ition of the negative? Well, we see a more bar-
ition of the negative? Well, we see a more bar-
Air leabaiḋ de ḋuilleaċ ḃog a's de
Air leabaiḋ de ḋuilleaċ ḃog a's de
ḃ and ṁ sound like w when followed
Ḃ and ṁ sound like w when followed
extraordinary degree. The writer has frequent-
extraordinary degree. The writer has frequent-
Kyne—We areglad to hear that Mr. John Kyne
Kyne — We are glad to hear that Mr. John Kyne
an is a Masculine noun! then, which
an is a Masculine noun! then, which
of in connection with the the nomination for Reg-
of in connection with the the nomination for Reg-
niuġaḋ é, aċt tá sinn diliġ le ráḋ ná'r
niuġaḋ é, aċt tá sinn diliġ le ráḋ ná'r
hard nuts to crack in the Irish Language a though
hard nuts to crack in the Irish Language although
Oh, snatch this relic from the wreck ! the only and
Oh, snatch this relic from the wreck! the only and
Óir riṁeann an treud le ċeile gaċ
Óir riṁeann an treud le ċeile gaċ
Here; brandy come fill up your tumbler
Here; brandy come fill up your tumbler
am an ġeárr iompoiġ sé suas a ṡron
am an ġeárr iompoiġ sé suas a ṡron
We stated in a recent issue why, in our opinion.
We stated in a recent issue why, in our opinion,
the American News Co. to that end. Tell your
the American News Co. to that end. Tell your
Wildly o’er Desmond the war wolf is howling,
Wildly o’er Desmond the war wolf is howling,
taḃairt faoi 'n riaġal. Buailfead; an
ṫaḃairt faoi 'n riaġal. Buailfead; an
Oo cnag sé air an ḃ-fuinneoig a raḃ
Do cnag sé air an ḃ-fuinneoig a raḃ
van, T. J. O’Sullivan, O'Brien, O'Connor, Sullivan
van, T. J. O’Sullivan, O'Brien, O'Connor, Sullivan
highest credit on the members and their patron-
highest credit on the members and their patron-
"a rhie es ao a l ḃrl, du mninċa, ia o'a 's Doí' muife, 'íí.
thro' gloom,
thro' gloom,
is go n-uailleann siad go flaiṫeaṁnais
is go n-uailleann siad go flaiṫeaṁnais
or Japhetic stock into one national family added
or Japhetic stock into one national family added
aolaċ, manure,
aolaċ, manure,
cleaṁnas do Ḟionn Mac Cúṁall air-
cleaṁnas do Ḟionn Mac Cúṁall air-
ċéile aig clannaiḃ aoin ṁaṫar, eaḋan,
ċéile aig clannaiḃ aoin ṁaṫar, eaḋan,
ple goods is, therefore, apparent.
ple goods is, therefore, apparent.
A Noun is the name of any person,
A Noun is the name of any person,
column, individually, of the Gael when rendering
column, individually, of the Gael when rendering
Do ṫrialladar a g-cúrsa ó chúṁaċda a
Do ṫrialladar a g-cúrsa ó chúṁaċda a
D' Fear-Eagair an Ġaoḋail..
D' Fear-Eagair an Ġaoḋail. —
Ní ḋeaċaiḋ go caṫ buiḋéin níos uaisle
Ní ḋeaċaiḋ go caṫ buiḋéin níos uaisle
fact that several gentlemen are members of the
fact that several gentlemen are members of the
h-uile lá
h-uile lá
cub, and carried it off to her nest, thinkin,
cub, and carried it off to her nest, thinking
uiġe faolċuin,
uiġe faolċuin,
All the glories of old Erin, with her liberty have
All the glories of old Erin, with her liberty have
nach n-aireómuid leagan a láiṁe air ar
nach n-aireómuid leagan a láiṁe air ar
When on his ear shall ring,
When on his ear shall ring,
Ní raḃ aon tráċt air Ċromṁaelions,
Ní raḃ aon tráċt air Ċromṁaelions,
ná díbreaċa uiḃreaċa seo go uile.
ná díbreaċa uiḃreaċa seo go uile.
The blackbirds notes would swell.
The blackbirds notes would swell.
make, and that he would not refuse her anything
make, and that he would not refuse her anything
measaidís go m-beiḋeaḋ sé 'seasṁaċ.
measaidís go m-beiḋeaḋ sé seasṁaċ.
baṫ, cowws.
baṫ, cows.
Frionsaċ tír-Eoin, cuṁdóċaiḋ a ḋúiṫ
Frionsaċ Tír-Eoin, cuṁdóċaiḋ a ḋúiṫ-
with anecdotes of Irish wit and humor.”—New Orleans
with anecdotes of Irish wit and humor.” — New Orleans
reaḋ le greann :
reaḋ le greann:
'Sé an Saoi Mac Ḋiarmuid an fear is
'Sé an Saoi Mac Diarmuid an fear is
serving the Faith of our Fathers during the dark
serving the Faith of our Fathers during the dark
and those happening by neglect.
and those happening by neglect.
mode was adopted. However, our antiquarians
mode was adopted. However, our antiquarians
his resignation. He declined:
his resignation. He declined.
nan, J. Delaney, J. Towher, J. Gallagher, and from
nan, J. Delaney, J. Towher, J. Gallagher, and from
ġráḋuíġṫeoiriḋe na h-Éireann é, agus tá
ġráḋuíġṫeoiriḋe na h-Éireann é, agus tá
their Capital Stock- The object of the company
their Capital Stock- The object of the company
Ní'l eun no cearcuisge go di 'n naosgaċ,
Ní'l eun no cearcuisge go di 'n naosgaċ,
Fight the old fight again
Fight the old fight again
Go raċfair liom go Goṁraiġ.
Go raċfair liom go Goṁraiġ."
Lṫe ḃuh hninni ui haṫitfia n inn nan,
of the Irish Language, and the Autonomy of the Irish Nation.
called Parts of Speech.
called Parts of Speech.
and Graine, Emmet's Speech, &c. They
and Graine, Emmet's Speech, &c. They
spoken lauguage. The language of those poems
spoken language. The language of those poems
"Atá Gráinne, inġín Ċormaic Ṁic
"Atá Gráinne, inġín Ċormaic Ṁic
The Ass in Office:
The Ass in Office:
Forward! heed ho tolls or dangers,
Forward! heed no tolls or dangers,
air, "Moriarṫo glórioso reġi hibernie."
air, "Moriartho glórioso reġi hibernie."
that have been translated by O'Donovan, Todd
that have been translated by O'Donovan, Todd,
ans caoḂda.
Tá sé anois timċioll deiċ m-bliaḋanaiḃ
Tá sé anois timċioll deiċ m-bliaḋanaiḃ
is, who was, and who will be for ever-
is, who was, and who will be for ever.
Somerset, Condae perriġ, Óhio
Somerset, Condae perriġ, Ohio
about 900.000, or an increase of 171.452 within
about 900.000, or an increase of 171.452 within
According to Munro Dean of the Isles in the
According to Munro Dean of the Isles in the
agus maoṫ. Biḋeann áḋ air an muin-
agus maoṫ. Biḋeann áḋ air an muin-
real dignity.
real dignity.
words, and the Interjection is used to
words, and the Interjection is used to
ċás aċṫ é sin de ṡaoirseaċt agus de
ċás aċṫ é sin de ṡaoirseaċt agus de
their work, if the materials for such an advertise-
their work, if the materials for such an advertise-
swain ;
issue has been sold, and the copy of the “Book
issue has been sold, and the copy of the “Book
want the language of his ancestors to perish.
want the language of his ancestors to perish.
gue of saints and sages
gue of saints and sages
that it has warm earnest friends in the N. Y
that it has warm earnest friends in the N. Y.