Hvem er den første dommer, der er nævnt i dommer bogen?
{ "text": [ "Othniel" ], "answer_start": [ 167 ] }
Biblical judges שופטים Dommere i Bibelen Kursiv skrift angiver personer, der ikke udtrykkeligt beskrives som dommere Joshuas bog Joshua Dommernes Bog Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Gideon Abimelek Tola Jair Jefta Ibzan Elon Abdon Samson Første bog af Samuel Eli Samuel v t e
{ "text": [ "Othniel" ], "answer_start": [ 146 ] }
Biblical judges שופטים‎ Judges in the Bible Italics indicate individuals not explicitly described as judges Book of Joshua Joshua Book of Judges Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Gideon Abimelech Tola Jair Jephthah Ibzan Elon Abdon Samson First Book of Samuel Eli Samuel v t e
Biblical judges
Hvornår blev den amerikanske drikkealder 21?
{ "text": [ "oktober 1986" ], "answer_start": [ 441 ] }
U.S. history of alcohol minimum purchase age by state Fra 1976 til 1983 hævede flere stater frivilligt aldersgrænserne for køb af kørekort til 19 år (eller sjældnere 20 eller 21 år), bl.a. for at bekæmpe antallet af dødsfald som følge af spirituskørsel. I 1984 vedtog kongressen den nationale lov om minimumsalder for alkoholindtagelse, som krævede, at staterne skulle hæve alderen for køb og offentlig besiddelse af alkohol til 21 år inden oktober 1986 eller miste 10 % af deres føderale motorvejsmidler. I midten af 1988 havde alle 50 stater og District of Columbia hævet aldersgrænsen for køb af alkohol til 21 år (men ikke Puerto Rico, Guam eller Jomfruøerne, se yderligere bemærkninger nedenfor). South Dakota og Wyoming var de sidste to stater, der opfyldte kravet om 21 års aldersgrænse. Den nuværende alkoholalder på 21 år er fortsat et stridspunkt blandt mange amerikanere, fordi den er højere end myndighedsalderen (18 år i de fleste stater) og højere end aldersgrænsen for alkoholindtagelse i de fleste andre lande. Loven om den nationale minimumsaldersgrænse for alkoholindtagelse anses også for at være en omgåelse fra kongressens side af det tiende ændringsforslag. Selv om debatterne ikke har været meget omtalte, har nogle få stater foreslået lovgivning om at sænke deres alkoholaldersgrænse, mens Guam har hævet sin alkoholaldersgrænse til 21 år i juli 2010.
{ "text": [ "October 1986" ], "answer_start": [ 304 ] }
U.S. history of alcohol minimum purchase age by state From 1976 to 1983, several states voluntarily raised their purchase ages to 19 (or, less commonly, 20 or 21), in part to combat drunk driving fatalities. In 1984, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which required states to raise their ages for purchase and public possession to 21 by October 1986 or lose 10% of their federal highway funds. By mid-1988, all 50 states and the District of Columbia had raised their purchase ages to 21 (but not Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, see Additional Notes below). South Dakota and Wyoming were the final two states to comply with the age 21 mandate. The current drinking age of 21 remains a point of contention among many Americans, because of it being higher than the age of majority (18 in most states) and higher than the drinking ages of most other countries. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act is also seen as a congressional sidestep of the tenth amendment. Although debates have not been highly publicized, a few states have proposed legislation to lower their drinking age, while Guam has raised its drinking age to 21 in July 2010.
U.S. history of alcohol minimum purchase age by state
Hvem vandt slaget om new orleans 1812?
{ "text": [ "Andrew Jackson" ], "answer_start": [ 429 ] }
Battle of New Orleans Slaget ved New Orleans En del af krigen i 1812 Slaget ved New Orleans af Henry Bryan Hall efter William Momberger Dato 8.-18. januar 1815 Sted Ca. 8 km øst-sydøst for New Orleans på Chalmette Plantation Resultat Afgørende amerikansk sejr*Britiske styrker trækker sig helt tilbage fra Louisiana Krigsførende parter De Forenede Stater Det Forenede Kongerige Kommandanter og ledere Andrew Jackson William Carroll John Coffee John Adair Walter Overton Daniel Patterson David B. Morgan Pierre Denis de La Ronde Jacques Villeré Thomas Hinds Joseph Savary René Trudeau Francis B. de Bellevue Daniel Carmick Jean Laffite Edward Pakenham † Alexander Cochrane Samuel Gibbs † John Keane (WIA) John Lambert William Thornton Thomas Mullins Berørte enheder Se slagorden Se slagorden Styrke 4,732 14,450 Tab og tab 55 dræbt 185 sårede 93 savnes I alt: 333 386 dræbte 1.521 sårede 552 savnet eller taget til fange I alt: 2.459
{ "text": [ "Andrew Jackson" ], "answer_start": [ 418 ] }
Battle of New Orleans Part of the War of 1812 The Battle of New Orleans by Henry Bryan Hall after William Momberger Date January 8–18, 1815 Location About five miles (8 km) east-southeast of New Orleans on the grounds of Chalmette Plantation Result Decisive American victory*British forces withdraw completely from Louisiana Belligerents United States United Kingdom Commanders and leaders Andrew Jackson William Carroll John Coffee John Adair Walter Overton Daniel Patterson David B. Morgan Pierre Denis de La Ronde Jacques Villeré Thomas Hinds Joseph Savary René Trudeau Francis B. de Bellevue Daniel Carmick Jean Laffite Edward Pakenham † Alexander Cochrane Samuel Gibbs † John Keane (WIA) John Lambert William Thornton Thomas Mullins Units involved See order of battle See order of battle Strength 4,732 14,450 Casualties and losses 55 killed 185 wounded 93 missing Total: 333 386 killed 1,521 wounded 552 missing or captured Total: 2,459
Battle of New Orleans
Det er ikke rigtigt, men det er okay (thunderpuss remix)?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"It's Not Right but It's Okay" er en neo-R&B-sang. Ifølge noterne på er den skrevet i tonart C-mol med et tempo på 130 slag i minuttet. Houstons vokal spænder fra G3 til A♭5 i sangen.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"It's Not Right but It's Okay" is a neo-R&B song. According to the sheet music published at, it is written in the key of C minor with a tempo of 130 beats per minute. Houston's vocals span from G3 to A♭5 in the song.
It's Not Right but It's Okay
Hvornår ændrede de boksning til 12 runder?
{ "text": [ "19. oktober 1987" ], "answer_start": [ 331 ] }
The distance (boxing) Året efter, den 27. marts 1983, blev den første sværvægtstitelkamp nogensinde, der var planlagt til 12 runder efter denne regel, afholdt af WBC mellem Larry Holmes og Lucien Rodriguez. World Boxing Association, som World Boxing Organization endnu ikke havde skilt sig ud fra, fulgte senere trop og stemte den 19. oktober 1987 om at reducere deres mesterskabsafstande til 12 runder. Selv om International Boxing Federation, som for nylig havde løsrevet sig fra WBA, fortsat holdt fast ved den holdning, at der ikke var nogen dokumenteret medicinsk dokumentation for, at en kamp på 15 runder er farligere end en kamp på 12 runder, stemte de til sidst den 3. juni 1988 også for at forkorte deres mesterskabsdistance til 12 runder.
{ "text": [ "October 19, 1987" ], "answer_start": [ 359 ] }
The distance (boxing) The following year on March 27, 1983, the first ever heavyweight title fight scheduled for 12 rounds under that rule was held by the WBC between Larry Holmes and Lucien Rodriguez. The World Boxing Association, from which the World Boxing Organization had not yet separated, later followed suit by voting to reduce their championship distances to 12 rounds on October 19, 1987. While the International Boxing Federation, which had recently broken away from the WBA, continued to hold onto the position there was no documented medical evidence to show a 15-round fight is more dangerous than a 12-round fight, they eventually voted to shorten their championship distance to 12 rounds as well on June 3, 1988.
The distance (boxing)
2. verdenskrig førte til, at japan opstod som en regional magt?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Japanese economic miracle Den anden årsag til Japans hurtige genopretning efter Anden Verdenskrig var udbruddet af Koreakrigen, da Japan var begunstiget af det særlige indkøb. Koreakrigen blev udkæmpet på den koreanske halvø, og USA deltog i sidste ende i krigen, hvilket gav en mulighed for den japanske økonomi. Den koreanske halvø ligger langt fra USA's territorium, så logistikken blev hurtigt et betydeligt problem. Som en af USA's største støtter i Asien skilte Japan sig ud ved at yde rigelig støtte til logistiske operationer og også drage fordel af produktionen af skydevåben. USA's bestilling af massevis af skydevåben og andet materiel stimulerede i høj grad den japanske økonomi, hvilket gjorde det muligt for Japan at komme sig efter krigens ødelæggelser og gav Japan grundlaget for den kommende højvækstfase.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Japanese economic miracle The second reason that accounts for Japan's rapid recovery from WWII was the outbreak of Korean War, as Japan was favored by the Special Procurement. The Korean War was fought on the Korean Peninsula, and the United States eventually participated in the war, providing an opportunity for the Japanese economy. The Korean Peninsula is distant from US territory, so the logistics soon became a significant problem. As one of the major supporters of the United States in Asia, Japan stood out, providing ample support to logistical operations, and also benefitting from the production of firearms. The order of mass firearms and other material by the United States greatly stimulated the Japanese economy, enabling Japan to recover from the wartime destruction and providing Japan the basis for the upcoming high increasing stage.
Japanese economic miracle
Hvornår var sidste gang arizona cardinals var i playoffs?
{ "text": [ "2015" ], "answer_start": [ 1129 ] }
Arizona Cardinals Nuværende sæson Grundlagt 1898; 120 år siden (1898)Første sæson: 1920Spiller på University of Phoenix StadiumGlendale, ArizonaHovedkvarter i Tempe, Arizona LogoVordmærkeLiga/konferencetilknytninger National Football League (1920-nutid) Western Division (1933-1949) American Conference (1950-1952) Eastern Conference (1953-1969) Century Division (1967-1969) National Football Conference (1970-nutid) NFC East (1970-2001) NFC West (2002-nuværende) Nuværende uniform Holdets farver Kardinalrød, sort, hvid Maskot Big RedPersonaleEjer(e) Bill BidwillFørelsesformand Bill BidwillPresident Michael BidwillGeneral manager Steve KeimHovedtræner Steve WilksTeamets historie Siden 1920: Chicago Cardinals (1920-1943, 1945-1959) Card-Pitt (1944) St. Louis Cardinals (1960-1987) Phoenix Cardinals (1988-1993) Arizona Cardinals (fra 1994 til i dag) Holdets kælenavne The Cards Big Red Red SeaMesterskaber Liga mesterskaber (2) NFL-mesterskaber (før 1970 AFL-NFL-fusionen) (2)1925*, 1947 Konferencemesterskaber (1) NFC: 2008 Divisionsmesterskaber (7) NFL West: 1947, 1948 NFC East: 1974, 1975 NFC West: 2008, 2009, 2015 Deltagelse i slutspillet (10) NFL: 1947, 1948, 1974, 1975, 1982, 1998, 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015Hjemmebaner Siden 1920: Normal Park (1920-1921, 1926-1928) Comiskey Park (1922-1925, 1929-1930, 1939-1958) Wrigley Field (1931-1938) Soldier Field (1959, 4 kampe) Metropolitan Stadium (1959, 2 kampe) Sportsman's Park (1960-1965) Busch Memorial Stadium (1966-1987) Sun Devil Stadium (1988-2005) University of Phoenix Stadium (2006-nuværende)
{ "text": [ "2015" ], "answer_start": [ 1130 ] }
Arizona Cardinals Current season Established 1898; 120 years ago (1898)First season: 1920Play in University of Phoenix StadiumGlendale, ArizonaHeadquartered in Tempe, Arizona LogoWordmarkLeague/conference affiliations National Football League (1920–present) Western Division (1933–1949) American Conference (1950–1952) Eastern Conference (1953–1969) Century Division (1967–1969) National Football Conference (1970–present) NFC East (1970–2001) NFC West (2002–present) Current uniform Team colors Cardinal Red, Black, White Mascot Big RedPersonnelOwner(s) Bill BidwillChairman Bill BidwillPresident Michael BidwillGeneral manager Steve KeimHead coach Steve WilksTeam history Since 1920: Chicago Cardinals (1920–1943, 1945–1959) Card-Pitt (1944) St. Louis Cardinals (1960–1987) Phoenix Cardinals (1988–1993) Arizona Cardinals (1994–present) Team nicknames The Cards Big Red Red SeaChampionships League championships (2) NFL Championships (pre-1970 AFL–NFL merger) (2)1925*, 1947 Conference championships (1) NFC: 2008 Division championships (7) NFL West: 1947, 1948 NFC East: 1974, 1975 NFC West: 2008, 2009, 2015Playoff appearances (10) NFL: 1947, 1948, 1974, 1975, 1982, 1998, 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015Home fields Since 1920: Normal Park (1920–1921, 1926–1928) Comiskey Park (1922–1925, 1929–1930, 1939–1958) Wrigley Field (1931–1938) Soldier Field (1959, 4 games) Metropolitan Stadium (1959, 2 games) Sportsman's Park (1960–1965) Busch Memorial Stadium (1966–1987) Sun Devil Stadium (1988–2005) University of Phoenix Stadium (2006–present)
Arizona Cardinals
Et resultat af sporing i skolen er, at?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Tracking (education) Det har vist sig, at sporing giver færre akademiske resultater for elever med lavt begavelse og højere akademiske resultater for elever med højt begavede elever; en fjernelse af sporing vil øge de dårligste elevers resultater og skade de bedste elevers resultater. Kritikere siger, at hvis man ikke udfordrer alle elever med det mest avancerede pensum, resulterer det i et generelt lavt uddannelsesniveau hos eleverne, og at eleverne i de lave spor ikke lærer lige så meget som deres jævnaldrende i de højere spor, f.eks. avanceret matematik.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Tracking (education) Tracking has been shown to produce less academic achievement for low-ability students, and higher academic achievement for high-ability students; de-tracking would increase the achievement of the worst students and harm the achievement of the best students. Critics say that not challenging all students with the most advanced curriculum results in overall low student educational achievement, and that students in low tracks do not learn as much as their peers in higher tracks, e.g., advanced mathematics.
Tracking (education)
Hvad der skete med hillarys designassistent desta?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Love It or List It I 2012 bemærkede New York Times' klummeskribent Gail Collins, at det var USA's udenrigsminister Hillary Clintons yndlings-tv-program. Ifølge Collins finder Clinton showet "meget beroligende" efter at være blevet interviewet om sin afgang fra politik.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Love It or List It In 2012, New York Times' columnist Gail Collins noted that it was US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's favorite TV show. According to Collins, Clinton finds the show "very calming" after being interviewed about her departure from politics.
Love It or List It
Hvor blev employee of the month-film filmet?
{ "text": [ "Costco" ], "answer_start": [ 396 ] }
Employee of the Month (2006 film) Employee of te Month er en amerikansk komedie fra 2006, instrueret af Greg Coolidge, skrevet af Don Calame, Chris Conroy og Coolidge, med Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson og Dax Shepard i hovedrollerne. Hovedplottet drejer sig om to butiksansatte (portrætteret af Cook og Shepard), der konkurrerer om deres nyeste medarbejders kærlighed. Filmen blev primært optaget i Costco i Albuquerque, New Mexico, som ligger på 1420 N Renaissance Blvd NE. Filmen blev udgivet den 6. oktober 2006 og indtjente 38 millioner dollars.
{ "text": [ "Costco" ], "answer_start": [ 361 ] }
Employee of the Month (2006 film) Employee of the Month is a 2006 American comedy film directed by Greg Coolidge, written by Don Calame, Chris Conroy, and Coolidge, and starring Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson and Dax Shepard. The main plot revolves around two shop employees (portrayed by Cook and Shepard) who compete for the affection of their newest co-worker. The film was shot primarily at the Costco in Albuquerque, New Mexico located at 1420 N Renaissance Blvd NE. The film was released on October 6, 2006 and grossed $38 million.
Employee of the Month (2006 film)
Hvor kommer slipset (necktie) fra?
{ "text": [ "Frankrig" ], "answer_start": [ 115 ] }
Necktie Det moderne slips, der spredte sig fra Europa, kan spores tilbage til kroatiske lejesoldater, der tjente i Frankrig under Trediveårskrigen (1618-1648). Disse lejesoldater fra den kroatiske militærgrænse, der bar deres traditionelle små, knyttede halstørklæder, vakte parisernes interesse. På grund af forskellen mellem det kroatiske ord for kroater, Hrvati, og det franske ord for kroater, Croates, fik tøjet navnet cravat (cravate på fransk). Drengekongen Ludvig XIV begyndte at bære en cravat med blonder omkring 1646, da han var syv år gammel, og han satte mode for den franske adel. Denne nye beklædningsgenstand startede en modebølge i Europa; både mænd og kvinder bar stofstykker om halsen. Fra den franske konge indførte den, bar mænd kniplinger eller jabots, som det tog lang tid og krævede en stor indsats at ordne. Disse cravats blev ofte bundet på plads med cravat-snore, der blev arrangeret pænt og bundet i en sløjfe.
{ "text": [ "France" ], "answer_start": [ 90 ] }
Necktie The modern necktie that spread from Europe traces back to Croatian mercenaries serving in France during the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648). These mercenaries from the Croatian Military Frontier, wearing their traditional small, knotted neckerchiefs, aroused the interest of the Parisians. Because of the difference between the Croatian word for Croats, Hrvati, and the French word, Croates, the garment gained the name cravat (cravate in French). The boy-king Louis XIV began wearing a lace cravat around 1646, when he was seven, and set the fashion for French nobility. This new article of clothing started a fashion craze in Europe; both men and women wore pieces of fabric around their necks. From its introduction by the French king, men wore lace cravats, or jabots, that took a large amount of time and effort to arrange. These cravats were often tied in place by cravat strings, arranged neatly and tied in a bow.
Hvem er kendt som far til www (world wide web)?
{ "text": [ "Tim Berners-Lee" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Tim Berners-Lee Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS (født den 8. juni 1955), også kendt som TimBL, er en engelsk ingeniør og datalog, der er bedst kendt som opfinder af World Wide Web. Han er i dag professor i datalogi ved University of Oxford og Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Han fremsatte et forslag til et informationsstyringssystem i marts 1989, og han gennemførte den første vellykkede kommunikation mellem en HTTP-klient og -server (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) via internettet i midten af november samme år.
{ "text": [ "Tim Berners-Lee" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Tim Berners-Lee Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS (born 8 June 1955), also known as TimBL, is an English engineer and computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He is currently a professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He made a proposal for an information management system in March 1989, and he implemented the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the internet in mid-November the same year.
Tim Berners-Lee
Hvornår finder de halesektionen i lost?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of Lost characters Karaktererne fra den amerikanske drama-/eventyr-tv-serie Lost er skabt af Damon Lindelof og J. J. Abrams. Serien følger livet for overlevende efter et flystyrt på en mystisk tropisk ø, efter at et kommercielt passagerfly fra det fiktive Oceanic Airlines styrter ned et sted i det sydlige Stillehav. Hvert afsnit indeholder typisk en primær historie på øen samt en sekundær historie, et flashback fra et andet tidspunkt i en karakteres liv.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
List of Lost characters The characters from the American drama/adventure television series Lost were created by Damon Lindelof and J. J. Abrams. The series follows the lives of plane crash survivors on a mysterious tropical island, after a commercial passenger jet from the fictional Oceanic Airlines crashes somewhere in the South Pacific. Each episode typically features a primary storyline on the island as well as a secondary storyline, a flashback from another point in a character's life.
List of Lost characters
Hvad er en ikke-konkurrende ikke-anmodnings aftale?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Non-compete clause Inden for aftaleretten er en konkurrenceklausul (ofte NCC) eller en aftale om ikke at konkurrere (CNC) en klausul, hvorefter en part (normalt en ansat) indvilliger i ikke at påbegynde eller starte et lignende erhverv eller handel i konkurrence med en anden part (normalt arbejdsgiveren). Nogle domstole omtaler disse som "restriktive klausuler". Som en kontraktbestemmelse er en CNC bundet af de traditionelle kontraktkrav, herunder doktrinen om modydelse.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Non-compete clause In contract law, a non-compete clause (often NCC), or covenant not to compete (CNC), is a clause under which one party (usually an employee) agrees not to enter into or start a similar profession or trade in competition against another party (usually the employer). Some courts refer to these as "restrictive covenants." As a contract provision, a CNC is bound by traditional contract requirements including the consideration doctrine.
Non-compete clause
Hvor lang er ventelisten til sæsonbilletter til denver broncos?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
NFL season ticket waiting lists Team År, hvor ventelisten blev oprettet Ca. antal navne på ventelisten Ca. ventetid Personlig pladslicens Arizona Cardinals N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Atlanta Falcons 2008 Ingen venteliste Ukendt Ja Baltimore Ravens 2004 3000 20 år Ja Buffalo Bills N/A 0 Ingen Nej Carolina Panthers N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ja Chicago Bears 1985 Ukendt Ukendt Ja, køb af PSL valgfrit Cincinnati Bengals N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ja Cleveland Browns N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Dallas Cowboys N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ja Kun AT&T Stadium Denver Broncos Ukendt 73,000+ Ukendt Nej Detroit Lions N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Green Bay Packers 1960 123,000 30 år Ja (Engangsbeløb, 2.100 $ pr. plads - grøn pakke. Engangsbeløb, 900 $ pr. plads - Guldpakke). Houston Texans 2002 28,000 4 år Ja Indianapolis Colts 2013 Ukendt Ukendt Nej Jacksonville Jaguars N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Kansas City Chiefs N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Los Angeles Chargers 2017 Ukendt Ukendt Nej Los Angeles Rams N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ja Miami Dolphins N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Minnesota Vikings 2013 ukendt 1 år Ja New England Patriots 1994 60,000 12 år Ingen New Orleans Saints 2006 70,000 Ukendt Nej New York Giants 1976 70,000 N/A Ja, kun MetLife Stadium New York Jets N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ja, øverste niveau har ingen PSL'er Kun MetLife Stadium Oakland Raiders N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Philadelphia Eagles 2002 40,000+ 30 år Ja Pittsburgh Steelers 1972 Ukendt Ukendt Ja San Francisco 49ers N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ja, kun Levi's Stadium Seattle Seahawks 2012 12.000 Blue Pride + 58.000 venter på Blue Pride 10-12 år Ja Tampa Bay Buccaneers N/A Ingen venteliste Ingen Ingen Tennessee Titans Ukendt 22,000 20 år Ja Washington Redskins N/A Ingen Ingen Ingen
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
NFL season ticket waiting lists Team Year waiting list was started Approx. number of names on waiting list Approx. wait time Personal Seat License Arizona Cardinals N/A No Waiting List None No Atlanta Falcons 2008 No Waiting List Unknown Yes Baltimore Ravens 2004 3000 20 years Yes Buffalo Bills N/A 0 None No Carolina Panthers N/A No Waiting List None Yes Chicago Bears 1985 Unknown Unknown Yes, PSL purchase optional Cincinnati Bengals N/A No waiting list None Yes Cleveland Browns N/A No waiting list None No Dallas Cowboys N/A No waiting list None Yes AT&T Stadium only Denver Broncos Unknown 73,000+ Unknown No Detroit Lions N/A No waiting list None No Green Bay Packers 1960 123,000 30 years Yes (One-time, $2,100 per seat—Green Package. One-time, $900 per seat—Gold Package.) Houston Texans 2002 28,000 4 years Yes Indianapolis Colts 2013 Unknown Unknown No Jacksonville Jaguars N/A No waiting list None No Kansas City Chiefs N/A No waiting list None No Los Angeles Chargers 2017 Unknown Unknown No Los Angeles Rams N/A No waiting list None Yes Miami Dolphins N/A No waiting list None No Minnesota Vikings 2013 unknown 1 year Yes New England Patriots 1994 60,000 12 years No New Orleans Saints 2006 70,000 Unknown No New York Giants 1976 70,000 N/A Yes, MetLife Stadium only New York Jets N/A No waiting list None Yes, upper level has no PSLs MetLife Stadium only Oakland Raiders N/A No waiting list None No Philadelphia Eagles 2002 40,000+ 30 years Yes Pittsburgh Steelers 1972 Unknown Unknown Yes San Francisco 49ers N/A No waiting list None Yes, Levi's Stadium only Seattle Seahawks 2012 12,000 Blue Pride + 58,000 waiting for Blue Pride 10-12 Years Yes Tampa Bay Buccaneers N/A No waiting list None No Tennessee Titans Unknown 22,000 20 years Yes Washington Redskins N/A None None No
NFL season ticket waiting lists
Hvornår blev den store moske i aleppo bygget?
{ "text": [ "8. århundrede" ], "answer_start": [ 583 ] }
Great Mosque of Aleppo Den store moské i Aleppo (arabisk: جَـامِـع حَـلَـب الْـكَـبِـيْـر, Jāmi' Ḥalab al-Kabīr) eller den umayyadiske moské i Aleppo (arabisk: جَـامِـع بَـنِي أُمَـيَّـة بِـحَـلَـب, Jāmi' Banī Umayyah Bi-Ḥalab) er den største og en af de ældste moskeer i byen Aleppo i Syrien. Den ligger i al-Jalloum-distriktet i den gamle by Aleppo, som er på verdensarvslisten, nær indgangen til Al-Madina Souq. Moskéen er angiveligt hjemsted for resterne af Zakarias, faderen til Johannes Døberen, som begge er æret i islam og kristendommen. Den blev bygget i begyndelsen af det 8. århundrede e.Kr. Den nuværende bygning stammer dog fra det 11. til det 14. århundrede. Minareten blev bygget i 1090 og blev ødelagt under kampene i den syriske borgerkrig i april 2013.
{ "text": [ "8th century" ], "answer_start": [ 586 ] }
The Great Mosque of Aleppo (Arabic: جَـامِـع حَـلَـب الْـكَـبِـيْـر‎, Jāmi‘ Ḥalab al-Kabīr) or the Umayyad Mosque of Aleppo (Arabic: جَـامِـع بَـنِي أُمَـيَّـة بِـحَـلَـب‎, Jāmi‘ Banī Umayyah Bi-Ḥalab) is the largest and one of the oldest mosques in the city of Aleppo, Syria. It is located in al-Jalloum district of the Ancient City of Aleppo, a World Heritage Site, near the entrance to Al-Madina Souq. The mosque is purportedly home to the remains of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, both of whom are revered in Islam and Christianity. It was built in the beginning of the 8th century CE. However, the current building dates back to the 11th through 14th centuries. The minaret was built in 1090, and was destroyed during fighting in the Syrian civil war in April 2013.
Great Mosque of Aleppo
Hvor mange sæsoner af arrow er der vil være?
{ "text": [ "8" ], "answer_start": [ 1419 ] }
Arrow (TV series) Pile Titelkort til første sæson Genre Superheltefiktion Drama Action Kriminalitet Mystik Baseret på Figurer fra DC Comics Udviklet af Greg Berlanti Marc Guggenheim Andrew Kreisberg Medvirkende: Stephen Amell Katie Cassidy Colin Donnell David Ramsey Willa Holland Susanna Thompson Paul Blackthorne Emily Bett Rickards Colton Haynes Manu Bennett John Barrowman Echo Kellum Josh Segarra Rick Gonzalez Juliana Harkavy Komponist(er) Blake Neely Oprindelsesland USA Oprindelige sprog Engelsk Antal sæsoner 6 Antal episoder 137 (liste over episoder) Produktion Eksekutivproducent(er) David Nutter (pilot) Sarah Schechter Wendy Mericle Andrew Kreisberg Marc Guggenheim Greg Berlanti Beth Schwartz Producent(er) J. P. Finn Wendy Mericle Todd Pittson Ben Sokolowski Keto Shimizu Glen Winter James Bamford Jon Wallace Jennifer Lence Carl Ogawa Sted(er) Vancouver, British Columbia Kinematografi Glen Winter Gordon Verheul Gregory Middleton C. Kim Miles Corey Robson Redaktør(er) Kristin Windell Andi Armaganian Paul Karasik Jessie Murray Thomas Wallerstein Carol Slutz Opsætning af kamera Enkeltkamera Løbetid 40-43 minutter Produktionsselskab(er) Berlanti Productions DC Entertainment Warner Bros. Television Distributør Warner Bros. Television Distribution Udgivelse Oprindelige netværk The CW Billedformat HDTV 1080i Lydformat Dolby Digital 5.1 Originaludgivelse 10. oktober 2012 (2012-10-10) - nutid (nutid) Kronologi Relaterede shows Arrowverse Eksterne links Officielt websted Produktionens websted
{ "text": [ "8" ], "answer_start": [ 1394 ] }
Arrow (TV series) Arrow Season one title card Genre Superhero fiction Drama Action Crime Mystery Based on Characters from DC Comics Developed by Greg Berlanti Marc Guggenheim Andrew Kreisberg Starring Stephen Amell Katie Cassidy Colin Donnell David Ramsey Willa Holland Susanna Thompson Paul Blackthorne Emily Bett Rickards Colton Haynes Manu Bennett John Barrowman Echo Kellum Josh Segarra Rick Gonzalez Juliana Harkavy Composer(s) Blake Neely Country of origin United States Original language(s) English No. of seasons 6 No. of episodes 137 (list of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) David Nutter (pilot) Sarah Schechter Wendy Mericle Andrew Kreisberg Marc Guggenheim Greg Berlanti Beth Schwartz Producer(s) J. P. Finn Wendy Mericle Todd Pittson Ben Sokolowski Keto Shimizu Glen Winter James Bamford Jon Wallace Jennifer Lence Carl Ogawa Location(s) Vancouver, British Columbia Cinematography Glen Winter Gordon Verheul Gregory Middleton C. Kim Miles Corey Robson Editor(s) Kristin Windell Andi Armaganian Paul Karasik Jessie Murray Thomas Wallerstein Carol Slutz Camera setup Single-camera Running time 40–43 minutes Production company(s) Berlanti Productions DC Entertainment Warner Bros. Television Distributor Warner Bros. Television Distribution Release Original network The CW Picture format HDTV 1080i Audio format Dolby Digital 5.1 Original release October 10, 2012 (2012-10-10) – present (present) Chronology Related shows Arrowverse External links Official website Production website
Arrow (TV series)
Hvad er den største by i indien arealmæssigt?
{ "text": [ "Mumbai" ], "answer_start": [ 176 ] }
List of cities in India by area By Stat/UT Område (km2) Ref Delhi Delhi 1,484 Bangalore Karnataka 709 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 681.96 Hyderabad Telangana 650 Mumbai Maharashtra 603.4 Indore Madhya Pradesh 530 Jaipur Rajasthan 484 Ahemdabad Gujrat 464 Chennai Tamil Nadu 426 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 403.7 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 349 Pune Maharashtra 331.26 Surat Gujrat 326.5 Dehradun Uttarakhand 300
{ "text": [ "Mumbai" ], "answer_start": [ 147 ] }
List of cities in India by area City State / UT Area (km2) Ref Delhi Delhi 1,484 Bangalore Karnataka 709 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 681.96 Hyderabad Telangana 650 Mumbai Maharashtra 603.4 Indore Madhya Pradesh 530 Jaipur Rajasthan 484 Ahemdabad Gujrat 464 Chennai Tamil Nadu 426 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 403.7 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 349 Pune Maharashtra 331.26 Surat Gujrat 326.5 Dehradun Uttarakhand 300
List of cities in India by area
Hvordan håndterer kommissionen for ligestilling mellem menneskerettighederne krænkelser?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Commission for Gender Equality CGE's vision er "et samfund uden undertrykkelse og ulighed mellem kønnene". Dens mission er at "fremme, fremme og beskytte ligestilling mellem kønnene i Sydafrika gennem forskning, oplysning af offentligheden, udvikling af politikker, lovgivningsinitiativer, effektiv overvågning og retssager".
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Commission for Gender Equality The vision of the CGE is "a society free from gender oppression and inequality". Its mission is to "advance, promote and protect gender equality in South Africa through undertaking research, public education, policy development, legislative initiatives, effective monitoring and litigation".
Commission for Gender Equality
Hvad findes to typer af eksokrine kirtler i huden?
{ "text": [ "sved" ], "answer_start": [ 149 ] }
Exocrine gland Exokrine kirtler er kirtler, der producerer og udskiller stoffer på en epiteloverflade via en kanal. Eksempler på exokrine kirtler er svedkirtler, spytkirtler, brystkirtler, cerumuskirtler, tårekirtler, talgkirtler og slimhinder. Exokrine kirtler er en af to typer kirtler i menneskekroppen, den anden er de endokrine kirtler, som udskiller deres produkter direkte i blodbanen. Leveren og bugspytkirtlen er både exokrine og endokrine kirtler; de er exokrine kirtler, fordi de udskiller produkter - galde og bugspytkirtelsaft - i mave-tarmkanalen gennem en række kanaler, og endokrine, fordi de udskiller andre stoffer direkte i blodbanen.
{ "text": [ "sweat" ], "answer_start": [ 144 ] }
Exocrine glands are glands that produce and secrete substances onto an epithelial surface by way of a duct. Examples of exocrine glands include sweat, salivary, mammary, ceruminous, lacrimal, sebaceous, and mucous. Exocrine glands are one of two types of glands in the human body, the other being endocrine glands, which secrete their products directly into the bloodstream. The liver and pancreas are both exocrine and endocrine glands; they are exocrine glands because they secrete products—bile and pancreatic juice—into the gastrointestinal tract through a series of ducts, and endocrine because they secrete other substances directly into the bloodstream.
Exocrine gland
Zoologisk gren, der beskæftiger sig med undersøgelse af fisk?
{ "text": [ "Ichthyologi" ], "answer_start": [ 12 ] }
Ichthyology Ichthyologi (fra græsk ἰχθθύς, ikhthus, "fisk", og λόγος, logos, "undersøgelse"), også kendt som fiskevidenskab, er en gren af zoologien, der beskæftiger sig med fisk. Dette omfatter benfisk (Osteichthyes), bruskfisk (Chondrichthyes) og kædeløse fisk (Agnatha). Selv om der er blevet opdaget et stort antal arter, beskrives der hvert år ca. 250 nye arter officielt af videnskaben. Ifølge FishBase var der i oktober 2016 beskrevet 33 400 fiskearter.
{ "text": [ "Ichthyology" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Ichthyology (from Greek: ἰχθύς, ikhthus, "fish"; and λόγος, logos, "study"), also known as fish science, is the branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish. This includes bony fish (Osteichthyes), cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), and jawless fish (Agnatha). While a large number of species have been discovered, approximately 250 new species are officially described by science each year. According to FishBase, 33,400 species of fish had been described by October 2016.
Hvem spiller pontius pilate i nbc's jesus christ superstar?
{ "text": [ "Ben Daniels" ], "answer_start": [ 360 ] }
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert I december 2017 meddelte producenterne, at Alice Cooper var blevet castet som kong Herodes og John Legend var blevet castet til titelrollen som Jesus Kristus. Den følgende måned blev det annonceret, at Sara Bareilles skulle spille Maria Magdalene. I februar 2018 blev det annonceret, at Brandon Victor Dixon, Norm Lewis, Ben Daniels, Jason Tam, Jin Ha og Erik Gronwall var blevet castet som henholdsvis Judas, Kajafas, Pontius Pilatus, Peter, Annas og Simon Zealotes.
{ "text": [ "Ben Daniels" ], "answer_start": [ 312 ] }
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert In December 2017, the producers announced that Alice Cooper had been cast as King Herod and John Legend had been cast in the title role of Jesus Christ. The following month, it was announced that Sara Bareilles would play Mary Magdalene. In February 2018, it was announced that Brandon Victor Dixon, Norm Lewis, Ben Daniels, Jason Tam, Jin Ha and Erik Gronwall had been cast as Judas, Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate, Peter, Annas and Simon Zealotes, respectively.
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
Pave fra 2005 til 2013 krydsord fif?
{ "text": [ "Benedikt XVI" ], "answer_start": [ 3769 ] }
Pope Benedict V showvtePopper i den katolske kirke Liste over paver grafisk kanoniserede Pavelige navne Grave bevarede ikke-eksisterende Antipave Pave emeritus Pavelig afgang Den nyvalgte pave 1.-4. århundredeI Romerriget (indtil 493)herunder under Konstantin (312-337) Peter Linus Anacletus Clemens I Evaristus Alexander I Sixtus I Telesphorus Hyginus Pius I Anicetus Soter Eleutherius Victor I Zephyrinus Callixtus I Urban I Pontian Anterus Fabian Cornelius Lucius I Stefan I Sixtus II Dionysius Felix I Eutychian Caius Marcellinus Marcellus I Eusebius Miltiades Sylvester I Mark Julius I Liberius Damasus I Siricius Anastasius I 5.-8. århundredeOstrogothisk pavedømme (493-537)Byzantinsk pavedømme (537-752)Frankisk pavedømme (756-857) Innocent I Zosimus Bonifatius I Celestine I Sixtus III Leo I Hilarius Simplicius Felix III Gelasius I Anastasius II Symmachus Hormisdas Johannes I Felix IV Bonifatius II Johannes II Agapetus I Silverius Vigilius Pelagius I Johannes III Benedikt I Pelagius II Gregor I Sabinian Bonifatius III Bonifatius IV Adeodatus I Bonifatius V Honorius I Severinus Johannes IV Theodore I Martin I Eugene I Vitalian Adeodatus II Donus Agatho Leo II Benedikt II Johannes V Conon Sergius I Johannes VI Johannes VII Sisinnius Konstantin Gregor II Gregor III Zachary Stefan II Paulus I Stefan III Adrian I Leo III 9.-12. århundredePapelvalg før 1059Saeculum obscurum (904-964)Crescentii æra (974-1012)Tuskulansk pavedømme (1012-1044/1048)Kejserligt pavedømme (1048-1257) Stefan IV Pave I Eugene II Valentin Gregor IV Sergius II Leo IV Benedikt III Nikolaus I Adrian II Johannes VIII Marinus I Adrian III Stefan V Formosus Bonifatius VI Stefan VI Romanus Theodore II Johannes IX Benedikt IV Leo V Sergius III Anastasius III Lando Johannes X Leo VI Stefan VII Johannes XI Leo VII Stefan VIII Marinus II Agapetus II Johannes XII Benedikt V Leo VIII Johannes XIII Benedikt VI Benedikt VII Johannes XIV Johannes XV Gregor V Sylvester II Johannes XVII Johannes XVIII Sergius IV Benedikt VIII Johannes XIX Benedikt IX Sylvester III Benedikt IX Gregor VI Clemens II Benedikt IX Damasus II Leo IX Victor II Stefan IX Nikolaus II Alexander II Gregor VII Victor III Urban II Pasteur II Gelasius II Callixtus II Honorius II Innocent II Celestine II Lucius II Eugene III Anastasius IV Adrian IV Alexander III Lucius III Urban III Gregor VIII Clemens III Celestine III Innocent III 13.-16. århundredeViterbo (1257-1281)Orvieto (1262-1297)Perugia (1228-1304)Avignon-papedømmet (1309-1378)Vestre skisma (1378-1417)Renæssance-papedømmet (1417-1534)Reformationspapedømmet (1534-1585)Barok-papedømmet (1585-1689) Honorius III Gregor IX Celestine IV Innocent IV Alexander IV Urban IV Clemens IV Gregor X Innocent V Adrian V Johannes XXI Nikolaus III Martin IV Honorius IV Nikolaus IV Celestine V Bonifatius VIII Benedikt XI Clemens V Johannes XXII Benedikt XII Clemens VI Innocent VI Urban V Gregor XI Urban VI Bonifatius IX Innocent VII Gregor XII Martin V Eugene IV Nikolaus V Callixtus III Pius II Paul II Sixtus IV Innocent VIII Alexander VI Pius III Julius II Leo X Adrian VI Clemens VII Paulus III Julius III Marcellus II Paulus IV Pius IV Pius V Gregor XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregor XIV Innocent IX Clemens VIII 17.-20. århundredeRevolutionært pavedømme (1775-1848)Romersk spørgsmål (1870-1929)Vatikanstaten (1929-nutid)Anden Verdenskrig (1939-1945)Den kolde krig (1945-1991) Leo XI Paul V Gregor XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clemens IX Clemens X Innocent XI Alexander VIII Innocent XII Clemens XI Innocent XIII Benedikt XIII Clemens XII Benedikt XIV Clemens XIII Clemens XIV Pius VI Pius VII Leo XII Pius VIII Gregor XVI Pius IX Leo XIII Pius X Benedikt XV Pius XI Pius XII Johannes XXIII Paul VI Johannes Paul I Johannes Paul II Det 21. århundrede Benedikt XVI Frans Pavedømmets historieAntikken og den tidlige middelalder Under Romerriget (indtil 493) Under Konstantin (312-337) Ostrogothisk pavedømme (493-537) Det byzantinske pavedømme (537-752) Det frankiske pavedømme (756-857) Saeculum obscurum (904-964) Crescentii-æraen (974-1012) Høj- og senmiddelalderen Tuskulansk pavedømme (1012-1044 / 1048) Det kejserlige pavedømme (1048-1257) Vandrende pavedømme Viterbo, 1257-1281 Orvieto, 1262-1297 Perugia, 1228-1304 Avignon-papedømmet (1309-1378) Det vestlige skisma (1378-1417) Tidlig moderne og moderne tid Renæssancepavevældet (1417-1534) Reformationspapedømmet (1534-1585) Barok-papedømme (1585-1689) Revolutionært pavedømme (1775-1848) Det romerske spørgsmål (1870-1929) Vatikanstaten (1929-nutid) WWII (1939-1945) Bog Kategori: Paven portal Katolicisme portal
{ "text": [ "Benedict XVI" ], "answer_start": [ 3621 ] }
Pope Benedict V showvtePopes of the Catholic Church List of popes graphical canonised Papal names Tombs extant non-extant Antipope Pope emeritus Papal resignation Pope-elect 1st–4th centuriesDuring the Roman Empire (until 493)including under Constantine (312–337) Peter Linus Anacletus Clement I Evaristus Alexander I Sixtus I Telesphorus Hyginus Pius I Anicetus Soter Eleutherius Victor I Zephyrinus Callixtus I Urban I Pontian Anterus Fabian Cornelius Lucius I Stephen I Sixtus II Dionysius Felix I Eutychian Caius Marcellinus Marcellus I Eusebius Miltiades Sylvester I Mark Julius I Liberius Damasus I Siricius Anastasius I 5th–8th centuriesOstrogothic Papacy (493–537)Byzantine Papacy (537–752)Frankish Papacy (756–857) Innocent I Zosimus Boniface I Celestine I Sixtus III Leo I Hilarius Simplicius Felix III Gelasius I Anastasius II Symmachus Hormisdas John I Felix IV Boniface II John II Agapetus I Silverius Vigilius Pelagius I John III Benedict I Pelagius II Gregory I Sabinian Boniface III Boniface IV Adeodatus I Boniface V Honorius I Severinus John IV Theodore I Martin I Eugene I Vitalian Adeodatus II Donus Agatho Leo II Benedict II John V Conon Sergius I John VI John VII Sisinnius Constantine Gregory II Gregory III Zachary Stephen II Paul I Stephen III Adrian I Leo III 9th–12th centuriesPapal selection before 1059Saeculum obscurum (904–964)Crescentii era (974–1012)Tusculan Papacy (1012–1044/1048)Imperial Papacy (1048–1257) Stephen IV Paschal I Eugene II Valentine Gregory IV Sergius II Leo IV Benedict III Nicholas I Adrian II John VIII Marinus I Adrian III Stephen V Formosus Boniface VI Stephen VI Romanus Theodore II John IX Benedict IV Leo V Sergius III Anastasius III Lando John X Leo VI Stephen VII John XI Leo VII Stephen VIII Marinus II Agapetus II John XII Benedict V Leo VIII John XIII Benedict VI Benedict VII John XIV John XV Gregory V Sylvester II John XVII John XVIII Sergius IV Benedict VIII John XIX Benedict IX Sylvester III Benedict IX Gregory VI Clement II Benedict IX Damasus II Leo IX Victor II Stephen IX Nicholas II Alexander II Gregory VII Victor III Urban II Paschal II Gelasius II Callixtus II Honorius II Innocent II Celestine II Lucius II Eugene III Anastasius IV Adrian IV Alexander III Lucius III Urban III Gregory VIII Clement III Celestine III Innocent III 13th–16th centuriesViterbo (1257–1281)Orvieto (1262–1297)Perugia (1228–1304)Avignon Papacy (1309–1378)Western Schism (1378–1417)Renaissance Papacy (1417–1534)Reformation Papacy (1534–1585)Baroque Papacy (1585–1689) Honorius III Gregory IX Celestine IV Innocent IV Alexander IV Urban IV Clement IV Gregory X Innocent V Adrian V John XXI Nicholas III Martin IV Honorius IV Nicholas IV Celestine V Boniface VIII Benedict XI Clement V John XXII Benedict XII Clement VI Innocent VI Urban V Gregory XI Urban VI Boniface IX Innocent VII Gregory XII Martin V Eugene IV Nicholas V Callixtus III Pius II Paul II Sixtus IV Innocent VIII Alexander VI Pius III Julius II Leo X Adrian VI Clement VII Paul III Julius III Marcellus II Paul IV Pius IV Pius V Gregory XIII Sixtus V Urban VII Gregory XIV Innocent IX Clement VIII 17th–20th centuriesRevolutionary Papacy (1775–1848)Roman Question (1870–1929)Vatican City (1929–present)World War II (1939–1945)Cold War (1945–1991) Leo XI Paul V Gregory XV Urban VIII Innocent X Alexander VII Clement IX Clement X Innocent XI Alexander VIII Innocent XII Clement XI Innocent XIII Benedict XIII Clement XII Benedict XIV Clement XIII Clement XIV Pius VI Pius VII Leo XII Pius VIII Gregory XVI Pius IX Leo XIII Pius X Benedict XV Pius XI Pius XII John XXIII Paul VI John Paul I John Paul II 21st century Benedict XVI Francis History of the papacyAntiquity and Early Middle Ages During the Roman Empire (until 493) Under Constantine (312–337) Ostrogothic Papacy (493–537) Byzantine Papacy (537–752) Frankish Papacy (756–857) Saeculum obscurum (904–964) Crescentii era (974–1012) High and LateMiddle Ages Tusculan Papacy (1012–1044 / 1048) Imperial Papacy (1048–1257) Wandering Papacy Viterbo, 1257–1281 Orvieto, 1262–1297 Perugia, 1228–1304 Avignon Papacy (1309–1378) Western Schism (1378–1417) Early Modern and Modern Era Renaissance Papacy (1417–1534) Reformation Papacy (1534–1585) Baroque Papacy (1585–1689) Revolutionary Papacy (1775–1848) Roman Question (1870–1929) Vatican City (1929–present) WWII (1939–1945) Book Category Pope portal Catholicism portal
Pope Benedict V
Der startede den nye sangbevægelse i latinamerika?
{ "text": [ "Nueva canción" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Nueva canción dukkede først op i 1960'erne som "nueva canción chilena" i Chile. Musikstilen dukkede kort efter op i Spanien og andre områder i Latinamerika, hvor den blev kendt under lignende navne. Nueva canción fornyede den traditionelle latinamerikanske folkemusik og blev hurtigt forbundet med revolutionære bevægelser, den latinamerikanske nye venstrefløj, befrielsesteologi, hippie- og menneskerettighedsbevægelser på grund af de politiske tekster. Den ville opnå stor popularitet i hele Latinamerika og satte sit præg på flere andre genrer som iberoamerikansk rock, Cumbia og andinsk musik.
{ "text": [ "Nueva canción" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Nueva canción first surfaced during the 1960s as "nueva canción chilena" in Chile. The musical style emerged shortly afterwards in Spain and other areas of Latin America where it came to be known under similar names. Nueva canción renewed traditional Latin American folk music, and was soon associated with revolutionary movements, the Latin American New Left, Liberation Theology, hippie and human rights movements due to political lyrics. It would gain great popularity throughout Latin America, and left an imprint on several other genres like Ibero-American rock, Cumbia and Andean music.
Nueva canción
Hvem besteg mount everest først i sri lanka?
{ "text": [ "Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala (født den 3. september 1979), en tidligere elev fra Bishop's College, er den første srilankaner til at bestige Mount Everest. Kuru-Utumpala nåede toppen af Mount Everest kl. 5:03 den 21. maj 2016. Sammen med Johann Peries dannede hun den srilankanske Everest-ekspedition 2016. Peries nåede en højde på 8.400 m, hvilket er hinsides Camp IV (den sidste lejr på den sydlige opstigningsrute, på South Col).
{ "text": [ "Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala (born 3 September 1979), a past pupil of Bishop's College is the first Sri Lankan to summit Mount Everest. Kuru-Utumpala reached the summit of Mount Everest at 5:03 AM on 21 May 2016. Along with Johann Peries, she formed the Sri Lankan Everest Expedition, 2016. Peries attained a height of 8,400 m, which is beyond Camp IV (the final camp on the southern ascent route, on the South Col).
Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala
Input/output devices der giver brugere mulighed for at kommunikere med en computer kaldes?
{ "text": [ "I/O-enheder" ], "answer_start": [ 13 ] }
Input/output I/O-enheder er de dele af hardwaren, som et menneske (eller et andet system) bruger til at kommunikere med en computer. Et tastatur eller en computermus er f.eks. en indgangsenhed til en computer, mens skærme og printere er udgangsenheder. Enheder til kommunikation mellem computere, f.eks. modemmer og netværkskort, udfører typisk både input- og outputoperationer.
{ "text": [ "I/O devices" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Input/output I/O devices are the pieces of hardware used by a human (or other system) to communicate with a computer. For instance, a keyboard or computer mouse is an input device for a computer, while monitors and printers are output devices. Devices for communication between computers, such as modems and network cards, typically perform both input and output operations.
Hvornår blev kinas ene børnepolitik håndhævet?
{ "text": [ "1979" ], "answer_start": [ 155 ] }
One-child policy Etbarnspolitikken, der var en del af familieplanlægningspolitikken, var en af Kinas befolkningsplanlægningspolitikker. Den blev indført i 1979 og begyndte at blive formelt udfaset ved udgangen af 2015 og begyndelsen af 2016. Politikken blev kun håndhævet over for Han-kinesere og tillod undtagelser for mange grupper, herunder etniske minoriteter. I 2007 var 36 % af Kinas befolkning underlagt en streng et-barnsbegrænsning, og yderligere 53 % havde lov til at få et andet barn, hvis det første barn var en pige. Provinsregeringerne pålagde bøder for overtrædelser, og de lokale og nationale regeringer oprettede kommissioner, der skulle øge bevidstheden og udføre registrerings- og inspektionsarbejde.
{ "text": [ "1979" ], "answer_start": [ 124 ] }
One-child policy The one-child policy, a part of the family planning policy, was a population planning policy of China. It was introduced in 1979 and began to be formally phased out near the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016. The policy was only enforced on Han Chinese and allowed exceptions for many groups, including ethnic minorities. In 2007, 36% of China's population was subject to a strict one-child restriction, with an additional 53% being allowed to have a second child if the first child was a girl. Provincial governments imposed fines for violations, and the local and national governments created commissions to raise awareness and carry out registration and inspection work.
One-child policy
Hvornår er australien vært for fifa world cup?
{ "text": [ "2022" ], "answer_start": [ 10 ] }
Australia 2022 FIFA World Cup bid Australien afgav et afslag på at byde på VM i fodbold i 2022. Den 2. december 2010 meddelte FIFA, at begivenheden ville blive afholdt i Qatar. Australien indgav også et bud på VM i 2018, men trak buddet tilbage den 10. juni 2010. VM i 2018 og 2022 bliver den 21. og 22. udgave af FIFA's verdensmesterskab i fodbold. Udbudsproceduren for at blive vært for både 2018 og 2022 begyndte i januar 2009, og de nationale forbund havde indtil den 2. februar 2009 til at tilkendegive deres interesse. Buddet blev præsenteret af Frank Lowy, Ben Buckley, Quentin Bryce og Elle Macpherson. På grund af kontroverser om værtskabet i Qatar er Australiens bud dog muligt, hvis FIFA beslutter at fratage Qatar værtsrettighederne for 2022.
{ "text": [ "2022" ], "answer_start": [ 48 ] }
Australia 2022 FIFA World Cup bid Australia submitted an unsuccessful bid for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. On 2 December 2010 FIFA announced that the event would be held in Qatar. Australia also lodged a bid for the 2018 World Cup, but withdrew the bid on 10 June 2010. The 2018 and 2022 World Cups will be the 21st and 22nd editions of the FIFA World Cup. The bidding procedure to host both the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup began in January 2009, and national associations had until 2 February 2009 to register their interest. The bid was presented by Frank Lowy, Ben Buckley, Quentin Bryce and Elle Macpherson. However, due to controversies of Qatar hosting, Australia's bid is possible if FIFA decides to strip Qatar's 2022 hosting rights.
Australia 2022 FIFA World Cup bid
Hvornår blev madison hovedstad i wisconsin?
{ "text": [ "1848" ], "answer_start": [ 221 ] }
Madison, Wisconsin Madison blev grundlagt i 1829 på en holme mellem Monona- og Mendota-søen og blev i 1836 udnævnt til hovedstad i Wisconsin Territory og blev hovedstad i staten Wisconsin, da den blev optaget i Unionen i 1848. Samme år blev University of Wisconsin grundlagt i Madison, og statens regering og universitetet er blevet byens to største arbejdsgivere. Byen er også kendt for sine søer, restauranter og et omfattende netværk af parker og cykelstier, hvor en stor del af parksystemet er designet af landskabsarkitekten John Nolen.
{ "text": [ "1848" ], "answer_start": [ 219 ] }
Madison, Wisconsin Founded in 1829 on an isthmus between Lake Monona and Lake Mendota, Madison was named the capital of the Wisconsin Territory in 1836 and became the capital of the state of Wisconsin when it was admitted to the Union in 1848. That same year, the University of Wisconsin was founded in Madison and the state government and university have become the city's two largest employers. The city is also known for its lakes, restaurants, and extensive network of parks and bike trails, with much of the park system designed by landscape architect John Nolen.
Madison, Wisconsin
Hvem er den første guvernør-general i det britiske indien?
{ "text": [ "Warren Hastings" ], "answer_start": [ 182 ] }
List of governors-general of India Portræt Navn (fødsel-død) Mandatsperiode Bemærkelsesværdige begivenheder Ansøger Guvernør for formandskabet for Fort William (Bengalen), 1773-1833 Warren Hastings (1732-1818) 20. oktober 1773 [nb 1] 1. februar 1785 Reguleringsloven af 1773 Det øverste råd i Bengalen Asiatisk selskab i Bengalen Stoppede mogulernes pension til Shah Alam II Stoppede diarkiet i Bengalen Ny sanskritskole ved Jonathan Deccan Flyttede finansministeriet fra Murshidabad til Calcutta Bengal Gazette - den første indiske avis blev udgivet Første Anglo-Maratha-krig (1775-82) Anden Anglo-Mysore-krig (1780-84) Første Rohilla-krig (1773-1774) Anden Rohilla-krig 1779 Eksperimenter med bosættelser på land. (1772-fem års bosættelse, ændret til 1 år i 1776) Engelsk oversættelse af Bhagwat Gita Østindien Company (1773-1858) John Macpherson (fungerende) (1745-1821) 1. februar 1785 12. september 1786 Charles Cornwallis Markgreve Cornwallis [nb 2] (1738-1805) 12. september 1786 28. oktober 1793 Oprettede lavere domstole og appelretter Permanent bosættelse i Bihar og Bengalen i 1793 3. Mysore-krig Indførelse af Cornwallis Code Indførelse af civilvæsenet i Indien John Shore (1751-1834) 28. oktober 1793 18. marts 1798 Ikke-indblandingspolitik Charter Act af 1793 Slaget ved Kharda mellem Nizam og Marathas (1795) Alured Clarke (fungerende) (1744-1832) 18. marts 1798 18. maj 1798 Richard Wellesley, jarl af Mornington [nb 3] (1760-1842) 18. maj 1798 30. juli 1805 Indførelse af subsidiær alliance Fjerde anglo-mysore-krig 1799 Anden Anglo-Maratha-krig (1803-05) Fort William College i Calcutta Oprettelse af Madras-formandskabet i 1801 Markgreve Cornwallis (1738-1805) 30. juli 1805 5. oktober 1805 Sir George Barlow, Bt. (fungerende) (1762-1847) 10. oktober 1805 31. juli 1807 Sepoy-mytteri i Vellore Lord Minto (1751-1814) 31. juli 1807 4. oktober 1813 Charter Act af 1813 Traktat af Amritsar, 1809 med Ranjit Singh Francis Rawdon-Hastings, jarlen af Moira [nb 4] (1754-1826) 4. oktober 1813 9. januar 1823 Afsluttede politikken om ikke-indblanding Tredje Anglo-Maratha-krig (1816-1818) 1816,Sagauli-traktaten med Nepal Oprettelse af Bombay-formandskabet i 1818 Oprettelse af Ryotwari-systemet i Madras og Mahalwari-systemet i Centralindien, Punjab og det vestlige UP. John Adam (fungerende) (1779-1825) 9. januar 1823 1. august 1823 Regler for udstedelse af licenser Lord Amherst[nb 5] (1773-1857) 1. august 1823 13. marts 1828 Første anglo-burmesiske krig (1824-26) Traktaten i Yandabo, 1826 William Butterworth Bayley (fungerende) (1782-1860) 13. marts 1828 4. juli 1828 Generalguvernør i Indien, 1833-1858 Lord William Bentinck (1774-1839) 4. juli 1828 20. marts 1835 Første generalguvernør i Indien Sati-forordning for Bengalen, 1829 Charter Act, 1833 Saint Helena Act 1833 Lov om engelsk uddannelse, 1835 Medicinsk læreanstalt og hospital, Kolkata Østindien Company (1773-1858) Charles Metcalfe, Bt (fungerende) (1785-1846) 20. marts 1835 4. marts 1836 Ophævet 1823 Licensing Regulations Lord Auckland[nb 6] (1784-1849) 4. marts 1836 28. februar 1842 Lord Ellenborough (1790-1871) 28. februar 1842 Juni 1844 William Wilberforce Bird (fungerende) (1784-1857) Juni 1844 23. juli 1844 Henry Hardinge[nb 7] (1785-1856) 23. juli 1844 12. januar 1848 Den første anglo-sikh-krig (1845-46) Den anden anglo-sikh-krig (1848-49) Traktaten i Lahore Jarlen af Dalhousie[nb 8] (1812-1860) 12. januar 1848 28. februar 1856 Forældelseslæren Charles Wood-forsendelse Anden anglo-burmesiske krig (1852) Første jernbanelinje mellem Bombay og Thane Den første telegraflinje blev lagt mellem Diamond Harbour og Calcutta. Lov om postvæsenet, 1854 Lov om gengifte af hinduiske enker, 1856 Oprettelse af en afdeling for offentlige arbejder Engineering College blev oprettet i Roorkee Indiens generalguvernører og vicegouverneører 1858-1947 Viscount Canning[nb 9] (1812-1862) 28. februar 1856 21. marts 1862 Universiteterne i Bombay, Calcutta og Madras blev oprettet i 1858 Oprøret i 1857 Loven om Indiens regering af 1858 Lov om hinduiske enkers gengifte, 1856 Victoria (1837-1901) Jarlen af Elgin (1811-1863) 21. marts 1862 20. november 1863 Robert Napier (fungerende) (1810-1890) 21. november 1863 2. december 1863 William Denison (fungerende) (1804-1871) 2. december 1863 12. januar 1864 Sir John Lawrence, Bt (1811-1879) 12. januar 1864 12. januar 1869 Bhutan-krigen Oprettelse af Shimla som Indiens sommerhovedstad i 1863 Jarlen af Mayo (1822-1872) 12. januar 1869 8. februar 1872 Myrdet af en pathan Sher Ali Afridi Påbegyndte folketællingen. Sir John Strachey (fungerende) (1823-1907) 9. februar 1872 23. februar 1872 Lord Napier (fungerende) (1819-1898) 24. februar 1872 3. maj 1872 Lord Northbrook (1826-1904) 3. maj 1872 12. april 1876 Lord Lytton (1831-1891) 12. april 1876 8. juni 1880 Lov om folkekunstnerisk presse Anden anglo-afghanske krig Indianerloven (1878) Markgreven af Ripon (1827-1909) 8. juni 1880 13. december 1884 Første fabrikslov (1881) Ophævelse af loven om folkekunstpressen (1882) Ilbert-lovforslaget Jarlen af Dufferin (1826-1902) 13. december 1884 10. december 1888 Oprettelse af den indiske nationalkongres Tredje anglo-burmesiske krig Markgreve af Lansdowne (1845-1927) 10. december 1888 11. oktober 1894 Jarlen af Elgin (1849-1917) 11. oktober 1894 6. januar 1899 Lord Curzon of Kedleston[nb 10] (1859-1925) 6. januar 1899 18. november 1905 Deling af Bengalen (1905) Anden Delhi Darbar (1903) Jarlen af Minto (1845-1914) 18. november 1905 23. november 1910 Edward VII (1901-1910) Lord Hardinge af Penshurst (1858-1944) 23. november 1910 4. april 1916 Georg V (1910-1936) Lord Chelmsford (1868-1933) 4. april 1916 2. april 1921 Jarlen af Reading (1860-1935) 2. april 1921 3. april 1926 Lord Irwin (1881-1959) 3. april 1926 18. april 1931 Jarlen af Willingdon (1866-1941) 18. april 1931 18. april 1936 Markgreve af Linlithgow (1887-1952) 18. april 1936 1. oktober 1943 Edward VIII (1936) Viscount Wavell (1883-1950) 1. oktober 1943 21. februar 1947 George VI (1936-1952) Viscount Mountbatten af Burma (1900-1979) 21. februar 1947 15. august 1947 Generalguvernører for Dominion of India, 1947-1950 Viscount Mountbatten af Burma[nb 11] (1900-1979) 15. august 1947 21. juni 1948 George VI (1936-1952) C. Rajagopalachari (1878-1972) 21. juni 1948 26. januar 1950
{ "text": [ "Warren Hastings" ], "answer_start": [ 137 ] }
List of governors-general of India Portrait Name (Birth–Death) Term of office Notable events Appointer Governors of the Presidency of Fort William (Bengal), 1773–1833 Warren Hastings (1732-1818) 20 October 1773 [nb 1] 1 February 1785 Regulating Act of 1773 Supreme Council Of Bengal Asiatic Society of Bengal Stopped Mughal pension to Shah Alam II Stopped Diarchy in Bengal New Sanskrit School by Jonathan Deccan Moved Treasury from Murshidabad to Calcutta Bengal Gazette- First Indian newspaper published First Anglo-Maratha War (1775–82) Second Anglo-Mysore war (1780–84) First Rohilla War of 1773–1774 Second Rohilla War 1779 Experimentation on land settlements. (1772-five years settlement, changed to 1 year in 1776) English Translation of Bhagwat Gita East India Company (1773–1858) John Macpherson (acting) (1745–1821) 1 February 1785 12 September 1786 Charles Cornwallis The Marquess Cornwallis [nb 2] (1738–1805) 12 September 1786 28 October 1793 Established lower courts and appellate courts Permanent Settlement in Bihar and Bengal in 1793 3rd Mysore war Introduction of Cornwallis Code Introduction of Civil Services in India John Shore (1751–1834) 28 October 1793 18 March 1798 Policy of Non-intervention Charter Act of 1793 Battle of Kharda between Nizam and Marathas (1795) Alured Clarke (acting) (1744–1832) 18 March 1798 18 May 1798 Richard Wellesley, Earl of Mornington [nb 3] (1760–1842) 18 May 1798 30 July 1805 Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance Fourth Anglo Mysore War 1799 Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803–05) Fort William College at Calcutta Formation of Madras Presidency in 1801 The Marquess Cornwallis (1738–1805) 30 July 1805 5 October 1805 Sir George Barlow, Bt (acting) (1762–1847) 10 October 1805 31 July 1807 Sepoy mutiny at Vellore The Lord Minto (1751–1814) 31 July 1807 4 October 1813 Charter Act of 1813 Treaty of Amritsar, 1809 with Ranjit Singh Francis Rawdon-Hastings, The Earl of Moira [nb 4] (1754–1826) 4 October 1813 9 January 1823 Ended the policy of Non-intervention Third Anglo-Maratha War (1816-1818) 1816,Treaty of Sagauli with Nepal Creation of Bombay Presidency in 1818 Establishment of Ryotwari System in Madras and Mahalwari System in Central India,Punjab And Western UP. John Adam (acting) (1779–1825) 9 January 1823 1 August 1823 Licensing Regulations The Lord Amherst[nb 5] (1773–1857) 1 August 1823 13 March 1828 First Anglo-Burmese War (1824–26) Treaty of Yandabo, 1826 William Butterworth Bayley (acting) (1782–1860) 13 March 1828 4 July 1828 Governors-General of India, 1833–1858 Lord William Bentinck (1774–1839) 4 July 1828 20 March 1835 First Governor General of India Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829 Charter Act, 1833 Saint Helena Act 1833 English Education Act 1835 Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata East India Company (1773–1858) Charles Metcalfe, Bt (acting) (1785–1846) 20 March 1835 4 March 1836 Repealed 1823 Licensing Regulations The Lord Auckland[nb 6] (1784–1849) 4 March 1836 28 February 1842 The Lord Ellenborough (1790–1871) 28 February 1842 June 1844 William Wilberforce Bird (acting) (1784–1857) June 1844 23 July 1844 Henry Hardinge[nb 7] (1785–1856) 23 July 1844 12 January 1848 The First Anglo-Sikh War (1845–46) The Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848–49) Treaty of Lahore The Earl of Dalhousie[nb 8] (1812–1860) 12 January 1848 28 February 1856 Doctrine of Lapse Charles Wood Despatch Second Anglo-Burmese War (1852) First Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane First telegraph Line was laid between Diamond Harbour to Calcutta. Post Office Act, 1854 Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856 Established Public Works Department Engineering College was established at Roorkee Governors-General and Viceroys of India, 1858–1947 The Viscount Canning[nb 9] (1812–1862) 28 February 1856 21 March 1862 University of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were set up in 1858 The revolt of 1857 The Government of India Act, 1858 Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856 Victoria (1837–1901) The Earl of Elgin (1811–1863) 21 March 1862 20 November 1863 Robert Napier (acting) (1810–1890) 21 November 1863 2 December 1863 William Denison (acting) (1804–1871) 2 December 1863 12 January 1864 Sir John Lawrence, Bt (1811–1879) 12 January 1864 12 January 1869 Bhutan War Establishment of Shimla as India's summer capital in 1863 The Earl of Mayo (1822–1872) 12 January 1869 8 February 1872 Assassinated by a Pathan Sher Ali Afridi Started the Census. Sir John Strachey (acting) (1823–1907) 9 February 1872 23 February 1872 The Lord Napier (acting) (1819–1898) 24 February 1872 3 May 1872 The Lord Northbrook (1826–1904) 3 May 1872 12 April 1876 The Lord Lytton (1831–1891) 12 April 1876 8 June 1880 Vernacular Press Act Second Anglo-Afghan War The Indians Act (1878) The Marquess of Ripon (1827–1909) 8 June 1880 13 December 1884 First Factory Act (1881) Repeal of the Vernacular Press Act (1882) Ilbert Bill The Earl of Dufferin (1826–1902) 13 December 1884 10 December 1888 Formation of Indian National Congress Third Anglo-Burmese War The Marquess of Lansdowne (1845–1927) 10 December 1888 11 October 1894 The Earl of Elgin (1849–1917) 11 October 1894 6 January 1899 The Lord Curzon of Kedleston[nb 10] (1859–1925) 6 January 1899 18 November 1905 Partition of Bengal (1905) Second Delhi Darbar (1903) The Earl of Minto (1845–1914) 18 November 1905 23 November 1910 Edward VII (1901–1910) The Lord Hardinge of Penshurst (1858–1944) 23 November 1910 4 April 1916 George V (1910–1936) The Lord Chelmsford (1868–1933) 4 April 1916 2 April 1921 The Earl of Reading (1860–1935) 2 April 1921 3 April 1926 The Lord Irwin (1881–1959) 3 April 1926 18 April 1931 The Earl of Willingdon (1866–1941) 18 April 1931 18 April 1936 The Marquess of Linlithgow (1887–1952) 18 April 1936 1 October 1943 Edward VIII (1936) The Viscount Wavell (1883–1950) 1 October 1943 21 February 1947 George VI (1936–1952) The Viscount Mountbatten of Burma (1900–1979) 21 February 1947 15 August 1947 Governors-General of the Dominion of India, 1947–1950 The Viscount Mountbatten of Burma[nb 11] (1900–1979) 15 August 1947 21 June 1948 George VI (1936–1952) C. Rajagopalachari (1878–1972) 21 June 1948 26 January 1950
List of governors-general of India
Colin blunstone i don't believe in miracles?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Colin Blunstone Blunstone fik succes som solokunstner i 1972 med "Say You Don't Mind" (som toppede som nummer 15 på den britiske hitliste og blev skrevet af det fremtidige Paul McCartney- og Wingsmedlem Denny Laine) og "I Don't Believe in Miracles" (som toppede som nummer 31 på den britiske hitliste og blev skrevet af Argent-medlem Russ Ballard), begge med strygerarrangementer af Christopher Gunning. Der fulgte yderligere mindre hits med "How Could We Dare to Be Wrong" i begyndelsen af 1973 (som toppede som nummer 45 på den britiske hitliste) og "The Tracks of My Tears" i 1982 (som toppede som nummer 60 på den britiske hitliste).
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Colin Blunstone Blunstone gained success as a solo artist in 1972 with "Say You Don't Mind" (which peaked at number 15 in the UK chart and was written by future Paul McCartney and Wings member Denny Laine), and "I Don't Believe in Miracles" (which peaked at number 31 in the UK chart and written by Argent member Russ Ballard), both with string arrangements by Christopher Gunning. Additional minor hits followed with "How Could We Dare to Be Wrong" in early 1973 (which peaked at number 45 in the UK chart) and "The Tracks of My Tears" in 1982 (which peaked at number 60 in the UK chart).
Colin Blunstone
Hvor var den første sæson af amerikanske grit filmet?
{ "text": [ "Washington" ], "answer_start": [ 83 ] }
American Grit Den første sæson er optaget ved foden af Mount Rainier i Eatonville, Washington, og fokuserer på at "presse holdene til kanten" og har 16 deltagere med forskellige fitnessbaggrunde. Deltagere, der taber i holdudfordringer, kaldet "Evolutions", bliver udvalgt af deres egen kadre til at deltage i Elimination Challenge. Så længe et hold har mindst to medlemmer, kan en deltager ikke blive sendt til to Elimination Challenges i træk. Elimination Challenge begynder med en forhindringsbane, kaldet "The Circus", efterfulgt af en udholdenhedstest. Forhindringsbanen forbliver konstant, men udholdenhedstesten er forskellig i hvert afsnit. Udholdenhedsprøven begynder, når alle tre deltagere har gennemført forhindringsbanen, hvor første- og andenpladsen får en fordel i forhold til tredjepladsen, og afsluttes med, at en af deltagerne bliver elimineret. Da der er tale om en holdbaseret konkurrence, kan alle overlevende medlemmer af det sidste tilbageværende hold vinde. Sæsonen blev vundet af Clare Painter og Mark Bouquin fra Team Noah.
{ "text": [ "Washington" ], "answer_start": [ 56 ] }
American Grit Filmed at the foothills of Mount Rainier in Eatonville, Washington, the first season focuses on "pushing teams to the brink" and features sixteen contestants with a variety of fitness backgrounds. Competitors who lose during Team Challenges, called "Evolutions", are selected by their own Cadre to participate in the Elimination Challenge. As long as a team has at least two members, a contestant cannot be sent to two consecutive Elimination Challenges. The Elimination Challenge begins with an obstacle course, called "The Circus", followed by an endurance test. The obstacle course remains constant, but the endurance test differs in each episode. The endurance test begins once all three participants have completed the obstacle course, with the first- and second-place finishers receiving an advantage over the third-place finisher, and concludes with the elimination of one competitor. As a team-based competition, all surviving members of the last remaining team are eligible to win. The season was won by Clare Painter and Mark Bouquin of Team Noah.
American Grit
Deltidsarbejdere forebyggelse af mindre gunstig behandling?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 Deltidsansatte (forebyggelse af mindre gunstig behandling) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000/1551) er en arbejdsretlig foranstaltning i Det Forenede Kongerige, som kræver, at arbejdsgivere skal give personer med deltidskontrakter en behandling, der er sammenlignelig med den, som gives til personer med fuldtidskontrakter, der udfører samme arbejde. Den gennemfører direktiv 97/81/EF om deltidsarbejde og er en del af EU's program til bekæmpelse af forskelsbehandling af atypiske arbejdstagere. Da langt de fleste deltidsansatte er kvinder, er det også et vigtigt forsøg på at bekæmpe forskelsbehandling på grund af køn.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000/1551)is a UK labour law measure which requires that employers give people on part-time contracts comparable treatment to people on full-time contracts who do the same jobs. It implements the Part-time Work Directive 97/81/EC, and forms part of the European Union's programme to combat discrimination of atypical workers. Because the large majority of part-time workers are female, it is also an important attempt to combat sex discrimination.
Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000
De donde es el area 222 en mexico?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Area codes in Mexico by code (200-299) By Staten Kode Puebla Puebla 221 Amozoc Puebla 222 Chipilo de Francisco Javier Mina (Chipilo) Puebla 222 Cholula de Rivadabia Puebla 222 San Diego Station Puebla 222 Las Haras Lucero Puebla 222 Los Angeles Tetela Puebla 222 Martiniano Hernández (San José Xilotzingo) Puebla 222 Mazatecochco Puebla 222 El Oasis Valsequillo Puebla 222 Papalotla Puebla 222 Puebla Puebla 222 San Andrés Azumiatla Puebla 222 San Andrés Cholula Puebla 222 San Baltazar Tetela Puebla 222 San Francisco Cuapa Puebla 222 San Francisco Ocotlán Puebla 222 San José Tlautla Puebla 222 San Juan Cuautlancingo Puebla 222 San Luis Tehuiloyocan Puebla 222 San Martín Tlamapa Puebla 222 San Martinito Puebla 222 San Miguel Canoa Puebla 222 San Miguel Xoxtla Puebla 222 San Pedro Tonantzintla Puebla 222 San Pedro Zacachimalpa Puebla 222 San Sebastian Aparicio Puebla 222 Santa Clara Ocoyucan Puebla 222 Santa Isabel Cholula Puebla 222 Santa María Coronango Puebla 222 Santa María Malacatepec Puebla 222 Santa María Xonacatepec Puebla 222 Santiago Momoxpan Puebla 222 Santo Tomás Chautla Puebla 222 Tlaltenango Puebla 222 Tonantzintla Puebla 222 Villa Vicente Guerrero Puebla 222 Xicohtzinco Puebla 222 La Magdalena Tetela Morelos Puebla 223 Santa María Ixtiyucan Puebla 223 Santa María Nenetzintla Puebla 223 Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo Puebla 223 Tepeaca Puebla 223 Zitlaltepec Tlaxcala 223 Almolonga Puebla 224 Atoyatempan Puebla 224 Chigmecatitlán Puebla 224 Huatlatlatlatlauca Puebla 224 Huejonapan (San Antonio) Puebla 224 Molcaxac Puebla 224 San Juan Ixcaquixtla Puebla 224 San Luis Ajajalpan Puebla 224 San Miguel Acuexcomac Puebla 224 San Miguel Zacaola Puebla 224 Santa Inés Ahuatempan Puebla 224 Santa Isabel Tlanepantla Puebla 224 Santo Tomás Hueyotlipán Puebla 224 Tecali de Herrera Puebla 224 Tepexi de Rodríguez Puebla 224 Tochtepec Puebla 224 Zacapala Puebla 224 La Palmilla Veracruz 225 Tlapacoyan Veracruz 225 Altotonga Veracruz 226 Jalacingo Veracruz 226 Orilla del Monte Veracruz 226 Plan de Arroyos Veracruz 226 Huejotzingo Puebla 227 San Andrés Calpan Puebla 227 San Buenaventura Nealtican Puebla 227 San Jeronimo Tecuanipan Puebla 227 San Mateo Ozolco Puebla 227 San Nicólas los Ranchos Puebla 227 Santa Ana Xalmimilulco Puebla 227 Santa María Atexcac Puebla 227 Santa María Nepopualco Puebla 227 Acajete Veracruz 228 Banderilla Veracruz 228 Coacoatzintla Veracruz 228 Coatepec Veracruz 228 Colonia Santa Barbara Veracruz 228 Chiltoyac Veracruz 228 Dos Rios Veracruz 228 El Chico Veracruz 228 Estanzuela Veracruz 228 Jalapa (Xalapa) Veracruz 228 La Concepción Veracruz 228 La Joya Veracruz 228 Las Trancas Veracruz 228 Mahuixtlán Veracruz 228 Pacho Viejo Veracruz 228 Tuzamapan Veracruz 228 Xico Veracruz 228 Boca del Río Veracruz 229 Colonia El Renacimiento Veracruz 229 El Conchal Veracruz 229 Valente Díaz Veracruz 229 Vargas Veracruz 229 Veracruz Veracruz 229 Chignautla Puebla 231 Ixtahuiata (La Legua) Puebla 231 Teteles Puebla 231 Teziutlán Puebla 231 Hueytamalco Puebla 232 San José Acateno Puebla 232 Arroyo del Potrero Veracruz 232 Cañada Rica Veracruz 232 Casitas Veracruz 232 El Ojite Veracruz 232 El Pital Veracruz 232 Felipe Carrillo Puerto Veracruz 232 Hueytepec Veracruz 232 La Vigueta Veracruz 232 Manantiales Veracruz 232 Martínez de la Torre Veracruz 232 San Rafael Veracruz 232 Ayotoxco de Guerrero Puebla 233 Caxhuacan Puebla 233 Cuetzalán Puebla 233 Huehuetla Puebla 233 Ixtepec Puebla 233 Jonotla Puebla 233 Mazatepec Puebla 233 Nauzontla Puebla 233 Ocotlán Puebla 233 Oyameles Puebla 233 San Miguel Tenextatiloyan Puebla 233 Santiago Zautla Puebla 233 Tatauzoquico Puebla 233 Tenampulco Puebla 233 Tlatlauquitepec Puebla 233 Xochiapulco Puebla 233 Xonocuautla Puebla 233 Zacapoaxtla Puebla 233 Zaragoza Puebla 233 Arroyo Hondo Veracruz 235 Barra de Palmas Veracruz 235 Emilio Carranza Veracruz 235 Francisco Sarabia Veracruz 235 Jicaltepec Veracruz 235 La Defensa Veracruz 235 La Libertad Veracruz 235 Loma Bonita Veracruz 235 Misantla Veracruz 235 Nautla Veracruz 235 Vega de Alatorre Veracruz 235 Venustiano Carranza Veracruz 235 Cuicatlán Oaxaca 236 Huautla de Jiménez Oaxaca 236 San Andrés Hidalgo Oaxaca 236 Santa María Tecomavaca Oaxaca 236 Teotitlán de Flores Magón Oaxaca 236 Ajalpan Puebla 236 Altepexi Puebla 236 Calipan Puebla 236 San José Axuxco Puebla 236 San José Miahuatlán Puebla 236 San José Tilapa Puebla 236 San Sebastián Zinacatepec Puebla 236 Santa María del Monte Puebla 236 Zoquitlán Puebla 236 San Antonio Texcala Puebla 237 San Gabriel Chilac Puebla 237 San José Tlacuitlapan Puebla 237 San Simon Yehualtepec Puebla 237 Tlacotepec Puebla 237 Zapotitlán Salinas Puebla 237 Azumbilla Puebla 238 José María Pino Suárez Puebla 238 Nicolás Bravo Puebla 238 San Marcos Necoxtla Puebla 238 Santiago Miahuatlán Puebla 238 Tehuacán Puebla 238 Tepanco de López Puebla 238 Acopinalco del Peñón Tlaxcala 241 Apizaco Tlaxcala 241 El Rosario Tlaxcala 241 Emiliano Zapata Tlaxcala 241 Spansk Tlaxcala 241 Hueyotlipan Tlaxcala 241 La Ascención Huitzcolotepec Tlaxcala 241 Lazaro Cardenas Tlaxcala 241 Mazaquiahuac Tlaxcala 241 Muñoz Tlaxcala 241 San Cosme Xalostoc Tlaxcala 241 San José Atotonilco Tlaxcala 241 San Martín Xaltocan Tlaxcala 241 San Salvador Tzompantepec Tlaxcala 241 San Simeon Xipetzinco Tlaxcala 241 Terrenat Tlaxcala 241 Tetla Tlaxcala 241 Tlaxco Tlaxcala 241 Union Ejidal Tierra y Libertad Tlaxcala 241 Ahuatlán Puebla 243 Atencingo Puebla 243 Ayotla Puebla 243 Coatzingo Puebla 243 Chietla Puebla 243 Flugten fra Lagunillas Puebla 243 Izucar de Matamoros Puebla 243 La Galarza Puebla 243 Lagunillas de Rayón (Alchichica) Puebla 243 Pueblo Nuevo de Porfirio Díaz Puebla 243 San Carlos (San Carlos Buenavi) Puebla 243 San Felipe Ayutla Puebla 243 San Felix Rijo Puebla 243 San Juan Calmeca Puebla 243 San Juan Epatlan Puebla 243 San Juan Raboso Puebla 243 San Lucas Colucán Puebla 243 Santa María Xuchapa Puebla 243 Santo Domingo Huehuetlán Puebla 243 Teopantlán Puebla 243 Tepexco Puebla 243 Tilapa Puebla 243 Zolonquiapa Puebla 243 Col. Agr. De Ocotepec Puebla 244 Atlixco Puebla 244 Emiliano Zapata Nexatengo Puebla 244 Huaquechula Puebla 244 La Magdalena Yancuitlalpan Puebla 244 La Trinidad Puebla 244 Rancho La Venta Puebla 244 San Felix Hidalgo Puebla 244 San Jerónimo Coyula Puebla 244 San Juan Amecac Puebla 244 San Juan Bautista Puebla 244 San Lucas Tulcingo Puebla 244 San Pedro Benito Juárez Puebla 244 Santa Catarina Coatepec Puebla 244 Santa Cruz Cuautomatitla Puebla 244 Santa Lucía Cosamaloapan Puebla 244 Santa María Xoyatla Puebla 244 Santo Domingo Atoyatempan Puebla 244 Tepeojuma Puebla 244 Tianguismanalco Puebla 244 Tlapanala Puebla 244 Tochimilco Puebla 244 Tronconal Puebla 244 Atzitzintla Puebla 245 Ciudad Serdán Puebla 245 El Veladero (Santa Cruz Velader) Puebla 245 Esperanza Puebla 245 San Juan Atenco Puebla 245 San Nicolas de Buenos Aires Puebla 245 Tlachichuca Puebla 245 Alcotitla (Xaltipan) Tlaxcala 246 Chiautempan Tlaxcala 246 Panotla Tlaxcala 246 San Bartolomé Cuahuixmatlac Tlaxcala 246 San Damián Texoloc Tlaxcala 246 San Marcos Contla Tlaxcala 246 San Pedro Tlalcuapan de Nicolás Tlaxcala 246 San Rafael Tenanyecac Tlaxcala 246 San Tadeo Huiloapan Tlaxcala 246 Santa Ana Nopalucan Tlaxcala 246 Santa María Nativitas Tlaxcala 246 Tlaxcala Tlaxcala 246 Zacatelco Tlaxcala 246 Huamantla Tlaxcala 247 Ixtenco Tlaxcala 247 Xicotencatl Tlaxcala 247 Guadalupe Zaragoza Puebla 248 La Preciosita Puebla 248 San Antonio Chiautla de Arenas Puebla 248 San Baltazar Temaxcalac Puebla 248 San Buenaventura Tecaltzingo Puebla 248 San Felipe Teotlalcingo Puebla 248 San Francisco Tepeyecac Puebla 248 San Jerónimo Tianguismanalco Puebla 248 San Juan Cuauhtémoc Puebla 248 San Lorenzo Chiautzingo Puebla 248 San Lucas El Grande Puebla 248 San Martín Texmelucan de Labastida Puebla 248 San Pedro Matamoros Puebla 248 San Rafael Tlanalapan Puebla 248 San Salvador El Verde Puebla 248 Santa María Moyotzingo Puebla 248 Santa Rita Tlahuapan Puebla 248 Santiago Coltzingo Puebla 248 San Antonio Atotonilco Tlaxcala 248 San Mateo Tepetitla Tlaxcala 248 Santiago Xochimilco Tlaxcala 248 Villa Mariano Matamoros Tlaxcala 248 Acatzingo Puebla 249 Barrio La Soledad Puebla 249 Garcías Puebla 249 Los Reyes de Juárez Puebla 249 Morelos Cañada Puebla 249 Palmar de Bravo Puebla 249 Palmarito Tochapan Puebla 249 San José Ixtapa Puebla 249 San Miguel Tecuitlapa Puebla 249 San Pablo de las Tunas Puebla 249 San Salvador El Seco Puebla 249 San Salvador Huixcolotla Puebla 249 San Sebastian Villanueva Puebla 249 San Simón de Bravo Puebla 249 Santiago Alseseca Puebla 249 Santiago Tenango Puebla 249 Soltepec Puebla 249 Tecamachalco Puebla 249 Tezuapan Puebla 249 Amatlán de los Reyes Veracruz 271 Cacahuatal Veracruz 271 Cordoba Veracruz 271 Cuautlapan Veracruz 271 Fortín de las Flores Veracruz 271 Monte Salas Veracruz 271 Naranjal Veracruz 271 Ojo de Agua Grande (Californien) Veracruz 271 Ny paragraf Veracruz 271 San Matías (Los Mangos) Veracruz 271 Acultzingo Veracruz 272 Mendoza by Veracruz 272 Grønt kors Veracruz 272 Dos Ríos (Tocuila) Veracruz 272 Ixtaczoquitlán Veracruz 272 Jalapilla Veracruz 272 Loma Grande Veracruz 272 Maltrata Veracruz 272 Orizaba Veracruz 272 Rio Blanco Veracruz 272 Sumidero Veracruz 272 Zapoapan Veracruz 272 Boca del Monte Veracruz 273 Camarón de Tejeda Veracruz 273 Colonia Manuel González Veracruz 273 Coscomatepec Veracruz 273 Chocamán Veracruz 273 Huatusco Veracruz 273 Ixhuatlán del Café Veracruz 273 Monte Blanco Veracruz 273 Paso del Macho Veracruz 273 Potrero Veracruz 273 Tepatlaxco Veracruz 273 Tetelzingo Veracruz 273 Tlacotepec de Mejía Veracruz 273 Tomatlán Veracruz 273 Totutla Veracruz 273 Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa Oaxaca 274 Temascal Oaxaca 274 Tetela Oaxaca 274 Vicente Camalote Oaxaca 274 El Jícaro Veracruz 274 Joachín Veracruz 274 Tierra Blanca Veracruz 274 Villa Tejeda Veracruz 274 Acaxtlahuacán de Albino Zertuche Puebla 275 Aguacatitlán Puebla 275 Ahuehuetitla Puebla 275 Axutla Puebla 275 Chiautla de Tapia Puebla 275 Chila de la Sal Puebla 275 Chinantla Puebla 275 Guadalupe Santa Ana Puebla 275 Guadalupe Victoria Puebla 275 Huachinantla Puebla 275 Huehuetlán El Chico Puebla 275 Ixcamilpa Puebla 275 Jolalpan Puebla 275 La Noria Hidalgo Puebla 275 Progreso Puebla 275 San Antonio Chiltepec Puebla 275 San Miguel de Lozano Puebla 275 San Miguel Tlaltepexi Puebla 275 San Pablo Amicano Puebla 275 San Pedro Cuayuca Puebla 275 Tecomatlán Puebla 275 Tehuitzingo Puebla 275 Tulcingo de Valle Puebla 275 Tzicatlán Puebla 275 Cuyoaco Puebla 276 Libres Puebla 276 Ocotepec Puebla 276 Orientalsk Puebla 276 San Andrés Payuca Puebla 276 San José Chiapa Puebla 276 Villa Rafael Lara Grajales Puebla 276 Altzayanca Tlaxcala 276 San Lorenzo Cuapiaxtla Tlaxcala 276 Tequexquitla Tlaxcala 276 Almilinga Veracruz 278 Cuichapa-feltet Veracruz 278 Cotaxtla Veracruz 278 Cuitláhuac Veracruz 278 El Cuajilote Veracruz 278 El Tamarindo Veracruz 278 Emiliano Zapata Veracruz 278 La Capilla Veracruz 278 La Tinaja Veracruz 278 Laguna Chica (Pueblo Nuevo) Veracruz 278 Loma Angosta Veracruz 278 Mata Tenatito (Casco Hacienda) Veracruz 278 Omealca Veracruz 278 Paraíso La Reforma Veracruz 278 Tequila Veracruz 278 Tezonapa Veracruz 278 Yanga Veracruz 278 Zongolica Veracruz 278 Acatlán Veracruz 279 Actopan Veracruz 279 Alto Lucero Veracruz 279 Apazapán Veracruz 279 Blanca Espuma Veracruz 279 Buena Vista Veracruz 279 Cerro Gordo Veracruz 279 Colipa Veracruz 279 Cosautlán de Carvajal Veracruz 279 Coyolillo Veracruz 279 Cristóbal Hidalgo Veracruz 279 Chahuapán Veracruz 279 Chavarrillo Veracruz 279 Chiconquiaco Veracruz 279 Chicuasén Veracruz 279 Dos Arroyos Veracruz 279 El Espinal Veracruz 279 Idolos Veracruz 279 Jalcomulco Veracruz 279 Juchique de Ferrer Veracruz 279 La Reforma Veracruz 279 Citroner Veracruz 279 Mesa de Guadalupe Veracruz 279 Naolinco de Victoria Veracruz 279 Pacho Nuevo Veracruz 279 Paso de la Milpa Veracruz 279 Plan de las Hayas Veracruz 279 Rinconada Veracruz 279 Santa Ana Veracruz 279 Santiago Xihuitlán Veracruz 279 Teocelo Veracruz 279 Tepetlán Veracruz 279 Tigrillos Veracruz 279 Tlaltetela Veracruz 279 Trapiche del Rosario Veracruz 279 Villa Emiliano Zapata (El Carrizal) Veracruz 279 Yecuatla Veracruz 279 Loma Bonita Oaxaca 281 Cuauhtémoc Puebla 282 González Ortega Puebla 282 Guadalupe Victoria Puebla 282 Quimixtlán Puebla 282 Rafael J. García Puebla 282 San José Alchichica Puebla 282 Santa Cruz Quechulac Puebla 282 Tepeyahualco Puebla 282 El Parador Veracruz 282 Ixhuacán de los Reyes Veracruz 282 La Gloria Veracruz 282 Los Altos Veracruz 282 Los Molinos (San José) Veracruz 282 Perote Veracruz 282 Rafael Ramirez (Las Vigas) Veracruz 282 San Antonio Tenextepec Veracruz 282 Villa Aldama Veracruz 282 Ayotzintepec Oaxaca 283 Lombardo de Caso Oaxaca 283 San Juan Bautista Valle Nacional Oaxaca 283 Abasolo del Valle Veracruz 283 Boca del Monte Veracruz 283 El Nigromante Veracruz 283 Ø Veracruz 283 Linda Vista Veracruz 283 Los Tigres (San Marcos) Veracruz 283 Nuevo Ixcatlán Veracruz 283 Playa Vicente Veracruz 283 Rodríguez Clara Veracruz 283 Tesechoacán Veracruz 283 Villa Azueta Veracruz 283 Ángel R. Cabada (kommune) Veracruz 284 El Porvenir Veracruz 284 Lerdo de Tejada Veracruz 284 San Juan de los Reyes Veracruz 284 Tecolapan Veracruz 284 Tula Veracruz 284 El Cocuite Veracruz 285 El Hatito Veracruz 285 Ignacio de la Llave Veracruz 285 Jamapa Veracruz 285 La Laguna og Monte del Castillo Veracruz 285 Los Robles Veracruz 285 Manlio Fabio Altamirano Veracruz 285 Mata Loma Veracruz 285 Medellín de Bravo Veracruz 285 Paso de Ovejas Veracruz 285 Piedras Negras Veracruz 285 Vacas-stranden Veracruz 285 Jula Bridge Veracruz 285 Soledad de Doblado Veracruz 285 Tenenexpan Veracruz 285 Tlalixcoyan Veracruz 285 Tolome Veracruz 285 Zacate Colorado Primero Veracruz 285 Benemérito Juárez (Palo Gacho) Oaxaca 287 Camelia Roja Oaxaca 287 El Edén Oaxaca 287 Papaloapam Oaxaca 287 San Felipe Jalapa de Díaz Oaxaca 287 San José Chiltepec Oaxaca 287 San Juan Bautista de Matamoros Oaxaca 287 San Lucas Ojitlán Oaxaca 287 San Pedro Ixtacatlán Oaxaca 287 Tuxtepec Oaxaca 287 Otatitlán Veracruz 287 Acula Veracruz 288 Amartillan Veracruz 288 Carlos A. Carrillo (San Cristóbal) Veracruz 288 Cosamaloapan Veracruz 288 Chacaltianguis Veracruz 288 Ixmatlahuacan Veracruz 288 La Granja Veracruz 288 Moyota Veracruz 288 Nopaltepec Veracruz 288 Paraíso Novillero Veracruz 288 San Francisco (Oyozontle) Veracruz 288 Tlacojalpan Veracruz 288 Tlacotalpan Veracruz 288 Tres Valles Veracruz 288 Tuxtilla Veracruz 288 Catemaco Veracruz 294 Comoapan Veracruz 294 Corral Nuevo Veracruz 294 Cuatotolapan Estación Veracruz 294 El Laurel Veracruz 294 Francisco I. Madero Veracruz 294 Juan Díaz Covarrubias Veracruz 294 Juan Jacobo Torres (Bodega de Totontepec) Veracruz 294 La Nueva Victoria Veracruz 294 La Victoria Veracruz 294 Mazumiapan Veracruz 294 Salto de Eyipantla Veracruz 294 San Andrés Tuxtla Veracruz 294 Santiago Tuxtla Veracruz 294 Sihuapan Veracruz 294 Sontecomapan Veracruz 294 Tapalapan Veracruz 294 Tilapan Veracruz 294 Tres Zapotes Veracruz 294 Tulapan Veracruz 294 Chichicaxtle Veracruz 296 El Farallón (CFE-lejr) Veracruz 296 El Palmar Veracruz 296 El Viejon Nuevo Veracruz 296 José Cardel Veracruz 296 La Antigua Veracruz 296 Mozomboa Veracruz 296 Nicolás Blanco (San Pancho) Veracruz 296 Palma Sola Veracruz 296 Paso de Doña Juana Veracruz 296 Paso del Cedro Veracruz 296 Santa Rosa, Veracruz (General Pinzón) Veracruz 296 Ursulo Galván Veracruz 296 Zempoala Veracruz 296 Alvarado Veracruz 297 Anton Lizardo Veracruz 297 Arbolillo Veracruz 297 Mandinga og Matoza Veracruz 297 Salinas Veracruz 297
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Area codes in Mexico by code (200-299) City State Code Puebla Puebla 221 Amozoc Puebla 222 Chipilo de Francisco Javier Mina (Chipilo) Puebla 222 Cholula de Rivadabia Puebla 222 Estación San Diego Puebla 222 Las Haras Lucero Puebla 222 Los Angeles Tetela Puebla 222 Martiniano Hernández (San José Xilotzingo) Puebla 222 Mazatecochco Puebla 222 El Oasis Valsequillo Puebla 222 Papalotla Puebla 222 Puebla Puebla 222 San Andrés Azumiatla Puebla 222 San Andrés Cholula Puebla 222 San Baltazar Tetela Puebla 222 San Francisco Cuapa Puebla 222 San Francisco Ocotlán Puebla 222 San José Tlautla Puebla 222 San Juan Cuautlancingo Puebla 222 San Luis Tehuiloyocan Puebla 222 San Martín Tlamapa Puebla 222 San Martinito Puebla 222 San Miguel Canoa Puebla 222 San Miguel Xoxtla Puebla 222 San Pedro Tonantzintla Puebla 222 San Pedro Zacachimalpa Puebla 222 San Sebastián Aparicio Puebla 222 Santa Clara Ocoyucan Puebla 222 Santa Isabel Cholula Puebla 222 Santa María Coronango Puebla 222 Santa María Malacatepec Puebla 222 Santa María Xonacatepec Puebla 222 Santiago Momoxpan Puebla 222 Santo Tomás Chautla Puebla 222 Tlaltenango Puebla 222 Tonantzintla Puebla 222 Villa Vicente Guerrero Puebla 222 Xicohtzinco Puebla 222 La Magdalena Tetela Morelos Puebla 223 Santa María Ixtiyucan Puebla 223 Santa María Nenetzintla Puebla 223 Tepatlaxco de Hidalgo Puebla 223 Tepeaca Puebla 223 Zitlaltepec Tlaxcala 223 Almolonga Puebla 224 Atoyatempan Puebla 224 Chigmecatitlán Puebla 224 Huatlatlauca Puebla 224 Huejonapan (San Antonio) Puebla 224 Molcaxac Puebla 224 San Juan Ixcaquixtla Puebla 224 San Luis Ajajalpan Puebla 224 San Miguel Acuexcomac Puebla 224 San Miguel Zacaola Puebla 224 Santa Inés Ahuatempan Puebla 224 Santa Isabel Tlanepantla Puebla 224 Santo Tomás Hueyotlipán Puebla 224 Tecali de Herrera Puebla 224 Tepexi de Rodríguez Puebla 224 Tochtepec Puebla 224 Zacapala Puebla 224 La Palmilla Veracruz 225 Tlapacoyan Veracruz 225 Altotonga Veracruz 226 Jalacingo Veracruz 226 Orilla del Monte Veracruz 226 Plan de Arroyos Veracruz 226 Huejotzingo Puebla 227 San Andrés Calpan Puebla 227 San Buenaventura Nealtican Puebla 227 San Jeronimo Tecuanipan Puebla 227 San Mateo Ozolco Puebla 227 San Nicólas los Ranchos Puebla 227 Santa Ana Xalmimilulco Puebla 227 Santa María Atexcac Puebla 227 Santa María Nepopualco Puebla 227 Acajete Veracruz 228 Banderilla Veracruz 228 Coacoatzintla Veracruz 228 Coatepec Veracruz 228 Colonia Santa Barbara Veracruz 228 Chiltoyac Veracruz 228 Dos Ríos Veracruz 228 El Chico Veracruz 228 Estanzuela Veracruz 228 Jalapa (Xalapa) Veracruz 228 La Concepción Veracruz 228 La Joya Veracruz 228 Las Trancas Veracruz 228 Mahuixtlán Veracruz 228 Pacho Viejo Veracruz 228 Tuzamapan Veracruz 228 Xico Veracruz 228 Boca del Río Veracruz 229 Colonia El Renacimiento Veracruz 229 El Conchal Veracruz 229 Valente Díaz Veracruz 229 Vargas Veracruz 229 Veracruz Veracruz 229 Chignautla Puebla 231 Ixtahuiata (La Legua) Puebla 231 Teteles Puebla 231 Teziutlán Puebla 231 Hueytamalco Puebla 232 San José Acateno Puebla 232 Arroyo del Potrero Veracruz 232 Cañada Rica Veracruz 232 Casitas Veracruz 232 El Ojite Veracruz 232 El Pital Veracruz 232 Felipe Carrillo Puerto Veracruz 232 Hueytepec Veracruz 232 La Vigueta Veracruz 232 Manantiales Veracruz 232 Martínez de la Torre Veracruz 232 San Rafael Veracruz 232 Ayotoxco de Guerrero Puebla 233 Caxhuacan Puebla 233 Cuetzalán Puebla 233 Huehuetla Puebla 233 Ixtepec Puebla 233 Jonotla Puebla 233 Mazatepec Puebla 233 Nauzontla Puebla 233 Ocotlán Puebla 233 Oyameles Puebla 233 San Miguel Tenextatiloyan Puebla 233 Santiago Zautla Puebla 233 Tatauzoquico Puebla 233 Tenampulco Puebla 233 Tlatlauquitepec Puebla 233 Xochiapulco Puebla 233 Xonocuautla Puebla 233 Zacapoaxtla Puebla 233 Zaragoza Puebla 233 Arroyo Hondo Veracruz 235 Barra de Palmas Veracruz 235 Emilio Carranza Veracruz 235 Francisco Sarabia Veracruz 235 Jicaltepec Veracruz 235 La Defensa Veracruz 235 La Libertad Veracruz 235 Loma Bonita Veracruz 235 Misantla Veracruz 235 Nautla Veracruz 235 Vega de Alatorre Veracruz 235 Venustiano Carranza Veracruz 235 Cuicatlán Oaxaca 236 Huautla de Jiménez Oaxaca 236 San Andrés Hidalgo Oaxaca 236 Santa María Tecomavaca Oaxaca 236 Teotitlán de Flores Magón Oaxaca 236 Ajalpan Puebla 236 Altepexi Puebla 236 Calipan Puebla 236 San José Axuxco Puebla 236 San José Miahuatlán Puebla 236 San José Tilapa Puebla 236 San Sebastián Zinacatepec Puebla 236 Santa María del Monte Puebla 236 Zoquitlán Puebla 236 San Antonio Texcala Puebla 237 San Gabriel Chilac Puebla 237 San José Tlacuitlapan Puebla 237 San Simon Yehualtepec Puebla 237 Tlacotepec Puebla 237 Zapotitlán Salinas Puebla 237 Azumbilla Puebla 238 José María Pino Suárez Puebla 238 Nicolás Bravo Puebla 238 San Marcos Necoxtla Puebla 238 Santiago Miahuatlán Puebla 238 Tehuacán Puebla 238 Tepanco de López Puebla 238 Acopinalco del Peñón Tlaxcala 241 Apizaco Tlaxcala 241 El Rosario Tlaxcala 241 Emiliano Zapata Tlaxcala 241 Españita Tlaxcala 241 Hueyotlipan Tlaxcala 241 La Ascención Huitzcolotepec Tlaxcala 241 Lazaro Cárdenas Tlaxcala 241 Mazaquiahuac Tlaxcala 241 Muñoz Tlaxcala 241 San Cosme Xalostoc Tlaxcala 241 San José Atotonilco Tlaxcala 241 San Martín Xaltocan Tlaxcala 241 San Salvador Tzompantepec Tlaxcala 241 San Simeon Xipetzinco Tlaxcala 241 Terrenate Tlaxcala 241 Tetla Tlaxcala 241 Tlaxco Tlaxcala 241 Unión Ejidal Tierra y Libertad Tlaxcala 241 Ahuatlán Puebla 243 Atencingo Puebla 243 Ayotla Puebla 243 Coatzingo Puebla 243 Chietla Puebla 243 Escape de Lagunillas Puebla 243 Izúcar de Matamoros Puebla 243 La Galarza Puebla 243 Lagunillas de Rayón (Alchichica) Puebla 243 Pueblo Nuevo de Porfirio Díaz Puebla 243 San Carlos (San Carlos Buenavi) Puebla 243 San Felipe Ayutla Puebla 243 San Felix Rijo Puebla 243 San Juan Calmeca Puebla 243 San Juan Epatlán Puebla 243 San Juan Raboso Puebla 243 San Lucas Colucán Puebla 243 Santa María Xuchapa Puebla 243 Santo Domingo Huehuetlán Puebla 243 Teopantlán Puebla 243 Tepexco Puebla 243 Tilapa Puebla 243 Zolonquiapa Puebla 243 Col. Agr. De Ocotepec Puebla 244 Atlixco Puebla 244 Emiliano Zapata Nexatengo Puebla 244 Huaquechula Puebla 244 La Magdalena Yancuitlalpan Puebla 244 La Trinidad Puebla 244 Rancho La Venta Puebla 244 San Félix Hidalgo Puebla 244 San Jerónimo Coyula Puebla 244 San Juan Amecac Puebla 244 San Juan Bautista Puebla 244 San Lucas Tulcingo Puebla 244 San Pedro Benito Juárez Puebla 244 Santa Catarina Coatepec Puebla 244 Santa Cruz Cuautomatitla Puebla 244 Santa Lucía Cosamaloapan Puebla 244 Santa María Xoyatla Puebla 244 Santo Domingo Atoyatempan Puebla 244 Tepeojuma Puebla 244 Tianguismanalco Puebla 244 Tlapanala Puebla 244 Tochimilco Puebla 244 Tronconal Puebla 244 Atzitzintla Puebla 245 Ciudad Serdán Puebla 245 El Veladero (Santa Cruz Velader) Puebla 245 Esperanza Puebla 245 San Juan Atenco Puebla 245 San Nicolás de Buenos Aires Puebla 245 Tlachichuca Puebla 245 Alcotitla (Xaltipan) Tlaxcala 246 Chiautempan Tlaxcala 246 Panotla Tlaxcala 246 San Bartolomé Cuahuixmatlac Tlaxcala 246 San Damián Texoloc Tlaxcala 246 San Marcos Contla Tlaxcala 246 San Pedro Tlalcuapan de Nicolás Tlaxcala 246 San Rafael Tenanyecac Tlaxcala 246 San Tadeo Huiloapan Tlaxcala 246 Santa Ana Nopalucan Tlaxcala 246 Santa María Nativitas Tlaxcala 246 Tlaxcala Tlaxcala 246 Zacatelco Tlaxcala 246 Huamantla Tlaxcala 247 Ixtenco Tlaxcala 247 Xicotencatl Tlaxcala 247 Guadalupe Zaragoza Puebla 248 La Preciosita Puebla 248 San Antonio Chiautla de Arenas Puebla 248 San Baltazar Temaxcalac Puebla 248 San Buenaventura Tecaltzingo Puebla 248 San Felipe Teotlalcingo Puebla 248 San Francisco Tepeyecac Puebla 248 San Jerónimo Tianguismanalco Puebla 248 San Juan Cuauhtémoc Puebla 248 San Lorenzo Chiautzingo Puebla 248 San Lucas El Grande Puebla 248 San Martín Texmelucan de Labastida Puebla 248 San Pedro Matamoros Puebla 248 San Rafael Tlanalapan Puebla 248 San Salvador El Verde Puebla 248 Santa María Moyotzingo Puebla 248 Santa Rita Tlahuapan Puebla 248 Santiago Coltzingo Puebla 248 San Antonio Atotonilco Tlaxcala 248 San Mateo Tepetitla Tlaxcala 248 Santiago Xochimilco Tlaxcala 248 Villa Mariano Matamoros Tlaxcala 248 Acatzingo Puebla 249 Barrio La Soledad Puebla 249 Garcías Puebla 249 Los Reyes de Juárez Puebla 249 Morelos Cañada Puebla 249 Palmar de Bravo Puebla 249 Palmarito Tochapan Puebla 249 San José Ixtapa Puebla 249 San Miguel Tecuitlapa Puebla 249 San Pablo de las Tunas Puebla 249 San Salvador El Seco Puebla 249 San Salvador Huixcolotla Puebla 249 San Sebastián Villanueva Puebla 249 San Simón de Bravo Puebla 249 Santiago Alseseca Puebla 249 Santiago Tenango Puebla 249 Soltepec Puebla 249 Tecamachalco Puebla 249 Tezuapan Puebla 249 Amatlán de los Reyes Veracruz 271 Cacahuatal Veracruz 271 Córdoba Veracruz 271 Cuautlapan Veracruz 271 Fortín de las Flores Veracruz 271 Monte Salas Veracruz 271 Naranjal Veracruz 271 Ojo de Agua Grande (California) Veracruz 271 Paraje Nuevo Veracruz 271 San Matías (Los Mangos) Veracruz 271 Acultzingo Veracruz 272 Ciudad Mendoza Veracruz 272 Cruz Verde Veracruz 272 Dos Ríos (Tocuila) Veracruz 272 Ixtaczoquitlán Veracruz 272 Jalapilla Veracruz 272 Loma Grande Veracruz 272 Maltrata Veracruz 272 Orizaba Veracruz 272 Río Blanco Veracruz 272 Sumidero Veracruz 272 Zapoapan Veracruz 272 Boca del Monte Veracruz 273 Camarón de Tejeda Veracruz 273 Colonia Manuel González Veracruz 273 Coscomatepec Veracruz 273 Chocamán Veracruz 273 Huatusco Veracruz 273 Ixhuatlán del Café Veracruz 273 Monte Blanco Veracruz 273 Paso del Macho Veracruz 273 Potrero Veracruz 273 Tepatlaxco Veracruz 273 Tetelzingo Veracruz 273 Tlacotepec de Mejía Veracruz 273 Tomatlán Veracruz 273 Totutla Veracruz 273 Acatlán de Pérez Figueroa Oaxaca 274 Temascal Oaxaca 274 Tetela Oaxaca 274 Vicente Camalote Oaxaca 274 El Jícaro Veracruz 274 Joachín Veracruz 274 Tierra Blanca Veracruz 274 Villa Tejeda Veracruz 274 Acaxtlahuacán de Albino Zertuche Puebla 275 Aguacatitlán Puebla 275 Ahuehuetitla Puebla 275 Axutla Puebla 275 Chiautla de Tapia Puebla 275 Chila de la Sal Puebla 275 Chinantla Puebla 275 Guadalupe Santa Ana Puebla 275 Guadalupe Victoria Puebla 275 Huachinantla Puebla 275 Huehuetlán El Chico Puebla 275 Ixcamilpa Puebla 275 Jolalpan Puebla 275 La Noria Hidalgo Puebla 275 Progreso Puebla 275 San Antonio Chiltepec Puebla 275 San Miguel de Lozano Puebla 275 San Miguel Tlaltepexi Puebla 275 San Pablo Amicano Puebla 275 San Pedro Cuayuca Puebla 275 Tecomatlán Puebla 275 Tehuitzingo Puebla 275 Tulcingo de Valle Puebla 275 Tzicatlán Puebla 275 Cuyoaco Puebla 276 Libres Puebla 276 Ocotepec Puebla 276 Oriental Puebla 276 San Andrés Payuca Puebla 276 San José Chiapa Puebla 276 Villa Rafael Lara Grajales Puebla 276 Altzayanca Tlaxcala 276 San Lorenzo Cuapiaxtla Tlaxcala 276 Tequexquitla Tlaxcala 276 Almilinga Veracruz 278 Campo Cuichapa Veracruz 278 Cotaxtla Veracruz 278 Cuitláhuac Veracruz 278 El Cuajilote Veracruz 278 El Tamarindo Veracruz 278 Emiliano Zapata Veracruz 278 La Capilla Veracruz 278 La Tinaja Veracruz 278 Laguna Chica (Pueblo Nuevo) Veracruz 278 Loma Angosta Veracruz 278 Mata Tenatito (Casco Hacienda) Veracruz 278 Omealca Veracruz 278 Paraíso La Reforma Veracruz 278 Tequila Veracruz 278 Tezonapa Veracruz 278 Yanga Veracruz 278 Zongolica Veracruz 278 Acatlán Veracruz 279 Actopan Veracruz 279 Alto Lucero Veracruz 279 Apazapán Veracruz 279 Blanca Espuma Veracruz 279 Buena Vista Veracruz 279 Cerro Gordo Veracruz 279 Colipa Veracruz 279 Cosautlán de Carvajal Veracruz 279 Coyolillo Veracruz 279 Cristóbal Hidalgo Veracruz 279 Chahuapán Veracruz 279 Chavarrillo Veracruz 279 Chiconquiaco Veracruz 279 Chicuasén Veracruz 279 Dos Arroyos Veracruz 279 El Espinal Veracruz 279 Idolos Veracruz 279 Jalcomulco Veracruz 279 Juchique de Ferrer Veracruz 279 La Reforma Veracruz 279 Limones Veracruz 279 Mesa de Guadalupe Veracruz 279 Naolinco de Victoria Veracruz 279 Pacho Nuevo Veracruz 279 Paso de la Milpa Veracruz 279 Plan de las Hayas Veracruz 279 Rinconada Veracruz 279 Santa Ana Veracruz 279 Santiago Xihuitlán Veracruz 279 Teocelo Veracruz 279 Tepetlán Veracruz 279 Tigrillos Veracruz 279 Tlaltetela Veracruz 279 Trapiche del Rosario Veracruz 279 Villa Emiliano Zapata (El Carrizal) Veracruz 279 Yecuatla Veracruz 279 Loma Bonita Oaxaca 281 Cuauhtémoc Puebla 282 González Ortega Puebla 282 Guadalupe Victoria Puebla 282 Quimixtlán Puebla 282 Rafael J. García Puebla 282 San José Alchichica Puebla 282 Santa Cruz Quechulac Puebla 282 Tepeyahualco Puebla 282 El Parador Veracruz 282 Ixhuacán de los Reyes Veracruz 282 La Gloria Veracruz 282 Los Altos Veracruz 282 Los Molinos (San José) Veracruz 282 Perote Veracruz 282 Rafael Ramirez (Las Vigas) Veracruz 282 San Antonio Tenextepec Veracruz 282 Villa Aldama Veracruz 282 Ayotzintepec Oaxaca 283 Lombardo de Caso Oaxaca 283 San Juan Bautista Valle Nacional Oaxaca 283 Abasolo del Valle Veracruz 283 Boca del Monte Veracruz 283 El Nigromante Veracruz 283 Isla Veracruz 283 Linda Vista Veracruz 283 Los Tigres (San Marcos) Veracruz 283 Nuevo Ixcatlán Veracruz 283 Playa Vicente Veracruz 283 Rodríguez Clara Veracruz 283 Tesechoacán Veracruz 283 Villa Azueta Veracruz 283 Ángel R. Cabada (municipality) Veracruz 284 El Porvenir Veracruz 284 Lerdo de Tejada Veracruz 284 San Juan de los Reyes Veracruz 284 Tecolapan Veracruz 284 Tula Veracruz 284 El Cocuite Veracruz 285 El Hatito Veracruz 285 Ignacio de la Llave Veracruz 285 Jamapa Veracruz 285 La Laguna y Monte del Castillo Veracruz 285 Los Robles Veracruz 285 Manlio Fabio Altamirano Veracruz 285 Mata Loma Veracruz 285 Medellín de Bravo Veracruz 285 Paso de Ovejas Veracruz 285 Piedras Negras Veracruz 285 Playa de Vacas Veracruz 285 Puente Jula Veracruz 285 Soledad de Doblado Veracruz 285 Tenenexpan Veracruz 285 Tlalixcoyan Veracruz 285 Tolome Veracruz 285 Zacate Colorado Primero Veracruz 285 Benemérito Juárez (Palo Gacho) Oaxaca 287 Camelia Roja Oaxaca 287 El Edén Oaxaca 287 Papaloapam Oaxaca 287 San Felipe Jalapa de Díaz Oaxaca 287 San José Chiltepec Oaxaca 287 San Juan Bautista de Matamoros Oaxaca 287 San Lucas Ojitlán Oaxaca 287 San Pedro Ixtacatlán Oaxaca 287 Tuxtepec Oaxaca 287 Otatitlán Veracruz 287 Acula Veracruz 288 Amartillán Veracruz 288 Carlos A. Carrillo (San Cristóbal) Veracruz 288 Cosamaloapan Veracruz 288 Chacaltianguis Veracruz 288 Ixmatlahuacan Veracruz 288 La Granja Veracruz 288 Moyota Veracruz 288 Nopaltepec Veracruz 288 Paraíso Novillero Veracruz 288 San Francisco (Oyozontle) Veracruz 288 Tlacojalpan Veracruz 288 Tlacotalpan Veracruz 288 Tres Valles Veracruz 288 Tuxtilla Veracruz 288 Catemaco Veracruz 294 Comoapan Veracruz 294 Corral Nuevo Veracruz 294 Cuatotolapan Estación Veracruz 294 El Laurel Veracruz 294 Francisco I. Madero Veracruz 294 Juan Díaz Covarrubias Veracruz 294 Juan Jacobo Torres (Bodega de Totontepec) Veracruz 294 La Nueva Victoria Veracruz 294 La Victoria Veracruz 294 Mazumiapan Veracruz 294 Salto de Eyipantla Veracruz 294 San Andrés Tuxtla Veracruz 294 Santiago Tuxtla Veracruz 294 Sihuapan Veracruz 294 Sontecomapan Veracruz 294 Tapalapan Veracruz 294 Tilapan Veracruz 294 Tres Zapotes Veracruz 294 Tulapan Veracruz 294 Chichicaxtle Veracruz 296 El Farallón (Campamento CFE) Veracruz 296 El Palmar Veracruz 296 El Viejon Nuevo Veracruz 296 José Cardel Veracruz 296 La Antigua Veracruz 296 Mozomboa Veracruz 296 Nicolás Blanco (San Pancho) Veracruz 296 Palma Sola Veracruz 296 Paso de Doña Juana Veracruz 296 Paso del Cedro Veracruz 296 Santa Rosa, Veracruz (General Pinzón) Veracruz 296 Ursulo Galván Veracruz 296 Zempoala Veracruz 296 Alvarado Veracruz 297 Anton Lizardo Veracruz 297 Arbolillo Veracruz 297 Mandinga y Matoza Veracruz 297 Salinas Veracruz 297
Area codes in Mexico by code (200-299)
Hvad er forskellen på helsinkisyndrom og stockholmsyndrom?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Stockholm syndrome Namnyak M, Tufton N, Szekely R, Toal M, Worboys S, Sampson EL (januar 2008). "'Stockholm-syndromet': psykiatrisk diagnose eller urbane myte?". Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 117 (1): 4-11. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.01112.x. PMID 18028254.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Namnyak M, Tufton N, Szekely R, Toal M, Worboys S, Sampson EL (January 2008). "'Stockholm syndrome': psychiatric diagnosis or urban myth?". Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 117 (1): 4–11. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.01112.x. PMID 18028254.
Stockholm syndrome
Nævn navnene på to internetudbydere i indien?
{ "text": [ "Vodafone" ], "answer_start": [ 159 ] }
List of internet service providers in India Rang ISP Smalbånd Bredbånd I alt 1 Jio 0 185,000,000 185,000,000 2 Airtel 32,008,751 62,294,731 94,303,482 3 Vodafone 21,736,495 45,975,013 67,711,508 4 Idea Cellular 8,589,570 29,614,167 38,203,737 5 BSNL 10,915,589 21,242,487 32,158,076 6 Reliance Communications 10,697,647 5,523,074 16,220,721 7 Aircel 7,142,722 9,073,153 16,215,875 8 Tata Teleservices 4,690,205 4,316,099 9,006,304 9 Telenor Indien 7,969,328 331,339 8,300,667 10 MTNL 484,517 1,408,903 1,893,420
{ "text": [ "Vodafone" ], "answer_start": [ 118 ] }
List of internet service providers in India Rank ISP Narrowband Broadband Total 1 Jio 0 185,000,000 185,000,000 2 Airtel 32,008,751 62,294,731 94,303,482 3 Vodafone 21,736,495 45,975,013 67,711,508 4 Idea Cellular 8,589,570 29,614,167 38,203,737 5 BSNL 10,915,589 21,242,487 32,158,076 6 Reliance Communications 10,697,647 5,523,074 16,220,721 7 Aircel 7,142,722 9,073,153 16,215,875 8 Tata Teleservices 4,690,205 4,316,099 9,006,304 9 Telenor India 7,969,328 331,339 8,300,667 10 MTNL 484,517 1,408,903 1,893,420
List of internet service providers in India
Hvornår blev usas udenrigsministerium dannet?
{ "text": [ "1789" ], "answer_start": [ 317 ] }
United States Department of State USA's udenrigsministerium (DOS), ofte kaldet udenrigsministeriet, er USA's føderale udøvende ministerium, som rådgiver præsidenten og repræsenterer landet i internationale anliggender og udenrigspolitiske spørgsmål. Det svarer til andre landes udenrigsministerier og blev oprettet i 1789 som nationens første udøvende ministerium.
{ "text": [ "1789" ], "answer_start": [ 321 ] }
The United States Department of State (DOS), often referred to as the State Department, is the United States federal executive department that advises the President and represents the country in international affairs and foreign policy issues. Equivalent to the foreign ministry of other countries, it was established in 1789 as the nation's first executive department.
United States Department of State
Har en høj rang i hæren?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Major (United States) I den amerikanske hær, marinekorpset og luftvåbnet er major en militærofficersgrad over kaptajns rang og under oberstløjtnant. Den svarer til flådens rang som kaptajnløjtnant i de andre uniformerede tjenester. Selv om kaptajnløjtnanter betragtes som underordnede officerer i deres respektive tjenester, betragtes rang af major som en feltgrad i den amerikanske hær og det amerikanske marinekorps.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Major (United States) In the United States Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, major is a field grade military officer rank above the rank of captain and below the rank of lieutenant colonel. It is equivalent to the naval rank of lieutenant commander in the other uniformed services. Although lieutenant commanders are considered junior officers by their respective services, the rank of major is considered field grade in the United States Army and the United States Marine Corps.
Major (United States)
Hvilken af følgende er den mest almindelige type bakteriel lungebetændelse?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Bacterial pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae (J13) er den mest almindelige bakterielle årsag til lungebetændelse i alle aldersgrupper undtagen nyfødte spædbørn. Streptococcus pneumoniae er en Gram-positiv bakterie, der ofte lever i halsen hos mennesker, som ikke har lungebetændelse.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Bacterial pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae (J13) is the most common bacterial cause of pneumonia in all age groups except newborn infants. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a Gram-positive bacterium that often lives in the throat of people who do not have pneumonia.
Bacterial pneumonia
Hvornår var den første fuld længde film lavet?
{ "text": [ "1906" ], "answer_start": [ 99 ] }
Feature film De fleste spillefilm er mellem 70 og 210 minutter lange. The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906, Australien) var den første dramatiske spillefilm, der blev udgivet (med en varighed på ca. 60 minutter). En tidligere The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight (1897, USA) betragtes af nogle som den første dokumentariske spillefilm (spilletid på 100 minutter), men den karakteriseres mere præcist som et sportsprogram, da den indeholdt hele den uredigerede boksekamp. Den første (proto)-filmatisering i spillefilmslængde var Les Misérables (1909, USA). Andre tidlige spillefilm omfatter The Inferno (L'Inferno) (1911), Defence of Sevastopol (1911), Quo Vadis? (1913), Oliver Twist (1912), Richard III (1912), From the Manger to the Cross (1912) og Cleopatra (1912).
{ "text": [ "1906" ], "answer_start": [ 96 ] }
Feature film The majority of feature films are between 70 and 210 minutes long. The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906, Australia) was the first dramatic feature film released (running at approximately 60 minutes). An earlier The Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight (1897, U.S.) is considered by some as the first documentary feature film (running time is 100 minutes), however it is more accurately characterized as a sports program as it included the full unedited boxing match. The first (proto)-feature-length adaptation was Les Misérables (1909, U.S.). Other early feature films include The Inferno (L'Inferno) (1911), Defence of Sevastopol (1911), Quo Vadis? (1913), Oliver Twist (1912), Richard III (1912), From the Manger to the Cross (1912), and Cleopatra (1912).
Feature film
Hvornår var sidste gang stålere slå cowboys?
{ "text": [ "2008" ], "answer_start": [ 460 ] }
Cowboys–Steelers rivalry Steelers har været konkurrencedygtige siden da og har vundet yderligere to Super Bowls (Super Bowl XL, Super Bowl XLIII) og tabt en (Super Bowl XLV), mens Cowboys ikke har været tilbage i Super Bowl siden Super Bowl XXX og kun har vundet tre slutspilskampe fra 1996 og frem. De to hold har kun mødt hinanden fire gange siden NFL-sæsonen i 1998. Steelers har besejret Cowboys i de to første kampe, idet de vandt 24-20 i 2004 og 20-13 i 2008. Cowboys besejrede derefter Steelers i 2012 med 27-24 i overtid og igen i 2016 med 35-30.
{ "text": [ "2008" ], "answer_start": [ 436 ] }
Cowboys–Steelers rivalry The Steelers have remained competitive since and have won two more Super Bowls (Super Bowl XL, Super Bowl XLIII) and losing one (Super Bowl XLV) while the Cowboys have not been back to the Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXX and have won only three playoff games from 1996 onward. The two teams have only met four times since the 1998 NFL season. The Steelers defeated the Cowboys in the first two games, winning 24–20 in 2004 and 20–13 in 2008. The Cowboys then defeated the Steelers in 2012 by a 27–24 margin in overtime and again in 2016 by a 35–30 margin.
Cowboys–Steelers rivalry
Hvad er forskellen mellem kundeservicerepræsentant og kundeservicemedarbejder?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Customer service representative Kundeservicerepræsentanter (CSR'er), kundeservicerådgivere eller kundeservicemedarbejdere (CSA'er) interagerer med kunderne for at håndtere klager, behandle ordrer og give oplysninger om en virksomheds produkter og tjenester. Kvalifikationer omfatter gode kommunikations-, problemløsnings- og computerfærdigheder.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Customer service representatives (CSRs), customer service advisors, or customer service associates (CSAs) interact with customers to handle complaints, process orders, and provide information about an organization’s products and services. Qualifications include good communication, problem-solving, and computer skills.
Customer service representative
Hvem coaches san diego state herre basketball hold?
{ "text": [ "Brian Dutcher" ], "answer_start": [ 621 ] }
San Diego State Aztecs men's basketball Navn Sæsoner Optegnelse Procentdel C.E. Peterson 1921-26 70-30 .700 Tom McMullen 1926-29 23-17 .575 Morris Gross 1929-42 190-85 .690 Don DeLauer 1942-43 14-9 .609 Alex Alexander 1943-45 17-26 .395 Charlie Smith 1945-48 45-36 .563 George Ziegenfuss 1948-69 316-229 .580 Dick Davis 1969-74 65-67 .492 Tim Vezie 1974-79 77-62 .554 Smokey Gaines 1979-87 112-117 .489 Jim Brandenburg 1987-91 52-87 .356 Jim Harrick Jr. (midlertidig træner) 1992 0-7 .000 Tony Fuller 1992-94 20-37 .351 Fred Trenkle 1994-99 55-83 .399 *Steve Fisher 1999-2017 339-185 .647 Brian Dutcher 2017-nuværende 22-11 .667
{ "text": [ "Brian Dutcher" ], "answer_start": [ 572 ] }
San Diego State Aztecs men's basketball Name Seasons Record Percentage C.E. Peterson 1921–26 70–30 .700 Tom McMullen 1926–29 23–17 .575 Morris Gross 1929–42 190–85 .690 Don DeLauer 1942–43 14–9 .609 Alex Alexander 1943–45 17–26 .395 Charlie Smith 1945–48 45–36 .563 George Ziegenfuss 1948–69 316–229 .580 Dick Davis 1969–74 65–67 .492 Tim Vezie 1974–79 77–62 .554 Smokey Gaines 1979–87 112–117 .489 Jim Brandenburg 1987–91 52–87 .356 Jim Harrick Jr. (Interim coach) 1992 0–7 .000 Tony Fuller 1992–94 20–37 .351 Fred Trenkle 1994–99 55–83 .399 *Steve Fisher 1999–2017 339–185 .647 Brian Dutcher 2017–Present 22-11 .667
San Diego State Aztecs men's basketball
Hvor er emily fra pretty little liars fra?
{ "text": [ "Rosewood, Pennsylvania" ], "answer_start": [ 286 ] }
Emily Fields Pretty Little Liars karakter Første optræden Roman: Pretty Little Liars (2006) TV: "Pilot" Sidste optræden Roman: Vicious (2014) TV: "Till Death Do Us Part" Oprettet af Sara Shepard Skildret af Shay Mitchell Født 19. november 1993 (23 år gammel) Rosewood, Pennsylvania Oplysninger Fulde navn Emily Catherine Fields Kælenavn(e) Em Emmy (af hendes forældre) Americano (af CeCe) Mermaid (af Alison) Køn Kvinde Beskæftigelse Bartender (tidligere) Svømmetræner på Rosewood High School (i øjeblikket) Familie Roman: Ryan Fields (far) Kathleen Fields (mor) Jake Fields (bror) Beth Fields (søster) Carolyn Fields (søster) TV: Wayne Fields (far; død) Pam Fields (mor) Anden(e) person(er) Romaner: Isaac Colbert (ekskæreste/far til hendes barn) Courtney DiLaurentis (kærlighedsinteresse; tidligere; afdød) Kelsey Pierce (ekskæreste) Jordan Richards (ekskæreste; afdød) Laura (kæreste) TV: Ben Coogan (ekskæreste) Maya St. Germain (ekskæreste; død) Paige McCullers (ekskæreste) Samara Cook (ekskæreste) Lydnon James (kysset; død) Alison DiLaurentis (forlovet) Talia Sandoval (ekskæreste) Sara Harvey (ekskæreste, blev brugt; død) Sabrina (ekskæreste) Børn Roman: Violet Baker (datter) TV: Lily DiLaurentis-Fields (datter) Grace DiLaurentis-Fields (datter) Slægtninge Roman: Allen Weaver (onkel i morges) Abby Weaver (fætter eller kusine i moderens alder) John Weaver (fætter eller kusine i moderens alder) Matt Weaver (fætter eller kusine i moderens alder) Elizabeth Weaver (fætter eller kusine i moderens alder) Sarah Weaver (kusine i moderens alder) Karen Weaver (kusine i moderens alder) Religion Roman: Katolicisme Nationalitet Amerikaner Bopæl Rosewood, Pennsylvania Status Levende Sæsoner Alle sæsoner; 1-7
{ "text": [ "Rosewood, Pennsylvania" ], "answer_start": [ 298 ] }
Emily Fields Pretty Little Liars character First appearance Novel: Pretty Little Liars (2006) Television: "Pilot" Last appearance Novel: Vicious (2014) Television: "Till Death Do Us Part" Created by Sara Shepard Portrayed by Shay Mitchell Born November 19, 1993 (age 23) Rosewood, Pennsylvania Information Full name Emily Catherine Fields Nickname(s) Em Emmy (by her parents) Americano (by CeCe) Mermaid (by Alison) Gender Female Occupation Bartender (formerly) Rosewood High School Swim Coach (currently) Family Novel: Ryan Fields (father) Kathleen Fields (mother) Jake Fields (brother) Beth Fields (sister) Carolyn Fields (sister) Television: Wayne Fields (father; deceased) Pam Fields (mother) Significant other(s) Novels: Isaac Colbert (ex-boyfriend/father of her child) Courtney DiLaurentis (love interest; formerly; deceased) Kelsey Pierce (ex-girlfriend) Jordan Richards (ex-girlfriend; deceased) Laura (girlfriend) Television: Ben Coogan (ex-boyfriend) Maya St. Germain (ex-girlfriend; deceased) Paige McCullers (ex-girlfriend) Samara Cook (ex-girlfriend) Lydnon James (kissed; deceased) Alison DiLaurentis (fianceé) Talia Sandoval (ex-girlfriend) Sara Harvey (ex-girlfriend, was used; deceased) Sabrina (ex-girlfriend) Children Novel: Violet Baker (daughter) Television: Lily DiLaurentis-Fields (daughter) Grace DiLaurentis-Fields (daughter) Relatives Novel: Allen Weaver (maternal uncle) Abby Weaver (maternal cousin) John Weaver (maternal cousin) Matt Weaver (maternal cousin) Elizabeth Weaver (maternal cousin) Sarah Weaver (maternal cousin) Karen Weaver (maternal cousin) Religion Novel: Catholicism Nationality American Residence Rosewood, Pennsylvania Status Alive Seasons All seasons; 1–7
Emily Fields
Hvor har ordet kejsersnit kommer fra?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Caesarean section Den romerske Lex Regia (kongelig lov), senere Lex Caesarea (kejserlig lov), fra Numa Pompilius (715-673 f.Kr.), krævede, at barnet fra en mor, der døde i barselsseng, skulle skæres ud af hendes livmoder. Der var et kulturelt tabu om, at mødre ikke måtte begraves gravide, hvilket kan have afspejlet en måde at redde nogle fostre på. Romersk praksis, der krævede, at en levende mor skulle være i sin tiende graviditetsmåned, før man kunne gribe til proceduren, afspejlede viden om, at hun ikke kunne overleve fødslen. Spekulationer om, at den romerske diktator Julius Cæsar blev født ved den metode, der i dag er kendt som kejsersnit, er tilsyneladende falske. Selv om kejsersnit blev foretaget i romersk tid, er der ingen klassiske kilder, der beretter om en mor, der overlevede en sådan fødsel. Så sent som i det 12. århundrede udtrykte den lærde og læge Maimonides tvivl om muligheden for, at en kvinde kunne overleve denne procedure og igen blive gravid. Udtrykket er også blevet forklaret som værende afledt af verbet caedere, "at skære", og børn, der fødes på denne måde, kaldes caesones. Plinius den Ældre omtaler en vis Julius Cæsar (en forfader til den berømte romerske statsmand) som ab utero caeso, "skåret ud af livmoderen", og giver dette som forklaring på tilnavnet "Cæsar", som derefter blev båret af hans efterkommere. Selv om den etymologiske hypotese, der forbinder kejsersnit med Julius Cæsar, er en falsk etymologi, er den dog blevet troet af mange. For eksempel definerer Oxford English Dictionary kejsersnit som "fødsel af et barn ved at skære gennem væggene i maven, når fødslen ikke kan foregå på naturlig vis, som det skete i Julius Cæsars tilfælde". Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11. udgave) giver plads til etymologisk usikkerhed med sætningen "fra den legendariske forbindelse mellem en sådan fødsel og det romerske cognomen Caesar".
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The Roman Lex Regia (royal law), later the Lex Caesarea (imperial law), of Numa Pompilius (715–673 BC), required the child of a mother dead in childbirth to be cut from her womb. There was a cultural taboo that mothers not be buried pregnant, that may have reflected a way of saving some fetuses. Roman practice requiring a living mother to be in her tenth month of pregnancy before resorting to the procedure, reflecting the knowledge that she could not survive the delivery. Speculation that the Roman dictator Julius Caesar was born by the method now known as C-section is apparently false. Although Caesarean sections were performed in Roman times, no classical source records a mother surviving such a delivery. As late as the 12th century, scholar and physician Maimonides expresses doubt over the possibility of a woman's surviving this procedure and again falling pregnant. The term has also been explained as deriving from the verb caedere, "to cut", with children delivered this way referred to as caesones. Pliny the Elder refers to a certain Julius Caesar (an ancestor of the famous Roman statesman) as ab utero caeso, "cut from the womb" giving this as an explanation for the cognomen "Caesar" which was then carried by his descendants. Nonetheless, even if the etymological hypothesis linking the caesarean section to Julius Caesar is a false etymology, it has been widely believed. For example, the Oxford English Dictionary defines Caesarean birth as "the delivery of a child by cutting through the walls of the abdomen when delivery cannot take place in the natural way, as was done in the case of Julius Caesar". Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition) leaves room for etymological uncertainty with the phrase, "from the legendary association of such a delivery with the Roman cognomen Caesar"
Caesarean section
Hvem var salome, der gik til jesu grav?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Salome (disciple) Salome (hebraisk: שלומית, Shelomit) var en efterfølger af Jesus, som optræder kort i de kanoniske evangelier og mere detaljeret i apokryfe skrifter. Hun identificeres nogle gange som Zebedæus' hustru, som mor til Jakob og Johannes, to af Jesu apostle, og nogle gange også som kusine til Maria, Jesu mor. I romersk-katolsk tradition regnes Salome som en af de tre Mariaer.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Salome (disciple) Salome (Hebrew: שלומית‎, Shelomit), was a follower of Jesus who appears briefly in the canonical gospels and in more detail in apocryphal writings. She is sometimes identified as the wife of Zebedee, the mother of James and John, two of the Apostles of Jesus, and sometimes also as the cousin of Mary, mother of Jesus. In Roman Catholic tradition Salome is counted as one of the Three Marys.
Salome (disciple)
Hvornår blev den første håndplæneklipper opfundet?
{ "text": [ "31. august 1830" ], "answer_start": [ 298 ] }
Lawn mower Den første plæneklipper blev opfundet af Edwin Budding i 1830 i Thrupp, lige uden for Stroud i Gloucestershire, England. Buddings plæneklipper var primært beregnet til at klippe græs på sportspladser og i store haver som et bedre alternativ til leen og fik udstedt et britisk patent den 31. august 1830.
{ "text": [ "August 31, 1830" ], "answer_start": [ 294 ] }
Lawn mower The first lawn mower was invented by Edwin Budding in 1830 in Thrupp, just outside Stroud, in Gloucestershire, England. Budding's mower was designed primarily to cut the grass on sports grounds and extensive gardens, as a superior alternative to the scythe, and was granted a British patent on August 31, 1830.
Lawn mower
Hvordan man bruger cd kommando i linux med eksempler?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
cd (command) Cd-kommandoen, også kendt som chdir (change directory), er en kommandolinje i OS-shell-kommandoen, der bruges til at ændre den aktuelle arbejdsmappe i operativsystemer som Unix, DOS, OS/2, AmigaOS (hvor cd er underforstået, hvis der angives en nøgen sti), Windows, ReactOS og Linux. Den er også tilgængelig til brug i shell-scripts og batch-filer. Det systemopkald, der påvirker kommandoen i de fleste operativsystemer, er chdir, som er defineret af POSIX. Kommandoen er analog med OpenVOS-kommandoen change_current_dir.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
cd (command) The cd command, also known as chdir (change directory), is a command-line OS shell command used to change the current working directory in operating systems such as Unix, DOS, OS/2, AmigaOS (where if a bare path is given, cd is implied), Windows, ReactOS, and Linux. It is also available for use in shell scripts and batch files. The system call that affects the command in most operating systems is chdir that is defined by POSIX. The command is analogous to the OpenVOS change_current_dir command.
cd (command)
Hvem sang jim dandy to the rescue i overboard?
{ "text": [ "The Wright Brothers" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
The Wright Brothers Band, tidligere kendt som Wright Brothers Overland Stage Company, blev dannet i 1972 og er en musikgruppe fra Indiana. De spiller sange fra 1920'erne til nutiden og kan dække bluegrass, popstandarder, country, gospel og endda Aerosmith-rockstandarder. Bandet fik kortvarigt national opmærksomhed med deres patriotiske sang "Made in the U.S.A.", som hylder virksomheder, der fortsat fremstiller deres produkter i USA. De optrådte på Grand Ole Opry, The Today Show og optrådte 12 gange på Nashville Now. Wright Brothers underskrev med Warner Bros. og Mercury Records i firserne og fik ni singler til at nå Billboards Hot Country Singles-liste. Bandet indspillede også Shot Down in Hot Blood og et cover af "Jim Dandy" til soundtracket til Goldie Hawn-filmen Overboard fra 1987, hvor de også optrådte live.
{ "text": [ "Wright Brothers" ], "answer_start": [ 4 ] }
The Wright Brothers Band, formerly known as the Wright Brothers Overland Stage Company, formed in 1972, is an Indiana based music group. They perform songs from the 1920s to the present day, and can cover bluegrass, pop standards, country, gospel, and even Aerosmith rock standards. The band briefly gained national attention with their patriotic song "Made in the U.S.A." which celebrated companies that continued to manufacture their products in the United States. They performed on the Grand Ole Opry, The Today Show and appeared 12 times on Nashville Now. Signed with Warner Bros. and Mercury records in the eighties, the Wright Brothers had nine singles reach Billboard's Hot Country Singles chart. The band also recorded Shot Down in Hot Blood and a cover of "Jim Dandy" for the soundtrack of the 1987 Goldie Hawn movie Overboard, in which they also made a live appearance.
Wright Brothers Band
Hvor mange subs kan du få i international champions cup?
{ "text": [ "eleven" ], "answer_start": [ 292 ] }
International Champions Cup (ICC) er en årlig turnering i foreningsfodbold for klubber. Den omfatter klubhold fra Europa, der spiller venskabskampe før sæsonen, oprindeligt i USA og Canada, men i de senere år også på steder i Kina, Australien, Mexico og i hele Europa. ICC blev grundlagt af Relevent Sports, en afdeling af RSE ventures med base i det nordlige New Jersey, et sportsventurefirma, der blev grundlagt i 2012 af den milliardæriske ejendomsmagnat og Miami Dolphins-ejer Stephen Ross og Matt Higgins, en tidligere leder af New York Jets. Det erstattede World Football Challenge, som havde haft en mere ligelig fordeling af europæiske og amerikanske hold.
{ "text": [ "eleven" ], "answer_start": [ 326 ] }
The International Champions Cup (ICC) is an annual club association football exhibition competition. It features club teams from Europe playing pre-season friendly matches, originally in the United States and Canada, but in the years since also in venues in China, Australia, Mexico and across Europe. The ICC was founded by Relevent Sports, a division of RSE ventures based out of northern New Jersey, a sports venture firm founded in 2012 by billionaire real estate magnate and Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross and Matt Higgins, a former executive with the New York Jets. It replaced the World Football Challenge, which had featured a more even distribution of European- and American-based sides.
International Champions Cup
Hvor starter avon-floden i christchurch?
{ "text": [ "Avonhead" ], "answer_start": [ 119 ] }
Avon River (Canterbury) Avon følger et slynget forløb gennem Christchurch fra sit udspring i den ydre vestlige forstad Avonhead gennem Ilam, Riccarton og Fendalton og derefter gennem Hagley Park og Central Business District (CBD).
{ "text": [ "Avonhead" ], "answer_start": [ 105 ] }
Avon River (Canterbury) The Avon follows a meandering course through Christchurch from its source in the outer western suburb of Avonhead through Ilam, Riccarton and Fendalton, then through Hagley Park and the Central Business District (CBD).
Avon River (Canterbury)
Hvem afgør, hvor mange medlemmer der vil være i repræsentanternes hus?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
United States House of Representatives Parlamentets sammensætning er fastsat i artikel 1 i USA's forfatning. Repræsentanterne i Repræsentanternes Hus sidder i kongresdistrikter, der er fordelt på hver af de 50 stater på grundlag af befolkningstallet som målt ved den amerikanske folketælling, og hvert distrikt har ret til én repræsentant. Siden starten i 1789 er alle repræsentanter blevet valgt direkte. Det samlede antal stemmeberettigede repræsentanter er ved lov fastsat til 435. Ved folketællingen i 2010 var den største delegation Californiens delegation med 53 repræsentanter. Syv stater har den mindste mulige delegation, nemlig en enkelt repræsentant: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont og Wyoming.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
United States House of Representatives The composition of the House is established by Article One of the United States Constitution. The House is composed of Representatives who sit in congressional districts that are allocated to each of the 50 states on a basis of population as measured by the U.S. Census, with each district entitled to one representative. Since its inception in 1789, all Representatives have been directly elected. The total number of voting representatives is fixed by law at 435. As of the 2010 Census, the largest delegation is that of California, with fifty-three representatives. Seven states have the smallest delegation possible, a single representative: Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.
United States House of Representatives
Hvad er attribution og hvilken anden term er det kendt som?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Attribution (psychology) Mennesker er motiveret til at tildele årsager til deres handlinger og adfærd. I socialpsykologien er tilskrivning den proces, hvormed individer forklarer årsagerne til adfærd og begivenheder. Udviklingen af modeller til at forklare disse processer kaldes attributionsteori. Psykologisk forskning i tilskrivning begyndte med Fritz Heiders arbejde i begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede, som efterfølgende blev udviklet af andre som Harold Kelley og Bernard Weiner.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Attribution (psychology) Humans are motivated to assign causes to their actions and behaviors. In social psychology, attribution is the process by which individuals explain the causes of behavior and events. The development of models to explain these processes is called attribution theory. Psychological research into attribution began with the work of Fritz Heider in the early part of the 20th century, subsequently developed by others such as Harold Kelley and Bernard Weiner.
Attribution (psychology)
Hvem klagede over et missil mellemrummet mellem usa og sovjetunionen?
{ "text": [ "Dwight D. Eisenhower" ], "answer_start": [ 51 ] }
Missile gap Denne artikel er en del af en serie om Dwight D. Eisenhower Tidlige liv Militær karriere Anden Verdenskrig Øverste allierede øverstbefalende i Europa D-dag Operation Overlord Tysklands overgivelse VE-dagen Korstog i Europa Præsident for De Forenede Stater Formandskabet Første valgperiode Udkast til bevægelse 1952-kampagnen Valget 1. indvielse Koreakrigen Atomer for fred Den kolde krig Nyt udseende Domino-teori Interstate Highway System Anden periode Kampagne i 1956 Valget 2. indvielse Eisenhower-doktrinen Sputnik-krisen Missilkløften NDEA NASA DARPA Lov om borgerrettigheder fra 1957 Little Rock Nine U-2 hændelse Afskedstale Efter formandskabet Arv Præsidentens bibliotek og museum Hyldest og mindesmærker v t e
{ "text": [ "Dwight D. Eisenhower" ], "answer_start": [ 39 ] }
This article is part of a series about Dwight D. Eisenhower Early Life Military Career World War II Supreme Allied Commander in Europe D-Day Operation Overlord Surrender of Germany VE-Day Crusade in Europe President of the United States Presidency First Term Draft movement 1952 Campaign Election 1st Inauguration Korean War Atoms for Peace Cold War New Look Domino theory Interstate Highway System Second Term 1956 campaign Election 2nd Inauguration Eisenhower Doctrine Sputnik crisis Missile gap NDEA NASA DARPA Civil Rights Act of 1957 Little Rock Nine U-2 incident Farewell Address Post-Presidency Legacy Presidential library and museum Tributes and memorials v t e
Missile gap
Miami ohio universitets spillere i nfl?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Miami RedHawks football (kendt som Miami Redskins før 1996) repræsenterer Miami University, der ligger i Oxford, Ohio, i college football på NCAA Division I FBS-niveau. RedHawks spiller i Mid-American Conference og er kendt for at have produceret flere højt profilerede cheftrænere, hvilket har givet dem tilnavnet "trænernes vugge". Holdet trænes i øjeblikket af Chuck Martin og spiller sine hjemmekampe på Yager Stadium.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The Miami RedHawks football (known as the Miami Redskins before 1996) program represents Miami University, located in Oxford, Ohio, in college football at the NCAA Division I FBS level. The RedHawks compete in the Mid-American Conference and are known for producing several high-profile head coaches, earning it the nickname "Cradle of Coaches". The team is currently coached by Chuck Martin and play their home games at Yager Stadium.
Miami RedHawks football
I hvilket år drev spanierne og portugiserne de arabiske heder fra iberia?
{ "text": [ "1492" ], "answer_start": [ 147 ] }
Ferdinand og Isabella afsluttede Reconquista med en krig mod emiratet Granada, der begyndte i 1482 og endte med Granadas overgivelse den 2. januar 1492. Maurerne i Kastilien havde tidligere talt "en halv million i riget". I 1492 var omkring 100.000 døde eller blevet gjort til slaver, 200.000 var emigreret, og 200.000 var tilbage i Kastilien. Mange af den muslimske elite, herunder Granadas tidligere emir Muhammad XII, der havde fået området omkring Alpujarras-bjergene som fyrstendømme, fandt livet under det kristne styre uudholdeligt og emigrerede til Tlemcen i Nordafrika.
{ "text": [ "1492" ], "answer_start": [ 161 ] }
Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Reconquista with a war against the Emirate of Granada that started in 1482 and ended with Granada's surrender on January 2, 1492. The Moors in Castile previously numbered "half a million within the realm." By 1492 some 100,000 had died or been enslaved, 200,000 had emigrated, and 200,000 remained in Castile. Many of the Muslim elite, including Granada's former Emir Muhammad XII, who had been given the area of the Alpujarras mountains as a principality, found life under Christian rule intolerable and emigrated to Tlemcen in North Africa.
Hvem synger den sang, du ikke ejer mig?
{ "text": [ "Lesley Gore" ], "answer_start": [ 110 ] }
"You Don't Own Me" er en populær sang skrevet af John Madara og David White fra Philadelphia og indspillet af Lesley Gore i 1963, da Gore var 17 år gammel. Sangen var Gores næstmest succesfulde indspilning og hendes sidste top ti-single. Den 27. november 2016 annoncerede Grammy Hall of Fame, at den blev optaget sammen med yderligere 24 sange.
{ "text": [ "Lesley Gore" ], "answer_start": [ 117 ] }
"You Don't Own Me" is a popular song written by Philadelphia songwriters John Madara and David White and recorded by Lesley Gore in 1963, when Gore was 17 years old. The song was Gore's second most successful recording and her last top-ten single. On November 27, 2016, the Grammy Hall of Fame announced its induction, along with that of another 24 songs.
You Don't Own Me
Hej du er nødt til at skjule din kærlighed væk beatles sangtekster?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away "Du er nødt til at gemme din kærlighed væk" Den franske jukebox-singleudgivelse af sangen, ledsaget af "Yesterday "Song af Beatlesfra albummet Help!Udgivet 6. august 1965 (mono og stereo)Optaget 18. februar 1965,EMI Studios, LondonGenre FolkLængde 2:11Label ParlophoneSangskriver(e) Lennon-McCartneyProducent(er) George Martin Lydprøve filehelp
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" The French jukebox single release of the song, backed with "Yesterday"Song by the Beatlesfrom the album Help!Released 6 August 1965 (mono and stereo)Recorded 18 February 1965,EMI Studios, LondonGenre FolkLength 2:11Label ParlophoneSongwriter(s) Lennon–McCartneyProducer(s) George Martin Audio sample filehelp
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
Hvad står se for på en vauxhall-astra?
{ "text": [ "specialudgave" ], "answer_start": [ 1255 ] }
Vauxhall Astra Kort efter Mark 2 Astra blev lanceret, introducerede de GTE med en 1,8-liters 115 hk, som blev taget fra Mark 1 GTE, men denne blev hurtigt droppet til fordel for en 2,0-liters enhed med 124 hk på grund af dårligere end forventet ydeevne. Alle GTE-modeller havde et helt elektronisk instrumentbord med digitalt speedometer. Analoge instrumenter kunne fås som ekstraudstyr, men blev meget sjældent valgt frem for det digitale instrumentarium. I 1988 blev Vauxhalls version af motoren med to knastaksler, C20XE, kendt som "red top" (på grund af det røde tændrørslag), monteret i GTE-modellen og skabte straks opsigt i motorpressen på grund af dens ydeevne. Da denne motor oprindeligt blev frigivet i Europa og Storbritannien, udviklede den 156 hk og et drejningsmoment på 150 ft lbs i standardudførelse. Et par år senere blev GTE 16v, der nu var underlagt strengere emissionsbestemmelser, udstyret med en katalysator og et nyt udstødningsmanifold, hvilket fratog motoren 6 hk og 5 ft lbs drejningsmoment og øgede 0,5 sekund til 0-100 mph-tiden, så den steg fra 7,0 sekunder til 7,5 sekunder. I 1990 blev den begrænsede udgave af "læderudgaven" lanceret, og et kontingent på ca. 250 eksemplarer blev kun solgt gennem London-forhandlere. Denne specialudgave blev leveret med Bordeaux-lakering og krydsede spøge- og alufælge. Den var også kendt som "London-udgaven" og blev præsenteret i en brochure i et enkelt ark, der blev trykt i april 1990. Mellem det tidspunkt, hvor brochuren blev trykt, og det tidspunkt, hvor de kom ud på vejene, fik "Leather Edition" nogle ekstra decals, som forhandleren monterede for at hjælpe dem med at skille sig yderligere ud fra standard 16-ventil GTE-modellen. Disse decals består af et lille trefarvet blink på bagklappen ved siden af GTE-mærket og de samme farver under kofangerlisterne på siderne nær bagbuen. Der blev også tilføjet en sølvstribe ved siden af disse. De anvendte farver var GM's racerteams, og da disse biler først var monteret, blev de også kendt som "Champion"-udgaven. De blev leveret med Recaro-sæder og dørkort beklædt med Connolly-læder.
{ "text": [ "special edition" ], "answer_start": [ 1189 ] }
Vauxhall Astra Soon after the Mark 2 Astra was launched, they introduced the GTE using a 1.8-litre 115 bhp lifted from the Mark 1 GTE, but this was quickly dropped in favour of a 124 bhp 2.0 litre unit due to poorer than expected performance. All GTE models featured an all electronic dash with digital speedometer. Analogue instruments were an optional extra, but were very rarely selected over the digital dash. In 1988 Vauxhall's twin-camshaft version of the engine, the C20XE known as the "red top" (due to the red spark plug cover), was fitted to the GTE and instantly created a stir with the motoring press because of its performance. When this engine was originally released in Europe and the UK it developed 156 bhp and 150 ft lbs of torque in standard form. A few years later the GTE 16v, now subject to stricter emissions regulations, was fitted with a catalytic converter and a new exhaust manifold, which robbed the engine of 6 bhp, and 5 ft lbs of torque, and added .5 of a second to the 0-60 mph time, raising it from 7.0 seconds to 7.5 seconds. In 1990 the "leather edition" limited-edition was launched, and an allocation of around 250 examples sold only through London dealerships. This special edition came with Bordeaux paint work, and crossed spoke alloy wheels. It was also known as the "London Edition" and featured in a single sheet brochure printed in April 1990. Between the brochure being printed, and the time they hit the road the "Leather Edition" acquired some extra dealer fit decals to help them stand out further from the standard 16 valve GTE. These decals comprise a small three colour flash on the tail gate next to the GTE badge, and the same colours under the bumper strips on the sides near the rear arch. A silver strip was also added adjacent to this. The colours used were that of the GM racing teams, and once fitted these cars also became known as the "Champion" Edition. They came with Recaro seats and door cards clad in Connolly Leather.
Vauxhall Astra
Hvad er grunden til, at vi fejrer halloween?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Halloween eller Hallowe'en (en sammentrækning af All Hallows' Evening), også kendt som Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve eller All Saints' Eve, er en fest, der fejres i en række lande den 31. oktober, aftenen før den vestlige kristne fest All Hallows' Day. Den indleder den tre dage lange Allhalloween-tid, som er den tid i det liturgiske år, der er dedikeret til at mindes de døde, herunder helgener (hallows), martyrer og alle de troende afdøde.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Halloween or Hallowe'en (a contraction of All Hallows' Evening), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.
Flest vinder i en sæson pitcher modern era?
{ "text": [ "511" ], "answer_start": [ 89 ] }
List of Major League Baseball record holders Optegnelse Spiller # Flest sejre Cy Young 511 Flest tab Cy Young 316 Laveste E.R.A. Ed Walsh 1.82 Flest no-hitters Nolan Ryan 7 Flest strikeouts Nolan Ryan 5,714 Flest shutouts Walter Johnson 110 Flest pickoffs Steve Carlton 144 Flest innings kastet Cy Young 7,3542⁄3 Flest ramte slagmænd Gus Weyhing 278 Flest tilladte homeruns Jamie Moyer 522 Flest komplette kampe Cy Young 749 Laveste WHIP Addie Joss .968 Flest saves Mariano Rivera 652 Højeste procentdel af sejre og nederlag Spud Chandler 71.7% Flest kampe Jesse Orosco 1,252 Flest scoreløse innings i træk Orel Hershiser 59[b]
{ "text": [ "511" ], "answer_start": [ 37 ] }
List of Major League Baseball record holders Record Player # Most wins Cy Young 511 Most losses Cy Young 316 Lowest E.R.A. Ed Walsh 1.82 Most no-hitters Nolan Ryan 7 Most strikeouts Nolan Ryan 5,714 Most shutouts Walter Johnson 110 Most pickoffs Steve Carlton 144 Most innings pitched Cy Young 7,3542⁄3 Most hit batsmen Gus Weyhing 278 Most home runs allowed Jamie Moyer 522 Most complete games Cy Young 749 Lowest WHIP Addie Joss .968 Most saves Mariano Rivera 652 Highest win–loss percentage Spud Chandler 71.7% Most games Jesse Orosco 1,252 Most consecutive scoreless innings pitched Orel Hershiser 59[b]
List of Major League Baseball record holders
Hvem sang i dont know much but i know i love you?
{ "text": [ "Linda Ronstadt" ], "answer_start": [ 199 ] }
"Don't Know Much" er en sang skrevet af Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil og Tom Snow. Den originale version af denne sang blev indspillet af Barry Mann i 1980 og blev berømt, da den blev coveret som duet af Linda Ronstadt og Aaron Neville i 1989.
{ "text": [ "Linda Ronstadt" ], "answer_start": [ 200 ] }
"Don't Know Much" is a song written by Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil and Tom Snow. The original version of this song was recorded by Barry Mann in 1980 and was made famous when it was covered as a duet by Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville in 1989.
Don't Know Much
Hvilket sydasiatiske land koncentreres jainismen i?
{ "text": [ "Singapore" ], "answer_start": [ 177 ] }
South Asia Det fælles begreb Sydasien er i vid udstrækning en arv fra det britiske Rajs administrative grænser, med flere undtagelser. Aden-kolonien, det britiske Somaliland og Singapore er ikke blevet foreslået som en del af Sydasien, selv om de på forskellige tidspunkter blev administreret under Raj. Desuden blev Burma administreret som en del af Raj indtil 1937, men betragtes nu som en del af Sydøstasien og er medlem af ASEAN. De 562 fyrstelige stater, der blev beskyttet af Raj, men ikke direkte regeret af Raj, blev administrative dele af Sydasien efter at være blevet medlem af Unionen Indien eller Dominion of Pakistan. Geopolitisk set havde de dannet hele det store Indiens område,
{ "text": [ "Singapore" ], "answer_start": [ 174 ] }
The common concept of South Asia is largely inherited from the administrative boundaries of the British Raj, with several exceptions. The Aden Colony, British Somaliland and Singapore, though administered at various times under the Raj, have not been proposed as any part of South Asia. Additionally Burma was administered as part of the Raj until 1937, but is now considered a part of Southeast Asia and is a member state of ASEAN. The 562 princely states that were protected by but not directly ruled by the Raj became administrative parts of South Asia upon joining Union of India or Dominion of Pakistan. Geopolitically, it had formed the whole territory of Greater India,
South Asia
Maroon 5 i never gonna leave this bed?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Jeg vil aldrig forlade denne seng" Single af Maroon 5 fra albummet Hands All Over Udgivet 24. januar, 2011 Genre Pop rock alternativ rock Længde 3:16 Mærke A&M Octone Sangskriver(e) Adam Levine Producent(er) Robert John "Mutt" Lange Maroon 5 singler kronologi "Giv lidt mere" (2010) "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" (2011) "Moves like Jagger" (2011) "Giv lidt mere" (2010) "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" (2011) "Moves like Jagger" (2011) Musikvideo "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" på YouTube
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Never Gonna Leave This Bed" Single by Maroon 5 from the album Hands All Over Released January 24, 2011 Genre Pop rock alternative rock Length 3:16 Label A&M Octone Songwriter(s) Adam Levine Producer(s) Robert John "Mutt" Lange Maroon 5 singles chronology "Give a Little More" (2010) "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" (2011) "Moves like Jagger" (2011) "Give a Little More" (2010) "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" (2011) "Moves like Jagger" (2011) Music video "Never Gonna Leave This Bed" on YouTube
Never Gonna Leave This Bed
Hvem sang dream a little dream of me i den filmen?
{ "text": [ "Cass Elliot" ], "answer_start": [ 398 ] }
"Dream a Little Dream of Me" er en sang fra 1931 med musik af Fabian Andre og Wilbur Schwandt og tekst af Gus Kahn. Den blev første gang indspillet i februar 1931 af Ozzie Nelson og også af Wayne King and His Orchestra, med vokal af Ernie Birchill. Den er en populær standard, og der er indspillet mere end 60 andre versioner af den, hvoraf en af de højeste hitlisteplaceringer blev opnået af Mama Cass Elliot med Mamas & the Papas i 1968.
{ "text": [ "Cass Elliot" ], "answer_start": [ 358 ] }
"Dream a Little Dream of Me" is a 1931 song with music by Fabian Andre and Wilbur Schwandt and lyrics by Gus Kahn. It was first recorded in February 1931 by Ozzie Nelson and also by Wayne King and His Orchestra, with vocal by Ernie Birchill. A popular standard, it has seen more than 60 other versions recorded, with one of the highest chart ratings by Mama Cass Elliot with the Mamas & the Papas in 1968.
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Portugal. the man feel it still album?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Feel It Still" Single af Portugal. The Manfra albummet WoodstockUdgivet 3. marts 2017 (2017-03-03)Format Digital downloadGenre Psykedelisk popfunkLængde 2:42Label AtlanticSangskriver(e) Robert Bateman Zachary Scott Carothers Freddie Gorman John Baldwin Gourley John Hill Brian Holland Eric Andrew Howk Kyle O'Quin Jason Wade Sechrist Asa Taccone Producer(e) John Hill Asa Taccone Portugal. The Man singler kronologi "Noise Pollution" (2016) "Feel It Still" (2017) "Live in the Moment" (2017) "Støjforurening" (2016) "Feel It Still"(2017) "Live in the Moment"(2017) Musikvideo "Feel It Still" på YouTube
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Feel It Still" Single by Portugal. The Manfrom the album WoodstockReleased March 3, 2017 (2017-03-03)Format Digital downloadGenre Psychedelic popfunkLength 2:42Label AtlanticSongwriter(s) Robert Bateman Zachary Scott Carothers Freddie Gorman John Baldwin Gourley John Hill Brian Holland Eric Andrew Howk Kyle O'Quin Jason Wade Sechrist Asa Taccone Producer(s) John Hill Asa Taccone Portugal. The Man singles chronology "Noise Pollution" (2016) "Feel It Still" (2017) "Live in the Moment" (2017) "Noise Pollution"(2016) "Feel It Still"(2017) "Live in the Moment"(2017) Music video "Feel It Still" on YouTube
Feel It Still
Hvornår blev filmen i can only imagine filmet?
{ "text": [ "2018" ], "answer_start": [ 84 ] }
I Can Only Imagine (film) I Can Only Imagine er en amerikansk kristen dramafilm fra 2018, instrueret af Erwin-brødrene og skrevet af Alex Cramer, Jon Erwin og Brent McCorkle, baseret på historien bag MercyMe-sangen af samme navn, den bedst sælgende kristne single gennem tiderne. Filmen har J. Michael Finley i hovedrollen som Bart Millard, forsangeren, der skrev sangen om sit forhold til sin far (Dennis Quaid). Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman og Trace Adkins spiller også hovedrollerne.
{ "text": [ "2018" ], "answer_start": [ 24 ] }
I Can Only Imagine (film) I Can Only Imagine is a 2018 American Christian drama film directed by the Erwin Brothers and written by Alex Cramer, Jon Erwin, and Brent McCorkle, based on the story behind the MercyMe song of the same name, the best-selling Christian single of all time. The film stars J. Michael Finley as Bart Millard, the lead singer who wrote the song about his relationship with his father (Dennis Quaid). Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman, and Trace Adkins also star.
I Can Only Imagine (film)
Kloster for de hellige hjerte san francisco alumner?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Convent of the Sacred Heart High School (California) Højskolen Convent of the Sacred Heart Adresse 2222 Broadway Street San Francisco, Californien 94115 USA Koordinater 37°47′41′′′′N 122°26′2′′′′′W / 37.79472°N 122.43389°W / 37.79472; -122.43389Koordinater: 37°47′41′′′′N 122°26′2′′′′W / 37.79472°N 122.43389°W / 37.79472; -122.43389 Oplysninger Type Privat Religiøst tilhørsforhold(er) Romersk-katolsk Etableret 1887 Formand Ann Marie Krejcarek Leder af skolen Rachel Simpson Klassetrin 9-12 Køn Piger Indskrivning 200 (2008) Gennemsnitlig klassestørrelse 14 Forholdet mellem elever og lærer 7:1 Farve(r) Rød og hvid Sang Jesu hjerte Atletik stævne Bay Counties League (NCS) Holdnavn Cubs Akkreditering Western Association of Schools and Colleges Avis The Broadview Undervisningsafgift $39,240.00 (2015-16) Tilknytning Selskabet Sacred Heart Adgangschef Allyson Maebert Idrætsdirektører Elena De Santis & Cody Lee Fusco Hjemmeside
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Convent of the Sacred Heart High School (California) Convent of the Sacred Heart High School Address 2222 Broadway Street San Francisco, California 94115 United States Coordinates 37°47′41′′N 122°26′2′′W / 37.79472°N 122.43389°W / 37.79472; -122.43389Coordinates: 37°47′41′′N 122°26′2′′W / 37.79472°N 122.43389°W / 37.79472; -122.43389 Information Type Private Religious affiliation(s) Roman Catholic Established 1887 President Ann Marie Krejcarek Head of school Rachel Simpson Grades 9-12 Gender Girls Enrollment 200 (2008) Average class size 14 Student to teacher ratio 7:1 Color(s) Red and White Song Coeur de Jesus Athletics conference Bay Counties League (NCS) Team name Cubs Accreditation Western Association of Schools and Colleges Newspaper The Broadview Tuition $39,240.00 (2015-16) Affiliation Society of the Sacred Heart Admissions Director Allyson Maebert Athletic Directors Elena De Santis & Cody Lee Fusco Website
Convent of the Sacred Heart High School (California)
Hvad er det hindi navn på banyan træ?
{ "text": [ "Banyan" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Banyan I moderne sprogbrug på hindi er det kendt som bargad, vatavriksh og barh.
{ "text": [ "Banyan" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Banyan In modern parlance in the Hindi language, it is known as bargad, vatavriksh, and barh.
Som kæmpede ved det ældgamle slag ved kadesh?
{ "text": [ "Ramses II" ], "answer_start": [ 115 ] }
Battle of Kadesh Slaget ved Kadesh eller Slaget ved Qadesh fandt sted mellem det egyptiske imperiums styrker under Ramses II og det hittittiske imperium under Muwatalli II ved byen Kadesh ved Orontes-floden, lige opstrøms Homs-søen nær den nuværende syrisk-libanesiske grænse.
{ "text": [ "Ramesses II" ], "answer_start": [ 100 ] }
The Battle of Kadesh or Battle of Qadesh took place between the forces of the Egyptian Empire under Ramesses II and the Hittite Empire under Muwatalli II at the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River, just upstream of Lake Homs near the modern Syrian-Lebanese border.
Battle of Kadesh
Hvornår starter den amerikanske fodboldsæson 2018?
{ "text": [ "6. september 2018" ], "answer_start": [ 109 ] }
2018 NFL season NFL-sæsonen 2018 bliver den 99. sæson i National Football League (NFL). Sæsonen begynder den 6. september 2018 med NFL Kickoff Game, hvor de forsvarende Super Bowl LII-mestre Philadelphia Eagles er værter for Atlanta Falcons. Sæsonen afsluttes med Super Bowl LIII, ligaens mesterskabskamp, den 3. februar 2019 på Mercedes-Benz Stadium i Atlanta, Georgia.
{ "text": [ "September 6, 2018" ], "answer_start": [ 113 ] }
The 2018 NFL season will be the 99th season of the National Football League (NFL). The season is set to begin on September 6, 2018 with the NFL Kickoff Game with the defending Super Bowl LII champion Philadelphia Eagles hosting the Atlanta Falcons. The season will conclude with Super Bowl LIII, the league's championship game, on February 3, 2019 at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia.
2018 NFL season
Milky way the snack you can eat between meals?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Milky Way (chocolate bar) Markedsføringen af snacks som Milky Way har imidlertid ændret sig siden 1980'erne, og fokus er nu det modsatte af, hvad det var. I stedet for at Milky Way og lignende fødevarer (f.eks. Cadbury Fudge) er snacks, der ikke forhindrer en i at spise normale måltider, definerer den moderne markedsføring disse snacks som nogle, der reducerer sulten ved måltiderne og dæmper appetitten ind imellem. I 2003 kunne slikmarkedsførere som Andrew Harrison fra Nestlé konstatere, at det sociale stigma, der er forbundet med ikke at indtage tre firkantede måltider om dagen, var blevet mindre, og at det gamle Milky Way-slogan derfor var ved at falde i unåde.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Milky Way (chocolate bar) However, marketing for snack foods such as Milky Way has altered since the 1980s, with its focus now being the reverse of what it was. Instead of Milky Way and similar foods (e.g. the Cadbury Fudge) being snack foods that won't prevent one from eating normal meals, modern marketing defines these snacks as ones that will reduce hunger at mealtimes and curb the appetite in-between. By 2003, sweet marketers such as Andrew Harrison of Nestlé were seeing a reduced social stigma attached to not consuming three square meals a day, and thus the falling out of favor of the old Milky Way slogan.
Milky Way (chocolate bar)
Scarlett efterfølgeren til margaret mitchell's borte med blæsten?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Scarlett (Ripley novel) Scarlett er en roman fra 1991 af Alexandra Ripley, skrevet som en fortsættelse til Margaret Mitchells roman Borte med blæsten fra 1936. Bogen debuterede på New York Times' bestsellerliste, men både kritikere og fans af den oprindelige roman fandt Ripleys version uoverensstemmende med den litterære kvalitet af Borte med blæsten.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Scarlett (Ripley novel) Scarlett is a 1991 novel by Alexandra Ripley, written as a sequel to Margaret Mitchell's 1936 novel, Gone with the Wind. The book debuted on The New York Times bestsellers list, but both critics and fans of the original novel found Ripley's version to be inconsistent with the literary quality of Gone with the Wind.
Scarlett (Ripley novel)
Har pressen ret til at vide det?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Freedom of information laws by country Et grundlæggende princip bag de fleste love om informationsfrihed er, at bevisbyrden påhviler det organ, der anmodes om oplysninger, og ikke den person, der anmoder om dem. Den person, der fremsætter anmodningen, behøver normalt ikke at give en forklaring på sine handlinger, men hvis oplysningerne ikke udleveres, skal der gives en gyldig grund til det.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Freedom of information laws by country A basic principle behind most freedom of information legislation is that the burden of proof falls on the body asked for information, not the person asking for it. The person making the request does not usually have to give an explanation for their actions, but if the information is not disclosed a valid reason has to be given.
Freedom of information laws by country
Hvem gør yankumi ender med i gokusen?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Gokusen Kumiko er en 23-årig universitetsuddannet og er nyansat på Shirokin Gakuen. Hun er meget idealistisk og ønsker at inspirere sine elever og hjælpe dem til at bestå gymnasiet. Siden hun var 7 år gammel, da hendes forældre døde, har Kumiko boet hos sin bedstefar, som er leder af en indflydelsesrig Ninkyo-gruppe i Tokyo. På trods af denne mærkelige opvækst og de bizarre manerer, hun har opfanget derfra, såsom hendes brug af yakuza-slang og en vane med at flygte fra politiet, når hun ser dem, er Kumiko en godhjertet pige, der har en stærk tro på sine elever, selv når de tror, at verden er imod dem. Hendes tro på dem og hendes kampfærdigheder hjælper hende til at vinde deres respekt. De giver hende kælenavnet "Yankumi", hvilket hun er meget glad for. Det bliver også afsløret, at hun er tiltrukket af mænd i fundoshi; hun går i trance, da hun ser Shin i en fundoshi. I SP-mangaen fra 2008 returnerer Yankumi endelig Sawadas følelser, efter at Sawada har reddet hende fra en bande rockere. En running gag for dramaserien er, at med hver ny serie har næsten alle helt glemt, at hun er den næste i rækken til at lede yakuzaen, selv da han spurgte en lærer-kollega fra en tidligere serie, svarede han kun med et forundret blik i ansigtet. En anden running gag er, at hun i begyndelsen af hver ny serie vises ude af stand til at undervise, medmindre hun underviser skolens kriminelle og oftest skræmmer sine elever med sin usædvanlige opførsel.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Gokusen Kumiko is a 23-year-old university graduate and is newly hired at Shirokin Gakuen. She is very idealistic and wants to inspire her students and help them graduate high school. Since the age of 7, when her parents died, Kumiko has been living with her grandfather, who is the head of an influential Tokyo Ninkyo group. Despite this strange upbringing and the bizarre mannerisms she has picked up from it like her use of yakuza slang and a habit of running from the cops when she sees them, Kumiko is a good-hearted girl who has a strong faith in her students even when they think the world is against them. Her belief in them and her combat skills help her earn their respect. They give her the nickname "Yankumi," something she greatly likes. It is also revealed that she is attracted to men in a fundoshi; going into a trance when she saw Shin in one. In the 2008 SP manga, Yankumi finally returned Sawada's feeling after Sawada saved her from a gang of bikers. A running gag for the drama series is that with each new series almost everyone has completely forgotten she is next in line to run the yakuza, even when asking a fellow teacher from a previous series he replied only with a puzzled look on his face. Another running gag is in the beginning of each new series, she is shown incapable of teaching unless she is teaching the delinquents of the school and, more often than not, scaring her students with her unusual behavior.
Hvor slutter altid le tour de france?
{ "text": [ "Paris" ], "answer_start": [ 209 ] }
Traditionelt afholdes løbet primært i juli måned. Selv om ruten ændres hvert år, er løbets format det samme med tidskørsler, passage gennem bjergkæderne Pyrenæerne og Alperne og afslutning på Champs-Élysées i Paris. De moderne udgaver af Tour de France består af 21 daglange segmenter (etaper) over en periode på 23 dage og dækker ca. 3 500 km. Løbet veksler mellem rundstrækninger i Frankrig med og mod uret.
{ "text": [ "Paris" ], "answer_start": [ 283 ] }
Traditionally, the race is held primarily in the month of July. While the route changes each year, the format of the race stays the same with the appearance of time trials, the passage through the mountain chains of the Pyrenees and the Alps, and the finish on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. The modern editions of the Tour de France consist of 21 day-long segments (stages) over a 23-day period and cover around 3,500 kilometres (2,200 mi). The race alternates between clockwise and counterclockwise circuits of France.
Tour de France
Hvad får dig på dekanen liste?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Generelt skal studerende, der er indskrevet på et college eller universitet, opfylde en række specifikke krav, før de kan blive optaget på Dean's List. Disse krav kan variere fra institution til institution, men i de fleste tilfælde kræves det, at de studerende er tilmeldt på fuld tid, at de opnår et bestemt karaktergennemsnit i løbet af den akademiske periode og at de opretholder et bestemt kumulativt karaktergennemsnit under hele deres indskrivning. Universiteterne kan ofte fastsætte yderligere belønninger, f.eks. årlige dekanlister, for studerende, der udviser endnu større akademisk udmærkelse. Som sådan er en Dean's List og dens direkte afledte produkter normalt beregnet til studerende, der udviser den højeste akademiske dygtighed på tværs af flere fagområder og ikke nødvendigvis er bundet til et bestemt fagområde.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Generally, students enrolled in college or university would need to satisfy a series of specific requirements before receiving the Dean's List. These requirements may differ across institutions, but in most cases will require students to enroll in a full-time capacity, to achieve a specific grade point average within the academic term, and to maintain a specific cumulative grade point average throughout enrollment. Universities may often establish further rewards, such as Annual Dean's Lists, for students that demonstrate even greater academic distinction. As such, a Dean's List and its direct derivatives are usually intended for students that demonstrate highest scholarship across multiple disciplines, and not necessarily bound to a specific field of study.
Dean's List
Navn 8 varer, der blev beskattet i 1765?
{ "text": [ "spillekort" ], "answer_start": [ 407 ] }
Stamp Act 1765 Stamp Act of 1765 (den korte titel Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12) var en lov fra det britiske parlament, der indførte en direkte skat på de tretten kolonier og krævede, at mange trykte materialer i kolonierne skulle produceres på stemplet papir produceret i London og forsynet med et præget stempel. De trykte materialer omfattede juridiske dokumenter, magasiner, spillekort, aviser og mange andre typer papir, der blev brugt i kolonierne. Ligesom tidligere skatter skulle stempelafgiften betales i gyldig britisk valuta og ikke i koloniale papirpenge.
{ "text": [ "playing card" ], "answer_start": [ 388 ] }
Stamp Act 1765 The Stamp Act of 1765 (short title Duties in American Colonies Act 1765; 5 George III, c. 12) was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain that imposed a direct tax on the Thirteen Colonies and required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. Printed materials included legal documents, magazines, playing cards, newspapers, and many other types of paper used throughout the colonies. Like previous taxes, the stamp tax had to be paid in valid British currency, not in colonial paper money.
Stamp Act 1765
Hvad gør en nordafrikansk erhvervsdrivende under stille byttehandel?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Silent trade Stille handel, også kaldet silent barter, dumb barter ("dumb" bruges her i sin gamle betydning af "stum") eller depothandel, er en metode, hvormed handlende, der ikke kan tale hinandens sprog, kan handle uden at tale. Gruppe A efterlader handelsvarer på et fremtrædende sted og signalerer, f.eks. ved hjælp af gong, ild eller tromme, at de har efterladt varer. Gruppe B ankom derefter til stedet, undersøgte varerne og deponerede deres handelsvarer eller penge, som de ønskede at bytte og hæve. Gruppe A vender derefter tilbage og accepterer enten byttehandelen ved at tage varerne fra gruppe B eller trækker sig tilbage igen og overlader det til gruppe B at tilføje eller udskifte varer for at skabe en lige stor værdi. Handlen slutter, når gruppe A accepterer gruppe B's tilbud og fjerner de tilbudte varer, så gruppe B kan fjerne de oprindelige varer.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Silent trade, also called silent barter, dumb barter ("dumb" here used in its old meaning of "mute"), or depot trade, is a method by which traders who cannot speak each other's language can trade without talking. Group A would leave trade goods in a prominent position and signal, by gong, fire, or drum for example, that they had left goods. Group B would then arrive at the spot, examine the goods and deposit their trade goods or money that they wanted to exchange and withdraw. Group A would then return and either accept the trade by taking the goods from Group B or withdraw again leaving Group B to add to or change out items to create an equal value. The trade ends when Group A accepts Group B's offer and removes the offered goods leaving Group B to remove the original goods.
Silent trade
Af 1914 hvad de europæiske lande havde opdelt afrika?
{ "text": [ "Spanien" ], "answer_start": [ 789 ] }
Berlin Conference Fra 1878 til 1885 vendte Stanley tilbage til Congo, ikke som journalist, men som udsending fra Léopold med den hemmelige mission at organisere det, der skulle blive kendt som Congos fri stat. Den franske efterretningstjeneste havde opdaget Leopolds planer, og Frankrig gik hurtigt i gang med sin egen koloniale udforskning. I 1881 blev den franske søofficer Pierre de Brazza sendt til Centralafrika, rejste ind i det vestlige Congobassin og hejste det franske flag over det nyoprettede Brazzaville i det, der i dag er Republikken Congo. Endelig gjorde Portugal, som allerede havde et langvarigt, men stort set opgivet kolonimperium i området gennem den for det meste uddøde prokuriststat Kongo-imperiet, også krav på området. Dets krav var baseret på gamle traktater med Spanien og den romersk-katolske kirke. Det indgik hurtigt en traktat den 26. februar 1884 med sin tidligere allierede, Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Irland, for at blokere Kongosamfundets adgang til Atlanterhavet.
{ "text": [ "Spain" ], "answer_start": [ 739 ] }
Berlin Conference From 1878 to 1885, Stanley returned to the Congo, not as a reporter but as an envoy from Léopold with the secret mission to organize what would become known as the Congo Free State. French intelligence had discovered Leopold's plans, and France quickly engaged in its own colonial exploration. In 1881, French naval officer Pierre de Brazza was dispatched to central Africa, traveled into the western Congo basin, and raised the French flag over the newly founded Brazzaville, in what is currently the Republic of Congo. Finally, Portugal, which already had a long, but essentially abandoned colonial Empire in the area through the mostly defunct proxy state Kongo Empire, also claimed the area. Its claims were based on old treaties with Spain and the Roman Catholic Church. It quickly made a treaty on 26 February 1884 with its former ally, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to block off the Congo Society's access to the Atlantic.
Berlin Conference
Hvor er belle live skønhed og dyret?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Belle (Disney) Nationalitet Fransk
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Belle (Disney) Nationality French
Belle (Disney)
De to brede erhvervskategorier for små og mellemstore virksomheder er?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Small and medium-sized enterprises Små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMV'er) eller små og mellemstore virksomheder (SMB'er) er virksomheder, hvis antal ansatte ligger under visse grænser. Forkortelsen "SMV" anvendes af internationale organisationer som Verdensbanken, De Forenede Nationer og Verdenshandelsorganisationen (WTO).
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are businesses whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation "SME" is used by international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Hvor mødes det stillehav i det atlantiske hav?
{ "text": [ "Kap Horn" ], "answer_start": [ 443 ] }
Borders of the oceans Den nordlige grænse for det sydlige ocean blev flyttet sydpå i IHO's anden udgave af IHO's 1937-udgave af grænserne for oceaner og have. Det Sydlige Ocean strakte sig herefter fra Antarktis nordpå til breddegraden 40° syd mellem Kap Agulhas i Afrika (længde 20° øst) og Kap Leeuwin i Vestaustralien (længde 115° øst) og strakte sig til bredde 55° syd mellem Auckland Island i New Zealand (længde 165° eller 166° øst) og Kap Horn i Sydamerika (længde 67° vest).
{ "text": [ "Cape Horn" ], "answer_start": [ 423 ] }
Borders of the oceans The northern limits of the Southern Ocean were moved southwards in the IHO's 1937 second edition of the Limits of Oceans and Seas. The Southern Ocean then extended from Antarctica northwards to latitude 40° south between Cape Agulhas in Africa (long. 20° east) and Cape Leeuwin in Western Australia (long. 115° east), and extended to latitude 55° south between Auckland Island of New Zealand (long. 165° or 166° east) and Cape Horn in South America (long. 67° west).
Borders of the oceans
Hvornår kommer stranger things sæson 2 episode 10 ud?
{ "text": [ "27. oktober 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 163 ] }
Stranger Things Nej. samlet nr. i sæson Titel Instrueret af Skrevet af Oprindelig udgivelsesdato 9 1 "Chapter One: MADMAX" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers 27. oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Den 28. oktober 1984 bruger Kali og hendes bande sine psykiske kræfter til at undslippe politiet. Hendes håndledstatovering markerer hende som "008". I Hawkins-arkaden har Will en vision om den opadvendte side af verden. Murray Bauman beskriver en udførlig konspirationsteori for Hopper. Hopper undersøger en skamplet på Bob Merrils græskarplantage. Hr. Clarke introducerer en ny pige ved navn Maxine ("Max") i sin klasse. På Hawkins Lab undersøger Owens Will. Han fortæller Joyce, at Will lider af posttraumatisk stressforstyrrelse. Nancy og Steve spiser middag med Barbs forældre, som sælger deres hus for at betale for Baumans undersøgelse af Barbs forsvinden. Mike forsøger at kontakte Eleven, idet han stadig tror, at hun er i live, selv 352 dage efter hendes forsvinden. Dustin hører en lyd fra skraldespanden uden for sit hjem, og Will har et syn af et enormt edderkoppevæsen i Upside Down. Hopper tager hjem til en hytte i skoven, hvor Eleven beskylder ham for at være kommet for sent. 10 2 "Kapitel to: Trick or Treat, Freak" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers 27. oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) I et flashback vågner Eleven op i Upside Down-mellemskolen, efter at hun lige har udryddet monstret i slutningen af første sæson. Efter at være flygtet fra Upside Down tager hun til Mikes hus. For at undgå regeringsagenter gemmer hun sig i skoven. I nutiden beder Eleven om at gå på trick-or-treating, men Hopper siger, at det er for risikabelt. Hopper finder ud af, at svampen har spredt sig til græskarpladser over hele byen. Nancy ønsker at fortælle Barbs forældre om hendes død, men Steve insisterer på, at det er for farligt. Til en Halloween-fest samme aften bliver Nancy fuld og fortæller Steve, at hun ikke elsker ham. Vred forlader Steve hende og beder Jonathan om at køre hende hjem. Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas og Max tager på trick-or-treating. Will får et syn af et skyggefuldt monster fra den opadvendte verden, der forsøger at fange ham. Mike indrømmer over for Will, at han stadig forsøger at kontakte Eleven. Eleven forsøger at kontakte Mike, men det mislykkes. Dustin finder et væsen i sin skraldespand. 11 3 "Kapitel 3: The Pollywog" Shawn Levy Justin Doble 27 oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Dustin fodrer væsenet med en 3 Musketeers-chokoladebar og kalder det d'Artagnan ("Dart"). I et flashback efterlader Hopper mad i skoven til Eleven. Hun nærmer sig ham og flytter ind i hans bedstefars jagthytte. I nutiden nægter Hopper at lade Eleven komme udenfor. Hun er vred og flygter og leder efter Mike. Bob fortæller Will om et mareridt fra barndommen og opfordrer ham til at stå op imod sin frygt. Nancy overtaler Jonathan til at hjælpe hende med at fortælle Barb's forældre sandheden. Hopper konfronterer Owens med beviser for, at græskarskimmel kommer fra laboratoriet. Dustin tager Dart med i skole og viser den til Will, Mike, Lucas og Max. Will indser, at Dart er fra den opadvendte side. Dart forvandler sig og flygter. Eleven ser Mike og Max skændes og forveksler det med en flirt. Hun er jaloux og får Max til at falde ned fra sit skateboard. På et videobånd, som Will har optaget, mens han var på trick-or-treating, opdager Joyce et billede af monsteret. Will finder Dart, hvilket udløser en vision af Upside Down. Dustin genfinder Dart. Will følger Bobs råd og konfronterer monsteret, men det invaderer hans krop. 12 4 "Kapitel fire: Will den kloge" Shawn Levy Paul Dichter 27. oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Joyce tager Will med hjem. Hans temperatur er mærkeligt lav, men han nægter et varmt bad. Eleven vender tilbage til hytten. Hun og Hopper skændes, og Hopper giver hende stuearrest. Will fortæller Joyce og Hopper, at han er forbundet med Skyggemonsteret. Da han ikke kan forklare det med ord, laver han et stort antal krakeleringer. Joyce og Hopper sætter dem sammen til et kort. Nancy og Jonathan bliver fanget af laboratorieagenter. Owens viser dem porten til den opadvendte verden. Han siger, at den kan inddæmmes, men ikke ødelægges, indrømmer, at Barb døde, og lader Nancy og Jonathan gå fri. I al hemmelighed optager Nancy hans tilståelse. Billy advarer Max om at holde sig væk fra Lucas. Eleven finder Hoppers notater om Hawkins Lab. Ved hjælp af sine synske evner kontakter hun Terry Ives, som kalder hende "Jane". Dustin opdager, at Dart fortærer hans kat og indser, at Dart er en ung Demogorgon. Hopper følger Wills kort og graver i Merrils mark og finder en tunnel, der er ødelagt af Upside Down. 13 5 "Kapitel fem: Dig Dug" Andrew Stanton Jessie Nickson-Lopez 27 oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Vinranker fanger Hopper i de inficerede tunneller. Will indser, at Hopper er i fare. Lucas fortæller Max sandheden om Wills forsvinden sidste år, men hun tror ham ikke. Jonathan og Nancy afspiller Owens' tilståelse til Bauman. De tre bliver enige om at offentliggøre en udvandet og mere troværdig historie om Barb, der døde af giftstoffer frigivet af laboratoriet. Dustin fanger Dart i sin rodkælder og rekrutterer Steve til at bekæmpe den. Owens og laboratorieforskerne indser, at jorden fra de inficerede græskarplantager er en del af en hive mind. Eleven blaffer til Terrys hus. Hun kommunikerer telepatisk med Terry og ser billeder af et andet barn, der holdes i Hawkins Lab, og af Terry, der bliver forkrøblet af tvungen chokterapi. Bob finder ud af, hvor Hopper befinder sig, og han og Joyce går ind i tunnellerne for at redde ham. De får selskab af videnskabsmænd fra Hawkins Lab. Da forskerne brænder de vinstokke, der fylder tunnellerne, skriger Will af smerte og falder sammen. 14 6 "Kapitel seks: The Spy" Andrew Stanton Kate Trefry 27. oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Will bliver hasteindlagt på laboratoriet, hvor han ikke kan genkende Bob, Hopper eller Owens. Owens spekulerer på, at det kan være livsfarligt for Will at beskadige tunnellerne. Han viser Hopper laboratoriekælderen, hvor en enorm port til Upside Down er blevet opdaget under gulvet. Dart forvandler sig igen og undslipper fra rodekælderen. Nancy og Jonathan tilbringer natten hos Bauman og indrømmer deres følelser for hinanden. Lucas tilbyder at bevise over for Max, at hans historie er sand, og han sniger hende ud af sit hus. Steve giver Dustin datingtips til Dustin. Steve, Dustin, Lucas og Max opstiller en fælde for Dart på skrotpladsen. Max åbner op for Lucas om Billy's vrede over sin fars gengifte med Max' mor. Dart, der nu er på størrelse med en stor hund, ankommer med en flok unge Demogorgons og fanger de fire i en bus. Will annoncerer, at han ved, hvordan man kan stoppe Skyggemonsteret. Owens sender et hold soldater ind i tunnellerne, og Demodoggerne forlader skrotpladsen. Will undskylder og siger, at Skyggemonsteret fik ham til at gøre det. Demodogs overfalder soldaterne, slagter dem og klatrer ind i laboratoriet. 15 7 "Kapitel syv: Den forsvundne søster" Rebecca Thomas Justin Doble 27 oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) I Chicago finder Eleven Kali, som er pigen fra Terrys erindringer, frem. Kali kan skabe illusioner, og hun leder en bande af udstødte, der hævner sig på dem, der har gjort dem ondt. Hun lærer Eleven at kanalisere sin vrede til stærkere kræfter. Eleven bruger sine kræfter til at finde Ray, den laboratorietekniker, der udførte chokterapi på Terry, og banden bryder ind i hans lejlighed. Ray hævder, at Brenner stadig er i live, og han tilbyder at føre Kali og Eleven til Brenner. De tror ikke på ham, og Kali forsøger at overtale Eleven til at dræbe Ray. Da Eleven erfarer, at han har to døtre, stopper hun og forhindrer Kali i at dræbe ham. Tilbage i deres skjulested fremtryller Kali en vision af Brenner og kræver, at Eleven hævner deres mor. Eleven visualiserer Mike og Hopper og indser, at de er i problemer. Mens Kali og hendes bande undslipper politiet, vender Eleven tilbage til Hawkins. 16 8 "Kapitel otte: The Mind Flayer" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers 27. oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Demodogs overvælder laboratoriet. Mike overtaler Joyce til at bedøve Will, så Skyggemonsteret ikke kan spore dem. Mike, Will, Joyce, Joyce, Hopper, Bob og Owens søger ly i laboratoriets sikkerhedsrum. Dustin, Steve, Lucas og Max sporer Demodogs til laboratoriet, hvor de samles med Nancy og Jonathan. Da strømmen går ud, nulstiller Bob afbryderne, så de kan flygte. Owens bliver tilbage og bruger sikkerhedskameraerne til at guide de andre ud. Mike, Will, Joyce og Hopper undslipper, men Bob bliver dræbt af Demodogs. Gruppen trækker sig tilbage til Byers' hus, hvor Dustin antyder, at Skyggemonsteret er en Mind Flayer. Efter at have forklædt deres placering afhører de Will. Ved hjælp af morsekode taster han: "CLOSE GATE". Husets telefon ringer, og Will indser, hvor han er. Mind Flayer sender en Demodog til huset, men til alles overraskelse ankommer Eleven og dræber den. 17 9 "Kapitel ni: The Gate" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers 27. oktober 2017 (2017-10-27) Efter endelig at have genforenet Mike tager Eleven og Hopper til laboratoriet, hvor de finder porten, der er bevogtet af Demodogs. Jonathan, Nancy og Joyce tager Will med til Hoppers hytte og overopheder ham, hvilket tvinger Mind Flayer ud. Mike, Dustin, Lucas og Max ønsker at lokke Demodogs væk fra porten, men Steve holder dem tilbage i huset for deres egen sikkerheds skyld. Billy, der af sin voldelige far er tvunget til at lede efter Max, ankommer til Byers' hus. Han overmander Steve i en nævekamp, men Max bedøver ham, og gruppen tager af sted i Billys bil. De starter en brand i tunnellerne, men Dart blokerer deres tilbagevenden. Dustin giver Dart en 3 Musketeers-bar, og Dart lader dem passere. Eleven kanaliserer sin vrede til at lukke porten, og da porten lukker, dør de resterende monstre i Hawkins. En måned senere er Hawkins Lab lukket ned. Barb får en begravelse, og Owens giver Hopper en fødselsattest til Eleven. Eleverne, herunder Eleven, deltager i skolens vinterdans, Snow Ball. Max og Lucas kysser hinanden, og det samme gør Mike og Eleven. Nancy har medlidenhed med Dustin og danser med ham. I Upside Down tårner Mind Flayer sig op over skolen.
{ "text": [ "October 27, 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 145 ] }
Stranger Things No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original release date 9 1 "Chapter One: MADMAX" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) On October 28, 1984, Kali and her gang use her psychic powers to escape the police. Her wrist tattoo marks her as "008." At the Hawkins arcade, Will has a vision of the Upside Down. Murray Bauman describes an elaborate conspiracy theory to Hopper. Hopper investigates a blight on Bob Merril's pumpkin patch. Mr. Clarke introduces a new girl named Maxine ("Max") to his class. At Hawkins Lab, Owens examines Will. He tells Joyce that Will is experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder. Nancy and Steve have dinner with Barb's parents, who are selling their house to pay for Bauman's investigation into Barb's disappearance. Mike tries to contact with Eleven, still believing she is alive even 352 days after her disappearance. Dustin hears a noise from the trashcan outside his home, and Will has a vision of an enormous spidery creature in the Upside Down. Hopper goes home to a cabin in the woods, where Eleven accuses him of being late. 10 2 "Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) In a flashback, Eleven awakens in the Upside Down middle school, having just destroyed the monster at the end of the first season. After escaping the Upside Down, she goes to Mike's house. To avoid government agents, she hides in the woods. In the present, Eleven asks to go trick-or-treating, but Hopper says it's too risky. Hopper learns the blight has spread to pumpkin patches all over town. Nancy wants to tell Barb's parents about her death, but Steve insists it's too dangerous. At a Halloween party that evening, Nancy gets drunk and tells Steve she doesn't love him. Angered, Steve leaves, and asks Jonathan to take her home. Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Max go trick-or-treating. Will has a vision of a shadowy monster from the Upside Down trying to catch him. Mike admits to Will that he is still trying to contact Eleven. Eleven tries to contact Mike but fails. Dustin finds a creature in his trash can. 11 3 "Chapter Three: The Pollywog" Shawn Levy Justin Doble October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) Dustin feeds the creature a 3 Musketeers chocolate bar and names it d'Artagnan ("Dart"). In a flashback, Hopper leaves food in the woods for Eleven. She approaches him and moves into his grandfather's hunting cabin. In the present, Hopper refuses to allow Eleven outside. Angry, she escapes and looks for Mike. Bob recounts a childhood nightmare to Will and encourages him to stand up to his fears. Nancy persuades Jonathan to help her tell Barb's parents the truth. Hopper confronts Owens with evidence that the pumpkin blight comes from the lab. Dustin brings Dart to school and shows it to Will, Mike, Lucas, and Max. Will realizes Dart is from the Upside Down. Dart molts and escapes. Eleven sees Mike and Max arguing and mistakes it for flirting. Jealous, she makes Max fall off her skateboard. On a videotape Will made while trick-or-treating, Joyce discovers an image of the monster. Will finds Dart, triggering a vision of the Upside Down. Dustin recovers Dart. Following Bob's advice, Will confronts the monster, but it invades his body. 12 4 "Chapter Four: Will the Wise" Shawn Levy Paul Dichter October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) Joyce takes Will home. His temperature is strangely low, but he refuses a warm bath. Eleven returns to the cabin. She and Hopper fight, and Hopper grounds her. Will tells Joyce and Hopper that he's connected to the Shadow Monster. Unable to explain in words, he makes a vast number of scribbles. Joyce and Hopper piece them together into a map. Nancy and Jonathan are caught by lab agents. Owens shows them the gate to the Upside Down. He says it can be contained but not destroyed, admits Barb died, and allows Nancy and Jonathan to go free. Secretly, Nancy records his confession. Billy warns Max to stay away from Lucas. Eleven finds Hopper's notes on Hawkins Lab. Using her psychic powers, she contacts Terry Ives, who calls her "Jane." Dustin discovers Dart devouring his cat and realizes Dart is a young Demogorgon. Following Will's map, Hopper digs in Merril's field and finds a tunnel corrupted by the Upside Down. 13 5 "Chapter Five: Dig Dug" Andrew Stanton Jessie Nickson-Lopez October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) Vines trap Hopper in the infected tunnels. Will realizes Hopper is in danger. Lucas tells Max the truth about Will's disappearance last year, but she doesn't believe him. Jonathan and Nancy play Owens' confession to Bauman. The three agree to publicize a watered down and more believable story about Barb dying from toxins released by the lab. Dustin traps Dart in his root cellar and recruits Steve to fight it. Owens and the lab scientists realize the soil from the infected pumpkin patches is part of a hive mind. Eleven hitchhikes to Terry's house. She telepathically communicates with Terry, seeing images of another child kept in Hawkins Lab and of Terry being crippled by forced shock therapy. Bob figures out Hopper's location, and he and Joyce enter the tunnels to rescue him. They are joined by scientists from Hawkins Lab. As the scientists burn the vines filling the tunnels, Will screams in agony and collapses. 14 6 "Chapter Six: The Spy" Andrew Stanton Kate Trefry October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) Will is rushed to the lab, where he cannot recognize Bob, Hopper, or Owens. Owens speculates that damaging the tunnels may be lethal to Will. He shows Hopper the lab basement, where an enormous gate to the Upside Down has been discovered under the floor. Dart molts again and escapes the root cellar. Nancy and Jonathan spend the night at Bauman's and admit their feelings for each other. Lucas offers to prove to Max that his story is true, and he sneaks her out of her house. Steve offers Dustin dating tips. Steve, Dustin, Lucas and Max set a trap for Dart at the junkyard. Max opens up to Lucas about Billy's anger over his father's remarriage to Max's mother. Dart, now the size of a large dog, arrives with a pack of adolescent Demogorgons and traps the four in a bus. Will announces he knows how to stop the Shadow Monster. Owens sends a team of soldiers into the tunnels, and the Demodogs leave the junkyard. Will apologizes, saying the Shadow Monster made him do it. The Demodogs ambush the soldiers, slaughter them, and climb into the lab. 15 7 "Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister" Rebecca Thomas Justin Doble October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) In Chicago, Eleven locates Kali, who is the girl from Terry's memories. Kali can create illusions, and she leads a gang of outcasts who exact revenge on those who have hurt them. She teaches Eleven to channel her anger towards stronger powers. Eleven uses her powers to find Ray, the lab technician who performed shock therapy on Terry, and the gang breaks into his apartment. Ray claims Brenner is still alive, and he offers to lead Kali and Eleven to Brenner. They disbelieve him, and Kali tries to coax Eleven into killing Ray. When Eleven learns he has two daughters, she stops and prevents Kali from killing him. Back at their hideout, Kali conjures a vision of Brenner and demands that Eleven avenge their mother. Eleven visualizes Mike and Hopper and realizes they are in trouble. While Kali and her gang escape the police, Eleven returns to Hawkins. 16 8 "Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) The Demodogs overwhelm the lab. Mike convinces Joyce to sedate Will so that the Shadow Monster cannot track them. Mike, Will, Joyce, Hopper, Bob, and Owens shelter in the lab's security room. Dustin, Steve, Lucas, and Max track the Demodogs to the lab, where they regroup with Nancy and Jonathan. When the power goes out, Bob resets the circuit breakers so they can escape. Owens stays behind and uses the security cameras to guide the others out. Mike, Will, Joyce, and Hopper escape, but Bob is killed by the Demodogs. The group retreat to the Byers' house, where Dustin suggests that the Shadow Monster is a Mind Flayer. After disguising their location, they interrogate Will. Using Morse code, he taps out, "CLOSE GATE." The house phone rings, and Will realizes where he is. The Mind Flayer sends a Demodog to the house, but, to everyone's surprise, Eleven arrives and kills it. 17 9 "Chapter Nine: The Gate" The Duffer Brothers The Duffer Brothers October 27, 2017 (2017-10-27) After finally reuniting with Mike, Eleven and Hopper head for the lab, where they find the gate guarded by Demodogs. Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce take Will to Hopper's cabin and overheat him, forcing the Mind Flayer out. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max want to draw the Demodogs away from the gate, but Steve keeps them at the house for their own safety. Billy, forced by his abusive father to look for Max, arrives at the Byers house. He overpowers Steve in a fistfight, but Max sedates him, and the group leaves in Billy's car. They start a fire in the tunnels, but Dart blocks their return. Dustin feeds Dart a 3 Musketeers bar, and Dart allows them to pass. Eleven channels her anger into closing the gate, and as the gate closes, the remaining monsters in Hawkins die. One month later, Hawkins Lab has shut down. Barb is given a funeral, and Owens provides Hopper a birth certificate for Eleven. The students, including Eleven, attend the school's winter dance, the Snow Ball. Max and Lucas kiss, as do Mike and Eleven. Nancy pities Dustin and dances with him. In the Upside Down, the Mind Flayer towers over the school.
Stranger Things
Hvad er der galt med barnet i bogen wonder?
{ "text": [ "Treacher Collins syndrom" ], "answer_start": [ 174 ] }
Wonder (Palacio novel) August Pullman går i femte klasse og bor sammen med sine forældre i North River Heights på øvre Manhattan. Han har en sygdom, der ofte sidestilles med Treacher Collins syndrom, og som har medført mange operationer for ham. På grund af dette er August blevet undervist i hjemmet af sin mor, men da hans forældre ønsker, at han skal opleve den virkelige verden, melder de ham ind på Beecher Middle School i starten af femte klasse. August har en søster, Via, som er ældre end ham og holder af ham, selv om hun mener, at han har kontrol over hendes liv.
{ "text": [ "Treacher Collins syndrome" ], "answer_start": [ 147 ] }
Wonder (Palacio novel) August Pullman is a fifth-grader living in North River Heights in Upper Manhattan with his parents. He has a medical condition, often equated with Treacher Collins syndrome, that has caused him to have many surgeries. Due to this, August has been homeschooled by his mother; however, wanting him to experience the real world, his parents enroll him into Beecher Middle School for the start of fifth grade. August has a sister, Via, who is older than him and cares for him, even though she believes that he is in control of her life.
Wonder (Palacio novel)
Der var susannah dickinson, og hvilken rolle spillede hun i alamo-konflikten?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
I 2004-versionen af The Alamo spiller Laura Clifton Susanna Dickinson. Hun har en ret lille rolle i filmen. I den afsluttende kampscene ses hun dog som vidne til Almarons død, som lidt tidligere kalder hende ved sit navn. I næsten alle scener, hun er med i, ses hun med Angelina i hånden.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
In the 2004 version of The Alamo, Laura Clifton portrays Susanna Dickinson. She has a fairly minor part in the film. However, in the final battle scene she is shown witnessing Almaron's death, who a little earlier calls her by her name. In almost every scene she is in, she is shown holding Angelina.
Susanna Dickinson
Hvem er de 2 chuckys i cult of chucky?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Cult of Chucky Nica får besøg af Tiffany Valentine, der er værge for hendes niece Alice. Tiffany afslører, at Alice er død, og efterlader hende en Good Guy-dukke, som hun påstår var en gave fra Alice. Den nat vågner Chucky op og opdager, at Nica har forsøgt at begå selvmord. Næste morgen finder Nica ud af, at hendes håndled er blevet syet sammen med en besked, hvor der står "ikke så hurtigt". Hun opdager, at Angela er død, med beskeden "Chucky gjorde det" i hendes blod. Efter at have indset, at Valentine var efternavnet på Charles Lee Rays kæreste, begynder Nica at tro på, at Chucky er ægte. Nica tror, at Madeleine er i fare, og får Malcolm til at forsøge at advare hende. Madeline smider dog både dukken og Malcolm i en tom grav. Sygeplejerskerne redder Malcolm, men det antydes, at Chucky har overført hans sjæl til hans krop. Chucky dræber derefter Claire. Andy hører om mordene på nettet og indser, at Chucky på en eller anden måde har formået at overføre sin sjæl til flere kroppe på en gang.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Cult of Chucky Nica is visited by Tiffany Valentine, the legal guardian of her niece, Alice. Tiffany reveals that Alice has died and leaves her a Good Guy doll, which she claims was a gift from Alice. That night, Chucky awakens and discovers that Nica has attempted suicide. The next morning, Nica finds that her wrists have been stitched up, with a message stating "not so fast." She discovers that Angela has died, with the message "Chucky did it" in her blood. After realizing that Valentine was the last name of Charles Lee Ray's girlfriend, Nica begins to believe that Chucky is real. Believing Madeleine is in danger, Nica has Malcolm try to warn her. However, Madeline throws both the doll and Malcolm into an empty grave. The orderlies rescue Malcolm, but it is implied that Chucky has transferred his soul into his body. Chucky kills Claire next. Andy learns about the murders online and realizes that Chucky has somehow managed to transfer his soul into multiple bodies at once.
Cult of Chucky
Hvad er huskanten af tre-kortspoker?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Three card poker Ante og Play husets fordel forudsætter, at spilleren spiller optimal strategi mod dealeren (spiller kun Play-satsningen med en Dame-6-4 eller bedre). Der er to måder at udtrykke husfordelen mod dealerhånden på. Hvis husets fordel kun udtrykkes som en procentdel af Ante-indsatsen (3,37 %), kan det få spillerne til fejlagtigt at tro, at husets fordel på Play-indsatsen er 0,00 %, og at de derfor tror, at Play-indsatsen altid bør foretages. Derfor er det bedre for spillerne at forstå, at husets fordel på den samlede kombinerede indsats i mod dealer-tilstand er 2,01 %.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Three card poker Ante and Play house advantage assumes the player plays optimum strategy against the dealer (making the Play wager only with a Queen-6-4 or better). There are two ways of expressing the against dealer hand house advantage. If the house advantage is expressed as a percentage of the Ante wager only (at 3.37%) this could encourage players to erroneously think that the house advantage on the Play wager is 0.00%, and so think that the Play wager should always be made. Consequently it is better for players to understand the concept of house advantage on the total combined wager in the against dealer mode, being 2.01%.
Three card poker
Hvad der skete med grace ingalls på little house on the prairie?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Grace Ingalls Grace Pearl Ingalls Dow (23. maj 1877 i Burr Oak, Iowa - 10. november 1941 i Manchester, South Dakota) var det femte og sidste barn af Caroline og Charles Ingalls. Hun var den yngste søster til Laura Ingalls Wilder, der er kendt for sine bøger om Little House on the Prairie.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Grace Ingalls Grace Pearl Ingalls Dow (May 23, 1877 in Burr Oak, Iowa – November 10, 1941 in Manchester, South Dakota) was the fifth and last child of Caroline and Charles Ingalls. She was the youngest sister of Laura Ingalls Wilder, known for her Little House on the Prairie books.
Grace Ingalls
Hvem vandt kvindernes ncaa turnering sidste år?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
NCAA Division I Basketballturnering for kvinder Seneste sæson eller konkurrence: NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament 2018 Sport Basketball Grundlagt 1982 Antal hold 64 Land NCAA Division I (USA) Seneste mester(e) Notre Dame (2.) Flest titler Connecticut (11) TV-partner(e) ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, WatchESPN Officielt websted
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament Most recent season or competition: 2018 NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament Sport Basketball Founded 1982 No. of teams 64 Country NCAA Division I (USA) Most recent champion(s) Notre Dame (2nd) Most titles Connecticut (11) TV partner(s) ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, WatchESPN Official website
NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament
Hvad er sangen real gone kid om?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Real Gone Kid" er en sang af det skotske rock/pop-band Deacon Blue. Den blev udgivet i 1988 og var den første single fra bandets andet album When the World Knows Your Name, der udkom seks måneder senere. Singlen blev bandets første top ti-hit og nåede nr. 8 på den britiske single-liste. Sangeren Ricky Ross skrev sangen om en optræden, han så af den tidligere Lone Justice-sangerinde Maria McKee på scenen (Deacon Blue havde turneret med Lone Justice i en periode som åbningsband).
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
"Real Gone Kid" is a song by the Scottish rock/pop band Deacon Blue. Released in 1988, it was the first single to come from the band's second album When the World Knows Your Name which was released six months later. The single was the band's first top ten hit, reaching No. 8 in the UK Singles Chart. Vocalist Ricky Ross wrote the song about a performance he saw of ex-Lone Justice singer Maria McKee on stage (Deacon Blue had toured with Lone Justice for a time as the opening band).
Real Gone Kid
Hvem spiller reid på young and restless?
{ "text": [ "Tristan Lake Leabu" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Tristan Lake Leabu År Titel Rolle Noter 2006 Superman vender tilbage Jason White 2007 Mens børnene sover Max Eastman TV-film 2011 Chester Jacob Kort 2012 Mindst blandt helgener Wade Hawaii Five-0 Ethan Ewana Sæson 3, afsnit 11 2013 All American Christmas Carol Harley Juleånden Christopher TV-film 2016-nuværende The Young and the Restless Reed Hellstrom Kontrakt rolle
{ "text": [ "Tristan Lake Leabu" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Tristan Lake Leabu Year Title Role Notes 2006 Superman Returns Jason White 2007 While the Children Sleep Max Eastman TV Movie 2011 Chester Jacob Short 2012 Least Among Saints Wade Hawaii Five-0 Ethan Ewana Season 3, Episode 11 2013 All American Christmas Carol Harley The Christmas Spirit Christopher TV Movie 2016-present The Young and the Restless Reed Hellstrom Contract role
Tristan Lake Leabu
Hvornår blev acts of the apostles bestil skrevet?
{ "text": [ "80-90 e.Kr." ], "answer_start": [ 196 ] }
Acts of the Apostles Apostlenes Gerninger og Lukasevangeliet udgør et todelt værk, Lukasevangeliet og Apostlenes Gerninger, skrevet af den samme anonyme forfatter, som normalt dateres til omkring 80-90 e.Kr. Den første del, Lukasevangeliet, fortæller, hvordan Gud opfyldte sin plan for verdens frelse gennem Jesus af Nazareths, den lovede Messias' liv, død og opstandelse. Apostlenes Gerninger fortsætter historien om kristendommen i det første århundrede og begynder med Jesu himmelfart. De første kapitler, der foregår i Jerusalem, beskriver pinsedagen (Helligåndens komme) og kirkens vækst i Jerusalem. I begyndelsen er jøderne modtagelige over for det kristne budskab, men snart vender de sig mod Jesu tilhængere. Efter at være blevet afvist af jøderne bliver budskabet under ledelse af apostelen Peter bragt ud til hedningerne. De senere kapitler fortæller om Paulus' omvendelse, hans mission i Lilleasien og Ægæerhavet og endelig om hans fængsling i Rom, hvor han, da bogen slutter, venter på at blive stillet for retten.
{ "text": [ "80–90 AD" ], "answer_start": [ 118 ] }
Acts of the Apostles Acts and the Gospel of Luke make up a two-part work, Luke–Acts, by the same anonymous author, usually dated to around 80–90 AD. The first part, the Gospel of Luke, tells how God fulfilled his plan for the world's salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Messiah. Acts continues the story of Christianity in the 1st century, beginning with Jesus's Ascension to Heaven. The early chapters, set in Jerusalem, describe the Day of Pentecost (the coming of the Holy Spirit) and the growth of the church in Jerusalem. Initially, the Jews are receptive to the Christian message, but soon they turn against the followers of Jesus. Rejected by the Jews, under the guidance of the Apostle Peter the message is taken to the Gentiles. The later chapters tell of Paul's conversion, his mission in Asia Minor and the Aegean, and finally his imprisonment in Rome, where, as the book ends, he awaits trial.
Acts of the Apostles
Hvad er forskellen mellem det latinske alfabet og det engelske alfabet?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Latin alphabet Udtrykket latinsk alfabet kan enten henvise til det alfabet, der bruges til at skrive latin (som beskrevet i denne artikel), eller til andre alfabeter baseret på den latinske skrift, som er det grundlæggende sæt bogstaver, der er fælles for de forskellige alfabeter, der nedstammer fra det klassiske latinske alfabet, såsom det engelske alfabet. Disse alfabeter med latinsk skrift kan udelade bogstaver, som Rotokas-alfabetet, eller tilføje nye bogstaver, som det danske og det norske alfabet. Bogstavformerne har udviklet sig gennem århundreder, herunder udviklingen i middelalderlatin med små bogstaver, former, som ikke fandtes i det klassiske alfabet.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The term Latin alphabet may refer to either the alphabet used to write Latin (as described in this article), or other alphabets based on the Latin script, which is the basic set of letters common to the various alphabets descended from the classical Latin alphabet, such as the English alphabet. These Latin-script alphabets may discard letters, like the Rotokas alphabet, or add new letters, like the Danish and Norwegian alphabets. Letter shapes have evolved over the centuries, including the development in Medieval Latin of lower-case, forms which did not exist in the Classical period alphabet.
Latin alphabet
Der var ingen stråling til stede før 1944?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Albert Stevens Plutoniumeksperimenterne var ikke isolerede begivenheder. I denne periode forsøgte kræftforskere at finde ud af, om visse radioaktive grundstoffer kunne være nyttige til behandling af kræft. Nylige undersøgelser af radium, polonium og uran viste sig at være grundlæggende for undersøgelsen af Pu-toksicitet. F.eks. viste forskning i polonium (en anden alfa-emitter), at kontaminering af prøveprøver var et stort problem, og derfor måtte man i februar 1945 oprette et rent rum i Los Alamos i Medical Labs Building.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
Albert Stevens The plutonium experiments were not isolated events. During this time, cancer researchers were attempting to discover whether certain radioactive elements might be useful to treat cancer. Recent studies on radium, polonium, and uranium proved foundational to the study of Pu toxicity. For example, polonium (another alpha emitter) research indicated that test sample contamination was a major concern, which is why a clean room had to be established at Los Alamos in February 1945 in the Medical Labs Building.
Albert Stevens
Hvem carrie mace i diskussions kammeret?
{ "text": [ "Serjeant-at-arms" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Serjeant-at-arms Armsergenten er den øverste embedsmand i det canadiske underhus. I denne egenskab er han ansvarlig for underhusets bygningstjenester og sikkerhed og udnævnes af generalguvernøren efter indstilling fra det føderale kabinet. Sergenten bærer stokken, symbolet på kronens autoritet, i den daglige parade ind i underhusets kammer.
{ "text": [ "Serjeant-at-arms" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Serjeant-at-arms The Sergeant-at-Arms is the senior official of the Canadian House of Commons. In this role, the sergeant-at-arms is responsible for the building services and security of the House of Commons, and is appointed by the Governor General acting on the advice of the Federal cabinet. The Sergeant-at-Arms carries the mace, the symbol of the authority of the Crown, in the daily parade into the House of Commons chamber.
Der spiller den skjulte på søvnig hul?
{ "text": [ "Peter Mensah" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Peter Mensah (født den 27. august 1959) er en ghanesisk-britisk skuespiller, der er bedst kendt for sine roller i Tears of the Sun, Hidalgo, 300 og Dead Space og senest i Starz-serierne Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena og Spartacus: Vengeance.
{ "text": [ "Peter Mensah" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Peter Mensah (born 27 August 1959) is a Ghanaian-British actor, best known for his roles in Tears of the Sun, Hidalgo, 300, and Dead Space, and more recently on the Starz original series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, and Spartacus: Vengeance.
Peter Mensah
Hvem kæmpede i den engelske borgerkrig 1642?
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
English Civil War Den engelske borgerkrig (1642-1651) var en række væbnede konflikter og politiske intriger mellem parlamentarikere ("Roundheads") og royalister ("Cavaliers") om især den måde, hvorpå England skulle regeres. I den første (1642-1646) og anden (1648-1649) krig stod tilhængere af kong Charles I mod tilhængere af det lange parlament, mens den tredje (1649-1651) var præget af kampe mellem tilhængere af kong Charles II og tilhængere af Rump Parliament. Krigen sluttede med parlamentaristernes sejr i slaget ved Worcester den 3. september 1651.
{ "text": [ "" ], "answer_start": [ -1 ] }
The English Civil War (1642–1651) was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians ("Roundheads") and Royalists ("Cavaliers") over, principally, the manner of England's government. The first (1642–1646) and second (1648–1649) wars pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliament, while the third (1649–1651) saw fighting between supporters of King Charles II and supporters of the Rump Parliament. The war ended with the Parliamentarian victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651.
English Civil War
Iblødsætning jute planterne i vand kaldes?
{ "text": [ "Rødning" ], "answer_start": [ 146 ] }
Jute cultivation Efter høsten bindes jutestilkene sammen til bundter og nedsænkes i blødt rindende vand. Stænglen forbliver under vand i 20 dage. Rødningsprocessen kan dog tage kortere tid, hvis juten er af bedre kvalitet. I de fleste tilfælde udfører landbrugerne fiberudvindingsprocessen af bastfibre i vandrødningsprocessen, mens de står under vand.
{ "text": [ "retting" ], "answer_start": [ 154 ] }
Jute cultivation After harvesting, the jute stalks are tied into bundles and submerged in soft running water. The stalk stays submerged in water for 20 days. However, the retting process may require less time if the quality of the jute is better. In most cases, the fiber extraction process of bast fibers in water retting is done by the farmers while standing under water.
Jute cultivation
Hvad var de to sider af den kinesiske borgerkrig?
{ "text": [ "Kinas Kommunistiske Parti" ], "answer_start": [ 121 ] }
Chinese Civil War Den kinesiske borgerkrig var en krig mellem den Kuomintang (KMT)-ledede regering i Republikken Kina og Kinas Kommunistiske Parti (KKP). Selv om der lægges særlig vægt på den kinesiske kommunistiske revolutions fire år fra 1945 til 1949, begyndte krigen faktisk i august 1927 med den hvide terror ved afslutningen af generalissimus Chiang Kai-sheks nordlige ekspedition og sluttede i det væsentlige, da de større fjendtligheder mellem de to parter ophørte i 1950. Konflikten fandt sted i to faser: den første mellem 1927 og 1937 og den anden fra 1946 til 1950, idet den anden kinesisk-japanske krig i 1937-1945 adskilte dem. Krigen markerede et vigtigt vendepunkt i det moderne Kinas historie, idet kommunisterne fik kontrol over det kinesiske fastland og oprettede Folkerepublikken Kina (PRC) i 1949, hvilket tvang Republikken Kina (ROC) til at trække sig tilbage til Taiwan. Det resulterede i et varigt politisk og militært dødvande mellem de to sider af Taiwanstrædet, med ROC på Taiwan og PRC på det kinesiske fastland, idet begge officielt hævder at være den legitime regering for hele Kina.
{ "text": [ "Communist Party of China" ], "answer_start": [ 116 ] }
The Chinese Civil War was a war fought between the Kuomintang (KMT)-led government of the Republic of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC). Although particular attention is paid to the four years of Chinese Communist Revolution from 1945 to 1949, the war actually started in August 1927, with the White Terror at the end of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's Northern Expedition, and essentially ended when major hostilities between the two sides ceased in 1950. The conflict took place in two stages: the first between 1927 and 1937, and the second from 1946 to 1950, with the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937–1945 separating them. The war marked a major turning point in modern Chinese history, with the Communists gaining control of mainland China and establishing the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, forcing the Republic of China (ROC) to retreat to Taiwan. It resulted in a lasting political and military standoff between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, with the ROC in Taiwan and the PRC on mainland China with both officially claiming to be the legitimate government of all China.
Chinese Civil War