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And I will send four winds from the four quarters of heaven on Elam, and will scatter them to all these winds; and there shall be no nation to which the outcasts of Elam shall not come.
Og Eg skal úr fýra ættum himmalsins lata koma fýra vindar yvir Elam og spjaða tey í hesar fýra ættir; ikki skal vera tann tjóð, sum hini burtriknu úr Elam ikki koma til.
And it may well be that the government and the coalition get another book than White Book to read in.
Og væl kann tad verda, at landsstyrid og samgongan fær adra bók enn Hvítubók at lesa í.
The coalition agreement states that until March this year, it is not allowed to sell fishing licenses, while a new system for taxation of fishing licenses is being found.
Avtalað varð í samgonguni, at fram til mars í ár er ikki loyvi at endaliga selja veiðiloyvir, ímeðan ein leiðstur verður funnin til hvussu sølan av veiðuloyvum skal skattast.
She also managed to slip in off the wing very well, and her finishing is so varied that it's almost impossible for the goalkeeper to anticipate her.
Eisini megnaði hon sera væl at smoyggja sær inn av vonginum, og avlutningarnir hennara eru somikið ymsikir, at tað nærum er ógjørligt hjá málverjanum at rokna hana út.
First, the allocated milk quota for the farm and the number of sheep are used as a basis.
Í fyrsta lagi verður tann tillutaða mjólkarkvotan, sum garðurin hevur, og áseyðatalið nýtt sum grundarlag.
The Icelandic Nurses' Association takes the consequences immediately, now that the last mediation attempt with the Department of Finance ended in failure.
Ljósmøðrafelagið tekur avleiðingarnar beinanvegin, nú seinasta semingsroyndin við Lønardeildina hjá Fíggjarmálaráðnum eisini endaði úrslitaleys.
If a person is to be saved in such circumstances as these, it makes a difference how they are, whether they are injured, whether they have lost their minds.
Skal eitt fólk bjargast undir slíkum umstøðum, sum her var talan um, er munur á, hvussu tey eru fyri, um tey eru skadd, um tey hava mist vitið.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says in a statement that it is unclear why the explosions happened, but he emphasizes that it may be a case of terrorism.
Russiski forsetin, Vladimir Putin, sigur í fráboðan, at enn er ógreitt, hví spreingingarnar hendu, men hann leggur dent á, at møguliga er talan um yvirgang.
It has fortunately always taken more than one tutor to pull the rug out from under me.
Tað hevur tíbetur altíð skulla meira enn ein lestrarvegleiðari til, fyri at skræða teppið undan mær.
The chapter "Danish Views on the Common Market in the 1940s" is based on documents found in the Danish National Archives in Copenhagen.
Kapittulin "Donsk sjónarmið viðvíkjandi ríkisfelagsskapinum í 1940-árunum" byggir á skjalatilfar, sum undirritaði hevur funnið fram í Ríkisskjalasavninum í Keypmannahavn.
Exciting to see if it will finally succeed the Minister of Justice to get this good broad agreement in place, in the short time he has left.
Spennandi verður at síggja, um tað loksins fer at eydnast løgmanni at fáa hesa góðu breiðu semju í lag, ta knøppu tíð, hann hevur eftir.
The wife will also lose the right to receive life insurance if I die, and I won't be able to join the pension scheme.
Konan missir haraftrat rætin til at fáa frá lívstryggingini, um eg doyggi, og eg sleppi ikki upp í pensiónsskipanina.
About 30 people have not returned or are still trapped in the wreckage of the plane that crashed early this morning in Teivan.
Umleið 30 persónar eru ikki komnir afturíaftur ella sita framvegis innstongd í vraklutum frá flogfarinum, sum tíðliga í morgun datt niður í Teivan.
The Danish Health Authority gets a hard time when it comes to alcohol - and the drug habits of Danish youth.
Heilsustýrið í Danmark fær rukkur á pannuna, tá ið tað snýr seg um alkohol - og rúseiturvanarnar hjá donskum ungdómi.
Allan Mørkøre and Sámal Joensen played through to the right side, where Sámal passed to Símun Eliasen, who headed the ball over the keeper.
Allan Mørkøre og Sámal Joensen spældu seg ígjøgnum í høgru síðu, har Sámal legði innfyri til Símun Eliasen, ið heddaði á yvirlegjaran.
The police have not yet been able to interview the 46-year-old man who was kicked, beaten and trampled in the face in a house in Tórshavn.
Politiið hevur ikki enn kunnað avhoyrt 46 ára gamla mannin, sum varð sparkaður, sligin og trampaður í andlitið í einum sethúsum í Havn.
To call all our fishermen negative balances and bare expenses for the community, which we in the Faroe Islands do not need, is blood-wrong and very little thoughtful.
At skíra allar okkara útróðrarmenn fyri negativar saldo'ir og berar útreiðslur fyri samfelagið, sum vit í Føroyum ikki hava brúk fyri, tað er blóðskeivt og sera lítið umhugsað.
And the Chairman thinks this is an extremely unfortunate start for such an incredibly important and grand institution as the Parliamentary Ombudsman.
Og formaðurin heldur, at hetta er ein ógvuliga óheppin byrjan hjá einum so ómetaliga týdningarmiklum og stórfingnum stovni, sum Løgtingsins Umboðsmaður er.
It should also be noted that deductions for working abroad are higher in countries outside of us than they are in the Faroe Islands.
Tað skal eisini viðmerkjast, at frádráttirnir fyri at arbeiða uttanlands eru hægri í londunum uttan um okkum, enn teir eru í Føroyum.
It is estimated that xenotransplantation, as it is called when organs are taken from animals and put into humans, will become completely commonplace sometime in the future.
Mett verður, at xenovevnaðarflutningur, ið tað verður rópt, tá ið gøgn verða tikin úr djórum og sett í menniskja, verður púra vanligur einaferð í framtíðini.
Does the Constitution say anything about the Judicial System being active and invalidating laws that are in conflict with the Constitution?
Fer grundlógin at siga nakað um at Rættarskipanin skal vera aktiv og ógilda lógir sum eru í stríð við Grundlógina?
It creates good economy in the community if we produce the product as cheaply as possible, and it gives a healthy economy if we make the industry as efficient as possible, says Bjarni Olsen.
Tað skapar góðan búskap í samfelagnum, um vit framleiða vøruna so bíliga sum til ber, og tað gevur ein sunnan búskap, um vit gera vinnuna so effektiva, sum gjørligt, sigur Bjarni Olsen.
The education and the place of education must be of such a kind that they can also be approved by the Danish authorities.
Útbúgvingin og útbúgvingarstaðið skulu vera av slíkum slagi, at tey eisini kunnu góðkennast av donskum myndugleikum.
The political will of the country seems to be to use the cheap replacement workers of the country to produce hydrogen fuel cells for cars.
Landsins politiski vilji tykist hinvegin nú vera at gagnnýta ódýru avlo-psorku landsins til at framleiða brennikyknur úr hydrogen (brint) til bilar.
The plan is to make the old streets so comfortable that people can use them for what they were originally intended for, walking on.
Ætlanin er at gera gomlu gøturnar so hampuligar, at fólk aftur kunnu brúka tær til tað, sum upprunaliga ætlanin var, at ganga á.
However, the question was raised whether it should not be noted that the scheme will expire if a decision is taken to privatize Vága Airport.
Kortini varð spurningurin reistur, um tað ikki eigur at verða viðmerkt, at skipanin fer úr gildi, um avgerð verður tikin um at privatisera Vága Floghavn.
Chileans have a large fleet of pelagic fishing vessels and extensive experience in this type of fishing.
Chilenar hava sjálvir stóran fiskiflota eftir pelagiskum fiski og drúgvar royndir innan hesa veiðu.
Another question is the expiry date of March, and what the prospects are of extending the deadline or abolishing it altogether.
Annar spurningur er fyrningarfreistin mars, og hvussu útlitini eru fyri at leingja freistina ella at avtaka hana heilt.
Eddie van Halen completely revolutionized the way rock is played on the guitar, and he is considered on par with Jimi Hendrix.
Eddie van Halen kollvelti nevniliga fullkomiliga mátan, sum tað verður spælt rokk upp á gittaran, og verður hann roknaður á hædd við Jimi Hendrix.
For calling abroad with a mobile phone, the price for mobile phone communication will be added to the price for calling abroad.
Fyri ringing uttanlanda við fartelefonum verður prísurin fyri fartelefonsamskifti at leggja afturat uttanlandaprísinum.
Sea and air searches have been carried out west of Streymoy and north and west of Streymoy and Vágoy.
Leitað hevur verið vestan fyri Streymoynna og norður og vestur úr Streymoynni og Vágoynni.
Paragraph The Government decides which companies, companies and institutions have the right to propose members to the Representative Council.
Stk Landsstýrið avger hvørji feløg, fyritøkur og stovnar hava rætt til at skjóta upp limir til umboðsráðið.
The best way to find out about this was to tell them the account number, and they would reveal themselves as they calculated this out.
Frægasti mátin at finna út av hesum var at siga teimum kontonummarið, so avdúkaðu teir sjálvir, hvussu teir roknaðu hetta út.
But he said, Bring some flour!? He put it in the pot and said, Pour it out for the people so they can eat!? And now there was no evil in the pot anymore.
Men hann segði:Komið við mjøli!? Tað gjørdi hann út á pottin og segði so:Oys uppúr til fólkið, so tað kann fáa sær!? Og nú var einki ilt í pottinum longur.
If the neighbour complains, the fence inspectors are immediately obliged to inspect the fence and make improvements.
Um so er, at grannin klagar, hava hegnsýnismenninir straks skylduat kanna hegnið og gera ábøtur.
Otherwise, Svend Aage Ellefsen says that there is no Faroese so poor that he lets the Norwegians take the profit if it is a company that makes a lot of money.
Annars sigur Svend Aage Ellefsen, at tað er ongin føroyingur so lítið at sær komin, at hann letur norðmenn fara við vinninginum, um talan er um eitt felag, sum kastar nógv av sær.
Knew some bosses and managers who wanted their staff to think they were nice and kind to them. But how did they do it?
Kendi nakrar stjórar og leiðarar, sum vildu hava starvsfólkið at halda, at teir vóru góðir og fittir við tey. Men hvussu gjørdu tey tað?
Gunvá við Keldu says she is completely surprised and shocked by the indifference of the Mayor and the complacent statement of the Deputy Mayor on Facebook.
Gunvá við Keldu sigur, at hon er púra ovfarin og kløkk av líkasælu borgarstjórans og hugmóðigu útsøgnini hjá varaborgarstjóranum á Facebook.
He says that another way is of course to stop with the expansions and to drag it out to modernize the network, to get the money for these extra expenses.
Hann sigur, at ein annar máti er sjálvandi at steðga við útbyggingum og at draga tað út at nútímansgera netið, fyri at fáa ráð til hesar eyka útreiðslurnar.
Otherwise, the agreement is valid retroactively from August to December, when Kollafjørður goes under the harbor and then a new agreement must be made.
Annars er sáttmálin galdandi við afturvirkandi kraft frá august til desember, tá ið Kollafjørður fer undir Havnina og tá skal nýggjur sáttmáli gerast.
The assessment was not a shot in the air! But the need was as clear as possible in the various areas around the Faroe Islands.
Álitið var ikki eitt skot út í luftina! Men lýsti tørvin so greitt sum gjørligt á teimum ymsu økjunum runt í Føroyum.
Labour, which has not been in government for nearly 10 years, is hoping to use the chaos surrounding Brexit to its own advantage in an election that could be held later this year.
Labour, sum í skjótt 10 ár ikki hevur sitið í stjórn, vónar, at kunna brúka ruðuleikan um brexit til egnan fyrimun á valinum, sum kann verða seinni í ár.
The new system will be divided into two parts, and will be used for commercial and municipal plans that aim to develop new tourism offers around the country.
Nýggja skipanin verður tvíbýtt, og skal millum annað brúkast til vinnuligar og kommunalar ætlanir, sum hava til endamáls at menna nýggj ferðavinnutilboð kring landið.
The bank says it understands that the parliamentary election, which is scheduled to be held on the same day as the expiration date, makes the bank's treatment of the offer more difficult.
Bankin sigur seg væl skilja, at løgtingsvalið, ið er skrivað út at vera sama dag, sum fyrningarfreistin gongur út, ger viðgerðina av tilboðnum hjá bankanum truplari.
When the plan is to focus on the history and culture of the countries to increase cooperation and community, says the Ministry of Education in a press release.
Tá er ætlanin at leggja dent á søguna og mentanina í londunum fyri at økja um samstarvið og felagsskapin, sigur Mentamálaráðið í tíðindaskrivi.
A kind of pre-season tournament is in March, but for Leiftur this will be a slightly strange competition, because worse than all the players are available then.
Eitt slag av undankapping er í mars mánaði, men fyri Leiftur verður hetta ein eitt sindur løgin kapping, tí verri enn so allir spælararnir eru tøkir tá.
The Prime Minister regrets that the decision now means that the work of the parliament will be discontinued, and that the cases that are in the parliament can no longer be processed.
Løgmaður iðrar seg eitt sindur um, at avgerðin nú hevur við sær, at tingarbeiðið verður niðurlagt, og at málini, ið liggja í tinginum, nú ikki kunnu avgreiðast.
So the message that the nationalist Faroese unite is not exactly what the Faroese like best.
So boðini um, at tjóðskaparsinnaðu føroyingar foreinið tykkum, er ikki júst tað, ið føroyingum hóvar best.
The EBS agreement also has provisions and special arrangements that greatly reduce the opportunities for EU citizens to invest in Icelandic and Norwegian fisheries.
EBS-sáttmálin hevur eisini ásetingar og serskipanir, sum í rættuliga stóran mun skerja møguleikarnar hjá ES-borgarum at gera íløgur í íslendska og norska fiskivinnu.
Overall, these people are a little hesitant to spend so much money on a courthouse right now - about 60 million kroner is the cost estimated at this time.
Yvirhøvur aftra hesir seg eitt sindur at brúka so nógvan pening upp á eini tinghús beint nú - einar 60 milliónur krónur er kostnaðurin fyribils leystliga mettur til.
The first theorem of thermodynamics and the concept of state function are discussed with special emphasis on the concept of enthalpy and molar reaction enthalpy.
Fyrsti høvuðssetningur í termodynamikkini og hugtakið støðufunktión verða viðgjørd við serligum atliti at entalpi-hugtakinum og molara reaktiónsentalpi.
The dollar has strengthened somewhat the last two weeks, but fell slightly on Friday.
Dollarin styrknaður Dollarin USD er styrknaður nakað hesar seinastu tvær vikurnar, men fall tó nakað fríggjadagin.
The most concrete and relevant requirement that companies can already work on is to prepare a quality management system.
Tað mest ítøkiliga og viðkomandi kravið, sum fyritøkurnar longu nú kunnu arbeiða við, er at leggja til rættis góðskustýringarskipan.
The last three years Jónleif has also written the over forty songs that will now be performed publicly at the drama concert Rósa Maria .
Tey seinastu trý árini hevur Jónleif harumframt skriva teir yvir fjøruti sangirnar, ið nú fara at verða framførdir alment á dramakonsertini Rósa Maria .
It will not be discussed which countries are of the greatest importance to focus on, or which countries the public advises shipping companies to go fishing in.
Tað verður ikki komið nærri inn á, hvørji lond hava størsta týdning at leggja dentin á, ella hvørji lond, tað almenna mælir reiðaríum til at fara at veiða í.
He admits, however, that it would have been both more convenient and better if the Faroese Coastal Voyage Service had its own boat to replace Sam instead of having to rent boats.
Hann ásannar tó, at tað hevði verið bæði høgligari og betri, um Strandfarskip landsins høvdu sín egna bát at avloysa Sam í staðin fyri at skula leiga bátar.
According to the calculation method of Peter Straarup, Faroese Bank has then performed better, and this makes no sense at all.
Eftir rokniháttinum hjá Peter Straarup hevur Føroya Banki tá klárað seg betur, og hetta gevur als onga meining.
Those who study the case say it's too early to come to a conclusion about the accident, but the possibility of an attack is not excluded.
Tey, sum kanna málið, siga, enn er ov tíðliga at koma við eini niðurstøðu um vanlukkuna, men møguleikin fyri eini yvirgangsatsókn er ikki útihýstur.
Declining price growth is stimulating private demand and consumption of goods and services.
Minkandi prísvøkstur stimbrar privata eftirspurningin og nýtsluna av vørum og tænastum.
He adds that the institution has a goal that both the institution and the staff should constantly move forward, and therefore the management would like the staff to be open to development opportunities.
Hann leggur afturat, at tey á stovninum hava tað mál, at bæði stovnur og starvsfólk alla tíðina skulu flyta seg frameftir, og tí vil leiðslan fegin hava, at starvsfólkini eru opin fyri menningarmøguleikum.
The Ethical Council aims to promote and strengthen debate and knowledge of ethical issues in the health sector, as can be seen in the proposal that was sent for consultation in December last year.
Etiska ráðið hevur til endamáls at fremja og styrkja kjak og vitan um etiskar spurningar á heilsuøkinum, sæst í uppskotinum, sum varð sent til hoyringar í desember í fjør.
The whistleblower package ended up back in the committee of the whole parliament, because a majority of the members decided to refer the matter back to the committee for the third reading on Thursday.
Avlurtingarpakkin endaði aftur í rættarnevndini, tí ein meiriluti í tinginum samtykti at beina málið aftur hagar, tá tað var til triðju viðgerð hósdagin.
This means that the working conditions of the staff at the National Hospital are out of order.
Hetta hevur við sær, at arbeiðsviðurskiftini hjá starvsfólkum á landssjúkrahúsinum eru út av lagi.
The rising oil prices will thus "only" lead to a reduction in profits of around eight million next year.
Teir hækkandi oljuprísirnir fara sostatt "bara" at føra til sær, at avlopið fer at lækka niður í einar átta milliónir komandi ár.
The group's wish is to receive a pension where the pepper grows, and to keep the insurance.
Ynski hjá bólkinum er, at fáa eftirlønarískoyti har piparið grør, og halda fast við tryggingina.
When people are drunk and fall off, you and I have as much responsibility to take care of them as the police, unless they are in danger or a nuisance to others.
Tá fólk eru full og detta av, hava tú og eg eins stóra ábyrgd at taka okkum av teimum sum politiið, um tey ikki eru í vanda ella til ampa fyri onnur.
The information about this comes from several hundred reports made by a Spanish security firm, commissioned by the government of Ecuador.
Upplýsingarnar um hetta koma fram í fleiri hundrað eftirlitsfrágreiðingum, sum ein sponsk trygdarfyritøka hevur gjørt, og sum stjórnin í Ekvador hevur bílagt.
Four property owners' associations representing several hundred households in Hoyvík are now jointly trying to stop the plan to build an oil-rich power plant in Hoyvík.
Fýra eigarafeløg, sum umboða fleiri hundrað húski í Hoyvík, royna nú í felag at steðga ætlanini um at byggja eitt oljurikið orkuverk í Hoyvík.
If one of these had not voted for the proposal that we could approve secession, the proposal would have fallen.
Hevði ein av hesum ikki greitt atkvøðu fyri uppskotinum um, at vit kundu samtykkja loysing, so var uppskotið fallið.
But he adds that those who have worked on the case will not give all the information yet, because they are working hard on the case.
Men hann leggur aftrat, at tey, sum hava arbeitt við málinum, ikki fara at geva allar upplýsingarnar enn, tí tað verður arbeitt av álvara við málinum.
The course is based on this thought Leaders and staff are given greater responsibility for jointly setting goals, organizing, managing and developing the solution of a task in the community.
Skeiðið tekur støði í hesi hugsan Leiðarar og starvsfólk fáa í størri mun ábyrgdina av í felag at seta mál, skipa, stýra og menna loysnina av eini uppgávu í felagskapinum.
Who has made this decision against Tyre, who distributed crowns? The merchants there were princes, the merchants there were great men on earth!
Hvør hevur gjørt hesa avgerð móti Týrus, sum býtti út krúnur? Keypmenninir har vóru høvdingar, handilsmenninir har vóru stórmenn á jørðini!
The Scilly Isles The Scilly Isles are a British archipelago located about 45 kilometres (28 mi) off the southwestern tip of the Cornish peninsula of Land's End.
Scilly Oyggjarnar Scilly Oyggjarnar er ein bretskur oyggjabólkur, ið liggur umleið 45 kilometrar í ein útsynning úr Lands End.
Tanks with associated equipment must be made so that the liquid to be stored in them is safely stored.
Tangar við tilhoyrandi útgerð skulu vera gjørdir soleiðis, at løgurin, ið skal verða í teimum, er goymdur á tryggan hátt.
Monday, contracts were signed for the expansion of the Technical School in Klaksvík based on the offers that had been received for the tender that was held in November last year.
Mánadagin vórðu sáttmálar um útbygging av Tekniska Skúla í Klaksvík undirskrivaðir við støði í tilboðunum, sum vóru komin inn til lisitatiónina, sum varð hildin november í fjør.
Skála Ítróttarfelag needs to repair the sails for next year, because the team's effort this year to compete for the golden European Cup spots failed.
Skála ítróttarfelag noyðist at repa seglini til komandi ár, tí satsingin hjá felagnum í ár um at kappast við um gyltu evropa kup plássini miseydnaðist.
The Commonwealth system often gives, as does the present system, a limited opportunity to recommend common laws.
Samveldisskipan gevur ofta eins og eftir verandi skipan limlandi høvi at mæla til felags lógir.
Now all those who had dared to obey the Spirit of God and put his words about brotherly love first, without asking any more about the monstrosity that bears the name "the church" should be punished.
Nú skuldu øll tey verða revsað, sum høvdu tort at lýða Anda Guds og sett orð hansara um bróðurkærleikan fremst uttan at spyrja meir um tað misfostrið, sum ber navnið "kirkjan".
He now hopes that it will be possible to get 13 MPs to call on the Speaker to appoint an investigator, as the Constitution allows.
Hann vónar nú, at tað fer at bera til at fáa 13 tingmenn at heita á løgtingsformannin at seta ein kanningarstjóra, soleiðis sum stýrisskipanarlógin heimilar.
He said he had approached the Independence Party to get the party to change the time frame for the takeover.
Hann segði seg hava vent sær til Tjóðveldisflokkin fyri at fáa flokkin at broyta skotbráið fyri yvirtøkuni.
Now at nine o'clock the Culture Committee was supposed to start discussing the proposal that aims to exempt the national church from marrying same-sex couples.
Nú klokkan níggju skuldi Mentanarnevndin byrjað at viðgera uppskotið, sum hevur til endamáls at sleppa fólkakirkjuni undan at víga samkynd.
Then King David took up his speech and said: Call me Bathsheba!? She came in and stood before the king.
Tá tók Dávid kongur til orða og segði:Rópið mær Batsebu!? Hon kom so inn og steig fram fyri kongin.
A wound he has in his right hand makes the pelvic examinations he performs feel different from those performed by other doctors, he said in the Faroese court.
Ein skaði, hann hevur í høgru hond, ger, at undirlívskanningarnar, sum hann ger, kunnu kennast øðrvísi enn tær, sum aðrir læknar gera, segði hann í Føroya rætti.
They are referring to the decision to allow the ships to unload abroad unhindered, in the event of a strike - this is discussed elsewhere in the paper.
Tey sipa til avgerðina um at lata skipini sleppa at avreiða uttanlands ótálmað, verður verkfall - tað er umrøtt aðrastaðni í blaðnum.
As things stand, the plan is to make changes to the budget for next year, which will be presented to the Parliament in October.
Sum støðan er nú, er ætlanin at gera broytingar til fíggjarlógina fyri næsta ár, sum skal leggjast fyri Løgtingið fyri oktober.
A 53-year-old man was indicted in the Faroese District Court on Tuesday for yet another sexual offence.
Ein 53 ára gamal maður varð seinnapartin týsdagin í Føroya Rætti skuldsettur fyri enn eitt siðamisbrot.
SEV has already laid the cables, so now it's time to cast the foundations for the steel piles.
SEV hevur longu lagt káplarnar, so nú er eftir at stoypa undirstøðini til stálsteyrarnar.
We have asked the Prime Minister if he is satisfied with the role of the press so far, now that he has tipped all sources.
Vit hava vent okkum til løgmann og spurt, um hann er nøgdur við leiklutin hjá pressuni higartil, nú hann hevur tipt allar keldur.
The Football Association of Faroe Islands' competition committee did not reach a final decision yesterday on the violence case in Gundadalur in January this year, which ended with a judgment in the Faroese court in June.
Kappingarnevndin hjá Fótbóltssambandi Føroya kom ikki til nakra endaliga niðurstøðu í gjár um harðskapsmálið í Gundadali januar í ár, sum endaði við dómi í Føroya rætti juni.
People who are on the whaling lists in Skála and Skálafjørður can come for their home parts tomorrow morning at nine o'clock at the wharf area in Skála, Runavík Municipality announces.
Fólk, sum eru á grindalistunum á Skála og í Skálafirði, kunnu koma eftir heimapørtunum í morgun klokkan níggju á bryggjuøkinum á Skála, boðar Runavíkar kommuna frá.
If I do what I do not want to do, I am giving the law the witness that it is good.
Geri eg nú tað, sum eg ikki vil, gevi eg jú lógini tann vitnisburð, at hon er góð.
He was pleased that Finland had shown that it is still in an EU perspective that Nordic policy is conducted.
Hann gleddist um, at Finnland hevði víst á, at tað framvegis er í einum ES-perspektivi, at norðurlandapolitikkur verður førdur.
The body of Birna was found in the beach at Selvogsviti, and the investigator says that it corresponds to the kilometer number that the police have calculated where the car has driven.
Líkið av Birnu varð funnið í fjøruni við Selvogsvita, og kanningarleiðarin sigur, at tað samsvarar við kilometrartalið, sum løgreglan hevur roknað út, hvar bilurin hevur koyrt.
It is argued that the municipality has no authority in the area, and therefore it is so short in these times with air over the investments.
Ført verður fram, at kommunan hevur ongan myndugleika á økinum, og tí slepst so stutt í hesum tíðum við lofti yvir íløgunum.
Something fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no fruit.
Nakað fall millum tornir; og tornirnir vuksu upp og køvdu tað, og tað bar ikki ávøkst.
The aim is to develop a new shrimp trawl that causes less environmental damage and reduces the oil consumption of the vessels that trawl for shrimp.
Endamálið er menna eitt nýtt rækjutrol, sum ger minni umhvørvissligan skaða og minkar um oljunýtsluna hjá skipunum, sum trola eftir rækjum.
And the army of Pharaoh was withdrawn from the land of Egypt; and when the Chaldeans who were besieging Jerusalem heard of it, they departed from Jerusalem.
Og herur Faraos var hildin avstað úr Egyptalandi; og táið Kaldearar, ið hildu Jerúsalem kringsett, frættu tað, fóru teir burtur frá Jerúsalem.
A TV viewer reported him to the police in Copenhagen after Glistrup used racist terms in a TV debate on TV3 a year ago.
Ein sjónvarpshyggjari meldaði hann til løgregluna í Keypmannahavn, eftir at Glistrup hevði nýtt rasistiskar vendingar í einum sjónvarpskjaki á TV3 fyri góðum ári síðan.
Edmund Joensen says that it is of course completely up to the party in the Faroe Islands to elect another person to the chairmanship of the party.
Edmund Joensen sigur, at tað sjálvandi stendur valfelagnum í Eysturoynni púra frítt at velja ein annan í formanssætið í flokkinum.
The product range and the continuous development of our staff will ensure a good and better service level.
Vøruúrvalið og ein støðug menning av okkara starvsfólki, skal tryggja okkum eitt gott og betri tænastustøðið.