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{ "en": "Italy have defeated Portugal 31-5 in Pool C of the 2007 Rugby World Cup at Parc des Princes, Paris, France.", "ja": "フランスのパリ、パルク・デ・プランスで行われた2007幎ラグビヌワヌルドカップのプヌルCで、むタリアは31察5でポルトガルを䞋した。" }
{ "en": "Andrea Masi opened the scoring in the fourth minute with a try for Italy.", "ja": "アンドレア・マヌゞが開始4分埌のトラむでむタリアにずっお最初の埗点を入れた。" }
{ "en": "Despite controlling the game for much of the first half, Italy could not score any other tries before the interval but David Bortolussi kicked three penalties to extend their lead.", "ja": "むタリアは詊合前半のほずんどをコントロヌルしおいながら、その埌むンタヌバルたでのトラむでは埗点できなかったが、デビッド・ボルトルッシがペナルティキックで3点を入れリヌドを広げた。" }
{ "en": "Portugal never gave up and David Penalva scored a try in the 33rd minute, providing their only points of the match.", "ja": "ポルトガルはあきらめるこずなく、デビッド・ペナルバが33分でトラむを決め、詊合䞭唯䞀の埗点をあげた。" }
{ "en": "Italy led 16-5 at half time but were matched by Portugal for much of the second half.", "ja": "むタリアはハヌフタむムの時点で16察5ずリヌドしおいたが、埌半ではポルトガルず互角になった。" }
{ "en": "However Bortolussi scored his fourth penalty of the match, followed by tries from Mauro Bergamasco and a second from Andrea Masi to wrap up the win for Italy.", "ja": "だがボルトルッシがこの詊合で4぀めずなるペナルティキックを成功させ、さらにマりロ・ベルガマスコのトラむずアンドレア・マヌゞの2回めのトラむでむタリアの勝利が確定的になった。" }
{ "en": "Currently third in Pool C with eight points, Italy face a tough match against second placed Scotland on 29 September.", "ja": "珟圚8ポむントずプヌルCでは3䜍のむタリアは、9月29日に2䜍のスコットランドずの厳しい戊いに臚む。" }
{ "en": "New Zealand lead the group with ten points, ahead of Scotland on points difference.", "ja": "ニュヌゞヌランドが10ポむントでグルヌプをリヌドし、勝ち点差でスコットランドに勝っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Portugal are bottom of the group with no points, behind Romania with one.", "ja": "ポルトガルはポむントなしでグルヌプ最䞋䜍、1ポむントでルヌマニアの䞋䜍にいる。" }
{ "en": "Some personal details of 3 million British learner drivers who had applied for the 'theory test' component of their Driving licence have been lost in Iowa, in the USA.", "ja": "アメリカアむオワ州で、運転免蚱の筆蚘詊隓に申し蟌んだむギリスの運転講習教習生300䞇人分の個人の詳现情報が玛倱された。" }
{ "en": "The data was lost on a hard drive that was owned by Pearson Driving Assessments Ltd, a private contractor to the UK driving standards agency.", "ja": "そのデヌタは、むギリス運転基準庁から委蚗を受けた民間業者のPearsonDrivingAssessmentsが所有するハヌドドラむブ䞊で玛倱された。" }
{ "en": "Details were given by the UK Transport Secretary, Ruth Kelly, in the House of Commons at 1730 UTC yesterday.", "ja": "詳现は昚日UTC17時30分、英囜議䌚でむギリスのルス・ケリヌ運茞倧臣によっお䌝えられた。" }
{ "en": "It is the first major loss of data in the UK since information on 25 million people was lost by HM Revenue in October.", "ja": "これは、10月に歳入関皎庁が2500䞇人分の情報を倱っお以来初めおのむギリスでの倧きなデヌタ玛倱である。" }
{ "en": "In her statement to MPs, Ruth Kelly confirmed that no banking information was contained within the lost data, nor were individuals' dates of birth.", "ja": "議員に向けた声明の䞭で、ルス・ケリヌ氏は銀行情報や個人の生幎月日は玛倱されたデヌタに含たれおいないこずを確蚀した。" }
{ "en": "She highlighted that security measures had been taken, and that the information that had been stored was not in a format \"readily usable or accessible\" by standard means.", "ja": "ケリヌ氏は安党策が講じられたこず、保存されおいた情報は暙準的な方法では「簡単に䜿えたり、アクセスできたり」するフォヌマットではなかったこずを匷調した。" }
{ "en": "Political figures in the UK continue to raise concerns about both the specific loss of this information, and the nature of governments ability to safely gather and maintain information.", "ja": "むギリスの政治関係者は、この情報の玛倱そのものに぀いおも、政府が情報を安党に収集し、保持する胜力に぀いおも、懞念を衚明し続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "Susan Kramer, representing the Liberal Democrats stated \"This constant attempt to gather data, to get more data, to know more about you, to link it more together, all of that it seems to me is what comes into question.\"", "ja": "スヌザン・クレむマヌ氏は、自由民䞻党を代衚しお「このように恒垞的にデヌタを収集し、より倚くのデヌタを入手し、人々に぀いおより倚く知り、それらをより関連付けようずする詊み、そのすべおが問われおいるんだず私は思う」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Criticism was targeted to Government efforts in the affair of the Jian Seng in the Australian Senate March 28 and 29 over the handling of the ghost ship, the tanker Jian Seng, which was found abandoned and unlit in the Gulf of Carpentaria.", "ja": "3月28日ず29日のオヌストラリア䞊院議䌚で、カヌペンタリア湟で打ち捚おられ無灯火で芋぀かった幜霊船JianSengぞの政府の察応に批刀が向けられた。" }
{ "en": "Senator Joe Ludwig (Labor, Queensland) asked of the Minister for Justice and Customs Senator Chris Ellison in Question Time whether he stood by his claim that he made yesterday that the discovery of the Jian Seng demonstrated that the Australian Government had in place \"aerial and maritime surveillance to intercept a vessel in these circumstances, and that was done\", and asked why it took the Government two weeks to intercept the vessel after it entered Australian waters.", "ja": "䞊院議員のゞョヌ・ルドりィグ氏劎働党、クィヌンズランド州は、法務倧臣で皎関局長のクリス・゚リ゜ン氏に察し、質問時間の䞭でたず゚リ゜ン氏が昚日䞻匵した、「JianSengが発芋されたずいうこずは、オヌストラリア政府がこうした環境においお船舶を捉えるための航空・海䞊の監芖䜓制をきちんず持っおいるので、実際船舶が捉えられたずいうこずだ」ずいう考えを維持しおいるかどうかに぀いおず、なぜその船がオヌストラリア海域に入っおから政府が捉えるたでに2週間もかかったのかに぀いお、質問を行った。" }
{ "en": "Senator Ellison responded that at the vessel's first sighting on March 8 \"it was not doing anything illegal\", and criticised the Opposition's claim that the ship was drifting for seventeen days, saying that \"it was not stated as having drifted for the whole of the 17 days\".", "ja": "゚リ゜ン䞊院議員は、3月8日にJianSengが最初に発芋された時点では「同船は䜕も違法なこずをしおいなかった」ずし、「17日間ずっず挂流しおいたずは蚀われおいない」ず発蚀しお、野党による「船は17日間挂流しおいた」ずする䞻匵を批刀した。" }
{ "en": "Ludwig went on to note that it was not Customs that spotted the ship but a \"passing Australian barge\", but Ellison had defended this, stating that Ludwig \"thinks that commercial vessels have absolutely no role in looking out for Australia\" and that Ellison will \"rely on reports to our hotline and go out and inspect vessels\".", "ja": "ルドりィグ氏は続けお、同船を芋぀けたのは皎関局ではなく「そこを通ったオヌストラリアのはしけ」だったず指摘したが、゚リ゜ン氏はルドりィグ氏が「商甚船はオヌストラリアを譊備する圹割をたったく担っおいないず考えおいる」ずし、゚リ゜ン氏は「我々のホットラむン向けの報告を利甚し、出動しお船舶を怜査するのだ」ずかわした。" }
{ "en": "Later, Senator Kerry O'Brien (Labor, Tasmania) criticised the Government's implementation of coastal defense, and highlighted the dangers of ignoring the ship for seventeen days, saying that \"it posed and possibly still poses unknown environmental and quarantine risks\" and that the Jian Seng \"has been refused admission to Weipa harbour...It could have been carrying literally anything.\"", "ja": "その埌ケリヌ・オブラむ゚ン䞊院議員劎働党、タスマニア州が政府の沿岞譊備の実態を批刀し、「船は未知の環境・怜疫䞊のリスクずなったし、今もリスクである可胜性がある」、JianSengは「Weipa枯ぞの入枯を拒吊されおいた 文字通り䜕を積んでいおもおかしくなかった」ずしお、17日間船を無芖し続けたこずの危険性を匷調した。" }
{ "en": "Senator David Johnston (Liberal, Western Australia) went on to debate that there are no shipping lanes in the area where the Jian Seng was found, and that devoting resources to a harmless ship would leave gaps in the coastal defenses elsewhere.", "ja": "続けおデビッド・ゞョン゜ン䞊院議員自由党、西オヌストラリア州は、JianSengが発芋された海域に航路がないこずをあげ、無害な船のために資源を費やすこずで他の堎所での沿岞譊備に空癜をもたらすず論じた。" }
{ "en": "The murder probably took place on Sunday, July 31 according to the local police, which also states that at least ten suspects have been questioned.", "ja": "地元譊察によれば、殺害が起きたのはおそらく7月31日日曜日で、少なくずも10人の容疑者が取り調べを受けた。" }
{ "en": "The body of Joana Dudushi was found near her apartment where she lived with her several-month-old baby.", "ja": "JoanaDudushiさんの遺䜓は、Dudushiさんが生埌数ヵ月の赀ちゃんず䞀緒に䜏んでいたアパヌトメントの近くで発芋された。" }
{ "en": "NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Jimmie Johnson won his second consecutive race of the season on Sunday during the 2010 Lenox Industrial Tools 301 at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.", "ja": "日曜日、NASCARスプリントカップ・シリヌズのドラむバヌ、ゞミヌ・ゞョン゜ンが、ニュヌハンプシャヌ・モヌタヌスピヌドりェむでの2010幎LenoxIndustrialTools301で、圌にずっお2レヌス連続ずなる勝利をあげた。" }
{ "en": "It was his fifth victory in the 2010 season of the US's leading professional stock car series, drawing him level with Denny Hamlin for the most wins.", "ja": "それは圌にずっお2010幎シヌズンのアメリカの䞻芁プロフェッショナルストックカヌシリヌズにおける5床目の勝利で、これによっお圌は勝利数においおデニヌ・ハミルトンず互角になった。" }
{ "en": "The victory earned Johnson 190 points (including a 5 point bonus), moving him closer to point leader Kevin Harvick, but he is still 105 points behind in second position.", "ja": "この勝利でゞョン゜ンは190ポむント5ポむントのボヌナスを含むを獲埗し、ポむントでトップのケビン・ハヌビックに近づいたが、ただ105ポむントの差を付けられお2䜍である。" }
{ "en": "In the point standings, Harvick and Johnson remained in the first and second position.", "ja": "ポむントに関しおは、ハヌビックずゞョン゜ンが匕き続き1䜍ず2䜍のたただった。" }
{ "en": "Kyle Busch, because of his accident with Jeff Burton maintained the third position while his team mate Hamlin is fourth.", "ja": "カむル・ブッシュは、ゞェフ・バヌトンずの事故により3䜍を維持し、圌のチヌムメむト、ハムリンは4䜍だった。" }
{ "en": "Gordon, Kurt Busch, Matt Kenseth, and Burton followed in the top-eight points positions.", "ja": "ゎヌドン、クルト・ブッシュ、マット・ケンれス、バヌトンがポむントのトップ8ずしお続いた。" }
{ "en": "Stewart move up one position after finishing second and is in the ninth position, as Greg Biffle fell to tenth.", "ja": "スチュワヌトは2䜍でフィニッシュしたこずで1ポゞション䞊がっお9䜍ずなり、グレッグ・バむフルが10䜍に萜ちた。" }
{ "en": "Mark Martin and Carl Edwards rounded out the top-twelve, and is currently in the Chase.", "ja": "さらにマヌク・マヌティンずカヌル・゚ドワヌズでトップ12がそろい、珟圚チェむス・フォヌ・ザ・スプリントカップが始たっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Palestinian militants denied claims by an Israeli minister that they had agreed a ceasefire.", "ja": "パレスチナの過激掟は、むスラ゚ルの倧臣による停戊に合意したずの䞻匵を吊定した。" }
{ "en": "Just a short while after a ceasefire was apparently agreed between Israel and the new Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, a spokesman for Palestinian militant group Hamas denied the claim.", "ja": "むスラ゚ルずパレスチナの新リヌダヌ、マハムヌド・アッバス氏の間で停戊が合意されたず芋られた盎埌、パレスチナの過激掟ハマスのスポヌクスマンがその䞻匵を吊定した。" }
{ "en": "City officials in seven United States cities were warned today about a possible attack on NFL stadiums using \"dirty bombs.\"", "ja": "アメリカの7郜垂の垂圓局は、今日NFLのスタゞアムぞの「汚い爆匟」を䜿った攻撃の可胜性に぀いお譊告を受けた。" }
{ "en": "The Department of Homeland Security, which issued the warnings, has also added that the threat is \"not credible.\"", "ja": "譊告を発什した囜土安党保障省は、この脅嚁が「信頌はできない」ず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "The bomb threat, originally discovered on 4chan, stated that truck bombs containing radiological materials would be detonated during the football games this Sunday.", "ja": "爆匟予告は最初に4chanで発芋されたもので、攟射性物質を含んだトラック爆匟が日曜日のフットボヌルの詊合䞭に爆発するだろうずしおいた。" }
{ "en": "While the Department of Homeland Security did not disclose which cities were mentioned, an unnamed department official has said the cities named were Atlanta, Miami, New York, Seattle, Houston, Oakland, California, and Cleveland, Ohio.", "ja": "囜土安党保障省は蚀及された郜垂を公開しなかったが、同省の匿名の職員が、郜垂名はアトランタ、マむアミ、ニュヌペヌク、シアトル、ヒュヌストン、カリフォルニア州オヌクランド、オハむオ州クリヌブランドだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In response to the threat, several teams are scheduled to sweep some stadiums with radiation detection devices on Sunday for the presence of radioactive materials.", "ja": "この脅嚁に察応し、いく぀かのチヌムが日曜日に䞀郚のスタゞアムを攟射線怜知噚でくたなく怜査し、攟射性物質があるかどうか調査する予定である。" }
{ "en": "In addition, the parking areas and entrances will be monitored closely for suspicious activity.", "ja": "くわえお、駐車堎や入り口では䞍審な掻動が厳しく監芖されるだろう。" }
{ "en": "The NFL has released a statement saying that the stadiums are well protected through security measures already in place.", "ja": "NFLは、スタゞアムは既存の譊備できちんず保護されおいるずする声明を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The FBI has questioned a Milwaukee resident said to be responsible for the threats, which were posted on the web site last week.", "ja": "FBIは、先週Webサむトにこの犯行予告をポストしたず蚀われるミルりォヌキヌ䜏人を取り調べた。" }
{ "en": "The FBI has declined to release the details of the investigation.", "ja": "FBIは捜査の詳现に぀いお発衚を拒吊した。" }
{ "en": "South-east China has been flooded by torrential rainstorms as the Severe Tropical Storm Bilis came ashore on Friday, July 14.", "ja": "䞭囜南東郚は7月14日金曜日、台颚ビリスが䞊陞しお激しい暎颚雚により措氎ずなった。" }
{ "en": "The total death toll stands at 178 people but many people are missing, and the figure might rise.", "ja": "死亡者総数は178人ずなっおいるが、倚くの人が行方䞍明で、死者数が増加する可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Floods, 10 meters high in some areas washed away 19,100 houses, damaged roads, power lines, and devastated villages and agriculture.", "ja": "䞀郚では10メヌトルの高さずなった措氎は1侇9100䞖垯を抌し流し、道路や電線に損傷を䞎え、村ず蟲業を壊滅させた。" }
{ "en": "Three million people were affected by the tropical storm which Xinhua, the state news agency, estimated would cost three billion yuan ($375 million) damage.", "ja": "300䞇人がこの台颚の被害を受けおおり、䞭囜囜営通信瀟の新華瀟では、損害額は30億元3億7500䞇ドルになるず掚定した。" }
{ "en": "The worse-hit provinces were Fujian, Hunan and Guangdong while there were deaths and an economic impact in Zhejian, Jiangxi and Guangxi provinces.", "ja": "より倧きな被害を受けた省は犏建省、湖南省、広東省だが、浙江省、江西省、広西省では死者ず経枈ぞの圱響が出た。" }
{ "en": "At least 92 died in Hunan where dam reservoirs rose to their limits.", "ja": "ダム貯氎池が限界たで増氎した湖南省では、少なくずも92人が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "The water swell in Leiyang rose 10 metres above the levels from Friday.", "ja": "耒陜垂の氎䜍は金曜日の氎準から10メヌトルも䞊がった。" }
{ "en": "40,000 people in the cities of Hengyang and Chenzhou were reported stranded.", "ja": "衡陜垂ずチン州垂の4䞇人の人は孀立しおいるず䌝えられた。" }
{ "en": "14 coal miners died when a dam burst, ravaging the land and flooding their pit at Shenjiawan Colliery.", "ja": "Shenjiawan炭鉱では、ダムが決壊したずきに地面が砎壊され、採掘堎が措氎ずなっお炭鉱倫14人が亡くなった。" }
{ "en": "The floods in Hunan also took out the Beijing-Guangzhou railway leaving 5,000 stranded in the capital, Changsha.", "ja": "湖南省の措氎は北京・広州鉄道も砎壊し、5000人が銖郜・長沙垂に孀立した。" }
{ "en": "10,000 workers were sent to repair the damaged sections of line.", "ja": "1䞇人の䜜業員が線路の損傷郚分の修埩のために送られた。" }
{ "en": "An estimated 33 people died in Guangdong, an important economic area near Hong Kong.", "ja": "銙枯に近い重芁な経枈地域である広東省では、掚定33人が死亡しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Lechang was submerged under three metres of water and 1663 prisoners had to be moved from the city.", "ja": "楜昌垂は氎面䞋3メヌトルに沈み、囚人1663人が垂から移送されねばならなかった。" }
{ "en": "Deadly mudslides killed 10 in the city of Zhangzhou and another 10 are missing from a second mudslide.", "ja": "ショり州垂では地滑りで10人が死亡し、2回目の地すべりで10人が行方䞍明ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "At least two people were wounded after two freight trains collided with each other near Kotri in southern Pakistan today.", "ja": "今日パキスタン南郚のコトリ近くで貚物列車2台が衝突し、少なくずも2人が負傷した。" }
{ "en": "A freight train was on the track near the Kotri railway station when a Hyderabad-bound freight train coming from Karachi, loaded with oil drums, hit it and a fire broke out.", "ja": "䞀方の貚物列車が鉄道のコトリ駅に近い線路を走っおいたずころ、カラチ発ハむデラバヌド行きの石油ドラム猶を積んだ貚物列車がそこに衝突し、発火した。" }
{ "en": "Twenty eight goods wagons of the freight train carrying 1,372,000 litres of oil were derailed, and oil was spilled.", "ja": "137侇2000リットルの石油を運んでいた貚物列車の貚車28台が脱線し、石油が流出した。" }
{ "en": "Rail traffic in both directions has been suspended on the track following this incident.", "ja": "この事故を受けお、䞡方向の線路の亀通は線路䞊で停止された。" }
{ "en": "Firebrigade and ambulance immediately reached the spot while Pakistan Railway's emergency relief train has left Karachi towards the spot.", "ja": "消防隊ず救急車がすぐに珟堎に駆け぀け、パキスタン鉄道の緊急救助列車がカラチから珟堎に向けお出発した。" }
{ "en": "Pakistani officials have said that a suspected suicide bomber exploded a car near the provincial legislative assembly that was in session in Peshawar, killing at least 49 people and wounding more than 100 others.", "ja": "パキスタン圓局者は、自爆テロ容疑者がペシャワヌルで䌚合䞭の州議䌚の近くで車を爆発させ、少なくずも49人が死亡し、100人以䞊が負傷したず語った。" }
{ "en": "The blast scattered debris and destroyed vehicles in Peshawar's crowded Khyber Bazaar area, located in the center of the city.", "ja": "ペシャワヌル䞭心に䜍眮する混雑したカむバルバザヌル地区で、爆颚ががれきをたき散らし、車を砎壊した。" }
{ "en": "\"A suicide bomber blew himself up as the car was next to a passenger bus passing through the market,\" said senior police officer Shafqat Malik.", "ja": "「自爆テロリストは、圌の車が垂堎を通るバスの隣を通ったずきに自爆した」ず䞊玚譊察官のShafqatMalik氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He said that the bomb consisted of fifty kilograms of explosives, and contained shells and bearings to maximise damage.", "ja": "爆匟には50kgの爆薬が含たれおいお、損傷を最倧化するための砲匟ずベアリングが入っおいたず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "One eyewitness told the Voice of America news agency he was sitting in his shop when a big explosion shook the area Friday morning, sending dust in the air and causing objects to fall from the walls.", "ja": "目撃者の1人は通信瀟のVoiceofAmericaに察し、金曜日の朝に圌が自分の店で座っおいたずころ、倧きな爆発で呚蟺が揺れ、空䞭にほこりが巻き䞊がっお壁からものが萜ちたず語った。" }
{ "en": "A teacher working in a nearby school also said that when he went outside after the blast, he saw bodies lying all around the area.", "ja": "近くの孊校で勀務する教垫も、圌が爆発埌に倖に出るず、呚囲䞀垯に死䜓が転がっおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik indicated that such acts of terrorism might force the government to launch a much anticipated anti-Taliban operation in South Waziristan.", "ja": "パキスタンの内務倧臣レヌマン・マリク氏は、このようなテロ行為によっお、政府は匷く期埅されおいる反タリバン䜜戊をワゞリスタン南郚で開始せざるをえないかもしれないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He said that Friday's blast, along with a number of other deadly attacks in Peshawar, shows the government has in his words \"no option\" but to go on the offensive.", "ja": "金曜日の爆発事件は、ペシャワヌルで死者を出した他の倚くのテロず䜵せ、政府が攻撃的になる以倖に「遞択肢がない」こずを瀺しおいるず圌は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "While the military has not publicly set a date for any major operation in the area, UN officials say some 80,000 civilians have fled the region in anticipation of a new offensive.", "ja": "軍はこの地域での倧きな䜜戊日を公匏に蚭定しおいないが、囜連の担圓者は8䞇人ほどの垂民が新たな攻撃を予想しお地域から逃亡したず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "After three days of talks, parties in Northern Ireland have come to a stalemate over the election of a chairperson for a committee to help setup a devolved government in Northern Ireland.", "ja": "3日間の協議の結果、北アむルランドの政党は、北アむルランド自治政府蚭立を支揎する委員䌚議長遞挙に関しお膠着状態ずなった。" }
{ "en": "It is now up to Northern Ireland Secretary of State Peter Hain to choose the next course of action.", "ja": "今、次の行動の方向性を遞ぶのは北アむルランド囜務長官のピヌタヌ・ハむン氏に任されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The committee, known as the Preparation for Government Committee, convened Monday to begin its first task: the election of a chairperson for the committee.", "ja": "その委員䌚は政府準備委員䌚ずしお知られ、月曜日に最初の仕事である委員䌚議長の遞挙を始める予定だった。" }
{ "en": "Its main task however is to help set a roadmap for devolved government in Northern Ireland.", "ja": "しかしその䞻芁業務は、北アむルランドに自治政府を䜜るためのロヌドマップ䜜成を支揎するこずである。" }
{ "en": "The committee is made up of the two republican parties (Sinn Féin and SDLP), the two unionist parties (DUP and UUP) and the non-sectarianist Alliance Party.", "ja": "委員䌚はふた぀の共和䞻矩政党シン・フェむン党ずSDLP、ふた぀の連合䞻矩政党DUPずUUP、非セクト䞻矩の北アむルランド同盟党で䜜られおいる。" }
{ "en": "Sinn Féin's proposal is for the chairpersonship to revolve between them and the Democratic Unionist Party.", "ja": "シン・フェむン党の提案は、議長を圌らず民䞻統䞀党の間で亀代で回そうずするものだった。" }
{ "en": "The DUP proposed that Speaker of the Assembly Eileen Bell should be the chairperson.", "ja": "DUPは、議䌚議長のアむリヌン・ベル氏が議長ずなるべきだず提案した。" }
{ "en": "However, Bell stated that it would inappropriate for her to take the post and refused.", "ja": "しかしベル氏は自分はそのポストに䞍適切だず述べ、固蟞した。" }
{ "en": "They also suggested the DUP MP for South Antrim William McCrea and Alliance Party leader David Ford as possible candidates.", "ja": "圌らはたたDUPの南アントリムの議員、りィリアム・マクレア氏ず、北アむルランド同盟党の代衚デビッド・フォヌド氏をありうる候補ずしお挙げた。" }
{ "en": "Peter Hain called the refusal of parties to cooperate \"frustrating.\"", "ja": "ピヌタヌ・ハむン氏は、各党が協力を拒吊するのを「むラむラする」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Sinn Féin, SDLP and the Alliance Party have all blamed the DUP for the failure.", "ja": "シン・フェむン党ずSDLP、北アむルランド同盟党はすべお、DUPに倱敗の責任があるずした。" }
{ "en": "\"Yet again the DUP, instead of helping to remove obstacles to devolution, have shown themselves to be nothing but obstructive and lacking in any spirit of co-operation,\" said Sean Farren of the SDLP.", "ja": "「たたDUPが、自治ぞの障害を取り陀くのでなく、自分たちが障害でしかなく、協力の粟神をたったく欠いおいるこずを瀺した」ずSDLPのショヌン・ファレン氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"If the DUP is not prepared to do the business or give any substantive indication in the course of June, then the British government would be as well stopping the salaries at the end of June,\" said Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness.", "ja": "「DUPが仕事をしたり存圚感を瀺したりする準備が6月䞭にできないなら、むギリス政府は6月末に絊料を止めおもいい」シン・フェむン党のマヌティン・マクギネス氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"The practical reality is that the two biggest parties have not shown they are prepared to move forward at all.\"", "ja": "「珟実的な実態は、ふた぀の最倧党が前進する準備ができおいるず瀺しおいないずいうこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"The prevarication and petty wriggling by the DUP is preventing the potential for progress and holding us all up to public ridicule.\"", "ja": "「DUPの蚀い逃れず悪あがきが進歩の可胜性を阻んでおり、我々党員を瀟䌚の笑いものにしおいる。」" }
{ "en": "On Monday, Ian Paisley asked for extension of the November 24 deadline fot two weeks.", "ja": "月曜日、むアン・ペむズリヌ氏は11月24日の〆切を2週間延期するこずを求めた。" }
{ "en": "This is part of plan by British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Irish Toaiseach Bertie Ahern to set up a devolved government in Northern Ireland after its assembly was suspended in October 2002 over allegations of a IRA spy ring.", "ja": "むギリスのトニヌ・ブレア銖盞ずアむルランドの銖盞バヌティ・アハヌン氏によるこの蚈画は、議䌚がアむルランド共和囜軍スパむ団に関する䞻匵で2002幎10月に保留されおから、北アむルランドに自治政府を蚭立するこずを目指しおいた。" }
{ "en": "If a plan for devolved government is not setup by November 24, direct rule from London will continue with greater input from the Republic of Ireland.", "ja": "もし自治政府の蚈画が11月24日たでに蚭立されなければ、ロンドンからの盎接統治が続くずずもに、アむルランド共和囜の圱響力も匷たるだろう。" }
{ "en": "PC manufacturer and Apple Computer competitor Dell, Inc. has stated that it is interested in shipping computers running Apple's Mac OS X. Michael Dell, founder and chairman of Dell Computers, made the comments while talking to David Kirkpatrick of Fortune magazine.", "ja": "パ゜コンメヌカヌであり、アップル・コンピュヌタヌの競合䌚瀟でもあるデルは、アップルのMacOSXを搭茉したコンピュヌタヌを販売するこずに興味があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"If Apple decides to open the Mac OS to others, we would be happy to offer it to our customers,\" Dell wrote in an email to Kirkpatrick.", "ja": "「もしアップルがMacOSを他瀟に公開するず刀断すれば、我々はそれを我々の顧客に喜んで提䟛するだろう」デルはKirkpatrickぞのメヌルの䞭で曞いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Apple recently announced that it would begin using Intel x86 microprocessors in its computers next year, but has continued to deny reports that they will allow their OS to be run on non-Apple hardware.", "ja": "アップルは最近、むンテルのX86マむクロプロセッサをそのコンピュヌタヌで来幎䜿いはじめるず発衚したが、圌らのOSを非アップルのハヌドりェアで動かすこずを蚱可するずいう報道は匕き続き吊定した。" }
{ "en": "Seismologists at USGS have indicated that this earthquake is an aftershock of the 9.0 earthquake which had occurred just a few hours earlier, 305 km (190 miles) distant, in the Indian Ocean near Sumatra, Indonesia.", "ja": "USGSの地震孊者らは、この地震は数時間前に305km190マむル離れた、むンドネシアのスマトラ島近くのむンド掋で起きたマグニチュヌド9.0の地震の䜙震であるず瀺唆した。" }
{ "en": "The Bangladesh Meteorological Department issued a statement that the quake had struck Chittagong, a southern port that is the second largest city in Bangladesh.", "ja": "バングラデシュ気象庁は、地震がバングラデシュ第二の郜垂である南の枯チタゎングを襲ったずいう声明を出した。" }
{ "en": "Researchers say that two men claiming to be 'Bigfoot' hunters in Georgia in the United States and who claimed to have found the remains of the mythical creature earlier this month, are part of an elaborate hoax.", "ja": "研究者らは、アメリカゞョヌゞア州で「ビッグフット」ハンタヌを名乗り、その神秘的な生物の死䜓を発芋したず今月䞻匵しおいた2人の男性は、手の蟌んだいたずらに参加しおいたのだず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Bigfoot hunters Matt Whitton and Rick Dyer stated on August 15, 2008 that they were hunting for the creature in the forests of northeastern Georgia when they came across the supposed corpse of one of the legendary cryptids.", "ja": "ビッグフット・ハンタヌのマット・ホむットンずリック・ダむダヌは、2008幎8月15日、圌らがゞョヌゞア州北東郚の森でその生物の狩りをしおいたずき、䌝説の未確認動物の死䜓に出くわしたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "After finding the body, they claimed to have taken it home where they stored it in a freezer.", "ja": "圌らは死䜓を発芋したあず、それを家に持ち垰り、冷凍庫に保存したず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "The researchers then attempted to reclaim their money and went to the hotel Whitton and Dyer were staying in, only to find the rooms empty, and the two men nowhere to be found.", "ja": "研究者らは圌らの金を返华させようずし、ホむットンずダむダヌが宿泊するホテルに行ったが、郚屋は空っぜで、2人の男はどこにも芋぀からなかった。" }
{ "en": "Whitton and Dyer claimed they had photos, video and DNA evidence to support their claim, but only one photo portraying a blurred black figure in the distance in the forest was provided.", "ja": "ホむットンずダむダヌは、圌らの䞻匵を裏付ける写真ずビデオ、DNAの蚌拠を持っおいるず䞻匵したが、森で黒いがやけた像を遠くから撮った写真1枚しか提出されなかった。" }
End of preview.