<<<<<<< [assembly: Guid("f2fac76e-0d80-4099-a64f-2686d4d99b6b")] ======= [assembly: Guid("f2fac76e-0d80-4099-a64f-2686d4d99b6b")] // Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: // // Major Version // Minor Version // Build Number // Revision // // You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers // by using the '*' as shown below: // [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] >>>>>>> [assembly: Guid("f2fac76e-0d80-4099-a64f-2686d4d99b6b")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
<<<<<<< private ContentControl _popupContentControl; private DialogSession _session; ======= >>>>>>> private ContentControl _popupContentControl; private DialogSession _session;
<<<<<<< ======= if (newValue) { var popupOpenedEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs() { RoutedEvent = OnPopupOpenedEvent, Source = popupBox }; popupBox.RaiseEvent(popupOpenedEventArgs); } else { var popupClosedEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs() { RoutedEvent = OnPopupClosedEvent, Source = popupBox }; popupBox.RaiseEvent(popupClosedEventArgs); } >>>>>>> if (newValue) { var popupOpenedEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs() { RoutedEvent = OnPopupOpenedEvent, Source = popupBox }; popupBox.RaiseEvent(popupOpenedEventArgs); } else { var popupClosedEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs() { RoutedEvent = OnPopupClosedEvent, Source = popupBox }; popupBox.RaiseEvent(popupClosedEventArgs); }
<<<<<<< var hitPositionArg = new OutputArgument(); var hitSomethingArg = new OutputArgument(); var entityHandleArg = new OutputArgument(); var surfaceNormalArg = new OutputArgument(); Result = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_SHAPE_TEST_RESULT, handle, hitSomethingArg, hitPositionArg, surfaceNormalArg, entityHandleArg); ======= NativeVector3 hitPositionArg; bool hitSomethingArg; int entityHandleArg; NativeVector3 surfaceNormalArg; unsafe { Result = Function.Call<int>(Hash._GET_RAYCAST_RESULT, handle, &hitSomethingArg, &hitPositionArg, &surfaceNormalArg, &entityHandleArg); } >>>>>>> NativeVector3 hitPositionArg; bool hitSomethingArg; int entityHandleArg; NativeVector3 surfaceNormalArg; unsafe { Result = Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_SHAPE_TEST_RESULT, handle, &hitSomethingArg, &hitPositionArg, &surfaceNormalArg, &entityHandleArg); }
<<<<<<< useWindowsLineEnding = false; ======= tabSize = 4; useTabbedBackspace = true; >>>>>>> useWindowsLineEnding = false; tabSize = 0; <<<<<<< useWindowsLineEnding = EditorPrefs.GetBool("MerinoUseWindowsLinesEnding", useWindowsLineEnding ); ======= tabSize = EditorPrefs.GetInt("MerinoTabSize", tabSize); useTabbedBackspace = EditorPrefs.GetBool("MerinoTabbedBackspace", useTabbedBackspace ); >>>>>>> useWindowsLineEnding = EditorPrefs.GetBool("MerinoUseWindowsLinesEnding", useWindowsLineEnding ); tabSize = EditorPrefs.GetInt("MerinoTabSize", tabSize); <<<<<<< EditorPrefs.SetBool("MerinoWindowsLineEnding", useWindowsLineEnding ); ======= EditorPrefs.SetInt("MerinoTabSize", tabSize ); EditorPrefs.SetBool("MerinoTabbedBackspace", useTabbedBackspace ); >>>>>>> EditorPrefs.SetBool("MerinoWindowsLineEnding", useWindowsLineEnding ); EditorPrefs.SetInt("MerinoTabSize", tabSize );
<<<<<<< [Fact] public void ShouldGetCorrectSqlQueryForWhereIn() ======= [Test] public void ShouldGetCorrectSqlQueryForWhereInUsingWhereString() >>>>>>> [Fact] public void ShouldGetCorrectSqlQueryForWhereInUsingWhereString() <<<<<<< [Fact] ======= [Test] public void ShouldGetCorrectSqlQueryForWhereInUsingWhereArray() { const string expectedSql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.[Project] WHERE ([State] IN (@queued, @running)) ORDER BY [Id]"; var queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder<IDocument>(transaction, "Project") .Where("State", SqlOperand.In, new[] {State.Queued, State.Running }); queryBuilder.DebugViewRawQuery().Should().Be(expectedSql); } [Test] >>>>>>> [Fact] public void ShouldGetCorrectSqlQueryForWhereInUsingWhereArray() { const string expectedSql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.[Project] WHERE ([State] IN (@queued, @running)) ORDER BY [Id]"; var queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder<IDocument>(transaction, "Project") .Where("State", SqlOperand.In, new[] {State.Queued, State.Running }); queryBuilder.DebugViewRawQuery().Should().Be(expectedSql); } [Fact]
<<<<<<< public IBLFilterGGX(RenderPipelineResources renderPipelinesResources) ======= public bool supportMis { get { return !TextureCache.isMobileBuildTarget; } } public IBLFilterGGX(RenderPipelineResources renderPipelineResources) >>>>>>> public IBLFilterGGX(RenderPipelineResources renderPipelineResources)
<<<<<<< [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.RenderPipelines.Universal.Editor")] ======= [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.ShaderGraph.GraphicsTests")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.ShaderGraph.Editor.GraphicsTests")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.RenderPipelines.Lightweight.Editor")] >>>>>>> [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.RenderPipelines.Universal.Editor")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.ShaderGraph.GraphicsTests")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.ShaderGraph.Editor.GraphicsTests")]
<<<<<<< /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the end of the line.. /// </summary> internal static string MoveToEndOfLineDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("MoveToEndOfLineDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> ======= /// Looks up a localized string similar to Complete the input if there is a single completion, otherwise complete the input by selecting from a menu of possible completions.. /// </summary> internal static string MenuCompleteDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("MenuCompleteDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> >>>>>>> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Complete the input if there is a single completion, otherwise complete the input by selecting from a menu of possible completions.. /// </summary> internal static string MenuCompleteDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("MenuCompleteDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the end of the line.. /// </summary> internal static string MoveToEndOfLineDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("MoveToEndOfLineDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> <<<<<<< /// Looks up a localized string similar to Searches backward for the perscribed character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchBackwardCharDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchBackwardCharDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Starts a new seach backward in the history.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchBackwardDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchBackwardDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the previous occurance of the specified character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharBackwardDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharBackwardDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the previous occurance of the specified character and then forward one character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharBackwardWithBackoffDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharBackwardWithBackoffDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the next occurance of the specified character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to he next occurance of the specified character and then back one character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharWithBackoffDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharWithBackoffDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Searches for the perscribed character in the perscribed direction.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Prompts for a search string and initiates a search upon AcceptLine.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchForwardDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchForwardDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Select the entire line. Moves the cursor to the end of the line. /// </summary> internal static string SelectAllDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SelectAllDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> ======= /// Looks up a localized string similar to Select the entire line. Moves the cursor to the end of the line. /// </summary> internal static string SelectAllDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SelectAllDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> >>>>>>> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Searches backward for the perscribed character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchBackwardCharDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchBackwardCharDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Starts a new seach backward in the history.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchBackwardDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchBackwardDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the previous occurance of the specified character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharBackwardDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharBackwardDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the previous occurance of the specified character and then forward one character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharBackwardWithBackoffDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharBackwardWithBackoffDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to the next occurance of the specified character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Move to he next occurance of the specified character and then back one character.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchCharWithBackoffDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchCharWithBackoffDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Searches for the perscribed character in the perscribed direction.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Prompts for a search string and initiates a search upon AcceptLine.. /// </summary> internal static string SearchForwardDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchForwardDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized string similar to Select the entire line. Moves the cursor to the end of the line. /// </summary> internal static string SelectAllDescription { get { return ResourceManager.GetString("SelectAllDescription", resourceCulture); } } /// <summary>
<<<<<<< // If the Url parameter only contains whitespaces or is empty return with BadRequest. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Url)) { return req.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The url parameter can not be empty."); } ======= // Validates if input.url is a valid aboslute url, aka is a complete refrence to the resource, ex: http(s):// if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(input.Url, UriKind.Absolute)) { return req.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"{input.Url} is not a valid absolute Url. The Url parameter must start with 'http://' or 'http://'."); } >>>>>>> // If the Url parameter only contains whitespaces or is empty return with BadRequest. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Url)) { return req.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "The url parameter can not be empty."); } // Validates if input.url is a valid aboslute url, aka is a complete refrence to the resource, ex: http(s):// if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(input.Url, UriKind.Absolute)) { return req.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, $"{input.Url} is not a valid absolute Url. The Url parameter must start with 'http://' or 'http://'."); }
<<<<<<< using (new Utilities.ProfilingSample("Build Light list and render shadows", renderContext)) { // TODO: Everything here (SSAO, Shadow, Build light list, material and light classification can be parallelize with Async compute) m_SsaoEffect.Render(m_Asset.ssaoSettingsToUse, hdCamera, renderContext, GetDepthTexture(), m_Asset.renderingSettings.useForwardRenderingOnly); m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(m_Asset.shadowSettings, cullResults, camera); m_LightLoop.RenderShadows(renderContext, cullResults); renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera); // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after m_ShadowPass.Render m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, renderContext, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT); } ======= m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(m_Asset.shadowSettings, cullResults, camera); m_LightLoop.RenderShadows(renderContext, cullResults); renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera); // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after m_ShadowPass.Render m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, renderContext, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT); // TODO: Use async compute here to run light culling during shadow >>>>>>> // TODO: Everything here (SSAO, Shadow, Build light list, material and light classification can be parallelize with Async compute) m_SsaoEffect.Render(m_Asset.ssaoSettingsToUse, hdCamera, renderContext, GetDepthTexture(), m_Asset.renderingSettings.useForwardRenderingOnly); m_LightLoop.PrepareLightsForGPU(m_Asset.shadowSettings, cullResults, camera); m_LightLoop.RenderShadows(renderContext, cullResults); renderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera); // Need to recall SetupCameraProperties after m_ShadowPass.Render m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, renderContext, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT);
<<<<<<< ======= using System.Collections.Generic; >>>>>>> <<<<<<< AssertRegistrationsAreSame(r => r.Name, "", "special"); ======= this.AssertRegistrationsAreSame(r => r.Name, String.Empty, "special"); >>>>>>> this.AssertRegistrationsAreSame(r => r.Name, String.Empty, "special"); <<<<<<< CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual(expectedStrings, container.Registrations.Select(selector).ToList()); ======= CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedStrings, this.container.Registrations.Select(selector).ToList()); >>>>>>> CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual(expectedStrings, this.container.Registrations.Select(selector).ToList());
<<<<<<< ======= using System; using System.Collections.Generic; >>>>>>> <<<<<<< CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual( new[] { "string", "int", "ILogger", "MockLogger", "SpecialLogger", "DependentConstructor", "TwoConstructorArgs", "MockDatabase" }, Section.TypeAliases.Select(a => a.Alias).ToList()); ======= CollectionAssert.AreEqual( new[] { "string", "int", "ILogger", "MockLogger", "SpecialLogger", "DependentConstructor", "TwoConstructorArgs", "MockDatabase" }, section.TypeAliases.Select(a => a.Alias).ToList()); >>>>>>> CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual( new[] { "string", "int", "ILogger", "MockLogger", "SpecialLogger", "DependentConstructor", "TwoConstructorArgs", "MockDatabase" }, section.TypeAliases.Select(a => a.Alias).ToList());
<<<<<<< CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual(new[] { "", "two" }, Section.Containers.Select(c => c.Name).ToList()); ======= CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { String.Empty, "two" }, section.Containers.Select(c => c.Name).ToList()); >>>>>>> CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual(new[] { String.Empty, "two" }, section.Containers.Select(c => c.Name).ToList());
<<<<<<< using DependencyAttribute=Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.DependencyAttribute; using InjectionConstructorAttribute=Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.InjectionConstructorAttribute; using InjectionMethodAttribute=Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.InjectionMethodAttribute; #if NETFX_CORE using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.UnitTestFramework; #elif __IOS__ using NUnit.Framework; using TestClassAttribute = NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute; using TestMethodAttribute = NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute; using TestInitializeAttribute = NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute; #else using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; #endif ======= using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.UnitTestFramework; using DependencyAttribute = Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.DependencyAttribute; using InjectionConstructorAttribute = Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.InjectionConstructorAttribute; using InjectionMethodAttribute = Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.InjectionMethodAttribute; >>>>>>> #if NETFX_CORE using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.UnitTestFramework; #elif __IOS__ using NUnit.Framework; using TestClassAttribute = NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute; using TestMethodAttribute = NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute; using TestInitializeAttribute = NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute; #else using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; #endif using DependencyAttribute = Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.DependencyAttribute; using InjectionConstructorAttribute = Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.InjectionConstructorAttribute; using InjectionMethodAttribute = Microsoft.Practices.ObjectBuilder2.Tests.TestDoubles.InjectionMethodAttribute;
<<<<<<< AssertExtensions.IsInstanceOfType(accountResult, typeof(LoggingCommand<Account>)); ======= Assert.IsInstanceOfType(accountResult, typeof(LoggingCommand<Account>)); >>>>>>> AssertExtensions.IsInstanceOfType(accountResult, typeof(LoggingCommand<Account>)); <<<<<<< AssertExtensions.IsInstanceOfType(actualResult.inner, typeof(ConcreteCommand<Account>)); ======= Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actualResult.Inner, typeof(ConcreteCommand<Account>)); >>>>>>> AssertExtensions.IsInstanceOfType(actualResult.Inner, typeof(ConcreteCommand<Account>)); <<<<<<< AssertExtensions.IsInstanceOfType(logCmd.Inner, typeof(ConcreteCommand<Nullable<Customer>>)); ======= Assert.IsInstanceOfType(logCmd.Inner, typeof(ConcreteCommand<Customer?>)); >>>>>>> AssertExtensions.IsInstanceOfType(logCmd.Inner, typeof(ConcreteCommand<Customer?>));
<<<<<<< ======= using System; using System.Collections.Generic; >>>>>>> <<<<<<< CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual(new[] { "int", "string" }, Section.TypeAliases.Select(alias => alias.Alias).ToList()); ======= CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new[] { "int", "string" }, section.TypeAliases.Select(alias => alias.Alias).ToList()); >>>>>>> CollectionAssertExtensions.AreEqual(new[] { "int", "string" }, section.TypeAliases.Select(alias => alias.Alias).ToList());
<<<<<<< using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Fiddler; using Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.Raw; namespace Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models { /// <summary> /// 母港に所属している艦娘を表します。 /// </summary> public class Ship : RawDataWrapper<kcsapi_ship2>, IIdentifiable { private readonly Homeport homeport; /// <summary> /// この艦娘を識別する ID を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Id { get { return this.RawData.api_id; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の種類に基づく情報を取得します。 /// </summary> public ShipInfo Info { get; private set; } public int SortNumber { get { return this.RawData.api_sortno; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の現在のレベルを取得します。 /// </summary> public int Level { get { return this.RawData.api_lv; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の現在の累積経験値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Exp { get { return this.RawData.api_exp; } } /// <summary> /// この艦娘が次のレベルに上がるために必要な経験値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int ExpForNextLevel { get { return Experience.GetShipExpForNextLevel(this.RawData.api_lv, this.RawData.api_exp); } } /// <summary> /// 耐久値を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue HP { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 燃料を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue Fuel { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 弾薬を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue Bull { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 火力ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Firepower { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 雷装ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Torpedo { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 対空ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus AA { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 装甲ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Armer { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 現在のコンディション値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Condition { get { return this.RawData.api_cond; } } /// <summary> /// コンディションの種類を示す <see cref="ConditionType" /> 値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ConditionType ConditionType { get { return ConditionTypeHelper.ToConditionType(this.RawData.api_cond); } } public SlotItem[] SlotItems { get; private set; } public int[] OnSlot { get; private set; } internal Ship(Homeport parent, kcsapi_ship2 rawData) : base(rawData) { this.homeport = parent; this.Info = KanColleClient.Current.Master.Ships[rawData.api_ship_id] ?? ShipInfo.Dummy; this.HP = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_nowhp, this.RawData.api_maxhp, 0); this.Fuel = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_fuel, this.Info.RawData.api_fuel_max, 0); this.Bull = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_bull, this.Info.RawData.api_bull_max, 0); if (this.RawData.api_kyouka.Length == 4) { this.Firepower = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_houg, this.RawData.api_kyouka[0]); this.Torpedo = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_raig, this.RawData.api_kyouka[1]); this.AA = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_tyku, this.RawData.api_kyouka[2]); this.Armer = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_souk, this.RawData.api_kyouka[3]); } this.SlotItems = this.RawData.api_slot.Select(id => this.homeport.SlotItems[id]).Where(x => x != null).ToArray(); this.OnSlot = this.RawData.api_onslot; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("ID = {0}, Name = \"{1}\", ShipType = \"{2}\", Level = {3}", this.Id, this.Info.Name, this.Info.ShipType.Name, this.Level); } } } ======= using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Fiddler; using Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Internal; using Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.Raw; namespace Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models { /// <summary> /// 母港に所属している艦娘を表します。 /// </summary> public class Ship : RawDataWrapper<kcsapi_ship2>, IIdentifiable { private readonly Homeport homeport; /// <summary> /// この艦娘を識別する ID を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Id { get { return this.RawData.api_id; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の種類に基づく情報を取得します。 /// </summary> public ShipInfo Info { get; private set; } public int SortNumber { get { return this.RawData.api_sortno; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の現在のレベルを取得します。 /// </summary> public int Level { get { return this.RawData.api_lv; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の現在の累積経験値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Exp { get { return this.RawData.api_exp.Get(0) ?? 0; } } /// <summary> /// この艦娘が次のレベルに上がるために必要な経験値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int ExpForNextLevel { get { return this.RawData.api_exp.Get(1) ?? 0; } } /// <summary> /// 耐久値を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue HP { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 燃料を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue Fuel { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 弾薬を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue Bull { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 火力ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Firepower { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 雷装ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Torpedo { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 対空ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus AA { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 装甲ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Armer { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 現在のコンディション値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Condition { get { return this.RawData.api_cond; } } /// <summary> /// コンディションの種類を示す <see cref="ConditionType" /> 値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ConditionType ConditionType { get { return ConditionTypeHelper.ToConditionType(this.RawData.api_cond); } } public SlotItem[] SlotItems { get; private set; } internal Ship(Homeport parent, kcsapi_ship2 rawData) : base(rawData) { this.homeport = parent; this.Info = KanColleClient.Current.Master.Ships[rawData.api_ship_id] ?? ShipInfo.Dummy; this.HP = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_nowhp, this.RawData.api_maxhp, 0); this.Fuel = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_fuel, this.Info.RawData.api_fuel_max, 0); this.Bull = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_bull, this.Info.RawData.api_bull_max, 0); if (this.RawData.api_kyouka.Length == 4) { this.Firepower = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_houg, this.RawData.api_kyouka[0]); this.Torpedo = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_raig, this.RawData.api_kyouka[1]); this.AA = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_tyku, this.RawData.api_kyouka[2]); this.Armer = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_souk, this.RawData.api_kyouka[3]); } this.SlotItems = this.RawData.api_slot.Select(id => this.homeport.SlotItems[id]).Where(x => x != null).ToArray(); } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("ID = {0}, Name = \"{1}\", ShipType = \"{2}\", Level = {3}", this.Id, this.Info.Name, this.Info.ShipType.Name, this.Level); } } } >>>>>>> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Fiddler; using Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Internal; using Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models.Raw; namespace Grabacr07.KanColleWrapper.Models { /// <summary> /// 母港に所属している艦娘を表します。 /// </summary> public class Ship : RawDataWrapper<kcsapi_ship2>, IIdentifiable { private readonly Homeport homeport; /// <summary> /// この艦娘を識別する ID を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Id { get { return this.RawData.api_id; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の種類に基づく情報を取得します。 /// </summary> public ShipInfo Info { get; private set; } public int SortNumber { get { return this.RawData.api_sortno; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の現在のレベルを取得します。 /// </summary> public int Level { get { return this.RawData.api_lv; } } /// <summary> /// 艦娘の現在の累積経験値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Exp { get { return this.RawData.api_exp.Get(0) ?? 0; } } /// <summary> /// この艦娘が次のレベルに上がるために必要な経験値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int ExpForNextLevel { get { return this.RawData.api_exp.Get(1) ?? 0; } } /// <summary> /// 耐久値を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue HP { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 燃料を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue Fuel { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 弾薬を取得します。 /// </summary> public LimitedValue Bull { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 火力ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Firepower { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 雷装ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Torpedo { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 対空ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus AA { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 装甲ステータス値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ModernizableStatus Armer { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// 現在のコンディション値を取得します。 /// </summary> public int Condition { get { return this.RawData.api_cond; } } /// <summary> /// コンディションの種類を示す <see cref="ConditionType" /> 値を取得します。 /// </summary> public ConditionType ConditionType { get { return ConditionTypeHelper.ToConditionType(this.RawData.api_cond); } } public SlotItem[] SlotItems { get; private set; } public int[] OnSlot { get; private set; } internal Ship(Homeport parent, kcsapi_ship2 rawData) : base(rawData) { this.homeport = parent; this.Info = KanColleClient.Current.Master.Ships[rawData.api_ship_id] ?? ShipInfo.Dummy; this.HP = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_nowhp, this.RawData.api_maxhp, 0); this.Fuel = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_fuel, this.Info.RawData.api_fuel_max, 0); this.Bull = new LimitedValue(this.RawData.api_bull, this.Info.RawData.api_bull_max, 0); if (this.RawData.api_kyouka.Length == 4) { this.Firepower = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_houg, this.RawData.api_kyouka[0]); this.Torpedo = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_raig, this.RawData.api_kyouka[1]); this.AA = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_tyku, this.RawData.api_kyouka[2]); this.Armer = new ModernizableStatus(this.Info.RawData.api_souk, this.RawData.api_kyouka[3]); } this.SlotItems = this.RawData.api_slot.Select(id => this.homeport.SlotItems[id]).Where(x => x != null).ToArray(); this.OnSlot = this.RawData.api_onslot; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("ID = {0}, Name = \"{1}\", ShipType = \"{2}\", Level = {3}", this.Id, this.Info.Name, this.Info.ShipType.Name, this.Level); } } }
<<<<<<< // NOTE: When updating the version, you also need to update the Identity/@Version // attribtute in src\NuProj.Package\source.extension.vsixmanifest. [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] ======= [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] >>>>>>> // NOTE: When updating the version, you also need to update the Identity/@Version // attribtute in src\NuProj.Package\source.extension.vsixmanifest. [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
<<<<<<< ======= using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; >>>>>>> using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; <<<<<<< ======= using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Versioning; >>>>>>> using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Versioning;
<<<<<<< using Castle.IO; using Castle.IO.Internal; using Castle.MicroKernel; using Castle.MicroKernel.Facilities; using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration; using Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Naming; using Castle.Transactions; using Castle.Transactions.Activities; using Castle.Transactions.Internal; using Castle.Transactions.IO; using NLog; namespace Castle.Facilities.AutoTx { using Castle.Transactions.Helpers; ======= using Castle.Facilities.AutoTx.Registration; using Castle.MicroKernel.Facilities; using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration; using Castle.Core.Logging; using Castle.Services.Transaction; using Castle.Services.Transaction.Activities; using Castle.Services.Transaction.IO; >>>>>>> using Castle.IO; using Castle.IO.Internal; using Castle.MicroKernel; using Castle.MicroKernel.Facilities; using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration; using Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Naming; using Castle.Transactions; using Castle.Transactions.Activities; using Castle.Transactions.Internal; using Castle.Transactions.IO; using NLog; <<<<<<< private static readonly Logger _Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< <add name=""tx"" type=""Castle.Transactions.Logging.TraceListener, Castle.Transactions""/> ======= <add name=""tx"" type=""Castle.Services.Transaction.Internal.TxTraceListener, Castle.Services.Transaction""/> >>>>>>> <add name=""tx"" type=""Castle.Transactions.Logging.TraceListener, Castle.Transactions""/>
<<<<<<< private static readonly Logger _Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< _Logger.Debug("created transaction interceptor"); ======= >>>>>>> _Logger.Debug("created transaction interceptor"); <<<<<<< private static void SynchronizedCase(IInvocation invocation, ITransaction transaction) ======= // TODO: implement WaitAll-semantics with returned task private void SynchronizedCase(IInvocation invocation, ITransaction transaction) >>>>>>> private static void SynchronizedCase(IInvocation invocation, ITransaction transaction) <<<<<<< else _Logger.Warn( ======= else if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) _Logger.WarnFormat( >>>>>>> else if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) _Logger.Warn( <<<<<<< _Logger.Warn("transaction aborted - synchronized case, tx#{0}", localIdentifier); ======= if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) _Logger.WarnFormat("transaction aborted - synchronized case, tx#{0}", localIdentifier); >>>>>>> if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) _Logger.WarnFormat("transaction aborted - synchronized case, tx#{0}", localIdentifier); <<<<<<< _Logger.Debug("fork case"); ======= if (_Logger.IsDebugEnabled) _Logger.DebugFormat("fork case"); >>>>>>> if (_Logger.IsDebugEnabled) _Logger.DebugFormat("fork case"); <<<<<<< _Logger.WarnException("transaction aborted", ex); ======= if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) _Logger.Warn("transaction aborted", ex); >>>>>>> if (_Logger.IsWarnEnabled) _Logger.Warn("transaction aborted", ex);
<<<<<<< SetupFrameRenderingConfiguration(out frameRenderingConfiguration, screenspaceShadows, stereoEnabled, sceneViewCamera); SetupIntermediateResources(frameRenderingConfiguration, ref context); ======= SetupFrameRenderingConfiguration(out frameRenderingConfiguration, shadows, stereoEnabled, sceneViewCamera); SetupIntermediateResources(frameRenderingConfiguration, shadows, ref context); >>>>>>> SetupFrameRenderingConfiguration(out frameRenderingConfiguration, screenspaceShadows, stereoEnabled, sceneViewCamera); SetupIntermediateResources(frameRenderingConfiguration, screenspaceShadows, ref context); <<<<<<< ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< if (m_DirectionalShadowmapRT) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(m_DirectionalShadowmapRT); m_DirectionalShadowmapRT = null; } if (m_AdditionalShadowmapRT) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(m_AdditionalShadowmapRT); m_AdditionalShadowmapRT = null; } ======= if (m_ShadowMapRT) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(m_ShadowMapRT); m_ShadowMapRT = null; } >>>>>>> if (m_DirectionalShadowmapRT) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(m_DirectionalShadowmapRT); m_DirectionalShadowmapRT = null; } if (m_AdditionalShadowmapRT) { RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(m_AdditionalShadowmapRT); m_AdditionalShadowmapRT = null; } <<<<<<< private void SetupShaderLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData) ======= private void SetupPerCameraShaderConstants() { float cameraWidth = GetScaledCameraWidth(m_CurrCamera); float cameraHeight = GetScaledCameraHeight(m_CurrCamera); Shader.SetGlobalVector(PerCameraBuffer._ScaledScreenParams, new Vector4(cameraWidth, cameraHeight, 1.0f + 1.0f / cameraWidth, 1.0f + 1.0f / cameraHeight)); } private void SetupShaderLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, List<VisibleLight> lights, ref LightData lightData) >>>>>>> private void SetupPerCameraShaderConstants() { float cameraWidth = GetScaledCameraWidth(m_CurrCamera); float cameraHeight = GetScaledCameraHeight(m_CurrCamera); Shader.SetGlobalVector(PerCameraBuffer._ScaledScreenParams, new Vector4(cameraWidth, cameraHeight, 1.0f + 1.0f / cameraWidth, 1.0f + 1.0f / cameraHeight)); } private void SetupShaderLightConstants(CommandBuffer cmd, ref LightData lightData)
<<<<<<< case "embed": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { embedAllSourceFiles = true; continue; } embeddedFiles.AddRange(ParseSeparatedFileArgument(value, baseDirectory, diagnostics)); continue; ======= case "logger": if (value != null) { loggers.Add(value); } continue; >>>>>>> case "logger": if (value != null) { loggers.Add(value); } continue; case "embed": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { embedAllSourceFiles = true; continue; } embeddedFiles.AddRange(ParseSeparatedFileArgument(value, baseDirectory, diagnostics)); continue;
<<<<<<< BindTargetToMethod_Object_RoutineInfo = ct.Operators.Method("BindTargetToMethod", ct.Object, ct.RoutineInfo); BuildGenerator_Context_Object_PhpArray_PhpArray_GeneratorStateMachineDelegate_RuntimeMethodHandle = ct.Operators.Method("BuildGenerator", ct.Context, ct.Object, ct.PhpArray, ct.PhpArray, ct.GeneratorStateMachineDelegate, ct.RuntimeMethodHandle); ======= BuildGenerator_Context_PhpArray_PhpArray_GeneratorStateMachineDelegate_RuntimeMethodHandle = ct.Operators.Method("BuildGenerator", ct.Context, ct.PhpArray, ct.PhpArray, ct.GeneratorStateMachineDelegate, ct.RuntimeMethodHandle); SetGeneratorDynamicScope_Generator_RuntimeTypeHandle = ct.Operators.Method("SetGeneratorDynamicScope", ct.Generator, ct.RuntimeTypeHandle); SetGeneratorThis_Generator_Object = ct.Operators.Method("SetGeneratorThis", ct.Generator, ct.Object); SetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator_PhpTypeInfo = ct.Operators.Method("SetGeneratorLazyStatic", ct.Generator, ct.PhpTypeInfo); GetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator = ct.Operators.Method("GetGeneratorLazyStatic", ct.Generator); >>>>>>> BindTargetToMethod_Object_RoutineInfo = ct.Operators.Method("BindTargetToMethod", ct.Object, ct.RoutineInfo); BuildGenerator_Context_PhpArray_PhpArray_GeneratorStateMachineDelegate_RuntimeMethodHandle = ct.Operators.Method("BuildGenerator", ct.Context, ct.PhpArray, ct.PhpArray, ct.GeneratorStateMachineDelegate, ct.RuntimeMethodHandle); SetGeneratorDynamicScope_Generator_RuntimeTypeHandle = ct.Operators.Method("SetGeneratorDynamicScope", ct.Generator, ct.RuntimeTypeHandle); SetGeneratorThis_Generator_Object = ct.Operators.Method("SetGeneratorThis", ct.Generator, ct.Object); SetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator_PhpTypeInfo = ct.Operators.Method("SetGeneratorLazyStatic", ct.Generator, ct.PhpTypeInfo); GetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator = ct.Operators.Method("GetGeneratorLazyStatic", ct.Generator); <<<<<<< BindTargetToMethod_Object_RoutineInfo, BuildGenerator_Context_Object_PhpArray_PhpArray_GeneratorStateMachineDelegate_RuntimeMethodHandle, ======= // Generator BuildGenerator_Context_PhpArray_PhpArray_GeneratorStateMachineDelegate_RuntimeMethodHandle, SetGeneratorDynamicScope_Generator_RuntimeTypeHandle, SetGeneratorThis_Generator_Object, SetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator_PhpTypeInfo, GetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator, >>>>>>> BindTargetToMethod_Object_RoutineInfo, // Generator BuildGenerator_Context_PhpArray_PhpArray_GeneratorStateMachineDelegate_RuntimeMethodHandle, SetGeneratorDynamicScope_Generator_RuntimeTypeHandle, SetGeneratorThis_Generator_Object, SetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator_PhpTypeInfo, GetGeneratorLazyStatic_Generator,
<<<<<<< var place = refexpr.Place(); if (place != null && place.HasAddress && place.TypeOpt == targetp.Type) ======= var place = refexpr.Place(_il); if (place != null && place.HasAddress && place.Type == targetp.Type) >>>>>>> var place = refexpr.Place(); if (place != null && place.HasAddress && place.Type == targetp.Type)
<<<<<<< public enum HeightmapParametrization { MinMax = 0, Amplitude = 1 } ======= public enum MaterialId { LitSSS = 0, LitStandard = 1, LitAniso = 2, LitClearCoat = 3, LitSpecular = 4, LitIridescence = 5, }; >>>>>>> public enum MaterialId { LitSSS = 0, LitStandard = 1, LitAniso = 2, LitClearCoat = 3, LitSpecular = 4, LitIridescence = 5, }; public enum HeightmapParametrization { MinMax = 0, Amplitude = 1 }
<<<<<<< var place = varref.Place(); if (place != null && place.HasAddress && place.TypeOpt == _cg.CoreTypes.PhpValue) ======= var place = varref.Place(_cg.Builder); if (place != null && place.HasAddress && place.Type == _cg.CoreTypes.PhpValue) >>>>>>> var place = varref.Place(); if (place != null && place.HasAddress && place.Type == _cg.CoreTypes.PhpValue)
<<<<<<< cullingParameters.shadowDistance = m_ShadowSettings.maxShadowDistance; CullResults.Cull(ref cullingParameters, context,ref m_CullResults); ======= cullingParameters.shadowDistance = Mathf.Min(m_ShadowSettings.maxShadowDistance, camera.farClipPlane); CullResults cullResults = CullResults.Cull(ref cullingParameters, context); >>>>>>> cullingParameters.shadowDistance = Mathf.Min(m_ShadowSettings.maxShadowDistance, camera.farClipPlane); CullResults.Cull(ref cullingParameters, context,ref m_CullResults); <<<<<<< bool shadowsRendered = false; InitializeMainShadowLightIndex(visibleLights); if (m_ShadowLightIndex > -1) shadowsRendered = RenderShadows(ref m_CullResults, ref visibleLights[m_ShadowLightIndex], ref context); ======= if (lightData.shadowLightIndex > -1) lightData.shadowsRendered = RenderShadows(ref cullResults, ref visibleLights[lightData.shadowLightIndex], lightData.shadowLightIndex, ref context); >>>>>>> if (lightData.shadowLightIndex > -1) lightData.shadowsRendered = RenderShadows(ref m_CullResults, ref visibleLights[lightData.shadowLightIndex], lightData.shadowLightIndex, ref context); <<<<<<< SetupLightShaderVariables(visibleLights, ref m_CullResults, ref context, ref lightData); if (shadowsRendered) SetupShadowShaderVariables(ref context, m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount); ======= SetupShaderLightConstants(visibleLights, ref lightData, ref cullResults, ref context); if (lightData.shadowsRendered) SetupShadowShaderConstants(ref context, ref visibleLights[lightData.shadowLightIndex], lightData.shadowLightIndex, m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount); SetShaderKeywords(ref lightData, ref context); >>>>>>> SetupShaderLightConstants(visibleLights, ref lightData, ref m_CullResults, ref context); if (lightData.shadowsRendered) SetupShadowShaderConstants(ref context, ref visibleLights[lightData.shadowLightIndex], lightData.shadowLightIndex, m_ShadowCasterCascadesCount); SetShaderKeywords(ref lightData, ref context); <<<<<<< CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("SetupShadowShaderConstants"); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray("globalLightPos", m_LightPositions); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray("globalLightColor", m_LightColors); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray("globalLightAtten", m_LightAttenuations); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray("globalLightSpotDir", m_LightSpotDirections); if (!lightData.isSingleDirectionalLight) cmd.SetGlobalBuffer("globalLightIndexList", m_LightIndexListBuffer); cmd.SetGlobalVector("globalLightData", new Vector4(lightData.pixelLightsCount, m_ShadowLightIndex, m_Asset.ShadowMinNormalBias, m_Asset.ShadowNormalBias)); SetShaderKeywords(cmd, lightData.isSingleDirectionalLight, lightData.vertexLightsCount > 0); ======= CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer () { name = "SetupShadowShaderConstants" }; cmd.SetGlobalVector("globalLightCount", new Vector4 (pixelLightsCount, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightPos", m_LightPositions); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightColor", m_LightColors); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightAtten", m_LightAttenuations); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightSpotDir", m_LightSpotDirections); cmd.SetGlobalBuffer("globalLightIndexList", m_LightIndexListBuffer); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Dispose(); } private void SetShaderKeywords(ref LightData lightData, ref ScriptableRenderContext context) { CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer() { name = "SetShaderKeywords" }; SetShaderKeywords(cmd, lightData.shadowsRendered, lightData.isSingleDirectionalLight, lightData.vertexLightsCount > 0); >>>>>>> CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get("SetupShadowShaderConstants"); cmd.SetGlobalVector("globalLightCount", new Vector4 (pixelLightsCount, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightPos", m_LightPositions); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightColor", m_LightColors); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightAtten", m_LightAttenuations); cmd.SetGlobalVectorArray ("globalLightSpotDir", m_LightSpotDirections); cmd.SetGlobalBuffer("globalLightIndexList", m_LightIndexListBuffer);
<<<<<<< // TODO: Move this code inside LightLoop if (m_LightLoop.GetFeatureVariantsEnabled()) { // For material classification we use compute shader and so can't read into the stencil, so prepare it. using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Clear and copy stencil texture", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.ClearAndCopyStencilTexture))) { CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraStencilBufferCopyRT, ClearFlag.Color, CoreUtils.clearColorAllBlack); cmd.SetRandomWriteTarget(1, GetHTile()); // In the material classification shader we will simply test is we are no lighting // Use ShaderPassID 1 => "Pass 1 - Write 1 if value different from stencilRef to output" CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, m_CopyStencilForNoLighting, m_CameraStencilBufferCopyRT, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, null, 1); cmd.ClearRandomWriteTargets(); } } m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, m_CameraStencilBufferCopyRT); ======= m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightListAsyncEnd(camera, cmd, buildGPULightListsCompleteFence); } else { using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Build Light list", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.BuildLightList))) { m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, GetStencilTexture()); } >>>>>>> m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightListAsyncEnd(camera, cmd, buildGPULightListsCompleteFence); } else { using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Build Light list", GetSampler(CustomSamplerId.BuildLightList))) { m_LightLoop.BuildGPULightLists(camera, cmd, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT, GetStencilTexture()); } <<<<<<< RenderForward(m_CullResults, camera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque); ======= // We compute subsurface scattering here. Therefore, no objects rendered afterwards will exhibit SSS. // Currently, there is no efficient way to switch between SRT and MRT for the forward pass; // therefore, forward-rendered objects do not output split lighting required for the SSS pass. SubsurfaceScatteringPass(hdCamera, cmd, sssSettings); RenderForward(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque); >>>>>>> RenderForward(m_CullResults, hdCamera, renderContext, cmd, ForwardPass.Opaque); <<<<<<< if (!m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.renderingDebugSettings.enableSSSAndTransmission) ======= // Currently, forward-rendered objects do not output split lighting required for the SSS pass. if (!m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.renderingDebugSettings.enableSSSAndTransmission || hdCamera.useForwardOnly) >>>>>>> if (!m_CurrentDebugDisplaySettings.renderingDebugSettings.enableSSSAndTransmission) <<<<<<< ======= CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, m_CameraColorBufferRT, m_CameraDepthStencilBufferRT); var camera =; >>>>>>> var camera =; <<<<<<< if (!m_Asset.globalRenderingSettings.ShouldUseForwardRenderingOnly()) { ======= if (!camera.useForwardOnly) >>>>>>> if (!camera.useForwardOnly) {
<<<<<<< protected int mReadDataSize; // 写入数据时,总共写入的数据大小 protected int mMaxDataSize; // 包体最大的大小,包括如果不使用变长数组时的大小 protected bool mIntReplaceULLong; // 如果ullong的值小于int最大值,是否在序列化时写入或读取int ======= protected int mMaxDataSize; protected bool mFixedLength; // 是否所有参数都是定长的 >>>>>>> protected int mReadDataSize; // 写入数据时,总共写入的数据大小 protected int mMaxDataSize; // 包体最大的大小,包括如果不使用变长数组时的大小 protected bool mIntReplaceULLong; // 如果ullong的值小于int最大值,是否在序列化时写入或读取int protected bool mFixedLength; // 是否所有参数都是定长的
<<<<<<< private async void Row_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var row = (Border)sender; var fse = (FileSystemElement)row.Tag; StyleHitbox(row, ROW_DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME); if (fse.IsFolder && e.DataView.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) { var items = await e.DataView.GetStorageItemsAsync(); //FileSystem.MoveStorageItemsAsync(fse, items.ToList()); } } private void Row_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var row = (Border)sender; var fse = (FileSystemElement)row.Tag; if (fse.IsFolder && e.DataView.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) e.AcceptedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Move; StyleHitbox(row, ROW_DROP_STYLE_NAME); } private void Row_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var row = (Border)sender; StyleHitbox(row, ROW_DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME); } private async void Row_DragStarting(UIElement sender, DragStartingEventArgs args) { var row = (Border)sender; var fse = (FileSystemElement)row.Tag; Debug.WriteLine("Drag started"); var deferral = args.GetDeferral(); if (!fse.IsFolder) { var storageItem = await FileSystem.GetFileAsync(fse); args.Data.SetStorageItems(new List<IStorageItem> { storageItem }, false); var ti = await storageItem.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, 30); if (ti != null) { var stream = ti.CloneStream(); var img = new BitmapImage(); await img.SetSourceAsync(stream); args.Data.RequestedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Move; args.DragUI.SetContentFromBitmapImage(img, new Point(-1, 0)); //args.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(stream); //args.DragUI.SetContentFromDataPackage(); } } else { var storageItem = await FileSystem.GetFolderAsync(fse); args.Data.SetStorageItems(new List<IStorageItem> { storageItem }, false); var ti = await storageItem.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, 30); if (ti != null) { var stream = ti.CloneStream(); var img = new BitmapImage(); await img.SetSourceAsync(stream); args.Data.RequestedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Move; args.DragUI.SetContentFromBitmapImage(img, new Point(-1, 0)); //args.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(stream); //args.DragUI.SetContentFromDataPackage(); } } //args.DragUI.SetContentFromDataPackage(); deferral.Complete(); } ======= private void ContentGrid_PointerMoved(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { var pointer = e.GetCurrentPoint(ContentGrid); if (!isDraggingSelection || pointer.Timestamp == lastMoveTimestamp) return; var startPos = pressedPos.Position; var newPos = pointer.Position; var newSizeX = newPos.X - startPos.X; //Get the move delta x if (newSizeX < 0) //Drag left from start pos { Canvas.SetLeft(SelectionRect, newPos.X); SelectionRect.Width = -newSizeX; } else //Drag right from start pos { SelectionRect.Width = newPos.X - startPos.X; } var newSizeY = newPos.Y - startPos.Y; //Get the move delta y if (newSizeY < 0) //Drag up from start pos { Canvas.SetTop(SelectionRect, newPos.Y); SelectionRect.Height = -newSizeY; } else //Drag down from start pos { SelectionRect.Height = newPos.Y - startPos.Y; } var rowHeight = 30; var currentPointerOverRowIndex = (int)newPos.Y / rowHeight; if (pointerOverRowIndex != currentPointerOverRowIndex) //If pointer is still over the same row dont do anything { var topPos = Canvas.GetTop(SelectionRect); var from = (int)topPos / rowHeight; //start index to select rows (30 is rowHeight) var to = (int)(topPos + SelectionRect.Height) / rowHeight + 1; //end index var controlDown = Window.Current.CoreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Control).HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down); if (!controlDown) UnselectOldRows(); for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { if (i >= 0 && i < ItemsSource.Count) SelectRow(ItemsSource[i]); } } lastMoveTimestamp = pointer.Timestamp; pointerOverRowIndex = currentPointerOverRowIndex; } private void ContentGrid_PointerPressed(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { isDraggingSelection = true; pressedPos = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)sender); ContentGrid.CapturePointer(e.Pointer); Canvas.SetLeft(SelectionRect, pressedPos.Position.X); Canvas.SetTop(SelectionRect, pressedPos.Position.Y); } private void ContentGrid_PointerReleased(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { isDraggingSelection = false; ContentGrid.ReleasePointerCapture(e.Pointer); SelectionRect.Width = 0; SelectionRect.Height = 0; } >>>>>>> private async void Row_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var row = (Border)sender; var fse = (FileSystemElement)row.Tag; StyleHitbox(row, ROW_DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME); if (fse.IsFolder && e.DataView.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) { var items = await e.DataView.GetStorageItemsAsync(); //FileSystem.MoveStorageItemsAsync(fse, items.ToList()); } } private void Row_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var row = (Border)sender; var fse = (FileSystemElement)row.Tag; if (fse.IsFolder && e.DataView.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) e.AcceptedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Move; StyleHitbox(row, ROW_DROP_STYLE_NAME); } private void Row_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var row = (Border)sender; StyleHitbox(row, ROW_DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME); } private async void Row_DragStarting(UIElement sender, DragStartingEventArgs args) { var row = (Border)sender; var fse = (FileSystemElement)row.Tag; Debug.WriteLine("Drag started"); var deferral = args.GetDeferral(); if (!fse.IsFolder) { var storageItem = await FileSystem.GetFileAsync(fse); args.Data.SetStorageItems(new List<IStorageItem> { storageItem }, false); var ti = await storageItem.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, 30); if (ti != null) { var stream = ti.CloneStream(); var img = new BitmapImage(); await img.SetSourceAsync(stream); args.Data.RequestedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Move; args.DragUI.SetContentFromBitmapImage(img, new Point(-1, 0)); //args.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(stream); //args.DragUI.SetContentFromDataPackage(); } } else { var storageItem = await FileSystem.GetFolderAsync(fse); args.Data.SetStorageItems(new List<IStorageItem> { storageItem }, false); var ti = await storageItem.GetThumbnailAsync(ThumbnailMode.SingleItem, 30); if (ti != null) { var stream = ti.CloneStream(); var img = new BitmapImage(); await img.SetSourceAsync(stream); args.Data.RequestedOperation = DataPackageOperation.Move; args.DragUI.SetContentFromBitmapImage(img, new Point(-1, 0)); //args.Data.Properties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(stream); //args.DragUI.SetContentFromDataPackage(); } } //args.DragUI.SetContentFromDataPackage(); deferral.Complete(); } private void ContentGrid_PointerMoved(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { var pointer = e.GetCurrentPoint(ContentGrid); if (!isDraggingSelection || pointer.Timestamp == lastMoveTimestamp) return; var startPos = pressedPos.Position; var newPos = pointer.Position; var newSizeX = newPos.X - startPos.X; //Get the move delta x if (newSizeX < 0) //Drag left from start pos { Canvas.SetLeft(SelectionRect, newPos.X); SelectionRect.Width = -newSizeX; } else //Drag right from start pos { SelectionRect.Width = newPos.X - startPos.X; } var newSizeY = newPos.Y - startPos.Y; //Get the move delta y if (newSizeY < 0) //Drag up from start pos { Canvas.SetTop(SelectionRect, newPos.Y); SelectionRect.Height = -newSizeY; } else //Drag down from start pos { SelectionRect.Height = newPos.Y - startPos.Y; } var rowHeight = 30; var currentPointerOverRowIndex = (int)newPos.Y / rowHeight; if (pointerOverRowIndex != currentPointerOverRowIndex) //If pointer is still over the same row dont do anything { var topPos = Canvas.GetTop(SelectionRect); var from = (int)topPos / rowHeight; //start index to select rows (30 is rowHeight) var to = (int)(topPos + SelectionRect.Height) / rowHeight + 1; //end index var controlDown = Window.Current.CoreWindow.GetKeyState(VirtualKey.Control).HasFlag(CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down); if (!controlDown) UnselectOldRows(); for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { if (i >= 0 && i < ItemsSource.Count) SelectRow(ItemsSource[i]); } } lastMoveTimestamp = pointer.Timestamp; pointerOverRowIndex = currentPointerOverRowIndex; } private void ContentGrid_PointerPressed(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { isDraggingSelection = true; pressedPos = e.GetCurrentPoint((FrameworkElement)sender); ContentGrid.CapturePointer(e.Pointer); Canvas.SetLeft(SelectionRect, pressedPos.Position.X); Canvas.SetTop(SelectionRect, pressedPos.Position.Y); } private void ContentGrid_PointerReleased(object sender, PointerRoutedEventArgs e) { isDraggingSelection = false; ContentGrid.ReleasePointerCapture(e.Pointer); SelectionRect.Width = 0; SelectionRect.Height = 0; }
<<<<<<< deliverEventArgs = Queue.Dequeue(); ======= if (!_disposed) { deliverEventArgs = Queue.Dequeue() as BasicDeliverEventArgs; } >>>>>>> if (!_disposed) { deliverEventArgs = Queue.Dequeue(); }
<<<<<<< private bool useCCD = false; ======= private bool allowParent = false; private bool continous = false; >>>>>>> private bool allowParent = false; private bool useCCD = false; <<<<<<< float bodyAngle = this.body.Rotation - bodyAngleVel * (1.0f - Scene.PhysicsAlpha) * Time.SecondsPerFrame; transform.IgnoreParent = true; // Force ignore parent! ======= float bodyAngle = this.body.Rotation - bodyAngleVel * (1.0f - Scene.PhysicsAlpha) * Time.SPFMult; // Unless allowed explicitly, ignore the transform hierarchy, so nested RigidBodies don't clash if (!this.allowParent) transform.IgnoreParent = true; >>>>>>> float bodyAngle = this.body.Rotation - bodyAngleVel * (1.0f - Scene.PhysicsAlpha) * Time.SecondsPerFrame; // Unless allowed explicitly, ignore the transform hierarchy, so nested RigidBodies don't clash if (!this.allowParent) transform.IgnoreParent = true; <<<<<<< target.useCCD = this.useCCD; ======= target.allowParent = this.allowParent; target.continous = this.continous; >>>>>>> target.allowParent = this.allowParent; target.useCCD = this.useCCD;
<<<<<<< memoryLogOutput = new EditorLogOutput(); Logs.AddGlobalOutput(memoryLogOutput); // Set up a global exception handler to log errors AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; ======= memoryLogOutput = new InMemoryLogOutput(); Log.AddGlobalOutput(memoryLogOutput); >>>>>>> memoryLogOutput = new EditorLogOutput(); Logs.AddGlobalOutput(memoryLogOutput); <<<<<<< private static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { Logs.Core.WriteError(LogFormat.Exception(e.ExceptionObject as Exception)); } ======= >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, true, texture)) ======= using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo, TextureMagFilter.Nearest, TextureMinFilter.Nearest)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, texture)) >>>>>>> using (Texture texture = new Texture(width, height, TextureSizeMode.NonPowerOfTwo, TextureMagFilter.Nearest, TextureMinFilter.Nearest)) using (RenderTarget renderTarget = new RenderTarget(AAQuality.Off, true, texture))
<<<<<<< canvas.State.DepthOffset = -1; ======= canvas.State.ZOffset = this.depthOffset; canvas.State.SetMaterial(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White)); >>>>>>> canvas.State.DepthOffset = this.depthOffset; canvas.State.SetMaterial(new BatchInfo(DrawTechnique.Alpha, ColorRgba.White));
<<<<<<< [EditorHintRange(0, int.MaxValue)] public Point2 Size ======= [EditorHintRange(1, int.MaxValue)] [EditorHintIncrement(1)] [EditorHintDecimalPlaces(0)] public Vector2 Size >>>>>>> [EditorHintRange(1, int.MaxValue)] public Point2 Size
<<<<<<< private ConcreteSlotValueType ConvertDynamicMatrixInputTypeToConcrete(IEnumerable<ConcreteSlotValueType> inputTypes) { var concreteSlotValueTypes = inputTypes as IList<ConcreteSlotValueType> ?? inputTypes.ToList(); var inputTypesDistinct = concreteSlotValueTypes.Distinct().ToList(); switch (inputTypesDistinct.Count) { case 0: return ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2; case 1: return inputTypesDistinct.FirstOrDefault(); default: var ordered = inputTypesDistinct.OrderByDescending(x => x); if (ordered.Any()) return ordered.FirstOrDefault(); break; } return ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2; } public override void ValidateNode() ======= public virtual void ValidateNode() >>>>>>> private ConcreteSlotValueType ConvertDynamicMatrixInputTypeToConcrete(IEnumerable<ConcreteSlotValueType> inputTypes) { var concreteSlotValueTypes = inputTypes as IList<ConcreteSlotValueType> ?? inputTypes.ToList(); var inputTypesDistinct = concreteSlotValueTypes.Distinct().ToList(); switch (inputTypesDistinct.Count) { case 0: return ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2; case 1: return inputTypesDistinct.FirstOrDefault(); default: var ordered = inputTypesDistinct.OrderByDescending(x => x); if (ordered.Any()) return ordered.FirstOrDefault(); break; } return ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2; } public virtual void ValidateNode() <<<<<<< public static string GetSlotDimension(ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue) { switch (slotValue) { case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1: return string.Empty; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2: return "2"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3: return "3"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4: return "4"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2: return "2x2"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3: return "3x3"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4: return "4x4"; default: return "Error"; } } public static string ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(OutputPrecision p, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue) { switch (slotValue) { case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1: return p.ToString(); case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2: return p + "2"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3: return p + "3"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4: return p + "4"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D: return "Texture2D"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Cubemap: return "Cubemap"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2: return p + "2x2"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3: return p + "3x3"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4: return p + "4x4"; case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState: return "SamplerState"; default: return "Error"; } } ======= >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< float clampedDelta = forceFixedStep ? SecondsPerFrame : MathF.Min(realDelta, SecondsPerFrame * 2); gameDelta = timeScale * clampedDelta; timeMult = gameDelta / SecondsPerFrame; if (DualityApp.ExecContext == DualityApp.ExecutionContext.Game) gameTimer += TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(gameDelta * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)); ======= if (advanceGameTime) gameTimer += TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(lastDelta * timeScale * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)); timeMult = timeScale * lastDelta / MsPFMult; >>>>>>> float clampedDelta = forceFixedStep ? SecondsPerFrame : MathF.Min(realDelta, SecondsPerFrame * 2); gameDelta = timeScale * clampedDelta; timeMult = gameDelta / SecondsPerFrame; if (advanceGameTime) gameTimer += TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(gameDelta * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond));
<<<<<<< Logs.Core.Write("DualityApp Sandbox terminated"); ======= Log.Core.Write("DualityApp terminated in sandbox mode."); >>>>>>> Logs.Core.Write("DualityApp terminated in sandbox mode."); <<<<<<< ======= // Wrapper method for delivering the old API until removing it in v3.0 if (DiscardPluginData != null) DiscardPluginData(sender, e); // Save user and app data, they'll be reloaded after plugin reload is done, // as they can reference plugin data as well. SaveUserData(); SaveAppData(); >>>>>>> // Save user and app data, they'll be reloaded after plugin reload is done, // as they can reference plugin data as well. SaveUserData(); SaveAppData();
<<<<<<< ======= /// <summary> /// [GET] Provides information about the order in which different <see cref="Component"/> /// types are updated, initialized and shut down. /// </summary> public static ComponentExecutionOrder ExecOrder { get { return execOrder; } } /// <summary> /// Returns whether a Component Type requires another Component Type to work properly. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmpType">The Component Type that might require another Component Type.</param> /// <param name="requiredType">The Component Type that might be required.</param> /// <returns>True, if there is a requirement, false if not</returns> [Obsolete("Use Component.RequireMap API instead.")] public static bool RequiresComponent(Type cmpType, Type requiredType) { return requireMap.IsRequired(cmpType, requiredType); } /// <summary> /// Returns all required Component Types of a specified Component Type. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmpType">The Component Type that might require other Component Types.</param> /// <returns>An array of Component Types to require.</returns> [Obsolete("Use Component.RequireMap API instead.")] public static IEnumerable<Type> GetRequiredComponents(Type cmpType) { return requireMap.GetRequirements(cmpType); } /// <summary> /// Returns the number of Component Types that require the specified Component Type. /// This can be used as a measure of relative Component significance. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmpType"></param> /// <returns></returns> [Obsolete("No longer supported.")] public static IEnumerable<Type> GetRequiringComponents(Type requiredType) { return Enumerable.Empty<Type>(); } /// <summary> /// Given the specified target <see cref="GameObject"/> and <see cref="Component"/> type, /// this method will enumerate all <see cref="Component"/> types that need to /// be added in order to satisfy its requirements. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetObj"></param> /// <param name="targetComponentType"></param> /// <returns></returns> [Obsolete("Use Component.RequireMap API instead.")] public static IEnumerable<Type> GetRequiredComponentsToCreate(GameObject targetObj, Type targetComponentType) { return requireMap.GetRequirementsToCreate(targetObj, targetComponentType); } >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// [GET] Provides information about the order in which different <see cref="Component"/> /// types are updated, initialized and shut down. /// </summary> public static ComponentExecutionOrder ExecOrder { get { return execOrder; } }
<<<<<<< [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.NLog")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Gtk")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Cocoa")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Android")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Mobile")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Winforms")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.QuickUI")] ======= [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Winforms")] >>>>>>> [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.Winforms")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("ReactiveUI.QuickUI")]
<<<<<<< void IReactiveObject.RaisePropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { var handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, args); } } protected ReactiveFragment() { setupRxObj(); } ======= void IReactiveObjectExtension.RaisePropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { var handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, args); } } >>>>>>> void IReactiveObject.RaisePropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs args) { var handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, args); } } <<<<<<< [IgnoreDataMember] public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveFragment, object>> Changing { get { return this.getChangingObservable(); } ======= public IObservable<IObservedChange<object, object>> Changing { get { return this.getChangingObservable(); } >>>>>>> public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveFragment, object>> Changing { get { return this.getChangingObservable(); } <<<<<<< [IgnoreDataMember] public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveFragment, object>> Changed { get { return this.getChangedObservable(); } } [IgnoreDataMember] protected Lazy<PropertyInfo[]> allPublicProperties; [IgnoreDataMember] public IObservable<Exception> ThrownExceptions { get { return this.getThrownExceptionsObservable(); } } [OnDeserialized] void setupRxObj(StreamingContext sc) { setupRxObj(); } void setupRxObj() { allPublicProperties = new Lazy<PropertyInfo[]>(() => GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).ToArray()); ======= public IObservable<IObservedChange<object, object>> Changed { get { return this.getChangedObservable(); } >>>>>>> public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveFragment, object>> Changed { get { return this.getChangedObservable(); } <<<<<<< return this.suppressChangeNotifications(); } public bool AreChangeNotificationsEnabled() { return this.areChangeNotificationsEnabled(); ======= return this.suppressChangeNotifications(); >>>>>>> return this.suppressChangeNotifications();
<<<<<<< /// <summary>When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Transparent Screen Space Reflections.</summary> [FrameSettingsField(1, displayedName: "Transparent Screen Space Reflection", customOrderInGroup: 25, positiveDependencies: new[] { SSR }, tooltip: "When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Reflections on transparent objects.")] TransparentSSR = 94, [FrameSettingsField(1, displayedName: "Screen Space Ambient Occlusion", tooltip: "When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.")] /// <summary>When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.</summary> ======= /// <summary>When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.</summary> [FrameSettingsField(1, displayedName: "Screen Space Ambient Occlusion", tooltip: "When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (Depends on \"Screen Space Ambient Occlusion\" in current HDRP Asset).")] >>>>>>> /// <summary>When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Transparent Screen Space Reflections.</summary> [FrameSettingsField(1, displayedName: "Transparent Screen Space Reflection", customOrderInGroup: 25, positiveDependencies: new[] { SSR }, tooltip: "When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Reflections on transparent objects.")] TransparentSSR = 94, [FrameSettingsField(1, displayedName: "Screen Space Ambient Occlusion", tooltip: "When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.")] /// <summary>When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion.</summary> [FrameSettingsField(1, displayedName: "Screen Space Ambient Occlusion", tooltip: "When enabled, Cameras using these Frame Settings calculate Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (Depends on \"Screen Space Ambient Occlusion\" in current HDRP Asset).")]
<<<<<<< Console.WriteLine(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.GetType().FullName); Assert.Equal(CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler); ======= Console.WriteLine(RxApp.DeferredScheduler.GetType().FullName); Assert.Equal(Scheduler.Immediate, RxApp.DeferredScheduler); } [Fact] public void OverridingInUnitTestRunnerShouldActuallyDoThat() { //Set a UnitTestScheduler RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = true; RxApp.DeferredScheduler = ImmediateScheduler.Instance; //Try to Override RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = false; RxApp.DeferredScheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance; Assert.NotEqual(Scheduler.Immediate, RxApp.DeferredScheduler); //Restore Schedulers RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = true; RxApp.DeferredScheduler = ImmediateScheduler.Instance; RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = null; } [Fact] public void UnitTestDetectorIdentifiesThisTestAsAnXUnitTest() { string[] testAssemblies = new[] { "CSUNIT", "NUNIT", "XUNIT", "MBUNIT", "TESTDRIVEN", "QUALITYTOOLS.TIPS.UNITTEST.ADAPTER", "QUALITYTOOLS.UNITTESTING.SILVERLIGHT", "PEX", "MSBUILD", "NBEHAVE", "TESTPLATFORM", }; string[] designEnvironments = new[] { "BLEND.EXE", "MONODEVELOP", "SHARPDEVELOP.EXE", }; var isInUnitTestRunner = RealUnitTestDetector.InUnitTestRunner(testAssemblies, designEnvironments); Assert.True(isInUnitTestRunner); } [Fact] public void UnitTestDetectorDoesNotIdentifyThisTestWhenXUnitAssemblyNotChecked() { // XUnit assembly name removed string[] testAssembliesWithoutNunit = new[] { "CSUNIT", "NUNIT", "MBUNIT", "TESTDRIVEN", "QUALITYTOOLS.TIPS.UNITTEST.ADAPTER", "QUALITYTOOLS.UNITTESTING.SILVERLIGHT", "PEX", "MSBUILD", "NBEHAVE", "TESTPLATFORM", }; string[] designEnvironments = new[] { "BLEND.EXE", "MONODEVELOP", "SHARPDEVELOP.EXE", }; var isInUnitTestRunner = RealUnitTestDetector.InUnitTestRunner(testAssembliesWithoutNunit, designEnvironments); Assert.False(isInUnitTestRunner); >>>>>>> Console.WriteLine(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler.GetType().FullName); Assert.Equal(CurrentThreadScheduler.Instance, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler); } [Fact] public void OverridingInUnitTestRunnerShouldActuallyDoThat() { //Set a UnitTestScheduler RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = true; RxApp.DeferredScheduler = ImmediateScheduler.Instance; //Try to Override RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = false; RxApp.DeferredScheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance; Assert.NotEqual(Scheduler.Immediate, RxApp.DeferredScheduler); //Restore Schedulers RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = true; RxApp.DeferredScheduler = ImmediateScheduler.Instance; RxApp.InUnitTestRunnerOverride = null; } [Fact] public void UnitTestDetectorIdentifiesThisTestAsAnXUnitTest() { string[] testAssemblies = new[] { "CSUNIT", "NUNIT", "XUNIT", "MBUNIT", "TESTDRIVEN", "QUALITYTOOLS.TIPS.UNITTEST.ADAPTER", "QUALITYTOOLS.UNITTESTING.SILVERLIGHT", "PEX", "MSBUILD", "NBEHAVE", "TESTPLATFORM", }; string[] designEnvironments = new[] { "BLEND.EXE", "MONODEVELOP", "SHARPDEVELOP.EXE", }; var isInUnitTestRunner = RealUnitTestDetector.InUnitTestRunner(testAssemblies, designEnvironments); Assert.True(isInUnitTestRunner); } [Fact] public void UnitTestDetectorDoesNotIdentifyThisTestWhenXUnitAssemblyNotChecked() { // XUnit assembly name removed string[] testAssembliesWithoutNunit = new[] { "CSUNIT", "NUNIT", "MBUNIT", "TESTDRIVEN", "QUALITYTOOLS.TIPS.UNITTEST.ADAPTER", "QUALITYTOOLS.UNITTESTING.SILVERLIGHT", "PEX", "MSBUILD", "NBEHAVE", "TESTPLATFORM", }; string[] designEnvironments = new[] { "BLEND.EXE", "MONODEVELOP", "SHARPDEVELOP.EXE", }; var isInUnitTestRunner = RealUnitTestDetector.InUnitTestRunner(testAssembliesWithoutNunit, designEnvironments); Assert.False(isInUnitTestRunner);
<<<<<<< // IViewFor<IFooBarViewModel> try { var ifn = interfaceifyTypeName(viewModel.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName); var type = Reflection.ReallyFindType(ifn, false); if (type != null) { var ret = RxApp.DependencyResolver.GetService(viewType.MakeGenericType(type), key) as IViewFor; if (ret != null) return ret; } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHost.Default.DebugException("Couldn't instantiate View via pure interface type", ex); } ======= >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< private GraphView m_GraphView; GraphTypeMapper typeMapper { get; set; } ======= >>>>>>> private GraphView m_GraphView; <<<<<<< typeMapper = new GraphTypeMapper(typeof(MaterialNodeView)); typeMapper[typeof(AbstractMaterialNode)] = typeof(MaterialNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(ColorNode)] = typeof(ColorNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(GradientNode)] = typeof(GradientNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(ScatterNode)] = typeof(ScatterNodeView); //typeMapper[typeof(TextureNode)] = typeof(TextureNodeView); //typeMapper[typeof(SamplerAssetNode)] = typeof(SamplerAssetNodeView); //typeMapper[typeof(TextureSamplerNode)] = typeof(TextureSamplerNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(Texture2DNode)] = typeof(TextureAssetNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(TextureLODNode)] = typeof(TextureLODNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(SamplerStateNode)] = typeof(SamplerStateNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(CubemapNode)] = typeof(CubeNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(ToggleNode)] = typeof(ToggleNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(UVNode)] = typeof(UVNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Vector1Node)] = typeof(Vector1NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Vector2Node)] = typeof(Vector2NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Vector3Node)] = typeof(Vector3NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Vector4Node)] = typeof(Vector4NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(PropertyNode)] = typeof(PropertyNodeView); /* typeMapper[typeof(ScaleOffsetNode)] = typeof(AnyNodeView); // anything derived from AnyNode should use the AnyNodeView typeMapper[typeof(RadialShearNode)] = typeof(AnyNodeView); // anything derived from AnyNode should use the AnyNodeView typeMapper[typeof(SphereWarpNode)] = typeof(AnyNodeView); // anything derived from AnyNode should use the AnyNodeView typeMapper[typeof(SphericalIndentationNode)] = typeof(AnyNodeView); // anything derived from AnyNode should use the AnyNodeView typeMapper[typeof(AACheckerboardNode)] = typeof(AnyNodeView); // anything derived from AnyNode should use the AnyNodeView typeMapper[typeof(AACheckerboard3dNode)] = typeof(AnyNodeView); // anything derived from AnyNode should use the AnyNodeView*/ typeMapper[typeof(SubGraphNode)] = typeof(SubgraphNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(MasterRemapNode)] = typeof(MasterRemapNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(MasterRemapInputNode)] = typeof(RemapInputNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(AbstractSubGraphIONode)] = typeof(SubgraphIONodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(AbstractSurfaceMasterNode)] = typeof(SurfaceMasterNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(LevelsNode)] = typeof(LevelsNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(ConstantsNode)] = typeof(ConstantsNodeView); //typeMapper[typeof(SwizzleNode)] = typeof(SwizzleNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(BlendModeNode)] = typeof(BlendModeNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(AddManyNode)] = typeof(AddManyNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(IfNode)] = typeof(IfNodeView); //typeMapper[typeof(CustomCodeNode)] = typeof(CustomCodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Matrix2Node)] = typeof(Matrix2NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Matrix3Node)] = typeof(Matrix3NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(Matrix4Node)] = typeof(Matrix4NodeView); typeMapper[typeof(MatrixCommonNode)] = typeof(MatrixCommonNodeView); typeMapper[typeof(TransformNode)] = typeof(TransformNodeView); // typeMapper[typeof(ConvolutionFilterNode)] = typeof(ConvolutionFilterNodeView); ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< var nodeView = (MaterialNodeView)typeMapper.Create(change.node); ======= var nodePresenter = CreateInstance<MaterialNodePresenter>(); >>>>>>> var nodeView = (MaterialNodeView)typeMapper.Create(change.node); <<<<<<< Undo.RecordObject(m_GraphObject, "Cut"); RemoveElements( m_GraphView.selection.OfType<MaterialNodeView>(), m_GraphView.selection.OfType<Edge>()); RecordState(); ======= graph.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Cut"); RemoveElements(elements.OfType<MaterialNodePresenter>().Where(e => e.selected), elements.OfType<GraphEdgePresenter>().Where(e => e.selected)); >>>>>>> graph.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Cut"); RemoveElements( m_GraphView.selection.OfType<MaterialNodeView>(), m_GraphView.selection.OfType<Edge>()); <<<<<<< var graph = DeserializeCopyBuffer(JsonUtility.ToJson(CreateCopyPasteGraph(m_GraphView.selection.OfType<GraphElement>()), true)); Undo.RecordObject(m_GraphObject, "Duplicate"); InsertCopyPasteGraph(graph); RecordState(); ======= var deserializedGraph = DeserializeCopyBuffer(JsonUtility.ToJson(CreateCopyPasteGraph(elements.Where(e => e.selected)), true)); graph.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Duplicate"); InsertCopyPasteGraph(deserializedGraph); >>>>>>> var deserializedGraph = DeserializeCopyBuffer(JsonUtility.ToJson(CreateCopyPasteGraph(m_GraphView.selection.OfType<GraphElement>()), true)); graph.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Duplicate"); InsertCopyPasteGraph(deserializedGraph); <<<<<<< RecordState(); Undo.RecordObject(m_GraphObject, "Delete"); RemoveElements( m_GraphView.selection.OfType<MaterialNodeView>(), m_GraphView.selection.OfType<Edge>()); RecordState(); ======= graph.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Delete"); RemoveElements(elements.OfType<MaterialNodePresenter>().Where(e => e.selected), elements.OfType<GraphEdgePresenter>().Where(e => e.selected)); >>>>>>> graph.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Delete"); RemoveElements( m_GraphView.selection.OfType<MaterialNodeView>(), m_GraphView.selection.OfType<Edge>());
<<<<<<< [IgnoreDataMember] public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveActivity, object>> Changing { get { return this.getChangingObservable(); } ======= public IObservable<IObservedChange<object, object>> Changing { get { return this.getChangingObservable(); } >>>>>>> public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveActivity, object>> Changing { get { return this.getChangingObservable(); } <<<<<<< [IgnoreDataMember] public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveActivity, object>> Changed { get { return this.getChangedObservable(); } } [IgnoreDataMember] protected Lazy<PropertyInfo[]> allPublicProperties; [IgnoreDataMember] public IObservable<Exception> ThrownExceptions { get { return this.getThrownExceptionsObservable(); } } [OnDeserialized] void setupRxObj(StreamingContext sc) { setupRxObj(); } void setupRxObj() { allPublicProperties = new Lazy<PropertyInfo[]>(() => GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).ToArray()); ======= public IObservable<IObservedChange<object, object>> Changed { get { return this.getChangedObservable(); } >>>>>>> public IObservable<IObservedChange<ReactiveActivity, object>> Changed { get { return this.getChangedObservable(); } <<<<<<< return this.suppressChangeNotifications(); } public bool AreChangeNotificationsEnabled() { return this.areChangeNotificationsEnabled(); } ======= return this.suppressChangeNotifications(); } public IObservable<Exception> ThrownExceptions { get { return this.getThrownExceptionsObservable(); } } >>>>>>> return this.suppressChangeNotifications(); } public IObservable<Exception> ThrownExceptions { get { return this.getThrownExceptionsObservable(); } }
<<<<<<< internal static IObservable<object> ViewModelWhenAnyValue<TView, TViewModel>(TViewModel viewModel, TView view, Expression expression) ======= public static void ThrowIfMethodsNotOverloaded(string callingTypeName, object targetObject, params string[] methodsToCheck) { var missingMethod = methodsToCheck .Select(x => { var methods = targetObject.GetType().GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods; return Tuple.Create(x, methods.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Name == x)); }) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item2 == null); if (missingMethod != null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Your class must implement {0} and call {1}.{0}", missingMethod.Item1, callingTypeName)); } } internal static IObservable<TProp> ViewModelWhenAnyValue<TView, TViewModel, TProp>(TViewModel viewModel, TView view, Expression<Func<TViewModel, TProp>> property) >>>>>>> public static void ThrowIfMethodsNotOverloaded(string callingTypeName, object targetObject, params string[] methodsToCheck) { var missingMethod = methodsToCheck .Select(x => { var methods = targetObject.GetType().GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods; return Tuple.Create(x, methods.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Name == x)); }) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item2 == null); if (missingMethod != null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Your class must implement {0} and call {1}.{0}", missingMethod.Item1, callingTypeName)); } } internal static IObservable<object> ViewModelWhenAnyValue<TView, TViewModel>(TViewModel viewModel, TView view, Expression expression)
<<<<<<< using System.Collections.Generic; ======= using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; >>>>>>> using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks;
<<<<<<< public InlineQueryResultArticle(string id, string title, InputMessageContent inputMessageContent) : base(InlineQueryResultType.Article, id) ======= public InlineQueryResultArticle(string id, string title, InputMessageContentBase inputMessageContent) : this() >>>>>>> public InlineQueryResultArticle(string id, string title, InputMessageContentBase inputMessageContent) : base(InlineQueryResultType.Article, id)
<<<<<<< /// <typeparam name="TResult">Expected type of operation result</typeparam> [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptIn)] public class ApiResponse<TResult> : IResponse ======= /// <typeparam name="T">The resultant object</typeparam> [JsonObject(MemberSerialization = MemberSerialization.OptIn, NamingStrategyType = typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy))] public class ApiResponse<T> >>>>>>> /// <typeparam name="TResult">Expected type of operation result</typeparam> [JsonObject(MemberSerialization = MemberSerialization.OptIn, NamingStrategyType = typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy))] public class ApiResponse<TResult> : IResponse
<<<<<<< public ChatMemberStatus Status { get; internal set; } ======= [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))] public ChatMemberStatus Status { get; set; } >>>>>>> public ChatMemberStatus Status { get; set; }
<<<<<<< public InputMessageContent InputMessageContent { get; set; } private InlineQueryResultCachedAudio() ======= public InputMessageContentBase InputMessageContent { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new inline query result /// </summary> public InlineQueryResultCachedAudio() >>>>>>> public InputMessageContentBase InputMessageContent { get; set; } private InlineQueryResultCachedAudio()
<<<<<<< #if !UNITY_SWITCH if (LightweightUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.Stereo)) ======= if (CoreUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.Stereo)) >>>>>>> #if !UNITY_SWITCH if (CoreUtils.HasFlag(renderingConfig, FrameRenderingConfiguration.Stereo))
<<<<<<< m_cubeBlockDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("CubeBlocks.sbc")); LBX_BlocksConfiguration.Items.Clear(); ======= LST_BlocksConfiguration.Items.Clear(); m_cubeBlockDefinitionsManager = new CubeBlockDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.CubeBlockDefinitions); >>>>>>> m_cubeBlockDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("CubeBlocks.sbc")); LST_BlocksConfiguration.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< m_ammoMagazinesDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("AmmoMagazines.sbc")); LBX_AmmoConfiguration.Items.Clear(); ======= LST_AmmoConfiguration.Items.Clear(); m_ammoMagazinesDefinitionsManager = new AmmoMagazinesDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.AmmoMagazineDefinitions); >>>>>>> m_ammoMagazinesDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("AmmoMagazines.sbc")); LST_AmmoConfiguration.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< m_containerTypesDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("ContainerTypes.sbc")); LBX_ContainerTypeConfiguration.Items.Clear(); LBX_ContainerTypeConfig_Details_Items.Items.Clear(); ======= LST_ContainerTypeConfiguration.Items.Clear(); LST_ContainerTypeConfig_Details_Items.Items.Clear(); m_containerTypesDefinitionsManager = new ContainerTypesDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.ContainerTypeDefinitions); >>>>>>> m_containerTypesDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("ContainerTypes.sbc")); LST_ContainerTypeConfiguration.Items.Clear(); LST_ContainerTypeConfig_Details_Items.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< m_globalEventsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("GlobalEvents.sbc")); LBX_GlobalEventConfiguration.Items.Clear(); ======= LST_GlobalEventConfiguration.Items.Clear(); m_globalEventsDefinitionsManager = new GlobalEventsDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.GlobalEventDefinitions); >>>>>>> m_globalEventsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("GlobalEvents.sbc")); LST_GlobalEventConfiguration.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< ======= LST_SpawnGroupConfiguration.Items.Clear(); LST_SpawnGroupConfig_Details_Prefabs.Items.Clear(); >>>>>>> <<<<<<< m_physicalItemsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("PhysicalItems.sbc")); LBX_PhysicalItemConfiguration.Items.Clear(); ======= m_physicalItemsDefinitionsManager = new PhysicalItemDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.PhysicalItemDefinitions); LST_PhysicalItemConfiguration.Items.Clear(); >>>>>>> m_physicalItemsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("PhysicalItems.sbc")); LST_PhysicalItemConfiguration.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< m_componentsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("Components.sbc")); LBX_ComponentsConfig.Items.Clear(); ======= m_componentsDefinitionsManager = new ComponentDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.ComponentDefinitions); LST_ComponentsConfig.Items.Clear(); >>>>>>> m_componentsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("Components.sbc")); LST_ComponentsConfig.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< m_blueprintsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("Blueprints.sbc")); LBX_BlueprintConfig.Items.Clear(); ======= m_blueprintsDefinitionsManager = new BlueprintDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.BlueprintDefinitions); LST_BlueprintConfig.Items.Clear(); >>>>>>> m_blueprintsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("Blueprints.sbc")); LST_BlueprintConfig.Items.Clear(); <<<<<<< m_voxelMaterialsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("VoxelMaterials.sbc")); LBX_VoxelMaterialsConfig.Items.Clear(); foreach (var definition in m_voxelMaterialsDefinitionsManager.Definitions) ======= m_voxelMaterialsDefinitionsWrapper = new VoxelMaterialDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.VoxelMaterialDefinitions); LST_VoxelMaterialsConfig.Items.Clear(); foreach (var definition in m_voxelMaterialsDefinitionsWrapper.Definitions) >>>>>>> m_voxelMaterialsDefinitionsManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("VoxelMaterials.sbc")); LST_VoxelMaterialsConfig.Items.Clear(); foreach (var definition in m_voxelMaterialsDefinitionsManager.Definitions) <<<<<<< m_scenariosDefinitionManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("Scenarios.sbc")); LBX_ScenariosConfig.Items.Clear(); foreach (var definition in m_scenariosDefinitionManager.Definitions) ======= m_scenariosDefinitionWrapper = new ScenariosDefinitionsManager(m_configSerializer.ScenarioDefinitions); LST_ScenariosConfig.Items.Clear(); foreach (var definition in m_scenariosDefinitionWrapper.Definitions) >>>>>>> m_scenariosDefinitionManager.Load(GetContentDataFile("Scenarios.sbc")); LST_ScenariosConfig.Items.Clear(); foreach (var definition in m_scenariosDefinitionManager.Definitions)
<<<<<<< public static GUIContent ppdPrimitiveLength = new GUIContent("Primitive length", "Dimensions of the primitive (with the scale of 1) to which the per-pixel displacement mapping is being applied. For example, the standard quad is 1 x 1 meter, while the standard plane is 10 x 10 meters."); public static GUIContent ppdPrimitiveWidth = new GUIContent("Primitive width", "Dimensions of the primitive (with the scale of 1) to which the per-pixel displacement mapping is being applied. For example, the standard quad is 1 x 1 meter, while the standard plane is 10 x 10 meters."); ======= public static GUIContent perPixelDisplacementObjectScaleText = new GUIContent("Lock with object scale", "Per Pixel displacement will take into account the tiling scale - Only work with uniform positive scale"); >>>>>>> public static GUIContent perPixelDisplacementObjectScaleText = new GUIContent("Lock with object scale", "Per Pixel displacement will take into account the tiling scale - Only work with uniform positive scale"); public static GUIContent ppdPrimitiveLength = new GUIContent("Primitive length", "Dimensions of the primitive (with the scale of 1) to which the per-pixel displacement mapping is being applied. For example, the standard quad is 1 x 1 meter, while the standard plane is 10 x 10 meters."); public static GUIContent ppdPrimitiveWidth = new GUIContent("Primitive width", "Dimensions of the primitive (with the scale of 1) to which the per-pixel displacement mapping is being applied. For example, the standard quad is 1 x 1 meter, while the standard plane is 10 x 10 meters."); <<<<<<< ppdPrimitiveLength = FindProperty(kPpdPrimitiveLength, props); ppdPrimitiveWidth = FindProperty(kPpdPrimitiveWidth, props); perPixelDisplacementObjectScale = FindProperty(kPerPixelDisplacementObjectScale, props); perPixelDisplacementTilingScale = FindProperty(kPerPixelDisplacementTilingScale, props); ======= perPixelDisplacementObjectScale = FindProperty(kPerPixelDisplacementObjectScale, props); >>>>>>> ppdPrimitiveLength = FindProperty(kPpdPrimitiveLength, props); ppdPrimitiveWidth = FindProperty(kPpdPrimitiveWidth, props); perPixelDisplacementObjectScale = FindProperty(kPerPixelDisplacementObjectScale, props); perPixelDisplacementTilingScale = FindProperty(kPerPixelDisplacementTilingScale, props); <<<<<<< m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(ppdPrimitiveLength, StylesBaseLit.ppdPrimitiveLength); ppdPrimitiveLength.floatValue = Mathf.Max(0.01f, ppdPrimitiveLength.floatValue); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(ppdPrimitiveWidth, StylesBaseLit.ppdPrimitiveWidth); ppdPrimitiveWidth.floatValue = Mathf.Max(0.01f, ppdPrimitiveWidth.floatValue); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(perPixelDisplacementObjectScale, StylesBaseLit.lockWithObjectScaleText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(perPixelDisplacementTilingScale, StylesBaseLit.lockWithTilingRateText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(depthOffsetEnable, StylesBaseLit.depthOffsetEnableText); ======= //m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(perPixelDisplacementObjectScale, StylesBaseLit.perPixelDisplacementObjectScaleText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(depthOffsetEnable, StylesBaseLit.depthOffsetEnableText); >>>>>>> m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(ppdPrimitiveLength, StylesBaseLit.ppdPrimitiveLength); ppdPrimitiveLength.floatValue = Mathf.Max(0.01f, ppdPrimitiveLength.floatValue); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(ppdPrimitiveWidth, StylesBaseLit.ppdPrimitiveWidth); ppdPrimitiveWidth.floatValue = Mathf.Max(0.01f, ppdPrimitiveWidth.floatValue); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(perPixelDisplacementObjectScale, StylesBaseLit.lockWithObjectScaleText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(perPixelDisplacementTilingScale, StylesBaseLit.lockWithTilingRateText); m_MaterialEditor.ShaderProperty(depthOffsetEnable, StylesBaseLit.depthOffsetEnableText);
<<<<<<< namespace SEModAPI ======= namespace SEModAPI.API >>>>>>> namespace SEModAPI.API <<<<<<< private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_ammoMagazineDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_blueprintDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_cubeBlockDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_componentDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_containerTypeDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_globalEventDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_handItemDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_physicalItemDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_spawnGroupDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions m_voxelMaterialDefinitions; private Dictionary<string, byte> m_materialIndex; ======= private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _ammoMagazineDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _cubeBlockDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _componentDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _blueprintDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _physicalItemDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _voxelMaterialDefinitions; private Dictionary<string, byte> _materialIndex; >>>>>>> private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _ammoMagazineDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _cubeBlockDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _componentDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _blueprintDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _physicalItemDefinitions; private MyObjectBuilder_Definitions _voxelMaterialDefinitions; private Dictionary<string, byte> _materialIndex; <<<<<<< public MyObjectBuilder_ContainerTypeDefinition[] ContainerTypeDefinitions { get { return m_containerTypeDefinitions.ContainerTypes; } } ======= public ConfigFileSerializer() { //Prepare game installation configuration _gameInstallation = new GameInstallationInfo(); // Dynamically read all definitions as soon as the SpaceEngineersAPI class is first invoked. ReadCubeBlockDefinitions(); } >>>>>>> public MyObjectBuilder_ContainerTypeDefinition[] ContainerTypeDefinitions { get { return m_containerTypeDefinitions.ContainerTypes; } } public ConfigFileSerializer() { //Prepare game installation configuration _gameInstallation = new GameInstallationInfo(); // Dynamically read all definitions as soon as the SpaceEngineersAPI class is first invoked. ReadCubeBlockDefinitions(); } <<<<<<< m_ammoMagazineDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("AmmoMagazines.sbc"); m_blueprintDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("Blueprints.sbc"); m_componentDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("Components.sbc"); m_containerTypeDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("ContainerTypes.sbc"); m_cubeBlockDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("CubeBlocks.sbc"); m_globalEventDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("GlobalEvents.sbc"); m_handItemDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("HandItems.sbc"); m_physicalItemDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("PhysicalItems.sbc"); m_spawnGroupDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("SpawnGroups.sbc"); m_voxelMaterialDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("VoxelMaterials.sbc"); m_materialIndex = new Dictionary<string, byte>(); ======= _ammoMagazineDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("AmmoMagazines.sbc"); _voxelMaterialDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("VoxelMaterials.sbc"); _physicalItemDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("PhysicalItems.sbc"); _componentDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("Components.sbc"); _cubeBlockDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("CubeBlocks.sbc"); _blueprintDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("Blueprints.sbc"); _materialIndex = new Dictionary<string, byte>(); >>>>>>> m_ammoMagazineDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("AmmoMagazines.sbc"); m_blueprintDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("Blueprints.sbc"); m_componentDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("Components.sbc"); m_containerTypeDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("ContainerTypes.sbc"); m_cubeBlockDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("CubeBlocks.sbc"); m_globalEventDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("GlobalEvents.sbc"); m_handItemDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("HandItems.sbc"); m_physicalItemDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("PhysicalItems.sbc"); m_spawnGroupDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("SpawnGroups.sbc"); m_voxelMaterialDefinitions = LoadContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>("VoxelMaterials.sbc"); m_materialIndex = new Dictionary<string, byte>(); <<<<<<< ======= #endregion #region WriteCubeBlocksDefinitions public void WriteCubeBlockDefinitions() { SaveAmmoMagazinesContentFile(); SaveVoxelMaterialsContentFile(); SavePhysicalItemsContentFile(); SaveComponentsContentFile(); SaveCubeBlocksContentFile(); SaveBlueprintsContentFile(); } public void SaveAmmoMagazinesContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_ammoMagazineDefinitions, "AmmoMagazines.sbc"); } public void SaveVoxelMaterialsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_voxelMaterialDefinitions, "VoxelMaterials.sbc"); } public void SavePhysicalItemsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_physicalItemDefinitions, "PhysicalItems.sbc"); } public void SaveComponentsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_componentDefinitions, "Components.sbc"); } public void SaveCubeBlocksContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_cubeBlockDefinitions, "CubeBlocks.sbc"); } public void SaveBlueprintsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_blueprintDefinitions, "Blueprints.sbc"); } private void SaveContentFile<T, TS>(T fileContent,string filename) where TS : XmlSerializer1 { string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(_gameInstallation.GamePath, @"Content\Data"), filename); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new AutoException(new GameInstallationInfoException(GameInstallationInfoExceptionState.ConfigFileMissing), filePath); } try { WriteSpaceEngineersFile<T, TS>(fileContent, filePath); } catch { throw new AutoException(new GameInstallationInfoException(GameInstallationInfoExceptionState.ConfigFileCorrupted), filePath); } if (fileContent == null) { throw new AutoException(new GameInstallationInfoException(GameInstallationInfoExceptionState.ConfigFileEmpty), filePath); } // TODO: set a file watch to reload the files, incase modding is occuring at the same time this is open. // Lock the load during this time, in case it happens multiple times. // Report a friendly error if this load fails. } #endregion #region FetchCubeBlockMass >>>>>>> #endregion #region WriteCubeBlocksDefinitions public void WriteCubeBlockDefinitions() { SaveAmmoMagazinesContentFile(); SaveVoxelMaterialsContentFile(); SavePhysicalItemsContentFile(); SaveComponentsContentFile(); SaveCubeBlocksContentFile(); SaveBlueprintsContentFile(); } public void SaveAmmoMagazinesContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_ammoMagazineDefinitions, "AmmoMagazines.sbc"); } public void SaveVoxelMaterialsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_voxelMaterialDefinitions, "VoxelMaterials.sbc"); } public void SavePhysicalItemsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_physicalItemDefinitions, "PhysicalItems.sbc"); } public void SaveComponentsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_componentDefinitions, "Components.sbc"); } public void SaveCubeBlocksContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_cubeBlockDefinitions, "CubeBlocks.sbc"); } public void SaveBlueprintsContentFile() { SaveContentFile<MyObjectBuilder_Definitions, MyObjectBuilder_DefinitionsSerializer>(_blueprintDefinitions, "Blueprints.sbc"); } private void SaveContentFile<T, TS>(T fileContent,string filename) where TS : XmlSerializer1 { string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(_gameInstallation.GamePath, @"Content\Data"), filename); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { throw new AutoException(new GameInstallationInfoException(GameInstallationInfoExceptionState.ConfigFileMissing), filePath); } try { WriteSpaceEngineersFile<T, TS>(fileContent, filePath); } catch { throw new AutoException(new GameInstallationInfoException(GameInstallationInfoExceptionState.ConfigFileCorrupted), filePath); } if (fileContent == null) { throw new AutoException(new GameInstallationInfoException(GameInstallationInfoExceptionState.ConfigFileEmpty), filePath); } // TODO: set a file watch to reload the files, incase modding is occuring at the same time this is open. // Lock the load during this time, in case it happens multiple times. // Report a friendly error if this load fails. } #endregion #region FetchCubeBlockMass
<<<<<<< public static readonly int[] _DBufferTexture = { Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture0"), Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture1"), Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture2"), Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture3") }; ======= public static readonly int[] _SSSBufferTexture = { Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture0"), Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture1"), Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture2"), Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture3"), }; >>>>>>> public static readonly int[] _DBufferTexture = { Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture0"), Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture1"), Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture2"), Shader.PropertyToID("_DBufferTexture3") }; public static readonly int[] _SSSBufferTexture = { Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture0"), Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture1"), Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture2"), Shader.PropertyToID("_SSSBufferTexture3"), };
<<<<<<< using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; ======= using System.Reflection; >>>>>>> using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; <<<<<<< public static void Add<T>(this VisualElement visualElement, T elementToAdd, Action<T> action) where T : VisualElement { visualElement.Add(elementToAdd); action(elementToAdd); } ======= public static IEnumerable<Type> GetTypesOrNothing(this Assembly assembly) { try { return assembly.GetTypes(); } catch { return Enumerable.Empty<Type>(); } } >>>>>>> public static void Add<T>(this VisualElement visualElement, T elementToAdd, Action<T> action) where T : VisualElement { visualElement.Add(elementToAdd); action(elementToAdd); } public static IEnumerable<Type> GetTypesOrNothing(this Assembly assembly) { try { return assembly.GetTypes(); } catch { return Enumerable.Empty<Type>(); } }
<<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Sample implementation of a token cache which persists tokens specific to a user to Redis to be used in multi-tenanted scenarios /// the key is the users object unique object identifier. /// </summary> ======= // sample implementation of a token cache which persists tokens specific to a user to redis to be used in multi tenanted scenarios >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Sample implementation of a token cache which persists tokens specific to a user to Redis to be used in multi-tenanted scenarios /// the key is the users object unique object identifier. /// </summary> <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Factory method to create instances of <see cref="MultiTenantSurveyApp.TokenStorage.RedisTokenCache"/>. The constructor /// is intentionally made private. Since we need to do some async initialization, the instance of the class is not ready /// for use at the completion of the constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">An instance of <see cref="StackExchange.Redis.IConnectionMultiplexer"/> to use for a connection to Redis.</param> /// <param name="key">An instance of <see cref="MultiTenantSurveyApp.TokenStorage.TokenCacheKey"/> containing the key for the new cache.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"/> to use for logging.</param> /// <returns>An initialized instance of <see cref="MultiTenantSurveyApp.TokenStorage.TokenCacheKey"/>.</returns> ======= /// <summary> /// This factory method loads up the dictionary in the base TokenCache class with the tokens read from redis. /// Read for more details on writing a custom token cache. /// The post above explains why we need to load up the base class token cache dictionary as soon as the cache is created. /// We want to do this asynchronously and this requires the factory method. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection"></param> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="logger"></param> /// <returns></returns> >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// This factory method loads up the dictionary in the base TokenCache class with the tokens read from redis. /// Read for more details on writing a custom token cache. /// The post above explains why we need to load up the base class token cache dictionary as soon as the cache is created. /// This factory method is used to create instances of <see cref="MultiTenantSurveyApp.TokenStorage.RedisTokenCache"/>. The constructor /// is intentionally made private, since we need to do some async initialization and the instance of the class is not ready /// for use at the completion of the constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">An instance of <see cref="StackExchange.Redis.IConnectionMultiplexer"/> to use for a connection to Redis.</param> /// <param name="key">An instance of <see cref="MultiTenantSurveyApp.TokenStorage.TokenCacheKey"/> containing the key for the new cache.</param> /// <param name="logger">An instance of <see cref="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"/> to use for logging.</param> /// <returns>An initialized instance of <see cref="MultiTenantSurveyApp.TokenStorage.TokenCacheKey"/>.</returns> <<<<<<< var cache = new RedisTokenCache(connection, key, logger); await cache.InitializeAsync(); return cache; ======= Guard.ArgumentNotNull(connection, "IConnectionMultiplexer"); Guard.ArgumentNotNull(key, "key"); Guard.ArgumentNotNull(logger, "logger"); var redisTokenCache = new RedisTokenCache(); await redisTokenCache.InitializeAsync(connection, key, logger).ConfigureAwait(false); return redisTokenCache; >>>>>>> Guard.ArgumentNotNull(connection, "IConnectionMultiplexer"); Guard.ArgumentNotNull(key, "key"); Guard.ArgumentNotNull(logger, "logger"); var cache = new RedisTokenCache(connection, key, logger); await cache.InitializeAsync() .ConfigureAwait(false); return cache; <<<<<<< ======= _cache = _connection.GetDatabase(); >>>>>>> <<<<<<< ======= await LoadFromStoreAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); >>>>>>> <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Handles the AfterAccessNotification event, which is triggered right after ADAL accesses the cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">An instance of <see cref="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.TokenCacheNotificationArgs"/> containing information for this event.</param> ======= // Triggered right after ADAL accessed the cache. >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Handles the AfterAccessNotification event, which is triggered right after ADAL accesses the cache. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">An instance of <see cref="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.TokenCacheNotificationArgs"/> containing information for this event.</param>
<<<<<<< public class Synchronization : IResponseHolder ======= public class NodeWaitInterval : Durable { public int Count { get; set; } public Durable NodeInterval { get; set; } public SyncReason Reason { get; set; } public double Percent { get { long nodeTime = (NodeInterval.Finish - NodeInterval.Start); long waitTime = (this.Finish - this.Start); double percent = ((double)waitTime / (double)nodeTime) * 100.0; return percent; } } public string Desc { get { return Percent.ToString("F3") + "%, " + DurationF3 + " ms, " + Count; } } public NodeWaitInterval() { } } public class Synchronization >>>>>>> public class NodeWaitInterval : Durable { public int Count { get; set; } public Durable NodeInterval { get; set; } public SyncReason Reason { get; set; } public double Percent { get { long nodeTime = (NodeInterval.Finish - NodeInterval.Start); long waitTime = (this.Finish - this.Start); double percent = ((double)waitTime / (double)nodeTime) * 100.0; return percent; } } public string Desc { get { return Percent.ToString("F3") + "%, " + DurationF3 + " ms, " + Count; } } public NodeWaitInterval() { } } public class Synchronization : IResponseHolder
<<<<<<< var cookie = new Cookie { Name = httpCookie.Name, Value = httpCookie.Value, Domain = webRequest.RequestUri.Host }; ======= #if FRAMEWORK Cookie cookie = new Cookie { Name = httpCookie.Name, Value = httpCookie.Value, Domain = webRequest.RequestUri.Host }; >>>>>>> var cookie = new Cookie { Name = httpCookie.Name, Value = httpCookie.Value, Domain = webRequest.RequestUri.Host }; <<<<<<< if (HasFiles || AlwaysMultipartFormData) ======= bool needsContentType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(webRequest.ContentType); if (this.HasFiles || this.AlwaysMultipartFormData) >>>>>>> if (HasFiles || AlwaysMultipartFormData) bool needsContentType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(webRequest.ContentType); if (this.HasFiles || this.AlwaysMultipartFormData) <<<<<<< webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; RequestBody = EncodeParameters(); ======= if (needsContentType) webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; this.RequestBody = this.EncodeParameters(); >>>>>>> if (needsContentType) webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; this.RequestBody = this.EncodeParameters(); RequestBody = EncodeParameters(); <<<<<<< webRequest.ContentType = RequestContentType; ======= if (needsContentType) webRequest.ContentType = this.RequestContentType; >>>>>>> if (needsContentType) webRequest.ContentType = this.RequestContentType; <<<<<<< { Comment = cookie.Comment, CommentUri = cookie.CommentUri, Discard = cookie.Discard, Domain = cookie.Domain, Expired = cookie.Expired, Expires = cookie.Expires, HttpOnly = cookie.HttpOnly, Name = cookie.Name, Path = cookie.Path, Port = cookie.Port, Secure = cookie.Secure, TimeStamp = cookie.TimeStamp, Value = cookie.Value, Version = cookie.Version }); foreach (var headerName in webResponse.Headers.AllKeys) ======= { Comment = cookie.Comment, CommentUri = cookie.CommentUri, Discard = cookie.Discard, Domain = cookie.Domain, Expired = cookie.Expired, Expires = cookie.Expires, HttpOnly = cookie.HttpOnly, Name = cookie.Name, Path = cookie.Path, Port = cookie.Port, Secure = cookie.Secure, TimeStamp = cookie.TimeStamp, Value = cookie.Value, Version = cookie.Version }); } } foreach (string headerName in webResponse.Headers.AllKeys) >>>>>>> { Comment = cookie.Comment, CommentUri = cookie.CommentUri, Discard = cookie.Discard, Domain = cookie.Domain, Expired = cookie.Expired, Expires = cookie.Expires, HttpOnly = cookie.HttpOnly, Name = cookie.Name, Path = cookie.Path, Port = cookie.Port, Secure = cookie.Secure, TimeStamp = cookie.TimeStamp, Value = cookie.Value, Version = cookie.Version }); foreach (var headerName in webResponse.Headers.AllKeys)
<<<<<<< /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public interface IRestClient { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> #if !PocketPC CookieContainer CookieContainer { get; set; } #endif /// <summary> /// /// </summary> string UserAgent { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> int Timeout { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> int ReadWriteTimeout { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> bool UseSynchronizationContext { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> IAuthenticator Authenticator { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> string BaseUrl { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> bool PreAuthenticate { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> IList<Parameter> DefaultParameters { get; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="callback"></param> RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="callback"></param> RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse<T>, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback); #if FRAMEWORK || PocketPC IRestResponse Execute(IRestRequest request); IRestResponse<T> Execute<T>(IRestRequest request) where T : new(); #endif ======= /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public interface IRestClient { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> CookieContainer CookieContainer { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> string UserAgent { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> int Timeout { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> bool UseSynchronizationContext { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> IAuthenticator Authenticator { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> Uri BaseUrl { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> IList<Parameter> DefaultParameters { get; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse<T>, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback); >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public interface IRestClient { /// <summary> /// /// </summary> #if !PocketPC CookieContainer CookieContainer { get; set; } #endif /// <summary> /// /// </summary> string UserAgent { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> int Timeout { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> int ReadWriteTimeout { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> bool UseSynchronizationContext { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> IAuthenticator Authenticator { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> Uri BaseUrl { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> bool PreAuthenticate { get; set; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> IList<Parameter> DefaultParameters { get; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="callback"></param> RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="callback"></param> RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync<T>(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse<T>, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback); #if FRAMEWORK || PocketPC IRestResponse Execute(IRestRequest request); IRestResponse<T> Execute<T>(IRestRequest request) where T : new(); #endif
<<<<<<< foreach(var file in Files) { // Add just the first part of this param, since we will write the file data directly to the Stream WriteStringTo(requestStream, GetMultipartFileHeader(file)); // Write the file data directly to the Stream, rather than serializing it to a string. file.Writer(requestStream); WriteStringTo(requestStream, Environment.NewLine); } foreach(var param in Parameters) ======= var encoding = Encoding.UTF8; foreach (var param in Parameters) >>>>>>> foreach (var param in Parameters) <<<<<<< WriteStringTo(requestStream, GetMultipartFooter()); ======= foreach (var file in Files) { // Add just the first part of this param, since we will write the file data directly to the Stream var header = GetMultipartFileHeader(file); requestStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(header), 0, header.Length); // Write the file data directly to the Stream, rather than serializing it to a string. file.Writer(requestStream); var lineEnding = Environment.NewLine; requestStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(lineEnding), 0, lineEnding.Length); } var footer = GetMultipartFooter(); requestStream.Write(encoding.GetBytes(footer), 0, footer.Length); >>>>>>> foreach (var file in Files) { // Add just the first part of this param, since we will write the file data directly to the Stream WriteStringTo(requestStream, GetMultipartFileHeader(file)); // Write the file data directly to the Stream, rather than serializing it to a string. file.Writer(requestStream); WriteStringTo(requestStream, Environment.NewLine); } WriteStringTo(requestStream, GetMultipartFooter());
<<<<<<< ======= bool UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing { get; set; } #if FRAMEWORK >>>>>>> bool UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing { get; set; }
<<<<<<< _interceptor = interceptor; ======= _serviceFactory.Services = services; >>>>>>> _interceptor = interceptor; _serviceFactory.Services = services;
<<<<<<< string imageUrl; double scale; Color bgColor = new Color(); ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< ImageCommentParser.TryParse(matchedText, out imageUrl, out scale, ref bgColor, out xmlParseException); ======= string imageUrl; double scale; ImageCommentParser.TryParse(matchedText, out imageUrl, out scale, out xmlParseException); >>>>>>> string imageUrl; double scale; Color bgColor = new Color(); ImageCommentParser.TryParse(matchedText, out imageUrl, out scale, ref bgColor, out xmlParseException);
<<<<<<< using System.Linq; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; ======= using System.Linq; >>>>>>> using System.Linq; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.ObjectModel; <<<<<<< protected ITestRunner GetRunnerFor(string assemblyName, IGrouping<string, TestCase> testCases) ======= /// <summary> /// If a directory matches one of the forbidden folders, then we should reroute, so we return true in that case /// </summary> public bool CheckDirectory(string dir) { var checkdir = (dir.EndsWith("\\") ? dir : dir + "\\"); return ForbiddenFolders.Any(o => checkdir.StartsWith(o, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } protected ITestRunner GetRunnerFor(string assemblyName) >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// If a directory matches one of the forbidden folders, then we should reroute, so we return true in that case /// </summary> public bool CheckDirectory(string dir) { var checkdir = (dir.EndsWith("\\") ? dir : dir + "\\"); return ForbiddenFolders.Any(o => checkdir.StartsWith(o, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); } protected ITestRunner GetRunnerFor(string assemblyName, IGrouping<string, TestCase> testCases)
<<<<<<< DiscoveryMethod DiscoveryMethod { get; } ======= bool SkipNonTestAssemblies { get; } >>>>>>> DiscoveryMethod DiscoveryMethod { get; } bool SkipNonTestAssemblies { get; } <<<<<<< public DiscoveryMethod DiscoveryMethod { get; private set; } = DiscoveryMethod.Old; ======= public bool SkipNonTestAssemblies { get; private set; } >>>>>>> public DiscoveryMethod DiscoveryMethod { get; private set; } = DiscoveryMethod.Old; public bool SkipNonTestAssemblies { get; private set; }
<<<<<<< while (true) { methodDef = typeDef.Methods.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == methodName); if (methodDef != null) break; var baseType = typeDef.BaseType; if (baseType == null || baseType.FullName == "System.Object") return NavigationData.Invalid; typeDef = typeDef.BaseType.Resolve(); } var sequencePoint = FirstOrDefaultSequencePoint(methodDef); if (sequencePoint != null) return new NavigationData(sequencePoint.Document.Url, sequencePoint.StartLine); return NavigationData.Invalid; #else var navigationData = GetMethods(className) .Where(m => m.Name == methodName) .Select(FirstOrDefaultSequencePoint) ======= var sequencePoint = GetTypeLineage(className) .Select(typeDef => typeDef.GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == methodName)) >>>>>>> var sequencePoint = GetTypeLineage(className) .Select(typeDef => typeDef.Methods.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == methodName))
<<<<<<< MaxCpuCount = GetInnerTextAsInt(runConfiguration, "MaxCpuCount", -1); ResultsDirectory = GetInnerText(runConfiguration, "ResultsDirectory"); TargetPlatform = GetInnerText(runConfiguration, "TargetPlatform"); TargetFrameworkVersion = GetInnerText(runConfiguration, "TargetFrameworkVersion"); TestAdapterPaths = GetInnerText(runConfiguration, "TestAdapterPaths"); CollectSourceInformation = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "CollectSourceInformation", true); DisableAppDomain = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "DisableAppDomain", false); DisableParallelization = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "DisableParallelization", false); DesignMode = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "DesignMode", false); ======= MaxCpuCount = GetInnerTextAsInt(runConfiguration, nameof(MaxCpuCount), -1); ResultsDirectory = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, nameof(ResultsDirectory)); TargetPlatform = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, nameof(TargetPlatform)); TargetFrameworkVersion = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, nameof(TargetFrameworkVersion)); TestAdapterPaths = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, nameof(TestAdapterPaths)); CollectSourceInformation = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, nameof(CollectSourceInformation), true); >>>>>>> MaxCpuCount = GetInnerTextAsInt(runConfiguration, "MaxCpuCount", -1); ResultsDirectory = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, "ResultsDirectory"); TargetPlatform = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, "TargetPlatform"); TargetFrameworkVersion = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, "TargetFrameworkVersion"); TestAdapterPaths = GetInnerTextWithLog(runConfiguration, "TestAdapterPaths"); CollectSourceInformation = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "CollectSourceInformation", true); DisableAppDomain = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "DisableAppDomain", false); DisableParallelization = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "DisableParallelization", false); DesignMode = GetInnerTextAsBool(runConfiguration, "DesignMode", false); <<<<<<< private void UpdateNumberOfTestWorkers() { // Overriding the NumberOfTestWorkers if DisableParallelization is true. if(DisableParallelization && NumberOfTestWorkers < 0) { NumberOfTestWorkers = 0; } else if(DisableParallelization && NumberOfTestWorkers > 0) { if(_logger.Verbosity > 0) { _logger.Warning(string.Format("DisableParallelization:{0} & NumberOfTestWorkers:{1} are conflicting settings, hence not running in parallel", DisableParallelization, NumberOfTestWorkers)); } NumberOfTestWorkers = 0; } } private string GetInnerText(XmlNode startNode, string xpath, params string[] validValues) ======= private string GetInnerTextWithLog(XmlNode startNode, string xpath, params string[] validValues) >>>>>>> private void UpdateNumberOfTestWorkers() { // Overriding the NumberOfTestWorkers if DisableParallelization is true. if(DisableParallelization && NumberOfTestWorkers < 0) { NumberOfTestWorkers = 0; } else if(DisableParallelization && NumberOfTestWorkers > 0) { if(_logger.Verbosity > 0) { _logger.Warning(string.Format("DisableParallelization:{0} & NumberOfTestWorkers:{1} are conflicting settings, hence not running in parallel", DisableParallelization, NumberOfTestWorkers)); } NumberOfTestWorkers = 0; } } private string GetInnerTextWithLog(XmlNode startNode, string xpath, params string[] validValues)
<<<<<<< using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Data.Entity; namespace LinqKit { /// <summary> /// An IQueryable wrapper that allows us to visit the query's expression tree just before LINQ to SQL gets to it. /// This is based on the excellent work of Tomas Petricek: /// </summary> public class ExpandableQuery<T> : IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IDbAsyncEnumerable<T> { readonly ExpandableQueryProvider<T> _provider; readonly IQueryable<T> _inner; internal IQueryable<T> InnerQuery { get { return _inner; } } // Original query, that we're wrapping internal ExpandableQuery (IQueryable<T> inner) { _inner = inner; _provider = new ExpandableQueryProvider<T> (this); } Expression IQueryable.Expression { get { return _inner.Expression; } } Type IQueryable.ElementType { get { return typeof (T); } } IQueryProvider IQueryable.Provider { get { return _provider; } } public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator () { return _inner.GetEnumerator (); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return _inner.GetEnumerator (); } public override string ToString() { return _inner.ToString(); } public IDbAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator() { var asyncEnumerable = _inner as IDbAsyncEnumerable<T>; if (asyncEnumerable != null) return asyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(); return new ExpandableDbAsyncEnumerator<T>(_inner.GetEnumerator()); } IDbAsyncEnumerator IDbAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator() { return this.GetAsyncEnumerator(); } } public static class ExpandableQueryIncludeExtension { public static IQueryable<T> Include<T>(this ExpandableQuery<T> ex, string path) where T : class { return ex.InnerQuery.Include(path).AsExpandable(); } } class ExpandableQueryProvider<T> : IQueryProvider, IDbAsyncQueryProvider { readonly ExpandableQuery<T> _query; internal ExpandableQueryProvider (ExpandableQuery<T> query) { _query = query; } // The following four methods first call ExpressionExpander to visit the expression tree, then call // upon the inner query to do the remaining work. IQueryable<TElement> IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement> (Expression expression) { return new ExpandableQuery<TElement> (_query.InnerQuery.Provider.CreateQuery<TElement> (expression.Expand())); } IQueryable IQueryProvider.CreateQuery (Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.CreateQuery (expression.Expand()); } TResult IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult> (Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute<TResult> (expression.Expand()); } object IQueryProvider.Execute (Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute (expression.Expand()); } public Task<object> ExecuteAsync(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var asyncProvider = _query.InnerQuery.Provider as IDbAsyncQueryProvider; if (asyncProvider != null) return asyncProvider.ExecuteAsync(expression.Expand(), cancellationToken); return Task.FromResult(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute(expression.Expand())); } public Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var asyncProvider = _query.InnerQuery.Provider as IDbAsyncQueryProvider; if (asyncProvider != null) return asyncProvider.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(expression.Expand(), cancellationToken); return Task.FromResult(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute<TResult>(expression.Expand())); } } } ======= using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; #if !NET35 using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Threading.Tasks; #endif namespace LinqKit { /// <summary> /// An IQueryable wrapper that allows us to visit the query's expression tree just before LINQ to SQL gets to it. /// This is based on the excellent work of Tomas Petricek: /// </summary> #if NET35 public class ExpandableQuery<T> : IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable #else public class ExpandableQuery<T> : IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IDbAsyncEnumerable<T> #endif { readonly ExpandableQueryProvider<T> _provider; readonly IQueryable<T> _inner; internal IQueryable<T> InnerQuery { get { return _inner; } } // Original query, that we're wrapping internal ExpandableQuery(IQueryable<T> inner) { _inner = inner; _provider = new ExpandableQueryProvider<T>(this); } Expression IQueryable.Expression { get { return _inner.Expression; } } Type IQueryable.ElementType { get { return typeof(T); } } IQueryProvider IQueryable.Provider { get { return _provider; } } public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() { return _inner.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return _inner.GetEnumerator(); } public override string ToString() { return _inner.ToString(); } #if !NET35 public IDbAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator() { var asyncEnumerable = _inner as IDbAsyncEnumerable<T>; if (asyncEnumerable != null) return asyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(); return new ExpandableDbAsyncEnumerator<T>(_inner.GetEnumerator()); } IDbAsyncEnumerator IDbAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator() { return this.GetAsyncEnumerator(); } #endif } #if NET35 class ExpandableQueryProvider<T> : IQueryProvider #else class ExpandableQueryProvider<T> : IQueryProvider, IDbAsyncQueryProvider #endif { readonly ExpandableQuery<T> _query; internal ExpandableQueryProvider(ExpandableQuery<T> query) { _query = query; } // The following four methods first call ExpressionExpander to visit the expression tree, then call // upon the inner query to do the remaining work. IQueryable<TElement> IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression expression) { return new ExpandableQuery<TElement>(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.CreateQuery<TElement>(expression.Expand())); } IQueryable IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.CreateQuery(expression.Expand()); } TResult IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute<TResult>(expression.Expand()); } object IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute(expression.Expand()); } #if !NET35 public Task<object> ExecuteAsync(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var asyncProvider = _query.InnerQuery.Provider as IDbAsyncQueryProvider; if (asyncProvider != null) return asyncProvider.ExecuteAsync(expression.Expand(), cancellationToken); return Task.FromResult(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute(expression.Expand())); } public Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var asyncProvider = _query.InnerQuery.Provider as IDbAsyncQueryProvider; if (asyncProvider != null) return asyncProvider.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(expression.Expand(), cancellationToken); return Task.FromResult(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute<TResult>(expression.Expand())); } #endif } } >>>>>>> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; using System.Data.Entity; #if !NET35 using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Threading.Tasks; #endif namespace LinqKit { /// <summary> /// An IQueryable wrapper that allows us to visit the query's expression tree just before LINQ to SQL gets to it. /// This is based on the excellent work of Tomas Petricek: /// </summary> #if NET35 public class ExpandableQuery<T> : IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable #else public class ExpandableQuery<T> : IQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IDbAsyncEnumerable<T> #endif { readonly ExpandableQueryProvider<T> _provider; readonly IQueryable<T> _inner; internal IQueryable<T> InnerQuery { get { return _inner; } } // Original query, that we're wrapping internal ExpandableQuery(IQueryable<T> inner) { _inner = inner; _provider = new ExpandableQueryProvider<T>(this); } Expression IQueryable.Expression { get { return _inner.Expression; } } Type IQueryable.ElementType { get { return typeof(T); } } IQueryProvider IQueryable.Provider { get { return _provider; } } public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() { return _inner.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return _inner.GetEnumerator(); } public override string ToString() { return _inner.ToString(); } #if !NET35 public IDbAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator() { var asyncEnumerable = _inner as IDbAsyncEnumerable<T>; if (asyncEnumerable != null) return asyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(); return new ExpandableDbAsyncEnumerator<T>(_inner.GetEnumerator()); } IDbAsyncEnumerator IDbAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator() { return this.GetAsyncEnumerator(); } #endif } public static class ExpandableQueryIncludeExtension { public static IQueryable<T> Include<T>(this ExpandableQuery<T> ex, string path) where T : class { return ex.InnerQuery.Include(path).AsExpandable(); } } #if NET35 class ExpandableQueryProvider<T> : IQueryProvider #else class ExpandableQueryProvider<T> : IQueryProvider, IDbAsyncQueryProvider #endif { readonly ExpandableQuery<T> _query; internal ExpandableQueryProvider(ExpandableQuery<T> query) { _query = query; } // The following four methods first call ExpressionExpander to visit the expression tree, then call // upon the inner query to do the remaining work. IQueryable<TElement> IQueryProvider.CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression expression) { return new ExpandableQuery<TElement>(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.CreateQuery<TElement>(expression.Expand())); } IQueryable IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.CreateQuery(expression.Expand()); } TResult IQueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute<TResult>(expression.Expand()); } object IQueryProvider.Execute(Expression expression) { return _query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute(expression.Expand()); } #if !NET35 public Task<object> ExecuteAsync(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var asyncProvider = _query.InnerQuery.Provider as IDbAsyncQueryProvider; if (asyncProvider != null) return asyncProvider.ExecuteAsync(expression.Expand(), cancellationToken); return Task.FromResult(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute(expression.Expand())); } public Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var asyncProvider = _query.InnerQuery.Provider as IDbAsyncQueryProvider; if (asyncProvider != null) return asyncProvider.ExecuteAsync<TResult>(expression.Expand(), cancellationToken); return Task.FromResult(_query.InnerQuery.Provider.Execute<TResult>(expression.Expand())); } #endif } }
<<<<<<< var sut = CampaignAdminControllerBuilder.AllNullParamsInstance().Build(); ======= var sut = new CampaignController(null, null); sut.SetClaims(new List<Claim>()); >>>>>>> var sut = CampaignAdminControllerBuilder.AllNullParamsInstance().Build(); sut.SetClaims(new List<Claim>()); <<<<<<< var sut = CampaignAdminControllerBuilder.AllNullParamsInstance().WithToday(() => dateTimeNow).Build(); ======= var sut = new CampaignController(null, null) { DateTimeNow = () => dateTimeNow }; sut.SetClaims(new List<Claim>{new Claim(ClaimTypes.TimeZoneId, TimeZoneId) }); >>>>>>> var sut = CampaignAdminControllerBuilder.AllNullParamsInstance().WithToday(() => dateTimeNow).Build(); sut.SetClaims(new List<Claim>{new Claim(ClaimTypes.TimeZoneId, TimeZoneId) });
<<<<<<< using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; ======= using AllReady.ViewModels.Home; using Microsoft.Data.Entity; >>>>>>> using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using AllReady.ViewModels.Home;
<<<<<<< using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; ======= using Microsoft.Data.Entity.Migrations; >>>>>>> using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
<<<<<<< using AllReady.Providers; using System.IO; ======= >>>>>>> using System.IO;
<<<<<<< using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; ======= using Microsoft.Data.Entity.Migrations; >>>>>>> using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
<<<<<<< using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using AllReady.Models; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations; ======= using Microsoft.Data.Entity.Migrations; >>>>>>> using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
<<<<<<< public DbSet<FileAttachment> Attachments { get; set; } ======= public DbSet<CampaignManager> CampaignManagers { get; set; } public DbSet<EventManager> EventManagers { get; set; } public DbSet<EventManagerInvite> EventManagerInvites { get; set; } public DbSet<CampaignManagerInvite> CampaignManagerInvites { get; set; } >>>>>>> public DbSet<CampaignManager> CampaignManagers { get; set; } public DbSet<EventManager> EventManagers { get; set; } public DbSet<EventManagerInvite> EventManagerInvites { get; set; } public DbSet<CampaignManagerInvite> CampaignManagerInvites { get; set; } public DbSet<FileAttachment> Attachments { get; set; } <<<<<<< Map(modelBuilder.Entity<FileAttachment>()); ======= Map(modelBuilder.Entity<CampaignManager>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<EventManager>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<EventManagerInvite>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<CampaignManagerInvite>()); >>>>>>> Map(modelBuilder.Entity<CampaignManager>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<EventManager>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<EventManagerInvite>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<CampaignManagerInvite>()); Map(modelBuilder.Entity<FileAttachment>()); <<<<<<< public void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<FileAttachment> builder) { builder.HasKey(a => a.Id); builder.HasOne(a => a.Task); builder.Property(a => a.Name).IsRequired(); } ======= private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<CampaignManager> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => new { x.UserId, x.CampaignId }); builder.HasOne(x => x.User) .WithMany(u => u.ManagedCampaigns) .HasForeignKey(x => x.UserId); builder.HasOne(x => x.Campaign) .WithMany(u => u.CampaignManagers) .HasForeignKey(x => x.CampaignId); } private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<EventManager> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => new { x.UserId, x.EventId }); builder.HasOne(x => x.User) .WithMany(u => u.ManagedEvents) .HasForeignKey(x => x.UserId); builder.HasOne(x => x.Event) .WithMany(u => u.EventManagers) .HasForeignKey(x => x.EventId); } private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<EventManagerInvite> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => x.Id); builder.Property(a => a.InviteeEmailAddress).IsRequired(); builder.Property(a => a.SenderUserId).IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.SenderUser) .WithMany(u => u.SentEventManagerInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.SenderUserId) .IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.Event) .WithMany(u => u.ManagementInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.EventId) .IsRequired(); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsAccepted); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRejected); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRevoked); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsPending); } private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<CampaignManagerInvite> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => x.Id); builder.Property(a => a.InviteeEmailAddress).IsRequired(); builder.Property(a => a.SenderUserId).IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.SenderUser) .WithMany(u => u.SentCampaignManagerInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.SenderUserId) .IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.Campaign) .WithMany(u => u.ManagementInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.CampaignId) .IsRequired(); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsAccepted); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRejected); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRevoked); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsPending); } >>>>>>> private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<CampaignManager> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => new { x.UserId, x.CampaignId }); builder.HasOne(x => x.User) .WithMany(u => u.ManagedCampaigns) .HasForeignKey(x => x.UserId); builder.HasOne(x => x.Campaign) .WithMany(u => u.CampaignManagers) .HasForeignKey(x => x.CampaignId); } private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<EventManager> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => new { x.UserId, x.EventId }); builder.HasOne(x => x.User) .WithMany(u => u.ManagedEvents) .HasForeignKey(x => x.UserId); builder.HasOne(x => x.Event) .WithMany(u => u.EventManagers) .HasForeignKey(x => x.EventId); } private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<EventManagerInvite> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => x.Id); builder.Property(a => a.InviteeEmailAddress).IsRequired(); builder.Property(a => a.SenderUserId).IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.SenderUser) .WithMany(u => u.SentEventManagerInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.SenderUserId) .IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.Event) .WithMany(u => u.ManagementInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.EventId) .IsRequired(); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsAccepted); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRejected); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRevoked); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsPending); } private void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<CampaignManagerInvite> builder) { builder.HasKey(x => x.Id); builder.Property(a => a.InviteeEmailAddress).IsRequired(); builder.Property(a => a.SenderUserId).IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.SenderUser) .WithMany(u => u.SentCampaignManagerInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.SenderUserId) .IsRequired(); builder.HasOne(x => x.Campaign) .WithMany(u => u.ManagementInvites) .HasForeignKey(x => x.CampaignId) .IsRequired(); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsAccepted); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRejected); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsRevoked); builder.Ignore(x => x.IsPending); } public void Map(EntityTypeBuilder<FileAttachment> builder) { builder.HasKey(a => a.Id); builder.HasOne(a => a.Task); builder.Property(a => a.Name).IsRequired(); }
<<<<<<< using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AllReady.Models; using MediatR; using Microsoft.Data.Entity; using Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel; namespace AllReady.Features.Notifications { public class NotifyAdminForTaskSignupStatusChange : INotificationHandler<TaskSignupStatusChanged> { public void Handle(TaskSignupStatusChanged notification) { // TODO: handle event } } } ======= using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AllReady.Models; using MediatR; using Microsoft.Data.Entity; using Microsoft.Framework.OptionsModel; namespace AllReady.Features.Notifications { public class NotifyAdminForTaskSignupStatusChange : INotificationHandler<TaskSignupStatusChanged> { private readonly AllReadyContext _context; private readonly IMediator _bus; private readonly IOptions<GeneralSettings> _options; public NotifyAdminForTaskSignupStatusChange(AllReadyContext context, IMediator bus, IOptions<GeneralSettings> options) { _context = context; _bus = bus; _options = options; } public void Handle(TaskSignupStatusChanged notification) { var taskSignup = _context.TaskSignups .Include(ts => ts.Task) .ThenInclude(t => t.Activity).ThenInclude(a => a.Organizer) .Include(ts => ts.Task) .ThenInclude(t => t.Activity).ThenInclude(a => a.Campaign).ThenInclude(c => c.Organizer) .Include(ts => ts.User) .Single(ts => ts.Id == notification.SignupId); var volunteer = taskSignup.User; var task = taskSignup.Task; var activity = task.Activity; var campaign = activity.Campaign; //Prefer activity organizer email; fallback to campaign organizer email var adminEmail = taskSignup.Task.Activity.Organizer?.Email; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adminEmail)) { adminEmail = taskSignup.Task.Activity.Campaign.Organizer?.Email; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adminEmail)) { var link = $"View activity: http://{_options.Value.SiteBaseUrl}/Admin/Task/Details/{taskSignup.Task.Id}"; var subject = $"Task status changed ({taskSignup.Status}) for volunteer {volunteer.Name ?? volunteer.Email}"; var message = $@"A volunteer's status has changed for a task. Volunteer: {volunteer.Name} ({volunteer.Email}) New status: {taskSignup.Status} Task: {task.Name} {link} Activity: {activity.Name} Campaign: {campaign.Name}"; var command = new NotifyVolunteersCommand { ViewModel = new NotifyVolunteersViewModel { EmailMessage = message, HtmlMessage = message, EmailRecipients = new List<string> { adminEmail }, Subject = subject } }; _bus.Send(command); } } } } >>>>>>> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AllReady.Models; using MediatR; using Microsoft.Data.Entity; using Microsoft.Extensions.OptionsModel; namespace AllReady.Features.Notifications { public class NotifyAdminForTaskSignupStatusChange : INotificationHandler<TaskSignupStatusChanged> { private readonly AllReadyContext _context; private readonly IMediator _bus; private readonly IOptions<GeneralSettings> _options; public NotifyAdminForTaskSignupStatusChange(AllReadyContext context, IMediator bus, IOptions<GeneralSettings> options) { _context = context; _bus = bus; _options = options; } public void Handle(TaskSignupStatusChanged notification) { var taskSignup = _context.TaskSignups .Include(ts => ts.Task) .ThenInclude(t => t.Activity).ThenInclude(a => a.Organizer) .Include(ts => ts.Task) .ThenInclude(t => t.Activity).ThenInclude(a => a.Campaign).ThenInclude(c => c.Organizer) .Include(ts => ts.User) .Single(ts => ts.Id == notification.SignupId); var volunteer = taskSignup.User; var task = taskSignup.Task; var activity = task.Activity; var campaign = activity.Campaign; //Prefer activity organizer email; fallback to campaign organizer email var adminEmail = taskSignup.Task.Activity.Organizer?.Email; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adminEmail)) { adminEmail = taskSignup.Task.Activity.Campaign.Organizer?.Email; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adminEmail)) { var link = $"View activity: http://{_options.Value.SiteBaseUrl}/Admin/Task/Details/{taskSignup.Task.Id}"; var subject = $"Task status changed ({taskSignup.Status}) for volunteer {volunteer.Name ?? volunteer.Email}"; var message = $@"A volunteer's status has changed for a task. Volunteer: {volunteer.Name} ({volunteer.Email}) New status: {taskSignup.Status} Task: {task.Name} {link} Activity: {activity.Name} Campaign: {campaign.Name}"; var command = new NotifyVolunteersCommand { ViewModel = new NotifyVolunteersViewModel { EmailMessage = message, HtmlMessage = message, EmailRecipients = new List<string> { adminEmail }, Subject = subject } }; _bus.Send(command); } } } }
<<<<<<< var refactoringContext = new OmniSharpRefactoringContext(doc, resolver, location); refactoringContext.Services.AddService (typeof(NamingConventionService), new DefaultNameService ()); ======= OmniSharpRefactoringContext refactoringContext; if(request is CodeActionRequest) { var car = request as CodeActionRequest; var startLocation = new TextLocation(car.SelectionStartLine.Value, car.SelectionStartColumn.Value); System.Console.WriteLine(startLocation); var endLocation = new TextLocation(car.SelectionEndLine.Value, car.SelectionEndColumn.Value); refactoringContext = new OmniSharpRefactoringContext(doc, resolver, location, startLocation, endLocation); } else { refactoringContext = new OmniSharpRefactoringContext(doc, resolver, location); } >>>>>>> OmniSharpRefactoringContext refactoringContext; if(request is CodeActionRequest) { var car = request as CodeActionRequest; var startLocation = new TextLocation(car.SelectionStartLine.Value, car.SelectionStartColumn.Value); System.Console.WriteLine(startLocation); var endLocation = new TextLocation(car.SelectionEndLine.Value, car.SelectionEndColumn.Value); refactoringContext = new OmniSharpRefactoringContext(doc, resolver, location, startLocation, endLocation); } else { refactoringContext = new OmniSharpRefactoringContext(doc, resolver, location); } refactoringContext.Services.AddService (typeof(NamingConventionService), new DefaultNameService ());
<<<<<<< Task<ActivityGoals> SetGoalsAsync(int caloriesOut = default(int), decimal distance = default(decimal), int floors = default(int), int steps = default(int), int activeMinutes = default(int), GoalPeriod period = GoalPeriod.Daily); Task<ActivityGoals> GetGoalsAsync(GoalPeriod period); ======= Task<WeightGoal> GetWeightGoalsAsync(); Task<WeightGoal> SetWeightGoalAsync(DateTime startDate, double startWeight, double weight); Task<ActivityGoals> SetGoalsAsync(int caloriesOut = default(int), decimal distance = default(decimal), int floors = default(int), int steps = default(int), int activeMinutes = default(int)); >>>>>>> Task<ActivityGoals> SetGoalsAsync(int caloriesOut = default(int), decimal distance = default(decimal), int floors = default(int), int steps = default(int), int activeMinutes = default(int), GoalPeriod period = GoalPeriod.Daily); Task<ActivityGoals> GetGoalsAsync(GoalPeriod period); Task<WeightGoal> GetWeightGoalsAsync(); Task<WeightGoal> SetWeightGoalAsync(DateTime startDate, double startWeight, double weight); Task<ActivityGoals> SetGoalsAsync(int caloriesOut = default(int), decimal distance = default(decimal), int floors = default(int), int steps = default(int), int activeMinutes = default(int));
<<<<<<< string[] scopes = new string[] {"profile", "activity"}; ======= string[] scopes = new string[] {"profile", "weight"}; >>>>>>> string[] scopes = new string[] {"profile", "weight", "activity"}; <<<<<<< [HttpGet()] public async Task<ActionResult> ActivityGoals() { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.GetGoalsAsync(GoalPeriod.Daily); return View(response); } [HttpPost()] public async Task<ActionResult> ActivityGoals(ActivityGoals goals) { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.SetGoalsAsync(goals.CaloriesOut, (decimal)goals.Distance, (goals.Floors.HasValue ? goals.Floors.Value : default(int)), goals.Steps, (goals.ActiveMinutes.HasValue ? goals.ActiveMinutes.Value : default(int)), period: GoalPeriod.Daily); return View(response); } ======= [HttpGet()] public async Task<ActionResult> WeightGoal() { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.GetWeightGoalsAsync(); return View(response); } [HttpPost()] public async Task<ActionResult> WeightGoal(WeightGoal weightGoal) { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.SetWeightGoalAsync(weightGoal.StartDate, weightGoal.StartWeight, weightGoal.Weight); return View(response); } >>>>>>> [HttpGet()] public async Task<ActionResult> ActivityGoals() { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.GetGoalsAsync(GoalPeriod.Daily); return View(response); } [HttpPost()] public async Task<ActionResult> ActivityGoals(ActivityGoals goals) { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.SetGoalsAsync(goals.CaloriesOut, (decimal)goals.Distance, (goals.Floors.HasValue ? goals.Floors.Value : default(int)), goals.Steps, (goals.ActiveMinutes.HasValue ? goals.ActiveMinutes.Value : default(int)), period: GoalPeriod.Daily); return View(response); } [HttpGet()] public async Task<ActionResult> WeightGoal() { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.GetWeightGoalsAsync(); return View(response); } [HttpPost()] public async Task<ActionResult> WeightGoal(WeightGoal weightGoal) { FitbitClient client = GetFitbitClient(); var response = await client.SetWeightGoalAsync(weightGoal.StartDate, weightGoal.StartWeight, weightGoal.Weight); return View(response); }
<<<<<<< // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 ======= // Runtime Version:2.0.50727.8937 >>>>>>> // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> ======= internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_Bitwarden { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_Bitwarden", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_Bitwarden { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_Bitwarden", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> ======= internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_Steganos20 { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_Steganos20", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_Steganos20 { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_Steganos20", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } }
<<<<<<< // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 ======= // Runtime Version:2.0.50727.8745 >>>>>>> // Runtime Version:4.0.30319.42000 <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> ======= internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_Enpass { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_Enpass", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_Enpass { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_Enpass", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> ======= internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_MSecure { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_MSecure", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_MSecure { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_MSecure", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> <<<<<<< /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> ======= internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_PwSaver { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_PwSaver", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary> internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap B16x16_Imp_PwSaver { get { object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("B16x16_Imp_PwSaver", resourceCulture); return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj)); } } /// <summary> /// Looks up a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap. /// </summary>
<<<<<<< ======= using NoRM.Protocol.SystemMessages.Responses; using NoRM.BSON; >>>>>>> using NoRM.Protocol.SystemMessages.Responses; using NoRM.BSON;
<<<<<<< using Norm.Commands.Modifiers; ======= using Norm.Commands.Modifiers; using Norm; >>>>>>> using Norm.Commands.Modifiers; using Norm; <<<<<<< if (id == null && ( (typeof(ObjectId).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) || (typeof(long?).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) || (typeof(int?).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type))) ) ======= if (id == null && (typeof(ObjectId).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) || (typeof(long?).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) || (typeof(int?).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) ) >>>>>>> if (id == null && ( (typeof(ObjectId).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) || (typeof(long?).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type)) || (typeof(int?).IsAssignableFrom(idProperty.Type))) ) <<<<<<< /// Returns the fully qualified and mapped retval from the member expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="body">The expression.</param> /// <returns></returns> private String RecurseExpression(Expression body) { var me = body as MemberExpression; if (me != null) { return this.RecurseMemberExpression(me); } var ue = body as UnaryExpression; if (ue != null) { return this.RecurseExpression(ue.Operand); } throw new MongoException("Unknown expression type, expected a MemberExpression or UnaryExpression."); } /// <summary> /// Returns the fully qualified and mapped retval from the member expression. /// </summary> /// <param retval="mex"></param> /// <returns></returns> private String RecurseMemberExpression(MemberExpression mex) { var retval = ""; var parentEx = mex.Expression as MemberExpression; if (parentEx != null) { //we need to recurse because we're not at the root yet. retval += this.RecurseMemberExpression(parentEx) + "."; } retval += MongoConfiguration.GetPropertyAlias(mex.Expression.Type, mex.Member.Name); return retval; } /// <summary> ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< /// Asynchronously creates an index on this collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="compoundIndexes">This is a collection of the elements in the type you wish to index along with the direction: /// <code> /// new[] { /// new MongoCollectionCompoundIndex&lt;MyData&gt;(o => o.A.B, IndexOption.Ascending), /// new MongoCollectionCompoundIndex&lt;MyData&gt;(o => o.C.D, IndexOption.Descending), /// } /// </code> /// This will automatically map the MongoConfiguration aliases. /// </param> /// <param name="indexName">The name of the index as it should appear in the special "system.indexes" child collection.</param> /// <param name="isUnique">True if MongoDB can expect that each document will have a unique combination for this fieldSelectionExpando. /// MongoDB will potentially optimize the index based on this being true.</param> public void CreateIndex(IEnumerable<MongoCollectionCompoundIndex<T>> compoundIndexes, string indexName, bool isUnique) { var key = new Expando(); foreach (var compoundIndex in compoundIndexes) { key[this.RecurseExpression(compoundIndex.Index.Body)] = compoundIndex.Direction; } this.CreateIndex(key, indexName, isUnique); } /// <summary> /// Asynchronously creates an index on this collection. /// </summary> /// <param retval="index">This is an expression of the elements in the type you wish to index, so you can do something like: /// <code> /// y=>y.MyIndexedProperty /// </code> /// or, if you have a multi-fieldSelectionExpando index, you can do this: /// <code> /// y=> new { y.PropertyA, y.PropertyB.Property1, y.PropertyC } /// </code> /// This will automatically map the MongoConfiguration aliases. /// </param> /// <param retval="indexName">The retval of the index as it should appear in the special "system.indexes" child collection.</param> /// <param retval="isUnique">True if MongoDB can expect that each document will have a unique combination for this fieldSelectionExpando. /// MongoDB will potentially optimize the index based on this being true.</param> /// <param retval="direction">Should all of the elements in the index be sorted Ascending, or Decending, if you need to sort each property differently, /// you should use the Expando overload of this method for greater granularity.</param> public void CreateIndex<U>(Expression<Func<T, U>> index, string indexName, bool isUnique, IndexOption direction) { var exp = index.Body as NewExpression; var key = new Expando(); if (exp != null) { foreach (var x in exp.Arguments.OfType<MemberExpression>()) { key[this.RecurseMemberExpression(x)] = direction; } } else if (index.Body is MemberExpression) { var me = index.Body as MemberExpression; key[this.RecurseMemberExpression(me)] = direction; } this.CreateIndex(key, indexName, isUnique); } /// <summary> ======= >>>>>>> <<<<<<< } public T FindAndModify<U, X>(U query, X update) { return FindAndModify<U, X, object>(query, update, new { }); } /// <summary> /// This command can be used to atomically modify a document (at most one) and return it. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="U"></typeparam> /// <typeparam name="X"></typeparam> /// <typeparam name="Y"></typeparam> /// <param name="query">The document template used to find the document to find and modify</param> /// <param name="update">A modifier object</param> /// <param name="sort">If multiple docs match, choose the first one in the specified sort order as the object to manipulate</param> /// <returns></returns> public T FindAndModify<U, X, Y>(U query, X update, Y sort) { var cmdColl = this._db.GetCollection<FindAndModifyResult<T>>("$cmd"); try { var returnValue = cmdColl.FindOne(new { findandmodify = this._collectionName, query = query, update = update, sort = sort }).Value; return returnValue; } catch (MongoException ex) { if (ex.Message == "No matching object found") return default(T); throw; } ======= >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< using System; using NoRM.BSON; ======= using Norm.BSON; using System; >>>>>>> using System; using Norm.BSON;
<<<<<<< { key = indexDefinition, ns = this.FullyQualifiedName, name = indexName, unique = isUnique }); } /// <summary> /// True if the type of this collection can be updated /// (i.e. the Type specifies "_id", "ID", or a property with the attributed "MongoIdentifier"). /// </summary> public bool Updateable { get { if (MongoCollection<T>._updateable == null) { if (typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).Any(y => y.Name == "_id" || y.Name == "ID" || y.GetCustomAttributes(true).Any(f => f is MongoIdentifierAttribute))) { MongoCollection<T>._updateable = true; } else { MongoCollection<T>._updateable = false; } } return MongoCollection<T>._updateable.Value; } ======= { key = indexDefinition, ns = FullyQualifiedName, name = indexName, unique = isUnique }); >>>>>>> { key = indexDefinition, ns = this.FullyQualifiedName, name = indexName, unique = isUnique }); <<<<<<< return Find(template, limit, 0, this.FullyQualifiedName); ======= return Find(template, limit, FullyQualifiedName); >>>>>>> return Find(template, limit, 0, this.FullyQualifiedName); <<<<<<< return this.Find(template, limit, 0, fullyQualifiedName); } public IEnumerable<T> Find<U>(U template, int limit, int skip, string fullyQualifiedName) { var qm = new QueryMessage<T, U>(this._server, fullyQualifiedName); qm.NumberToTake = limit; qm.Query = template; ======= var qm = new QueryMessage<T, U>(_connection, fullyQualifiedName) {NumberToTake = limit, Query = template}; >>>>>>> return this.Find(template, limit, 0, fullyQualifiedName); } public IEnumerable<T> Find<U>(U template, int limit, int skip, string fullyQualifiedName) { var qm = new QueryMessage<T, U>(this._connection, fullyQualifiedName); qm.NumberToTake = limit; qm.Query = template;
<<<<<<< } [Fact] public void ThreeProductsShouldBeReturnedWhenThreeInDBOrderedByPriceThenByNameDescending() { using (var session = new Session()) { ======= } [Fact] public void ThreeProductsShouldBeReturnedWhenThreeInDBOrderedByPriceThenByNameDescending() { using (var session = new Session()) { >>>>>>> } [Fact] public void ThreeProductsShouldBeReturnedWhenThreeInDBOrderedByPriceThenByNameDescending() { using (var session = new Session()) { <<<<<<< Assert.Equal("2", products[3].Name); Assert.Equal("1", products[4].Name); ======= Assert.Equal("2", products[3].Name); Assert.Equal("1", products[4].Name); } } [Fact] public void OneProductsShouldBeReturnedWhenFiveInDBOrderedByPriceThenSkipThreeAndTakeOne() { using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Product { Name = "1", Price = 10 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "2", Price = 22 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "3", Price = 33 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "2", Price = 50 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "1", Price = 50 }); var products = session.Products.OrderByDescending(x => x.Price).Skip(3).Take(1).ToList(); Assert.Equal(22, products[0].Price); Assert.Equal(1, products.Count); >>>>>>> Assert.Equal("2", products[3].Name); Assert.Equal("1", products[4].Name); } } [Fact] public void OneProductsShouldBeReturnedWhenFiveInDBOrderedByPriceThenSkipThreeAndTakeOne() { using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Product { Name = "1", Price = 10 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "2", Price = 22 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "3", Price = 33 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "2", Price = 50 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "1", Price = 50 }); var products = session.Products.OrderByDescending(x => x.Price).Skip(3).Take(1).ToList(); Assert.Equal(22, products[0].Price); Assert.Equal(1, products.Count); <<<<<<< ======= session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test1", Price = 10 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test2", Price = 22 }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test3", Price = 33 }); var result = session.Products.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Price == 22); Assert.Equal(22, result.Price); } } [Fact] public void OneProductShouldBeReturnedUsingSimpleANDQuery() { using (var session = new Session()) { >>>>>>> <<<<<<< public void TwoProductsofFourShouldBeReturnedWithSkipTake() { using (var session = new Session()) { ======= public void LastTwoProductsofThreeShouldBeReturnedWithSkipTake() { using (var session = new Session()) { >>>>>>> public void TwoProductsofFourShouldBeReturnedWithSkipTake() { using (var session = new Session()) { <<<<<<< Assert.Equal(33.0, products[1].Price); Assert.Equal(2, products.Count); ======= Assert.Equal(33.0, products[1].Price); Assert.Equal(2, products.Count); >>>>>>> Assert.Equal(33.0, products[1].Price); Assert.Equal(2, products.Count); Assert.Equal(2, products.Count); <<<<<<< public void FiltersBasedOnMagicObjectId() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Post { Id = targetId }); session.Add(new Post()); session.Add(new Post()); var posts = session.Posts.Where(p => p.Id == targetId).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, posts.Count); Assert.Equal(targetId, posts[0].Id); } } [Fact] ======= public void FiltersBasedOnObjectIdInComplexQuery() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test1", Price = 10, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5) }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test2", Price = 22, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 6), _id = targetId }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test3", Price = 33, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 7) }); var products = session.Products.Where(p => p._id == targetId && p.Available.Day == 6).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, products.Count); Assert.Equal(targetId, products[0]._id); } } [Fact] public void FiltersBasedOnObjectIdExclusionInComplexQuery() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test1", Price = 10, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5) }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test2", Price = 22, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5), _id = targetId }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test3", Price = 33, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5) }); var products = session.Products.Where(p => p._id != targetId && p.Available.Day == 5).ToList(); Assert.Equal(2, products.Count); Assert.NotEqual(targetId, products[0]._id); Assert.NotEqual(targetId, products[1]._id); } } [Fact] public void FiltersBasedOnMagicObjectId() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Post { Id = targetId }); session.Add(new Post()); session.Add(new Post()); var posts = session.Posts.Where(p => p.Id == targetId).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, posts.Count); Assert.Equal(targetId, posts[0].Id); } } [Fact] >>>>>>> public void FiltersBasedOnObjectIdInComplexQuery() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test1", Price = 10, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5) }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test2", Price = 22, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 6), _id = targetId }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test3", Price = 33, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 7) }); var products = session.Products.Where(p => p._id == targetId && p.Available.Day == 6).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, products.Count); Assert.Equal(targetId, products[0]._id); } } [Fact] public void FiltersBasedOnObjectIdExclusionInComplexQuery() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test1", Price = 10, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5) }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test2", Price = 22, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5), _id = targetId }); session.Add(new Product { Name = "Test3", Price = 33, Available = new DateTime(2000, 2, 5) }); var products = session.Products.Where(p => p._id != targetId && p.Available.Day == 5).ToList(); Assert.Equal(2, products.Count); Assert.NotEqual(targetId, products[0]._id); Assert.NotEqual(targetId, products[1]._id); } } [Fact] public void FiltersBasedOnMagicObjectId() { var targetId = ObjectId.NewObjectId(); using (var session = new Session()) { session.Add(new Post { Id = targetId }); session.Add(new Post()); session.Add(new Post()); var posts = session.Posts.Where(p => p.Id == targetId).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, posts.Count); Assert.Equal(targetId, posts[0].Id); } } [Fact] <<<<<<< var found = session.Posts.Where(p => p.Comments.Any(a => a.Text == "commentA")).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.Equal("Second", found.Title); ======= var found = session.Posts.Where(p => p.Comments.Any(a => a.Text == "commentA")).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.Equal("Second", found.Title); } } [Fact] public void CanQueryAndReturnSubClassedObjects() { using (var session = new Session()) { session.Drop<SuperClassObject>(); session.Add<SuperClassObject>(new SubClassedObject { Title = "Find This", ABool = true }); session.Add<SuperClassObject>(new SubClassedObject { Title = "Don't Find This", ABool = false }); var query = new MongoQuery<SuperClassObject>(session.Provider); var dtos = query.Where(dto => dto.Title == "Find This").ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, dtos.Count); Assert.Equal("Find This", dtos[0].Title); } } [Fact] public void CanQueryAndReturnSubClassedObjects_EvenWhenAddedBySubClass() { using (var session = new Session()) { session.Drop<SuperClassObject>(); session.Add(new SubClassedObject()); >>>>>>> var found = session.Posts.Where(p => p.Comments.Any(a => a.Text == "commentA")).SingleOrDefault(); Assert.Equal("Second", found.Title); } } [Fact] public void CanQueryAndReturnSubClassedObjects() { using (var session = new Session()) { session.Drop<SuperClassObject>(); session.Add<SuperClassObject>(new SubClassedObject { Title = "Find This", ABool = true }); session.Add<SuperClassObject>(new SubClassedObject { Title = "Don't Find This", ABool = false }); var query = new MongoQuery<SuperClassObject>(session.Provider); var dtos = query.Where(dto => dto.Title == "Find This").ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, dtos.Count); Assert.Equal("Find This", dtos[0].Title); } } [Fact] public void CanQueryAndReturnSubClassedObjects_EvenWhenAddedBySubClass() { using (var session = new Session()) { session.Drop<SuperClassObject>(); session.Add(new SubClassedObject());
<<<<<<< public Task<IBoltProtocol> ConnectAsync() ======= public IBoltProtocol Connect() { _connMetricsListener?.ConnectionConnecting(_connEvent); _tcpSocketClient.Connect(_uri); SetOpened(); _logger?.Debug($"~~ [CONNECT] {_uri}"); _connMetricsListener?.ConnectionConnected(_connEvent); var version = DoHandshake(); return SelectBoltProtocol(version); } public async Task<IBoltProtocol> ConnectAsync() >>>>>>> public async Task<IBoltProtocol> ConnectAsync() <<<<<<< ======= public void Send(IEnumerable<IRequestMessage> messages) { try { foreach (var message in messages) { Writer.Write(message); LogDebug(MessagePattern, message); } Writer.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.Warn(ex, $"Unable to send message to server {_uri}, connection will be terminated."); Stop(); throw; } } >>>>>>> <<<<<<< ======= public void Receive(IMessageResponseHandler responseHandler) { while (responseHandler.UnhandledMessageSize > 0) { ReceiveOne(responseHandler); } } >>>>>>> <<<<<<< ======= public void ReceiveOne(IMessageResponseHandler responseHandler) { try { Reader.Read(responseHandler); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger?.Error(ex, $"Unable to read message from server {_uri}, connection will be terminated."); Stop(); throw; } if (responseHandler.HasProtocolViolationError) { _logger?.Warn(responseHandler.Error, $"Received bolt protocol error from server {_uri}, connection will be terminated."); Stop(); throw responseHandler.Error; } } >>>>>>> <<<<<<< ======= public void ResetMessageReaderAndWriterForServerV3_1(IBoltProtocol boltProtocol) { Reader = boltProtocol.NewReader(_tcpSocketClient.ReadStream, _bufferSettings, _logger, false); Writer = boltProtocol.NewWriter(_tcpSocketClient.WriteStream, _bufferSettings, _logger, false); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (IsClosed) return; if (disposing) { Stop(); } } private int DoHandshake() { var data = BoltProtocolFactory.PackSupportedVersions(); _tcpSocketClient.WriteStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); _tcpSocketClient.WriteStream.Flush(); _logger?.Debug("C: [HANDSHAKE] {0}", data.ToHexString()); data = new byte[4]; var read = _tcpSocketClient.ReadStream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if (read <= 0) { throw new IOException($"Unexpected end of stream, read returned {read}"); } var agreedVersion = BoltProtocolFactory.UnpackAgreedVersion(data); _logger?.Debug("S: [HANDSHAKE] {0}", agreedVersion); return agreedVersion; } >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< ======= protected string commandTextFieldContents = string.Empty; protected int filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem = 0; protected Type commandSelectedByTextInput; static List<System.Type> commandTypes; static List<System.Type> eventHandlerTypes; private CommandListAdaptor commandListAdaptor; private SerializedProperty commandListProperty; static void CacheEventHandlerTypes() { eventHandlerTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(EventHandler)).ToList(); commandTypes = EditorExtensions.FindDerivedTypes(typeof(Command)).ToList(); } [UnityEditor.Callbacks.DidReloadScripts] private static void OnScriptsReloaded() { CacheEventHandlerTypes(); } >>>>>>> <<<<<<< ======= commandListProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("commandList"); commandListAdaptor = new CommandListAdaptor(target as Block, commandListProperty); CacheEventHandlerTypes(); >>>>>>> commandListProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("commandList"); commandListAdaptor = new CommandListAdaptor(target as Block, commandListProperty); <<<<<<< ======= //handle movement along our selection grid before something else eats our inputs if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { //up down to change selection / esc to clear field if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow) { filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem--; } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow) { filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem++; } if (commandSelectedByTextInput != null && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter)) { AddCommandCallback(commandSelectedByTextInput); commandSelectedByTextInput = null; commandTextFieldContents = String.Empty; //GUI.FocusControl("dummycontrol"); Event.current.Use(); filteredCommandPreviewSelectedItem = 0; } } >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< /// <summary> /// A <c>Gate</c> that needs to be unlocked in order to attempt this <c>Mission</c>. /// </summary> protected Gate Gate; ======= public Gate Gate; >>>>>>> /// <summary> /// A <c>Gate</c> that needs to be unlocked in order to attempt this <c>Mission</c>. /// </summary> public Gate Gate; <<<<<<< #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR public AndroidJavaObject toJNIObject() { using(AndroidJavaClass jniClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.soomla.levelup.challenges.Mission")) { string json = toJSONObject().print(); SoomlaUtils.LogError(TAG, "json:"+json); return jniClass.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("fromJSONString", json); } } #endif /// <summary> /// Registers relevant events. Each specific type of <c>Mission</c> must implement this method. /// </summary> ======= >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< internal static SocketConnection NewSocketConnection(ISocketClient socketClient = null, IMessageResponseHandler handler = null, IServerInfo server = null) ======= internal static SocketConnection NewSocketConnection(ISocketClient socketClient = null, IMessageResponseHandler handler = null, IServerInfo server = null, IDriverLogger logger = null) >>>>>>> internal static SocketConnection NewSocketConnection(ISocketClient socketClient = null, IMessageResponseHandler handler = null, IServerInfo server = null, IDriverLogger logger = null) <<<<<<< mockClient.Verify(c => c.ConnectAsync(), Times.Once); mockProtocol.Verify(p => p.LoginAsync(conn, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<IAuthToken>())); ======= mockClient.Verify(c => c.Connect(), Times.Once); mockProtocol.Verify(p => p.Login(conn, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<IAuthToken>())); >>>>>>> mockClient.Verify(c => c.ConnectAsync(), Times.Once); mockProtocol.Verify(p => p.LoginAsync(conn, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<IAuthToken>())); <<<<<<< mockClient.Setup(x => x.ConnectAsync()) .Throws(new IOException("I will stop socket conn from initialization")); ======= mockClient.Setup(x => x.Connect()) .Throws(new IOException("I will stop socket conn from initialization")); >>>>>>> mockClient.Setup(x => x.ConnectAsync()) .Throws(new IOException("I will stop socket conn from initialization")); <<<<<<< var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => conn.InitAsync()); ======= var error = Exception(() => conn.Init()); >>>>>>> var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => conn.InitAsync()); <<<<<<< ======= public void ShouldLogoutAndStop() { // Given var mockClient = new Mock<ISocketClient>(); var conn = NewSocketConnection(mockClient.Object); var mockProtocol = new Mock<IBoltProtocol>(); conn.BoltProtocol = mockProtocol.Object; // When conn.Close(); // Then mockProtocol.Verify(p => p.Logout(conn)); mockClient.Verify(c => c.Stop()); } [Fact] public void ShouldStopEvenIfFailedToLogout() { // Given var mockClient = new Mock<ISocketClient>(); var conn = NewSocketConnection(mockClient.Object); var mockProtocol = new Mock<IBoltProtocol>(); mockProtocol.Setup(x => x.Logout(It.IsAny<SocketConnection>())).Throws<InvalidOperationException>(); conn.BoltProtocol = mockProtocol.Object; // When conn.Close(); // Then mockClient.Verify(c => c.Stop()); } [Fact] public void ShouldNotThrowException() { // Given var mockClient = new Mock<ISocketClient>(); mockClient.Setup(x => x.Stop()).Throws<InvalidOperationException>(); var mockProtocol = new Mock<IBoltProtocol>(); mockProtocol.Setup(x => x.Logout(It.IsAny<SocketConnection>())).Throws<InvalidOperationException>(); var conn = NewSocketConnection(mockClient.Object); conn.BoltProtocol = mockProtocol.Object; // When conn.Close(); // Then mockClient.Verify(c => c.Stop()); mockProtocol.Verify(c => c.Logout(It.IsAny<SocketConnection>())); } [Fact] >>>>>>>
<<<<<<< case 0xD4: switch (revision) { case 0x23: chip = Chip.NCT6796D; logicalDeviceNumber = WINBOND_NUVOTON_HARDWARE_MONITOR_LDN; break; } break; ======= case 0xD1: switch (revision) { case 0x21: chip = Chip.NCT6793D; logicalDeviceNumber = WINBOND_NUVOTON_HARDWARE_MONITOR_LDN; break; } break; case 0xD3: switch (revision) { case 0x52: chip = Chip.NCT6795D; logicalDeviceNumber = WINBOND_NUVOTON_HARDWARE_MONITOR_LDN; break; } break; >>>>>>> case 0xD4: switch (revision) { case 0x23: chip = Chip.NCT6796D; logicalDeviceNumber = WINBOND_NUVOTON_HARDWARE_MONITOR_LDN; break; } break; case 0xD1: switch (revision) { case 0x21: chip = Chip.NCT6793D; logicalDeviceNumber = WINBOND_NUVOTON_HARDWARE_MONITOR_LDN; break; } break; case 0xD3: switch (revision) { case 0x52: chip = Chip.NCT6795D; logicalDeviceNumber = WINBOND_NUVOTON_HARDWARE_MONITOR_LDN; break; } break; <<<<<<< case Chip.NCT6796D: ======= case Chip.NCT6793D: case Chip.NCT6795D: >>>>>>> case Chip.NCT6796D: case Chip.NCT6793D: case Chip.NCT6795D:
<<<<<<< Skylake, Airmont ======= Skylake, KabyLake >>>>>>> Skylake, Airmont, KabyLake <<<<<<< case 0x4C: microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.Airmont; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; ======= case 0x8E: // Intel Core i5, i7 7xxxx (14nm) microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.KabyLake; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; >>>>>>> case 0x4C: microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.Airmont; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; case 0x8E: // Intel Core i5, i7 7xxxx (14nm) microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.KabyLake; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; <<<<<<< case Microarchitecture.Skylake: case Microarchitecture.Airmont: { ======= case Microarchitecture.Skylake: case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: { >>>>>>> case Microarchitecture.Skylake: case Microarchitecture.Airmont: case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: { <<<<<<< microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.Silvermont || microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.Airmont) ======= microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.Silvermont || microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.KabyLake) >>>>>>> microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.Silvermont || microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.Airmont || microarchitecture == Microarchitecture.KabyLake)
<<<<<<< KabyLake, ApolloLake ======= KabyLake, CoffeeLake >>>>>>> KabyLake, ApolloLake, CoffeeLake <<<<<<< case 0x5C: // Intel ApolloLake microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.ApolloLake; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; ======= case 0xAE: // Intel Core i5, i7 8xxxx (14nm++) microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.CoffeeLake; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; >>>>>>> case 0x5C: // Intel ApolloLake microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.ApolloLake; case 0xAE: // Intel Core i5, i7 8xxxx (14nm++) microarchitecture = Microarchitecture.CoffeeLake; tjMax = GetTjMaxFromMSR(); break; <<<<<<< case Microarchitecture.ApolloLake: case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: { ======= case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: case Microarchitecture.CoffeeLake: { >>>>>>> case Microarchitecture.ApolloLake: case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: case Microarchitecture.CoffeeLake: { <<<<<<< case Microarchitecture.ApolloLake: case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: { ======= case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: case Microarchitecture.CoffeeLake: { >>>>>>> case Microarchitecture.ApolloLake: case Microarchitecture.KabyLake: case Microarchitecture.CoffeeLake: {
<<<<<<< return new RoutingTableManager(addressProvider, new Dictionary<string, string>(), routingTable, poolManager, new SyncExecutor(), null); ======= if (discovery == null) { discovery = Mock.Of<IDiscovery>(); } return new RoutingTableManager(addressProvider, discovery, routingTable, poolManager, logger); >>>>>>> if (discovery == null) { discovery = Mock.Of<IDiscovery>(); } return new RoutingTableManager(addressProvider, discovery, routingTable, poolManager, new SyncExecutor(), logger); <<<<<<< var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.UpdateRoutingTableWithInitialUriFallbackAsync(c => Task.FromResult(c != null ? null : routingTableReturnMock.Object))); ======= var exception = Record.Exception(() => manager.UpdateRoutingTableWithInitialUriFallback()); >>>>>>> var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.UpdateRoutingTableWithInitialUriFallbackAsync()); <<<<<<< poolManagerMock.Verify(x => x.AddConnectionPoolAsync(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Uri>>()), Times.Once); routingTableMock.Verify(x => x.PrependRouters(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Uri>>()), Times.Once); ======= poolManagerMock.Verify(x => x.AddConnectionPool(new[] {InitialUri}), Times.Once); routingTableMock.Verify(x => x.PrependRouters(new[] {InitialUri}), Times.Once); >>>>>>> poolManagerMock.Verify(x => x.AddConnectionPoolAsync(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Uri>>()), Times.Once); routingTableMock.Verify(x => x.PrependRouters(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Uri>>()), Times.Once); <<<<<<< poolManagerMock.Verify(x => x.AddConnectionPoolAsync(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Uri>>()), Times.Once); routingTableMock.Verify(x => x.PrependRouters(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Uri>>()), Times.Once); ======= poolManagerMock.Verify(x => x.AddConnectionPool(new[] {t}), Times.Once); routingTableMock.Verify(x => x.PrependRouters(new[] {t}), Times.Once); >>>>>>> poolManagerMock.Verify(x => x.AddConnectionPoolAsync(new[] {t}), Times.Once); routingTableMock.Verify(x => x.PrependRouters(new[] {t}), Times.Once); <<<<<<< public async Task ShouldPropagateServiceUnavailable() ======= public void ShouldLogServiceUnavailable() >>>>>>> public async Task ShouldLogServiceUnavailable() <<<<<<< public async Task ShouldPropagateProtocolError() ======= public void ShouldPropagateSecurityException() >>>>>>> public async Task ShouldPropagateSecurityException() <<<<<<< [Fact] public async Task ShouldPropagateAuthenticationException() { // Given var uri = new Uri("bolt+routing://123:456"); var routingTable = new RoutingTable(new List<Uri> {uri}); var poolManagerMock = new Mock<IClusterConnectionPoolManager>(); poolManagerMock.Setup(x => x.CreateClusterConnectionAsync(uri)) .Returns(TaskHelper.GetFailedTask<IConnection>( new AuthenticationException("Failed to auth the client to the server."))); var manager = NewRoutingTableManager(routingTable, poolManagerMock.Object); // When var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.UpdateRoutingTableAsync()); ======= var manager = NewRoutingTableManager(routingTable, poolManagerMock.Object, discovery.Object, logger: logger.Object); >>>>>>> var manager = NewRoutingTableManager(routingTable, poolManagerMock.Object, discovery.Object, logger: logger.Object);