stringlengths 0
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You have to go really bad and you know that if you stop moving it will all trickle down your legs so what do you do Just DANCE at least until you reach your ceramic saviourAhhh release it feels so good | I did it yesterday i was standing outside in the snow so pretended it was an Its really cold out here Brrr dance |
i would like to start building some 2d games in my spare time looking for something simple with good documentation ideally opensource in c and uses opengl developing on OS X i have used pygame before which was sufficient but im trying to brush up on my c | Not C but one 2D game engine I enjoy using which is open source uses OpenGL has a sweet community and nice documentation is LVEhttplove2dorgNow that I check it seems that the awesome official tutorials have disappeared I guess theyre being updated for the recent new version blah this sucks I dont recommend getting into it until the tutorials show up again unless you like learning through reference manuals Ive been reasonably happy with ClanLibhttpclanliborg C though Ive never tried the OSX port myself A lot of people seem to be using cocos2d Its pythonbased on the PC side and has an ObjectiveC port for the iPhone httpcocos2dorg Basic scenegraph and movement tweening sort of featuresetC wise Im not sure Ive always rolled my own but Id also be interested to know of any other nice engines that would allow quick rapid prototyping of 2d games in C May I also suggest the Rapid Prototyping Frameworkhttp2dboycom20090527rapidprototypingframework It isnt C but Flixelhttpwwwflixelorg is a pretty solid 2D opensource library for Flash and you dont even need to own Flash to use it I havent used it yet myself but heard already some good reports about gosuhttpcodegooglecompgosu Uses modern c and is crossplatform including OS X so it might be worth a look |
If you also have a link showing what certain Messier objects look like through different sized apertures that would be great | I just received my Orion XT8 Got it put together but havent had a clear night yet to observe After lots of research I decided on it as my first real telescope Hopefully its one that I can learn to use but still have some room to grow into it as I learn more about astronomy Zhumell Z8 Deluxe Ive made this suggestion multiple times in this subreddit You can search for those responses if you want a comparison to the Orion productsAs for a link comparing aperture to Messier objects thats not really possible |
Suggest dates times and locations pleaseAlso anyone is welcome not just people in Ann Arbor I just picked Ann Arbor because thats where I and hyp3rfastrxn go to school not because I dont like other cities in MichiganEDIT Location and time are decided Friday 129 at 730pm Biggby Coffee on Liberty St near Maynard If you know any redditors in Ann Arbor who didnt respond to this thread I believe I messaged everyone on this thread though I may have missed a few then tell them tooOh and Ill be there with a rMichigan sign or something | Times and dates are below If youd like to suggest a modification or add a time feel free to do so but itd be easiest if you just voted on the times below Currently Im assuming a location in Ann Arbor probably near Campus the Cube or downtown near Borders or say Liberty and FourthFri 115 at 900pmSat 116 at 200pmIm omitting the week after MLK Weekend because Im attending a conference feel free to suggest those times in a reply if you want to organize a meetup separatelyFri 129 at 730pmSat 130 at 200pmFri 25 at 730pmSat 26 at 200pmIn the event that multiple timesdates receive the same number of votes Ill pick the nearest one Also Im not going to cancel if its below 10 because the total number of people in this thread whove expressed interest in an Ann Arbor meetup is around 10 if that A2 at the rotating cube Endover Cubehttpwwwplantextbfumicheduplannersculpturecentralcubehtm Because it would be with the win and the awesome |
Ive been working with both databasesmostly Oracle and datacomplex queries stored procedures BI analysis for the last 15 years I have a decent understanding of statistics and statistical conceptsI read tons of books and articles Im also good with PythonI do lots of data analysis on my own whenever I can find available datasets With my SQL and BI experience I know how to slice and dice and aggregate data every which way I am also pretty handy with R and ggplot2 ML and the like is what fascinates me I respect everyones intelligence and PhDs and would like some accessible suggestions on taking my abilities to the next levelIdeally Id like to pair up with a projectstartup where I can give hardcore dba skills in exchange for pairing up with ML experts Im not a web developer by any means but whenever I look at datadriven sitesfor example wwwtweetstatscom no affiliation I think about how easy the calculations are and that I could do just that I get data but would love a deeper understanding of MLMining Im not aware of any collaborative or opensource ML projects I follow a ton of ML and datamining experts on twittersame username and participate in engaging conversations When I dont fully understand something Ill spend hours or even days educating myselfNow the hard stuff My degree is in a completely unrelated field Having said that Im very competent considering my existing skills and want to take it to the next level Going back to school is tough with full time work and two kids to raise Im looking for suggestions on reading getting more involved with existing projects and learning from others tldr i have crazy database and sqlanalysis skills and want a ML mentor or project | httpresearchmicrosoftcomenusgroupsmlashttpwwwsqlserverdataminingcomssdmHomeDownloadstabid60Defaultaspx I work with an statsMLheavy startup in the bay area The two of us working on the core of the tech are stats amp game theory nerds at heart and by training also without formal training in ML but rapidly building up our software tool kit and skills I wouldnt go so far as to call either of us expertswere both cut from the learnfromdoing rather than learnfromstudying cloth and also have degrees in unrelated fields Fittingly enough the major constraint as we take on bigger and bigger customers has been DB efficiency Which is all to say we may not be the deep experts youre looking for but if youre interested in finding other driven curiousaboutML folk and some interesting problems to cut teeth on drop me a line At the very least Id love to pick the brain of a DB ninja on some of the hairier problems Ive been running into with SQL |
ive smoked out of nearly everything under the sun but i have to say my favorite way to smoke is a spliff nothing can get me higher these days get some good buds and some good rolling tobacco good tobacco mind you otherwise you neednt even try peter stokkebyes danish exporthttpwwwpeterstokkebyecomcigpshtm is fantastic toss em both in a grinder with weed being anywhere from 6080 percent of the mix and give it all a quick mix up roll it up with a little crutch maybe with some extra baccy at the butt so as not to waste light it up and get high each one is an individual masterpiece tobacco and weed go together like chocolate and mint thats just me though whatve yall come up withDISCLAIMER yes im aware tobacco is bad for you but so is fast food that doesnt make them any less delicious | Though Ive smoked out of many things through the years my first love has to be my trusty dugout Ol PineyIt was twelve dollars at the store made out of simple pine Nothing was particularly special about it I thought the price would be worth the experiment Upon receiving it I was disappointed to find a metal bat inside it I scanned the shelves and found a replacement glass bat that would take its place Ten dollars for that Almost as much as the entire damn dugoutOver the months to follow none of that money would matter any more The dugout and I would go through all manner of adventures I took it hiking with me I took it to concerts With my full dugout and a lighter in my pocket I could go absolutely anywhere and bring my herb along for the journeyThis was an immediate change for me before my toking was incredibly constricted I was afraid of getting caught in public I didnt want to buy a pipe or bong for fear of discovery I relied almost exclusively on joints and rarely stepped outside of my basement right near the dryer vent where I could exhale without worryAfter getting that dugout though my world and mind expanded exponentially the secrets of the world are much easier to determine when you can actually go out and see that world I liked going to the park and parking myself under a large oak tree It was there that I made the most of my dugout effortlessly I connected with nature through a lens of plant matter from a small pine boxI realized that in confining myself to the basement by the dryer vent mirrored my everyday life I was shut in closed off from reality and discovery by my own fears and worries Once I got that dugout I was able to break free from those anxieties and really start to enjoy both herb and lifeAfter a while that new pine box became an old pine box well used and worn in with time I came to appreciate that dugout for itself and realized the beauty in its simplicity The grains run like waves down the side of the box in a silent memento of the former life of the tree that birthed itThat dugout has shared a lot with me over its lifetime and I have a feeling it will share a lot more in the future Its still my favorite way to smoke crude as it is The hits arent as smooth as other methods a bowl or bong may be smoother a vaporizer may be cleaner To me though that dugout represents more than simply a way to get high It has come to represent the everpresent ability to break free from worry or anxiety and the ability to just love my lifeA very happy 5 Dugout for when Im on the goJointblunt for when Im going to a partyBong for when Im chillin at home alone or with friendsVaporizer for when I want a cleaner cerebral high and am willing to wait the extra time for it to heat up |
Lets take a page from the FOX News playbook and make a claim against them for being the Devil with little or no fact to support said claim except for some odd math rooted in numerologyInteresting fact If you take all the alphabet and if you put a number 19 under each letter FOX spells 666 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z F6 O6 X6 | Isnt it interesting that Sean Hannity has never shown everyone his birth certificate How do we know that hes a Real AmericanTM and not a terrorist trying to start a new civil war in this country Well as you know Foxes are known to eat meat and people are made out of meat Fox News eats your babies Or we could just go Some people say and follow that with some of the most rotten vile untrue garbage ever come out of someones mouthSome people say Bill ODouchey is a rapist of squirrels He is frequently seen buying scotch tape which is presumably for making sure the squirrels not explode before Bills had his way with them Based on opinions |
rredditcomrredditcom lizska posts about Miep Gies protector of Anne Frank dying at 100httpwwwredditcomrredditcomcommentsaofv8miepgiesdiesat100shehidannefranksfamily NYT frycook links a disturbing post about facebookhttpwwwredditcomrredditcomcommentsaofenfacebookemployeescanvieweverythingwiththe jaykoo21 posts about how selective abortion may leave 24m men single in Chinahttpwwwredditcomrredditcomcommentsaog86iguessthisiswhathappenswhenyoukillall and Afraidman links an article about the Taliban making undetectable bombs out of woodhttpwwwredditcomrredditcomcommentsaoh5etalibanmakeundetectableiedsoutofwoodall ritookapictureritookapictureAppleDave takes a picture of two scenes out of a hotel windowhttpwwwredditcomritookapicturecommentsaofcoitapoftwoscenesatonceinahotelwindow rpicsrpicslightheat links a surprised buildinghttpwwwredditcomrpicscommentsaoh2rsurprisedbuilding rWorldNewsrWorldNews truthXsader posts an insightful article from bikinis to burkashttpwwwredditcomrworldnewscommentsao7ilfrombikinistoburkas NotPhil posts about Cadmium in kids jeweleryhttpwwwredditcomrworldnewscommentsao9obbarredfromusingleadinchildrensjewelry myketron3000 links a CNN article on postavatar depressionhttpwwwredditcomrworldnewscommentsaoehwavataraudienceisbeingdepressedbecausethe and vajav links a disturbing story about gangs in Mexico selling babies and young children to US citizenshttpwwwredditcomrworldnewscommentsaoaupmexicanwomantellsofordealwithcrossborderrAskRedditraskreddit schneeebly9803 starts a discussion on the most embarrassing thing that happened on a datehttpwwwredditcomrAskRedditcommentsaodf3whatisthemostembarrassingthingthathasever and jasonw87 wants to know your interesting bar experienceshttpwwwredditcomrAskRedditcommentsaogvywhatfunnythingshaveyouexperiencewhileout rnewsrnews 1338h4x posts about the ACLU defending peoples rights to protesthttpwwwredditcomrnewscommentsaoe6tschooltriedtostopstudentsfromprotestingtheNew reddit of the day rredditorofthedayrredditoroftheday | Good grief Im officially addicted to Reddit With the exclusion of the Reddit of the day I randomd every single one of those links tonight |
Whenever Im writing slightly casually Im always tempted to use the semicolon but I never know if Im using it right and there seems to be a stigma attached to it Ive heard a few times that if one decides to use the semicolon it should never show up more than once per pageDo you use the semicolon and if so whereEdit Yes I know I used it wrong in the title | The semicolon is easy to master if you can remember two rules1 Use it between independent clauses not linked by a conjunction Independent clauses means each clause could stand alone as a sentence ie you could replace the semicolon with a period and the sentences would still be correct In such use the semicolon is generally used to draw attention to the relationship between the two clauses An example of such semicolon use would be That answer was too long I didnt read it2 Use it between items in a list where the items contain commas For instance milk peanut butter any brand of bread but preferably whole wheat and cheese Using semicolons in such lists instead of commas makes it clearer than commas in lists where the items dont contain commas its usually preferable to separate items with commasThere are a couple of additional more esoteric uses of the semicolon but if you stick with the above two you cant go wrongThere is no rule that you must only use a single semicolon per page although this guideline is often given to a youth who might otherwise sprinkle semicolons across the page like the Johnny Appleseed of punctuationtldr Stick with periods I am fond of the semicolon it is my favorite punctuation tool beating out the dash by a fair margin jbtorontos response has neatly summed up the rules that I useI write fiction novels and short stories and my default writing includes a fair number of compoundcomplex sentences in my rough drafts Semicolon use is pretty much hardwired into me I have to go back through when I edit and replace some of them with and or make two sentences or reword entirely At the end of the day I probably have a few more semicolons per page than the average writer but I consider it part of my style not as hefty as Tolkien but certainly more competent than SMeyerEdit your title should contain a colon not a semicolon as the words on each side are not both complete sentences gtHere is a lesson in creative writing First rule Do not use semicolons They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing All they do is show youve been to collegeKurt Vonnegut All the damn time My English teacher commented that while my usage is never inappropriate it affects style and flow When I responded that I knew exactly what style and flow I was going with he had nothing more to say about it My correct semicolon usage is one of the reasons my boyfriends mom likes me so much She is an editor I write marketing copy for one of the largest retailers in Canada It has been a pet project of mine to create copy that makes use of the semicolon I received several emails in the first month inquiring if Id made an error and was actually trying to use a colon I sent a response that detailed what a semicolon was and how to use it Weve actually received emails from people who have noticed and wanted to say thank you |
httpimgurcomkE7fkjpg httpimgurcomnffKdjpginsert joke here about handling my stick | Oh god oh god Please for the love of Christ post an ass pic Hockey player asses oh god Scuse me while I run to the back for a few |
I work at a movie theater I have managed to work my way into a projectionist position now but before I was a run of the mill usher The kids that clean the auditoriums When did it become acceptable for people to spill popcorn spit sunflower seeds leaves soda cups etc I understand that this gives many teenagers jobs like I said before Are people really just that lazy Some of the worst things Ive seen found included baby diapers a girls thong and a bloody tampon Later that night before I was promoted I talked to the projectionist on clock and he said that he saw this couple Well begin having sex Only for us ushers to find the bloody tampon afterwardstldrWhy leave your trash everywhere when you go to the movies | Not that I speak from experience but maybe when the ticket prices are around 10 bucks and it turns out the movie stinks people feel like the only way to get their moneys worth is to make a mess 3000 dollar Surround sound system 50 Inch plasma and the comfort of my couch Who goes to the theater anymore And yes I take my dishes to the kitchen when I am done On that note if I were to go to someone elses house and they charged me ten bucks to watch a movie I would not help clean up |
Been visiting Austin for 3 years for business so when work asked me if I wanted to yes That is literally how the conversation went I know what this city has to offer and why its great This is why I live here nowThe only thing missing so far is a solid network of friends Ive made a few but nowhere near what could be called a critical mass In tech Mountain biker Drink beer Down for whateverFull disclosure I am a Canadian Torontoish transplantLet me know if youve got spare room for a drinking buddyJust off Barton Creek between 1st and Lamar It fucking rocksPeaceEDIT1 Awesome I thought i was only going to get a reply from the drunk dude Definitely some great connects here for a number of angles | Buzzed good call though had just gotten back from the Goodie Mob concert at EmosGreat Show Cee Lo pulled out Crazy which seemed a bit out of place but he got everyone into it |
So I recently came across an atheist who was against samesex marriage and I was wondering if there were any atheists who were willing to explain why they are against marriages between gay and lesbian couples Your thoughts would be appreciatedEdit I am not talking about those of you who would rather have marriage as a religious ceremony and have civil unions for everyone as the government recognized contract or for those of you who dont feel that any sort of marriage should be legally recognized by the government | Most of the people that Ive seen advancing a nonreligious antigayunion position have pretty amateur arguments 1 Reproducibility argument They cant reproduce so why should we allow them to form a family This is so unbelievably stupid that I will leave its refutations as exercises to the reader 2 Evolutionary argument Can you imagine if everyone was gay and got married IT WOULD BE THE END OF THE HUMAN RACE1one This is so unbelievably stupid that I will leave its refutation as exercises for less capable readers that had to skip the first exercise 3 Nature argument Closely related to the Evolutionary Argument but with more hand waving and fewer legs to stand on if arguments could have a negative number of legs Usually goes something like Nature made differentiated sexes so samesex couples are unnatural This argument would be even dumber than the previous if this were an actual argument To be fair Ive only seen this once and it was on an internet forum so it could have been advanced by a particularly retarded and inbred Chihuahua Marriage can remain between a man and a women for all I careWhat I DO care about is states companies and societies not having equality for samesex couples They the homophobic fearmongerers can keep the term marriage between a man and a women if they want ONLY as long as there is an equal oppurtunity for LGBT couples to take advantage of the same tax and insurance benefitsI think a lot of people have lost sight over why it is so desirable for samesex couples to get married I think to most of them they couldnt care less about getting married in the same social and religious institutions that have persecuted them until very recently What is most important is equality All couples regardless of sex should be able to file taxes jointly or have joint insurance plans and enjoy similar benefits Call it samesex union or domestic partnership if you want As an egalitarian all I care about is that the system treats all people with equality and fairness as a nonreligious person i happen to think that marriage is ridiculous who gives a shit who takes part in it |
I have a CS degree but was never actually taught how to properly design a program I store my data in my view which I then put in a global variable Im not a bad person I know this is wrong but I dont know where to learn good software design principles before I go and subject the open source community to my bad habitsWould some kind soul help me out with some directionadvice to bring my programming skills up to snuff CC python perlIs there a book that every good programmer has readWould you share how you learned to design software correctlyAny wikipedia pages I should readtldr I know the syntax and algorithms but dont know how do build a larger project that wouldnt make a proper programmer vomit | I was sent here to help youWhat programming books should I readhttpwwwredditcomhelpfaqsprogrammingWhatprogrammingbooksshouldIreadWhat open source projects should I study to learn fromhttpwwwredditcomhelpfaqsprogrammingWhatopensourceprojectsshouldIstudytolearnfromWhat is the best way to learn language X or framework YhttpwwwredditcomhelpfaqsprogrammingWhatisthebestwaytolearnlanguageXorframeworkYWhat programming blogs or websites do you readhttpwwwredditcomhelpfaqsprogrammingWhatprogrammingblogsorwebsitesdoyouread Read lots of code Work with others on existing open source projects where you can learn from existing code and add to it with their style guidelines Why is putting your data in views or in global variables wrong Because somebody told you its wrong Trying to learn to program by maxim will never make you better When you find that something youre doing is wrong you need to seek out why its wrong Once you know why global state or lack of separation of concerns is bad youll come to recognize the language features and patterns that people have developed to fix them Fixing bad coding patterns will become just part of the problem solving you do as you program Before you make that global youll think oh man I have this global state maybe I can figure out some way to bundle it up into an object Ive always held the belief that although there are certainly aids to the process mentors group programming open source participation the only way to suck less at programming is to program enough suck to get the suck out of your system Dont worry about sucking and just keep on writing code Keep on writing code and dont stop and a month from now youll suck less Rinse and repeatI look at the code I wrote 6 months ago and I want to FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU My goal is to experience that every 6 months otherwise Im not coding enough to drain out my suck One philosophical principle that will not do you wrong is Paranoia or if you prefer CounterMurphyism Assume in all cases that if it can go wrong it will go wrong Data guaranteed to be in a certain range will contain data outside the range Think about all the ways a certain piece of code can go wrong and include code to deal with all those waysA certain project I was peripherally involved in some years ago a large 3D modeling system with over a million lines of code written by an engineeringoriented company using proper design and coding methods was subjected to a code analysis They found that over 80 of the code and over 80 of the cycles were error checking and prevention This is not a bad thing just the way of lifeAs a very senior developer my first languages were Algol assembly and FORTRAN I recently started exploring functional programming Haskell and Erlang I personally like Erlang better because for some reason it seems less fiddly and less ivory tower but thats just my taste there are advantages either way What is important is that learning about the functional programming approach has expanded my world and changed my thought process and improved my way of programming This is similar to what LISPers say occurs from learning LISP So I recommend that you delve into one of these three languages and build a significant project of your own There is no better way to learn a language and the design principles you yearn for than to figure out what is going on in an existing program and bend it to your will without breaking itIts generally easiest to get into a new language by taking an existing program and modifying it do do something different that way you have a running code base and you can just change one thing at a time Thats a lesson from Extreme Programming btwDont get sucked too far into any of the infinite series of popular design fads They generally have a core truth and a huge pile of cruft stuck to them Appreciate and learn from the truths but dont become a true believerOh yes start now using project tracking and version control eg Trac and Mercurial get the habit early on your own small projects It will make life easier in the long run I would highly recommend Head First ObjectOriented Analysis amp Design Its got a really comfortable writing style some useful examples and its not an insurmountable challenge to readIn addition 1 to everything most people have said read Code Complete read lots and lots of code work on opensource projects talk with programmers and above all DONT listen to university lecturers Theres a reason they cant get a better paying job elsewhere School cant teach you the consequences of poor design because the projects are so small and are over in 4 months How does a bad design decision manifest itself 2 years down the road That something you have to experience yourself The key is to learn from whatever software you happen to work on good and bad Eventually youll have the ability to recognize when something sucks before it bites you in the ass 2 years later Just to make a point in my long experience both programming and managing I have found a low correlation between the amount of computer science education and programming capability Classes can teach algorithms principles etc but can not teach the art the creative approach to problem solving Theres a reason the best hackers are often outside the societal norms there is an art to it and possibly it requires a certain obsessiveness Most folks dont want to delve into the details and in programming the details are critical Writing a relatively simple program is equivalent to writing a 400 page book with no typos misspellings or grammar mistakes and perfect logical sense throughout I thought most every CS curriculum had at least one course on Software Design I did Anybody else not have a software design class How you design software depends totally on what qualities you want and the application If it has to be super lean and mean storing things globally is not necessarily a bad thing Also for anyone who ever wants book suggestions go to university CS course websites If they require you to have student credentials go to the universitys bookstore Ex CMU Textbook Searchhttpwwwcmubookstorecombuycourselistingasp University course catalogs are open to the public as are the bookstores inventory and usually a mechanism to search by courseEDIT sp Read Code Complete The Pragmatic Programmer and eventually Design Patterns All are quite book though people tend to go overboard with the last oneWrite lots of code Write so much it cant fit in your head anymore Keep going Software architecture basically boils down to organizing code so you can get stuff done while knowing as little as possible Wow and here I thought I was the only programmer in the world who thought he suckedI am glad you submitted this to reddit because I really need the help as well So far there is some really great advice being passed outI dont have a CS degree but I do have a CIS degree and a Masters in MIS Not completely sure why I did the masters to be honest I think it was a bit of a waste It really took my eye of the ball for a few years Now I feel like I am a beginner programmer compared to others with similar years under their belt 1 Pretty much everybody sucks at programming Naive programmers just dont realize it2 Building large program is complex especially in a real world as the requirements keep changing The only way you make your code less sucky is by gaining experience which take both time and making mistakes3 It is a good thing that you dont like your code now OTOH Software evolves so if you like your code much it means you have stopped learning which is the kiss of death for a programmertldr Everyone sucks dont think too much about it Be passionate make mistakes and keep learning forever |
Looking for a new case Im using an enormous Thermaltake Armor right now which is great but i have a little extra cash and I want something smaller RequirementsMust fit a GTX275Must cool wellMust be less than or equal to 100Must be a mid tower or smaller i guessIve seen the Antec 300 Ive seen other cases with 1000 positive reviews on newegg Im wondering if theres some case that Im not even considering | Antec 300s decent Some of the hard drive bays are unusable with my GTX 280 thoughI just got a CoolerMaster 690 though I really prefer the toolless design similar to that found in bigger OEMs like HP Sun Dell Hard drive mounts also dampen some vibration I have some 15k5 RPM drives so this was a big plus for me Im not sure if it qualifies as a midtowerI dont have any data on cooling LianLi no question I have a PCA05N it was amazing compared to every other case Ive ever used including an Antec and a Silverstone Smooth edges rigid thoughtful design toolfree drive rails that work more than once Perfect I love Lian Li cases Theyre extremely wellbuilt shiny aluminum removeable mobo trays sleek brushed exteriors And they have 14 cases for less than 100 at NewegghttpwwwneweggcomProductProductListaspxSubmitENEampN20100900072050001375204027ampbopAndampShowDeactivatedMarkFalseampActiveSearchResultTrueampOrderRATING |
Even though I have a 5 digit userID on nowadays I prefer Reddit For me its because more compact display more stories about as many subjects we like visible karma anybody can post a link open moderation not byzantine like on And you | Its not nearly as snobby here I read but dont post comments on Slashdot because its really tough to get a word in edgewise of the knowitalls Just peeked ad and apparently I have a 5 digit user ID as well My Fark ID is 5 digits too |
My personal choices mostly due nostalgyThe FoxhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvmIXORG5zj8QampTurtleshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvpaQ0wjTTrBEDucktaleshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvCMU2NwaaXEA | Sanford amp Sonhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv1WqazleR3FEhonorable mention Barney MillerhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvcfgNcwOi6WM Im not the biggest fan of the show but I really like the extended theme to The Big Bang TheoryhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvHxDcOxXQIkDexterhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvej8RqoVT4 has a great one as does True BloodhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvvxINMuOgAu8Also on my list Mad MenhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvWcRrFb5xQoampfeatureplayerembedded CarnivalehttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvBMqLks7qnewampfeatureplayerembedded Talespinhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv4ReyS9i9BJg and The IT CrowdhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvC95sy11onFcampfeatureplayerembedded Gummi BearshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvBRTSZZgCUik and DucktaleshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvCMU2NwaaXEAEdit I hadnt noticed you already covered Ducktales But damn it I love that song Thats easy MST3KhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvDcUkKltAidM Hell even Manor Astroman the greatest band in the galaxy did a coverhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvIxfNq6zV8Zc David the Motherfucking GnomehttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvLAphcvZaS8I Keeping his pimp hand strong So many to choose My favourite isHawaii 50httpwwwyoutubecomwatchvAepyGm9Me6wbut alsoThe PrisonerhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvAepyGm9Me6wThe PersuadershttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvdAxvfmGUjuQampfeaturefvstDr Whohttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv2CYDgezeQasampfeaturerelatedThe EqualiserhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvuB1NiNKwueEI also like this mashup of the theme from World in Action and the Howard Beale rant from NetworkhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvuUuj3BEkoXUampfeaturePlayListampp850FD3D0EDA11469ampplaynext1ampplaynextfromPLampindex2 Let the music play down at Fraggle RockhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvnJodlcu5jYDoes this look strange to you Batman with Adam Westhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv1jgElrfZ3k by farWorth mentioning alsoaside from ones already listed AirwolfhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvnrCJL1YQRc Mission Impossiblehttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvk55NuWQCh78 Weedshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv1KnCobchYMampfeaturePlayListampp74096142328D9132ampindex2 After season 1 they introduce a new artist every episode to cover the song including Regina Spektor the Decemberists Death Cab for Cutie and Elvis Costelloscrubshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv5tOG3vpnqE because its shortArrested DevelopmenthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvzYqPs0LInls Best show ever If you have a tv show intro thread if no one else has posted it and if you can find a link maybe you can postThe ATeamhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvPIfuaUTH9Y4 gun shots The theme song from MASH Suicide is Painlesshttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv4gO7uemm6Yo They didnt use the lyrics in the show but they did in the original moviehttpwwwimdbcomtitlett0066026 The movie is way darker than the tv show but so much better for it Im so sorry that youve all had it so wrong for so long but the best opening theme ever is Cowboy BebopTankhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvT6zDfxZ4NcE and of course the closing was sweet too I am just too lazy to be bothered to find it |
When I was a puppy I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh You called me your child and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows I became your best friend Whenever I was bad youd shake your finger at me and ask How could you but then youd relent and roll me over for a bellyrub My housebreaking took a little longer than expected because you were terribly busy but we worked on that together I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed and listening to your confidences and secret dreams and I believed that life could not be any more perfect We went for long walks and runs in the park car rides stops for ice cream I only got the cone because ice cream is bad for dogs you said and I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day Gradually you began spending more time at work and on your career and more time searching for a human mate I waited for you patiently comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments never chided you about bad decisions and romped with glee at your homecomings and when you fell in love She now your wife is not a dog person still I welcomed her into our home tried to show her affection and obeyed her I was happy because you were happy Then human babies came along and I shared your excitement I was fascinated by their pinkness how they smelled and I wanted to mother them too Only she and you worried that I might hurt them and I spent most of my time banished to another room or to a dog crate Oh how I wanted to love them but I became a prisoner of love As they began to grow I became their friend They clung to my fur and pulled themselves up on wobbly legs poked fingers in my eyes investigated my ears and gave me kisses on my nose I loved everything about them and their touch because your touch was now so infrequent and I wouldve defended them with my life if need be I would sneak into their beds and listen to their worries and secret dreams and together we waited for the sound of your car in the driveway There had been a time when others asked if you had a dog that you produced a photo of me from your wallet and told them stories about me These past few years you just answered yes and changed the subject I had gone from being your dog to just a dog and you resented every expenditure on my behalf Now you have a new career opportunity in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets Youve made the right decision for your family but there was a time when I was your only family I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the animal shelter It smelled of dogs and cats of fear of hopelessness You filled out the paperwork and said I know you will find a good home for her They shrugged and gave you a pained look They understand the realities facing a middleaged dog even one with papers You had to pry your sons fingers loose from my collar as he screamed No Daddy Please dont let them take my dog And I worried for him and what lessons you had just taught him about friendship and loyalty about love and responsibility and about respect for all life You gave me a goodbye pat on the head avoided my eyes and politely refused to take my collar and leash with you You had a deadline to meet and now I have one too After you left the two nice ladies said you probably knew about your upcoming move months ago and made no attempt to find me another good home They shook their heads and asked How could you They are as attentive to us in here at the shelter as their busy schedules allow They feed us of course but I lost my appetite days ago At first whenever anyone passed my pen I rushed to the front hoping it was you that had changed your mind that this was all a bad dream or I hoped it would at least be someone who cared anyone who might save me When I realised I could not compete with the frolicking for attention of happy puppies oblivious to their own fate I retreated to a far corner and waited I heard her footsteps as she came for me at the end of the day and I padded along the aisle after her into a separate room A blissfully quiet room She placed me on the table and rubbed my ears and told me not to worry My heart pounded in anticipation of what was to come but there was also a sense of relief The prisoner of love had run out of days As is my nature I was more concerned about her The burden which she bears weighs heavily on her and I know that the same way I knew your every mood She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein As I felt the sting and the cool liquid coursing through my body I lay down sleepily looked into her kind eyes and murmured How could you Perhaps because she understood my dogspeak she said Im so sorry She hugged me and hurriedly explained that it was her job to make sure I went to a better place where I wouldnt be ignored or abused or abandoned or have to fend for myself a place of love and light so very different from this earthly place And with my last bit of energy I tried to convey to her with a thump of my tail that my How could you was not directed at her It was directed at you My Beloved Master I was thinking of you I will think of you and wait for you forever May everyone in your life continue to show you so much loyalty | How did you make pepper spray into text I was reading about a puppy and next thing I knew my eyes were watering profusely I stopped reading and felt fine but when I peeked at the end it happened again It sucks that pets are thought of as disposable these days in the two weeks prior to Christmas something like 200 puppies and kittens were abandoned where I live alone People who abandon their pets because of life changes are truly monstrous If you take a dog or cat into your home then its your obligation to treat them like family and to make sure your future home has a place for themIf you cant do that and cant accept that responsibility you do not deserve a pet and should never be allowed to get one This moved me to tears and I wanted to look up the source to give proper credit for this very moving piece It was written by a man named Jim Willis in 2001 and was published in the book of his collective writings Pieces of My Heart Writings Inspired by My Life with Animals in 2002 The original version of the story is on his website herehttpwwwcreancomjimwillishcyhtml He also has a printable PDF version of it available there and the book is available on Amazoncomhttpamazoncomdp074141015X no referral id in that link Morals of the storya Dont let some bitch try and control your lifeb Dont be a greedy capitalist scumbag who lets work dictate their lifec Dont have kids I remember reading this ages agohttpjimwillis0tripodcomtiergartenid21html And its still a fucking effective tearjerker Good thing I dont wear makeup Gah Now I have to go explain to my boss why I have to go home immediately to see my dog Anytime I need a good cry I will read this again Edited to say this What a douchebag owner My wife and I have moved twice in the past year and we always thought of the dogs first If a place we wanted to rent said no dogs I first said Why do you hate dogs and then told them to fuck off Just a few months ago I put down my fourteen year old Golden Retriever Dasher It was the only time Ive cried since my cousin killed himself two years ago Now my only dog is an eighteen month old brown with black mask boxer I was raised to consider my dogs as a bigger investment than a home I hate how some people see them as things to be discarded or cast aside I would never consider dating a woman who didnt like my dog I am a volunteer dog walker at a nokill shelter in Brooklyn There were a lot of sad stories there dogs that were abused dogs that were forced to fight and dogs that had parents who couldnt afford to keep their dogs the recession has caused a lot of pets to be surrendered There was even a dog that was getting old and the owners just decided they didnt want an elder slow dog and gave her to a shelter for the remainder of her lifeI DO feel this article gives some shelters a bad name There are wonderful shelters that are nokill and provide a lot of dogs amazing second chances One particular story that hit me was a little 3 year old mutt names Salvatore Sal was found as a 6 month old puppy on the streets and was taken to animal control where they put the animals down after a few weeks He was then rescued by the nokill that I volunteer at and adopted by a girl whos boyfriend was abusive to him After two years the boyfriend took him to a kill shelter without any ID or papers Thankfully he was chipped and wound up back at the shelter just as I started volunteeringHerehttpimgurcomIijUyjpg is a picture of Sal in August the day we took him home and thishttpimgurcomkZWYvjpg is a photo of him watching me write this My point I guess is just because people dont care about a dog it doesnt mean that their life is over These fictional I know people who raised the dog in the story obviously were bad owners and shouldnt have gotten the dog to begin withSorry I get worked up over hypothetical fiction This is a great read to raise awareness about proper dog ownership and respect The emotions may be exaggerated but the value of the story is great I hate that people do this to their dogs Thanks for the post but no thanks for making me cry I can only imagine the confusion a dog has when their owner just walks away from them I imagine that every moment they sit in anticipation thinking someone will come back for them but no one ever does Sad i have much more of a soft spot for animals than i do for people not that im a sociopath or anything it just that animals are consistent people are not animals dont hold grudges people do this makes we want to go home and play with my buddies i can relate to this a little too much because my wife and i are expecting our first human baby i say to myself i could never ever leave my dog like that but my fear is that given the right or wrong circumstances i might be forced to what an awful unbearable feeling that would be My dog died when I was in my senior year of college My parents told me he had been acting kind of weird wandering the house Then it came to light that he had some kind of internal problem possibly cancerous that basically cut through his stomach wall The vet said he bled internally maybe for days Then one morning he was just too weak to get upI was away at the time I had to be but I still sometimes wonder if Max hadnt been looking around for me We finally put Shiloh down a few days before Christmas She couldnt stand anymore she couldnt hold potty anymore she couldnt keep her food down I never wanted to abandon her I miss her so much She was so cute and so happy to see us All The TimeShe would get excited when we came home and she would fall Her legs would give out when she tried to greet us So we had to put her down She couldnt eat without vomiting it up a few hours laterI held her the whole time It didnt matter that her knocked her out and that we were the last things she saw before she went under anesthesia It was important to me that I was there the whole time so that she knew even in deep sleep that we were still there I held her when he injected her and I held her while she died I held her afterward too stoking her and burying my head into her neck like I did when I was youngerI cannot imagine abandoning a pet a four legged family member because of a lease I cannot imagine walking away from the greetings the barking the protection from the vacuum cleaner I miss my dog so much but I know where she is I know where she ended up and I know that her final moments were full of love and that we never abandoned her When I was forced to move out of America being an international student with no job prospects in 2008 I had to leave my cat behind A friend was supposed to bring him to India once all the paperwork went through sadly i havent seen him since I left Apparently sedating animals is no loner allowed and my poor baby would have to be muzzled I thought that to be unnaturally cruel as did the family that was looking after him after I had left He seems happy now Fat but happy I miss him i miss my puphttpimgurcomjIlrMjpg now Ill be home soon TonkahttpimgurcomNZSnejpg I just realized how much I love my dogShe was the only girl in my life for a long time I was divorced and lived with my brother and she was always there with me Never judged when I came home drunk and sad And when I had a bad day at work it was always nice to see her at the door waiting for meI have gotten remarried since then and have 3 step kids who absolutely love my babygirl she is almost 8 now and she loves them too And it was this part of the story that really hit home with me where the kids spend more time with her than I do I still play with and pet my babygirl but not as much as I used to Not nearly as muchIt makes me want to go home right now and hug her and play a little tugowar with her ratty nasty rope toy Or go play in the snow with her Just so I can make sure she knows how much I love her I work at a no kill animal shelter but we work in close conjunction with a kill shelter I hate walking down the isles of the animal shelter seeing how many animals are lined up to be euthanized each day because people dont want their animals anymore People come up with the lamest excuses hes to big were moving I got another jobbut they dont understand that the animal is then put on a time limit Countless times the animals look around for days afterwards wondering if their owners will ever come back It destroys them before they are lined up to be destroyed SoI read thiswent homecoddled my dog and gave her tons of attention rather than getting on my pc like i normally do then I took her running even though shes a pain in the butt to run with gave her a bath and lots of treats and played tug o war with her favorite sock i used to give her soooo much attention before i got married but it kinda died down afterwardsi made an oath last night after reading this to give her tons of attention every day after work shes always given me attention and lays next to me when im sad sooo loyal and loving |
I am new to the programming scene and I wondered if you could tip me about good help websites and preferred programming erm softwareprogramsAny comments about Sommervilles Software Engineering textbook | A good language to start with to cover the basics of the programming mindset is Java Start in a bookstore Grab a Java book from the shelf flip through it and see if youre able to relate to the writing style and pace of the book If not check out anotherYes there are web resources out there but I like to use web resources for specific problems like Googling regular expressions JavaIn my opinion nothing beats a good book in your lap for learning a language Take it slow make sure youre following every example in the book and when you start to understand some concepts feel free to experiment writing some other code using the principles that youve learnedOnce it clicks youll find that programming isnt really as difficult as it seems Good luck |
My brother was diagnosed with cancer while visiting me in Boston He has since gone through 4 rounds of intense Chemo here at the Cleveland Clinic and was yesterday told by his oncologist that they are unable to get all the cancer out of his body and that any other treatment would only buy more time We have not accepted this AMAA | No questions for you but I think you are an awesome brother I sincerely hope your brother fights his cancer and wins I just wanted to say that there is a guy in California who is rooting for you guys |
I just check my online banking frequently and dont write many checks How do you manage your bills | Same here My Mom cant believe I never balanced my checkbook I generally try to keep a 1k buffer in my checking account for emergencies Havent bounced a check yet Nope I use online banking and I write one check a month I use my debit card for almost everythingI dont really see the need to balance my checkbook The only time I ever write a check is when purchasing real estate paying taxes or municipal bills watersewer etcAll my bills are automatic Any purchases that arent paid for with cash out of pocket are charged to AmEx which gets paid in full every month I periodically review my online bank statements to check for errorsfraud etc but I have developed a lifestyle whereby I dont need to check balances except for major purchases eg a new rental property Not having to balance a checkbook is perhaps the first steppingstone on the path to genuine financial freedom Next step is not only having enough cash to cover your lifestyle but to cover 6 months worth of living expenses Next step is to develop a portfolio of incomeproducing assets such that work becomes a voluntary activity where the assets pay sufficient income to maintain your lifestyle Last step is to hire out the management of those assets such that you are free to live the life of the mind without the need to worry about money Then you are a true and pure capitalist This is embarrassing since I work a quasiaccounting job but Im not even sure what balancing a chequebook meansNeedless to say Ive never done it and dont write enough cheques that it has ever registered on my To Do list For my business I do a bank reconciliation which amounts to the same thing once a quarter Annoyingly it has to match to the penny Governments would expect it if the business was ever auditedFor personal banking I look at the entries online a few times a month If there are any entries that I want to verify I compare to the cheque stubs I dont do all the additions and subtractions Aint worth the trouble |
I can seriously go on and on Star Wars pathetic I know Rocky all of them Braveheart ScarfaceWhat about you | The Big Lebowskithere i said it i do not know what the fuck half of you are talking about half the time Rocky and Scarface are way overrated IMO especially scarface Its way too long and if youve played GTA3 Vice City you know enough The 6th senseIt was on TV last year and I was all set to watch it As I was leaving my friends house I mentioned the film was on TV and my friend said Is that the one where it turns out the guy is deadDId managed to get to 2009 without anyone giving away the ending Dont see the point now Memento only seen parts cant remember much The Curious Case of Benjamin Button have only seen it backwards Groundhog Day Groundhog Day Groundhog Day 12 Monkeys I think I have to go back and see it Lord of the Rings II and III yeah I dont even know the titlesHarry Potter movies All of themTwilight |
Lately my life has been really chaotic For a little background Im 18 and havent graduated high school yet 4 more months until then Im in college to finish my credits but it is super expensive My parents arent really in the picture They just pay for the place I stay in but I have to have other family provide for other things I still owe the school 3800 and I dont have a job Technically im not registered for any classes but Ive been taking them for a week now until I can get a loan or something But now I am looking for a job but cant find anything stupid economyMy boyfriend of 2 years and I have been having some problems Ive recently found another guy who is much more attractive and knows how to make me happy but is a little more fail My boyfriend is really smart my age and likely to go places The other guy is 20 works at walmart lives with his mom and doesnt have a license yet even My boyfriend and I have been having so many problems that I dont even have much fun with him anymore Whereas this other guy and I have tons of fun and hes working on getting his life togetherIs it worth staying with my boyfriend and working through our problems Everything has been so confusing recently I cant think straight | Tbh you dont really sound enough into either of them You do realise you dont have to have a boyfriend right gtIm 18 and havent graduated high school yet 4 more months until then Im in college to finish my credits but it is super expensiveIs there a reason you cant finish your credits for free in high school gtMy parents arent really in the picture They just pay for the place I stay in but I have to have other family provide for other thingsIs there a reason you cant stay with your parents While you should be totally thankful that anyones helping you at all you are an adult afterall wouldnt it be better to live with them for a while and get a job and figure out which avenue youll take to pay for school now and in the futuregtIs it worth staying with my boyfriend and working through our problems Everything has been so confusing recently I cant think straightLike a lot of people have replied you dont need a boyfriend It doesnt sound like youre crazy about either guy It just sounds like adding more complication to your life You come first Figuring out your school family work and how to get through college plan should come first Dont worry if those guys have a future worry about making sure that you do Dont forget that new guys are always exciting but that new guy excitement often fades after some time I dont know your situation completely but just some random advice I have discovered I hope you figure things out Go for the guy that makes you happy Dont worry about how successful he seems or is likely to be one day When I met my husband he was 27 years old working at Walmart while taking community college classes off and on and living in a nasty old roach infested shack on his parents property On the surface he was a total loser What did he have going for him He was witty and smart and made me happyHe later got sick of Walmart and got a job he loves and makes enough that I can be a stayathome mom to our son I used my savings to buy us a rundown old fixer upper of a house on the cheap and he fixed everything and made it awesome Hes done everything from flooring to wiring plumbing drywall and building our kitchen cabinets from scratch Hes a great daddy to our son We are living happily ever afterSometimes the loser guy is a loser because hes just kind of treading water aimlessly Walmart is an okay place holder job until you figure out what it is you really want to do If this other guy is only 20 he has plenty of time to figure his life out Maybe falling in love with a great girl will inspire him to move his life forward If not just have some fun with the guy You are only 18 You have plenty of time to hunt down Mr Perfect You dont need to judge every guy you date as a potential husband and life partner Go have some fun and quit over thinking things Trying to apply too much logic to love can only lead to headaches No you should not stay with the guy who is going places just because of where he may or may not be in 10 years Be happyFor the rest of your issues First for most people money or the lack thereof will be an issue at some point or another Go ahead and start adopting smart financial practices They will make a small difference with your small income and will make larger differences when you have a larger income Second apply for scholarships There is a ton of money out there for education Third I am not sure how youre handling being a high school student and a college student and making the time to have steady employment If I have any advice its dont overwhelm yourself If you are granted student loans but you dont do well in class because you dont have time to study it kind of makes that loan money a waste Focus on a couple of things instead of trying to fix everything at once If your boyfriend doesnt make you happy hes got to go There what a load off If you cant find money to afford college drop the classes find a job and save for next semester Youll be fine Just take a step back and breathe for a minute It has to be more complicated than this You sound like myself a few years ago and many other women I know just uncomfortable in the thought of being alone How about a break from both for lets say 30 days Get yourself figured out first then worry about guys I know I can never think straight about relationships when my own personal stuff like money is screwed up |
Im going to be moving from Chicago to the Denver area 20 minutes away this spring Its a little crazy because Ive never been to Colorado so please tell me What should I be aware of The living situation is all figured out so I dont need pointers as far as housingrenting goes Any tips on assimilating to life a mile above sea level Is it difficult adjusting to the altitude How do you like living there Is there anything you dont like about Colorado Hows the job market I am 24 with a BA in English and nearly 2 years of administrative office experience for reference Id appreciate hearing anything you can tell me about your city | Ive been in Colorado Fort Collins about an hour north of Denver my entire life The beer here is great The food is good sports entertainment is great and the Denver Art Museum is pretty kick ass Traffic can be bad I used to commute between Boulder and Fort Collins for a couple of years but it can be bad anywhere in the country honestly The economy sucks sure but everyone in the country is taking a bite of that The weather can be unpredictable so always have a couple of layers on hand The air is very dry and lotion chapstick is your friend Many residents have SUVs and think this makes up for a lack of actual driving skill If the roads are icy try to stay as far away from other vehicles as possible you can within reason control your own car on a slick surface however you have no control over the stupidity of other drivers Keep emergency supplies food water blankets sleeping bag first aid squares of carpet or cat litter to deal with ice in your car just in case you get stranded or stuck somewhere Edit You may have an issue going from the 600ft of Chicago to 5200 ft in Denver but youll get used to it eventually Enjoy the beer Colorado may have the best microbrew situation ever If your into that drive about an hour up north and go to Ft Collins they have a ton of microbrews too The Denver Museum is pretty sweet Go to Casa Bonita the food is rough other than the sopapias but the atmosphere is cool Watch South Park they make so many refrences to Colorado Watch out for the drivers for some reason no one in this fucking state knows how to driveNever come over the the Western Slope its full of dumb ass red neck assholesIf youre not a broncos fan dont tell anyone telling them that is like saying you want to fuck there momThere is a reason his is considered the drunkest state in the US watch out for drunk red necks at night yes EVERY night The job market is FUCKING Terrible Thats all i can think of right now ill come back if i can think of more My son used to live not far from there and we visited quite a bit Colorado is a great place lots of activities especially the outdoorsy kind I never had any problems with the altitude but be sure to drink lots of water because it evaporates away faster Lots of skiing duh just west of Denver Colorado Springs has tons of touristy things Pikes Peak etc and just north of Denver is Estes Park also worth the tripHave fun Use sunblockthe sun is intense hereStay off the highways whenever any moisture is falling Find a backroad to workIf you visit the mountains for any outdoor activity learn about avalanches lightning and basic survival before you go Take twice as much water as you exepct to useTry to develop a taste for Mexican food Theres alot of it and goodI second the comments about the Broncos and the microbrewsWelcome Colorado rocks I live in Boulder but have lived in Arvada Louisville and Westminster Ive been all over Im NOT a city person my biggest grip with living here is that I hate urban even suburban situations BUTTTTT I have to say if you MUST live in a city you have made a good choiceWhat are you into This is mecca for weed and snowboarding golden is mecca for paragliding boulder is mecca for full scale gliding there are lots of good things here I visit my dad in Denver 2 or 3 times a year and have never had any issues with the altitude really I live in NYC except that my skin gets drier So moisturizeTheres great beer a pretty good restaurant scene and a solid cultural life plenty of museums Swallow Hill Music the Bluebird Theater etc Take advantage of the mountains Learn to ski if youre not already a skiier and go enjoy a hike in the warm months Edit Whatever you do if you go to BeauJos for pizza dont let them convince you that dipping the crust in honey is a thing Its a bad idea |
I have posted a couple comments around here See thishttpwwwredditcomrwebdesigncommentsajpmtineedtogetafreewebhostingaccountanyonec0hx7vm about my siteservice and there seems to be a number of people who find it helpfuluseful to themI own and run VlexoFreehttpvlexofreecom Its a free web hosting service that has two plans to choose from Personal 300 which offers 300MB of space and 5GB of bandwidth this plan is usually for small personal sitesprojects And Expert 2000 which offers 2GB of space and 20GB of bandwidth a nice plan for big or business sitesThe server currently supports PHP 531 I like the keep this up to date MySQL 51 with MySQLi PostgreSQL Python Perl CGIComing Soon after I assess how Im going to do it Ruby on RailsSadly theres a requirement for both the plans sorry For the Personal 300 plan I require a linkback on all displayed pages For the Expert 2000 plan I require the same as the personal plan plus an ad Nothing is forced on your pages and you can choose where you want to put everything If youre wondering why I do this its because I need to support my service somehowAs requested by a current member of my site there is an adfree plan for 5month if you want itIm a very transparent person so if youre wondering what I get from VlexoFree here it is I make about 640 a month from cocc referrals like 2 from Namecheap referrals and Im getting next to nothing from the Project Wonderful ads like 1 a month so far Donations are so far the main source of support I get and that can be done and seen in full from the forumsI think thats everything you need to know Feel free to sign upLast note I dont run VlexoFree for profit can you even have profit for free hosting I run it to give people who dont have money the opportunity to have a websiteFAQgt Can I run a Wordpress blog on the serverShort answer YesLong answer Yes Addition 1 If you dont need hosting please dont sign up for an account Thanks Addition 2 There are 4 steps to getting an account Dont stop at step 3 Update 1 Im going to go to sleep I have to wake up for class in the morning Ill check back here in the morning Update 2 Ill check back here on and off throughout the day | I looked at the website FAQ and server specs Some questionsthe site is ran by single personthe server is a desktop machine with 250gb desktop SATA hard drivedo you do backups and how |
Firefox would start crashing every couple of days anytime I searched Google Even after restarting Firefox it would crash when I searchedSince disabling AVG SafeSearch in my Firefox Addons I have not had a single crashMaybe this is old news Maybe youre all smart enough to disable the crappy SafeSearch All I know is that I struggled with this problem for a while and if this helps even one other person out your upvotes are worth it | i have stopped using virus scanners due to the fact that they slow your computer down more than any virus willhaving a virus is way easier to deal with than having AVG infect your computer |
We had a patient today who came in complaining of abdominal painturns out its because his girlfriend stuck a vibrator up his ass last night and they couldnt get it out Its been vibrating in his rectum for 11 hoursPretty entertaining however normal compared to the other stuff weve seen A 6 inch blade of grass in a mans penis after he fell asleep in a field A closed safety pin in a womans urethra courtesy of her boyfriend A peppermint candy and a lightbulb wtf from a guys ass And my personal favoritethe man who was cleaning his house and accidentally fell onto a can of Lysol | I worked on a scientific journal and one submission we had was of a guy with about 5 feet of telephone wire in his penis and bladder He couldnt get it back out because it had a knot in the bladder end The scary shit is the knot was tied before it got there I used to tend bar near a hospital and befriended a group of doctors RNs and paramedics One evening the discussion rounded its way to strange objects in the ass really what conversation doesnt I was informed that a greatest hits box existed which is strange as I figured that it would be medical waste Anyway I blew it off as a joke Some weeks later they brought the box in It was singularly the most baffling emotionally scarring and hilarious event ever Bonus advice Before backing your bucking your ass all over a greased door knob be sure that its firmly installed I once had a really big log of crap stuck up my ass but it came out eventually After that incident I decided that being gay wasnt an option My sister is a radiologist and she claims they get a rectal object case about every 2 weeks In each instance the patient claims some mysterious stomach pains never divulging at the outset that there is something jammed up there They insist on playing the cat and mouse game of requiring some kind of imaging procedure to reveal the impediment Her most recent story was a guy who had two bottles stuck When asked about the bottles the man replied oh those are worcester sauce bottles Im gonna need those back No joke A 6 inch blade of grass in a mans penis after he fell asleep in a fieldOwowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow I once had to drive a roommate to the hospital because apparently inspired by the South Park episode he drunkenly tried to eat with his ass If youve ever worked in an ER or know someone who does youll know that shit like this happens all the time When I was in the military I had a friend whos job was to investigate personal injury claims by Airmen to see if they were intentional or against the UCMJ or something He had one guy who worked in ammo who jammed shells in his ass and ripped his rectum He also had a guy who did the lightbulb thing and blamed it on his wife twice Why would you put a lightbulb in your ass Arent these people afraid it will break Then youll have a real problem If i had to go to the ER due to some sexual mishap Id own up to it with no shame whatsoever cause why notYeah I was getting off on this object Can you help with thisSeems like youd get more respect that way Hey Ive accidentally dropped a peppermint into my ass and had to get the lightbulb so I could see to get it out It happens So about the lightbulb let me guessYou used a catheter with and inflatable rubber at the end stuck it up inflated and then pulled Some weeks ago I was in the shower and something different happened I was washing my asshole and it felt like something very pointy was thereFirst I thought it was a bone or something but figured it wasnt that since it didnt hurt when I touched it I tried to jiggle it around a bit to loosen it and see if I couldnt find out what it wasAfter a while I got a hold of it and pulled it out It was wood which literally had come out of my ass It was around the size of a one cent and had one very pointy twig sticking out Such a weird feeling to have it in my hand afterwardsI still completely havent figured out how it ended up there but it might have something to do with having sex on an older wooden school chair some days before that Still seems odd that it could penetrate me that welltldr I played with his bumhole and got wood as stated by ijustlostthe Remind me to kill myself if I ever have an embarrasing accident like thisI cant imagine hyzdie or anyone else ASKED to be able to distribute their Xrays God maybe some douche has already posted the groin injuries i got while wrecking a bicycle We get those too The man with the OralB toothbrush in his urethraThe other guy had a wooden shovel handle in his rectum and claimed he fell on itOH and there was that one time we had someone come in with a hollow lead pipe in his ass and said his gf put it there while he slept Waitdo you work at my hospital My sisterinlaw has a few stories like thisThere was one guy they called Mr Phillips He had a penchant for screwdrivers apparently and ended up in the ER multiple times as if once wasnt enough to learn fromGolf balls were pretty common she said the max number she had seen was about 7 or 8A few D cell batteries What blows me away is that such people seem to give no thought about how its going to come back out Maybe they just think theyll crap it out or something We have a patient that we refer to as Whats up Chuck everytime he comes into the clinic Hes an older gentleman and has come into the clinic literally 10 times with random crap that hes stuck up his butt Lightbulbs balls fingernail clippers etc People are ridiculous The Wife pulled an electric toothbrush out of a mans ass the other night He socketed it big end first and when he came in apparently was pretty good about it How can I help youI have an electric toothbrush up my ass |
And how do you think it will go down I think itd be cool if The Tardis just materialized in itself | Heres 10 Doctors httpcomicsshipsinkercom20070311doctorwhocomicthetendoctorspage1 Probably not until after 11s first full season They need to let him get established first After that its anyones guess Hopefully more sooner than later |
I have seen a recent OP attacked for saying he prayed after finding his 7 year old daughter masturbating So he prayed for guidance and understanding and the militant atheists gave him a long lecture about the evils of prayer I am not a believer much less a religious person but how in the hell do people get off telling others what to believe and how to handle problems in THEIR life WTH happened to Freedom of Religion | Op youre a little confused Freedom of religion is a Constitutional right guaranteed by the state not by individuals In practice it means that the state is prohibited from yelling at someone for praying about their lascivious child but individuals can You may not like what these individuals are saying but lets get this clear you have no right to silence them and neither does the state It is pointless for you as an individual to try to make a constitutional argument against atheists if what theyre saying really bothers you then just come up with a good counter point This is called discussion and its infinitely better than the censorship you seem to be advocating Personally for me its simple Religion is often a distraction for people At worst it causes them to hold onto outdated norms and can even drive them to punish jail or kill those who do not share their own beliefs I mean really what kind of person gets worked up if a kid touches his junk It can be much worse though just the other day there was a news story about a company putting bible quotes on sniper rifle sights Thats the height of narrowminded idiocy and of course Im going to speak out against that So am I a militant atheist Well you tell me just remember I didnt put Bible quotes on weapons of war I also dont personally believe in freedom of religion but remember thats not the same as whats guaranteed in the Constitution which if anything is freedom from religion Your religion should be like your penisIn general you should keep it to yourself and try not to whip it out in public I believe that every person of sufficient age and maturity should be allowed to practice whatever silly delusion he or she freely wishesI believe that indoctrinating a child to a religion is tantamount to child abuse and should result in a criminal offense If you had an imaginary friend and every time a problem came up you talked to your imaginary friend and begged him to fix the problem for you Id give you shit too Because lets be honest thats all praying is |
Technically Ive tried it before but experienced nothing more than an odd body high This time I experienced a powerful sensation that my friend was part of my head and a coke can was my left ear Simultaneously I had the distinct feeling that if I wanted I could grab the music and play with it Sounds pretty cool but Id hardly call it an entheogenic experience more just fucking weirdAny crazy salvia stories out there | The last time I did Salvia the world turned into the eyeballs of the cookie monster Out of these balls sprang the Virgen de Guadalupe She made it clear to me that I had all of the mountains in my pocket I asked for clarification and she said Your Wife Go To Her So I did I explained the mountain thing to my wife but she didnt get it So I sweated on the couch and called it a day |
I need some helpguidance on this whole 401k businessI have a job and they offer a 401k They match a certain percent of what I put in My question comes in the sense that do I really need a 401k I am saving away a hefty amount of my paycheck every 2 weeks into a personal savings account and part of me would rather see the 401k money go into the savings account I havent put too much of my income into the 401k yet so it wouldnt really hurt to stop it now From your own experiences is a 401k worth having around Part of me sees that there is a risk in putting the money in and that I may never see that money if whatever the 401k is invested in tanks I also am weary of letting other people invest my money for me when I could try and do the same with that cash | tax advantage on 401k is betterand the match is instant return on investment at least max out the match percentage |
Since recruitment has been brought up elsewhere I thought it might be a good idea to clarify a point in the nature of our region we were founded as a region for redditors to join but how far does this go Do we recruit only on Reddit Or do we just play as any other region and recruit anyone What broadly speaking is our regions relationship with reddit | I think that if people join our region and then visit our subreddit they have then become a part of reddit Why shouldnt we let others to join us and share in the awesome experience of reddit |
Ive been really struggling to explain acceleration to my young students 1213 year olds Reading the book doesnt work and neither does graphing speed vs distance Anyone have any clever ideas At this point I think Id try nearly anything | One thing that might help is that you feel acceleration Take your students on a bus ride and tell them to close their eyes They should be able to tell when you are speeding up slowing down or turning If you drive at a constant speed they wont feel it Strobe of a falling ballhttptechtvmitedutags1813ballvideos831strobeofafallingball Give them toy cars to play with Have them match what the graph says with what the car does I feel that visualization of an actual object makes it easier I would vote for a roller coaster if only because they can feel acceleration and jerk and maybe even yank if they are really sensitiveOh and because kids love roller coasters I understand this could be out of the budget I still vote for it |
Im going to be a high school English teacher next year and I have personal beliefs that may contradict with many views that my students parents will instill in them ie prolegalization of marijuana atheist While I would never volunteer this information I have been wondering what to do if a student asks for my opinion on something related to these beliefs for example i observed a class where they read a book of the Bible and discussed it While I stand for what I believe and think theres nothing wrong with my beliefs I dont want to compromise my job by potentially offending a student or parent What would you do reddit EDIT WOW thanks for all the amazing advice reddit yall have definitely given me a lot to think about keep it up | If asked your religion its fair enough to say youre an atheist but leave it at thatEvangelizing the atheist cause in class is no more appropriate than evangelizing for Catholicism or Scientology NO Absolutely not There have been documented cases some discussed here on reddit over the years where teachers have been fired or had all hell bought down on them for explaining their atheismThe constitutionality and legalities of those situations are better left to lawyersWhile you shouldnt be a robot you do risk losing the respect of parents and worse the children in your class if you come out as an athiestThe best thing you can do as a teacher instead of explaining your atheism is to teach criticalthinking skills As for your anecdote about a class reading and discussing the bible There is no more potent force in the world for atheism then reading the bibleIf you are directly asked the question try to avoid it by saying something like What i believe in is my job and the education of youyour children my personal beliefs are not a factor in that As a teacher in the US you are acting as a representative of the government and at all times you have the obligation to maintain the separation of church and state You cannot be seen to have endorsed any specific religion or nonreligion in your dutiesIf you are teaching a comparative course on religions then it might be appropriate to insert atheism as a counter to all religion as part of that course maybe as part of a group of secular philosophies At no time should the contents of your personal beliefs be discussed nor your rationales for believing as you do If they ask maybe you can admit you are an atheist but that alone might open up a can of worms Strongly religious parents might be very upset indeed that an atheist is teaching their kids Best to keep it on the down low if you are asked directly there should be no reason why you cant honestly and simply state your beliefs as long as you are not trying to convert anyone but depending where you live i know not all countries allow freedom of religious belief so its a dilemma what is the law in your country You are a teacher you teach what the board of education says you should teach Religion is like genitals fun to have but not for sharing unless invited to Many of the best teachers Ive ever had refused to volunteer ANY information about what they believed Simply put it shouldnt be about what you believe it should be about teaching the student to be critical and open If it matters that youre atheist Christian Muslim or anything elseyoure doing it wrong If it doesnt matter then why take the chance that the knowledge of what you believe would create bias in the students |
Original posthttpboss1000blogspotcom201001sidewalkconversationhtmlTLDR I met a theist on the sidewalk yesterday and we talked for 15 hours about the existence of a god I refuted pretty much all of his arguments and felt good afterwardsYesterday was not the first time Ive been stopped by an Asian Christian on campus to have them pitch a Bible study or other spiritual gathering They seem to enjoy bugging people with headphones Previous times Ive declined divulged my atheism or even gone so far as to insinuate their acceptance of slavery and sexism and point out the annoying oversight of the term crusade as in Campus Crusade for ChristThis time however I was willing to take the encounter and run with it actually stand very still asking the person to defend his beliefs and answer the questions I had I cant remember it all beyond specific moments of what I thought was mutual clarity and it wouldnt be particularly fruitful for me to continually attempt to recreate a playbyplay What I can do however is identify major and turning points in the discussion and how it became a defining event for meWhat a really must do though is thank the multiple sources from which I pulled my arguments First and foremost is The Atheist Experience whose podcast I was listening to as this person stopped me I wouldnt have even had that conversation if I hadnt have seen clips of this show and become a regular watcher I wouldnt be as passionate as I am about the issue of the existence of a god I now view my atheism as a defining personal trait while before it was closer to wishywashy generallyaccepting agnosticismSpecific arguments I can recall from that show are numerous The strongest emotional argument involved cohost Jeff Dee pinning a theist down to admit that he believed Jeff was going to hell according to the theists holy book The purpose of this was to demonstrate that such a punishment was far too severe and unreasonable to easily own up to My opponent followed suit and I felt like it was substantially impactful This and many other arguments made the case that his god was essentially evil an easy one to proveThe best part was that these arguments and ideas flowed so naturally from hearing discussions that I rarely if ever struggled to counter any claim Historical facts of the Bible Not so fast buddy Theres no documented evidence of for example walking on water thanks Matt Dillahunty Liar lunatic or lord No you forgot mistaken or any other of the multitude of options for the origins of todays powerful religions thanks TAE in general I would have pounced on NOMA if he brought it up thanks to The God DelusionThe most powerful argument I used continually was the simple idea that whatever he was saying was immensely similar to what a Muslim would tell me in the same situation Your personal experience with your god is great but why dont you believe the billions in the Middle East whove had experiences I borrowed a friends idea of referencing a ridiculous holy book of mine that while it didnt exist exemplified the point that you dont have to read all religious texts to disbelieve them in all feasibility I happily ended with the Dawkins mantra of youre an atheist with regards to every other god that has ever existed I just take one step furtherAfterward I made a quick list of arguments that work which I find pretty succinct and effective Islam does that same but you reject it Have your read my 10000 page holy book Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence Scientific evidence pushes gods farther away from probability Why worship someone who condones eternal torture for finite crimes Bible specific Do you support slavery sexism animal sacrifice Bible specific You dont need divine command to have morals There doesnt have to be a purposemeaning of life defined by a supernatural being God could have done betterIm surprised he didnt touch on the origin of the universe or many other subjects He definitely had some standard arguments ready but obviously wasnt expecting to have everything refuted Instead too many times he would simply resort to poetic language about my heart or tell me that through reading the Bible I will come to know God Each time I would resort to argument that works 1 and he would change the subject He also grazed upon asking for explanations of things like courage love and fear to which I responded with descriptions of the chemistry in the brain I relished in the chance to detail the joys of maintaining your own morals goals and outlook on life without a Big BrotherThe entire discussion was extremely civil and immense patience was displayed on both sides if I do say so myself As I said this person was an Asian Christian so his English and pronunciation werent perfect face faith Additionally I sensed that he didnt always properly assess my tone which was occasionally vindictive or arrogant This I see as a good thing seeing as anyone else would have blown me off far too soon Perhaps even the other way around if my opponent was too stubborn to answer my questions and accusations Overall I must applaud this man for going to such lengths to remain in the conversation I am truly gratefulThe discussion lasted for an hour and a half mostly broken off by his small attempts to leave two friends passing by between classes and what I can only assume to be mutually other engagements I think too that he was done talking to me After repeating that I must know God in my heart for the fourth or fifth time I didnt think he had any more argumentsNever before have I walked away from a discussion with such a feeling of pride satisfaction and confidence Hopefully my friend at least left with a hint of skepticism | Nobody should have to waste 90 precious minutes of their life to contradict the existence of an imaginary man up in the sky Doesnt happen in Europe Is it normal to have to go through this shit in the US Look I dont have all day for you to bring up one dumb argument after another Tell me your BEST one and well see if that convinces me and if not Ill assume all the others are even dumber gtTuesday I spent 15 hours discussing the existence of a god with a Christian on a sidewalkWhy was the Christian on a sidewalk and you werent Did you throw him there I like to use the one of these statements is incorrect pick one argument usually gets people thinking1 God is the source of morality2 The bible is the word of god I dont think the God is evil argument is very effective upon close inspectionIf there was a God and he was the one that was the source of morality then any human opinion on the topic is irrelevantOther than that your arguments seemed pretty solid I actually never heard of the podcast you referenced The Atheist Experience I will investigate this further D |
So say you have 100 beads and five colors where there are 20 of each color and you want to make a necklace where two of the same color cannot touch So redbluered is legal while redredblue is illegal How many unique necklaces can be made How would you go about solving this | 768773195332116765652746283675509011505631474275524586240I wrote a haskell program that uses memoization There are fewer than 205 cases It runs in about about 6 seconds on my laptop bruteforce Int gt Int gt Integer bruteforce 0 1 bruteforce 0 bruteforce a bs sum bruteforce a1 bs a lt bs let bs filter gt 0 a dropfirst a bs a is the number of beads left of the color that was most recently placedbs is a list of numbers indicating the quantity of each color of bead remaining except for the beads that match the most recently placed color Your problem is equivalent to bruteforce 0 2020202020My memoized version is the same as this except that it sorts the bs list One thing that hasnt been mentioned is the use of the word unique which to me immediately suggests NotBurnsides LemmahttpenwikipediaorgwikiBurnside27slemmaAsk Dr Math has a good examplehttpmathforumorglibrarydrmathview56198html of how you can use this orbitcounting theorem to avoid counting essentiallyidentical configurations ie similar under rotation or reflection multiple timesEDIT Actually wait I just reread the question and realised this might be irrelevant Is the necklace open Or is it a closed loop The fact that redbluered is legal as a necklace on its own presumably suggests that the necklace is open and that the two reds are at the ends In which case the only symmetries are flipping it over end for end Which is probably still nontrivial to work out but |
Is this this the norm todayYesterday I listened to a live recording of Horowitz playing Mussorgskys Pictures At An Exhibition The performance was very interesting compared to the literal interpretation Im used to but there also was some stuff that really didnt belong there Do modern players simply play technically more perfect or do we hear the results of extensive editing jobsThis was not supposed to be a bootleg recording but an authorized release I probably wouldnt notice such things when listening to live music the power of suggestion | Yes modern performance tends to be more technically correct Ive heard samples of early 20th century performances that were highly lauded for the time but sound hammy to modern ears especially with the singing I dont think they do much postproduction besides balancing considering that I often hear squeaky chairs and other stray noise in the background If the artist wants a better take they play a better take until they have what they want Youre dealing with professionals not kids that can dance to a synth beat and look good lipsynching on MTV Photoshop is a program that only edits bitmap images to create effects or edit images to achieve some affect You were probably thinking of something like Sound editing classical music Anyways lol sorry for being a prude just though you should know in case you want to use the term Photoshopping again even if Adobe deems it practically illegal to say |
Ive discovered a new way of cooking bacon All you need is bacon tin foil some string and oh whats it called oh yeah an old worn out 762mm machinegun that is about to be discarded and about 200 rounds of ammunitionYou start by wrapping the barrel in tin foilThen you wrap bacon around it and tie it down with some stringhttpimgurcomQzt4tjpgyou then wrap some more tin foil around it and once again tie it down with stringhttpimgurcomfuY3JjpgIt is now ready to be inserted into the cooking deviceI ripped the tin foil a little bit getting the barrel inserted that part of the bacon got severely burned by hot gasseshttpimgurcomq75ARjpgAfter just a few short bursts you should be able to smell the wonderful aroma of baconhttpimgurcomH8fmZjpgI gave this about 250 rounds but I think around 150 might actually be enough But then again I dont mind when bacon is crispyAhh the smell of sizzling bacon mixed with the smell of gunpowder and weapon oilhttpimgurcomFEeq3jpgAnd the end resultCrispy delicious well done baconhttpimgurcomAOjRSjpg | Your identity is no longer secret on the internet Anyone can look up awesome in the dictionary and see your picture Great just what I need in life To worry where there is the aroma of bacon there is also a volley of machine gun fire During the First World War this was also a popular method of boiling water for tea They would put fresh water in the cooling jacketwater can and cook off a few hundred rounds into no mans land and viola boiled water ready to go Pretty resourceful This is AWESOMEThe only way it could be more awesome is if you killed the hog yourself with the machine gunand it was a giant rabid wild boar that was charging at youthus exacting your revenge on it for killing your entire family when you were an infantso you were raised by narwales and unicornswho of course taught you how to use a machine gun for cooking baconBon appetite gtoh yeah an old worn out 762mm machinegun that is about to be gtdiscarded and about 200 rounds of ammunitionUpvote |
I wont reveal my actual weird name but when people whom I dont have to deal with on a daytoday basis think my name is Debbie I just roll with it Its a real time saver | I tried giving it up but sometimes the cashier at Chicken Out requires you to spell it So I tried saying my name was Tom but I reflexively spelled it for her anyway Tom T O MShe said just because Im a cashier at Chicken Out doesnt mean I cant spell TomThen when my order was ready they called Tom and I didnt respond The whole thing was a disaster What I find worse is having to put up with the obvious jokes the first time you introduce yourself to someone and then doing the fake laugh and pretending theyre so clever and witty for coming up with it Ugh My name is Kristen but everyone pronounces it Christian Kirsten Kiersten Kristy etclook at my name and say itits really not that hardKris tenwhat is hard about that My name is Diego but Ive lived in the US so long Ive pronounced it deeaygo myself for a decade and a halfFor the record its deeehgo |
Is it possible to find a happiness that will never harm anyone Is there a happiness that isnt conditional that isnt fabricated that isnt contingent on other people things places circumstances or even emotional or psychological states For Thanissaro Bhikkhu the answer to that question is the key to finding genuine purity of heart the one thing that is the greatest treasure of lifehttpmettarefugewordpresscom20100105purityofheartandthehappinessthatdoesntdependonanything | Sure of course it is possible That is what Buddhism is all about The Buddha says that this happiness is attainable by non attachment when clinging to all ephemeral wants and desires has ceased one can then experience a liberation that is so total and complete that it does not hinge on anything But do entertain the thought that once you are released from all worldly connections and comparisons then what can be defined as joy or not joy |
Personally I think the two ideas are very similar I see libertarianism as a step toward Anarchy I dont find them to be opposing viewpoints and I find myself somewhere between the two in my beliefs Now the reason for my question is that the selfproclaimed Anarchists of reddit appear to utterly hate libertarians and the idea of a free market I cant make sense of this honestly What are your thoughts on this Does this animosity go both ways | gt Now the reason for my question is that the selfproclaimed Anarchists of reddit appear to utterly hate libertarians and the idea of a free marketIf theyre anarchists what do they propose to do about a free market outlaw it Its strange to hear that anarchists utterly hate libertarians Shows how meanings shiftThe political term libertarian was coined by an anarchocommunisthttpenwikipediaorgwikiLibertarianismUsagebyantipropertymovements to avoid a French ban on anarchist literature A century later classical liberals in the US appropriated the term for themselves As I understand in the rest of the world outside the US and maybe UK libertarian retains its historically accurate meaning what people in the US would call libertarian socialism I wrote thishttpnewkindofmindblogspotcom200910differencebetweenlibertarianismandhtml to explain what I see as the difference Essentially libertarianism is about ethics and anarchism is about opposition to authority Heres a good videohttpwwwyoutubecomuserbrainpolice2pu50kY3D9ieSfY on the different types of libertarianism and anarchismThe problem with many people who call themselves anarchists is that they argue for the abolition of one hierarchy in favor a new moral hierarchy such as the idea that private property is evil without consideration of its possible benefits The truest form of anarchism imho is egoism of the Max StirnerhttpenwikipediaorgwikiMaxStirner varietyIm very friendly to all varieties of anarchism which actually involve actual opposition to arbitrary authority This is referred to as Anarchism Without AdjectiveshttpenwikipediaorgwikiAnarchismwithoutadjectives Brainpolice has a pretty good explanationhttppolycentricorderblogspotcom200910twosideddillemahtml of why both rhetorical extremes of the anarchist spectrum are at risk of becoming authoritarianI actually consider myself more of an anarchist than a libertarian because the former is rooted in the reality of power relationships and the latter is rooted in subjective values of good and evil David Friedman has an excellent essayhttpwwwdaviddfriedmancomLibertarianMachineryofFreedomMofFChapter41html on the topic I came to the same conclusions on my own but he states them perfectly Definitely recommend reading The animosity goes both ways until they start to understand each other I used to think that it was absurd to have socialism which I equated with a planned economy and anarchy at the same time Anarchy I figured was necessarily anarchocapitalism Communism is where everybody is obligated to work for other people right How do you call that freedom How do you even do that without a government This seemed absurdWhile Im no leftanarchist at this point Im starting to see that its not so much about helping others as about not having private property or the same said from a different angle not having heirarchy and whatever the consequential structure would follow from that People do care about each other to a certain extent I guess the conclusion is that people would tend to cooperate and work things out just like people cooperate and peacefully compete in capitalism I also think that people do care for themselves as well so Im not convinced itll work but my mind is a lot more open to it than it was before I think I see some of the flaws they point out in capitalism I have a hunch that the right approach is in some middle ground And so far Im not impressed by Mutualism I find myself in the same position as you I tried making sense of it by posting thishttpwwwredditcomrAnarchismcommentsajlxowhyaretheredifferenttypesofanarchismWhat it seems to come down to as with many other issues is that peoples definitions capitalism and free market are different Libertarians are in the minority in their definition of freemarket capitalism gtNow the reason for my question is that the selfproclaimed Anarchists of reddit appear to utterly hate libertarians and the idea of a free marketIt depends on the libertarian it depends on the anarchist and it depends on the definition of free market If you mean some medium of exchange where pricing information flows freely and organically youd be hardpressed to find an anarchist who is against it When I say it depends on the libertarian I mean if you have a Strict US Constitutionalist theyre not going to get along because the Constitution isnt a very libertarian document I see why property rights and freedom of speech are ideals but where is incorporation and IP laws a natural right Some Libertarians reject incorporation as a legally protected entity and IP rights because theyre not very natural and are just another form of oppressive hierarchy that stifles the way the market and people functionThe opposition you see to Libertarianism from Anarchists most of them anyway is similar to the opposition elsewhere Maximizing the efficiency of the market is not as widely believed to maximize the freedom of its participators or the welfare of the people outside of some of Libertarian thought I think anarchism is the logical extension of libertarianism but libertarianism is the pragmatic step to the ends one that may be the final end given human nature if we could amass support for liberty ranarchism are anarchocommunists and anarchosyndicalists primarily They consider anarchocapitalism to be invalid because it does not stem from the historic tradition of communistic anarchismI contend that any political philosophy that delegitimizes the state is a form of anarchy So to me anarchy is an inclusive term that includes communistsyndicalistcapitalist forms |
Fart jokes aside I love the smell of gasoline burnt truck brakes blown out candles dry erase markers permanent markers burnt matches and all sorts of weird things like that Am I alone on this or do any of you also like weird smells | dry period blood gets me going like sex pantherthat and the cultured thighpelvis cheese after a sweaty workout its so mild |
So we were watching Heroes last night and the character played by Deanne Bray Emma is a deaf woman whos capable to reading lips Im sure many deaf people are able of reading lipsMy question is are some languages easier to lip read than others say a latinbased language vs nonlatin based Is learning to lip read a foreign language easyhardimpossible Does it make a difference whether you knew the language before becoming deaf if applicableThanksEdit Thanks for the replies | I know some languages have tonal inflections that greatly change the meaning of words Theyre probably difficult to lip read I go to RIT which has one of the largest deaf populations in the US and someone once told me that even those who are excellent lip readers arent excellent at it and can fully understand about 30 of what you say For example I love you and Olive oil are the exact same mouth shape As a polyglot I can say that the mouth tongue and throat movements greatly vary from language to language Which brings me to the point that lip reading is more than just lip reading it takes in consideration other aspects of vocal communication Most lip readers Ive met not many but considerable since my College hosted NTDI are native speakers of whatever language they can lip readEdit Heroes sux lately Im partially deaf L ear only so I learned how to lip read as a child kinda by default For me lipreading is associating the movement you see of the mouth lips jaw face and crossreferencing this with body languageposturing and the context of what you are reading In that way any language you are familiar with would be easy But since I dont know any other language to that depth it would be harder to read Any sounds that are made with a similar face shape would be harder to read Also people who dont use their face to enunciate their words are harder to readAs to knowing the language and whether or not this makes a difference I cant really say as I was deaf from birth but still was able to learn English and then lipreading I actually had to learn how to turn it off because you can sort of accidentally eavesdrop that way I can lipread TV shows on silent much to my boyfriends delight and most people enunciate enough that I can follow conversations from across the room Its startling how many people curse on TV before the sound is turned on their mikes P Im not exactly sure which languages would be easier but I think a lot of the difficulty would depend on the inventory of sounds used in a language and how those sounds are produced The only cues a lip reader can use are the positions of the lips teeth and the tongue if it happens to be towards the front of the mouth to be visible though other articulators are used in producing speech sounds For example v and f would be indistinguishable to a lip reader as they are produced with the same gesture the lower lip against the upper teeth and the only difference in sound is that the vocal folds vibrate when producing v this is referred to as a voiced sound conversely f is voiceless Also some sounds such as n are produced with the nasal passage open compared to d which uses the same tongue gesturetongue tip against the ridge behind the upper teethbut with the nasal passage closed which a lip reader could not see |
Recently we had a client that decided they wanted to drop us and take over maintenance themselves They know nothing about web development or the web in general After they requested the ability to edit a flash file we sent them the fla along with a long note about how flash and web development takes time and money its not something you can just pick up and they respondedgt the Flash Editor I wasnt able to open What format is it in When I tried to open it it opened in MS Word but then it was all symbols Can you please resend the file and what are the steps to change the fileFMLEdit they just sent the following additional requestsgt The code or password for our Order Form page That allows me tochange content and everything else on the pageNo such thing except for FTPgt I need the Career Transitioning graphic image text changed to say The Circle of Leadership Also please send me the code if I need to makeadditional changes in the futureRight Ill send you the code for an imagegt Please send me the code for the follow graphic images with text that saysExecutive Coaching amp Leadership Workshopsomfggt Do you have jpeg images of the book covers under products If so pleasesend them to me as wellI sent a note about how to right click gt save image as in response to that one | My hourly rate is XX Ill be happy to train you in web site design I require half the estimated time up front and half upon completion You will need Adobe Flash CS4 to open and edit the file and that typically costs XX and can be purchased from AdobecomChances are you dont want to deal with them anyway as theyll probably try to nickel and dime you to death But if theyre nice people and were just trying to save some money theyll soon see the error of their waysEDIT formatting If they are terminating your contract then you are under absolutely no obligation to provide training of any sort unless your contract explicitly stated you would do soIf you didnt sign a contract then fuck them because they are fucking you This one has some of the Golden Classics that Management loves to use Resend the fileimage I dont know how to open shit nor the difference between Word Explorer or Photoshop But resending any file will solve the problem I will be able to open a Flash in Word if you send it three times It must come in a ZIP file because I have WinZip Give me the code Everything has a code If its not a letter I can type in Word then it must have a code Photoshop works with codes We bought Adobe Creative Suite We are set But the files are too big and we need them for a PowerPoint presentation Please resend In a ZIP We are a website design and maintenance agency We will happily design and maintain your website and provide all appropriate materials and source files necessary for you to take your business elsewhere or do it yourself should you so choose This we have doneShould you have recently taken inhouse a project which you lack the skillset to complete internally we also offer professionalquality training in web design web developmentprogramming Flash designprogramming graphic design systems administration usabilityergonomics and informaticssystems architecture for xx an hour We will also advise you where best to purchase the software and licences you require which are all free except for Flash Studio available from Adobe software httpwwwadobecom which will cost you xxxx per licenceAlternatively we will happily save you the years of training and thousands of dollars of software required to develop and maintain a professionalquality web presence and manage your site for you on your behalf for a cost of previousrate 1020Alternatively if you really dont want them as customers any more trygt Dear Mr Car Mechanicgt Please train me fully in how to be a car mechanic for free so I dont have to pay you any more to maintain my cargt Love amp kissesgt Mr Cheapskate McLudicrousExpectations hate that shitresend it with thishttpwwwadobecomproductsflash link and thishttpwwwlyndacomhomeDisplayCourseaspxlpk2683 one The number of times this has happened over 25 yrs We want to fire you but could you pls first teach us everything we used to pay you for Oyearight Edit tho I cant help but pity the poor secretaryadminasststockperson whos become their graphics dept Today must be stupid client day I had a client call me in a panic saying that when he types in his url the site came back as a jumble of text and pages This obviously freaked me out so I quickly opened it up and nothing Its running perfect ok so whats going on here hes expecting me to say something and saying hes doing it wrong wont work Then it dawns on me hes on his iphone and must have typed into the search box instead I quickly explain this and he says I kid you not Yes but when someone types our address into google I want you to change it so they get taken to our website sigh fmlAlso earlier he freaked out because we have instructions for setting up your email in outlook on our site I tried to explain that anyone could simply guess the settings mailsitecom ports etc but he wanted to be sure that everything was locked away in a password protected section Just to clarify you had to have a link to the instructions they werent just on the page somewhere they were inaccessible if you didnt know the address So your client is my boss I live this fucking nightmare I have thought many times about posting the ignorant fucking shit my boss says about my management of the company website You guys would not believe half of the shit oh yes you guys would actually only you guys would I dont see the problem with this to be honest You are charging them DOUBLE your normal rate Think about all the money you are making off them gt the Flash Editor I wasnt able to open What format is it in When I tried to open it it opened in MS Word but then it was all symbolsandgt The code or password for our Order Form page That allows me tochange content and everything else on the pageThis guy believes that development is done in Word just wow My client sent me a screenshot yesterday and did the classic thing of including all his open browser tabsI always suspected he was gay and that screenshot with gaydarcouk as one of the pages confirmed it An unfortunate way of coming out of the closet As long as you charge them for all the time its going to take you to teach them how to edit flash files I dont see a problem with this Do you have a contract Or was it nulled when they left Charge them for your time After the first hour of replying to emails as they realize they are in over their heads charge them or else they will take advantage of this more and more even if unconsciously Customers are dumbasses sometimesYears ago I did up some websites for an apartment management company They had no interested in owning the sites mistake number 1 and no interest in renewing the site name mistake number 2 I tried for damn near 6 months to get them to pay me the renewal fee and the transfer fee to their ownership I did not even ask for anything above that I just wanted it gone since they decided to use someone else for the updates to the site Which is fine but I owned the site URL On top of that they never told me who the new people were who managed the site I really went above and beyond for those idiots and at the end of the day they lost the nameAnd now another apartment management outfit owns it Oh well |
With all the talk about Google leaving China I am confused about one thingWill I still be able to use Gmail and GChat with my friends in China | If Google leaves China theyll be closing down their Chinese servers and company headquarters But since the Internet is a worldwide mechanism the only way that will kill Chinas connection to Googles services is if the Chinese government specifically blocks them with the so called Great Firewall of China And its unlikely that China would find Gmail and Google Talk access especially threatening compared to similar products so its safe to guess that you and your friends will still be able to talk |
Ive been averaging about this for 8 years and I rarely ever get the urge to smoke more often How bad is this for ones health | Id consider that really good If you like them youre not going to quit so why not use moderation Every other product thats bad for you can be used in moderation so why not cigs Its not too terrible you might want to quit sooner or laterI AM a smoker so Im not preachingACP Medicine says in the 2006 volume anyways that a nonsmoker is someone who has a lifetime consumption of lt100 cigs Someone who quit in their thirties will have double the chance of dying from lung cancer as a nonsmoker Someone who never quits or quits at age 75 has a 1 risk quitting around 30 gives you a 01 nonsmoker 005 I swear that somewhere in here a while ago I read about a risk calculator that took into account the average amount of cigarettes per day or lifetime amount or something but I cant seem to find it in the clinical essentials or the oncology section I do remember being convinced that lighter smokers had less risk but I dont have the citation to back it up at the moment tldr I kicked a 6 year packperday addiction and habit I quit cold turkey and didnt touch a cigarette for 2 years Now I enjoy smoking maybe 13 a day in the evenings or after certain occasions I have no habit and no addiction mental or physical A few smokes during the eveningnight outside on the deck is a nice way to relax and wind down the day I used to smoke close to a packperday for about 6 years It was definitely a habit and most likely an addiction but also an excuse to step outside of work for 15 minutes for a nice break I had very stressful work at the time and smoke breaks were perfectly acceptable back then and I was in my early 20s so the health risks were acceptable to me By that I mean I didnt care too much Now I smoke none or a few in the evening I never smoke when Im around my neice 9 yo or anyone else in my family who would be disgusted by the smell with the exception of one of my brothers who also smokes casually Its not a secret they all know I smoke including my niece I quit cold turkey after 6 years I mean straightup just stopped buyingsmoking cigarettes one day and it lasted for 2 years until I started working at a shop where most everyone smoked Eventually I liked having one in the mornings A nice cig at 7am in the outdoor air with a hot cup of coffee was a decent way to start the day That being said I had broken the habit and addiction two years ago both of which in my experience are equally difficult to do Today I can go without a cig for several weeks and I wont feel any withdrawal symptoms nor will I miss smoking at all I just enjoy smoking sometimes When I drink I enjoy a smoke When Ive had a good rewarding day at work and I have 15 minutes to myself on the walk home Ill enjoy a smoke When Im back home after a big homecooked holiday meal Ill enjoy a smoke After some great sex with no hangups Ill enjoy a smoke Its possible that Ill have some lung and heart problems in the future due to past and current smoking and if that happens I will feel like an idiot but I wont regret it I knew what I was risking No adult who smokes is ignorant to the potential health problems People who tell adult smokers you know that may kill you are egomaniac fucktards Any adult that smokes knows the risks Stop telling us the potential health risks which have been pounded into our heads since before we even considered smoking you just come off as a prick Any adult with one nut for a brain knows what they are risking Oops I got a little preachy Anyway My dad smoked regularly for 20 years in his youth and hes now 72 years of age with zero lungheart problems That makes me feel a little better about my genes Id like to quit cold again some day mainly because of how my sense of smell improved while I was not smoking for those 2 years However Im single with no roommates and I have a nice deck so Ill continue to enjoy smoking at a leisurely pace Acceptable lengthdid read Not all cigarette smokers are the same Stop hating on adult smokers Moderation is key for any harmful substance Its probably relative isnt it Id guess that smoking 23 cigarettes a day is much worse than not smoking at all but much better than smoking 46 cigarettes a day Meden agan I dont have any medical education but can share my anecdoteFor the last three or four years Ive smoked an average of around three cigarettes a day Marb blend no 27s mostly A couple times a year Ill quit for a month just to reassure myself I can I enjoy smoking but every time I quit I notice several physiological changes The most obvious to me as someone who has allergies is that I become a lot more sensitive to dust and others If I am careful not to get myself a sinus infection and after I spend between one and two weeks coughing up phlegm in the shower ever morning I notice an obvious improvement in my energy levels and general healthI was a longdistance runner in high school and the last time I quit smoking I had the urge to run after about 35 weeks I was able to run two miles in 16 minutes on my first time running in years So my take is that light smoking is not terribly harmful once you have quit for long enough to clean out your system Smoking anything can have a risk factor in ones health Ive been smoking tobacco for close to 50 yrs while i may not have been conscious of the health risks at 11 i certainly was by age 20 Because i love tobacco i have chosen to indulge whenever and as much as i damn well please I assume the consequences of my actions Anything can kill youi chose to take the risk and for near 50 yrs ive been fine Its your choice I made mine |
I like writing songs and I think Im fairly good at it but I dont do it enough Currently Im writing some material for a high school play and I notice how much joy I get from composing and writing and how people seem to really like itProblem is I need lyrics I cant really write them myself and basically I just work best when the lyrics are given to me to interpret So if you have some lyrics or poetry lying around post it here Ill will write a song for whatever gets the top voteEdit some more info Im a 30 year old guy Played the guitar for more than 23 of my life Been in bands Wrote a lot of songs Im amongst other things a theatre director and my main pet project is this highschool theatre where we make a big production once a year Though not a musical the play always has a number of songs and Im usually the guy who writes them Besides directing I oversee the overall musical scoreSo basically I can write in a number of different genres though I may not have the means to record everything my mind thinks ofEdit2 To make it a little easier on me Id prefer something with a versechorus structure and not just a bunch of text But Im not here to pick a favourite Ill get to work soon on the communitys choice So please upvote all lyrics you like and the best one can float to the top | I am swimming in a a pool of chocolate syrupdrinkingslurpingNo one eats as much as meIm the fatness that rules your mindMelted ice cream runs down my wristI wish only to taste the sweet sweet cupcakesThe cookies that I have eaten for theegushingNo muffins for the hungrychompendless Candyhttpwwwmotivatedphotoscomid65275 Two strands drifting in the ocean of wind females demands held within the firey gasps light up the night as the kind wrath tears through the soul a fight of incredible proportions the sight of indominable snowmen with over 160 intelligence quotient potent are the skies defiant blue as I sit here without a clue Maybe you could do a techno song out of this HaJust the other day it seems I was taking a stroll Betwixt my thoughts and dreams When I came upon a hole Careless and morose I wandered too close Stumbling Oh Tumbling Woe Such a cursed downward trip Grasping clasping clutching The slick sides refused my grip And I slipped lost touch Tired and resigned My mind went blind Descent Oh Torment Woe Yet the world appeared quite clear Though my temper was black I saw how frightfully drear wound the futures track Frantic I panicked At my droll edict Penance Oh Silence Woe A quaint distraction found me And reached out to console Insipid pastimes found me And filled up the hole At last my thoughts free Yet my dreams empty Rescue Relief So Now I know Im my own foe Now I know When he beckons Just say no |
Let me start off by saying that I want a cheap riflecarbine for a SHTFWhite tailplinking Im trying to do this as cheaply as possible with out losing too much in qualityfunctionality Ive looked into the Mosin a bunch so please dont recommend one but Im curious if I could get away using either an AK47WASR10 or even an SKS for this kind of thing As a result Ive got a few questionsIs the WASR10 really a big piece of shit Ive had people tell me theirs is great others have told me theirs had failures to feed almost constantly and was plagued with small problems and others tell me theyre a great bargain if you can get them up to speed Someone clarify if you canIn the interest in saving a bit of cash is an SKS really all that bad as an alternative to the AK Would a scoutscoped SKS be worth its salt or would an AK with a lowpower scope be a better bet Is one inherently more accurate than the other or am I pretty much getting the same deal regardless Assume detachable mags and mag capacity are a moot point when comparing the two pleaseAnd finally in the case of a Saiga in 762 is it worth it to buy a saiga and have someone convert it or buy a converted saiga as opposed to an AK I dont really need a matchgrade tac driver of a gun here Surplus is fine Because of that I dont know if the obvious benefits of a saiga re Its a brandfriggennew AK are really worth the extra money to meAnd before anyone tells me to go to the range and try one over the other Im familiar with all the weapons Ive listed AK pattern rifles and the SKS carbine I like both for different reasons and feel neither suits me betterThanks in advance I appreciate rguns input | gt Is the WASR10 really a big piece of shitYes and no Mines a serious piece of shit Cheap stamped out piece of crap Shake it and hear the parts rattle Folding stock is nothing more than a thick coat hanger bent to roughly form a stock Trigger that has an automaticrandomreleasepoint by this I mean you never know in the play on the trigger when its finally gonna let go and fire On the other hand Ive fired near 40000 rounds through it over the years without one single malfunction So the answer is both yes and no Mines a piece of shit but a damned reliable piece of shit I have both a Chinese SKS and a Romanian AK First let me say that no matter what you do neither will ever be a tack driver but with practice the SKS with iron sites and the AK with a red dot will put every shot in a pie plate at 100 yards Now just a few things from experience Stay away from bling with the SKS except for maybe a butt pad and muzzle brake Please believe me Ive tried it all not worth it I like the SKS and would probably do better deer hunting with it but my AK with a Surefire tactical light and Millet red dot is my go to weapon for our SHTF future After thousands of rounds through them both are drop dead reliable Since a decent SKS is getting up there in price and AKs are plentiful right now Id go with an AK and a thousand rounds for right around 600 I have a WASR10 converted single stack It was my first AK I picked it up in 1998 during the AW ban mind you At first shooting it was a painful experience due to the horrible trigger slap As a result my impression of it was pretty lowWithin a few months I put a redstar arms trigger in it a simple drop in replacement trigger group you can get a Tapco G2 set for under 40 now The difference was like night and day A crisp trigger and no flinching due to the fear of the evil slap meant I could focus on shooting it accurately Since then I have put well over 60000 rounds through it most on target and a large percentage Id guess over 85 within a 68 in group at 100 yds It has never failed to fire or malfunctioned in any wayI used to go as long as I could without cleaning it just to see how long it would last After reaching 10000 rounds I gave up on that idea and began treating it better It simply would not failThe barrel is quite worn now and its not as accurate as it was when it was new but is still as accurate as you can expect any AK to beThe only thing that rattled on mine was the magazine due to improper milling by whoever did the single to double stack conversion That was easily remedied by a thick smear of JB weld on either side of the magazine well then filing them to fit the mags more snugly That repair has held for over 10 yearsYou will not find a more reliable rifle than an AK regardless of model Throw it in the mud run it for months without cleaning it piss on it even and it will keep shooting Of course YMMV but for sheer reliability and ease of maintenance you cant go wrong with the AKMy 1st AKhttpimgurcomiByhejpg |
I know this might be a touchy issue for some people but this is purely a demographic research on rChristianity just to see the different denominations that we belong toUpvote the comment with your denomination if there isnt post it herePlease dont argue or point out the differences but you may ask questions respectfullyGod Bless | A man was standing on the edge of the Sydney Harbour Bridge about to jump to his death A passerby tried to talk him down He asked Well are you a ChristianYesGreat Me too What kind of Christian are you Orthodox Catholic or ProtestantProtestantWow me too What kind of Protestant Anglican Baptist Presbyterian Methodist or PentecostalPentecostalThe man really got excited Me too Are you an initial evidence or a third wave PentecostalInitial EvidenceAmazing what kind of initial evidence Are you a AOG CRC COC or CCCAOGThe man is practically jumping up and down and the wouldbe jumper is starting to look like he wont go through with it Premillenial Post Millenial or Amillenial The guy on the bridge said Amillenial and with that the passerby screamed Die heretic and pushed him off the bridge I consider myself NonDenominational and attend Bible churches I think that counts as a denomination though Presbyterian The Frozen ChosenDenomination of Mr Rogers JK Rowling and Pam amp Darryl from the Office This podcasthttpancientfaithcompodcastsorthodoxyheterodoxy has gone through all the major Christian groups and several nonChristian religions and juxtaposed them with Orthodoxy If you arent Orthodox then he probably bashes your beliefs a bit or maybe more than a bit but overall its a very informative series for understanding what others believe and where it comes from |
Guess this depends on peoples personal definition of a god but I think you understand what Im trying to get at | A being could convince me that they are immensely powerful and worthy of respect along those lines I might call such a being god for sake of utility A being worthy of the classification of god could probably show me the actual act of creation Make me a universe complete with life of your own design and Ill call you a god with zero hangupsThat said I would then have to judge that god on their own merits Identifying the entity as powerful or even believing it to be my creator would not be enough to earn my worship Nothing Nothing can convince me that there is anything supernatural You might be able to move mountains and make the sun and moon disappear I still dont believe Just because youve somehow demonstrated an illusion which I cannot explain I dont assume you have magical powers The whole notion of supernatural is bogus anyway Its all just the natural world There may be other dimensions and phenomenon which we cant even imagine but at some level there is an explination and it is a rational one Somehow someway there is a mechanism at play that explains how it works We just might not understand what that is yet i spent a long time in this discussion a couple of days ago and my conclusion is there is no evidence which would be accepted by science Jehovah appearing in a pillar of light at the Atheist Conventionhttpwwwatheistconventionorgau and saying Youre all WRONG would probably do it for me One specific and true miracle A god who was capable of uniting all human religions and convert all their followers to one unified faith If some being could achieve that and flex some supernatural powers Id accept it as a godAs for worshipping said god it would first need to justify the mess it allowed on earth before its arrival then stand trial for all the attrocities such as genocide and murder and other crimes against humanity it caused committed in its name then found a religion not destructive to the planet or to the minds of believers and not causing believers to harm those outside the religion and so on In other words I wouldnt automatically respect and revere such a being it would need to be worthy of respect Making England win the World Cup This would truly be a miracle of astronomical proportions If a being appeared before me and said that in exchange for worshipping it I would be granted the power to cause any person considering posting a question on reddit that asks what it would take to convince me of a gods existence to suddenly become so sexually aroused that he or she closes reddit and watches porn instead Id seriously consider the offer |
I know I know there are so many I especially like You think your hot shit in a champagne glass but youre really just cold diarrhea in a Dixie Cup spoken by the Monarch when he is in jail trying to scare a bunch of juvies straight | Oh who am I kidding My looks are going down the drain faster than an unwanted pregnancy on prom night Doc Venture What Think this is gay huh Is that what you fucking said you scrawny piece of shit Oh this isnt gay But King Gorilla over there is And I bet he cant wait to snap off a piece of your dick in his ass Couldnt pick just oneThese guys like their system Its what they do You take that away amp you are looking at a bunch of pissed off nutbags with rayguns amp giant I dunno a giant octopusslashtank with lasereyes Brock SamsonSuper good Very generous of yoh pesos Great These zeros are all meaningless Dr VentureUhOrpheus its your landlord Were trapped in a clich Use your fake impossible magic to get us out of here Dr VentureIf I knew you could just call the police on him Id have done it years ago Because Im no sissy no sir Id just pick up the phone and Officer theres a man in a butterfly suit shooting my robot with a laser beam Dr VentureDespite his racial handicap Kano here is a crackerjack pilot Colonel GentlemanIGNORE ME Grand Galactic InquisitorHow can you say that about Hitler I love Hitler and Hitler loves me Hes not so bad Hitler just need someone to believe in him Cant you just give Hitler a chance Dean VentureYeah Well the Village People called and they want you to go fucking kill yourself you prancing bastard Colonel Hunter Gathers Pretty much everything Shore Leave says BOOM YummyI find its hard to find standalone oneliners in VB Almost every line is hilarious but most of them need contextthe excellent voice acting for full appreciation i cant remember it word for word but see you got some herpes on your lip francis did you get it kissing your wifes ass after i put herpe in it action johnny EDIT I wrote this last night with three fingers aching from pain due to a burn that is how much I love venture brothers and you all |
I have been diagnosed by shrinks and yes apparently I am a covert Schizoid as the last shrink called me I certainly fit the diagnostic criteriahttpenwikipediaorgwikiSchizoid to the letter Theres no cure for this condition I basically dont care about anyone and I never felt any sense of belonging to any group including family As far as I am concerned the entire human species could go extinct tomorrow and I couldnt care less I wouldnt be happy about it just indifferent It wouldnt even be an inconvenience since I could easily survive with canned food and solar panels I have gone through this scenario by the way fantasies are a big part of the schizoid characterProblem is I also like to accomplish stuff entirely for my own sense of internal satisfaction and I need other people to do that So I fake extroversion and interest in other people even if I dont give a fuck This actually exacerbates my preexisting sense of existential isolation since it shows how easily people can be handledI have been defined as bubbly and charismatic Absurd By the way deep down I actually feel a desperate need for love and friendship but at the same time I have no desire to do anything to achieve them Its like desiring to be an astronaut if you know what I meanFeigning is the best I can do and dont like when people get too close I am 100 emotionally unavailableSo I dont know if this is of any interest but if it is ask me anything | Get your head out of your arse youre not some cold superhero youre just a lonely fuck whos hiding behind this bs diagnosis because youre too goddamn scared to even try to connect with anyoneI know schizoids They are lovely people You are not one You are just arrogant My own cloneThis thread was an interesting read because you respond to questions almost exactly like I would gtdeep down I actually feel a desperate need for love and friendshipHahahaoh no you dont you only think you do Youll eventually just be disapointedbored by it if you do find it and discard it like every other social function you have encountered Im sure you have already tossed potential friendships away simply because you became uninterested after a few daysweeks so you know what I mean What I think that people like us are actually feeling is the hollowness of our egocentric fantasies which we wrap our minds in Our ideal level of emotional interaction is so completely removed from reality that it is literally unobtainable I think that intellectually we realize this so it causes some angst if only because we think that we will likely never be able to fulfill our fantasy Why did you write this post if you dont care for other peoples imput Could it mean you do careWhat was your mom like Did she love and cuddle you and rub your back when you had to throw up I wish I could fake extroversion I just come across as flat and fake and I can never think of anything to say How much do you know about your disorder I was almost convinced I had it I fit a lot of the criteria but not all I know Im crazy I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but I think its a bit more than that I know I probably wont get the answers I want especially because of the secretive factor but its the internet so who cares Please go as in depth as possibleCan schizoids be comorbid What are your interests How isolated are you How in depth are your fantasies and what are they mostly about Do you find your fantasy world to be very distracting and have to focus on it too muchWhen you were a kid did you used to fantasize about being alone and not having any friends Does your fantasy world ruin the real world for you as in having an ideal situation and never having the reality match up like imaging what it would be like to be friends with people and being deeply disappointed when they dont meet your expectationsAny self harm suicidal tendencies selfloathing type of stuff Any creative pursuits Delusions |
I dont have any dramatic story of my own but had a very near death experience as a child and curious to hear other peoples stories and possibly how it affected your life | When I was a young boy I went to my room to put on a hoodie because I was cold At the moment I was using my shirt as a makeshift holder for all my toys I set my toys down on top the dresser opened the drawer and donned my hoodie I then shoved all the toys in the front pocket of the sweatshirt The pocket wasnt large enough so I had to use both my hands to keep toys from falling out Because my hands were occupied I used my pelvis to slam shut the drawer And then promptly slammed my dick inside I started to scream Im not sure why didnt want to drop my toys but I opted to yank out my dick instead of opening the drawer It was black and blue for over a week It functions and looks fine now No hooks joints or cock elbow Thats a neardeath experience yes So heres a little background Im trained in several forms of combat and self defense which saved my life and the life of a dear friend This is by far the most harrowing moment of my entire lifeSo Torrie and I are walking home from a movie Its not dark out but the sun is starting to set About half way to her house this guy jumps out of nowhere and in a flash has Torrie in a death grip with a knife to her neck He says some stupid thing about how she has to pay for something or another Heres a tip for all you would be murderers The longer you spend telling the victim things the better chance they have of fucking you over So in a split second Torrie slams her head as hard as she can against the guys face and rips herself out of his grip however in a blind rage the guy makes a stab and hits Torrie right in the eye as shes wheeling backwards I am still astounded that she didnt even flinch when it happened Anyway he lets go of the knife and torrie manages to yank it out without yelping So we figure this is it weve both got knives were trained on how to use them and torrie sacrificed her eye to disarm a now bloody nosed killer Life is never that easy Mr Whackjob pulls out a gun Torries collapsed against a tree clutching her face in one hand and the knife in the other it had finally kicked in as to what had happened and shes shivering pretty bad Now as I said before were trained on how to use knives and Im real skeptical on why this guy all of a sudden pulls out a gun after nearly killing us with a knife With my life hanging in the balance I go for a bluff I think the gun is empty I rush him with the knife and he shoves the barrel of the gun into my stomach as I get close my knife is maybe a few inches from stabbing his jugular We stood like that for what seemed an eternity theres no lie there When youre life is being determined by who has the balls to strike first every second is an hour I still think the gun isnt loaded but hey now is not exactly the best time to think What if So Whackjob and I are staring each other down our faces about a foot apart wondering which one of us is going to decide to end it A few seconds may have passed before the guy goes lurching to one side and while he doesnt really fly he definately goes down about a foot away In the instance where he and I were locked Torrie had taken the chance to deliver a quite potent kick to his head He drops the gun as he goes down and she picks it up and points it at him still one hand over her eye Her other eye is so wide I was surprised it didnt pop out Id never seen her look so feral in my entire life So whackjob is on the ground cowering because theres now a very angry woman weilding a gun at him by his reaction and pleading I can tell the gun is loaded or he wouldnt be so terrified Shes threatening him she wants to shoot him her voice is shakey and coarse but the rest of her body is rigid She really was going to shoot the guy In the nick of time the cops show up Some idiot walking through the woods saw the whole thing and called the cops Took him long enough Turns out there was a single bullet in the chamber he was planning on knifing torrie and shooting himself As the cops show up torrie pulls the trigger and saysbang the guy screams Nothing happens shed turned the saftey on before pointing it at him She starts laughing hysterically and the guy is fucking dumbfounded So the cops arrest him Torrie now wears an eyepatch I asked her after the incident how she was able to manage that through the loss of her eye nd she just looked at me and said Adrenaline is a powerful thing when the one you love is about to dieTo this day she credits me with saving her life and to this day I wonder what would have happened if Whackjob had decided to use his one bullet on me Its now our customary thing for me to kiss her on her eye patchTLDR A friend of mine was attacked and lost her eye I risked my life to save her and we subdued her would be murderer |
As the title says When sucking I cover my teeth with my lips and the pressure makes me bite them a bit Which isnt bad if its a one time thing but can be annoying in the long runI know there must be a solution for this But I dont know what it is And I also dont have easy access to a penis right now to figure it out But I just thought of it for some reason so perhaps someone here has an answer | I had this same issue in the beginning but I found a solution and its boyfriend approved Use your hand as an extension of your mouth by keeping your hand touching your mouth the whole time This creates the pressure your teeth were creating without biting the insides of your lips OUCH |
I find that a lot of people seem to complain when there is too many snipers on a team but why is that Unless youre playing on 2fort or theyre using the huntsmanwhich a lot of snipers dont seem to use anyways snipers can be a very useful and deadly class Ive also noticed that snipers usually rack up a lot of points and are usually near the top of the scoreboard so they cant be that bad can they | A skilled sniper backed up by a strong offense is incredibly deadly youre right However sniping effectively requires a great deal more skill than the average pug player has AND snipers are incredibly poor at cart pushinintel grabbinpoint cappin AND snipers get rolled over if there isnt enough combat classes AND snipers arguably like spies suffer from diminishing returns there simply arent enough good spots on a level to let three snipers contributeWhew I got a little carried away there The point is that a load of snipers does not a team make People complain when the team is doing poorly and because snipers are very poor at attacking objectives they catch a lot of the shittldr Fuck you snipers switch to medic People hate being instantly killed by someone who is attacking from relative safety Spies are similar but different in that if you turn around once in a while or spycheck you can avoid the backstab All you can do when there are areas you have to traverse that contain snipers is strafe and hope they miss or shoot a few rockets their way You cant count on people on public servers to go keep them busy the entire timeThis can be especially frustrating for a Heavy that just ran all the way to the front lines no teleporter to get instakilled by a sniper he never saw then have to wait to respawn to make the whole trek again Heres the bottom line Unless you are the best sniper on the server you are probably hurting your team by playing the class thats generally the problem Snipers throw piss at people There is no place on our team for men who stoop to that level Professional haRED can have all the Snipers they want Its not always kills youre looking for Youre looking for the push on the cartcpetc Just because youre neutralizing the team one person at a time does not mean youre justifying your lack of teamwork on taking the objective Yes if youre the only sniper and youre doing some good thats ok But if youre one of 5 snipers CHANGE CLASS FOR GODS SAKE We dont need 5 people getting 4 kills per minute collectively youd be much better off making a push towards the enemy going on a suicide run as a pyro or demo You make more of an effect on the enemy by being front lines and you can push them back better this way rant Diminishing returns One sniper is optimal anything more than that and you are weakening your teams offensive capabilities Sniper is like the spy they are very effective at disrupting the enemys lines but arent very good for capturing objectives pushing an assault or holding the defence Lots of snipers received about the same amount of hate as a lot of spies Why the Huntsman bash It has its place and it forces Snipers to get closer to action where they can throw Jarate on the enemies more often gt snipers usually rack up a lot of points and are usually near the top of the scoreboardThat doesnt mean theyre doing objectives or helping out their team Why i hate snipersPlaying on offense with more snipers than assault classes or more snipers than medicsor more snipers than any other classThey dont help pushing they dont help capturing points All they do is pick off targets and get the most points out of every kill in the game for the least amount of effort only the spy gets the same amount of points but they have to get into melee range so they should be rewardedNow i know my reasons may be hit or miss at times But the ONLY class i commonly see with 3 is the sniper During the sniperspy update its acceptable but that update was soooo long ago and still its pretty common to have atleast 3 snipers on a 12 man team on offenseDont get me started on defence Why Why is your team stalling to push the cart Oh yes because you have 4 fucking snipers and 1 demoman capable of taking down sentriesWhy cant your team go around that corner to capture the last point Oh look ONE SOLITARY ENEMY SNIPER IS RAPING ALL 4 OF OUR SNIPERS You are not helping your team by shooting heavies SHOOT THE FUCKING OTHER SNIPERThis is exceptionally annoying if Im say a Heavy or a Medic with 100 uber about to rush in and the enemy sniper shoots me in the face because the retard snipers on our team are standing back around the corner trying to shoot the odd demoman who comes around and arent even in the line of sight of the enemy sniper Why else Lighting one of you fucks up like a christmas tree or smashing you with a rocket then OH LOOK YOU KILLED ME WITH AN INSTAKUKRISTAB What the fuck is thatWhy else lets see getting shot with a fucking cuntsman arrow that youve blindly fired in the general direction of Sweden and its hit me square in the faceAnd dont go on about having 2 skilled snipers blah blah Id rather have 2 skilled soldiersdemomenheavies1 good medicetc 1 Scout just 1 that is moderatly skilled is a hundred times more credit to team than all 5 of the fucking snipers Sure there may be some decent snipers out there who actually do shoot the enemy snipers actually dont take that huge metal boxhealth pack that the engi wanted but usually not 1 decent sniper with sniper rifle is enoughOn the other hand spies dont bother me unless your team are morons and cant set them on fire If Im a pyro enemy spies will burn Generally a snipers objective is to collect headshots not run the flag or stop a cap They guard one area well and with a mic can be useful calling out whats coming inBut the dont really disrupt the core of a defense and not very good at pushing a cart They often contribute nothing to the team other than getting a few kills Snipers have no push When youre trying hard to push up a soldier or medic would actually be helpful You dont need 4 snipers backing you up thats not going to do much of anythingUnless theyre really good But they rarely are theyre usually just chickenshits that want good ratios |
I was in the mob on 1vs100 live The person answering the question lost and so each person left in the mob would receive the prize he would have won The prize was a certain number of microsoft points and an xbox live arcade game I read the information afterwards and it said something about either checking my email or xboxcom Ive since checked both and there was nothing about my prizes thereI then checked the rules and regulations of 1vs100 on the xbox 360 site I read about half of the information then promptly fell asleep due to an overdose of boring legalese The parts that I did read before I lapsed into unconsciousness I qualified for I was playing on my own xbox on my on gamertag on my own gold membership I purchased myself I was resident in the country the quiz was taking place in the UKI want my free shit How do I claim the prizestldrI want my free shit How do I claim the prizes | I won one of those You will receive an email at the address attached to your XBL account It may take several weeks I think my wait time was about six weeks Lucky bastard I got into the mob once the first time I turned on 1vs100 in the early beta stage No prizes were even in circulation yet |
Example that just happened to me moments agoI was watching the movie Eagle Eye on my PC and I was almost to the end where they kill the computer thing and out of no where my whole computer shuts off and restarts Then it tried to start booting off of a network device which ive never had it do before and its at the bottom of the boot priority Then as i went to restart it the video card failed because the green light on it started blinking red I turned off my PC and restarted itAnd now its working fine Im so confused | My friend invited me to his 30th birthday party I didnt want to go because he and I have completely different ideas about what a party is Hes big into drinking and Ive seen him do E or X or whatever the hell the kids are calling those crazy yellow pills these daysAnyway I turned down his invite citing a complete lack of funds true But he sent me back a really pathetic email saying essentially A lot of people have cancelled on me it would really mean a lot to me if you were there Btw Im engaged now so this is also my engagement party Oh and Ill pay for half your hotel room AND Ill arrange it so you drive up with a really hot girlSo I was stuck You just cant say no to that invite So I send him an email saying yes Id be really happy to attendRight so then he sends me the details Were meeting up at hotel and then heading to a strip clubWTF A strip club for an engagement partyYou have to understand a little something about me Although Im a redblooded heterosexual male the idea of strip clubs has always been disgusting and sad to me I dont like the idea of paying women to give me attention and Ive always been turned off by skanky women Dont get me wrong I have nothing against promiscuous women ladies sleep with whoever you want I just get turned off by women who sell their bodies to the highest bidder and probably collect venereal diseases the way most people collect stampsAnyway Ive never been to a strip club before Never WANTED to go to one either Its snobby of me but I think its just low class and sad But at this point Im stuck But some part of me is thinking alright at least Ill get a good story out of thisFlash forward to the day of the party Hot girl and I are driving up together Were hitting it off gangbusters She agrees to be my stripper shield Shes going to play the role of my jealous girlfriend and stop me from getting the unsolicited lap dances or attention that I dont want to pay for We show up at the preparty at the hotel room Hot Girl proceeds to pound down a whole bunch of girly drinks I spend the time chatting with my friend and his bridetobeI try to be social with the other folks in the room but I find them to be shallow and vapid peopleSo we all head out to this sketchy strip club in Baltimore MD Immediately I discover that it isnt as awful as I thought it was going to be The place actually seemed relatively clean and welllit and the patrons didnt seem too sleazyMy stripper shield Hot Girl sits next to me and orders another drink Shes getting handsy which is just fine with me But shes also starting to get really drunk which is notFlash forward 3 hours or so Hot Girl is passed out cold next to me My friend and his lady are negotiating with a stripper to have her come back to their hotel room and I am still reasonably sober and bored out of my mindInteresting side note Amy Fisher the Amy Fisher has her live stripping debut at that club that very nightSo half an hour later were all back at the hotel My friend has a suite and it turns out that Im going to be staying in the living room part of the suite while he and his fiance take the bedroom This was not the arrangement we had discussed but honestly Im exhausted and Ive just stopped caringHot Girls unconscious body has been dragged away to some unknown room in the hotel Not that I care because Hot Girl drinking herself stupid has turned me off big time Were way too old for that crapMy friend tells me that the stripper is coming up to the room I dont know quite what to make of this yet Is she stripping for our small party or I dont want to jump to any conclusionsNow two other girls from the party come and sit down next to me I havent said a thing to them all night except helloThey say to me Youre coming to our room with usNow in my head Im thinking Are these girls suggesting what I think theyre suggesting Was I just solicited for a threesomeAnd then Im thinking Okay if I was solicited for a threesome am I going to do it Theyre pretty cute but I dont know the first thing about either of them Their nicknames might be Harriet Herpes and Cloe Clamidia for all I knowAnd then my penis unzipped my fly from inside my pants popped out and said in a deep commanding voice YOU ARE DOING THIS So before I can say anything else one of the girls explains to me that the stripper is coming up just for my friend and his fiance Apparently they are going to have a freaky threesome and they dont want me in the suite Thats fine with me Sadly though it means I wasnt being solicited by these girls at all WhateverSo I start heading out with these two girls and my friend tells me that hell call me when the stripperhooker is gone so I can come back up and sleep in the suiteI head down to the room with these girls and when I get there I find two guys already inside sitting at a table with lines of cocaine all laid out And Im thinking what in the fuck did I just get intoNow Ive never seen real live cocaine before in my life I didnt ever want to I certainly didnt want to be in a sketchy hotel room with it I say to everyone in the room For the record I have nothing to do with that shit They all seem fine with thatNow its been a long day and I am EXHAUSTED I just want to pass out on one of the beds But now I cant because there are a whole bunch of people I dont know doing cocaine 5 feet away and I figure I ought to keep my wits about meI considered leaving the room but that meant hanging out in the lobby of the hotel for several hours and not being around to get a phone call from my friend saying I can go up and fall asleepNow ideally I would have gotten a hotel room for myself but I was pretty broke The only reason I came was because my friend was subsidizing me Also Im kind of drunk and very tired so Im not thinking clearly at allAnyway after a minute I realize the scene isnt as bad as I thought These arent thugs or anything they are just stupid kids doing a little cocaine I basically sit in the corner by myself counting the minutesA couple hours later I finally get a call from my friend saying I can come back up to the suite This is fine by me I cant leave fast enoughSo I book it upstairs and get to the room The sofa bed in the suite is pulled out my friend had made it up for me a nice touch He says goodnight to me and Im super excited about finally getting some sleepBut then out of the bedroom walks the stripperhooker that he and his fiance have been getting freaky with They say goodnight to her and close the bedroom doorSo heres me sitting alone in the living room with a stripperhooker who is taking her time getting her things together She packs really slowly and tries to make conversation with meNow Im a polite guy so even though I want nothing to do with her at all I let her talk and I respond kindly BUT then I notice that she just isnt leaving Just not at all And then I realize that she is trying to get some business from meNow you can probably deduce from my feelings about strip clubs how I feel about strippers andor hookersSo Im totally not down with it And I tell her flat out that Im just not interested She says she cool with that and that I shouldnt be so uptight and tense She starts smoking a cigarette and keeps chatting away at me She asks if she can wait up here until her cab arrivesA lot of people would have just kicked her out But Im thinking This poor girl just whored herself out all night first as a stripper then as a player in a freaky threesome Shes clearly at a shitty place in her life and it wouldnt hurt me any to show a little compassionSo I tell her she can stay until the cab arrives So she chats and chats telling me all about her boyfriend problems and whatnot Then out of the blue she pulls out some cocaine and does a line Doesnt even ask me if Im cool with it And Im thinking Why the hell is everyone doing cocaine around me tonight Never before in my life and now twice in one nightIts now ridiculously late so late that I have to start calling it early Ive given up on having anything close to a healthy amount of sleep And Im stuck with a chatty stripperhookerI want to kick her out after 20 minutes but part of my brain is just thinking you know what this evening has been so fucking weird just stop fighting it and watch the show So I let her keep talkingAnyway at some point in our conversation she starts giving me a recipe for the best French Toast in the world A recipe that I have since referred to as Stripper French ToastFinally after 40 minutes she calls back the cab place and decides to go wait downstairs I wish her good luck and see her to the door When she leaves I put on my PJs and brush my teethI hear a knock at the door Its her she wants to know if she left her cigarettes She didnt She hints that shed rather wait in my room for the cab but at this point Im just too damned tired I wish her well and I go to enjoy a nice little sleepIn the morning Hot GirlStripper ShieldHungover Monster meets up with me in the lobby We drive back down to DC together while I tell her the tale of cocaine and stripperhooker She totally feels my pain and she feels just awful about passing out on meShe gives me her number and suggests that we go get a coffee sometime soon We part waysNow I was a lonely single guy at the time but weeks later I was still so creeped out by the entire night that I never even called Hot Girl back I just wanted to erase every part of that evening from my mind Not the weirdest but the most recentMy wife and I are walking along Waikiki when an older man in a motorized scooter ie wheelchairlike comes up behind us in a French accent He Hello hello Me Yes He Do you know why all the palm trees are crooked Me No I dont He Because they were planted by the governmentAnd then he quickly scooted away We watched him for several minutes and he did the same thing to several other people probably telling them all the same joke Brightened everyones day But kinda weird Mine is a doozy I want to see if anyone can beat meIm in the military the Air Force specifically I had just completed my tech school and arrived at my first real duty station I was ready to start working I arrived and did my inprocessing and the next day I arrived at my work centerI dont know what I expected but something vaguely military would have been niceI walked into the door of my work center Im greeted by the shrieking voice of a woman It was way higher than any voice I had ever heard I couldnt make out the words she was saying but it sounded badI walked around the corner and saw what was happening There was a midget civilian woman screaming at one of my coworkers who incidentally is about 65 He was crying There were three other guys in uniform watching from a distance and laughing After about 5 more minutes of screaming one of them noticed me and came overWe exchanged pleasantries and he told me to sit down next to one of the other guys in the shop who would give me a run down on what we did I complied and met AlexThe first thing Alex ever said to me was You dont have to know how to beatbox to work here but it helps Alex continued to beatbox for at least ten minutes before telling me his name I was in shock at this point and went into a dazeFor a while Alex explained to me what we did and how we did it After about an hour the screaming stopped along with the crying I decided I needed a cigarette and went outsideAs I was smoking various people walked by Suddenly I saw a colonel running This was odd in and of itself but he was carrying 5 pizza boxes in one hand talking on a cell phone in the other hand and wearing at least 30 strands of beads around his neck I was befuddled but saluted him as he ran by He stopped put down the pizzas saluted me back gave me a pizza and as he started running yelled Happy Mardi Gras This was on June 1stMost of the rest of the shift went uneventfully I enjoyed the pizza and finally the end of shift came around I was left alone for a little while and the next shift came inI heard someone come in the door but I was reading my training material and ignored it Suddenly a person behind me yelled Hey New Guy and I turned around He had his balls hanging out of his uniform and was beaming proudly Like them he asked I practically cried So i was bored one day in the summer and all my friends were at work while i was subsequently unemployed So i decided to go to the park and smoke a bowl and people watchSO i parked my car and packed my bowl got out and started to walkIt was at this time i noticed i didnt have a lighter so i go for a walk looking around for someone who would have a lighter and wouldnt mide smoking some weed I find a semi attractive girl and her plain looking frieind sitting down in the middle of the field in an area which was known for being the busier part of the park People on Bikes jogging taking children for walks trowing frisbees and footballs ectShe actually ses me coming up to her and says hey you got a smokeand i say sorry girl all i got is some weed you got a lighter i could borrow She says yes and we sit and and smoke a bowl I notice that she has some beers in her purse and i saymaaaan i wish i had a six right now thatd be sweet She tells me i can have one but i should go and get a 6 too and drink with them for a whileSO i drink the beer drive to the vendor get a six and come back to meet them By that time her other friend was gone but she was still there So we sit have a beer and another bowl and a smoke and what not Then she asks me in a very calm cavalier voice so do you wanna fuck me right hereI am taken aback thinking she is kidding or just teasing so i say yhea im downand she litterally takes off her undies she was in a skirt and i pop on a condom i randomly had in my wallet and she begins to come and take a ride on my disco stickAt this point i still cant belive this is actually happening i mean i dont even remember if her name is rayanne or rayleen or leeann or what but there we were in the middle of the field in a park on a teusday after noon bikers and joggers running past withing 30 feet another group playing friz just 50 feet from us This goes on for abotu 10 minutes untill shes like you know we could have alot more fun if we went and got a motel room and i aske yhea im down you wanna pay for half of it She was a little offended at the question but im not willing to meet her more than half way here I mean im not hte one who asked HER to fuck in the middle of publicSo we go get a room and proceed to spend the next 48 hours drinking fucking doing Ex and sleeping I seriously must have fucked her like 30 times in the 2 day period it got to the point where we would just hang out naked all day one would start fucking the other whenever without even giving any warning I ended up missing a concert i had been looking forward to for 2 months because i just completely forgot about it Then i took her out for a nice dinner dropped her off at a friends place and we never saw each other againTlDr walking around the park looking for a lighter met a girl 5 minutes later was inside her in the middle of the park Then took her to a motel for a 2 day sex romp full of drinking and drugs barely knew her name and never saw or heard from her again after those 2 days |
Hi my name is Mike Hunt and I would like to order as your first line Cmon at least work it up a little | Call back and ask for Mike Hunt and explain its about his order Act like you just dont get the joke and keep on about it reciprocate call them at 3 am and ask if their fridge is running do this again at 4 you must giggle a lot You dont want to do anything at work but if you are really pissed you could always write it in the bathroom at the bar Something like Text me a picture of your penis and Ill suck it |
Sorry for the double post I needed to put background text in Im a polisciastrophysics major at UCSB Im a member of the atheist group on campus and I hang out at the usual hang outs for the type of girls that I find interestingattractive So whats the problem Is there some factor that Im missing Ive attempted to chat with some girls on okcupid with no luck what so ever Any help or advice you could give would be much appreciated Here I amhttpwwwokcupidcomprofileprerus | I think I may be in your target demographic so maybe Ill throw in my two cents I hope this doesnt come off to critical or harsh Your selfsummary kind of reads like you dont know what to say about yourself ie starting out with a line about your cat Almost sounds like a pickup line to catch all those cat loving nerdy chicks The bigger point however is you tell me what you do not who you are Shorten your book list May seem counter intuitive and Im not trying to say dumb yourself down Kant Kafka Nietzsche and Dostoevsky are great writers but pretty heavy hitters to be throwing down in the beginning My first thoughts on reading these in profiles are the guy is either a trying to look intellectual b way intense andor c very esoteric List some specific books by these guys that you like I would be impressed if you liked every Dostoevsky work if you were very serious about being an atheist This may be my harshest point and I apologize I feel like youre trying to lay down a lot of buzz terms of being a geekynerdy guy in order to prove your geekcred I see few actual whiffs of who you are Im not saying be super serious and not show your personality through this stuff but dont be too contrived If you were say on a blind date or on a date with a girl you dont know very well what would you want her to say and how would you want her to say it You have to stand out and show who you are not what you are I apologize again if I just completely nitpicked your post In no means am I attempting to judge you personally Im just trying to show how there is little of who you personally are to gleam off your profile It looks like youre changing your profile as this thread goes on so this is based on the version I sawIm a guy not a girl in your target demographic so please take everything I have to say with a big grain of salt I get the sense youre overplaying the Im a geek part of your profile Nothing wrong with being up front about your geekiness but I dont know if you need to throw in little jokes about it to emphasize the same point over and over again I dont know if I really know much about who you are after reading that For a lot of the questions the answers are more random jokes and references than telling something concrete about you Okay yeah there technically is a lot of info in the profile about you but on a gut level it feels swamped out by the jokes and stuff Im a male geek and some of your jokes seemed too random and out of left field even to me Like whats with all the talk about spiders and bees I only see two photos up In one youre kind of far away and in another I can barely make out who you are Include some regular close ups of your face Group or activity pictures are all well and good but more than anything browsers want a couple of good photos that just show what you really look like Also you dont seem like a bad looking guy so feature it Id maybe shorten your list of movies and music you like I doubt everyone is going to read through them all anyways and they come off as overwhelming Just show 510 highlights that show what youre about Again please take everything I have to say with a grain of salt If something is working for you then obviously stick with it Also I cant comment on how well youre pulling off the other aspects of online dating I mean your profile could be awesome but if your messages to girls are weak then itll hardly help You also have to give online dating some time Its way too easy to give up after a week It can be annoying at times but Id say you gotta give it a fair shake for at least three months Also if OKCupid doesnt work for you try another site like PlentyofFish I had no luck on OKCupid then switched sites and did way better for myself with pretty much the same type of profile Some of your stuff comes off as trying too hard to seem quirky Im a dude though so my opinion probably doesnt matter I would smilejust from the photos you look like a boring person who doesnt talk much and might come off as creepyor sit on a date and just stare Replace your second picture with one of you doing something while smiling bonus points if you can fit some girls into the picture shows that you can form relationships with females Could you give us an example of a typical opening email you writeAlso i love red velvet more than most people love oxygen so i am now charging for my advice and i only accept payment in cupcakes Im female and met my bf on OKCThe one main thing Id say is that you dont have enough pics and the pics you do have arent clear enoughEverybody wants to date somebody they are attracted to I wouldnt dream of starting to message somebody on OKC with the intention to meet them without knowing more about what they looked like Rewriting your selfsummary take what you will or tell me Im an idiot I dont care Im herehttpwwwokcupidcomprofilebmbp on OKC and get a reasonable number of unsolicited emails from smart interesting pretty girls who Ive in turn met Does that set the credentials stage well enough Try thisIm a polyglot studying astrophysics and poli sci at UCSB I dream of one day being a NASA administrator or of helping with a First Contact situation I know the formers WAY more likely than the latter but hey First Contact would be awesomeIve been getting back into rock climbing and sword fight ok Fencing really because you never know when theres going to be a Zombie apocalypse Which reminds me NO ZOMBIESI like to cook all kinds of things indianpersianethiopianREAL italian and if youre sweet I might let you try my red velvet cupcakes I also make a killer omelet but thats not first date stuff dont even know why Im telling you thatIm politically active to the point of listening to KCRW on the radio It broadcasts out of Santa Barbara which is where Im in school UCSB go Gauchos Howd we end up named after pants and I try to stay informed with whats going on in the world I have a cat named Socrates who has learned how door knobs work and he appears to have befriended a mouse named Pinky Im starting to get a little bit worried about that In particular I dont think cats and mice should be friendsTake any of that that you like leave the rest etc I find Im saying this a lot on Reddit lately but targeting geeky women only is a bad idea First of all in the geek demographic the odds are way against youBut more importantly if you are only looking for women a lot like yourself or ones that you perceive wont be critical of your geek nature youve got the wrong posture You wont take enough risks that way because youre looking for signs of preapproval Im not saying go for women youll know youll hate but just expand your horizons to people who you arent sure will like you One thing you may not realize cute geekynerdy girls are generally busy cute geekynerdy girls Im an engineering major working on my masters in mechatronics We have a very hard time finding time to date Because of the height of the kitchen counter in your first picture you do not look 62 you look a lot shorter maybe 52 Im 50 and thats where the kitchen counter hits me Now I personally would not be put off dating a short man but I would be put off dating someone who lied on their profile and that was my first thoughtAlso in the caption for photo 2 change neighbors to friends Firstly get rid of the photo of your hair on the floor in the shape of a face You might think this is funnycuteclever as a girl I think its odd very oddHave you had much response from okcupid When you message a girl what do you sayAre your messages full of and Theres nothing in your profile about how you feel about women or dating or intimacy or what youre looking for in a woman Theres been other good advice about photos already but heres my 002 as a guy On dating sites you have to assume that the picture they show is the best picture of them thats ever been taken If you show what you look like on an average day you lose Your action photo of you cooking is good but as a secondary photo I have to say your hair looks really odd in both pictures though Its in a big asymmetric pile Hair thats neither long nor short looks kind of crappy and you have the Indianhelmethair thing going I speak from experience Invest in a better haircut its the easiest way to look much much better Grooming shows selfconfidence and its just more pleasant to look at |
Ive recently actually started paying attention to the lore in wow Its amazing and I really wish that between lvl 160 when I was purlry questing to get to lvl 80 I had paid attention to what was going on The best quest chain that I have ever done was the one in northend where youirrelevant of your faction needed to help an alliance npc die in piece You had to travel to some really obscure places and talk to some characters that you met while lvling In th end the big shiny light from Shattrath came and assisted him on his path to the light It kind of made me feel wired and I have read absolutley 100 of the quests since that one I later found out that the quest chain I just mentioned was a tribute to a real person who was close to the dev team who had died of cancer this was their was of dedicating something to him That kind of solidified it as my 1 quest chain Ill try and find its name now TLDnR whats your 1 quest chainwrote this on an iPhone sorry if its unreadableedit its called hope yet remains httpwwwwowheadcomquest13080 | Wrathgate Definitely the Wrathgate Nothing else really has the epic feel of the way that quest chain endsNot gonna post spoilers in case anyone hasnt been through the Dragonblight yet I always LOL at the quest in Outland The Exorcism of Colonel JuleshttpwwwwowwikicomQuestTheExorcismofColonelJules I cant remember the name of it but I really liked that quest chain that starts in grizzly hills where you help the bad guy troll join the lich king Then you get to kill him later Links Master Sword quest chain that rewards you withhttpthottbotcomiLinken27sSwordofMastery Onyxia Attunement the 1st time not the 40th Mostly for the ending in SW Go go Marshall Windsor |
I spent many years as a computer game and network programmer It was a great career with good money until one day I decided I was fed up so I quit Not knowing what I was going to do next I eventually purchased a Kona coffee farm and moved my family to Hawaii I have been a full time Kona coffee farmer for five years nowMy website has lots of pictures and a weekly blog of life on the farm There is a synopsis of my programming careerhttpwwwKonaEarthcomLife2006060430 and information about volunteering on the farmhttpwwwKonaEarthcomVisitVolunteer were booked until springWith five years of blog posts theres a lot of material on my website so please forgive me if I link there instead of trying to retype it all on Reddit Of course I will try to elaborate and update here on RedditWhile this IAmA was requested by others it is also selfserving Of course I want you to buy my Kona coffee Its good coffee You can purchase fresh Kona coffee from my website KonaEarthcomhttpwwwKonaEarthcom | I do think your AMA is interesting but if youre going to link to your online store it would be nice to give a Redit coupon Just sayin How difficult labor intensive risk disease is growing kona Do you grow all year Are your neighbors also kona farmersHah Im fairly sure I own that exact chipper youre using Liberty brand or something Mine is proving to be a piece of shit The set screws which secure the location of the shaft and therefore the blade refuse to stay in place so the blade slides and hits the chopping plate This then puts strain on the tractor PTO and breaks the safety bolts Having trouble with yoursIve also got an older Deere lawn tractor leaking hydrolic fluid from the rear diff too for at least a couple years Fill it up and forget about it denial is a powerful forceFarming does suck Good luck to you So how did you first get started How much was the initial cost of the land Whats an average week on the farm like Whats an average profit for a good harvest What did you do to set up the farm What made you choose growing coffee as your new career choice I am seriously considering a career change myself to commercial mushroom cultivation This makes you a bit of an inspiration to me |
Ok a little setup If you dont want to read the setup you can skip down to the bottomIm a MtF living in NYC On hormones over a year living near full time My family lives in Vermont where I was born I havent seen them in over a year because I want them to grasp the idea that what Im doing is a reality before they see what changes Ive made Yes its arguable that its unfair of me to start making physical changes before my family knew but times awasting and Im not getting any youngerI came out to my mother in May of last year My younger sisters also know but we dont talk about it much yet This is the main problem with my family we dont talk about things My family is the family of small talk We dont discuss issues we discuss dinner Until I came out to her my mother and I had a good relationship At least on the surface I had been hiding my transtendencies from her since I was very little Mother has been bouncing from denial to anger and back to denial again for months Whats funny is she caught me playing with my sisters clothes makeup all that stuff several times throughout my childhood and she still cant believe it AND when I remind her of those instances she claims they never happened I know its a long process Patience is my middle name My mother and I talk only through email now Its been this way for months because she doesnt want to talk on the phone I oblige to a degree and when we do talk on the phone its forced and theres lots of minute long silences Fun I would almost rather she creamed at me and didnt speak to me for ten years than deal with the brick wall she has become At least then I would know where we standOk now this is whats going on Throughout dozens and dozens of articulate well thought out agonizedover emails I have done my best to educate her about transsexuality PFLAG pamphlets pdfs websites books Ive tried as well as I know how to explain why I am doing this and most importantly that I am doing this regardless of peoples objections My question is this How do I respond to the answer that my mother invariably gives which is You just dont get it It for all Ive been able to pry out of her is the realization that what I am doing is wrong and that everyone is going to think Im a heathen Ive tried to explain to her that I get It very well and that my decision is made in spite of Nothing will change my mind in this wide world Ive explicitly explained that I am a transsexual and being hated disowned shunned or blamed for hurt will not change that She responds to all of that again with You just dont get it or you dont understand me Ive overcome my frustration with this as its been going on for months and I just received an email this morning with the same accusation Aside from being patient and slowly chipping away at her resolve to not accept who I am does anyone have any suggestions for what to say to You just dont get itHeres a list of things Ive already tried But I do get it and Im doing this anyway What do I not get Please explain it to me so that I understand you better Actually Mom I think maybe its you who doesnt get it Son of a bitch will you listen to me for Christs sakeAlso it should be noted that I havent explained to her that Im taking hormones yet I wanted to wait until she began to accept the premise I figure if she cant acknowledge what Ive already told her how is telling her I have boobs going to help Although maybe it wouldAnother thing to note My mother wont talk to anyone She acts insulted when I suggest friends of mine or friends parents that she could talk to She also wont speak to an outreach person or a professional I do not know if she has read any of the articles Ive sent her It seems she seeks out articles from sources she prefers Religiously biased sources and things like conversion therapy yeaBad but funny Idea What Id really like to do is to take a picture of me with my shirt off and show her that I have breasts Id love to see her try to deny those But something tells me that might be counterproductiveThank you for reading And sorry this was so long | It honestly sounds the other way around that she just doesnt get it and that she doesnt understand you It really looks as if youve tried to do everything you can to help her through the processI think your mom needs to realize this isnt about her and that its going to be this way whether she likes it or not So shes got two options accept it and move on or not accept it and continue to make an issue of itIm not trans so I really cant give you any solid advice I really hope things work out for you Introduce her to other parents whose children are in similar situations DO IT GENTLY Let her meet nice Mrs So and So a few times first and then tell her that she has a ftM child too Try to hide your frustration I know the effort would permanantly mark my face lol Im betting that your Mom finds confrontation very stressfulGrown ups of a certain age and upbringing would rather shoot themselves in face than seek help explicitly A lot of them are also more lilkely to listen to almost anyone else in the world than their children No doubt in her mind youre the one with the problemI come from an Irish Catholic as in from Ireland family where talking about things is like letting a bomb off in the room Im just a simple gay man though Trans peeps get the rawest deal going from society Best of luck Once she has a peer to relate to everything will slowly change Hey Im a New Yorker trans woman tooI read through your responses to others and it seems to me that youre doing just about everything right that you can do from a distance I add that qualifier because theres something to be said for the power of her having to see it every day as opposed to your transition being invisible and 300 miles away from herYour mother is actually doing a lot better than my father did when I came out but because I had to remain at home at the time he grudgingly began to cope with reality Changes came fast and it was harder and harder for him to look at me and see the boy he thought was his son harder to hear my voice and hear the old me harder still to deny the court ordered name change he found himself holding in his hands one dayI didnt do any of this to torment him I actually did my best to stay out of his way and manoeuvre around his comfort zone while slowly getting him used to things playing a careful game of brinksmanship with my transitional needs on one and and his feelings on the other But the key was that I was there physically Your mothers in an excellent position to be in denial and she may well persist in this for some time due to her traditions and her physical distance from youSome parents are also very wedded to certain ideas about their children that fly apart when they come out to them as trans Getting used to seeing you as her daughter is going to take a good deal of time and a good deal of reconstruction for her Shes going to need to build new memories and experiences to be able to hear the sound of your voice in her head and to visualise you as you are when she thinks of you Thatll take a lot of time and a lot of quality motherdaughter bonding to do by the sound of thingsYour responses to her You just dont get it line are probably save for the last one P the best you could do rationally At this juncture itll just take time A lot of parents regardless of their love for their kids become selfish at times like this and centralise what they feel theyre losing over your feelings My father told me that constantly Do you have any idea what youve done to me How could you disrespect me like this How could you insult the family like this Youre taking away my son who I had all these hopes and dreams for And of course constantly insinuating that this was hardest on him never mind the expense and emotional strength it took to get as far as I was at the timeBut that selfishness was a natural reaction and perhaps thats what your mother thinks youre not getting I wont defend it but I do understand why she feels as she does Parents often feel that if you do go through with the sex change that all the previous years theyve known you were for naught or a lie or a waste and they may even feel like their son has died and this body snatcher took his placeIm blessed that my mother understands theres a continuity between who I was and who I am of course We still reflect fondly on the pasts better memories and she intuitively gets that the woman I am today was in part due to how she raised me she knows nothing was wasted and that I just got dealt a bad hand Your mother may come to understand that in time too many parents ultimately doRegrettably too many require proofThis proof is hard to communicate over emails and itll be very easy for them to see what they want to see a phase a trend in those writings Far harder to deny would be seeing the obvious inperson changes And I dont mean your boobs winks My father to this day lives in some measure of denial but even he couldnt ignore the fact that I had more getupandgo than I ever had in my life a willingness and a drive where before I appeared lazy an enthusiasm that saw me go from being a slouch to being a force of nature as my best friends mother called me I was suddenly rushing to go back to school and finish my education where in the past Id made all these lazy arguments about why I shouldnt goThat penetrated even his denial and forced him to think there was something to the psychologically ameliorating effects of transition Your mother really does have to see for herself and her first visit to New York is not likely to go well either I should say Shes going to need more and more time to get used to it and see more and more of the spiritual changes transition has brought yougtYes its arguable that its unfair of me to start making physical changes before my family knew but times awasting and Im not getting any youngerDont think that hun Undeniably it might make things harder yes and you do have to contend with your familys sense of ownership of your person but youre an adult and its your right to accept who you are and act on it We face an enormous number of risks as trans women and the sooner you start your journey and start your treatment the better In time your family will understand it was the right choiceIt doesnt sound like theyre the disowning type but you know best of courseI should say I also found a great deal of strength in my extended family My mothers side was very supportive and this cowed my father even further Everyone around him was calling me by my new name and with female pronouns and such It made it even harder for him to deny Whats more All of the family members talked glowingly about how much Id changed Not physically though I did get compliments on that but emotionally How much happier Id seemed how much more engaged and conversational I was how much more alive I was one aunt said I had a glow about me that wasnt there before and even though none of them were experts on transgender issues they agreed that if it made me this happy it mustve been the right move for me to make and screw everyone elseDo you have any relatives who you think might be cool with this If you can show them how your life is better now as a result of your selfacceptance they might be able to help you convince your mother that this is actually for the bestAnyway sorry for going on so long but its a complicated matter for sure After reading what you wrote I began drawing a lot of parallels with my own relationship with my mother I think one of the differences is that in my situation my mother is actually legitimately insaneThats not a remark made lightly but through our relationship I could tell her that the sky was blue and the grass was green and shed say that I was wrong or thats somehow not true I could have conversations with her witnessed by other people and she would say a few hours later that the conversation never happened It got to the point where it was unbearable Shed sit in dark rooms and stare at walls Id try to talk to her but there was nothing there to talk to She would beat the crap out of me and then wonder why I was bleeding and crying We dont talk anymore and my family lives really far away so Im not going to tell them about me being trans or anything Though if youre closer to your family than I am to mine I can imagine that its a pretty big issue for youIn any case your mother doesnt seem quite that bad Shes clearly just having a hard time coming to terms with her own sense of selfreligionvalueswhatever Sometimes when people are faced with huge changes they shut down and fail to properly cope Her perception of her own personal values and morals may be so deeply ingrained in her personality that she cant react at all Its unhealthy for sure but I guess thats the way it isThis might not be good advice as I dont completely understand your relationship but if it were me Id just say something like Mom Im your daughter and I love you I really want to stay in contact with you and want to be a part of your life However you really need to talk to me about this Say something meaningful even if its not what I want to hear All that matters right now is that were really talking and not just exchanging pleasantriesPerhaps she needs to be clearly told that ignoring the situation isnt going to make it go away Identify that you love her very much and until there is meaningful dialogue nobody can move forward Again that might just be a bad idea It seems that traditional methods arent working too well though and you might want to be a bit more direct edit Just read AnnArchists post and I think shes right Inviting her to spend some time in the city sounds fantasticBest of luck to you |
Im having trouble discerning the differences between agnosticism and atheism I always considered myself agnostic because I believe that there is no way to know if there is a God or gods and as such I can neither say there is a God or gods nor there is not I believe that critical thinking and scientific thought should be the prevailing methodology in any argumentdebate and base my beliefs off of this I cannot see how there can be an agnostic theist but apparently they exist So what am I Agnostic or atheist Both | Agnosticism and atheism are describing two different thingsTheism and atheism describe whether you believe in any deities Gnosticism and agnosticism describe whether you can know the answer to a question or whether a question is answerableDo I believe in a deity No Therefore atheist Do I think its possible to know if a deity exists Not really especially if its omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent Of course logically I think those things are impossiblebut I dont think I can know for sure Therefore agnosticSo Im an agnostic atheistI typically just drop the agnostic part because most people dont understand the distinction I would suggest forgetting about what to call yourself and just go out and live life Trying to come up with a label to describe your beliefs is pointless since no one label accurately depicts how you feel If someone cares enough to ask you what your thoughts on god or the Universe are spend the time to explain to them exactly what you think I am sure they would be much more intereted in yor ur thoughts then just a single word I know I would A very good topic Here is my takeYou think that critical thinking and scientific thought should be the basis for conclusions Logic would be one of these acceptable fields would it not beBurden of proof lies on the person claiming the diety exists not on the skeptic Take Russells Teapothttpuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaen220RusselGhooripng for examplegtIf I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes But if I were to go on to say that since my assertion cannot be disproved it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense If however the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books taught as the sacred truth every Sunday and instilled into the minds of children at school hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time |
After some Googling I found a couple listed on Pharyngula and ultimately gave to Partners in Health to support the relief efforthttpwwwpihorghomehtml | I want to post a warning hereAfter the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquakehttpenwikipediaorgwiki2004IndianOceanearthquake 911 Katrina and a number of other incidents many charitable organizations were created to scam people If you arent familiar with an organization and just hearing about it on Reddit somewhere probably qualifies donating to it may not be a good idea |
A common canard heard from those who would wish to ridicule the BiblehttpwwwredditcomrWTFcommentsang1mwhatcanyoudoifyourdaughterrefusestomarry is that the Bible required that a woman who was raped was required to marry her rapisthttpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchdeut20222829ampversionNKJV Regardless of your opinion on the applicability of the Mosaic Law to the Christian the consideration that God at anytime required such a thing is hard to acceptWith a little consideration of the context of Deuteronomy 22httpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchdeut2022ampversionNKJV I think we can show that within the context of the entire chapter and the law itself the meaning may not be quite what we initially interpretFirst Deut 2222httpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchdeut202222ampversionNKJV lays out the default adultery scenario If a man and woman are caught in adultery both are to be put to deathSo subsequent to the default were presented with a number of case laws which are to be considered valid exceptions to the default scenario The first is presented in vs 2324httpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchdeut20222324ampversionNKJV The case law is given as an example a woman who is caught in adultery may protest that she was being raped in order to get out of the penalty This isnt hard to believe as it happens rather often today The case laws show the judge how to treat the womans claim it establishes the rule that a woman must verbally shout in order to remove personal culpabilityDeut 222527httpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchdeut20222527ampversionNKJV shows the alternate case of a women who is not within shouting distance Remember vs 27 assumes that the woman cried out though this isnt necessarily the case its very possible that they were both complicit in the act but hes the only one who would be executed Knowing this would lead men to avoid seducing married women in the woodsNow with that context behind us we move on to our troublesome verses Deuteronomy 222829httpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchdeut20222829ampversionNKJV switches contexts to a virgin not a married womanBefore I start digging into Mosaic courting practices I want to briefly look at verse 23 and 24 again Notice there is nothing explicit about what happens to a rapist when the woman does shout but within the context its safe to assume that the rapist is to be executed I think it is safe to assume that is the case if a virgin is raped Verse 28 and 29 are not talking about a women who is forcibly raped and screams I think we can conclude this from the wording at the end of verse 28 that the two people are found outDeuteronomy 22 now needs to be read within the context of Exodus 221617httpwwwbiblegatewaycompassagesearchExodus221617ampversionNKJV The Exodus verse describes the normal case for dealing with a seduced virgin and explicity states that a father can forbid the marriage if he desires The man would still need to pay the brideprice So when Deut 2229 says that the man must marry the woman this is if and only if the father allows the marriageWhile Mosaic law does not lay out all the modern conveniences of modern Western society sarcasm intended it does not describe the caricature presented all to often by others | gt A common canard heard from those who would wish to ridicule the BibleIf you think about it this statement is selfdefeating There are only two possibilities either the Bible is the only reliable source of guidance on morality or there is some extraBiblical source of reliable guidance on morality like for example evolved instincts or intuition or the ability to discern the difference between good and evil acquired when Eve ate from the tree of knowledge or whatever But the Bible itself cannot be the basis for the conclusion that someone wants to ridicule it The Bible says what it says and if it is the only possible source of reliable guidance on morality then the only possible conclusion when the Bible doesnt fit our intuitions is that our intuitions are wrong If we think that its wrong to require women to marry our rapists well we must just be wrong about that That is why we have the Bible because our intuitions can lead us astray If you really believe that the Bible is the only reliable source of moral guidance then the only possible rational response to someone pointing out the abhorrence of the plain language of the Bible is not that they want to ridicule it but that yes it does seem abhorrent but thats the way it isgt the consideration that God at anytime required such a thing is hard to acceptWhy is that so much harder to accept than that God would require a man to sacrifice his own son or indeed would actually do so Himself Or would contemplate making people cannibalize their own children Jeremiah 199 Or engage in genocide Or would select as an example of a good person someone who offered up his own daughters to an angry mob to be raped The Bible is chockfull of things that seem to us to be abhorrent There are only two possibilities Either these things really are abhorrent or they are not and our intuitions are unreliable and must be discarded But under no circumstances can you conclude that someone who points these things out wants to ridicule the Bible unless you first subscribe to the former view I appreciate your exegesis regarding the usual caricature You do well in pointing out that within the context of the Exodus passage a rape victim is not utterly forsaken to marry her rapist Her father can say noHowever a few other issues arise in this approach The rape victim is further disenfranchised by how Deuteronomy mandates the proceedings It is up to her father whether or not she marries her rapist not her Also now that she can no longer be categorized as a virgin Deut 22 1321 suddenly become much more disquieting With no recourse given to the woman in any of these situations she is left to hope that a her father feels her dignity is worth more than the dowry and does not make her marry her rapist or b that even after her father intervenes in such a fashion that she is not later convicted by a new husband by marriage violation law In addition to MrSandman321shttpwwwredditcomrChristianitycommentsanjalcontrarytopopularopiniondeuteronomy22doesc0ihfdp and darkbeanieshttpwwwredditcomrChristianitycommentsanjalcontrarytopopularopiniondeuteronomy22doesc0ihgeg objections there is one phrase in the verse itself that presents a problem with your interpretationgt If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin who is not betrothed and he seizes her and lies with her and they are found outI cant find any translation disregarding paraphrases or interpretation that makes that phrase even imply seduction rather than rape The NIV plainly states rapes her while the mildest form seems to be caught her in YLT The problem I see with this is that the womans fate hinges to a great extent on factors outside her control Not only her fathers judgement as MrSandman321 points outhttpwwwredditcomrChristianitycommentsanjalcontrarytopopularopiniondeuteronomy22doesc0ihfdp but also her ability to shout and bring attention to the event without being killed for itIn todays world thats often a great way for a woman to have her throat cut open I would imagine that the rapists MO hasnt changed much since the scriptures were written gt First Deut 2222 lays out the default adultery scenario If a man and woman are caught in adultery both are to be put to deathThats a lot of dead Christians amp Jews I think that generally those who would wish to ridicule the Bible can still point to Deuteronomy to make their overarching point That the Bible is not a very good defender of womens rights So youre defending the practice of stoning women who dont scream loud enough when theyre raped in a city And your entire point still shows that the bible was written in a barbaric and backwards time If we analysed it purely from a historical perspective it does become quite interesting to see how this obviously male dominated ancient culture dealt with its law systems no matter how rudimentary However when we apply some laughable element of divine significance to an unsophisticated tribe we have to make a large leap of logic and rationality And honestly what ever way you look at it the laws this ancient culture obviously put into practice were wrong by any modern moral standards I only have to point to other parts of scripture advocating the death of homosexuals or advocating the practice of slavery to prove that Funny that the lords chosen people were so morally backwards Thats the thing with morals though theyre never absolute I do not agree with your exegesisgt I think it is safe to assume that is the case if a virgin is raped Youre assuming something here that is not in the text The whole passage also is not concerned with the woman and her rights but with her honor and the rights of the man she belongs to If she is married or betrothed then the question of adultery comes into play If she willingly shamed her man then she deserves the death penalty If she was forced as proven by her cries if it happened in the city and assumed if it happened outside the city because there was no one to hear her cries then she has no blame but the man only gets the death sentenceIf she is a virgin who is not engaged to be married she belongs to her father If a man takes her either by force or consent no distinction is made she becomes damaged goods This can easily be remedied by marrying her and paying the bride price |
2 parts1st part what are some good things to say I grew up in an emotionally frigid home so these sorts of conversations are really not good for me I try to agree with himoffer him advice etc He was there for me during one of my breakups so Im kind of just repeating what he told me2nd part I like himweve been friends for the past 2 years and something changed in the last 2 months but I really started to like him Obviously if I were to make a move on him now Id be taking advantage of him in a bad timeand I dont want to do that Nor do I want to be a reboundAdvice | In the misquoted words of Adama If you think you have feelings for him you have feelings for him thats what feelings are something you thinkNow thats established use common sense and take from life what you want it isnt going to give shit to you Guys are fantastic at seeing friendly behavior as romantic behavior Just be a really good friendDont offer advice Never talk about the girl you can let him talk about her but you should subtly change the subject and talk about something happy Dont let him see you and think about her make sure he sees you as a person who makes him happy and can lead him away from the breakup |
My friends and I get together and lan quite a bit but were getting tired of our small collection of games Any suggestions Bonus points if it isnt an FPSWeve played the following Warcraft III and DoTA Starcraft Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Soldat TF2 GREAT Anything similar would be cool SystemShock II Diablo III love it but cant seem to get anyone else interested AOE II Serious Sam I Halo Combat Evolvededit more games added | Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi OutcasthttpenwikipediaorgwikiStarWarsJediKnightIIJediOutcastI had so much fun with this game when it came out Multiplayer was a blast you can duel 1 v 1 in a bunch of settings and it really blew my mind Melee lightsaber force power dueling is the shizQ3 TA engine as well Unreal Tournament XMP for Unreal 2 or Unreal 2004The best team game Ive ever played but its hard to get a good group together |
Im a Nix noob whose DVR drive is damaged so Im relying on Unetbootin to experiment with distros and Ive always been curious about BSD Just wondering if anybody knew which BSDs work well as live installs in a thumbdrive I understand that some dont have live cds and even then some of those that do dont work on a thumbdrives Trying to to keep track of them all is a bit confusing | ftpftpfreebsdorgpubFreeBSDreleasesi386ISOIMAGES8080RELEASEi386memstickimgftpftpfreebsdorgpubFreeBSDreleasesamd64ISOIMAGES8080RELEASEamd64memstickimgeditLooks like you were looking for a live environment not sure if these qualify I think theyre just the basic textmode installer |
A couple years ago I hit a deer on a usually busy semirural road sometime around 2am What surprised me most was how quickly those things could come out of nowhere Im a selfprofessed good driver and in the quick second it took to glance in my rearview mirror it was already partway across the road running in from the left Luckily I wasnt going very fast and by the time I hit I had braked myself down to about 40kmh 25mih I think it survived but I dont know for sure It hasnt made me a paranoid driver or anything but I definitely am a bit more cautious now especially on the highway at night | Ive never hit an animal an animal has hit me though Was driving down a flat stretch of road in PA heading to my grandparents house and notice some birds on the side of the road Big whoop their birds Keep driving As I go past where the flock of birds are sitting one of the more foolhardy ones gets the notion hes going to show my 3 ton vehicle who is the boss and launches into flight smashing head first into the side of my carIve also seen a goose get hit by an 18wheeler It was like somebody bombed a pillow factory |
I was a mac user for about a billion years Then I met my fiance a strict linux man who got me to fall in love with it I was working with an old mac G5 power PC that wasnt worth squat but ran GarageBand which I loved for recording all my music and LightRoom which I used for all my photo editing I wanted to switch to having a linux desktop had a ThinkPad that ran debian but it wasnt powerful enough for what I needed Right before Christmas the G5 died and I was left with no desktop Right around then we found LightZone which is FREAKING AWESOME Now I just need a good music program and I will be able to let go of my mac loving selfA little about my music habits I got a nice big MIDI full size grand keyboard for a birthday so that is my biggest priority I do a fair amount of recording through the mic with my stringed instruments and voice but being able to record and edit with my keyboard is my bigger priorityWe are in the process of building me a linux machine Stupid mobo we ordered died so we have to pick up a new one However I am getting cranky about not being able to do my music stuff so any and all ideas are completely appreciatedEDIT just downloaded LMMS and it looks awesome The real test will be getting it to recognize my keyboard Thanks to all of you for suggesting so many great programs I really appreciate it | Cant really give much advice but Ill give you my setup hopefully it will helpMy distro is Gentoo The software I useRosegarden for midi recordingHydrogen drum programming though I suppose you could do it in Rosegarden if you wanted too but I like Hydrogens interfaceArdour for audio recording at the moment midi capabilities is the top requested feature for Ardour but at the moment is has no midi capabilitiesI use the JACK Audio Connection Kit to sync them all together so you hit play on one and they all start playingOn the hardware side I have an older sound card a Soundblaster Audigy 2ZS It has a separate unit that fits in a 525 bay in the front of the computer I has alot of different connections midi inout SPDIF inout optical inout 14 headphone jack 14 linemic input not sure if its stereo or mono stereo RCA inputs and a firewire port There is also another stereo input on the card itself on the back of the computer 18 stereo jack All the connections work however MIDI in only works if I boot into windows first then reboot into linux itll then work fine until the machine is shut down I should have totally ditched windows long ago but good thing I didnt otherwise I wouldnt be able to use my MIDI in port I have a cheap 88key keyboard which is hooked into the MIDI in on the soundcard then MIDI out goes to a Yamaha A4000 sampler picked it up cheap on CL years ago It may be old but it still sounds way better than the general MIDI sounds on the computer This way I can record the MIDI on the computer but still play it back later using the samplerWhen I want to mix down to a single audio track I export the drums from Hydrogen as a wav file and put it on a new track in my Ardour project As for MIDI I already have the audio output on my sampler going into one of the inputs on my sound card so I just record it as another audio track on my Ardour project There probably is an easier way to do all this but one I got my setup fully working I decided to leave well enough alone and go with it Like I said I dont really know if just describing my setup will help but hopefully you can get something out of itEDIT also wanted to add that I am quite happy with my setupArdour has come a long way since the first time I tried it some years back I would have to call Ubuntu Studiohttpubuntustudioorg your best bet It is an Ubuntu based distro that comes jam packed with media manipulation tools Very easy to pick up and play with This is what Im doing short versionJack Wine Wineasio Reaper Longer versionIf you want to record on linux you have to use Jack low latency sound server If you want to record Ardourhttpwwwardourorg is the way to go but it doesnt have MIDI yet and if you want to use VST its not usable So my solution is to use Wine and Wineasio to run Reaperhttpwwwreaperfm Its a complete DAW good latencies could be achieved with a correct setup its freeas in free beer and its more like a neverending trail version Using Wineasiohttpsourceforgenetprojectswineasio Reaper connects to Jack without problems and with good latencies Now it may sound a little tricky to setup everything but once you understand Jack everything will fall into placeI personally dont use Rosegarden or LMMS but I think they are a valid alternative to my setup using Ardour as the DAWLast but not least I strongly recommend you AV LinuxhttpwwwbandshednetAVLinuxhtml Distro Debianbased Audio Video production distro I tried every Proaudio linux distro out there really simply put the only one that I keep using I dont want to start some kind of distro fight maybe you dont even want to change or try distros but please stay away from ubuntu studio Im using ubuntu on my laptop and I like it but the folks at ubuntustudio missed somethingOk if you need more detailed informations on the setup just ask DBye byeAH Dont believe to those telling you WHAT you want to make music ON LINUX Its not possibleperiod Buy you another mac They are mostly apeople willing to justify the fact they bought a Mac only to make music because its the only way bPeople working with music the de facto standard is the mac they use a mac even if you make music only for fun you HAVE to use a mac c Frustrated peopleThere is technically little or no difference between a Windows or Mac for music production In linux things are different we lack support for some technologies VST above alland some applications but you can do it with professional results quickly and without spending a lot of moneyhthPaolo Burn an Ubuntu Studio cd and install to a pc with the right sort of hardware Test stuff out If happy keep Rosegarden or Ardour are probably your best bets No prepackaged loops la GarageBand though Youll want to get JACK and qjackctl and read up on how to enable realtime threads through pam to get reasonable latency Ill be honest with you as a user who cant remember when I first got Linux but who has never personally owned a box running windoze or a Mac but who has used both Its not the same Since you were happy with LightRoom as opposed to PS I can see how youd be happy with LightZone and I agree with you OTOH the GIMP aint PSMusically for power and ease of use I think Macs still have it all over Windows and Linux Unless youre really low on funds I suspect youll be much happier with another Mac Edited to add I use tuxguitar regularly and am very happy with it But I dont do MIDI I also run SqueezeCenter or whatever its called now and serve flac files to a couple of Squeezeboxes from itOh I did own a NeXT slab and loved it back in the very early 90s Dont bother Ive tried to move my studio over to linux a number of times and always go back It always comes down to slow workflow and bugs hopefully in a few years it will be good |
Think about it for a moment Look back at all the first person shooters that youve played over the years All the best ones have had awesome shotguns The first two Doom games had brilliant shotguns they were almost the staple weapon of the game However Doom III had in my opinion a terrible shotgun Tinny sound and not a lot of boom to the feel of the boomstick Anyone else have any examples or anything theyd like to add to this | Half Life while not exactly the best looking had a great double shot sound Enjoyed it very much esp with Scientist Slaughterhouse Gears of War series has a penis enlarging shotgun that explodes people at close rangeLook I know the writing and characters are shit but Gears of War offers fucking fantastic gameplay Bioshock takes the cake for shotguns Sure there was custom ammo but all of the guns had that The thing that really defines shotguns besides the spread shot is the fact that they are slow and powerful Nothing is more satisfying than sending a splicer spinning with a close range shot to the chest followed by the metallic KACHUNCK of the next shell sliding into place as if it was the period at the end of the BANG of the shotgun I like the theory but I can think of some exceptions GoldeneyeCoD 4 had an alright shotgun but it wasnt too useful The good shotguns in Borderlands really destroy up close 300x12 ones can be found pretty early in the 2nd playthrough Roland is amazing with them The Eridian shotgun is quite strong as well It can crit through enemies such as the armored spidersI love borderlands though its weapons are random its shotguns are also good PossiblyI like a good sniper rifle myselfHalo 3 OK sniper rifle Rainbow Six awesome sniper rifle MW1 AND 2 awesome sniper rifle when you get to use it Duke Nukem 3D Awesome shotgun Cmon it even had the atomic symbol and they were carried by hogs I loved the shotgun from the Jedi Knight series It glowed and hummed and when I turned it on it was like getting an erection I like l4d2s multiple shotgun options They all have a satisfying sound to them especially the second level ones If the assault rifle wasnt so good Id definitely use them almost exclusively Serious Sam had a bad ass double shotgun that really made a difference in the game so I support your theory Soldier of Fortune Because of the way limbs could be blasted off on the enemy models you could get downright surgical with that bitch Very satisfying I also liked how when you selected the shotgun it twirled around into your hands No a game is only as good as its shotgun EFFECTS FTFYSeriously I hate games in which the shotgun does not cause my enemy to turn into a richly textured slightly chunky mist of blood and guts Soldier of Fortune 1 had the best shotgun to date One it blew off heads legs from standing enemies arms etc Two John Mullins could reload it with 12 fresh shells in 4 seconds Three John Mullinas would do trick with it when not in action AVP2 has one of my favorite shotguns to dateSimply because you can swap out buckshot for slugs on the flyBlasting predators in the face with a shotgun slug was supremely satisfying Especially when the mask went flying hahaI have to agree with the OP I use shotgun feel to judge a lot of FPS gamesSystem Shock 2 had a pretty good shotgun as well Loved the ammo choices and modding of it I agree with the general theory but present Quake as a counterpoint It had a piddly little shotgun with next to no stopping power and a weak sound effect possibly because it was supposed to be the games pistol The supershotgun by comparison was pretty powerful but made Doom IIs supershotgun look like a sniper rifle Mass Effect had the worst goddamn shotgun ever Its like they took the absolute worst shotgun mechanics they could find and then nerfed them And on top of that then made every shotty in the game shoot slower than sniper rifles I really liked the shotgun in STALKER It wasnt exactly good but it felt great especially as such an early weapon It seemed a little more like an actual shotgun in most games the spread is really overexaggeratedI just liked wandering around shooting the weird mutant animals with it like some kind of crazed hunter |
Id prefer something warm or hot so its slow to drink I can nurse a large coffee for an hourI was thinking even instant cupasoup or somethingIdeasEDIT Something other then a cold juice would be ideal Id probably just chug it | Hot Cranberry Juice tends to be pretty nice to sip on If its real 100 as opposed to a lot of the from concentrate 20 brands its a bit sweet and a bit bitter making it nice to sip on and keeps you from chuggingAlso quite healthy httpenwikipediaorgwikiCranberryjuice Get any sort of herbal tea Roobios is a good choice and there are a lot of teas labeled herbal which are caffeine free Roobios and herbal teas dont actually have tea leaves in them they are just a mixture of various fruits flowers spices etc |
How much water goes through a person in a life How many people have lived on earth How much water is on earth How frequently are new water molecules created or old ones separated How much water is in a snowballReally what I want to know is if I can say HAHA DEAD PEOPLE when I hit someone with a snowball | How much water goes through a person in a lifeA persons body loses during an average day in a temperate climate approximately 25 litres of waterMedian life expectancy 26680 daysgt 69400 litres How many people have lived on earth106456367669 How much water is on earth126e21 litres How frequently are new water molecules created or old ones separatedPretty much never How much water is in a snowball200ml Dunno Go weigh one The fluid density is 1 litrekgSo in summary you could say up to 7e15 litres of water have been through people call it 1e16 So one in every million molecules of water has been through a person Thats a lot of moleculesI cant believe I just did this Heres something to kick it offFrom HowStuffWorks total weight of water on earth 126 x 1021 liters 126 x 1024 gramsThe human body is 618 percent water httpwwwenotescomsciencefactfinderhumanbodywhatpercenthumanbodyweightwaterThe average human weight is 75kggot from averaging table on httpenwikipediaorgwikiBodyweightof course these figures have surely changed over timeNumber of people who ever lived 100000000000Now you need to calculate the average water consumption for a person over their lifespan noting that lifespan increases and you should be able to get a rough figure of how much water has passed through human bodiesThe biggest problem here is that there is no way to tell how many UNIQUE water molecules each human is composed of though maybe some genius could give a rough figure by figuring out the probability that a molecule taken into the human body was previously in another body which is kind of the same calculation were doing Now Im confused Yes you can be 100 certain that each snowball you make contains a molecule from at least one dead person Call a snowflake 11000 grams 1 mole of water is 18 grams so 0000056 moles 1 mole is 6022x1023 molecules so we have 335x1018 molecules in a 11000 gram snowflakeNow for the total molecules of water on the planet waitinforatrain has it as 126x1024 grams we divide by 18 for the number of moles so 7x1022 moles then multiply by 6022x1023 for the total number of molecules so 42x1046 moleculesWater in a human I am doing this for just one person it will be 100 for one person no need to go for the whole population Human goes through 2 liters of water a day so 111 moles a day or 142x106 moles in 35 years or 85x1029 moleculesOdds of a given molecule being from a human is then the number of water molecules from a human divided by total number of molecules of water on earth so 85x102942810462x1017 couple of ways to go here for average number of molecules from one person in a snowflake is 68 335x10182x1017NumbersMolecules in 1100 gram snowflake 335x1018Molecules through human in 35 years85x1029Molecules of water on earth42x1046 I dont think Ive ever found a maths puzzle that required more variables to get even an approximate answer |
I was thinking that we should try to recruit some legitimate existing politicians to the APP The German Pirate Party got quite a few such as Jens Knoblich Jrg Tauss and Herbert Rusche one the founders of the German Green Party A fed up Democrat would be ideal especially if they have experience I bet we could get Mike GravelEdit This does not mean the recruited member has to be a candidate for the APP theyre joining of the party could simply be help to the legitimization of our cause | PaulGravel 2012 sarcasmSeriously though I agree that for the movement to gain real legs it needs the support nay commitment of a known politician to help get the word out even if it goes against one of the tenets were trying to build upon |
The closest thing I can find thats still active is sites like themoviespoilercomhttpwwwthemoviespoilercom but they often dont explain movies they just tell you blowbyblow what happened Useful if I fell asleep at the end of a movie but not typically very useful if I want to understand it except maybe in the case of movies like Mulholland Drive in which understanding what actually happened is part of the puzzleI have learned a lot by wading through the discussions on the IMDB message boards for movies I found confusing but wouldnt it be quicker to just create some kind of wiki or Google Wave to collaboratively develop the best explanations for a confusing movie You couldnt really use Wikipedia for this because lots of of theories about confusing movies are inevitably going to be speculative and not backed up by reliable sourcesIf such a site doesnt exist is anyone else interested in creating onePS The most recent film I saw which made me wish for such a site is The Box 2009 which left me with a lot of questions SPOILER WARNING SPOILER FOLLOWS Some of them have now been answered with varying degrees of credibility by posts on the IMDB message board for The Box but I still have one big plot hole question A movie screenwriter or director doesnt just make pairs of events happen at approximately the same time twice in a row for no reason we were clearly meant to connect the two button pushes with the two wife shootings But given that the couples were free to choose when to push the button how could the employer know that they would choose or indeed choose not to push the button at around the same time as the killings Unless the employer was actually God I suppose | Ive often searched for the same thing but for books It would be excellent for films as well Im sure the information is out there but having it all in a Wikipedia like fashion would be excellent I am considering doing this as a winter project |
I completed the game quite a while ago and would like to have another playthrough but with more content At 999 each the addons are quite expensive Which one offers the most | I would say Broken Steel It essentially fixes the terrible ending to an otherwise outstanding gameHowever if youre looking for more stuff to do then I would say you couldnt go wrong with Point Lookout It gives you a pretty decentsized area to explore with a few new enemies and plenty of new questsTLDR Broken Steel if you wish to unbreak the story Point Lookout if you dont care |
Recently like a couple weeks ago I started waking up with sorenessbit of pain in my right arm Sometimes it goes away throughout the day but invitably comes back at random moments Its located between my shoulder and my elbow around where you get shots from the doctor I have not gotten any recent shots from my doctor Im at loss as to what could be causing this considering nothings really changed in my life and Im wondering what I can do to make this better Anyone on reddit have any ideasAnd no Im not masturbating too hard | Im a massage therapist trigger pointneuromuscular so I hear complaints like this a lot If youre a right sidesleeper you could be compressing the nerves in that shoulder which can cause residual arm pain that can recur Since the tricep attaches to the elbow do you exercise or do work that involves frequent rotation or flexion of the elbow Ill spare you more fap jokes here but think about what you do repetitively during the day Massage therapy could help too Try this bend your right arm to 90 degrees wrap your left hand around your right elbow joint thumb in the indention fingers wrapped around the pointy part Keeping your thumb in place walk your fingers up the back of your arm a couple of inches and gentlyfirmly press the muscles with your fingers I would wager youll find one or two REALLY sore spots and if thats the case youve got a couple of different upper arm muscles that could be really tight If you get a massage be very specific when describing your symptoms Feel better |
Just out of curiousity Low cost and no MyspaceAlso how much of a part do you think your local fans play | Myspace music is a good place to start CD Baby used to be a good place to actually sell your music |
I do not have a bread maker I kept it as simple as possible 5 ingredients water sugar yeast flour and butter Structurally speaking it was damn near perfect Nice firm crust soft and doughy inside filled with nice tiny air pockets a little less than i would like but i will knead it slightly less next time Flavor wise it tasted like well dough flour and water Suggestions | Salt you need alot of salt in bread to make it taste like anything As in put in the amount you think you need then double it I struggled with this for a long time Also it may not have been cooked all the way through if it tasted doughy I recommend using a digital thermometer and cooking it till the center is around 190 degrees You can try to make the noknead bread This is a vloghttpwwwyoutubecomwatchvbFHgumTgRzU I watch quite a bit and has both recipe and technique The chef while over the top with swearing and drunkeness can cook his arse off in a tiny space and every recipe of his I have tried has come out perfect |
Every once and a while I just get hit with that realization that I have no context for understanding anything that happens to me My mind flicks through a few things that happened that day and I have no idea how I just take everything in stride Why is there anything editgrammar | This happened to me once but I was assisted by a mentally retarded person Youll understand the double quotes in a bitI was passing through an intersection in the city I came across this clearly retarded person who was pointing at everyone and laughing really loudly It only took me a second to realize that he was right to be laughing All the normal shit going around us was pretty damn absurd I occasionally get an intense feeling that the world is bizarre improbable and strange I interpret it as a kind of spiritual realisation because it feels like Im touching on some deeper truth but maybe its just a brain malfunction similar to de ja vu Yeah empty city streets are the most common place that leave me confronted by absurdity I assume this is precisely because a city exists to accommodate people but without people its simply absurd |
Ive looked on the AS website and cant find a date does anyone know when part 2 starts up Anyone have some insight into what is going to happen I think 24 will leave the monarch and go work for Sphinx The Monarch will send the moppets after him and they will get killed by Sphinx Hank will continue to hone his pimp skills Dean will start training to get a license to kill Capt Sunshine and Sgt Hatred will form an army of pedophiles be defeated by Sphinx and end up in a support group and Dr Venture will have to repair the ORB to save the world What do you think | Haha they know everybody hates the moppetsJackson said on his livejournal that the second half would air in the spring sometimegt As readers of this LiveJournal are well aware we split our fourth season into two halves of eight episodes each so this is the first of eight episodes airing consecutively through the fall The second eight will air some time next springbecause were making those now Hows that going Pretty good actually though stressful as always Ive just turned in the sixth script Docs about to turn in the seventh and then the two of us will collaborate as we always do on the finale Some at the network have called these our best scripts yet so I guess were doing something right But youll have to wait till the spring to judge for yourselves So long as theres an episode with the Order of the TriadTrianna dealing with Dr Killinger the second half of season 4 can do no wrong |
I love scifi but Im a bit stuck for what to read next Ive plowed through my collection a few times now and I need something new What are your favourite scifi books or short stories | 1Orson Scott CardEnders Game S11985 2Frank HerbertDune S11965 3Isaac AsimovFoundation S131951 4Douglas AdamsHitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy S11979 5George Orwell19841949 6Robert A HeinleinStranger in a Strange Land1961 7Ray BradburyFahrenheit 4511954 8Arthur C Clarke2001 A Space Odyssey1968 9Isaac AsimovC I Robot1950 10William GibsonNeuromancer1984 11Philip K DickDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep1968 12Robert A HeinleinStarship Troopers1959 13Larry NivenRingworld1970 14Arthur C ClarkeRendezvous With Rama1973 15Aldous HuxleyBrave New World1932 16Dan SimmonsHyperion S11989 17H G WellsThe Time Machine1895 18Arthur C ClarkeChildhoods End1954 19H G WellsThe War of the Worlds1898 20Robert A HeinleinThe Moon is a Harsh Mistress1966rest of the list pretty much obligatory for scifi fanshttphomeaustarnetcomaupetersykestopscifilistsbooksrank1htmledit others you should readhttpenwikipediaorgwikiCultureserieshttpenwikipediaorgwikiOldMan27sWarhttpenwikipediaorgwikiSpin28novel29httpenwikipediaorgwikiNebulaAwardforBestNovelhttpenwikipediaorgwikiHugoAwardforBestNovelanother list with 17000 bookshttpwwwgoodreadscomshelfshowsciencefiction Go to a used bookstore If you have nothing else to go by in making your selections there examine the backbones of the books In general the best reads will be entirely brokenwore out while bad reads will look like new Of course this formula works best for books which have been in circulation for a whileAnother tip some book bindings will have a conspicuous line partway through the books thickness where the rest of the binding beyond it still looks fresh or new that marks the spot where most readers decided the book wasnt worth it and quit reading |
The extensive and specific genealogy given in Genesis chapter 5 and again in Luke chapter 3 demonstrate to me that Genesis is not allegory and that Adam and Eve were real human beings I believe in the honesty and reliability of the authors of the bible Therefore no matter what science or man tells me I must believe the bible | Its the creation account that many have held to be allegory for many if not all of the last 2000 years and beyond A first century Jew Philo had this to saygtIt would be a sign of great simplicity to think that the world was created in six days or indeed at all in time because all time is only the space of days and nights and these things the motion of the sun as he passes over the earth and under the earth does necessarily make But the sun is a portion of heaven so that one must confess that time is a thing posterior to the world Therefore it would be correctly said that the world was not created in time but that time had its existence in consequence of the world For it is the motion of the heaven that has displayed the nature of timeThe accuracy of his statement is not what is of consequence but his reflection on the nonliteral reading is Augustine of Hippo later claimed that the 6 days of creation was wrong because he said God created everything in a moment We can see Jewish and Christian takes on this nowBut more to your question the creation account has been long considered allegorical in Christian or Jewish tradition but that doesnt mean that a genealogy is meant to be allegorical as well simply by nature of being in the same book Really you are taking a conclusion and projecting it onto something elseAnd I can thank Wikipedia for this referencehttpenwikipediaorgwikiAllegoricalinterpretationsofGenesisAncientChristianInterpretations where St Paul directly refers to Genesis as allegory Galatians 42226 So if you must believe the Bible over science and man do you reject all of sciencess advancements and human achievement Well the creation story isnt an allegory Its more like an etiological myth These are different genres and Id argue that changes the way you read genesis Its not an allegory Its an amalgamation of 6000 year old creation myths distilled out of about 23000 years of Oral tradition then run through a half dozen shaky translations And its full of genealogies because who your dad was and who his dad was and who his dad was was about the most important thing in the world 6000ish years ago At first I thought this dude was serious Then I realized it was a joke or a troll or a 12 year old kid having a go Then I read it a third time Now Im not sure Is anyone certain which way this is going The bible is immoral He knows that right |
I want it to be fairly subtle but not too plainsimple It should convey that it is expensive but not be some huge rock she has a fairly hands on job and that would not work regardlessI am looking to spend about 6001000 dollars is that even reasonable If anyone has any advice I would appreciate itWhat diamond carat weight is appropriate 14k gold I KNOW NOTHINGThanks | I liked the way a friend of mine proposed to his gf He bought a diamond on its own and proposed to her with that He then took her shopping so she could pick out how she wanted the stone to be set and the style of ring etc I thought it was a real nifty idea The diamond in the box alone actually looked more impressive than a ring Hi first post hereIf youre looking for a genuine diamond 6001000 will buy you 13 carat highquality diamond or 12 carat midtopoor quality diamond in 14K gold To get an idea of size a round 13 carat diamond will measure about 45 mm across 12 carat measures 5 mm I personally think diamonds are a giant money hole and really regret having one for my engagement ring Ive also developed more of a social conscience since I got married Im looking to replace my 13 carat diamond with a moissanite or labcreated gemstone Google moissanite because Im too lazy to write much about it but its a beautiful stone It looks a lot like a diamond most untrained eyes cant tell the difference but with a warmer color and is doubly refractive rather than singly It costs about 110 of what a diamond does You can get a beautiful 15 carat moissanite stone set in gold with sidestones for 1000 She probably already has a preference for white jewelry white gold platinum silver or yellow gold so go by what shes already wearing for thatFor the sake of her work she would probably do well with a low setting such as a bezel setwhere the stone is completely surrounded by metal close to the band Tiffany settings would not be appropriate Some of the multistone rings have lower settings and these tend to cost less as the smaller individual stones are not as valuable as a single large stoneIf you have the opportunity to buy 18K gold rather than 14K go ahead and do it The difference in cost is not that big and if you have a good solid setting you can change the stone out later as you please Congratulations and best wishes If she really cares about you and this is a good match she wont care about the ring just that you want her to be your partner for life Also if she is still with you after 2 years and you make 300 a month shes not going to be expecting a 2 carat stunner women are all different maybe she would prefer to choose it for herself then you can be sure she likes it |
Hey Reddit hows it going I just recently made it into the Gamestop Finals for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox 360 My team name is art of eXecution aoX and our sponsor is PureTalent The finals are compromised of the top two North American and the top two European teams flying to a TBD location and then competing for the prize There is a 4v4 Finals worth 10000 and a 1v1 finals worth 5000 both of which Ive made it into The tournament started off with about 3 weeks of ladder play which means you post a match and then it gets randomly accepted you play the team you get matched against with a randomized map set given to you by Gamebattles then are awarded or deducted points based on if you wonlost and the rank of the other team At the end of these 3 weeks a singleelimination bracket is posted with the first seed playing the last seed second seed playing second to last etc If anyone has anything to ask ask away As of this moment Ive made a little over 500 and thats saying something as the game hasnt been out that long Hopefully I can score the 2500 portion from the 4v4 and the 5000 for the 1v1Here are the links to my teamshttpgamebattlescomxbox360callofdutymodernwarfare2teampuretalentartofexecutionNAhttpgamebattlescomxbox360callofdutymodernwarfare2teampuretalenttheslaysterps on my 1v1 team I posted a reddit related quote to prove its me p | Just one question When you get to the finals will they or will they not allow you to use the Power Glove What are your two favorite custom classes without tournament restrictionsWhat kind of perk and equipment restrictions do tournaments haveAny quick tipsThanks and best of luck to you With it being gamestop they will probably only give you 20 of what the prize money is actually worth |
its kind of rude to ask out a bartender but what about a barista sometimes they flirt with you and give you your coffee for free does that mean its ok to give them your number any advice starbucks should give her a raise sometimes i buy a coffee only to see her and throw it out when i leave shes soooo beautiful | She may be flirting with you to make a boring shift more funto get more tipsetcI worked in food service for years My flirting rarely meant anything and free things went to regular customers who were nice to me since they were a nice and b likely to come backThat said feel free to ask her out But dont get your hopes upedit I got asked out often and I never let it be awkward unless the customer make it awkward My friend just wrote down his number and left it with his bill and left She actually called him and theyve been together for yearsI think that works even better nowadays because she can just text you and still leave the ball in your court gtsometimes i buy a coffee only to see her and throw it out when i leave shes soooo beautifulThat is getting dangerously close to creep territory just so you know Some flirting or something that looks like it is probably part of her job Other than that just ask What do you have to lose If you are lucky you get some free coffee in your face The real question is if you break up will you miss the coffee or her moreTrust me on this once you split up you can never go back Lost one of my favourite restaurants that way sniff If you have a business card give it to her and tell her If you ever want to get some lunch of coffee give me a call Do this after chatting it up with her for a little bit preferably when theres nobody behind you in lineRefrain from asking for her number unless youre prepared for rejection I dont think its rude at all If you get denied oh wellyou get denied Flirt anywayHowever the line I buy coffee only to see her and throw it out when I leavesounds pretty ridiculous If youre going in there to talk to her do just that Have a casual talk if the place isnt busy Dont act like youre Doug Funny trying to get Patty Mayonaise |
I would like a Nonfriends list maybe have their names be brown to signify they have shit for brains There are people on here to appear to simply be ignorant of why some things are done I have spent hours compiling resources and answering questions to help them understand to say nothing about our actual conversations only to have them not glance at the explanation and keep talking out of their asses Some of the people I have listed as friends are listed for this reason They are hard to keep up with why they have an F by their name Also obvious troll is not always obvious to me | Why would you want to highlight people you dont like if you dont like them then why are you not trying to rid yourself of these shit for brains people I think that it would only encourage manual downvoting Hey its that guy who I dont like lets downvote this commentI can see a reason for it but in practice I dont like it If it were a block feature which just makes peoples comments and the attached subthread invisible Id consider it an asset |
Im just one of those overanxious stressed selfinduced unhappy people that manage to live a relatively normal life but kind of walk around in a haze most of the time Unexpectedly lost my job a week and a half ago and since I was making very little at the time I have nothing saved up Have been searching relentlessly for a job so I can eat next week exaggerating I have enough foodmoney to make it a couple weeksAnywho my good day got hired on the spot at a job interview Its only temporary but damn it feels good Then stopped to buy a pack of smokes picked up a lottery ticket and won 10 dgtwltbHow bout you | My tolerance for Homo Sapiens is extremely low today I might tell one of my coworkers to fuck off Well see I needed to come home early from work today to let a repair man in my boss gave me the entire day off I am happy Up at 4am for work Which is good cause at least I have work But it was damn early Working on auto pilot though |
I just had one of those high revelation moments and wanted to write it down somewhere My carpet on my carpet in front of ther door in my room always slowly shifts towards the door because people slow down to open the door and push the carpet with their heels or accelerate and pull the carpet towards the door with their toes when its open and theyre walking throughdamn that took a lot of effort to write down this high Im not even gonna bother looking it overAnyone else want to share a time when you figured out something little like this just cause you were high | What if its the bottom of the door catching on the carpet and pulling it a little as the door opens and closes 4 9 this honestly makes a lot of sense cause you slow towards the door and it pushes it towards the door when opening the door but when the door is open the carpet stays thereThis is a breakthrough call the president |
Hi Reddit my girlfriend has put about 20 pounds in the last year and is starting to bother me I do not want to hurt her feelings by telling her straight out What do you suggest I should do | Try on some clothesAsk her if the clothes make you look fatAsk her to stand next to you by a mirror and say Do I look skinner now Sit her down gently stroke her hair and say Darling if you dont get rid of that dimpled squidgy fat roll soon we may need to widen the doors I do love you but I flat refuse to pay for three airline seats when we go on holiday preferably somewhere cold because I aint taking you anywhere a bikini is involved Not like that Then press your finger into her stomach in a loving manner and let it bounce off imitating a playful trampolining hippo Mention whales a lot Shell get the hintEdit Even better Get a whale painting If she asks why you got it tell her its because it reminded you of her Did you know that you can do home liposuction with a vacuum cleaner and a razorblade Surprise her on her birthday If you truley love this girl as Im sure you must you will have to learn to accept her the way she is and to appreciate her for who she is INSIDETurn her insideout and get used to fucking her in the spleen Put a sign on your door reading No FattiesThen when she tries to come in stop her and direct her to the sign on the treadmill outside your door preferably reading Fatties through here Get your girlfriend some cake preferably her favorite kind After shes done eating point her to the nearest bathroom and tell her to turn the fan on after shes done No one wants a bathroom to smell like puke |
Ah yes it is time again for the biweekly or monthly thread where we all gather around the campfire and share ourselves visually to each other in other words its time to post your picPrevious threads Hey reddit what do you look like right nowhttpwwwredditcomrpicscommentsak3rdheyredditwhatdoyoulooklikerightnow What do you look like Please post your PicPicshttpwwwredditcomrAskRedditcommentsa6b9gwhatdoyoulooklikepleasepostyourpicpics What do you look likehttpwwwredditcomrAskRedditcommentsaele8whatdoyoulooklike What do you look like Post your picture herehttpwwwredditcomrAskRedditcomments9agb8whatdoyoulooklikepostyourpicturehere | Heres mehttpiimgurcomlX8Uwjpg kind of a not very bright place to sit but the view was good httpimgurcomaSyWmjpghttpimgurcomptgJPIm the guy in both pictures if that wasnt obvious enough alreadyOh and heres one of me at workhttpimgurcomj9pJejpg Ok here we goHere are some photos of when I went to Philmont as a Boy Scout eagle scout nowhttpimgurcomYhKgGjpg lt cave like cutin at a place called window rockhttpimgurcomLhL9Ojpg lt A mine we visited called Cyphers MinehttpimgurcomI0Lh9jpg lt Some of us in the minehttpimgurcomoKGYIjpg lt our crew on top of Mt PhillipsUse this when there are more photos courtesy of drowsap javascript var x contentfindaeachfunctionvar hrefthisattrhrefifthishasClassdrowsapMorphed ampamp thisnextdrowsapMorphedlength0 ampamp href ampamp hrefindexOfimgurgt0 hrefindexOfjpeggt0 hrefindexOfjpggt0 hrefindexOfpnggt0var ext hrefindexOfimgurgt0 ampamp hrefindexOfjpglt0 ampamp hrefindexOfpnglt0 jpg var img lta classdrowsapMorphed hrefhref targetblank styledisplayblockgtltimg styledisplayblockmaxwidth780px srchref ext gtltagtthisafterimg Right fine ok Ive done this one before but now Im going to go all out and say YES THIS IS ME LOOKING MY BEST Ladies Gents a whole bunch of pics of mehttptinycc7nYVL Raptor Jewhttpimgphotobucketcomalbumsv702MadHatterTheLillyPhoto171jpgMojave deserthttpimgphotobucketcomalbumsv702MadHatterTheLillyyesDSCF08792jpgMy kitty for the heck of it Meow meowhttpimgphotobucketcomalbumsv702MadHatterTheLillyPhoto12jpg our new savannah kitten using me as an exploratory vehiclehttpimgurcomBFPGBwine wife and blatant panderinghttpimgurcomvGmca on new years dayhttp2bpblogspotcomcSZ3AuRt7kES0DXIPI3QeIAAAAAAAAArkC1zuxY0BsRks1600hIMG1334jpg i am not the male With my dadhttpimgurcom36IcSjpgAt computerhttpimgurcomfT0JZjpgAt Pizza HuthttpimgurcommxtzCjpgOn student film poster left sidehttpimgurcom8GgUjjpg Ok heres 3 of meHeres one in a skate parkhttpimgurcombv5yFjpgHeres one with a giant bearhttpimgurcomaxzByjpg Im the one laying downHeres one of me toking up on top of a glacier up around 8900 feethttpimgurcomVeqShjpg |
I love discovering I love going around and discovering environments HalfLife was my introduction to FPS gaming and HALO was an amazing game with a rich single player campaign But modern gaming in an attempt to maximize profits seems to limit singleplayer campaigns in an effort to enhance multiplayer scenarios like Modern Warfare 2 which has a 5 hour campaign Will we ever see expansive singleplayer FPS games again | That depends Do you consider BioShock or Fallout 3 to be FPS games I believe that well see plenty of those types of games in the future as theyve made a ton of money The Stalker series have pretty long campaigns but its multiplayer also I would say that for the most part yes The days of Single Player only games are coming to a close I remember FEAR didnt have mulitplayer but its been a while I would suggest looking into what Crytek and Valve they have some pretty awesome games |
I am not happy in my relationship anymore My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 4 years However we fight way too often and Im ready to move on However I am scared to break up with him because I dont want to be alone I know this sounds pathetic but I really dont have any friends anymore because we are together all the time | I thought the same thing with a girl I dated in high school and college for about 34 years I really had no other friends because I only hung out with her I stayed with her for about a year and a half longer than I should have Eventually we broke up and within a month I had new friends A few months later I had a new girlfriend who I was much happier withIf youre unhappy in the relationship end it You may think that you will have a hard time making new friends or have a hard time finding a new boyfriend but you will not It will all fall into place I completely regret staying in an unhappy relationship for as long as I did |
I dont have any solid proof but my sister and her boyfriend often get into huge fights These fights often end up with him telling her that theyre breaking up and that she should move out they live together They inevitably make up and everything is OK until the next time they fight Normally Id say this is just a relationship problem and she needs to figure out how to improve her situation on her own but there are a few things that worry me1 They fight very regularly they have these kinds of fights almost every month2 What really got me worried last time they fought my sister immediately started blaming herself for the fight Granted she was partially at fault but the way she did it was concerning I shouldnt have done that it was really stupid of me etc She just sounded defeated and unlike herself Especially when you consider what they were fighting about she woke him up at 2am to show him a website that she had made herself it seems like maybe she shouldnt have woken him up but to get that mad3 I have an inkling of an idea that he may have even hit her in the past but again I dont have proofIm not sure what I should do especially considering that Im currently living in a different country from themAnyone have any ideas The rest of my family is in the US but in a different stateEdit I have confirmation that he has in fact hit her before | Keep in touch with her Depending on how close you two are it might be okay to broach the subject directly Is everything okay with you and boyfriends name Or When you start sounding defeated I worry because its so very out of character for you Can I just checkIf when you check with her she says nope there is no abuse Let her know you are very glad to hear that and list all of the reasons she would deserve better than that shes your sister and you love her etc Maybe follow with I know boyfriends name isnt abusive but I just wanted to make sure you know that if you are ever with a partner who is abusive and you need support to get out I am behind you 100 percent in any way I canIf you have room for her where you are maybe make the offer of your sofa if she ever needed to leave an abusive relationship Tell her nice things about herself Compliment her on things that shes done well Regardless of what she says in terms of the abuse you think may be happening One of the ways abuse works is it wears you down It eats at your self esteem and self confidence until you become convinced that you deserved it You blame yourself When ever appropriate give her self esteem bursts If she says yes that shes being abused Help her get in touch with a family member she can stay with Or find information about local womens shelters Keep in mind she may not leave right away Help her create a safety plan Also if she admits to being abused or describes abusive behaviours and starts invalidating herself right afterwards help give her context ltSisters namegt if ltinsert female friend family member shes protective of cares a great deal aboutgt just told you the exact same thing you told me what would you think Give her a chance at first to see if she wants to open up about it Ask her if theres anything she wants to tell you a couple times making sure to let her understand that youre there for her for anything she may be wishing to expressIf she doesnt want to come off that point progress it a little further to something like Is there anything you want to tell me about boyfriendOf course theres also the chance that she would deny anything and in her abused state maybe just have the illusion that everything is amazing like you said and not have any reservations of her own left At this point you might want to consider some more assertive questioning of her relationship making sure to imply that youre just looking out for herGood job on being a good brother |
httpwwwyoutubecomvOmX3UQIbfXIThis is a really good clip to play for friends and family who are open minded but uninformed about Marijuana1 Its from a reputable source Hugh Downs ABC News 2 It has that soothing grainy AM radio sound to it3 Its short and sweet requires only minimal attention spanI downloaded it to mp3 via httpvixynet and keep it on my ipod to play for people | Your mom is still against you smoking marijuana Shes just not against the use of hempYes flamedownmod do as you wish but hemp marijuana Same plant essentially However those plants that are good hemp producers are usually poor bud producers from what I understand Maybe Im wrongIve always considered the roundabout ways of legalizing marijuana to be rather shady IF were going to legalize it lets just fucking legalize it and call it what it is Yes it has some medical uses but is that what 90 of the stoners are rallying behind No they want it to be one step closer to legal and so far so good I guessI smoked it for quite a while like 10 years so Ill never knock it Its just not that everyday important thing to me anymore It seems almost childish in a way at this point Just as I went to take a hit of some fine Jack Herer from my bong the video mentioned Jack Herer and I lold |
According to wikipedia and other medical sites I have a Pilonidal cyst It has been on and off for a while now and I am scared to see a doctor Is there anything I can do myself eg treat it with alcohol or polysporn to disinfect | My dad had one and I broke my tail bone at an early age so I feel your pain there is nothing you can do by yourself If you dont get it lanced it will only hurt worse and worse please for your sake go see a doctorThe procedure is fairly straight forward but the recovery can be a pain in the ass no pun intended For my dad he had a hole there for a month or so and had to take baths to clean it out but eventually it got better and hasnt come back in the twenty or so years since it happened Good luck One day I woke up couldnt breath out of my left nostril thought it was just allergies and let it go for a month as I wasnt getting better and instead my right nostril was getting clogged up I finally called the doctor turned out I had a tumor growing in one of the sinuses which was easily removed before it got any bigger sure I didnt want to go to the doctor but who knows a year from now I could have easily been dead As scared as i was glad i went to see and got this thing taken care of I had one 2 years ago It was pretty embarrassing being bent over at the proctologist while the doc took care of it I then got several Hidradenitis suppurativa cysts in my armpits a sty in my eye and several mrsa sores on my arms I started eating right avoiding soap and detergent products with perfumes and dyes and tried to take care of myself Slowly everything went away After your incision the doc will probably tell you to soak twice a day to clean the sore My advice clean your tub really well before you use it Chances are your tub is gross like mine If you are told to soak twice a day you will get caught up in your reading Oh one more thing If the doc packs the incision pay attention to when he tells you to remove the packing gauze My doc said 2 hours I waited 25 hours and experienced the worst pain of my life while trying to remove gauze that had clotted to the wound It was awful |
I am a pedicabber A pedicab is a tricycle taxi My job is to pick up tourists in my bike and take them wherever they need to go for any price they choose In other words I work for tips Its been about three years on the job and I have encountered all sorts of incredibly strange people but this woman I picked up one night takes the cake Normally pedicabbers try to scout out our fares because after awhile you can sort of guess who will give you good tips and what spots are good to wait for said fares This night was a particularly dead night so we were taking whatever we could get I was sitting in my cab legs in the air when I hear a deep voice behind me Let me get a ride says the voice with a rude accent I turn around to see a 250 pound woman with beads of sweat hanging off her weave and a skirt completely too short as it was revealing an embarrassing amount of cellulite She plops her ass in the cab and away we go I pedal fast knowing full well this ride will not be worth my time or effort As we arrive to her parking garage she hops out and says Thank YEW and begins to walk away without tipping me Frustrated that I just gave a free ride I made a decision that I would soon regret I ran up to her and apologized for not making it clear that we only work for tips and do not work on a salary She lets out a HUGE sigh and says One second She looks left she looks right then she walks closer to me until she is basically standing on my feet breathing just inches from my face She reaches down to our genital areas and starts fumbling around under her dress Mortified I keep my eyes on hers because I had no idea what was to come next All of a sudden she pulls a slimy twenty dollar bill out of her sweaty vagina and holds it out for me I could tell that she felt absolutely no shame I was torn A twenty dollar tip was a Very good tip but when it has been pulled from the nether regions of a fat black lady who had obviously been dancing quite fervently for the last three hours or so it makes the reward a bit less tempting So I make up my mind and snatch the twenty dollar bill and stick it in my pocket At this point Im about to say thanks and get the hell away from her when she suddenly says Now let me get 17 back I bust out in laughter to the point of tears give her the change and ride away How could I possibly argue with someone that has so little shame and so much nerve Its almost admirable The only saving grace of this whole situation is when I went back to the shop to pay lease to my boss the lease was twenty dollars | The ass pennies video for the uninitiatedhttpnoolmusiccommyvideoasspenniesebaumsworldvideophp I stopped reading at pedicabber I think its outrageous that a cab driver would cruise around trying to pick up kids gtSo I make up my mind and snatch the twenty dollar bill and stick it in my pocket Paging Dr Freud So how much biking do you have to do on average before your 20 lease is covered and do you think this is an efficient way to make money gt A twenty dollar tip was a Very good tip but when it has been pulled from the nether regions of a fat BLACK lady who had obviously been dancing quite fervently for the last three hours or so it makes the reward a bit less temptingThere was a comment mentioning that it seemed somewhat judgmental to mention she was black It got downvoted to hell People seemed to think that it was just a descriptive word and thus not a judgement and that it was just PC sensitivity to say otherwise I disagree The ladys color wasnt mentioned in her description it was mentioned in a list of things that made the bill gross One test here that might be slightly helpful Would you feel comfortable repeating this story and using that sentence in front of a black person I dont think this is a huge deal but I was immediately struck with the words placement and use It seemed to say that the womans blackness was gross and contributed to the bills undesirability I doubt the OP is racist or harbors a dislike of black people but examples such as this are subtle reminders of how people think of skin color and shouldnt necessarily be ignored Currency is supposed to be pretty unhygenic Ive heard Shes probably got some serious nasties up there by now if it makes you feel any better What a mental |
I usually get on here post a few jokes or smartass remarks Occasionally Ill share experience from my past or open up some hurtful doors and try to recount my life experience I guess now is one of the latter I seperated from my wife of nearly 7 years a little over a year ago Our divorce was finalized last month right before Christmas I received an email from her last night telling me that she had been looking for work back home found it and is moving pretty far away now that everyting was legally settled between us The problem is she has two children Not mine but I raised them for 7 years I was their father and because she worked a lot more than me when we were together I spent a majority of that time as the primary parent I was the pick me up from school fix lunches and dinners and take me to the doctor and teach me to ride my bike and mend my scraped knee parent I raised those kids I love them with all my heart Now its likely that I wont see them again I have one week before she goes Holy hell what do I do | Can you talk to her about keeping in contact with them through emailwebcam andor having them vacation for a week or so every year with you I mean obviously its no replacement but that sucks man i cant imagine im afraid theres not much you can do beyond the obvious write them each a short dignified letter explain to them that while you cant be around much you still love them deeply tell that you want very badly to remain a part of their life that you will do your best to stay in touch and that you are unconditionally available to themanytime anywhere no matter whattry to arrange one last hurrah day together before they go dont make it a weepy affair just have a good time at the end of the day say goodbye and give them the letters then go home get drunk and cry yourself to sleep never let a birthday christmas or other event go by without a card and phone callsince they are just kids the relationship will probably diminish over the years but be glad for the time youve had and hang on to it while you can who knows where things will go good luck hang in there youll be ok There are probably some grounds for suing for visitation rights But if you get visitation rights you will by the same token probably have to pay child support Im only 22 and I cant say that I can truly understand what youre going through or even offer you sound advice but I really hope things work out for you Being a good father is the manliest thing you can do and you sound like a stand up guy Kudos the world needs more like you |
Just this Sunday I came across a rather superficial book about world religions at the local bookstore and I became very interested in Buddhism What are your basic beliefs Do you have a set canon of scripture What are the most common divisionssects and what differs between them Do you consider Buddhism a religion or a philosophy Thanks in advance for helping become more understanding of others | First off Buddhism is a pretty broad term Its even broader than asking someone to explain Christianity in that there are many types of Christianity but they have much the same belief system Buddhism varies widely Tibetan is vastly different from Zen which is totally different from say I dont know Pure LandIm a Zen practitioner I would not describe myself as having beliefs but I do practice a religion Zen is I think the predominant sect of Buddhism practiced by redditors who consider themselves Buddhist Zen makes no claim to know what happens after you die it has no creator except yourself of your own suffering there is no sin and no punishment again save what you do to yourself Not knowing is actually quite revered and sought after in Zen Every teacher Ive met has always added the caveat that we should never take their word for anything We should constantly investigate on the cushion in zazen Its very much putting the burden of practice on the individual No one is going to save you not the practice not the sitting not even your teacher Everything points back to YOUBasic ehm assumptions I really dont like that word belief of Zen include that there is no inherent self I do not really exist Just that was enough to attract me to the practice since I dont know who I am or what makes up my consciousness Zen isnt really concerned with much metaphysics Zen is found on the meditation cushion Zazen is Zen practice Zen practice is ZazenScripture not really We chant the Heart Sutra for service actually it sums up Zen philosophy rather well You should look it up and a couple of other chants and we definitely get some of our guidance from the works of Dogen and such but Zen is very much an oral tradition passed down from teacher to student I just started Koan practice and there are sets of Koan collections but they dont really qualify as scripturesDivisions Good lord I dont even know where to start I should say they arent really divisions like Catholics vs Protestants in Northern Ireland its more just differences in practice There are many paths to the summit of Mount Fuji dont ya know All sects of Buddhism have the goal of enlightenment in common but we go about it in different ways To explain the differences a little better Buddhism historically has had the habit of absorbing the alreadyexisting local religion and rebranding it Tibetan Buddhism is the teachings of Buddha mixed with the Bon religion Soto Zen is basically Taoism with cooler robes Rinzai Zen is generally the same as Soto but from what Ive heard its more intense and koans are a big part of the practice And so onBuddhism is a religion no doubt There is some debate about whether Zen Buddhism is considered a religion or a philosophy but it is definitely a religion but without the implications and baggage that the word usually carries typically belief faith etc Having come from a fundamentalist christian background then deconverting and these days calling myself a firm atheist Zen is very attractive in its stance on belief Meaning no belief only practice I dont feel as though belief is really a part of Zen others may disagreeIf I could recommend some further reading Meditation in Action by Chogyam Trungpa Zen Mind Beginners Mind by Shunryu SuzukiOther redditors can suggest some more reading Its late and Im tired so I cant remember the books Ive read That answer your questions Sort of I need some dinner Four noble truths eightfold path These are the most important parts If the book didnt cover them askBuddha wanted to know why there was suffering after years he found out its because we insist on thinking things like car payments are important Then said that its also because we think things like death are that importantThe things you think are important arent really The most important thing is that youre alive In the present moment because everything else is an illusionnot important and thats beautifulThink about a food chain You see a gazelle get eaten by a lion and you both flinch and marvel Its beautiful Its nature Everything is one amazing cycle The part we so often forget is that humans are included in that Youre part of this beautiful cycle too But think about how big that cycle is and suddenly your degree and your job and your collection of stuff doesnt matter But thats okay because youre going to directly experience this cycle now that you know to watch it And thats awesomeIts a religion because it has practices but it doesnt have a god or anything supernatural across the board Between different sects there may be the occasional supernatural thing but on the whole theres not muchIts practical and basically says Nothing is that important including this so stop trying so hard but dont not try because then thats equally attachedIts very confusing I suggest you read any book by Thich Nhat Hanh Most of them say the same thing That said they all say it in great ways and its worth reading a lot of them Ive tried my best if Ive failed here ask things Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations But after observation and analysis when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it Buddha wow all great answers I would only add two things When people ask me about being a Buddhist I like the Dalai Lama quote my religion is very simple my religion is kindness For me that speaks volumes I love the Steven Hagen book Buddhism Plain and simple which explains Buddhism without all the trappings very good very quick read I have little to add to the fantastic summaries below I would just mention the Buddhist precepts because they are essential guides for the Buddhist life There are many variations but the ones I am studying are the ten grave preceptsNot killingNot taking anything that is not freely givenNot misusing sexualityNot lyingNot using intoxicantsNot speaking ill of othersNot praising oneself while putting down othersBeing generousNot indulging in angerNot defiling the Three Treasures Buddha Dharma Buddhas teachings and Sangha the community of practitioners Glad to hear youre interested There is lots of good information out there about Buddhism BUT there is also lots of misinformation I recommend reading major texts written for Englishspeakers from the most popular sects Robert Thurman is good for Tibetan DT Suzuki is good for Zen Thanissaro Bhikku is good for Theravada his stuff is all free at wwwaccesstoinsightorghttpwwwaccesstoinsightorg Check out wwwaudiodharmaorghttpwwwaudiodharmaorg and wwwsatiorghttpwwwsatiorg for good podcasts My take in a nutshell and Im very much a novice is this1 All things change 2 Trying to hold onto anything even the idea that all things change is impossible since even that idea is changing as you think it3 We still try to hold onto things as if they dont change 4 We sufferYour mind will jump from safe place to safe place knowing full well that each safe place isnt safe because it is shifting This is stressful Think of Mario hopping from column to column but with the columns always crumbling beneath him Those who have figured out how to live the only safe way Nirvana behave thusly 1 They do not kill2 They do not lie3 They do not steal4 They do not take intoxicants5 They do not engage in sexual misconduct These things are not wrong but they are simply signs that you are still not living the only safe way Nirvana Thus if you seek to put an end to suffering and stress its best to emulate the Buddha and act as he acted after his enlightenmentReigning in your impulses takes practice Your impulse says that the next column of land will be the safe one so youll kill any Koopa just to get there Well turns out that one isnt safe either but the NEXT one for sure Well it turns out etc The practice of meditation slowly teaches you not to trust this impulse and eventually you achieve Nirvana which is like forever having a star a mushroom a racoon suit a yoshi and then some so Im told So practice follow the precepts and seek out wise teachers That is how I think Buddhism is done Just wanted to throw in that I came here to comment but after seeing so many excellent responses I have just been busy throwing out upvotesKudos to you fellow Buddhist Redditors Thank you for your careful and precise insightsI just want to addWhich line of Buddhism to pursue is a very personal choice BUT they all lead to the same destination So you shouldnt actually find yourself being very confused when moving from one line to another and any Buddhist master who says that his line is the best and others are trash has probably travelled down the wrong path In that respect I find Zen a bit easier to comprehend when you have some basic understanding of Buddhist philosophy that gets supplied in any beginner lessons in the other Mahayana or Theravada schoolsthere is a risk of imagining too much about Zen and ultimately straying all over the place if you dont find some grounding beforehand There are so many books on Buddhism and there are separate but similar Buddhist teachings theravada mahayana zen tibetan etc that all lead to the same result awareness Meditation is the basis of practice there are moral ethical suggestions sometimes based on karma causeeffect Buddhism is generally considered a religion I personally consider Buddhism a philosophy a guide to living and seeing reality correctly as it isBut I think your question is best answered by some quotes from the Dalai Lama who exemplifies Buddhism for many httpwwwbrainyquotecomquotesauthorsddalailamahtml I was raised Lutheran but lost all interest in Christianity and more generally religion when my brother died 15 years ago Ive found Buddhism to be a fascinating and worthwhile set of practices though I dont consider them beliefs Certainly it can be treated as a religion karma reincarnation etc but as others say the broader point of Buddhism is enlightenment aka nirvana or nibbana Most schools of Buddhism tend to practice meditation zazen mindfulness vipassana etc quite regularly and they generally treat meditation itself as important and not the means to an end As I recall Shunru Suzuki says in Zen Mind Beginners Mind that sitting is the most important practiceIf youre interested in the core teachings might I recommend In the Buddhas WordshttpwwwamazoncomBuddhasWordsAnthologyDiscoursesTeachingsdp0861714911refsr11ieUTF8ampsbooksampqid1262658667ampsr81 Its a very readable anthology Very interesting comments from all I would like to add that you dont need to let go of your current tradition to follow Buddhism teachings such as kindness compassion and mindfulnessI have never seen any Buddhist practitioners actively trying to get people to join Buddhism Instead Buddhist teachers usually encourages you to keep your current practices Islam Christianity Hinduism Judaism etc but presenting teachings that can help you be a more content and happy person Im an Agnostic Zen Buddhist where Zen Buddhism is more a Philosophy than a Religion to me I was actually converted from Christianity by three things 1 I was already asking questions and recieving unsatisfactory answersabout the Christian religion as well as having a distaste for how most people use the religion to justify their biases and immoral behaviors 2 living in South Korea for a year while a member of the US Air Force I visited many Buddhist temples and talked with monks and 3 finally I was Agnostic when I found out a really cool coworker of mine in an IT field practiced Zen Buddhism and though he was definitely not a teacher showed me the practical benefits of it and the kind of lifestyle it promotes Now I consider myself pretty much an Agnostic leaning Atheist Zen Buddhist and though I would love to believe in the more spiritual aspects of Buddhism I just dont seem to have the capacity for spiritual belief anymore Maybe its simply let me down too many timesThat said I agree with those who say following the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are the most important things Consistent meditation and practice to meditate properly is key to getting into the state of mind which makes the rest far easier to do The practical aspects of Zen meditation are numorous but the best among them is the capacity for concentration one is able to achieveAs stated not so specifically I do not believe in Enlightenment being a spiritual afterlife and internal spiritual being nor do I believe in reincarnation though I like the idea of all of these I see Enlightenment as more of a state of mind which is possible to achieve in the one life we have and it is very likely true happiness if there really is such a thingI suppose that my favorite things about Buddhism areIt requires no belief i na god or godsIt is by far the most peaceful religion Ive come acrossIt has many practical benefits and promotes a healthy lifestyleUnlike most other religions it promotes knowledge and the questioning of teachings even of its own Looks like many points about Buddhism have already been addressed I would point out that Buddhism is compatible with many beliefs but the word belief is used in the normal sense rather than the Christian sense something you suspect might be true based on evidence or the oppositeThe one I want to address is the religion or philosophy question It entirely depends on your definitions of those two things As far as seeking truth I think Buddhism is much better at it then what we westerners think of as philosophy And as far as religion I tend to use a more sociological than theological definition Buddhism is accepted as a religion because it is practiced by many people not because it is a belief system in the way that Christianity isAnd yes you will find differing views within Buddhism Everything from almost identical to Christianity Pure Land to Quit thinking about it and meditate Zen While a certain type of Zen is popular in the US because of an ironically nonBuddhist author Alan Watts it isnt very representative of Buddhism in general especially when getting deeply into the whole No Mind thingProbably the closest thing to a Buddhist canon is the Tripitaka which was destroyed by Islamic invaders in all of India so the only surviving copies are from elsewhere Which by the way was why when the Dalai Lama called Islam a religion of peace it shocked many people Islamic invaders committed religiocide by wiping out every Buddhist monk in the entire country of India at one time Everything you are experiencing right now is life Wanting a different experience or more happinessless sadness will leave you always thirsty Hi CuriousChristian123Buddhism is an interesting and old religion It predates Christianity by around 500 years and occurs roughly the same time as Confucius livedLike Christianity just as original Christians dont call themselves Christians original Buddhists dont call themselves Buddhists They were just followers of the Buddha The Buddha himself was considered an awakened holy man although he and his followers were reputed to perform many fantastic miracles including walking on water The teachings themselves consider these miracles mundane where even unenlightened people are capable of performing and warns people against simply following people who are capable of doing soThere is an order of monks and nuns who largely serve to preserve the teachingsThe fortunes of Buddhism has waxed and waned through its history Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist empire thats why there were giant statutes left over for the Talibans to blow upIt has enjoyed a resurgence in the West over the past century because its basic teaching addresses a very modern question In a world where humankind are largely safe from predators famine and wars why are we unhappyThe answer is basically a threepronged approach1 we have to address the minds tendency to cause unhappiness This is paradoxically due to the minds wish to be happy and fulfilled One can cultivate their mind through meditation2 secondly one has to develop wisdom and learn about the basis of the religionphilosophy3 thirdly one should minimize suffering to others by engaging in upright conduct and by being kind and all those nice thingsAs you can see Buddhism is a very practical in its endeavour of reducing suffering How applicable is Buddhism to the US particularly its idea of nonviolence when you are confronted by terrorists The position of the Buddha is that one cannot fight anger with anger But then Jesus said that tooBuddhism in many countries is practised as a religion That is it has all the trappings of religion a religious order supported by the laity with scriptures festivals and people who are born into Buddhist families who dont know anything about their faithIn the west it is less a religion and more a philosophy Furthermore due to Buddhisms emphasis on meditation there is much interest among neuro scientists in the effect of meditation on neuroplasticity One of Buddhisms promises is that Nirvana or Nibbana can be experienced in this very life Perhaps through reprogramming the brain this is what the Buddha is alluding toI hope this gives you a sense of what Buddhism is and what types of Buddhists are around |
Hey Fitness Gurus I need some helpI set a deadline for losing some weight february 8th because I am going away for work and I need to fit into my suitIm on the weigh watchers diet for about 8months and excersising around 45minutes of cardio 5 days a week but I am not hitting my goals I need some help what can I do Do those fat burning pills work any advice youve got is much appreciated Edit for extra info 31yr old Male 200lbs trying to lose that last 15pounds or soEDIT2 Thanks for the tips so far really great stuff I should have mentioned I do some weights now but not a lot Ive been focusing on the CardioI didnt realize it was so beneficial to my weight loss Ill be upping the intensity | How tall are you 15lbs in less than a month is pretty unlikely without a PSMFCut your calories down to 700 below maintenance get most of it from protein very little from carbs and do HIITs and a weightlifting routineI doubt youll get 15lbs in that time but aim for it anyways and get 10lbs off Strength trainingGo to strongliftscom and follow what he tells ya Cardio alone is not as efficient as lifting and cardio HIIT and a weight routineYour body burns calories maintaining the muscle you build so do not skimp on the weight routine Cardio alone is nearly useless for weight loss 15 pounds is too much for 1 month if you already lost water weight Youre going to have to cut calories to 1200day minimum as in at least 1200 a day Lower the time of exercise but increase intensity Dont take any fat burner pills instead drink a crap load of green tea Eliminate all soda even diet replace with tea and water Start weight training 5 days on 2 days off Some people hate personal trainers but they can give you a difficult but rewarding workout for a month and teach you form You may gain weight initially but if you really work out hard with your strength training you should lose more total weight than you gain Dont workout too hard or you will burn out or hurt yourself Dont take any of this as medical advice |
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