2 values
Bio-Inspired Hashing for Unsupervised Similarity Search
The fruit fly Drosophila's olfactory circuit has inspired a new locality sensitive hashing (LSH) algorithm, FlyHash. In contrast with classical LSH algorithms that produce low dimensional hash codes, FlyHash produces sparse high-dimensional hash codes and has also been shown to have superior empirical performance compared to classical LSH algorithms in similarity search. However, FlyHash uses random projections and cannot learn from data. Building on inspiration from FlyHash and the ubiquity of sparse expansive representations in neurobiology, our work proposes a novel hashing algorithm BioHash that produces sparse high dimensional hash codes in a data-driven manner. We show that BioHash outperforms previously published benchmarks for various hashing methods. Since our learning algorithm is based on a local and biologically plausible synaptic plasticity rule, our work provides evidence for the proposal that LSH might be a computational reason for the abundance of sparse expansive motifs in a variety of biological systems. We also propose a convolutional variant BioConvHash that further improves performance. From the perspective of computer science, BioHash and BioConvHash are fast, scalable and yield compressed binary representations that are useful for similarity search.
[ 3, 6, 6 ]
[ "Chaitanya K. Ryali", "John J. Hopfield", "Dmitry Krotov" ]
[ "John J. Hopfield", "75" ]
Generating Plannable Lifted Action Models for Visually Generated Logical Predicates
We propose FOSAE++, an unsupervised end-to-end neural system that generates a compact discrete state transition model (dynamics / action model) from raw visual observations. Our representation can be exported to Planning Domain Description Language (PDDL), allowing symbolic state-of-the-art classical planners to perform high-level task planning on raw observations. FOSAE++ expresses states and actions in First Order Logic (FOL), a superset of so-called object-centric representation. It is the first unsupervised neural system that fully supports FOL in PDDL action modeling, while existing systems are limited to continuous, propositional, or property-based representations, and/or require manually labeled input for actions/predicates/propositions.
[ 6, 5, 6 ]
[ "Masataro Asai" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Natural Compression for Distributed Deep Learning
Modern deep learning models are often trained in parallel over a collection of distributed machines to reduce training time. In such settings, communication of model updates among machines becomes a significant performance bottleneck and various lossy update compression techniques have been proposed to alleviate this problem. In this work, we introduce a new, simple yet theoretically and practically effective compression technique: {\em natural compression ($C_{nat}$)}. Our technique is applied individually to all entries of the to-be-compressed update vector and works by randomized rounding to the nearest (negative or positive) power of two, which can be computed in a ``natural'' way by ignoring the mantissa. We show that compared to no compression, $C_{nat}$ increases the second moment of the compressed vector by not more than the tiny factor $\nicefrac{9}{8}$, which means that the effect of $C_{nat}$ on the convergence speed of popular training algorithms, such as distributed SGD, is negligible. However, the communications savings enabled by $C_{nat}$ are substantial, leading to {\em $3$-$4\times$ improvement in overall theoretical running time}. For applications requiring more aggressive compression, we generalize $C_{nat}$ to {\em natural dithering}, which we prove is {\em exponentially better} than the common random dithering technique. Our compression operators can be used on their own or in combination with existing operators for a more aggressive combined effect, and offer new state-of-the-art both in theory and practice.
[ 6, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "Samuel Horváth", "Chen-Yu Ho", "Ludovit Horváth", "Atal Narayan Sahu", "Marco Canini", "Peter Richtarik" ]
[ "Peter Richtarik", "52" ]
Feature Kernel Distillation
Trained Neural Networks (NNs) can be viewed as data-dependent kernel machines, with predictions determined by the inner product of last-layer representations across inputs, referred to as the feature kernel. We explore the relevance of the feature kernel for Knowledge Distillation (KD), using a mechanistic understanding of an NN’s optimisation process. We extend the theoretical analysis of Allen-Zhu & Li (2020) to show that a trained NN’s feature kernel is highly dependent on its parameter initialisation, which biases different initialisations of the same architecture to learn different data attributes in a multi-view data setting. This enables us to prove that KD using only pairwise feature kernel comparisons can improve NN test accuracy in such settings, with both single & ensemble teacher models, whereas standard training without KD fails to generalise. We further use our theory to motivate practical considerations for improving student generalisation when using distillation with feature kernels, which allows us to propose a novel approach: Feature Kernel Distillation (FKD). Finally, we experimentally corroborate our theory in the image classification setting, showing that FKD is amenable to ensemble distillation, can transfer knowledge across datasets, and outperforms both vanilla KD & other feature kernel based KD baselines across a range of standard architectures & datasets.
[ 6, 6, 8, 6 ]
[ "Bobby He", "Mete Ozay" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Remembering for the Right Reasons: Explanations Reduce Catastrophic Forgetting
The goal of continual learning (CL) is to learn a sequence of tasks without suffering from the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting. Previous work has shown that leveraging memory in the form of a replay buffer can reduce performance degradation on prior tasks. We hypothesize that forgetting can be further reduced when the model is encouraged to remember the \textit{evidence} for previously made decisions. As a first step towards exploring this hypothesis, we propose a simple novel training paradigm, called Remembering for the Right Reasons (RRR), that additionally stores visual model explanations for each example in the buffer and ensures the model has ``the right reasons'' for its predictions by encouraging its explanations to remain consistent with those used to make decisions at training time. Without this constraint, there is a drift in explanations and increase in forgetting as conventional continual learning algorithms learn new tasks. We demonstrate how RRR can be easily added to any memory or regularization-based approach and results in reduced forgetting, and more importantly, improved model explanations. We have evaluated our approach in the standard and few-shot settings and observed a consistent improvement across various CL approaches using different architectures and techniques to generate model explanations and demonstrated our approach showing a promising connection between explainability and continual learning. Our code is available at \url{}.
[ 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "Sayna Ebrahimi", "Suzanne Petryk", "Akash Gokul", "William Gan", "Joseph E. Gonzalez", "Marcus Rohrbach", "trevor darrell" ]
[ "trevor darrell", "133" ]
Lossless Compression with Probabilistic Circuits
Despite extensive progress on image generation, common deep generative model architectures are not easily applied to lossless compression. For example, VAEs suffer from a compression cost overhead due to their latent variables. This overhead can only be partially eliminated with elaborate schemes such as bits-back coding, often resulting in poor single-sample compression rates. To overcome such problems, we establish a new class of tractable lossless compression models that permit efficient encoding and decoding: Probabilistic Circuits (PCs). These are a class of neural networks involving $|p|$ computational units that support efficient marginalization over arbitrary subsets of the $D$ feature dimensions, enabling efficient arithmetic coding. We derive efficient encoding and decoding schemes that both have time complexity $\mathcal{O} (\log(D) \cdot |p|)$, where a naive scheme would have linear costs in $D$ and $|p|$, making the approach highly scalable. Empirically, our PC-based (de)compression algorithm runs 5-40 times faster than neural compression algorithms that achieve similar bitrates. By scaling up the traditional PC structure learning pipeline, we achieve state-of-the-art results on image datasets such as MNIST. Furthermore, PCs can be naturally integrated with existing neural compression algorithms to improve the performance of these base models on natural image datasets. Our results highlight the potential impact that non-standard learning architectures may have on neural data compression.
[ 6, 5, 8, 6 ]
[ "Anji Liu", "Stephan Mandt", "Guy Van den Broeck" ]
[ "Guy Van den Broeck", "34" ]
Graph HyperNetworks for Neural Architecture Search
Neural architecture search (NAS) automatically finds the best task-specific neural network topology, outperforming many manual architecture designs. However, it can be prohibitively expensive as the search requires training thousands of different networks, while each training run can last for hours. In this work, we propose the Graph HyperNetwork (GHN) to amortize the search cost: given an architecture, it directly generates the weights by running inference on a graph neural network. GHNs model the topology of an architecture and therefore can predict network performance more accurately than regular hypernetworks and premature early stopping. To perform NAS, we randomly sample architectures and use the validation accuracy of networks with GHN generated weights as the surrogate search signal. GHNs are fast - they can search nearly 10× faster than other random search methods on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. GHNs can be further extended to the anytime prediction setting, where they have found networks with better speed-accuracy tradeoff than the state-of-the-art manual designs.
[ 7, 6, 7 ]
[ "Chris Zhang", "Mengye Ren", "Raquel Urtasun" ]
[ "Raquel Urtasun", "92" ]
Lifting Imbalanced Regression with Self-Supervised Learning
A new influential task called imbalanced regression, most recently inspired by imbalanced classification, originating straightforwardly from both the imbalance and regression worlds, has received a great deal of attention. Yet we are still at a fairly preliminary stage in the exploration of this task, so more attempts are needed. In this paper, we work on a seamless marriage of imbalanced regression and self-supervised learning. But with this comes the first question of how to measure the similarity and dissimilarity under the regression sense, for which the definition is clear in the classification. To overcome the limitation, the formal definition of similarity in the regression task is given. On top of this, through experimenting on a simple neural network, we found that self-supervised learning could help alleviate the problem. However, the second problem is, it is not guaranteed that the noisy samples are similar to original samples when scaling to a deep network by adding random noise to the input, we specifically propose to limit the volume of noise on the output, and in doing so to find meaningful noise on the input by back propagation. Experimental results show that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance.
[ 5, 5, 6, 6 ]
[ "Weiguo Pian", "Hanyu Peng", "Mingming Sun", "Ping Li" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Generalizing and Tensorizing Subgraph Search in the Supernet
Recently, a special kind of graph, i.e., supernet, which allows two nodes connected by multi-choice edges, has exhibited its power in neural architecture search (NAS) by searching better architectures for computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In this paper, we discover that the design of such discrete architectures also appears in many other important learning tasks, e.g., logical chain inference in knowledge graphs (KGs) and meta-path discovery in heterogeneous information networks (HINs). Thus, we are motivated to generalize the supernet search problem on a broader horizon. However, none of the existing works are effective since the supernet's topology is highly task-dependent and diverse. To address this issue, we propose to tensorize the supernet, i.e. unify the subgraph search problems by a tensor formulation and encode the topology inside the supernet by a tensor network. We further propose an efficient algorithm that admits both stochastic and deterministic objectives to solve the search problem. Finally, we perform extensive experiments on diverse learning tasks, i.e., architecture design for CV, logic inference for KG, and meta-path discovery for HIN. Empirical results demonstrate that our method leads to better performance and architectures.
[ 5, 5, 4, 5 ]
[ "Hansi Yang", "quanming yao" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Coupled Oscillatory Recurrent Neural Network (coRNN): An accurate and (gradient) stable architecture for learning long time dependencies
Circuits of biological neurons, such as in the functional parts of the brain can be modeled as networks of coupled oscillators. Inspired by the ability of these systems to express a rich set of outputs while keeping (gradients of) state variables bounded, we propose a novel architecture for recurrent neural networks. Our proposed RNN is based on a time-discretization of a system of second-order ordinary differential equations, modeling networks of controlled nonlinear oscillators. We prove precise bounds on the gradients of the hidden states, leading to the mitigation of the exploding and vanishing gradient problem for this RNN. Experiments show that the proposed RNN is comparable in performance to the state of the art on a variety of benchmarks, demonstrating the potential of this architecture to provide stable and accurate RNNs for processing complex sequential data.
[ 7, 8, 7, 7 ]
[ "T. Konstantin Rusch", "Siddhartha Mishra" ]
[ "Siddhartha Mishra", "30" ]
Evolving Neural Update Rules for Sequence Learning
We consider the problem of searching, end to end, for effective weight and activation update rules governing online learning of a recurrent network on problems of character sequence memorisation and prediction. We experiment with a number of functional forms and find that the performance depends on them significantly. We find update rules that allow us to scale to a much larger number of recurrent units and much longer sequence lengths than has been achieved with this approach previously. We also find that natural evolution strategies significantly outperforms meta-gradients on this problem, aligning with previous studies suggesting that such evolutionary strategies are more robust than gradient back-propagation over sequences with thousands(s) of steps.
[ 3, 3, 5 ]
[ "Karol Gregor", "Peter Conway Humphreys" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Taming the waves: sine as activation function in deep neural networks
Most deep neural networks use non-periodic and monotonic—or at least quasiconvex— activation functions. While sinusoidal activation functions have been successfully used for specific applications, they remain largely ignored and regarded as difficult to train. In this paper we formally characterize why these networks can indeed often be difficult to train even in very simple scenarios, and describe how the presence of infinitely many and shallow local minima emerges from the architecture. We also provide an explanation to the good performance achieved on a typical classification task, by showing that for several network architectures the presence of the periodic cycles is largely ignored when the learning is successful. Finally, we show that there are non-trivial tasks—such as learning algorithms—where networks using sinusoidal activations can learn faster than more established monotonic functions.
[ 4, 4, 4 ]
[4, 4, 4]
[ "Giambattista Parascandolo", "Heikki Huttunen", "Tuomas Virtanen" ]
[ "Tuomas Virtanen", "57" ]
The advantage of using Student's t-priors in variational autoencoders
Is it optimal to use the standard Gaussian prior in variational autoencoders? With Gaussian distributions, which are not weakly informative priors, variational autoencoders struggle to reconstruct the actual data. We provide numerical evidence that encourages using Student's t-distributions as default priors in variational autoencoders, and we challenge the usual setup for the variational autoencoder structure by comparing Gaussian and Student's t-distribution priors with different forms of the covariance matrix.
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
[ "Najmeh Abiri", "Mattias Ohlsson" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
FASG: Feature Aggregation Self-training GCN for Semi-supervised Node Classification
Recently, Graph Convolutioal Networks (GCNs) have achieved significant success in many graph-based learning tasks, especially for node classification, due to its excellent ability in representation learning. Nevertheless, it remains challenging for GCN models to obtain satisfying prediction on graphs where few nodes are with known labels. In this paper, we propose a novel self-training algorithm based on GCN to boost semi-supervised node classification on graphs with little supervised information. Inspired by self-supervision strategy, the proposed method introduces an ingenious checking part to add new nodes as supervision after each training epoch to enhance node prediction. In particular, the embedded checking part is designed based on aggregated features, which is more accurate than previous methods and boosts node classification significantly. The proposed algorithm is validated on three public benchmarks in comparison with several state-of-the-art baseline algorithms, and the results illustrate its excellent performance.
[ 4, 4, 4, 3 ]
[ "Gongpei Zhao", "Tao Wang", "Yidong Li", "Yi Jin" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
ST-DDPM: Explore Class Clustering for Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Score-based generative models involve sequentially corrupting the data distribution with noise and then learns to recover the data distribution based on score matching. In this paper, for the diffusion probabilistic models, we first delve into the changes of data distribution during the forward process of the Markov chain and explore the class clustering phenomenon. Inspired by the class clustering phenomenon, we devise a novel conditional diffusion probabilistic model by explicitly modeling the class center in the forward and reverse process, and make an elegant modification to the original formulation, which enables controllable generation and gets interpretability. We also provide another direction for faster sampling and more analysis of our method. To verify the effectiveness of the formulated framework, we conduct extensive experiments on multiple tasks, and achieve competitive results compared with the state-of-the-art methods(conditional image generation on CIFAR-10 with an inception score of 9.58 and FID score of 3.05).
[ 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "Zhijie Lin", "Zijian Zhang", "Zhou Zhao" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
WaveSense: Efficient Temporal Convolutions with Spiking Neural Networks for Keyword Spotting
Ultra-low power local signal processing is a crucial aspect for edge applications on always-on devices. Neuromorphic processors emulating spiking neural networks show great computational power while fulfilling the limited power budget as needed in this domain. In this work we propose spiking neural dynamics as a natural alternative to dilated temporal convolutions. We extend this idea to WaveSense, a spiking neural network inspired by the WaveNet architecture. WaveSense uses simple neural dynamics, fixed time-constants and a simple feed-forward architecture and hence is particularly well suited for a neuromorphic implementation. We test the capabilities of this model on several datasets for keyword-spotting. The results show that the proposed network beats the state of the art of other spiking neural networks and reaches near state-of-the-art performance of artificial neural networks such as CNNs and LSTMs.
[ 3, 5, 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Philipp Weidel", "Sadique Sheik" ]
[ "Sadique Sheik", "12" ]
Corpus Based Amharic Sentiment Lexicon Generation
Sentiment classification is an active research area with several applications including analysis of political opinions, classifying comments, movie reviews, news reviews and product reviews. To employ rule based sentiment classification, we require sentiment lexicons. However, manual construction of sentiment lexicon is time consuming and costly for resource-limited languages. To bypass manual development time and costs, we tried to build Amharic Sentiment Lexicons relying on corpus based approach. The intention of this approach is to handle sentiment terms specific to Amharic language from Amharic Corpus. Small set of seed terms are manually prepared from three parts of speech such as noun, adjective and verb. We developed algorithms for constructing Amharic sentiment lexicons automatically from Amharic news corpus. Corpus based approach is proposed relying on the word co-occurrence distributional embedding including frequency based embedding (i.e. Positive Point-wise Mutual Information PPMI). First we build word-context unigram frequency count matrix and transform it to point-wise mutual Information matrix. Using this matrix, we computed the cosine distance of mean vector of seed lists and each word in the corpus vocabulary. Based on the threshold value, the top closest words to the mean vector of seed list are added to the lexicon. Then the mean vector of the new sentiment seed list is updated and process is repeated until we get sufficient terms in the lexicon. Using PPMI with threshold value of 100 and 200, we got corpus based Amharic Sentiment lexicons of size 1811 and 3794 respectively by expanding 519 seeds. Finally, the lexicon generated in corpus based approach is evaluated.
[ 1, 1, 1 ]
[ "Girma Neshir", "Andeas Rauber", "and Solomon Atnafu" ]
[ "Girma Neshir", "2" ]
A Unified Knowledge Distillation Framework for Deep Directed Graphical Models
Knowledge distillation (KD) is a technique that transfers the knowledge from a large teacher network to a small student network. It has been widely applied to many different tasks, such as model compression and federated learning. However, the existing KD methods fail to generalize to general \textit{deep directed graphical models (DGMs)} with arbitrary layers of random variables. We refer by \textit{deep} DGMs to DGMs whose conditional distributions are parameterized by deep neural networks. In this work, we propose a novel unified knowledge distillation framework for deep DGMs on various applications. Specifically, we leverage the reparameterization trick to hide the intermediate latent variables, resulting in a compact DGM. Then we develop a surrogate distillation loss to reduce error accumulation through multiple layers of random variables. Moreover, we present the connections between our method and some existing knowledge distillation approaches. The proposed framework is evaluated on three applications: deep generative models compression, discriminative deep DGMs compression, and VAE continual learning. The results show that our distillation method outperforms the baselines in data-free compression of deep generative models, including variational autoencoder (VAE), variational recurrent neural networks (VRNN), and Helmholtz Machine (HM). Moreover, our method achieves good performance for discriminative deep DGMs compression. Finally, we also demonstrate that it significantly improves the continual learning performance of VAE.
[ 5, 5, 5, 6 ]
[ "Yizhuo Chen", "Kaizhao Liang", "Zhe Zeng", "Yifei Yang", "Shuochao Yao", "Huajie Shao" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Grounded Compositional Generalization with Environment Interactions
In this paper, we present a compositional generalization approach in grounded agent instruction learning. Compositional generalization is an important part of human intelligence, but current neural network models do not have such ability. This is more complicated in multi-modal problems with grounding. Our proposed approach has two main ideas. First, we use interactions between agent and the environment to find components in the output. Second, we apply entropy regularization to learn corresponding input components for each output component. The results show the proposed approach significantly outperforms baselines in most tasks, with more than 25% absolute average accuracy increase. We also investigate the impact of entropy regularization and other changes with ablation study. We hope this work is the first step to address grounded compositional generalization, and it will be helpful in advancing artificial intelligence research.
[ 4, 5, 5, 3 ]
[ "Yuanpeng Li" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Understanding and Exploiting the Low-Rank Structure of Deep Networks
Training methods for deep networks are primarily variants on stochastic gradient descent. Techniques that use (approximate) second-order information are rarely used because of the computational cost and noise associated with those approaches in deep learning contexts. However, in this paper, we show how feedforward deep networks exhibit a low-rank derivative structure. This low-rank structure makes it possible to use second-order information without needing approximations and without incurring a significantly greater computational cost than gradient descent. To demonstrate this capability, we implement Cubic Regularization (CR) on a feedforward deep network with stochastic gradient descent and two of its variants. There, we use CR to calculate learning rates on a per-iteration basis while training on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. CR proved particularly successful in escaping plateau regions of the objective function. We also found that this approach requires less problem-specific information (e.g. an optimal initial learning rate) than other first-order methods in order to perform well.
[ 5, 2, 4 ]
[ "Craig Bakker", "Michael J. Henry", "Nathan O. Hodas" ]
[ "Nathan O. Hodas", "11" ]
Learning-Augmented Sketches for Hessians
We study learning-based sketching for Hessians, which is known to provide considerable speedups to second order optimization. A number of works have shown how to sketch or subsample the Hessian to speed up each iteration, but such sketches are usually specific to the matrix at hand, rather than being learned from a distribution. We extend such schemes to learned sketches, where we learn different potentially different sketches for the different iterations, and show empirically that learned sketches, compared with their "non-learned" counterparts, improve the approximation accuracy for a large number of important problems, including LASSO, SVM, and matrix estimation with nuclear norm constraints.
[ 6, 6, 4 ]
[ "Yi Li", "Honghao Lin", "David Woodruff" ]
[ "David Woodruff", "51" ]
Combining Differential Privacy and Byzantine Resilience in Distributed SGD
Privacy and Byzantine resilience (BR) are two crucial requirements of modern-day distributed machine learning. The two concepts have been extensively studied individually but the question of how to combine them effectively remains unanswered. This paper contributes to addressing this question by studying the extent to which the distributed SGD algorithm, in the standard parameter-server architecture, can learn an accurate model despite (a) a fraction of the workers being malicious (Byzantine), and (b) the other fraction, whilst being honest, providing noisy information to the server to ensure differential privacy (DP). We first observe that the integration of standard practices in DP and BR is not straightforward. In fact, we show that many existing results on the convergence of distributed SGD under Byzantine faults, especially those relying on $(\alpha,f)$-Byzantine resilience, are rendered invalid when honest workers enforce DP. To circumvent this shortcoming, we revisit the theory of $(\alpha,f)$-BR to obtain an approximate convergence guarantee. Our analysis provides key insights on how to improve this guarantee through hyperparameter optimization. Essentially, our theoretical and empirical results show that (1) an imprudent combination of standard approaches to DP and BR might be fruitless, but (2) by carefully re-tuning the learning algorithm, we can obtain reasonable learning accuracy while simultaneously guaranteeing DP and BR.
[ 3, 6, 6, 3 ]
[ "Rachid Guerraoui", "Nirupam Gupta", "Rafael Pinot", "Sébastien Rouault", "John Stephan" ]
[ "Rachid Guerraoui", "66" ]
Second-Order Unsupervised Feature Selection via Knowledge Contrastive Distillation
Unsupervised feature selection aims to select a subset from the original features that are most useful for the downstream tasks without external guidance information. While most unsupervised feature selection methods focus on ranking features based on the intrinsic properties of data, they do not pay much attention to the relationships between features, which often leads to redundancy among the selected features. In this paper, we propose a two-stage Second-Order unsupervised Feature selection via knowledge contrastive disTillation (SOFT) model that incorporates the second-order covariance matrix with the first-order data matrix for unsupervised feature selection. In the first stage, we learn a sparse attention matrix that can represent second-order relations between features. In the second stage, we build a relational graph based on the learned attention matrix and perform graph segmentation for feature selection. Experimental results on 12 public datasets show that SOFT outperforms classical and recent state-of-the-art methods, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method.
[ 8, 6, 5, 3, 6 ]
[ "Han Yue", "Jundong Li", "Hongfu Liu" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Model-Agnostic Meta-Attack: Towards Reliable Evaluation of Adversarial Robustness
The vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial examples has motivated an increasing number of defense strategies for promoting model robustness. However, the progress is usually hampered by insufficient robustness evaluations. As the de facto standard to evaluate adversarial robustness, adversarial attacks typically solve an optimization problem of crafting adversarial examples with an iterative process. In this work, we propose a Model-Agnostic Meta-Attack (MAMA) approach to discover stronger attack algorithms automatically. Our method learns the optimizer in adversarial attacks parameterized by a recurrent neural network, which is trained over a class of data samples and defenses to produce effective update directions during adversarial example generation. Furthermore, we develop a model-agnostic training algorithm to improve the generalization ability of the learned optimizer when attacking unseen defenses. Our approach can be flexibly incorporated with various attacks and consistently improves the performance with little extra computational cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the learned attacks by MAMA compared to the state-of-the-art attacks on different defenses, leading to a more reliable evaluation of adversarial robustness.
[ 3, 6, 6 ]
[ "Xiao Yang", "Yinpeng Dong", "Wenzhao Xiang", "Tianyu Pang", "Hang Su", "Jun Zhu" ]
[ "Yinpeng Dong", "22" ]
Speeding up Deep Learning Training by Sharing Weights and Then Unsharing
It has been widely observed that increasing deep learning model sizes often leads to significant performance improvements on a variety of natural language processing and computer vision tasks. In the meantime, however, computational costs and training time would dramatically increase when models get larger. In this paper, we propose a simple approach to speed up training for a particular kind of deep networks which contain repeated structures, such as the transformer module. In our method, we first train such a deep network with the weights shared across all the repeated layers till some point. We then stop weight sharing and continue training until convergence. The untying point is automatically determined by monitoring gradient statistics. Our adaptive untying criterion is obtained from a theoretic analysis over deep linear networks. Empirical results show that our method is able to reduce the training time of BERT by 50%.
[ 6, 4, 5, 5 ]
[ "Shuo Yang", "Le Hou", "Xiaodan Song", "qiang liu", "Denny Zhou" ]
[ "Xiaodan Song", "19" ]
Conditional Expectation based Value Decomposition for Scalable On-Demand Ride Pooling
Owing to the benefits for customers (lower prices), drivers (higher revenues), aggregation companies (higher revenues) and the environment (fewer vehicles), on-demand ride pooling (e.g., Uber pool, Grab Share) has become quite popular. The significant computational complexity of matching vehicles to combinations of requests has meant that traditional ride pooling approaches are myopic in that they do not consider the impact of current matches on future value for vehicles/drivers. Recently, Neural Approximate Dynamic Programming (NeurADP) has employed value decomposition with Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) to outperform leading approaches by considering the impact of an individual agent's (vehicle) chosen actions on the future value of that agent. However, in order to ensure scalability and facilitate city-scale ride pooling, NeurADP completely ignores the impact of other agents actions on individual agent/vehicle value. As demonstrated in our experimental results, ignoring the impact of other agents actions on individual value can have a significant impact on the overall performance when there is increased competition among vehicles for demand. Our key contribution is a novel mechanism based on computing conditional expectations through joint conditional probabilities for capturing dependencies on other agents actions without increasing the complexity of training or decision making. We show that our new approach, Conditional Expectation based Value Decomposition (CEVD) outperforms NeurADP by up to 9.76$\% $in terms of overall requests served, which is a significant improvement on a city wide benchmark taxi dataset.
[ 5, 8, 5 ]
[ "Avinandan Bose", "Pradeep Varakantham" ]
[ "Pradeep Varakantham", "27" ]
Recursive Construction of Stable Assemblies of Recurrent Neural Networks
Advanced applications of modern machine learning will likely involve combinations of trained networks, as are already used in spectacular systems such as DeepMind's AlphaGo. Recursively building such combinations in an effective and stable fashion while also allowing for continual refinement of the individual networks - as nature does for biological networks - will require new analysis tools. This paper takes a step in this direction by establishing contraction properties of broad classes of nonlinear recurrent networks and neural ODEs, and showing how these quantified properties allow in turn to recursively construct stable networks of networks in a systematic fashion. The results can also be used to stably combine recurrent networks and physical systems with quantified contraction properties. Similarly, they may be applied to modular computational models of cognition. We perform experiments with these combined networks on benchmark sequential tasks (e.g permuted sequential MNIST) to demonstrate their capacity for processing information across a long timescale in a provably stable manner.
[ 5, 6, 8, 6 ]
[ "Leo Kozachkov", "Michaela M Ennis", "Jean-Jacques Slotine" ]
[ "Jean-Jacques Slotine", "71" ]
Understanding the Generalization Gap in Visual Reinforcement Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents have achieved superhuman performance on several video game suites. However, unlike humans, the trained policies fail to transfer between related games or even between different levels of the same game. Recent works have attempted to reduce this generalization gap using ideas such as data augmentation and learning domain invariant features. However, the transfer performance still remains unsatisfactory. In this work, we use procedurally generated video games to empirically investigate several hypotheses to explain the lack of transfer. We also show that simple auxiliary tasks can improve the generalization of policies. Contrary to the belief that policy adaptation to new levels requires full policy finetuning, we find that visual features transfer across levels, and only the parameters, that use these visual features to predict actions, require finetuning. Finally, to inform fruitful avenues for future research, we construct simple oracle methods that close the generalization gap.
[ 3, 3, 6, 3 ]
[ "Anurag Ajay", "Ge Yang", "Ofir Nachum", "Pulkit Agrawal" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
DORA The Explorer: Directed Outreaching Reinforcement Action-Selection
Exploration is a fundamental aspect of Reinforcement Learning, typically implemented using stochastic action-selection. Exploration, however, can be more efficient if directed toward gaining new world knowledge. Visit-counters have been proven useful both in practice and in theory for directed exploration. However, a major limitation of counters is their locality. While there are a few model-based solutions to this shortcoming, a model-free approach is still missing. We propose $E$-values, a generalization of counters that can be used to evaluate the propagating exploratory value over state-action trajectories. We compare our approach to commonly used RL techniques, and show that using $E$-values improves learning and performance over traditional counters. We also show how our method can be implemented with function approximation to efficiently learn continuous MDPs. We demonstrate this by showing that our approach surpasses state of the art performance in the Freeway Atari 2600 game.
[ 7, 6, 6 ]
[ "Lior Fox", "Leshem Choshen", "Yonatan Loewenstein" ]
[ "Yonatan Loewenstein", "24" ]
DynCNN: An Effective Dynamic Architecture on Convolutional Neural Network for Surveillance Videos
The large-scale surveillance video analysis becomes important as the development of intelligent city. The heavy computation resources neccessary for state-of-the-art deep learning model makes the real-time processing hard to be implemented. This paper exploits the characteristic of high scene similarity generally existing in surveillance videos and proposes dynamic convolution reusing the previous feature map to reduce the computation amount. We tested the proposed method on 45 surveillance videos with various scenes. The experimental results show that dynamic convolution can reduce up to 75.7% of FLOPs while preserving the precision within 0.7% mAP. Furthermore, the dynamic convolution can enhance the processing time up to 2.2 times.
[ 3, 4, 4 ]
[ "De-Qin Gao", "Ping-Chen Tsai", "Shanq-Jang Ruan" ]
[ "Shanq-Jang Ruan", "18" ]
Multi-modal Self-supervised Pre-training for Regulatory Genome Across Cell Types
In the genome biology research, regulatory genome modeling is an important topic for many regulatory downstream tasks, such as promoter classification, transaction factor binding sites prediction. The core problem is to model how regulatory elements interact with each other and its variability across different cell types. However, current deep learning methods often focus on modeling genome sequences of a fixed set of cell types and do not account for the interaction between multiple regulatory elements, making them only perform well on the cell types in the training set and lack the generalizability required in biological applications. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective approach for pre-training genome data in a multi-modal and self-supervised manner, which we call $\textbf{\texttt{GeneBERT}}$. Specifically, we simultaneously take the 1d sequence of genome data and a 2d matrix of (transcription factors × regions) as the input, where three pre-training tasks are proposed to improve the robustness and generalizability of our model. We pre-train our model on the ATAC-seq dataset with 17 million genome sequences. We evaluate our GeneBERT on regulatory downstream tasks across different cell types, including promoter classification, transaction factor binding sites prediction, disease risk estimation, and splicing sites prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of multi-modal and self-supervised pre-training for large-scale regulatory genomics data.
[ 1, 6, 3, 6 ]
[ "Shentong Mo", "Xi Fu", "Chenyang Hong", "Yizhen Chen", "Yuxuan Zheng", "Xiangru Tang", "Yanyan Lan", "Zhiqiang Shen", "Eric Xing" ]
[ "Eric Xing", "95" ]
$\ell_1$ Adversarial Robustness Certificates: a Randomized Smoothing Approach
Robustness is an important property to guarantee the security of machine learning models. It has recently been demonstrated that strong robustness certificates can be obtained on ensemble classifiers generated by input randomization. However, tight robustness certificates are only known for symmetric norms including $\ell_0$ and $\ell_2$, while for asymmetric norms like $\ell_1$, the existing techniques do not apply. By converting the likelihood ratio into a one-dimensional mixed random variable, we derive the first tight $\ell_1$ robustness certificate under isotropic Laplace distributions. Empirically, the deep networks smoothed by Laplace distributions yield the state-of-the-art certified robustness in $\ell_1$ norm on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet.
[ 6, 3, 3 ]
[ "Jiaye Teng", "Guang-He Lee", "Yang Yuan" ]
[ "Guang-He Lee", "8" ]
BadPre: Task-agnostic Backdoor Attacks to Pre-trained NLP Foundation Models
Pre-trained Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, which can be adapted to a variety of downstream language tasks via fine-tuning, highly accelerate the learning progress of NLP models. However, NLP models have been shown to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Previous NLP backdoor attacks mainly focus on one specific task. This limitation makes existing solutions less applicable to different NLP models which have been widely used in various tasks. In this work, we propose BadPre, the first backdoor attack against various downstream models built based on pre-trained NLP models. BadPre can launch trojan attacks against different language tasks with the same trigger. The key insight of our approach is that downstream models can inherit the security characteristics from the pre-trained models. Specifically, we leverage data posing to the pre-trained NLP models and then inference the downstream models with sentences embedded triggers. Furthermore, to fool backdoor detectors, we design a novel adversarial attack method to generate a more robust trigger. Experimental results indicate that our approach can effectively attack a wide range of downstream NLP tasks and exhibit significant robustness against backdoor detectors.
[ 5, 8, 3, 8 ]
[ "Kangjie Chen", "Yuxian Meng", "Xiaofei Sun", "Shangwei Guo", "Tianwei Zhang", "Jiwei Li", "Chun Fan" ]
[ "Jiwei Li", "34" ]
An investigation of model-free planning
The field of reinforcement learning (RL) is facing increasingly challenging domains with combinatorial complexity. For an RL agent to address these challenges, it is essential that it can plan effectively. Prior work has typically utilized an explicit model of the environment, combined with a specific planning algorithm (such as tree search). More recently, a new family of methods have been proposed that learn how to plan, by providing the structure for planning via an inductive bias in the function approximator (such as a tree structured neural network), trained end-to-end by a model-free RL algorithm. In this paper, we go even further, and demonstrate empirically that an entirely model-free approach, without special structure beyond standard neural network components such as convolutional networks and LSTMs, can learn to exhibit many of the hallmarks that we would typically associate with a model-based planner. We measure our agent's effectiveness at planning in terms of its ability to generalize across a combinatorial and irreversible state space, its data efficiency, and its ability to utilize additional thinking time. We find that our agent has the characteristics that one might expect to find in a planning algorithm. Furthermore, it exceeds the state-of-the-art in challenging combinatorial domains such as Sokoban and outperforms other model-free approaches that utilize strong inductive biases toward planning.
[ 5, 5, 4 ]
[ "Arthur Guez", "Mehdi Mirza", "Karol Gregor", "Rishabh Kabra", "Sébastien Racanière", "Théophane Weber", "David Raposo", "Adam Santoro", "Laurent Orseau", "Tom Eccles", "Greg Wayne", "David Silver", "Timothy Lillicrap" ]
[ "David Silver", "64" ]
Learning advanced mathematical computations from examples
Using transformers over large generated datasets, we train models to learn mathematical properties of differential systems, such as local stability, behavior at infinity and controllability. We achieve near perfect prediction of qualitative characteristics, and good approximations of numerical features of the system. This demonstrates that neural networks can learn to perform complex computations, grounded in advanced theory, from examples, without built-in mathematical knowledge.
[ 8, 7, 3, 6 ]
[ "Francois Charton", "Amaury Hayat", "Guillaume Lample" ]
[ "Guillaume Lample", "20" ]
Backpropagation through the Void: Optimizing control variates for black-box gradient estimation
Gradient-based optimization is the foundation of deep learning and reinforcement learning. Even when the mechanism being optimized is unknown or not differentiable, optimization using high-variance or biased gradient estimates is still often the best strategy. We introduce a general framework for learning low-variance, unbiased gradient estimators for black-box functions of random variables, based on gradients of a learned function. These estimators can be jointly trained with model parameters or policies, and are applicable in both discrete and continuous settings. We give unbiased, adaptive analogs of state-of-the-art reinforcement learning methods such as advantage actor-critic. We also demonstrate this framework for training discrete latent-variable models.
[ 6, 7, 8 ]
[ "Will Grathwohl", "Dami Choi", "Yuhuai Wu", "Geoff Roeder", "David Duvenaud" ]
[ "David Duvenaud", "43" ]
Learning Invariant Representations Of Planar Curves
We propose a metric learning framework for the construction of invariant geometric functions of planar curves for the Euclidean and Similarity group of transformations. We leverage on the representational power of convolutional neural networks to compute these geometric quantities. In comparison with axiomatic constructions, we show that the invariants approximated by the learning architectures have better numerical qualities such as robustness to noise, resiliency to sampling, as well as the ability to adapt to occlusion and partiality. Finally, we develop a novel multi-scale representation in a similarity metric learning paradigm.
[ 6, 5, 8 ]
[5, 2, 3]
[ "Gautam Pai", "Aaron Wetzler", "Ron Kimmel" ]
[ "Ron Kimmel", "69" ]
Language Modeling using LMUs: 10x Better Data Efficiency or Improved Scaling Compared to Transformers
Recent studies have demonstrated that the performance of transformers on the task of language modeling obeys a power-law relationship with model size over six orders of magnitude. While transformers exhibit impressive scaling, their performance hinges on processing large amounts of data, and their computational and memory requirements grow quadratically with sequence length. Motivated by these considerations, we construct a Legendre Memory Unit based model that introduces a general prior for sequence processing and exhibits an $O(n)$ and $O(n \ln n)$ (or better) dependency for memory and computation respectively. Over three orders of magnitude, we show that our new architecture attains the same accuracy as transformers with 10x fewer tokens. We also show that for the same amount of training our model improves the loss over transformers about as much as transformers improve over LSTMs. Additionally, we demonstrate that adding global self-attention complements our architecture and the augmented model improves performance even further.
[ 3, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ "Narsimha Reddy Chilkuri", "Eric Hunsberger", "Aaron Russell Voelker", "Gurshaant Singh Malik", "Chris Eliasmith" ]
[ "Chris Eliasmith", "39" ]
Symplectic ODE-Net: Learning Hamiltonian Dynamics with Control
In this paper, we introduce Symplectic ODE-Net (SymODEN), a deep learning framework which can infer the dynamics of a physical system, given by an ordinary differential equation (ODE), from observed state trajectories. To achieve better generalization with fewer training samples, SymODEN incorporates appropriate inductive bias by designing the associated computation graph in a physics-informed manner. In particular, we enforce Hamiltonian dynamics with control to learn the underlying dynamics in a transparent way, which can then be leveraged to draw insight about relevant physical aspects of the system, such as mass and potential energy. In addition, we propose a parametrization which can enforce this Hamiltonian formalism even when the generalized coordinate data is embedded in a high-dimensional space or we can only access velocity data instead of generalized momentum. This framework, by offering interpretable, physically-consistent models for physical systems, opens up new possibilities for synthesizing model-based control strategies.
[ 6, 8, 8 ]
[ "Yaofeng Desmond Zhong", "Biswadip Dey", "Amit Chakraborty" ]
[ "Biswadip Dey", "13" ]
Model Zoo: A Growing Brain That Learns Continually
This paper argues that continual learning methods can benefit by splitting the capacity of the learner across multiple models. We use statistical learning theory and experimental analysis to show how multiple tasks can interact with each other in a non-trivial fashion when a single model is trained on them. The generalization error on a particular task can improve when it is trained with synergistic tasks, but can also deteriorate when trained with competing tasks. This theory motivates our method named Model Zoo which, inspired from the boosting literature, grows an ensemble of small models, each of which is trained during one episode of continual learning. We demonstrate that Model Zoo obtains large gains in accuracy on a wide variety of continual learning benchmark problems.
[ 5, 8, 6, 6 ]
[ "Rahul Ramesh", "Pratik Chaudhari" ]
[ "Pratik Chaudhari", "15" ]
Learning Effective Exploration Strategies For Contextual Bandits
In contextual bandits, an algorithm must choose actions given observed contexts, learning from a reward signal that is observed only for the action chosen. This leads to an exploration/exploitation trade-off: the algorithm must balance taking actions it already believes are good with taking new actions to potentially discover better choices. We develop a meta-learning algorithm, MELEE, that learns an exploration policy based on simulated, synthetic contextual bandit tasks. MELEE uses imitation learning against these simulations to train an exploration policy that can be applied to true contextual bandit tasks at test time. We evaluate on both a natural contextual bandit problem derived from a learning to rank dataset as well as hundreds of simulated contextual bandit problems derived from classification tasks. MELEE outperforms seven strong baselines on most of these datasets by leveraging a rich feature representation for learning an exploration strategy.
[ 3, 1, 1 ]
[ "Amr Sharaf", "Hal Daumé III" ]
[ "Amr Sharaf", "6" ]
Learning Recurrent Binary/Ternary Weights
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have shown excellent performance in processing sequence data. However, they are both complex and memory intensive due to their recursive nature. These limitations make RNNs difficult to embed on mobile devices requiring real-time processes with limited hardware resources. To address the above issues, we introduce a method that can learn binary and ternary weights during the training phase to facilitate hardware implementations of RNNs. As a result, using this approach replaces all multiply-accumulate operations by simple accumulations, bringing significant benefits to custom hardware in terms of silicon area and power consumption. On the software side, we evaluate the performance (in terms of accuracy) of our method using long short-term memories (LSTMs) and gated recurrent units (GRUs) on various sequential models including sequence classification and language modeling. We demonstrate that our method achieves competitive results on the aforementioned tasks while using binary/ternary weights during the runtime. On the hardware side, we present custom hardware for accelerating the recurrent computations of LSTMs with binary/ternary weights. Ultimately, we show that LSTMs with binary/ternary weights can achieve up to 12x memory saving and 10x inference speedup compared to the full-precision hardware implementation design.
[ 6, 8, 7 ]
[ "Arash Ardakani", "Zhengyun Ji", "Sean C. Smithson", "Brett H. Meyer", "Warren J. Gross" ]
[ "Warren J. Gross", "40" ]
Pyraformer: Low-Complexity Pyramidal Attention for Long-Range Time Series Modeling and Forecasting
Accurate prediction of the future given the past based on time series data is of paramount importance, since it opens the door for decision making and risk management ahead of time. In practice, the challenge is to build a flexible but parsimonious model that can capture a wide range of temporal dependencies. In this paper, we propose Pyraformer by exploring the multiresolution representation of the time series. Specifically, we introduce the pyramidal attention module (PAM) in which the inter-scale tree structure summarizes features at different resolutions and the intra-scale neighboring connections model the temporal dependencies of different ranges. Under mild conditions, the maximum length of the signal traversing path in Pyraformer is a constant (i.e., $\mathcal O(1)$) with regard to the sequence length $L$, while its time and space complexity scale linearly with $L$. Extensive numerical results show that Pyraformer typically achieves the highest prediction accuracy in both single-step and long-range forecasting tasks with the least amount of time and memory consumption, especially when the sequence is long.
[ 8, 6, 6, 8 ]
[ "Shizhan Liu", "Hang Yu", "Cong Liao", "Jianguo Li", "Weiyao Lin", "Alex X. Liu", "Schahram Dustdar" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Neural Architecture Search on ImageNet in Four GPU Hours: A Theoretically Inspired Perspective
Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has been explosively studied to automate the discovery of top-performer neural networks. Current works require heavy training of supernet or intensive architecture evaluations, thus suffering from heavy resource consumption and often incurring search bias due to truncated training or approximations. Can we select the best neural architectures without involving any training and eliminate a drastic portion of the search cost? We provide an affirmative answer, by proposing a novel framework called \textit{training-free neural architecture search} ($\textbf{TE-NAS}$). TE-NAS ranks architectures by analyzing the spectrum of the neural tangent kernel (NTK), and the number of linear regions in the input space. Both are motivated by recent theory advances in deep networks, and can be computed without any training. We show that: (1) these two measurements imply the $\textit{trainability}$ and $\textit{expressivity}$ of a neural network; and (2) they strongly correlate with the network's actual test accuracy. Further on, we design a pruning-based NAS mechanism to achieve a more flexible and superior trade-off between the trainability and expressivity during the search. In NAS-Bench-201 and DARTS search spaces, TE-NAS completes high-quality search but only costs $\textbf{0.5}$ and $\textbf{4}$ GPU hours with one 1080Ti on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, respectively. We hope our work to inspire more attempts in bridging between the theoretic findings of deep networks and practical impacts in real NAS applications.
[ 4, 6, 8, 6 ]
[ "Wuyang Chen", "Xinyu Gong", "Zhangyang Wang" ]
[ "Zhangyang Wang", "51" ]
Protecting DNNs from Theft using an Ensemble of Diverse Models
Several recent works have demonstrated highly effective model stealing (MS) attacks on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) in black-box settings, even when the training data is unavailable. These attacks typically use some form of Out of Distribution (OOD) data to query the target model and use the predictions obtained to train a clone model. Such a clone model learns to approximate the decision boundary of the target model, achieving high accuracy on in-distribution examples. We propose Ensemble of Diverse Models (EDM) to defend against such MS attacks. EDM is made up of models that are trained to produce dissimilar predictions for OOD inputs. By using a different member of the ensemble to service different queries, our defense produces predictions that are highly discontinuous in the input space for the adversary's OOD queries. Such discontinuities cause the clone model trained on these predictions to have poor generalization on in-distribution examples. Our evaluations on several image classification tasks demonstrate that EDM defense can severely degrade the accuracy of clone models (up to $39.7\%$). Our defense has minimal impact on the target accuracy, negligible computational costs during inference, and is compatible with existing defenses for MS attacks.
[ 6, 5, 7, 6 ]
[ "Sanjay Kariyappa", "Atul Prakash", "Moinuddin K Qureshi" ]
[ "Moinuddin K Qureshi", "44" ]
Beyond Quantization: Power aware neural networks
Power consumption is a major obstacle in the deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) on end devices. Existing approaches for reducing power consumption rely on quite general principles, including avoidance of multiplication operations and aggressive quantization of weights and activations. However, these methods do not take into account the precise power consumed by each module in the network, and are therefore far from optimal. In this paper we develop accurate power consumption models for all arithmetic operations in the DNN, under various working conditions. Surprisingly, we reveal several important factors that have been overlooked to date. Based on our analysis, we present PANN (power-aware neural network), a simple approach for approximating any full-precision network by a low-power fixed-precision variant. Our method can be applied to a pre-trained network, and can also be used during training to achieve improved performance. In contrast to previous approaches, our method incurs only a minor degradation in accuracy w.r.t. the full-precision version of the network, even when working at the power-budget of a 2-bit quantized variant. In addition, our scheme enables to seamlessly traverse the power-accuracy tradeoff at deployment time, which is a major advantage over existing quantization methods that are constrained to specific bit widths.
[ 5, 3, 3, 6 ]
[ "Nurit Spingarn", "Elad Hoffer", "Ron Banner", "Hilla Ben Yaacov", "Tomer Michaeli" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
SSE-PT: Sequential Recommendation Via Personalized Transformer
Temporal information is crucial for recommendation problems because user preferences are naturally dynamic in the real world. Recent advances in deep learning, especially the discovery of various attention mechanisms and newer architectures in addition to widely used RNN and CNN in natural language processing, have allowed for better use of the temporal ordering of items that each user has engaged with. In particular, the SASRec model, inspired by the popular Transformer model in natural languages processing, has achieved state-of-the-art results. However, SASRec, just like the original Transformer model, is inherently an un-personalized model and does not include personalized user embeddings. To overcome this limitation, we propose a Personalized Transformer (SSE-PT) model, outperforming SASRec by almost 5% in terms of NDCG@10 on 5 real-world datasets. Furthermore, after examining some random users' engagement history, we find our model not only more interpretable but also able to focus on recent engagement patterns for each user. Moreover, our SSE-PT model with a slight modification, which we call SSE-PT++, can handle extremely long sequences and outperform SASRec in ranking results with comparable training speed, striking a balance between performance and speed requirements. Our novel application of the Stochastic Shared Embeddings (SSE) regularization is essential to the success of personalization. Code and data are open-sourced at
[ 6, 1, 6 ]
[ "Liwei Wu", "Shuqing Li", "Cho-Jui Hsieh", "James Sharpnack" ]
[ "Cho-Jui Hsieh", "58" ]
Traditionally contact centers route an issue to an agent based on ticket load or skill of the agent. When a ticket comes into the system, it is either manually analyzed and pushed to an agent or automatically routed to an agent based on some business rules. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system often has predefined categories that an issue could belong to. The agents are generally proficient in handling multiple categories, the categories in the CRM system are often related to each other, and a ticket typically contains content across multiple categories. This makes the traditional approach sub-optimal. We propose a Hybrid Recommendation based approach that recommends top N agents for a ticket by jointly modelling on the interactions between the agents and categories as well as on the semantic features of the categories and the agents.
[ 3, 2, 2 ]
[ "Anwitha Paruchuri" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Joint Perception and Control as Inference with an Object-based Implementation
Existing model-based reinforcement learning methods often study perception modeling and decision making separately. We introduce joint Perception and Control as Inference (PCI), a general framework to combine perception and control for partially observable environments through Bayesian inference. Based on the fact that object-level inductive biases are critical in human perceptual learning and reasoning, we propose Object-based Perception Control (OPC), an instantiation of PCI which manages to facilitate control using automatic discovered object-based representations. We develop an unsupervised end-to-end solution and analyze the convergence of the perception model update. Experiments in a high-dimensional pixel environment demonstrate the learning effectiveness of our object-based perception control approach. Specifically, we show that OPC achieves good perceptual grouping quality and outperforms several strong baselines in accumulated rewards.
[ 4, 4, 5, 4 ]
[ "Minne Li", "Zheng Tian", "Pranav Nashikkar", "Ian Davies", "Ying Wen", "Jun Wang" ]
[ "Ying Wen", "12" ]
Error Controlled Actor-Critic Method to Reinforcement Learning
In the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms which incorporate function approximation methods, the approximation error of value function inevitably cause overestimation phenomenon and have a negative impact on the convergence of the algorithms. To mitigate the negative effects of approximation error, we propose a new actor-critic algorithm called Error Controlled Actor-critic which ensures confining the approximation error in value function. In this paper, we firstly present an analysis of how the approximation error can hinder the optimization process of actor-critic methods. Then, we *derive an upper boundary of the approximation error of Q function approximator, and found that the error can be lowered by placing restrictions on the KL-divergence between every two consecutive policies during the training phase of the policy.* The results of experiments on a range of continuous control tasks from OpenAI gym suite demonstrate that the proposed actor-critic algorithm apparently reduces the approximation error and significantly outperforms other model-free RL algorithms.
[ 6, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ "Xingen Gao", "Fei Chao", "Changle Zhou", "Zhen Ge", "Chih-Min Lin", "Longzhi Yang", "Xiang Chang", "Changjing Shang" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Disentangling One Factor at a Time
With the overabundance of data for machines to process in the current state of machine learning, data discovery, organization, and interpretation of the data becomes a critical need. Specifically of need are unsupervised methods that do not require laborious labeling by human observers. One promising approach to this enedeavour is \textit{Disentanglement}, which aims at learning the underlying generative latent factors of the data. The factors should also be as human interpretable as possible for the purposes of data discovery. \textit{Unsupervised disentanglement} is a particularly difficult open subset of the problem, which asks the network to learn on its own the generative factors without any link to the true labels. This problem area is currently dominated by two approaches: Variational Autoencoder and Generative Adversarial Network approaches. While GANs have good performance, they suffer from difficulty in training and mode collapse, and while VAEs are stable to train, they do not perform as well as GANs in terms of interpretability. In current state of the art versions of these approaches, the networks require the user to specify the number of factors that we expect to find in the data. This limitation prevents "true" disentanglement, in the sense that learning how many factors is actually one of the tasks we wish the network to solve. In this work we propose a novel network for unsupervised disentanglement that combines the stable training of the VAE with the interpretability offered by GANs without the training instabilities. We aim to disentangle interpretable latent factors "one at a time", or OAT factor learning, making no prior assumptions about the number or distribution of factors, in a completely unsupervised manner. We demonstrate its quantitative and qualitative effectiveness by evaluating the latent representations learned on two benchmark datasets, DSprites and CelebA.
[ 3, 3, 3, 5 ]
[ "Vaishnavi S Patil", "Matthew S Evanusa", "Joseph JaJa" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Identifying Analogies Across Domains
Identifying analogies across domains without supervision is a key task for artificial intelligence. Recent advances in cross domain image mapping have concentrated on translating images across domains. Although the progress made is impressive, the visual fidelity many times does not suffice for identifying the matching sample from the other domain. In this paper, we tackle this very task of finding exact analogies between datasets i.e. for every image from domain A find an analogous image in domain B. We present a matching-by-synthesis approach: AN-GAN, and show that it outperforms current techniques. We further show that the cross-domain mapping task can be broken into two parts: domain alignment and learning the mapping function. The tasks can be iteratively solved, and as the alignment is improved, the unsupervised translation function reaches quality comparable to full supervision.
[ 7, 4, 5 ]
[ "Yedid Hoshen", "Lior Wolf" ]
[ "Lior Wolf", "53" ]
Video Action Segmentation with Hybrid Temporal Networks
Action segmentation as a milestone towards building automatic systems to understand untrimmed videos has received considerable attention in the recent years. It is typically being modeled as a sequence labeling problem but contains intrinsic and sufficient differences than text parsing or speech processing. In this paper, we introduce a novel hybrid temporal convolutional and recurrent network (TricorNet), which has an encoder-decoder architecture: the encoder consists of a hierarchy of temporal convolutional kernels that capture the local motion changes of different actions; the decoder is a hierarchy of recurrent neural networks that are able to learn and memorize long-term action dependencies after the encoding stage. Our model is simple but extremely effective in terms of video sequence labeling. The experimental results on three public action segmentation datasets have shown that the proposed model achieves superior performance over the state of the art.
[ 3, 4, 3 ]
[ "Li Ding", "Chenliang Xu" ]
[ "Chenliang Xu", "25" ]
SABAL: Sparse Approximation-based Batch Active Learning
We propose a novel and general framework (i.e., SABAL) that formulates batch active learning as a sparse approximation problem. SABAL aims to find a weighted subset from the unlabeled data pool such that the corresponding training loss function approximates its full data pool counterpart. We realize the general framework as a sparsity-constrained discontinuous optimization problem that explicitly balances uncertainty and representation for large-scale applications, for which we propose both greedy and iterative hard thresholding schemes. The proposed method can adapt to various settings, including both Bayesian and non-Bayesian neural networks. Numerical experiments show that that SABAL achieves state-of-the-art performance across different settings with lower computational complexity.
[ 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
[ "Maohao Shen", "Bowen Jiang", "Jacky Y. Zhang", "Oluwasanmi O Koyejo" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Bandwidth-based Step-Sizes for Non-Convex Stochastic Optimization
Many popular learning-rate schedules for deep neural networks combine a decaying trend with local perturbations that attempt to escape saddle points and bad local minima. We derive convergence guarantees for bandwidth-based step-sizes, a general class of learning-rates that are allowed to vary in a banded region. This framework includes many popular cyclic and non-monotonic step-sizes for which no theoretical guarantees were previously known. We provide worst-case guarantees for SGD on smooth non-convex problems under several bandwidth-based step sizes, including stagewise $1/\sqrt{t}$ and the popular \emph{step-decay} (``constant and then drop by a constant’’), which is also shown to be optimal. Moreover, we show that its momentum variant converges as fast as SGD with the bandwidth-based step-decay step-size. Finally, we propose novel step-size schemes in the bandwidth-based family and verify their efficiency on several deep neural network training tasks.
[ 5, 3, 5, 6 ]
[ "Xiaoyu Wang", "Mikael Johansson" ]
[ "Mikael Johansson", "44" ]
Federated Robustness Propagation: Sharing Adversarial Robustness in Federated Learning
Federated learning (FL) emerges as a popular distributed learning schema that learns a model from a set of participating users without requiring raw data to be shared. One major challenge of FL comes from heterogeneity in users, which may have distributionally different (or \emph{non-iid}) data and varying computation resources. Just like in centralized learning, FL users also desire model robustness against malicious attackers at test time. Whereas adversarial training (AT) provides a sound solution for centralized learning, extending its usage for FL users has imposed significant challenges, as many users may have very limited training data as well as tight computational budgets, to afford the data-hungry and costly AT. In this paper, we study a novel learning setting that propagates adversarial robustness from high-resource users that can afford AT, to those low-resource users that cannot afford it, during the FL process. We show that existing FL techniques cannot effectively propagate adversarial robustness among \emph{non-iid} users, and propose a simple yet effective propagation approach that transfers robustness through carefully designed batch-normalization statistics. We demonstrate the rationality and effectiveness of our method through extensive experiments. Especially, the proposed method is shown to grant FL remarkable robustness even when only a small portion of users afford AT during learning.
[ 3, 8, 8, 6, 3 ]
[ "Junyuan Hong", "Haotao Wang", "Zhangyang Wang", "Jiayu Zhou" ]
[ "Zhangyang Wang", "51" ]
V4D: 4D Convolutional Neural Networks for Video-level Representation Learning
Most existing 3D CNN structures for video representation learning are clip-based methods, and do not consider video-level temporal evolution of spatio-temporal features. In this paper, we propose Video-level 4D Convolutional Neural Networks, namely V4D, to model the evolution of long-range spatio-temporal representation with 4D convolutions, as well as preserving 3D spatio-temporal representations with residual connections. We further introduce the training and inference methods for the proposed V4D. Extensive experiments are conducted on three video recognition benchmarks, where V4D achieves excellent results, surpassing recent 3D CNNs by a large margin.
[ 3, 6, 6 ]
[ "Shiwen Zhang", "Sheng Guo", "Weilin Huang", "Matthew R. Scott", "Limin Wang" ]
[ "Weilin Huang", "29" ]
On the Equivalence between Positional Node Embeddings and Structural Graph Representations
This work provides the first unifying theoretical framework for node (positional) embeddings and structural graph representations, bridging methods like matrix factorization and graph neural networks. Using invariant theory, we show that relationship between structural representations and node embeddings is analogous to that of a distribution and its samples. We prove that all tasks that can be performed by node embeddings can also be performed by structural representations and vice-versa. We also show that the concept of transductive and inductive learning is unrelated to node embeddings and graph representations, clearing another source of confusion in the literature. Finally, we introduce new practical guidelines to generating and using node embeddings, which further augments standard operating procedures used today.
[ 6, 8, 8 ]
[ "Balasubramaniam Srinivasan", "Bruno Ribeiro" ]
[ "Bruno Ribeiro", "23" ]
Shrinkage-based Bias-Variance Trade-off for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Deep reinforcement learning has achieved remarkable successes in solving various challenging artificial intelligence tasks. A variety of different algorithms have been introduced and improved towards human-level performance. Although technical advances have been developed for each individual algorithms, there has been strong evidence showing that further substantial improvements can be achieved by properly combining multiple approaches with difference biases and variances. In this work, we propose to use the James-Stein (JS) shrinkage estimator to combine on-policy policy gradient estimators which have low bias but high variance, with low-variance high-bias gradient estimates such as those constructed based on model-based methods or temporally smoothed averaging of historical gradients. Empirical results show that our simple shrinkage approach is very effective in practice and substantially improve the sample efficiency of the state-of-the-art on-policy methods on various continuous control tasks.
[ 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "Yihao Feng", "Hao Liu", "Jian Peng", "Qiang Liu" ]
[ "Yihao Feng", "9" ]
Transfer Learning for Related Reinforcement Learning Tasks via Image-to-Image Translation
Deep Reinforcement Learning has managed to achieve state-of-the-art results in learning control policies directly from raw pixels. However, despite its remarkable success, it fails to generalize, a fundamental component required in a stable Artificial Intelligence system. Using the Atari game Breakout, we demonstrate the difficulty of a trained agent in adjusting to simple modifications in the raw image, ones that a human could adapt to trivially. In transfer learning, the goal is to use the knowledge gained from the source task to make the training of the target task faster and better. We show that using various forms of fine-tuning, a common method for transfer learning, is not effective for adapting to such small visual changes. In fact, it is often easier to re-train the agent from scratch than to fine-tune a trained agent. We suggest that in some cases transfer learning can be improved by adding a dedicated component whose goal is to learn to visually map between the known domain and the new one. Concretely, we use Unaligned Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to create a mapping function to translate images in the target task to corresponding images in the source task. These mapping functions allow us to transform between various variations of the Breakout game, as well as between different levels of a Nintendo game, Road Fighter. We show that learning this mapping is substantially more efficient than re-training. A visualization of a trained agent playing Breakout and Road Fighter, with and without the GAN transfer, can be seen in \url{} and \url{}.
[ 7, 7, 4 ]
[ "Shani Gamrian", "Yoav Goldberg" ]
[ "Yoav Goldberg", "47" ]
Learning Compositional Koopman Operators for Model-Based Control
Finding an embedding space for a linear approximation of a nonlinear dynamical system enables efficient system identification and control synthesis. The Koopman operator theory lays the foundation for identifying the nonlinear-to-linear coordinate transformations with data-driven methods. Recently, researchers have proposed to use deep neural networks as a more expressive class of basis functions for calculating the Koopman operators. These approaches, however, assume a fixed dimensional state space; they are therefore not applicable to scenarios with a variable number of objects. In this paper, we propose to learn compositional Koopman operators, using graph neural networks to encode the state into object-centric embeddings and using a block-wise linear transition matrix to regularize the shared structure across objects. The learned dynamics can quickly adapt to new environments of unknown physical parameters and produce control signals to achieve a specified goal. Our experiments on manipulating ropes and controlling soft robots show that the proposed method has better efficiency and generalization ability than existing baselines.
[ 6, 6, 6, 8 ]
[ "Yunzhu Li", "Hao He", "Jiajun Wu", "Dina Katabi", "Antonio Torralba" ]
[ "Antonio Torralba", "116" ]
Fixup Initialization: Residual Learning Without Normalization
Normalization layers are a staple in state-of-the-art deep neural network architectures. They are widely believed to stabilize training, enable higher learning rate, accelerate convergence and improve generalization, though the reason for their effectiveness is still an active research topic. In this work, we challenge the commonly-held beliefs by showing that none of the perceived benefits is unique to normalization. Specifically, we propose fixed-update initialization (Fixup), an initialization motivated by solving the exploding and vanishing gradient problem at the beginning of training via properly rescaling a standard initialization. We find training residual networks with Fixup to be as stable as training with normalization -- even for networks with 10,000 layers. Furthermore, with proper regularization, Fixup enables residual networks without normalization to achieve state-of-the-art performance in image classification and machine translation.
[ 7, 5, 7 ]
[ "Hongyi Zhang", "Yann N. Dauphin", "Tengyu Ma" ]
[ "Tengyu Ma", "49" ]
Sample Efficient Stochastic Policy Extragradient Algorithm for Zero-Sum Markov Game
Two-player zero-sum Markov game is a fundamental problem in reinforcement learning and game theory. Although many algorithms have been proposed for solving zero-sum Markov games in the existing literature, many of them either require a full knowledge of the environment or are not sample-efficient. In this paper, we develop a fully decentralized and sample-efficient stochastic policy extragradient algorithm for solving tabular zero-sum Markov games. In particular, our algorithm utilizes multiple stochastic estimators to accurately estimate the value functions involved in the stochastic updates, and leverages entropy regularization to accelerate the convergence. Specifically, with a proper entropy-regularization parameter, we prove that the stochastic policy extragradient algorithm has a sample complexity of the order $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(\frac{A_{\max}}{\mu_{\text{min}}\epsilon^{5.5}(1-\gamma)^{13.5}})$ for finding a solution that achieves $\epsilon$-Nash equilibrium duality gap, where $A_{\max}$ is the maximum number of actions between the players, $\mu_{\min}$ is the lower bound of state stationary distribution, and $\gamma$ is the discount factor. Such a sample complexity result substantially improves the state-of-the-art complexity result.
[ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "Ziyi Chen", "Shaocong Ma", "Yi Zhou" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Hyperparameter Tuning and Implicit Regularization in Minibatch SGD
This paper makes two contributions towards understanding how the hyperparameters of stochastic gradient descent affect the final training loss and test accuracy of neural networks. First, we argue that stochastic gradient descent exhibits two regimes with different behaviours; a noise dominated regime which typically arises for small or moderate batch sizes, and a curvature dominated regime which typically arises when the batch size is large. In the noise dominated regime, the optimal learning rate increases as the batch size rises, and the training loss and test accuracy are independent of batch size under a constant epoch budget. In the curvature dominated regime, the optimal learning rate is independent of batch size, and the training loss and test accuracy degrade as the batch size rises. We support these claims with experiments on a range of architectures including ResNets, LSTMs and autoencoders. We always perform a grid search over learning rates at all batch sizes. Second, we demonstrate that small or moderately large batch sizes continue to outperform very large batches on the test set, even when both models are trained for the same number of steps and reach similar training losses. Furthermore, when training Wide-ResNets on CIFAR-10 with a constant batch size of 64, the optimal learning rate to maximize the test accuracy only decays by a factor of 2 when the epoch budget is increased by a factor of 128, while the optimal learning rate to minimize the training loss decays by a factor of 16. These results confirm that the noise in stochastic gradients can introduce beneficial implicit regularization.
[ 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Samuel L Smith", "Erich Elsen", "Soham De" ]
[ "Erich Elsen", "22" ]
Transfer of View-manifold Learning to Similarity Perception of Novel Objects
We develop a model of perceptual similarity judgment based on re-training a deep convolution neural network (DCNN) that learns to associate different views of each 3D object to capture the notion of object persistence and continuity in our visual experience. The re-training process effectively performs distance metric learning under the object persistency constraints, to modify the view-manifold of object representations. It reduces the effective distance between the representations of different views of the same object without compromising the distance between those of the views of different objects, resulting in the untangling of the view-manifolds between individual objects within the same category and across categories. This untangling enables the model to discriminate and recognize objects within the same category, independent of viewpoints. We found that this ability is not limited to the trained objects, but transfers to novel objects in both trained and untrained categories, as well as to a variety of completely novel artificial synthetic objects. This transfer in learning suggests the modification of distance metrics in view- manifolds is more general and abstract, likely at the levels of parts, and independent of the specific objects or categories experienced during training. Interestingly, the resulting transformation of feature representation in the deep networks is found to significantly better match human perceptual similarity judgment than AlexNet, suggesting that object persistence could be an important constraint in the development of perceptual similarity judgment in biological neural networks.
[ 5, 6, 7 ]
[5, 4, 3]
[ "Xingyu Lin", "Hao Wang", "Zhihao Li", "Yimeng Zhang", "Alan Yuille", "Tai Sing Lee" ]
[ "Alan Yuille", "107" ]
Multi-label learning with semantic embeddings
Multi-label learning aims to automatically assign to an instance (e.g., an image or a document) the most relevant subset of labels from a large set of possible labels. The main challenge is to maintain accurate predictions while scaling efficiently on data sets with extremely large label sets and many training data points. We propose a simple but effective neural net approach, the Semantic Embedding Model (SEM), that models the labels for an instance as draws from a multinomial distribution parametrized by nonlinear functions of the instance features. A Gauss-Siedel mini-batch adaptive gradient descent algorithm is used to fit the model. To handle extremely large label sets, we propose and experimentally validate the efficacy of fitting randomly chosen marginal label distributions. Experimental results on eight real-world data sets show that SEM garners significant performance gains over existing methods. In particular, we compare SEM to four recent state-of-the-art algorithms (NNML, BMLPL, REmbed, and SLEEC) and find that SEM uniformly outperforms these algorithms in several widely used evaluation metrics while requiring significantly less training time.
[ 4, 4, 5 ]
[4, 4, 4]
[ "Liping Jing", "MiaoMiao Cheng", "Liu Yang", "Alex Gittens", "Michael W. Mahoney" ]
[ "Liping Jing", "22" ]
Convergent Graph Solvers
We propose the convergent graph solver (CGS), a deep learning method that learns iterative mappings to predict the properties of a graph system at its stationary state (fixed point) with guaranteed convergence. The forward propagation of CGS proceeds in three steps: (1) constructing the input-dependent linear contracting iterative maps, (2) computing the fixed points of the iterative maps, and (3) decoding the fixed points to estimate the properties. The contractivity of the constructed linear maps guarantees the existence and uniqueness of the fixed points following the Banach fixed point theorem. To train CGS efficiently, we also derive a tractable analytical expression for its gradient by leveraging the implicit function theorem. We evaluate the performance of CGS by applying it to various network-analytic and graph benchmark problems. The results indicate that CGS has competitive capabilities for predicting the stationary properties of graph systems, irrespective of whether the target systems are linear or non-linear. CGS also shows high performance for graph classification problems where the existence or the meaning of a fixed point is hard to be clearly defined, which highlights the potential of CGS as a general graph neural network architecture.
[ 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Junyoung Park", "Jinhyun Choo", "Jinkyoo Park" ]
[ "Jinhyun Choo", "19" ]
Deep Imitative Models for Flexible Inference, Planning, and Control
Imitation learning provides an appealing framework for autonomous control: in many tasks, demonstrations of preferred behavior can be readily obtained from human experts, removing the need for costly and potentially dangerous online data collection in the real world. However, policies learned with imitation learning have limited flexibility to accommodate varied goals at test time. Model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) offers considerably more flexibility, since a predictive model learned from data can be used to achieve various goals at test time. However, MBRL suffers from two shortcomings. First, the model does not help to choose desired or safe outcomes -- its dynamics estimate only what is possible, not what is preferred. Second, MBRL typically requires additional online data collection to ensure that the model is accurate in those situations that are actually encountered when attempting to achieve test time goals. Collecting this data with a partially trained model can be dangerous and time-consuming. In this paper, we aim to combine the benefits of imitation learning and MBRL, and propose imitative models: probabilistic predictive models able to plan expert-like trajectories to achieve arbitrary goals. We find this method substantially outperforms both direct imitation and MBRL in a simulated autonomous driving task, and can be learned efficiently from a fixed set of expert demonstrations without additional online data collection. We also show our model can flexibly incorporate user-supplied costs at test-time, can plan to sequences of goals, and can even perform well with imprecise goals, including goals on the wrong side of the road.
[ 5, 6, 6 ]
[ "Nicholas Rhinehart", "Rowan McAllister", "Sergey Levine" ]
[ "Sergey Levine", "119" ]
Continuous-Time Flows for Efficient Inference and Density Estimation
Two fundamental problems in unsupervised learning are efficient inference for latent-variable models and robust density estimation based on large amounts of unlabeled data. For efficient inference, normalizing flows have been recently developed to approximate a target distribution arbitrarily well. In practice, however, normalizing flows only consist of a finite number of deterministic transformations, and thus they possess no guarantee on the approximation accuracy. For density estimation, the generative adversarial network (GAN) has been advanced as an appealing model, due to its often excellent performance in generating samples. In this paper, we propose the concept of {\em continuous-time flows} (CTFs), a family of diffusion-based methods that are able to asymptotically approach a target distribution. Distinct from normalizing flows and GANs, CTFs can be adopted to achieve the above two goals in one framework, with theoretical guarantees. Our framework includes distilling knowledge from a CTF for efficient inference, and learning an explicit energy-based distribution with CTFs for density estimation. Experiments on various tasks demonstrate promising performance of the proposed CTF framework, compared to related techniques.
[ 6, 6, 3 ]
[ "Changyou Chen", "Chunyuan Li", "Liqun Chen", "Wenlin Wang", "Yunchen Pu", "Lawrence Carin" ]
[ "Lawrence Carin", "85" ]
Open-Set Recognition: A Good Closed-Set Classifier is All You Need
The ability to identify whether or not a test sample belongs to one of the semantic classes in a classifier's training set is critical to practical deployment of the model. This task is termed open-set recognition (OSR) and has received significant attention in recent years. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the ability of a classifier to make the 'none-of-above' decision is highly correlated with its accuracy on the closed-set classes. We find that this relationship holds across loss objectives and architectures, and further demonstrate the trend both on the standard OSR benchmarks as well as on a large-scale ImageNet evaluation. Second, we use this correlation to boost the performance of the maximum softmax probability OSR 'baseline' by improving its closed-set accuracy, and with this strong baseline achieve state-of-the-art on a number of OSR benchmarks. Similarly, we boost the performance of the existing state-of-the-art method by improving its closed-set accuracy, but the resulting discrepancy with the strong baseline is marginal. Our third contribution is to present the 'Semantic Shift Benchmark' (SSB), which better respects the task of detecting semantic novelty, as opposed to low-level distributional shifts as tackled by neighbouring machine learning fields. On this new evaluation, we again demonstrate that there is negligible difference between the strong baseline and the existing state-of-the-art. Code available at:
[ 8, 6, 8 ]
[ "Sagar Vaze", "Kai Han", "Andrea Vedaldi", "Andrew Zisserman" ]
[ "Andrea Vedaldi", "82" ]
Semantic Hierarchy Emerges in the Deep Generative Representations for Scene Synthesis
Despite the success of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in image synthesis, there lacks enough understanding on what networks have learned inside the deep generative representations and how photo-realistic images are able to be composed from random noises. In this work, we show that highly-structured semantic hierarchy emerges from the generative representations as the variation factors for synthesizing scenes. By probing the layer-wise representations with a broad set of visual concepts at different abstraction levels, we are able to quantify the causality between the activations and the semantics occurring in the output image. Such a quantification identifies the human-understandable variation factors learned by GANs to compose scenes. The qualitative and quantitative results suggest that the generative representations learned by GAN are specialized to synthesize different hierarchical semantics: the early layers tend to determine the spatial layout and configuration, the middle layers control the categorical objects, and the later layers finally render the scene attributes as well as color scheme. Identifying such a set of manipulatable latent semantics facilitates semantic scene manipulation.
[ 6, 3, 6 ]
[ "Ceyuan Yang", "Yujun Shen", "Bolei Zhou" ]
[ "Bolei Zhou", "49" ]
Learning Graphical State Transitions
Graph-structured data is important in modeling relationships between multiple entities, and can be used to represent states of the world as well as many data structures. Li et al. (2016) describe a model known as a Gated Graph Sequence Neural Network (GGS-NN) that produces sequences from graph-structured input. In this work I introduce the Gated Graph Transformer Neural Network (GGT-NN), an extension of GGS-NNs that uses graph-structured data as an intermediate representation. The model can learn to construct and modify graphs in sophisticated ways based on textual input, and also to use the graphs to produce a variety of outputs. For example, the model successfully learns to solve almost all of the bAbI tasks (Weston et al., 2016), and also discovers the rules governing graphical formulations of a simple cellular automaton and a family of Turing machines.
[ 7, 9, 9 ]
[2, 3, 3]
[ "Daniel D. Johnson" ]
[ "Daniel D. Johnson", "5" ]
Simple deductive reasoning tests and numerical data sets for exposing limitation of today's deep neural networks
Learning for Deductive Reasoning is an open problem in the machine learning world today. Deductive reasoning involves storing facts in memory and generation of newer facts over time. The concept of memory, processor and code in deduction systems is fundamentally different from the purpose and formulation of weights in a deep neural network. A majority of the machine learning models are inductive reasoning models including state of the art deep neural networks which are effectively tensor interpolation based models. A step towards realization of memory is through recurrent neural networks and its variants, however the formal representation is not sufficient enough to capture a complex mapping function between input and output patterns. Deep neural networks are positioned to do away with feature engineering which is essentially deductive reasoning methodology. There are existing works in deductive reasoning in neural networks that require learning of syntax, unification and deduction and operate on text data as sequence of tokens. However the performance of deductive reasoning networks is far from perfection which may be either due to syntax or deduction aspects. In this context, we have proposed a suite of completely numeric data sets which do not require parsing as with text data. The 10 data sets are for - (a) selection (3 data sets) - minimum, maximum and top 2nd element in an array of numbers; (b) matching (3 data sets) - duplicate detection, counting and histogram learning; (c) divisibility tests (2 data sets) - divisibility of two numbers and divisibility by 3; (d) representation (2 data sets) - binary representation and parity. Though extremely simple in terms of feature engineering, in all of these tests, simple deep neural networks, random forest and recurrent neural networks have failed with very low accuracies. We propose these as numerical test-bed for testing learning models for deductive reasoning.
[ 3, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ "Kalidas Yeturu", "Manish Kumar Srivastava" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
AdaFuse: Adaptive Temporal Fusion Network for Efficient Action Recognition
Temporal modelling is the key for efficient video action recognition. While understanding temporal information can improve recognition accuracy for dynamic actions, removing temporal redundancy and reusing past features can significantly save computation leading to efficient action recognition. In this paper, we introduce an adaptive temporal fusion network, called AdaFuse, that dynamically fuses channels from current and past feature maps for strong temporal modelling. Specifically, the necessary information from the historical convolution feature maps is fused with current pruned feature maps with the goal of improving both recognition accuracy and efficiency. In addition, we use a skipping operation to further reduce the computation cost of action recognition. Extensive experiments on SomethingV1 & V2, Jester and Mini-Kinetics show that our approach can achieve about 40% computation savings with comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art methods. The project page can be found at
[ 7, 7, 5, 6 ]
[ "Yue Meng", "Rameswar Panda", "Chung-Ching Lin", "Prasanna Sattigeri", "Leonid Karlinsky", "Kate Saenko", "Aude Oliva", "Rogerio Feris" ]
[ "Aude Oliva", "68" ]
Triple-Search: Differentiable Joint-Search of Networks, Precision, and Accelerators
The record-breaking performance and prohibitive complexity of deep neural networks (DNNs) have ignited a substantial need for customized DNN accelerators which have the potential to boost DNN acceleration efficiency by orders-of-magnitude. While it has been recognized that maximizing DNNs' acceleration efficiency requires a joint design/search for three different yet highly coupled aspects, including the networks, adopted precision, and their accelerators, the challenges associated with such a joint search have not yet been fully discussed and addressed. First, to jointly search for a network and its precision via differentiable search, there exists a dilemma of whether to explode the memory consumption or achieve sub-optimal designs. Second, a generic and differentiable joint search of the networks and their accelerators is non-trivial due to (1) the discrete nature of the accelerator space and (2) the difficulty of obtaining operation-wise hardware cost penalties because some accelerator parameters are determined by the whole network. To this end, we propose a Triple-Search (TRIPS) framework to address the aforementioned challenges towards jointly searching for the network structure, precision, and accelerator in a differentiable manner, to efficiently and effectively explore the huge joint search space. Our TRIPS addresses the first challenge above via a heterogeneous sampling strategy to achieve unbiased search with constant memory consumption, and tackles the latter one using a novel co-search pipeline that integrates a generic differentiable accelerator search engine. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate that both TRIPS generated networks and accelerators consistently outperform state-of-the-art (SOTA) designs (including co-search/exploration techniques, hardware-aware NAS methods, and DNN accelerators), in terms of search time, task accuracy, and accelerator efficiency. All codes will be released upon acceptance.
[ 6, 5, 5, 6 ]
[ "Yonggan Fu", "Yongan Zhang", "Haoran You", "Yingyan Lin" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Interpretable Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Privacy Protection
Previous studies have found that an adversary attacker can often infer unintended input information from intermediate-layer features. We study the possibility of preventing such adversarial inference, yet without too much accuracy degradation. We propose a generic method to revise the neural network to boost the challenge of inferring input attributes from features, while maintaining highly accurate outputs. In particular, the method transforms real-valued features into complex-valued ones, in which the input is hidden in a randomized phase of the transformed features. The knowledge of the phase acts like a key, with which any party can easily recover the output from the processing result, but without which the party can neither recover the output nor distinguish the original input. Preliminary experiments on various datasets and network structures have shown that our method significantly diminishes the adversary's ability in inferring about the input while largely preserves the resulting accuracy.
[ 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "Liyao Xiang", "Hao Zhang", "Haotian Ma", "Yifan Zhang", "Jie Ren", "Quanshi Zhang" ]
[ "Quanshi Zhang", "20" ]
Neural Tangents: Fast and Easy Infinite Neural Networks in Python
Neural Tangents is a library for working with infinite-width neural networks. It provides a high-level API for specifying complex and hierarchical neural network architectures. These networks can then be trained and evaluated either at finite-width as usual or in their infinite-width limit. Infinite-width networks can be trained analytically using exact Bayesian inference or using gradient descent via the Neural Tangent Kernel. Additionally, Neural Tangents provides tools to study gradient descent training dynamics of wide but finite networks in either function space or weight space. The entire library runs out-of-the-box on CPU, GPU, or TPU. All computations can be automatically distributed over multiple accelerators with near-linear scaling in the number of devices. In addition to the repository below, we provide an accompanying interactive Colab notebook at
[ 3, 8, 6 ]
[ "Roman Novak", "Lechao Xiao", "Jiri Hron", "Jaehoon Lee", "Alexander A. Alemi", "Jascha Sohl-Dickstein", "Samuel S. Schoenholz" ]
[ "Jascha Sohl-Dickstein", "47" ]
Unsupervised Learning of Goal Spaces for Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration
Intrinsically motivated goal exploration algorithms enable machines to discover repertoires of policies that produce a diversity of effects in complex environments. These exploration algorithms have been shown to allow real world robots to acquire skills such as tool use in high-dimensional continuous state and action spaces. However, they have so far assumed that self-generated goals are sampled in a specifically engineered feature space, limiting their autonomy. In this work, we propose an approach using deep representation learning algorithms to learn an adequate goal space. This is a developmental 2-stage approach: first, in a perceptual learning stage, deep learning algorithms use passive raw sensor observations of world changes to learn a corresponding latent space; then goal exploration happens in a second stage by sampling goals in this latent space. We present experiments with a simulated robot arm interacting with an object, and we show that exploration algorithms using such learned representations can closely match, and even sometimes improve, the performance obtained using engineered representations.
[ 7, 6, 7 ]
[ "Alexandre Péré", "Sébastien Forestier", "Olivier Sigaud", "Pierre-Yves Oudeyer" ]
[ "Pierre-Yves Oudeyer", "45" ]
Multi-Agent Trust Region Learning
Trust-region methods are widely used in single-agent reinforcement learning. One advantage is that they guarantee a lower bound of monotonic payoff improvement for policy optimization at each iteration. Nonetheless, when applied in multi-agent settings, such guarantee is lost because an agent's payoff is also determined by other agents' adaptive behaviors. In fact, measuring agents' payoff improvements in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) scenarios is still challenging. Although game-theoretical solution concepts such as Nash equilibrium can be applied, the algorithm (e.g., Nash-Q learning) suffers from poor scalability beyond two-player discrete games. To mitigate the above measurability and tractability issues, in this paper, we propose Multi-Agent Trust Region Learning (MATRL) method. MATRL augments the single-agent trust-region optimization process with the multi-agent solution concept of stable fixed point that is computed at the policy-space meta-game level. When multiple agents learn simultaneously, stable fixed points at the meta-game level can effectively measure agents' payoff improvements, and, importantly, a meta-game representation enjoys better scalability for multi-player games. We derive the lower bound of agents' payoff improvements for MATRL methods, and also prove the convergence of our method on the meta-game fixed points. We evaluate the MATRL method on both discrete and continuous multi-player general-sum games; results suggest that MATRL significantly outperforms strong MARL baselines on grid worlds, multi-agent MuJoCo, and Atari games.
[ 6, 5, 8, 4 ]
[ "Ying Wen", "Hui Chen", "Yaodong Yang", "Zheng Tian", "Minne Li", "Xu Chen", "Jun Wang" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Robust Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control with Model Misspecification
We provide a framework for incorporating robustness -- to perturbations in the transition dynamics which we refer to as model misspecification -- into continuous control Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. We specifically focus on incorporating robustness into a state-of-the-art continuous control RL algorithm called Maximum a-posteriori Policy Optimization (MPO). We achieve this by learning a policy that optimizes for a worst case, entropy-regularized, expected return objective and derive a corresponding robust entropy-regularized Bellman contraction operator. In addition, we introduce a less conservative, soft-robust, entropy-regularized objective with a corresponding Bellman operator. We show that both, robust and soft-robust policies, outperform their non-robust counterparts in nine Mujoco domains with environment perturbations. In addition, we show improved robust performance on a challenging, simulated, dexterous robotic hand. Finally, we present multiple investigative experiments that provide a deeper insight into the robustness framework; including an adaptation to another continuous control RL algorithm. Performance videos can be found online at
[ 6, 6, 8 ]
[ "Daniel J. Mankowitz", "Nir Levine", "Rae Jeong", "Abbas Abdolmaleki", "Jost Tobias Springenberg", "Yuanyuan Shi", "Jackie Kay", "Todd Hester", "Timothy Mann", "Martin Riedmiller" ]
[ "Martin Riedmiller", "47" ]
Recent semi-supervised learning methods have shown to achieve comparable results to their supervised counterparts while using only a small portion of labels in image classification tasks thanks to their regularization strategies. In this paper, we take a more direct approach for semi-supervised learning and propose learning to impute the labels of unlabeled samples such that a network achieves better generalization when it is trained on these labels. We pose the problem in a learning-to-learn formulation which can easily be incorporated to the state-of-the-art semi-supervised techniques and boost their performance especially when the labels are limited. We demonstrate that our method is applicable to both classification and regression problems including image classification and facial landmark detection tasks.
[ 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Wei-Hong Li", "Chuan-Sheng Foo", "Hakan Bilen" ]
[ "Hakan Bilen", "21" ]
Geometric and Physical Quantities improve E(3) Equivariant Message Passing
Including covariant information, such as position, force, velocity or spin is important in many tasks in computational physics and chemistry. We introduce Steerable E($3$) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks (SEGNNs) that generalise equivariant graph networks, such that node and edge attributes are not restricted to invariant scalars, but can contain covariant information, such as vectors or tensors. Our model, composed of steerable MLPs, is able to incorporate geometric and physical information in both the message and update functions. Through the definition of steerable node attributes, the MLPs provide a new class of activation functions for general use with steerable feature fields. We discuss ours and related work through the lens of equivariant non-linear convolutions, which further allows us to pin-point the successful components of SEGNNs: non-linear message aggregation improves upon classic linear (steerable) point convolutions; steerable messages improve upon recent equivariant graph networks that send invariant messages. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on several tasks in computational physics and chemistry and provide extensive ablation studies.
[ 6, 6, 6, 8, 6, 1 ]
[ "Johannes Brandstetter", "Rob Hesselink", "Elise van der Pol", "Erik J Bekkers", "Max Welling" ]
[ "Max Welling", "79" ]
EMaQ: Expected-Max Q-Learning Operator for Simple Yet Effective Offline and Online RL
Off-policy reinforcement learning (RL) holds the promise of sample-efficient learning of decision-making policies by leveraging past experience. However, in the offline RL setting -- where a fixed collection of interactions are provided and no further interactions are allowed -- it has been shown that standard off-policy RL methods can significantly underperform. Recently proposed methods often aim to address this shortcoming by constraining learned policies to remain close to the given dataset of interactions. In this work, we closely investigate an important simplification of BCQ~\citep{fujimoto2018off} -- a prior approach for offline RL -- which removes a heuristic design choice and naturally restrict extracted policies to remain \emph{exactly} within the support of a given behavior policy. Importantly, in contrast to their original theoretical considerations, we derive this simplified algorithm through the introduction of a novel backup operator, Expected-Max Q-Learning (EMaQ), which is more closely related to the resulting practical algorithm. Specifically, in addition to the distribution support, EMaQ explicitly considers the number of samples and the proposal distribution, allowing us to derive new sub-optimality bounds which can serve as a novel measure of complexity for offline RL problems. In the offline RL setting -- the main focus of this work -- EMaQ matches and outperforms prior state-of-the-art in the D4RL benchmarks~\citep{fu2020d4rl}. In the online RL setting, we demonstrate that EMaQ is competitive with Soft Actor Critic (SAC). The key contributions of our empirical findings are demonstrating the importance of careful generative model design for estimating behavior policies, and an intuitive notion of complexity for offline RL problems. With its simple interpretation and fewer moving parts, such as no explicit function approximator representing the policy, EMaQ serves as a strong yet easy to implement baseline for future work.
[ 6, 6, 6, 4 ]
[ "Seyed Kamyar Seyed Ghasemipour", "Dale Schuurmans", "Shixiang Gu" ]
[ "Shixiang Gu", "28" ]
Universal Stagewise Learning for Non-Convex Problems with Convergence on Averaged Solutions
Although stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method and its variants (e.g., stochastic momentum methods, AdaGrad) are algorithms of choice for solving non-convex problems (especially deep learning), big gaps still remain between the theory and the practice with many questions unresolved. For example, there is still a lack of theories of convergence for SGD and its variants that use stagewise step size and return an averaged solution in practice. In addition, theoretical insights of why adaptive step size of AdaGrad could improve non-adaptive step size of SGD is still missing for non-convex optimization. This paper aims to address these questions and fill the gap between theory and practice. We propose a universal stagewise optimization framework for a broad family of non-smooth non-convex problems with the following key features: (i) at each stage any suitable stochastic convex optimization algorithms (e.g., SGD or AdaGrad) that return an averaged solution can be employed for minimizing a regularized convex problem; (ii) the step size is decreased in a stagewise manner; (iii) an averaged solution is returned as the final solution. % that is selected from all stagewise averaged solutions with sampling probabilities increasing as the stage number. Our theoretical results of stagewise {\ada} exhibit its adaptive convergence, therefore shed insights on its faster convergence than stagewise SGD for problems with slowly growing cumulative stochastic gradients. To the best of our knowledge, these new results are the first of their kind for addressing the unresolved issues of existing theories mentioned earlier. Besides theoretical contributions, our empirical studies show that our stagewise variants of SGD, AdaGrad improve the generalization performance of existing variants/implementations of SGD and AdaGrad.
[ 8, 6, 6 ]
[ "Zaiyi Chen", "Zhuoning Yuan", "Jinfeng Yi", "Bowen Zhou", "Enhong Chen", "Tianbao Yang" ]
[ "Enhong Chen", "54" ]
Frequency-aware SGD for Efficient Embedding Learning with Provable Benefits
Embedding learning has found widespread applications in recommendation systems and natural language modeling, among other domains. To learn quality embeddings efficiently, adaptive learning rate algorithms have demonstrated superior empirical performance over SGD, largely accredited to their token-dependent learning rate. However, the underlying mechanism for the efficiency of token-dependent learning rate remains underexplored. We show that incorporating frequency information of tokens in the embedding learning problems leads to provably efficient algorithms, and demonstrate that common adaptive algorithms implicitly exploit the frequency information to a large extent. Specifically, we propose (Counter-based) Frequency-aware Stochastic Gradient Descent, which applies a frequency-dependent learning rate for each token, and exhibits provable speed-up compared to SGD when the token distribution is imbalanced. Empirically, we show the proposed algorithms are able to improve or match the performance of adaptive algorithms on benchmark recommendation tasks and a large-scale industrial recommendation system, closing the performance gap between SGD and adaptive algorithms. Our results are the first to show token-dependent learning rate provably improves convergence for non-convex embedding learning problems.
[ 8, 6, 6, 6 ]
[ "Yan Li", "Dhruv Choudhary", "Xiaohan Wei", "Baichuan Yuan", "Bhargav Bhushanam", "Tuo Zhao", "Guanghui Lan" ]
[ "Guanghui Lan", "34" ]
Signing the Supermask: Keep, Hide, Invert
The exponential growth in numbers of parameters of neural networks over the past years has been accompanied by an increase in performance across several fields. However, due to their sheer size, the networks not only became difficult to interpret but also problematic to train and use in real-world applications, since hardware requirements increased accordingly. Tackling both issues, we present a novel approach that either drops a neural network's initial weights or inverts their respective sign. Put simply, a network is trained by weight selection and inversion without changing their absolute values. Our contribution extends previous work on masking by additionally sign-inverting the initial weights and follows the findings of the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis. Through this extension and adaptations of initialization methods, we achieve a pruning rate of up to 99%, while still matching or exceeding the performance of various baseline and previous models. Our approach has two main advantages. First, and most notable, signed Supermask models drastically simplify a model's structure, while still performing well on given tasks. Second, by reducing the neural network to its very foundation, we gain insights into which weights matter for performance. The code is available on GitHub.
[ 6, 8, 5, 5 ]
[ "Nils Koster", "Oliver Grothe", "Achim Rettinger" ]
[ "Achim Rettinger", "24" ]
How Do Vision Transformers Work?
The success of multi-head self-attentions (MSAs) for computer vision is now indisputable. However, little is known about how MSAs work. We present fundamental explanations to help better understand the nature of MSAs. In particular, we demonstrate the following properties of MSAs and Vision Transformers (ViTs): (1) MSAs improve not only accuracy but also generalization by flattening the loss landscapes. Such improvement is primarily attributable to their data specificity, not long-range dependency. On the other hand, ViTs suffer from non-convex losses. Large datasets and loss landscape smoothing methods alleviate this problem; (2) MSAs and Convs exhibit opposite behaviors. For example, MSAs are low-pass filters, but Convs are high-pass filters. Therefore, MSAs and Convs are complementary; (3) Multi-stage neural networks behave like a series connection of small individual models. In addition, MSAs at the end of a stage play a key role in prediction. Based on these insights, we propose AlterNet, a model in which Conv blocks at the end of a stage are replaced with MSA blocks. AlterNet outperforms CNNs not only in large data regimes but also in small data regimes. The code is available at
[ 8, 8, 5, 8 ]
[ "Namuk Park", "Songkuk Kim" ]
[ "Songkuk Kim", "7" ]
Classifier-agnostic saliency map extraction
Extracting saliency maps, which indicate parts of the image important to classification, requires many tricks to achieve satisfactory performance when using classifier-dependent methods. Instead, we propose classifier-agnostic saliency map extraction, which finds all parts of the image that any classifier could use, not just one given in advance. We observe that the proposed approach extracts higher quality saliency maps and outperforms existing weakly-supervised localization techniques, setting the new state of the art result on the ImageNet dataset.
[ 4, 5, 4 ]
[ "Konrad Zolna", "Krzysztof J. Geras", "Kyunghyun Cho" ]
[ "Kyunghyun Cho", "76" ]
Bounding and Counting Linear Regions of Deep Neural Networks
In this paper, we study the representational power of deep neural networks (DNN) that belong to the family of piecewise-linear (PWL) functions, based on PWL activation units such as rectifier or maxout. We investigate the complexity of such networks by studying the number of linear regions of the PWL function. Typically, a PWL function from a DNN can be seen as a large family of linear functions acting on millions of such regions. We directly build upon the work of Mont´ufar et al. (2014), Mont´ufar (2017), and Raghu et al. (2017) by refining the upper and lower bounds on the number of linear regions for rectified and maxout networks. In addition to achieving tighter bounds, we also develop a novel method to perform exact numeration or counting of the number of linear regions with a mixed-integer linear formulation that maps the input space to output. We use this new capability to visualize how the number of linear regions change while training DNNs.
[ 6, 4, 6 ]
[ "Thiago Serra", "Christian Tjandraatmadja", "Srikumar Ramalingam" ]
[ "Srikumar Ramalingam", "31" ]
Analytic-DPM: an Analytic Estimate of the Optimal Reverse Variance in Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) represent a class of powerful generative models. Despite their success, the inference of DPMs is expensive since it generally needs to iterate over thousands of timesteps. A key problem in the inference is to estimate the variance in each timestep of the reverse process. In this work, we present a surprising result that both the optimal reverse variance and the corresponding optimal KL divergence of a DPM have analytic forms w.r.t. its score function. Building upon it, we propose \textit{Analytic-DPM}, a training-free inference framework that estimates the analytic forms of the variance and KL divergence using the Monte Carlo method and a pretrained score-based model. Further, to correct the potential bias caused by the score-based model, we derive both lower and upper bounds of the optimal variance and clip the estimate for a better result. Empirically, our analytic-DPM improves the log-likelihood of various DPMs, produces high-quality samples, and meanwhile enjoys a $20\times$ to $80\times$ speed up.
[ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 ]
[ "Fan Bao", "Chongxuan Li", "Jun Zhu", "Bo Zhang" ]
[ "Chongxuan Li", "12" ]
Variational Predictive Routing with Nested Subjective Timescales
Discovery and learning of an underlying spatiotemporal hierarchy in sequential data is an important topic for machine learning. Despite this, little work has been done to explore hierarchical generative models that can flexibly adapt their layerwise representations in response to datasets with different temporal dynamics. Here, we present Variational Predictive Routing (VPR) – a neural probabilistic inference system that organizes latent representations of video features in a temporal hierarchy, based on their rates of change, thus modeling continuous data as a hierarchical renewal process. By employing an event detection mechanism that relies solely on the system’s latent representations (without the need of a separate model), VPR is able to dynamically adjust its internal state following changes in the observed features, promoting an optimal organisation of representations across the levels of the model’s latent hierarchy. Using several video datasets, we show that VPR is able to detect event boundaries, disentangle spatiotemporal features across its hierarchy, adapt to the dynamics of the data, and produce accurate time-agnostic rollouts of the future. Our approach integrates insights from neuroscience and introduces a framework with high potential for applications in model-based reinforcement learning, where flexible and informative state-space rollouts are of particular interest.
[ 6, 6, 6, 8 ]
[ "Alexey Zakharov", "Qinghai Guo", "Zafeirios Fountas" ]
[ "Zafeirios Fountas", "7" ]
Improving Mutual Information Estimation with Annealed and Energy-Based Bounds
Mutual information (MI) is a fundamental quantity in information theory and machine learning. However, direct estimation of MI is intractable, even if the true joint probability density for the variables of interest is known, as it involves estimating a potentially high-dimensional log partition function. In this work, we present a unifying view of existing MI bounds from the perspective of importance sampling, and propose three novel bounds based on this approach. Since a tight MI bound without density information requires a sample size exponential in the true MI, we assume either a single marginal or the full joint density information is known. In settings where the full joint density is available, we propose Multi-Sample Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) bounds on MI, which we demonstrate can tightly estimate large values of MI in our experiments. In settings where only a single marginal distribution is known, we propose Generalized IWAE (GIWAE) and MINE-AIS bounds. Our GIWAE bound unifies variational and contrastive bounds in a single framework that generalizes InfoNCE, IWAE, and Barber-Agakov bounds. Our MINE-AIS method improves upon existing energy-based methods such as MINE-DV and MINE-F by directly optimizing a tighter lower bound on MI. MINE-AIS uses MCMC sampling to estimate gradients for training and Multi-Sample AIS for evaluating the bound. Our methods are particularly suitable for evaluating MI in deep generative models, since explicit forms of the marginal or joint densities are often available. We evaluate our bounds on estimating the MI of VAEs and GANs trained on the MNIST and CIFAR datasets, and showcase significant gains over existing bounds in these challenging settings with high ground truth MI.
[ 8, 6, 8 ]
[ "Rob Brekelmans", "Sicong Huang", "Marzyeh Ghassemi", "Greg Ver Steeg", "Roger Baker Grosse", "Alireza Makhzani" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experimental Design Platform with Data- and Time-Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization
We present AutoOED, an Automated Optimal Experimental Design platform powered by machine learning to accelerate discovering solutions with optimal objective trade-offs. To solve expensive multi-objective problems in a data-efficient manner, we implement popular multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MOBO) algorithms with state-of-the-art performance in a modular framework. To further accelerate the optimization in a time-efficient manner, we propose a novel strategy called Believer-Penalizer (BP), which allows batch experiments to be accelerated asynchronously without affecting performance. AutoOED serves as a testbed for machine learning researchers to quickly develop and evaluate their own MOBO algorithms. We also provide a graphical user interface (GUI) for users with little or no experience with coding, machine learning, or optimization to visualize and guide the experiment design intuitively. Finally, we demonstrate that AutoOED can control and guide real-world hardware experiments in a fully automated way without human intervention.
[ 5, 5, 5, 6 ]
[ "Yunsheng Tian", "Mina Konakovic Lukovic", "Michael Foshey", "Timothy Erps", "Beichen Li", "Wojciech Matusik" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Bandit Learning with Joint Effect of Incentivized Sampling, Delayed Sampling Feedback, and Self-Reinforcing User Preferences
In this paper, we consider a new multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework motivated by three common complications in online recommender systems in practice: (i) the platform (learning agent) cannot sample an intended product directly and has to incentivize customers to select this product (e.g., promotions and coupons); (ii) customer feedbacks are often received later than their selection times; and (iii) customer preferences among products are influenced and reinforced by historical feedbacks. From the platform's perspective, the goal of the MAB framework is to maximize total reward without incurring excessive incentive costs. A major challenge of this MAB framework is that the loss of information caused by feedback delay complicates both user preference evolution and arm incentivizing decisions, both of which are already highly non-trivial even by themselves. Toward this end, we first propose a policy called ``UCB-Filtering-with-Delayed-Feedback'' (UCB-FDF) policy for this new MAB framework. In our analysis, we consider delayed feedbacks that can have either arm-independent or arm-dependent distributions. In both cases, we allow unbounded support for the random delays, i.e., the random delay can be infinite. We show that the delay impacts in both cases can still be upper bounded by an additive penalty on both the regret and total incentive costs. This further implies that logarithmic regret and incentive cost growth rates are achievable under this new MAB framework. Experimental results corroborate our theoretical analysis on both regret and incentive costs.
[ 6, 6, 5, 6 ]
[ "Tianchen Zhou", "Jia Liu", "Chaosheng Dong", "Yi Sun" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Zero-Shot Recognition through Image-Guided Semantic Classification
We present a new visual-semantic embedding method for generalized zero-shot learning. Existing embedding-based methods aim to learn the correspondence between an image classifier (visual representation) and its class prototype (semantic representation) for each class. Inspired by the binary relevance method for multi-label classification, we learn the mapping between an image and its semantic classifier. Given an input image, the proposed Image-Guided Semantic Classification (IGSC) method creates a label classifier, being applied to all label embeddings to determine whether a label belongs to the input image. Therefore, a semantic classifier is image conditioned and is generated during inference. We also show that IGSC is a unifying framework for two state-of-the-art deep-embedding methods. We validate our approach with four standard benchmark datasets.
[ 3, 4, 3, 4 ]
[ "Mei-Chen Yeh", "Fang Li", "Bo-Heng Li" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Untangle: Critiquing Disentangled Recommendations
The core principle behind most collaborative filtering methods is to embed users and items in latent spaces, where individual dimensions are learned independently of any particular item attributes. It is thus difficult for users to control their recommendations based on particular aspects (critiquing). In this work, we propose Untangle: a recommendation model that gives users control over the recommendation list with respect to specific item attributes, (e.g.:less violent, funnier movies) that have a causal relationship in user preferences. Untangle uses a refined training procedure by training (i) a (partially) supervised β-VAE that disentangles the item representations and (ii) a second phase which optimized to generate recommendations for users. Untangle gives control on critiquing recommendations based on users preferences, without sacrificing on recommendation accuracy. Moreover only a tiny fraction of labeled items is needed to create disentangled preference representations over attributes.
[ 5, 4, 4, 5 ]
[ "Preksha Nema", "Alexandros Karatzoglou", "Filip Radlinski" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Fidelity-based Deep Adiabatic Scheduling
Adiabatic quantum computation is a form of computation that acts by slowly interpolating a quantum system between an easy to prepare initial state and a final state that represents a solution to a given computational problem. The choice of the interpolation schedule is critical to the performance: if at a certain time point, the evolution is too rapid, the system has a high probability to transfer to a higher energy state, which does not represent a solution to the problem. On the other hand, an evolution that is too slow leads to a loss of computation time and increases the probability of failure due to decoherence. In this work, we train deep neural models to produce optimal schedules that are conditioned on the problem at hand. We consider two types of problem representation: the Hamiltonian form, and the Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) form. A novel loss function that scores schedules according to their approximated success probability is introduced. We benchmark our approach on random QUBO problems, Grover search, 3-SAT, and MAX-CUT problems and show that our approach outperforms, by a sizable margin, the linear schedules as well as alternative approaches that were very recently proposed.
[ 8, 9, 6, 6 ]
[ "Eli Ovits", "Lior Wolf" ]
[ "Lior Wolf", "25" ]
A Uniform Generalization Error Bound for Generative Adversarial Networks
This paper focuses on the theoretical investigation of unsupervised generalization theory of generative adversarial networks (GANs). We first formulate a more reasonable definition of general error and generalization bounds for GANs. On top of that, we establish a bound for generalization error with a fixed generator in a general weight normalization context. Then, we obtain a width-independent bound by applying $\ell_{p,q}$ and spectral norm weight normalization. To better understand the unsupervised model, GANs, we establish the generalization bound, which uniformly holds with respect to the choice of generators. Hence, we can explain how the complexity of discriminators and generators contribute to generalization error. For $\ell_{p,q}$ and spectral weight normalization, we provide explicit guidance on how to design parameters to train robust generators. Our numerical simulations also verify that our generalization bound is reasonable.
[ 1, 3, 3 ]
[ "Hao Chen", "Zhanfeng Mo", "Qingyi Gao", "Zhouwang Yang", "Xiao Wang" ]
[ "None", "0" ]
Group-Connected Multilayer Perceptron Networks
Despite the success of deep learning in domains such as image, voice, and graphs, there has been little progress in deep representation learning for domains without a known structure between features. For instance, a tabular dataset of different demographic and clinical factors where the feature interactions are not given as a prior. In this paper, we propose Group-Connected Multilayer Perceptron (GMLP) networks to enable deep representation learning in these domains. GMLP is based on the idea of learning expressive feature combinations (groups) and exploiting them to reduce the network complexity by defining local group-wise operations. During the training phase, GMLP learns a sparse feature grouping matrix using temperature annealing softmax with an added entropy loss term to encourage the sparsity. Furthermore, an architecture is suggested which resembles binary trees, where group-wise operations are followed by pooling operations to combine information; reducing the number of groups as the network grows in depth. To evaluate the proposed method, we conducted experiments on five different real-world datasets covering various application areas. Additionally, we provide visualizations on MNIST and synthesized data. According to the results, GMLP is able to successfully learn and exploit expressive feature combinations and achieve state-of-the-art classification performance on different datasets.
[ 3, 3, 3 ]
[ "Mohammad Kachuee", "Sajad Darabi", "Shayan Fazeli", "Majid Sarrafzadeh" ]
[ "Majid Sarrafzadeh", "58" ]
Understanding the role of importance weighting for deep learning
The recent paper by Byrd & Lipton (2019), based on empirical observations, raises a major concern on the impact of importance weighting for the over-parameterized deep learning models. They observe that as long as the model can separate the training data, the impact of importance weighting diminishes as the training proceeds. Nevertheless, there lacks a rigorous characterization of this phenomenon. In this paper, we provide formal characterizations and theoretical justifications on the role of importance weighting with respect to the implicit bias of gradient descent and margin-based learning theory. We reveal both the optimization dynamics and generalization performance under deep learning models. Our work not only explains the various novel phenomenons observed for importance weighting in deep learning, but also extends to the studies where the weights are being optimized as part of the model, which applies to a number of topics under active research.
[ 7, 7, 7, 7 ]
[ "Da Xu", "Yuting Ye", "Chuanwei Ruan" ]
[ "Yuting Ye", "15" ]