stringlengths 1
| fineweb
float64 -3.91
| nvidia
float64 -7.02
| length
float64 -4.2
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float64 -10.77
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float64 -4.87
Open Silicon says that, even if you can use lower-level software to differentiate, the economics don't work out. | -0.383785 | 0.142149 | 0.128205 | -0.272637 | -0.296769 |
GDM is a statistical technique that uses nonlinear matrix regression to model spatial patterns of biological dissimilarity, including genetic distance, between sampling sites against differences in geographic and environmental variables . | 1.779107 | 0.318505 | 1.204167 | 0.855846 | 0.880723 |
Did you like it? | -1.41001 | -0.40713 | -2.08548 | -0.061755 | -0.080818 |
Metro including pay TV: Seven (three channels) won with a share of 28.2% from Nine (three) on 20.3%, the ABC (four) was on 16.0%, Ten (three) was on 12.7% and SBS (three) ended on 5.0%. | -0.438714 | 2.17422 | 0.829037 | 0.817166 | 0.840138 |
SunWise also recommends that families seek shade during the sun's peak hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. | -0.252113 | 0.744945 | 0.01697 | 0.374494 | 0.374816 |
- Give your child the marker and a piece of construction paper to draw the water and waves. | 2.111659 | -0.236376 | -0.144619 | 1.5614 | 1.603791 |
The phase diagram appears to have two regions. | 0.257178 | -0.156182 | -0.975751 | 0.71526 | 0.733668 |
To land at Cowley's Creek about dawn would be time enough for his purposes. | -0.610548 | 0.640035 | -0.390128 | 0.277455 | 0.273116 |
Because it was so well run, local grocery stores and bakeries felt good about donating their surplus and outdated food. | 0.465427 | 0.514183 | 0.209706 | 0.629642 | 0.643536 |
let, letrec (bind may...), ilobj, lambda, tlambda. | -0.43666 | -1.518104 | -0.879294 | -0.955928 | -0.980665 |
In our opinion, any individual who wishes to take a genetic test should be able to choose to do so anonymously in order to ensure that such information does not remain in his/her medical file. | 0.875656 | 1.108851 | 0.883331 | 0.976564 | 1.006298 |
Bentham also attacked other aspects of the legal system such as "jury packing". | 0.459523 | 0.677624 | -0.324954 | 1.101519 | 1.135349 |
These include the use of recombinant DNA proteins; the development of a universal flu vaccine that protects against a range of flu strains; and the use of vaccine additives called adjuvants, which boost the efficiency of vaccines while enabling producers to stretch limited vaccine stock. | 2.137682 | 0.360426 | 1.499071 | 0.976873 | 1.006664 |
Below are the nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for Dr. Pepper from BK . | -1.647756 | -1.428113 | -0.293388 | -2.215053 | -2.152334 |
22.1 Blue Cucumber Tours LTD T/A BC Motorcycle Tours is currently a main sponsor of Bike Tours for the Wounded and provides financial support and management support so that it may continue to offer its beneficiaries the support and services that they currently undertake. | -0.139394 | 2.223334 | 1.403932 | 0.714891 | 0.733178 |
Ed Upson is clear of his ankle problem and came through an appearance in a friendly against Plymouth unscathed and he is pushing for a start but Matteo Lanzoni is cup tied. | -1.574895 | 0.262619 | 0.723517 | -1.498416 | -1.505659 |
William D. Brown, Monroe, La., attorney of record, for plaintiffs. | -1.84848 | 0.013006 | -0.548027 | -1.078609 | -1.100759 |
In the Section 4 we will study characterization of the fGIG distribution related to these properties. | 0.766805 | -0.414097 | -0.008838 | 0.281699 | 0.277598 |
Sorry you had to put the disclaimer at the end, but I know it comes with the territory (unfortunately). | -1.42155 | -0.121307 | 0.01697 | -1.218097 | -1.235264 |
While the first reference to "guising" in North America occurs in 1911, another reference to ritual begging on Halloween appears, place unknown, in 1915, with a third reference in Chicago in 1920. | 1.272766 | 0.119458 | 0.913624 | 0.493448 | 0.499724 |
old. | -1.026716 | -1.019143 | -3.268807 | 0.53091 | 0.539562 |
suggests situation worse than meltdown [URL] - Test Area North - Walker, J. Samuel (2004). | -0.282979 | -1.37964 | -0.158868 | -1.197134 | -1.215552 |
More frequently visited pagodas are the Great Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, the Pagoda of Six Harmonies in Hangzhou, and the Forest of Pagodas near Shaolin Monastery in Henan, central China, to name just a few. | 0.965664 | 0.869126 | 1.001525 | 0.782366 | 0.803729 |
He shared with Catherine tasks related to the government of the kingdom, but his rule was marked by the guardianship of Catherine's mother Magdalena de Valois up to 1494—she died in 1495—and persistent diplomatic and military pressure of Ferdinand II of Aragon over the Crown of Navarre, supported on the ground by the Beaumont party of Navarre. | 2.045534 | -0.518568 | 1.787354 | 0.029136 | 0.013717 |
Good news: Eggs of all kinds are fine. | -0.509513 | -0.079451 | -1.191647 | 0.316258 | 0.313709 |
Criminology is a field full of deep schisms and sharp debates, a sort of "hybrid" discipline (Gibbons, 1989), with even the historical accounts of criminology being disputed (Brown, 2006; Forsythe, 1995; Garland, 1997; Jones, 2008; Rafter, 2004). | 1.549361 | 0.02522 | 1.25461 | 0.413769 | 0.415468 |
AIZENMAN: People used to pay him to put his designs on their T-shirts, but this job pays better. | -1.222181 | 1.791977 | -0.075262 | 0.494847 | 0.501142 |
The United States Constitution is a remarkable document; it is the product of much labor and compromise by some of the best minds our country has seen. | 1.192318 | 0.954851 | 0.538181 | 1.328879 | 1.366579 |
Primary care providers contribute to and participate in community assessment, health surveillance, monitoring and evaluation. | 1.081302 | 1.003845 | 0.27646 | 1.451016 | 1.491492 |
During the 18th century the bell tower was added to the structure, with further renovations and extensions in 1905. | 0.675434 | 1.098349 | 0.163637 | 1.280992 | 1.317631 |
I felt like a character in a Wharton novel the morning I strolled through it, stopping among the splashy tulips to sit on a park bench and drink up the cold spring sunshine. | -0.659176 | -0.15967 | 0.731864 | -1.117831 | -1.138815 |
This geography unit for grades 3-6+ provides information and activities for students to begin learning about Australia, including thinking about what they know already, location activities, directions and forms for creating a geography center, and answer key. | 2.75256 | 0.311519 | 1.33375 | 1.527451 | 1.569208 |
This operation continues until the table has been read. | -0.183921 | -1.310372 | -0.767339 | -0.668686 | -0.696334 |
The Nasdaq composite index added 5 to 2,759. | -1.138763 | -0.40713 | -1.026614 | -0.539993 | -0.56757 |
Addiction is a public health problem, but one we need to fund in an ongoing way. | 0.839846 | 0.297547 | -0.309089 | 1.091367 | 1.124801 |
These examples break down barriers between conventional notions of "science" and "indigenous knowledge" and between literate and pre-literate cultures. | 1.612489 | -1.06078 | 0.538181 | 0.080695 | 0.066583 |
In this mode the detector was operable in a low sensitivity analogue mode using the intermediate anode and a high sensitivity ion counting mode using both multipliers and the pulse counter, so that the dynamic range was considerably wider than a conventional detector which only use one of these modes. | 1.118802 | -1.313836 | 1.573986 | -1.178915 | -1.197943 |
Tatus or coconut crabs abound in the island surrounded by rich marine life. | -0.345789 | 1.185872 | -0.390128 | 0.911613 | 0.938387 |
These animals are made available to investigators outside of the University of Maryland through collaboration with or request to the P.I. | 0.69178 | 0.122949 | 0.402364 | 0.375025 | 0.375354 |
Digital transformation will be vital to operators' future prosperity. | 0.153412 | -0.675168 | -0.493512 | -0.086389 | -0.105866 |
Just the THING for a small flat The Bachelor Girl's Friend And the Young Bride's SAVIOR Quick to start-Quick to cook, Quick to put out A valve, a match, dinner. | -0.630335 | -0.949721 | 0.620073 | -1.640458 | -1.639347 |
If you want k to be [1], then you could write something like this instead: def lol(a): a[:] = [1] return a k = [2, 3] lol(k) # now k is equal to [1] | 1.451919 | -1.711805 | 0.509984 | -0.535858 | -0.563202 |
The bomb project had been initiated by President Roosevelt on the basis of an appeal by Albert Einstein. | 1.46017 | 1.136857 | 0.029719 | 2.012367 | 2.03833 |
Let's assume that you have a list and you want to display different type of list items according to your list index for instance, or maybe to some value that you have in your model. | 0.686342 | -0.421063 | 0.797242 | -0.312313 | -0.336938 |
--Thomas C. Leonard, July 2005. | -1.497449 | -0.302602 | -1.414084 | -0.486176 | -0.513268 |
The staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Records Requests & Fees Contact: 919-560-0899 or 919-560-0898 Applicants can pay their fee in cash or credit at the Cashier's Office located on the first floor of the Durham County courthouse. | -0.659176 | 0.465252 | 1.369171 | -1.044495 | -1.067535 |
Sometimes our eyes need help. | -0.81589 | 0.255634 | -1.485278 | 0.530182 | 0.538813 |
In my readings through the materials, philo-Semitism seems far more prominent than any supposed "anti-Semitism", which is not surprising since most of the authors were themselves Jewish.) | 0.718809 | 0.685492 | 0.844721 | 0.547826 | 0.557334 |
The cases, as yet given, of slight and graduated differences in colour between the males and females in the groups, in which as a general rule the sexes resemble each other, all relate to species which build domed or concealed nests. | 1.749538 | 1.297926 | 1.171923 | 1.619974 | 1.661806 |
"Why, dad," he greeted, "what in the dickens are you doing out here?" | -1.005389 | 0.645279 | -0.493512 | 0.040073 | 0.024947 |
This means that as Mars' axis tilted to the extremes - up to 60 degrees from the plane of Mars' orbit - the Martian poles get a whole lot more sunshine in the summertime than they do now. | 1.865993 | -0.441961 | 0.844721 | 0.563261 | 0.573664 |
There are a ton of genuinely excellent Star Wars stories throughout the pages, both serious and funny. | -1.181541 | 0.619056 | 0.004119 | -0.442737 | -0.469231 |
Graywater includes wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom sinks, clothes washing machines and laundry sinks. | 0.78262 | 2.686601 | 0.140102 | 2.622738 | 2.568684 |
The Rio Grande, shown on the Vingboons map as the Rio de Norte, which used to flow into the Gulf of California, was forced to flow to the Gulf of Mexico. | 1.604675 | 1.297926 | 0.556722 | 1.90779 | 1.940381 |
Field Educational Publications Incorporated, 1973. | 0.697207 | -0.138746 | -0.879294 | 1.010256 | 1.041803 |
[assembly: ComVisible(false)] // The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM [assembly: Guid("92a6be2b-759d-4d62-8912-9dde0052bc33")] // Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values: // // Major Version // Minor Version // Build Number // Revision // // You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers // by using the '*' as shown below: // [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0. | 1.090725 | -1.393491 | 2.312974 | -1.745062 | -1.734209 |
A: The only way to know if two IIC devices are compatible in this context is to compare their IIC interface in the two datasheets very carefully. | 0.614656 | 1.332948 | 0.481309 | 1.209837 | 1.244789 |
This was the first design to include suspension and lower profile tires. | -0.077539 | 0.115967 | -0.440927 | 0.317574 | 0.315033 |
Those who quit for at least ten years before they were diagnosed to have the illness were performing as people who never smoked did. | 0.244421 | -0.231147 | 0.351061 | -0.218528 | -0.241698 |
PROMAN has been awarded the contract for the Final Evaluation of the Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Sector project. | -0.263646 | 1.056345 | 0.50048 | 0.293813 | 0.290505 |
This process must be completed prior to that weeks games. | -1.224908 | -0.713426 | -0.724912 | -1.043741 | -1.066815 |
Important decisions were taken at the Congress with a view to advancing the impact of Freud's work. | 0.78262 | -0.96708 | -0.035073 | -0.121439 | -0.141863 |
16 amazing painters put their skills to the test with only 20 minutes to turn blank canvases into incredible pieces of original art that will be available via silent auction. | -0.426411 | 0.877872 | 0.740172 | -0.129442 | -0.150052 |
An excellent selection of books dealing with both the history and theology of the diaconate is available from the National Association of Diaconate Directors, [URL] . | 0.614656 | -0.942777 | 0.67257 | -0.695256 | -0.72314 |
- n. Hence, return; reward. | -1.001903 | 0.591087 | -1.560666 | 0.696252 | 0.713203 |
Invest in a headlight or some other light to attach on your bike so that cars can actually see you. | 0.199295 | 0.664511 | -0.035073 | 0.698655 | 0.715896 |
Most of the existing site was constructed at the turn of the 20th Century and evolved from there onwards according to refinement of the techniques for making the bricks. | 1.779107 | 0.321998 | 0.698231 | 1.18848 | 1.222993 |
Successful salespeople spend more time with their top revenue producing accounts. | -1.040168 | -0.654731 | -0.293388 | -1.134672 | -1.154977 |
This creamy wild garlic pesto shrimp pasta is packed with flavour. | -1.28272 | -0.807295 | -0.548027 | -1.277745 | -1.292585 |
Here is my code to add the views and set the layout params to the fragment layout: RelativeLayout fm = (RelativeLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.fragmentLayout); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); CustomImages cs = new CustomImages(getActivity()); cs.setId(R.id.one); cs.setLayoutParams(params); params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); params.addRule(RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, cs.getId()); CustomImages2 cs2 = new CustomImages2(getActivity()); cs2.setId(R.id.two); cs2.setLayoutParams(params); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params2 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params2.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); params2.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, cs2.getId()); CustomImages3 cs3 = new CustomImages3(getActivity()); cs3.setId(R.id.three); cs3.setLayoutParams(params); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params3 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params3.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); params3.addRule(RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, cs3.getId()); CustomImages4 cs4 = new CustomImages4(getActivity()); cs4.setId(R.id.four); cs4.setLayoutParams(params); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params4 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params4.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_LEFT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); params4.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, cs4.getId()); CustomImages5 cs5 = new CustomImages5(getActivity()); cs5.setId(R.id.five); cs5.setLayoutParams(params); A: cs3.setLayoutParams(params); cs4.setLayoutParams(params); cs5.setLayoutParams(params); I believe params there should be replaced with params2, params3 and params4 respectively. | 0.529554 | -1.338082 | 5.295815 | -4.085729 | -3.276187 |
It had taken them a while to all get to the abandoned house safely. | -0.887782 | -0.386229 | -0.529631 | -0.651352 | -0.679188 |
You want Upholders on your team because they will carry their weight 110% every time. | -1.491555 | 0.640035 | -0.232146 | -0.514801 | -0.542139 |
A grade II was assigned to this disc. | -0.552044 | -1.019143 | -1.221225 | -0.432883 | -0.45972 |
But the science isn't entirely clear yet: Just as we're learning more about different types of fat, research is showing how complex fiber is as well. | 1.014434 | -0.560341 | 0.519435 | 0.01655 | 0.000535 |
For example, when bullish investor sentiment is rising from a lower level but not yet reached an extreme high, it's just confirming trend following. | -0.252113 | -0.002696 | 0.509984 | -0.531886 | -0.559411 |
The line-height of your .wrap element is by default 1.5 that inherits from the body, the vertical align property will render depending on your line-height, so if the line height is bigger than your wrapper element, you will see the effect. | 0.447675 | 1.497589 | 1.210549 | 0.732498 | 0.752311 |
Mr. Moore will report directly to Mr. Cook in this newly created position of Quality Director, and will join the company's management committee. | -1.444738 | 0.521173 | 0.471641 | -1.030076 | -1.053304 |
Other invertebrates include the staphilinid beetle Quedius mesomelinus and the arachnid Lessertia denticalis. | 0.3263 | -0.431512 | 0.091978 | -0.142286 | -0.163363 |
shows a typical dreadnought protection scheme, with very thick armour protecting the turrets, magazines and engine spaces tapering away in less vital areas; also note the subdivided underwater compartments to prevent sinking. | 0.875656 | 0.014751 | 1.119118 | -0.033136 | -0.051294 |
With code bases growing in size, a clean check out may take tens of minutes, and even hours, significantly increasing feedback time from a continuous integration server. | 0.066098 | 2.433868 | 0.698231 | 1.500522 | 1.541677 |
There are also a number of mobile camera units which may be deployed anywhere in the zone. | 0.276203 | -0.358357 | -0.158868 | 0.039319 | 0.024219 |
I'll consider offer to serve under NPP gov't – Okoe Vanderpuije Outgoing Mayor for Accra, Alfred Okoe Vanderpuije says he will mull over his options should an offer be placed before him to serve in the government of President-elect Nana Akufo-Addo. | -0.42028 | 2.616387 | 1.267007 | 0.891927 | 0.918211 |
'Joseph! | -1.246812 | -1.17869 | -2.712174 | -0.129055 | -0.149656 |
It would seem that the best way for this Court to determine which statute of limitations is applicable to NJLAD is through an evolutionary analysis of N.J.S.A. | 0.055841 | -1.033024 | 0.611165 | -1.163 | -1.182037 |
The elbow represents the ability to grasp a situation and manipulate it. | 0.935985 | -1.424651 | -0.440927 | -0.09479 | -0.114617 |
Over time, these emotions could raise your heart disease risk. | 0.1666 | 1.070346 | -0.624004 | 1.374594 | 1.413337 |
These days, students come from all walks of life and enter college for a variety of reasons, and with a variety of expectations. | 0.658991 | -0.166644 | 0.308845 | 0.183795 | 0.174518 |
The Question If the symbols exist, then they exist where? | -0.282979 | -0.518568 | -0.724912 | -0.154393 | -0.1759 |
Produce photo from Flickr user Mckaysavage, accessed 10/4/10. | -0.482223 | -0.81077 | -0.643631 | -0.591868 | -0.620186 |
georgia anne muldrow - n.t. | -2.53581 | -1.725635 | -1.560666 | -2.31623 | -2.236021 |
They may suggest a license to offer copies "free of charge, for academic use only," which would tell the general public they don't deserve freedom, and argue that this will obtain the cooperation of academia, which is all (they say) you need. | 0.320088 | 1.360968 | 1.229561 | 0.513401 | 0.520873 |
They are a vanishing example of a mechanical process once common throughout America. | -0.066768 | -0.075963 | -0.247229 | 0.049545 | 0.03479 |
What are the health benefits of practicing Tai Chi? | 0.518005 | 1.385487 | -0.856183 | 2.047451 | 2.071513 |
During his 33 years on the Court as an associate justice and chief justice, Rehnquist consistently voted against free-speech and free-press claims. | 0.518005 | 0.335971 | 0.50048 | 0.341753 | 0.340038 |
Government of Antigua and Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda National Report, 13. | 0.381585 | -0.253806 | -0.390128 | 0.354353 | 0.353712 |
267257655 What is the common denominator of 13/1499644 and 113/4498932? | 0.225172 | 0.668008 | -0.45825 | 0.997572 | 1.028653 |
Please be aware that the uploading of GTC's can sometimes be laborious, and since the Petrochem guys are eager to get this out, time is of the essence. | -0.337858 | 0.088042 | 0.538181 | -0.546366 | -0.573856 |
This was partly due to the fact that Murray had the benefit of learning from Yeager's flight. | 0.03866 | -0.636901 | -0.116506 | -0.392056 | -0.418288 |
Regions of intense star formation in the inner spiral arms of the galaxy are highlighted by the optical emission. | 1.071848 | -0.581224 | 0.140102 | 0.292477 | 0.289105 |
The court agrees with defendants that section 2301(a) clearly provides that no interest rate can exceed 5% over the federal discount rate and rejects plaintiffs' argument that because the judgment in this case was entered after May 13, 1980, section 2301(a) permits interest to accrue at a contractually agreed rate. | 0.453606 | 0.346452 | 1.646075 | -0.447427 | -0.474184 |