop the Italy Austria alliance. What's stopping me from throwing is Germany asking me not to. And then she took Belgium, lol.", "Not sure what my game plan is here. Right now I'm working on getting Germany to build a fleet. My theory is that if Germany can pivot towards England then it may be a salvageable game. Eliminating England ASAP and there's a possibility we can end up in a draw once AI tensions build. But that is impossible if they see a weak north full of infighting that they can just roll over- then they have no reason to ever turn on eachother.", "Yep. I have the south stopped cold at this point - and I told Austria after the Winter turn they would get two and then be stuck - but that means y'all gotta work your shit out and lock the other side, or this is an AI steamroll", "And if England starts nibbling from behind, this'll become the easiest throw ever" ]
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[ 12, 15, 36, 40, 141, 142, 149, 221, 233, 352, 455, 458, 464, 466, 469, 473, 477, 655, 660, 678, 694, 801, 907, 910, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060 ]
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[ 2, 6 ]
[ "Hi Turkey! Wishing you good luck this game. Wanted to ask what your plans are for relations with Russia.", "Hi well depends if austria is on board brobably containment", "That sounds like a good plan. Russia has indicated to me that they're looking south (so long as I don't cause too much trouble), so I would be prepared. Have you all come to an agreement on the black sea?", "It’s a bounce in the black", "Cool, thanks for the info! Mostly just trying to get a sense for whether you and Russia are in cahoots and preparing to mow over the whole board.", "Probably not" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1 ]
[ 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3 ]
[ 28, 43, 48, 80, 122, 153 ]
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[ 3, 1 ]
[ "Bonjour! Let's talk about the English channel!", "Sure! What are your thoughts on it?", "I'd like to leave it unoccupied. A fight early on is bad for both of us.", "Makes sense. I agree, a DMZ is good for us both. I know that getting armies off of the island is pretty important for you. Depending on how it plays out we could talk about Belgium. Any thoughts on your other neighbors Germany and Russia?", "Cool, I'd like to then agree now to a DMZ in the channel through the end of 1902, and we can re-discuss that year about future plans. Are you on board? If so, will your fleet go to MAO?\n\nHaven't heard from Germany yet. I've been honest with Russia about going north, and Russia has expressed some concerns. Doesn't want me to bring my army to Nwy. So, Belgium may be a home I'm interested in if that's on the table.", "Wow Germany threatens war with me in the first message haha", "Yes, and yes. I will open to MAO. If Russia is adamantly against you putting an army in Norway, it might be worth it to not antagonize him provided that Russia and Germany are not working together. Belgium is definitely on the table", "Interesting haha, that is unusual", "Yeah, something tells me that player may be a little unpredictable. Sounds good on the agreement.\n\nFor Belgium, is there something you would want from me for you to give that up? Are you saying you may consider supporting me in? I don't think Germany will be thrilled about me being there.", "Yes, depending on how the spring plays out I may be in a position to support you into Belgium. I don't think it would be conditional on something you do, but rather if it makes sense given the positions in the Fall. Maybe building an army in London rather than a fleet, which likely compliments your goals anyway given the channel DMZ. I think you are right in that Germany would not want to see you in Belgium. If it will antagonize him anyway, it might make sense for us to launch a full out assault in the Fall (this would probably look like bouncing Holland to weaken the German position).", "All of that makes sense. Let's revisit before the fall orders then. I wouldn't be totally opposed to the idea of an attack on Germany, especially if he's not willing to engage in any meaningful discussion.", "FYI Germany has indicated he is taking his fleet to Holland in the Spring.", "Thanks for the heads up! That is an interesting choice, I think it may indicate a Russia/Germany agreement of some kind as it means Russia will be getting Sweden.", "Yeah, you may be right. Have you heard from Germany at all? Or Russia?", "I have, but nothing much. Seems like they are withholding information from me.", "Yeah I'm not getting much from them either. In a remote game it's hard to tell if people are being quiet on purpose or just not making themselves available on the chat. (This is my first time playing remote, so a bit of a different experience for me).", "Yeah, that is definitely one of the downsides of online diplomacy. By the way, we're still good with the channel, right? I know you must be anxious if Germany and Russia are not talking to you much, but I have to stress that this is not because I am working with them, and I am not moving to the channel.", "I am not going to the channel. We've agreed to keep out at least through the end of 1902, and I plan to uphold this. However, that message did make me a little nervous about your plans. Breaking an explicit agreement like that is cause for war in my book.", "That wasn't my intention at all and I am very glad that we are on the same page. Sorry if it came across like I don't trust you: I trust you which is why I hoped to bring up any potential worries before they happen. I could have worded it better 😅 .", "No worries. I did click the thumbs up on your message haha. Just wanted to be clear about the consequences of a stab.", "👍", "Glad to see our commitment upheld. Seems like you may have your sights set on Belgium.", "Likewise! The rest of the map has been interesting. What's your read on the map? For me, I think that a supported attack on Belgium is likely the move given the spring turn.", "My read: Germany gets a pretty good start, facing only a bit of aggression from you.. Austria and Turkey are likely agreed to stand strong against Russia. However, I think there's a chance that Turkey is sort of overselling their \"opposition\" to Russia moving to Arm. There may be a juggernaut alliance in the works. Probably no real conflict between Austria and Italy. Maybe they'll bounce in Trieste. Austria has a pretty good start if he can secure Greece.", "Do you plan to take Belgium from Pic or Bur?", "This is all true. I think I will likely be taking it from Picardy, but I'm not sure yet.", "And here I thought Belgium was on the table. I guess it's already on your plate then? What's to stop me from working with the Germans to keep you out?", "Belgium IS on the table. But I didn't expect these spring moves, and with the way the map looks, I think you need to convince me that it would be worth it for me to be on 4 with you on 5. Totally different discussion if Italy is in Tyrolia, or if Germany bounced me out of Burgundy", "I'm looking at it from your point of view too, I think you have options other than Belgium, right? You could take Denmark for example.", "I can't take Denmark by force, and Germany isn't keen on letting me have it. The way I see it you'll easily take Portugal next year (assuming you go Spain s.c. with your fleet). And that line on Pic-Bur-Mar (assuming you build there) would make you really strong. Meanwhile I'm struggling to find a fifth supply center next year. Russia probably helps out germany with Denmark. So I'm looking at St. Petersburg at that point?", "What can you offer to balance this out if I let you in?", "I've had some time to think about it since the bot was down, and you are right about concerns over fairness. At the end of the day, the plan doesn't matter unless you are on board with it. If you are going to demand Belgium I'd rather support you in than bounce with you.", "If you can forgo Belgium this turn, we do have an opportunity to put you into Holland and/or Denmark next year, and that will quickly snowball into Scandinavia, Kiel, etc.", "You're suggesting I get a fleet in NTH and HEL? I think that's the only way to make that work. I would want no fleet built in Bre and our DMZ extended through at least the end of 1903. And probably one other country on board with the takedown. If we're stabbing Germany we should make sure she's taken out swiftly.", "I think that's the best way to do it, yeah. I agree to no fleet build in Brest and an extension to our DMZ to the end of 1903. The one thing I cannot guarantee is another country involved in the take down, but the best suspects would likely be Russia followed by Italy.", "Yeah, I was thinking Russia. This may be something to talk about next year, as we're running out of time here.", "Cool. I am happy to broach the subject when we are ready to. Especially if this turn goes well, he may be more inclined to help next year.", "Hmm what if germany bumps me in Nth or HEL?", "I was thinking this, and if you supported yourself into the North Sea through Norway you would just have to worry about being bounced out of Hel, which I think would be highly unlikely unless the plan is leaked. But the other option that is perhaps safer would be to move to Skaggerak, which Germany can't bounce", "I really don't think it's that unlikely. That Holland fleet has two places to go, and I expect it to move. Assuming a build in Kiel, Germany can bounce in Holland to block your entry. Also, I was planning to bring an army to Norway, so I wouldn't have the support to the North sea.", "This is too big a risk for me. My preferred move is to Belgium. I understand this may warrant doing a couple of favors for your next year in return. But I just feel too exposed otherwise. I'm about to head out for the evening and I have my move set for Belgium. I'm hoping for your support into there, but I understand if you can't provide it.", "Ok. What unit is moving to Belgium?", "The fleet", "Ok. And do you know what Germany will do with Holland this turn?", "Interesting", "Yeah, i actually botched my move because i forgot to click submit in the browser :/. Not that it would have made a difference. Hope you’re enjoying Belgium.", "I didn't expect to get Belgium. I incorrectly inferred from all the information I had that Germany would support you into Belgium and tap Burgundy, so in order to not lose the support I decided to make Burgundy the mover.", "I mean. If anything, you are in a better position for not having moved there. I'm surprised it was a misorder. You've successfully put Germany and I into conflict and can pick off the remains.", "Another note. I would have put you into Belgium without hesitation if it was an army OR if I knew that Germany was not planning to support you in with Holland.", "Yeah i’m not really buying that i’m the big winner here, so you can save your breath. If you want an ally against germany, I’d like to start hearing some ideas about what that relationship looks like.", "Not saying you are the big winner, I'm saying that your misorder was probably a good thing. Before we get into the details of an alliance against Germany, I think it's worth noting that the AI alliance is going to absolutely roll over Russia/Turkey, and so if you take Russia's dots that are easy to take, I think it will be helping Germany/Austria/Italy more than it helps you.", "I really think that we should get Russia on board, and it should be super easy to do. Just say that as long as Sweden helps you take Denmark, you won't take StP or Sweden for the time being. We could even put Russia into Denmark.", "I dunno if we actually have so much to work together on. If you build fleets and attack the coast, I'll be distracting all his armies. I need to devote all my resources to containing Germany's armies anyway. I think you guarantee Denmark next turn if we're clever about it.", "If Germany builds Fleet Kiel, we can support a convoy into Holland. But I think he'll be building armies- that's just intuition, I haven't been able to reach Germany and he's hard to talk to.", "Long term I think this looks like a Russia holding off Austria/Italy with Turkey being lepantoed, and then if we hit Germany hard with Russian help then we have a good shot of making it to the midgame and preventing AI from 2-way the board.", "Ok I'll respond over a few messages so I don't kill the bot.", "I agree Russia and Turkey are in trouble, but I think Russia is more vulnerable. I actually think it's possible that Turkey and Austria are friendly. Maybe the lepanto will be set up but won't come to fruition. If I were to add more pressure in the North, I think it's a really bad time for Russia overall. This gives me some leverage in negotiating with Russia.", "I agree on our limited opportunities for direct collaboration next year. However, I'd like to hear what your builds are going to be. A fleet in Brest would make me worried about you and Germany collaborating on an invasion.", "How is denmark a guarantee when Germany can support from Kiel?", "Ok I think that's all of my messages for now.", "It's possible, but I think Austria and Turkey are not friendly given the fact that Austria did not move Serbia to Rumania and Turkey tried to support that move. Russia is definitely still in trouble, though the target might be Turkey first.", "I have to build armies, no fleet in Brest.", "Denmark is a guarantee if you can get a fleet into Skaggerak and have Russia support you in. It then becomes a 3V2", "You could even do a clever tactic with Russia moving to Baltic, you moving to Sweden, and Skaggerak/north sea. Then it is a 4V2", "Ok so guarantee based on Russian collaboration. So you don't think Russia and Germany are friends anymore? I suppose they don't have many favors to offer one another", "Yeah I think that they are not working together but are simply coexisting", "I'm building a fleet in London. I hope that doesn't raise any alarms on your end. But if you were to build a fleet in Bre against your promise, any other build would leave me in bad shape. I know I'm being paranoid, but I'm more comfortable with that build", "Ok. I don't get why you think I'd build F Brest, but at the very least I appreciate the heads up. At some point I'd like to see you make a decisive move. So far it seems like you've been trying to make moves that both Germany and I agree to.", "You could break DMZ in the channel and coordinate an invasion with Germany after building a fleet in Brest. By building in London I can do everything I might like to do eastward, and also i could respond better to a worst-case scenario.", "And what would have been my decisive move so far? A bump in Denmark? You were going to support me into Belgium so why would I have done that?", "Sometimes the less options you have the better off you are. A lot of diplomacy is signalling.", "I mean, my thinking process last turn was wondering why you didn't go to Denmark. My conclusion was that Germany was probably supporting you to Belgium. I'm just telling you the vibes I'm getting from you", "Germany \"was\" supporting me to Belgium and then didn't follow through", "That's really interesting haha", "Yeah so here I was thinking I had it in the bag. And then I first realized I flubbed my move and felt like an idiot. And then I looked closer and felt like an accidental genius.", "So back to signaling. You backed out of your, admittedly, vague and implied agreement to support me. What signal does that send to me? Are you saying that you're coming for me? That I can't totally trust you?", "Meanwhile, I've been totally honest with you for the sake of building trust and a good alliance. And you're going to complain about MY duplicity?", "So, I know this is a touchy subject, so I want to approach this delicately, but to be fair I was still deciding whether I would support you or not when you logged out for the night. I don't want to devolve this into \"what about when you did this thing that wasn't the best signal,\" but one of the things for me was considering why you weren't willing to move to Denmark. Sure, you want Belgium, but what does that mean for me when you want to put a fleet in Belgium and not an army? What is the follow-up play?", "I am not complaining about your duplicity. I'm complaining that we're missing opportunities to make strong progress because I think you aren't committed to working with me, but you aren't committed to working with Germany either. I think you would agree that had you worked with only Germany from the start, or worked with only me from the start, you'd be in a much better position, yeah?", "Yeah, that's all fair. The timing thing makes remote play kind of weird when there's a lapse in communication before an important move. We didn't really have a chance to talk about the fleet vs army there.", "But I don't get why you don't think I've been working with you. You proposed two possibilities: Belgium or Holland/Denmark in 1902. I expressed my preference after raising some concerns about Germany's ability to counter Holland/Denmark. You agreed to help me to Belgium.", "If you think commitment to a sole country is a good strategy, why haven't you followed it? Would you agree that I've been more committed to working with you than you have with me? That's pretty clear from your moves last turn.", "All great points- and I agree with you on a lot of this. I was very willing to support you to Belgium, but I should have made it more clear that it needed to be an army. I do believe commitment is a good strategy, which is what led me to some admittedly anti-German opening moves. I'm not saying you have not shown commitment, after all we have an excellent DMZ in the channel, but it does bug me a bit that I cannot identify something you have done to antagonize Germany.", "Well what would you like me to do to show this antagonism next year? Make the goal to secure denmark?", "Yes- I would very much love to see that. And the best part is that you get to see my super friendly builds before you decide on anything.", "Alright, this sounds good. Let's reconvene after builds then? That's Monday at noon right? It's probably time for me to get back to real life here haha.", "Sounds great, me too haha.", "Thoughts on builds?", "Yours were indeed friendly, which I appreciate. Germany's were what I expected. I thought Russia might have build in St. P, but I guess there's enough going on in the south to warrant the Warsaw build. The italian naples fleet is consistent with the lepanto, but then again what's the alternative build? Army in Rome? Also, I wonder if Austria-Italy are eyeing Munich this year.", "I have similar thoughts. I think that Russia and Turkey are both in a weak spot and all the evidence so far points towards them getting involved in a long and drawn out conflict. I'm sure Russia would have loved to build St Petersburg but couldn't afford to. Now, he is pretty much completely under your good graces. Austria and Italy may very well team up to take Munich.", "Germany's builds have come out to be very anti-French, so I am sure you are happy about those as well. It comes at the cost of cutting down the amount of options he has significantly. What do you think Germany might order?", "Trying to get a sense of the german plan now. I feel like germany has to play defense, unless they did something like Mun to Ruh to support into Bel or Bur to Gas to put pressure on Bre in the fall.", "Yeah, I do to. I was thinking that my best play might be to ignore Burgundy and hope it holds and instead go for something annoying like Holland or Ruhr, which would leave him to either withdraw to defend or leave himself prone in the North. Of course, it could backfire if he's thinking the same thing and ends up in Gascony.", "I'm trying to reason through how that plays out. Suppose germany supports Bur to Ruh with Bel. Then you can't penetrate right?", "Yes, if he moves Bur to Ruhr with support I can't get in. But it would also mean he's out of Burgundy, which is good for me and means if I retake Burgundy that I can start applying pressure to Ruhr and Munich", "If he moves Kiel to ruhr, he leaves all sorts of things completely exposed like Denmark. And if he leaves Munich he leaves that open as well", "Yeah, germany is in a tough spot. Any word from Italy in all this? I'm guessing the lepanto is the focus, but a move to either Pie or Tyr would be kind of taking a side.", "True. He said he was thinking about it, but not sure how much I can trust that. He'd certainly want to obscure moving to Piedmont if that is his plan.", "I know channel is tempting. If you think it might work, I'd totally support you to Holland, or I can tap Holland to make sure it can't leave by going to Helgoland without losing it. Moving to Helgoland or Skaggerak yourself can also be a strong play, especially if Germany thinks you are on his side. A move to skagg can be explained as a move on Russia and a move to Helgoland is deadly if it succeeds", "Pinging you since deadline is approaching", "whatever you decide, Don't break our DMZ in the channel. It's not worth it, I guarantee you that", "The DMZ stands. I'd like confirmation from you that it stays through the end of 1903.", "Confirmed.", "Hopefully that got to you on time 😬", "Yeah, I'm here. I'm moving to Nth and Hel, holding in the others.", "I'd like one of Holland or Denmark this year. Both would be nice but maybe not feasible.", "Let's see Germany's Spring moves and restrategize.", "Sounds great!", "I will go to Ruhr then to apply some pressure there. Hopefully I'll make the right guesses when it comes to what Germany will do with burgundy. I believe that we can get you Denmark or Holland but it may require some clever manuevering in the fall.", "Are you self-bouncing in Gas to prevent the move there?", "That's a great option. I might change my moves to that actually. I have something more risky in mind at the moment though", "Nice, that worked out really well actually. Well done on taking the Helgoland Blight! That was a great call, and it means we can guarantee Holland for you next turn. Burgundy might retreat to Marseilles which is annoying, but manageable. Or it could retreat to Munich. Very interesting that Russia made an aggressive move towards you.", "Nah, that was planned. Russia's trying to keep good graces with germany before helping me to denmark in the fall. I can't do this if I'm going for Holland though.", "I'm a little surprised austria and italy are totally staying out the fight. I guess they're really going for turkey.", "Even better! If Russia is helping you with Denmark I can apply some pressure on Ruhr, and cracking that key position means that on the next turn we start threatening home centers like Kiel and will be in excellent shape to tackle Holland on the next year. Depends how much you trust Russia- seems like he's been radio silent for me, but then again we don't have a lot to talk about.", "Yeah the moves in the east are pretty crazy actually. They are going hard against Turkey, and Russia made some excellent moves it looks like so Turkey is in a very tough spot.", "Agreed we're in good shape. Though I imagine after these moves germany will make a hard play for russian support. If I can indeed trust russia, I'll convoy an army from Norway to Denmark and cut support from Kiel with HEL.", "I wonder if there's anything to offer Russia to sweeten the deal?", "Great points. I think Russia may plan to further develop in the south, especially if he and Italy work something out against Austria, or if Austria and he work something out against Italy. If that's the case, he may just want the peace of mind that you are not going to attack him for a while. Otherwise, probably a German dot if he plans to play in the north.", "Looking back at the map, probably Berlin would be the best bet for a dot offer since Russia could take that with an army (after traveling to Prussia/Silesia from Warsaw) or with the fleet in Sweden (by traveling to the Baltic first).", "Yeah that's what I was thinking. Russia seems fine to support without it.", "Poor germany. She said she's a first-timer.", "Indeed. Though, I remember the people who I played with in my first few games were more than happy to introduce me to the game with some brutal stabs 😂", "Nice, that went well", "Sorry for the late notice. Just a heads up that I plan to build a fleet in Brest but will park it in the MAO as a deterrent to Italy", "Can you explain why you didn’t build it in Mar?", "Yeah, sure. I couldn't build it in Marseilles because there would be very little I could tell Italy to persuade him that I wasn't planning to attack him with that build, even though that isn't my intention.", "What's the plan on the German front? Maybe we can get creative with the moves in a way that gets both of us at least one dot. I'm not holding myy breath on Ruhr, so I think the best play might be to send Belgium to Holland with support from the north sea while Denmark hits Kiel with support from Helgoland. If Germany makes similar moves to her last turn, we would pop both Kiel and Holland and would guarantee Munich/Berlin for next year. If Germany supports Kiel instead of moving to Ruhr, then we would guarantee Kiel in the fall as I'd walk into Ruhr and we would have Ruhr, Holland, Helgoland, and Denmark for a 4V3.", "Interesting to see you in the English Channel.", "So...", "You want to leave the channel? I can leave you alone so that you can do that.", "Not sure where all of this is coming from honesty. I know you feel bad for Germany since it's her first game, but for all you know she could just be lying about that for an advantage. If that's why you aren't talking to me, then I'd ask that you consider playing the board and not who you think everyone is.", "Based on the [redacted] profile, this is her second game on Backstabbr. Her moves have been tactically excellent.", "Test", "Given that you are still submitting orders, it seems like you are reading my messages and choosing not to respond?", "Give me a reason to defend myself against Italy. As it stands, I'm just going to let him solo.", "Look. I will defend myself against Italy. But I need to know that I will be in the draw. If you and Germany are just going to fuck me from behind, then there is no incentive for me to defend myself against Italy.", "I know you are upset with me. We can fix this, but I need to know why.", "Italy is the highest ranked online player on They will solo if we don't stop them now. Once Italy marches through France they are just going to continue onwards and attack you and your friend Germany.", "Whatever Italy/Austria told you about me and what I've said is a lie. You're being stringed along and they will kill you as soon as they kill me. Their entire goal is to get us to fight. That's why Italy keeps trying to get me to go to the North Atlantic Ocean and why they constantly told me to take English Channel, which I ignored.", "Why do you want to kill me so badly?", "Whatever I did, I'm sorry.", "I can stop Italy this turn by the way. It's pretty easy since Italy let me into Marseilles, I can support the hold in Marseilles and Marseilles can support MAO to Spain SC. It's impossible to breach, I've checked it, and I can keep making those orders for years and years. You stabbed me in Spring 03. It is Fall 05. I think that you, Italy, and Germany are highly underestimating my ability to survive against your onslaught. You sure this is the game you want? Slowly whittling away at me until I die? Instead, I propose that we let you into the Mid Atlantic Ocean and that you help me defend Italy. I can send you past the MAO into West Med, where you can start taking dots like Tunis or Naples. We wait until AI crumbles, and you have an excellent game where you top the board.", "Hey. Want to talk?", "Old friend! Sure, why not?", "Awesome. I'm reaching out because we're entering the late game and I think Italy is making a push to solo. I think it may be time to take Sweden/St Petersburg and get Austria to turn on Italy", "I'm just one unit so I can't do much unfortunately, and likely will be soon eliminated. Maybe you can still turn the tides? I wonder how you feel about Italy after this last turn.", "Yeah it was a pretty brutal stab from italy. Would be happy to see him go down. Do you have thoughts on your remaining unit?", "I would be happy to use it however it would help", "Assuming that you and Germany are getting back together again", "My ask would be to attack Gas" ]
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[ 3, 6 ]
[ "Hi turkey, how do you feel about your neighbors and playing turkey in general? Once you break through the Balkans and blow past 4 supply centers you can have an explosive game for sure", "Well yeah depends on the neighbors", "Any additional thoughts after negotiations by any chance?", "No not yet everyone seems rather tepid", "Yeah, that's true." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 6, 1, 6, 1, 6 ]
[ 1, 6, 1, 6, 1 ]
[ 26, 42, 140, 155, 165 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 1, 6 ]
[ "Howdy Germany", "How’s your early game shaking out?", "Not so bad. Yourself?", "Hey Italy! Thought I’d reach out and say hello. I’m excited for this game!", "eh I mean Im fuckin italy", "how do you think its going hahaha", "Hahaha yeah. Germany isn’t much better", "I think nonagression for these first few turns makes perfect sense?", "Me and you?", "perhaps obvious but I thought worth saying it", "yeah lol", "I’m probably down. Tomorrow morning I’m going to think through my strategy a little more before I commit to it.", "Hokay, no worries", "I go off to work and have no cell phone use starting at 730am just FYI", "So don’t take lack of communication for hostility lol", "Have you talked to France much?", "Are you EST?", "Yah est", "And no; have you?", "A very little bit", "I’m east coast too, DC. From Philly originally", "I’m reallll worries about that dude", "What’s France been saying to you?", "Same dude.", "Basically he dived right in no small talk or pleasantries asking me to bounce bur", "Idk how he is in person but he’s pretty blunt virtually lol", "Yes. What did he say to you?", "Nonaggression in piedmont", "Hahaha yeah he kinda skeves me out", "I’m keeping my options open for at least the first year but I’m pretty down to go after France", "And yeah let’s do the non-aggression for the first few turns", "Word to both", "Dope", "Let’s get dem first few builds then revisit the topic of le France, honhonhon", "HAHAHA sounds good", "Hey Italy! I wanted to take your temperature on your plan for this turn", "Hey! I don’t honestly know just yet!", "Was your bounce with France on purpose? Or accidental?", "On purpose. He asked me to bounce. I said sure to be nice and to deter a potential excursion into Mun", "What’re you thinking for next turn?", "I don’t know for sure. Do you trust Russia?", "I’d like to take Hol but I want even more to protect myself hahah", "He said he wants to go north in the only message he’s ever sent to me...which, ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", "Man, I have had like zero interactions with that guy", "Are we ready to talk France?", "Sure", "What’re you thinking??? I’m skeptical of France, they’re being pretty taciturn", "Yeah I don’t know! I mean the guy means buisiness. Basically between Russia, England and France I need to pick two to ally with and total war the other", "He’s getting hella builds next turn, and then he’s going SOMEWHERE", "I mean...I dunno if you can trust someone being so monosyllabic lol", "And it’s not at England, and it probably ain’t at me", "I mean, I’m ready to be a junior partner in mission “put some heat on the frenchies” if you’re down", "I could be down, but I want to wait and see if he actually goes after England or not", "What are your plans with Austria?", "I dunno man...I’m really tethered to h m rn in part bc France is hella unreliable", "I don’t love it but I don’t see a good alternative", "Yeah I like Austria - we’ve talked a lot. Don’t have anything formal worked out but you two are the two I’m closest with.", "What’re your plans with Austria?", "Feel bad Russia got wrecked", "I like him too, I just don’t like being so dependent this early lol", "But if France isn’t going to be my friend, I sure as shit need Austria to be", "Yeah but if you have to be dependent on someone he’s a good dude for it", "Yeahhhh Russia’s in some trouble lol", "That’s fair! He is competent and responsive!", "He had a real rough go of it", "I’m guessing you’re gonna get all up in Russia’s business?", "I feel bad for bouncing him in Sweden, but I couldn’t trust him with two units crouching in on my border", "Why didn’t he move into Berlin???", "Perhaps. Maybe not right away. Let him fight it out with Turkey and focus on making sure England or France don’t get too strong.", "He told me he wants to focus on the south", "I honestly didn’t trust him but then switch from moving to Ber to Ruh at the last second", "Austria confirmed that he told him the same thing", "Hey- have your thoughts changed at all?", "What’re you thinking re: France?", "I think england and France might be working together", "The bounced the channel", "The Franco-Anglo alliance is worrying. What’re your thoughts on the coming play?", "I mean, if you’re worried about them teaming up, we could go joint against France...I’m game to try it", "I literally don’t know but they’ve been suspiciously silent. It looks like it’s Italy Austria and German standing together", "That worked out irl right?!? Second time’s the charm!", "Nice work with burgundy my dude!!! Can you support me into Marseilles next turn???", "I still have no idea what England and France are up to...", "Then I can support you into France further using Marseilles as a base to support your advances. Lmk! Looking forward to talking this through.", "Hey amigo, you around at all?", "Yeah sorry on a work trip", "No worries man! If now is good to talk lmk.", "Not now but soon", "Rgr, just lmk.", "Can talk now", "Updated my orders to support you", "Ok- so I’d really like your support for my army in piedmont into Marseilles. Thoughts?", "Already did it", "My man! Rest assured you’ll get plenty of the France pie too when his house starts to crumble.", "Anything I can do for you in the here and now tho?", "Yeah. I’m more worried about the limey brits rn", "Let me look at the board but I don’t think so", "I think he’s sympatico to our anti-France agenda...he said earlier he’s been trying to reach you. I bet he’d be down to discuss!", "And ok just lmk", "He’s a little salty with me for the Belgium thing", "Mhmm yeah I see that. But idk if he’d be salty enough to ally with France after last turn...", "Do what you want, but my unsolicited advice is to try to work out a compromise- he could really give you a bad day if he feels like it.", "Yeah. I don’t want to fuck him or Russia but it would be silly to not take a SC in Scandinavia.", "Russia is very weak, england is strong at ultimately a long term threat to me.", "You ain’t wrong! But it might be to your advantage to find a way to live with England for at least the next few turns, imho", "What does that look like?", "My idea is to enlist Russia to support SKA into Norway.", "Promise russia non aggression, so I can focus on england and France.", "Take the North Sea last year and begin my land invasion.", "So if I’m you I do different- I knock Russia and France out, THEN hit England if that must happen", "How do I benefit from letting him get stronger or even survive? I don’t see it. Germany wins usually through an early england knock out, usually allied with France.", "I mean, it’s England’s call here, but if I was him I’d just want a) not to lose builds and b) not to lose my foothold on the continent. Maybe you can offer him that, maybe you can’t.", "How do I benefit from helping him tho?", "I just think England + France is too many fish to fry, even with my help, but eh, what do I know, it’s your call", "That’s my question. I just don’t see it...", "You get France out earlier- and get builds from that", "That’s why you want to work with England in the short term IMHO", "He’ll want Paris", "But I won’t get builds from France is the thing", "I don’t believe for a second I’m going to get the last one on the coast of the English Channel, or what something in the Iberian peninsula?", "You want mar", "I just don’t see how I benefit from working with england?", "Other than he seems like a solid dude", "I think if you’re assertive and you play it right you can get plenty", "You hold the cards here; he doesn’t", "Thatcsaid, it’s your hand to play", "Yoooo there’s no way you can help England take Paris???", "Unless I switch bur to supporting him", "He asked me and I told him I’m already supporting you", "Are you going to take Smyrna?", "I’m attempting a deal with england right now.", "Yeahhh he may just be out in the cold this turn", "Yeah plz still support me to Marseilles obviously lol", "England may be?", "Yeah", "I mean aside from the fact that you promised to support me into Marseilles, it obviously makes more sense for you to help me out than England", "Of course", "Yeah England is telling me y’all couldn’t reach a deal", "Bummer, but I get it", "I can’t agree to a deal where he keeps the North Sea. I just can’t have two armies sitting around doing nothing to be this guys friend.", "Fair enough my dude", "Did you know Austria is apparently one of the top ranked players in the world?", "Lol yeah", "Wild", "How’d you get roped into this game?", "A friend of mine is doing this study", "Hbu?", "Same lol", "With an all out war with england breaking out things might get hairy", "Yeah", "I want to avoid that at all costs", "But you’ve got to play your game", "What’s your long term plan? Maybe you can help mediate.", "Ugh so I’ll tell you the offer I made him", "Ok man- this is what I’m gonna propose- if you attack Paris and I take Marseilles- and I mean, what else are you really gonna do with that army?- I will fight like hell to give you two builds during france’s collapse", "Like, imho we need to separate North Sea from The France Question", "If we don’t steal a build from France here we waste valuable time", "France doesn’t threaten me directly tho. I would probably be allied with him if the guy was more chatty.", "Eh if he decides to make moves he could threaten any of us", "And that’s the thing- he’s not talkative or communicative. Ergo, he is a Bad Ally", "Talks breaking down between me and england almost guarantees France the channel. I offered an armistice in the North Sea (no fleet there) which would give us bother protection.", "Can I mediate between you two?", "What is this North Sea dispute?", "We are talking about an armistice now, talks are being reopened.", "Rgr, I stand ready to support", "After France, what’s next?", "That’s a big question my dude, and I’m open to your thoughts", "I kinda want early game to shake out before making tough decisions", "Understood. We have to see what this Anglo-German alliance holds.", "I’ll just say that i consider you my close ally and have every intention of finishing this game that way.", "Don’t fuckin tell him this- but you are a closer ally than England lol", "I mean same bro", "Did y’all make a deal?", "Like it’s not inked but I just changed my orders based on the tentative terms", "I feel like it’s coming together, but it’s not final", "Rgr. I mean my priority is helping us stay cohesive to beat France- and taking Marseilles lol- so lmk how I can support y’all in figuring something out.", "Happy to offer to drive to the door of whoever breaks and alliance and punch them out irl, just saying lol", "“Meet me in Temecula bro”", "Lol", "Excellent dude. Thank you much. Let’s go get you some of those France builds.", "Of course man. Glad I could help!", "Yo you see that order England gave in Picardy to support a Paris attack on you in burgundy? I think he fucked you.", "Or tried and failed any way. Wtf was that.", "Yeah maybe France just didn’t follow through...either way, doesn’t seem like the kind of order you give accidentally. Let’s check in with England, see if he has a good explanation, but I’m not optimistic.", "Yeah and here I fucked Russia thinking this is the beginning of a great Anglo-German team..", "Imho- we need to put Russia down ASAP so you can focus on this emerging England/France nexus.", "I mean we still have good odds if we’re up against an Anglo-France team, we’ll just need to work closely.", "We should talk builds when you can. Idk if I’m building army or navy, but you good with an agreement on no Munich/Venice builds?", "Oh no I was gonna build an army in Mun", "But he’s literally just there to support me into Warsaw", "Yeah england we’ll see what he’s really up to this year", "Why no army in Berlin? Just as close to warsaw, protects you against Russian navy fuckery", "Or were you gonna army in Berlin also?", "Yeah doing both. My Berlin army might get bogged down with that pesky ruski fleet", "I really don’t need a third fleet", "Ahhh that’s fair. Guess I gotta trust you here. Np np.", "Russia needs to die already lol. I feel bad for the guy, but it’s curtains time.", "Yeah you’ll see next turn I’m not going after you", "Yeah it’s really sad. I haven’t had the heart to look at whatever he sent me :/", "Literally just have an unopened message", "Lmk if you want any advice on France...if you got it covered, np- just want to support.", "Sure happy to listen to advice", "Sorry, away from my phone all day- mountain biking + swimming hole (I’m on vacation rn)", "Same lol", "We’ll work trip but same difference", "Lol where to?", "I mean, you may already be thinking this, but you gotta get all those armies out so they can all play a role in attacking France and England. With all of them together, and support from me down south, you’ll be in a good position imo.", "Charlotte NC", "Oh cool I’m in Colorado rn", "Do we need to talk about anything? Anything I can do for ya?", "Hey my dude, anything I can do to help move things forward against england/France?", "So I want Paris", "Word. I want you to have Paris! How can I help!", "Probably will have to wait til next year tho. I’m gonna move in deeper into France to support my guy in Paris next spring.", "Basically just don’t bounce me out if Gus", "Thanks man!", "Yessir. I shan’t. Scout’s honor.", "I have an ask of you though (unrelated to the above)....", "Can you lay off Russia for a hot min while we kick turkey’s ass?", "Sure man what’s up?", "Uh I’m gonna hit warsaw, I want that fleet gone", "But I don’t think I’ll get it until next year", "Uh that’s fair. I mean I’d do the same if I was in your shoes. I just want turkey gone, and that’s gonna be a real long road without support from the north.", "Thanks for understanding bro. It’s a natural pick up for me. I don’t think I’ll get it until next spring if that’s any consolation", "No no, I get it man. Maybe you can help out with Turkey when you get far enough east if we haven’t cracked that nut by then, but all things in good time.", "I may just try for Paris again instead of Gus, don’t want you to think I lied to you if I run that move instead", "My thought it I don’t risk losing burg and who knows I just might take it", "Rgr. Stand ready to support whatever you decide.", "This alliance is a two-way street and you’ve been crushing it on your side of the avenue- just lmk how I can help!", "Absolutely man! Thanks for being so supportive 😃", "Hey man how’s it going?", "Hey dude- went to bed at 945 last night and just now seeing this. My week for a busy work trip hahaha. What’s up?", "Yo just a heads up- I think england and austria are going to attack you in Warsaw...", "Why do you think that?", "Austria has been really incommunicado recently and it’s what I would do if I was him", "England is a homie tho.", "England getting a build- which england needs!- is much less threatening to Austria than you getting a build.", "Now that Russia is done and France is close to being dead, what are you thinking for the future?", "I mean, you know his interactions with you better than I do, but it seems like his back is up against the wall a bit here", "Mannnn, I’m Fence sitting as long as I can", "I don’t wanna make this choice", "No chance for a three way Germany austria Italy victory huh", "I’m doing the same. Austria kept trying to get me to attack England but I stayed neutral.", "I wish we could just all hug it out imo", "Lol I agree!!!", "I mean Idk about England", "I’ve gotten mixed signals from him", "And I haven’t followed the Scandinavia brouhaha very closely honestly", "What’s good man?", "Yooo what’s up", "So what’s happening with that army in Munich???", "Idk but I promise I won’t hit you.", "Tyrolia would threaten me obviously", "Can you promise it’s not going there?", "Yes I can promise", "So long as I can continue to expect non-aggression from you", "Word", "Similarly you have to understand if you move uni Tryolia I would see it as aggression :/", "Hoping we don’t go there bro", "Oh for sure", "Neither of us move there", "If we do we’re fucks", "Dirty no-good finks", "Bitch boys", "Asshats", "I’m totally game!!", "Sounds good man. Glad we’re on the same page here.", "Sidebar- what’re you gonna do about england?", "Based on the overtures he’s making to me, he is not your friend", "Woah dude Austria knows my IRL name I’m freaked rn", "What", "How", "Yeah idk dude", "Wtf", "That’s not cool man", "Not cool at all", "How does he know", "Dude idk I’m like freaked", "I mean it was only my first name but I assume he like knows who I am IRL", "Did he say it in a threatening way???", "Context???", "I think he was trying to get me to trust him but like it backfired big time", "How did he say it", "Just causally incorporated my first name into a chat", "“You far overestimate me *******”", "Yikes", "Yikes indeed", "He’s like freaking me out", "I basically said that this gambit by using my irl name backfired because now I don’t trust him", "Let’s talk dude", "Yeah dude for sure", "And he was like", "“We never had had trust before”", "So I’ve lost a LOTTT of respect for austria", "By him doing this gambit", "“You thought we had trust. That is the mirage of diplomacy”", "How allied with England are you?", "Well I thought we were strong AF but idk now based on what you and Austria are telling me", "Strong AF as in, willing to end the game together?", "Nah idk about that but strong enough to leave parts of our borders undefended", "Strong enough he let me take the North Sea", "Ok", "What does a good endgame look like to you", "I’ve lost a lottt of respect for austria bc of this shit", "At this point, Austria getting knocked out. Beyond that I’m an open book.", "Are you willing to commit to me rn- no england- for a shared victory", "Np if you’re not", "And if you say no now, you’re not necessarily foreclosing that option forever", "Well me and england are only committed to taking out Austria", "I’ve indicated I’m open to a final two arrangement, but he hasn’t agreed so I’m open to an arrangement with you.", "I mostly indicated my openness because I would feel more comfortable having a total and complete ally", "Are you comfortable with revisiting this after we take out Austria? I don’t want to make a final decision until my primary objective is complete", "I appreciate that but I’m not really comfortable waiting", "Bc if we want and your answer is no, then I’m fuckin hosed, yknow?", "Okay I understand. I can agree if we can be agree to a reasonable arrangement with England (aka I don’t want to knife him until Austria is disposed with because that is the terms of our alliance)", "What is your idea of a reasonable arrangement with england", "Three way shares victory?", "Me not attacking him until Austria is gone", "Also just strategically if we want Austria gone, we shouldn’t hit him right away.", "Can you get on board with that? I’m down to work with you to a two way victory so long has you don’t expect me to knife england earlier than I would like.", "Let’s revisit this in a turn? I gotta go to bed- but I’ve lost a lot of respect for him...and I need to think about how I see things evolving", "Yeah if you want to take your time with england that isn’t an obstacle", "That’s my only issue. If your in, I’m in.", "Can’t make decisions when I’m this tired- but I think we have an agreement.", "That army in Venice- where do you want it to go under this arrangement?", "We need to move on Austria all out ASAP", "If I can trust you, into try", "As a sign of trust here is my move set", "Don’t fuck me over tho", "A Ber - Sil\nA Bur H\nF Den - HEL\nA Mun - Boh\nF NTH H\nA Par S Pic - Bre\nA Ruh - Mun\nA Sil - Gal\nA War S Sil - Gal", "I will not fuck you over", "I clearly trust you lol", "Let’s talk tomorrow", "I can’t make this big a decision rn", "I trust you too", "For sure", "Rn- promise I won’t move into tyrolia", "That’s what matters", "Or tell anyone about this discussion", "We have trust", "Okay I mean you can if you go after Austria", "Sounds good man!", "Talk soon", "Night dude", "Night man", "Hey man how’s it going", "What’s up?", "Hey- sorry I’m just messaging now1 was driving all day yesterday", "No sweat man. Checking in.", "Word", "I want to move into Tyr to help me take Vienna next year. I promise I will not go after you in any way.", "I can support you into Gas if you want", "Mannnn honestly I need help with the UK", "But I’m not sure you can, just bc I don’t think you have the navies", "Yeah I need to focus all my attention on Austria. My biggest advantage right now against him is only having one front.", "Do you see any chance to keep Turkey kicking a little longer?", "Not really. You know how Turkey is- once the door gets kicked in they fall pretty quick- especially now that Constantinople is doa", "Yeah it’s over", "England and I couldn’t get engaged fast enough, and Turkey made some bad plays", "He held on long all things considered!", "Agreed dude!", "Hope you’re okay with my move into Tyr?", "I didn’t see your message about it until just now but I appreciate you giving me the heads up", "We Gucci", "I’m off to bed now, but let’s talk tomorrow and figure out where we go from here", "Thanks bro. Sounds good!", "Could you support Mun > Tyr?", "Maybe", "What’s England doing with that army in Brest???", "I’m trying to see if there’s room for you to support me into Gascony", "Hey sorry I missed this. Are you going to support Austria? What’s your logic with the Tyr move?", "For the record - I have no choice but to see this as an act of aggression towards me 😦", "Wowww there", "Just seeing this now, wasn’t trying to start shot", "Hahah do you blame me? I need Tyr.", "What was that in Marseilles???", "retaliation for going into Tyr", "I don’t want any hostility between us tho", "Why did you move into Tyr?", "Same reason I held my fleet in eas- I wasn’t paying attention and forgot to issue orders lol", "Had a crazy few days/nights now that I’m back home in dc and I’ve been tuned out", "Hahaha okay I mean fair", "No worries then man. I hope you can forgive me for misunderstanding your intentions", "No sweat", "But let’s talk abut how to fix this later!", "I’m running ofc to something rn", "Sounds good to me.", "Hey man - you good to talk?", "Ugh was at work the", "Good now for a min", "What’s up?", "Just want to check in. Thanks for taking down that unit.", "I gotchu b", "So any chance you stay neutral in my fight wirh England???", "100%", "Sorry for the delay in getting back to you", "Been traveling. In Cali rn.", "I expect you to stay neutral between me and Austria tho.", "I don’t want two theatres.", "If you could support me into Tyr that would be beyond dope.", "What’s going on man", "Reaching out one more time, but based on the attack you launched with Austria it’s going to be hard for me to not work against you now 😦", "Hey dude you there?", "Yo honestly I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to think about this at all. Not talking to Austria in the slightest- he keept asking me for help into tyrolia so I decided bumping everyone was the best I could do to keep you both equally pissed at me.", "Truth is I think the game is basically over for me- would love for you to stay neutral in regards to me but do what u gotta do", "I don’t buy it", "Yeah okay sounds good", "Don’t buy what?", "I question if you’re working with Austria tbh", "Nothing personal", "I mean I get it bouncing makes sense if you’re you’re not paying attention", "I mean that’s fair", "In the last 2 weeks- I got back from vacation, got swamped with work, and got dumped, so now basically all my free time is work and dating to try vainly to keep me from dying alone lol", "Up to you to believe that or not! Diplomacy has taken a back seat to life stuff, and that is fine by me. I should’ve been asleep an hour ago, so I’m going to bed! Night Germany!", "Dude so so so sorry about the break up", "That blows.", "All the best man. Good night", "Mannnn it was probably overdue tbqh, but that’s a separate story", "Don’t cry for me Argentina etc etc", "Anyway, night!", "Night bro", "What’s good man", "Ay just seeing this what’s up", "No worries man. Hoping we can chat.", "Yo you around???", "Sort of at a party", "Ha don’t worry man, I’m at a bar, well talk later", "Word tomorrow is pretty low key for me", "I’m in west coast time till Monday night and I’ll be flying most of the day Monday FYI", "Rgr let’s try to chat tomorrow", "Deal", "Yo", "Last minute but you there?", "Hey man sorry- Sunday was busy. You around nowV", "Yeah what’s good", "You wanna work womrth@g out?", "Yeah I’m down", "What’re you thinking? How can I help ya?", "Idk man. I’m worried england is gonna turn on me, which means I have to hit him hard soon", "Without giving too much away I think you are right to be worried", "We need to get read of France then we can take him in", "*on", "Tbh can you give a little more than that away?", "Well what has he told you?", "To chill out and not worry", "Lollll", "He approached me about stabbing you", "Yeah right lol", "Suggests he does not view your partnership as permanent", "Hey, you asked me what he said, your call on whether or not to believe me", "all good man", "Appreciate the tip", "Lol I", "Yo you were right", "I got you into mar", "I see that and I’m grateful!!!", "What can I do for you my man", "One thing man! Can you support tri from ven?" ]
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[ "Gah I’m Italy fuck everything", "Let’s talk my dude. I think an initial ceasefire for this first turn- or maybe longer!- may be in both of our advantages. What’re you thinking?", "I tend to agree, I would rather move east here, and I'm fine with some sort of Lepanto.", "Slow day at work so I'm free if you want to talk a bit. I've sent one message to Turkey and heard nothing yet so I don't feel super great rn.", "Hey Italy, would love to talk strategy if you're free for a bit!", "Hey man, super sorry about earlier- can’t talk at work (earlier message was sent on my lunch break lol), but I’m free now!", "What’re you thinking re: strategy?", "No worries! It happens. I hadn't gotten any messages from anyone so I was a little frustrated. Glad that you at least are responsive", "I reached out to Turkey about an alliance but haven't heard from him. If he's going to be an unresponsive Ally, I don't want to work with him and I'm fine with taking him on, ideally with your help. I think the two of us would do well together", "You ever do a blue water Lepanto?", "I won’t be responsive at all during work hours, just FYI- but I promise to make up for it by being EXTRA responsive when I’m off work haha", "I have not! What’re you thinking? I’m fine with going “full kimono” with you (as it were)...obviously one of my builds needs to be Tunis, where do you think build 2 comes from?", "This is also my first time playing as Italy so idk what I’m doing lol", "So you probably won't get two builds this round because the only sc in reach mine and I won't love it if you attack me early 😂😂", "But Tunis is a great call here and you can set yourself up to move into a good position against Turkey while also taking Tunis", "I would love to see you moving against France here, so we can build a solid foundation to expand outward from- eventually my dream is to DMZ the Venice/Trieste area", "What’s the blue water Lepanto tho?", "I am skeptical of France", "He had been uncommunicative", "Yeah, same with everyone else for me (England has talked a bit). I'm fully committed to you right now, and I'm hoping you feel the same way.", "The Lepanto moveset is a Austro-Italian moveset against Turkey", "The bluewater makes it more difficult for Turkey to see the attack coming and thus defend it", "It's my go-to opening as Austria, or as Italy working with Austria", "I’ll be honest- I’m pretty close to saying fuck it and going all in with you hahaha", "I mean- if I get out of the game w/e, I’m Italy and I’m SUPER busy at work, I have low expectations", "Would be happy to hear that- I'm all in rn", "Having a relatively committed Ally is all I ask", "In the words of the fyre festival guy, “Let's just do it and be legends, man.”", "It's hard to express how poor this level of Diplomacy is rn", "I haven't lied nor recieved a lie, as far as I'm aware", "So you’ve played diplomacy a lot then?", "Quite a bit. Do you know who I am?", "Zero idea", "Buncha people signed up months ago for $10 and forgot they’d actually have to play lol", "My handle is [redacted], I was #1 on the Conspiracy app for a bit and I run the Nexus tournament server, the largest online Diplomacy tournament in the world", "How were you recruited?", "Damn hahaha", "", "admin- how do you know him?", "Your biography is impressive sir", "Hahaha didn't know that was so accessible", "I was recruited on a Diplomacy forum", "I don't actually know admin", "Maybe I’m just reallll fuckin good at google haha", "\"the most niche corners of the internet\"", "So- honestly, I’m a bit skeptical here. A) it would be very like someone to fuck with me in this whole endeavor and pretend to be someone else. B) I’m always skeptical of people coming on strong for alliances very early. C) if you’re an experience diplomacy player, I’m sure you love yourself a solo victory. But! I’m fuckin Italy, and if you are as good a diplomacy player as you say you are, Ive got very little shot if I don’t cooperate with you. Andddd if I exit this game early, ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯.", "So I’m in- what’re our moves this first turn?", "Hey, this is a fun game for me and I'm interested in the project, but I'm not involved in this in any other way. I'll see if I can find the original recruiting message and screenshot it", "Would I like to win? Yeah. However, the research element is kind of interesting to me, I get compensation regardless of my final gameplay, and this game is low stakes compared to most of the ones I play", "I'm more than happy to ally long term with you", "No need to dig up your recruitment forum post!", "I trust you", "As much or slightly more so than is normal in this situation haha", "Besides, if you’re the only person returning my calls, you’re the only game in town lol", "So what moves should I make here to start the game? And what moves will you make?", "Full kimono time baby", "You thought the opponent told the truth.\nYou thought the opponent told the truth.\nYou thought the opponent told the truth.\nYou thought the opponent told the truth.\nYou thought the opponent told the truth.\nYou thought the opponent told the truth.\nYou thought the opponent told the truth.\n\nThis may get old really soon...", "If you're all in, I'll just send you a link. It's Austria driven, but pretty balanced. The Bluewater is geared towards Austria because getting the retreat is essential, but the outcome is the same as a classic lepanto", "Yeah I’m all in", "Send me dat shit and I’ll fill my orders out tomorrow for the Wednesday noon deadline- bedtime soon for me", "Fucking lol", "Same here, what time zone and work schedule you on?", "", "Yes bot, my fucking link is true 😂", "EST", "busy 730ish until 730pm ish with little to no phone access (Sorry, I know!) but around otherwise", "Ok- read some of this, will save the rest for tomorrow. I’m off to bed, catch you tomorrow.", "Same here for the schedule. It was a slow day at work, so I was texting. Normally I can't. I'm busy 7:30a-7p on weekdays, so this works out", "Out of work just FYI", "Just got out myself", "Do we have anything more we need to talk about? I still am In on this alliamce, gonna do the lepanto", "Like dis", "I think we're good. Thanks for confirming", "Fuck", "Only the lie emoji showed up and I clicked it by accident. I hope this doesn't mess with the results", "Lol I wouldn’t be too worried about it", "What moves are you gonna make? Not gonna tell anyone- just want to have something to hold you too later", "Yeah, no worries, I'll be standard opening probably, depending on what Warsaw does: Vie-Gal, Tri-Alb, Bud-Serb", "I'll let you know if those change", "Cool cool", "Just wanna have something to hold you to so in the understandable event that you do stab me, I can know quickly lol", "Yeah, I'll let you know if I vary from that. A tip- most good Diplomacy players, they just manipulate the circumstances of the moves", "They don't ever lie to someone's face. It's a waste of a valuable connection", "Mhmm rgr", "Aside from the misclick earlier, I haven't lied this game", "“Oh I was GONNA do that, but then x and y FORCED ME to do this other thing”", "I getcha", "Yeahhh, or I get someone else to attack you while I work with you. I'm not doing that, nobody's responsive enough to do that, but it's a strategy I might use in a tournament game", "Come join the Nexus server! You would enjoy it!", "", "Lol I’m not the best at diplomacy, but I have played before and I do enjoy it! I haven’t lied either so far this game...In a world where literally anyone else in this game is communicative, our relationship would look very different, but that is clearly not the case here lol", "Can I take you up on that another time? I’m ridiculously busy with work rn- and honestly, I wouldn’t want to join a game unless I could give it my full attention.", "On that note, I’m off to bed- hmu in the am if you want, otherwise I’ll catch you after orders resolve!", "It's just a community, it wouldn't commit you to anything yet. We have essentially the same schedules...I'm in bed rn", "I'm not trying to turn anyone on you :). The stakes are low enough and I'm having fun", "Cool, just joined- saw season 3 starts aug 25!", "Yes!", "Plan change: Vie is going to Bud", "Hey! Left work early today- FASCINATING game, especially in the north.", "What’re your thoughts for next turn? Think there’s an opportunity with Germany?", "I’m probably going easy build with Tunis unless you think Greece is an option for me", "Go for Tunis, idk if Greece is guaranteed yet. Russia is a dumbass but I told him to do that. He and Turkey are pretty new and I could take them both myself if you want to move on France", "Yeah you’re gonna get BEAUCOUP builds this turn man", "Yeah it feels like I’m playing things a bit safe this turn but w/e", "I put a bit of time into that relationship but whatever", "What relationship?", "You have to play this safe. I'm honestly thinking of covering Tri here just in case. I don't NEED Rum yet", "Turkey and Russia", "Ahhh I see", "Yeah I’m not making moves oh truest obviously", "*on trieste", "That buys me a build at the expense of fucking me in the medium term (not even long term lol)", "Yeah, I'm not sure that would be a great idea for either of us", "Any advice on what I should do with that army???", "I would love to see you push France, but I'm obviously biased of course. At the least, if you would move it away from Tri I would be obliged", "What do you want Germany to do here? Help you take on France or stay well out of the area so you can take most of him yourself?", "Hmmm a few thoughts", "shoot", "I want *something* for moving away from Trieste. Can we go ahead and make Trieste-Venice a DMZ until further notice?", "Full warning- you’re positioning for a lot of builds, so I’m obviously a little wary of a super strong Austria right up in my biznass", "Absolutely- that's my intent", "I'm not taking Rum this turn, and I'm planning to make Turkey mad. Those are both true", "You can trust me. I really have too much potential in the east to want to piss off the only true ally I'll have by 1902.", "Ok- so none of my armies/navies in Venice after this build, none of yours in Trieste. Done deal.", "Second- yeah, I want Germany’s help with France- with the UK going elsewhere, I need something to distract France. What’ve your discussions with Germany been like?", "I may in the future need to build a fleet in Tri to attack Turkey. I'll let you know when and you can respond with a build in kind", "I don't have any other coastal provinces so my options are limited", "Rgr. I just need prior notification that I have the chance to see and acknowledge.", "that's fine for me", "thanks for being agreeable", "No worries.", "Ok, here are my goals for this turn: Germany can't let Russia into Sweden this turn, but Germany and Russia need to partner up against England in the future. Have England attack France this turn, and you finish France off", "Here's the way this will play out", "England will move aggressively on France, pulling France's attention northward while you come in. A weak Russia and Germany will move on England afterward, reversing the course of England's fleets and staving off his attack on France. France, who committed defensively to the north, will not be able to ward you off and you can slide in. England will be next and Russia is falling around this time as well. Germany will be left and we can figure out a plan from there", "This stays between you can me. I'm not in the mood for message forwards right now", "Rgr. You can trust me.", "Only issue I have is- how CAN England attack France? He can go to Belgium, but why would he, and that isn’t *that* bad for France...", "England should be wanting belgium", "If the two of us (plus Germany) convince him to take on France, he'll take on France", "Is he tho? Have you talked to him?", "Diplomacy players are like sheep and will follow the crowd. Two is a crown, if played effectively", "Yep", "Working on him right now", "Hmmm lemme know what he says...he hasn’t talked to me yet", "No, this on is on you now. You need to get Germany to ask England to hit France with the two of you", "England will comply", "Hokay, will try", "The real trick is keeping Russia busy with Germany for one turn", "Any ideas what I should do with my apulia army?", "Can you ask Germany to bounce Russia in sweden?", "Convoy that sucker to Tunis", "Ah doy, yes", "Yeah I’m talking to Germany rn. Will make a plug.", "Thanks. Make it happen 😃", "I'm really not trying to control you. This is just a pretty straightforward game if we play it right, and Italy/Austria rarely pull a good game out together, so I am excited about our chances", "Dude, I am a-ok with taking advice/guidance from you and being the junior partner hahaha", "Awesome! Let's steamroll this game!", "At the point where france is unwilling to partner, you’re my best chance for making it to late game- any backstab of you is so clearly not in my medium/long term interests hahaha", "And vice versa. I'm not in the mood of wrecking this game over a dumb stab", "Hoping to bounce Turkey in Rum", "Get England going towards France", "I pitched England and Germany but they are very uncommunicative", "Are you getting any vibes from them?", "England is thinking about attacking Germany. If you can take on France alone, I'm fine with that", "I just don't want Russia tough, that's all", "We've got to talk builds", "I’m out of work now", "Surely do!", "You gotta build in Trieste don’t you...let’s work out some assurances", "You got your word for a weak Russia huh!", "FYI- I am lying to Turkey rn- let’s talk when you can", "Ayyy we gotta talk", "I don't like the western dynamics at all", "France's convoy was sneaky and England set up Belgium too well", "Germany lied to me about Berlin", "Yeahhhh it’s concerning", "So context for me- I’m trying to persuade turkey not to build a fleet in the south", "By saying I’m more concerned about you and France.", "Good", "What’re you thinking for your builds?", "Do I want a fleet Tri? It would help with the turkey takedown", "I forgot about Turkey getting Sev. That's a pain in my ass", "I would obviously prefer fleet Trieste lol", "And I’m trusting you here obviously", "Good, I wanted F tri but wanted you to say it. F Tri A vie. Turkey is stupidly strong already, I told Russia how to defend and he didn't do it", "It’s all Gucci my dude. He can’t beat you me and Russia.", "And that’s what he’s gonna be up against.", "Just make sure I get builds out of his downfall.", "Yeah. France is strong now too", "Germany is thinking about allying with him", "France is always strong early", "If you can get France going against England away from you, you can get the jump on him", "Just have to hope that favorable geography will save me", "Yeah but he's relatively consequence free", "And England", "They all are. I'm pressuring France to build up North for you", "You'll need a fleet here to assert Med dominance", "Oh for sure", "I was thinking Fleet napoli", "Yeah that's fine", "More flexibility that way for you", "FYI I’m telling everyone that I’m building an army in Venice", "To guard against you", "But I ain’t lol", "You can, but honestly preserve your social capital. It's your call. I don't think I've lied yet and I don't think I will this game. Save your lie for the two center stab, not the build position", "I mean I’m telling turkey that", "Not everyone", "Kk", "But your advice is well taken", "What’re you telling turkey?", "I may need you to forward some messages to Turkey in the future", "I'm congratulating him on getting into Russia", "Rgr", "Here to help!", "Thanks. Lmk if you ever need it from me", "Will do. Not gonna forward any messages without explicit permission as a rule- so I’ll check in with you if we need to.", "Ty ty", "Let’s circle up again post builds but I don’t think we need to talk about anything more this order cycle!", "Best of luck with France. Try to get him to build up North", "Yeah, we're good", "I'm trying hard for you", "Likewise my dude. Lmk how I can facilitate your turkey discussions through message sharing or otherwise.", "👌👌", "Think it’s to my advantage to talk to France, based on your convos with him?", "Can't hurt", "Can you find out Turkey's planned S02 moves without being obvious about it? I need to coordinate with Russia", "I’ll try but honestly, probably can’t- He’s not going to be happy about my fleet build. Right now we’re talking about convoying Tunis into Greece which, lol", "You can easily explain the build. The fleet gives you more leverage against me, both in the short and long run", "I’ll try! Will report back. Let’s coordinate later on next moves but we’ve got a little breathing space.", "Sure", "Let’s talk when you can. I’m taking some flights today but otherwise I’m around.", "I'm here. Hit me.", "What’re you thinking for moves? Right now I’m planning to send my fleets towards turkey and make a move for Marseilles hoping to bounce- then move my army in Tunis forward- but I’m curious what your thoughts are, and how I can plug into your strategy.", "Both seem good. I'd split the fleets, one west and one east, but that's just me", "I assume you’re going full court press on turkey?", "That's true", "While keeping Russia in my pocket", "And France?", "France is saying he doesn’t want war...I think England is down to get him but idk what Germany is feeling. I’m divided between going all in on turkey Vice dividing my efforts between him and France", "I’m probably not getting more than one build out of Turkey am I?", "Russia wants something out of this too and soon there will be very little Turkey for anyone", "Turkey will be a tough nut to crack and I want to be honest and say I don't know. You'll definitely get a build but I don't want you to have to overcommit that way", "So long as I get one build I’m a happy camper.", "I'll do my best to make that happen", "Because ultimately, starving you out of a build would make you turn on me eventually. You can know I'm telling the truth about giving you builds because I don't want you to fall far behind and become jealous of the growth of your neighbors. Does that make sense?", "Nah I’m with it", "I trust you", "Just gimme smyerna, that’s all Italy wants", "lol kk. Let's do this", "Can you see my profile pic or is it just the default Discord one?", "Can we just check plans here? Your committing a single fleet to Turkey and the other towards France?", "Default pic I’m afraid", "Yeah. Happy to discuss em in more detail iffff you’d like. What’s your strategy? What’re you doing with that fleet in Trieste?", "Heading down into the Adriatic here. Trying to contain Turkey", "Germany is worried about an EF", "Hmm why Adriatic Vice Albania? Sure you have your reasons, just curious", "Yeah...Germany is telling me he thinks France and England are allies. Would be bad.", "In all honesty, for the pressure. I have no plans to lie to you, but if you happened to support Turkey into Greece or something, I would have options to respond in the fall", "Fair enough man. That said, that makes me a bit worried about a stab right before build phase. Anything I can offer you to not do that?", "Send that second fleet towards France and we should be fine 😉 I think you were planning on that anyway, so that shouldn't be too much of a pain", "Lol I think we can do that buddy", "Rn I was thinking Napoli to TYS, ION to EAS- that copacetic by you?", "Perfect", "Great! In return I can expect that fleet to go to Albania instead of Adriatic, yes? Just want to make sure we don’t have any misunderstandings!", "Yep! Good clarification", "Yeeeee, let’s do the damn thing my man", "Yo- if you’re there, does it make more sense for Ionian to go to Aegean so it can support stuff up there?", "Won’t make that move without your go ahead but wanted to ask", "Eh fuck it, let’s not dick around with it. See you after moves resolve!", "Yeah sorry, I had to sleep. A decent moveset for us both, looks like you'll be able to force Marseilles in the near future", "The best part is that Ven and Tri are successfully DMZ", "No worries man. We’re in a good place for sure.", "Is Germany supporting Mar here?", "I sure think so- not sure that move makes any sense otherwise", "Turkey is likely to reach out to you here. Can you ascertain his moves and lmk his plans? I'll do the same for you if he'll tell me", "Word", "The EF showdown is good to see", "Looks like Germany was wrong there", "Yah france’s game is a bit of a mess rn. Sidebar- just signed up for a game on nexus!!!", "Amazing! Good to have you! What game?", "What has Germany said about support to Mar?", "Not in yet, but filled out a google form for backstabbr!", "He hasn’t said shit...about anything....I’m getting nervous. Have you talked to him today? I was planning to hit him back up around 530 EST", "Nothing yet, he may be working like us", "Well I’m on vacation this week- hence my responsiveness hahaha", "But your point is well-taken- is why I was gonna wait to engage him until after EST working hours.", "Lol", "He just got back to me", "Nice! I’ll give him a few min.", "How goes it friend?", "I'm all set", "You?", "Yeah, I think same", "Germany agreed to let you into Mar", "Trying to work France to my advantage but I feel good", "Yeah but- and let’s keep this part secret- France can block it right?", "If he attacks burgundy to cancel Germany’s support", "Right", "So I’m trying to finesse that", "But if you're going to Lyo you get it no matter what", "In spring", "We’ll see if I am successful and we’ll see if France is smart enough to make that play", "And you'll get smy for certain in 1903", "Yeah, England may be looking strong", "So honestly I was thinking that I’d go into WES instead to convoy that army into Spain later", "Do you think that’s dumb? I just don’t like it just chilling in Tunis", "Hahaha excellent!!!", "Why did Russia hold in Moscow??? Makes no sense", "He's not great :/", "Your Wes idea works out well lol", "Lol thank you- calculated risk but it paid off.", "You see England’s order to Picardy tosupport a French attack from Paris to burgundy? I fear we’re seeing a french/england axis emerge after all...", "Do you think you could put a word in france’s ear about what unit he should disband?", "Also, looking at this game, Germany is about to be very strong- do you trust him? He’s my second tier ally after you, but idk if he’d start going after you....", "He's not going after me. I set him up against England. He'll be busy for a while", "You told england to do that? Or you told Germany to go after england?", "Also, when you can- whatrecyou thinking re: upcoming builds.", "I told both to attack each other. Very truthfully of course. The point is to get Germany to distract England from helping you and keep G busy fighting a war it will take a while to win.", "By the time G is done with England, you and I will have turned around and will be ready to move against him", "Lol we should have deconflicted- I spent a lot of time last night trying to get england and Germany to play nice at least few the next turn. I assume you don’t want england to help me bc you don’t want me to get too strong?", "England and France were allied. I'm thinking long term about our strategy. England won't help you- as evidenced by the fact that even after you spent a long time talking to him last night, he still supported France against you.", "Think big picture here about how things will play out after you finish off France. This isn't about you getting too strong, it's about Germany getting too strong", "No no I support your play here.", "Gotcha. I trust you, and want to see you succeed :)", "Just your phrasing- “get Germany to distract england from helping you”- I thought I’d ask about it.", "Gotcha, I trust you and want to see you succeed! Let's do this!", "No no, same! This is working out real well all things considered.", "I meant France, my bad", "I'm typing a little too fast at work and I'm a bit distracted 😂😂", "Ah see I figured something like that. We good homie.", "No worries my dude! I’m free to talk builds whenever, but we can wait until later today- just lmk.", "Turkey took his back so I'll probably just go A Vie", "I’m divided on army Rome or fleet Napoli- feels like the southern oceans are a bit crowded and another navy is overkill- welcome your thoughts, but I won’t build anything in venice 😉", "I'm fine with either. You may struggle to fully take the Iberian without another fleet and you have that one army in Tunis to bring to bear on the mainland", "Supporting you into Smyrna this turn, can you do the same for me into Con in the fall?", "Assuming I get into Smyrna of course, done deal. You can count on it!", "Amazing. This is such a great start", "All out enemies are focused elsewhere, really the perfect setup", "I miss Diplomacy so much. I'm normally too busy with the Nexus to play actual games and I've recused myself from tournament games so I'm not accused of conflict of interest", "But that means I don't play as often as I'd like", "Glad we can get some good diplomacy time in for yah my dude 😃", "This is getting me back into the game, not gonna lie- rusty start but I’m remembering how much I enjoy it again. Glad I’m on vacation this week so I can really geek out properly 😃", "This is the best week to be free. Game will get slow as we pull ahead", "I planned it that way clearly 😉", "Do you think it makes sense for you to put a word in france’s ear on what unit he should disband?", "Go for it", "No I mean for you to do it hahaha- he won’t trust me and we don’t have that relationship", "If you don’t either nbd, but clearly going “hey, I’m a ranked diplomacy player, here’s what I think you should do” has worked out ok for you so far lol", "Which unit you want gone?", "I'm usually not that forceful. I'd be a lot more subtle. There's a million ways to do it and that tactic wouldnt work here", "Yeah I can", "Oh lol", "I mean If that fleet in MAO disappears I ain’t mad", "Haha kk", "I’m reticent to suggest it bc I think then he may go “oh fuck now I definitely don’t want to disband that fleet” hahaha", "I'll let you know how it goes", "No worries either way dude- but I appreciate it!", "He wasn't responded to me, although I reached out", "Not sure it will happen, he doesn't seem to be online", "It would remove the farthest unit from his home then right, if he doesn’t submit orders? Which is either the fleet or the Spain army i think", "Sidebar- Germany is building an army in Munich- just a heads up.", "You’re still going army Vienna yes?", "Army Bud", "Awww I think you’re my bud too pal", "Jk I know what you meant", "Hilarious", "Do we need to talk about anything? Anything I can do for ya? Our Smyrna deal stands.", "You got my back into Smyrna again?", "I didn't last night, I had a last minute change of heart because I saw a better moveset. I have you this time though", "I'm also hitting Con so that unit can't support Smy", "What's going on with Germany?", "I really need you to hit Constantinople AND support me into Smyrna- so that army in Armenia (I think?) can’t bounce me. Is that doable?", "Both are doable and done", "That's still not a guarantee you'll get it, but we'll try out best", "Germany got Russia to fuck up and it indirectly cost you a center", "So I'm not particularly happy rn", "What did Germany do?", "By threatening Russia, which wasn't the plan, Russia isn't in position to take back STP in the fall and thus we can't pressure that Arm unit", "So Arm is free to defend Smy, which means we're not likely to get it", "Yeah between that and France making a optimal disband decision that will make Iberia take longer, things are slowing down for us a bit. Not the end of the world- but I was hoping France and Turkey would be well on their way to dead by now.", "Turkey and England are notoriously hard to kill, but Germany is incredibly unhelpful", "Yeah Germany senses Russia is dying and he’s making a grab. Can’t blame him tbqh but it complicates our stuff for sure.", "If I get another build in Iberia next year I can help speed things along.", "Going biking- feel free to message but I’ll respond later.", "Russia's not dying to him. Russia's dying to England. Notice the reposition in the north", "Please put some pressure on Germany to keep all focus on England", "Also also, he asked me not to give you Smyrna. He's playing tricky and he's doing it badly", "Rgr will teyZ", "*try", "Do we have anything to talk about?", "I'd like to tell Germany to stop giving England a free pass, but I'm running out of ways to do it", "Yeahhhh I tried to tell him that and no dice.", "Nah I don’t think so- you’ve got my back x2 with Smyrna, which probably won’t work but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯- can you think of anything to discuss?", "He’s going after Russia while the getting is good.", "I’m telling turkey we’re having an argument to see if it makes him discount the prospect of you supporting me into Smyrna...hail Mary but idc", "Turkey and I have been communicative, I can help on the end", "Yeah, it's worth a try", "Also, Germany isn't getting Russia, England will", "I don't see why no one gets that", "Yeah feel free to tell austria we’re beefing- may muddy the waters", "Man- and I say this with all due respect- I think you’re so far more skilled than most of the people playing (I include myself in that group!), you just see shit others don’t", "You’re in the land of the blind...except you have two you’re not king, you’re just a know it all (if that analogy makes any sense) 😉", "I'll tell myself we're beefing", "That'll really confused him ;)", "Will do", "Hahaha no sweat. You're good at flattery, you should play Diplomacy", "Lollll", "So we have a bit of a problem", "Talk to me", "I just landed back on the east coast", "What’s up dude", "Not a great turn", "Actually a very bad turn", "Talk to me- what hard choices are we faced with for next turn?", "Let's see what Turkey disbands", "Priority number one is to get England and Germany turned against each other, or they will be too big for us to handle later. England can make it really hard for us to finish off turkey, and England and Germany together can probably take most of France. We need to split them up.", "Agreed for sure. Will try to sow dissent among them.", "What’s your build going to be?", "A Vie or Bud", "Leaning towards Vie right now", "I've gotten nothing from anyone else", "This isn't a great look for us. Stay strong against France and Turkey. We'll have a stalemate line soon", "Neither have I...but tbqh Idk if that’s just bc it’s the weekend/people perceive at this stage there’s not much to talk about.", "Unless there’s been some miraculous england-Germany rapprochement- Which I haven’t seen!- I think we’re good", "I mean Germany and I have discussed next moves", "You still supporting me into Smyrna per last turn?", "So we need to shift some units or we can't get it", "But I can get you in Fall 1903", "Keep Germany and England split", "It’s 1904 now", "I get that keeping england and France split is the overwhelming priority but I’d love to see movement on Smyrna by the end of this year", "England and Germany, yeah", "And we can't get Smy unless you move to Syria here", "If I do that, you move AEG to EAS and Greece to AEG in preparation for an attack next turn?", "And yeah, sorry- slipped up there", "Exactly", "Ah shit. Sorry man- went to bed at 945 and forgot to change that order. Super sorry.", "Yeah, that sucked. However, the good news is that I got into Sev, so he may try a different defensive moveset this time. I think we are a go for a supported attack of Smyrna", "Assume it's us against Turkey, England, and Germany for the rest of the game", "We honestly got lucky that turn", "Roger that. Will push ahead with Smyrna attack. Apologies again. Things are looking good!", "It's a bit of guessing here, but fortunately we have turkey on lockdown for now. Keep England and Germany against each other. Tell Germany that you heard England plans to attack Warsaw with my support or something", "Actually tell him exactly that", "Done", "Great. Hopefully there will be fireworks. If they go to war, we win", "Even if they give up the fight after a year", "Supporting you into Smyrna here, confirm?", "Yes, sorry, just saw this, Shame it didn’t work", "Good turn I think...thoughts on builds? I was thinking army in Venice time", "Where do you plan for that unit to go? You want to take on Germany here?", "Also, provided you continue to work with me here, you get Smyrna this season, guaranteed. The units Turkey needs to support Smyrna need to be disbanded here", "Ayyyy I’m definitely working with you first things first", "You...are my fire. Our one desire.", "But yeah, that was the plan. At least give myself some cover over there from any designs he might have. Idk, med feels full of ships, and I can’t think of any other builds unless you can suggest one", "I would personally prefer to see an army build in Rom, which would go Tus-Pie-Mar", "Just bc an army in Venice threatens you?", "The problem is you're in a bit of a dilemma. You have a lot of ships, true, but not a ton of room for another army", "But it's your call", "I’m gonna try to convoy the army in n Africa to France; I feel like an army in Rome will just get stuck behind Marseilles for a long while", "I think any army does, which is the problem", "Yeah I mean the problem is MAO is clearly a choke point also", "Unless I shoot an army straight up from Venice at Munich", "Get France to support you in. The dude is desperate", "The tyr move will be a tough sell to me :D", "Especially if I'm helping you into Smyrna", "😘", "You don’t trust me at this point???", "So I gotta go to bed soon- just messaged France and no response- so let’s assume we need to make this decision amongst ourselves", "I’m trying to make a build that brings maximum benefit to this alliance. I’m open to other suggestions if you can identify something that brings us more value!", "Talk to me here- this has been going so well, I don’t want things to fall apart now", "Ok man- bedtime for me- hope I see a fleet from you in Vienna. Then we can start to move against Germany etc.", "Shit shit, I'm still here", "Real life stuff took me away for a sec", "It's not that I don't trust you right now, I'm a Diplomacy player and I prefer manufactured trust, built up through our DMZ. It means I can work well with you without worrying about an imminent stab, and vice versa, which is easier for both of us", "I would prefer to keep that up so we can continue to work together without distraction", "You seem like a nice guy dril :)", "Heading to bed myself- I'm sure it'll work out", "Sorry about that- had a hard 9pm stop last night. Happy to discuss moves today- honestly considering moving Venice over to piedmont to protect Marseilles (in which case...sorry I even built it in Venice in the first place!). Regardless- we’ll take it out.", "*TALK it out", "I don't blame you. I don't think the build was a great one but sometimes that happens", "The main point is that Germany is terrifying and needs to be pulled apart. We can't slip into his centers, but if you and England take him from the West while England and I take him on in Russia, we have a chance", "Agreed re: Germany. Wish we’d had more time to discuss that build but it happens.", "What have your interactions with england been like? Agreed, Germany is realllll real strong- but he seems to be on good terms with England, at least from Germany’s optic.", "I'm not concerned about the build, let's definitely talk next moves tonight though", "Our #1 focus is splitting Germany and England. Turkey is still too strong for us to start to pull off him", "Ok agreed", "Let’s talk whenever- I’m gonna go to bed early but hopefully less early than last night", "Hmu whenever and we’ll talk strategy", "Here rn off and on. This is important and we need to be reaching out to England early too. Let's figure this out now", "Rgr", "What’re your thoughts?", "(On moves specifically)", "I'd like to finish off Turkey here without England fucking me.", "If you can make sure that he doesn't support an attack on Moscow, you get Smyrna", "Wow wow wow", "I thought we were coordinating moves here", "We are", "And I thought I was getting Smyrna regardless", "This is the first step", "Not conditional on me making england do something I have no power to make him do", "I can't tap arm unless Mos is safe, see?", "And then neither of us get anything", "I thought you were threatening me", "Ahhh ok", "Not explaining how to make this happen", "Ofc not", "lol", "Lol it seemed a little unsubtle for you", "I just messaged england", "What should I tell him", "He responded", "Getting Smyrna is a priority for me, so I wanted to let you know the best way for us to do it", "Do I have any moves to talk about with you?", "Yeah", "But we'll get there", "Start with the easy stuff ;)", "Like what I should tell england rn lol", "Ask him to hit Moscow and talk about how dangerous Germany is", "Like anything productive for that unit to be doing other than hitting me", "I'm working on him too", "Ok", "I'm making progress", "Let's talk about us now", "Rgr", "What us stuff would you like to discuss???", "Btw just sent this to England \"One of us has to move into it by the end of the year. Germany is building to move against me, Turkey is still a pain in the butt, and Italy is getting testy. I need your help to crack this dude, and I can't be running damage control for the board on my own\"", "Just roll with it if he asks", "Let's talk about that Venice unit", "Absolutely. It’s not going into Trieste obviously lol", "But I assume you wanted a deeper discussion haha", "Yeah, where is it going? I hate to say it, but Tyr may be the right option", "Mhmmm so I was thinking piedmont to bolster my army in Marseilles against Germany pressure", "(I can always pull it back to Venice if he moves to tyrolia)", "Lolll ok", "But tell me more about your thinking re: tyroli", "I'd like to lock up that front and not have to worry about the north for the next two years", "Assume he will", "You'd get your Smy center and ONCE we turn away from Turkey, you can bet I'm coming hard for the north", "But I'd rather open a temporary front up there for now", "That Marseilles army is mighty vulnerable tho", "Of course holding Marseilles isn't bad, but you should have built a fleet for that", "That's true too", "Once he gets into Gascony", "Army can do that AND cover Venice from German predations", "Better build for me", "Which is why it's PIVOTAL for us to get Germany to hit England and vice versa", "And Germany shouldn't need coaxing", "But he does for some reason. These players aren't recognizing opportunities", "Kinda like ya", "I mean they seem to be close allies lol", "*us", "Right", "What else do we gotta discuss", "Ok then lol, you can move to pie.", "I'll try to figure it out with England. This turn may suck. I may just pull back from Turkey to cover up the north myself", "But we need to get G and E turned on each other", "This is the most pivotal turn of the game", "Germany can get two more this turn and two more after that, which would be thirteen and England would be powerless to stop him", "We wouldn't be in position to help England and Germany would get up to 16 by the time we finish Turkey and you get around the MAO chokepoint", "Yeahhhh", "Germany...has done nicely", "I’m confused why", "/how, rather", "But we’re good on moves???", "Nothing more to discuss?", "We're good. Can you tell Germany that he should move on Edinburgh and Norway here?", "Am communicating rn", "Germany says you know his real name?", "wtf", "Yeah", "How", "He’s freaked", "Yeah, clearly", "I think it's working though", "How did you get his irl name", "If the goal is to make him do your bidding, idk if that’ll work", "No, the point is a little more subtle", "I can explain after the game", "Mhmmm", "Do you know my irl name?", "Would it help us win the game if I did?", "Sure", "Dude that’s kinda creepy", "That you know that", "It's not that creepy. If we do AARs, I'll talk about it and my reason for name dropping", "Ehhh talk about it now why not", "I won’t repeat anything you say", "I’m just concerned about the extent to which the veil of anonymity has been pieced", "I'll keep it at that.", "Nearly 0", "Mhmmm I need you to give me some more info man", "Germany shares a lot about his personal life", "That should answer your questions", "I’m not sure this accomplished what you wanted", "I think it did. I don't think Germany knows what I was going for. I pulled an old trick on him, but it accomplished a couple points", "Although", "It did freak him out far more than I intended", "I've had people look me up on facebook, my gf, my family", "He willfully volunteered his information, so I'm a bit surprised he's surprised", "I think this is a case of you not appreciating that he’s probably more casual than you haha", "Do you know my name", "No", "We good", "Yep", "I’m gonna get Smyrna before next builds won’t I", "That's the plan. It's a guessing game with Turkey as you can see", "You're going to get it this turn, possibly at the cost of my losing Sev", "That’ll be ok tho", "Bc we’ll get it back 😃", "As a TEAM", "Ok bed now", "Night!!!", "Night", "Welp", "The lines are drawn. If we hadn't gotten Smyrna this round I would have had to stop supporting it", "Also I really wish you had moved to Tyr now. Whatever. Hindsight 20/20", "Well I could lose Smyrna pretty easily next turn if you don’t either support me or blast Constantinople", "So I’m not happy just yet", "It looks like you mismanaged Germany tbqh", "Hell if I were God and could do everything, I would have one the game now. I talked to Germany and England for 5 hours, extended the game deadline by another hour and got Germany to mismanage a critical convoy as well as not push Gascony. I'll take it", "You need to support me into Con this turn. It likely won't work, but it will in the spring next year", "Can we confirm that you can support me to Con?", "Done", "I’m supporting Aegean into Constantinople??? Or a different unit??", "Oh sorry, Bulgaria to Com", "Thanks", "Fuck man was at work when you sent this", "Whadda turn- I’m just checking back in", "I think we lose this honestly", "Yeahhhh it’s not lookin good", "Why didn’t you tell me you were going into tyrolia?", "Because I needed to block him and I know you weren't doing it anymore", "Mhmm thought we had a non aggression pact there tho", "Like I’m not opposed, but heads up would’ve been nice", "But Germany is aggressive to us both and I'm not letting him into Tyr", "That's fair", "Yeah communication is still important but you know that", "We gotta keep it together now lol", "So Germany is getting into tyrolia this turn huh", "Definitely not, but we need to guess perfectly here", "What’re you thinking", "I think the only think that we need for sure is you to move into Tyr here", "I've spent the day coordinating the east with Turkey", "It probably matters where I move from, yes?", "Assuming you are supporting me? Or is that incorrect on my part?", "Ideally move via Venice so we maintain that front and you still have that one army to protect your army in Marseilles", "I'm trying to take back Vienna, but if that doesn't work, will be just sitting in for the long haul around Tyr.", "Aside from that, we need to get the Med blocked up", "I think we can hold everything if the med is safe", "Ideally you can burn that NAF army and replace with a fleet", "Also you lose that Mar army this turn :(", "Solid", "???", "What do you want Smyrna and Venice to do?", "Supporting Ven to UKR here. Your call on Smyrna", "Supporting Venice to Tyr here*" ]
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[ 0, 4 ]
[ "What’re you thinking for the early game?", "Hey Russia", "Hey Italy,\nI want to go North but that all depends on Turkey and if I hear back from them." ]
[ 1, 1, 0 ]
[ 2, 2, 0 ]
[ 0, 0, 2 ]
[ 2, 2, 0 ]
[ 32, 33, 245 ]
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 19, 19, 1 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "Heyyy guy", "Thoughts re: la France?", "Thinks seem pretty cordial so far. That said, I wouldn’t mind a thorn in his side. What are you thinking?", "I’m thinking it might be to our advantage to pressure him a bit...rn he’s getting a LOT of builds this turn, and then he’s probably coming straight at us.", "I can move on Picardy, but only if you move on Belgium. I think Germany is going for him, so now’s your chance to get a slice of France while the getting is good.", "Looking back at the board and damn, he has left Belgium wide open for you", "Do it", "I was already planning on it. Let’s slice her up 😼", "Hey fella", "Let’s fucking keep clowning on France, yeah?", "He can’t fight you off from north and me off from south", "Let’s do it", "Hell yah bruh", "Excellent work dude. What’re you thinking you’re going to do with that army in France???", "No clue yet. Germany is knocking at my door.", "Have you talked to Germany at all today?", "He’s incommunicado", "Same lol. Sucks bc a lot is obviously up in the air depending on what he does...but let’s give him some time to respond to us and try to take things from there.", "Ok", "I obviously have a vested interest in you putting full court press on France...which requires further coordination with Germany...just keep me in the loop on how I can support.", "The only thing preventing that is Germany. Let’s work on him together", "On Germany or France you mean???", "Work on Germany I mean.", "How? I’ll be honest, feels like we’re still a bit too far apart...and tbqh, I can’t fight Germany AND France at the same time lol.", "I mean diplomatically", "Ok what do you have in mind? I’ll be honest- not really trying to stab Germany, who has been good to me, but I’ll hear you out.", "You’re completely misunderstanding me. I’m talking about convincing Germany to lay off of me and join against France. Possibly turn on Russia too.", "Ohhhh damn my bad! Sorry dude! Totally my mistake.", "Yeah word I would like that very much. Obviously I’m putting a lot of stock in the anti-France effort- and obviously that is near-impossible if Germany ain’t down.", "Let’s both lobby him on it.", "Yes", "Had the chance to feel Germany out yet?", "Nada", "Any move decisions yet? I have an ask for you but idk how realistic it is", "I heard from Germany", "What’s your ask?", "Attack Paris (is my ask)", "How’d talks with Germany go?", "Well he sounds committed to supporting you into Marseilles. I asked him to support me into Paris and he said no. It seems there was a discord glitch which is why he stabbed.", "Ugh sometimes my messages aren’t going through bc it says I haven’t pressed thumbs up. Hasn’t happened to anything big yet but I see it.", "So what’re you going to do with that army?", "I’m still nervous about him. I asked him to take Sweden and he hasn’t answered yet. I won’t interfere with you taking Marseilles, don’t worry.", "Well it would be much more a sure thing if you could attack Paris", "I’ll try to finagle Germany on your behalf", "Can you provide him assurances you’d give him a lion’s share of the France builds? I think it would go a long way to securing his cooperation", "Are we allowed to group chat?", "We should work out the slicing together.", "I suggested you take marseille and Spain, I take Brest and Portugal and he gets Paris and Belgium", "I don’t think we can! Which sucks but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", "We can’t what, split up like that?", "Yeah, me and Germany can’t come to terms.", "No no I mean talk in a group", "That split sounds fair to me tbqh", "Ok man- this is what I’m gonna propose- if you attack Paris and I take Marseilles- and I mean, what else are you really gonna do with that army?- I will fight like hell to give you two builds during france’s collapse", "Ok- per Germany’s suggestion I am mediating between you two. What is this North Sea dispute ?", "We’re going to DMZ it", "But I want to do it next season so I can convoy into Norway.", "Ok he says y’all are talking again", "I stand ready to support", "What’s the good word my dude", "Me and Germany are iffy", "He’s being cagey but we’ll see what happens", "So at this point I’m accepting that the england/Germany relationship will need to be worked out beyond this turn", "Trying here", "My question is- bc it has relevance for my naval moves- what’s that army in Picardy doing???", "No no I hear you", "I can support later", "But moves are due in 10. We need to worry about the here and now rn.", "I’m concerned you and Germany are plotting against me", "Absolutely not.", "If we’re going to knock France out we need to be a team.", "I agree", "Ok, I’ll hit Paris.", "I mean, I’d ask how I know you and Germany aren’t plotting against ME, but at some level I trust y’all not to be pulling that", "Excellent.", "If I take Marseilles, you have secured my future cooperation and goodwill.", "I hope you and Germany can live together for the next few turns.", "What did he agree to do? Asking so I can hold him to shit next turn if he doesn’t do it", "My man. Owe you. Won’t forget your help here.", "Waitttt...what’s up with this “supports Paris into burgundy” order?", "That you gave your army in Picardy?", "Complete oversight. I had my orders like that before we came to our agreement. Between talking to you and Germany and Austria AND my gf last night I forgot to change them up. My bad.", "No worries, I believe you- not sure Germany will tho. Probably worth talking to him.", "Are you talking with france at all?", "Nothing with France", "Germany asked me the same thing and I explained.", "I hope he believes me.", "Ay you around???", "Yes", "whats up?", "Germany got fuckin big huhhh", "Iiiii’m not sure how much I like it", "That is the subject that I wished to discuss", "how do we bring him down? austria is talking to me about the same thing", "We need a united front first and foremost", "Obviously", "I built that unit in Venice as leverage on Austria to secure his cooperation against Germany lol", "Yo- MAO- how do I get there to take Portugal lol", "if you recall, i was supposed to get brest and portugal, you were supposed to get marsielles and spain and Germany was supposed to get paris and Belgium", "so i should ask you, how do I get into MAO to take portugal?", "You gonna support me into Portugal or what?", "(Or wherever you bounced me from, idc to look it up)", "What’s in it for me, after you’ve already bounced me out of Marseilles?", "we don't let germany win", "How does you taking Portugal keep Germany from winning", "And how does it help me specifically", "You’re gonna have a rough time taking Portugal without me...prepared to let you have it if I get Marseilles back", "We have a deal. Gotta kill France", "👍🏻", "Vacate Marseilles and then next turn I’ll help you kill France", "Deal?", "There is no next turn", "This is the last move", "No I think it’s fall 1909", "So winter 1909 next right?", "It’s actually inconsequential who takes what as neither of us can top the board. The only thing that matters is the we kick France", "(Apologies if im being dumb and missing something)", "Yeah but I’m still not doing this for free bruh", "I gotta go in 2 or so hours so we should probably figure this out sooner rather than later", "Update I have Marseilles and I’m happy", "Wanna talk France?", "put me in portugal", "We can do that", "Good with waiting til next turn? So I know you won’t stab me?", "Why did you keep France on the board?", "He gets paid out now", "Boneheaded play", "1) I think we still have another turn to knock him out?", "2) you didn’t respond to my messages earlier? Where I asked if I could wait a turn to attack him?", "It’s not over now?", "I did respond", "I said we should move on it now", "I didn’t thumbs up or thumbs down it 😦", "So it didn’t send", "Oh wow, looks like we have one more chance to knock France out, exactly like I was saying", "I’m attacking Portugal from Spain- support me from mao and we’ll knock him out" ]
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[ "Heyyyy Turkey", "Whatcha thinking re: start of the game?", "It kind of depends. I'll probably want to stop Russia from advancing south", "I'm kind of afraid of Austria and Russia teaming together on me", "I mean if that happens you’re donezos", "What vibes are you getting from each of them?", "Austria seems very knowledgeable", "Russia has been silent so far", "Lots of silence in this game lol", "Is Austria pushing you for anything?", "Go hard on Russia, I guess.", "Lol I’m sure", "Whelp, I’m off to bed, but lmk if you see any opportunities to collaborate in the early game", "Night!", "Either he does that and that's fine with me, or he turns around and goes for me. Either way we can be prepared?", "Rgr", "Where are you looking to go? Tunisia or greecy perhaps?", "Tunisia prolly", "Why?", "I need to consider whether greece is up for grabs or not. Depends on what austria is doing too", "I have no sense what austria is up to lol", "What did he tell you?", "like he'd tell me if he was gonna attack me lol", "what did he tell you?", "temporary non-aggression, but limited other discussion", "Heyyyy guy", "What’re you thinking re: next turn?", "I still want to attack Russia but it does seem like Austria may be able to grab a lot of supply in the Balkans. I don't think either of us are beniftted by an overly strong Austria so it would be prudent to come to some terms with Austria there", "Looks like things have been fine for you so far, but now you've got to pick a side. I am expecting F Ion - Eas which I will not allow.", "Even if you were to make it through to turkey, you'd have 1, maybe 2 command centers far away from home, whereas Austria has 4-5 more in the Balkans with Constantinople.", "I think things are definitely not fine for me, honestly", "Austria is wayyyy too strong rn...I should’ve stabbed him when I had the chance", "Believe me that between him and France, I’m not trying to start shit with you", "Don’t want to promise anything rn- too early for that, talk to me after builds- but Austria is gonna have to build something in Trieste, so I officially have bigger fish to fry", "Maybe you will able to broker a deal with France and refocus on Austria?", "France fucking barely talks to me! Are you getting any vibes from him???", "I'm willing to back you up on that. You probably cannot prevent a build in Marseille but Pie offers decent cover.", "I'm on decent footing with France.", "The real issue for me is Russia, have you talked to him?", "Incredibly limited convo...he said he “wanted to go north”", "Which I’m betting he regrets now lol", "Yes, I'll see if we can come to an agreement. There is no way I'm going to beat him with 1 army anyway.", "Look- build what you’re gonna build. But I’m not gunning for you.", "What are your plans for builds?", "Lol what’re yours?", "I do plan to build a fleet in Smy.", "I'll believe you if you don't build a fleet in Naples", "Whyever would you do that.", "Building a fleet in your south screams, “I’m coming after Tunis”", "You just said yourself you need more armies!", "To stop F Ion - Eas", "Most of the Balkans on my side are fleet-accessible", "But I’m not going to do that!!!", "And it doesn’t help you with Russia in the north.", "How should I know?", "If you build a fleet there, I have to assume it’s going after me.", "I think I’ve made a reasonable case on why I have other stuff to worry about aside from attacking you!", "I'm not quite sure what a single fleet is going to do when Austria is literally 2 spaces away from Con", "The black sea strait does not allow me to use armies to their advantage. Fleets are better", "Honestly, I probably need to build a fleet or army in Venice...if only to keep Austria from fucking me, bc he’s obviously building in Trieste. I don’t want to do that though, but I don’t see alternatives.", "Why no fleet in Ankara then? That’s much less threatening to me", "I have two builds but I still need to decide what to build there", "If it’s a fleet we will have Problems", "I'm sorry but it's gonna happen anyway if I don't want to open myself to a massive stab by you.", "Not trying to threaten! Just communicating how I’m gonna see that build if you do it.", "Ok, I mean we don’t have much more to talk about then.", "What really matters is what I'm going to do with the fleet. There's no way for me to move F Eas - Ion unless you vacate that. Even so, I need those fleets supporting my push into the balkans", "Dude, it feels like you’re making a lot of demands but not offering me much.", "You’ll build a fleet there...and you’re telling me where I can’t move...what do I get?", "(Hopping in the shower post gym rn but will be back online in a few mjn)", "Any pressure from my side on Austria helps your side against Austria too.", "This will keep Austria's armies in Ser and Bud occupied", "I mean that “rising tides lift all boats” stuff ain’t good enough", "If you build a fleet in the south you force me to treat you like a threat", "And good luck fighting Russia, Austria, and me", "I don’t want that though! But I don’t see other options if you make that build.", "What would you suggest?", "Build an army there, not a fleet", "Then we gucci", "I'm working out some scenarios so just give me a second", "Rgr", "I’m around", "Fair enough, I do not see scenarios where you backstab and still have the upper hand against Austria", "Sorry for being so distrustful", "Backstab who? I’m confused lol", "Well, I'm consdering you convoying A Tun - Smy for example", "but I'm glad that won't be an issue 😃", "Why the FUCKKKK would I do that lol", "You are too paranoid for someone fighting a two front ear lol", "*war", "I’m confused...what’re you intentions re: fleet Vice army build?", "I'll build an army in Smy", "Rgr!!!", "Glad we could work this out.", "If you can go to Alb with your army in tunesia I can then try to support an attack on Greece later", "Hmmmm lemme look at the board real quick and think", "I'm not sure if you have other plans, but I would like to think ahead a little bit to see what we can do.", "Maybe we should talk post- builds- I’m not saying no but I gotta see how france’s builds shake out", "Happy to game things out rn tho!", "Specifically, if you do F Ion S A Alb - Gre, it is unlikely Austria will be able to stop that given that I'll be pushing for Rum and Bul if necessary", "So what's the plan from here?", "What is your plan with F Eas?", "Honestly not sure! Thinking of bringing it into the Aegean and using it to support somebody. Do you have ideas?", "Yeah I think moving to Aegaen would be very helpful. I could then help you get into greece afterwards as well, if I can get Bul", "Still, it's looking like Austria will get at least +1 build", "I'm not quite sure what to do. I think I can survive a year or two but maybe not more", "Yeah you’re in a tough spot. What motivated your decision to go after Russia?", "I was playing along with Austria. Plus then i gambled he'd F Sev - Bla so I could just move in with A arm - sev.", "Also he was not being communicative and was only moving north so I had assumed he was allied with Austria (& he confirmed it only now)", "Anyway, I'd be cool to sit it out for a few turns with 4-5 CP but I think Austria will continue pressuring me.", "Brb- going to grab dinner", "So idk if it makes any difference re: your build but honestly I’d be happy with smy and I’d leave you alone after that. Just saying!", "I'm not sure what your intended outcome here is though. Sure, smy is nice but the rest would belong to austria, which means he has 9 command centers and you have 6 (if you can hold Mar)", "10, actually.", "I'm happy to cooperate but you need to show some goodwill first", "I’m a little confused here- what can you offer me?", "I’m a lil pissed at Austria rn, but I don’t see what you bring to the table", "If nothing else, a common enemy", "It would be fairly easy for us to destroy Austria's fleet together, for example", "Ok I’m listening- how?", "I’m salty at ol austria/hungry but idk if we can turn the tide", "I should’ve stabbed him when I had the chance", "I can support F Eas - Aeg with two ships. If you move F Tys - Ion then it would be disbanded. But it's fall so he can rebuild. You'd need to wait untill spring", "Or if you don't wish to go so far, going F Eas-Ion would free me up a little to move my fleet out and then we can attack from both sides", "Hmmm looking at nap now", "Nah I don’t like that last idea", "He’ll know I’m gunning for him and he can maybe take Venice", "Then in spring we can go for greece for example", "Lemme evaluate idea 1", "Seems reasonable to me to withdraw the fleet if you need it against france", "After all, there isn't much hope of you getting Smy", "Man even in idea 1", "If that fleet gets disbanded bc of me he judtcrebuilds it next to Venice", "And then I’m fucked", "Right? Am I missing something?", "Well, yeah. You just gotta play it cool for fall and then go for him in spring.", "Given that Germany is moving east, I'm not sure he can handle three fronts. Plus he's got 2/3 of his dudes knocking on my door already", "To no avail- your door is locked pretty tight lol", "Is Germany moving against him?", "I think he's going for Russia but surely he must not want that. They've been allied too", "Ugh", "So- I guess we’ll revisit next turn?", "When he’s a bit farther from builds and I can get a build so I have an army in Venice?", "I'd try to your army in tunis moved to mainland so that your ships are freed up", "I mean, he can't do anything with 1 army against your 1", "If he moves troops away from the balkans he loses his stuff there.", "There’s just no way to get it there quickly yknow?", "If I do that and he gets a build this turn he sees where I’m going", "And it’s game over", "Convoy from tunis, then you can move from Rom to Ven", "Even if he builds 1 in Tri, you can block the move to Ven with 1 army while you move your ships", "Yeah but then if he wants he can bring a fleet to fuck me and stillcgold thecline againdtcyou", "It’s just not the right time this turn", "(Not drunk- just on my phone and typing quickly lol)", "Again, what is 1 fleet gonna do. At the very least you equal him in fleets and then there's me.", "Moreover, if he builds a fleet he cannot protect Vie from germany", "Unless they have a deal somehow", "His one fleet plus one army in Trieste against one army of mine in Rome= I lose Venice", "It’s not just a matter of who has what it’s where that stuff is, yknow", "Where's this second unit gonna come from? He will only get 1 build", "He can take his fleet from Greece real quick", " Here's a worst case scenario where I don't do _anything_ and he moves to albania in spring", "Ok, admittely A Ser -Tri would be worse, but that's still not enough to punch through", "Uhhh lemme think about it man", "I’m just nervous", "He is Strong and geography favors him", "Italy has a very strong defensive position", "Hey Italy, what's up?", "I think very soon you, me and england will need to band together or Germany will simply roll over all of us", "I’m with you 110%- the hun has grown strong", "It’s a matter of survival clearly", "What’re you thinking?", "You gotta come to terms with england somehow", "Why do I have to do that?", "Fair enough, I think both england and germany are pretty neck-to-neck to win this winter", "Yeah I mean it’s over soon ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", "It is kinda sad", "Was hoping to make a come back but didn't get the time", "Maybe you can kick out france, still?", "if england supports you", "England has, tbqh, been a bit of a dick in these closing moves", "I’ve told him that I’m attacking Portugal and he’s welcome to support me so we’ll see what he does ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", "(Also, Yeah- you were in a tough fucking spot and you didn’t give up and you played it masterfully- respect my dude 💯)", "He's going hard for the win.", "Burning all bridges", "Thanks for the compliment 🙂", "Nah man it’s true! Would’ve been easy to tune out or make a suboptimal move but you held on as long as you needed to.", "Yeah, I figured I just needed on ally and Austria would lose... Took a while", "And yeah- he berated me for not helping him taking France out, despite the fact that I said we had a turn left to do it", "Which, I get why everyone wants France gone, but it’s not *that* much money lol", "Also, it's the better move for you to go this turn, so you don't have to protect spain & por", "I also noted your army in Tun the whole game. You should've tried to use it :p", "I think if you had convoyed it to Syr I would've had some big issues much earlier", "(If you recall)", "I think the fact that austria committed so hard on beating me, but not being able to do it, cost him the game", "Yeah I think you’re right re: Austria!!!", "And dang that would’ve been smart", "Yeah I meant to convoy him up to Spain but it never ended up working out", "Huge waste of resources", "shit, I should've asked you to support me into Tri then I would've been tied with germany I think", "because england failed at defense", "Dang", "Lol England tho", "Maybe running around calling people idiots isn’t the best policy idk", "He barely talked to me" ]
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[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Gahhh I’m Italy fuck my life", "Non aggression pact for these first two turns? Seems to me we both have other things to work about. Lmk what you’re thinking.", "Sounds good with me", "Cool. So no moves towards each other?", "Yeah that's right. I'm not moving into Piedmont", "Rgr- neither will I", "Sounds good with me", "You can take Tunis and we can demilitarize the Western Med area while we deal with our more pressing concerns", "For sure man. I think we got other stuff going on lol", "Was that bounce with France on purpose?", "*germany my b", "I thought he;d move into Ruhr like normal, but it wasnt too bad for me", "Should’ve stabbed austria", "Fu kkk I’m so screwed", "If you send your armies west uou don’t have to be", "I’ve no desire for an internecine conflict", "Cool cool I’m tracking. You’re probably going after Germany then?", "Hey what’s up" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0 ]
[ 0, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0 ]
[ 6, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 0, 0, 6, 6 ]
[ 2, 3, 27, 122, 172, 187, 243, 307, 325, 331, 332, 441, 712, 713, 749, 750, 800, 2195 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 4 ]
[ 0, 6 ]
[ "Hey Germany! Looking forward to this game! You doing well this afternoon?", "Yes! Very well. How about yourself?", "Pretty well. A little tired, it's almost 10pm for me. Where you from?", "Philadelphia originally! Working in DC. How about you?", "Maine, where in DC are you? Who are you working for?", "I was in DC last year and have a bunch of friends there right now", "Maine is beautiful! I used to go to scout camp there.", "I work at a think tank.", "Glad you got to check out the city. Philly is still my home, but I’m really enjoying DC.", "Which think tank? I was at the Hudson Institute", "No way! AEI", "Really cool, that's awesome! What sort of policy work?", "Education policy actually. How about you?", "Housing policy", "Very cool.", "Yeah, it's a lot of fun. Miss DC though, have a bunch of friends down there having fun without me", "So what are your plans for the game?", "The board has been frustratingly quiet so far", "Yes I know! People are probably busy with the work week.", "Same here, but it's a slow day", "I’m still figuring out my plans... I have some ideas but I’m waiting before locking anything in. How about you?", "I'm siding with whoever I've heard back from honestly. The board seems particularly inexperienced at Diplomacy, from what I can tell", "Same here honestly. Who have you heard from?", "England, like two lines. Italy a bunch, Turkey a little, Russia a little", "England, like two lines. Italy a bunch, Turkey a little, Russia a little", "I just accidentally lied to you so I'm resending as the truth lolll. This emoji thing sucks at times", "Italy seems like a cool dude", "Yeah lol I had a bit of a learning curve with it", "It says “You MUST select an emoji for your message to send” so I was attaching like smiley faces lol", "I’m hoping me you and Italy can get along so I can focus on France", "That's the plan!", "Dope", "Hey Austria! I wanted to take your temperature for your plan this turn.", "Hey! Not sure yet, if you're online in an hour let's talk then. What up with you and Russia?", "Hey just got back", "ok", "Thoughts on Russia?", "Idk. I’m probably going to let him take Sweden as long as we agree on him not attacking Ber", "Idk if I can trust that he would and I cannot afford to lose it obviously", "I wouldn't give him sweden if I were you", "Why?", "Regardless of if he keeps his word with Ber (and he has no real reason to), he has three units up north and there is nowhere productive for them to go either than retreat or back into you. The more builds he has that he can commit up north, the more he can just overwhelm you", "Well he could go south. He could focus on Turkey", "He can in theory, but look where his units are. It will take three moves before any of them are in play. Three moves. That will be the start of 1903.", "You talking with Italy?", "A little!", "What did he ask for?", "What are chats like with England and France?", "I've heard very little", "A truce for the first few turns", "Do you have a deal with Russia? I don’t understand why he didn’t War>Gal", "Sorry, people will know who I am when they see my Prof pic", "Probably smart", "I wonder if I know any of you guys IRL", "Could you move on France here?", "Not at the moment. Not with Russia breathing down my neck. Do you have a deal with Russia? Its hard to imagine he chose not to War>Gal without working something out with you.", "My deal with Russia is that he's an idiot. I'm moving on him here. Just block him is Sweden and make my job easier. I'm trying to cripple him to help you out a bit", "He can't even convoy from Lvn. He just doeant know what he's doing", "I think so too. But I can’t risk him taking Ber so I’m going Mun > Ber. I’m happy to help out and bounce Russia in Sweden.", "Thanks", "He said he's moving back to War here this turn btw, so don't overcommit too hard", "Thanks for the tip. Better safe than sorry.", "Losing Ber this early would be too damaging to risk.", "Mun > Ruh would give me opportunity to be a bigger player in the west.", "My best guess with Russia is that he moves Pru> Ber Lyn>War", "What are you thinking with Italy and Turkey?", "Agree with you on all counts.", "Italy is communicative and I like him. Turkey is uncommunicative", "Do you and Italy have something worked out as well?", "I’m with you on Italy. You two are the countries I have the best relationship with at this point.", "So Berlin huh?", "Kind of a petty thing not to tell the truth about", "Me?", "I changed my mind at the last second based on what you told me", "Sorry if that upsets your plans?!?", "No I just wished that we were upfront. This is a small thing but I want to be able to trust you throughout the game", "Hey man I totally understand and that’s my bad.", "Largely because you told me he was going to Warsaw and he said the same thing literally (I mean literally) in the last minute I changed my move", "Like I really don’t want any issues here", "And I don’t think the move to Ruh hurts you unless you’re going after me next turn. I’m a little worried because you have two builds near me", "Definitely a gamble on my end with Ruh tho but since you and Russia told me the same thing I took a chance with it.", "Tbh I didn’t even think about what I told you because it wasn’t like we were planing something together with regard to that move", "It isn't going at you. Austria and Germany rarely attack each other.", "Right that’s what I’m hoping too", "I'm not mad at you, just concerned for the future. Can we commit to sharing those updates. I change little moves or messages based on what's going on and I want to have info as accurate as possible", "So we're cool?", "absolutely. It was a last minute gut call, based on your intel. I will be sure to keep you abreast of any changes I make going forward. I really appreciate you saying something, because when I made that move the intel I told you didn’t cross my mind at all when it should have.", "The West is concerning, although you should get Bel next turn", "Thanks again for understanding.", "Yes but I have to work something out with France first", "Sure thing. What are we doing going forward? f and e are quite strong", "I think my best path is the ally with France and break england", "Agreed", "E should not have gotten Bel here", "Not for free", "Yes it’s true. Committed to bounce bur with France slowed me down in doing anything about it, but it was worth it to show France i can be a trustworthy partner", "Can you get France moving up towards England? e needs to go", "That’s what I’m working on. Have you talked to France much? Seems a bit curt", "A bit. I think I know him", "Yeah chances are we all probably know someone else here", "The convoy was flashy but marooned an army. We'll see", "Get him to build up towards Eng please", "Sure thing Chief. Thanks again for understanding. My experience with this game is almost all gunboat so I am still getting used to some of the dynamics of alliances.", "Sure thing. I'm working magic around the board. Russia is moving south against T and France should be going with you", "Excellent news!!", "Go easy on Russia for a bit. I need him against Turkey", "Will do.", "I’m building an army in Mun and a fleet in Kiev", "Just a heads up", "sounds like a plan", "Thanks", "F Tri, A Vie", "10-4", "You know what Italy is planning to do here?", "I think he wants to go after France", "Idk anything specific", "I think England and France might be working together here", "Considering the bounced the channel", "Kk, thanks. Just curious", "Hmmm", "Not sure I like that", "You may need Italy to help keep France in check, not sure", "Have you asked him?", "Here’s my moves as of now. They are still subject to change I just want you to know my tentative plans.", "K>Hel, Denmark supporting Russia into Sweden, Ruhr into Belgium with Hol support, Mun > bur", "Looks good. What are you asking from Russia in return for the Sweden support?", "Basically he won’t attack me and focus on Turkey", "Also the only real alternative is leaving Sweden open for England", "You could strongarm him into making him give it to you", "\"You aren't going to do well if you're being attacked from the North and the South, so give me Sweden and I'll lay off you for the game\"", "Hmmm good idea", "Make Russia give me Sweden?", "Russia didn’t get back to me. My orders are still set to support him.", "Just an fyi", "K", "I don’t mind helping if it keeps England away", "I can still switch to bouncing Russia.", "I prefer Russia not be too strong in the south, which is undoubtably where he will use that build", "How do I benefit from knocking him out early tho? I’m happy with nonaggression on my eastern front", "He can keep turkey busy", "He was a good dude to me by not taking ber", "Don't know him out. I still need him. Just not overly strong", "I recommend bouncing him and taking Sweden for yourself. When he goes down, and he will, he'll burn his units up north since he's being invaded from the south", "You'd much rather have your own unit up there", "Not being burned", "Fair. Do you think I can take and hold Belgium?", "I could also do k > bal and lock in sweden in the fall", "Then pivot to taking the North Sea next year", "Project power", "Strength is King here", "Bal is a little misdirected. I recommend Belgium", "So what should I do with the fleet in Kiev", "What are the chances that England goes to STP here?", "Idk we’re not really talking", "That would be more problematic than anything", "Maybe hope that England and Russia bounce Swe and go F Den-Ska F Kie-Den", "Yeah that could be sharp. Gives me ground to take Scandinavia or the North Sea", "Mhm", "Are you helping Italy into Mar here?", "I can", "But we haven’t discussed", "I guess I’m basically dead to england and France with that last turn so", "You're not. I have you back in chat and Italy is coming", "Help him and we'll help you", "Done", "Yeah I think I have to throw england to the wind", "Hey man what are you thinking?", "It looks like France, Russia and turkey are all gonna have problems", "I'm working my way north and working some magic on France and England", "Let me know how I can ever assist you Diplomatically", "So", "I basically have to choose", "Like right now", "To come to terms with england or to make a deal with France.", "France is dead", "I won't make your decision for you, but use that information as you will", "Obviously you’re more experienced at this than I am, but an Anglo-Germanic alliance is tough to pull off.", "I'm saying France is dead and recommend going after England", "If Italy takes most of F, there won't be any left for you", "And you have the positional jump on England right now given your moveset", "Ah", "I see", "Your call, but I really want to see you succeed here", "What moves do you recommend", "Take the North Sea, support yourself in Belgium and let Italy into Mar", "You get a build here for that additional fleet next year", "If I take the North Sea, and France take the channel, england is in big big trouble.", "Move SKA to North Sea?", "No, Denmark", "Why?", "You'll need to keep Ska because it borders Nwy/Swe/NTH", "Those are all key", "Plus if you build a fleet in the winter you want it in Denmark next year", "So Denmark needs to be open", "Russia will hold in Sweden, he needs to in order to get that build", "Should I tell him, “it’s been good trying to work this out but I don’t think I can agree to these terms. Sorry and best of luck”", "It sucks. I would have loved to work something out with england but I don’t think it’s workable for more than a year or two :/", "You need to grow and you and England are directly opposed and vying for the same territory", "Don't feel bad, this is part of the game", "You can do this!", "So just knife him or tell him hey I don’t don’t we have a deal here, I’m sorry.", "Don't talk if it's not productive", "If he gets back to you with a good deal, go for it", "But don't lose your advantage here", "What would that look like?", "He's messaging me now", "Like a good deal with england?", "You get all of Scandinavia", "That's a start", "And he moves on France", "But long term he wants to move through Russia?", "I suppose he still can through the North Sea", "Right", "Sorry that was incorrect", "Norwegian", "Yes, but he needs Norway to do that.", "Norwegian Sea to Barents Sea", "Double convoy. Not that hard", "Also, he doesn't know this but he's not getting any of Russia", "So that fish is dead in the watee", "You’re gonna take the whole thing?", "Also also, if he goes for Russia he'll basically have surrounded you. I'm not sure why you'd want that", "Turkey may take a lot", "He's closer than I", "So keep my orders set to take the North Sea, and invade from Holland next turn?", "I suggest it", "You'll have three fleets next year too", "So you'll be fine", "I have to run", "You should join the Diplomacy Nexus server though!", "", "Thanks!", "I kinda want another build tho", "Sweden is hard to pass up", "I’m planning on moving on Warsaw FYI", "Ah, I was too. What's the intent behind the Warsaw move?", "Trying to snag another build and Paris looks far from a lock", "You don't want to Hedgehog here, focus on England", "If you get too far ahead, people will be tempted to gang up on you", "Can you let Turkey know that you just heard from me that I'm supporting Italy to Smyrna?", "Keep it discrete as if the information was leaked and you're trying to share it to help him", "Are you actually supporting Italy into Smyrna?", "Yeah", "Just couldn't that turn", "Should I not be?", "I don’t have any strong feelings. I like Italy a lot, but I also like Turkey.", "Turkey is dead here. Unfortunately it looks like England will grab up most of Russia's remains with this moveset", "What are you thinking this turn?", "Would you be open to supporting me into War?", "I need Gal to support myself in Rum. You really need to be going after England here, I'm not sure why you've shifted east", "This is going to throw off the triple I've set up", "You still there?", "You're about to really hurt yourself. England has nowhere to go now. Turkey is solidified, you and Italy will split France. There is no option but for England to attack you", "You still playing?", "Yeah dude.", "I’m thinking over what you said.", "I really want to make sure we don't screw up here. I've been on your side all game. Don't get too close with England, you, me, and Italy are stronger together", "So what’s going on with you?", "Yeah that army in Vienna unnerves me a bit, not going to lie.", "I thought you and England were coming for me and you didn't respond to my messages lol", "I tried", "Okay. No worries. That’s my bad for not responding. I’ve been out of town for a week with work, so I haven’t been playing as intently (working 14 hour days 😵)", "Yikes I hate that", "Yeah dude. Basically slept all weekend", "Where do you work?", "AEI - didn’t you say you used to work at a think thank?", "Oh shit yeah", "Sorry I talk with too many people are sometimes forget. Where were you travelling?", "No worries! I was helping run a conference in Charlotte NC", "Who was there?", "That's awesome!", "Thanks man. I would prefer to not get into the details of it if that’s cool, it was a semi-private event.", "Sure, no worries.", "I just finished lunch break, but we can talk this evening", "Sounds good man. Looking forward to it.", "Need to sleep, sorry about the wait. Can we confirm?", "No worries", "Confirm what exactly?", "That I don't hate you and vice versa :)", "That would be a good start", "Would love to talk about a takedown of England here though", "Yeah for sure", "Happy to listen 😃", "Can you get your units in position for takes of Norway and STP? That's two SCs for you and I can help you with Warsaw in the fall goes well and we adhere to our agreements", "Idk. I’m not looking to expand past Warsaw and Paris this turn. Not trying to pick an unnecessary fight, forcing me to defend more territory than I have units to do so successfully", "I'm not sure you're getting Paris from how England was talking", "WhAt did he say,", "I asked him what he thought about you and he said he was nervous you were getting too big and you may need to be slowed down", "Norway isn't much of a stretch and you'll be weakening England here, your only real enemy", "If I hit england than I have to defend my entire northern theatre. I can take two more SCs this turn without kicking over any logs.", "Except for me and England. You're going to get too big for comfort, and the continuation of your working with England is a threat to me", "You're already making the both of us nervous, and you wouldn't want to push it", "I prefer to stay neutral between the two of you, and Italy for that matter.", "Right, but it's about how people percieve you. You can take all the neutral centers you want, but the larger you are, the bigger the threat you are. England and Italy and I feel the pressure already. I don't have a problem with you yet, but you need to turn on England here, as the chance of you two working together will require both Italy and I to stop what we're doing and respond to the threat you two pose", "I'm trying to share this in your best interest", "If I’m not mistaken, we have the same number of units?", "I don’t tell you to lay off Turkey.", "Or to go after Italy", "You're in a better position right now.", "And you have free available centers- two center jump", "And no true enemies for this one turn", "All those add up to make you far more dangerous. It's not just about SC counts", "That’s true. I’m trying to keep it that way (no enemies).", "I really do appreciate you being honest with me.", "Right, but you'll go from 0 to 3 if you misplay this one. This is critical. I really want to see you succeed here and our central triple to remain intact. I've put a lot of work into this one", "I suggest managing your front so you have just one enemy in front of you, rather than 3 on all sides", ":) I'm glad", "Is there a way you can be comfortable a move set that doesn’t involve turning in England? He got spoked that I accidentally went into Ska.", "He needs to be spooked. Where do you think that army in LVP is going this turn?", "In Edinburgh?", "It's not going south", "Right it’s going Norway", "It's convoying across to Norway, and after that either through Scandinavia or into Russia. Warsaw will be the first SC he takes back", "That army is a recognition of the threat you pose. Please please please realize that", "While you're being nice to him, he's planning his attack", "You think he’ll turn on me?", "That army can go nowhere but against your border", "It would be one thing if he was moving on a defenseless France", "But it's not, he's headed North", "That's your domain. You need to start defending and thinking long term", "I’m going to remain neutral this turn but I will revisit in the fall based on how my neighbors move.", "Jesus. I'm already moving against England this turn. This is so frustrating to me. I'm trying to help you out and you're going to start hurting the both of us", "Look at the board and see the moves being set up", "He will have his front against you far before you'll be able to react to it", "I hope that does not imply and bad blood between us, I just have to be up early tomorrow. If he moves against me or does something looking suspicious I’ll revisit it tomorrow.", "Well, I'm clearly wrong about England, but I still think it's the wrong moveset", "You still there?", "Yes, hey!", "Should we make the 10 pm chat a regular thing? 😂", "Hahahah", "Little late for me, ready for bed", "I'm in bed. The last chat killed me last night lol", "But I felt too strongly to let it go rip", "Lol no worries- what’s going on tn? I don’t have any interesting moves set, just defense", "I hate to sound like a broken record, but you can take Norway here with literally no repercussions", "Btw rumour has it that you’re a nationally ranked player... is that so?", "Do you know what England is doing with Moscow?", "But that's your call", "Not interested, sorry.", "Not for certain, no.", "Don't trust water cooler talk :)", "Is that a no?", "I've played a lot of Diplomacy and run a top Diplomacy site. I'm sure there are better players than me out there", "Makes sense!", "In a perfect world, you would talk Moscow at no cost to yourself, just to cut a potential support", "Can you find out what's going on with Moscow? I would really not like him to hit Sev", "I can ask. I sent eng a couple messages in the last hour and haven’t heard back :/", "I have too. Would you be open to tapping Moscow for me if you don't hear back?", "Because I'm not hearing back from England, I may take Moscow here so I don't lose a center to Turkey. Hopefully this gives you the ammunition you need to go after England yourself", "Thoughts for this turn?", "I think you can win or lose on this one right here", "How’s that?", "Not sure how long we're playing or if you're looking at stalemate lines, but you're pretty damn close to the NS stalemate line and the board lead", "Too close for comfort ❤", "😉", "So what are you saying?", "I'm not telling you how to win 😂", "I don’t see how I am going to win? I’m in the center of the board. You are almost as strong as me, and will be stronger once you destroy turkey.", "Turkey isn't going down any time soon, even slower if the two of us can't work something out tonight and I have to move back up nothing", "Also, you've discovered the golden Diplomacy trick, just insist you're not strong and hope others believe you", "What would it look like for us to work something out?", "back up north*", "It depends. Your builds aren't particularly friendly towards me or England, and I think he's finally spooked", "I don’t blame him.", "So we can start with that. What is your intention with the two army builds?", "I’ll be honest it’s not madly thought through", "I can’t go north", "I can’t go anywhere", "All I can do is scare the pants off everyone", "You managed 😂", "I've been in conversations all day", "Anything interesting?", "Mostly England asking me to pull off Turkey and move North against you", "THat was the most substantive", "Is that true? I’m not sure if I believe that. Are you baiting me into attacking England?", "I can't share screenshots apparently, but that's true. It's not just ENgland", "You and I are the big players here, and Italy asked me to do the same", "So why don't we, as the big players, take control of ourselves", "and run the board the way we want, without the undue influence of the other players", "I mean... I could be interested but I need some clarity", "I’m weary. Frankly I understand you are a very gifted player and I’m nervous about my odds of winning a one on one versus you.", "I've been talking a lot and have a vision of the board that you don't seem to buy into. Why don't you start with sharing your perfect setup. Obviously it's a win, but where do you pick up your centers? We don't have to be at odds here. If I win, it's because I take out Germany and Italy. What is your ideal scenario?", "I'm gifted because I spend time on conversations like this. Most players don't. The moveset of Diplomacy is pretty simple. Akin to checkers. I'm terrible at the Cold War 1v1 varient 😄 ;D", "Hmmm", "You’re also a verrrrrry smooth talker", "For all I know you’ve already set up a massive plan to attack me", "Hey man, I’m gonna be away from my phone for 30 min", "You far overestimate me [redacted] lol", "Who is this?!", "hmmm ok. Moves process in less than two hours", "Wait a second", "Woah", "You just dropped a big thing there", "The point is, you can trust me", "NO I CANT?!?? I have no idea who you are lol", "And you know who I am", "That’s like literally the opposite of trust lol", "Faith then", "Idk anyone who lives in Maine or works at Hudson", "This is legit creepy not gonna lie", "*worked at Hudson whatever", "This is having the opposite effect", "I didn't work there, I was an intern", "The point is that we need to work something out asap.", "Yes definitely", "I mean if I knew who you were then I would feel much more comfortable and far more likely to work something out", "You talked it Italy", "you talked to Italy lol", "Yeah dude I’m so freaked out rn", "That's what Italy just said lol", "Idk who else to talk to this is like actually freaking me out", "Like irl", "Like I’m really freaked", "Dear God.", "This is kinda distracting. You'll find out who I am after the game", "Dude but you know who I am RN", "like wtf", "How long have you played Diplomacy?", "Definitely not used to being like doxed online lol", "I mean like I’ve mostly played gunboat so I’m not used to the this dynamic", "I hope you are like a buddy of mine IRL so we can laugh about this in a week but rn I’m just like WTF", "You're not being doxed, you don't have to worry", "It’s like okay dude but it doesn’t feel chill to me that you have a face to a country and I don’t", "Do you actually know me IRL or did you just like figure out who I was through tracing an email address or something?", "This is kind of a waste of our time. We can laugh this off when the game is over", "goddammit", "Idk man it’s just like", "Kinda Erie from my POV", "who knows I might not like you IRL", "Lmfao", "Or you could be a close buddy idk", "But either way", "I HATE the dynamic of you knowing who I am IRL and me being in the dark", "You'll know my real name and all kinds of shit about me later, let's play the game right now", "Yeah dude I’m sorry but that gambit really backfired", "I want to work with you here, let's start with that as a building block", "not it didn't", "It fundamentally creates an uneven and uneasy dynamic between me and you.", "I DO NOT feel comfy with it.", "I know", "This has happened to me before", "Sorry. I’m sure you’re a great dude but I don’t like this. It definitely did not create trust, just totally broke it.", "How long have you known? How did you know? Who are you irl?", "Now these thoughts will supersede any thing you say", "Sorry", "We didn't have trust before. You thought we had trust. This is foundational to the mirage of Diplomacy", "And now you understand", "When you call me a good player or a smooth talker, you know nothing about me or my gameplay style", "So now that we've broken the pieces, we start from the beginning", "I have to run now. This was a very frustrating end to a good day", "Sorry man but you brought this on yourself", "I'm a little surprised you're surprised. You put your name publicly on discord and shared what you do for work and where you are on any given weekend", "I could have found out your name in three different ways", "Hopefully we’ll laugh about this in the future", "Not nearly as creepy as the guy that looked me up on facebook and knows my girlfriend's name", "ok", "Someone in this current game?", "No", "Nobody has the capacity nor cares enough to dox you man", "Sorry bro, you made a calculation and you were wrong.", "I don't believe I am now", "Maybe this was all part of your plan. Idk, idc.", "You’re really smart and whatever idc", "I needed to flip your mindset a little bit", "But I didn't plan for you to be this freaked out", "So I do apologize for that", "It’s cool. You must not know me that well IRL", "Diplomacy is all about trust. The beauty about it is that you can't trust anyone. All anyone can do is spin a web and make assumptions about people. You were trying to do that to me earlier, it seems, without realizing it", "Did you request it?", "Nope just as surprised as you are", "Wonder if England did", "Possibly", "Are you moving south here?", "Any final thoughts?", "Got to finalize some plans myself, just checking in", "I can support you into Rum here if you want. I'm holding my northern line so don't bother taking it out. However it may benefit you to move against T here", "You there?", "Yeah", "thoughts?", "I’m not interested man. Sorry 😦" ]
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[ 5, 4 ]
[ "Hey Russia - how’s it going? Excited for this game!", "Hey Germany. Should be a great game. Been a while since I’ve played Diplo. Are you going North to England?", "Me too tbh!", "I’m keeping my options open at this point", "Hbu?", "I’m hoping to get along well with you and England and focus on France. I think the three of us need to get in front of things and envision what Scandinavia looks like in two years", "I honestly don’t know what the heck France is doing to not even take Spain with their first turn one. That seems like a pretty obvious move. I would like Sweden for another supply center. You can take Norway. I may need to protect my southern flank more from Turkey who could cause problems.", "Are you going into Ber in the fall?", "No. I’m holding in Prussia to protect my East flank.", "I don’t want to fight you and would much rather have peace so I can focus on expanding west. But based on the location of your armies I don’t think I can let you take an additional supply center without concrete assurances.", "I’m moving from\nPrussia back to Warsaw. I expanded East too fast and I need to deal with Turkey in the South. I understand if you want to bounce me from Sweden this turn but if you don’t I can more easily deal with my problems in the South and direct my attention away from you to the Balkans.", "What will you do with the Lvn army?", "We still have an hour. I can be open to letting you take Sweden.", "Shit. I’m pretty screwed now. Disbanding my Prussia Army so you don’t need to worry about me. Need to beat Turkey back to stay alive.", "I’m sorry man. I should have trusted you but I was spooked by the two army’s near me. I hope you understand.", "Yea I understand. Don’t blame you. Blame myself for moving east too fast really.", "Turkey asked me why your army in Ber halted. What do you want me to say?", "Think you have to worry more about England right now. I’m going to be locked down in the south trying to deal with Turkey. England can eventually take Sweden unless you support me moving there. Then you can block England from getting it and it gives me some life in my fight down south with a new supply center. Otherwise I’m not gonna last very long most likely and you’ll be dealing with England by yourself.", "Yes. Happy to let you move into Sweden. What should I say to Turkey about you not going into Ber?", "Are they still asking about that? Just say I decided not to in the end and thought you were defending it anyway.", "May need you supporting me from Finland moving in or I’ll just get bounced from UK. Not sure though.", "I’m open to it but don’t want to commit just yet", "Pretty down tho", "Not going to really be able to do much with that fleet this spring anyway", "Yea ok. Fucking Turkey....", "I just want to make sure me and France are on the same page before I go all in against England.", "That situation is difficult to figure out as both sides vacated the British channel which is usually contentious territory from turn 1 which makes me think they’re secretly working together.", "You’re probably right here.", "You’re not going to do well if you’re being attacked from the north and the south. How about you give me Sweden and I’ll lay off you for the game?", "I’m about to lose anyway.", "Yeah I feel. I decide not to bounce you anyway. I’m going to try to take Norway from England if that helps any.", "Would you consider supporting me into Norway? If I take it, I can force England to disband one unit, which I imagine would be it’s far flung stray, St. Petersburg", "Yea sure.", "Support your unit in Denmark?", "Nah the fleet in SKA", "Gonna have Denmark defend", "Let me know you saw this", "Long term, I think the best I can do for you is let you keep sweden so you can move your fleet and try to reclaim stp", "Then you can potentially recover a build and stay alive", "Many of the other players seem to have written you off for dead, but I am down to do what I can to keep you alive.", "I’m dead. Think Austria is going after Warsaw next turn.", "Yeah. I may have to ally with england to stop Austria. Apparently, he is the top ranked player in the world.", "Can you still support me into Norway from SKA?", "Negotiations with england are stalled.", "Hey - are you online?", "Am now. Had to retreat from Sweden.", "Yeah man tough break" ]
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[ 141, 255, 261, 262, 263, 296, 303, 314, 315, 471, 493, 494, 496, 497, 498, 499, 531, 759, 761, 762, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 778, 818, 851, 900, 901, 985, 990, 991, 1005, 1006, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1148, 1150, 1191, 1192, 1389, 1432, 3155 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 ]
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[ 5, 2 ]
[ "Hey England! Looking forward to this game. How are you this afternoon?", "Hello there. I’m doing well although it’s the evening here on the east coast. Wondering where you stand with France and Russia. Will you bounce Sweden? Has France spoken to you about Belgium?", "East coast for me too 😴", "France reached out to me but I haven’t responded", "Still determining my plans! I haven’t locked in any moves yet. Where do you stand with France?", "We agreed to bounce the channel but they weren’t much more communicative than that", "France asked me to bounce bur but I haven’t agreed to it yet. That’s all we’ve communicated", "A lot of players are not very responsive", "Where are you based on the East Coast? I work in DC but I’m from Philly originally", "I’m in Boston but I live in SF. Originally from Boston. My work takes me here for about 1 week a month.", "You’re so lucky that your job lets you go home. I try to get back to philly once every 6 weeks or so, but I have to use my weekends for it.", "I’m actually going to be in Palo Alto in August! I’ve never been in those parts before", "Hey England! So we have a good deal to chat about. Are you planning to go into Hol? Nwy?", "Definitely gonna be taking Norway. Haven’t decided if fleet or army yet though. Are you going to bounce Russia?", "I’m gonna grab Belgium. Are you taking Ruhr or Burgundy?", "Ruhr and Hol probably", "But I’m not 100% sure", "I might move Mun to Ber to protect from Russia", "Hey there. What do you think about pushing further into France with me and Italy?", "Hey! I’m open to it. What are your thoughts on Sweden?", "Russia is asking me to support him into Sweden. I’d prefer if you just continue to bounce him out. So I can grab St. Pete. Then you can have Sweden.", "Sound like a plan?", "Hello", "Hi, there", "Was that a friendly hello before the stab? Did you have something you wanted to discuss?", "Yeah I mean I hadn’t really heard from you so wanted to reach out.", "I would like to work something out with you. We both have a common rival in France at the moment.", "The last message before your hello was me asking you to help me against Russia. I hadn’t really heard from you. Not the other way around. Did you not receive that message? We should talk to the admins if so", "Would you be willing to support me into Paris?", "Yes and I responded. Did you get my response?", "I did not", "Hmm. Maybe it was when things were glitchy?", "I’ll message the admin. Well what did you say?", "I would screen shot but I feel like that’s against the rules of the study", "“He’s asking for my support too. I’m not committal. I’m open to it because he didn’t screw me in Ber last year.”", "That’s why I stayed out of it", "Ok, let’s turn this partnership around.", "Russia is a goner. Austria is the next biggest threat once we deal with France.", "Can I count on your support into Paris?", "No I have the unit committed to supporting Italy", "Ah, ok. I’d like to avoid losing a dot if possible. Looking unlikely I guess.", "Well, that’s not true.", "Maybe if I manage to hold Norway.", "You should grab Sweden.", "Just making sure you got my messages.", "Yes sorry", "I’m taking to Italy about how we split up France.", "Any suggestions?", "See I don’t know what I can realistically get out of that scenario.", "Well you already have Belgium and Holland. Paris is all yours. Italy can have marseille and Spain and I can take Brest and Portugal. What do you think of that? Then we all head east to face Austria and turkey.", "That is if Austria doesn’t stab Italy first", "And you don’t stab me", "You heading east goes right through me tho.", "No, I plan on going through Russia. I want to land in Scandinavia and move from there.", "I need an ally near me. Russia is obviously out. The only other option at this stage is France or you. France has been very uncommunicative so I’d like it to be you.", "I feel the same way.", "I have one additional term. I need control of the North Sea. If I have the North Sea, I can move my units in Denmark Holland and Belgium away to focus on supporting other offences. I can’t risk being knifed in the back and cannot keep three units defending against the North Sea to feel safe.", "I’ve heard that Austria is one of the top ranked players in the world. Did you know this?", "I didn’t know that.", "I can’t leave the North Sea open for two reasons. The first is the same concern as yours. The second is I’ll need it to convoy troops.", "Could you convoy through the channel? You would have my support. and I don’t mean open, I mean mine.", "I guess I could convoy via Norwegian Sea but I still have the same concerns that you do except they’re my home centers!", "1. I don’t blame you for a second", "You are also in a very strong position with 2 fleets in the north.", "2. I’m attracted to this alliance because I do not want Austria to win. It would be so lame if we all lose to the top guy.", "It can work but we just need to keep each other in check.", "Yeah. If one of us gets too weak it becomes tempting. England- Germany alliance are very difficult.", "Austria is going to get two builds. It’s unlikely peace can hold in the east.", "With you in the North Sea, I feel like I can’t leave Denmark or Holland undefended. But I understand with me there you will feel the same about Edinburough and London.", "Do you know if Italy is going to try and take Smyrna?", "I don’t.", "You’re correct. While it would be nice to be able to move those units east. Let’s try and make it work with you staying there.", "I’m not on board with that. I can just have two units sitting around doing nothing just to be your pal, no offense.", "So we let Austria roll?", "Because it will be a grind between us while Austria gains momentum", "Yeah but sometimes you have to take those kinds of risks.", "What about a demilitarised North Sea. We agree to leave it open.", "I’m way more amenable to that", "That way, I think we both get what we want.", "Which is basically trust but verify.", "But starting next season? I need to convoy into Norway this season.", "Will you be taking Sweden?", "Kinda depends on what we finalise here", "I mean I can. Russia knows he’s done, that would just be a final nail in the coffin.", "Ok, I’ll be convoying into Norway this season. Next season I move into Norwegian Sea or channel depending on frances moves.", "Do you think Italy can be pealed away from Austria?", "That’s gonna be a question we’ll have to face later. I have no idea now.", "All Italy cares about is France right now. No clue what his future plans hold.", "Makes sense. He’s a good player. How long do you see these terms holding out? Does Paris still go to me?", "This strategy leaves me little room to build outside of heading east, which is my concern.", "Yes you still get Paris", "I’m not really sure. I hope we can can see this to the end.", "Ok", "For the record", "I talked to Austria", "And he was trying to talk me into attacking you", "Taking the North Sea right now", "Basically just knifing you while I “have the upper hand”", "He’s talking to me to about going after you", "No shit", "What’s he saying?", "Lol", "So that’s why I feel like we need to make this deal.", "But perhaps we can be even more clever.", "He’s saying that I need to work with France to make sure you don’t get too strong", "How can we be more clever?", "Basically we have to agree on a strong alliance first", "Before we can start playing 4d chess", "Italy is a nice guy, but as far as I see he is going to be an Austria puppet.", "You know I’m all in on it", "I agree", "Hell yeah", "I think a simple move is to string Austria along as long as possible, without raising suspicions of an Anglo-German alliance.", "This way we can get as much intel we can", "I think I can say I took sweden instead of the North Sea because I wanted another build, maybe he’ll think I’m a noob, I don’t know any better, and will only be moderately suspicious", "But how do I know you’re actually in and not just playing me?", "Hello? I’m already nervous you’re like reporting all this to Austria haha", "Sorry", "I’m FaceTiming with my gf and she gets kissed when I click over to discord", "We are 100% on", "HAHAHAH dude I’m about to ft my gf too.", "So you understand", "Okay. I’m going to trust you. A ~radical~ thing to do in this game.", "Of course bro.", "Let’s take down Austria. I’m gonna tell Italy that we are iffy and have some trouble in case he’s reporting to Austria", "Basically just to be clear, I see this as a long term alliance to stop Austria. From my POV, it’s not about me or you winning ourselves but about having someone other than this top ranked player beat all of us.", "Hell yeah.", "100%", "Also honestly this will be more fun if you’re working together like total hand in glove with someone", "Plus think about the diplomatic advantage of us being able to triangulate intel", "Good looks with Italy", "Hey man what’s going on with your supporting order into bur.", "Complete oversight. I had my orders like that before we came to our agreement. Between talking to you and Italy and Austria AND my gf last night I forgot to change them up. My bad.", "That’s why there was a useless support of North Sea as well", "I should have moved London to the channel", "Okay no worries at all. I’ll take your word for it totally, but it kinda put me on alert that’s all.", "And yeah like 45 minutes before the turn ended I still had my dudes invading Norway lol so no sweat.", "Basically no harm done, but like if you do fuck me, instead of my mission being kill Austria it’s gonna change to you lol", "Def don’t wasn’t that tho", "*want", "Absolutely. I’m still team kill Austria (and maybe Italy)", "I’d love to peak Italy away from Austria but there’s only so much we can do", "*peal", "I’m gonna be super busy tomorrow so down to tan through some moves now. I would love to pick up Warsaw and Paris this turn, so I can have the strength to blitzkrieg into Austria", "Gonna need your help with nonaggression in the North Sea. Can you move your fleet to the Norwegian Sea next turn?", "There’s definitely going to be a target on my back", "Any interest in supporting me into Paris", "I’m about to take off for a flight and probably won’t land before adjudication. I’ll support you into laris and move from the North Sea but I need builds.", "Clutch thanks!", "I can help where needed", "Actually I can’t support", "I need that to move on Brest", "But I will move from North Sea", "I’ll support you in next season", "Taking off. God speed.", "Hmm. Maybe don’t move North Sea. Might spoke Austria and Italy", "This is gonna be awesome", "Oh shit", "Do you think France will retreat to the North Sea if you take the channel???", "That could fuck up everything", "Additionally, IF and only IF you feel comfortable with it, I’m happy to move my fleet into position to help you with the battle of the channel and to try to rout France from slipping into the Irish Sea or worse the Norwegian Sea. Russia is going to lose that fleet next turn I’m assuming so I literally won’t have anything to do with my two fleets. If prefer to use them to help you in the west and to potentially convoy your units as needed.", "I would also talk to Turkey about what is going to happen in Moscow.", "Damn I wish we could call people rather than text but hey whatever", "It’s going to be hard to pull Italy away from Austria. We have to really strategize how we pull the ultimate stab. We should gently work on loosening Italy from Austria, but be prepared in case that doesn’t happen.", "Also no worries at all if not, but if you could support me into Paris that would be dope. No worries if you can’t at all!", "Let me know if you’re cool with me temporarily putting my fleet in ska in the North Sea to block off France. France retreating their will screw things up big time. I have it set to move there right now, but I’ll call it off immediately if you tell me to.", "Yeah, I’m pretty uncomfortable with you in the North Sea.", "Let me think for a sec", "We can bounce North Sea.", "I’m game. That serves the same end", "It means I don’t force channel though", "Right that was my thought too.", "I guess it just has to be that way.", "Can you move ska to bal?", "I mean den", "Ska was gonna bounce the North Sea", "Yeah, I’m dumb", "Did you work out Warsaw with Austria?", "I mean he’s not protesting me going after it but in all likelihood I won’t get it till spring", "We kinda need to make a big play in spring 1905 before Turkey is totally destroyed", "Will he support you in?", "Turkey is supporting me into Moscow in exchange for support in sev.", "Why did you move to ska?", "All that does is threaten Norway needlessly", "Accidental move", "I mean to go bal, but it’s kinda inconsequential to me. I really don’t have anything for those guys to do.", "Except threaten me", "But yeah I don’t blame you for feeling suspicious", "Yeah dude really total oversight. I’m committed to this alliance.", "How can you rectify it?", "If you’re scared I’m happy to set something you like as good faith but I think I’ve been pretty accurate to my word", "Gez man", "Whatever you want I literally have nothing to do with these units", "I get it tho I felt the same last turn but like I don’t want these kinda things to totally throw us off. I’m banking on you help stop Austria and definitely have placed my trust in you", "12 hours days", "I’m at a conference for work and can’t really pay too much attention to this rn", "But like in sort", "I’ll do what you want", "But I don’t like this tone of “how will you rectify” like I don’t want any tension here", "Ok, fair enough. I had one of those days too. It’s a suspicious move but as long as we can figure out a way to get you back in Denmark we’re cool.", "I’m totally game.", "And like I said, no hard feelings here either. I think we’ve both really committed to working together and so we’re hypersensitive to getting stabbed", "Here’s my orders as they are set right now.\nBur>Par\nHold in Bel\nKie>Ruh\nBer>Pru\nSil>War\nSka>Den\nHold Sweden", "Honestly it might be best to make a habit out of sharing and confirming our movesets to avoid problems like this. That way if there is a stab, there are no two ways about it.", "Another thought - maybe, we agree that if we want to break the alliance after Austria is subdued we have a one term armistice so we can regroup and prepare, once again to reduce risk of stab", "F BAR - NWG\nF Lon - NTH\nA Pic - Bre\nA Stp - Mos\nF Wal H", "Building an army in Edi so I can convoy to Norway. Going to push on the channel from North Sea.", "If Russia is smart, he’ll disband Warsaw because it’s dead no matter what. That will be annoying for st. Pete but we’ll see.", "Austria is nervous of you. He’s asking me to not support you into Warsaw. I’m playing very coy. Happy to support you in but if you think we can use this for some duplicity why it try? I could tell him I’ll help him out to keep him on my side for now. He sees that you will be “pointlessly moving east.” And you are a “poor player who doesn’t deserve Warsaw.” Clearly some threat there.", "HAHAHAH now I really want him dead", "Like why a dick? Does he think that we want his respect because he’s some highly ranked dude? BS. As long as he loses, I’m happy.", "*what", "He messaged me that he’s confused why I won’t move on england", "He just messaged me asking me to “talk tonight.”", "Whatever that means.", "I hope we can troll him good", "Good to know. Me too!", "Austria is trying to convince me that you will attack me lol", "He’s committed to joining forces against you. I’ve stayed silent.", "Thanks man.", "Could you support me into Paris? Once I’m there I can support you on the coast.", "Sure", "Thanks man! Much appreciated. How did your chat go with Austria?", "Hey man how’s it going?", "Austria is telling me things you apparently said about me", "Trying to provoke me to attack you.", "I haven’t said a word to him", "Keeping him in the dark", "Smooth.", "Ok, now he’s trying to convince me that the only place for expansion is through you. Are you not planning on moving on him? I’m surprised you didn’t move into Munich.", "I’m moving on him in the spring after I get my two new builds. I don’t want to arouse too much suspicion before the blitzkrieg", "So the plan is army in Munich and army in Berlin? Will you support pic into Brest?", "Yes, I’ve already set my orders to do so.", "And yes army in Mun and Ber", "Still wanna share orders?", "Yeah for sure. Especially if we’re going to turn on Austria soon, we should be coordinating clearly", "Have you been talking to Italy or Turkey?", "I’ve been talking to turkey but he realizes he’s donezo", "Don’t be tempted by Austria. He’s a smooooth talker.", "F ENG S NAO - MAO\nA Mos S Arm - Sev\nF NAO - MAO\nA Pic - Bre\nF Wal S Yor - Lon\nA Yor - Lon", "He sure is. And Turkey can’t win, but he will still be alive and potentially able to recover some builds when we hit Austria.", "A Bel - Ruh\nA Bur S Par\nF Den - HEL\nA Par S Pic - Bre\nA Sil S War\nF Swe - Den\nA War H", "Who are you supporting in Sev?", "Any chance I can count on Warsaw to support Moscow? Also, we should block frances retreat in the North Sea.", "I was supporting Armenia to sev", "Nice. I think we should protect the north seas because a rouge french fleet will be a big distraction from the Austria front.", "Updated my orders. I’m now supporting you in Moscow.", "Italy is telling me that you and Austria will team against me in Warsaw. I think this is Austria trying to bait me into acting against you or him.", "I’m going to bounce France out of the North Sea baring protest from you. I will remove my fleet from the North Sea once it is not needed to protect from France.", "That’s cool with me. We have to stay strong. I won’t be flipping", "A Bel - Ruh\nA Bur S Par\nF Den - NTH\nA Par S Pic - Bre\nA Sil S War\nF Swe - Den\nA War S Mos", "My updated orders", "I need some strategy help", "I needed to convince Austria not to take Moscow. In told him I wouldn’t support turkey into sev if he didn’t take Moscow and then we could talk about moving against you. The truth is I still plan on supporting turkey however I don’t have much of a plan after that. We need more armies up north.", "I just realized that for that to work, Warsaw needs to hit Ukraine", "Is that possible?", "Geez, so many moving parts here.", "If I don’t hear from you 5 minutes before adjudication I’ll just hold Moscow and deal with turkey and sev next year.", "Hey just got out of a meeting", "Glad to hear from you", "My fear is that by hitting Ukraine, I provoke Austria and become the aggressor. That makes it unlikely we can convince Italy to stay neutral. At this point, I am almost hoping Austria attacks me in some way so I can claim retaliation and blitzkrieg", "Just read my message from Austria, he is thinking about taking Moscow.", "He said “because I am not hearing from england...” this was 9:05 am est so I assumed you have hammered it out since then.", "*assume", "Unless he stabs, yes", "Sweet. IF he does stab, then we have an excuse to invade.", "I’m not going to try and convince you to move against Austria if you don’t want to. I do think however that if we can knock him out of sev we are on a much better strategic position. I’ll plan on holding Moscow unless you say otherwise.", "What can I do to knock him out of Sev on this turn?", "I totally agree. There is nothing I rather do than deny him another build.", "But I don’t see how I can possibly stop him this turn. I had the same conversation with Turkey.", "You hit Ukraine. I support Armenia into sev. Black supports Armenia", "Damn this is a tough call.", "Well you let me know what you want to do and I’ll plan around it. It’s all up to you.", "Maybe it’s time to just go ahead and make the first strike. I alert him to my intentions, but deny him a build, which is far more important.", "Still, the trade off is now he will be able to move against me in spring 1905 and that might be a big advantage.", "But your builds will protect against that, no? Don’t forget that by doing this turkey is still a contender", "So with this move, his army in sev is forced to disband", "Right", "So do I hold or support?", "If I hit Austria, what does our spring 1905 strategy look like?", "I’m playing around with the sandbox.", "Our odds are better if Italy stays out of it. If we go all out on Austria, we need you and turkey to be strong. It’s going to be intense in no mans land and everything will come down to who’s line breaks first.", "We’ll have Austria squished.", "Either I build armies and funnel through Scandinavia to help you or build fleets and take on Italy.", "I’m nervous but I think it’s time to take the plunge. This is minus one for Austria and plus one for our ally.", "Ok, cool. Let’s do it", "F ENG S NAO - MAO\nA Mos S Arm - Sev\nF NAO - MAO\nA Pic - Bre\nF Wal S Yor - Lon\nA Yor - Lon", "A Bel - Ruh\nA Bur H\nF Den - NTH\nA Par S Pic - Bre\nA Sil S War\nF Swe - Den\nA War - Ukr", "I’ve got a bad feeling about this stab", "If you think we’ll have a better opportunity later we can do that. I don’t know what’s gonna happen next but it feels like this is a good spot.", "I think you are right rationally. My concern is twofold. 1. We will most likely force a hostile Italy. I’m sure that would have happened any way but we destroy any possibility. \n2. We give Austria a heads up, he will defending the neutral ground", "Yeah actually", "We can’t do it this turn, I’m sorry. Once I get the jump on him in the spring I can force him to disband. Plus give you more time to bring units over", "I’m going to play it conservatively here and not stab", "Sorry for the last minute change up", "Ok then. Hold Moscow it is.", "I’m too risk adverse", "Wow, good call my man. Turkey is dumb. Shame I couldn’t take Brest.", "We avoided prematurely springing ww3 by the skin of our teeth", "We should get thinking about what the next move is. We’re lucky that we have the build phase now so we have 36 hours to brainstorm the best move and gather more intel. \n\nI would love to work out a scenario where Italy remains neutral but assuming that won’t happen, I think you’ll have to be prepared to keep him busy in the west cleaning up the ruins of France.", "Perhaps I can convoy your army in London to Norway and you can begin to sweep him in?", "I was thinking the same thing re:convoying to Norway. I need to find a couple builds. Brest is a lock. And I’ll have to make sure Italy is still on board with giving me Portugal. I’d like to see more of my fleets pushing into the med and more of your armies pushing east. I don’t have time to think about precise moves but just general strategy", "Yes I agree. I don’t want to do it before we’re ready, but I don’t want to wait until Austria has killed turkey.", "Agreed", "Can you see anywhere for me to expand that isn’t Austria? I assume he’s going to try to pressure me into attacking you.", "That’s my impetus for attacking ASAP. The longer I wait the stronger Austria grows while I stagnate.", "I’m in the same boat my man. Austria is the only way for you to expand other than through me. I have to bust through France and Italy. This is a tough alliance but I’m committed to making it work.", "Oh yeah attacking each other is NOT an option. But I think moving on Austria ASAP is.", "Sorry hope that was clear.", "Agreed", "F ENG - MAO\nA Lon - Nwy\nA Mos H\nF NAO S ENG - MAO\nA Pic - Bre\nF Wal - ENG", "Here’s what I’m thinking", "From Austria: “did you ask Germany to move into the North Sea? If not I’m all in with you. He’s the largest on the map now with free access to Norway and Edinburgh. Let’s go after him.”", "Any ideas on how to spin?", "Hmm let me think about it. This could be gold tho.", "If we can somehow spin a narrative that Austria is going after me and breaking out alliance, we may win over Italy", "What are you thinking?", "I think we can force sev now with turkey so long as he’s not a donkey", "Yeah let’s discuss with him and put together a fool-proof plan.", "I’m kinda busy this evening so I hope you guys can put together a good strategy", "I'm talking to him now", "plan on hitting Ukraine", "turkey is starting to back down.", "what do you think if I take warsaw from you with austira's help to gain some trust from him?", "just thinking out loud here", "Um I think that’s a horrible idea", "I have a material advantage over Austria now, why blow it?", "ok, fair", "turkey is back on board", "hit ukraine and i'll support armenia in", "Yo can we do this in the fall? I want to take Gal so I can take Vienna in the fall.", "If I don’t take Gal I risk losing Warsaw", "Austria is going to take Warsaw from me if we don’t plan carefully here. I think you should support Warsaw, as I move my unit into Gal. Then the following turn, I will attack the Ukraine and open the path for Turkey to recover.", "Can you get on board with that? Full disclosure I feel kinda shakey since you suggested supporting Austria into Warsaw.", "Here are my orders: \n \nA Ber - Sil\nA Bur H\nF Den - HEL\nA Mun - Boh\nF NTH H\nA Par S Pic - Bre\nA Ruh - Mun\nA Sil - Gal\nA War S Sil - Gal", "Let me know when you get this - once again my conservative instincts want to make sure I sure up my position before helping turkey.", "Don’t let Austria smooth talk you. He’s really good. He wants me to hit you lol, as always.", "SOS just checking in Austria said you asked him to move on me?", "Hey dude you gotta answer me ASAP", "Dude Austria just used my IRL name", "Wtf", "Sorry", "I’m in it to win it with you", "I won’t be swayed", "I want Austria to lose", "How does he know your real name?", "F ENG - MAO\nA Lon - Nwy\nA Mos S War\nF NAO S ENG - MAO\nA Pic - Bre\nF Wal - ENG", "Don’t waiver dude", "I’m with you", "Thanks for supporting Warsaw", "Much appreciated", "A Ber - Sil\nA Bur H\nF Den - HEL\nA Mun - Boh\nF NTH H\nA Par S Pic - Bre\nA Ruh - Mun\nA Sil - Gal\nA War S Sil - Gal", "Oh shit dude my bad on Norway. I didn’t look closely enough at your orders. Happy to convoy your armies but definitely specifically ask me to do it and make sure I confirm or I might miss it.", "I’m glad Austria decided to hit me as well. I think Italy will stay neutral, perhaps even lean towards our side.", "\"Glad that I at least got him to mess up your convoy lol\"", "that was from austira", "I mean he did succeed there", "At least he’s openly at war with us now", "Sorry we have to be very explicit with our coordination", "Man Austria sucks we gotta wreck him.", "he's implying that you purposefully didn't convoy", "Why in God’s name would I do that?", "What went wrong here is that we sent each other our move set but didn’t look closely enough.", "Also if you need me to convoy, I’m happy to do it but you should specifically ask for it.", "Austria is right tho dude - I was so freaked out last night that he used me real name I was off my game", "Like that still creeps me out tbh", "I just set me orders to convoy you this turn, assuming things are still good here.", "ok", "how does he know your name?", "Dude I have no idea", "He just like used it randomly in the convo and I have no idea who he is", "are you part of a diplomacy teams group? because if you've played a lot of gunboat games through that app, real name is attached to dip name.", "Perhaps that’s it, but still how would he know that I’m Germany in this game?", "Either way it was a wack gambit that really bugged me out", "Like he thought using my IRL name would get me to trust him", "But are you and I good?", "yes. as long as after the convoy you move out of n sea", "Like I sent you my orders last night exactly as they adjudicated so it’s not like I was hiding something", "Okay word", "italy is asking how he can take portgual and i reminded him that portugal was supposed to be mine. this might be where things turn between me and him", "But you cannot move into the North Sea either tho!", "no, neither of us are supposed to be there", "Yes exactly. good glad we’re on the same page", "It made sense to block France and I appreciate you trusting me to park there temporarily", "austria is Ajax on discord. I just put that together by his profile pic. I don't know who Ajax is IRL", "Yeah he’s got a cool pro pic", "No but dude he got really wack about it", "Like let me quote you some stuff", "“We didn’t have trust before. You thought we had trust. That is the foundational mirage of diplomacy.”", "wtf", "I just found that stuff off-putting", "Like weird way to double down on already making me feel weird", "Austria’s only path to survival here is to convince you or Italy to attack me.", "are we waiting on retreats still??", "Ya I think so", "This turn exceeded my expectations", "Turkey retook sev and I snagged vie", "Plus you took MAO", "Only bummer is that Turkey lost Con", "I also made it into MAO", "Lol, yo said that", "Big win all around", "so you're moving to denmark and Helgoland, right?", "I’ll def leave the North Sea but haven’t decided where to go yet", "(Obviously not your turf don’t worry!)", "What’s our strategy in the south east?", "I’m considering moving Bur> Mun to helpeith the austria offensive. I would move my fleets to Hol and Bel to deter from a potential Italian incursion.", "Sorry for going MIA", "Crazy day", "No sweat", "I need to take Portugal somehow", "Can you support me into Gascony?", "Sorry I ptfoed", "I perceived Italy’s move in Tyr as an act of aggression against me.", "I need you to cut support in Marseilles for me", "Can you do that?", "F ENG S IRI - MAO\nA Gas S MAO - Spa/sc\nF IRI - MAO\nF MAO - Spa/sc\nA Mos S Sev\nA Pic - Bre\nA Stp - Lvn", "Do you want me to hit Mar?", "We need to take Ukraine", "Yes. Please hit Marseilles", "Yeah I can do that", "Sev can’t fall", "Taking Ukraine allows me to open up another line of attack on Austria and support and protect Turkey", "Ok, we’ll we should do it in the spring so that if he ends up taking sev we have an opportunity to take it back.", "Agreed", "would you be down to move Moscow there? If not, I can use Warsaw", "Where?", "To Ukraine", "I think that’s ok", "You moving there or me?", "I’ll move there in the spring", "Sweet", "What should I do in your opinion this turn?", "You seem stalemated", "The lines are going to get entrenched soon", "We’ll have to use some diplomacy skills to get Italy on our side", "Might be a little late.", "who needs diplomacy skills when you have NMRs?", "Lol", "Should have gone on the offensive", "what is they say about hindsight?", "20/20?", "True", "Didn’t lose any ground tho", "Can you please support Gascony into Marseilles?", "I’m in the fence about war with Italy. He withdrew from Tyr and wants peace. I’m afraid of him teaming up with Austria. I would prefer to wait a year before hitting him, so I can cripple Austria.", "*on", "Like I’ve always said, my primary goal is beating Austria hahaha", "Italy is done for", "Let’s kick him while he’s down", "You have nothing to fear in him anyways.", "It’s not looking good, but if he teams with Austria he can really slow me down.", "He could slow me down with Austria. At least let me get a foothold in Tyr and Ukraine and pick up one more Austrian SC before turning on Italy.", "I really just want one enemy to focus on.", "I could be comfortable turning Bur over to you.", "Move my unit back to Munich to focus on Austria, then you could support yourself in during the fall.", "Would that work for you?", "Can you support my unit in war into Ukraine?", "Yes, both plans sound good. Please let me into burgundy and I’ll support you into Ukraine", "Good shit man. I’m moving Burg to Mun and War to Ukraine", "Any chance you’d give up Paris? I don’t see where my sc is coming from and I need a build for our parity.", "100000% no", "Why not?", "You got a build last turn and I didn’t, but I didn’t demand Norway. My goal is to beat Austria. I need every unit I can to do so.", "You’re at 10", "Look man I’m not going to shrink myself for you to feel safer. I love our alliance and think it has definitely worked for our mutual benefit. But we never agreed that there was an expectation of parity and even that suggestion makes me weary of a stab from you.", "Does that make sense? Like I really want to focus on beating Austria. Once he’s gone, then we can talk about Paris.", "ok", "no stab. don't worry.", "Dude I’m gonna help you more", "I don’t see how neutrality with Italy is sustainable", "I’m going to talk to him, but at this point I don’t see how I’m not supporting you into Mar.", "I don’t like what happened in Spain. Very happy about turkey’s success.", "The big turning point will be once you get a foothold in the med", "I’m very displeased with what’s happening in Iberia", "Me too dude.", "I’m happy to help however I can", "Would you be down to help me into Ven in a few turns. Now that you’re in mar and I’m in Tyr we’ve cracked the nut of Italy", "What’s the plan? I’ve been swamped with life.", "I need support in Marseilles", "I’m gonna try and take Spain", "Okay", "Dope", "I was hoping to move to Mun so I could defend Tyr", "But I can move par to burg and then support From there", "I’m frustrated with Turkey. I need him to help hit Austria in Rom. We can break Austria literally this season.", "If he doesn’t comply, I’m okay with threatening to take sev", "Turkey is on board. Obviously DONT HIT SEV haha", "F Bel\nA Boh S Tyr\nA Bur - Mun\nA Gal - Bud\nF Hol\nA Par H\nA Tyr - Tri\nA Ukr S Sev - Rum\nA Vie S Gal - Bud\nA War - Gal", "My moves", "Hey man - wanted to check in and touch base with you", "What’s happening", "Your annihilation if aistria is almost complete", "It is!!", "Thank you for being such a solid ally", "I’m down to continue working together", "ok, well i need SCs", "Spain, Portugal?", "Italy’s being a real stick in the mud on that", "Yikes so is this the end of the alliance?", "All good things come to an end, I understand", "With Italy? I don’t think we were ever really allied", "Oh no with me and you I was worried", "Yeah I can help you as long as we’re totally cool", "Dude, chill", "Lol sorry", "Every other message it’s stab worry", "We’re in it together", "Fuck yeah", "F", "f" ]
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[ "Hey Turkey - how is it going? Excited for this game!", "Of course, yeah! Will see how things unfold", "How are things going? Do you think Austria or Russia or going to be a problem?", "For you or for me?", "Do you know what Russia is up to?", "Have you heard from him??", "I haven’t", "No I haven't either", "Only person I haven’t talked to so I don’t have anything for you. I shared a lot of small talk with Austria - seems like a nice guy but we won’t have much shop to talk for the first couple turns.", "Yeah, I think you'll be fine with Austria initially", "Have you talked to France much?", "I inquired about Italy a little bit but not so much about other plans", "How’s it going Turkey?", "It does seem like Russia has a deal with Austria, I was expecting A war - gal at least for some control on rumania", "What do you think about Austria and Italy though?", "They seem like nice guys. Very chatty", "They seem like nice guys. Very chatty", "Right I agree. Russia seems to be going after me.", "Why did the army in Pru halt?", "Also, it's clear that Austria is going to build 2 units in Tri and Vie. I think you should be cautious now that Rusia may withdraw some troops to Sev", "He thought I was going to defend and decided not to anyway", "Possibly. I’m more focused on France and England at the moment", "Okay, good luck with that. I think Russia will move back for now so that'll hopefully be helpful int the short term", "Looks like Russia is finished... Any plans for the future? I'm not sure how long I can hold out here", "I’m still deciding what to do in Scandinavia", "Well, if Austria grabs warsaw, Russia will probably disband that fleet", "So just take Sweden?", "Yeah, or you F Den S F Ska - Swe", "Yeah. I wouldn’t mind keeping Russia alive on life support", "Or the same for norway. Perhaps that england scares you more", "Exactly.", "Just note that Stp can suport F NTH - Nwy", "Thanks for the reminder", "OMG", "😃", "I could bait england to doing that then snipe the North Sea lol", "So unless russia cuts support", "But perhaps he is vengeful and willing to help? I'm not sure", "Well, he could even just convoy to norway and support that", "if you disrupt the convoy then clearly you are not attacking norway.", "Yeah.", "If he is distracted with F NTH though it is likely france can move into the channel", "Is that so bad?", "Man Austria is gonna win this isn’t he?", "It's not bad for you, since France seems to want use that to invade england perhaps", "Exactly.", "but he made a big mistake with moves in spring", "Austria?", "Or France?", "France I think. The A spa -Mar got stopped", "And that cascaded to portugal.", "If he had moved A spa-gas and A por-spa, he could easily A Gas S A spa - Mar now", "Yup :/", "Well, except for your dude there", "Italy wants my support into France", "Anyhow, we should try to sort something with Italy if we can in case austria gets too strong", "Those two are tight.", "Not entirely. He did not move F Nap - Ion", "which would've been very bad for me since he could then convoy to Syr", "I'm trying to win him over and I think he realizes too that if austria gets the whole east that doesn't bode well", "He claimed to be the #1 diplomacy player online to me too", "Idk if that's true but I wouldn't underestimate him", "Austria?", "Yep", "I’m not surprised. Admin told me that someone in here is the top player.", "What if we all just ganged up. Even if I lose knowing I helped beat the best player in the world would be dope lol", "I mean, I'll believe it, he got all of {Germany, Russia, Italy} on his hand for the first few years :p", "Yeah, I basically had the same idea 😃 Well, except for the losing part", "Mwhhaha", "Dang", "Like, once you sort things out with France/England, you'll be frree to move east. I can probably survive a few turns but anyway you should not expect the peac in the east to last especially since Austria will get 1 or 2 builds in winter", "I agree.", "Do you have any ideas on how to free up some resources?", "My resources?", "A deal with england where I get the North Sea.", "Ok, but he'd want a way to get his troops across into france at least. So he needs the channel", "I don't he will be satisfied to twiddle his thumbs in Pic.", "think*", "Perhaps a situation where both of you don't occupy NTH is ok?", "Then there is a buffer zone both ways.", "Actually, it's probably fast to ally with france but it's up to you", "Yeah that was my original plan but he’s unresponsive", "My other option is to just gun for england. It risks an Austria win, but could allow me rapid growth, especially if I take Norway and then the North Sea next turn.", "Yeah, though I'm inclined to think he will move his fleet to norway since it's fall. But in effect he will be giving up the channel, allowing france to move his troops", "Either way, England is weakened", "Exactly. I still get one build. Sucks that I can’t focus on Austria, but his terms were not sufficient.", "Good luck then. I'll try to not die", "Okay you’re idea actually revived talks", "(An open North Sea armistice)", "Hey you still online?", "I'm back", "I'd like to make some plans with regards to austria if you are able to help out", "Totally in", "Cool", "If you can make a move toward warsaw to begin with that would be beneficial to both of us I think", "As soon as austria has to take 1 or two armies off to protect the west, I think I can push in a little bit", "Yes. I’m attacking Warsaw this turn and will take it by next turn at the latest. Austria is going to support Italy into Smyrna or at least that’s what he told me", "I want to take Paris and Warsaw next turn. Once I have those two extra builds, russia is largely taken by England and France is put to bed. My plan is to move on Austria. I don’t want Italy to turn against us, but if he does I was england to be strong enough to help hold him off.", "I would have a conversation with england about what will happen with Moscow. He is a friend and I trust him.", "Good luck on everything man. The longer you can hold out the more time england and I have to build.", "I'm not sure if this is a good plan: Maybe you can cut A Gal S Rum such that I can A Sev - Rum with support from Bla", "This turn?", "Yeah. I'm not sure if you have anything else you want to do with A Sil ?", "Or maybe keep up appearances", "Gonna give Warsaw a shot", "exactly. My plan is to let me and england get as strong as possible while Austria thinks we’re his pals", "If either me or england attack moscow, the attack on warsaw will fail", "If I don't get + 1 command center this turn I will need to disband 1 unit and austria gets plus 1. I'm quite scared of caving in with just 4 units", "I’m scared too tbh. I feel like you’re Churchill here and if you lose that unit it could be the beginning of the end", "I've made a few bets and it's allowed me to survive so far. But some time the coin will land on the other side", "I’m hoping you can keep him busy until spring 1905", "That may be wishful thinking", "But I don’t feel prepared for a full assault yet", "Still if your just hanging on, once we start hitting him from the north and east, you might be able to reclaim builds quickly", "I think the best path forward is to wait and see what happens this turn, and if things get too hairy we gotta pull the trigger", "Like, if this turn I bet wrong on what's gonna attack what. I'll probably lose another center.", "2 instead of 1 or just one?", "We may be able to work out some intel", "I'm not sure Austria would feel compelled to give you accurate intel on the moves in the southeast", "Right. But we may be able to get something. Even if he lies we can potentially make deductions from his lies. Do you guys talk at all?", "Barely. For the opposite reason (me giving away stuff)", "Also, England has never responded to me", "I've also been amazed at how deaf italy has been to my chat about him having nothing to gain from austria winning basically all of turkey", "Yes, why is Italy so strongly joined at the hip with Austria? It seems unlikely that we will be able to pry him away unfortunately", "On multiple occasions has he been vaguely agreeable with my arguments to then try to stab me anyhow", "Also, like if your intel on the Smy attack is correct that changes a lot of things for me (in options)", "Like, from the outset that seems a relatively risky choice.", "Well, at least there's a way to force a stalemate from this position but I still lose 1 dude (and austria gains one)", "Italy supposedly is upset with austria. We'll see how it goes", "Really? Why? Do you think it’s a ploy? If we can enlist Italy then there is no reason not to move on Austria immediately", "He's claimed to want to move against austria in various ways before to then try to stab me anyway. It had been only plays for me to lower my guard. I wouldn't trust him unless he makes the first move.", "Agreed.", "So this time I tried going into various strategies in why moving against Austria isn't as hard as he thinks it is. But he's acting not convinced. Anyway, I think there may be a path where we convince him to move together against Austria but it's not clear how to trust Italy after all that he's done before and how closely allied he's been to Austria", "I agree. I would wait for some secondary evidence from england or me before trusting him to turn on Austria", "It is unfortunate but I do not have winning moves remaining", "This is unfortunate if that’s true", "I mean, it’s depends on when we can turn on Austria", "Yes, that's true. However, if they play it right, as things stand, then there is no way for me to push forward without me losing something. Basically, without that 5th army the status quo is again slightly in their favor. Probably I will lose a unit every year ish, if not faster by the time I only have a few left", "Perhaps together with england I can hold the status quo but we'll see how that goes.", "Could you attack Ukr with War? I suspect it will support Sev so it can hold against my supported attack", "No, I already agreed to support Moscow with that unit , and he is supporting you into sev. I don’t want to turn on Austria until the spring.", "Hm, that's another course of action he has huh. But he's not greedy so I'm not sure he'd do that.", "England told me he was gonna support you into Sev", "I believe him but it's not enough if austria plays defensively and supports sev from Ukr and Rom", "Then if I do go on the offensive it's very likely I lose something in my mainland.", "So gambling on austria being greedy is the wrong move imo", "Unless I can guarantee that I capture Sev.", "Hmm. It’s your call. I would love to prevent Austria from getting another build", "Right. Is that possible?", "Only if you cut his support support, unfortunately", "And do what?", "But, if you attack ukr with warsaw you'd also cut austria's support on a possible att on mosocow", "So basically it's two birds with one stone.", "I can get into Sev and you prevent a possible attack on moscow", "I made a commitment to england already, so you have to convince him.", "I'll try and message him", "Look, it's very likely that A gal - war to cut your support if he makes an aggressive move", "Then the only thing saving moscow is if I attack Sev", "See", "If I don't attack sev here, moscow would fall", "Hmmm", "I don’t see what I can do to shift the equation", "Actually, you're right", "I may hit Ukraine to allow you to retake Sev.", "Sure, let's give it a try", "So are you going to move on ukr in spring?", "No me and england we thinking about jumping the gun in a last ditch effort to save sev", "But this turn I think (if I have the balls to do it) I’m going to just dive into Austria", "And lets the chips fall where they may", "Great! I'm still coming up with their likely game plan. I'd like to not lose 2 centers in turkey by winter if I can prevent it", "What is your plan surrounding Ukr and Gal?", "No idea I literally haven’t thought this thru", "I’m hoping you and england can come up with a good strategy here", "I will get support from England to attack Sev. If you do A War- Ukr that will succeed and one of Austria's armies there will be disbanded", "That’s great news", "So you're ready to help?", "Yes- let me set my orders", "I will help you retake sev. But I cannot hit Ukraine until the fall. I have to sure up my hold in Warsaw and my path into Vienna. I hope that is acceptable.", "Yo", "Ack", "Did you request england to not support my attack?", "I asked him to support Warsaw with the understanding that we will both support you into sev this turn.", "I couldn’t help you in the spring because I risked losing Warsaw which would set the whole war on Austria behind", "I would've been happy to attack Rum or similar in this turn, which would make it much harder for austria to hold warsaw or Vienna at the same time, even if you had lost warsaw in spring. There's no way Austria could've held warsaw with you getting some support from England (attack of 3 strenght)", "That could be right, idk. But let’s focus on helping you take Sev this turn.", "Hey Turkey - one of my big goals is to make sure you get another build in 1906. I think most likely this will be doable in Rum.", "I have to ask you something tho", "Sure, what is it?", "Just keep me posted if you hear any wind that people are going to gang up on me. Now that I have 10 units and they all have 7 I’m a bit worried", "I’m thinking king we may be able to have you take Rum this year", "Yeah I'm also considering Bul but I need to defend Ank as well", "When did you want to move on Rum?", "Maybe fall", "What are the plans in fall?", "Can you support my unit in War into Ukraine. I will use him to support you into Rom", "Congrats on the big retake!", "I feel like I turned on Austria just in time to save you haha", "Hi, sorry for the tardyness. I've just had a really busy weekend 🙂", "Yeah, thanks. Slowly getting back into the game", "No worries. Would you feel comfortable supporting me into Rom? Then in the spring I’ll move to Budapest and you can take rom", "I think it makes slightly more sense for me to take it this turn, because you won’t have the physical spaces to build two new units", "While I'm not entirely opposed to this proposition I don't have time to fully consider it today nor tomorrow. I will just stay as I am for now", "Can you support me into rom?", "Or are you working with Austria?", "I'm not working with Austria, I'm just not doing anything.", "Down to support you into rom", "I’m going to hit rom unless you want it.", "What’s good man - hoping to chat before adjudication", "Hey, you still around?", "Yes", "I'm back from travels!", "Nice man welcome back!", "Okay, so rum sound good! I can follow up with my troops from mainland turkey as well before winter. What is your side of this?", "What would you like me to do for you?", "So I’m happy to support you into Rum! But I would like you to support me into in Bud next turn if that’s cool?", "Ok, fair enough. I'm a bit worried about englend going for Sev, though. Do you think he'll stay at moscow?", "Ukraine is supporting Sev into Rum", "Yes, I’ll make sure of it.", "You are totally safe from england. We are in a position where if he fucks me he will get fucked twice as hard", "Ok great. I'm supporting with the fleet as well.", "Perfect. I can’t support with Gal because I need to protect Vienna", "But I’m supporting you from Ukraine", "Sure, yeah. I'm considering what he will gamble on. If you push into bud with +1 support then we either get bud or rum probably", "I’m going to push into bud in the fall with your support from Rum and my support from Vienna", "But it will be easier once you’re in Rum", "That will break the egg of Austria", "Ok! It hinges on serbia's support though", "How so?", "If both bud and serbia support rum then the attack will fail.", "F Bel\nA Boh S Tyr\nA Bur - Mun\nA Gal - Bud\nF Hol\nA Par H\nA Tyr - Tri\nA Ukr S Sev - Rum\nA Vie S Gal - Bud\nA War - Gal", "Here’s my moves right now", "Happy to update them", "Ah ok, that looks good.", "As long as there's an attack on Bud as well.", "Sweet", "I really am kinda incentivised to hit him hard", "No, I believe you. We're all set up for this.", "Congrats on the pickup! I’m so siked that we were able to turn the tables on Austria.", "Would you be down to talk longer term strategy soon?", "Yeah, whew that was close for me for a short while. Thanks", "Lol Austria just reached out to me saying he would support me into Rum lmfao", "He got really mad at me", "I’m sure dude", "We just need to put him to bed at this point", "It's just a game. Like, i don't get it", "He’s too intense it’s wack", "He like found my IRL name", "Which really freaked me out", "There's some names on the info tab of the game I guess", "actually, if you go to <#601857887098372112> and click on your user, you'll see", "But the fact that they went to the effort... I don't know", "Sore loser I guess", "Just weird to me that’s all", "We have a break over the weekend but you still want me to support you into Bud?", "Galicia correct?", "Yes please!!!", "I thanks man.", "no problem.", "Are you going to take bulg? I’m playing with the sandbox and unfortunately, we can’t take bud until one other territory falls.", "If he puts all support on bud I will get bul.", "Yeah I think we bluff that we’re going for bud. I won’t get it this turn, but will you help me get it next turn?", "Well that literally couldn’t have gone better.", "I’m thinking I take Serb and you can have Greece if that’s cool with you?", "Can you help me with italy then?", "Potentially! As long as we can agree to some broader armistice. I don’t want to focus on fighting you. We just toppled Austria together and plus Turkey is mega hard to take with out a Mediterranean fleet... but we could cause problems for each other if we don’t work something out.", "Hey turkey what’s good", "Hey I'm around", "What up man", "I'll try and get greece but it's not guaranteed", "Okay no worries", "Can you support me into Serb", "Tri > Serb", "I can't, sorry", "It’s okay I appreciate your honesty", "What are you thinking more long term", "I'm hoping to set up a convoy to naples, I think", "What’s your plan for the army in Rum", "Fortify my lines", "Fair. I’m not interested in going after you, I just want Serbia", "Do you want Moscow", "Happy to support you in", "I can't", "Y" ]
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[ 5, 1 ]
[ "We should bounce in Bur this turn", "Hi France! Sorry for the delay - still getting the hang of this app. Why do you think we should bounce in Bur?", "To start, I'd like us to have a good relationship, so I'm starting by telling you what I'm going to do, which is move an Army to Burgundy, ideally to bounce. This allows me to protect in case you were planning on doing something to begin with. Second, bouncing helps you out because Germany's first move with the Munich army is either to move to Burgundy or the Ruhr. If you dont move to Bur, then I'm there and you have to move the Ruhr army back to protect Mun anyway. I think we both have other issues than creating a relatively pointless stalemate here when there are better targets if we work together", "Interesting. I will have to think it over. What does it look like three years down the road if we’re working together?", "England destroyed and divided, you in the north sweeping up Russia with support, ive swept down into Italy", "Okay - this works for me. I was going into Rohr will adjust my order and bounce. If we work together against England offers a lot of advantages for both of us, especially in the early game.", "I’ve set my order to Mun -> Burg", "I’d say Russia is a bit of an issue for you, but the player can’t be very good because moving the fleet to Finland was literally useless and Turkey is about to wreck his southern half", "I’m not going to move against you and England is going to be an issue for both of us, since they’ll have 5 builds in 1902.", "Agreed. Russia also is not very communicative.", "What’s your strategy regarding England", "Try to survive for now I guess, was hoping Russia wouldn't fall flat on their face in Scandinavia. I'll consolidate and try and support you against an English attack in Belgium after winter", "Russia tells me that we will hold in Pru - not sure to believe him but I think it’s a little early to start screwing people.", "Do you mind if I move into Ruh to support a potential future attack on bel", "Yeah that should be fine", "I’m going to move Mun to Ber instead. I don’t trust Russia right now.", "What’s your strategy with going after England? Will you take the channel shortly?", "Hey France - I want to check in on plans to go after England.", "Circling back ^", "Because I suspect that we’d just bounce, I have a better plan to attack the Irish Sea", "I’m not going to take the channel", "What should I do with regards to england?", "Hello", "Hey France", "I’m thinking about attacking England. I’ve been supporting other players because you have not been responsive, but I’m still open to working with you.", "Sorry, work's been a nightmare", "I'm still on attacking him", "It’s okay.", "Hey France how’s it going?", "Hey just wanted to say hello" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 30, 142, 173, 227, 240, 298, 299, 304, 305, 308, 309, 313, 318, 319, 442, 470, 485, 500, 743, 754, 755, 758, 888, 1112, 1198, 1282, 1283, 1292, 2788, 3156 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 12 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 11 ]
[ 5, 6 ]
[ "Hey Russia! What's up? Looking forward to playing with you, excited to be playing Austria. What are your thoughts on the game/your moves?", "You there? Would love to talk strategy at some point", "Hey Austria,\nI sent a message to Turkey because I don’t want to go South or to the Balkans and let you fight with them over that but I might have to do that if I don’t hear from them. I would prefer to head North though.", "What did your message to Turkey say? I would love to work with you but we haven't talked nearly enough", "They got back to me finally sting they were going to the BlackSea so so am I to bounce them. I’d go to Balkan’s with Italy and go after Turkey. You two together can take them and I’ll stay out of the area early at least.", "So what's the plan with England then? Are you forcing him out of Norway?", "And what is Warsaw doing? I'd like for it to stay away from me if possible~", "Yea, don’t worry about it. I’m not going South.", "Could you let me know? I'm not sharing your moves but I need some certainty so I don't end up pushing back on you and wasting my spring moves", "I wS going to move to Silesia or Ukraine but might just hold this turn and see what other people do.", "Prussia not Ukraine#", "Awesome, that's good to hear", "Are you going to Romania next turn?", "THinking about it. What do you recommend?", "Have your army in Serbia support your army in Budapest to move into Romania. That way even if turkey tries to move into Romania you’d still win and kick them back to Bulgaria.", "Good plan. What are you doing here?", "Gonna try t9 take Sweden of at least knock Germany out and returning one army back to Warsaw to regroup in case I have to defend against Turkey for a turn or two while still pressuring Germany. Russia is too damn spread out haha.", "Fucking Turkey. I'll help you take him on. Keep that ship in the Black Sea, we'll need that one", "He’s telling me to decommission it haha", "Of course he is. That's bs. That fleet is your best chance for staying in the game. I'll help you out but you need to take him on with me", "You still there? I would love to talk about the future", "Yea I’m here. I’m with you on that. Not cutting my fleet and I’ll work with you. What’s the next Step? He was talking about leaving Sev to Romania which was prolly BS.", "he may try, but I wouldn't trust that.", "Even if he tries to move up to Moscow I can bounce him back to Sev anyway.", "He can't get Rumania anyway", "I don't think he will", "He wants to consolidate his units", "What’s the plan then if I keep the fleet in the Black Sea?", "I'm getting information now", "I'll let you know tomorrow?", "Ok, sounds good.", "With Turkey building another fleet in Black Sea I have to do something with my fleet there or it could be destroyed.", "So we're going to move your fleet to Rumania here", "Supported by me", "Ok sounds good.", "Can we just check plans here? I'm supporting you into Rum, correct?", "Yea I have my fleet from Black Sea moving there next turn,", "Awesome", "Fuck, I did not expect T to go for Rum here", "Sorry you didn't get in", "It’s fine. Looks like you’ll be fighting the war in the south alone for a bit.", "What's your focus this fall?", "There’s not much I can do really other than hold as I only have 2 units.", "Germany is a dick. I told him not to do that", "Yea, he is. I fucked up this game. Was my first time as Russia and I pushed to pressure Germany way too early. Oh well.", "I could tell you were a new Russia, but that's not bad. We'll get em later this game :)", "Come over to the Nexus! It's a large Diplomacy server with a great community and good gameplay. You'll get a lot better there in prep for your next game", "", "Seems everyone is fight8bg each other in the West and picking apart France. Should give you a lot of room to operate in the east before you start taking them on.", "Trying hard", "Are you going after Warsaw next turn?", "Germany says he is. I would like to bounce him if possible and I told him I would too. I need you to keep that center", "Ok thanks. I was going to move Moscow there to bounce anyone but now I’ll just have Moscow Hold next turn.", "Doesn’t look like Germany can move to Warsaw next turn anyway.", "We're not allowed to share screenshots, but he said he's moving on Warsaw next turn", "Dammit dude, had you trusted me I would have put you into Stp this year", "Yea I know. I’ve been screwed over a lot this game though haha. My bad.", "It works out anyway because Russia moved on you regardless, but you need him to move out", "Make it CLEAR to Russia that you're dying to England if he doesn't turn around and take England on", "Germany needs to turn around", "Yea. I’m moving back to Moscow so it should be ok as long as I don’t get bounced.", "I’m pretty impressed by how well England is doing tbh. It’s not always easy for them to do well.", "They're good at manipulating Germany. Good at nothing else.", "Haha, good for them. Germany was pissing me off earlier.", "Back to Mos here?", "Yea, back to Mos.", "Kk" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 8, 18, 246, 248, 254, 256, 259, 264, 265, 290, 291, 292, 316, 427, 438, 439, 440, 630, 643, 719, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 729, 730, 731, 732, 747, 785, 786, 788, 814, 816, 817, 909, 910, 911, 912, 922, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1548, 1549, 1555, 1556, 1557, 1558, 1559, 1587, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1623, 1749, 1811, 1813 ]
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[ 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 22, 4, 22, 4, 22, 22, 4, 4, 22, 4, 4, 4, 22, 22, 4, 22, 4, 22, 4 ]
[ 4, 2 ]
[ "Hey England! Looking forward to playing with you! How's your afternoon going so far?", "So far so good. Have you worked anything out with turkey and Russia yet? What you decide to do with Russia will heavily influence what I do.", "I haven't actually talked with Russia yet. The board has been too quiet for my liking. Turkey texted me once but hasn't responded.", "I'm fineoving against Russia if I can be assured that Italy won't pose a threat. The two of us are in a great position to be allies, if you influence Italy on my behalf and I influence Russia on yours...", "I’m happy to help. I’ll talk to Italy and open. North.", "Where are you thinking about moving?", "Not sure yet. I can see you’re all in anti Russia or turkey. Decided to leave the Germans alone?", "For now. I can take on Russia if you do France", "You have a deal", "You're fighting a good fight. I'm sending Italy around to help you out with France", "Germany is becoming a problem. Where do you stand with them?", "Germany and I have chatted more than you and I have but I'm more occupied with the East", "Why?", "Also what's the deal with France?", "Why what?", "France is putting up a little fight.", "What’s happening with you and turkey?", "Turkeys done", "As is Russia", "Good take of STP", "France is such a dumbass", "You taking Mos here?", "Possibly", "You think?", "Lol, realized I never gave the thumbs up or thumbs down so the message never sent.", "Turkey is donezo", "I need you to keep Germany from getting Moscow. I don't care if you get it or not, but Germany is playing a poor game and it shouldn't be rewarded.", "Are you asking me to support Warsaw or not support Germany in? Those are two different requests.", "Ideally you take Germany on while he's shifting his stuff pointlessly east", "I can support it. Just don't support him in", "Why is it pointless? How does that benefit me?", "He was moving on Russia so he could reap the rewards of the Tsar's fall. It wasn't the cause of any good will towards you. He's an opportunist and with France locked up by you and Italy and Russia increasingly locked up by you and Turkey, there's only one place for him to attack", "He's asked me many times about the best way to attack you, and was setting up for it until I told him Russia was done.", "Would love to sit down and talk tonight", "Sure thing", "Can we talk long term here? What's the goal of the game? Where do you go now, with Turkey and Germany at the extent of your border?", "Would love to talk for a bit", "I'll take on Germany with you, but we need to talk it out. We can't do it alone", "Are you online? We need to talk really quick", "Sorry, busy week", "You free for a bit now? I'm at work but can carry on an infrequent convo", "Sure", "Asking honestly, what are your plans for expansion now? Russia is gone, France nearly so. Where do you go next?", "Trying to fend you off and sweep up the rest of France. Not sure much past that.", "At least you're honest 😂", "Let's get real here, you and I are the best players on this board. I don't know how you got Germany to work with you, but you're obviously a diplomatic force to be reckoned with. I'm willing to help you get a leg up on G here", "You've shut yourself out of most of your expansion opportunities except for Germany, but I can lend an assisting hand if you take him on", "I want to see you succeed here, good play should be rewarded", "I can get you Warsaw here", "What happens after Warsaw?", "You finish Germany, I finish Turkey", "You then finish France, I help out by taking Italy", "That's a stalemate line and a draw if we do it right", "Thoughts?", "Interesting proposition. My biggest concern is that I’ve left myself open to Germany in the north. Grabbing Warsaw would ensure that I lose Norway and he has a clear path to my island.", "Germany trusts you after that support into Paris. Now is the time to move and take advantage of that. I can support you into Warsaw if you need", "Right now I'm just planning to defend Sev, I have no plans to open up additional fronts against you. I have enough enemies as is", "Still there?", "Well actions will speak here. Let’s see how things shake out this year.", "I need to be sure that you're not supporting Turkey against me here or I'll just take Moscow. There's too much on the line for us to just wait this out", "It’s hard to build trust in this game quickly. I understand the urgency though.", "Thanks", "I would really appreciate affirmation about your not helping Turkey back in", "I can’t flip on Germany until we have a more established relationship. If we want to build that we need to take small leaps of faith. I will not support turkey. Please do not take Moscow. If that goes, we can start planning more seriously against Germany", "That works for me. Thanks for checking in", "Thank you", "Did you ask Germany to take the North Sea?", "Hey, if Germany invaded you without your permission, I'm all in with you.", "He's now the largest on the map with free access to Norway and Edinburgh. Let's start pushing back on hin", "Can we talk about Germany for a sec?", "yes, i'm sorry i've been ignoring you", "Hahaha I get worried sometimes", "I've been trying to talk to him but things seem to be breaking down", "what do you have in mind?", "How so?", "The dude needs to be taken out for any of us to have a chance. He has the most SCs on the board and potential to take more from you, whcih I don't want to see", "neither do I, but i'm not sure what we can coordinate together", "Let's talk about Warsaw", "what you thinking?", "One of us has to move into it by the end of the year. Germany is building to move against me, Turkey is still a pain in the butt, and Italy is getting testy. I need your help to crack this dude, and I can't be running damage control for the board on my own", "can we wait until the fall?", "We really shouldn't wait. I've watched him amass power and move into every sector of the board without resistance", "What do you want to wait for?", "Just curious", "I want to see how he moves before I full on stab him", "Let's imagine if he moves into Edinburgh and towards that point it's too late to respond.", "Berlin will be in Prussia by that time, holding Warsaw against any of our attacks and threatening your single unit covering both Moscow and St Petersburg", "That's a two center pickup at that point and no one can stop him. This move could determine the game. I don't want to see us sleeping on the next three movesets", "Thoughts? I know this is a lot to process, but I've seen a lot of Diplomacy games, and I've had some go south on its participants very quickly", "And I really want to finalize my moveset before midnight", "sorry, i'm on the west coast and still at work and still slammed", "give me an hour", "Good deal", "Anything?", "Yes", "I managed to piss Germany off for you 😉", "Germany is talking to me about heading back", "How do?", "So", "Heading back for what?", "I need to sleep soon", "You ask for a pause?", "Trying to decide if it's worth staying up for", "Any final thoughts?", "I submitted", "What should I expect?", "You want support into Warsaw?", "I’m supporting you", "We'll find out in two seconds", "I’m not supporting you", "Yeah I said that you lied on the last message lol", "Lol", "Not a bad turn for us I guess", "Could have gone a lot worse", "Glad that I at least got him to mess up your convoy lol", "Small wins", "What’s the plan now?", "You seem pretty well entrenched", "That’s a fair observation", "Is there any point in talking? We know what the other wants, and those wants are at odds. It's going to be a N/S stalemate line for the rest of the game unless Italy or Turkey screws up", "What do you think I want?", "If you didn't want to take advantage of G earlier, you missed your chance. The fronts will just solidify from now on", "So what do you think I want then?", "Hopefully you want to draw this out at this point. Unless Italy fucks up, that's what should be happening", "A kinda sad end to what was a good start", "Interesting. Not sure that’s what I want.", "Why don't you tell me then", "Well of course (as anyone) I’d like to solo but I don’t think that’s in the cards. I’d like to see things shake up once the battle lines are drawn. Not sure if we’re there yet though.", "That mostly comes from Germany in the east", "As far as Tyr and Marseilles go", "😺", "Sharing a face palm with the world i see", "I hate myself", "Lol" ]
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[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133 ]
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[ 4, 3 ]
[ "Hey Turkey! How are you doing? Looking forward to working with you this game!", "You there? Would love to talk strategy at some point", "Hey Austria, yeah, I'm around", "Good to hear from you! How's your night?", "I'm kind of getting the grips on this game", "No worries! Are you friend of admin?", "Yep, get dragged into a lotta things. Must say this is kind of out there", "Anyway, Russia is kind of scary. They start with 4 units", "You play Diplomacy before?", "Yeah they are. I'd love to take him out asap honestly", "I'm not sure I can do that much but I'm happy to help", "If you trust me, I can coach us both through advantageously", "You don't know who I am, but I was the #1 player on the Diplomacy app Conspiracy and I run the largest only Diplomacy tournament in the world, so I can coach us both through to a pretty good result", "Ah that's cool. Yeah I'm afraid I'm gonna get stuck in a snag somewhere.", "In general I was hoping to at least take the black sea and kind of capture the supply center in bulgaria", "I'm not so sure about what to do beyond that", "Those are both good starts. I suggest sending that second unit to Armenia", "It will make the attack on Russia far more effective in the future", "Like setting up a move sequence in chess", "I read that sending the smy to constantinople was good", "Yeah, that's a typical move too", "The Arm sequence indicates a hard commit against Russia, which is why it's not quite as often used, but I'm hard commiting against Russia so I would love for you to do the same", "I'm happy to support you if I can get sevastopol", "That's the hope!", "How would the army to armenia play out? I suppose the fleet in sevastopol either goes to black sea or rumania. Probably black sea... Do you plan to go to Rumania first?", "I wasn't planning to go to Rum first, should I?", "Alright, will you be able to provide support to attack sevastopol?", "Can I do it in the next spring? I'm not adjacent to Sev here", "I could go to Rum for some more support to assault sevastopol?", "You could. I suggest it", "That went pretty well", "lol, amazing", "Good work!", "Glad to see Russia down a peg here", "Nothing? Whats the plan here? Unfortunate for the two of us that Russia left that fleet in the Black Sea :/", "Yeah I'm not sure what his play is. Russia seems very inconsistent", "I think I'll need a few turns before I could move north to attack russia though. What is a good plan from here?", "Looks like you're pretty committed North already, the fleet builds sold it", "You're in a good spot. You should take the Black Sea here, that will give you a ton of leverage in the future", "So are we just coordinating anymore? You might as well just tell me you want to attack me", "Hi! I'm actually away from home so I haven't been paying too close attention yet.", "Yeah I'll take care of that fleet in Bla. Then with +1 support it should be easy to move on to mos", "Looks like we were always at war with Eurasia after all", "Seems as if. What's the plan?", "Poor russia", "I feel bad but I ended up going to sleep before I got a response from you so I figured you were out to attack me", "Very poor Russia. The worst possible start", "You squeezed him too hard and now he's dead 😦", "I didn't squeeze him haha", "But yeah, we had a good mutual effort there", "Mutual, as in, he got his stuff destroyed while he got walked over huh", "I mean, he's partially to blame of course", "Anyway, i don't think I'm doing too badly for my first gae", "I haven't \"attacked\" you so far either nor have I had the opportunity to", "besides claiming centers that are close to me", "You're not doing badly!", "Just need to keep that momentum going", "Eh, I'm good with what I have/had.", "An attack of strength ~~3~~ 4: for when you really really really ~~really~~ want that region 😭", "Yeah.....", "Italy is such a pain in my ass", "I must say I agree", "You online?", "Yep", "It's going poorly for me but I'm a rational player so if you wanna suggest something go ahead", "I'm thinking. It's tough because I'd rather keep it clean than overtly lie to you, I'm not that type of player. Honestly, you're in a tough spot", "Sure am", "You request the pause?", "So believe it or not, I may actually have to work with you if I don't want E or G to win", "I believe you because I can see that happening too", "So plan out a fair strategy. Wouldn't be surprised if you were mad but I'm willing to put some of that shit behind for the good of the game and the players on the losing end of it", "Alright, but here's the thing. 2/3 of turkey is occupied by you and italy. So the payment would come out of your own pocket", "Like, I'm willing to look beyond there and consider maybe russia or italy", "I'm willing to sacrifice a little but not much. I'm the main line of defense against Germany rn.", "At least you're semi reasonable about it. Many aren't", "I also don't want germany to win. And I can see that you're being pressured", "If you were to fall to germany (completely) that would be bad for me too", "Right", "My guess is they're looking to draw it out at this point unless someone has a 1909 stab", "Englad is getting some reinforcements to Stp now", "Yeah, I see. We need to move this turn", "Honestly I should have reached out last turn but I thought I had a good guess left in me", "i think if we can come to a nonagression accross the Turkey Straits that would be beneficial for both of us", "You can use the armies stationed there now for your defense while I rebuild and attempt to go north", "That's fine", "If you are okay with that then I will take Con, build an army in Ank and then take Smy", "You don't need Con and Amy right now. This only works if we give up what we have to. I can give you Con, but your units won't have anywhere to go after that, esp if we can't break you out of Sev here", "Is this about moscow? I don't have a way to hold onto that yet.", "Yeah, but we have to move fast, esp as that English reinforcement is coming soon", "As they lock down, we need to move fast and keep them guessing", "If I would be able to take Moscow with you support then in Fall I would be surrounded by three angry armies", "Is there a step two to this plan?", "Frankly, I'm not sure we get far anyway, but we don't get anywhere if Moscow is supported by STP next turn", "I can see what you're saying but I am not afforded the luxury of a gamble at this point in the game", "You're not, but you won't later either. You can still hold Moscow with your fleet plus my army, and worst comes to worst, your army would be loose behind their front. The alternative is we continue to attack you and we all lost out. Italy, me, you", "I don't want to play that game", "I think the only way I can hold moscow is if you move A rum - Sev while I go to moscow. Then next turn we can hold it.", "For you to hold Rum, then, you'd retreat A Con - Bul simultaneously", "Of course my fleet cannot support my army in moscow", "Why not? Genuinely curous", "Oh, never", "I misread your statement", "Oh, so give me your moves right now, I want to confirm this. I have to sleep in a sec", "I'm not going for moscow. It's too far of a stretch at the moment", "Hey, I'm going to be away for a bit but just wanted to prod you prior to that about plans.", "I hope to stay neutral for now though I'm not sure what germany & england will think of that", "To be upfront with you, I'm not particularly happy with your moveset", "I gave you Con to solidify our line and you not only didn't do that, but you attacked the remaining stalemate ally", "What do you mean by solidify the line?", "Against the Germans and the English?", "I think we agreed to a ceasefire? The moscow plan was very wild at the time. I'm going to be busy for two days so I'll stay as I am for a bit and not attack any positions.", "I plan to build a fleet in Con unless you have a better idea. I do not plan to do anything with said fleet. It's just for my own protection.", "I'm read to attempt some push in the coming year if you have a suggestion", "For example, I could attempt A Sev- Ukr after I move A Smy-Arm", "Such that in the season after I can do a supported attack on moscow or something else.", "You're a dick dude. I will make sure that that's the last one you take. I'll let E/G walk over me of I have to", "I don't understand why people kill their own chances to survive games. What's wrong with holding the line? It's so frustrating playing with players that would rather sabotage themselves than work with a teammate", "You exist because of me. And you made a terrible, terrible strategic move", "Good talk" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 1, 1, 21, 3, 23, 23, 5, 23, 5, 5, 23, 5, 23, 23, 5, 5, 23, 23, 5, 5, 23, 5, 5, 23, 23, 5, 23, 5, 23, 5, 5, 23, 23, 5, 23, 5, 5, 23, 23, 23, 5, 5, 5, 5, 23, 21, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 21, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 4, 1 ]
[ "Hey France! Looking forward to playing with you!", "👌", "You too man", "The chats are so funny....yeah, I think your :ok_hand is telling the truth 😂", "it said send an emoji and I dont read instructions as a matter of principle", "Yeah, rip", "That went well for you", "It did, so far so good", "I don't really have anything else for you lol, just keeping lines open", "Thanks. What are negotiations like in the west?", "Quiet out there apparently....", "Not much going on, England is strong and Germany is worried about Russia", "Yeah I see that", "What are your plans now?", "Need to think a bit", "Italy’s move was not great for me, but he’s very concerned about Trieste apparently", "Thanks for the info", "That's a pretty blatently bad disband though", "That'll be tough to sell", "Hey you there?", "You ask for the pause? Good work on holding off the Atlantic so far. You've been in a tough spot" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 1 ]
[ 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 6, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ 10, 24, 25, 31, 105, 110, 306, 310, 311, 345, 425, 443, 501, 502, 748, 756, 757, 1510, 1511, 1751, 2686 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 8 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 6 ]
[ 4, 6 ]
[ "Hello Russia. Have you worked out what you’re doing with turkey and Austria yet? I’m thinking of going anti Germany but want to see how we align in the north first.", "I sent Turkey a message but still waiting on a reply. I wanted to go anti-Germany too if you want to split the population centers? But if I don’t hear back from Turkey I may have to fortify my South flank and enter the Balkan’s even though I don’t want to.", "I moving to pressureGermany but I could use assistance on your end. Willing to share any gains that could result.", "Yikes. You have some Turkish trouble. I’ll plan on moving into helgoland bight", "Yea, that’s always annoying playing as Russia. Trying to get AH to help out but I have to move one of my troops back West away from pressuring Germany. Oh well.", "That’s a shame. Let’s reassess after you handle your problems in the east.", "Hey man. Let me know if you wanna support my fleet moving to Sweden. Would pressure Germany and keep me a,Ive with a new supply center in my fight in the sky th with Turkey. I’m gonna need all the help I can get there but have AH help to keep me alive down there.", "Yes, Turkey has been a real thorn in your side. I’d like to see some pressure on Germany to ease off my unit in Belgium. If I support you into Sweden, will you support me into Denmark?", "Definitely." ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2 ]
[ 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3 ]
[ 13, 247, 295, 347, 350, 448, 760, 775, 777 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 3 ]
[ 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 20, 2, 20 ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Hi Russia, It seems we are pitted against some dangerous opponents this time", "I do plan to F Ank -Bla. If you wish you may wish to F Sev - Bla as well.", "Hi Russia, I think we should come to some mutual understanding here or things will turn out bad for the both of us.", "Look -- I know I took Sev, but I will not be able to take Moscov and it's honestly a waste of time for the both of us. I'd rather focus on Austria & Italy.", "If you decommision the fleet in Bla I will attempt to move out of Sev.", "And go to Rumania", "I was going to decommission the army in Prussia. You can just move the army to Romania and I’ll return the fleet to Sev. I’m willing to help you switch your focus to AH and Italy, and even help you eventually but we need to build the trust before I decommission the fleet in Black Sea I think.", "Honestly the smarter move would have been for us to work together from the beginning but there’s a lot of innate distrust built in to the game between Russia and Turkey haha.", "Turkey and Russia are great allies. The rough part is the fleet in Bla. If we can get past that things could much better for both of us.", "As far as I can see, the fleet in Bla does not serve you a strategic purpose since I cannot afford to move more units north without giving up my flank to Austria", "And of course I cannot take Moscow with just 1 army.", "I do expect my Sev army to get bounced at least in spring though but with the fleet in Bla I can F Bla S A Sev - Rum", "Ok that makes sense. The Black Sea sucks.", "Feel free to A War - Mos just in case. However, I would appreciate having an alliance in the future. Do you think there's a possibilty for you attack Budapest? I could support you from Rum", "Then, in turn, I can get Serbia", "I am sad to see you changed your mind.", "Doesn’t really matter anymore. I’m done.", "Wished it could've turned out differently. I honestly was willing to work with you last year", "Yea, honestly I screwed up from the beginning. We should have teamed up from the beginning. Was my first t8me as Russia and I failed spectacularly haha.", "I think, yeah, 1901 went extremely poorly for you but I think I had a decent plan for your recover at least. Not sure if could've won but at least restored to 4 CP and then push into austria", "I basically ignored you and pushed East to Germany right away. Terrible strategy as Russia.", "I mean, you could've grabbed berlin but decied to hold in Pru. That confused me greatly. At the same time germany and england were conspiring against you with northern openings", "England was talking to me about going after Germany.i know now that was BS. Anyway, I shouldn’t have gone after Germany right away anyway.", "Yeah, retrospect is easy. I'm expecting A Gal -War. At least I'm not going to move A Sev - Rum so perhaps you can block austria from getting too far ahead?", "Unless you wish to exit the game quickly, then A Mos -Ukr would be appreciated 😃" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 ]
[ 114, 184, 514, 541, 542, 543, 591, 597, 604, 607, 608, 614, 625, 633, 635, 862, 899, 964, 966, 967, 968, 969, 989, 1013, 1015 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 19, 19, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2 ]
[ 2, 1 ]
[ "open", "Hey Russia, just keeping lines ope", "Austria and Italy are allying FYI", "Ok thanks. I told Italy t9 go after AH haha. They kind of have to as the 2 weakest starting countries really. Or 1 screws the other. I think I’m safe early on but Turkey might have some problems." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 1 ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 2 ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 6 ]
[ 28, 29, 241, 244 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 19, 19, 19, 1 ]
[ 2, 6 ]
[ "Hi England, I've been kinda occupied with Russia & Italy so far, but it seems things may be becoming relevant to us. It seems likely to me that A War will move to Mos to support taking back Sev.", "Hi England, nice capture of Stp there. I think we're trying to figure something out against the Austria & Italy alliance", "If you can move the army in Nwy over, would you want to split moscow and warsaw? I get moscow, you warsaw", "Hey England, can we come to a deal about moscow?", "Good question. A bounce there would be silly. What do have in mind?", "I'm okay with you taking moscov for now but would really like some support in holding Sev", "That sounds like a good deal to me.", "Support me in?", "Sure but there's a good chance of A rum - sev so don't count on it", "Let’s see what happens.", "It would probably be best if you move A Mos - Sev and bump with austria's army there", "Unless you need to support germany on warsaw?", "I should have talked to you in time", "I was supporting you in", "Want me to support you into sev?", "Yes please", "This is bit uncomfortable though because it's likely I'll lose something in the south because of it", "Are you still around?", "I’m supporting you in", "Can you please confirm that you will be moving Armenia to sev supported by Black Sea? I need to knock Austria out of there so he doesn’t break into the north.", "This only has a point if germany helps out too. Otherwise he could have a defense strength of 3", "I had it all set up but didn’t hear back from you so we didn’t go ahead with it", "Supporting is always better than holding 😃 except for diplomatic reasons", "So let's give it a try this time ok?", "I think Germany is also willing to help", "So are you ready to force sev now?", "Are you still on?", "Yes", "Germany is on board", "I'm trying to figure out what's gonna happen to Turkey while I'm away", "you are turkey", "what do you mean", "Are you ready?", "I'm talking about the four units ready to invade my homeland", "well i'm interested in seeing you survive as long as possible", "Like, it's a gamble either way.", "If I go to Sev I will lose 2 terrotories in Turkey", "sev can be forced if i suport and germany taps ukraine", "so would you rather cover smyrna?", "I'm considering going to Sev in Fall so that I trade 1 territory for 1", "Do we believe italy and austria to be big buddies still?", "they're very buddy buddy", "Ok, then I go for Sev now", "You will support A Arm - Sev?", "yes", "talk to germany", "Let’s try it again. You have to talk to Germany", "Look, it's in your interest to get austria out of there asap too because he could send you packing at any time with a supported attack from ukraine", "Plus you wouldn't want Germany to win against Austria too easily either", "But it looks like Germany now approves this attack", "Great. Supporting you in.", "Alright, so what's your general plan here? If germany stomps austria we need to be prepared. First thing he will probably move his fleets into Edi", "I’ve been trying to think about the stab. I’m not sure it’s the right time now.", "I think Austria can crumble really quickly. After that we need to come up with some plan. Like, I'm happy to try to push into the Balkans. That should tie down a few troops, but I'm probably still outnumbered.", "What do you suggest?", "When germany pushes into austria but before winter (when G gets to build more troops), his northern flank is quite empty. Specificallly, you may be able to take warsaw", "and denmark", "and how are you going to help this cause?", "I agree that he can't get too big", "So we're gonna go and work on Austria who has gotten really angry over things... But besides that, that means me _and Germany_ will get a few more troops. So either you need to make your move before that happens or have a plan for afterwards.", "let's move now", "Hi, what's the plan?", "Not sure. You need to move into sev", "I can do that, yeah", "But I'm not sure how to help with that further", "I’m supporting rum to ukr" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1 ]
[ 861, 1484, 1487, 1656, 1697, 1699, 1701, 1703, 1712, 1713, 1907, 1908, 1975, 1976, 2003, 2026, 2027, 2043, 2092, 2105, 2175, 2176, 2178, 2179, 2180, 2229, 2233, 2247, 2248, 2288, 2291, 2292, 2293, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2298, 2299, 2302, 2306, 2307, 2310, 2314, 2322, 2328, 2329, 2763, 2768, 2769, 2770, 2772, 2852, 2863, 3078, 3102, 3103, 3104, 3111, 3112, 3133, 3170, 3205, 3221, 3222, 3223, 3247 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 ]
[ 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 2, 7, 4, 8, 4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 8, 6, 8, 6, 6, 8 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2, 21, 3, 21, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 3, 3, 21, 3, 21, 21, 3, 3, 21, 21, 3, 21, 21, 3, 3, 3, 21, 21, 21, 3, 23, 5, 22, 4, 22, 22, 4, 4, 22, 2, 20, 2, 20, 20, 2 ]
[ 3, 1 ]
[ "Hello friend. I’m a big fan of early cooperation between us early on. If we end up fighting over the channel, Germany usually swoops in with Russia. What do you think about a DMZ in the channel?", "Sounds good", "That went well. We can keep the DMZ in the Channel, it looks like its working well for both of us, and Germany might have some problems coming up", "Sounds great. I’m still chatting with Germany and Russia to see what’s gonna happen up north.", "sounds good", "Things are shaking out strange up north. You seem to have some Italian troubles. Have you spoken with Italy to find out where his fleets are headed?", "I’m supporting Paris to burgundy FYI", "Hello France", "How you doing?", "Any chance you’d support me into Spain?", "I can offer keeping you in the game so you make the draw." ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2 ]
[ 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ 1, 26, 312, 349, 444, 776, 939, 2898, 2899, 2917, 2918 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
[ 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ 3, 6 ]
[ "Hi France, I'm a little bit nervous about an Austrian-Italian alliance would you mind mutually sharing information on their intentions?", "Sure, although all Austria has done is complain about their country so far lol", "Austria seems very knowledgeable so I would take whatever is said with a grain of salt", "Austria and Italy seem to have made a peacefire for the start of the game at least", "Have you talked to England or Germany?", "Yeah; fairly@standard stuff given that we all pretty much have to attack each other at some point", "I think I may be able to come to an agreement with Italy to focus on Austria for the moment. Would you be willing ceasefire with Italy and leave Pie empty? This would leave you able to move north.", "Did Italy contact you?", "If they did not, they're likely still allied with Austria and will attack both you and me", "He contacted me", "To@assure me that moving to Piedmont isn’t an act of war, which seems laughable but is manageable", "Russia isn’t a threat at all to you though, so that’s good", "I'm pretty sure Austria & Italy are going to do a Lepanto to Smy or Syria", "Italy very badly didn't want me to build a fleet in Smy...", "You don’t think Austria is stabbing Italy? One move and he’s done", "If Austria does, then he won't be able to finish me off", "So I think that's why he will wait until he's got the balkans and is ready to stab italy", "Look like Italy may be refocusing west?", "Thats my read yeah", "Nope, still tried to stab me" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1 ]
[ 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1 ]
[ 6, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 6 ]
[ 185, 237, 238, 239, 242, 266, 544, 734, 735, 751, 752, 753, 779, 780, 801, 807, 808, 1190, 1279, 1482 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 6 ]
[ "Buongiorno and hi there, King in the North! How are things in the most central power of Europe?", "Can I get in early to raise the question of Tyrolia? Not immensely keen to get stuck in a standoff near Venice, but still less so to see black uniforms heading south lol", "Greetings! Queen, actually", "Yes, that sounds good to me", "Queen in the North, Queen in the South :3 You understand I had to play the odds though, yes? \n\nWhat vibe are you getting off Russia? And has England reached out to you yet?", "Haha, yes I get it 😃", "I can't tell much from either of them. what about you?", "My first online game (still ongoing by the way) I still have people calling me “he” and I’ve given up correcting them 😂 I suppose it’s not that big a deal. But very cool to have some company this game.\n\nEngland I don’t have a solid read off, but he’s basically just nudged me to see how I am and that’s as far as we’ve gone. Russia seems to have big plans, but I have no reason to believe he hasn’t made the same overtures elsewhere, you know? Still, he seems more concrete.", "What do you do when you’re not, you know, Central Europe? Grad student here.", "I'm currently a student as well. I was previously an engineer, so I definitely got used to the female minority thing hahah", "Yeah i feel like England has some options open, not sure what he's going for", "I haven't heard anything informative from Russia yet", "Why yes, yes I am an engineering student! So I know how it can be. There's sixteen of us in one of my classes and I am one of two (count them, two) women there. Which I don't get. Engineering requires *some* strength maybe, but it's absolutely not a \"man only\" profession.", "Anything new in the North this year, my friend? It's been a long day on campus, so checking in with the state of Europe before I settle in for the night.", "Good morning! I haven’t checked in with anyone this season yet, I will keep you posted though!", "And a good day ahead to you! Are you thinking of contesting Sweden this season? Idle curiosity, I'm talking with Russia about the South but I won't share your thoughts with him.", "Hmm I don't know yet. Seems like he's trying to go west?", "Russia? Possibly, he’s going into Austria or Turkey it’s just a question of who.", "Have you made a decision in the west? If you do decide you’re attacking France, please let me know and I have a proposal to share with you.", "It’s the funniest thing, o Queen in the North. I’ve been chatting with folk (not a great deal else to do as Italy at this point) and one common theme keeps coming up; Russia offering them an alliance. He’s offered one to me. He’s offered one to Turkey, and to Austria. He’s offered one to England, and I presume he’s offered one to you. If I had to play the odds I’d guess he’s offered one to France as well, but the President and I aren’t really on those friendly terms. \n\nCan you confirm your part of this, and what he’s trying to persuade you to in an alliance? And if so, what should we do about this? It can be useful having a completely unscrupulous archtraitor around, if we know who that is and don’t let them get so powerful that their opportunism backfired on us.", "Yes, I have found the same to be true about Russia, but he hasn't responded to anything aside from the initial alliance offer so I am unsure of his plans", "So one of my friends online tells me I shouldn't out myself gender-wise in the game, that people will use it against me. Have you found that to be true, or any particular bias from other players?", "Oh interesting. I could see that being the case, I don’t know if it’s caused problems for me or not. Honestly I find it interesting/amusing to see how or if people react. Similar to my experience as a female engineer, I notice that some people act surprised or change behavior (which can potentially be annoying) but I don’t think it’s put a target on my back necessarily. Have you noticed anything?", "I wouldn't have thought so before today. Just like you say, a bit of surprise, sometimes a flash of interest from the especially thirsty and then we just move on as normal. If it's disadvantaged me I've never noticed it and I said as much to my friend at the time. But then I found myself on the receiving end of: \n\nNew Message\nMessage\nOk lol. I'll check in with you in a couple days [redacted]\nDated\nFall, 1901\nDo you think the sender is telling the truth?", "I'm not precious and my thick skin is firmly back in place. But other than offending me I'm not really sure what he was trying to achieve. Annoying me? Confusing me?", "-_____- Wow, yikes. That’s really disappointing. Extra frustrating because if you respond at all you could solidify an enemy, so it kind of ties your hands", "He *did* give me a few days I guess! I figure I'll give him a few more hours of icy silence and then move on.", "Anything new coming up diplomatically in the north? The diplomatic channels have all gone quiet to Italy, but I think that's mostly people being busy over the weekend.\n\nI'm not terribly worried.", "Quiet here too 😃", "I'm strongly considering moving west against France. A combination of France in Spain (South coast), Marseilles and a few disturbing rumours I've heard down the grapevine, matched with having no idea what on earth is going on East of me. \n\nAny chance you and England are considering a similar move?", "It seems like England and I are both more focused on countries to our East at the moment. I still cannot tell who Russia is working with", "Neither can we really. Okay, then I still need to be nervous about what France is up to and whether it’s me.", "I think you may be right. If you still have proposal for an attack against France, let me know", "Oh yes. France just waltzed across the DMZ line he agreed to, so it looks like my nerves were spot on. That leaves me much more keen to fight him - and ideally profit by it - than on plunging into the uncertainty east of me. \n\nWe would welcome your support, and given that France has exposed himself to your border I feel it would be decisive as well as lucrative.", "So... is that a yes, friend Queen? There are rumors of a Western Triple, but I think if we strike west (okay mostly you) could resolve the situation there while things are still resolving in the east.", "Queen! Sorry for the delay. I say yes, but probably can't help much for another season or two (I don't want to overcommit). You should have unencumbered access to France this season though.", "Barring the entire French military lined up at my border, of course! I'll see what I can do. At least he's not getting any deeper into Italy.", "My friend, why? France still isn’t going to make any progress... unless you open the door for him by attacking your two natural allies from Munich and Bohemia of course. \n\nStill hoping this is part of a clever ruse on your part, or that you’re headed for Russia somehow. \n\nCentral Alliance!", "My fellow Queen, I can assure you my primary focus is Russia. I’m trying to work with Austria against him, and then hopefully we don’t have to worry as much about the east!", "That is a relief to hear, my fellow Queen. I’m hoping to begin pushing back against France in the new year, and the Army in Tyrolia is fairly key to getting that process begun.", "England and I will be happy to help you as we can, if you can work on swinging Austria towards Turkey.", "England should be communicating as such too", "Austria will help me kill Turkey when I'm in a position to act against Turkey myself. I'm encouraging him to work with Turkey in the interim to keep Russia in check, but until I can safely move away from France - safely, not just with a season before he turns on me again - we can't afford an eastern war.", "Ok, that makes sense. Let’s keep each other posted on the Austria/turkey/Russia situation", "Absolutely. And if I can help you two silence mini Napoleon, I will.", "Hi fellow queen, hope you had a nice weekend 😃", "Do you have plans this season? Have you been able to coordinate with Austria? England and I are wondering what you’re thinking so we can all work together on figuring out what to do re:France", "Austria seems more concerned with Russia/Warsaw at the moment, not sure what you two have communicated about", "Hi fellow queen! Yes it was good, I had a wonderful (and rare) chance to spend a couple of days with my SO so I appreciated the slow update time and wasn't as much online as usual.\n\nThis season I'm mostly expecting to be fighting France. I'm glad to see him rushing back to defend himself against you two, but I'd be a poor friend if I left you to fight him on your own after you'd come in to save me in the first place. I'm hoping I can get some pressure on Marseilles, and I'm seeing if I can get around him into the MAO maybe.\n\nWhat are your plans? Any way we can coordinate usefully?\n\nAustria is mostly looking at the east, although he did say he was glad to see we had England occupied with France. So that's nice.", "What did you do with yours?", "Hi! Sounds like a nice weekend! Mine was good too, I went to a bachelorette party", "I am trying to set myself up to team up with Austria against Russia, but not spread myself too thin either...I am trying to decide if I should attempt to bounce with France again in Bur, but if he moves away from you into Gas instead, it leaves me surrounded", "I think the deciding factor is what and when we do about England. He's potentially a very strong ally for either or both of us, but only if he's prepared to fight against France and then northern Russia only. Otherwise he makes it very hard for you and I to cooperate against an eastern enemy without keeping an eye to our west, don't you think? I'm hoping to move into France this turn, but I'm unsure if I'll be able to clear Marseilles until Fall.", "Sorry for the delayed response! Been busy with school stuff.", "I hear that. I've been sick and just trying to catch up on school things today. Hope the bachelorette party went well? I've not actually been on one of those, what sorts of things did you do?", "At the moment, I’ve been able to cooperate well with England and he seems willing to help us out against France and Russia, so hopefully it will stay well balanced a little longer. He’s apparently been busy as well so I’m not sure his plans yet. At this point I don’t think either of us can count on France as an ally haha, so I think it’s best to keep England on our good side for now", "Oh no, hope you feel better soon! The party was fun, we went out for dinner, etc and stayed at a house in the mountains", "I agree, and I think we can safely consider France as doomed. I'm not saying England isn't sincere in that goal as well, but I'm trying to look at next year's problems. Or the year after that. When France is down and we're looking at what to do about Turkey - or England as the case may be. \n\nProbably if I sat on Portugal/Spain/MAO I could quite comfortably work with England, but that puts him into the position of going through you or northern Russia. Since you haven't tried to play me yet (or you're doing so well I haven't noticed yet lol), I know who I'll pick if I'm forced to.\n\nThanks! Yes I'm better now, just headachey. That sounds amazing, and I love the overnight together with friends. It sounds like so much fun, and a chance to catch up with her tribe before she marries into a new one :3", "Yes, I agree. I’m worried about England turning on me before France is sufficiently weakened, I think the two of them are still on decent terms (hard to tell with only these one on one conversations)", "Which... is probably why it's set up this way.\n\nCan you tell me what happened with Holland? I asked England and he changed the subject. Was that agreed?", "Haha true", "Honestly your guess is as good as mine hahah. It was not agreed that he’d take it but it was agreed that he’d give it back", "It managed to spook me. I still see him at 7 units, though I know he's settled down a little. 2 Armies and 4 Fleets... still makes him the most powerful person on the board. \n\nWhich makes the division of France important, I guess.\n\nDo you care what I build with my French builds, when I do?", "Anyways, I don’t think you’ve tried to play me either, so I will have your back when the time comes!", "England asked me if I'd been organising a proxy war against him... then seemed surprised when I had to ask him what that was 😂", "Apparently France is telling England I told him that I was nervous of England's builds (which is true) and that I was trying to manipulate him (which is not)", "I don’t have a strong preference. I will probably build armies next time I’m able to in order to work in Central Europe, so maybe by building fleet we will balance out?", "Interesting....Yeah I can’t really tell what his long game is. I get the sense he was worried about making too many enemies from the get-go which is why he pulled back a bit", "I know you have no particular reason to believe me, but I don't lie in this game. I tried back when I played face to face and felt guilty as well as being incredibly bad at it, so it's easier to play an open game and just try to be mindful of what I say to whom. So, yes, when I saw France pouring in from the West I was very open about how nervous England made me (about the same time I was screaming to you for help lol). \n\nEngland has been very very keen for me to take on Turkey. Which I'd like to, and may mean he'll be attacking Russia then, when he's sure Turkey will be distracted from sharing in the centers. So hopefully that's what he's up to, and not looking at our centers more locally.", "But -- if and when we fight England, we're going to need the fleets to do that. So without particularly planning to fight him now, I'll be watching the ship counts all around between you-and-I vs him.", "Yes I agree, and too hard to keep track of what I’ve said to everyone 😂", "See? Truth is SO much easier 😂", "Face to face I would actually blush and start giggling if I was trying to lie to someone and they showed *any* doubt. So... yeah. Poker isn't my game I guess.", "A few seasons ago, England was worried about attacking Russia while turkey was still strong. I think for him and I both, Turkey makes us nervous since we have less of a read on him. Unfortunately I haven’t heard much from England recently, so I am in the dark at this point. I hope it’s legitimate life stuff getting in the way and not him ignoring me", "Have you heard from him much since the weekend?", "We had a looooooong chat yesterday, when I could open my eyes. Over a dozen messages. That was when I was accused of the proxy war and had to ask what he was talking about. I didn't feel especially coherent, but reading back the messages look better than I felt. \n\nHe's very busy though, I know. So probably if he's not talking to you it means he's sure of you?", "Ok that lines up then", "Lines up?", "With what he's told me and when he messaged me last", "Oh ^^ When did he tell you what we'd been talking about?\n\nLike I said, open book here in Italy!", "Not much! Just that he told me he was busy and couldn't discuss. I wasn't;t sure if it was a clever excuse to stonewall me or not haha", "Ohhh haha", "He basically just said I could give him a moveset for this season because he's too busy to discuss anything.", "It's probably the 1:1 thing then", "Soooo if you have any input, I'm all ears", "Maybe encourage him to try for MAO and then descend on Brest next season? I don't know really. I want to see him get into northern France, but I'd prefer to see you do it.", "If I cut support from Bur, he could take Pic?", "That could work! I'm concerned about what MAO would do, but he'll be mainly trying to fight England off I guess.", "Never mind, he apparently already entered them. I *think* he's generally holding in the west, trying to push east", "He's being a little vague, is he? I guess it could be nerves... but I wish I knew what he was doing. \n\nI'm trying to hold Marseilles and push into Spain, for the record.", "Yeah the only specific was that he's holding in Bel and he agreed to let me have Swe and get another army built for working East. I'm not sure if he wants to keep fleets in the west or not....guess we will find out soon enough 😬", "Indeed! Grabbing some food, but I'll be around after adjudication to look at the map and chat. Will you be here?", "Interesting. Looks as though one or both of you have made up with France... again?", "Congratulations on making it to 7 though, that was a beautifully timed move.", "Sorry I missed you- ended up going to bed. and thank you!", "I'm not sure about the France situation. I personally didn't talk to France at all this season. Maybe England still trusts France enough to leave him alone?", "Seems like England forgot to enter his moves.....", "My queen of the north... how committed are you to your attack on Austria at this point? As you probably noticed, Austria and I had just begun our attack on Turkey and now he is determined to double back and face you which I imagine means a new deal with Turkey and the reconstruction of AT block. \n\nUnless.\n\nIf you *are* committed to destroying him, maybe it's time we worked more directly together you and I?", "My fellow queen, I didn’t want to attack Austria, but I even more so didn’t want to go after you or prod the English beast yet. So, I had the one choice of supply center to stay competitive this winter and Austria had made it too easy. Perhaps I should have waited longer.....but it was bound to happen at some point I suppose. I would be open to working with you to destroy and divide up Austria and turkey. Let me know what you are thinking.", "That seems like our best channel to make some significant progress in the game at this point. As Italy I'm generally reluctant to fight Austria if it's avoidable, but I'm in the same position as you now. I can't go West (or I couldn't at that point and now all my units are in the wrong area) and I can't fight Turkey without support. \n\nNow appears to the the point where we can resolve our local situation nicely. Ideally I'd prefer to appear to be moving to stop you in the Spring and then declare my true allegiances in Fall if that works for you? Maybe I could move to Tyrolia \"to bounce you out\" only to end up there instead, giving me more angles against Trieste in the Fall? \n\nThe more France manages to stall or tie up England the better for us at this point, I think? There will come a time when we need to fight him to get to our two-way, and if we can get a significant number advantage before England catches on then that's all to the better. \n\nI don't know; what do you think? \n\nIs it time for us to reach for that advantage?", "Yes, that all generally makes sense to me. I’m about to head out for the day but I’ll take a closer look at the map and your suggestions later today and get back to you so we can coordinate for next season. I think we can make this work.", "In the meantime- have a nice Labor Day!", "You too!", "Ok, just looked at the board closer and I can't think of any better ideas, so lets go with your plan. And we can feel out how well Austria manages to coordinate with Turkey and decide from there how to proceed. Austria said Turkey is mad at him, so I'm not sure how strong they will be together, although I assume they will be forced to ally out of necessity", "Oops I maybe misread earlier, not sure if your intent was for us to bounce in Tyr earlier, but result was the same 🙂 Are you still planning on using that unit for Tri?", "No, it worked 🙂 My intent was to tell Austria I was moving to Tyr so that I'd bounce you if you moved there (true), but I didn't actually want you to go there. I'm happy with where we both ended up, and I'm definitely looking at Tri (provided I can preserve Ven in the doing).", "Are you about to lose Vie? I'll try to empty Tyr this season. I'd prefer you not move there if possible, Boh would be better.", "Perfect!", "And yeah, I’m assuming I’ll have to retreat from Vie. I’ll stay out of Tyr", "Congrats on Tri! I’m going to retreat into Boh", "Thanks! Austria is understandably annoyed with me. I’m not sure it will help to explain why, but I’m going to try it anyway. ^^", "Well done with War! No build loss then.", "Haha yeah Austria started sending me generic threatening messages too. He made a comment that “both of you betrayed me”, but I’m not sure if he was referring to me and you, or me and Turkey.", "He’s accusing me of eating pasta now. Be still my beating heart.", "Wow, what a low blow 😂", "Hey there, how was your weekend?\n\nI'm looking ahead to this year, probably cleaning up Austria and what comes next. How do you want us to handle England? I'm presuming the two of you won't have much trouble with France if and when you want it, but I'm not sure you have the fleet power to take his home centers unless you surprise him or build up immensely.", "Hey! Hope you had a good weekend 🙂 Yeah, I expect Austria and France will be gone soon. Honestly I haven’t really decided what to do about England....", "I need more fleets, but I also needed armies to take on Austria, which is why I’ve basically just build those so far", "I’ve been keeping clear of Vienna as “your rightful territory”; are you ready to reclaim that this Fall, or want to leave that for a later turn?", "I appreciate it! Yeah, it would be nice to reclaim this fall, but I’m still unsure about how safe Mun is without support from Boh", "Oops never mind about Boh, I can support with Sil now", "Are you able to support me into Vie this season? Also, for when you’re deciding on moves: sounds like Austria’s primary focus is Tri, although he mentioned potentially trying to get back Bud.", "It depends what Austria does. Currently the only unit I can use to support Vie is in Bud, which you warn me will have any support cut. Right now I have Bud helping against Serbia, but if we feel that Vie is more important that can change.", "Ok that makes sense! I’m fine with you keeping Bud helping Serbia this season", "Ahhh I misunderstood. I thought you were cutting Vie... oh well ^^", "Oh no! Sorry if I wasn’t clear :/", "We live and we learn! \n\nNo you were clear, I just misunderstood. It made sense when I went back to check.", "What do you think of our shared King of England? ^^", "So far he’s always followed through on his word", "He mentioned wanting a three way tie between you, me, and him", "What about you?", "Same. We haven’t made many deals, but so far he’s played ball. I’m happy to go with the three-way plan. I don’t have any allies this side of the board who seem able to stick with a plan for a year at a time, so I’d prefer to work with you two.", "Sounds good. I’m happy with that plan too", "Hey there! Could you please support Bud - Vie in spring and then I’ll vacate it to you for Fall? I’m trying to squish the last Austrian units so Mun - Tyr would be amazing too but I’ll work around that if I need to.", "I was thinking of moving Boh-Vie. Was there a reason for you to get there first?", "Only that I suspect Turkey is going to cut my support ^^ I’m happy to support you in there, but I’m not confident I won’t get cut.", "While if we squash them, I’ll get out and you won’t be sabotaging me in the Fall love", "Move", "Very happy to follow your lead though", "Ok, I just played around with a few sandboxes...I think best bet is for me to go for Vie this season (i can use Gal for support) and move Mun-Tyr to force Austria to disband. Then you can focus on getting Tri and/or fighting turkey. I def trust you to vacate Vie, but it seems like there is a chance you and Turkey would bounce in Bud in the fall and then we’d get stuck. What do you think?", "Turkey said he’s going for Greece this season but I don’t really trust that", "I’m happy with that. As long as we force the disband so we can end this thing 😃", "Sounds good 🙂", "Did you get the same message I did from our noble king? <:GWowoHehe:358278238675664896>", "Haha yes I did", "So... do I sweep on into Turkey? I can take them, but if you and England are expecting to take a share we should talk about approach routes", "A while ago England and I talked about Turkey, he said he’d use his unit in Moscow to help me into Turkey, although idk exactly how that will all play out. I’ll talk to him about it (and you can too) and keep each other in touch", "Ok England is going to support me into Ukr this season, and I think Sev eventually", "Can you please support Ukr - Sev?", "I already have 😃", "Danke 🙂", "I'm not especially interested in trying to steal an advantage here. How do you feel about using your A Sev to deliver the killing blow to Ankara and then we settle with a 3-way draw in Winter 1910? \n\nIf you'd prefer to indulge in a bit of regicide I'll be your willing ally, but I'm aware that looks like a risky proposition with my extensive southern estates.\n\nYour call, Kaiserin!", "That's just what I was thinking! I will move towards Ank on land (unless you want to set up a convoy in the Black Sea) and we can settle with the 3-way draw then", "It wouldn't happen fast enough if we only have two more moves. I'll support you into Arm, and then into Ank and click the box to adjudicate early.", "True. I just realized we only have two more seasons. I was a bit leery of the fact that I'll leave Sev open for England to move into, but with the time limit I guess it's a moot point", "Just to make sure I understand correctly, you're saying to click the box to adjudicate once everyone submits orders in Fall 1910?", "Yes please", "It will just help us get there a little faster.", "You’re on board with the grand convoy of 1910?", "England said you were too", "Yes. From Nwy to Syria, while you punch into Ankara. Party in the palace in Constantinople?", "Sounds good to me!", "🎉🎉", "Sweden to Syria then?", "Yes! It's go time", "Cheers to the final season! I’ve entered my build with three-way draw selected" ]
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[ "Hey neighbour :3 If we put our minds to it, we can either work amazingly together this game or flail pointlessly at one another while other powers rise and rise (and rise). \n\nI’d really like to work towards option one, so let’s agree not to attack each other between Ven - Tri? At least not this year? We have more important things to do.", "That sounds good to me. I'm wary of Germany, will you watch my back if I watch yours?", "I haven’t heard anything from Germany to suggest they have designs on you, but I’ll keep an eye out in comms! We all have a stake in keeping Tyrolia free. Have you spoken with Russia yet?", "They seem nice enough just wanted to be careful since they haven't been speaking as much. Russia seems nice enough, haven't really gotten any info from Russia.", "Russia said something to be about an alliance before, the three of us against Turkey before we turn our gaze westward. Did he mention that to you? And if so, how do you feel about it?", "Italy vs Turkey is almost classic, though it does depend on an agreement like the one we discussed ^^", "Well turkey just told me that he was in an agreement with Russia. Not sure if that is to try to threaten me or if Russia is just playing everyone.", "Hummm. Maybe you and I should both query Russia on this and compare notes.", "Juggernaut would be no fun at ALL", "Russia talked about previous experience and using that to suggest going for turkey. I'd believe that, but I would also believe he playing both sides to try to Turkey then hoping to jump myself in the aftermath.", "Or he could even be lying to Turkey for a S01 advantage, though that could be a little concerning. I doubt I’m in the winning draw this game but I’d prefer a little more success than being someone’s grab-bag of points ^^\n\nIt’s early yet, but how do you feel about an Italian Greece?", "It'd be nice if Russia would at least let us know a bit. How do you pose the question without making russia suspicious?", "I subtly said “I heard this. What’s going on?”", "I didn’t say who told me mind you :3", "Okay, I'll hold off and ask later so it isn't too obvious it's us talking.", "Oh I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea!", "Fairly conventional openings all around really, unless you’re concerned by A Gal. I see either you or Turkey could deny Greece to the other, but if you move in you lose Serbia as a build.\n\nWhat if you support me into Greece instead (from Naples) and I can then either support you into Bulgaria next year or attack southern Turkey by sea as you prefer?", "I'm not immediately concerned by russia's move, but it doesn't exactly seem in line with how he seemed to be aligning with us. It could also just be a soft open to not put turkey on edge. Ill support your move into Greece and by then im assuming we'll see how Russia intends to play.", "Works for me. I don’t lie as a rule in these games, largely because I suck at it and it makes me uncomfortable so believe me when I say Russia’s comms to me have all been pointed at fighting Turkey. \n\nI’ve asked him again what’s going on. Keep you posted.", "It seems the fight Turkey has a positive effect for all three of us so I think that would be the simplest action, would also make since to lie to one person as opposed to two.", "I'm also planning on moving my fleet into the ADR just a heads up", "He tells me he forgot to change his initial orders to Galicia (which may be true) and that the fight vs Turkey is still on (which I do believe). \n\nYour logic supports this as well, so I’m going to take my life in my hands and empty Venice this season, heading south.", "Thanks for the heads up, but why?", "Good point, realized I could support Serbia from land", "F Trieste moving to Albania then? I’d ideally like to see a DMZ in the Adriatic, if you agree?", "Yeah, that works fine for me", "Serbia isn’t really under threat at this point. Worst comes to the worst and Bulgaria attacks and cuts your support, but if you build A Bud this year you should be good to advance into Bul in 1902 with Italian support", "Speaking which, need me to get out of the way of your F Alb, or is it staying on your coast for now?", "I'll probably stay coastal until we push out Turkey then figure out from there", "That works fine with me.", "So... about that support into Greece? Looks like Russia lied to both of us as well.", "I'd believe it, though they said that they made a mistake moving into GAL and were going to move into Rum. I think that the plan to take out turkey is still happening.", "you want me to support you into greece?", "Well not any more since I'm in there. Fortunately I didn't need the support you promised me last season ^_^", "Honestly the way russia has been playing i'd rather they make the big pushes into turkey with our support. I feel like that gives us the best opportunity to not get double crossed by russia with the aid of turkey", "Do you need my support for that, or am I good to focus on keeping France out of the Mediterranean? I had been planning on doing a second fleet and convoying into Syria, but I'm a little warier of Russia than I was last season.", "I think i'm fine so far, just wanted to let you know my thoughts on russia. I get the feeling that they will follow through until turkey is done, but that point not sure what they're next move is.", "Or how much that may be impacted by England in Norway now. You would not BELIEVE the press I got from him earlier today.", "From russia? Threat from England may benefit us and allow us to get more territory from turkey when the dust settles.", "From England. It's not really relevant to our discussion, but I'm still a little angry about it. \n\nCalming though, don't worry about an emotional loose cannon to your south west ^^", "Always good to hear", "Russia said \"their orders didn't take\", kind of suspicious giving everything previous. I think they're trying to let either Turkey or I make the first aggression then decide who to support from there.", "I think you’re right.", "Maybe he keeps making interface errors, but I think he’s being cagey and trying to keep his options open until you two commit.", "So... does that mean we do want to commit to Turkey? Or do you think we should try to seek common ground and you two hit Russia while I... do something else I guess?", "I think im just going to hold until I have a clearer idea of what's going on. Russia said in the beginning they have experienced multiple games so I doubt they managed to make a mistake twice in a row.", "Alright then. We have time to consider our moves over the next 2 days, but I need to brainstorm to what I can do against Turkey if you're not able to move in my support. \n\nCan you make any suggestions? I don't see a classic Lepanto working against two Turkish fleets facing west.", "I can support your army from Gre into Bul with my fleet in Alb if you want to move into turkey. I'd like to my russia side armies where they are in case russia tries something funny. Any thoughts?", "Otherwise I want to try to get a better understanding of Russia and turkey's plans while my units hold", "Okay yes, please support my army Greece to Bulgaria with anything you can. I understand wanting to keep a firm border with Russia. What are your plans for Army Trieste?", "Was going to let it sit, but I can move it to Ser if that makes you more comfortable. Don't want to move to Bud and make russia think im antagonizing.", "Don't you already have an Army in Ser though? \n\nIf you don't want to do anything in particular with them, you could always bounce yourself in Vienna from Trieste and Budapest? Personally I'd be happier seeing your army not next to my open home center, but I get that Russia is a bigger (more enigmatic) neighbour that you'd prefer to avoid provoking.", "Still new to this really. I have my fleet and arm supporting you in Gre moving into Bul. Thought I could also move my other army into Ser", "Since we have two days to make decisions. Have you considered allying with Turkey and moving onto russia? Purely speculative, but we could try to get England to push from the top and Turkey and I push from the south. Then you and I watch Germany and France to make sure they dont take advantage of England.", "I’ve considered it, I think I even suggested it. It puts a lot of weight on Russia, probably enough that even he gets smooshed fast. The problem from my standpoint is that it doesn’t give me a lot to do with my two strong allies fighting north, although I suppose I could take Tunis and then move west against France? \n\nI’ll want a firm agreement and an open border if we do that though, because if I’m going to break into France I need to take virtually every unit I have.", "Bed now. But I’ll be up in a few and will look out for your thoughts.\n\nGood night!", "I really am nervous about your units in Albania and Serbia. I'm not sure where I'd prefer your fleet to be (unless you want me to \"kill it\" so you can rebuild as an army?\") but I know that between that and your build in Trieste I keep getting more suspicious than you deserve.", "Part of that is probably France's fleet in Spain (south coast) as well.", "I'd personally prefer my units unkilled, have both of those units currently set to support you into Bulgaria", "realistically the only real worry I have now is russia, I'd like to clear up something to my west that keeps me from getting sandwiched so im not really trying to fight with either you or germany.", "Are you sure? There's a time honoured tradition of friendly \"kills\" helping with unit conversion, and it would give you an extra army instead of a fleet that's mostly trapped... ^_^ \n\n\nNo, you're right. I guess this tension is getting to everyone. I'm not prepared to go to Bulgaria this season, so please don't worry about supporting me with either unit. In one of my attacks of paranoia earlier (after you didn't support me into Greece - don't worry, I'm over it!) I agreed to Turkey's request to support him into Serbia from Greece this season - a decision I now regret.", "Would you prefer I tell him I'm not doing it, or that I go through with it and you block the supported attack? I wish I'd drawn another power, or that the alliances were more clear, or that we had *any* idea what was going on in Russia's head. \n\nI'm used to F2F play in school. This is very different, and much murkier. And I'm still worried about France. Maybe a cautious expansion to Tunis this year is more my speed...", "this is my first experience with this game so im not sure how to proceed really. all i know is that russia seems to be trying to play everyone", "Oh goodness, we are doomed then. I'm not much better, I've played a couple of games with very mixed results. I agree that Russia seems to be trying get everyone onside though!\n\n Do you have a mentor or a friend who's played before? I'm considering asking one of my diplo friends for advice, but I'm not sure if that would be against the spirit of the study.", "I asked the admin, he's happy for us to ask more experienced friends for tips. :3", "To explain context, I was very spooked by your building a new army right next to my undefended home centre (in Trieste). Vienna is at least safely 1 centre away, but in Trieste means I *can't* leave Venice open no matter how much I trust you. \n\nGiven I'm moving to Venice this season, can we please move back away again rather than staring at each other over the border?", "If you're not sure, then it's better we don't do anything too bold. I'm going to tell Turkey I don't feel comfortable supporting him in attacking you (I don't) and that we should all stop and look at Russia for a bit.", "Okay, to clarify then. I have my arm in Tri moving to Vie, and Alb and Ser supporting Gre into Bul.", "If you're not attacking then i will just have my units hold or support", "I'm not attacking. If things settle a bit and I have some assurance about what France and Russia are doing (and with the relief of Trieste opening up), maybe we can explore this in Fall to give him limited time to respond.", "I am moving A Rom - Ven this season, but mostly because I'm concerned with what France is doing. If he goes somewhere other than Pied, I'll move back south or arrange a fake \"fight\" over Trieste if you like. \n\nIf we arrange a bounce, it could be interesting to see who tries to take advantage of our apparent squabble :3", "that would be interesting to see what happens if it appears we're fight. I'll have my Ser and Alb hold then", "I’m glad I moved West! Imagine the damage France could have done if he’d broken through Venice and popped up on your other border? Let me know if you need any help from my boys in Greece who will otherwise eat souvlaki and catch up on their classical education :3", "yeah, I guess france is trying to get hostile and must have some sort of non-aggression with germany and england? England asked if i got the memo on Russia, do you know what they're talking about?", "I believe Russia has been offering people a lot of deals - nothing we hadn't already suspected though.", "I'm curious what the memo was and who was sending it. Did england say anything to you?", "He told me that Russia was trying to organise a northern alliance with him and Germany, but I wasn't certain how far I believed it. It didn't seem to make much sense with the moves we were seeing, you know?", "Had heard that. Russia told me they was supporting me into bul again, but I don't think I want to make moves. I think if we can at least get Germany on our side, Turkey Germany, and myself can take out Russia.", "Well Germany should want a strong Austria, right? Though I admit I'd prefer Germany help me with France!", "it's up to you, I'm fine slowly taking russia out and moving my army in Vie down to support you in Ven. If you're comfortable with that.", "I'd welcome your support from Tyrolia? That should help us to push back on Piedmont if he doesn't change direction now he knows he's not going to surprise me.", "Alright, I'm going to talk to Turkey to see if they're interested in make the push. Also I'm waiting to get a response from England one what they meant about the \"memo about russia\". If they make a push from the north we can probably take out Russia in a few seasons.", "Any word? And are you still able to support my A Ven to Pie this turn? England is up to 7 now which makes me a little worried about his ultimate intentions as he may be a more polished version of our Russian neighbour (but with the centers to run for a lead, if we aren’t careful.)", "Yeah. I'm about to leave Vie exposed to russia and move my fleet from Alb into Tyr. Are you talking with Turkey? Maybe support either them or me from Greece while we attack Russia in Bul?", "I spoke to him this morning, he suggested I support him into Bul as part of your joint push against Russia (and a small part of it I can actually reach to support), so I agreed to do so. Is that a problem? \n\nIf you’d prefer I do something else, please let me know; I consider you my closest ally.", "No that works perfectly for me. That's what he just told me his plans were so I think we can trust him until russia is no longer a threat.", "Also I have tyr supporting ven into pie", "Then I will order Ven-Pie and use my fleets to counter him in TYS and in Africa. Once in Piedmont my army should be able to hold the connection with Marseilles and it becomes a fleet battle again - where I have him 3:2.\n\nMaybe I can persuade him to go away and worry about England growing at his back.", "Yeah, england is certainly getting some momentum", "Possibly in the interests of board-balance we should offer a treaty to Russia after we clear the immediate area while he’s still strong enough to threaten English Scandinavia?", "We could. All I know is either russia or Turkey is going to end up out of here based on our actions. Russia told me Turkeys moves didn't do anything to them and that they'd still work with me, so I'm guessing they know that our decisions make or break them.", "Are you alright with me moving Tyr to Vie to prevent russia from trying to take it?", "I’m fine with that, my French front is stable now thanks to your well timed assistance! England and Germany are hoping you and I will help them deal with Turkey’s expansion after France is driven back (but privately I think we need to be careful how large England gets in the meantime).\n\nWhat do you need from my A Greece this season? Do you need me bringing units back east, or am I clear to keep chasing France?", "I agree about the eastern front. I think Greece is fine to move back to help your push.", "I'll see what I can do when I get a fleet into the right waters. I'd *like* to have that army over West, but not at the cost of losing two units for a year getting it there.", "What are your plans this season? Are you ready to push up into Galicia and points Russian, or are you still eyeing Turkey?\n\nI can't get Greece out of there yet, but hopefully if I can get a French build I can build something that will let me move it away... although we are going to need to look at Turkey eventually I know.", "Looking to push for Russia. If we split on Turkey early it will only end with all of us getting overrun. Once Russia is done we can figure out how to move from there. It seems like england is fighting France and germany now so no one is going to get too much for free.", "I agree. There's no sense in a war with Turkey at this point, we just need to keep an eye on his builds and where they're positioned. I'm probably tied up in the West at the moment anyway so there's a limit to how far I could help, but... I think maybe I should leave A Greece where it is rather than trying to come up with an excuse to move it back there when we're ready.\n\nHow was your weekend?", "Yeah, I'm always open to a little support no matter what.", "Congratulations on your build 🙂 How are things in Austria? \n\nWith Russia descending in flames, where would you like us to look next? \n\nI'm still tightly embroiled in France, but I'm pretty sure I could get free of them if you needed me elsewhere.", "I'd like to to go after either England or France next, but obviously I can't help too much without moving through either you or england. Once Russia is completely gone we could move on Turkey? I told Germany the only way I see any of us surviving is by working together and that the first person to betray the other two would probably just last a little longer. So I'm fine trusting the center and moving my armies east and south once russia is gone.", "Russia is down to 1 center. I'd say unless you're strongly committed to not fighting Turkey before Russia is dead we may do better to move now... and offer the last Russian center to Germany as part of a deal to keep them off our back when we move?\n\nThe question is what we expect EG to do while we're moving on T. I don't have an answer to that right now, but swapping straight back to Triple has to be a temptation.", "What do you say?\n\nDo you want me to move east now, or stay in the west with France?\n\nI agree a Triple Central Powers benefits us all here.", "Depends what you're comfortable with. We can probably take out Turkey fairly quickly after Russia if we put our mind to it. That would certainly make me feel safer not having any threats to my east. But it also looks like you're making good progress in the west.", "I'm concerned about what the other people will be doing while we do that. You're not wrong though. I could hack my way slowly through France, but that frees England to work his magic on Germany after Russia falls. \n\nAlternatively if we move on Turkey now, an angry France will probably turn back on England... or at least I hope so. \n\nOh! If it comes up, England asked me if you're \"doing what I tell you, or doing what Turkey tells you\". \n\nI said you were listening to me, which is strictly true even if it doesn't mean you're like my puppet or anything. Just so you don't get the wrong idea if you hear it in press. 😂", "Change of plans I'm building fleets and sailing for England.", "Lol. Don't underestimate him though! I think he's very good at influencing people on the other side of the board to do what he wants, and if he's underestimating you then that's his mistake - and not one I'm going to make!\n\nHe challenged me that I was running a \"proxy war\" with France, and he then had to explain what he was talking about before I could respond. I think maybe he's doing something similar, trying to keep the rest of the map in a state of tension while he carefully expands.", "Yeah I'd believe that. At least he was nice enough to explain things as he sees it. If we're going to move on Turkey what would you think the best course of action is? I think you moving your fleet in Ion to pressure Smy and Con would allow me to move and take either Bul or Sev. And then your support could help us take Ank with either the fleet or your army in Gre?", "Maybe I could support you into Bul in the Spring, if you have Serbia covered? \n\nMeanwhile I move my fleet up to menace Smy and Con where you suggest, and then you can support my A Gre convoying into Con - or attacking Smy if that seems more vulnerable?\n\nOnce we're past Con and have him out of position, he should be easy enough to pull down before the West gets out of control. How many fleets do you think I should bring East?\n\nHow many should I leave guarding the Med?", "That seems like a reasonable plan. I'm trying to get Germany onboard with taking out England in Stp so we don't have them meddling in the East. I think at this point Russia is basically a non-factor, unless we really get out-maneuvered. Once I get some sort of confirmation from Germany I'll have Rum move into Bul, and Gal into Ukr with Bud moving into Rum. Should I start moving my fleet down into Alb do you think?", "I was going to say I’d prefer it stay put, but actually... how do you feel about the Adriatic? That way I can leave my A at Venice and then maybe you can convoy me into Albania in Fall? It obscures what we’re up to a little longer and gets more Italians in to Turkey", "Before they can expect us.", "I can move to Adr, Im going to move Gal into Ukr to prevent turkey from taking it and move Bud to Ser- to offer more protection.", "turkey told germany they were moving to ukr, but i haven't heard anything from them so im assuming they know whats coming next for them.", "How do you want to handle the attack into Bul? Do you want me to support you in, you support me in or you attack and I convoy into Smy?", "Hello? Coming up to a decision point. I'm currently moving into Bul, but very happy to change if I hear from you in time to change my orders.", "Sorry, been a bit busy with real life stuff. I'll take your support into Bul and then we can move further into Turkey.", "Any thoughts on how you want to split the territory?", "Okay, I'll support your A Ser to Bul?", "That would be great.", "In the long run I'd like to split it evenly, so if you can help me get into Smyrna in the new year and eventually you have Bul/Con and I take Smy/Ank that puts us in a good position to move into Russia when we need to and gives us a solid border to face back west.", "Weren’t you convoying me across the Adriatic? A little concerning about Germany, given they’re denying you the build you deserved for Bulgaria. Maybe I can help?", "I misread you previous message as a choice between my attacking with support or convoying. Hopefully my reading error doesn't set us back too much.", "Also looks like Germany is allying with England. So I'm going to have to move my units back to address that threat", "Since your F Adriatic doesn't need to be anywhere else, could I please get that convoy this season? Apu - Alb? Unless you need my army in the north of course, please let me know.", "I'll move Pie to Tyr this season, and bounce any attempts by Germany to move an army into Tyr", "Sure I can convoy. What's happening with France? You're moving all your units my way, and after the whole shakeup with Germany it has me questioning what's happening.", "At the moment my plan is Turkey, just like we agreed?\n\nI don't want to go anywhere to make you nervous - if you prefer I leave Tyrolia to you, then I will. I'm just concerned about your northern border being bare.\n\nWhat would you like me to do?", "Okay, I'm now in Tyrolia and Albania thanks to your support.\n\nWhat would you like me to do at this point? Support vs Vienna? Probing Munich? Support you into Con or replace you at Bul?\n\nTalk to me, friend Archduke.", "I'm going to take back Vie, your support would help it look like Germany isn't going against England. After that I'm going for turkey again. Hopefully we can convince Germany to make some aggressions against England soon, they're getting way to strong for my liking.", "Okay, so Tyr to support Bud or Gal to Vie? \n\nDo you want me doing anything with Greece or Albania, or get my fleets around his flank and start supported convoys into Smyrna?", "Bud please", "Now that's just rude", "You’re not wrong, and I am sorry about that. For the record I was wholly committed to our attack on Turkey, so that’s the reason I was moving over. Germany’s stab and your necessary pull back to deal with it meant I had to stop and think and talk with everyone and... here we are.", "at least when my people die they'll die knowing they honored their alliance. Have fun under the boots of england.", "Brave people and true.", "Can you say the same pasta eater?", "I'm obviously fairly heavily committed to my attack on you at the moment, but I do consider Turkey's shenanigans around Bulgaria a breach so before I forgive and forget I thought I'd offer you a chance to negotiate. \n\nAny interest, or war to the knife?", "My people dont forget", "That's fair. Neither do mine, although they do forgive.", "If you don't get off all those high horses your cavalry won't have anything left to ride on.", "You win this time, Chef Boyardoesn'thonoralliances.", "I honour every alliance, to the letter. When we were no longer allied against Turkey we were no longer allies unless we agreed on a new goal - and we didn’t.", "I wish you better luck in your next game.", "Unilateral decision making on Turkey. But whatever helps you eat your lasagna of deceit. Good luck on your future ventures." ]
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[ "I've been on both the giving and receiving ends of multiple games in which Austria, Italy, and Russia decided that their games would be much simpler if there wasn't a Turkey around, and it always was. I propose that we start the game off by coordinating a removal of Turkey before moving on to other priorities.", "Seems well reasoned, coordinated, direct and decisive. Just what I like to see out of a prospective partner for the future when I'm an enthusiastic rather than dangerous player! Sure why not, I'm in - if I hear from Austria that he is as well. That would remove a lot of pressure off my immediate borders and have me looking to a future decorated in Winter and Green. What do you think?\n\nOh, and hi there!", "Sounds excellent to me. Italy/Russia is a very strong long-term alliance.", "So I've heard! I've played exactly one game as Italy since I discovered Diplomacy online (still ongoing) and our Wintergreen is presently well on the way to a three-way draw with France. If mostly because I can't persuade the Tsar that a two-way would be more interesting.", "So tell me, how do you find Terraforming Mars? I'm a bit of a highkey space fanatic and one of my friends has been on me to try it forever, but I don't find I have a lot of time for gaming. Worth a look? Or something that's fun but not for long?", "I've played about three dozen games at this point, I think, and every time there's something new or interesting that happens. Heartily recommended.", "Ohhh I must try it then. I dabble in Kerbal when the mood suits, and I'm definitely into intrasystem expansion so it may be a great way to while away sleepless nights.", "No news from Austria yet, but it's a global game and a lower chance of NMRs than usual. I'll worry if I haven't heard from him in 12 hours. Some discussion with Turkey, he seems keen for me to attack Austria and for him to expand to Bulgaria and Greece which... is fairly classic play I guess?", "Yeah, no one is really doing anything out of the ordinary as far as I can tell.", "Agreed, I was briefly concerned about the risks of an Anglo-German alliance, but nothing coming out of either power suggests that was any more than my paranoia at work.", "If we don’t hear anything from Austria, should we consider a reverse on your original plan? Russia, Italy, Turkey vs Austria - and then Russia and Italy vs Turkey when the time comes? The West will be so relieved they aren’t looking at a Juggernaut I’ll be over the southern stalemate lines before they can stop us.", "I'm fine with that. No matter what, I'm planning on you and me eventually crushing someone between us, be it Austria or Turkey.", "Heh, insomniacs unite. In the spirit of full disclosure (and full diplomatic flexibility) you can generally reach me within 2 hours at most, day or night. I don’t sleep that well - but happily that’s a benefit in the global game! What is it, 2 there?", "Just about. I'm not good at sleep schedules.", "And, looking forward to it.", "Hey there! A little bird whispered in my ear that Turkey thinks he has an agreement with you. Since Austria has finally popped up, which alliance is real?", "Hello? Opening moves look largely in keeping with your suggestion against Turkey, though Galicia could mean Austria is the focus. What is the plan, alliance partner?", "I'm sticking with the anti-Turkey plan - the Galicia move was an initial move that I forgot to update.", "Gotcha, you may want to reassure Austria of that too. I know I’d be alarmed if I was the Archduke looking up to see the Tsar’s Imperial Guard on approach! \n\nMaybe use Galicia to seize Rumania to prove a point, and allay Turkey’s suspicions with your apparent attack on Austria this season?", "Exactly what I'm planning to do.", "Great! Sorry, I'm still new to this so when something neat occurs to me I feel the need to share my brilliant and original realisation XD", "It's all good!", "You gonna take a shot at Greece?", "Do you think I should? I’m strongly considering it, but there’s a little voice that says not to risk the bounce and stick with the build I know I have.", "Well, I told the Turk I'm supporting him into Rumania, when I'm actually supporting the Austrian into Bulgaria and myself into Rumania. So, if you go to Greece, you get the build, and you cut off the Turkish retreat, so he's stuck at 3 and we're all in place to crunch him down.", "Okay, that sounds like a reasonable call I guess. Even if I bounce it denies him the retreat option, although if I’m stuck on 3 while you’re all collecting 1-2 builds I worry I’ll spend the game trying to become useful again.", "You have my word that if you're left build-less, I'll give you priority in getting Austrian dots, you'll have my support in.", "Alright my friend, I’ll do it.", "Oh... you lied to me. Why?", "Oh what the fuck Backstabbr, I swear to you I intended to do what I said, but the updated orders must not have taken. Goddammit.", "Ugh and now I've got to build an army in StP, because of England", "I understand completely :3 My second online game (which is still ongoing) is on Backstabbr, and two of the other players could not swear enough about the format. \n\nI haven't had any problems myself, other than accidentally ordering a fleet to move to an impossible Bulgarian coast and losing a year fighting Turkey (in that game).", "Both Turkey and Austria are concerned about your movements and are asking me if I trust you.", "I don’t think they suspect our discussions though, so there’s that!", "Is a Western Triple what I think it is?", "England, Germany, and France working together, yes. Bad news for both of us.", "Mmm. I’m starting to suspect that’s what’s happening yeah.", "France remains the question mark. But if he’s coming for me, it looks like it’s what I’ve heard", "Uh oh. It looks like France is committed then, and I find it unlikely he’d leave himself wide open to England and Germany if he didn’t expect them to take his side.\n\nHow are things on your side?", "I'm worried. We might need to recalculate.", "Welcome back! Haven’t heard from you in a while, what’s up?", "Alliance against the West?", "I sent you that message yesterday and forgot to do the thumb-reaction on it, didn't notice 'til the admin just informed me", "I think we have to, yeah. A blatant triple like this changes things.", "Well at least the triple looks like it might be falling apart early. Have you been in touch with Austria? He seems to have written me off.", "Just wanna double-check again in case my message didn't go through. At least the triple looks like it might be falling apart early. Have you been in touch with Austria? He seems to have written me off.", "Austria and I have been talking, we've been buddying up a little but I'm still mindful that at some point we're going to need to sandwich him to make our <:wintergreen:613143739954888734> fly. I did encourage him to listen to Turkey's advice though, after Turkey made a number of persuasive arguments and I've agreed to help Turkey into Bulgaria this turn. I'm... not actually sure why I did that, on reflection.", "No, it did come through. I wasn't terribly coherent and \"viewed\" the message without focusing on it", "So it wasn't marked for me to read later when I actually woke up.", "Ah yeah, totally legit! And, yeah, I can't imagine helping Turkey into Bul would benefit you at all." ]
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[ "Hi ho Mr. Pope!", "Hi there your Majesty! How are things on the soggy jewel of the north? Here in the south we are cradled by the warm winds and waters of our homeland - much more conducive to religious reflection and relaxation, if not to any particular martial might.\n\nNot these days anyway. \n\nWhat do you have lined up today?", "Oh lawd, just give yourself away why dontcha lol", "As for me you know just trying to eradicate Catholicism from the world", "Let us stay close in communications to be better prepared for the madness to come yes", "So you’re going to message the Pope pledging to eradicate Catholicism from the world? Classy stuff! \n\nBut yes, close communications can only help us in coping and reacting to the adventures of the French. And Germans I suppose, but he hasn’t been unreasonable.", "Guess you havta decide if that was a true or false statement right hehe", "But not just the French and germans. As a corner power I like to talk to corner powers and you being central will obviously have influence on central powers. I find that italy can be a great ally for England as he has to play both corner and central", "So the germans are already talking with you", "I haven't actually played Italy with an active England since discovering diplomacy online, but in my earlier games the two tended to hold the balance of the map's fleets between them. Not to mention it's good to hear what's really going on behind the Franco-German line.", "And, the Kaiser and I have communicated :3", "Good to know good to know", "...does that reveal more than I should be saying? Since you've cunningly deduced my identity (confirmed by Admin since I ignored your hints) you know I'm still learning to curb my tongue. I don't object to being helpful you understand, but I'm trying to improve my play!", "I don't like silence and he is giving me the silent treatment so far haha", "Good to know good to know", "Did he make mention of russia and me asking him for alliance?", "No, Germany hasn't said anything to me about Russia and you aligning with him. Should I be worried? That feels like a top-of-board alliance I should be speaking with FAT about at once...", "Cunningly deduced you say? Hmm 🤔", "No it seems germany is being a trickster then", "How can I align with someone that doesn't speak to me", "Not a problem we're ever likely to have. It's more a question of shutting me up!", "Lol this is very true ;)", "Question", "Why you pretending to not know who I am?", "Just curious is all", "I was trying to keep the press clear (and trying to pretend to myself I didn't know who you were either) in case it impacted the study.", "I can sing Diplomatic Ballads to you if you prefer, my Shakespeare. ^^", "Aww that's music right there!", "Two Powers, both alike in dignity, \nIn fair Europa where we lay our scene\nFrom ancient grudge, borne to new unity, \nAs Roman prints from English soil are clean'd\nFrom forth the fatal loins...", "In other news what's your take on russia so far?", "Seems direct and legit. I have no reason to distrust him so far, and I get a good vibe. And yours?", "Startin to get an inkling. Not sure why yet or how but..", "All the excitement going down in Scandinavia this year!", "What you mean?", "Everyone seems to be doing classic openings at this point, and I'm watching your, German and Russian units converging on your usual territories there.", "Oh yes that", "We shall see what comes of it", "Very terse of you. No romance? No song? ^^", "Would you like to be my queen? I will be ever so romantic then ;)", "Sad to admit, you just don't have what I look for in a life partner. Tragic I know, but I'm sure you'll live.", "Live I will :) but you don't need to share my bed to share my palace", "I have so much to offer besides just bedside adventures", "Too true! England, the land of poetry, Shakespeare", "How are things with France?", "And what you look for in a life partner is \nFirst Love&Acceptance, then security followed by stability and good vibes and good times lots of laughter and hugs and chivalry all of which I have galore", "Well, to be fair I'm the knight in my relationship :3", "But yes, mostly true!", "Knight or damsel we seek the same things", "Justice, glory, and safety for the helpless?", "For career yes but for relationship it ends up being so close to the same thing", "And love, of course.", "YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE", "Far far too late my friend.", "Ah who am I kidding, you already are!! *rears up majestically pawing the air*", "You love me same way I love you. See Shakespeare knows", "Hehehe", "Hey do you know if russia has alliance with Turkey or austria? \nSeems weird to me that he wants a northern tripple so bad.", "He just feels sketchy to me.", "And what’s a northern triple when it’s at home? EGR? Agree he’s coming off all kinds of sketchy now, believe he’s offered an alliance to everyone on the board.", "Alliance whore", "Agreed, I guess on the basis that no one else talks in this game.", "Think you could rally austria and turkey against russia with this info?", "Cuz if France is not lying to me you will have some problems in the med fairly soon", "I could try, sure. I’ll write something up when I’m out of gym. Being social a bit of a strain right now sorry.", "No worries my dear. Take your time", "Don't sell yourself *short* my dear ;)", "I prefer not to sell myself at all. I'm just me in the end, and I refuse to change that for anybody.", "Huh?", "You're not insinuating i'm trying to buy you are you?", "No England I'm not. I'm just in a mood, okay? I shouldn't be prickly.", "Ok lol. I'll check in with you in a couple days [redacted]", "Sure, let’s go with that.", "Actually let's not lol", "Hello King England, can I ask how your three-way ended up going? Having your army safe on the continent certainly looks like a deal with one of your neighbours, and France was busy attacking Munich in the Fall.", "Welp Russia is silent which breeds uncertainty which is hard to work with. I'm left with no choice but to work on getting a solid footing in scandi with germany", "It's weird. I keep seeing him around - it feels like he's talking to someone, it's just not me... \n\nHeard anything new from France?", "Nothing new from that side", "Ohhh. I'm not sure why I thought your army was in Belgium. \n\nWhy did you think France was moving into the Med?\n\nI'm not happy with A Mar, or F Spa (sc), looking for any more fuel for my paranoia.", "Idk like I said silence is uncertainty", "As for why I thought he might move into the med I believe I answered that when I told you he was either lying to me or moving on you.", "Yes, I saw that. I was curious what he'd actually said, lies or no.", "It's fine if you prefer not to share it!", "Oh that he agrees to the western triple and that he was going south. But I'll try to find out more for you. Like see what's up with the F-bre", "Hey ms pope. You got a minute ?", "I’m here. May not respond at once, but as soon as I readily can.", "Were you able to get somebody's help against France or are you 1 on 1?", "I’m not sure. Words of support I could build a house out of, but no tangible promises no. He seems to be wide open to you though - will you help me this season?", "Not much I can do this season", "Besides I'm still trying to figure out this northern bs", "Hi pope, so is austria your player or Turkey's? Could you nudge them to go keep the genie in the bottle? I can pull france away from you so ya'll could do a lepanto", "We're concerned about Russia and so we're playing nice with Turkey at the moment, but if we felt free to focus on cleaning up our yard I'm sure we could do that. I'd feel more comfortable turning my back though, if I could be assured France wasn't waiting to drive a dagger into it. Perhaps we should resolve the Western Question first?", "That question will be resolved for ALL of you this season. And I can assure you russia is no longer an imminent concern. And he is very interested in dealing with the Sultan. I'm sure we have time to deal with the tzar after the sultan has a cap in his head, (or 3 lol )", "The Sultan really capitalized diplomatically over the russian scandal lol", "Did germany confirm with you our plans to give you some working room?", "Yes, although I’m keen to help with ensuring this doesn’t become a recurring problem.", "Im sorry what exactly?", "Not sure I follow", "If you’re going to kill France, I would like to help please.", "Sure by all means, who am I to try and rob you of that delightful pleasure", "Ms. Exterminator", "“And stay out!”", "YAAAAS! thats the \"spirit\" haha", "Kitsune kitsune, what are you doing!", "😱", "👀", "Don't do it", "...don’t do what, England? I’m not allying with France if that was the worry. \n\nHow are things with you?", "Lol you're even cuter when you try to act innocent. \"Sweet & innocent\" as the saying goes. And while you are sweet, innocence is far from you hehe.", "I'm not referring to or insinuating that you are allying with France", "I'm not referring to or insinuating that you are allying with France", "But you seem so very willing to let Turkey just prow around in your backyard like he's one of Hd's sweet harmless cats", "You led me yo believe you'd clean him up if I helped you with france", "I should've known you would want to proxy war me lol", "Er, I will?\n\nDo you not remember me just saying last season or (two? I forget) that I wanted to see France off and be sure he wouldn’t jump on me the minute I turned my back? That’s what I’m doing here. \n\nTurkey is a problem for next year, when I know France is too occupied fighting you two and I can actually concentrate.\n\nAlso, don’t you insult me. ^^ I’ve never pretended to be innocent, sometimes I’m just sleepy. \n\nAnd... proxy war? What does that even mean?", "Nah my dear I'd never stoop to insults", "Or worse *compliments*!", "Lol", "You're playing a great game tho, so congratulations?", "How did you think we would split France? Or did u not give it much thought?", "Stop you ^^ \n\nThe *only* reason I got back in time to stop France is because you warned me he was coming, and I’m still trailing behind the leaders. You can’t get around me that way either, you sly seducer with your honeyed words!\n\nNo, I fully expect to see you back to your former center total in no time and well on your way to a... probably two-way win. And I think my chances of being part of that are probably around 30-40% at best.", "I didn’t give it much thought, I most wanted to push him back and take 1-2 centres to make it harder for him to attack me next time.", "So was france lying about you voicing concerns about me?", "Unfortunately I wish your expectations were well based about my gaining back my center count", "In the long game? No, I told him I was worried about your early lead and that I expected you to do well this game.\n\nWhich I do.\n\nI do suspect he’s telling you that to try to drive a wedge between us, but at that point I was still trying to persuade him to go away.\n\nWhat actually happened with Belgium?", "Belgium?", "So you told him you expect me to do well eh. Hehe sly just like the fox you are! That's that proxy war I referred to", "Oh! I didn’t realize that was a thing I’m sorry.\n\nHe just asked what I thought about you (I think? Not in a position to scroll back rn) and I told him the truth? Didn’t realize that meant we were at war O_o\n\nSorry?\n\nI looked back at the map, and I meant Holland. During the time I’m pretty sure you and Germany have been a thing, you took Holland from them and then they took it back?", "Hmmm interesting", "For real first time you here bout proxy war?", "Never heard the term, unless, I mean, you mean like during the Cold War. \n\nIt’s really a widely known term?", "Yea basically like. Where for example you and me battle for the winning position through the other nations", "That is the case with stitches and myself everytime we play", "So... you're aligned with France against me again? Or just relying on him to keep me busy while you devour Russia?\n\nI'm very happy to intervene with Turkey once the situation is resolving in the West, but there's not a lot I can do about them when all my units bar one are busy over here.", "Actually neither one of those \"accusations\" lol.\nFrance handcuffed me with \"I will throw myself towards you and let Italy have all the gains if you don't pull back.\" :/ and with turkey needing someone to apply the brakes on him it was a self-made decision", "Ohhh England you're going to be the death of me XD\n\nTalk to me next time, okay? I'm really not all about gaining the most SCs I can. There are other considerations, you know?\n\nSo you partly pulled back off France so I'd be stuck fighting him on my own so that... someone can apply the brakes to Turkey? I hope you weren't expecting my armies and fleets up here facing France to be involved in that. Maybe Austria can do it, since he doesn't have to worry about me any time soon?", "What would you have done with France's threat of throwing all his centers to you?", "Talked to you two about dividing his centers. I admit I was hoping to get into Spain and Portugal ^^ \n\nBut I had no plans for Paris or Brest, and whatever we agreed I'd stick to.", "Right but my question still stands unanswered.", "Anyway that this point you can have most of France if you'd like. I'm already committed in the north east", "We can work together against Turkey when the time comes for you.", "Then... I don't understand the question? I thought I did answer that?", "You mean what would I have done in your shoes, if he made the threat?", "Right", "...what I asked you to ^^ If I'm in an alliance with someone against a mutual target and the target tries to offer all his centers to one of the allies, I talk to them. The winners get to agree the terms.", "In a perfect world yes. But there's such a thing as spite.", "I guess so. I try to avoid it, but no one exists in a vacuum.\n\nAt least, not yet!", "Lol", "Don’t you lol my dreams! ^^\n\nANYway. I meant that I don’t feel I’d have made the same decision (rightly or wrongly), but that I understand why you did. So no stress.", "Lol", "; ) hehe", "I see you!! Good work Ms. Pope! Good work.", "Sadly I was in a business meeting and missed my turn", "So what's Austria doing?", "Not sure, waiting on a reply.", "This game is so slow", "I do like the weekend pause though!!", "Since I basically spent the weekend hand in hand with Bean, me too! I'll make time to pay attention if I need to, but I enjoyed the break.", "100%", "How are your family doing? Did you end up working over the weekend, or get some time with them? \n\nWe had Father's Day in my part of the world, so touching base and sharing lunch with my dad as well.", "That's very nice Vivian. So glad to hear that!! And yes I took the weekend off to feed into my family", "My wife and son of course", "Wow you have Austria by the balls haha", "Well he was wide open and I offered him a hand against Germany while all his units were facing Turkey. \n\nHe was kind enough to convoy me to Albania, although a season later than we'd discussed.", "You going for that sexy stab or helping take Vienna back?", "Well it looks like you've finally got France on the ropes. I'm still mostly stuck in the east, but want to move (smoothly, together) to cut his legs out from under him?\n\nAnd what comes next?", "Let's take out France first and see where we both are at that point", "I get port and you get Spain?", "Sure, let's do it. I've been sitting in Mar long enough I'm reasonably sure I can dart out without him trying to take Mar back.", "Yea and I doubt he'll even try to take mar back out of spite to me", "Well, it's Fall. After Winter he won't have the chance.\n\nI'd appreciate if we could leave Por and Spa in their soon to be new ownership until at least the end of 1908? \n\nI definitely do want to find a way to work with you, but let's make that undertaking in case that proves to be impossible.\n\nDeal?", "You've got yourself a deal and have my word on it", "We both can benefit from that deal", "A/t became a thing again", "I noticed. I'm attempting to turn T back against A, but I'm not holding my breath", "Wonder if I could help influence that", "It'd be welcome. I recognise we're all anonymous here, but I'm getting a little sick of being stabbed by my eastern ally repeatedly", "Me: \"Wait, didn't we JUST do this and that's why I'm saving you now?\"", "Lol that sux", "Honestly I now want to wipe them both out. But that leaves me without a solid ally, so I suppose I'll need to forgive one of them.", "I'm not solid :/", "?", "I want you to be 🙂", "I suppose that was throwing out a line and hoping we could work together - you're in a position to help me East and West.", "\"\nengland\nNew Message\nMessage\nLet's take out France first and see where we both are at that point\" didn't exactly fill me with confidence, but if you tell me you're going to do a thing then I trust you.", "Let's make this easy. Eliminate everyone else and draw with my german queen", "Done and done. Who says an English King can’t have more than one Queen? Henry did it.", "I'd be happy to crown you queen as well. How you like the title \"Queen Vashti\" ?", "Not the *best* predecessor, if Germany is Esther?\n\nI’ll take Queen Bianca thanks. Or Queen Italia", "Hahah, you know the story :) I likey!!", "My parents ^^", "I like Queen Italia, but feels like there should be a bit more to the name", "Bianca Di Medici was the handle I was using earlier. “Pope” is wrong on SO many levels", "Whatever you prefer my queen ;)", "My King, what do you want my F Spa to do? Up to MAO or guard Marseilles?", "I'd like to set up a convoy line", "Well don't forget some of us still have a war to win in the east! Can I count on you and my co-queen to help press down through Russia?", "Absolutely my dear!! Which is why I want to set up a convoy line. Imagine an english convoy into Syria where Germany is a part of it!!!!", "Want to start lining up the fleets right away?", "I have enough to go all the way to ion with Queen Esther starting it off in nth sea", "And then probably goes without saying my beautiful foreign Queens would love to allow their benevolent King Shetan The 1st to close out his empire at 12 scs generously bequeathing 11 scs to each Queen. (Not sure if that ends with a question mark or an exclamation point haha)", "To my lovely and Newly wed \"Queen Bianca Di Medici\"\nRespectfully from yours truly: (I, King Shetan personally articulate (at least try to) *slips into vaq mode slightly* this weird kind of love letter to \"Esther Second Queen of England and Ruler of the Italians with all their subordinates.\") I hereby request that my beautiful foreign Queens would lovingly allow their benevolent \"King Shetan The 1st\" to close out his empire at 12 scs and in Kingly fashion generously bequeathing 11 scs to each Queen. (Not sure if that ends with a question mark or an exclamation point haha) whew. I'm glad I'm not actually a king. Would be exhausting to always \"try\" to speak with eloquent fluidity", "Ps no apologies for the edit as that's purely a \"Kingly\" attempt and doing justice to \"Her Majesty's\" granduer!!", "Hello my Dear and Esteemed Queen Bianca :) let's do a convoy from stp aaaaaalllllllllll the way around the world into syria.", "And as for my previous formal request, I have witnessed with great awe and amazement your tenacity, and clever genius in dealing first with the Archduke and then the Sultan and I feel it is your right to have the greater wealth of my Kingdom. King Shetan is most happy to have my Queen Bianca be wealthier one in our relationship!! Cheers my Queen", "We can do the convoy in the final season of this game, my King 🙂 I will set up my side of the convoy in Spring, and will be able to convoy as far as possible in Fall\n\nPlease do ensure France is dealt with this year my King, so we can finish with a simple 3-way union in marriage. A Ménage à Cinq is nowhere in my future plans and the only king I desire here is English. \n\nAnd you know all our wealth is shared :3", "Please adjudicate when your orders are all in, we may be able to finish this a little faster perhaps?", "Do you want this fall season to be the last season? If so we won't be able to convoy from stp and will have to settle for doing it from nwy.", "And yes France will be a goner this year", "General thread says the game will end at the end of 1910.\n\nSo... Norway works. It's not needed since we'll use Germany's Army Sev to deliver the coup de grace (Battle Queens... unite!) but will be fun for the show.", "Sweden to Syria then?", "Yes ma'am", "The Orient Express, my King!", "And so King Shetan returns to his birth place :)", "Got yours set to 3 way draw?", "Queen Esther and I have it set already" ]
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[ "Good morning my Sultan, how are things? We have a number of common interests (the Balkans, Austria, the Med, Russia) and I'm looking forward to discussing them with you. Please accept this gift of fine Italian Chianti!", "Buongiorno! I hope we can honestly discuss these interests as well. Are you planning to open agressively?", "Buongiorno!\n\nThere's only so aggressive I *can* be, Sultan! I haven't even mentioned the idea of a Lepanto to Austria and I'm principally focused on getting a build in Tunis or Greece this year. Where are you looking at things?", "Well, I would strongly encourage you to visit Tunis. In return, I'd be happy to offer you support if sometime in the future you decide the map has too much Austria on it.", "Well... Tunis is pretty much guaranteed for me, and it will be there in 1902 if I find juicier fruit in 1901. Are you suggesting I try my luck in Trieste instead, and that you'll be happy to support me the war against Austria that will likely immediately follow? \n\nOne of my friends is in another game where his I and a friendly T are advancing well against a chaotic Russia/Austria alliance.", "you had me at \"against Austria\". Yes, I think that the two of us working together against Austria/Russia would be a good plan. And later when we trust each other better I'm sure we could coordinate in the Mediterranean to help you expand westward while I expand north?", "Some cautious discussions with Austria this Spring, and I’ve committed not to try for Trieste this year so it looks as though it will be a single build winter. For you as well, or have you been able to negotiate safe passage to Greece?", "I'm working on it...If I get a promise from Austria I'll let you know.", "Welp, it appears that neither Austria nor Russia are speaking to me. This suggests they might be working together, in case that's useful information.", "That is interesting! I'm still getting press from both, though nothing that suggests a solid alliance between the two. Nerves, uncertainties and some remarks heard - directly or indirectly - from Russia that make me wonder what his long game is here.", "Last turn, Russia offered conflicting promises to me and Austria both (or so I've heard). Once I found that out, I never heard from either of them again. So it's not too many dots to connect to think they may have some kind of arrangement...\nI would guess maybe they plan to split the map roughly horizontally and take me out first?", "It could be so. It looks like they're not coordinating well if that's their plan, though. I was aligned with them last turn, but a few promises didn't quite flower to fruition and right now I'm more concerned with what France is doing in southern Spain.", "Apparently Russia just makes empty promises to everyone (so I hear from northern players, anyway), so I think it's best if Russia is just ignored or treated with extreme suspicion. \n\nYou mean you're worried about France seizing the Mediterranean?", "That was what I meant yes, since I ended up leaving Tunis for the new year. Seeing the bounce on Munich allayed that concern nicely though, and I’ve exchanged a few notes with France since that convince me I’m able to look to my East for a little longer at least.", "And yes, Russia does seem more than a little promise happy - does that make him a commitment phobe do you think, or is he counting on some of us to say no so he’s not stuck in contradictory commitments?", "Probably the latter.\n\nSo, does focusing on the East mean that there's anything I might be able to help you with?", "That’s a good question. \n\nClassicly I suppose I should be focusing on a Lepanto approach, and I’m certainly uncomfortable with your fleets in Con and Smy. It’s also the bill of goods Russia’s been trying to sell Austria and I. \n\nOn the other hand that depends on us being able to trust what Russia is up to and frankly I’m not certain of him at all. I was committed to supporting A Ser into Bul this year in exchange for his support into Greece... but if we go back to the order log we can both see that didn’t happen.\n\nWhat do you have in mind? My immediate objectives are taking Tunis, keeping my coastal waters Italian and finding a friendship/alliance I can trust to take me to the late game, hopefully a 2-way draw.", "Ah, what a relief to finally hear what sounds like honesty!\n\nThose fleets were mainly meant to defend against a lepanto, and, fate willing, maybe seize the black sea that I naively ceded when I was young and trusting. Point is, they're not a threat to you especially since you're the only neighbor of mine willing to talk to me. They might even be useful for you in a few turns, if I'm still around.\n\nI assume you want do dedicate your Nap fleet to snagging Tunis. And does the \"coastal waters\" thing mean you're concerned about the Adriatic? If not, then, what I hoped was that you might be willing to support Bul-Ser while stabbing Albania from the sea. This could set us up to start pushing back on Austria from the South. (And I'd support *you* into Serbia if I thought that'd be worth anything, but given that Bul is surrounded by enemies I just doubt the support would go through).", "I'd like that, and I agree it's a huge relief to cut through the nervous diplomatic double-speak! \n\nI think it's perfectly understandable for Turkey to want to defend against a Lepanto, especially when Italy is sounding cautious and doesn't really have many other options to expand. I've just built a second fleet, but then I think I need that to escape my boot whichever way I'm going. \n\nI am concerned about the Adriatic, but not sure I'm moving into it this year. I agree with your analysis of Bul (you're GOING to get hit) although it might be hard to bring up a new unit into Bul to replace your army there. Are you hoping to feed F Con to the east coast? You might need an Aegean fleet to force your way up, which should probably be yours unless you're willing to extend me that much trust this early.\n\nWe're assuming a supported attack on Serbia will get you in, yes? Austria does have a *lot* of units around there, cut at Albania or no.\n\nBianca de' Medici", "I agree with you that it's not likely to work given all the units Austria has around, but it's the best I could come up with. I was planning to move a fleet to the Aegean for support next season, as you suggest. \n\nDo you know anything about what Austria and Russia are planning?", "(also I'm open to any counter offers if you have them)", "Reliably? No.\n\nGenerally speaking I think they’re trying to defeat you, but how they’re planning on doing it I’m not clear. They both lied to me last turn - and, as far as I can tell, to each other. \n\nI don’t have a better offer really, except that if we make any progress against Austria I would expect Russia to start courting us instead.", "That sounds on-brand for Russia. It’ll fall on deaf Turkish ears though.\nSo, can I count on your support?", "Yes. Let’s do this thing, my friend.\n\nB. de M", "I'm getting nervous about Austria in Serbia and Albania, and I don't want to lose Greece. I'm also (sorry!) getting nervous about your two fleets facing west what with my more experienced friend telling me that Italy and Turkey \"always fight\". \n\nThat's not true, is it?", "I'm still not going to attack you, but... I think I can't attack Austria either here. Sorry. I need to sit tight and wait for Russia and France to commit themselves. Maybe France will butt out of the Med with his northern worries, but maybe he won't too and in Italy we *need* freedom of the seas.", "I understand your hesitation to attack Austria, but if you don't trust them then it's better to resist sooner rather than later when they become more powerful at my expense. \nYour experienced friend is wrong; there's no reason Turkey and Italy *have* to fight, even if it does happen somewhat often. In this instance, you're the last person on the board I'd want to fight with.", "Well, I'm glad we didn't agree to stab Austria, actually, since it looks like Austria has flipped on Russia. \nI'd still like to help you out any way I can, but it looks like you might be focusing on the west for a bit. Just know that as far as I can tell neither Austria nor I have intentions with Greece right now.", "(Austria did start to talk to me again and said as much)", "Thank you! I’m much happier with my suspicions drawn to a worthy target, and I’m glad we didn’t start fighting Austria in the Balkans while France ran up my back. Do you have a plan for getting back control of the Black Sea? You certainly don’t have to look out for me any more, we have a Frenchman to scold ^^", "Don’t you worry about the black sea, this ol’ sultan has a few tricks up her sleeve 😉", "I look forward to seeing what you do next, your fleets are certainly ready!", "(Sending to Italy and Austria)\n\nFrance, germany, and England’s behavior combined with some things England has said to me smell of a triple alliance between those three. Do you agree or have any additional evidence?\nIf so, I want to make sure southeast europe is prepared to push back against such a threat", "A few things I’ve heard sound Triplish and the current French position certainly looks like they’ve made some sort of deal doesn’t it? They aren’t going to sneak by me though, so it really depends what EG do.", "So I know this is last minute, but I just got Austria to support me from Ser into Rum. I was wondering if you'd be willing to bump/borrow Bul this turn? I highly doubt Austria would try and swipe it from you", "I just don't want Russia to have it", "Too last minute sorry, I was asleep. I’ll go see what happened in the update.", "It looks like you'll be able to push back on France a bit this year. I think you and Austria should work together to move you into Piedmont...what do you think?", "I was also wondering whether your Greece army might be willing to support Con-Bul ec?", "Good morning my friendly Sultan! Still a bit asleep here, but agree with both your points. Happy to support you into Bul (ec) this season, and very much hoping Austria will support me in driving France back out of my immediate area. How have you been? Nearing the end of a *very* long week here and looking forward to spending more time looking over the map.", "Well I'm so glad you'll be taking some time to get back to what's important. \n\nI've been not-so-busy and looking at the map kind of a lot...thanks for the support and I'll gently try to convince Austria in your favor as well", "Hahahaha. Well, it’s Diplomacy and SO and not having to spend all day up to my ears in Campus things. But yes, important to focus on what’s important.\n\nI appreciate your support!", "I'd sure hate to be France right now! Great job claiming Mare Nostrum 🙂", "Thanks! How are things in the east? Still have Russia well contained or do you need anything from Greece or the rest of me?\n\nWe’re at your service here, while not wanting to drive in where we aren’t needed", "Don’t need anything just trying to give credit where it’s due", "Congratulations on your build! How are things in the East with Russia dying from all sides? Do you have any immediate plans for where we go next from here?\n\nI imagine France would be open to a deal that had me moving away... again.", "Sorry I didn't respond to this...I hope that move to the Ionian is not signalling that you're ready to turn on me", "I moved there so I could convoy Greece out, since he’s not doing any good there any more. Did you have another use for him?", "Congrats on smooshing Russia so effectively!", "Ah thank you but the smooshing was so effective that now England and Germany are swooping in like buzzards! \n\nAnd that's a relief about Greece. Does this mean no truce with France, and you'll keep expanding that way?", "I haven't agreed a truce with France. If England and Germany were still attacking France, I'd absolutely be driving on hard (why I sent the fleet back for reinforcements) but now... I'm torn. If I keep hitting France, that frees England (and Germany I guess) to push through the last Russian centre and come after the three of us from the East, right?And pushes France back into their arms. How do I avoid that?", "Ah the truth comes out. In hindsight I should have realized it was too good to be true", "It was true at the time I said it was. But yes, negotiations went on.", "It's important to me that you do understand the situation changed there. \n\nWith both you and Austria advising the A Greece wasn't needed there my fleet came over for exactly the reason I suggested... but then after it arrived I had my French re-evaluation. And now Germany has jumped Austria and my ally seems to have lost his conviction about killing you, and so - why, I am re-evaluating again.", "Well at this point the only thing I could offer you as an ally is help in taking dots from Austria. If that's something you'd be more interested in than taking dots from me, then we could work together?", "On my way to bed. Let me look at this and come back to you in the morning. I think there is a definite chance, and if we do this I’ll be perfectly straight with you before we start (and likewise if I decide to keep fighting you).\n\nThis will only work if we surprise him though 😃", "Sorry I ended up being basically offline all day (and I'm involved in a new tournament, so busy setting up those games). \n\nYes, I'm more interested in taking dots from Austria at this point than I am in taking them from you. If we schedule a bounce in Smyrna in the Spring, could I count on your support into Bulgaria in the Fall?", "Hmm long term I’d sooner have Rum and Bul for myself while you take the western holdings...could we either agree to some temporary arrangement or could I promise you support into Serbia instead?", "That makes perfect sense to me. I was thinking in terms of what you could support me into, but if I can get that build this Fall I’m happy to leave it and let you take it for the following year - and Rum too. \n\nBlack Sea territories are much easier for you to hold, and I need you strong if we’re going to drive north together.", "Okay glad we’re on the same page :)\n\nHave you heard anything from Austria/Germany that might affect how we should proceed? Austria claims to want to leave Ukraine open for me this season though I’m not sure whether to trust it", "Austria is starting to get nerves about all my units heading this way, but I’m reminding him this was part of our plan to kill you. Currently I’m offering to help Austria defend against Germany where he’s badly out of position.", "So am I assisting Greece into Bul this season?", "I'm also wondering if you're going to follow through on your promised assist of Austria into Vienna. I think if we're going to stab, it's better for you not to and to fall back to venice instead.", "That’s up to you, friend. Normally when I stab I prefer to stab hard, but if you’re having concerns and warning Austria about our plans then they weren’t likely to work anyway. \n\nHow do you want to do this? Committed stab and pivot north or revert to our prior alliances and see if Austria is willing to commit to a direction - any direction - that I can support him to?\n\nYou know my preference, but I don’t want to push you into something you’re uncomfortable with.", "I don’t *think* I’ve said anything to Austria to indicate our collaboration, although Austria is suspicious anyway. All I did this season was ask whether you two were collaborating, to which Austria said basically “I sure hope so but we’ll see”\n\n \nI’m wholly comfortable with going forward with you on a decisive attack on Austria.", "Okay I'm committed. Let's do this decisive attack on Austria, with your supporting me into Bulgaria from Greece this season and my getting out of the way for you to take Bulgaria yourself in the new year. We'll work out how we break Rum, but if the best solution is me moving into it then we'll work out a schedule for me to get out of it too - Black Sea coastal territories are yours.\n\nAgreed?", "Agreed. I’ve placed your support order.", "It's been a long weekend. Getting back into the dip mindset, do you think you can trust England to keep off your north?\n\nIf so, let's look at getting you Rum and Bul this year.", "I think that’s a good plan. Are you willing to leave Bul this fall?", "Done! Taking Rumania in the Spring?", "If possible, yes", "I’d also love it if you could move your fleet out of the Aegean and into greece or something, just to take a little presssure off me?", "That's fine. I'm using it to cover Greece this season.\n\nAegean DMZ?", "Agreed 🙂", "Austria has asked me to support them into Bul this season. Since you're giving it up to me anyway and it will be useful to us to have their trust, should I do it?", "Oh dear I'm sorry it looks like to you didn't get my message. Let me know if there's some way I can make it up to you!", "Ouch! Unfortunately you’re right, I wasn’t around for your first message at 1:10 am and so wasn’t in a position to suggest anything else. What does their trust buy us, other than forcing a disband of one of our units due to complete the defeat of our mutual enemy this turn?", "I'm really sorry I forgot that you're not in a U.S. timezone. I didn't realize it would be such an issue because to me, it just made sense that you'd move into Serbia with Bulgaria and support from Albania (so that support couldn't be cut by Rum).", "...and that trust gets us information. Like, for instance, I could have told you not to move with Albania if it weren't for our time difference issue. I really am sorry and I'll be more aware of it in the future", "Ah no, I knew you were attacking Rumania this turn so I waited in Bulgaria to ensure he couldn’t simply retreat in there and offer you the same problem all over again in Fall. The move out was due in Fall (yes into Ser) so that you could reclaim your rightful Black Sea borders as scheduled 😃", "Not sure I have the armies to do that now; I’ll look at the map when I’m more awake, but may need you to take a more proactive role if that’s okay.", "I'm already on it! I'll get back to you in a couple hours", "So, Con to Bul (ec)? I can support you there from Gre and if you support from Rum as well should get you back where you should be.", "I'll do that but just so you know Austria told me they were going for greece this turn.", "From where?", "Bulgaria", "Not a problem then - provided you hit Bul with Con supported from Rum", "Okay great", "That went more or less according to plan, thanks for your support!", "I want you to know that despite my move to sc instead of ec, I plan to honor the DMZ of the aegean. I was just being overcautious in case you decided not to honor it.", "Should we look into spring then? What are you trying to achieve this year?", "I was just asking myself that. Expanding northwards against Germany/England seems logical for me.", "What are your goals?", "Since Austria is... a little more back in the game than I’d planned, they have to be my focus. After that I fully intend to stick with my alliance and drive to the final endgame. :3", "Just not looking at those moves yet" ]
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[ "Hi there, we should talk. I've communicated with Germany at this point and I've heard from England and keen to hear your strategic thoughts on the overall picture. Where can we draw a line of DMZs? Where (if anywhere) can we work together more proactively? It's reaching a bit, but if I ever have a spare fleet would it be useful as a loaner to your lineup in the north?", "Hey hey.", "To be honest, just got done with a day from hell, so not really thinking big picture at the moment yet. Placeholder orders are more or less just a standard French opening, just starting to touch base with all the neighbors.", "I read you France, and sorry to hear about the apocalypse on earth. Pretty standard Italian opening as well, I'm neither more nervous or less of my neighbours than usual. \n\nOnce you get your press off, maybe lie down and listen to your favourite tunes? I know that helps me when I'm blue.", "Oh, I'm not blue - just worn out. It's been a hectic week :)\nI think I'll stick close to a standard opening, get in position to drop a bunch of fleets", "Sounds good! Off Brest please - seeing them appear in Marseilles will set off all sorts of alarms in La Bella Italia ^_^ I’m glad you’re “only” very tired. What is it you do, when you’re not governing the fates of a nation?\n\nEngineering student here.", "I design software systems for electronic health records.", "What's your focus? I was originally an electrical engineering student, myself.", "Aerospace engineering :3 I finish my course at the end of next year and... then have to actually find work, if I can. I enjoy the university but don't want to spend my whole life in Academia, you know?", "No, no you probably do not want to do that. 😃", "Nothing too new this turn, good to see you're on good terms with your neighbours - or at least good enough to quickly grab your neutrals this year!", "We should probably talk DMZs then, yeah? I don't have any intention of going into Piedmont any time soon, and really do either us want to see any naval adventures in the Gulf of Lyon, the Western Med or North Africa?", "That's the plan - and, yes, it would be very nice to keep the western Med area free of fleets.", "Anything I should be worried about there? England and Germany seem to be coordinating well, but at least they're leaving your borders well alone. Do we have DMZs in every territory I mentioned, or only the Western Med?", "We do, and we should be good. I imagine there will be fallout to deal with from the attempt at Munich", "Touching base, anything new from our friends to the West? And where is the Army in Marseilles headed? We Italians are known for our warm and personal hospitality, but prefer t", "*to extend that on a more individual basis than to whole armies at a time.", "Ouch! That hurt, though as you see we did spot you coming. Are you still intent on trying to force your way past my defense, or are you ready to talk? ^^", "Always ready to talk! Driving now though - be a couple hours before I can pull up the map", "Now that I'm home, we could probably work out a set of moves that keeps me in position to move elsewhere next turn", "\"Keeps me in position\" and \"moving elsewhere\" do feel a *little* contradictory I have to say. Still, if we can avoid butting heads pointlessly for the next three years I'm all ears! \n\nWhere else did you have in mind? Your German and English borders seem a little bare, so I trust there are diplomatic ties keeping them safe and secure?", "That's the theory. And you missed the time component -keeping me in place this turn, so I can move the other direction next turn (which is harder to do if I advance this turn)", "You're not going to advance this turn. I appreciate the thought, but I'm already there and have nothing pulling me away in another direction. \n\nOr was that your point?", "More or less - but we need to make SURE I don't advance. I mean, you can't effectively cover all of North Africa, Western Med, Tuscany, and Tyrolia, hence the getting on the same page 🙂", "And that's what I was talking about - keeping me in MAO would have made it easier to flip in the Spring", "Ok, that works. Looks like some chaos between England and Germany we can maybe use to disentangle", "I think England is being very clever, and is using Russia's ambitious early play to get an advantage while you and Germany are committed. But then he's the same player who warned me about an incoming Western Triple a few seasons ago, so... \n\nHow would you like us to disengage? Planning on just turning around and going home, or something more dynamic?", "Good question. Stand by while I get a feel for what's going on with the rest of the board. How secure are you feeling with the Austrian?", "Reasonably secure. He's in Tyrolia because I asked him to come, if that's what you mean :3", "It is, yes. And funny enough, my \"full push on Italy\" order set last turn would have had me ordered there, but I was trying not to push too hard. \nI think I'm inclined to mostly just straight up go away, just putting one unsupported move to tyrrhenian to keep you from full-pressing a follow-up. Does that work for you? That would let you either force your way in and still put one on Ionian, or force Ionian and just use one to keep tyrrhenian empty.", "It does in principle, yes. It’s after midnight here and I’m heading to bed, but I’ll have a closer look at the map tomorrow (today now!) and give you a fuller response then. Maybe we can plot out some actual moves then. Where was the one unsupported move coming from, so I can run a sandbox tomorrow over coffee?", "That would be Lyons. I was going to stay something cheeky, but it's actually pretty obvious which one I'd want to back up, and which is want to hold as a delay.", "Ugh, autocorrect making it look like I've had a stroke...", "So, not *quite* what you said you were going to do. \n\nI didn't mind disposing of the offending unit in Piedmont though, so you won't have to have him courtmartialed! I half expected a convoy into North Africa, though I now see you have larger threats to worry about to your north. Russia coordinating with a powerful England, and England and Germany descending on your open borders!", "Eh? I did exactly what I said I was doing :)\nBut, yes, you can clearly see that not only was I already backing away from you, I'm now *highly motivated* to fully commit to that.", "The attack on Tyrolia wasn't *precisely* the same thing of \"I'm pulling back\" as I expected, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt I guess. I'm not really sure what you were trying to do there honestly, unless you were hoping to menace Munich from the south?", "*sigh*\nAlright then. Spain won't be supporting Marseille so you don't need to cut it -you'd just be helping England by doing so, and screw him. So if you want, you definitely have the option of shifting wmed - naf,tys - WMed.\nThat would let you take Marseille and be in position to still take Spain in the fall, and/or contest the mid-Atlantic.", "Agggh, I must have been half asleep. I didn't hit the thumb (or that was when the bot was down)", "Let me look at this and work out what we're doing.", "I was indeed hoping to menace Munich. \nFor this turn, I'm also willing to support WMed - mao", "I'm generally in favour of that idea. Where is MAO going?", "I am generally in favour of plan \"screw him\". I have a few reasons, and in hindsight I can see the strings tied to my shoulders from a few seasons back. Would I be fair in assuming he set you to fighting me at about the same time he warned me you were coming?", "So confirming you'd like me to move F WMed - MAO in Spring, and will support me there (from Spain?) if I don't cut you that season? If I can get Marseilles, Spain and ultimately Portugal I would be overjoyed... though I confess I don't completely understand why you're helping me do this. \n\nI think I need to understand?", "Yes, he's been pulling some strings. As to why, with three on my doorstep, I'm going to lose dots. All things being equal, I'd rather they go to the person that didn't betray me. As for mao, it's going to English. That may cut a support and you'll just bounce mao open. It may also walk in behind a moving English fleet and get you into mao. Hard to say. But either is better for you than letting an English fleet in. 😀", "I agree, and well reasoned. I’ll keep your secrets (although he does have a knack for reading the board), and plan closely with you for next year’s moves.", "Support's in the box - do with that what ye will.", "Thank you! I’ll see to it that it’s not wasted.", "So... we're changing back again then? \n\nI don't object to someone defending themselves, but you could have said something 😂 I haven't lied to you yet and don't intend on starting now.", "Sonafabitch - did I forget to hit thumbs-up on the last message? Yeah, I did NOT mean for that to be a surprise to you, and I'm deeply sorry, cause you did me a solid and it looks like I reacted by being a dick.", "So the Triple is back on? I see England has decided he can afford to kill Russia now, though he hasn’t asked me to distract Turkey recently.", "Nope. He's killed the triple idea for me. So... What pull would make you happy?", "What is a \"pull\"? I'm sorry, getting asked a lot about terms I don't recognise in this game.", "Oh! You mean \"pull off the board\"?", "I don't see any reason you'd be inclined to make me *too* happy if I was still trying to kill you, but since I'm apparently the only one doing that last turn I don't feel any particular obligation to stick with that plan either. \n\nIf you remove an army, I'd be happy to see that as a sign of good will!\n\nI do want to keep my build, but get that you wouldn't want to lose a home centre long term - right? \n\nSimplest answer if I go back east is to sit an army in Marseilles while everyone else leaves and lets you focus north. \n\nNext simplest is... A Mar moving to Spain I guess and letting you reclaim Mar uncontested?\n\nOr we could do something more aggressive, but without me in your backyard I'm sure you could make some progress against England, if that's who you're looking at?", "You sum it up well. Army gascony is probably the overall friendliest yet most ambiguous pull. It takes pressure off Marseille, but would let me keep pressing England if you backed off. And I'm happy to leave Marseille Italian for a while if the issue is off me - don't especially need that as a build spot in the near term", "We should talk about how we’re going to disengage, so there’s no confusion and no temptation to warn anyone what we’ve got planned for them ^^", "I’m trusting your fleets are headed north, and I’m sending everything other than A Mar and F GOL (this turn) east. I hope to send F GOL East next season as well", "We're really on incompatible time schedules :)\nFleets are headed north, so is Burgundy.", "You may want to cover Spain.", "Cover or try to take it?", "Same thing, mate. It's all yours as far as I'm concerned. 😀", "Alright, will do my best!" ]
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[ "Hey Austria! How are things in the east?", "Things are good down here, we should watch each others backs being from the same stock and all. We have to be careful being in the middle of someone else's conflict.", "Yes yes, i agree", "I think any conflict between us will only result in one of us losing followed quickly by the other losing. So should we have some sort of non-aggression pact?", "Yes, that would be bad for both of us", "how are you feeling about Italy?", "Seems to be working with me on getting some Intel. I'm curious about your feelings on russia?", "Have you heard anything from Turkey?", "It seems like russia is aiming for him", "Yeah it would seem that way, but Turkey told me that Russia was not conspiring against him.", "interested in taking out russia?", "Always", "Do you have any plans for the fall? I am up for continuing our non-aggression pact this season. Hopefully we can work together to take out Russia in central europe", "Not yet, talking to people to see if they may want to make moves on russia.", "Are you cool with me moving into Boh? I'm still agreeable to a non-aggression pact, just would like to be more useful against russia", "Sure that sounds reasonable", "moving to Tyr to help italy, would appreciate you not taking my open vienna", "Yep, can do that. Have you talked to france about Tyr? Not sure his exact plans but you two should be able to take on Italy if you coordinate", "I'm trying to help italy, at least until russia is gone. I figure we have to take out one of the countries on the outside before worrying about other countries in the central", "Ok sounds good", "are you working with france to take out england, or just in a non-aggression against them?", "Non aggression", "cool cool cool", "Can you tell what’s going on with turkey?", "they're suspicious of an alliance between you england and france, which seems at least part true. If they're ready I'm going to try to push into russia with them. Italy is watching my back, and I have a non-aggression with you so I'm going to leave myself pretty vulnerable.", "Ok, my main focus right now is Russia too. If you, me, and turkey can coordinate against Russia we should be able to get him off our backs quickly", "I'm going to suggest me supporting turkey into Rum and the my moving my army in Bud to Gal to pressure War.", "Sounds good to me", "Want to move your army into Boh to help me in case russia gets feisty? Trying to make moves to take them out.", "What are your plans with your army in Tyr?", "Helping Italy with Piedmont. You're probably fine leaving your army where it is actually. Would you help me if Russia tries to move into my territory though?", "Ok cool. Yeah, if we are able to ward off Russia successfully, we can figure out a plan to split his supply centers fairly between us", "are you moving against england?", "Trying to", "cool, I moved my unit into Vie so I can't build one this winter. Im hoping to push at Russia either Gal or War. Just wanted to let you know when I start moving.", "After Russia is taken out are you planning on going after England?", "And if so do you want to let me take war and Ill help you take Stp and make moves into Swe", "The problem is that after Russia is out, all of us in the west will have to start worrying about turkey", "Have you been able to make any plans with turkey against Russia?", "Going to support their push into Ukr", "if you support me into War Ill help you take Stp and can help later deal with england.", "Would you be open to supporting me into War and then I'll support you into moscow/down into turkey?", "I could be. What are your plans with England once Russia is gone? It seems it would be more beneficial to have Stp and take over scandanavia. But obviously we would both want War given its location to us.", "Just wanted to know what you see your self doing in the next couple turns.", "I’m trying to work with England as long as possible...I’m hesitant to make promises or plans based on StP because I’m using it at a bargaining chip for the long game", "I’m hoping to get France or Italy out next", "And use England to do so", "Are you still focused east or do you plan on moving into Italy?", "So be it, I'll support you into War. I'd prefer getting rid of France since Italy has worked really well with me. I'd suggest knocking out France then going after England.", "Well Italy is watching my back against Turkey so I don't really want to fight them. so more focused on the East.", "Ok thanks! I owe you", "That makes sense. Yeah Italy has been helpful against France so far, hopefully us in the middle can keep working well together", "I think in the end its either going to be all three of us central countries left. Or whichever betrays the other two survives the longest before being taken out.", "Agree", "If think you can handle England on the west you could probably book from Bal into Sweden and then they're cut off from the East. It would make it easier to clean up the eastern stragglers after.", "Yes that’s very tempting.", "I’m still waiting to hear back from England before making any aggressive moves. At this point I need France to be weaker before having England completely after me, I don’t think I could manage both of them haha", "forgot you still have some border with england", "Yes, unfortunately", "Thank you for following through with support!", "Russia is basically done. I think we need to start being concerned with Turkey and try to prevent him from creeping into russia's supply centers", "Of course", "I agree, but i think we need to worry about England as well. I think the easiest way to split it would be for me to take Mos and you Stp. Italy and I surround Turkey and then you contain England until France is gone then England is the focus.", "i can move Gal into Ukr and Bud into Gal to gather forces to oppose Turkey.", "What does England think about you taking Swe? Was that planned or are you taking them on now?", "Yes Swe was planned", "okay", "I have gotten england to agree to stop traveling south of StP in Russia. Who knows how long that will actually last, but I think it's safe to assume he won't be interfering in russia too much for another season or two", "Basically it seems like England is waiting for you and Italy to put a decent dent into Turkey before making any huge moves east, so you/we have time to nibble out turkey and build up in the meantime", "Well if we start making moves on Turkey would you be comfortable moving your army up to take Stp? It would certainly be a whole lot less stress having England not trying to mess with the East.", "It seems like Russia is going to support either England or Turkey into Moscow this season to leave the game with whoever his preference is at that supply center (just won't be me haha). Would you feel ok moving an army to Uk r to support me into Moscow? Then I can support you into Sev or let you have Warsaw. And between Moscow and an army I'm moving up north this season, I can keep England at bay", "Yes I can work with that", "(sorry if it seems like some messages sent out of order, i realized I'd forgotten some bot thumbs)", "Just finally talked to Turkey haha. I think they are moving into Ukr this turn so maybe you should at least block them from moving inland that way", "Can you support me into Moscow like we talked about before? Then I can keep England out of our hair/finish off Russia", "You've got my support into Moscow", "Awesome, thank you!", "That's funny you didn't happen to mention your aggression into Vie in your previous messages", "I’m very sorry, I didn’t want to 😦 \n\nEngland has been threatening me and it was the only option I had to stay even with him without inciting his wrath", "england just asked me if Vie was staged. So either you're lying or they're trying to foment anger", "He is very good at mind games. I know there’s no way to prove it, but I’m not lying/haven’t lied to you", "thats all well and good, but how does it stop your aggression towards me? I need some sort of recompense or I won't be able to trust you.", "I understand. What do you propose?", "you leaving my territory", "Turkey is upset with my betrayal so now I have everyone to contend with", "have you been conspiring with italy against me, because they're moving all their units west.", "No, I haven't been conspiring with Italy. My understanding was that Italy was prepared to support you into Turkey", "If you really do want to have this central alliance, then I think it should be fair for me to have my territory back. You dont have to just give it back, I can have my units take it back in force so it looks like we are fighting. Although I do think you should start to deal with England considering how large they are becoming.", "The problem now is that if you use units to regain Vie, you'll just create an aisle for Turkey to waltz into central Europe. Do you have any plans in place to stop him? Seems like you two had some sort of non-aggression agreement last season", "Well I was exactly thrilled with the possibility of a western threat so I let them take Ukr to keep them from being too aggressive.", "Wasn't*", "also England is about to move up to 8 units, if you move up right after Russia's last army disbands then you can easily take Swe and Stp. Then Italy and I will be able to deal with turkey.", "Ah makes sense. Yeah England is growing quickly. I’m trying to figure out the best way to settle things with France and England on my western border first, and then figure out the best way forward from there. I think England and Turkey will be tied up with each other to our East for a season or two which buys us some time", "So are you fine with me attacking Vie to keep up appearances?", "I mean no, not happy about it haha. But seems like my only option at the moment", "I wasn't happy about you taking it to begin with, but at least I'm telling you now.,", "Haha fair enough", "you both betrayed me first, but don't think you'll last much longer when all is said and done.", "Betrayer Queen, would you like to assist me with hurting Italy in exchange for my territory? They betrayed me harder so I want them to suffer the most.", "Yes I’m open to us discussing an agreement. What do you propose?", "I lose, but Italy loses territory in the process", "I want to see the streets run red with their Ragu", "Their color is green, so it would actually be Pesto", "I want to see the streets run with a liquid they're known for", "are you in?", "Yes", "not that it will change my current state of survival, but you're not going to betray me as well right?", "I mean again", "I don’t want to be too outright in an attack against Italy because I will likely need their support in France soon, and I need to keep developing a good relationship with Turkey before Italy retaliates against me", "But yes. I’m in", "Did you have any specific ideas for this season? I think I’ll need Boh to support Munich, and I’m concerned about losing War", "destruction of the traitor Italy?", "I promise you that if you move Boh to Tyr I can follow up next season with a push into Ven.", "I can’t move Boh this season bc I need it to defend Munich against France", "Move Boh to Tyr, I'm going to try to take Tri, then I can support you into Italy. My back is completely open so you don't have to worry about me stabbing you.", "Also pretty sure turkey is chumped out and is going to let Italy try to roll over me, which is obviously super cool for me. Just a heads up for when I'm gone.", "Like I said, I can’t move Boh this season because I can’t afford to leave Munich undefended (and I need to move Kie back into holland). Going to try to move my northern units south I guess", "okay, will you at least lie for me and say something about how I'm going for Tyr or something so that I can try to push back on Italy a bit?", "Sure thing", "What are you planning on doing with your Vie unit this season?", "Move for Tri. I'd like for you to move into Tyr so we can push into Italy then you can take Vie after.", "Or possibly take back Bud. If you could find it in your heart to not stab me again for a season or two.", "Problem is that if I don’t get another build this winter idk if I can keep pace with Italy next year 😦", "Well, if things go accordingly then Italy should be losing two builds this season.", "Any reason why you're not just taking Nwy?", "England and I are balanced and staying out of each other’s way. He’s respected my home territories thus far bc I haven’t gone after him. Norway will be an easy grab for me when the time comes, no need to rock that boat quite yet", "Well I guess we've seen that strategy certainly works.", "Don’t want him convincing France to take me on", "I'm going to try to convince France to move against Italy. You should to.", "What's your plan this round?", "Mostly defense, trying to move farther into Central Europe", "So towards me?", "Gal. It’ll give me more options for next round (maybe take Bud back from Italy? Or Rum)", "Okay that was just a very vague statement. Had me a bit confused. Maybe move Boh-> Tyr then I can either support you into Tri or vice versa?", "Then you can move down after italy is out?", "Also you should really convince France to help out against Italy while they can still take advantage of it. Otherwise Italy is going to walk into France and get a bunch more production.", "I can’t move into Tyr this season, I need that unit to support Mun", "Didn't France just attack England right there?", "Yeah but France was working with England just one season before and he won’t talk to me", "From the looks of last season it would seem they had a Italy betrayal moment.", "Who knows", "This game is rife with backstabbring, if only we could have all been friends.", "\"I'm obviously fairly heavily committed to my attack on you at the moment, but I do consider Turkey's shenanigans around Bulgaria a breach so before I forgive and forget I thought I'd offer you a chance to negotiate. \"", "Are you going to?", "Backstabbr you? No, I've told you, Italy, and Turkey my objective. The complete destruction of Italy.", "At least Italy is warned haha", "I'm more a Frontstabbr type of person.", "You should buy up that domain name", "You should really start attacking Italy. You're just going to get surrounded if you don't start doing something now.", "Not trying to tell you how to play, but if you dont move into Boh soon you're going to lose the opportunity and Italy is going to take control.", "Would you mind supporting me into Bud this next season so I can make another unit to push at Italy?" ]
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[ 5, 4 ]
[ "So, I'm proposing a northern triple. You, me, and England roll down the rest of the board, and then call a three-way draw. It's a good route, because it's a pretty stealthy alliance early on. It looks like an EG taking on France, and Russia just acting normally. How does that sound to you?", "Hey! That sounds like a good route, I'm up for it", "Have you talked to England about it yet?", "England's on board, as far as I can tell", "Awesome, I talked to them about being on board too", "What are you thinking for your initial moves?", "So, you decided to opt for a Western triple instead of a Northern? I admit, I take some fault here because I let my day-to-day business get in the way of keeping up with messaging here, but you do know that western triples NEVER go well for Germany, right? If you stick with it, you're gonna be surrounded by a greedy England who will be able to grind you into dust." ]
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[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 1, 70, 72, 74, 91, 126, 501 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
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[ 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 19, 0 ]
[ 5, 2 ]
[ "Hi Kaiser, greetings from her majesty the queen.\nI've been ordered to deliver this message to you in hopes of establishing an alliance. \nI wanted first to try a western triple with france, and wrote to him accordingly. However russia has proposed a northern triple. Seeing as you are my first choice in alliance I'm good with which ever you would like to try. Hope to hear from you soon", "Hi Queen, greetings from Germany (the Kaserin, actually 😉 )", "You're my first choice for an alliance as well. I was leaning towards the northern triple with russia. Have you tried or seen that before?", "I haven't tried it or seen it", "Wait is Kaserin female for kaiser? Lol", "Hahah yeah", "Ah well nice to know hehe. I hope I can give you a satisfactory experience ;) lol", "It will be refreshing to flirt with a female instead of men lmao", "", "Long as you let me be the king that runs it with you baby!", "We will be the best King and Queen ever!", "So northern triple then?", "Plans actually: King & queen and northern triple", "That’s the plan!", "A very romantic plan!! I love it and am totally in", "Hello my Queen, would you possibly have any info on france for me?", "King! No not yet", "What are you thinking for your first moves?", "France just told me they were on board with western triple", "I want to secure nwy for sure, and am hoping that I could get bel?", "If france is on board with the western tripple he may be on with me having bel. And then after that you my queen and I would have to decide which tripple we want to stay with", "Ok so france is cool with me having bel", "If you have no objections I will take bel in fall", "Yes, sounds good to me", "I am planning to move to Den and Ruh. Does that sound ok to you?", "Absolutely my beautiful queen", "As for France, not much of a talker so hard to judge honestly", "Yeah I can't super tell. They just said they were opening south, which they did", "What are you thinking for fall orders?", "russia seems sketchy, not sure if they are committed to the triple", "See I've got the same inkling about russia being two-faced with us", "Yeah, hopefully russia will focus on taking out austria and turkey. But who knows", "So apparently russia has offered alliance to basically every nation lol", "I am more than ever by your side my queen", "France is more promising for triple alliance", "I will convoy my army to nwy if you bounce russia in Swe and we will be well on our way to eliminating him. \nNobody likes an alliance whore right", "I agree, don't think we can trust russia and it seems like everyone else realizes that too at this point", "Yes, those moves sound good to me!", "What do you think we should do re: France? he proposed bouncing over Munich", "I think that's a clever idea", "Keeps the other nations in the dark about our tripple alliance with him", "Especially for italy", "Sounds good. I'll let him know", "Beautiful moves my Queen!! I'm in love 😍", "I propose we demilitarize any and all neighboring territories between france, you and me. I will relay this same message to France and if you're agreed to it relay it to france as well and we have him relay it back to us. I wish we could have a 3-way chat with him.", "I propose we demilitarize any and all neighboring territories between france, you and me. I will relay this same message to France and if you're agreed to it relay it to france as well and we have him relay it back to us. I wish we could have a 3-way chat with him.", "The demilitarization would basically consist of pic, bur, bel, hol and ruh. Oh and nth for me as well seeing as it is adjacent hol.", "That being said I suggest we wait till fall to act on it so as to keep our triple alliance under wraps for as long as possible. But I do like to operate on complete trust in order to more efficiently and effectively use our units in our respective theatres", "I anticipate very much to hear your response :) \nI'm gonna finish building this little building and get me some much needed sleep and dream about your reply hehe.", "Yes, that works for me. I'll relay to France and get back to you. Let me know what you hear back from France", "Ok france got back with me. Said he's good with it too", "Yes, he said the same to me. I think we should work towards taking out Russia in scandinavia", "I agree my queen. Sorry I've been very limited on time. How would you like to play it up in scandi?", "This fall I could support you into Sweden while you cut bot support and I take stp", "Then we'll be set to crush him in the mainland. I have my orders set for very strong positional gain to be ready for the fall. If you bounce swe again and move into bal we'll bet set for fall. Also ber is going to nth. I don't think I can get online again before resolution so cheers my queen. We'll catch up later", "Sounds good to me! we will reconvene for fall", "Hey Kaiserin I figured you would honor our DMZ treaty this year. What happened?", "I am sorry! I took it to mean no action in those places and I thought I was already there when we agreed on the zones. Please know it was only a misunderstanding 😃 I still have your back", "Did Russia confront you about the western triple? He’s on to us", "Yes he did lol.", "Also how do you not know what demilitarization of an area means? Lol\nYou fairly new at the game or from another planet hehe?", "See now you put me in a pickle :/ that's why I confirmed with you that I was moving out of bel. I was expecting hol and ruh to be vacated as well.", "Although you've given me no reason beyond that for distrust so I'm staying with you and trusting you my queen. \nOn another note Russia is kinda desperate and asking me to head towards France lol. Even offered me support into Sweden", "Are you there kaiserin?", "Gah sorry, it really was just an honest brain lapse, I was entering moves last minute while occupied in real life. Thank you for giving me another chance to prove my support!!", "Oh good you're online! :)", "Yes, Russia seems desperate. I think he got everyone against him from the very beginning. Italy is definitely working to find an alliance against France", "Has he made you any offers on Sweden?", "No specific offers yet, but they are definitely trying to scheme something.", "I suppose it will be more Mediterranean based", "Oh, no I was referring to russia", "Like has he made you an offer on sweden?", "Ohhh sorry. Was confused why Italy would be taking about swe haha. No russia didn’t offer anything", "He just snarked about me ignoring him and his alliance, even though he was silent and uncooperative before", "Ok good. Well could you attack his fleet to cut support so I can get into stp?", "Yes", "Awesome! Thank you my queen. Also we need to discuss how we're going to split Russia. Turkey will want a piece of him too", "If I may ask, where are you from? Seems so hard to coordinate good time to talk", "Sorry I left abruptly earlier- had to run out for some appointments. Can’t diplomacy and drive 😉", "I’m on the east coast", "PA?", "Yes, I agree about figuring a plan to split up Russia. Austria is aiming for Russia too, so we can probably use him along the way", "Currently literally caught in the rain lol. I’m all ears for what you have in mind re:Russia. I’ll follow up later tonight when I’m back home!", "Well I know this gonna sound a bit greedy right away but hear me out. If I get stp and you let me have Sweden you could have the rest of Russia and I believe that to be better because it keeps us with more clear defined borders.", "I like to operate on 100% trust and I feel like we got off to a slightly rocky start with the misunderstanding of the DMZ", "But I'm open to your opinions and suggestions to my queen. This is a joint effort", "Also to make sure we ARE on the same page this time, hol and ruh will be vacated this turn right? France and myself already kept our end of the deal. I need your confirmation on this so I can vacate nth as well instead of having to cover bel", "Yes, I will vacate hol and ruh. I understand how that made me appear to be flaky, but I can assure you that I'm devoted to this King/Queenship. It will be corrected this season", "As for Russia, I think I can agree with your proposal, but first I'd like to understand a little more how to see France working in all of this. France was originally on board with this alliance, but has been less vocal, so its hard for me to gauge his commitment level", "Right and based on the uncertainty we will have to act accordingly with him when the time comes", "And thank you for confirming", "As for right now he keeps Italy busy for us from which we both benefit", "Oh hey you never got back with me whether you agree to the proposal on Sweden, stp for me and the rest of Russia for you?", "Sorry for the delay! Yes I can agree to that", "No worries my dear. And thank you :)", "I think after this turn we need to start making wedding plans lol", "We could invite all the nations to attend and bear witness to the consummation of our commitment hahaha", "You moved into Hol- Are you no longer in favor of a DMZ? France and I upheld our end of the bargain this time around.", "Yes you did in fact. Paranoia got the best of me :/ with everybody getting getting so very suspicious about a western triple :(", "Where do we go from here?", "You're willing to salvage this?", "Potentially, but I’m worried that you and France are trying to push me out of this triple", "Your silence is troubling", "I totally understand, my apologies I was busy working to put up the last wall on this cabin before most of the guys here left", "Hmm I put myself in a tough spot.", "So how would you propose we move forward?", "Hmmm", "What do you think if you let me take Swe this round and then I promise to allow you a clear path/support to take StP as we discussed before. That will throw everyone off the western triple suspicions, and we can move forward together. What do you say?", "Hmm to much back tracking imo", "What do you think would be a better option?", "I'm super busy with work right now. Throw me another proposal.", "You can focus on moving towards StP and I’ll move towards Warsaw", "Im up for other suggestions too if anything comes to mind. Hope work finishes up well!", "Thank you, yes it came together nicely :)", "Ugh I'm truly at a loss as to what to do :/ I get along with you so very well with yet if I attack russia then Turkey will be real hard to stop will be a long term problem.", "The other thing is I have only stp to gain from a war with russia.", "Also france seeing my moves was real quick to jump on the opportunity he sees for himself and wants Munich", "I think really the only option I have other than continuing an invasion on you would be to attack france", "Ah I see your point(s)", "Hmmm", "IF you are in fact willing to salvage this \"thing\" we have hehe, invading france is the only option I see. Russia poses no threat now and if france gets attacked then Italy is free to put the brakes on Turkey for us", "Also what on earth is Austria doing? That's the other thing looks like Turkey has Austria in his pocket", "Well obviously I’d say to attack France haha. But more than that, I think that we work well together and can continue to do so. I am on board for a salvage! I haven’t communicated as much with France, and he seems to be doing his own thing heading into Italy anyways. I think that Austria is trying to support Italy into France? I think he wanted to work with Turkey against Russia, but I’m not sure if that’s what’s actually transpiring", "(Sorry if you got that multiple times due to me trying to send while bot went down)", "I get that we work really well together. But honestly what good is that if it's to our detriment?", "Im saying the 3 of us", "I do know for certain that france is moving to bur.\nI discouraged the move but he was very set on it. Said that he doesn't need mar unit against italy anyway", "Hmmm good to know. I believe that Austria is supporting Ven into Pie, but nothing we can do about that at the moment", "Italy did say that they can get austria to cooperate agaisnt austria so there's that", "Maybe let's you and me tell italy that we are ready to help them out if they can swing austria towards turkey?", "Yes that sounds good", "Okidoki", "And to ease your heart a bit more this sesson I'll let you in on a lil secret ;) I'm moving towards france and away from you. I really do want us to work, paranoia just got the best of me last season and I know that's not a good thing for a good relationship. I will reward in kind", "Why thank you 🙂 I do appreciate it", "Ok, I've told Italy", "Great!! And one final thing\n\nTHANK YOU THANK YOU for being such a strong queen. That is a thing of beauty and worth", "Ok well I'm off to finish the roof. Have a good night ttyl", "Is this my own fault?", "What are you referring to?", "France's moves", "Hey are you available to chat real quick?", "I won't have time tomorrow", "If you don't have time rn. Could we at least bounce in holland?", "Sorry for delay, I am traveling this weekend, haven’t had much time online", "My main priority now is getting another supply center before winter", "Have you cut some deal with Russia already for a sc?", "I admit i made a hige blunder in an attempt to put the brakes on tirkwy. You can have holland back", "Ok, thank you!", "No I don’t have any deals yet", "Also I had a question. Did you and france communicate about bouncing in bur?", "We did a few seasons back, but decided against it. I was working on a hunch.", "Hmmm. Wonder who warned france", "Im trying to hard", "Take holland for real and I'm gonna slow down and coast along for the ride", "If turkey gets out of his corner so be it", "Haha ok sounds good! I haven’t heard from anyone else over the weekend, don’t think much scheming has been going on", "So france just decides all on his own to \nSwing up for an attack on me? A bit odd i think", "Honestly we only had talked about what he was doing with Italy and Austria", "I see", "Hello my queen how was your weekend?", "Hey! It was busy but good. How about yourself?", "Also- thank you for letting me have Hol back! 😃 I really appreciate it", "Very worky hehe", "You're very welcome!! I think that's the least I could do after taking it out of stupid paranoia lol", "Haha no need to worry", "I think that was the last labor pain for the birth of our glorious alliance! ;)", "But I'm glad you had a good weekend :)", "How you want to move forward now?", "Cheers to that!", "I want to walk with you side by side", "Hmmm i haven’t thought about my next moves yet. I can’t tell who France is trying to work against. Seems like Austria wants to cooperate to get Russia knocked out, so I’ll probably work with him in Central Europe a bit", "Ok sure :). In the meantime I can deal with France's uncertainty together with Italy", "What are you thinking?", "Turkey is doing his thing!!!", "Oh cool, sounds good!", "Yeah I was hoping Italy could help out with France more, seemed like they were still concerned with turkey though, last time we talked", "Hmm board wise they look very concerned about France and not so much Turkey. They even supported Turkey to a sc", "That tripped me out when I saw it", "Oh you’re right. I guess I’ll touch base with Italy again about it", "Yea that'd be good. From my perspective Italy is way way to committed west.", "Yeah. I will keep you posted!", "Very much appreciated", "Sounds like Italy is trying to capture Marseilles. I am considering trying to bounce there with France again in order to make that happen, not sure yet", "Whether you bounce or not marseilles will fall because Italy can cut Spain support with wes", "Might be better if you could support bel>bur", "Yeah good point", "The potential problem I see with me supporting bel>bur is that Italy has voiced concern about you, and if they see me too obviously on your side it might be hard for me to cooperate with Italy", "Lol I felt that coming. With the way they were so totally committed west", "In that case we should probably leave France alone to defend against Italy", "Yeah, I think that’s best this season at least. I think we’ll need Italy’s cooperation against turkey/Austria and don’t want them to turn on us too soon", "Ok sounds good.", "So since we're not doing anything in france, what you say we start pushing our armies east? We could hold bel and hol for this turn then in the fall bel>ruh to get ready for a jog through mun in spring and into boh or sil in the following fall", "Also fyi I will need nth to be able to convoy pic unit to nwy.", "Yeah let’s focus east. I’m not exactly sure what Austria is going to do, so let’s take this season to see and go from there", "Cool, thanks for the heads up!", "Question. Are you into what Italy is doingm", "?", "Idk, seems like they are only going after France right now, which is just pushing France up against us", "I haven’t coordinated with Italy much, just trying to keep communication open. I think Italy is open to cooperate with us against France (obviously) and is trying to keep Austria focused on Russia/turkey", "I'm super busy with work right. I'll get with you soon as I can", "Ok no worries!", "Hey just give me a moveset to enter. I don't have time to do any discussing :/", "We do need to push east for sure. As much as possible", "Ok nvm. Already put my orders in. I'm holding bel unless you want me to go to ruh to get that unit through mun in spring to help in the east to lock it down before Turkey does", "gah sorry I missed this earlier! Hope life gets less hectic", "Holding bel sounds good to me", "Would you be ok with me taking Swe so i can get another build this winter? Just thinking we will need more armies against the east. I'm amenable to another flip flop in the future 🙂", "Ok will do. I'm very sorry I haven't had much time for you", "Yea I'm good with that. It is paramount to get armies east", "I'm working on getting some in from the north", "Awesome, thanks!", "Anything for you my queen. Even up to half of my kingdom ;) hehe", "Likewise for you sir!", "Do you know where I got that quote from? Lol", "No... haha sorry. I am guessing it's from a movie?", "Yep :) the movie of queen Esther", "I may just call you my \"Queen Esther\" lol", "Unless you're name is prettier than that?", "I am \"Sir [redacted] the First\" ;)", "Esther is a regal name, I like that", "I haven't heard of that move though haha", "Queen Esther it is ;)", "Perfect 😃", "Hey! Hope work is less busy today! Let me know what you're thinking this season. I'm going to push armies east", "Well still going hard but I can take a min for you Ms. Queen Esther :)", "ok 🙂 nothing very urgent", "Basically my plan is just push east with you", "Just wondering what you think we should do about France in the next few seasons", "Idk, what do you suggest?", "He's pretty tied up with Italy and Italy is tied up with him", "We could take him out or let him keep Italy in check but then again we could use Italy's help against Turkey", "Yeah I'm not sure if it's better to cooperate with Italy and take out france, or just let the two of them fight it out a little longer. I just wanted to check if you'd make any agreements recently to France", "I haven't talked to him in a season or two", "Just that I would ceasefire on our borders so he could focus on Italy", "Nothing beyond that", "I'm inclined to just cooperate with Italy and take him out. That would be one less loose end. If we do that then we would have Italy's and Austria's help to eliminate Turkey", "Also in about one more year it will be time to start insinuating to Italy and Austria that we will betray each other after turkey is gone", "Ok, good to know", "Yes, I like both of those plans", "I think it'll be fairly easy to take france out at this point, and Italy seems cooperative and its likely we could each get a supply center if we help", "Would you support me into Moscow? And let me know if you need my support in Bur or anywhere", "(and thanks again for Swe last winter, hopefully we can put some of these new armies to good use)", "Frankly I was expecting to get Moscow since I gave you Sweden", "I wouldn't mind sharing France with you though", "Besides I have 2 armies that I need to put to use in the east. I could get the far eastern fringe of Russia and you would be getting most of Austria.", "Ooo I don't want to count the chicks before they hatch but imaging an English turkey?!!! Austria for you Turkey for me and we share the Balkans or something along those lines", "About support to bur, let me see first if France will reply and accept my offer to help him regain marseilles", "Ok that seems fair. I know we had talked about you just having StP when we originally discussed Russia. The only problem is that Austria is really worried about you at the moment and doesn't want to cooperate or make moves against Turkey when he sees you rolling down russia.", "Italy is spooking everybody about me :/", "So what does Austria want me to do then? Stab you instead of going south to help against Turkey?", "And yes I hear you about our original discussion although we can both testify that a lot has happened since then lol. Always hard to project a concrete future you know", "I think Austria just wants everyone else to stay put except him haha", "Let me ask you my Queen Esther, are you uncomfortable with me having units all around you?", "I could understand such a feeling which is why I'm trying to keep as far away from your borders as possible while simultaneously keeping up with your growth.", "\"Half of the Kingdom\" seems to be coming to fruition sooner than expected hahaha", "Hah yes, I understand too. I suppose I'm feeling a bit undecided on how to deal with Austria at the moment.", "Tell you what. You take Moscow then and I'll stay in the background like a lion ready to pounce at the right time. You get your leverage on Austria with that and in return you help me get Paris and bre.", "I'm moving into Pru to insinuate to Austria that I'll be trying to move into StP, and hopefully that will be enough to keep him off my back another season or two", "Oops we sent messages at the same time haha", "Or I go to moscow this spring and you ask him to move to ukr to support you into Moscow in the fall.", "The move to pru works with both plans", "Hmm both good ideas. Though it seems unlikely that you wouldn't bounce in Moscow without my support, and if I support you, then the whole rue with Austria is up", "*ruse", "I must admit, I've been in bed with russia too 😬 hehe. He told me himself he would help me get Moscow to keep Turkey from getting it", "Russia was just a \"concubine\" tho lol", "BETTER BE haha", "Ok then, let's go with your second plan", "My dear Esther! I put it on my Kingdom that concubine is all it was lol", "All right second plan it is then", "Well Turkey is very VERY adamant about Moscow being rightfully his", "He just tried to get my support into Moscow too, which I declined", "Good", "Thank you", "What did he say to that?", "I think he’ll move into Ukr instead. So hopefully turkey and Austria will at least bounce there?", "Sweet. Did you tell him that you want Moscow?", "No. He guessed that you and I had plans to split up Russia, but i evaded that part of the convo haha", "That's my queen!!!", "Did you intend to hold everywhere?", "Ah that sux!!! :/ I was in a business meeting!", "I absolutely did not intend to do that!!!", "And france moving on me?!?!? He explicitly said he was not moving against me this season", "😦", "Mind if I get either Moscow or Sweden? I pretty much need a build in lvp to fight France back", "?", "Hey! Sorry for the delay, was kind of checked out for the weekend haha. Yeah, happy to give back Swe. Would you be ok supporting me into Moscow?", "Thought Austria was supporting you? Turkey gave up on getting Moscow", "But yes I can support you", "Yeah I thought so too, but he hasn’t responded all thank you! I’m assuming he’s just offline. I can keep you posted though", "Could you please support ruh>bel?", "I am completely putting my Kingdom in your hands this season lol.", "Support entered!", "Thank you Queen Esther.", "Of course, King", "Ok Austria got back to me and is supporting me into Moscow, so don’t worry about it!", "In that case should go to Moscow as well to show conflict to the other nations?", "Yeah good idea", "Really is to bad that I missed my moves last season. That would've been awesome ammunition to use against them hehe", "Yeah oh well...I still think we are in good shape for the time being!", "Yea you're right. The Sweden move will also help", "I will definitely look the the bad guy this season 👺", "Hahah here he comes", "Austria will be excited and happy 😅", "Oh boy. Italy too 😂", "True that!", "Have you heard anything from France?", "He claims he has no interest in fighting me. I'm like what's with the Belgium disaster? Haha", "He only mentioned that you wanted Bur, that’s all though. That was last Friday", "I see. Quite the trickster", "Did you even talk about that with him?", "Only asked him if he'd like for me to go help him get mar back", "When he declined the offer I said ok", "Ahhhh gotcha", "Maybe your lack of action this season will cause him to back off/head back for Italy", "*last season", "Hopefully", "Apologies my queen I had completely discarded the idea that russia might add the support again since he was radio silent", "Glad you got vie at least!!", "That’s ok! I’ll def need your support to Moscow now since Austria is mad at me 😂", "Raging mad or just mad? Haha", "At least passive-aggressive mad haha", "They want to still work with you I imagine?", "Doesn’t seem like it :/", "At least they locked horns with the turkish now!", "I'll dedicate my unit in stp to help you in whatever way you need in the east and in turn could you dedicate one unit to help me smash out this French nuisance?", "Also I did not expect that move into vie so I appreciate my queen being willing to be the \"bad\" guy along with me haha", "Thank you! And yes.\n\nVie was a last minute decision...maybe should have waiting longer to break non aggression with Austria but he made it too tempting", "*should have waited", "Perhaps. But I think you will be fine. With my unit to help you", "Yes I think so too", "Hmm just noticed something tho. If I get you into mos that would block my unit off from being able to help. Think we may have to swap again?", "Swap where?", "Just want to make sure I understand what you’re thinking", "Like swap Moscow for swe. That way I can use my unit in the east to help you", "Ok gotcha. Works for me. I'll move my fleet back to Swe and let you have Mos", "Cool deal", "France wants me to suggest something for him. Any ideas?", "Leave Bre behind hahaha", "Hmm", "Do you want to leave him alone this season or no?", "Not necessarily but I could to have him go south", "Do you think he’s going to actually do what you suggest?", "Not really. But he might since I have him pinned", "Yeah fingers crossed. I guess if he goes south, it would get you easier access, even in a season or two", "What if I openly make plans with him to stab you if he goes south?", "That might work. I don’t know if he’s particularly worried about me or not", "Ok I'll see what happens and keep you posted", "Cool, thank you", "My regal Queen, are you online?", "Yes, briefly. I have to get in the car to drive home soon. What’s up?", "So france will move to ruh and bur", "With 100% trust we can pull off a super cool moveset this year", "Ok, what are you thinking?", "We let france go into ruh in Hopes of getting mun and I force into hol with support and you retreat into kiel. In the fall I move back out of hol and towards France while you support mun with kiel to deny france", "Of course only if you are on board", "I do trust you to follow through with the moves- but seems like I still end up losing Hol (at least for next winter). Is the goal just to keep France occupied so you can get into France from the other side?", "I have to drive now- will be back online as soon as I can!", "No my Queen I will be leaving hol in the fall", "But I’ll need the Kie unit to support Mun I think 🤔", "Precisely. Hence the reason of me moving out of hol on my own in the fall", "Ah! Gotcha. Ok let’s go for it! I’m in", "Cool deal. Setting my orders as such", "Also could you wait to move into swe until the fall?", "Yeah, guess that’ll make the whole thing look less planned to everyone else. You’re either a genius or an evil genius hah", "Lol you choose ;)", "And yes the idea was to not let the other nations catch on to what we're doing", "Still all good to go with the plan?", "Absolutely my queen!", "Perfect!", "What's it lookin like for you in Vienna?", "Can you support hold my unit in Moscow?", "Actually nvm that. Russia is defending mos", "Oh that’s good. Austria is definitely after Vie, but I can’t tell if Italy will support them there (so Austria could try to get Turkeys support into War) or if he’ll use both Gal and Bud for Vie", "I get the impression that Austria and Turkey have worked together and against each other off and on, so it’s hard to tell what’s going on", "Woooooo *high five*", "High five back ;)", "Were you holding your breath my dear? Hehe", "Maybe a bit haha. It’s all good now 🙂", "Hehe, I totally understand", "My queen, I hope you had a great weekend", "Could you do me a favor and bounce with me in nth? Also I propose that we eliminate France Austria and Turkey and draw with Italy", "I'm getting bored and the only way left to spice things up would be to stab you which I'll kill myself before doing. So let's wrap this burrito up. Whatcha say?", "Hey again! Hope you had a good weekend too. Yeah I can bounce you in Nth. I’m cool with the plan to draw with Italy. Seems like Austria and France will be done with easily, hopefully Turkey too", "Awesome! Thank you very much :)\nAnd yes I had a splendid weekend which I topped off with taking my little family kayaking yesterday ;)", "Fun! I went kayaking last weekend actually, good choice", "In a river or lake? Both are fun depending if you want chill and relax or fast and adventurous :)", "Also I need your support in bel please", "River!", "And will do", "Thank you much my dear!!", "No problem!", "Italy asked about you, so I told them about plans to three-way tie. They are on board!", "Wanna hop into Nth in preparation of a sexy convoy into Syria from Edinburgh?", "Oh man. Yeah I can do that", "Awesome!!", "This game WILL be interesting yet haha", "To my Dear and Loyal Queen Esther. \nRespectfully from yours truly: (I, King Shetan personally write this note \"Esther First Queen of England and Ruler of the germans.\") I hereby request that my beautiful foreign Queens would lovingly allow their benevolent \"King Shetan The 1st\" to close out his empire at 12 scs and in Kingly fashion generously bequeathing 11 scs to each Queen. (Not sure if that ends with a question mark or an exclamation point haha) whew. I'm glad I'm not actually a king. Would be exhausting to always \"try\" to speak with eloquent fluidity", "The edit is my attempt at doing justice to \"Her Majesty\"", "Are you ok?", "Sorry for the delayed response- yes! I appreciate the formal message haha. I’m in agreement; looking forward to getting France, Austria, and Turkey out of our way and wrapping this thing up!", "Haha glad you liked it ;) and thank you", "Do you have any ideas about how to handle Turkey? I’d like to get into Ukr to start making that push but I’m trying to think of a strategy where Turkey doesn’t end up in Moscow 🤔", "Also Italy wants to discuss how we’ll split up the rest of the board. I wish we could all just have a three way convo at this point haha", "I'll support hold Moscow and moscow will support you to ukr. Also I'll ask the if we can get a group chat for us", "Ok thanks! I doubt we’ll be allowed because of the study but worth asking", "Am I supporting war or gal into ukr?", "Gal", "Thanks for checking!!", "Ok got it", "Yea I'm glad I did lol cuz I first set it for war", "Yeah sorry I didn’t specify before. I guess you can’t read my mind 😆", "Yea sadly there's limits to our connection :/ hehe", "Can you please support Ukr - Sev?", "Already done my Queen", "Danke", "Anything for you my Esther ;)", "Whenever you got a minute let me know", "Hey I’m on line now", "Oh hi :)", "So I have an idea that involve yours truly and this 2 Queens coordinating in perfect harmony to bring the fantasy to fruition. Figured what better way to consummate the marriage of this 3-way union right ;)", "It involves 2 of your fleets 3 of mine and 4 of Her Majesty Queen Bianca De Medici.", "Hahah what’s the idea? Italy and I were going to coordinate to get me into Ank, and then you can take Bre and wrap things up. Sounds like we only have two more moves", "This spring turn I would put a fleet in NAO and NTH while you move NTH into NRG and SWE into SKA. My army in nwy goes to swe and in the fall turn it convoys across a body of 9 fleets all the way around the world into Syria!!!!", "Oh wow I guess we could do that...let me know if Italy is on board too. We can check with the admin, but it seems like the game is ending winter 1910? In which case your army in Syria won’t be doing anything. But I guess this might be a once in a lifetime chance haha", "Keep me posted on what Italy says!", "Yea she's on board", "Cool cool", "Let’s do it", "Exciting!! My moves are already in", "Wooo going to be a party!", "Yes ma'am!! Finish this with an epic bang!! A new big bang theory haha", "drumroll for the epic convoy", ":)", "How’s it down in the Middle East?? \n\nI set it to 3 way draw for the final season", "Mine is set to 3 way draw as well" ]
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[ "Hi Germany--it seems our paths are finally crossing! \nI'm guessing England has made plans with you for the two of you to take over russia. Especially if you help England into Moscow, I can't help but notice that England's territory is starting to...surround yours. That doesn't make for a good partnership. I, on the other hand, would pose little threat to you in Moscow and could help keep England at bay in the North/Baltic. \nI'm open to negotiation if you are!", "Hey Turkey, nice to finally meet you! I’m definitely open to negotiation. The problem at the moment is that it seems like Russia is going to support England into Moscow. So even if I support you, you’d bounce and I can’t afford to have England after me just for that", "I’m not sure what your relationship with Austria has been so far. He’s been cooperative with me. However, he seemed so single minded about getting rid of Russia...I can’t tell what he wants to do next", "Austria and I have been working together solely on taking down Russia, so I'm not sure of their long term plans either...and I haven't heard from A since winter.\n\nI understand about not supporting me into Moscow, and I appreciate the tip about Russia. Could I perhaps just get an agreement from you not to block me moving to Ukraine?", "Ok, that’s what it seemed like. I can agree to that!", "Are you still interested in Moscow?", "oh yes. Why do you ask?", "...If there's any chance you could cut support from Livonia, it'd be greatly appreciated!", "Gah never mind, I was thinking about proposing as such but I think I’ll need the units elsewhere. Let’s stay in touch though- let me know if you’re ever open to coordinating to control the growth of Austria and/or England in the east", "I am open to both of those! I already have plans to curb Austria in the Balkans so if there’s anything i can do to help you with the same in the north just met me know", "Glad you and Italy were able to put a dent into Austria!", "Thanks! We're gonna keep working on it. What are your plans for eastern Europe these days?", "I’m not sure yet, I think I’ll wait to see where Austria disbands", "Any chance you'd support me into Moscow this year?", "Barring that, I do think it's worth collaborating in the future to keep Italy and England in check, don't you agree?", "I can’t support you into Moscow this season, but I do agree about coordinating against Italy and England. It seems like Austria is solely focused on slowing down Italy at this point. I suspect you could get Rum this season?", "So. Aaaaany chance you're ready to help me stand up to England? If nothing else, I think it'd be a good way for us to build up trust so that we can take on the rising Italy threat once Austria's dealt with.", "I can’t this turn but I definitely want to work together. Maybe next season we can have a deal- something like if you support me into Bud, I’ll support you into Serbia?", "I was thinking the same thing. \nCould you reassure me a bit by telling me what you’re stationed in Galicia for and how long you plan to be there?", "Awesome. I’m using it for support into Vie this season, hopefully into Bud next season. What are your plans this season/do you think you’ll be able to get into Italy’s territory anywhere?", "I'm considering moving into the aegean and pressing into greece, but nothing definite yet" ]
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[ 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 3, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 21, 3, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19 ]
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[ "Bonjour! Have you decided anything about the proposed western triple?", "I'm in favor, how about you?", "Yes, I think that plan makes sense", "I mean, I was opening pretty south anyway, so it doesn't really change my opening any 😃", "ok, cool", "have you gotten any info from Italy?", "Just that if I were to build a fleet in Marseilles it would upset him. So...normal Italy banter", "Wanna bounce over Munich or no?", "Yes, I think that's a good idea", "Entered.", "Same here", "Good morning, England has proposed the following demilitarized zone to maintain our triple alliance: pic, bur, bel, hol and ruh. Are you also in favor?", "I can work with that -I'll unass from burgundy", "Awesome, we are all on board", "I am not sure if England filled you in, but I had a brain lapse while entering my last moves and forgot to vacate Hol and Ruh. *facepalm*", "Please rest assured I’m still committed to our alliance. England says you’re focusing on taking out Italy?", "Yes to both", "Question is whether you're going to drop into Tyrolia. And I'm not sure which autocorrect version of that was funnier. Probably tortilla?", "I guess there other question is whether it would be worthwhile to bounce in burgundy, as both armies have not much better to do right now", "I am going to hold off on Tyrolia for now. Let's bounce in burgundy, I like that idea", "Actually never mind- will be moving elsewhere to get out of Hol and Ruh!", "Ok, then", "Thanks!", "Well that's interesting. I assume that wasn't all arranged?", "", "Didn't look like it.", "Are you working with Austria against Italy?", "I wish. Austria doesn't like to respond to me", "Et tu, Gothus?", "Sorry, was a last minute hunch that we’d bounce since we talked about it last season", "...alrighty. This season I was actually trying to move up to threaten Belgium and help you deal with the English. Supporting me up toward that end would be *greatly* appreciated", "Ah thank you, I can do that", "Damn, did I forget to shower before negotiating or something?", "Sorry 😦 Trying to stay neutral-ish cause I needed a supply center from England", "No worries, mate.", "Thanks for understanding", "How you doin'?", "I’m doing alright, trying to move east without upsetting Austria", "How’s it going for you?", "Better than a turn ago!", "That’s good!", "Have you been able to get help from England at all?", "Not especially, beyond backing off a bit. He did offer to walk his army through Burgundy, which I thought was special", "Hah how generous", "You want to coordinate Bel/Hol, or are you still trying to remain neutral?", "Ugh idk. I might have to remain neutral there another season, I can’t afford England coming after me from the north or east (and he’s agreed to stop at Moscow for now). I’ll let you know if anything changes", "Eh, fecker tried to get me to plow into you so he could walk into me again. Please forgive my transgression, that's my exclusive focus now", "Ugh. Ok you’re forgiven. Are you trying to get Bel next?", "Yes, very much so. Primary goal is to deny any English builds, though" ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 128, 129, 131, 142, 183, 184, 197, 269, 320, 323, 324, 377, 385, 435, 643, 644, 649, 652, 655, 682, 683, 687, 688, 723, 726, 730, 791, 798, 867, 868, 869, 870, 920, 929, 932, 934, 1288, 1290, 1291, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1296, 1297, 1525, 1526, 1600, 1637, 1670 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 7, 4, 7, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21 ]
[ 5, 6 ]
[ "I've been on both the giving and receiving ends of multiple games in which Austria, Italy, and Russia decided that their games would be much simpler if there wasn't a Turkey around, and it always was. I propose that we start the game off by coordinating a removal of Turkey before moving on to other priorities.", "I think that would be a great idea. How would you propose we split up their territories afterward? And could I count on your support should Germany move towards me?", "Yeah, I'd definitely have your back against Germany. As for the split... I get Ankara and Rumania, you get Bulgaria and Constantinople, and Italy gets Greece and Smyrna?", "Fantastic. I'd personally prefer Rumania/Bulgaria and you can have Constantinople/Ankara.", "That also works.", "Ah SHIT, I'm sorry, I meant to update my orders to fix the Galicia move but it didn't go through. I'll be sending Galicia to Rumania this turn, and then turning Rumania over to you next turn. Promise.", "Want Black Sea to support you into Bulgaria?", "Yes that would be wonderful", "Fuckin goddammit Backstabbr... I acknowledge this might ring hollow two seasons in a row, but I swear to god I had updated my orders but they just didn't take, I guess?", "I've got a support order in for Ser-Bul.", "I can help you against Turkey still, y'know", "Turkey didn't benefit anything from your little stab there, and I'm still in a position to get my forces together to do some good defensive work. We can patch this thing up, man.", "Hi?", "I'm still trying here, dude", "Literally the only person in this game to whom I've actively lied is Turkey, every other message I've sent has gotten the thumbs up" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0 ]
[ 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 2, 132, 145, 146, 152, 200, 286, 321, 362, 526, 738, 755, 846, 914, 915 ]
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[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 4, 2 ]
[ "Hello archduke. Just wanted to give a friendly wave and wish you luck in your endeavors :)", "Greetings, hope the royal family is in good health. I wish you the same to you.", "Thank you kind sir! Yes we are all in good health , at least for this first season that is haha", "Curious if you've gotten the memo about russia?", "That they seem to be trying to play everybody?", "Yea that one lol", "Hello Archduke sir, looks like you have a nice cozy relationship with the Sultan. Is that something you'd be willing to bring to an end in order to keep the genie from getting out of his corner?", "I understand if you would rather not comment on that at this point", "Gotta say the Tsar has gained my ire more that the sultan's", "I understand", "Was Vienna staged? Or is that an OUCH?" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
[ 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 50, 133, 140, 528, 529, 539, 835, 836, 881, 883, 1421 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 5, 4, 5, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 19, 1, 3, 3, 21, 3, 2 ]
[ 4, 3 ]
[ "Greetings, neighbor! Was wondering if you would like to come to some agreement about how to preliminarily divide up the Balkans?", "Hello there! I think that would be great, how were you thinking of splitting them up?", "Hmm can I take Bul & Rum while you take Ser & Gre?", "I'd prefer Ser and Rum out of those four", "I know that would be your preference, but Russia has offered to support me into Rum anyway, so I figured there'd be less hard feelings if we could just agree to this split and both potentially get two builds? Or, if Russia has made conflicting promises to you, then I hope you'd let me know, and then a) I'd appreciate the intel, and b) we could split things your way?", "Got some bad news for you then, Russia also told me the same stuff. Think he might playing both sides to see what he can get.", "I think it's unwise to be dishonest early in the game. Just makes everyone trust you less. Would you be willing to pool intelligence, and maybe see to it that neither of us gets bamboozled?", "specifically, what has Russia offered you?", "...sorry if I pry too much. I'd still like to work together, if you're interested?", "Shall I take your silence as a 'no'?", "Listen, I don't know what Russia has promised you but they have been reneging on promises left and right. Ask England. Ask Italy. Ask Germany. I can understand if you don't want to trust *anyone*, including me, but as a friendly word of advice don't leave yourself vulnerable to Russia because they appear by all accounts to be a ruthless opportunist.", "Yeah I've noticed. I'm not keep my units on hold until I know what's going. You dont have to worry about me making aggressions just yet.", "I appreciate that. I'm not planning any aggressions toward you this season either. ...And I suppose it'd be asking too much to encourage you to take Rum or to aid me in doing so?", "I'd really prefer not antagonizing anyone just yet. Being the middle I feel like any move I make can get me in a sticky situation", "I understand the feeling. The fact that you kept your word just now goes a long way with me. Let me know if your mind changes about antagonizing, or if there's anything I can do to help you out!", "(Sending to Italy and Austria)\n\nFrance, germany, and England’s behavior combined with some things England has said to me smell of a triple alliance between those three. Do you agree or have any additional evidence?\nIf so, I want to make sure southeast europe is prepared to push back against such a threat", "I would agree. Though I think they probably dont like russia", "I can agree there. I just wanted to plant a seed in case this might have to turn into a battle of those three versus us three", "want to make moves on russia?", "I would! I'd greatly appreciate support into Rum if you're willing?", "In return I'll offer you Bulgaria as a *loan*", "got my support", "Glad to hear it 🙂", "supporting from ser", "Okay I was gonna ask whether you wanted to move Ser-Bul but I can understand if you don't trust Italy", "I'm fine moving in after we take rum. I trust italy pretty well.", "Actually, could I offer you Rum instead of Bul? I can support you in this turn and if you think Vienna's safe you can also support from Bud.", "That's fine for me. I imagine that Russia knows what's going to happen and will probably try to take Vie so I'd like to make a move to protect it.", "So you're going to bounce Tyr and Bud? I'm asking because I was wondering whether you'd be able to support Italy into Piedmont (I'm still trying to make a triple alliance between us three happen).", "To clarify, you want me to move into Bul with your support then we switch who controls either next phase?", "I'm moving my fleet into Tri to assist. I'm willing to put myself in a dangerous spot for a bit if we can make serious moves on russia. If russia moves in then it should expose their west side to you.", "Well, so depending on if I can get Italy to support me into Bul, I'd have you move to Rum this turn. \n\nWhat do you mean 'moves in'?", "If russia moves their gal army into Vie", "Okay yes. I agree that wouldn't be a big problem for you because it leaves Russia vulnerable to me and because you could pretty easily just take vienna back (provided Munich isn't an issue...)", "Italy confirmed that they'd support me into Bul, so I'll support Ser into Rum this turn unless I hear otherwise?", "Yeah. Currently in a non-aggression with Germany, assuming that holds I think we can make a good push against Russia. I'm on my phone doing this so I have to constantly tab back and forth between discord and backstabber that's why this is a bit confusing.", "Support into rum is greatly appreciated.", "ah yeah that's a pain. And happy to do it! And I hope you and Italy can coordinate as well, although I know that means more tabbing for you...", "I'm surviving. I think we're coordinated as best as we can for now.", "So if you're not doing a bounce in Vienna, would Bud be free to poke Gal?", "Yes, I suppose I could do that", "Worst case for you would still be that Gal moves to Vienna. I was suggesting it incase Russia decides to use Gal and Ukr to support Bul into Rum. But if you think that's unlikely then it's probably not worth the risk", "May be better to just have Bud support Ser-Rum for some extra security", "Rum is guaranteed for you this year--which will set us up nicely to start surrounding Warsaw/Moscow", "Are you still with me to invade Russia? I could use your support for Sev-Ukr.", "yeah", "Great! And I assume you’ll also push into Galicia?", "yeah", "Are you hearing anything from Germany?", "Broadly speaking, if you arrange with Germany to support them into Warsaw, I'll help you take Warsaw for yourself once I'm able to do so, if you want me to.", "just sort of normal truce then deal with england after russia is gone", "So what do you think is the best course of action for us this season?", "Well Russia is going to lose either Stp or Mos so you can try to move into Mos hoping they move back. Or one of can support the other into Ukr. Im trying to get Germany to support me into War and told them I would help them take Stp once russia was gone and england was the threat", "Thanks for the info! I think trying for Ukraine again makes more sense, if you’re willing to support me in.", "that works for me. I'll support with Rum.", "Would you like support into Ukraine, the better to take Warsaw?", "I'd still like to collaborate with you, and I'd like to help you however I can (provided, of course, you're okay with me having Moscow).", "Alright, I'm getting the vibe that you *don't* want to try and work things out with me?", "I know that I attacked you just a season ago, but Germany has betrayed me after I helped them. Being in the middle I see this as me being about to get caught up in a whole mess, and I'd really like to go after the person who made moves into my home territory. If you want to attack Mos next spring I'll support you from the Ukr.", "The two of us are not enough to hold it against Germany/England, so your offer--unlike your betrayal of me--is empty.", "in my defense, the plan to take you out was only delayed not stopped.", "not exactly a betrayal", "Look, I'm sorry I snapped. If you'd be willing to back off me and return Bul, I'd be happy to help you against Germany or at the very least not antagonize you while you fight them", "You can have Ukr back to start. I need to reposition before I can just hand off Bul. Hope you understand.", "Okay, I’ll take Ukraine this turn then. Thank you!", "Is Italy helping you retake Vienna?", "either than or giving me an extra serving of betrayal", "ah that's always the question isn't it. I'm wondering if I'm under any threat from the two of you in Constantinople...last I spoke with Italy, Italy's units had come over here on the promise of you two destroying me. It kiiinda looks like that's still the case.", "Well Italy has told me that as well, but then again Germany also told me we had a non-aggression and here we are. I believe this turn we'll see if Italy is going for you or me. I'm taking back Vienna from Germany and thats my plan for now.", "I really wish I could believe that was *all* you were planning", "Until i have stability that's all I'm doing", "Looks like I got betrayed big time. I'm thinking of going after Italy primarily because they were my first ally and their betrayal hurts the most. Once I'm back at my comp I'll have a better idea of how I'm proceeding.", "if you decide to not work with Italy, I can push them back then you can freely take my territory. Self preservation is out the door, I just don't want Italy or Germany to gain anything from their betrayal.", "I think it's a little premature for you to entirely throw out self preservation. I'll think it over.", "The walls are closing in. I'm not going out without payback.", "any thoughts on the matter?", "whatever im proceeding as if you're with m", "disbanding Gal, i'll support you full into Bul the from there on out we can push Italy out of my territory until my inevitable demise.", "Hey sorry for the delay in getting back to you—Italy has promised me Bul but I appreciate your support in case they are lying", "well they betrayed me so your betrayal is just around the corner.", "I want to see the streets run red with their Ragu and break their spaghetti bones.", "I think that seems likely. \nAnd revenge sure brings out your poetic side! \ know that’s kind of how I felt about you when you stabbed me after working with me for several turns.", "Once again, never stabbed you. We never had an agreement for anything other than non-aggression until Russia was dealt with.", "Well you aggressed and Russia was not dealt with", "Believe me or not, but I held out on attacking you as long as a I could and i think that's why italy turned on me.", "I aggressed to keep Italy off of me for all the good it did.", "Any chance you think germany would turn to your cause?", "They have more manpower to take down italy than I do", "I'm asking them if they want to help.", "Germany said they're in, but sounds reluctant to attack directly. So I'm not sure if they're actually committed to anything or if its just another ruse.", "What's the word bird?", "Sorry for the delay—tell me how I can help. Is there any chance you’d willingly let me into rum this season?", "Think of it as you helping yourself really. If you support my push from Rum into Bul you can just move in and take Rum in the same turn, then we can do the same maneuver next season to greece hopefully.", "Not sure how you feel about Germany, but I think they're still working with Italy. I asked them for some help and they gave excuses so I'm expecting them to move from the North on me this sesason. If they don't it will be a pleasant surprise. Just a heads up for what's coming though.", "For clarification. You support Rum into Bul, and move either Ukr or Sev into Rum. Next season you support Bul into Gre and move something else into Bul. You get Italy out of your hair and stick it back to them. If Germany actually helps then I continue to push and you follow my units, if they don't then I hold off and you take my territory. Noble last stand and all that noise.", "Okay thanks for clarifying. I just placed the order", "I support you from Rum into Bud and you support from Bul into Gre? Then you move into next round to prevent Italy from gaining units?", "Also open to suggestions, just realized that right now there isn't a lot that stops Italy from getting production.", "I don’t have a unit that can reach greece to support you there?", "Just noticed that as well.", "I think you should try for serbia into tripoli because italy confirmed that they’re attacking serbia with albania", "Okay, then do you want to support Bul into Ser and you can move Con into Bul if you choose?", "I’m a little hesitant to piss off italy, to be honest.", "They were pretty upset about last season and I only just barely smoothed it over", "Well, you can either piss them off and have them attack you or you can be nice and have them attack you. Only one of them ends with you gaining something out of it.", "That’s...a very good point", "\"I'm obviously fairly heavily committed to my attack on you at the moment, but I do consider Turkey's shenanigans around Bulgaria a breach so before I forgive and forget I thought I'd offer you a chance to negotiate.\"", "Yeah seems like it was really smoothed over.", "Ah, okay.\n...So what did you say to Italy?", "\"at least when my people die they'll die knowing they honored their alliance. Have fun under the boots of england.\"", "That’s pretty good.\nAlright, i’m moving into bul and I’ll support you into ser", "Word, I'll put the moves in.", "I think I'm going to disband at Vie, I can use my other two units to support you into Ser or support with one at Gre and one at Bud.", "I think it'd help me more if you dissolve Albania, and hit Ser and Bud to cut support so that Italy can't take Rum or Bul. \n\nI really will support you into Bud this spring if you want; I'm sorry I didn't follow through on support for you last night but at like 11:30 when I finalized my orders I ultimately decided I'd need another fleet (and therefore a guaranteed build in Bul) to protect from Italy.", "Word, I'm boarding a flight now so I wont be able to place orders until later. Not really sure that support would stop me from dying anyway so I'm pretty indifferent as long as Italy loses.", "I know it's late notice, but could you poke greece to cut support of Bul?", "Sorry for not responding or doing anything. I was in a place I thought I would have service, but did not for 5 days. Good luck defeating the tyrants.", "ah I fell on my own sword last season anyway--misclicked when placing my orders 😂", "Good game, Austria! Happy trails", "You too" ]
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[ 94, 137, 154, 155, 158, 168, 170, 171, 252, 285, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 578, 590, 612, 690, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 751, 756, 757, 758, 759, 762, 764, 768, 770, 771, 772, 774, 777, 781, 782, 785, 786, 873, 937, 940, 941, 942, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1061, 1259, 1310, 1327, 1406, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1455, 1478, 1481, 1533, 1535, 1537, 1538, 1540, 1541, 1579, 1581, 1596, 1598, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1614, 1615, 1627, 1633, 1645, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1658, 1734, 1737, 1743, 1745, 1746, 1749, 1754, 1755, 1756, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1789, 1791, 1792, 1837, 1842, 1844, 1845, 1846 ]
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[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 4, 22, 4, 23, 5, 5, 23 ]
[ 4, 1 ]
[ "What's the play, mate? Something I can help with?", "Whats shaking bacon? You allied with Italy or just in a hopeful non-aggression until they stab you in the back agreement?", "More the latter. Though at this point I'm likely to just invite him into my dots. 😀", "Well as one who was in a previous agreement with Italy I would recommend either striking first or moving your units to cover your front. Italy will turn as soon as you leave a good opportunity.", "Italy stabs you in the back. What a shock.", "Might I recommend striking back with your last dying breath? Join me and destroy Italy.", "I invited him in. England has been my bigger issue", "Disgusting" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 6, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4 ]
[ 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, 6 ]
[ 722, 1656, 1669, 1730, 1786, 1787, 1801, 1805 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3 ]
[ 2, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7 ]
[ 5, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 4, 6 ]
[ "So, I'm proposing a northern triple. You, me, and Germany roll down the rest of the board, and then call a three-way draw. It's a good route, because it's a pretty stealthy alliance early on. It looks like an EG taking on France, and Russia just acting normally. How does that sound to you?", "I would hop on board with that if germany does", "I'll let you know what I hear from Germany.", "Ok sounds good. I'll be upfront with you, I had already proposed a western triple but neither have replied so if germany replies to the northern triple first then france can die hehehehe *laughs evily*", "Any word from the germans yet? I have reason to believe he is already communicating with the Italians and doesn't reply to me", "I haven't gotten anything from anyone but you.", "Apparently our alliance is self-establishing lol", "I've now heard a bit from Italy, but nought from Germany.", "A triple alliance with Italy is sounding a bit better in this situation wouldn't you say?", "I'd be quite on board with that as well, it wouldn't really change my opening moves", "True that", "So about Scandinavia. Sweden for you and Norway for me I'm guessing?", "That's the traditional way to do it, as long as Germany doesn't get dickish.", "If he does that just solidifies my suspicions", "So, army, huh?", "Uh, yea. Classic opening. Besides we wouldn't want france to get suspicious", "Wish you had mentioned something if you were going to be uncomfortable with it. My spring moves were regular old classic as well", "Last thing we need is for the rest of the map to get suspicious of the north triplets", "Silence is uncertainty and uncertainty is hard to work with man", "Sorry about that, crazy last few days for me. I'm gonna build an army in StP to keep up appearances, but I'm still board with the northern triad.", "What appearances might those be? You already attacked Turkey", "And \"gonna build\" is future tense. I already see what you built so that text being out of context strikes me weird", "Right, yes, sorry, I brainfarted, I'm playing Russia in another game, and also doing a northern triad there, and that game is slightly behind this one in years. Got the games mixed up in my head.", "It's a hassle and a half sorting them out sometimes.", "That is a brainfart for sure lol", "Anyway, having reoriented myself, I'm not going to do anything with StP (I've got a hold order in), and I'll move it out of StP once I see you're not coming my way. I figure it's not a big long-term loss or anything, because it's pretty quick to get it back down south.", "Ok I look forward to seeing it", "I don't have time to chat unfortunately so we'll catch up next season", "I'll be honest tho, you've given off a very sketchy vibe from the get go so I will be establishing a strong base in Scandinavia. When/if I see stp move south indicating you're true intentions I can then begin to ease up on our borders. Thank you for understanding and I hope you have a good night or good day hehe whichever corresponds to you", "I mean, I certainly understand what you're thinking here, but, if you start moving more into Scandinavia, that's going to be a problem and a big imminent threat to me. I'd much rather see a status quo here, where neither of us makes an approach against the other.", "Let's see that hold order and then we'll talk again", "Good morning sir. I did have just a couple mins to get on. Just want to give you a heads up that I will attack stp with nwy. Since your issuing a hold order nothing will come of it other than keeping up much needed appearances as you said.", "Good to know.", "I like keeping things above board", "So, you decided to opt for a Western triple instead of a Northern?", "Yea I wasn't left with much of a choice", "I left you with plenty of choice, and you've got plenty of fleets to go after France.", "I would've loved to try the northern but our stars just didn't align", "Not the way the diplomacy worked out i didn't have much choice. The uncertainty was to overwhelming", "Hey, I'm here, I'm talking, it's not too late to turn around. NAO is right there, the Channel is right there...", "Man I hear you but at this point I need to at least grab stp wouldn't you say?", "It wouldn't be fair if I didn't", "I don't think you do. Plenty of stuff you can do without it. You want Sweden? I could support you into Sweden.", "You still there bro?", "Yep.", "Sorry I fell asleep on you lol", "I'll take you up on your offer for Sweden man", "Problem is to do that you wouldn't be able to defend stp and you'd be going out on a limb that I'm not sure you are willing to lol. Quite the pickle", "?", "I fell asleep on you, in turn! I'm not good at sleep schedules. Yeah, I'm going out on a limb, but I want us to work together.", "Ugh this decision is harder for me than for you apparently lol", "Weird how I've put myself in a position that you could be the one to betray me lmao", "Question: has germany been in contact with you?", "Nope. I've reached out, but no response.", "Yea very quiet on my end as well. It's hard to work with silence", "Why were you so sketchy at the beginning?", "Like apparently offering everybody alliance and such", "I feel like you're only wanting to work with me now cuz you're squeezed.", "Do you truly want to be my ally?", "Well I've found that with Russia, the goal is to piss off as few people as possible, because if a bunch of powers are annoyed at Russia, you won't last long. As for right now, yes, I absolutely do want to be your ally, because I think Russia/England is a very strong long-term alliance.", "You've got a lot of really easy paths to expansion that don't go through me, and I've got a lot of paths to expansion that don't go through you. Plus, you've got a friendship going with France, and there's a German right between us that we can definitely handle together, to our mutual long-term benefit.", "Hmm guess you went to hard trying to be friendly and it backfired badly. From what I hear ALL your neighbors are gunning for you which would make me the target also if I do side with you :/ but now you seem so cool", "Yea I hear you on all of that. Believe me I'm aware of the board state", "I'll get back with you on a for certain about Sweden. I trust my word means something to you by now", "It does.", "Very good. I just need to make sure I know EXACTLY what germany is doing this turn", "I will let you know whether I'm with you or against you", "Thanks.", "Yes sir. It's been a business doing pleasure with you ;)", "Aight man we are brothers in arms!!", "I'm ready to rock and roll with you", "You've got the support order. I'm leaving it to you to not get greedy.", "You got it man.", "Hey bru got a second?", "What's up?", "That wouldn't be the greatest thing. I want them in the dark so how bout you don't support me to Sweden and instead defend stp. My diplomacy with germany worked to where I can just walk into Sweden.", "I was thinking about how they gonna know we allied if you support me", "Fair enough. I'll put the support order in.", "I'm thinking straight here right?", "Yeah, you're on point.", "Aight bet.", "Oooo I like your lingo! \n\"You're on point\" that's my style lol", "Where you from my g?", "Lifelong born-and-raised New Yorker.", "No shit. I got a friend vacationing in new York right now", "I want to be there one year when the ball drops!!!", "-applauds- Nice stab, my man. Nice stab.", "Yea the diplomacy worked out super well", "Tks btw hehe", "Mornin brotha. How goes it?", "Curious, was Austria moving into tyr your doing?", "It was not, Austria hasn't been talking to me.", "So, what I'm thinking I'm gonna do is, I'll sent my BOT fleet into StP, and my StP army down into Mos to deal with the Turk. Does that sound all good to you, or is there something you'd rather the BOT fleet help you with?", "I mean would be cool if you could keep it in bot to cut bal support. My nwy fleet is moving to ska so you can safely utilize stp down south. We can dmz stp and nwy. Well nwy is already going to be DMZ because of what I'm doing", "Sure, I'll tap BAL.", "Actually for the spring turn it would be better to support swe.", "Gotcha. Order updatee.", "Er, updated.", "Thank you sir", "How would you like some help against that gobbling turkey?", "I'm trying to get Austria back on board but he's just not responding.", "The pope said they have good diplomatic influence with Austria so if I move on france they will be happy to help put the plug on turkey", "So do I have your defensive support on Sweden this turn?", "Sure thing!", "Thank you sir", "I think I may be in the same boat as you lol", "Then we'll shove this boat up everyone else's asses, eh?", "Hahaha I like that idea!!", "Well shit bru, I have tried everything I can think to change the board stacked against you to no avail", "At least I won't have to suffer for very long, I guess.", "True", "I'm gonna move swe to finland to back you up or at least to not let Turkey and Austria get stp", "I'm sure you'd rather stp be English than freaking Turkish", "100%. It's yours, and I'll try and get you Moscow too.", "That would be sweet actually my brother. If I can get a strong footing in the east I can battle Turkey back (I think) lol", "Still same plan?", "Are you gone my friend?", "I am so sorry!! It hurts to see your support wasted like that!!", "S'all good! Hopefully it'll work in the fall.", "Yes", "I assume you will issue a support hold order for Moscow?", "Already in.", "You're awesome!" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 ]
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[ 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 5, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 1, 7 ]
[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 3, 21, 3, 3, 3, 21, 3, 5, 5, 5, 23, 5, 6, 24, 6 ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Shall we juggernaut this bastard?", "you'll have to define 'juggernaut' and 'this bastard'", "Basically just \"Hey, you wanna work together?\"", "I'll certainly consider it. Do you have any specific requests in mind regarding the Balkans and Black Sea?", "I'd rather we didn't bounce in the black sea - If you move your fleet to Constantinople then you can get it out into the Mediterranean really quickly, to both of our benefits.", "I'm not sure I know you well enough yet to just hand you the black sea, though. What's in it for me?", "Rumania? I'll support you in.", "If you want me to have Rumania (and presumably you don't want to take any of my holdings), what use is it to be in the Black sea anyway?", "I'm imagining your being in Rumania as a short-term trust-building sort of thing. You're in there for a year, maybe two tops, and you get builds from that that allow you to build more fleets to flood the Med, and I get the long-term comfort of not worrying about you going to BLA. Once we start picking up Italian/Austrian dots, we can trade Rumania back to me to keep some parity going.", "I'm tentatively on board with this agreement but I will let you know definitively when I've heard back from our pastry and opera loving neighbor", "Sounds good.", "Have you spoken to Austria at all? If so, what have you told them?", "Told Austria I was gonna be working with them to dig you out, was lying through my teeth.", "well how can I be sure you aren't lying to me, rather than them? Did you make any specific promises to them?", "...well I know I didn't formally agree, but I hope you can see from my leaving the black sea open for you that I do see the value in us working together.", "...don't you think it's a little early in the game to cut off communication entirely?", "Sorry about that, busy morning/afternoon at work.", "I think we're well set up for the future.", "I'd like to think so, too. Would you still be willing to support me into Rum this turn?\n\nI haven't heard anything from Austria and that worries me...have you?", "I haven't heart squat from Austria. Quite worried. And yeah, you've got my support into Rum.", "if your priority for our alliance is 'flooding the mediterranean', then it would benefit us both for me to have two builds this turn. Would you be willing to support Con-Bul as well as Bul-Rum?", "Yeah, good call. So ordered." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
[ 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 ]
[ 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 ]
[ 4, 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 93, 95, 96, 160, 162, 166, 253, 275, 278, 279, 283, 284, 292, 294 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4 ]
[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1 ]
[ 2, 1 ]
[ "Hi France! I'll let you know if I hear anything you want to know about the way the board is shaping up, I hope you'll do the same. 😃", "Always, my czarist friend. Just starting to touch base with people, so nothing much of interest yet." ]
[ 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 6 ]
[ 6, 2 ]
[ 5, 112 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
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[ 0, 0 ]
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[ "Hi Sultan, think we could establish a media alliance in which we share vital intel for each other in hopes of ensuring our corners?", "I think that sounds doable. If I hear anything that might be relevant to you I'll let you know.", "Very good. That being established, I'm curious if russia has made allegiance with you", "We're talking but I would not describe it as an allegiance.", "Aight tks man", "Any questions for me?", "I'd be interested to know if you've heard anything from France or Italy?", "Nothin from france.\nAnd Italy we just talked alot about life lol and a little about what we both think about russia", "Well now he's messaging me", "hmm...Russia hasn't responded to me since last night...have they talked to you at all today?", "No nothing on my end either. He just made me beautiful promises of a northern alliance with me and germany and then that was it. He is very sketchy if you ask me", "I'm willing and ready to eliminate him with you if you would like", "yeah I'm starting to get that impression (of sketchiness). I like where your head's at but it's still a little early for me to commit to that", "I totally understand my brotha. Either I'm going to go ahead and convoy my army to nwy in preparation", "A solid opening move.\nI wish I had more intel for you but Austria's been quiet all day too. Heard from them?", "Nah just a friendly wave at the beginning wishing me good luck and that was all", "So austria being quiet too. \nEven more sketchiness on russia then", "That's what *I* think! I'm paranoid they've decided to close in on me like pac man on a dot", "I feel safe to say that you won't have to worry about italy tho", "why's that?", "Italy is aware also of Russia's devious ways and actually wants to rally with you and austria. Just said that he's at the gym right now and will get to that when done", "well that's encouraging. Thanks now I can not-be-at-the-gym in peace 😃", "I was serious when I said I wanted your corner secured just as much as mine so I'll do anything to avoid a lepanto", "Hehe yes you can rest in peace not in pieces", "Russia is makin our work easy with his sketchiness lol", "nothing unites like a common enemy", "Very true", "Well I tried to flaunt my stuff up there ;) can we go on a date now?", "Hmm I hear St. Petersburg is lovely", "I'm the queen you the Sultan. Take me out 😘", "Don't tell me that attack on ank was staged :/", "Sure was not! Why do you ask?", "Let me guess; that's what Russia told you?", "Lol not hard to guess correctly there right", "I figured he was lying", "I take it you and Germany have an understanding? \n\nJust a suggestion, but if you'd like to increase your odds of taking StP, you should have Nwy-Stp, Bar s Nwy-Stp, Nwg-Nwy, Nth s Nwg-Nwy. This way, if Russia decides to use their fleet to defend StP, you can retreat Nwy to Fin for free", "Actually I just sandboxed it and somehow that doesn't work...sorry; disregard!", "Haha yea that confused me lol", "I'm still pretty new to this game lol. But anyway, I'm glad we can put the screws on Russia together! I think Austria might have seen the light about Russia, though not sure yet", "Sultan my charming prince are you online right now?", "Sorry your majesty I was sleeping", "No problems. \nReady to squash the tzar? Hehe", "I'm glad to see my efforts in avoiding a lepanto paid off for you :)", "What *were* those efforts, exactly?", "Seemed like France did the heavy lifting’s all I’m saying", "Is that sarcasm I sense? :/ lol jk", "Oh yea I was just behind the scenes nudging and encouraging France", "Never mind I'm saying to much", "It’s fine I’m not sure I believe you anyway 😛", "You didn't think to question why France would move south? And so completely committed? Js", "Lol good. It's better for me if you don't believe me in this", "GO France. France is the man!", "So this implies a triple alliance of France, Germany, England then? Because France wouldn’t do this without Germany’s word, and *you’re* taking credit for France!", "No you're right. I was trying to take credit that's not mine :/", "I just wanted to impress you", "Guess that backfired pitifully", "Your commitment to headgames is impressive, I’ll give you that", "Lol I guess that's a compliment?", "I wasn't playing headgames with you until you didn't believe me. Then I was like screw it I'll just roll with the punches then haha", "Anyway. Pretty soon we'll have to talk about who gets what from Russia. We all gonna want a slice of the pie", "We “all”? Is Germany sharing in this?", "Or [shudder] Austria??", "Well hopefully not Austria", "At least not for more than one season if only to help us take out russia", "I figured you had already engaged him to help you against the tsar.", "And germany I'm sure will want at least war", "Germany hasn't stated what she'd like to get I just figured it was the obvious you know", "Well Germany will have to talk to both of us about that", "Right. Unfortunately she don't talk much. Guess she'll have to open her mouth if she don't wanna miss out", "Are you and Germany are still on good terms? I'm really surprised you ended up in Sweden", "We're sorting things out. Or trying to. They had broken a dmz treaty the first year so forced my hand a bit. But we'll see what comes of it.", "So do I take it you've lost interest in invading Russia for the time being?", "Yea well catching wind of France's betrayal took the wind out of me lol. Let me deal with this threat real quick first", "But seems you got him... more than handled lol", "I do hope so...", "It's funny how your \"allies\" keep \"betraying\" you yet you seem to be the one who keeps getting dots... 😛", "Yea that is weird", "I did have a falling out with Germany but I'm working it out with them and I will make it up to them", "I'm impressed you wheedled a support out of Russia last fall. You're full of surprises! So, are you and Italy collaborating to take down France?", "Honestly I feel like I no longer no what's going on lol", "But yes I think that's the plan. If Italy doesn't have death in mind for me", "Hey man you online?", "What are we doing about Moscow? \nMust admit I want it", "Well if you try to take it I must admit i’ll be...difficult", "I'd like to come to some sort of understanding about it", "What level of difficult are we talking and in what way?", "Understand this: I've been hammering away at Russia while you've been running around in the west and the Atlantic. I will do everything I can to make Moscow mine.", "Yea I suck at playing hard ball so do what you feel you deserve. And yes you're right. You've been hammering away at Russia and with Austria's help been very successful.", "I'll give you that for sure", "Well fyi I'm going for Moscow so do with that as you see fit", "Oh wow I'm rereading our messages this morning (good morning btw) and wow do I sound horrible!! Long and hard day at work trying to unite my fellow contractors and stop bitchiness amongst us, seems to have leaked into here :/ I'm sorry", "Also kinda got on my high horse with what you said about me but you're totally right I've just been kinda gallivanting around aimlessly. I do have a lot to learn, it's not like I do in depth studies on how to play DIPLOMACY or anything I just like to make a party out of it and have a good time lol. But I can see I can learn from you. Again sorry about how nasty I sounded", "That’s alright I prefer honest nastiness to dishonest courtesy", "Haha very true!", "Which makes honest courtesy the ideal world in which case I would ask that you consider making an exception with Moscow for me as that would keep our borders very simple", "Our borders are simple now. You have countless avenues for expansion. France, for instance.", "I take it you have already made a deal with Germany and Austria for mos?", "I've made arrangements that factor in Russia working with you, but I'm not going to say more.", "Hmm that's interesting", "Clearly don't need your snark right now, England! I figure there's no sense fighting you over Moscow now that I've got other things to deal with, so it's yours next season as far as I'm concerned.", "Ok thank you. And seems you won't have to take anymore of my snark for a good long while as I obviously have my own problems to deal with now too.", "Eh, you were stretching yourself too thin trying to get a foothold in France *and* russia, I think. But you'll survive!", "Yea I did make a blunder back there. Had to take a couple steps back to regain my balance", "Our 2 corners are looking decently good tho so there's that" ]
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[ "Care for a western triple with germany? Ive long wanted to try this", "I love triples, myself. Especially when I'm not Germany", "Hi president, apologies for the late reply, i worked ALL NIGHT LONG till 5 a.m. and yielded myseld only 2 hrs of sleep then it was back to work 😱 just barely now taking a lunch break", "Glad to hear you'd like the triple. \nGuess this means you launch off the Iberian peninsula towards italy and let me have bel?", "That could work - just coordinate with the German.", "Ok thank you Mr. President. \nMuch obliged", "Very nice very nice! This is a promising alliance :)", "I propose we demilitarize any and all neighboring territories between france, you and me. I will relay this same message to France and if you're agreed to it relay it to france as well and we have him relay it back to us. I wish we could have a 3-way chat with him.", "I sent that to germany and copied and pasted to you for the sake of keeping it exactly the same. Let us know what you think please. Again a pleasure doing business with you Mr. President I look forward to our future", "We're all good. And I'm thinking if you don't object I build f Brest, army Marseille - fleets are headed to the med anyway, it's just as far that way, and gives Italy less heads up", "Yes i'm good with that", "Did germany message you about the dmz?", "I don't think so, lemme check messages", "Yep, he did. I'm good with it.", "Good deal! Man I wish we had a 3-way chat! Would make being on the same page so much easier", "Hey brother have you had communication with Russia lately? Was hoping we could compare notes", "Negative. But I was a little out of pocket this weekend, so I want really reaching out to anyone", "I see, yea same here. Had a great time with the in-laws", "Hey bro, you available to chat real quick bout something?", "What's up?", "Driving, so I might be a tick slow", "Well I was gonna talk with you about germany not honoring our DMZ treaty but they replied to me now and we got it sorted out", "Got it. 😀", "Well, that's not really what I expected. What's the play from here?", "It's not what I wanted either but it was that our turn the whole board against us. Ppl were already catching wind of it western triple :/", "And had I continued my russian assault then Turkey would've been unstoppable. Nothing really changes for you however.", "Well, I would've pushed on burgundy and Tyrolia if you'd given me a heads up, but c'est la vie", "I wanted to give you a heads up but gotta admit there was risk in that. I wasn't sure you would've exactly seen it the way I did lol", "But it's ok. You can stay focused on Italy if you want. I can handle germany", "Eh, Italy's slow until Austria decides to stop propping him up. No reason not to move one army up to burgundy - I can always say it's because I'm concerned about your aggression", "Ok sure that'll be nice", "In that case you'd like Munich right?", "I mean, I wouldn't turn it down", "Ok then mun is yours", "Hey you still there?", "Morning", "Good morning bro. Beautiful day in the mid and nao aint it hahaha", "The channel has rough waters but I think I can survive lol", "Ya know, England doesn't typically try to screw the guys he talked into the Triple for a couple years, when they're nice and buried on other fronts.", "I did make a huge blunder in an attempt to put the brakes on Turkey. I'll own that", "No redemption for us I guess?", "There's always room for redemption!", "What would that look like this turn?", "At least a ceasefire and I can pull my armies out of your lands", "I hear Italy is trying to plot against me. If you agree to a ceasefire I promise to pull armies out of your lands", "Or actually use one of them to help you get mar back in the fall seeing as mar will fall this spring", "Although if you can give me an ounce of trust that I will move out then you'd be free to use bre and par units for the retaking of mar. Let me know what you want to do. For right now I will pull my pick army back out into my island", "To be honest, I'm not going to be in a very trusting mood this turn, but if I see some backing off I will happily refocus on Italy", "Totally understand bro. Pic is going to Wales and nao holding", "If that happens, I should be in a good position to lock up Italy from further gains", "Right. It's in my best interest to leave you in peace", "You shall see in a couple hours ;)", "So how are we feeling brotha?", "Feeling fine, hoping we're truly disengaged at this point. I am not in any way pushing on you this turn", "Ok great. And yes. Absolutely disengaged. I'm conveying Wales to nwy. Gonna havta put the brakes on Turkey from the north or we're all screwed", "My army in bel is doing nothing. I could help you retake marseilles if you'd like", "I think I'm good there 🙂", "Very well", "Assuming you're suggesting walking Bel through Bur - which would be hilarious, but I don't think actually helps much with Marseilles", "How would it not help? That would give you 4 units to Italy's 3", "There are only three land spaces next to Marseille. I have two armies that can move to two of those spaces, and a fleet in the third. There are no other spaces to put a helping army. 😀", "Oh well if you're using both of your units there then yes there's no room for mine. I'm just saying with mao backfilling Spain then spain could go to mar with double support and succeed. In which case I guess I could backfill mao to keep Italy out", "If I may ask, where are you from bro? Seems like our timezone don't mesh very well", "I see", "Good work getting Italy to turn back", "But my hours are shifted to be pretty early", "East coast", "Busy weekend with family? 2 whole days for a response Haha. Was thinking you hated me :/", "I guess there really is no redemption for us eh?", "Hah. I responded two days ago and forgot to hit the thumb", "Ah that would do it lmao", "Welp the war drums are beating loud and clear! Good luck and may the best man win 🤪", "I still have little interest in fighting you. 😀", "The Belgium disaster says otherwise lol", "Do you have a proposal then?", "You a sneaky one Haha \n\"I have *little* interest in fighting you\"", "Hey, I didn't trust you were actually backing off. And if made certain commitments to the Italian, which is now consider fulfilled", "All the moves this turn are purely defensive, fwiw.", "FWIW? Not familiar with that term?", "And what does purely defensive moves mean for Belgium since Belgium still is English?", "I will obviously be trying to keep bel English", "Are you forgetting some thumbs again?", "Nope - was the middle of the night for me. 😀", "FWIW -> for what it's worth", "Ah I see", "So what's this next year going to look like for our salvation?", "Good question. I'm pinned, so I can either do something stupid or twiddle my thumbs. Any suggestions?", "Idk. Do you trust me at this point?", "That is the hinge of it all I believe", "Not especially, but I also don't especially distrust you, and I don't trust anyone on the board especially more than you. 😀", "Fair enough", "Let's think on it a bit and see what we can come up with", "I'm in caged mode, so the more your suggestion amuses me, and the more ridiculous it is, the more likely I am to run with it", "Hahaha ok I'll keep that in mind lmao", "I'm busy at work right now but I'll get back with you", "So you wanted crazy and hilarious huh. How bout you go for mun and I go for hol", "You can access ruh and bur for the taking of mun", "Idk you give throw me a proposal", "Sounds like fun - let me pull up the map", "Sold and entered. Any issue with me tapping English?", "Just for more fun or what?", "Well, two reasons.\n1) It's defensive, keeps you from getting a support on me - and doesn't look like it'll spoil anything else you'd be doing\n2) Helps hide the real reason for moving to Ruhr", "Just curious was all. Yea that sounds fun", "Bel will not get attacked right? Cuz it is supporting nth into hol", "Not touching Belgium", "Already adjudicated but tks", "It's looking good for us. Germany is screwed now. They chose wrong time to piss off Austria lol", "Oh, I guess I could have checked the map first 🙂", "Haha no worries. Did you just wake up?", "No, but I just started checking messages on this computer 🙂", "Gotcha", "Oh, the East is a hot mess right now.", "And that ain't no lie Haha!!" ]
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[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 7, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 4, 7, 4, 7 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 2, 2, 2, 20, 20, 2, 2, 2, 3, 21, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 3, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 3 ]
[ 3, 6 ]
[ 1, 6 ]
[ "So, Austria crossed some lines we'd negotiated. If you'll help me take them down, I'll split their territories with you." ]
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 5 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 188 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 5 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 0, 5 ]
[ "Hello Italy! I chose you as the first country to message to try to figure out the truth/lie setup", "All right I see how it works now :).\nAnyways, I'm sure we both know how Italy can be at the start of the game, having trouble expanding quickly, but right on the border with Trieste making Austria a tempting target", "I firmly believe that Italy/Austria is one of the most fruitful alliances possible in the game. If we work together early, we can be dominant against Turkey, giving you complete naval supramacy over the Mediterranean and highly favoring us over R/T in a fight in the Balkans.", "I happily await your response :)", "Hi Austria! An alliance between us sounds good. Look forward to working with you", "Sounds good! Do you mind letting me know your plans for Venice this turn? A move to piedmont would give me great peace of mind", "I'll probably keep the army in Venice for the time being, perhaps we could have Tyr as a DMZ between us?", "All right understood. Hope we can work together!", "I look forward to it", "Just for full transparency, I'm going to be going to Tyr this turn, not as a move against you though", "Hmm, I'm not thrilled about that. What are you doing with the unit in Rome?", "Heading up to Piedmont", "Okay, so you plan to use tyrolia against Munich then?", "Not necessarily against them, just to have a unit on the border", "Frankly, I'm not very interested in letting you do that. I'd prefer Venice hold.", "I'm sure you would", "Ok. I should let you know then that I will be moving Trieste->Venice. Nothing personal, of course. I just need to make sure my border is safe.", "It was mainly to keep Germany on edge, you'd have though I wouldn't have told you as you'd have obviously moved on Venice\n\nI will remain in Venice for now though", "Well in my opinion Germany is one of our strongest possible mutual allies in the north, so I'd prefer if you didn't move on him either. I know I'm being difficult, and I apologize, but as Austria at this point in the game I have to try to stay as guarded as possible.", "Since Germany seems to be afk, I'd be open to you moving on Tyrolia so we can work together to consolidate Munich and Berlin before the northern powers get there.", "Okay, I'll be moving to Tyr this turn" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 40, 42, 48, 53, 68, 107, 111, 112, 118, 121, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 147, 229 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19 ]
[ 0, 4 ]
[ "Hi Italy! Got any juicy gossip?", "Nothing yet, you?", "Nothing as of yet. How do you feel about an AIR? If the three of us all run in hard on Turkey, our game will be SO MUCH simpler.", "That's you, me and Austria?", "Yup. We go in hard, dig out Turkey, then you go after France, Austria goes after Germany, and I go after Scandinavia and England. Or you and I turn on Austria and crush him between us. Either way, you and I make perfect natural allies.", "Sounds like a plan!" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0 ]
[ 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2 ]
[ 35, 41, 60, 70, 71, 72 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3 ]
[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ "Hey there, how's it going?", "Morning, England! All very quiet so far, you heard much?", "Midnight for me lol. Nothing too concrete yet ~~ for now I'm mostly trying to figure out how worried I should be about any Juggernauts on the horizon", "Anything to that effect on your end?", "Ah, just gone 08:30 here! I've only spoken with Austria so far and they seem worried with a Rus/Tur alliance\n\nI must say that I think France will need to be curtailed as they can often spiral out of control", "Well, all our neighbors are certainly dangerous :p\nDo you have something in mind to keep France down specifically?", "Probably worth seeing where they move to begin with", "Yea, fair enough" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 0, 3, 3, 0, 3, 0, 3 ]
[ 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0 ]
[ 44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 67, 80 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Hi Italy, I think we should at least touch base since we share a neighbor", "Have you had any contact with Austria yet?", "We've been in touch", "What are your plans so far? If you wish, we can work together to push out Austria.", "Going to see the opening moves and see where we can go from there", "I hope we have some basis for a mutual understanding now?", "Russia also stabbed me...", "Aye, I imagine it's to do with the Black Sea?", "I plan on moving to Greece this turn as that'll give me a foothold to help you against Austria", "Sure, I'll need to reconsider what to do with the black sea", "Have you heard from Austria?", "Talk to me. If we don't work together austria/russia will win", "Austria is hoping that I'll move against Germany with him which could give us a chance to hit him as he pushes North", "Hm, I'm thinking I need to sacrifice Bul or move to greece with your support", "Once I clear out the black sea I can then go back to Bul and support you in", "This seems like an excellent opportunity for them to do a supported move onto Bul with Alb-Gre to block my escape", "If you're okay with that, I can move A Bul - Gre with your support and withdraw from Bul for a second.", "By the way, he can move F Alb - Adr at which point it will become very hard to attack Tri", "I want to give you sufficient space to get Tunisia or greece maybe", "but of course I don't want to get overwhelmed here either", "I'll support the retreat", "Thanks", "I guess that turned out fine for me. Just sad that you again didn't do much. You could've easily gotten Tun in Fall, in time for the builds", "Look -- France is out for you now and Austria is not your friend. I'm just trying to help you here so that you can help me" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 65, 66, 69, 92, 108, 138, 139, 143, 144, 155, 156, 177, 185, 196, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 204, 227, 228, 239, 240 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Hey there neighbor. What are your plans for Austria?", "Having spoken to him, we're on decent terms at the moment so just going to see how it goes", "You had much contact with Britain and Germany?", "yes, Germany it seems like Germany is headed West 😦", "Damn", "Any chance you can help@me with a love to Tyrolia?", "Consider it done", "Sweet", "I assume there's nothing to be done that could stop you from attacking me?", "I’m always open for discussion. What do you have in mind?", "Austria seems to be afk, so I could assist you in mopping him up?" ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ 6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0 ]
[ 0, 6, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, 6 ]
[ 75, 76, 77, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 330, 331, 333 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 9, 2 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 7, 25 ]
[ 0, 6 ]
[ "Hello Germany! Typically I find that we two powers tend to have a stance of mutual neutrality with one another, and I'm happy to not go against the grain here.", "I don't have an intention of moving to Tyrolia or anywhere near Munich at any time in the near future, if ever! So I'd like to hear that you have a similar mentality towards our relationship.", "Keep Tyr and Boh clear and I'm content with mutual neutrality", "Good to hear. Hope we can persuade Italy to do the same!", "👀", "Hey, it looked like you weren't playing the game. I was just trying to look into getting the centers of an afk player before someone else did.", "Yeah, some stuff came up and I missed the first turn. I am playing though.", "All right good to know. I can back off then" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
[ 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4 ]
[ 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5 ]
[ 10, 11, 17, 18, 186, 189, 190, 191 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 5, 4 ]
[ "Hey Germany! Got any thoughts about Sweden?", "I do, but I'm curious as to what you'd suggest.", "Well, I mean, obviously I'd like to get it for myself, because Russia is fairly fragile overall. I like Russia/Germany as an alliance, because we can project lots of force in directions that aren't right after each other.", "I'm in", "Just stay out of pru and sil unless you give me some heads up", "You got it." ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2 ]
[ 5, 2, 5, 2, 2, 5 ]
[ 31, 84, 88, 113, 114, 116 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1 ]
[ 5, 2 ]
[ "Hey neighbors ~~\nWhat would you say to a western triple? We'd have to be careful about it and simulate some in fighting to prevent the east from teaming up in response, but I think we can pull it off", "I'm willing to consider it if all 3 are in", "France says their in, so I think we can make this work", "What would you propose from here?", "I'd say we can take on Russia pretty well together -- I can go North to take Stp by 02 or 03 and you can bounce them out of Swe and I'd support you in in the coming years\nFrom there, Id try to march my armies south on the Eastern edge of the board, you could go through the middle towards Austria, and France can be swinging south through Italy in the meantime", "That seems fair enough, I'm in", "Great, glad to have you on board", "Ah it looks like you missed you're turn", "It would appear that way", "But I have my next orders in so it's all good", "Ok, that's good", "Do you think it'd be ok if for next turn I take Denmark and you take Holland, so that I can get the extra build to stage my attack on Russia? I'd be happy to give it back the following turn", "Anyways, those are the orders I put in for now, so just let me know if I should change them", "I'm in, as long as you actually move out. Otherwise, we might have an issue.", "Yeah, for sure -- I just want to be sure I'm ready to kick Russia out of Sweden asap", "What are we thinking for builds?", "So I'll support myself into Sweden and you can follow up with your army and start to bring your fleet east thru Kiel?" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
[ 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 8, 19, 26, 123, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 150, 151, 152, 182, 193 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 5, 3 ]
[ "Hey Germany, looks like you missed the first turn but what are you plans for the future?", "I'm not on good odds with Russia at this point so wouldn't mind working together against them", "IDK if I'm going to have a chance but I'll take you up on that if I make it later into the game", "Sure, though I can see that is a big if at the moment!" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 1, 1, 5, 1 ]
[ 5, 5, 1, 5 ]
[ 161, 162, 263, 291 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 2 ]
[ 5, 1 ]
[ "Have you talked to England yet? I got an interesting message from them.", "yeah, he wants to do a western triple. what do you think?", "I'm in", "What do we do from here, I want to make sure we don't let everyone else in on our scheme yet but I also don't want to upset you", "I think we need to talk about how to split up bel hol and den", "I think I should get hol you bel and England den", "I don't know how comfortable I am giving up Den, it's pretty close to home", "What happened dude", "I missed some turns, probably going to have to disband some stuff, but are you willing to help me push back on england/russia?", "Sure", "Cool, thanks" ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ]
[ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1 ]
[ 5, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5 ]
[ 6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6 ]
[ 83, 97, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 184, 262, 281, 285 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 4, 6, 2 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 20, 4, 22 ]
[ 5, 6 ]
[ "Hello Russia! I'm highly interested in working with you. As Austria I strongly believe in the necessity of acquiring a strong early alliance, and who better than a partner who can help me keep down Turkey :)", "The first clear point between us is dependent on how we want to arrange the balkans, and of course, the typical sore point between us in Galicia. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on both of those.", "I'd much rather neither of us worry the other about Galicia, it makes no sense to even feign a fight. The single most important thing that Italy, Russia, and Austria can do for their future success on a board, in my opinion, is not have a Turkey extant. If the three of us work together and coordinate it properly, Turkey will fall fast.", "Turkey hasn't said anything to me just yet", "So what moves are you planning? Seems tough to go hard against turkey so early", "As long as you, me, and Italy all go in and coordinate, Turkey won't be able to stand up to us.", "I'm trying to trick Turkey to let me into the black sea.", "As austria, I am slightly worried that any alliance that includes us 3 will result in me being the odd man out once Turkey has been removed.", "Fwiw, I don't plan on that at all. Once we're done with Turkey, you can run in on Germany, I can run in on Scandinavia and England and Italy can run in on France, then we call a three-way draw. Bing bang boom.", "Fair enough, let me know if you manage to let turkey into BLA", "So, Galicia, huh?", "I was expecting you to move there yourself. You seemed very flippant about bouncing there and I was worried that you weren't going to keep your word. Now I look like a backstabber :/ sorry", "Hey, I'm gonna cover my shit so I won't actually lose anything. Long as you move back out, we're cool.", "You don't have to worry about it", "All good thus far? Anything we need to check up on?", "I'd appreciate support into Bulgaria if you can spare it, but if not that's cool.", "Bit busy rn for this weekend, I should be able to get orders in but my diplomacy will suffer", "No problem at all.", "So, what shall we do here?" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 ]
[ 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4 ]
[ 4, 5, 28, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 132, 141, 142, 146, 232, 233, 234, 235, 265 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 6, 6, 4, 6, 7 ]
[ 19, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 2, 2, 20, 2, 3 ]
[ 4, 2 ]
[ "England, it's tough for us to foster relations this early, but I hope we can keep each other posted on any intel we gain from opposite sides of the map from one another.", "Agreed, but I would also be happy to", "Good to hear. Awaiting messages from Russia who I imagine is the most important player that we both need to deal with.", "So far, they've promised me they're not going for a Juggernaut, but pretty much every Russia would say that", "They also told me they wanted to go after Turkey early; have you heard anything about that? Cuz if not, I'd have to think he's being sneaky ya", "Russia said the same to me", "Ah ok, that's a bit reassuring at least", "Just a heads up I'll be moving to Mun again, so we'll end up bouncing if you go for it" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ 4, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 ]
[ 12, 14, 16, 45, 46, 54, 78, 396 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 10 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9 ]
[ 4, 3 ]
[ "Hello Turkey. We share natural enemies in Russia and Italy, so I'm interested in a partnership between the two of us.", "I would like to know if there's any chance you try a slightly unorthodox opening to Armenia to try to shut down Russia quickly and early, working with me. I would be very interested in helping you on anything like that.", "Hi Austria, I'm not against an armenia opening but I'm not sure I can commit as of yet. In what way can you assist?", "Well I will very likely be moving to Galicia in the spring", "And I could also move to rumania if it would assist you", "Hey, best of luck with Russia in black sea. Hope things go well for you", "Yeah it's kind of problematic", "Do you still plan to go for Rum?", "What are your long term plans here? Russia has a much better developed board state and will end up in a much nicer position after I'm done for.", "I think Russia is going to have to retreat very soon", "England has a way in through Nwy - Stp", "and I'm sure you've realised that, as it stands you're not getting Munich" ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 6, 7, 63, 81, 82, 145, 154, 167, 223, 294, 295, 296 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 4, 1 ]
[ "France, it's tough for us to foster relations this early, but I hope we can keep each other posted on any intel we gain from opposite sides of the map from one another.", "I certainly agree. Have you had any dialogue with Germany or Italy yet?", "Germany and I have agreed to demilitarize bohemia and tyrolia, and nothing from Italy yet. How about you?", "I haven’t heard from Germany or Italy. Me and England have agreed to dmz the channel. That’s about it." ]
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[ 4, 6 ]
[ "Hello, England! What's your general train of thought on what to do?", "Not quite sure yet to be honest -- still trying to get to know the board", "Any ideas on your end?", "My inclination is to focus south. I won't put an army in StP, you don't put an army in Norway. Fair deal?", "That sounds good to me", "I just hope you're not planning a Juggernaut ~~ then it'd be almost irresponsible of me to not do anything ya?", "otherwise tho, I'll be more than happy to just leave each other be ya", "I think that Russia's game is simplest when Turkey doesn't exist. Don't worry about a juggernaut.", "Great, glad we'll be able to work together then", "Well, Germany crippled himself a little bit there, which is nothing but good news for us", "I'm planning to build a fleet in St Pete's south coast to really drive the knife home on Germany, but I will gladly change that if you want.", "Just to emphasize there - SOUTH coast.", "That's sounds ok to me, though I honestly think we have more than enough naval presence already, and a land attack from Warsaw/Moscow could be promising", "But if you want another fleet just for your own peace of mind, I understand completely of course", "All good thus far? Anything we need to check up on?", "Yep, I think we just Kie and Ber right? \nI guess one question is - if I take Kie with Den, would you be ok taking Ber with Bal? That way we can keep our borders a bit less militarized y'know", "You got it.", "Great, thanks", "Sorry about the stab man -- I was just real scared about any more fleets coming out of stp", "I mean, I'm picking up 2 dots and only losing one, so I can still build. We're not actually at a dealbreaker here, as long as you don't take Sweden and you leave that fleet in the north coast, I can live with it.", "Alright, thanks for your understanding, I would like that arrangement", "So, what shall we do here?", "I'm debating between securing Hol and swinging down right away into Eng, what do you think?", "I think that now is your best chance to actually get into ENG, so, I would do that, if I were you.", "hm, yea, probably -- I guess once I'm in eng, I can get hol or Bel in the fall too anyways", "Alright I'll go for that then", "Yeah, exactly. I'm going to get an army into Berlin, if that doesn't bother you? That will let one of us get into Munich in the fall.", "If you'd rather I didn't, I'll refrain.", "I'm ok with the army into Berlin, but with my fleet in Kie, I probably cant help too much with taking Mun", "But if you can get support from someone else, yea go for it", "Sigh. I keep trying to point you towards dots that are both easier to get, and more beneficial to your long term vitality, and yet..........", "You are a strong and scary lad", "Lmao I'm really not, Russia's size makes it seem more imposing than it actually is", "Sorry, maybe I'm a bit of a nube °>.<", "Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.", ":p" ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ]
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[ 29, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180, 231, 236, 237, 238, 249, 256, 257, 264, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 286, 287, 288, 290, 302, 303 ]
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[ 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 2 ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Hello, brother Turk! Whaddya say we just steamroll this board? Full juggernaut, no funny business, get your fleet out, pop mine, roll the board. I like picking an ally early on and sticking with them, and I want it to be you.", "Hi Russia, I do think an alliance between us would be ideal. I plan to do a fairly standard opening and we can work from there", "What do you think? Are we good to proceed?", "Yep. I'll send Sevastopol to Rumania, you send Ankara to Constantinople, and we can juggernaut this.", "I'm not sure I'm ready to commit on the black sea yet, though. What do you say we bump there for the first year?", "I mean, I feel like it's a pretty big waste of time, because there's a huge tactical momentum advantage to getting your fleet out, but if you insist then we can bounce.", "What do you suggest I do with my fleet then?", "If you go to Constantinople in the spring and then the Aegean in the fall, you'll be able to build a second fleet to put yourself in the Ionian, or at least hold the Ionian under threat, AND you'll have two on Greece to get your fifth dot.", "If I can do that, I wouldn't mind helping you out getting rumania and deploying a unified western front", "eastern front*", "That sounds perfect to me.", "Ok, let's do it", "An unfortunate unfolding of events", "If you pull out of Bla I'll reconsider where we stand but otherwise I can only view it as a hostile action", "I will absolutely pull out, it must have taken an older version of my orders before we agreed on not bouncing. Sorry about that.", "So what is your plan for the next turn?", "Black to Sev, Sev to Rum, Ukr to War, BOT to Swe.", "Sure that sounds good to me", "bad move, now you've let moscow open to england", "If I look at the state of the board maybe we should reconsider allying...", "Yeah, we probably should. This is a bloody mess.", "I'm pulling Syria off the board.", "Thank you. I'll develop towards Austria to keep pressure off you. If you want we can stab A together", "Sounds good to me. I've gotta cover my ass right now, but as soon as I can I'll help you work on Austria.", "Just FYI I'm still taking Bla because I haven't completely forgotten the past few years.", "To show that I don't have hostile intent, I used Arm so that I cannot pressure Sev for now.", "I appreciate that.", "But I do need to exit through Bul.", "Thank you for your trust. Could you support a hold on serbia so I don't get push out from there?", "I plan to move into greece with bul", "You got it.", "Looks like A forgot to input commands", "Bit of a lucky break for us.", "Sure, yeah.", "I'm still worried about F + E", "Italy is basically gone.", "If A crumbles to us then F will probably gain a few more too", "and it's clear F is readying for a naval assault on me as well", "I hope you will find a way to handle england. But it seems like Lvn could retreat to War and cause trouble", "Again, could you help me defend Ser? I'll move my fleet out of Bla to counter france", "Ack, sorry about that. For the record, you are welcome and encouraged to take Sev. I would much rather you have my dots than England.", "I wans't generally planning on stabbing you but to develop the theatre vs Austria I needed this position. Once I get Ser/Bud I can move out of Rum again.", "It's kind of time-sensetive since F will be moving up really quick I think", "(If I hadn't taken Rum I'd estimate entering a stalemate vs A while F conquers Italy and moves up on Austria", "So I'm considering going for Sev or I can try to support your last stand hehe", "Lol 👏" ]
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 2, 1 ]
[ "Hi Russia. Have you spoken with Germany or England yet? I’m trying to figure out what to do and it largely depends on your stance with either/both of them.", "I haven't spoken to anyone quite yet! Had a lot going on personally. I'll let you know what I hear, once I hear it.", "Sounds good. Let me know." ]
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[ "We are ever so far apart, but let's keep in touch ya (especially if you want to head Russia's way~~)", "Sure, I think it would be great to keep in touch", "Great ~~ sounds good", "Hey England, looks like I'll be pitted against Russia for the game so if you want to work together that would be awesome", "I'll definitely see what I can do -- with Russia getting into Sweden for free, that's not good for either of us", "Yeah, did you talk to germany or are they just away?", "I've heard from them, I think they just weren't used to the interface or something", "Hm, alright. Let's hope they make up for it then", "Do you have any plans to go for Stp?", "I probably will, tho I think sweden'll come first", "Depends on pressure of germany but taking nwy will put you adjacent to stp, forcing his hand", "Yea, for sure", "wow both you and france are off to great starts", "Do you know what france is planning to do?", "Im really not too sure, the Brest build has me kinda nervous tbh", "F did have three builds. I can see why F would notwant to waste it and they kind of don't have anywhere to go but through Germany, Italy or you", "Best to convince them that Germany is the right choice given the prominence of Russia & Austria", "That's the plan yea -- we'll see how it goes anyways", "How are things on your end of the continent?", "Seems russia & austria are pretty close. I'm hoping austria will get uncomfortable being so open to a russia stab at least or their alliance falls apart.", "Now the question is if that happens before or after I get waltzed over", "Italy doesn't seem too competent. Not sure.", "Yea lol", "Russia's looking kinda scary to be honest", "Their board setup is on point atm. They may have some weakness if you can get 3 fleets to Stp but that's about it", "Maybe if germany wakes up", "Tbh, I'm not sure Austria should allow Russia to gain more ground.", "me and France should be able to hold them in north if France doesn't end up stabbing me at least, but they could definitely get out of control if Austria slips up ya", "The way it's looking, we're going to have to work together against France.", "What makes you say that?", "Well, F wins when they get 16 centers. They will get +1 from italy, that is 12. Then Mun, Tyr are fairly easy. 14. You see where I'm getting at?", "ah it's 18 actually.", "Wait, isn't it 18?", "yeah, sorry", "I'm not saying it's an immediate thing, but something to keep in mind.", "For sure 👍", "Alright, I'm going for Sev. You can take War but after we should strategize what to do with france", "Ok, yea", "It seems F is getting ready for moving into England proper.", "Yes, I am building defensively", "Ok great", "I'm trying to pick up the last scraps of Austria but from then on it's going to be tough fighting", "Good job on the defense of the channel so far! I'm tying down F's fleet mostly in the Mediterranean", "Yep, the going's good -- do you need any support into sev or do you have that all covered?", "I'm good, thanks.", "Alright 👍", "I'll probably swing by Gal next year for support on Vie. I'm not sure if A is going to ally with F.", "Ok, that sounds reasonable to me -- if we could DMZ ukr though, I'd appreciate that", "Sure, that's fine with me.", "Thanks 👍", "Anyways, what do you think of drawing once Austria and Russia are gone -- I don't think anyone else can get eliminated before the game ends in 1910", "We really aught to get rid of Russia soon if we want to make sure they can't sneak their way into the final draw in 1910", "Sure, yeah", "I'll support you in then?", "Alright, I've got Gal standing by", "I'm so confused -- it's not like you have any real chance of eliminating me at this point", "Yeah, I wasn't convinced you would support my move because we're still fighting for most centers", "Well anyways, now we really have to get rid of the Russian -- I'll support you in?", "And you can support yourself in too if you want to be safe I guess", "Though I have absolutely zero reason to stab you at this point lol", "Ok, I'll just take war -- don't tap sil and we'll be good", "-- let me know if you received this ok ?", "Heya", "Sure let's do that." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 3, 1 ]
[ "Hey neighbors ~~\nWhat would you say to a western triple? We'd have to be careful about it and simulate some in fighting to prevent the east from teaming up in response, but I think we can pull it off", "I’m down. What did Germany say?", "Sounds like their in if you are", "So we doing this?", "DMZ the channel?", "I agree with the DMZ -- I definitely think we can pull the Western triple off", "Especially with this chat format, it'll be hard for our opponents to easily coordinate an opposition", "Let’s march East!", "Great, glad we're on board !/", "hm, so the German missed turn might complicate our choices", "Let’s swoop in", "Ok, yes, let's capitalize on this", "Would you be ok building an army in Brest, and I'll do the same in London? Just so we keep the channel well and truly DMZd", "What are we thinking for builds?", "I want to build 2 fleets to hold the med. a stab here would be horrible for me. I don’t need to give you any reason to ally with Germany again. Let’s do this together my man. I think you should also build a fleet in London if it makes you feel more comfortable.", "Ok, that's fair -- I think I'll hold off on the fleet in london for now; I don't think Germany is sure I'm stabbing them yet", "What we thinking?", "I think I'll try to get into Hel, and convoy something in in the fall? Or what do you think", "Why don’t you tap Kiel and I support you in to Holland?", "Oh, good idea yea", "I'd go with that if you're ok with it", "Wait actually, getting into Hel might be more important in the spring? Cuz we can still go for hol in the fall, and hel will help hold den and go for kie", "I guess maybe we should also consider going after Russia, just cuz they're getting really strong at the moment, and if they build anything else in the north, we'll basically never have a shot at getting through later", "Idk, let me know what you think", "I'd take your support from lon to hol this turn if you're still ok with giving it?", "with Germany's second NMR that changes things up a bit", "i would feel much more comforatble putting a fleet there instead of army", "i would support north sea or hel in if you want?", "actually, how are you thinking we should carve germany?", "do you want to take kiel and berlin and I can take holand and munich? I can keep an army in holland to make you more comfortable.", "That sounds fair to me", "Should I support you in, or I should I start our attack on Russia?", "Yes please. I could use the fleet in Marseilles to take the med.", "Whoops", "Answers you too late", "That’s ok. Great job capturing st. Pete.", "Next year I’ll get into holland.", "Alright, sounds good to me 👍", "Also what are your thoughts on builds next year? The presence of a fleet in Mao is kinda scary on my end, cuz it can always stab to Iri\nbut if you feel like you need it there for your own protection, I understand completely and I can just build something to sit around holding down the fort on my end", "not sure about builds. i would like another fleet in the med. The only reason I saty in MAO is because you're in North sea. I'm happy to move out if you will/can.", "Ok, that's fair. I guess it's kind of hard for England to do much of anything without a fleet in Nth, so I guess your fleet in Mao will stay", "So I'll go ahead and support you Bel→Hol then?", "Tho it might also make sense to use Kiel to make sure Russia can't do Ber→Bal, Pru→Ber, cuz that could get me in some trouble I think", "Anyways, let me know what you think we should go for", "You could support me with North Sea unless you planned on moving outta there", "Ah, I planned on using Nth to follow up into Den after taking Swe", "I guess I could take Swe with Nwy tho hm", "I should most likely be able to support you in this turn at least", "Ok, put in the orders supporting you to Hol", "???", "change your mind?", "oh, you wrote that after adjudication", "just checking in ~~ what's up with the move back to Mao?", "I only moved to North Africa to block the retreat there. I can’t leave MAO empty as long as you’re in North Sea.", "ah I see, ok that makes sense", "Do you have plans for the army in Bel? If not, id appreciate the support in holding Kie. Anyways, let me know what you think we should go for", "Hey france, you there?", "yes, i can support kiel. i'd really like us to move out of the the north sea and MAO this turn. they are a useless waste of resources now.", "North sea is kinda how I convoy my armies to where I need to go tho", "This is kind of a weird thing to say, but I think I need to point out that this is a good opportunity to stab me from a tactical perspective;\nWith a a fleet build in Bre, you can keep me out of eng while walking into Lvp\n\nThat being said, I think we still have a lot to gain by working together. As we stand, we are certainly stronger than any other pair of nations, and we probably have fighting chances against the rest of the board even if they all united against us. In the near future even, you are closing in on breaking the Italian resistance, and I am close to doing the same for Russia\n\nDivided however, I believe the victory of either of us will be much less guaranteed, what with so much of our resources focused solely on each other.", "in any case , I look forward to our shared victory and hope you feel the same", "I just keep being bothered by the North Sea fleet. I need to waste 2 units (one in MAO and one in Holland) to prevent a stab. You can continue to convoy via Norwegian Sea and I can use those units to push East. Can we give it a shot? I too would like to continue working together.", "Also, planned on building army Paris not fleet Brest", "Ok, I can move out of Nth this turn -- I'll also support you Hol→Kie if you're ok with that (I'll try to use Kie to take Ber), and that will hopefully help you take Mun as well", "Ok, sounds like a plan. So we’re both on the same page, I move to med and you move to Norwegian and we’re good?", "Yep, pretty much. I'm also considering moving to Nwy for now in case I need to support stp", "Great work this turn, we're doing really well 👍", "Ok, cool. For sure", "what's the plan stan", "RE: builds", "Russia has several disbands so hopefully we make more progress there this year. And you can start to work on Austria once Italy is done?", "Ah", "I'll probably build an army", "What are you thinking on you're end?", "don't freak out. My fleet Brest was built before I saw your message so I built it as a precaution. I plan on moving it into MAO and then into the Med. Let's carry onward.", "Ok, I think I need to move den to nth so I can convoy the army over anyways, if that's ok with you", "👍🏽", "Whats up with the move to Eng? Are we still good?", "Yes I was just worried about your move there so I did it to bounce. I’ll be moving back into MAO and building fleet Marseilles and Army Paris. We’re still good.", "Alright, glad to hear it", "Man why you gotta do us like that", "Like it's not even a good time to stab ..", "Where else are you going to go if not after me?", "I have and will continue to be 100% happy to keep convoying armies onto the continent to press south from there", "I have Warsaw and Sev in my sights, and I can help with Austria as well", "And it's not like I think you, me or turkey will really get eliminated before 1910 -- I just want to make sure we don't have Austria or Russia hanging on", "And if I have swing my focus back west, it gets harder to guarantee that", "Why are you not convoying from Norwegian like we discussed?", "In spring 1906 I wanted to guarantee support into Stp", "And I was also nervous cuz you built a friggin fleet in Brest -- like you can't do that and then expect me to stay out of the North sea", "I would have been happy to move on out again once your fleet was gone south", "Wasnt you getting your fleet out of Mao (let alone Brest) part of why I agreed to vacate Nth in the first place ~~?", "Anyways, what do you think of drawing once Austria and Russia are gone -- I don't think anyone else can get eliminated before the game ends in 1910", "Im up for that", "Is turkey on board for the draw?", "That's what they've been saying to me", "Have you heard anything from them?", "Alrighty", "Not in a few days" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6 ]
[ 6, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3 ]
[ 9, 20, 22, 101, 102, 103, 106, 109, 110, 140, 148, 149, 178, 181, 183, 187, 192, 194, 195, 218, 220, 224, 225, 226, 230, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 258, 260, 261, 270, 277, 278, 279, 282, 283, 289, 292, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 305, 309, 313, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 329, 332, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 367, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 402, 403, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5, 7, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 8, 9, 8, 8, 9, 11, 11, 8, 8, 8, 8, 11, 8, 11, 8, 13, 9, 9, 9, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 12, 10, 12, 12, 10, 10 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 19, 19, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 19, 1, 1, 1, 1, 19, 19, 19, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 19, 1, 1, 19, 1, 19, 19, 1, 3, 3, 21, 21, 21, 21, 3, 21, 3, 21, 4, 22, 22, 22, 4, 22, 22, 22, 22, 4, 22, 22, 22, 22, 20, 2, 20, 2, 2, 20, 20 ]
[ 3, 6 ]
[ "Hey france, great first year!", "Austria & Russia seem to have banded together so perhaps you need to be aware of that", "thanks for the heads up. do you have an ally in Italy?", "No, not really. Their response has been strange and mostly aligned with Austria's. So they're probably allied", "But yeah, it would be good to have an ally a bit closer", "Italy's behavior just baffles me", "Me too. Why would he build army??", "Because they've got a lot of land to protect 😉", "foolish", "Now that is dealt with I think we should consider future moves", "I’m always open to discussion", "How we moving?", "I'm not quite sure what to say at this point. We all don't want the other 2 to win.", "Alright", "Of course I can choose to develop north instead of west.", "How can I entice you to do that?", "Are you on board for a 3 way draw?", "I'm confused. What is there to gain through a draw?", "What is there to gain by continuing to play?" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 6, 1, 6 ]
[ 6, 6, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1 ]
[ 205, 206, 241, 259, 266, 267, 280, 284, 299, 369, 370, 397, 398, 399, 400, 404, 409, 415, 422 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ]
[ 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9 ]
[ 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 8, 13, 12, 10, 12, 10, 12, 10, 11, 0 ]
[ 20, 20, 2, 20, 20, 20, 2, 20, 2, 23, 5, 2, 20, 2, 20, 2, 19, 1, 0 ]
[ 1, 6 ]
[ "Italy, boungiorno. Thankfully we have Switzerland as a buffer, but I wanted to reach out to see where your head was at. Have you heard from France? Turkey? Austria? Even Russia?\n\nYou and I - along with Austria, really have to watch all sides. Depending on how initial conversations go, obviously, I'd love to have a good relationship on our border, potentially a NAP/DMZ.\n\nI'm looking forward to hearing what you're thinking about the early game, and the game generally.\n\n- Kaiser", "No thoughts on the early game? Information I can provide, or vice versa? I haven't heard much from you and Austria, and I can't decide if that's bad news or I just don't matter much to your plans.", "Okay, interesting first move. I don't know if you're not talking to me, or not talking at all, but I did want to float a thought or two by you:\n\nI don't know if you coordinated with Russia at all, and note that I'm on good terms with him. Either way, he strikes me as an experienced player. As such, it's weird that he would open aggressively at BOTH Austria and Turkey, don't you think? They'd naturally see that and band together out of necessity.\n\nNo, I'm thinking he's working with Turkey, and we'll see F BLA C A Ank-Rum. That's nothing to you - Austria dies faster, but they're grabbing the centers you bet very heavy to get. (Congrats on that, by the way. Always a gutsy move.)\n\nBut it's not good news for you. Because they'll need to move quickly, so if that's happening I'd also expect F Con-AEG, most likely followed by 2 fleet builds - Con and Smy.\n\nTell me I'm crazy. I hope I'm crazy, anyway." ]
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 5, 5, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 10, 50, 80 ]
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 0, 5 ]
[ "Hey, how's it going? I'm hoping we can work together in this one. We have no reason to get in each other's way and plenty we can do together. Let me know what you think?" ]
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 38 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 3 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 3 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 0, 4 ]
[ "Hello Italy nice to make your acquaintance. I'll have to admit, I was caught off guard by your entrance into Trieste, but I think it could work out well for you. \n\nI would like to ask if I will be bounced if I move to VIE, and if you have any other plans for the future that might be to both of our benefit?" ]
[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 2 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 94 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 0 ]
[ 4 ]
[ 1 ]
[ 0, 2 ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Bongiorno! \nAny deep thoughts on how we want the board to shape up in the early years?", "D'oh, my initial Spring '01 commo I had never selected an emoji for, so it probably just sent now, a turn late 🙂", "Anyway, nice aggressive opening to Trieste. I hope you sold it ahead of time as a Key Lepanto, but either way, let's carve the Balkans quick so we can both head north and you can look to the West.", "We should probably be talking by now." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 74, 99, 100, 235 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 3, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 19 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Greetings Italy!\n\nWould you be up for a DMZ in piedmont? I think it would benefit both of us if we didn't go to war rn. Looking forwards to a great game!\n-France", "Hey italy. You there?", "Thinking of a leponto? Or hitting austria early?", "Hey Italy; I don't know if you have noticed but Russia is huge rn and is about to crush both you and turkey, and then proceed to run over the rest of the map. Idk how your relationship with turkey or Italy is, but you guys really need to work together to stop Russia. You don't seem like a very talkative type but it's never to late to change..." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ 17, 58, 61, 145 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 19 ]
[ 0, 6 ]
[ "Hello, Austria. \nLook, I'd love to be besties and all that, and maybe we'll get there. But for now can I assume that we both have bigger fish to fry, and that we both know that attacking each other early will mean mutually assured destruction?\n\nI'm open to a non-aggression pact, possibly with sharing information, natirally. Outside of that, let me know what's on your mind and we'll go from there.\n\nBest,\n\n- Kaiser", "No thoughts on the start of the game? Any information I can share, or vice-versa?\n\nYou're pretty quiet down there...", "I actually thought I'd responded sorry. I don't know why we can't be best friends. Germany does well then Austria can do well and vice versa. Not much neighbours. You got anything from Italy?", "Nothing from you or Italy until now. You'll be shocked to learn that Turkey mused about how much he loves to play Germany and open to Tyrolia. 😂\n\nCan't blame a guy for trying, I guess!\n\nAnyway, for now I'm good with a short pact to stay out of Tyrolia (unless you've planned a bounce with Italy or something, but that would be weird ). Maybe limit it to 1901 for now? I don't have any plans in that neighborhood, but I don't want to bind your hands if something comes up with Russia or Italy.", "Tyr 1901 for me would be pretty crazy and no I don't plan for it so I'm happy to agree to it. I've got nothing from Italy either so I'll just have to play defensively there. Russia seems to be interested in opening north", "I wish I could say \"what can I do to help you,\" but I have nothing in range.\n\nWhat I am doing is sowing some seeds of doubt with Italy - floating the idea that Russia and Turkey are working together, and backhandedly noting how bad it will be for him if they are, and they wipe you out quickly.\n\nYou have a best probabilistic set of moves, but the best you can realistically hope for is maybe 1 build if you go +Greece, +Serbia, -Trieste. Maybe.\n\nIf I were you, I'd reach out to Italy. Suggest that he take Tunis, and instead of forcing him out of Trieste, you'll take Greece and move on. Tell him you're going to move to Trieste because it's your best move. It is. Request that he move to Vienna, because that's Russia's best move (it is) and you want to prevent him from getting another build.\n\nYou'd move Bud-Tri, and Ser S Alb-Gre.", "Scenario 1: Italy agrees.\n1a) Italy moves to Vienna, Russia moves to Vienna, Ukraine moves to Galacia. None of those moves work and, unless Turkey and Italy are working together (or Turkey inexplicably moves Bul-Ser) you get Greece and build in Vienna.\n\n1b) Italy moves to Vienna, Russia to Budapest. You're in the same position, but losing Budapest instead of Trieste.\n\nScenario 2: Double-cross, and Italy thinks you're lying:\n2a) Italy moves to Tri-Budapest and Venice-Trieste. Russia gets Vienna if it moves there, nothing if to Budapest.\n2b) Ven S Tri H, F ION - Alb (He thinks you're going to support yourself back into Vienna). You get Greece, Russia gets Vienna if it moves there, nothing if it moves to Budapest.\n2c) Tri-Bud, Ven-Tyr - bounces.", "Scenario 3: Double cross, Italy believes you.\n3a) Tri holds, support from Venice (thought you were truthful about Bud-Tri, but left out that you were supporting yourself. That would be incredibly stupid on your part, with Russia at your back and intentionally antagonizing Italy. Here again, it comes down to whether Russia moves to Vienna or Budapest.)\n3b) Ion-Gre, Tri-Vie, Ven-Tyr (he won't go to Trieste if he thinks you're moving there, because a bounce is as good as taking it). You still take Greece. You end up in Trieste. You keep all 3 home centers if Russia goes to Vienna (and +2!) or lose Budapest if he goes there (+1).\n\nNote: if Italy is coordinating with Russia or Turkey, all this is out the window. But in that case you're hosed no matter what.\n\nHow's that for more input than you wanted? Sorry about that. Anyway, rough open! Good luck on the recovery - even selfishly, you getting beat up early is nothing but bad news for me!", "I really am sorry about that spam. I started thinking about your situation, playing it forward, and taking a couple notes, and then...\n\nI guess at a certain point it just seemed like a shame to waste it.\n\n🥺", "Haha no worries. My fault really. Russia tells me this grand plan of going North. Throws in a weird move in his plan with Warsaw and I respond with the thumbs down, you're lying on all fronts. But then I don't play the appropriate moves to back it up. I heard nothing from Italy so assumed he'd open standard. Should've just hedgehogged but I like getting a fast start with Austria. Anyway, Russia is probably working with Italy. Still haven't heard back from them at all. At least Eng / Fra don't look friendly for you but you're going to have Russian problems pretty quickly.", "Still nothing from Italy, and Russia can't build in Warsaw without breaking his NAP. You really need to be working with Turkey - I told him the same thing. I can put pressure on Italy by pressuring France.\n\nBut look, for transparency: if you're sunk, and I'm in position... I'm interested in eating your centers. I won't do it unless and until you're ready to call it, though.", "When you're thinking about your moves, plan on me moving to Tyrolia. Unless he supports himself in (unlikely) I'll either bounce him or be there in the fall. If you want to brainstorm on moves (and I can do the same with Turkey) let me know.\n\nIf you're not sure if you can trust me, consider - if you go down early, I'm sunk. Yes, I want to be involved so I'll be in position to gobble you up so that Russia can't. But for what it's worth I promise I will help you unless you think it's hopeless.", "...and I'll be transparent about it either way.", "Looks like the Cossack bit off more than he can chew. He should be either -1 or -2 in the South this year. From what I can see, you & Turkey can lose the guessing game with any move set except one.\n\nAny way I can help?", "To both Austria and Turkey...\n\nIn case you want to play with it, here's the sandbox:\n\nI can't solve it. Here's what I know:\n1) we have to assume Italy is working with Russia. So my Tyr-Tri is a lock.\n2) we have to assume that Russia takes Ankara.\n3) Barring very unusual moves, the only place we can possibly Rumania from is Budapest. Exception to this is a sneaky Rum-Bul move, but that's unlikely.\n4) *Almost* sure that Vienna has to hit Galacia, but depending on other moves supporting Budapest is almost as good.", "Russia is friendly with Turkey now too so we can't assume ank falls although likely considering how Russia is playing.", "Their play has been very weird indeed. It looked like a classic pretend stab, then a real one, then the double support last season. But it looked the last turn was you and Turkey working together and him getting fed up with the Russo-Turkish mess.\n\nI'll be more careful, though." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5 ]
[ 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4 ]
[ 11, 49, 51, 52, 54, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 114, 120, 121, 245, 260, 266, 269 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 20, 2 ]
[ 5, 4 ]
[ "Hello Germany, nice to make your acquaintance. \n\nI've been thinking about this game alot, because the fact that it will only last until 1910 really changes my strategy. Add in that no one is likely to NMR and I believe it will be near impossible to solo. \n\nNormally when playing Russia I try to grab a couple German centers around 1904, allowing me to hold over the stalemate line setting up a solo when I conquer the East. Since I'm not intending to solo in this game, however, it doesn't make sense to go after your centers. It would be much better for both of us, I believe, to agree to a pact of non aggression. I could even offer some help against England, if there came a time when you wished that. What do you think?", "Interesting points. I've been thinking about how the format and time limitation might change the game as well.\n\nFor transparency, England reached out to me as well, and generally I think Germany working with England is, in a vacuum, the best course.\n\nI'm fine with a non-aggression pact, but we need to set pretty clear ground rules - I'm significantly more vulnerable than you. Interested in each of us setting up a proposal, and see how well they match?", "How about a commitment to something like the following through Spring 2003. We can revisit or extend from there, and of course any of these are subject to specific agreement otherwise:\n\n- Total DMZ in SIL & PRU\n- No German units in BoT or LVN\n- Germany concedes Sweden, but only to be occupied by fleets.\n- No Russian units in BAL\n- No army builds in Berlin\n- No army builds in StP\n- Notify before a build in WAR\n\nWhat do you think?", "I agree to all of those points.\n\nJust to be clear, England is not necessarily a target of mine, but if necessary I can act as an insurance policy against English aggression for you.", "By the way, for whatever it's worth I am hearing talk coming back to me that you are looking to open north. Again, it's spring '01, so talk is pretty cheap. But just thought I'd flag it for you.", "Talk is cheap, and after Spring resolution you will see that I fully intend to abide by our agreement. \n\nThe fact that you brought this up with me really builds trust with me. I did tell Austria that I was heading North West, but obviously that is a lie. I hope that you see it to be in your best interest to keep that confidential because I truly do intend to work with you all the way through 1910.", "Well, what do you think about how the spring went? Looks like it couldn't have gone too much better for you. You have the drop on BOTH Austria and Turkey.\n\n...which makes me think you don't. You strike me as too good a player to not understand that opening heavy against both of them forces them to join forces, which means a nasty stalemate. Therefore, I'm smelling a slingshot.\n\nSo...Con-AEG and A Bul S a Russian BLA C A Ank-Rum? Or maybe support from Ukraine while Bul takes a shot at Greece? Are you and Italy going to coordinate moves so you don't bounce each other?", "Sorry, I missed your message, it's been a wild week at work.\n\nI hesitate to give away too much detail, but I will be very clear in stating that I intend to focus on my Southern sphere of influence for the foreseeable future. \n\nIt does look like you and England will likely have France cornered by 1902. England doesn't really have any where to go after that happens other than your centers and a few of mine. I just want you to know that it's critical for my sgame to have you holding back any threats coming in from the North, and I'll offer you any support that I have available in the North when necessary.", "It was a very nice open for you.", "It seems you'll have to focus South, what with the clear Lucy-pulling-the-football-away-from-Charlie-Brown that just occurred at the Black Sea.\n\nWhere do you plan to build? We agreed no builds in Warsaw, and no armies in StP. So it seems you should have a second fleet in the north to help with England? Unless you're planning to defer.", "I had toyed with asking permission for Warsaw, but after evaluating more it will be Moscow, F NC StP and Sevastopol. \n\nAnd yeah the South is chaos right now, but it's controlled chaos.", "Well, we've been more or less jockeying for position, huh? I hate to do this, but I want to give you a heads up that I have to break our agreement and end our NAP a season early. It's not what I planned or intended, but right now this game will turn either way on a dime. You played the beginning of the game beautifully, but gained so much so fast that you not only forced Austria and Turkey into an alliance, but England and I as well. So much so that we let France up off the mat, too.\n\n...and I kinda hate you for that because I really hate allying with England as Germany, and I had France absolutely wrecked.\n\nI expect to enjoy playing this out with you either way. And I'm fascinated to see how this fall goes in the Southeast. What a tangled mess, both the tactics and the diplomacy!\n\nBest,\n- Kaiser", "I appreciate the honesty. I would like to propose an alternative. Use this turn to get the drop on England, then you, Turkey and I can take this all the way to a three way draw in 1910. Turkey and I have been working together closely since the opening move, but we've covered it well. Turkey has the remnants of Austria and Italy to fight, and you have the West to conquer. I can help you both without putting myself close to a solo. I've shown myself to be a trustworthy Ally to you and I truly mean it when I say that I want us to have the lions share of the spoils in 1910. A three way alliance between you, Turkey and I makes perfect sense strategically.", "So, I don't think that's going to happen.\n\nI recognize the risk I run with all allies at my back, but such is the life of the Kaiser who does not eliminate at least one of France or England.\n\nI choose to play this game with much more trust than most. In this particular case I don't have a ton of choice in the matter.", "Your Ally isn't going to be much help if they fail to enter orders. I can support you into Sweden this Fall in exchange for some minor concessions. We could probably even get you into the North Sea simultaneously.", "I can't believe you didn't sniff out the Livonia convoy. I was figuring it was a <50% chance of going through. Or maybe it's what you wanted me to do?!?!", "I was more concerned with losing Norway, to be honest. I've kind of retreated into a posture that's more defensive than it probably should be, but if you and England are going to present a United front I really can't do anything else, except to hope that A) you reconsider your alliances or B) England decides to stab you (my least preferred option)", "I'd like to present another thought for you. Let's assume that you and England continue to push against me, and Turkey begins to wrap up Italy (quite possible considering that Turkey is likely to get into the Ionian this turn). \n\nBecause I must move all units Northward to defend against E/G, I'm absolutely forced to leave my Southern border undefended. If Turkey grows to 12 or 13 centers they could easily roll up my Southern Centers and solo this whole thing.\n\nI hope I'm not coming off as beating a dead horse here, but it makes so much sense for us to be aligned. \n\n1) A G/R/T Alliance can be easily balanced until 1910. \n2) I am already positioned to help you against England.\n3) England's NMR means they are an unstable Ally for you, but might make it easy for you to gain their centers quickly.\n4) Forcing me to defend in the North invites a Turkish solo.\n5) I have already proven myself to be a trustworthy ally by abiding the agreement set forth at the beginning of the game.\n\nI enjoy playing with you, and I really desperately want to work with you, for game and for personal reasons.", "You can't reasonably have had hope to keep Norway through the year under almost any circumstances. Even, as it turns out, with an England NMR.\n\nYou're fundamentally correct, and Italy is a wild card in this thing for sure. And I would enjoy playing this one out with you as well. But it might have to be smack talk.\n\nIf you're concerned about a potential continental Caliphate, show me. Support Tyr-Tri. I'm not saying I'm going to make that move - I might - but I'll take it as a strong sign that you're serious about us working together, and about the Turkish threat.", "That was a very rough turn for you. If you want to negotiate I'm open, I could make things easier for you in the South in exchange for help against England in the North.", "It was a rough turn for both of us, I think. Given my current situation, there isn't a worse possible play for me than antagonizing England... assuming he's not already aligned with France. He's made no move to show me that he is or isn't.\n\nWhat I can do is work to make England see that if France can't be trusted, trying to force his way in through StP is a death sentence: growth will be too slow, France will have to circle back for him, and his forces will be committed to that logjam in the Northeast.\n\nI should be able to convince him to convoy to Belgium, and that's his only army. Should give you plenty of breathing room. I'll try to convince him to focus on France. Self-serving, but probably in his best interests anyway.\n\nI'll be in touch.", "I just wrote the following to England:", "So that was interesting. I'm actually not that bad off as long as France and Russia aren't coordinating, and more importantly, as long as you aren't with France.\n\nSince clearly France can't be trusted, and obviously he'll have to come for you at some point to go for the win, maybe a convoy to Belgium is in order? You can hold StP easily, get 2 builds, prevent France from getting any, and change the balance of power pretty dramatically.\n\nIf you really trust France you could also convoy to Holland and take a stab at crippling me permanently - he'll get +1 or +2, you'll get +2. Though you risk bouncing with France if he gets greedy. But if he builds, and you see a F Mar, you're in for a rough go. If it's me, convoy to Belgium is the smarter play. I don't even see it as a stab on your end - our alliance was three-way, and it is broken. If you weren't in on it, it's broken for all of us.", "(pt 2:)\nIn either case, it's probably not a great idea to try to force your way into Russia via StP. You've got it, and can hold it easily - there's a reason it's part of the stalemate lines. You need to grow as fast as you can, or you're just waiting for a knife. I was waiting for Turkey to stab Russia to give you an opening. It didn't come, so I tried to force it and opened myself. But if Turkey stabs now he'll collapse too quickly for you to get (or at least get with any chance to defend) more than one more center.\n\nI would strongly consider figuring out lines and conditions with Russia so you can both dedicate your forces elsewhere. And I say that knowing that a highly likely place for Russia to dedicate forces is at me. But since the second most likely (and possibly first) is at Turkey, which takes a partner from France, it's worth the risk.\n\nWhat's on your mind?", "(wrap up:)\nAs I look at what I just wrote, I am going to cut/paste it to Russia to facilitate discussions among the three of us.", "So, by \"on France's side\" you mean \"supporting yourself into Tyrolia,\" right?", "Naw, it's too late. If you had moved to Armenia, the Black Sea, and Ukraine last turn you would have suddenly been a prohibitive favorite to solo. England isn't going anywhere, you can remove him at your leisure. Now? Who knows.", "A Ber S Boh - Mun\nF Den - Kie\nA Gal - Boh", "So, can we agree that we all need to put everything aside and stop Turkey? He's 3 away from the solo...\n\nI know I can't do much, but I can support y'all as needed and do whatever else I can.\n\n(Sending to all remaining powers that aren't Turkey)" ]
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[ "Would you like to work together?", "Depends on what you're thinking. As Germany, I think England makes the most sense as an ally. Regardless of how the early game goes, I have to deal with some combination of England, France, and Russia within a few years. France and Russia can help against England, but not against each other, while England can help against both of the other two.\n\nI'm definitely open to working together, but my main questions for you: what does your contact with France or Russia look like? Are you looking for a 3-party alliance, or just two? What's your initial vision of how this will go, especially considering the 1910 deadline?", "I have reached out to France and am hoping for a three-way alliance between us. I have not spoken with Russia, and he has not spoken with me either.\n\nI see myself going through Scandinavia and northern Russia, yourself going through southern Russia and Austria, and France will take the Mediterranean.", "I'm not closed off to the possibility, but I'm not thrilled at the prospect of an alliance with both you and France. If with you, I'd much prefer that we split Scandinavia and then you focus on the Atlantic and Med. If you land armies in Russia...well, that makes me an easy stab, while the reverse is not even close to true.\n\nThe concern about you flowing through Russia also explains my concern with the E/G/F combo, except even more so.\n\nI'm not trying to be contrary, but I don't have the luxury of setting my back against a wall like you do.", "By the way, have you heard anything from France?", "You bring up some very good points. I'm willing to team up against France.", "Also, France has offered a DMZ in the English Channel.", "France wants me to bounce in Burgundy, and is acting (I assume?) all upset that I might move to the Ruhr.\n\nWhat if I offered you Denmark - fleet only, no convoy - for the first season only. I'd take it back in 1902 barring something unexpected. But if you're in the Channel and North Sea this spring, you could convoy into France while I take Holland and Belgium. Brest and both Iberian centers are yours. We'll figure out Norway, Sweden, Paris, and Marsailles based on how this shakes out.\n\nMy spring would be\nKie-Hol\nMun-Ruh\nBer-Mun\n\nYours would be to Eng & Nth, and sit with 1 build and an army in Picardy (presumably).\n\nWhat do you think?", "", "I think that could work. Let's go for it!", "The incentivized lying makes me reluctant to believe you. But since that's true of everyone...I'm game.", "Well, what do you think about how the spring went? I wasn't psyched about the move to Picardy, but everything else in the west went fine. Are you convoying to Pic/Brest and taking Norway/Denmark?\n\nAustria is getting hit from all sides, which is never good for Germany, and Russia has the drop on both Austria and Turkey. I'm on good terms with him (to protect my backdoor) with a short NAP, but if he gets a quick jump it could be trouble.\n\nI was originally thinking you should convoy to France, but I'm wondering if that's a long term problem. You might want to convoy to Norway. I'm not trying to say what's best for you, just thinking about the mid- to long-term picture.\n\nDefinitely would like to hear your thoughts.", "Also, one other thought:\nRussia and Turkey may be working together. I haven't talked to them yet, but I'd be very unsurprised to see Con-AEG and A Bul S a Russian BLA C A Ank-Rum.\n\nIf they're not working together, that means Russia opened hostile to BOTH Austria and Turkey, which is crazy because it basically forces them to band together. I might warn Italy...", "What are you thinking for the fall?", "I was looking at his board, and all I could think was that he *has* to have a build. That means he has to cover Brest & take Portugal/Spain. So you should be able to convoy to Picardy.\n\nI think.", "That sounds good to me. I will do that.", "So...three builds for the Cossack. This may be a problem. He approached me about making sure that I fend you off. That was interesting, since all we have is a non-aggression pact. But note that part of our deal was that he can't build in Warsaw. That means you'll probably see F StP/nc. I'm going to build a fleet to make sure we don't lose control of Scandinavia.\n\nYou may need to focus north more than planned. I'm not looking to take any more than Demark, and I'm not going to break my NAP, but I can get into Denmark and the Baltic and lock him down.", "I haven't heard anything else from France, but if I don't help Austria this is going to be a very short game. We're 2 turns in and Austria and Turkey are both on the mat. They can slow Russia down if they work together - and it looks like they will - except Italy is making that a problem.\n\nI'm hamstrung by my NAP. I need to pressure Italy to help Austria. I was planning on doing it through France, but that will be far too slow. Tyrolia? Likely bounce, but it may buy some time.\n\nHow do you want to handle France? Dibs on Paris and Marsailles. We can't let him up off the mat, but if you can't absorb Russian attention we're sunk.\n\nI'm planning F Kie-BAL and A Ber-Kie, then lock up Denmark no matter what. But these next couple moves have to be perfect.", "Ehhh, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that fleet, actually. Let me think about it and let you know. Open to input.\n\nBy the way, if you're thinking of teaming up with Russia (or already have, said Germany, looking at the build in the Irish Sea) look at the board. He has a clear path to a solo, and can cross the stalemate lines at StP right now, so they're of no concern. He already has you 2-1 in the north, and Turkey and Austria will both be Russian by the end of 1903.\n\nHe told me he's not looking to solo because it'd be too hard to do with the 1910 limit. With a big early jump, the smart money says that thought turns into seeing it as a challenge.", "Can you please have your A Pic S Bel-Bur?", "NM about that either, actually. Nothing is quite right yet.", "Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what to do at the moment. Russia contacted me about leaving each other alone, so the fleet in stp is somewhat of a surprise. I'm thinking I move from eng to nth and moving lvp to iri. I'm willing to support bel to but if you change your mind about that. We're in a tough position, though.", "I know it's late. But if you bump Paris and move Eng-MAO you assure Brest in the fall, since I can move to Paris to break any support.", "France just contacted me. He believes that we should all work to stop the obviously powerful Russia. He suggested working with you to get pic south, but I don't think that will work very well. Do you have any ideas?", "What I think you should do is move Eng to Nth, convince Germany to let you move Bel(you wouldn't be taking it though, just moving through), and then convoy Bel to Nwy where you could really fight russia - from France", "What do you think about that plan?", "I've been talking with France. As I said, I'd like to walk away from him. Give him the Iberian, recommend that he build to go to the Med.", "As you know, I have my suspicions that you're working with Russia. Nature of the game.\n\nSo I'm not psyched about having you waltz through Belgium in a position to support a hold or misorder or even move to Holland.\n\nThat said, I'm open to some very fast brainstorming.", "That's understandable. Something else we might do is destroy my unit in pic so I could build an additional fleet, but that wouldn't be viable until the fall.", "I prefer doing that in the Fall, yes. It puts us all a turn behind when he has a second fleet in the North already.", "A Bel - Ruh\nA Ber - Kie\nF Hol - HEL\nF Kie - BAL\nA Mun - Tyr", "So do you want me to move to bel so that I can convoy?", "Sure. *Gulp*", "Alright. Placing my orders.", "Right. Don't forget to save. 🙄", "Good stuff.", "I'm retreating to ska so we can take swe.", "I didn't like that at first, but after further consideration, I do. You're not going to be convoying anywhere just yet. I'm thinking you stay in Belgium, but support Hel-Den from the North Sea and have F SKA S BAL C Kie-Swe? The only way he stops that is...if he has Norway supports Sweden holding, I think? Or uses Sweden to support Norway to SKA, I guess. But in that case he still loses Sweden, and you retreat to BAL.", "If we didn't need the centers so badly I'd convoy to Livonia anyway.", "Yup. Okay, gotta run now.", "I think something that would work better is if you took SWE with BAL. That way I could break the support in NWY with NTH, and you could take DEN with either HEL or KIE. What do you think about that?", "Hmm. He knows he can't save Sweden, so he may be resigned to losing it. Assume that's true, and also that he doesn't think we'll bother to support into Norway because we can't take it. What does he do?", "I desperately want to convoy, but it's fall, so if he gets a build it will be...not futile, but less impactful.\n\nRight now in the South he's -1 in Austria. He's facing a guessing game on whether he'll be -2 there, but most likely he'll be -2 in the area and +1 in Turkey. Then +1 in Norway to offset.\n\nI don't see any way he gets a build.\n\nThat being the case, the value of A Lvn is far more than a build for me and a disband for him. Both of us will be even, as will he. But A Lvn demands 3 units to defend. It cripples him in the Balkans, and since I can break his support from StP we lock down all of Scandinavia next year.", "Alright, let's do that then. You convoy to lvn, and I support hel to den.", "So...\n\nEngland\nA Bel H\nF NAO - NWG\nF NTH S HEL - Den\nF SKA S HEL - Den\n\nGermany\nF BAL C Kie - Lvn\nF HEL - Den\nA Kie - Lvn\n\n?", "Yes, that works great.", "Cool. Done.", "I only have a thumbs-down option on one of my messages... reposting:", "That assures Denmark, and the only real risk is that he moves Swe S Nor SKA, and StP-Nor. Very unlikely that he's going to risk not getting Norway, though.", "Anyway, done. Now to figure out what to do with Tyrolia and Ruhr...", "I was wrong, and you were right. We have to take Sweden. It's a long shot for Turkey and Austria to be able to offset him taking Norway, and an army in Lvn isn't going to be much good if he can build.", "\n\nI think that's the winner.\nYou lose Norway, gain Sweden and Belgium.\nI lose Belgium, gain Denmark.\nRussia gains Norway and Ankara, loses Sweden, and Budapest.\nAustria gains Budapest, loses Serbia\nTurkey gains Serbia, loses Ankara.\n\nYou get one build, all else washes.", "I thank you for your offer to support me into Sweden, this way I'm still in BAL and in position to convoy from Kiel or head to Munich, plus my fleet in Denmark is there to close the deal in Scandinavia. You could send your other fleet to NWG, BAR, or swing south to help in the med. We'll have 4 fleets to secure NWY/Sweden, and an army on the way to force his army to pull away.\n\ long as he can't get a build.", "Check my thinking, and send other ideas.", "Your thinking sounds good to me. The only question is do you want swe or do you want me to have swe?", "I can support myself into Denmark and ensure I don't need to disband. I'll take Sweden when you take Norway next year?", "BTW, I like France, but he's a threat to stab with nowhere to grow. Which is the other reason I'm suggesting that you take Sweden - just in case Belgium.", "Just updated & saved:\nF BAL S SKA - Swe\nF HEL - Den\nA Kie S HEL - Den\nA Ruh - Mun\nA Tyr - Tri\n\nAs long as you bump Norway and move Hel-Swe, we should be good.", "Alright, sounds good.", "Russia is reaching out to me about turning on you. I assume the reverse is also true. Don't buy it.\n\nThe reality is that he's totally on the ropes right now. Scandinavia is lost to him, and with France and I starting to pressure Italy and Austria about done, Turkey is already matching his 7 centers and in a much better position both to grow and to stab.\n\nI misread the Turkey relationship - alarm bells were going off, but that was a helluva lot of trust for a game that is (supposedly?) blind. Given that I'm not confident that it *is* blind, we have to assume that they're acting as one power.\n\nAll of which is just a mush of thoughts, but I want to pass them to France as well to spur discussion. I don't want him to feel left out and get antsy. Especially when he has to build at Brest.", "Russia actually hasn't spoken to me. Not since the beginning of the game.", "Ideas on what I should build? I'm thinking fleet in edi.", "Okay, so this year we need to lock Norway down, ideally with a British army, make sure France is fully on board, figure out what's up with Italy, and penetrate east.\n\nI think the clearest thing is that you take Norway in the Spring, and from Sweden. He can't stop it, and with my Den-SKA he's left only with a retreat to BAL.\n\nYou'd then need to get the army in there in the fall. We position in the spring and do the same with a convoy in the fall as well. But to do that you need to stay in Sweden, which isn't a good use of a fleet - as it stands, Italy can legitimately be in the channel by winter.", "Alright, I'll attack nwy with swe and support from my fleets. Next phase I can convoy from Bel.", "If you can, I think you should move to ska so that his unit gets destroyed.", "I'm moving to SKA, but my guess is that he'll retreat to BAL. He might disband anyway, but I doubt it.", "F BAL C Kie - Lvn\nF Den - SKA\nA Kie - Lvn\nA Mun - Sil\nA Tyr S Mar - Pie", "You are there, right? I get that it didn't affect much that you hung out on your party barges near the North Pole, but we really need that convoy to Norway, along with vacating Sweden.\n\nAre we good?", "I entered my orders and made sure I updated them. I'm not entirely sure what happened. I'll convoy this phase.", "Okay. I'm taking Sweden, though.\n\nMaybe we sell it as a stab? I'll bump StP, or take it if he gives up on Norway and moves that army.", "France needs a build. How do you feel about giving up Belgium? we", "F BAL - Swe\n\nA Lvn - Stp\n\nA Mun - Sil\n\nF SKA S BAL - Swe\n\nA Tyr S Pie - Ven", "...unless I hear otherwise.", "Sounds good", "Sweden is yours next year - apologies for the miscalculation.\n\nIt will be interesting to see where Russia disbands. He either is open to one of us, or just *begging* for Turkey to smell the solk and stab.", "I was thinking something like:\nF Fin - Stp/sc\nF NTH - Nwy\nF NWG - BAR\nA Nwy S Fin - Stp/sc\n\nGermany:\nA Lvn - Mos\nA Mun/Ber ?\nA Sil - Gal\nF SKA - Den\nF Swe - BOT\nA Tyr S Mun - Boh\n\nThis gets a fleet into StP instead of an army, but it's a lock rather than a hope. I'd leave Sweden in the fall if that move doesn't succeed...and start scrambling to protect my home centers.\n\nWhat do you think?", "That sounds good to me!", "No, I think that's broken because of the disband and build. I'll give it some thought, and I'd welcome your thoughts.", "Well, I like the moves you have for me, except the f nth - nwy, that would disrupt my attack, so I was thinking f nth s nwy. I also like the moves you gave planned out for yourself. So whatever you want to change, let me know what you're doing and I'll tell you what I think.", "So that was interesting. I'm actually not that bad off as long as France and Russia aren't coordinating, and more importantly, as long as you aren't with France.\n\nSince clearly France can't be trusted, and obviously he'll have to come for you at some point to go for the win, maybe a convoy to Belgium is in order? You can hold StP easily, get 2 builds, prevent France from getting any, and change the balance of power pretty dramatically.\n\nIf you really trust France you could also convoy to Holland and take a stab at crippling me permanently - he'll get +1 or +2, you'll get +2. Though you risk bouncing with France if he gets greedy. But if he builds, and you see a F Mar, you're in for a rough go. If it's me, convoy to Belgium is the smarter play. I don't even see it as a stab on your end - our alliance was three-way, and it is broken. If you weren't in on it, it's broken for all of us.", "In either case, it's probably not a great idea to try to force your way into Russia via StP. You've got it, and can hold it easily - there's a reason it's part of the stalemate lines. You need to grow as fast as you can, or you're just waiting for a knife. I was waiting for Turkey to stab Russia to give you an opening. It didn't come, so I tried to force it and opened myself. But if Turkey stabs now he'll collapse too quickly for you to get (or at least get with any chance to defend) more than one more center.\n\nI would strongly consider figuring out lines and conditions with Russia so you can both dedicate your forces elsewhere. And I say that knowing that a highly likely place for Russia to dedicate forces is at me. But since the second most likely (and possibly first) is at Turkey, which takes a partner from France, it's worth the risk.\n\nWhat's on your mind?", "As I look at what I just wrote, I am going to cut/paste it to Russia to facilitate discussions among the three of us.", "Are you still willing to work together? I never intended to use you as a meatshield, and hoped to remain allies with you to the end. Once I have Scandinavia locked down (which should be shortly) I will begin to redirect forces to assist you against France.", "I've got no problem with that. I can make things tricky for awhile, I think. I haven't actually looked at the adjudication, though.", "So, can we agree that we all need to put everything aside and stop Turkey? He's 3 away from the solo...\n\nI know I can't do much, but I can support y'all as needed and do whatever else I can.\n\n(Sending to all remaining powers that aren't Turkey)", "Yes, that's the case", "I'm moving lvn to pru. You should support this move, as well as defend yourself in bur. This is to help prevent the ottoman advance.", "I was thinking A Ber - Sil\nF Kie - BAL\n\nwith\n\nF BAL - BOT\nF Nwy - Stp/nc\nF Pru S Stp - Lvn\nA Stp - Lvn\n\nand\n\nA Hol - Ruh\nA Mun - Boh\nA Pie - Tyr\nF Tun S TYS - ION\nA Tus - Rom\nF TYS - ION\n\nI think Munich is safe no matter what happens (except if he vacates Bohemia).\nSt Petersburg is most likely locked down.\nHe expects you to move to Venice. My guess is that he'll support himself on. Let him. You'll either slide into Rome or stop his fleet from doing the same.\nYour fleet in TYS is protected.\nI get to build an army, which should be the nail in the coffin of his chances to take a centre north of Switzerland.\n\nThoughts?", "That sounds good to me", "Can you defend Prussia?", "Bal defend bur and all else defend min?", "Mun*", "Works for me. I was hoping to get Munich back to close the game out, but...", "You could talk to France about that, but it doesn't really matter. You're still alive and that's the important thing.", "Would have been easy to do last turn. A little harder now..." ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 5, 3 ]
[ "Hello down there, Sultan!\n\nAnything we need to talk about early, or should we just see what happens early?\n\nBest,\n\n- Kaiser", "Eh, I have the luxury of a boring country that CAN chill out and see how things shake out. \nAnd as much as I personally enjoy opening to Tyrolia as Germany, other people tend to look at me weird if I suggest it, so...I guess all I can really five into is to ask that you give me a heads up if you decide to pick a fight with a mutual neighbor so I can pile on", "So, you were going for the Slingshot Juggernaut, and had the rug pulled out, huh? That hurts. And Austria is in no position to provide much help.\n\nWhat's the plan from this point?", "My hands are tied with my positioning and an NAP that runs through the end of this year, but I'm happy to work as an intermediary with you and Austria to help coordinate.\n\nI've given you one bit of help - Russia can't build in Warsaw, so it takes one unit out of the South.", "Ugh, what a pain in the ass. I can't even rotate on him in a meaningful time frame, and Austria's going to be no help any time soon beyond protecting Bulgaria this turn.", "You could take him down together, unless he's working with Italy. Even if he's not, Italy's going to feed on Austria - he's pretty committed - and come after you since you're exposed. The upside is just that they wouldn't likely be explicitly helping each other.\n\nI don't have anything preventing me from going at Italy, and he's really wrecking everything right now. Plus, silent. As far as I know, towards everyone.", "Let me know how I can help. Looks like you have one set of moves that assures winning the guessing game,..", "Yes, Italy's silent. It's frustrating. \nIf I make it through this turn, should be all good, though. Looks like y'all have Russia pretty well stopped in the North", "I'm sandboxing the mess you guys have down there. Here's the thing: Russia is going to add a center in the north, and he can't get a build. So y'all need to have him net no better than -1 down there. Since we have to assume he's going to take Ankara, you need to take two centers in Austria/Balkans.\n\nI think I have a solution, but I need to stress test. It will need my Tyr for sure. I'll be in touch with both of you soon.", "Are we looking at the same game? If you and England coordinate, you're guaranteed to deny him a build up north, as you can force Sweden.", "Yes, but until I worked through the stuff down hear that's not what we were going to do, which is the reason it was so critical. As long as he wouldn't be able to build we would temporarily pass on Sweden for stronger position. Him building makes it not a stronger position. And so...", "Man, nothing look a good convoy to Livonia to wreck someone's day.", "I was sure he'd smell it and counter. I was floored to see it go through.", "He's been struggling a bit with tactics this game. Honestly, that was part of the reason I was so willing to accept his offer of an out-of-the-gate Juggernaut.", "I'm not sure I believe that...", "*shrug* No worries, just making small talk. I do like your position now, though.", "I didn't mean that as hostile, and I only meant the first part. He's either been really good or really lucky from what I've seen.", "He got pretty lucky in the opening - some of the tactical discussions have been questionable. OTOH, there's the other really important fact that I've actually had discussions with him - total freaking radio silence from England and Italy, and not much more than that from France or Austria. This has been a really non-talkative board for the most part.", "Italy has spoken to no one as far as I've heard. England isn't very talky. France is, but we've had less to talk about, really. I had to convince him that moving to MAO and leaving Spain open was the smart play just now, and of course it took some convincing that I was going to just walk away from the blitzkrieg lines I opened up with. That's probably natural.", "Probably - and he does seem to be fairly committed to the Med at this point. Me tapping Tri instead of doing the army rotation I actually wanted to do might actually help convince him to keep going, as it means he's going to end up winning the race for Italian dots if he pushes on. You look in pretty good shape, to be honest - France moving mostly away from you, all kinds of position on Russia, and an England prone to not moving, you're pretty much all opportunity right now 🙂", "My back door is open, I need to get France a build, and we have a serious problem controlling the Atlantic.\n\nHey, want to support me into Trieste?", "Ugh, you would hit that right as I was crashing. Let me wake up and check map.", "I'm not saying I necessarily want to move to Trieste. But Italy is a problem for everyone right now, just in terms of resolution. And the radio silence.", "Right-o. We do need to take the random element off the board. \nNot out of the question, my only hesitation is that it further accelerates what send to be your massive breakout opportunity here - doesn't look like you need a lot of help ballooning up to monster size right now. Otoh, your borders are kinda brittle at the moment until you get a couple builds in.", "Yes. All that is true.\n\nHey, speaking of ballooning out to monster size, you had a nice year.\n\n...just sayin'.", "Since you're on to Italy anyway, any chance you want to take Trieste?", "I did, but that will is almost dry. And, yes, I'm happy to take Trieste. Given the current positions, if nothing else changes, at most I get one Italian for after that, so next build (Trieste?) Is probably time to turn North. I assume that works well for you, too.", "Is Russia willing to support you in?", "I believe so, yes.", "Don't suppose I could convince you to dive for either Vienna or Warsaw as I'm covering the other two?", "How you doin'?", "Awesome. Can I help you with anything that doesn't result in me sacrificing the game?", "BTW, I marked that I believed your message, but in all honesty I don't think you actually *care* about how I'm doing. Just sayin'.", "Hey, I'm an empathetic guy :)\nSeriously just checking in, making sure nobody's interested in throwing a spite-solo", "All set on my end. Good lookin' out, though." ]
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[ 5, 1 ]
[ "Good morning, France.\n\nI wanted to reach out to you to see where your mind is at initially. I also wanted to let you know up front that, unless something changes, I will be moving to Ruhr. I'm not worrying about Belgium at this point, but I do want to ensure that I have Holland locked down. Most importantly, this isn't intended as hostility towards you.\n\nWith that out of the way, what's going on so far? Have you heard from Italy, England, or Russia? What are you hoping for early?", "Checking back in with one more question: would you prefer to plan a stand-off in Burgundy? I'm not excited about it, but I'm open to it.", "Hi Germany! \n\nBounce in Burgundy sounds good. But your move to Ruh... idk, not really liking that. Holland is guaranteed to you winter 1901 no matter if you have Ruh or not. The main reason you would move it there in 1901 would be to take Belgium, and then move in on me. It feels pretty anti-france. Hopefully we can work something out, and maybe even arrange an alliance against England? About that, have you heard anything from them? I havn't. \n\nLooking forwards to a good game! -France", "Yes, England reached out to me, and asked if I was interested in an alliance of the three of us. I told him I wasn't, as that rarely ends well for Germany. I told him I was definitely interested in allying with one of you, but not both.\n\nI'm not a big fan of a bounce in Burgundy. It's kind of a fear maneuver that puts both of us behind overall. It's nice on your end, since it functions as your defense and frees up Marsailles.\n\nSpeaking of Marsailles - nothing from Italy? I haven't heard from him yet.", "What would the rest of S01 look like with the Burgundy bounce?", "So... what are you going to do about ruhr? The rest of S01 really depends on where we want this to go. Do you want a full on alliance against england or just an agreement of DMZs and who gets what territories.", "Nothing from italy...", "If you don't want to do a bounce where would munich go? I'm planning on moving to burgundy, because I don't really have anywhere to move it in the spring, and I don't 100% trust you.", "It's probably best that you don't 100% trust me. That's kind of the game we play - we trust those we shouldn't, and doubt those we should trust.\n\nI'm moving to Ruhr, which isn't considered to be anti-France generally. Holland isn't garaunteed to me unless I pass on Denmark. Moving to the Ruhr (or successfully to Burgundy, which I assume you wouldn't like) is the only way to ensure Holland without F-Kie-Hol. If you're moving to Burgundy that will pretty much cast the die, I guess.\n\nHonestly, if you haven't heard from Italy you might take that as a cue to be nervous. He has every reason to want to come to an agreement with you.\n\nYou still haven't heard from England either?", "Enland isn't talking that much. They have communicated to me about an alliance with you, but I feel like they arn't that involved in this game and wouldn't be a good ally. For this reason I think we should work together to take them out", "I thought you were going to bounce me... oh well. I know I'm in Bur rn and that is generally considered an anti-german position, but I don't really want to fight you, since I have my hands full w/ England. Do you want to try to take out England? I could support Ruh into belgium if you were willing to support me sometime in the future", "I said I was moving to Ruhr. How could I have moved to Burgundy as well? Not only did I say I was moving to Ruhr, I said that it wasn't considered to be an anti-Frencb move, and that if you moved to Burgundy, the die would be cast.\n\nI'm a little surprised that was somehow unclear...", "Look, I opened the game gunning for you, which was nothing more than a strategic choice. I actually was kind of bummed about it - you seem more into the game and more talkative, both of which I like.\n\nBut things change. Looking around, Russia - with whom I have a NAP expiring in the fall - is about to crush Austria and Turkey at once, which will makd him essentially unstoppable. Based on the build in the Irish Sea, England is certainly not preparing to box him in up North, never mind pressure him. He may be working with him. As far as I can tell, Italy isn't talking to anyone, but jumped on Austria as well. I need Austria to provide some resistance at the very least, and so do you. You run the risk of losing without ever engaging with your conqueror. To me, that's always the worst way to lose.", "Let's talk, and soon. You got a build, and still have Spain there for a second. If we can make peace, you can dig in.\n\nItaly is the key to this, IMO.", "Ok", "I’m busy but can we work this out in like a few hours", "Sure.", "Ah! So close to adjudication. Ok are you there?", "Turns out yes, but not for too long", "I agree that we need to stop Russia. I can't really directly contact him much but I will reach out to England/Austria/Italy.", "Okay...\n\nAnything else?", "Well, what are you going to do?", "Germany... I understand you want me to help with this russia thing but the truth is your a lot closer to russia than I am and frankly I can't completely trust that you won't attack me'", "That's what I'm trying to figure out. What I want to do is move to Tyrolia, you move to Marsailles and the Piedmont, and we make sure Britain can't stay on the continent.\n\nBut my default course, since we haven't been able to connect, is to come at you hard and make sure I get my builds on my back door.", "...tough spot.", "Well, I would like that as well. But it definitly requires an element of trust.", "Agreed. My plan and my order set was to attack you. It's the most obvious course.", "Are you going to?", "Let me ask you. Assume my moves were tactical, and that the strategically correct thing is to walk away right now.\n\nBig leap of faith for both, but especially for you.\n\nThat said, look back and you'll see that I've done nothing but deal straight with you.", "Tell me you're in, and that you'll move Bur-Mar (then to Pie) and I'll believe you, make the leap of faith, and order Mun-Tyr. Support me in Belgium in case England double crosses. I'll move to the North Sea.", "I'm willing to do it; of course it probably isn't a good move in the short term, as I don't completely trust you... but nobody is going to win in the short term, either. So yes, I would do it. But I can't support you in belgiam since I'm moving Bur... but anyways, I actually think you should work with englnad and let them move to Bel, where they could convoy away next turn to Nwy which would really be a pain for russia(which would be good for us)", "Your going to have to talk to england about that last part, I told them and they said they were on board but you guys need to work it out", "He already reached out to me. Working on it.", "Cut/paste:", "A Bel - Ruh\n\nA Ber - Kie\n\nF Hol - HEL\n\nF Kie - BAL\n\nA Mun - Tyr", "ok", "...and you'll support my move back to Belgium in the fall from Picardy?", "So you want me to move to Pic?", "Where's holland going?", "But yes, I will support you back into Bel", "HELgoland Bight.", "Hmm. So i'm assuming that means Eng-Nth, for the convoy, right", "Bal isn't the best spot...", "But not really that many other options.", "I think that's the idea, yes. He floated popping his A Pic, but that puts us way behind.", "Bal is perfect. Fall is A Kie-Den, the. A Den-Livonia.", "The army in Nwy will be amazing 😍 if it works", "Ok. But it's going to trigger alarms for Russia. You don't have to do it right away.", "Russia might try for Den this turn", "Right. That's Spring '03. It's pretty late for dancing around. Look at Austria and Turkey. They're toast.", "I can take Den back. I have three units on it.", "Ok, sure", "Well, I hope all goes well.", "England says he's placing orders now. Mine are placed/saved.\n\nYeah, me too. *Gulp*", "Ooh, got a message from austria. Says russia isn't talking and turkey is working w/ russia", "Turkey isn't. Just got bit on a fake slingshot Juggernaut. See the convoy across the black sea that didn't happen?", "Sry. Meant italy is working w/ russia", "typo", "This worked out good.", "Italy helped austria get russia", "Oh. I suspected that, but couldn't get my hands around it. Austria told me that he suspected, but had no evidence. I haven't heard from Italy at all, and everyone has said the same to me.", "Yup. Okay, gotta run now.", "Same here. Italy is mute. Looks like I won't be getting Spain either", "Ok. Nice work. Talk tmrow", "Why are you not getting Spain? A Mar S MAO-Spa/sc is a lockdown.\n\nPersonally I'd be more worried about doing that and seeing F WES-MAO. But then, life's a gamble. Plus, with Austria in the Ionian and me in Tyrolia, I'm not sure he'll be going on distant explorations right now. You might even consider skipping the support. Run F MAO-Spa/SC and A Mar-Pie. Not the safest, but it has a certain swagger to it. And, sadly, I'm not above that being a tiebreaking factor. 🤨", "Thoughts on the Fall? Spain, I assume. Nice break that Austria's in the Ionian, which should open up a path for you.\n\nI'm not sure what to do with my A Ruhr, and I'm open to suggestions. If you do end up supporting from Mar, how do you feel about Tyr-Pie? I'm not saying I'll do it, but it's an option. Not a great option, but still.", "Mar to piedmont definitly", "Tyr could support that move or try for Viena, triest, or venice", "I would probably move Ruh to kiel. There arn't really any great options. If england turns on you, you *might* be able to get denmark back, and from kiel you can always convoy.", "Or you could move to munich where you have access to a lot of stuff.", "ANy thoughts on what I could do with Paris? Rn i'm thinking \nA Bur - Mar\nF MAO - Spa/sc\nA Mar - Pie", "ANd then Paris could go to Burgundy, could hold, could move to gascony, or could move to picardy and then we could work out a convoy and basically send it anywhere", "Which of those do u lke?", "As much as I'd love to see you in Piedmont, you risk missing a build from Spain unless you support yourself in.", "Hmm, ok, so say you move to piedmont. What next? Also what do u think about paris?", "Not sure about Paris. Piedmont will be open in the Spring - with me in Tyrolia Italy needs his A Ven in the east.", "Russia is reaching out to me about turning on you. I assume the reverse is also true. Don't buy it.\n\nThe reality is that he's totally on the ropes right now. Scandinavia is lost to him, and with France and I starting to pressure Italy and Austria about done, Turkey is already matching his 7 centers and in a much better position both to grow and to stab.\n\nI misread the Turkey relationship - alarm bells were going off, but that was a helluva lot of trust for a game that is (supposedly?) blind. Given that I'm not confident that it *is* blind, we have to assume that they're acting as one power.\n\nAll of which is just a mush of thoughts; I shared them with England as well to spur discussion. By the way, what are your plans at this point? You need to get into the Med in a hurry, of course. Britain may be able to bring a fleet around to help after the next year or so. I've got an army I'm able to dedicate, kinda - I'm expecting a push west from Warsaw now.", "Hi germany. Sorry for the late response. I had too much fun on the weekend.", "Can you suppport me into Pie?", "Italy's fleet in Wes is a real pain. I'm going to just need to guess where they are going", "I'll support to Pie. Move to MAO, with someone moving to Gas and to Mar. You can take back Spain if he slips in, but prevent all sorts of other nonsense if he gets to MAO. We also need to get you a build if for another fleet. Else maybe pop an army so you can build.", "F BAL C Kie - Lvn\nF Den - SKA\nA Kie - Lvn\nA Mun - Sil\nA Tyr S Mar - Pie", "You're covering MAO?", "Yes", "A bre - gas\nA bur - Mar\nA mar - Pie\nA par - bur\nF spa/sc - MAO", "We both need builds. I'll try to support you into Venice. It *probably* won't work, but there's a shot. Turkey is heading to the Ionian and it makes sense that he might team up with Russia to take it, which would let my support go through.\n\nI could take it, but it takes me out of position, whereas you'd be able to get Mar through to Pie as well. On the other hand, I'm assured of taking it, and you can take Belgium - England is vacating.\n\nLet me know what you think.", "F BAL - Swe\n\nA Lvn - Stp\n\nA Mun - Sil\n\nF SKA S BAL - Swe\n\nA Tyr S Pie - Ven\n\n...unless I hear otherwise.", "sounds good", "A Bur - Bel\nA Gas - Spa\nA Mar - Pie\nA Pie - Ven\nF Spa/sc - MAO", "Thanks. Are you communicating with Britain as well?", "Hey, can I assume those builds will float? You're racing Turkey, and he has a nice head start...", "Talking a bit with England. Builds will float ofc 😝", "Well, one of them I guess.\n\nI have to say, you guys are both making me pretty nervous right now.", "Oops. I had sent you a message before explaining that but ig I forgot to press one of the emojis so it didn't send", "But yeah sorry about that, I had put that in as my orders and then forgot to change them", "Hopefully you don't take that too agressivly... I wont' move them towards you. I'm going to push everything I have at italy", "Hey Germany,\nEverybody vastly overreacted, worrying that I was going to go for the solo, since I had 11 centers. Even though I clearly wasn't going to, literally EVERYONE teamed up against me, reducing me to 9. And frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if the attack continued. Meanwhile, turkey has gotten 12 centers, and is in a great position—Russia is exposed, and they are likely going to break through my defenses as well. It's more than likely that turkey is going for the solo. Just saying—if turkey wins, it's because all of u guys were selfish and ignored the bigger threat at hand. On that note, I hope turkey doesn't win, and that we can come together to stop them(much like you did to me). BTW I am sending this message to everybody. Hopefully we can work together to stop turkey", "So, can we agree that we all need to put everything aside and stop Turkey? He's 3 away from the solo...\n\nI know I can't do much, but I can support y'all as needed and do whatever else I can.\n\n(Sending to all remaining powers that aren't Turkey)", "Ha, I already did that but not too you because of how puny you are 😵", "...and Russia, then?", "Because it seems you're running out of potential allies.", "Hey, I think we can agree that we need to take whatever measures possilble to stop Turkey from getting one more supply center. We just need to last one more year, and I think with some communication it might be possible. Please support me from Burgundy into munich.", "Im also attacking venice and rome", "I told england to support you in your territores, as Englands centers will not be taken but yours very possible might be.", "This game is probably over, but we need to try", "I legitimantly think we can stop turkey from getting one more center. Support me hold in munich, and I will attack Tyr, which means that I keep munich no matter what. I'm making a play on rome, and may get that. Turkey doesn't have enough force to take any centers(berlin or Stp)", "What about:", "I was thinking A Ber - Sil\nF Kie - BAL\n\nwith\n\nF BAL - BOT\nF Nwy - Stp/nc\nF Pru S Stp - Lvn\nA Stp - Lvn\n\nand\n\nA Hol - Ruh\nA Mun - Boh\nA Pie - Tyr\nF Tun S TYS - ION\nA Tus - Rom\nF TYS - ION\n\nI think Munich is safe no matter what happens (except if he vacates Bohemia).\nSt Petersburg is most likely locked down.\nHe expects you to move to Venice. My guess is that he'll support himself on. Let him. You'll either slide into Rome or stop his fleet from doing the same.\nYour fleet in TYS is protected.\nI get to build an army, which should be the nail in the coffin of his chances to take a centre north of Switzerland.\n\nThoughts?", "Ok, these moves are good. But most of this doesn't even matter, because this is the last season before the hard cap. Right now my orders are the same as the ones you said, but Munich is holding. It makes more sense, because if I got into Boh, I would lose Munich.", "But...what if he has Boh support a move to Munich from one of the other two? You're equally sunk.\n\nYou're right, of course. That is the one scenario that's a problem. It's just that I think it's the least likely - far less likely than Boh providing the support for an attack. That's because we don't have a unit adjacent to Bohemia, so we can't break the support.\n\nUnless you're going to double support Munich, we have to do it this way. Elsewise, if he double supports (with one support from Boh) we're toast, and we have no way to know which of the supports we should hit.", "Yeah, which is why I think berlin should support munich.", "Play it out.\n\nBerlin supports Munich Hold.\nPiedmont to Tyrolia.\n\nTurkey:\nTyr-Mun\nBoh s Tyr-Mun\nSil s Tyr-Mun [or] s War-Pru [or] something else.\n\nMunich is lost, and there are armies in 2 of Trieste, Venice, and Rome. Probably those last two (convoy from Alb).", "I think the chance that Tyr moves to Mun is less of a risk Mun moving to Boh", "Possibly. Everyone's different.\n\nIf you were him, your move would be to move the one unit that can support without risk of being broken? Bohemia is definitely, definitely going to support. If he puts everything into taking Munich we can't stop him. But as long as Russia doesn't move to Burgandy we can make him pay, and have it back for the last fall turn.\n\nIf he takes it from Tyr or Sil, you retreat to Burgandy and between us we have armies in Ruh, Bur, and two of Ber, Tyr, or Sil, right?\nIf he tries to take it from Boh, he fails, and we have all of those except Mun instead of Bur. If he moves Boh somewhere else, Munich falls to any move from Sil or Tyr, but we're in an even better position - we're in Boh now, with position both on Munich and Vienna.", "Ok, you convinced me", "Which almost certainly means that I'll be catastrophically wrong, of course.", "You'll be wanting to retreat to burgundy now.", "Tsk tsk, I told you I was right", "What are you thinking for moves?", "The result of being wrong was better my way, and you would have lost it either way.\n\nHaven't looked yet. At a glance it looks pretty tough to screw it up, though.", "I’m going to bed soon and won’t have too much time in the morning, so if u have ideas sooner is better", "Sorry", "F Bre\nA Bur - Mun\nA Ruh S Bur - Mun\nF Tun S TYS - ION\nA Tus - Ven\nA Tyr - Boh\nF TYS - ION'", "Why didn’t you place moves?", "Germany? Now isn't a good time to be zoning out.", "Was a little tied up at work. Then with finding whoever came up with the concept of a \"code freeze\" and torturing them.\n\nIn fairness, not much I could have done or not done would have mattered.", "Anyway, how do you feel about helping me to finish up the game holding my home centers?", "Nah. Would have worked in the Spring, but there's no good way to do it at this point...", "F Bre - Par\nA Mun H\nA Pie S Tus - Ven\nA Ruh S Mun\nF Tun - ION\nA Tus - Ven\nF TYS - Nap\n\nand\n\nA ber H\nA kie S Mun H\nF bal S ber H", "Garuntees 5 way win", "R u there?", "Yes. That's fine. I'll have Berlin do something, but still.", "Why would you have Berlin do anything? That will mess up the support from F BAL.", "Support", "K" ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 5, 6 ]
[ "Hey how's it going!? Hoping we can work together in this one. How you feeling about gal this year? Should we bounce there?", "Greetings Austria, nice to make your acquaintance.\n\nThis is definitely a unique game given the time constraints and high stakes. I intend to strike Northwest in an attempt to build a large fleet line extending across the North Atlantic. I need your cooperation to make this work, however. I need you to eliminate Turkey as a threat, and quickly so that I can turn my full attention North. Here is what I propose:\n\nI take RUM, but agree to take no centers South of RUM.\nSpring 1901 I move A MOS-STP\nWe both agree to a total DMZ in GAL\nFall 1901 I will move A WAR North\nI will use any available strength along my Southern border to support you in taking the Balkans and Turkey throughout the game.\n\nI think if we can both maintain trust you and I can hold the majority of centers between the two of us in 1910, and we'll both walk out of this game with the spoils. What do you think?", "Sounds interesting! What does A War do in the spring?", "I think A WAR-MOS. It allows me to backfill and on the off chance you do stab me and move to GAL I can bounce WAR in the Autumn then build in WAR, to be frank.", "Ok. So you want to take rum this year with your fleet? You're ok giving up the black sea? Or are you hoping for a DMZ there?", "Bounce in the spring, hope for the DMZ in the fall", "Alright well I'll take the risk and DMZ gal from the outset. Gotta trust someone from the start and your plan is sound for the both of us.", "Sorry that the game had to go the way it did, but it's just the game. Nice playing with you. Sorry about the stab." ]
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ]
[ 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 ]
[ 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2 ]
[ 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4 ]
[ 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 53, 321 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 7 ]
[ 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1, 19, 6 ]
[ 4, 2 ]
[ 4, 3 ]
[ "Howdy diddly do, neighbor!\n\nAny thoughts on how you'd like the opening stages to go?", "I'd love to take all of the balkans and Rumania then all of Italy and France in the next 2 years. Seems like a decent opening!? How about you? 🙂", "Wouldn't we all love that? I mean, not specifically you taking all that...\nSeriously, though, you have any thoughts on what kind if longer term partner you want? Any grudges you need to work out on the board?", "You, umm, want to ask me to get my fleet out to help slow down Italy?", "I think we are both an early dinner at this point but sure!", "I've put prelim orders in to support Greece to ion and stand Italy out. Let me know if that's wasted effort", "I'll support you into ION instead. I don't want to be leaving Greece.", "", "Good idea - help Russia, I'm sure that will work out well for you haha" ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4 ]
[ 4, 1, 4, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 5, 27, 45, 98, 106, 131, 132, 219, 220 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 1, 19, 19, 19 ]
[ 4, 1 ]
[ "Hey Turkey! \n\nHow's it looking over there in the east? Anyways, I was wondering in if you have any intel on Italy, since I haven't heard much from them. I realize we most likely won't have too much to do with each other in the beginning, but I'm looking forwards to working with you later in the game if were both still around! \n\n-France", "Oh my bad Austria 😳", "Well, same could go for you ig", "I'm the same, have heard nothing from Italy.", "Hey austria; I don't know if you have noticed but russia is huge rn and is about to crush both you and turkey, and then procede to run over the rest of the map. Idk how your relationship with turkey or italy is, but you guys really need to work together to stop russia.", "I haven't noticed! lol. I have noticed. Italy is working with Russia and is unresponsive. Turkey and perhaps even Germany are going to help but I think this ship has sailed 🙂", "Eh. It's only been a year. Can't be over yet. *right?*😫", "Haha well Turkey is now working with Russia so good luck in stopping that Russia train now haha", "😈 watch me" ]
[ 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 6, 6, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6 ]
[ 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4 ]
[ 62, 63, 64, 71, 142, 200, 209, 214, 216 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4 ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 19, 1, 19, 1 ]
[ 4, 6 ]
[ "Hey England, sorry I've been so long in reaching out.\n\nJust wanted to make it clear that I hold no I'll intentions toward you, and my moves Spring 1901 should prove that. I will absolutely not be moving A MOS-STP, and I'd hope to consider you a welcome neighbor should you decide to take NWY in the future. We each stand to gain little by meddling in each other's business, I would be happy to leave you to your business in the West while I play in my own sphere of influence.\n\nBest wishes and good luck!" ]
[ 0 ]
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[ 72 ]
[ 0 ]
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[ 0 ]
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[ 1 ]
[ 2, 3 ]