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The goal of this paper is to define and analyze systems which exhibit brittle behavior. This behavior is characterized by a sudden and steep decline in performance as the system approaches the limits of tolerance. This can be due to input parameters which exceed a specified input, or environmental conditions which exceed specified operating boundaries. An analogy is made between brittle commmunication systems in particular and materials science.
In this paper we show that the initial philosophy used in designing and developing UNIX in early times has been forgotten due to "fast practices". We question the leitmotif that microkernels, though being by design adherent to the KISS principle, have a number of context switches higher than their monolithic counterparts, running a test suite and verify the results with standard statistical validation tests. We advocate a wiser distribution of shared libraries by statistically analyzing the weight of each shared object in a typical UNIX system, showing that the majority of shared libraries exist in a common space for no real evidence of need. Finally we examine the UNIX heritage with an historical point of view, noticing how habits swiftly replaced the intents of the original authors, moving the focus from the earliest purpose of is avoiding complications, keeping a system simple to use and maintain.
Conventional object-stores are built on top of traditional OS storage stack, where I/O requests typically transfers through multiple hefty and redundant layers. The complexity of object management has grown dramatically with the ever increasing requirements of performance, consistency and fault-tolerance from storage subsystems. Simply stated, more number of intermediate layers are encountered in the I/O data path, with each passing layer adding its own syntax and semantics. Thereby increasing the overheads of request processing. In this paper, through comprehensive under-the-hood analysis of an object-storage node, we characterize the impact of object-store (and user-application) workloads on the OS I/O stack and its subsequent rippling effect on the underlying object-storage devices (OSD). We observe that the legacy architecture of the OS based I/O storage stack coupled with complex data management policies leads to a performance mismatch between what an end-storage device is capable of delivering and what it actually delivers in a production environment. Therefore, the gains derived from developing faster storage devices is often nullified. These issues get more pronounced in highly concurrent and multiplexed cloud environments. Owing to the associated issues of object-management and the vulnerabilities of the OS I/O software stacks, we discuss the potential of a new class of storage devices, known as Object-Drives. Samsung Key-Value SSD (KV-SSD) [1] and Seagate Kinetic Drive [2] are classic industrial implementations of object-drives, where host data management functionalities can be offloaded to the storage device. This leads towards the simplification of the over-all storage stack. Based on our analysis, we believe object-drives can alleviate object-stores from highly taxing overheads of data management with 20-38% time-savings over traditional Operating Systems (OS) stack.
This example of Clifford algebras calculations uses GiNaC (http://www.ginac.de/) library, which includes a support for generic Clifford algebra starting from version~1.3.0. Both symbolic and numeric calculation are possible and can be blended with other functions of GiNaC. This calculations was made for the paper math.CV/0410399. Described features of GiNaC are already available at PyGiNaC (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyginac/) and due to course should propagate into other software like GNU Octave (http://www.octave.org/), gTybalt (http://www.fis.unipr.it/~stefanw/gtybalt.html), which use GiNaC library as their back-end.
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have traditionally relied on the host CPU to initiate access to the data storage. This approach is well-suited for GPU applications with known data access patterns that enable partitioning of their dataset to be processed in a pipelined fashion in the GPU. However, emerging applications such as graph and data analytics, recommender systems, or graph neural networks, require fine-grained, data-dependent access to storage. CPU initiation of storage access is unsuitable for these applications due to high CPU-GPU synchronization overheads, I/O traffic amplification, and long CPU processing latencies. GPU-initiated storage removes these overheads from the storage control path and, thus, can potentially support these applications at much higher speed. However, there is a lack of systems architecture and software stack that enable efficient GPU-initiated storage access. This work presents a novel system architecture, BaM, that fills this gap. BaM features a fine-grained software cache to coalesce data storage requests while minimizing I/O traffic amplification. This software cache communicates with the storage system via high-throughput queues that enable the massive number of concurrent threads in modern GPUs to make I/O requests at a high rate to fully utilize the storage devices and the system interconnect. Experimental results show that BaM delivers 1.0x and 1.49x end-to-end speed up for BFS and CC graph analytics benchmarks while reducing hardware costs by up to 21.7x over accessing the graph data from the host memory. Furthermore, BaM speeds up data-analytics workloads by 5.3x over CPU-initiated storage access on the same hardware.
This is the summary of first three years of activity of the EURETILE FP7 project 247846. EURETILE investigates and implements brain-inspired and fault-tolerant foundational innovations to the system architecture of massively parallel tiled computer architectures and the corresponding programming paradigm. The execution targets are a many-tile HW platform, and a many-tile simulator. A set of SW process - HW tile mapping candidates is generated by the holistic SW tool-chain using a combination of analytic and bio-inspired methods. The Hardware dependent Software is then generated, providing OS services with maximum efficiency/minimal overhead. The many-tile simulator collects profiling data, closing the loop of the SW tool chain. Fine-grain parallelism inside processes is exploited by optimized intra-tile compilation techniques, but the project focus is above the level of the elementary tile. The elementary HW tile is a multi-processor, which includes a fault tolerant Distributed Network Processor (for inter-tile communication) and ASIP accelerators. Furthermore, EURETILE investigates and implements the innovations for equipping the elementary HW tile with high-bandwidth, low-latency brain-like inter-tile communication emulating 3 levels of connection hierarchy, namely neural columns, cortical areas and cortex, and develops a dedicated cortical simulation benchmark: DPSNN-STDP (Distributed Polychronous Spiking Neural Net with synaptic Spiking Time Dependent Plasticity). EURETILE leverages on the multi-tile HW paradigm and SW tool-chain developed by the FET-ACA SHAPES Integrated Project (2006-2009).
The author argues to Silicon Valley that the most important and powerful part of computer science is work that is simultaneously theoretical and practical. He particularly considers the intersection of the theory of algorithms and practical software development. He combines examples from the development of the TeX typesetting system with clever jokes, criticisms, and encouragements.
All information about physical objects including humans, buildings, processes, and organizations will be online. This trend is both desirable and inevitable. Cyberspace will provide the basis for wonderful new ways to inform, entertain, and educate people. The information and the corresponding systems will streamline commerce, but will also provide new levels of personal service, health care, and automation. The most significant benefit will be a breakthrough in our ability to remotely communicate with one another using all our senses. The ACM and the transistor were born in 1947. At that time the stored program computer was a revolutionary idea and the transistor was just a curiosity. Both ideas evolved rapidly. By the mid 1960s integrated circuits appeared -- allowing mass fabrication of transistors on silicon substrates. This allowed low-cost mass-produced computers. These technologies enabled extraordinary increases in processing speed and memory coupled with extraordinary price declines. The only form of processing and memory more easily, cheaply, and rapidly fabricated is the human brain. Peter Cohrane (1996) estimates the brain to have a processing power of around 1000 million-million operations per second, (one Petaops) and a memory of 10 Terabytes. If current trends continue, computers could have these capabilities by 2047. Such computers could be 'on body' personal assistants able to recall everything one reads, hears, and sees.
Charles Babbage's vision of computing has largely been realized. We are on the verge of realizing Vannevar Bush's Memex. But, we are some distance from passing the Turing Test. These three visions and their associated problems have provided long-range research goals for many of us. For example, the scalability problem has motivated me for several decades. This talk defines a set of fundamental research problems that broaden the Babbage, Bush, and Turing visions. They extend Babbage's computational goal to include highly-secure, highly-available, self-programming, self-managing, and self-replicating systems. They extend Bush's Memex vision to include a system that automatically organizes, indexes, digests, evaluates, and summarizes information (as well as a human might). Another group of problems extends Turing's vision of intelligent machines to include prosthetic vision, speech, hearing, and other senses. Each problem is simply stated and each is orthogonal from the others, though they share some common core technologies
Issues related to a materialist philosophy are explored as concerns the implied equivalence of computers running software and human observers. One issue explored concerns the measurement process in quantum mechanics. Another issue explored concerns the nature of experience as revealed by the existence of dreams. Some difficulties stemming from a materialist philosophy as regards these issues are pointed out. For example, a gedankenexperiment involving what has been called "negative" observation is discussed that illustrates the difficulty with a materialist assumption in quantum mechanics. Based on an exploration of these difficulties, specifications are outlined briefly that would provide a means to demonstrate the equivalence of of computers running software and human experience given a materialist assumption.
Computer scientists are in the position to create new, free high-quality journals. So what would it take?
ENUM marks either the convergence or collision of the public telephone network with the Internet. ENUM is an innovation in the domain name system (DNS). It starts with numerical domain names that are used to query DNS name servers. The servers respond with address information found in DNS records. This can be telephone numbers, email addresses, fax numbers, SIP addresses, or other information. The concept is to use a single number in order to obtain a plethora of contact information. By convention, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ENUM Working Group determined that an ENUM number would be the same numerical string as a telephone number. In addition, the assignee of an ENUM number would be the assignee of that telephone number. But ENUM could work with any numerical string or, in fact, any domain name. The IETF is already working on using E.212 numbers with ENUM. [Abridged]
We discuss the scientific contributions of Edsger Wybe Dijkstra, his opinions and his legacy.
In this work we firstly review some results in Classical Information Theory. Next, we try to generalize these results by using the Tsallis entropy. We present a preliminary result and discuss our aims in this field.
The main ideas behind developments in the theory and technology of quantum computation were formulated in the late 1970s and early 1980s by two physicists in the West and a mathematician in the former Soviet Union. It is not generally known in the West that the subject has roots in the Russian technical literature. The author hopes to present as impartial a synthesis as possible of the early history of thought on this subject. The role of reversible and irreversible computational processes is examined briefly as it relates to the origins of quantum computing and the so-called Information Paradox in physics.
The (non-initialized, non-deterministic) asynchronous systems (in the input-output sense) are multi-valued functions from m-dimensional signals to sets of n-dimensional signals, the concept being inspired by the modeling of the asynchronous circuits. Our purpose is to state the problem of the their stability.
The latches are simple circuits with feedback from the digital electrical engineering. We have included in our work the C element of Muller, the RS latch, the clocked RS latch, the D latch and also circuits containing two interconnected latches: the edge triggered RS flip-flop, the D flip-flop, the JK flip-flop, the T flip-flop. The purpose of this study is to model with equations the previous circuits, considered to be ideal, i.e. non-inertial. The technique of analysis is the pseudoboolean differential calculus.
The chapter from the book introduces the delay theory, whose purpose is the modeling of the asynchronous circuits from digital electrical engineering with ordinary and differential pseudo-boolean equations.
The technical challenges of scaling websites with large and growing member bases, like social networking sites, are numerous. One of these challenges is how to evenly distribute the growing member base across all available resources. This paper will explore various methods that address this issue. The techniques used in this paper can be generalized and applied to various other problems that need to distribute data evenly amongst a finite amount of resources.
This is a rough draft synopsis of a book presently in preparation. This book provides a systematic critique of the software industry. This critique is accomplished using classical methods in practical design science.
The asynchronous systems $f$ are the models of the asynchronous circuits from digital electrical engineering. They are multi-valued functions that associate to each input $u:\mathbf{R}\to \{0,1\}^{m}$ a set of states $x\in f(u),$ where $x:\mathbf{R}\to \{0,1\}^{n}.$ The intersection of the systems allows adding supplementary conditions in modeling and the union of the systems allows considering the validity of one of two systems in modeling, for example when testing the asynchronous circuits and the circuit is supposed to be 'good' or 'bad'. The purpose of the paper is that of analyzing the intersection and the union against the initial/final states, initial/final time, initial/final state functions, subsystems, dual systems, inverse systems, Cartesian product of systems, parallel connection and serial connection of systems.
Computer science is seeing a decline in enrollment at all levels of education, including undergraduate and graduate study. This paper reports on the results of a study conducted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign which evaluated students attitudes regarding three areas which can contribute to improved enrollment in the Department of Computer Science: Recruitment, preparation and retention. The results of our study saw two themes. First, the department's tight research focus appears to draw significant attention from other activities -- such as teaching, service, and other community-building activities -- that are necessary for a department's excellence. Yet, as demonstrated by our second theme, one partial solution is to better promote such activities already employed by the department to its students and faculty. Based on our results, we make recommendations for improvements and enhancements based on the current state of practice at peer institutions.
We propose a soft-output detection scheme for Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. The detector employs Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to compute bit reliabilities from the signals received and is thus suited for coded MIMO systems. It offers a good trade-off between achievable performance and algorithmic complexity.
Modern society is permeated with computers, and the software that controls them can have latent, long-term, and immediate effects that reach far beyond the actual users of these systems. This places researchers in Computer Science and Software Engineering in a critical position of influence and responsibility, more than any other field because computer systems are vital research tools for other disciplines. This essay presents several key ethical concerns and responsibilities relating to research in computing. The goal is to promote awareness and discussion of ethical issues among computer science researchers. A hypothetical case study is provided, along with questions for reflection and discussion.
This paper documents the formation of the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group (EuSpRIG www.eusprig.org) and outlines some of the research undertaken and reported upon by interested parties in EuSpRIG publications
The latches are simple circuits with feedback from the digital electrical engineering. We have included in our work the C element of Muller, the RS latch, the clocked RS latch, the D latch and also circuits containing two interconnected latches: the edge triggered RS flip-flop, the D flip-flop, the JK flip-flop, the T flip-flop. The purpose of this study is to model with equations the previous circuits, considered to be ideal, i.e. non-inertial. The technique of analysis is the pseudoboolean differential calculus.
The asynchronous systems are the models of the asynchronous circuits from the digital electrical engineering and non-anticipation is one of the most important properties in systems theory. Our present purpose is to introduce several concepts of non-anticipation of the asynchronous systems.
This Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences (MICS) is an international accredited master program that has been initiated in 2004 and started in September 2005. MICS is a research-oriented academic study of 4 semesters and a continuation of the Bachelor towards the PhD. It is completely taught in English, supported by lecturers coming from more than ten different countries. This report compass a description of its underlying architecture, describes some implementation details and gives a presentation of diverse experiences and results. As the program has been designed and implemented right after the creation of the University, the significance of the program is moreover a self-discovery of the computer science department, which has finally led to the creation of the today's research institutes and research axes.
The increasing relevance of areas such as real-time and embedded systems, pervasive computing, hybrid systems control, and biological and social systems modeling is bringing a growing attention to the temporal aspects of computing, not only in the computer science domain, but also in more traditional fields of engineering. This article surveys various approaches to the formal modeling and analysis of the temporal features of computer-based systems, with a level of detail that is suitable also for non-specialists. In doing so, it provides a unifying framework, rather than just a comprehensive list of formalisms. The paper first lays out some key dimensions along which the various formalisms can be evaluated and compared. Then, a significant sample of formalisms for time modeling in computing are presented and discussed according to these dimensions. The adopted perspective is, to some extent, historical, going from "traditional" models and formalisms to more modern ones.
Development organizations and International Non-Governmental Organizations have been emphasizing the high potential of Free and Open Source Software for the Less Developed Countries. Cost reduction, less vendor dependency and increased potential for local capacity development have been their main arguments. In spite of its advantages, Free and Open Source Software is not widely adopted at the African continent. In this book the authors will explore the grounds on with these expectations are based. Where do they come from and is there evidence to support these expectations? Over the past years several projects have been initiated and some good results have been achieved, but at the same time many challenges were encountered. What lessons can be drawn from these experiences and do these experiences contain enough evidence to support the high expectations? Several projects and their achievements will be considered. In the final part of the book the future of Free and Open Source Software for Development will be explored. Special attention is given to the African continent since here challenges are highest. What is the role of Free and open Source Software for Development and how do we need to position and explore the potential? What are the threats? The book aims at professionals that are engaged in the design and implementation of ICT for Development (ICT4D) projects and want to improve their understanding of the role Free and Open Source Software can play.
The dialogue develops arguments for and against adopting a new world system, info-computationalist naturalism, that is poised to replace the traditional mechanistic world system. We try to figure out what the info-computational paradigm would mean, in particular its pancomputationalism. We make some steps towards developing the notion of computing that is necessary here, especially in relation to traditional notions. We investigate whether pancomputationalism can possibly provide the basic causal structure to the world, whether the overall research programme appears productive and whether it can revigorate computationalism in the philosophy of mind.
We introduce a new visual analytic approach to the study of scientific discoveries and knowledge diffusion. Our approach enhances contemporary co-citation network analysis by enabling analysts to identify co-citation clusters of cited references intuitively, synthesize thematic contexts in which these clusters are cited, and trace how research focus evolves over time. The new approach integrates and streamlines a few previously isolated techniques such as spectral clustering and feature selection algorithms. The integrative procedure is expected to empower and strengthen analytical and sense making capabilities of scientists, learners, and researchers to understand the dynamics of the evolution of scientific domains in a wide range of scientific fields, science studies, and science policy evaluation and planning. We demonstrate the potential of our approach through a visual analysis of the evolution of astronomical research associated with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) using bibliographic data between 1994 and 2008. In addition, we also demonstrate that the approach can be consistently applied to a set of heterogeneous data sources such as e-prints on arXiv, publications on ADS, and NSF awards related to the same topic of SDSS.
A significant amount of high-impact contemporary scientific research occurs where biology, computer science, engineering and chemistry converge. Although programmes have been put in place to support such work, the complex dynamics of interdisciplinarity are still poorly understood. In this paper we interrogate the nature of interdisciplinary research and how we might measure its "success", identify potential barriers to its implementation, and suggest possible mechanisms for removing these impediments.
The historical development has lead to the decay of Natural Philosophy which until 19th century included all of our knowledge about the physical world into the growing multitude of specialized sciences. The focus on the in-depth enquiry disentangled from its broad context lead to the problem of loss of common world-view and impossibility of communication between specialist research fields because of different languages they developed in isolation. The need for a new unifying framework is becoming increasingly apparent with the information technology enabling and intensifying the communication between different research fields and knowledge communities. This time, not only natural sciences, but also all of human knowledge is being integrated in a global network such as Internet with its diverse knowledge and language communities. Info-computationalism (ICON) as a synthesis of pancomputationalism and paninformationalism presents a unifying framework for understanding of natural phenomena including living beings and their cognition, their ways of processing information and producing knowledge. Within ICON physical universe is understood as a network of computational processes on an informational structure.
Alan Turing's pioneering work on computability, and his ideas on morphological computing support Andrew Hodges' view of Turing as a natural philosopher. Turing's natural philosophy differs importantly from Galileo's view that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics (The Assayer, 1623). Computing is more than a language of nature as computation produces real time physical behaviors. This article presents the framework of Natural Info-computationalism as a contemporary natural philosophy that builds on the legacy of Turing's computationalism. Info-computationalism is a synthesis of Informational Structural Realism (the view that nature is a web of informational structures) and Natural Computationalism (the view that nature physically computes its own time development). It presents a framework for the development of a unified approach to nature, with common interpretation of inanimate nature as well as living organisms and their social networks. Computing is understood as information processing that drives all the changes on different levels of organization of information and can be modeled as morphological computing on data sets pertinent to informational structures. The use of infocomputational conceptualizations, models and tools makes possible for the first time in history the study of complex selforganizing adaptive systems, including basic characteristics and functions of living systems, intelligence, and cognition.
Although the history of informatics is recent, this field poses unusual problems with respect to its preservation. These problems are amplified by legal issues, digital law being in itself a subject matter whose history is also worth presenting in a computer science museum. The purpose of this paper is to present a quick overview of the evolution of law regarding digital matters, from an historical perspective as well as with respect to the preservation and presentation of the works.
This text presents the research field of natural/unconventional computing as it appears in the book COMPUTING NATURE. The articles discussed consist a selection of works from the Symposium on Natural Computing at AISB-IACAP (British Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour and The International Association for Computing and Philosophy) World Congress 2012, held at the University of Birmingham, celebrating Turing centenary. The COMPUTING NATURE is about nature considered as the totality of physical existence, the universe. By physical we mean all phenomena, objects and processes, that are possible to detect either directly by our senses or via instruments. Historically, there have been many ways of describing the universe (cosmic egg, cosmic tree, theistic universe, mechanistic universe) while a particularly prominent contemporary approach is computational universe, as discussed in this article.
A significant amount of high-impact contemporary scientific research occurs where biology, computer science, engineering and chemistry converge. Although programmes have been put in place to support such work, the complex dynamics of interdisciplinarity are still poorly understood. In this paper we highlight potential barriers to effective research across disciplines, and suggest, using a case study, possible mechanisms for removing these impediments.
The century of complexity has come. The face of science has changed. Surprisingly, when we start asking about the essence of these changes and then critically analyse the answers, the result are mostly discouraging. Most of the answers are related to the properties that have been in the focus of scientific research already for more than a century (like non-linearity). This paper is Preface to the special issue "Grasping Complexity" of the journal "Computers and Mathematics with Applications". We analyse the change of era in science, its reasons and main changes in scientific activity and give a brief review of the papers in the issue.
We need much better understanding of information processing and computation as its primary form. Future progress of new computational devices capable of dealing with problems of big data, internet of things, semantic web, cognitive robotics and neuroinformatics depends on the adequate models of computation. In this article we first present the current state of the art through systematization of existing models and mechanisms, and outline basic structural framework of computation. We argue that defining computation as information processing, and given that there is no information without (physical) representation, the dynamics of information on the fundamental level is physical/ intrinsic/ natural computation. As a special case, intrinsic computation is used for designed computation in computing machinery. Intrinsic natural computation occurs on variety of levels of physical processes, containing the levels of computation of living organisms (including highly intelligent animals) as well as designed computational devices. The present article offers a typology of current models of computation and indicates future paths for the advancement of the field; both by the development of new computational models and by learning from nature how to better compute using different mechanisms of intrinsic computation.
How to manage knowledge on the Web.
In a recent article, Luciano Floridi explains his view of Turing's legacy in connection to the philosophy of information. I will very briefly survey one of Turing's other contributions to the philosophy of information and computation, including similarities to Shannon's own methodological approach to information through communication, showing how crucial they are and have been as methodological strategies to understanding key aspects of these concepts. While Floridi's concept of Levels of Abstraction is related to the novel methodology of Turing's imitation game for tackling the question of machine intelligence, Turing's other main contribution to the philosophy of information runs contrary to it. Indeed, the seminal concept of computation universality strongly suggests the deletion of fundamental differences among seemingly different levels of description. How might we reconcile these apparently contradictory contributions? I will argue that Turing's contribution should prompt us to plot some directions for a philosophy of information and computation, one that closely parallels the most important developments in computer science, one that understands the profound implications of the works of Turing, Shannon and others.
Over 15 years of teaching, advising students and coordinating scientific research activities and projects in computer science, we have observed the difficulties of students to write scientific papers to present the results of their research practices. In addition, they repeatedly have doubts about the publishing process. In this article we propose a conceptual framework to support the writing and publishing of scientific papers in computer science, providing a kind of guide for computer science students to effectively present the results of their research practices, particularly for experimental research.
The problem of the Hanoi Tower is a classic exercise in recursive programming: the solution has a simple recursive definition, and its complexity and the matching lower bound are the solution of a simple recursive function (the solution is so easy that most students memorize it and regurgitate it at exams without truly understanding it). We describe how some very minor changes in the rules of the Hanoi Tower yield various increases of complexity in the solution, so that they require a deeper analysis than the classical Hanoi Tower problem while still yielding exponential solutions. In particular, we analyze the problem fo the Bouncing Tower, where just changing the insertion and extraction position from the top to the middle of the tower results in a surprising increase of complexity in the solution: such a tower of $n$ disks can be optimally moved in $\sqrt{3}^n$ moves for $n$ even (i.e. less than a Hanoi Tower of same height), via $5$ recursive functions (or, equivalently, one recursion function with $5$ states).
Incompleteness theorems of Godel, Turing, Chaitin, and Algorithmic Information Theory have profound epistemological implications. Incompleteness limits our ability to ever understand every observable phenomenon in the universe. Incompleteness limits the ability of evolutionary processes from finding optimal solutions. Incompleteness limits the detectability of machine consciousness. This is an effort to convey these thoughts and results in a somewhat entertaining manner.
In 1632, Galileo Galilei wrote a book called \textit{Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems} which compared the new Copernican model of the universe with the old Ptolemaic model. His book took the form of a dialogue between three philosophers, Salviati, a proponent of the Copernican model, Simplicio, a proponent of the Ptolemaic model, and Sagredo, who was initially open-minded and neutral. In this paper, I am going to use Galileo's idea to present a dialogue between three modern philosophers, Mr. Spock, a proponent of the view that $\mathsf{P} \neq \mathsf{NP}$, Professor Simpson, a proponent of the view that $\mathsf{P} = \mathsf{NP}$, and Judge Wapner, who is initially open-minded and neutral.
I describe my path to unconventionality in my exploration of theoretical and applied aspects of computation towards revealing the algorithmic and reprogrammable properties and capabilities of the world, in particular related to applications of algorithmic complexity in reshaping molecular biology and tackling the challenges of causality in science.
Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research papers. Keshav (2012) provides a three-pass method to researchers to improve their reading skills. This article extends Keshav's method for reading a research compendium. Research compendia are an increasingly used form of publication, which packages not only the research paper's text and figures, but also all data and software for better reproducibility. We introduce the existing conventions for research compendia and suggest how to utilise their shared properties in a structured reading process. Unlike the original, this article is not build upon a long history but intends to provide guidance at the outset of an emerging practice.
The article presents the main milestones of the science and technology biography of Ivan Edward Sutherland. The influence of the family and the school on the development of its research competencies is shown, and little-known biographical facts explaining the evolution of his scientific interests is presented: from dynamic object-oriented graphic systems through systems of virtual reality to asynchronous circuits.
We argue that the boldest claims of Big Data are in need of revision and toning-down, in view of a few basic lessons learned from the science of complex systems. We point out that, once the most extravagant claims of Big Data are properly discarded, a synergistic merging of BD with big theory offers considerable potential to spawn a new scientific paradigm capable of overcoming some of the major barriers confronted by the modern scientific method originating with Galileo. These obstacles are due to the presence of nonlinearity, nonlocality and hyperdimensions which one encounters frequently in multiscale modelling.
Machine learning and deep learning techniques are contributing much to the advancement of science. Their powerful predictive capabilities appear in numerous disciplines, including chaotic dynamics, but they miss understanding. The main thesis here is that prediction and understanding are two very different and important ideas that should guide us about the progress of science. Furthermore, it is emphasized the important role played by that nonlinear dynamical systems for the process of understanding. The path of the future of science will be marked by a constructive dialogue between big data and big theory, without which we cannot understand.
In this survey, we explore Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov's seminal work in just one of his many facets: its influence Computer Science especially his viewpoint of what herein we call 'Algorithmic Theory of Informatics.' Can a computer file 'reduce' its 'size' if we add to it new symbols? Do equations of state like second Newton law in Physics exist in Computer Science? Can Leibniz' principle of identification by indistinguishability be formalized? In the computer, there are no coordinates, no distances, and no dimensions; most of traditional mathematical approaches do not work. The computer processes finite binary sequences i.e. the sequences of 0 and 1. A natural question arises: Should we continue today, as we have done for many years, to approach Computer Science problems by using classical mathematical apparatus such as 'mathematical modeling'? The first who drew attention to this question and gave insightful answers to it was Kolmogorov in 1960s. Kolmogorov's empirical postulate about existence of a program that translates 'a natural number into its binary record and the record into the number' formulated in 1958 represents a hint of Kolmogorov's approach to Computer Science. Following his ideas, we interpret Kolmogorov algorithm, Kolmogorov machine, and Kolmogorov complexity in the context of modern information technologies showing that they essentially represent fundamental elements of Algorithmic Theory of Informatics, Kolmogorov Programmable Technology, and new Komputer Mathematics i.e. Mathematics of computers.
Research methods are essential parts in conducting any research project. Although they have been theorized and summarized based on best practices, every field of science requires an adaptation of the overall approaches to perform research activities. In addition, any specific research needs a particular adjustment to the generalized approach and specializing them to suit the project in hand. However, unlike most well-established science disciplines, computing research is not supported by well-defined, globally accepted methods. This is because of its infancy and ambiguity in its definition, on one hand, and its extensive coverage and overlap with other fields, on the other hand. This article discusses the research methods in science and engineering in general and in computing in particular. It shows that despite several special parameters that make research in computing rather unique, it still follows the same steps that any other scientific research would do. The article also shows the particularities that researchers need to consider when they conduct research in this field.
This paper aims to introduce an application to Kalman Filtering Theory, which is rather unconventional. Recent experiments have shown that many natural phenomena, especially from ecology or meteorology, could be monitored and predicted more accurately when accounting their evolution over some geographical area. Thus, the signals they provide are gathered together into a collection of distributed time series. Despite the common sense, such time series are more or less correlated each other. Instead of processing each time series independently, their collection can constitute the set of measurable states provided by some open system. Modeling and predicting the system states can take benefit from the family of Kalman filtering algorithms. The article describes an adaptation of basic Kalman filter to the context of distributed signals collections and completes with an application coming from Meteorology.
The number of research papers written has been growing at least linearly -- if not exponentially -- in recent years. In proportion, the amount of time a reader allocates per paper has been decreasing. While an accessible paper will be appreciated by a large audience, hard-to-read papers may remain obscure for a long time regardless of scientific merit. Unfortunately, there is still insufficient emphasis on good written and oral communication skills in technical disciplines, especially in engineering. As an academic, I have realised over the years that I keep telling my students the same things over and over again when they write papers, reports, presentations, and theses. This article contains some of those suggestions and serves as a limited template for organising research articles. I have adopted a very practical and personal approach and don't claim that this is a formal contribution to the scientific communication literature. However, I hope that this article will not only make my life a bit easier but also help other graduate students and academic supervisors.
This article is a multiauthored portrait of Edsger Wybe Dijkstra that consists of testimonials written by several friends, colleagues, and students of his. It provides unique insights into his personality, working style and habits, and his influence on other computer scientists, as a researcher, teacher, and mentor.
Computer science has grown rapidly since its inception in the 1950s and the pioneers in the field are celebrated annually by the A.M. Turing Award. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on the path to influential computer scientists by examining the characteristics of the 72 Turing Award laureates. To achieve this goal, we build a comprehensive dataset of the Turing Award laureates and analyze their characteristics, including their personal information, family background, academic background, and industry experience. The FP-Growth algorithm is used for frequent feature mining. Logistic regression plot, pie chart, word cloud and map are generated accordingly for each of the interesting features to uncover insights regarding personal factors that drive influential work in the field of computer science. In particular, we show that the Turing Award laureates are most commonly white, male, married, United States citizen, and received a PhD degree. Our results also show that the age at which the laureate won the award increases over the years; most of the Turing Award laureates did not major in computer science; birth order is strongly related to the winners' success; and the number of citations is not as important as one would expect.
In theoretical computer science, conferences play an important role in the scientific process. The decisions whether to accept or reject articles is taken by the program committee (PC) members. Serving on a PC for the first time can be a daunting experience. This guide will help new program-committee members to understand how the system works, and provide useful tips and guidelines. It discusses every phase of the paper-selection process, and the tasks associated to it.
We propose a study of the constitution of meaning in human-computer interaction based on Turing and Wittgenstein's definitions of thought, understanding, and decision. We show by the comparative analysis of the conceptual similarities and differences between the two authors that the common sense between humans and machines is co-constituted in and from action and that it is precisely in this co-constitution that lies the social value of their interaction. This involves problematizing human-machine interaction around the question of what it means to "follow a rule" to define and distinguish the interpretative modes and decision-making behaviors of each. We conclude that the mutualization of signs that takes place through the human-machine dialogue is at the foundation of the constitution of a computerized society.
The asynchronous systems f are multi-valued functions, representing the non-deterministic models of the asynchronous circuits from the digital electrical engineering. In real time, they map an 'admissible input' function u:R\rightarrow{0,1}^{m} to a set f(u) of 'possible states' x\inf(u), where x:R\rightarrow{0,1}^{m}. When f is defined by making use of a 'generator function' {\Phi}:{0,1}^{n}\times{0,1}^{m}\rightarrow{0,1}^{n}, the system is called regular. The usual definition of the serial connection of systems as composition of multi-valued functions does not bring the regular systems into regular systems, thus the first issue in this study is to modify in an acceptable manner the definition of the serial connection in a way that matches regularity. This intention was expressed for the first time, without proving the regularity of the serial connection of systems, in a previous work. Our present purpose is to restate with certain corrections and prove that result.
The P=?NP problem is philosophically solved by showing P is equal to NP in the random access with unit multiply (MRAM) model. It is shown that the MRAM model empirically best models computation hardness. The P=?NP problem is shown to be a scientific rather than a mathematical problem. The assumptions involved in the current definition of the P?=NP problem as a problem involving non deterministic Turing Machines (NDTMs) from axiomatic automata theory are criticized. The problem is also shown to be neither a problem in pure nor applied mathematics. The details of The MRAM model and the well known Hartmanis and Simon construction that shows how to code and simulate NDTMs on MRAM machines is described. Since the computation power of MRAMs is the same as NDTMs, P is equal to NP. The paper shows that the justification for the NDTM P?=NP problem using a letter from Kurt Godel to John Von Neumann is incorrect by showing Von Neumann explicitly rejected automata models of computation hardness and used his computer architecture for modeling computation that is exactly the MRAM model. The paper argues that Deolalikar's scientific solution showing P not equal to NP if assumptions from statistical physics are used, needs to be revisited.
Personal reflections are given on being students of Helmut J\"urgensen. Then, we attempt to address his hypothesis that informatics follows trend-like behaviours through the use of a content analysis of university job advertisements, and then via simulation techniques from the area of quantitative economics.
Many of the computing systems programmed using Machine Learning are opaque: it is difficult to know why they do what they do or how they work. The Explainable Artificial Intelligence research program aims to develop analytic techniques with which to render opaque computing systems transparent, but lacks a normative framework with which to evaluate these techniques' explanatory success. The aim of the present discussion is to develop such a framework, while paying particular attention to different stakeholders' distinct explanatory requirements. Building on an analysis of 'opacity' from philosophy of science, this framework is modeled after David Marr's influential account of explanation in cognitive science. Thus, the framework distinguishes between the different questions that might be asked about an opaque computing system, and specifies the general way in which these questions should be answered. By applying this normative framework to current techniques such as input heatmapping, feature-detector identification, and diagnostic classification, it will be possible to determine whether and to what extent the Black Box Problem can be solved.
The last decade witnessed a renewed interest in the development of the Italian computer industry and in the role of the Fifties pioneers in Rome, Milan, Ivrea, and Pisa. The aim of the paper is to retrace some steps of the CEP project, carried out by the University of Pisa in collaboration with Olivetti, by reassessing the documents preserved in the University archives. The project was a seminal enterprise for Italy, and among its accomplishments it delivered in 1957 the first Italian computer. The mix of public sector funding and industrial foretelling witnessed by the project is one of the leading examples in Italy of best practices, and its success paved the way for the birth of Computer Science in the country as an industry as well as a scientific discipline.
More than hundred years ago the 'classic physics' was it in its full power, with just a few unexplained phenomena; which however led to a revolution and the development of the 'modern physics'. Today the computing is in a similar position: computing is a sound success story, with exponentially growing utilization, but with a growing number of difficulties and unexpected issues as moving towards extreme utilization conditions. In physics studying the nature under extreme conditions has lead to the understanding of the relativistic and quantal behavior. Quite similarly in computing some phenomena, acquired in connection with extreme (computing) conditions, cannot be understood based on of the 'classic computing paradigm'. The paper draws the attention that under extreme conditions qualitatively different behaviors may be encountered in both physics and computing, and pinpointing that certain, formerly unnoticed or neglected aspects enable to explain new phenomena as well as to enhance computing features. Moreover, an idea of modern computing paradigm implementation is proposed.
The Oprema (Optikrechenmaschine = computer for optical calculations) was a relay computer whose development was initiated by Herbert Kortum and which was designed and built by a team under the leadership of Wilhelm Kaemmerer at Carl Zeiss Jena (CZJ) in 1954 and 1955. Basic experiments, design and construction of machine-1 were all done, partly concurrently, in the remarkably short time of about 14 months. Shortly after the electronic G 2 of Heinz Billing in Goettingen it was the 7th universal computer in Germany and the 1st in the GDR. The Oprema consisted of two identical machines. One machine consisted of about 8,300 relays, 45,000 selenium rectifiers and 250 km cable. The main reason for the construction of the Oprema was the computational needs of CZJ, which was the leading company for optics and precision mechanics in the GDR. During its lifetime (1955-1963) the Oprema was applied by CZJ and a number of other institutes and companies in the GDR. The paper presents new details of the Oprema project and of the arithmetic operations implemented in the Oprema. Additionally, it covers briefly the lives of the two protagonists, W. Kaemmerer and H. Kortum, and draws some comparisons with other early projects, namely Colossus, ASCC/Mark 1 and ENIAC. Finally, it discusses the question, whether Kortum is a German computer pioneer.
Technological progress has led to powerful computers and communication technologies that penetrate nowadays all areas of science, industry and our private lives. As a consequence, all these areas are generating digital traces of data amounting to big data resources. This opens unprecedented opportunities but also challenges toward the analysis, management, interpretation and utilization of these data. Fortunately, recent breakthroughs in deep learning algorithms complement now machine learning and statistics methods for an efficient analysis of such data. Furthermore, advances in text mining and natural language processing, e.g., word-embedding methods, enable also the processing of large amounts of text data from diverse sources as governmental reports, blog entries in social media or clinical health records of patients. In this paper, we present a perspective on the role of artificial intelligence in these developments and discuss also potential problems we are facing in a digital society.
This a biographical essay about Edsger Wybe Dijkstra.
Data and Science has stood out in the generation of results, whether in the projects of the scientific domain or business domain. CERN Project, Scientific Institutes, companies like Walmart, Google, Apple, among others, need data to present their results and make predictions in the competitive data world. Data and Science are words that together culminated in a globally recognized term called Data Science. Data Science is in its initial phase, possibly being part of formal sciences and also being presented as part of applied sciences, capable of generating value and supporting decision making. Data Science considers science and, consequently, the scientific method to promote decision making through data intelligence. In many cases, the application of the method (or part of it) is considered in Data Science projects in scientific domain (social sciences, bioinformatics, geospatial projects) or business domain (finance, logistic, retail), among others. In this sense, this article addresses the perspectives of Data Science as a multidisciplinary area, considering science and the scientific method, and its formal structure which integrate Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Science, also taking into account Artificial Intelligence, emphasizing Machine Learning, among others. The article also deals with the perspective of applied Data Science, since Data Science is used for generating value through scientific and business projects. Data Science persona is also discussed in the article, concerning the education of Data Science professionals and its corresponding profiles, since its projection changes the field of data in the world.
Moore's Law has been used by semiconductor industry as predicative indicators of the industry and it has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Now more people tend to agree that the original Moore's Law started to falter. This paper proposes a possible quantitative modification to Moore's Law. It can cover other derivative laws of Moore's Law as well. It intends to more accurately predict the roadmap of chip's performance and energy consumption.
If Turing's groundbreaking paper in 1936 laid the foundation of the theory of computation (ToC), it is no exaggeration to say that Cook's paper in 1971, "The complexity of theorem proving procedures", [4] has pioneered the study of computational complexity. So computational complexity, as an independent research field, is 50 years old now (2021) if we date from Cook's article. This year coincides with the 100th birthday of Cook's mentor Hao Wang, one of the most important logicians. This paper traces the origin of computational complexity, and meanwhile, tries to sort out the instrumental role that Wang played in the process.
In June 1965, Sister Mary Kenneth Keller, BVM, received the first US PhD in Computer Science, and this paper outlines her life and accomplishments. As a scholar, she has the distinction of being an early advocate of learning-by-example in artificial intelligence. Her main scholarly contribution was in shaping computer science education in high schools and small colleges. She was an evangelist for viewing the computer as a symbol manipulator, for providing computer literacy to everyone, and for the use of computers in service to humanity. She was far ahead of her time in working to ensure a place for women in technology and in eliminating barriers preventing their participation, such as poor access to education and daycare. She was a strong and spirited woman, a visionary in seeing how computers would revolutionize our lives. A condensation of this paper appeared as, ``The Legacy of Mary Kenneth Keller, First U.S. Ph.D. in Computer Science," Jennifer Head and Dianne P. O'Leary, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 45(1):55--63, January-March 2023.
The most pressing problems in science are neither empirical nor theoretical, but infrastructural. Scientific practice is defined by coproductive, mutually reinforcing infrastructural deficits and incentive systems that everywhere constrain and contort our art of curiosity in service of profit and prestige. Our infrastructural problems are not unique to science, but reflective of the broader logic of digital enclosure where platformatized control of information production and extraction fuels some of the largest corporations in the world. I have taken lessons learned from decades of intertwined digital cultures within and beyond academia like wikis, pirates, and librarians in order to draft a path towards more liberatory infrastructures for both science and society. Based on a system of peer-to-peer linked data, I sketch interoperable systems for shared data, tools, and knowledge that map onto three domains of platform capture: storage, computation and communication. The challenge of infrastructure is not solely technical, but also social and cultural, and so I attempt to ground a practical development blueprint in an ethics for organizing and maintaining it. I intend this draft as a rallying call for organization, to be revised with the input of collaborators and through the challenges posed by its implementation. I argue that a more liberatory future for science is neither utopian nor impractical -- the truly impractical choice is to continue to organize science as prestige fiefdoms resting on a pyramid scheme of underpaid labor, playing out the clock as every part of our work is swallowed whole by circling information conglomerates. It was arguably scientists looking for a better way to communicate that created something as radical as the internet in the first place, and I believe we can do it again.
In 1837, the first computer program in history was sketched by the renowned mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage. It was a program for the Analytical Engine. The program consists of a sequence of arithmetical operations and the necessary variable addresses (memory locations) of the arguments and the result, displayed in tabular fashion, like a program trace. The program computes the solutions for a system of two linear equations in two unknowns.
The development of advanced generative chat models, such as ChatGPT, has raised questions about the potential consciousness of these tools and the extent of their general artificial intelligence. ChatGPT consistent avoidance of passing the test is here overcome by asking ChatGPT to apply the Turing test to itself. This explores the possibility of the model recognizing its own sentience. In its own eyes, it passes this test. ChatGPT's self-assessment makes serious implications about our understanding of the Turing test and the nature of consciousness. This investigation concludes by considering the existence of distinct types of consciousness and the possibility that the Turing test is only effective when applied between consciousnesses of the same kind. This study also raises intriguing questions about the nature of AI consciousness and the validity of the Turing test as a means of verifying such consciousness.
Rather than simply offering suggestions, this guideline for the methodology chapter in computer science dissertations provides thorough insights on how to develop a strong research methodology within the area of computer science. The method is structured into several parts starting with an overview of research strategies which include experiments, surveys, interviews and case studies. The guide highlights the significance of defining a research philosophy and reasoning by talking about paradigms such as positivism, constructivism and pragmatism. Besides, it reveals the importance of types of research including deductive and inductive methodologies; basic versus applied research approaches. Moreover, this guideline discusses data collection and analysis intricacies that divide data into quantitative and qualitative typologies. It explains different ways in which data can be collected from observation to experimentation, interviews or surveys. It also mentions ethical considerations in research emphasizing ethical behavior like following academic principles. In general, this guideline is an essential tool for undertaking computer science dissertations that help researchers structure their work while maintaining ethical standards in their study design.
Future applications demand more performance, but technology advances have been faltering. A promising approach to further improve computer system performance under energy constraints is to employ hardware accelerators. Already today, mobile systems concurrently employ multiple accelerators in what we call accelerator-level parallelism (ALP). To spread the benefits of ALP more broadly, we charge computer scientists to develop the science needed to best achieve the performance and cost goals of ALP hardware and software.
The rise in computing hardware choices is driving a reevaluation of operating systems. The traditional role of an operating system controlling the execution of its own hardware is evolving toward a model whereby the controlling processor is distinct from the compute engines that are performing most of the computations. In this context, an operating system can be viewed as software that brokers and tracks the resources of the compute engines and is akin to a database management system. To explore the idea of using a database in an operating system role, this work defines key operating system functions in terms of rigorous mathematical semantics (associative array algebra) that are directly translatable into database operations. These operations possess a number of mathematical properties that are ideal for parallel operating systems by guaranteeing correctness over a wide range of parallel operations. The resulting operating system equations provide a mathematical specification for a Tabular Operating System Architecture (TabulaROSA) that can be implemented on any platform. Simulations of forking in TabularROSA are performed using an associative array implementation and compared to Linux on a 32,000+ core supercomputer. Using over 262,000 forkers managing over 68,000,000,000 processes, the simulations show that TabulaROSA has the potential to perform operating system functions on a massively parallel scale. The TabulaROSA simulations show 20x higher performance as compared to Linux while managing 2000x more processes in fully searchable tables.
Current operating systems are complex systems that were designed before today's computing environments. This makes it difficult for them to meet the scalability, heterogeneity, availability, and security challenges in current cloud and parallel computing environments. To address these problems, we propose a radically new OS design based on data-centric architecture: all operating system state should be represented uniformly as database tables, and operations on this state should be made via queries from otherwise stateless tasks. This design makes it easy to scale and evolve the OS without whole-system refactoring, inspect and debug system state, upgrade components without downtime, manage decisions using machine learning, and implement sophisticated security features. We discuss how a database OS (DBOS) can improve the programmability and performance of many of today's most important applications and propose a plan for the development of a DBOS proof of concept.
We present a scheduler that improves cluster utilization and job completion times by packing tasks having multi-resource requirements and inter-dependencies. While the problem is algorithmically very hard, we achieve near-optimality on the job DAGs that appear in production clusters at a large enterprise and in benchmarks such as TPC-DS. A key insight is that carefully handling the long-running tasks and those with tough-to-pack resource needs will produce good-enough schedules. However, which subset of tasks to treat carefully is not clear (and intractable to discover). Hence, we offer a search procedure that evaluates various possibilities and outputs a preferred schedule order over tasks. An online component enforces the schedule orders desired by the various jobs running on the cluster. In addition, it packs tasks, overbooks the fungible resources and guarantees bounded unfairness for a variety of desirable fairness schemes. Relative to the state-of-the art schedulers, we speed up 50% of the jobs by over 30% each.
Since the inception of computing, we have been reliant on CPU-powered architectures. However, today this reliance is challenged by manufacturing limitations (CMOS scaling), performance expectations (stalled clocks, Turing tax), and security concerns (microarchitectural attacks). To re-imagine our computing architecture, in this work we take a more radical but pragmatic approach and propose to eliminate the CPU with its design baggage, and integrate three primary pillars of computing, i.e., networking, storage, and computing, into a single, self-hosting, unified CPU-free Data Processing Unit (DPU) called Hyperion. In this paper, we present the case for Hyperion, its design choices, initial work-in-progress details, and seek feedback from the systems community.
The special theme of DCM 2009, co-located with ICALP 2009, concerned Computational Models From Nature, with a particular emphasis on computational models derived from physics and biology. The intention was to bring together different approaches - in a community with a strong foundational background as proffered by the ICALP attendees - to create inspirational cross-boundary exchanges, and to lead to innovative further research. Specifically DCM 2009 sought contributions in quantum computation and information, probabilistic models, chemical, biological and bio-inspired ones, including spatial models, growth models and models of self-assembly. Contributions putting to the test logical or algorithmic aspects of computing (e.g., continuous computing with dynamical systems, or solid state computing models) were also very much welcomed.
Data-hungry applications that require terabytes of memory have become widespread in recent years. To meet the memory needs of these applications, data centers are embracing tiered memory architectures with near and far memory tiers. Precise, efficient, and timely identification of hot and cold data and their placement in appropriate tiers is critical for performance in such systems. Unfortunately, the existing state-of-the-art telemetry techniques for hot and cold data detection are ineffective at the terabyte scale. We propose Telescope, a novel technique that profiles different levels of the application's page table tree for fast and efficient identification of hot and cold data. Telescope is based on the observation that, for a memory- and TLB-intensive workload, higher levels of a page table tree are also frequently accessed during a hardware page table walk. Hence, the hotness of the higher levels of the page table tree essentially captures the hotness of its subtrees or address space sub-regions at a coarser granularity. We exploit this insight to quickly converge on even a few megabytes of hot data and efficiently identify several gigabytes of cold data in terabyte-scale applications. Importantly, such a technique can seamlessly scale to petabyte-scale applications. Telescope's telemetry achieves 90%+ precision and recall at just 0.009% single CPU utilization for microbenchmarks with a 5 TB memory footprint. Memory tiering based on Telescope results in 5.6% to 34% throughput improvement for real-world benchmarks with a 1-2 TB memory footprint compared to other state-of-the-art telemetry techniques.
We present an approach to program reasoning which inserts between a program and its verification conditions an additional layer, the denotation of the program expressed in a declarative form. The program is first translated into its denotation from which subsequently the verification conditions are generated. However, even before (and independently of) any verification attempt, one may investigate the denotation itself to get insight into the "semantic essence" of the program, in particular to see whether the denotation indeed gives reason to believe that the program has the expected behavior. Errors in the program and in the meta-information may thus be detected and fixed prior to actually performing the formal verification. More concretely, following the relational approach to program semantics, we model the effect of a program as a binary relation on program states. A formal calculus is devised to derive from a program a logic formula that describes this relation and is subject for inspection and manipulation. We have implemented this idea in a comprehensive form in the RISC ProgramExplorer, a new program reasoning environment for educational purposes which encompasses the previously developed RISC ProofNavigator as an interactive proving assistant.
The well known JGEX program became open source a few years ago, but seemingly, further development of the program can only be done without the original authors. In our project, we are looking at whether it is possible to continue such a large project as a newcomer without the involvement of the original authors. Is there a way to internationalize, fix bugs, improve the code base, add new features? In other words, to save a relic found in the attic and polish it into a useful everyday tool.
In recent years, the rise of deep learning and automation requirements in the software industry has elevated Intelligent Software Engineering to new heights. The number of approaches and applications in code understanding is growing, with deep learning techniques being used in many of them to better capture the information in code data. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview of the structures formed from code data. We categorize the models for understanding code in recent years into two groups: sequence-based and graph-based models, further make a summary and comparison of them. We also introduce metrics, datasets and the downstream tasks. Finally, we make some suggestions for future research in structural code understanding field.
This paper introduces Tiramisu, a polyhedral framework designed to generate high performance code for multiple platforms including multicores, GPUs, and distributed machines. Tiramisu introduces a scheduling language with novel extensions to explicitly manage the complexities that arise when targeting these systems. The framework is designed for the areas of image processing, stencils, linear algebra and deep learning. Tiramisu has two main features: it relies on a flexible representation based on the polyhedral model and it has a rich scheduling language allowing fine-grained control of optimizations. Tiramisu uses a four-level intermediate representation that allows full separation between the algorithms, loop transformations, data layouts, and communication. This separation simplifies targeting multiple hardware architectures with the same algorithm. We evaluate Tiramisu by writing a set of image processing, deep learning, and linear algebra benchmarks and compare them with state-of-the-art compilers and hand-tuned libraries. We show that Tiramisu matches or outperforms existing compilers and libraries on different hardware architectures, including multicore CPUs, GPUs, and distributed machines.
This paper presents a stream-oriented architecture for structuring cluster applications. Clusters that run applications based on this architecture can scale to tenths of thousands of nodes with significantly less performance loss or reliability problems. Our architecture exploits the stream nature of the data flow and reduces congestion through load balancing, hides latency behind data pushes and transparently handles node failures. In our ongoing work, we are developing an implementation for this architecture and we are able to run simple data mining applications on a cluster simulator.
Aneka is a platform for deploying Clouds developing applications on top of it. It provides a runtime environment and a set of APIs that allow developers to build .NET applications that leverage their computation on either public or private clouds. One of the key features of Aneka is the ability of supporting multiple programming models that are ways of expressing the execution logic of applications by using specific abstractions. This is accomplished by creating a customizable and extensible service oriented runtime environment represented by a collection of software containers connected together. By leveraging on these architecture advanced services including resource reservation, persistence, storage management, security, and performance monitoring have been implemented. On top of this infrastructure different programming models can be plugged to provide support for different scenarios as demonstrated by the engineering, life science, and industry applications.
Phishing is a form of cybercrime and a threat that allows criminals, phishers, to deceive end users in order to steal their confidential and sensitive information. Attackers usually attempt to manipulate the psychology and emotions of victims. The increasing threat of phishing has made its study worthwhile and much research has been conducted into the issue. This paper explores the emotional factors that have been reported in previous studies to be significant in phishing victimization. In addition, we compare what security organizations and researchers have highlighted in terms of phishing types and categories as well as training in tackling the problem, in a literature review which takes into account all major credible and published sources.
We present a high-level and accessible Application Programming Interface (API) for the solution of field equations on the Cerebras Systems Wafer-Scale Engine (WSE) with over two orders of magnitude performance gain relative to traditional distributed computing approaches. The domain-specific API is called the WSE Field-equation API (WFA). The WFA outperforms OpenFOAM on NETL's Joule 2.0 supercomputer by over two orders of magnitude in time to solution. While this performance is consistent with hand-optimized assembly codes, the WFA provides an easy-to-use, high-level Python interface that allows users to form and solve field equations effortlessly. We report here the WFA programming methodology and achieved performance on the latest generation of WSE, the CS-2.
We introduce a just-in-time runtime program transformation strategy based on repeated recursion unfolding. Our online program optimization generates several versions of a recursion differentiated by the minimal number of recursive steps covered. The base case of the recursion is ignored in our technique. Our method is introduced here on the basis of single linear direct recursive rules. When a recursive call is encountered at runtime, first an unfolder creates specializations of the associated recursive rule on-the-fly and then an interpreter applies these rules to the call. Our approach reduces the number of recursive rule applications to its logarithm at the expense of introducing a logarithmic number of generic unfolded rules. We prove correctness of our online optimization technique and determine its time complexity. For recursions which have enough simplifyable unfoldings, a super-linear is possible, i.e. speedup by more than a constant factor.The necessary simplification is problem-specific and has to be provided at compile-time. In our speedup analysis, we prove a sufficient condition as well as a sufficient and necessary condition for super-linear speedup relating the complexity of the recursive steps of the original rule and the unfolded rules. We have implemented an unfolder and meta-interpreter for runtime repeated recursion unfolding with just five rules in Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) embedded in Prolog. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach with simplifications, time complexity results and benchmarks for some basic tractable algorithms. The simplifications require some insight and were derived manually. The runtime improvement quickly reaches several orders of magnitude, consistent with the super-linear speedup predicted by our theorems.
In this meta-ethnography, we explore three different angles of ethical artificial intelligence (AI) design implementation including the philosophical ethical viewpoint, the technical perspective, and framing through a political lens. Our qualitative research includes a literature review that highlights the cross-referencing of these angles by discussing the value and drawbacks of contrastive top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid approaches previously published. The novel contribution to this framework is the political angle, which constitutes ethics in AI either being determined by corporations and governments and imposed through policies or law (coming from the top), or ethics being called for by the people (coming from the bottom), as well as top-down, bottom-up, and hybrid technicalities of how AI is developed within a moral construct and in consideration of its users, with expected and unexpected consequences and long-term impact in the world. There is a focus on reinforcement learning as an example of a bottom-up applied technical approach and AI ethics principles as a practical top-down approach. This investigation includes real-world case studies to impart a global perspective, as well as philosophical debate on the ethics of AI and theoretical future thought experimentation based on historical facts, current world circumstances, and possible ensuing realities.
The paper is organized as a self-contained literate Prolog program that implements elements of an executable finite set theory with focus on combinatorial generation and arithmetic encodings. The complete Prolog code is available at http://logic.csci.unt.edu/tarau/research/2008/pHFS.zip . First, ranking and unranking functions for some "mathematically elegant" data types in the universe of Hereditarily Finite Sets with Urelements are provided, resulting in arithmetic encodings for powersets, hypergraphs, ordinals and choice functions. After implementing a digraph representation of Hereditarily Finite Sets we define {\em decoration functions} that can recover well-founded sets from encodings of their associated acyclic digraphs. We conclude with an encoding of arbitrary digraphs and discuss a concept of duality induced by the set membership relation. In the process, we uncover the surprising possibility of internally sharing isomorphic objects, independently of their language level types and meanings.
We present time-constrained automata (TCA), a model for hard real-time computation in which agents behaviors are modeled by automata and constrained by time intervals. TCA actions can have multiple start time and deadlines, can be aperiodic, and are selected dynamically following a graph, the time-constrained automaton. This allows expressing much more precise time constraints than classical periodic or sporadic model, while preserving the ease of scheduling and analysis. We provide some properties of this model as well as their scheduling semantics. We show that TCA can be automatically derived from source-code, and optimally scheduled on single processors using a variant of EDF. We explain how time constraints can be used to guarantee communication determinism by construction, and to study when possible agent interactions happen.
Data race conditions in multi-tasking software applications are prevented by serializing access to shared memory resources, ensuring data consistency and deterministic behavior. Traditionally tasks acquire and release locks to synchronize operations on shared memory. Unfortunately, lock management can add significant processing overhead especially for multicore deployments where tasks on different cores convoy in queues waiting to acquire a lock. Implementing more than one lock introduces the risk of deadlock and using spinlocks constrains which cores a task can run on. The better alternative is to eliminate locks and validate that real-time properties are met, which is not directly considered in many embedded applications. Removing the locks is non-trivial and packaging lock-free algorithms for developers reduces the possibility of concurrency defects. This paper details how a multicore communication API implementation is enhanced to support lock-free messaging and the impact this has on data exchange latency between tasks. Throughput and latency are compared on Windows and Linux between lock-based and lock-free implementations for data exchange of messages, packets, and scalars. A model of the lock-free exchange predicts performance at the system architecture level and provides a stop criterion for the refactoring. The results show that migration from single to multicore hardware architectures degrades lock-based performance, and increases lock-free performance.
This volume contains the papers presented at the fourth international workshop on Testing, Analysis and Verification of Software, which was associated with the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2010). The collection of papers includes research on formal specification, model-checking, testing, and debugging of Web software.
This work proposes a Prolog-dialect for the found and prioritised problems on expressibility and automation. Given some given C-like program, if dynamic memory is allocated, altered and freed on runtime, then a description of desired dynamic memory is a heap specification. The check of calculated memory state against a given specification is dynamic memory verification. This contribution only considers formal specification and verification in a Hoare calculus. Issues found include: invalid assignment, (temporary) unavailable data in memory cells, excessive memory allocation, (accidental) heap alteration in unexpected regions and others. Excessive memory allocation is nowadays successfully resolved by memory analysers like Valgrind. Essentially, papers in those areas did not bring any big breakthrough. Possible reasons may also include the decrease of tension due to more available memory and parallel threads. However, starting with Apt, problems related to variable modes have not yet been resolved -- neither entirely nor in an acceptable way. Research contributions over the last decades show again and again that heap issues remain and remain complex and still important. A significant contribution was reached in 2016 by Peter O'Hearn, who accepted the G\"{o}del prize for his parallel approach on a spatial heap operation.
Nearly twenty years after the launch of AWS, it remains difficult for most developers to harness the enormous potential of the cloud. In this paper we lay out an agenda for a new generation of cloud programming research aimed at bringing research ideas to programmers in an evolutionary fashion. Key to our approach is a separation of distributed programs into a PACT of four facets: Program semantics, Availablity, Consistency and Targets of optimization. We propose to migrate developers gradually to PACT programming by lifting familiar code into our more declarative level of abstraction. We then propose a multi-stage compiler that emits human-readable code at each stage that can be hand-tuned by developers seeking more control. Our agenda raises numerous research challenges across multiple areas including language design, query optimization, transactions, distributed consistency, compilers and program synthesis.
In recent years, the data science community has pursued excellence and made significant research efforts to develop advanced analytics, focusing on solving technical problems at the expense of organizational and socio-technical challenges. According to previous surveys on the state of data science project management, there is a significant gap between technical and organizational processes. In this article we present new empirical data from a survey to 237 data science professionals on the use of project management methodologies for data science. We provide additional profiling of the survey respondents' roles and their priorities when executing data science projects. Based on this survey study, the main findings are: (1) Agile data science lifecycle is the most widely used framework, but only 25% of the survey participants state to follow a data science project methodology. (2) The most important success factors are precisely describing stakeholders' needs, communicating the results to end-users, and team collaboration and coordination. (3) Professionals who adhere to a project methodology place greater emphasis on the project's potential risks and pitfalls, version control, the deployment pipeline to production, and data security and privacy.