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2204653 | 2,204,653 | Manufacturing of Transparent Composites Using Vacuum Infusion Process | A novel optically-transparent glass fibre reinforced polymer matrix composite has been developed by infusing a clear epoxy resin system of matching refractive index into a conventional E-glass fabric preform. Transparent composites are manufactured using a low cost, environmentally friendly vacuum infusion process. Physical and mechanical tests have been conducted. Transparent composites manufactured using the modified vacuum infusion process had a fibre volume fraction of 40%. Tensile strength and tensile modulus of these composites were 374.9 MPa and 31.74 GPa respectively. The results indicate that the transparent composites possess good physical and mechanical properties. These transparent composites form a good base for developing new generation transparent armour systems. | [
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"Materials science"
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96607791 | 96,607,791 | Arylamination of 1,2,5-Thiadiazol-3-yl Trifluoromethanesulfonate | [
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129261373 | 129,261,373 | Form and internal structure of active-layer detachment slides, Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada | Three recent shallow landslides over permafrost are described. Slides occur in low- to medium-plasticity clays containing some bands of silts and fine sands. Slope failure results from rapid thaw at the base of the active layer of soil that is ice-rich due to antecedent two-sided freezing. Displaced slide blocks retain their integrity because of hardening of the active layer by cryodesiccation and summer evaporation. Blocks move over a soft basal shear zone a few millimetres to several centimetres thick. Compression in the toe zone of slides is low at sites where runout is possible, but in other locations causes emergent shears and complex folding. Failure histories are varied and range from simple unitary slides to complex sequential failures in which active-layer segments are mobilized progressively higher up the slope. This study demonstrates the importance of active-layer thermal and hydrological regimes, in addition to material properties, in determining the mode of slope failure. | [
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"Environmental science"
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150622017 | 150,622,017 | The Case for Non-CPA Ownership: A Roundup of Practitioners' Opinions on Why Change Is Needed | How can CPAs keep pace in a rapidly changing business environment? For many, the answer lies in expanding the array of services that firms offer. "If you look at the Jenkins and Elliott committees and the thrusts they're taking (see THE JENKINS AND ELLIOTT COMMITTEES), at what's happening technologically, at the reengineering that's taking place in corporations; if you believe what you read about traditional, historical financial information losing its relevancy; if you look at what clients are demanding from us in the marketplace, it's clear that a lot of what we'll be doing in the future really is tangential to our attest services," says Ronald Cohen, partner in charge of Crowe, Chizek & Co.'s South Bend, Indiana, office and vice-chair of the board of the American Institute of CPAs. For Cohen, branching out into other fields is "not so much an economic issue in terms of the viability of firms but a matter of listening to clients and giving them what they really want. If we can serve clients better, we're serving the public better. And what clients really want--in addition to the attest services--are a lot of other services that can be provided by people other than CPAs." In numerous cases, to offer better service CPA firms have employed professionals from other disciplines. But how can the profession attract and keep these skilled outsiders if they are not allowed to be full owners of CPA firms? How can it ensure their services will meet the same standards of quality that CPAs do? After lengthy study and debate, the AICPA governing council last May overwhelmingly approved a measure permitting those who are not CPAs to be equity owners of CPA firms in some cases (see highlights of the resolution in the THE RESOLUTION: KEY POINTS). In this article, members of the profession speak out on why they favor non-CPA ownership. CHANGING TIMES "There has been a change away from the traditional approach for CPAs firms," says Jerry Sestak, immediate past president of the Nebraska Society of CPAs. Nebraska earlier this year became the first state to allow partial non-CPA ownership of accounting firms. "The profession is going to have to move into the 21st century," says Sestak, who is a partner of Seim, Johnson, Sestak & Quist, an 8-partner Omaha-based firm. "We're going away from a pure product environment and more into management services. I think allowing non-CPA ownership will help facilitate that." Sestak reports no radical changes in his state so far. "I don't think there's been a big rush to hire non-CPAs, but I think it will become more and more prevalent in the tax, computer and actuarial science areas." Sestak has non-CPAs on his own staff, including a nurse who's part of the firm's health care practice. "We'd certainly like the opportunity and flexibility to offer ownership to a non-CPA in the future." Keeping options open also was on the mind of Crowe, Chizek's Cohen, who led an AICPA task force charged with resolving the issue of non-CPA ownership. "Years ago, before computers, CPAs did all kinds of systems work," he says. "Now, as computers become more and more sophisticated, we're still working on accounting systems, but data processing work doesn't require a CPA. Do we give up that area or do we go out and find the resources to offer the same kinds of services in a more sophisticated environment?" Finding those resources sometimes means looking outside of the profession. "In much of the business we do outside the attest function, the person needs expertise that requires education and experience, but he or she doesn't necessarily need audit experience," says Marilyn Pendergast, shareholder and chief operating officer of Urbach Kahn & Werlin, Albany, New York, and president of the New York State Society of CPAs. "For example, tax, computers and employee benefits are highly specialized and have their own body of knowledge. I don't think specialists in those areas have to become CPAs and know about the attest function to qualify to become owners. … | [
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129848412 | 129,848,412 | CRITERIA FOR RECOGNITION OF LAHARIC BRECCIAS, SOUTHERN CASCADE MOUNTAINS, WASHINGTON | Comparison of properties of laharic (volcanic mudflow) and pyroclastic breccias leads to the conclusion that two described volcanic breccias near Mt. Rainier, Washington originated as lahars. The two volcanic-breccia deposits are typical of many breccias within a thick andesitic series (Eocene-Oligocene), suggesting that rapid denudation of nearby volcanoes was an important process in the accumulation of the lower Tertiary andesitic material within the southern Cascade Mountains of Washington. | [
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146713675 | 146,713,675 | Small Group Instruction for Students With Autism | A multiple-probe design across response chains and students was used to evaluate the combined instructional effects of progressive time delay, general case training, and observational learning on the food and drink preparation skills of three children with autism. All instruction was delivered in a group learning arrangement. The data suggested that these students acquired and maintained the targeted skills through the use of these instructional techniques. In addition, students were able to acquire response chains by observing the other student in the group and appeared to generalize the acquired skills to similar response chains. The implications for future research are discussed. | [
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227323400 | 227,323,400 | New poetry of Mexico | [
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204881569 | 204,881,569 | Integrate GWAS, eQTL, and mQTL Data to Identify Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Genes | It is estimated that the impact of related genes on the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is nearly 70%. Identifying candidate causal genes can help treatment and diagnosis. The maturity of sequencing technology and the reduction of cost make genome-wide association study (GWAS) become an important means to find disease-related mutation sites. Because of linkage disequilibrium (LD), neither the gene regulated by SNP nor the specific SNP can be determined. Because GWAS is affected by sample size and interaction, we introduced empirical Bayes (EB) to make a meta-analysis of GWAS to greatly eliminate the bias caused by sample and the interaction of SNP. In addition, most SNPs are in the noncoding region, so it is not clear how they relate to phenotype. In this paper, expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) studies and methylation quantitative trait locus (mQTL) studies are combined with GWAS to find the genes associated with Alzheimer disease in expression levels by pleiotropy. Summary data-based Mendelian randomization (SMR) is introduced to integrate GWAS and eQTL/mQTL data. Finally, we prioritized 274 significant SNPs, which belong to 20 genes by eQTL analysis and 379 significant SNPs, which belong to seven known genes by mQTL. Among them, 93 SNPs and 2 genes are overlapped. Finally, we did 10 case studies to prove the effectiveness of our method. | [
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123966701 | 123,966,701 | Benford’s law and cross-sections of A(n,[FORMULA])B reactions | Benford’s law, also called the first-digit law, states that in lists of numbers from many quite disparate databases, the leading digit is distributed in a non-uniform but actually logarithmic way. We have investigated the first-digit distribution of experimental cross-sections of A(n,[FORMULA])B reactions. In the case of below-barrier [FORMULA] -particle emission from compound nucleus, it is found that the (n,[FORMULA]) reaction cross-sections approximately follow the first-digit distribution indicated by Benford’s law. The origin of this first-digit distribution is discussed within the framework of the statistical model. In addition, Benford’s law is used to test the evaluated cross-sections of A(n,[FORMULA])B reactions. | [
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24106605 | 24,106,605 | Sorption isotherms of brominated diphenyl ethers on natural soils with different organic carbon fractions. | Sorption isotherms of BDE-28 and BDE-47 on natural soils with different contents of soil organic matter (SOM) were investigated. Due to low water solubility of BDEs and resulted narrow ranges of aqueous equilibrium concentration, the linear distribution model showed similar and good fitting efficiency to the linear portion of nonlinear Freundlich curve. For the same sample, the linear and nonlinear model fitting sorption coefficients were close. At the statistically significant level of 0.05 or 0.1, significant relationships of total organic carbon fraction (fOC) with the fitting sorption coefficients can be observed. As for BDE-28, the relationships of fOC and SOM fractions with the single point partition coefficients at different aqueous concentrations of BDEs were significant; while for BDE-47, the relationships became less significant or insignificant, especially at higher aqueous concentrations. The findings in this study may facilitate more understanding on transport and fate of studied BDEs in soil systems. | [
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"Environmental science"
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4166406 | 4,166,406 | Assessing the economic burden of injuries due to accidents: methodological problems illustrated with some examples from the literature. | This paper provides a survey of methodological problems encountered in an assessment of the economic consequences of accidents in The Netherlands. A sound epidemiological basis for such calculations appears to be lacking due to inadequate data-registration systems. We also discuss some studies of the economic costs of injuries due to accidents for other countries, which have used either a prevalence or an incidence-based approach. It is highlighted that they may be helpful in indicating the relative economic burden posed on society but that they cannot guide priority setting in health care resource allocation. Economic evaluation studies using incidence-based scenario comparisons may be more promising in that respect. | [
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"Political science"
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119190740 | 119,190,740 | First Science with SAMI: A Serendipitously Discovered Galactic Wind in ESO 185-G031 | We present the first scientific results from the Sydney-AAO Multi-Object IFS (SAMI) at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This unique instrument deploys 13 fused fiber bundles (hexabundles) across a one-degree field of view allowing simultaneous spatially resolved spectroscopy of 13 galaxies. During the first SAMI commissioning run, targeting a single galaxy field, one object (ESO 185-G031) was found to have extended minor axis emission with ionization and kinematic properties consistent with a large-scale galactic wind. The importance of this result is twofold: (1) fiber bundle spectrographs are able to identify low surface brightness emission arising from extranuclear activity and (2) such activity may be more common than presently assumed because conventional multi-object spectrographs use single-aperture fibers and spectra from these are nearly always dominated by nuclear emission. These early results demonstrate the extraordinary potential of multi-object hexabundle spectroscopy in future galaxy surveys. | [
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87251953 | 87,251,953 | Amplification of Full-length cDNA of Papaya Ringspot Virus of Hainan Strain | To determine the complete nucleotide sequence of Papaya ringspot virus of Hainan isolate,an efficient method was developed to amplify the full-length cDNA of PRSV.Total RNA was extracted by RNAprep Pure Plant Kit from susceptible papaya leaves.The first strand synthesis using Oligo-dT and random nine primers was carried out,which catalyzed by AMV Reverse Transcriptase.The full-length cDNA of PRSV was amplified by using an optimized PCR.Both A and B segment were generated and cloned using the amplified full-length cDNA segment as the template.The sequence of the full-length of PRSV of Hainan isolate was given in this paper. | [
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"Agricultural and Food sciences"
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36564350 | 36,564,350 | Acute pulmonary inflammation is inhibited in CXCR3 knockout mice after short-term cigarette smoke exposure | AbstractAim:CXCR3, via binding its specific ligand CXCL10, plays an important role in cigarette smoke (CS)-induced pulmonary inflammation. CXCR3 is preferentially expressed in activated T cells (chiefly CD8+ T cells). The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of CXCR3 in CS-induced pulmonary injury using CXCR3 gene-deficient (CXCR3−/−) mice.Methods:Differences in the infiltration of inflammatory cells and CD8+ T cells and the expression of inflammatory mediators and chemokines in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lungs at the mRNA and protein levels were compared between CXCR3−/− mice and wild-type (WT) mice at 2 h after 3 d of CS exposure.Results:Compared with their WT counterparts, the CXCR3−/− mice showed alleviated inflammation, as evidenced by fewer inflammatory cells, particularly cytotoxic CD8+ T cells, in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung tissues. At both the mRNA and protein levels, there were significantly lower levels of inflammatory and chemotactic cytokines, including TNF-α, interleukin-8, interferon-γ, transforming growth factor-β1, and CXCL10 in the CXCR3−/− mice.Conclusion:Our data show that CXCR3 is important in recruiting inflammatory cells (particularly CD8+ T cells) into the airways and lungs, as well as initiating inflammatory and fibrotic cytokines release at 2 h following a short-term CS insult. CXCR3 could be a novel target for the treatment of pulmonary inflammation induced by CS. | [
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119074316 | 119,074,316 | PopIII-star siblings in IZw18 and WRs in metal-poor galaxies unveiled from integral field spectroscopy | Here we highlight our recent results from the IFS study of Mrk178, the closest metal-poor WR galaxy, and of IZw18, the most metal-poor star-forming galaxy known in the local Universe. The IFS data of Mrk178 show the importance of aperture effects on the search for WR features, and the extent to which physical variations in the ISM properties can be detected. Our IFS data of IZw18 reveal its entire nebular HeII4686-emitting region, and indicate for the first time that peculiar, very hot (nearly) metal-free ionizing stars (called here PopIII-star siblings) might hold the key to the HeII-ionization in IZw18. | [
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368690 | 368,690 | Multimedia Document Search on the Web | While pages on the Web contain more and more multimedia information, such as images, videos and audio, today's search engines are mostly based on textual information. There is an emerging need for a new generation of search engines that try to exploit the full multimedia information present on the Web. The approach presented in this paper is based on a multimedia model intended to describe the various multimedia components, their structure and their relationships with a pre-defined taxonomy of concepts, in order to support the information retrieval process. | [
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"Computer science"
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156531991 | 156,531,991 | Yearbook of the United Nations 1947-48. | [
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"Political science"
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119931133 | 119,931,133 | Mixture experiments with process variables: D-optimal orthogonal experimental designs | Blending experiments with mixture in the presence of process variables are considered. We present an experimental design for quadratic (or linear) blending. The design in two orthogonal blocks is D-optimized in the case where there are no restrictions on the blending in two orthogonal blocks is presented when there are arbitrary restrictions on the blending components. The pair of orthogonal blocks can be used with and arbitrary number of process variables. The number of design points needed when different orthogonal blocks are used is usually smaller than when a single block is repeated at the various process variables levels. | [
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89828397 | 89,828,397 | バイオガスプラントからの乳酸酸生成細菌の単離【Powered by NICT】 | [
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97447510 | 97,447,510 | A NEW METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF ISOCYANATES FROM METHYL THIOCARBAMATES BY THE USE OF 2-CHLOROBENZOXAZOLIUM SALT | Treatment of methyl thiocarbamates with 2-chloro-3-ethylbenzoxazolium tetrafluoroborate and triethylamine at room temperature affords isocyanates in good yields under neutral condition. | [
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157626294 | 157,626,294 | The Impact of ‘Stop‐Go’ Demand Management Policy on Britain's Consumer Durables Industries, 1952–65 | We examine the impacts of British government stop-go policy on domestic sales of consumer durables over 1952 - 1965, via hire purchase restrictions and punitive Purchase Tax rates. Our analysis includes a general review of contemporary evidence regarding the impacts of these measures, a more detailed study of the television sector, and time-series econometric analysis for both televisions and a representative high-ticket labour-saving consumer durable washing machines. We find that the restrictions had devastating impacts on Britain's consumer durables industries, preventing firms from fully exploiting economies of scale, reducing output growth and international competitiveness, and eroding industrial relations. Government officials were aware of these problems, but considered them a price worth paying to facilitate moves towards sterling convertibility and the re-establishment of the City as a leading financial and trading centre. | [
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131904066 | 131,904,066 | Fire dynamics under monsoonal climate in Yunnan, SW China: past, present and future | Abstract Climate change is likely to alter wildfire regimes, but the significance of climate-driven factors in regional fire regimes over extended temporal scales is poorly understood. Comparison of the reconstructed fire dynamics from charcoals in sediments with modern active fires may provide clues about the drivers of wildfire activities, and help us validate models of fire activity for both the past and the future. Microscopic charcoals from Miocene sediments in Wenshan Basin (Yunnan, southwestern China), were used to reconstruct fire dynamics in deep time. Palaeoclimatic data were obtained from the previous quantitative reconstruction using pollen samples from a sedimentary sequence. The relationship between palaeoclimatic parameters and the ratio of charcoals during the Miocene was explored, and compared with maximum entropy (Maxent) model results throughout different time periods. Our results indicate that the temperature in the dry season was the main factor controlling the frequency of fire in Wenshan during the Miocene. Maxent modeling results based on the modern active fire dataset of Yunnan Province from NASA Earth observations are consistent with the results from fossil sediment analysis, that dry season temperature is the main driver of fire activity. Our findings suggest a significant fire-temperature relationship under the monsoonal climate since the Neogene. Furthermore, models suggest that the last-glacial maximum (LGM) had lower levels of fire activity than present, which increased during the Holocene prior to reaching present levels. Models also predict increases in fire activity across most of Yunnan in the future. | [
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"Environmental science",
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121784454 | 121,784,454 | SU‐GG‐I‐64: MicroCT‐Based Methods of Assessing Imaging Dose to Active Marrow and Endosteum in CT, Fluoroscopy, and Nuclear Medicine | Purpose: To present newly developed microCT‐based methods for assessing radiation dose to radiosensitive tissues of the skeleton within computational patient phantoms for CT,fluoroscopy, and nuclear medicine imaging.Methods and Materials: In this study, 13 skeletal sites were harvested from a 40‐year male and a 45‐year female cadaver from which 32 samples of trabecular spongiosa were cored from each and imaged under microCT. These images were thresholded and coupled to voxelized models of skeletal sites taken from the UF adult hybrid phantoms. EGSnrc‐based Paired ImageRadiationTransport was then performed for a series of monogenetic electrons localized in various spongiosa and cortical source tissues. The resultant electron absorbed fractions were used to assess (1) radionuclide S values for nuclear medicinedosimetry, and (2) bone‐specific fluence‐to‐dose response functions for CT and fluoroscopic x‐ray dosimetry.Results: Radionuclide S values presented in this study uniquely account for the trabecular microstructure of adult bone, account for the finite size and shape of trabecular spongiosa, and allow for electron cross‐fire from particle emissions within the cortical regions of mineral bone. For assessment of bone marrow and endosteum dose during CTimaging and fluoroscopic procedures, a detailed library of photon fluence‐to‐dose response functions is presented for assessing both regional and skeletal average dose to active marrow and endosteum. Conclusions: Calculations of secondary electrontransport in the microstructure of trabecular spongiosa of the adult skeleton reveal an enhancement of dose due to secondary electron disequilibrium for x‐rays entering the skeleton at energies below 200 keV. Percent excess dose to active marrow over that predicted under the kerma approximation range from 1–5% in bones such as the pelvis to a high of 25% in the cranium. Percent excess dose to the skeletal endosteum can approach 100% in some bone sites over that predicted by the kerma approximation. | [
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120455099 | 120,455,099 | Control of parameters of solid-state industrial YAG:Nd3+ laser radiation using methods of adaptive optics. II. Spherical adaptive mirror | A design of a spherical controlled bimorph mirror is described and the results of studies of its basic characteristics are given. | [
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123046945 | 123,046,945 | The General Relation Between the Mean and the Mode for a Discontinuous Variate | [
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101142191 | 101,142,191 | Comparison of fluidized and fixed bed operations for hydrogen production from methane decomposition | The effect of reaction modes,i.e.fluidized bed and fixed bed operations,on catalyst life for hydrogen production from methane decomposition was investigated over a 75Ni15Cu10Al catalyst and a 2Co1Al catalyst.Pure methane was used as the feed.The results showed that the apparent reaction rate in the fluidized bed was much higher than that in the fixed bed,indicating that in the fixed bed the reaction was transport-controlled.The carbon formed was characterized with TEM technique,and the results showed that the size of metal particles increased with rising reaction temperature,and at the same reaction temperature the size of metal particles on the catalyst in the fixed bed was larger than that on the catalyst in the fluidized bed,signifying that fluidized bed reactor is beneficial to preventing the sintering of active metals. | [
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"Environmental science"
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11543140 | 11,543,140 | Effects of endothelin ETA receptor blocker LU 135252 on cardiac remodeling and survival in a hypertensive rat model of chronic heart failure | AbstractAim:To investigate whether the endothelin ETA receptor blocker provides similar benefit on cardiac remodeling and survival in a hypertensive rat model of chronic heart failure (CHF).Methods:Male stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHR-SP) rats were subjected to permanent ligation of the left coronary artery and were treated for 6 weeks with the endothelin ETA receptor blocker LU 135252 (30 mg·kg−1·d−1) starting 24 h after ligation or untreatment. Sham-operated rats served as normal controls. The mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), left ventricular contractility (LV dp/dtmax), left ventricular inner diameter (LVD) and circumference (LVC), septal thickness, left ventricular interstitial collagen content (ICC) and heart weight (HW) were measured at the end of the treatment.Results:Compared with the untreated group, LU 135252 tended to increase HW (1.43 ± 0.03 vs 1.38 ±0.04 g; P>0.05), increased LVD (7.65±0.24 mm vs 6.58±0.14 mm; P<0.05), markedly increased LVC (30.11±0.83 mm vs 24.82±0.85 mm; P<0.01) and reduced left ventricular ICC (3.79%±0.09% vs 6.71%±0.11%; P<0.01), slightly lowered MAP (132±6 mmHg vs 142±4 mmHg; P>0.05), reduced LVEDP (14 4 mmHg vs 27±4 mmHg; P<0.05) and improved LV dp/dtmax(4230±450 mmHg/s vs 1950±400 mmHg/s; P<0.05); survival was not prolonged significantly (13% vs 11%; P=NS).Conclusion:In this hypertensive rat model of CHF, chronic endothelin ETA receptor blockade with LU 135252 improves cardiac hemodynamics, however, it does not affect long-term survival and worsens cardiac remodeling. Thus, endothelin ETA receptor antagonists are unlikely to have an important role in the management of patients with CHF. | [
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163692020 | 163,692,020 | Joseph Black, ed.The Martin Marprelate Tracts: A Modernized and Annotated Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. cxvi + 315 pp. index. illus. bibl. $150. ISBN: 978–0–521–87579–0. | [
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22127801 | 22,127,801 | Measuring and modeling nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle feedlot manure management: First assessments under Brazilian condition | Intensive beef production has increased during recent decades in Brazil and may substantially increase both methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from manure management. However, the quantification of these gases and methods for extrapolating them are scarce in Brazil. A case study examines CH4 and N2O emissions from one typical beef cattle feedlot manure management continuum in Brazil and the applicability of Manure-DNDC model in predicting these emissions for better understand fluxes and mitigation options. Measurements track CH4 and N2O emissions from manure excreted in one housing floor holding 21 animals for 78 days, stockpiled for 73 days and field spread (360 kg N ha−1). We found total emissions (CH4 + N2O) of 0.19 ± 0.10 kg CO2eq per kg of animal live weight gain; mostly coming from field application (73%), followed housing (25%) and storage (2%). The Manure-DNDC simulations were generally within the statistical deviation ranges of the field data, differing in −28% in total emission. Large uncertainties in measurements showed the model was more accurate estimating the magnitude of gases emissions than replicate results at daily basis. Modeled results suggested increasing the frequency of manure removal from housing, splitting the field application and adopting no-tillage system is the most efficient management for reducing emissions from manure (up to about 75%). Since this work consists in the first assessment under Brazilian conditions, more and continuous field measurements are required for decreasing uncertainties and improving model validations. However, this paper reports promising results and scientific perceptions for the design of further integrated work on farm-scale measurements and Manure-DNDC model development for Brazilian conditions. | [
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"Agricultural and Food sciences"
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145295968 | 145,295,968 | Derivatives of Place Names | This study is an attempt to find out whether it is predictable for a given place name to combine with a given suffix in forming nominal and/or adjectival derivatives. It has examined over 300 place names, including all the country names, U.S. state names and a limited number of city and region names. The result points to several locally applicable tendencies rather than generally applicable rules. For example, place names of Teutonic language backgrounds are most likely to take -er, as in Berlin>Berliner, and place names of Indo-Iranian language backgrounds tend to take -i, as in Kuwait>Kuwaiti. It is suggested that a comprehensive study of the subject requires extensive field work as well as intensive investigation of the data, which is beyond the scope of this paper | [
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97748250 | 97,748,250 | Analysis of buffer-impurity and field-plate effects on breakdown characteristics in small-sized AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors | The two-dimensional analysis of breakdown characteristics in field-plate AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors with a relatively short gate length and short gate-to-drain distances is performed by considering a deep donor and a deep acceptor in a buffer layer. It is shown that when the acceptor density in the buffer layer is high, the breakdown voltage is determined by the impact ionization of carriers, and it can decrease with increasing the field-plate length. This is because the distance between the field-plate edge and the drain becomes very short and the electric field there becomes very high. On the other hand, when the acceptor density in the buffer layer is relatively low, the buffer leakage current becomes very large and this can determine the breakdown voltage, which becomes very low. In this case, the breakdown voltage increases with increasing the field-plate length. | [
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"Materials science"
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128746049 | 128,746,049 | Magnetostratigraphy and tephrochronology of an upper Pliocene to Holocene record in lake sediments at Tulelake, northern California | Combined paleomagnetic and tephra chronologies of one of the most complete middle Pliocene through Holocene stratigraphic records yet recovered in western North America provide a reference section for much of northwestern North America and adjacent Pacific Ocean. Five long drill cores of lacustrine sediments at Tulelake, northern California, recovered a nearly continuous 331-m-thick record spanning the past 3 m.y. The Brunhes Normal-Polarity, Matuyama Reversed-Polarity, and Gauss Normal-Polarity Chronozones are recognized; within these, the Jaramillo, Olduvai, Reunion(?), and Kaena(?) Subchronozones are present. Six short stratigraphic intervals exhibit anomalous remanent inclinations that may record excursions and brief subchrons within the Brunhes and Matuyama Chronozones. Age estimates suggest correlation of five of the anomalous intervals with (1) one of the Biwa excursions at about 18,000 yr B.P., (2) the Mono Lake excursion at about 27,000 yr B.P., (3) the Blake Reversed-Polarity Subchron at about 114,000 yr B.P., (4) the Kamikatsura Normal-Polarity Subchron at about 850,000 yr B.P., and (5) the Cobb Mountain Normal-Polarity Subchron at about 1.10 Ma. Age of the sixth interval of anomalous inclination is broadly constrained between 117,000 and 180,000 yr B.P. Sixty-three individual tephra layers were characterized by electron-microprobe and X-ray fluorescence analyses of volcanic glass shards. Identified tephra of relatively well known age include (1) the basal airfall pumice at Llao Rock, 7015 yr B.P.; (2) the Trego Hot Springs Bed, 23,400 yr B.P.; (3) the Olema ash bed, between 55,000 and 75,000 yr B.P.; (4) the airfall pumice at Cloudcap Road ("Pumice Castle-like tephra 2"), about 120,000 yr B.P.; (5) the Rockland ash bed, about 410,000 yr B.P.; (6) the Lava Creek-B ash bed, 620,000 yr B.P.; (7) the Rio Dell ash bed, about 1.45 Ma; and (8) the Bear Gulch ash bed, about 1.9 Ma. A sedimentation-rate curve based on independently dated tephra and polarity reversals is used to infer age estimates of undated or previously unidentified ash beds. Some of these ash beds are found over large areas of the western United States and eastern Pacific Ocean basin and provide widespread horizons for correlation. Most of the tephra at Tulelake records eruptions from the nearby southern and central Cascade Range of Oregon and northern California, and the Medicine Lake Highland of northern California. Deposition took place during most of the past 3 m.y. within the Tulelake basin; notable periods of slow or sporadic accumulation, or erosion, occurred between about 620,000 and 200,000 yr B.P. and between about 2.5 and 2.1 Ma. Rapid deposition occurred during marine oxygen-isotope stage 6, between about 170 and 125 ka. Regional volcanism during the past 3 m.y. was markedly episodic, with notable volcanic activity from about 2.1 to 1.9 Ma and from 0.4 Ma to the present. | [
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9974607 | 9,974,607 | Geometric-phase interference in a Mn12 single-molecule magnet with fourfold rotational symmetry. | We study the magnetic relaxation rate Γ of the single-molecule magnet Mn(12)-tBuAc as a function of the magnetic field component H(T) transverse to the molecule's easy axis. When the spin is near a magnetic quantum tunneling resonance, we find that Γ increases abruptly at certain values of H(T). These increases are observed just beyond values of H(T) at which a geometric-phase interference effect suppresses tunneling between two excited energy levels. The effect is washed out by rotating H(T) away from the spin's hard axis, thereby suppressing the interference effect. Detailed numerical calculations of Γ using the known spin Hamiltonian accurately reproduce the observed behavior. These results are the first experimental evidence for geometric-phase interference in a single-molecule magnet with true fourfold symmetry. | [
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121206262 | 121,206,262 | Pioneer of Quantum Mechanics, Max Born, Dies in Göttingen | [
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21500973 | 21,500,973 | Flexible stop and double-cascaded stop to improve shock reliability of MEMS accelerometer | Abstract Flexible stop could provide shock protection for MEMS accelerometer. By modeling and simulation, the paper studied the response of a closed-loop MEMS accelerometer with stop under shock of different amplitudes and pulse width. Contact force plays an important role and the shock response shows strong nonlinearity due to the contact mechanism. A kind of double-cascaded stop is proposed to mitigate high-frequency shock failure. MEMS accelerometers with flexible stop and with double-cascaded stop are both designed and fabricated based on SOG (silicon on glass) technology. Compared with shock tests of accelerometers with hard cylinder stop, flexible stop could withstand more than 1e4 g shock with about 100 μs pulse width. Double-cascaded stop is more robust to high frequency shock. | [
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144462631 | 144,462,631 | Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Reassembling Social Security: A Survey of Pensions and Health Care Reforms in Latin America (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. xxvi+453, £75.00, hb. | They’re On Our Side : The United States and Right-wing Dictatorships, 1921–1965. Finally, the secondary sources are extraordinarily dated. For a book published in 2007, the latest work cited in the bibliography is from 1995, one of perhaps half a dozen sources from the 1990s. Thus, fascinating studies such as Frederick Pike’s 1995 work, FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy : Sixty Years of Generally Gentle Chaos are nowhere to be found. Of more concern is the narrowness of the primary research. Despite the fact that Franklin Roosevelt figures prominently in the book’s title, no work was undertaken at the Roosevelt Presidential Library. The papers of Cordell Hull in the Library of Congress are also untouched. And although the decimal files for Nicaragua are scoured with some enthusiasm, other collections such as the Records of the Office of American Republic Affairs, 1918–47, Records of the Deputy Assistant Secretaries of State for Inter-American Affairs, and other rich sources in Record Group 59 are ignored. The complete lack of sources from the Nicaraguan side is also troubling, since much of Crawley’s thesis rests on the notion that Nicaraguan politicians and parties were highly influenced by the United States’ action (or inaction). Andrew Crawley has produced a fairly well written book with some interesting ideas. The serious gaps in both the primary and secondary research undertaken by the author, however, seriously compromise the main thesis and reduce the monograph’s overall contributions to the field. | [
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"Political science"
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146968474 | 146,968,474 | Yet Another Empirical Test of the Relationship between Self-Actualization and Moral Judgment | The focus of this study was the discrepancy noted in previous investigations of both positive and negative correlations between self-actualization and principled moral judgment when measured on the main scale of the Personal Orientation Inventory and the Defining Issues Tests. The same tests were administered to 90 undergraduate and continuing education students with special attention to the contingent variable, response style. Low correlations resulted. | [
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15341706 | 15,341,706 | The Bochner measure and holomorphic extension of elemenrary spherical functions | In this paper we determine the Bochner measure for spherical functions on a semi-simple Lie group of rank one. | [
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163456780 | 163,456,780 | Re-Editing Shakespeare for the Modern Reader.Stanley WellsPlay-Texts in Old Spelling. | [
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53758 | 53,758 | Superlattice/superladder computational organization for linear prediction and optimal FIR filtering | A family of computational organizations for the solution of the Toeplitz systems appearing in the digital signal processing (DSP) techniques of linear prediction and optimal FIR filtering is presented. All these organizations are based on a structure called superlattice which governs the Toeplitz solving procedure and provides many possible implementations. Algorithmic schemes for the implementation of these organizations, suitable for single-processor and multiprocessor environments, are developed. Among them there are order recursive algorithms, parallel-algorithms of O(p) complexity which use O(p) processing elements, and partitioned-parallel algorithms. The last can make full use of any number of available, parallel-working processors, independently of the system order. Superlattice-type algorithms are described for many Toeplitz-based problems. > | [
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145208874 | 145,208,874 | Social Ideologies in Grade Eight Students' Conversation and Narrative Writing. | Abstract This study uses systemic functional linguistics and the related critical discourse analysis to examine intertextual links between four eighth-grade students’ talk in informal conversations as they generated ideas for the characters of their narrative writing. Data sources included classroom observations, students’ drafts and polished writing, student and teacher interviews, and the informal conversations among the two girls and two boys as they generated character descriptions. Our analysis of the interpersonal relationships showed that all the students participated in advancing topics for discussion and supported each other relatively evenly. In terms of the ideological content of the talk, we found that students negotiated gender ideologies along with ideologies of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age. Our use of critical discourse analysis opened up space for identifying gender fairness and equity in classrooms through complicating gender relationships within students’ interactions around writing. | [
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158096122 | 158,096,122 | Understanding relationships among ecosystem services across spatial scales and over time | [
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"Environmental science"
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201919708 | 201,919,708 | Magnesium Sulfate for Control of Eclampsia: Do Indian Women Need Lower Doses? | Background: Pritchard regime is considered the benchmark for control of convulsions in patients with eclampsia. Indian patients with smaller body mass may require smaller doses of Magnesium sulfate. Aims: To compare the efficacy of low dose magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) regimen in eclampsia with standard Pritchard’s regimen. Materials and methods: A total of 60 patients presenting with eclampsia were recruited and randomly divided into two groups: Group A: 30 patients who received standard Pritchard’s regime and Group B: 30 patients who were given low dose MgSO4. The outcome was measured in terms of effectiveness in control of convulsions and magnesium related toxicity. Results: Overall success rate was 100% with a low dose regimen as compared to 93.3% with Pritchard’s regimen. Failure to control convulsions was noted in two patients on Pritchard’s regimen group as compared to none on a low dose regimen (p <0.01). No difference was observed among study groups with respect to the type of delivery (p <0.59). Maternal complications were higher in cases receiving Pritchard’s regimen: loss of knee jerk (30% vs. 16.7%), oliguria (16.7% vs. 10%) and postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) (23.3% vs. 16.7%). However, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: A lower dose of magnesium sulfate is equally efficient with fewer complications as compared to the standard dose regimen in the management of eclampsia. | [
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1977473 | 1,977,473 | Fibroblast involvement in soft connective tissue calcification | Soft connective tissue calcification is not a passive process, but the consequence of metabolic changes of local mesenchymal cells that, depending on both genetic and environmental factors, alter the balance between pro- and anti-calcifying pathways. While the role of smooth muscle cells and pericytes in ectopic calcifications has been widely investigated, the involvement of fibroblasts is still elusive. Fibroblasts isolated from the dermis of pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) patients and of patients exhibiting PXE-like clinical and histopathological findings offer an attractive model to investigate the mechanisms leading to the precipitation of mineral deposits within elastic fibers and to explore the influence of the genetic background and of the extracellular environment on fibroblast-associated calcifications, thus improving the knowledge on the role of mesenchymal cells on pathologic mineralization. | [
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162216957 | 162,216,957 | In Search of J. D. Salinger (review) | [
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166691733 | 166,691,733 | Embraer joins the new generation club | The Brazilian manufacturer is the latest to develop a new generation of aircraft. Dickon Harris and Geoff Hearn look at how competitive its new family will be. | [
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223561964 | 223,561,964 | Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa (El Ulises de América) | [
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113268937 | 113,268,937 | IDENTIFICATION OF PHYSICAL PARAMETERS BY MULTI-SCALE PARAMETER KALMAN FILTER | An efficient multi-scale parameter Kalman filter method is proposed for identification of the physical parameters. The ratio of signal to noise is increased in low scale by orthogonal wavelet transform. The measurement data is decomposed by orthogonal wavelet function and the state and measurement equations can be resolved into different scales. The physical parameters of a dynamic system are estimated by parameter Kalman filter method in different scales. The theoretical analysis and numerical simulations indicate that the identification of system parameters in multi-scale is more efficient than in single scale. | [
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24424760 | 24,424,760 | A simple assay method for determination of the specific radioactivity of the gamma-phosphate group of 32P-labelled ATP. | A simple and rapid assay method is described for determining the specific radioactivity of the gamma-phosphate group of 32P-labelled ATP. Labelled ATP is incubated with cyclic AMP, cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and histone H2A under conditions leading to maximum phosphorylation of the histone. The specific radioactivity of the gamma-phosphate group of the 32P-labelled ATP is calculated from the total amount of [32P]Pi incorporated into a standard amount of histone. This assay method uses inexpensive commercially available materials, and it yields an accurate specific radioactivity with as little as 0.25 nmol of 32P-labelled ATP. | [
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"Computer science"
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132753029 | 132,753,029 | Regioselective Solid‐Phase Synthesis of Peptide Analogues Containing 3,4‐ or 3,5‐Disubstituted Isoxazole as s‐cis or s‐trans Peptide Bond Mimics | [
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1674637 | 1,674,637 | Distributed Combat System of Systems Network Modeling | How to generate the topology model of Distributed combat System of Systems network is an important issue in combat analysis. A combat network construction algorithm was proposed to solve the problem. The improved hierarchy network evolving method was used to construct the command and control network, and the combat network generation algorithm was developed by the growth and local priority connections of new node joining into the command network. And then the analytical expression of the degree distribution of the network model was deduced via the mean-field theory method . Finally, the network model was analyzed according to the topology statistical parameters. The analyzing results show that under the same command span, though the command network topology doesn’t change when command level was increased, but the topology performance of the combat network is improved. This is in line with actual combat network ; the comparison of degree distribution of analytical results and simulation results indicated that the degree distribution of network model we proposed follows a power law distribution, with exponential value depending on the initial number of command and control network and the number of nodes connected to the rest of the network , verifying the validity of the algorithm model . | [
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"Computer science"
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95638355 | 95,638,355 | Transport and deposition of organochlorine pesticides from farmland to estuary under tropical regime and their potential risk to aquatic biota | In this study, residues of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in water, suspended particulate matter (SPM), sediment and oysters from the Chanthaburi estuary were monitored closely in the wet and dry seasons for determining potential environmental risks. In water samples, out of twenty OCPs measured, endosulfan and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) were the two predominant compounds ranging and concentrations between 0.6–13 ng/L and 1–12 ng/L, respectively. Both compounds were found in higher concentrations during the wet season. The two insecticides were significantly correlated with total organic carbon (TOC) in the water with r values of 0.571 (P < 0.05) and 0.440 (P < 0.1), for endosulfan and HCHs respectively suggesting that these chemicals are strongly bound and concentrated by water-soluble organic carbon. As expected, high concentrations of endosulfan and HCHs were associated with SPM and in the surface sediment (0–5 cm) with a concentration ranging from 25–1,219 μ g/kg dry wt and 19–110 μ g/kg dry wt for SPM, 4–70 μ g/kg dry wt and 0.5–50 μ g/kg dry wt for surface sediment, respectively. Sediment quality of the Chanthaburi estuary was also assessed in terms of risk to aquatic biota using concentration found in the sediment compared to published allowable threshold levels (U.S. EPA and New York guidelines). Results suggested that most of endosulfan and HCHs levels in sediment samples exceeded the threshold values. Thus potential and environmental risks may be anticipated from levels found in sediment. Oyster from selected farms cultured at the study area appeared to take up both endosulfan and HCHs in proportion to level presented in the water and SPM. The range of endosulfan and HCHs observed in oyster tissue were from 4–46 μ g/kg wet wt, and from non-detectable to 8 μ g/kg wet wt. respectively. Human risk from oyster consumption was considered by comparing the value measured with allowable threshold level of concerned chemical. The levels of endofulfan and HCHs measured in oyster showed that oysters from this estuary area were safe for consumption. | [
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"Agricultural and Food sciences"
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23428521 | 23,428,521 | Pharmacy Education in Vietnam | Pharmacy education programs in Vietnam are complex and offer various career pathways. All include theory and laboratory modules in general, foundation, and pharmaceutical knowledge; placements in health facilities; and a final examination. The various pharmacy degree programs allow specialization in 1 or more of 5 main fields: (1) drug management and supply, (2) drug development and production, (3) pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, (4) traditional medicine and pharmacognosy, and (5) drug quality control, which are offered as main specialization options during the reformed undergraduate and postgraduate programs. However, pharmacy education in Vietnam in general remains product oriented and clinical pharmacy training has not received adequate attention. Only students who have obtained the bachelor of pharmacy degree, which requires a minimum of 5 years of study, are considered as fully qualified pharmacists. In contrast, an elementary diploma in pharmacy awarded after 1 year of pharmacy study permits entry into more junior pharmacy positions. Since the 2000s, there has been a surge in the number and types of schools offering pharmacy qualifications at various levels. | [
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216524798 | 216,524,798 | Geology, geochronology, and fluid inclusion studies of the Xiaorequanzi volcanogenic massive sulphide Cu–Zn deposit in the East Tianshan Terrane, China | The Xiaorequanzi Cu–Zn deposit is in the westernmost part of East Tianshan, NW China. Aiming to better understand the genesis of the mineral deposits in East Tianshan and their relationship with th... | [
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"Environmental science"
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73523978 | 73,523,978 | An argument against the necessity of unrestricted composition | Many metaphysicians accept the view that, necessarily, any collection of things composes some further thing. Necessarily, my arms, legs, head, and torso compose my body; necessarily, my arms, my heart, and the table compose something y; necessarily, my heart and the sun compose something z; and so on. Though there have been a few recent attempts to argue against the necessity of this principle of unrestricted composition the consensus is that if it is true, it is necessarily true. In what follows I will join the few dissenters and argue that this principle of unrestricted composition is not necessarily true. If I am right, it follows that either some principle of restricted composition is necessarily true or the existence of composite objects is a contingent matter. I will end by indicating why the latter option seems the most plausible. I proceed by reductio. Assume the following: | [
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23143474 | 23,143,474 | Detection of alcohol use in the second trimester among low-income pregnant women in the prenatal care settings in Jefferson County, Alabama. | BACKGROUND
Prenatal alcohol use, a leading preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities, remains a prevalent public health concern in the United States. This study aims to detect the proportion and correlates of prenatal alcohol use in the prenatal care settings in Alabama. Prenatal care settings were chosen because of their potential as stable locations to screen for and to reduce prenatal alcohol use within a community.
We conducted a cross-sectional study of 3,046 women in the 22 and 23 weeks of gestation who sought prenatal care in 8 community-based public clinics and participated in the Perinatal Emphasis Research Center project in Jefferson County, Alabama, from 1997 to 2001. Frequency and quantity of alcohol use in the past 3 months were assessed by research nurses during face-to-face interviews. We conducted logistic regression analyses to calculate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of correlates of prenatal alcohol use.
Participants were predominantly young, African American, and unmarried, 86.5% on Medicaid. The proportion of alcohol use in the second trimester of pregnancy was 5.1%; 0.3% of women reported 4 or more drinks on a drinking day to research nurses. Older maternal age (OR = 1.11; 95% CI = 1.08 to 1.15), use of welfare (OR = 1.43; 95% CI = 1.02 to 2.02), and male partner-perpetrated violence (OR = 2.96; 95% CI = 1.92 to 4.56) were positively associated with elevated risk of prenatal alcohol use. Protective factors included higher levels of self-esteem (OR = 0.94; 95% CI = 0.89 to 0.98) and more years of education (OR = 0.88; 95% CI = 0.78 to 0.98).
Prenatal alcohol use remains a public health issue among low-income pregnant women in Jefferson County, Alabama. Research nurses detected it in the second trimester. Future studies need to encourage screening for prenatal alcohol use in the prenatal care settings by obstetrician-gynecologists, family physicians, nurses, and midwives. Combined interventions to educate and empower women and strengthen families are needed. | [
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18140653 | 18,140,653 | Teacher Shortages, Teacher Contracts and Their Impact on Education in Africa | Primary school enrolment rates are very low in francophone Africa. In order to enhance education supply, manycountries have launched large teacher recruitment programmes in recent years, whereby teachers are no longer engaged on civil servant positions, but on the basis of (fixed-term) contracts typically implying considerably lower salaries and a sharply reduced duration of professional training. While this policy has led to a boost of primary enrolment, there is a concern about a loss in the quality of education. In this paper we analyse the impact on educational quality, by estimating nonparametrically the quantile treatment effects for Niger, Togo and Mali, based on very informative data, comparable across these countries. We find that contract teachers do relatively better for low ability children in low grades than for high ability children in higher grades. When positive treatment effects were found, they tended to be more positive at the low to medium quantiles; when negative effects were found they tended to be more pronounced at the high ability quantiles. Hence, overall it seems that contract teachers do a relatively better job for teaching students with learning difficulties than for teaching the ‘more advanced' children. This implies that contract teachers tend to reduce inequalities in student outcomes. At the same time, we also observe clear differences between the countries. We find that, overall, effects are positive in Mali, somewhat mixed in Togo (with positive effects in 2nd and negative effects in 5th grade) and negative in Niger. This ordering is consistent with theoretical expectations derived from a closer examination of the different ways of implementation of the contract teacher programme in the three countries. In Mali and, to some extent, in Togo, the contract teacher system works more through the local communities. This may have led to closer monitoring and more effective hiring of contract teachers. In Niger, the system was changed in a centralized way with all contract teachers being public employees, so that there is no reason to expect much impact on local monitoring. In addition, the extremely fast hiring of huge numbers of contract teachers may also have contributed to relatively poor performance in Niger. These results are expected to be relevant for other sub-Saharan African countries, too, as well as for the design of new contract teacher programmes in the future. | [
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95715258 | 95,715,258 | Total Synthesis of Carbazole Alkaloids – Ekeberginine, Harmandianamine A, and Furanoclausamine B | The anionic [4 + 2] annulation of 3-substituted furoindolones with dimethyl maleate provides an expedient route for the synthesis of the title carbazole alkaloids. The employment of this strategy in combination with a Krapcho reaction/retro-Kolbe–Schmitt reaction has culminated in the first total synthesis of the lactonic carbazoles harmandianamine A and furanoclausamine B and a brief total synthesis of ekeberginine from a prenylated furoindolone. An unusual fragmentation of an ester function during the annulation is also reported. | [
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155309014 | 155,309,014 | Real Wage-Rates: A Note | [
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211428515 | 211,428,515 | Economic valuation and conservation, restoration & management strategies of Saint Martin's coral island, Bangladesh | Abstract Tropical coral reefs render a large number of ecosystem services, although without sustainable use practices and conservation measures over the last couple of decades many tropical coral reef ecosystems have been damaged because of excessive use of reef resources. This study provides an estimation of economic benefits from both direct and indirect use of Saint Martin's Coral Island resources, one of the ecologically critical areas (ECAs) of Bangladesh. The coral reef and the associated habitats of St. Martin's Island contributes 33.6 million USD/year to the local economy from fishing, tourism, shoreline protection, seaweed culture, and gathering of intertidal shellfish. Tourism and fisheries are the major economic sectors, generating annual direct use values of 19.4 million USD and 13 million USD/year respectively. The indirect use value of shoreline protection is estimated to be about 180,000 USD/year. Economic benefits of around 1 million USD, could also be generated from an entrance fee collected from tourists visiting the island. The net present value (NPV) of benefits from all of the resources of Saint Martin's Island over a 25-year time frame, with a 6.5% discount rate, is about 545 million USD. A coupled socio-ecological-political, restoration and management framework is recommended. The government should come forward with a conservation, restoration and management plan so that the framework could be used for the management and restoration of a degraded coral reef ecosystem. | [
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"Environmental science"
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236545599 | 236,545,599 | Thermal conductivity measurement and correlation at saturation condition of HFO refrigerant trans-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (R1336mzz(E)) | Abstract The trans-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (R1336mzz(E)) would be a novel working fluid in the heat pumps and organic Rankine cycles with low-GWP value, lower toxicity, and non-flammability. The transport property mainly thermal conductivity measurement is the main target of the paper for this HFO refrigerant for the liquid, vapor, and supercritical states, respectively. Simple correlations at saturated state are developed to estimate the thermal conductivity for industrial design and simulation. In this article, the thermal conductivity data were reported in the temperature from 313 to 393 K over the pressure until 4.0 MPa and temperature from 313 to 453 K at pressure up to 2.5 MPa both for liquid and vapor states, respectively. Also, the thermal conductivity in a supercritical region was recorded from temperature range 413 to 453 K and pressures at 3.0 to 4.0 MPa. The experimental liquid and vapor thermal conductivity data of R1336mzz(E) were compared with the data measured for cis-1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-2-butene (R1336mzz(Z)). Moreover, the correlations at the saturated state were developed by extrapolating the experimental data until the saturation conditions both for liquid and vapor states. The estimated combined uncertainties for the liquid, vapor and supercritical regions of thermal conductivity measurement were recorded to 1.94 %, 1.98 %, and 2.01 %, respectively. | [
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144601755 | 144,601,755 | Cognitive Complexity and Categorization of Stimulus Objects Being Judged | Cognitive complexity and the categorization of stimulus objects being judged was examined. Previous research indicated that these stimulus objects could be analyzed in terms of two distinct subgroups with reference to social distance. The cognitive complexity scores assigned to 10 stimulus objects by 82 Ss were subjected to a principal factor analysis. Since the largest two factors extracted did not have appropriate content and left a large proportion of the total score variance unaccounted for, it was concluded that these role models could not be categorized into two distinct subgroups upon the basis of affective stimulus value. Future research should consider the significance of the individual stimulus objects being judged. | [
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119158652 | 119,158,652 | Two-dimensional arrays of superconducting and soft magnetic strips as dc magnetic metamaterials | We have theoretically investigated the magnetic response of two-dimensional (2D) arrays of superconducting and soft magnetic strips, which are regarded as models of dc magnetic metamaterials. The anisotropy of the macroscopic permeabilities depends on whether the applied magnetic field is parallel to the wide surface of the strips (μ∥) or perpendicular (μ⊥). For the 2D arrays of superconducting strips, 0 0. | [
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138224592 | 138,224,592 | Failure Analysis and Preventive Measure of Die Fracture | According to the types of die fracture failure, the main cause of die fracture failure is analyzed from many aspects. In order to improve the manufacture quality and service life of the die, the preventive measures, including the material selection, structure design, forging technology, heat treatment technology, abrasive machining and so on, are put forword. | [
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"Materials science"
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141935540 | 141,935,540 | Police Power, Planning and Aesthetics | [
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17163060 | 17,163,060 | Magnetic Relaxation in the Peak Effect Region of CeRu$_2$ | The different pinning strengths of the flux line lattice in the peak effect (PE) region of a polycrystalline sample of CeRu$_2$ with a superconducting transition temperature {$T_c = 6.1$ K} have been probed by means of magnetization measurements with a SQUID magnetometer as the temperature $T$ and the magnetic field $H$ are varied. Magnetic relaxation measurements were used to monitor the flux line dynamics in the PE region. For {$T < 4.5$ K} and $H < H_P$, where $H_P$ is the field where the magnetization reaches a maximum in the PE region, the relaxation rate was found to be significantly larger in the descending-field branch of the PE than it is in other sections of the PE region. For {$T \geq 4.5$ K}, the relaxation rate in the entire PE region is so large that the magnetization reached a stable (equilibrium) value within {$10^4$ s}. This experimentally determined stable state appears as an increase of the magnetization in the PE region and has a dome shape superimposed on a linear interpolation through the PE region. It was also found that the PE in CeRu$_2$ can be suppressed by rapid thermal cycling of the sample between {10 K} and {300 K} four times. The reversible magnetization after the PE has been suppressed coincides with the linear interpolation through the PE region, in contrast to the behavior of the equilibrium magnetization when the PE is present.
PACS number: 74.25.Qt, 74.70.Ad | [
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121471136 | 121,471,136 | On the Specification Error in Regression Analysis | [
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201986959 | 201,986,959 | Urology mythbusters: do we need to surgically correct vesicoureteral reflux in older girls to prevent problems in future pregnancy? (revision 1). | In this edition of Mythbusters we critically examine the premise that, because women with history of vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) are at higher risk of urinary tract infection (UTI) and other morbidity during pregnancy, persistent VUR in older girls should be considered an indication for surgical correction. The literature is very limited in that there are essentially no methodologically robust comparisons of pregnancy outcomes among women whose childhood VUR was or was not surgically repaired. Most of the case series and cohorts find relatively high incidence of UTI and pyelonephritis among pregnant women with a history of VUR, but there is very little to suggest that persistent VUR is itself a risk factor for infection during pregnancy. Indeed, some studies suggest that UTI risk is actually higher among women who previously underwent anti-reflux surgery compared to those who did not, although these data are compromised by significant selection bias. In contrast, there is relatively strong evidence that maternal and fetal morbidity is higher when the mother is known to have renal scarring; such women probably merit close surveillance during pregnancy for infection, hypertension and pre-eclampsia, and other problems. Overall, current evidence is insufficient to support routine anti-reflux surgery in girls with the sole purpose of decreasing complications during future pregnancy, particularly for girls with lower-grades of VUR and no renal scarring. The verdict for this urolegend: it contains a a "teeny, tiny nugget of truth." | [
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227262779 | 227,262,779 | El hombre frente al mar: naufragios en la Carrera de Indias durante los siglos XVI y XVII | [
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135222407 | 135,222,407 | 5 – Structure-Activity Relationships | Presentation des criteres pour utiliser l'activite structurale comme moyen de prevision de la carcinogenicite de produits chimiques | [
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"Environmental science"
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55530232 | 55,530,232 | Seasonal and Annual Impacts of Climate Change on Watershed Response Using an Ensemble of Global Climate Models | Climate change impacts watershed hydrology and contributes to alteration of hydrologic regimes in streams. However, global climate models (GCMs) operate at spatial and temporal scales that are too large to capture important watershed-scale hydrologic shifts. A method of disaggregating monthly ensemble GCM data into temperature and precipitation data series for daily, watershed-specific hydrologic simulations with SWAT was developed and assessed in the Soldier Creek watershed in northeast Kansas. A stochastic weather generator (WINDS) was employed to produce a baseline scenario (no changes from late 20th century conditions) and two scenarios based on ensemble means of 15 GCMs representing future conditions (A2 storyline) referred to as the 2050 and 2100 scenarios. Future hydrologic regimes exhibited non-linear annual and monthly responses in hydrologic budget components, such as surface runoff, baseflow, and soil moisture, to temperature and precipitation changes. For the 2050 scenario, the combination of higher temperatures along with decreased annual precipitation and increased spring precipitation resulted in higher surface runoff, baseflow, and streamflow in May and June with a longer drought season later in summer. The significant decrease in streamflow, runoff, and baseflow for the 2100 scenario reflected an increase in monthly and annual temperature rather than a direct result of precipitation decline. The 2100 scenario also produced a reduction in low-flow duration, an increase in the number of drought occurrences, and a decrease in flood frequency and duration. In retrospect, use of the stochastic weather generator to temporally downscale monthly GCM results while incorporating site-specific climate variability (such as occurs with convective storms often missed in coarse-resolution GCM data) produced more meaningful analysis of hydrological impacts, which is critical to predicting and understanding the impacts of climate change. Although this method allowed simulation of future-climate shifts based on GCM-simulated monthly shifts, it could not simulate potential shifts in climate patterns within a month, such as changes in transitional probabilities that govern the intensity and distribution of storms with months. In future work, translation of regional climate model responses into WINDS stochastic parameter adjustments will allow more accurate and efficient simulation. The severity of the increased drought and decreased flood responses simulated in this study would not be anticipated by review of precipitation trends alone nor by analysis of annual hydrologic responses alone. Similarly, many critical hydrologic responses reflected interactions between climate variables (e.g., precipitation and temperature) at sub-annual temporal scales, which highlights the need to consider climatic interactions in future studies of climate change impacts. | [
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"Agricultural and Food sciences"
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31104486 | 31,104,486 | MO-FG-BRB-02: Debater. | Building on the energy and excitement of Washington DC in a presidential election year, AAPM will host its own Presidential Debate to better understand the views of the AAPM membership! Past presidents of the AAPM, Drs. Bayouth, Hazle, Herman, and Seibert, will debate hot topics in medical physics including issues facing education, professional practice, and the advancement of science. The moderators, Drs. Brock and Stern, will also draw in topics from Point-Counterpoint articles from the Medical Physics Journals. Wrapping up the debate, the audience will have the opportunity to question the candidates in a town hall format. At the conclusion of this lively debate, the winner will be decided by the audience, so bring your Audience Response Units! Be part of Medical Physics - Decision 2016!
1. Understand AAPM members' views and opinions on issues facing medical physics education 2. Learn AAPM members' views and opinions on issues facing professional practice 3. Identify AAPM members' view and opinions on issues facing the advancement of science in medical physics J. Bayouth, Funding support from NCI;Scientific Advisory Board member - ViewRay. | [
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146474551 | 146,474,551 | “Rock Nacional” and Revolutionary Politics: The Making of a Youth Culture of Contestation in Argentina, 1966–1976 | On March 30, 1973, three weeks after Hector Campora won the first presidential elections in which candidates on a Peronist ticket could run since 1955, rock producer Jorge Alvarez, himself a sympathizer of left-wing Peronism, carried out a peculiar celebration. Convinced that Campora's triumph had been propelled by young people's zeal—as expressed in their increasing affiliation with the Juventud Peronista (Peronist Youth, or JP), an organization linked to the Montoneros—he convened a rock festival, at which the most prominent bands and singers of what journalists had begun to dub rock nacional went onstage. Among them were La Pesada del Rock- 'n'Roll, the duo Sui Generis, and Luis Alberto Spinetta with Pescado Rabioso. In spite of the rain, 20,000 people attended the “Festival of Liberation,” mostly “muchachos from every working- and middle-class corner of Buenos Aires,” as one journalist depicted them, also noting that while the JP tried to raise chants from the audience, the “boys” acted as if they were “untouched by the political overtones of the festival.” | [
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16081749 | 16,081,749 | Fuzzy c-Means Clustering for Uncertain Data Using Quadratic Penalty-Vector Regularization | Clustering – defined as an unsupervised data-analysis classification transforming real-space information into data in pattern space and analyzing it – may require that data be represented by a set, rather than points, due to data uncertainty, e.g., measurement error margin, data regarded as one point, or missing values. These data uncertainties have been represented as interval ranges for which many clustering algorithms are constructed, but the lack of guidelines in selecting available distances in individual cases has made selection difficult and raised the need for ways to calculate dissimilarity between uncertain data without introducing a nearest-neighbor or other distance. The tolerance concept we propose represents uncertain data as a point with a tolerance vector, not as an interval, while this is convenient for handling uncertain data, tolerance-vector constraints make mathematical development difficult. We attempt to remove the tolerance-vector constraints using quadratic penaltyvector regularization similar to the tolerance vector. We also propose clustering algorithms for uncertain data considering optimization and obtaining an optimal solution to handle uncertainty appropriately. | [
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"Computer science"
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28283390 | 28,283,390 | Epilepsy surgery in children and adolescents. | There has been a considerable increase in interest in the surgical management of intractable epilepsy in children. Better methods of diagnosis and improved knowledge of natural history and results of surgery have been major factors in this phenomenon. The results of surgery in 76 patients who were 19 years of age or younger are reported. Success rates, defined as no postoperative seizures with loss of consciousness (Engel Grades I and II) were 78% in 52 patients treated by temporal lobectomy, 75% in eight patients who had extratemporal resections, 80% in 10 children treated by hemispherectomy, and 33% in three patients treated by corpus callosotomy. | [
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24099238 | 24,099,238 | A Molecular Analysis of the Na+-Independent Cation Chloride Cotransporters | The homologous genes encoding the electroneutral solute carrier family 12A (SLC12A) were identified more than 20 years ago, however, over the last few years, it has become clear that each of the genes within this family potentially encode for more than one cation-chloride cotransporter (CCC). Even more surprising, despite more than 30 years of functional studies and a wealth of knowledge on the activators, inhibitors, ion affinities, and kinetics of these cotransporters, we still cannot sufficiently explain why some cells express only one CCC isoform, while others express two, three, or more CCC isoforms. In 2009, Drs. Alvarez-Leefmans and Di Fulvio published an extensive in silico molecular analysis of the potential splice variants of the Na+-dependent cation-chloride cotransporters. In this review, we will look at the exceptionally large variety of potential splice variants within the Na+-independent cation-chloride cotransporter (SLC12A4-SLC12A7) genes, their initial tissue identification, and their physiological relevance. | [
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63681169 | 63,681,169 | Gasoline blending recipe optimization based on twoparticle swarms optimization | As an important procedure of the manufacturing process in refinery, oil blending could be abstracted as a complex non-linear optimization problem (NLP) with many constraints.It is difficult to obtain satisfying optimum solution by traditional methods.According to the oil blending and scheduling problem, a two particle swarms optimization algorithm with a mutation operator was presented.The proposed algorithm constructed two swarms of particles with different velocity restrictions, introduced a communication mechanism and a special mutation operator, and sequentially elevated the swarms to higher ability and velocity of global convergence.The new method was illustrated with a recipe optimization problem of gasoline blending, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was experimentally confirmed by the simulation results. | [
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"Environmental science"
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123758727 | 123,758,727 | Allison scanner for high-current ion beam emittance measurements | A high-current ion beam emittance measurement unit Allison scanner was introduced.The scanner consists of two slits and a pair of electrical deflection plates driven by a ±1.2 kV bipolar power supply.When the scanner moves to a measurement position,the step-changed voltages are fed to the deflection plates.The divergence angle of the ions passing through the rear slit can be calculated from the voltages.The data of position,divergence angle and beam current are collected to the computer through an AD card.A program of measuring and data processing can handle the case of pulsed beam.In order to obtain correct emittance results,subtracting background and setting threshold value are important.The program can calculate the root-mean-square emittance,the beam size,the biggest positive and negative divergence angle and the boundary emittance.The root-mean-square emittance of a pulsed beam extracted from a 50 keV ECR proton source was measured,which took about 2.5 min.The average beam intensity was 4 mA with beam pulse of 1 ms at 166 Hz,and its normalized emittance was 0.27 πmm·mrad. | [
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154707738 | 154,707,738 | Does January Effect Exist in Bangladesh | This paper examines existence of January effect in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) in Bangladesh. Regression model combined with dummy variables and monthly DSE All Share Price Index (DSI) from January 1987 to November 2012 has been used to test January effect in the stock return in DSE. It was empirically found that, although January anomaly doesn’t exist in DSE, there is significant positive return in June which raises question against efficient market hypothesis (EMH). Thus, there is an opportunity for investors to take advantage of this June anomaly. | [
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63093108 | 63,093,108 | Minimum-energy Broadcast Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Connected Dominating Sets | Broadcast is a fundamental and essential operation in the wireless sensor networks. The energy consumption of broadcast operation has an important influence on the network performance. In case that the transmission range of the sensors is a constant value and the broadcasting characteristic of wireless communication is considered,it is seen that the less nodes involved in the relay-and-forward process,the smaller total energy consumption resulted in the broadcast operation. The problem to find the minimum forwarding nodes for a given network is equivalent to find the minimum connected dominating set in graph theory,which is a NP-hard problem. In this paper,we have proposed an Effective heuristic algorithm to construct a Minimum Connected Dominating Set( EMCDS),and then proposed a Minimum-Energy Broadcast Algorithm( MEBA) for wireless sensor networks. The experimental results have shown that the EMCDS algorithm can find smaller connected dominating set and the MEBA algorithm can dynamically select the forwarding nodes according to the remained energy,and prolong the network lifetime efficiently accordingly by energy balance among the nodes. | [
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"Computer science"
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140712620 | 140,712,620 | Late Silurian volcanism in coastal Maine: The Cranberry Island series | The Cranberry Island series is a Silurian (424 ± 1 Ma) volcanic succession that crops out on three islands along the southeastern coast of Maine. It is part of the coastal Maine magmatic province and represents bimodal magmatism that occurred on a composite crustal block before or during accretion to Laurentia. The series consists of ∼1.8 km of felsic pyroclastic rocks and felsic lava flows overlain by ∼0.8 km of basaltic tuffs and basaltic lava flows. The lower and upper members of the Cranberry Island series are interpreted, respectively, as (1) felsic pyroclastic rocks and lavas erupted from a mingled felsic and mafic magma reservoir and (2) phreatomagmatic basaltic rocks overlain by effusive basaltic flows. Some of the basaltic inclusions hosted by the felsic pyroclastic rocks may be chilled magmatic enclaves, suggesting that droplets of basaltic magma were entrained by felsic magma prior to eruption. The compositionally layered plutons of the Cadillac Mountain intrusive complex to the north are likely candidates, in both age and composition, for the magma bodies from which the Cranberry Island series erupted. Mafic rocks of the Cranberry Island series do not show the enrichment in large ion lithophile elements and the depletion in high field strength elements diagnostic of subduction-related magmas. The bimodal character of magmatism, the lack of strong arc geochemical signature, and the rarity of andesites in the Cranberry Island series and throughout the coastal Maine volcanic belt argue against an origin in a compressional setting. Alternative settings for magmatism include (1) backarc extension, (2) crustal extension associated with large-scale transcurrent faulting, and (3) extension-related magmatism associated with rifting of the coastal Maine volcanic belt from another continental margin. | [
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227261613 | 227,261,613 | Role of Stimuli on Liquid Crystalline Defects: From Defect Engineering to Switchable Functional Materials | Achieving tunable physical properties is currently one of the most exciting research topics. In order to realize this goal, a medium that is responsive to external stimuli and can undergo a change in its physical property is required. Liquid crystal (LC) is a prominent candidate, as its physical and optical properties can be easily manipulated with various stimuli, such as surface anchoring, rubbing, geometric confinement, and external fields. Having broken away from the past devotion to obtaining a uniform domain of LCs, people are now putting significant efforts toward forming and manipulating ordered and oriented defect structures with a unique arrangement within. The complicated molecular order with tunability would benefit the interdisciplinary research fields of optics, physics, photonics, and materials science. In this review, the recent progress toward defect engineering in the nematic and smectic phases by controlling the surface environment and electric field and their combinational methods is introduced. We close the review with a discussion of the possible applications enabled using LC defect structures as switchable materials. | [
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"Materials science"
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4765867 | 4,765,867 | Effect of Hazardous Alcohol Use During Pregnancy on Growth Outcomes at Birth: Findings from a South African Cohort Study | Background Cohort studies have noted associations between hazardous alcohol use during pregnancy and infant growth outcomes, but many have not controlled for potential psychosocial confounders. To assess the unique contribution of hazardous alcohol use, we examined its effect on infant growth outcomes while controlling for maternal psychosocial stressors and hazardous tobacco and drug use in a cohort of 986 pregnant South African women enrolled into the Drakenstein Child Health Study between 2012 and 2015. Methods Data on psychosocial stressors and maternal risk behaviors were collected between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation. Participants were categorized as hazardous alcohol users if they obtained moderate or high scores (>10) on the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test at this assessment or retrospectively reported drinking at least 2 drinks weekly during any trimester of pregnancy. Infant growth outcomes were recorded at delivery. Multivariable regression models examined correlates of hazardous alcohol use and associations between hazardous alcohol use and birth outcomes. Results Overall, 13% of mothers reported hazardous alcohol use. Recent exposure to intimate partner violence (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.08; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.37, 3.18) and hazardous tobacco use (aOR = 5.03; 95% CI: 2.97, 8.52) were significant correlates of hazardous alcohol use. After controlling for potential psychosocial confounders, hazardous alcohol use remained associated with lower infant weight‐for‐age (B = −0.35, 95% CI: −0.56, −0.14), height‐for‐age (B = −0.46, 95% CI: −0.76, −0.17), and head‐circumference‐for‐age z‐scores (B = −0.43, 95% CI: −0.69, −0.17). Conclusions Interventions to reduce hazardous alcohol use among pregnant women in South Africa are needed to prevent alcohol‐related infant growth restrictions. As these growth deficits may lead to neurodevelopmental consequences, it is critical to identify alcohol‐related growth restrictions at birth and link exposed infants to early interventions for neurodevelopment. | [
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144595258 | 144,595,258 | Short Course vs Conventional Structures for Teaching Philosophy | Research on teaching methods in higher education is less evident than in elementary and secondary education. This study examined two course structures which are suitable for college teaching?lecture/discussion and inde pendent study. The Ss were upperclassmen enrolled in philosophy of art and social philosophy classes which were designated a priori as either the independent study or the lecture/discussion format. Measures were ob tained on acquisition of factual content, attitudes, student motivation, satisfaction, and classroom climate. Fac tual content increased during the semester, but this increase was a function of course structure and class'. Stu dents liked the independent study format better than the lecture/discussion format. Highly motivated students did better in the independent format, while poorly motivated students performed better in the conventional format. These results suggest that students and course structures should be matched in their motivational properties. | [
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4180575 | 4,180,575 | Predicting the cost of hospital stay for stroke patients: the use of diagnosis related groups. | In order to provide tailor-made care, governments are considering the implementation of output-pricing based on hospital case-mix measures, such as diagnosis related groups (DRG). The question is whether the current DRG classification system can provide a satisfactory prediction of the variance of costs in stroke patients and if not, in what way other variables may enhance this prediction. In this study, data from 731 stroke patients hospitalized at University Hospital Maastricht during 1996-1998 are used in the cost analysis. The DRG classification for this group uses information--in addition to the DRG classification operation or no operation--on the patient's age combined with discharge status. The results of regression analysis show that using DRGs, the variance explained in the costs amounts to 34%. Adding other variables to the DRGs, the variance explained increases to about 61%. Additional factors highly correlating with inpatient costs are the level of functioning after stroke, comorbidity, complications, and 'days of stay for non-medical reasons'. Costs decreased for stroke patients discharged during the latter part of the years studied, and if stroke patients happened to die during their hospital stay. The results do suggest that future implementation of output-pricing based on the DRG case-mix measures is feasible for stroke patients only if it is enhanced with information on complications and the level of functioning. | [
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"Political science"
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226904663 | 226,904,663 | Rapid identification of pathogenic organisms positive for blood culture by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in combination with Sepsityper Kit or serum-separating gel tubes | Objective
To evaluate the feasibility of using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in combination with Sepsityper Kit or serum-separating gel tubes for identification of pathogenic organisms positive for blood culture.
A total of 153 clinical specimens with a positive result in blood culture were collected and tested with MALDI-TOF MS in combination with Sepsityper Kit or serum-separating gel tubes. Test results were compared with those by using culturing.
The 153 positive blood culture specimens included 143 of single bacterial infection and 10 of multiple bacterial infections. The consistency rates at species and genus levels were 76.2% (109/153) and 7.8% (12/153) between Vitek 2 Compact method and MALDI-TOF MS combined with Sepsityper Kit, and 75.1% (101/153) and 8.5% (13/153) between Vitek 2 Compact method and MALDI-TOF MS combined with serum-separating gel tubes. In the identification of single bacterial infection specimens, the consistency rates of MALDI-TOF MS combined with Sepsityper Kit at species and genus levels were 95.2% (79/83) and 0% (0/83) for gram-negative bacteria, 57.5% (27/47) and 23.4% (11/47) for gram-positive bacteria and 33.3% (3/9) and 11.1% (1/9) for Candida, the consistency rates of MALDI-TOF MS combined with serum-separating gel tubes at species and genus levels were 90.4% (75/83) and 4.8% (4/83) for gram-negative bacteria, 55.3% (26/47) and 14.9% (7/47) for gram-positive bacteria and 0% (0/9) and 22.2% (2/9) for Candida. MALDI-TOF MS combined with Sepsityper Kit was only consistent with Vitek 2 Compact method in the identification of one specimen of multiple bacterial infections.
MALDI-TOF MS in combination with Sepsityper Kit or serum-separating gel tubes can identify the pathogens positive for blood culture within one hour and is of high consistency with culturing. In comparison with the traditional identification method for positive blood cultures, MALDI-TOF MS combined with Sepsityper Kit or serum-separating gel tubes has the advantages of rapidity and easy operation, which meet the clinical needs of rapid diagnosis and timely and effective antibacterial treatment, and is of great value in clinical application.
Key words:
Sepsityper Kit; Serum-separating gel tube; MALDI-TOF MS; Blood culture | [
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157647612 | 157,647,612 | Margaret Cavendish: Gender, Science and Politics. Lisa Walters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. vi + 260 pp. $95. | [
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153664647 | 153,664,647 | Woollen Industry in the West@@@The Trowbridge Woollen Industry as Illustrated by the Stock Books of John and Thomas Clark, 1804-1824. | [
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204190519 | 204,190,519 | Subdiffraction focusing lens based on quadrangular-frustum pyramid-shaped metasurface. | In order to realize the function of subdiffraction focusing using a single flat lens, a special metalens is proposed to modulate the circularly polarized light. Initially, the analyses indicate that the phase shift can cover [0,2π] by changing the rotation angle of a quadrangular-frustum pyramid-shaped structure from 0° to 180°, while the average amplitude transmittance can reach 96% at the wavelength of λ=1550 nm. Then, a flat metalens is designed by carefully arranging the quadrangular-frustum pyramid-shaped structures. The simulated results show that a focal spot could be obtained at the focal length of about f=2.87λ, and the focusing efficiency is ∼14.9%. Meanwhile, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the focusing spot is only 0.48λ, which is smaller than the diffraction limit. Furthermore, this designed metalens can function comparatively with a conventional lens in one-to-one imaging. | [
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206267548 | 206,267,548 | Medical imaging data in the digital innovation age. | As we reflect on decades of exponential advancements in electronic innovation, we can see the field of medical imaging eclipsed by a new digital landscape - one that is inexpensive, fast, and powerful. This new paradigm presents new opportunities to innovate in both research and clinical settings. In this article, we review the current role of data: the common perceptions around its valuation and the infrastructure currently in place for data-driven innovation. Looking forward, we consider what has already been achieved using modern data capacities, the opportunities we have for further expansion in this area, and the obstacles we will need to transcend. | [
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82059739 | 82,059,739 | Degree-day phenology of San Jose scale, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus Comstock and assessment of its predator, Chilocorus bijugus Mulsant in Kashmir orchard ecosystem. | The San Jose scale overwintered in black cap stage in Kashmir apple orchards. The overwintered nymphs started development at silver-tip stage of apple growth in the first week of March. The spring male emergence which resulted from overwintering black caps began at 285 degree-days (DD) at a base of 51°F (10.5°C) and occurred at completion of petal fall of Red Delicious. This could be used as “biofix” for timing the succeeding phenological events of San Jose scale. First generation crawlers emerged at 534 DD in the last week of May and peaked within 10 days. The males of summer generation were observed at 1277 DD and the second generation crawlers emerged beyond 1357 DD. The winged males were again observed at 2529 DD followed by the emergence of partial third generation crawlers past 2740 DD. The common ladybird beetle, Chilocorus bijugus Muls. was observed to be an effective and predominant predator of San Jose scale which passed three generations along with its host. It was also observed that the development of this predator corresponded to the development of San Jose scale and has got well established in the orchard ecosystem. | [
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4773619 | 4,773,619 | Ethnic and mainstream social connectedness, perceived racial discrimination, and posttraumatic stress symptoms. | Carter (2007) proposed the notion of race-based traumatic stress and argued that experiences of racial discrimination can be viewed as a type of trauma. In a sample of 383 Chinese international students at 2 predominantly White midwestern universities, the present results supported this notion and found that perceived racial discrimination predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms over and above perceived general stress. Furthermore, Berry (1997) proposed an acculturation framework and recommended that researchers advance the literature by examining the moderation effects on the association between racial discrimination and outcomes. The present results supported the moderation effect for Ethnic SC (i.e., social connectedness in the ethnic community), but not for Mainstream SC (i.e., social connectedness in mainstream society). A simple effects analysis indicated that a high Ethnic SC weakened the strength of the association between perceived racial discrimination and posttraumatic stress symptoms more than a low Ethnic SC. Moreover, although Mainstream SC failed to be a moderator, Mainstream SC was significantly associated with less perceived general stress, less perceived racial discrimination, and less posttraumatic stress symptoms. | [
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97450752 | 97,450,752 | Über Tetrachlor-o-kresol und seine Umwandlung in Perchlorindon | [
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18484831 | 18,484,831 | Consistency of Ridge Function Fields for Varying Nonparametric Regression | A nonparametric regression model proposed in Pelletier and Frouin (2006) as a solution to the geophysical problem of ocean color remote sensing is studied. The model, called ridge function field, combines a regression estimate in the form of a superposition of ridge functions, or which is equivalent to a neural network, with the idea pertaining to varying-coefficients models, where the parameters of a parametric family are allowed to vary with other variables. Under mild assumptions on the underlying distribution of the data, the strong universal consistency of the least-squares ridge function fields estimate is established. | [
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119198562 | 119,198,562 | Quantized charge pumping through a carbon nanotube double quantum dot | We demonstrate single-electron pumping in a gate-defined carbon nanotube double quantum dot. By periodic modulation of the potentials of the two quantum dots, we move the system around charge triple points and transport exactly one electron or hole per cycle. We investigate the pumping as a function of the modulation frequency and amplitude and observe good current quantization up to frequencies of 18 MHz where rectification effects cause the mechanism to break down. | [
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63910672 | 63,910,672 | Research and Application of the Medicine Information System Based on WAP | On the basis of introducing the principle of WAP, proposes a research scheme of the medicine information system based on WAP. This promotion and application of the medicine information system can provide conveniences for those medicine sales, in addtional, the sevices online for the people who require some medicine consultation. | [
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"Computer science"
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113472950 | 113,472,950 | The Promotion Channel Investigation of BIM Technology Application | The Promotion of BIM technology application is an important process of the development of construction informatization in our country, which requires project owners, design units, construction units, government, etc. departments to work together based on BIM. In this paper, the promotion channel of BIM technology application is investigated based on AHP by analyzing the factors that influence the promotion of BIM technology application in our Construction industry. | [
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84652446 | 84,652,446 | Comparison of aerobic heterotrophic taxa isolated from four root domains of mature sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) | The distribution of bacteria in the rhizosphere, rhizoplane, interior root tissues (core) and lower root (all tissues) of mature sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris) was compared. Of 556 isolates, 102 species from 40 genera were identified by fatty acid methyl ester gas-chromatographic (FAME-GC) analysis. The ten most common genera (Bacillus, 14%; Arthrobacter, 12%; Pseudomonas, 11%; Aureobacterium, 9%; Micrococcus, 6%; Xanthomonas, 5%; Alcaligenes, 4%; Flavobacterium, 3%; Agrobacterium, 3%; Microbacterium, 3%) accounted for 70% of isolates, and were found in each of three root domains (rhizosphere, rhizoplane and interior root tissues) on the two principal sampling occasions. Gram-positive strains were more abundant in the rhizosphere than the rhizoplane. Compared to the rhizoplane, rhizosphere bacterial communities were represented by a less diverse, more hierarchical distribution of species where twice as many isolates formed late developing colonies on isolation plates. Between October and January, the bacteria isolated from root interior tissues acquired a distinct change in taxonomic pattern, with decreased diversity and increased hierarchy. A bacterial continuum of similar taxa was observed which extended from the rhizosphere to interior root tissues. | [
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"Environmental science"
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154273820 | 154,273,820 | China and Taiwan: Balance of Rivalry with Weapons of Mass Democratization | [
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"Political science"
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Subsets and Splits