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'Aortic Dissection': ['Chest Pain'], 'Depression': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite and Depressed mood', 'Bad breath, Blackouts (memory time loss), Delusions and Depressed mood', 'Bad breath, Change in vision, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bad breath, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty concentrating', 'Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Difficulty sleeping and Drooling', 'Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty sleeping', 'Bad taste in mouth, Binge drinking, Coated tongue, Easy bruising', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Easy bruising', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Pain or discomfort', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Shaking', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Black (tar) colored stools, Blank stare and Bleeding', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Blank stare, Bleeding (Eyes) and Bleeding (Ears)', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness and Dry skin', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Chills, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Dry skin, Easy bruising and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Fatigue, Hunger and Jumpiness or easily startled', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Hunger, Hyperactive behavior and Low self-esteem', 'Binge drinking, Binge eating, Difficulty swallowing, Fatigue', 'Binge drinking, Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation', 'Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Bulging veins, Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Muscle tightness, Dizziness', 'Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Enlarged glands, Fatigue', 'Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Morning alcohol drinking, Nervousness', 'Binge drinking, Excessive body hair growth, Fatigue, Hunger', 'Binge drinking, Pale skin', 'Binge drinking, Red blood in stools, Decreased appetite, Dizziness', 'Binge drinking, Tenderness to touch', 'Binge eating and Weight gain', 'Binge eating and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Fits of rage and Headache', 'Blackouts, Depressed mood, insomnia, Flashbacks', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes, Dry eyes and Impaired judgement', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Depressed mood', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Flashbacks and Headache (worst ever)', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Hallucinations and Hearing voices', 'Bleeding between periods and Weight gain', 'Bleeding, Depressed mood, Emotional detachment and Flashbacks', 'Blinking eyes, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty sleeping', 'Blinking eyes, Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and Staying asleep', 'Blinking eyes, Jaw Clicking, Coated tongue and Depressed mood', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Difficulty sleeping and Early morning waking', 'Bloating, Constipation and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Weight loss', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Restless or irritability', 'Bloating, Early morning waking and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Fatigue and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Hunger and Mood swings', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Blood on stool surface, Change in stools, Depressed mood and Drowsiness', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Constipation and Depressed mood', 'Blurred vision, Decreased appetite, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Dizziness and Excessive crying', 'Body aches or pains and Excessive crying', 'Body aches or pains and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Depressed mood and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Depressed mood', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Brittle hair, Bulging veins, Change in hair texture and Depressed mood', 'Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficulty breathing through nose and Dry eyes', 'Brittle hair, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss and Mood swings', 'Bruising or discoloration and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bulging veins, Coarse hair, Decreased appetite and Distorted body image'], 'Depression in Children': ['Bad breath, Change in vision, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Binge drinking, Excessive body hair growth, Fatigue, Hunger', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Fits of rage and Headache', 'Blackouts, Depressed mood, insomnia, Flashbacks', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Flashbacks and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bleeding, Body aches or pains, Depressed mood and Headache', 'Bleeding, Depressed mood, Emotional detachment and Flashbacks', 'Blinking eyes, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty sleeping', 'Blinking eyes, Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and Staying asleep', 'Blinking eyes, Jaw Clicking, Coated tongue and Depressed mood', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Difficulty sleeping and Early morning waking', 'Bloating or fullness, Depressed mood, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Missed or late menstrual period and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Early morning waking and Frequent urination', 'Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Lack of pleasure and Memory problems', 'Brittle hair, Bulging veins, Change in hair texture and Depressed mood', 'Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficulty breathing through nose and Dry eyes'], 'Depression in the Elderly': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Depression', 'Distractibility'], 'Drug Abuse': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Loss of consciousness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficulty sleeping, Disorientation and Drowsiness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Forgetfulness and Loss of consciousness', 'Bleeding and High blood pressure', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Fainting, Hot and dry skin', 'Blurred vision, Small (constricted) pupils', 'Bulging eyes, Lump or bulge, Small (constricted) pupils and Sunken eyes'], 'Heart Attack': ['Chest Tightness (Tightness in Chest)'], 'Heart Attacks in Women': ['Chest Tightness (Tightness in Chest)'], 'Insomnia ': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Jet Lag': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness'], 'Narcolepsy ': ['Excessive Yawning (Yawning)'], 'Restless Leg Syndrome': ['Blinking eyes, Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and Staying asleep', 'Bloating or fullness and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bruising or discoloration and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bruising, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching, Muscle wasting', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching'], 'Sleep and Sleep Disorders in Children and Teenagers': ['Excessive Yawning (Yawning)'], 'Sleep Apnea': ['Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Drooling and Snoring', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Post nasal drip and Snoring', 'Belching and Headache', 'Binge drinking, Bulging veins, Cloudy urine, Difficult to wake up', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Memory problems', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficulty sleeping, Disorientation and Drowsiness', 'Bleeding gums, Brittle hair, Change in hair texture and Drowsiness', 'Bleeding gums, Drowsiness, Enlarged glands, Worst Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Increased passing gas and Mood swings', 'Blood on stool surface, Change in stools, Depressed mood and Drowsiness', 'Blue colored skin, Blurred vision, Cold feet and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Blurred vision and Drowsiness', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficult to wake up and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blurred vision, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Fear of gaining weight', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Lack of pleasure and Memory problems', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Depressed mood and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Body aches or pains, Drowsiness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Fainting', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Episodes of not breathing during sleep', 'Bulging veins and Headache'], 'Sleep Disorders ': ['Excessive Yawning (Yawning)'], 'Stress': ['Bad breath and Grinding teeth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Grinding teeth and Strange smell or taste', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Shaking', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Fatigue, Hunger and Jumpiness or easily startled', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Hunger, Hyperactive behavior and Low self-esteem', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Drooping of one side of face and High blood pressure', 'Bleeding and High blood pressure', 'Bleeding gums, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bleeding gums, Excessive mouth watering, Lump or bulge and Red gums', 'Bleeding, Feeling faint, Flushed skin and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bleeding, Watery mouth, Heavy periods and Irregular periods', 'Bloating and High blood pressure', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Missed or late menstrual period and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Hunger and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Headache, Mood swings and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficulty falling asleep, Learning disability', 'Blurred vision, Double vision (with one eye covered), Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Grinding teeth, Headache and Impaired social skills', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Body aches or pains and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Increased thirst', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, High blood pressure and Joint aches', 'Bowel habit change, Watery mouth, Frequent bowel movements', 'Brittle hair, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss and Mood swings', 'Bruising or discoloration and Shaking hands or tremor', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Grinding teeth and Headache'], 'Teen Depression': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Depression', 'Distractibility'], 'Teen Drug Abuse': ['Delirium', 'Difficulty Concentrating', 'Difficulty With Speech', 'Dilated Pupils (Mydriasis)', 'Distractibility', 'Dizziness'], 'Cirrhosis': ['Bloating or fullness, Irregular menstrual periods and Swelling', 'Bulging veins and Pulsating sensation', 'Bulging veins, Coarse hair, Decreased appetite and Distorted body image'], 'Gallstones': ['Bloating or fullness and Yellow eyes', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Weight gain'], 'Hepatitis A': ['Black colored stools, Bloating, Aches or pains, Dark colored urine', 'Bleeding, Dark colored urine, Frequent urinate, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating or fullness, Dark colored (brown) urine, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Cloudy urine, Constipation, Dark colored urine', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Dark colored (brown) urine and Decreased smell'], 'Hepatitis B': ['Black colored stools, Bloating, Aches or pains, Dark colored urine', 'Bleeding, Dark colored urine, Frequent urinate, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating or fullness, Dark colored (brown) urine, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Cloudy urine, Constipation, Dark colored urine', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Dark colored (brown) urine and Decreased smell'], 'Ankle Pain ': ['Foot Pain'], 'Ankylosing Spondylitis': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Aseptic Necrosis': ['Hip Pain'], "Baker's Cyst": ['Swollen Knee'], 'Broken Bone': ['Back Pain'], 'Bursitis': ['Buttock Pain'], 'Chondromalacia Patella ': ['Swollen Knee'], "Crohn's Disease": ['Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Irregular heartbeat and Swelling', 'Blood in toilet and Itching or burning', 'Blood in toilet and Night sweats', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Change in stools', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Dislocated Knee': ['Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move, Joint instability and Joint pain'], 'Flatfoot ': ['Back Pain'], 'Gout': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Hypermobility Syndrome': ['Creaking Joints (Joint Cracking)'], 'Iliotibial ': ['Leg Pain', 'Leg Swelling'], 'Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis ': ['Fatigue and Tiredness', 'Fever'], 'Knee Bursitis': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Knee Injury': ['Swollen Joints'], 'Lupus ': ['Chapped Lips (Cheilitis)', 'Cold Feet', 'Cold Hands'], 'Lyme Disease': ['Bad breath, Body aches or pains, Chills and Clicking or popping sound from jaw', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cough', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains and Chills', 'Belching, Body aches or pains, Chills and Fever', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Blank stare, Chills, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Joint aches and Low self-esteem', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Chills and Constipation', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Bloating, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Change in stools and Chills', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cold feet', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Bulging eyes and Joint aches', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Headache and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains and Hair loss', 'Body aches or pains and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains and Skin bumps', 'Body aches or pains and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains, Change in hair texture, Chills and Dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Constipation and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Disorientation', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty sleeping and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty urinating and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heartburn', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dry mouth and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dry mouth and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Early morning waking and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged glands and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged glands and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged or swollen glands and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Excessive sweating and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent bowel movements', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking chills (rigors)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever, Hot and dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Food getting stuck (swallowing) and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Hoarse voice and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Increased sensitivity to cold and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Night sweats and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Sensitivity to cold and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Eye irritation and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Headache and Hunger', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Joint aches and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Easy bruising and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Sore throat and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hot flashes and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Fever and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hair loss and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hives and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hot flashes and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Increased thirst and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Morning joint stiffness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Itching or burning, Joint aches and Pain', 'Body aches or pains, Joint aches, Joint pain and Low blood pressure', 'Body aches or pains, Joint pain, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Enlarged or swollen glands'], 'Medial Collateral Ligament ': ['Swollen Knee'], 'Osgood-Schlatter Disease': ['Swollen Knee'], 'Osteoarthritis ': ['Back Pain'], 'Osteochondritis Dissecans': ['Creaking Joints (Joint Cracking)'], "Paget's Disease": ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Psoriatic Arthritis': ['Back Pain', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Morning stiffness', 'Bruising or discoloration and Joint pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Reactive Arthritis': ['Back Pain', 'Burning Urination', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Rheumatoid Arthritis ': ['Bone Loss (Osteopenia)', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Sarcoidosis': ['Bad breath, Change in vision, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Dry eyes and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Fever and Muffled voice', 'Blind spot in vision and Dry eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Vision Distortion and Dry eyes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Coated tongue and Cough', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Dry mouth, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Tires quickly and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Body aches or pains, Fever and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Septic Arthritis': ['Finger Pain'], 'Sever Condition': ['Heel Pain'], 'Sickle Cell Disease ': ['Hemolysis', 'Hemolytic Anemia (Hemolysis)'], 'Sprains and Strains': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], "Still's Disease": ['Decreased Appetite'], 'Torn ACL ': ['Creaking Joints (Joint Cracking)'], 'Torn Meniscus': ['Creaking Joints (Joint Cracking)'], 'Ulcerative Colitis': ['Binge drinking, Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface', 'Binge eating, Bleeding, Blood in toilet and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Bleeding in eye and Yellow eyes', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Change in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Vitamin D Deficiency': ['Depression'], 'Pseudogout': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold hands, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Fingers)', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain (Fingers), Joint pain (Toes) and Swelling', 'Bruising, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling'], 'Celiac Disease': ['Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Hemochromatosis ': ['Dark Urine'], 'Iron Deficiency': ['Brittle Nails'], 'Lichen Planus': ['Brittle Nails', 'Bumps on Skin'], "Raynaud's Phenomenon": ['Binge drinking, Bloating, Blue colored skin', 'Black colored skin and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin and Cold hands', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Joint pain', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Enlarged finger tips', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Black colored skin, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Black colored skin, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Blank stare, Cold hands (Hand (palm)), Cold hands (Fingers) and Constipation', 'Bleeding (Ankle), Bleeding (Foot (top)), Bleeding (Toes) and Blue colored skin', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Cold hands and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Cold hands and Distended stomach', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored skin', 'Blue colored skin and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin and Enlarged finger tips', 'Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Blurred vision, Cold feet and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Blue colored skin, Body aches or pains, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Bulging veins, Change in vision and Color change', 'Blue colored skin, Chills, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Blue colored skin, Coated or furry tongue, Color change and Difficulty talking', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Numbness or tingling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Enlarged finger tips and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Blurred vision, Brittle hair, Clicking or popping sound from jaw and Cold feet', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Cold hands (Hand (palm)) and Cold hands (Fingers)', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Color change and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Confusion', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Depressed mood', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Color change and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Cold hands and Hair loss', 'Bruising and Cold feet', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Color change', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Color change and Curved spine', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Lump or bulge (Shin) and Lump or bulge (Foot (top))', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands and Color change'], 'Eczema': ['Blisters', 'Brittle Nails'], 'Psoriasis': ['Bleeding and Skin open sore', 'Blue colored skin and Skin redness', 'Brittle Nails', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Skin blisters and Skin bumps', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Alcoholism': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Bleeding Easily', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Anorexia': ['Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Cystic Fibrosis': ['Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Hyperparathyroidism': ['Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Hyperthyroidism': ['Bald spots (hair) and Change in hair texture', 'Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Change in hair texture and Color change', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Morning alcohol drinking, Nervousness', 'Binge eating and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Gum sores and Hair loss', 'Bloating, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Sensitivity to heat', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)', 'Brittle hair, Bulging eyes, Change in hair texture and Drooping eyelid', 'Brittle hair, Bulging veins, Change in hair texture and Depressed mood', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Coarse hair and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Color change and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Curved fingernails and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Joint pain', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Irregular heartbeat', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging eyes and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bulging eyes and Jerking eye movements', 'Bulging eyes and Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bulging eyes and Sunken eyes', 'Bulging eyes, Lump or bulge, Small (constricted) pupils and Sunken eyes', 'Bulging neck veins and Lump or bulge'], 'Low Testosterone ': ['Bald spots (hair) and Erectile dysfunction', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)', 'Bruising and Testicles shrinkage'], 'Menopause': ['Bladder Spasms', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Osteopenia': ['Back Pain', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Smoking ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth', 'Bone Loss (Osteopenia)'], 'Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors in Adults ': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Bladder Spasms', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Brain Tumor': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Bladder Spasms', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Blurred Vision'], 'Cerebral Palsy': ['Bladder Spasms'], 'Diabetic Neuropathy ': ['Bladder Spasms'], 'Interstitial Cystitis ': ['Bladder Spasms', 'Burning Urination'], 'Overactive Bladder ': ['Bladder Spasms'], "Parkinson's Disease": ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Shaking', 'Bladder Spasms', 'Blank stare and Unusual facial expression', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Blurred vision and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Shaking'], 'Pregnancy ': ['Back Pain', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth', 'Bladder Spasms', 'Bleeding Gums', 'Breast Discharge', 'Breast Pain', 'Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Spinal Cord Injury': ['Bladder Spasms', 'Bladder Spasms', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Stroke': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Bladder Spasms', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Blurred Vision', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Urinary Tract Infection ': ['Bladder Spasms', 'Blood In Urine', 'Burning Urination'], 'Urinary Tract Infections in Children': ['Bladder Spasms', 'Blood In Urine', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Type 2 Diabetes': ['Bad breath and Increased thirst', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate and Frequent urination', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Cough and Damaged teeth enamel', 'Bad taste in mouth and Frequent urination', 'Bad taste in mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Hoarse voice and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Bald spots (hair), Excessive body hair growth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Change in bowel habits', 'Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Bulging veins, Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Dilated pupils, Flashing lights in Eyes', 'Binge eating and Weight gain', 'Binge eating, Chills, Night sweats and Overweight', 'Binge eating, Drinking excessive fluids, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Binge eating, Excessive sweating, Frequent infections and Night sweats', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blind spot in vision, Blindness and Blurred vision', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blinking eyes, Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blank stare and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blind spot in vision, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Bulging eyes and Disorientation', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Depressed mood', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Confusion and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Disorientation and Drooping eyelid', 'Bleeding between periods and Weight gain', 'Bleeding gums and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Fever and Hair loss', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision, Discharge or mucus in eyes and Eyelid redness', 'Bleeding, Bloating, Blood in toilet and Frequent urination', 'Bleeding, Blurred vision, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Ear ache', 'Bleeding, Frequent urination and Vaginal bleeding', 'Blind spot in vision, Blindness, Blurred vision and Cough', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Partial vision loss', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blindness, Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration and Cloudy vision', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Eye irritation', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and visual migraine', 'Bloating and Frequent urination', 'Bloating and Increased thirst', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Constipation and Decreased night vision', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urination, Nausea or vomiting and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating, Constipation, Frequent urination and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Frequent urination, Muscle cramps', 'Blood in toilet, Frequent urination and Itching or burning', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue, Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blue colored skin, Blurred vision, Cold feet and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blurred vision and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision and Drowsiness', 'Blurred vision and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision and Excessive sweating', 'Blurred vision and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision and Fainting', 'Blurred vision and Frequent urination', 'Blurred vision and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision and Increased thirst', 'Blurred vision and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision and Loss of side vision', 'Blurred vision and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Blurred vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision and Nosebleed', 'Blurred vision and Numbness', 'Blurred vision and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Blurred vision and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision and Runny nose', 'Blurred vision and Sensation of something in eye', 'Blurred vision and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blurred vision and Shaking', 'Blurred vision and Shaking hands', 'Blurred vision and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision and Throat tightness', 'Blurred vision and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision and Vision fading of colors', 'Blurred vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Bulging eyes and Joint aches', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Vision Distortion and Dry eyes', 'Blurred vision, Brittle hair, Clicking or popping sound from jaw and Cold feet', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Cloudy vision and Eye irritation', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid and Eyelid redness', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Color change, Double vision', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fear of air', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Cold hands (Hand (palm)) and Cold hands (Fingers)', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Color change and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficult to wake up and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficulty falling asleep, Learning disability', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Hoarse voice and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Delayed language skills, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Dizziness and Excessive crying', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrate, Dizziness, Feeling detached from reality', 'Blurred vision, Dilated pupils', 'Blurred vision, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Fear of gaining weight', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Drinking excessive fluids and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Ear ache and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes rolling back and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Sensitive to light and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Eyelid redness and Puffy eyelids', 'Blurred vision, Feeling smothered, Fits of rage and Lack of motivation', 'Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision, Flickering uncolored zig-zag line in vision and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Itching or burning and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Joint pain and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Blurred vision, Palpitations', 'Blurred vision, Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Red eye (single) and Tearing in one eye', 'Blurred vision, Ringing in ears and Sensitive to noise', 'Blurred vision, Small (constricted) pupils', 'Blurred vision, Tearing in one eye and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Vision Distortion, Flashing lights in Eyes, Loss of side vision', 'Blurred vision, Weight loss', 'Blurred vision, Worst Headache, Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Frequent urination', 'Brittle hair, Dry mouth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration and Frequent urination'], 'Hypothyroidism': ['Bad breath, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty concentrating', 'Bald spots (hair), Dry skin, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Blank stare, Cold hands (Hand (palm)), Cold hands (Fingers) and Constipation', 'Bleeding, Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Dry skin (General) and Dry skin (Skin)', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue and Tires quickly', 'Bloating, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bloating, Constipation and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains and Hair loss', 'Body aches or pains and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains and Skin redness', 'Body aches or pains and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains, Change in hair texture, Chills and Dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Depressed mood and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Hoarse voice and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Increased sensitivity to cold and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dizziness and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dry skin and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Eye crusting with sleep, Fatigue and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hot flashes and Sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Tires quickly and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Body aches or pains, Stiffness or decreased movement and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Trembling and Weakness (generalized)', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Pulsating sensation', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Coarse hair and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Dry skin (General), Dry skin (Skin) and Fatigue', 'Brittle Nails', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Bruising, Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bulging eyes and Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)'], 'Anemia': ['Bad taste in mouth and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking, Pale skin', 'Bleeding, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Bloating and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue and Tires quickly', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Dizziness and Pale skin', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrating, Fatigue and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue and Pain', 'Body aches or pains and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Tires quickly and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Fatigue, Hot and dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular periods', 'Brittle Nails'], 'Iron and Iron Deficiency': ['Bad taste in mouth, Craving alcohol, Craving ice and Dizziness', 'Binge drinking, Pale skin', 'Bleeding, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficult to wake up and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficulty falling asleep, Learning disability', 'Body aches or pains and Pale skin', 'Bruising or discoloration, Craving to eat ice and dirt or paper', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips'], 'Birth Control Options': ['Vaginal Bleeding'], 'Cancer': ['Blood In Urine', 'Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps'], 'Cervical Cancer ': ['Painful Intercourse', 'Pelvic Pain'], 'Ectopic Pregnancy ': ['Pelvic Pain'], 'Endometrial Cancer Prevention': ['Bleeding, Bloating and Bleeding between periods', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bleeding, Pain or discomfort and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating or fullness and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating, Bleeding between periods and Vaginal discharge'], 'Endometriosis': ['Back Pain'], 'Leukemia': ['Binge drinking (alcohol) and Easy bruising', 'Bleeding Easily', 'Bleeding Gums', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Hair loss'], 'Menstruation ': ['Anemia'], 'Ovarian Cancer': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Pelvic Inflammatory Disease ': ['Painful Intercourse', 'Pelvic Pain'], 'Perimenopause': ['Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bleeding, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Bloating or fullness, Irregular menstrual periods and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Missed or late menstrual period and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Constipation and Missed period', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Frequent urination and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Irregular periods, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Missed period, Muscle cramps, No periods', 'Bloating, Missed period, Nausea or vomiting and No menstrual periods', 'Blood in toilet, Change in stools, Irregular periods and Missed period', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Blood or red colored urine and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Blood or red colored urine and Missed period'], 'Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Women ': ['Burning Urination'], 'Spotting vs. Period': ['Vaginal Bleeding'], 'Uterine Cancer': ['Bleeding, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bleeding, Pain or discomfort and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating or fullness and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bruising and Vaginal discharge', 'Burning Urination'], 'Uterine Fibroids ': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Uterine Growths': ['Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bleeding, Feeling faint, Flushed skin and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bleeding, Watery mouth, Heavy periods and Irregular periods', 'Blood or red colored urine and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Heavy menstrual bleeding'], 'Vaginal Cancer': ['Burning Urination'], 'Vaginitis ': ['Burning Urination'], 'Yeast Infection in Women and Men': ['Bleeding, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Constipation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Irregular periods, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Blood in toilet, Itching or burning, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising or discoloration, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Vaginal discharge'], 'Thrush': ['Bad taste in mouth, White patches inside mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Bleeding and White patches on tongue', 'Bloating, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Bruising or discoloration, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor'], 'Vaginal Bleeding': ['Bloating or fullness and Vaginal bleeding after menopause'], 'Early Signs and Symptoms of Labor': ['Bleeding, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge'], 'Ectopic Pregnancy': ['Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Flushed skin and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bleeding, Frequent urination and Vaginal bleeding', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Missed or late menstrual period and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Missed or late menstrual period and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Constipation and Missed period', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Missed period, Muscle cramps, No periods', 'Bloating, Missed period, Nausea or vomiting and No menstrual periods', 'Blood in toilet, Change in stools, Irregular periods and Missed period', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Blood or red colored urine and Missed period', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Missed period'], 'Bacterial Vaginosis': ['Vaginal Discharge', 'Vaginal Itching', 'Vaginal Odor', 'Vaginal Pain'], 'Chlamydia in Women': ['Burning Urination'], 'Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs': ['Breast Pain'], 'Genital Warts ': ['Painful Intercourse'], 'Gonorrhea In Women': ['Bleeding and Discharge from penis'], 'Pinworms ': ['Pruritus Ani (Anal Itching)'], 'Trichomoniasis': ['Burning Urination'], 'Vaginal Yeast Infection ': ['Painful Intercourse', 'Penile Itching', 'Pruritus Ani (Anal Itching)'], 'Yeast Infection vs. Bacterial Vaginosis ': ['Burning Urination'], 'Yeast Infection vs. Urinary Tract Infection ': ['Burning Urination'], 'Chlamydia in Women Overview': ['Bleeding and Discharge from penis', 'Bloating or fullness and Testicular pain', 'Bloating, Pain and Testicular pain', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising and Discharge from penis', 'Bruising or discoloration and Testicular pain'], 'Head Lice': ['Bald spots (hair), Dry skin, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Itching or burning', 'Bleeding and Skin rash', 'Bleeding, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Bleeding, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Itching or burning and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Blood in toilet and Itching or burning', 'Blood in toilet, Frequent urination and Itching or burning', 'Blood in toilet, Itching or burning, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Itching or burning', 'Blood or red colored urine and Skin rash', 'Blue colored skin, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Blue colored skin, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Itching or burning, Joint aches and Pain', 'Broken bones, Skin rash', 'Bruising and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fatigue, Itching or burning and Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin irritation and Skin rash', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Pain and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Skin rash and Skin redness'], 'Ankle Pain and Tendinitis': ['Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Joint pain (Hip) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Joint pain and Pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Body aches or pains, Joint pain, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Curved fingernails and Joint pain', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Pain or discomfort, Stiffness or decreased movement and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Pain, Tenderness to touch and Weakness'], 'Muscle Spasms': ['Back Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Change in stools, Dry mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Heartburn, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Belching, Bloating and Pain', 'Belching, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Binge drinking, Tenderness to touch', 'Binge eating and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bleeding gums and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Pain', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Frequent urination, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Missed period, Muscle cramps, No periods', 'Bloating, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Pain and Stiff neck', 'Blood in toilet, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blue colored lips and Bruising', 'Blurred vision, Joint pain and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains and Tenderness to touch', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Pain', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Brittle hair, Bruising or discoloration, Hair loss and Joint instability', 'Brittle hair, Bruising, Change in hair texture and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Muscle cramps, Stiffness', 'Bruising and Choking', 'Bruising and Discharge from nipple', 'Bruising and Skin blisters', 'Bruising and Skin darkening', 'Bruising and Spots on tonsils', 'Bruising and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bruising and Welts', 'Bruising and Yellow skin', 'Bruising andScaling skin', 'Bruising or discoloration and Bulging neck veins', 'Bruising or discoloration and Excessive body hair growth', 'Bruising or discoloration and Protruding rectal material', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulling out eyebrows', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulsating sensation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Fever and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Curved spine, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin bumps and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin darkening and Skin rash', 'Bruising, Decreased appetite and Easy bruising', 'Bruising, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Bruising, Food getting stuck', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Multiple bruises of different ages', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Multiple bruises of different ages, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bulging neck veins and Pain', 'Bulging neck veins and Stiff neck', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bulging veins (Thigh), Bulging veins (Calf), Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bulging veins and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Pulsating sensation', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Pain or discomfort, Stiffness or decreased movement and Swelling'], 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica': ['Depression'], 'Cellulitis': ['Bald spots (hair), Tenderness to touch', 'Binge drinking, Tenderness to touch', 'Blindness and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Swelling (Ankle) and Swelling (Foot (top))', 'Bloating, Constipation, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Body aches or pains and Tenderness to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Warm to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Swelling, Tenderness to touch, Unable to grip', 'Bulging veins, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Multiple Sclerosis ': ['Bad taste in mouth and Fatigue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Binge eating, Brittle hair, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Binge eating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Fatigue', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye, Blindness and Choking', 'Bleeding, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Blindness and Headache', 'Blindness, Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Bloating and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Fatigue', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Loss of balance', 'Blurred vision, Double vision (with one eye covered), Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Frequent infections and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Tires quickly and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Fatigue, Hot and dry skin', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Dry skin (General), Dry skin (Skin) and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular periods', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling'], 'Sex and Menopause ': ['Vaginal Dryness'], "Sjogren's Syndrome": ['Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Dry eyes and Dry mouth', 'Blank stare and Dry eyes', 'Blind spot in vision and Dry eyes', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Brittle hair, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle Nails'], 'Vaginal Pain ': ['Pelvic Pain'], 'Genital Herpes in Women ': ['Blisters'], 'Itch ': ['Penile Itching', 'Pruritus Ani (Anal Itching)'], 'Yeast infections vs. STDs in Men and Women': ['Penile Itching'], 'Syphilis in Women': ['Eye Floaters'], 'Pubic Lice ': ['Blood in toilet and Itching or burning', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Itching or burning', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Itching or burning', 'Bruising and Itching or burning'], 'Allergy ': ['Blisters'], 'Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy ': ['Burning Urination'], 'Alcoholic ': ['Bad Breath'], 'Arsenic Poisoning': ['Diarrhea'], "Meniere's Disease": ['Dizziness'], 'Middle Ear Infection ': ['Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Migraine Headache': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Motion Sickness': ['Dizziness', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Pinworm Infection': ['Bloating, Excessive gas and Worms in stool', 'Bruising or discoloration and Worms in stool'], 'Ascariasis': ['Bloating, Excessive gas and Worms in stool', 'Bruising or discoloration and Worms in stool'], 'Broken Toe': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Joint pain'], 'Finger Dislocation': ['Bruising or discoloration and Inability to move'], 'Osteoarthritis': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating and Stiff neck', 'Bloating or fullness, Curved spine, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Pain and Stiff neck', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Enlarged finger tips and Joint pain', 'Blurred vision, Joint pain and Pain', 'Body aches or pains, Joint aches, Joint pain and Low blood pressure', 'Brittle hair, Bruising or discoloration, Hair loss and Joint instability', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Joint pain', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bruising, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint instability', 'Bruising, Joint pain, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Swelling, Tenderness to touch, Unable to grip', 'Bulging neck veins and Stiff neck', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Joint pain (Fingers) and Joint pain (Leg)', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Pain'], 'Peripheral Neuropathy': ['Black colored skin and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Constipation, Foul smelling stools and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Excessive gas and Numbness or tingling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Numbness or tingling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blurred vision and Numbness', 'Blurred vision and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Numbness or tingling and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Body aches or pains and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Numbness or tingling', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Numbness or tingling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising and Pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Color change, Enlarged finger tips and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Pain, numbness on one side of body', 'Bulging veins and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Arm pain, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Pain, Stiffness', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Muscle twitching (painless) and Numbness or tingling'], 'Amblyopia': ['Blank stare and Tilts head to look at something', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes do not track together', 'Blinking eyes, Drooping eyelid, Frequent squinting and Jerking eye movements', 'Blurred vision and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Dizziness and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes do not track together and Eye Floaters', 'Brittle hair, Bulging eyes, Change in hair texture and Drooping eyelid'], 'Birthmark': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Blindness': ['Vision Loss'], 'Cataracts': ['Bad breath, Change in vision, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding in eye, Bulging eyes and Change in vision', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blinking eyes, Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blank stare and Visual halos around lights', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Depressed mood', 'Blank stare, Cloudy vision, Compulsive behavior and Eyelashes falling out', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision and Change in vision', 'Blind spot in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Confusion', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blindness, Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration and Cloudy vision', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Ear ache and Loss of side vision', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blue colored skin, Bulging veins, Change in vision and Color change', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blurred vision and Vision fading of colors', 'Blurred vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Bowel habit change, Change in vision and Diarrhea', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Cloudy vision and Eye irritation', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Cloudy vision and Cough', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Color change, Double vision', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Constipation and Depressed mood', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Dizziness, Muscle cramps', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Choking, Cloudy vision and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Diarrhea and Difficulty staying asleep', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fear of air', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Red eye (single) and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Sensitive to light and Visual halos around lights', 'Body aches or pains, Change in vision, Fatigue and Hearing loss', 'Bruising or discoloration and Sensitive to light'], 'Coats Disease': ['Vision Loss'], 'Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease': ['Diogenes Syndrome (Self-Neglect)'], 'Diabetes ': ['Bad Breath', "Beau's Lines", 'Bleeding Gums', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Eye Problems and Diabetes': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Glaucoma': ['Blackouts (memory time loss), Blind spot in vision, Blindness and Blurred vision', 'Blind spot in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blind spot in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Partial vision loss', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Confusion', 'Blind spot in vision, Flickering lights in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Partial vision loss and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Ear ache and Loss of side vision', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Loss of side vision', 'Blurred vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Blurred vision, Itching or burning and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Vision Distortion, Flashing lights in Eyes, Loss of side vision'], 'Leprosy': ['Peripheral Neuropathy'], 'Low Blood Pressure ': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness', 'Dry Mouth'], 'Macular Degeneration': ['Blackouts (memory time loss), Blind spot in vision, Blindness and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blind spot in vision, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Depressed mood', 'Blind spot in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blind spot in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Confusion', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blindness, Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration and Cloudy vision', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blurred vision and Vision fading of colors', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Cold feet and Cold hands'], 'Onchocerciasis': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Optic Neuritis': ['Blind spot in vision and Sensitive to light', 'Blind spot in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Flickering lights in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Pain when moving eyes'], 'Pseudotumor Cerebri ': ['Vision Loss'], 'Retinal Detachment': ['Blackouts (memory time loss), Blind spot in vision, Blindness and Blurred vision', 'Blind spot in vision and Sensitive to light', 'Blind spot in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Blindness, Blurred vision and Cough', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Partial vision loss', 'Blind spot in vision, Flickering lights in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Partial vision loss and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blurred vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Color change and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision, Flickering uncolored zig-zag line in vision and Eye Floaters'], 'Retinitis Pigmentosa': ['Tunnel Vision'], 'Strabismus ': ['Double Vision'], 'Trachoma': ['Watery Eye'], 'Transient Ischemic Attack ': ['Bad breath, Blurred vision, Cough and Damaged teeth enamel', 'Bad taste in mouth, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Change in bowel habits', 'Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Bulging veins, Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Dilated pupils, Flashing lights in Eyes', 'Blank stare and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare and Drooping eyelid', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Bulging eyes and Disorientation', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Disorientation and Drooping eyelid', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision and Change in vision', 'Bleeding, Blurred vision, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Ear ache', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Partial vision loss', 'Blind spot in vision, Partial vision loss and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blinking eyes and Drooping eyelid', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Eye irritation', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue, Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blue colored skin, Blurred vision, Cold feet and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blurred vision and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision and Drowsiness', 'Blurred vision and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision and Excessive sweating', 'Blurred vision and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision and Fainting', 'Blurred vision and Frequent urination', 'Blurred vision and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision and Increased thirst', 'Blurred vision and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision and Loss of side vision', 'Blurred vision and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Blurred vision and Nosebleed', 'Blurred vision and Numbness', 'Blurred vision and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Blurred vision and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision and Sensation of something in eye', 'Blurred vision and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blurred vision and Shaking', 'Blurred vision and Shaking hands', 'Blurred vision and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision and Vision fading of colors', 'Blurred vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Bulging eyes and Joint aches', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Vision Distortion and Dry eyes', 'Blurred vision, Brittle hair, Clicking or popping sound from jaw and Cold feet', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid and Eyelid redness', 'Blurred vision, Bulging veins, Drooping eyelid and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Color change, Double vision', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Constipation and Depressed mood', 'Blurred vision, Choking, Cloudy vision and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fear of air', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Cold hands (Hand (palm)) and Cold hands (Fingers)', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficulty falling asleep, Learning disability', 'Blurred vision, Decreased appetite, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Delayed language skills, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty finding words, Forgetfulness and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Dilated pupils', 'Blurred vision, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Fear of gaining weight', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered) and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes rolling back and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Eyelid redness and Puffy eyelids', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Lightheadedness and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Feeling smothered, Fits of rage and Lack of motivation', 'Blurred vision, Fever and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Fever, Headache (worst ever) and Lack of emotion', 'Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision, Flickering uncolored zig-zag line in vision and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Joint pain and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Numbness or tingling and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Blurred vision, Palpitations', 'Blurred vision, Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Red eye (single) and Tearing in one eye', 'Blurred vision, Ringing in ears and Sensitive to noise', 'Blurred vision, Small (constricted) pupils', 'Blurred vision, Tearing in one eye and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Vision Distortion, Flashing lights in Eyes, Loss of side vision', 'Blurred vision, Weight loss', 'Blurred vision, Worst Headache, Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Brittle hair, Bulging eyes, Change in hair texture and Drooping eyelid', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising and numbness on one side of body', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Pain, numbness on one side of body'], 'Treacher Collins Syndrome': ['Hearing Loss'], 'Usher Syndrome': ['Hearing Loss'], 'Uveitis': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Alcohol and Teens': ['Difficulty Concentrating'], "Alzheimer's Disease": ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Bipolar Disorder': ['Bad breath, Blackouts (memory time loss), Delusions and Depressed mood', 'Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blank stare, Cloudy vision, Compulsive behavior and Eyelashes falling out', 'Blank stare, Compulsive behavior, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss and Mood swings'], 'Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens': ['Depression'], 'Dementia': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Memory problems and Repeats phrases', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficulty sleeping, Disorientation and Drowsiness', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Increased passing gas and Mood swings', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Frontotemporal Dementia ': ['Echolalia', 'Echologia (Echolalia)', 'Echophrasia (Echolalia)'], "Huntington's Disease": ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Schizoaffective Disorder': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Schizophrenia': ['Bad breath, Blackouts (memory time loss), Delusions and Depressed mood', 'Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Hallucinations', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Coma, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Delusions and Diarrhea', 'Blackouts, Depressed mood, insomnia, Flashbacks', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Compulsive behavior and Confusion', 'Blank stare, Compulsive behavior, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Hallucinations and Hearing voices', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Blinking eyes, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty sleeping', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Seizure ': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)'], 'Tourette Syndrome': ['Blinking eyes and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Blinking eyes and Numbness or tingling', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bulging veins, Muscle twitching (painless) and Numbness or tingling'], 'Anxiety': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Numbness or tingling', 'Bad breath, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Belching and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching and Numbness or tingling', 'Belching, Bloating, Heartburn and Hot flashes', 'Belching, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Trembling', 'Belching, Palpitations', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Chills, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Dry skin, Easy bruising and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Fever, Hot flashes', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Muscle tightness, Dizziness', 'Binge eating and Chills', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Chills and Dizziness', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Excessive sweating', 'Black colored skin, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Blank stare and Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare, Blue colored lips, Color change and Excessive sweating', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Bloating and Shortness of breath', 'Bloating and Throat tightness', 'Bloating or fullness and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Dizziness and Drinking excessive fluids', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Flushed skin and Hot flashes', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Excessive sweating', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Palpitations, Rapid heart rate', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Muffled voice', 'Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision and Throat tightness', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrate, Dizziness, Feeling detached from reality', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Early morning waking and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hearing loss and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hot flashes and Joint aches', 'Bowel habit change, Frequent bowel movement, Hot flashes and Excessive gas', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins (Arm), Bulging veins (Leg), Chills and Dry mouth', 'Bulging veins and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Jaw Clicking, Difficulty opening mouth and Feeling smothered'], 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ': ['Difficulty Concentrating', 'Distractibility'], 'Childhood ADD or ADHD ': ['Difficulty Concentrating', 'Distractibility'], 'Dystonia': ['Bloating, Pain and Stiff neck', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Bulging neck veins and Stiff neck', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps, Pain'], 'PANDAS Disease': ['Fluctuating Mood (Mood Swings)'], 'H. pylori ': ['Bad Breath'], 'Abdominal Adhesions ': ['Constipation'], 'Abdominal Migraines in Children and Adults': ['Nausea'], 'Acanthamoeba': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Adenovirus': ['Burning Urination'], 'Anaphylaxis': ['Difficulty swallowing, Stiff neck, Swelling and Throat tightness', 'Difficulty swallowing, Swelling and Throat tightness', 'Dysphagia'], 'Angina Symptoms': ['Dyspepsia'], 'Anthrax': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Bird Flu ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Bocavirus': ['Diarrhea'], 'Botulism': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Bourbon Virus': ['Headache'], 'Brain Cancer': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Brain Eating Amoeba ': ['Fever'], 'Brain Lesions ': ['Fever'], 'Bulimia': ['Swollen Lymph Nodes'], 'Capnocytophaga canimorsus': ['Blisters'], 'Chagas Disease ': ['Diarrhea', 'Dysphagia'], 'Cholera': ['Diarrhea', 'Dry Mouth'], 'Cluster Headaches': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Cold vs. Flu': ['Diarrhea'], 'Concussion': ['Difficulty Concentrating', 'Difficulty With Speech', 'Dizziness', 'Double Vision'], 'Cryptosporidiosis': ['Diarrhea'], 'Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome ': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], 'Cyclospora Infection ': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Diarrhea'], 'Cysticercosis ': ['Headache'], 'Date Rape Drugs': ['Depression', 'Dizziness'], 'Dengue Fever': ['Back Pain', 'Bleeding Gums'], 'Diabetic Ketoacidosis ': ['Dry Mouth', 'Dry Skin'], 'E. coli ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Ebola ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Encephalitis': ['Blackouts (memory time loss) and Confusion'], 'Factitious Disorders by Proxy ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Food Allergy': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness', 'Dysphagia'], 'Food Poisoning': ['Bad breath and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Gagging', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching and Diarrhea', 'Belching and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Decreased appetite, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Excessive gas', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Upset stomach', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Belching, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea', 'Black colored stools, Nausea or vomiting', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Delusions and Diarrhea', 'Blindness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Joint pain (Neck (back)) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Hunger and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Weight gain', 'Blood in toilet and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Blood or red colored urine and Diarrhea', 'Blood or red colored urine and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored stools, Diarrhea and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Blurred vision and Diarrhea', 'Blurred vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Diarrhea and Difficulty staying asleep', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold hands and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Diarrhea and Mucus in eyes', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Enlarged glands', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Easy bruising and Frequent laxative use', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Pulsating sensation'], 'Fungal Meningitis': ['Fever'], 'Gallbladder Pain ': ['Shortness of Breath', 'Stomach Cramps'], 'Gastritis Symptoms, Causes, Diet, Home Remedies, Treatment, and Cure': ['Dyspepsia'], 'Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma': ['Dysphagia'], 'GERD ': ['Bad Breath'], 'Graft Versus Host Disease ': ['Diarrhea', 'Dry Eye'], 'Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome ': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness'], 'Head Injury ': ['Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Headache': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Heart Attack ': ["Beau's Lines"], 'Hepatitis B ': ['Dark Urine', 'Decreased Appetite'], 'Hepatitis C ': ['Dark Urine', 'Decreased Appetite'], 'Hepatitis E Viral Infection': ['Dark Urine'], 'Hereditary Angioedema ': ['Fatigue and Tiredness', 'Fluctuating Mood (Mood Swings)'], 'Hyperthermia ': ['Vomiting'], 'Insect Sting Allergies': ['Blindness and Swelling', 'Blindness and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Swelling (Fingers) and Swelling (Toes)', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Swelling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips and Swelling', 'Bulging neck veins and Swelling', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Intussusception': ['Stomach Cramps'], 'Kidney Infection ': ['Blood In Urine'], 'Kidney Pain Symptoms, Treatment, and Cure': ['Blood In Urine'], 'Kidney Stones ': ['Back Pain', 'Blood In Urine', 'Burning Urination'], 'Lassa Fever': ['Back Pain'], 'Listeria': ['Diarrhea'], 'Malaria': ['Diarrhea'], 'Marburg Virus Disease': ['Diarrhea'], 'Nipah Virus Infection': ['Dizziness'], 'Norovirus Infection': ['Diarrhea'], 'Peanut Allergy': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness'], 'Peritonitis': ['Diarrhea', 'Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Porphyria': ['Bad breath, Blackouts (memory time loss), Delusions and Depressed mood', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Chills and Constipation', 'Body aches or pains and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Depressed mood', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dizziness and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting'], 'Powassan Virus Disease': ['Confusion'], 'Q Fever': ['Diarrhea'], 'Rat Lungworm ': ['Fever'], 'Reye Syndrome': ['Confusion'], 'Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever ': ['Changes in Skin of the Breast', 'Confusion'], 'Rotavirus': ['Diarrhea'], 'Salmonella': ['Diarrhea'], 'Scarlet Fever ': ['Bleeding and Spots on tonsils', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots', 'Bruising, Red tongue', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Sepsis': ['Delirium', 'Dizziness'], 'Septic Shock': ['Chills', 'Confusion'], 'Shigella': ['Diarrhea'], 'Stomach Flu ': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Diarrhea', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Strep Throat ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad breath and Sore throat', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bleeding and Sore throat', 'Bleeding and Spots on throat', 'Bleeding gums, Mouth sores, Sore throat and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bloating, Constipation and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Eye crusting with sleep, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Ear ache and Sore throat', 'Bruising and Spots on throat', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Pain and Sore throat'], 'Streptococcal Infections': ['Diarrhea'], 'Swine Flu': ['Diarrhea'], 'Tension Headache ': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Ticks': ['Body aches or pains, Trembling and Weakness (generalized)'], 'Toxic Shock Syndrome ': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness'], 'Typhus': ['Back Pain'], 'Vertigo': ['Dizziness'], 'Vibrio Infection ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Yellow Fever': ['Back Pain', 'Bleeding Gums', 'Bloody Nose'], 'Zika Virus ': ['Fever'], 'Esophageal Cancer': ['Back Pain', 'Blue colored lips and Pain or discomfort'], 'Esophagitis ': ['Dysphagia'], 'Mucormycosis': ['Cough'], 'Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Ulcers': ['Anemia'], 'Peptic Ulcer ': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Stomach Cancer': ['Dyspepsia', 'Dysphagia'], 'Rheumatoid Arthritis': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Morning stiffness', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Joint aches and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Morning joint stiffness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Stiffness or decreased movement and Weakness (generalized)', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Swelling'], 'Broken Bone ': ['Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Pain or discomfort and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Belching, Decreased appetite, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Bitter almond odor on breath and Bleeding', 'Bleeding and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bleeding and High blood pressure', 'Bleeding and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding and Swollen lips', 'Bleeding and Swollen tongue', 'Bleeding and Swollen tonsils', 'Bleeding and White patches on tongue', 'Bleeding, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Bloating, Broken bones, Bowel habit change', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Irregular heartbeat', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Warm to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Episodes of not breathing during sleep', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Heartburn', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity'], 'Polymyositis': ['Broken bone (single fracture), Muscle cramps, Stiffness'], 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Itching or burning and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Joint pain (Neck (back)) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Bloating, Constipation, Foul smelling stools and Numbness or tingling', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Blurred vision and Numbness', 'Blurred vision and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains and Numbness or tingling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Joint pain', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Color change, Enlarged finger tips and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bulging veins and Numbness or tingling'], 'Dislocated Shoulder': ['Blank stare, Excessive sweating, Eyes rolling back and Inability to move', 'Bulging neck veins, Ear ache, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint pain'], 'Drug Interactions': ['Bad breath and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Diarrhea', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Black (tar) colored stools and Bleeding', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Drooling and Snoring', 'Bad breath, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty concentrating', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad taste in mouth and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty sleeping', 'Bad taste in mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fatigue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth and Frequent urination', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bad taste in mouth and Smooth tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth and Swollen tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Fruity odor on breath, Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Metallic taste, Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Constipation', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Binge drinking, Coated tongue, Easy bruising', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Dry eyes and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Red gums', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Choking on food and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Fatigue and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Metallic taste and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Confusion, Easily distracted and Forgetfulness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough, Metallic taste and Noisy breathing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Craving alcohol, Craving ice and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Decreased taste and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Gagging', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Post nasal drip and Snoring', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Headache and Lightheadedness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Metallic taste in mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Grinding teeth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Metallic taste and Nasal congestion', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth, Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Fever and Muffled voice', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Flushed skin and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent chewing, Grinding teeth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad taste in mouth, Headache, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Heartburn, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Hoarse voice and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Itching or burning and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Lump or bulge, Metallic taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Strange smell or taste and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth, Taste of acid in mouth and Unusual taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Watery mouth, Metallic taste and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, White patches inside mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Belching and Metallic taste', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Upset stomach', 'Belching, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Strange smell or taste and Bad taste in mouth', 'Belching, Taste of acid in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Easy bruising', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Shaking', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Fatigue, Hunger and Jumpiness or easily startled', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Hunger, Hyperactive behavior and Low self-esteem', 'Binge drinking, Binge eating, Difficulty swallowing, Fatigue', 'Binge drinking, Bleeding gums, Easy bleeding, Feeling faint', 'Binge drinking, Excessive body hair growth, Fatigue, Hunger', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Chills and Dizziness', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Dizziness and Fainting', 'Binge eating, Bleeding gums, Dry skin and Excessive facial hair growth (female)', 'Binge eating, Brittle hair, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Binge eating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Binge eating, Drinking excessive fluids, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Bitter almond odor on breath, Compulsive behavior, Fainting and Fear of air', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Distended stomach', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Fatigue', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Holding bowel movements', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Itching or burning', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Lump or bulge', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Swelling', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding and Blood in toilet', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Diarrhea', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Black colored stools, Constipation', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea, Frequent bowel movements, Muscle cramps', 'Black colored stools, Dizziness', 'Black colored stools, Fever', 'Black colored stools, Stomach cramps', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Confusion', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Fits of rage', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Hallucinations', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Memory problems', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Ringing in ears', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blurred vision, Dry mouth and Fainting', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Broken bone (single fracture), Coma and Confusion', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Coma, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Delusions and Diarrhea', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Memory problems and Repeats phrases', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Difficulty sleeping, Disorientation and Drowsiness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Forgetfulness and Loss of consciousness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Headache, Lightheadedness and Lump or bulge', 'Blackouts, Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fainting', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Fainting, Lightheadedness', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Headache', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Worst Headache, Lightheadedness', 'Blackouts, Fits of rage, Poor social skills, Impulsive behavior', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Compulsive behavior and Confusion', 'Blank stare and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Blank stare and Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Confusion and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blank stare, Compulsive behavior, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Dilated pupils, Eyes rolling back', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Ears) and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding gums and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums and Fever', 'Bleeding gums and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bleeding gums and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding gums and Red spots', 'Bleeding gums and Skin rash', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Bleeding gums, Brittle hair, Change in hair texture and Drowsiness', 'Bleeding gums, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Grinding teeth and Gum sores', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Cracks at corner of mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Cough, Cracks at corner of mouth and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bleeding gums, Cracks at corner of mouth, Gum sores and Increased speech volume', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Fever and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Red gums and Red spots', 'Bleeding gums, Mouth sores, Sore throat and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Dizziness', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Discharge from penis', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine, Chills and Fever', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Feeling faint and Lightheadedness', 'Bleeding, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Bleeding, Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs)', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Confusion', 'Blindness, Difficulty breathing through nose, Difficulty talking and Dizziness', 'Blinking eyes, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty sleeping', 'Bloating and Fatigue', 'Bloating and Metallic taste', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Drowsiness and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Bloating or fullness, Confusion, Difficulty finding words and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Fatigue and High blood pressure', 'Bloating or fullness, Difficulty urinating and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fatigue and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue and Tires quickly', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Frequent urination and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bloating or fullness, Hair loss, Heartburn and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Chills, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating, Constipation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bloating, Constipation, Dizziness and Fainting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Fatigue and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Constipation, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Excessive gas and Lightheadedness', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Hunger and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood in toilet and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood on stool surface and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood on stool surface, Choking, Difficulty swallowing and Fatigue', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Muffled voice', 'Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Dizziness', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Nosebleed', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Chills, Ear ache and Fatigue', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Stool leaking (incontinence)', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Stool leaking (incontinence) and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood or red colored urine and Diarrhea', 'Blood or red colored urine and Drainage or pus', 'Blood or red colored urine and Fatigue', 'Blood or red colored urine and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Blood or red colored urine and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Blood or red colored urine and Missed period', 'Blood or red colored urine and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blood or red colored urine and Testicular pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal discharge', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fatigue, Fever and Headache', 'Blue colored skin, Chills, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Diarrhea and Difficulty staying asleep', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Difficulty finding words', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Dizziness and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Fainting, Hot and dry skin', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered) and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye Floaters and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fever and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Frequent infections and Headache (worst ever)', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Headache and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Small (constricted) pupils', 'Body aches or pains, Bruising or discoloration, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Easy bruising and Enlarged (dilated) veins', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty urinating and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Confusion', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dry skin and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Eye crusting with sleep, Fatigue and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Tenderness to touch', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Feeling faint and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Fever and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Food cravings and Hunger', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Lightheadedness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bowel habit change and Nosebleed', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Fatigue, Hot and dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Dry skin (General), Dry skin (Skin) and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular periods', 'Bruising and Sore tongue', 'Bruising and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising and Welts', 'Bruising or discoloration and Easy bruising', 'Bruising or discoloration and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bruising or discoloration and Excessive body hair growth', 'Bruising or discoloration and Jaw locking', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dizziness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Easy bruising and Frequent laxative use', 'Bruising or discoloration, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fatigue, Itching or burning and Skin rash', 'Bruising, Confusion and Curved spine', 'Bulging eyes and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bulging eyes, Lump or bulge, Small (constricted) pupils and Sunken eyes', 'Bulging neck veins, Disorientation, Headache (worst ever) and Lightheadedness', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bulging veins, Jaw Clicking, Difficulty opening mouth and Feeling smothered'], 'Tetanus': ['Difficulty opening mouth and Unable to open mouth (jaw)', 'Difficulty opening mouth, Lump or bulge and Unable to open mouth (jaw)', 'Discharge from penis, Muscle cramps'], 'Black Eye': ['Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Dilated pupils, Flashing lights in Eyes', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blinking eyes, Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blank stare, Blind spot in vision, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Bleeding in eye and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Bleeding in eye and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding in eye and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding in eye and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bleeding in eye and Yellow eyes', 'Bleeding in eye, Bleeding and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision, Discharge or mucus in eyes and Eyelid redness', 'Bleeding in eye, Mucus in eyes, Drainage or pus and Eye crusting with sleep', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye, Blindness and Choking', 'Blinking eyes and Drooping eyelid', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes do not track together', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes rolling back', 'Blinking eyes and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Numbness or tingling', 'Blinking eyes and Sensitive to light', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and visual migraine', 'Blinking eyes, Drooping eyelid, Frequent squinting and Jerking eye movements', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Frequent squinting', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Red eye (single) and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Eyelid redness, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)', 'Blinking eyes, Frequent squinting and Squinting eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Jaw Clicking, Coated tongue and Depressed mood', 'Blinking eyes, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Blurred vision and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision and Sensation of something in eye', 'Blurred vision and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Red eye (single) and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Headache and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Feeling smothered, Fits of rage and Lack of motivation', 'Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Pain or discomfort, Sensitive to light and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision, Red eye (single) and Tearing in one eye', 'Blurred vision, Worst Headache, Stiff neck', 'Bruising or discoloration and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelashes falling out', 'Bruising or discoloration and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Tearing in one eye', 'Bruising or discoloration, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Pain and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bulging eyes, Pain or discomfort, Red eye (single) and Swelling'], 'LASIK Eye Surgery': ['Flickering lights in vision and Visual halos around lights'], 'Indoor Allergens': ['Bad breath, Difficulty breathing through nose, Headache and Nasal congestion', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough, Metallic taste and Noisy breathing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Metallic taste and Nasal congestion', 'Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Strange smell or taste', 'Blank stare and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bleeding in eye and Itching or burning', 'Bleeding in eye and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bleeding in eye and Watery eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision and Runny nose', 'Blurred vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision, Eye crusting with sleep, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Itching or burning and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Mucus in eyes, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Diarrhea and Difficulty breathing through nose', 'Bowel habits, Difficulty breathing, Frequent bowel movements, Congestion', 'Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficulty breathing through nose and Dry eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Watery eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nasal congestion, Pain or discomfort and Runny nose', 'Bruising or discoloration, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)'], 'Hay Fever': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Difficulty breathing through nose, Headache and Nasal congestion', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Post nasal drip and Snoring', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Metallic taste and Nasal congestion', 'Bad taste in mouth, Itching or burning and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Strange smell or taste', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye and Itching or burning', 'Bleeding in eye and Watery eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Frequent squinting', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Frequent squinting', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Red eye (single) and Sore or burning eyes', 'Bloating or fullness and Nasal congestion', 'Blurred vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye irritation and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Mucus in eyes, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains and Post nasal drip', 'Bowel habits, Difficulty breathing, Frequent bowel movements, Congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration and Watery eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nasal congestion, Pain or discomfort and Runny nose', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Itching or burning and Puffy eyelids', 'Bulging eyes, Pain or discomfort, Red eye (single) and Swelling', 'Bulging neck veins and Itching or burning', 'Bulging veins, Dry eyes, Enlarged veins, Eye irritation'], 'Pink Eye': ['Bleeding in eye and Watery eyes', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision, Discharge or mucus in eyes and Eyelid redness', 'Bleeding in eye, Mucus in eyes, Drainage or pus and Eye crusting with sleep', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Blind spot in vision and Sensitive to light', 'Blinking eyes and Sensitive to light', 'Blinking eyes, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Frequent squinting', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Red eye (single) and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blurred vision and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Blurred vision and Nosebleed', 'Blurred vision and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Blurred vision and Shaking', 'Blurred vision and Shaking hands', 'Blurred vision and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Cloudy vision and Eye irritation', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Red eye (single) and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Dilated pupils', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye irritation and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Blurred vision, Eye crusting with sleep, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Sensitive to light and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Mucus in eyes, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Pain or discomfort, Sensitive to light and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision, Red eye (single) and Tearing in one eye', 'Blurred vision, Tearing in one eye and Watery eyes', 'Body aches or pains, Eye crusting with sleep, Fatigue and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bruising or discoloration and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Sensitive to light', 'Bruising or discoloration and Watery eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bulging eyes, Pain or discomfort, Red eye (single) and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Dry eyes, Enlarged veins, Eye irritation'], 'Balamuthia': ['Fatigue and Tiredness', 'Fever'], 'Bone Spurs': ['Foot Pain'], 'Brain Damage': ['Difficulty Concentrating', 'Difficulty With Speech', 'Dilated Pupils (Mydriasis)', 'Diogenes Syndrome (Self-Neglect)'], 'Cuts, Scrapes, and Puncture Wounds': ['Blisters', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Dislocated Ankle ': ['Swollen Ankles and/or Swollen Feet'], 'Fibromyalgia': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Gluteal Injury': ['Buttock Pain'], 'Guillain-Barre Syndrome': ['Double Vision', 'Dysarthria'], 'Herniated Disc': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Lumbar Spinal Stenosis': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Myasthenia Gravis': ['Blank stare and Drooping eyelid', 'Blinking eyes and Drooping eyelid', 'Blurred Vision'], 'Peripheral Vascular Disease': ["Beau's Lines", 'Black colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin and Bruising or discoloration', 'Black colored skin and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin and Drainage or pus', 'Black colored skin and Lump or bulge', 'Black colored skin and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Joint pain', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Cold hands and Hair loss'], 'Pinched Nerve ': ['Elbow Pain'], 'Polio': ['Paralysis'], 'Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction ': ['Buttock Pain'], 'Vasculitis': ['Bleeding Easily', 'Blood In Urine'], 'Autism Spectrum Disorder ': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Dysthymia': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)'], 'Human Immunodeficiency Virus ': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Bleeding Easily', 'Bleeding Gums', 'Blood in Semen'], 'Panic Attacks': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)'], 'Phobias': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)'], 'Post-traumatic Stress Disorder': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Postpartum Depression': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Psychotic Disorders': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Schizotypal Personality Disorder': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)', 'Blunted Affect (Flat Affect)'], 'Seasonal Affective Disorder ': ['Behavior Disorder (Unusual Behavior)'], 'Asperger Syndrome': ['Blank stare and Unusual facial expression'], 'Autism and Communication': ['Blackouts, Fits of rage, Poor social skills, Impulsive behavior'], 'Moles': ['Bruising and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Melanoma': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Angiomyolipoma': ['Back Pain', 'Bleeding from nipple, Discharge from nipple and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Lump or bulge (Face) and Lump or bulge (Groin)', 'Bulging neck veins and Lump or bulge'], 'Dyspepsia': ['Bad breath and Belching', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bald spots (hair), Bloating or fullness and Body aches or pains', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Constipation', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Heartburn', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating and Distended stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Belching and Cough', 'Belching and Difficulty swallowing', 'Belching and Dry mouth', 'Belching and Excessive mouth watering', 'Belching and Lump or bulge', 'Belching and Metallic taste', 'Belching and Numbness or tingling', 'Belching and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Belching and White patches inside mouth', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains and Chills', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Chills and Constipation', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Decreased appetite and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Heartburn', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Belching, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Strange smell or taste and Bad taste in mouth', 'Belching, Taste of acid in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Blue colored skin', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Distended stomach', 'Black colored stools, Upset stomach', 'Bloating and Shaking hands', 'Bloating or fullness and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bloating or fullness and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Dizziness and Drinking excessive fluids', 'Bloating or fullness, Coffee grounds colored vomit, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Confusion, Difficulty finding words and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Flushed skin and Hot flashes', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Heartburn and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Hair loss, Heartburn and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Craving ice and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Fever', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Cold hands and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cough, Distended stomach and Itching or burning', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Mouth sores', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Difficulty urinating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Warm to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Frequent urination and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pressure or fullness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Dry mouth and Feeling smothered', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, purging, Pain, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, purging, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Sore throat and Upset stomach', 'Blood on stool surface, Bloody or red colored stools and Upset stomach', 'Blood or red colored urine and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Bruising and Distended stomach', 'Bruising or discoloration and Upset stomach'], 'Gastritis': ['Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Decreased appetite and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Decreased appetite, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Belching, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Pain or discomfort', 'Black colored stools, Upset stomach', 'Bloating and Hunger', 'Bloating and Metallic taste', 'Bloating or fullness and Hoarse voice', 'Bloating or fullness and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bloating or fullness and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloating or fullness and Yellow eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent bowel movements, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Gagging, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Joint pain, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Warm to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Hunched or stooped posture and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Swelling', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pressure or fullness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Heartburn, Itching or burning and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Hot flashes, Night sweats and Pain', 'Bloating, Missed period, Nausea or vomiting and No menstrual periods', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Pressure or heaviness', 'Bloating, Pain and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, purging, Pain, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, purging, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Sore throat and Upset stomach', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Blood or red colored urine and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Bruising or discoloration and Upset stomach'], 'Irritable Bowel Syndrome ': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Diarrhea', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Joint pain', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bald spots (hair), Bloating or fullness and Body aches or pains', 'Bad taste in mouth and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Constipation', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Heartburn', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Gagging', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Belching and Diarrhea', 'Belching, Bloating and Pain', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blood in toilet and Blood on stool surface', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Change in bowel habits', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains and Chills', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Chills and Constipation', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Decreased appetite and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Heartburn', 'Belching, Bloating, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating, Heartburn and Hot flashes', 'Belching, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Excessive gas', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Upset stomach', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Blue colored skin', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation', 'Binge eating, Change in bowel habits, Coarse hair and Distended stomach', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bloating or fullness and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Diarrhea', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Pain or discomfort and Pressure or fullness', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Change in stools', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas', 'Black colored stools, Constipation', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea, Frequent bowel movements, Muscle cramps', 'Black colored stools, Stomach cramps', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Delusions and Diarrhea', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bleeding, Bloating, Blood in toilet and Frequent urination', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Constipation', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Bloating and Fatigue', 'Bloating and Frequent urination', 'Bloating and Headache', 'Bloating and High blood pressure', 'Bloating and Hot flashes', 'Bloating and Hunger', 'Bloating and Increased thirst', 'Bloating and Metallic taste', 'Bloating and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating and Shaking hands', 'Bloating and Shortness of breath', 'Bloating and Skin rash', 'Bloating and Stiff neck', 'Bloating and Throat tightness', 'Bloating or fullness and Hives', 'Bloating or fullness and Hoarse voice', 'Bloating or fullness and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bloating or fullness and Nasal congestion', 'Bloating or fullness and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Bloating or fullness and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bloating or fullness and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating or fullness and Skin bumps', 'Bloating or fullness and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight gain', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness and Yellow eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Constipation and Decreased night vision', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Joint aches and Low self-esteem', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Dizziness and Drinking excessive fluids', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Drowsiness and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold hands, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Fingers)', 'Bloating or fullness, Confusion, Difficulty finding words and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased urination and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Difficulty sleeping and Early morning waking', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Dry skin (General) and Dry skin (Skin)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Fatigue and High blood pressure', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Holding bowel movements', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Itching or burning and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Swelling (Fingers) and Swelling (Toes)', 'Bloating or fullness, Curved spine, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Depressed mood, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Dizziness and Frequent urination', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Frequent urination and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Joint pain (Neck (back)) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Ear ache and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Heartburn and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Frightening dreams and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Increased passing gas and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry skin, Ear ache and Flaking skin', 'Bloating or fullness, Ear ache, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fatigue and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Excessive sweating, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue and Tires quickly', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Frequent urination and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bloating or fullness, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent bowel movements, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Hair loss, Heartburn and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Nausea or vomiting and Skin blisters', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating or fullness, Joint pain, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Swelling (Ankle) and Swelling (Foot (top))', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Chills and Constipation', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Pain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Cloudy odor urine and Coffee grounds vomit', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Hives', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Joint pain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Craving ice and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Distended stomach, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Broken bones, Bowel habit change', 'Bloating, Bruising, Bowel habit change and Constipation', 'Bloating, Bulging veins, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Excessive sweating', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Chills, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating, Chills, Fever and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Constipation', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Cold hands and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Bloating, Constipation and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Constipation and Missed period', 'Bloating, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation and Sore throat', 'Bloating, Constipation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Constipation and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bloating, Constipation, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Constipation, Fatigue and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Constipation, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Constipation, Foul smelling stools and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating, Constipation, Frequent urination and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Constipation, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Hot flashes and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Painful intercourse, Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Cough, Excessive gas, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Weight loss', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Mouth sores', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Difficulty urinating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Warm to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dizziness and Drowsiness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Hunched or stooped posture and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Increased thirst and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Swelling', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pressure or fullness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pulsating sensation and Swelling', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Excessive gas and Lightheadedness', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fainting and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Foul smelling stools and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dry mouth and Feeling smothered', 'Bloating, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Bloating, Excessive gas and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating, Excessive gas and Worms in stool', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Sensitivity to heat', 'Bloating, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Excessive gas and Muscle weakness', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Hunger and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Foul smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Frequent urination, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pain', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Heartburn and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Hot flashes, Night sweats and Pain', 'Bloating, Missed period, Muscle cramps, No periods', 'Bloating, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Stomach cramps and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Pressure or heaviness', 'Bloating, Pain and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Pain and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Pain, Pressure or fullness and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, purging, Pain, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, purging, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Rapid heart rate', 'Bloating, Sore throat and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Stomach cramps and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue, Diarrhea and Frequent bowel movements', 'Blood in toilet, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Dizziness and Excessive sweating', 'Blood or red colored urine and Upset stomach', 'Blood or red colored urine, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloody or red colored stools, Diarrhea and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Blurred vision and Diarrhea', 'Blurred vision, Bowel habit change, Change in vision and Diarrhea', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Diarrhea and Difficulty staying asleep', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold hands and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent bowel movements', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dizziness and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dry skin and Easy bruising', 'Bowel habit change and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change and Nosebleed', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Diarrhea and Mucus in eyes', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Constipation, Muscle cramps', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Pulsating sensation', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Cough and Gagging', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Curved spine and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change, Cough, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Enlarged glands', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Bowel habit change, Foul smelling stools, Excessive gas, Numbness or tingling', 'Bowel habit change, Frequent bowel movement, Hot flashes and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change, Pain and Pulsating sensation', 'Bowel habit change, Watery mouth, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bowel habits, Difficulty breathing, Frequent bowel movements, Congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration and Change in bowel habits', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Easy bruising and Frequent laxative use'], 'Peptic Ulcer': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Black (tar) colored stools and Bleeding', 'Belching, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Black (tar) colored stools, Blank stare and Bleeding', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Black (tar) colored stools, Blank stare and Bleeding', 'Binge drinking, Red blood in stools, Decreased appetite, Dizziness', 'Binge eating and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Binge eating, Bloody or red colored stools, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Distended stomach', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Excessive sweating', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Excessive sweating', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Fatigue', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Holding bowel movements', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Itching or burning', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Itching or burning', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Lump or bulge', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Painful bowel movements', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Swelling', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Swelling', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding and Blood in toilet', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding and Blood in toilet', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Blind spot in vision', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bloating or fullness and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Diarrhea', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Pain or discomfort and Pressure or fullness', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Aches or pains, Dark colored urine', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Change in stools', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas', 'Black colored stools, Change in stools, Pain', 'Black colored stools, Constipation', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea, Frequent bowel movements, Muscle cramps', 'Black colored stools, Dizziness', 'Black colored stools, Fever', 'Black colored stools, Foul smelling stools, Thin (pencil) stools', 'Black colored stools, Foul smelling stools, Thin (pencil) stools', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn, Pain', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn, Pain', 'Black colored stools, Nausea or vomiting', 'Black colored stools, Nausea or vomiting', 'Black colored stools, Stomach cramps', 'Black colored stools, Upset stomach', 'Black colored stools, Upset stomach', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, purging, Irregular periods', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, purging, Irregular periods', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating, Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Change in stools', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Cloudy odor urine and Coffee grounds vomit', 'Blood in toilet and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood in toilet and Red colored vomit', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Red blood in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood in stools, Dizziness and Fatigue', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood stools, Smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements', 'Blood on stool surface, Bloody or red colored stools and Upset stomach', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Bruising or discoloration', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Drainage or pus', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Heartburn', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloody or red colored stools, Diarrhea and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Headache', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Headache', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Heartburn', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Heartburn', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Nosebleed', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Nosebleed', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bruising or discoloration and Coffee grounds colored vomit', 'Bruising or discoloration and Coffee grounds colored vomit', 'Bruising or discoloration and Weight loss (unintentional)'], 'Thrush and Other Yeast Infections in Children': ['Bad breath and White patches on tongue', 'Bad breath, Spots on tonsils and White patches inside mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Metallic taste and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, White patches inside mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Belching and White patches inside mouth', 'Bleeding and White patches on tongue'], 'Type 1 Diabetes': ['Bad breath and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bitter almond odor on breath, Dry mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Fruity odor on breath, Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth, Fruity odor on breath', 'Black colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin and Bruising or discoloration', 'Black colored skin and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin and Lump or bulge', 'Black colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blurred vision and Frequent urination', 'Blurred vision and Increased thirst', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Weight loss', 'Bruising or discoloration and Fruity odor on breath'], 'Urinary Tract Infection': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate and Frequent urination', 'Bad breath, Belching, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Crying during sleep', 'Bad taste in mouth and Frequent urination', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bald spots (hair), Excessive body hair growth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate and Pain or discomfort', 'Binge drinking, Bulging veins, Cloudy urine, Difficult to wake up', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Pain or discomfort and Pressure or fullness', 'Blank stare, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dizziness and Ear ache', 'Bleeding and Pain with urination', 'Bleeding, Bloating, Blood in toilet and Frequent urination', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Discharge from penis', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine, Chills and Fever', 'Bleeding, Blurred vision, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Ear ache', 'Bleeding, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Bleeding, Dark colored urine, Frequent urinate, Muscle cramps', 'Bleeding, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Frequent urination and Vaginal bleeding', 'Bleeding, Pain or discomfort and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating and Frequent urination', 'Bloating or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Bloating or fullness, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Cold hands and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Dizziness and Frequent urination', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Frequent urination and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Difficulty urinating and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Frequent urination and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Gum sores and Hair loss', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urination, Nausea or vomiting and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating or fullness, Pressure or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine and Cloudy odor urine', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Cloudy odor urine and Coffee grounds vomit', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Constipation', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Cloudy urine, Constipation, Dark colored urine', 'Bloating, Constipation and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Constipation, Frequent urination and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Difficulty urinating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Frequent urination and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fainting and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Frequent urination and Headache', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Frequent urination, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Hyperventilating, Irregular heartbeat', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Frequent Urination', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pain', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Irregular periods, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Pain and Testicular pain', 'Blood in toilet and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood in toilet, Frequent urination and Itching or burning', 'Blood in toilet, Itching or burning, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Blood on stool surface and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood or red colored urine and Cough', 'Blood or red colored urine and Decreased urination', 'Blood or red colored urine and Drainage or pus', 'Blood or red colored urine and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Blood or red colored urine and Joint pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blood or red colored urine and Testicular pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal discharge', 'Blood or red colored urine, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Frequent urination', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood or red colored urine, Frequent urination and Pain with urination', 'Blurred vision and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Frequent urination at night, Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Pain with urination and Painful ejaculation', 'Brittle hair, Dry mouth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bruising or discoloration and Frequent urination', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Vaginal discharge'], 'Cauda Equina Syndrome': ['Bloating or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Bloating or fullness, Joint pain, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Pressure or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Pain', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Pain', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Pain, Stiffness'], 'Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism': ['Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Morning alcohol drinking, Nervousness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Memory problems', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Bleeding, Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs)', 'Bloating or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Blurred vision, Delayed language skills, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Bulging eyes and Jerking eye movements'], 'Bladder Infection ': ['Blood In Urine', 'Burning Urination'], 'Blood Clots ': ['Urinary Retention'], 'Constipation': ['Bad breath and Ear ache', 'Bad breath and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath and Grinding teeth', 'Bad breath and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad breath and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad breath and Sore tongue', 'Bad breath and Swollen tonsils', 'Bad breath and White patches on tongue', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Numbness or tingling', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Diarrhea', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Black (tar) colored stools and Bleeding', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Blank stare and Blinking eyes', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Joint pain', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Chills and Cold feet', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite and Depressed mood', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Ear ache', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Headache', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate and Frequent urination', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Spots on tonsils and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Swollen tonsils and Thick saliva', 'Bad breath, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bad breath, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Coated or furry tongue and Decreased taste', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Coated or furry tongue and Decreased taste', 'Bad breath, Coated or furry tongue, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Coated or furry tongue, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Drooling, Gum sores and Mouth sores', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath, Hot and dry skin', 'Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty sleeping', 'Bad taste in mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Enlarged glands', 'Bad taste in mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad taste in mouth and Frequent urination', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bad taste in mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth and Smooth tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth and Swollen tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Fruity odor on breath, Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Hoarse voice and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Metallic taste, Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Constipation', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Binge drinking, Coated tongue, Easy bruising', 'Bad taste in mouth, Binge drinking, Coated tongue, Easy bruising', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating and Distended stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating and Distended stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Choking on food and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Coated or furry tongue and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Coated or furry tongue and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Fatigue and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Fatigue and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Hair loss and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Hair loss and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Metallic taste and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Metallic taste and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Decreased taste and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Ear ache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Drainage or pus and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Dry mouth and Feeling faint', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Metallic taste in mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Grinding teeth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Excessive sweating and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Flushed skin and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Headache, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Heartburn, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Hoarse voice and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Itching or burning and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Lump or bulge, Metallic taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Strange smell or taste and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth, Taste of acid in mouth and Unusual taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Watery mouth, Metallic taste and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, White patches inside mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Chills and Constipation', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Heartburn', 'Belching, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Belching, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation', 'Binge eating, Change in bowel habits, Coarse hair and Distended stomach', 'Binge eating, Change in bowel habits, Coarse hair and Distended stomach', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Pain or discomfort and Pressure or fullness', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas', 'Black colored stools, Constipation', 'Blank stare, Coated or furry tongue, Drooping eyelid and Dry mouth', 'Blank stare, Coated or furry tongue, Drooping eyelid and Dry mouth', 'Blank stare, Cold hands (Hand (palm)), Cold hands (Fingers) and Constipation', 'Bleeding and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bleeding and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Gum sores and Loss of voice', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Constipation', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Lump or bulge and Painful bowel movements', 'Bleeding, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Pain or discomfort', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Constipation and Decreased night vision', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased urination and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Difficulty sleeping and Early morning waking', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Dry skin (General) and Dry skin (Skin)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Holding bowel movements', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Itching or burning and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Swelling (Fingers) and Swelling (Toes)', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Swelling', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Chills and Constipation', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Hives', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Joint pain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Distended stomach, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Bruising, Bowel habit change and Constipation', 'Bloating, Bulging veins, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Bulging veins, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Constipation', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Bloating, Constipation and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Constipation and Missed period', 'Bloating, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation and Sore throat', 'Bloating, Constipation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Constipation and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bloating, Constipation, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Constipation, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Constipation, Fatigue and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Constipation, Frequent urination and Mood swings', 'Bloating, Constipation, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Hot flashes and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Painful intercourse, Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Constipation, Painful intercourse, Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Hunched or stooped posture and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Increased thirst and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Increased thirst and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Swelling', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pulsating sensation and Swelling', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Pain, Pressure or fullness and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Pain, Pressure or fullness and Tenderness to touch', 'Blood in toilet, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Blood in toilet, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Painful bowel movements', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Painful bowel movements', 'Blood or red colored urine, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blue colored skin, Coated or furry tongue, Color change and Difficulty talking', 'Blue colored skin, Coated or furry tongue, Color change and Difficulty talking', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Constipation and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dizziness and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Dry skin and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Eye irritation and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bowel habit change and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Pulsating sensation', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Cough and Gagging', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Curved spine and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Curved spine and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change, Decreased appetite, Low blood pressure, Nausea or vomiting', 'Bowel habit change, Foul smelling stools, Excessive gas, Numbness or tingling', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)', 'Bruising or discoloration, Distended stomach, Mouth sores and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Distended stomach, Mouth sores and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Curved spine, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Curved spine, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Distended stomach, Gum sores and Mouth sores', 'Bulging veins, Distended stomach, Gum sores and Mouth sores'], 'Cystocele': ['Difficulty Urinating'], 'Enlarged Prostate ': ['Difficulty Urinating'], 'Prostate Cancer': ['Bloating or fullness and Frequent nighttime urination', 'Blood in Semen', 'Blood In Urine', 'Burning Urination'], 'Prostatitis ': ['Bloating or fullness and Frequent nighttime urination', 'Blood in Semen', 'Burning Urination'], 'Prostatitis vs. BPH ': ['Back Pain', 'Burning Urination'], 'Urethral Stricture': ['Blood in Semen', 'Blood In Urine', 'Burning Urination'], 'Bladder Cancer': ['Belching, Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Pain or discomfort and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating, Pain and Testicular pain', 'Blood In Urine', 'Bloody Sputum', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Frequent urge to urinate'], 'Ovarian Cysts': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Urinary Incontinence': ['Frequent Urination'], 'Urinary Retention': ['Difficulty Urinating'], 'Dehydration': ['Bad breath and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth and Swollen tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Confusion, Easily distracted and Forgetfulness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Drainage or pus and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Dry mouth and Feeling faint', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Dry mouth and Feeling faint', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth, Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Flushed skin and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Strange smell or taste and Thick saliva', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth', 'Belching and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Binge drinking, Pale skin', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Dizziness and Fainting', 'Binge eating, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Binge eating, Drinking excessive fluids, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Confusion', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blurred vision, Dry mouth and Fainting', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blurred vision, Dry mouth and Fainting', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Feeling faint and Irregular heartbeat', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Compulsive behavior and Confusion', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Blank stare, Coated or furry tongue, Drooping eyelid and Dry mouth', 'Blank stare, Difficulty concentrating, Disorientation and Feeling faint', 'Bleeding and Swollen tongue', 'Bleeding gums and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding, Feeling faint, Flushed skin and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased urination and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Depressed mood and Dry mouth', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Excessive sweating, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Constipation, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Restless or irritability', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Frequent Urination', 'Blood or red colored urine and Decreased urination', 'Blood or red colored urine, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Frequent urination', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Dizziness and Pale skin', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Drinking excessive fluids and Dry mouth', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Eye irritation and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hoarse voice', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Feeling faint and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Pale skin', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Constipation, Muscle cramps', 'Brittle hair, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Dry mouth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Fatigue', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps', 'Bulging eyes and Sunken eyes', 'Bulging eyes and Sunken eyes', 'Bulging eyes, Feeling faint, Flashing lights in Eyes and Headache', 'Bulging eyes, Lump or bulge, Small (constricted) pupils and Sunken eyes', 'Bulging veins (Arm), Bulging veins (Leg), Chills and Dry mouth', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching'], 'High Blood Sugar ': ['Urine Odor'], 'Phenylketonuria': ['Spasticity'], 'Abscessed Tooth Guide': ['Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Red gums', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Enlarged glands, Food getting stuck', 'Bald spots (hair), Drainage or pus, Hair loss, Lump or bulge', 'Bald spots (hair), Tenderness to touch', 'Belching, Body aches or pains, Chills and Fever', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Fever, Hot flashes', 'Binge eating and Chills', 'Black colored skin and Drainage or pus', 'Black colored skin and Lump or bulge', 'Black colored skin, Drainage or pus and Tenderness to touch', 'Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Blank stare and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding and Skin open sore', 'Bleeding from nipple, Discharge from nipple and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bleeding in eye and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye, Mucus in eyes, Drainage or pus and Eye crusting with sleep', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Protruding rectal material', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine, Chills and Fever', 'Bleeding, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Lump or bulge (Face) and Lump or bulge (Groin)', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bloating or fullness, Ear ache, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Constipation, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Blood in toilet, Bulging veins and Lump or bulge', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Body aches or pains and Tenderness to touch', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty urinating and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dry mouth and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged glands and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking chills (rigors)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever, Hot and dry skin', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Warm to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Bruising and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Lump or bulge and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Ear ache, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged glands, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging neck veins and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Lump or bulge (Shin) and Lump or bulge (Foot (top))', 'Bulging veins, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Pain'], 'Knee Injury and Meniscus Tears': ['Bruising and Multiple bruises of different ages'], 'Contact Dermatitis': ['Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding and Skin rash', 'Blisters', 'Bloating and Skin rash', 'Bloating or fullness and Hives', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Hives', 'Blood or red colored urine and Skin rash', 'Blue colored skin, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains and Hives', 'Body aches or pains, Itching or burning, Joint aches and Pain', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bones, Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fatigue, Itching or burning and Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin blisters and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin irritation and Skin rash', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Pain and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Warm to touch', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Eczema Facts': ['Blank stare, Excessive sweating, Eyes rolling back and Inability to move', 'Bleeding and Skin rash', 'Bleeding gums and Skin rash', 'Bleeding, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Flaking skin', 'Blood or red colored urine and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains and Skin rash', 'Broken bones, Skin rash', 'Bruising and Skin darkening', 'Bruising and Skin darkening', 'Bruising and Skin rash', 'Bruising andScaling skin', 'Bruising andScaling skin', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Skin peeling and cracking or scaling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Skin peeling and cracking or scaling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin darkening and Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin darkening and Skin rash', 'Bruising, Skin bumps and Skin darkening', 'Bruising, Skin bumps and Skin darkening'], 'Actinic Keratosis': ['Bleeding and Skin rash', 'Bleeding gums and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Skin rash', 'Broken bones, Skin rash', 'Bruising and Skin rash', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Congestive Heart Failure ': ['Binge eating and Weight gain', 'Bleeding between periods and Weight gain', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Bulging neck veins and Choking', 'Bleeding, Frequent urination and Vaginal bleeding', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight gain', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Frequent urination and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bloating or fullness, Swelling (Ankle) and Swelling (Foot (top))', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Heartburn and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains and Weight gain', 'Bruising or discoloration and Bulging neck veins', 'Bulging neck veins and Cough', 'Bulging neck veins and Itching or burning', 'Bulging neck veins and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging neck veins and Pain', 'Bulging neck veins and Stiff neck', 'Bulging neck veins and Swelling', 'Bulging neck veins and Visible pulsations', 'Bulging neck veins, Disorientation, Headache (worst ever) and Lightheadedness', 'Bulging neck veins, Ear ache, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint pain', 'Bulging neck veins, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps, Pain'], 'Panic Disorder': ['Belching and Irregular heartbeat', 'Belching and Numbness or tingling', 'Belching, Decreased appetite, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Belching, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Trembling', 'Belching, Palpitations', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Dry skin, Easy bruising and Excessive sweating', 'Binge eating, Excessive sweating, Frequent infections and Night sweats', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Excessive sweating', 'Blank stare, Blue colored lips, Color change and Excessive sweating', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Bloating and Hot flashes', 'Bloating and Throat tightness', 'Bloating or fullness and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Flushed skin and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Constipation, Hot flashes and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Hyperventilating, Irregular heartbeat', 'Bloating, Hot flashes, Night sweats and Pain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Stomach cramps and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Palpitations, Rapid heart rate', 'Bloating, Rapid heart rate', 'Blood in toilet and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Blue colored lips, Color change, Irregular heartbeat and Labored breathing', 'Blurred vision and Excessive sweating', 'Blurred vision and Throat tightness', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Blurred vision, Palpitations', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hearing loss and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hot flashes and Joint aches', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Irregular heartbeat', 'Bruising or discoloration and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)'], 'Blepharitis': ['Bleeding and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelashes falling out', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelid redness'], 'Cold, Flu, Allergy Treatments': ['Diarrhea'], 'Common Cold': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Chills and Cold feet', 'Bad breath, Body aches or pains, Chills and Clicking or popping sound from jaw', 'Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Blue colored lips and Brittle hair', 'Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Change in hair texture and Color change', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Chills and Constipation', 'Belching, Cough and Watery mouth', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased sweating', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Blue colored skin', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Muscle tightness, Dizziness', 'Binge eating and Chills', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Chills and Dizziness', 'Binge eating, Chills, Night sweats and Overweight', 'Black colored skin and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin and Cold hands', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Blank stare, Cold hands (Hand (palm)), Cold hands (Fingers) and Constipation', 'Bleeding (Ankle), Bleeding (Foot (top)), Bleeding (Toes) and Blue colored skin', 'Bleeding gums, Cough, Cracks at corner of mouth and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bleeding in eye and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Cough', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Blind spot in vision, Blindness, Blurred vision and Cough', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Dizziness and Drinking excessive fluids', 'Bloating or fullness, Coffee grounds colored vomit, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Cold hands and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Excessive sweating', 'Bloating, Cough, Distended stomach and Itching or burning', 'Bloating, Cough, Excessive gas, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Cough, Nasal congestion and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Change in stools and Chills', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored lips', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored skin', 'Blue colored skin and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin and Skin bumps', 'Blue colored skin and Skin redness', 'Blue colored skin, Body aches or pains, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Bulging veins, Change in vision and Color change', 'Blue colored skin, Chills, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Blue colored skin, Coated or furry tongue, Color change and Difficulty talking', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Numbness or tingling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Enlarged finger tips and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Blue colored skin, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Blurred vision and Runny nose', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Cloudy vision and Cough', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Cold hands (Hand (palm)) and Cold hands (Fingers)', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Change in hair texture, Chills and Dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Coated tongue and Cough', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold hands and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heartburn', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Early morning waking and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking chills (rigors)', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Confusion', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Dark colored (brown) urine and Decreased smell', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Muscle stiffness (rigidity) and Muscle weakness', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Cough and Gagging', 'Bowel habit change, Cough, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Cold hands and Hair loss', 'Bruising and Cold feet', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Color change', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Cough and Sore throat', 'Bulging neck veins and Cough', 'Bulging veins (Arm), Bulging veins (Leg), Chills and Dry mouth', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Color change and Curved spine', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands and Color change', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Joint pain (Fingers) and Joint pain (Leg)'], 'Dry Eyes': ['Blank stare and Dry eyes', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes, Dry eyes and Impaired judgement', 'Bleeding in eye, Bruising or discoloration, Bulging eyes and Dry eyes', 'Blind spot in vision and Dry eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred Vision', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Brittle hair, Depressed mood, Difficulty breathing through nose and Dry eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bulging veins, Dry eyes, Enlarged veins, Eye irritation'], 'Eye Allergy': ['Bleeding and Eyelid redness', 'Blinking eyes, Eyelid redness, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)', 'Blurred vision, Eyelid redness and Puffy eyelids', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Itching or burning and Puffy eyelids'], 'MELAS Syndrome': ['Headache'], 'Mold ': ['Cough'], 'Pinkeye ': ['Dry Eye'], 'Tension Headache': ['Bad taste in mouth and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Hair loss and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Headache, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss and Headache', 'Belching and Headache', 'Binge eating and Headache', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Fits of rage and Headache', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Headache, Lightheadedness and Lump or bulge', 'Blank stare and Headache', 'Blank stare, Chills, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Bleeding gums and Headache', 'Bleeding in eye and Headache', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Headache', 'Bleeding, Body aches or pains, Depressed mood and Headache', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Headache, Worst Headache', 'Blindness and Headache', 'Blindness, Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Blinking eyes and Headache', 'Bloating and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Frightening dreams and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Missed or late menstrual period and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Mood swings and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood or red colored urine and Headache', 'Blood or red colored urine, Headache and Pain', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Headache', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Grinding teeth, Headache and Impaired social skills', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Joint pain and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty sleeping and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Food getting stuck (swallowing) and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Headache and Hunger', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty swallowing, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Grinding teeth and Headache', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nosebleed', 'Bulging eyes, Feeling faint, Flashing lights in Eyes and Headache', 'Bulging veins and Headache', 'Bulging veins, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Swelling'], 'Teething': ['Bad breath, Coated or furry tongue, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad taste in mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad taste in mouth and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Red gums', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent chewing, Grinding teeth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad taste in mouth, Watery mouth, Metallic taste and Mouth sores', 'Belching and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bleeding gums, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bleeding gums, Excessive mouth watering, Lump or bulge and Red gums', 'Bleeding gums, Pain, Red gums and Sore throat', 'Bleeding, Watery mouth, Heavy periods and Irregular periods', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains and Excessive crying', 'Body aches or pains and Restless or irritability', 'Bowel habit change, Watery mouth, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red gums'], 'Meningitis': ['Bad taste in mouth and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Hair loss and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Fever, Gum sores and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Fever, Gum sores and Headache', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss and Headache', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss and Headache', 'Belching and Headache', 'Belching and Headache', 'Binge eating and Headache', 'Binge eating and Headache', 'Blank stare and Headache', 'Blank stare and Headache', 'Bleeding gums and Headache', 'Bleeding in eye and Headache', 'Bleeding in eye and Headache', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Headache', 'Blindness and Headache', 'Blinking eyes and Headache', 'Blinking eyes and Headache', 'Bloating and Headache', 'Bloating and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Blood or red colored urine and Headache', 'Blood or red colored urine and Headache', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Headache', 'Blurred vision and Stiff neck', 'Blurred vision and Stiff neck', 'Blurred vision and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Stiff neck', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bruising and Stiff neck', 'Bruising and Stiff neck', 'Bruising and Stiff neck', 'Bulging veins and Headache', 'Bulging veins and Headache', 'Bulging veins, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Swelling'], 'Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ': ['Bad taste in mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Metallic taste, Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Heartburn', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Pain or discomfort and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Enlarged glands, Food getting stuck', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent chewing, Grinding teeth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad taste in mouth, Heartburn, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Hoarse voice and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Taste of acid in mouth and Unusual taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Watery mouth, Metallic taste and Mouth sores', 'Belching and Difficulty swallowing', 'Belching and Dry mouth', 'Belching and Excessive mouth watering', 'Belching and Irregular heartbeat', 'Belching and Lump or bulge', 'Belching and Metallic taste', 'Belching and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Belching and White patches inside mouth', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blood in toilet and Blood on stool surface', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Heartburn', 'Belching, Bloating, Heartburn and Hot flashes', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Cough and Watery mouth', 'Belching, Decreased appetite, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Strange smell or taste and Bad taste in mouth', 'Belching, Taste of acid in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Binge drinking, Binge eating, Difficulty swallowing, Fatigue', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn, Pain', 'Bleeding and Heartburn', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Heartburn', 'Bleeding, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Watery mouth, Heavy periods and Irregular periods', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Holding bowel movements', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Heartburn and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Ear ache, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent bowel movements, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Hair loss, Heartburn and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Chills, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Food getting stuck, Heartburn', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Heartburn and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Heartburn, Itching or burning and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Heartburn', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Heartburn', 'Blue colored lips and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heartburn', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Food getting stuck (swallowing) and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Heartburn', 'Bruising or discoloration and Hoarse voice', 'Bruising, Food getting stuck'], 'Esophagitis': ['Belching, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Heartburn', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Heartburn'], 'Laryngitis': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Hoarse voice and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent chewing, Grinding teeth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad taste in mouth, Hoarse voice and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding and Sore throat', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Gum sores and Loss of voice', 'Blindness, Difficulty breathing through nose, Difficulty talking and Dizziness', 'Bloating or fullness and Hoarse voice', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Hoarse voice and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Hoarse voice and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hoarse voice', 'Bruising or discoloration and Hoarse voice', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus, Hoarse voice and Loss of voice'], 'Antibiotic Resistance': ['Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Metallic taste, Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Metallic taste in mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Metallic taste and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Itching or burning and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Lump or bulge, Metallic taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bleeding and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Metallic taste in mouth'], 'Diabetic Ketoacidosis': ['Bad breath and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bitter almond odor on breath, Dry mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad taste in mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Fruity odor on breath, Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth, Fruity odor on breath', 'Belching and Nausea or vomiting', 'Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Bulging veins, Decreased appetite', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Broken bone (single fracture), Coma and Confusion', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Bulging eyes and Disorientation', 'Blindness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urination, Nausea or vomiting and Ringing in ears', 'Blood or red colored urine and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision and Drowsiness', 'Blurred vision and Increased thirst', 'Blurred vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Disorientation', 'Blurred vision, Delayed language skills, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Fainting, Hot and dry skin', 'Blurred vision, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Fear of gaining weight', 'Body aches or pains and Nausea or vomiting', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bruising or discoloration and Nausea or vomiting'], 'Sore Throat ': ['Bad breath and Sore throat', 'Bad breath and Swollen tonsils', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Drooling and Fever', 'Bad breath, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad taste in mouth and Enlarged glands', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Coated or furry tongue and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Fever and Muffled voice', 'Belching and Cough', 'Belching and Fever', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Fever, Hot flashes', 'Binge eating and Fever', 'Black colored stools, Fever', 'Bleeding and Sore throat', 'Bleeding and Spots on throat', 'Bleeding and Swollen tonsils', 'Bleeding gums and Fever', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Gum sores and Loss of voice', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Fever and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged or swollen glands, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding gums, Mouth sores, Sore throat and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Pain, Red gums and Sore throat', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Cough', 'Bloating, Constipation and Sore throat', 'Bloating, Sore throat and Upset stomach', 'Blood on stool surface and Fever', 'Blood or red colored urine, Cough, Decreased urination and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Choking, Cloudy vision and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Fever and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Eye crusting with sleep, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Fever and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Fever, Headache (worst ever) and Lack of emotion', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged glands and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged or swollen glands and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty swallowing, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Ear ache and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Sore throat and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive crying, Fever and Loss of coordination', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Sore throat and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Fever and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Hot, dry skin and Increased thirst', 'Body aches or pains, Headache, Sore throat and Stiff neck', 'Bruising and Spots on throat', 'Bruising and Swollen tonsils', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus, Hoarse voice and Loss of voice', 'Bruising, Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing and Enlarged glands', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Cough and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Pain and Swollen tonsils', 'Bulging neck veins and Cough', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Noisy breathing', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging neck veins, Enlarged glands and Pain'], 'Adenoids and Tonsils': ['Bad breath and Sore throat', 'Bad breath and Swollen tonsils', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Spots on tonsils and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Swollen tonsils and Thick saliva', 'Bad breath, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bad breath, Spots on tonsils and White patches inside mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Enlarged glands', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Choking on food and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Coated or furry tongue and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Drainage or pus and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Enlarged glands, Food getting stuck', 'Belching and Difficulty swallowing', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Dry mouth', 'Binge eating, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fatigue and Frequent infections', 'Bleeding and Sore throat', 'Bleeding and Spots on tonsils', 'Bleeding and Swollen tonsils', 'Bleeding gums, Drowsiness, Enlarged glands, Worst Headache', 'Bleeding gums, Ear ache, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain when moving eyes', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged or swollen glands, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fatigue and Lump or bulge', 'Blood on stool surface, Choking, Difficulty swallowing and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision and Sore throat', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fear of air', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dry mouth and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged or swollen glands and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Easy bruising and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Ear ache and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Sore throat and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Tender glands', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bruising and Spots on tonsils', 'Bruising and Swollen tonsils', 'Bruising, Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing and Enlarged glands', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Pain and Swollen tonsils', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Noisy breathing', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging neck veins, Enlarged glands and Pain'], 'Hyperhidrosis': ['Drainage or pus and Excessive sweating'], '7 Reasons You Are Tired After Surgery': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], "Addison's Disease": ['Diarrhea'], 'ALS ': ['Difficulty With Speech', 'Drooling', 'Dysarthria', 'Dysphagia'], 'Amyloidosis': ['Bloody Sputum', 'Bruising and Yellow eyes', 'Bruising and Yellow skin'], 'Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms ': ['Dizziness', 'Drooling'], 'Atrial Fibrillation vs. Ventricular Fibrillation ': ['Dizziness'], "Bell's Palsy ": ['Difficulty With Speech'], 'Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease ': ['Dysphagia'], 'Chickenpox ': ['Blisters', 'Blue colored skin and Skin bumps', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Skin blisters and Skin bumps', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia ': ['Fever'], 'Colon Cancer': ['Black (tar) colored stools and Painful bowel movements', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Black colored stools, Foul smelling stools, Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloating or fullness and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Joint pain', 'Blood on stool surface and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Stool leaking (incontinence) and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation and Pulsating sensation', 'Bowel habit change, Pain and Pulsating sensation'], 'Connective Tissue Disease': ['Chills'], 'Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Stroke ': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Fever in Adults and Children': ['Delirium', 'Disorganized Speech'], 'Heat Rash': ['Changes in Skin of the Breast'], 'HIV vs. AIDS': ['Diarrhea'], 'Internal Bleeding': ['Dizziness'], 'Marfan Syndrome': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], 'Multiple Myeloma': ['Back Pain'], "Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma": ['Chest Pain', 'Chills', 'Cough'], 'Palpitations': ['Dizziness'], 'Plague ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Postherpetic Neuralgia': ['Paralysis'], 'Rotator Cuff Disease': ['Shoulder Pain'], 'Salivary Gland Cancer': ['Dysphagia'], 'Shock ': ['Dizziness'], 'Spondylolisthesis': ['Back Pain', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Tennis Elbow ': ['Bloating or fullness, Cold hands, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Fingers)', 'Body aches or pains, Joint pain, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Curved fingernails and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Inability to move and Joint pain'], 'Thoracic Outlet Syndrome ': ['Cold Fingers'], 'Viral Hemorrhagic Fever': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness'], 'West Nile Virus': ['Depression'], 'Tremor': ['Bloating and Shaking hands', 'Bloating or fullness and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Blurred vision and Shaking hands', 'Body aches or pains and Shaking', 'Bruising or discoloration and Shaking hands or tremor'], 'Hypoglycemia': ['Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Excessive sweating and Headache', 'Belching, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Trembling', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Chills, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking, Excessive body hair growth, Fatigue, Hunger', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Loss of consciousness', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Compulsive behavior and Confusion', 'Blank stare, Blue colored lips, Color change and Excessive sweating', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Confusion and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blank stare, Difficulty concentrating, Disorientation and Feeling faint', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Hunger and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Difficulty finding words', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Disorientation', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Trembling and Weakness (generalized)', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Fainting'], 'Binge Eating Disorder': ['Binge eating and Distorted body image', 'Binge eating and Night sweats', 'Binge eating, Brittle hair, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Binge eating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Binge eating, Drinking excessive fluids, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Binge eating, Fatigue, Food cravings and High blood pressure', 'Bleeding and Intentional vomiting (purging)', 'Bloating or fullness, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Fatigue and Food cravings'], 'Cardiomyopathy ': ['Dizziness'], 'Childhood Obesity': ['Red Streaks on the Skin'], 'Congenital Heart Defects': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], "Cushing's Syndrome": ['Bleeding Easily'], 'Emotional Eating': ['Bad breath and Belching', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Belching, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Crying during sleep', 'Belching and Lump or bulge'], 'Fitness': ['Tremor'], "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis": ['Depression', 'Dysphagia'], 'Holiday Depression, Anxiety, and Stress': ['Depression'], 'Kidney ': ['Bad Breath', 'Breast Discharge'], 'Obesity': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ': ['Hair Loss'], 'Skin Tag': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'What Is the Body Mass Index ': ['Weight Gain', 'Weight Loss'], 'Kidney Failure': ['Bad taste in mouth, Change in stools, Dry mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Metallic taste in mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Trembling', 'Binge eating and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Gagging, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Missed period and Pain', 'Blue colored skin, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising and Swelling'], 'Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac': ['Blindness and Swelling', 'Blisters', 'Blue colored skin and Skin redness', 'Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin blisters and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin irritation and Skin rash', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bulging veins and Swelling'], 'Pulmonary Hypertension': ['Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Blue colored lips and Brittle hair', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Irregular heartbeat and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Swelling (Ankle) and Swelling (Foot (top))', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored lips', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Swelling'], 'Anorexia Nervosa': ['Binge eating and Distorted body image', 'Binge eating and Night sweats', 'Binge eating, Bleeding, Blood in toilet and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Bulging veins, Coarse hair, Decreased appetite and Distorted body image'], 'Bulimia Nervosa': ['Binge drinking, Binge eating, Blood or red colored urine, Aches or pains', 'Binge eating and Chills', 'Binge eating and Distorted body image', 'Binge eating and Fever', 'Binge eating and Headache', 'Binge eating and Night sweats', 'Binge eating and Pain or discomfort', 'Binge eating and Weight gain', 'Binge eating and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Chills and Dizziness', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Dizziness and Fainting', 'Binge eating, Bleeding gums, Dry skin and Excessive facial hair growth (female)', 'Binge eating, Bleeding, Blood in toilet and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Binge eating, Bloody or red colored stools, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Binge eating, Change in bowel habits, Coarse hair and Distended stomach', 'Binge eating, Chills, Night sweats and Overweight', 'Binge eating, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Binge eating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Binge eating, Excessive sweating, Frequent infections and Night sweats', 'Binge eating, Fatigue, Food cravings and High blood pressure', 'Bleeding and Intentional vomiting (purging)', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, purging, Irregular periods', 'Bulging veins, Coarse hair, Decreased appetite and Distorted body image'], '25 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat ': ['Weight Loss'], 'Amebiasis ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Arthritis ': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Aspergillus Infection ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Bile Duct Cancer ': ['Fever'], 'Bone Cancer': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Brucellosis': ['Back Pain'], 'Burkitt Lymphoma': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], 'Cancer Risk Factors': ['Weight Loss'], 'COPD ': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Enlarged finger tips', 'Bleeding and Enlarged finger tips', 'Blue colored skin and Enlarged finger tips', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Enlarged finger tips and Joint pain', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Curved fingernails and Dry skin', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips and Swelling'], "Crohn's Disease vs. Ulcerative Colitis ": ['Eye Pain'], 'Diabetes Insipidus': ['Frequent Urination'], 'Giant Cell Arteritis ': ['Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding in eye, Bulging eyes and Change in vision', 'Bald spots (hair), Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Constipation, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Bulging veins, Change in vision and Color change', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Pain, Stiffness'], "Graves' Disease": ['Diarrhea', 'Double Vision'], "Hodgkin's Disease": ['Chest Pain', 'Chills', 'Cough'], 'Is C. diff ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Kidney Cancer': ['Blood In Urine'], 'Leishmaniasis': ['Fever'], 'Lung Cancer': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Mantle Cell Lymphoma ': ['Fatigue and Tiredness', 'Fever'], 'Pancreatic Cancer': ['Back Pain', 'Bleeding in eye and Yellow eyes'], 'Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors ': ['Diarrhea', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Polyarteritis Nodosa': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], 'Relapsing Polychondritis': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], 'Small Cell Lung Cancer vs. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'STDs in Men': ['Blisters', 'Blood in Semen', 'Burning Urination'], 'Stretch Marks': ['Red Streaks on the Skin'], 'Swollen Lymph Nodes ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Takayasu Disease': ['Dizziness'], 'Thymoma': ['Dysphagia'], 'Tuberculosis ': ['Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fever', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Enlarged glands, Fatigue', 'Binge eating, Chills, Night sweats and Overweight', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Blood in Semen', 'Blood in toilet and Night sweats', 'Bloody Sputum', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Disorientation', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dry mouth and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Increased sensitivity to cold and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Night sweats and Weakness (generalized)'], 'Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes ': ['Cold Feet'], 'Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency ': ['Neonatal Jaundice'], 'Asthma': ['Cough', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Bronchiectasis': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Carcinoid Syndrome ': ['Excessive Sweating'], 'Chronic Bronchitis ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'COPD vs. Emphysema': ['Cough'], 'Emphysema': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Enterovirus ': ['Chest Pain', 'Cough'], 'Heart Failure': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Occupational Asthma': ['Shortness of Breath'], 'Pneumonia ': ['Bad Breath', "Beau's Lines", 'Bloody Sputum'], 'Respiratory Syncytial Virus ': ['Chills', 'Cough'], 'Dry Mouth ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Leukoplakia': ['Sore Tongue'], 'Thrush ': ['Bad Breath'], 'Tongue Problems': ['Bad breath, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated or furry tongue, Fatigue and Grooved tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Heartburn', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Grooved tongue and Hoarse voice', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue'], 'Brain Aneurysm': ['Blank stare, Depressed mood, Flashbacks and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bleeding gums, Drowsiness, Enlarged glands, Worst Headache', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Headache, Worst Headache', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Frequent infections and Headache (worst ever)', 'Blurred vision, Fever, Headache (worst ever) and Lack of emotion', 'Blurred vision, Worst Headache, Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bruising, Drooping eyelid, Eyelid redness, Worst Headache', 'Bulging neck veins, Disorientation, Headache (worst ever) and Lightheadedness'], 'Stomach Flu vs. Food Poisoning': ['Difficulty swallowing and Metallic taste in mouth'], 'Degenerative Disc': ['Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Pain', 'Blurred vision and Stiff neck', 'Blurred vision, Joint pain and Pain', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Fever and Pain or discomfort'], 'Heart Attack Treatment': ['Binge drinking (alcohol) and Easy bruising', 'Binge drinking, Binge eating, Blood or red colored urine, Aches or pains', 'Binge drinking, Bleeding gums, Easy bleeding, Feeling faint', 'Binge eating, Bleeding gums, Dry skin and Excessive facial hair growth (female)', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Holding bowel movements', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Lump or bulge', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Swelling', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Blind spot in vision', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Ears) and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Mouth), Bleeding gums and Bleeding in eye', 'Bleeding gums and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bleeding gums and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding gums and Red spots', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Bleeding gums, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Grinding teeth and Gum sores', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Cracks at corner of mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Cracks at corner of mouth, Gum sores and Increased speech volume', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Red gums and Red spots', 'Bleeding in eye, Bleeding and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Discharge from penis', 'Bleeding, Cough and Nosebleed', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Nosebleed', 'Blood or red colored urine and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Blood or red colored urine and Testicular pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal discharge', 'Body aches or pains, Bruising or discoloration, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Easy bruising and Enlarged (dilated) veins', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Bowel habit change and Nosebleed', 'Bruising or discoloration and Easy bruising'], 'Cocaine and Crack Abuse': ['Binge drinking, Blurred vision, Dilated pupils, Flashing lights in Eyes', 'Blank stare and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Ears) and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Red colored vomit, Delusions and Disorientation', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Nosebleed', 'Bloody Nose', 'Blurred vision, Dilated pupils', 'Bruising or discoloration and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bulging eyes and Enlarged (dilated) pupils'], 'Burns ': ['Blisters', 'Buttock Pain'], "De Quervain's Tenosynovitis": ['Finger Pain'], 'Ganglion': ['Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Visible deformity'], 'Arrhythmia': ['Enlarged Heart'], 'Atrial Fibrillation ': ['Confusion'], 'Heart Disease': ['Fainting'], 'High Blood Pressure Treatment ': ['Enlarged Heart'], 'Pheochromocytoma': ['Excessive Sweating'], 'Smoking and Heart Disease': ['Tachycardia'], 'Hiatal Hernia Overview': ['Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Heartburn', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Pain or discomfort and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Belching and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Belching, Bloating, Heartburn and Hot flashes', 'Belching, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Taste of acid in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Blue colored lips and Pain or discomfort'], 'Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome': ['Telangiectasia'], 'Rosacea': ['Bleeding, Feeling faint, Flushed skin and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Scleroderma': ['Bleeding (Ankle), Bleeding (Foot (top)), Bleeding (Toes) and Blue colored skin', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Swelling (Fingers) and Swelling (Toes)', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored lips', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored skin', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands and Color change'], 'Hematoma': ['Bald spots (hair), Tenderness to touch', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness and Dry skin', 'Binge drinking, Tenderness to touch', 'Black colored skin and Bruising or discoloration', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Enlarged finger tips', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Black colored skin, Bruising, Pain and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Drainage or pus and Tenderness to touch', 'Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bleeding in eye, Bruising or discoloration, Bulging eyes and Dry eyes', 'Bleeding, Bleeding gums, Bruising and Gum sores', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Bruising or discoloration', 'Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Bulging neck veins and Choking', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Blindness, Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration and Cloudy vision', 'Bloating, Constipation, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Bruising or discoloration', 'Blue colored lips and Bruising', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Cloudy vision and Eye irritation', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid and Eyelid redness', 'Body aches or pains and Tenderness to touch', 'Brittle hair, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Brittle hair, Bruising, Change in hair texture and Dry skin', 'Bruising and Choking', 'Bruising and Cold feet', 'Bruising and Cough', 'Bruising and Discharge from nipple', 'Bruising and Discharge from penis', 'Bruising and Distended stomach', 'Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Bruising and Itching or burning', 'Bruising and Joint pain', 'Bruising and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising and Multiple bruises of different ages', 'Bruising and numbness on one side of body', 'Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising and Pain', 'Bruising and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Bruising and Single palm crease', 'Bruising and Skin rash', 'Bruising and Skin redness', 'Bruising and Sore tongue', 'Bruising and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising and Spots on throat', 'Bruising and Spots on tonsils', 'Bruising and Swelling', 'Bruising and Swollen lips', 'Bruising and Swollen tonsils', 'Bruising and Testicles shrinkage', 'Bruising and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bruising and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising and Yellow eyes', 'Bruising and Yellow skin', 'Bruising or discoloration and Bulging neck veins', 'Bruising or discoloration and Change in bowel habits', 'Bruising or discoloration and Coffee grounds colored vomit', 'Bruising or discoloration and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bruising or discoloration and Excessive body hair growth', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelashes falling out', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration and Frequent urination', 'Bruising or discoloration and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bruising or discoloration and Hoarse voice', 'Bruising or discoloration and Inability to move', 'Bruising or discoloration and Jaw locking', 'Bruising or discoloration and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Bruising or discoloration and Protruding rectal material', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulling out eyebrows', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulsating sensation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red gums', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bruising or discoloration and Ringing in ears', 'Bruising or discoloration and Sensitive to light', 'Bruising or discoloration and Shaking hands or tremor', 'Bruising or discoloration and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Tearing in one eye', 'Bruising or discoloration and Testicular pain', 'Bruising or discoloration and Upset stomach', 'Bruising or discoloration and Watery eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Worms in stool', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Curved fingernails and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Fever and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Grinding teeth and Headache', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Color change', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Inability to move and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Skin blisters and Skin bumps', 'Bruising or discoloration, Craving to eat ice and dirt or paper', 'Bruising or discoloration, Curved spine, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Distended stomach, Mouth sores and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus, Hoarse voice and Loss of voice', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fever, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Lump or bulge and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nosebleed, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bruising or discoloration, Popping or snapping sound from joint and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin bumps and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bruising or discoloration, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Bruising, Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing and Enlarged glands', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Itching or burning', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Color change, Enlarged finger tips and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Confusion and Curved spine', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bruising, Curved spine and Dry skin', 'Bruising, Decreased appetite and Easy bruising', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Drooping eyelid, Eyelid redness, Worst Headache', 'Bruising, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Bruising, Ear ache, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips and Swelling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Itching or burning and Puffy eyelids', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Pain and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising, Food getting stuck', 'Bruising, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint instability', 'Bruising, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain', 'Bruising, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Joint pain, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Multiple bruises of different ages', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Mouth sores and Red spots', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Protruding rectal material', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Unable to move arm', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising, Mouth sores and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising, Multiple bruises of different ages, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching, Muscle wasting', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Pain, numbness on one side of body', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Pain and Swollen tonsils', 'Bruising, Pain, Red or black spots on fingernails and Swelling', 'Bruising, Pain, Stiff neck and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bruising, Red tongue', 'Bruising, Skin bumps and Skin darkening', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Sore tongue and Swollen tongue', 'Bruising, Swelling and Swollen lips', 'Bruising, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Swelling, Tenderness to touch, Unable to grip', 'Bulging veins, Pain, Tenderness to touch and Weakness'], 'Vaginitis Overview': ['Bleeding, Bloating and Bleeding between periods', 'Bloating, Bleeding between periods and Vaginal discharge'], 'Hydronephrosis': ['Bleeding and Pain with urination', 'Bloating or fullness, Difficulty urinating and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood or red colored urine and Decreased urination', 'Blood or red colored urine, Frequent urination and Pain with urination'], 'Kidney Stones': ['Binge eating and Pain or discomfort'], 'Erectile Dysfunction ': ['Difficulty starting urine stream, Difficulty urinating and Painful ejaculation', 'Difficulty starting urine stream, Difficulty urinating and Premature ejaculation', 'Difficulty urinating and Unable to obtain or maintain erection', 'Discharge from penis and Painful ejaculation', 'Discharge from penis, Drainage or pus and Painful ejaculation', 'Discharge from penis, Drainage or pus and Premature ejaculation', 'Discharge from penis, Itching or burning, Premature ejaculation and Swelling', 'Dizziness and Unable to obtain or maintain erection', 'Drainage or pus and Painful ejaculation'], 'Hernia ': ['Chest Pain'], 'Hydrocele': ['Swollen Testicles'], 'Mumps': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Decreased appetite, Fatigue, Fever and Headache', 'Decreased appetite, Fatigue, Nausea or vomiting, Generalized weakness', 'Decreased appetite, Hyperactive behavior, Increased thirst and Joint aches', 'Difficulty swallowing, Dizziness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Muffled voice', 'Difficulty swallowing, Headache, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Difficulty swallowing, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Difficulty swallowing, Nausea or vomiting and Sore throat', 'Dizziness, Joint aches and Nausea or vomiting'], 'Testicular Cancer': ['Back Pain'], 'Bug Bites and Stings': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Direct vs. Indirect Hernia': ['Swollen Testicles'], 'Lymphedema': ['Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Testicular Pain': ['Swollen Testicles'], 'Anal Cancer': ['Blood on stool surface and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Diarrhea': ['Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Nausea and Vomiting': ['Fatigue and Tiredness'], 'Allergy Treatment Begins At Home': ['Bad breath and Sore tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Drainage or pus and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Grinding teeth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Drainage or pus, Hair loss, Lump or bulge', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning, Pulling out hair', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Black colored skin and Drainage or pus', 'Black colored skin, Drainage or pus and Tenderness to touch', 'Blank stare and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bleeding and Eyelid redness', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye and Itching or burning', 'Bleeding in eye and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Protruding rectal material', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Ringing in ears', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Red eye (single) and Sore or burning eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Eyelid redness, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)', 'Bloating and Shortness of breath', 'Bloating and Throat tightness', 'Bloating or fullness and Hives', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Nausea or vomiting and Skin blisters', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Hives', 'Bloating, Cough, Distended stomach and Itching or burning', 'Bloating, Heartburn, Itching or burning and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Hives', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Stool leaking (incontinence)', 'Blood or red colored urine and Drainage or pus', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Drainage or pus', 'Blue colored skin and Skin redness', 'Blurred vision and Runny nose', 'Blurred vision and Throat tightness', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Eyelid redness and Puffy eyelids', 'Blurred vision, Itching or burning and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Mucus in eyes, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains and Hives', 'Body aches or pains and Skin redness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Itching or burning', 'Bruising and Skin blisters', 'Bruising and Sore tongue', 'Bruising and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising and Welts', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin blisters and Skin irritation', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Itching or burning', 'Bruising, Drooping eyelid, Eyelid redness, Worst Headache', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Itching or burning and Puffy eyelids', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Pain and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Pain and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Mouth sores and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising, Sore tongue and Swollen tongue', 'Bruising, Swelling and Swollen lips', 'Bulging neck veins and Itching or burning', 'Bulging neck veins and Swelling'], 'Allergy': ['Bad taste in mouth and Swollen tongue', 'Bleeding and Swollen tongue', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Nausea or vomiting and Skin blisters', 'Bruising, Sore tongue and Swollen tongue'], 'Asthma Overview': ['Blue colored lips, Color change, Irregular heartbeat and Labored breathing', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Noisy breathing'], 'Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm': ['Back Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pulsating sensation and Swelling', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Vaginal discharge', 'Blue colored skin and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Color change', 'Bowel habit change, Pain and Pulsating sensation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulsating sensation', 'Bulging veins and Pulsating sensation', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Pulsating sensation'], 'Costochondritis and Tietze Syndrome': ['Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Pain or discomfort and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Blue colored lips and Pain or discomfort'], 'Gallstones ': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'GERD and GER ': ['Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Heart Attack vs. Stroke Symptoms, Differences, and Similarities': ['Chest Tightness (Tightness in Chest)'], 'Heartburn': ['Chest Pain', 'Chest Tightness (Tightness in Chest)'], 'Heartburn vs. Acid Reflux ': ['Chest Tightness (Tightness in Chest)'], 'Hepatitis ': ['Bleeding Easily'], 'Pleurisy ': ['Chest Pain', 'Chest Tightness (Tightness in Chest)'], 'AIDS ': ['Hemolysis', 'Hemolytic Anemia (Hemolysis)'], 'Cytomegalovirus ': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Diphtheria': ['Sore Throat'], 'Fabry Disease': ['Back Pain'], 'Lead Poisoning': ['Tingling in Hands and Feet'], 'Mercury Poisoning': ['Peripheral Neuropathy'], 'Necrotizing Fasciitis': ['Blisters'], 'Pernicious Anemia': ['Swollen Tongue'], 'Repetitive Motion Disorders ': ['Bloating or fullness, Headache, Joint pain (Hip) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Blood or red colored urine and Joint pain', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Joint pain', 'Bruising and Joint pain', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Joint pain'], 'Rheumatoid Arthritis vs. Fibromyalgia': ['Depression'], 'Shingles': ['Back Pain', 'Blisters', 'Buttock Pain'], "Athlete's Foot": ['Dry Skin'], 'Bruises': ['Binge drinking (alcohol), Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness and Dry skin', 'Black colored skin and Bruising or discoloration', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Enlarged finger tips', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin, Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Black colored skin, Bruising, Pain and Swelling', 'Bleeding, Bleeding gums, Bruising and Gum sores', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Bruising or discoloration', 'Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Bulging neck veins and Choking', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Bruising, Bowel habit change and Constipation', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Bruising or discoloration', 'Blue colored lips and Bruising', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain and Swelling', 'Body aches or pains, Bruising or discoloration, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Brittle hair, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Brittle hair, Bruising or discoloration, Hair loss and Joint instability', 'Brittle hair, Bruising, Change in hair texture and Dry skin', 'Bruising and Choking', 'Bruising and Cold feet', 'Bruising and Cough', 'Bruising and Discharge from nipple', 'Bruising and Discharge from penis', 'Bruising and Distended stomach', 'Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Bruising and Itching or burning', 'Bruising and Joint pain', 'Bruising and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising and Multiple bruises of different ages', 'Bruising and numbness on one side of body', 'Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising and Pain', 'Bruising and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Bruising and Single palm crease', 'Bruising and Skin blisters', 'Bruising and Skin darkening', 'Bruising and Skin rash', 'Bruising and Skin redness', 'Bruising and Sore tongue', 'Bruising and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising and Spots on throat', 'Bruising and Spots on tonsils', 'Bruising and Stiff neck', 'Bruising and Swelling', 'Bruising and Swollen lips', 'Bruising and Swollen tonsils', 'Bruising and Testicles shrinkage', 'Bruising and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bruising and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising and Welts', 'Bruising and Yellow skin', 'Bruising andScaling skin', 'Bruising or discoloration and Bulging neck veins', 'Bruising or discoloration and Change in bowel habits', 'Bruising or discoloration and Coffee grounds colored vomit', 'Bruising or discoloration and Easy bruising', 'Bruising or discoloration and Excessive body hair growth', 'Bruising or discoloration and Frequent urination', 'Bruising or discoloration and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bruising or discoloration and Hoarse voice', 'Bruising or discoloration and Inability to move', 'Bruising or discoloration and Jaw locking', 'Bruising or discoloration and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Bruising or discoloration and Protruding rectal material', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulling out eyebrows', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulsating sensation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red gums', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots', 'Bruising or discoloration and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bruising or discoloration and Ringing in ears', 'Bruising or discoloration and Shaking hands or tremor', 'Bruising or discoloration and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration and Testicular pain', 'Bruising or discoloration and Upset stomach', 'Bruising or discoloration and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bruising or discoloration and Worms in stool', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Curved fingernails and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Grinding teeth and Headache', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Color change', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Color change and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Inability to move and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Skin blisters and Skin bumps', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cough, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration, Craving to eat ice and dirt or paper', 'Bruising or discoloration, Curved spine, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dizziness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Easy bruising and Frequent laxative use', 'Bruising or discoloration, Distended stomach, Mouth sores and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus, Hoarse voice and Loss of voice', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Skin peeling and cracking or scaling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fever, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nosebleed', 'Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin blisters and Skin irritation', 'Bruising or discoloration, Itching or burning, Skin irritation and Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain (Fingers), Joint pain (Toes) and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Lump or bulge and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nasal congestion, Pain or discomfort and Runny nose', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nosebleed, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Painful bowel movements', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bruising or discoloration, Popping or snapping sound from joint and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin bumps and Unusual or suspicious mole', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin darkening and Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Bruising, Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing and Enlarged glands', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Itching or burning', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Joint pain', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Color change, Enlarged finger tips and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Confusion and Curved spine', 'Bruising, Cough and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bruising, Curved spine and Dry skin', 'Bruising, Decreased appetite and Easy bruising', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Distended stomach, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Bruising, Ear ache, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips and Swelling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged glands, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Food getting stuck', 'Bruising, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint instability', 'Bruising, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain', 'Bruising, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Pain and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Joint pain and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising, Joint pain, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Multiple bruises of different ages', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Mouth sores and Red spots', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Protruding rectal material', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Unable to move arm', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Vaginal discharge', 'Bruising, Mouth sores and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bruising, Multiple bruises of different ages, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching, Muscle wasting', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Pain, numbness on one side of body', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Pain and Swollen tonsils', 'Bruising, Pain, Red or black spots on fingernails and Swelling', 'Bruising, Pain, Stiff neck and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bruising, Red tongue', 'Bruising, Skin bumps and Skin darkening', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Sore tongue and Swollen tongue', 'Bruising, Swelling and Swollen lips', 'Bruising, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Swelling, Tenderness to touch, Unable to grip'], 'Bunions': ['Bleeding, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Color change and Swelling'], 'Corns': ['Black colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bleeding, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold feet and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Color change and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Foot Pain': ['Heel Pain'], 'Fungal Nails': ['Black colored skin and Drainage or pus', 'Black colored skin and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Black colored skin and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Black colored skin, Bruising, Pain and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Drainage or pus and Tenderness to touch', 'Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Brittle Nails', 'Bruising and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drainage or pus and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising, Pain, Red or black spots on fingernails and Swelling'], 'Ingrown Toenail ': ['Drainage of Pus'], "Morton's Neuroma": ['Broken bone (single fracture) and Numbness or tingling'], 'Osteomyelitis': ['Bleeding, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Color change, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Swelling'], 'Turf Toe': ['Black colored skin, Bruising, Pain and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain and Tenderness to touch', 'Black colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Swelling'], 'Warts ': ['Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Abscessed Tooth': ['Bad Breath', 'Bleeding Gums'], 'Cavities': ['Bad breath, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Pain or discomfort'], 'Dental Injuries': ['Difficulty With Speech'], 'Dry Socket': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Gum Disease ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth', 'Bleeding Gums'], 'Sinus Infection ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth', 'Bloody Nose'], 'Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome ': ['Bad breath, Body aches or pains, Chills and Clicking or popping sound from jaw', 'Bad breath, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bleeding gums, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Grinding teeth and Gum sores', 'Bleeding, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Drainage or pus and Ear ache', 'Blinking eyes, Jaw Clicking, Coated tongue and Depressed mood', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision, Brittle hair, Clicking or popping sound from jaw and Cold feet', 'Bruising or discoloration and Jaw locking', 'Bulging veins, Jaw Clicking, Difficulty opening mouth and Feeling smothered'], 'Toothache': ['Earache'], 'Wisdom Teeth': ['Toothache'], 'Encephalopathy': ['Depression'], 'Fatigue': ['Difficulty Concentrating'], 'Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ': ['Distractibility'], 'Stroke Symptoms and Treatment': ['Blackouts (memory time loss), Broken bone (single fracture), Coma and Confusion', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Memory problems and Repeats phrases', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Headache, Lightheadedness and Lump or bulge', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Drooping of one side of face and High blood pressure', 'Blind spot in vision, Partial vision loss and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blindness and Headache', 'Blindness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Ear ache and Loss of side vision', 'Blindness, Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision and Loss of side vision', 'Blurred vision and Shadow over part of vision', 'Blurred vision and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Chills and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Choking, Cloudy vision and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Difficulty finding words', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty finding words, Forgetfulness and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered) and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Night sweats', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Joint pain and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Lightheadedness and Memory problems', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Numbness or tingling and Slurred speech', 'Blurred vision, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty swallowing, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising and numbness on one side of body', 'Bulging eyes and Enlarged (dilated) pupils'], 'Gastroenteritis ': ['Bad taste in mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Almond odor breath, Hoarse voice and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Bloating or fullness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating, Metallic taste and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Change in stools, Dry mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bad taste in mouth, Coated tongue, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Gagging', 'Bad taste in mouth, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Fever and Muffled voice', 'Bad taste in mouth, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Belching and Diarrhea', 'Belching and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating and Pain', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Change in bowel habits', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Decreased appetite and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking, Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Fever, Hot flashes', 'Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Morning alcohol drinking, Nervousness', 'Binge eating and Fever', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bloating or fullness and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in bowel habits, Constipation and Diarrhea', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Change in stools', 'Black colored stools, Change in stools, Pain', 'Black colored stools, Diarrhea, Frequent bowel movements, Muscle cramps', 'Black colored stools, Fever', 'Black colored stools, Foul smelling stools, Thin (pencil) stools', 'Black colored stools, Stomach cramps', 'Bleeding gums and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Constipation and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bloating and Hot flashes', 'Bloating and Hunger', 'Bloating and Increased thirst', 'Bloating and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating and Skin rash', 'Bloating and Stiff neck', 'Bloating or fullness and Hives', 'Bloating or fullness and Skin bumps', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Frequent urination and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Joint pain (Neck (back)) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent bowel movements, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urination, Nausea or vomiting and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating or fullness, Gagging, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Nausea or vomiting and Skin blisters', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating or fullness, Joint pain, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Pain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Cloudy odor urine and Coffee grounds vomit', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Hives', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Constipation and Joint pain', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Craving ice and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Distended stomach, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Broken bones, Bowel habit change', 'Bloating, Bruising, Bowel habit change and Constipation', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Fever', 'Bloating, Chills, Fever and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Constipation and Foul smelling stools', 'Bloating, Constipation and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bloating, Constipation, Foul smelling stools and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating, Constipation, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Constipation, Hot flashes and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Weight loss', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Mouth sores', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pressure or fullness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Dry mouth and Feeling smothered', 'Bloating, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Foul smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pain', 'Bloating, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Mood swings and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Heartburn, Itching or burning and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Missed period, Nausea or vomiting and No menstrual periods', 'Bloating, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Stomach cramps and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Pressure or heaviness', 'Bloating, Pain and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Pain, Pressure or fullness and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pulsating sensation and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, purging, Pain, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, purging, Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Rapid heart rate', 'Bloating, Stomach cramps and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Vaginal discharge and Vaginal odor', 'Blood in toilet and Red colored vomit', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue, Diarrhea and Frequent bowel movements', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood stools, Smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Nosebleed', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Bowel habit change, Change in vision and Diarrhea', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent bowel movements', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Fatigue and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bowel habit change and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change and Nosebleed', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Diarrhea and Mucus in eyes', 'Bowel habit change, Decreased appetite, Low blood pressure, Nausea or vomiting', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Enlarged glands', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Missed period', 'Bowel habit change, Foul smelling stools, Excessive gas, Numbness or tingling', 'Bowel habit change, Frequent bowel movement, Hot flashes and Excessive gas', 'Bowel habit change, Pain and Pulsating sensation', 'Bowel habit change, Watery mouth, Frequent bowel movements', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising or discoloration and Change in bowel habits'], 'Sinusitis': ['Bad breath and Ear ache', 'Bad breath and Grinding teeth', 'Bad breath and Increased thirst', 'Bad breath and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath and Sore throat', 'Bad breath and Sore tongue', 'Bad breath and White patches on tongue', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Sore throat', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Ear ache', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Bitter almond odor on breath, Dry mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Coated or furry tongue and Decreased taste', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Coated or furry tongue and Decreased taste', 'Bad breath, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Difficulty sleeping and Drooling', 'Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Drooling and Fever', 'Bad breath, Difficulty breathing through nose, Headache and Nasal congestion', 'Bad breath, Difficulty breathing through nose, Headache and Nasal congestion', 'Bad breath, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Hot and dry skin', 'Bad breath, Spots on tonsils and White patches inside mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Decreased taste and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased taste and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Post nasal drip and Snoring', 'Bad taste in mouth, Ear ache, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Headache, Metallic taste and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Strange smell or taste', 'Belching and Fever', 'Belching, Fatigue, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bleeding gums, Pain, Red gums and Sore throat', 'Bleeding in eye and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Headache, Worst Headache', 'Blinking eyes, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bloating or fullness and Nasal congestion', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Headache', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fatigue, Fever and Headache', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Chills, Fever and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Double vision (with one eye covered), Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Headache and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Headache and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Nasal congestion', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Pain when moving eyes', 'Body aches or pains and Post nasal drip', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Fever and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Fever and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Gum sores and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Headache, Sore throat and Stiff neck', 'Bowel habits, Difficulty breathing, Frequent bowel movements, Congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cough, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nosebleed, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bulging eyes, Pain or discomfort, Red eye (single) and Swelling'], 'Chronic Rhinitis': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Metallic taste and Nasal congestion', 'Bad taste in mouth, Nasal congestion and Strange smell or taste', 'Bloating or fullness and Nasal congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nasal congestion, Pain or discomfort and Runny nose'], 'Infectious Mononucleosis': ['Bad breath, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bad taste in mouth and Enlarged glands', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fatigue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus, Enlarged glands, Food getting stuck', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Chills, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Excessive sweating', 'Binge drinking, Decreased appetite, Enlarged glands, Fatigue', 'Binge eating and Night sweats', 'Binge eating, Excessive sweating, Frequent infections and Night sweats', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Headache', 'Bleeding gums, Ear ache, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain when moving eyes', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged or swollen glands, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Sensitivity to heat', 'Blood in toilet and Night sweats', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged glands and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged or swollen glands and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Night sweats and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Fatigue and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Easy bruising and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Sore throat and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Tender glands', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Night sweats', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Bulging neck veins, Enlarged glands and Pain'], 'Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency ': ['Diarrhea', 'Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Gastroparesis': ['Nausea'], 'IBS Triggers ': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Indigestion ': ['Stomach Cramps'], 'Intestinal Gas ': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Distended stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bloating and Distended stomach', 'Belching, Bloating and Pain', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blood in toilet and Blood on stool surface', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Belching, Decreased appetite, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Binge drinking (alcohol) and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Distended stomach', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bloating or fullness and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Bloating and Bleeding between periods', 'Bleeding, Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Bloating and Frequent urination', 'Bloating and High blood pressure', 'Bloating and Hot flashes', 'Bloating and Hunger', 'Bloating and Increased thirst', 'Bloating and Metallic taste', 'Bloating and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating and Shaking hands', 'Bloating and Skin rash', 'Bloating and Stiff neck', 'Bloating or fullness and Frequent nighttime urination', 'Bloating or fullness and Hoarse voice', 'Bloating or fullness and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bloating or fullness and Skin bumps', 'Bloating or fullness and Testicular pain', 'Bloating or fullness and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloating or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Bloating or fullness and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating or fullness and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness and Yellow eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Coffee grounds colored vomit, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Cold hands and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold feet, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Confusion, Difficulty finding words and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased urination and Distended stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Curved spine, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Depressed mood, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Difficulty urinating and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Ear ache and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Flushed skin and Hot flashes', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Foul smelling stools and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Heartburn and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Increased passing gas and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Gum sores and Hair loss', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Heartburn, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Hives, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Irregular menstrual periods and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating or fullness, Missed or late menstrual period and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating or fullness, Pressure or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Bloating, Bleeding between periods and Vaginal discharge', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine and Cloudy odor urine', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Craving ice and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change, Distended stomach, Frequent bowel movements', 'Bloating, Broken bones, Bowel habit change', 'Bloating, Bulging veins, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Excessive sweating', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach and Fever', 'Bloating, Chills, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Chills, Fever and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Constipation', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cloudy odor urine, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Cold hands and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cold feet, Constipation and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Constipation, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas and Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Constipation, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Constipation, Painful intercourse, Straining with bowel movements', 'Bloating, Cough, Excessive gas, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dry mouth', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Mouth sores', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Difficulty urinating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Tenderness to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Warm to touch', 'Bloating, Distended stomach and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dizziness and Drowsiness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Excessive gas, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Restless or irritability', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Food getting stuck, Heartburn', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Frequent urination and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Hunched or stooped posture and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Increased thirst and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Lump or bulge and Pulsating sensation', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Missed period and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Nausea or vomiting and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pain and Swelling', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Pulsating sensation and Swelling', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fainting and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Foul smelling stools and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dry mouth and Feeling smothered', 'Bloating, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Pain', 'Bloating, Excessive gas and Numbness or tingling', 'Bloating, Excessive gas and Worms in stool', 'Bloating, Excessive gas, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Foul smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Hyperventilating, Irregular heartbeat', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Frequent Urination', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pain', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Irregular periods', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Headache, Excessive gas and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating, Hot flashes, Night sweats and Pain', 'Bloating, Irregular periods, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Bloating, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bloating, Pain and Pressure or heaviness', 'Bloating, Pain and Testicular pain', 'Bloating, Pain and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Stomach cramps and Vaginal discharge', 'Blood in toilet, Excessive gas and Pain', 'Bowel habit change, Frequent bowel movement, Hot flashes and Excessive gas', 'Bruising and Distended stomach', 'Bruising, Distended stomach and Pain', 'Bulging veins, Curved spine, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Pulsating sensation'], 'Lactose Intolerance': ['Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Bad taste in mouth, Belching, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Bloating, Diarrhea and Foul smelling stools', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Foul smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements and Excessive gas', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue, Diarrhea and Frequent bowel movements', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Diarrhea and Increased passing gas', 'Bowel habit change, Foul smelling stools, Excessive gas, Numbness or tingling'], 'Sick Building Syndrome': ['Bloody Nose'], 'Larynx Cancer': ['Bad breath, Cough, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Lump or bulge, Metallic taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Mouth sores and Red spots'], 'Migraine': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Numbness or tingling', 'Bad breath, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Belching and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Blind spot in vision and Sensitive to light', 'Blind spot in vision, Flickering lights in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blinking eyes and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Sensitive to light', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and visual migraine', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Red eye (single) and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Ringing in ears and Sensitive to noise', 'Bruising or discoloration and Sensitive to light', 'Bulging eyes, Feeling faint, Flashing lights in Eyes and Headache', 'Bulging veins, Arm pain, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling'], 'Is Gingivitis Contagious': ['Bad breath and Belching', 'Bad breath and Ear ache', 'Bad breath and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath and Grinding teeth', 'Bad breath and Increased thirst', 'Bad breath and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad breath and Sore tongue', 'Bad breath and Swollen tonsils', 'Bad breath and White patches on tongue', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Joint pain', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Chills and Cold feet', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite and Depressed mood', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Spots on tonsils and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Swollen tonsils and Thick saliva', 'Bad breath, Bald spots (hair), Bloating or fullness and Body aches or pains', 'Bad breath, Belching, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Crying during sleep', 'Bad breath, Bitter almond odor on breath, Dry mouth and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Drooling and Snoring', 'Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bad breath, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Dry mouth and Grooved tongue', 'Bad breath, Coated or furry tongue, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Cough, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Difficulty sleeping and Drooling', 'Bad breath, Drooling and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bad breath, Drooling, Gum sores and Mouth sores', 'Bad breath, Dry mouth and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bad breath, Hot and dry skin', 'Bad breath, Spots on tonsils and White patches inside mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Excessive mouth watering, Lump or bulge and Red gums', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Red gums and Red spots', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red gums'], 'Kawasaki Disease': ['Bleeding and Swollen lips', 'Bleeding, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Bruising, Red tongue'], 'Abuse, Trauma, and Mental Health': ['Bald spots (hair), Drainage or pus, Hair loss, Lump or bulge', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Blank stare, Bleeding (Eyes) and Bleeding (Ears)', 'Binge drinking, Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface', 'Bitter almond odor on breath and Bleeding', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Blind spot in vision', 'Black colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin and Lump or bulge', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Bleeding and Bleeding in eye', 'Bleeding (Ankle), Bleeding (Foot (top)), Bleeding (Toes) and Blue colored skin', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Ears) and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Mouth), Bleeding gums and Bleeding in eye', 'Bleeding and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bleeding and Discharge from penis', 'Bleeding and Enlarged finger tips', 'Bleeding and Eyelid redness', 'Bleeding and Heartburn', 'Bleeding and Intentional vomiting (purging)', 'Bleeding and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding and Pain with urination', 'Bleeding and Spots on throat', 'Bleeding and Spots on tonsils', 'Bleeding and Swollen lips', 'Bleeding and Swollen tongue', 'Bleeding and Swollen tonsils', 'Bleeding and White patches on tongue', 'Bleeding from nipple, Discharge from nipple and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding in eye and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bleeding in eye, Bleeding and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding in eye, Bruising or discoloration, Bulging eyes and Dry eyes', 'Bleeding, Bleeding gums, Bruising and Gum sores', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye, Blindness and Choking', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Bruising or discoloration', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Lump or bulge and Painful bowel movements', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Protruding rectal material', 'Bleeding, Bruising or discoloration, Inability to move and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Bulging neck veins and Choking', 'Bleeding, Cough and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bleeding, Lump or bulge (Face) and Lump or bulge (Groin)', 'Bleeding, Pain and Swelling', 'Blue colored lips and Bruising', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Brittle hair, Bruising and Cold hands', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Itching or burning', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Muscle cramps, Stiffness', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Bulging veins', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Episodes of not breathing during sleep', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Hunched or stooped posture', 'Bruising and Choking', 'Bruising and Discharge from nipple', 'Bruising and Discharge from penis', 'Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Bruising and Joint pain', 'Bruising and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Bruising and Single palm crease', 'Bruising and Skin redness', 'Bruising and Swollen lips', 'Bruising and Testicles shrinkage', 'Bruising and Yellow eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Discharge or mucus in eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelashes falling out', 'Bruising or discoloration and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration and Inability to move', 'Bruising or discoloration and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Restless (urge to move) legs', 'Bruising or discoloration and Tearing in one eye', 'Bruising or discoloration and Testicular pain', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Craving to eat ice and dirt or paper', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nosebleed', 'Bruising or discoloration, Nosebleed, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bruising, Confusion and Curved spine', 'Bruising, Cracks at corner of mouth and Swollen lips', 'Bruising, Curved spine and Dry skin', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Ear ache, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bruising, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Bruising, Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge and Multiple bruises of different ages', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Unable to move arm', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Pain, Stiff neck and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Lump or bulge (Shin) and Lump or bulge (Foot (top))', 'Bulging veins, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Pain', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity'], 'Cyst': ['Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Canker Sores': ['Bad breath, Drooling, Gum sores and Mouth sores', 'Bad breath, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain', 'Bruising, Mouth sores and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bulging veins, Distended stomach, Gum sores and Mouth sores'], 'Seizure': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Blank stare and Blinking eyes', 'Bad taste in mouth and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bad taste in mouth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Strange smell or taste and Thick saliva', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Blank stare, Bleeding (Eyes) and Bleeding (Ears)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Confusion', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Double vision (without one eye covered)', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Fits of rage', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Fits of rage', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Hallucinations', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Hallucinations', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Loss of consciousness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Bleeding and Bleeding in eye', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Bleeding and Bleeding in eye', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blinking eyes, Blurred vision and Cloudy vision', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Broken bone (single fracture), Coma and Confusion', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Memory problems and Repeats phrases', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Forgetfulness and Loss of consciousness', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blank stare and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare and Drooping eyelid', 'Blank stare and Dry eyes', 'Blank stare and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Blank stare and Eyes rolling back', 'Blank stare and Eyes rolling back', 'Blank stare and Tilts head to look at something', 'Blank stare and Tilts head to look at something', 'Blank stare and Unusual facial expression', 'Blank stare and Visual halos around lights', 'Blank stare and Visual halos around lights', 'Blank stare, Blind spot in vision, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes, Dry eyes and Impaired judgement', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Bulging eyes and Disorientation', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Confusion and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Disorientation and Drooping eyelid', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Hallucinations and Hearing voices', 'Blank stare, Difficulty concentrating, Disorientation and Feeling faint', 'Blank stare, Excessive sweating, Eyes rolling back and Inability to move', 'Bleeding, Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs)', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes do not track together', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes rolling back', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes rolling back', 'Blinking eyes and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Blinking eyes and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Blinking eyes and Numbness or tingling', 'Blinking eyes and Numbness or tingling', 'Blinking eyes and Sensitive to light', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and visual migraine', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Flickering lights in vision', 'Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Frequent squinting', 'Blinking eyes, Frequent squinting and Squinting eyes', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bulging veins, Muscle twitching (painless) and Numbness or tingling'], 'Sciatica': ['Back Pain', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding, Change in stools, Holding bowel movements and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood in toilet, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Painful bowel movements', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Protruding rectal material', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Herpes Simplex Infections ': ['Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bleeding, Coated or furry tongue, Difficulty swallowing and Pain or discomfort'], 'Coxsackie Virus': ['Bad breath, Drooling, Gum sores and Mouth sores', 'Bad breath, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Bad taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Decreased taste and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth, Fever, Gum sores and Headache', 'Belching, Body aches or pains, Chills and Fever', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fever and Loss of balance', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive crying, Fever and Loss of coordination', 'Body aches or pains, Fever and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Gum sores and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Hot, dry skin and Increased thirst', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Pain with urination and Painful ejaculation', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Bruising, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Mouth sores and Red spots', 'Bulging veins, Distended stomach, Gum sores and Mouth sores'], 'Torn ACL': ['Bruising or discoloration, Popping or snapping sound from joint and Swelling', 'Bruising, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint instability'], 'Elbow Pain': ['Body aches or pains, Joint pain, Tender glands and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Pain, Tenderness to touch and Weakness'], 'Dislocated Elbow': ['Bruising or discoloration, Cold hands, Inability to move and Joint pain'], 'Gout ': ['Black colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Black colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Cold hands, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Fingers)', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Warm to touch', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain (Fingers), Joint pain (Toes) and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Joint pain (Fingers) and Joint pain (Leg)'], 'Toothache Overview': ['Bad taste in mouth and Pain', 'Blank stare and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged glands and Pain'], 'Hailey-Hailey Disease ': ['Blisters'], 'Ventricular Septal Defect': ['Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Change in hair texture and Color change', 'Blue colored skin and Blue colored lips'], 'Arrhythmia ': ['Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Dry mouth and Feeling faint', 'Belching and Irregular heartbeat', 'Belching, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Binge eating, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Bitter almond odor on breath, Compulsive behavior, Fainting and Fear of air', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Feeling faint and Irregular heartbeat', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Worst Headache, Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare and Lightheadedness', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Irregular heartbeat and Swelling', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Feeling faint and Lightheadedness', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bloating, Frequent urinate, Hyperventilating, Irregular heartbeat', 'Bloating, Palpitations, Rapid heart rate', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Muffled voice', 'Blood or red colored urine, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Frequent urination', 'Blue colored lips, Color change, Irregular heartbeat and Labored breathing', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrating, Fatigue and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Lightheadedness and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hoarse voice', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Irregular heartbeat', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Irregular heartbeat'], 'Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia ': ['Bloating, Rapid heart rate'], 'Atrial Flutter': ['Bloating and Shortness of breath'], 'Acne ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Adenovirus 14 ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Are Hives ': ['Itch'], 'Atopic Dermatitis': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Bedbugs': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Breast Lumps ': ['Breast Discharge'], 'Chikungunya Virus ': ['Fever'], 'Coxsackievirus': ['Chills'], 'Dandruff ': ['Dry Skin'], 'Diaper Rash': ['Blisters'], 'Dry Skin': ['Peeling Skin', 'Pulling out eyebrows and Skin irritation'], 'Epstein-Barr Virus ': ['Fatigue and Tiredness', 'Fever'], 'Erythema Nodosum': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Fifth Disease ': ['Chills'], 'Folliculitis ': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'German Measles ': ['Chills', 'Cough'], 'Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease': ['Blisters'], 'Henoch-Schonlein Purpura': ['Blood In Urine'], 'Herpangina': ['Fever'], 'Hives ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Impetigo Symptoms and Treatments Conditions': ['Rash'], 'Impetigo': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Intertrigo': ['Itch'], 'Is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease ': ['Blisters'], 'Is Jock Itch ': ['Itch'], 'Is Mononucleosis ': ['Fever'], 'Jock Itch': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Keratosis Pilaris ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Latex Allergy': ['Itch'], 'Makeup Allergy': ['Itch'], 'Measles': ["Beau's Lines"], 'Meningococcemia ': ['Chills'], 'Molluscum Contagiosum': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Monkeypox': ['Cough'], 'MRSA': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Pityriasis Rosea': ['Decreased Appetite'], 'Rheumatic Fever': ['Drainage or pus, Joint pain and Swelling'], 'Ringworm': ['Changes in Skin of the Breast'], 'Ringworm vs. Eczema': ['Itch'], 'Roseola': ['Diarrhea'], 'Scabies ': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Seborrheic Dermatitis': ['Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning, Pulling out hair', 'Bruising, Bulging veins and Itching or burning', 'Bruising, Itching or burning, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch'], 'Smallpox': ['Blisters'], 'Staph Infection ': ['Buttock Pain'], 'Sun-Sensitive Drugs ': ['Rash'], 'Sweet Syndrome ': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Thyroid Cancer': ['Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort'], 'Ticks vs. Bedbugs': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Tinea Versicolor': ['Depigmentation of Skin'], 'Tularemia': ['Fatigue and Tiredness', 'Fever'], 'Lewy Body Dementia ': ['Bad breath, Confusion, Depressed mood and Difficulty concentrating', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Coma, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blank stare, Compulsive behavior, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Hallucinations and Hearing voices'], "Alzheimer's Disease Causes, Stages, and Symptoms": ['Bad taste in mouth, Confusion, Easily distracted and Forgetfulness', 'Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Fits of rage and Hair loss', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Blackouts, Fits of rage, Poor social skills, Impulsive behavior', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Difficulty finding words', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty finding words, Forgetfulness and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Forgetfulness and Frequent urination', 'Blurred vision, Feeling smothered, Fits of rage and Lack of motivation', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Disorientation'], 'Anal Fissure': ['Black (tar) colored stools and Painful bowel movements', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Constipation', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Headache', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Lump or bulge and Painful bowel movements', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Red blood in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Flaking skin', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Hives', 'Blood in toilet, Bulging veins and Lump or bulge', 'Blood on stool surface and Hair loss', 'Blood on stool surface and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue, Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Painful bowel movements', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Itching or burning', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Vaginal discharge', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Painful bowel movements'], 'Colitis': ['Diarrhea'], 'Colon Polyps': ['Black (tar) colored stools and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Dizziness and Excessive sweating'], 'Diverticulitis ': ['Diarrhea', 'Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Hemorrhoids': ['Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura ': ['Bleeding Gums', 'Blood In Urine', 'Bloody Nose'], 'Stool Color, Changes in Color, Texture, and Form': ['Rectal Bleeding'], 'Inflammatory Bowel Disease ': ['Bowel Incontinence (Fecal Incontinence)'], 'Problem Sleepiness': ['Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Dry mouth', 'Belching, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Binge drinking, Bulging veins, Cloudy urine, Difficult to wake up', 'Binge eating, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blank stare and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blank stare, Difficulty concentrating, Disorientation and Feeling faint', 'Bleeding gums, Brittle hair, Change in hair texture and Drowsiness', 'Bleeding in eye and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blinking eyes, Eyelid redness, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Drowsiness and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Craving ice, Difficult to wake up and Difficulty concentrating', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Drowsiness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weakness (generalized)', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Fainting', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration, Red (bloodshot) eyes and Red eye (single)'], 'Beta Thalassemia': ['Bad taste in mouth and Smooth tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Sore tongue', 'Bloating or fullness, Dark colored (brown) urine, Decreased appetite and Fatigue'], 'Ear Infection Home Treatment': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Craving alcohol, Craving ice and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Ear ache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Headache and Lightheadedness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Ear ache, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Belching, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Black colored stools, Dizziness', 'Blackouts, Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fainting', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Fainting, Lightheadedness', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Headache', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Worst Headache, Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Dilated pupils, Eyes rolling back', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Dizziness', 'Blindness, Difficulty breathing through nose, Difficulty talking and Dizziness', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Eye irritation', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Constipation, Dizziness and Fainting', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dizziness and Drowsiness', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Excessive gas and Lightheadedness', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Foul smelling stools and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Dizziness', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Dizziness and Pale skin', 'Blurred vision and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Dizziness, Muscle cramps', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Color change, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Dizziness and Excessive crying', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrate, Dizziness, Feeling detached from reality', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Dizziness and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Drinking excessive fluids and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Ear ache and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye Floaters and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes do not track together and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes rolling back and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Irregular heartbeat', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Nosebleed', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache, Muscle twitching', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Floating spots or strings in vision and Hearing loss', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fever and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fever and Loss of balance', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dizziness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fever, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort'], 'Hemophilia': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Drooling and Snoring', 'Bad breath, Bleeding gums, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bad breath, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Coated or furry tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Dry eyes and Dry mouth', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Red gums', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding, Bleeding gums and Bloating or fullness', 'Binge drinking, Binge eating, Blood or red colored urine, Aches or pains', 'Binge drinking, Bleeding gums, Easy bleeding, Feeling faint', 'Binge drinking, Red blood in stools, Decreased appetite, Dizziness', 'Binge eating, Bleeding gums, Dry skin and Excessive facial hair growth (female)', 'Binge eating, Bloody or red colored stools, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Mouth), Bleeding gums and Bleeding in eye', 'Bleeding gums and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums and Fever', 'Bleeding gums and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums and Headache', 'Bleeding gums and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding gums and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bleeding gums and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding gums and Red spots', 'Bleeding gums and Skin rash', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Bleeding gums, Brittle hair, Change in hair texture and Drowsiness', 'Bleeding gums, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Grinding teeth and Gum sores', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Cracks at corner of mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Gum sores and Loss of voice', 'Bleeding gums, Cough, Cracks at corner of mouth and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bleeding gums, Cracks at corner of mouth, Gum sores and Increased speech volume', 'Bleeding gums, Damaged teeth enamel, Headache and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding gums, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding gums, Drainage or pus, Gum sores and Metallic taste in mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Dry mouth and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding gums, Drinking excessive fluids, Fever and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums, Drowsiness, Enlarged glands, Worst Headache', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Heartburn', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding gums, Ear ache, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain when moving eyes', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bleeding gums, Enlarged or swollen glands, Gum sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding gums, Excessive mouth watering, Lump or bulge and Red gums', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Mouth sores and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding gums, Gum sores, Red gums and Red spots', 'Bleeding gums, Mouth sores, Sore throat and Soreness or burning inside of mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Bleeding gums, Pain, Red gums and Sore throat', 'Bleeding, Bleeding gums, Bruising and Gum sores', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Discharge from penis', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal bleeding after menopause', 'Bloating, Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Change in stools', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine and Cloudy odor urine', 'Bloating, Blood or red colored urine, Distended stomach and Frequent urination', 'Blood in toilet and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Red blood in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood in stools, Dizziness and Fatigue', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood stools, Smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements', 'Blood on stool surface and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood on stool surface, Bloody or red colored stools and Upset stomach', 'Blood or red colored urine and Cough', 'Blood or red colored urine and Decreased urination', 'Blood or red colored urine and Diarrhea', 'Blood or red colored urine and Drainage or pus', 'Blood or red colored urine and Fatigue', 'Blood or red colored urine and Headache', 'Blood or red colored urine and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Blood or red colored urine and Irregular menstrual periods', 'Blood or red colored urine and Joint pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Missed period', 'Blood or red colored urine and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blood or red colored urine and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood or red colored urine and Skin rash', 'Blood or red colored urine and Testicular pain', 'Blood or red colored urine and Upset stomach', 'Blood or red colored urine and Vaginal discharge', 'Blood or red colored urine, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood or red colored urine, Cough, Decreased urination and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blood or red colored urine, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Frequent urination', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fatigue, Fever and Headache', 'Blood or red colored urine, Frequent urination and Pain with urination', 'Blood or red colored urine, Headache and Pain', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Bruising or discoloration', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Drainage or pus', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Heartburn', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloody or red colored stools, Diarrhea and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Bruising or discoloration, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising'], 'Labyrinthitis ': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding gums and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth, Craving alcohol, Craving ice and Dizziness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Metallic taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Headache and Lightheadedness', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Excessive sweating and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Fever, Gum sores and Headache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Binge eating, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fatigue and Frequent infections', 'Binge eating, Fatigue, Food cravings and High blood pressure', 'Black colored stools, Dizziness', 'Blackouts, Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fainting', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Fainting, Lightheadedness', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Headache', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Worst Headache, Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Headache', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Blank stare, Chills, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Dilated pupils, Eyes rolling back', 'Bleeding in eye, Dizziness and Headache', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Dizziness', 'Bleeding, Blood or red colored urine, Chills and Fever', 'Bleeding, Body aches or pains, Depressed mood and Headache', 'Blindness, Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache', 'Blindness, Difficulty breathing through nose, Difficulty talking and Dizziness', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Eye irritation', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Drowsiness and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Fatigue and High blood pressure', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Headache and Mood swings', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Depressed mood, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Dizziness and Frequent urination', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Headache and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Enlarged or swollen glands and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Excessive crying and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Fatigue and Swelling', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness and Upset stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Frightening dreams and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Gritty or scratchy eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fatigue and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Lump or bulge', 'Bloating or fullness, Excessive sweating, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Joint pain (Hip) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck', 'Bloating, Constipation, Dizziness and Fainting', 'Bloating, Distended stomach, Dizziness and Drowsiness', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Excessive gas and Lightheadedness', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fatigue and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Foul smelling stools and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Headache and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Lightheadedness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood on stool surface, Choking, Difficulty swallowing and Fatigue', 'Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Dizziness', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Chills, Ear ache and Fatigue', 'Blood or red colored urine, Cough, Decreased urination and Difficulty swallowing', 'Blood or red colored urine, Fever, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloody or red colored vomit, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Dizziness and Pale skin', 'Blurred vision and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Headache and Joint pain', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Dizziness, Muscle cramps', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Color change, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Disorientation', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Difficulty concentrating and Dizziness', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Fever and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Decreased appetite, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Dizziness and Excessive crying', 'Blurred vision, Depressed mood, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrate, Dizziness, Feeling detached from reality', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty concentrating, Fatigue and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Dizziness and Eyes do not track together', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Dizziness and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Spinning sensation', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Drinking excessive fluids and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Ear ache and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye Floaters and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye irritation and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes do not track together and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes rolling back and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fever and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fever and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Irregular heartbeat', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache, Muscle twitching', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Headache and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Joint pain (Shoulder) and Joint pain (Wrist)', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Lightheadedness and Numbness or tingling', 'Blurred vision, Fever and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Grinding teeth, Headache and Impaired social skills', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Lack of pleasure and Memory problems', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes', 'Body aches or pains, Change in vision, Fatigue and Hearing loss', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cough and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty sleeping and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Lightheadedness', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Diarrhea and Difficulty breathing through nose', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Headache and Hunger', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty swallowing, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fever and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fever and Loss of balance', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Fatigue and Flaking skin', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive crying, Fever and Loss of coordination', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Food cravings and Hunger', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Morning joint stiffness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint pain (Elbow) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Headache and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Pain with urination and Painful ejaculation', 'Body aches or pains, Headache, Joint aches and Sore throat', 'Bruising or discoloration, Chills, Fever and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cough, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Bruising or discoloration, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Fatigue', 'Bruising or discoloration, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Dizziness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness, Headache and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising or discoloration, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fatigue, Itching or burning and Skin rash', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bulging eyes and Jerking eye movements', 'Bulging veins, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Swelling'], 'Hemorrhoids ': ['Belching, Bloating or fullness, Blood in toilet and Blood on stool surface', 'Binge drinking, Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface', 'Binge eating, Bleeding, Blood in toilet and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Blood on toilet tissue', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Lump or bulge', 'Black (tar) colored stools and Painful bowel movements', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding and Blood in toilet', 'Bleeding, Bloating, Blood in toilet and Frequent urination', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Bruising or discoloration', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Constipation', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Cough', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Dizziness', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Irregular heartbeat and Swelling', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Headache', 'Bleeding, Blood on stool surface, Lump or bulge and Painful bowel movements', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Bleeding, Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Protruding rectal material', 'Bleeding, Change in stools, Holding bowel movements and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Change in stools', 'Blood in toilet and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood in toilet and Itching or burning', 'Blood in toilet and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood in toilet and Night sweats', 'Blood in toilet and Red colored vomit', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Change in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Red blood in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Flaking skin', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Hives', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue, Diarrhea and Frequent bowel movements', 'Blood in toilet, Bulging veins and Lump or bulge', 'Blood in toilet, Change in stools, Irregular periods and Missed period', 'Blood in toilet, Frequent urination and Itching or burning', 'Blood in toilet, Itching or burning, Pain, Painful intercourse', 'Blood in toilet, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood in stools, Dizziness and Fatigue', 'Blood in toilet, Red blood stools, Smelling stools, Frequent bowel movements', 'Blood on stool surface and Blood or red colored urine', 'Blood on stool surface and Fever', 'Blood on stool surface and Hair loss', 'Blood on stool surface and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood in toilet and Pain', 'Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue, Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blood on stool surface, Bloody or red colored stools and Upset stomach', 'Blood on stool surface, Change in stools, Depressed mood and Drowsiness', 'Blood on stool surface, Choking, Difficulty swallowing and Fatigue', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Muffled voice', 'Blood on stool surface, Hair loss, Lightheadedness and Painful bowel movements', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Itching or burning', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Missed or late menstrual period', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Nosebleed', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Blood on toilet tissue and Vaginal discharge', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Dizziness and Excessive sweating', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Chills, Ear ache and Fatigue', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Stool leaking (incontinence)', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Nausea or vomiting and Upset stomach', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Stool leaking (incontinence) and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Drainage or pus', 'Bloody or red colored stools and Heartburn', 'Bruising or discoloration and Protruding rectal material', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Painful bowel movements', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Protruding rectal material', 'Bulging veins, Joint pain and Lump or bulge'], 'Bleeding Varices': ['Bleeding, Red colored vomit, purging, Irregular periods', 'Blood in toilet and Red colored vomit', 'Bloody or red colored vomit and Nosebleed'], 'Endocarditis': ['Black colored skin and Red or black spots on fingernails', 'Bleeding in eye and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots inside lower eyelid'], "Smoker's Lung": ['Cough', 'Cough and Watery eyes'], 'Corneal Ulcer': ['Bleeding in eye and Pain or discomfort', 'Blinking eyes, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Sensation of something in eye', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes'], 'Boils ': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Poison Ivy': ['Changes in Skin of the Breast'], 'Ramsay Hunt Syndrome': ['Earache'], 'Skin Rash': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Cuts, Scrapes ': ['Red Streaks on the Skin'], 'Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome': ['Creaking Joints (Joint Cracking)'], 'Puberty': ['Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Fits of rage and Hair loss', 'Bleeding from nipple, Discharge from nipple and Lump or bulge', 'Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis': ['Difficulty talking and Drooling'], 'Periodic Limb Movement Disorder': ['Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling'], 'Blood Clots': ['Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Choking on food and Cold hands', 'Bulging veins (Thigh), Bulging veins (Calf), Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bulging veins and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bulging veins, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Jaw Clicking, Difficulty opening mouth and Feeling smothered', 'Bulging veins, Joint pain and Lump or bulge', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Pain or discomfort, Stiffness or decreased movement and Swelling'], 'Phlebitis and Thrombophlebitis': ['Bleeding and Skin open sore', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Bulging veins', 'Bruising, Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Unable to move arm', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Skin redness', 'Bruising, Skin rash and Warm to touch', 'Bulging veins (Arm), Bulging veins (Leg), Chills and Dry mouth', 'Bulging veins (Thigh), Bulging veins (Calf), Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands and Color change', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Tenderness to touch', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Pain, Stiffness', 'Bulging veins, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bulging veins, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Pain or discomfort, Stiffness or decreased movement and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Pain, Tenderness to touch and Weakness', 'Bulging veins, Swelling and Tenderness to touch'], 'Hypertensive Kidney Disease': ["Beau's Lines"], 'Pregnancy Planning ': ['Shortness of Breath'], 'Arteriovenous Malformation': ['Ringing in Ears'], 'Cauliflower Ear': ['Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Lump or bulge', 'Blurred Vision', 'Bruising or discoloration, Fever, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort'], 'Earwax Removal': ['Earache'], 'How Do You Get Rid of Ringing in the Ears ': ['Ringing in Ears'], 'Nasopharyngeal Cancer': ['Bloody Nose'], 'Tinnitus ': ['Blackouts (memory time loss) and Ringing in ears', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating or fullness and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Ringing in ears and Sensitive to noise', 'Bruising or discoloration and Ringing in ears'], 'Burns': ['Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Swelling'], 'Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Its Prevention': ['Blackouts (memory time loss) and Ringing in ears', 'Bloating or fullness and Ringing in ears', 'Bruising or discoloration and Ringing in ears'], 'Meniere Disease': ['Blackouts (memory time loss) and Ringing in ears'], 'Chronic Rhinitis and Post-Nasal Drip': ['Drooling'], 'Deviated Septum': ['Snoring'], 'Flu ': ['Chills', 'Cough'], 'Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis': ['Bloody Nose', 'Bloody Sputum'], 'Hay Fever ': ['Bloody Nose'], 'Sinus Infection vs. Cold': ['Cough'], 'Whooping Cough ': ['Cough', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Cirrhosis ': ['Bleeding Easily'], 'Gallbladder Cancer': ['Stool Color & Texture Changes'], 'Gilbert Syndrome': ['Neonatal Jaundice'], 'Jaundice ': ['Dark Urine'], 'Leptospirosis': ['Chills'], 'Liver Cancer': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Liver Disease': ["Beau's Lines"], 'Pancreatic Cysts': ['Back Pain'], 'Primary Biliary Cirrhosis ': ['Nail Clubbing'], 'Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ': ['Abdominal Pain'], 'Ear Infection': ['Bad breath and Ear ache', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Ear ache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Ear ache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Ear ache, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Blank stare, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dizziness and Ear ache', 'Bleeding gums, Ear ache, Enlarged or swollen glands and Pain when moving eyes', 'Bleeding, Blurred vision, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Ear ache', 'Bleeding, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Drainage or pus and Ear ache', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Ringing in ears', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Feeling faint and Lightheadedness', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Headache, Worst Headache', 'Blindness, Change in vision, Ear ache and Loss of side vision', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Ear ache and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry skin, Ear ache and Flaking skin', 'Bloating or fullness, Ear ache, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Chills, Ear ache and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Ear ache and Sore throat', 'Bulging neck veins, Ear ache, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint pain'], 'Ear Wax': ['Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite, Dry mouth and Ear ache', 'Bad taste in mouth, Ear ache, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Blank stare, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dizziness and Ear ache', 'Bleeding gums, Cracks at corner of mouth, Gum sores and Increased speech volume', 'Bleeding, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Drainage or pus and Ear ache', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Ear ache and Itching or burning', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry skin, Ear ache and Flaking skin', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Floating spots or strings in vision and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Headache and Itching or burning'], 'Eye Floaters': ['Bleeding in eye and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Cold feet, Color change and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eye Floaters and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Eyes do not track together and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fever and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Floating spots or strings in vision and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Headache and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Sensitive to light and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Flickering uncolored zig-zag line in vision and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache'], 'Swollen Lymph Nodes': ['Bad breath, Enlarged glands and Pain', 'Bleeding, Lump or bulge (Face) and Lump or bulge (Groin)', 'Bloating, Constipation and Enlarged glands', 'Bruising, Enlarged glands, Lump or bulge and Pain'], 'Muscle Pain ': ['Chronic Pain'], "Swimmer's Ear ": ['Fever'], 'Teeth Grinding ': ['Sore Tongue'], 'Trigeminal Neuralgia': ['Blank stare and Pain or discomfort'], 'Low Blood Pressure': ['Bad taste in mouth, Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Bleeding, Ear ache, Feeling faint and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision and Fainting', 'Blurred vision and Lightheadedness', 'Blurred vision and Shortness of breath', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Double vision (without one eye covered) and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Fatigue, Frequent infections and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains, Joint aches, Joint pain and Low blood pressure', 'Bowel habit change, Decreased appetite, Low blood pressure, Nausea or vomiting'], 'Exercise': ['Bad breath, Bald spots (hair), Bloating or fullness and Body aches or pains', 'Bad breath, Body aches or pains, Chills and Clicking or popping sound from jaw', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cough', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains and Chills', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased sweating', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Binge drinking, Binge eating, Blood or red colored urine, Aches or pains', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight gain', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Fatigue', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Joint aches and Low self-esteem', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Distended stomach and Hot flashes', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Increased thirst', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Excessive gas and Muscle weakness', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Change in stools and Chills', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cold feet', 'Blue colored skin, Body aches or pains, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Bulging eyes and Joint aches', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains and Excessive crying', 'Body aches or pains and Hair loss', 'Body aches or pains and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains and Hives', 'Body aches or pains and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains and Post nasal drip', 'Body aches or pains and Restless or irritability', 'Body aches or pains and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains and Skin bumps', 'Body aches or pains and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains and Skin redness', 'Body aches or pains and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains and Weight gain', 'Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Choking on food and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Easy bruising and Enlarged (dilated) veins', 'Body aches or pains, Change in hair texture, Chills and Dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Change in vision, Fatigue and Hearing loss', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Coated tongue and Cough', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold feet and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cough and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Disorientation', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Depressed mood and Difficult to wake from sleep', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heartburn', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dry mouth and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Early morning waking and Excessive sweating', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Food getting stuck (swallowing) and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Hoarse voice and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Increased sensitivity to cold and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Night sweats and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Sensitivity to cold and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Confusion', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Joint aches and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Joint aches and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Muscle stiffness (rigidity) and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Muscle stiffness (rigidity) and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Decreased appetite, Eye irritation and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Diarrhea, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Joint aches and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Easy bruising and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Heartburn', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Hoarse voice', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Body aches or pains, Dry eyes, Fatigue and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Dry mouth, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Fatigue and Flaking skin', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged glands, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hearing loss and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hot flashes and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Eye crusting with sleep, Fatigue and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Tenderness to touch', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Feeling faint and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Feeling faint and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Feeling faint and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Fever and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Food cravings and Hunger', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hair loss and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Increased thirst', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hives and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hot flashes and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hot flashes and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hot flashes and Sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Increased thirst and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Lightheadedness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Morning joint stiffness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Pale skin', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Recent (short-term) memory loss', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Joint aches and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Sore throat and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Headache, Joint aches and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Itching or burning, Joint aches and Pain', 'Body aches or pains, Joint aches, Joint pain and Low blood pressure', 'Body aches or pains, Stiffness or decreased movement and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Trembling and Weakness (generalized)'], '16 Early Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis ': ['Decreased Appetite'], 'Dislocated Hip': ['Curved spine, Joint locking or catching, Joint pain (Leg) and Joint pain (Hip)'], 'Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis ': ['Swollen Joints'], 'Lumbar Stenosis': ['Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Pain and Swelling'], 'Thoracic Outlet Syndrome': ['Belching, Decreased appetite, Increased passing gas and Pain or discomfort'], 'Systemic Lupus': ['Blackouts (memory time loss), Depressed mood, Fits of rage and Headache', 'Bleeding gums and Fever', 'Bleeding gums and Headache', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Chills and Decreased appetite', 'Bleeding, Body aches or pains, Depressed mood and Headache', 'Bleeding, Depressed mood, Emotional detachment and Flashbacks', 'Bloating or fullness, Body aches or pains, Joint aches and Low self-esteem', 'Bloating or fullness, Headache, Joint pain (Hip) and Joint pain (Knee (patella))', 'Blue colored skin, Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain and Swelling', 'Body aches or pains and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Headache and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Cold feet, Cold hands and Depressed mood', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Joint aches and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Joint aches and Joint pain', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Headache and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Headache and Stiff neck', 'Body aches or pains, Headache, Joint aches and Sore throat', 'Body aches or pains, Stiffness or decreased movement and Weakness (generalized)', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Joint pain', 'Bruising or discoloration and Joint pain'], 'Hypercalcemia': ['Bloating or fullness and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bloating or fullness, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Fatigue, Excessive gas and Muscle weakness', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Constipation, Joint aches and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fatigue and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Feeling faint and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Fever and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Headache and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Hot flashes and Muscle weakness', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Numbness or tingling', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Muscle weakness and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Headache and Muscle weakness', 'Bulging neck veins, Muscle cramps'], 'Hypoparathyroidism': ['Agitation and Headache'], 'COPD vs. Asthma Differences and Similarities': ['Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling'], 'Whiplash': ['Bulging neck veins and Pain'], 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ': ['Depression', 'Diarrhea', 'Double Vision'], 'Fungal Arthritis': ['Fever'], 'Head and Neck Cancer': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Hip Bursitis': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Hip Pain': ['Limping'], 'Plant Thorn Synovitis': ['Swollen Joints'], 'Rheumatology': ['Swollen Joints'], 'SAPHO Syndrome': ['Swollen Joints'], 'Shoulder Bursitis': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Steroid Drug Withdrawal ': ['Aggression'], 'Valley Fever': ['Chills', 'Cough'], 'Juvenile Arthritis': ['Blue colored skin, Cold feet, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Morning stiffness', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain (Fingers), Joint pain (Toes) and Swelling'], 'Shingles ': ['Difficulty stopping urine stream and Pain or discomfort', 'Discharge from penis, Pain or discomfort and Testicular pain'], 'Aortic Stenosis': ['Fainting and Pain or discomfort'], 'Natural Home Remedies for Sunburn Treatment': ['Bad breath, Hot and dry skin', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Bruising or discoloration, Dizziness and Dry skin', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Dry skin, Easy bruising and Excessive sweating', 'Bleeding, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dry skin and Flaking skin', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Dry skin (General) and Dry skin (Skin)', 'Bloating or fullness, Dry skin, Ear ache and Flaking skin', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface, Blood on toilet tissue and Flaking skin', 'Blue colored skin, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever, Hot and dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Dry skin, Fatigue and Flaking skin', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Hot, dry skin and Increased thirst', 'Brittle hair, Bruising, Change in hair texture and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Coarse hair and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Color change and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Curved fingernails and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Dry skin and Joint pain', 'Brittle hair, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Dry skin (General), Dry skin (Skin) and Fatigue', 'Bruising and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Hair loss', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Itching or burning', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Itching or burning and Skin blisters', 'Bruising or discoloration, Dry skin, Skin peeling and cracking or scaling', 'Bruising, Dry skin and Flaking skin'], 'Fainting': ['Bad taste in mouth and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bad taste in mouth, Dizziness and Metallic taste', 'Binge eating, Blackouts (memory time loss), Dizziness and Fainting', 'Bitter almond odor on breath, Compulsive behavior, Fainting and Fear of air', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Loss of consciousness', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blurred vision, Dry mouth and Fainting', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Feeling faint and Irregular heartbeat', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Forgetfulness and Loss of consciousness', 'Blackouts, Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fainting', 'Blackouts, Dizziness, Fainting, Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare and Eyes rolling back', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Dilated pupils, Eyes rolling back', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes rolling back', 'Blinking eyes and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Bloating, Constipation, Dizziness and Fainting', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Fainting and Frequent urination', 'Blurred vision and Fainting', 'Blurred vision, Disorientation, Fainting, Hot and dry skin', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Muscle twitching (painless)', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Difficulty concentrating, Drowsiness and Fainting', 'Bulging neck veins, Disorientation, Headache (worst ever) and Lightheadedness'], 'Broken Finger': ['Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Swelling', 'Blue colored skin, Cold hands, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Joint pain, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Joint pain and Pain', 'Bruising, Enlarged finger tips, Numbness or tingling and Pain', 'Bruising, Pain, Red or black spots on fingernails and Swelling'], 'Sprained Ankle': ['Blue colored skin, Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Blue colored skin, Joint pain and Morning stiffness', 'Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blue colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fatigue and Joint pain', 'Bruising and Guarding or favoring joint', 'Bruising and Numbness or tingling', 'Bruising and Pain', 'Bruising and Swelling', 'Bruising or discoloration, Joint pain, Swelling and Warm to touch', 'Bruising, Numbness or tingling, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising, Swelling and Warm to touch'], 'Sickle Cell': ['Bleeding gums and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums and Increased thirst', 'Bleeding gums, Coated or furry tongue, Cracks at corner of mouth and Dry mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Difficulty falling asleep, Dry mouth and Excessive mouth watering', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Grooved tongue and Heartburn', 'Bleeding gums, Dry mouth, Mouth sores and Numbness or tingling', 'Blindness and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Increased thirst'], 'Low Potassium ': ['Belching and Irregular heartbeat', 'Binge drinking, Chills, Muscle tightness, Dizziness', 'Blue colored lips, Color change, Irregular heartbeat and Labored breathing', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Dizziness, Muscle cramps', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Constipation, Muscle cramps', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Irregular heartbeat', 'Broken bone (single fracture) and Irregular heartbeat', 'Bruising, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Pain', 'Bruising, Joint pain, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Multiple bruises of different ages, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching, Muscle wasting', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching', 'Bulging veins, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort'], 'Frozen Shoulder': ['Shoulder Pain'], 'Achilles Tendon Rupture': ['Pain and Unable to bend foot down', 'Pain, Unable to bear weight and Unable to bend foot down'], 'Sporotrichosis': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Helicobacter Pylori': ['Binge drinking, Red blood in stools, Decreased appetite, Dizziness', 'Binge eating, Bloody or red colored stools, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn, Pain', 'Black colored stools, Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Bloating or fullness, Gagging, Nausea or vomiting and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Bowel habit change and Pain', 'Bloating, Decreased appetite, Weight loss', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting and Pain'], 'Hunter Syndrome ': ['Diarrhea'], 'MPS I ': ['Joint Stiffness'], 'Growth Plate Fractures and Injuries': ['Joint Warmth'], 'Posttraumatic Stress Disorder': ['Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Fits of rage and Hair loss', 'Blackouts (memory time loss) and Fits of rage', 'Blackouts, Depressed mood, insomnia, Flashbacks', 'Blank stare, Depressed mood, Flashbacks and Headache (worst ever)', 'Bleeding, Depressed mood, Emotional detachment and Flashbacks'], 'Sexual Problems in Men': ['Low Libido'], '13 Tips for Parenting a Teen With ADHD': ['Difficulty Concentrating', 'Distractibility'], "7 Alzheimer's Disease Stages and Symptoms": ['Delirium'], 'Adult ADHD ': ['Depression', 'Difficulty Concentrating', 'Distractibility'], 'Antisocial Personality Disorder': ['Depression'], 'Borderline Personality Disorder ': ['Depression'], 'Mania vs. Hypomania': ['Euphoria'], 'Parenting a Child With ADHD': ['Hyperactivity'], 'COVID-19 ': ['Chills', 'Cough', 'Cough'], 'Heat Exhaustion ': ['Muscle Pain (Myalgia)'], 'Heat Stroke ': ['Confusion'], 'Infectious Mononucleosis ': ['Drooling'], 'Interstitial Pneumonitis ': ['Chest Pain', 'Cough'], 'Muscle Cramps': ['Blurred vision, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Numbness or tingling', 'Bowel habit change, Cold feet, Constipation, Muscle cramps', 'Bruising, Muscle cramps', 'Bulging veins and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bulging veins, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort'], 'Myocarditis': ['Enlarged Heart'], 'Pericarditis ': ['Chest Pain', 'Chills'], 'Pulmonary Edema': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Rhabdomyolysis': ['Muscle Pain (Myalgia)'], 'Separation Anxiety': ['Dyspepsia'], 'Child Abuse Facts': ['Black colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Black colored skin, Blue colored skin and Broken bone (single fracture)', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Itching or burning', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Muscle cramps, Stiffness', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Bulging veins', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Enlarged or swollen glands', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Episodes of not breathing during sleep', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Hunched or stooped posture'], 'Learning Disabilities': ['Distractibility'], 'Urinary Incontinence in Children': ['Incontinence, Urine'], 'Urinary Incontinence in Women': ['Incontinence, Urine'], 'Low Blood Sugar ': ['Difficulty Concentrating'], 'Marijuana ': ['Dry Mouth'], 'Giardia Lamblia': ['Bloating and Pressure or fullness', 'Bloating or fullness, Chills, Decreased appetite and Dizziness', 'Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Frequent urination and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Fatigue and Increased passing gas', 'Bloating, Body aches or pains, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Diarrhea and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Distended stomach and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Excessive gas and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Excessive gas', 'Bloating, Frequent urination, Excessive gas and Missed period', 'Bloating, Headache, Nausea or vomiting and Stomach cramps', 'Bloating, Nausea or vomiting, Stomach cramps and Upset stomach', 'Bloating, Pain and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Stomach cramps and Vaginal discharge'], 'Low Back Pain': ['Body aches or pains, Chills and Pain'], 'Hoarseness': ['Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Drooling and Fever', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty swallowing, Pain and Sore throat', 'Bulging neck veins and Pain'], 'Caffeine': ['Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Difficulty sleeping and Drooling', 'Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty sleeping', 'Bloating or fullness, Distended stomach, Drowsiness and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Drowsiness, Frightening dreams and Headache', 'Body aches or pains and Restless or irritability', 'Body aches or pains and Restless or irritability', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty sleeping and Headache', 'Body aches or pains, Difficulty sleeping, Headache and Hunger'], 'Ruptured Perforated Eardrum ': ['Bleeding, Clicking or popping sound from jaw, Drainage or pus and Ear ache', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding, Drainage or pus, Ear ache and Ringing in ears'], 'Iron Overload': ['Black (tar) colored stools and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Diarrhea, Dry mouth and Increased thirst'], 'Obesity ': ['Bad breath and Belching', 'Belching and Difficulty swallowing', 'Belching and Dry mouth', 'Belching and Excessive mouth watering', 'Belching and Lump or bulge', 'Belching and Metallic taste', 'Belching and Taste of acid in mouth', 'Belching and White patches inside mouth', 'Belching, Bloating or fullness, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Coated or furry tongue, Itching or burning and Lump or bulge', 'Belching, Diarrhea, Heartburn and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Belching, Palpitations', 'Belching, Strange smell or taste and Bad taste in mouth', 'Black colored stools, Heartburn', 'Bleeding and Heartburn', 'Bleeding between periods and Weight gain', 'Bloating or fullness and Weight gain', 'Bloating, Heartburn and Weight gain', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Itching or burning', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Heartburn', 'Bruising and Multiple bruises of different ages'], 'Amenorrhea': ['Hair loss and No menstrual periods', 'Hot flashes, Joint pain, Lump or bulge and No menstrual periods'], 'Antiphospholipid Syndrome': ['Splinter Hemorrhage'], 'Cough': ['Cough'], 'Larynx Cancer ': ['Cough'], 'Tonsillitis ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Brief Psychotic Disorder': ['Disorganized Speech'], 'Cancer Pain': ['Chronic Pain'], 'How to Stop Snoring': ['Insomnia'], 'Mental Illness in Children': ['Dyspepsia'], 'Premenstrual Syndrome ': ['Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Rabies': ['Drooling', 'Dysphagia'], 'Sleep Related Breathing Disorders': ['Snoring'], 'Atrial Fibrillation': ['Belching, Palpitations', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Fainting, Feeling faint and Irregular heartbeat', 'Bloating or fullness and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Bloating, Palpitations, Rapid heart rate', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Blurred vision, Palpitations', 'Bruising or discoloration and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)'], 'Breast Cancer': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps', 'Breast Pain', 'Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Breast Cancer Facts': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps', 'Breast Pain', 'Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Inflammatory Breast Cancer': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Pain', 'Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Male Breast Cancer': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps', 'Breast Pain', 'Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Paget Disease of the Breast ': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps', 'Breast Pain'], 'Scars': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Triple-Negative Breast Cancer': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps'], 'Premature Ventricular Contractions': ['Difficulty falling asleep and Irregular heartbeat', 'Difficulty swallowing, Heartburn and Irregular heartbeat', 'Dry mouth, Irregular heartbeat, Mouth sores and Pain or discomfort'], 'Polycystic Ovary': ['Bloating or fullness, Irregular menstrual periods and Swelling'], 'Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer vs Small Cell': ['Dizziness, Fatigue, Hoarse voice and Joint aches', 'Dizziness, Joint aches, Weight loss', 'Dry skin, Weight loss'], 'Are Cold Sores ': ['Itch'], 'Bullous Pemphigoid': ['Blisters'], 'Dandruff vs. Dry Scalp': ['Dry Skin'], 'Flea Bites ': ['Itch'], 'Head Lice vs. Dandruff': ['Flaky Scalp'], 'How to Stop Anal Itching': ['Itch'], 'Ingrown Hair': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Is Dandruff ': ['Itch'], 'Keloid Scar': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Lichen Sclerosus': ['Blisters'], 'Morgellons Disease': ['Depression'], 'Scalp Psoriasis ': ['Flaky Scalp'], 'Skin Cancer': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Sunburn ': ['Blisters'], 'Hair Loss': ['Bald spots (hair) and Change in hair texture', 'Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Blue colored lips and Brittle hair', 'Bald spots (hair), Dry skin, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Excessive body hair growth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss and Pulling out hair', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning, Pulling out hair', 'Bruising or discoloration and Pulling out eyebrows'], 'Febrile Seizures': ['Bleeding, Seizures (uncontrollable jerking of limbs)'], 'Objects Or Insects In Ear': ['Ear ache, Itching or burning, Pain and Sensitive to noise', 'Ear ache, Itching or burning, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch'], 'Asthma in Children': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Cough and Damaged teeth enamel', 'Bad breath, Cough, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cough', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough, Metallic taste and Noisy breathing', 'Belching and Cough', 'Belching, Cough and Watery mouth', 'Bleeding, Cough and Nosebleed', 'Bloating, Cough, Nasal congestion and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood or red colored urine and Cough', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Cloudy vision and Cough', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Grooved tongue and Hoarse voice', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Bruising and Cough', 'Bruising or discoloration, Cough, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Noisy breathing'], 'Hives': ['Bloating or fullness and Skin bumps', 'Blue colored skin and Skin bumps', 'Body aches or pains and Skin bumps', 'Bruising or discoloration, Skin bumps and Unusual or suspicious mole'], 'Thyroid Nodules': ['Bulging neck veins, Difficulty swallowing, Lump or bulge and Pain or discomfort'], 'Polycystic Kidney Disease': ['Bleeding and Pain with urination', 'Blood or red colored urine and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood or red colored urine, Frequent urination and Pain with urination'], 'Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, and Magnifiers': ['Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding in eye, Bulging eyes and Change in vision', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Headache', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision and Change in vision', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blinking eyes, Blurred vision, Cloudy vision and Decreased night vision', 'Blinking eyes, Drooping eyelid, Frequent squinting and Jerking eye movements', 'Blinking eyes, Dry eyes, Eye irritation and Frequent squinting', 'Blinking eyes, Frequent squinting and Squinting eyes', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Change in vision and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bloating or fullness, Blurred vision, Constipation and Decreased night vision', 'Blurred vision and Dry mouth', 'Blurred vision and Excessive sweating', 'Blurred vision and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision and Nosebleed', 'Blurred vision and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Headache and Joint pain', 'Blurred vision, Bowel habit change, Change in vision and Diarrhea', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision and Visual halos around lights', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Color change, Double vision', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Constipation and Depressed mood', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Cloudy vision, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Confusion, Fever and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Eye irritation and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Hoarse voice and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blurred vision, Difficulty finding words, Forgetfulness and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Ear ache and Frequent squinting', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Double vision (with one eye covered), Fatigue and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Headache and Itching or burning', 'Blurred vision, Eye Floaters, Headache and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Eye irritation, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Blurred vision, Floating spots or strings in vision and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Grinding teeth, Headache and Impaired social skills', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Palpitations (fluttering in chest)', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Ringing in ears', 'Blurred vision, Headache and Sensitive to light', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Joint pain and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Lightheadedness and Pain', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Pain or discomfort and Pain when moving eyes', 'Blurred vision, Pain or discomfort, Sensitive to light and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision, Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blurred vision, Tearing in one eye and Watery eyes', 'Blurred vision, Weight loss', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Lump or bulge and Pain'], 'Alopecia Areata': ['Bald spots (hair) and Change in hair texture', 'Bald spots (hair) and Erectile dysfunction', 'Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Blue colored lips and Brittle hair', 'Bald spots (hair), Blue colored skin, Change in hair texture and Color change', 'Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Fits of rage and Hair loss', 'Bald spots (hair), Brittle hair, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Drainage or pus, Hair loss, Lump or bulge', 'Bald spots (hair), Dry skin, Hair loss and Itching or burning', 'Bald spots (hair), Excessive body hair growth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss and Headache', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss and Pulling out hair', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning and Pain or discomfort', 'Bald spots (hair), Hair loss, Itching or burning, Pulling out hair', 'Binge eating, Brittle hair, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Bloating or fullness, Frequent urge to urinate, Gum sores and Hair loss', 'Blood on stool surface and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Bruising or discoloration, Hair loss and Joint instability', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Coarse hair and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Color change and Dry skin', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Irregular heartbeat', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Brittle hair, Cold feet, Cold hands and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Dry mouth, Frequent urination and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Dry skin, Flaking skin and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Easy bruising, Fatigue and Hair loss', 'Brittle hair, Fatigue, Hair loss and Irregular periods', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss and Mood swings', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Headache and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Brittle hair, Hair loss, Pain or discomfort and Stiff neck'], 'Pilonidal Cyst': ['Back Pain', 'Bleeding and Skin open sore', 'Blood in toilet, Bulging veins and Lump or bulge', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Hereditary Angioedema HAE': ['Bruising, Swelling and Swollen lips'], 'Nasal Airway Surgery': ['Difficulty urinating, Shortness of breath, Frequent urination, Labored breathing', 'Drooling and Snoring'], 'Pulmonary Embolism': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Brain Concussion': ['Blackouts (memory time loss) and Memory problems', 'Blinking eyes and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Lack of pleasure and Memory problems'], 'Coma ': ['Headache'], 'Cold Agglutinin Disease': ['Back Pain'], 'Deep Vein Thrombosis ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Hamstring Injury': ['Leg Pain', 'Limping'], 'Piriformis Syndrome': ['Back Pain'], 'Quadriceps Injury': ['Leg Pain', 'Leg Swelling', 'Limping'], 'Shin Splints': ['Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bruising, Drainage or pus, Lump or bulge and Swelling', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Bulging veins and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Swelling and Tenderness to touch'], 'Varicose Veins': ['Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Choking on food and Cold hands', 'Brittle hair, Bulging veins, Change in hair texture and Depressed mood', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Bulging veins', 'Bulging veins (Thigh), Bulging veins (Calf), Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Bulging veins and Muscle cramps or spasms (painful)', 'Bulging veins and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Arm pain, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Color change and Curved spine', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Lump or bulge (Shin) and Lump or bulge (Foot (top))', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Joint pain', 'Bulging veins, Cold hands, Joint pain (Fingers) and Joint pain (Leg)', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged (dilated) veins and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Enlarged veins, Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Muscle twitching (painless) and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort'], 'Melanoma ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Eosinophilic Fasciitis ': ['Leg Swelling'], 'Hematoma Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment': ['Buttock Pain'], 'Phlebitis ': ['Leg Swelling'], 'Preeclampsia ': ['Hemolysis', 'Hemolytic Anemia (Hemolysis)'], 'Birth Defects': ['Dysphagia'], 'Cat Scratch Disease': ['Drainage of Pus'], 'Encopresis': ['Black (tar) colored stools and Holding bowel movements', 'Bleeding, Change in stools, Holding bowel movements and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Heartburn and Holding bowel movements', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Drainage or pus and Stool leaking (incontinence)', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Stool leaking (incontinence) and Thin (pencil) stools'], "Legionnaires' Disease": ['Diarrhea'], "Leigh's Disease ": ['Loss of Appetite'], 'Melioidosis': ['Chest Pain', 'Cough'], 'Pericoronitis': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Adult ADHD': ['Bad taste in mouth, Confusion, Easily distracted and Forgetfulness', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Hunger, Hyperactive behavior and Low self-esteem', 'Bitter almond odor on breath, Compulsive behavior, Fainting and Fear of air', 'Blackouts, Fits of rage, Poor social skills, Impulsive behavior', 'Blank stare, Cloudy vision, Compulsive behavior and Eyelashes falling out'], 'COVID-19 vs. Flu vs. Cold': ['Loss of Smell (Anosmia)'], 'Diabetes Symptoms in Men': ['Loss of Smell (Anosmia)'], 'Diabetes Symptoms in Women ': ['Loss of Smell (Anosmia)'], 'Gestational Diabetes ': ['Loss of Smell (Anosmia)'], 'Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy': ['Loss of Smell (Anosmia)'], 'Smell Disorders': ['Decreased appetite and Hair loss', 'Decreased appetite and Swollen tonsils', 'Decreased appetite and White patches on tongue'], 'Hearing Loss': ['Difficulty With Speech', 'Dizziness'], 'Sore Throat': ['Chills'], 'Taste Disorders': ['Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Frostbite ': ['Blisters'], 'Chronic Pain': ['Low Libido'], 'Male Menopause': ['Low Libido'], 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ': ['Depression', 'Difficulty Concentrating'], 'Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ': ['Fluctuating Mood (Mood Swings)'], 'Prolactinoma ': ['Breast Discharge'], 'Klinefelter Syndrome': ['Low Testosterone (Low T)'], 'Steroid Abuse': ['Delusions'], 'Excessive Sweating ': ['Peeling Skin'], 'Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome': ['Bleeding Easily'], 'Nausea and Vomiting ': ['Low Urine Output'], 'Diabetic Neuropathy': ['Black colored skin and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding in eye and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blind spot in vision and Dry eyes', 'Blind spot in vision and Sudden flash of lights', 'Blind spot in vision, Blurred vision and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Blinking eyes and Eyes do not track together'], 'Baker Cyst': ['Excessive facial hair growth (female) and Numbness or tingling'], 'STDs in Men Overview': ['Pain with sexual intercourse (male) and Premature ejaculation'], 'Acute and Chronic Bursitis': ['Black colored skin, Lump or bulge, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Swelling and Tenderness to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Lump or bulge and Warm to touch', 'Bruising or discoloration, Popping or snapping sound from joint and Swelling', 'Bruising, Lump or bulge, Pain and Swelling', 'Bulging veins and Swelling', 'Bulging veins, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Visible deformity', 'Bulging veins, Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort', 'Bulging veins, Swelling and Tenderness to touch'], 'Dupuytren Contracture': ['Blue colored skin, Lump or bulge and Visible deformity'], 'Broken Foot': ['Broken bone (single fracture), Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Swelling', 'Broken bone (single fracture), Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort'], 'Pelvic Inflammatory Disease': ['Discharge from nipple and Pain with sexual intercourse (female)', 'Drainage or pus and Pain with sexual intercourse (female)'], 'Vaginal Dryness and Vaginal Atrophy': ['Drainage or pus and Pain with sexual intercourse (female)'], 'Sty ': ['Blinking eyes, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Blurred vision and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Painful red lump on eyelid', 'Bruising, Eyelid redness, Pain and Painful red lump on eyelid'], 'Spina Bifida and Anencephaly': ['Lump or bulge, Protruding rectal material and Thin (pencil) stools'], 'Down Syndrome Overview': ['Bruising and Single palm crease'], "Gardner's Syndrome ": ['Lump or Mass on Gums'], 'Gum Problems': ['Bad Breath', 'Bleeding Gums'], 'Oral Cancer': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Castleman Disease': ['Swollen Lymph Nodes'], 'Gaucher Disease': ['Hip Pain'], 'Mycobacterium Marinum': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Neck Pain ': ['Back Pain'], 'Primary Immunodeficiency Disease ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Thyroiditis': ['Swollen Lymph Nodes'], 'Toxoplasmosis': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Face Blindness ': ['Memory Loss'], 'Hydrocephalus': ['Nausea'], 'Hypercalcemia ': ['Depression'], 'Thyroid Disorders': ['Blurred vision, Cough, Grooved tongue and Hoarse voice', 'Bulging neck veins and Swelling'], 'Head Injury': ['Blackouts (memory time loss), Coma, Confusion and Delusions', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Confusion, Forgetfulness and Headache'], 'Miscarriage': ['Pelvic Pain'], 'Thyroid Disorders Symptoms and Signs': ['Menorrhagia'], 'Chewing Tobacco ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'PMS vs. Pregnancy ': ['Fluctuating Mood (Mood Swings)'], 'Primary Ovarian Insufficiency ': ['Missed Menstrual Period'], 'Pregnancy': ['Bloating or fullness, Missed or late menstrual period and Vaginal discharge'], 'Bereavement, Loss, and Grief': ['Fluctuating Mood (Mood Swings)'], 'Gambling Addiction': ['Fluctuating Mood (Mood Swings)'], 'Suicide': ['Depression'], "Behcet's Syndrome": ['Mouth Sores'], 'Cold Sores ': ['Blisters'], 'Inclusion Body Myositis ': ['Dysphagia'], 'Rotator Cuff': ['Bulging neck veins, Ear ache, Guarding or favoring joint and Joint pain'], 'Heat Cramps': ['Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Popping or snapping sound from joint', 'Muscle Pain (Myalgia)'], 'Heat Exhaustion': ['Bad taste in mouth, Dry mouth, Excessive sweating and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Bloating or fullness, Dizziness, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Bloating or fullness, Excessive sweating, Feeling faint and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Excessive sweating and Feeling faint', 'Bulging eyes, Feeling faint, Flashing lights in Eyes and Headache'], 'Neck Pain': ['Bloating, Excessive gas and Numbness or tingling', 'Bulging veins, Arm pain, Muscle twitching, Numbness or tingling'], 'Claudication': ['Muscle Pain (Myalgia)'], 'Post-Polio Syndrome': ['Muscle Pain (Myalgia)'], 'Trichinosis Worm Infection': ['Muscle Pain (Myalgia)'], 'Enlarged Spleen ': ['Abdominal Lump'], 'Neuroblastoma': ['Dark Circles Under the Eyes'], 'Appendicitis': ['Fever'], 'Chest Pain': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Colic in Babies': ['Abdominal Pain'], 'Fatty Liver ': ['Abdominal Pain'], 'Hirschsprung Disease ': ['Constipation'], 'Liposarcoma': ['Burning Urination'], 'Liver ': ['Easy Bruising'], 'Microscopic Colitis ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Peptic Ulcer Disease': ['Abdominal Pain'], 'Stomach Pain': ['Abdominal Pain'], 'Typhoid Fever': ['Decreased Appetite', 'Diarrhea'], 'Progressive Supranuclear Palsy': ['Echolalia', 'Echologia (Echolalia)', 'Echophrasia (Echolalia)'], 'Weight Lifting': ['Abnormal muscle enlargement (hypertrophy)', 'Abnormal muscle enlargement (hypertrophy) and Weight gain'], 'Botox Treatment': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Blank stare and Blinking eyes', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Black (tar) colored stools, Blank stare and Bleeding', 'Binge drinking (alcohol), Blank stare, Bleeding (Eyes) and Bleeding (Ears)', 'Blank stare (Eyes), Blank stare (Face), Blurred vision and Bulging eyes', 'Blank stare and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare and Drooping eyelid', 'Blank stare and Dry eyes', 'Blank stare and Enlarged (dilated) pupils', 'Blank stare and Eyes rolling back', 'Blank stare and Headache', 'Blank stare and Lightheadedness', 'Blank stare and Pain or discomfort', 'Blank stare and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Blank stare and Tilts head to look at something', 'Blank stare and Unusual facial expression', 'Blank stare and Visual halos around lights', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes and Blurred vision', 'Blank stare, Blinking eyes, Dry eyes and Impaired judgement', 'Blank stare, Blue colored lips, Color change and Excessive sweating', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Disorientation and Drooping eyelid', 'Blank stare, Blurred vision, Enlarged or swollen glands and Headache', 'Blank stare, Chills, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Blank stare, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Dizziness and Ear ache', 'Blank stare, Cloudy vision, Compulsive behavior and Eyelashes falling out', 'Blank stare, Coated or furry tongue, Drooping eyelid and Dry mouth', 'Blank stare, Excessive sweating, Eyes rolling back and Inability to move', 'Blinking eyes and Drooping eyelid', 'Blinking eyes, Drooping eyelid, Frequent squinting and Jerking eye movements', 'Blurred vision, Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid and Eyelid redness', 'Brittle hair, Bulging eyes, Change in hair texture and Drooping eyelid', 'Bruising and Skin redness', 'Bruising and Yellow eyes', 'Bruising or discoloration and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bruising or discoloration and Tearing in one eye', 'Bruising or discoloration, Drooping eyelid, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Bruising, Difficulty swallowing, Enlarged glands and Sore throat', 'Bruising, Drooping eyelid, Eyelid redness, Worst Headache', 'Bruising, Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrow (unintentional)', 'Bruising, Pain, Stiff neck and Stiffness or decreased movement'], 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder': ['Aggression'], 'Seizures Symptoms and Types': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Dry Mouth': ['Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Hoarse voice', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Numbness or tingling', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Bloating or fullness', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Belching and Cloudy urine with strong odor', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Black (tar) colored stools and Bleeding', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Blank stare and Blinking eyes', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Bloating or fullness and Joint pain', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Chills and Cold feet', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Decreased appetite and Depressed mood', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Difficulty swallowing and Ear ache', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Drainage or pus and Fruity odor on breath', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Frequent urge to urinate and Frequent urination', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Spots on tonsils and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth, Swollen tonsils and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth and Smooth tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth and Thick saliva', 'Bad taste in mouth and Upset stomach', 'Bad taste in mouth and White patches on tongue', 'Bad taste in mouth, Choking, Choking on food and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bad taste in mouth, Taste of acid in mouth and Unusual taste in mouth', 'Brittle hair, Cracks at corner of mouth, Dry mouth and Dry skin'], 'Subconjunctival Hemorrhage': ['Bad taste in mouth, Bleeding in eye, Bulging eyes and Change in vision', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Blind spot in vision', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Blank stare, Bleeding and Bleeding in eye', 'Bleeding (Eyes), Bleeding (Mouth), Bleeding gums and Bleeding in eye', 'Bleeding in eye and Floating spots or strings in vision', 'Bleeding in eye and Headache', 'Bleeding in eye and Itching or burning', 'Bleeding in eye and Lump or bulge', 'Bleeding in eye and Numbness or tingling', 'Bleeding in eye and Pain or discomfort', 'Bleeding in eye and Red (bloodshot) eyes', 'Bleeding in eye and Red spots inside lower eyelid', 'Bleeding in eye and Watery eyes', 'Bleeding in eye and Yellow eyes', 'Bleeding in eye, Bleeding and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision and Change in vision', 'Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision, Discharge or mucus in eyes and Eyelid redness', 'Bleeding in eye, Bruising or discoloration, Bulging eyes and Dry eyes', 'Bleeding in eye, Dizziness and Headache', 'Bleeding in eye, Mucus in eyes, Drainage or pus and Eye crusting with sleep', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding, Bleeding in eye, Blindness and Choking'], 'Bronchitis ': ['Bad Breath', 'Bad breath, Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad breath, Blurred vision, Cough and Damaged teeth enamel', 'Bad breath, Cough, Lump or bulge and Mouth sores', 'Bad taste in mouth and Cough', 'Bad taste in mouth, Body aches or pains, Chills and Cough', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough and Strange smell or taste', 'Bad taste in mouth, Cough, Metallic taste and Noisy breathing', 'Belching and Cough', 'Belching, Cough and Watery mouth', 'Bleeding gums, Cough, Cracks at corner of mouth and Frequent urge to urinate', 'Bleeding, Blood in toilet, Blood on toilet tissue and Cough', 'Bleeding, Bruising, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Bleeding, Cough and Nosebleed', 'Blind spot in vision, Blindness, Blurred vision and Cough', 'Bloating or fullness, Coffee grounds colored vomit, Cough and Distended stomach', 'Bloating, Cough, Distended stomach and Itching or burning', 'Bloating, Cough, Excessive gas, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating, Cough, Nasal congestion and Nausea or vomiting', 'Blood or red colored urine and Cough', 'Blood or red colored urine, Cough, Decreased urination and Difficulty swallowing', 'Bloody Sputum', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Cloudy vision and Cough', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Dizziness and Feeling faint', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Grooved tongue and Hoarse voice', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Coated tongue and Cough', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cough and Fatigue', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Dark colored (brown) urine and Decreased smell', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Diarrhea and Difficulty breathing through nose', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Fatigue and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Cough, Muscle stiffness (rigidity) and Muscle weakness', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Cough and Gagging', 'Bowel habit change, Cough, Diarrhea and Fatigue', 'Bruising and Cough', 'Bruising, Cough and Sore throat', 'Bulging neck veins and Cough'], 'Agoraphobia': ['Diarrhea', 'Dizziness'], 'Mental Health': ['Depression', 'Difficulty Concentrating'], "Reye's Syndrome": ['Confusion'], 'G6PD Deficiency': ['Hemolysis', 'Hemolytic Anemia (Hemolysis)'], 'Hypoxia ': ['Confusion'], 'Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet': ['Ankle Pain'], 'Body Dysmorphic Disorder ': ['Anxiety'], 'Bullying': ['Depression', 'Dizziness', 'Dyspepsia'], 'Child Abuse': ['Depression', 'Dry Skin'], 'Duck Syndrome': ['Depression'], 'Misophonia': ['Depression'], 'Influenza': ['Bad breath, Decreased appetite, Drooling and Fever', 'Bad taste in mouth and Fever', 'Belching and Fever', 'Belching and Fever', 'Belching, Body aches or pains, Chills and Fever', 'Binge eating and Fever', 'Blood on stool surface and Fever', 'Blood on stool surface and Fever', 'Blue colored skin, Body aches or pains, Cold feet and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains and Excessive crying', 'Body aches or pains and Hair loss', 'Body aches or pains and Headache (worst ever)', 'Body aches or pains and Hives', 'Body aches or pains and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains and Post nasal drip', 'Body aches or pains and Skin bumps', 'Body aches or pains and Skin rash', 'Body aches or pains and Skin redness', 'Body aches or pains and Upset stomach', 'Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Choking on food and Cold hands', 'Body aches or pains, Bulging veins, Easy bruising and Enlarged (dilated) veins', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Constipation and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Difficulty urinating and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Dizziness and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Ear ache and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Enlarged glands and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Excessive sweating and Fever', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent bowel movements', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Frequent urination', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Heavy menstrual bleeding', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Increased sensitivity to cold', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Itching or burning', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Joint aches', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Night sweats', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever and Shaking chills (rigors)', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Fever, Hot and dry skin', 'Body aches or pains, Dizziness, Fever and Loss of balance', 'Body aches or pains, Easy bruising, Fever and Frequent infections', 'Body aches or pains, Enlarged or swollen glands, Fever and Nasal congestion', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive crying, Fever and Loss of coordination', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Fever and Hot flashes', 'Body aches or pains, Fever and Weight loss (unintentional)', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Headache and Nausea or vomiting', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Hot, dry skin and Increased thirst', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Mouth sores', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Joint aches and Weakness (generalized)', 'Body aches or pains, Fever, Pain with urination and Painful ejaculation'], 'Deafness': ['Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Change in vision, Ear ache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Cough, Headache and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Dizziness and Hearing loss', 'Blurred vision, Ear ache, Floating spots or strings in vision and Hearing loss', 'Body aches or pains, Excessive sweating, Hearing loss and Hot flashes'], 'Presbyopia': ['Blinking eyes, Frequent squinting and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred Vision', 'Blurred vision and Squinting eyes', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Flashing lights in Eyes and Eye Floaters', 'Blurred vision, Decreased night vision, Hoarse voice and Hot flashes', 'Blurred vision, Pain or discomfort, Sensitive to light and Squinting eyes'], 'Astigmatism Overview': ['Blurred vision, Body aches or pains, Vision Distortion and Dry eyes', 'Blurred vision, Vision Distortion, Flashing lights in Eyes, Loss of side vision'], 'Nightmares': ['Bad breath, Belching, Cloudy urine with strong odor and Crying during sleep', 'Binge drinking, Bulging veins, Cloudy urine, Difficult to wake up'], 'Osteoporosis': ['Back Pain', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Hunched or stooped posture', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Joint pain'], 'Grief': ['Social Isolation', 'Suicide'], 'Compartment Syndrome': ['Arm Pain'], 'Snake Bite ': ['Foot Pain'], 'Alpha Thalassemia': ['Hemolysis', 'Hemolytic Anemia (Hemolysis)'], 'Mesothelioma': ['Pleurisy'], 'Antiemetics': ['Nausea'], 'Corneal Disease': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Digestive Diseases': ['Nausea'], 'Double Vision': ['Eye Pain'], 'Travel Medicine': ['Diarrhea'], 'Degenerative Disc Disease and Sciatica': ['Back Pain', 'Buttock Pain'], 'Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis': ['Back Pain'], 'Neck Pain and Dizziness': ['Dizziness'], 'Occipital Neuralgia ': ['Headache'], 'Shoulder and Neck Pain': ['Dizziness'], 'Choledochal Cyst': ['Neonatal Jaundice'], 'Newborn Jaundice ': ['Dry eyes and Yellow eyes', 'Dry skin and Yellow skin'], 'Turner Syndrome': ['Neonatal Jaundice'], 'Ascites': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Emphysema ': ['Bleeding and Enlarged finger tips', 'Blue colored skin and Enlarged finger tips', 'Brittle hair, Change in hair texture, Curved fingernails and Dry skin'], 'Breastfeeding': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Pain'], 'Radiculopathy': ['Shoulder Pain'], 'High Blood Pressure Hypertension': ['Binge eating, Fatigue, Food cravings and High blood pressure', 'Blackouts (memory time loss), Headache, Lightheadedness and Lump or bulge', 'Blank stare, Dizziness, Drooping of one side of face and High blood pressure', 'Bleeding and High blood pressure', 'Bloating and High blood pressure', 'Bloating or fullness, Constipation, Fatigue and High blood pressure', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, High blood pressure and Joint aches'], 'Burning Mouth Syndrome ': ['Sore Tongue'], 'Interstitial Cystitis': ['Bleeding, Frequent urge to urinate, Heartburn and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating or fullness, Pressure or fullness and Urine leaking (incontinence)', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Frequent Urination', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pressure or fullness', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Frequent urge to urinate'], 'Bath Salts': ['Chest Pain'], 'Canavan Disease': ['Seizures'], 'Epilepsy and Seizures': ['Seizures'], 'Flakka': ['Delirium', 'Delusions'], 'Group B Strep': ['Chills', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Microcephaly': ['Hyperactivity'], 'Rickets': ['Seizures'], 'Seizure vs. Seizure Disorders ': ['Seizures'], 'Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone ': ['Confusion'], 'Tuberous Sclerosis Complex ': ['Blurred Vision', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Tremors': ['Shaking Hands (Hand Tremors)'], 'Nutrition': ['Binge drinking (alcohol), Fatigue, Hunger and Jumpiness or easily startled', 'Bloating or fullness, Cloudy urine with strong odor, Fatigue and Food cravings', 'Body aches or pains, Fatigue, Food cravings and Hunger'], 'Aortic Valve Stenosis ': ['Chest Pain'], 'Atrial Flutter vs. Atrial Fibrillation': ['Chest Pain'], 'Histoplasmosis ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis': ['Shortness of Breath'], 'Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis': ['Cough'], 'Is Whooping Cough ': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'MERS ': ['Diarrhea'], 'Popcorn Lung ': ['Shortness of Breath'], 'Pulmonary Embolism ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Pulmonary Fibrosis': ['Cough', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'SARS': ['Diarrhea'], 'Scoliosis': ['Back Pain', 'Bloating or fullness, Curved spine, Joint instability and Joint pain', 'Bowel habit change, Constipation, Curved spine and Excessive gas', 'Bruising or discoloration, Curved spine, Joint pain and Morning joint stiffness', 'Bruising, Curved spine and Dry skin', 'Bulging veins, Cold feet, Color change and Curved spine', 'Bulging veins, Curved spine, Distended stomach and Lump or bulge'], 'Williams Syndrome': ['Shortness of Breath'], 'Calcific Bursitis': ['Shoulder Pain'], 'Folliculitis': ['Drainage or pus, Skin bumps and Skin rash', 'Dry skin, Skin bumps, Skin peeling, cracking or scaling and Skin rash'], 'Skin Cancer Overview': ['Blue colored skin and Skin bumps'], 'Is Respiratory Syncytial Virus ': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Is Swine Flu ': ['Chills'], 'Autism': ['Hallucinations'], 'Domestic Violence': ['Dyspepsia'], 'Croup': ['Chills', 'Cough', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Home Remedies for Tonsillitis': ['Sore Throat'], 'Is Sore Throat ': ['Sore Throat'], 'Sore Throat Home Remedies': ['Sore Throat'], 'Strep Throat': ['Sore Throat'], 'Hepatitis A ': ['Dark Urine'], 'Hiatal Hernia': ['Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Menstrual Cramps': ['Pelvic Pain'], 'Blood in the Stool ': ['Stool Color & Texture Changes'], 'SIBO ': ['Stool Color & Texture Changes'], 'Overactive Bladder': ['Erectile dysfunction and Frequent urge to urinate'], 'How to Recognize Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior': ['Depression'], 'Uterine Fibroids': ['Bleeding, Bloating and Bleeding between periods', 'Bloating, Bleeding between periods and Vaginal discharge'], 'Breast Cancer and Lymphedema': ['Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Fibrocystic Breast Condition ': ['Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Tumor Grade': ['Breast Swelling (Swollen Breast)'], 'Chalazion': ['Swollen Eyes'], 'Edema ': ['Swollen Eyes'], 'Herpes Viral Infections of the Eye': ['Blisters', 'Blurred Vision'], 'Myxedema ': ['Swollen Lip'], 'Bee and Wasp Sting': ['Pain in the Penis (Penile Pain)', 'Penile Pain'], 'Tonsil Stones': ['Swollen Tonsils'], 'Balanitis ': ['Pain in the Penis (Penile Pain)', 'Penile Pain'], 'Penis Cancer': ['Discharge From Penis (Penile Discharge)'], "Peyronie's Disease ": ['Pain in the Penis (Penile Pain)', 'Painful Erection (Priapism)', 'Penile Pain'], 'Priapism ': ['Bald spots (hair) and Erectile dysfunction'], 'Spider Bites ': ['Blisters'], 'Kidney Infection': ['Bloating, Blood or red colored urine and Cloudy odor urine', 'Bloating, Constipation and Frequent urination', 'Bloating, Frequent urination and Pressure or fullness', 'Blood or red colored urine, Constipation and Pain or discomfort', 'Blood or red colored urine, Headache and Pain'], 'Pinched Nerve Overview': ['Difficulty moving arm, Pain or discomfort and Stiffness or decreased movement', 'Difficulty moving arm, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch'], 'Iritis': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Diet Plans & Programs': ['Bad taste in mouth, Change in stools, Dry mouth and Pain or discomfort', 'Black (tar) colored stools, Change in stools and Thin (pencil) stools', 'Black colored stools, Bloating, Change in stools', 'Black colored stools, Change in stools, Pain', 'Bleeding, Change in stools, Holding bowel movements and Pain or discomfort', 'Bloating, Blood on stool surface, Red blood in stools and Change in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Blood on stool surface and Change in stools', 'Blood in toilet, Change in stools, Irregular periods and Missed period', 'Blood on stool surface, Change in stools, Depressed mood and Drowsiness', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Dizziness and Excessive sweating', 'Blood on toilet tissue, Change in stools, Hair loss and Pain or discomfort', 'Blue colored lips, Body aches or pains, Change in stools and Chills'], 'Urinary Tract Infection in Adults': ['Discharge From Penis (Penile Discharge)'], 'The 7 Most Important Layers of Your Skin': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'The Skin ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Vitiligo': ['Depigmentation of Skin'], 'Mitral Valve Prolapse': ['Palpitations'], 'Premature Ventricular Contractions ': ['Palpitations'], 'Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma ': ['Paralysis'], 'Spina Bifida ': ['Paralysis'], 'ICU Psychosis': ['Paranoia'], 'Breast Cancer During Pregnancy': ["Dimpled Breast (Peau d'Orange)"], 'Breast Cancer in Young Women': ["Dimpled Breast (Peau d'Orange)"], 'Cellulite': ["Dimpled Breast (Peau d'Orange)"], '30 Sunburn Natural and Home Remedies for Severe Sunburns': ['Blisters'], 'Genital Warts in Men ': ['Penile Itching'], 'Types of Penis Disorders': ['Penile Itching'], "A Therapist's List of Top Ten Phobias": ['Photophobia'], 'Acanthamoeba Keratitis': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Eye Strain': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Keratitis': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Scleritis': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Cluster Headache': ['Pinpoint Pupils (Miosis)'], 'Asbestos ': ['Pleurisy'], 'Pleural Effusion ': ['Chest Pain', 'Cough'], 'High Blood Pressure ': ['Dizziness'], 'Preeclampsia and Eclampsia': ['Proteinuria (Protein in the Urine)'], 'Acute Flaccid Myelitis ': ['Difficulty Urinating', 'Difficulty With Speech', 'Dysphagia'], 'Cryptococcosis': ['Blurred vision, Dizziness, Fever and Headache', 'Blurred vision, Fever, Headache (worst ever) and Lack of emotion', 'Blurred vision, Headache, Numbness or tingling and Pain or discomfort'], 'Dog Bite': ['Finger Pain'], "Dupuytren's Contracture": ['Hand Pain'], 'Astigmatism': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Chronic Cough': ['Headache', 'Heartburn'], 'Fever and Headache': ['Fever'], 'Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci ': ['Back Pain', 'Burning Urination'], 'Alport Syndrome': ['Hearing Loss'], 'Foreign Objects or Insects in the Ear': ['Earache'], "Children's Cough Causes and Treatments": ['Cough', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Thrombocytopenia ': ['Bleeding Easily', 'Bleeding gums and Nosebleed', 'Bleeding gums, Body aches or pains, Easy bleeding and Easy bruising', 'Bruising and Swollen lips', 'Bruising or discoloration and Easy bruising', 'Bruising or discoloration, Headache and Nosebleed', 'Bruising, Decreased appetite and Easy bruising'], 'Heel Pain': ['Foot Pain'], 'Heel Spurs': ['Foot Pain'], 'Plantar Fasciitis': ['Bruising or discoloration, Cold feet, Pain or discomfort and Tenderness to touch'], 'Hiccups': ['Hiccups'], 'How to Get Rid of Hiccups': ['Hiccups'], 'Reflux Laryngitis ': ['Hoarseness'], 'Premature Menopause': ['Hot Flashes'], 'Heat Stroke': ['Hot, dry skin and Increased sensitivity to heat', 'Hot, dry skin and Increased thirst', 'Hot, dry skin and Night sweats'], 'Kyphosis': ['Back Pain', 'Broken bones (multiple fractures) and Hunched or stooped posture'], 'Lower Back Pain': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Narcolepsy': ['Diarrhea, Difficulty staying awake during day, Dry skin and Fatigue', 'Difficult to wake up, Hypersomnia, Easily distracted and Fits of rage', 'Difficulty staying awake during day and Excessive sweating', 'Difficulty staying awake during day and Nausea or vomiting', 'Difficulty staying awake during day and Pain or discomfort', 'Difficulty staying awake during day and Restless (tossing and turning) sleep', 'Difficulty staying awake during day and Tires quickly'], 'Collapsed Lung ': ['Bloody Sputum'], "Traveler's Diarrhea": ['Bad taste in mouth and Diarrhea', 'Belching and Diarrhea', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Excessive gas', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Nausea or vomiting', 'Belching, Diarrhea and Upset stomach', 'Blurred vision and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Cold hands and Diarrhea', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Dizziness', 'Body aches or pains, Chills, Diarrhea and Feeling faint', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Decreased appetite and Diarrhea', 'Bowel habit change, Coated tongue, Diarrhea and Mucus in eyes', 'Bowel habit change, Diarrhea and Enlarged glands'], 'Respiratory Syncytial Virus': ['Ear ache, Nasal congestion and Sore throat'], 'Earache': ['Earache'], 'Inner Ear Infection ': ['Earache'], 'Loss, Grief, and Bereavement': ['Bloating, Early morning waking and Frequent urination'], 'Hematoma vs. Bruise': ['Easy Bruising'], 'Hemophilia A and B ': ['Bleeding Easily', 'Bleeding Gums'], 'Aphasia': ['Echolalia', 'Echologia (Echolalia)', 'Echophrasia (Echolalia)'], 'Disease Prevention for Teens': ['Elbow Pain'], 'Heart Valve Disease': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Central Precocious Puberty': ['Excessive body hair growth and Hair loss', 'Excessive body hair growth and Pain or discomfort', 'Excessive body hair growth and Skin bumps', 'Excessive body hair growth and Unusual or suspicious mole'], 'Colic': ['Distorted body image and Excessive crying', 'Dry skin and Excessive crying'], 'Vitamins, Minerals & Nutritional Supplements': ['Excessive exercising and Excessive facial hair growth (female)', 'Excessive facial hair growth (female) and Flushed skin', 'Excessive facial hair growth (female) and Lump or bulge', 'Excessive facial hair growth (female) and Numbness or tingling', 'Excessive facial hair growth (female) and Pain or discomfort', 'Excessive facial hair growth (female) and Skin redness'], 'Myopia': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Ocular Melanoma ': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Contact Lenses': ['Blinking eyes, Eye irritation, Eyes rolling back and Frequent squinting', 'Bruising or discoloration, Eye irritation and Eyelid redness', 'Bulging veins, Dry eyes, Enlarged veins, Eye irritation'], 'Eye Care and Eye Disorder': ['Double Vision', 'Dry Eye'], 'POTS ': ['Dizziness'], 'Weight Loss': ['Fatigue and Tires quickly', 'Fatigue, Hot flashes and Tires quickly'], 'Hepatitis C': ['Black colored stools, Bloating, Aches or pains, Dark colored urine', 'Bleeding, Dark colored urine, Frequent urinate, Muscle cramps', 'Bloating or fullness, Dark colored (brown) urine, Decreased appetite and Fatigue', 'Bloating, Cloudy urine, Constipation, Dark colored urine'], 'Anencephaly': ['Fever'], 'Blood in Semen': ['Back Pain', 'Blood In Urine'], 'CRE Infection ': ['Fever'], 'Factitious Disorders': ['Chest Pain'], 'Gangrene': ['Fever'], 'Is Tuberculosis ': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'NDM-1': ['Fever'], 'Trigger Finger ': ['Finger Pain'], 'Celiac Disease ': ['Foul smelling stools'], 'Urinary Incontinence Products for Men': ['Bloating or fullness and Frequent nighttime urination'], 'Boils': ['Change in hair texture and Skin bumps'], 'Shingles and Pregnancy': ['Changes in Skin of the Breast'], 'Heart Attack Prevention Overview': ['Chest Pain'], 'Hypothermia': ['Chills', 'Cold Feet', 'Confusion', 'Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Motion Sickness ': ['Body aches or pains, Dizziness and Nausea or vomiting'], 'Headaches in Children': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Knee Pain': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Neuropathic Pain': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Pain Management': ['Chronic Pain', 'Chronic Pain'], 'Spinal Headaches': ['Chronic Pain'], 'Schistosomiasis': ['Bloody Sputum'], 'Frostbite': ['Black colored skin and Cold hands', 'Black colored skin and Numbness or tingling', 'Black colored skin and Red or black spots on fingernails'], 'Sleep': ['Cold feet, Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty sleeping and Hair loss'], 'Pertussis': ['Color change and Flushed skin', 'Color change and Pulling out eyebrows'], '12 Foods to Eat to Relieve Constipation': ['Constipation'], '15 Foods That Cause Constipation': ['Constipation'], 'Laxatives for Constipation': ['Constipation'], 'Diverticulosis': ['Dizziness and Stomach cramps'], 'Nicotine': ['Decreased Appetite'], 'Insomnia': ['Blinking eyes, Difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and Staying asleep'], 'Interstitial Lung Disease ': ['Bleeding and Enlarged finger tips', 'Blue colored skin and Enlarged finger tips'], 'Osteogenesis Imperfecta Brittle Bone Disease': ['Curved spine and Hunched or stooped posture'], 'Asthma Complexities': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Colds': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'High Red Blood Cell Count ': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Methemoglobinemia ': ['Cyanosis/Turning Blue'], 'Polycystic Kidney Disease ': ['Blood In Urine'], 'Depression and Suicide': ['Depression'], 'Melanosis Coli': ['Diarrhea'], 'Recreational Water Illnesses ': ['Diarrhea'], "Travelers' Diarrhea": ['Diarrhea'], 'Tracheostomy': ['Difficulty swallowing, Food getting stuck (swallowing) and Pain when swallowing'], 'Angelman Syndrome': ['Difficulty With Speech'], 'Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip': ['Difficulty With Speech'], 'Stuttering': ['Difficulty With Speech'], 'Sexual ': ['Discharge from nipple and Pain with sexual intercourse (female)'], 'Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children ': ['Distended Stomach (Abdominal Distention)'], 'Fainting ': ['Dizziness'], 'Hidradenitis Suppurativa ': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Pimple vs. Cold Sore': ['Blisters', 'Bumps on Skin'], 'Yaws': ['Bumps on Skin'], 'Tylenol Liver Damage': ['Drainage or pus and Yellow skin', 'Dry skin and Yellow skin'], 'Down Syndrome': ['Drooling'], 'Facial Nerve Problems': ['Blank stare, Dizziness, Drooping of one side of face and High blood pressure'], 'Bad Breath': ['Bad Taste in the Mouth'], 'Ichthyosis Vulgaris': ['Dry Skin'], 'Cramps but No Period': ['Dyspepsia'], '1p36 Deletion Syndrome': ['Dysphagia'], 'Achalasia': ['Dysphagia'], "Schatzki's Ring": ['Dysphagia'], 'Coccydynia ': ['Back Pain'], 'Kidney Pain vs. Back Pain': ['Back Pain'], 'Non-Radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis ': ['Back Pain'], 'Sciatica Exercises': ['Back Pain'], 'Ingrown Toenail': ['Black colored skin, Pain or discomfort and Swelling'], 'Gum Disease': ['Bleeding gums and Hair loss', 'Bleeding gums and Red spots'], 'Epidermolysis Bullosa ': ['Blisters'], 'Guinea Worm Disease': ['Blisters'], 'Farsightedness': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Keratoconus': ['Blurred Vision'], 'Breast Anatomy': ['Breast Discharge', 'Breast Lumps', 'Breast Pain'], 'Fibrocystic Breast Disease': ['Breast Lumps', 'Breast Pain'], 'Hidradenitis Suppurativa': ['Bruising, Enlarged glands, Lump or bulge and Pain'], 'Is a Urinary Tract Infection ': ['Burning Urination'], 'Phimosis ': ['Burning Urination'] |
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