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True pelvis and pelvic floor 1223 37 reTpaHc pudendal nerve also may supply pubococcygeus from its lateral surface ated upper portion of the attachment of levator ani. It is connected to through its inferior rectal and perineal branches. the posterior part of the arcuate line of the ilium and is continuous with iliac fascia. Anterior to this, as it follows the line of origin of obtu- Actions Pubococcygeus and puborectalis pull the pelvic and perineal rator internus, it is gradually separated from the attachment of the iliac structures ventrally and cranially, occluding the levator hiatus. In the fascia, and a portion of the periosteum of the ilium and pubis spans female, this action occludes the vaginal canal and prevents prolapse of between them. It arches below the obturator vessels and nerve, investing the pelvic organs through the urogenital hiatus. The constant baseline the obturator canal, and is attached anteriorly to the back of the pubis. activity of the levator muscles is similar to that of the anal sphincter, Behind the obturator canal, the fascia is markedly aponeurotic and gives modulated to adjust to the loads placed on them. The action of pubo- a firm attachment to the iliococcygeal portion of levator ani, usually rectalis and pubococcygeus also reinforces the external anal sphincter called the tendinous arch of levator ani (arcus tendineus musculi leva- and helps to create the anorectal angle. Iliococcygeus and, to a lesser toris ani) (see Figs 73.3, 73.14, 73.15). Above the attachment of levator extent, the less muscular ischiococcygeus form a relatively horizontal ani, the fascia is thin and is effectively composed only of the epimysium diaphragm, especially in the dorsal half of the pelvis, that assists pubo- of the muscle and overlying connective tissue; posteriorly, it forms part rectalis in achieving anorectal and urinary continence. of the lateral wall of the ischio-anal fossa in the perineum, and anteri- Levator ani must relax appropriately to permit expulsion of urine orly, it merges with the fasciae of the muscles of the deep perineal space, and, particularly, faeces; it contracts with the abdominal muscles and which is continuous with the ischio-anal fossa. The obturator fascia is the abdominothoracic diaphragm to raise intra-abdominal pressure. It continuous with the pelvic periosteum and, thus, the fascia over forms much of the muscular pelvic diaphragm, which supports the piriformis. pelvic viscera. Like the abdominothoracic diaphragm, but unlike the abdominal muscles, levator ani is also active in the inspiratory phase fascia over piriformis of quiet respiration. In the pregnant female, the shape of the pelvic floor The fascia over the inner aspect of piriformis is very thin, and fuses with may help to direct the fetal head into the anteroposterior diameter of the periosteum on the front of the sacrum at the margins of the anterior the pelvic outlet. sacral foramina. It ensheathes the anterior primary rami of the sacral nerves that emerge from these foramina; the nerves are often described Pelvic fasciae as lying behind the fascia. The internal iliac vessels lie in front of the fascia over piriformis; their branches draw out sheaths of the fascia The pelvic fasciae may be conveniently divided into the parietal pelvic and extraperitoneal tissue into the gluteal region, above and below fascia, which forms the coverings of the pelvic muscles, and the visceral piriformis. pelvic fascia, which forms the coverings of the pelvic organs and their fascia over levator ani (pelvic diaphragm) neurovascular supply (Fig. 73.4). Both surfaces of levator ani have a fascial covering; the combination of Parietal pelvic fascia the two fascial layers and the intervening muscle is called the pelvic The parietal pelvic fascia consists of the obturator fascia, the fasciae over diaphragm. On the inferior surface, the thin fascia is continuous with piriformis, and over levator ani (the pelvic diaphragm) and the presac- the obturator fascia below the tendinous arch of levator ani laterally. It ral fascia. covers the medial wall of the ischio-anal fossa and blends below with fasciae on the urethral sphincter and the external anal sphincter. The obturator fascia superior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm is markedly thicker than the The parietal pelvic fascia on the pelvic (medial) surface of obturator inferior fascia and is attached anteriorly to the posterior aspect of internus is well differentiated. In humans, ventral to the lateral attach- the body of the pubis, approximately 2 cm above its lower border. It ment of the pelvic organs, a portion of it is derived from the degener- extends laterally across the superior pubic ramus, blending with the Superficial abdominal fascia Peritoneum Presacral fascia Posterior mesorectal fascia Anterior mesorectal fascia Anococcygeal ligament Suspensory ligament of the penis Deep transverse perineal muscle Endopelvic fascia Perineal body Perineal membrane External anal sphincter Superficial perineal fascia Deep perineal fascia Fig. 73.4 Fasciae of the pelvis and perineum: median sagittal section in the male. The visceral parietal fasciae have been omitted for clarity.
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1224 8 noiTces obturator fascia and continuing along an irregular line to the spine of cervix, together with some of the pelvic autonomic nerves. A similar the ischium. It is continuous posteriorly with the fascia over piriformis vesicosacral fold is present in the male. and the anterior sacrococcygeal ligament. Medially, the superior fascia Approximately 1 cm above the inferior border of the pubic bone and of the pelvic diaphragm blends with the visceral pelvic fascia to con- 1 cm lateral to the midline, a band of dense pelvic connective tissue tribute to the endopelvic fascia. – the anterior end of the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia – attaches to the paravaginal tissues in the female and the prostatic tissues in the Tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia/white line of the male. This band extends on the inner surface of levator ani and joins parietal pelvic fascia the tendinous arch of levator ani to the ischium, just above the spine. Low on the superomedial aspect of the upper fascia over levator ani, a The attachment of the paravaginal tissue to the pubic bones is some- thick, white band of condensed connective tissue extends from the times called the pubourethral ligament, which is a misnomer since it lower part of the pubic symphysis to the superior margin of the ischial is not attached to the urethra. The attachment of the anterior vaginal spine. It provides attachment for the condensations of visceral pelvic wall to the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia, the paravaginal attach- fascia that provide support to the urethra and bladder, and to the vagina ment, helps to provide support to the vagina, urethra and bladder. in females (see below). There is much less condensation of connective tissue around the rectum. A layer presumed to be a peritoneal fusion fascia is described presacral fascia between the rectum and either the seminal vesicles in the male or the The presacral fascia forms a hammock-like structure behind the poste- vagina in the female (the rectovesical septum or rectovaginal septum, rior portion of the mesorectal fascia. Laterally, it extends to the origin respectively); it does not connect to the rectum itself. The connective of the fascia over piriformis and the fascia over levator ani (superior tissue over the longitudinal muscles of the rectum is thickened just pelvic diaphragmatic fascia), with which it blends; more inferiorly, it above the anal hiatus in levator ani and fuses with the endopelvic fascia extends between the white line of the parietal pelvic fascia on either and the anococcygeal ligament, forming a structure that is sometimes side. Inferiorly, it extends to the anorectal junction, where it fuses with referred to as a rectosacral ligament. the posterior aspect of the mesorectal fascia and the iliococcygeal raphe at the level of the anorectal junction. Superiorly, it can be traced to the origin of the superior hypogastric plexus, where it becomes progres- VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC sively thinner over the sacral promontory and becomes continuous with DRAINAGE OF THE PELVIS the retroperitoneal tissues. The right and left hypogastric nerves and inferior hypogastric plexuses lie on its surface, and the presacral veins The true pelvis contains the internal iliac arteries and veins, and the lie immediately posterior to it. It forms a distinct layer that can be seen lymphatics that drain the majority of the pelvic viscera. The common both on magnetic resonance images of the pelvis and during surgery. and external iliac vessels and the lymphatics that drain the lower limb The presacral fascia provides an important landmark because extension lie along the pelvic brim and in the lower retroperitoneum, but are of rectal tumours through it significantly reduces the possibility of cura- conveniently discussed together with the vessels of the true pelvis. tive resectional surgery. Dissection in the plane posterior to the fascia Remarkable variation exists in the terminal branching pattern for the may result in bleeding from the presacral veins; because the adventitia iliac vessels and no two individuals have quite the same anatomy. of the veins is partly attached to the posterior surface of the fascia, the General patterns do, however, exist and this description will consider haemorrhage may be severe (as the veins are unable to contract prop- the common pattern. erly). The presacral fascia is a useful structure to which the rectum may be sutured during rectopexy for rectal prolapse in children. Arteries of the pelvis Visceral pelvic fascia Common iliac arteries The urogenital organs in both sexes are connected bilaterally to the pelvic walls by neurovascular mesenteric condensations ensheathed by The abdominal aorta bifurcates into the right and left common iliac a meshwork of loose connective and adipose tissue and lying above the arteries anterolateral to the left side of the body of the fourth lumbar perineal membrane (Roberts et al 1964, Ricci et al 1947, Reiffenstuhl vertebra (Roberts and Krishingner 1967). These arteries diverge as they 1982, Range and Woodburne 1964, Campbell 1950). The lateral attach- descend and they divide at the level of the sacroiliac joint into external ments of the pelvic organs to the pelvic side walls are referred to as and internal iliac arteries. The external iliac artery is the principal artery the endopelvic fascia. Considered as a unit, the connections provide a of the lower limb. The internal iliac artery provides the principal supply conduit for conducting neurovascular elements from the pelvic side to the walls and viscera of the pelvis, the perineum and the gluteal wall to the organs and attachments that help to retain the pelvic organs region. in place; this factor is important in the female in preventing pelvic organ prolapse (DeLancey 1992). The loose connective tissue associ- Right common iliac artery The right common iliac artery is ated with these mesenteries extends to the midline, separating the approximately 5 cm long. It passes obliquely across part of the bodies bladder from the vagina, and the vagina from the rectum, in the female; of the fourth and the fifth lumbar vertebrae, and is crossed anteriorly it separates the bladder, prostate and seminal vesicles from the rectum by the sympathetic rami to the pelvic plexus and, at its division into in the male. The fascial tissues contain varying amounts of connective internal and external iliac arteries, by the ureter. It is covered by the tissue and smooth muscle; where they either are unusually dense or parietal peritoneum, which separates it from the coils of the small form visible ridges, they are called ‘ligaments’ (e.g. cardinal ligament, intestine. Posteriorly, it is separated from the bodies of the fourth uterosacral ligament). Clinically, these lateral attachments are often and fifth lumbar vertebrae and their intervening disc by the right sym- referred to as visceral ‘ligaments’, but they are mesenteric in nature and, pathetic trunk, the terminal parts of the common iliac veins and the therefore, quite unlike the bands of dense, regular, connective tissue start of the inferior vena cava, the obturator nerve, lumbosacral trunk that typify skeletal ligaments. The lateral attachments of the mesenter- and iliolumbar artery. Laterally, the inferior vena cava and the right ies sweep off the pelvic walls, arising from the superior fascia over common iliac vein lie superiorly and the right psoas major lies inferi- levator ani and from part of the fascia over piriformis more superiorly orly. The left common iliac vein is medial to the upper part of the right and posteriorly. The mesenteries passing to the bladder in the male, or common iliac artery. the bladder and upper vagina and uterus in the female, are relatively long, but these lateral connections become shorter towards the pelvic Left common iliac artery The left common iliac artery is shorter outlet, until at the level of the perineal membrane, there is a direct than the right and is approximately 4 cm long. Lying anterior to it are connection between the organs and the pelvic walls. the sympathetic rami to the pelvic plexus, the superior rectal artery and, In the female, the cardinal ligament is the upper portion of this at its terminal bifurcation, the ureter. The sympathetic trunk, the bodies mesentery. It surrounds the cervicovaginal junction and extends down of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae and intervening disc, the obtu- to mid-vagina, where the vagina has a more direct lateral attachment at rator nerve, lumbosacral trunk and iliolumbar artery are all posterior. the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia. The portions that attach to the The left common iliac vein is posteromedial, and the left psoas major uterus and vagina are sometimes called the parametrium and paracol- lateral, to the left common iliac artery. pium, respectively. Further accounts of the paravisceral portions of the visceral pelvic fascia are given in the chapters describing the organs to Branches In addition to the external iliac and internal iliac branches, which the fascia relates. each common iliac artery also gives small branches to the peritoneum, The uterosacral ligament is a visible fold of tissue flanking the psoas major, ureter, adjacent nerves and surrounding areolar tissue. The rectum as it descends posterior to the cervix in the female. It contains common iliac artery occasionally gives rise to the iliolumbar artery and a considerable amount of smooth muscle near its attachment to the accessory or replaced renal arteries if the kidney is low-lying.
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1224.e1 37 reTpaHc The anteroposterior diameters of the common, external and internal iliac arteries are strongly correlated to body surface area (BSA) in chil- dren, in contrast to adults, in whom the relationship is inconsistent. Vessel diameters measured by ultrasonography are significantly larger in boys than in girls. The relationship between vessel diameters and BSA is shown in Figure 73.7 (Munk et al 2002). A Fig. 73.7 The relationship between anteroposterior diameters of the right Boys (1-16 years): common, internal and external iliac arteries right common iliac artery and body surface area (BSA) in boys and (systolic phase) girls between the ages of 1 and 16 years. (With permission from Munk AL, Darge K, Wiesel M, Troeger J, Diameter of the infrarenal aorta and the iliac arteries in children: ultrasound measurements. Transplantation 2002;73:631–635.) 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 BSA (m2) B Boys (1-16 years): right internal iliac artery C Boys (1-16 years): right external iliac artery D Girls (1-16 years): right common iliac artery (systolic phase) E Girls (1-16 years): right internal iliac artery F Girls (1-16 years): right external iliac artery )mm( retemaiD 20 15 10 5 1.5 2.0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 BSA (m2) )mm( retemaiD 20 15 10 5 1.5 2.0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 BSA (m2) )mm( retemaiD 20 15 10 5 1.5 2.0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 BSA (m2) )mm( retemaiD 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 BSA (m2) 20 15 10 5 1.5 2.0 )mm( retemaiD 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 BSA (m2) 20 15 10 5 1.5 2.0 )mm( retemaiD 20 15 10 5 1.5 2.0
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True pelvis and pelvic floor 1225 37 reTpaHc Internal iliac arteries trunk and sacroiliac joint are posterior. Laterally are the external iliac Each internal iliac artery, approximately 4 cm long, begins at the vein, between the artery and psoas major, and the obturator nerve lying common iliac bifurcation, level with the lumbosacral intervertebral disc inferior to the vein. The parietal peritoneum is medial, separating it and anterior to the sacroiliac joint (Figs 73.5, 73.6). It descends poste- from the terminal ileum on the right and the sigmoid colon on the left, riorly to the superior margin of the greater sciatic foramen, where it and tributaries of the internal iliac vein. For details of the considerable divides into an anterior trunk, which continues in the same line towards variation in the anatomy of the internal iliac artery, see Roberts and the ischial spine, and a posterior trunk, which passes back to the greater Krishingner (1967). sciatic foramen. The anterior trunk primarily supplies the pelvic organs, In the fetus, the internal iliac artery is twice the size of the external while the posterior trunk primarily supplies muscles in the hip and iliac artery and is the direct continuation of the common iliac artery. back. Anterior to the artery are the ureter and, in females, the ovary and The main trunk ascends on the anterior abdominal wall to the umbili- fimbriated end of the uterine tube. The internal iliac vein, lumbosacral cus, converging on the contralateral artery, and the two arteries run Fig. 73.5 Arteries of the male pelvis. Internal iliac artery Iliolumbar artery Superior gluteal artery Ureter Posterior trunk Anterior trunk Superior Lateral sacral artery vesical artery Pudendal artery Inferior gluteal artery Obturator artery Middle rectal artery Obliterated right umbilical artery Inferior vesical artery Fig. 73.6 Arteries of the female pelvis. Internal iliac artery Iliolumbar artery Superior gluteal artery Posterior trunk Superior Anterior trunk vesical artery Pudendal artery Uterine artery Lateral sacral artery Obturator artery Inferior gluteal artery Obliterated right Vaginal artery umbilical artery Inferior vesical artery Middle rectal artery
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1226 8 noiTces through the umbilicus to enter the umbilical cord as the umbilical the posterior surface of the pubis. It supplies the distal end of the ureter, arteries. At birth, when placental circulation ceases, only the pelvic the bladder, the proximal end of the vas deferens and the seminal vesi- segment remains patent as the internal iliac artery and part of the supe- cles. It also gives origin to the umbilical artery in the fetus, which rior vesical artery; the remainder becomes a fibrous medial umbilical remains as a fibrous cord – the medial umbilical ligament – in the adult. ligament. Persistence of the umbilical artery has been described and This vessel occasionally remains patent as a small artery supplying the may cause extrinsic obstruction of the distal ureter (Gupta et al 1999). umbilicus. In males, the patent part (commonly, the superior vesical artery) usually gives off an artery to the vas (ductus) deferens. Inferior vesical artery The inferior vesical artery may arise as a common branch with the middle rectal artery. It supplies the bladder, posterior trunk branches prostate, seminal vesicles and vas deferens in the male, and the bladder The branches of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac artery are the in the female, where it is often replaced by the vaginal artery. iliolumbar, lateral sacral and superior gluteal arteries. Middle rectal artery The middle rectal artery runs into the lateral Iliolumbar artery The iliolumbar artery is the first branch of the fascial coverings of the mesorectum. It often consists of multiple posterior trunk and ascends laterally anterior to the sacroiliac joint and branches, may be small, and occasionally arises either close to, or in lumbosacral nerve trunk. It lies posterior to the obturator nerve and common with, the origin of the inferior vesical artery in males. external iliac vessels, and reaches the medial border of psoas major, dividing behind it into the lumbar and iliac branches. The lumbar Vaginal artery In females, the vaginal artery may replace the inferior branch supplies psoas major and quadratus lumborum, and anastomo- vesical artery. It may arise from the uterine artery close to its origin and ses with the fourth lumbar artery. It sends a small spinal branch through can be a single vessel or multiple branches. the intervertebral foramen between the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, to supply the cauda equina. The iliac branch supplies iliacus; Obturator artery The obturator artery runs anteroinferiorly from the between the muscle and bone, it anastomoses with the iliac branches anterior trunk on the lateral pelvic wall to the upper part of the obtura- of the obturator artery. A large nutrient branch enters an oblique canal tor foramen. In the pelvis, it is related laterally to the fascia over obtura- in the ilium. Other branches run around the iliac crest, contribute to tor internus and is crossed on its medial aspect by the ureter and, in the supply of the gluteal and abdominal muscles, and anastomose the male, by the vas deferens. The obturator nerve runs above the artery, with the superior gluteal, circumflex iliac and lateral circumflex femoral the obturator vein below it. The artery provides iliac branches to the arteries (see Fig. 80.18). iliac fossa that supply the bone and iliacus and anastomose with the iliolumbar artery. It gives off a vesical branch that runs medially to Lateral sacral arteries The lateral sacral arteries are usually double; the bladder and sometimes replaces the inferior vesical branch of the if they are single, they divide rapidly into superior and inferior branches. internal iliac artery. In the female, the ovary lies medial to the obturator The superior and larger artery passes medially into the first or second artery. A pubic branch usually arises just before the obturator artery anterior sacral foramen, supplies the sacral vertebrae and contents of leaves the pelvis; it ascends over the pubis to anastomose with the the sacral canal, and then leaves the sacrum via the corresponding contralateral artery and the pubic branch of the inferior epigastric dorsal foramen to supply the skin and muscles dorsal to the sacrum. artery. The inferior or lateral sacral artery crosses obliquely anterior to piri- The obturator artery leaves the pelvis via the obturator canal and formis and the sacral anterior spinal rami, and then descends lateral to divides into anterior and posterior branches that encircle the obturator the sympathetic trunk to anastomose with its fellow and the median foramen between obturator externus and the obturator membrane. The sacral artery anterior to the coccyx. Its branches enter the anterior sacral anterior branch curves anteriorly on the membrane and then inferiorly foramina and are distributed in the same way as the branches of the along its anterior margin to supply branches to obturator externus, superior artery. pectineus, the femoral adductors and gracilis. It anastomoses with the posterior branch and the medial circumflex femoral artery. The poste- Superior gluteal artery The superior gluteal artery is the largest rior branch follows the posterior margin of the foramen and turns branch of the internal iliac artery and, effectively, forms the main con- anteriorly on the ischial part to anastomose with the anterior branch. tinuation of its posterior trunk. It runs posteriorly between the lum- It supplies the muscles attached to the ischial tuberosity and anastomo- bosacral trunk and the first sacral ramus, or between the first and second ses with the inferior gluteal artery. An acetabular branch enters the hip rami, and then turns slightly inferiorly, leaving the pelvis by the greater joint at the acetabular notch, ramifies in the fat of the acetabular fossa sciatic foramen above piriformis and dividing into superficial and deep and sends a branch along the ligament of the femoral head. branches. In the pelvis, it supplies piriformis, obturator internus and a Occasionally, the obturator artery is replaced by an enlarged pubic nutrient artery to the ilium. The superficial branch enters the deep branch of the inferior epigastric artery that descends almost vertically surface of gluteus maximus. Its numerous branches supply the muscle to the obturator foramen. It usually lies near the external iliac vein, and anastomose with the inferior gluteal branches (see Fig. 80.30), lateral to the femoral ring, and is rarely injured during inguinal or while others perforate the tendinous medial attachment of the muscle femoral hernia surgery. Sometimes, it curves along the edge of the to supply the skin over the sacrum, where they anastomose with the lacunar part of the inguinal ligament, partly encircling the neck of a posterior branches of the lateral sacral arteries. The deep branch of the hernial sac, and may be inadvertently cut during enlargement of the superior gluteal artery passes between gluteus medius and the bone, femoral ring in reducing a femoral hernia. soon dividing into superior and inferior branches. The superior branch skirts the superior border of gluteus minimus to the anterior superior Uterine artery The uterine artery is an additional branch in females. iliac spine, and anastomoses with the deep circumflex iliac artery and It is a large artery that arises below the obturator artery on the lateral the ascending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery. The infe- wall of the pelvis and runs inferomedially into the broad ligament of rior branch runs through gluteus minimus obliquely, supplies it and the uterus (Ch. 77). gluteus medius, and anastomoses with the lateral circumflex femoral artery. A branch enters the trochanteric fossa to join the inferior gluteal Internal pudendal artery (pelvic portion) The internal pudendal artery and ascending branch of the medial circumflex femoral artery; artery is the smaller terminal branch of the anterior division of the other branches run through gluteus minimus to supply the hip joint. internal iliac artery. Close to its origin, it crosses anterior to piriformis, The superior gluteal artery occasionally arises directly from the inter- the sacral plexus and the inferior gluteal artery. It descends laterally to nal iliac artery with the inferior gluteal artery and sometimes from the the inferior rim of the greater sciatic foramen, where it leaves the pelvis internal pudendal artery. between piriformis and ischiococcygeus, and enters the gluteal region (see Fig. 77.3B). It next curves around the dorsum of the ischial spine anterior trunk branches and enters the ischiorectal fossa via the lesser sciatic foramen. This The branches of the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery are the course effectively allows the nerve to wrap around the posterior limit superior and inferior vesical, middle rectal, vaginal, obturator, uterine, of levator ani at its attachment to the ischial spine. Behind the ischial internal pudendal and inferior gluteal arteries (see Fig. 73.6). Signifi- spine, the artery is covered by gluteus maximus, the pudendal nerve is cant variation occurs in the branching patterns of the anterior trunk; medial, and the nerve to obturator internus is lateral. The artery traverses the general principles will be considered here. the ischiorectal fossa in Alcock’s canal in the fascia covering obturator internus; it gives off an inferior rectal branch early in its course through Superior vesical artery The superior vesical artery is the first large the fossa (see Fig. 73.12). The internal pudendal artery gives off several branch of the anterior trunk. It lies on the lateral wall of the pelvis, just muscular branches in the pelvis and gluteal region that supply adjacent below the brim, and runs anteroinferiorly, medial to the periosteum of muscles and nerves.
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True pelvis and pelvic floor 1227 37 reTpaHc Inferior gluteal artery The inferior gluteal artery is the larger termi- ascends obliquely to end at the right side of the fifth lumbar vertebra, nal branch of the anterior internal iliac trunk and principally supplies uniting at an acute angle with the contralateral vessel to form the infe- the buttock and thigh. It descends posteriorly, anterior to the sacral rior vena cava. The right common iliac vein is shorter and more nearly plexus and piriformis but posterior to the internal pudendal artery. It vertical, lying posterior, and then lateral, to its artery. The right obtura- passes between either the first and second, or second and third, sacral tor nerve passes posteriorly. The left common iliac vein is longer and ventral rami, then between piriformis and ischiococcygeus, before more oblique, and lies first medial, then posterior, to its artery. It is running through the lower part of the greater sciatic foramen to reach crossed anteriorly by the attachment of the sigmoid mesocolon and the gluteal region. The artery runs inferiorly between the greater tro- superior rectal vessels. Each vein receives iliolumbar and, sometimes, chanter and ischial tuberosity, together with the sciatic and posterior lateral sacral veins. The left common iliac vein usually drains the femoral cutaneous nerves, deep to gluteus maximus. It continues down median sacral vein. There are no valves in these veins. the thigh, supplying the skin and anastomosing with branches of the The left common iliac vein occasionally ascends to the left of the perforating arteries. The inferior gluteal and internal pudendal arteries aorta to the level of the kidney, where it receives the left renal vein and often arise as a common stem from the internal iliac artery, sometimes crosses anterior to the aorta to join the inferior vena cava; this vessel with the superior gluteal artery. In the pelvis, the inferior gluteal artery represents the persistent caudal half of the left postcardinal or supra- gives branches to piriformis, ischiococcygeus and iliococcygeus, and cardinal vein. occasionally contributes to the middle rectal arterial supply. In the male, it may supply vessels to the seminal vesicles and prostate. Median sacral veins The right and left medial sacral veins accom- pany the corresponding arteries anterior to the sacrum, where they unite External iliac arteries to form a single vein that usually ends in the left common iliac vein, The external iliac arteries are of larger calibre than the internal iliac but which sometimes ends at the common iliac junction. arteries (see Figs 73.5, 73.6). Each artery descends laterally along the medial border of psoas major, from the common iliac bifurcation to a Internal pudendal veins The internal pudendal veins are venae point midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic comitantes of the internal pudendal artery and unite as a single vessel symphysis, and enters the thigh posterior to the inguinal ligament to that drains into the internal iliac vein. They receive veins from the become the femoral artery. inferior rectal veins and either the penile bulb and scrotum (males), or The parietal peritoneum and extraperitoneal tissue separate the right the clitoris and labia (females). external iliac artery from the terminal ileum and, usually, the appendix, and the left external iliac artery from the sigmoid colon and coils of Internal iliac vein small intestine anteromedially. At its origin, the external iliac artery may The internal iliac vein is formed by the convergence of several veins be crossed by the ureter; it is subsequently crossed by the gonadal above the greater sciatic foramen. It does not have the predictable vessels, the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, the deep circum- trunks and branches of the internal iliac artery but its tributaries drain flex iliac vein, and the vas deferens (male) or round ligament (female). the same territories. It ascends posteromedial to the internal iliac Posteriorly, the artery is separated from the medial border of psoas artery to join the external iliac vein, forming the common iliac vein at major by the iliac fascia. The external iliac vein lies partly posterior to the pelvic brim, anterior to the lower part of the sacroiliac joint. It is its upper part but is more medial below. Laterally, it is related to psoas covered anteromedially by parietal peritoneum. Its tributaries are the major, which is covered by the iliac and psoas fasciae. Numerous lymph gluteal, internal pudendal and obturator veins, which originate out- vessels and nodes lie on its anterior and lateral aspects. side the pelvis; the lateral sacral veins, which run from the anterior The external iliac artery is principally the artery of the lower limb surface of the sacrum; and the middle rectal, vesical, uterine and vagi- and, as such, has few branches in the pelvis. Apart from giving off very nal veins, which originate in the venous plexuses of the pelvic viscera small vessels to psoas major and neighbouring lymph nodes, the artery (Fig. 73.8). has no branches until it gives off the deep circumflex iliac and inferior The venous drainage of the leg may be blocked by thrombosis epigastric arteries, near to the point at which it passes under the inguinal involving the external iliac systems and the inferior vena cava. Under ligament. these circumstances, the pelvic veins, particularly the internal iliac tribu- taries, enlarge and provide a major avenue of venous return from the Deep circumflex iliac artery The deep circumflex iliac artery femoral system. Surgical interference with these veins may seriously branches laterally from the external iliac artery almost opposite the compromise venous drainage and precipitate oedema of one or origin of the inferior epigastric artery (see Fig. 78.7A). It ascends and both legs. runs laterally to the anterior superior iliac spine behind the inguinal ligament in a sheath formed by the union of the transversalis and iliac Superior gluteal veins The superior gluteal veins are the venae fasciae. There, it anastomoses with the ascending branch of the lateral comitantes of the superior gluteal artery. They receive tributaries that circumflex femoral artery, pierces the transversalis fascia and skirts correspond to the branches of the superior gluteal artery and enter the the internal lip of the iliac crest. About halfway along the iliac crest, it pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen, above piriformis. They join the runs through transversus abdominis, and then between transversus internal iliac vein, frequently as a single trunk. abdominis and internal oblique, to anastomose with the iliolumbar and superior gluteal arteries. It gives off a large ascending branch at the Inferior gluteal veins The inferior gluteal veins are venae comitantes anterior superior iliac spine that runs between internal oblique and of the inferior gluteal artery. They begin proximally and posterior in the transversus abdominis, supplies both muscles, and anastomoses with thigh, where they anastomose with the medial circumflex femoral and the lumbar and inferior epigastric arteries. first perforating veins, and they enter the pelvis low in the greater sciatic foramen, joining to form a vessel that opens into the distal (lower) part Inferior epigastric artery The inferior epigastric artery originates of the internal iliac vein. The inferior gluteal and superficial gluteal from the external iliac artery posterior to the inguinal ligament. It curves veins connect by perforating veins (Doyle 1970) analogous to the sural forwards in the anterior extraperitoneal tissue and ascends obliquely perforating veins. The gluteal veins probably have a venous ‘pumping’ along the medial margin of the deep inguinal ring; from here, it con- role, and provide collaterals between the femoral and internal iliac tinues as an artery of the anterior abdominal wall. veins. Veins of the pelvis Obturator vein The obturator vein begins in the proximal adductor region and enters the pelvis via the obturator foramen. It runs posteri- The true pelvis contains a large number of veins that drain the pelvic orly and superiorly on the lateral pelvic wall below the obturator artery walls and most of the viscera contained within the pelvis, and also carry and between the ureter and internal iliac artery, and ends in the internal venous blood from the gluteal region, hip and thigh. The external iliac iliac vein. It is sometimes replaced by an enlarged pubic vein, which veins, which lie close to the brim of the pelvis, carry the venous drainage joins the external iliac vein. from most of the lower limb. There is considerable variation in the venous drainage of the pelvis: although the major veins frequently Lateral sacral veins The lateral sacral veins accompany the lateral follow their named arterial counterparts, the small tributaries exhibit sacral arteries and are interconnected by a sacral venous plexus. considerable inter-individual variation. Middle rectal vein The middle rectal vein begins in the rectal venous Common iliac veins plexus and drains the rectum and mesorectum. Variable in size, it runs The common iliac vein is formed by the union of the external and laterally on the pelvic surface of levator ani to end in the internal iliac internal iliac veins, anterior to the sacroiliac joints (see Fig. 78.8). It vein. The middle rectal vein often receives tributaries from the bladder
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1228 8 noiTces Fig. 73.8 Veins of the female pelvis. Internal iliac vein Superior gluteal vein Lateral sacral vein Superior vesical vein Pudendal vein Obturator vein Inferior gluteal vein Uterine vein Middle rectal vein Inferior vesical vein and either the prostate and seminal vesicle (males) or the posterior They usually lie in medial, lateral and anterior chains around the aspect of the vagina (females). common iliac artery, the lateral being the main route; one or two lie inferior to the aortic bifurcation and anterior to the fifth lumbar verte- External iliac vein bra or sacral promontory. The common iliac nodes connect to the The external iliac vein is the proximal continuation of the femoral vein lateral aortic nodes. (see Figs 78.8, 80.33). It begins posterior to the inguinal ligament, ascends along the pelvic brim, and ends anterior to the sacroiliac joint External iliac nodes by joining the internal iliac vein to form the common iliac vein. On The external iliac nodes usually form three subgroups, which are lateral, the right, it lies medial to the external iliac artery, gradually inclining medial and anterior to the external iliac vessels (see Fig. 77.3B). The behind it as it ascends. On the left, it is wholly medial. Disease of the medial nodes are considered the main channel of drainage, collecting external iliac artery may cause it to adhere closely to the vein at the lymph from the lower limb via the inguinal nodes, the deeper layers of point where it is in contact, and, particularly on the right side, the walls the infra-umbilical abdominal wall, the adductor region of the thigh, of the vessels may become fused, making dissection hazardous. The the glans penis or clitoris, the membranous urethra, prostate, fundus of external iliac vein is crossed medially by the ureter and internal iliac the bladder, uterine cervix and upper vagina. Their efferents pass to the artery. In males, it is crossed by the vas deferens, in females by the round common iliac nodes (see Fig. 78.10). ligament and ovarian vessels. Psoas major lies laterally, except where the artery intervenes. The vein is usually valveless but may contain a Inferior epigastric and circumflex iliac nodes The inferior single valve. Its tributaries are the inferior epigastric, deep circumflex epigastric and circumflex iliac nodes are associated with their similarly iliac and pubic veins. Agenesis of the external iliac vein has been named vessels and drain the corresponding areas to the external iliac reported in association with Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome (Dogan et al nodes. 2003). Internal iliac nodes Inferior epigastric vein One or two inferior epigastric veins accom- The internal iliac nodes surround the branches of the internal iliac pany the inferior epigastric artery and drain into the external iliac vein vessels. They receive afferents from most of the pelvic viscera (with the a little above the inguinal ligament. exception of the gonads and the majority of the rectum), the deeper parts of the perineum, and the gluteal and posterior femoral muscles, Deep circumflex iliac vein The deep circumflex iliac vein is formed and drain to the common iliac nodes. The individual groups are con- from venae comitantes of the corresponding artery. It joins the external sidered in the description of the viscera. There are frequent connections iliac vein a little above the inferior epigastric vein, after crossing anterior between the right and left groups, particularly when they lie close to to the external iliac artery. the anterior and posterior midlines (Fig. 73.9). Pubic vein The pubic vein connects the external iliac and obturator veins. It ascends on the pelvic surface of the pubis with the pubic branch INNERVATION OF THE PELVIS of the inferior epigastric artery and sometimes replaces the normal obturator vein. The pelvis contains the lumbosacral nerve trunk, the sacral and coccy- geal plexuses, and the pelvic parts of the sympathetic and parasym- Lymphatic drainage of the pelvis pathetic systems. Collectively, these nerves carry the somatic and autonomic innervation to the majority of the pelvic visceral organs, The lymph nodes in the pelvis are grouped around the common, and the muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum, the gluteal region external iliac and internal iliac vessels, and are named accordingly and the lower limb. (Nesselrod 1936). The ventral rami of the sacral and coccygeal spinal nerves form the sacral and coccygeal plexuses (Fig. 73.10). The upper four sacral ventral Common iliac nodes rami enter the pelvis by the anterior sacral foramina, the fifth enters The common iliac nodes receive the entire lymphatic drainage of the between the sacrum and coccyx, and the ventral ramus of the coccygeal lower limb because they drain both internal and external iliac nodes. nerve curves forwards below the rudimentary transverse process of the
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True pelvis and pelvic floor 1229 37 reTpaHc first coccygeal segment. The first and second sacral ventral rami are of psoas major and descends over the pelvic brim, anterior to the sac- large, the third to fifth diminish progressively in size, and the coccygeal roiliac joint, to join the first sacral ramus. The greater part of the second ramus is the smallest. Each receives a grey ramus communicans from a and third sacral rami converge on the inferomedial aspect of the lum- corresponding sympathetic ganglion. Visceral efferent rami leave the bosacral trunk in the greater sciatic foramen to form the sciatic nerve. second to fourth sacral rami as the pelvic splanchnic nerves, containing The ventral and dorsal divisions of the nerves do not separate physically preganglionic parasympathetic fibres to minute ganglia in the walls of from each other but their fibres remain separate within the rami; the the pelvic viscera. ventral and dorsal divisions of each contributing root join within the sciatic nerve. The fibres of the dorsal divisions will go on to form Lumbosacral trunk and sacral plexus the common fibular nerve, and the fibres of the ventral division form the tibial nerve. The sciatic nerve, occasionally, divides into common fibular and tibial nerves inside the pelvis; when this occurs, the common The sacral plexus is formed by the lumbosacral trunk, the first to third fibular nerve usually runs through piriformis. sacral ventral rami, and part of the fourth sacral ventral ramus The sacral plexus lies against the posterior pelvic wall anterior to (the remainder of the fourth sacral ventral ramus joins the coccygeal piriformis, posterior to the internal iliac vessels and ureter, and behind plexus). the sigmoid colon on the left. The superior gluteal vessels run either The lumbar part of the lumbosacral trunk contains part of the fourth between the lumbosacral trunk and first sacral ventral ramus, or between and all of the fifth lumbar ventral rami; it appears at the medial margin the first and second sacral rami, while the inferior gluteal vessels lie between either the first and second, or second and third, sacral Common iliac nodes Posterior trunk nodes rami. The sacral plexus is not commonly involved in malignant tumours of the pelvis because it lies behind the relatively dense presacral fascia, which resists all but locally very advanced malignant infiltration. When it occurs, there is intractable pain in the distribution of the branches of the plexus, which may be very difficult to treat. The plexus may also be involved in the reticuloses or be affected by plexiform neuromas. Branches of the sacral plexus The branches of the sacral plexus are shown in Table 73.1. The course and distribution of most of the branches of the sacral plexus are covered fully in Section 9. Table 73.1 Branches of the sacral plexus Nerve Ventral divisions Dorsal divisions Internal iliac nodes Nerve to quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior L4, 5; S1 Nerve to obturator internus and gemellus superior L5; S1, 2 Superior Nerve to piriformis S2 (S1) vesical nodes Superior gluteal nerve L4, 5; S1 Middle Inferior gluteal nerve L5; S1, 2 rectal nodes Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve S2, 3 S1, 2 Tibial (sciatic) nerve L4, 5; S1, 2, 3 Obturator nodes Common fibular (sciatic) nerve L4, 5; S1, 2 Uterine and lateral Perforating cutaneous nerve S2, 3 cervical nodes Vaginal nodes Pudendal nerve S2, 3, 4 Nerves to levator ani and external anal sphincter S4 Fig. 73.9 Lymphatic drainage of the female pelvis and urinary bladder. Fig. 73.10 The lumbosacral plexus in the pelvis. L4 root L5 root Lumbosacral trunk S1 root S2 root Superior gluteal nerve S3 root S4 root Inferior gluteal nerve Sciatic nerve Nerve to piriformis Obturator nerve Perforating cutaneous nerve Coccygeal nerve(s) Nerve to obturator internus and superior gemellus Nerve(s) to levator ani and coccygeus Nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus Pudendal nerves Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1230 8 noiTces Pudendal nerve (in the pelvis) geus, joins the minute coccygeal ventral ramus that emerges from the sacral hiatus, and curves round the lateral coccygeal margin, piercing The pudendal nerve arises from the ventral divisions of the second, coccygeus to reach the pelvis. The small trunk that is formed in this way third and fourth sacral ventral rami and is formed just above the supe- is the coccygeal plexus. Anococcygeal nerves arise from it and form a rior border of the sacrotuberous ligament and the upper fibres of ischi- few fine filaments that pierce the sacrotuberous ligament to supply the ococcygeus (Klink 1953, Sato 1980). It leaves the pelvis via the greater adjacent skin. sciatic foramen between piriformis and ischiococcygeus (see Fig. 73.10), enters the gluteal region and passes dorsal to the sacrospinous Pelvic part of the sympathetic system ligament, close to its attachment to the ischial spine, where it lies medial to the internal pudendal vessels. It accompanies the internal pudendal artery through the lesser sciatic foramen into the pudendal The pelvic sympathetic trunk lies in the extraperitoneal tissue, anterior (Alcock’s) canal on the lateral wall of the ischio-anal fossa. In the pos- to the sacrum beneath the presacral fascia (Fig. 73.11), and supplies terior part of the canal, it gives rise to the inferior rectal and perineal sympathetic innervation to the pelvic organs and vascular system. It lies nerves; the dorsal nerve of the penis or clitoris continues ventrally medial or anterior to the anterior sacral foramina and has four or five from this origin. interconnected ganglia. Above, it is continuous with the lumbar sym- pathetic trunk. The right and left trunks converge below the lowest Sacral visceral branches ganglia and unite in the small ganglion impar anterior to the coccyx. Visceral branches – the pelvic splanchnic nerves – arise from the second Grey rami communicantes pass from the ganglia to sacral and coccygeal to fourth sacral ventral rami and innervate the pelvic viscera. spinal nerves but there are no white rami communicantes. Medial branches connect across the midline, and twigs from the first two Sacral muscular branches ganglia join the inferior hypogastric plexus or the hypogastric ‘nerve’. Several muscular branches arise from the fourth sacral ventral ramus to Other branches form a plexus on the median sacral artery. supply the superior surface of levator ani and the upper part of the external anal sphincter. The branches to levator ani enter the superior Vascular branches (pelvic) surface of the muscle whilst the branch to the external anal Preganglionic fibres for the vessels supplying the pelvis and lower limb sphincter (also referred to as the perineal branch of the fourth sacral are derived from the lower three thoracic and upper two or three lumbar nerve) reaches the ischio-anal fossa by running either through ischio- spinal segments. They reach the lower thoracic and upper lumbar coccygeus, or between ischiococcygeus and iliococcygeus. It supplies the ganglia through white rami communicantes and descend through the skin between the anus and coccyx via its cutaneous branches. sympathetic trunk to synapse in the lumbar ganglia. Postganglionic fibres pass from these ganglia via grey rami communicantes to the Coccygeal plexus femoral nerve, which carries them to the femoral artery and its branches. Some fibres descend through the lumbar ganglia to synapse in the The coccygeal plexus is formed by a small descending branch from the upper two or three sacral ganglia, from which postganglionic axons pass fourth sacral ramus and by the fifth sacral and coccygeal ventral rami. through grey rami communicantes to the roots of the sacral plexus. The fifth sacral ventral ramus emerges from the sacral hiatus, curves Those in the pudendal and superior and inferior gluteal nerves accom- round the lateral margin of the sacrum below its cornu, and pierces pany the arteries of the same name to the gluteal and perineal tissues; ischiococcygeus from below to reach its upper, pelvic, surface. Here it branches may also supply the pelvic lymph nodes. Those joining the is joined by a descending branch of the fourth sacral ventral ramus; the tibial nerve are carried to the popliteal artery and distributed via its small trunk so formed descends on the pelvic surface of ischiococcy- branches to the leg and foot. A Left sacral Superior hypogastric plexus sympathetic trunk B Left sympathetic trunk and ganglion Right hypogastric nerve Right inferior hypogastric plexus Obturator nerve Sacral sympathetic ganglia Ganglion impar Right inferior hypogastric plexus Sacral sympathetic nerves Autonomic fibres to pelvic vicera Pelvic parasympathetic nerves (S2,3,4) Fig. 73.11 Autonomic nerves of the pelvis.
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perineum 1231 37 reTpaHc Sympathetic denervation of vessels in the lower limb can be effected deep fascia of the anal triangle by removing or ablating the upper three lumbar ganglia and the inter- The deep fascia (fascia musculorum) lines the inferior surface of levator vening parts of the sympathetic trunk, which is used, rarely, in treating ani and is continuous at its lateral origin with the fascia over obturator vascular insufficiency of the lower limb. internus below the attachment of levator ani. It lines the deep portion of the ischio-anal fossa and its lateral walls. PERINEUM Ischio-anal fossa The ischio-anal fossa is an approximately horseshoe-shaped region MUSCLES AND FASCIAE OF THE PERINEUM filling the majority of the anal triangle. Although often referred to as a space, it is filled with loose adipose tissue and occasional blood vessels and nerves (see Fig. 73.12). The ‘arms’ of the horseshoe are triangular The perineum is an approximately diamond-shaped region that lies in cross-section because levator ani slopes medially from its lateral below levator ani, between the inner aspects of the thighs and anterior pelvic origin towards the anorectal junction (see Fig. 66.44). The anal to the sacrum and coccyx. It is usually described as if from the position canal and its sphincters lie in the centre of the horseshoe. Above them, of an individual lying supine with the hip joints in abduction and the medial limit of the fossa is formed by the deep fascia over levator partial flexion. The surface projection of the perineum and the form of ani. The outer boundary of the fossa is formed anterolaterally by the the skin covering it vary considerably, depending on the position of the fascia over obturator internus and the periosteum of the ischial tuber- thighs, whereas the deep tissues themselves occupy relatively fixed posi- osities. Posterolaterally, the outer boundary is formed by the lower tions. The perineum is bounded anteriorly by the pubic symphysis and border of gluteus maximus and the sacrotuberous ligament. its arcuate ligament, posteriorly by the coccyx, anterolaterally by the There is an anterior recess to the ischio-anal fossa that lies cranial to ischiopubic rami and the ischial tuberosities, and posterolaterally by the perineal membrane and transverse perineal muscles. It extends the sacrotuberous ligaments. The deep limit of the perineum is the anteriorly as far as the posterior surface of the pubis, below the attach- inferior surface of the pelvic diaphragm, and its superficial limit is the ment of levator ani. Posteriorly, the fossa contains the attachment of skin that is continuous with that over the medial aspect of the thighs the external anal sphincter to the tip of the coccyx; above and below and the lower abdominal wall. An arbitrary line joining the ischial this, the adipose tissue of the fossa is uninterrupted across the midline. tuberosities (the inter-ischial line) divides the perineum into an ante- These continuations of the ischio-anal fossa mean that infections, rior urogenital triangle and a posterior anal triangle. The urogenital tumours and fluid collections within not only may enlarge relatively triangle faces downwards and forwards, whereas the anal triangle faces freely to the side of the anal canal, but also may spread with little resist- downwards and backwards at an approximate angle of 120° from the ance to the contralateral side and deep to the perineal membrane. The plane of the urogenital triangle. internal pudendal vessels and accompanying nerves lie in the lateral The male urogenital triangle contains the bulb and attachments of wall of the ischio-anal fossa, enclosed in fascia forming the pudendal the penis (Fig. 73.12) (Ch. 76), and the female urogenital triangle canal. The inferior rectal vessels and nerves cross the fossa from the contains the mons pubis, the labia majora, the labia minora, the clitoris pudendal canal and often branch within it. and the vaginal and urethral orifices (Ch. 77). The ischio-anal fossa is an important surgical plane during resections Anal triangle of the anal canal and anorectal junction for malignancy. It provides an easy, relatively bloodless, plane of dissection that encompasses all of the muscular structures of the anal canal and leads to the inferior The structure of the anal triangle is similar in males and females, the surface of levator ani, through which the dissection is carried. main difference reflecting the wider transverse dimension of the triangle in females that is associated with giving birth. The anal triangle contains External anal sphincter the anal canal and its sphincters, and the ischio-anal fossa and its con- The external anal sphincter is a band of striated muscle that surrounds tained nerves and vessels. It is lined by superficial and deep fascia. the lowest part of the anal canal (Oh and Kark 1972, Dalley 1987, Lawson 1974b). The uppermost (deepest) fibres blend with the lowest superficial fascia of the anal triangle fibres of puborectalis; the two are seen to be contiguous on endoanal The superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissue; tela subcutanea) of the ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Anteriorly, some of these region is thin and is continuous with the superficial/subcutaneous upper fibres decussate into the superficial transverse perineal muscles. fascia of the skin of the perineum, thighs and buttocks. Posteriorly, fibres are attached to the anococcygeal raphe. The majority Fig. 73.12 Muscles and fasciae Corpus cavernosum of the male perineum. On the left Corpus spongiosum side, the skin and superficial fascia of the perineum only have Ischiocavernosus Dorsal artery of the penis been removed. The posterior scrotal (perineal) artery has been Bulbospongiosus Deep artery of the penis shown as it runs forwards into Posterior scrotal the scrotal tissues. On the right (perineal) artery side, the corpora cavernosa and Artery of the bulb corpus spongiosum and their Perineal membrane associated muscles, the Superficial transverse Deep transverse superficial perineal muscles and perineal muscle perineal muscle perineal membrane have been Transverse perineal artery Puborectalis removed to reveal the underlying Perineal body Internal pudendal artery deep muscles and arteries of the Ischio-anal fat Levator ani (iliococcygeal) perineum. All veins and nerves have been omitted for clarity. Inferior rectal artery Lower fibres of external Upper fibres of external anal sphincter anal sphincter Anococcygeal raphe Coccyx
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1232 8 noiTces of the middle fibres of the external anal sphincter surround the lower genital diaphragm – consisting of urogenital sphincter muscles sand- part of the internal sphincter and are attached anteriorly in the perineal wiched between two layers of fascia and connected to the perineal body, body, and posteriorly to the coccyx via the anococcygeal ligament. Some the periosteum of the ischiopubic rami and the arcuate ligament of the fibres from each side of the sphincter decussate in these areas to form pubis, and perforated by the urethra and vagina. Oelrich introduced the a sort of commissure in the anterior and posterior midline. The anterior alternative term ‘perineal membrane’ (Oelrich 1983). Recent detailed and posterior attachments of the external anal sphincter give the mus- histological examination of serial cross-sections supports the concept cular tube an oval profile lying anteroposteriorly. A subcutaneous of the perineal membrane as part of a larger interconnected support portion encircles the anal verge and creates the radial skin creases sur- apparatus. It has distinct dorsal and ventral portions that are intimately rounding the anus. The lower fibres lie below the level of the internal connected with levator ani: the dorsal portion is related to the support anal sphincter and are separated from the lowest anal epithelium by of the perineal body and lateral vaginal wall by its attachment to the submucosa. The thickness of the external anal sphincter in children is ischiopubic ramus, and the ventral portion is contiguous with the ure- positively correlated with age (de la Portilla and López-Alonso 2009, thral supportive apparatus (Stein and DeLancey 2008). The perineal Rehman et al 2011). membrane is particularly thick where it is attached to the arcuate liga- ment of the pubis, and is here referred to as the transverse perineal liga- anococcygeal ligament and iliococcygeal raphe ment. The posterior border of the perineal membrane is continuous The anococcygeal ligament is a musculotendinous structure running with the deep part of the perineal body at its dorsal margin, and is between the middle portion of the external anal sphincter and the continuous with the fascia over the superficial transverse perineal coccyx. The iliococcygeal raphe (the decussation of the posterior fibres muscles. of iliococcygeus) lies just above the anococcygeal ligament and is sepa- In the male, the perineal membrane is crossed by several structures: rated from the rectum by presacral fascia. These structures are often the urethra, which traverses it 2–3 cm behind the inferior border of the referred to as the postanal plate. Division of the anococcygeal raphe pubic symphysis; the vessels and nerves to the bulb of the penis; the may cause descent of the anal canal and a lowering of the posterior part ducts of the bulbourethral glands, posterolateral to the urethral orifice; of the anal triangle, but does not demonstrably interfere with the the deep dorsal vessels and dorsal nerves of the penis, behind the pubic process of defecation. arch in the midline; and the posterior scrotal vessels and nerves, ante- rior to the transverse perinei. Urogenital triangle In the female, the perineal membrane is divided almost into two halves by the vagina and urethra, such that it forms a triangle on each side of these structures. The lateral margins of the vagina are attached The urogenital triangle is bounded posteriorly by the inter-ischial line, to the perineal membrane at the level of the hymenal ring, and levator which usually overlies the posterior border of the transverse perineal ani lies on its cranial surface. The ducts of Bartholin’s glands are at this muscles. Anteriorly and laterally, it is bounded deeply by the pubic level in the posterior lateral introitus. The deep dorsal vessels and dorsal symphysis and ischiopubic rami. In males, the urogenital triangle nerves of the clitoris lie within its fibres. extends superficially to encompass the scrotum and the root of the penis. In females, it extends to the lower limit of the labia and mons Urethral sphincter mechanism pubis. The urogenital triangle is divided into two parts by a strong perineal membrane: the deep perineal space lies above the membrane, and the superficial perineal space lies below it. The urethral sphincter mechanism consists of both striated and smooth The female urogenital triangle includes muscles, fasciae, erectile muscle sphincters (Oelrich 1980, Oelrich 1983, Huisman 1983). The structures and spaces similar to those in the male. There are some dif- striated urogenital sphincter has an upper circular element that sur- ferences in size and disposition caused by the presence of the vagina rounds the urethra in the female and the apex of the prostate in the male, and female external genitalia. between the vesical neck and perineal membrane. In the female, at the level of the perineal membrane, it extends laterally outside of the urethra Deep perineal space in two arch-shaped bands that lie on the cranial surface of the perineal perineal membrane membrane (Fig. 73.13). One, the compressor urethrae, follows the pubic For many years, it was thought that the anterior pelvic outlet was arch to attached connective tissue in this area near the inner surface of spanned by a triangular, trilaminar, musculofascial structure – the uro- the ischiopubic ramus. The other, the urethrovaginal sphincter, extends A B Pubic symphysis Body of clitoris Pubis Urethra Urinary bladder Crus of clitoris Inferior pubic ramus Vagina Ischiocavernosus Compressor Bulbospongiosus urethrae Cut edge of superficial Bulb of vestibule Sphincter perineal fascia Deep transverse urethrae Vaginal wall perineal muscle Perineal membrane Compressor Superficial transverse Perineal body urethrae perineal muscle Sacrotuberous Puborectalis ligament Urethra Levator ani Anus (iliococcygeus) External Vagina Sphincter anal sphincter urethrovaginalis Gluteus maximus Coccyx Fig. 73.13 Muscles of the female perineum. A, On the right side, the membranous layer of superficial fascia has been removed (note the cut edge). On the left side, superficial perineal muscles and overlying fascia have been removed to show the deep perineal muscles. B, The continuity of the deep perineal muscles with sphincter urethrae.
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perineum 1233 37 reTpaHc caudally to surround the lateral margin of the vaginal wall. In the male, ligament of the penis or clitoris, and the fasciae of external oblique and these lateral extensions are not well developed and the sphincter in this the rectus sheath. area primarily encircles the membranous urethra, forming a robust con- strictor at this level. The smooth muscle sphincter consists of circularly Superficial and subcutaneous perineal orientated smooth muscle cells that lie between the striated sphincter pouches and the longitudinal smooth muscle and urethral lumen. It is not well subcutaneous perineal pouch developed. In children, the inner diameter of the urethral sphincter The subcutaneous perineal pouch lies between the deep perineal fascia increases with age: a cutoff value of 3 mm has been reported to predict and the superficial perineal fascia. Under normal circumstances, these detrusor–sphincter incoordination (Kakizaki et al 2003). two layers are only separated by relatively thin subcutaneous connective tissue; the skin of the anterior perineum and external genitalia is rela- Innervation The urethral sphincter mechanism extends from the peri- tively mobile over the deeper structures. However, this pouch is capable neum through the urogenital hiatus into the pelvic cavity. It probably of expanding considerably in the presence of fluid accumulation; blood, receives innervation via the perineal branch of the pudendal nerve from urine or fluid collecting in the subcutaneous pouch following trauma below, and direct branches from the sacral plexus and the pelvic or surgery on the urogenital triangle will spread throughout the tissues splanchnic nerves from above. All these nerves originate in the second, of the triangle, including the scrotum or labia majora, but cannot pass third and fourth sacral spinal segments. posteriorly into the anal triangle or laterally into the medial thigh because of the firm tethering of the posterior attachments of the sub- Actions Urinary incontinence is primarily a problem that affects cutaneous fascia. Since the superficial perineal fascia is in continuity women and is more common after childbirth. Continence in women with the fascia of the anterior abdominal wall, fluid, blood or pus may is maintained by an elegantly orchestrated system of muscles and con- also track freely between the subcutaneous tissues of the anterior nective tissue that involves the urethral sphincters and the tissues that abdominal wall and the subcutaneous perineal pouch (e.g. postsurgical support them. The urethral sphincter mechanism compresses the mid- haematomas of the abdominal wall readily cause discolouration of the urethra in females and membranous urethra in males, particularly perineal and genital skin). when the bladder contains fluid. Its location around the region of highest urethral closing pressure suggests that it plays an important role superficial perineal pouch in the continence of urine. At rest, activity of both the smooth and stri- The superficial perineal pouch lies below the perineal membrane and ated sphincters contributes to this closure and, during times of increased is limited superficially by the deep perineal fascia (investing fascia of need, voluntary contraction of the striated sphincter augments this the superficial perineal muscles) (Fig. 73.14). It contains the corpora closure. In the distal portion of the urethra, where it is adjacent to the cavernosa and corpus spongiosum, ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus perineal membrane, arch-shaped components of the striated sphincter and the superficial transverse perineal muscles, and branches of the (compressor urethrae and urethrovaginal sphincter) pass between the pudendal vessels and nerves. In the female, it is crossed by the urethra urethra and pubic bone, and contraction compresses the lumen until it and vagina and contains the clitoris. In the male, it contains the urethra is closed. All muscles are relaxed during micturition to aid voiding, but as it runs in the root of the penis. It is a fully confined space; injuries striated muscle contraction can help to expel final drops of urine, or of to the contents of the space (such as bleeding into the urethra in the semen in the male, from the bulbar urethra. penile root) do not communicate with the deep or subcutaneous During increases in abdominal pressure that occur, for example, pouches unless the fascial coverings are also lacerated or breached. during a cough, bladder pressure rises above the normal urethral closure pressure that keeps the lumen of the urethra closed. In this perineal body situation, the rise in urethral closure pressures (called pressure trans- The perineal body is not a structure but an aggregation of fibromuscular mission) that prevents urine leakage occurs because the urethra is tissue located in the midline at the junction between the anal and compressed against the fascial tissues that lie between it and the urogenital triangles, just ventral to the anal sphincter (Oh and Kark vaginal wall. If this layer is stable and unyielding, the urethra can be 1973). It is attached to many structures in both the deep and superficial compressed closed against it, but if it is not well supported, this mech- urogenital spaces. Posteriorly, it merges with fibres from the middle part anism is less effective and leakage can occur (DeLancey 1994). Overall of the external anal sphincter and the conjoint longitudinal coat. Supe- continence during such events is a combination of sphincter constric- riorly, it is continuous with the rectoprostatic or rectovaginal septum, tion due to the actions of the muscles in the urethral wall and pressure including fibres from levator ani (puborectalis or pubovaginalis). Ante- transmission; sphincter function is the predominant factor (DeLancey riorly, it receives a contribution from the deep and superficial transverse et al 2008). perineal muscles and bulbospongiosus (see Figs 73.4, 73.13). The peri- neal body is continuous with the perineal membrane and the superfi- Superficial and deep perineal fasciae cial perineal fascia. Since the latter runs forwards into the skin of the superficial perineal fascia perineum, the perineal body is tethered to the central perineal skin, The tissue commonly referred to as the superficial fascia of the peri- which is often puckered over it. In males, this is continuous with the neum (Colles’ fascia) forms a clear, surgically recognizable, plane perineal raphe in the skin of the scrotum. In females, the perineal body beneath the skin of the anterior perineum (Tobin and Benjamin 1949). lies directly posterior, and is attached, to the posterior commissure of It is firmly attached posteriorly to the fascia over the superficial trans- the labia majora and the introitus of the vagina. verse perineal muscles and the posterior limit of the perineal mem- Spontaneous lacerations of the perineal body sustained during brane. Laterally, it is attached to the margins of the ischiopubic rami as childbirth are often associated with damage to the anterior fibres of the far back as the ischial tuberosities. From here, it runs more superficially external anal sphincter. The deliberate division of the perineal body to to the skin of the urogenital triangle, lining the skin of the external facilitate delivery (episiotomy) is sometimes angled laterally to avoid genitalia; in the male, it is also continuous with the fascial layer in the such sphincteric injuries. The perineal body is often used to position skin of the scrotum that contains the dartos muscle. In females, the radiological markers in the assessment of pelvic floor dysfunction. fascia follows the same limits but is much less extensive in the labia majora. This layer runs anteriorly and superiorly into the skin of the superficial transverse perineal muscles lower abdominal wall where it is continuous with the membranous The superficial transverse perineal muscles are narrow strips of muscle fascia (Scarpa’s fascia). English-speaking anatomists refer to these tissue that run more or less transversely across the superficial perineal space layers as a ‘superficial fascia’ but this is a misnomer; more accurately, anterior to the anus, from the medial and anterior aspects of the ischial they constitute the membranous layer of subcutaneous tissue (tela tuberosities to the perineal body (see Fig. 73.13). A few fibres may also subcutanea). pass into the ipsilateral bulbospongiosus or external anal sphincter. They are occasionally small and may be absent. deep perineal fascia (investing fascia of the superficial perineal muscles) Bulbospongiosus The tissue commonly referred to as the deep perineal fascia is a layer Bulbospongiosus differs between the sexes. In the male, it lies in the of fascia that overlies the superficial muscles of the perineum midline, anterior to the perineal body (see Fig. 73.12). It consists of (bulbospongiosus, ischiocavernosus, superficial transverse perineal two symmetrical parts united by a median fibrous raphe. The fibres muscles). It is, in effect, the investing fascia of the superficial perineal attach to the perineal body, in which they decussate, and to the trans- muscles and, as such, is firmly attached to the borders of the muscles verse superficial perinei and the external anal sphincter; they diverge at attachments to the ischiopubic rami, posterior margin of the perineal like the sides of a feather from the median raphe. A thin layer of pos- membrane and perineal body. Anteriorly, it fuses with the suspensory terior fibres joins the posterior portion of the perineal membrane. The
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1234 8 noiTces Bladder Fascia over levator ani White line of pelvic fascia Thick fascia over obturator internus Tendinous arch of levator ani Ilium Obturator internus Urethra Obturator membrane Levator ani Thin fascia over Prostate obturator internus Corpus spongiosum Thin endopelvic fascia Ischiopubic ramus Corpus cavernosum Deep perineal fascia Ischiocavernosus Deep transverse perineal muscle Bulbospongiosus Perineal membrane Skin of perineum and thigh Superficial perineal fascia Fig. 73.14 Muscles and fasciae of the male perineum: coronal view. The section passes through the bulb of the penis at the level of the urethra. The deep perineal space is continuous with the ischio-anal fossa posteriorly. The visceral and parietal fasciae have been omitted for clarity. The pelvic fascia over the ‘pelvic’ aspect of the deep transverse perinei is very thin and does not form a distinct layer: in places it blends with the parietal pelvic fascia over the inferior aspect of levator ani. majority of the middle fibres encircle the bulb of the penis and adjacent VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE OF corpus spongiosum, and attach to an aponeurosis on the dorsal sur- THE PERINEUM faces. The anterior fibres spread out over the sides of the corpora cav- ernosa, ending partly in them, anterior to ischiocavernosus, and partly Arteries of the perineum in a tendinous expansion that covers the dorsal vessels of the penis. In the female, bulbospongiosus also attaches to the perineal body, but the Internal pudendal artery (in the perineum) muscle on each side is separate and covers the superficial parts of the The internal pudendal artery enters the perineum around the posterior vestibular bulbs and greater vestibular glands (see Fig. 73.13). Fibres aspect of the ischial spine and runs on the lateral wall of the ischio-anal run anteriorly on either side of the vagina to attach to the corpora fossa in the pudendal (Alcock’s) canal with the pudendal veins and the cavernosa clitoridis, and a few fibres cross over the dorsum of the body pudendal nerve. The canal lies about 4 cm above the lower limit of the of the clitoris. ischial tuberosity and is formed by connective tissue binding the vessels and nerve to the medial surface of the fascia covering obturator inter- Actions In the male, bulbospongiosus helps to empty the urethra of nus. As the artery approaches the margin of the ischial ramus, it pro- urine after the bladder has emptied. It may assist in the final stage of ceeds above or below the perineal membrane, along the medial margin erection as the middle fibres compress the erectile tissue of the bulb of the inferior pubic ramus, en route to its target structures. and the anterior fibres contribute by compressing the deep dorsal vein In the male, the internal pudendal artery distal to the perineal artery of the penis. It contracts six or seven times during ejaculation, assisting gives a branch to the bulb of the penis before it divides into the cavern- in the expulsion of semen. In the female, bulbospongiosus acts to ous (deep, cavernosal) and dorsal arteries of the penis (see Fig. 73.12). constrict the vaginal orifice and express the secretions of the greater Given its distribution, the internal pudendal artery distal to its perineal vestibular glands. Anterior fibres contribute to erection of the clitoris branch has been named the artery of the penis. The artery to the bulb by compressing its deep dorsal vein. supplies the corpus spongiosum, and the cavernous artery of the penis supplies the corpus cavernosum on each side. The dorsal artery runs ischiocavernosus on the dorsal aspect of the penis and supplies circumflex branches In the male, ischiocavernosus covers the crus penis. It is attached by to the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum that end by anasto- tendinous and muscular slips to the medial aspect of the ischial tuber- mosing in the coronal sulcus and supplying the glans penis and its osity posteriorly, and to the ischial ramus on both sides of the crus (see overlying skin. Fig. 73.12). These fibres end in an aponeurosis that is attached to the In the female, a similar branch of the pudendal artery is distributed sides and undersurface of the crus penis. In the female, ischiocavernosus to the erectile tissue of the corpus spongiosum and vagina. The cavern- is related to the crus of the clitoris but is otherwise similar to the cor- ous artery supplies the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris; the dorsal artery responding muscle in the male (Figs 73.15–73.16). supplies the glans and prepuce of the clitoris. Branches of the internal pudendal artery are sometimes derived from Actions Ischiocavernosus compresses the crus penis in males and may an accessory pudendal artery, which is usually a branch of the pudendal help to maintain penile erection. The muscles form a triangle on each artery before its exit from the pelvis; effectively, the artery is double side of the midline with bulbospongiosus medially and the superficial before it leaves the pelvis. transverse perineal muscles posteriorly, attached to the perineal mem- brane; when contracted, the two ischiocavernosi act together to stabilize Inferior rectal artery the erect penis. In the female, ischiocavernosus may help to promote The inferior rectal artery arises just after the internal pudendal artery increased pressure in the clitoris. enters the pudendal canal on the lateral wall of the ischio-anal fossa. It
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perineum 1235 37 reTpaHc Thick fascia over obturator internus Tendinous arch of levator ani Fascia over levator ani White line of pelvic fascia Ilium Bladder Obturator internus Obturator membrane Thin fascia over obturator internus Levator ani Urethra Thin endopelvic fascia Crus of clitoris Ischiopubic ramus Ischiocavernosus Deep perineal fascia Bulbospongiosus Deep transversus perineal muscle Bulb of vestibule Perineal membrane Superficial perineal fascia Skin of perineum and thigh Fig. 73.15 Muscles and fasciae of the female perineum – coronal view. The section passes through the bulb of the clitoris at the level of the urethra. The deep perineal space is continuous with the ischio-anal fossa posteriorly. The visceral and parietal fasciae have been omitted for clarity. The pelvic fascia over the ‘pelvic’ aspect of the deep transverse perinei is very thin and does not form a distinct layer: in places it blends with the parietal pelvic fascia over the inferior aspect of levator ani. Uterine Fig. 73.16 Muscles and fasciae of the female cavity perineum: coronal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image. (Courtesy of Dr J Lee and Ms K Wimpey, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Bladder London.) Acetabulum Obturator internus Deep perineal space Urethra Levator ani Deep transverse perineal muscle Ischiopubic ramus Crus of clitoris Superficial perineal fascia Ischiocavernosus Skin of perineum and thigh runs anteromedially through the adipose tissue of the ischio-anal fossa contralateral artery and with the posterior scrotal and inferior rectal to reach the deep portion of the external anal sphincter, and often arteries. It supplies the transverse perinei, the perineal body and the branches before reaching the sphincter. During dissections of the anal posterior attachment of the bulb of the penis. The posterior scrotal canal, particularly during perineal excisions of the anorectum, the infe- arteries are usually terminal branches of the perineal artery but may rior rectal vessels are encountered in the ischio-anal fossa and must be also arise from its transverse branch. They are distributed to the scrotal secured before division; otherwise, they tend to retract laterally to the skin and dartos muscle in the male and supply the perineal muscles. canal, where they can cause troublesome bleeding. In the female, the perineal artery runs an almost identical course to that in the male and gives off the posterior labial arteries (see Fig. 77.4). Perineal artery The perineal artery is a branch of the internal pudendal artery that arises Veins of the perineum: internal near the anterior end of the pudendal canal and runs through the peri- pudendal veins neal membrane. In the male, it approaches the scrotum in the superfi- cial perineal space, between bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus (see Fig. 76.24). A small transverse branch passes medially, inferior to the The internal pudendal veins are venae comitantes of the internal puden- superficial transverse perineal muscle, to anastomose with the dal artery and unite as a single vessel ending in the internal iliac vein.
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1236 8 noiTces The perineal tributaries receive veins from the penile bulb and the Perineal nerve scrotum (males), or clitoris and labia (females), and the inferior rectal veins join towards the posterior end of the pudendal canal. The perineal nerve is the inferior and larger terminal branch of the pudendal nerve in the pudendal canal. It runs forwards below the Lymphatic drainage of the perineum internal pudendal artery and accompanies the perineal artery, dividing into posterior scrotal or labial and muscular branches. The posterior The lymphatics from the skin of the penis and scrotum (male), or skin scrotal or labial nerves are usually double; they have medial and lateral of the clitoris and labia (female), drain together with lymphatics from branches that run over the perineal membrane and pass forwards in the the perineal skin to the superficial inguinal nodes and, from there, to lateral part of the urogenital triangle with the scrotal or labial branches the deep inguinal nodes. The glans, corpora cavernosa and corpus of the perineal artery. They supply the skin of the scrotum or labia spongiosum of the penis or clitoris drain directly to the deep inguinal majora, overlapping the distribution of the perineal branch of the pos- nodes (see Fig. 78.10). terior femoral cutaneous and inferior rectal nerves. In females, the posterior labial branches also supply sensory fibres to the skin of the lower vagina. INNERVATION OF THE PERINEUM: PUDENDAL Muscular branches arise directly from the pudendal nerve to supply NERVE (IN THE PERINEUM) the superficial transverse perineal muscles, bulbospongiosus, ischiocav- ernosus, sphincter urethrae and the anterior parts of the external anal The pudendal nerve gives rise to the inferior rectal and perineal nerves sphincter and levator ani. In males, a nerve to the bulb of the urethra and to the dorsal nerves of the penis or clitoris. The course of its leaves the nerve to the bulbospongiosus, pierces this muscle to supply branches parallels the pudendal vessels (see Figs 76.24, 77.4). The the corpus spongiosum penis, and ends in the urethral mucosa. pudendal nerve occupies a very constant position over the ischial spine and is readily found. It may be ‘blocked’ by infiltration with a local Dorsal nerve of the penis or clitoris anaesthetic applied via a needle passed through the lateral wall of the vagina to numb the perineal and anal skin. It may also be palpated over The dorsal nerve of the penis or clitoris runs anteriorly above the inter- the ischial spine through the lateral wall of the rectum and motor ter- nal pudendal artery along the ischiopubic ramus, deep to the perineal minal latencies may be measured. membrane. It supplies the corpus cavernosum and accompanies the dorsal artery of the penis or clitoris between the layers of the suspensory Inferior rectal nerve ligament. In males, the dorsal nerve of the penis runs on the dorsum of the penis to end in the glans. The inferior rectal nerve runs through the medial wall of the pudendal canal with the inferior rectal vessels. It crosses the ischio-anal fossa to supply the external anal sphincter, the lining of the lower part of Bonus e-book images the anal canal and the circumanal skin. It frequently breaks into termi- nal branches before reaching the lateral border of the sphincter. Its cutaneous branches that are distributed around the anus overlap the cutaneous branches of the perineal branch of the posterior femoral Fig. 73.7 The relationship between anteroposterior diameters of the right common, internal and external iliac arteries and body surface cutaneous nerve and of the scrotal or labial nerves. The inferior rectal area (BSA) in boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 16 years. nerve occasionally arises directly from the sacral plexus and crosses the sacrospinous ligament or reconnects with the pudendal nerve. In females, the inferior rectal nerve may supply sensory branches to the lower part of the vagina. KEY REFERENCES Dalley AF 1987 The riddle of the sphincters. Am Surg 53:298. This study, along with its companion article concerning the male urethral A review of the anatomy of the external anal sphincter that brings clarity to sphincter anatomy, dispelled the longstanding errors surrounding a the discussion of controversial and competing concepts. ‘urogenital diaphragm’ and corrected the anatomy of the urethral sphincter. Huisman AB 1983 Aspects on the anatomy of the female urethra with Reiffenstuhl G 1982 The clinical significance of the connective tissue planes special relation to urinary continence. Contrib Gynecol Obstet 10:1. and spaces. Clin Obstet Gynecol 25:811. A detailed and comprehensive account of the anatomy of the urethra based The complex 3-dimensional network of the pelvic connective tissues has been on histological examination. confusing to many; this clearly illustrated article shows the different elements of the pelvic fasciae. Klink EW 1953 Perineal nerve block: an anatomic and clinical study in the female. Obstet Gynecol 1:137. Ricci JV, Lisa JR, Thom CH, et al 1947 The relationship of the vagina to Lawson JO 1974a Pelvic anatomy. I. Pelvic floor muscles. Ann R Coll Surg adjacent organs in reconstructive surgery. Am J Surg 74:387. Engl 54:244. A great deal has been written about the ‘fascia’ of the female pelvis as it An objective evaluation of the anatomy of levator ani based on serial relates to the problem of pelvic organ prolapse. Ricci’s approach, using histological sections. whole-pelvic cross-sectional anatomy, brings clarity to this discussion. Nesselrod JP 1936 An anatomic restudy of the pelvic lymphatics. Ann Surg Roberts WH, Krishingner GL 1967 Comparative study of human internal 104:905. iliac artery based on Adachi classification. Anat Rec 158:191. An account of the importance of the pelvic lymphatic system in tumour A description of the considerable variation in the anatomy of the internal spread and treatment that provides an accurate description of its component iliac artery. parts. Tobin CE, Benjamin JA 1949 Anatomic and clinical re-evaluation of Oelrich TM 1980 The urethral sphincter muscle in the male. Am J Anat Camper’s, Scarpa’s and Colles’ fasciae. Surg Gynecol Obstet 88:545. 158:229–46. A description of the anatomy of Camper’s, Scarpa’s and Colles’ fasciae that See comments for Oelrich 1983. clarifies understanding of these structures, which are often poorly described or incorrectly illustrated. Oelrich TM 1983 The striated urogenital sphincter muscle in the female. Anat Rec 205:223.
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True pelvis, pelvic floor and perineum 1236.e1 37 reTpaHc REFERENCES Campbell RM 1950 The anatomy and histology of the sacrouterine liga- Oelrich TM 1980 The urethral sphincter muscle in the male. Am J Anat ments. Am J Obstet Gynecol 59:1. 158:229–46. Dalley AF 1987 The riddle of the sphincters. Am Surg 53:298. See comments for Oelrich 1983. A review of the anatomy of the external anal sphincter that brings clarity to Oelrich TM 1983 The striated urogenital sphincter muscle in the female. the discussion of controversial and competing concepts. Anat Rec 205:223. DeLancey JO 1992 Anatomic aspects of vaginal eversion after hysterectomy. This study, along with its companion article concerning the male urethral Am J Obstet Gynecol 166:1717. sphincter anatomy, dispelled the longstanding errors surrounding a ‘urogenital diaphragm’ and corrected the anatomy of the urethral sphincter. DeLancey JO 1994 Structural support of the urethra as it relates to stress urinary incontinence: the hammock hypothesis. Am J Obstet Gynecol Oh C, Kark AE 1972 Anatomy of the external anal sphincter. Br J Surg 170:1713–23. 59:717. DeLancey JO, Trowbridge ER, Miller JM et al 2008 Stress urinary inconti- Oh C, Kark AE 1973 Anatomy of the perineal body. Dis Colon Rectum nence: relative importance of urethral support and urethral closure 16:444. pressure. J Urol 179:2286–90. Range RL,Woodburne RT 1964 The gross and microscopic anatomy of the de la Portilla F, López-Alonso M 2009 Endosonography of the anal canal: transverse cervical ligaments. Am J Obstet Gynecol 90:460. findings in children. Dis Colon Rectum 52:711–4. Rehman Y, Stensrud KJ, Morkrid L et al 2011 Endosonographic evaluation Dogan R, Dogan OF, Oc M et al 2003 A rare vascular malformation, Klippel- of anal sphincters in healthy children. J Pediatr Surg 46:1587–92. Trenaunay syndrome. Report of a case with deep vein agenesis and Reiffenstuhl G 1982 The clinical significance of the connective tissue planes review of the literature. J Cardiovasc Surg 44:95–100. and spaces. Clin Obstet Gynecol 25:811. Doyle JF 1970 The perforating veins of the gluteus maximus. Ir J Med Sci The complex 3-dimensional network of the pelvic connective tissues has been 3:285–8. confusing to many; this clearly illustrated article shows the different Emans JB, Ciarlo M, Callahan M et al 2005 Prediction of thoracic dimen- elements of the pelvic fasciae. sions and spine length based on individual pelvic dimensions in chil- Ricci JV, Lisa JR, Thom CH, et al 1947 The relationship of the vagina to dren and adolescents: an age-independent, individualized standard for adjacent organs in reconstructive surgery. Am J Surg 74:387. evaluation of outcome in early onset spinal deformity. Spine 30: A great deal has been written about the ‘fascia’ of the female pelvis as it 2824–9. relates to the problem of pelvic organ prolapse. Ricci’s approach, using Gupta NP, Kumar M, Karan SC et al 1999 Lower ureteral obstruction due to whole-pelvic cross-sectional anatomy, brings clarity to this discussion. a persistent umbilical artery. Urol Int 63:249–51. Roberts WH, Krishingner GL 1967 Comparative study of human internal Huisman AB 1983 Aspects on the anatomy of the female urethra iliac artery based on Adachi classification. Anat Rec 158:191. with special relation to urinary continence. Contrib Gynecol Obstet A description of the considerable variation in the anatomy of the internal 10:1. iliac artery. A detailed and comprehensive account of the anatomy of the urethra based on histological examination. Roberts WH, Habenicht J, Krishingner G 1964 The pelvic and perineal fasciae and their neural and vascular relationships. Anat Rec 149:707. Kakizaki H, Moriya K, Ameda K et al 2003 Diameter of the external urethral Roberts WH, Harrison CW, Mitchell DA et al 1988 The levator ani muscle sphincter as a predictor of detrusor-sphincter incoordination in chil- and the nerve supply of its puborectalis component. Clin Anat 1:256. dren: comparative study of voiding cystourethrography. J Urol 169: 655–8. Sato K 1980 Amorphological analysis of the nerve supply of the sphincter ani externus, levator ani and coccygeus. Acta Anat Nippon 44:187. Klink EW 1953 Perineal nerve block: an anatomic and clinical study in the female. Obstet Gynecol 1:137. Stein TA, DeLancey JO 2008 Structure of the perineal membrane in females: gross and microscopic anatomy. Obstet Gynecol 111:686–93. Lawson JO 1974a Pelvic anatomy. I. Pelvic floor muscles. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 54:244. Tobin CE, Benjamin JA 1949 Anatomic and clinical re-evaluation of An objective evaluation of the anatomy of levator ani based on serial Camper’s, Scarpa’s and Colles’ fasciae. Surg Gynecol Obstet 88:545. histological sections. A description of the anatomy of Camper’s, Scarpa’s and Colles’ fasciae that clarifies understanding of these structures, which are often poorly described Lawson JO 1974b Pelvic anatomy. II. Anal canal and associated sphincters. or incorrectly illustrated. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 54:288. Wendell-Smith CP, Wilson PM 1991 The vulva, vagina and urethra and the Munk A, Darge K, Wiesel M et al 2002 Diameter of the infrarenal aorta and musculature of the pelvic floor. In: Philipp E, Setchell M, Ginsburg J the iliac arteries in children: ultrasound measurements. Transplantation (eds) Scientific Foundations of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Oxford: 73:631–5. Butterworth–Heinemann, pp. 84–100. Nesselrod JP 1936 An anatomic restudy of the pelvic lymphatics. Ann Surg 104:905. An account of the importance of the pelvic lymphatic system in tumour spread and treatment that provides an accurate description of its component parts.
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CHAPTER 74 Kidney and ureter and narrower than the right and lies nearer the median plane (Fig. KIDNEY 74.1). The long axis of each kidney is directed inferolaterally and the transverse axis posteromedially, which means that the anterior and The kidneys excrete end-products of metabolism and excess water. posterior aspects usually described are, in fact, anterolateral and pos- These actions are essential for the control of concentrations of various teromedial. An appreciation of this orientation is important in percu- substances in the body, maintaining electrolyte and water balance taneous and endo-urological renal surgery. approximately constant in the tissue fluids. The kidneys also have In adults, each kidney is typically 11 cm in length, 6 cm in breadth endocrine functions, producing and releasing erythropoietin, which and 3 cm in anteroposterior dimension. The left kidney may be 1.5 cm affects red blood cell formation; renin, which influences blood pres- longer than the right; it is rare for the right kidney to be more than sure; 1,25-di-hydroxycholecalciferol (the metabolically active form of 1 cm longer than the left. The average weight is 150 g in men and 135 g vitamin D), which is involved in the control of calcium absorption and in women. In thin individuals with a lax abdominal wall, the lower mineral metabolism; and various other soluble factors with metabolic pole of the lower right kidney may just be felt in full inspiration by actions. bimanual lumbar examination, but this is unusual. In the fetus and the In the fresh state, the kidneys are reddish-brown. They are situated newborn, the kidney normally has 12 lobules; in the adult, these posteriorly behind the peritoneum, on each side of the vertebral lobules are fused to present a smooth surface, although traces of lobula- column, and are surrounded by adipose tissue. Superiorly, they are level tion may remain and can mimic a renal mass on radiographic imaging. with the upper border of the twelfth thoracic vertebra, and inferiorly, with the third lumbar vertebra. The right is usually slightly inferior to Absent and ectopic kidneys A single absent kidney, resulting the left, reflecting its relationship to the liver. The left is a little longer from the failure of the metanephric blastema to join a ureteric bud on Stomach, cardia Coeliac trunk Hepatic artery proper Hepatic portal vein Left suprarenal gland Suprarenal gland Splenic artery and vein Bile duct Inferior mesenteric vein Superior mesenteric artery and vein Duodenum, descending part Head of pancreas, Left kidney uncinate process Ureter Abdominal aorta Left colic artery Inferior vena cava Testicular artery and vein Inferior mesenteric artery and vein Common iliac artery Superior rectal artery and vein Sigmoid arteries and veins Femoral nerve Sigmoid colon External iliac artery and vein Urinary bladder Inferior epigastric artery and vein Fig. 74.1 Relationships of the kidneys and ureters in the male retroperitoneum. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) 1237
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Kidney and ureter 1238 8 nOitCeS the affected side, is seen in 1 in 1200 individuals. There are no clinical cal development. The ureters curve anterior to the isthmus and often sequelae, but the ipsilateral vas (ductus) deferens and/or epididymis have a high insertion into the renal pelvis (Fig. 74.3). may also be absent and there may be other congenital anomalies, The blood supply to horseshoe kidneys is variable. One vessel to including imperforate anus, cardiac valvular anomalies and oesopha- each moiety is seen in 30% of horseshoe kidneys but multiple anoma- geal atresia. A single kidney often shows compensatory hypertrophy lous vessels are common; the isthmus may be supplied by a vessel but, provided the single kidney is anatomically and functionally directly from the aorta or from branches of the inferior mesenteric, normal, the life expectancy of individuals with a single kidney is no common iliac or external iliac arteries. In view of this variable arterial different from that of those with two kidneys. anatomy, angiography or computed tomography (CT) scanning with Failure of the kidney to ascend into the renal fossa in utero results vascular reconstruction is very helpful when planning renal surgery on in renal ectopia. An ectopic kidney is found in the pelvis in 1 in 2500 horseshoe kidneys. Horseshoe kidneys may exhibit an associated con- live births. Kidneys so placed often have associated malrotation anoma- genital ureteropelvic junction obstruction in up to 30% of cases and lies and may have marked fetal lobulation. Pelvic kidneys frequently have a chromosomal anomaly in 56% of cases (Scott 2002). Anoma- become hydronephrotic as a result of an anteriorly placed ureter and lous vessels crossing the ureter, and the abnormal course of the ureter an anomalous arterial supply; an associated ureteropelvic junction as it passes over renal substance, may also cause obstruction. obstruction is often present. Very rarely, and despite the normal location of the ureteric orifices within the bladder, the two kidneys may be on the same side (crossed PERIRENAL FASCIA renal ectopia) and are usually fused (crossed-fused ectopia). A solitary crossed renal ectopia may be associated with skeletal and other geni- The perirenal fascia, sometimes referred to as Gerota’s fascia (p. 1084), tourinary anomalies. A number of different anatomical patterns can is a dense, elastic connective tissue sheath that envelops each kidney result, all of which are extremely rare (Fig. 74.2). and suprarenal gland, together with a layer of surrounding perirenal fat (Fig. 74.4; see Fig. 62.2). The kidney and its vessels are embedded in Horseshoe kidney Horseshoe kidneys are found in 1 in 400 indi- perirenal fat, which is thickest at the renal borders and extends into the viduals. A transverse bridge of renal tissue, the isthmus, often contain- renal sinus at the hilum. ing functioning renal substance, connects the two renal masses. The The perirenal fascia was originally described as being made up of isthmus lies between the inferior poles, most commonly anterior to the two separate entities, the posterior fascia of Zuckerkandl and the ante- great vessels; it is often inferior to the inferior mesenteric artery because rior fascia of Gerota, which fused laterally to form the lateroconal fascia this vessel obstructs the normal ascent of the kidney during embryologi- (Burkhill and Healy 2000). According to this view, the lateroconal fascia A B C Unilateral fused kidney Unilateral fused kidney Sigmoid or S-shaped kidney (inferior ectopia) (superior ectopia) D E F Lump kidney L-shaped kidney Disc kidney Fig. 74.2 Crossed renal ectopia: the possible arrangements of crossed ectopic kidneys.
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Kidney 1239 47 retPaHC A A Renal veins; renal artery Eleventh rib Twelfth rib Liver Posterior lamina Anterior lamina of renal fascia of renal (Gerota’s) fascia Peritoneum Vessel of renal hilum Right colic Right ureter Left ureter flexure B Rectus abdominis External oblique Internal oblique Transversus abdominis Fascia transversalis B Peritoneum Colon Anterior lamina of renal fascia Kidney Perirenal fat Quadratus lumborum Psoas major Erector spinae Fig. 74.4 A, A sagittal section through the posterior abdominal wall, showing the relations of the renal fascia of the right kidney. B, A transverse section, showing the relations of the renal fascia. which, at a variable point, divides into a thin anterior lamina, passing C anterior to the kidney as the anterior perirenal fascia, and a thicker posterior lamina that continues anterolaterally as the lateroconal fascia Fig. 74.3 A, A horseshoe kidney. Note the ureters pass anterior to the and fuses with the parietal peritoneum. isthmus, and the relatively high insertion of the ureters into the renal Classically, the anterior perirenal fascia was thought to blend into pelvis. B, Axial contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) image. the dense mass of connective tissue surrounding the great vessels in the C, Coronal maximal intensity projection (MIP) image of the abdomen. root of the mesentery behind the duodenum and pancreas, thereby B and C demonstrate midline connection of the parenchyma of the two preventing communication between perirenal spaces across the midline. kidneys below the inferior mesenteric artery (B, arrow), in a horseshoe However inspection of CT images or of anatomical sections of cadavers, configuration, in keeping with a horseshoe kidney. (A, With permission following injection of contrast or coloured latex, respectively, into the from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, perirenal space, revealed that fluid could extend across the midline at 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) the third to fifth lumbar levels through a narrow channel measuring 2–10 mm in anteroposterior dimension. In the midline superiorly, the anterior and posterior renal fasciae fuse and are attached to the crura continued anterolaterally behind the colon to blend with the parietal of their respective hemidiaphragms. Inferiorly, the fasciae separate for peritoneum. However, work by Mitchell (1950) showed that the peri- a variable craniocaudal distance. The posterior perirenal fascia fuses renal fascia is not made up of distinct fused fasciae but is, in fact, a with the muscular fascia of psoas major, while the anterior perirenal single multilaminated structure that is fused posteromedially with the fascia extends across the midline anterior to the great vessels; commu- muscular fasciae of psoas major and quadratus lumborum. It then nication between the two sides is permitted, although is very rarely of extends anterolaterally behind the kidney as a bilaminated sheet, clinical significance. Below this level, the two fasciae once again merge
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Kidney and ureter 1240 8 nOitCeS and are attached to the great vessels or iliac vessels. The containment A of fluid to one side of the perirenal space that is observed in over two- thirds of clinical cases is attributed to the presence of fibrous septa. Superior Perinephric fat Above the suprarenal glands, the anterior and posterior perirenal suprarenal arteries Fibrous capsule fasciae were previously said to fuse with each other and to the diaphragm- atic fascia. This description of a closed superior cone is not universally Middle accepted. Cadaveric experiments have shown the superior aspect of the suprarenal perirenal space to be open and in continuity with the bare area of the arteries liver on the right and the subphrenic extraperitoneal space on the left. The posterior fascial layer blends bilaterally with the fascia of psoas Suprarenal gland major and quadratus lumborum, as well as the inferior phrenic fascia. Suprarenal vein The anterior fascial layer on the right blends with the right inferior Inferior suprarenal coronary ligament at the level of the upper pole of the kidney and bare artery area of the liver. On the left, the anterior layer fuses with the gastro- splenic ligament at the level of the suprarenal gland. Renal artery, There is some debate concerning the inferior fusion of the perirenal posterior branch fascia. Many investigators believe that, inferiorly, the anterior and pos- terior leaves of the perirenal fascial fuse to produce an inverted cone Renal vein that is open to the pelvis at its apex. Laterally, the anterior and posterior Hilum of kidney Renal leaves fuse with the iliac fascia; medially, they fuse with the periureteric Renal artery, pelvis connective tissue. The inferior apex of the cone is open anatomically anterior branch towards the iliac fossa but rapidly becomes sealed in inflammatory Left testicular/ovarian disease. An alternative view is based on the dissection of recently vein deceased cadavers after injections of coloured latex into the perirenal Ureter space, which have shown that the anterior and posterior perirenal fasciae merge to form a single multilaminar fascia that contains the ureter in the iliac fossa. Anteriorly, this common fascia is loosely con- nected to the parietal peritoneum, and so denies free communication between the perirenal space and the pelvis, and between the perirenal and pararenal spaces. A simple nephrectomy for benign disease removes the kidney from B within perirenal fascia; a radical nephrectomy (for cancer) classically Superior suprarenal arteries removes the entire contents of the perirenal space, including the peri- renal fascia and suprarenal gland, in order to give adequate clearance around the tumour. Superior border Suprarenal gland RELATIONS Suprarenal gland, hilum Middle suprarenal The superior poles of both kidneys are thick and round, and related to Perinephric fat arteries their respective suprarenal glands (Fig. 74.5). The inferior poles are Suprarenal veins Fibrous capsule thinner and extend to within 2.5 cm of the iliac crests. The lateral borders are convex. The medial borders are convex adjacent to the poles Medial border and concave between them, and slope inferolaterally. In each, a deep vertical fissure opens anteromedially as the hilum, which is bounded by anterior and posterior lips and contains the renal vessels and nerves, and the renal pelvis. The relative positions of the main hilar structures are the renal vein (anterior), the renal artery (intermediate) and the Inferior suprarenal artery pelvis of the kidney (posterior) (Fig. 74.6). Usually, an arterial branch from the main renal artery runs over the superior margin of the renal pelvis to enter the hilum on the posterior aspect of the pelvis, and a Renal artery renal venous tributary often leaves the hilum in the same plane. Above the hilum, the medial border is related to the suprarenal gland and below to the origin of the ureter. Renal vein The convex anterior surface of the kidney actually faces anterolater- Hilum of kidney ally and its relations differ on the right and left. Likewise, the posterior surface of the kidneys, in reality, faces posteromedially. Its relations are Ureter similar on both sides of the body (Fig. 74.7). A small area of the superior pole of the right kidney is in contact with the right suprarenal gland, which may overlap the upper part of the medial border of the superior pole (Fig. 74.8). A large area below this is immediately related to the right lobe of the liver, separated by a layer of peritoneum. A narrow medial area is directly related to the retroperito- neal descending part of the duodenum. Inferiorly, the anterior surface is directly in contact laterally with the retroperitoneal right colic flexure and medially with part of the intraperitoneal small intestine. A small medial area of the superior pole of the left kidney is related Fig. 74.5 A, The posterior aspect of the left kidney and suprarenal gland. to the left suprarenal gland (see Fig. 74.8). The lateral half of the ante- B, The posterior aspect of the right kidney and suprarenal gland. Note rior surface is related to the spleen, from which it is separated by a layer that the left suprarenal vein enters the left renal vein. This is an important of peritoneum. A central quadrilateral area lies in direct contact with relationship to identify when performing a left nephrectomy. (With the retroperitoneal pancreas and the splenic vessels. Above this, a small, permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human variable, triangular region, between the suprarenal and splenic areas, is Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) in contact with the stomach, separated by a layer of peritoneum. Below the pancreatic and splenic areas, a narrow lateral strip that extends to of the greater sac. Behind the peritoneum covering the jejunal area, the lateral border of the kidney is directly related to the retroperitoneal branches of the left colic vessels are related to the kidney. left colic flexure and the beginning of the descending colon. An exten- The posteromedial surface of the kidneys is embedded in fat and sive medial area is related to intraperitoneal loops of jejunum. The devoid of peritoneum. The right and left kidneys are related to similar gastric area is covered with the peritoneum of the lesser sac (omental structures. Superiorly are the diaphragm and the medial and lateral bursa), and the splenic and jejunal areas are covered by the peritoneum arcuate ligaments. More inferiorly, moving in a medial to lateral
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Kidney 1241 47 retPaHC direction, are psoas major, quadratus lumborum and the aponeurotic INTERNAL MACROSTRUCTURE tendon of transversus abdominis, the subcostal vessels, and the subcos- tal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves. The upper pole of the right The postnatal kidney has a thin fibrous capsule composed of collagen- kidney is level with the twelfth rib, and that of the left with the eleventh rich connective tissue with some elastic and smooth muscle fibres. In and twelfth ribs. The diaphragm separates the kidney from the pleura, renal disease, the capsule may become adherent. which descends to form the costodiaphragmatic recess; diaphragmatic The kidney itself can be divided into an internal medulla and muscle is sometimes defective or absent in a triangle immediately above external cortex (Fig. 74.9). The renal medulla consists of pale, striated, the lateral arcuate ligament, and this allows perirenal adipose tissue to conical renal pyramids; their bases are peripheral, and their apices contact the diaphragmatic pleura. converge to the renal sinus. At the renal sinus, they project into calyces as papillae. The renal cortex (see Fig. 74.14) is subcapsular, arching over the bases of the pyramids and extending between them towards the renal sinus as renal columns. Its peripheral regions are termed cortical arches and are traversed by radial, lighter-coloured, medullary rays, separated by darker tissue, the convoluted part. The rays taper towards the renal capsule and are peripheral prolongations from the bases of renal pyra- mids. The cortex is histologically divisible into outer and inner zones. The inner zone is demarcated from the medulla by tangential blood RA vessels (arcuate arteries and veins), which lie at the junction of the two; however, a thin layer of cortical tissue (subcortex) appears on the med- ullary side of this zone. The cortex close to the medulla is sometimes RV termed the juxtamedullar cortex. Renal pelvis and calyces Fig. 74.6 An intraoperative view of the dissected renal hilum. The kidney The hilum of the kidney leads into a central renal sinus, lined by the is seen enveloped by Gerota’s fascia in the superior aspect of the renal capsule and almost filled by the renal pelvis and vessels; the operative field. The renal artery (RA) is noted in its posterior location remaining space is filled by fat. Dissection into this plane can be chal- adjacent to the larger renal vein (RV). lenging but is important in surgery on the renal pelvis, particularly open Gallbladder Superior mesenteric vein Superior mesenteric artery Spleen Stomach Pancreas C Duodenum Left kidney A Liver Gallbladder Liver Head of pancreas Left renal vein Left kidney Spleen Liver Right kidney Right suprarenal gland Left suprarenal gland Spleen B D Left psoas major Left kidney Right hepatic flexure Duodenum Right kidney Fig. 74.7 Multislice CT scans of the kidneys. A, An axial CT scan of the kidneys showing the anatomical relationships of the kidneys at the renal hilum. B, A coronal reformat showing both kidneys and the suprarenal glands. C, A sagittal reformat of the left kidney lying posterior to the stomach, spleen and pancreas. D, A sagittal reformat of the right kidney lying posterior to the right lobe of the liver, hepatic flexure and duodenum.
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Kidney and ureter 1242 8 nOitCeS Right Left Stomach B Left Right A Right suprarenal gland Left suprarenal gland Spleen Pancreas Eleventh rib Liver Left colic flexure Descending part Descending of duodenum colon Right colic flexure Jejunum Twelfth rib Psoas major Small intestine Quadratus lumborum Transversus abdominis Fig. 74.8 The surfaces of the kidneys. A, Anterior, showing the areas related to neighbouring viscera. The areas where overlying viscera are separated from the kidney by peritoneum are shown. B, Posterior, showing the areas of relation to the posterior abdominal wall. (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A, Tibbitts R, Richardson P (eds), Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2008.) A B Renal cortex Renal column Renal medulla, Branch of renal artery renal pyramids Fibrous capsule Major calyces Interlobar arteries Renal artery Pelvis of kidney Minor calyces Cribriform area, openings of papillary ducts Renal vein Margin of hilum Renal sinus, fat body Pyramid in renal medulla Renal sinus Renal pelvis Ureter Ureter Base of pyramid Arcuate artery Renal papilla Fig. 74.9 The left kidney, oblique vertical hemisection: normal macroscopic appearance of the renal cortex and renal medulla, and the major structures at the hilum of the kidney. A, The fat body of the renal sinus and most of the major vessels at the hilum have been removed, and the renal pelvis has not been opened. B, The renal pelvis has been opened to reveal the interlobar arteries. (B, With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) stone surgery. Within the renal sinus, the collecting tubules of the extrarenal. The funnel-shaped renal pelvis tapers as it passes infero- nephrons of the kidney open on to the summits of the renal papillae medially, traversing the renal hilum to become continuous with the to drain into minor calyces, which are funnel-shaped expansions of the ureter (see Figs 74.9–74.10). It is rarely possible to determine precisely upper urinary tract. The renal capsule covers the external surface of the where the renal pelvis ceases and the ureter begins; the region is usually kidney and continues through the hilum to line the sinus and fuse with extrahilar and normally lies adjacent to the lower part of the medial the adventitial coverings of the minor calyces. Each minor calyx sur- border of the kidney. Rarely, the entire renal pelvis has been found to rounds either a single papilla or, more rarely, groups of two or three lie inside the sinus of the kidney so that the pelviureteric region occurs papillae. The minor calyces unite with their neighbours to form two, or either in the vicinity of the renal hilum or completely within the renal possibly three, larger chambers: the major calyces. There is wide varia- sinus. tion in the arrangement of the calyces. As the posterior aspect of the The calyces, renal pelvis and ureter are well demonstrated radiologi- kidney rotates laterally during its ascent in utero, the calyces that were cally following an intravenous injection of radio-opaque contrast that lateral in utero become positioned anteriorly, and the medial calyces is excreted in the urine (computed tomographic urography, CTU) (Fig. move more posteriorly. The calyces drain into the infundibula. The 74.10), or after the introduction of radio-opaque contrast into the renal pelvis is normally formed from the junction of two infundibula ureter by catheterization through a cystoscope (ascending or retrograde – one from the upper and one from the lower pole calyces – but there pyelography). Normal cupping of the minor calyces by projecting renal may be a third, which drains the calyces in the mid portion of the papillae may be obliterated by conditions that cause hydronephrosis: kidney. The calyces are usually grouped so that three pairs drain into chronic distension of the ureter and renal pelvis due to upper or lower the upper pole infundibulum and four pairs into the lower pole urinary tract obstruction, resulting in elevated intrapelvic pressure. An infundibulum. If there is a middle infundibulum, the distribution is appreciation of the rotation of the kidneys, which results in the poste- normally three pairs at the upper pole, two in the middle, and two at rior calyces lying relatively medially and the anterior calyces lying later- the lower pole. There is considerable variation in the arrangement of ally, is essential when interpreting contrast imaging of the collecting the infundibula and in the extent to which the pelvis is intrarenal or system of the kidneys.
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Kidney 1243 47 retPaHC Pelvis of kidney Fig. 74.10 A 39-year- (Schneider et al 2013). Rarely, accessory renal arteries arise from the old man with a history coeliac or superior mesenteric arteries near the aortic bifurcation, or of intrinsic sphincter from the common iliac arteries. deficiency: coronal The subdivisions of the renal arteries are described sequentially as CT urogram. A, A segmental, lobar, interlobar, arcuate and interlobular arteries, and affer- maximum-intensity ent and efferent glomerular arterioles (Fig. 74.14). projection (MIP). B, A volume-rendered Segmental arteries image. Both images Renal vascular segmentation was originally recognized by John Hunter demonstrate collecting in 1794, but the first detailed account of the primary pattern was pro- systems, ureters and duced in the 1950s from casts and radiographs of injected kidneys. Five bladder that appear arterial segments have been identified (Fig. 74.15). The apical segment normal. occupies the anteromedial region of the superior pole. The superior (anterior) segment includes the rest of the superior pole and the central anterosuperior region. The inferior segment encompasses the whole lower pole. The middle (anterior) segment lies between the anterior and inferior segments. The posterior segment includes the whole posterior A region between the apical and inferior segments. This is the pattern most commonly seen, and although there can be considerable varia- Bladder ureter tion, it is the pattern that clinicians most frequently encounter when performing partial nephrectomy. Whatever pattern is present, it is important to emphasize that vascular segments are supplied by virtual end arteries. In contrast, larger intrarenal veins have no segmental organization and anastomose freely. Brödel described a relatively avascular longitudinal zone (the ‘blood- less’ line of Brödel) along the convex renal border, which was proposed as the most suitable site for surgical incision (Brödel 1911). However, many vessels cross this zone, and it is far from ‘bloodless’; planned radial or intersegmental incisions are preferable. Knowledge of the vascular anatomy of the kidney is important when undertaking partial nephrectomy for renal cell cancers. In this surgery, the branches of the renal artery are defined so that the surgeon may safely excise the renal substance containing the tumour while not compromising the vascular supply to the remaining renal tissue (Novick 1998). Lobar, interlobar, arcuate and interlobular arteries The initial branches of segmental arteries are lobar, usually one to each renal pyramid. Before reaching the pyramid, they subdivide into two or three interlobar arteries, extending towards the cortex around each pyramid. At the junction of the cortex and medulla, interlobar arteries dichotomize into arcuate arteries, which diverge at right angles. As they B arch between cortex and medulla, each divides further, ultimately sup- plying interlobular arteries that diverge radially into the cortex. The ter- minations of adjacent arcuate arteries do not anastomose but end in the cortex as additional interlobular arteries. Though most interlobular arter- VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE ies come from arcuate branches, some arise directly from arcuate, or even terminal, interlobar arteries (see Fig. 74.14). Interlobular arteries ascend Renal arteries towards the superficial cortex or may branch occasionally en route. Some are more tortuous and recurve towards the medulla at least once before The paired renal arteries take about 20% of the cardiac output to supply proceeding towards the renal surface. Others traverse the surface as per- organs that represent less than 1% of total body weight. They branch forating arteries to anastomose with the capsular plexus (which is also laterally from the aorta just below the origin of the superior mesenteric supplied from the inferior suprarenal, renal and gonadal arteries). artery (see Fig. 59.6; Fig. 74.11A). Both cross the corresponding crus of the diaphragm at right angles to the aorta. The right renal artery is afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles longer and often higher, passing posterior to the inferior vena cava, right Afferent glomerular arterioles are mainly the lateral rami of interlobular renal vein, head of the pancreas, and descending part of the duodenum. arteries. A few arise from arcuate and interlobar arteries, when they vary The left renal artery is a little lower and passes behind the left renal their direction and angle of origin: deeper ones incline obliquely back vein, the body of the pancreas, and splenic vein. It may be crossed towards the medulla, the intermediate pass horizontally, and the more anteriorly by the inferior mesenteric vein. superficial approach the renal surface obliquely before ending in a A single renal artery to each kidney is present in approximately 70% glomerulus (see Fig. 74.14). Efferent glomerular arterioles from most of individuals (Fig. 74.12). The arteries vary in their level of origin and glomeruli (except at juxtamedullary and, sometimes, at intermediate in their calibre, obliquity and precise relations (Fig. 74.11B). In its cortical levels) soon divide to form a dense peritubular capillary plexus extrarenal course, each renal artery gives off one or more inferior supra- around the proximal and distal convoluted tubules; there are, thus, two renal arteries, a branch to the ureter, and branches that supply peri- sets of capillaries – glomerular and peritubular – in series in the main nephric tissue, the renal capsule and the pelvis. Near the renal hilum, renal cortical circulation, linked by efferent glomerular arterioles. The each artery divides into an anterior and a posterior division, and these vascular supply of the renal medulla is largely from efferent arterioles divide into segmental arteries supplying the renal vascular segments of juxtamedullary glomeruli, supplemented by some from more super- (Fig. 74.11C). Accessory renal arteries are common (30% of individu- ficial glomeruli, and ‘aglomerular’ arterioles (probably from degener- als), and usually arise from the aorta above or below (most commonly, ated glomeruli). Efferent glomerular arterioles passing into the medulla below) the main renal artery and follow it to the renal hilum (Merklin are relatively long, wide vessels, and contribute side branches to neigh- and Michels 1958). They are regarded as persistent embryonic lateral bouring capillary plexuses before entering the medulla, where each splanchnic arteries. Accessory vessels to the inferior pole cross anterior divides into 12–25 descending vasa recta. As their name suggests, these to the ureter and may, by obstructing the ureter, cause hydronephrosis run straight to varying depths in the renal medulla, contributing side (Fig. 74.13). In children with pelviureteric junction obstruction, a branches to a radially elongated capillary plexus applied to the descend- crossing vessel is found in 28% of cases (Veyrac et al 2003). Three ing and ascending limbs of renal loops and to collecting ducts. The anatomical variants of aberrant lower pole crossing vessels have been venous ends of capillaries converge to the ascending vasa recta, which described: anterior to the dilated pelvis or pelviureteric junction, or drain into arcuate or interlobular veins. An essential feature of the vasa inferior to the pelviureteric junction, causing kinking of the ureter recta (particularly in the outer medulla) is that both ascending and
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Kidney and ureter 1243.e1 47 retPaHC A B Fig. 74.13 Marked dilation of the right renal pelvis (*) and calyces, and non-dilation of the right ureter (without an associated lesion) due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Note a crossing inferior right renal vein (arrow) at the level of the obstruction. A, A coronal maximum-intensity projection of the abdomen. B, An axial contrast-enhanced CT image of the abdomen.
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Kidney and ureter 1244 8 nOitCeS B Abdominal aorta Superior mesenteric artery Renal artery Right renal artery Aorta Left renal artery Superior renal polar artery 13% 10% Superior renal Inferior renal polar artery polar artery A 7% 5% 1 2 Fig. 74.11 A, An axial multislice CT renal angiogram. B, Variations in the number and patterns of branching of the renal artery (percentages are approximate). C, An intraoperative angiogram of the left kidney, demonstrating the main renal artery (1), segmental renal arteries (2) and their subsequent branches. (B, With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), C Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) descending vessels are grouped into vascular bundles, within which the Arcuate veins drain into interlobar veins, which anastomose and form external aspects of both types are closely apposed, bringing them close the renal vein. to the limbs of renal loops and collecting ducts. As these bundles con- The large renal veins lie anterior to the renal arteries and open into verge centrally into the renal medulla, they contain fewer vessels; some the inferior vena cava almost at right angles (see Fig. 59.7; Fig. 74.17). terminate at successive levels in neighbouring capillary plexuses. This The left is three times longer than the right (7.5 cm and 2.5 cm, respec- proximity of descending and ascending vessels to each other and to tively), and for this reason, the left kidney is the preferred side for live adjacent ducts provides the structural basis for the countercurrent donor nephrectomy. The left renal vein runs from its origin in the renal exchange and multiplier phenomena (Fig. 74.16). These complex renal hilum, posterior to the splenic vein and the body of pancreas, and then vascular patterns show regional specializations that are closely adapted across the anterior aspect of the aorta, just below the origin of the to the spatial organization and functions of renal corpuscles, tubules superior mesenteric artery. Nutcracker syndrome, characterized by left and ducts (see below). renal vein hypertension secondary to compression of the vein between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery, has been associated with haematuria and varicocele in children. The left gonadal vein enters the Renal veins left renal vein from below, and the left suprarenal vein, usually receiving one of the left inferior phrenic veins, enters it above but nearer the Fine radicles from the venous ends of the peritubular plexuses converge midline. The left renal vein enters the inferior vena cava a little superior to join interlobular veins, one with each interlobular artery. Many inter- to the right. The right renal vein is behind the descending duodenum lobular veins begin beneath the fibrous renal capsule by the conver- and, sometimes, the lateral part of the head of the pancreas. It can be gence of several stellate veins, which drain the most superficial zone of extremely short (less than 1 cm), such that safe nephrectomy may the renal cortex and so are named from their surface appearance. Inter- require excision of a cuff of the inferior vena cava. lobular veins pass to the corticomedullary junction and also receive The left renal vein may be double, one vein passing posterior, and some ascending vasa recta before ending in arcuate veins (which accom- the other anterior, to the aorta before joining the inferior vena cava. pany arcuate arteries), and anastomose with neighbouring veins. This is sometimes referred to as persistence of the ‘renal collar’. The
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Kidney 1245 47 retPaHC Fig. 74.12 A resin corrosion cast of human kidneys. Ureters, pelves and calyces are yellow; aorta, renal arteries and their branches are red. (Prepared by the late DH Tompsett of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. With permission from the Museums of The Royal College of Surgeons.) Juxtamedullary renal corpuscle Cortical renal corpuscle Renal lobe Renal lobule Arcuate artery and vein Interlobular artery Capsular network Medullary rays Capsule Outer cortex Cortex Juxtamedullary cortex Outer medulla Renal Vasa recta column Pyramid Interlobar artery and vein Inner medulla Papilla Minor calyx Area cribrosa Major calyx Fig. 74.14 The major structures in the kidney cortex and medulla (left), the position of cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons (middle), and the major blood vessels (right).
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Kidney and ureter 1246 8 nOitCeS Apical Apical Apical Superior Superior Superior Posterior Posterior Middle Middle Middle Inferior Inferior Inferior Anterior Lateral Posterior Fig. 74.15 The segmental arterial anatomy of the right kidney. The posterior division branches near the hilum before the anterior division divides into the other segmental arteries. anterior vein may be absent so that there is a single retro-aortic left renal Renal corpuscle vein. The left renal vein may have to be ligated during surgery for aortic Renal corpuscles are small, rounded structures averaging 0.2 mm aneurysm because it has such a close relationship with the aorta; this in diameter, visible in the renal cortex deep to a narrow peripheral corti- seldom results in any harm to the kidney, provided that the ligature is cal zone (Fig. 74.18; see Fig. 74.16). Each has a central glomerulus of placed medial to the draining gonadal and suprarenal veins, since these vessels and a glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule, from which the renal usually provide adequate collateral venous drainage. The right renal tubule originates. vein has no significant collateral drainage and cannot be ligated with There are about 1 million renal corpuscles in each kidney, their impunity. number (which may be determined, in part, by intrauterine factors) decreasing with age; this process is accelerated by raised blood pressure. Lymphatic drainage After birth, new nephrons cannot be developed; a lost nephron can never be replaced. The decrease in corpuscular numbers with age is Renal lymphatic vessels begin in three plexuses: around the renal reflected in a corresponding reduction in the rate of glomerular filtra- tubules, under the renal capsule, and in the perirenal fat (the latter two tion from the fourth decade onwards. connect freely). Collecting vessels from the intrarenal plexus form four or five trunks that follow the renal vein to end in the lateral aortic nodes; Glomerulus the subcapsular collecting vessels join them as they leave the hilum. A glomerulus is a collection of convoluted capillary blood vessels, The perirenal plexus drains directly into the same nodes. united by a delicate mesangial matrix and supplied by an afferent arte- riole which enters the capsule opposite the urinary pole, where the filtrate enters the tubule (Davies et al 2001). (The term glomerulus is INNERVATION used most frequently to describe the entire renal corpuscle.) An efferent arteriole emerges from the same point, the vascular pole of the corpus- Rami from the coeliac ganglion and plexus, aorticorenal ganglion, cle. Glomeruli are simple in form until late prenatal life; some remain lowest thoracic splanchnic nerve, first lumbar splanchnic nerve and so for about 6 months after birth, the majority maturing by 6 years and aortic plexus form a dense plexus of autonomic nerves around the renal all by 12 years. Low birth weight, defined as a weight less than 2500 g artery (see Figs 59.4, 59.5). at birth, is associated with a reduction in the number and volume of Small ganglia occur in the renal plexus, the largest usually behind glomeruli (Manalich et al 2000). the origin of the renal artery. The plexus continues into the kidney around the arterial branches and supplies the vessels, renal glomeruli Bowman’s capsule and, especially, the cortical tubules. Axons from plexuses around the Bowman’s capsule is the blind expanded end of a renal tubule, and is arcuate arteries innervate juxtamedullary efferent arterioles and vasa deeply invaginated by the glomerulus. It is lined by a simple squamous recta, which control the blood flow between the cortex and medulla epithelium on its outer (parietal) wall; its glomerular, juxtacapillary without affecting the glomerular circulation. Axons from the renal (visceral) wall is composed of specialized epithelial podocytes. Between plexus contribute to the ureteric and gonadal plexuses. the two walls of the capsule is a flattened urinary (Bowman’s) space, continuous with the proximal convoluted tubule (Fig. 74.18B; see Fig. 74.16). MICROSTRUCTURE Podocytes are stellate cells. Their major (primary) foot processes curve around the capillary loops and branch to form secondary pro- The kidney is composed of many tortuous, closely packed uriniferous cesses that are applied closely to the basal lamina; secondary or tertiary tubules, bounded by a delicate connective tissue in which run blood processes give rise to terminal pedicels (Fig. 74.19A). Pedicels of one vessels, lymphatics and nerves. Each tubule consists of two embryologi- cell alternate with those of an adjacent cell and interdigitate tightly with cally distinct parts, the nephron, which produces urine, and the collect- each other, separated by narrow (25 nm) gaps: the filtration slits (Fig. ing duct, which completes the concentration of urine and through 74.19B). The latter are covered by a dense, membranous, slit diaphragm, which urine passes out into the calyces of the kidney, the renal pelvis, through which filtrate must pass to enter the urinary space. The dif- the ureter and urinary bladder. ferentiation of the adult podocyte phenotype is associated with the presence of several specific proteins, including nephrin, podocin, syn- Nephron aptopodin and GLEPP-1. Mutations in these proteins can cause impor- tant functional problems, e.g. the classic Finnish form of congenital The nephron consists of a renal corpuscle, concerned with filtration nephritic syndrome is caused by a mutation of NHPS1, coding for from the plasma, and a renal tubule, concerned with selective resorp- nephrin. The luminal membrane and the slit diaphragm are covered by tion from the filtrate to form the urine (see Fig. 74.14). Collecting ducts a dense surface coat rich in sialoglycoproteins, which gives this surface carry fluid from several renal tubules to a terminal papillary duct, a very high negative charge and is one of the key characteristics of the opening into a minor calyx at the apex of a renal papilla. Papillary perm-selectivity barrier. Differentiated podocytes cannot replicate. surfaces show numerous minute orifices of these ducts and pressure on The glomerular endothelium is finely fenestrated. The principal a fresh kidney expresses urine from them. barrier to the passage of fluid from capillary lumen to urinary space is
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Kidney 1247 47 retPaHC RENAL CORPUSCLE Parietal wall of glomerular capsule Afferent arteriole Afferent arteriole Granular juxtaglomerular cells Smooth muscle cell Macula densa Extraglomerular mesangial cells ‘Polar cushion’ (lacis cells) Distal convoluted tubule Granular juxtaglomerular cells (renin-secreting) Juxtaglomerular apparutus Efferent arteriole Urinary space Basal lamina Fenestrated endothelial cell Podocyte nucleus Mesangial cell Efferent arteriole Filtration slits Glomerular capsule (parietal layer) Urinary (Bowman's) space Podocyte of visceral layer of glomerular capsule Glomerular capillaries Selective resorption and secretion Ultrafiltration Na+ Cl– Distal convoluted tubule Water Glucose Selective Amino acids resorption Proteins Ascorbic acid HCO– 3 Proximal convoluted tubule A Collecting duct Countercurrent exchange and multiplication Loop of Henle and vasa recta ADH controlled water resorption B Thick segment Increased Thin segment osmolality Vasa recta Fig. 74.16 The regional microstructure and principal activities of a kidney nephron and collecting duct. For clarity, a nephron of the long loop (juxtamedullary) type is shown. Abbreviations: ADH, antidiuretic hormone.
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Kidney and ureter 1248 8 nOitCeS BV I A G G A A Inferior vena cava Left renal vein G B Fig. 74.18 A, A low-power histological section of the renal cortex, containing glomeruli (G), proximal and distal convoluted tubules and blood vessels (BV). B, A higher-power view of the section demonstrating several glomeruli (G) within a network of mesangium. The glomerular basement membrane of the capillaries is continuous with Bowman’s capsule (short arrow) of the glomerulus, and is separated from it by Bowman’s space (long arrow). thickness of the glomerular basement membrane increases throughout B childhood; the rate of increase decreases after the age of 11 years (Ramage et al 2002). Right kidney Right renal vein Left kidney Left testicular vein Irregular mesangial cells, with phagocytic and contractile properties, lie within and secrete the glomerular mesangium, a specialized connec- Fig. 74.17 A, A coronal maximum-intensity projection contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiogram image obtained during the arterial phase tive tissue that binds the loop of glomerular capillaries and fills the of enhancement. It demonstrates normal-appearing single renal arteries spaces between endothelial surfaces that are not invested by podocytes (short arrows), normal-appearing single renal veins (long arrows), a (see Figs 74.18B, 74.16). Mesangial cells are related to vascular pericytes normal-appearing abdominal aorta (A), and a normal-appearing suprarenal and are concerned with the turnover of glomerular basement membrane. inferior vena cava (I). The infrarenal inferior vena cava has not yet been They clear the glomerular filter of immune complexes and cellular enhanced. B, A CT renal venogram, acquired from a multislice CT debris, and their contractile properties help to regulate blood flow. examination and reconstructed as a three-dimensional, surface-shaded Similar cells, the extraglomerular mesangial (lacis) cells, lie outside the reformat. glomerulus at the vascular pole and form part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Renal tubule the glomerular basal lamina, the fused endothelial and podocyte basal laminae (see Fig. 74.19B). This is usually 0.33 µm thick in humans, and A renal, or uriniferous, tubule consists of a glomerular capsule that acts as a selective filter, allowing the passage from blood, under pres- leads into a proximal convoluted tubule, connected to the capsule by sure, of water and various small molecules and ions in the circulation. a short neck and continuing into a sinuous or coiled convoluted part Haemoglobin may cross the filter, but larger molecules and those of (see Fig. 74.16). This straightens as it approaches the medulla, and similar size with a negative charge are largely retained. Most protein becomes the descending thick limb of the loop of Henle, and then the that does enter the filtrate is selectively resorbed and degraded by cells ascending limb by an abrupt U-turn. The limbs of the loop of Henle of the proximal convoluted tubule. are narrower and thin-walled within the deeper medullary tissue, where The glomerular basement membrane serves as the skeleton of the they become the descending and ascending thin segments. The ascend- glomerular tuft. Its outer aspect is completely covered by podocytes, ing thick limb continues into the distal tubule. The tubule wall shows and the interior is filled by capillaries and a delicate mesangial matrix a focal thickening, the macula densa, where it comes close to the vas- (mesangium). The major components of the glomerular basement cular pole of its parent glomerulus at the start of the convoluted part membrane are laminin and type IV collagen (both of which are of the distal tubule. The nephron finally straightens once more as the expressed as unique isoforms), and heparin sulphate proteoglycans. The connecting tubule, which ends by joining a collecting duct.
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Kidney 1249 47 retPaHC CC V P CC P P V CC A Fig. 74.20 A histological cross-section of a part of the renal medulla. Note the large collecting ducts and small, thin segments of the loop of P Henle, interspersed with vasa recta (V) (trichrome-stained). E numerous other enzymes concerned with ion transport. Water and F P 1 other solutes pass between cells (paracellular transport) passively, along osmotic and electrochemical gradients, probably through leaky apical FS tight junctions. Pinocytotic vesicles are found near the apical surface, BL FS P 1 and represent the means by which small proteins and peptides from P 2 P BL the filtrate are internalized and degraded by associated lysosomes. Per- P 2 1 E oxisomes and lipid droplets abound in the cytoplasm. BL The loop of Henle consists of a thin segment (30 µm in diameter), E C lined by low cuboidal to squamous cells, and a thick segment (60 µm P 2 F F in diameter), composed of cuboidal cells like those in the distal con- B C voluted tubule. The thin segment forms most of the loop in juxtamedul- lary nephrons, which reach deep into the medulla. Few organelles P 1 appear in cells lining the thin segment, indicating that these cells play Fig. 74.19 A, A scanning electron micrograph showing podocytes forming a passive, rather than an active, role in ion transport. The thick segment the visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule in the renal corpuscle. Their cell is composed of cuboidal epithelium with many mitochondria, deep bodies (P) send out primary processes that branch several times and end basolateral folds and short apical microvilli, indicating a more active in fine pedicels, which wrap tightly around the glomerular capillaries (C), metabolic role. The thick limb of the loop of Henle is the source of and interdigitate with similar pedicels from a neighbouring podocyte. Tamm–Horsfall protein in normal urine. B, An electron micrograph demonstrating the glomerular filtration Cells of the distal tubule are cuboidal and resemble those in the apparatus. Note the endothelial cells of fenestrated capillaries, the proximal tubule. They have few microvilli, and so the tubular lumen filtration slits between podocyte pedicels and their thick shared basal has a more distinct outline. The basolateral folds containing mitochon- lamina. Abbreviations: BL, basal lamina; C, lumina of capillary loops; dria are deep, almost reaching the luminal aspect. Enzymes concerned E, endothelial cell cytoplasm; F, fenestrations; FS, filtration slits; P, with active transport of sodium, potassium and other ions are abun- podocyte; P and P, primary and secondary foot processes that rest on the glomerul1 ar basa2 l laminae. (A, With permission from Igaku-Shoin, dant. At the junction of the straight and convoluted regions, the distal Tokyo, from Fujita T, Tanaka K, Tokunaga J 1981 SEM Atlas of Cells and tubule comes close to the vascular pole of its parent renal corpuscle. Tissues. B, With permission from Young B, Heath JW 2000 Wheater’s Here, tubular cells form the macula densa, a sensory structure that is Functional Histology. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.) concerned with the regulation of blood flow and, thus, filtration rate. Cells in the terminal part of the distal tubule have fewer basal folds and mitochondria, and constitute a connecting duct formed from metane- Collecting ducts originate in the cortical medullary rays and join phric mesenchyme during embryogenesis. Collecting ducts are lined by others at intervals. They finally open into wider papillary ducts, which simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium. This increases in height from open on to a papilla, their numerous orifices forming a perforated area the cortex, where the ducts receive the contents of distal tubules, to the cribrosa on the surface at its tip (see Fig. 74.14). wide papillary ducts that discharge at the area cribrosa. The pale- Renal tubules are lined throughout by a single-layered epithelium staining principal cells have relatively few organelles or lateral interdigi- (see Fig. 74.16; Fig. 74.20). The type of epithelial cell varies according tations, and only occasional microvilli. A second cell type, intercalated to the functional roles of the different regions, e.g. active transport and or dark cells (also present in smaller numbers in the distal convoluted passive diffusion of various ions and water into and out of the tubules; tubule), has longer microvilli and more mitochondria, and secretes H+ reabsorption of organic components such as glucose and amino acids; into the filtrate; these cells function in the maintenance of acid–base uptake of any proteins which leak through the glomerular filter. homeostasis. The proximal convoluted tubule is lined by cuboidal or low colum- Renal vessels nar epithelium and has a brush border of tall microvilli on its luminal surface. The shape of the cells depends on tubular fluid pressure, which, in life, distends the lumen and flattens the cells (they become taller Renal, interlobar and arcuate arteries are typical large muscular arteries when glomerular blood pressure falls post mortem or at biopsy). The and the interlobular vessels resemble small muscular arteries. Afferent cytoplasm of proximal tubular cells is strongly eosinophilic and the glomerular vessels have a typical arteriolar structure with a muscular nuclei are euchromatic and central. The basal cytoplasm is rich in coat 2–3 cells thick; this coat and the connective tissue components of mitochondria, orientated perpendicularly, and the basal plasma mem- the wall diminish near a glomerulus until a point 30–50 µm proximal brane is highly infolded. The lateral surfaces of adjacent epithelial cells to it, where arteriolar cells begin to show modifications typical of the interdigitate, increasing the complexity of the basolateral plasma mem- juxtaglomerular apparatus. The efferent arterioles from most cortical brane. The microvilli on the luminal surfaces significantly increase the glomeruli have thicker walls and a narrower calibre than corresponding area of plasma membrane in contact with tubular fluid and the extra- afferents. Although the afferent arteriole is generally considered to be tubular space, facilitating the transport of ions and small molecules solely responsible for tubuloglomerular feedback, the peritubular and against steep concentration gradients. The abundant mitochondria medullary capillaries possess a well-defined basal lamina and their supply the energy, as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), needed for this endothelial cells have typically fenestrated cytoplasm, as do the ascend- process. Sodium/potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+/K+ ATPase) ing vasa recta, whereas the descending vasa recta have a thicker, continu- is located in apical and basal membranes, and the cytoplasm contains ous endothelium (Davies 1991).
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Kidney and ureter 1250 8 nOitCeS Other renal cells The rest of the tubule reabsorbs most of the water (to a variable extent, up to 95%), so that, when it reaches the calyces, urine is generally much reduced in volume and hypertonic to blood. The process depends on Other cells essential to renal structure and function lie between the the establishment of high osmolality in the medullary interstitium, in renal tubules and blood vessels. Connective tissue is inconspicuous in order to exert sufficient osmotic pressure on water-permeable regions the cortex but prominent in the medulla, particularly in the papillae. of the tubule, and is achieved by a countercurrent multiplier Medullary interstitial cells, which may be modified fibroblasts, form mechanism. vertical stacks of tangentially orientated cells between the more distal collecting ducts, like the rungs of a ladder. These cells secrete prosta- Countercurrent multiplier mechanism glandins and may contribute, with cortical tubular cells, to the renal The countercurrent multiplier mechanism is responsible for producing source of erythropoietin. a high osmolality in the extratubular interstitial tissue of the renal medulla. Water passes freely from the tubular lumen into the adjacent Calyces and pelvis medullary interstitium along the descending limb of the loop of Henle. This part of the tubule is less permeable to solutes. In the thick segment The wall of the proximal part of the urinary tract is composed of three of the ascending limb, sodium and chloride ions are actively transported layers: an outer connective tissue adventitia, an intermediate layer of from the tubule lumen to interstitial spaces, while the tubular epithe- smooth muscle and an inner mucosa. The mucosal lining of the renal lium remains impermeable to water. The increased interstitial osmolal- calyces and pelvis is identical in structure to that of the ureter (see ity causes water to be withdrawn from the descending part of the loop, below). The adventitia consists of loose fibroelastic connective tissue thus concentrating the filtrate. Tubular fluid flows in a countercurrent that merges with retroperitoneal areolar tissue. Proximally, the coat on its descent into and ascent out of the medulla; it is augmented by fuses with the fibrous capsule of the kidney lining the renal sinus. new isotonic fluid entering the loop, and depleted by hypotonic fluid The smooth muscle of the renal calyces and pelvis is composed of leaving the loop as solutes are actively resorbed. The osmotic gradient two distinct types of smooth muscle cell. One type of muscle cell is within the interstitium is, thus, multiplied from the corticomedullary identical to that described for the ureter and can be traced proximally boundary to the medullary pyramids, where it reaches an equilibrium through the pelviureteric region and renal pelvis, as far as the minor of four to five times the osmolality of plasma. Although the tonicity of calyces. The other type of cell forms the muscle coat of each minor calyx the tubular fluid changes during its passage through the steep osmotic and continues into the major calyces and pelvis, where it forms a distinct gradient within the medulla, the osmotic gradient between ascending inner layer. The cells also form a thin sheet of muscle that covers each and descending limbs at each level never exceeds 200 mOsm/kg, a force minor calyx and extends across the renal parenchyma between the that can be sustained by the cells of the tubular wall. attachments of neighbouring minor calyces, thereby linking each minor calyx to its neighbours. This discrete inner layer of atypical smooth Countercurrent exchange mechanism muscle ceases in the pelviureteric region, so that the proximal ureter Rapid removal of ions from the renal medulla by the circulation of lacks such an inner layer. Pacemaker cells that initiate renal pelvic and blood is minimized by another looped countercurrent system. This is ureteric peristalsis are sited within the calyces (Gosling and Dixon 1974). the countercurrent exchange mechanism, in which arterioles entering These allow coordinated peristalsis of the ureter six times a minute. the medulla pass for long distances parallel to the venules leaving it, before ending in capillary beds around tubules. This close apposition of oppositely flowing blood allows the direct diffusion of ions from PRODUCTION OF URINE outflowing to inflowing blood, so that the vasa recta (see Fig. 74.14) conserve the high osmotic pressure in the medulla. Glomerular filtration Concentration of urine Glomerular filtration (see Figs 74.14, 74.16) is the passage of water containing dissolved small molecules from the blood plasma to the Because sodium and chloride ions are selectively resorbed by the cells urinary space in the glomerular capsule. Larger molecules, e.g. plasma of the ascending limbs and distal tubules under aldosterone control, proteins above 70 kilodaltons and those with a net negative charge, the filtrate at the distal end of the convoluted tubules is hypotonic. As polysaccharides, lipids and cells, are largely retained in blood by the it reaches the collecting ducts, fluid descends again through the medulla selective permeability of the glomerular basal lamina. and, thus, re-enters a region of high osmotic pressure. The cells lining Filtration occurs along a steep pressure gradient between the large the collecting ducts are variably permeable to water, under the influence glomerular capillaries and the urinary space, the principal structure of neurohypophysial ADH. Water follows an osmotic gradient into the separating the two being the glomerular basal lamina (Fig. 74.19B). adjacent extratubular spaces, so that the tonicity of the filtrate gradually This gradient far exceeds the colloid osmotic pressure of blood, which rises along collecting ducts, until, at the tip of the renal pyramids, it is opposes the outward flow of filtrate. In the peripheral renal cortex, the above that of blood. This complex system is highly flexible and the arteriolar pressure gradient is enhanced because afferent glomerular balance between the rate of filtration and absorption can be varied to arterioles are wider than efferent glomerular arterioles. In all glomeruli, meet current physiological demands. the rate of filtration can be altered by changes in the tone of the Control of hydrogen and ammonium ion concentrations is essential glomerular arterioles. When first formed, the glomerular filtrate is iso- to the regulation of acids and bases in the blood. Secretion of various tonic with glomerular blood and has an identical concentration of ions ions occurs at several sites. Over 91% of ingested potassium is excreted and small molecules. in urine, largely through secretion by cells of the distal tubule and col- The assessment of glomerular filtration is fundamental to the diag- lecting duct. (For further details of renal physiology, see Madias and nosis of renal glomerular pathology and the management of drug Adrogué (2005), Tannen and Hallows (2005), Singh and Thomson therapy, where clearance depends on the glomerular filtration, and in (2011).) chronic kidney disease to facilitate timely management decisions. Meas- urements of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are based on the renal Juxtaglomerular apparatus clearance of a marker in plasma, expressed as the volume of plasma completely cleared of the marker per unit time. Markers used to measure The juxtaglomerular apparatus provides a tubuloglomerular feedback GFR may be endogenous (creatinine, urea) or exogenous (inulin, iotha- system that maintains systemic arterial blood pressure during a reduc- lamate) substances. The ideal marker is endogenous, freely filtered by tion in vascular volume and decrease in filtration rate. The elements of the glomerulus, neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the renal tubule, a juxtaglomerular apparatus are juxtaglomerular and lacis cells, and the and eliminated only by the kidney. macula densa. The afferent and efferent arterioles at the vascular pole of a glomerulus and the macula densa of the distal tubule of the same Selective resorption nephron lie in close proximity, enclosing a small cone of tissue popu- lated by extraglomerular mesangial (lacis) cells (see Fig. 74.16). The Selective resorption from the filtrate is an active process and occurs cells of the tunica media of afferent and, to a lesser extent, efferent, mainly in the proximal convoluted tubules, which resorb glucose, arterioles differ from typical smooth muscle cells. These juxtaglomeru- amino acids, phosphate, chloride, sodium, calcium and bicarbonate, lar cells are large, rounded, myoepithelioid cells and their cytoplasm and take up small proteins (e.g. albumin) by endocytosis. Cells of the contains many mitochondria and dense, renin-containing vesicles, proximal tubules are permeable to water, which passes out of the 10–40 nm in diameter. Each macula densa of the distal tubule is a tubules passively, so that the filtrate remains locally isotonic with blood. cluster of up to 40 tightly packed cells in the tubule wall; the cells have
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ureter 1251 47 retPaHC A B Fig. 74.21 Relations of the lower ureter, seen from above. A, The Ureter male pelvis. B, The female pelvis. Ureter Common iliac artery (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) Internal iliac artery Uterine artery Uterus Vas deferens Pelvic brim (pelvic inlet) Bladder Anterior abdominal wall large, oval nuclei and apically concentrated mitochondria. They are the gonadal vessels. It enters the lesser pelvis either anterior to the end osmoreceptors, sensing the NaCl content of the filtrate after its passage of the common iliac vessels or at the origin of the external iliac vessels through the loop of Henle. (Fig. 74.22). When NaCl concentrations in the filtrate change, tubuloglomerular The inferior vena cava is medial to the right ureter, while the left feedback mechanisms operate to maintain the inverse relationship ureter is lateral to the aorta. The inferior mesenteric vein has a long between salt concentration and glomerular filtration rate. Juxtaglomeru- retroperitoneal course lying close to the medial aspect of the left ureter. lar cells release renin, an enzyme that acts on circulating angiotensino- At its origin, the right ureter is usually overlapped by the descending gen to activate the cascade whereby angiotensin II increases blood part of the duodenum. It descends lateral to the inferior vena cava, and pressure (and therefore filtration rate), stimulates aldosterone and ADH is crossed anteriorly by the right colic and ileocolic vessels. Near the release and increases sodium ion and water resorption, primarily from superior aperture of the lesser pelvis, it passes behind the lower part of the distal tubule, to increase plasma volume. Macula densa cells are the mesentery and terminal ileum. The left ureter is crossed by the thought to respond to high salt concentration in the distal tubule by gonadal and left colic vessels. It passes posterior to loops of jejunum releasing nitric oxide, which inhibits the tubuloglomerular feedback and sigmoid colon and its mesentery in the posterior wall of the inter- response and reduces filtration rate. The role of macula densa cells in sigmoid recess. the stimulation of renin release to increase filtration rate is less well In the pelvis, the ureter lies in extraperitoneal areolar tissue. At first, understood. it descends posterolaterally on the lateral wall of the lesser pelvis along The third element of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is a population the anterior border of the greater sciatic notch. Opposite the ischial of extraglomerular mesangial cells that form a network (or lace; hence, spine, it turns anteromedially into fibrous adipose tissue above levator their alternative name of lacis cells) of stellate cells connecting the ani to reach the base of the bladder. On the pelvic side wall, it is anterior macula densa sensory cells with the juxtaglomerular effector cells. It is to the internal iliac artery and the beginning of its anterior trunk, pos- likely that extraglomerular mesangial cells transmit the sensory signal, terior to which are the internal iliac vein, lumbosacral nerve and sacro- possibly through gap junctions. They may also signal to contractile iliac joint. Laterally, it lies on the fascia of obturator internus. It glomerular mesangial cells and effect vasoconstriction directly within progressively crosses to become medial to the umbilical, inferior vesical the glomerulus. Adrenergic nerve fibres occur in small numbers among and middle rectal arteries. these cells. In males, the pelvic ureter hooks under the vas deferens (Fig. 74.23); it then passes anterior and slightly superior to the upper pole of the seminal vesicle to traverse the bladder wall obliquely before opening at URETER the ipsilateral trigonal angle. Its terminal part is surrounded by tributar- ies of the vesical veins. In females, the pelvic part initially has the same The ureters are two muscular tubes whose peristaltic contractions convey relations as in males but, anterior to the internal iliac artery, it is imme- urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder (see Figs 74.1, 74.10, Fig. diately behind the ovary, forming the posterior boundary of the ovarian 74.21). Each measures 25–30 cm in length, is thick-walled and narrow, fossa (see Fig. 77.8). In the anteromedial part of its course to the and is continuous superiorly with the funnel-shaped renal pelvis. Each bladder, it is related to the uterine artery, uterine cervix and vaginal descends slightly medially, anterior to psoas major, and enters the pelvic fornices. It is in extraperitoneal connective tissue in the inferomedial cavity, where it curves initially laterally, then medially, to open into the part of the broad ligament of the uterus, where it may be damaged base of the urinary bladder. The diameter of the ureter is normally 3 mm, during hysterectomy (see Fig. 77.7). In the broad ligament, the uterine but is slightly less at its junction with the renal pelvis, at the brim of the artery is anterosuperior to the ureter for approximately 2.5 cm and then lesser pelvis near the medial border of psoas major, and where it runs crosses to its medial side to ascend alongside the uterus. The ureter turns within the wall of the urinary bladder, which is its narrowest part. These forwards slightly above the lateral vaginal fornix and is, generally, 2 cm are the most common sites for renal stone impaction. lateral to the supravaginal part of the uterine cervix in this location. It then inclines medially to reach the bladder, with a variable relation to the anterior aspect of the vagina. As the uterus is commonly deviated RELATIONS to one side, one ureter, usually the left, may be more extensively apposed to the vagina, and may cross the midline. In the abdomen, the ureter descends posterior to the peritoneum on The distal 1–2 cm of each ureter is surrounded by an incomplete the medial part of psoas major, which separates it from the tips of the collar of non-striated muscle (sheath of Waldeyer). The ureters pierce lumbar transverse processes. During surgery on intraperitoneal struc- the posterior aspect of the bladder and run obliquely through its wall tures, the ureter can be tented up as the peritoneum is drawn anteriorly, for a distance of 1.5–2.0 cm before terminating at the ureteric orifices resulting in inadvertent ureteric injury. Anterior to psoas major, it (see Fig. 75.10B). This arrangement is believed to assist in the preven- crosses anterior to the genitofemoral nerve and is obliquely crossed by tion of reflux of urine into the ureter, since the intramural ureters are
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Kidney and ureter 1252 8 nOitCeS Fig. 74.22 Relations of male lower right ureter. (With Middle permission from Walsh PC, sacral Retik AB, Vaughan ED et al Common artery (eds) 2002 Campbell’s Urology, iliac artery 8th edn. Philadelphia: Iliolumbar Saunders.) Deep artery circumflex iliac artery Superior gluteal Inferior artery epigastric artery Lateral sacral Right ureter artery Internal iliac Inferior artery gluteal artery External iliac artery Internal Median umbilical pudendal ligament artery Obturator artery Sciatic nerve Vas deferens Middle rectal Superior vesical artery artery Left ureter Inferior vesical artery Bladder Prostate gland Rectum thought to be occluded during increases in bladder pressure at the time or pass directly to the lateral aortic nodes near the origin of the gonadal of micturition. There is no evidence of a classic ureteral sphincter mech- artery; those from the lower abdominal ureter drain to the common anism in humans. The longitudinally orientated muscle bundles of the iliac nodes; and those from the pelvic ureter drain to common, external terminal ureter continue into the bladder wall and, at the ureteric ori- or internal iliac nodes. fices, become continuous with the superficial trigonal muscle. In the distended bladder, in both sexes, the ureteric openings are usually 5 cm INNERVATION apart, and 2.5 cm apart when the bladder is empty. The ureter is supplied from the lower three thoracic, first lumbar, and VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE the second to fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord by branches from the renal and aortic plexuses, and the superior and inferior Arteries hypogastric plexuses (see Figs 59.3, 75.11). The ureteric nerves consist of relatively large bundles of axons that form an irregular plexus in the adventitia of the ureter. The plexus receives branches from the renal and The ureter is supplied by branches from the renal, gonadal, common aortic plexuses (in its upper part); from the superior hypogastric plexus iliac, internal iliac, vesical and uterine arteries, and the abdominal aorta. and hypogastric nerve (in its intermediate part); and from the hypogas- The pattern of distribution is subject to much variation. The abdominal tric nerve and inferior hypogastric plexus (in its lower part). Numerous ureter is supplied from vessels originating medial to the ureter; the pelvic small branches penetrate the ureteric muscle coat; some of the adven- ureter is supplied by vessels lateral to the ureter (Fig. 74.24). There is a titial nerves accompany the blood vessels and branch with them as they good longitudinal anastomosis between these branches on the wall of extend into the muscle layer; others are unrelated to the vascular supply the ureter, which means that the ureter can be safely transected at any and lie free in the adventitial connective tissue around the circumfer- level intraoperatively, and a uretero-ureterostomy performed, without ence of the ureter. compromising its viability. The branches from the inferior vesical artery The density of innervation increases gradually from the renal pelvis are constant in their occurrence and supply the lower part of the ureter, and upper ureter (where autonomic nerves are sparse) to a maximum as well as a large part of the trigone of the bladder. The branch from the density in the juxtavesical segment. At least three different neurotrans- renal artery is also constant and is preserved whenever possible in renal mitter phenotypes – cholinergic, noradrenergic and peptidergic (sub- transplantation to ensure good vascularity of the ureter. stance P) – are well known and others have been reported. The functional significance of these different types of autonomic nerve fibres Veins in relation to ureteric smooth muscle activity is not fully understood; although they are thought to influence the inherent motility of the The venous drainage of the ureters generally follows the arterial supply. ureter, they are not essential for the initiation and propagation of ure- teric contraction waves. A branching plexus of fine cholinergic, Lymphatic drainage noradrenergic and peptidergic axons occurs throughout the lamina propria and extends from the inner aspect of the muscle coat towards Lymph vessels draining the ureter begin in submucosal, intramuscular the base of the urothelium. Some of these axons form perivascular and adventitial plexuses, which all communicate. Collecting vessels plexuses, while others lie in isolation from the vascular supply and may from the upper abdominal ureter may join the renal collecting vessels be sensory in function.
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ureter 1253 47 retPaHC Median Apex of bladder umbilical ligament Body of bladder, muscular layer Ureter Vas deferens Ampulla of vas deferens Ampulla of vas deferens, diverticula Seminal vesicle of ampulla Seminal vesicle Prostate, posterior surface Fig. 74.25 A coronal CT urogram volume-rendered image demonstrates a Fig. 74.23 The posterior aspect of the male urogenital organs, showing duplicated right collecting system and ureter, along with dilation of the the relationship of the lower ureter to the vas deferens and seminal collecting system of the lower pole moiety. No urothelial lesion is seen. vesicles. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013) initiated, the contraction is propagated through the wall of the adjacent major calyx and activates the smooth muscle of the renal pelvis. Con- Fig. 74.24 The arterial supply of the left traction waves are propagated away from the kidney, and so undesirable ureter. The proximal pressure rises are not directed against the renal parenchyma. Since part takes its blood several potential pacemaker sites exist, the initiation of contraction supply medially, and waves is unimpaired by partial nephrectomy; the minor calyces the distal part is spared by the resection remain in situ to continue their pacemaking supplied laterally. (With function. Pressures within the ureter at the time of peristalsis reach permission from Walsh 20–80 cm HO. 2 PC, Retik AB, Vaughan Experimental evidence indicates that autonomic nerves do not play ED et al (eds) 2002 a major part in the propagation of peristalsis. It seems more likely Campbell’s Urology, that they play a modulatory role on the contractile events occurring in 8th edn. Philadelphia: the musculature of the upper urinary tract. The most likely mecha- Saunders.) nism to account for impulse propagation is myogenic conduction Renal artery mediated by the electrotonic coupling of one muscle cell to its imme- diate neighbours by means of intercellular ‘gap’ junctions; there are Gonadal artery numerous regions of close approach between ureteric smooth muscle cells and also between both types of muscle cell in the renal pelvis Aorta and calyces. Referred pain Excessive distension of the ureter or spasm of its muscle may be caused by a stone (calculus) and provokes severe pain Common iliac artery (ureteric colic, which is commonly, but mistakenly, called renal colic). The pain is spasmodic and agonizing, particularly if the obstruction is gradually forced down the ureter by the muscle spasm. It is referred to cutaneous areas innervated from spinal segments that supply the ureter, mainly T11–L2, and shoots down and forwards from the loin to the Internal iliac artery groin and scrotum or labium majus; it may extend into the proximal anterior aspect of the thigh by projection to the genitofemoral nerve Superior vesical artery (L1, 2). The cremaster, which has the same innervation, may reflexly retract the testis. Uterine artery Middle rectal artery RENAL AND URETERIC CALCULI Vaginal artery Inferior vesical artery An understanding of intrarenal and ureteric anatomy is essential when managing patients with calculi, particularly now that mini- mally invasive techniques are widely used to treat this common pathology. Ureteric peristalsis MICROSTRUCTURE Under normal conditions, contraction waves originate in the proximal part of the upper urinary tract and are propagated in an anterograde Like the calyces and the renal pelvis, the wall of the ureter is composed direction towards the bladder. Atypical smooth muscle cells in the wall of an external adventitia, a smooth muscle layer and an inner mucosal of the minor calyces act individually or collectively as pacemaker sites. layer. The mucosal layer consists of a urothelium (see Fig. 2.5D) and A peristaltic wave begins at one (or possibly more) of these sites. Once an underlying connective tissue lamina propria.
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Kidney and ureter 1253.e1 47 retPaHC Smaller renal calculi are treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. Stones in the lower pole of the kidney clear less well if the angle between the infundibulum of the calyx containing the stone and the ureter is acute, or if there is a particularly long and narrow infundibu- lum. Percutaneous stone extraction is most frequently achieved by puncturing a posterior calyx with a needle. Ureteric calculi tend to be arrested in their descent in either the pelviureteric region, or the point where the ureter passes over the pelvic brim as it crosses the common iliac artery, or the vesico-ureteric junc- tion, because these are the three areas where the ureter is narrowest. The vesico-ureteric junction is the narrowest of these areas and can be responsible for arresting the passage of stones of as little as 2–3 mm. The kidney and upper ureter move with respiration within the peri- renal fascia, and this can affect the visualization and tracking of a stone, both at the time of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and at retro- grade endoscopy.
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Kidney and ureter 1254 8 nOitCeS The ureteric adventitial blood vessels and connective tissue fibres are normal in some individuals. In the male, the ureter can insert at the orientated parallel to the long axis of the ureter. Throughout its length, bladder neck or posterior urethra, or, rarely, into the seminal vesicle, the muscle coat of the ureter is fairly uniform in thickness and, in cross- but it always inserts cranial to the external urethral sphincter. In the section, measures 750–800 µm in width. The muscle bundles that con- female, ectopic insertion can be distal to the external urethral sphincter stitute this coat are frequently separated from one another by relatively in the urethra, or into the vagina, resulting in persistent childhood large amounts of connective tissue. However, branches that intercon- incontinence. nect muscle bundles are common and there is frequent interchange of muscle fibres between adjacent bundles. As a consequence of this exten- Ureteroceles A ureterocele is a cystic dilation of the lower end of the sive branching, individual muscle bundles do not spiral around the ureter; the ureteric orifice is covered by a membrane that expands as it ureter, but form a complex meshwork of interweaving bundles. More- is filled with urine and then deflates as it empties. Ureteroceles can vary over, unlike the gut (Ch. 65), the muscle bundles are so arranged that in size and usually have no influence on ureteric drainage; however, morphologically distinct longitudinal and circular layers cannot be they can be a cause of obstruction in the ureter and pelvicalyceal system clearly distinguished. In the upper part of the ureter, the inner muscle more proximally. Prolapsing ureteroceles, though small, prolapse from bundles tend to lie longitudinally while those on the outer aspect have their position around the ureterovesical junction region into the urethra, a circular or oblique orientation. In the middle and lower parts, there causing intermittent bladder outflow obstruction. are additional outer longitudinally orientated fibres, and as the uretero- They are identified antenatally with ultrasound (Fig. 74.26). In vesical junction is approached, the muscle coat consists predominantly adults, ureteroceles tend to be bilateral and small, and are often found of longitudinally orientated muscle bundles. incidentally when the urinary tract is being imaged in the investigation The mucosa of the ureter consists of an epithelium, the urothelium, of a coincidental pathology. Radiologically, they classically result in a lying on a layer of subepithelial fibroelastic connective tissue lamina ‘cobra-head’ halo around the ureteric orifice following administration propria. The latter varies in thickness from 350 to 700 µm and is a of contrast on intravenous urography. conduit for small blood vessels and bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibres. Occasional lymphocytes may be present in the lamina propria Retrocaval ureter A persistence of the posterior cardinal vein, asso- but their aggregation into definitive lymph nodules is rare. The urothe- ciated with high confluence of the right and left common iliac veins or lium is usually extensively folded, giving the ureteric lumen a stellate a double inferior vena cava, may result in a retrocaval (or circumcaval) outline. ureter that passes behind the inferior vena cava, usually at the level of the inferior edge of the third part of the duodenum, before it emerges Developmental anomalies of the ureter anterior to it to pass from medial to lateral. Retrocaval ureter occurs in 1 in 1500 individuals. Most commonly, it has no clinical sequelae, Duplex ureters In 1 in 125 individuals, two ureters drain the renal although it can result in upper ureteric obstruction (Fig. 74.27). pelvis on one side; this is termed a duplex system (Fig. 74.25). Bilateral duplex ureters occur in approximately 1 in 800 cases. Duplex ureters are the product of two ureteric buds arising from the mesonephric duct; they share a single fascial sheath and may either fuse at any point along Bonus e-book images their course, or remain separate until they insert through separate ure- teric orifices into the bladder. Care must be taken not to compromise the blood supply of the Fig. 74.13 Marked dilation of the right renal pelvis and calyces, and second ureter when excising or reimplanting a single ureter of a duplex. non-dilation of the right ureter without an associated lesion due to The ureter from the upper pole of the kidney (the longer ureter) inserts ureteropelvic junction obstruction. more medially and caudally in the bladder than the ureter from the lower pole (Weigert–Meyer rule). This reflects the embryological devel- Fig. 74.26 A–B, Sagittal grey-scale ultrasound images through the opment of the ureter: the ureteric bud that is initially more proximal pelvis of a 2-day-old girl demonstrate a dilated left ureter, which on the mesonephric duct has a shorter time to be pulled cranially in contains layering echogenic debris, and an anechoic round filling the bladder and so it inserts more distally in the mature bladder. The defect in the inferior bladder with increased through-transmission ureter from the lower pole has a shorter intramural course than the and an echogenic rim, in keeping with a ureterocele. longer ureter and is prone to reflux. Fig. 74.27 An intravenous urogram showing a classic retrocaval (or Ectopic ureters Single ureters, and, more commonly, the longer circumcaval) ureter. ureter of a duplex system, can insert more caudally and medially than KEY REFERENCES Brödel M 1911 The intrinsic blood-vessels of the kidney and their signifi- An early paper describing the identification of pacemaker cells in various cance in nephrotomy. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 12:10–13. species. The original description of a relatively avascular longitudinal zone within Merklin RJ, Michels NA 1958 The variant renal and suprarenal blood supply the kidney, proposed as a site for surgical incision. with data on the inferior phrenic, ureteral, and gonadal arteries: a sta- Burkhill GJ, Healy JC 2000 Anatomy of the retroperitoneum. Imaging 12: tistical analysis based on 185 dissections and a review of the literature. 10–20. J Int Coll Surg 29:41–76. A review of the imaging literature describing the contentious anatomy of the A review of renal vascular anatomy in almost 11,000 kidneys. perirenal fascia. Mitchell GA 1950 The renal fascia. Br J Surg 37:257–66. Gosling JA, Dixon JS 1974 Species variation in the location of upper urinary An account that demonstrates that the perirenal fascia is a multilaminar tract pacemaker cells. Invest Urol 11:418. structure rather than a single fused fascia.
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Kidney and ureter 1254.e1 47 retPaHC B 4 U 1 2 A 3 B U Fig. 74.27 An intravenous urogram showing a classic retrocaval (or circumcaval) ureter. A degree of obstruction has resulted in a markedly dilated upper ureter. The ureter passes cranially, medially and then caudally, and can be followed into the pelvis. Key: 1, contrast within B dilated collecting system of right kidney and upper ureter; 2, contrast within ureter turning behind inferior vena cava; 3, contrast within normal Fig. 74.26 A–B, Sagittal grey-scale ultrasound images through the pelvis calibre ureter seen below the obstruction; 4, contrast within normal of a 2-day-old girl demonstrate a dilated left ureter (U), which contains collecting system of left kidney and upper ureter. layering echogenic debris, and an anechoic round filling defect (*) in the inferior bladder (B) with increased through-transmission and an echogenic rim, in keeping with a ureterocele.
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Kidney and ureter 1254.e2 8 nOitCeS REFERENCES Brödel M 1911 The intrinsic blood-vessels of the kidney and their signifi- tistical analysis based on 185 dissections and a review of the literature. cance in nephrotomy. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 12:10–13. J Int Coll Surg 29:41–76. The original description of a relatively avascular longitudinal zone within A review of renal vascular anatomy in almost 11,000 kidneys. the kidney, proposed as a site for surgical incision. Mitchell GA 1950 The renal fascia. Br J Surg 37:257–66. Burkhill GJ, Healy JC 2000 Anatomy of the retroperitoneum. Imaging 12: An account that demonstrates that the perirenal fascia is a multilaminar 10–20. structure rather than a single fused fascia. A review of the imaging literature describing the contentious anatomy of the Novick AC 1998 Anatomic approaches in nephron-sparing surgery for renal perirenal fascia. cell carcinoma. Atlas Urol Clin North Am 6:39. Davies A, Blakeley AG, Kidd C 2001 The renal system. In: Human Physiol- Ramage IJ, Howatson AG, McColl JH et al 2002 Glomerular basement ogy. Edinburgh: Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone; Ch. 8, pp. 713–97. membrane thickness in children: a stereologic assessment. Kidney Int Davies JM 1991 The role of the efferent arteriole in tubuloglomerular feed- 62:895–900. back. Kidney Int Suppl 32:S71–3. Schneider A, Ferreira CG, Delay C et al 2013 Lower pole vessels in children Gosling JA, Dixon JS 1974 Species variation in the location of upper urinary with pelviureteric junction obstruction: laparoscopic vascular hitch or tract pacemaker cells. Invest Urol 11:418. dismembered pyeloplasty? J Pediatr Urol 9:419–23. An early paper describing the identification of pacemaker cells in various Scott JE 2002 Fetal, perinatal, and infant death with congenital renal species. anomaly. Arch Dis Child 87:114–17. Madias NE, Adrogué HJ 2005 Hypo-hypernatraemia: disorders of water Singh P, Thomson SC 2011 Renal homeostasis and tubuloglomerular feed- balance. In: Davison AM, Cameron JS, Grunfeld J-P et al (eds) Oxford back. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 19:59–64. Textbook of Clinical Nephrology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Tannen RL, Hallows KR 2005 Hypo-hyperkalaemia. In: Davison AM, Ch. 2.1, vol. 1. Cameron JS, Grunfeld J-P et al (eds) Oxford Textbook of Clinical Neph- Manalich R, Reyes L, Herrera M et al 2000 Relationship between weight at rology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Ch. 2.2, vol. 1. birth and the number and size of renal glomeruli in humans: a histo- Veyrac C, Baud C, Lopez C et al 2003 The value of colour Doppler ultra- morphometric study. Kidney Int 58:770–3. sonography for identification of crossing vessels in children with pelvi- Merklin RJ, Michels NA 1958 The variant renal and suprarenal blood supply ureteric junction obstruction. Pediatr Radiol 33:745–51. with data on the inferior phrenic, ureteral, and gonadal arteries: a sta-
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CHAPTER 75 Bladder, prostate and urethra umbilical ligament (urachus) ascends behind the anterior abdominal URINARY BLADDER wall from the apex to the umbilicus, covered by peritoneum to form the median umbilical fold (Fig. 75.3, see Fig. 72.19) (see below The urinary bladder is a reservoir. Its size, shape, position and relations and p. 1077). all vary, according to its content and the state of the neighbouring The anterior surface of the bladder is separated from the transversalis viscera. When the bladder is empty, it lies entirely in the lesser pelvis, fascia by adipose tissue in the potential retropubic space (of Retzius) but as it distends, it expands anterosuperiorly into the abdominal cavity (Fig. 75.4). This is more adherent to the bladder than to the anterior (Video 75.1). An empty bladder is somewhat tetrahedral and has a base surface of the prostate, which aids reliable identification of the region (fundus), neck, apex, and a superior (dome) and two inferolateral of the bladder neck surgically. In males, each inferolateral surface is surfaces. related anteriorly to the pubis and puboprostatic ligaments. In females, the relations are similar, except that the pubovesical ligaments replace the puboprostatic ligaments. The inferolateral surfaces are not covered RELATIONS by peritoneum. The triangular superior surface is bounded by lateral borders from the apex to the ureteric entrances, and by a posterior The base of the bladder is triangular and located posteroinferiorly. In border that joins them. In males, the superior surface is completely females, it is closely related to the anterior vaginal wall (Fig. 75.1); in covered by peritoneum, which extends slightly on to the base and con- males, it is related to the rectum, although it is separated from it supe- tinues posteriorly into the rectovesical pouch and anteriorly into the riorly by the rectovesical pouch, and inferiorly by the seminal vesicle median umbilical fold; it is in contact with the sigmoid colon and and vas (ductus) deferens on each side, and by Denonvilliers’ fascia the terminal coils of the ileum (see Fig. 75.2). In females, the superior (Fig. 75.2). The neck, which is most fixed, lies most inferiorly, 3–4 cm surface is largely covered by peritoneum, which is reflected posteriorly behind the lower part of the pubic symphysis and just above the plane on to the uterus at the level of the internal os (the junction of the of the inferior aperture of the lesser pelvis. The bladder neck is, essen- uterine body and cervix), to form the vesicouterine pouch. The posterior tially, the internal urethral orifice, which lies in a constant position part of the superior surface, devoid of peritoneum, is separated from that is independent of the varying positions of the bladder and rectum. the supravaginal cervix by fibroareolar tissue. In males, the neck rests on, and is in direct continuity with, the base These relationships are important in managing bladder trauma. of the prostate; in females, it is related to the pelvic fascia that Extraperitoneal injuries can often be managed conservatively because surrounds the upper urethra. In both sexes, the apex of the bladder urine is contained, whereas intraperitoneal injuries usually require sur- faces towards the upper part of the pubic symphysis. The median gical repair. Fig. 75.1 The relations of the female bladder, sagittal section of the pelvis. (With permission from Ureter Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sigmoid colon Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, External iliac artery and vein Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Ovarian follicles Uterine fundus Rectal ampulla Inferior epigastric artery and vein Parietal peritoneum Linea alba Recto-uterine pouch Median umbilical ligament Cervix Internal urethral orifice Rectovaginal fascia Corpus cavernosum clitoris Frenulum of clitoris Ureteric orifice Labium minor External urethral orifice Labium majus 1255
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1256 8 noItCes A Sigmoid colon Internal urethral meatus Ureteric orifice Small intestine Median umbilical ligament Retropubic space (of Retzius) Rectovesical pouch Linea alba Pubic symphysis Rectal ampulla Suspensory ligament of penis Denonvilliers’s fascia Deep dorsal vein of penis Prostate Visceral pelvic fascia Dorsal vein of penis Anococcygeal ligament External anal sphincter Internal anal sphincter Deep transverse perineal muscle Perineal membrane Membranous urethra Bulb of penis Parietal peritoneum Full bladder Parietal peritoneum Rectum Empty bladder Rectum Prostate Prostate Fig. 75.2 A, The relationship of the bladder and prostate: sagittal section, male pelvis. The relationship of the bladder to the peritoneum and anterior abdominal wall on filling allows suprapubic cystostomy without intraperitoneal urinary leak. ( With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Continued As the bladder fills, it becomes ovoid (Fig. 75.5; see Fig. 75.2 and between the summit and the anterior abdominal wall; this recess often Video 75.1). Anteriorly, it displaces the parietal peritoneum from the contains coils of small intestine. At birth, the bladder is higher than in suprapubic region of the abdominal wall. Its inferolateral surfaces the adult because the true pelvis is shallow, and the internal urethral become anterior and rest against the abdominal wall without interven- orifice is level with the upper symphysial border. The bladder is then ing peritoneum for a distance above the pubic symphysis that varies abdominal rather than pelvic, and extends about two-thirds of the with the degree of distension, but is commonly 5–7 cm. The distended distance towards the umbilicus. bladder may be punctured just above the pubic symphysis without traversing the peritoneum (suprapubic cystostomy) (see Fig. 75.2); sur- gical access to the bladder through the anterior abdominal wall is LIGAMENTS OF THE BLADDER usually by this route. The summit of the full bladder points up and forwards above the attachment of the median umbilical ligament, so The bladder is anchored inferiorly to the pubis, lateral pelvic side that the peritoneum forms a supravesical recess of varying depth walls and rectum by condensations of pelvic fascia; although these
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1256.e1 57 retpahC Urine samples may, therefore, be obtained in children by performing 1300.00 97 suprapubic needle puncture. A normogram of bladder volume index 95 90 (BVI = length × width × depth of bladder), based on sonographic meas- 1200.00 75 50 urements in children, is shown in Figure 75.6. The bladder progres- 1100.00 25 sively descends with growth, and reaches the adult position shortly after 10 5 puberty. 1000.00 3 900.00 800.00 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Age (years) Fig. 75.6 Centiles of bladder volume index in children. (Redrawn with permission from Leung VY, Chu WC, Yeung CK et al Nomograms of total renal volume, urinary bladder volume and bladder wall thickness index in 3,376 children with a normal urinary tract, Pediatric Radiology (2007); 37:181–188.) )3mc( )IVB( xedni emulov reddalB 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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urinary bladder 1257 57 retpahC Rectus abdominis Bladder Seminal vesicle Left lateral border of perivesical fat Left medial umbilical ligament (entrance to space of Retzius) (obliterated umbilical artery) Median umbilical ligament (urachus) Right medial umbilical ligament (obliterated umbilical artery) Urinary bladder A Left lateral border of perivesical fat Left medial umbilical ligament Median umbilical (entrance to space of Retzius) (left obliterated umbilical artery) ligament (urachus) B Body of pubis Corpus Bulb of penis Prostate Rectum cavernosum Origin of left Fig. 75.2, cont’d B, A sagittal T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of inferior epigastric the male pelvis, showing the bladder, prostate and relations. vessels Left gonadal vessels condensations are not true anatomical ligaments, the term is applied in routine clinical use (see p. 1224 for a further description of the vis- ceral pelvic fascia). In both sexes, stout bands of fibromuscular tissue, the pubovesical ligaments, extend from the bladder neck to the inferior aspect of the B pubic bones; they lie on each side of the median plane, leaving a midline hiatus through which numerous small veins pass. The pubo- Left vas deferens Peritoneum covering bladder dome vesical ligaments are derived from the detrusor muscle, part of the detrusor apron (Fig. 75.7). In the female, they constitute the superior Fig. 75.3 A, A view of the midline anterior abdominal wall and ligaments extensions of the pubourethral ligaments. In the male, the detrusor during laparoscopy. B, A view of the left side of the anterior abdominal wall and ligaments during laparoscopy. apron is described as an extension of detrusor that extends over the anterior surface of the prostate, and condenses distally and anteriorly to form the puboprostatic ligaments. Other ligaments that have been described in relation to the base of BLADDER INTERIOR the urinary bladder are the lateral, sacrogenital/uterosacral and cardinal ligaments. The literature is sometimes confusing and even contradic- Vesical mucosa tory. The lateral ligament was described by Miles in 1908; although Almost all of the vesical mucosa (Fig. 75.10) is attached only loosely never described in anatomical cadaveric dissection studies, it is recog- to subjacent muscle; it folds when the bladder empties, and the folds nized clinically as an important structure in the pararectal space at are stretched flat as it fills. Over the trigone, immediately above and operation. It is a broad band of dense connective tissue, varying in behind the internal urethral orifice, it is adherent to the subjacent depth from 5 to 7 cm, and passing between the lateral wall of the pelvis muscle layer and is always smooth. The anteroinferior angle of the and the base of the bladder at the point where the ureter terminates. It trigone is formed by the internal urethral orifice, its posterolateral contains the middle rectal artery and lymphatic vessels that pass from angles by the ureteric orifices. The superior trigonal boundary is a the lower rectum to the iliac lymph nodes (Takahashi et al 2000). The slightly curved inter-ureteric bar, which connects the two ureteric ori- apex of the bladder is connected to the umbilicus by the remains of the fices and is produced by the continuation into the vesical wall of the urachus, which forms the median umbilical ligament (see Fig. 75.3; ureteric internal longitudinal muscle. Laterally, this ridge extends Video 75.2). Composed of longitudinal muscle fibres derived from the beyond the ureteric openings as ureteric folds, produced by the terminal detrusor, it becomes more fibrous towards the umbilicus. It usually parts of the ureters, which run obliquely through the bladder wall. At maintains a lumen lined with epithelium that persists into adult life cystoscopy, the inter-ureteric crest appears as a pale band and is a guide but is only rarely complicated by a urachal cyst, sinus, fistula or to the ureteric orifices (Fig. 75.10B). adenocarcinoma. Trigone From the superior surface of the bladder, the peritoneum is carried off in a series of folds: the ‘false’ ligaments of the bladder. Anteriorly, The smooth muscle of the trigone consists of two distinct layers, some- there are three folds (Fig. 75.8): the median umbilical fold over the times termed the superficial trigonal muscle and deep trigonal detrusor median umbilical ligament (urachus), and two medial umbilical folds muscle. The latter is composed of muscle cells, indistinguishable from over the obliterated umbilical arteries. The inferior epigastric vessels those of the detrusor, and is simply the posteroinferior portion of the (Fig. 75.9) are lateral to these folds on the anterior abdominal wall and detrusor muscle proper. The superficial trigonal muscle represents a are termed lateral umbilical ligaments in descriptions of anterior morphologically distinct component of the trigone, which, unlike the abdominal wall anatomy. detrusor, is composed of relatively small-diameter muscle bundles that
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1257.e1 57 retpahC The urachus may play a critical role in maintaining fetal life when Left inferior epigastric vessels Left medial umbilical ligament Urinary bladder atresia of the urethra results in complete obstruction to the flow of amniotic fluid. Anhydramnios noted at 17 weeks’ gestation has been reported to resolve by 21 weeks when the patent urachus acts as a fistula between the bladder and the amniotic space, preserving pulmonary and renal function (Stalberg and Gonzalez 2012). Left medial umbilical ligament Median umbilical ligament Left testicular vessels Fig. 75.9 A laparoscopic view of the left inferior epigastric vein (lateral umbilical ligament) in a 12-month-old boy. (Courtesy of Mr Girish Jawaheer.) Urinary bladder Right medial umbilical ligament Fig. 75.8 A laparoscopic view of the empty bladder and median and medial umbilical folds in a 12-month-old boy. (Courtesy of Mr Girish Jawaheer.)
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1258 8 noItCes Left superior Endopelvic Left puboprostatic Dorsal venous A pubic ramus fascia ligament complex Bladder Pubis Fibres of detrusor muscle Urethra Striated urethral sphincter Striated urethral meatus Pubovesical ligament B Bladder Detrusor apron Bladder (released from Prostate Seminal the anterior abdominal wall) vesicle Fig. 75.4 A transperitoneal view of the male pelvis, as seen during robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. The bladder is released from the anterior abdominal wall, the space of Retzius is Pubis developed and the endopelvic fascia opened. Prostate Medial umbilical ligament (obliterated umbilical artery) Striated urethral sphincter Bulb of penis Puboprostatic (pubovesical) ligament Location of seminal Fig. 75.7 Ligaments that anchor the neck of the bladder and pelvic part vesicles and of the urethra to the pelvic bone. A, In the female. B, In the male. In vas deferens males, the detrusor extends over the anterosuperior aspect of the prostate and inserts into the pubic bone. It condenses to form pubovesical/puboprostatic ligaments. (A–B, With permission from Drake Tip of Foley RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A, Tibbitts R, Richardson P (eds), Gray’s Atlas of catheter Anatomy, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2008.) Rectovesical unit. The arrangement of smooth muscle in this region is quite different pouch in males and females, and therefore will be described separately. Female Left Right In the female, the bladder neck consists of morphologically distinct smooth muscle (Fig. 75.10C). The large-diameter fasciculi characteristic Fig. 75.5 Laparoscopic view of the full bladder. of the detrusor are replaced in the region of the bladder neck by small- diameter fasciculi that extend obliquely or longitudinally into the ure- are continuous proximally with those of the intramural ureters. The thral wall. In the normal female, the bladder neck sits above the pelvic superficial trigonal muscle is relatively thin but is generally described floor, supported predominantly by the pubovesical ligaments (see Fig. as becoming thickened along its superior border to form the interuret- 75.7A), the endopelvic fascia of the pelvic floor and levator ani. These eric ridge (bar). Similar thickenings occur along the lateral edges of support the urethra at rest; with elevated intra-abdominal pressure, the the superficial trigone. In both sexes, the superficial trigone muscle levators contract, increasing urethral closure pressure to maintain con- becomes continuous with the smooth muscle of the proximal urethra, tinence. This anatomical arrangement commonly alters after parturition and extends in the male along the urethral crest as far as the openings and with increasing age, such that the bladder neck lies beneath the of the ejaculatory ducts. pelvic floor, particularly when intra-abdominal pressure rises, which means that the mechanism described above fails to maintain conti- Ureteric orifices nence and women may experience stress incontinence (Klutke and The slit-like ureteric orifices are placed at the posterolateral trigonal Siegel 1995). angles (Fig. 75.10A,B). In empty bladders, they are approximately Male 2.5 cm apart, and 2.5 cm from the internal urethral orifice; in disten- sion, these measurements may be doubled. In the male, the bladder neck is completely surrounded by a circular collar of smooth muscle, with its own distinct adrenergic innervation, Internal urethral orifice which extends distally to surround the preprostatic portion of the The internal urethral orifice is sited at the trigonal apex, the lowest part urethra. These smooth muscle bundles are distinct from the smooth of the bladder, and is usually somewhat crescentic in section. There is muscle bundles that run in continuity from the bladder neck down to often an elevation immediately behind it in adult males (particularly the prostatic urethra, and from the smooth muscle within the prostate. past middle age), which is caused by the median prostatic lobe. The bundles that form this ‘preprostatic sphincter’ are small in size compared with the muscle bundles of the detrusor, and are separated by a relatively larger connective tissue component rich in elastic fibres. BLADDER NECK The bladder neck is sometimes called the proximal or internal sphincter mechanism, to distinguish it from the distal urinary sphincter The smooth muscle of the bladder neck is histologically, histochemi- mechanism. The internal sphincter contributes to urinary continence cally and pharmacologically distinct from the detrusor muscle proper and, in the face of distal sphincteric incompetence, can, at times, main- and so the bladder neck should be considered as a separate functional tain continence independently. Unlike the detrusor and the rest of the
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urinary bladder 1259 57 retpahC Median umbilical ligament A B Bladder mucosa Muscular layer (muscular coat) Mucosa (mucous membrane) Interureteric bar Ureteric orifice C Internal Bladder urethral sphincter (lissosphincter) Urethra Ureteric orifice Interureteric ridge Mucosal folds External Uvula of bladder Trigone urethral sphincter (rhabdosphincter) Urethral crest Internal urethral meatus (bladder neck) Prostatic sinus Prostatic Prostatic Prostate urethra utricle Verumontanum Prostatic ducts (seminal colliculus) Ejaculatory ducts Fig. 75.10 A, A coronal section of the urinary bladder in the male. The mucosal folds are dependent on the state of filling. B, The ureteric orifice seen at endoscopy. C, A posterior view of the bladder neck in the female. (A, With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) urethral smooth muscle (common to both sexes), the preprostatic Inferior vesical artery sphincter is richly supplied with sympathetic noradrenergic nerves and The inferior vesical artery often arises with the middle rectal artery from is almost totally devoid of parasympathetic cholinergic nerves (see the internal iliac artery. It supplies the base of the bladder, prostate, below). seminal vesicles and lower ureter, and may sometimes provide the artery to the vas deferens. Prostatic branches communicate across the Bladder outflow obstruction midline. In progressive chronic obstruction to micturition, e.g. as a result of prostatic enlargement or urethral stricture, or in children with congeni- Veins tal bladder outflow obstruction, e.g. posterior urethral valves, the muscle of the bladder hypertrophies. The muscle fasciculi increase in size and, because they interlace in all directions, a thick-walled ‘trabecu- The veins that drain the bladder form a complicated plexus on its infe- lated bladder’ is produced. Mucosa between the fascicles forms ‘diver- rolateral surfaces and pass backwards in the lateral ligaments of the ticula’. When outflow is obstructed, emptying is not complete; some bladder to end in the internal iliac veins (see Fig. 77.3). urine remains and may become infected. Back-pressure from a chroni- cally distended bladder may gradually dilate the ureters, renal pelves Lymphatic drainage and even the renal collecting tubules, which can result in progressive renal impairment. Lymphatics that drain the bladder begin in mucosal, intermuscular and serosal plexuses (see Fig. 77.3). There are three sets of collecting vessels; most end in the external iliac nodes. Vessels from the trigone emerge VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE on the exterior of the bladder to run superolaterally. Vessels from the superior surface of the bladder converge to the posterolateral angle and Arteries pass superolaterally to the external iliac nodes (some may go to the internal or common iliac group). Vessels from the inferolateral surface The bladder is supplied principally by the superior and inferior vesical of the bladder ascend to join those from the superior surface or run to arteries (see Figs 77.3, 74.22), derived from the anterior trunk of the the lymph nodes in the obturator fossa. Minute nodules of lymphoid internal iliac artery, and supplemented by the obturator and inferior tissue may occur along the vesical lymph vessels. gluteal arteries. In the female, additional branches are derived from the uterine and vaginal arteries. INNERVATION Superior vesical artery The superior vesical artery supplies many branches to the fundus of the The nerves supplying the bladder arise from the pelvic plexuses, a mesh bladder. The artery to the vas deferens often originates from one of these of autonomic nerves and ganglia lying on the lateral aspects of the and accompanies the vas deferens to the testis, where it anastomoses rectum, internal genitalia and bladder base (Fig. 75.11). They consist with the testicular artery. Other branches supply the ureter. The initial of both sympathetic and parasympathetic components, each of which portion of the superior vesical artery is the proximal, patent, section of contains both efferent and afferent fibres. For further reading, see the fetal umbilical artery. Mundy et al (1999a).
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1260 8 noItCes Paravertebral sympathetic chain Coeliac plexus T12 Inferior mesenteric plexus Superior hypogastric plexus L5 Ureter Hypogastric nerve S1 Vas deferens Urinary bladder Pelvic splanchnic Seminal vesicle nerves Sciatic nerve Puboprostatic ligament Prostate Pelvic (inferior hypogastric) plexus Striated urethral Pudendal nerve sphincter Inferior rectal nerve Perineal nerve Dorsal nerve of penis Fig. 75.11 Innervation of the lower urinary tract and male genitalia. (Redrawn with permission from Dyck P, Thomas PK, 2005, Peripheral Neuropathy, Saunders, Elsevier.) Efferent fibres considered to typify cholinergic nerve terminals, and contain clusters Parasympathetic fibres arise from the second to the fourth sacral seg- of small (50 nm diameter) agranular vesicles, occasional large ments of the spinal cord and enter the pelvic plexuses on the postero- (80–160 nm diameter) granulated vesicles and small mitochondria. lateral aspects of the rectum as the pelvic splanchnic nerves. The Terminal regions approach to within 20 nm of the surface of the muscle sympathetic fibres are derived from neuronal cell bodies in the lower cells and may be partially surrounded by Schwann cell cytoplasm; more three thoracic and upper two lumbar segments of the spinal cord and often, they are naked nerve endings. The human detrusor muscle pos- form the coeliac and mesenteric plexuses around the great vessels in the sesses a sparse but definite supply of sympathetic noradrenergic nerves abdomen; from here, the hypogastric plexuses descend into the pelvis that generally accompany the vascular supply and only rarely extend as fairly discrete nerve bundles within the extraperitoneal connective among the myocytes. Non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic nerves have tissue posterior to the ureter on each side. The anterior part of the pelvic been identified, and a number of other neurotransmitters or neuro- plexus is known as the vesical plexus. Small groups of autonomic neu- modulators have been detected in intramural ganglia, including the rones occur within the plexus and throughout all regions of the bladder peptide somatostatin. The superficial trigonal muscle is associated with wall. These multipolar intramural neurones are rich in acetylcholinester- more noradrenergic (sympathetic) fibres than cholinergic (parasympa- ase (AChE) and occur in ganglia consisting of up to 20 neuronal cell thetic) nerves, a difference that supports the view that the superficial bodies. The majority of the preganglionic nerve terminals correspond trigonal muscle should be regarded as ‘ureteric’ rather than ‘vesical’ in morphologically to presumptive cholinergic fibres. Noradrenergic ter- origin. It is, however, important to emphasize that the superficial trigo- minals also relay on cell bodies in the pelvic plexus; it is not known nal muscle forms a very minor part of the total muscle mass of the whether similar nerves synapse on intramural bladder ganglia. bladder neck and proximal urethra in either sex and is probably of little The urinary bladder (including the trigonal detrusor muscle) is pro- significance in the physiological mechanisms that control these regions. fusely supplied with nerves, which form a dense plexus among the The smooth muscle of the bladder neck in males is predominantly detrusor muscle cells. The majority of these nerves contain AChE and orientated obliquely or circularly. It is sparsely supplied with cholin- occur in abundance throughout the muscle coat of the bladder. Axonal ergic (parasympathetic) nerves but possesses a rich noradrenergic (sym- varicosities adjacent to detrusor muscle cells possess features that are pathetic) innervation. A similar distribution of autonomic nerves also
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Male urethra 1261 57 retpahC occurs in the smooth muscle of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and bladder. This layer is often very superficial, lying close beneath the vasa deferentia. Stimulation of sympathetic nerves causes contraction urothelium, but is sometimes deeper in the lamina propria, where it of smooth muscle in the wall of the genital tract, resulting in seminal may be well developed; it must be distinguished from the muscularis emission. Concomitant sympathetic stimulation of the proximal ure- propria. Several functions have been proposed for the lamina propria, thral smooth muscle causes sphincteric closure of the preprostatic including acting as the capacitance layer of the bladder (determining sphincter, thereby preventing reflux of ejaculate into the bladder. bladder compliance and enabling adaptive changes to increasing It is extensively disrupted in the vast majority of men undergoing volumes); providing factors that influence the growth of the urothelium bladder neck surgery, e.g. transurethral resection of the prostate, which and/or detrusor; and playing a role in signal transduction (Andersson may result in retrograde ejaculation. Similarly, anejaculation can result and McCloskey 2014). when the sympathetic fibres are disrupted during retroperitoneal lymph node dissection surgery. Interstitial cells of Cajal-like cells Although this genital function of the bladder neck of the male is Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are a specialized population of cells well established, it is not known whether the smooth muscle of this involved in smooth muscle excitability that were initially described in region plays an active role in maintaining urinary continence. In con- the gastrointestinal tract (p. 1043). Cells with a similar morphology but trast, the smooth muscle of the bladder neck of the female receives rela- expressing platelet-derived growth receptor alpha (PDGFRα), rather tively few noradrenergic nerves but is richly supplied with presumptive than the tyrosine kinase receptor Kit that typifies ICC, and therefore cholinergic fibres. The sparse supply of sympathetic nerves presumably designated interstitial cells of Cajal-like cells (ICC-LC), have been relates to the absence of a functioning ‘genital’ portion of the wall of reported in the urethra, vas deferens, prostate, bladder, corpus caverno- the female urethra. sum, ureter, Fallopian tube, oviduct and uterus, where they form a The lamina propria of the fundus and inferolateral walls of the functional syncytium with nerves and smooth muscle cells. They may bladder is virtually devoid of autonomic nerve fibres, apart from some function as electrical pacemakers in the urethra and prostate. In the noradrenergic and occasional presumptive cholinergic perivascular bladder, they are found closely apposed to detrusor smooth muscle nerves. However, the density of nerves unrelated to blood vessels cells, in the lamina propria and within the suburothelium; it has been increases closer to the urethral orifice. At the bladder neck and trigone, tentatively suggested that one of their functions in the bladder is to act a nerve plexus of cholinesterase-positive axons extends throughout the as intermediary cells transducing nerve signals to detrusor smooth lamina propria, independent of blood vessels. Some of the larger- muscle cells (Drumm et al 2014). diameter axons are myelinated and others lie adjacent to the basal Muscularis propria urothelial cells. In the absence of any obvious effector target sites, the subepithelial nerve plexuses of the bladder and the ureter are assumed The muscularis propria is the detrusor muscle of the bladder wall. It to subserve a sensory function. consists of three indistinct layers: an inner and outer longitudinal, and an intermediate circular layer. In contrast to the muscularis mucosae, Afferent fibres which consists of small wispy fibres, the muscularis propria is made up Vesical nerves are also concerned with pain and awareness of distension, of larger, poorly defined, bundles of smooth muscle that form well- and are stimulated by distension or spasm due to a stone, inflammation defined inner circular and outer longitudinal layers at the neck of the or malignant disease; they travel in sympathetic and parasympathetic bladder. nerves, but predominantly in the latter. Division of the sympathetic Serosa paths (e.g. ‘presacral neurectomy’) or of the superior hypogastric plexus, therefore, does not materially relieve vesical pain, whereas considerable The serosa partially covers the bladder. It is lined externally by mesothe- relief follows bilateral anterolateral cordotomy. Since nerve fibres medi- lium, beneath which there is a variable amount of vascularized adipose ating awareness of distension travel in the posterior columns (fasciculus tissue that frequently extends into the muscularis propria and, occasion- gracilis), the patient still retains awareness of the need to micturate after ally, into the lamina propria. anterolateral cordotomy. The nerve endings detecting noxious stimuli are probably of more than one type; a subepithelial plexus of fibres MALE URETHRA containing dense vesicles, which are probably afferent endings, has been described. The male urethra (Fig. 75.12, see Fig. 75.2) is 18–20 cm long, and extends from the internal orifice in the urinary bladder to the external opening, MICROSTRUCTURE or meatus, at the end of the penis. It may be considered in two parts. The anterior urethra is approximately 16 cm long and lies within the peri- The bladder consists of four layers: a lining epithelium (urothelium), neum (proximally) and the penis (distally), surrounded by the corpus lamina propria, muscularis propria and serosa. spongiosum. The posterior urethra is 4 cm long and lies in the pelvis proximal to the corpus spongiosum, where it is acted on by the urogenital Lining epithelium or urothelium sphincter mechanisms. Functionally, both parts act as a conduit. Urothelium (transitional epithelium; see Fig. 2.5D) is 4–7 cells thick; The anterior urethra is subdivided into a proximal component, the it may appear to be attenuated to 2–3 cells thick when the bladder is bulbar urethra, which is surrounded by bulbospongiosus and entirely fully distended. It contains three distinctive cell layers: a basal layer, an within the perineum, and a pendulous or penile component, which intermediate layer and a superficial (‘umbrella’ cell) layer (see Fig. continues to the tip of the penis. The posterior urethra is divided into 75.15). The basal layer consists of small cuboidal cells from which the preprostatic, prostatic and membranous segments. In the flaccid penis, upper layers arise. The intermediate layers are polygonal and possess the urethra has a double curve. The urethral canal is a mere slit, except the capacity to stretch and flatten. The superficial layer forms a protec- during the passage of fluid; in transverse section, it is transversely arched tive, almost impermeable, surface for the bladder mucosa and consists in the prostatic part, stellate in the preprostatic and membranous por- of large, sometimes multinucleated, cells displaying degenerative tions, transverse in the bulbar and penile portions, and sagittal at the changes in their cytoplasm; these cells are ultimately exfoliated into the external orifice. urine. The apical surface of the umbrella cell layer is covered by 16 nm Posterior part protein particles packed hexagonally to form two-dimensional crystals of asymmetric unit membranes (AUMs), which contribute to the per- preprostatic urethra meability barrier function of the urinary bladder, preventing reabsorp- The preprostatic urethra is approximately 1 cm in length, and extends tion of urine across the urothelium into the blood stream. Islands or from the base of the bladder to the prostate (Fig. 75.12). Small peri- nests of urothelium (von Brunn’s nests) may become separated from urethral glands at this site may contribute to benign prostatic hyperpla- the surface during development and are found embedded in the under- sia (BPH) and symptoms of outflow obstruction in older men. lying lamina propria; they may undergo central degeneration to form cysts (cystitis cystica). prostatic urethra The prostatic urethra is 3–4 cm in length and tunnels through the Lamina propria substance of the prostate, closer to the anterior than the posterior The lamina propria forms a connective tissue bed supporting the overly- surface of the gland (Fig. 75.13; see Fig. 75.10). It is continuous above ing urothelium, from which it is separated by a basement membrane. with the preprostatic part and emerges from the prostate slightly ante- It is rich in capillaries, lymphatics and nerve endings, and contains rior to its apex (the most inferior point of the prostate). Throughout elastic fibres and a thin, poorly defined, layer of smooth muscle fibres, most of its length, the posterior wall possesses a midline ridge, the the muscularis mucosae, which is variably distributed within the urethral crest, that projects into the lumen, causing it to appear
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1262 8 noItCes A B Bladder mucosa – base of bladder Fundus Left ureteral Interureteric ridge orifice Mucosal folds Trigone Trigone Left lateral bladder neck Ureteral orifice Uvula of bladder Posterior Internal urethral bladder meatus (bladder neck) neck Preprostatic urethra Seminal colliculus Left lateral (verumontanum) lobe of prostate Prostatic urethra Ejaculatory ducts Prostatic utricle Prostatic ducts Urethral crest Urethral crest Prostatic Membranous urethra Bulbourethral gland Bulb of penis sinus and duct Crus of penis Verumontanum Prostatic utricle Bulbourethral glands Urethral crest and verumontanum Mucosal folds of external urethral sphincter mechanism Male urethra Bulbar urethra Corpus spongiosum Membranous urethra Bulbar urethra Penile urethra Corpus cavernosum Penile urethra Urethral lacunae Urethral lacuna Penile urethra Glans penis Navicular fossa Prepuce External urethral meatus (orifice) Navicular fossa Fig. 75.12 A, The male urethra. B, Endoscopic views (top to bottom): posterior bladder wall and trigone, bladder neck, urethral crest, membranous urethra, bulbar urethra, penile urethra, navicular fossa. (A, with permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) crescentic in transverse section. On each side of the crest, the floor of a Membranous urethra shallow depression, the prostatic sinus, is perforated by the orifices of The membranous part of the urethra is the shortest (2–2.5 cm), least 15–20 prostatic ducts. An elevation, the verumontanum (seminal col- dilatable and, with the exception of the external orifice, the narrowest liculus), occurs at about the middle of the length of the urethral crest; section of the urethra. It descends with a slight ventral concavity from at this point, the urethra turns anteriorly and contains the slit-like the prostate to the bulb of the penis, passing through the perineal orifice of the prostatic utricle. The extent of angulation most often membrane, 2.5 cm posteroinferior to the pubic symphysis. The wall of approximates 30–35° but can change with age and differs between the membranous urethra consists of a muscle coat that is separated from individuals. The verumontanum is used as a surgical landmark for the the epithelial lining by a narrow layer of fibroelastic connective tissue. urethral sphincter during transurethral resection for benign enlarge- The muscle coat contains a relatively thin layer of bundles of smooth ment of the prostate. muscle, which are continuous proximally with those of the prostatic The two small openings of the ejaculatory ducts open on both sides urethra, and a prominent outer layer of circularly orientated striated of, or just within, the prostatic utricle, a cul-de-sac approximately 6 mm muscle fibres, which together form the external urethral sphincter. long, that runs upwards and backwards in the substance of the prostate Urinary continence at the level of the membranous urethra is medi- behind its median lobe. Its walls are composed of fibrous tissue, muscular ated by the radial folds of urethral mucosa, the submucosal connective fibres and mucous membrane, the latter pitted by the openings of numer- tissue, the intrinsic urethral smooth muscle, the striated muscle fibres ous small glands. It develops from the paramesonephric ducts or urogeni- and the pubourethral component of levator ani. The muscle coat of the tal sinus, and has been thought to be homologous with the vagina of the urethra and puborectalis surround the membranous urethra and are female so that it is sometimes called the ‘vagina masculina’; the more attached to the inner surface of the ischiopubic ramus; fibres also reach usual view is that it is a uterine homologue – hence the name ‘utricle’. up to the lowest part of the neck of the bladder and lie on the surface The lowermost part of the prostatic urethra is fixed by the pubopros- of the prostate. The striated external urethral sphincter has a posterior tatic ligaments and is therefore immobile. fibrous defect and is inserted throughout its length into the perineal
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1262.e1 57 retpahC Cystic dilation of the prostatic utricle (Fig. 75.14) may present in childhood with urinary tract infections, recurrent epididymitis or haematuria. Fig. 75.14 Cystic dilation of the prostatic utricle (arrow) demonstrated in an 8-month-old child during a micturating cystourethrogram. (Courtesy of Mr Alok Godse.)
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Male urethra 1263 57 retpahC Urethral sinuses Fig. 75.13 The prostatic part of the male urethra. Internal urethral sphincter The raised part of the urethral crest is (smooth muscle) the seminal colliculus, known clinically as the Urethral crest verumontanum. (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Prostate Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Seminal colliculus Copyright 2010.) (verumontanum) Prostatic utricle Glandular elements of prostate Openings of ducts of glandular elements of prostate Fibromuscular stroma (smooth muscle and Openings of fibrous connective tissue) ejaculatory ducts External urethral sphincter (skeletal muscle) Deep perineal pouch Perineal membrane body. It is related to the dorsal vein complex anteriorly, levator ani later- through the corpus spongiosum is so plentiful that the urethra can be ally, and the perineal body and rectourethralis posteriorly; it is sus- divided without compromising its vascular supply. pended from the pubis by fibrous tissue that extends from its anterior and lateral parts to the puboprostatic ligaments posteriorly and to the Veins suspensory ligament of the penis anteriorly. The bulbourethral glands The venous drainage of the anterior urethra is to the dorsal veins of the are invested in sphincteric muscle and drain into the membranous penis and internal pudendal veins, which drain to the prostatic plexus. urethra during sexual excitement. The posterior urethra drains into the prostatic and vesical venous plex- uses, which drain into the internal iliac veins. Anterior part The anterior, or spongiose, part of the urethra lies within the corpus Lymphatic drainage spongiosum penis (see Fig. 76.3). In the flaccid penis, it is about 15 cm Vessels from the posterior urethra pass mainly to the internal iliac nodes; long and extends from the end of the membranous urethra to the a few may end in the external iliac nodes. Vessels from the membranous external urethral orifice on the glans penis. It starts below the perineal urethra accompany the internal pudendal artery. Vessels from the ante- membrane at a point anterior to the lowest level of the pubic symphysis rior urethra accompany those of the glans penis, most ending in the as the bulbar urethra, the widest part of the urethra, surrounded by deep inguinal nodes; some may end in superficial nodes, while others bulbospongiosus. The bulbourethral glands open into the bulbar may traverse the inguinal canal to end in the external iliac nodes. urethra approximately 2.5 cm below the perineal membrane. The urethra next curves downwards as the penile urethra. It is a narrow, transverse slit when empty, and has a diameter of approximately 6 mm INNERVATION when passing urine. It is dilated at its termination within the glans penis, where it is known as the navicular fossa. The external urethral The prostatic plexus supplies the smooth muscle of the prostate and orifice is the narrowest part of the urethra and, in the adult, is a sagittal prostatic urethra (see Fig. 75.11). On each side, it is derived from the slit, about 6 mm long, bounded on each side by a small labium. pelvic plexus and lies on the posterolateral aspect of the seminal vesicle The urethral epithelium, particularly in the bulbar and distal penile and prostate. The cavernous (deep, cavernosal) nerves, both major and segments, presents the orifices of numerous small mucous urethral minor, pierce the bulb of the corpus spongiosum to innervate the cav- glands that lie in the submucosa. It also contains a number of small ernous bodies of the penis. The sympathetic autonomic nerves that pit-like recesses, or lacunae, of varying sizes with orifices directed for- supply the internal urethral sphincter are derived from the pelvic plexus wards. One, the lacuna magna, is larger than the rest and is situated in as it descends in the pelvis adjacent to the inferior prostatovesical the roof of the navicular fossa. pedicle and prostate, and function to prevent retrograde ejaculation. Traumatic injury to the male urethra Parasympathetic preganglionic axons arise from neuronal cell bodies in the second to fourth sacral spinal segments. The nerve supply of the external urethral sphincter is controversial. It is generally believed to be Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book supplied by neurones in Onuf’s nucleus and by perineal branches of Congenital anomalies of the male urethra the pudendal nerve lying on the perineal aspect of the pelvic floor; in both instances, the axons arise from neurones in the second to fourth sacral spinal segments. Fibres from Onuf’s nucleus (somatic) travel with Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book the pelvic plexus on each side until they branch off to run on the pelvic aspect of the pelvic floor to enter the membranous urethra. VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MICROSTRUCTURE Urethral artery The urethral artery arises from the internal pudendal artery or common The epithelium lining the preprostatic urethra and the proximal part penile artery just below the perineal membrane, and travels through the of the prostatic urethra is a typical urothelium (Fig. 75.15). It is con- corpus spongiosum to reach the glans penis. It supplies the urethra and tinuous with that lining the bladder, and with the epithelium lining the the erectile tissue around it. The urethra is also supplied by the dorsal ducts of the prostate and bulbourethral glands, the seminal vesicles, penile artery, via its circumflex branches on each side and in a retrograde and the vasa deferentia and ejaculatory ducts. These relationships are fashion from the glans, by its terminal branches. The blood supply important in the spread of urinary tract infections.
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1263.e1 57 retpahC The mean length of the slit is 5.4 mm in boys between the ages of 0.3 and 15 years (Hutton and Babu 2007). The width of the external urethral orifice in uncircumcised boys between the ages of 5 months and 16 years varies from 3.5 to 7.5 mm (Orkiszewski and Madej 2010). The urethra may be ruptured by a fall-astride (straddle) injury to the bulbar urethra in the perineum, or by an injury related to a pelvic fracture. These injuries usually affect the junction of the membranous with the bulbar segments across the perineal membrane. One of the complications associated with such injuries is extravasation of urine. After an injury to the bulbar urethra, urine usually extravasates between the perineal membrane and the membranous layer of the superficial fascia (clinically, known as Colles’ fascia). As both of these are attached firmly to the ischiopubic rami, extravasated fluid cannot pass posteri- orly because the two layers are continuous around the superficial trans- verse perineal muscles. Laterally, the spread of urine is blocked by the pubic and ischial rami. Urine cannot enter the lesser pelvis through the perineal membrane if this remains intact, and so it tracks anteriorly into the loose connective tissue of the scrotum and penis, and, from there, to the anterior abdominal wall. If the posterior urethra is injured, urine is extravasated into the pelvic extraperitoneal tissue; if the perineal membrane is also torn, then urine may be extravasated into the perineum. Hypospadias, found in 1 in 300 boys, most often results in the urethra opening in the distal penis, either on the ventral aspect of the penis or, more proximally, on to the perineum. There is also an associated abnor- mality of the prepuce, which is longer dorsally and lacking ventrally, and often an associated chordee, which causes a ventral curvature of the penis. The microvessel density of the prepuce is reduced in children with hypospadias and this has surgical implications when preputial flaps are used for the repair of hypospadias (Yucel et al 2004, Cagri Savas et al 2011). Anomalies of arterial vascular anatomy of the prepuce have been described in boys with hypospadias; it is, therefore, impor- tant for hypospadias to be identified prior to circumcision because the abnormal foreskin is sometimes used for surgical correction of the deformity. The anogenital distance (distance from the anus to the base of penis) is reduced in Caucasian boys with hypospadias (Hsieh et al 2012). Epispadias occurs in approximately 1 in 100,000 boys; it is typically part of the exstrophy–epispadias complex but may occur in isolation. The urethra is either completely open dorsally or uncovered to the level of the pubic symphysis. The neurovascular bundles are anterolateral along the proximal portions, and lateral along the middle and distal portions, of the corporeal bodies (Hurwitz et al 1986). Other features of epispadias are shortened penis and dorsal chordee; the incidence of cryptorchidism is increased ten-fold. Posterior urethral valves occur in 1 in 5000–8000 males and are the most common cause of urinary outflow obstruction in male infants. The most common type (type I) is believed to occur if the Wolffian ducts open too anteriorly on to the primitive prostatic urethra; this abnormal migration of the ducts leaves behind thick vestigial tissue that forms rigid valve cusps extending caudally from the verumontanum. Megalourethra may be associated with posterior urethral valves. Con- genital anterior urethral valves are a rare cause of urethral obstruction in boys and may be associated with posterior urethral valves and hypospadias. Very rarely, urethral duplication occurs; the two urethrae almost invariably lie on top of each other rather than side by side. One of the urethrae, usually the more dorsal, may be blind-ending. Congenital prepubic sinus consists of a midline tract in the skin passing from the suprapubic region towards the anterior bladder without communica- tion, and is believed to be a variant of dorsal urethral duplication. Congenital urethrocutaneous fistulae are very rare anomalies in which the urethra opens on the ventral surface of the penis in the absence of chordee or hypospadias. Congenital rectourethral fistulae may be present in children born with anorectal malformation. The prostatic or bulbar urethra is usually affected, and the rectum and urethra share a common wall immediately above the fistula site.
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1264 8 noItCes Veins U The venous plexus around the urethra drains into the vesical venous plexus around the bladder neck and into the internal pudendal veins (see Fig. 77.3). An erectile plexus of veins along the length of the urethra is continuous with the erectile tissue of the vestibular bulb. LP Lymphatic drainage The urethral lymphatics drain into the internal and external iliac nodes. INNERVATION Parasympathetic preganglionic axons arise from neuronal cell bodies in the intermediolateral column of the second to fourth segments of the sacral spinal cord, run in the pelvic splanchnic nerves, and synapse in the vesical plexus in or near the bladder wall (see Fig. 77.5B). Postgan- glionic fibres are distributed to the smooth muscle of the urethral wall. Somatic fibres to the striated muscle are also derived from the second Fig. 75.15 The bladder is lined by urothelium with a surface ‘umbrella to fourth segments of the sacral spinal cord, and run in the pelvic cell’ layer (U) and a layer of intermediate cells (3–5 cells thick). The splanchnic nerves but do not synapse in the vesical plexus. Sensory lamina propria (LP) consists of stroma with blood vessels and von fibres run in the pelvic splanchnic nerves to the second to fourth seg- Brunn’s nests. ments of the sacral spinal cord. Postganglionic sympathetic fibres arise from the plexus around the vaginal arteries. The epithelium changes below the openings of the ejaculatory ducts to a pseudostratified or stratified columnar type, which lines the mem- MICROSTRUCTURE branous urethra and the major part of the penile urethra. Mucus- secreting cells are common throughout this epithelium and frequently The mucosa lining the female urethra consists of a stratified epithelium occur in small clusters in the penile urethra. Branching tubular para- and a supporting lamina propria of loose fibroelastic connective tissue. urethral glands secrete protective mucus on to the urethral epithelial The latter is bulky and well vascularized, and contains numerous thin- lining and are especially numerous on its dorsal aspect. In older men, walled veins. Its abundant elastic fibres are orientated both longitudi- many of the deep recesses of the urethral mucosa contain concretions nally and circularly around the urethra. The lamina propria contains a similar to those found within prostatic glands (see Fig. 75.23A). Towards fine nerve plexus, believed to be derived from sensory branches of the the distal end of the penile urethra, the epithelium changes once again, pudendal nerves. The proximal part of the urethra is lined by urothe- becoming stratified squamous in type with well-defined connective lium, identical in appearance to that of the bladder neck. Distally, the tissue papillae. This epithelium also lines the navicular fossa and epithelium changes into a non-keratinizing stratified squamous type becomes keratinized at the external meatus. The epithelial cells lining that lines the major portion of the female urethra. This epithelium is the navicular fossa are glycogen-rich. This may provide a substrate for keratinized at the external urethral meatus, where it becomes continu- commensal lactobacilli, which, as in the female vagina, provide a ous with the skin of the vestibule. defence against pathogenic organisms. The wall of the female urethra consists of an outer muscle coat and an inner mucosa, which lines the lumen and is continuous with that of the bladder. The muscle coat consists of an outer sheath of striated FEMALE URETHRA muscle, together with an inner coat of smooth muscle fibres. The female external urethral sphincter is anatomically separate from the adjacent The adult female urethra is approximately 4 cm long and 6 mm in periurethral striated muscle of the anterior pelvic floor. The muscle cells diameter. The average length of the urethra is 26 mm in girls, increas- forming the external urethral sphincter are all small-diameter, slow- ing from 23 mm at birth to 32 mm at 15 years (Hirdes et al 2010). It twitch fibres. begins at the internal urethral orifice of the bladder, approximately The smooth muscle coat extends throughout the length of the opposite the middle of the pubic symphysis, and runs anteroinferiorly urethra and consists of slender muscle bundles, the majority of which behind the pubic symphysis, embedded in the anterior wall of the are orientated obliquely or longitudinally. A few circularly arranged vagina (see Fig. 75.1). It is suspended beneath the pubis by the pos- muscle fibres occur in the outer aspect of the non-striated muscle layer terior pubourethral ligaments, and anteriorly, by the suspensory liga- and intermingle with the skeletal muscle fibres forming the inner part ment of the clitoris. It crosses the perineal membrane and normally of the external urethral sphincter. Proximally, the urethral smooth ends at the external urethral orifice in the vestibule as an anteropos- muscle extends as far as the bladder neck, where it is replaced by fasci- terior slit with rather prominent margins, directly anterior to the cles of detrusor smooth muscle. This region in the female lacks a well- opening of the vagina and 2.5 cm behind the glans clitoris. It some- defined circular smooth muscle component comparable with the times opens into the anterior vaginal wall. Except during the passage preprostatic sphincter of the male. Distally, urethral smooth muscle of urine, the anterior and posterior walls of the urethra are in apposi- bundles terminate in the subcutaneous adipose tissue surrounding the tion and the epithelium is thrown into longitudinal folds, one of external urethral meatus. which, on the posterior wall of the canal, is termed the urethral crest. The smooth muscle of the female urethra receives an extensive pre- Many small, mucous urethral glands and minute, pit-like recesses or sumptive cholinergic parasympathetic nerve supply but contains rela- lacunae open into the urethra and may give rise to urethral diverticula. tively few noradrenergic nerves. In the absence of an anatomical bladder On each side, near the lower end of the urethra, a number of these neck sphincter, competence of the female bladder neck and proximal glands, Skene’s glands, are grouped together and open into the para- urethra is unlikely to be totally dependent on smooth muscle activity, urethral duct; each duct runs down in the submucous tissue and ends and is more probably related to the support provided by the ligamen- in a small aperture on the lateral margin of the external urethral tous structures that surround them. The innervation and longitudinal orifice. orientation of most of the muscle fibres suggest that urethral smooth Epispadias is a rare congenital anomaly that may affect the female muscle in the female is active during micturition, serving to shorten urethra. It may occur in isolation or as part of the exstrophy–epispadias and widen the urethral lumen. complex. Isolated epispadias in girls is characterized by the urethra opening at the clitoris, which is typically bifid. MICTURITION AND URINARY CONTINENCE VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE The central integration of nervous control of the bladder and urethra is essential for normal micturition (Fig. 75.16). (For further reading, see Urethral artery Yoshimura and Chancellor (2012).) The urethra is supplied principally by the vaginal artery, but also receives Micturition consists of storage and voiding phases. During the a supply from the inferior vesical artery. storage phase, the bladder accommodates an increasing volume of urine
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Micturition and urinary continence 1265 57 retpahC Lateral aspect Medial aspect Fig. 75.16 The micturition control centre is in the paramedian pontine reticular formation on Anterior cingulate cortex (ACCx) each side and consists of a medially placed micturition centre, ‘M’, and a laterally placed 5 Paracentral lobule storage centre, ‘L’. Neurones project from the ‘M’ centre and the storage centre ‘L’ to parasympathetic neurones in segments 2–4 of the sacral spinal cord, and to Onuf’s nucleus, which is in the same segments, and which innervates the external urethral sphincter. At higher levels, neurones in the right prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex, right preoptic Ventral posterior 4 nucleus of thalamus nucleus and periaqueductal grey matter are involved in the control of micturition. Vesical afferents from stretch receptors in the detrusor Periaqueductal grey and trigonal mucosa relay the extent of matter (PAG) bladder filling to the brainstem and thalamus via spinoreticulothalamic fibres (1). Activity in Inferior frontal gyrus the sympathetic system that maintains Preoptic area increases in bladder compliance (via β2 receptors on detrusor fibres) and parasympathetic activity is inhibited (2). Pons Spinoreticular fibres synapsing in the ‘L’ nucleus in the pons activate Onuf’s nucleus to 'L' centre 'M' centre increase the tone of the external sphincter (3). If micturition is deferred, fibres projecting from the inferior frontal gyrus inhibit the right anterior cingulate gyrus, preoptic area and periaqueductal grey matter (4). Voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor musculature, controlled by the prefrontal cortex driving the perineal ‘area’ of the motor cortex (5), cannot be long sustained once filling is complete. (With permission from FitzGerald MJT, 3 Preganglionic sympathetic supply Folan-Curren J 2001 Clinical Neuroanatomy, Spinoreticulothalamic fibre to pelvic ganglia 4th edn. London: Saunders.) Internuncial neurone S2/S3 posterior nerve Sacral parasympathetic neurone root in cauda equina Motor neurone to levator ani Onuf 's nucleus 1 1 Mucosal afferent fibre 2 To levator ani To external urethral sphincter To pelvic ganglia without any change in intravesical pressure, partly because of the vis- urinary continence in the male coelastic properties of its walls, and partly because a gating mechanism Urinary continence at the level of the membranous urethra is mediated operates in the spinal cord that reflexively inhibits preganglionic para- by the radial folds of urethral mucosa, the submucosal connective sympathetic activity. A gating mechanism in the pelvic ganglia prevents tissue, the intrinsic urethral smooth muscle, the striated external ure- the activation of postganglionic parasympathetic neurones until pre- thral sphincter and the pubourethral component of levator ani, pubo- ganglionic activity has reached a threshold level (Chancellor and perinealis (Fig. 75.17). The external urethral sphincter represents the Yoshimura 2002). point of highest intraurethral pressure in the normal, contracted, state. Mean bladder capacity in adult males varies around 400 ml but The striated muscle component of the external urethral sphincter is micturition commonly occurs at smaller volumes. Voluntary control is devoid of muscle spindles. The striated muscle fibres themselves are imposed from the inferior frontal gyrus of the cerebral cortex. Filling unusually small in cross-section (15–20 µm in diameter), and are phys- to 500 ml may be tolerated; beyond this level, pain caused by tension iologically of the slow-twitch type, unlike the pelvic floor musculature, in the bladder wall leads to the urgent desire to micturate. The pain is which is a heterogeneous mixture of slow- and fast-twitch fibres of referred to the cutaneous areas supplied by T10–L2 and S2–4, includ- larger diameter. The slow-twitch fibres of the external sphincter are ing the lower anterior abdominal wall, perineum and penis. Threshold capable of sustained contraction over relatively long periods of time afferent stimulation activates the micturition centre in the rostral pons and actively contribute to the tone that closes the urethra and maintains (the ‘M’ centre) (see Fig. 75.16), which drives preganglionic parasym- urinary continence. They are innervated by neurones that lie in Onuf’s pathetic neurones in the intermediolateral grey column of the second, nucleus in the anterolateral grey matter of the second to fourth sacral third and fourth sacral spinal segments via descending spinal path- spinal segments. Their firing is controlled centrally by a storage centre ways. The axons of these neurones run to the inferior hypogastric within the rostral pons (the ‘L’ centre) (see Fig. 75.16). Just before the plexus in the pelvic splanchnic nerves; they synapse on postganglionic onset of voiding, the external urethral sphincter is relaxed by central neurones in ganglia lying within the plexus and in the wall of the inhibition of Onuf’s nucleus. bladder. Postganglionic axons ramify throughout the thickness of the detrusor smooth muscle coat. When stimulated, they release acetylcho- urinary continence in the female line, which activates muscarinic receptors in the detrusor layer of the The urethral sphincter mechanism consists of the intrinsic striated and bladder wall and produces the sustained bladder contraction required smooth muscle of the urethra, the mucosa and submucosal connective for micturition. The distal urethral sphincter maintains urethral tissue, and the puborectalis component of levator ani (which surrounds closure. the urethra at the point of maximum concentration of those muscles).
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1266 8 noItCes Bladder Prostate Striated sphincter & membranous urethra Levator ani (puboperinealis) Bulbourethral glands Anterior recess of ischioanal fossa Perineal membrane Ischiopubic ramus Corpus spongiosum (bulb) Corpus cavernosum Ischiocavernosus A B Fig. 75.17 A, Coronal illustration of male anterior levator ani (urogenital) hiatus: prostate above, intervening striated urethral sphincter and perineal membrane with corporal bodies below. B, This coronal T2-weighted MRI includes the cephalad extension of the smooth muscle urethral sphincter, which cannot be discriminated from striated urethral sphincter; bulbourethral glands are offset from expected symmetry. (A, B Courtesy of Robert P Myers MD, Akira Kawashima MD and Bernard F King MD, used with permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.) The striated muscle component of the urethral sphincter mechanism about 8 g in youth but, almost invariably, enlarges with the develop- surrounds the middle and lower thirds of the urethra in the female. ment of BPH; it usually weighs 40 g, but sometimes as much as 150 g Proximally, it forms a complete ring around the urethra, while, more or even more, after the first five decades of life. The small prostate distally, it covers the anterior and lateral aspects of the urethra; it blends without BPH is described as a croissant shape (short anterior commis- above with the smooth muscle of the bladder neck and below with the sure, prominent apical notch and posterior lip of prostatic tissue), and smooth muscle of the lower urethra and vagina. Contraction of this part the enlarged gland is more doughnut-shaped. The shape of the prostate of the sphincter compresses the urethra against the relatively fixed affects the relationship of the prostatic apex to the external urethral anterior vaginal wall. At its most distal point; the striated sphincter sphincter. This relationship is important when removing the prostate encompasses the urethra and vagina as the urethrovaginal sphincter. at radical prostatectomy for cancer, and anastomosing the bladder to The mucosa and submucosa are oestrogen-dependent and atrophy the urethra to maintain sphincter integrity. The external urethral sphinc- postmenopausally, possibly resulting in stress incontinence. ter is flush to a large doughnut-type gland, and so a perpendicular incision will separate the prostate and external urethral sphincter accu- rately. In a small prostate, the external urethral sphincter fills the defect PROSTATE in the anterior aspect of the prostate, and so a perpendicular incision at the level of the posterior lip of the croissant-shaped gland will excise The prostate is a globular fibromuscular gland that surrounds the pro- much external urethral sphincter and leave the patient incontinent. static urethra from the bladder base to the membranous urethra (Myers Superiorly, the base is largely contiguous with the neck of the 2001). It is enclosed by firmly adherent tissue that has been variously bladder. The apex is inferior, surrounding the junction of the prostatic termed the prostatic capsule or the prostatic fascia (parietal fascia cover- and membranous parts of the posterior urethra. The apical posterior ing the adjacent part of levator ani, lateral pelvic fascia, periprostatic relation of the prostate and external urethral sphincter is rectourethralis, fascia, parapelvic fascia), reflecting, in part at least, inter-individual a Y-shaped muscle that originates from the outer longitudinal coat of variability and sampling site (Myers et al 2010) (Fig. 75.18). Histologi- the rectum. The upper limbs of the Y extend from the lateral rectal wall cally, it is a multilayered connective tissue (Hinata et al 2013). There is to the midline, where rectourethralis inserts into the perineal body at no true fibrous capsule at the base or apex of the prostate, and the pres- the anorectal junction (Brooks et al 2002). ence of a capsule between the apex and base is variable. The anterior surface lies in the arch of the pubis, separated from it The muscular tissue within the prostate is mainly smooth muscle. by the dorsal vascular complex (Santorini’s plexus) and loosely attached Anterior to the urethra, a layer of smooth muscle merges with the main adipose tissue. It is transversely narrow and convex, extending from the mass of muscle in the fibromuscular septa; it blends superiorly with apex to the base. Near its superior limit, it is connected to the pubic vesical smooth muscle. Anterior to the layer of smooth muscle, a trans- bones by the puboprostatic ligaments. The urethra emerges from this versely crescent-shaped mass of skeletal muscle is continuous inferiorly surface anterosuperior to the apex of the gland. The anterior part of the with the external urethral sphincter in the deep perineal pouch. Its fibres prostate is relatively deficient in glandular tissue and is largely com- pass transversely internal to the capsule and are attached to it laterally posed of fibromuscular tissue. The anterior and lateral aspects of the by diffuse collagen bundles; other collagen bundles pass posteromedi- prostate are covered by a layer of fascia derived from the endopelvic ally, merging with the prostatic fibromuscular septa and the septum of fascia on each side, called the lateral prostatic fascia. This is adherent the urethral crest. This muscle, supplied by the pudendal nerve, probably medially to the prostate, continues posteriorly over the lateral aspect of compresses the urethra but it may pull the urethral crest back and the the prostate, neurovascular bundles and rectum (lateral rectal fascia), prostatic sinuses forwards, dilating the urethra. Glandular contents may and passes distally over the urethra (see Fig. 75.18A). The prostatic be expelled simultaneously into the urethra when it has expanded in venous plexus (see Fig. 75.19) lies between this extension of the this way, so that it contains 3–5 ml seminal fluid prior to ejaculation. endopelvic fascia and the prostate. Anteroinferiorly, the parietal and The prostate lies at a low level in the lesser pelvis, behind the inferior visceral fasciae of the prostate merge and blend with the puboprostatic border of the pubic symphysis and pubic arch (see Fig. 75.2A; Fig. ligaments. The anterior surface of the prostate and associated vascular 75.19), and anterior to rectourethralis and the rectal ampulla, through plexus is covered by the detrusor apron (Myers 2002). which it may be palpated. It presents a base or vesical aspect superiorly, The inferolateral surfaces are related to the muscles of the pelvic side an apex inferiorly, and posterior, anterior and two inferolateral surfaces. wall; the anterior fibres of levator ani embrace the prostate in the pubo- The prostatic base measures about 4 cm transversely. The gland is 2 cm urethral sling or pubourethralis. These muscles are separated from the in its anteroposterior, and 3 cm in its vertical, diameters. It weighs prostate by a thin layer of connective tissue.
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prostate 1267 57 retpahC A Parietal endopelvic Superficial The posterior surface of the prostate is transversely flat and vertically fascia dorsal vein convex. Near its superior (juxtavesical) border is a depression where it Detrusor apron Dorsal vascular is penetrated by the two ejaculatory ducts. Below this is a shallow, complex median sulcus, usually considered to mark a partial separation into right and left lateral lobes. It is separated from prerectal fat in the pre- rectal space (see Figs 75.2A, 75.18A) and rectum by Denonvilliers’ Prostate Lateral prostatic fascia, a condensation of pelvic fascia that develops by obliteration of fascia Levator ani the rectovesical peritoneal pouch, and by loose yellow, fatty areolar tissue. The rectovesical pouch is obliterated from below upwards as fetal life progresses, forming Denonvilliers’ fascia; at birth, this fascia sepa- rates the prostate, the seminal vesicles and the ampullae of the vasa deferentia from the rectum. The superior limit of Denonvilliers’ fascia is the peritoneum of the rectovesical pouch. Laterally, Denonvilliers’ fascia fuses with the lateral pelvic fascia; anterior to Denonvilliers’ fascia, the lateral pelvic fascia is called the lateral prostatic fascia and, posterior to Denonvilliers’ fascia, it is called the lateral rectal fascia. The prostate is traversed by the urethra and ejaculatory ducts, and contains the prostatic utricle. The urethra enters the prostate near its anterior border and usually passes between its anterior and middle thirds. The ejaculatory ducts pass anteroinferiorly through its posterior region to open into the prostatic urethra. ZONAL ANATOMY OF THE PROSTATE The prostate gland was once thought to be divided into five anatomical lobes, but it is now recognized that five lobes can only be distinguished in the fetal gland prior to 20 weeks’ gestation. Between then and the onset of BPH, only three lobes are recognizable: two lateral and a median lobe. Clinicians refer to left and right ‘lobes’ when describing either what can be felt on rectal palpation, or the endoscopically visible abnormalities that are seen in the diseased state when prostatic anatomy is distorted by BPH. From an anatomical, and particularly from a morbid anatomical, perspective, the glandular tissue may be subdivided into three distinct zones (Figs 75.20–75.22): peripheral (70% by volume), central (25% by volume) and transitional (5% by volume) (Mundy et al 1999b). Non-glandular tissue (fibromuscular stroma) fills the space between the peripheral zones anterior to the preprostatic urethra. The central zone surrounds the ejaculatory ducts, posterior to the preprostatic urethra, and is more or less conical in shape, with its apex at the verumontanum. The fibromuscular stroma includes the smooth muscle detrusor apron Lateral rectal Denonvilliers’ Rectal wall Prerectal fat Neurovascular superoanteriorly and striated urethral sphincter fibres that extend ante- fascia fascia bundle riorly over the anterior prostate on to the bladder neck. The transitional zone lies around the distal part of the preprostatic urethra just proximal to the apex of the central zone and the ejaculatory ducts; it includes the smooth muscle of the preprostatic urethral wall. Its ducts enter the PC prostatic urethra just below the preprostatic sphincter and just above the ducts of the peripheral zone. The peripheral zone is cup-shaped and NVB encloses the central transitional zone and the preprostatic urethra, except anteriorly, where the space is filled by the anterior fibromuscular stroma. Simple mucus-secreting glands lie in the tissue around the preprostatic urethra, above the transitional zone and surrounded by the preprostatic sphincter. These simple glands are similar to those in the female urethra and unlike the glands of the prostate. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the prostate gland has a zonal anatomy on T2-weighted images (see Fig. 75.21). The normal peripheral zone has high-signal intensity, as does fluid within the seminal vesicles. The central and transitional zones have relatively low signal and are often referred to as the ‘central gland’. The verumonta- num may be seen as high-signal within the central gland. The relation- ship of the zones of the gland normally changes with age. The central B zone atrophies, and the transitional zone enlarges secondary to BPH. This often produces a low-signal band at the margin of the hypertro- Fig. 75.18 A, The endopelvic fascia. The fascia covers the pelvic viscera phied transitional and compressed peripheral zones: the surgical pseu- and continues posteriorly over the lateral aspect of the prostate, as the docapsule, which is well seen on T2-weighted MR images. lateral prostatic fascia and, on the lateral aspect of the rectum, as the lateral rectal fascia. Its relationship with Denonvilliers’ fascia may be The zonal anatomy of the prostate is clinically important because visualized as an ‘H’. The deep dorsal vein and lateral branches run deep most carcinomas arise in the peripheral zone, whereas BPH affects the to the endopelvic fascia and the lateral prostatic fascia, although transitional zone, which may grow to form the bulk of the prostate. communicating with perforators to the pelvic side wall. Denonvilliers’ fascia is adherent to the prostate in the posterior midline but, like the VASCULAR SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE lateral prostatic fascia, is separated from the prostatic tissue by the neurovascular structures and fatty tissues elsewhere. Between Denonvilliers’ fascia and the rectum is a fatty potential plane, the prerectal Arteries space. B, The prostatic capsule (PC) is a condensation of connective tissue (green) on the surface of the gland and encloses the neurovascular The prostate is supplied by branches from the inferior vesical, internal bundle (NVB). The prostatic fibromuscular stroma and glands lie beneath pudendal and middle rectal arteries (see Fig. 75.19). They perforate the the capsule. gland along a posterolateral line from the junction of the prostate with the bladder down to the apex of the gland.
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1267.e1 57 retpahC As the transitional zone grows, it produces the appearance of ‘lobes’ on either side of the urethra. In due course, these lobes may compress or distort the preprostatic and prostatic parts of the urethra and produce symptoms. The central zone surrounding the ejaculatory ducts is rarely involved in any disease. It shows certain histochemical characteristics that differentiate it from the rest of the prostate; it is thought to be derived from the Wolffian duct system (much like the epididymi, vasa deferentia and seminal vesicles), whereas the rest of the prostate is derived from the urogenital sinus (p. 1218).
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1268 8 noItCes Hypogastric nerve (Sympathetic) S2–S4 (Parasympathetic) Colon Ureter Vas deferens Peritoneum Inferior vesical artery and vein Pelvic plexus Seminal vesicle Bladder/detrusor Levator ani Pubic bone Arterial blood Superficial branch supply to bladder neck of dorsal vein Rectum Puboprostatic ligaments Capsular artery and vein Vas deferens of the prostate Cremaster Dartos External anal sphincter Crus penis Deep transverse perineal muscle Cavernous artery Bulbospongiosus Ischiocavernosus Prostate Bulbourethral gland Urethral sphincter Cavernous nerve Fig. 75.19 A sagittal section of the male pelvis. The pelvic plexus lies with its midpoint level with the tip of the seminal vesicles. It gives branches to the prostate, bladder urethra, seminal vesicles, rectum and corpora cavernosa via the cavernous nerves. The cavernous nerves are the continuation of the neurovascular bundles, lying posterolateral to the prostate. These bundles may be damaged at radical prostatectomy, resulting in impotence. The inferior vesical artery often arises from the internal iliac artery Commentary 8.1). The prostatic capsule is covered by numerous nerve with the middle rectal artery. It gives rise to two groups of branches: the fibres and ganglia posterolaterally, forming a crescentic periprostatic urethral and capsular. The urethral vessels enter at the prostatovesical nerve plexus. The greatest density of nerves is found in the preprostatic junction, principally posteriorly at the 5 and 7 o’clock positions, but sphincter; fewer fibres are found in the anterior fibromuscular stroma, also anteriorly at 1 and 11 o’clock. This bladder neck arterial anatomy and the peripheral zone is the least densely innervated. Nerves contain- is always apparent at transurethral resection of the prostate and open ing neuropeptide Y and vasointestinal polypeptide (VIP) are localized removal of BPH adenomas. The capsular arteries run posterolaterally in the subepithelial connective tissue, in the smooth muscle layers of and inferiorly in the neurovascular bundles, providing perpendicular the gland, and in the walls of its blood vessels. Neurovascular bundles perforating vessels to the prostate. The most constant in position and (Walsh and Donker 1982) containing autonomic nerves that supply the prominence is the apical perforator at the prostatourethral junction, an prostate, seminal vesicles, prostatic urethra, ejaculatory ducts, corpora important landmark for this point and for the neurovascular bundle at cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, membranous and penile urethra, and radical prostatectomy. bulbourethral glands are closely applied to, but separable from, the posterolateral margins of the prostate (see Commentary 8.1). They are Veins intimately related to the prostatic fascia. These nerves may be damaged during radical prostate surgery for organ-confined prostate cancer, pro- ducing impotence, or sacrificed as part of wide local excision of the The veins run into a plexus around the anterolateral aspects of the prostate (Tewari et al 2006, Pisipati et al 2014). prostate, posterior to the arcuate pubic ligament and the lower part of The somatic pudendal nerve supplies the external urethral sphincter. pubic symphysis, anterior to the bladder and prostate. The chief tribu- The branches enter at the 5 and 7 o’clock positions. Sensory branches tary is the deep dorsal vein of the penis. The plexus also receives anterior pass through the penile hilus in association with the dorsal venous vesical and prostatic rami (which connect with the vesical plexus and complex and dorsal vein of the penis. internal pudendal vein), and drains into vesical and internal iliac veins. Lymphatic drainage MICROSTRUCTURE Collecting vessels from the vas deferens drain into the external iliac nodes, while those from the seminal vesicle drain to the internal and The glandular tissue consists of numerous follicles with frequent inter- external iliac nodes. Prostatic vessels end mainly in internal iliac, sacral nal papillae. Follicles open into elongated canals, which join to form and obturator nodes. A vessel from the posterior surface accompanies 12–20 main ducts. The follicles are separated by loose connective tissue, the vesical vessels to the external iliac nodes, and another from the supported by extensions of the fibrous capsule and muscular stroma, anterior surface reaches the internal iliac group by joining vessels that and enclosed in a delicate capillary plexus. Follicular epithelium is drain the membranous urethra. variable but predominantly columnar, and either single-layered or pseudostratified. Prostatic ducts open mainly into the prostatic sinuses in the INNERVATION floor of the prostatic urethra. They have a bilayered epithelium, the luminal layer is columnar, and the basal layer is populated by small The prostate receives an abundant nerve supply from the inferior cuboidal cells. Small colloid amyloid bodies (corpora amylacea) are hypogastric (pelvic) plexus (see Figs 59.4, 75.11 and Fig. 8.1.1 in frequent in the follicles (Fig. 75.23). Prostatic and seminal vesicular
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prostate 1269 57 retpahC Central and transitional Verumontanum Bladder Peripheral zone of zones of prostate prostate TZ TZ PZ PZ A A TZ PZ B Fig. 75.20 Ultrasound of the prostate. A, An axial view showing the hypoechoic transition zone (TZ) and the more echogenic peripheral zone (PZ). Their interface is the surgical capsule (*). B, A sagittal view showing the hypoechoic transition zone (TZ) and the more echogenic peripheral zone (PZ). secretions form the bulk of seminal fluid. Prostatic secretions are slightly acid, and contain acid phosphatase, amylase, prostate-specific antigen, fibrinolysin and zinc. Numerous neuroendocrine cells, con- B taining neurone-specific enolase, chromogranin and serotonin (5-hydroxtryptamine, 5-HT), are present in the glandular epithelium; Peripheral zone of Prostatic Central and transitional Bladder their numbers decline after middle age and their function is unknown. prostate urethra zones of prostate Histological sections just above the level of the verumontanum Fig. 75.21 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the prostate. A, A reveal two concentric, partially circumurethral, zones of glandular T2-weighted MRI scan showing the normal high signal of the peripheral tissue. The larger outer zone is the peripheral zone and has long, zone and the intermediate signal of the central and transitional zones and branched glands, whose ducts open mainly into the prostatic sinuses. the verumontanum in the central gland. B, A T2-weighted coronal MRI The inner zone is the transitional zone and consists of glands whose scan of the prostate showing the zonal anatomy. ducts open on the floor of the prostatic sinuses and colliculus seminalis, and a group of simple mucosal glands that surround the preprostatic urethra. Anteriorly, in the prostatic isthmus, the peripheral zone and submucosal glands are absent. the ductal branches. Morphogenesis and differentiation of the epithelial cords starts in an intermediate part of the epithelial anlage and proceeds to the urethral and subcapsular parts of the gland; the latter is reached AGE CHANGES IN THE PROSTATE by the age of 17–18 years. The glandular epithelium is initially multi- layered squamous or cuboidal, and is transformed into a pseudostrati- At birth, the prostate has a system of ducts embedded in a stroma that fied epithelium consisting of basal, exocrine secretory (including forms a large part of the gland. Follicles are represented by small end- mucous) and neuroendocrine cells. The mucous cells are temporary, buds on the ducts. Before birth, the epithelium of the ducts, seminal and are lost as the gland matures. The remaining exocrine secretory cells colliculus and prostatic utricle display hyperplasia and squamous meta- produce a number of products, including acid phosphatase, prostate- plasia, possibly due to maternal oestrogens in the fetal blood. This specific antigen and β-microseminoprotein. Growth of the secretory subsides after birth and is followed by a period of quiescence lasting component is associated with condensation of the stroma, which for 12–14 years. diminishes relative to the glandular tissue. These changes are probably At puberty, between the ages of approximately 14 and 18 years, the a response to the secretion of testosterone by the testis. prostate gland enters a maturation phase and more than doubles in size During the third decade, the glandular epithelium grows by irregular during this time. Growth is almost entirely due to follicular develop- multiplication of the epithelial infoldings into the lumen of the folli- ment, partly from end-buds on ducts, and partly from modification of cles. After the third decade, the size of the prostate remains virtually
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1270 8 noItCes Transition zone CCAA CCAA A Central zone BB EE B Fig. 75.23 A, Prostatic acini show papillary infoldings at the base of the gland (central zone). They are irregularly divided by fibromuscular stroma. Peripheral zone Some acini contain eosinophilic (pink) secretions called corpora amylacea (CA) (×10, haematoxylin and eosin stain). B, Prostatic acini consist of a double layer of epithelial cells (E), which line the lumen, and basal cells (B), which give rise to epithelial cells. Anterior fibromuscular stroma Bonus e-book images and videos Fig. 75.6 Centiles of bladder volume index in children. Fig. 75.8 A laparoscopic view of the empty bladder and median and medial umbilical folds in a 12-month-old boy. Fig. 75.9 A laparoscopic view of the left inferior epigastric vein (lateral umbilical ligament) in a 12-month-old boy. Fig. 75.14 Cystic dilation of the prostatic utricle demonstrated in an Fig. 75.22 The zonal anatomy of the prostate. (With permission from 8-month-old child during a micturating cystourethrogram. Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED et al (eds) 2002 Campbell’s Urology, 8th edition. Philadelphia: Saunders.) Video 75.1 Laparoscopic view of bladder filling and emptying in relation to the rectovesical pouch. Video 75.2 Laparoscopic view of anterior abdominal wall and unaltered until 45–50 years, when the epithelial foldings tend to disap- ligaments. pear, follicular outlines become more regular, and amyloid bodies increase in number: all signs of prostatic involution. After 45–50 years, the prostate tends to develop BPH: an age-related condition. If a man lives long enough, then BPH is inevitable, although not always symptomatic. Acknowledgements Robert P Myers, Emeritus Professor of Urology, and Akira Kawashima and Bernard F King, Professors of Radiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine.
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1270.e1 57 retpahC BPH begins as micronodules in the transitional zone, which grow and coalesce to form macronodules around the inferior margin of the preprostatic urethra, just above the verumontanum. Macronodules, in turn, compress the surrounding normal tissue of the peripheral zone posteroinferiorly, creating a ‘false capsule’ around the hyperplastic tissue, which, coincidentally, provides a plane of cleavage for its surgical enucleation (for further reading see Kutikov et al (2006)).
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1271 57 retpahC Key references KEY REFERENCES Kutikov A, Guzzo TJ, Malkowicz SB 2006 Clinical approach to the prostate: Walsh PC, Donker PJ 1982 Impotence following radical prostatectomy: an update. Radiol Clin North Am 44:649–63. insight into etiology and prevention. J Urol 128:492–7. Details the practical approach to diseases of the prostate. A landmark assessment of the importance of neurovascular anatomy in prostate surgery. Myers RP 2001 Practical surgical anatomy for radical prostatectomy. Urol Clin North Am 28:473–90. Yoshimura N, Chancellor MB 2012 Physiology and pharmacology of the Details clinically relevant anatomy of the prostate and surrounding bladder and urethra. In: Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR, Novick AC et al (eds) structures. Campbell-Walsh Urology, 10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Saunders; Ch. 60. Mundy AR, Fitzpatrick J, Neal D et al 1999a Structure and function of the An overview of physiology and pharmocology of the lower urinary tract. lower urinary tract. In: The Scientific Basis of Urology. Oxford: Isis Medical Media; Ch. 11, pp. 217–42. A detailed assessment of the structure and function of the lower urinary tract. Mundy AR, Fitzpatrick J, Neal D et al (eds) 1999b The prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia. In: The Scientific Basis of Urology. Oxford: Isis Medical Media; Ch. 13, pp. 257–76. An account that includes a review of prostatic zonal anatomy.
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Bladder, prostate and urethra 1271.e1 57 retpahC REFERENCES Andersson KE, McCloskey KD 2014 Lamina propria: the functional center Myers RP 2001 Practical surgical anatomy for radical prostatectomy. Urol of the bladder? Neurourol Urodyn 33:9–16. Clin North Am 28:473–90. Brooks JD, Eggener SE, Chao W-E 2002 Anatomy of the rectourethralis Details clinically relevant anatomy of the prostate and surrounding muscle. Eur Urol 41:94–100. structures. Cagri Savas M, Kapucuoglu N, Gursoy K et al 2011 The microvessel density Myers RP 2002 Detrusor apron, associated vascular plexus, and avascular of the hypospadiac prepuce in children. J Pediatr Urol 7:162–5. plane: relevance to radical retropubic prostatectomy – anatomic and Chancellor MB, Yoshimura N 2002 Physiology and pharmacology of the surgical commentary. Urology 59:472–9. bladder and urethra. In: Walsh PC et al (eds) Campbell’s Urology Study An explanation of the neurological components of bladder function from the Guide, 10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Saunders; Ch. 23. higher cortical centres to molecular events within the cells of the detrusor muscle. Drumm BT, Koh SD, Andersson KE et al 2014 Calcium signalling in Cajal- like interstitial cells of the lower urinary tract. Nat Rev Urol 11: Myers RP, Cheville JC, Pawlina W 2010 Making anatomic terminology of the 555–64. prostate and contiguous structures clinically useful: historical review Hinata N, Sejima T, Takenaka A 2013 Progress in pelvic anatomy from the and suggestions for revision in the 21st century. Clin Anat 23:18–29. viewpoint of radical prostatectomy. Int J Urol 20:260–70. Orkiszewski M, Madej J 2010 The meatal/urethral width in healthy uncir- Hirdes MM, de Jong TP, Dik P et al 2010 Urethral length in girls with lower cumcised boys. J Pediatr Urol 6:130–3. urinary tract symptoms and forme fruste of female epispadias. J Pediatr Pisipati S, Ali A, Mandalapu RS et al 2014 Newer concepts in neural anatomy Urol 6:372–5. and neurovascular preservation in robotic radical prostatectomy. Indian Hsieh MH, Eisenberg ML, Hittelman AB et al 2012 Caucasian male infants J Urol 30:399–409. and boys with hypospadias exhibit reduced anogenital distance. Hum Stalberg K, Gonzalez R 2012 Urethral atresia and anhydramnios at 18 weeks Reprod 27:1577–80. of gestation can result in normal development. J Pediatr Urol 8: Hurwitz RS, Woodhouse CR, Ransley P 1986 The anatomical course of the e33–5. neurovascular bundles in epispadias. J Urol 136:68–70. Takahashi T, Ueno M, Azekura K et al 2000 Lateral ligament: its anatomy Hutton KA, Babu R 2007 Normal anatomy of the external urethral meatus and clinical importance. Semin Surg Oncol 19:386–95. in boys: implications for hypospadias repair. BJU Int 100:161–3. Tewari A, Takenaka A, Mtui E et al 2006 The proximal neurovascular plate Klutke CG, Siegel CL 1995 Functional female pelvic anatomy. Urol Clin and the trizonal neural architecture around the prostate gland: impor- North Am 22:487–98. tance in the athermal robotic technique of nerve sparing prostatectomy. BJU Int 98:314–23. Kutikov A, Guzzo TJ, Malkowicz SB 2006 Clinical approach to the prostate: an update. Radiol Clin North Am 44:649–63. Walsh PC, Donker PJ 1982 Impotence following radical prostatectomy: Details the practical approach to diseases of the prostate. insight into etiology and prevention. J Urol 128:492–7. A landmark assessment of the importance of neurovascular anatomy in Miles WE 1908 A method of performing abdominoperineal excision for prostate surgery. carcinoma of the rectum and of the terminal portion of the pelvic colon. Lancet 2:1812–14. Yoshimura N, Chancellor MB 2012 Physiology and pharmacology of the bladder and urethra. In: Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR, Novick AC et al (eds) Mundy AR, Fitzpatrick J, Neal D et al 1999a Structure and function of the Campbell-Walsh Urology, 10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, Saunders; lower urinary tract. In: The Scientific Basis of Urology. Oxford: Isis Ch. 60. Medical Media; Ch. 11, pp. 217–42. An overview of physiology and pharmocology of the lower urinary tract. A detailed assessment of the structure and function of the lower urinary tract. Yucel S, Guntekin E, Kukul E et al 2004 Comparison of hypospadiac and normal preputial vascular anatomy. J Urol 172: 1973–6. Mundy AR, Fitzpatrick J, Neal D et al (eds) 1999b The prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia. In: The Scientific Basis of Urology. Oxford: Isis Medical Media; Ch. 13, pp. 257–76. An account that includes a review of prostatic zonal anatomy.
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CHAPTER 76 Male reproductive system meso­thelium.­The­potential­space­between­the­visceral­and­parietal­ INTRODUCTION layers­–­the­cavity­of­the­tunica­vaginalis­–­is­normally­occupied­by­a­ thin­film­of­clear,­straw-coloured­fluid.­The­volume­of­this­fluid­can­ The­male­reproductive­system­consists­of­the­gonads­(testes),­sperm- increase­with­obstruction­of­lymphatic­drainage,­due­to­inflammatory,­ atic­cord,­sex­accessory­glands­and­external­genitalia.­The­testes­perform­ traumatic­or­neoplastic­conditions­of­the­testis,­resulting­in­a­hydrocele. both­spermatogenic­and­steroidogenic­functions.­The­unique­anatomy­ of­the­reproductive­tract,­both­gross­and­microscopic,­is­optimally­ Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage suited­for­these­functions­to­be­carried­out­efficiently­and­effectively. Arteries TESTIS AND EPIDIDYMIS The­arterial­supply­to­the­testis­and­epididymis­is­derived­from­three­ sources.­In­descending­order­of­contribution,­these­are­the­testicular­ TESTIS artery­(supplying­approximately­two-thirds­of­the­testicular­blood­ supply),­the­vasal­artery­(artery­to­vas­deferens,­artery­to­ductus­defer- The­testes­are­ovoid­organs­responsible­for­sperm­and­testosterone­ ens,­vasal­artery,­ductal­artery)­and­the­cremasteric­arteries­(together­ production.­In­adults,­they­typically­measure­4–5­cm­in­length,­2–3­cm­ supplying­approximately­one-third­of­the­testicular­blood­supply)­(Fig. in­breadth­and­3–4­cm­in­anteroposterior­diameter­(Tishler­1971);­their­ 76.7)­(Harrison­and­Barclay­1948,­Raman­and­Goldstein­2004). weight­varies­between­12­and­20­g.­Average­testicular­volume­ranges­ Testicular artery from­15­to­25­ml­(Prader­1966,­Goede­2011). The­testes­are­suspended­in­the­scrotum­by­the­spermatic­cord­(Figs The­testicular­artery­(internal­spermatic­artery)­arises­from­the­abdomi- 76.2,­76.3).­The­left­testis­usually­lies­lower­than­the­right­testis;­both­ nal­aorta,­inferior­to­the­origin­of­the­renal­artery,­and­courses­infero- are­positioned­obliquely,­such­that­the­upper­pole­is­tilted­anterolater- laterally­under­the­parietal­peritoneum,­along­psoas­major,­towards­the­ ally­while­the­lower­pole­is­tilted­anteromedially.­The­location­of­the­ pelvis.­On­the­right,­it­courses­anterior­to­the­inferior­vena­cava­and­ testes­in­the­scrotum,­combined­with­the­characteristics­of­the­scrotal­ posterior­to­the­middle­colic­and­ileocolic­arteries­and­the­terminal­ skin,­as­well­as­the­counter-current­heat­exchange­mechanism­of­the­ ileum.­On­the­left,­it­courses­posterior­to­the­inferior­mesenteric­vein,­ testicular­pampiniform­plexus,­maintains­the­testes­at­a­temperature­ left­colic­artery­and­the­descending­colon.­As­the­right­and­left­testicular­ 3–4°C­below­body­temperature. arteries­enter­the­pelvis,­they­lie­anterior­to­the­genitofemoral­nerves,­ The­testes­are­enclosed­in­a­tough­capsule­made­up­of­three­layers:­ ureters­and­external­iliac­arteries.­Both­arteries­then­enter­the­deep­ an­innermost­tunica­vasculosa,­an­intermediate­tunica­albuginea­and­ internal­inguinal­ring­and­travel­with­the­ipsilateral­spermatic­cord­in­ an­outer­tunica­vaginalis­(Fig. 76.4).­The­posterior­aspect­of­the­testis­ the­inguinal­canal­to­the­scrotum­(see­Figs­76.2,­76.5). is­the­site­of­attachment­of­the­epididymis­and­is,­therefore,­only­partly­ In­its­course­to­the­testis,­the­testicular­artery­gives­off­one­or­more­ covered­by­serosa.­Here,­the­tunica­albuginea­projects­inwards­to­form­ internal­spermatic­arteries,­an­inferior­testicular­artery,­and­branches­ the­mediastinum­testis,­and­the­tunica­vaginalis­projects­outwards­to­ supplying­the­caput,­corpus­and­cauda­epididymis­(Macmillan­1954).­ cover­the­epididymis.­Within­the­scrotum,­the­testes­are­separated­by­a­ The­level­at­which­this­branching­occurs­is­variable;­in­31–88%­of­cases,­ fibrous­median­septum. it­occurs­within­the­inguinal­canal­(Beck­et­al­1992,­Jarow­et­al­1992).­ At­the­level­of­the­testis,­branches­of­the­testicular­artery­enter­the­ Tunica vasculosa The­tunica­vasculosa­contains­a­plexus­of­blood­ tunica­albuginea­in­the­mediastinum­testis­and­ramify­in­the­tunica­ vessels­and­loose­connective­tissue.­It­lines­the­inner­surface­of­the­ vasculosa­before­reaching­their­distribution.­Ramification­of­the­testicu- tunica­albuginea,­as­well­as­all­of­the­surfaces­and­septations­within­the­ lar­arteries­occurs­primarily­in­the­anterior,­medial­and­lateral­portions­ testis. of­the­lower­pole­of­the­testis,­and­in­the­anterior­segment­of­the­upper­ pole­(Jarow­1991),­which­has­important­implications­for­planning­ Tunica albuginea The­tunica­albuginea­is­a­dense,­blue–white­layer­ testicular­biopsies.­(For­further­reading­about­variations­in­the­origin,­ composed­primarily­of­collagen­fibres.­It­covers­the­tunica­vasculosa­ course­and­number­of­the­testicular­arteries,­see­Asala­et­al­(2001),­Pai­ and­is­surrounded­by­the­visceral­layer­of­the­tunica­vaginalis.­At­the­ et­al­(2008)). posterior­aspect­of­the­testis,­it­projects­inwards­as­a­thick­but­incom- Vasal artery (artery to vas deferens, artery to plete­fibrous­septum­–­the­mediastinum­testis­–­which­extends­from­ the­upper­to­the­lower­pole­of­the­testis.­It­is­here­that­vessels,­nerves­ ductus deferens, deferential artery, ductal artery) and­testicular­ducts­traverse­the­testicular­capsule­(Fig. 76.5). The­vasal­artery­is­a­branch­of­the­superior­(and,­occasionally,­inferior)­ vesical­artery,­which­arises­from­the­internal­iliac­artery. Tunica vaginalis The­tunica­vaginalis­is­a­continuation­of­the­peri- toneal­processus­vaginalis,­whose­formation­precedes­the­descent­of­the­ Cremasteric artery fetal­testis­from­the­abdomen­to­the­scrotum.­Following­testicular­ The­cremasteric­artery­(external­spermatic­artery)­is­a­branch­of­the­ migration­into­the­scrotum,­the­portion­of­the­processus­vaginalis­that­ inferior­epigastric­artery.­It­accompanies­the­spermatic­cord­and­sup- falls­between­the­internal­inguinal­ring­and­the­testis­contracts­and­is­ plies­the­cremaster­and­other­coverings­of­the­cord.­Both­the­vasal­and­ obliterated,­leaving­a­distal­sac­containing­the­testis.­Failure­to­obliterate­ the­cremasteric­arteries­enter­the­inguinal­canal­at­the­deep­inguinal­ the­processus­vaginalis­results­in­a­persistent­communication­with­the­ ring,­and­travel­the­length­of­the­spermatic­cord­alongside­the­testicular­ scrotum­and­peritoneal­cavity­(Fig. 76.6),­which­can­lead­to­hydroceles­ artery.­The­testicular­artery­and­internal­spermatic­veins­lie­within­the­ and­indirect­inguinal­hernias. internal­spermatic­fascia,­whereas­the­vas­(ductus)­deferens­and­its­ The­tunica­vaginalis­is­reflected­from­the­surface­of­the­testis­on­to­ vessels,­as­well­as­the­cremaster­muscles­and­its­vessels,­lie­outside­the­ the­inner­surface­of­the­scrotum,­forming­visceral­and­parietal­layers­ internal­spermatic­fascia­but­within­the­external­spermatic­fascia.­In­the­ that­are­continuous­at­both­poles­of­the­testis.­The­visceral­layer­covers­ scrotum,­a­rich­vascular­anastomosis­occurs­at­the­head­of­the­epidi- all­aspects­of­the­testis,­except­the­posterior­aspect,­where­it­is­reflected­ dymis,­between­the­testicular­and­epididymal­arteries,­and­at­the­tail­of­ towards­the­epididymis­before­becoming­continuous­with­the­parietal­ the­epididymis­between­the­testicular,­epididymal,­cremasteric­and­ 1272 layer.­The­inner­surface­of­the­parietal­layer­has­a­smooth,­moist,­ vasal­arteries.
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Male reproductive system 1272.e1 67 RETPAHC The­volume­of­the­left­and­right­testis,­as­measured­by­ultrasono- graphy­in­boys­between­infancy­and­adolescence,­is­shown­in­Table 76.1;­reference­curves­for­mean­testicular­volume­are­shown­in­Figure 76.1.­ 20 2.0 15 1.5 10 1.0 5 0.5 0 0 1 6 12 Age (years) Age (years) Fig. 76.1 A, Reference curves for mean testicular volume measured by ultrasound. P , P and P indicate tenth, fiftieth and ninetieth centiles, 10 50 90 respectively. B, Enlargement of the reference curves for mean testicular volume measured by ultrasound. (With permission from Goede J, Hack WW, Sijstermans K et al; Normative values for testicular volume measured by ultrasonography in a normal population from infancy to adolescence. Horm Res Paediatr. 2011;76(1):56–64.) )lm( emulov sitseT Table 76.1 Volume of the left and right testis, as measured by ultrasound in boys between infancy and adolescence Ultrasound (ml) Age Boys Left SD Right SD Mean SD (years) (n) volume volume volume A B 1 40 0.48 0.14 0.48 0.13 0.48 0.13 P90 P90 2 38 0.47 0.09 0.45 0.1 0.46 0.09 3 36 0.52 0.18 0.5 0.13 0.51 0.15 4 38 0.52 0.18 0.5 0.15 0.51 0.16 P50 5 48 0.59 0.15 0.58 0.15 0.58 0.15 6 42 0.63 0.25 0.64 0.28 0.63 0.26 P10 P50 7 62 0.64 0.18 0.66 0.18 0.65 0.17 8 59 0.64 0.2 0.67 0.24 0.66 0.22 P10 9 53 0.78 0.46 0.8 0.48 0.79 0.46 10 49 0.95 0.51 0.99 0.52 0.97 0.51 11 60 1.31 0.95 1.35 1.14 1.33 1.03 12 55 2.31 1.8 2.35 1.79 2.33 1.77 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 13 47 4.21 2.44 4.62 2.95 4.42 2.66 14 35 7.2 4.13 7.42 4.16 7.31 4.11 15 26 8.69 3.06 8.69 2.86 8.69 2.91 16 31 11.48 2.99 11.55 3.24 11.51 3.03 17 27 12.14 2.87 12.09 2.95 12.12 2.8 18 23 13.67 3.49 13.8 3.77 13.73 3.51 (SD = standard deviation) (With permission from Goede J, Hack WW, Sijstermans K et al; Normative values for testicular volume measured by ultrasonography in a normal population from infancy to adolescence. Horm Res Paediatr. 2011;76(1):56–64.)
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Testis and epididymis 1273 67 RETPAHC Fig. 76.2 The external male genitalia, ventral aspect. Fundiform ligament of penis Nerves and vessels exposed by extensive removal of Suspensory Dorsal artery of penis ligament of penis the skin and the superficial fascia of the penis. The layers of the spermatic cord have been incised on the Superficial right; note the pampiniform venous plexus surrounding inguinal ring Spermatic cord the testicular artery. (With permission from Waschke J, Ilioinguinal nerve Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th Testicular vein ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Spermatic cord Genitofemoral nerve, Cremasteric artery, genital branch cremasteric vein Deep dorsal vein of penis Dorsal nerve of penis External pudendal artery and vein Pampiniform plexus Vas deferens Anterior scrotal branches Testicular artery Deep dorsal vein of penis Deep fascia of penis Superficial dorsal vein of penis Subcutaneous tissue, Fig. 76.3 The external male genitalia, Superficial inguinal ring, medial crus fatty layer ventral aspect. The skin of the abdomen and parts of the skin of the scrotum have Internal oblique been removed, and the body of the penis Inguinal canal has been severed, revealing the internal Ilioinguinal nerve structure of the penis. The layers of the spermatic cord and the coverings of the Superficial inguinal External oblique, testis have been dissected on the right. ring, lateral crus aponeurosis (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, External spermatic 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. fascia Copyright 2013.) Cremasteric fascia, Deep dorsal vein of penis; cremaster dorsal artery and nerve of penis Cavernous artery of penis Corpus cavernosum Urethra Corpus spongiosum Head Epididymis Appendix Cremasteric fascia, cremaster Appendix of testis Tunica vaginalis, visceral layer External spermatic fascia Tunica vaginalis, parietal layer Dartos fascia Internal spermatic fascia (superficial fascia of scrotum), Cremaster dartos muscle External spermatic fascia Skin Septum of scrotum Raphe of scrotum their­vascular­walls,­permitting­the­exchange­of­heat­and­small­mole- Veins cules­(Harrison­1949),­and­facilitating­the­maintenance­of­lower­tes- Pampiniform plexus ticular­temperatures.­The­pampiniform­plexus­ascends­anterior­to­the­ Testicular­veins­emerge­posteriorly­from­the­testis,­drain­the­epididymis,­ vas­deferens,­and­is­drained­by­3–4­veins­in­the­inguinal­canal.­The­ and­unite­to­form­several­highly­anastomotic­channels­surrounding­the­ veins­enter­the­abdomen­through­the­deep­inguinal­ring­and­coalesce­ testis,­known­as­the­pampiniform­plexus,­a­major­component­of­the­ into­a­single­testicular­vein­that­drains­into­the­inferior­vena­cava­on­ spermatic­cord­(see­Fig.­76.2).­This­vascular­arrangement­means­that­ the­right,­and­into­the­renal­vein­on­the­left.­The­right­testicular­vein­ counterflowing­arteries­and­veins­are­separated­only­by­the­thickness­of­ joins­the­inferior­vena­cava­at­an­acute­angle,­just­inferior­to­the­level­
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MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1274 8 NoiTCEs A Head of epididymis Spermatic cord Cremasteric fascia; cremaster Mediastinum of Lobules of Internal spermatic fascia Head of epididymis testis testis Tunica vaginalis, parietal layer Septa of Appendix testis testis Appendix epididymis Superior ligament of epididymis Tunica Upper pole Tail of epididymis albuginea Sinus of epididymis B Posterior border Lateral surface Pampiniform Inferior ligament of plexus epididymis Testicular Anterior border artery Tail of epididymis Efferent ductules Lower pole Head of Tunica epididymis albuginea Lobules of Fig. 76.4 The left testis, exposed by incising and laying open the testis cremasteric fascia and parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis on the lateral aspect of the testis. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Vas deferens of­the­renal­veins,­while­the­left­testicular­vein­joins­the­left­renal­vein­ at­a­right­angle­(Fig. 76.8).­The­testicular­veins­contain­valves. Body of epididymis Lymphatic drainage Testicular­lymphatic­flow­is­abundant­and­consistent,­and­follows­the­ general­retroperitoneal­scheme­of­vertical­drainage,­with­lateral­flow­ Inferior aberrant from­right­to­left.­Lymphatic­vessels­from­the­right­testis­drain­primarily­ ductule into­the­inter-aortocaval­nodes­and­paracaval­nodes,­with­some­drain- Septa of testis age­into­the­left­para-aortic­nodes.­Lymphatic­vessels­from­the­left­testis­ drain­into­the­left­para-aortic­and­inter-aortocaval­nodes. Tail of epididymis Innervation Fig. 76.5 A, A vertical section through the testis and epididymis. B, The The­testis­is­innervated­either­by­nerve­fibres­that­arise­from­the­tenth­and­ arrangement of the ducts of the testis and the mode of formation of the vas deferens. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta eleventh­thoracic­spinal­segments,­via­the­renal­and­aortic­plexuses,­and­ Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright accompany­the­testicular­vessels,­or­by­fibres­that­arise­from­the­pelvic­ 2013.) plexus­and­accompany­the­vas­deferens­(Rauchenwald­et­al­1995).­Inter- estingly,­some­afferent­and­efferent­nerves­have­been­shown­to­cross­over­ to­the­contralateral­pelvic­plexus­(Taguchi­et­al­1999),­which­may­be­one­ epithelium­that­also­contains­non-ciliated,­actively­endocytic­cells.­ reason­why­pathological­processes­in­one­testis­can­affect­the­other. Outside­the­epithelial­lining,­the­ductules­are­surrounded­by­a­thin­ circular­coat­of­smooth­muscle. Microstructure There­is­a­reduction­in­the­diameter­of­the­seminiferous­tubules­ during­the­third­trimester­of­pregnancy­and­immediately­before­birth,­ The­testis­is­enclosed­within­a­tough,­collagenous­tunica­albuginea,­ which­is­followed­by­a­gradual­increase­in­the­diameter­throughout­ which­thickens­posteriorly­as­the­mediastinum­testis.­Blood­vessels,­ childhood­(Mendez­and­Emery­1979).­Seminiferous­tubules­are­respon- lymphatics­and­genital­ducts­all­enter­and­leave­the­testis­at­the­media- sible­for­up­to­80%­of­the­total­testicular­volume.­It­is­estimated­that­ stinum­(Fig. 76.9).­Septations­originating­at­the­mediastinum­testis­ the­combined­length­of­the­600–1200­tubules­in­the­human­testis­is­ extend­internally­to­partition­the­testis­into­approximately­250­lobules­ approximately­250­metres.­Each­tubule­is­surrounded­by­a­basal­lamina,­ that­differ­in­size,­the­largest­and­longest­lobules­being­near­the­centre­ resting­on­a­complex,­stratified­epithelium.­In­cross-section,­the­lumen­ (see­Fig.­76.5).­Each­lobule­contains­1–4­convoluted­seminiferous­ of­the­seminiferous­tubule­is­lined­by­Sertoli­cells,­and­contains­sperm- tubules­and­interstitial­tissue­composed­of­Leydig­cells,­mast­cells,­ atozoa­in­various­stages­of­development,­from­spermatogonial­stem­ macrophages,­nerves­and­blood­vessels. cells­near­the­base,­to­progressively­mature­forms­(spermatogonia,­ Seminiferous­tubules­are­typically­long,­highly­coiled­and­looped;­ sperm­atocytes,­spermatids­and­spermatozoa)­arranged­in­a­systematic­ both­ends­terminate­in­the­mediastinum­testis.­Spermatogenesis­occurs­ fashion­towards­the­centre­of­the­tubule.­Residual­bodies,­spherical­ in­the­highly­coiled­portions­(Fig. 76.10).­As­the­tubules­reach­the­ structures­ derived­ from­ surplus­ spermatid­ cytoplasm­ shed­ during­­ apical­portion­of­the­lobule­near­the­mediastinum,­they­become­much­ spermatozoal­maturation,­may­be­found­among­the­spermatids. less­convoluted­and­form­short­tubuli­recti,­which­lack­spermatogenic­ Specialized­tight­junctional­complexes­between­adjacent­Sertoli­cells­ cells­and­are,­instead,­lined­by­cuboidal­epithelium.­Within­the­media- form­a­functional­‘blood–testis­barrier’­that­subdivides­the­seminiferous­ stinum­testis,­tubuli­recti­anastomose­to­form­the­rete­testis,­which­is­ epithelium­into­basal­and­adluminal­compartments.­Spermatogonia­ lined­by­a­flat­epithelium.­Here,­tubular­fluid­is­reabsorbed­and­sperm- and­developing­spermatocytes­lie­outside­the­blood–testis­barrier,­in­ atozoa­become­concentrated.­The­rete­testis­coalesces­to­form­7–15­ the­basal­compartment,­whereas­mature­spermatocytes­and­spermatids­ efferent­ductules,­which­act­as­conduits­to­carry­spermatozoa­into­the­ are­ sequestered­ above­ the­ blood-testis­ barrier,­ in­ the­ adluminal­ caput­epididymis.­The­efferent­ductules­are­lined­by­a­ciliated­columnar­ compartment.
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Male reproductive system 1274.e1 67 RETPAHC The­longer­length­of­the­left­testicular­vein­and­its­angle­of­insertion­ into­the­left­renal­vein­have­been­suggested­as­possible­aetiologies­for­ the­occurrence­of­varicoceles.­Additionally,­the­testicular­veins­may­ anastomose­with­the­external­pudendal,­cremasteric­and­vasal­veins,­ allowing­varicoceles­to­persist­or­recur­after­ablative­procedures­that­do­ not­address­these­potential­collaterals.
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Testis and epididymis 1275 67 RETPAHC Fig. 76.6 A laparoscopic view of a persistent communication between the scrotum and peritoneal cavity in a 4-month-old boy (patent processus vaginalis). 2 3 Patent Right vas Right testicular processus deferens vessels vaginalis 4 1 Cremasteric artery Testicular artery and vein Pampiniform plexus Vasal artery Head of epididymis Fig. 76.8 A multislice computed tomogram of the inferior vena cava, showing the left testicular vein draining to the left renal vein, and the right Tail of epididymis testicular vein draining directly to the inferior vena cava. Key: 1, right testicular vein; 2, inferior vena cava; 3, left renal vein; 4, left testicular vein. Fig. 76.7 The arterial blood supply and venous drainage of the testis. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Spermatogonia Spermatogonia,­the­germ­cells­for­all­spermatozoa,­ are­descended­from­primordial­germ­cells­that­migrate­into­the­genital­ cords­of­the­developing­testis.­In­the­fully­differentiated­testis,­they­are­ located­along­the­basal­laminae­of­the­seminiferous­tubules­(Fig. 76.10B).­Based­on­their­cellular­and­nuclear­dimensions,­distribution­ of­nuclear­chromatin,­and­histochemical­and­ultrastructural­properties,­ spermatogonia­are­characterized­as­either­dark-type­A­(Ad),­pale-type­A­ (Ap)­or­type­B.­Ad­spermatogonia­divide­mitotically­to­maintain­their­ own­population,­and­can­differentiate­to­give­rise­to­Ap­cells,­the­precur- sors­of­type­B­cells,­which­are­committed­to­the­spermatogenesis­cycle.­ Type­B­cells­give­rise­to­type­I­spermatocytes;­they­leave­the­basal­com- partment­of­the­seminiferous­tubule­and­cross­the­blood–testis­barrier­ to­enter­the­adluminal­compartment­in­a­step­coordinated­by­Sertoli­ cells. The­generation­of­mature­spermatozoa­from­spermatogonia­takes­ Fig. 76.9 A colour Doppler scan of the scrotal contents showing normal approximately­64­days.­In­cross-section,­a­seminiferous­tubule­shows­ flow. The linear echogenic band (arrow) seen centrally represents the more­than­one­phase­of­the­cycle­around­its­circumference­because­ mediastinum testis, which is composed of fibrofatty material. waves­of­progression­through­a­spermatogenic­cycle­occur­in­spirals­ along­the­length­of­a­tubule­(see­Fig.­76.10B). proportion­of­spermatids­degenerate­during­maturation,­reducing­the­ Primary and secondary spermatocytes Primary­spermatocytes­ expected­yield. have­a­diploid­chromosome­number,­with­duplicated­sister­chromatids­ (4N­DNA­content).­They­are­large­cells­with­round­nuclei,­in­which­the­ Spermatids Spermatids­undergo­a­series­of­nuclear­and­cytoplasmic­ chromatin­is­condensed­into­dark,­thread-like,­coiled­chromatids.­They­ changes,­termed­spermiogenesis,­in­order­to­develop­into­mature­sper- undergo­meiosis­I­to­give­rise­to­secondary­spermatids­(2N),­which­ matozoa.­These­changes­take­place­while­the­spermatids­are­closely­ rapidly­undergo­meiosis­II­to­form­haploid­spermatids­(N).­Theoreti- associated­with­Sertoli­cells,­and­linked­to­one­another­by­cytoplasmic­ cally,­each­primary­spermatocyte­produces­four­spermatids;­however,­a­ bridges.­Spermiogenesis­includes­the­development­of­the­acrosome­
Gray's Anatomy
MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1276 8 NoiTCEs Acrosomal cap Head 4 µm ST Nucleus Centriole Neck 0.3 µm Spiral mitochondria Middle piece 7 µm L Axoneme Principal piece 40 µm A L M End piece 5–7 µm S SC SZ Fig. 76.11 The main ultrastructural features of a mature spermatozoon. ST tened­ nucleus­ with­ condensed,­ dark-staining­ chromatin,­ covered­­ SG anteriorly­by­an­acrosomal­cap.­The­latter­contains­acid­phosphatase,­ hyaluronidase­and­proteases­necessary­for­oocyte­fertilization.­The­head­ is­connected­by­a­short­neck,­approximately­0.3­µm­in­length,­to­a­long­ tail,­which­is­divided­into­middle,­principal­and­end­pieces.­The­mid- B piece­of­the­tail­is­a­long­cylinder,­approximately­7­µm­in­length.­It­ consists­of­an­axial­bundle­of­microtubules,­the­axoneme,­surrounded­ Fig. 76.10 A, Seminiferous tubules (ST; cut in various planes of section) by­a­cylinder­of­nine­dense­outer­microtubules,­surrounded­by­a­helical­ and the interstitial tissue (Leydig cells, L) of the testis. The seminiferous mitochondrial­sheath.­The­mid-piece­is­the­powerhouse­of­the­sperma- tubules are highly convoluted and lined by a stratified epithelium, tozoon.­The­principal­piece­of­the­tail­is­responsible­for­motility.­With­ which consists of cells in various stages of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis (collectively referred to as the spermatogenic series). a­length­of­40­µm­and­a­diameter­of­0.5­µm,­the­tail­forms­the­majority­ Non-spermatogenic cells are the Sertoli cells. B, A human seminiferous of­the­volume­of­a­spermatozoon.­The­axonemal­complex­is­continuous­ tubule showing the differentiation sequence of spermatozoa from basally from­the­neck­region­to­the­terminus­of­the­tail,­with­only­the­axoneme­ situated spermatogonia (SG). Large primary spermatocytes (SC) have persisting­in­the­final­5–7­µm. characteristic thread-like chromatin in various stages of prophase of the first meiotic division. Smaller haploid spermatids (ST) have round nuclei Sertoli cells Sertoli­cells­have­euchromatic­and­irregular­nuclei­that­ initially, but mature to possess the dense, elongated nuclei and flagella are­aligned­perpendicular­to­the­basal­lamina­and­contain­one­or­two­ of spermatozoa (SZ). Sertoli cells (S) are identified from their oval or prominent­nucleoli.­They­are­variable­in­shape.­Their­basal­end­rests­on­ pear-shaped nuclei, orientated perpendicular to the basal lamina, and the­basal­lamina,­while­their­apical­end­extends­into­the­tubule­lumen.­ from their prominent nucleoli. The tubule is surrounded by peritubular Consistent­with­their­phagocytic­function,­their­cytoplasm­is­rich­in­ myoid cells (M). Clusters of large endocrine Leydig cells (L) are seen in lysosomes.­Sertoli­cells­provide­key­support­for­spermatogenesis­within­ the interstitial connective tissue. the­seminiferous­tubules.­Complex­recesses­in­their­plasma­membranes­ serve­to­envelop­spermatogonia,­spermatids­and­spermatozoa,­until­the­ latter­are­mature­enough­for­release.­Long­cytoplasmic­processes­extend­ from­Golgi­vesicles,­generation­of­the­axoneme­from­the­centrioles,­and­ between­spermatogonia­in­the­basal­compartment­and­spermatocytes­ formation­of­the­acrosomal­cap­at­the­anterior­pole­of­the­spermato- in­the­adluminal­compartment­of­the­seminiferous­tubule.­Adjacent­ zoon.­Concurrently,­the­nuclear­chromatin­condenses­and­the­nucleus­ Sertoli­cells­are­joined­at­this­level­by­tight­junctions­that­create­a­dif- assumes­a­spearhead­shape.­The­cytoplasmic­volume­shrinks,­bringing­ fusion­barrier­between­the­extratubular­and­intratubular­compartments.­ the­wall­of­the­acrosomal­vesicle­into­contact­with­the­plasma­mem- This­so-called­blood–testis­barrier­can­be­disrupted­by­traumatic­or­ brane.­A­perinuclear­sheath­of­microtubules­develops­from­the­poste- inflammatory­ events,­ allowing­ self-directed­ immune­ responses­ to­ rior­edge­of­the­acrosome­and­extends­towards­the­posterior­pole­of­the­ develop­against­sperm­antigens,­potentially­leading­to­subfertility. spermatozoon.­Here,­the­microtubules­are­arranged­in­the­typical­flagel- In­addition­to­their­role­in­spermatogenesis,­Sertoli­cells­secrete­ lar­pattern­of­nine­outer­microtubules­surrounding­two­central­micro- proteinaceous­fluid­to­facilitate­spermatozoal­transport­through­the­ tubules,­the­axonemal­complex­that­extends­longitudinally­to­form­the­ seminiferous­tubules­and­into­the­excurrent­ducts.­They­also­regulate­ tail­of­the­spermatozoon.­Mitochondria­migrate­along­the­axonemal­ the­intratesticular­hormonal­milieu­by­secreting­inhibin­B­and­andro- complex­and­concentrate­in­the­mid-piece­of­the­tail.­In­the­final­phase­ gen­ binding­ protein­ in­ response­ to­ stimulation­ by­ pituitary­ of­spermiogenesis,­excess­cytoplasm­is­detached­from­the­spermato- gonadotropins. zoon­as­a­residual­body­that­is­phagocytosed­and­degraded­by­Sertoli­ cells.­During­the­formation­of­residual­bodies,­spermatids­lose­their­ Leydig cells and interstitial tissue The­interstitial­tissue­between­ cytoplasmic­bridges,­and­separate­from­one­another,­before­being­ seminiferous­tubules­includes­peritubular­myoid­cells,­vessels,­nerves­ released­into­the­lumen­of­the­seminiferous­tubule. and­clusters­of­Leydig­cells.­Myoid­cells­are­contractile;­their­rhythmic­ activity­helps­propel­non-motile­spermatozoa­through­the­seminiferous­ Spermatozoa Spermatozoa­released­into­the­seminiferous­tubule­are­ tubules­towards­the­rete­testis­and­excurrent­ductal­system.­Leydig­cells­ structurally­mature­but­usually­non-motile.­In­the­presence­of­excurrent­ are­large­polyhedral­cells­with­eccentric­nuclei­containing­1–3­nucleoli,­ ductal­obstruction,­testicular­sperm­can­acquire­motility­(Jow­et­al­ and­pale-staining­cytoplasm­containing­smooth­endoplasmic­reticu- 1993).­The­shape­of­the­spermatozoon­is­ideally­suited­for­rapid­pro- lum,­lipid­droplets,­and­characteristic­needle-shaped,­crystalloid­inclu- gressive­motility­(Fig. 76.11).­Its­head­has­minimal­cytoplasm­and­ sions­(crystals­of­Reinke).­In­response­to­stimulation­by­pituitary­ measures­approximately­4­µm­×­3­µm.­It­contains­an­elongated,­flat- gonadotropins,­they­synthesize­and­secrete­testosterone.
Gray's Anatomy
Testis and epididymis 1277 67 RETPAHC Age-related changes Functionally,­the­fetal­testis­is­primarily­ inguinal­ring,­in­the­inguinal­canal,­or­between­the­superficial­inguinal­ an­endocrine­organ­that­produces­testosterone­and­anti-Müllerian­ ring­and­the­scrotum.­Retention­in­the­inguinal­canal­is­associated­with­ hormone.­Seminiferous­tubules­do­not­become­canalized­until­approxi- a­patent­processus­vaginalis,­and­may­be­further­complicated­by­a­con- mately­the­seventh­month­of­gestation.­Fetal­Leydig­cells,­responsible­ genital­hernia.­Occasionally,­the­testis­may­migrate­outside­its­normal­ for­androgen-induced­differentiation­of­male­genitalia,­degenerate­after­ path­of­descent,­and­lie­in­an­ectopic­location. birth.­A­second­wave­of­Leydig­cell­differentiation­occurs­2–3­months­ At­birth,­3%­of­full-term­male­infants­have­a­unilateral­undescended­ after­birth,­briefly­elevating­testosterone­levels­in­male­infants.­The­ testis.­By­6­months­of­age,­this­number­decreases­to­less­than­1%.­Unde- Leydig­cells­of­early­infancy­subsequently­regress­and­the­testis­remains­ scended­testes­are­associated­with­a­higher­risk­of­infertility­and­testicu- in­a­state­of­dormancy­during­childhood.­In­a­study­of­Japanese­boys,­ lar­cancer­later­in­life. gonocytes­were­reported­to­appear­at­about­the­age­of­2­years,­sperma- In­contrast,­maldescent­in­children­between­the­ages­of­1­and­ tocytes­by­4­years­and­spermatids­by­11­years­(Yuasa­et­al­2001). 15­years­is­associated­with­Sertoli­cell­degeneration­(Rune­et­al­1992). Puberty­is­associated­with­the­development­of­an­adult­population­ of­androgen-producing­Leydig­cells,­which­persist­throughout­adult­life.­ Retractile testis The­testes­grow­slowly­in­size­until­the­age­of­10­or­11­years,­at­which­ time­there­is­a­marked­acceleration­of­growth­rate.­This­increase­in­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book testicular­size­is­largely­due­to­the­onset­of­spermatogenesis,­character- ized­by­proliferation­and­differentiation­of­previously­dormant­sperma- Torsion togonial­stem­cells.­Testicular­size,­sperm­quality­and­quantity,­and­the­ numbers­of­Sertoli­and­Leydig­cells­have­all­been­reported­to­decline­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book with­age,­although­no­consistent­or­definitive­age­for­the­onset­of­this­ decline­has­been­identified.­Testicular­volume­occupied­by­seminiferous­ Hydrocele tubules­decreases,­whereas­that­occupied­by­interstitial­tissue­remains­ approximately­constant. Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book The­most­frequently­observed­histological­change­in­the­ageing­testis­ is­the­apparent­variability­in­spermatogenesis;­spermatogenesis­is­com- plete­in­some­areas,­and­reduced­in­others,­or­absent­altogether­as­a­ Splenogonadal fusion result­of­tubular­sclerosis.­In­tubules­where­spermatogenesis­is­com- plete,­morphological­abnormalities,­such­as­multinucleation,­may­be­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book observed­in­the­germ­cells.­Germ­cell­loss,­beginning­with­spermatids,­ and­progressively­affecting­the­earlier­stages­of­spermatogenesis,­can­ Transverse/crossed testicular ectopia also­be­seen.­As­a­result,­both­sperm­quality­and­quantity­may­be­ affected.­In­some­men,­this­change­is­notable­as­early­as­the­third­or­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book fourth­decade­of­life. Sertoli­cells­are­also­affected­by­ageing,­and­show­a­range­of­mor- Polyorchidism phological­changes­including­de-differentiation,­mitochondrial­meta- plasia,­and­multinucleation.­In­Leydig­cells,­there­is­a­decline­in­the­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book number­of­mitochondria­and­the­quantity­of­smooth­endoplasmic­ reticulum,­paralleled­by­an­increase­in­lipid­droplets,­crystalline­inclu- sions­and­residual­bodies.­Some­cells­may­also­become­multinucleated.­ Functionally,­these­changes­are­manifested­as­an­age-related­gradual­ EPIDIDYMIS decline­in­circulating­testosterone­levels. The­epididymis­lies­posterior,­and­slightly­lateral,­to­the­testis.­Anatomi- Sperm motility and maturation Human­spermatozoa­acquire­an­ cally,­it­is­divided­into­three­sections:­caput­(head),­corpus­(body)­and­ increased­capacity­for­motility­as­they­migrate­through­the­epididymis,­ cauda­(tail).­Between­8­and­12­efferent­ductules­from­the­superior­pole­ which­is­manifested­not­only­as­a­quantitative­increase­in­the­percentage­ of­the­testis­drain­into­and­form­the­caput­epididymis.­Distally,­the­ of­spermatozoa­with­motile­tails,­but­also­as­a­qualitative­change­from­ cauda­epididymis­becomes­continuous­with­the­convoluted­portion­of­ an­immature­to­a­more­mature­pattern­of­motility.­Spermatozoa­in­the­ the­vas­deferens­(see­Fig.­76.5B).­The­epididymis­is­invested­by­tunica­ proximal­epididymis­demonstrate­high-amplitude,­low-frequency­tail­ vaginalis,­continuous­with­that­covering­the­testis.­Laterally,­a­deep­ movements,­producing­little­motion.­This­is­in­contrast­to­spermatozoa­ groove,­the­sinus­epididymis,­marks­the­boundary­between­the­testis­ in­the­cauda­epididymis,­which­demonstrate­low-amplitude­and­high- and­epididymis.­Testis–epididymis­non-fusion­has­been­described­in­ frequency­tail­movements,­resulting­in­considerably­greater­forward­ children­with­cryptorchidism;­non-fusion­may­involve­the­epididymal­ progression­(Bedford­et­al­1973). head­or­tail,­or­the­whole­epididymis­(Kraft­et­al­2011). Whether,­and­to­what­extent,­sperm­motility­is­dependent­on­the­ interaction­of­human­spermatozoa­with­a­particular­section­of­the­ Epididymal cyst and spermatoceles epididymis­is­unknown.­In­patients­with­congenital­absence­or­obstruc- tion­of­the­vas­deferens,­spermatozoa­in­the­distal­epididymis­demon- Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book strate­ worse­ motility­ compared­ to­ spermatozoa­ in­ the­ proximal­ epididymis­(Silber­1989,­Schoysman­and­Bedford­1986).­Therefore,­ Microstructure intrinsic­sperm­processes,­as­well­as­intrinsic­epididymal­function,­ appear­to­play­an­important­role­in­sperm­maturation. Following­ejaculation,­spermatozoa­display­their­full­pattern­of­mo- The­epididymal­tubule­is­3–4­metres­in­length­(Turner­et­al­1978),­and­ tility.­Although­sperm­motility­is­highest­in­the­hours­following­ejacula- is­entirely­encapsulated­by­the­tunica­vaginalis.­Extensions­from­this­ tion,­motile­human­spermatozoa­have­been­recovered­from­cervical­ connective­tissue­sheath­enter­the­interductal­spaces,­forming­septa­that­ mucus­several­days­after­insemination.­However,­this­survival­period­ divide­the­tubule­into­histologically­similar­regions­(Kormano­and­ may­be­of­little­relevance,­given­that­human­spermatozoa­are­capable­of­ Reijonen­1976).­The­caput­epididymis­consists­of­8–12­efferent­ducts­ migrating­to­their­tubal­destination­within­an­hour­of­insemination. and­the­proximal­segment­of­the­ductus­epididymis.­The­efferent­ducts­ After­entering­the­female­reproductive­tract,­spermatozoa­undergo­a­ become­larger­and­more­convoluted­than­they­are­in­the­testis.­Each­ process­known­as­capacitation,­to­render­them­capable­of­fertilizing­the­ duct­is­15–20­cm­in­length,­and­opens­into­an­individual­epididymal­ oocyte.­Capacitation­involves­a­number­of­structural­and­biochemical­ tubule.­The­tubules­anastomose­with­one­another­along­the­length­of­ changes,­including­the­development­of­hyperactivated­motility­and­ the­epididymis,­eventually­becoming­a­single,­coiled­tubule­in­the­ completion­of­the­acrosome­reaction.­Independent­of­other­sperm­ corpus­epididymis.­They­are­surrounded­by­contractile­smooth­muscle­ characteristics­such­as­motility­and­morphology,­capacitation­is­a­neces- cells­(Fig. 76.13),­which­increase­in­size­and­number­in­the­distal­ sary­step­for­the­development­of­functional­spermatozoa. epididymis.­Peristaltic­contractions­generated­by­the­smooth­muscle­ propel­the­spermatozoa­in­an­antegrade­direction­towards­the­cauda. Developmental anomalies of the testis Epithelium The­epithelial­lining­of­the­epididymal­tubule­contains­ principal,­basal,­apical­and­clear­cells.­Principal­cells­are­tall­columnar­ Cryptorchidism Testicular­descent­from­the­abdominal­cavity­to­the­ cells­ with­ basally­ located,­ oval­ nuclei.­ They­ bear­ long­ stereocilia­ scrotum­may­be­arrested­at­any­point­along­its­course­at­the­deep­ (15­µm),­and­function­to­resorb­testicular­fluid;­approximately­90%­of­
Gray's Anatomy
Male reproductive system 1277.e1 67 RETPAHC Orchidopexy­is,­therefore,­recommended­for­patients­with­persistent­ Gangrene of appendix testis cryptorchidism­after­6­months­of­age­and­within­18­months­of­age.­ secondary to torsion Available­evidence­suggests­that­orchidopexy­at­any­age­may­improve­ spermatogenesis­(Shin­et­al­1997),­but­does­not­decrease­the­risk­of­ testicular­cancer­in­a­cryptorchid­testis.­An­inverse­relationship­has­been­ reported­between­age­at­orchidopexy­and­total­sperm­count­and­sperm­ motility.­The­data­are­in­support­of­orchidopexy­in­the­first­year­of­life­ (Canavese­et­al­2009).­Nevertheless,­surgical­correction­does­maximize­ the­chance­of­early­detection­of­a­testicular­mass,­and­is­the­only­means­ of­restoring­a­normal­milieu­for­spermatogenesis­to­occur.­Interestingly,­ Leydig­cell­function­is­usually­unchanged­by­maldescent,­so­serum­ testosterone­levels­remain­within­the­normal­range­in­affected­patients. Retractile­testes­are­seen­more­commonly­than­undescended­testes­in­ boys.­A­retractile­testis­is­one­that­moves­to­and­fro­between­the­groin­ and­the­scrotum.­Unlike­undescended­testes,­retractile­testes­can­be­ manipulated­to­the­lower­part­of­the­scrotum­on­clinical­examination.­ Retractile­testes­are­smaller­than­normal­testes,­having­a­mean­volume­ of­0.50­ml­in­children. Testicular­torsion­refers­to­rotation­of­the­testis­around­its­blood­supply,­ leading­to­testicular­ischaemia.­Torsion­may­be­extravaginal­or­intra- vaginal,­depending­on­whether­it­involves­a­rotation­of­both­the­testis­ and­the­tunica­vaginalis,­or­of­the­testis­alone,­within­an­intact­tunica­ vaginalis.­In­either­case,­torsion­results­in­severe­scrotal­pain­secondary­ Fig. 76.12 Gangrene of the appendix testis secondary to torsion in an to­tissue­ischaemia.­Fertility­can­be­affected­by­a­single­episode­of­ 8-year-old child. torsion.­If­unrelieved­within­4–6­hours,­permanent­tissue­loss­can­occur.­ Testicular­torsion­is­therefore­considered­a­surgical­emergency. Other­structures­in­the­scrotum,­such­as­the­appendix­testis­(hydatid­ of­Morgagni)­(Fig. 76.12)­and­appendix­epididymis­(see­Fig.­76.4),­can­ also­undergo­torsion,­resulting­in­scrotal­pain­that­may­be­difficult­to­ Transverse/crossed­testicular­ectopia­is­an­extremely­rare­condition­in­ differentiate­from­testicular­torsion.­In­some­instances,­a­‘blue­dot’­sign­ which­both­testes­descend­into­a­single­inguinal­canal­or­hemiscrotum.­ is­noted­at­the­upper­pole­of­the­testis,­which­is­diagnostic.­These­struc- The­origin­of­the­spermatic­cord­is­normally­located­on­each­side.­It­ tures­are­developmental­remnants­of­the­paramesonephric­(Müllerian)­ may­occur­in­association­with­persistent­Müllerian­duct­syndrome­ duct­and­the­mesonephros,­respectively.­There­are­no­associated­long- (Tiryaki­et­al­2005). term­sequelae. Polyorchidism­is­a­rare­congenital­anomaly­in­which­there­are­two­or­ A­patent­processus­vaginalis­allows­communication­between­the­peri- more­testes.­The­most­common­type­consists­of­three­testes;­cases­with­ toneal­cavity­and­the­spermatic­cord­or­scrotum.­Passage­of­peritoneal­ four­testes­have­also­been­reported.­The­supernumerary­testes­may­or­ fluid­into­the­scrotum­presents­as­a­communicating­hydrocele,­and­ may­not­be­connected­to­a­vas­deferens. usually­resolves­spontaneously­once­the­processus­is­obliterated,­by­ 18–24­months­of­age.­Alternatively,­if­the­processus­is­patent­proximally­ Epididymal­cysts­arise­from­the­epididymal­tubules­and­may­occur­ but­obliterated­distally,­a­hydrocele­or­cyst­of­the­cord­may­be­noted.­ anywhere­in­the­caput,­corpus­or­cauda­epididymis.­If­asymptomatic,­ Surgical­treatment­may­be­indicated­for­persistent,­non-communicating­ removal­is­unnecessary,­particularly­given­the­risk­of­iatrogenic­epidi- hydroceles.­Hydrocele­can­also­occur­as­a­result­of­lymphatic­obstruc- dymal­obstruction.­Spermatoceles­are­cysts­that­are,­basically,­aneu- tion­from­testicular­tumour,­epididymitis,­orchitis­or­trauma.­A­20%­ rysms­of­the­efferent­ducts­that­form­the­caput­epididymis­and­contain­ incidence­of­hydrocele­has­been­reported­in­children­having­laparo- sperm.­Removal­is­unnecessary­unless­they­grow­to­a­large­size­and­ scopic­en bloc­ligation­of­the­spermatic­vessels­on­the­posterior­ab- cause­pain­(Kaufman­et­al­2011).­However,­spermatoceles­may­be­aspi- dominal­wall­(Palomo­procedure).­This­complication­is­avoided­by­ rated­as­a­source­of­spermatozoa. lymphatic-sparing­surgery­(Schwentner­et­al­2006). Splenogonadal­fusion­is­a­rare­congenital­anomaly­characterized­by­ splenic­tissue­being­connected­to­the­gonad,­resulting­from­an­abnor- mal­connection­between­the­spleen­and­the­gonad­during­gestation.­It­ has­a­higher­predominance­in­males­and­is­almost­invariably­on­the­ left­side.­It­may­be­of­the­continuous­type,­where­the­testis­is­connected­ to­the­main­spleen,­or­of­the­discontinuous­type,­where­the­testis­is­ connected­to­ectopic­splenic­tissue.
Gray's Anatomy
MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1278 8 NoiTCEs the­total­secretory­fluid­volume­is­absorbed­in­the­epididymis.­They­also­ derived­directly­from­the­internal­iliac­artery.­Veins­from­the­vas­and­ endocytose­other­components­of­seminal­fluid­and­produce­glycopro- seminal­vesicles­drain­to­the­pelvic­venous­plexus,­whereas­the­associ- teins­that­are­essential­for­sperm­maturation.­Basal­cells­lie­between­the­ ated­lymphatic­vessels­drain­into­the­external­and­internal­iliac­nodes. bases­of­the­principal­cells­and­are­thought­to­be­precursors­of­principal­ cells.­Apical­and­clear­cells­are­far­less­common­than­principal­and­basal­ Innervation cells.­Apical­cells­are­rich­in­mitochondria­and­are­most­abundant­in­ the­caput­epididymis.­In­contrast,­clear­cells­are­columnar­and­most­ The­vasa­deferentia­are­innervated­by­a­rich­autonomic­plexus­of­pri- abundant­in­the­cauda­epididymis.­They­have­few­microvilli­but­numer- marily­postganglionic­sympathetic­fibres­derived­from­the­pelvic­plexus. ous­endocytic­vesicles­and­lipid­droplets.­Their­functions­are­unknown. Microstructure VAS DEFERENS, SPERMATIC CORD, PARADIDYMIS AND EJACULATORY DUCT In­humans,­the­vas­deferens­is­30–35­cm­in­length­and­2–3­mm­in­ diameter,­with­a­luminal­diameter­of­300–500­µm.­In­cross-section,­it­ consists­of­an­outer­adventitial­sheath­containing­blood­vessels­and­ VAS DEFERENS nerves;­a­thick,­three-layered­muscular­wall­of­inner­and­outer­longitu- dinal­and­middle­circular­smooth­muscle;­and­an­inner­mucosal­lining­ The­vas­deferens­(ductus­deferens)­is­a­tubular­structure­derived­from­ of­pseudostratified­columnar­epithelium­with­non-motile­cilia­(Fig. the­mesonephric­duct.­Its­primary­function­is­the­transport­of­sperm­ 76.14).­It­has­the­greatest­muscle­to­lumen­ratio­(approximately­10:1)­ from­the­epididymis­to­the­urethra,­although­absorptive­and­secretory­ of­any­hollow­viscus­in­the­body.­During­ejaculation,­the­smooth­ functions­have­also­been­described­(Hoffer­1976).­As­it­arises­from­the­ muscle­layers­contract­reflexively,­propelling­the­sperm­in­an­antegrade­ cauda­epididymis,­the­vas­is­tortuous­for­2–3­cm­(see­Fig.­76.5B).­ direction­(see­above). Beyond­this­convoluted­segment,­it­lies­posterior­and­parallel­to­the­ vessels­of­the­spermatic­cord,­passes­through­the­inguinal­canal­(see­Fig.­ Developmental anomalies 76.16),­and­emerges­in­the­pelvis­lateral­to­the­inferior­epigastric­vessels­ of the vas deferens (see­Fig.­61.3).­At­the­internal­ring,­the­vas­diverges­from­the­testicular­ vessels,­coursing­medial­to­the­structures­of­the­pelvic­side­wall,­in­order­ to­reach­the­base­of­the­prostate­posteriorly.­Here,­the­vas­once­again­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book becomes­tortuous­and­dilated­(the­ampulla­of­the­vas­deferens),­before­ culminating­at­the­ejaculatory­duct­(see­Fig.­74.23). SPERMATIC CORD Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage The­spermatic­cord­begins­at­the­deep­or­internal­inguinal­ring,­extends­ The­vas­deferens­is­supplied­by­the­vasal­artery,­which­is­usually­derived­ the­length­of­the­inguinal­canal,­exits­the­canal­at­the­superficial­or­ from­the­superior­vesical­artery,­and­occasionally­from­the­inferior­ external­inguinal­ring,­and­suspends­the­testis­in­the­scrotum­(Fig. vesical­artery,­both­branches­of­the­internal­iliac­artery.­Rarely,­it­is­ 76.15;­see­Fig.­76.3).­Between­the­superficial­inguinal­ring­and­the­testis,­ the­cord­lies­anterior­to­the­tendon­of­adductor­longus.­It­is­flanked­ anteriorly­by­the­superficial­external­pudendal­artery,­and­posteriorly­ by­the­deep­external­pudendal­artery.­The­ilioinguinal­nerve­lies­inferior­ to­the­cord­as­it­traverses­the­inguinal­canal. In­addition­to­the­artery,­veins,­lymphatics­and­nerves­supplying­the­ testis,­which­are­contained­within­the­internal­spermatic­fascia,­the­ ET spermatic­cord­includes­the­ilioinguinal­nerve,­the­genital­branch­of­­ the­genitofemoral­nerve,­the­cremasteric­artery,­veins­and­lymphatics,­ and­the­vasal­artery,­veins­and­lymphatics,­all­of­which­are­contained­ within­the­external­spermatic­fascia­(Fig. 76.16;­see­Fig.­76.2).­These­ fascial­layers­are­continuous­with­the­layers­of­the­abdominal­wall.­The­ internal­spermatic­fascia­is­derived­from­the­transversalis­fascia,­and­ forms­a­thin,­loose­layer­around­the­spermatic­cord.­The­cremasteric­ FCT fascia,­which­contains­the­skeletal­muscle­fibres­that­make­up­the­cre- master­muscle,­is­derived­from­internal­oblique.­The­external­spermatic­ fascia­is­continuous­with­the­aponeurosis­of­external­oblique. Ectopic­suprarenal­tissue­(adrenal­rest)­is­encountered­within­the­ distal­end­of­the­spermatic­cord­in­2%­of­children­undergoing­inguinal­ procedures.­Adrenal­rests­are­typically­bright­yellow­to­orange­in­colour,­ round­or­oval­in­shape,­and­up­to­5­mm­in­diameter;­they­contain­the­ Fig. 76.13 The microstructure of the epididymis. Abbreviations: ET, three­layers­of­the­suprarenal­(adrenal­cortex)­but­no­medulla­(Savas­et­ epididymal tubule; FCT, fibromuscular connective tissue. al­2001). Fig. 76.14 The vas deferens. A, A low-power view, transverse section. B, A higher-power view. The convoluted lumen is lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells. A B
Gray's Anatomy
Male reproductive system 1278.e1 67 RETPAHC The­vas­deferens­may­be­congenitally­absent,­either­unilaterally­or­ bilaterally.­When­bilateral,­the­condition­is­associated­with­a­mutation­ of­the­cystic­fibrosis­transmembrane­conductance­gene­in­80%­of­ affected­men.­This­condition­is­characterized­by­low­semen­volume­due­ to­absent­or­hypoplastic­seminal­vesicles­and­azoospermia,­although­ spermatogenesis­is­usually­normal.­Absent­vasa­is­usually­the­only­ genital­manifestation­of­cystic­fibrosis. The­anatomy­of­the­vas­deferens­is­worthy­of­note­in­children­with­ cryptorchidism­(see­above).­At­laparoscopic­orchidopexy­for­intra- abdominal­testis,­it­is­important­to­exclude­a­‘looping­vas­deferens’­that­ enters­the­inguinal­canal­and­loops­back­to­the­abdominal­cavity­ (Shalaby­et­al­2011);­failure­to­recognize­this­anatomical­anomaly­may­ result­in­iatrogenic­injury­to­the­vas­deferens.
Gray's Anatomy
Accessory glandular structures 1279 67 RETPAHC Fig. 76.15 The relationship of the spermatic cord to the External oblique External oblique anterior abdominal wall. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Linea alba Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) External oblique, Internal oblique aponeurosis Inguinal ligament Cremaster Intercrural fibres Reflected ligament Lateral crus Superficial Fundiform ligament Medial crus inguinal ring of penis Spermatic cord Fig. 76.16 Structures contained within the spermatic cord. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban and Fischer. External oblique, Copyright 2013.) aponeurosis Internal oblique Deep inguinal ring Transversus Inferior epigastric abdominis arteries and veins Ilioinguinal nerve Transversalis fascia Transversalis fascia Ilioinguinal nerve Artery of vas deferens Vas deferens Superficial inguinal ring Pampiniform plexus Genitofemoral nerve, genital branch Genitofemoral nerve, genital branch Cremaster Inguinal ligament External spermatic fascia PARADIDYMIS diameter­of­greater­than­2.3­mm­defines­a­dilated­or­obstructed­efferent­ duct­(Nguyen­et­al­1996). The­paradidymis­(organ­of­Giraldes)­is­a­small­collection­of­convo- luted­tubules­located­anteriorly­in­the­spermatic­cord,­just­above­­ ACCESSORY GLANDULAR STRUCTURES the­caput­epididymis.­The­tubules­are­lined­with­columnar­ciliated­ epithelium­and­are­likely­to­represent­a­vestigial­remnant­of­the­ mesonephros. SEMINAL VESICLES The­seminal­vesicles­are­paired­outpouchings­of­the­terminal­vas­defer- EJACULATORY DUCTS ens,­located­at­the­base­of­the­prostate,­between­the­bladder­and­the­ rectum­(Fig. 76.17,­see­Fig.­74.23).­In­adults,­the­seminal­vesicle­meas- The­paired­ejaculatory­ducts­are­formed­from­the­union­of­the­duct­of­ ures­between­5­and­10­cm­in­length,­and­3­and­5­cm­in­diameter,­with­ the­seminal­vesicle­with­the­ampulla­of­the­vas­deferens.­Each­is­approx- an­average­volume­capacity­of­13­ml­(Goldstein­2012).­In­the­majority­ imately­2­cm­in­length,­and­extends­from­the­base­of­the­prostate,­ of­men,­the­right­seminal­vesicle­is­slightly­larger­than­the­left;­the­size­ between­the­median­and­lateral­lobes,­towards­its­opening­on­the­veru- of­both­glands­decreases­with­age. montanum­(see­Fig.­75.13).­The­ducts­diminish­in­size­and­converge­ In­essence,­each­seminal­vesicle­is­a­coiled­tube­with­irregular­diver- towards­their­ends.­Ejaculatory­duct­obstruction,­though­rare,­can­lead­ ticula,­contained­within­a­dense,­fibromuscular­sheath­and­partly­ to­oligospermia­or­azoospermia.­Causes­include­congenital­cysts,­such­ covered­by­peritoneum.­The­upper­pole­is­a­cul-de-sac,­while­the­lower­ as­Müllerian­duct­cysts,­or­iatrogenic­injury­during­urethral­manipula- pole­narrows­to­a­straight­duct,­which,­together­with­the­vas­deferens,­ tion.­In­contrast­to­the­walls­of­the­vas­deferens,­the­walls­of­the­ejacula- culminates­as­the­ejaculatory­duct.­The­seminal­vesicles­are­intimately­ tory­ducts­are­thin.­They­consist­of­an­outer­fibrous­layer,­which­ associated­with­the­prostate­and­bladder­anteriorly,­the­distal­ureter­ decreases­in­thickness­on­their­entry­into­the­prostate;­a­thin­layer­of­ superiorly,­and­the­rectum­and­Denonvilliers’­fascia­posteriorly.­The­ smooth­muscle­fibres;­and­a­mucosa­lined­by­columnar­epithelium.­The­ ampullae­of­the­vas­deferens­lie­along­the­medial­margins­of­the­ ducts­dilate­during­ejaculation.­Normal­luminal­and­wall­dimensions­ seminal­vesicles,­while­the­veins­of­the­prostatic­venous­plexus­lie­ of­the­ejaculatory­duct­are­remarkably­uniform­among­men;­a­luminal­ laterally.
Gray's Anatomy
MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1280 8 NoiTCEs Rectum Bladder Left seminal vesicle Fig. 76.18 The microstructure of the seminal vesicles, showing the tubulo-acinar structure. located­lateral­to­the­membranous­urethra­and­superior­to­the­perineal­ membrane.­They­are­drained­by­long­excretory­ducts,­each­duct­being­ almost­3­cm­in­length,­which­pass­obliquely­and­anteriorly­from­the­ region­of­the­membranous­urethra,­to­penetrate­the­perineal­mem- brane,­and­open­on­the­floor­of­the­bulbar­urethra,­approximately­ 2.5­cm­below­the­perineal­membrane.­The­glands­are­surrounded­by­ fibres­of­the­urinary­sphincter.­During­sexual­excitement,­contraction­of­ Obturator internus the­muscle­fibres­leads­to­expulsion­of­clear­mucus­from­the­glands­into­ Fig. 76.17 An axial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan the­bulbar­urethra.­Secretions­of­the­bulbourethral­glands­comprise­ demonstrating the normal high signal in the seminal vesicles on a 5–10%­of­the­total­ejaculate­volume. T2-weighted scan. Microstructure Agenesis­of­the­seminal­vesicles­is­a­congenital­anomaly,­which­is­ Each­bulbourethral­gland­consists­of­several­lobules­enclosed­by­a­ associated­with­absence­of­the­vas­deferens­or­vasoureteral­communica- fibrous­capsule.­The­secretory­units­are­tubulo-alveolar­in­form.­The­ tion­(Wu­et­al­2005). glandular­epithelium­is­columnar,­and­secretes­acidic­and­neutral­ mucins­into­the­urethra­prior­to­ejaculation;­the­secretions­primarily­ Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage have­a­lubricating­function.­Diffuse­mucosa-associated­lymphoid­tissue­ (MALT)­is­associated­with­the­glands. The­primary­blood­supply­to­the­seminal­vesicles­is­from­the­vesiculo- deferential­artery,­a­branch­of­the­umbilical­artery­(Braithwaite­1952).­ PERIURETHRAL GLANDS An­additional­source­of­blood­supply­is­the­inferior­vesical­artery,­which­ arises­from­the­internal­iliac­artery­or­the­inferior­gluteal­artery.­Venous­ The­periurethral­glands­(glands­of­Littre)­are­most­numerous­in­the­ drainage­is­provided­by­the­vesiculodeferential­veins­and­the­inferior­ penile­urethra.­Like­the­bulbourethral­glands,­they­secrete­mucus­into­ vesical­plexus.­Lymphatic­drainage,­accordingly,­occurs­via­the­internal­ the­lumen­of­the­urethra­prior­to­ejaculation;­the­secretions­have­a­ iliac­nodes. lubricating­function. Innervation EXTERNAL GENITALIA The­seminal­vesicles­receive­preganglionic­parasympathetic­input­from­ the­pelvic­nerve,­and­sympathetic­(postganglionic)­and­parasympa- PENIS thetic­(preganglionic)­input­from­the­hypogastric­nerve. The­penis­consists­of­an­attached­root­in­the­perineum­(radix),­and­a­ Microstructure free,­pendulous­body­(shaft),­which­is­completely­enveloped­in­skin­ (Fig. 76.19).­At­its­base,­the­penis­is­supported­by­two­suspensory­liga- After­puberty,­the­vesicles­mature­into­elongated,­sac-like­structures,­ ments,­which­anchor­it­to­the­pubic­symphysis­(Fig. 76.20B).­These­ produce­a­viscous­white–yellow­fluid­that­contributes­to­at­least­two- ligaments­are­composed­primarily­of­elastic­fibres­and­are­continuous­ thirds­of­the­total­ejaculate­volume,­and­play­an­important­role­in­sperm­ with­Buck’s­fascia­of­the­penis.­The­penile­shaft­contains­three­erectile­ motility­and­metabolism.­The­secreted­fluid­is­rich­in­fructose,­coagula- columns­–­the­paired­corpora­cavernosa­and­the­corpus­spongiosum;­ tion­proteins­and­prostaglandins,­with­a­pH­in­the­neutral­to­alkaline­ the­urethra;­and­the­investing­fasciae,­blood­vessels­and­nerves­associ- range.­The­wall­of­the­seminal­vesicle­is­composed­of­an­external­con- ated­with­these­structures­(Fig. 76.20A). nective­tissue­layer,­a­middle­smooth­muscle­layer­(significantly­thinner­ The­corpora­cavernosa­lie­in­intimate­apposition­with­one­another­ than­the­corresponding­layer­in­the­vas­deferens),­and­an­inner­mucosal­ along­the­length­of­the­penile­shaft­(Fig. 76.21);­the­corpus­spongiosum­ layer­with­a­highly­folded,­labyrinthine­structure­(Fig. 76.18).­The­ lies­in­the­ventral­groove­between­the­cavernous­bodies.­Proximally,­ mucosal­layer­is­lined­by­cuboidal­to­pseudostratified­columnar­epithe- posterior­to­the­suspensory­ligaments,­the­right­and­left­corpora­caver- lium,­featuring­typical­protein-secreting­cells.­Contrary­to­the­implica- nosa­diverge­to­form­two­tapering­processes,­the­crura­penis,­which­are­ tion­of­their­name,­seminal­vesicles­are­not­reservoirs­for­spermatozoa,­ firmly­anchored­to­the­ischiopubic­rami­(see­Fig.­76.20B).­The­corpus­ except­in­cases­of­ejaculatory­duct­obstruction;­they­contract­during­ spongiosum­broadens­between­the­two­crura­to­form­the­bulbospongi- ejaculation­to­release­secretions­into­the­ejaculatory­duct. osus­muscle­(see­Fig.­76.20C).­At­the­distal­end­of­the­penis,­the­corpus­ spongiosum­again­enlarges­and­assumes­a­bulbous­shape­to­form­the­ glans­penis.­The­rounded­base­of­the­glans,­the­corona,­separates­the­ BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS glans­from­the­penile­shaft.­The­glans­is­covered­by­the­foreskin­ (prepuce),­which­is­a­loose­fold­of­retractable­skin­attached­to­the­ The­bulbourethral­glands­(Cowper’s­glands)­are­small,­round,­yellow,­ ventral­surface­of­the­glans­penis,­under­the­corona,­at­the­frenulum.­ lobulated­structures,­measuring­approximately­1­cm­in­diameter,­and­ Cutaneous­sensitivity­is­greatest­over­the­glans­penis.
Gray's Anatomy
External genitalia 1281 67 RETPAHC A C Body of penis Glans penis Neck of glans Testis Corona of glans Prepuce Epididymis, Glans penis vas deferens, vessels, nerves and lymphatics Position of perineal body Ischial tuberosity Body of penis (unattached parts of corpus spongiosum and B D Crus of penis (attached part corpora cavernosa) of corpus cavernosum) Glans penis Glans penis Frenulum Ventral surface of body of penis Raphe Testis Bulb of penis (attached part of corpus spongiosum) Position of perineal body Fig. 76.19 Structures in the male urogenital triangle. A, An inferior view. B, The ventral surface of the body of the penis. C, A lateral view of the body of the penis and glans. D, An inferior view of the urogenital triangle of a male, with the erectile tissues of the penis indicated with overlays. (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) Skin The­skin­of­the­penile­shaft­is­thin,­highly­elastic­and­devoid­of­ Shaft The­major­portion­of­the­penile­shaft­consists­of­the­paired­ appendages­(hair­or­glandular­elements),­with­the­exception­of­smegma- corpora­cavernosa.­These­contain­erectile­tissue,­enclosed­within­a­ producing­glands­located­at­the­base­of­the­corona.­It­is­also­devoid­of­ dense­fibroelastic­sheath­of­connective­tissue,­the­tunica­albuginea­ fat­and­quite­mobile­because­of­loose­attachments­between­the­dartos­ (see­Figs­76.21E,­76.22).­The­outer­longitudinal­and­inner­circular­ fascia­and­the­underlying­Buck’s­fascia.­In­contrast,­the­skin­of­the­glans­ fibres­of­the­tunica­form­an­undulating­meshwork­when­the­penis­is­ is­immobile,­as­a­result­of­its­direct­attachment­to­the­underlying­tunica­ flaccid­but­become­tightly­stretched­on­erection.­The­circular­fibres­ albuginea.­Blood­supply­to­the­penile­skin­is­independent­of­the­erectile­ surround­each­corpus­separately­and­the­corpora­are­then­surrounded­ bodies,­and­is­derived­from­the­external­pudendal­branches­of­the­ as­a­unit­by­the­outer­longitudinal­fibres.­Smooth­muscle­bundles­ femoral­vessels­that­enter­the­base­of­the­penis­and­run­longitudinally­ traverse­ the­ erectile­ bodies­ to­ form­ endothelium-lined­ cavernous­ within­the­dartos­fascia,­forming­a­rich­anastomotic­network.­Thus,­it­ sinuses,­which­give­the­erectile­tissue­a­spongy­appearance­on­gross­ is­possible­to­mobilize­penile­shaft­skin­on­a­vascular­pedicle­for­surgi- examination.­Blood­flow­into­the­sinuses­leads­to­penile­engorgement­ cal­procedures­such­as­urethral­reconstruction. and­compression­of­venous­outflow­channels,­resulting­in­penile­ The­superficial­penile­fascia­is­devoid­of­fat,­and­consists­of­loose­ erection. connective­tissue­interspersed­by­fibres­of­the­dartos­muscle­from­the­ The­corpora­cavernosa­are­not­distinct,­separate­structures­but­are­ scrotum;­it­is­commonly­referred­to­as­the­dartos­layer.­In­contrast,­the­ divided­in­the­midline­by­a­fibrous­septum­that­is­continuous­with­ deep­penile­fascia­is­a­denser­fascial­sheath,­known­as­Buck’s­fascia,­ the­deep­circular­fibres­of­the­tunica­albuginea.­The­septum­is­com- which­envelops­both­corpora­cavernosa­and­splits­to­envelop­the­corpus­ plete­and­thick­proximally,­but­incomplete­distally,­permitting­com- spongiosum­(Fig. 76.22B).­Distally,­it­blends­with­the­tunica­albuginea­ munication­and­exchange­of­blood­flow­between­the­corporal­bodies.­ covering­all­three­corporal­bodies.­Proximally,­it­is­continuous­with­the­ The­wide­median­groove­along­the­ventral­aspect­of­the­corpora­caver- dartos­muscle­and­the­deep­perineal­fascia.­Bleeding­from­a­tear­in­the­ nosa­is­occupied­by­the­corpus­spongiosum,­containing­the­urethra.­ corporal­bodies­is­usually­contained­within­Buck’s­fascia,­and­ecchymo- Dorsally,­a­similar,­but­narrower,­groove­contains­the­dorsal­neurovas- sis­is­limited­to­the­penile­shaft. cular­bundle.­The­corpora­cavernosa­end­distally­within­the­glans­ penis­as­individual,­rounded­cones­(see­Fig.­76.19D).­The­corpus­ Root The­root­(radix)­of­the­penis­consists­of­three­masses­of­erectile­ spongiosum­contains­less­erectile­tissue­than­the­corpora­cavernosa,­ tissue­in­the­urogenital­triangle:­namely,­the­two­crura­and­the­bulb,­ and­is­enclosed­by­a­thinner­layer­of­tunica­albuginea.­The­urethra­ firmly­attached­to­the­pubic­arch­and­the­perineal­membrane,­respec- traverses­the­length­of­the­corpus­spongiosum,­terminating­at­a­slit- tively.­The­crura­are­the­posterior­extensions­of­the­corpora­cavernosa,­ like­meatus­on­the­tip­of­the­glans­penis,­which­is,­itself,­an­expan- while­the­bulb­is­the­dilated­posterior­end­of­the­corpus­spongiosum.­ sion­of­the­corpus­spongiosum.­Numerous­small­preputial­glands­ The­urethra­enters­the­bulb­via­its­posterior­surface­and­travels­the­ secreting­sebaceous­smegma­line­the­corona­along­the­base­of­the­ length­of­the­penile­shaft­within­the­corpus­spongiosum. glans­penis.
Gray's Anatomy
MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1282 8 NoiTCEs A Corpora cavernosa Body of penis Corpus spongiosum (cross-section) containing urethra Glans penis Corpus cavernosum External urethral meatus (orifice) Navicular fossa of urethra Perineal membrane Corpus spongiosum Crus of penis (attached part of corpus cavernosum) Bulbourethral gland within deep pouch B Fundiform ligament of penis Suspensory ligament of penis Ischiocavernosus Midline raphe Bulbospongiosus Puborectalis Superficial anal sphincter Superficial transverse perineal muscle C Penile skin Superficial penile (Colles’) muscle Ischiocavernosus Tunica albuginea Deep penile (Buck’s) fascia Glans penis Corpus spongiosum Corpus cavernosum Bulbospongiosus Urethra Fig. 76.20 A, The erectile tissues of the penis. B, The muscles in the superficial perineal pouch. C, The muscles and erectile tissues of the penis in section. (A–B, With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010. C, Adapted from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A, Tibbitts R, Richardson P (eds), Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2008.)
Gray's Anatomy
External genitalia 1283 67 RETPAHC Corpus Corpus Prostate Seminal cavernosum spongiosum vesicle Bladder A B Penile Bulbospongiosus Prostatic urethra Corpus cavernosum Corpus spongiosum urethra Crus of the corpus cavernosum Corpus cavernosum Tunica albuginea Corpus cavernosum Corpus spongiosum Glans penis C D E Bulb of penis Prostate Anal canal Tunica Corpus albuginea cavernosum Fig. 76.21 A–B, An MRI scan of the penis showing the corpora cavernosum and spongiosum. Note the corpus spongiosum flaring posteriorly into the bulbospongiosus. C, An MRI scan showing the bulb of the penis and the attachment of the posterior portion of the corpora cavernosa, the crura. D–E, An MRI scan of the penis showing the tunica albuginea. Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage ential­branches­to­the­corpus­spongiosum­and­urethra.­The­rich­blood­ supply­to­the­spongiosum­allows­safe­division­of­the­urethra­during­ stricture­repair. Arteries Blood­supply­to­the­corporal­bodies­is­derived­from­the­internal­puden- Cavernous (deep, cavernosal) artery of the penis The­cavern- dal­artery,­a­branch­of­the­internal­iliac­artery,­which­travels­within­ ous­(deep,­cavernosal)­artery­of­the­penis­is­usually­a­paired­vessel­that­ Alcock’s­canal­before­reaching­the­penis­and­perineum­(Fig. 76.23).­As­ pierces­the­tunica­albuginea­of­the­corpora­cavernosa­at­the­hilum­of­ it­emerges­from­Alcock’s­canal,­the­internal­pudendal­artery­gives­off­ the­penis­and­then­travels­near­the­centre­of­the­corporal­bodies­in­the­ the­perineal­artery,­to­supply­ischiocavernosus­and­bulbospongiosus,­ direction­of­the­glans­penis.­Along­its­course,­it­gives­off­several­straight­ and­the­posterior­surface­of­the­scrotum,­as­well­as­the­common­penile­ and­helicine­branches­at­regular­intervals;­they­open­directly­into­the­ artery­that­supplies­the­deep­structures­of­the­penis­(Fig. 76.24). sinusoidal­spaces­of­the­corporal­bodies. The­common­penile­artery­has­three­main­branches:­the­bulboure- Variations­in­penile­vascular­anatomy­are­common,­and­may­include­ thral­artery,­the­dorsal­penile­artery­and­the­cavernous­(deep,­cavern- a­single­or­absent­cavernous­artery­or­the­presence­of­accessory­puden- osal)­artery­(Fig. 76.25). dal­arteries­(Bare­et­al­1994,­Matin­2006).­While­penile­arterial­supply­ is­commonly­derived­from­both­accessory­and­internal­pudendal­arter- Bulbourethral artery The­bulbourethral­artery­penetrates­the­peri- ies,­it­may­be­derived­exclusively­from­either­the­internal­pudendal­ neal­membrane­to­enter­the­spongiosum­from­above­its­posterolateral­ arteries­or­the­accessory­pudendal­arteries­(Droupy­et­al­1997).­Recog- border­and­supplies­the­penile­bulb­and­the­urethra,­in­addition­to­the­ nizing­such­variation­is­extremely­important­for­any­surgeon­contem- corpus­spongiosum­and­glans­penis. plating­penile­revascularization­surgery. Dorsal artery of the penis The­dorsal­artery­of­the­penis­passes­ Veins between­the­crus­penis­and­the­pubis­to­reach­the­dorsal­surface­of­the­ corporal­bodies.­It­runs­alongside­the­dorsal­vein­and­the­dorsal­penile­ Blood­leaving­the­penis­is­drained­by­one­of­three­venous­systems:­ nerve,­and­is­attached,­together­with­these­structures,­to­the­underside­ superficial,­intermediate­or­deep­(see­Figs­76.22B,­76.23).­The­superfi- of­Buck’s­fascia.­As­it­courses­to­the­glans­penis,­it­gives­off­circumfer- cial­veins­are­contained­within­the­dartos­fascia­on­the­dorsolateral­
Gray's Anatomy
MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1284 8 NoiTCEs A Dorsal vein Fig. 76.22 A, Layers of the penis and main structures. B, C, Cross-sectional anatomy of the penile shaft. Glans Corpus spongiosum surrounding urethra External urethral meatus (orifice) B Superficial dorsal vein Deep dorsal vein Dorsal artery Dorsal nerve Cavernous vein Tunica albuginea Cavernous artery Superficial penile (Colles’) fascia Septum of penis Deep penile (Buck's) fascia Circumflex vein Corpus spongiosum with urethra Sinusoidal spaces C Deep dorsal vein Superficial dorsal vein Dorsal artery Superficial dorsal artery Dorsal nerve Efferent vein Corpus cavernosum Cavernous vein Skin Emissary vein Superficial penile (Colles') fascia Outer circular layer Tunica albuginea Areolar tissue Inner longitudinal layer Deep penile Cavernous artery (Buck's) fascia Helicine artery Septum of penis Sinusoid Bulbourethral vein Urethral artery Corpus spongiosum Urethra surface­of­the­penis.­They­receive­blood­from­the­penile­shaft­skin­and­ groove­between­the­two­corpora­cavernosa.­It­passes­inferior­to­the­ prepuce,­and­coalesce­at­the­base­of­the­penis­to­form­a­single­superficial­ pubic­symphysis­at­the­level­of­the­suspensory­ligament,­leaving­the­ dorsal­vein­that­drains­into­the­great­saphenous­vein­via­the­superficial­ shaft­of­the­penis­at­the­crus,­and­drains­into­the­prostatic­plexus. external­pudendal­veins. Deep­venous­drainage­occurs­via­the­crural­and­cavernous­(deep,­ The­intermediate­drainage­system­contains­the­circumflex­and­deep­ cavernosal)­veins,­which­receive­blood­from­the­proximal­third­of­the­ dorsal­veins,­which­lie­within­and­beneath­Buck’s­fascia.­This­system­ penis.­The­emissary­veins­consolidate­into­2–5­veins­on­the­dorsome- receives­blood­from­the­glans,­corpus­spongiosum­and­the­distal­two- dial­surface­of­the­corpora­cavernosa.­Crural­veins­arise­in­the­midline,­ thirds­of­the­penis.­Circumflex­veins­originate­in­the­corpus­spongio- in­the­space­between­the­crura,­and­join­the­cavernous­veins­at­the­ sum,­and­course­around­the­corpora­cavernosa­to­meet­the­deep­dorsal­ hilum­of­the­penis,­ultimately­draining­into­the­internal­pudendal­vein. vein­perpendicularly.­They­are­only­present­in­the­distal­two-thirds­of­ Lymphatic drainage the­penile­shaft,­and­range­between­3­and­10­in­number.­Intermediate­ venules­in­the­erectile­tissue­of­the­corpora­cavernosa­arise­from­the­ The­penile­and­perineal­skin­is­drained­by­lymphatic­vessels­that­accom- cavernous­sinuses­and­drain­into­a­subtunical­capillary­plexus.­This­ pany­the­external­pudendal­veins­to­the­superficial­inguinal­nodes.­ plexus­gives­rise­to­emissary­veins­that­course­obliquely­through­the­ Lymphatics­from­the­glans­penis­pass­to­the­deep­inguinal­and­external­ tunica­albuginea,­and­drain­either­into­the­circumflex­veins,­or­directly­ iliac­nodes,­and­those­from­the­erectile­tissue­and­penile­urethra­pass­ into­the­deep­dorsal­vein.­The­deep­dorsal­vein­lies­in­the­midline­ to­the­internal­iliac­nodes.
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External genitalia 1285 67 RETPAHC External iliac artery and vein nerves­and­helicine­arteries­are­intimately­associated­with­smooth­ muscle.­The­helicine­arteries­are­contracted­and­tortuous­in­the­flaccid­ Internal iliac artery and vein state,­and­straight­and­dilated­in­the­erect­state. The­tunica­albuginea­surrounding­the­corpora­consists­of­an­inner­ Internal pudendal circular­and­outer­longitudinal­layer­of­elastic­fibres­arranged­in­a­lat- artery and vein ticed­network.­Venous­drainage­from­the­corpora­cavernosa­originates­ in­the­trabeculae­between­the­peripheral­sinusoids­and­the­tunica­albug- inea­(the­subtunical­venous­plexus)­before­exiting­the­corpora­via­the­ emissary­veins. Emissary­veins­travel­between­the­two­layers­of­the­tunica­albug- inea,­and­exit­the­outer­layer­in­an­oblique­fashion.­The­outer­layer­ compresses­the­emissary­veins­when­the­penis­becomes­engorged­­ with­blood,­preventing­venous­outflow,­and­thereby­maintains­the­ erection. The­structure­of­the­corpus­spongiosum­is­similar­to­that­of­the­ corpora­cavernosa,­with­the­exception­of­larger­sinusoids­and­a­thinner­ tunica­albuginea.­The­glans­has­no­tunical­covering. ERECTION AND EJACULATION Penile­erection­is­a­neurovascular­process,­initiated­by­sexual­stimula- tion­and­relaxation­of­the­smooth­muscle­of­the­corpora­cavernosa­and­ mediated­by­various­neurotransmitters­produced­by­the­parasympa- thetic­nerves­and­the­endothelium.­The­most­important­neurotransmit- ter­is­nitric­oxide,­which­acts­via­the­cyclic­guanosine­monophosphate­ Vesical venous (cGMP)­second­messenger­system.­Following­smooth­muscle­relaxa- plexus tion,­there­is­rapid­influx­of­blood­flow­from­the­helicine­arteries,­filling­ the­cavernous­spaces­and­leading­to­penile­tumescence.­The­resulting­ distension­compresses­the­emissary­veins,­preventing­venous­outflow.­ This­so-called­‘veno-occlusive­mechanism’­converts­tumescence­into­an­ Cavernous artery erection.­Continuing­cutaneous­stimulation­of­the­glans­and­frenulum­ Dorsal artery and Cf penis contributes­significantly­towards­maintaining­an­erection­and­initiating­ vein of penis orgasm­and­ejaculation.­Erection,­therefore,­depends­on­a­variety­of­ factors,­including­a­normal­psychogenic­response­to­stimulation,­intact­ Artery of the bulb parasympathetic­nerves,­healthy­corporal­smooth­muscle­capable­of­ of the penis relaxation,­patent­arteries­capable­of­delivering­blood­at­the­required­ rate,­and­a­normal­venous­system.­Following­ejaculation,­the­sequence­ just­described­is­reversed;­smooth­muscle­contraction­in­response­to­ Periprostatic venous plexus sympathetic­stimulation­leads­to­penile­detumescence. Emission­and­ejaculation­are­separate,­but­related,­processes.­Emis- sion­is­the­transmission­of­seminal­fluid­from­the­vas­deferens,­prostate­ Fig. 76.23 The perineal vessels. (Adapted from Drake RL, Vogl AW, and­seminal­vesicles­into­the­prostatic­urethra­and­is­under­sympathetic­ Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill control.­Ejaculation­is­the­expulsion­of­seminal­fluid­from­the­prostatic­ Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) urethra­to­the­exterior­and­has­both­autonomic­and­somatic­compo- nents.­The­first­discernible­event­during­ejaculation­is­contraction­of­ bulbospongiosus,­which­occurs­approximately­six­times­and­is­under­ somatic­control.­Antegrade­ejaculation­requires­concomitant­bladder­ Innervation neck­closure­and­periurethral­muscle­contraction­(Ch.­75).­Relaxation­ of­the­external­urethral­sphincter,­under­autonomic­control,­permits­ A­rich­sensory­innervation­to­the­glans­penis­is­provided­by­the­dorsal­ expulsion­of­seminal­fluid­from­the­prostatic­to­the­bulbar­urethra,­and­ nerve,­a­division­of­the­pudendal­nerve;­it­follows­the­course­of­the­ from­there­to­the­exterior.­The­timing­of­this­process­is­such­that­the­ dorsal­penile­arteries­(Fig. 76.26,­see­also­Fig.­76.2).­Small­branches­ ejaculate­is­expelled­from­the­external­urethral­meatus­between­the­ from­the­perineal­nerve­provide­additional­innervation­to­the­skin­on­ second­and­final­contraction­of­bulbospongiosus;­in­some­men,­ejacu- the­ventrum­of­the­penis,­as­far­distally­as­the­glans­(Uchio­et­al­1999). lation­may­be­pulsatile. Sympathetic­and­parasympathetic­input­to­the­corpora­cavernosa­is­ provided­by­the­cavernous­(deep,­cavernosal)­nerve,­which­originates­ Erectile dysfunction and priapism in­the­pelvic­plexus.­It­courses­along­the­posterolateral­aspect­of­the­ prostate­before­exiting­the­pelvis,­together­with­the­urethra,­and­enter- ing­the­corpora­cavernosa­at­the­crus.­Before­entering­the­cavernous­ Available with the Gray’s Anatomy e-book bodies,­the­cavernous­nerve­sends­branches­to­the­corpus­spongiosum.­ Parasympathetic­input­to­the­penis­(excitatory)­originates­in­the­neu- rones­of­the­first­four­sacral­segments­of­the­spinal­cord­and­travels­via­ SCROTUM the­pelvic­splanchnic­nerves­(nervi­erigentes)­to­the­pelvic­plexus­(see­ Fig.­76.26),­where­preganglionic­fibres­synapse­on­postganglionic­ The­scrotum­is­composed­of­multiple­layers­of­tissues,­including­skin,­ neurons­that­give­rise­to­the­cavernous­nerve.­Sympathetic­input­to­the­ dartos­muscle­and­external­spermatic,­cremasteric­and­internal­sperm- penis­(inhibitory)­originates­in­the­intermediolateral­columns­of­the­ atic­fasciae­(see­Fig.­76.3).­The­internal­spermatic­fascia­is­loosely­ eleventh­and­twelfth­thoracic,­and­first­lumbar­segments­of­the­spinal­ attached­to­the­parietal­layer­of­the­tunica­vaginalis. cord,­and­travels­through­the­sympathetic­trunk­before­descending­to­ Scrotal­skin­is­thin,­pigmented,­devoid­of­fat,­hair-bearing,­and­rich­ the­pelvic­plexus.­Parasympathetic­stimulation­produces­vasodilation,­ in­sebaceous­and­sweat­glands.­It­is­also­richly­innervated­by­sensory­ while­sympathetic­innervation­causes­vasoconstriction,­contraction­of­ nerves­that­respond­to­stimulation­of­the­skin­and­hairs,­and­to­changes­ the­seminal­vesicles­and­prostate,­and­seminal­emission. in­temperature.­The­appearance­of­the­scrotal­skin­may­vary­from­ smooth­to­rugated,­depending­on­the­degree­of­contraction­of­the­ Microstructure underlying­dartos­muscle.­A­midline­raphe­extends­from­the­urethral­ meatus,­down­the­ventral­penile­shaft­and­to­the­anus,­signifying­the­ The­corpora­cavernosa­are­cylinders­of­spongy­erectile­tissue,­composed­ line­of­fusion­of­the­genital­tubercles­(see­Fig.­72.20).­It­is­a­relatively­ of­interconnected­endothelium-lined­sinusoids,­separated­by­smooth­ avascular­plane­and,­therefore,­a­popular­location­for­incisions­used­to­ muscle­trabeculae,­and­surrounded­by­elastic­fibres,­collagen­and­loose­ access­both­scrotal­compartments.­Deep­to­the­raphe,­the­scrotum­is­ areolar­tissue.­The­sinusoids­are­larger­in­the­centre.­Terminal­cavernous­ separated­into­two­compartments­by­a­septum­composed­of­all­the­
Gray's Anatomy
Male reproductive system 1285.e1 67 RETPAHC Erectile­dysfunction­is­the­inability­to­achieve­tumescence­despite­ade- quate­sexual­stimulation.­The­pathophysiology­of­erectile­dysfunction­ is­complex,­and­involves­vascular,­neurogenic­and­psychogenic­compo- nents.­Common­aetiologies­underlying­a­diagnosis­of­erectile­dysfunc- tion­include:­inability­to­relax­the­cavernous­smooth­muscle;­arterial­ insufficiency­due­to­atheromatous­disease;­neurogenic­dysfunction­due­ to­diabetes­or­surgery;­and­radiation­therapy. A­prolonged­erection­that­fails­to­subside­after­ejaculation­is­called­ priapism.­Priapism­can,­broadly,­be­classified­as­being­high-flow­(non- ischaemic)­or­low-flow­(ischaemic).­Low-flow­priapism,­which­is­due­ to­impaired­efflux­of­venous­blood­from­the­penis,­is­characterized­by­ significant­pain­and­is­a­medical­emergency.­If­untreated,­priapism­leads­ to­ischaemia­of­the­corporal­smooth­muscle­and­irreversible­erectile­ dysfunction.­The­aetiology­of­low-flow­priapism­includes­conditions­ such­as­sickle-cell­disease­and­leukaemia,­and­the­use­of­intracavernosal­ injection­therapy­with­medications­such­as­prostaglandin.­In­contrast,­ high-flow­priapism­is­the­consequence­of­excessive­blood­flow­into­the­ penis,­usually­secondary­to­a­fistula­between­the­cavernous­arteries­and­ sinusoidal­spaces.
Gray's Anatomy
MAlE REPRoduCTiVE sysTEM 1286 8 NoiTCEs Fig. 76.24 The blood vessels and nerves of the perineal Perineal artery, posterior scrotal branches region and external genitalia in the adult male. The fat body of the ischio-anal fossa Bulbospongiosus has been removed and Posterior scrotal nerves gluteus maximus has been incised in order to expose the Dorsal artery of penis Ischiocavernosus course of the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal artery. (With permission from Artery of bulb of penis Superficial external Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), anal sphincter Sobotta Atlas of Human Dorsal nerve of penis Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Perineal artery Urban and Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Perineal branches, posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Superficial transverse perineal muscle Perineal nerve Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Dorsal nerve of penis Dorsal nerve of penis Inferior rectal nerves Internal pudendal Perineal nerve artery and vein Sacrospinous ligament Pudendal nerve Inferior rectal artery Internal pudendal artery Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Sacrotuberous ligament Gluteus maximus Levator ani Anococcygeal ligament Anococcygeal nerves Dorsal arteries Perineal arteries layers­of­the­scrotal­wall­except­the­skin.­The­testes­are­suspended­by­ the­spermatic­cords­within­these­compartments. The­dartos­layer­of­smooth­muscles­is­continuous­with­Colles’,­ Scarpa’s­and­the­dartos­fascia­of­the­penis.­The­external­spermatic,­cre- masteric­and­internal­spermatic­layers­of­the­scrotum­are­continuous­ with­the­corresponding­layers­in­the­spermatic­cord,­and­arise­from­the­ aponeuroses­of­external­oblique­and­internal­oblique­and­the­transver- salis­fascia­of­the­abdominal­wall,­respectively.­The­testis­is­also­fixed­ to­the­scrotal­wall­at­its­lower­pole­by­a­fibrous­band­of­tissue­known­ as­the­gubernaculum. Cavernous artery Bulbourethral artery Developmental anomalies of the scrotum Congenital­agenesis­ of­the­scrotum­is­a­very­rare­anomaly­characterized­by­the­absence­of­ the­scrotum;­no­rugae­are­noted­in­the­perineum­(Yilmaz­et­al­2013).­ Penoscrotal­transposition,­in­which­the­scrotum­is­located­superior­and­ Circumflex artery anterior­to­the­penis,­is­a­consequence­of­abnormal­genital­tubercle­ development­and­is­associated­with­hypospadias,­renal­agenesis­and­ dysplasia,­and­imperforate­anus. Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage Arterial­supply­to­the­scrotum­includes­external­pudendal­branches­of­ the­femoral­artery,­scrotal­branches­of­the­internal­pudendal­artery,­and­ Fig. 76.25 The arterial blood supply to the body of the penis. a­cremasteric­branch­from­the­inferior­epigastric­artery.­Of­note,­the­ anterior­scrotal­wall­is­supplied­primarily­by­branches­of­the­external­ pudendal­artery,­which­run­parallel­to­the­rugae­and­do­not­cross­the­ raphe;­this­anatomical­detail­is­important­for­planning­appropriate­ incisions­during­scrotal­surgery. The­scrotal­vessels­are­arranged­in­a­dense­subcutaneous­network,­ which­facilitates­heat­loss­and­regulation­of­scrotal­temperature.­Venous­ drainage­follows­the­arterial­network,­and­simple­arteriovenous­anas- tomoses­are­common.
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1287 67 RETPAHC Key references Scrotal­lymphatics­do­not­cross­the­median­raphe.­Therefore,­lym- phatic­drainage­from­the­scrotum­is­always­routed­to­the­ipsilateral­ superficial­inguinal­nodes. Innervation Pelvic The­scrotum­is­innervated­by­the­ilioinguinal­nerve,­the­genital­branch­ parasympathetic roots of­the­genitofemoral­nerve,­two­posterior­scrotal­branches­of­the­peri- neal­nerve,­and­the­perineal­branch­of­the­posterior­femoral­cutaneous­ nerve­(see­Fig.­76.24).­Innervation­of­the­anterior­third­of­the­scrotum­ is­primarily­derived­from­the­first­lumbar­spinal­segment,­by­way­of­the­ ilioinguinal­and­genitofemoral­nerves­(see­Fig.­76.2).­Innervation­of­the­ posterior­two-thirds­of­the­scrotum­is­primarily­derived­from­the­third­ sacral­spinal­segment,­via­the­perineal­and­posterior­femoral­cutaneous­ nerves.­In­order­to­anaesthetize­the­scrotum,­spinal­anesthesia­must,­ therefore,­be­injected­higher­than­the­L1­level. Obturator nerve Bonus e-book images and table Hypogastric nerves Fig. 76.1 A, Reference curves for mean testicular volume measured by ultrasound. B, Enlargement of the reference curves for mean Rectum testicular volume measured by ultrasound. Prostate Left inferior Fig. 76.12 Gangrene of the appendix testis secondary to torsion in hypogastric an 8-year-old child. Dorsal sensory plexus nerve Table 76.1 Volume of the left and right testis, as measured by Pudendal nerve ultrasound in boys between infancy and adolescence. Cavernous nerves Posterior scrotal nerve Fig. 76.26 The nerve supply to the penis. The corpus cavernosum of penis receives both a parasympathetic and a sympathetic innervation from the cavernous nerves. It should be noted that, in life, multiple cavernous nerves emanate from the prostatic plexus and intertwine with both dorsal sensory nerves. The afferent fibres from the glans pass via the dorsal nerves of the penis and via the pudendal nerve. 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An examination of epididymal tubule patency and natural pregnancy rates A detailed anatomical study that significantly improved knowledge of the following vasoepididymostomy to epididymal tubules in the caput, corpus or vascular supply of the human testis, with important implications for surgical cauda epididymis, with implications for sperm maturation during techniques of orchidopexy. epididymal transit. Hoffer­AP­1976­The­ultrastructure­of­the­ductus­deferens­in­man.­Biol­ Taguchi­K,­Tsukamoto­T,­Murakami­G­1999­Anatomical­studies­of­the­auto- Reprod­14:425–43. nomic­nervous­system­in­the­human­pelvis­by­the­whole-mount­staining­ An ultrastructural evaluation of the human vas deferens, including an method:­left-right­communicating­nerves­between­bilateral­pelvic­plex- assessment of its contrubition to sperm function and transport. uses.­J­Urol­161:320–5. 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CHAPTER 77 Female reproductive system The female reproductive system consists of the lower genital tract (vulva mons becomes prominent with coarse hair and atrophies slightly after and vagina) and the upper tract (uterus and cervix with associated menopause. uterine (Fallopian) tubes and ovaries). Labia majora LOWER GENITAL TRACT The labia majora are two prominent, longitudinal folds of skin that extend back from the mons pubis to the perineum (Fig. 77.1B). They VULVA form the lateral boundaries of the vulva. Each labium has an external, pigmented surface covered with hairs and a smooth, pink internal The female external genitalia or vulva include the mons pubis, labia surface with large sebaceous follicles. Between these surfaces there is majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibule, vestibular bulb and the greater loose connective and adipose tissue, intermixed with smooth muscle vestibular glands (Fig. 77.1). (resembling the scrotal dartos muscle), vessels, nerves and glands. The subcutaneous layer consists of a superficial fatty layer similar to Camp- Mons pubis er’s fascia, and a deep membranous layer – Colles’ fascia – continuous with Scarpa’s fascia of the anterior abdominal wall (p. 1069). The The mons pubis is the rounded, hair-bearing area of skin and adipose uterine round ligament may end in the adipose tissue and skin in the tissue over the pubic symphysis and adjacent pubic bone. Before anterior part of the labium. A patent processus vaginalis may also reach puberty, the mons pubis is relatively flat and hairless, and the labia a labium. The labia join anteriorly to form the anterior commissure. minora are poorly formed. Through adolescence and into adult life, the Posteriorly, they do not join, but instead merge into neighbouring skin, A B Skin overlying body of clitoris Prepuce of clitoris Glans clitoris Frenulum Lateral fold Glans clitoris Urethral opening Medial fold Vestibule Opening of duct of Labium minus (between labia minora) para-urethral gland Hymen Vestibule Labium minus Vaginal opening Opening of duct of Labium majus greater vestibular gland Fourchette Posterior commissure (overlies perineal body) C D Prepuce of clitoris Frenulum Glans clitoris of clitoris Area of opening of the duct of the para-urethral gland Labium minus Area of opening of the External duct of the greater urethral orifice vestibular gland Vaginal opening (introitus) Fig. 77.1 A, The superficial features of the perineum. B, The labia majora and surrounding external genitalia. C, The labia minora. D, An inferior view of the vestibule with the left labium minus pulled to one side to show the regions of the vestibule into which the greater vestibular and para-urethral glands open. (A, With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A, Tibbitts R, Richardson P (eds), Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2008. B–D, With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. 1288 Copyright 2010.)
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Lower genital tract 1289 77 RETPAHC ending near and almost parallel to each other. The connecting skin A between them posteriorly forms a ridge, the posterior commissure, Ischiocavernosus Suspensory ligament which overlies the perineal body and is the posterior limit of the vulva. The distance between the posterior vulva and the anus is 2.5–3 cm and is termed the ‘gynaecological’ perineum. Labia minora The labia minora are two small cutaneous folds, devoid of fat, that lie between the labia majora. They extend from the clitoris obliquely down, laterally and back, flanking the vaginal orifice. Anteriorly, each labium minus bifurcates. The upper layer of each side passes above the clitoris to form the hood or prepuce, while the lower layer passes below the clitoris to form the frenulum of the clitoris (Fig. 77.1A–C). Seba- ceous follicles are numerous on the medial surfaces. Sometimes, an extra labial fold (labium tertium) is found on one or both sides between Bulbospongiosus Perineal body Superficial transverse perineal muscle the labia minora and majora. Adhesions between the labia minora are common in prepubertal girls and may predispose to urinary infections (Leung and Robson 1992). B Vestibule Glans clitoris Skin Body of clitoris (cross-section) Corpus cavernosum Corpora cavernosa The vestibule is the cavity that lies between the labia minora. It contains the vaginal and external urethral orifices and the openings of the two greater vestibular (Bartholin’s) glands and of numerous mucous, lesser vestibular glands. There is a shallow vestibular fossa between the vaginal orifice and the frenulum of the labia minora. The posterior part of the vestibule is a classic site where a fistulous opening of the rectum may be located in girls born with an imperforate anus (Bill et al 1975). Urethra The urethra opens into the vestibule about 2.5 cm below the clitoris and above the vaginal opening via a short, sagittal cleft with slightly raised margins: the urethral meatus. The meatus is very distensible and varies in shape; the aperture may be rounded, slit-like, crescentic or Bulb of vestibule Greater vestibular gland Crus of clitoris in superficial pouch (attached part of stellate. The ducts of the para-urethral glands (Skene’s glands) open on corpus cavernosum) each side of the lateral margins of the urethra. C Bulbs of the vestibule Body of clitoris (unattached The bulbs of the vestibule lie on each side of the vestibule (Fig. 77.2B). parts of corpora cavernosa) They are two elongated masses of erectile tissue, 3 cm long, which flank Mons pubis the vaginal orifice and unite anterior to it by a narrow commissura bulborum (pars intermedia). Their posterior ends are expanded and are in contact with the greater vestibular glands. Their anterior ends taper and are joined by a commissure, and also to the clitoris by two slender bands of erectile tissue. Their deep surfaces contact the inferior aspect of the perineal membrane; superficially, each is covered posteriorly by bulbospongiosus (Fig. 77.2A) (Delancey 2011). Greater vestibular glands (Bartholin’s glands) The greater vestibular glands are homologues of the male bulbourethral glands. They consist of two small, round or oval, reddish-yellow bodies that flank the vaginal orifice, in contact with, and often overlapped by, the posterior end of the vestibular bulb. Each opens into the vestibule by a 2 cm duct, situated in the groove between the hymen and the labium minus at approximately the 5 and 7 o’clock positions (Corton Crus clitoris (attached part 2012) (see Fig. 77.1D). The glands are composed of tubulo-acinar of corpus cavernosum) Glans clitoris tissue; the secretory cells are columnar and secrete a clear or whitish Fig. 77.2 A, The muscles of the vestibule and clitoris. B, The erectile mucus for lubrication during sexual arousal. tissues of the clitoris. C, The erectile tissues of the clitoris, vestibule and Clitoris greater vestibular gland with a surface anatomy overlay. (A–B, Adapted with permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright The clitoris is an erectile structure, partially enclosed by the anterior 2010. C, With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), bifurcated ends of the labia minora. It has a root, a body and a glans Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. (see Fig. 77.2). The body can be palpated through the skin. It contains Copyright 2010.) two corpora cavernosa, composed of erectile tissue and enclosed in dense fibrous tissue, and separated medially by an incomplete fibrous pectiniform septum. The fibrous tissue forms a suspensory ligament Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage that is attached superiorly to the pubic symphysis. Each corpus caverno- of the vulva sum is attached to its ischiopubic ramus by a crus that extends from the root of the clitoris. The glans clitoris is a small, round tubercle of Arteries spongy erectile tissue at the end of the body, connected to the bulbs of the vestibule by thin bands of erectile tissue. It is exposed between the The arterial blood supply of the female external genitalia is derived anterior ends of the labia minora. Its epithelium has high cutaneous from the superficial and deep external pudendal branches of the femoral sensitivity, important in sexual responses. Congenital absence of the artery superiorly and the internal pudendal artery inferiorly on each clitoris is very rare. side (Figs 77.3A, 77.4).
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FEmALE REPRoduCTivE sysTEm 1290 8 NoiTCEs A Common iliac vein Internal iliac vein Common iliac artery Median sacral artery Superior vesical artery and vein Internal iliac artery Rectum, longitudinal Ovarian artery muscular layer Umbilical artery, patent part Uterine artery Ureter Middle rectal artery Right ovary and vein Recto-uterine fold Uterine tube, infundibulum Uterine tube Left ureter Round ligament of uterus External iliac Uterine artery and artery and vein vein Vagina Uterus Middle rectal Urinary bladder artery and vein Vaginal artery Left ovary Inferior vesical Uterine artery, artery tubal branch Levator ani Bulb of vestibule Inferior rectal vein Round ligament of uterus Vaginal venous plexus Vesical veins Internal pudendal artery and vein B Abdominal aorta Common iliac nodes Iliolumbar artery Ovarian artery and vein Superior rectal artery and vein Internal iliac node Rectum External iliac node Genitofemoral nerve Uterine artery and vein Obturator nerve Superior rectal External iliac artery and vein node Obturator artery and vein Vaginal artery External iliac nodes, Internal pudendal medial and lateral nodes artery Inferior epigastric artery and vein Cord of umbilical artery Recto-uterine pouch Round ligament of uterus Umbilical artery, patent part Levator ani Round ligament of uterus Uterus, intestinal surface Superior vesical arteries Ureter Urinary bladder Round ligament of uterus Median umbilical ligament Uterine tube, isthmus Fig. 77.3 A, The vessels of the female pelvis: sagittal view. B, The nerves and lymphatics of the female pelvis: sagittal view. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.)
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Lower genital tract 1291 77 RETPAHC Bulbospongiosus Fig. 77.4 The muscles, External urethral orifice vessels and nerves of Internal pudendal artery, the female perineum: Bulb of vestibule posterior labial branches inferior view. (With Vein of bulb of Ischiocavernosus permission from vestibule Waschke J, Paulsen F Dorsal artery of (eds), Sobotta Atlas of clitoris Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Perineal artery Urogenital diaphragm Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Dorsal nerve of clitoris Superficial transverse perineal muscle Perineal branches, posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh Posterior labial nerves Inferior rectal nerves Internal pudendal artery and vein Posterior cutaneous Gluteus maximus nerve of thigh Inferior rectal artery Perineal nerves Pudendal nerves Levator ani Anococcygeal nerves External anal sphincter Anococcygeal ligament This blood supply to the labial fat must be carefully preserved during VAGINA vaginal surgery, e.g. in creating a Martius fat pad flap to repair a vesico- vaginal fistula where blood supply has already been compromised by The vagina is a fibromuscular tube lined by non-keratinized stratified radiation or fibrosis (Delancey 2011). epithelium. It extends from the vestibule (the opening between the Veins labia minora) to the uterus. The upper end of the vagina surrounds the Venous drainage of the vulval skin is via external pudendal veins to the vaginal projection of the uterine cervix. The anular recess between the long saphenous vein. Venous drainage of the clitoris is via deep dorsal cervix and vagina is the fornix; the different parts of the fornix are given veins to the internal pudendal vein, and via superficial dorsal veins to separate names, i.e. anterior, posterior and right and left lateral, but they the external pudendal and long saphenous veins. are continuous (Fig. 77.6). In the standing position, the vagina ascends posteriorly and superi- Lymphatic drainage orly, forming an angle of 60–70° with the horizontal plane (Corton A meshwork of connecting vessels from the skin of the labia, clitoris 2012). The vagina forms an angle of over 90° to the uterine axis (see and perineum join to form three or four collecting trunks that drain to Fig. 77.12); this angle varies with the contents of the bladder and superficial inguinal nodes lying on the cribriform fascia covering the rectum. The apex of the vagina is directed posteriorly towards the ischial femoral artery and vein; these nodes drain through the cribriform fascia spines. The width of the vagina increases as it ascends. The inner sur- to the deep inguinal nodes lying medial to the femoral vein (Corton faces of the anterior and posterior vaginal walls are in contact with each 2012). The deep inguinal nodes drain via the femoral canal to the pelvic other, forming a transverse slit. The vaginal mucosa is attached to the nodes (Table 77.1). The last of the deep inguinal nodes lies under the uterine cervix higher on the posterior cervical wall than on the anterior; inguinal ligament within the femoral canal and is often called Cloquet’s the anterior wall is approximately 7.5 cm long and the posterior wall node. Lymph vessels from the clitoris drain directly to the deep inguinal is approximately 9 cm long. The fibromuscular anterior wall of the nodes, and direct clitoral lymphatics may pass to the internal iliac nodes vagina supports the base of the bladder in its middle and upper por- (Fig. 77.3B). Lymph vessels in the perineum and lower part of the labia tions, and the urethra (which is embedded in it) inferiorly. The fibro- majora drain to the rectal lymphatic plexus. muscular posterior wall of the vagina supports the rectum. The upper quarter of the posterior vagina is separated from the rectum by the Innervation peritoneum of the recto-uterine pouch, and by moderately dense fibro- muscular tissue (Denonvilliers’s fascia) in its middle half (Delancey The main nerve supply of the vulva is the pudendal nerve (S2, 3 and 2011). In its lower quarter, it is separated from the anal canal by the 4) through its inferior rectal and perineal branches and the dorsal nerve fibromuscular perineal body. The upper part of the vagina is supported of the clitoris (Table 77.2; Figs 77.4, 77.5). Shoja et al 2013). The laterally by levator ani, together with the transverse cervical, pubocervi- sensory innervation of the anterior and posterior parts of the labium cal and uterosacral ligaments. Pubovaginalis provides a U-shaped mus- majus differs. The anterior third of the labium majus is supplied by the cular sling around the mid-vagina. The lower vagina is surrounded by ilioinguinal nerve (L1), the posterior two-thirds are supplied by the the skeletal muscle fibres of bulbospongiosus (see Fig. 77.4). As the pudendal nerve through the posterior labial branches of the perineal ureters pass anteromedially to reach the fundus of the bladder, they nerve (S3), and the lateral aspect is also innervated by the perineal pass close to the lateral fornices, where care must be taken to avoid branch of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S2). Vulvar nerves damage during hysterectomy (Fig. 77.7). As they enter the bladder, the are susceptible to trauma and inflammation, leading to vulvar pain ureters are usually anterior to the vagina; at this point, each ureter is syndromes or vulvodynia (Shoja et al 2013). crossed transversely by a uterine artery (Fig. 77.8).
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Female reproductive system 1291.e1 77 RETPAHC Table 77.1 Lymphatic drainage of the female genitalia Structure Nodes Vulva Labia, clitoris, and perineum Superficial inguinal nodes Perineum and lower labia majora Rectal lymphatic plexus Clitoris Superficial inguinal nodes Direct to deep inguinal nodes Direct to internal iliac nodes Vagina Upper vagina Internal and external iliac nodes Mid-vagina Internal iliac nodes Lower vagina Superficial inguinal nodes Uterus Fundus Para-aortic nodes Isthmus of tube and round ligament Superficial inguinal nodes Body of uterus, including cervix External iliac nodes Internal iliac nodes Obturator nodes Uterine (Fallopian) tubes Para-aortic nodes Internal iliac nodes Superficial inguinal nodes Ovaries Para-aortic nodes
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FEmALE REPRoduCTivE sysTEm 1292 8 NoiTCEs T12 Fig. 77.5 The autonomic innervation of the female reproductive system. (Based on Barucha Paravertebral sympathetic chain AE 2006 Pelvic floor: anatomy and function. L1 Neurogastroenterol Motil 18:507–19.) L2 Aortic plexus L3 L4 Lumbar splanchnic nerves L5 Superior hypogastric plexus Left hypogastric nerve Right hypogastric nerve S1 S2 S3 Pelvic splanchnic nerves S4 Uterovaginal plexus S5 Pudendal nerve Vesical plexus Inferior hypogastric plexus Middle rectal plexus Inferior rectal nerve Perineal nerve Anterior fornix Anterior lip Fig. 77.6 The cervix after it has been ruptured. It has no established function. The hymen Cervical os of vagina of cervix Left vaginal wall and vaginal fornices, as may be imperforate; this is usually detected in adolescence. seen via a Cusco’s Remnants of the duct of Gartner (embryologically, the caudal end bivalve speculum. of the mesonephric duct) (see Figs 72.13, 72.19) are occasionally seen protruding through the lateral fornices or lateral parts of the vagina and may cause cysts (Gartner’s cysts). Prepubertal distal longitudinal folds are common within the vagina and they disappear during puberty (Altchek et al 2008). Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage Arteries The arterial supply of the vagina is derived from the internal iliac arter- ies by two median longitudinal vessels, the azygos arteries of the vagina, which descend anterior and posterior to the vagina; they also supply the vestibular bulb, fundus of the bladder, and adjacent part of the rectum (see Fig. 77.3A). The uterine, internal pudendal and middle rectal branches of the internal iliac artery may contribute to the blood Right Posterior fornix Posterior lip of Cusco’s speculum supply of the vagina. vaginal wall of vagina cervix Veins The vagina opens externally via a sagittal introitus positioned below The vaginal veins, one on each side, arise from lateral plexuses that the urethral meatus (see Fig. 77.1C). The size of the introitus varies; it connect with uterine, vesical and rectal plexuses and drain to the inter- is capable of great distension during childbirth and, to a lesser degree, nal iliac veins. The uterine and vaginal plexuses may provide collateral during sexual intercourse. The hymen is a thin fold of mucous mem- venous drainage to the lower limb. brane situated just within the vaginal orifice. The internal surfaces of Lymphatic drainage the folds are normally in contact with each other and the vaginal opening appears as a cleft between them. The hymen varies greatly in Vaginal lymphatic vessels link with those of the cervix, rectum and shape and dimensions. When stretched, it is anular and widest poste- vulva. They form three groups but the regions drained are not sharply riorly; it may also be semilunar and concave towards the mons pubis, demarcated. Upper vessels accompany the uterine artery to the internal cribriform, fringed, absent or complete and imperforate. The hymenal and external iliac nodes; intermediate vessels accompany the vaginal ring normally ruptures after first sexual intercourse, but can rupture artery to the internal iliac nodes; and vessels draining the vagina below earlier during non-sexual physical activity. Small round carunculae the hymen, and from the vulva and perineal skin, pass to the superficial hymenales (also known as carunculae myrtiformis) are its remnants inguinal nodes (see Table 77.1).
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Lower genital tract 1293 77 RETPAHC Innervation The lower vagina is supplied by the pudendal nerve (S2, S3 and S4). The upper vagina is supplied by the pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2, S3 and, sometimes, S4) (see Fig. 77.5 and Table 77.2). Abdominal aorta Developmental anomalies of the vagina Ovarian artery Congenital anomalies of the vagina are vaginal agenesis, absent hymen, transverse vaginal septum and persistent cloaca. Vaginal agenesis, in the presence of other Müllerian duct anomalies and renal agenesis, is termed Mayer–Rokistansky–Kuster–Hauser syndrome. An absent hymen in patients with vaginal agenesis is associated with renal agen- Uterine tube esis (Kimberley et al 2012). A congenital transverse septum may be present within the vagina and manifests clinically in adolescence with primary amenorrhoea and haematocolpos. Children with a persistent cloaca have a congenital defect characterized by fusion of the rectum, 2 vagina and urethra into a single common channel that varies in length from 1 to 7 cm. Microstructure Ovary Uterus The vagina has an inner mucosal and an external muscular layer. The 1 Ureter mucosa adheres firmly to the muscular layer. There are two median Uterine artery longitudinal ridges on its epithelial surface: one anterior and the other posterior. Numerous transverse bilateral rugae extend from these 3 vaginal columns, divided by sulci of variable depth, giving an appear- ance of conical papillae. These transverse rugosities are most numerous Bladder on the posterior wall and near the orifice; they increase under the influ- ence of oestrogen during puberty and pregnancy, are especially well developed before parturition, and decrease after the menopause (Corton 2012). The epithelium is non-keratinized, stratified, squamous similar Vagina to, and continuous with, that of the ectocervix. After puberty, it thickens and its superficial cells accumulate glycogen, which gives them a clear appearance in histological preparations. Fig. 77.7 The most common sites of ureteric injury during hysterectomy. The vaginal epithelium does not change markedly during the men- Key: 1, distal ureter at the level of the uterine artery; 2, dorsal to the strual cycle, but its glycogen content increases after ovulation and then infundibulopelvic ligament, near the pelvic bone; 3, intramural portion of diminishes towards the end of the cycle. Natural vaginal bacteria, par- ureter at the angle of the vaginal cuff. ticularly Lactobacillus acidophilus, break down glycogen in the desqua- mated cellular debris to lactic acid. This produces a highly acidic (pH 3) environment that inhibits the growth of most other microorganisms. The amount of glycogen is less before puberty and after the menopause, when vaginal infections are more common. There are no mucous glands, but a fluid transudate from the lamina propria and mucus from the cervical glands lubricate the vagina (Fig. 77.9). The muscular layers are composed of smooth muscle and consist of a thick outer longitu- dinal and an inner circular layer; the two layers are not distinct but are Median sacral artery Ovarian artery Ovarian vessels E Ureter Ureter Broad ligament Vaginal Uterine artery artery Branches of anterior trunk of internal iliac artery Fig. 77.9 Stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium (E) covering the Fig. 77.8 The relationship of the ureter to the uterine and vaginal arteries. ectocervix and vagina. The cells of the middle and upper layers appear (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s clear due to their glycogen content. (Courtesy of Mr Peter Helliwell and Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright the late Dr Joseph Mathew, Department of Histopathology, Royal 2010.) Cornwall Hospitals Trust, UK.)
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FEmALE REPRoduCTivE sysTEm 1294 8 NoiTCEs O C O B R S V R A A B B S U C V I I A R C D Fig. 77.10 T2-weighted magnetic resonance images through the pelvis, demonstrating the normal female anatomy. A, Sagittal view. Abbreviations: A, anus; B, bladder; C, cervix; R, rectum; S, pubic symphysis; V, vagina; *, endometrium; **, inner myometrium of uterus (also known as the junctional zone); ***, outer myometrium of uterus. B–D, Axial views. B, Abbreviations: O, ovaries; R, rectum; *, endometrium, **, inner myometrium of uterus (junctional zone); ***, outer myometrium of uterus. C, Abbreviations: B, bladder; C, cervix (which, from external to internal, has several layers, as seen on T2-weighted images: a high-signal-intensity outer cervical stroma (contiguous with the outer myometrium); a low-signal-intensity inner cervical stroma (contiguous with the inner myometrium); high-signal-intensity endocervical glands (contiguous with endometrium); and a very high-signal-intensity endocervical canal (contiguous with the endometrial canal)); R, rectum. D, Abbreviations: A, anus; I, ischio-anal fossa; S, pubic symphysis; U, urethra; V, vagina. connected by oblique interlacing fibres. The longitudinal fibres are In the adult nulliparous state, the cervix usually tilts forwards relative continuous with the superficial muscle fibres of the uterus. A layer of to the axis of the vagina (anteversion), and the body of the uterus tilts loose connective tissue, containing extensive vascular plexuses, sur- forwards relative to the cervix (anteflexion) (see Fig. 77.12). In 10–15% rounds the muscle layers. of women, the whole uterus leans backwards at an angle to the vagina and is said to be retroverted. A uterus that angles backwards on the cervix is described as retroflexed. UPPER GENITAL TRACT Body UTERUS The body of the uterus is pear-shaped and extends from the fundus The uterus is a thick-walled, muscular organ situated in the pelvis superiorly to the cervix inferiorly. The uterine tubes enter the uterus on between the urinary bladder and the rectum (Figs 77.10–77.12). It lies both sides at the uterine cornua. The round and ovarian ligaments are posterior to the bladder and uterovesical space, and anterior to the inferoanterior and inferoposterior, respectively, to each cornu. The rectum and recto-uterine pouch; it is mobile, which means that its posi- dome-like fundus is superior to the entry points of the uterine tubes tion varies with distension of the bladder and rectum. The broad liga- and covered by peritoneum that is continuous with that of neighbour- ments are lateral. ing surfaces. The fundus is in contact with coils of small intestine and, The uterus is divided structurally and functionally into two main occasionally, by distended sigmoid colon. The lateral margins of the regions: the muscular body of the uterus (corpus uteri) forms the upper body are convex; on each side, their peritoneum is reflected laterally to two-thirds, and the fibrous cervix (cervix uteri) forms the lower third. form the broad ligament, which extends as a flat sheet to the pelvic wall
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Female reproductive system 1294.e1 77 RETPAHC Table 77.2 Innervation of the female genitalia Origin Proximal course Distal course Organ Function Parasympathetic S2–S4 Pelvic splanchnic nerves Pelvic ganglia Uterine tube Vasodilation Uterus Cavernous (deep, cavernosal) nerves of clitoris Vagina Transudation Clitoris Erection Sympathetic T12, L1–L2 Superior mesenteric and renal plexus Ovarian plexus Ovary Vasoconstriction Superior hypogastric plexus Hypogastric nerve ↓ Inferior hypogastric plexus ↓ Uterovaginal plexus (Frankenhäuser’s ganglion) Uterine tube, uterus, upper vagina Contraction Somatic S2, 3, 4 Pudendal nerve Dorsal nerve of clitoris Clitoris Pudendal nerve Posterior labial nerves Lower vagina Contraction Labia majora Ischiocavernosus Bulbospongiosus (With permission from Shoja MM, Sharma A, Mirzaya N, Groat C, Watanabe K, Loukas M and Tubbs RS. Neuroanatomy of the Female Abdominoplevic Region: A Review with Application to Pelvic Pain Syndromes. Clinical Anatomy 26:66–76, 2013.)
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upper genital tract 1295 77 RETPAHC A Axis of uterine body Axis of vagina Ovary and uterine tube Round ligament Recto- of uterus uterine pouch Uterus Rectum Vesico-uterine pouch Vaginal vault Bladder Vagina Axis of cervix Pubis Greater Angle of Urethra vestibular gland anteflexion Clitoris Bulb of vestibule Angle of anteversion B Fig. 77.12 Angles of anteflexion and anteversion. (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) size of the uterus until approximately 7 years of age, when there is Ureter Recto-uterine greater enlargement of the body of the uterus than the cervix. fold Broad ligament Developmental anomalies of the uterus There may be failure Round ligament in fusion of the paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts, which results in a of uterus uterus that is not pear-shaped. There may only be a septum (septate Inferior uterus) or partial clefting of the uterus (bicornuate uterus); the most epigastric artery extreme example is a septate vagina, two cervices and two discrete uteri, each with one uterine tube (uterus didelphys) (Minto et al 2001) (see Fig. 72.15). Lateral umbilical fold Cervix Medial umbilical fold Recto-uterine The adult, non-pregnant cervix is narrower and more cylindrical than the pouch body of the uterus and is typically 2.5 cm long. The upper end commu- nicates with the uterine body via the internal os, and the lower end opens Median umbilical fold into the vagina at the external os (see Fig. 77.6). In nulliparous women, Vesico-uterine pouch the external os is usually a circular aperture, whereas, after childbirth, it is a transverse slit. Two longitudinal ridges, one each on its anterior and Fig. 77.11 A, Anatomical relations of the female genital tract, bladder and posterior walls, give off small, oblique, palmate folds that ascend later- rectum. B, Pelvic peritoneal reflections, showing the broad ligament and ally like the branches of a tree (arbor vitae uteri); the folds on opposing its contents. (A, With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A, walls interdigitate to close the canal. The narrower isthmus forms the Tibbitts R, Richardson P (eds), Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, Elsevier, upper third of the cervix. Although unaffected in the first month of Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2008. B, With permission from Drake RL, pregnancy, it is gradually taken up into the uterine body during the Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, second month to form the ‘lower uterine segment’ (see below). In non- Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) pregnant women, the isthmus undergoes menstrual changes, although these are less pronounced than those occurring in the uterine body. The external end of the cervix enters the upper end of the vagina, thereby (see Figs 77.11B, 77.15). The anterior surface of the uterine body is dividing the cervix into supravaginal and vaginal parts. The supravaginal covered by peritoneum reflected on to the bladder at the uterovesical part is separated anteriorly from the bladder by cellular connective tissue: fold (see Fig. 77.14). This normally occurs at the level of the internal the parametrium, which also passes to the sides of the cervix and laterally os, the most inferior margin of the body of the uterus. The vesico- between the two layers of the broad ligaments. uterine pouch, between the bladder and uterus, is obliterated when the bladder is distended, but may be occupied by small intestine when the Peritoneal folds and ligaments of the pelvis bladder is empty. The posterior surface of the uterus is convex trans- versely. Its peritoneal covering continues down to the cervix and upper The uterus is connected to a number of ‘ligaments’. Some are true liga- vagina, and is then reflected back to the rectum along the surface of the ments, in that they have a fibrous composition and provide support to recto-uterine pouch, which lies posterior to the uterus (see Fig. 77.16). the uterus; some provide no support to the uterus; and others are simply The sigmoid colon, and occasionally the terminal ileum, lie posterior folds of peritoneum. to the uterus. The cavity of the uterine body usually measures 6 cm from the Peritoneal folds external os of the cervix to the wall of the fundus and is flat in its The parietal peritoneum is reflected over the upper genital tract to anteroposterior plane (Salardi et al 1985). In coronal section, it is tri- produce anterior (uterovesical), posterior (rectovaginal) and lateral angular, broad above where the two uterine tubes join the uterus, and peritoneal folds. The lateral folds are commonly called the broad liga- narrow below at the internal os of the cervix. There is no change in the ments (Fig. 77.13).
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FEmALE REPRoduCTivE sysTEm 1296 8 NoiTCEs Round ligament Ovary Uterus Uterus Recto-uterine pouch Round ligament External iliac artery Broad ligament Rectum Uterine tube Rectum Uterine tube Broad ligament Fig. 77.13 A laparoscopic view of the uterus. The patient is tilted head Fig. 77.15 A laparoscopic view of the broad ligament. down so that the small bowel is moved away from the uterus to give this view. Catheter balloon in bladder Uterovesical fold Ovary Uterus Recto-uterine pouch Uterosacral ligament Uterine tube Uterus Rectum Uterine tube Sigmoid colon descending Ovarian vessels Fig. 77.14 A laparoscopic view of the anterior part of the pelvis, showing to rectum the uterovesical fold anterior to the uterus. Fig. 77.16 A laparoscopic view of the posterior pelvis, showing the recto-uterine pouch (pouch of Douglas) with the sigmoid colon descending towards the rectum. uterovesical and rectovaginal folds The anterior, or uterovesical, fold consists of peritoneum reflected on to the bladder from the uterus at the junction of its cervix and body Mesosalpinx (Fig. 77.14). The posterior or rectovaginal fold extends lower than the The mesosalpinx is attached above to the uterine tube and posteroin- anterior fold and consists of peritoneum reflected from the posterior feriorly to the mesovarium (see Fig. 77.17). Superior and laterally, it is vaginal fornix on to the front of the rectum, thereby creating the deep attached to the suspensory ligament of the ovary; medially, it is attached recto-uterine pouch (pouch of Douglas). The recto-uterine pouch is to the ovarian ligament. The fimbria of the tubal infundibulum projects bounded anteriorly by the uterus, supravaginal cervix and posterior from its free lateral end. Between the ovary and uterine tube, the mes- vaginal fornix; posteriorly, by the rectum; and laterally, by the uterosac- osalpinx contains vascular anastomoses between the uterine and ral ligaments. ovarian vessels, the epoophoron and the paroophoron. The meso- varium projects from the posterior aspect of the broad ligament, of Broad ligament which it is the smaller part. It is attached to the hilum of the ovary and The lateral folds, or broad ligaments, extend on each side from the carries vessels and nerves to the ovary. uterus to the lateral pelvic walls, where they become continuous with the peritoneum covering those walls (Figs 77.15, 77.17–77.18). The Mesometrium upper border is free and the lower border is continuous with the peri- The mesometrium is the largest part of the broad ligament, and extends toneum over the bladder, rectum and side wall of the pelvis. The borders from the pelvic floor to the ovarian ligament and uterine body. The are continuous with each other at the free edge via the uterine fundus, uterine artery passes between its two peritoneal layers typically 1.5 cm and diverge below near the superior surfaces of levatores ani. A uterine lateral to the cervix; it crosses the ureter shortly after its origin from the tube lies in the upper free border on either side. The broad ligament is internal iliac artery and gives off a branch that passes superiorly to the divided into an upper mesosalpinx, a posterior mesovarium and an uterine tube, where it anastomoses with the ovarian artery (Fig. 77.19). inferior mesometrium. Between the pyramid formed by the infundibulum of the tube, the
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upper genital tract 1297 77 RETPAHC Fig. 77.17 Pelvic peritoneal reflections, demonstrating the broad ligament and its contents. Ovarian vessels (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A (eds), Ureter Gray’s Anatomy for Students, 2nd ed, Elsevier, Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2010.) Broad ligament Suspensory ligament of ovary Mesovarium Deep inguinal ring Round ligament Sagittal section of broad ligament of the uterus Mesosalpinx Uterine Inguinal canal Ovary tube Ligament of ovary Mesovarium Superficial inguinal ring Broad ligament Ureter Labium majus Uterine artery Rectum Fundus of uterus Ureter Uterine tube, fimbriae Vermiform appendix Ovarian artery and vein Caecum Suspensory ligament of ovary (infundibulopelvic ligament) Uterine tube, ampulla Uterine tube, infundibulum Uterine tube, ampulla Ovary, medial surface Mesosalpinx Mesovarian border Uterine tube, isthmus Ligament of ovary Broad ligament of uterus Round ligament of uterus Vesico-uterine pouch Medial umbilical fold Urinary bladder Uterus, vesical surface Median umbilical fold Fig. 77.18 The ovaries and broad ligament: superior view with the uterus lifted away from the bladder. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) upper pole of the ovary, and the lateral pelvic wall, the mesometrium neither attachment nor extension to the caudal labium (the homologue contains the ovarian vessels and nerves lying within the fibrous suspen- of the hemiscrotum) (Attah and Hutson 1991). Near the uterus, the sory ligament of the ovary (infundibulopelvic ligament). This ligament round ligament contains a considerable amount of smooth muscle but continues laterally over the external iliac vessels as a distinct fold. The this gradually diminishes and the terminal portion is purely fibrous. mesometrium also encloses the proximal part of the round ligament of The round ligament also contains striated muscle, blood vessels, nerves the uterus, as well as smooth muscle and loose connective tissue. and lymphatics. The latter drain the uterine region around the entry of the uterine tube to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Ligaments of the pelvis In the fetus, a projection of peritoneum (processus vaginalis) is The ligaments of the pelvis consist of the round, uterosacral, transverse carried with the round ligament for a short distance into the inguinal cervical and pubocervical ligaments. canal. This is generally obliterated in adults, although it is sometimes patent even in old age. A patent processus vaginalis in the inguinal canal Round ligament in females is often referred to as the canal of Nuck; it may be asymp- Each round ligament is a narrow smooth muscle band 10–12 cm long, tomatic or it may give rise to an inguinal hernia or hydrocele of the which extends from the lateral cornu of the uterus through the broad canal of Nuck. In the canal, the ligament receives the same coverings as ligament to enter the deep inguinal ring lateral to the inferior epigastric the spermatic cord, although they are thinner and blend with the liga- artery (see Figs 77.13, 77.15, 77.18). Although conventionally described ment itself, which may not reach the mons pubis. The round and as ending in the labium majus, a cadaveric dissection study found that, ovarian ligaments both develop from the gubernaculum and are in girls, the round ligament ended just outside the external ring, with continuous.
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FEmALE REPRoduCTivE sysTEm 1298 8 NoiTCEs uterosacral, transverse cervical and horizontal axis of the upper vagina. The uterus and vagina are supported pubocervical ligaments by the close interaction of the uterosacral and transverse cervical liga- ments with the muscles of the pelvic floor, including the levatores ani The uterosacral, transverse cervical and pubocervical ligaments are con- and coccygei, the perineal membrane and the perineal body. The densations of the visceral or endopelvic connective tissue that connect support of the pelvic floor has been reviewed in detail by Delancey the pelvic viscera to the side wall of the pelvis; they radiate like the (2011) (see also Ch. 73). spokes of a wheel around the hub of the cervix, providing it with con- siderable support (see Figs 77.13–16) (Delancey 2011). The connective Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage tissue lateral to the uterus and the cervix – the parametrium – continues down along the vagina as the paracolpium. The uterosacral ligaments contain fibrous tissue and smooth muscle. They pass back from the Arteries cervix and uterine body on both sides of the rectum, and are attached The arterial supply to the uterus comes from the uterine artery (see Fig. to the anterior aspect of the sacrum. They can be palpated laterally on 77.19; Fig. 77.21), which arises as a branch of the anterior division of rectal examination and can be felt as thick bands of tissue passing the internal iliac artery. From its origin, the uterine artery crosses the downwards on both sides of the posterior fornix on vaginal examina- ureter anteriorly in the broad ligament before branching as it reaches tion. The transverse cervical ligaments (cardinal ligaments, ligaments of the uterus at the level of the cervico-uterine junction (see Fig. 74.21B). Mackenrodt) (Fig. 77.20) extend from the side of the cervix and lateral One major branch ascends the uterus tortuously within the broad liga- fornix of the vagina, and are attached extensively on the pelvic wall. ment until it reaches the region of the ovarian hilum, where it anasto- The lower parts of the ureters and pelvic blood vessels traverse the moses with branches of the ovarian artery. Another branch descends to transverse cervical ligaments. Fibres of the pubocervical ligament pass supply the cervix and anastomoses with branches of the vaginal artery forwards from the anterior aspect of the cervix and upper vagina to to form two median longitudinal vessels: the azygos arteries of the diverge around the urethra, and are attached to the posterior aspect of vagina, which descend anterior and posterior to the vagina. Although the pubic bones. there are anastomoses with the ovarian and vaginal arteries, the domi- The transverse cervical and uterosacral ligaments are almost verti- nance of the uterine artery is indicated by its marked hypertrophy cally orientated in the standing position and maintain the near- during pregnancy. The tortuosity of the vessels as they ascend in the broad ligaments is repeated in their branches within the uterine wall. Each uterine artery Fundus of uterus Ovarian artery and vein gives off numerous branches. These enter the uterine wall, divide and Ovary and tube Anastomosis of ovarian Mesosalpinx run circumferentially as groups of anterior and posterior arcuate arter- and uterine vessels ies. They ramify and narrow as they approach the anterior and posterior midline so that no large vessels are present in these regions. However, the left and right arterial trees anastomose across the midline and uni- lateral ligation can be performed without serious effects. Terminal branches in the uterine muscle are tortuous and are called helicine arterioles. They provide a series of dense capillary plexuses in the myo- metrium and endometrium. From the arcuate arteries, many helical arteriolar rami pass into the endometrium. Their detailed appearance Broad ligament changes during the menstrual cycle. In the proliferative phase, helical arterioles are less prominent, whereas they grow in length and calibre, Uterine artery becoming even more tortuous in the secretory phase. and vein Veins Ureter The uterine veins extend laterally in the broad ligaments, running adja- cent to the arteries and passing over the ureters. They drain into the Vagina internal iliac veins (see Fig. 77.3). The uterine venous plexus anasto- moses with the vaginal and ovarian venous plexuses. Lymphatic drainage Fig. 77.19 The broad ligament (left), and blood supply to the uterus and Uterine lymphatics exist in the superficial (subperitoneal) and deep ovaries (right). (With permission from Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell A, parts of the uterine wall. Collecting vessels from the body of the uterus Tibbitts R, Richardson P (eds), Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, Elsevier, and cervix pass laterally in the parametrium to three main groups of Churchill Livingstone. Copyright 2008.) lymph nodes: the external and internal iliac and the obturator nodes Fig. 77.20 The supporting ligaments of the pelvis, showing the transverse cervical ligaments. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Sacroiliac joint Fischer. Copyright 2013.) Pararectal space Retrorectal space Recto-uterine ligament Rectum Rectouterine pouch Transverse cervical ligament Cervix uteri (cardinal ligament) Uterovesicular pouch Paravesical space Ureter Urinary bladder Ureteric orifice Retropubic space Internal urethral orifice Pubic symphysis
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upper genital tract 1299 77 RETPAHC Suspensory ligament of ovary (infundibulopelvic ligament) Uterine tube Ovarian artery Tubal branch Fundus of uterus Ovary Branch to fundus Ovarian branch of uterus Ligament of ovary Helicine arterioles B 56% C 40% Uterine artery >90% Vaginal branch A D 4% E 90% F 10% Fig. 77.21 A, The normal arterial supply to the uterus and ovary. B–D, Variations in arterial blood supply to the ovary. E–F, Variations in arterial blood supply to the fundus of the uterus. (A, With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) (see Table 77.1). The external and internal iliac nodes surround their Endometrium corresponding arteries. The obturator nodes lie in the obturator fossa The endometrium is formed by a layer of connective tissue, the endome- between the external and internal iliac vessels; the obturator nerve trial stroma, which supports a single-layered columnar epithelium. passes through the lower part of this group of lymph nodes. Before puberty, the epithelium is ciliated and cuboidal. It contains Lymph vessels from the fundus of the uterus and the uterine glands that are composed largely of columnar cells secreting glycopro- tubes may accompany the lymph drainage of the ovaries to para-aortic teins and glycogen. After puberty, the structure of the endometrium nodes (see Fig. 77.3B). The region surrounding the isthmus of the varies with the stage of the menstrual cycle (see below). The glands are uterine tube may drain along the round ligament to the superficial tubular, run perpendicular to the luminal surface and penetrate up to inguinal nodes. the myometrial layer. The stroma consists of a highly cellular connective tissue between the endometrial glands, and contains blood and lym- Innervation phatic vessels. myometrium The nerve supply to the uterus is predominantly from the inferior hypogas- tric plexus (see Fig. 77.5) (Shoja et al 2013). Some branches ascend with, The myometrium is composed of smooth muscle and loose connective or near, the uterine arteries in the broad ligament. They supply the uterine tissue, and contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. It is body and tubes, and connect with tubal nerves from the inferior hypogas- dense and thick at the uterine midlevel and fundus but thin at the tubal tric plexus and with the ovarian plexus. The uterine nerves terminate in orifices. The body of the uterus has four muscular layers. The submu- the myometrium and endometrium, and usually accompany the vessels cosal (innermost) layer is composed of longitudinal and some oblique (see Table 77.2). Nerves to the cervix form a plexus that contains small smooth muscle fibres. Where the lumen of the uterine tube passes paracervical ganglia. Sometimes, one ganglion is larger and is termed the through the uterine wall, this layer forms a circular muscle coat. The uterine cervical ganglion. Branches may pass directly to the cervix uteri or vascular layer is external to the submucosal layer and is rich in blood may be distributed along the vaginal arteries. vessels, as well as longitudinal muscle; it is succeeded by a layer of Efferent preganglionic sympathetic fibres are derived from neurones predominantly circular muscle, the supravascular layer. The outer, thin, in the last thoracic and first lumbar spinal segments; the sites where longitudinal muscle layer, the subserosal layer, lies adjacent to the they synapse on their postganglionic neurones are unknown but are serosa. presumably in the superior and/or inferior hypogastric plexuses (Lee The muscular fibres of the outer two layers converge at the lateral et al 1973). Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres arise from neurones angles of the uterus and continue into the uterine tubes. Some fibres in the second to fourth sacral spinal segments and relay in the paracervi- enter the broad ligaments as the round and ovarian ligaments; others cal ganglia. Sympathetic activity may produce uterine contraction and turn back into the uterosacral ligaments. At the junction between the vasoconstriction, and parasympathetic activity may produce uterine body and the cervix, the smooth muscle merges with dense, irregular inhibition and vasodilation, but these activities are complicated by connective tissue containing both collagen and elastin, and forms the hormonal control of uterine functions. majority of the cervical wall. Bilateral longitudinal fibres extend in the lateral submucosal layer from the fundal angle to the cervix. Their Microstructure muscle fibres differ structurally from those of typical myometrium, and they may provide fast-conducting pathways that coordinate the contrac- tile activities of the uterine wall. Body of the uterus The uterus is composed of three main layers. From its lumen outwards, serosa these are the endometrium (mucosa), myometrium (smooth muscle The uterine body is covered by peritoneal serosa, which continues layer) and serosa (or adventitia) (Fig. 77.22). downwards posteriorly to cover the supravaginal cervix. The anterior
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FEmALE REPRoduCTivE sysTEm 1300 8 NoiTCEs Ligament of ovary Ovarian stroma Uterine tube, isthmus Mesosalpinx Fundus of uterus Uterine tube, ampulla Uterine tube Transverse ductules Uterine tube, folds Round ligament of uterus Ligament of ovary Uterine tube, infundibulum; fimbriae Uterine cavity, endometrium Myometrium Corpus albicans Ovarian artery and veins Cervical canal, palmate folds Vesicular appendix (stalked hydatid) Cervix of uterus, vaginal part Vesicular ovarian follicles External os of uterus Corpus luteum Broad ligament of uterus Uterine ostium, Vagina Uterine tube, uterine part intramural part Cervix of uterus, supravaginal part Body of uterus Isthmus of uterus Fig. 77.22 The uterus, uterine tubes and ovaries. (With permission from Waschke J, Paulsen F (eds), Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, 15th ed, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer. Copyright 2013.) EEGG BV L LP E EC EC Fig. 77.23 The endocervical glands. These are are deep infoldings of the lining of the endocervical canal (EC). The epithelium (E) is simple columnar and mucus-secreting. The underlying lamina propria (LP) is richly supplied with blood vessels (BV) and lymphatics (L). (Courtesy of Mr Peter Helliwell and the late Dr Joseph Mathew, Department of Histopathology, Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust, UK.) Fig. 77.24 The transformation zone of the uterine cervix. The single- cervix and the lateral surfaces of the uterine body and cervix are not layered columnar epithelium lining the endocervical canal (EC) and its covered by peritoneum. endocervical glands (EG) changes abruptly (arrow) to the stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium of the external os and ectocervix Cervix uteri (below arrow). The cervix consists of fibroelastic connective tissue and contains rela- tively little (10%) smooth muscle. The elastin component of the cervical stroma is essential to the stretching capacity of the cervix during child- The squamocolumnar junction, where the columnar secretory epi- birth. The cervical canal is lined by a deeply folded mucosa with a thelium of the endocervical canal meets the stratified squamous cover- surface epithelium of columnar mucous cells (Fig. 77.23). There are ing of the ectocervix, is located at the external os before puberty. As branched tubular glands present within the mucosa, which are lined by oestrogen levels rise during puberty, the cervical os opens, exposing the a similar secretory epithelium. The glands extend obliquely upwards endocervical columnar epithelium on to the ectocervix. This area of and outwards from the canal. They secrete clear, alkaline mucus, which columnar cells on the ectocervix forms an area that is red and raw in is relatively viscous except at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle, when appearance, called an ectropion (cervical erosion). It is then exposed to it becomes more copious and less viscous to encourage the passage of the acidic environment of the vagina and, through a process of squa- sperm. At the vaginal end of the cervix, the aperture of a gland may mous metaplasia (p. 40), transforms into stratified squamous epithe- block and it then fills with mucus to form a Nabothian follicle (or cyst). lium. This area is thus known as the ‘transformation zone’ (Fig. 77.24). None of the mucosa is shed during menstruation and so, unlike the Other hyperoestrogenic states, such as pregnancy and the use of oral body of the uterus, it is not divided into functional and basal layers, contraceptive pills, can also result in an ectropion. This area is the most and lacks spiral arteries. The surface of the intravaginal part of the cervix usual site of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), which may (ectocervix) is covered by non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithe- progress to malignancy. In postmenopausal women, the squamocolum- lium, which contains glycogen. nar junction recedes into the endocervical canal.
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upper genital tract 1301 77 RETPAHC Magnetic resonance imaging of the uterus In prepubertal females, the uterus is smaller (only 4 cm in length), and vagina and on T2-weighted images, the endometrium is minimal or absent, and the junctional zone is indistinct. In postmenopausal women, the corpus decreases in size and the zonal anatomy is indistinct. On T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the uterus displays On T2-weighted MRI, the cervix has an inner, low-signal stroma a zonal anatomy, with three distinct zones: the endometrium, junc- continuous with the junctional zone of the uterus. Often, this is sur- tional zone and myometrium (Fig. 77.25) (Minto et al 2011). The rounded by an outer zone of intermediate signal intensity, which is endometrium and uterine cavity appear as a high-signal stripe; the continuous with the outer myometrium. The appearances do not thickness varies with the stage of the menstrual cycle. In the early pro- change with the menstrual cycle or oral contraceptive pill use. The liferative phase, it measures up to 5 mm, and widens to up to 1 cm in central stripe is very high-signal and is a consequence of the secretions the mid-secretory phase. A band of low signal, the junctional zone, produced by the endocervical glands. borders the endometrium. It represents the inner myometrium and is The vagina is best seen on T2-weighted MRI as a thin layer of high- of constant thickness and signal throughout the menstrual cycle; it signal intensity of the mucosa and an outer, low-signal layer of the usually measures 5 mm. The outer myometrium is of medium-signal submucosa and muscularis (see Fig. 77.25). MRI accurately demon- intensity in the proliferative phase, and of high-signal intensity in the strates congenital and acquired Müllerian anomalies, including uterine mid-secretory phase as a result of the increased vascularity and promi- and vaginal aplasia, duplication and septa (Grant et al 2010). Vaginal nence of the arcuate vessels. and perivaginal cysts are well visualized with T2-weighted MRI. High-signal stroma Left ovary at hilum of right ovary UTERINE (FALLOPIAN) TUBES The uterine tubes are attached to the upper part of the body of the uterus, and their ostia open into the uterine cavity (Figs 77.26, 77.27, 77.28). The medial opening of the tube (the uterine os) is located at the superior angle of the uterine cavity. The tube passes laterally and superiorly, and consists of four main parts: intramural, isthmus, ampulla and fimbria (see Fig. 77.22). The intramural part is 0.7 mm wide and 1 cm long, and lies within the myometrium. It is continuous laterally with the isthmus, which is 1–5 mm wide and 3 cm long; it is rounded, muscular and firm. The isthmus is continuous laterally with the ampulla, the widest portion of the tube with a maximum luminal diameter of 1 cm. The ampulla is 5 cm long and has a thin wall and a tortuously folded luminal surface. Typically, fertilization takes place in its lumen. The ampulla opens into the trumpet-shaped infundibulum at the abdominal os. Fimbriae, numerous mucosal finger-like folds 1 mm wide, are attached to the ends of the infundibulum and extend from its inner circumference beyond the muscular wall of the tube. One of these, the ovarian fimbria, is longer and more deeply grooved than the others, and is typically applied to the tubal pole of the ovary. At the time of ovulation, the fimbriae swell and extend as a result of engorge- ment of the vessels in the lamina propria, which aids capture of the released oocyte. All fimbriae are covered, like the mucosal lining A throughout the tube, by a ciliated epithelium whose cilia beat towards the ampulla. Small follicles in Urinary Uterus low-signal outer stroma bladder Vascular supply and lymphatic drainage Fluid in recto-uterine pouch Myometrium Junctional zone (pouch of Douglas) Arteries The blood supply to the uterine tubes is derived from ovarian and uterine arteries (see Fig. 77.21A). The lateral third of the tube is supplied by the ovarian artery, which continues in the mesosalpinx to anasto- mose with branches from the uterine artery. The medial two-thirds of the tube are supplied by the uterine artery. Ostium of left uterine tube Fundus Ostium of right uterine tube B Bladder Endometrial cavity Vagina Cervix Fig. 77.25 T2-weighted MRI scans of the uterus and ovaries. A, A coronal T2-weighted MRI through a female pelvis showing the uterus and both ovaries with the high-signal central stroma and lower-signal outer stroma. B, A sagittal T2-weighted MRI through a female pelvis, showing the zonal anatomy of the uterus. Fig. 77.26 A hysteroscopic view of the endometrial cavity of the uterus.
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